92 values
is 29 too late to learn music well enough to compose something good?
have you ever wondered why there are so many ponds?
Do you think your brain has more or less neurons compared to the average human?
i have no idea how to count neurons. if i did, i assure you i'd have a thriving neuron counting business by now
bill, i'm failing at everything :// i feel like a waste of time and space.
that sounds like the kind of feeling that inspires a person to succeed
you said you added the "VACATIONING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SUN" message after posting here comes the sun. why is it labeled as 1.2.20 specifically?
it didn't really seem to fit the format of the page to label a time period spanning many months. so i had to choose a day. so i suppose i had to do it artistically, in a similar way you might choose a title for a song in a case where putting the entire contents of the song in the title would be inappropriate for the formatting of the setting in which the song title appears
what happened that day
i was probably doing graphics experiments
Have you ever been tarred and feathered?
Do you want to be tarred and feathered?
why writing good but difficult?
maybe you like the exciting stuff
make it easier?
ok i will
Do you plan on uploading new content this year?
would you ever release a vinyl with your songs on them?
What songs would you pick?
all of them
What colour would it be?
i wouldn't design it until i actually decide to do it
If Meet me In September isn't on it - why not?
i can't think of any good reason
I am learning Japanese, which should be made easier by the fact that all of my favorite movies (so far) were made in Japan. But I am running into a problem, which is that the studio that made them let Disney handle the English dubs, and they made them too good in English.
in that case you may have to take on a challenge harder than anything you've ever attempted before: watch the original language version
Was there any reason for using the dembow rhythm in the ground plane?
sure, that is an earth beat. common and normal for usage on earth. i use it sometimes when i make music on Earth
are u doing any podcasts soon?
i think so
Which sports do you not enjoy participating in? (Thanks!)
What do you think of the intuitiveness of mathematical symbols? I.e + - =
they tried
how do people just walk into places?
it helps if you start by imagining yourself there in your mind first
How do I know if it's read or read?
switch it to see/saw. if it's "see" then it sounds like "reed". if it's "saw", then it sounds like "red". if it's only in writing, try the see-saw test and see which way makes it more sense
in the lyrics page there's occasional messages within the lyrics that you write in brackets. like for the ending you have "[riff, to continue another beautiful day as it rains all day]" i love these. do they come from while you're writing the song,  or do you come up with them and add them as needed post production?
in that case, the melody there is an instrumental stand-in for the same part of the first verse. so that was the most convenient way of describing it, as it relates to the previous verse
What is your favorite question you've been asked? Or would you prefer to have a new one to be your favorite?
it's this one
J'ai juste apprendre que tu parle un peu de français et je suis très heureux (je ne peux pas fait la /bien/ français, mais un peu, comme toi)
ik snap het helemaal
if you could eat any letter of the alphabet, which one would you eat
i think you've mistaken me for someone else
have you ever made stovetop popcorn
2.21.24  10:15 am Wouldn't 27 be a double tripling? 3x3x3... so you have 3, triple it get 9, triple it again get 27. That's two triples.
i was expecting to hear from you. it's a "double tripling of 3", but that's not what i said. without specifying a starting root, i just said it's a "triple tripling", and so with no root specified it can be assumed that it starts from 1, which is secretly where all power-exponents start from. in case you were wondering why anything to the 0th power is actually 1
do you own an electric guitar?
How do I break the cycle?
don't worry about that, just go ahead and start a new cycle
do you know why walls look like that?
yes, that's so as not to distract you from the rooms
What are the chances that someone of very high social stature  has asked you a question on this website like maybe Anthony Gatto
it seems likely
what mathematical concept do you find most agreeable/ disagreeable?
the reflexive property of equality
Why can't we all just get along?
maybe we're holding out for something much better than just that
what's a song with heavily autotuned vocals that still have a lot of passion and feeling behind them
too many to mention. pitch correction isn't really a passion hinderence per se, as you may be implying here
yeah ok sure
why does it take so long to toast bread?
to get you worked up into a hot frenzy of desire
I notice you seem to prefer traditional grip as a drummer, how did that come about?
a basketball fell on my left middle finger in gym class, and for a few days i couldn't bend it. so i switched because you don't have to bend that finger as much. then my finger got better, but i didn't want to switch back
In my experience, traditional grip seems to be largely prevalent only in marching and jazz drumming, with marching snare drum, of course, being the origin of the technique. (As it so happens, I learned traditional grip first because the first kind of drumming I ever learned was marching snare, but I rarely ever use it anymore, I prefer matched grip for almost all applications I've encountered as a rock drummer, but that's probably entirely because I play a lot of rim shots, and I find those very challenging to do with traditional grip.)
as long as the snare is aligned right, i don't think there's any reason for the rim shot to be more or less difficult with either grip, except the main reason it will be better with one or the other is because it's what you're used to or just what you like better
how many unhatched chickens are there
is this the one billionth question on this site?!?
I want to analyse your songs to find some meaning, how could I go about it? Perhaps I could start from the start of the song, or find the lyric that most speaks to me and start there, or some secret sinister third option?
possibly the most sinister option at this point is listen to the lyrics and music at the same time and see how it makes you feel
everyone strives to improve with each thing they make. what's currently your "most wanted" thing to improve about your form of art?
how about that je ne sais quoi
are you gaming in this exact moment
Thoughts on the number 27
a triple tripling
you have said you don't like the idea of doing an album, but evidently you are working on like 15 different songs at once right now, correct?
it's less than 15 and they are mostly not songs. although some of them have musical segments that resemble song segments
So if you release them all at once, wouldnt that be kind of like an album even if you dont want to call it that?
i wouldn't not want to call it that. in fact i'd prefer that an album indeed would refer to something more than just a list of songs. that being said it is still not quite an album, nor will it be released all at once
did "hi, i'm steve" happen at the same time as "soap tips"? i see a few connections between the two and i'm kinda just wondering
they were written and produced in the same year
Can an anthill become a molehill?
i doubt it
do you produce other artists? :)
not usually
clowns yes or no
i don't consider clowns a question
I parted with a friend some time ago and I'm still not over it. What can i do?
how about putting out an album
Does cheese?
i was going to say no but now that i think about it yes
does the character in perfect whip out the megaphone because you couldn't perform the line at the volume you'd think it should be performed at
bill, do you usually root for tom or do you root for jerry, or does it depend on the circumstances?
i'd root for it being a tie
what are your thoughts on vision boards
very powerful. use at your own risk
I am 20 years old but still can't confidently/naturally talk to strangers. I get so nervous. Like taking to doctor or my professor etc. Like it's very bad. I feel so pathetic. I am this old but I am not growing at all.
this is not terribly uncommon
can someone catch air in their hand as if they were catching a firefly or would the air seep out of the finger holes? help solve an argument please.
it's likely possible to create an air-tight space in between your palms
I am sorry. Is this apology acceptable and/or warrented?
not warranted, and therefore neither acceptable or unacceptable. it's extraneous
My apologies if this apology is illegal. Does that make sense?
not much
Im sorry if it doesnt. Are you ok with me being sorry for that?
do you think zodiac signs mean anything?
they would be a degraded version of the information. For example, if it's 12:28 AM, and someone asks what time is it by saying "which hour are we in", and so you say "12AM". the accuracy of the time reading would be degraded, compared to the more detailed "12:28 AM". So, similarly, simply saying "Taurus" would be a degraded version of "17 degrees Taurus"
what vegetable do you consider to be the most truly random, if you were to say it on its own with minimal context
any of them could be, depending on the results of the truly random selection. you'd have to make a list of vegetables, and then select one using a randomizer. all of them would be equally likely. however, what you are asking, is for a deliberate human choice. which is indeed just about the opposite of random
Can you invent the key of J major, what would its major scale be?
J, K, F, Q, R, S, C, J
which seinfeld character do you most relate to
in your older videos, how did you hide the cursor when recording footage of yourself typing text?
there are many ways. one way is to set the background to the same color as the cursor. then invert the footage if desired
you still thinking about lifting up the entire world and holding it and lifting it higher than it's been before?
it's on my to-do list
should i focus on one instrument for weeks or months at a time or should i keep alternating between multiple instruments a day depending on what i feel like? i think the first is more effective but sometimes i get bored of just being on one instrument, or maybe is the getting bored part and figuring out how to get less bored really important?
maybe if you switch for a couple of days, then maybe you'll want to go back to your first favorite
Will you ever experiment with making longer versions of songs/jingles in ur vids such as "I'm gonna clean my room" which I love, or the "into the castle" section from ball and stick
that process is supposedly included in the current project, at the expense of possibly ruining my life. you can thank me later
if you were invited to play at the superbowl halftime show would you do it
If the grass had a favorite color, what would it be?
the grass would ask you what it should be
Do you have particular feelings about flat-faced buses vs those that have a hood? I can't explain it, but when I was a kid I had more visceral feelings about these kinds of busses which I can only grasp at briefly at times. Do you know what I mean?
no, i actually can't figure out if 'visceral' means good or bad in this case, and, i just realized an additional huge problem with the comprehensibility of your question is that you mentioned 2 kinds of buses, then you expressed what i think was an opinion about one of them without saying which one
Who the hell would make their plants hard to reach? That seems so very mean!
well then who made the sky hard to reach
do you like exposing yourself to different points of view
How does multiplication work?
add the first number the number of times of the second number. or, the other way around. the result will be the same as if by magic
Does music ever not music?
yes, in fact that is music's secret weapon
What made wfaoie topicless?
Did it originally have a topic and then lose it?
What MBTI personality type you are closest to?
Is it unlikely you will answer a question relating to ants?
no, i'm sure i've done it before and i would do it again
can i ask you a question?
apparently yes
what's your favorite song you've made
i would prefer to make a new one to be my favorite
i'm thinking of learning one of your songs on the harmonica. any recommendations for which one? also it's in the key of c
the whole reason i make all the songs that i make is so i don't have to choose 1
is the world still perfect
i don't recall that it ever was, but i also don't know what that means
do you think that sharing things with an audience affects your work?
hopefully not
did you spend a long time creating without showing it to anybody?
do you think different people react to feedback differently - in terms of their future output i mean.
if so, can you provide some insight in how that works for you?
i've learned that it's my role, creatively, to be a leader, not a follower
why do i have a ping pong ball shaped brain
because a sphere is the perfect shape
favorite time?
what is a hamburger
i have no earthly idea
what on earth will you do next?!
a lot of songs, after i finish these non-songs
when you put an instrument solo in a song, how much of it is improvised vs planned out?
i've done it both ways
or do you just come with an idea with a sound and work from there? ive been listening to la de da de da de da de day oh and while the solo in that song is short i find it to be so exquisite.
for that one, the only part that was written was the part that quotes the 'where did all the good times go' line. although i ended up sort of quoting the melody again around bar 5 also
Whats your favorite quadrant in walmart
i like the lamps section
Why would you let the things you ruined ruin you if you could let them help shape you in a positive way?
maybe by mistake
how do i play im a princess on keyboard
there must be a thousand different ways
What is your opinion on plywood?
too good. don't use
Ever been to Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch?
Or heard of it?