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Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Unauthorized credit cards listed on my credit report that I did not authorize while also pulling my credit report. My personal and private information was pulled on XXXX XXXX, XXXX by XXXX XXXX XXXX in California which was deemed impermissible. My personal and private information was also stated in audio copyrighted in XXXX XXXX that is now public knowledge ( ref # XXXX ) Since this person responsible for obtaining my social security number had XXXX pull my information, I have had attempts of people trying to use my social security number to open accounts in my name.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Bank does n't want to return my ach deposit on a closed account. I met with a banker named XXXX XXXX that put a return of funds. Wells Fargo Bank failed to make such easy task.
Company believes complaint caused principally by actions of third party outside the control or direction of the company | I received a message from a XXXX XXXX XXXX from a " Plaintiff 's office '' regarding a case against me and I would be getting served a summons in the next two days. I received messages from two friends of the same message. I called the number right away and spoke with a XXXX XXXX. He said that he was a law firm preparing a lawsuit against me for a payday loan and due to the statute of limitations the creditor is taking legal action against me now before it runs out. It said it was over {$700.00} I owed plus attorney fees and costs. But if I agreed to pay today, they could work out a payment agreement. He stated he was representing XXXX XXXX XXXX. He provided my last XXXX of my social security number and information regarding the debt such from its original company. I agreed to pay the amount I believed this must be legitimate since he called my two friends and knew the original debt information and I did n't want a summons of a lawsuit against me. After I provided my information I asked for his company 's info. He stated he is with a company called XXXX which is a law office in XXXX, Texas XXXX. I asked for his direct number and he provided XXXX. He said he would be sending me a receipt by the end of business day. After the call, I felt like something seemed wrong because I felt as though they were pushing me into resolving this by threatening legal actions against me. So I called back and explained my concerns. He stated he would send me the receipt right away. I received the receipt in my email and it was very vague with limited information and the company was totally different from the company he told me he was with. I called the number on the receipt and a man answered. I asked what kind of company he was and he said it was for mediation services. Then he asked me directly if it was me calling. I said yes and he transferred me back to XXXX XXXX. I have since checked my credit report and this payday loan with XXXX is not listed on XXXX, XXXX or XXXX. Everything on my credit report is current because I have disputed incorrect charges that appeared recently. This company used scare tactics and possible legal action against me to get me to pay a debt that is past the statute of limitations and possibly may not even be assigned to me. From my research, I have determined under the Fair Debt and Collection Protections that threatening legal action is illegal and a company is not allowed under the law to take these actions. Thank you in advance for all help and guidance with this complaint.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | All XXXX reporting agency 's are reporting incorrect information on my credit report and have caused me to loss jobs, etc. The following are the XXXX report numbers that I disputed with them : XXXX, XXXX, XXXX. I have a XXXX on my credit report and it is not my account. I was at XXXX time an authorize user on this account and have asked to be removed from this account. All three reporting agency 's are reporting this account as my account when by law I have no ties to this account. I contacted XXXX and they said I was only an authorize user at XXXX time and asked them to remove me. I also asked all XXXX credit agencys to remove me and they will not remove this account. I am attaching my recorded statement that I took of my conversation with XXXX and what they said that I am not the owner of the account at all. I need your help in getting this account removed from all three reporting agency 's. The XXXX account # XXXX Please assist me in this investigation as the XXXX agency 's will not correct this information and delete this account. This is my last chance to try to get this corrected before hiring an attorney.
If you could assist me I would appreciate it.
Warm Regards, XXXX XXXX XXXX
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX VA XXXX SS # XXXX DOB XX/XX/XXXX Bank of America HAS AGREED TO REMOVE INQUIRY FROM MY XXXX REPORT.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have had a CitiAadvantage card for years with Citibank. On XXXX I was told the bank declined my card. They have made no attempt to contact me, and when I check my account online it still shows that it 's open, and current with no overdue balance. I have tried repeatedly to call Citicard customer service to find out why, but they say they can tell me nothing. After several tries to reach upper supervisors ( and being hung up on once ) I was told it was " a security issue '' and that the only way to get a response was to mail them a letter and wait for a response. If there are security issues with my account or credit, I need to know in real time. Apparently there is an " executive response unit '' from which this information is mailed, but there is no way to reach them except by snail mail. The company 's refusal to provide me any information is unacceptable, and puts both my financial security & credit at risk.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I tried to pay off my Citi credit card in XXXX and got a check from my credit union to pay off the balance. I sent in the check with the payment coupon on XXXX/XXXX/2016. I checked a few days later and I still had a balance. I waited a few more days and checked back, still no payoff. I called and was told it would take 7 - 10 days to post, to call back then. I kept checking and nothing. Finally near the end of XXXX I called the credit union to put a stop on the check and was told it was cashed by Citi on XXXX/XXXX/16. I called and emailed a dozen times and still got nowhere. I sent a copy of the cancelled check and was told it would take 30 days to research. Finally the check was located on XXXX/XXXX/16 and kept checking to see if it was posted. I called last night and was told it would take 30 days to post to the account. That is 60 days from the date I sent the payoff check. In the mean time I am accruing interest and having to make payments to stay current while the " find '' my lost check.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | The week of XXXX XXXX, 2016 I made a call to CitiCard Customer Service to proactively call and let them know my credit card payment was going to be late for the month of XXXX because I had transitioned into a new job and was waiting for my first paycheck. I requested for the customer service rep. to provide assistance with a forbearance, due date change, or forgiveness due to my situation. The customer service rep. assured me that I would have nothing to worry about, thanked me for my due diligence of calling in to let them know my payment was going to be late and that if I were to receive a late charge I should call back in to request for the XXXX late charge to be removed. This evening, XXXX XXXX, I called to request for my XXXX late charge to be removed, explained my hardship again and explained I will not be late going forward and I was told that my payment was late due to my own error and not a bank related error they would not be able to assist me. I find this unbelievable that a company would treat their customer in this way. I could have just avoided them for a couple of weeks until the payment was withdrawn from my account, but I did n't. I gave them notice that I was having a small and temporary hardship and I feel like they took advantage of me. They basically assured me that my account would be okay and mislead me to get me off the phone and on to the next customer call. Due to this, knowing the risk involved I closed my account immediately further damaging my credit, all because this bank wanted to take advantage of my situation. The sad thing is I know I am probably not the only person who tried to do the right thing and be proactive, but for what?
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Experian is the only company of the XXXX that require supporting documentation such as drivers licenses, utility bill copies etc to be filed with them to establish or renew a 90 day fraud alert. If XXXX and and XXXX can accomplish all that online why not Experian? Their requirements could easily lead XXXX to believe they are attempting to make the process difficult as possible with the hope that consumers will just abandon placing an alert. Alerts, to my understanding, if filed with XXXX company are to be shared with the remaining XXXX agencies but that does n't always happen. Why ca n't the process be, made easier ( this is not concerning myself so much as other filers in the household )?
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Last month, my credit score was XXXX. Today, the Experian Credit Monitoring Service notes that my credit score was downgraded by XXXX to XXXX! More concerning, ( 1 ) I have not applied for new credit, ( 2 ) I have not been late on my payments within the past 24 months, ( 3 ) No accounts have been closed, ( 4 ) I have not used my credit cards in since XXXX 2015, and ( 5 ) no credit inquiries last month.
I would like the credit bureaus to explain why my credit score dropped. I am currently paying $ XXXX/month to monitor my credit because I want to improve my credit worthiness. As a customer, I should be entitled to know why my credit score dropped because it is not showing up on my credit reports. Please advise.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | XX/XX/2016, I received an escrow refund check and notice that my payment would drop by ~XXXX/month by my mortgage servicer. I was happy. On XXXX XXXX, 2016 I received notice via mail ( no email was sent ) stating that a new Escrow Analysis was conducted as a result of a negative escrow balance and that my payment would increase over {$200.00} beginning XXXX XXXX, 2016 - the same day I received the letter! As a family that plans every monthly budget, you can imagine how upset I was to learn of this change. After speaking to the representative, I learned that XXXX had failed to account for the escrow of my hazard insurance and only began escrowing for it after I called them to ask if they were going to pay my insurer ( they initially stated that I was responsible for my hazard insurance premium - but, I insisted that they had escrowed for it - we checked the closing docs and, yes, they were supposed to escrow for it ). RoundPoint totally mismanaged my escrow analysis, failed to follow the docs signed at closing and, as a result, I 'm stuck paying an additional {$200.00} a month for their failures.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Ive asked to have the comments " less than full balance '' to be removed from my credit report. The settlement was for the " FULL '' balance, I 've sent documents from the company confirming this and Transunion still reports incorrectly should just be paid.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I want to thank you because the last complaint, I sent in regarding an account was corrected. Now I have XXXX accounts that are on my report that are reporting incorrectly. Also I want to point out that if they had investigated it would show reporting incorrectly. XXXX XXXX county child support account number XXXX it shows it was in collection in XXXX of last year. Now clearly this is a mistake that experian refuses to investigate, because if they did investigate it it would show it was paid and reporting incorrectly. Because it is taken out of my check every week and has for the last eighteen years. Here is another example of experian breaking the law. Also how can something be in collections for one month then the next month be okay does that mean it was paid at the end of the month? How can you be in collections for a month and not the next. If I were to make an assumption I would say that 's entirely wrong. The second account is XXXX XXXX account number XXXX ... Again another account this is not mine and they refuse to investigate because if they had they would see this is not mine just like XXXX and XXXX, its almost like they get off on reporting incorrect information
Company chooses not to provide a public response | credco continues to spill out nothing but lies. they continue to insist that their report to quicken indicated no bankruptcy. yet I have in my possession not XXXX, but XXXX rejection letters using now what can be considered to be bold faced lies. at this point it is now criminal in nature. the fbi should investigate.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I have contacted Experian and XXXX both multiple times disputing fraudulent activity on my credit report from the University XXXX XXXX. This supposed agency claims I attended thier university back in XXXX, I was enrolled with XXXX University at the time they claim I owe them money. I have contacted University of XXXX numerous times about thier fraudulent reporting, I also contacted XX/XX/XXXX and XXXX with this information and sent Experian and XXXX both copies of the report. XXXX bureaus removed the fraudulent report and then placed it back for collections in XXXX. I dispute this account every 5-6 months and the credit bureau comes back and claims the charges are legitimate. I have asked for proof of my enrollment, this University has no signatures or proof I attended classes there, I was enrolled at XXXX University in XXXX PA at the time they claim I was enrolled. I have asked for proof as to who has provided thier legitimate proof but the credit bureau can not provide the information all they say is I have to contact the University XXXX XXXX for the information. Based on the lack to provide legitimate documentation as to who continues to keep reporting this information under XXXX XXXX XXXX Laws they either have to provide this information or remove it from my reports they have no signatures as to who is reporting this information all they continue to tell me is that it was verified as being ligitimate through investigations, okay, who did this investigation and who sent the information to the credit bureaus? These XXXX credit bureaus are ruining my credit. I have had multiple issues with Experian erasing my entire credit and placing my ex-spouses social security number on my report and changing my birthdate to my youngest son 's birthday so as to whenever I go to apply for credit it shows I am applying under false pretenses. I did speak to a supervisor about the issue and had my credit restored but once again, the University XXXX XXXX was back on my report. I have tried to refinance my home and get financing for a business through multiple agencies but have been rejected do to my credit scores and the fraudulent reports filed. I want my credit restored and the fraudulent accounts removed from my credit bureau reports and I want them to block anyone from changing the report in any manner either by a credit freeze or a block to keep these scam artists out of my credit reports.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | On XXXX XXXX, 2016 my wife and I received an auto loan for a private party purchase of a vehicle. The seller went to the branch with us to sign the paperwork. After 3 weeks of not receiving a copy of the lien title needed for registration I contacted the bank. They said the lien had not been released by the previous owner 's bank. They had not communicated to me that there were any problems. I asked them to contact the bank that had the seller 's lien but the said they could not. I contacted the seller, she had the lien released on XXXX/XXXX/16. She went back to her bank and obtained the title and a letter releasing the lien. I took it to my local US bank branch the following day on XXXX/XXXX/16. I was told they had to " send it to the loan department for processing, it will take 10 business days at the most. '' I asked them to please expedite the process and they agreed to " try. '' After not receiving the title, not being contacted I emailed US bank yesterday XXXX/XXXX/16 and they replied today stating " Good Morning XXXX, I called our Loan Department for a status on this. A notification was sent to the branch needing the seller to sign a one in the same affidavit since she had a name change and the names are not recognized by the county. Once this is complete, it will be sent to the county after 10 business days. I apologize for any inconvenience. '' They should have recognized this when we bought the vehicle and more importantly they should have communicated the problems prior to today. My local branch has not contacted us or the seller either. Now we have to wait a minimum of another 10 business days before we can register the vehicle. We have already made our first payment on the loan but do not have the vehicle legally in our name.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I signed up for a new promotional offer from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ' credit card offered by CITI Bank in the month of XXXX 2015. The promotional offer was for purchasing a new phone from XXXX XXXX XXXX ( Using the link provided ) and then get a refund up to {$650.00} as a statement credit. Below are the details of the offer ( Also available at this link : XXXX Offer details ( Copied form the link above ) : -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Spend {$2000.00} in purchases with your XXXX Card within 3 months of account opening.
Use your card, now or later, to buy a new phone from XXXX XXXX XXXX, at full price and with no annual contract.
Make your phone purchase using your unique phone offer link ( which will be provided to you ), activate and maintain service with XXXX XXXX XXXX for 15 days. If you buy a new phone now it will count toward the {$2000.00} in qualifying purchases!
Citi will then credit your XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX account for the cost of the phone up to {$650.00} ( exclusive of taxes, shipping, fees & wireless service ).
Phone Offer Credit is not available if you have had an XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX account that was opened or closed in the past 18 months.
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Now, I made more than {$2000.00} in the first three months and also purchased a new phone using the offer link from XXXX XXXX XXXX. I fulfilled all the required criteria to be eligible to receive the {$650.00} statement credit. But unfortunately I did not receive the {$650.00} statement credit.
I tried to resolve this issue by calling their customer service many times, but the issue remain unresolved. Initially the customer support executive told me that the credit will be applied to my next statement but the credit was never applied.
I have all the necessary proofs and I will provide them if required.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We are becoming victims of dual tracking while under review.
On Thursday XX/XX/2016, obtained order from Federal Judge referring us to the mortgage modification and mediation program. We submitted a modification package. The bank 's lawyer XXXX is fully aware that it is against guidelines to have a sales date if a complete package is presented for review at least 37 days before the sales date. On Monday XX/XX/2016 she filed a motion in state court asking for a sales date. The bank is displaying unclean hands and no good faith.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I never lived at the XXXX PA address. This is not or never has been my address. Please remove from my credit report.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I have disputed a certain judgement that is located on my credit report. XXXX XXXX placed judgement against me that was illegal and was revoked. I have disputed this with the credit bureaus and they continue to come back and say the judgement is valid when it is not. I filed a complaint with the CFPB against this company, and it is fact that this company filed an illegal judgement against me. They even reported back to CFPB, that they have stopped all action and revoked the judgement being that it was illegally done. I filed disputes and they refuse to remove this judgement from my credit report. The case that I filed with the consumer financial protection bureau against this compan which is eagle loan company and that illegal judgement they filed is Case # XXXX. This case they clearly stated that they are revoking the judgement and in fact it was filed wrong and they are not pursuing action. I want this removed from my credit file as well as compensated for them inaccurately investigating this claim.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | The Branch Banking and Trust company has been harassing me recently in an attempt to collect a debt which has expired the statute of limitations in accordance to the state of Virginia. In addition, the Banking Institution has recently sent me an garnishment summons in clear violation of my consumer rights.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Hello, In XXXX of this year, I received a new credit card from Macys. There was no indication in the paperwork that I received that my account number had changed but, it turns out it had. I had my Macys account set-up to receive ebills through XXXX XXXX XXXX but, since they had changed my account number, I stopped receiving these bills. It seems the first missed payment was in XXXX. The first contact I received from Macys that there was an issue was in XXXX. At that point they sent a letter claiming to have called me repeatedly ( this NEVER happened ) and notifying me that my account was delinquent. I called them and asked that, given the circumstances, they remove the late fees and interest charges. I have immaculate credit and, in more than a decade of doing business with their company, have never had an issue. In attempting to talk to someone about the problem I was repeatedly transferred to departments that had nothing to do with my problem or transferred to " nowhere ''. I finally sent a XXXX message and, again, beyond a courtesy acknowledgement of receipt of my message, I never receive any response from anyone. I have resolved the balance because a, I owe them and b, I care more about my credit than to continue to pursue this losing battle. However, I think someone should be made aware of the fact that they do not attempt to contact anyone until they 've racked up their share of fees and charges and, that a consumer attempting to talk to anyone about the situation is repeatedly thwarted in the most suspect manner.
Thank you.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | My mortgage company " loanDepot '', which collects monthly escrow for my property tax payment was supposed to make the property tax payment on XXXX XXXX, 2016 to XXXX XXXX Treasurer. They did not make the payment. I had called them twice and was told that they will make the payment prior to them transferring the servicing of my mortgage to another company on XXXX XXXX, 2016. Instead " loanDepot '' transferred my escrow balance to the new company ( XXXX XXXX ) on XXXX XXXX, 2016. I called the new company and they said they will put a note to pay this property tax bill which becomes delinquent after XXXX XXXX, 2016. I checked the XXXX Treasurer website today ( XXXX XXXX ) and my property tax payment still has not been made. That is 5 days away.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I have filed a home equity line of credit to Bank of America. It was not approved and I have requested to the bank to return me back my personal information : tax return and other information for the application. The bank refused and want to keep my personal information forever. Is the bank has the right to keep it?
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | The following is an official complaint against Wells Fargo Dealer Services ( WFDS ) regarding calls that took place on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX Complete Recovery towed my vehicle after a repossession request from Wells Fargo Dealer Service. I contacted my lien holder the same day to make arrangements to recover the XXXX Nissan Maxima. I was told I would have to wait as WFDS system did not show that the collateral was secured and it could take up to 24-48 before this would happen. After speaking with a Loan Servicing supervisor at WFDS, I reached out to the recovery service that towed my vehicle to inquire about fees that would be due there. I was told by the representative at XXXX XXXX that there was {$170.00} tow fee and {$30.00} daily storage fee. The representative then quoted me fees that would be due if I picked up the unit on Thursday. Final quote picking up on Wednesday would total {$260.00}.
The following day I reached back out to WFDS to see if any updates had occurred. XXXX with XXXX in Loan Servicing that updated my account and then transferred me to an associate in the Redemption department. The representative I spoke to with agent ID XXXX began to assist me with the redemption process to recover my vehicle. I was quoted a total of {$2600.00} due no later than XXXX XXXX, XXXX for release of my vehicle. I then requested a breakdown of fees totaling the {$2600.00}. ( {$1800.00} past due and Repo Fee {$780.00} ) Total to release vehicle based on numbers provided : {$2600.00} Total to release vehicle if paid after XXXX XXXX, XXXX : {$3400.00}. I immediately asked the representative why the repo fee was so high. He did n't have a clear or accurate response. ( UDAAP ) I then requested the associate to provide more detail on what the repo fee is and how the total was figured. He then told me that it was ludicrous of me to ask such a thing. I explained that if I am expected to pay a fee that is contracted between WFDS and their vendor then passed to me I need to know exactly what it is and where the figure came from. As an associate myself in risk management for a well-known financial institution, I clearly understand the risk associated with fees and being accessed by third parties then passed to customer and how this is a key topic of regulators.
I then requested 4 times to speak to the representative supervisor or manager, who refused to transfer me to one, instead giving me excuses that the manager is unavailable and could n't do any more than what he was doing for me. At this point I felt disrespected and like a number not a customer. I was frustrated to begin with giving the situation I put myself in but, the comments made by the representative and refusal to assist me escalated the conversation very quickly. I was upset that the associate refused to provide me details of the repo fee. I was upset that the associate failed to transfer me to a manager when requested. I 'm upset that associate was not understanding and very rude to a customer. I upset the associate then blind transferred me just to get rid of me since I was being difficult in his eyes based on my request ( s ). I understand the situation that is before me, having a vehicle repossessed and the status of my account with WFDS however, why offer this service to your customers who are in hardships if you choose to treat them like XXXX. I would never refer anyone to WFDS or any of the Wells Fargo entities with the horrible customer service that they continue to provide. What I hope to accomplish is for my voice to be heard loud and clear and waiver or reimbursement of the repossession fee as it is excessive. I 'm reaching out to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ( CFPB ) and Better Business Bureau hoping that they will launch an exam/ investigations to help drive WFDS to improve their customer experience and redemption process.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Synchrony Bank/JCP, are stating that I have not been sending in my payments when I have been mailing through my bank checking account every XXXX Wednesday of the month since I have had the card. But in the last 3/4 months I have been getting statements saying I have not paid on my account. I originally owed {$330.00}, in which I have been sending a payment of {$30.00} each month ( I do have the bank records to show this ) but Synchrony have been sending statements that they have not received this money and adding on ridiculous fees & charges bringing my account to the {$420.00}. I 'm a XXXX on a fixed income and I do n't need the this type of trouble. Please help
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I have written directly to each of the credit-reporting agencies multiple times since XXXX XXXX when I realized there were problems with items they were reporting. All answered me but did not remove the inaccurate items and my credit score has been dramatically decreased ... from over XXXX to now under XXXX despite only XXXX even possible negative item which I have disputed with the company to no avail.
*I have never had a bankruptcy or foreclosure.
*I have no personal or business loans at all - no car loan, no student loan.
*I have approximately {$31000.00} balance on a mortgage that has never missed a payment in 25+ years.
*Of the credit that I have actively available, I use well less than XXXX, more like XXXX % in revolving credit on XXXX credit cards ( XXXX XXXX , XXXX XXXX ) that is paid every month without fail.
**There was an XXXX XXXX dispute that was resolved in my favor, which the credit bureaus are aware of, but somehow the " delinquency '' continues - is that right, even when the balance is XXXX?
**There was a XXXX dispute from XX/XX/XXXX or XX/XX/XXXX where I tried to return a faulty cell phone and XXXX would neither allow me to return it for a new XXXX or fix the problem. So I cancelled the service. Only XX/XX/XXXX did that show up as a " collection '' item.
**There is an XXXX XXXX item listed as delinquent on an old savings account that never had any credit associated with it. It dates from XX/XX/XXXX, it never existed, the XXXX branch is long gone from my neighborhood and yet they refuse to remove it.
How can I have a credit score under XXXX based on XXXX " possible '' but strongly disputed problem valued at {$300.00}? It feels like I am being held hostage to some outrageous unknown extortionist.
Please help.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Bank of America automatically withdrew {$100.00} @ month for nearly 7 years under their Borrowers Protection Plan AFTER making it free for the first 12 months. They sent me XXXX page of the hundreds my wife and I signed proving we signed this plan as if we requested it. Not true. We did not request this plan and were unaware of its cost until we received a notice recently canceling the automatic withdrawal BPP amount.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Regions Bank continues to charge my account for overdrafts when the funds are available. If there are enough funds for the charge but, others are pending they charge my account leaving it negative by less than what the NSF charges are. They are unethical when it comes to the fees.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Wells Fargo called my number asking for payment of a vehicle loan that my ex-wife has posession of through our divorce. She is there months behind and I am cosigner, unfortunately she has legal rights to the car and since I am only cosigner I have none but resposible for the debt even though she has posession of the car. Wells Fargo has threaten to call my chain of command as I am in the military and not just my immediate but they ask for the commanding General number which is way above who they need to call. This could cause serious issues and possible separation at 18 years of service for something out of my controll.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Experian refuses to give me access to my credit report
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We filed Bankruptcy in XXXX of 2010. XXXX XXXX XXXX and XXXX both are erroneously reporting mortgage lates after that date. These were recently reported on all XXXX bureaus and have dropped our credit scores. We have been working to recover from a very difficult time 6 years ago and seems like they just want to keep us down.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I applied for a conventional mortgage with Citibank to purchase a secondary residence costing XXXX XXXX I had liquid assets of XXXX that amount credit scores of XXXX a D/I of less than 20 % and current annual income of close to XXXX. My job was going away within 60 days with a written document payout of XXXX my annual base and 3 years deferred comp totaling XXXX the cost of the home and I was declined because I could not show I yet had a new job. I 'm starting my own business. I was told to pay cash I am also an XXXX male
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Freedom mortgage issued me an escrow surplus check on XXXX XXXX 2016. Immediately after receiving this check my insurance agent called and informed me that my homeowners insurance had not been paid. I called Freedom Mortgage with my insurance agent on the line and requested a check be sent overnight. The Freedom Mortgage agent said that it would be overnighted. Several days later my insurance agent called me and informed me that a check still had not been received and that my insurance policy was close to termination. I called Freedom Mortgage back and an associate in the insurance department told me that indeed the request for payment had been denied from Freedom. So she said she would put in another request and this one should go through since the last one was denied. I called Freedom Mortgage the very next day and once again another associate in the insurance department told me that the request had been denied. At this point I asked to speak with a supervisor and I was told that a supervisor was not available. So I hung up and immediately called their customer service department. I told them about my problems and that I had requested to speak with a supervisor buy was told they were unavailable. The customer service associate put me on hold and called over to the insurance department and requested to speak with a supervisor. After thirty minuets of holding, I was connected with yet another insurance department associate who told me a supervisor was unavailable at the moment but that she would try to resolve my issue. After around thirty more minutes talking with that associated I once again asked to be connected to a supervisor and was put on another five minute hold. I was finally connected with a supervisor who said he would request that a payment be sent out to my insurance company. How am I supposed to trust that this payment request wo n't be denied like all the rest of them? So my complaint is : I 've talked to around five to six different people over the last two weeks about my problem. I have had three different requests for payment of my homeowner 's insurance that have all been denied and all anyone can tell me is sorry for the inconvenience. This company has put my home, me and my family at risk and this is unacceptable. An inconvenience would have been the first time I called at this point we are at a severe problem. My homeowner 's insurance is at the point of being terminated because of the negligence of Freedom Mortgage Company.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Experian has cross filed another persons credit history with mine. They make it very difficult to contact them to dispute and obtain resolution of the issue. I have tried to call several times and their online dispute system will not accept the information I am attempting to dispute. I have since written a letter to Experian with no response received yet.
I am XXXX XXXX XXXX born XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Experian has my correct credit history information combined with a XXXX XXXX XXXX born XXXX XXXX, XXXX. I do not know this person nor do I have any affiliation with them. I was born XXXX XXXX XXXX and have formerly been XXXX, XXXX and XXXX ; in that order.
Both XXXX and XXXX have not committed the same cross filing and my information seems to be correct on their reports.
I would like for Experian to review my report and delete all inaccurate information immediately.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | In XXXX of 2015 i lost my job I contacted my mortgage company and explained my hard ship and that I am the only one that works. well they wanted me to borrow from any one i new as long as they got their money .I told them I will not trouble my family with my problems when they do n't have it any ways. I finally got a job on XX/XX/XXXX,2015 I called my account manager who was in charge of my account and told her that I would be making a payment on XXXX/XXXX/15 then XXXX on XXXX/XXXX/15 and XXXXpayments on XXXX/XXXX/15 and XXXX more on XXXX/XXXX/15 and that would bring me current on my next payment on XXXX/XXXX/15 she was happy that im back working and agreed that my payment arrangement will work. so when I called in on XXXX/XXXX/15 and talked with XXXX she said she had something better for me so I would n't be cutting myself short, she told me I qualified for a home modification because i was 90 days behind and had good reason for my hardship, she explained that this would benefit me a a lot better, I figured she was helping me in the long run saying how it will lower my payment and interest rate and help me get back on my feet with the rest of my bills, Now my call in that day was to make a payment that she would not accept because she said it would throw the modification off and she took some information from me how much i made an hour ect and she mailed me a packet for the modification and i filled it out and made all necessary copy 's of documents and sent back in 3 days well 2 months go buy and XXXX calls me and says i did n't check a box on the tax form for the to get a transcript but I signed it, I told her that I sent a transcript of my taxes since i had them so it would n't hold things up, she said she will look into it and get back with me if theirs a problem, another month went buy now it XXXX she finally gets back to me I told her that Ive called her 5 times left message on her machine asked her why nobody there that i talked to could tell me anything about my case, XXXX tells me that now she needs new pay stubs due too they did n't have the year to date on them, at this time I was feeling that something was n't right this is a new job they had all my pay stubs add them up i told her i mean how ridiculous is this well I sent her new ones and waited to here back from her and i did call after every time I faxed a copy to make sure she got it so 2 weeks go by and i get letters in the mail saying that I have a new account manager and that green tree is now Di tech so i tried to reach this new manager her name is XXXX I left XXXX messages on different days and never got a call back and when i called into the customer service dept i would explain this matter to them and said they could not discuss the matter of the modification only my case manager could and then they would transfer me to her and I would leave another message then in XXXX I receive another letter saying how now Di tech is here to help me and that I have been assigned another account manager his name is XXXX XXXX so I call him 6 times leaving messages and no call backs at all .On XXXX XXXX 2015 I received XXXX letters basically saying that I do not qualify for any modifications because I make to much money, I gross XXXX a month support XXXX people on that now they want XXXX to bring my account current, they destroyed my credit and talked me into this nightmare I should have done what i wanted to do in the first place i would be current this looks like a force foreclose and now Di tech is carrying out green trees actions and that 's not good business now whose breaking the law they put me in this position not me I believed what they were saying their the bank guess you cant trust no one these days. thank you for your time
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | Keep call me about debt when high interest rates, call my job. keep. call my cell phone every other day.i 'm getting sick and tired of them.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX from Delta Management calls my family and place of employment- Does not call me- stating that he is issuing a warrant on me. He calls and requests information from my place of employment without stating a reason. He has shared my ss # with people he has talked to. I spoke with him once on the phone at my plae of employment. He requested information from me and wanted to " verify '' who I was without telling me who he was or why so I did not share any information with him.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I have contacted USCB America 3 times by certified mail as well as disputed the fraudulent account with all XXXX credit bureaus and they allege the account belong to me. I have a police report on file in this regard and I have supplied a copy of the police report to them. The last time I contacted them by mail was on XXXX XXXX, 2015-it has been two months and they still ignore me but yet and still they continue to report the account. Account Number XXXX
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Bank Of America took my hard earned tax paying dollars as well as everyone else 's in the bailout and then did absolutely nothing to help me with my underwater property in FL which is what the money was designated for. I have been trying to speak with someone at Bank of America since 2008 to gain access to principal forgiveness or principal reduction and continuously am ignored. I filed a complaint with the District Attorneys office which lead only to a single letter from BofA indicating more time was needed and have never heard from BofA again. They think this is a joke. They lined the pockets of their XXXX 's and whomever else is in the upper positions whilst those of us, including myself continue to suffer with underwater properties if we have n't had to walk away already. I ca n't count how many times I asked for help whether it be principal reduction of forgiveness or asked to simply refi and was denied indicating the property value is upside down and this is denied - hello .... what the XXXX do you think the bail out money was meant to be used for?!!!! I was not able for a period of time to pay my second mortgage and instead of helping me they started the foreclosure process. I had to borrow money yet from someone else to become current on an upside down property - I have to ask myself why I continue to keep paying and not just walk away - this property cost XXXX and has had since 2008 a value between XXXX-XXXX. Oh by the way BofA never included the appraisal with the loan docs - how convenient. How do I know this loan was n't unfairly processed, that some form of unethical practice was used to have the appraisal match the loan amount to justify the approval? I have read public information available online which clearly indicates BofA is in hot water and I am not alone in my situation. What I want to know is why are these large companies bailed out when its us middle class folks who pay for this country and why are n't these CEO 's etc ... rotting in prison where they belong?
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | This complaint involves the servicing of my home loan which is also the primary residence for me and my family. I am seeking the answers to the following questions in order to pay my loan to the rightful and legal owner ( if one exists ). Select Portfolio Servicing ( SPS ) has claimed they are the designated servicer to the mortgage in question. I have inquired of SPS numerous times through Qualified Written Requests for information which documents how they were given servicing rights to the mortgage in question. It appears all they are only interested in is foreclosing on my home to which they have no legal right to do so. This complaint involves the latest unresponsive and incomplete correspondence received from them in an attempt to unlawfully foreclose on my home.
On or about XXXX XXXX, XXXX, I received of a copy of Substitution of Trustee and Assignment of Deed of Trust filed by XXXX XXXX on behalf of XXXX dated XXXX/XXXX/XXXX from Select Portfolio Servicing. On XXXX XXXX, XXXX, Form XXXX which was filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission ( SEC ) and signed by XXXX XXXX XXXX, Vice President XXXX Bank XXXX XXXX XXXX ( as Trustee ), terminated the registration of the trust and duty to report regarding XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX.
SPS has yet to answer the following questions regarding their legal right to service the loan in question : 1. If the XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX no longer had certificate holders and the trust no longer existed, how could XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX or XXXX XXXX assign " FOR VALUE RECEIVED, all beneficial interests undersigned hereby grants, assigns, conveys and transfers to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX COMPANY, AS TRUSTEE, ON BEHALF OF THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS OF XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX all beneficial interest under that certain Deed of Trust described above '' as stated on the Substitution of Trustee and Assignment of Deed of Trust on XXXX XXXX, XXXX? See attached Substitution of Trustee and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX.
2. If XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX XXXX XXXX was terminated in XXXX how could anyone or entity give SPS servicing rights to a loan in a mortgage-backed security that does not exist?
3. Who authorized XXXX to add to a trust/mortgage backed security after it has been suspended or terminated and long after the 90 day transfer deadline as required by NY securities law and the pooling and service agreement ( PSA )?
4. XXXX XXXX, the person who signed the Substitution of Trustee and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX was an employee of XXXX in XXXX, not Assistant Secretary of XXXX. How was she authorized to endorse the note on behalf of XXXX?
5. XXXX is listed as the Beneficiary on the Substitution of Trustee and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX. The XXXX of a Deed of Trust is someone who receives a benefit from a contract someone signed. In other words, they receive the principle and interest payments on a loan. On the XXXX site, it states, " its sole purpose is to serve as mortgagee in the land records for loans registered on the XXXX ( R ) System. XXXX is a nominee for the lender and subsequent buyers of a mortgage loan and serves as a common agent for the mortgage industry ''. See XXXX. Therefore, the XXXX System is simply a database that tracks Mortgagee and Servicing rights on a mortgage. They admit on their own site they are not the Beneficiary or Note Holder for any mortgage. How, then, does the Substitution of Trustee and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated XXXX XXXX, XXXX claim XXXX is a Beneficiary?
Company chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX XXXX I paid my CITI Bank credit card account in full, as I do every month. I signed up for paperless statements at that time. I did not charge anything on my CITI card until XXXX XXXX for {$36.00}. In early XXXX XXXX I received a phone call from CITI stating my account was over due. I had not received any notification that I had a balance due and they had charged me {$62.00} in late fees. Although I had been receiving email about my CITI Rewards account I had NOT received any regarding my CITI credit account. I spoke with 3 different people at CITI regarding a reversal of the late fees since I was not notified of a balance due per our agreement ( paperless statements ). XXXX the CITI manager stated her records showed that CITI sent me emails, BUT in XXXX they were returned as undeliverable so they would only reverse XXXX late charge. I never received ANY emails from CITI regarding my credit card account since I enrolled in paperless statements. I do n't believe CITI when they say, they were going to you and now they are n't but we sent them!! Now you owe CITI money. This is extortion. I feel it was CITI 's error in not sending me a bill and then charging late fees when the bill is not paid.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | On XXXX/XXXX/2016 I was charged XXXX {$35.00} fees for XXXX bounced checks. The checks were or {$5.00}, {$10.00}, {$10.00}, and {$50.00}. I called to see if they could assist on removing the XXXX smaller ones, those XXXX checks do not even total XXXX of the XXXX overdraft fees. i was advised they could remove XXXX. I asked to speak to a supervisor, I asked him the same question and was advised if it was a bank issue he could refund all of them but due to it being my bookkeeping issue there was nothing he could do about it. The man was hastly and unconcerned about the situation.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I have previously disputed a New York State tax judgement on my Experian credit report. There is no record of such judgment in the New York state records. The judgment is is number XXXX. I would like this judgment to be deleted from my credit report.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | My name is XXXX XXXX XXXX, my son 's name is XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX Transunion has repeatedly filed information belonging to my son on my credit report. Collection agencies are also doing the same. Collection Agency : XXXX Address : XXXX, IL XXXX. ( XXXX ) XXXXXXXXplaced XXXX ( XXXX ) delinquencies and collection entries for my son on my credit file since XXXX 2015. This is a problem that keeps occurring and Transunion as well as the collection agencies are not exercising due diligence in verifying that I am the correct entity they are seeking. Transunion also has me listed as " XXXX XXXX '' an alias I have never used. I 'm being harassed and because of my good credit, I 'm repeatedly targeted. Please help me to stop this, it 's a real hardship on me.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Freedom Mortgage used to have XXXX XXXX service my mortgage with them. Then effective XXXX XXXX, they took the servicing of this mortgage back. They stated on the phone at least 3 times that no late fees or credit reporting would occur until 60 days from the date they took over servicing. I made my mortgage payment on XXXX XXXX. That is the day it is due. Freedom Mortgage should have had that payment transffered from XXXX XXXX, yet I have not seen it come out of my bank. Now, I am getting a letter telling me that I am late ... .and that they have reported it to the credit bureaus. This is the EXACT opposite of the information I received from XXXX separate representatives on their customer care line. In short, they lied to their customers. They can not tell me what happened to the payment I made online on XXXX XXXX. It has not been 60 days since they took over the servicing of this loan ... .why are they sending me debt notices before their 60 day grace period to me when I have a call record asking about the payment and a letter that I on XXXX XXXX explaining that I made the payment and ALL I wanted to know was what happened to it.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I had incurred a pay day loan 15 years ago in 2001 and I have n't had a debt since. I filed bankruptcy and this debt was covered in the bankruptcy. However, this debt collector continues to send me letters and places numerous phone calls to my phone and I 've asked them to seize. Firstly, the debt was over 15 years ago, and secondly they are not authorized to collect on this debt and thirdly this was dismissed in bankruptcy over 13 years ago.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | TransUnion can not prove this debt is valid with documentation from date of service. These debts have been bought and sold many times now and there is no evidence of origination except for names. Please remove this debt since it can not be validated, as XXXX has already begun to to do. I have no knowledge of this debt. If it can not be proven, I have a legal right to have it removed.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | 1. Complaint XXXX submitted 2. I have attempted to call the single point of contact and that individuals manager every day for the past week. There have been no return calls or messages left for me.
3. On XXXX XXXX I left a long detailed voice mail for the manager of my single point of contact informing them of the following : A ) The sale of the house appears to be moving forward, however, the buyer is forcing us to close by XXXX XXXX and we are going to do everything we can to meet that time frame.
B ). Buyer completed their house inspection and that revealed an inoperable condition with respect to damage under the house. We are attempting to work through that issue.
C ). We will ask for a payoff letter.
D ). I asked for the courtesy of a return call so I could discuss the issue and understand options.
4. Instead of talking with me, ditech took that information, sent it to an attorney and had them send a notice that they would foreclose. This is unconscionable and if this notice is discovered by the buyer the sale could be off. This is after making offers to continue a payment plan and making an offer last month to purchase the note - ALL OF WHICH HAVE BEEN IGNORED. No phone calls.
5. One of the primary Borrower 's, XXXX XXXX XXXX, died on in the past two weeks. The other has scheduled XXXX within a month. We have proactively worked with ditech throughout the process to get the loan repaid with a goal that the borrowers would at least have a small amount of money for medical expenses and to live on. The remaining Borrower, XXXX XXXX, is faced with those costs and a reduced income as her survivor social security benefits result in reduced income.
6. And ditech believes that this is the right time to send the foreclosure notice?!
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I received inaccurate information from a Bank of Americarepresentative that caused me to be charged XXXX overdraftfees, totaling {$70.00}. On a previous phone call with a Bankof America Rep., they informed me that the bank would notcharge me any overdraft fees if a transaction ( i.e. payment to a merchant ) was in a processing status and I would only be charged if the transactionwent to a completed status and I did n't have enough money to cover thepayment. But, on XXXX/XXXX/2015 BOA charged me XXXX overdraft fees while thetransactions were still in a processing status. When I call to make thebank aware of the charge, the supervisor XXXX apologized for theinaccurate information I received but refused to refund the charges.
Based on the information, I received from the bank, I was acting in in good faith and thought all my merchant payments would be cover.
Therefore, I do n't believe I should be charge fees for the bank providingme with incorrect information. I have enclosed a copy of my bankstatement for your review.
In closing, I would like to thank you in advance for your assistance in this mamatter.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I had XXXX XXXX never used its being reported twice on my report I never got any support docs to show anything about these cards
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Green Tree servicing, now known as ditech. Fail to honor agreement with XXXX XXXX XXXX for loan modification.
After many months of faild communication with this loan servicer I 'm facing imminent foreclosure. To This Day DITECH refuses lto provide any assistance. The documents sent for loan modification always disappear and they request to start the process over and over again.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | An unexpected charge hit my account on XXXX along with XXXX other expected transactions. I checked online before making the transaction and my available balance was enough to cover the XXXX transactions I put through. TCF then charged me XXXX overdraft fees over the XXXX transactions. Had the XXXX transaction not been applied to my account I would have had sufficient funds to cover the other XXXX transactions. I contacted customer service about this issue and they stated that there was nothing they could do. I told TCF bank I would be filing a complaint and they reversed XXXX of the overdraft fees. I have had problems with overdraft fees before ; on multiple occasions I have been told overdraft protection was turned off only to have a transaction slip through anyway. I have repeatedly asked to have overdraft protection removed from my account so this would stop happening but they keep re-enabling it without notifying me or getting my permission. The XXXX transaction should have been declined, instead TCF allowed it to post and then stacked overdraft fees on top of it.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I have been current on my 1st mortgage for years. However, my 2nd mortgage, which was initially included in a bankruptcy in XXXX, resurfaced demanding payment. I questioned the lender to no resolve. Eventually it was charged-off and sold to a debt collection agency. They tacked on additional fee 's almost doubling the original {$12000.00} debt. Again, questions and back & forth but no resolve, so the new higher amount was charged-off and sold once again. This new debt grew again, and I questioned and disagreed, so once again it was charged-off and sold yet again. But little did I know, it was also listed as a " Short-sale - with multiple late 's '' on the XXXX Originator database, then charged-off and sold. Finally after this last sale, the debt had reached almost 3 times the original amount. I was finally able to negotiate and the debt to have it settled for less than the original amount paying the final agreed upon amount officially closing out the debt. Now, I discover, that XXXX of the debtors, listed the debt as a " Short-sale Mortgage '' in XXXX XXXX ; only after I had made an offer on a property and in Escrow. This never showed up on any of my credit reports. ( This was extremely disheartening to XXXX, after months of house hunting ). My Realtor informed me that I would have to wait " 2 years '' to be able to purchase a property, and I had to withdraw my offer and cancel the escrow. This feels like unfair practice and deceptive bargaining. I am only requesting that this " Short-sale with multiple late 's! '' be removed from my Escrow investigation XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX or any other Escrow tool now, rather than me wait for 2 years being penalized for this method of doing business.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I have previously filed XXXX complaints regarding this issue but XXXX XXXX has now referred the matter to a fourth collection agency. I nor my wife owe XXXX XXXX anything.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I filed a Chapter XXXX Bankruptcy and it was discharged in 2010. Wells Fargo was included and they continue to report currently, damaging my credit every month.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | In XXXX 2014, I took out a {$5000.00} personal loan with Cash Call, Inc. The terms of the loan are egregious and predatory. My annual percentage rate is 116 %. The cost of my loan, according to my contract is {$35000.00} and the total cost, if payments ( 84 ) are paid according to schedule, will be {$40000.00}. My monthly payments are {$480.00} ( with exception of my first payment which was {$640.00} ) and are debited from my checking account each month. After making payments on my loan for the past two years, I find that as little as XXXX cents a month has been applied to the principal amount of my loan. Currently, less that {$3.00} per month is applied toward each payment.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | By law the Credit Reporting Agency is required to investigate and validate all accounts reported on a credit report ... .they should be able to supply to person 's name who entered the information ... .the actual contract or physical proof that is in their files to support the information being reported, yet, they refuse to investigate and verify properly.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | i been trying to have this debt validated last sent a validation letter to credit agency XX/XX/2016 and yet to receive any validation documents or deleted information.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Has listed used name as : XXXX XXXX XXXX.
I have never used this name
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | For months I have written One Advantage collection company, requesting a validation on debts they have issues on my credit report. They have issues a total of XXXX accounts ( # 's XXXX,XXXX, and XXXX.Please have this company validate these account and inform me of their finding.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We financed a house with Bank of America in XXXX and the market that crashed in XXXX took down a lot of businesses. XXXX XXXX did n't have a lot of work and was dealing with a back injury. We held on until XXXX and tried to make payments the best we could. In XXXX of XXXX we applied for a loan modification with a company called XXXX XXXX Modifications. They promised that our payments will be lowered and we will be able to refinance and live in our home. It all turned out to be a scam though. They acted like they were trying to help us but on XXXX XXXX they canceled the loan modification without giving us notice. Then they disappeared into thin air and took all our money in the sum of {$4800.00}. And did n't help us any. After the appointed court date passed the " lawyer '' that we hired gave us the paper that we needed to go to court, but as the date passed already we could n't do anything. On XXXX XXXX XXXX a XXXX XXXX XXXX brought us a pink paper that stated we were getting evicted on XXXX XXXX XXXX because the house had been sold without our knowledge. By this time XXXX XXXX of New Leaf Modifications and XXXX XXXX the lawyer that we hired through XXXX disappeared. All the papers that we got that printed out from XXXX XXXX Modifications printed out on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX we got only in XXXX of XXXX in the mail. Now 7 years later XXXX XXXX has a debt of $ XXXX without living in the house since XXXX XXXX. If there is anything we can do please help because XXXX ca n't work since the banks keep taking his money every check we put in the bank.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | There are items on my credit that I know are not mine. I also can not get a copy of my credit report from the XXXX major credit report sites because of the items that are not mine on my credit they can not prove that I am myself. I am in the process of mailing copies of my information to prove my identity to them so that I can receive a copy of my report from them. I did find that my local bank had the wrong social security number in their system for a credit card I have with them and that has been rectified. So, I do not know if that was the problem with my credit or not because of the variance of my social on my credit. The only reason why I know there are items on my credit that are not mine is because I went to the bank that I have a auto loan through to refinance it and they pulled up my report and pointed out the problems to me there. What other ways can I get this resolved? If it really is identity fraud and I report it to the credit bureaus what happens next? Should I file a police report at my local department?
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I purchased my home in XXXX of 2015. I made payments to my initial mortgage company, First mortgage, until XXXX 2015. In XXXX I recieved a goodbye letter stating that my mortgage had been bought out by Freedom Mortgage. The letter was a mistake. it even had the wrong account number on it. I sent a payment to freedom mortgage to this wrong account number and thought nothing of it, until i received a letter from first mortgage stating i was behind on my mortgage for the month of XXXX. I quickly called and told them that they had sent me a good bye letter and told me it was a mistake ( i have proof of this letter ). they told me i would have to find the money. I called freedom mortgage and explained the mistake. they said they would send the check for XXXX to first mortgage directly so i figured it was handled. I was wrong and the check never arrived. I continued making payment to first mortgage then in XXXX I received a letter from Freedom mortgage stating that i was late on my mortgage payments. now I was really confused because first mortgage had told me i was with them. I never got a real official goodbye letter from first mortgage or a welcome letter from freedom mortgage. I called first mortgage to confirm i was transferred over and i also called freedom mortgage to confirm. this time the transfer was for real but they made a mistake. They transferred me with a missing payment from XXXX, but the only reason i was missing a payment from XXXX is because of their mistaken goodbye letter in XXXX. now they say i am in default and they are sending me threatening letters.
All in all i have proof that i have paid every mortgage payment, since the day i bought my house, on time to this day. I have never missed a payment and i have proof! It was all mistakes on their part but they can not figure it out!
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX XXXX ran my credit and eveything that i disputed was back on my reports XXXX XXXX XXXX ran it for XXXX XXXX I was suppose to receive all XXXX reports I only receive XXXX I then called TransUnion and XXXX they wanted proof I sent proof again they wanted proof this has been going on the last three years. It makes my pre-approvals XXXX. i get a pre-approval then credit reports put dispute back on report after removing it. Help me please
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Dear CFPB, I ask that you seriously you investigate this company. I had a mortgage with XXXX XXXX ( already had to file XXXX complaints that are still ongoing ). The mortgage was transferred to Freedom mortgage. The transfer has been a complete mess. After a long trial the previous company finally transferred everything to the new company including a check. The first time I spoke to the new company the person said it was taking them a while to process payments because they were bringing in a large number of mortgages from multiple companies. Per their own records it too almost 2 weeks from when the payment was " received '' ( an attachment will show their own records show it took this long ) for them to actually post it. I was told that this would be corrected and that they would process checks more quickly. Now, I have mailed another check, directly to them this time, and it has been over 2 weeks since the check was mailed and they still have not posted it. I called in to inquire about their address and then asked why it was taking them so long to process checks that are mailed. The woman who answered ( I did not get her name, although they can tell you who it was since the calls are recorded. ) insisted to me that all checks are posted in no more than 72 hours. When I pointed out that their own records showed it took them almost 2 weeks to post my check even after they claimed they received it ( which was 2 weeks after it was mailed. I know the Post office is slow, it is not that slow though ) she then said it did not take them that long to post and then i again stated that their own records show it did and asked why it was taking so long. She then hung up on me.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX without my permission, accessed my credit information for the purpose of providing me with a Automobile insurance quote which resulted in an increase in my insurance premiums by several hundreds of dollars.
As a current insurance policy holder XXXX XXXX has never used Credit information. It is the result of relocating from XXXX to XXXX that has prompted this action. For XXXX XXXX to access illegally access my credit information and base my rate on such information is wrong. I have a perfect driving record and that is what a rate should be predicated on. I wish to seek compensation from XXXX XXXX for their actions.
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error | 7 phone calls, an e-mail with a second request, request to speak to a supervisor with no results. Fighting to get my Escrow Refund for almost four ( 4 ) months.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I paid off my account in full on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX and Ally Financial sent me the title to my vehicle 5 days later. On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I received an alert from my credit monitoring agency that Ally has reported they are in the process of repossessing my vehicle. I called Ally and they confirm the vehicle is paid in full and there report was sent to the credit bureau in error. While on the phone with the rep. he says he submitted a dispute with the XXXX credit reporting agencies. Dispute confirmation # XXXX and that it will be resolved and I should get a response within 7 business days.
On XXXX/XXXX/XXXX - Check checked my credit monitoring profile and discovered that Ally Financial reported on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX to XXXX ( and perhaps the other agency ) that they repossessed my vehicle on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX.
I called filed a complaint against the credit bureau with CFPB straightaway as I could not get anyone their to discuss this issue with.
Immediately after, I called Ally Financial and explained the situation to the american rep. She checked my file and discovered the dispute # XXXX filed with the credit bureau ( s ) last week by their rep. was filed incorrectly as they did not received a confirmation. She offered to resubmit it today. I requested to speak with a manager as it is quite clear to me at this point that the employees at Ally Financial are incompetent. I was told a mgr. is not available and that one will call me back within 24 hours. First they send erroneous information to the credit bureau, then they were not efficient in disputing the information with the credit bureau. I will contact my local T.V. station ( XXXX ) and my local newspaper and notify them of this issue including the fact that I have submitted a complaint with you the CFPB on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX at XXXX XXXX pacific time.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Near the end of a new mortgage application with Axia Home Loans in XXXX XXXX Nevada, during the 72 hours after receiving the final declaration notice, I cancelled the application. I then opted to complete the purchase for cash as the first escrow extension was about to expire and place the purchase in jeopardy. Days later, I received a statement of credit denial from the Axia Home Loan company in which they indicated the loan was denied due to credit issues. After a follow up email to the loan producer XXXX XXXX she assured me that my credit was fine and not the reason our business ended. She then asked for a few days to remedy the misinformation. When that time frame expired, I tried to contact her by phone in a final attempt to allow them to change their action and furnish a letter of termination. At this writing, I have received no further contact. Senior loan processer XXXX XXXX was also familiar with the application details and cancellation. She too offered correction to what I believe to be the punitive credit declaration.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | TransUnion significantly change information in my credit report from XXXX XXXX, 2016 to XXXX XXXX, 2016, which also significantly dropped my credit score from XXXX to XXXX. I have attached my TransUnion Comparison Report for proof.
I spoke with some women in XXXX, outsourcing is terrible, who was clueless in helping resolve the problem.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I requested to close my cc account, pay balance in full and refund annual fee of {$89.00}. Barclays Bank refused to refund the annual fee because my request was 5 days late.
Company believes complaint is the result of an isolated error | Ditech, In response to Ditech back in XXXX they say they have n't received my modification information. I have proof we sent it with a return receipt. They also stated in XXXX they need 60 days to review my file. Its well passed the 60 days and I still have no answer. My attorney and I cant seem to get any cooperation from them. Can you please respond to me with some answers.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I disputed XXXX XXXX from my TransUnion credit report I believe XX/XX/2015 and the item was deleted. I am now checking my report report from XXXX XXXX and this creditor is reporting back on TransUnion once again.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | The situation is as follows : In XXXX 2015 I started a summer internship in XXXX. I looked for a gym in the vicinity of my organization and since XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX ( XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX, # XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX ; Phone : ( XXXX ) XXXX ) ( Club ) were in the same building, I want to see if they have any good deals. They informed me that they have a special offer, which entails to try this gym for free for a month. Then if I chose to I can renew the membership, or terminate it any time.
I knew that my internship is temporary, and I wo n't be in this location more than a month ( and I live in XXXX ), so I specifically asked several times if I would be able to terminate this any time, and the person, Per XXXX, who was signing me up clearly said that this is a month to month deal and I can get out any time. I was asked to do an electronic signature. I asked if there is a contract and they guy from the gym said that there is no contract. Per XXXX said that the signature is just so that I can get my pass to try the gym. He asked me to enter credit card info as a standard practice ( also as a requirement to do this free month ). I never signed any contracts and was never shown one. All I did in XXXX 2015 was my electronic signature on a machine to state that I agreed to one month free membership to try this facility. You can check their documentation - you will not see my signature in ink, because I never intended to be in this location for more they a month or XXXX.
After a week my internship moved to another location in XXXX and later to XXXX, so I never tried this gym. I did not attend it even once. XX/XX/2015 I contacted the gym, explaining that since the trial period was over and I was not interested in continuing and if there was any paperwork I needed to do to properly exit the Club. It is only then I found out that they signed me up for a year membership. I attempted to explain the situation to them, saying that I only signed up for the trial because they told me that there are no obligations and my member ship can be terminated any time, but they told me about the contract that I never signed, which they consider to be signed by me because apparently my electronic signature was transferred there.
In short, the only reason why I ended up in this situation is because the representative, Per XXXX, who welcomed me to the gym told me false information and used my signature on a document I never signed.
Now they put me or collection through the collection company XXXX XXXX , XXXX.
Address : XXXX XXXX XXXX, XXXX, XXXX XXXX Phone : ( XXXX ) XXXX Website : XXXX On behalf of XXXX. , United Consumers , Inc. requested I to pay them {$1200.00} as annual membership fee even though I never used this XXXX.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | Tried to get a free copy of my credit report from all XXXX credit reporting agencies using the website XXXX. Only received credit Report for TransUnion. XXXX and XXXX did not provide their reports. And Transunion did not provide a credit score.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | Hello : Back on XXXX XXXX, XXXX my Citi Bank XXXX card was overcharged by {$790.00} from a vendor in error. I called Citi to alert them that the charges were not authorized and they issued a temporary credit to my account for {$790.00} until the dispute was resolved. I filled out Citi 's paperwork required to initiate the dispute officially and returned it to them promptly. The vendor issued a partial credit of {$390.00}, leaving the balance still disputed of another {$390.00}. Citi Bank then wrote on my statement " The following conditional credit was reversed since it was determined to be a valid charge. XXXX Sears XXXX {$390.00} '' and my balance due on the card went up {$390.00} accordingly as a new charge. When I questioned, Citi said the partial credit was still pending and that statement they wrote was a poorly written way to handle the partial credit issued by the vendor. I followed up on the disputed amount XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, XXXX/XXXX/XXXX, XXXX/XXXX/XXXX and each time I was told the dispute was still pending and the permanent credit could not be confirmed. Today XXXX/XXXX/XXXX I was total the permanent credit of {$390.00} was applied back in XXXX and it was unfortunate that a letter was not sent out to me stating so nor could any of their representatives see that information. When I asked why I still have a {$390.00} charge open on my account, they said it was a coincidence and that I owed that money in other charges. I reached out to the vendor during this time to ask them why they only issued a partial credit and they apologized and said that was a mistake and they would initiate the balance credit for {$390.00} within the next 5-7 business days. Citi told me that if the vendor does that, they will not allow it to hit my account since they already issued me a permanent credit back in XXXX but it was only for {$390.00}. Why am I not receiving not receiving the entire {$790.00}? Citi seems to be collecting and benefiting my dispute while continuing to charge me.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I have disputed this debt that I do not owe with a company named Optima Recovery Services. I have filed several disputes with Experian and they have yet to correct the derogatory information on my credit file.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I have been trying to call Flagship for two days. I called XXXX and they transfer me to XXXX which no one answers. On XXXX XXXX, 2016, I was on the phone on hold from XXXX to XXXX XXXX EST. I was not able to talk to a representative. I want to talk to a representative to negotiate a payoff of my account so I can re-establish my credit.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | We are writing to you because we feel that Wells Fargo has been not properly processing our loan modification over the last 6+ months. We feel that their main goal is to foreclose on us and we want to take action before it 's too late. We also feel that because we were in prior litigation with Wells Fargo, that they are using this against us. In fact, in a previous attempt for a modification with Wells Fargo, our attorney at the time put Wells Fargo on notice that it was breaking the law by " dual tracking '' us. Wells Fargo started tacitly agreed by allegedly starting the process over for us which still resulted in a denial and we sued Wells Fargo. We obtained a new attorney, but even with that, Wells Fargo made us sign an agreement that we would dismiss our lawsuit, with prejudice, before it would even consider taking an application for a possible review from us. Under extreme duress, we signed the agreement because we were facing, according to Wells Fargo, imminent foreclosure very quickly. As far as the employees we have dealt with over the phone, we have had nothing but kind representatives that have tried to help but our concern is their actual underwriting process and blatant attempt to foreclose on us. After our loan modification was denied back in XXXX of XXXX we have been re-sending in documents to try and save our home. Our latest incident occurred on XXXX/XXXX/XXXX when a representative at Wells Fargo notified us that the underwriter on the file did not feel that we were properly representing our income to them because we earned less money in XXXX & XXXX than we did in XXXX. Our feeling about this is that the bank is just flat out accusing us of lying about our financial statements which we are being honest about. It 's obvious that we did not fare well financially in years prior to XXXX and that is the reason why we fell behind on our payments. So for Wells Fargo to use that as an excuse is a bit ridiculous. We feel that we also have been discouraged from continuing with the modification process because we were told that even if we get approved for a modification, that we would have to come up with XXXX past due payments and that our investor did not provide any government loan modifications without having been properly declined. Is n't it against the law to discourage someone? Also, if we have to come up with the entire past due payments at once, what is the reason for a modification to help people balance and move forward? We feel that Wells Fargo 's re-entry process has set us up to lose our home. We have complied with every condition and document that Wells Fargo has requested in order to be re-reviewed and are not getting a fair review of our file. I talk to many friends that have been through this process and they tell us that they have not had the type of experience before with their particular lender. From our understanding, we have heard that in California, once you submit a full package to a lender, that we are suppose to be put in review, which usually takes 30-45 days, and have an active foreclosure stop on our home while the loan is reviewed. With Wells Fargo, it seems that they make up excuses not to review our file and we are tired of the run around. Every time we submit the required documents that we are asked for, we are told within a couple of days that we do n't meet a certain condition. Even though we have been submitting every requested document as soon as it is requested, we still do not have a letter stating that we are in review. Every person we talk to tells us that this letter should already be our possession. But there is one thing that we do have from Wells Fargo Bank and that is a Notice of Default which we received in early XXXX XXXX. We are receiving multiple pieces of mail from saying that our home is " officially in foreclosure ''.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | My wife received phone call, in 2014, stating she won a gift card. Along with this conversation she was asked several questions, XXXX of which being her favorite magazines. A month or so later I noticed we were getting billed by an unknown company " XXXX XXXX '' which I assumed was from the phone conversation. When we attempted to call the number back, the individual who answered stated that they had received numerous phone calls regarding this issue, but was in way affiliated with the activity. After this we went to our financial institute, XXXX XXXX XXXX, and had them investigate the matter. They determined it to be fraudulent, refunded our money and halted all further transactions. This has been over a years time with no word since, emails, calls, mail etc. Last week we received a collection letter for {$1100.00} from another company " XXXX '' through Malcom S. Gerald and Associates, Inc. My wife never agreed to any contract or services of any form. These charges are fraudulent and we would like to get this taken care of before any negative impact may hit her credit.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I was contacted by Regional Processing Services regarding " an urgent matter. '' The person on the phone asked for my social security number and claimed no information would be provided to me until I gave my complete SS number. I refused, asked them to stop calling, and requested written notice of the " matter '' they are calling about. The caller hung up without verifying my address. Since this incident, I and my family members have received numerous calls.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | When my new Citi XXXX was opened in 2014 it was opened with electronic statements to be sent to me via email. At the time it was opened I did a balance transfer, the email address Citi had on file was not correct, causing the account to go late and subsequently past due. During this time Citi made no effort to contact me for updated information, even when the first payment was missed there was no attempt to reach out. Upon recognizing that my account had no only fallen past due but also had reported a late payment to my credit report I contacted Citi and make the necessary payments to bring it current, paid the late fee, updated my email address ( see attached email confirmation ), and setup auto payment to assure that this would not happen again. When I spoke to the associate and inquired about removing the mark from my credit report, I was advised that I would need to request that in writing and the associate was not able to assist. I then contacted Citi via their website using the " Contact Us '' option and requested, I received a response telling me I needed to call in for that which was in contrast to what I was told before. I called some time later and was told that they could not remove the mark because it was too old, this is why I am now reaching out to the CFPB, I feel that Citi failed to provide me with a timely statement, failed to contact me once they realized that the email address they had on file, and failed to correct the problem once I called by passing the buck instead of owning the problem.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I am contacting you regarding Nationstar Mtg. and XXXX. I started a modification with Nationstar in XXXX, XXXX. I was told by my loan mod. Specialist that I did n't have to worry about the escrow account because they had received XXXX of dollars from the US Treasury Dept. which would cover my escrow account because I qualified. I made my payments every month on time and in XXXX, XXXX received a phone call from one XXXX XXXX, who said she was calling to set up an escrow ; I gave her the information given me by XXXX XXXX, the mod. Specialist and XXXX said she would get in touch with him and if anything was different she would call me back and we would set up the escrow account and I agreed and thanked her. Received no call back from her so assumed all was well. Now XXXX, XXXX, Nationstar returned my mtg. payment. 4 times, when I contacted Nationstar they said it must be my bank and I should go there, so I did, the vp of the bank said he saw no problems with my elec. Pay account but sent it himself. Again, it was returned the next day. At this point I sent an email to the ceo of Nationstar, XXXX XXXX, who obviously sent this to one XXXX XXXX, upon talking to XXXX he tells me I 'm 5 months behind, told him I was not and sent him by copy and paste all my pymts from the inception date of my mod., XXXX, XXXX. Then he says I did not qualify for the escrow funds and we begin working through a catch up payment process. I made numerous payments of XXXX and XXXX pymts of XXXX, and he continues to tell me I am behind. Really!!! Now, XXXX XXXX, XXXX I receive foreclosure papers from XXXX saying I have n't made any payments since XXXX, XXXX. Lies!!! I went to court for mediation hearing in XXXX, XXXX and the XXXX attorney and I went to a small room and I had everything documented down to names phone numbers my bank statements signed and stamped by the vp of the bank and had recorded every conversation and promise. After the attorney reads and hears all that was done he said, " this is Nationstars fault, '' not yours. Please do n't show these papers to the judge and I promise you we will get you another mod. completed that is also affordable for you with the escrow starting at the beginning. I hesitantly agreed. Now, Nationstar mod. Dept has only returned 2 phone calls from the 22 messages I have left and this XXXX told me I did n't qualify for a mod. How can he even know if I qualify or not when I have filled out no paperwork regarding the same? If I was approved before they screwed it up why ca n't it be the same modification but, beginning it with the escrow included. I am at my wits end and do n't want to lose my home that I have owned since XXXX XXXX. Honestly I do n't even think XXXX, which Nationstar is aware of because they needed letters documenting this from my XXXX XXXX. But, the point is, just like this attorney told me, NOT my fault, but the FAULT OF NATIONSTAR. I can not afford an attorney and they know this so I am reaching out to you and intend to send emails to XXXX XXXX again along with email to U.S. Treasury dept., the White House, the Florida Financial Accountability Dept., Dodd Frank and XXXX XXXX, Gov. XXXX XXXX and any other that will listen and see the injustice that has been poured upon me and most expressly with the attorney saying, " not your fault, it is Nationstars fault. '' So with this being said, what am I to do?? Any and all input or suggestions would be greatly appreciated concerning this great injustice that has been poured upon me. I have another court hearing on XXXX XXXX, XXXX. Please advise I pray.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | AT & T Universal ( Citibank ) raised my rate due to a late payment almost two years ago. I was told the new rate 28.00 % plus would last up to one year. I recently noticed the rate was still 28.00 and I called to ask why. I was told by the agent ( XXXX ) that information was " proprietary '' and he could not tell me. I told him I was going to close the account, he did not argue, did not try to keep my account (??? ) I asked him if he investigated could he tell me, I was placed on hold, he returned and he said " no. '' I closed the account today XXXX/XXXX/2016 as my other credit cards are half that rate ( or less ) and I have a credit score over XXXX! I would hope the rate they are charging and the " proprietary '' reason can be investigated. As a consumer I believe I 'm entitled to know why I 'm being charged 28.00 % when I have good credit.
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | denied credit pulled report and found this collection, i had no prior knowledge and was not given a chance to dispute.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | Re modification states according to terms provide for interest rateand principal and interest payment adjustments. Was paying XXXX monthly 2 % interest. Now new interest 9.2 % new payment with principal and interest XXXX. New monthly payment including principal, interest and taxes XXXX.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I have disputed an account showing on my credit report with Experian from XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX in the amount of {$8100.00}. I have send XXXX XXXX XXXX letters requesting the contractual agreement with me and their company for that loan. XXXX on two occasion asked me to send them a copy of the credit report that is reporting this information. Each time I request the contract information they never able to send it. I then dispute this Item with Experian letting them know that I have no knowledge of this account with XXXX XXXX. Experian somehow able to verify that this account belongs to me. when I call Experian I was told that I have to provide proof that I try to reach out to XXXX XXXX asking for the contract and payment information or else I can not dispute this item again.I then send a copy of all the letters sent to XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX along with the mail receipt showing that I did try to get them to respond to my request. All information that was send to Experian was via online Again Experian say that this account is verified by the creditor. Since neither Experian nor the creditor are unable to provide me with the information that I requested I need Experian to remove this item from my credit report. This account is showing that 150days late, collection and sold to another company. Please remove this account from my credit report.
Company chooses not to provide a public response | I was making a purchase at the XXXX at around XXXX only to see my debit card was declined. I called my bank ( Bank of America ) to find out what was wrong only to discover the account was closed and they told me to call their risk department. The risk department were extremely rude!. They did n't let me speak and they could not give me a valid reason or good enough reason as to why they were closing my account just before hanging up on me. Prior to this incident i did not receive any phone call or letter in the mail or any kind of notice to inform me about them closing my account or even a warning that they are closing my account. The letter they sent me was dated on XXXX XXXX 2016 and the account was closed without my knowledge on XXXX XXXX 2016. The letter came in the mail on XXXX XXXX friday 2016. I have never been treated so unfairly and disrespectfully by a financial institution in the whole of america. Bank of america has to be the worse banking experience i have had. I had to XXXX my situation only to find out similar situations of them closing other people 's account with no valid reason, that 's how i came across the information for the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | I got a pay day loan from a company that was trying to charge me fees that were way out there, like 300 %. I tried to talk to them numerous times and get what I borrowed paid back but they kept giving me the run around and would not return my calls. Recently, I received a call from Trademark Management Solutions telling me there was a server in the area and they were filing criminal charges against me. I tried to tell them that I could not pay what they were wanting ( {$400.00} a month ). I asked if they would at least try to get the payments lowered. They told me the company in which they were dealing with said NO I had to pay that amount and would not take a lesser amount. I told them I could not pay {$400.00} a month but was threatenedd court procedure if I did n't pay it and give them a debit card. I have been paying them that amount monthly but have tried to get someone on the phone to see if we can get the amount lowered. I am having trouble trying to keep up with all my other bills as well. I only borrowed {$1000.00}. and they are trying to make me pay back {$3000.00}. This is NOT RIGHT. I have a elderly Mom I am trying to take care of as well and just need for them to realize that what they are doing is unfair practice. I do n't mind paying back the money I received, but 3 times that amount is just unfair. I hope you can help me resolve this and make these people act more like they need to and help people not threaten them. Please help
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I was applying for a loan modification with Citimortgage for my second mortgage loan. The interest rate is 8 % and my husband has been out of work since XX/XX/XXXX. He is terminally ill and is now on social security XXXX. I keep trying to work with Citimortgage and they keep asking for more information/documents. I continue to provide them what they ask for. This last time the loan modification review process began in XXXX XXXX. This is ridiculous, this process should not take 5 months. Each time they have asked for more information/documents, I have provided them asap. Attached are all my email exchanges with them. Most recently, I was receiving weekly emails with status updates that were really no update, just that they did not need any more information from me and that they were reviewing my loan for a loan modification. I realized after a few weeks that I had not received the weekly email, so I sent an email and of course did not hear back. Then I sent another email and my support specialist assigned to my account, said that my loan was now in Recovery. They can not do this. They need to finish the review of my loan modification request and notify me of an acceptance or denial. They also need to notify me that my loan is now Recovery. What kind of company does this? I work for a mortgage company, I know this is wrong.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | MY INFORMATION WAS STOLEN OFF A SERVER THAT EXPERIAN HOUSED FOR XXXX AND THE SERVER WAS HACKED. ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION WAS TAKEN.
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | complaints : XXXX Consumer Cellular service and Professional Collection Service have made XXXX entries with Credit Reporting agencies once XXXX 2015 and XXXX 2015 stating that I have an account balance that goes unpaid and is in dispute. My previous complaints clearly points out that the balance consists of fees that are not justifiable.
They are attempting to damage my credit rating by using this approach. Again, Consumer Cellular and Professional Collection Services are attempting to have me pay a {$25.00} fee plus XXXX-dollar late fees due to my refusal in releasing a dispute with XXXX XXXX against XXXX XXXX for an unauthorized debit on my bank account.
Please review my previous complaints ; I was notified of the Credit Report activity by my Credit Union on Wednesday XXXX/XXXX/2015, confirmed by the Credit Reporting Agency XXXX.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | We are trying to request a short sale with Citi and they have not responded in over a month. All the requested items have been provided ( XXXX ) and we have an offer that meets the VA short sale required XXXX. I have been experiencing issues with Citi and their delayed responses.
Company has responded to the consumer and the CFPB and chooses not to provide a public response | I submitted multiple request to Trans Union to remove several inquires on my credit report which were not mine. At first they refused saying it was my responsibility. I then showed them Federal Law sating it was their. They never responded. I then filed a complaint with the FCPB, and they removed one inquire but not the others, and provided not explanation why they did not. The ONLY credit I have applied for was XXXX XXXX through XXXX XXXX. There are other inquires such as XXXX XXXX which is not mine. I have not applied for a student loan in decades. I continue to get notices that an inquiry has appeared on my credit report. I have said I suspect fraud. TransUnion has ignored it. Please remove ALL inquires from my credit report except the XXXX XXXX/XXXX/XXXX or provide documentation that I authorized them. TransUnion File Number XXXX date of issue XXXX/XXXX/XXXX
Company disputes the facts presented in the complaint | I filed a previous complaint on the company four months ago. In their response they said they would send validation and they STILL HAVE NOT SENT ME ANYTHING REGARDING THIS ERRONEOUS ACCOUNT. This is absolutely ridiculous! This company has violated Finance Code Chapter 392 Section 392.201. The law says that they must send all files concerning that consumer no later than the 45th day. I originally disputed this account in XXXX and never received anything. Validation will not do at this point and time. THIER TIME TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT TO THE CONSUMER IS UP!!! I will be filing a complaint with the FTCXXXX and the XXXX today!
Company believes it acted appropriately as authorized by contract or law | On XXXX/XXXX/15 I went to pay My Nationstar Mortgage online and the bill had quadrupled. Nationstar has decided to quadrupled my mortgage and the previous statement that was sent to me in the mail in XXXX did not reflect this change. I had never escrowed my taxes before, but had been late the previous year, but was in a payment plan with XXXX XXXX on my property so I never thought I needed to worry about it. Nationstar was no collecting on the bill I was in a payment plan with and all future " estimated '' tax bills. I was n't prepared. I called but the call center was closed so on XXXX I called immediately in the morning. A representative said that they would look into it and see what they could do. I told her that I always pay my mortgage on the last day of the month and that I did not want a ding on my credit. She assured me that this would not happen. They told that I should refinance and start the paperwork with them and that would stop any action. I sent in some paperwork, but then decided that I did not think that this was wise, and that I should look into selling the home. On XXXX, I received a revised bill, which I immediately paid, only reduced by a XXXX, and Nationstar reported the payment as late even though they told me that they were working on the bill and that they were changing it. This is a predatory practice, and they are wrong. I was never late with a payment, and struggled to pay the mortgage until I sold, and I did, every single month while raising my child as a single mother and they preyed on me. I owned my home and had stellar credit. I put the house up for sell, and now because of the late payment they put on my credit report for their misdirection, it could prevent me from buying again because of the drop in my credit score, which they wanted to happen so they could force me to finance with them, or do a homeowner hardship program, which I did not need. They also required me to pay my mortgage through the XXXX account when I had a problem with my checking account withdrawal through them for some reason and they monogram would not take payments over {$2500.00}, forcing the consumer to pay all kinds of money transfer fees on top of the payments, and XXXX will only transfer that amount daily, which also resulted in a late payment for XXXX day late in XXXX They also remove electronics documents from the customer logins that they may have sent you over time so that you can not see actions that they may have taken when you go back to look.
Company believes the complaint is the result of a misunderstanding | This is back from 2009 over seven years old. please remove.
Subsets and Splits