Mineral's in there, mixed with phosphorus (8)
Definition: Mineral **Anagram of**(…, mixed …) [IN THERE **plus**(with) P(symbol for the chemical element, phosphorus) ]. Defn: A form of jade.
Negative response about flowers in strong winds (10)
Definition: strong winds NO(negative response/nay) + RE(with reference to/about) + ASTERS(flowers of the aster, a genus of plants). Defn: … blowing from the northeast.
Enters the exam, exhausted, to get prize (6)
Definition: prize **Middle letters deleted, respectively, from**(…exhausted) "Enters the exam". Defn: …/to value highly.
Three quarters of strategy rearranged in turn (6)
Definition: turn **Anagram of**(… rearranged) **6 of 8 letters of**(Three quarters of) "strategy".
Opposite of 5 hats (10)
Definition: Opposite of 5,hats Double defn: 1st: Winds from the opposite direction of nor'easters/answer to 5 down; and 2nd:
Intellectual heard greeting bishop on street (8)
Definition: Intellectual **Homophone of**(heard) "Hi!"(a friendly greeting) + B(abbrev. for "bishop" in chess notation) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) ROW(a street with a continuous line of houses along one or both sides).
Dislike neighbourhood being restricted, with east in disarray (8)
Definition: Dislike "district"(a neighbourhood in a town or city) **minus ****its last 4 letters**(being restricted) **plus**(with) **anagram of**(… in disarray) EAST.
Appropriate, as birds turning up from the south (6)
Definition: Appropriate AS + **reversal of**(… turning up from the south, in a down clue) EMUS(flightless birds from Australia). Defn: …/to seize or take, especially without the owner's permission.
Treasures commercial products of mine (6)
Definition: Treasures AD(abbrev. for "advertisement"/a commercial) + ORES(natural material with valuable components excavated from the ground/products of mines).
Crazy artists recalled city in Asia (6)
Definition: recalled city in Asia MAD(crazy/insane) + RAS(plural of RA, abbrev. for "Royal Academician", an artist who is a member of the Royal Academy of the Arts). Defn: City in Asia, specifically, India, and now re-named/re-called Chennai.
Middle East abandoned by major power? So it is (4)
Definition: So it is *"E", m***iddle letter**(Middle East) **deleted from**(abandoned by) "the US"(the USA, in full, a major power).
Factory worker ready to supply remote control device (7)
Definition: remote control device HAND(a factory worker/one engaged in manual labour) + SET(ready/in a state of preparedness).
A cop is excited about southern artist (7)
Definition: artist **Anagram of**(… excited) A COP IS **containing**(about) S(abbrev. for "southern").
One river after another in the countryside (5)
Definition: in the countryside URAL(a river flowing through Russia and Kazakhstan into the Caspian Sea) **placed after**(after) **another** R(abbrev. for "river")
Counter with publication, clear source of attraction? (3,6)
Definition: source of attraction BAR(a counter such as one in a bar over which drinks are served) **plus**(with) MAG(short for "magazine", a publication) + NET(to clear/to gain after all deductions have been made, as in "net earnings").
Unreliable type made bankrupt by necessity? About right (6,4)
Definition: Unreliable type BROKE(bankrupt/unable to pay one's debts) **plus**(by) NEED(a necessity/a requirement) **containing**(About) R(abbrev. for "right"). Answer: …/one you cannot rely on for support.
Asian language proves draw by the sound of it (4)
Definition: Asian language **Homophone of**(… by the sound of it) "tie"(a draw/a match result where teams' scores are level).
Two that stir in a haphazard way, initially (2,5,4)
Definition: initially **Anagram of**(… in a haphazard way) TWO THAT STIR.
One agent had to be redeployed, requiring attention (2,3,6)
Definition: requiring attention **Anagram of**(… to be redeployed) ONE AGENT HAD.
English archdeacon of a smooth nature (4)
Definition: of a smooth nature E(abbrev. for "English") + VEN(abbrev. for "Venerable", title given to an archdeacon in the Church of England).
Varied stars rejected food around old city (10)
Definition: city **Anagram of**(Varied) STARS + **reversal of**(rejected) GRUB(an informal term for "food") **containing**(around) O(abbrev. for "old"). Defn: … in France.
Male in Spanish city starts to prefer exquisite entrées, loving covering of fruit (5,4)
Definition: covering of fruit M(abbrev. for "male") **contained in**(in) LEÓN(city in northwest Spain) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) "prefer exquisite entrées, loving".
Captain's area on ship missing first raised strip of land (5)
Definition: raised strip of land "bridge"(the area on a ship from which the captain commands) **minus its 1st letter**(missing first).
Man's best friend gets to slip in part of a stand (7)
Definition: Man's best friend ERR(to slip/to make a mistake) **contained in**(in) TIER(part of a stand, a raised structure with a series of levels on which spectators stand or sit). Defn: A breed of …
Irregular method followed by section of a hospital (7)
Definition: Irregular WAY(a method of doing things) **placed before**(followed by) WARD(a section, specifically a room or rooms, in a hospital with beds for patients).
Something that might be blown in the presence of English writer (6)
Definition: English writer HORN(something that might be blown to produce sound) + BY(in the presence of/beside a physical object). Answer: Nick …
New item required for archery is restricted (6)
Definition: restricted N(abbrev. for "new") + ARROW(an item required for archery).
Regard for number one? (4-6)
Definition: Regard for number one Cryptic defn: …, number one being one's own self.
Knob in brass instrument mentioned (5)
Definition: Knob **Homophone of**(… mentioned) "tuba"(a brass musical instrument). Defn: …/a swelling or protuberance.
Fine type of pottery is evident around sides of older church (9)
Definition: Fine type of pottery PLAIN(is evident/easily seen) **containing**(around) [ **1st and last letters of**(sides of) "older" + CE(abbrev. for the Church of England) ].
Companion has a time for casual conversation (4)
Definition: casual conversation CH(abbrev. for a "Companion of Honour", an award for outstanding achievements) **plus**(has) A + T(abbrev. for "time").
Songwriter is honed after working on first of musicals (8)
Definition: Songwriter **Anagram of**(… after working) IS HONED **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(first of) "musicals". Answer: …, Stephen, composer, songwriter and lyricist who was a leading figure in musical theatre.
Utter slogan of a leftist? (8)
Definition: Utter "OUT, RIGHT"(maybe/? the slogan of a leftist/socialist calling for the ouster of right-wing/conservatives from positions of authority, to be replaced by the left-wing). Defn: …/absolute.
Pinkish-red growths turn up on Chuck, maybe (10)
Definition: Pinkish-red **Reversal of**(… turn up, in a down clue) WARTS(small, hard growths on the skin) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) BERRY(Chuck, rock and roll musician).
Location, we're told, upset Welshman, a tourist (9)
Definition: a tourist **Homophone of**(…, we're told) "site"(location/place where something is put or constructed) + **reversal of**(upset, in a down clue) REES(a Welsh surname).
Insurance policy on rental property, which is found on bed (8)
Definition: which is found on bed COVER(protection against loss provided by an insurance policy) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) LET(a property that is leased/rented out). Defn: That …, on top of the bedsheets and blankets.
Flag shown by old seagoing vessel carrying queen (8)
Definition: Flag STEAMER(an old seagoing vessel, powered by a steam engine, now outdated) **containing**(carrying) R(abbrev. for "Regina"/Queen).
Doctor is enthralled by fish in Arctic feature (6)
Definition: Arctic feature DR(abbrev. for "doctor") **contained in**(is enthralled by) TUNA(a food fish).
American with avarice is of the same mind (6)
Definition: of the same mind A(abbrev. for "American") **plus**(with) GREED(avarice/strong desire for money and possessions).
A learner having little vitality gets permit (5)
Definition: permit A + L(letter displayed by a learner driver) + LOW(having little vitality/lacking in vigour/despondent).
One opposing some Italian timekeeping (4)
Definition: One opposing **Hidden in**(some) "Italian timekeeping".
Secure nice position with multinational (6)
Definition: Secure nice position,multinational Double defn: 1st: Settle against something comfortable; and 2nd: A … food and drink processing company based in Switzerland. The second defn. is written "Nestlé".
Admirer of marriage vow? Not yet (8)
Definition: Admirer "I DO"(said at the end of marriage vows, to affirm one intends to keep those vows) + LATER(not yet/at a future time).
The right footwear for a drug dealer? (5)
Definition: footwear,a drug dealer? Double defn: 2nd: …, cryptically. … a chain of drug dealers, in fact.
SIS signal decoded – it clarifies things (9)
Definition: it clarifies things **Anagram of**(… decoded) SIS SIGNAL. Defn: A kind of gelatin from fish, used in the clarification/fining of wine and beer.
See red, finding E on former copper (7)
Definition: See red E **placed after**(finding … on) [ EX-(prefix signifying "former"/once, as in "ex-wife") + PLOD(an informal term for a police officer/copper) ]. Defn: …/go into a sudden rage.
Pained expression of famous cricketer one's caught (7)
Definition: Pained expression GRACE(W.G., famous English cricketer) **containing**(… caught) I'M(contraction of "I am"/one's/one is, with "one" used as a substitute pronoun for "I").
American teacher is lying (4)
Definition: lying A(abbrev. for "American") + BED(abbrev. for "Bachelor of Education", a teacher with such a qualification).
Byzantine pope not welcoming northern rival (8)
Definition: rival **Anagram of**(Byzantine) POPE NOT **containing**(welcoming) N(abbrev. for "northern").
Top Gear produced by serious men from the east (8)
Definition: Top Gear SOMBRE(serious/solemn) + **reversal of**(… from the east, in an across clue) OR(abbrev. for "other ranks"/men in the military who are non-commissioned). Defn: An article of clothing/gear for one's head/top.
The Speaker's successors resign (4)
Definition: resign **Homophone of**(The Speaker's) "seed"(archaic term for a person's descendants/successors). Defn: …/to give up.
Break down on crack (7)
Definition: Break down,crack RE(on/with reference to, a specific matter) + CRACK(to solve/to find a solution to a problem). Defn: …/to dissect a subject into its components.
Traveller revealing fault in German article (7)
Definition: Traveller RIFT(a fault/a long break in a rock formation) **contained in**(in) DER(German for "the", an article in grammar).
The result of eating too much grouse? (9)
Definition: The result of eating too much,grouse Double defn: 2nd: …/to complain noisily.
Son went to get some dope (5)
Definition: some dope S(abbrev. for "son") + PEED(went/passed urine). Defn: Slang for methamphetamine/"meth", a recreational drug/…
Love song composed about Bill (8)
Definition: Love song SERENE(composed/calm) **containing**(about) AD(short for "advertisement"/a flyer/a bill.
During day, social worker sought by police (6)
Definition: sought by police WED(abbrev. for "Wednesday") **containing**(During …, …) ANT(a social insect who might be one of the worker caste).
He perhaps begs loan uneasily (5,3)
Definition: He perhaps **Anagram of**(… uneasily) BEGS LOAN. Defn: Of which, "Helium", a chemical element with symbol "He", is an example/perhaps.
Way to clamp down on breaking news (4,5)
Definition: breaking news ST(abbrev. for "street"/a thoroughfare/a way) + OPPRESS(to clamp down/to subject to hardship). Defn: News in a newspaper entered at the last moment just before printing began, or after printing has begun. The clue could also be read literally since stopping the printing press(es) could be a method of stopping news from breaking/being sent out.
Boxer, champion with heart of stone (6)
Definition: Boxer LION(a champion/a hero) **containing**(with heart of) ST(abbrev. for "stone", the former British unit of weight). Answer: "Sonny" …, former heavyweight boxing champion.
Making breakfast in prison? (5,8)
Definition: in prison DOING(making/cooking) PORRIDGE(a dish of oatmeal or other cereal boiled in water or milk, often for breakfast). Defn: Slang for serving time …, from when porridge used to be served in prisons.
Coal left to burn (7)
Definition: Coal L(abbrev. for "left") + IGNITE(to burn/to burst into flames). Defn: A soft brownish ….
I'm going to secure island crown (5)
Definition: crown "TA-RA!"("Goodbye!"/"I'm going!") **containing**(to secure) I(abbrev. for "island").
Disappointed Charlie leaving in emergency (6)
Definition: leaving in emergency "crushed"(disappointed/felt let down) **minus**(… leaving) "C"(letter in the phonetic alphabet represented by "Charlie"). Defn: Describing someone or something leaving in an emergency, as in "a rushed journey to the hospital after the accident".
Reporter's local suffered, being naive (13)
Definition: naive **Homophone of**(Reporter's) "inn"(a local/a pub near one's home or office that one frequents) + EXPERIENCED(suffered/lived through).
Handling of matter botched by hospital department (9)
Definition: Handling **Anagram of**(… botched) matter **plus**(by) ENT(abbrev. for the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of a hospital).
Humiliated, given low mark for all to hear (8)
Definition: Humiliated **Homophone of**(… for all to hear) "D-graded"(given a D grade/a low mark, in a test, say)
Staff welcoming a deposit from Kuala Lumpur? (7)
Definition: from Kuala Lumpur MAN(to staff/to fill the positions in an organisation) **containing**(welcoming) [A + LAY(to deposit/to set down). Defn: Descriptive of someone or something …, formerly the capital city of the States of Malaya, and now the capital city of Malaysia. Thus, the answer is something of an anachronism.
Setter's second puzzle? It's hell (6)
Definition: hell **2nd letter of**(…'s second) "Setter" + REBUS(a puzzle in which words are represented by pictures and letters). Defn: …/the darkness below the earth/the underworld.
Susie's taking a little nap (6)
Definition: nap **Hidden in**(… a little) "Susie's taking".
Notes on origin of recession from the Sun (5)
Definition: from the Sun SO,LA(syllables representing two notes in the sol-fa musical scale) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(origin of) "recession".
Was lout letting loose criminals? (7)
Definition: criminals **Anagram of**(… letting loose) WAS LOUT.
American leader's pretty perceptive (5)
Definition: perceptive **1st letter of**(… leader) "American" + CUTE(pretty/endearing)
You must tuck into fish spread (4)
Definition: spread U("you" in texting) **contained in**(must tuck into) DAB(a North Atlantic flatfish). Defn: … a sticky substance on a surface.
Conservative Party socialist toyed with? (10)
Definition: toyed with CON(abbrev. for a member of the Conservative Party") + SIDE(party, as in a lawsuit between plaintiff and defendant) + RED(a socialist/a leftist).
A deed men of a wild nature belittled (8)
Definition: belittled **Anagram of**(… of a wild nature)A DEED MEN.
What workers might go out for? A nice drink! (6)
Definition: What workers might go out for,A nice drink Double defn: 1st: …, worker bees collecting from flowers, that is; and 2nd: A delicious drink.
Pure class to be straddling horse (6)
Definition: Pure CASTE(one of the classes in a society divided into distinct levels of social position) **containing**(to be straddling) H(abbrev. for "heroin", also called "horse").
Churlish OAP mostly associated with Pike? (6)
Definition: Churlish **2 out of 3 letters of**(… mostly) "OAP" **plus**(associated with) FISH(an example of which is the pike).
Member of sect found in delicatessen, eating (6)
Definition: Member of sect **Hidden in**(found in …) "delicatessen eating". Defn: … found in ancient Palestine.
A poor worker holding in hand sandpaper? (8)
Definition: sandpaper? [A + BAD(poor/of a low standard) + ANT(a social insect, one who could belong to the worker caste) ] **containing**(holding in) R(abbrev. for "right"/the hand opposed to the left, as with "a boxer's right"). Defn: Of which sandpaper is an example/?.
Criminal given grief online is restrained (10)
Definition: restrained CON(short for "convict", a criminal) + TROLLED(given grief/problems by a troll, an online poster who intentionally antagonises others).
River one's to cross outside of Shanghai (4)
Definition: River I(Roman numeral for "one")'S **containing**(to cross) **1st and last letters of**(outside of) "Shanghai". Defn: Another name for part of the River Thames.
Counterfeit gun impounded by agent abroad (5)
Definition: Counterfeit AK(or Kalashnikov, short for the AK-47 automatic rifle, one of the AK family of rifles) **contained in**(impounded by) FED(short for an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one abroad if you're not from the US).
Penny gets baby toy fluffy rabbit, perhaps (7)
Definition: fluffy rabbit, perhaps P(abbrev. for "penny", the unit of currency) **plus**(gets) RATTLE(a baby toy). Defn: Fluffy/frivolous rabbit/conversation.
To me, Serpent's one male best at puzzles (10)
Definition: To me, Serpent's one **Anagram of**(… puzzles) MALE BEST AT. Defn: What Serpent, a crossword setter for The Independent, is to me, the setter of this crossword using the self-referential pronoun.
Is it possible that prison will provide dance? (6)
Definition: dance CAN?("is it possible that?", as in "Is it possible that you do this?") CAN(slang for prison).
Criminal had a nice ranch on the Costa Del Sol (8)
Definition: ranch on the Costa Del **Anagram of**(Criminal) HAD A NICE. Defn: A ranch or estate, in the language of the Costa Del Sol, Spain.
Song fan sent up, debut of Europe (4)
Definition: Song **Reversal of**(… sent up, in a down clue) NUT(a fan/a fanatic about a specific thing) + **1st letter of**(debut of) "Europe".
Speak of love that comes with cost? (5)
Definition: Speak O(letter representing 0/love in tennis scores) **plus**(that comes with) RATE(a fixed price/cost charged for something).
Religious councils' chance of doing wrong in hearing? (6)
Definition: igious councils **Homophone of**(… in hearing) "sin odds"(whimsically, the chance/odds of doing wrong/sinning)
Look at tree stuffed with bit of wet rubbish (7)
Definition: rubbish [ EYE(to look at) + ASH(a tree) ] **containing**(stuffed with) **1st letter of**(bit of) "wet".
Kid's bunk possibly picked up for delivery? (10)
Definition: delivery KID(a child) + **homophone of**(… picked up) "berth"(a bunk/a narrow shelf-like bed arranged on top of another, in possibly a ship or train). Defn: … of a baby, in a hospital, say.
Group of players on holiday get ready to go sailing (4,3)
Definition: get ready to go sailing CAST(a group of players/actors in a play or movie) + OFF(on holiday/away from work).
House doctor about to enter dodgy hostel (3,5)
Definition: House **Reversal of**(… about) DR(abbrev. for "doctor") **contained in**(to enter) **anagram of**(dodgy) HOSTEL. Defn: … in the UK Parliament.
Buzz everyone gets in football tourney (4,2)
Definition: Buzz ALL(everyone) **contained in**(gets in) CUP(a football tourney, where the winner gets a trophy in the form of a cup). Defn: …/contact someone by phone.
Basketball icon is bloke who goes fishing (6)
Definition: Basketball icon [ ROD MAN ](whimsically, a bloke/man who goes fishing with a rod/fishing rod). Answer: …, Dennis, American basketball star/icon.
One settling bill for racket (5)
Definition: racket I(Roman numeral for "one") **contained in**(settling in) NOSE(the beak of some birds/bill).
Photograph bear (4)
Definition: Photograph,bear Double defn: 1st: …/to capture a scene with a camera; and 2nd: …/to tolerate.
Excessive exploitation very nearly blocks river (7)
Definition: Excessive exploitation "very" **minus ****its last letter**(nearly) **contained in**(blocks) OUSE(river in Yorkshire, England).