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cs/0405009 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham | Intelligent Systems: Architectures and Perspectives | null | Recent Advances in Intelligent Paradigms and Applications, Abraham
A., Jain L. and Kacprzyk J. (Eds.), Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing,
Springer Verlag Germany, ISBN 3790815381, Chapter 1, pp. 1-35, 2002 | null | null | cs.AI | null | The integration of different learning and adaptation techniques to overcome
individual limitations and to achieve synergetic effects through the
hybridization or fusion of these techniques has, in recent years, contributed
to a large number of new intelligent system designs. Computational intelligence
is an innovative framework for constructing intelligent hybrid architectures
involving Neural Networks (NN), Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS), Probabilistic
Reasoning (PR) and derivative free optimization techniques such as Evolutionary
Computation (EC). Most of these hybridization approaches, however, follow an ad
hoc design methodology, justified by success in certain application domains.
Due to the lack of a common framework it often remains difficult to compare the
various hybrid systems conceptually and to evaluate their performance
comparatively. This chapter introduces the different generic architectures for
integrating intelligent systems. The designing aspects and perspectives of
different hybrid archirectures like NN-FIS, EC-FIS, EC-NN, FIS-PR and NN-FIS-EC
systems are presented. Some conclusions are also provided towards the end.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 4 May 2004 23:48:39 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405010 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham and Baikunth Nath | A Neuro-Fuzzy Approach for Modelling Electricity Demand in Victoria | null | Applied Soft Computing Journal, Elsevier Science, Volume 1&2, pp.
127-138, 2001 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Neuro-fuzzy systems have attracted growing interest of researchers in various
scientific and engineering areas due to the increasing need of intelligent
systems. This paper evaluates the use of two popular soft computing techniques
and conventional statistical approach based on Box--Jenkins autoregressive
integrated moving average (ARIMA) model to predict electricity demand in the
State of Victoria, Australia. The soft computing methods considered are an
evolving fuzzy neural network (EFuNN) and an artificial neural network (ANN)
trained using scaled conjugate gradient algorithm (CGA) and backpropagation
(BP) algorithm. The forecast accuracy is compared with the forecasts used by
Victorian Power Exchange (VPX) and the actual energy demand. To evaluate, we
considered load demand patterns for 10 consecutive months taken every 30 min
for training the different prediction models. Test results show that the
neuro-fuzzy system performed better than neural networks, ARIMA model and the
VPX forecasts.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 00:27:53 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405011 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham | Neuro Fuzzy Systems: Sate-of-the-Art Modeling Techniques | null | Connectionist Models of Neurons, Learning Processes, and
Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Volume. 2084,
Springer Verlag Germany, Jose Mira and Alberto Prieto (Eds.), ISBN
3540422358, Spain, pp. 269-276, 2001 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Fusion of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS)
have attracted the growing interest of researchers in various scientific and
engineering areas due to the growing need of adaptive intelligent systems to
solve the real world problems. ANN learns from scratch by adjusting the
interconnections between layers. FIS is a popular computing framework based on
the concept of fuzzy set theory, fuzzy if-then rules, and fuzzy reasoning. The
advantages of a combination of ANN and FIS are obvious. There are several
approaches to integrate ANN and FIS and very often it depends on the
application. We broadly classify the integration of ANN and FIS into three
categories namely concurrent model, cooperative model and fully fused model.
This paper starts with a discussion of the features of each model and
generalize the advantages and deficiencies of each model. We further focus the
review on the different types of fused neuro-fuzzy systems and citing the
advantages and disadvantages of each model.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 00:32:52 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405012 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham & Dan Steinberg | Is Neural Network a Reliable Forecaster on Earth? A MARS Query! | null | Bio-Inspired Applications of Connectionism, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science. Volume. 2085, Springer Verlag Germany, Jose Mira and
Alberto Prieto (Eds.), ISBN 3540422374, Spain, pp.679-686, 2001 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Long-term rainfall prediction is a challenging task especially in the modern
world where we are facing the major environmental problem of global warming. In
general, climate and rainfall are highly non-linear phenomena in nature
exhibiting what is known as the butterfly effect. While some regions of the
world are noticing a systematic decrease in annual rainfall, others notice
increases in flooding and severe storms. The global nature of this phenomenon
is very complicated and requires sophisticated computer modeling and simulation
to predict accurately. In this paper, we report a performance analysis for
Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS)and artificial neural networks
for one month ahead prediction of rainfall. To evaluate the prediction
efficiency, we made use of 87 years of rainfall data in Kerala state, the
southern part of the Indian peninsula situated at latitude -longitude pairs
(8o29'N - 76o57' E). We used an artificial neural network trained using the
scaled conjugate gradient algorithm. The neural network and MARS were trained
with 40 years of rainfall data. For performance evaluation, network predicted
outputs were compared with the actual rainfall data. Simulation results reveal
that MARS is a good forecasting tool and performed better than the considered
neural network.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 00:36:17 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405013 | Ajith Abraham | Golam Sorwar and Ajith Abraham | DCT Based Texture Classification Using Soft Computing Approach | null | Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 2004 (forth coming) | null | null | cs.AI | null | Classification of texture pattern is one of the most important problems in
pattern recognition. In this paper, we present a classification method based on
the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients of texture image. As DCT works
on gray level image, the color scheme of each image is transformed into gray
levels. For classifying the images using DCT we used two popular soft computing
techniques namely neurocomputing and neuro-fuzzy computing. We used a
feedforward neural network trained using the backpropagation learning and an
evolving fuzzy neural network to classify the textures. The soft computing
models were trained using 80% of the texture data and remaining was used for
testing and validation purposes. A performance comparison was made among the
soft computing models for the texture classification problem. We also analyzed
the effects of prolonged training of neural networks. It is observed that the
proposed neuro-fuzzy model performed better than neural network.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 00:44:12 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405014 | Ajith Abraham | Andy AuYeung and Ajith Abraham | Estimating Genome Reversal Distance by Genetic Algorithm | null | 2003 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003),
Australia, IEEE Press, ISBN 0780378040, pp. 1157-1161, 2003 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Sorting by reversals is an important problem in inferring the evolutionary
relationship between two genomes. The problem of sorting unsigned permutation
has been proven to be NP-hard. The best guaranteed error bounded is the 3/2-
approximation algorithm. However, the problem of sorting signed permutation can
be solved easily. Fast algorithms have been developed both for finding the
sorting sequence and finding the reversal distance of signed permutation. In
this paper, we present a way to view the problem of sorting unsigned
permutation as signed permutation. And the problem can then be seen as
searching an optimal signed permutation in all n2 corresponding signed
permutations. We use genetic algorithm to conduct the search. Our experimental
result shows that the proposed method outperform the 3/2-approximation
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 00:57:34 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405016 | Ajith Abraham | Srinivas Mukkamala, Andrew H. Sung, Ajith Abraham and Vitorino Ramos | Intrusion Detection Systems Using Adaptive Regression Splines | null | 6th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems,
ICEIS'04, Portugal, I. Seruca, J. Filipe, S. Hammoudi and J. Cordeiro (Eds.),
ISBN 972-8865-00-7, Vol. 3, pp. 26-33, 2004 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Past few years have witnessed a growing recognition of intelligent techniques
for the construction of efficient and reliable intrusion detection systems. Due
to increasing incidents of cyber attacks, building effective intrusion
detection systems (IDS) are essential for protecting information systems
security, and yet it remains an elusive goal and a great challenge. In this
paper, we report a performance analysis between Multivariate Adaptive
Regression Splines (MARS), neural networks and support vector machines. The
MARS procedure builds flexible regression models by fitting separate splines to
distinct intervals of the predictor variables. A brief comparison of different
neural network learning algorithms is also given.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 02:22:16 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Andrew H.",
] |
cs/0405017 | Ajith Abraham | Marcin Paprzycki, Ajith Abraham and Ruiyuan Guo | Data Mining Approach for Analyzing Call Center Performance | null | The 17th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering
Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Canada, Springer
Verlag, Germany, 2004 (forth coming) | null | null | cs.AI | null | The aim of our research was to apply well-known data mining techniques (such
as linear neural networks, multi-layered perceptrons, probabilistic neural
networks, classification and regression trees, support vector machines and
finally a hybrid decision tree neural network approach) to the problem of
predicting the quality of service in call centers; based on the performance
data actually collected in a call center of a large insurance company. Our aim
was two-fold. First, to compare the performance of models built using the
above-mentioned techniques and, second, to analyze the characteristics of the
input sensitivity in order to better understand the relationship between the
perform-ance evaluation process and the actual performance and in this way help
improve the performance of call centers. In this paper we summarize our
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 02:27:43 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405018 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham, Ninan Sajith Philip and P. Saratchandran | Modeling Chaotic Behavior of Stock Indices Using Intelligent Paradigms | null | International Journal of Neural, Parallel & Scientific
Computations, USA, Volume 11, Issue (1&2), pp. 143-160, 2003 | null | null | cs.AI | null | The use of intelligent systems for stock market predictions has been widely
established. In this paper, we investigate how the seemingly chaotic behavior
of stock markets could be well represented using several connectionist
paradigms and soft computing techniques. To demonstrate the different
techniques, we considered Nasdaq-100 index of Nasdaq Stock MarketS and the S&P
CNX NIFTY stock index. We analyzed 7 year's Nasdaq 100 main index values and 4
year's NIFTY index values. This paper investigates the development of a
reliable and efficient technique to model the seemingly chaotic behavior of
stock markets. We considered an artificial neural network trained using
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm, Support Vector Machine (SVM), Takagi-Sugeno
neuro-fuzzy model and a Difference Boosting Neural Network (DBNN). This paper
briefly explains how the different connectionist paradigms could be formulated
using different learning methods and then investigates whether they can provide
the required level of performance, which are sufficiently good and robust so as
to provide a reliable forecast model for stock market indices. Experiment
results reveal that all the connectionist paradigms considered could represent
the stock indices behavior very accurately.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 02:38:25 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Ninan Sajith",
] |
cs/0405019 | Ajith Abraham | Sonja Petrovic-Lazarevic and Ajith Abraham | Hybrid Fuzzy-Linear Programming Approach for Multi Criteria Decision
Making Problems | null | International Journal of Neural, Parallel & Scientific
Computations, USA, Volume 11, Issues (1&2), pp. 53-68, 2003 | null | null | cs.AI | null | The purpose of this paper is to point to the usefulness of applying a linear
mathematical formulation of fuzzy multiple criteria objective decision methods
in organising business activities. In this respect fuzzy parameters of linear
programming are modelled by preference-based membership functions. This paper
begins with an introduction and some related research followed by some
fundamentals of fuzzy set theory and technical concepts of fuzzy multiple
objective decision models. Further a real case study of a manufacturing plant
and the implementation of the proposed technique is presented. Empirical
results clearly show the superiority of the fuzzy technique in optimising
individual objective functions when compared to non-fuzzy approach.
Furthermore, for the problem considered, the optimal solution helps to infer
that by incorporating fuzziness in a linear programming model either in
constraints, or both in objective functions and constraints, provides a similar
(or even better) level of satisfaction for obtained results compared to
non-fuzzy linear programming.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 May 2004 02:44:41 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405024 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham | Meta-Learning Evolutionary Artificial Neural Networks | null | Neurocomputing Journal, Elsevier Science, Netherlands, Vol. 56c,
pp. 1-38, 2004 | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper, we present MLEANN (Meta-Learning Evolutionary Artificial
Neural Network), an automatic computational framework for the adaptive
optimization of artificial neural networks wherein the neural network
architecture, activation function, connection weights; learning algorithm and
its parameters are adapted according to the problem. We explored the
performance of MLEANN and conventionally designed artificial neural networks
for function approximation problems. To evaluate the comparative performance,
we used three different well-known chaotic time series. We also present the
state of the art popular neural network learning algorithms and some
experimentation results related to convergence speed and generalization
performance. We explored the performance of backpropagation algorithm;
conjugate gradient algorithm, quasi-Newton algorithm and Levenberg-Marquardt
algorithm for the three chaotic time series. Performances of the different
learning algorithms were evaluated when the activation functions and
architecture were changed. We further present the theoretical background,
algorithm, design strategy and further demonstrate how effective and inevitable
is the proposed MLEANN framework to design a neural network, which is smaller,
faster and with a better generalization performance.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 13:44:20 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405025 | Ajith Abraham | Andy Auyeung and Ajith Abraham | The Largest Compatible Subset Problem for Phylogenetic Data | null | Genetic and Evolutionary Computation 2004 Conference (GECCO-2004),
Bird-of-a-feather Workshop On Application of Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms
to Complex Optimization Problems, Springer Verlag Germany, 2004 (forth
coming) | null | null | cs.AI | null | The phylogenetic tree construction is to infer the evolutionary relationship
between species from the experimental data. However, the experimental data are
often imperfect and conflicting each others. Therefore, it is important to
extract the motif from the imperfect data. The largest compatible subset
problem is that, given a set of experimental data, we want to discard the
minimum such that the remaining is compatible. The largest compatible subset
problem can be viewed as the vertex cover problem in the graph theory that has
been proven to be NP-hard. In this paper, we propose a hybrid Evolutionary
Computing (EC) method for this problem. The proposed method combines the EC
approach and the algorithmic approach for special structured graphs. As a
result, the complexity of the problem is dramatically reduced. Experiments were
performed on randomly generated graphs with different edge densities. The
vertex covers produced by the proposed method were then compared to the vertex
covers produced by a 2-approximation algorithm. The experimental results showed
that the proposed method consistently outperformed a classical 2- approximation
algorithm. Furthermore, a significant improvement was found when the graph
density was small.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 13:52:23 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405026 | Ajith Abraham | Cong Tran, Ajith Abraham and Lakhmi Jain | A Concurrent Fuzzy-Neural Network Approach for Decision Support Systems | null | The IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE'03,
IEEE Press, ISBN 0780378113, pp. 1092-1097, 2003 | 10.1109/FUZZ.2003.1206584 | null | cs.AI | null | Decision-making is a process of choosing among alternative courses of action
for solving complicated problems where multi-criteria objectives are involved.
The past few years have witnessed a growing recognition of Soft Computing
technologies that underlie the conception, design and utilization of
intelligent systems. Several works have been done where engineers and
scientists have applied intelligent techniques and heuristics to obtain optimal
decisions from imprecise information. In this paper, we present a concurrent
fuzzy-neural network approach combining unsupervised and supervised learning
techniques to develop the Tactical Air Combat Decision Support System (TACDSS).
Experiment results clearly demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 13:58:41 GMT"
] | 1,479,340,800,000 | [
] |
cs/0405028 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham | Analysis of Hybrid Soft and Hard Computing Techniques for Forex
Monitoring Systems | null | IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE FUZZ'02),
2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Hawaii, ISBN
0780372808, IEEE Press pp. 1616 -1622, 2002 | 10.1109/FUZZ.2002.1006749 | null | cs.AI | null | In a universe with a single currency, there would be no foreign exchange
market, no foreign exchange rates, and no foreign exchange. Over the past
twenty-five years, the way the market has performed those tasks has changed
enormously. The need for intelligent monitoring systems has become a necessity
to keep track of the complex forex market. The vast currency market is a
foreign concept to the average individual. However, once it is broken down into
simple terms, the average individual can begin to understand the foreign
exchange market and use it as a financial instrument for future investing. In
this paper, we attempt to compare the performance of hybrid soft computing and
hard computing techniques to predict the average monthly forex rates one month
ahead. The soft computing models considered are a neural network trained by the
scaled conjugate gradient algorithm and a neuro-fuzzy model implementing a
Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference system. We also considered Multivariate Adaptive
Regression Splines (MARS), Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and a
hybrid CART-MARS technique. We considered the exchange rates of Australian
dollar with respect to US dollar, Singapore dollar, New Zealand dollar,
Japanese yen and United Kingdom pounds. The models were trained using 70% of
the data and remaining was used for testing and validation purposes. It is
observed that the proposed hybrid models could predict the forex rates more
accurately than all the techniques when applied individually. Empirical results
also reveal that the hybrid hard computing approach also improved some of our
previous work using a neuro-fuzzy approach.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 May 2004 00:10:07 GMT"
] | 1,479,340,800,000 | [
] |
cs/0405030 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham | Business Intelligence from Web Usage Mining | null | Journal of Information & Knowledge Management (JIKM), World
Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 375-390, 2003 | null | null | cs.AI | null | The rapid e-commerce growth has made both business community and customers
face a new situation. Due to intense competition on one hand and the customer's
option to choose from several alternatives business community has realized the
necessity of intelligent marketing strategies and relationship management. Web
usage mining attempts to discover useful knowledge from the secondary data
obtained from the interactions of the users with the Web. Web usage mining has
become very critical for effective Web site management, creating adaptive Web
sites, business and support services, personalization, network traffic flow
analysis and so on. In this paper, we present the important concepts of Web
usage mining and its various practical applications. We further present a novel
approach 'intelligent-miner' (i-Miner) to optimize the concurrent architecture
of a fuzzy clustering algorithm (to discover web data clusters) and a fuzzy
inference system to analyze the Web site visitor trends. A hybrid evolutionary
fuzzy clustering algorithm is proposed in this paper to optimally segregate
similar user interests. The clustered data is then used to analyze the trends
using a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference system learned using a combination of
evolutionary algorithm and neural network learning. Proposed approach is
compared with self-organizing maps (to discover patterns) and several function
approximation techniques like neural networks, linear genetic programming and
Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference system (to analyze the clusters). The results are
graphically illustrated and the practical significance is discussed in detail.
Empirical results clearly show that the proposed Web usage-mining framework is
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 23:54:39 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405031 | Ajith Abraham | Cong Tran, Lakhmi Jain, Ajith Abraham | Adaptation of Mamdani Fuzzy Inference System Using Neuro - Genetic
Approach for Tactical Air Combat Decision Support System | null | 15th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(AI'02) Australia, LNAI 2557, Springer Verlag, Germany, pp. 672-679, 2002 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Normally a decision support system is build to solve problem where
multi-criteria decisions are involved. The knowledge base is the vital part of
the decision support containing the information or data that is used in
decision-making process. This is the field where engineers and scientists have
applied several intelligent techniques and heuristics to obtain optimal
decisions from imprecise information. In this paper, we present a hybrid
neuro-genetic learning approach for the adaptation a Mamdani fuzzy inference
system for the Tactical Air Combat Decision Support System (TACDSS). Some
simulation results demonstrating the difference of the learning techniques and
are also provided.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 6 May 2004 23:58:46 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405032 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham | EvoNF: A Framework for Optimization of Fuzzy Inference Systems Using
Neural Network Learning and Evolutionary Computation | null | The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control,
ISIC'02, IEEE Press, ISBN 0780376218, pp 327-332, 2002 | 10.1109/ISIC.2002.1157784 | null | cs.AI | null | Several adaptation techniques have been investigated to optimize fuzzy
inference systems. Neural network learning algorithms have been used to
determine the parameters of fuzzy inference system. Such models are often
called as integrated neuro-fuzzy models. In an integrated neuro-fuzzy model
there is no guarantee that the neural network learning algorithm converges and
the tuning of fuzzy inference system will be successful. Success of
evolutionary search procedures for optimization of fuzzy inference system is
well proven and established in many application areas. In this paper, we will
explore how the optimization of fuzzy inference systems could be further
improved using a meta-heuristic approach combining neural network learning and
evolutionary computation. The proposed technique could be considered as a
methodology to integrate neural networks, fuzzy inference systems and
evolutionary search procedures. We present the theoretical frameworks and some
experimental results to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed technique.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 May 2004 00:01:54 GMT"
] | 1,479,168,000,000 | [
] |
cs/0405033 | Ajith Abraham | Ajith Abraham | Optimization of Evolutionary Neural Networks Using Hybrid Learning
Algorithms | null | IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN'02),
2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Hawaii, ISBN
0780372786, IEEE Press, Volume 3, pp. 2797-2802, 2002 | 10.1109/IJCNN.2002.1007591 | null | cs.AI | null | Evolutionary artificial neural networks (EANNs) refer to a special class of
artificial neural networks (ANNs) in which evolution is another fundamental
form of adaptation in addition to learning. Evolutionary algorithms are used to
adapt the connection weights, network architecture and learning algorithms
according to the problem environment. Even though evolutionary algorithms are
well known as efficient global search algorithms, very often they miss the best
local solutions in the complex solution space. In this paper, we propose a
hybrid meta-heuristic learning approach combining evolutionary learning and
local search methods (using 1st and 2nd order error information) to improve the
learning and faster convergence obtained using a direct evolutionary approach.
The proposed technique is tested on three different chaotic time series and the
test results are compared with some popular neuro-fuzzy systems and a recently
developed cutting angle method of global optimization. Empirical results reveal
that the proposed technique is efficient in spite of the computational
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 7 May 2004 00:08:16 GMT"
] | 1,479,340,800,000 | [
] |
cs/0405049 | Ajith Abraham | Ron Edwards, Ajith Abraham and Sonja Petrovic-Lazarevic | Export Behaviour Modeling Using EvoNF Approach | null | The International Conference on Computational Science 2003 (ICCS
2003), Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 2660, Sloot
P.M.A. et al (Eds.), pp. 169-178, 2003 | null | null | cs.AI | null | The academic literature suggests that the extent of exporting by
multinational corporation subsidiaries (MCS) depends on their product
manufactured, resources, tax protection, customers and markets, involvement
strategy, financial independence and suppliers' relationship with a
multinational corporation (MNC). The aim of this paper is to model the complex
export pattern behaviour using a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy inference system in order
to determine the actual volume of MCS export output (sales exported). The
proposed fuzzy inference system is optimised by using neural network learning
and evolutionary computation. Empirical results clearly show that the proposed
approach could model the export behaviour reasonable well compared to a direct
neural network approach.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 May 2004 03:24:55 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405050 | Ajith Abraham | Miao M. Chong, Ajith Abraham, Marcin Paprzycki | Traffic Accident Analysis Using Decision Trees and Neural Networks | null | IADIS International Conference on Applied Computing, Portugal,
IADIS Press, Pedro Isaias et al. (Eds.), ISBN: 9729894736, Volume 2, pp.
39-42, 2004 | null | null | cs.AI | null | The costs of fatalities and injuries due to traffic accident have a great
impact on society. This paper presents our research to model the severity of
injury resulting from traffic accidents using artificial neural networks and
decision trees. We have applied them to an actual data set obtained from the
National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) General Estimates System (GES).
Experiment results reveal that in all the cases the decision tree outperforms
the neural network. Our research analysis also shows that the three most
important factors in fatal injury are: driver's seat belt usage, light
condition of the roadway, and driver's alcohol usage.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 May 2004 03:33:20 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Miao M.",
] |
cs/0405051 | Ajith Abraham | Muhammad Riaz Khan and Ajith Abraham | Short Term Load Forecasting Models in Czech Republic Using Soft
Computing Paradigms | null | International Journal of Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering
Systems, IOS Press Netherlands, Volume 7, Number 4, pp. 172-179, 2003 | null | null | cs.AI | null | This paper presents a comparative study of six soft computing models namely
multilayer perceptron networks, Elman recurrent neural network, radial basis
function network, Hopfield model, fuzzy inference system and hybrid fuzzy
neural network for the hourly electricity demand forecast of Czech Republic.
The soft computing models were trained and tested using the actual hourly load
data for seven years. A comparison of the proposed techniques is presented for
predicting 2 day ahead demands for electricity. Simulation results indicate
that hybrid fuzzy neural network and radial basis function networks are the
best candidates for the analysis and forecasting of electricity demand.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 May 2004 03:44:06 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Muhammad Riaz",
] |
cs/0405052 | Ajith Abraham | Cong Tran, Ajith Abraham and Lakhmi Jain | Decision Support Systems Using Intelligent Paradigms | null | International Journal of American Romanian Academy of Arts and
Sciences, 2004 (forth coming) | null | null | cs.AI | null | Decision-making is a process of choosing among alternative courses of action
for solving complicated problems where multi-criteria objectives are involved.
The past few years have witnessed a growing recognition of Soft Computing (SC)
technologies that underlie the conception, design and utilization of
intelligent systems. In this paper, we present different SC paradigms involving
an artificial neural network trained using the scaled conjugate gradient
algorithm, two different fuzzy inference methods optimised using neural network
learning/evolutionary algorithms and regression trees for developing
intelligent decision support systems. We demonstrate the efficiency of the
different algorithms by developing a decision support system for a Tactical Air
Combat Environment (TACE). Some empirical comparisons between the different
algorithms are also provided.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 16 May 2004 03:50:05 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0405071 | Tuan Le Mr. | Le-Chi Tuan, Chitta Baral, and Tran Cao Son | Regression with respect to sensing actions and partial states | 38 pages | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper, we present a state-based regression function for planning
domains where an agent does not have complete information and may have sensing
actions. We consider binary domains and employ the 0-approximation [Son & Baral
2001] to define the regression function. In binary domains, the use of
0-approximation means using 3-valued states. Although planning using this
approach is incomplete with respect to the full semantics, we adopt it to have
a lower complexity. We prove the soundness and completeness of our regression
formulation with respect to the definition of progression. More specifically,
we show that (i) a plan obtained through regression for a planning problem is
indeed a progression solution of that planning problem, and that (ii) for each
plan found through progression, using regression one obtains that plan or an
equivalent one. We then develop a conditional planner that utilizes our
regression function. We prove the soundness and completeness of our planning
algorithm and present experimental results with respect to several well known
planning problems in the literature.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 May 2004 12:43:19 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Tran Cao",
] |
cs/0405090 | Jiang Qiu | Michael J. Maher | Propositional Defeasible Logic has Linear Complexity | Appeared in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 1, no. 6,
2001 | Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, vol. 1, no. 6, 2001 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Defeasible logic is a rule-based nonmonotonic logic, with both strict and
defeasible rules, and a priority relation on rules. We show that inference in
the propositional form of the logic can be performed in linear time. This
contrasts markedly with most other propositional nonmonotonic logics, in which
inference is intractable.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 24 May 2004 15:45:59 GMT"
] | 1,254,182,400,000 | [
"Michael J.",
] |
cs/0405106 | Carlos Ches\~nevar | Carlos Iv\'an Ches\~nevar and Guillermo Ricardo Simari and Alejandro
Javier Garc\'ia | Pruning Search Space in Defeasible Argumentation | 11 pages | Proc. of the Workshop on Advances and Trends in Search in
Artificial Intelligence, pp.40-47. International Conf. of the Chilean Society
in Computer Science, Santiago, Chile, 2000 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Defeasible argumentation has experienced a considerable growth in AI in the
last decade. Theoretical results have been combined with development of
practical applications in AI & Law, Case-Based Reasoning and various
knowledge-based systems. However, the dialectical process associated with
inference is computationally expensive. This paper focuses on speeding up this
inference process by pruning the involved search space. Our approach is
twofold. On one hand, we identify distinguished literals for computing defeat.
On the other hand, we restrict ourselves to a subset of all possible
conflicting arguments by introducing dialectical constraints.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 27 May 2004 18:43:39 GMT"
] | 1,471,305,600,000 | [
"Carlos Iván",
"Guillermo Ricardo",
"Alejandro Javier",
] |
cs/0405113 | Andrea Severe | Andrea Severe | A proposal to design expert system for the calculations in the domain of
QFT | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Main purposes of the paper are followings: 1) To show examples of the
calculations in domain of QFT via ``derivative rules'' of an expert system; 2)
To consider advantages and disadvantage that technology of the calculations; 3)
To reflect about how one would develop new physical theories, what knowledge
would be useful in their investigations and how this problem can be connected
with designing an expert system.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 May 2004 10:50:23 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 1 Jun 2004 11:59:07 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0406038 | Vladan Vuckovic V. | Vladan Vuckovic, Djordje Vidanovic | A New Approach to Draw Detection by Move Repetition in Computer Chess
Programming | 15 pages, 4 figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | We will try to tackle both the theoretical and practical aspects of a very
important problem in chess programming as stated in the title of this article -
the issue of draw detection by move repetition. The standard approach that has
so far been employed in most chess programs is based on utilising positional
matrices in original and compressed format as well as on the implementation of
the so-called bitboard format.
The new approach that we will be trying to introduce is based on using
variant strings generated by the search algorithm (searcher) during the tree
expansion in decision making. We hope to prove that this approach is more
efficient than the standard treatment of the issue, especially in positions
with few pieces (endgames). To illustrate what we have in mind a machine
language routine that implements our theoretical assumptions is attached. The
routine is part of the Axon chess program, developed by the authors. Axon, in
its current incarnation, plays chess at master strength (ca. 2400-2450 Elo,
based on both Axon vs computer programs and Axon vs human masters in over 3000
games altogether).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 21 Jun 2004 13:42:03 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0407008 | Karthik Narayanaswami | S. Ravichandran and M.N. Karthik | Autogenic Training With Natural Language Processing Modules: A Recent
Tool For Certain Neuro Cognitive Studies | 2 Pages. Proceedings of 11th International Congress on Biological &
Medical Engineering, Singapore (IEEE-EMBS & IFMBE endorsed) | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Learning to respond to voice-text input involves the subject's ability in
understanding the phonetic and text based contents and his/her ability to
communicate based on his/her experience. The neuro-cognitive facility of the
subject has to support two important domains in order to make the learning
process complete. In many cases, though the understanding is complete, the
response is partial. This is one valid reason why we need to support the
information from the subject with scalable techniques such as Natural Language
Processing (NLP) for abstraction of the contents from the output. This paper
explores the feasibility of using NLP modules interlaced with Neural Networks
to perform the required task in autogenic training related to medical
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 2 Jul 2004 20:15:02 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"M. N.",
] |
cs/0407037 | Ambedkar Dukkipati | Ambedkar Dukkipati, M. Narasimha Murty and Shalabh Bhatnagar | Generalized Evolutionary Algorithm based on Tsallis Statistics | Submitted to Physical Review E, 5 pages, 6 figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Generalized evolutionary algorithm based on Tsallis canonical distribution is
proposed. The algorithm uses Tsallis generalized canonical distribution to
weigh the configurations for `selection' instead of Gibbs-Boltzmann
distribution. Our simulation results show that for an appropriate choice of
non-extensive index that is offered by Tsallis statistics, evolutionary
algorithms based on this generalization outperform algorithms based on
Gibbs-Boltzmann distribution.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 16 Jul 2004 06:08:22 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"M. Narasimha",
] |
cs/0407040 | W. J. van Hoeve | W.J. van Hoeve and M. Milano | Decomposition Based Search - A theoretical and experimental evaluation | 16 pages, 8 figures. LIA Technical Report LIA00203, University of
Bologna, 2003 | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper we present and evaluate a search strategy called Decomposition
Based Search (DBS) which is based on two steps: subproblem generation and
subproblem solution. The generation of subproblems is done through value
ranking and domain splitting. Subdomains are explored so as to generate,
according to the heuristic chosen, promising subproblems first.
We show that two well known search strategies, Limited Discrepancy Search
(LDS) and Iterative Broadening (IB), can be seen as special cases of DBS. First
we present a tuning of DBS that visits the same search nodes as IB, but avoids
restarts. Then we compare both theoretically and computationally DBS and LDS
using the same heuristic. We prove that DBS has a higher probability of being
successful than LDS on a comparable number of nodes, under realistic
assumptions. Experiments on a constraint satisfaction problem and an
optimization problem show that DBS is indeed very effective if compared to LDS.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 16 Jul 2004 13:38:19 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"van Hoeve",
"W. J.",
] |
cs/0407042 | W. J. van Hoeve | Willem Jan van Hoeve and Michela Milano | Postponing Branching Decisions | 11 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Solution techniques for Constraint Satisfaction and Optimisation Problems
often make use of backtrack search methods, exploiting variable and value
ordering heuristics. In this paper, we propose and analyse a very simple method
to apply in case the value ordering heuristic produces ties: postponing the
branching decision. To this end, we group together values in a tie, branch on
this sub-domain, and defer the decision among them to lower levels of the
search tree. We show theoretically and experimentally that this simple
modification can dramatically improve the efficiency of the search strategy.
Although in practise similar methods may have been applied already, to our
knowledge, no empirical or theoretical study has been proposed in the
literature to identify when and to what extent this strategy should be used.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 16 Jul 2004 14:37:11 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"van Hoeve",
"Willem Jan",
] |
cs/0407044 | W. J. van Hoeve | M. Milano and W.J. van Hoeve | Reduced cost-based ranking for generating promising subproblems | 15 pages, 1 figure. Accepted at CP 2002 | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper, we propose an effective search procedure that interleaves two
steps: subproblem generation and subproblem solution. We mainly focus on the
first part. It consists of a variable domain value ranking based on reduced
costs. Exploiting the ranking, we generate, in a Limited Discrepancy Search
tree, the most promising subproblems first. An interesting result is that
reduced costs provide a very precise ranking that allows to almost always find
the optimal solution in the first generated subproblem, even if its dimension
is significantly smaller than that of the original problem. Concerning the
proof of optimality, we exploit a way to increase the lower bound for
subproblems at higher discrepancies. We show experimental results on the TSP
and its time constrained variant to show the effectiveness of the proposed
approach, but the technique could be generalized for other problems.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 16 Jul 2004 14:53:21 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"van Hoeve",
"W. J.",
] |
cs/0408010 | Florentin Smarandache | Florentin Smarandache, Jean Dezert | A Simple Proportional Conflict Redistribution Rule | 21 pages | International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Vol.
3, No. J05, 1-36, 2005. | null | null | cs.AI | null | One proposes a first alternative rule of combination to WAO (Weighted Average
Operator) proposed recently by Josang, Daniel and Vannoorenberghe, called
Proportional Conflict Redistribution rule (denoted PCR1). PCR1 and WAO are
particular cases of WO (the Weighted Operator) because the conflicting mass is
redistributed with respect to some weighting factors. In this first PCR rule,
the proportionalization is done for each non-empty set with respect to the
non-zero sum of its corresponding mass matrix - instead of its mass column
average as in WAO, but the results are the same as Ph. Smets has pointed out.
Also, we extend WAO (which herein gives no solution) for the degenerate case
when all column sums of all non-empty sets are zero, and then the conflicting
mass is transferred to the non-empty disjunctive form of all non-empty sets
together; but if this disjunctive form happens to be empty, then one considers
an open world (i.e. the frame of discernment might contain new hypotheses) and
thus all conflicting mass is transferred to the empty set. In addition to WAO,
we propose a general formula for PCR1 (WAO for non-degenerate cases).
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 3 Aug 2004 16:08:37 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 15 Aug 2004 00:30:31 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Wed, 18 Aug 2004 19:46:40 GMT"
"version": "v4",
"created": "Fri, 20 Aug 2004 17:38:59 GMT"
"version": "v5",
"created": "Sun, 19 Sep 2004 16:28:09 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0408021 | Florentin Smarandache | Florentin Smarandache, Jean Dezert | An Algorithm for Quasi-Associative and Quasi-Markovian Rules of
Combination in Information Fusion | 9 pages | International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Vol.
22, No. S11 (Special Issue on Soft Computing), 33-42, 2011 | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper one proposes a simple algorithm of combining the fusion rules,
those rules which first use the conjunctive rule and then the transfer of
conflicting mass to the non-empty sets, in such a way that they gain the
property of associativity and fulfill the Markovian requirement for dynamic
fusion. Also, a new rule, SDL-improved, is presented.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 8 Aug 2004 19:41:23 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 14 Aug 2004 16:59:51 GMT"
] | 1,284,422,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0408044 | Michael Thielscher | Michael Thielscher | FLUX: A Logic Programming Method for Reasoning Agents | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | FLUX is a programming method for the design of agents that reason logically
about their actions and sensor information in the presence of incomplete
knowledge. The core of FLUX is a system of Constraint Handling Rules, which
enables agents to maintain an internal model of their environment by which they
control their own behavior. The general action representation formalism of the
fluent calculus provides the formal semantics for the constraint solver. FLUX
exhibits excellent computational behavior due to both a carefully restricted
expressiveness and the inference paradigm of progression.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 19 Aug 2004 14:47:51 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0408055 | Ambedkar Dukkipati | Ambedkar Dukkipati, M. Narasimha Murty and Shalabh Bhatnagar | Cauchy Annealing Schedule: An Annealing Schedule for Boltzmann Selection
Scheme in Evolutionary Algorithms | null | Dukkipati, A., M. N. Murty, and S. Bhatnagar, 2004, in Proceedings
of the Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2004), IEEE Press, pp. 55-62 | 10.1109/CEC.2004.1330837 | null | cs.AI | null | Boltzmann selection is an important selection mechanism in evolutionary
algorithms as it has theoretical properties which help in theoretical analysis.
However, Boltzmann selection is not used in practice because a good annealing
schedule for the `inverse temperature' parameter is lacking. In this paper we
propose a Cauchy annealing schedule for Boltzmann selection scheme based on a
hypothesis that selection-strength should increase as evolutionary process goes
on and distance between two selection strengths should decrease for the process
to converge. To formalize these aspects, we develop formalism for selection
mechanisms using fitness distributions and give an appropriate measure for
selection-strength. In this paper, we prove an important result, by which we
derive an annealing schedule called Cauchy annealing schedule. We demonstrate
the novelty of proposed annealing schedule using simulations in the framework
of genetic algorithms.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:21:06 GMT"
] | 1,479,168,000,000 | [
"M. Narasimha",
] |
cs/0408064 | Florentin Smarandache | Florentin Smarandache, Jean Dezert | Proportional Conflict Redistribution Rules for Information Fusion | 41 pages | Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information
Fusion, Philadelphia, 25-29 July, 2005; IEEE Catalog Number: 05EX1120C, ISBN:
0-7803-9287-6. | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper we propose five versions of a Proportional Conflict
Redistribution rule (PCR) for information fusion together with several
examples. From PCR1 to PCR2, PCR3, PCR4, PCR5 one increases the complexity of
the rules and also the exactitude of the redistribution of conflicting masses.
PCR1 restricted from the hyper-power set to the power set and without
degenerate cases gives the same result as the Weighted Average Operator (WAO)
proposed recently by J{\o}sang, Daniel and Vannoorenberghe but does not satisfy
the neutrality property of vacuous belief assignment. That's why improved PCR
rules are proposed in this paper. PCR4 is an improvement of minC and Dempster's
rules. The PCR rules redistribute the conflicting mass, after the conjunctive
rule has been applied, proportionally with some functions depending on the
masses assigned to their corresponding columns in the mass matrix. There are
infinitely many ways these functions (weighting factors) can be chosen
depending on the complexity one wants to deal with in specific applications and
fusion systems. Any fusion combination rule is at some degree ad-hoc.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sat, 28 Aug 2004 03:08:39 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 18 Dec 2004 21:23:53 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 25 Mar 2005 15:34:43 GMT"
] | 1,472,601,600,000 | [
] |
cs/0409007 | Florentin Smarandache | Jean Dezert, Florentin Smarandache, Milan Daniel | The Generalized Pignistic Transformation | 8 pages, 3 graphs, many tables. The Seventh International Conference
on Information Fusion, Stockholm, Sweden, 28 June - 1 July 2004 | Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Information
Fusion, International Society for Information Fusion, Stockholm, Sweden,
384-391, 2004 | null | null | cs.AI | null | This paper presents in detail the generalized pignistic transformation (GPT)
succinctly developed in the Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) framework as a
tool for decision process. The GPT allows to provide a subjective probability
measure from any generalized basic belief assignment given by any corpus of
evidence. We mainly focus our presentation on the 3D case and provide the
complete result obtained by the GPT and its validation drawn from the
probability theory.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 6 Sep 2004 17:47:06 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0409040 | Florentin Smarandache | Florentin Smarandache | Unification of Fusion Theories | 14 pages | Presented at NATO Advanced Study Institute, Albena, Bulgaria,
16-27 May 2005. International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics,
Vol. 2, 1-14, 2004. | null | null | cs.AI | null | Since no fusion theory neither rule fully satisfy all needed applications,
the author proposes a Unification of Fusion Theories and a combination of
fusion rules in solving problems/applications. For each particular application,
one selects the most appropriate model, rule(s), and algorithm of
implementation. We are working in the unification of the fusion theories and
rules, which looks like a cooking recipe, better we'd say like a logical chart
for a computer programmer, but we don't see another method to comprise/unify
all things. The unification scenario presented herein, which is now in an
incipient form, should periodically be updated incorporating new discoveries
from the fusion and engineering research.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 23 Sep 2004 02:02:44 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Fri, 24 Sep 2004 13:50:15 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Fri, 29 Oct 2004 17:01:36 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0410014 | Stefania Costantini | Stefania Costantini and Alessandro Provetti | Normal forms for Answer Sets Programming | 15 pages, To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
(TPLP) | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Normal forms for logic programs under stable/answer set semantics are
introduced. We argue that these forms can simplify the study of program
properties, mainly consistency. The first normal form, called the {\em kernel}
of the program, is useful for studying existence and number of answer sets. A
kernel program is composed of the atoms which are undefined in the Well-founded
semantics, which are those that directly affect the existence of answer sets.
The body of rules is composed of negative literals only. Thus, the kernel form
tends to be significantly more compact than other formulations. Also, it is
possible to check consistency of kernel programs in terms of colorings of the
Extended Dependency Graph program representation which we previously developed.
The second normal form is called {\em 3-kernel.} A 3-kernel program is composed
of the atoms which are undefined in the Well-founded semantics. Rules in
3-kernel programs have at most two conditions, and each rule either belongs to
a cycle, or defines a connection between cycles. 3-kernel programs may have
positive conditions. The 3-kernel normal form is very useful for the static
analysis of program consistency, i.e., the syntactic characterization of
existence of answer sets. This result can be obtained thanks to a novel
graph-like representation of programs, called Cycle Graph which presented in
the companion article \cite{Cos04b}.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 6 Oct 2004 15:01:50 GMT"
] | 1,472,601,600,000 | [
] |
cs/0410033 | Florentin Smarandache | Florentin Smarandache | An In-Depth Look at Information Fusion Rules & the Unification of Fusion
Theories | 27 pages. To be presented at NASA Langley Research Center (Hampton,
Virginia), on November 5th, 2004 | Partially published in Review of the Air Force Academy (The
Scientific Informative Review), Brasov, No. 2, pp. 31-40, 2006. | null | null | cs.AI | null | This paper may look like a glossary of the fusion rules and we also introduce
new ones presenting their formulas and examples: Conjunctive, Disjunctive,
Exclusive Disjunctive, Mixed Conjunctive-Disjunctive rules, Conditional rule,
Dempster's, Yager's, Smets' TBM rule, Dubois-Prade's, Dezert-Smarandache
classical and hybrid rules, Murphy's average rule,
Inagaki-Lefevre-Colot-Vannoorenberghe Unified Combination rules [and, as
particular cases: Iganaki's parameterized rule, Weighting Average Operator,
minC (M. Daniel), and newly Proportional Conflict Redistribution rules
(Smarandache-Dezert) among which PCR5 is the most exact way of redistribution
of the conflicting mass to non-empty sets following the path of the conjunctive
rule], Zhang's Center Combination rule, Convolutive x-Averaging, Consensus
Operator (Josang), Cautious Rule (Smets), ?-junctions rules (Smets), etc. and
three new T-norm & T-conorm rules adjusted from fuzzy and neutrosophic sets to
information fusion (Tchamova-Smarandache). Introducing the degree of union and
degree of inclusion with respect to the cardinal of sets not with the fuzzy set
point of view, besides that of intersection, many fusion rules can be improved.
There are corner cases where each rule might have difficulties working or may
not get an expected result.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 14 Oct 2004 22:53:46 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 27 Oct 2004 17:13:04 GMT"
] | 1,233,187,200,000 | [
] |
cs/0410049 | Joseph Y. Halpern | Joseph Y. Halpern | Intransitivity and Vagueness | A preliminary version of this paper appears in Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Ninth
International Conference (KR 2004) | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | There are many examples in the literature that suggest that
indistinguishability is intransitive, despite the fact that the
indistinguishability relation is typically taken to be an equivalence relation
(and thus transitive). It is shown that if the uncertainty perception and the
question of when an agent reports that two things are indistinguishable are
both carefully modeled, the problems disappear, and indistinguishability can
indeed be taken to be an equivalence relation. Moreover, this model also
suggests a logic of vagueness that seems to solve many of the problems related
to vagueness discussed in the philosophical literature. In particular, it is
shown here how the logic can handle the sorites paradox.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:31:11 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Joseph Y.",
] |
cs/0410050 | Joseph Y. Halpern | Joseph Y. Halpern | Sleeping Beauty Reconsidered: Conditioning and Reflection in
Asynchronous Systems | A preliminary version of this paper appears in Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proceedings of the Ninth
International Conference (KR 2004). This version will appear in Oxford
Studies in Epistemology | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | A careful analysis of conditioning in the Sleeping Beauty problem is done,
using the formal model for reasoning about knowledge and probability developed
by Halpern and Tuttle. While the Sleeping Beauty problem has been viewed as
revealing problems with conditioning in the presence of imperfect recall, the
analysis done here reveals that the problems are not so much due to imperfect
recall as to asynchrony. The implications of this analysis for van Fraassen's
Reflection Principle and Savage's Sure-Thing Principle are considered.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 19 Oct 2004 17:31:44 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Joseph Y.",
] |
cs/0411015 | Ziny Flikop | Ziny Flikop | Bounded Input Bounded Predefined Control Bounded Output | 8 pages, 6 figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | The paper is an attempt to generalize a methodology, which is similar to the
bounded-input bounded-output method currently widely used for the system
stability studies. The presented earlier methodology allows decomposition of
input space into bounded subspaces and defining for each subspace its bounding
surface. It also defines a corresponding predefined control, which maps any
point of a bounded input into a desired bounded output subspace. This
methodology was improved by providing a mechanism for the fast defining a
bounded surface. This paper presents enhanced bounded-input
bounded-predefined-control bounded-output approach, which provides adaptability
feature to the control and allows transferring of a controlled system along a
suboptimal trajectory.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 8 Nov 2004 01:52:58 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0411034 | Balaram Das | Balaram Das | Generating Conditional Probabilities for Bayesian Networks: Easing the
Knowledge Acquisition Problem | 24pages, 2figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | | The number of probability distributions required to populate a conditional
probability table (CPT) in a Bayesian network, grows exponentially with the
number of parent-nodes associated with that table. If the table is to be
populated through knowledge elicited from a domain expert then the sheer
magnitude of the task forms a considerable cognitive barrier. In this paper we
devise an algorithm to populate the CPT while easing the extent of knowledge
acquisition. The input to the algorithm consists of a set of weights that
quantify the relative strengths of the influences of the parent-nodes on the
child-node, and a set of probability distributions the number of which grows
only linearly with the number of associated parent-nodes. These are elicited
from the domain expert. The set of probabilities are obtained by taking into
consideration the heuristics that experts use while arriving at probabilistic
estimations. The algorithm is used to populate the CPT by computing appropriate
weighted sums of the elicited distributions. We invoke the methods of
information geometry to demonstrate how these weighted sums capture the
expert's judgemental strategy.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 12 Nov 2004 00:42:55 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 4 Aug 2008 06:36:49 GMT"
] | 1,217,808,000,000 | [
] |
cs/0411071 | Pontus Svenson | Hedvig Sidenbladh, Pontus Svenson, Johan Schubert | Comparing Multi-Target Trackers on Different Force Unit Levels | 9 pages | Proc SPIE Vol 5429, p 306-314 (2004) | 10.1117/12.542024 | null | cs.AI | null | Consider the problem of tracking a set of moving targets. Apart from the
tracking result, it is often important to know where the tracking fails, either
to steer sensors to that part of the state-space, or to inform a human operator
about the status and quality of the obtained information. An intuitive quality
measure is the correlation between two tracking results based on uncorrelated
observations. In the case of Bayesian trackers such a correlation measure could
be the Kullback-Leibler difference.
We focus on a scenario with a large number of military units moving in some
terrain. The units are observed by several types of sensors and "meta-sensors"
with force aggregation capabilities. The sensors register units of different
size. Two separate multi-target probability hypothesis density (PHD) particle
filters are used to track some type of units (e.g., companies) and their
sub-units (e.g., platoons), respectively, based on observations of units of
those sizes. Each observation is used in one filter only.
Although the state-space may well be the same in both filters, the posterior
PHD distributions are not directly comparable -- one unit might correspond to
three or four spatially distributed sub-units. Therefore, we introduce a
mapping function between distributions for different unit size, based on
doctrine knowledge of unit configuration.
The mapped distributions can now be compared -- locally or globally -- using
some measure, which gives the correlation between two PHD distributions in a
bounded volume of the state-space. To locate areas where the tracking fails, a
discretized quality map of the state-space can be generated by applying the
measure locally to different parts of the space.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 19 Nov 2004 13:12:40 GMT"
] | 1,257,811,200,000 | [
] |
cs/0411072 | Pontus Svenson | Pontus Svenson | Extremal optimization for sensor report pre-processing | 10 pages | Proc SPIE Vol 5429, p 162-171 (2004) | 10.1117/12.542027 | null | cs.AI | null | We describe the recently introduced extremal optimization algorithm and apply
it to target detection and association problems arising in pre-processing for
multi-target tracking.
Here we consider the problem of pre-processing for multiple target tracking
when the number of sensor reports received is very large and arrives in large
bursts. In this case, it is sometimes necessary to pre-process reports before
sending them to tracking modules in the fusion system. The pre-processing step
associates reports to known tracks (or initializes new tracks for reports on
objects that have not been seen before). It could also be used as a pre-process
step before clustering, e.g., in order to test how many clusters to use.
The pre-processing is done by solving an approximate version of the original
problem. In this approximation, not all pair-wise conflicts are calculated. The
approximation relies on knowing how many such pair-wise conflicts that are
necessary to compute. To determine this, results on phase-transitions occurring
when coloring (or clustering) large random instances of a particular graph
ensemble are used.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 19 Nov 2004 13:37:40 GMT"
] | 1,257,811,200,000 | [
] |
cs/0412091 | Florentin Smarandache | Florentin Smarandache, Jean Dezert | The Combination of Paradoxical, Uncertain, and Imprecise Sources of
Information based on DSmT and Neutro-Fuzzy Inference | 20 pages | A version of this paper published in Proceedings of 10th
International Conference on Fuzzy Theory and Technology (FT&T 2005), Salt
Lake City, Utah, USA, July 21-26, 2005. | null | null | cs.AI | null | The management and combination of uncertain, imprecise, fuzzy and even
paradoxical or high conflicting sources of information has always been, and
still remains today, of primal importance for the development of reliable
modern information systems involving artificial reasoning. In this chapter, we
present a survey of our recent theory of plausible and paradoxical reasoning,
known as Dezert-Smarandache Theory (DSmT) in the literature, developed for
dealing with imprecise, uncertain and paradoxical sources of information. We
focus our presentation here rather on the foundations of DSmT, and on the two
important new rules of combination, than on browsing specific applications of
DSmT available in literature. Several simple examples are given throughout the
presentation to show the efficiency and the generality of this new approach.
The last part of this chapter concerns the presentation of the neutrosophic
logic, the neutro-fuzzy inference and its connection with DSmT. Fuzzy logic and
neutrosophic logic are useful tools in decision making after fusioning the
information using the DSm hybrid rule of combination of masses.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 19 Dec 2004 14:56:11 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0501068 | Jean-Francois Mari | Olivier Aycard (GRAVIR - Imag, Orpailleur Loria), Jean-Francois Mari
(ORPAILLEUR Loria), Richard Washington | Learning to automatically detect features for mobile robots using
second-order Hidden Markov Models | 2004 | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper, we propose a new method based on Hidden Markov Models to
interpret temporal sequences of sensor data from mobile robots to automatically
detect features. Hidden Markov Models have been used for a long time in pattern
recognition, especially in speech recognition. Their main advantages over other
methods (such as neural networks) are their ability to model noisy temporal
signals of variable length. We show in this paper that this approach is well
suited for interpretation of temporal sequences of mobile-robot sensor data. We
present two distinct experiments and results: the first one in an indoor
environment where a mobile robot learns to detect features like open doors or
T-intersections, the second one in an outdoor environment where a different
mobile robot has to identify situations like climbing a hill or crossing a
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 24 Jan 2005 11:05:36 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"GRAVIR - Imag, Orpailleur Loria"
] |
cs/0501072 | Thierry Poibeau | Dominique Dutoit, Thierry Poibeau (LIPN) | Inferring knowledge from a large semantic network | null | Inferring knowledge from a large semantic network (2002) 232-238 | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper, we present a rich semantic network based on a differential
analysis. We then detail implemented measures that take into account common and
differential features between words. In a last section, we describe some
industrial applications.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 25 Jan 2005 16:09:11 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0501084 | Axel Polleres | Thomas Eiter and Axel Polleres | Towards Automated Integration of Guess and Check Programs in Answer Set
Programming: A Meta-Interpreter and Applications | To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) | null | null | 1843-04-01 | cs.AI | null | Answer set programming (ASP) with disjunction offers a powerful tool for
declaratively representing and solving hard problems. Many NP-complete problems
can be encoded in the answer set semantics of logic programs in a very concise
and intuitive way, where the encoding reflects the typical "guess and check"
nature of NP problems: The property is encoded in a way such that polynomial
size certificates for it correspond to stable models of a program. However, the
problem-solving capacity of full disjunctive logic programs (DLPs) is beyond
NP, and captures a class of problems at the second level of the polynomial
hierarchy. While these problems also have a clear "guess and check" structure,
finding an encoding in a DLP reflecting this structure may sometimes be a
non-obvious task, in particular if the "check" itself is a coNP-complete
problem; usually, such problems are solved by interleaving separate guess and
check programs, where the check is expressed by inconsistency of the check
program. In this paper, we present general transformations of head-cycle free
(extended) disjunctive logic programs into stratified and positive (extended)
disjunctive logic programs based on meta-interpretation techniques. The answer
sets of the original and the transformed program are in simple correspondence,
and, moreover, inconsistency of the original program is indicated by a
designated answer set of the transformed program. Our transformations
facilitate the integration of separate "guess" and "check" programs, which are
often easy to obtain, automatically into a single disjunctive logic program.
Our results complement recent results on meta-interpretation in ASP, and extend
methods and techniques for a declarative "guess and check" problem solving
paradigm through ASP.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 28 Jan 2005 20:19:12 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0501086 | Manuela Kunze | Peter M. Kruse and Andre Naujoks and Dietmar Roesner and Manuela Kunze | Clever Search: A WordNet Based Wrapper for Internet Search Engines | null | Proceedings of 2nd GermaNet Workshop 2005 | null | null | cs.AI | null | This paper presents an approach to enhance search engines with information
about word senses available in WordNet. The approach exploits information about
the conceptual relations within the lexical-semantic net. In the wrapper for
search engines presented, WordNet information is used to specify user's request
or to classify the results of a publicly available web search engine, like
google, yahoo, etc.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2005 16:00:22 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Peter M.",
] |
cs/0501089 | Manuela Kunze | Manuela Kunze and Dietmar Roesner | Issues in Exploiting GermaNet as a Resource in Real Applications | 10 pages, 3 figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | This paper reports about experiments with GermaNet as a resource within
domain specific document analysis. The main question to be answered is: How is
the coverage of GermaNet in a specific domain? We report about results of a
field test of GermaNet for analyses of autopsy protocols and present a sketch
about the integration of GermaNet inside XDOC. Our remarks will contribute to a
GermaNet user's wish list.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2005 10:07:52 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0501093 | Manuela Kunze | Manuela Kunze and Dietmar Roesner | Transforming Business Rules Into Natural Language Text | 3 pages | in Proceedings of IWCS-6, 2005 | null | null | cs.AI | null | The aim of the project presented in this paper is to design a system for an
NLG architecture, which supports the documentation process of eBusiness models.
A major task is to enrich the formal description of an eBusiness model with
additional information needed in an NLG task.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2005 07:59:14 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0501094 | Manuela Kunze | Manuela Kunze and Dietmar Roesner | Corpus based Enrichment of GermaNet Verb Frames | 4 pages | in Proceedings of LREC 2004 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Lexical semantic resources, like WordNet, are often used in real applications
of natural language document processing. For example, we integrated GermaNet in
our document suite XDOC of processing of German forensic autopsy protocols. In
addition to the hypernymy and synonymy relation, we want to adapt GermaNet's
verb frames for our analysis. In this paper we outline an approach for the
domain related enrichment of GermaNet verb frames by corpus based syntactic and
co-occurred data analyses of real documents.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2005 08:36:39 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 1 Feb 2005 08:06:00 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0501095 | Manuela Kunze | Manuela Kunze and Dietmar Roesner | Context Related Derivation of Word Senses | 5 pages, 2 figures | in Proceedings of Ontolex- Workshop 2004 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Real applications of natural language document processing are very often
confronted with domain specific lexical gaps during the analysis of documents
of a new domain. This paper describes an approach for the derivation of domain
specific concepts for the extension of an existing ontology. As resources we
need an initial ontology and a partially processed corpus of a domain. We
exploit the specific characteristic of the sublanguage in the corpus. Our
approach is based on syntactical structures (noun phrases) and compound
analyses to extract information required for the extension of GermaNet's
lexical resources.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:25:29 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0501096 | Manuela Kunze | Dietmar Roesner and Manuela Kunze and Sylke Kroetzsch | Transforming and Enriching Documents for the Semantic Web | 10 pages, 1 figure | KI (1), 2004 | null | null | cs.AI | null | We suggest to employ techniques from Natural Language Processing (NLP) and
Knowledge Representation (KR) to transform existing documents into documents
amenable for the Semantic Web. Semantic Web documents have at least part of
their semantics and pragmatics marked up explicitly in both a machine
processable as well as human readable manner. XML and its related standards
(XSLT, RDF, Topic Maps etc.) are the unifying platform for the tools and
methodologies developed for different application scenarios.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Jan 2005 09:48:46 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0502060 | Jean-Philippe Rennard | J.-Ph Rennard | Perspectives for Strong Artificial Life | 19 pages, 5 figures | Rennard, J.-Ph., (2004), Perspective for Strong Artificial Life in
De Castro, L.N. & von Zuben F.J. (Eds), Recent Developments in Biologically
Inspired Computing, Hershey:IGP, 301-318 | null | null | cs.AI | null | This text introduces the twin deadlocks of strong artificial life.
Conceptualization of life is a deadlock both because of the existence of a
continuum between the inert and the living, and because we only know one
instance of life. Computationalism is a second deadlock since it remains a
matter of faith. Nevertheless, artificial life realizations quickly progress
and recent constructions embed an always growing set of the intuitive
properties of life. This growing gap between theory and realizations should
sooner or later crystallize in some kind of paradigm shift and then give clues
to break the twin deadlocks.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:20:48 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"J. -Ph",
] |
cs/0504064 | Vitaly Schetinin | Vitaly Schetinin, Joachim Schult and Anatoly Brazhnikov | Neural-Network Techniques for Visual Mining Clinical
Electroencephalograms | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this chapter we describe new neural-network techniques developed for
visual mining clinical electroencephalograms (EEGs), the weak electrical
potentials invoked by brain activity. These techniques exploit fruitful ideas
of Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH). Section 2 briefly describes the
standard neural-network techniques which are able to learn well-suited
classification modes from data presented by relevant features. Section 3
introduces an evolving cascade neural network technique which adds new input
nodes as well as new neurons to the network while the training error decreases.
This algorithm is applied to recognize artifacts in the clinical EEGs. Section
4 presents the GMDH-type polynomial networks learnt from data. We applied this
technique to distinguish the EEGs recorded from an Alzheimer and a healthy
patient as well as recognize EEG artifacts. Section 5 describes the new
neural-network technique developed to induce multi-class concepts from data. We
used this technique for inducing a 16-class concept from the large-scale
clinical EEG data. Finally we discuss perspectives of applying the
neural-network techniques to clinical EEGs.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:27:55 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0504065 | Vitaly Schetinin | Vitaly Schetinin, Jonathan E. Fieldsend, Derek Partridge, Wojtek J.
Krzanowski, Richard M. Everson, Trevor C. Bailey and Adolfo Hernandez | Estimating Classification Uncertainty of Bayesian Decision Tree
Technique on Financial Data | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Bayesian averaging over classification models allows the uncertainty of
classification outcomes to be evaluated, which is of crucial importance for
making reliable decisions in applications such as financial in which risks have
to be estimated. The uncertainty of classification is determined by a trade-off
between the amount of data available for training, the diversity of a
classifier ensemble and the required performance. The interpretability of
classification models can also give useful information for experts responsible
for making reliable classifications. For this reason Decision Trees (DTs) seem
to be attractive classification models. The required diversity of the DT
ensemble can be achieved by using the Bayesian model averaging all possible
DTs. In practice, the Bayesian approach can be implemented on the base of a
Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique of random sampling from the posterior
distribution. For sampling large DTs, the MCMC method is extended by Reversible
Jump technique which allows inducing DTs under given priors. For the case when
the prior information on the DT size is unavailable, the sweeping technique
defining the prior implicitly reveals a better performance. Within this Chapter
we explore the classification uncertainty of the Bayesian MCMC techniques on
some datasets from the StatLog Repository and real financial data. The
classification uncertainty is compared within an Uncertainty Envelope technique
dealing with the class posterior distribution and a given confidence
probability. This technique provides realistic estimates of the classification
uncertainty which can be easily interpreted in statistical terms with the aim
of risk evaluation.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:30:54 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Jonathan E.",
"Wojtek J.",
"Richard M.",
"Trevor C.",
] |
cs/0504066 | Vitaly Schetinin | Vitaly Schetinin, Jonathan E. Fieldsend, Derek Partridge, Wojtek J.
Krzanowski, Richard M. Everson, Trevor C. Bailey, and Adolfo Hernandez | Comparison of the Bayesian and Randomised Decision Tree Ensembles within
an Uncertainty Envelope Technique | null | Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2005 | null | null | cs.AI | null | Multiple Classifier Systems (MCSs) allow evaluation of the uncertainty of
classification outcomes that is of crucial importance for safety critical
applications. The uncertainty of classification is determined by a trade-off
between the amount of data available for training, the classifier diversity and
the required performance. The interpretability of MCSs can also give useful
information for experts responsible for making reliable classifications. For
this reason Decision Trees (DTs) seem to be attractive classification models
for experts. The required diversity of MCSs exploiting such classification
models can be achieved by using two techniques, the Bayesian model averaging
and the randomised DT ensemble. Both techniques have revealed promising results
when applied to real-world problems. In this paper we experimentally compare
the classification uncertainty of the Bayesian model averaging with a
restarting strategy and the randomised DT ensemble on a synthetic dataset and
some domain problems commonly used in the machine learning community. To make
the Bayesian DT averaging feasible, we use a Markov Chain Monte Carlo
technique. The classification uncertainty is evaluated within an Uncertainty
Envelope technique dealing with the class posterior distribution and a given
confidence probability. Exploring a full posterior distribution, this technique
produces realistic estimates which can be easily interpreted in statistical
terms. In our experiments we found out that the Bayesian DTs are superior to
the randomised DT ensembles within the Uncertainty Envelope technique.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:33:33 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Jonathan E.",
"Wojtek J.",
"Richard M.",
"Trevor C.",
] |
cs/0504071 | Byeong Kang Dr | Byeong Ho Kang, Achim Hoffmann, Takahira Yamaguchi, Wai Kiang Yeap | Proceedings of the Pacific Knowledge Acquisition Workshop 2004 | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Artificial intelligence (AI) research has evolved over the last few decades
and knowledge acquisition research is at the core of AI research. PKAW-04 is
one of three international knowledge acquisition workshops held in the
Pacific-Rim, Canada and Europe over the last two decades. PKAW-04 has a strong
emphasis on incremental knowledge acquisition, machine learning, neural nets
and active mining.
The proceedings contain 19 papers that were selected by the program committee
among 24 submitted papers. All papers were peer reviewed by at least two
reviewers. The papers in these proceedings cover the methods and tools as well
as the applications related to develop expert systems or knowledge based
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 14 Apr 2005 13:14:53 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Byeong Ho",
"Wai Kiang",
] |
cs/0505018 | Jean-Francois Mari | Jean-Francois Mari (INRIA Lorraine - LORIA), Florence Le Ber (CEVH) | Temporal and Spatial Data Mining with Second-Order Hidden Models | null | null | 10.1007/s00500-005-0501-0 | null | cs.AI | null | In the frame of designing a knowledge discovery system, we have developed
stochastic models based on high-order hidden Markov models. These models are
capable to map sequences of data into a Markov chain in which the transitions
between the states depend on the \texttt{n} previous states according to the
order of the model. We study the process of achieving information extraction
fromspatial and temporal data by means of an unsupervised classification. We
use therefore a French national database related to the land use of a region,
named Teruti, which describes the land use both in the spatial and temporal
domain. Land-use categories (wheat, corn, forest, ...) are logged every year on
each site regularly spaced in the region. They constitute a temporal sequence
of images in which we look for spatial and temporal dependencies. The temporal
segmentation of the data is done by means of a second-order Hidden Markov Model
(\hmmd) that appears to have very good capabilities to locate stationary
segments, as shown in our previous work in speech recognition. Thespatial
classification is performed by defining a fractal scanning ofthe images with
the help of a Hilbert-Peano curve that introduces atotal order on the sites,
preserving the relation ofneighborhood between the sites. We show that the
\hmmd performs aclassification that is meaningful for the agronomists.Spatial
and temporal classification may be achieved simultaneously by means of a 2
levels \hmmd that measures the \aposteriori probability to map a temporal
sequence of images onto a set of hidden classes.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 9 May 2005 06:54:57 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"INRIA Lorraine - LORIA"
"Florence Le",
] |
cs/0505081 | Gilles Kassel | Sabine Bruaux (LaRIA), Gilles Kassel (LaRIA), Gilles Morel (LaRIA) | An ontological approach to the construction of problem-solving models | null | null | null | LRR 2005-03 | cs.AI | null | Our ongoing work aims at defining an ontology-centered approach for building
expertise models for the CommonKADS methodology. This approach (which we have
named "OntoKADS") is founded on a core problem-solving ontology which
distinguishes between two conceptualization levels: at an object level, a set
of concepts enable us to define classes of problem-solving situations, and at a
meta level, a set of meta-concepts represent modeling primitives. In this
article, our presentation of OntoKADS will focus on the core ontology and, in
particular, on roles - the primitive situated at the interface between domain
knowledge and reasoning, and whose ontological status is still much debated. We
first propose a coherent, global, ontological framework which enables us to
account for this primitive. We then show how this novel characterization of the
primitive allows definition of new rules for the construction of expertise
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 30 May 2005 13:42:02 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0506031 | Laurent Henocque | Patrick Albert, Laurent Henocque, Mathias Kleiner | A Constrained Object Model for Configuration Based Workflow Composition | This is an extended version of the article published at BPM'05, Third
International Conference on Business Process Management, Nancy France | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Automatic or assisted workflow composition is a field of intense research for
applications to the world wide web or to business process modeling. Workflow
composition is traditionally addressed in various ways, generally via theorem
proving techniques. Recent research observed that building a composite workflow
bears strong relationships with finite model search, and that some workflow
languages can be defined as constrained object metamodels . This lead to
consider the viability of applying configuration techniques to this problem,
which was proven feasible. Constrained based configuration expects a
constrained object model as input. The purpose of this document is to formally
specify the constrained object model involved in ongoing experiments and
research using the Z specification language.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 9 Jun 2005 14:57:53 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0507010 | Jiayang Wang | Jiayang Wang | A Study for the Feature Core of Dynamic Reduct | 9 pages | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | To the reduct problems of decision system, the paper proposes the notion of
dynamic core according to the dynamic reduct model. It describes various formal
definitions of dynamic core, and discusses some properties about dynamic core.
All of these show that dynamic core possesses the essential characters of the
feature core.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 5 Jul 2005 13:02:02 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0507023 | Valmir Barbosa | Luis O. Rigo Jr., Valmir C. Barbosa | Two-dimensional cellular automata and the analysis of correlated time
series | null | Pattern Recognition Letters 27 (2006), 1353-1360 | 10.1016/j.patrec.2006.01.005 | null | cs.AI | null | Correlated time series are time series that, by virtue of the underlying
process to which they refer, are expected to influence each other strongly. We
introduce a novel approach to handle such time series, one that models their
interaction as a two-dimensional cellular automaton and therefore allows them
to be treated as a single entity. We apply our approach to the problems of
filling gaps and predicting values in rainfall time series. Computational
results show that the new approach compares favorably to Kalman smoothing and
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 8 Jul 2005 12:47:38 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Luis O.",
"Valmir C.",
] |
cs/0507029 | Samuel Landau | Samuel Landau (INRIA Futurs), Olivier Sigaud (LIP6), Marc Schoenauer
(INRIA Futurs) | ATNoSFERES revisited | null | Dans Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation
Conference, GECCO-2005 [OAI:] - | null | null | cs.AI | null | ATNoSFERES is a Pittsburgh style Learning Classifier System (LCS) in which
the rules are represented as edges of an Augmented Transition Network.
Genotypes are strings of tokens of a stack-based language, whose execution
builds the labeled graph. The original ATNoSFERES, using a bitstring to
represent the language tokens, has been favorably compared in previous work to
several Michigan style LCSs architectures in the context of Non Markov
problems. Several modifications of ATNoSFERES are proposed here: the most
important one conceptually being a representational change: each token is now
represented by an integer, hence the genotype is a string of integers; several
other modifications of the underlying grammar language are also proposed. The
resulting ATNoSFERES-II is validated on several standard animat Non Markov
problems, on which it outperforms all previously published results in the LCS
literature. The reasons for these improvement are carefully analyzed, and some
assumptions are proposed on the underlying mechanisms in order to explain these
good results.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 11 Jul 2005 13:11:25 GMT"
] | 1,556,668,800,000 | [
"INRIA Futurs"
"INRIA Futurs"
] |
cs/0508132 | Tran Cao Son | Tran Cao Son and Enrico Pontelli | Planning with Preferences using Logic Programming | 47 pages, to appear in TPLP | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | We present a declarative language, PP, for the high-level specification of
preferences between possible solutions (or trajectories) of a planning problem.
This novel language allows users to elegantly express non-trivial,
multi-dimensional preferences and priorities over such preferences. The
semantics of PP allows the identification of most preferred trajectories for a
given goal. We also provide an answer set programming implementation of
planning problems with PP preferences.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 31 Aug 2005 14:50:22 GMT"
] | 1,254,182,400,000 | [
"Tran Cao",
] |
cs/0509011 | Zengyou He | Zengyou He, Xiaofei Xu, Shengchun Deng | Clustering Mixed Numeric and Categorical Data: A Cluster Ensemble
Approach | 14 pages | null | null | Tr-2002-10 | cs.AI | null | Clustering is a widely used technique in data mining applications for
discovering patterns in underlying data. Most traditional clustering algorithms
are limited to handling datasets that contain either numeric or categorical
attributes. However, datasets with mixed types of attributes are common in real
life data mining applications. In this paper, we propose a novel
divide-and-conquer technique to solve this problem. First, the original mixed
dataset is divided into two sub-datasets: the pure categorical dataset and the
pure numeric dataset. Next, existing well established clustering algorithms
designed for different types of datasets are employed to produce corresponding
clusters. Last, the clustering results on the categorical and numeric dataset
are combined as a categorical dataset, on which the categorical data clustering
algorithm is used to get the final clusters. Our contribution in this paper is
to provide an algorithm framework for the mixed attributes clustering problem,
in which existing clustering algorithms can be easily integrated, the
capabilities of different kinds of clustering algorithms and characteristics of
different types of datasets could be fully exploited. Comparisons with other
clustering algorithms on real life datasets illustrate the superiority of our
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 5 Sep 2005 02:47:12 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0509033 | Zengyou He | Zengyou He, Xiaofei Xu, Shengchun Deng, Bin Dong | K-Histograms: An Efficient Clustering Algorithm for Categorical Dataset | 11 pages | null | null | Tr-2003-08 | cs.AI | null | Clustering categorical data is an integral part of data mining and has
attracted much attention recently. In this paper, we present k-histogram, a new
efficient algorithm for clustering categorical data. The k-histogram algorithm
extends the k-means algorithm to categorical domain by replacing the means of
clusters with histograms, and dynamically updates histograms in the clustering
process. Experimental results on real datasets show that k-histogram algorithm
can produce better clustering results than k-modes algorithm, the one related
with our work most closely.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 Sep 2005 06:33:08 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0510050 | Gilles Kassel | Gilles Kassel (LaRIA) | Integration of the DOLCE top-level ontology into the OntoSpec
methodology | null | null | null | LRR-2005-08 | cs.AI | null | This report describes a new version of the OntoSpec methodology for ontology
building. Defined by the LaRIA Knowledge Engineering Team (University of
Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France), OntoSpec aims at helping builders to
model ontological knowledge (upstream of formal representation). The
methodology relies on a set of rigorously-defined modelling primitives and
principles. Its application leads to the elaboration of a semi-informal
ontology, which is independent of knowledge representation languages. We
recently enriched the OntoSpec methodology by endowing it with a new resource,
the DOLCE top-level ontology defined at the LOA (IST-CNR, Trento, Italy). The
goal of this integration is to provide modellers with additional help in
structuring application ontologies, while maintaining independence
vis-\`{a}-vis formal representation languages. In this report, we first provide
an overview of the OntoSpec methodology's general principles and then describe
the DOLCE re-engineering process. A complete version of DOLCE-OS (i.e. a
specification of DOLCE in the semi-informal OntoSpec language) is presented in
an appendix.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 18 Oct 2005 08:32:38 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0510062 | Jamal Saboune | Jamal Saboune (INRIA Lorraine - LORIA), Fran\c{c}ois Charpillet (INRIA
Lorraine - LORIA) | Using Interval Particle Filtering for Marker less 3D Human Motion
Capture | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper we present a new approach for marker less human motion capture
from conventional camera feeds. The aim of our study is to recover 3D positions
of key points of the body that can serve for gait analysis. Our approach is
based on foreground segmentation, an articulated body model and particle
filters. In order to be generic and simple no restrictive dynamic modelling was
used. A new modified particle filtering algorithm was introduced. It is used
efficiently to search the model configuration space. This new algorithm which
we call Interval Particle Filtering reorganizes the configurations search space
in an optimal deterministic way and proved to be efficient in tracking natural
human movement. Results for human motion capture from a single camera are
presented and compared to results obtained from a marker based system. The
system proved to be able to track motion successfully even in partial
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 Oct 2005 13:45:15 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"INRIA Lorraine - LORIA"
"INRIA\n Lorraine - LORIA"
] |
cs/0510063 | Jamal Saboune | Jamal Saboune (INRIA Lorraine - LORIA), Fran\c{c}ois Charpillet (INRIA
Lorraine - LORIA) | Markerless Human Motion Capture for Gait Analysis | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | The aim of our study is to detect balance disorders and a tendency towards
the falls in the elderly, knowing gait parameters. In this paper we present a
new tool for gait analysis based on markerless human motion capture, from
camera feeds. The system introduced here, recovers the 3D positions of several
key points of the human body while walking. Foreground segmentation, an
articulated body model and particle filtering are basic elements of our
approach. No dynamic model is used thus this system can be described as generic
and simple to implement. A modified particle filtering algorithm, which we call
Interval Particle Filtering, is used to reorganise and search through the
model's configurations search space in a deterministic optimal way. This
algorithm was able to perform human movement tracking with success. Results
from the treatment of a single cam feeds are shown and compared to results
obtained using a marker based human motion capture system.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 Oct 2005 13:45:49 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"INRIA Lorraine - LORIA"
"INRIA\n Lorraine - LORIA"
] |
cs/0510079 | Riccardo Pucella | Joseph Y. Halpern, Riccardo Pucella | Evidence with Uncertain Likelihoods | 21 pages. A preliminary version appeared in the Proceedings of UAI'05 | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | An agent often has a number of hypotheses, and must choose among them based
on observations, or outcomes of experiments. Each of these observations can be
viewed as providing evidence for or against various hypotheses. All the
attempts to formalize this intuition up to now have assumed that associated
with each hypothesis h there is a likelihood function \mu_h, which is a
probability measure that intuitively describes how likely each observation is,
conditional on h being the correct hypothesis. We consider an extension of this
framework where there is uncertainty as to which of a number of likelihood
functions is appropriate, and discuss how one formal approach to defining
evidence, which views evidence as a function from priors to posteriors, can be
generalized to accommodate this uncertainty.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 25 Oct 2005 21:15:31 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 3 Aug 2006 17:34:43 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Joseph Y.",
] |
cs/0510083 | Nizar Kerkeni | Nizar Kerkeni (TIM), Frederic Alexandre (CORTEX), Mohamed Hedi Bedoui
(TIM), Laurent Bougrain (CORTEX), Mohamed Dogui (SAHLOUL) | Neuronal Spectral Analysis of EEG and Expert Knowledge Integration for
Automatic Classification of Sleep Stages | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Being able to analyze and interpret signal coming from electroencephalogram
(EEG) recording can be of high interest for many applications including medical
diagnosis and Brain-Computer Interfaces. Indeed, human experts are today able
to extract from this signal many hints related to physiological as well as
cognitive states of the recorded subject and it would be very interesting to
perform such task automatically but today no completely automatic system
exists. In previous studies, we have compared human expertise and automatic
processing tools, including artificial neural networks (ANN), to better
understand the competences of each and determine which are the difficult
aspects to integrate in a fully automatic system. In this paper, we bring more
elements to that study in reporting the main results of a practical experiment
which was carried out in an hospital for sleep pathology study. An EEG
recording was studied and labeled by a human expert and an ANN. We describe
here the characteristics of the experiment, both human and neuronal procedure
of analysis, compare their performances and point out the main limitations
which arise from this study.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 26 Oct 2005 14:47:07 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Mohamed Hedi",
] |
cs/0510091 | Marc Schoenauer | Marc Schoenauer (INRIA Futurs), Yann Semet (INRIA Futurs) | An efficient memetic, permutation-based evolutionary algorithm for
real-world train timetabling | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Train timetabling is a difficult and very tightly constrained combinatorial
problem that deals with the construction of train schedules. We focus on the
particular problem of local reconstruction of the schedule following a small
perturbation, seeking minimisation of the total accumulated delay by adapting
times of departure and arrival for each train and allocation of resources
(tracks, routing nodes, etc.). We describe a permutation-based evolutionary
algorithm that relies on a semi-greedy heuristic to gradually reconstruct the
schedule by inserting trains one after the other following the permutation.
This algorithm can be hybridised with ILOG commercial MIP programming tool
CPLEX in a coarse-grained manner: the evolutionary part is used to quickly
obtain a good but suboptimal solution and this intermediate solution is refined
using CPLEX. Experimental results are presented on a large real-world case
involving more than one million variables and 2 million constraints. Results
are surprisingly good as the evolutionary algorithm, alone or hybridised,
produces excellent solutions much faster than CPLEX alone.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 31 Oct 2005 06:06:57 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"INRIA Futurs"
"INRIA Futurs"
] |
cs/0511004 | Marc Schoenauer | Aguston E. Eiben (VU), Marc Schoenauer (FRACTALES) | Evolutionary Computing | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Evolutionary computing (EC) is an exciting development in Computer Science.
It amounts to building, applying and studying algorithms based on the Darwinian
principles of natural selection. In this paper we briefly introduce the main
concepts behind evolutionary computing. We present the main components all
evolutionary algorithms (EA), sketch the differences between different types of
EAs and survey application areas ranging from optimization, modeling and
simulation to entertainment.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 1 Nov 2005 19:46:18 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Aguston E.",
] |
cs/0511015 | Prashant Singh | Prashant | Towards a Hierarchical Model of Consciousness, Intelligence, Mind and
Body | 12 pages, 2 figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | This article is taken out.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 3 Nov 2005 16:28:05 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sat, 13 Jan 2007 00:00:56 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0511091 | Marc Schoenauer | Carlos Kavka (INRIA Futurs, UNSL-DI), Patricia Roggero (UNSL-DI), Marc
Schoenauer (INRIA Futurs) | Evolution of Voronoi based Fuzzy Recurrent Controllers | null | Dans GECCO 2005 | null | null | cs.AI | null | A fuzzy controller is usually designed by formulating the knowledge of a
human expert into a set of linguistic variables and fuzzy rules. Among the most
successful methods to automate the fuzzy controllers development process are
evolutionary algorithms. In this work, we propose the Recurrent Fuzzy Voronoi
(RFV) model, a representation for recurrent fuzzy systems. It is an extension
of the FV model proposed by Kavka and Schoenauer that extends the application
domain to include temporal problems. The FV model is a representation for fuzzy
controllers based on Voronoi diagrams that can represent fuzzy systems with
synergistic rules, fulfilling the $\epsilon$-completeness property and
providing a simple way to introduce a priory knowledge. In the proposed
representation, the temporal relations are embedded by including internal units
that provide feedback by connecting outputs to inputs. These internal units act
as memory elements. In the RFV model, the semantic of the internal units can be
specified together with the a priori rules. The geometric interpretation of the
rules allows the use of geometric variational operators during the evolution.
The representation and the algorithms are validated in two problems in the area
of system identification and evolutionary robotics.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 28 Nov 2005 07:14:18 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"INRIA Futurs"
] |
cs/0512045 | Xuan-Ha Vu | Xuan-Ha Vu, Marius-Calin Silaghi, Djamila Sam-Haroud and Boi Faltings | Branch-and-Prune Search Strategies for Numerical Constraint Solving | 43 pages, 11 figures | null | null | LIA-REPORT-2006-007 | cs.AI | null | When solving numerical constraints such as nonlinear equations and
inequalities, solvers often exploit pruning techniques, which remove redundant
value combinations from the domains of variables, at pruning steps. To find the
complete solution set, most of these solvers alternate the pruning steps with
branching steps, which split each problem into subproblems. This forms the
so-called branch-and-prune framework, well known among the approaches for
solving numerical constraints. The basic branch-and-prune search strategy that
uses domain bisections in place of the branching steps is called the bisection
search. In general, the bisection search works well in case (i) the solutions
are isolated, but it can be improved further in case (ii) there are continuums
of solutions (this often occurs when inequalities are involved). In this paper,
we propose a new branch-and-prune search strategy along with several variants,
which not only allow yielding better branching decisions in the latter case,
but also work as well as the bisection search does in the former case. These
new search algorithms enable us to employ various pruning techniques in the
construction of inner and outer approximations of the solution set. Our
experiments show that these algorithms speed up the solving process often by
one order of magnitude or more when solving problems with continuums of
solutions, while keeping the same performance as the bisection search when the
solutions are isolated.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Sun, 11 Dec 2005 19:47:42 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 8 May 2007 22:59:01 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0512047 | Florentin Smarandache | Jose L. Salmeron, Florentin Smarandache | Processing Uncertainty and Indeterminacy in Information Systems success
mapping | 13 pages, 2 figures | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | IS success is a complex concept, and its evaluation is complicated,
unstructured and not readily quantifiable. Numerous scientific publications
address the issue of success in the IS field as well as in other fields. But,
little efforts have been done for processing indeterminacy and uncertainty in
success research. This paper shows a formal method for mapping success using
Neutrosophic Success Map. This is an emerging tool for processing indeterminacy
and uncertainty in success research. EIS success have been analyzed using this
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 13 Dec 2005 01:21:58 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Thu, 15 Dec 2005 18:46:43 GMT"
] | 1,320,796,800,000 | [
"Jose L.",
] |
cs/0512099 | Mark Burgin | Mark Burgin | Mathematical Models in Schema Theory | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | In this paper, a mathematical schema theory is developed. This theory has
three roots: brain theory schemas, grid automata, and block-shemas. In Section
2 of this paper, elements of the theory of grid automata necessary for the
mathematical schema theory are presented. In Section 3, elements of brain
theory necessary for the mathematical schema theory are presented. In Section
4, other types of schemas are considered. In Section 5, the mathematical schema
theory is developed. The achieved level of schema representation allows one to
model by mathematical tools virtually any type of schemas considered before,
including schemas in neurophisiology, psychology, computer science, Internet
technology, databases, logic, and mathematics.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 27 Dec 2005 21:29:16 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0601001 | Jens Oehlschl\"agel | Jens Oehlschl\"agel | Truecluster: robust scalable clustering with model selection | Article (10 figures). Changes in 2nd version: dropped supplements in
favor of better integrated presentation, better literature coverage, put into
proper English. Author's website available via | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Data-based classification is fundamental to most branches of science. While
recent years have brought enormous progress in various areas of statistical
computing and clustering, some general challenges in clustering remain: model
selection, robustness, and scalability to large datasets. We consider the
important problem of deciding on the optimal number of clusters, given an
arbitrary definition of space and clusteriness. We show how to construct a
cluster information criterion that allows objective model selection. Differing
from other approaches, our truecluster method does not require specific
assumptions about underlying distributions, dissimilarity definitions or
cluster models. Truecluster puts arbitrary clustering algorithms into a generic
unified (sampling-based) statistical framework. It is scalable to big datasets
and provides robust cluster assignments and case-wise diagnostics. Truecluster
will make clustering more objective, allows for automation, and will save time
and costs. Free R software is available.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 2 Jan 2006 13:17:09 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 28 May 2007 17:18:09 GMT"
] | 1,181,692,800,000 | [
] |
cs/0601031 | Marc Schoenauer | Marc Schoenauer (INRIA Futurs), Pierre Sav\'eant (TRT), Vincent Vidal
(CRIL) | Divide-and-Evolve: a New Memetic Scheme for Domain-Independent Temporal
Planning | null | Dans EvoCOP2006 | null | null | cs.AI | null | An original approach, termed Divide-and-Evolve is proposed to hybridize
Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) with Operational Research (OR) methods in the
domain of Temporal Planning Problems (TPPs). Whereas standard Memetic
Algorithms use local search methods to improve the evolutionary solutions, and
thus fail when the local method stops working on the complete problem, the
Divide-and-Evolve approach splits the problem at hand into several, hopefully
easier, sub-problems, and can thus solve globally problems that are intractable
when directly fed into deterministic OR algorithms. But the most prominent
advantage of the Divide-and-Evolve approach is that it immediately opens up an
avenue for multi-objective optimization, even though the OR method that is used
is single-objective. Proof of concept approach on the standard
(single-objective) Zeno transportation benchmark is given, and a small original
multi-objective benchmark is proposed in the same Zeno framework to assess the
multi-objective capabilities of the proposed methodology, a breakthrough in
Temporal Planning.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 9 Jan 2006 16:57:08 GMT"
] | 1,471,305,600,000 | [
"INRIA Futurs"
] |
cs/0601052 | Subhash Kak | Subhash Kak | Artificial and Biological Intelligence | 16 pages | ACM Ubiquity, vol. 6, number 42, 2005, pp. 1-20 | null | null | cs.AI | null | This article considers evidence from physical and biological sciences to show
machines are deficient compared to biological systems at incorporating
intelligence. Machines fall short on two counts: firstly, unlike brains,
machines do not self-organize in a recursive manner; secondly, machines are
based on classical logic, whereas Nature's intelligence may depend on quantum
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 13 Jan 2006 19:01:42 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0601109 | Neil Yorke-Smith | Neil Yorke-Smith and Carmen Gervet | Certainty Closure: Reliable Constraint Reasoning with Incomplete or
Erroneous Data | Revised version | ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, volume 10, number 1,
article 3, 2009 | 10.1145/1459010.1459013 | null | cs.AI | null | Constraint Programming (CP) has proved an effective paradigm to model and
solve difficult combinatorial satisfaction and optimisation problems from
disparate domains. Many such problems arising from the commercial world are
permeated by data uncertainty. Existing CP approaches that accommodate
uncertainty are less suited to uncertainty arising due to incomplete and
erroneous data, because they do not build reliable models and solutions
guaranteed to address the user's genuine problem as she perceives it. Other
fields such as reliable computation offer combinations of models and associated
methods to handle these types of uncertain data, but lack an expressive
framework characterising the resolution methodology independently of the model.
We present a unifying framework that extends the CP formalism in both model
and solutions, to tackle ill-defined combinatorial problems with incomplete or
erroneous data. The certainty closure framework brings together modelling and
solving methodologies from different fields into the CP paradigm to provide
reliable and efficient approches for uncertain constraint problems. We
demonstrate the applicability of the framework on a case study in network
diagnosis. We define resolution forms that give generic templates, and their
associated operational semantics, to derive practical solution methods for
reliable solutions.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 25 Jan 2006 20:11:11 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 25 Jan 2006 21:33:44 GMT"
"version": "v3",
"created": "Thu, 30 Nov 2006 16:12:03 GMT"
] | 1,533,686,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0602022 | Marc Schoenauer | Alain Ratle (LMS), Mich\`ele Sebag (LMS) | Avoiding the Bloat with Stochastic Grammar-based Genetic Programming | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | The application of Genetic Programming to the discovery of empirical laws is
often impaired by the huge size of the search space, and consequently by the
computer resources needed. In many cases, the extreme demand for memory and CPU
is due to the massive growth of non-coding segments, the introns. The paper
presents a new program evolution framework which combines distribution-based
evolution in the PBIL spirit, with grammar-based genetic programming; the
information is stored as a probability distribution on the gra mmar rules,
rather than in a population. Experiments on a real-world like problem show that
this approach gives a practical solution to the problem of intron growth.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 7 Feb 2006 07:48:27 GMT"
] | 1,471,305,600,000 | [
] |
cs/0602031 | Wit Jakuczun | Wit Jakuczun | Classifying Signals with Local Classifiers | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | This paper deals with the problem of classifying signals. The new method for
building so called local classifiers and local features is presented. The
method is a combination of the lifting scheme and the support vector machines.
Its main aim is to produce effective and yet comprehensible classifiers that
would help in understanding processes hidden behind classified signals. To
illustrate the method we present the results obtained on an artificial and a
real dataset.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 8 Feb 2006 11:38:44 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0603025 | Stijn Heymans | Stijn Heymans, Davy Van Nieuwenborgh and Dirk Vermeir | Open Answer Set Programming with Guarded Programs | 51 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in ACM's TOCL | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Open answer set programming (OASP) is an extension of answer set programming
where one may ground a program with an arbitrary superset of the program's
constants. We define a fixed point logic (FPL) extension of Clark's completion
such that open answer sets correspond to models of FPL formulas and identify a
syntactic subclass of programs, called (loosely) guarded programs. Whereas
reasoning with general programs in OASP is undecidable, the FPL translation of
(loosely) guarded programs falls in the decidable (loosely) guarded fixed point
logic (mu(L)GF). Moreover, we reduce normal closed ASP to loosely guarded OASP,
enabling for the first time, a characterization of an answer set semantics by
muLGF formulas. We further extend the open answer set semantics for programs
with generalized literals. Such generalized programs (gPs) have interesting
properties, e.g., the ability to express infinity axioms. We restrict the
syntax of gPs such that both rules and generalized literals are guarded. Via a
translation to guarded fixed point logic, we deduce 2-exptime-completeness of
satisfiability checking in such guarded gPs (GgPs). Bound GgPs are restricted
GgPs with exptime-complete satisfiability checking, but still sufficiently
expressive to optimally simulate computation tree logic (CTL). We translate
Datalog lite programs to GgPs, establishing equivalence of GgPs under an open
answer set semantics, alternation-free muGF, and Datalog lite.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:54:59 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Sun, 25 Feb 2007 12:32:24 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Van Nieuwenborgh",
] |
cs/0603034 | Ivan Jos\'e Varzinczak | Andreas Herzig and Ivan Varzinczak | Metatheory of actions: beyond consistency | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Consistency check has been the only criterion for theory evaluation in
logic-based approaches to reasoning about actions. This work goes beyond that
and contributes to the metatheory of actions by investigating what other
properties a good domain description in reasoning about actions should have. We
state some metatheoretical postulates concerning this sore spot. When all
postulates are satisfied together we have a modular action theory. Besides
being easier to understand and more elaboration tolerant in McCarthy's sense,
modular theories have interesting properties. We point out the problems that
arise when the postulates about modularity are violated and propose algorithmic
checks that can help the designer of an action theory to overcome them.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 9 Mar 2006 10:07:46 GMT"
] | 1,254,182,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0603038 | Patrik O. Hoyer | Patrik O. Hoyer, Shohei Shimizu, Antti J. Kerminen | Estimation of linear, non-gaussian causal models in the presence of
confounding latent variables | 8 pages, 4 figures, pdflatex | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | The estimation of linear causal models (also known as structural equation
models) from data is a well-known problem which has received much attention in
the past. Most previous work has, however, made an explicit or implicit
assumption of gaussianity, limiting the identifiability of the models. We have
recently shown (Shimizu et al, 2005; Hoyer et al, 2006) that for non-gaussian
distributions the full causal model can be estimated in the no hidden variables
case. In this contribution, we discuss the estimation of the model when
confounding latent variables are present. Although in this case uniqueness is
no longer guaranteed, there is at most a finite set of models which can fit the
data. We develop an algorithm for estimating this set, and describe numerical
simulations which confirm the theoretical arguments and demonstrate the
practical viability of the approach. Full Matlab code is provided for all
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 9 Mar 2006 14:46:18 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Mon, 22 May 2006 17:02:14 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Patrik O.",
"Antti J.",
] |
cs/0603081 | Nikita Sakhanenko | Nikita A. Sakhanenko (1 and 2), George F. Luger (1), Hanna E. Makaruk
(2), David B. Holtkamp (2) ((1) CS Dept. University of New Mexico, (2)
Physics Div. Los Alamos National Laboratory) | Application of Support Vector Regression to Interpolation of Sparse
Shock Physics Data Sets | 13 pages, 7 figures | null | null | LA-UR-06-1739 | cs.AI | null | Shock physics experiments are often complicated and expensive. As a result,
researchers are unable to conduct as many experiments as they would like -
leading to sparse data sets. In this paper, Support Vector Machines for
regression are applied to velocimetry data sets for shock damaged and melted
tin metal. Some success at interpolating between data sets is achieved.
Implications for future work are discussed.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Mon, 20 Mar 2006 23:43:45 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Nikita A.",
"1 and 2"
"George F.",
"Hanna E.",
"David B.",
] |
cs/0603120 | Zengyou He | Zengyou He | Approximation Algorithms for K-Modes Clustering | 7 pages | null | null | Tr-06-0330 | cs.AI | null | In this paper, we study clustering with respect to the k-modes objective
function, a natural formulation of clustering for categorical data. One of the
main contributions of this paper is to establish the connection between k-modes
and k-median, i.e., the optimum of k-median is at most twice the optimum of
k-modes for the same categorical data clustering problem. Based on this
observation, we derive a deterministic algorithm that achieves an approximation
factor of 2. Furthermore, we prove that the distance measure in k-modes defines
a metric. Hence, we are able to extend existing approximation algorithms for
metric k-median to k-modes. Empirical results verify the superiority of our
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 30 Mar 2006 02:02:37 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0604009 | Alexey Melkikh | Alexey V. Melkikh | Can an Organism Adapt Itself to Unforeseen Circumstances? | null | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | A model of an organism as an autonomous intelligent system has been proposed.
This model was used to analyze learning of an organism in various environmental
conditions. Processes of learning were divided into two types: strong and weak
processes taking place in the absence and the presence of aprioristic
information about an object respectively. Weak learning is synonymous to
adaptation when aprioristic programs already available in a system (an
organism) are started. It was shown that strong learning is impossible for both
an organism and any autonomous intelligent system. It was shown also that the
knowledge base of an organism cannot be updated. Therefore, all behavior
programs of an organism are congenital. A model of a conditioned reflex as a
series of consecutive measurements of environmental parameters has been
advanced. Repeated measurements are necessary in this case to reduce the error
during decision making.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 5 Apr 2006 10:29:28 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Alexey V.",
] |
cs/0604042 | Florentin Smarandache | M. C. Florea, J. Dezert, P. Valin, F. Smarandache, Anne-Laure
Jousselme | Adaptative combination rule and proportional conflict redistribution
rule for information fusion | Presented at Cogis '06 Conference, Paris, March 2006 | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | This paper presents two new promising rules of combination for the fusion of
uncertain and potentially highly conflicting sources of evidences in the
framework of the theory of belief functions in order to palliate the well-know
limitations of Dempster's rule and to work beyond the limits of applicability
of the Dempster-Shafer theory. We present both a new class of adaptive
combination rules (ACR) and a new efficient Proportional Conflict
Redistribution (PCR) rule allowing to deal with highly conflicting sources for
static and dynamic fusion applications.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Tue, 11 Apr 2006 14:35:15 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"M. C.",
] |
cs/0604070 | Yongzhi Cao | Yongzhi Cao, Mingsheng Ying, and Guoqing Chen | Retraction and Generalized Extension of Computing with Words | 13 double column pages; 3 figures; to be published in the IEEE
Transactions on Fuzzy Systems | IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, vol. 15(6): 1238-1250, Dec.
2007 | 10.1109/TED.2007.893191 | null | cs.AI | null | Fuzzy automata, whose input alphabet is a set of numbers or symbols, are a
formal model of computing with values. Motivated by Zadeh's paradigm of
computing with words rather than numbers, Ying proposed a kind of fuzzy
automata, whose input alphabet consists of all fuzzy subsets of a set of
symbols, as a formal model of computing with all words. In this paper, we
introduce a somewhat general formal model of computing with (some special)
words. The new features of the model are that the input alphabet only comprises
some (not necessarily all) fuzzy subsets of a set of symbols and the fuzzy
transition function can be specified arbitrarily. By employing the methodology
of fuzzy control, we establish a retraction principle from computing with words
to computing with values for handling crisp inputs and a generalized extension
principle from computing with words to computing with all words for handling
fuzzy inputs. These principles show that computing with values and computing
with all words can be respectively implemented by computing with words. Some
algebraic properties of retractions and generalized extensions are addressed as
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Wed, 19 Apr 2006 06:28:55 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:56:51 GMT"
] | 1,435,190,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0604086 | Michael Fink | Thomas Eiter, Michael Fink, and Hans Tompits | A Knowledge-Based Approach for Selecting Information Sources | 53 pages, 2 Figures; to appear in Theory and Practice of Logic
Programming (TPLP) | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | Through the Internet and the World-Wide Web, a vast number of information
sources has become available, which offer information on various subjects by
different providers, often in heterogeneous formats. This calls for tools and
methods for building an advanced information-processing infrastructure. One
issue in this area is the selection of suitable information sources in query
answering. In this paper, we present a knowledge-based approach to this
problem, in the setting where one among a set of information sources
(prototypically, data repositories) should be selected for evaluating a user
query. We use extended logic programs (ELPs) to represent rich descriptions of
the information sources, an underlying domain theory, and user queries in a
formal query language (here, XML-QL, but other languages can be handled as
well). Moreover, we use ELPs for declarative query analysis and generation of a
query description. Central to our approach are declarative source-selection
programs, for which we define syntax and semantics. Due to the structured
nature of the considered data items, the semantics of such programs must
carefully respect implicit context information in source-selection rules, and
furthermore combine it with possible user preferences. A prototype
implementation of our approach has been realized exploiting the DLV KR system
and its plp front-end for prioritized ELPs. We describe a representative
example involving specific movie databases, and report about experimental
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Fri, 21 Apr 2006 16:53:28 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
] |
cs/0605012 | Martin Loetzsch | L. Steels, M. Loetzsch | Perspective alignment in spatial language | to appear in: K. Coventry, J. Bateman, and T. Tenbrink (eds.) Spatial
Language in Dialogue. Oxford University Press, 2008 | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | It is well known that perspective alignment plays a major role in the
planning and interpretation of spatial language. In order to understand the
role of perspective alignment and the cognitive processes involved, we have
made precise complete cognitive models of situated embodied agents that
self-organise a communication system for dialoging about the position and
movement of real world objects in their immediate surroundings. We show in a
series of robotic experiments which cognitive mechanisms are necessary and
sufficient to achieve successful spatial language and why and how perspective
alignment can take place, either implicitly or based on explicit marking.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 4 May 2006 17:16:02 GMT"
"version": "v2",
"created": "Wed, 13 Feb 2008 13:43:13 GMT"
] | 1,202,860,800,000 | [
] |
cs/0605017 | Tran Cao Son | Phan Huy Tu, Tran Cao Son, and Chitta Baral | Reasoning and Planning with Sensing Actions, Incomplete Information, and
Static Causal Laws using Answer Set Programming | 72 pages, 3 figures, a preliminary version of this paper appeared in
the proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Logic Programming and
Non-Monotonic Reasoning, 2004. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic
Programming | null | null | null | cs.AI | null | We extend the 0-approximation of sensing actions and incomplete information
in [Son and Baral 2000] to action theories with static causal laws and prove
its soundness with respect to the possible world semantics. We also show that
the conditional planning problem with respect to this approximation is
NP-complete. We then present an answer set programming based conditional
planner, called ASCP, that is capable of generating both conformant plans and
conditional plans in the presence of sensing actions, incomplete information
about the initial state, and static causal laws. We prove the correctness of
our implementation and argue that our planner is sound and complete with
respect to the proposed approximation. Finally, we present experimental results
comparing ASCP to other planners.
| [
"version": "v1",
"created": "Thu, 4 May 2006 22:35:12 GMT"
] | 1,179,878,400,000 | [
"Phan Huy",
"Tran Cao",
] |