stringlengths 6
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stringlengths 3
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stringlengths 5
Mineral's in there, mixed with phosphorus (8) | NEPHRITE | Definition: Mineral
**Anagram of**(…, mixed …) [IN THERE **plus**(with) P(symbol for the chemical element, phosphorus) ].
Defn: A form of jade. |
Negative response about flowers in strong winds (10) | NOR’EASTERS | Definition: strong winds
NO(negative response/nay) + RE(with reference to/about) + ASTERS(flowers of the aster, a genus of plants).
Defn: … blowing from the northeast. |
Enters the exam, exhausted, to get prize (6) | ESTEEM | Definition: prize
**Middle letters deleted, respectively, from**(…exhausted) "Enters the exam".
Defn: …/to value highly. |
Three quarters of strategy rearranged in turn (6) | GYRATE | Definition: turn
**Anagram of**(… rearranged) **6 of 8 letters of**(Three quarters of) "strategy". |
Opposite of 5 hats (10) | SOU’WESTERS | Definition: Opposite of 5,hats
Double defn: 1st: Winds from the opposite direction of nor'easters/answer to 5 down; and 2nd: |
Intellectual heard greeting bishop on street (8) | HIGHBROW | Definition: Intellectual
**Homophone of**(heard) "Hi!"(a friendly greeting) + B(abbrev. for "bishop" in chess notation) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) ROW(a street with a continuous line of houses along one or both sides). |
Dislike neighbourhood being restricted, with east in disarray (8) | DISTASTE | Definition: Dislike
"district"(a neighbourhood in a town or city) **minus ****its last 4 letters**(being restricted) **plus**(with) **anagram of**(… in disarray) EAST. |
Appropriate, as birds turning up from the south (6) | ASSUME | Definition: Appropriate
AS + **reversal of**(… turning up from the south, in a down clue) EMUS(flightless birds from Australia).
Defn: …/to seize or take, especially without the owner's permission. |
Treasures commercial products of mine (6) | ADORES | Definition: Treasures
AD(abbrev. for "advertisement"/a commercial) + ORES(natural material with valuable components excavated from the ground/products of mines). |
Crazy artists recalled city in Asia (6) | MADRAS | Definition: recalled city in Asia
MAD(crazy/insane) + RAS(plural of RA, abbrev. for "Royal Academician", an artist who is a member of the Royal Academy of the Arts).
Defn: City in Asia, specifically, India, and now re-named/re-called Chennai. |
Middle East abandoned by major power? So it is (4) | THUS | Definition: So it is
*"E", m***iddle letter**(Middle East) **deleted from**(abandoned by) "the US"(the USA, in full, a major power). |
Factory worker ready to supply remote control device (7) | HANDSET | Definition: remote control device
HAND(a factory worker/one engaged in manual labour) + SET(ready/in a state of preparedness). |
A cop is excited about southern artist (7) | PICASSO | Definition: artist
**Anagram of**(… excited) A COP IS **containing**(about) S(abbrev. for "southern"). |
One river after another in the countryside (5) | RURAL | Definition: in the countryside
URAL(a river flowing through Russia and Kazakhstan into the Caspian Sea) **placed after**(after) **another** R(abbrev. for "river") |
Counter with publication, clear source of attraction? (3,6) | BAR MAGNET | Definition: source of attraction
BAR(a counter such as one in a bar over which drinks are served) **plus**(with) MAG(short for "magazine", a publication) + NET(to clear/to gain after all deductions have been made, as in "net earnings"). |
Unreliable type made bankrupt by necessity? About right (6,4) | BROKEN REED | Definition: Unreliable type
BROKE(bankrupt/unable to pay one's debts) **plus**(by) NEED(a necessity/a requirement) **containing**(About) R(abbrev. for "right").
Answer: …/one you cannot rely on for support. |
Asian language proves draw by the sound of it (4) | THAI | Definition: Asian language
**Homophone of**(… by the sound of it) "tie"(a draw/a match result where teams' scores are level). |
Two that stir in a haphazard way, initially (2,5,4) | TO START WITH | Definition: initially
**Anagram of**(… in a haphazard way) TWO THAT STIR. |
One agent had to be redeployed, requiring attention (2,3,6) | ON THE AGENDA | Definition: requiring attention
**Anagram of**(… to be redeployed) ONE AGENT HAD. |
English archdeacon of a smooth nature (4) | EVEN | Definition: of a smooth nature
E(abbrev. for "English") + VEN(abbrev. for "Venerable", title given to an archdeacon in the Church of England). |
Varied stars rejected food around old city (10) | STRASBOURG | Definition: city
**Anagram of**(Varied) STARS + **reversal of**(rejected) GRUB(an informal term for "food") **containing**(around) O(abbrev. for "old").
Defn: … in France. |
Male in Spanish city starts to prefer exquisite entrées, loving covering of fruit (5,4) | LEMON PEEL | Definition: covering of fruit
M(abbrev. for "male") **contained in**(in) LEÓN(city in northwest Spain) + **1st letters, respectively, of**(starts to) "prefer exquisite entrées, loving". |
Captain's area on ship missing first raised strip of land (5) | RIDGE | Definition: raised strip of land
"bridge"(the area on a ship from which the captain commands) **minus its 1st letter**(missing first). |
Man's best friend gets to slip in part of a stand (7) | TERRIER | Definition: Man's best friend
ERR(to slip/to make a mistake) **contained in**(in) TIER(part of a stand, a raised structure with a series of levels on which spectators stand or sit).
Defn: A breed of … |
Irregular method followed by section of a hospital (7) | WAYWARD | Definition: Irregular
WAY(a method of doing things) **placed before**(followed by) WARD(a section, specifically a room or rooms, in a hospital with beds for patients). |
Something that might be blown in the presence of English writer (6) | HORNBY | Definition: English writer
HORN(something that might be blown to produce sound) + BY(in the presence of/beside a physical object).
Answer: Nick … |
New item required for archery is restricted (6) | NARROW | Definition: restricted
N(abbrev. for "new") + ARROW(an item required for archery). |
Regard for number one? (4-6) | SELF-ESTEEM | Definition: Regard for number one
Cryptic defn: …, number one being one's own self. |
Knob in brass instrument mentioned (5) | TUBER | Definition: Knob
**Homophone of**(… mentioned) "tuba"(a brass musical instrument).
Defn: …/a swelling or protuberance. |
Fine type of pottery is evident around sides of older church (9) | PORCELAIN | Definition: Fine type of pottery
PLAIN(is evident/easily seen) **containing**(around) [ **1st and last letters of**(sides of) "older" + CE(abbrev. for the Church of England) ]. |
Companion has a time for casual conversation (4) | CHAT | Definition: casual conversation
CH(abbrev. for a "Companion of Honour", an award for outstanding achievements) **plus**(has) A + T(abbrev. for "time"). |
Songwriter is honed after working on first of musicals (8) | SONDHEIM | Definition: Songwriter
**Anagram of**(… after working) IS HONED **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(first of) "musicals".
Answer: …, Stephen, composer, songwriter and lyricist who was a leading figure in musical theatre. |
Utter slogan of a leftist? (8) | OUTRIGHT | Definition: Utter
"OUT, RIGHT"(maybe/? the slogan of a leftist/socialist calling for the ouster of right-wing/conservatives from positions of authority, to be replaced by the left-wing).
Defn: …/absolute. |
Pinkish-red growths turn up on Chuck, maybe (10) | STRAWBERRY | Definition: Pinkish-red
**Reversal of**(… turn up, in a down clue) WARTS(small, hard growths on the skin) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) BERRY(Chuck, rock and roll musician). |
Location, we're told, upset Welshman, a tourist (9) | SIGHTSEER | Definition: a tourist
**Homophone of**(…, we're told) "site"(location/place where something is put or constructed) + **reversal of**(upset, in a down clue) REES(a Welsh surname). |
Insurance policy on rental property, which is found on bed (8) | COVERLET | Definition: which is found on bed
COVER(protection against loss provided by an insurance policy) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) LET(a property that is leased/rented out).
Defn: That …, on top of the bedsheets and blankets. |
Flag shown by old seagoing vessel carrying queen (8) | STREAMER | Definition: Flag
STEAMER(an old seagoing vessel, powered by a steam engine, now outdated) **containing**(carrying) R(abbrev. for "Regina"/Queen). |
Doctor is enthralled by fish in Arctic feature (6) | TUNDRA | Definition: Arctic feature
DR(abbrev. for "doctor") **contained in**(is enthralled by) TUNA(a food fish). |
American with avarice is of the same mind (6) | AGREED | Definition: of the same mind
A(abbrev. for "American") **plus**(with) GREED(avarice/strong desire for money and possessions). |
A learner having little vitality gets permit (5) | ALLOW | Definition: permit
A + L(letter displayed by a learner driver) + LOW(having little vitality/lacking in vigour/despondent). |
One opposing some Italian timekeeping (4) | ANTI | Definition: One opposing
**Hidden in**(some) "Italian timekeeping". |
Secure nice position with multinational (6) | NESTLE | Definition: Secure nice position,multinational
Double defn: 1st: Settle against something comfortable; and 2nd: A … food and drink processing company based in Switzerland.
The second defn. is written "Nestlé". |
Admirer of marriage vow? Not yet (8) | IDOLATER | Definition: Admirer
"I DO"(said at the end of marriage vows, to affirm one intends to keep those vows) + LATER(not yet/at a future time). |
The right footwear for a drug dealer? (5) | BOOTS | Definition: footwear,a drug dealer?
Double defn: 2nd: …, cryptically.
… a chain of drug dealers, in fact. |
SIS signal decoded – it clarifies things (9) | ISINGLASS | Definition: it clarifies things
**Anagram of**(… decoded) SIS SIGNAL.
Defn: A kind of gelatin from fish, used in the clarification/fining of wine and beer. |
See red, finding E on former copper (7) | EXPLODE | Definition: See red
E **placed after**(finding … on) [ EX-(prefix signifying "former"/once, as in "ex-wife") + PLOD(an informal term for a police officer/copper) ].
Defn: …/go into a sudden rage. |
Pained expression of famous cricketer one's caught (7) | GRIMACE | Definition: Pained expression
GRACE(W.G., famous English cricketer) **containing**(… caught) I'M(contraction of "I am"/one's/one is, with "one" used as a substitute pronoun for "I"). |
American teacher is lying (4) | ABED | Definition: lying
A(abbrev. for "American") + BED(abbrev. for "Bachelor of Education", a teacher with such a qualification). |
Byzantine pope not welcoming northern rival (8) | OPPONENT | Definition: rival
**Anagram of**(Byzantine) POPE NOT **containing**(welcoming) N(abbrev. for "northern"). |
Top Gear produced by serious men from the east (8) | SOMBRERO | Definition: Top Gear
SOMBRE(serious/solemn) + **reversal of**(… from the east, in an across clue) OR(abbrev. for "other ranks"/men in the military who are non-commissioned).
Defn: An article of clothing/gear for one's head/top. |
The Speaker's successors resign (4) | CEDE | Definition: resign
**Homophone of**(The Speaker's) "seed"(archaic term for a person's descendants/successors).
Defn: …/to give up. |
Break down on crack (7) | RESOLVE | Definition: Break down,crack
RE(on/with reference to, a specific matter) + CRACK(to solve/to find a solution to a problem).
Defn: …/to dissect a subject into its components. |
Traveller revealing fault in German article (7) | DRIFTER | Definition: Traveller
RIFT(a fault/a long break in a rock formation) **contained in**(in) DER(German for "the", an article in grammar). |
The result of eating too much grouse? (9) | BELLYACHE | Definition: The result of eating too much,grouse
Double defn: 2nd: …/to complain noisily. |
Son went to get some dope (5) | SPEED | Definition: some dope
S(abbrev. for "son") + PEED(went/passed urine).
Defn: Slang for methamphetamine/"meth", a recreational drug/… |
Love song composed about Bill (8) | SERENADE | Definition: Love song
SERENE(composed/calm) **containing**(about) AD(short for "advertisement"/a flyer/a bill. |
During day, social worker sought by police (6) | WANTED | Definition: sought by police
WED(abbrev. for "Wednesday") **containing**(During …, …) ANT(a social insect who might be one of the worker caste). |
He perhaps begs loan uneasily (5,3) | NOBLE GAS | Definition: He perhaps
**Anagram of**(… uneasily) BEGS LOAN.
Defn: Of which, "Helium", a chemical element with symbol "He", is an example/perhaps. |
Way to clamp down on breaking news (4,5) | STOP PRESS | Definition: breaking news
ST(abbrev. for "street"/a thoroughfare/a way) + OPPRESS(to clamp down/to subject to hardship).
Defn: News in a newspaper entered at the last moment just before printing began, or after printing has begun.
The clue could also be read literally since stopping the printing press(es) could be a method of stopping news from breaking/being sent out. |
Boxer, champion with heart of stone (6) | LISTON | Definition: Boxer
LION(a champion/a hero) **containing**(with heart of) ST(abbrev. for "stone", the former British unit of weight).
Answer: "Sonny" …, former heavyweight boxing champion. |
Making breakfast in prison? (5,8) | DOING PORRIDGE | Definition: in prison
DOING(making/cooking) PORRIDGE(a dish of oatmeal or other cereal boiled in water or milk, often for breakfast).
Defn: Slang for serving time …, from when porridge used to be served in prisons. |
Coal left to burn (7) | LIGNITE | Definition: Coal
L(abbrev. for "left") + IGNITE(to burn/to burst into flames).
Defn: A soft brownish …. |
I'm going to secure island crown (5) | TIARA | Definition: crown
"TA-RA!"("Goodbye!"/"I'm going!") **containing**(to secure) I(abbrev. for "island"). |
Disappointed Charlie leaving in emergency (6) | RUSHED | Definition: leaving in emergency
"crushed"(disappointed/felt let down) **minus**(… leaving) "C"(letter in the phonetic alphabet represented by "Charlie").
Defn: Describing someone or something leaving in an emergency, as in "a rushed journey to the hospital after the accident". |
Reporter's local suffered, being naive (13) | INEXPERIENCED | Definition: naive
**Homophone of**(Reporter's) "inn"(a local/a pub near one's home or office that one frequents) + EXPERIENCED(suffered/lived through). |
Handling of matter botched by hospital department (9) | TREATMENT | Definition: Handling
**Anagram of**(… botched) matter **plus**(by) ENT(abbrev. for the Ear, Nose and Throat Department of a hospital). |
Humiliated, given low mark for all to hear (8) | DEGRADED | Definition: Humiliated
**Homophone of**(… for all to hear) "D-graded"(given a D grade/a low mark, in a test, say) |
Staff welcoming a deposit from Kuala Lumpur? (7) | MALAYAN | Definition: from Kuala Lumpur
MAN(to staff/to fill the positions in an organisation) **containing**(welcoming) [A + LAY(to deposit/to set down).
Defn: Descriptive of someone or something …, formerly the capital city of the States of Malaya, and now the capital city of Malaysia. Thus, the answer is something of an anachronism. |
Setter's second puzzle? It's hell (6) | EREBUS | Definition: hell
**2nd letter of**(…'s second) "Setter" + REBUS(a puzzle in which words are represented by pictures and letters).
Defn: …/the darkness below the earth/the underworld. |
Susie's taking a little nap (6) | SIESTA | Definition: nap
**Hidden in**(… a little) "Susie's taking". |
Notes on origin of recession from the Sun (5) | SOLAR | Definition: from the Sun
SO,LA(syllables representing two notes in the sol-fa musical scale) **placed above**(on, in a down clue) **1st letter of**(origin of) "recession". |
Was lout letting loose criminals? (7) | OUTLAWS | Definition: criminals
**Anagram of**(… letting loose) WAS LOUT. |
American leader's pretty perceptive (5) | ACUTE | Definition: perceptive
**1st letter of**(… leader) "American" + CUTE(pretty/endearing) |
You must tuck into fish spread (4) | DAUB | Definition: spread
U("you" in texting) **contained in**(must tuck into) DAB(a North Atlantic flatfish).
Defn: … a sticky substance on a surface. |
Conservative Party socialist toyed with? (10) | CONSIDERED | Definition: toyed with
CON(abbrev. for a member of the Conservative Party") + SIDE(party, as in a lawsuit between plaintiff and defendant) + RED(a socialist/a leftist). |
A deed men of a wild nature belittled (8) | DEMEANED | Definition: belittled
**Anagram of**(… of a wild nature)A DEED MEN. |
What workers might go out for? A nice drink! (6) | NECTAR | Definition: What workers might go out for,A nice drink
Double defn: 1st: …, worker bees collecting from flowers, that is; and 2nd: A delicious drink. |
Pure class to be straddling horse (6) | CHASTE | Definition: Pure
CASTE(one of the classes in a society divided into distinct levels of social position) **containing**(to be straddling) H(abbrev. for "heroin", also called "horse"). |
Churlish OAP mostly associated with Pike? (6) | OAFISH | Definition: Churlish
**2 out of 3 letters of**(… mostly) "OAP" **plus**(associated with) FISH(an example of which is the pike). |
Member of sect found in delicatessen, eating (6) | ESSENE | Definition: Member of sect
**Hidden in**(found in …) "delicatessen eating".
Defn: … found in ancient Palestine. |
A poor worker holding in hand sandpaper? (8) | ABRADANT | Definition: sandpaper?
[A + BAD(poor/of a low standard) + ANT(a social insect, one who could belong to the worker caste) ] **containing**(holding in) R(abbrev. for "right"/the hand opposed to the left, as with "a boxer's right").
Defn: Of which sandpaper is an example/?. |
Criminal given grief online is restrained (10) | CONTROLLED | Definition: restrained
CON(short for "convict", a criminal) + TROLLED(given grief/problems by a troll, an online poster who intentionally antagonises others). |
River one's to cross outside of Shanghai (4) | ISIS | Definition: River
I(Roman numeral for "one")'S **containing**(to cross) **1st and last letters of**(outside of) "Shanghai".
Defn: Another name for part of the River Thames. |
Counterfeit gun impounded by agent abroad (5) | FAKED | Definition: Counterfeit
AK(or Kalashnikov, short for the AK-47 automatic rifle, one of the AK family of rifles) **contained in**(impounded by) FED(short for an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, one abroad if you're not from the US). |
Penny gets baby toy fluffy rabbit, perhaps (7) | PRATTLE | Definition: fluffy rabbit, perhaps
P(abbrev. for "penny", the unit of currency) **plus**(gets) RATTLE(a baby toy).
Defn: Fluffy/frivolous rabbit/conversation. |
To me, Serpent's one male best at puzzles (10) | STABLEMATE | Definition: To me, Serpent's one
**Anagram of**(… puzzles) MALE BEST AT.
Defn: What Serpent, a crossword setter for The Independent, is to me, the setter of this crossword using the self-referential pronoun. |
Is it possible that prison will provide dance? (6) | CANCAN | Definition: dance
CAN?("is it possible that?", as in "Is it possible that you do this?") CAN(slang for prison). |
Criminal had a nice ranch on the Costa Del Sol (8) | HACIENDA | Definition: ranch on the Costa Del
**Anagram of**(Criminal) HAD A NICE.
Defn: A ranch or estate, in the language of the Costa Del Sol, Spain. |
Song fan sent up, debut of Europe (4) | TUNE | Definition: Song
**Reversal of**(… sent up, in a down clue) NUT(a fan/a fanatic about a specific thing) + **1st letter of**(debut of) "Europe". |
Speak of love that comes with cost? (5) | ORATE | Definition: Speak
O(letter representing 0/love in tennis scores) **plus**(that comes with) RATE(a fixed price/cost charged for something). |
Religious councils' chance of doing wrong in hearing? (6) | SYNODS | Definition: igious councils
**Homophone of**(… in hearing) "sin odds"(whimsically, the chance/odds of doing wrong/sinning) |
Look at tree stuffed with bit of wet rubbish (7) | EYEWASH | Definition: rubbish
[ EYE(to look at) + ASH(a tree) ] **containing**(stuffed with) **1st letter of**(bit of) "wet". |
Kid's bunk possibly picked up for delivery? (10) | CHILDBIRTH | Definition: delivery
KID(a child) + **homophone of**(… picked up) "berth"(a bunk/a narrow shelf-like bed arranged on top of another, in possibly a ship or train).
Defn: … of a baby, in a hospital, say. |
Group of players on holiday get ready to go sailing (4,3) | CAST OFF | Definition: get ready to go sailing
CAST(a group of players/actors in a play or movie) + OFF(on holiday/away from work). |
House doctor about to enter dodgy hostel (3,5) | THE LORDS | Definition: House
**Reversal of**(… about) DR(abbrev. for "doctor") **contained in**(to enter) **anagram of**(dodgy) HOSTEL.
Defn: … in the UK Parliament. |
Buzz everyone gets in football tourney (4,2) | CALL UP | Definition: Buzz
ALL(everyone) **contained in**(gets in) CUP(a football tourney, where the winner gets a trophy in the form of a cup).
Defn: …/contact someone by phone. |
Basketball icon is bloke who goes fishing (6) | RODMAN | Definition: Basketball icon
[ ROD MAN ](whimsically, a bloke/man who goes fishing with a rod/fishing rod).
Answer: …, Dennis, American basketball star/icon. |
One settling bill for racket (5) | NOISE | Definition: racket
I(Roman numeral for "one") **contained in**(settling in) NOSE(the beak of some birds/bill). |
Photograph bear (4) | TAKE | Definition: Photograph,bear
Double defn: 1st: …/to capture a scene with a camera; and 2nd: …/to tolerate. |
Excessive exploitation very nearly blocks river (7) | OVERUSE | Definition: Excessive exploitation
"very" **minus ****its last letter**(nearly) **contained in**(blocks) OUSE(river in Yorkshire, England). |
Subsets and Splits