train /
Aakanksha26's picture
2e1fc35 verified
license: llama3
- summarization
- text-generation
- sentence-similarity
"use_cases": [
"use_case": "General Reporting",
"details": "N/A",
"process_flow": "N/A"
"use_case": "Voice CDR",
"details": "System shall handle errors and store CDRs in the database.",
"process_flow": [
"User uploads voice CDR files to the system.",
"System processes the files, validates, and ingests data into the database.",
"System logs any errors encountered during processing."
"use_case": "Rejected CDR",
"details": "System shall generate reports for rejected CDRs.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Rejected CDR report section.",
"User specifies criteria for the report.",
"System fetches data based on criteria and displays the report."
"use_case": "Carrier Tariff",
"details": "System shall manage carrier tariff data. System shall provide a dashboard for tariff data.",
"process_flow": [
"User inputs carrier tariff data.",
"System stores and processes the tariff data.",
"System updates the dashboard with the new tariff data."
"use_case": "Invoices",
"details": "System shall generate invoices for services provided.",
"process_flow": [
"User initiates invoice generation.",
"System compiles data and generates the invoice.",
"System presents the invoice to the user for review and export."
"use_case": "Usage Gap Report",
"details": "System shall generate usage gap reports for reconciliation purposes.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Usage Gap Report section.",
"User specifies the report parameters.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "Automatic Reconciliation Reporting",
"details": "System shall perform automatic reconciliation of usage data.",
"process_flow": [
"System automatically fetches and processes data.",
"System reconciles data and generates reports.",
"User reviews and exports the reports."
"use_case": "Monthly Settlement Report",
"details": "System shall generate monthly settlement reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Monthly Settlement Report section.",
"User specifies the reporting period.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "Call Generation Report by Destination",
"details": "System shall generate call generation reports based on destination.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Call Generation Report section.",
"User specifies the destination and reporting period.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "Monthly Traffic Summary Report",
"details": "System shall generate monthly traffic summary reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Monthly Traffic Summary Report section.",
"User specifies the reporting period.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "Volume Commitment Reports",
"details": "System shall generate volume commitment reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Volume Commitment Reports section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "Volume Commitment Verification Report",
"details": "System shall generate volume commitment verification reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Volume Commitment Verification Report section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "International Invoice Report",
"details": "System shall generate international invoice reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the International Invoice Report section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "International Revenue and Cost Reports",
"details": "System shall generate international revenue and cost reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the International Revenue and Cost Reports section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "International Voice Terminating Traffic Report",
"details": "System shall generate reports for international voice terminating traffic.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the International Voice Terminating Traffic Report section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "International Data Revenue Summary Report",
"details": "System shall generate data revenue summary reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Data Revenue Summary Report section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "International Data Revenue Detailed Summary Report",
"details": "System shall generate detailed data revenue summary reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Data Revenue Detailed Summary Report section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "International Data Cost Report",
"details": "System shall generate data cost reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Data Cost Report section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "Monthly International Revenue Voice & Cost Dashboard",
"details": "System shall provide a dashboard for monthly international revenue and voice costs.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the dashboard.",
"System displays the relevant data on the dashboard."
"use_case": "Monthly International Voice Terminating Traffic Dashboard",
"details": "System shall provide a dashboard for monthly international voice terminating traffic.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the dashboard.",
"System displays the relevant data on the dashboard."
"use_case": "Netting Off",
"details": "System shall generate netting-off reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the Netting-Off Reports section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."
"use_case": "Best Cost Route (BCR) Reporting",
"details": "System shall generate Best Cost Route reports.",
"process_flow": [
"User accesses the BCR Reports section.",
"User specifies the criteria for the report.",
"System retrieves data and generates the report."