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Company chooses not to provide a public response | I contracted with XXXX XXXX in XXXX of 2013 to help negotiate settlements on XXXX credit card debts. XXXX went fine and the third, Bank of America represented by XXXX XXXX XXXX, has been a fiasco. A written settlement agreement was made in XXXX of 2013, the XXXX XXXX settled, for XXXX {$1100.00} payments over a XXXX month period. I placed the money in escrow with XXXX financial through XXXX to guarantee payments as agreed. XXXX of the {$1100.00} payments were made as scheduled and Bank of America refused the last payment and backed out of the deal. They have been billing me for the full original amount and I never received any credit at all for the {$2200.00} they accepted. I have a copy of the original agreement and copies of the cashed payment checks, I have no idea where that {$2200.00} went. The original debt amount was put into collection and passed from XXXX agency to another. Since I have already paid XXXX for their service, I have been emailing and calling back and forth in an attempt to resolve this issue as agreed. Now XXXX will not answer my calls or respond to my emails in my attempts to find out the status. I feel both Bank of America and XXXX have both committed fraud and left me with the adverse effect on my credit reports which severely restricts my employment possibilities and my insurance costs.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I first received a phone call from " XXXX '' at Atlantic Credit and Finance , Inc. '' at my business, which I own, where the gentleman asked for me by first name only. The XXXX phone call attempt from AC & F I was not available to come to the phone, XXXX told my employee that he would wait on the phone until I became available, when my employee refused his offer he said there was no message. XXXX called back a few hours later, at this time I answered the phone. Our conversation began with XXXX telling me that I owed money for a past debt in the amount of over {$3000.00} from the company " XXXX ''. I responded quickly telling him I have never owned or been billed for a " XXXX '' credit card and therefore he had to have had the wrong person. That is when he began asking me personal financial information about myself just to " check '' if he had the right person. He asked me what my address was, what my social security number was, banking information, etc. I refused to answer these questions and told him that if he is trying to collect a past debt from me HE SHOULD HAVE THAT INFORMATION in front of him. He assured me that he did indeed have all of my personal information in front of him and that he was just asking so that he could verify this information. I than asked him to please read to me the, address, social security number, and name of the banking institution he had on file for me, he only gave a false S.S. number before I stopped him and told him once again that HE HAD THE WRONG PERSON. After about a half hour of XXXX trying to " trick '' information out of me I finally got him to agree that he had the wrong person, he apologized for the inconvenience and we hung up the phone. The next day my company received another phone call from XXXX again. He began the conversation this time the exact way he began it the day before as if we had'nt even spoken with each other before. When I reminded him that he had called me yesterday and I thought that we have resolved the issue, he just ignored me and kept going on with his interrogation for my personal information. This time I told him to please verify where I applied for this " XXXX '' card, where I made the so called purchases, what address and name was " XXXX '' sending statements to, in regards to this account. He tried avoiding the questions and it seemed to me that he would pause, as if he was being fed information to repeat back to me. I told him to send me as much information as he had on this account so that I could look into it myself. He told me he could not send any of the information. I told XXXX that I needed to look into this issue more and asked him for his phone number so that I could call him back once I found out more about this issue.
Once I got off the phone with Atlantic Credit and Finance , Inc. I researched the company online and was able to find out that I was not the first person that has an experience like this with them. I called my Attoroney General 's Office and told them a little bit about the phone call. I gave the Attoroney General 's Office Atlantic Credit and Finance 's company name, address, and phone number and they told me that the company has be dissolved for over four years.
Company can't verify or dispute the facts in the complaint | We repeatedly receive computerized phone calls from Enhanced Debt Recoveryphone # XXXX even though we have no debts and are on the no-call list.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | It started about XXXX years ago, after the birth of our " XXXX '', which needless to say was a surprise. At that time both my wife and i were both employed.
My wife had her job eliminated, we were in need of financial relief and applied for the Making Your Home Affordable several time and were told we did n't qualify. After several years of financial difficulty we saw something strange happening to the house.
I discovered I had a Sinkhole under part of my house, and the whole process for that began.
After exhausting all options and also the financial help from relatives, we were faced with few options.
Sinkhole under the house and now in debt i was forced into Bankruptcy.
I retained a Lawyer to guide me through the bankruptcy process, and after several missed mortgage payment I get a call and I magically now qualify for assistance, so i looked into and it was for $ XXXX- {$100.00} relief a month for a limited time.
That 's it, i was denied all other offers.
So after that i continued with the Bankruptcy process.
I was granted the Chapter XXXX due to all the circumstances and moved on with my life.
I am still in a legal battle with my Insurance company over the Sink hole.
After about XXXX more years, and now a year after my discharged Chapter XXXX i receive a Notice of Sale on my home, I fully understand the situation and move out prior to the sale date to avoid any issues.
XXXX days after the sale i receive a letter stating the home sale was stopped by the bank.
I do n't understand.
The house they would n't help me with is now abandoned.
I did everything possible to assist them, created no problems, didnt fight.
I am now bankrupt, no home, I have a wife and XXXX kids, now living in a small townhouse, not my house that I worked my whole life for, to build and want to raise our kids in.
I have had to surrender our family dog who was too big to go with us, we gave away the kids horse and now all I want is for it to be put behind me.
Due to the sink hole, out of fear my wife stopped sleeping on that side of the house, XXXX. Dont ' think that has not created any issues.
I also was diagnosed with a XXXX which requires a XXXX and XXXX.
That is Not a XXXX. It just presented itself one day, doctors have no idea.
Try XXXX ... ....
My lender Bank of America has done nothing to help, and now they keep the house from auction, I do not want anything to do with the house anymore, but since they did not sell it, I do not feel i should be responsible for it or the XXXX acres it is on.
I really want this to end it is tearing my family apart.
I never needed anybody 's help, not family, friends and sure did not need the government to bail me out, but when I really needed assistance I was denied.
I pay my taxes, I have my own medical insurance, I support my family.
So for doing all the right things, trying as hard as I could, I have a XXXX, a bankruptcy, soon a foreclosure and no home to count on for my family 's financial future.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | I attended XXXX XXXX, a XXXX school, and was encouraged to apply for a Genesis student loan with the understanding I would have a XXXX high paying job. After over XXXX months looking for a job as a XXXX I am working XXXX hours a week @ {$XXXX} an hour and have over {$9000.00} in student loan debt. I do not believe I was given honest information and the loan was not reasonable for me to take out.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Since XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/2015, I have unsuccessfully attempted to have an electronic lien removed from a Florida electronic title. Sun Trust Bank has submitted written title releases, but refuses to remove the lien electronically. Due to its failure to do so, I can not obtain a paper title.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | In XXXX, 2015, Bank of America performed an update to their systems ( as per the representative at Bank of America ). The representative explained that as a result of the update, this caused XXXX and stored sources of customer payments ( such as checking accounts ) to be erased.
I was not aware of this issue until I received a notice from Bank of America that XXXX of my credit card accounts payments was past due. It ended up being the account I had set up on auto-pay years earlier, and the payments were always made on time ( the amount of payments above the minimum payment amount ).
When I called Bank of America customer service number at XXXX about the late fees they assessed, they directed me to call their auto pay department at XXXX.
I contacted the auto-pay number and spoke to XXXX. He advised me he would be able to reverse the {$25.00} fee.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX I ordered a credit report from XXXX XXXX for my review and to improve my score.
XXXX Customer service representative from XXXX stated I need to call XXXX ( Experian ). They could not process my order because of a discrepancy only Experian could tell me. Basically I could not retrieve my credit report, and the pending fund withdrawal would not be token from my account.
After calling Experian several times trying to resolve this issue I was only prompted to either purchase a report by credit card or check. They did not give me an option by phone or web to talk or chat with any regarding the retrieval of my credit report.
I would like to resolve this issue, it is very important to me and anyone else who is going through this.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I was placed on collection for a non-existing debt of XXXX fro the amount of {$740.00}. I called XXXX to verified that I owe them nothing and of course I do n't but XXXX has this wrong information on my record and wont remove it. XXXX is the type of company that if you do n't pay them will cut your services so there is no way a person can have such debt with XXXX.
I am in the process of entering the police academy and this inaccurate information can ruin my career.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | As agreed with XXXX XXXX XXXX on XX/XX/XXXX, I have been paying {$50.00} at the end of every month for a settlement with Best Buy. I lost my job on XXXX, and I informed this agency of my financial issues. However, I told them, I would make every effort possible continue making the payment as agreed. I have done so, and now XXXX of their employees is calling me on the phone asking about the payment, and calling me a liar. I process the payment through the bank payment services, and I tried to tell him that, and that I had done that several days before. The guy started yelling at me on the phone repetitively calling me a liar. I do n't deserve to be talked to that way, so I hanged up.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | UCB keeps calling people with same last name as me asking them to provide my where about and discussing personal information with them. they also refuse to tell me why they are calling and on behalf of who they are calling.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | *** This is not a Duplicate ***My mortgage company lack of security allowed my tenant ( XXXX XXXX ) to compromise my account and cause harm to me and my credit. She was able to gain authorization over my account and changed the contact information and went delinquent. I was n't notified because the contact information was changed. This was all done without my awareness or consent to account XXXX and XXXX on XXXX XXXX XXXX. I have taken actions to correct my part, but I need to have the harm caused to me removed from my credit file.
I have sent the following proofs of fraud on my account to Experian and they responded with ; that they will not block the subject submitted from my credit file.
Compromising my account and taking actions as if they were me is a clear case of fraud, and according to the FCRA, fraud should not be reported.
Attached : - XXXX police reports by my tenant- XXXX court cases of my taking legal actions to correct my situation- a forfeit letter written by my tenant. ( if you see the phone number on the letter, it 's my tenants cell phone number ) - XXXX letters of me escalating to my mortgage company to correct my account and also to secure my account ( XXXX have been a failure )
Company chooses not to provide a public response | For the past 3 years my account has been routinely frozen, usually without them notifying me. This is because they tag recurring charges as fraud. I have called repeatedly to tell them to stop tagging suppliers I have been dealing with for 3 years, and they just keep on doing it. Nothing I say or do seems to help. Some of my suppliers have multiple charges on XXXX statement. They keep telling me the problem is fixed, but it is n't. I am tired of my suppliers calling and telling me my card wo n't go through. Yesterday, for the first time, my card was refused for a personal purchase at a food store. I was so horribly embarrassed. This has NEVER happened to me. Why? Because they froze my card and did n't tell me. The reason was, yet again, because of supposed fraud. But, it was just my regular suppliers they had tagged. When I called to complain, again, they claimed they had called me. When I told them they certainly did n't, they then said they had sent me a letter. Kidding right???? I asked to speak to a supervisor, who transferred me to the fraud dept. I spoke to a XXXX in the fraud dept. who was supposed to transfer me to someone higher up, but instead hung up on me. This has to stop.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | It is several accounts that are incorrect, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX online XXXX ), XXXX ( XXXX ) SERVICES, XXXX ( XXXX ) XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX ( XXXX,, XXXX XXXX, ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ).
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My wife and I just went through 7 months of application for a HAMP modification with US Bank. I am a XXXX and sometimes do n't have work in the winter months. I got behind a few months on my mortgage payments and was approved for the modification on XXXX, 2015. During this time US Bank kept sending statements for payment, assessing late fees, and making bad reports to the credit bureaus. I spoke with my representative, XXXX XXXX, about the XXXX week of XXXX to tell her I would not be able to make my XXXX payment and that the XXXX may be late. I reminded her of this when I spoke to her at the end of XXXX telling her I expected a paycheck around XXXX XXXX. I did n't get it on the XXXX and called to let her know that as soon as it arrived I was going to send in the past due amounts. I finally got the check on XXXX XXXX. I got a cashiers check for XXXX - XXXX - and XXXX and sent it. I called her the next day to let her know the check was in the mail. We signed and sent the acceptance form for the HAMP modification. About a week later, we received a letter from US Bank saying we were disqualified and not approved for the loan modification. The letter said the reason for the revocation was because the mortgage was no longer delinquent. At no time were we told that paying the past due amounts would get us eliminated from the program. I kept them well informed that I was trying to come up with the funds. Had I known, I would have kept the money and put it toward a new furnace. Ours broke last XXXX and needs to be replaced. We have been trying to keep warm this winter with only a wood stove in the basement. Sometimes it 's only XXXX degrees when we get up in the morning. We also need the roof replaced. US Bank says they will not take any responsibility for them tricking us into being disqualified. They claim the modification was figured to include the delinquency and any change to those figures nullifies the deal. I did the fiscally responsible thing by paying when I could ; I should not be punished for mistakes they made.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have been applying for bank accounts and have been denied.
XXXX and Bank of America are XXXX bank accounts that Ive had in XX/XX/XXXXboth accounts have been involuntarily accessed and deposits andwithdraws have been done on this account, each transaction wasTELLER TRANSACTIONS.
When I first noticed it with the XXXX account I immediately brought it XXXX ( XXXX branch Acct. Manager ) she closed the accountand handled the issue for me.
Months later it came to my attention that the same activities occurredwith my Bank of America account. On numerous occasions I madecontact to resolve this issue. PLEASE HELP ME! PLEASE XXXX AT BANK 'S AND TELLERS THAT PROCESSED THESEFRADUALENT ACTIVITIES & gt ;
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | We have been working or a Short Sale for Select Portfolio Servicing for a Loan for XXXX Bank Loan No. XXXX for XXXX XXXX at XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, Florida XXXX. We had an approval letter that expired on XXXX/XXXX/2015 we asked for an extension on XXXX/XXXX/2015 with a credit toward closing cost and provided how the roof has no life left and the plumbing needs to be all re done.
We were told on XXXX/XXXX/2015 that it would be XXXX business days. Then we were today XXXX business days. We were contacted by a lady named XXXX from XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/2015 asking for changes to the HUD and saying we should have approval by Friday XXXX/XXXX/2015. We called each day and then on Friday we called and were told by XXXX XXXX at EX XXXX that a manager would contact us by XXXX EST. Ofcourse, this did not happen, we called back to be told by XXXX XXXX a Manager that the file for extension was declined on XXXX and that us resubmitting on XXXX/XXXX/2015 is too close to the short sale date of XXXX/XXXX/2015. I have had many files with XXXX and know this is how they do this. I advised them on a recorded line that they were going to pull this game.
This is not working for the homeowners or for the best interest of the economy. You have a ready willing and able buyer to purchase a run down property and make it habitable and the Banks are not willing to proceed.
The Offer on this property is XXXX with a Net to the Bank XXXX XXXX on a Loan amount of XXXX. I would say the numbers work on this.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | bank of XXXX mail me my rebate card, lost it bank of XXXX says its the XXXX who gave the rebate
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have paid Barclay bank XXXX for XXXX months. I have paid what I believe to be the monthly charge plus extra toward my past due balance. I have a statement sent to my email monthly from Barclay with a link to log on and see statement. I do not remember my log on information. I have called the company to request help and am directed to a collection agency that will not give me my full account information or any other assistance to log on and see account. They state they do not have access to that information as they are a collection agency. They will not connect me to Barclay Bank to request assistance stating Barclay does not have my account, yet they send me an email monthly with statement. I am unable to switch to paper statements as I do not know the account number. Someone from this account calls me daily for collections despite my paying weekly.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | The credit report listed an item : XXXX Serious delinquency. When I contacted consumer finance, the agent said that Bank of America reported I was delinquent on several credit card payments. I contacted Bank of America and they said that they only had a checking and savings account under my name on file. XXXX these accounts were closed years ago and they do not have record of me having a credit card with them. They said they could check archives, but because all of my accounts are now closed, they should not be reported as delinquent in any credit reports.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | I paid the balance that was due and given to me then a month later they sent me a bill for another XXXX dollars. I will not pay it because it was arbitrarily charged for services not performed. I paid for what was done. The Collection company is listed on my report as Professional Finance XXXX
Company chooses not to provide a public response | As of today, XX/XX/XXXX I have XXXX inquires that I " DID NOT '' initiate. The inquiries are on all three credit bureaus reports. I have not applied for any credit since XX/XX/XXXX. My credit reports should be free of inquiries.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I am writing regarding a Debt Collector, Howard Lee Schiff in XXXX CT. I am in receipt of a letter from the firm that they will be filing a lawsuit against me for their client on a bill that I believe to date back several years.
They have provided no information on whom they represent as their client so I am not sure what this bill is regarding. Back in late XX/XX/XXXX I was a casualty of the financial crisis and fell behind on a few bills that I have worked to clear up. However I have not had any delinquent accounts since at least XX/XX/XXXX.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Late XXXX I obtained an auto loan wit Credit Acceptance Corp . I am under the impression that the principal ammount of this loan was XXXX. I paid XXXX down, and made monthly payments of XXXX for 15 months. I later crashed this vehicle, and defaulted on the loan. The vehicle was returned in salvage condition. In XXXX a judgement was entered against me in the ammount of XXXX. My wages have since been garnished. I have paid an additional XXXX through income execution. In XXXX I attemted to get an update of the remaining balance, only to find that I owe in excess of XXXX. I spoke with the sherrifs office, because they have the order in XXXX XXXX NY. They tell me I have to deal with the lawyer. I call the lawyer I 'm told I need to speak with Credit Acceptance Corp . I call Credit Acceptance, I 'm told, " they have sold the debt ''. My issue is the constant running in circles while my wages are garnished, and the ammount I owe rises. How is this possible? This was a XXXX Doge Intrepid purched used with XXXX miles in XXXX XXXX. This vehicle brand new with XXXX miles only cost XXXX. How is it I still owe XXXX after having already paid XXXX? on an XXXX dollar loan? I feel this is Preditory, and Unconcionable. Please help. My wife and I are expecting our XXXX child and I am the only income for our household. I can not afford to pay continual garnishment, and I feel this debt has been paid. I understand that the principal ammount does not include interest however I feel I have been victim of Preditory lending. This judgement remains on my credit report despite the number of times I have desputed it. Please help
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I submitted a dispute to all three credit reporting agencies. I just received a response from trans Union stating that the collections placed on my credit report by XXXX XXXX XXXX was verified. I had previously paid the original bill issued by XXXX XXXX and submitted copies of payment from the XXXX XXXX website confirming payment as well as all copies of bills. It greatly disturbs me that this investigation by Trans Union states the information was verified when I have paid what was owed and submitted documentation. The first time when I even heard of this collection agency was seeing it on my credit report. I do not feel it is fair for me to have to pay again for a bill I have already paid. I greatly question the dispute investigation validity. I am seeking help with this matter because I have worked very hard to maintain good credit and to have this invalid information on my credit report greatly disappoints me.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I served the country for 8 years XXXX During my XXXX tour I had an apartment at XXXX XXXX before I started my tour. My former wife and I had many problems with her spending and destroying my credit. Well before my tour we separated and I informed my apartment complex I will no longer be their and would like to take myself off the lease. While touring they sent information that I signed confirming I would not be held accountable. After my ex wife left the apartment while still touring, they reported an unpaid balance and extreme interior damage to the place. I should not be held accountable for her lack of professionalism, unpaid balance or damages.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | This may be happening to many people using all XXXX of the websites. Same thing happened last time I tried over a year ago. The company gives you XXXX chance to view your *Free Report*. Instead of providing it in a .pdf file with all details for download, they provide an html version, requiring multiple clicks to view portions. They seem to purposely designing these pages to result in the page often crashing. Attempts to return, no longer give you access, since they already gave you that chance. They are satisfying the law, without really providing the information required, in this manner. This results in the user having to pay, to really see what is required for them to provide freely.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | My wife and I mortgaged a home in XXXX or XXXX 2015 with PrimeLending A PlainsCapital Company. When we signed the mortgage we understood that " ALL '' escrowitems would be paid for in our house payments. On XXXX/XXXX/15 I received a letter from Prime stating that I owed an additional {$2000.00}!!!! I called Prime ( XXXX ) and spoke with XXXX XXXX. XXXX told me that Plains did not make the payment high enough to cover all escrow items.
This is preposterous, Prime was negligent in not reviewing my account in a timely manner!
XXXX told me that at least XXXX item in escrow account was unknown to Prime until review.
I believe that Prime needs to be punished for what they did and prevented from doing so again in the future.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | From my understanding that XXXX will not give extension until they get the approval from XXXX. The first had approval for XXXX was until XXXX XXXX, so with all this back and forth this did not happen due to we did not have approvals from XXXX nor XXXX.
This is disappointing. It starting to feel like a tug of war, if we do not have this extension we can not move until this lien holder give approval. I never seen anything like this in my life and see how homeowners lose their homes. This short sale process is messy.
At this point if we can not get these approvals and extension, we are going to have file bankruptcy. It is sad we had to XXXX out of home and XXXX member is serving his country XXXX and I have to tell him this disappointing news.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | On XX/XX/XXXX, I requested Experian to investigate and verify erroneous, incomplete and inaccurate information that they were reporting in my credit file. It took them more than 35 days to respond and they said that they had verified the information, but they did not provide " Proof of Verification '' or their " Method of Verification, '' as requested. They simply matched up numbers in a data base and said that it has been verified.
On XX/XX/XXXX, I sent Experian a letter to re-investigate this same incomplete, inaccurate and erroneous information, specifically requesting their " Proof of Verification '' and their " Method of Verification '' for this inaccurate and incomplete information that they are reporting. On XX/XX/XXXX, I sent a follow-up letter ( all letters were sent certified, return receipt ) reminding them to validate and delete this erroneous, inaccurate and incomplete information that they are reporting without legal verification.
So far, they have totally ignored my request and have violated my legal rights as a consumer. I have also expressed to them how damaging this inaccurate, incomplete and erroneous information that they are reporting is to me, my family and my financial well-being. However, they continue in their blatant disregard of the law. In addition, I have requested that they provide " Proof of Verification '' as well as their " Method of Verification. '' They have not complied.
According to the FCRA, Credit Bureaus have 30 days to investigate a dispute, and another 15 days to provide the " Proof of Verification. '' It has now been more than 100 days since my initial dispute and request for verification, and Equifax has totally ignored my requests and have not resolved this issue as of today 's date. Federal law states that under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, a Credit Bureau can not report information on a consumer that has not been legally verified. For your review, I have included my correspondence with Equifax, as well as, copies of my Return Receipts.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and I shall look forward to hearing from you soon.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My credit score is in the low to mid XXXX 's despite a perfect payment record.. My total debt is about 5 % of my net worth, most in XXXX securities. Why is n't my score perfect? Checking my credit reports they seem accurate - perfect payment history! No court judgements, no bankruptcy history, no unpaid debts, etc. But, it seems misleading. I pay my only credit card off in full every month, no carry over balance, but it shows a max charge vs the limit even though paid. I keep my limit low to minimize identity theft and credit theft limits. My second card is a debit card, also paid every month. I get no reply to my specific question why my score is so low so I ca n't provide the information to resolve it.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I re-financed with XXXX Bank, from Bank of America, on the last day of my 70 day rate lock XXXX/XXXX/15. Bank of America ( former mortgagor ) representative showed up an hour late, without proper documents. I was forced to pay title company an additional {$550.00} because of this. Bank of America had 70 days to locate my documents. Bank of America should be responsible for this cost. I already paid this title company {$3200.00} in fees.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | ReconTrust - dual-tracking, improper transaction and trustee approval as NA - errors and mistakesNever sent any notices regarding foreclosure and or posted informationSome unknown/fraudulent person contacted ReconTrust and stated they were tenantsTenant/fraudulent personbeing identified -utilities companies etc. XX/XX/XXXX left according to recordsReconTrust never contacted me as the owner to confirm any information including confirming debtBank of America confirmed tenant refused relocation fee and wanted to remain a tenant?
Recontrust should have received 5.5 months of rents from the unknown/fraudulent personI had no tenantsI remained a residentI had no deficiency there was over XXXX forwarded to ReconTrust ( appears to have been used to purchase home ) XXXX has confirmed property was sold before auction took place with XXXX person bidderI received letter for foreclosure review committee XX/XX/XXXX - respondedForeclosure review committee letter was to freeze all action until modification was complete for approval or denied - letter never received was working with XXXX XXXX and later XXXX ( escalation member ) for errors after email from management stating property was foreclosedXXXX assured me property would not be sold ( recorded with REO on the line as XXXX way conference ) as she complete recession - recording availableNOD starts after XXXX days after answer is received if no workout program was approved.
The NOD was filed XX/XX/XXXX prior to foreclosure review committee letterThe NOT was filed XX/XX/XXXXThe declaration letter dated XX/XX/XXXX - was XXXX incorrect and false - Bank of America tried with due diligence to reach me XXXX - my number remains the same on file and addressLetter dated XX/XX/XXXX - Bank of America was still in review to complete request for modificationBank of America has confirmed my name was spelled XXXX different ways in system - part of the challenge of why modification documents were not uploaded to system properly in XX/XX/XXXX and XX/XX/XXXX prior to foreclosureI had to research county recorders and other agencies to locate documentsSecretary of State notary confirmed notary information not properly followed and people not properly identifiedI was not aware a foreclosure took place at no time as I was still working on modificationI was informed of foreclosure by building management company by emailProperty was resold less than three month for a gain of over 100,000 dollarsI have requested many documents from ReconTrust none have been received to date
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | I ran into a finacial crunch had to borrow some money. I usually borrow from reputable companies. I was online doing a serach and I came across Cash USA after reading that it was a revolving account I said that was good I looked at their pricing and it stated that for the XXXX XXXX I borrowed my payment would be XXXX monthly or XXXX biweekly. They sent me a statement saying that my XXXX payment was {$220.00} and XXXX weeks laters they expected another XXXX That absurd who in their right mind would agree to pay someone $ 300XXXX per month for XXXX when I have borrowed XXXX and my payments was n't that high. I can not afford to pay anyone that kind of money. I needed to pay my water bill not get ripped off because I was in need. I have no problem with paying what I borrowed, but to pay that monthly is crazy. I immediately reached out to them by email and phone informing them of the situation they brushed me off as to say oh well you going to pay it. I made the payment of XXXX and that was my last payment because even if I wanted to give them that kind of money my paycheck wouldnt allow it. This company is taking advantage of people that is in need if I had that kind of money than I would n't been borrowing any from them. I am trying to get some assistance because I am rebulilding my credit and this is the last thing I need.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | This situation relates to a recurring problem I 've been having with Experian. I keep my credit frozen, and only lift the freeze when I know I am applying for credit. I have not had a problem temporarily lifting freezes with XXXX. For the XXXX time in 3 months I have had credit denied because Experian will not lift the freeze on my account. They requested I send additional information to them. I have done that using XXXX XXXX Mail and I have a receipt to show they received the information. They still have not lifted the freeze. Not to mention the other XXXX agencies charge {$5.00} to lift a freeze and Experian charges {$10.00}. I do not believe they are acting in a way that encourages consumers to protect their credit. The XXXX time I complained to you about this, they sent me a credit report. I never asked them for a credit report - I asked them to lift the credit freeze on my account! I am at the end of my patience with them and hope you can help.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | MORTGAGE COMPLAIN FILED BY : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX : XXXX TELEPHONE : XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX : XXXX TELEPHONE : XXXX : Approximately around XXXX XXXX, my wife XXXX and I, XXXX XXXX, applied for a re-finance loan with Popular Mortgage, a subsidiary of Banco Popular of Puerto Rico. This subsidiary currently manages the mortgage which we are currently holding for the house. Everything seemed to be going well ; we completed all the paperwork and paid the application fee of {$570.00}. Time began to pass and we lost all communication with Popular Mortgage. I sent multiple e-mails inquiring about the loan and only got half answers. Finally in XXXX XXXX, Popular Mortgage informed us that they were denying us the re-finance loan because of a " wording '' issue with the title. They argued that XXXX single word in the tittle invalidated the tittle, thus they were not obligated to complete the re-financing action.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION : The property in question is located in XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX, kilometer XXXX, sector XXXX. The house was purchased in XXXX and financed through Popular Mortgage. We have been paying this mortgage for 10 years and not once have we missed a single payment, thus we are in good standing with the bank. Our credit rating is outstanding, and our debt to income ratio is low. Thus, there are no legal justifications that would preclude us from qualifying for the new loan. As a matter of fact, my wife and I just completed a re-finance loan for our current residence on XXXX XXXX, XXXX with XXXX XXXX Bank for the amount of {$280000.00}.
The house was sold by XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX. The house was built in XXXX and it included a total of XXXX square meters. Prior to the construction, XXXX XXXX divided the land into XXXX plots : XXXX of XXXX square meters for the main house and XXXX for XXXX square meters that was given to the architect that drew the construction plans for the house. The XXXX, district of XXXX, XXXX XXXX approved the division of land on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. On XXXX XXXX XXXX, my wife and I hired a land investigator that reviewed the records in the XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX, XXXX XXXX and confirmed that the request for division of land had been submitted officially as follow : VOLUME : XXXX CHAPTER : XXXX TOWN : XXXX PROPERTY : XXXX INSCRIPTION : XXXX page XXXX of the purchase agreement title, the notary wrote the following statement : " All individuals involved in this land purchase understand that the registry of this land and its current status are in good standing with the law and that under his best knowledge ( notary ) this land title study reflects the current status of the title ownership. " Popular Mortgage stated on e-mail dated XXXX XXXX XXXX that the registry of the land in which the house was built did not comply with the statutes established by XXXX ( XXXX of XXXX ) and that the " XXXX XXXX '' statute has not been met. This argument is irrelevant to the re-finance action, since it refers to a directive to annex the plot of XXXX square meters to the plot of land annexed to it. The plot of land in which the house rests ( XXXX square meters ) is registered legally in XXXX as verified by XXXX XXXX XXXX, title investigator, who was hired by both my wife and I to verify the land registration in question.
BOTTOM LINE:1. Popular Mortgage agreed to finance the purchase of the house in question in XXXX with the SAME documentation ( titles, notaries, etc. ) that they now argued to be invalid.
2. Under XXXX XXXX law, it is the lender ( bank ) who 's responsible to ensure that the title is in good standing ; not the buyers.
3. If
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Hard inquiry ran on my credit report by this company without my permission. No application via phone, email, or mail requesting credit from this company. I have paid all accounts on report and would like this removed as it pulled my score down. This was an unauthorized hard credit pull and should be deleted by company. Information possibly sold or transferred to another company on file.
Republic Finance XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, ga
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I was a victim of identity theft. Someone filed a tax return using my social security number. I went through the process of notifying and putting alerts on my credit reports. I then attempted to log into a previously established Experian account and was unable to due to the fact I could not validate an email address associated with my social security number. Not until I became an " paying '' member was I transferred to their fraud department and once there I had to answer multiply questions to validate my identity. Once my identify was established they provided me with the email address which I then told them was bogus. Someone had created an Experian account using my social security number and I 'm assuming they ran a credit report and were able to see all my information. The bogus account was established on XX/XX/XXXX. I attempted to file my tax return on XX/XX/XXXX and was informed by the IRS that a XX/XX/XXXX Tax Return had already been submitted and I 'm assuming paid out using my social security number. I was able to get Experian to put a lock on the bogus account.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | My home has been under the short sale program for several months with SPS, we have presented several offers to this company and all have come back being denied, my property needs repairs, we have been working with a buyer for several weeks that has spent time and money to prepare a bid for repairs for this lender. The value set on my property is for fair market value and my agent has been working to have the value properly reflect the repairs needed. Throughout this process we are all being told by SPS that my property did not have a sale date even though XXXX is publicized for XXXX XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/2015 at XXXX. As of today I am still having communication problems with having SPS advise their trustee that the sale scheduled for my property on Monday is on hold. They are trying to foreclose on me instead of working with my agent to sell my house. SPS has mislead us for several weeks and has lied many times by advising my agent that there is no sale date and that all is being worked on. When indeed there is a sale date and per their trustee it is active.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Beginning XXXX XXXX, 2015 I began reporting this charge on my account : Pending-POS Debit - XXXX Check Card XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX - {$9.00}. Each time I followed the instructions of Navy Federal Credit Union ( NFCU ) representatives ; which was to submit a report of a fraudulent charge and cancel my debit card. Since my initial complaint, I have cancelled XXXX ( XXXX ) debit cards and yet this charge continues to appear on my account monthly. Moreover, there has been no resolution presented by NFCU other than to continue to cancel debit card after debit card and since this is a recurring problem cancelling my debit card has brought no resolution. Matter of fact, the number of cards I 've cancelled and have had reissued has caused a hardship for me with other ( authorized ) creditors. I have asked over and over for a way to block this charge from being charged to my account, to no avail. The latest representative recommended that I contact the vendor, who is unknown to me and I explained as much to the representative but it fell on deaf ears. I am frustrated and out of options of how to end this recurring unauthorized charge from my account.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have negative items on my credit that doesnt belong to me
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have a citibank credit card which has a balance with no interest. Due to XXXX I was late with XXXX payment, so to avoid this happening again I set up the amount of {$60.00} to come out of my bank account I used the amount {$60.00} as directed by a staff member as the amount should not go up due to no interest.
I then this month noted I was being charged a late fee of {$35.00} Turns out the minimum balance that month was {$67.00} I called the bank to explain the situation and was told there was nothing they could do to take the {$35.00} off. So i was charged {$35.00} for a missing {$7.00} this is robbery.. How can they be allowed to do this for a missing $ XXXX explained XXXX times to the representative but he would not adjust the statementA late fee should be if you missed the payment not if you made most of the payment and contacted the company. I was made to feel like a terrible person.
I tried to keep calm but did become angryAll i am asking is for the late fee to be adjusted, I have been a good customer.
I will be cancelling the accountThank you
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | I applied over the phone for a credit card that was advertised on USAA website as a 1.5 % cash rewards credit card. I think it was a new product at that time, so when I called to apply the lady had trouble finding the specific XXXX I wanted, but after a few minutes on hold she came back and said that she had found the 1.5 % cash back World MasterCard that I wanted to apply for. We went through the application process over the phone and at XXXX other times throughout the conversation I verified that this was the 1.5 % cash rewards card. I was put on hold again XXXX of these times and the worker came back to the phone and said yes, this is the 1.5 % cash rewards program card. After a few days I got the card in the mail and it was just the plain USAA World MasterCard, not the 1.5 % cash rewards card. I already had a 1 % rewards card from them. So after several unsuccessful phone calls to their executive resolution people, I sent a consumer dispute form to them detailing that I wanted the card removed from my credit history and deleted, not cancelled. ( I was told over the phone multiple times that the only thing I could do was cancel the card, but I will not do this because it lowers your credit score from my understanding to have an account opened then closed within a month period. ) They contacted me and said they could not do what I wanted by removing the inquiry from my credit history because I did authorize application and that I would have to cancel the card and re-apply. I authorized application to the 1.5 % and not the card they gave me, so I believe it is their responsibility to remove the application from my credit history.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I am writing about a billing from the Public Defender 's Office dated XXXX/XXXX/XXXX. To date, TWELVE YEARS LATER, I still have not been provided with a detailed itemized bill listing the services rendered. I XXXX requested an itemized bill on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. That request went unanswered. My XXXX notice of the {$2400.00} billing was a XXXX XXXX, XXXX notice from XXXX XXXX XXXX advising me that the Office of the Public Defender referred my account to them for collection. I wrote again on XXXX XXXX, XXXX indicating I had not received any documentation, requested the detailed time sheets and asked what recourse I had regarding the gross professional negligence regarding the " service '' I received. No one in the office, responded to my letter. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX I received another notice, this time from Financial Asset Management Systems, indicating they represent New Jersey 's Office of the Public Defender for collection of the balance I owe. Again, on XXXX XXXX, XXXX I wrote still another letter, attached my previous request and asking for detailed information on the services rendered by the Public Defender on my behalf.
The New Jersey XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX sent me a printout dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX from XXXX omitting any contact information for any further inquiries. In addition, there was no reference to what recourse there is for any disputed charges, just long-worded reminders about their authorization and powers to collect through whatever means possible. I have serious issues with the billing and wrote XXXX XXXX XXXX from the NJ Office of Dispute Settlement on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Unfortunately, many of those represented by the OPD do n't have the resources to do so and may very well be unfairly charged and financially victimized. I was referred to XXXX XXXX XXXX, Chief Fiscal Officer of the NJ Office of the Public Defender, who sent me an itemized billing and offered me a settlement of {$750.00}. I refused any settlement because I disputed the services provided in detail and XXXX XXXX said he referred my entire matter to the NJ Public Defender Management for a decision on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. As of XXXX XXXX, XXXX, according to XXXX XXXX, my matter was still under review. I have not heard a word from NJ Office of the Public Defender Management on my dispute nor an answer to my questions which I have been asking sinceNow, for the XXXX time ( XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX ) I am receiving collection notices, this time from XXXX of Michigan. I have not received the documentation I have requested for over TEN YEARS from the NJ Office of the Public Defender, but am receiving collection notices for a debt which is invalid.
I can and will provide documentation, names, dates, etc. to support my statements.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I signed up for a Barclay XXXX Credit card.
The T & C 's presented during the sign up process and the T & C 's of the card I received had a significant difference : the APR on the card is 24.99 % but the advertised APR was 15.24 % or 18.24 % when you open your account, based on your credit worthiness.
I called Barclay customer service on XXXX to have the " Bait and switch '' resolved. They said I would have to file a written complaint and provide documentation.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | This debt was paid as soon as I closed the account. This should have never been sent to collections. I have contacted Receivables Performance Management on several occasions. I was told this would be removed from my credit report, but it 's still reporting. This could potentially cost me a lot of money in excessive interest. I need this corrected. Thank you.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | The representative stated I had no right to dispute : only that I had to pay a 7 year old {$84.00} bill
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We have a loan with Bank of America and have been working since XXXX XX/XX/2014 to get the loan modified to an amount that is affordable. We have faxed income info, paperwork, made phone calls and no one returns the phone calls, we just get a notice that the loan modification request has been denied. They are not very personable and at this time we are in the midst of possibly losing the home, there are XXXX kids in the house and XXXX of them has a XXXX XXXX XXXX and is in need of the school system. The interest rate is way too high.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I was contacted on XX/XX/XXXX by XXXX regarding the cancellation of internet service with XXXX XXXX, which I paid for when breaking contract back in XX/XX/XXXX- XX/XX/XXXX. The woman informed me I owed {$99.00} still. I told her I never received such a bill from them. She said she would check on it. In the meantime, I contacted XXXX, and they told me I had paid everything and was current on my account ( I still have phones with them ). I received a XXXX call on XX/XX/XXXX stating that if I did not pay the {$99.00} it would go on my credit bureau. I asked again for them to send a bill. She said she sent it to an address I 've never had, and that if I wanted it, I would need to write them a letter and send {$10.00} and request the letter be resent. They gave me the claim number of # XXXX, and again, they told me that if I did not pay this would affect my credit bureau. I 'm at a loss. XXXX says I am clear, and Aldous is telling me I need to pay money to receive a bill. Please help.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | On XXXX/XXXX/15, I received an e-mail statement from Bank of America 's Online Banking, stating I have a payment due on XXXX/XXXX/15 for {$99.00}. On XXXX/XXXX/15, the same day I received the email statement, I made the payment of {$99.00} and it posted to my account on XXXX/XXXX/15.
On XXXX/XXXX/15, and on numerous dates thereafter, I contacted BOA via chat and telephone, to inquire as to why it was still showing that I still had a payment due on XXXX/XXXX/15 for {$99.00}. I was informed that BOA was making changes to their Online Banking system and that I need not worry and my {$99.00} payment on XXXX/XXXX/15 will be applied to the XXXX/XXXX/15 due date.
On XXXX/XXXX/15, I noticed that my account was past due, there was a new payment due immediately for {$98.00}, a {$25.00} late fee for payment due, my card was blocked from use and my credit line was decreased from {$10000.00} to {$8900.00}, as a result of this " delinquency. '' All of these penalties occurred without reason and prior notification to me.
On XXXX/XXXX/15, I contacted BOA via chat and telephone and after research, it was discovered that it was bank error that my payment for the XXXX/XXXX/15 due date was incorrectly applied in the system and therefore, I received a {$25.00} late charge adjustment. I was then informed that this matter would be immediately rectified and the new payment due immediately for {$98.00} would zero out and I would only have to pay the XXXX/XXXX/15 amount due of {$120.00}.
On XXXX/XXXX/15, I noticed that my account was still past due, and now I owed an amount of {$220.00} by XXXX/XXXX/15 ( $ 98+ {$120.00} for XXXX ). I contacted BOA again via chat and telephone and again, was advised this would again be immediately rectified. Not trusting BOA after false information was previously provided to me, I paid both the {$98.00} and the {$120.00} to have my account placed back in good standing, even though it was in good standing and always has been.
On XXXX/XXXX/15, I contacted BOA via chat and telephone and inquired again as to why this has n't been rectified and more importantly, to request my previous credit line of {$10000.00} be RESTORED, since the reduction was a result of BOA incorrectly putting my account in delinquency. I was advised that would be impossible without running a new credit report and I declined. I DID NOT REQUEST an INCREASE in my credit line, I requested my credit line be RESTORED, due to BOA 's error.
Not only did BOA misapply my payment, I had to pay a new payment due immediately for {$98.00}, a {$25.00} late fee for payment due, which was later refunded, my card was blocked from use and my credit line was decreased from {$10000.00} to {$8900.00}, and the refusal to RESTORE it, as a result of BOA 's error, is appalling.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | On XXXX XXXX I called XXXX XXXX regarding an issue with my monthly statement that was the exact same issue I had last year. Since she was able to help then, I thought she would help me this time. I was wrong. She said she was able to help last year because I had a complaint on file. While I was on the phone with her, she transferred me to another department and I spoke to a guy who said he would put a copy of my CORRECT XXXX statement in the mail immediately and that I would receive it by the middle of the following week. That never happened. So on XXXX XXXX, when I still had not received my correct XXXX statement, I filed a complaint with the BBB. My complaint was NOT resolved and I never did get a CORRECT XXXX statement. My grace period for paying my XXXX mortgage payment was up on XXXX XXXX and since it was obvious I was n't going to get any actual customer service, I went ahead and made my XXXX payment and crossed out all the wrong numbers on the payment slip. My payment also included additional principal as it has for the last 2 years. My check for {$2400.00} cleared my bank on XXXX XXXX, which means suntrust received my payment on time. Then the statement I got for my XX/XX/XXXX XXXX due date says that I have {$2100.00} in " unapplied funds ''. That is my monthly principal amount and it should have applied correctly. The additional principal I paid was applied correctly. My XX/XX/XXXX XXXX statement says I owe {$4200.00} which I absolutely DO NOT. When I called on XXXX XXXX to try to get the " unapplied funds '' issue resolved, the rude woman on the phone would n't even let me finish my sentences so I hung up. I called and left a voicemail with the escalation department and their voicemail says they will return customer 's calls the next day. They have never called me back and my mortgage is still a mess. I did not choose suntrust as my mortgage holder, it was sold to them, and I never would choose them. Their customer service sucks and they need to fix the mess with my account that they created and correctly apply the thousands of dollars in principal payments I 've sent them. They also need to return customer 's phone calls or change their voicemail to something that is n't lying to customers.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | There is a judgment being reported by the XXXX major credit bureaus. I spoke with the collection agency and was told that the judgment would be completely vacated if it was paid. The amount owed was paid however it is still being reported on my credit bureau reports.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | A company called " West Asset Management '' entered my phone number into an autodialer simply based on the similarity of my last name ( a common name ) to that of the debtor they were trying to locate.
The autodialer voice prompts include an option to indicate that the debtor can not be reached at this number, but that prompt has been XXXX or is not functioning.
When called back, an agent refused to identify himself or the company her represented. When called back again, an agent did identify their company, but refused to acknowledge they were a debt collector.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I am currently in bankruptcy, with XXXX on my mortgage. I am making payments under the XXXX XXXX XXXX, and has never missed a payment in four years, i have repeatedly disputed this account with Experian about why it is still showing past due. They refuse to remove all past due payments, which are supposed to be remove under the chapter XXXX plan, This is the only credit bureau that i am having this problem with. I have pursued my legal rights under 15 USC Section 1681n or 1681o to comply with the law. Under the provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Please investigate and contact me please concerning this matter. Thank You.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I was part of the XXXX and received payment last month.
I was told that the foreclosure should and would not be on my credit report. I learned that it was and disputed it with all XXXX credit monitoring servicers.
I told the companies that i was involved in the Independent foreclosure review and they still would not remove because of BANK OF AMERICA responded to them stating it was accurate. I was involved as a member of the the UNITED STATES XXXX. I have only a check stub stating the amount and reason why the check was issued. That is the only documentation the bank will give based on the settlement agreement with the federal government.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I had a line of credit with Bank of America. I left the account at a zero balance when I closed the account. I received a notification that I had a balance. I disputed the account but I was unable to provide proof because it was and old account. I called and I was told that if I pay the full amount that the account will be taken off my credit report. I paid however, I requested all documents with my account activities since I opened the account to verify where the error was and to proof that it was my mistake or not and I have not yet rcvd the documents and the account it 's still on my credit report. I called again and I was told that it will remain in my credit report for 7 years for an amount of {$71.00}. Please help.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We refinanced our home with Bank of America. Last week we received an escrow refund check of $ XXXX+ and I went to deposit it at the ATM. The ATM did not process the check and would not return it. I contacted the bank when it opened and filed a claim. They said they would give me a temporary credit and would make that permanent once they had investigated the issue, and that it " would n't take long ''. A week later I called to find out when the temporary credit would be made permanent. I was told that it would take up to 45 days to resolve and that I had access to the funds already. We do n't actually have access to the funds because if there is no error report with the ATM ( read : it ejected the check to another banker ), then they will take the credit back. They will not do anything to expedite real access to the funds.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Bank of America mailed me several offers to refinance my home. On XXXX/XXXX/2015 I called the XXXX, FL sales office and spoke with XXXX XXXX ( MLS XXXX ) and began the refinance process. There were documents XXXX XXXX wanted immediately ( XXXX, XXXX pay stubs & savings statements ) so those documents were emailed to her on XXXX/XXXX/2015, however, the remaining refinance documents, that BofA mailed to my home, she stated could be mailed. So on XXXX/XXXX/2015 I followed her instructions which matched the instructions in the refinance packet, and mailed the remaining documents in the pre-paid postage envelope provided from a Post Office in XXXX, TX. Because the documents were of a sensitive and personal nature, I wanted to have the documents tracked, even though they were only going to XXXX, TX ( XXXX is a larger suburb of XXXX ). The post office clerk informed me that I could not " alter '' the pre-paid envelop and had to mail the documents as is. Needless to say, as of XXXX/XXXX/2015 the documents have not reach BofA 's documents center and are now considered LOST. The post office claims they do not have my package, and BofA claims they have not received my documents either. I am stuck in the middle with my personal information floating somewhere, with no real help available. BofA is claiming since the documents have not reached them ( something they can not proved or disproved ) they have no responsibility to help. Even though, it was their instructions and envelope, they do not track the packages in anyway ( nor to the note that information in the refinance package ). This seems ridiculous. Customers are mailing personal and highly confidential information to them from all over the country and they not only do not track the packages they also hinder the consumer from doing so as well. This process is very flawed and I am not sure what the Bureau can do, but I wanted this practice to brought to light. I was informed by a BofA representative, that mail gets lost every day, and there was nothing they ( or I ) could do about it. I was to either resend the forms or lose the refinance. What is even more frustrating, is that I was informed, after the documents were lost ( of course ) that I could have gone in to ANY BofA location and faxed the documents to the XXXX office for FREE. I looked and this was not noted in any of their instructions. They did supply a fax number but DID NOT state the option of going into a branch. That XXXX simple piece of information could have saved me from the frustration on the entire refinance process. I now have frozen my credit and researching a credit monitoring company to protect me from potential identity theft. My problem is not with the people I worked with, it is with the process that leaves consumers at risk. I trusted BofA and the have completely let me down.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | XXXX XXXX has contacted me on XXXX occasions. XXXX time stating I owe on a loan. An must take care of in timely manner before court. ( call on XX/XX/XXXX ) XXXX call was asking what I have decided to do to resolve issue. I told them it was n't my debt. She told me good luck. ( call on XX/XX/XXXX ) Then received a message stating I had XXXX to make a statement on my behalf. ( call on XX/XX/XXXX ) I have also received a email stated the debt I owe. They also have some of my personal information. I asked when the loan was deposited and when payments where missed. They could n't address that information they told me. I have called cashnet to double check on any loans. They stated the last loan I received was in XX/XX/XXXX and had been paid in full. An then offered me a loan which I refused.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have received multiple calls from phone number XXXX A revrese lookup said theyare Receivables performance management located in XXXX va. They are looking for someone named XXXX XXXX. I have told them i dont know who she is but they keep calling me asking fer her hanging up etc. Once person went so far as to say well records show you have the same address. She was most likely the person that was renting here before me. I dont know how they got my number they just need to stop calling me.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | To whom it may concern, I have lived in my home from XX/XX/XXXX and I have paid my mortgage on time until XX/XX/XXXX when my husband was laid off and we started to fall behind on payments at that time we called the bank that had our home loan which is Bank of America to get a loan modification and they denied us so we still try to make a payment here and there but it still was not enough so we tired to get a loan modifation again and they only took off {$100.00} dollars for XXXX year and the next year it went back up by {$200.00} dollars. We called them and ask them why and they said it was because of the interest rate changing. So we tried to pay that amount but it was still hard to do. We have asked Bank of America to produce the wet ink note of our loan and they refuse to do so. So now they are trying to forclouse on our home and we are trying to apply for another loan modication and instead of them trying to help us they are trying to set a sale date. I know the law and they can not set a sale date while we are in the middle of another loan modification. Please can you help us. We are trying very hard to work with them. Thank you
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Sps has wrongfully taken my home. Naca was informed on XXXX XXXX that my property had no sale date. The sps rep advised this information directly to Naca via a phone call. Sps dropped the ball not advising to myself or Naca that the attorney handling foreclosure advised that the sale date could not be postponed due to timing. Please advise to me why the sale date for the XXXX was moved??? All of this happening why my file was being reviewed with sps as well as mailed notifications that the file was under review with no notification that sale date was not able to be modified sps has the ability to retract the sale that took place today XXXX.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have recently had a wage garnishment put in place. I have lived at same residence for 10years and never received any documentation. I have been trying to work with Collection Technology Inc and they have been extremely rude and very difficult to deal with not returning phone calls not sending paper work, etc and so on!! I know that it is there job to collect debt but I do n't believe I owe as much as they say and I was pretty much told that is what told that is what total is and that is that! Just called them XXXX/XXXX/15 @ XXXX central time, was told we are in a meeting we will call you back and hung up on! Not sure who their CEO knows within the Department of Education for them to be able to buy this debt and then immediately start garnishment and withholding tax money.
Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers | Background : In XXXX of XX/XX/XXXX I began falling behind on payments to XXXX XXXX. A substantial balance had accumulated because of recent large unforeseen expenses - vehicle repairs which resulted from our truck being rear-ended. The insurance company unexpectedly denied claims for over XXXX in repairs. We met minimum payments in XXXX XXXX - {$3100.00}, XXXX XXXX - {$3100.00}, XXXX XXXX - {$2300.00}, XXXX XXXX - XXXX, XXXX. XXXX - {$1100.00} and XXXX. {$4300.00}. we were able to meet these obligations only by closing a small IRA and borrowing. The debt situation began to grow serious. The XXXX minimum payment was {$3100.00} and I was unable to pay it. We paid {$500.00}. There were multiple phone calls and conversations with XXXX XXXX. In XXXX I wrote to XXXX requesting that they grant a XXXX month grace period since I had been a customer for over 20 years and had just become eligible for Social Security Benefits ( and would therefore have additional income ). The XXXX SS benefit check would arrive the last week in XXXX and I promised substantial monthly payments from then until the balance was satisfied. I sent a payment of {$1000.00} on XXXX XXXX and, at the end of the XXXX cycle, XXXX XXXX closed the account and sent it to collection.
Phone calls from a collection agency began XXXX XXXX, XXXX and repeated multiple times each day. They were all from " unavailable '' or " restricted '' numbers. My XXXX conversation with a representative at " XXXX '' was XXXX XXXX. I sent a letter ( certified return receipt ) requesting that they ceased calling me and send validation / documentation of the debt. I did not receive this documentation so I sent a XXXX request XXXX days later. A short while later ( XXXX XXXX ) I began receiving multiple phone calls from another collection agency, XXXX XXXX XXXX After numerous phone calls ( with a call center in XXXX ) and another letter requesting validation of the debt, I did finally receive the documentation on XXXX XXXX, XX/XX/XXXX. I then called XXXX and spoke with a representative called, XXXX. We hammered out a verbal agreement.
A " settlement '' was not possible because of our limited financial resources. I needed to make payments. They wanted at least 10 % down. I wanted to put {$500.00} down. The end result was an agreement of {$890.00} down ( which XXXX stated he was able to achieve under " hardship " conditions ) and monthly payments of {$430.00} for 36 months. Except the agreement had to be in XXXX parts - 24 months was as long as they would go. We would need a XXXX agreement for 12 months for the remaining amount. There would be no additional interest on what I owed. I stated that I would send in my own payments and ( on legal advice ) not provide a bank account number and allow them to take automatic payments. I also wanted our agreement in writing before I would send in the XXXX payment. I requested information on the " clean slate '' offer XXXX was making. XXXX directed me to call the credit reporting number at XXXX XXXX since XXXX could not determine how XXXX would report this account. XXXX told me that a letter outlining what we discussed would be sent to me and I should call him when I received it. This was on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. I waited a week ( XXXX XXXX ) and emailed my mail service to forward mail. The packet arrived on XXXX XXXX but there was no letter from XXXX.
I almost immediately began receiving collection calls from another XXXX #. When I returned the calls I had to start all over with a different office /division of XXXX. I reiterated the terms of the agreement that had been achieved. I dealt with XXXX people at this new office ( XXXX XXXX, then XXXX and finally the " supervisor '' XXXX XXXX. They stated that no letter would be sent until I gave them access to my bank account and they had taken the first payment. This was after ( cont. )
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Bank of America is attempting to foreclose on a property. The TILA Agreement was never presented. Only the HUD Settlement Form. I requested the Title Company XXXX XXXX to send all of my documents which I signed at closing and there is no TILA Agreement. Furthermore, the Entity in which the Note and Deed of Trust are assigned to is America 's Wholesale Lender " A Corporation '' which did not exist under XXXX Law and does not exist under XXXX Law. XXXX Trustee and Bank of America are initiating a Foreclosure set for XXXX XXXX, XXXX and America 's Wholesale Lender never responded to a Qualified Written Request. The Qualified Written Request to America 's Wholesale Lender was Sent via Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested back in XXXX and never responded nor did Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems which are other parties listed in the Deed of Trust as Lender and Beneficiary. America 's Wholesale Lender A Corporation does not exist as a Corporation Tax Payer in XXXX. Therefore, I would like to have in writing who is the appropriate lender who has standing to foreclose. Otherwise, I would like to take the appropriate action to Rescind the mortgage since XXXX advised in XXXX that they were not the Lender, Owner of the Property or the Loan. Since the Truth and Lending documents were not issued at closing, and I can not contact the Lender for the TILA Agreement with a existing entity, I would like to know who is the true Lender to the note and deed of trust.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | In XXXX XXXX Bank of America decided to " Charge off '' my home mortgage.
My property taxes were in escrow with my mortgage.
BOA NEVER informed me that they had " charged off '' my mortgage, I received a property tax bill from the XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX NJ in late XXXX for XXXX. I did n't understand why I was getting a tax bill being that my taxes were in escrow. I contacted my go to person at BOA and was not able to connect with her. I continued the search for someone to explain to me why my taxes were not paid. Finally I got someone who told me about the " charge off '' and that no more help will be coming from BOA. I did file a complaint with CFPB about the mortgage issue. Now I am filing a complaint because I do not have XXXX and the XXXX XXXX XXXX does not take payments you have to pay the full amount and I have been notified that my house will be sold in a tax sale in XXXX. Being that BOA caused this debt by never notifying me that they were no longer paying my taxes they should be held liable for this debt. XXXX again BOA put their customers in untenable positions financially. I am really going to loose my house for XXXX BOA?
You are a disgrace!
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | I had an arrangement made with my finance company before my due day I have been getting calls every single day representatives have been calling me disclosing information without confirming who they 're speaking with ask to speak with supervisor supervisor called me a liar stated will be calling my human resources manager at my job I did n't ask to speak to a different supervisor to have my complain to listen to representative who I called stated I called a different branch and there was no supervisors available I ask to be transferred he denied due to does n't know XXXX supervisor will beavailable that they are the boss of him and he does n't know their time frame
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX and huband name is XXXX XXXX XXXX I am filing complaint regarding a finanical company, name OneMain Finanical XXXX address XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX their phone number XXXX they have an account which they are telling us it our account the account number is XXXX open XX/XX/XXXX, joint account installment account loan type is unserured. I have a company name XXXX XXXX which is helping us and they have send letters on our behalf. The company information is ( C ) XXXX XXXX XXXX ( R ). All rights reserved. XXXX XXXX XXXX, Attorney at Law, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, and of counsel attorneys. XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX Utah, XXXX of Use Privacy Policy Email Preferences. Credit Access.
Attorney XXXX, phone number XXXX. My email is how they find our information and verified is I who is calling my husband have his own account with the XXXX XXXX XXXX, it with my email. XXXXXXXXXXXX my address XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX, PA XXXX, my phone number is XXXX, birthday XX/XX/XXXX. My complaint is that this company is accusing us of owning XXXX the high balance is {$17000.00} from XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX pay status is a charge off the account number they have on file is XXXX. XXXX XXXX have wrote letters at least every sixty day since XX/XX/XXXX. They have send us letters refusing to take this the credit report off our credit bureaus, because they have tell me that all XXXX credit reporting agencies have the same information. Now from my understanding it is the company that report to these credit agencies, XXXX, XXXX and XXXX so that is not correct statement since, OneMain Financial reported this information to the credit agencies. I truely do not know this company and never dealt with them that I am aware of. I and my husband need help under credit laws that said this have to be an accurate reporting and this company have not given correct information. The XXXX Lax company have did every thing under law to help us. Please help us. Thank You for whatever you can do to bring the truth to light.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My Bank of America savings account went negative by almost {$1400.00}. The bank said it was negative for XXXX days as of XXXX/XXXX/2015. I was trying to pay it off through a payment plan, but the Bank refused and while it took the reason why the account went into a negative balance as a fraudulent transaction ( which happened at XXXX time ), there was no action made to the person who wrote the bad check, nor was there any feedback that they would have allowed me to pay back incrementally the negative balance.
On XXXX XXXX, 2015 Bank of America performed an unauthorized transaction by taking all of the funds out of my checking account which were actually a student loan for my wife 's school and left us with a negative balance. When I confronted the bank, they said that they were allowed to do that based on the contract of my accounts. I found that hard to believe, which is why I am making this complaint that Bank of America has been performing predatory business practices and continues to do so that are not only unethical but I wonder if they actually violate the law.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I ordered a XXXX Tablet for {$53.00} at XXXX on XXXX XXXX and ended up cancelling it the same day. XXXX confirmed that they sent the money back and that I would have to contact my bank about the matter. I did and they continued to tell me to contact XXXX and that there was nothing that they could do. So I did and XXXX referred me back to Bank of America because they are the only ones that can release the hold. I contacted the bank yesterday and they told me it could take up to 3 days for the money to show up on my accont. I told the teller it was the XXXX day and she said it should be released by the end of the day. I then called Bank of America today when I saw it was not released and I was told that they could not find the purchase of file a claim because the {$53.00} sent to XXXX was not able to take the money out of the account due to problems with my card and then the story changed to it was automatically refunded and to check my transactions on line by the claims department supervisor named XXXX XXXX. XXXX was very rude and talked over me. She also told XXXX a lie instead of trying to find out about my daughters child support money.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | 1. Hospital visit XXXX XXXX. My employer provides health care at 100 %. My Health Insurance company is XXXX3. XXXX paid the medical billsXXXX. Then, in XX/XX/XXXX a collection agency, XXXX XXXX XXXX, placed a negative item in my credit report stating I had not paid the doctor.
6. I call the doctor. They state that their accounting firm at the time went out of business and sold its accounts to a collection agency.
7. We send an email to the Manager of the collection agency and spoke with his staff. They state they do not have the actual invoice which was not paid, only an entry in the database they received from the defunct accounting company.
8. The item is removed from my credit report.
9. In XX/XX/XXXX a different collections agency, Commonwealth Financial, places the negative item back in my credit report.
Commonwealth Financial has this error in a database which they got from XXXX XXXX XXXX, which got it from the accounting firm which went out of business right after we used the doctor and XXXX paid the doctor.
It seems that there is just a big scam where XXXX accounting firms sells accounts to another agency which further sells it to another firm, when in fact the first company had already been paid by the insurance company. XXXX collections agency scams another agency, which then scams another, when in fact there is no debt to collect as the initial firm received payment years ago.
My credit score is hammered each time a collections agency buys the account from another XXXX and puts this incorrect item in my credit report.
I need your help to stop this once and for all.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I purchased my home in XXXX, 2008 based on a monthly income of $ 5,000+ per month, with the express prayer to JEHOVAH GOD AMIGHTY that my children would not end up homeless, always having a place to call home. After forced early retirement in order to maintain my health and sanity, I attempted to get my FHA home loan modified with Bank of America to whom Countrywide had sold my loan. Bank of America promised a modification only to give me payments of {$1700.00} per month at 5 % ( taxes and insurance included ) which was more than my monthly payment before the " modification '' which went from approximately {$1700.00} ( taxes and insurance included ). Surely someone must have gotten a good laugh! ) .Bank of America then sold my home to XXXX. While in the midst of attempting to get a permanent home loan modification, I asked members of our regular Friday night Bible study to pray for me because if I did not get a permanent modification I could lose my home. A brother who attended the Bible study asked me to bring him all the paperwork concerning my home, and I did. The following week, brother XXXX said, " Sister XXXX, I promise you will not lose your home. '' He explained that he and his partners did what one calls " home flipping. '' He said his partners would buy my home and then sell it back to me at a price that I could afford. I did ALL that was asked of me and gave ALL papers concerning my home. They purchased my home then evicted my XXXX daughter and myself. Temporary mailing address I XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, TX XXXX.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I could no longer pay these enormous charges so I hired a company in FL to take over for me. Either they did nothing or the Pay Day loan company will not accept their terms. I get several letters a week and they have threatened to take civil action against me. I am over XXXX and I get a XXXX check.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | On XXXX XXXX at approximately XXXX ( CST ), I received a call from an individual who identified herself as XXXX with IQ Data International. From the beginning of the conversation, XXXX took a very confrontational and demeaning tone as she attempted to " scold me '' for failing to answer her multiple calls from XXXX. I informed XXXX that, of course, I had no way of knowing the calls were coming from her and that in any event, I do n't answer calls from XXXX unless a voicemail is left. After informing XXXX not to speak to me in the manner she was speaking to me in, the conversation moved to the issue of the debt I owe to a former apartment complex. The initial balance XXXX provided me with was {$3500.00} and she immediately proceeded to ask me ( in a very rude and unprofessional tone ) how I wanted to pay the debt this month. I told her that I needed to first know what the breakdown of charges were. I feel that prior to asking me for a method of payment after providing me with the balance owed, XXXX should have first given me the breakdown of charges so that I could determine whether I needed to dispute any of them. XXXX seemed to take issue with the fact that I asked her to provide me with the breakdown of charges prior to giving her a method of payment, and she then proceeded to raise her voice and become extremely belligerent as I told her that the balance seemed high given that I should only owe 2 months of rent per the apartment complex 's policy ( I had already spoken with the management at the complex ). I attempted to inform XXXX that if she simply provided me with the breakdown of charges, there would be no need to argue because I could then confirm that I was charged in accordance with Texas law. After several attempts, XXXX finally provided me with the breakdown of charges. She then proceeded to rudely attempt to explain to me that the law did n't matter, that she had seen plenty of apartment complexes charge more than what I was being charged and that she had no idea why I was upset since I had obviously been given a break by the complex. I informed XXXX that the reason for my inquiry was not relevant ; the only concern she should have is that I have a right to inquire into the specifics of my debt and the specific reasons behind the charges. XXXX again told me that she had never seen someone argue about being charged less than what they owe and that she did n't understand why I was n't being charged the entire lease amount but that she was going to call the apartment complex and " find out why. '' I believed this to be some attempt at a veiled threat and at this point I informed XXXX that she could call the complex if she wished but that the billed amount would likely stand due to Texas 's landlords ' duty to mitigate damages from broken leases. XXXX continued to attempt to debate the law with me, finally prompting me to ask her if she was a lawyer. At this point, I had enough of XXXX 's condescending and demeaning tone as well as her multiple attempts to tell me what my rights were in a state which she likely has absolutely no knowledge of the law. I asked XXXX multiple times to speak with someone else and she told me several times that " no one in her office wanted to deal with me. '' Again, floored by her unprofessionalism and disrespect, I finally hung up the phone and called back to speak with a manager. he told me that I would have to speak with XXXX to set up payment arrangements. After being transferred, XXXX continued to be rude, prompting me to ask her if she took issue with me personally. She ignored the question and then told me that I would need to attempt to get a loan before I could set up payment arrangements. I asked her if that was a legal requirement or a policy of her company 's, and she told me that was none of my business as if I had no right to ask.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | The CFPB resolved an issue for me with a XXXX credit card. XXXX apologized and refunded all late fees. However, Sears is still reporting this issue as a late payment on my credit report. Please ask XXXX to remove the late payment on my credit report.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | I subscribed to XXXX in XXXX 2014, but cancelled within my first 30 days of service. I also shipped back the equipment to XXXX within the 30 days as well, and now they are saying that I owe a fee of {$98.00} in which I refuse to pay, because I do not owe that.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | This bill was paid on time prior to it going to collections. I had problems with the billing of XXXX from the very beginning, they over billed and continued to charge for promotional start up services that were cancelled. I began keeping some notes of when I had to go to the stores to try to resolve billing errors. The store managers would correct the bills and update the billing in the store. I would be over charged ALL the time, every bill I was being charged for services I was not receiving. I was being charged for XXXX lines I did not even have. The last payment I made, I made in full to end the relationship with XXXX XXXX XXXX. I would not have gone through all of that for the last bill to go to collections. I was told by the store manager what to pay ( because my bill I was over charged ) I paid my bill in full. It should have never went to collections, never. I called XXXX about this over and over but I always got a person in a different country who hardly understood XXXX - they would literally laugh at you when you would call them. Laugh at you, outloud, in you ear, at you about your problem. Im not kidding XXXX bit. The stores near me XXXX by XXXX were shutting down and the managers and sales people I once relied on were gone and I had no one go to for help with the bill. Now even after I had paid my last bill, I was still being billed for services I did not have. I was with XXXX at this point now and had taken the XXXX phone numbers with me and I was still getting a bill for service from XXXX XXXX and I was not even with them. I tried resolving this matter but you can not communicate with people who thinks its just a big joke.
I dug up my notes and rewrote them, I hope you can read them. I also dug up my check book with the payment I made that was calculated at the store by the manager due to over charges. This was my last bill, my last services I had.. I should have received no more bills or correspondence from them. Our relationship was done and I was so very happy about that. it was a nightmare from the beginning. I would not go through ALL of that and then not pay the last statement - that would be just stupid of me. Ive tried disputing this over and over with the XXXX credit bureaus - nothing ever comes of it and I dont know much of an investigation they conduct in an XXXX..
I really hope you can help me. Please let me know if there is any other information I can provide Or if you need anything else. The numbers next to the managers names are their store employee numbers. They told me to write this stuff down. I am so glad I saved it all. If I find more information can I upload it more info?
Thank you, XXXX
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | Repeated calls from men with heavy hard to understand accents ( communication tactic ) saying " we are from ACT calling for ( ) '' When asked who they are 'ACT about the school '' leading XXXX to believe it is ACT collegiate testing calling.
No disclosure of debt collection, just asks for a payment.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have received multiple calls from an agency claiming to be a debt collector. I do believe they could be but have yet to have them identify themselves in any way other than over the phone. They seem to have my name and now *definitely* have my address and month and day of birth. All I have is a phone name, phone number, address and repeated requests for my banking information. I also have him accusing me of not being willing to work with him to resolve this debt. I tried several times to get him to understand that I would not be giving him any banking information over the phone and he jumped right to me refusing to work with him. I think he finally understood that I was going to set up an automatic payment to his company via my bank. I did ask him to prove to me that he was indeed who he said he was and that he was with a legitimate debt collection outfit. He offered me a phone number to Bank of America instead. At some point I told him that I was aware of the Fair Debt Collection Act and that he should read it. He also insinuated legal action in an earlier call this morning as well as after I told him I would not be setting up an automatic withdrawal through his outfit. I told him again to send whatever information he wished to me via XXXX again. He then insinuated legal action by saying that if the XXXX of every month was good for me he needed to give me an extension to avoid legal action. After more of this, I told him things were getting weird and that we were done speaking.
I get that I owe money. I, like so many other Americans, have fallen on some really XXXX hard times. I am proud to say that I have not had to resort to going back on XXXX AND that I have a freaking job FINALLY ( XXXX ). I am a single, now-working-dad living at home with his XXXX year old Mom. All this after a crazy-making contentious divorce. I am trying to get my life together and having additional and unnecessary drama created in so doing ai n't helping me OR untold numbers of Americans. I honestly hesitate to even file a complaint because I am and have been quite discouraged with how much ever day normal people have to contend with from a lack of any protections. I want to do the right thing. I am trying. And I almost fall for what could be a total scam? For the love of giving the people a bit more power than we are lead to believe we have, DO SOMETHING. I am lucky as I have learned through, quite honestly, bad choices, to advocate. And I am trying!!!
Company believes complaint represents an opportunity for improvement to better serve consumers | After working very hard to pay off my Sallie Mae XXXX loan in full XXXX XXXX, they promised that a payoff letter would arrive within XXXX days. No letter was ever received. Each time I call back the customer-no-service promises that a letter will be sent soon. It has now been XXXX days and the account is STILL OPEN! I called today and asked to speak to a manager. When I insisted that they close out the account or else a formal complaint would be filed they hung up!
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I 've have been trying to complete a loan modification since XXXX XXXX 2013 because. I 've been submitting all required documentation to SPS financial and have not seen any results. I 'm currently working with a realtor to help me complete my loan medication because it 's been very overwhelming for me to complete this on my own. At this point, the lender continues to request new information and I 'm scared to lose my home to foreclosure.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I XXXX college in XX/XX/XXXX and left XXXX, XXXX to attend XXXX XXXX XXXX training in XXXX, XXXX. Five years later in XX/XX/XXXX, I received a letter from the National Credit Audit Corporation ( NCAC ) saying that I owed {$270.00} for damage that had occurred to the apartment that I was living in while in college. I took the letter to my legal department because it seemed weird that an agency would contact me almost five years later about a claim that had materialized out of thin air. My legal department advised me that it was probably a debt collector scam that they unfortunately see frequently with military members due to the frequent moves inherent with military life. Legal told me to respond asking for more information about the debt assuming that it would fall by the wayside. NCAC responded with an itemized list of maintenance charges ( from XXXX XXXX properties, the apartment complex that I had previously lived in ) that I had never seen before. The list was dated a full month before I had supposedly vacated the apartment and yet I was only seeing it for the XXXX time five years later. When I had vacated the apartment in XX/XX/XXXX, it had been under good standing with the rental company ; I understood that I would not be getting the full amount of my initial deposit back because it was standard practice to repaint the walls and have the carpets cleaned using the initial deposit. I again consulted my legal department who, after some research found that XXXX XXXX properties and therefore NCAC, were in violation of Title VI Chapter 83 section 83.49 paragraph 3 ( A ) of the XXXX Statutes which states " the landlord shall have 30 days to give the tenant written notice by certified mail to the tenant 's last known mailing address of his or her intention to impose a claim on the deposit and the reason for imposing the claim.If the landlord fails to give the required notice within the 30-day period, he or she forfeits the right to impose a claim upon the security deposit. '' XXXX XXXX properties failed to notify me within 30 days, much less via certified mail to my last known address, which was provided, and so in my opinion, the debt for damages ( that seem to have materialized when I was not around to contest them ) is not a valid claim.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | USBankcorp issues the XXXX card, which part of the benefits they provide for the varying Annual Fee is a Bonus Award Night on any award stay of 2 nights or more. Today, XXXX XXXX, USBank and XXXX XXXX have removed that benefit effective XXXX XXXX, though their XXXX website is still showing this as a benefit of the card.
I recently applied for the card and was approved on XXXX XXXX, I applied specifically because of this benefit and will not actually be able to receive the benefit that was offered as it takes USBank and XXXX 4-8 weeks from the time of the account opening to give the initial bonus points on sign-up and consumers are given 90 days to earn the additional bonus points, this is beyond the less than 2 months notice provided by the card of the change.
I contacted USBank to ask them if they were waiving the Annual Fee or pro-rating the Annual fee due to this significant change to the product ; I was told that they will not.
This amounts to bait & switch, both companies advertised a product with specific benefits to get me to sign up for this credit card ( a product they are still advertising with no notice the benefit will end on XXXX XXXX, which shows intent to defraud customers while continuing to gain new applications ), have a Credit Report pulled ( which stays on my credit for 2 years ) and then shortly there after, removed the advertised benefit while still expecting me to pay for the new lesser product which I am not interested in.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | A couple of months ago I received a letter from USAA indicating that I owed some money and my account was past due. I called them to indicate that there has been an identity theft since I never opened the card nor was in possession of the card. Over the past few months I have called them several times to address the issue. Every time, it seems as though they are doing something about it but they arent and I find that they are simply having the collection agents harass me about the money. There is no mention of what they have done to investigate the identity theft and what their conclusion was. When I call identity theft department at USAA, they hear me out for a few minutes and either put down the phone or connect me back to collections.
It is extremely unprofessional and I have not seen this with any of the credit agencies or banks that I have dealt with.
At a minimum, i would have expected them to take note of the details, investigate it and get back to me on why they think that I was the one to open the account or atleast let me know the outcome of their investigation. I think there has been a presumption on their part to conclude without adequate investigation that I was the one to open the card. USAA I am told is typically open only to people either in the military or relatives of military. I have NO connection to the military and it seems like they did n't even bother to check this fact before issuing the card to whoever was impersonating me.
I think the burden of proof should be on them to show me the documents to conclude that I opened the account. I even told them that I have a filed a police report and was willing to provide them with the report number. They did n't bother with it since they have pre-concluded without any investigation. I was told that the domain of the email address which was used to open the account was " XXXX ''. If they use a little common sense, that would be the first indication that it is a fraudulent account or atleast give me a chance to hear me out and take my complaint seriously.
It has been extremely frustrating since they seem extremely unprofessional in the way they are going about this issue. I have been thrown around from one department to another and there is no transparency on what is going on. When I first reported it, they seemed to take down all the details but a few weeks later, they indicated no record of it and asked me to repeat the story again. I did and someone pretended to file a report and gave me a case number XXXX with the promise of some outcome in 5-7 business days. When I called them after a week with the case number, they simply were trying to transfer me back to collections.
I feel I have no recourse as a consumer as I have no way of knowing what they are investigating and what they are concluding. I seem to be at their whim and they are holding me to ransom for their negligence in not verifying some basic credentials such as signature and proof of military. I think they need to be held liable for their negligence.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I was not aware the debt had been sent to collections until it was reported on my credit report. When I contacted the collection agency they had a non-existent address. They had my correct phone number but never made any attempts to notify me of the debt prior to reporting from all credit reporting agencies.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | This is my XXXX complaint for a similar issue. This XXXX incident has resulted in me beginning procedures to close all of my BOA accounts, not just my credit card. On XXXX XXXX I had great difficulty ordering a product on-line using my BOA credit card. After several failed attempts to pay with my card I called BOA. They told me that their fraud detection capabilities flagged my card and they would need to validate my attempted purchase before allowing it to go through. I was shocked, since I was actually using BOAs 'ShopSafe ' capability which should clearly indicate to even the most primitive software that it could not be fraudulent activity. Also disturbing, was that after each attempt to authorize payment I would receive an alert on my mobile device indicating a successful payment. After working with customer service we were able to authorize the purchase. I was actually able to see the purchase as a pending transaction on the BOA website. Unfortunately, after nearly XXXX, the pending status never changed, and there was no shipment notification from the merchant. I actually called the merchant inquiring as to why they were not shipping my item. They informed me that they have been trying to finalize the authorization with BOA, but failed each time. On XXXX XXXX I set up a conference call with BOA and the merchant. We tried repeatedly to remove the totally erroneous 'fraud detection block ' but to no avail. During these attempts, the pending status of my earlier attempt disappeared! In the end, I needed to hang up with the BOA associate and complete my purchase with an American Express card. The associate on the phone indicated that because I bought a juice in XXXX during the morning, but was attempting to make a web purchase with a company in Minnesota in the afternoon, I likely caused a fraud alert to lock my card!
There are XXXX upsetting aspects to this : The XXXX is that BOAs credit card software is disjointed, primitive, and functional only if all variables and circumstances are pristine. Even the slightest digression from a normal credit card event ( like an XXXX resident buying a juice in the morning and then using the internet to order an item out of state ) causes their systems to fail. XXXX, none ( none! ) of the other credit cards I own have ever cancelled themselves without notice ( my previous complaint to cfpb ) or blocked my card so thoroughly that even the issuing agency could not unlock it! This indicates that BOA has chosen to allow the client experience to suffer immeasurably rather than absorb unfortunate, but normal losses from credit card fraud. I can not be the only customer being inconvenienced. The thought of being overseas on vacation, or in an emergency situation and dependent on my BOA credit card is now a situation I must mitigate immediately by ending my relationship with BOA.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | Called this work related phone number after being told that this was for work purposes only and a personal number was given to them.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I cancelled membership with XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX both in person and in writing, effective XXXX XXXX, 2010. The fitness center continued to charge my account.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Have a car loan from VNB Loan Services. Was told by phone the car loan had been paid up in XXXX 2014, but that I owed additional fees & wo n't get my car title until all paid. From XXXX 2014 including a payment made today, I have paid an additional {$3200.00}. I know there were some gaps in insurance and over the phone that 's what they said I owed more money for but I have never received the additional amount due in writing. In fact I asked for a list of all payments received & how applied as well. Requested XXXX/XXXX/14 this info in writing along with a payment which the post office confirmed was signed for XXXX/XXXX/14 and the enclosed payment cleared my bank XXXX/XXXX/14. They refuse to mail me any documentation. I am willing to pay what I owe but feel they are trying to overcharge me because they have n't sent written documentation. Everything has only been provided via phone calls. I think as a consumer I should be getting the addition request in writing as proof for my records.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Could n't pay a loan company for a loan due to lost job, explained I was working part time, will begin payment around the XXXX week of XXXX in low installments, did n't give amount due to was n't sure of my paycheck and other priority bills. This was explained to representative who called, last week or the week before. I notice that they attempt a new draft for a different amount to my bank. I made myself clear to them that I had no other choice or money to pay them, they are causing more issues with my bank account which was to be closed and was n't by the bank themselves.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I was having difficulty accessing my accounts with Santandar through their online banking. I called the XXXX XXXX on the recorded line. After identifying myself through their automated system and changing my pin #, I was connected with XXXX, a represntative. I reviewed my difficulty with XXXX and he asked if he could ask me questions through public recored to confirm my identity. Although, I was confused why they would use public record as a means to confim my identity, but nevertheless I agreed. He asked me my name, address, and social security number. After a pause, he stated that he could no longer help me and that I needed to go to a branch. I was astonished that these were the " tough '' security questions that he asked and even more surprised that his service solution was for me to leave work and go to a branch. Clearly those questions are the very bare bones of identifying someone and I expected a deeper inquiry but received none. I asked to speak to a supervisor and XXXX stated that the supervisor would only state the same thing he did and that XXXX ( actually XXXX ) did not wish to take my call. I insisted and asked to wait to speak to a person in charge. i re-iterated that I did not wish to cause any trouble but wanted help to my issue and not deal with a branch. XXXX eventually picked up my call after the transfer and I reviewed my issue with her. She blamed the " system '' that her and XXXX use and stated their was nothing further to be done. I begged her to please ask me more difficult questions but they declined. I was open to alternatives to resolve this but XXXX and XXXX were not even remotely interested in exploring any other means. Remember, i was able to change my pin but they could n't ask me the amount of my HELOC payment. I told them that their service was poor and uncreative in spite of a basic request. I asked for her supervisor as I desired to provide sorely needed feedback and to explore further assistance if possible. I received no name, no phone number, no email to which I could address my complaint. I did receive a Client relations address to hand write a letter to. I also asked why she told XXXX that she did not wish to speak to me and or hear about my issue. She denied that that happened and in turn made XXXX a liar. Please remember this was a recored line, so there should be no dispute about any of this.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | In XXXX XXXX I leased a XXXX XXXX from XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX XXXX. The lease was financed through Ally ( formerly XXXX ). I made my payment every month and did not have XXXX late payment from XXXX. I XXXX and purchased a XXXX XXXX XXXX in XXXX XXXX. I received a letter from Ally XXXX XXXX stating I owed money on my previous XXXX for a sum of over {$1100.00}. I then received a statement stating I only owed a balance of {$540.00}. I contacted Ally and set up payment arrangements to take care of balance. I agreed to pay {$100.00} monthly payments. My XXXX payment was made in XXXX. My XXXX payment was made in XXXX. My XXXX payment was not made because I received a letter from Ally on XXXX XXXX, XXXX which advised me that my balance was paid and my debt was satisfied. My father also being a Co - signer received the same letter as I did. I stopped making the payments. Due to the letter I received I felt that my obligation had been satisfied. In XXXX XXXX, Ally sent me another statement advising me that I still owed an additional {$300.00}. Because of the letter I received from Ally I disputed this amount for several months. Ultimately, I paid the {$300.00} and Ally proceeded to report my account as a charge off to the credit bureau negatively affecting my credit rating.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My mother passed away over a year ago and I have been trying ever since to get someone at Bank of America to act on documents giving me, as her court appointed personal representative, access to a small personal IRA she kept at the XXXX, Florida branch for many years. I have visited the bank XXXX times in total since my mother 's passing with all the required legal documentation and personal identification necessary to enable me to legally distribute the IRA 's contents to the heirs as stated in her will. However, to date ( XXXX XXXX 2015 ), I have yet receive anything other than a Patriot Act form that asked me to state that I was indeed a citizen of the United States ... a bit of information I have already submitted XXXX times. I have tried contacting both the managers of the XXXX branch and of the downtown XXXX office by certified mail only to have my letters returned ... unopened. I feel I have been more than patient in my efforts to get someone at Bank of America to act on a simple request for access to an account that I am legally entrusted to collect and distribute. Can anyone here help me?
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I went onto get my free annual credit report and Experian said they were unable to process my request, ( although I had just received my report from XXXX and XXXX ), however Experian was willing to mail me my report for {$20.00}! I feel as if I have just been cheated!
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | I paid my overdraft accout about a year ago amd it is still on my credit scores as unpaid.
I called before and they said they took care of it. I just need this to be on file and out of my credit scores.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | In XXXX XXXX, I returned a vehicle I had been leasing since XXXX and purchased a XXXX Pontiac G8GT. From XXXX XXXX - XXXX XXXX I made my monthly payments of {$500.00}. I believe there was XXXX instance that my payment was late but stilling paying within that month. When I purchased the vehicle, I elected to buy a new car warranty as well as Gap insurance. In XXXX XXXX my vehicle was parked outside my home and was rear ended by a XXXX high school girl distracted at the wheel. My vehicle sustained over {$17000.00} in damage and was deemed a total loss. At the time of the accident I carried full coverage insurance through XXXX and also carried Gap insurance coverage. My insurance company paid over {$21000.00} towards the vehicle because the girl at fault was uninsured. The remaining balance of approximately {$850.00} should have been covered by the Gap insurance I paid for monthly. After all deductions made and refunds calculated Ally sent me a statement advising me that I owed the above balance. How is that possible? The entire reason I purchased Gap insurance was to cover additional costs not covered by my personal insurance company. I disputed this with Ally for several months. Ultimately, fighting a losing battle I paid Ally The REMAINING balance they claimed I owed. At which point, ALLY proceeded to report my account as a charge off. Which negatively affected my credit rating.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I went in to Region Bank XXXX XXXX in XXXX NC and made a deposited of 2200.00 and was advised by the teller XXXX XXXX that a XXXX XXXX hold would be placed on 2000.00 until XXXX/XXXX/2015. I agreed to that, but the problem occurred is when I check my account on XXXX/XXXX/2015 my account was XXXX in the negative. I called customer service, because the branch was closed and spoke with several represents and they was not helpful or concern. I then reach a rep ( XXXX ) that was great and tried her best to assist me, but explain that it could only be handle at the branch. I very upset that I had to go 2 day in the weekend with no available funds in my account, because before I made the deposit it was funds available in my account.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Ive attempted to file a dispute with Experian numerous times via their website and have been unable to, they request information sent via mail, this information was already provided to prove identity. I submitted social security number, address, DOB, etc. Still, they request information be sent, which makes no sense as I am able to view my credit report but not make any disputes. I pay a monthly membership fee and should be able to file online disputes as part of paid membership. Their rep stated other people are having the same problem, it appears to be a technical issue on their side. Whatever the case may be, I pay a monthly membership and should be able to file disputes online as I am able to view my credit report. Do not mark this as duplicate as additional information has been provided here.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Bank of America has submitted a false and inaccurate report to the consumer credit agencies and has caused me great financial and personal harm.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I received a notice from Medical Revenue Service ( MRS ) on XXXX alleging I owe a debt in the amount of {$530.00}. I submitted a validation/verification of the debt to MRS on XXXX, because I have been a XXXX. They received my request on XXXX via XXXX Certified Mail, disputing the allege debt, advising MRS that I was not the debtor in question. MRS responded to my request of verification/validation on XXXX with an allege bill that I had no knowledge of. I submitted another letter to MRS on XXXX for further verfication/validation which they received on XXXX via XXXX Certified Mail. MRS responded to my XXXX request on XXXX advising me that they are not willing to provide me with any further documents to verify or validate that I am the debtor. They responded with the same allege billing statement they sent on XXXX. I dispute the debt in question and I am not responsible for any portion of the debt that MRS claim I owe. MRS have not and are refusing to verify that I am the debtor and continue to try and collect on an unverified debt. MRS have not proven that the alleged debt is mine, nor have they willing provided me with my request of a ( 1 ) XXXX agreement between me and their client ( 2 ) they have been assigned to collect on the original creditors behalf and ( 3 ) I am the debtor in question. This violates the FCRA and FDCPA, according to the laws of collection practice.
Subsets and Splits