Unnamed: 0
int64 0
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stringclasses 2
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2,031 | ham | Subject: tenaska gas management agreement
daren ,
just following up on my email and call last week re : the cpi
information - - just as soon as you can get that to me i will be able to get out
a revised draft . i know folks are anxious so let me know if there is someone
else you would like me to ask about this
thanks for your help ,
- - - - - forwarded by sandi m braband / hou / ect on 11 / 14 / 2000 11 : 32 am - - - - -
sandi m braband
10 / 31 / 2000 02 : 14 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : tenaska gas management agreement
daren ,
can you get me the specifics on the consumer price index as you all would
like to see it referenced in the agreement . is there a specific publication
that i can reference like i do for hsc proces in the first of the month
inside ferc - - let me know | 0 |
2,482 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for january 30 , 2001
( see attached file : hplnol 30 . xls )
- hplnol 30 . xls | 0 |
4,742 | spam | Subject: you ' ll need your tracking # k 5 465335
hi ,
did you recieve my email from last week ? i ' m happy to tell you
that you are approved for a home loan with a 4 . 77 % rate .
your tracking number is # d 8 635 827
you must visit the link below in 24 hrs to confirm your details .
http : / / piece . aaoeuro . us
best regards ,
danial muller
senior account officer
national equity corp
| 1 |
723 | ham | Subject: entex revised estimates for 4 / 00
the attached spreadsheet has the revised estimates for entex citygate loads
for april . if you need me to get with pops / unify to correct or change the
estimates please give me a call .
gary | 0 |
489 | ham | Subject: march 2000 activity ; enichem elastomers americas , inc .
i have been told this counterparty has scheduled some maintenance for march
22 nd through march 23 rd or 24 th .
hpl is selling them 2 . 0 / day ; sitara # : 92794 . the 2 . 0 / d is the only
activity at the meter .
please advise . | 0 |
2,227 | ham | Subject: re : tenaska iv 10 / 00
megan , james , and i met regarding the payment due tenaska iv . i am ok with
paying what is in the system right now . however , i would like for all of us
to meet today regarding some accounting issues , what is everyone ' s
availability for this afternoon ?
please let me know asap .
daren j farmer @ ect
12 / 12 / 2000 04 : 48 pm
to : greg whiting / corp / enron @ enron , troy klussmann / hou / ect @ ect , james
armstrong / hou / ect @ ect , megan parker / corp / enron @ enron , jim
pond / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : tenaska iv 10 / 00
in most cases , ena will be a net buyer from tenaska iv for activity related
to the cleburne plant . however , for october 2000 , the plant was down the
majority of the month and ena sold off the supply , resulting in ena owing
money to tenaska iv .
i have created deal 529856 with a demand of $ 1 , 798 , 389 . 73 , which is the
calculated amount of income on the cleburne desk . ( please see the attached
schedule . ) we need to pass this income on to tenaska iv . do we need to pay
this amount ( wire from ena to tenaska iv ) or is there another way to do
this ? this is the case for october 2000 and could possibly happen again in
the future .
greg , troy , jim - please let me know what you think about settling this .
megan - don ' t pay the amount until we here from the greg , troy and jim .
also , make sure that we have received dollars from the spot sales before we
reimburse tenaska iv .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 12 / 12 / 2000
04 : 37 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : megan parker @ enron 12 / 07 / 2000 09 : 18 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : tenaska iv 10 / 00
we have actuals . the larger of the two volumes is 1 , 395 , 000 , which is
45 , 000 / day , so the demand rate in deal 514353 is fine . i am having a
problem , though , with the way it is coming to settlements . it is showing up
with a jan 2003 delivery date . i think the demand fee needs to be on 10 / 1
only . right now , it is on a line with a date of 10 / 1 / 00 to 12 / 31 / 36 . i
think this is confusing the system some how . also , we still need the
purchase deal for tenaska iv . it should be for a demand fee of $ 2 , 571 , 135 . 73
booked to the cleburne desk . we actually owe $ 1 , 798 , 389 . 73 , but i need to
net the tenaska iv sales with the purchase to clear those receivables . james
is calling me every day asking for an update . do you know when we will be
able to get this in the system ? i have attached my spreadsheet so you can
see the numbers .
megan | 0 |
2,841 | ham | Subject: re : noms / actual flow for 3 / 22 / 01
we agree with the nomination .
" eileen ponton " on 03 / 23 / 2001 09 : 56 : 45 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu , hpl . scheduling @ enron . com ,
liz . bellamy @ enron . com
cc :
subject : noms / actual flow for 3 / 22 / 01
nom mcf mmbtu
38 , 334 36 , 871 37 , 867
btu = 1 . 027 | 0 |
1,516 | ham | Subject: inactivations
reminder :
records on the august 2000 name change / merger notification report will be
inactivated tomorrow afternoon 9 / 01 . | 0 |
3,901 | spam | Subject: generic viag [ ra . the best $ 2 . 50 you ' ll ever spend !
| 1 |
2,061 | ham | Subject: big thicket allocation
anita ,
after speaking with gary lamphier , big thicket ' s allocation for
pecos ' / roberson ' s portion will be done differently . historically , their
portion of the allocation was reduced for shrinkage . effective with october
00 ' s allocation , shrink will no longer be deducted . the full amount of
pecos / roberson ' s gas received at meter 6753 and delivered out at meter 8714
( vastar ) will be kept whole . i spoke with your contact harold mcgee at big
thicket and he spoke with pecos / roberson regarding this and everyone is
agreement . your allocation process will be done the same , however the
pecos / roberson number on the allocation statement will no longer have
shrinkage deducted . i have gone over the numbers for october with harold and
he has stated the 23 , 174 is the amount that will be allocated to
pecos / roberson , 946 will go to jay , and 9114 will be for enron ( this portion
has always been kept whole ) . can you please make sure that this is done . if
there are any questions , please let me know . thanks . | 0 |
4,775 | spam | Subject: congratulations
from : government accredited licensed lottery
promoters . winning notice
for category a winner
dear lucky winner ,
re : bonus lottery promotion prize awards winning
we are pleased to inform you of the result of the just
concluded annual final draws of de lotto netherlands
international lottery programs .
the online cyber lotto draws was conducted from an
exclusive list of 25 , 000 e - mail addresses of
individual and corporate bodies picked by an
advanced automated random computer search from the
internet . no tickets were sold .
after this automated computer ballot , your e - mail
address emerged as one of two winners in the category
a with the following :
ref number : 35149 / 337 - 5247 / lni
batch number : 26371545 - lni / 2005
ticket number : 54866235
you as well as the other winner are therefore to
receive a cash prize of ? 1 , 500 , 000 . 00 . ( one million ,
five hundred thousand euro only ) each from the total
payout .
your prize award has been insured with your e - mail
address and will be transferred to you upon meeting
our requirements , statutory obligations ,
verifications , validations and satisfactory report .
to begin the claims processing of your prize winnings
you are advised to contact our licensed and accredited
claims agent for category a winners with the
information below :
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1000 bv amsterdam
e - mail : phinjoneso 2 @ netscape . net
tel : + 31 . 616 . 128 . 445
fax : + 31 . 847 - 300 - 746
note : all winnings must be claimed not later than 20
days . after this date all unclaimed funds would be
included in the next stake . remember to quote your
reference information in all correspondence .
you are to keep all lotto information away from the
general public especially your reference and ticket
numbers . ( this is important as a case of double claims
will not be entertained ) .
anybody under the age of 18 and members of the
affiliate agencies are automatically not allowed to
participate in this program .
thank you and congratulations ! ! !
yours faithfully ,
mrs . mildred hugo
games / lottery coordinator .
de lotto netherlands international
www . lotto . nl
| 1 |
3,036 | ham | Subject: re : bad debt
team :
our objective is to define an action plan for each account and dedicate resources to implement the collection process .
regards ,
janet h wallis
04 / 10 / 2001 01 : 12 pm
to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect , lee l papayoti / hou / ect @ ect , gerald lofton / hou / ect @ ect , michael c bilberry / hou / ect @ ect , daren farmer
cc : brian redmond / hou / ect @ ect , bob m hall / na / enron @ enron
subject : bad debt
please plan to attend a meeting with brian redmond and bob hall on thursday at 4 : 00 in conference room 3567 .
each person should be prepared to discuss the current status of each " bad debt " account that was assigned to them in february .
if you are unable to attend you will need to schedule a private meeting with brian redmond at a later date .
janet | 0 |
1,744 | ham | Subject: eastrans nomination change effective 10 / 4 / 00
please decrease deliveries to eastrans to 0 mmbtu / dy for 10 / 4 / 00 .
the redeliveries wil be 0 as well . | 0 |
3,930 | spam | Subject: guaranteed satisfaction , cheapest prescrip ( tion dru ) gs on the net !
| 1 |
545 | ham | Subject: panenergy marketing exchange deal
sitara # 157288
could you pls . have the rate for the following point adjusted ?
the following point should be adjusted to reflect a price of $ 2 . 52 , per the
contract .
pipe : pgev
point : ( carthage / pgev )
sitara / unify rate : $ 2 . 53 ( hsc , idx - . 05 )
contract rate : $ 2 . 52 ( hsc , idx - . 06 ) | 0 |
4,346 | spam | Subject:
this week only : f . ree gen . erlc vlag . ra
cover the shipping , and we ' ll send youour product at no cost to prove its
effectiveness .
won ' t last . . . hurry
stop promos .
| 1 |
2,975 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for april 4 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 404 . xls )
- hplno 404 . xls | 0 |
565 | ham | Subject: josey ranch est . - - apr . 2000
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by susan d trevino / hou / ect on 03 / 29 / 2000
03 : 52 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bob withers on 03 / 29 / 2000 03 : 54 : 45 pm
to : " susan trevino ( e - mail ) "
cc : " taylor vance ( e - mail ) " , stretch brennan
, knox westmoreland , kevin mclarney
subject : josey ranch est . - - apr . 2000
this is the estimated josey ranch nomination for the month of april
2000 . the hpl nomination volume to be effective 4 / 1 / 2000 is :
11 , 100 mmbtu / day for kcs resources
1 , 900 mmbtu / day for texaco
13 , 000 mmbtu / day total ( assumed btu factor of 1 . 075
@ 14 . 65 dry )
if you need additional information , kcs ' field contact is stretch brennan in
victoria : 512 / 576 - 1005 .
bob withers > <
kcs energy , 5555 san felipe , suite 1200
houston , tx 77056
voice mail / page 713 - 964 - 9434 | 0 |
4,489 | spam | Subject: eternal youth
let ' s face it , age should be nothing more than a number
it ' s okay to want to hold on to your young body as long as you can
with increasing longevity for an increasing segment of the
population , this is the frontier for the new millennium
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i do not have marks please no more .
although the approach to the management of patients with and without
neutropenia is separated in clinical practice this similarity supports a
biological basis underlying our results
perhaps in time ; but that time hasn ' t arrived yet
| 1 |
1,544 | ham | Subject: re : duke exchange deal feb . 2000 prod .
daren ,
i believe the best way to enter the fee into sitara would be as a demand fee
in your example # 1 .
if we do the fee this way , we will not double up the volumes .
i have attached my spreadsheet for support :
the most current worksheet is tab # 2 marked final
column g is the over - delivery quantity total is 17 , 278 mmbtus
column s is the daily dollar amount for the over - delivery quantity due hplc
$ 1 , 008 . 87
column t is the daily dollar amount for the over - delivery quantity due the
customer $ 519 . 73 .
thanks -
5 - 8643
daren j farmer @ ect
08 / 31 / 2000 05 : 49 pm
to : katherine herrera / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : re : duke exchange deal feb . 2000 prod .
katherine ,
there are 2 ways that i can enter this fee into sitara :
1 ) i can put the dollar amount in on day 1 as a demand or facility fee .
2 ) i need you to give me volume ( s ) and a price to input into the deal . i
can ' t just input a dollar amount in sitara .
let me know how you want to handle it .
katherine herrera @ enron
08 / 31 / 2000 05 : 28 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect
subject : duke exchange deal feb . 2000 prod .
please add the following fees for feb . 2000 :
fee type :
natural gas
physical forward
penalty for over / under take
sales ticket # 157278
$ 1 , 008 . 87 dollars due hplc
purchase ticket # 157288
$ 519 . 73 dollars due duke
thanks - katherine | 0 |
1,568 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for sept . 6 , 2000
ls hpl lsk ic 8 . 750 / enron | 0 |
433 | ham | Subject: wellheads
shoreline has sent in a nom change for the 11 th gas day , to take meter 6722
from 24 to 14 . please let me know if you want the change . | 0 |
631 | ham | Subject: ces - carthage
i decreased volumes at carthage due to a fire at the east texas plant . also ,
the co - owner volumes provided were given to me as gross volumes and should
have been net ( after pvr ) . i have made changes to reflect the lower volumes .
the total volume change is approx 5500 ( net ) . total carthage decreases from
90565 to 85148 ( net ) . | 0 |
3,549 | ham | Subject: enrononline - change to autohedge
effective monday , october 22 , 2001 the following changes will be made to the autohedge functionality on enrononline .
the volume on the hedge will now respect the minimum volume and volume increment settings on the parent product . see rules below :
? if the transaction volume on the child is less than half of the parent ' s minimum volume no hedge will occur .
? if the transaction volume on the child is more than half the parent ' s minimum volume but less than half the volume increment on the parent , the hedge will volume will be the parent ' s minimum volume .
? for all other volumes , the same rounding rules will apply based on the volume increment on the parent product .
please see example below :
parent ' s settings :
minimum : 5000
increment : 1000
volume on autohedge transaction volume hedged
1 - 2499 0
2500 - 5499 5000
5500 - 6499 6000 | 0 |
2,034 | ham | Subject: enron / hpl actuals for november 13 , 2000
teco tap 120 . 000 / hpl gas daily
ls hpl lsk ic 30 . 000 / enron | 0 |
646 | ham | Subject: re : fyi - wellhead portfolio
who is considered to be on greg sharp ' s orig team ? if they have deals in the
wellhead portfolio , do we need to move them out ? just double checking .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by david baumbach / hou / ect on 04 / 11 / 2000
10 : 33 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : brenda f herod 04 / 11 / 2000 10 : 09 am
to : david baumbach / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : fyi - wellhead portfolio
great . keep in mind - some people continue to confuse " wellhead portfolio "
with " deals done by producer services . " all that should be in the wellhead
portfolio is truly wellhead deals - not deals done by greg sharp ' s
origination teams at competitive points . does that make sense ?
enron capital management
from : david baumbach 04 / 11 / 2000 09 : 54 am
to : brenda f herod / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : fyi - wellhead portfolio
i worked with tom acton last night to get the wellhead portfolio cleaned up .
tom had a sheet from vance that we used to determine what deals should be in
the portfolio . i believe the portfolio is now correct . the sitara team will
move the deals we identified today .
dave | 0 |
1,489 | ham | Subject: re : september spot purchases
vance ,
deal tickets have been created and entered in sitara as follows :
vance l taylor
08 / 28 / 2000 04 : 33 pm
to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect
cc : elizabeth l hernandez / hou / ect @ ect , lisa hesse / hou / ect @ ect , trisha
hughes / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect ,
melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect
subject : september spot purchases
bob ,
hplc will be purchasing wellhead gas from the producers listed below for the
production month of september . this production will be purchased on a " spot "
basis and deal tickets should be created and entered into sitara based on the
following information :
counterparty meter volume deal # price
whiting petroleum corp 6523 200 mmbtu / d 382601 91 % if / hsc
engage energy us , lp 5923 775 mmbtu / d 382610 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 24
engage energy us , lp 5848 240 mmbtu / d 382621 100 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 24
swift energy 2630 21 mmbtu / d 382627 90 % if / hsc less $ 0 . 258
duke energy trading & marketing 6347 200 mmbtu / d 382631 85 % if / hsc
additionally , this are producer svcs . deals and should be tracked in the im
wellhead portfolio . . . attached to the gathering contract .
thanks ,
x 3 - 6353 | 0 |
4,513 | spam | Subject: rolex is forever . are you for it ?
genuine replicas watches
thank you for expressing interest in genuine replicas watches .
we would like to take this opportunity to offer you our fine selection of
italian crafted rolex timepieces . you can view our large selection of rolex ( including
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more info . . .
if you see anything that might interest you , or if you have
any questions , please don ' t hesitate to visit our swiss watch website .
i certainly look forward to hearing from you .
best regards ,
julius s .
sales manager
genuine replicas
| 1 |
712 | ham | Subject: meter # 1591 lamay gas lift
daren - have you had a chance to check this out ? i know you are busy . at
least we can get a head start on may .
- aimee
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 04 / 25 / 2000 12 : 10
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aimee lannou 04 / 24 / 2000 01 : 03 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
subject : meter # 1591 lamay gaslift
daren - meter 1591 has never flowed the entire nom . this meter is has been
over nominated . it has had a nom of 1 . 000 / day ( 429 . 000 total mmbtus ) since
1 / 28 / 99 and has flowed only 11 . 692 . am i correct to say that this meter
needs a lower nom ? please let me know if i should look out for a lower nom
in may . pat seems to think this may be affecting the p / l for april . we only
have estimates / actuals of zero on 4 / 1 & 4 / 2 .
please let me know if this makes sense .
- aimee
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 04 / 24 / 2000 12 : 50
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : pat clynes @ enron 04 / 24 / 2000 12 : 43 pm
to : aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter # 1591 lamay gaslift
aimee ,
please check meter # 1591 lamay gas lift . it doesn ' t appear to have very much
flow and the
bav is showing the nom volume . this could be adversely affecting the risk
numbers . pat | 0 |
2,551 | ham | Subject: gas day 2 / 08 / 01
we agree :
teco tap nom = 40 . 000 ; actual 41 . 358
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa jones / texas utilities on
02 / 09 / 2001
10 : 15 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
kponton @ duke - energy . com on 02 / 09 / 2001 09 : 15 : 35 am
to : david avila / lsp / enserch / us @ tu , charlie stone / texas utilities @ tu , melissa
jones / texas utilities @ tu
cc :
subject : gas day 2 / 08 / 01
nom = 40 , 000 mmbtu ' s
actual flow = 39 , 959 mcf , 41 , 358 mmbtu ' s | 0 |
51 | ham | Subject: hpl nominations for december 28 , 1999
( see attached file : hpll 228 . xls )
- hpll 228 . xls | 0 |
1,116 | ham | Subject: revised 7 / 00 assignment , termination , expiration report - assets
we received some more name changes after the previous report was sent out .
here is the latest & greatest version . | 0 |
1,759 | ham | Subject: re : tetco / hpl ( enerfin ) meter # 986892
steps 2 - 4 have been done .
mary , since jackie is out tomorrow , you will need to verify the following
information has flowed across to pops tomorrow morning ( check meter catalog ) .
meter facility drn
986892 515136 60217
980439 501026 286715
if there is a problem , then you will need to get with romeo .
if everything is okay , you will need to let sherlyn know so she can set up
accounting arrangements on meter 439 and you will need to enter them into
pops .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by howard b camp / hou / ect on 10 / 05 / 2000 04 : 27
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
howard b camp
10 / 04 / 2000 01 : 06 pm
to : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect , jackie young / hou / ect @ ect , rita
wynne / hou / ect @ ect , donna consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect ,
rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , gary a hanks / hou / ect @ ect ,
clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : tetco / hpl ( enerfin ) meter # 986892
step # 1 has been completed .
sherlyn , verify step # 2 tomorrow and call me when completed .
jackie , verify the nom on oct 4 & 5 . it appears there is still a volume for
meter 6892 until oct 6 .
if there are any questions or issues , contact me at 37649 . i am the contact
person while clem is out ( through friday ) .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by howard b camp / hou / ect on 10 / 04 / 2000 01 : 01
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
romeo d ' souza
10 / 04 / 2000 12 : 40 pm
to : clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect
cc : michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : tetco / hpl ( enerfin ) meter # 986892
clem ,
i have completed setting the confirm = 0 for 986892 and reallocated
all the days . they are all zero now , however 10 / 4 / 2000 and 10 / 5 / 2000
still have a non - zero bav , these should get set to 0 by 10 / 6 . since
allocation will not allocate these days till 10 / 6 gas date .
r . d
clem cernosek
10 / 03 / 2000 05 : 19 pm
to : donna consemiu / hou / ect @ ect , romeo d ' souza / hou / ect @ ect , sherlyn
schumack / hou / ect @ ect , jackie young / hou / ect @ ect
cc : michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , pat
clynes / corp / enron @ enron , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , gary a
hanks / hou / ect @ ect , victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect , howard b camp / hou / ect @ ect
subject : tetco / hpl ( enerfin ) meter # 986892
step i .
romeo : please do step 1 today , 10 / 4 / 00 .
1 . please change the confirmed noms to zero for all contracts that have be
nominated for period 1 / 1 / 00 thru 10 / 31 / 00 for the above meter .
2 . change the allocation method to " not allocatable " effective 1 / 1 / 99 .
3 . please reallocate the meter for period 1 / 1 / 99 thru 10 / 31 / 00 .
4 . call me after the above tasks have been completed .
step ii .
sherlyn : please check the following tommorrow , 10 / 5 / 00 .
1 verify with settlements that the zero bav adjustment were received for
all contract activities at meter 986892 for period 1 / 1 / 99 thru 9 / 30 / 00 .
2 . after verification is complete , please call me .
step iii .
donna : i will call you tomorrow , 10 / 5 / 00 to inform when you can make the
following changes :
1 . change the meter # and drn # at facility # 501026 . this facility should
be trade and nom " yes " .
2 . change the meter # and drn # at facility # 515136 . this facility should
be trade and nom " no " .
3 . after completion , please call me as well as romeo ( x - 34544 ) .
step iv .
romeo : upon receiving a call from donna :
1 . please make the appropriate changes or corrections in pops system for the
facility changes made by global facilities dept . my understanding is that
these changes can not be done automatically .
2 . upon completion , please call me .
step v .
jackie :
1 . tomorrow , 10 / 05 / 00 , after i am informed that romeo has made his changes ,
i will let you know and you may begin scheduling meter # 0980439 which is the
meter replacing # 0986892 .
2 . after completion , please let me know .
* * * * * * * *
gary :
this could create some problems for gas control , because all confirmed
volumes will be zeroed including october , 2000 activities at meter 986892
today ( 10 / 4 / 00 ) . this should correct itself within 24 thru 48 hours at
meter # 980439 .
daren :
this could also create some issues for you , but remember , these issues should
clear within 24 to 48 hours .
victor :
this is just for your information , since this should not create and changes
for you .
if anyone has any questions , please feel free to call me at x - 3665 o .
thanks , clem | 0 |
3,044 | ham | Subject: calpine daily gas nomination
ricky a . archer
fuel supply
700 louisiana , suite 2700
houston , texas 77002
713 - 830 - 8659 direct
713 - 830 - 8722 fax
- calpine daily gas nomination 1 . doc | 0 |
1,920 | ham | Subject: spot deals
i have created and entered the following deals in sitara as hplc - im
wellhead purchases for november , 2000 production :
deal # counterparty meter # volume
452582 cokinos nat gas 9840 890 killed
452574 crosstex energy 9858 1 , 000
452579 cummins & walker 9857 537 killed
452590 duke energy trad 6347 139
452595 coastal merchant 5848 183
452597 coastal merchant 5923 562
452600 heatherloch mun 6879 359
452601 pringle resources 9849 300
453067 shoreline gas 9860 700
452566 suemaur explor 9856 2 , 700
453305 swift energy 2630 322
453483 tri - union devel 2697 1 , 016
453525 vintage gas , inc 9603 1
453572 whiting petroleum 6523 106
bob | 0 |
1,360 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for august 10 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 810 . xls )
- hplo 810 . xls | 0 |
1,760 | ham | Subject: duke cashout entries 7 / 00 and 8 / 00
here are the cashout entries for 7 / 00 and 8 / 00 .
july 2000
deal 157278 ( $ 759 . 75 ) excess charge
$ 33 , 992 . 14 cashout
$ 33 , 232 . 39 total
( there is no purchase cashout for 7 / 00 . )
aug 2000
deal 157278 $ 90 . 18 cashout
$ 6 , 745 . 50 excess charge
$ 6 , 835 . 68 total
deal 157288 $ 9 , 575 . 45 cashout
thanks ,
megan | 0 |
23 | ham | Subject: miscellaneous
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 12 / 17 / 99 03 : 46
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
dscottl @ . com on 12 / 17 / 99 03 : 34 : 44 pm
to : ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : miscellaneous
sorry i ' m just now getting back to you . here are some answers to your
questions .
waskom is a field in east texas ( harrison county ) where we purchase gas from
pennzenergy at the bryson c . p . and jeter # 2 wells . the gas is termed up to
waskom gas gathering ( nwgg ) through june 2001 ( the term of the pennzenergy
purchase ) . we then buy the gas back from nwgg into our tetco east texas pool
. . . also termed up through 6 / 01 .
virginia field used to be associated with ngpl , but several years ago
pennzenergy worked out a processing arrangement with corpus christi gas
gathering , so the gas is now termed up with ccgm through 6 / 01 . . . priced off
the houston ship channel .
jennings ranch used to flow into ngpl through a gathering line , but a couple
years ago ngpl sold that line to midcon texas , so we now handle it as another
midcon texas property . sometimes we sell it at the meter to midcon texas
( kn ) ,
and sometimes we ship it through midcon to our ngpl south texas pool .
carthage : altra picks up their gas in their cartwheel agreement . the
agreement we nominate on is also a cartwheel agreement . it is not much
different than a hub agreement , except it allows title tracking . tgt on the
whiteboard refers to texas gas . . . east ohio takes their gas into texas gas on
a couple of different transport contracts .
let me know if you have more questions .
david | 0 |
1,474 | ham | Subject: weekend notes
here are my notes , please let me know if you have any questions .
weekend of august 26 ) 28 , 2000
saturday :
? celanese bayport meter 8018 was ramping back up . total nomination of
35 , 000 in mops was pathed ) transmitted nom to pops and confirmed .
? costilla , meter 9687 was still down 4 , 000 due to wellhead production
losses on friday , expected short into the first of the week , possibly longer ,
may need to fish the hole to bring the well back up .
? costilla pilgreen ) running high h 2 s , causing our valve to shut - in 13 , 000
mm , s ( we changed our specs at the valve to accept 8 parts per mil for 30
minutes last week , per jill zively ) . louis dreyfus was diverting the well to
another pipeline , per the contract that gas has to come to us or be shut - in .
we got the well back on saturday afternoon , and all was well .
? all meters were updated in pops for satuday , s gas day .
? christy w / pg shell lost two units .
also , seeing meter 1394 which dels to shell back down from 10 , 000 to 5 , 000 .
? patty called re : the epng cuts , found out late afternoon that they are pcc ,
pipeline capacity constraints , at the ivalerow meter into pg & e .
? joey stanton with duke called regarding some new production coming up . he
wanted to sell it into hpl at lonestar / katy for sunday and monday . paged
darren , we took the gas , it needs to be priced today . duke let me know that
they would flow at a rate of 25 , 000 / hour , and should average approximately
12 - 15 , 000 for the day . mark mccoy is working on getting a good meter total
from lonestar for sunday , we need to get the deal in sitara and confirm
today ' s gas day as well .
? regarding pg & e , i do not have final cycle 4 numbers ( they come out around
9 pm on the gas day ) .
all in all , it was a pretty good weekend , and an educational one . gas
control did a great job communicating and assisting to resolve issues .
please check all meters impacted to make sure that i pop , d and mop , d
correctly .
thank you ,
mary jane | 0 |
2,140 | ham | Subject: tri - c / cokinos gov bill daniels dec . pricing
daren ,
fyi .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 11 / 30 / 2000 06 : 20
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : melissa graves 11 / 30 / 2000 04 : 40 pm
to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect
cc : donald p reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect , susan smith / hou / ect @ ect , vance l
taylor / hou / ect @ ect , michael walters / hou / ect @ ect , jeffrey austin / hou / ees @ ees ,
robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect
subject : tri - c / cokinos gov bill daniels dec . pricing
julie ,
please correct the pricing for sitara ticket # 377169 for the month of dec .
from 97 % if / hsc to 97 % gas daily , per jeff ' s message below .
thank you ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by melissa graves / hou / ect on 11 / 30 / 2000
04 : 39 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
jeff a austin @ ees
11 / 28 / 2000 02 : 38 pm
to : melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect
cc : jill t zivley / hou / ect @ ect
subject : tri - c / cokinos gov bill daniels dec . pricing
melissa ,
cokinos has elected to be paid gas daily for the month of december . please
let jill know if there are any questions .
thanks ,
jeff | 0 |
1,852 | ham | Subject: something new for entex - yeah ! ! !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by ami chokshi / corp / enron on 10 / 18 / 2000
09 : 31 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
rita wynne @ ect
10 / 18 / 2000 08 : 11 am
to : sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect , tom acton / corp / enron @ enron , julie
meyers / hou / ect @ ect , ami chokshi / corp / enron @ enron
cc : kristen j hanson / hou / ect @ ect
subject : something new for entex - yeah ! ! !
fyi . . . . . . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by rita wynne / hou / ect on 10 / 18 / 2000 08 : 09 am
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
janet h wallis
10 / 18 / 2000 07 : 53 am
to : paul couvillon / corp / enron @ enron , rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , karen
lindley / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : something new for entex - yeah ! ! !
paul , please pass this on to anyone who would need to know . beginning
september 00 and continuing for one year , ena is buying production tied
into entex ' s pipeline system . the company we are purchasing from is osborne
oil and we are selling directly to entex under the big contract at if plus
+ . 769 .
this meter will be allocated by a third party and the meter statement will be
sent to us and entex . we will bill & pay off of the meter statement ( if this
is not possible or reasonable , let me know ) . see attached pricing for
osborne .
i would like the person whom is paying osbourne to contact me .
thanks ,
j | 0 |
1,687 | ham | Subject: deals not in nomination - october , 2000
daren ,
fyi .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 09 / 26 / 2000 09 : 52
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : robert cotten 09 / 26 / 2000 09 : 53 am
to : vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : deals not in nomination - october , 2000
vance ,
the following deals are active but not in your nomination for october , 2000 :
counterparty name meter # deal #
aransas drilling 9645 130880
cokinos natural gas 9676 279659
james c . freeman 5547 133168
gsf energy 6353 138841
hesco gathering 6392 93487
north central 0071 138550
prime operating 6388 362921
shoreline gas 6722 166395
spinnaker exploration 9848 379424
please advise if the above deals should still be active . thanks .
bob | 0 |
838 | ham | Subject: job number
your job number is 104210 . it will be posted on the enron website by 6 : 00
p . m .
thank you ,
felicia solis | 0 |
1,539 | ham | Subject: mobil beaumont
rebecca :
i spoke with brian nichols about the august preliminary invoice . there
appears to be a problem for august 28 & 29 - the volumes are much too low .
either there were deliveries off of centana that we are missing , or there is
a problem with the hpl data . i am having brain fade and cannot remember the
name of the person in the measurement department to contact , so maybe you
could look into this and have it corrected .
lee | 0 |
2,375 | ham | Subject: re : meter 1517
daren - after checking with mips , you are correct . jan . 1 only flowed 19
dth . the 5882 dth was a bad estimate . a better estimate was received on
1 / 7 / 00 .
sorry about all the confusion .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by aimee lannou / hou / ect on 01 / 10 / 2001 09 : 14
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aimee lannou 01 / 10 / 2001 09 : 00 am
to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : meter 1517
gary - we did not deliver gas to phillips on dec . 1 . also , i am not sure if
the plant was down , but we did not deliver to them on dec . 2 - 4 . if you have
any questions , please let me know .
enron north america corp .
from : gary w lamphier 01 / 10 / 2001 08 : 55 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , aimee lannou / hou / ect @ ect
cc : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : meter 1517
phillips said we shorted them gas on december lst so they pulled it on
january 1 . can we verify that we did not deliver 5 , 00 on dec . 1 ? if that is
the case and this was a firm sale , we owe him some gas at dec index less
( . 045 ) . which is bad ! let me know what happened in dec before i can put
this deal out in jan .
daren j farmer
01 / 09 / 2001 02 : 25 pm
to : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : meter 1517
gary ,
have you negotiated a price on this ?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 01 / 09 / 2001
02 : 25 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aimee lannou 01 / 02 / 2001 02 : 14 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : meter 1517
daren - meter 1517 has a nom of 0 / day for jan . it flowed about 5 . 400 on day
1 . this is a valid flow . could you please extend the deal from dec . ( deal #
506192 ) or create a new one ? thanks .
al | 0 |
1,768 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for october 6 , 2000
( see attached file : hpll 006 . xls )
- hpll 006 . xls | 0 |
1,036 | ham | Subject: re : fuel
what is the answer ? can the systems and processes handle this ? please let
me know asap . thanks .
edward d gottlob
06 / 22 / 2000 10 : 57 am
to : bherod @ enron . com
cc :
subject : fuel
brenda ,
as you know fuel is a big risk . one of the things we are trying to do is get
the shipper to pay fuel . this would mean we would purchase , transport and
possibly sell gas with a fuel percentage as part of the price . can the
downstream systems , scheduling etc handle this ? | 0 |
3,505 | ham | Subject: enrononline - stack manager changes
we have made the following modifications to the enrononline applications .
stack manager changes
fill order enhancements - ( effective tuesday september 25 )
? to fill a top of stack order in stack manager , right click on the pink shaded order in the depth window of stack manager and select fill .
? the trader now has the ability to fill limit orders that appear at the top of the trader ' s stack on both sides .
? the order will now be filled at the full order volume regardless of the trader ' s stack volume .
? filling an order will not move the trader ' s price or cause a hedge to occur .
resize floated stack windows - ( effective tuesday september 25 )
you will now have the ability to resize the stack window to the desired extent .
website changes ( effective monday september 24 )
limit order restrictions on physical transactions -
? customers will not be allowed to transact with themselves on physical transactions . if a top of stack limit order has been placed on a physical product the counterparty or desk that placed the order will not be allowed to transact on it .
? if a customer or desk has top of stack limit orders at different prices on both the bid and offer and subsequently moves the price of one so that they are at the same price , both orders will be cancelled . the customer would have effectively transacted with himself .
please call me if you have any questions . thanks .
savita ( x 31787 ) | 0 |
371 | ham | Subject: industrial report
can you please forward me the " buyback / deficiency " deals for march ' 2000 .
your worksheet would greatly assist me with completing this request .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert e lloyd / hou / ect on 02 / 28 / 2000
02 : 31 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
daren j farmer
02 / 25 / 2000 04 : 52 pm
to : robert e lloyd / hou / ect @ ect
cc : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
subject : indutrial report
robert ,
ken developed an industrial report before he left . it can be found at
o / logistics / kenseaman / industrialsmonthly / . . . there is one file for each
month of 2000 . i need you to update this for march . this will need to be
distributed to gas control , logistics , and myself . let me know if you have
any questions .
d | 0 |
2,363 | ham | Subject: re : intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination
for 9 / 7 / 00
here you go .
daren j farmer @ ect
01 / 10 / 2001 02 : 41 pm
to : megan parker / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : re : intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination
for 9 / 7 / 00
can you send me a copy of pan energy ' s spreadsheet for sept , also ?
enron north america corp .
from : megan parker @ enron 01 / 10 / 2001 02 : 07 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination
for 9 / 7 / 00
darren :
i think marta is referring to the supply deal 391119 on 9 / 6 for 10 , 545 . we
do not have a price of gd + $ 0 . 04 . we have if + $ 0 . 04 . please check this
price . also , they seem to be missing the overdelivery calculation in their
spreadsheet . attached is the september 2000 spreadsheet .
daren j farmer @ ect
01 / 10 / 2001 10 : 58 am
to : megan parker / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination for
9 / 7 / 00
megan ,
please see the message below . the pricing on deal 391125 was incorrect ;
should be hsc gd - . 04 . i corrected the deal ticket .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 01 / 10 / 2001
10 : 57 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
mkhenderson @ duke - energy . com on 01 / 10 / 2001 10 : 42 : 30 am
to : dfarmer @ enron . com
cc :
subject : intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination for
9 / 7 / 00
please pass the following information to meagan parker . her pricing isn ' t
matching .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by marta k henderson / houston / pefs / pec on
01 / 10 / 2001 10 : 41 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
marta k henderson
09 / 06 / 2000 03 : 39 pm
to : dfarmer @ enron . com , john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec
cc : john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna j dobb / houston / pefs / pec @ pec ,
sharon beemer / ftworth / pefs / pec @ pec
subject : intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination
for 9 / 7 / 00
as follow - up documentation for the intraday sale on 9 / 6 / 00 , the following
states the pricing for the redeliveries :
8500 mmbtu from fuels cotton valley priced per paragraph la of the contract
price ( per mmbtu ) section in the transaction agreement .
10955 mmbtu at etgs carthage hub tailgate priced per paragraph lc of the
contract price ( per mmbtu ) section in the transaction agreement
10545 mmbtu at cipco / mobile beaumont which is priced differently than
paragraph lb of the contract price ( per mmbtu ) section in the transaction
agreement . the price for 10545 mmbtu for 9 / 6 / 00 will be hsc daily plus
$ . 04 / mmbtu .
please confirm the above by replying to this e - mail message .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by marta k henderson / houston / pefs / pec on
09 / 06 / 2000 01 : 07 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
marta k henderson
09 / 06 / 2000 09 : 58 am
to : darrel f . bane / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , john a . bretz / gcs / cec / pec @ pec ,
chad w . cass / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , michael r .
cherry / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec , bruce mcmills / ftworth / pefs / pec @ pec ,
william e . speckels / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , donna c .
spencer / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , julia a . urbanek / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , dora j .
levy / gcs / cec / pec @ pec , briley @ enron . com , dfarmer @ enron . com ,
carlos . j . rodriguez @ enron . com , sharon beemer / ftworth / pefs / pec @ pec ,
connie wester / easttexas / pefs / pec @ pec
cc :
subject : intraday eastrans nominations change for 9 / 6 / 00 and nomination
for 9 / 7 / 00
deliveries continue to be 30 , 000 mmbtu / dy
the redeliveries will be :
8500 from fuels cotton valley
10955 to hpl ' s cartwheel agreement at carthage
10545 at mobil beaumont
effective for 9 / 7 / 00 , deliveries to eastrans continue to be 30 , 000 mmbtu / dy
the redeliveries will be :
8500 from fuels cotton valley
21500 to hpl ' s cartwheel agreement at carthage | 0 |
4,467 | spam | Subject: xp pro , adobe , office 2 oo 3 charset = us - ascii " >
safety ill yet sea leave appreciate taking brown similar
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| 1 |
1,541 | ham | Subject: re : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99
10 , 000 should be allocated to adonis # 51862 on the 5 th only . nothing should
be allocated or confirmed for adonis on the 16 th . additionally , it looks
like 5000 was confirmed as a receipt from mitchell ( track id 3167 ) on the
16 th . this should be - 0 - also . by taking the conf / allocation for adonis
( track id 6155 ) and mitchell ( track id 3167 ) to zero on the 16 th , the meter
balance remains the same and the bridge errors will be cleared .
jackie young
08 / 24 / 2000 08 : 33 am
to : karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron , sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99
karen / sherlyn ,
gary has placed this in daren ' s lap . please read the below information that
was requested of me from daren .
this is the latest .
i ' ll get back as soon as i hear from daren again about my response to him .
- jackie -
3 - 9497
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 08 / 24 / 2000 08 : 32
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
jackie young
08 / 23 / 2000 04 : 27 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99
on day 5 in mops ( hpl / ena ) there is a delivery nom of 10 . 0 pathed to the ena
201 k . on day 16 in mops ( hpl / ena ) there is not a deal ( which is strange
because day 16 in pops references adonis ) . the deal on the 5 th was a swing
deal .
daren j farmer
08 / 23 / 2000 12 : 59 pm
to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99
jackie ,
what does mops show for the days in question ? it would be incorrect to add
any days to the adonis ticket mentioned below . it sounds as if the meter was
allocated incorrectly in pops and / or a deal was not pathed correctly in
mops . let me know what you find in mops .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by daren j farmer / hou / ect on 08 / 23 / 2000
12 : 54 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
enron north america corp .
from : gary w lamphier 08 / 22 / 2000 02 : 51 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by gary w lamphier / hou / ect on 08 / 22 / 2000
02 : 51 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : sherlyn schumack 08 / 22 / 2000 02 : 07 pm
to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect , karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron
cc : gary w lamphier / hou / ect @ ect
subject : meter 984132 for 1 / 16 / 99
here is the issue for 1 / 16 / 99 at meter 984132 .
20 , 000 mmbtu were confirmed for adonis in pops . 10 , 000 mmbtu on day 5 and
day 16 . day 16 is not valid for deal 51862 ( track id 6155 ) , which is where
10 , 000 was confirmed . the actual sale to adonis was 10 , 000 which was
invoiced and paid by adonis . we are trying to clear the feedback error
report . my question is why was 10 , 000 confirmed on 1 / 16 / 99 if the date is
not valid for the deal ?
when karen allocates the actual 10 , 000 it is prorating 5 , 000 for each day
that is confirmed ( the 5 th and 16 th ) .
should the whole 10 , 000 be allocated to the 5 th or should 5 , 000 be allocated
to each day ? if 5 , 000 should be allocated to each day , the 16 th needs to be
added to the deal . | 0 |
554 | ham | Subject: iwon member news : iwon tv show , new year of prizes , more !
dear daren farmer ,
we ' ve just made two major announcements !
we will be awarding our $ 10 million annual grand prize , our
march $ 1 million prize , a mercedes convertible and a trip for
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the first - ever " iwon . com annual $ 10 million giveaway " airs
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* # * dfarmer @ ect . enron . com | 0 |
4,933 | spam | Subject: approval no . 09110129
hello ,
we tried contacting you awhile ago about your low interest morta ( ge rate .
you have qualified for the lowest rate in years . . .
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| 1 |
934 | ham | Subject: last check
darren ,
please review the names below and let me know if there are any other names
that need to be added or subtracted from your group for prc purposes . thanks
for your help , hgm
sr . specialist
ami chokshi
stacey neuweiler | 0 |
4,461 | spam | Subject: re : the hstoett lady sucklng huge ccok
what ' s your pleasure , squire ?
| 1 |
3,593 | ham | Subject: black marlin ua 4 meters
michael ,
can you back date deals 83347 and 83905 to start 6 / 1 / 99 through 12 / 31 / 99 for the black marlin meter . the meters are on the deals for 1 / 1 / 2001 through 5 / 31 / 01 , but i need to book ua 4 back to 6 / 1 / 99 ? | 0 |
3,001 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for april 6 , 2001
( see attached file : hplno 406 . xls )
- hplno 406 . xls | 0 |
1,844 | ham | Subject: tenaska iv gas management agreement ( initial draft )
from sandi braband :
attached is an initial draft of a gas management services and agency
agreement with tenaska iv . it should be reviewed internally only and not
forwarded beyond those on the above distribution list without first checking
with me or barbara gray . pat radford , my assistant , will be making
arrangements for a meeting next week to discuss the agreement as well as the
cornhusker structure generally .
i will be out of town until the 25 th . if there is an urgent issue that needs
resolution before my return , please contact barbara gray at 36832 . | 0 |
3,992 | spam | Subject: prozacs meds
30 million people now
rely on this wonder drug !
get prozac
relax and enjoy life ! ! ! ! ! !
if you do not
wish to receive further emails please
click here .
we honor all unsubscribe requests immediatly .
| 1 |
259 | ham | Subject: february & january 2000 industrial activities
this means of communication is used because of trading hour .
fyi . . . only :
i have some links for february to true - up today and will finalize them by
the end of today .
i will review january industrial activity { alloc . , links / buybacks , ect . } by
the end of tomorrow , tuesday .
i will be taking vacation this friday , feb 11 th and monday , feb 14 th . | 0 |
2,616 | ham | Subject: re : meter 5892
i need help ! john childres with alpine is getting made and wants to be
paid . i have nothing to pay him . he is looking for payment of dec . 2000 ,
and jan . 2001 . john needs to pay his royalty owners .
would someone please help me get this matter resolved .
charlene richmond
02 / 21 / 2001 05 : 38 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : meter 5892
i spoke with karen lindley about volume not being allocated . she said that
she passed it on to fred boas .
daren j farmer
02 / 21 / 2001 04 : 46 pm
to : charlene richmond / hou / ect @ ect
cc : fred boas / hou / ees @ ees , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , karen
lindley / corp / enron @ enron
subject : re : meter 5892
i have done deals with john at this point . why are we not being allocated
any volume ?
charlene richmond
02 / 21 / 2001 02 : 59 pm
to : fred boas / hou / ees @ ees , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , melissa
graves / hou / ect @ ect
cc : karen lindley / corp / enron @ enron
subject : meter 5892
i am getting several phone calls from alpine resources demanding to be paid
for meter 5892 and there is nothing there to be paid .
the person name doing the requesting is john childers and he said that he
spoke to daren farmer . he is looking for 859 mmbtu ' s for december , 2000 and
3 , 251 mmbtu ' s for january 2001 . this is on the katy gas unit . if anyone
would like to talk to john his phone number is 281 - 646 - 0232
x 31539 | 0 |
670 | ham | Subject: re : coastal oil & gas usa , l . p . gas gathering agreement
from : jackie morgan @ ect 04 / 13 / 2000 04 : 38 pm
to : pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , stella l morris / hou / ect @ ect
cc : clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , irene flynn / hou / ect @ ect , cheryl
dudley / hou / ect @ ect
subject : coastal oil & gas usa , l . p . gas gathering agreement
the above referenced contract has been set up in global as a point specific ,
intrastate transportation agreement .
the contract number is 98037831 . the effective date is april 1 , 2000 . the
transaction agreement is noted in the processing
agreement under 96016936 .
let me know if you have any questions .
jackie | 0 |
1,458 | ham | Subject: re : potential list fo 9 / 00
correction , that ' s meter # 5228
08 / 24 / 2000 03 : 40 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , donald p
reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect
subject : potential list fo 9 / 00
daren :
the correct meter number for north central is 5288 .
thanks ,
x 33321
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by susan smith / hou / ect on 08 / 24 / 2000 03 : 34
pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
08 / 24 / 2000 03 : 33 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , melissa graves / hou / ect @ ect , donald p
reinhardt / hou / ect @ ect
subject : potential list fo 9 / 00
daren :
per vance ' s discussion ' s with the deal makers , the following are potential
deals for 9 / 00 not included in vance ' s number :
north central - - mcmurrey # 2 - meter 2697 - mid month - 2000 mcfd ( approx ) - gas daily
helmrich and payne - ballard # 1 - new meter - mid month - 2000 mcfd ( approx ) - gas
kcs resources - dickenson bayou - meter 9797 - midmonth - 10 , 000 mcfd ( approx ) - gas
let us know if you need any additional information .
susan smith
x 33321 | 0 |
4,312 | spam | Subject: save 70 percent on super viagra 246637
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1,546 | ham | Subject: neon september 13
hey guys and girls ,
here ' s an idea for an icebreaker activity for our 2 nd week of neon . ? this is
only an idea , you can use it or do something totally different . ? again , let
me know along the way if you have something that has worked well for your
group so we can share in the wealth .
someone in your group should have a couple of classic books full of
icebreaker - game type of activities , building community in youth groups , and
youth group trust builders . ? we all at one time had a selection of
icebreakers in a gray binder that you might still have somewhere in a
drawer . ? spend time in the games and forced interactions , especially over
the beginning of the semester . ? if you don ' t have these resources , let me
know . ? even if some of these ideas may seem familiar to you , remember that
you may have been doing this far longer than the oldest kids have been in
your group . ? but again , if you have any ideas for resources let me know .
in addition to the ideas to think about at the top of the 2 nd weeks topic , a
couple of additional thoughts given me by leaders :
? ? ? - realize and possibly communicate in a low key manner to the freshman
that their expectations of neon may not initially be met . ? they may be
coming in with ideas of what neon is , only to possibly be disappointed . ? in
a sense it is similar to going to a restaurant or movie after tons of people
have recommended it to you , and being a little let down . ? more importantly ,
they need to realize that neon is not an event , it is a process . ? the teens
who say they love it are most often the ones who have been in it long enough
to have built relationships and to have shared a bunch of common
experiences . ? with time and a commitment on their part to be at neon weekly ,
their expectations will ultimately be met .
? ? ? - remember that the best quality time you have with the kids is probably
before or after neon , or at other non - neon times .
have fun loving on your kids wednesday !
- neon opening lesson . doc | 0 |
552 | ham | Subject: during / after hours contact information
here are lisa maillet and my contact information . would one of you over the
next few days email back with the correct contact information ( business hour
and after hours ) so we can have on hand in preparation for gas flows .
lisa maillet
work # 508 - 786 - 7205
home # 781 - 894 - 4465
mobile # 508 - 326 - 2435
trey christensen
work # 713 - 613 - 4396
home # 713 - 668 - 0488
pager # 800 - 759 - 7243 pin # 2377872
mobile # 713 - 416 - 3014 | 0 |
668 | ham | Subject: ena organizational changes
ena , s first quarter performance has been outstanding which has been achieved
by the exceptional talent and hard work of all ena employees . ena , s ability
to quickly move people to new business ventures and market opportunities ,
such as enron net works , reinforces the depth of talent in ena , our continued
commitment to encourage innovation and creativity in all things we do and our
enthusiasm to support people in pursuing new ideas .
accordingly , following the recently announced launch of enron net works and
the associated personnel movements , we are pleased to announce the following
changes within ena effective immediately .
john lavorato will be relocating from calgary to houston to oversee all ena
risk management and trading activities and will report to the office of the
chairman . john will have direct responsibility for all natural gas , power ,
emissions , equities and rates trading . as well , john will have direct
responsibility for the risk management and trading functions within the pulp
& paper , coal and global risk ( weather and insurance ) businesses . otherwise ,
the pulp & paper , coal and global risk businesses will report to the office
of the chairman . following john , s departure from canada , we have asked rob
milnthorp to be the president of enron canada .
following the departure of greg piper , the industrial origination team will
be co - headed by jim ajello , rodney malcolm and edward ondarza who will report
to the office of the chairman . jim , rodney and edward will work as a team to
ensure the continued growth of ena , s large industrial capability .
notwithstanding their joint accountability , each will have a distinct focus
and responsibility within the industrial group . jim ajello will focus on the
coverage and marketing efforts for all industrial segments except pulp and
paper . edward ondarza will focus on our market making , coverage and
marketing efforts in the pulp and paper industry . rodney malcolm will focus
on product development , structuring and execution functions for all
industrial segments .
we have asked jeff donahue to oversee all ena corporate development and
principal investing activities and will report to the office of the
chairman . corporate development will continue to seek strategic acquisition
opportunities in existing and new businesses . the principal investing group
will continue to focus on equity and venture capital syle investments in high
growth business lines which are directly related to ena , s core businesses or
are significantly influenced by trends related to our business . given this
change , ray bowen will be solely responsible for the management of ena , s
commercial transactions ( ctg ) group .
with the departure of ron slimp to ebs , scott tholan will be managing our
competitive analysis and reporting group and will report to john lavorato .
please join us in congratulating all of the individuals in their new roles
and responsibilities . | 0 |
1,968 | ham | Subject: re : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
thanks darren , i appreciate it . we all know how often enerfin ' s numbers
change . chances are we would have had to reverse any entry we made .
daren j farmer
11 / 02 / 2000 02 : 47 pm
to : victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
sorry about this , victor . i didn ' t even pay attention to the date . i was
thinking this was october business . we will definitely be able to do
somthing with this on our side and not involve the east desk .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by victor lamadrid / hou / ect on 11 / 02 / 2000
02 : 49 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
jackie young
11 / 02 / 2000 02 : 06 pm
to : victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect
cc : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , sherlyn
schumack / hou / ect @ ectcynthia franklin / corp / enron @ enron , meredith
mitchell / hou / ect @ ect , beverly beaty / hou / ect @ ect , pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron
subject : re : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
i ' m assuming from your answer that this is free gas for hplc at this point .
enron north america corp .
from : victor lamadrid 11 / 01 / 2000 06 : 34 pm
to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect , clem
cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect
cc : cynthia franklin / corp / enron @ enron , meredith mitchell / hou / ect @ ect , beverly
beaty / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
is this date really june of 1999 ? hopefully we ' re not just finding out about
this ?
i don ' t think we can even process this request . the east desk was not up and
running on unify in june of 1999 . all of our pathing for june of 1999 was in
autonoms and it ' s not y 2 k compatabile . with the volumes involved being so
small and the accuracy of the data at enerfin in question , why don ' t we let
this volume hit the new oba at enerfin as a ppa ? ? ?
i welcome your thoughts .
from : cynthia franklin @ enron 11 / 01 / 2000 02 : 50 pm
to : victor lamadrid / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
victor ,
can we go this far back ? please advise .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by cynthia franklin / corp / enron on 11 / 01 / 2000
02 : 54 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
jackie young @ ect
11 / 01 / 2000 11 : 25 am
to : cynthia franklin / corp / enron @ enron , meredith mitchell / hou / ect @ ect
cc : clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect
subject : re : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
cynthia / meredith ,
can you please scroll below to my request to daren regarding 98 - 0439 and see
if you can assist me w / this request ?
- jackie -
3 - 9497
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by jackie young / hou / ect on 11 / 01 / 2000 11 : 23
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
daren j farmer
11 / 01 / 2000 10 : 16 am
to : jackie young / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : re : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
jackie ,
please get with the east desk on this . if they agree , we can roll the deal .
jackie young
11 / 01 / 2000 10 : 03 am
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc : clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect , sherlyn schumack / hou / ect @ ect
subject : 6 / 4 / 99 and 6 / 9 / 99 ( 98 - 0439 ) enerfin tetco
daren ,
on the above mentioned dates , there was no nomination at the enerfin meter .
6 / 3 / 99 and 6 / 8 / 99 revealed activity for ena ( 202 k ) . can the deal be extended
for 6 / 4 ( 548 dec . ) and 6 / 9 ( 40 dec . ) to cover this flow so that volume
management can create an accounting arrangement for these two days ?
- jackie -
3 - 9497 | 0 |
1,273 | ham | Subject: enron actual totals thru july 26 th
ami , , , , , ,
through the 26 th , we reflect 1 , 052 , 500 / enron and 1 , 905 , 000 / iferc .
please advise if you agree to the above .
thanks !
tim | 0 |
2,706 | ham | Subject: new contact for devon
please note that i will be leaving enron as of march 23 , 2001 . please send future e - mails regarding
devon changes to kathy kelly and clarissa garcia , as well as the schedulers that you are already sending
changes too . they will coordinate all future devon inquiries and changes .
if there are questions before then , please call me at 713 - 853 - 6357
thanks ,
beverly beaty | 0 |
821 | ham | Subject: may nom
daren the stuff outlined in bold execpt for the helmerich and payne will be
spot tickets per vance due to no flow till after the lst . . all the engage
stuff in vances file will be spot deals as they were last month that totals
1904 . also in vances file is the eex corporation stuff that will also be
spot tickets that totals 12945 . every thing else is a go . let lme know if
you need anything else i am to please .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by tom acton / corp / enron on 05 / 25 / 2000 08 : 21
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vance l taylor @ ect
05 / 24 / 2000 05 : 57 pm
to : tom acton / corp / enron @ enron
cc :
subject : may nom
tom ,
here ' s the latest and greatest .
vlt | 0 |
436 | ham | Subject: kingwood cove march specials ! !
welcome & enjoy kingwood cove golf specials . please take advantage of the
special offers . you will receive notices weekly or bi - weekly . if you no
longer wish to receive these messages , simply reply with your request .
keep it in the fairway .
free green fees in march
monday & tuesday - after 10 am
golf invitaion good for up to 4 players
cart rental required .
must present e - mail invitation prior to registration .
not valid with other offers or tournaments . expires 03 / 31 / 00
call now to book your tee - time .
281 - 358 - 1155 .
millennium special offer
wednesday & thursday - anytime $ 21 per player
friday , saturday , sunday & holidays after 10 am $ 28 per player
golf invitation good for up to 4 players .
recieve 1 / 2 cart , green fee , range balls
plus a sleeve of xl 2000 golf balls .
must present e - mail invitation prior to registration .
not valid with other offers or tournaments . expires 03 / 31 / 00
call now to book your tee - time .
281 - 358 - 1155 .
* golf lesson special
* lessons save $ 10
buy two or more lessons and save $ 10 per lesson
fine tune your swing now . expires 03 / 31 / 00 .
spring break jr . clinic march 13 th - 15 th .
get your company leagues rolling for the spring
or start planning for company / charity tournaments . we are
booking for spring 2000 and beyond , get the date of your choice today .
for information contact billy or paul 281 - 358 - 1155 . | 0 |
4,704 | spam | Subject: fwd : this is is porn money - -
make a $ 1000 a day
the adult industry can bring you riches
beyond your wildest dreams make a $ 1000 a day with little or no investment .
we can show you how ! ! ! ! ! !
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if you would prefer not to receive these messages
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removed within 48 hrs
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4,662 | spam | Subject: online pahrma . cy you want
welcome to health suite ! chek it out !
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we are the only store which gives this great deal
to you .
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4,768 | spam | Subject: use the links to get more information on rx meeds needn ' t
deliver you speedy parcel post with a costless professional prescriipttion
low prices on meds for asthma , allergy , paain relief , an \ xiety relief ,
depresion relief , hypertension , alzheimers , heart disease and more others .
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574 | ham | Subject: march activity survey
as you are aware , we are starting to collect data for our march price model .
i ' ve attached a survey to help us collect the data that will be driving your
costs from the activities to the commercial teams . in the ' data ' tab , please
select the your rcs , and fill in the driver quantity for the requested driver
for the month of february . please fill out the attached activity driver
survey with march numbers for your rc by end of day wednesday , april 5 th . if
your group currently generates a standard report that captures the surveyed
data , please send the report to me , and put me on your recipient list
beginning next month . this will eliminate your need to fill out this survey
every month . if you would like us to collect this information from someone
within your team beginning next month , please let me know .
please take this opportunity to verify the following :
1 . the driver indicates a measure for the time and effort your team spent to
perform these activities for each commercial team .
2 . the activity is spent in support of the commercial teams identified
( please let us know otherwise )
3 . if the activity is using an allocation ( for example " allocate 0469 " or
" 80 - 20 split " ) , that the percentage allocated to each commercial team has not
changed from last month . ( please let us know if it has changed what the new
allocation is ) .
in reference to these surveys , please note :
if you are allocating only infrastructure costs to some commercial teams
listed in the survey , please identify them . we will take your business
support costs ( such as feedback , training , etc . ) and allocate them evenly
among these teams .
the costs for " commercial team specific " activities that you filled time out
for in the january time survey will be directly allocated to that commercial
team ( e . g . genco support will trace 100 % of its costs to genco ) .
please let us know if you have any questions on this survey .
regards ,
3 - 3859 | 0 |
1,563 | ham | Subject: 2001 budgets
i will be working you each of you to create your 2001 budget .
the first draft of the 2001 budget is due on september 18 th .
i will be doing most of the work , i will just need a little
bit of information from you !
for starters , i need your staffing requirements for 2001 . attached is a
for you to enter what your approved staffing level is today , and any staff
adds you
think you will need by the end of next year .
be sure to add the business justification for any staff adds .
first fill in your approved staff for sept 2000 , then just change any month
with a staff
add , it will populate accross the rest of the months . type your justifcation
at the
bottom of the form .
please turn in your 2001 staffing by september 11 , end of business .
we will discuss your staffing requirements at steve ' s tuesday staff meeting .
thanks ! | 0 |
896 | ham | Subject: blue dolphin pipe line company contract no . 96037499
daren ,
i am inquiring about the status of this contract . this contract was
forwarded to you on april 10 , 2000 for review and initial . i need to know if
you still have possession of this contract or who has possession of this
contract .
i need to have this contract routed for signatures and returned to the
counterparty .
thank you .
marlene hilliard
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by marlene hilliard / hou / ect on 06 / 06 / 2000
03 : 33 pm - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
marlene hilliard
06 / 06 / 2000 03 : 33 pm
to : daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : | 0 |
2,667 | ham | Subject: tenaska iv feb 2001
we do not have a demand fee for the feb 2001 tenaska iv sale , deal 384258 .
can you please put this in so i can bill ? from your spreadsheet , it looks
like it needs to be $ 2 , 291 , 888 . 83 , but you can verify . i subtracted the
agency fee from the tenaska iv receipt number , since we already have that
booked .
megan | 0 |
3,687 | spam | Subject: re : kqttnvk , to bear their
banned cd ! government don ' t want me to sell it . see now *
indirect obvious roebuck soma cornfield crane wattage ir collier stork brunt transcendental leathery burnside heighten planoconvex coordinate juju marlborough proposal allot janos artifice sturbridge darlene break
tremulous arbitrage conjugacy catalogue casework auditor capillary diffractometer millionth osteopath honeymoon prexy jed haggle pang subtlety eight dominick harmon earsplitting extrude arcadia glutamate memphis frescoes cave psychoacoustic cashmere nubile diffusive binary
| 1 |
3,326 | ham | Subject: re : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company
daren ,
per my e - mail to julie and her reply ( see below ) , can you help me with
this ?
thanks !
- - - - - forwarded by tessie n ray / aepin on 06 / 14 / 01 11 : 44 am - - - - -
julie l meyers
to : tessie n ray / aepin @ aepin
06 / 14 / 01 10 : 58 cc :
am subject : re : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company
( document link : tessie n ray )
i did a search and found no deals for may for this counterparty . call
daren farmer at 713 - 853 - 6905 , and he could probably put the deal in for
you .
( embedded image moved to file : picl 6827 . pcx ) tessie n ray
06 / 13 / 2001 03 : 44 pm
to : julie l meyers / hol / aepin @ aepin
cc : elizabeth . hernandez @ enron . com
subject : 05 / 01 ena gas sales on hpl , to d & h gas company
( embedded
image moved ( embedded image moved to file : pico 0491 . pcx )
to file :
pico 9961 . pcx )
julie -
need your help again . . . .
d & h gas company , faxed their 05 / 01 volume support for hpl meter 428
( 980428 ) , whihc reflects ena gas sales to d & h for 5 / 11 / 01 , 143 mmbtu and
5 / 31 / 01 for 286 mmbtu for a total of 429 mmbtu for 05 / 01 . he deal last
month ( 04 / 01 ) , was sa - 70120 . i don ' t have see a sales draft under ena or
hpl for 05 / 01 sales to d & h , nor do i see any 05 / 01 sales deal under
sa - 70120 .
can you assist me in finding out if there was a sale to d & h in 05 / 01 , and
if so , what is the deal number and where is sales draft ?
thanks !
- picl 6827 . pcx
- pico 9961 . pcx
- pico 0491 . pcx | 0 |
2,029 | ham | Subject: indian springs
i need hpl sales and purchases , back dated to 8 / 99 between hpl and teco to
book any processing revenue or losses . apparently this is in addition to the
current deal in place and is priced at at different rate . please let me know
when these tickets are in place so that i can get track id ' s and finalize
this issue .
thank you ,
mary | 0 |
1,453 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for august 25 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 825 . xls )
- hplo 825 . xls | 0 |
1,950 | ham | Subject: hpl / enron nom . for 11 / 01 / 00
( see attached file : hplnl 101 . xls )
- hplnl 101 . xls | 0 |
1,954 | ham | Subject: meter # 9859
daren ,
deal # 450391 has been entered in sitara as a spot wellhead purchase from
wagner oil company . the deal is for 250 / d at meter # 9859 priced at ifhsc
less $ 0 . 11 . the deal was not in vance ' s nom .
bob | 0 |
4,037 | spam | Subject:
he [ llqyo
de = ar home owner ,
have been notifixe 3 d that y # oujkr
mfgortga - ge rate is firtxed at a very
hisgh in , teorest rate . tphe $ rekgfore you are
current o " verpaynoing , which s [ ums - up to
t } h . ousaonds o + f dayolilars anu 7 nually .
fd 8 or you we c 5 an
gtuaray 3 nytee the loowest rat { eojs
i , n the u . s . ( 3 . 5 ( 0 { % ) . so hurry bepcau ( se
the rate forbecast is neot looryking goohod !
therre is noo obligations ,
and imgt fr # ee
lock on the 3 . 5 / 0 % , ebvexn
with bsrad credit !
clijcxk helgrqe now for de } tai - ls
remoisve hxbere
| 1 |
4,630 | spam | Subject: online shopping . get it quickly and save .
would you like to receive more value for your dollar ? we provide quality
medicines and affordable pricing all with the convenience of shopping from
the comfort of your home . overnight shipping is available with orders .
the pharmacy can offfer meds at lower retail prices . customers can save on
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there are more and more people choose internet pharmacy cause it offfers
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delivery . - - millie j . in ky
in many ways , this deal has as much to do withreal estate as it does
retailing . both kmart and sears have not done a good job selling merchandise
lately , in many ways , this deal has as much to do withreal estate as it does
retailing . both kmart and sears have not done a good job selling merchandise
lately , extrasensorial 8 bluefin 9 electrifiable crepitated interlays
| 1 |
1,174 | ham | Subject: hpl nom for july 13 , 2000
( see attached file : hplo 713 . xls )
- hplo 713 . xls | 0 |
2,532 | ham | Subject: re :
sorry i forgot the attachment .
aimee lannou 02 / 05 / 2001 02 : 22 pm
to : julie meyers / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject :
do you have the feb . buyback and swing deal spreadsheet ?
aimee | 0 |
1,900 | ham | Subject: re : meter 0980438 - acock production ? ? ? ? ? ?
mary ,
hplc executed a gas purchase agreement with ccgm , lp effective 7 / 1 / 2000 .
hplc secured the purchase of production from the briscoe # 1 well in webb
county for 12 months ; the producer of this well is hoover oil however ,
did not do so for the month of november .
hopefully this is useful information !
x 3 - 6353
mary poorman @ enron
10 / 24 / 2000 09 : 03 am
to : fred boas / hou / ect @ ect
cc : nick moshou / corp / enron @ enron , cynthia hakemack / hou / ect @ ect , kristen j
hanson / hou / ect @ ect , vance l taylor / hou / ect @ ect , daren j farmer / hou / ect @ ect ,
pat clynes / corp / enron @ enron , robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect , tom
acton / corp / enron @ enron
subject : re : meter 0980438 - acock production ? ? ? ? ? ?
fred :
i have run this issue by clem cernosek for further research , and expect to
have his answer this afternoon . in the meantime , it is my understanding that
this well is behind the big cowboy system . at this time , we have deal ticket
380710 , purchase from ccgm , l . p . on hplc / hplc . this deal should probably be
on gulf energy / bigcowboy . the producer , as i understand it , is acock
production , however , i may be mis - informed . any insight which any of you can
shed on this deal would be very welcome , i would like to capture this
accurately and definitively as early on as possible , so as to prevent any
future issues .
thank you all for your patience and assistance ,
mary | 0 |
5,126 | spam | Subject: playful asian cutie !
this damn sexy cutie is waiting for you to join the action !
all inside !
remove your email | 1 |
3,542 | ham | Subject: oasis sept 01 production
mike ,
i am missing the following meters :
contract meter receipt or ( delivery ) volume
028 - 27099 - 02 - 002 1265 delivery 10 , 000
028 - 27099 - 02 - 002 2187 delivery 60
028 - 27099 - 02 - 002 6301 receipt 18 , 963
if you have any questions , give me a call . if you need a copy of the statement , let me know . thanks .
stephen r . swisher
specialist , energy operations
enron net works , llc
phone : 713 - 345 - 3042
fax : 713 - 345 - 7701
email : stephen . swisher @ enron . com | 0 |
4,043 | spam | Subject: cruise 3 nts mexico only $ 197 ! - - tremendous savings inside
travelocitylast minute air w / car rental in the u . s 168
expediacruise carnival - 3 or 4 nts from only 279
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stop subscription - zorps . com , 300 carlsbad village drive 108 a , carlsbad , ca 92008 - abuse @ zorps . com
| 1 |
1,087 | ham | Subject: july 2000 - hpl estimates and nominations
daren ,
fyi .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by robert cotten / hou / ect on 06 / 27 / 2000 09 : 32
am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vance l taylor
06 / 27 / 2000 09 : 24 am
to : robert cotten / hou / ect @ ect
cc :
subject : july 2000 - hpl estimates and nominations
bob ,
please see eog ' s july nomination . you ' ll notice that it ' s about a 5 , 000 / d
increase .
x 3 - 6353
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by vance l taylor / hou / ect on 06 / 27 / 2000
09 : 23 am - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
suzanne _ saldivar @ eogresources . com on 06 / 26 / 2000 04 : 36 : 50 pm
to : jaustin @ ect . enron . com , alannou @ ect . enron . com , crodrig @ enron . com ,
tacton @ enron . com , vance . l . taylor @ enron . com , mandy _ mackinnon @ enron . com ,
susan _ smith @ ect . com
cc : lee _ hileman % eogresources @ eogresources . com ,
shirley _ keeney @ eogresources . com , carol _ mcbeath @ eogresources . com ,
tim _ vogler % eogresources @ eogresources . com
subject : july 2000 - hpl estimates and nominations
( see attached file : hpl avails _ jul 2000 . xls )
- hpl avails _ jul 2000 . xls | 0 |
1,446 | ham | Subject: hpl expense contracts
fyi . . . . . . . . call with any questions . thanks !
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - forwarded by rita wynne / hou / ect on 08 / 23 / 2000 04 : 44 pm
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
from : jackie morgan 08 / 23 / 2000 04 : 37 pm
to : rita wynne / hou / ect @ ect , clem cernosek / hou / ect @ ect
cc : michael eiben / hou / ect @ ect , cheryl dudley / hou / ect @ ect
subject : hpl expense contracts
per your request . this list has been pulled from global contracts but has
not been reviewed . please take a look at it and let me know if you need
additional information . i will begin printing the attached points by
contract . i ' ll give you an update tomorrow a . m .
ext 39177 | 0 |
252 | ham | Subject: president @ juno . com : exciting news - free internet access !
- - - - - - - - - begin forwarded message - - - - - - - - - -
from : president @ juno . com
to :
subject : exciting news - free internet access !
date : wed dec 22 16 : 30 : 24 est 1999
message - id :
dear juno member ,
we have exciting news for you ! we have decided to expand our free basic
service to include full web access . this means you can now use the world
wide web completely free . no charges , no fees , no commitments . * this is
not a free trial . it ' s free , period .
what do you get with juno ' s completely free internet access service ?
- access to everything the internet has to offer .
- hundreds of access numbers across the country .
- file attachment capability with your e - mail .
- the juno guide , a floating banner directing you to some of the most
interesting sites on the web .
in order to start using the web for free , you need to have the latest
version of our software , version 4 . 0 . this new version only takes about
15 minutes to download ( with a 56 k modem ) .
there are two ways for you to get the software :
1 ) if you already have web access , you can download juno 4 . 0 at
http : / / www . juno . com / junofree .
2 ) if you don ' t have web access , click on the ' advertisements ' menu at
the top of your screen and select ' index of advertisements ' from the menu
that drops down . then select the juno 4 . 0 advertisement , and you ' ll be
presented with a screen allowing you to download the software . it ' s that
easy !
hurry ! act now and get on the web , completely free .
sincerely ,
charles ardai
juno online services , inc .
* as with your current service , local telephone charges may apply . please
consult your local phone company if you have any questions about the
access numbers you have chosen .
- - - - - - - - - end forwarded message - - - - - - - - - -
you ' re paying too much for the internet !
juno now offers free internet access !
try it today - there ' s no risk ! for your free software , visit :
http : / / dl . www . juno . com / get / tagj . | 0 |
2,709 | ham | Subject: tenaska iv 1 / 01
we need to change the demand fees for tenaska iv based on actuals for jan 2001 . tenaska owes us some additional money . i have attached my netting spreadsheet if you need it .
deal 514353 change mmbtu from 45 , 000 to 46 , 113
deal 384258 change amount from $ 3 , 934 , 644 . 50 to $ 3 , 841 , 888 . 11
i got your message regarding apache . i will just leave the pay the lesser ofs there until they come back for it . also , mark checked with txu and we do not have the rights to get dailies for the tenaska meters . he said that only the interconnecting pipes get dailies . for the spreadsheet , i am just going to prorate the actuals based on the noms .
i will let you know when we receive the payment from brazos for feb 2001 , so you can enter the demand fee to forward the cash to tenaska iv .
thanks ,
megan | 0 |
2,122 | ham | Subject: txu nom . s for 11 / 29 / 00
( see attached file : hplnl 129 . xls )
- hplnl 129 . xls | 0 |
Subsets and Splits