stringlengths 4
| snippet
stringlengths 2
convert binary string '11111111' to integer | int('11111111', 2) |
fixing color in scatter plots in matplotlib | |
python pandas dataframe slicing by date conditions | df.sort_index() |
python pandas - how to flatten a hierarchical index in columns | df.columns = df.columns.get_level_values(0) |
expanding numpy array over extra dimension | np.tile(b, (2, 2, 2)) |
python pandas: replace values multiple columns matching multiple columns from another dataframe | df2.rename(columns={'OCHR': 'chr', 'OSTOP': 'pos'}, inplace=True) |
finding the index of elements based on a condition using python list comprehension | a[:] = [x for x in a if x <= 2] |
converting string to tuple | print([(x[0], x[-1]) for x in l]) |
smartest way to join two lists into a formatted string | c = ', '.join('%s=%s' % t for t in zip(a, b)) |
dynamically updating plot in matplotlib | plt.draw() |
replace rarely occurring values in a pandas dataframe | g = df.groupby('column_name') |
numpy `logical_or` for more than two arguments | np.logical_or.reduce((x, y, z)) |
python: sort an array of dictionaries with custom comparator? | key = lambda d: (not 'rank' in d, d['rank']) |
wait for shell command `p` evoked by subprocess.popen to complete | p.wait() |
get the sum of the products of each pair of corresponding elements in lists `a` and `b` | sum(x * y for x, y in zip(a, b)) |
how to replace values with none in pandas data frame in python? | df.replace('-', np.nan) |
how to join components of a path when you are constructing a url in python | urlparse.urljoin('/media/', 'js/foo.js') |
python - how to format variable number of arguments into a string? | function_in_library('Hello %s' % ', '.join(['%s'] * len(my_args)), my_args) |
iterate through words of a file in python | words = open('myfile').read().split() |
get the common prefix from comparing two absolute paths '/usr/var' and '/usr/var2/log' | os.path.commonprefix(['/usr/var', '/usr/var2/log']) |
elegant way to create a dictionary of pairs, from a list of tuples? | dict(x[1:] for x in reversed(myListOfTuples)) |
remove all the elements that occur in one list from another | l3 = [x for x in l1 if x not in l2] |
create new columns in pandas from python nested lists | df.A.apply(lambda x: pd.Series(1, x)).fillna(0).astype(int) |
how to sort list of lists according to length of sublists | sorted(a, key=len) |
print current date and time in a regular format | time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') |
regex to separate numeric from alpha | re.findall('(\\d+|[a-zA-Z]+)', '12fgsdfg234jhfq35rjg') |
confusing with the usage of regex in python | re.findall('[a-z]*', '123456789') |
python int to binary? | bin(10) |
python getting a list of value from list of dict | [d['value'] for d in l] |
filter objects month wise in django model `sample` for year `2011` | Sample.objects.filter(date__year='2011', date__month='01') |
how to flatten a pandas dataframe with some columns as json? | df[['id', 'name']].join([A, B]) |
sort list of tuples by reordering tuples | sorted(A, key=operator.itemgetter(2, 0, 1)) |
encode `u'x\xc3\xbcy\xc3\x9f'` as unicode and decode with utf-8 | 'X\xc3\xbcY\xc3\x9f'.encode('raw_unicode_escape').decode('utf-8') |
how to create a ratings csr_matrix in scipy? | scipy.sparse.csr_matrix([column['rating'], column['user'], column['movie']]) |
find dictionary items whose key matches a substring | [value for key, value in list(programs.items()) if 'new york' in key.lower()] |
how to iterate through a list of tuples containing three pair values? | [(1, 'B', 'A'), (2, 'C', 'B'), (3, 'C', 'A')] |
printing numbers rounding up to third decimal place | print('%.3f' % 3.1415) |
how to do pearson correlation of selected columns of a pandas data frame | df.corr().iloc[:-1, (-1)] |
matplotlib artist to stay same size when zoomed in but also move with panning? | |
convert a string of numbers `example_string` separated by `,` into a list of integers | map(int, example_string.split(',')) |
how to create a dictionary using two lists in python? | dict(zip(x, y)) |
append to file 'test1' content 'koko' | with open('test1', 'ab') as f:
pass |
running python code contained in a string | print('hello') |
remove newline in string `s` on the left side | s.lstrip() |
most pythonic way to convert a list of tuples | zip(*list_of_tuples) |
extracting only characters from a string in python | """ """.join(re.split('[^a-zA-Z]*', 'your string')) |
how to use the mv command in python with subprocess |['mv', '/home/somedir/subdir/*', 'somedir/']) |
split string 'fooxyzbar' based on case-insensitive matching using string 'xyz' | re.compile('XYZ', re.IGNORECASE).split('fooxyzbar') |
remove duplicates from a list of sets 'l' | [set(item) for item in set(frozenset(item) for item in L)] |
selecting data between specific hours in a pandas dataframe | df_new = df[(df['time'] > start_time) & (df['time'] < end_time)] |
regex to get list of all words with specific letters (unicode graphemes) | print(' '.join(get_words(['k', 'c', 't', 'a']))) |
idiom for flattening a shallow nested list: how does it work? | [x for y in l for x in y] |
python regex to match non-ascii names | regexRef = re.compile('\\w', re.UNICODE) |
match zero-or-more instances of lower case alphabet characters in a string `f233op ` | re.findall('([a-z]*)', 'f233op') |
numpy: check if array 'a' contains all the numbers in array 'b'. | numpy.array([(x in a) for x in b]) |
using headers with the python requests library's get method | r = requests.get('', headers={'content-type': 'text'}) |
python: getting rid of \u200b from a string using regular expressions | 'used\u200b'.replace('\u200b', '*') |
regular expression to return all characters between two special characters | |
flask confusion with app | app = Flask(__name__) |
python: test if value can be converted to an int in a list comprehension | [row for row in listOfLists if row[x].isdigit()] |
how can i backup and restore mongodb by using pymongo? | db.col.find({'price': {'$lt': 100}}) |
how to create a list with the characters of a string? | ['5', '+', '6'] |
how to continue a task when fabric receives an error | sudo('rm tmp') |
save a subplot in matplotlib | fig.savefig('full_figure.png') |
json query that returns parent element and child data? | dict((k, v['_status']['md5']) for k, v in list(json_result.items())) |
get list item by attribute in python | items = [item for item in container if item.attribute == value] |
find a specific tag with beautifulsoup | soup.findAll('div', style='width=300px;') |
how to set the unit length of axis in matplotlib? | |
sort list of mixed strings based on digits | sorted(l, key=lambda x: int('\\d+', x).group(0))) |
check the status code of url "" | urllib.request.urlopen('').getcode() |
is there a python equivalent to ruby's string interpolation? | """my {0} string: {1}""".format('cool', 'Hello there!') |
unpack first and second bytes of byte string `ps` into integer | struct.unpack('h', pS[0:2]) |
extract the 2nd elements from a list of tuples | [x[1] for x in elements] |
convert a list with string `['1', '2', '3']` into list with integers | map(int, ['1', '2', '3']) |
intersection of 2d and 1d numpy array | A[:, 3:].flat[np.in1d(A[:, 3:], B)] = 0 |
generate 6 random numbers between 1 and 50 | random.sample(range(1, 50), 6) |
python - how to format variable number of arguments into a string? | 'Hello %s' % ', '.join(map(str, my_args)) |
get keys with same value in dictionary `d` | print([key for key in d if d[key] == 1]) |
code to detect all words that start with a capital letter in a string | print([word for word in words if word[0].isupper()]) |
passing the '+' character in a post request in python | f = urllib.request.urlopen(url, urllib.parse.unquote(urllib.parse.urlencode(params))) |
find numpy array rows which contain any of list | np.in1d(a, b).reshape(a.shape).any(axis=1) |
confusing with the usage of regex in python | re.findall('([a-z])*', 'f233op') |
create list of dictionary python | [{'data': 2}, {'data': 2}, {'data': 2}] |
merge column 'word' in dataframe `df2` with column 'word' on dataframe `df1` | df1.merge(df2, how='left', on='word') |
substract 1 hour and 10 minutes from current time | t =
(t - datetime.timedelta(hours=1, minutes=10)) |
make tkinter widget take focus | root.mainloop() |
how to get the current model instance from inlineadmin in django | return super(MyModelAdmin, self).get_form(request, obj, **kwargs) |
getting the docstring from a function | help(my_func) |
post json to python cgi | print(json.dumps(result)) |
read pandas data frame csv `comma.csv` with extra commas in column specifying string delimiter `'` | df = pd.read_csv('comma.csv', quotechar="'") |
how to draw line inside a scatter plot | ax.set_ylabel('TPR or sensitivity') |
passing variable from javascript to server (django) | document.getElementById('geolocation').submit() |
regenerate vector of randoms in python | np.random.normal(0, 1, (100, 3)) |
how can i slice each element of a numpy array of strings? | a.view('U1').reshape(4, -1)[:, 1:3] |
join elements of each tuple in list `a` into one string | [''.join(x) for x in a] |
splitting numpy array based on value | zeros = np.where(a == 0)[0] |
how to duplicate rows in pandas, based on items in a list | df['data'] = df['data'].apply(clean_string_to_list) |
clear tkinter canvas `canvas` | canvas.delete('all') |
python load zip with modules from memory | zipfile.ZipFile(zipbytes) |
what is the most efficient way to remove a group of indices from a list of numbers in python 2.7? | return [numbers[i] for i in range(len(numbers)) if i not in indices] |
Subsets and Splits