A 1000 Kbyte memory is managed using variable partitions but no compaction It currently has two partitions of sizes 200 Kbytes and 260 Kbytes respectively The smallest allocation request in Kbytes that could be denied is for 151 181 231 541
Memory Management
What is the minimum number of NAND gates required to implement a 2 input EXCLUSIVE OR function without using any other logic gate 2 4 5 6
Min No Gates
What is the minimum number of gates required to implement the Boolean function AB C if we have to use only 2 input NOR gates 2 3 4 5
Min No Gates
Design a logic circuit to convert a single digit BCD number to the number modulo six as follows Do not detect illegal input Write the truth table for all bits Label the input bits I1 I2 with I1 as the least significant bit Label the output bits R1 R2 with R1 as the least significant bit Use 1 to signify truth Draw one circuit for each output bit using altogether two two input AND gates one two input OR gate and two NOT gates
Min No Gates
A circuit outputs a digit in the form of 4 bits 0 is represented by 0000 1 by 0001 u2026 9 by 1001 A combinational circuit is to be designed which takes these 4 bits as input and outputs 1 if the digit geq 5 and 0 otherwise If only AND OR and NOT gates may be used what is the minimum number of gates required 2 3 4 5
Min No Gates
Given f w x y z Sigma_m 0 1 2 3 7 8 10 Sigma_d 5 6 11 15 where d represents the don t care condition in Karnaugh maps Which of the following is a minimum product of sums POS form of f w x y z f bar w bar z bar x z f bar w z x z f w z bar x z f w bar z bar x z
Min Product Of Sums
Three switching functions f_1 f_2 and f_3 are expressed below as sum of minterms f_1 w x y z sum 0 1 2 3 5 12 f_2 w x y z sum 0 1 2 10 13 14 15 f_3 w x y z sum 2 4 5 8 Express the function f realised by the circuit shown in the below figure as the sum of minterms in decimal notation
Min Sum Of Products Form
The switching expression corresponding to f A B C D Sigma 1 4 5 9 11 12 is BC u2019D u2019 A u2019C u2019D AB u2019D ABC u2019 ACD B u2019C u2019D ACD u2019 A u2019BC u2019 AC u2019D u2019 A u2019BD ACD u2019 BCD u2019
Min Sum Of Products Form
The simplified SOP Sum of Product from the Boolean expression P bar Q bar R P bar Q R P Q bar R is bar P Q bar R P bar Q bar R bar P Q R P Q R
Min Sum Of Products Form
Let f bar w y bar x y w bar x z bar w z bar x z Express f as the minimal sum of products Write only the answer If the output line is stuck at 0 for how many input combinations will the value of f be correct
Min Sum Of Products Form
Find the minimum sum of products form of the logic function f A B C D Sigma m 0 2 8 10 15 Sigma d 3 11 12 14 where m and d represent minterm and don t care term respectively
Min Sum Of Products Form
Consider the following minterm expression for F F P Q R S sum 0 2 5 7 8 10 13 15 The minterms 2 7 8 and 13 are do not care terms The minimal sum of products form for F is Q bar S bar QS bar Q bar S QS bar Q bar R bar S bar QR bar S Q bar R S QRS bar P bar Q bar S bar P QS PQS P bar Q bar S
Min Sum Of Products Form
Consider the following Boolean function of four variables f w x y z Sigma 1 3 4 6 9 11 12 14 The function is independent of one variables independent of two variables independent of three variables dependent on all variables
Min Sum Of Products Form
Consider the following Boolean function of four variables f A B C D u03a3 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 The function is independent of one variable independent of two variables independent of three variable dependent on all the variables
Min Sum Of Products Form
Consider the following Boolean expression for F F P Q R S PQ bar P QR bar P Q bar R S The minimal sum of products form of F is PQ QR QS P Q R S bar P bar Q bar R bar S bar P R bar R bar P S P
Min Sum Of Products Form
Consider the 4 to 1 multiplexer with two select lines S_1 and S_0 given below The minimal sum of products form of the Boolean expression for the output F of the multiplexer is bar P Q Q bar R P bar Q R bar P Q bar P Q bar R PQ bar R P bar Q R bar P QR bar P Q bar R Q bar R P bar Q R PQ bar R
Min Sum Of Products Form
Is the 3 variable function f Sigma 0 1 2 4 its self dual Justify your answer Give a minimal product of sum form of the b output of the following excess 3 to BCD converter
Min Sum Of Products Form
Following is a state table for time finite state machine Present State Next State Output Input 0 Input 1 A B C D E F G H B 1 F 1 D 0 C 0 D 1 C 1 C 1 C 0 H 1 D 1 E 1 F 1 C 1 C 1 D 1 A 1 Find the equivalence partition on the states of the machine Give the state table for the minimal machine Use appropriate names for the equivalent states For example if states X and Y are equivalent then use XY as the name for the equivalent state in the minimal machine
Minimal State Automata
A 1 input 2 output synchronous sequential circuit behaves as follows Let z_k n_k denote the number of 0 u2019s and 1 u2019s respectively in initial k bits of the input z_k n_k k The circuit outputs 00 until one of the following conditions holds z_k n_k 2 In this case the output at the k th and all subsequent clock ticks is 10 n_k z_k 2 In this case the output at the k th and all subsequent clock ticks is 01 What is the minimum number of states required in the state transition graph of the above circuit 5 6 7 8
Minimal State Automata
The value of the expression 13 99 pmod 17 in the range 0 to 16 is ________
Modular Arithmetic
The following circuit implements a two input AND gate using two 2 1 multiplexers What are the values of X1 X2 X3 X1 b X2 0 X3 a X1 b X2 1 X3 b X1 a X2 b X3 1 X1 a X2 0 X3 b
The circuit shown below implements a 2 input NOR gate using two 2 4 MUX control signal 1 selects the upper input What are the values of signals x y and z 1 0 B 1 0 A 0 1 B 0 1 A
Suppose only one multiplexer and one inverter are allowed to be used to implement any Boolean function of n variables What is the minimum size of the multiplexer needed 2 n line to 1 line 2 n 1 line to 1 line 2 n 1 line to 1 line 2 n 2 line to 1 line
Consider the two cascade 2 to 1 multiplexers as shown in the figure The minimal sum of products form of the output X is overline P overline Q PQR overline P Q QR PQ overline P overline Q R overline Q overline R PQR
Consider the circuit shown below The output of a 2 1 Mux is given by the function ac bc Which of the following is true f X1 X2 f X1 X2 X1X2 f X1X2 X1 X2 f X1 X2
Consider a multiplexer with X and Y as data inputs and Z the as control input Z 0 selects input X and Z 1 selects input Y What are the connections required to realize the 2 variable Boolean function f T R without using any additional hardware R to X 1 to Y T to Z T to X R to Y T to Z T to X R to Y 0 to Z R to X 0 to Y T to Z
A priority encoder accepts three input signals A B and C and produce a two bit output X1 X0 corresponding to the highest priority active input signal Assume A has the highest priority followed by B and C has the lowest priority If none of the inputs are active the output should be 00 design the priority encoder using 4 1 multiplexers as the main components
A multiplexer with a 4 bit data select input is a 4 1 multiplexer 2 1 multiplexer 16 1 multiplexer 8 1 multiplexer
Consider the following implications relating to functional and multivalued dependencies given below which may or may not be correct If A u2192 u2192 B and A u2192 u2192 C then A u2192 BC If A u2192 B and A u2192 C then A u2192 u2192 BC If A u2192 u2192 BC and A u2192 B then A u2192 C If A u2192 BC and A u2192 B then A u2192 u2192 C Exactly how many of the above implications are valid 0 1 2 3
Multivalued Dependency 4nf
The following functional dependencies hold for relations R A B C and S B D E B o A A o C The relation R contains 200 tuples and the relation S contains 100 tuples What is the maximum number of tuples possible in the natural join R bowtie S 100 200 300 2000
Natural Join
Let r be a relation instance with schema R A B C D We define r_1 pi_ A B C R and r_2 pi_ A D r Let s r_1 r_2 where denotes natural join Given that the decomposition of r into r_1 and r_2 is lossy which one of the following is TRUE s subset r r cup s r r subset s r s s
Natural Join
Consider two relations R_1 A B with the tuples 1 5 3 7 and R_2 A C 1 7 4 9 Assume that R A B C is the full natural outer join of R_1 and R_2 Consider the following tuples of the form A B C a 1 5 null b 1 null 7 c 3 null 9 d 4 7 null e 1 5 7 f 3 7 null g 4 null 9 Which one of the following statements is correct R contains a b e f g but not c d R contains all a b c d e f g R contains e f g but not a b R contains e but not f g
Natural Join
Consider two hosts X and Y connected by a single direct link of rate 10 6 bits sec The distance between the two hosts is 10 000 km and the propagation speed along the link is 2 imes 10 8 m sec Host X sends a file of 50 000 bytes as one large message to host Y continuously Let the transmission and propagation delays be p milliseconds and q milliseconds respectively Then the value of p and q are p 50 and q 100 p 50 and q 400 p 100 and q 50 p 400 and q 50
Network Communication
In a data link protocol the frame delimiter flag is given by 0111 Assuming that bit stuffing is employed the transmitter sends the data sequence 01110110 as 01101011 011010110 011101100 0110101100
Network Flow
A TCP message consisting of 2100 bytes is passed to IP for delivery across two networks The first network can carry a maximum payload of 1200 bytes per frame and the second network can carry a maximum payload of 400 bytes per frame excluding network overhead Assume that IP overhead per packet is 20 bytes What is the total IP overhead in the second network for this transmission 40 bytes 80 bytes 120 bytes 160 bytes
Network Flow
A link of capacity 100 Mbps is carrying traffic from a number of sources Each source generates an on off traffic stream when the source is on the rate of traffic is 10 Mbps and when the source is off the rate of traffic is zero The duty cycle which is the ratio of on time to off time is 1 2 When there is no buffer at the link the minimum number of sources that can be multiplexed on the link so that link capacity is not wasted and no data loss occurs is S1 Assuming that all sources are synchronized and that the link is provided with a large buffer the maximum number of sources that can be multiplexed so that no data loss occurs is S2 The values of S1 and S2 are respectively 10 and 30 12 and 25 5 and 33 15 and 22
Network Flow
A channel has a bit rate of 4 kbps and one way propagation delay of 20 ms The channel uses stop and wait protocol The transmission time of the acknowledgement frame is negligible To get a channel efficiency of at least 50 the minimum frame size should be 80 bytes 80 bits 160 bytes 160 bits
Network Flow
Choose the best matching between ext Group 1 and ext Group 2 Group 1 Group 2 P Data link layer 1 Ensures reliable transport of data over a physical point to point link Q Network layer 2 Encodes decodes data for physical transmission R Transport layer 3 Allows end to end communication between two processes 4 Routes data from one network node to the next P 1 Q 4 R 3 P 2 Q 4 R 1 P 2 Q 3 R 1 P 1 Q 3 R 2
Network Layering
Assume that source S and destination D are connected through two intermediate routers labeled R Determine how many times each packet has to visit the network layer and the data link layer during a transmission from S to D A Network layer u2013 4 times and Data link layer u2013 4 times B Network layer u2013 4 times and Data link layer u2013 3 times C Network layer u2013 4 times and Data link layer u2013 6 times D Network layer u2013 2 times and Data link layer u2013 6 times
Network Layering
Match the following P SMTP 1 Application layer Q BGP 2 Transport layer R TCP 3 Data link layer S PPP 4 Network layer 5 Physical layer P 2 Q 1 R 3 S 5 P 1 Q 4 R 2 S 3 P 1 Q 4 R 2 S 5 P 2 Q 4 R 1 S 3
Network Protocols
Consider the following clauses Not inherently suitable for client authentication Not a state sensitive protocol Must be operated with more than one server Suitable for structured message organization May need two ports on the serve side for proper operation The option that has the maximum number of correct matches is IMAP i FTP ii HTTP iii DNS iv POP3 v FTP i POP3 ii SMTP iii HTTP iv IMAP v POP3 i SMTP ii DNS iii IMAP iv HTTP v SMTP i HTTP ii IMAP iii DNS iv FTP v
Network Protocols
Which one of the following protocols is NOT used to resolve one form of address to another one DNS ARP DHCP RARP
Network Protocols
In one of the pairs of protocols given below both the protocols can use multiple TCP connections between the same client and the server Which one is that HTTP FTP HTTP TELNET FTP SMTP HTTP SMTP
Network Protocols
Using public key cryptography X adds a digital signature u03c3 to message M encrypts lt M sigma gt and sends it to Y where it is decrypted Which one of the following sequences of keys is used for the operations Encryption X u2019s private key followed by Y u2019s private key Decryption X u2019s public key followed by Y u2019s public key Encryption X u2019s private key followed by Y u2019s public key Decryption X u2019s public key followed by Y u2019s private key Encryption X u2019s public key followed by Y u2019s private key Decryption Y u2019s public key followed by X u2019s private key Encryption X u2019s private key followed by Y u2019s public key Decryption Y u2019s private key followed by X u2019s public key
Network Security
The total number of keys required for a set of n individuals to be able to communicate with each other using secret key and public key cryptosystems respectively are n n 1 and 2n 2n and dfrac n n 1 2 dfrac n n 1 2 and 2n dfrac n n 1 2 and n
Network Security
Suppose that two parties A and B wish to setup a common secret key D H key between themselves using the Diffie Hellman key exchange technique They agree on 7 as the modulus and 3 as the primitive root Party A chooses 2 and party B chooses 5 as their respective secrets Their D H key is 3 4 5 6
Network Security
Suppose that everyone in a group on N people wants to communicate secretly withhe ext N 1 others using symmetric Key cryptographic system The communication between any two person should not be decodable by the others in the group The numbers of keys required in the system as a whole to satisfyhe confidentiality requirement is 2N N N 1 dfrac N N 1 2 N 1 2
Network Security
In the RSA public key cryptosystem the private and public keys are e n and d n respectively where n p imes q and p and q are large primes Besides n is public and p and q are private Let M be an integer such that 0 lt M lt n and phi n p 1 q 1 Now consider the following equations M u2019 M e ext mod n M M u2019 d ext mod n ed equiv 1 ext mod n ed equiv 1 ext mod phi n M u2019 M e ext mod phi n M M u2019 d ext mod phi n Which of the above equations correctly represents RSA cryptosystem I and II I and III II and IV III and IV
Network Security
Consider the following two statements A hash function these are often used for computing digital signatures is an injective function A encryption technique such as DES performs a permutation on the elements of its input alphabet Which one of the following options is valid for the above two statements Both are false Statement i is true and the other is false Statement ii is true and the other is false Both are true
Network Security
Consider malware programs Which of the following is true A worm is a parasite A virus cannot affect a linux operating system A trojan can be in the payload of only a worm A worm and virus are self replicating programs There is no difference between a virus and a worm
Network Security
Consider a parity check code with three data bits and four parity check bits Three of the Code Words are 0101011 1001101 and 1110001 Which of the following are also code words 0010111 0110110 1011010 0111010 I and III I II and III II and IV I II III and IV
Network Security
An IP machine Q has a path to another IP machine H via three IP routers R1 R2 and R3 Q R1 R2 R3 H H acts as an HTTP server and Q connects to H via HTTP and downloads a file Session layer encryption is used with DES as the shared key encryption protocol Consider the following four pieces of information I1 The URL of the file downloaded by Q I2 The TCP port numbers at Q and H I3 The IP addresses of Q and H I4 The link layer addresses of Q and H Which of I1 I2 I3 and I4 can an intruder learn through sniffing at R2 alone Only I1 and I2 Only I1 Only I2 and I3 Only I3 and I4
Network Security
A sender is employing public key cryptography to send a secret message to a receiver Which one of the following statements is TRUE Sender encrypts using receiver s public key Sender encrypts using his own public key Receiver decrypts using sender s public key Receiver decrypts using his own public key
Network Security
A firewall is to be configured to allow hosts in a private network to freely open TCP connections and send packets on open connections However it will only allow external hosts to send packets on existing open TCP connections or connections that are being opened by internal hosts but not allow them to open TCP connections to hosts in the private network To achieve this the minimum capability of the firewall should be that of A combinational circuit A finite automaton A pushdown automaton with one stack A pushdown automaton with two stacks
Network Security
Consider that B wants to send a message m that is digitally signed to A Let the pair of private and public keys for A and B be denoted by K_ x and K_ x for x A B respectively Let K_ x m represent the operation of encrypting m with a key K_ x and H m represent the message digest Which one of the following indicates the CORRECT way of sending the message m along with the digital signature to A left m K_ B H m right left m K_ B H m right left m K_ A H m right left m K_ A m right
Network Security
Two hosts are connected via a packet switch with 10 7 bits per second links Each link has a propagation delay of 20 microseconds The switch begins forwarding a packet 35 microseconds after it receives the same If 10000 bits of data are to be transmitted between the two hosts using a packet size of 5000 bits the time elapsed between the transmission of the first bit of data and the reception of the last bit of the data in microseconds is ______
Network Switching
In a packet switching network packets are routed from source to destination along a single path having two intermediate nodes If the message size is 24 bytes and each packet contains a header of 3 bytes then the optimum packet size is 4 6 7 9
Network Switching
Consider the store and forward packet switched network given below Assume that the bandwidth of each link is 10 6 bytes sec A user on host A sends a file of size 10 3 bytes to host B through routers R1 and R2 in three different ways In the first case a single packet containing the complete file is transmitted from A to B In the second case the file is split into 10 equal parts and these packets are transmitted from A to B In the third case the file is split into 20 equal parts and these packets are sent from A to B Each packet contains 100 bytes of header information along with the user data Consider only transmission time and ignore processing queuing and propagation delays Also assume that there are no errors during transmission Let T1 T2 and T3 be the times taken to transmit the file in the first second and third case respectively Which one of the following is CORRECT T lt T2 lt T3 T1 gt T2 gt T3 T2 T3 T3 lt T1 T1 T3 T3 gt T2
Network Switching
X is a 30 digit number starting with the digit 4 followed by the digit 7 Then the number X 3 will have 90 digits 91 digits 92 digits 93 digits
No Of Digits
Regarding the power of recognition of languages which of the following statements is false The non deterministic finite state automata are equivalent to deterministic finite state automata Non deterministic Push down automata are equivalent to deterministic Push down automata Non deterministic Turing machines are equivalent to deterministic Push down automata Non deterministic Turing machines are equivalent to deterministic Turing machines Multi tape Turing machines are available are equivalent to Single tape Turing machines
Non Determinism
Let N_f and N_p denote the classes of languages accepted by non deterministic finite automata and non deterministic push down automata respectively Let D_f and D_p denote the classes of languages accepted by deterministic finite automata and deterministic push down automata respectively Which one of the following is TRUE D_f subset N_f ext and D_p subset N_p D_f subset N_f ext and D_p N_p D_f N_f ext and D_p N_p D_f N_f ext and D_p subset N_p
Non Determinism
02 Choose the correct alternatives more than one may be correct and write the corresponding letters only In which of the cases stated below is the following statement true For every non deterministic machine M_ 1 there exists an equivalent deterministic machine M_ 2 recognizing the same language M_ 1 is non deterministic finite automaton M_ 1 is non deterministic PDA M_ 1 is a non deteministic Turing machine For no machines M_ 1 and M_2 the above statement true
Non Determinism
Let X be a random variable following normal distribution with mean 1 and variance 4 Let Y be another normal variable with mean 1 and variance unknown If P X u2264 1 P Y u2265 2 the standard deviation of Y is 3 2 sqrt 2 1
Normal Distribution
When two 4 bit numbers A a_3a_2a_1a_0 and B b_3b_2b_1b_0 are multiplied the bit c_1 of the product C is given by ________
Number Representation
The octal representation of an integer is 342 _8 If this were to be treated as an eight bit integer in an 8085 based computer its decimal equivalent is 226 98 76 30
Number Representation
The number 43 in 2 s complement representation is 01010101 11010101 00101011 10101011
Number Representation
The decimal value 0 25 is equivalent to the binary value 0 1 is equivalent to the binary value 0 01 is equivalent to the binary value 0 00111 cannot be represented precisely in binary
Number Representation
The 2 s complement representation of the decimal value 15 is 1111 11111 111111 10001
Number Representation
The 2 s complement representation of 539 10 in hexadecimal is ABE DBC DE5 9E7
Number Representation
Suppose the domain set of an attribute consists of signed four digit numbers What is the percentage of reduction in storage space of this attribute if it is stored as an integer rather than in character form 80 20 60 40
Number Representation
Given sqrt 224 _r 13 _r The value of the radix r is 10 8 5 6
Number Representation
Convert the following numbers in the given bases into their equivalents in the desired bases 110 101 2 x 10 1118 10 y H
Number Representation
Consider the values of A 2 0 x 10 30 B 2 0 x 10 30 C 1 0 and the sequence X A B Y A C X X C Y Y B executed on a computer where floating point numbers are represented with 32 bits The values for X and Y will be X 1 0 Y 1 0 X 1 0 Y 0 0 X 0 0 Y 1 0 X 0 0 Y 0 0
Number Representation
Consider the number given by the decimal expression 16 3 9 16 2 7 16 5 3 The number of 1 u2019s in the unsigned binary representation of the number is ______
Number Representation
Consider the following floating point number representation 31 24 23 0 Exponent Mantissa The exponent is in 2 u2019s complement representation and mantissa is in the sign magnitude representation The range of the magnitude of the normalized numbers in this representation is 0 to 1 0 5 to 1 2 23 to 0 5 0 5 to left 1 2 23 right
Number Representation
Consider n bit including sign bit 2 s complement representation of integer numbers The range of integer values N that can be represented is _____ leq N leq _____
Number Representation
The number of 1 s in the binary representation of 3 4096 15 256 5 16 3 are 8 9 10 12
Number Representation
The value of sqrt 12 sqrt 12 sqrt 12 dots is 3 464 3 932 4 000 4 444
Number Series
Find the sum of the expression frac 1 sqrt 1 sqrt 2 frac 1 sqrt 2 sqrt 3 frac 1 sqrt 3 sqrt 4 frac 1 sqrt 80 sqrt 81 7 8 9 10
Number Series
Consider the quadratic equation x 2 13x 36 0 with coefficients in a base b The solutions of this equation in the same base b are x 5 and x 6 Then b _____
Number System
The number of divisors of 2100 is ____
Number Theory
The number of distinct positive integral factors of 2014 is _____________
Number Theory
The minimum positive integer p such that 3 p pmod 17 1 is 5 8 12 16
Number Theory
Show that the product of the least common multiple and the greatest common divisor of two positive integers a and b is a imes b
Number Theory
Let n p2q where p and q are distinct prime numbers How many numbers m satisfy 1 u2264 m u2264 n and gcd m n 1 Note that gcd m n is the greatest common divisor of m and n p q 1 pq p2 1 q 1 p p 1 q 1
Number Theory
A CPU has two modes privileged and non privileged In order to change the mode from privileged to non privileged a hardware interrupt is needed a software interrupt is needed a privileged instruction which does not generate an interrupt is needed a non privileged instruction which does not generate an interrupt is needed
Os Protection
In the following pairs of OSI protocol layer sub layer and its functionality the INCORRECT pair is Network layer and Routing Data Link Layer and Bit synchronization Transport layer and End to end process communication Medium Access Control sub layer and Channel sharing
Osi Protocol
The overlay tree for a program is as shown below What will be the size of the partition in physical memory required to load and run this program 12 KB 14 KB 10 KB 8 KB
Thrashing reduces page I O decreases the degree of multiprogramming implies excessive page I O improve the system performance
Page Replacement
The optimal page replacement algorithm will select the page that Has not been used for the longest time in the past Will not be used for the longest time in the future Has been used least number of times Has been used most number of times
Page Replacement
The minimum number of page frames that must be allocated to a running process in a virtual memory environment is determined by the instruction set architecture page size number of processes in memory physical memory size
Page Replacement
The following page addresses in the given sequence were generated by a program 1 2 3 4 1 3 5 2 1 5 4 3 2 3 This program is run on a demand paged virtual memory system with main memory size equal to 4 pages Indicate the page references for which page faults occur for the following page replacement algorithms LRU FIFO Assume that the main memory is initially empty
Page Replacement
The address sequence generated by tracing a particular program executing in a pure demand based paging system with 100 records per page with 1 free main memory frame is recorded as follows What is the number of page faults 0100 0200 0430 0499 0510 0530 0560 0120 0220 0240 0260 0320 0370 13 8 7 10
Page Replacement
Locality of reference implies that the page reference being made by a process will always be to the page used in the previous page reference is likely to be to one of the pages used in the last few page references will always be to one of the pages existing in memory will always lead to a page fault
Page Replacement
Consider the following heap figure in which blank regions are not in use and hatched region are in use The sequence of requests for blocks of sizes 300 25 125 50 can be satisfied if we use either first fit or best fit policy any one first fit but not best fit policy best fit but not first fit policy None of the above
Page Replacement
Consider a virtual memory system with FIFO page replacement policy For an arbitrary page access pattern increasing the number of page frames in main memory will always decrease the number of page faults always increase the number of page faults sometimes increase the number of page faults never affect the number of page faults
Page Replacement
Consider a computer system with ten physical page frames The system is provided with an access sequence a_ 1 a_ 2 a_ 20 a_ 1 a_ 2 a_ 20 where each a_ i is a distinct virtual page number The difference in the number of page faults between the last in first out page replacement policy and the optimal page replacement policy is_________
Page Replacement
A virtual memory system uses First In First Out FIFO page replacement policy and allocates a fixed number of frames to a process Consider the following statements P Increasing the number of page frames allocated to a process sometimes increases the page fault rate Q Some programs do not exhibit locality of reference Which one of the following is TRUE Both P and Q are true and Q is the reason for P Both P and Q are true but Q is not the reason for P P is false but Q is true Both P and Q are false
Page Replacement
A memory page containing a heavily used variable that was initialized very early and is in constant use is removed then LRU page replacement algorithm is used FIFO page replacement algorithm is used LFU page replacement algorithm is used None of the above
Page Replacement
Increasing the RAM of a computer typically improves performance because Virtual Memory increases Larger RAMs are faster Fewer page faults occur Fewer segmentation faults occur
Page Replacement