stringlengths 145
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: Ben was a young 16 year old boy who loved eating and watching TV. This lifestyle from a young age meant Ben was always overweight and generally took the honors since kindergarten to high school, as being the fattest. Ben attributed to this to his love of inflation; his desire was always to become so huge that he would have to be rolled around like violet in Willy Wonka.
One day he was walking home from school and he noticed a street vendor selling chocolate bars, as soon as he saw it he knew that he wanted some. "hello lad you look like you want some candy?" said the vendor. "Oh yes sir I am ever so hungry, how much are they?" asked Ben. "Well how about this; since you're a nice kid Ill give you a dozen for 2 bucks." Ben couldn't believe his ears so he shoved his chubby hand into his pocket and plucked out two bucks for the vendor, "there you go sir". Ben took the candy and continued waddling home.
"ahh I cant wait to eat this candy!", he excitingly proclaimed, "Yummm it smells so good!". He slowly eased his large body into the couch, his black school shorts barely containing his large thighs, coupled with his white short sleeve shirt and belt barely containing his massive belly. He started unwrapping the chocolate and within about 15min of eating, the whole dozen was gone. "Man that chocolate was good!" he said with bliss. He flicked on the TV and began watching, but then after about 5 min he started to feel funny as if his clothes were becoming tighter, "that's strange the chocolate couldn't have digested in that amount of time?" he said with a hint of surprise in his voice. Then he looked down at his stomach and noticed that bulges of white flesh were pushing through the gaps in his shirt, "what the hell is going on here?" he said with a hint of fear in his voice. He grabbed one of the candy wrappers with his pudgy hand and looked on the back, he read aloud
"EXCESS CONSUMPTION MAY CAUSE GAS". By the time he finished reading his whole middle had begun expanding outwards trying to burst free of his belt. He stood up in disbelief watching as rips began forming all along his shirt as more bulges of flesh appeared through the gaps. He noticed the gaps between his buttons were being stretched so far that the buttons began bursting off and in doing so, revealing his massive belly. His face began inflating as well as his cheeked puffed out to huge proportions. As the last button popped off, his very dark, deep belly button was revealed.
"O my god I'm inflating! O my body is getting so big!", he cried out as his waistline burst his super tight belt. By now other parts of his body were inflating, his thighs had grown so much that rips were occurring all over his pants until finally they literally exploded off him causing his whole body to wobble and jiggle. By this time Ben was becoming more sphere like as his body stretched outward, even his poor shoes had burst off his swollen feet. His arms and legs were slowly engulfed by his huge mid section until they reached his hands and feet, now a constant stretching and groaning noise omitted from his huge body. All he was now was a huge flesh colored ball with a pair of hands waving and slapping his sides as he grew bigger and a pair of feet on the bottom. Even though he was kind of excited by this he realized, "O my I'm really getting super tight now! Maybe I should ring an ambulance or I might pop!". The phone was only a few feet away but he had to shift his huge expanding body over there. All he could muster was a shuffling waddle and even if he reached the phone he was already to inflated to use the receiver as his hands were sticking out at either side of his body. Suddenly Ben was horrified to feel himself slowly tipping backwards as his neither regions slowly outgrew his feet."O no whats happening?!? he yelled.
By now Bens body had engulfed even his hands and feet as he lay helpless in the centre of the dining room feeling his huge sphere of a body slowly continue expanding outwards, though at the time he didn't realize stretch marks were slowly creeping across his belly and were slowly moving towards his belly button. "Please let the air out!I feel like im going to explode! OOOOOO!", ben whimpered through gargantuan cheeks. His body was now knocking over the kitchen table and chairs and was beginning to brush up against the sides of the room. His stomach continued to climb towards the ceiling as he was nearly filling the entire room. Bulges of flesh began bursting through the wooden walls as the stretch marks multiplied all over his body. His body suddenly began loudly groaning as he reached his elastic limit. His belly button suddenly popped out from an innie to an outtie " O NO IM GONNA BURST!!! MY BODY IS TOO FAT!! OOOOOOO......"
A couple of kids from Ben's school were traveling home Ted and Paul were trying to work out which person would do their homework for the following day. "So Ted, who you reckon we should get to do our Homework tomorrow?" said Paul. "hmmmm what you reckon about that fat kid Ben?" suggested Ted. "Hey that's a good choice, all you have to do is dangle a candy bar in front of him and he would do anything," Triumphantly proclaimed Ted. In the distance a sudden large BOOM! startled the two boys, "Hey isn't that Ben's house out that way?" said Paul. "hahahahaha yeh...maybe he ate too much!" Ted said jokingly as both boys walked off laughing.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, belly, female self, water inflation
Text: Sam parked her car, took the keys out of the ignition, and walked up to the water machine.The machine was meant for filling large water bottles. Sam deposited a few coins, and was about to press the button for one gallon. Then, she was struck by an idea.She looked down at her flat stomach. It was very visible, as she had made sure to wear a loose top and stretch pants. As she rubbed it eagerly, she thought about what she was about to do.She could fill herself up with a gallon, easily. She had done two gallons before, and three once. But...could she really hold five?After a minute of thinking it over, she decided to go for it. Even if she got hurt, the pleasure would undoubtedly be worth it.She opened the plexiglass door covering the spout, positioned her finger over the 5 gallon button, and opened her mouth under the nozzle. As soon as she hit the button, the water started flowing.If she had simply been swallowing water, a lot of it would have overflowed as she struggled to keep pace. But instead, she used a trick she had learned, and held her epiglottis open. With nothing to slow its entry, the water began making its way into her stomach.As the first gallon filled her up, she felt her belly start to swell. It stretched with the pressure, and she felt a massive wave of pleasure nearly overtake her. Even though she wanted to let it happen, she kept firm, as there were still four more gallons to go.By the second gallon, her belly was fairly round, looking like she was five months pregnant. She felt another sensual burst, but held herself to the spout.When the third gallon finished going into her belly, it was swollen to the point where she looked eight months pregnant. The fourth gave the appearance of triplets, and her navel was stretched outward. She could hardly resist giving into the sheer pleasure, and could barely stay standing--not just because of the sensuality of it, but also because the four gallons of water in her swollen midsection was quite heavy.The fifth came and went, and the nozzle stopped spewing water down her throat. At last, she could no longer contain herself, and had an orgasm right there on the floor.When the waves of pleasure slowed at last, she hoisted herself up, and, holding her globe-sized belly, made her way to her car. As she reflected on the night, she could only think of one thing.Janie was going to love this.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, magic
Text: Shalla, ordained Knight of the kingdom of Jaed, felt that she was nearing the end of her quest at long last. Her lord, King Althues, had bade her last spring to seek out and put an end to that vile enemy of the crown, the wizard Karrathan. She had spent many months searching far and wide for news of where the miscreant dwelt, to no avail. She had been so long away from home that her golden hair had grown very long and unkempt, and the frugal rations had caused her already-svelte figure to slim considerably. Last week, while snatching a welcome night's rest at a small inn after a long day's ride, Shalla had finally found the news that she was looking for: two frightened farmers had told her in hushed tones that the wizard Karrathan dwelt in a dark tower a few hours ride to the south. Overjoyed to hear this news, Shalla had set out for the south upon first light. The road had not been easy; her path took her into the heart of a mountain range and she was very weary as she forced herself to ride her steed higher and higher into the hills. At long last, two hours past noon, she reached the peak of her side of the mountain and was stunned to stillness by the view that the peak presented to her! The other side of the mountain rushed down into a deep and verdant valley, lush beyond belief compared to the barren slopes she had spent the day climbing. Most important of all, in the center of the valley, a dark tower rose from the valley floor. It quested upward like a black, clawed finger reaching for the sky and Shalla had no doubt that she was looking at Karrathan's domain at last. She rode down into the valley posthaste, anxious to confront the wizard at long last.
When Shalla rode up to the foot of the tower, she looked about in consternation. There was no way to enter! No door, no gate; as a matter of fact, the sides of the tower were completely featureless. Nothing but smooth, quarried stone met her eyes as she looked up upon its black surface...there was not even a single foothold she could use in an attempt to scale the spire. The balcony high above seemed to taunt her; she had come all this way, within the view of the wizard's fortress, and now she could not confront him as her King had commanded. This was too much for her Knightly pride to bear. She dismounted, sat down with her back against the impassable wall of the tower, and wept bitter tears. At length, she heard a voice call, "Hoi! My Lady, My Lady...whatever is the matter?"
Shalla's head snapped up immediately, blinking the tears from her eyes. An almost comically short man in a hooded cloak stood before her, with a cart and donkey not far off behind him. Shalla thought it most odd that she had not heard the man ride up and dismount, but she determined that she must have not heard in the throes of her grief. The man's bright eyes twinkled from under his hood, even while focused on her in concern. She rose, standing into a posture befitting a Knight, and said "Thank you for your concern...I am at the end of a long journey, but I feel it was all for naught, I wept with disappointment."
The odd little man looked about fearfully and said, "M-My Lady, I fear that if this place was to be your journey's end, you would have been better off never leaving home."
Shalla, surprised, said, "You know of this place? Tell me."
"All that live in this region know of it my Lady! It is the domain of...Him," the short man whispered cryptically.
"Karrathan?" Shalla asked, fearlessly. The tiny man seemed almost afraid at the sound of the name.
"S-So it is as my Lady says," he stuttered, casting a fearful glance at the tower reaching toward the sky.
"How do you come to be here, if you fear him so?" Shalla asked.
"F-Forgive me, my lady, but I am a poor wandering peddler. I made no sales in the last barony I visited, and needed money very badly, for I was hungry. My Lady may not know this, but all in this region must pay Him tribute. The master of that Barony from which I come fears Him much, and bade me that if I brought his yearly tribute here for him, he would reward me greatly with gold. My poverty overwhelmed my fear, my Lady, so I have brought the Baron's tribute here."
"I see," Shalla replied. "You would seem to be in the same situation as me...we both need entrance to Karrathan's tower, but there is no way in." The odd man seemed panic-stricken at this.
"I-I, my Lady? Surely not...it..it is the practice merely to leave the year's tribute at the foot of the tower, and depart. He allows NONE to see him," the munchkin quavered. Shalla gritted her teeth in anger.
"I MUST find a way up to the wizard's balcony," She growled.
"My Lady, that would be certain death, even for a knight!"
"I do not care! My Lord has bade me to come here and slay Karrathan, and by my Honor and my Sword I shall!" Shalla said fiercely. A change seemed to come over the small man at these words...a glimmer of hope seemed to come through amidst the peddler's nervousness.
"If...if my Lady is truly serious, perhaps I can help. I do not deny that we would like to be free of His rule."
Shalla said in surprise, "How can you help me?" The peddler began to rummage in his cart.
"If it pleases me Lady, some time ago I acquired a mystical potion from an herbalist far to the east...I was told that it would allow the one who drinks it to fly like a bird. If you could use it to ascend to His balcony and confront Him, we would all be most grateful." He returned from his cart, carrying a yellow glass bottle filled with a viscous green liquid. Shalla took the bottle and clenched it triumphantly.
"I shall! My dear peddler, when I am victorious, it will be known to all far and wide that you, yourself, played not a small part in vanquishing Karrathan! You have my thanks, and the thanks of the King!" Shalla cried. The tiny peddler bowed low.
"Y-you honor me, my Lady!"
Shalla drew her longsword with her right hand, and with her left brought the bottle to her lips, removing the cork with her teeth. Spitting the cork aside, she drank the green brew in four rapid swallows. She cast the bottle away and stood ready at the foot of the tower, waiting.
An astonishingly loud gurgle issued from Shalla's trim belly beneath her armor, and a wave of nausea swept over her, causing her to clap a hand over her mouth.
"OoooOooooOo," Shalla moaned. The old peddler merely watched her, eyes twinkling. Another, louder, gurgle came from Shalla's middle. A sheen of sweat broke out on her forehead, and her sword clattered to the ground. "What...what have you done to m-" she began, but was interrupted by an even louder gurgle that nearly brought her to her knees. The peddler smiled.
"I would not dream of spoiling my Lady's surprise!" he exclaimed.
"Ugh...hurk..." Shalla managed. She let out a soft but unladylike belch involuntarily, and then seconds later another burst forth from her. A sudden feeling of fullness came over her, rapidly increasing. Within moments, she felt as if she had just been through a feast day, and then seconds later the fullness was beyond anything she had ever experienced. Her armor began to feel tight, and retaining straps began to cut into her flesh, especially around the waist. The sounds of creaking leather and complaining metal joints slowly rose to a louder volume than even the continued gurgling noises within Shalla's middle. Just when Shalla thought her breastplate would pinch her in two, several leather straps gave way and the plate burst off of her, clattering to the ground. Finally released from its prison, her belly surged forth. She was as large as a woman very great with child, and she was still growing. She had a sudden flashback to her youth, watching the baker's bread rise in the oven of the castle she had grown up in- for her belly seemed to grow in just the same way. Moments later her breasts began to follow suit, followed by her upper arms and thighs. One by one, her straps burst, her seams popped, and laces snapped until she was standing naked and hugely round by the side of the tower with her armor and clothing littering the ground around her. And still she grew! The gurgling sound had risen to a hissing and churning, like a kettle on the boil. Shalla felt hugely swollen and tight, her formerly svelte figure stretched and ballooned beyond anything it had been meant for. The peddler chortled at her.
"Well, my dear, you're getting to about that point...let's lay you back before you do anything foolish that might cause you injury!" He stepped forward and gently but powerfully lay her flat on the ground. She yelled and raged at him, trying to break free of his grasp on her massively swollen body, but her swollen limbs did not allow her the leverage to fight him off. She now lay with her massive and still growing belly pointing skyward. Her distended belly and breasts had begun to take on a bright sheen in the light of the sun, like the hide of wineskins that were massively overfull. Over the frightening minutes to come, Shalla felt herself grow larger and tighter, until the pressure within her caused her eyes to screw shut and her cheeks to puff out like a doormouse. She felt sure that she must resemble nothing so much as a ball now, with her massive torso and swollen limbs narrowing down to impossibly tiny hands and feet. Her drum-tight breasts ballooned from the swollen roundness of her torso, almost rising into her face. Through the valley between her wildly inflated breasts, she saw that her navel had popped forth from her belly, pointing directly up at the sun. The peddler stepped back to her side then, and poked her several times in her ballooned side, as if testing her for firmness. His finger felt alarmingly sharp to her hugely distended side, and she cried out. "No need to worry, my dear," the peddler said.
"What have you done to me!" she cried.
"Kept my promise!" he replied, with a twinkle in his old eyes and a huge grin creasing his mouth.
Just then, Shalla felt her back lose contact with the grassy floor of the valley as she began to rise into the sky. Her long, blonde hair trailed down behind her like a waterfall of liquid gold. "Noooo!" she yelled. She rose slowly, but as her gigantically inflated body filled with more and more of the mysterious substance that was distending her, she began to rapidly accelerate.
The old peddler shielded his eyes from the sun as he watched Shalla's round form rocketing higher into the sky, growing larger as it went. He merely beamed a wide smile up at the rapidly rising Knight, and her yells, threats, and pleas echoed down at him. At length, she vanished from sight, having risen up into the clouds where his vision could not reach. He brought his gaze back to earth, and surveyed the area around him at the foot of the tower. The peddler's cart and donkey burst into colorful smoke, and the peddler himself seemed to straighten and grow taller. Suddenly, where the peddler once stood, a dark figure of flowing shadow and light stood in his place. The menacing figure glanced at Shalla's horse that still stood nearby the tower, and it gave of whinny of alarm before bolting back the way it and its master had come earlier today. A sudden odd chuckle shook the dark figure, seeming highly out of place. The figure spoke to itself then, and it was the peddler's voice, but deeper and seeming to echo out of a deep cave. "Hehehee....I haven't had so much fun since I was an apprentice! " the figure said. The figure reflected back to the fun pranks and so forth that were often the mark of youths attempting to learn magic...he could still hear the voice of his old master scolding him: "Karrathan, it is NOT acceptable to conjure five hundred gallons of milk inside of your fellow apprentice Wendissimi!" The wizard Karrathan laughed at the old memories, and reflected upon the fact that the alchemical gas Helium had been a great improvement upon the milk he'd conjured into that cute apprentice from so many years ago! The floating was such a nice effect! He resolved to come up with something even more creative for the next Knight that happened along. He snapped his fingers, and Shalla's armor that was littering the ground vanished. "After all," he said to himself, "Wizardry isn't all blasting fire and calling down blizzards! Sometimes you have to have a sense of humor about things and just blimp a girl up for good measure!" At that, he opened the secret door in the base of the tower, and began the long climb to his laboratory, whistling a happy tune that seemed almost comical to his shadowy appearance as he went.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, floating, Prose that Blows 3 - All Hallow’s Eve (2010)
Text: Cindy was college senior girl, whose despite her age acted just like a little kid on the inside. Her room was still decorated like a little girls room with stuffed animals and abundant proportions of pink. She was a very happy girl with an overly bubbly personality that people did not ever really dislike much at all. Although she was of average height, her dazzling light brown hair and piercing steel blue eyes; those simple traits alone could allure anyone towards her like a moth to a flame. Her one major flaw was something most would deem unexpected. She was a total candy addict.
If you wanted to get on her good side and fool around with her, bring a bag or three of candy and you'd have her hooked around your thumb. Fortunately for her, Halloween was just shy of three days off and she was ecstatic for all the treats she would be savoring. She walked into her dorm room she shared with her best friend Tifa, who still happened to be at a dance recital she was part off. Right near the door happened to be a candy bowl with what seemed like knock off MandM's; but that did not matter to Cindy as her candy policy read "if its candy, it has to be delicious". She grabbed the ball and walked over to the couch and started to watch television while dipping her hands several times into the small bowl.
As she kept eating the candy while watching her television show; she began to feel a bit uncomfortable but just thought it was from sitting in the same position to long. Over the next half hour the uncomforting feeling did not go away but instead increased to a point she felt oddly bloated and tight all over. No matter how many times she tried changing her pose, the feeling refused to alleviate but only intensify. Cindy grew tired of it and decided to rub her abdomen until she felt just how distended her stomach had grown. She didn't have enough time to ponder it further though when a hiss emanating from her small belly startled her.
She stood erect and ceased breathing to stare at the rounded belly which showed through her tight tank top, which she promptly took off in disbelief of what had happened to her. The hissing grew louder until she heard a gurgle cut through the sound, her stomach bulging further from her rather lithe from. It grew further out in front of her until she looked like she had swallowed an over an inflated basketball. She rubbed it and tried to squeeze it back in only to yelp back in fear at the lack of give her skin now possessed. She prodded it with her index finger as it still grew, shuddering in odd delight at the feeling of her stretched skin.
For the moment the growth appeared to stop as the flow of air was discreetly moving to other unaffected areas. Just as she was going to sigh in relief, the hissing came back in full cycle and she started to balloon outwards quickly. Her perky breasts squeaked like balloons and grew outwards, bigger than she could imagine. Her ass cheeks competed against each other for growth in her tight jeans that were torn apart quickly. Even her thighs and hips bloated outwards in the race to fill any available space. Before she knew it, she was floating upwards and bouncing against the ceiling, her face looking the couch with the candy bowl that had caused her to swell. Still, she grew until she heard grown coming from either her clothes or her body. Closing her eyes; Cindy could only whimper pathetically as she felt the end was coming, eve despite the pleasurable tingles she felt from her overstretched and sensitive skin. With a loud pop her underwear which had miraculously survived the from the beginning burst off her balloon-like body and fell to the ground.
Cindy sighed in relief that she didn't pop, since the hissing had disappeared. In reality though the air that was stacking up inside her was running out of places to fill and although she wasn't growing larger anymore, her body was still being pressured by the air. Pretty soon loud groans and creaks that sounded like overtaxed rubber filled the air. This time she had met her big end.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, chemical, floating, helium, soda
Text: Lin was a fat girl who had a hard time making friends, maybe because she was so bitter toward everyone, and her low self-esteem. She locked her self in her room only reading books on chemistry. She was a big science buff. It was the only subject in school that she ever put any effort into. With her vast knowledge of chemistry, she got an idea for a way to get back at all the pretty girls who had the figures and looks that she'd never have. She'd make a formula that would cause intense weight gain in the human body when applied to food or drink.
Now, it's been about two months since she started this project, and, so far, she was near completion. Locked in her dark room, she had only a little bit of light to see what she was doing. She stretched her arms over her head, stiff from working hours into the night. Her shirt lifted up about half way, to expose her belly which hung over her belt. Embarrassed about how her clothes always seem to fit too small, she quickly stopped stretching and pulled her shirt back down. She adjusted the bra that held her massive DD-cup breasts. They were always a pain, because they were just in the way and often the obsession of lecherous boys, who would cop a feel for time to time. She put her long plum colored hair up in a pony tail and adjusted her glasses. She just successfully completed a batch of liquid helium, which was an important element in her formula. The helium would fuse to body fat, causing parts of the body with any amount of fat on them to expand to three times the normal size. This was the reaction from one drop! Think about how much damage one FL.oz could do.
Feeling that it was time to take a break, she squeezed her tank ass out of her chair. Looking at her clock, she thought,"Damn, it's 3:00 in the morning." Realizing this, she begins to feel a bit sleepy. However, she has to get this finished before she goes to bed. So, to combat her drowsiness, she reaches into her mini fridge and pulls out a cola. Recklessly, she pours it in an empty beaker. She was to lazy to get a glass from the kitchen. Taking a few sips, she then sets it down by the rest of her lab equipment, and goes out to the restroom.
However, Lin was unaware this whole time that there has been someone else in her room, hiding in her closet, and spying on her. It was girl named Amanda. She had been Lin's only friend, but, because of her bitterness, they had a falling out with each other. This really hurt Amanda's feelings and she wanted to get back at her. When they were friends, Lin had told her about the formula. Not thinking Lin was serious, she never put much thought into the concept. Later on, though, Lin threatened her, saying, "You'll be the first victim to experience the reaction!" Amanda grew paranoid.
That was when she decided to find out the fact of the matter. Amanda slid her petite body quietly out of the closet to investigate Lin's equipment and possibly sabotage the whole process. She was clad in a full leather body suit that showed, in full, her tiny lithe body (overall making her Very sexy). She had crept into the house earlier, when the pig went to pick up a stack of pizzas that she ordered for dinner. She spent seven long hours cramped in that filthy closet and watched everything. Now was Amanda's chance to move. She took off her ski mask to reveal her long jet black hair and soft face. "Be the first, huh?"
Amanda darted about Lin's room, looking for the best way to ruin the night's work. She got the idea to pour the vial of liquid helium out the window, since she knew how important it was. As she picked it up, she heard fat footsteps coming toward the room. Thinking hastily, she poured the vial into a random beaker of liquid, so it wouldn't mix with Lin's formula. Thus, it would delay the process, since it takes a long time to make liquid helium. As she poured, she heard a fizzing sound, but didn't think anything of it. When the vial was empty, she looked down to see that it was the beaker of cola in her other hand. She put the beaker and the vial back where they originally were, and hurried back into her hiding spot.
Not a moment to soon, Lin walked into her room. Everything right as she left it. Amanda was gone like a ninja, leaving no trace of her presence. Stealth was her friend. Lin's breasts bounced as she let out a very big yawn. Groaning, she picked up the beaker of cola and chugged it. She was too tired to even notice the slight change in flavor. "That should keep me going," she said before she let out a belch. Moments later she felt her stomach rumble. She put her hand on her belly, thinking it was just because of an empty stomach, but as she was pushing on her belly she felt it push back and tighten.... Tighter.... Now really tight like she just finished a big meal. "What the!?" She thought as she looked and saw her belly slowly push out. Her shirt slid up over her bloating belly. In a trance, she watched her fat stomach seemingly grow bigger and bigger. She put both hands on her belly. Feeling it expand more and more, she snapped out of her trance and realized what was happening.She cried, "I'm blowing up!?" Saying that, she felt a tug at her bra. She put her hands on her breasts and felt the same bloating as in her belly. Not only her breast, but also her underwear started to ride up her ass. The expansion lifted her up a little, as well as made her chair fit tighter around her ass."Why? This can't be happening!" she whispered. She tried to squeeze out from her seat. This proved to be a very difficult task, but she managed. She waddled toward the full body mirror beside her closet to look at her swelling self.
She made it half way across the room before she fell and landed on her ballooning butt. The weight of her body caused her to fall backward, with her belly and boobs pointing up. She could barley lift her head up, but she managed. She saw that her belly had grown twice the size of what it was. Her shirt pulled all the way up, exposing the fullness of her belly. It looked like a giant flesh colored dome. Amazed that she even saw her belly over her know melon sized breasts, she moaned. They caused her a great deal of pain, as her bra pulled and dug into her skin.The band logo on her shirt stretched out, and started to rip around her swelling bosom. She layed at a slight angle due to the odd swelling of her big butt. She struggled to find someway to get back up on her feet, but for the time being she was helpless. She wiggled around, hoping to roll herself over but the inflation got worse as she did.
Hearing her closet door open, she picked up her head in order to peak over her ballooning body. She saw a black figure emerge from out of the darkness and heard a giggle. Lin said, "I know that laugh....Amanda!?" The figure replied, "Hehehe, yes indeedy!" Amanda leaped onto Lin's belly. Giving it a big ol' hug, she sank into the mass of flesh. She layed there feeling Lin's belly push her upwards. Suddenly, it surged forth faster. "Wha-wha are you doing here?" Lin cried, "Why is this happening? Wha have you done to me!?" Amanda crawled over Lin's belly to get near her face. Her elbows dug into to each of Lin's breasts. "There you go again, always assuming that I did something wrong," Amanda retorted with an grin, "But in this case, I guess you're right my lil' fat balloon friend." As they were chatting, Lin's belly had rose up to three feet high in the air. Her bra struggled to hold her massive breasts, which were now very convexed and gave her deep cleavage. Lin bellowed,"Tell me you bitch! What did you do? Oooooo... You don't know how this feels! Aaaooo... So...Big...My clothes are hurting me." Lin moaned and groaned. Amanda, almost buried in Lin's cleavage, just laughed at her plight. "Silly girl, I poured your liquid helium into your drink, that you so irresponsibly left out near your equipment...I don't know how this is even physically possible, but I like it." Lin's eyes grew wide in terror, "NOOO!!! The helium mixed with the carbonation of the soda must have caused a chain reaction...That must be it, and when movement occurs the two elements mix causing further expansion........" Both girls paused for a moment, wondering how Lin snapped out of the shock of being inflated to calmly explain her theory of the situation. She then got back to her moaning.
Amanda had an evil glint in her eyes, followed by a wicked smile. She snickered, "Rrrrrreally? Then if what you say is true...Let's test it and found out!" Lin panicked. Sweat poured down her face, whereas she knew what Amanda was about to do. "No, no please don't I'm already big enough," she pleaded. Amanda inched down Lin's body. Her leather suit slid softly over the smooth tummy, sending chills up Lin's spine. Positioning herself at just the right spot on Lin, she gave the belly a big hug, once more, only this time digging her heels into Lin's sides. She began to sway from side to side, making Lin's whole body rock back and forth. Sure enough this caused a massive surge of pressure to build up inside of Lin.
Amanda held on tight as Lin's body expanded. Her belly shot up and out now measuring well over five feet in diameter. Her ass swelled as if there were two beanbags inflating beneath her. This in turn caused her pants to split right down the middle and expose a pair of very femme, pink panties. Her thunder thighs rubbed together, and made a sound like rubber being squeezed. Her breasts, which hadn't much freedom to expand with the rest of her body, finally got their chance to catch up. As they grew to the size of large beachballs, her super-industrial bra exploded off of her. Her whole body began to lift up off the ground. With titanic tits that pointed up, and dinner plate sized nipples, they looked to be under a lot of pressure. These were the first to be lifted into the air and carry her farther upwards.
Her body turned upright, making it easy for Amanda to just step down. When she did, Lin bobbed in mid-air for a bit, then tipped backwards, and, head first, began spinning helplessly in the air. Her expansion slowed back to a normal rate, (slowed, not stopped). Amanda looked in quiet awe at her once friend who was now a helpless balloon. "You know," Amanda spoke softly, "I feel embarrassed saying this, but looking at you now.... it's kind of a turn on." The last things that Lin wanted to hear right now was that in this deformed state, she was sexy. Although she couldn't bring herself to say it, deep down Lin sort of enjoyed this, too. It was an overload of excitement, danger, and humility. She wanted to agree with Amanda, it was kind of a turn on.
"But!" Amanda said, snapping them both out of thier moment of thought, "It's what you deserve. Call it karma." Lin got very irate. "Karma? KARMA!?" Lin shouted, "How does this have anything to do with Karma!? I'm a scientist damnit! There is no Karma, only cause and effect!" Amanda grabbed hold of Lin's nipples and gently rubbed her thumbs over them, again teasing Lin in her vulnerable state. "Well my dear," Amanda replied, "This is like Cause and Effect. You wanted to use your formula to make all the other girls who are prettier than you turn into blimps, but instead this happened to you. All because you spend your time getting back at people for YOUR short-comings. If you really wanted people to accept you, you could've done something else about it. However, because you cared too much about you and not about anyone else, not even your best friend.... this has happened to you." This made Lin not only angrier but confused, "Wha the hell are you getting at!?" Amanda retorted, "Short and simple...You're a bitch and should deal with your fate." With that, she flipped Lin downwards causing her to spin faster, then Amanda delivered a spinning round house kick into Lin's belly which sent her flying back. As she bounced off the wall, all this violent movement caused another build up. This time it may have been too much.
Lin's body shook voilently as the pressure built up inside her body more and more. Her belly ballooned outwards. Big and round, it surged forth. It was well over ten feet wide now. Her belly pretty much consumed all of her body, expect for two giant orbs that were her breasts. She swelled bigger and bigger. So big, she could no longer see over them. Her ass and thighs widened to the point where it looked like she could give birth to an elephant. Her plump arms looked like giant fat sausages. She swelled so massively that she filled up half the room. The top of her belly touched the ceiling and her sides touched walls. "OooooOOooo!!" Lin cried out in a combination of panic and orgasm, "I..I..I'm way too big...I g-g-g-gonna explode! Noooo! ooooOOOOooo, I don't wanna die like this; popped like a child's toy. Please Help! You gotta help me!" Amanda just shrugged, "Sorry girl, but your beyond help, now. Just lie back and enjoy the final moments of your life, as big fat naked balloon girl. However If it's any comfort I will continue the research of your formula for you, since it will come in handy for me. Bye-bye now!" Amanda grabbed Lin's notes and stuff and headed towards the window. "Please.... don't leave me...." Lin pleaded in between her moans. Feeling a little sorry for her, Amanda stopped, turned around, and decided to watch the finale. Lin's body was so big it now filled up 3/4th's of the room. Her body pressed against the walls, causing them to creak and crack. Soon her expansion stopped, but the pressure kept on building and building. Lin felt a rumble deep within, small at first then within seconds grew bigger and bigger. Her body began to pulsate. This was Amanda's cue, 'get the fuck out of Dodge.' "ooOOOoooOOOoo... this is it...." Lin cried with a red face, and skin now tight as a drum, "I....going....to......" KAAAAAAA-BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!! And with that, in almost an action movie-like sence, Amanda dove out of the 3rd story window to escape the blast caused by the ticking time bomb that was her fat lil' friend Lin. The explosion lit up the night sky with a ball of fire, due to the mixing chemicals. Lin's body left a giant hole in her house that burned up everything above and below where her room was. Nothing was left, no shred of evidence, nothing to get a DNA sample from, nothing.
It was the perfect murder.
Amanda landed outside in Lin's yard, and decided to not hang around. Someone must have heard that. Looking around, she saw all the lights in the neighborhood turn on. She quickly darted down the street, and into the clearing where she left the car. She hopped in and sped off into the night with Lin's Notes. Amanda could easily produce the formula that Lin was making, and maybe even improve on it.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Stuffing, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: Aniq turned slowly at the sound of the needy, narcissistic gurgle that sounded from behind him.
"Dear oh dear Mister Patel, seems like once again you're in violation of the parking system. Tut tut I might say."
His eyes widened to accommodate his addresser. What had once been a smart, neatly pressed, well fitted mid blue shirt now bore a visually cacophonous assortment of grease stains, sauce marks, mucky hand prints and a disturbing assortment of luridly coloured prints, possibly attesting to a worrying dependence on convenience stores more chemically constructed snack treats. The buttons down the front were mainly for display purposes, they were stretched to such a degree that great diamonds of chilly white flesh peeked through, first over the impressive span of her bust line, taking care to show off the details of the lacy red bra nestled between the twin orbs, before exploding wildly outwards to cover the globular expanse of flesh that began it's outward arc from immediately beneath them, at it's peek allowing a view of a navel, small and unremarkable, pierced with a tiny red crystal on a delicate silver curve. Perfectly framed by the struggling blue fabric.
What had once been a svelte, healthy , physically unremarkable police officer had now become... this.
Officer Jaime Hernandez drummed her fingers loudly on the sides of her adipose waistline, and raised one immaculately shaped eyebrow over the top of her mirrored shades.
"You're move, Mister Patel."
"This is ridiculous, utterly ridiculous I am telling you. I am only parked here while I am unloading of my truck, there is nowhere I else I could be parking it. This has been going on for weeks, I tell you. You are harassing of me, I tell you, you are harassing me and I will not stand for it!"
Jaime resettled her glasses on her deliciously tanned nose, and spoke very quietly.
"Mister Patel, this does not have to get ugly..."
She walked, very slowly and very carefully forwards. Slowly, she pressed the ungainly bulk of her engorged midriff into him, forcing him backward against his van. She leaned into him, her feet rocking forward to deliver the greater portion of her non too minuscule weight onto his personage.
She increased the pressure.
Aniq began to sweat.
Further she leaned, harder she pushed into him, her flabby midriff a soft celled prison around him, constricting him, enveloping him.
Aniq began to curse, at first softly, then louder.
She leaned harder, she was practically on her tip toes. Placing both hands on the small of her back she arched it, forcing her flesh into him.
Her stomach moaned abruptly. She felt his ribs creak.
"Alright, alright, I am giving in. Let me go, I have something you can be having in my store."
She relented her assault, her bulk mercifully lifted from his personage he scuttled into the dark depths of his store, and returned with a large cardboard box. Her eyes widened at the sight of filthy grease halos seeping through the box.
"I got these today, fresh I am telling you, fresh. Was going to sell them six dollars each. You take, and you not bother me again, you hear!"
He thrust the greasy box into her eager hands. She prised the lid flaps apart just enough to let the smell out, a great waft of pastry and chocolate and culinary delights. Unconsciously, one hand slipped to her belly as she inhaled the rich aroma and massaged the hungry flesh.
"Why, what a charming gift, Mister Patel, What a charming gift. I will have to share this delightful box of confections with the lovely boys down in the traffic department and see if they can't get make some kind of concession for you and your little store here."
"This has been going on for weeks. Weeks!"
"Same time tomorrow then, Mister Patel."
She turned, and attempted to sashay her hips in a way that would convey a sense of smug victory, but instead simply amplified the waddle produced by her rather wide hips and bulging posterior.
Aniq yelled something at her in Gujarati, but she chose not to hear, and with great difficulty manoeuvred her bulk into the patrol car she had parked a short distance down the street.
"Now, let's see what we have here then..." Jaime arrived back at the precinct in short order, but one quarter of the delights within the box had not. They were a sort of rich cream éclair, full of delicious brandy infused butter cream, packaged within a mouth watering hull of rich pastry and layered in what she fully suspected was genuine Belgian chocolate. There were forty in the box to begin with, each around the size of a man's fist. Now there were around thirty. Jaime checked her face in the mirror, licking a corona of dark chocolaty evidence from around her full lips, but neglecting to notice the large cream spatter that had extricated itself from one of the pastries and landed with an undignified squelch upon her left breast.
It took considerably more effort to extricate herself from the car than it had taken her to get in in the first place.
Jaime finally erupted from the drivers side door after a few minutes of awkward tooandfroing, waited for a moment for her prodigious girth to centre itself before removing the pastries from the car and making her way inside. She was barely past the front door before someone grabbed her by the arm.
"Jaime, it's the chief, he wants to see you in his office ASAP, and he sounds pretty pissed to me."
Jaime smiled languidly at the young man who had accosted her.
"And what exactly would he want with little old me?"
"I dunno, he had an anonymous tip off you'd been seen taking a bribe or something off some little Indian guy after you'd tried to crush him to death."
Jaime's face remained motionless. She grinned a little wider, but noticeably a little tenser.
"Why, I haven't the faintest idea where someone could have got that idea from..."
"Fair enough. What's in the box, by the way, is it your turn to get the break room treats?"
"This is garbage. Nothing more. Now don't you have somewhere to be? I know I do."
The officer eyed her suspiciously, but turned on his heel abruptly and left. Jaime let out a sigh of relief, before realising what she had to do...
She rushed as fast as she could to her desk. Out of the top drawer, she took a fresh, clean shirt, and ran as fast as her plump legs would carry her toward one of the private evidence study rooms. She slipped inside, locked the door, and quickly undid the struggling buttons running down the front of her shirt. She stood for a moment, shirt hanging open, allowing her large, blimp like stomach to hang out, ghostlike in the tiny room before she ripped the top from the box and set upon it's contents. One, two, three, the pastries fell into her waiting mouth, barely time to chew them Jamie thrust them into her maw in a mechanical manner, speed rather than taste her prime concern. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, she barely registered the incoming traffic, her swollen stomach gurgling and grumbling as an avalanche of food proceeded down her throat and into her fattened belly. Twenty, twenty one, twenty two, she was over two thirds of the way through the box in record time, but the pace was taking it's toll. Her left hand, originally employed in the two handed shovelling of food, had slipped to her gut, massaging the ripe surface in gentle rhythmic motions to alleviate the growing pressure inside. Twenty five, twenty six, she was slowing, but not done yet. Twenty eight, twenty nine, her stomach growled menacingly, and she paused, the final confection in her meaty grasp. She closed her eyes, thought of the delightful nap she would have in here later, and forced the final pastry down her throat. Her stomach heaved, whining and moaning like an animal, the feeling of intense gluttony replaced by the relief of having disposed of the evidence. They're all mine, she thought, the break room can go fudge itself, I've had plenty...
She quickly changed her shirt for the clean one, noting how this one was even harder to do up than the other, and taking a moment to wipe her face and run an appreciative hand over her gargantuan and tightly packed gut she unlatched the door and made her clean getaway. She dumped her old shirt in the garbage outside, and strode confidently toward her superiors door.
She was almost there when it happened.
She turned the corner, and entered the reception to the chief's office, where his secretary sat, typing dutifully.
"Officer Hernandez, the chief wanted to see... ugh..."
Her hands pressed cautiously into her stomach. It's bloated surface felt strangely unyielding to her touch, hard and smooth, over inflated almost.
"Are you alright, Officer?"
The secretary looked down his thin nose at the rather plump officer. She cradled her belly somewhat maternally.
"I'm fine, yes, the... er... the twins, you know?"
"You shouldn't be on patrol in your condition. Go right in please."
"Thank you... burp."
She belched rather petitely in the man's face. He made a face best likened to what would be expected if he was has his temperature taken with a Joshua tree.
Jamie let herself into the chief's office, and sat herself down without the man so much as turning in his chair to acknowledge her entrance.
"Officer Hernandez?"
"Yes sir..."
"I've been... hearing things about you. Have you any idea what they might be?"
"No sir, I couldn't begin to... imagine."
She winced slightly, her stomach convulsed under her grasp.
"There have been reports of a white female officer, red hair, dark brown eyes, five foot six inches tall, badge number somewhere in the vicinity of yours, doing rather illicit things under the pretence of protecting and serving members of the public."
"I'm... burp... at a loss sir."
She had begun to feel an acute pain from somewhere deep within the immense swell of her overstuffed abdomen. Somewhere within the over fattened coil of her bloated gut something was very wrong.
"I'll continue. Not just any members of the public, but members of the public associated with the convenience food industry and the un enfranchised fast foodstuff take away restaurant business. Allegations of harassment have been made, as they are to just about every officer, but more seriously allegations of bribery have been made. But no cash money has ever changed hands, oh no. Rumour is that someone is going round giving out unlicensed parking tickets and performing illegal health and quality inspections, and then taking bribes, Officer Hernandez. Bribes of said convenience and un enfranchised fast foodstuff take out. Care to comment?"
"I...ooh... I... urp... I haven't... ooooooooh... I mean, I didn't... owwww..."
Jaime clutched her stomach. Something positively tectonic was occurring within it's fecund walls, and she didn't like it one bit. It rolled and groaned and shifted in her hands, bloated and terrible it moaned loudly, proclaiming her guilt.
"Spot of indigestion, Officer Hernandez? A close friend informs me you were seen with an entire box of Viennese éclairs, delightful things they are, but they do play havoc with your waistline, being roughly nine hundred calories each. Let's see, were it you hypothetically who consumed the entire box, at let's say forty per box, that would be, oh I don't know, somewhere in the region of thirty six thousand calories all in all. That'd be enough to give anyone indigestion, wouldn't you say?"
Jaime could only moan in reply.
"Get yourself to the infirmary, Officer Hernandez, then report back to me when you find yourself less... encumbered."
Jaime stood with great difficulty. The colour drained from her face, she was distinctly greenish around the gills. As she straightened up, a single button flung itself from her presence, pinging loudly from the back of the chief's head.
"Now, if you don't mind Officer Hernandez. I believe Doctor Forbes is in today, she'll take good care of you." No-one asked later could be quite sure how a woman in Jamie's condition could have made it to the infirmary examination room, down two flights of steps none the less. But she did. And upon her entrance, Doctor Forbes was waiting for her.
"Ah, Officer Hernandez I presume. Please come in."
Jaime shuffled in, and collapsed onto the table at the centre of the small examination room. She groaned in melancholy despair, her enormous stomach making sounds akin to a beached whale, somewhat completing the illusion.
"Now, what seems to be the matter?"
Doctor Forbes slid on a pair of latex gloves, and tucked her blonde hair back behind her ears, adjusting her thick rimmed glasses as she did so.
"My tummy hurts..."
Jaime gasped out the words, hands encircling the grotesque swell in front of her.
"Ah, I think I see the problem..."
Doctor Forbes approached the quaking leviathan slowly, taking in it's ridiculous dimensions. She laid one cautious hand atop the volcanic surface, jerking back as it gave a primordial growl and lurched sharply at her touch. A gasp escaped Jaime's lips.
"I see... I see..."
She cast her eyes over her patient, noticing the tiny jewel embedded in her navel.
"Can you remove your bellybutton ring so I can examine you?"
Jaime made a feeble attempt to comply. Her hands flailed helplessly in an attempt to reach it.
"You know what, I can work round it... don't trouble yourself..."
Jaime was almost there. All she had to do was lose about twenty inches off her waistline or grow it on her arms. Either might take a while. Jaime crashed back to the table, her face pink from the exertion. Her stomach sloshed around angrily on it's sterile plinth, another few buttons falling in the battle with the bulge. Forbes took this as a sign to proceed. Carefully, she undid the remaining few buttons on Jaime's shirt, marvelling at the impossible curve of her immense stomach, feeling it's warmth through her gloves. Surprisingly, once the last few buttons were undone, it expanded out further. Jaime moaned in agony, her stomach gurgling agreement.
Carefully, Forbes rested first her hands, then her ear against the flank of the immense white swell. It was hard, unyielding, and painfully tight, and her eardrum pounded to the digestive rhythm occurring within. She took a step back involuntarily. Jaime lay like a great monument to gluttony on her examining table, her bra scant protection for her otherwise naked upper body, her breasts encapsulated within delicate black lace rimmed red cups, their delicacy in stark contrast to the monstrous curve of her abdomen. The tiny red jewel rises in and out of view as her stomach distorts around it, her navel an otherworldly convexity in the face of the immense concave swell of Jaime's belly.
Her hands reach feebly up it's flanks. She sobs in pain, clearly she is regretting the decision to consume the entire box of pastries.
"I'm not sure what I can do for a girl in your condition, Officer Hernandez, other than leave you to digest whatever the hell you have in there in peace and quiet."
"All... mine... they're all... mine... ooh"
Jaime winced as a shock wave passed through her engorged midriff. Her hands protectively pressed into it's sides.
"Here, I think I have something for indigestion..."
The doctor rummaged through a drawer and produced a bottle of pills.
"Ah, antacids. Marvellous. Here, the recommended dose is two, but I think maybe you're beyond that."
She took a generous handful, and waited for Jaime to open her mouth. She moaned, long and loud, a cry of fear and pain as her stomach rolled and shook like the forming of a new world under her grip.
Doctor Forbes made her move. She shoved the pills in, and clamped her hand over Jaime's nose and mouth.
Jaime's eyes, until this moment screwed shut, sprung open as she swallowed reflexively. Doctor Forbes moved her hand away, and in a second realised this was not a good move.
The bulge of the medication moved down Jaime's throat, and onwards into the vast unfathomable depths of her stomach. That is, it met with the immovable mass of pastry unable to proceed from her over populated stomach into her massively overwhelmed intestines.
Something akin to the sound of tearing paper could be heard from somewhere in the region of her bellybutton, an angry, malevolent sound echoed out from the hollow behind the tiny red jewel, and with an almighty groan, Jaime began to rise.
In hindsight, Jaime didn't rise. Her stomach did, however. It grew, and it grew, and it grew.
Doctor Forbes gasped.
Jaime wailed.
Her belly grew bigger, and bigger, and bigger. It grew rounder too, stretching out in all directions, puffing up like a balloon. Whatever had been struggling to compress what was inside her obviously wasn't doing so anymore. And so she expanded, her flesh squeaking and roaring as it expanded. Red slashes jumped across the pallid white flesh as it grew, growing too fast for even her own stomach to handle.
She squealed and moaned in agony and terror, her belly reaching for the sky, her hands vainly attempting to reach around it's circumference, and failing miserably.
Doctor Forbes took a step back, and turned to shield her face.
Jaime arched her back in pain, sticking her gut out one last time, as large as it could possibly get. Massive, colossal, awe inspiring, Vast, gargantuan, inhumanly large.
Jaime screamed.
Jaime writhed.
Jaime's belly exploded. What met the first few to enter the room was a curious sight. Doctor Forbes stood cowering against the back wall of her examination room, her hair all over the place and her glasses lost. She gibbered something incomprehensible, and was quickly led from the room, and later sent home for the week.
The entire room had to be scrubbed clean.
It was covered.
Floor to ceiling.
In cream.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, chemical, floating, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Best Story, Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Least Contrived Use of a Thesaurus, Prose that Blows Winner: Most Original Story
Text: "Financial services, this is Eric. How can I help you?"
"Hey, it's me."
"Oh, hey, honey! Are you at the doctor's office yet?"
"Yep, they just started my physical a couple minutes ago. Thought I'd give you a call."
"Ah, good. Are you naked?"
"What do you think? Of course I am."
"Awesome. How's it coming so far?"
"Oh, you know the drill... I'm all belly... Is now a bad time?"
"Oh, no, not at all, of course not. It's Friday, things are pretty slow here."
"Ok, good. There's a few things I need you to check up on while I'm here. Can you take notes?"
"One sec... ok, go ahead."
"Don't forget that we're hosting the block party next Saturday, so you'll need to get hot dogs, buns—"
"Don't worry, I've already got all that in my planner for tomorrow."
"You are wonderful. Ok, next........."
"Oh, sorry, it's just always weird when my boobs start. Man, they're going fast this time."
"Mmm... wish I could be there to see that."
"I'll bet you do. Hold on, switching to my Bluetooth headset... ok, better."
"Your next directive was...?"
"Ah yes, thank you. I forgot to call one of my students about her lesson next Thursday. Can't exactly teach piano like this. Look up 'Anderson' in Outlook on my laptop."
"Call Anderson... about... piano lesson. Got it. What's happening now?"
"Getting harder to move my arms and legs. My butt is about the size you'd like it, too, although it won't be for much longer."
"You think any of the nurses will take pictures for me?"
"Oh, they record video every time, just not for naughty boys like you."
"'Medical purposes' and shit, I'm sure. I'd post it on YouTube."
"And I would murder you."
"Nah, you'd like the exposure."
"Right. ...annnnnd I'm floating."
"Have fun up there."
"Yeah, because I'll be able to do so much. Can't even reach halfway around my tummy."
"Can you even see your stomach past your boobs?"
"GOD I wish I was there."
"Ok, one last thing. My car was acting up on the way here. Could you pick it up and check it out?"
"You are too wonderful."
"Speak for yourself. Few men can say they have a pneumatic wife."
"Or a wife who turns into a globe."
"You really did get a mega-dose this time, didn't you?"
"Yeah, they're really testing my limits. They're giving me 75% more this time."
"75%?! Jesus! And you thought last time was a lot."
"Yeah, just lost feeling in my arms and legs. I've never gone spherical this quickly."
"I just wish you didn't have to stay there for a whole week. I miss having you next to me at night."
"I miss you too, but you know this is necessary for women with my condition. And it's only twice a year."
"Think they'll let me spend the night?"
"They'd have to tie me down so that you can reach me."
"Screw that. I'd sleep on top of you, sprawled out across your stomach."
"That actually sounds pretty romantic."
"We should try it at home some time."
"What if you fell off?"
"'It's not how many times you fall that matters, it's how many times you get back up.'"
"Now that's inspirational."
"We should make one of those posters."
"It's even affecting my hands and feet this time."
"Is that supposed to happen?"
"Dunno... probably part of my extra 75%."
"You mean you've already surpassed your size from last time?"
"Told you it was going faster. I don't think I'd fit in our bedroom right now."
"It's getting my neck too... and I can't feel my hands and feet anymore. I... I actually can't move anything."
"How does it feel?"
"Amazing. It's pretty cool to hold this much air. Maybe they'll push me even further next time."
"Maybe they'll let me take you home like that."
"Sweetie, I'm almost stuck between the walls! I certainly wouldn't fit through the door."
"Bah! Devil's in the details..."
"Wish you were here to see me, though."
"Me too."
"Don't worry. We can try this at home... hopefully without damaging the house."
"Looking forward to it. ...Ok, honey, gotta go. Important client on line two."
"Go be important, sweetie."
"Have a relaxing stay, ok?"
"I'll think of you the entire time."
"I love you. See you next week."
"Muah. Ta-ta."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, fanfiction, floating, Ghost in the Shell
Text: It was Motoko long awaited vacation. On her first day off, she decided to go pool side. She arrived at the pool with her lounge chair and drink. She looked out at the pool. Which was empty. "This is perfect." She thought. 'I'll relax in the sun. Then go for a swim." Motoko unpacked her stuff and opened up her lounge chair under a nice shady umbrella. She sat down and lounged back. After an hour of sun bathing she climbed out of her lounge chair and headed into the pool. Off the diving she jumped into the deepest part of the pool and began to swim laps.
After half an hour off swimming she climbed from the pool and again relax in the sun. As she laid there she started burping absently, getting a rather bloated feeling, almost as though she had eaten too much. Her swimsuit seemed to be confining somehow, a bit too snug., Motoko got up and as she did, she noticed something different about her. Glancing down, she took a minute or two to place it. Her chest was bigger. It wasn't a deep breath or anything like that, her chest was definitely bigger. Now she could see that they were perhaps an inch or so larger than they had been, nipples showing up clearly against the swimsuit.
Putting both hands on her chest, she gave a gentle squeeze. Almost immediately a sensation of pleasure washed through her, emanating from her chest and ending at the base of her back. What was this? Not only was she bigger, she was more sensitive. During these thoughts she noticed that she could actually feel them growing under her hands, slowly but with a relentless feeling. Dropping her hands, she glanced into the water at her new form. "What's happening to me?" she whispered. Slowly, but with a steady motion, her breasts bulged outward. They didn't droop, but maintained a perky appearance, swelling outward from her chest. Even with all of this, Kimberly didn't start to really become nervous until they had reached the size of volleyballs. By now the nipples had seemingly vanished and it appeared as though two balloons were inflating underneath her swimsuit.
This was starting to scare her, but what could she do about it? The swimsuit was starting to get uncomfortable as it began to strain at the seams and quiet hissing became audible to her. After a second or two, she realized it was centered in her chest. "Oh my gosh! I... I'm inflating..."
Then suddenly just as with her chest, Motoko's hips started to swell outward. And in moments they were the unmistakably shapely forms of two inflating legs that began pushing her legs apart as it inflated.
As that was happening Motoko's midsection began growing. Her flat tummy now took on a plump rounded shape as it swelled. Her chest seemed to be growing as well - not her breasts - it was more as if she were breathing in deeply. She soon realized that her entire upper body was inflating - from her shoulders to down below her belly. The growth was much faster than before.
She pressed on her belly as it swelled outward like an inflating weather balloon. Her breasts lifted a little more, separating as they began to obscure her face. As her belly steadily pushed out, she was forced to bend her knees and straddle her inflating torso. Soon her entire front was ballooning out before her eyes and it was now too big for Motoko to wrap her arms around. Beneath her inflated breasts, her chest expanded outward and farther down her suit pushed out between her thighs. She had become simply huge. Her swollen breasts had been pushed outwards and separated by more than a foot as her chest had inflated beneath. The swimsuit's neckline was now a huge, running from around her neck and shoulders and over her boobs.
Then sudden her back began to inflate as well and soon she became a giant round flesh colored balloon. Then the hissing noise became louder and then, as if on a hoist, she slowly lifted off the ground. She continued upward, waving her hands in the air to maneuver herself. Her body still growing larger and larger.
"Ohhhhhhhh............" She moaned and the pressure became to much for her to handle then suddenly
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: "So should we get started right away?" Rachael asked while walking in through the door. David closed the door behind her.
"We don't have to, you can rest a bit before we start studying"
"Thanks, I had to walk here."
David had asked his friend Rachael over to hep him study for their cooking test. They'd known each other for about two years, since their senior year of High School. The two were similar in some ways and different in others. David was nearly six feet tall, muscular though he had a bit of a stomach, short brown hair, brown eyes, he was shy and quiet, but very nice and polite. Rachael was 5 feet 4 four inches, she was a small thin woman with dark brown wavy hair that went down to just a few inches above her shoulders, her eyes were dark green. She had taken dance lessons for a few years awhile ago so she had a few muscles on her smooth legs, and her breasts were full but not huge or jug sized. She was shy and nice like David but a bit more out going.
Rachael was wearing a short brown skirt that ended two to three inches above her knees 'nicely showing off you legs' David thought to himself. She also wore large boots that were lined with white fur, a white blouse, a black scarf, and a dark green hoodie.
"But just for a few minutes." She said while removing her scarf and hoodie. David took them and hung them up on the coat rack.
"Anything you'd like to drink, Rach?"
"Umm, yeah, what do you have?" Rachael said while pulling her blouse sleeves back down to her wrists.David lead her to the kitchen of his house.
"I got water, some diet soda,milk, orange juice, tea."
"I'll take some tea, please."
"Cool, I was already heating some water for myself."
David took out two packages of tea mix, poured some water out of the kettle into a cup with the tea bag and gave Rachael her drink first .After taking her glass Rachael took a seat, crossed her legs and began sipping her drink.
"Nice boots." David said, taking his own seat.
"Thanks." She said while rocking one of her legs back and forth lazily. "I like your house."
"Oh yeah, this is the first time you've been in it." David had seen the inside of Rachael's house twice, once a get together with her for their graduation party, another time to give her his Christmas gift.
"The place is alright, but the landlord won't allow dogs, bitch." David said with a mean glint in his eye.
"Awwwww. And you love dogs."
"Well, after college I'll get my own house, and get like four dogs. Just like when I left. I miss living at home but this is a good experience for me. Just wish I could have dogs here."
"Hmmm." Rachael said while sipping her tea. Both of them loved animals, Rachael herself had two huge German Shepard's and a cat.
David asked, "What do you think of next terms classes?"
"I'm glad we only have to take four this time."
"Yeah, but all but one is three hours long."
"Still I'm taking one more."
"Really? I'm playing it safe for now. Which one?"
"Dance, and I'm glad too because I had to stop for college and my mom's been trying to get me to again and I've wanted to. Works out fine for me." she giggled.
"Hey that's good. If you ever going to be in a show, tell me and I'll be there."
"Thanks. I will."
The two talked for a bit longer until Rachael said.
"Okay I'm ready to start. I've rested."
"Sure. Hang on, is there anything you want to eat? I'm sorry I didn't ask sooner." David said while standing up.
"No I'm good." Rachael said also getting up.
"All right, how about we study in here? I'll get my textbook."
"That's fine" after that David left and went to his room for his textbook. While he was gone, Rachael noticed a display case next to her that was full of pictures of David and his family member and friends. She noticed that a picture that was recently taken was of her, David and his best friend at his Eagle Scout ceremony. David was in his uniform his arms around her and Ryan's shoulder and smiling. 'That was a fun time.' she thought to herself.
When David came out of his room he noticed Rachael had her back to him and was admiring the picture cases. She had her arms behind her back and had a curious air about her. 'She's so cute.' thought David. 'It's a pity she turned me down as her boyfriend.' Only a few weeks into his senior year did David develop his first crush, which was on Rachael. For a while he couldn't bring himself to ask her out, until he finally did but alas she apologized and said she couldn't because she already had a boyfriend. But after wards the two worked together and became friends. David was too busy in college to get a girlfriend anyway, but if it were Rachael it would work out since they had the same classes.
"Got it." he said and placed the some several-hundred-pages-too-long book onto the oak table. Rachael laid down her own note book and text and was about to sit down when David remembered something.
"Hang on, do you want to try some gum?"
"What kind?" Rachael asked while shaking her head back to get her beautiful brown hair out of her face.
"That's the weird thing. See a few weeks ago I saw an add in the paper for this new gum. They had it ready but they want some testers before they mass produce it. Y'know for feedback. So I wrote in saying I'll try some and I just got a small package of the gum in the mail this morning. It's called "Wonky Four Course Meal Gum".
One of Rachael's eyebrows rose, "Wonky's Four Course Meal Gum ?"
"That's the name."
"Were there any warnings included in the add?"
"I don't think so..."
"David, how do you know this won't do something bad to you?"
"Come on, this is practically the same as putting in into any store. I think it's just pre-feedback they want."
"I suppose...."
"Do you want to try it or not?"
"Maybe..." Racheal thought for a second. "Does it say what flavors this gum is?"
David looked at the multicolored back of gum. "Let's see, first it's tomato soup, then a green salad, after that is chicken and rice, and for dessert it's blueberry pie."
Racheal continued to think about it. "Hmmm, Wonky's why does that name sound so familiar?"
David chuckled. "You're probably thinking about Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, you know, Willy Wonka?"
"I suppose, but it feels like I'm forgetting something."
David laughed. "Wonky and Wonka. Four course vs. three course. Maybe you'll turn into a big blueberry just like Violet Beauregarde!"
Racheal rolled her eyes and gave David a playful shove, which didn't amount to much since he was almost twice her size.
"Well since it doesn't have beef, y'know it upsets my stomach, I'll try it."
David took out piece of gum out of case and handed it too Racheal. "I'll try one after you."
"You're letting me go first so that if it tastes like crap, which it probably will, you won't have the displeasure of tasting it yourself."
David smiled "You got it. Well not quite I'll probably taste it anyway. I'm like that even with people saying this one movie is terrible. They say it's terrible which makes me curious and I try it anyway and it's terrible."
"You're hopeless ,Dave." Racheal said while unpeeling the wrapper. David took the wrapper from her and threw it into the trash. Racheal was putting the purple strip of gum up to her lips when she heard a soft beating. She turned her head and saw that David was beating his palms against the table.
"What are you doing?"
"Drum roll."
"David." she whispered.
"Stop it."
Racheal smiled and turned back to the gum. The woman put the gum into her mouth and sealed it shut with her small lips and began chewing. She made an odd face for a second.
"Tastes like crap doesn't it?" David asked.
"No, just paper actually. It's a dud-Wait!" Suddenly Racheal's face brightened up. "Wow! I can actually taste tomato soup! It's as though I can feel it on my tongue! And it tastes like it's fresh out of the pot!"
"Whoa, are you serious?"
"Yes it's like I'm having a fresh bowl of it right now. Hmmm. Ah now it's changing, I can taste lettuce, carrots, tomatoes and radish! I guess I've moved onto the salad. It's pretty good. I can practically feel the carrots breaking between my teeth."
David looked at the gum container, "I wonder what the calories are in just one strip."
Racheal continued to chew the gum vigorously. "The salad left a bit to be desired but it wasn't bad. Now I can taste chicken served with rice. Now this is good! Such rich and filling chicken!"
David smiled at his friend. "I'm glad you're enjoying it. It's a good thing I ordered this after all."
Racheal continued chewing happily, "Oh, now it's changing once again. Yum it's blueberry pie all right! It's delicious! The pie is filled to the brim with blueberries! Wow this is so good!" The woman was savoring the gum.
David began to tear out a piece for himself, "That settles that! I'm having one now." He glanced back up at his friend's face and made a most peculiar expression of his own.
"What?" Racheal asked without stopping her chewing.
A odd thing was happening to Racheal. It looked like she was blushing but instead of her skin being red it was a light blue and seemed to be spreading on her face slowly.
"What?" Racheal asked again her long eye-lashed eyes blinking while her small soft lips became purple.
"Urm, Rach, believe it or not but you're blue."
"What are you talking about?" The blue was darkening and now spread completely over her face, and sank into her forehead that was covered by her bangs.
"Well, just your face I suppose." he stuttered but then noticed the blue was spreading down Racheal's creamy throat. "Now your neck." He added.
"Oh for goodness sakes, what are you talking about?" She asked irritably while placing one hand onto the top of the table and crossed one of her legs behind the joint of her other.'Nice poise.' David thought while admiring her legs then he shook himself out of it. "Racheal, I'm serious! Your body is changing color! Look at your hand!"
The woman rolled her eyes "Hmm great gum-" she started to say but then she caught sight of her hand.
"Oh my god! I am turning blue!" Her hand was already completely blue and the color was traveling down her body, under her clothing. Despite this odd development Racheal continued to chew the gum while looking around at her new skin color. Then David saw a light blueing on the skin just below where Racheal's skirt ended. It hadn't stopped that's for sure. The blue continued to spread down Racheal's thighs, then calves, shins, and most likely ended at her feet.
"I'm-I'm completely blue now." she said shocked.
"Racheal I think you should spit out that gum."
"I can't! It's so good!" she said still chewing it non-stop.
"You remind me of Gollum. Seriously spit it out."
"I told you I can't! Is there a number on the pack or in the ad?"
David quickly looked at the package. "Yeah! I'll call them and ask if there's a way to fix it." Racheal then said. "Umf, so much juice in my mouth." and promptly swallowed the whole huge mouthful of juice. 'Hmmm, the taste is so strong still.'. A split second after Racheal swallowed the juice, David let out a gasp.
"Now what?" Said the small blue woman.
"Umm,look down." David said while turning red in the face.
"My chest!" she cried out, her breasts had in fact swelled out a bit.Racheal swallowed another mouthful of juice and again her breasts swelled a bit more. "They're growing bigger!"
"Try spitting out the juice!" David said trying to help her but he also couldn't help but feel a little aroused due to Racheal's swelling blue chest. "Or try swallowing the juice in smaller gulps. Racheal tried this but her chest continued to swell at the same speed, it seemed that she didn't need to swallow more juice because she was swelling at the same rate. David noticed something else: that her thighs looked a bit fuller, and her stomach wasn't as flat as before.
"Hey, I'm afraid it's filling out in other place."
"What!?" At that she looked down and saw her body changing.
It was odd but David could have sworn he heard a very faint gurgling sound, as though water or some other liquid was coming out of nowhere and filling Racheal with it. Racheal's stomach jumped out another notch, her thighs and breasts continued to grow. By now her chest had grown a few cups sizes larger. Racheal placed her hands against her growing stomach and tried to push it back in due to it getting tighter around her waist. Now she looked to be a few months pregnant and the filling didn't seem to stop. Suddenly there was a small pop, it was the sound of the lowest button on her blouse popping out. Racheal's stomach and bellybutton were now showing between her blouse and the waistband of her skirt . Again she placed her hands against her stomach but the growing shape just pushed her fingers apart.
"Ooooh What's going on?" Racheal moaned while moving her hands to her thighs and tried pushing them back in. The thighs were growing thicker and thicker with the juice. *TWIP!* Another button flew off Racheal's blouse. David continued to watch in fascination as the woman's breasts, stomach, and thighs swelled. By now Racheal's breasts were straining against her top most buttons. Racheal then placed her hands against her ever growing cleavage and looked at David. "David! Hurry up and call that number!" she said angrily.
Then there was a *RRRRIIIIIIIPPP!* and the sound of a cloth landing on the floor. Racheal's green eyes widened and then she slowly looked down at her feet and shrieked. Her stomach and thighs had finally grown too large, and as a result they had torn her skirt which now lay down around her booted feet.
"My skirt!" Racheal shrieked. She was wearing white panties that were somehow stretching quite well against her growing thighs and stomach.
'White huh?' David mentally commented with a very flushed face, 'that goes good with your new blue skin.'
Racheal was blushing though instead of red her cheeks looked to be purple. Her stomach caused two more buttons to burst off revealing her huge blue stomach which caused her panties to slide down underneath it. Only one button was left on her blouse, which was holding it together over her breasts.
"David-" she started to say but then this last button finally flew off, exposing her growing blue chest. A matching bra was holding on tightly to her form, though despite her chest had grown to the size of bowling balls the bra held on. Her blue nipples were well outlined against the white cloth. Her sides began to fill with juice and the other parts didn't abate in their swellings. Due to her swelling sides, Racheal's arms were forced into horizontal positions. Her body was becoming rounder and rounder, she could feel the back of her blouse being pressed tightly against her back.
To David it looked like Racheal's arms and legs were being pulled into her body. Racheal's body swelled and swelled while she chewed and chewed while quickly whipping her face and hair around at her body in shock. In unison, the sleeves tore off the main body of her blouse, while that itself split in two and landed on the ground. Racheal nervously licked her purple lips, she noticed something amiss and licked them again. Her lips were even plumbing up! A third lick confirmed this fear and she even felt the juice plumbing up the cheeks on her face. The weight of her body was becoming heavy, she turned her feet inwards to help keep her standing but she could feel her legs trying to spread out.
Racheal closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. 'Ooooh this underwear is getting so tight on me!' Which shouldn't surprise anyone since by now her breasts were nearly the size of beach balls and the bra, though the two shoulder straps had ripped, still hung on. The bra now only looked like a strip of cloth the only covered a little more than her nipples. David looked closely and could see that the area around her nipples appeared to be damp and were getting the cloth wet. 'Why do my nipples feel wet?' Racheal thought to herself. 'God I JUST WANT THIS BRA OFF!' And with that the strap across her back finally broke and sent the bra sailing over David's head an into his kitchen leaving David to ogle at Racheal's huge breasts which showed that a little bit of berry juice was escaping from her nipples..
The blueberry woman's arms were indeed being pulled into her body, by now only a little bit of her forearms remained, with the tatters of her blouse around her wrists. Her shins and feet were all that remained of her graceful legs. Though not as tight, Racheal's panties were not stretching as well as before, a foot and a half gap was now between her bellybutton and the waistband of her panties. They were growing ever so tight around her crotch and buttocks. Racheal was blushing even more profusely due to the fact that all that remained of her attire was her panties and boots. She wasn't the only one blushing though, David was as red as a beet.
"David would you help me all ready!" She screamed at David who came out of his trance.
"Yeah sure of course."
"As you can see I'm just in my underwear so I'd appreciate if you could call-"
Racheal's panties began to shake due to the incredible pressure that they were undergoing, Racheal closed her eyes 'Please don't rip off!Pleasepleaseplease!' she mentally pleaded with herself. David marveled at this transformation, Racheal was no longer the dressed 5'4" beauty, she was now a nearly naked, round, shiny, blueberry woman.
"Wow." he whispered.
"David-" Racheal began but was once again interrupted but an odd noise. It was the sound of something straining and making a squeaking sound and it sounded like it was coming from behind Racheal. David hurried past Racheal's form, and had to slip in between the wall and her side and took note that her underwear shouldn't be able to hold on much longer because the side stitchings were starting to be pulled apart. The man inspected her backside and concluded that the odd sound was one side of Racheal's panties riding up her butt cheek. Then while inspecting the underwear began to shake again and the other side followed suit of the first. The bunched up underwear now gave Racheal the appearance that she was wearing a thong.
Racheal whirled her head around as best as her shoulders and fat cheeks allowed. "David? David!? Where are you I can't see you!" She said nervously, her sight was hindered by her still growing breasts.
"What are you doing behind me!?" Racheal said while turning her head around as best she could,. Her huge breasts were being bushing up further up in front of her face.
"I was just-"
"Stop staring at me and help! OOOHH GOD! THESE PANTIES ARE TIGHT!"
"Umm, do you,um, want me to pull them off you or something?-
"Hell no!" Racheal's face blushed even more, "I don't want to be naked!"
'I don't think they're going to last much longer anyway.' David thought, since the leg holes were stretched out at least several feet wide.
To Racheal's despair her overstretched underwear began to shake a third time. Racheal again closed her eyes' Oooooh! Please stay on!Pleaseplease!'. But it was to no avail, her panties gave one last groan, a slow riiip and then a quick loud *rip!*, they tore in the back and sailed off her body causing her to jiggle for several seconds.
Racheal cried out while David said "Wow, those were so small, I can't believe how big they stretched before ripping."
Racheal continued to swell up. "Awww, how much longer?" she moaned. David was worried she was going to swell until she burst. But thankfully both their prayers were answered, after only another thirty seconds she finally stopped.
"Looks like you stopped."
"I'm naked!" Racheal shrieked.
David marveled at Racheal's new look. She was small earlier but now she towered over him in all of her blueberry glory. Her crotch was pressed against the floor and that was keeping her upright mostly but her feet could still touch the ground, she no longer hand legs or arms or a neck, just a round blueberry with hands, feet,breasts and head sticking out of it.
"I'll um, I'll call that number now." David said while trying to squeeze past Racheal and the wall. His body accidentally brushed against her's and she started to wobble.
Racheal started flapping her hands to regain balance, "Whoooa! Help me David! My breasts are too heavy!WAAAA!" With that she tumbled forward landing on her breasts like they were pillows *DOOMMPH!*. Due to her landing on her breasts some of the berry juice squirted out of them.
"Do you want me to help you up?" David asked apprehensively.
Racheal twisted her head around, her hair falling around her face. "No, I really want to be a big blueberry forever. I'm more comfortable lying like this. JUST CALL THEM!!"
David was a bit shook up by seeing Racheal's angry side, he always saw her calm and shy side, which is why he practically leaped over to the phone and at long last dialed the number. "Hello, Wonky help line. My name is Steve how may I help you?" answered the man over the phone.
"Hi. My name's David and my friend Racheal tried your Wonky Four Course Gum and-" David went on to tell the story to Steve.
While Racheal lied there she realized something.
"Hang on, Wonky? I knew that name was familiar. That's a company that makes joke products! DAVID! WAS THIS ON PURPOSE!?" She furiously wiggled her hands and feet to try and get to David but sadly that's all she could do.
David covered the phone receiver, "I swear to god Racheal that I didn't intend for this to happen. I was just as ready to eat some of that gum when I heard how good the flavors were."
"Hmph!" was Racheal's answer and she turned her head away from him. David got back to Steve.
"Steve is there a way to reverse it?"
"Of course. But first you have to make sure she wants to change back."
"I'm quite sure I don't have to ask that. She's pretty pissed at her predicament and I can't blame her."
"Just ask her for the record. You have to."
David groaned and turned to Racheal. "Racheal, the man says I have to ask you this, do you want to change back to your former look?"
David turned back to Steve. "She says-"
"I heard her. Okay now in order to get her back to her original shape, that's easy, she just has to be juiced."
"Okay, how do I do that? Do you have a station or something for that?"
"No you can do it yourself."
"WHAT!?" David turned red in the face.
"It's easy, jump on her, squeeze her, drop stuff on her. It shouldn't hurt her and she won't burst. Not unless you drop her from a very high place but-"
"Are you serious" David asked while his face grew redder.
"I am. And to get rid of the blue skin we'll send you a gum that'll reverse that part. But she has to chew that after she's juiced. Juice her, call us back, and we'll send someone out with the reverse gum ASAP for free. This can all be done by the end of the day."
"Umm, okay. Sure. I guess I'll talk to you later. Thanks." with that David hung up the phone.
"What did he say?" Racheal asked from her lying position.
"Ummm, its seems that you can get your skin color back with some gum. About the juice, you have to be juiced by someone manually. Like me, or somebody else."
"Uh-yeah. Should I call your family and explain to them or-"
"I don't want them to see me like this, besides it'd take them forever to get me home and juice me. I'm here, you know about it, you do it so we can get it over with."
"If you're sure. I mean I'll be squeezing your whole body and-"
"I'll understand David don't worry. I'd rather it was a friend like you, that's better than going to some station and having one of their employee stranger do it"
"Okay. Is that gum still strong?"
"No, it lost it's flavor about a minute ago. I'm done with it"
David took out a paper towel and put it up to Racheal's face so that she could spit the gum out. David threw it into the trash.
"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."
Racheal seemed to be regaining her cool because her response was a sarcastic "Ha ha." David went into his garage and came back a moment later with several blue tarps He then laid one down on the floor and covered everything else in the room with the others. He then rolled Racheal onto the large floor tarp, he could hear all of those galleons of blueberry juice slosh around inside of her with each push.
When he got Racheal into position he said. "Before I start is there anything you want to drink?"
"Some water please."
David left and came back with a large glass of water with a straw in it. He put it up to Racheal's plumped purple lips and let her drink it until she was done.
"Thank you."
"Would you also like me to take those boots of your feet?"
"Yeah that would make me feel better." David then rolled her onto her back and took off her boots and socks.
When he did that he asked, "Are you ready?"
"Yes, and Dave thanks for helping me out. I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier, it's not your fault."
He took his hand, brushed back the hair on her forehead and began to calmly rub it, Racheal let out a relaxing sigh, "Don't worry about it." he said.
He placed his other hand onto one of Racheal's huge breasts.
"That's fine."
"Then let's juice you."
He squeezed it.
'Man, I'm am SO glad I moved out of my parent's house before this happened.' David thought to himself happily.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, deflation, second person
Text: Out of all the new store employees, Kay was easily your favorite. She hadn't been working there long, but she definitely made an impression: She was always on time, never missed a day, was unfailingly courteous to customers, and seemingly had the contents of the entire store memorized in a matter of days. It didn't hurt that she was cute, either. Probably the only downside was that she was a bit strange, like her train of thought reached all the major stops, but by taking routes only known to her. Still, she was cute.The day was coming to a close, and the manager had asked asked you and Kay to neaten up the back room. Your respective paths crossed a few times, ending with you and her on opposite sides of a storage shelf. Pulling product from a box, you placed it on the highest shelf, stretching up to reach it and causing your t-shirt to ride up on you. As you lowered your arm you noticed Kay staring at your midsection. She pointed. "You've got an outie.""Yes," you reply, fixing your shirt. "I've had it since I was a baby.""You know what they say about outie belly buttons, right?""Isn't it part of the umbilical cord that didn't get-"She cuts you off. "No, not that. They're actually tied-off balloons."You're struck mute for a second before laughing nervously. This was one of her stranger moments, to be sure. "No they're not, it's just scar tissue.""No, really!" Kay circles around the shelf. "Lemme show you."As she approaches you with an outstretched arm you back away, holding up your hands defensively. She makes a move for the hem of your shirt, and you push her hand away; undeterred, she reaches for it again with both hands, fending off your swings and slaps with surprising dexterity. "Kay!" you exclaim. "Knock it off!"In one smooth motion she yanks up your shirt with one hand, and jabs towards your stomach with the other. You feel her thumb and finger sink deep - too deep - into your navel. There is a pinch and a tug, and Kay pulls away with a triumphant expression. "See? Tied-off balloon."You take a moment to calm down after Kay's... attack? It was too calm for an attack, more like a tiff, or someone simply getting too personal with someone else. "Kay, you can't just start pulling off people's clothes and poking them, even if it is a joke.""It's not a joke. See for yourself.""Kay," you sigh, "nothing happened. You just-" You pull up your shirt, revealing the rubbery, knotted neck of a balloon where your navel would be, and your jaw drops. Your head snaps up to Kay, who merely points down at it as she gives you a knowing look. "...what did you do?""I didn't do anything," she replies. "You were like that the whole time.""This is..." Your mind reels, trying to comprehend the impossible."It's weird that you didn't know about this," Kay says, her voice strangely serious. "Especially since it actually works. Let me show you."Resting one hand on your shoulder, she gently pushes you back up against the wall. Part of you wants to resist and continue protesting, but you're too dumbfounded by what's happening to do anything but look between Kay and the new addition to your stomach that you apparently always had. As she lowers herself to one knee in front of you, you snap back to reality, blushing as you gape at her.Kay gives you a look. "Boy, you've got a dirty mind. All I want..." She pushes up your shirt, takes the knot of your navel and pulls at it with her fingers, and you feel your skin move far more than you thought it could. "...is to do..." With a tug the knot slips free, and she holds it pinched shut. "...this." Bringing her lips to it, she blows.You gasp, going weak in the knees. It's like suddenly eating a big meal but still having room for more, and sounds like nothing less than someone inflating a large balloon. Your skin stretches - there's no other word for it - as your belly grows to fullness, the largest you've ever seen it, and then beyond it. Despite the size it feels light, but you can't quite grasp how it's possible.She pulls away and flicks your stomach with a finger, creating a quiet, hollow "bwong." "Balloon," she says matter-of-factly. A second later she adds, "this is the first time I've had a chance to do this to someone, though.""Let me go," you say without thinking. A second later realization sets in, and your mind is filled with worst-case scenarios.Judging from her look she knows better than you what could happen, and she gives you a playful smile, but there's something sinister behind it. "Let you go?""Or else." The threat feels hollow. It's not the only thing that feels that way.She puts a finger to her chin, making a big show of thinking it over. "I suppose I could tie you off," she says. "But what fun is a half-filled balloon?" With that Kay leans in and blows into you again, and your shirt rides up on you as you swell. It's a simple act but it drains the strength from you, leaving you powerless to resist. A third breath follows, then a fourth, Kay steadily puffing away with no signs of tiring.The growth of your gut continues, but bit by bit the air travels elsewhere. Your chest grows large and puffy, filling out your shirt. Your jeans tighten, first around your hips, then in the back, then down the legs, constricting your body as it inflates. You can feel the fabric creaking as it stretches to contain you just before your shoes grow tight. As you press your hands against the wall, breath hitching in your throat with every puff she pushes into you, your sleeves become more snug around your biceps, not muscular but merely large. You flex your fingers as they stiffen and thicken from something light inside of them, fattening up like sausages.By now Kay is partially eclipsed from view by your own belly, closer in size to an exercise ball than any part of human anatomy. She stops breathing into you, holding your nozzle shut with one hand as she reaches over to a nearby shelf, picks up a paper clip and slides it into place on your navel. She stands and backpedals for a better look at you as she catches her breath, ignoring your confusion and shock. "That was easier than I thought it would be," she says.You step away from the wall, and the best you can manage is an awkward waddle as your gut sways and bobs. Every part of you is larger, but without any additional weight, and your clothes are almost painfully constrictive on you. You don't feel fat, and nobody could mistake you for it, but you do feel swollen with something inside of you but not of you. You reach around the curve of your stomach for your nozzle - only now will you admit to yourself it's a part of you - and feel your chubby fingers brush against it, barely out of your reach. Looking up at Kay you say, "deflate me. Please."She gives you a look of mock confusion. "Deflate you? But you're not a balloon, are you? You're a person." Looking down at her watch, she adds, "a person who needs to clock out and go home.""Kay," you protest, still reaching around your stomach, "I can't go out like this! People will stare!"She shrugs helplessly. "But people can't be deflated. Unless I'm missing something."You move your mouth to speak, but no words come out. You let your arms drop, and can feel your cheeks starting to burn; she knows exactly what she's doing and what she wants to hear from you. Taking a deep breath and feeling your shirt grow even tighter for a bit, you swallow your pride before saying, in a low voice, "Kay, I'm... I'm a balloon. A big, full balloon. Please deflate me.""Now was that so hard?" With a flourish she removes the paper clip, and there's the sudden sound of rushing air and a deflating balloon. You're filled with a sense of unconscious relief as the pressure inside your body finds release. Your clothing grows looser all at once as you gradually return to normal, your swollen midsection shrinking back down in the process. You move your hand to pinch your navel off when suddenly Kay is on you in a flash, grabbing you by the wrists and pushing you up against the wall. "But what fun is a half-filled balloon?"You struggle, but feel yourself growing weaker as air still streams out of you. Your body begins to go limp as your clothing becomes more loose, your shirt draped across your body, your jeans slipping down your hips, and your feet shrinking in your shoes. Kay's hands press up against the wall as your wrists go flat, and you're overcome by a sense of weariness as your head slumps forward bonelessly and too far, your nose touching your chest. You try to move, but can barely manage a twitch of your fingers.The sound of flowing air tapers off and Kay turns away from the wall, holding you up by your wrists with casual ease. She lowers you to the ground, rocking you back and forth as she folds you up on yourself. Toes touching your shins, shoulders touching your back; you're reduced to a neat pile, disoriented by the unnatural contacts between your body parts. She scoops you up, carrying you draped over one arm through the back room into the break room, where she opens her locker, takes out her bag, and unzips it.Kay bends her arm over the open bag and you slide off, crumpling up and coming to rest inside of it atop a stack of books and a water battle. She looks down at you. "Don't worry, I'll tell the boss that you left on time, but were feeling a little sick so you might not be in tomorrow. I've got it off, you know." She beams. "We're going to have -so- much fun."She zips the bag shut, and everything goes black.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: Leighton risked detention by running in the halls after the last bell rang, but he needed to quickly reach the east exit of the high school, where he knew Aurelia Houghton would be departing. He hated to see her go, but loved watching her leave. The pretty, bespectacled, long-haired brunette always made a point of wearing tight blue jeans, and Leighton was not about to miss the scenery.
He stood around the corner of the exit, sighing wistfully as he thought of third-period algebra, where he'd look up at Aurelia, sitting three desks in front and to the left, allowing him to admire how her shapely ass caressed her desk chair. He could stare at her as long as he could stand it--until the teacher asked him a question or until his physical arousal became sheer torture--because he knew he was basically invisible to Aurelia. He'd be surprised if she even knew his name.
"You got it bad for her, huh?"
Leighton jumped several inches. He had not heard the speaker approach him from behind. It was as if she had come from nowhere, but he chalked that up to his imagination.
The girl was new to his school, and she was not unattractive: A cute blonde, with delicate, round facial features, dressed unpretentiously in a pink top and white jeans. But the pleasantness of her demeanor was in contrast to the contempt in her voice.
What was this chick's name? Something foreign and weird, like--
"Melifera," she said, as if reading his mind.
He chalked that up to coincidence. "Right," he grumbled. "Got it bad for whom?"
She laughed bitterly. "Please. Aurelia Houghton. You're crazy about her, and she doesn't know you exist."
"Yeah, yeah," he said, somewhat annoyed that she had seen right through him. It was a cliche, but it was true: Aurelia wouldn't notice if he blinked out of existence.
"I can help you with that, you know," said Melifera, somewhat braggingly.
"Is that right?"
"If you want her to notice you, just say the word."
"And then what?"
She smirked. "Is that a yes?"
He chuckled humourlessly. "Sure."
He turned to look back at the exit door, but did a double-take when he noticed Melifera moving her lips. She wasn't saying anything--at least, not out loud--but appeared to mouthing something silently.
And that's when Leighton began to inflate.
It happened so quickly, he barely had time to register the shock. One second, he was an average teen of average size--the next moment, his chest and belly swelled out like a frog's, his arms and legs plumped up, his sides rounded and expanded into massive curves.
"What the hell is--hoomph!" He gasped in surprise and discomfort, as his body swelled so much it bumped into the bottom of his chin. He felt himself get slightly taller, but it was only his plumping feet pushing him upward.
At first, he thought it was pure terror that made him feel hollow inside. But he finally focused on the sound he heard, a sound like a balloon attached to a pump, the sound of air filling out elastic material. The sound grew only louder as his skin stretched thinner and thinner, pushing his body outward.
His shirt split and tore, shredding as it spread over the horizon of his chest. His jeans button burst, tearing open the denim and exposing his briefs, which also began to exceed their elasticity. His shoelaces split as his shoes seemed to explode from his feet. He briefly, if quixotically, imagined that he was turning into The Incredible Hulk. But this clearly wasn't muscle he was gaining: He was just fattening up with air, as if becoming a hot-air balloon version of himself.
He took his terrified eyes off his inflating form long enough to see Melifera's reaction. He was about to scream at her for help, but his look stopped the words dead in his bloated cheeks.
She just smiled. A pretty, beaming smile. But one of vindictiveness and gloating.
"You! How are you--guhhhh!" His tone changed from anger to supplication as another surge of air poured into him from some invisible air hose. "Please! What are you doing?"
"Well, this ought to get Aurelia's attention!" said Melifera cheerfully. "Who can ignore a human balloon?!"
"Oh, god, no! Stop! You wouldn't!"
"I would, and I am," Melifera taunted. "It's not just Aurelia that's going to notice you: In less than a minute, the entire school is going to see their schoolmate become a blimp! Unless, of course, you want to try to stop me."
Leighton shifted his bulging body around, trying to move away, in any direction, but he his body was too bulky to move. He was rooted to the spot, and only getting bigger.
"Yeah, I didn't think so," said Melifera, and giggled.
"Please," he repeated, "don't let her see me like this! I'll never live it down!"
"That's the idea," Melifera insisted. "I'll give them a balloon to remember!"
"Wait! Don't--!" Whatever command he was about to issue was cut off by another growth surge, one that expanded his rounded middle, spreading out his extremities across his rubbery surface, until he was almost entirely round. He squirmed, succeeding only in producing some embarrassing and noisy squeaks. And he still kept growing, his head rising higher and higher in the air, and he could see little past the horizon of his own blimping body.
Suddenly he felt something touching his middle. He felt so fragile, like a soap bubble, that the touch startled him. He saw the world tilt toward him as his body shifted its axis. Soon he was looking Melifera in her pretty, victorious face.
"How's the weather up there?" she said, snickering. "I figured you would know, being a weather balloon and all."
"What do you want from me?" he wheezed through puffy cheeks.
"Why, just to give you the attention you wanted!" Melifera said with mock hurt.
Just then, the school bell rang. Leighton felt a hollowness in the pit of his belly, which was correspondingly massive.
"Time for me to go," said Melifera. "Oh, and I wouldn't mention my name to any passer-by. I just might blow you up until, well,... Boom."
"Boom would be bad," Leighton admitted, and watched as Melifera headed for the cover of some nearby trees.
Students at first trickled out the exit, then flooded. Leighton had some small hope that no one would turn around...
But he was discovered in minutes. A couple of students turned around and gaped, then broke out laughing. Other students turned to see the commotion. It took only another minute before a fifth of the student body was now looking and laughing at the schoolyard blimp.
"What happened to you?" asked one student, between howling bouts of laughter.
Leighton swallowed, looking over at the trees and seeing Melifera giving him a "shhh" gesture.
"Um... I did this," Leighton croaked, his face blazing red from both strain and humiliation.
"Why?" asked a female student, grinning ear to ear.
"Uh..." He bit his lip and forced it out: "I wanted to be a balloon."
Laughter erupted amongst the students again, some whipping out their cell phones to take pictures for their websites. All the while, more and more students poured out of the building, and the crowd quickly snowballed in size.
Until, at last, his worst nightmare came to pass.
Aurelia Houghton, his dream girl, exited the school building. The lovely young brunette was immediately attracted to the crowd and followed the line up to her bloated schoolmate. She looked up at the human balloon, and after seconds of astonished gaping, began laughing with the rest of the students. "Oh my god! What's up with THAT?!" she asked the crowd, pointing.
Another girl turned around. "He said he wanted to be a balloon!"
Aurelia laughed again. "Oh, that is hilarious!"
Leighton winced. He wanted so much to float away, or roll away, or even bounce away, but he was utterly helpless. He couldn't respond to all of the taunts, and there were many: "Let's tie a string to him and turn him into a float!"
"No, let's roll him in the gymnasium and bounce him around!"
"Force-feed him marshmallows and watch him burst!"
And even if he could respond, there was no way it would gain him an ounce of dignity. Besides, they were right: He looked ridiculous. He was nothing but a big, fat balloon. He had to simply endure--endure the pointing, the laughing, the taunting, the staring, and the endless fat jokes. Occasionally he had to endure a curious student poking him in the stomach to see if he'd giggle (he didn't, despite their repeated attempts). Others would manhandle him just to feel the doughiness of his skin.
"Feel him!" said a female student, who ordinarily would've been accused of some very inappropriate touching. "He feels just like a giant beach ball!"
The students surged forth, pawing him, pushing their hands firmly into him, compressing the air inside him, making Leighton bulge dangerously in other places. One of the hands belonged to Aurelia, and she giggled as she watched her hand sink into his middle and push air further into his puffy face.
Although he knew he couldn't change reality, Leighton prayed that Aurelia would just turn around, walk away, and forget the whole afternoon.
But that would never be, and he knew it. Everyday at school for the rest of his young life he knew he would be reminded of this day. The other kids would call him "Balloon-Boy," or some such thing, and make humiliating jokes whenever he entered a room. That was his future.
At that moment, he wished he could just burst into nothingness.
But he wouldn't get even that kind of relief. The kids still pummeled him with taunts, and some asked him questions that he had to answer without mentioning the cute new girl, Melifera, who looked balefully upon him from her arbourous hideout.
Does it hurt? No.
How long did he want to be a balloon? Always.
How did he do it? Just willed it, that's all. It's a gift.
The whole time, he tried to keep his eyes from locking with Aurelia's, which was hard to do, because she had moved to the head of the pack--and she had such beautiful eyes behind her black, thick-rimmed glasses.
Finally, when the jokes and laughter began to wear down, Aurelia spoke up. "So," she said, once again putting her hand--gently this time--on his rubbery body, "how big can you get?"
Leighton swallowed as he looked down at her. He was always nervous around pretty girls, and Aurelia terrified him. He paused momentarily to drink in the lovely vision of her young, gorgeous face, decorated with a sultry smile.
Was there something he saw in her smile? Maybe... just maybe... admiration?
He gazed over her head at Melifera, who, not surprisingly, just smiled back. And then she winked at him.
Leighton looked around the expectant faces of the amused crowd, before settling back on Aurelia.
"Oh, I can get MUCH bigger!" he boasted.
"Really?" Aurelia asked. "Let's see you do it."
Leighton saw Melifera's lips move in silent invocation yet again.
His body hissed like an inflating balloon, and he swelled in all directions. "I can get REALLY big, Aurelia! Huge! I can be as big as a house!"
Aurelia tilted her head. "Is that all?"
"No!" he insisted. "Bigger than a house! Bigger than the whole school! Bigger than a mountain!"
Aurelia giggled. "Cool."
Leighton continued to swell, forcing the crowd to take several steps backward. Soon he looked as if he could've swallowed a schoolbus. "Look, Aurelia! I'm huge! And I can get even bigger than that!"
He continued expanding, until the students had to crane their necks to make out his red, puffy face. "Yes! Yes! I'm a giant balloon! An enormous blimp! Can you see me?!"
"Who couldn't see you?" said Aurelia with another giggle.
"Can you believe it?!" Leighton cried down to her. "Everyone's going to see me! Everyone's going to see me because I'll be as big as the sky!"
Now roughly the size of a house, Leighton continued to surge higher into space. Drowned out by his boasts, the squeaks and hissing from his body became increasingly higher pitched as his skin grew more and more taut.
"Pump me up more!" he shouted to Melifera, though to the students, he appeared to be cheering on his own body. "Yes, yes, yes! Make me bigger! Bigger! Bigger! Make me the biggest balloon Aurelia's ever seen!"
He had almost reached the height of the school building when his last growth spurt ended. The foreboding, elastic squeaks were almost constant, his gossamer, bulbous form trembling slightly from the immense pressure inside him.
"No! Don't stop!" Leighton cried. "Blow me up even bigger! Blow me up until I EXPLODE!"
Melifera mouthed one brief word, and Leighton surged bigger again.
"Watch this, Aurelia! I'm going to blow myself up till I POP! You'll never forget this! You'll remember this moment for the rest of your life: The time you saw a giant balloon POP! I'm going to make such a loud bang when I explode! Watch me burst, Aurelia! Watch me BURST! WATCH ME B--!!"
The students' ribs shook as Leighton burst, sending a shockwave across the schoolyard and beyond.
The students giggled even as their ears rang. It was like watching a human firework display, and the students would reminisce about it for years.
Finally, the crowd began drifting away, along with Leighton's scattered, airbourne remnants.
"Who was that kid, anyway?" asked a female student.
Aurelia shrugged. "Beats me."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating
Text: It goes without saying that women can, at times, be far more vengeful than any man could ever dream of being. This is a story of vengeance, misplaced trust, and helium. Mostly the latter.
Kendra was 19. She had long brown hair, dark green spectacled eyes, freckles, and a warm smile. She would give the time of day to people not deserving of the time of month. She was well liked by most, despised by one.
Sarah was 20. She had short blonde hair, blue eyes, a fair complexion, and a smile that left you a little uncertain of her intentions. She meant well, even though she didn't always show it. She was liked by several, adored by many, and idolized by one.
One fine day, as many days go in this era, Sarah was feeling decidedly unfine. So unfine, in fact, that she had made up her mind to stay home from work. She rested in bed, pondering things like life, tricycles, and goldfish; all delightful things to ponder about when you're sick.
Five miles away, a small flower shop sat along a busy street. Inside this shop sat Kendra, adjusting a rather fine tulip arrangement. The phone rang and she picked it up. "Jones' Florist, how may I help you?" she asked in a rather upbeat tone of voice. She nodded a few times then added "Oh darn, I'm certainly sorry to hear that. I will work doubly hard to pick up the slack. Have a wonderful day!" Sarah was sick. Not allowing this to phase her, she returned to the arrangement. Suddenly, she had an idea. She called Sarah's boyfriend and invited him into the shop to assist with a surprise for his girlfriend.
Half an hour later, a red sports car pulled up to the shop. In walked William. "You're such a good friend, you know that?" he asked.
Kendra nodded, "don't worry, we'll give you most of the credit."
William shook his head, "No, I could never do that, this is your act of kindness, not mine."
"Ah, but I'm putting you in charge of this project now. So, boss, how will we start?" Kendra said.
William went to the back wall and selected a series of bright colored balloons and handed them to Kendra. "And Lilly of the Valley, she loves those."
Kendra selected the finest specimen in the store and began arranging them in a nice basket. Following that, she walked to the helium cylinder. Kendra was the resident balloon expert. She loved them, and her love for her creations was visible in each arrangement she made. Her skills were famous all across the county. it was rumoured that she could transform even the most lifeless flower arrangement into a masterpiece with just one aureate addition. Her current project was certainly no exception. Ten vivid balloons adorned the flowers, creating a bouquet that would put a smile on anyone's face.
As Kendra placed the finishing touches on the arrangement, Sarah, deciding to make sure the shop was alright, pulled up across the street. William's parked auto piqued her interest. She eyed the window for a moment, and made out two vague figures. Soon enough, both Kendra and William exited the shop, Kendra with a magnificent arrangement in tow. Kendra handed the basket to William and helped him get it into his car. Sarah continued watching, a spark of jealousy growing deep within her. As Kendra waved goodbye, Sarah's spark was fanned into an inferno of hatred. After Kendra reentered the shop and William was well out of view, Sarah stormed into the building herself.
"Oh, hello Sar-" Kendra managed to get out before Sarah cut her off.
"So, you think since I am at home sick, you can just have your way with my William? Is that it?!"
"No, I-" Again, Kendra was interrupted.
"I can't believe you! I thought we were friends!" Sarah was furious. "I saw the balloon bouquet, everything! I can't believe you!!"
"Sarah, the bouquet was for you!" Kendra finally managed to get out. Her glasses slipped down her nose as she yelled, something she wasn't used to doing. She pushed them back up.
"Oh, I'm sure. I knew he had been eyeing you for some time! I knew it! I can't believe you'd do this to me!" Sarah was in hysterics.
"Sarah, please listen to me," Kendra pleaded, "You know I would never-"
"A balloon bouquet! From my store, no less!" Sarah was lost in rage. She had suspected William of cheating on her for several weeks, a feat he had never done, especially with the ever-so-kind Kendra. Sarah's damaged self-esteem found this a prime opportunity to make an excuse for itself. It just so happened to find poor Kendra as a target to do so. "I saw them, too! Those were your special balloons!"
"Sarah, they were for-" Kendra tried again, desperately.
"Him?! I knew it!! How could you, you little... you little... BALLOON TWIT!" Sarah was furious.
"Sarah, no!" Tears began to stream from Kendra's eyes.
"Shut up! I've had it with you!" Sarah yelled, "I'm going to... I'm going to...†Her eyes caught a glimpse of the green helium tank sitting in the corner. With one arm she tugged the poor Kendra over to the tank, she grabbed a roll of packing tape with the other. Without saying a word she shoved Kendra up against the wall and held her in place.
"Please, stop!" Kendra pleaded, "What are you doing?"
"Why, I'm making an even better balloon to give to William. After all," Sarah grabbed the hose for the tank and shoved it firmly between Kendra's lips, "he can't like your balloons better than mine, and he already likes you, so I just figured I'd make it easier on both of us." With that, she tore off a length of packing tape and attempted to secure it to the sobbing girl's mouth.
Kendra spit out the hose, "Please! Don't do thi-"
Sarah jammed the hose back into Kendra's mouth and quickly taped it into place. Kendra's eyes grew wide as she saw Sarah's hand moving closer to the valve. She shook her head vigorously, trying to dislodge the apparatus. Sarah's hand carefully twisted the knob. Kendra's cheeks bulged out like balloons as the gas rushed into her. It filled up her lungs and rushed back out of her nose. The helium made her lightheaded and blurred her vision as she looked pleadingly back at Sarah.
"What's the matter? I thought you LOVED balloons!" Sarah twisted the knob some more. More gas rushed through the girl's nostrils. "Uh oh, it looks like our balloon has a leak! We can't have that, now can we?" Sarah unrolled some more tape and forced it over Kendra's tiny nose. With the helium's escape route blocked, the gas began to build up and Kendra's cheeks bulged out further, comically distorting her face.
The gas filled and filled the poor girl, it rushed down her throat and into her body. A soft creaking sound could be heard as her skin pulled firm. Still aware, Kendra was in shock and panic. She could feel the gas forcing its way into her tiny body, plumpening her up all over. Suddenly, her slouched figure began to straighten up. Her cheeks were now the size of cantaloupes as her shoulders began to fill up and out. Slowly, her arms began to raise up away from her sides as they filled with helium, bulging them out. Most of the gas was collecting in her upper half so far, puffing out her face and chest. Her breasts began to inflate slowly, like rising dough. As her arms stuck straight out to her side, her hands and fingers plumped softly out. Her blouse restricted much of the spreading of the gas, keeping her form intact, albeit exaggerated.
Kendra began to feel very light and airy. She felt so funny, so inflated! she couldn't believe what was becoming of her. Her breasts continued to blow up, they filled out big and round. When they reached the size of large beach balls, the helium began to force its way into lower parts of her body. Her waist and tummy began to swell out a bit, as did her thighs and butt. Her white skirt pulled tight against her inflating body. The gas migrated down her legs, pumping up her calves and feet as it did so.
With her entire body filled, the gas continued to increase in pressure. Her breasts filled some more, forcing her nipples to audibly pop out. Her fingers, too, began to fill and bulge as the helium filled her. her calves and thighs bulged against her skirt and hosiery.
Sarah opened the valve all the way.
Kendra's eyes widened as much as they could behind her ballooned cheeks. The gas forced its way into wherever it could find inside of the poor, overinflated girl. Her body slowly began to rise off the ground. Her seams burst as her arms and legs jutted stiffly out from her body. Her belly button popped out and her lips blew up as the helium found every last space within her body. Her skin squeaked as she was inflated with more gas.
Finally, Sarah shut off the valve and eyed her creation. 5'6" with 40" thighs and 32" arms, the ballooned Kendra just bobbed in the air of the room, like the gigantic blimp of a girl she had become. Sarah carefully removed the hose and capped off the strong gust of air with another piece of tape before her associate could deflate. Even so, the small release of air sent ripples all throughout Kendra's body. She elongated and fattened as the remaining gas fought for equilibrium inside of her. She tried to release a couple of vocal squeaks as Sarah tied a red ribbon around her left ankle. The inflated Kendra, just light enough to escape gravity, was pulled closer by Sarah as she tied a counterweight to the other end of the ribbon.
Then, the telephone rang.
"Now don't go anywhere, mmkay?" Sarah talked sweetly to the balloon girl.
Kendra tried to squeak in reply.
Sarah made her way to the still-ringing phone. "Jones' Florist, how can I help you?" she asked. It was William. "Oh, Kendra? I'm afraid she's tied up at the moment. However, I do believe she has something she wants you to pick up at the shop. Five minutes? Great! It'll be waiting here for you."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, burp, gas
Text: Power lunches, something Nicole had only seen done in the city, important business conducted over a quick salad or ciabatta in a café close to the office. Nicole didn't really have time for all this yuppie faddism but she wanted to fit in with her colleagues, make friends and move up the career ladder. Thus, when a colleague said they were going to "do" a power lunch, Nicole self grudgingly agreed to join them. It was after all about a design issue which she was deeply interested in and wanted to become more involved. Nicole was a recent graduate in built environment studies and worked for a firm of consultant engineers and designers, she was currently just writing planning application advice for clients and was eager to get more involved in the design side. She wanted to impress the chief designer who would be at this power lunch so she tagged along with the small group to a café round the corner from the office which was popular with yuppie types.
The café was small and personal, cleanly and crisply decorated with glass and pine tables, black and white pictures on the walls and plants by the windows and in every corner. The group sat down, clustered around the designer and a barista came over to take their orders. Everyone ordered some kind of light salad and macchiato, another yuppie fad, Nicole couldn't understand all this light eating, if you were going to have lunch then make it worthy of the title, she ordered a pepperoni baguette and a mocha; one of the yuppies looked over at her with a perceptible look of disapproval and pity. Nicole felt slightly annoyed at them all and at herself for attending something this superficial, she knew fine well nothing would be achieved at this power lunch, just kudos and career advancement, for that was why she was there, she felt slightly ashamed. Just then the designer looked up and caught Nicole's eye, then the barista's.
"Actually, make mine a pepperoni too" he said, "I've a long day ahead of me, I need something inside me."
Nicole smiled to herself, maybe he wasn't as shallow as all this, if so then she would be at an advantage, looking round the yuppies at the table she saw they looked flustered and uncomfortable at having their social protocol overruled in this way.
The meeting began and while Nicole listened with intent she felt she had little to add, and sat back, feeling unnoticed and excluded. She wasn't especially interested in most of what was being discussed and concentrated instead on her baguette, wolfing it down in a couple of minutes. She had perhaps gone at it a little too fast, for she felt a little wind, still outside the group, she rubbed her stomach and tried not to burp. As she held the wind down she felt it increase in pressure as though growing angry at her refusal to let it free, but she didn't want to ruin any respect any of the group may have for her. She tilted her head downwards and breathed deeply, trying to calm the force growing within her. She could feel it surging within, trying to force its way out, causing her to shift uncomfortably on her seat as she tensed trying to prevent such an embarrassing outburst.
Nicole felt another surge of wind and looked down at her stomach, rubbing it again, it looked a little distended and felt somewhat more bloated and round than before. Keep it in, Nicole thought to herself, straining to quell the bloating. With a deep gurgling sound, Nicole's midriff blew out further, pushing out against her white blouse and untucking it from her grey skirt.
"Oooh" Nicole moaned as quietly as possible and pushed in against her bloated tummy, trying to push it back in and tuck her blouse back in. Her stomach felt springy, like a balloon, inflated with air and as she forced it inwards she felt the pressure building up in her, almost forcing a belch. She swallowed and released her belly hoping she could hide its expansion till she could get somewhere alone to release the gas, it reinflated, bigger than before; she felt the gas angry inside her bubbling and toiling away, expanding itself and heaving her petite girl's stomach outwards, like a balloon at low pressure, challenging it to contain it's growth. Nicole sat back, trying her best to look comfortable, she tried to catch her colleague's eyes, reassuring them nothing was wrong, but she knew she looked a little flushed; and they a little suspicious.
The meeting went on, of little interest to Nicole, but she endured it, just a torrent of meaningless jargon. The torrent building up inside of her was more distracting. She winced slightly as her sitting back had given the pressure more room to grow. Unnoticed by the rest of them, her abdomen was still blowing up, bigger and bigger. She placed her hands on it, smoothing over its taut rounded surface, making shushing noises as she tried to steady its unease. It appeared now like she was nine months pregnant, but different as it was her stomach that was inflating, just above her abdomen. She knew she wouldn't be able to leave her seat now without being noticed and looked around uneasily for an opportunity to escape. The others were still sitting around talking, oblivious to her plight. Her stomach was still rising, gradually exposing her flesh as it untucked her blouse and straining the buttons on her blouse. She sank down in her chair trying to keep her bloated figure hidden beneath the table. Again, another surge of pressure and quite bubbling sound and she felt her whole stomach tighten and expand. It was now taut and spherical, like a huge beach ball inside her. She tapped it gently with her fingertips and both felt and heard it reverberate like a drum. It was still visibly growing as the volume of gas it contained gradually increased and the pressure mounted.
Nicole rubbed her beach ball again, now so wide she could only just reach around it, smoothing her hands over it and feeling the stretched fabric of her blouse over it; creases radiating out from the buttons which were straining to hold tight against the bulging flesh beneath; the blouse stopped short of her belly button, revealing taut shiny flesh, which she rubbed her hands over, moaning quietly as the felt the shallow dimple and prominent bump of her navel. Further down and under, so she couldn't see it was her skirt, pushed down and creased up by her expanding belly. Nicole watched it expand again, her hands resting either side so she could feel herself blowing up, like a balloon inflating in her hands. Her eyes were like billboards, her mouth distorted into an expression of fear and discomfort. She closed her eyes gently and moaned again, quietly to herself.
"Hurry up, get this over with and leave me alone" she whispered to herself, the thought directed at her colleagues, still discussing things, still oblivious to her; she desperately needed to burp... but she must wait. Nicole grasped her hands around her stomach and squeezed her arms together, trying to push it back in, but it was no use, she was like a high pressure vessel, so tight and pressurised that she was solid, with only a tiny bit of give. Suddenly she was aware that her stomach was not all that was inflating, she could hear a soft hiss as the pressure escaped to other parts of her body, her lap began rising as her thighs inflated and her breasts were also blowing up, increasing in cup size from C to D so that her bra felt tight. She continued to pump up all over in time to the hissing. She felt her ass inflate underneath her, her left buttock swelling up first so that she was tilted to her right as though an air bed she was sitting on was blowing up unevenly; then her right buttock pumped up until she was level again, but still rising. Her beach ball stomach hadn't stopped inflating either, so she could no longer reach around it and it was jamming her in to the chair, stuck between the armrests so she couldn't get up. They hadn't noticed yet, but they would soon at the rate she was now expanding, she really had to burp, couldn't they just end the meeting so she could be alone and let it all out. Then one of her colleagues spoke.
"But if the market continues to inflate at this rate then at some point it like anything overinflated has to pop!"
Nicole felt her cheeks puff up with the gas inside her.
POP! Nicole hadn't thought about this, she ran her hands over and under her stomach and underneath her thighs and up to the sides of her ass, all tight, and still stretching as the gas inside her blew her up. It was also difficult to move her arms as they too were inflating, and being pushed out to almost right angles Her body felt just like a balloon just when it was about to burst, at the point where the person blowing it up would probably be wincing away from the overinflated vessel. Nicole winced away from her own expanding body, but she knew that was silly, if she was going to go pop she wouldn't be able to avoid the explosion by cowering away, it would totally consume her, she'd BE the explosion! Best just to keep a straight face so nobody notice what was going on under the table, from the sound of things they were finishing up, papers being gathered back up and concluding points made, she'd be able to make an excuse to stay and finish her drink and then let it all out and save herself from being blown apart, back to normal. She felt relieved at this, but anxious for them to hurry up and leave; she was still inflating and she really really didn't want to go bang, which wouldn't be much longer judging from the way she could feel the straining of her overinflated body right through her, so time was important. Nicole felt her expanding body again, how could they not have noticed, she was like a blimp, the bloating starting to engulf her whole body so her torso was almost spherical, retaining little of her womanly shape save her breasts which were now humongous, like two volleyballs and her puffed up limbs tapering to useless tiny hands and feet! They were too engrossed in the meeting and she had done a good job of sitting away from the crowd, unnoticed.
At that moment the designer stood up and rubbed his stomach.
"Ahh" he announced to the group who were also rising to their feet, "That was lovely, shame nothing actually got resolved with the meeting though," then to Nicole's amazement, and discomfort, he burped loudly.
"Excuse me" he said, Nicole's yuppie colleagues looked as shocked as her "better out than in though."
Nicole was gazing at him eyes wide, forgetting her own trouble and not noticing the creaking sound coming from her body at it strained, round as a balloon trying to hold the pressure as she reached her limit; or the pop, pop, pop as two of the buttons on her blouse and the bottom of the zipper on her skirt blew off. Everyone around the table was now stood up and they and indeed the café as a whole, had noticed the bloated blimp girl wedged in her seat. The last thing Nicole saw was the group staring at her, eyes wide, mouths agape. She felt a twitch, like a shiver running across her whole body...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, Bursting with Gossip, pump, revenge
Text: Shelley's heart felt inflamed with revenge and her mind muddled by drink. She was young, attractive and hard working; she fully deserved her success and had had a meteoric rise through the world of politics, being made a junior minister in the ministry of administrative affairs less than 2 years after first being elected to parliament. Politics, however, was a fickle game; public opinion and the devil on its shoulder that is the media, your boss. A nasty rumour could easily shoot down even the most integral and conscientious of politicians. Mary's success had been no different, less than a year after graduating she had become one of the tabloid media's top young reporters winning awards for uncovering several scandals involving top cabinet ministers. However, Mary's success had clearly gone to her head. Shelley and Mary had been friends for years, however Mary had thought nothing of running a story implicating her old university room-mate in a cash-for-questions scandal. Shelley was innocent, she hadn't known what others had been doing in her name, and Mary knew this, but their friendship didn't get in the way of Mary's career, and now Shelley's career was in tatters, the media ruining her public image and she wanted revenge. Mary's proliferation of scandal had led to colleagues saying she was 'bursting with gossip' and now she was going to find out just how literally that could be taken.
It was late, and quiet out on the cobbled streets of Westminster. In the silvery moonlight, Shelley used the keys she still had from when they were friends and unlocked the front door to the Georgian townhouse Mary lived in and furtively crept inside, carrying a hand pump in behind her. Quietly she moved through the house until she found herself gently pushing open the door to Mary's room, it swept gently across the carpet making little noise and Shelley peered round at Mary's bed. Mary lay asleep on her side, looking soft and peaceful, with her long, silky dark hair draped over her curvy body, a contented little smile on her softly tanned face and a pink blouse nightdress and pink cotton boxers, her slender legs, pulled up to her pert bosom and protruding from a gently crumpled sheet which was sliding off her onto the floor.
'This is too easy' Shelley thought.
Shelley padded over to Mary's bed and set the pump down on the floor beside her. She placed her hands on Mary's body, feeling how soft it was and gently rolled her over onto her back, straightening her legs across the mattress and carefully placing Mary's hands on her toned stomach and smoothing her hands across her sides, tucking her into the sheet. Mary smiled slightly in her sleep at Shelley' touch she stirred, making a little sigh.
'She looks so peaceful' thought Shelley, 'It's a shame to have to do this to her'.
Shelley took the end of the hose from the pump and put it against Mary's mouth, her lips closed around the hose and Shelley pushed it in, letting Mary suck on it like a child sucking her thumb. Shelley went back to the pump and slowly, carefully lifted the plunger, so that the gentle hissing was as quiet as possible. Then, carefully she pushed it all the way down, there was a gentle whoosh and Mary's cheeks puffed out briefly as the air rushed into her. Shelley raised the plunger again and looked at Mary, this time she placed her hand under the sheet on Mary's stomach, just above Mary's own hands and...
Mary's cheeks puffed out briefly again, and she also felt her stomach rise slightly and the nightdress tighten against the expanding Mary. Shelley carried on gently pumping the hand pump.
With each pump she felt Mary's stomach rise slightly, like an airbed being pumped up; Shelley took her hand away; she was now visibly inflated, her abdomen looking somewhat bloated and her nightie stretched smooth across her swollen belly. She was still fast asleep, her hands still across her stomach.
'Well I should get on with it, I have a lot to do tonight' thought Shelley, and she grasped the plunger again and pushed it down.
Shelley was pumping more vigorously now, with the first whoosh, Mary's cheeks puffed up again, but this time as she pumped more and more pressure into her they stayed inflated. Mary's body inflated slowly underneath the sheet, Shelley could see, not only her stomach filling out with each pump but her breasts, ass and thighs as well. She now looked sort of pregnant, but more rounded, with an inflated body to match. After about a minute of pumping Shelley stopped, to give her arms a rest, and Mary's cheeks deflated, she ran her hand across the inflated girl's body, feeling the soft fabric crease and fold over her belly, but there was certainly a lot of tension in it and the fabric felt tight. Shelley pushed the plunger down again.
Mary's whole body was now inflating, rising, expanding like a balloon being pumped up, in a pulsating, rhythmic motion, with each pump Mary bulged slightly, the fabric of her nightie stretching as the girl inflated beneath it before relaxing into it's new form. Her inflating bum was lifting her off the mattress and she wobbled slightly on it, bouncing off her thighs or arms as the inflated limbs touched the mattress.
Shelley carried on pumping Mary up... and up, and up. The girl on the bed expanded bigger and bigger. Her ass was pumping up beneath her like two beach balls, stretching the fabric of her boxers. Her breasts were also pumped up to an impressive size that Dolly Parton would have been proud of. Her whole body was becoming rounder and her arms and legs plumping out so she looked ridiculously cartoon-like, like a balloon girl.
Shelley could now feel the resistant of the pressure inside Mary, as she pushed down on the pump, she couldn't stop now. Mary's hands slipped off her bloated belly and slid down her sides, hanging down as she was so inflated that they didn't touch the mattress above the elbow. Now with each pump her inflated arms and legs were pushed outwards, up away from her body and away from each other by their own expansion.
'She should be incapable to moving now' Shelley thought. 'Time to wake her, I wouldn't want her to miss this.'
Shelley was about to poke one of Mary's balloon breasts when she thought better of it.
'I know how I can wake her up.'
She went back to the pump and pulled the plunger all the way up; the air rushed into the pump with a soft whoosh. Shelley took a couple of deep breaths and then forced the plunger down with all her strength.
Mary's whole body expanded visibly, straining her nightdress. With a bang, the button directly over her rounded stomach blew off, pinging off the lampshade. Mary woke with a start.
'What the...' Mary thought.
But she couldn't speak, only make muffled 'mmphs' and 'nnghs'. There was a hose in her mouth, she wanted to pull it out but when she woke she noticed her body was rounded in front of her, blocking her vision, she felt pumped up and her nightie felt tight against her inflated body. She couldn't move to pull the hose out, only able to wobble on her bottom, from side to side. She tried to spit it out but it was too far in. She looked around the room in her half awake state, wondering if she were dreaming, then suddenly...
Mary felt her cheeks puff out with air that was coming out of the hose and she felt her whole body tighten and saw her breasts immediately in front of her expand.
'Oh my god!' she thought, 'I'm being inflated like a...'
It happened again, Mary felt her boxers tightening between her legs and herself and she rose off the bed slightly as her balloon body pumped bigger. She waved her hands uselessly, causing her inflated arms to bounce up an down; she could feel the bouncing reverberate through her body.
She felt herself expand again, her bulging stomach and breasts straining the front of her nightie. BANG, another button popped off and Mary heard the ping as it hit a wall in her room.
'Oh god no, who's doing this?' she thought, 'Ooh the pressure, I feel like I could just blow at any moment'.
Mary felt a pair of hands touch the sides of her body, sliding across the top of her; stomach, and then someone hauled themselves up on to her, Mary's body rebounded under the weight like a bouncy castle. She felt a light slender body climbing on top of the inflated Mary, out of her view. She felt the person's legs against the tops of her legs as they lay across the top of her.
'They seem so small, I must be huge!' she thought.
Then she felt a hand on each breast, just above the nipple, she could see them too, just the fingers over her outsized melons. The person pulled themselves up over her breasts and a head appeared above her bust. It was Shelley, her old friend, they had fallen out when Mary printed something bad about her to further her own career, she felt so bad about that and had been planning on making a retraction and then making it up to Shelley.
"mmph" Mary could still not speak.
"You started that rumour, that's going to cost me my reputation" Shelley spurted out, looking angry and emotional. Then a sadistic smile came across her face "But it'll MAKE your reputation... I'll just say you burst with gossip"
Mary tried frantically to protest, but just made muffled noises and wobbled and bounced around. Shelley looked unsettled, like she was about to fall off, and slid back down to the floor. Mary felt a tear run down her face, if only Shelley knew how much she loved her and wanted to take back what she had done, but she didn't and now Mary was going to be pumped up till she blew.
Mary felt her cheeks puff up again, and the pressure inside her grew, What parts of her body she could see were filling up more and more of her vision; her breasts trembling and blowing up with each pump, looking to her sides she could also see her arms being pushed up as her whole body inflated. What she couldn't see, she could feel. The feeling of pressure pushing her outwards, pushing all parts of her away from each other filling her sinuses and ears as though she were flying on a plane; the stretching feeling as both her clothes and the girl they contained stretched impossibly massively, feeling like anything could just rupture, and that would be when either her nightie or herself would explode; the feeling of emptiness and hollowness as most of her body now contained nothing but air, she felt huge, and round and embarrassed at what was to be her fate, and like a blimp.
Shelley wasn't stopping, Mary was going to be exploded by her best friend, and all because she had put her career first. She continued bulging outwards, the pressure was unbearable. Mary closed her eyes, refusing to watch the expanding body, unable to believe that this was her she saw inflating before her. She wished she could cover her ears too, and wondered if she would hear any of the bang before she was blown apart, would her senses and brain function for long enough, she hoped not. It was bad enough to know you were going to pop without having to hear it.
No that wasn't it, it was just another button bursting off her blouse, followed by another bang. Would she know the difference if she did hear her own bang, or would her last thought be 'just another button?' She felt so round, so strained, under so much pressure, the pumping stopped. She told herself that this must be that the next pump would burst her, Shelley must be straining to pump her up now, with the tremendous pressure. She felt Shelley's hand slap against her pumped buttocks, with a boing, her whole body quivered and she heard the deep hollow sound her inflated body made.
'Not long now, babes' said Shelley cheerfully.
How could she be cheerful at a time like this, could she possibly be thinking straight. Mary wondered how Shelley would explain the mess Mary would make when she exploded, and if any of her neighbours would hear the explosion. Would Shelley be caught? What would the public make of this? Mary tried to imagine the headlines. Something similar had happened once when a woman fell onto a helium canister, but she survived, this would be the first case of someone exploding after being blown up like a balloon. Would they make a play on that 'bursting with gossip' pun? Of course not, that would be insensitive, but Mary was sure people would be thinking it. Mary's thoughts were cut off when...
Mary continued to inflate, the pressure, the air being forced through the hose into her mouth and into her body, the stretching, the emptiness, it all escalated, she felt bigger than a blimp, she felt like a planet, her hands and feet all so far away, over the horizon. She quickly opened her eyes and saw the huge round orb of flesh and the fabric of her nightly straining against it, stretched like the skin of a drum. She quickly shut them again, in case he actually saw herself explode. She began to listen to the sounds of the room, Shelley breathing heavily as she strained to force even more air into Mary, the rhythmic whooshing of the pump that was sending her the air, a creaking noise.
Shelley was pumping faster than ever, the end was clearly near. Mary heard her body creak and groan as it resisted the air being pumped into her, short high pitched rubbery squeaks and low, rumbling groans, building up and up. Mary was scared and felt short of breath, she tried to imagine something else, her family, her colleagues, the good times she shared with Shelley. There was a loud low groan, Mary felt herself tighten, why hadn't she exploded yet? Throughout this long groan she felt herself expand, just a bit more.
'too loud to be a...'
Mary didn't have time to finish the thought.
Frankie awoke with a start, the booming noise had come from over the road, and had shaken her awake. She walked over to the window and looked out. Her neighbour Mary's window was open, the white curtains flapped out of it in the wind and small shreds of fabric fluttered down onto the street like confetti. She saw the door open and a figure carrying what looked like a pump run out into the night, with the hose trailing behind her as she took off down the street.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, female domination, football player
Text: "Rayne! Focus and get your head in the game!" Coach Stevens yelled.
"Hike!" the quarterback screamed.
Josh caught the ball and dug his cleats into the turf sprinting down the football field, ball in hand, to the end zone. Josh looked to his left and saw a player coming straight for him, tackling him. Josh stumbled to his feet and took a seat at the bench. He took off his helmet and wiped the sweat from his long, brown, curly hair.
"Rayne! Exactly, what the heckski were you doing out there? Are you sure you're related to the Brett Rayne?" Coach Stevens walked away angrily yelling at other players on the field.
After a while of sitting, Coach Stevens called the end of practice. Josh grabbed his helmet and made his way to the locker room. A teammate gave Josh a slap on the ass after practice. After changing he began to walk home.
"Josh!" a voice yelled.
Josh turned around to see April, his friend since preschool and head cheerleader. She had curly brown hair, and wore a pink crop top and skinny jeans. Her hips swayed as she strutted.
"Hey April!" Josh greeted with a smile.
"I saw that tackle. Pretty rough." April sympathized.
"Tell me about it..."
"You know Josh, people that play football kind of, tend to enjoy it."
"Yeah, but I was forced into it. My parents have this crazy expectation that I'm gonna be some big football star like my brother."
Brett was Josh's brother and captain and quarterback of the state's university team.
"Oh right... Brett" April tried saying as disgustedly as she could.
"April, you think he's a stud, don't even try hiding it." Josh rebuttaled.
"How could a girl not? Have you seen his ass?" April stated.
"April, I'm his brother."
"He's not the only reason I'm playing though."
"Well what's the other reason then?"
"It's... um... uh... for Lisa."
"Oh my god Josh! That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard!"
"She can never know though!"
They stopped in front of April's house.
"Why not? It's cute!" April insisted.
"She won't go for me! Lisa only dates tall, tan, athletes."
"Well 5 foot 5 isn't bad! And you're an athlete! Kinda..."
Josh had a dismayed look on his face.
"I better go inside before I open my mouth again."
April walked up her driveway, turned around and said, "What's the worst that could happen?" Later that night, Josh was sitting in his room thinking about Lisa. Her blonde hair. Her broad, but sexy, hips and her big meaty ass. Her in her cheerleading skirt. He was interrupted by his cell phone ringing. It was April.
"Hey April!"
"Hey J, so listen, I kinda accidentally told Lisa about your crush..."
"You WHAT?!?"
"I'm sorry! It just slipped out! Lemm fix it!"
"No! Look, it's not a big deal. What's she going to say to me tomorrow?" The next day at school, Lisa walked up to Josh's locker. She was wearing a tight pink sweatshirt zipped down to show her cleavage with black leggings encasing her beautiful behind.
She leaned against Josh's locker and said,
"April told me about your crush, I think its one of the sweetest things I've ever heard."
Josh stared at her in awe not believing what he had heard.
"Why don't you meat me in the boy's locker room at 3 after school? Wear your football gear."
Josh could barely manage a nod. As he walked away, he watched her bodacious booty sway down the hall. Josh got to the locker room early that afternoon. He stripped down fully and slipped on his spandex boxerjock and UnderArmor shirt. He threw his jersey and socks on. Finally he slid into his football pants. Josh loved the feeling of putting his football pants on. As they slid over thighs, they got tighter until they finally caressed his legs and butt. He laced his cleats and waited.
A few minutes went buy when Lisa appeared in her cheer uniform with white leggings.
"You made it!" she said excitedly. She sat down on the locker room bench.
"Well how could I pass you up?" Josh said trying to sound smooth.
"Come sit."
Josh plopped down next to her, he legs spreading out. Lisa grabbed his thigh and began to kiss his neck. Kiss after kiss Josh was loving it.
"So uh... Why me?" Josh asked eagerly.
"You've never done this before. The trick is to stay quiet" Lisa stated.
Lisa pushed him onto the ground and straddled him. She started to make out with him, tousling his hair and feeling his body.
"Now take off your jersey." Lisa whispered.
Josh slipped off his jersey and pads. Lisa began to unlace his pants and slid her hand over his manhood repeatedly.
"You like that?" Lisa asked sensually.
Josh grunted.
"Good now close your eyes."
Josh shut his eyes only dreaming about what she was going to do him. Josh whipped his eyes open at the feeling of a plastic tube sliding past his lips. Lisa was holding it there without Josh's struggle. Duct tape cracking filled the air as she taped the tube to his mouth. He was confused as to what was happening. He could only let out grunts and moans as communication.
"Hm? Hng?" he grunted trying to remove the tape.
Lisa rolled a large tank from behind the lockers. She turned the nozzle and Josh felt air rushing through the tube. Josh felt his pants getting tighter and he realized what was happening: he was inflating.
"You see Josh, I like all my boyfriends a little chunky." Lisa teased.
Josh continued to inflate. He felt all of his clothes stretching. He was decently sized now and his feet were being dwarfed by the size of his massive tummy.
"Do you think your big enough yet?" Lisa asked.
Josh let out a large grunt while vigorously nodding his head.
"Wrong answer." Lisa teased, turning the nozzle to let more air out.
Josh was getting big enough for him to not be able to move his arms. All he could do was flap his hands. Lisa removed his cleats and his tube socks and began to rub her hands up and down his calves. Josh grunted approvingly. She began to move toward his butt. She began to rub Josh's enormous ass. She made her way up to his chest. Lisa mounted Josh and bounced up and down. Josh was grunting louder and louder. Josh's spandex clothing was stretching to great sizes. Josh was now a giant sphere. Lisa rolled his head towards her and ripped a piece of duct tape off the roll. She ripped the tape off his mouth and pulled the tube out. She quickly sealed her lips to his and began kissing him. After a minute she pulled away and covered his mouth with the tape so no air would escape. She pushed him towards the other side of the locker room. He began to roll in that direction gaining speed. He screamed loudly as he rolled which Lisa seemed to like. When he hit the back wall, Lisa pulled off her skirt and pulled out a pushpin.
"Do you want to go bigger?" Lisa asked taunting Josh with the pin.
Josh had never felt so good to be a football player and he thought, "What's the worst thing that could happen?"
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: I stepped out of the changing room in my blue and yellow one-piece bathing suit. Over one shoulder was draped my big beach blanket and over my other shoulder was draped my cloth bag containing my beach visit essentials: suntan oil, a bottle of mineral water, two sandwiches and a bag of fat-free chips. A beach umbrella stuck under my right arm, resting atop the swell of my right breast. The boys stopped and stared, as did the girls, as I walked through the little brick pavilion. My 68 inch bosoms heaved and quaked in my bathing suit like two gigantic waterballoons.
Stepping from cool concrete and shade to warm sand and bright sun, I hit the beach. The sandy shore was littered with bodies, all of which were laying about like driftwood scattered after a storm. I found my spot in the midst of stares and whispering, dropped my beach paraphernalia and claimed my territory with the ka-chunk of the beach umbrella pole.
I had been laying there, under the glare of the sun off my well-oiled body, when the sound of hoots and whistles shattered my tranquility.
"Hey, Miss Jugs, play some volleyball!" and "Maybe we can climb those sand dunes!" came from a group of young men walking by my locale. I sat up and smiled at them, my nipples hardened against their stares and jeering. I leaned back, breasts jutting full up, and gave a twist that sent my heavy bosom into a sloppy sway from left to right and left to right. The guys responded with more hoots and shouts. I cut them short with a sway of my middle finger.
"Go suck air!" a guy replied to my gesture. I didn't see the beachball until it was in my face.
The multi-colored beachball hit me square in the face. The shock sent me backwards and the ball rolled down, up over my bust and was caught in the "basket" my bulging breast bellies and bent knees had made. I laid there on my back with hands grasping the beachball that lay atop my stomach.
"You--" I felt peculiar. "--jerks?"
There was a tingling within my belly. An odd sensation. A slight pressure. I looked to the peaks of my breasts, eyeing the beachball. I saw the big beachball actually rise up, like a multi-colored moon rising above two blue and yellow draped mountains. "What's happening?" I thought.
I slid one hand under the beachball, running my fingers over my bathing suit. I was surprised to find my tummy with a definite swell to it now compared to its trim flatness it had been mere seconds ago. I felt the stem of the beachball, the air intake nozzle sticking downward, poking into my suit where my belly button was located. I realized something was amiss and grasped the beachball again.
"Oh my gosh!" I cried feeling the beachball actually shrinking in size while my tummy, my once slim little tummy pushing up and up and up.
The beachball grew smaller. Its skin growing loose against my hands that were pressing against it. As the skin of the big beachball finally collapsed into a lifeless husk on top of me, I found my hands now resting on a huge dome-shaped bulge -- my new ballooned up belly. I moved the lifeless shell of beachball away and laid there running my little hands over and over my expanded tummy. My suit had contained my new blossoming well.
"Mommy, look at that pregnant lady." I turned my head to the right to see a little girl and her mother walking near. The little girl was poiting at my huge belly and her mother was staring in awe.
"Let's leave her alone," the mother said and hurried on. I wondered why the woman was acting so odd. It was as if she had never seen a pregnant -- that's when I felt my suit shift. I gasped, feeling again that strange sensation within me. I was continuing to swell up.
"No! No! No!" I cried as my suit tightened and my hands rested on my ballooning belly. I grew bigger and bigger and bigger. It wasn't stopping. I was somehow still taking in air, my belly blowing up like a giant beachball. It wasn't going to stop! It wasn't going to stop! I was going to get too big!
My mind did a woop-de-do in my skull. The sun sank on its side, slipping down the angling blue sky like a egg yolk splattered against a wall. The waves and the sound of the people all about me faded out as did my senses. I passed out, tummy still inflating.
I came to in the shade of the brick pavilion. I was still on my back. Two tanned men with red and white shorts stood by.
"You alright, ma'am?" one of the men politely asked. A small crowd had formed behind them.
"I think so," I said forgetting for a second where I had been and what had happened.
The two men helped me off a gurney. I almost fell forward, gasping. My eyes caught sight, below my heavy big bust, my huge round belly that stuck out as if I had swallowed five beachballs.
"Are you sure you are okay?" the other life guard asked.
"Ummm I'll be fine," I smiled, my hands resting on my enormous tummy. "Motherhood. It's swell."
What was I going to do?
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, floating, helium
Text: Show night in Helsinki, Finland, last show of an explosive tour for the band Nightwish. A tour the band promised would end in the same explosive way as it began. And it did. Really.
It had been rumored for some time that Tarja Turunen, the lead singer of the symphonic metal group was having differences with the band. Honestly, that is not surprising at all in a band. Still, like always, the fans made a big deal about it, flamed the internet forums...well, they made a big fuss about it. For many, the band would not be the same without her. Others did not think so. The band however, had made a decision.
It came to be true, the band had decided Tarja was ruining everything for them, with her pompous gloating of her ongoing solo career. Everyone knew about it, but the band had decided to finish the tour, the fans deserved that at least. And Tarja was to be given, despite their differences, a very fond farewell by her former band mates.
The crowd screamed, and sweated after incessant headbanging. Eardrums trembled with the cheers and shouting. The band had performed their last song, and was ready to leave, without bowing to the public. If you have gone to a metal show, you know what that means.
"One more, one more!" yelled the crowd for 2 long minutes. Some people were getting impatient. You know who they are. But, the true fans waited, and waited, whistled and screamed. A few joked about the band opening a trap door and sending Tarja to her demise, like in a cartoon. But then there was a thunderous drum solo, then...one last track.
Tarja Turunen was wearing a sexy corset dress, tight at her torso, long goth-like skirt flowing beneath her, the same way her wavy black hair flowed down. She was sexy. Every male metalhead there knew it. And many girls too. Her skirt was black as night, her lip gloss purple, and the top of her dress, which went up to her chin and covered her neck, was red and black. Not very different from how she always dressed actually...hmmm.
Drumming fired away, the last guitar chords died out, and it was time for the "Thank yous I love you all". Tarja's last concert with the band. Not a tear in her eyes :( She was happy she was leaving. Finally she could have the fame she always wanted, be bigger than life itself, bigger than Nightwish, bigger than the fans. She certainly had the voice of a goddess. Backstage, before that last song, she had insisted to sing one of her songs from one of her singles, and the band had refused. I mean, come on. They had formerly asked her to leave. She knew the reasons, and now, on Nightwish's last concert with her, she wanted to sing one of her songs?! The band mates looked around uncomfortably, not wanting her to start one of her princess tantrums. Tuomas, band founder and keyboardist, rolled his eyes, and said:
"Tarja, please. The fans are waiting for Nightwish. We owe it to them. At least give them that, now that Nightwish means nothing to you"
"You are right Tuomas, Nightwish means nothing to me. Nor do the fans. They are Tarja fans, and if they are not, screw them!"
She stormed out, and stopped at the water cooler to get a drink. Emmpu, the guitarist, looked at Tuomas, and whispered: "Yes man, definitely. Lets do it" Tuomas nodded, and they all headed to the stage, to play one last song. Tarja joined them. It seems the band mates had finally won a battle with Tarja's ego! Great then, but also, they had won the war!
Tarja was thanking the public, but not smiling much. Tuomas took up a microphone, and addressed the crowd. He said nothing special. He was repeating again and again it was Tarja's last show with the band. It said so in the ticket, but he still reminded people. He was talking about all the great times they had gone through together, and the bad ones.
Wait, the bad ones?
"Tuomas, how dare you slander me in front of MY public?" she yelled at him.
"Well Tarja, like I said, this is Nightwish's public, and we now say good bye to you, the Nightwish way...actually, not the Nightwish way, but a fun way anyway" he laughed, and threw away his microphone. Tarja was clearly humiliated. Some people screamed at her from the first row, and she screamed back. Some called her bitch, whore, slut. She yelled that back at them (at the lady fans of course).
From backstage came out a hot finnish girl. Golden hair like the mead rivers in Valhalla, shapely and curvy like the green hills. She was voluptuous. Yes, that's the word. This blonde Viking princess gave Tuomas what looked like a cylinder. Tarja wasn't noticing. For someone so self centered, she should be minding her surroundings more.
What did Tuomas did to Tarja? Did Nightwish conquer the world without her? What did the fans feel when she called some of the guys sluts? Find out on the next episode of...
(actually, find out now. Lets say a day has gone by, ok?)
The blonde beauty had gone out the stage, and Tuomas pushed a cylinder to the center of the stage with one of those carts they use to carry them, obviously.
Tarja was busy yelling at those who dared hate her grandeur, and didn't notice when Tuomas got close, and took the microphone off her hands, as calm as can be. The other band mates remained at their positions. She slowly turned, weary from yelling so much. She looked at Tuomas with contempt.
"What?" she asked
"Nothing, just this" he said to her, and plugged a hose, attached to the cylinder, into her mouth.
Stunned, she stepped back, just as Tuomas turned the cylinder's knob all the way. He put the microphone he took from Tarja beside the tank. A hissing spread across the thousands of ears in the crowd.
Tarja's sexy cheekbones were quickly filled out by the tank's air, building pressure up. Her eyes shot open wide, and she moaned desperately. She looked around to make sense of what had happened. Her mind came to and she balanced herself and she felt a tightness around her upper body. She felt immensely bloated, emergency room bloated. She felt it build up, going from her face, spreading down the length of her arms, torso and legs. Her whole body straightened and stood rigid. She felt as if she was wearing a big, poofy jacket, but the jacket was actually the pressure. Her eyes were open wide. She could see everything clearly. She slowly lowered her head to see Tuomas there, laughing, alongside Emmpu. The immense pressure sat at her corset, making it painfully tight as her torso had no room to expand from the air. So, her thighs, hips and shins expanded with air rapidly, almost a foot every second. Her waistline expanded too, where it could, giving the corset pressure all over. Her arms were outstretched, and swelling like balloons. Like tiny sausages, her fingers plumped up. With all the air the goddess had let out with her voice, it felt defeating to have so much go in.
Tuomas and Emmpu each grabbed softly a bloaty arm, and slowly turned Tarja.
"There Tarja, face your public", said Emmpu. He chuckled, and let go.
Tuomas did too, and there stood Tarja, facing a cheering public, singing finnish farewell songs (are there any?).
Tarja's butt now looked humongous. It was 2 meters wide, and several overinflated feet in thickness. Tarja felt she couldn't hold anymore, and just then, she felt a sort of relief. But it was not what she expected. Her skirt rubbed against her hugely inflated legs as she floated upwards, butt first. She moaned in fear and anger, and the crowd cheered her on. It was her show now after all, just like she had always wanted.
She wanted to wave her arms in desperation, but they were just too inflated. Her breasts created a huge cleavage as they tried to hold the pressure in. Tuomas went up to her, and put a microphone over her highly pressured body. The deep hissing, and creaking of her body, blowing up outwards was heard through everywhere. Everyone was delighted.
Tarja floated even more, to the length of the hose. Everyone laughed and cheered, especially the girls had called her bitch earlier. Some of them waved goodbye to her, smiling ear to ear.
Finally, not wanting to let her fans down, Tarja inflated all over as her corset gave up (it held there like a champion. Give it a round of applause). Her whole torso inflated to the proportions of her butt, which had already tripled. She bobbed slowly in the air, parading herself to her public, all eyes on her, everyone proud of her.
She wanted to scream, but all came out of her mind were the balloony thoughts of the inflated, and she moaned and squeaked, as her body reached its limit. The band started playing along with the crowd, merrily singing farewell. The hose popped out of Tarja's mouth audibly, and instead of rocketing backwards into oblivion, her puffy lips shut close, and the helium was tight over her body, unable to go out. She moaned desperately at everyone, flaming with her eyes, surely wanting to scream out "You traitors, my fans, you love me!! Please, you love me!!!" But all that came out were muffled cries noone could hear, because of the singing and all.
So Tarja went away floating. She was out of the band now definitely. Actually, she didn't go out of the band, she went up.
"Goodbye Tarja" said Tuomas into a microphone. "I Feel For You, my Stargazer. The public is Forever Yours, but you now have to leave"
With the thunderous ending of the show, the cymbals rang, on cue with a soft pop up above.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, Byleth, fire emblem, Golden Deer, Three houses
Text: Death, pillaging, and destruction- this has been the fate of Fódlan for the past five years. War has claimed countless lives, and many believed Byleth's to be one of them. She disappeared shortly before Garreg Mach Monastery fell, and her students in the Golden Deer house assumed the worst when they couldn't find their beloved professor. They were overcome with joy, if not a little confused, when she reappeared after years of presumed death. Byleth's keen strategy and battlefield prowess allowed her former students to retake Garreg Mach and begin the fight to save Fódlan. Although her students are now older, they still have many of the same quirks from their days at the Officers Academy. "I can't believe it! She wants me to go out on another mission? I just got back from the last one!" Hilda yelled as she entered the barracks.
"Um... I'm sure she wouldn't send you unless she thought you could handle it." Said Marianne.
"Of course I can handle it!" Responded Hilda. "But so could anyone else! Did the professor forget that I hate fighting? I'm much better for morale back here at the monastery."
Lysithea snapped her book shut, causing both women to jump.
"Will you shut up? I'm trying to read over here." Said Lysithea. "If you want to be useless that's fine, but I'm trying to research some strategies to use in the next battle."
"Doing the professor's busy work again, huh?" Sneered Hilda.
"It's not busy work!"
"Oh really? Then why is it that you're always doing research for the professor while she has tea with the boys? I bet she doesn't even read your reports."
"I think the problem is obvious." Said Leonie, who had been drinking for the past few hours judging by the empty tankards on her table. "The professor needs to realize that we've become a lot stronger in these past five years. We aren't the fresh faces she knew when we were just starting at the academy. If Jeralt compared me to her there's no question that he'd recognize me as his best student."
"Uh... Ok? And how would you fix that?" Asked Hilda.
"I don't think there's anything that could bring Jeralt back..."
"No, I mean the problem with the professor. How would you show her that she can't treat us this way?"
"Oh, that. We'll need to 'borrow' a few things, but she'll never underestimate us again."
"M- Maybe we can just... talk to the professor?" Said Marianne.
"Relax Marianne," said Leonie. "Follow my plan and it'll all be fine."
Hilda and Lysithea nodded in agreement as Leonie gave them all a mischievous smile. The halls of Garreg Mach danced with shadows as torches flickered in the night. Byleth always enjoyed her late-night walks; it gave her time to think and plan for the next day. Almost nobody else was awake at this hour, so she rarely had to deal with interruptions. This night, however, would be very different. Byleth never noticed the person who jumped out from behind a pile of crates until she was already in a full nelson hold.
"If you had actually listened to Jeralt when he was alive, you would never have fallen for such an easy ambush."
"Oh, Leonie." Sighed Byleth in relief. "Yes, I know. Jeralt also knew that you should never attack your superior officer. Now let me go before I decide to report this incident."
"I don't think that's going to happen." Said Hilda as she sauntered out from the shadows. She playfully spun the length of hose she had 'borrowed' from the infirmary at her side as she walked towards Byleth.
"Hilda? Don't tell me you're a part of this too."
"We think it's time you realize that you can't boss us around like we're still your students." Responded Hilda. She held the end of the hose up to Byleth's face and leaned in. "Now open up."
Byleth wriggled and shook her head as Hilda tried to shove the hose in her mouth. Hilda tried to hold Byleth's head with her free hand to make it easier, but had no luck with keeping the hose in Byleth's mouth.
"Will you hurry it up?" Grunted Leonie as she struggled to keep her hold on Byleth.
"I'm trying!" Said Hilda. "But she keeps spitting the hose out!"
Hilda glanced down and noticed that Byleth's armor exposes her midriff. A smirk flashed across Hilda's face as she pulled the hose back and jammed it into Byleth's belly button.
"There! I did it!" Cheered Hilda as she took a few steps back, still facing Byleth. Hilda smiled as she took in a deep breath, causing her already ample chest to strain against the fabric of her dress. The strings on her corset strained as Hilda continued to inhale, emitting a soft creaking sound as they struggled to contain her expanding body. Once Hilda had inhaled as much air as she possibly could, she placed her end of the hose into her mouth and blew.
Byleth let out a startled gasp and blushed as the air entered her body. The first exhale just made Byleth feel a bit tighter, but no physical change was obvious. Hilda removed the hose from her mouth as she took an even deeper breath, her dress nearly splitting in half to accommodate her growing bust. Once she felt like she was about to burst, Hilda put the hose back in her mouth and blew again. Byleth's trim stomach slowly puffed out like rising dough as the stream of air entered her body.
Hilda repeated this process over and over. Byleth's armor restricted her expanding body, which caused the air to migrate into areas of less resistance. Her thigh gap quickly closed as her legs thickened, and her ass rounded out a little more with each breath that Hilda blew into her. The belt that held Byleth's dagger began digging into her hips and stomach as she continued to inflate, finally snapping off like a rubber band as it could no longer contain her expanding body. Her stockings soon followed suit, ripping along the seams as pale bubbles of skin forced their way through the threads.
Byleth's upper body was also growing with every puff of air, causing her breasts to spill over the top of her armor. Each breath forced more air into her expanding bust, which had nearly tripled from its original size. Breasts the size of basketballs pushed against Byleth's face as they began to obstruct her view. Her arms also grew thicker and became difficult to move. As each breath rebounded through Byleth's body, her arms would become straighter and more rigid. Eventually, she was unable to bend them at all.
Byleth's armor groaned from the pressure of her body pushing against it, but it was still holding strong. She resembled an exaggerated hourglass as Hilda continued to blow into the hose. The hollow sound of air entering a balloon was all that could be heard between Hilda inhaling and Byleth whimpering from the mounting pressure. Hilda paused and placed her thumb over the hose's opening.
"Hah...Hah... Ok, That's all for me." Hilda panted. "Come on Marianne, it's your turn."
Marianne trudged out from her hiding place behind the crates. She looked over Byleth's swollen form but couldn't bring herself to make eye contact with their victim.
"Mmph...M-Marianne? You agreed to thish too?!" Said Byleth, struggling to speak because her chest smothered most of her face.
"Well, we... professor, it's just..." Marianne fumbled over the words as she tried to respond.
Hilda grabbed Marianne's hand and forced the hose into it. A short hiss came from the hose as Hilda removed her thumb and replaced it with Marianne's.
"Shut up and blow into the hose a few times, sheesh." Demanded Hilda.
Marianne looked down at the hose, then up at Hilda. She shook her head "no" and tried to hand the hose back.
"Oh come on, it's easy." Said Hilda as she rolled her eyes. "just take a deep breath and blow. Here, like this."
Hilda started to take another deep breath. Her corset had loosened from the dozens of times she had already done this, which allowed her to take in more air than ever before. The top string of her corset looked like it could snap at any moment as her breasts doubled in size and a tight little pot belly formed below them. Marianne feared that Hilda would make herself burst if she continued to inhale at this rate. Hilda looked at Marianne, who looked away and tried to hand the hose over once again. Hilda smiled as she cupped Marianne's face in her hands- then locked lips with her and blew.
Marianne gave a startled squeak as her eyes opened wide from shock. Any other noise was pushed down by the torrent of air that Hilda was blowing into her. Marianne's belly bulged out under her dress, making her look like she was a few months pregnant. Hilda inhaled through her nostrils and blew again. Marianne's belly grew even larger, now making her look like she was full term pregnant. Hilda inhaled once more through her nostrils as Marianne tried to protest, knowing she was about to get another blast of air. Marianne's stomach grew to the size of an exercise ball as Hilda blew into her, making the golden tassels on her dress to snap off and fall to the floor. Some of the air settled in her breasts as well, causing the loose material over her chest to snap taut as she expanded. Hilda broke the kiss and used her fingers to pinch Marianne's lips shut.
"There, I did all the hard work for you." Said Hilda. "Now blow that air into the professor unless you want a little more help."
Marianne slowly lifted the hose to her mouth but paused when it was just inches away. She looked up at a very annoyed Hilda who began to take another deep breath. Marianne accepted her situation and nodded, causing Hilda to let go of her lips so she could put the hose in her mouth to blow. Marianne deflated back to her slim form almost instantly; the only evidence of her inflation being the tassels on the floor and a stretched-out dress. Byleth was not as lucky.
The large volume of air being pumped into Byleth caused her internal pressure to spike. Her body groaned and her cheeks puffed up with air, making her unable to speak. She squeezed her eyes shut as her face reddened, feeling like she could burst at any moment. A sharp popping sound was followed by the sound of her armor clattering to the ground. Byleth opened her eyes to see her body had not burst, but her armor had.
Her belly, no longer restricted by the armor, bulged outward immediately. Her stomach surged to 10 feet in diameter, causing her breasts to bounce as they settled in place. The buttons of her collar shot off into the darkness and her pendant fell to the ground. The sudden growth threw Leonie to the ground and knocked her unconscious, but her hold was no longer necessary to keep Byleth in this defenseless state. Her arms and legs inflated into rigid conical shapes, which caused the armor on her arms and legs to snap off and clatter to the floor as well. Her top was struggling to hold together as it barely covered her erect nipples, and her shorts were more like a thong. Creaking echoed through the hallway as her body struggled to adjust to its new size.
"That wasn't so hard now, was it?" Said Hilda.
"You could've popped me!" Yelled Marianne.
"Don't be so dramatic, I wasn't going to pop you. We do stretches together every morning, I know you're flexible enough to handle a little air."
"That's not the point! What if-"
Marianne was cut off as Lysithea stormed out from her spot behind the crates.
"Look at the professor! We were all supposed to have a turn at blowing her up, but you two nearly maxed her out."
Lysithea grabbed the hose out of Marianne's hand.
"Whatever, even if it's only a few breaths I'm still going to take my turn."
Hilda and Marianne continued to argue as Lysithea inhaled. Her small chest and belly expanded as the air flowed into her body, which caused her dress to start riding up and tighten a bit. She couldn't hold as much air as Hilda, but she was still confident in her ability. Lysithea put the hose to her mouth and began to blow- or at least she tried. She strained to blow into Byleth until she was red in the face, but the immense pressure inside of Byleth's body was too much. Air surged into Lysithea as she tried to fight against the blowback. Her lithe body started to expand at an alarming rate, putting massive strain on her dress as the stitches along the side began to pop.
Leonie slowly got up from the ground as the fog in her head dissipated. She looked up to see that Byleth was slowly deflating, and to her horror Lysithea was inflating on the other end of the hose. Hilda and Marianne had their backs to everyone as they continued to argue.
"Hey, you two! Shut up and help Lysithea!"
Hilda and Marianne turned around and gasped when they saw what was happening. Lysithea's dress only covered the upper half of her belly as it continued to expand. Her stockings were also ripping as the air began to move to her ass and legs. Lysithea's face showed sheer panic as her arms had also inflated into the "T" pose, making her unable to reach the hose. Hilda and Marianne ran to opposite sides of Lysithea and locked arms as they squeezed, forcing the air out. Slowly but surely, the air was pushed out of Lysithea and back into Byleth. Once Lysithea was back to her normal size, Hilda took the hose out of her mouth and held her thumb over the opening.
"T-thanks... that was..." Lysithea trailed off.
"Too close." Finished Hilda. "That could've gone really badly. I think it's time we deflate the professor."
"Oh hell no!" Yelled Leonie. "Not until I've had my turn!"
"You saw what happened to Lysithea, she almost popped! Unless you also want to pop I think we should end this. The professor clearly got the message."
Byleth whimpered in agreement.
"I figured this might happen, so I came prepared." Said Leonie as she ran back to the crates to pull out a bellows pump. "I can plug this into the hose to avoid what happened to Lysithea."
"So that's why you ran off to the forge," said Hilda. "Fine, here's the hose. Don't blame me if something goes wrong."
Leonie smiled like a giddy child as she inserted the bellows pump into the hose. She lifted the paddle and slowly pushed it down, forcing a gust of air into Byleth.
"How pathetic! You had your whole life to learn from Jeralt and this happens to you?"
Leonie pumped another gust of air into Byleth, causing her top to snap off and expose her breasts in their entirety.
"You should be ashamed, really. To waste all that valuable time with Jeralt."
Leonie pumped a couple more times, causing Byleth's shorts to pop off. Byleth was completely naked at this point, but that was the least of her concerns.
"You didn't deserve to be his daughter! I did!"
Leonie kept pumping, causing Byleth's body to pulse with each gust of air. Low creaks and rumbles emanated from Byleth's overtaxed body.
"Leonie, knock it off!" Said Hilda. "She's way too full!"
Leonie didn't even acknowledge Hilda as she brought the paddle of the pump down again.
"How could you have that time with him and not care? It's disgusting!"
Byleth's was only getting tighter at this point. She was simply out of room, and each pump reminded her of that fact by causing a prickling sensation to wash over her whole body. All she could do was focus on staying in one piece and hope that one of the others would stop Leonie before she burst. Her skin turned translucent as the onslaught of pumps refused to end.
"And you never appreciated his swordsmanship! Or his sense of humor! Or-"
Leonie was cut off as Byleth popped like an overinflated party balloon. The blast of air extinguished all of the torches, leaving nothing but the moonlight to illuminate the hallway. Pale scraps of rubber fluttered down as the only things that remained of Byleth besides torn clothes and warped armor.
"Goddess help us." Said Marianne as she sunk to the floor.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Offscreen Popping, floating, helium, superhero, women inflating men
Text: By the time Fatman moved his 360-pound girth up the 14 flights of stairs, he was too late: His arch-nemesis Heliumwoman had already kidnapped District Attorney Borden. This meant that he would have to chase Heliumwoman to her hideout. And that meant even more running. "Awwwwwww, crap!" said Fatman, gasping and taking off in a lumbering jog.
Fatman reached the top floor of Heliumwoman's headquarters, wheezing and clutching his chest. "Doesn't ANYBODY have elevators?" he said between gasps.
"What took you so long?" asked Heliumwoman, standing there in tight black spandex, which clutched her every luscious curve and exposed enough cleavage to make Jennifer Lopez uncomfortable.
She held a string, at the end of which floated D.A. Borden, his body now a balloon shape as he bobbed helplessly in the air above her. "Help, Fatman! She's blown me up into a balloon!"
"Hold your horses, District Attorney," said Fatman, still gasping. He reached into his utility belt, pulling out a small vial of Gatorade and a Snickers bar. "Gotta get my energy back," he explained, and stuffed the bar in his face and washed it down. "And now, Heliumwoman: Release the D.A.!"
She shrugged. "Okay." She released the string, and Borden's rounded form floated upwards like the toy balloon he was, drifting through the skylight. He sailed into the night sky, higher and higher, until the declining air pressure caused him to inflate even bigger and ... POP!
Fatman frowned. "Now, you know that's not what I meant. I'm going to have to take you in!" He jogged forward a few steps, but the effort exhausted him. "Jeez, can't you just come a little closer?"
Heliumwoman didn't respond, instead walking calmly over to her helium cannon. She pointed it at Fatman and fired.
At first, there wasn't a noticeable difference, because of Fatman's normal shape. But eventually the fat became converted into helium and Fatman started to lose mass while paradoxically plumping up further. His utility belt, unable to fight his expanding waistline any longer, snapped off and clattered against the far wall. He stood unable to move from the cannon's ray and consequently got bigger and bigger until he started to float upwards. "Not good," he said, but he fortunately missed the skylight and lightly batted against the ceiling.
"I could just blow you up till you explode," Heliumwoman said with an evil smile. "But I feel like leaving you alone in the room for a while. I don't know why; it's just something I do from time to time. Don't escape or anything!" She stepped out of the room, and despite himself, Fatman had to admit the spandex accentuated the round, delectable curve of her butt.
Fatman floated there helplessly, all blown up and inflated with helium. She could return to pop him at any moment, and there would be nothing he could do. But Fatman wasn't worried: He had an ace-up-the-sleeve in the form of Rounder, the Boy Blimp. He would find Fatman any moment, and it's especially likely that he would show up now, while Heliumwoman was doing whatever the hell she was doing in the other room.
He was right. Rounder suddenly appeared in the doorway. "Fatman! What's happened to you?"
"Heliumwoman used that cannon over there to blow me up into a toy balloon! When she returns, she'll probably use it to inflate me till I burst! You've got to reverse the polarity on the cannon and--"
"This cannon?" Rounder asked, looking at the only cannon in the room.
"Yes. I need you to reverse the flow and--"
"Wow," said Rounder in awe as he approached the cannon. "How does it work?"
"You press that red button there, and it turns you into a helium balloon. So be careful with--"
"Could it blow ME up into a balloon?"
"Well, yes, but--"
"Oh, Fatman, that's awesome!"
Fatman blinked. "Um..."
Rounder stood directly in front of the cannon, while he groped for the button. "Ever since I saw 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory' as a kid, I always wanted to blow up like a balloon! Sometimes I just wanted to blow up bigger and bigger until I popped!"
Fatman frowned. His honed detective skills probably should have picked up on the fact long ago that the kid simply wasn't right in the head.
Rounder turned the cannon on and took the ray full blast. "Oh, Fatman, it's working! I can feel myself turning into a balloon!"
"Uh, Rounder, maybe you could see your way to rescuing me first before you--"
Rounder's arms were pushed up by his expanding midsection, swelling up into a rounder, simpler shape, like that of a beach ball. "Look at me, Fatman! I'm blowing up like a balloon! I'm really becoming a balloon at last! It's what I've always dreamed about! I'm a balloon, and I'm inflating bigger!"
"I'd congratulate you, Rounder, but seriously: I need help here. Maybe you could just toss me your utility belt before--"
Snap! Rounder's inflating belly broke the strap on his belt, which fell to the floor.
"Ooooookay," said Fatman. "Well, maybe while you still have arms you could--"
But Rounder's blimpy arms were soon sucked into his spherical body as he became more and more ball-like.
"Still no need to panic," Fatman said to himself as well as to Rounder. "As long as you haven't started floating yet, maybe you could roll out of the path of the ray gun and--Well, of fucking course!"
Rounder had started to float. He drifted up past the ray beam, stopping him from getting any bigger, but he was drifting straight towards the open skylight. Rounder seemed only dimly aware of this, shouting, "I'm a balloon! I'm a balloon! I'm so big! So full! So inflated I could burst! I'm just a big, fat, helpless balloon!" He drifted out the skylight and into the night sky, his voice getting harder to hear as he floated higher and higher. Only distantly could Fatman hear Rounder proclaim, "I can see the Fatcave from up here...!" And then he heard a distant... pop!
"Not good," Fatman repeated.
Heliumwoman returned to the room with a large knife.
"Well, this day just keeps gettin' better," Fatman reflected.
"Oh, good, you didn't try to escape," she cooed. "But how did you manage to get my ray gun on?"
"All right, Heliumwoman! It's time to surrender yourself to justice!"
"Who's going to make me?"
"You haven't beaten me yet!" said Fatman. "Soon I'll escape and--"
Casually, Heliumwoman tilted the cannon's beam toward Fatman. He inflated bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
"Okay, now you've beaten me," groaned Fatman, unable to prevent himself from getting larger and larger as Heliumwoman watched, smirking. She held the beam on him and watched him grow bigger and bigger and bigger. Then his body began making ominous rubbery sounds as he reached the limits of his elasticity. And still he got helplessly, hopelessly bigger... and bigger... and bigger... Is this the end of the Inflatable Duo?
Is sure is, cuz Fatman popped like an overinflated balloon.
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Rob was on his way home from the NASA facility he often frequented. The reason for Rob's loitering around such an important area was simple: he worked there. He was a research scientist. But of course, he wasn't just working on any normal project though. Who ever does? He was the lead of a group of scientists attempting to find better ways to store food on the shuttles. (You know, the ones that go to outer space.) NASA was planning on beginning longer expeditions since space was the final frontier and the amount of food they would need to sustain the astronauts would not fit in the shuttles. Therefore, Rob's team was working on making food an astronaut would eat and it would release liquid at set intervals for a month which would give him/her the required vitamins and nutrients while also making him/her full. Therefore, a person would only have to eat a small tablet of some sort once a month.
However, they were still only halfway done with the project. They were able to create the food/tablet, whatever they wanted really, that could hold the large amounts of liquid, but they had yet to work out releasing it at regular intervals. If a person ate it at the current stage, basically a months worth of food (in liquid form) would be released into them very quickly. Rob was currently experimenting with sticks of gum because they were the easiest to experiment on. (I don't know why. If you want the answer, ask Rob! It's top secret though, so good luck.) He was feeding the gum to lab rats to make sure it wouldn't harm them in any way. They were never harmed; however, there were very strong side effects. Such effects were often the rats filling with juice and sometimes changing color. They would never swell too much; usually to about twice their weight. Rob was very pleased with these side effects though because he had a slight inflation fetish. Rob was especially pleased on this ride home because it was birthday and that meant invoking the promise his wife and he made each other when they had married 4 years ago. Said promise was that on each other's birthday, the birthday person could do whatever they wanted. As long as it didn't involve being mean to or hurting the other person of course. While his plans are most likely blaringly obvious, here is what Rob planned on doing. He was going to feed his wife a piece of the gum he had been testing so rigorously. She knew nothing of what the effects would be, but that was half the fun of it.
He had arrived home with the gum in his pocket; blueberry was the flavor he chose. Obviously he had prepared a more potent piece than he fed to his rats, because he needed a strong enough dose to affect a human. As he walked up to the door it opened and he was greeted by his wife, Kayla. He was very glad to see her, especially looking as she was. She was wearing a fashionable pair of blue jeans just tight enough to show off her curvy hips and round backside. She wasn't fat, but she wasn't a stick figure. She had enough curves to be considered a female; which was good for Rob since he wasn't gay. Her top half was covered with a low cut dark red T-shirt that said SEXY across her large breasts and Rob had to agree with the pronouncement. She instantly wrapped him in a tight embrace and greeted him, "Hello my sexy birthday boy. Glad to be done with work for the day?" Her medium length brown hair brushed his face as he kissed her hello.
"Of course I am. I'm glad to get home every day as long as you're here." She smiled, "why thanks hon, but no reason to be so nice. After all, it's your day."
"Right you are, and unlike last year when I had nothing in mind except a nice dinner and sex, I have a special event planned."
"Ooo really, well then I can hardly wait. So then no nice dinner?"
He laughed, "Well, you can make me my favorite meal. However, make dinner just for me. None for YOU!" He smirked.
Kayla looked hurt, "Not gonna let me eat huh?"
"No no, I have something special prepared for you later on."
She punched his arm playfully. "Goofball, it's your birthday. I'm supposed to cook for you, you're not supposed to cook for me."
"Just trust me. Remember, like you said, it's my day."
"Yeah, yeah, alright. Well I better get your meal going."
With that Kayla went into the kitchen and spent the next hour making a great meal for Rob. He could hardly contain his excitement for the night's festivities. Soon it was dinner, and they had a very romantic meal, although he felt kind of funny eating by himself. However, he wanted to make sure the gum had no reaction with anything. It was a very adaptive chemical they had invented and if the gum reacted with certain substances in the stomach there were strange results. The worst was milk. Even a small amount could double the effect.
"Well Rob, dinner is over. So what's the big mystery?"
"Well, let's go into the bedroom and see."
"Haha, it's sex again isn't it? Not that I don't like that." She smiled as she rubbed his crotch and smiled even more when there was movement from said region.
"Just wait," Rob said as they entered and he closed the door.
"Well, let me make myself more open for the experience," Kayla said as she was about to take off her shirt.
"Oh no my dear, leave it on. It'll make this more fun and it won't on soon anyways."
Kayla looked at him half confused and half anxious. "Well, this is going to be interesting isn't it." "O yes. Now, just stand in front of me and I will sit on the bed here." Rob sat down with his wife's stomach in front of his face; her boobs were sticking out above him. "Now my dear," he intoned in an intelligent manner as he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to his lap, "what I have here is a fantastic little device that I think will make this night...how did you put it?...ahh yes, interesting."
With that, he whipped out the piece of gum and handed it to her.
"What's this? It looks like a piece of gum."
He laughed, "well it better, because that is precisely what it is. All you have to do for my birthday...is chew it."
Kayla suddenly looked very bewildered and perhaps a bit disappointed. "Awww, and here I was excepting something grand. Alright then," and with that she popped it in her mouth.
She chewed for awhile and suddenly her eyes popped open. "Wow, this is very good and extremely juicy. I can feel a mouthful going down my throat with every chew."
"My, it sounds like a lot of juice."
"Heck yeah! Were did you get this, it's actually making me full. I'm glad I didn't eat dinner." Kayla held her hands to her stomach. "O wow, I feel like I've eaten a whole meal. I think I'm going to spit it out now." "No no, just a little more, it's about to get fun," he soothed as he saw her skin start to change slightly blue.
She was about to ask what he meant when suddenly she groaned. "If you say so, I'm actually started to feel a little bloated though. Not just in my stomach though, all over." Rob could feel her skin becoming warmer underneath his hand and he knew it was only a matter of sec....
Suddenly Kayla shot up to a standing position again. She looked down in horror and Rob saw why. Her boobs were slowly getting rounder and the rest of her body looked puffy. "Rob, o my god, what the hell is happening."
He quickly reassured her, "Don't worry hun, it's the latest project at my lab. It's gum that releases a lot of juice at once and somehow causing swelling effects."
"I would say so." Kayla watched as her boobs continued to grow rounder and close in on touching each other. Rob reached up and put his hand in between her cleavage and felt her warm boobs grow into his hand. Suddenly her cleavage was pressed tightly against itself and deepened as her boobs began to push out. While her boobs seemed to be the object of attention for the juice, she could also feel jeans grow a bit more tight and felt her stomach begin to push against her shirt.
"Don't worry hun, it's the chewing that is doing this. I hope you don't mind the surprise, but this is probably the perfect time to tell you I like the thought of expanding girls."
"Well, you sure have made a statement," she smirked as her bra started to cup her growing boobs tighter. (Luckily for Rob, even though he already knew this about Kayla, she was a very open person to new and crazy experiences. In fact, she reveled in them.)
"So you're not mad?"
"Will this hurt me?"
"No, it's been tested, you won't even get that big."
"Well in that case," Kayla said as she placed his hands on her breasts, "enjoy."
Rob could feel her twins growing in his hands. They were pushing out above his head now as he reached behind her and felt her bra digging into her back. He was about to help her off with it when she suddenly yelped.
He looked down and saw her hips rounding out quicker. "Hips too huh? I thought maybe you just liked the breasts, although the slow tightening of my jeans was suspicious."
"Anytime it's too much for you, just spit the gum out."
She looked up worried. "I swallowed it from the surprise of the initial swelling."
"O," he chuckled, "don't worry, it's only enough to make you about twice your size." With that he watched her hips flare out as he placed his hands on them. He could feel his arms spreading as he rotated her growing hips back and forth. Soon she became to sway them on her own as her thighs grew plumper.
Rob traced his finger around one thigh, taking longer each time due to their circumference growing, until her could no longer get his finger through due to her thighs beginning to touch. He put his hand down where her thighs weren't toughing and ran it up to her crotch as he felt her legs pushing into his hands more every second. He placed a hand on her rear and felt it too was growing as he watched her stomach push into her jeans. He turned her around and massaged her butt as her checks grow rounder and pressed into her jeans. Just as her clothing began to groan, she stopped swelling. "Wow, I became quite the fat girl didn't I," Kayla smiled as she jiggled her butt in his face.
Actually, it's not fat, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is those clothes are probably uncomfortable. I anticipated that, so I bought a larger outfit for you."
"Why do I need to put clothes on?"
"Because it's so much fun to take them off you," he chuckled. With that he went to his car to get the clothes and came back. He watched as she unbuttoned her jeans and her stomach pushed out. It took both of them to peel her jeans off over her rounded rump. Finally she redressed her inflated figure. He looked at her and approved. She was wearing a light blue t-shirt with a pink blouse that was so low cut it basically only covered her stomach. She also wore a pair of dark blue lounging pants that were made of a smooth vinyl type material. The outfit was completed with a pink cloth belt that she tied in front. "Sexy enough for you?" she asked modeling herself.
"O yes."
"I've been so caught up in the swelling, I was meaning to ask, will this odd blue coloration to my skin go away?"
"Yeah, when the effect wears off."
She walked up to him, about to jump on him when she stopped. "I feel really funny suddenly." Rob watched as her skin began to darken considerably.
"Kayla, you didn't eat right?"
She smiled guiltly, "well I admit I did have some cookies while making dinner."
"Well that's ok. That's all?"
"Well of course I had a glass of milk with the cookies. I mean you know I love that."
"Oh no, not cool."
"What do you mea..." before she could finish she began to swell again.
"Milk increases the effect by a lot, and if you drank a whole glass..."
With that put an arm around her ass to feel the extent of her new ballooning and found her caboose was already tightening her new pants. He could see her stomach pushing out in front of his face.
"Stop this Rob, I don't want to pop."
"O hun, I thought I told you, sorry. I don't know how big you'll get, but the chemical will never pop you. You're safe. Trust me."
"Well, I suppose you know more about it than me."
He stood up and wrapped his arms around her and could feel her growing. Her stomach was pushing into his. He looked down and watched as her butt began to push the seat of her pants to the limit. Kayla moaned and Rob stepped back. She was getting quite large and round as her buttons started to groan. Kayla reached down and grabbed her large stomach. She felt as her blue skin began to show.
"Sooo, tight. I just keep filling with juice."
With that the buttons on her blouse popped off one by one and her stomach pushed out more. Her pants started to groan as her butt grew even larger. She started spread her legs as her thighs were growing larger. Her legs looked like over stuffed blue sausages inside her pants. Suddenly her volleyball sized boobs snapped her bra.
"Uhh, this belt is beginning to hurt." Rob looked down and saw Kayla's hips curving out underneath the belt and her stomach pushing into it more with each second. Rob pulled the knot to the belt to relieve her. Instantly, he hips and waist sprang forward and jiggled with the sudden freedom. Rob reached in and pressed her bellybutton as it popped out. He watched as her stomach finally burst through her pants and unzipped them. He walked behind her when her heard her pants groan and suddenly her butt ripped free. Her hips gave a large swell and burst off the rest of her pants as her arms began to rise. Once her boobs pushed through the last of her shirt Kayla looked at Rob and laughed, "Too bad, that was a new outfit too."
"I'm surprised you're joking at a time like this."
"Well I'll admit it's unexpected and strange, but you assured me no harm would come to me."
Kayla's arms rose until they were horizontal and then they began to fill with juice also. At the same time she could spread her mammoth thighs no more and her crotch began to swell down toward the floor.
"Well I'm glad you're ok with this because it looks like you drank enough milk to become a blueberry woman."
"I bet I'll be the first one." She couldn't speak very easily after that though because her cheeks slowly bulged out. Her arms were large cones now and her legs had almost completely grown together. Even her back was swelling out as she came closer to being a large ball. Her little fingers and toes became pudgy and the juice continued to fill her as her body slowly became an imperfect ball. A few seconds later she had no female form left and Rob watched as her body finally became a sphere.
"It's stopped Rob, I can't feel myself filling anymore. Man, I feel so full though."
"Well, you are full. I'm sorry that this went a bit further than planned."
"A bit further huh? I'm a ball! O well...no harm came of it. By the way, how do we get this juice out of me."
"Out of you? Ummm...."
Kayla looked horrified, "Rob, you can't be serious..."
Rob couldn't help it as he burst out laughing. "No, actually I wasn't serious."
"If I had legs right now, I would kick you."
"Hey now, no need for that. To answer your question though, it's just like you drank a whole bunch. In a little while, you'll have to take the longest pee of your life. After that you'll be completely back to normal."
"Thank goodness. Well, Rob, I must say you lived up to your promise."
"How so?"
Kayla laughed, "Tonight was definitely interesting."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, fanfiction, floating, magic
Text: "'Ermione could you be a dear and refill my wine glass?" Fleur Delacour asked with her usual air of superiority. Her delicate hand held out her empty wine glass to the only other occupant of that table.
"Why of course." Hermione said sweetly and took the glass. While walking across the kitchen she muttered. "It's Hermione HERmione."
It was June, summer vacation for the Hogwarts students. Hermione Granger and Harry Potter were staying at Ron Weasley's house for the holiday. They were also staying for Bill and Fleur's wedding.
And who was Fleur Delacour?
If you had asked Harry and Ron back when they first met her in their fourth year they would have said. "The most beautiful creature ever born.'
But now that the two had girlfriends t hey had no problem saying. "A beautiful and rather snobby lady."
Fleur Delacour put 'stunning beauties' to shame. With her silvery blonde hair that raveled down past her waist, enticing deep blue eyes, and fair skin it was easy to see how the handsome Bill Weasley was drawn to her.
At least on the looks level.
'Really, what does Ron's brother see in her?' Thought Hermione as she refilled Fleur's glass with red wine. She returned and forced herself to sit back down at the table. Ron,Harry,Ginny, and the twins were getting lunch. The parent Weasley's had gone off to the bank, Bill had snuck off to do something, Percy had yet to show up, and Charlie (the second oldest Weasley son) had dashed off to handle an emergency at work.
Leaving Hermione all alone with Fleur. Hermione would have gone off but...
'She'd probably accidentally burn down this house down. It's all Ron's family really has.' Or so Hermione believed.
Hermione ,as well as others in the house hold, always figured that those that were snooty also lacked intelligence. What they kept forgetting was that Fleur participated in the Tri-Wizards Tournament. And though she came last, simply getting in was still a very respectable feat.
None the less quite a few people did not think highly of Fleur.
Fred, andGeorge seemed to be the only ones that remained neutral on the whole "Love/Hate". They were indeed men but they seemed to put pranks before pretty girls first. And Fleur was a potential person to prank. Her looks certainly did except her.
Fleur did not seem to catch onto Hermione's hostility. After a few minutes of gossiping (albeit it was one-sided) Fleur stood up and walked behind Hermione. The older woman began to play with Hermione's hair, she stiffened.
"Uh-what are you doing?"
"Silly girl, I'm trying to help you."
Hermione's hand left her tea cup. "How is this going to help?"
"Your hair is so bushy, what do you wash it with? I think Ron would like it more if zit were perfectly straight. I'll help you with zat." Fleur's French accent always seemed to become thicker when it came to improving one's appearances.
"Well-uh." Hermione began but stopped when Fleur stopped too and went to her pursue.
"Ermione, I have zis beautiful nail polish that I think you will luv."
Hermione made to rise. "I'm not one for nail polish...in-in fact I think that's more of a Ginny thing-by-"
But Fleur would not hear of it. She gently pushed Hermione back into her seat. "Shush shush young lady. You must not be so zhy. You must learn to accelerate your natural beauty especially when you have so much potential.
'And what is that suppose to mean?' Hermione thought with a nasty voice in her head. Fleur took out her wand and waved it once. At the same time a bunch of manicure supplies appeared in the air. Hermione did not like where this was going.
"Thank-thanks Fleur but Ron likes me the way I am."
"Tut tut. Then does he not dezerve a surprise? Do you not want to pleze him especially?"
Twenty minutes later Fleur was only half way done with her 'victim'. All over Hermione's face was a thick cream. Slices of cucumbers covered her eyes. Her finger nails were painted purple.
And Fleur was once again playing with her hair!
"Hm hm let us ze here. Perhaps some of Madam's Morzo's hair solution. But I want a zertain zhine to it too. Harlow's Puffy will do zhat. Mmmmm. Maybe I'd need to rezort to an old family remedy."
"Remedy?" Asked Hermione skeptically. She was on the verge of shaking with anger.
"Yes. It is easy and zit envolves ze juices of ze newt."
A cucumber fell off from one of Hermione's eyes. It was red with anger and if it could curve back further it would stare at Fleur until she melted.
"Newt guts?"
"Maybe not but."
"I'm done!" Hermione rose and began to wipe off the face cream, much to Fleur's dismay.
"Oh! What are you doing! All of my work!"
Hermione might have begun to yell at Fleur but then the door opened and Ron,Harry,Ginny, and the twins returned. The moment that Hermione saw Ron first step in she quickly ran up the stairs to the bathroom to wash her face. Fleur glanced at the retreating Hermione then quickly greeted the arrivals.
"Back so zoon?"
"There was a long line and it took us longer to get back home." Ron had caught the sarcasm in her voice. He put down Fleur's lunch. She took it and unwrapped her sandwich.
"Mmmm. You English always over cook ze meat." She said.
Ginny was standing behind Fleur and with her hands demonstrated the 'I'm choking' expression. Harry and Ron smiled. Fleur's comment was actually one of her nicer one's to English cuisine. She now could stomach anything that was not rated five stars by the Wizards and Witches Culinary Board.
The Weasley's had been a poor family for who could say how long. however things were looking up for Arthur with his recent promotion at work. Not only he but all of the Weasley's that had moved out were doing very well financially. Bill: The oldest had a secure job with Gringotts, the official Wizarding bank (on top of that getting married). Charlie: The second oldest and had a good (though dangerous) job of studying and working with dragons. Percy: The rules burdened third brother had earned a job with the administration. The Twins: A booming joke shop business. And Ron and Ginny still lived at home.
Speaking of the twin's joke shop...
Fred casually put down a sack.
"Here Fleur, got you chips, low fat of course."
"Why thank you Zeorge." Fleur replied.
George was leaning against the wall next to Ginny, he waved. "That's Fred, I'M George."
Fleur was still having trouble telling the two apart. She put a hand in the bag. "Zilly me. Perhaps I will have only one- AAAAIIIEEEE!!!!"
A large pink bat had flown out of the bag and circled around Fleur's head several times. Fred,George, and Ginny were not afraid to let there laughter ring. Ron tried to keep his in and Harry thought that the twins were over doing it (considering they had already pranked her that morning). Fleur's witch training took over. She aimed her wand at the pink bat and fired a stunning spell. She missed and instead took a hole out of the ceiling. Ron and Ginny stopped laughing but the twins roared even harder.
"Phlegm!-I mean Fleur!" Ginny cried but Fleur paid no heed.
"Disgusting vermin!" Shrieked Fleur, she fired again and struck the bat. Instead of falling to the ground it exploded into multiply moth sized bats. With a scream Fleur ran up the stairs to her room. Leaving the twins to their laughter.
"Okay you over did it." Ginny said sternly, with a hint of Ms. Weasley in her face.
"You were laughing at Phlegm too." Fred said while rubbing his side tenderly.
"Yes but that was until she nearly destroyed the house."
Harry spoke up. "She did NOT nearly destroy the house." He bent down to pick up a fragment of the ceiling.
Ron murmured. "It's not your house so you see it differently."
Ginny put her hands on her hips. "Oh and am I suppose to have allowed her to bring the whole ceiling down on us?"
Harry shook his head. "It's just that this is more Fred and George's fault."
They chuckled and Ginny snapped at Harry. "Leave them out of this, they were just having fun."
The twins quickly went behind Harry and laid a hand down on his shoulder.
"Ooh! Looks like baby sister's going to have a fight with her boyfriend!"
"You're as good as dead Harry!"
"Stay out of this you two." Ginny said while holding back a smile. Though it usually upset her that sometimes Harry defended Fleur she could not stay mad at him. Deep down she was secretly jealous of Fleur's practically perfect looks.
The potential argument was cut short when Mr and Mrs. Wesealy came in through the front door.
"Afternoon children." Molly said. The two were carrying bags and set them down on a counter. Ron went over to look in one but his mother slapped his hand gently and told him to go finish his lunch. He obeyed.
"How's everything going here?" Arthur Weasley asked.
Harry quickly hid the ceiling fragments behind his back. The bats had disappeared only seconds before.
"Just fine." Ginny said sweetly.
"Good, good." Arthur said and turned to open the fridge. He peered inside. "Honey where is that bottle of juice I was saving?"
His wife joined in. "Oh Arthur it's right there in front of you."
"Oh right sorry."
What the two did not know was that Harry quickly held out the ceiling fragments and that the twins stealthly fixed the matter with their wands. A second later the ceiling was good as new, just in time for the two parents to turn around.
"Are you there Ron?" Hermione asked while descending the stairs. She dabbed at her face with a towel and entered the kitchen. She threw a glance at the ceiling. "What happened to the ceiling?"
Fred and George tried to shush her but all it took to stir Molly's suspicions was Hermione's question.
"Fred,George what did you two do now?"
"Why nothing mum." Said one.
"That's exactly what you two say whenever it is something."
"This time it's nothing." Said the other.
Mrs. Weasley stepped forward and then stopped and listened for a second. "Do I hear Fleur crying?"
Hermione said, "I thought she was upset when I passed her in the hallway."
"Boys?" Molly warned.
"Well,we might have played a tiny prank on her.' Fred said.
"Besides I thought you disliked Bill's girl."
Mrs. Ginny quickly put a kettle on the stove, she was fuming. "I may not approve of Bill's tastes. None the less she is still his fiancee and a human being. When I'm done comforting her I will see to you two!"
The ruler of the Weasley clan bolted up the stairs after Bill's fiancee.
Fred and George threw glances at Hermione.
"What?" She asked.
"You told on us Hermione." George declared.
"I did not, your mother was already suspicious." She sat down and began to eat next to Ron, Harry, and Ginny.
Harry said. "Isn't it better she found out right away, instead of you two lying the whole way through. In which she would have found out anyway?"
Fred briskly bit a chip. "I thought you two were cool. Maybe you two will be our next unexpected prank testers."
"Go ahead and try it." Hermione challenged.
"Fine." Said Fred.
"Fine." Repeated Hermione.
"Fine." Replied George.
"I thought it was a good one." Ginny said.
George nodded. "Thank you, Ginny. I always knew our baby sister was much smarter than Ronald."
"Lay off." Ron said.
"Yes leave him alone." Hermione said.
"Maybe we won't." Said Fred.
"We're going upstairs to work out the kinks in a few of our Vooze-Nose Blungles."
They quickly went up the stairs. Leaving Ron a little nervous as to what their next plan was.
"Don't worry Ron." Hermione sad between bites of her sandwich.
"She is a bit of a drama queen." Ginny said while brushing her hair back. She was referring to Fleur.
"Yes, but don't you think your brothers are over doing it a bit?" Asked Harry.
Ginny violently leaned forward in her chair. "No I don't! And I don't think she's prettier than me Harry Potter!" She took up her lunch and went out the side door.
Harry sighed and went after her. Ron began to get up but Hermione stopped him.
"I think it would be much better if those two worked it out themselves."
"But she's my sister."
"All the better for her. They can take care of each other."
"All right." Ron said and sat back down. He started to creep an arm around Hemione's back until is rested on her shoulder. He thought he heard her make a sound of appreciation.
Then she spoiled it by saying. "Do you think Fleur is prettier than me?"
Ron sputtered. "No! You're much smarter and cooler than she is."
She looked at him, danger. "But is she prettier than me?"
He hated it whenever Hermione asked him one of these questions. Whenever he said what he genuinely thought was the right thing, Hermione would get mad and act like she wanted him to say the other. Ginny's advice wasn't much help either. It seemed like the bottom line was that there was a 50-50 chance that he would get it right.
So please hold no grudges against Ron's answer. Also he is a bit daft when it comes to these issues.
His answer was: "Yes she is! But you're smart,and have personality and-"
"OOOH! GET OUT! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Hermione bellowed and before she could pull her wand out to threaten her boyfriend, he had already bolted out of the side door and was twenty feet away from the house.
"For goodness sakes you twit." Hermione whispered. Her face was flushed and would not cool down until she finished her lunch. She was just cleaning up when Mrs. Weasley came down the stairs and into the kitchen.
"Oh dear. Where is everyone?"
"I don't know, most of them walked off."
"Do you know where Ginny is?"
"I'm afraid I don't."
"Hmm, may I ask you a favor Ms. Granger?"
"Of course what is it?"
Hermione turned in her chair and faced Molly. It looked like she was upset or worried. Hermione hoped she could help.
"It's Fleur you see."
"She's rather upset and thinks no one likes her."
"Bill likes her."
Molly rubbed her hands. "I know but she wants to be liked by everyone. Or at least by more. She needs some cheering up."
Hermione had a bad feeling about this.
Molly nodded. "I think you should go with her to look for a wedding dress."
Hermione was able to stop her jaw from dropping. "Oh."
"I would go but I have dinner to make dinner and I think it would be better if someone closer to her age went."
"And you seem to treat her the nicest and-"
"We'll have a good time together!" Fleur had snuck up on Hermione and hugged her.
Hermione very badly wanted to say 'no'. Not only was she still not in the best mood, which actually had a lot to do with Fleur herself. She disliked Fleur being clingy, going out shopping for dresses was not her idea of 'fun'.
But Mrs. Weasley looked so distraught that Hermione was able to come with:
"I'll go with her, Mrs. Weasely."
"Oh thank you Hermione!" Molly said with all the gratitude she had.
Fleur then helped Hermione up and said. "You're one of ze nicest girls I've met since coming to England." She then leaned forward and peaked Hermione on each cheek. Something that made Hermione blush and also feel very uncomfortable. It was something that Fleur would have to learn that a lot of the English did not do that.
To Hermione's further displeasure Fleur played with her hair again. "Perhaps after looking around, we zhall find ze perfect condition for your hair."
"Wonderful." Hermione replied. Fleur missed the vile undertone.
Two puffs of Floo Powder later they were in Diagon Alley, the best shopping plaza for wizards and witches (at least in England). Hermione sincerely doubted that Diagon Alley had a wedding shop but Fleur was positive despite the fact she had accompanied Bill there only a few times. First they had to stop at Gringotts Wizarding Bank for a little money. Fleur was not planning on buying a dress but just to look around. Ten minutes after arriving in the Alley Fleur already looked very happy.
'She's happy, I'm ready to go back home.' Though it was a tough call. She was still mad at Ron and did not want to face him, then again she could be shopping with Fleur for who knew how long.
Unfortunately for poor Hermione Fleur loved to shop, was very indecisive,and did not seem to care.
Hermione was proven wrong (a rarity), they found 'Gwendolyn's Wedding Witches Supplies and entered it at 1:14 p.m.
At 5:37 p.m. Fleur had reduced her selection range from 128 dresses to 98.
Hermione was sitting in the exact same chair since she first sat down. Around 2:57 she realized that Mrs.Weasley asked her to go simply because she did not want to get stuck with Fleur. Hermione was not the kind of girl that loved shopping. Sure she liked to go out with friends and buy a few things. But unlike most of the other girls from school she did not make it her main hobby. She could bear shopping with Ginny who liked shopping only slightly more than Hermione.
Fleur came out of a dressing room wearing a stunning cream colored gown. On it's back was a bow, a white silk scarf was around her neck, and at the helms there were delicate lacy embroideries.
Hermione had her eyes closed and made a tiny snore.
The younger woman's eyes snapped open and she stood up. "When sugar is added to the Wolf's Bane potion it is rendered useless!"
Fleur stood there silent for several seconds, silent. "Oh! Very interesting."
Hermione blushed, she had been dreaming she was back in school. And even though she was in one of Snape's classes she wished was back there instead of with Fleur.
Fleur continued. "What do you think of zis one?"
Hermione sat back down. "Very nice, it even looks exactly like the last five."
"Oh no no! The bow, she is smaller, and the color is gently lighter and-"
Hermione pretended to listen to Fleur's lecture on the differences between the dresses. How she wished was she was back in Snape's classroom, at least Potions were important.
But what she was dying to do was to get with Harry,Ginny, and the twins, and continue to work on a pay back plan to Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. They had plenty of ideas but no solid plans. They were all sure that the twins would come up with something that would be worth the wait.
Hermione was brought back to reality by a loud squeal. It had been emitted by Flour and she quickly strolled over to another dress.
"Zis one! I must try zis one!"
"Uuuaaargggh." Hermione groaned while putting that evening's Daily Prophet paper over her head,sliding down her chair.
"I am not going into this woman's shop!"
"Fine I'll go in myself!"
Pansy stomped into Gwendolyn's Wedding Witches Supplies, leaving Malfoy outside with all of his newly bought 'toys'. Floating around him was an enchanted trunk, one that followed him when he wanted it to. Stashed inside were expensive things that he did not need, as well as dark arts artifacts. The artifacts were far more interesting. Scattered amongst them was: a dragon statue that attacked home intruders, a tea kettle that screamed whenever it's top was opened, glass dishes that exploded, a necklace that sprayed fire whenever adorned (if the wearer did not say the password), a mirror that showed the gazer's corpse, and many other terrible enchanted items.
Pansy had left her own floating trunk outside with Malfoy. After waiting for a minute he decided to set his trunk down and examine one of his artifacts.
The one thing he loved most about Pansy was that her love of dark artifacts rivaled his. Though sadly she loved to also shop for 'girl things'. He could not believe she tried on thirty sweaters and asked for his opinion on every one. How he dreaded that she wanted his opinion on wedding dresses next.
'Why on earth would she want to try on wedding dresses anyway?' Thought Malfoy as he rummaged through his trunk.
And then he felt her hand closer around his wrist and he was hauled up.
"What are you-?" He began and she pulled him into the store. She was genuinely excited about something.
"Oh Malfy come and see come and see!" She whispered excitedly.
"If it's a dress-"
"Be quiet and look!"
She stopped and then pulled him down behind a display. She had to grab his head and turned it to show him what she was looking at.
Hermione Granger.
A sleeping Hermione Granger.
He chuckled evily "This is too perfect to pass up."
"Are you going to blow her up into a balloon?"
"Of course sweet Pansy." He said and he extracted his wand from his robes. His heart was beating with excited. He raised the wand over his head. How he wanted to see that bushy haired mud blood turn in to a balloon...a nice soft floating balloon...woman.
In the middle of his arm twist his wrist was caught in a vice by Pansy.
"What are you doing!?" He said hoarsely.
"Stop and think." Said Pansy with iron. "We're already in trouble because of the Weasley going to the Ministry. Our parents are in trouble too. If they caught us again then someone on the council might give us an hour in Azkaban!"
Even Malfoy had to shudder at the idea of going to Azkaban. He glanced at the still sleeping Hermione then back to his girlfriend. The idea of turning Granger into a balloon again fueled his will to fight.
"No one is going to catch us! Don't tell me you're chicken!"
But Pansy smiled. "You act like I want to let her go."
"You did just say-"
"I merely SUGGESTED that you stopped and thought about this. I have and I know how we can embarrass that Granger AND get away."
Malfoy put his wand away. "If you're thinking about a potion forget it. I can't make it here."
She took his hand and lead him towards the entrance. "No, I'm not talking about a potion and I'm not talking about a spell. I've found a third way."
Malfoy was surprised. "A third way?"
She nodded and ordered her trunk to land on the ground. She knelt down and opened it.
He did love her. Years ago when they met at Hogwarts she was rather 'puggish'. But in the last few years her looks greatly improved. Her black hair reached her lower jaw line in smooth strands. Her chest had sprung out a bit too and other parts of her body became quite shapely. Her nose was rather buttonish and Malfoy found that 'cute' (his opinions of it would translate to that). She was wearing a brown sweater and a black long skirt. He nearly reached and stroked her hair when she grabbed something and jumped up.
"A dress?" Malfoy asked skeptically.
Actually it was a very ugly brown dress with moth holes in it. But Pansy was confident.
"No, it's enchanted I bought it from Borgin and Burkes. I thought the same thing but then it magically became the dress I wanted. Burkes explained that once a woman laid eyes on it, it would become the dress they're always wanted."
The dirty dress became deep red and it's size changed to fit Pansy Parkinson. She gasped happily while Malfoy held up his hands. "You want to give Granger the dress of her dreams!?" He reached a hand out to feel it but Pansy slapped his hand away.
"Let me finish will you?Once the wearer puts on the dress they will soon fill up with air. No potions, no spells, nothing to connect us. Except for Burkes but-"
Malfoy felt his wand. "He wouldn't dare tell on us if anyone asked. Let's go."
Parkinson took up the dress and led the way back into the shop. They were gleeful to see that Hermione was still sleeping. Carefully Pansy crept forward and gently laid the dress down onto the small table next to Hermione. It was neatly folded and the moment it left Pany's grasp it changed back to it's old moldy look. Then she snuck away and went into hiding next to Malofy.
"Now let's wake her up."
Malfoy raised his wand to fire a stunning spell but then Fleur burst out of the dressing room in her jeans and t-shirt. Her arms were crossed and she sighed.
"Ze zelection here is too small. We will go home and-"
Her eyes had passed over the folded dress once, then something made her look back to see the dress of her dreams.
"Oh my 'Ermione! That looks good!"
She snatched the dress and went back into the dress room. Hermione lifted the paper off her face, glanced around, then went back to sleep. She wondered when Fleur would be finished.
Pansy clenched her fists and shook them. "Ooh! Who was that!?"
Malfoy was not as upset as she was in fact, "Shh! I recognized her, that was Fleur Delacour."
"You mean-"
"Yes the same one from the Tri-Wizard Tournament. This still works out."
"What do you mean?"
Draco quickly snapped the image of an inflating Fleur out of his head and answered. "I heard that her grandma was a veela, she's not a pure blood at all."
Pansy clamped her hands together. "Oh I see."
Veela were gorgeous creatures that could mesmerize most men and some women with a simple glance. Fleur being related to one would probably have something to do with her excellent looks. How the two Slytherins hoped that Fleur would start filling up until after exiting the dressing room.
They were in luck. Only seconds after Fleur had put the dress on she happily walked out.
"Ermione I think zis is ze one!"
Hermione lifted the paper and was rather impressed. The dress was a light blue and reached down to Fleur's ankles. It's waist gently clung to Fleur's own and outlined her thin stomach, and full breasts. Around her waist was a light gold girdle. Her arms and collar bones were bare but her shoulders were covered with smooth, soft trimmings. On the back was a matching bow. The dress was rather traditional and yet it certainly did not hide the wearer's shape.
Fleur brushed back her hair. "Now if only zer was a matching veil it would be perfect."
Hermione stood up. "It does look very good on you Fleur." She was not saying that just to get out of there. She really meant it.
"Yes zis is the one. I will have them hold it for me."
Hermione blinked. She saw something then rubbed her eyes, believing that she was just sleepy. Looking again she was quite it was real.
Fleur's stomach was bulging ever so slightly.
"Fleur, do you feel okay?"
The older woman spun gracefully. "But of course 'Ermione. I haven't felt better!"
"Are you sure?"
The stomach was hardly bigger, only someone with a keen eye like Hermione's could have caught it. Gently it pushed out, barley touching the dresses material.
Fleur's smile broadened. "Ermione you must learn to relax. A lady like you will develop wrinkles early. At least zat is what my moma zaid to me at your age in fact-"
Hermione looked again, Fleur's stomach pressed out sightly further, smoothing out a few tiny folds.
Fleur still did not notice she put a finger to her lip in contemplation. "In fact my zister,Gabrielle, would look adorable in zis dress too. In fact I think zit would be perfect for you and Ginny too. I think I will speak to the owner and-"
Fleur looked a little pudgy but still did not notice. Everything she said was not heard by Hermione all she could think of was-
Away in the hiding spot Pansy became nervous.
"Malfy what if they still figure out that we are behind this."
He smiled handsomely. "I've just thought of the solution. To not be seen, I have this."
He pulled something shimmering and light from his pocket, unfolded it, and covered Pansy's shoulder with it, she gasped.
"An invisibility cloak!?"
"It set me back quite a bit and Burkes had to do a lot of work. It's only right that a Pure Blood such as I own one."
Invisibility cloaks were truly rare. One of the few other known owners of one was Harry Potter. It was only recently in their rivalry did Malfoy learned that Harry had one. Immediately he set out and spoke to every shop owner he knew that had 'connections'. He had picked up just that day.
"Get under that." He said to Pansy and she did just that. "I will go and bribe off the workers and anyone else here. We'll have the place to ourselves."
She snickered and Malfoy quickly walked off.
Pressing about only an inch and a half away from her body, Fleur only then began to feel strange.
"Oh, um, Ermione I feel like I should zit down for a bit."
Hermione scratched her head. "I-I, you're filling up with air Fleur."
She looked at her. "What?"
"Air, you're filling."
Her stomach pressed a little further giving a little strain to the girdle.
"Up?" Asked Fleur.
"Up." Said Hermione.
"Up where?"
A little more-
"No." Hermione said remembering that Fleur's English was not perfect. "I mean air is going into your body."
"But how? It cannot be."
And then her stomach bulged out several inches at once and blew off her gold girdle. Fleur cried out and threw her arms up.
Hermione pointed at Fleur's distended body. "That's how!"
"Malfy she just blew her-"
"I saw." Malfoy said and joined Pansy underneath the invisibility cloak.
"Is everyone else gone?"
"Only took a bit of money and a threat here or two but yes it's just the four of us. I think I'll blow Granger up with a spell now."
"No! Let's watch her reaction to her friend filling up first."
"All right we're do that first."
Pansy sighed and laid her head on Malfoy's shoulder.
"Ermione what is going on?" Asked Fleur. She put her hands onto either side of her belly. It was the size of a bowling ball.
"It's the work of these two mean people."
"Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. They're here somewhere and I'll find them!"
She started to go but Fleur grabbed her wrist. She whispered and looked on the brink of tears. "No! Stay with me I'm scared!"
"There's nothing to be afraid of. You won't be hurt but they need to be dealt with."
Fleur looked around the room, her other hand still rested on her growing stomach. "But-but ze are not here! No one is around! It is just us! I don't want to be alone."
Hermione was sympathetic. After all she was scared too and it in was in the middle of a class room when it first happened to her.
"I'll stay with you."
"Zank you. You have a big-"
"-HEART!" Cried Fleur, her chest had jumped out several cup sizes. They tightly pushed against her dress. She grabbed them and moaned. dramatically.
Her thighs blew out as well. The dress was not tight nor was it 'loose' before but now it was becoming stretched and very well outlined her expanding hour class shape. Ever moving her hands Fleur touched at each expanding parts and was panicking as they grew bigger and bigger.
"Oh no! Zis is terrible! My figure, my poise, my looks,my skin, my-"
Her chest surged again, each one surpassed the bowling ball size. The dress tore a little bit between her chest as it was opened wider. A bit of her black bra peeked out from the tear.
"My lovely dress!!!" Cried Fleur with her loudest voice.
'It's just a dress.' Thought Hermione but she none the less began to comfort Fleur by rubbing her back.
"Don't worry you will be fine."
"How do you know?" Asked Fleur while trying to push her stomach back in. At it's furthest point it stuck out half a foot.
"Because it's happened to me."
"Yes and to Ginny too."
"And you are all right?"
"Yes nothing bad happened to us."
It looked like Fleur was beginning to calm down. "Zen I won't panic anymore-"
The dress tour further around her cleavage. It was open enough for her breasts to be free, but not enough for the dress to slide down to her waist. Her shoulder pieces were still attached to the main body of her dress. Through the silk bra one could make out Fleur's nipples. She began to blush and felt her bra strap dig into her back.
But she was mostly upset about her dress.
"Zis is terrible!"
"Oh Fleur it's only a dress!" Hermione said irritably.
"But it was the one I was going to pick out! OH! What if Bill were to see me like zis!"
Hermione rolled her eyes and figured she would have 'wowed his socks offf' considering Ron and Harry's reaction.
"He would understand that this is not your fault."
"But he won't find me beautiful he'll-"
Her heavy stomach pulled at her dress, holes and tears appeared in it as it pushed down, straining the shoulders. Air began to fill into her sides as well. It was becoming too much for Fleur as her thighs were becoming thick and her butt big. She tried to walk forward which became a waddle. Her high heels did not help matter either. She could not move her legs too much either because her dress was becoming too tight.
"I need help!" She cried before her shoulder pieces were torn apart. She yipped and grabbed for her falling dress and held it up. Though her bra clad breasts were shown Fleur still held up her clothing. Bigger and bigger her belly become, always pulling at her dress, trying to take it lower. Fleur was losing, either she would have to give it slack, or her dress would tear and she would re-grab a new part of it. Sadly losing the battler Fleur finally held the dress around her waist. Her belly button was covered but her helm was up to her knees as she inflated with air. The blue clothing was slowing down her swelling but did not stop it. Her butt,thighs, and belly were becoming constricted and so desperately wanted to fly out.
"Oh Fleur." Hermione whispered and patted the older woman on the back, noting the bra was looking very stretched and uncomfortable.
Her arms were becoming plump. One was forced out straight while Fleur made her left arm remain bent, ever holding the dress. Finally she could not fight it and her other arm went the same as the first. In her fist was another scrap of her would be wedding dress.
"Mmmm!!!" She moaned as her belly and butt took another surge and her dress exploded into shreds, pieces, and scraps. Her silk black panties clung to her butt and lower stomach. The bra was becoming tighter and tighter, the only relief Fleur got was when one of her shoulder straps blew off, and then the other. The bra held on sadly and slide down her chest lower.
"Zis-zis lingiere is zo expensive!" Fleur complained as her stomach and sides filled out further and further, pushing her panties down. Eventually she blushed.
"Ermione a favor if you pleaze?"
"What?" She stepped forward.
"Could you...pull up my..." she did not have to finish.
Hermione turned red but did what Fleur wanted. She slowly slid her fingers into the waistband of Fleur's panties and gently pulled them up. It was a bit of a struggle and she had to use both hands to get them up another inch before she had to give up. Quickly she extracted her hands and shook them as thought getting water off.
Fleur's gallant figure was long gone, she was now a balloon woman. She had her legs left and full arms. It wa tos take a little more time before she would reach Hermione's size and shape. She waddled towards Hermione.
"Now what do we do?"
Hermione was still a little red in the face from helping Fleur. "We get you-"
There was the sound of something squeaking. Hermione knew what it was. Fleur felt one side of her panties slid up her butt cheek. It was uncomfortable and she waited for the second to follow through but it remained where it was, covering her butt. It was so hard for her to believe that she had the perfect body only a few minutes ago. Her regular clothes would not fit her!
"Now what do we do?" Fleur repeated the question.
Hermione was about to answer the question when Malfoy and Pansy came out of hiding.
"Now we make your lives even worse than before!" Pansy laughed and the two Slytherins drew their wands.
Fleur turned while Hermione reached for her wand but Malfoy fired a stunning spell and Hermione was knocked over onto her butt. Quickly she drew her legs towards her chest and tried to stand up but Malfoy kept his wand pointed at her.
"Don't move Granger or I will turn you into an even bigger balloon than last time."
Hermione had no choice but to remain still. Fleur was even more helpless. She had become even bigger and more balloon shaped that Hermione or Ginny had. None of her human shape was left, just a huge globe with her head,feet,hands, and huge breasts sticking out. Her underwear clung to her body so tightly that Hermione wondered how it had not exploded off.
Fleur huffed while she slowly waddled towards Draco and Pansy. She furiously flapped her hands while her face was red with anger.
"How *huff!* dare you, ugh, two do zis to *puff!*me!"
They laughed at the balloon woman's slow but determined charge. Hermione's anger flared as Pansy skipped around the distend Fleur and poked at her body.
"You're so fat! What on earth do you eat?"
"Stop it!" Shrieked Fleur as she tried to move around and follow the much faster Pansy. Draco laughed but kept his wand pointed at Hermione, the only one who could do anything.
Fleur continued to huff and puff as she became madder and madder at the taunting and dancing Pansy.
"Little girl I should warn you not to mez with a Delacour."
"Little? Ha! For once you're right blimby."
Pansy waited until the last second to jump out of the way of another one of Fleur's waddle-charges.
"Zis is an outrage!" Fleur shouted out.
"Oh be quiet!" Pansy said and she put her hands to Fleur's belly and pushed.
"No zont!" Fleur said and she toppled over onto her back. She kicked and flapped her legs while shouting. Pansy and Draco roared with laughter. Hermione jumped up but Draco fired a spell and nearly broke a piece of the wall behind Hermione.
"Last warning Mud Blood." He said.
"Leave her alone! It's me you want isn't it?" Hermione asked, trying not to watch the kicking and screaming Fleur.
"Hard to believe she was a potential Tri-Wizard champion." Pansy murmured.
Draco said. "It's not just you we want Hermione. It's anyone that is not impure. Half breeds like Fleur here is partially Veela."
He was about to continue when Pansy pointed her wand at Fleur and said. "Do shut up." She fired a spell and quickly Fleur rose into the air.
"Oh! Ermione help me!" She cried and went up into the air higher while rotating. This brought out more laughter from the two Slytherins.
"Wait a second!" Pansy snapped and looked at Draco. "What about my dress!"
"What about it? It was great!" He laughed again but she did not.
"That fat half breed ruined my dress! It's all over the floor now!"
"Who cares? It did the job!"
Pansy stomped her feet. "But I wanted to use it on everyone I dislike! It cost me a fortune and it was a one of a kind too!"
"Listen Parkinson! We're in the middle of having fun and you're not going to spoil it with your whining!"
Hermione just stood there and tried to think of a plan. She considered herself the only one that could turn the tide. She did not register that Fleur had reached the ceiling. But was moving her body around by her foot or hand against the ceiling, rotating around to get the perfect angle. With the back of her head to the ceiling, silvery blonde strands falling over her shoulders and back. And her breasts looking down, Fleur Delacour took in a long breath and forced it down into her filled body. The arguing Slytherins did not notice this, nor did Hermione. Fleur pushed her body out by less than an inch.
'Oh forgive me my brassiere but zis is personal.'she thought right before her chest pushed out a tiny bit further. The strap that was digging into her back broke apart and the black bra flew forward, causing her breasts to fly out and jiggle for a few seconds.
Mafloy looked up in time to see the huge bra fly right at him and into his face. He cried out and flew back while his aim went wild and he fired a spell.
Pansy spun and looked at her falling boyfriend. "Malfy!" She cried.
Hermione was about to make a desperate dive for her wand but something flew past her head. She threw back her head and looked up in time to see Fleur's hand catch her own wand.
'Wow!' Thought Hermione. 'She summoned her wand mentally!'
Fleur was quickly able to position the wand so that it aimed at Pansy. The entire scene lasted less than three seconds.
"Now feel ze wraith of a Delacour!" Fleur said proudly and fired her spell.
But Pansy felt nothing. Malfoy was trying to get the bra off his face. He was panicking and that was not helping.
Pansy laughed. "You had your chance!" She pointed her wand at Fleur, intending to do who knows what.
But then her belly blew out to the size of being nine months pregnant with triplets! Her sweater was pushed up high, her long skirt was torn apart, and the waistband of her dark purple panties was ruined! She gazed down at her new stomach.
"What?" She asked then felt her panties began to slide down her thighs. She yipped,grabbed them, and pulled them up.She saw that Hermione was going for her wand and that Fleur was not done yet. Her will to fight was lost and she cried out. "Draco help me!"
Malfoy finally got the bra off him and saw his new girlfriend. 'Wow.' He thought while admiring her distended stomach and noticed that she was holding up her panties with one hand.
Then the table next to his head went flying. Hermione's stunning spell had missed him by inches. He was brought back to reality. With one swift movement, he grabbed his invisibility cloak and threw it over Parkinson and himself. Quickly the duo retreated from Hermione's spell casting. She could not see them but could hear them leaving.
"Malfy wait! I can't run with this stomach and-!"
"Hurry up hurry up!' He hissed.
"Oh my panties!" Pansy moaned and Hermione saw the scrap of clothing fall out of thin air, onto the floor. She fired another spell but missed and saw the front door of the store open and then quickly closed.
Quickly she turned to Fleur. "You were wonderful Fleur!"
She could make out Fleur's smile. "Zhank you. It is was a sort of reflection spell I used on her. I gave her some of the air in my body. I warned her. But what about me! Zis is zo embarrassing!"
Hermione noticed that Fleur was a little smaller. She pointed her wand and used the same spell that brought her back down to earth. Gently Fleur landed on the floor and Hermione began to roll her towards a fire place.
"We'll use the last of the Floo Powder to get us home. Bill's mom can help you."
"Are you zure?"
"Yes I'm positive."
It took a great deal of pushing and grunt but Hermione finally got a portion of Fleur into the fireplace. Sadly at one point she pressed her back into Fleur's side and forced too much air to her lower body. Fleur's panties snapped off her body and broke a window. Quickly they went home.
The dinner for The Weasely Family and Harry Potter was interrupted by the sound of something big landing in their living room. They dashed in there to find a naked and bloated Fleur, lying on her back. Hermione was lying on top of Fleur's belly and quickly looked up and tried to smile at the gaping audience.
"I...think Fleur wants a dress made for herself. She knows what it'll look like."
Bill quickly dashed over to his wife and marveled at her. Ron ran over and helped Hermione down.
It was going to be an interesting night of story telling and deflating. Ron lead Hermione into the kitchen while holding her hand. Everyone else was going over to help Fleur.
"Oh, Hermione I like your fingers nails." Ron said while they sat down at the table.
Hermione glanced at her purple nails, the ones Fleur had painted. She smiled.
"What do you mean that dress is not one of a kind!?" Shrieked Pansy Parkinson at Burkes, the man who sold her the enchanted dress. She was wearing a large green robe over her stomach and legs. It was the first thing she saw that would fit her.
Burkes kept glancing at her new stomach and face.
"I made a mistake. I thought the dress was a rarity but my dealer just discovered a whole bunch of them."
It was a story he told again and again.
"Then what about my money!?" Pansy asked. She used one hand to hold her robes together and stretched the other out.
"Sorry Ms. Parkinson but a deals a deal. If you want another dress then-"
Malfoy snapped from out of the shadows and pointed his wand at Burkes' nose.
"Give my lady back her money or you'll not only have to worry about me but my dad and all of his 'friends'."
Burkes gulped and quickly returned Pansy's money. Pansy and Draco exited the shop quickly. She looked both mad and happy as she looked down at her stomach and stroked it slowly. Malfoy could not help but continue to glance at it every chance he could. They would find a way to get the air out of her and then-
Though he did not know what he was feeling he knew that this was war.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Blueberry Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, belly inflation, Female body inflation
Text: Tazi was pretty all over. Her light brown skin, almond eyes, and slender curves gave no hint to the origins of her ancestry, but there was no doubt she was pretty. She walked down the hall with a mischeivious smile, holding a bowl of rather large, purple-blue berries. She walked carefully in her bare feet, her slender brown legs long beneath her white frilly shirt.
Tazi was also a trickster. And tonight, amid the wildness of the party planned for the sorority, she was going to play the most delicious trick ever.
She stopped at the first open door and poked her head in.
"Tazi!" said the young woman on the bed. Sara was pretty too, with light red hair and skin as smooth as fine porcelin. She was wearing only a T-shirt and light green panties. Her slim waif-like frame looked delicate as she reclined on the bed with a notebook on her lap, a pencil in one hand and a textbook in the other. "What's up?"
"Here, try one of these!" Tazi held out the bowl of berries.
Sara sat up, then set the book and notebook aside. She adjusted her white T-shirt, and pulled her hair back up behind her and secured it with a tie. "What are they?"
"Delicious!" Tazi declared. "You have to try one! You won't believe it."
The other girl wrinkled her nose, then plucked a berry from the bowl, and put in her mouth. A few chews, then she swallowed. She stuck her tounge out. "Weird!" she said.
"Good?" Tazi asked.
"Well, kind of. Way, way sweet. And, I don't know, kind of weird." She made a face and licked her lips.
Sara shook her head. "No thanks! That was... ohhhhh...."
"What is it?" Tazi asked innocently.
"I feel really... strange." Sara reached under her T-shirt and rubbed her belly. "Wow... that's... so strange."
"Do you feel OK?"
Sara nodded, both hands on her tummy. "Yeah. Just... weird." She lifted her shirt up to look at her smooth tummy. "Feels like... sloshing around in there? OH!"
"What's happening to you?" Tazi asked, leaning closer.
"I don't... know.... ohhhh...." Sara moaned softly, and pressed a hand against her belly. "It just feels... so...."
Sara's belly jumped forward into her lap. The soft ivory skin jutted out from under her T-shirt and rested in her lap. She moaned loudly, rubbing her giant, swollen belly. "Oh... my... God! Tazi! Ohhhhhhhhhhh! My belly is so huge!"
"How does it feel?"
Sara flopped back on the bed, rubbing the sides of her belly that rose above her. "Full, and squishy.... too much!" she groaned again. "What the hell did you do to me? Arrrrrrrrrrrrg!"
But Tazi was already leaning out the door into the hallway. Marissa was walking down the hall toward her, and saw Tazi leaning out. "Is everything OK?" the woman asked. Marissa was cute, with short, mousey brown hair and a pert little nose. In fact, almost everything about her was pert. She was wearing a glittery T-shirt and a short red skirt, all ready for the party later.
Tazi smiled. "Oh, ya, everything's fine. Here, have a berry."
Marissa took a berry from the bowl and popped it into her mouth. She chewed as she went past Tazi into Sara's room. "Is Sara OK?" she asked, but stopped once inside.
Tazi laughed a tinkling laugh. "She's great! Except maybe for a little tummy ache." She made a pouting frown.
Marissa looked at Sara lying back on the bed, holding her enormous belly with both hands. Sara moaned loudly. "Damn it Tazi, look what you did to me!" She stopped to pant and groan. "Marissa... don't eat... the berries...!"
The other woman gasped loudly. "What? The berries? Why... ohhhhhhhhhhh...." She moaned loudly and put her hands on her belly.
"How do you feel, Marissa?" Tazi smiled a mischevious smile and bent forward to get a closer look at the other's tummy.
Marissa stumbled over to a large comfy chair on the other side of the room. "Oh, wow, that feels really weird. I don't know... what's going on." She pulled her shirt up to look at her tummy.
Her belly jumped forward and swelled into her lap. She looked up at Tazi, startled. "Tazi! What... what... oh, this is so freakin weird! Stop it!"
But Tazi was ready. With a deft motion, she stepped forward and popped another berry into the woman's mouth. Marissa tried to spit it out, but Tazi put her hand over it, then slapped the huge belly with her other hand. Marissa reflexively bent forward, holding the globe of her belly, and chomped down on the berry.
Tazi stepped back at Marissa looked at her with wide eyes. "Why... why did you...?"
This time, Marissa's breasts surged forward, and sat like two swollen mounds on top of her giant belly. She leaned back in the comfy chair and moaned loudly. "Oh, that's too much... too much...."
Tazi laughed as the woman's breasts and belly surged forward again. "I guess you weren't quite done!"
Suddenly a new voice cut through the moaning of the two swollen women. "What the hell is this?" It was Kiki, unquestionably the hottest girl in the sorority. She stepped into the room, her mouth agape. "Sara? Marissa? Oh my God, you two are blimps! What the hell happend to you? Gack! Hurk!" and then "Gulp!"
The last was the sound of a berry going into her mouth and sliding down her throat. Tazi raised her arms in mock triumph and declared, "Three pointer! The crowd goes wild!"
Kiki was ridiculously hot, with wavy black hair down past her shoulders, smoldering eyes, and sleek, generous curves all the way down past her slender waist, wide hips, and long legs, down to her sensous toes. She was wearing a short red dress with frills on the bottom. It made her look like a sexy firecracker about to go bang. But now she was standing still, both hands on her midsection. "Tazi! Dammit! What have you done!"
Tazi just shrugged and smiled. "I wanted to try something out."
"Try something...?! This is crazy! Some of your pranks are... but this..." She stopped and closed her eyes. "OK that feels weird."
Tazi stepped forward, and helped her to sit down on the floor. "Here, better sit down."
Kiki grunted and winced. "I feel so strange. Tazi, what in hell...?"
"I know, honey. You're going to be OK. Much bigger, but OK."
"Oh, wow. My tummy... feels... I need to get out of here!" She struggled and tried to stand back up.
Her belly rolled forward, rapidly filling the frilly red dress. "Ah!" she cried. "My tummy!"
Tazi leaned forward. She popped a couple more berries in poor Kiki's mouth. She held her hand over her mouth until the woman stopped protesting and swallowed them.
Then she stood. "Well, I think that looks like a go! I suppose I'll see you girls later at the party! Unless... you're not feeling up to it!" She set the bowl of berries on the desk, and playfully slapped the huge pale globe of Sara's belly. Then she walked out into the hall.
Kiki moaned loudly as Tazi closed the door behind her, and went down the hallway, then downstairs.
The party was getting rolling, with the girls standing around chatting and drinking. A few guys had already shown up, but mostly it was just the sorority sisters. The sound system was pounding out dance music, and a few of the girls were dancing with each other and laughing.
Tazi raised her arms and shouted "Parrrrrrrrrty!" The women raised their arms and whooped back. Tazi turned and went into the kitchen.
As she was coming back with a large tray, there was a commotion at the door. Tazi broke into a brilliant smile and said, "They're here!"
One of the women turned to Tazi and said, "You didn't!"
Tazi nodded. "I did! I invited 'Girls Gone Awry'! I told you this was going to be the blow-out party of the season." She turned to the woman and called out, "Let's get this party started! BB shots all around!"
Women crowded forward to take shot glasses from the tray. One woman downed hers, and made a face. "That's cold!" she declared.
"Best chilled!" Tazi said. "Slows things down."
Another woman laughed. "Slows down?"
Tazi said, "So you can have another!" and handed her another shot glass with the blue liquid.
The woman knocked it back and laughed. "That's strong!"
"Is it good? It looks weird," another woman said.
"Yes, really good! And strong!"
The Girls Gone Awry guys had their equipment ready, so they turned on bright lights and the two cameramen hefted their cameras to their shoulders and started taping. Bonk Birkiss, the GGA front man, called out, "Drink up girls! Tonight is going to be the party of the century!"
Tazi's tray quickly emptied, so she scooted into the kitchen and returned with another. The women danced forward to the pounding beat of the dance music, and quickly emptied that tray too. They downed their ice-cold shots in quick motions while GGA filmed them.
Bonk Birkiss called out, "All right! Who's going to be our first lovely ladies to give our cameras some love tonight?"
Two women stepped forward, a curvy, large-chested blond with long wavy hair, and a slim woman with her pitch black hair cut in a bob, and started dancing for the camera. Then they looked at each other, laughed, and pulled their shirts up. The women went wild, calling out and shouting over the beat of the music.
The two women looked at each other, stunned. The blond reached out and put her hand on the other's giant tummy. Her own tummy stuck out, too, lifting her heavy breasts.
All the chatter died in the room, and the only sound was the pounding beat of the dance music. A woman started rubbing her tummy absently, then she groaned and lifted her shirt.
Now the effects were catching up with all the women in the room. Some staggered back to sit where the could. A few lowered themselves to the floor, looking dazed.
Bellies were rolling forward and swelling out everywhere. The stunned women couldn't believe it. They rubbed their gigantically swollen bellies and moaned loudly, but the sound was drowned out by the pounding sound system.
The first blond's chest surged forward. She'd had a shot or two too many, and wasn't done. Her black-haired companion swelled again, too.
Tazi was dancing with her arms in the air, laughing, as the women of the sorority swelled up and went down to the floor holding their bellies. She turned to the GGA cameraman and shouted, "Keep filming! Get it all! Get all of them blowing up like balloons! OOOOF!"
Something soft and round and huge struck her from behind, and she fell to the floor. Then Kiki waddled forward, holding the giant, distended globe of her belly amid the ruins of her tattered red dress. She flopped forward, pinning Tazi underneath her giant, swollen belly, and gigantic breasts.
"It finally stopped, no thanks to you!" she shouted over the din of the music. "But, oh look, you left the berries in Sara's room! Have a few!" She scooped up a full handful of large purple berries, and leaning over the bulk of her tummy, jammed them all into Tazi's mouth. The woman's eyes were wide with fear as she was forced to chew and swallow them.
The woman with short black hair waddled forward, hefting her belly with one hand, and holding a bottle of blue liquid with the other. "Need something to wash it down with?" She upended the bottle into Tazi's mouth, and the berry-infused alchohol splashed over Tazi's face, flooded her mouth and went down her throat.
"Here's some more!" called Kiki, and she emptied the bowl of the last berries into Tazi. Then a couple of swollen women took her arms and helped her roll back off of Tazi.
Tazi stood up, gasping. She looked around at all the women watching her. Then she moaned. "I feel... really, really... strange." She took a few staggering steps forward.
The cameraman whispered sideways to Bonk Birkiss, "Dude, she's going to explode."
Bonk whispered back sharply, "Keep filming!"
Tazi shook her head, her pretty hair flying around her. "Ohhhhhhhh... that really, really feels weird. I feel... soooooo...." She stopped and stood still, hunched over with both hands on her tummy.
Her belly surged forward, with a vengance. It rapidly filled and tore open her light shirt.
Her breasts rolled out, resting on her belly and growing fast. She trembled all over, and then another surge hit her.
She tumbled forward on the globe of her belly, but didn't have far to fall. She leaned at an angle, her swollen breasts sloping to each side, as her belly widened and pushed forward.
She cried out. The cameraman whispered urgently to Bonk, "Dude! Seriously! She's going to explode!"
Bonk hissed back, "Keep filming!"
Now Tazi was standing upright, lifted by the swelling ball of her tummy, her little arms and legs sticking out the back. Her head was nearly buried in the mass of her swollen breasts. She pounded feebly on the mass that she had become. Her wimpering could be heard even through the driving dance music.
Sara stepped forward. She held something in her hand. "Kiki, look, one fell out!" She stepped forward and reached around Tazi's head, and forced the last berry into Tazi's mouth.
Tazi screamed, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" as her whole body started to rumble and shake....
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011)
Text: She awoke with a start, her dream of weightless frolicking interrupted by the sickening feeling of free fall. Down she fell from her pleasant dreamscape back into the cradling arms of her real world bed, the illusion of clouds being replaced by her comforter and the soft red glow of the clock.
2:34 AM.
Wide-awake, she sat up to take stock of her surroundings. The spacious, cushioned room that she now called home was quite bare. It had been less than a week since she had accepted a position at the plant. The nature of her work precluded any travel outside the manufacturing area, and the staff were taking their sweet time in emptying her old apartment.
The staff. She looked up and to her left to the observation area, where the staff could monitor her performance. Beyond the glass she could see a microphone and a couple chairs, but all signs of humanity were absent at this hour, replaced by the glow of a single monitor full of digital fish.
Thoughts turned inward to the dream interrupted. Floating. Gliding effortlessly from cloud to cloud, arms stretched to either side and a toothy grin stretched impossibly wider. The rush of cool air over her skin, through her shoulder-length auburn hair, it did not merely engulf her, but rather it petted her, caressed her, made her shiver with excitement.
She was torn away from the dream world yet again as she was gripped by an all too real shiver of excitement. Only this time it was accompanied by the tickle of tiny bubbles within her chest. The room was filled with an almost distant sound of a hundred glistening glasses of soda. Slowly and steadily her breasts advanced and spread from her chest, increasing in the smallest of sizes, only to stop within a matter of moments, bubbling giving way to the unnatural stillness of her subterranean home once again.
Feelings of pleasant relaxation swam through her body, while thoughts began to press at the back of her mind. Memories of the first day swam back. Rules returned quickly to the front of her mind, rules designed to protect the factory and its workers. The rules, however, were lax in many ways. Whatever was not in the rules, as she remembered, were not necessarily forbidden. So long as none were put at harm, management cared not what she and her fellow workers did. Perhaps, she thought, there would even be a bonus for going above and beyond the call of duty.
A muffled chuckle escaped her lips as she contemplated her previous thought. She didn't care about any bonus. All she cared about at that moment was the little piece of heaven she would soon savor.
Gently, she laid her fingertips across her breasts and slowly drew them across, the light fabric of her top only serving to heighten the feelings of erotic pleasure. The fizzing within her chest began again, amplified two, perhaps threefold. Toes were curled and bedsheets clutched as more than just gas built up within her lithe frame.
The effervescent fizzing moved downward, seemingly dripping through her trunk and pooling within her seat. Cheeks and thighs plumped beneath her. Taught, gassy legs pressed together, and were soon rubbed together, throwing her into greater heights of ecstasy. A faux fullness pervaded her stomach, becoming taught and dome-like yet hollow and empty, filled with nothing but the persistent bubbles. Burgeoning breasts, impossibly round, filled her nightgown, gently rubbing against the light fabric, bringing about further sensations of pneumatically enhanced pleasure.
With wild abandon she rubbed and caressed every inch of skin she could reach. She felt the levity of her bubbly body gently pulling, lifting, reducing gravity's dream-crushing hold upon her. Her gas filled derriere lifted from her bed, her body drifting upward of its own accord, her only grip being the carpet clutched tightly between her toes. Fibers broke, and all that supported her was air. Silently, the building pressure gave way to a climatic flow of intense feelings. The buoyancy, the tight flesh, the pressure of a million bubbles, drove her upward upon a sea of pleasure, leaving her to rest upon the vaulted ceiling.
The bubbles slowed, and then stopped. The padded ceiling pressed gently into her back as the land of dreams beckoned once again. The crutch of weightless dreams, however, were no longer needed.
"Another job well done," she murmured, as Morpheus took her into his arms once again.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, helium, magic, mind-control
Text: Michael sat under the shade of an oak tree. Scattered around him lay the various books of his discipline, a laptop, and a notebook that had this week's notes transcribed from his professors' lectures. It was Friday, and the week of exhaustive schoolwork and internship had finally taken its toll. He was beyond tired, and being stretched out on the soft grass of the campus quad in the shade was enough of a lullaby to put him over the edge. With two hours until his next class, he allowed himself to doze.
Have you ever noticed that what you were thinking about or doing just before going to sleep then influences what you dream about?
The most lucrative part of plastic surgery, which he was in school to learn, is breast enhancement. It was something that an old girlfriend, Suzie, had turned him onto when they were teens. She had placed helium balloons under her shirt to simulate the breast she wanted to have, to amuse him. Suzie had told a hypnotized Michael that he had a 'special power', which meant that he had the ability to cause her breast to inflate with helium until she would begin to float, and in his trance-like state, he had believed her.
Michael was so convinced of this power, that he gathered all the information he could find on telekinesis and telemorphosis, and began experimenting. The first time it worked, he was in a study group with other pre-med students. He was concentrating hard on one of the under-endowed female students, Jenny, envisioning her breasts swelling, like he did with Suzie as a teen, so much so that his brain, under so much straining, began tingling strangely. A sudden startled gasp and a button from her shirt hitting him in the face brought Michael out of his stunned trance. And there Jenny sat, the top button of her blouse missing and the others straining to contain her new E-cup boobs, with a surprised smile on her face while the rest of the group gaped at her. She never worried about filling out a bathing suit or needing to use a floatation device again.
But as he began to nod off under the tree, months later, it was back to his first experience with Suzie that his mind wandered.
He began to dream of that day. She had told him to close his eyes, and Suzie began to play act what would be her response if Michael had the power to make her breasts inflate with helium. She acted startled at first, making a hissing sound as if her breasts were filling from a helium tank, and had slowly rose up onto a chair high above him as if she was gently flying like a balloon, and she had cried to him to catch her hand so that she didn't float away. He had opened his eyes to the vision of Suzie almost hovering above him, only tethered from floating off by his firm grip, all the while his head buzzing.
Like what happened that day, and his experiment with Jenny, his head began to tingle while he drifted through the dream.
A girl walking passed the sleeping Michael suddenly stopped, an unfamiliar sensation spreading across her chest. Like a hundred fingers caressing her at the same time, she gasped at the palpation, dropping the books she carried in startled surprise. Her hands pulled her red shirt forward, and she looked down to make sure no insect or foreign body had fallen into her exposed cleavage, and that was when she noticed her breasts expanding rapidly into the shrinking cups of her bra.
Another rolled passed Michael on the sidewalk, rollerblading to her fitness class in the next building. As her boobs began to grow, her tight sports bra couldn't handle much volume and began immediately to tear at the seams.
Another woman, taking advantage of the spring sunshine, was like him asleep twenty feet away. Dressed only in shorts and a bikini top, her breasts began to inflate. The sensation of expansion wasn't enough to wake her, though her twin towers blew increasingly upward, her nipples soon escaping her top and pointing resolutely at the sky. The first one, not noticing the predicament of the other two yet, wrapped her arms around her burgeoning boobs, trying to push the swelling back down, to no avail. Bigger and bigger she became, and as her red shirt became smaller, unable to contain her growth, more cleavage was forced through the opening in her shirt and up toward her face.
The rollerblader stopped in her tracks when the sports bra tightened and came apart. Noticing for the first time what was happening, she covered her expansion with her arms, but resisted the impulse to call out for help, since this would just bring more attention to her plight. As she grasped her breasts, they grew more, pushing her arms outward and upward.
The sunbather barely flinched when the string holding the cups of her bikini top together snapped. They were made to cover up her AA cup boobs, but quickly were overwhelmed with the new inflation. Higher and higher her nipples protruded, aiming for the clouds. Because of her small, lithe frame, and being the least garbed, she was the first to become airborne. Her shoulders lifted from the blanket she was lying on, her breasts now surpassing three feet round, pulling her up into a sitting position before her posterior lost contact with the ground as well. It was then that, as her feet left the earth, she woke up and noticed the weather balloon-sized breast flesh that was pushing into her face as she floated upward. She screamed, flailing her arms and legs in the air.
The first one's shirt gave up, exploding the last three buttons at one. Her B-cup bra snapped mid-cleavage, and with her breasts now free, the expansion proceeded unrestrained. Back arching, her endowments pulled skyward forcefully. Soon she was on the tips of her toes, and then she couldn't feel the grass under her feet anymore. "Ah....help!" she exclaimed weakly, but the only ones nearby that could hear her were the two other women, both also inflating, and a sleeping man under a nearby tree.
The blader was the last to ascend. Weighted by the rollerblades on her feet, she tried skimming away from the others, though with her towering tits floating up into her face, she couldn't see where she was going. She was even bigger than the others when she finally lost her battle with gravity, and began to buoyantly rise.
"Hey, you!" she screamed at the lounging guy under the tree. When he didn't respond or move, she risked removing some of her ballast and took off the helmet she always wore when rollerblading. Taking the helmet in her right hand, looking left passed her growing boobs, she through it wildly in Michael's direction. The helmet bounced once one the grass and hit him in the side of the head. "What the..." he said, sitting up abruptly, looking around angrily for his attacker. Then he noticed the three women in various stages of buoyancy. "Oh shit!"
Squeezing his eyes shut and pressing his hands to the side of his head, he began to mumble to himself. "Deflate, deflate, deflate..." he kept willing it to happen, but the three screaming ladies prevented him from concentrating enough to cause the tingling again. The one in red and the sunbather had already floated up fifteen feet, well out of his vertical range, but the one in rollerblades was only eight feet up, and he ran, leaping, and grabbed one boot before she sailed any higher.
His added weight pulled her downward. Their inflation had stopped when he woke up, so thankfully they weren't continuing to blow up more. But as Michael descended with one, the other two were still hovering, drifting southward with a slight breeze. "Sorry!" he yelled to them, helpless to be able to do anything for them.
"Don't let go of me!" the girl demanded as they slowly sunk back to the ground. When his feet felt touchdown, Michael was able to pull her further down, wrapping his hands around her waist to prevent her from floating away. "Thank you!" she explained, relief flooding through her. She grabbed him in a strong embrace, pulling him into the deep canyon of her cleavage until his head popped through next to her face, and planted a long, passionate kiss on his lips. "My hero," she whispered to him, a note of awe and appreciation in her voice. "How can I ever repay you?"
Michael smiled, letting his imagination run. "I can think of a couple of things...," he said, wrapping his arms around where her inflated tits connected to the rest of her and giving a good squeeze.
Though they never floated any higher that about twenty feet off the ground, the other two still had to be rescued. The woman in red caught onto the branches of a tall tree about a mile from the campus and had to be brought down by the fire department's ladder truck. The sunbather drifted passed the windows of an office building and was able to capture and cling to the rail of a fire escape until a lawyer from the neighboring office was able to bring back to earth. All three women had to be taken to the local hospital to be properly punctured to release the buoyant gas that, without explanation, somehow had built up in their breasts and caused them to inflate and float. After extensive investigation, no hypothesis was ever reached on what some people are now calling SBIS (Spontaneous Breast Inflation Syndrome), having found no causative agent. Nor were there any other similar events ever occurring to show a pattern.
But Michael knew what he was going to do with this 'special power'. Definitely breast augmentation. If only he could learn to control it.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, airgasm, blowkiss, swimsuit
Text: I had just reached that stage in wakefulness when I knew the room was too light for me to fall asleep again when the phone rang. When the phone rings that early it usually means business or bad news, so even though I wasn't in the best state at that moment to manage either I picked it up anyway and answered assuming it was business.
"Industrial Photo Services, this is Jim."
"Oh I'm sorry," came a woman's voice in reply. "I'm trying to reach Jim Donaldson of Fashion Photo, I must have the wrong number." The voice was familiar. It came to me as I swung my legs out of the bed and pushed the cat aside. "Hey Suzanne, it's Jim D- been a long time, hasn't it. What's up this early in the morning, for the love of god? You're interfering with my hangover." Not a bad hangover as these things go- at least I made it to bed and didn't wake up on the floor this time, but I was still feeling it in my old bones. "Hangover? That's not like you, Jim. Where's Lynn, can't she steer you out of the weeds? And what's this about 'Industrial Photo Services'?"
It had been a long time- at least a year. "Lynn's living in Minnesota these days, so it's just me and the cat. And I haven't shot any fashion in over a year. The recession- well, I closed down the studio and downsized to doing mostly industrial jobs. Insurance claims, product liability, fun on the factory floor, that sort of thing. How's Bob and the kids?" I asked, just to be asking something as I looked around for my shorts. "Oh I'm sorry to hear that, recession huh? Well Bob's fine and both the kids are in college now, can you imagine that? Hey Jim I'd like to chat but there's a business thing I need to talk to you about; can you still do a fashion shoot for me, quick-like and soonish? The boys we usually call are booked up and this absolutely has to be done right now, but there'll be a bonus and residuals, are you up for that?"
I wasn't sure whether I liked or disliked the fact that Suzanne didn't follow up on the mention of Lynn. Having her move out had hurt worse than the recession, and some sympathies expressed there would have been nice. But I gave Suze the benefit of the doubt and figured she just wanted to stay away from something best not discussed then and there. Maybe I would trot out the gambit later, over "eight drinks", which was the secret Suzanne Code for "when the deadlines have been met and the dust has settled".
"How soon is now?" I asked. "Not to get all Morrissey on you or anything. Thursday or Friday? I should have my current client satisfied by then-"
"No no Jim you don't understand, I'm talking about today, OK?" she interrupted. Which isn't like her. She wasn't by nature rude or brusque and I knew that behind her ditz act she was a master organizer who could set big things in motion. "We have to get the shots to the printer tonight to make the deadline, this is hot hot hot, it's just one model, one outfit, ten poses, e-mail the files, name your price. Your check's practically in the mail already, how about it Jim? One more shoot, for old times' sake?" Oh man, oh man. It had to be something really big, and it would have to be Suzanne asking for it. Hard to turn down Suzanne. Her agency had sent me a lot of good work over the years I was doing fashion. Now I had to think... did I still have some backdrops that didn't have hydraulic fluid spilled on them from Failed High Pressure Relief Valve As Shown In Figure 17(a)? Did my big bounce and fill-in flashes still work after 18 months in the garage? Could Medium-Sized Corporation, Inc. wait a day for me to finish touching up the cover shot for the Annual Report That No One Ever Reads so their facility would look like it had a fresh coat of paint on it? So I decided to take the plunge. For the sake of old times, sure, but also because taking pictures of little bits of broken metal or big pieces of industrial real estate didn't furnish much opportunity for human interaction. On that front, things were pretty slow around here at Industrial Photo Services, and would always be. Another price to be paid for getting out of the fashion biz. "For you, Suzanne- but only for you. Just a few simple questions first- in order of relative importance: do I have time to put my clothes on, will there be coffee, how much money are we talking, what's the theme, and who is modeling?" She laughed and muttered something I couldn't make out, then said, "the answers are, in order of relative importance, yes please you old creeper" (oh yes, cute banter from Suze, how I loved it) , "yes Starbucks a hot gallon of it I promise" (oh yes, coffee: the lifeblood of tired men, I hungered for it), "four figures ooh la la (oh yes but wait a red-hot minute! That couldn't possibly be right, was Suze including the decimals?), "BBW maternity swimsuit" (oh yes, lots more fun than photomicrography of nodular pitting corrosion in cast aluminum, duh) "and Jill Holstein" (oh yes indeed but let's leave it right there). "You know Jill, right? She's worked with you before, hasn't she? Big girl. Really cute." Yes, I knew Jill. Hard girl to forget. We had indeed worked together before, and I had to invent the Kindly Old Uncle Jim act to keep from being, well, caught up in the moment. Big and cute, and very hard to forget. After a year I had almost succeeded, and now I would have to start over. But the money angle... "Did I hear you right, Suze? You did say... four figures... didn't you? And residuals? This doesn't sound at all like business as usual. Far too juicy if I may say so, so early in the morning." Normally she'd pay only a couple hundred for a few quick shots and there was never any question about residuals- Suze gets the files, I get one count them one check, end of job... So then Suze started talking even faster than usual. I had a mild head throb going by then, one of those behind-the-eyeballs deals, and the two effects made it hard to keep up. "Oh yeah well, I also have to say there are some... challenges. Issues with the swimsuit. The designer had made only one example so that's what I've got to work with and we took the job before I checked who I had available, which is Jill, and she's... well you know Jill, she's big, but she's not actually expecting or anything like that, in fact I don't have anyone in my talent pool at the moment who is, so you'll have to do some improvising but I know you can do it, right? And as for the extra money, if you can get a good face shot it might show up in more than Big Expectations Magazine- you don't know it but I've been watching that girl, Jill is poised for the big time- no pun intended, actually the press is starting to get interested in her career, you and I could make this her breakthrough gig and so the shots would see more use and you'd get more dollars. I'm thinking in terms of like, like, are you ready for this, cover of the swimsuit issue of BBW Magazine, get it? Or a cosmetic endorsement deal? Which would mean an income stream, Jim, as in a check in your mailbox every month an ad campaign runs one of the face shots?"
Challenges, huh? Snappy chat and challenges, and early in the brisk morning hours, too. Add to that the possibility of too much money, the distinct memory of too much scotch the night before, and the promise of too much coffee, delivered to my door. Plus Jill, the almost too much big beautiful model. I was beginning to remember all the things I missed about the old days, mingled in with all the reasons I had gotten out of fashion photography. I decided then that I needed that coffee, quick-like and soonish. First things first and so on. I took a deep breath and spoke into the phone slowly and earnestly, so Suze would be certain to get my meaning. "Send coffee, Suzanne Claremont. Send coffee at once. Yes, please send this coffee to me, your old friend Jim Donaldson, the guy with the camera... a gallon of it would be satisfactory, most satisfactory. Make it hot as sin. Make it yourself if necessary, but send it- not now, but now. Quick-like and soonish, got that? I'll see what I can do about the 'challenges' after I drink it."
"Now that's the old Jim I know! You're a pro. Love you madly- the wheels are turning as we speak and coffee is on its way. We'll have a drink or eight after this is all done, OK? Bye-bye." I showered as fast as I could manage on no coffee at all, discovering in the process stiffness in many joints and aches in many muscles. Medium-grade scotch whiskey the night before was the cause. It came from an attorney who settled his case before trial on the strength of some photos I had taken for his client who lost three fingers and most of his hearing when a steam pipe blew up. The pictures showed fatigue cracking in the ungasketed flange, open and shut case. In addition to not costing me anything, the gift scotch was a lot more drinkable that what I usually bought for myself since the downsizing. Both those things put me somewhat deeper into the medicine than I had been planning, strictly speaking. Maybe if I bought more expensive stuff I wouldn't be as tempted to go through it quite as quickly. Or maybe not, strictly speaking.
The courier rang with two cardboard boxes as I was getting dried off. One was a dispenser of coffee with a spigot on the side and about a gallon of good stuff in it, still hot. I poured myself a mug of this and added a hearty slash of hair-of-the-dog-that-bit-me from last night's bottle and drank it halfway down as a preliminary test of the recipe. Yes, it would do. I topped it back up and doctored it similarly with more medicine but this time I also stirred in some brown sugar (for the vitamins) and half-and-half (for the fiber), thereby transforming this otherwise barren cup of coffee into it a nutritionally balanced breakfast. It was the first delightful thing that had happened to me that day, and had a salutary and invigorating effect on my mood. After a few more minutes of rummaging around in my garage for the flash units all those ingredients began working their wonders and I put a Smiths CD on the player in the living-room-turned-photo-studio, set it to play "How Soon Is Now," and went to work unfolding the flash reflectors. As Morrissey moaned in the background I opened the second box, which had been opened once before and had a FedEx overnight shipping label on the outside of it. Inside was the swimsuit in question, a gaudy affair in a spandex leopardskin print with a pleated gold satin elastic panel running down the front of it, edged with gold buttons and trimmed off with gold lace, very wide padded straps, and a short skirt with deep pleats and a high waist. The leg openings were big enough to drive a Mini through. It was capacious, very generously proportioned, and built for serious expansion. There were drawstrings tied off in bows here and there which could be loosened, so as to bring more fabric into play. Inside, there was a complicated mix of stretchy webbing and supportive whatnot sewn in everywhere. It was a swimsuit with a serious set of objectives, and its design left nothing to chance. But unless Jill had grown a lot bigger than she was the last time we had worked together, I could tell this thing was probably too big, even for her. From the old days I knew I had a box of safety pins and doublesticky tape somewhere in my junk pile for last-minute wardrobe adjustments which might help, but before I had much time to contemplate this conundrum further, the doorbell rang again. I opened the door, and there she was- dressed all for business, in a smart suit and high heels, and was just as cute as I remembered her from last time. There was perfume too... but it was plain that she didn't recognize me at all. That hurt for a moment, but just for a moment. She put out her plump hand and started with, "Good morning, I'm Jill Holstein from the Claremont Agency and- oh my gosh! It's Jim!" Then it was all big smiles and squeals and hugs. Oh those hugs. I brought her inside to the kitchen and poured her some of the coffee while she bustled around looking for somewhere to put her traveling bag of makeup and stuff. I held up the scotch bottle and pointed the business end of it at her mug, making a question out of my eyebrows. She nodded a firm Yes and with an indulgent smile I topped off the coffee with the dietary supplement, then did the same to my mug, and put a little coffee in after it to take the edge off the medicine. Suddenly we were old chums. "Jill! This is delightful, it's so good to see you again! And everyone says you are coming up in the world, and now we get to do another shoot!" I said. "Jim, I'm sooo sorry, I swear to god I didn't recognize you at the door! I thought you- didn't you have a studio downtown last time?" "Yeah, but that was before the recession, I hope you don't mind doing this shoot here in my living room, you can use the master bedroom for changing and makeup, let's just put your bag in there... and have you seen the swimsuit yet?" We went back to the kitchen and I handed her the box. She opened it and pulled out the suit. It unfolded... and unfolded... and unfolded... "Ooh, this thing is pretty... but my god it's way too big!" She frowned as she draped it from her shoulder down to her hip and smoothed down the skirt. "What is it anyway, a size 48 maternity? You could put two of me inside this thing... What does Suzanne expect us to do with it?" I shook my head slowly and took another long drink of my fortified coffee. With the headache relatively under control it would soon be time to start tapering off the medicine and focus on the job. "Our boss Suze says she'll make both of us fabulously rich for solving that problem," I replied. "I have some pins and tape around here somewhere, let me look for them while you try the thing on. Maybe it's not as bad as we think." With that Jill retreated to the bedroom with the suit in hand and closed the door while I went out to the garage again, to dig through boxes and think. It was both good and not so good to be doing a fashion shoot here at home. Good because it was a chance to prove that I still had the knack and the skills. Good because I needed the money to make good on the separation settlement which was almost finished at that point and which I feared was going to crush me like an insect. Good too because I missed the interaction. But it was not so good because it was with Jill, and she reminded me altogether too much of all the girls I had secret crushes on in college- which, not to put too fine a point on it, was back at a time before her parents had even met. Eventually I found the box buried under a pile of stuff that Lynn had not bothered to take with her and brought it back inside the house, served myself another healthy swallow of doctored coffee. I then knocked on the door to the master bedroom and called out to Jill: "Is it safe for your Uncle Jim to come in?"
She opened the door and stood back. "Have a look for yourself," she said, making a full sweeping turn on her toes and coming to a stop in a nice pose facing me, with one arm high and the other low. I pretended to hold a camera and framed the result. It was indeed hopeless. The suit had been tailored for an amazon queen, ten months pregnant with triplets. As big as Jill was, it nonetheless made her look small, even with all the drawstrings fully tightened. "Put away your pins and tape, Mister D, they won't help. No way can we shoot me wearing this thing." I carried our mugs back to the kitchen counter and refilled them both. This time I just placed the bottle next to Jill's mug so she could help herself if she saw fit, and sat down at one of the high stools. Presently Jill came back with a dressing gown on over the suit and sat next to me on the other stool and yes, she did put a little scotch into her coffee. I spoke first. "Jill, this thing is just too good for us to give up on. Suze says she's got high hopes for your career, especially right now, and there'll be a lot of good things coming your way if we can pull this off. We can't call in a seamstress because one, there's just no time, and two, it would mess up the design." Remembering things I hadn't wanted to, I went on. "There's only one way out, as far as I can see, but it's going to get kind of weird, and if you would rather not, then I'll understand. And I'm sure Suze will too." "What is it?" asked Jill, looking up from her coffee. We locked eyes then for a long moment as I considered whether or not to suggest what I was going to suggest. Even two years on, I was still embarrassed by how I came to know what I knew, and what the consequences of it had been to my business and career. "Jill, neither you nor Suzanne know the real reason I quit doing fashion shoots and had to close the studio. But I'm going to explain it to you now, because it was among other things how I learned to do what I'm going to suggest to you." I reached for the bottle and poured myself a little something just to toy around with while I told my story. "It's... weird, and sad and stupid. And funny, in a weird and stupid way, but you have to know, OK? So you can decide whether or not to let me do this thing. OK?"
Jill said, "OK." She's as sweet as they come, but I could see she was out of her depth now, and it would get worse before it got better. I would have to keep things as straightforward as I could. "Two years ago I got this gig to shoot for some new-age magazine, it was real glossy rag that was featuring traditional African fashion and cultural stuff. So this whole crew of Africans shows up at the studio along with the art director from the magazine and a bunch of other big shots who wanted to watch. As part of the fashion angle, which they wanted pictures of, they were going to stage some sort of dance ritual, with drums and singing. It was a big deal, I had hired three extra camera guys on the set and we would be shooting from four angles while they acted out this thing. "The focus was on this young black woman who was supposed to represent some sort of fertility goddess. She was about six foot three and must have weighed, oh god don't know how much, but she was built just like you, only taller, OK? That suit you have on would have fitted her like a glove. Anyway, she was supposed to model the fashions while she danced this dance. So the drums and singing start, we start shooting, and then halfway through, another dancer who was supposed to represent another fertility god or something comes on with a big carved wooden mask or helmet thing and fits it down over the girl's head. It's got big rubber lips in front and two eyeholes with glass in them and it looked like it was airtight. "And then while she is dancing, this is the thing now- stop me if this is too weird for you- the other dancer puts his mouth over the rubber lips and starts blowing air into the helmet. And the girl starts getting bigger. I'm not kidding. The drums and singing get more intense, he blows more and more air into the helmet, and after a minute or two she's as big as a house, and then the music and singing does down and he leaves the set and she goes into this slow dance. So, there's the deal: it's possible for one person to blow another one up like a balloon, and I saw how they did it. Are you OK?
"I'm OK, " says Jill. Her eyes are really big. "Swear to god, this is the truth. Now she's so fat she can barely move, and she starts making noises inside the helmet and it sounds to me like she's suffocating in there, but nobody helps her. Finally I can't stand it any longer, she's been in the helmet for at least two minutes, maybe three, and I rush the set to pull the helmet off her and she's struggling, and now I'm certain she's suffocating and I've got to save her. And I get the helmet off her but two of the other dancers start yelling and they come over and pull me away just as her helmet comes free and they throw me back into my tripod. I go down, the camera goes down, and gets smashed. "Now everyone is laughing, except the girl I thought I was saving, and she's mad as hell. Do you know why?" Long pause. Jill is staring down at the counter top, into her coffee mug. In a tiny voice she says, "Yes. She... she wasn't suffocating. She was coming a little, just then... and you stopped it."
Suddenly I can't breathe. Oh. My. God. Jill knows about this kind of thing. Innocent Jill, of all people. She KNOWS. "So... ah, you know about what happens when a girl gets blown up and, and, has to hold her breath like that?" I asked her, after I could start breathing again. "Yes..." Jill went on in her tiny voice. "Yes. I know all about it. It's called... blowkissing. It's supposed to make you have something called an... an... airgasm. Which is just like, well, you know... Other girls do it to a fat girl just to be mean, because if you blowkiss a fat girl, you can make her wet herself in front of everybody." And of course I had no idea that this was known to others. I poured myself a bigger portion and swirled it around in my glass. It was warming up in the kitchen, the sun was high and I could hear one of my neighbors trying to start his lawn mower. Other than that it was completely quiet and still. I put the bottle down and then neither Jill nor I moved a muscle for a long while. Just as I was finally ready to finish my story, Jill suddenly spoke again. Not quite a whisper this time but close to it. "They... they used to do it to me, the other girls I mean, in junior high school, in gym class and the pool, because I was fat, before I started getting tall. Then they laughed at me. I cried a lot..." "I'm sorry, Jill. I'm so sorry." I reached over and briefly squeezed her hand, tried to say more but couldn't. I am so lame... and my voice had gotten really tiny by then. Oh god. The girls I had crushes on, could this have happened to them too? Get a hold on yourself, old man. Remember the Old Uncle Jim act... There's the paper towel roll. Tear one off and give it to Jill. That's good. Better tear off one for yourself while you're at it, you old fool. We used our paper towels as quietly as we could. Jill went on, trying to be matter-of-fact and not succeeding. I got her another paper towel. "Then later, my boyfriends tried it, but it... it... I could never get it to work the way everyone said it was supposed to. Sometimes afterwards, because of what would... happen, they would laugh at me too." Neither of us said anything for a longish while. Jill poured herself some more of my medicine. I held my mug over to hers. We clinked rims, very gently, and drank without looking at each other. There was the perfume again. How long had I been aware of it? Then it was my turn to speak. "It turns out I was the only person in the whole damn room who didn't know what was going on. Everyone laughed at me. I spoiled the shoot, lost the job, wrecked my camera, and became the laughingstock of the fashion photo community. No one took me seriously afterwards. They just laughed. The studio folded, I had no income, and Lynn..." No need to go into that. No need at all. It was my turn to talk rapidly.
"...And instead I started taking pictures of broken machine parts for people who were suing each other. That's why you hadn't heard of me in so long. It's been two years, and for some reason Suze decided to throw me a piece of work. Now that I see how big that swimsuit is, I'm pretty sure I know why she called me. She's the only other person in the world who knows that I know how to do it. So... now you know too. The rest is really up to you, Jill. It's your choice now." In her still-tiny voice, she looked at me and said, "I'm scared." The tears were making her mascara run. Have to fix that if we are going to do any photography today. When it felt like I could speak again, I went on. Slowly and cautiously. "Look, Jill... You and I are pros, yes? We can keep this on a... a professional basis. The outcome could be very, very good for both of us- in different ways, of course, but still very, very good. I'm willing to try it, and if anything goes wrong... I promise, I promise I will not laugh at you. OK? Do you understand that? Your career is set to take off. We can make that happen, I know it, and nobody is ever going to laugh at you again, for the rest of your life. If I can get the right picture of you, at just the right moment, I might be able to redeem my own career, or at least make it so nobody will laugh at me either- at least for a while. Then we go our own separate ways, and keep the secret. Because we're pros, Jill. We can show them. We can, you and I. Right?" Long pause. Then Jill got up, wrapped herself properly in the gown, looked at me not unkindly, and whispered, "I'll go fix my makeup. I'll be just a minute, then we can start." I had a backdrop in bronzes and tans. It had no hydraulic fluid stains on it. With the folds in it, it almost looked like a rock wall or a cliff face and I draped it from the ceiling hooks down onto and then across the floor. I closed the drapes and plugged in the flash units. I turned off the room light, and a moment later Jill came in. Very slowly. I took her hand and led her to the center of the backdrop, left her there while l I set up the camera and rigged a remote so I didn't have to be behind it to grab a shot when the time was right. Then I came back to her and told her what was going to happen. "OK, Jill... now what I'm going to try for is to get a face shot right at the moment you, uh... the moment the airgasm happens, OK? Which will be not long after I have blown you up to the point where the swimsuit fits nice and snug. So I'm going to blow, and you have to hold your breath, so I'll do it as fast as I can but you have to tell me if I'm going too fast or, ah, if you feel like you have to stop and go to the bathroom. OK? Just shake your head 'no' any time you want me to stop. I'll start shooting when you start posing, and I want you to look straight at the camera right at the moment you feel yourself starting to let go. Then we'll be done, and you can open your mouth and exhale and we'll all become rich and famous, just like Suzanne says, OK? OK. Here goes..."
I am awkward damn it I am awkward. I started, then paused. I will never be masterful- I can take control of a camera but how are you supposed to take control of a woman for god's sake? Even when she's expecting it? I started again and paused again. Professional basis, Old Uncle Jim. Professional basis.
Oh hell, I put one hand around the back of her head and kind of closed in on her and turned my head a little sideways and fortunately she only had a little lip gloss on so I got a firm seal and started to blow. And in response, she started to grow. I blew and as I did, she plucked out a fold or crease here and there in the suit and straightened out the elastic as it began to confine her growth and guide her expansion. She tugged at the hem of the skirt and smoothed it out over her tummy. I blew, and her breasts filled out like party balloons and soon were making contact with the huge bra which was sewn into the top of the swimsuit. She reached down inside the front of the suit and lifted her breasts up and over the stout wire that ran around the bottom edge of each cup so they were properly supported, with her nipples up in the tips. I could see them through the material of the suit, which was just starting to stretch there. Were they getting hard? They had to be, if they were to show through the fabric like that. I blew, and I could see her chest expand and her breasts rise and spread apart. She ran her thumbs back and forth under the shoulder straps of the suit to even out their stretch and then cupped her hands under her breasts and shifted them around a bit, then smoothed the stretchy fabric out. They were immense. I blew. As the pressure inside her built up, I had to use both hands to hold her head in place as I blew harder and harder into her waiting mouth and soon I found that I had to step back and lean in over the top of her belly, where most of the air was now accumulating. I blew, and with each breath I blew into her, her legs swelled up bit by bit and began to press up against one another. She reached down under the skirt and put her plump fingers in the leg openings and ran them around her huge, fat thighs to stretch out the elastic there so it wouldn't bind and pinch. I blew, and she lifted the skirt to reveal the drawstrings on either side of the broad expanse of elastic that stretched across her belly and tugged the bows out of them. As the elastic slackened, her belly thrust itself even further outward, and I thought: quintuplets? I blew, and her belly just kept getting bigger. As it bulged farther and farther out, the pleated satin skirt draped coyly across it rode up far enough to reveal the deep dimple of her navel inside the tight elastic. She was now transformed into a size 48 maternity and the suit was stretched completely full and it fit her like a second skin. She was now radiant, gigantic, and almost immobilized and as I released her and went back to the camera she started to slowly, ponderously turn and pose, as if dancing in slow motion. The Smiths CD had long since started itself over and was playing "How Soon Is Now" again and it was against this backdrop that she started to make little moans and gasps, releasing small amounts of air as she did. At this point she had also begun to caress her immense belly and breasts with her very plump hands. I took picture after picture, then stepped forward to blow a little more air back into her to make up for the loss, and returned to the camera. This just made her moan and sigh more, and soon I had to blow another breath of air into her every few seconds just to maintain her size and then I had to blow another big breath into her after each of her moans and groans, which were becoming louder and more insistent. Finally it was time for her. She gasped, trembled, motioned clumsily for one more breath of air, and danced from tiptoe to tiptoe faster and faster. She was almost there. I took one last deep breath and blew it into her mouth as hard as I could manage and then stepped back out of the frame and click! I caught her just as she arched her back and emitted a sudden squeal of panic. She turned her face towards the camera; I zoomed in and in that instant her face was suffused with an expression of the most sublime contentment I could imagine: click click click. I got it. I got it all. Then we were finished, Jill and I. She had done it at last, and I had captured it with my camera. With that she sighed and started to fall over backwards and I rushed over and steadied her as she slowly released the air which had temporarily transformed her into an object of immense and overwhelming beauty. And that was it. I guided her back to the bedroom as the suit grew slack and saggy, and closed the door behind her. I went back to the kitchen for a drink that quite frankly consisted mostly of medicine and just a suggestion of coffee for the sake of appearances- even though nobody was watching. Suze was pleased with the result and paid me five grand for the photos, which did indeed launch Jill's career into the stratosphere. And she was right about the residuals too: for the next year, I got a check in the mail every month for at least that much, because the picture I got right at Jill's magic moment went on to sell everything from hair color to toenail polish. The initial five grand paid off the attorneys and left me in the clear at last. The five grand a month let me buy my ex out of her share of the house, on payments. And when it got out that I had been Jill's photographer that day, the phone started ringing nonstop. One of my friends found an audio clip of an old-school cash register going "ka-ching" and made a ringtone for my cell phone out of it... By the end of the year I had restarted the studio operation and turned right around and sold it for a completely absurd amount of money. After all that, nobody was laughing at me anymore. Jill was pleased with the result too and took careful note of what she thought I had done differently with her that morning- and took that secret with her when she left. We friended each other on Facebook and for the crazy year that followed, we sent chatty little notes back and forth like a couple of teens, which made me feel like I was at the start of things again. But as the months went by, her fame and her friend count rose steadily and her messages to me became less and less frequent, despite the number of them I sent her. They stopped altogether after a major agency picked up her contract with Claremont and set about making her a supermodel. Nobody was laughing at her anymore. I still remember the last post she made to her friends before her new employer converted her page into a fan club. I was sitting at the computer that night with a mostly-empty bottle of not just good but very good scotch at my elbow. Jill's post included a picture of her with some guy more or less her age at her side, and I recognized immediately that she was radiating the same expression of sublime contentment that I had caught a glimpse of on the day of her breakthrough, one year earlier. Slowly it dawned on me. The photo was proof that she had found someone, the right someone, with whom to share the secret I had given her- which I had, up until that moment, thought of as our secret. Now it was that no longer, and our connection melted away into nothing. Then I slowly began to realize that this secret connection had never really existed at all. I had imagined it. That realization, plus the effects of my medicine- to which I had once again helped myself too liberally that night- pushed a slow dagger of ice right through my heart and I thought oh god not again. Not again. I squeezed my eyes shut as if that would stop what was now happening. It didn't, and where were the paper towels, damn it to hell?
Illusion became disillusion: I had been a fool, a complete fool, what the hell had I been thinking all that time? How soon is now? I was TWICE her age. As I stood up, my head spun around so badly that I began to fall over. As there was no one available to catch me, I had to make a mad grab for the bookcase, which fortunately broke the fall. I got upright again, poured a heartily abundant slosh of the scotch into the glass, drank half of it right where I stood in a move of drunken and unfocused defiance, stuck my Smiths CD into the player, and waited for a certain special song to start. The cat joined me as I shuffled my way down the dark hallway with no one to guide me towards that same bedroom- with very unsteady legs and very undry eyes- feeling now very, very much older and not a single tiny bit wiser. How soon is now? Damned if I knew. Tears fell on the floor, but I was, however, careful to not spill a single drop of the very good scotch as I carried the brimming glass of it back to my empty bed, in my empty house, in the middle of my own empty night. |
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium
Text: The old machine shop had been vacated a few months ago, a more modern replacement having been built about a block up the road. And when the university's maintenance department gave up their claim to the building, the science department swooped in and planted their flag. Having their experiment labs was nice, but they were too small. This allowed the department to work on larger-scale experiments. Fortunately, the robotics group had finished up their work in the shop on Friday afternoon, leaving the floor cleared and the weekend open for more unofficial activities.
A car trunk creaked open outside, and two dimly lit silhouettes grunted as they lifted large objects out and placed them on handtrucks. One by one, the pair wheeled the objects into the dark building. Finally, the last object was pulled from the vehicle and the trunk groaned closed. The handtruck and its handlers entered the building, and the door locked as they closed it behind them. Flourescent lights far above buzzed to life as a light switch was thrown. Rusted steel rafters and a dirty metal ceiling spanned above the unfurnished concrete floor. Blobs of the occasional oil stain littered the floor.
"What do you think?" Jenny asked.
"You couldn't find something bigger?" April said doubtfully, wiping perspiration from her brow.
"Not without making a reservation with the department. And that wouldn't be a great idea, now would it?"
"No, I suppose not. I'm just concerned about it not being secure, and the size..."
"Look out there," Jenny gestured at a window. Street lamps provided the only illumination of the campus streets and sidewalks. Not a soul presented itself. "It's Friday night. Nobody is going to come here. And the size is fine."
"Whatever," April responded. "Let's just get you hooked up to these tanks. I was hoping to go to some clubs tonight."
With practiced precision, the duo began attaching hoses to the valves of the tanks. All of these hoses terminated at one valve which would control the flow of everything upstream. Snaking out of that valve was a long hose that terminated in a mask for someone's face. With all the equipment connected, Jenny took hold of the mask and walked out to a point roughly in the middle of the room.
"Are you SURE this is place is big enough?" April asked. The last room they tried - over half as big as this - was barely good enough, and that was with only five tanks.
"Yes, just turn it on," Jenny replied impatiently while turning away from April, strapping the mask around her face.
April shrugged and incrementally opened the ten valves all the way. A small, staccato hiss was heard as a hint of the gas escaped from each valve. Once finished with that, April opened the master valve about halfway. Now, instead of the staccato bursts like before, a long, consistent hiss now pervaded the room, like an orchestra conductor drawing out a fermata at the finé of a concerto. Except this final fermata would last for several minutes, whereas by comparison your typical wind instrumentalist would be passed out on the floor after 30 seconds.
Jenny felt the gas rush into the mask through the tube, and drew in gentle breaths as she consumed it. Her chest and stomach rose as each breath was drawn in, then fell as it was expelled. Rise... fall... rise... fall...
Rise... fall... rise... fall... rise... rise... rise...
Jenny giggled to herself as her breasts began to fill up inside her t-shirt, pulling it even tighter than it already had been. As the cotton fibers stretched wider, the lacy designs decorating her brassiere began to show through the fabric. The cursive "Princess" on her shirt began to distort as it was pulled wider. The bottom of the shirt rode up as her stomach also expanded. Her khakis tightened as her butt grew.
April walked over to the window and glanced out at the empty parking lot, save for her car. If any of the professors decided to pay a surprise Friday evening visit, there would be hell to pay. Not only hell, but a good chunk of their paychecks as well.
The button on the khakis broke, relieving some - but not all - of their duress. Jenny's stomach pushed the zipper down as it continued growing, no longer restricted to such a ridiculously small size. The situation was still pretty tight up top as well, the bra not particularly agreeing with the ballooning nature of its residents. The entirety of the shirt was now pulled tightly around Jenny's chest. "Princess" was three feet wide, the sweeping looped curves of the letters dancing about her chest.
A cell phone rattled around on a tabletop. April turned from the window and walked over to pick up her phone. The LCD screen was lit up with a new text message... from Josh! Oh, he was so dreamy! April's pulse quickened as she fumbled with the phone to read the message. He WAS interested in going to dinner sometime!
The pants began to be pushed down by their engorged contents, with robust buttockal cleavage rising out the top like a loaf of bread in an oven. A dainty teal thong circled Jenny's waist, a tiny triangle of fabric perched above her crack before a single string plunged below. Her belly button, as wide as a golf ball, gently inverted. Arms and legs slowly began to puff up, pulling her pants and sleeves tighter still.
Jenny closed her eyes in anticipation, knowing that her favorite part was coming soon.
April labored to reply to Josh's message. Hopefully he was willing to go out tonight. She shouldn't be tied up for too much longer, and then she could go out and stare at his adorable dimple all evening long. And the way one eyebrow was a little higher than the other! Oh, rapture!
Bra clasps snapped behind Jenny as her inflating breasts finally outpaced its capacity. No longer quite so restricted, her breasts swelled again, pulling the shirt up further and revealing the bottoms of her enormous mammaries. Her butt had worked its way free of the pants, the diminuitive lingerie disappearing between the large globes adorning her backside. And now, as her legs swelled, the pants slowly continued their downward trip, steadily revealing more and more of Jenny's fattened legs. In front, Jenny's generous gut met the curves of her plumping thighs at her crotch, the thong marking their intersection point.
And then, Jenny's feet left the ground.
April finished off the text message and held the phone to her chest, hoping against hope that she would have a date tonight. Then she glanced up and noticed her friend and colleague floating in the air. With a nonchalant attitude, she put the phone up and returned to the row of tanks. With a few flicks of her wrist, she fully opened the master valve - just like she had done several times before - and returned to staring at her phone, waiting for the pot to boil over with another text from Josh.
Now a couple feet in the air and still rising, Jenny cooed with delight as she was now being fed twice as much gas. Correspondingly, she began to blow up faster. Her legs began to spread apart as they continued their growth, pushing her pants down past her knees. The shirt finally ripped down the middle and around the sides, severing "Princess" in half and allowing her prodigious breasts to burst into the open air. Determined nipples stood up on the surface of her skin. The tattered shirt and useless bra fluttered down toward the floor and landed unceremoniously in a pile. Jenny laughed happily, always overcome by that same lusty feeling when her boobs explode through her shirt.
Something out of the corner of April's eye caught her attention. Were they headlights? Shit, they were! April immediately began fumbling with the blinds trying to close them, and visually inspected the door from afar to make sure it was locked. As she turned back to the window, she peered around the drawn blinds and found the headlights replaced by a red glow. Brake lights. The car had passed by uneventfully. False alarm. April sighed and regained her composure, reopening the blinds. She refocused her attention on the cell phone, willing Josh to respond. And quick! All this waiting was sooo not cool.
Several feet above, any hints of Jenny's lean figure were rapidly disappearing. Her waistline was already several feet around, complemented by large round breasts on top and a large round butt in back. Her arms stiffened as they swelled up more, her back beginning to flare out behind her. Her legs grew shorter as her groin inflated further, finally catching up to her pants and pushing them down around her ankles before they slipped off her feet completely. The thong finally gave up and broke, dangling for a minute pinched in her rump before also falling to the floor.
April's cell phone lit up again with another text and she jumped exuberantly. She fumbled with the buttons and... Josh could go tonight!!! April bounced up and down uncontrollably, happily clapping her hands. Now what was she in the mood for? Mexican? Barbecue? Italian? Definitely Italian. She promptly started tapping out a query for his interest in eating at Romeo's.
Feet and hands now began to plump up as Jenny entered the final stages of her transfiguration. Flip-flops slipped from between turgid toes and pink painted toenails, once and for all leaving Jenny clad in nothing but her own pneumatic nudity. It was highly unlikely she retained any useful mobility by this point, but it didn't matter. She enjoyed the experience far too much to distract herself by trying to move. Her eyes remain closed, her emotions fixed on the intoxicating sensations of stretching outward inch by inch, foot by foot, as she yearned to blow up even bigger.
The cell phone beeped as April triumphantly sent the text message to Josh. Oh, she was getting excited now! April looked up at the orb-like underside of Jenny's form. Wouldn't be much longer now. Barring an unexpected visit from college faculty, she could leave in just a few minutes and get a generous helping of her hunky date. And as she gazed out the window at the dark campus, she knew that with each passing minute that unexpected visit became more and more unexpected.
Jenny pivoted upside down and twisted in the air as the hose ran out of slack. Even her hands and feet had now flattened against her contours at this point, the tiny arcs of her fingerprints decorating her sides as she steadily swelled larger. She had never gotten this big before. Only her massive bosom and portly posterior remained as outward examples of her sexuality. Her nipples were still stubbornly erect, standing at attention in the centers of pink areolas that stretched outward for several feet.
Josh said yes!!! Delight of delights! He had suggested meeting in 45 minutes. April began assembling a mental list of things to do before the date. Not enough time to shower, but that was ok. How would she do her hair? It would be pushing it to break out the curling iron. Ponytail was too informal. Straight would be fine. What would she wear? Romeo's was a classy place. Blouse and skirt? Nah, not good enough. Oh! Jenny had a great little low-cut black dress that fit April like a glove. She would wear that. Besides, it wasn't like Jenny would be squeezing into a size 4 anytime soon.
Jenny's size began to eclipse the light coming down from the ceiling. Her crotch bumped against a rafter as she reached her upper boundary. Still she fixated on the undying pleasure she was experiencing, listening to the hiss of the gas resonate within her immense body. As she stretched for each extra inch she yearned to grow a hundred more.
Another few moments passed as the blimping young damsel steadily took up more and more space in the vacant workshop. April was checking herself out in her compact, deciding how much blue eyeshadow to apply. She knew Josh wouldn't be able to resist her with the blue eyeshadow. Most guys couldn't. Except for Dave. He didn't like it too much. And Greg. No, Greg wasn't a fan either. And Miles. And Joseph. And Mark. And... oh, never mind. Maybe just a little blue eyeshadow.
Finally, the hissing chorus ceased as the tanks' supply of gas became exhausted.
The ceiling was about twenty feet high, and with Jenny upside down, she almost met the seated April eye to eye.
Jenny opened her eyes at the premature stoppage of the gas. She began saying something to April, but it was muffled by the mask. April reached up and removed the mask from Jenny's head.
"Turn the gas back on!" she squeaked softly. The gas had distorted her voice even more than previous times.
"Sorry, but it's all gone," April shrugged.
"GONE??" she squealed wildly, her brow furrowed. She shook her head, her brown hair and highlights frisking about. "But I wanna be bigger!"
"Well, you know how strict helium rations have been these days."
"Yeah..." A disappointed look crossed Jenny's face.
"What are you going to say when Dr. Ramirez asks you what happened to the science department's entire shipment of helium for this month?"
"I'll think of something."
"Well, I've got a date," April announced. "I'll come check on you tomorrow morning." She stood into a crouch, took hold of Jenny's taut skin, and rolled her backward onto her back. Gigantic breasts and firm nipples swept by overhead until Jenny's form came to an acceptable resting position, propped up against the ceiling by her globular butt. The enormous domed boobs pointed downward at the floor. April reached a hand up and stroked the strained skin. "You've really outdone yourself this time, Jennifer Elaine. Have fun."
A barely audible, high pitched "Bye" emanated from above. April crawled out from beneath the gigantic mass, flipped off the lights, went through the door and locked it behind her.
If only they could've ordered one more tank, Jenny thought. Or two more, or ten more. Anything to get her at least a little bigger. If she could innocently explain away this incident - as she had each time before - then maybe they'd be allocated more tanks next month, and then she'd REALLY have a blast.
"They'll catch on at some point," she reminded herself mentally. "And then I'll really be in hot water."
Still, Jenny smiled and sighed. "This is big enough for now."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, bubbles, mermaid, water
Text: While the Manniver family had safely gotten through the hurricane, the mermaid they discovered in their backyard the morning after didn't appear so lucky.
The woman was ripped away from the ocean just like she was torn from the pages of a book of fairytales. Bruised a bit and flopping about desperately in the sodden grass, the ground's moisture had only been doing just enough to keep her alive. The wife demanded her husband inflate the kiddie pool they had been storing in their shed for years. Their son Jake ran back and forth between the kitchen and the outside with a milk jug filled with water.
Soon the mermaid was lowered gingerly into the pool with the help of the father. She breathed a sigh of relief as her silver tail touched the water, and took a moment to roll around in the shallow depth to get all of her body covered.
The Mannivers all stood away from this strange creature as she tended to herself. She had a vibrant teal head of hair, thick strands flowing past her shoulders to her elbows. A top of thin woven seaweed clung to a pair of small breasts. The shimmering tail, bunching like a steel tube made of muscle, snaked under the surface. It was a little longer than her upper body and was adorned with a crescent-shaped tailfin.
The family whispered amongst themselves. "Mom, do we have to keep her?" Jake asked innocently.
"We need to call the police," mumbled the father. "Maybe the city aquarium."
"Shouldn't we at least ask her her name?" suggested the mother, stepping forward. "You do have a name, don't you?"
The mermaid sat back against the cushiony edge of the pool and let her tail lie limply in front of her, half-submerged. "It's Opalescence..." she replied in a hushed voice, and looked awestruck at the house behind the family. "I can't believe in the human world...!"
"For now," Mr. Manniver said, crossing his arms. "I won't risk our household getting in trouble from keeping you here."
"W-Wait, please!" Opalescence began to beg. "I'd love to stay! The ocean's such a bland, empty place. All I need to live on the surface is some water!"
The trio looked amongst each other. Surely there was something to gain from having such a unique addition to the family. The parents wanted to give it a chance, and Jake thought this would be a lot cooler than his old pet fish that died.
"Well, power's still out," Mr. Manniver said to his family. "Might as well spend some time talking. First should come some things to know about how this world works."
"Really? Tell me all of it...!"" Opalescene eagerly scooted herself to the other side of the pool and rested her chin in her hands. The two adults went to retrieve a pair of lawn chairs to teach her, among other things, the rules of the house, and Jake soon went back inside to play on his phone. The Mannivers worked together to keep her comfortable, like taking turns refilling the pool every so often. But the most they could do was expose her to every little bit of human culture. Mrs. Manniver found a box of old magazines and the mermaid stared wide-eyed at the pages until they got soggy (she wasn't literate though and just liked the pictures).
They shared their meals with her, often floating Tupperware containers on the surface of the water. The mermaid was delighted to sample everything from grilled steak to Chinese take-out; they were all tantalizingly new flavors for someone who had nothing but seafood before.
"Tell me how work went, Mr. Manniver," she'd plead with a smile. "Is the copier fixed? Did they fire Paul yet?"
Jake once went out to her for help with his homework and they both scratched their heads trying to figure out long division. During the nights, Opalescence could only stare into the living room through the glass door while the family relaxed inside. The glow of a screen behind the couch kept her curiosity until she curled up for the night. There was the driving rain some days that bored her since nobody would come outside. An eagle once divebombed for the end of her tail, and she barely managed to ward it off with a swat from her fin.
Soon it seemed leaves were tumbling into her domain every minute, on top of the fact she was shivering more often than not. The captivating smile of hers sank into a scowl the more she turned slow laps in the pool.
The father came out one evening when she was on her last nerves. "Made your favorite fish sticks just for you tonight, Opal," he smiled. "How are you doing?"
"What do you think?" the mermaid pouted, hands tucked into her armpits.
He paused and then crouched down to level with her. "You know, I get it if you're bored in here. I've been meaning to ask if you'd like it better inside. Winter is coming."
"The inside?" she repeated breathlessly, and leaned on the deflating sides of the pool. "Ooh, please can I see what it's like in there?"
"We'll see what we can do," Mr. Manniver chuckled, handing over the food to her. The move came the next evening, the father holding her over his shoulder. Opal found the living room and the ascent to the second floor a mystical experience, for it was unfortunately the last she'd see of it for a while. She was crestfallen being lowered into a tub that was even more cramped than the pool.
"So this is my new home?" she asked, staring at her tailfin tucked up against the wall in front of her.
The family had similarly packed themselves into the bathroom to look at her. "Uh-huh," Mr. Manniver nodded, brushing moisture off of his arm into the pearl-white sink. "Just about all we can do. But don't worry, this door'll be open so you can call for us anytime, upstairs or down."
The mermaid settled back against the porcelain siding. "I guess this'll work then..."
Mrs. Manniver waved to her. "Let us know if you need anything, dear. Maybe now that you're indoors we can try board games someday!" She turned to go and the father followed, leaving Jake alone with the creature.
He stepped up. "This is supposed to be my bathroom, you know," he stated, crossing his arms but sounding unsure about accusing her.
"Oh, I'm sorry..." she frowned. "What do you mean by—" She was cut off by the shower curtain being pulled across her eyesight. The inside of the tub darkened with the turquoise color of the drape. Opal didn't speak and held her chin in her hands, letting the footsteps recede and leaving her watching the rippling of the shallow water.
Slowly integrating with the three humans was fine, but it was draining— trapped in a white-walled prison for innumerable days. Opal's idle hands longed for something to entertain her with. She was taught how to run the water to adjust the temperature of the bath as she pleased, but she wouldn't want to get the Mannivers upset by flooding the upstairs. She could glimpse bottles further up on a shelf in her abode; if she could stand herself up by clinging to the shower curtain to reach them, she'd be sating her adventurousness.
The mermaid tried that plan on a Sunday morning, when the Mannivers would depart for several hours and left her all to herself. She took the plasticy covering in her hands and pulled. A ring popped out of the rod above and startled her, and so she tried it again and splashed back down with the curtain in her hands.
"Interesting..." she mused, smoothing her hand over it. It seemed like a net, only that it could catch liquid inside it instead. That was exactly what the crafty mermaid decided to try out, spreading it out on the bottom of the tub and laying her tail within it. She began a bout of trial-and-error as to how she was going to secure the curtain. Soon she had it messily wrapped around her length, locking in a film of water against her scales, and secured it with a knot through a spare ring. She noticed she couldn't move her tail as easily as before when she lifted it above the water to inspect it.
Feeling confident though, Opal hoisted herself and her giant fish-burrito invention up and smacked down onto the tile. Some water dribbled out at the fin end, but she only beamed. Pushing herself on her palms, she inched down the hallway and got to the top of the steps. Carefully she slid down the flight and arrived at the living room. Should she continue on to the kitchen by the other wall? No, she determined, this was where the couch with the glowing screen was all those nights before.
Leaving water on the hardwood floor in her wake, Opal came to the foot of the television and was stymied by it appearing dark and silent. Her guess was to pick up the nearest thing sitting on the coffee table, a black rectangle with colored dots all over. She was awestruck when the screen came to life from pushing the top-most button. Now that she believed her escapade was a work of genius, and she could live in the house however she liked, she triumphantly put her back against the couch and pushed her way up onto it. Her body spanned the leather seats as she relaxed and watched an infomercial program like it was an everyday thing to do.
At last, she could be independent as long as she had some water against her scales. She snuggled her head against the armrest and laughed at the thought of surprising the family like this.
And in time, the garage door opened and the trio stepped in. Opal fluttered a hand above her head and grinned. "Hi there! Surprised to see me?" "But it's not fair!" she protested. Mr. Manniver's jaw was set as he lowered her back into the tub, the curtain discarded on the floor. "I've done nothing wrong!"
He spread his arms. "You made a mess! This thing's torn up, my wife and son are mopping up the downstairs—"
"I just want to live like the rest of you!" She slapped the water in frustration. "Why can't I just be a normal person? This stupid body...!"
"Until we figure something out, please, for God's sake, just stay put?" He went to leave, and took the balled-up shower curtain as well. The bathroom door closed behind him, making it impossible for the mermaid to go anywhere else. That was the final straw. All she could do was think about the conflict swirling around her while she was shut in. She yearned to stay in the surface world, but she constantly worried about the family arranging to send her back to the ocean. There was no use being disobedient and banging her fists against the door and screaming; that'd just get her thrown out even faster. The adults entered the bathroom now to only drop off meals and collect empty plates. They offered a question as to how she was doing most times, but it was hardly a pleasantry at this point.
Her new habit was crawling to the door and lying there as long as possible, putting her ear to the gap between the woodwork and the floor to listen for anyone coming. While she normally heard their footsteps skirting by, she picked up a conversation for once.
"Tom, it's getting annoying," complained Mrs. Manniver. "The family next door asked again about what was going on in the backyard all those times."
"We'll just have to keep telling them it was nothing."
"But they keep bringing it up. What if they saw Opal? Took photos?"
"No S.W.A.T. vans are descending on our home yet, are they?" Footsteps advanced through the hall to the front of the home to actually check.
"But they could, honey, that's what I'm afraid of. ...The police questioned that one man in our neighborhood after that explosion at his house," she continued quietly. "The one who had another type of those monsters on his property, and he killed the thing."
"So what, you can't honestly be saying to do the same with her..."
"No, no! We just need to get rid of... move her before something bad does happen. To us!"
"I'll look into it," came the calm reply. "She deserves to be back in her real home, I think, and we can hire someone to take her there."
Opal suddenly pounded her fist against the door and shouted. "No! I don't wanna leave! I'm supposed to have a say!" Salty tears were slipping down her face as she put her head against the exit and kept voicing her demands. She scrabbled for the knob above her and made a cry in frustration that it wouldn't budge.
"She realized we barred it," said Mr. Manniver's glumly. "I'm getting Jake's old radio. I need to try something."
The conversation stopped and all the while the mermaid threw her tantrum, tail thrashing and fingers clawing in desperation to simply get the door open again; to talk, be understood, show that she'd still be a good guest once she calmed down. Wretchedly she sat back and sobbed until a pleasant song began to play from the other side, filtering under the gap. Gentle singing was heard over the strumming of an instrument, and the easy tune seized hold of her for a moment. The vocals then rose in power, accompanied by a choir so enthralling that Opal didn't regard the footsteps slowly backing away. With her spirit quelled she closed her eyes; if this was another form of human entertainment, she wouldn't let it distract her from the fact she needed to find a way out.
The music faded. "It's now 7:45 P.M.," a male voice chimed in. "Thank you for tuning in to WPKW at 96.5 F.M., your local source for Christian rock and talk..." Opal climbed back into the tub and settled in, staring at the door and letting the faceless voices carry on.
Days passed, and the radio never got switched off. For the mermaid, it became something like a cellmate. Or more like a dozen of them, each of them offering advice or telling stories, talking of quotes from a long book. All Opal did was listen detachedly, and try to piece together what human virtue meant. Justice, too. Love and forgiveness. They were foreign concepts.
She swiped a comb from the bottom drawer of the sink and would groom herself as she stewed over her options. The toilet wouldn't be able to get her back to the ocean. The shower drain, she had poked at the tiny holes fruitlessly.
"How are you liking that thing?" Mrs. Manniver once peered in and asked, setting down a fresh plate of lasagna on the toilet seat.
"I don't know," Opal replied, gazing blankly over the edge of the tub.
The woman gave the mermaid a small smile and put a fork beside her before retreating. "Well, eat up. I'll be back to get the plate in an hour."
After the door clicked shut, the radio could be heard prattling on again. "Be wary of liars and sinners especially. Those people are preached against by God's people everywhere, you see? Sincerity is measured by deeds. From John himself, he says 'let us not love with word and tongue, but in deed and truth'..."
Opal sat herself up and draped her tail over the edge of the tub, piercing the fork through the top layer of the lasagna. She nodded sagely as she contemplated her escape.
"And a happy, beautiful Sunday morning to all our listeners. Welcome back to WPKW." It was spoken by a host who was obviously some kind of leader, warm, steady, and inviting. "We are just about to take a few calls from anybody in our community who has a question about their daily life, and might need a little help from the word of God."
Opal's face lifted from beneath the water, glistening and stoic, like she was a long-lost statue in the center of Atlantis being raised from a millennium under the sea. It sure felt like an eternity. She was staring up at the shower head, hooked up above like some unblinking, unweeping eye.
"What question do you want to ask?"
"How do I get out of here?" the mermaid spoke.
"Hi, I have a bit of a relationship issue..." came a young woman's timid voice. "Is that fine?"
"By all means," said the host. "Give us the amount of detail you'd like."
The mermaid could tear her hair out as she bolted upright. "For the love of the seven seas, I've heard this three times before!" she shrieked. No one would answer, as the house was empty this morning again, and the radio never cared about being repetitive.
Hardly anything could break the cyclical programming of the radio, it seemed. The voices, the songs, the messages; how in the world could humanity be even more monotonous than life in the ocean? And whatever they were trying to get her to understand, no matter how many ways it was phrased, it was all supposed to be one meaning that would always, always confuse her. At this point she just wanted it to quiet down, and submerging herself to block out the sounds was only productive for so long.
Opal turned her gaze upwards to the shower's source again. Some tubing came out of the wall and looped down around the valve, then snaked its way up to the exit. As she ran her hand over its flexible, metallic material, the same voice that spoke to her about the shower curtain told her to tug on this object too.
"I've known him for a long time," continued the caller as the hose rattled. "He's so sweet, but it feels like... the longer we've been together, the closer and closer he gets."
Opal took the hose hand-over-hand and gathered up her strength.
"He's not mean, he's not abusive, it's just that he wants to hang around me all the time. And that makes sense! It's only a matter of time until we get engaged, haha! It's just— ohh, it's ridiculous how much he manipulates me to stay with him." A sigh crackled from the speaker, just as the shower head separated from its tubes with a pop. The mermaid scrambled to inspect the plumbing which flopped into the water with her.
"Is that so?" asked the male as Opal held up the hollow pipe to her eye, and then tried reaching one of her fingers inside of it. "There are all sorts of ways that things can separate us from what really matters. Maybe he distances you from spending time with your family and friends, maybe shopping or another hobby, but above all it's a departure from God."
Still feeling a little destructive, Opal spied the colored bottles that sat up on a shelf. She brought up the comb from the bottom of the tub and gave it her best aim. Plastic containers came clattering, splashing down.
"While we stress spending time with Him, of course he also wants you to take time for yourself...! To be you and live to your fullest. If someone's being selfish with you, that's an unfortunate thing, and let's talk about how we can work on that."
She turned and squeezed and shook and pulled on one of the bottles, until at last one of the caps came off. When she tried to see what was inside, some pale pink liquid pooled out into her hand. The flowery smell of it reminded her a bit of the outside, nice enough to try sipping the taste of it.
"Yuck!" The bitterness seemed to clog up her throat and she rushed to drink down some of the bath water. Alarmingly, the mixture had gone and tainted her home with its gross aftertaste too, and on top of that a cloud seemed to be rising up upon the waves. Opal had no time to deal with that; she rushed to turn on the water and scrambled for the hose as it flowed out some fresher liquid to rinse with.
For a time she just drank with her lips over the opening, closely watching the little bed of foam that was forming. Opal scooched over to rescue the bottle from spilling out more, ignoring the label while she grew accustomed to swallowing the warm water. The bad taste was long gone, but it was relaxing to keep downing what was practically her lifeblood. She let it run, able to feel the faint splashing within her. This was a little safer than overfilling the tub for no reason, after all.
Feeling full within a few more moments, Opal lifted the hose away. Then she suddenly coughed— didn't she stop drinking? Apprehensively she sat up on the edge to check her stomach, and her insides were making a burbling noise like a natural spring. Something was rising up, pressing with an uncomfortable tingle against the walls of her belly. She groaned as she locked her arms over her middle, compressing, with a bit of quiet fascination, the plushy feeling building up beneath her skin. It gradually went away, and left her staring at the mass of bubbles wavering there in the tub. She didn't want to move, even as the running hose made its contents spill over the edge and spread a puddle across the floor. The bottle of soapy liquid was also trying to drift by and fall out, so Opal snatched it up.
"I want you to first weigh your options," the host continued from the other side. "What's going to be the best way for you to remove yourself from your situation?"
The mermaid had surveyed this all enough. She put the hose down on the floor and shimmied down to sit there next to it, facing the white, blockaded bathroom door. Her silver tail extended a line towards the outside, resting in the shimmery film of water that was trickling out into the hall. Opal took a deep breath and poured out the elixir into her mouth until she was ready to gag, then knocked it back. Next began swallow after swallow to wash everything out, and more importantly, to test the mermaid's theory.
The reaction was immediate, her body beginning to churn again with the mixing around of soap and water. The sensation brewed up, flaring out her stomach into a pregnant state and beyond. Opal eased her hand over it, patted it firmly, a comfortable fluffiness to it above the heavier liquid spreading through the bottom. All it needed was some tender jostling to accelerate its growth for a moment, stretching her out with ease, eliciting a coo around the hose.
Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe the family was going to be outraged with her and toss her out onto the curb, or maybe she wouldn't even get as far as the door.
"Now, to my caller, I don't want you to be afraid of retaliation from anyone. God shall give you His protection, inspire in you faith in yourself that you're making the right decision."
The guzzling continued, with Opal shifting her hips to get comfortable. Her belly sagged onto her tail, rolling along the slimy scales. The mermaid played around, lifting her fin end and dropping it, making her inflating gut slosh and grumble. Coaxing it forth, mesmerized as it drooped to the sides and brushed along the tile, all she could do was caress it and drink.
"Hm!?" She clapped a hand around the base of her tail, where her hips would reside. "Mmm..." The scales felt loose, padded, not so much a hunk of muscle anymore. She rocked on her broadening tush and splashed around the water inside, the girth of her lower body propping up the mountain of wobbly gut.
Over the pale horizon of her skin, Opal felt her stomach finally wedge up against the door. The pressure doubled back towards her and she winced; space was running out fast. The hose left her lips with a weary groan, and she reached for the bottle once again. The mermaid held it high and began to desperately chug, the soap fizzing and boiling up as soon as it reached her insides. The empty bottle was thrown away and she returned to the hose with a whine, taking off with a long, drawn-out gurgle. Her belly began to climb up the door, pinched between the sink and the other wall, the knob poking in too. Discomfort clashed with the lust for freedom, the metallic tang of water from the pipes. She couldn't stop now.
"Let your spirit soar with hope!" The host's enthusiasm barely carried above the sounds of her rampant expansion. "Reach out to Him and let Him rescue you! Break free!"
It happened all at once. The bathroom door cracked in half, and Opal's belly seized the chance to explode through the entire frame as well. She crashed through with an unbridled, relieved cry, all her contents settling and spreading with the sloshes of a giant washing machine. There was no time for a breather even with the hose discarded. The mermaid could feel it coming again, all the suds welling up for another chance to multiply, fill her form even bigger within the confines of the hallway. Opal craned her neck up and started to pant.
She could destroy this entire house. She could smash this stupid human place to bits, pump up huge and triumphant to the size of a whale. And yet her belly throbbed and so did her tail, each a dangerous, quivering lump, stuffed to the gills with fluid. Distant, dull pops like fireworks within her ramped up the activity even more, and completely drowned out the radio. Her stomach was practically alive, snarling and creaking through the stubborn obstacles in her way, oblivious to the poor shrimp of a woman clinging valiantly on the other side.
Opal belched out a bubble all of a sudden; it floated upwards and upwards until it drifted and gracefully popped against her swollen skin. She whimpered and covered her mouth, every grunt, every suppressed hiccup, every tremor resulting in another electric surge of inches to her frame. To stop her coughing, she thrust the hose back between her cheeks and held onto her stomach for dear life. Stretched flesh crammed the entirety of the bathroom, compacted perilously between the narrow walls. It ballooned uncontrollably outside, shoving aside furniture and pictures in the crumbling hallway, rubbing against the walls— and she could even feel the ceiling hemming her in.
Water dribbled from her lips as she just couldn't force any more into herself. Opal spat out the hose and leaned away from the rumbling mass of stomach, anchoring her arms against the side of the tub, bracing herself. Her skin smooshed against her cheek, and her individual scales, each strained to the shape of a teacup, flared out to nearly engulf her like a beanbag chair. "Oh please, oh please...!" she prayed. "Just a little more... Ahhhh-haaah...!" She floundered from the pressure, the line-thin breadth of her skin extending through the halls, quivering as she sagged over the top step. While so vast, so seemingly flexible still, she knew her brewing and quaking liquid-packed body was about to burst apart.
With her face flushed red, her eyes snapped open, realizing with the last of her shuddering breaths that she was growing slower. Her belly rippled and heaved with the limits of its give; the groaning of wooden planks and the squealing, keening of rubbery skin hit their loudest, shrillest note...!
"Ohhh God—!"
The dome ruptured, a quick volley of bubbles popping as they hit the air, and a tsunami of soapy water coursed through the rooms of the second floor. Foam oozed around corners and rode the torrent that came crashing down the staircase, flooding all in the path.
The Mannivers' silver van turned off from within the garage. As the family approached the door to the inside, Jake was first to spot the puddle that had formed underneath his shoes. "Woah, lookit—"
Mr. Manniver opened the door to a foot of water that cascaded down the step, drenching the bottom of his khakis.
"The..." the husband held back a curse. He hoisted himself into the living room and waded to the kitchen sink first, muttering as he scoured for a leak. The others came in and stared in disbelief at the heaps of froth sitting in corners or spilling into the garage. They were all drawn to the sound of the running shower on the second floor eventually.
And after a slippery ascent, they each saw the bathroom frame blown outwards, some of the drywall bent in and droplets of moisture falling from the ceiling. The folding chair which had blocked the doorknob lay defeated underneath a pile of lather and wreckage, and overhead, a stringy piece of seaweed was pasted flat.
Finally, lying beside the end table that had been overturned, the radio still hissed and crackled with its battery encased within. In a yelping, fizzling tone, it kept trying to impart its praise to the captive audience that ceased to heed it.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, blowkiss, floating, inhale
Text: Yamagawa-jo Castle was not exactly an impressive castle, especially in terms of size. It had four towers with a medium-sized pagoda in the middle; it was a pretty average in terms of construction and architecture. However what it lacked in style it made up for with airtight security. Guards guarded practically every square inch of the compound, not even a flea would be able to waltz on by unnoticed. Lady Komoda, the owner of the fortress kept various precious items stored and protected for her lord. He chose her because not only he enjoyed her company and fine looks, but she also was an absolute control freak when it can to planning security measures. It was a cloudy night, and nothing much was going on. However two guards heard a knock at the front gate. One of them walked up to the door and opened up a little circular viewing port to see who was there. Upon opening it he spotted what looked like a young woman covered in a hooded grey robe.
"Who are you, and why have you stopped here?" ordered the guard.
"I have been sent for the entertainment of the guards of Yamagawa-jo." She meekly replied.
"Entertainment? I haven't heard of any entertainment being planned for us."
"It is per the orders of Lady Komoda, as a reward for the guards and soldiers who valiantly guard the castle."
"A reward? Well, I'm flattered by this. But do you have official approval? Lady Komoda always requires official paperwork to confirm and approve the passage of any person or item through these gates."
Upon hearing the guard's request, the girl reached into the folds of her robe to take out a roll of paper. She handed it to the guard who immediately snatched it from her hands. He opened it up and read it.
"Looks good to me, it even has Lady Komoda's seal on it. Open the doors boys, we have some entertainment!"
"What kind of entertainment?" asked the guard behind him.
"Female entertainment!" he slyly replied.
The main gates of the castle slowly creaked ajar to allow the robed girl to enter. All fifty of the guards around the compound began to gather towards the main walkway to the premises to catch a glimpse of the girl. Since Lady Komoda kept a tight lid on the fortress, the guards hardly got out often to socialize in the outside world often, so the idea of a courtesan or a geisha entering to entertain the troops would immediately snare their attention.
"Please guide me to a room where I can perform for you lonesome men." asked the girl.
"Why of course my dear! We have a main hall that can easily double as an auditorium!" The guard led the girl towards the main doors of the central pagoda and all the troops behind the two started squeezing through the entrance. Within a minute the room was totally packed with musky grungy guards, waiting to catch a glimpse of the young girl before their eyes. The girl went to the middle of the room and asked for the men to give her a small space to perform. They were yelling out lewd phrases at her to do something erotic, but most of them asked questions.
"Are you going to do a lovely dance in the nude for us?" asked a particularly ugly fellow in the back.
"Please calm down mister, I've got a very special performance that will be sure to knock you all flat on your backs!"
The girl grabbed the back of her robe and pulled her hood off. The girl had a blue shiny mask on that covered the bottom-half of her head.
"Ooo! I told you she's an erotic dancer!" One of the guards grunted out.
"Ah, how introspective of you!" replied Kamiko. "I do have a special dance planned for all of you deserving young guys on this cold cloudy night!"
All their horny wild eyes lit up in anticipation of what Kamiko was about to do.
"Now, before I dance, I'll need to test the intelligence of the audience around me. I need one of you to guess what type of animal I shall impersonate!" Kamiko spread her arms out above her head as she asked her audience the question.
"An animal eh?" cried out a guard.
"Ooh, she's going to be feisty for us!" screamed another.
"The animal that I will so passionately be for you brawny handsome men is one that has one of the most extraordinary traits. This animal can make itself grow to proportions that make it appear much larger and menacing than it usually does! Can anyone tell me what it is?
Within the audience of grungy men, contemplative murmurs and hums began to erupt out. Many scratched their chins while digging back into their cranial depths to grab the word of the animal their temptress was talking about.
"Is it a cat? Cats stand on their feet and make themselves look bigger when they are scared!" yelled one of the men.
"Good choice! But alas, it is not the animal I am talking about!" Kamiko replied.
"How about a dog? Their fur stands on end when they get mad and bark!" another guard guessed.
"Please! Do you think I am lowly enough to be just a dog!? I am not THAT kind of girl, especially not a prostitute!" Kamiko scolded.
"Roosters puff out their feathers when they want to make themselves look big!" yelled another clueless buffoon.
"Oh please, you are nowhere close! Here, let me give you boys a hint: This animal lives in the sea." Kamiko hoped once of the dense guards would finally solve her riddle.
The room full of soldiers once again quieted down to contemplate Kamiko's hint. One of them in the middle of the crowd raised his arm up and jumped around, eager to catch the girl's attention.
"Ah! Ah! I know! A pufferfish!"
"Give the man a hand everyone! He hit the nail on the head!" Kamiko began clapping her hands to applaud the man's correct answer. Everyone else in the room erupted in laughter and joy, the guards around the lucky guesser started patting him on the back and his head to congratulate him.
"Wait a minute, a pufferfish!?" questioned one of the guards in the front. "Are you telling us that you can blow yourself up like a balloon of some sort?"
"Oh ho ho ho ho! What a wild imagination you have there my friend! Why don't I help you fuel it some more?" After talking back to the guard, Kamiko grabbed the back of her robe and flung it over her shoulders and off her body, revealing her sporty and voluptuous body clad from head to nose with air-tight shiny blue rubber. The eyes of one of the guards in front began to bug out in surprise as he suddenly realized the truth about Kamiko...
"Hold on a moment g... guys! She's a n... n... ninja!"
"Correct again monkey man!" Kamiko mocked as she suddenly began to suck in air and expand her body at a frightening pace. All the men in the room could do was stand and stare at the spectacle of the ballooning girl in front of them. Within a couple of seconds her body transformed more and more into a gigantic orb as the top of her head perched upon the top of her round exterior touched the ceiling. As this happened the men near her began to stumble backwards, trying to avoid the approach of the wall of blue rubber-clad flesh distending towards them. Their efforts were in vain as they began to disappear under the blue squeaky mass in groups. Within ten seconds the blimped-up Kamiko had filled the entire room with herself and smothered almost all fifty of the guards in there. She felt one single man trying to struggle past a gap that her huge body had left near the door. This man was still going to make it out the door, but with his colleagues as well.
Suddenly Kamiko let all the air compressed inside her fly out her mouth at sonic speed, causing parts of the walls around her to break outwards, creating large holes. All the half-suffocated men that she had trapped flew out the new openings in the once-pristine white walls and through the now doorless front entrance. Hardly any of them made a single sound; they were too deprived of oxygen to scream as they flew hundreds of meters out of the castle and over the walls of the compound. At least half of them struck the main walls themselves and got knocked out cold.
Just before Kamiko shrunk back to normal size, she allowed herself to propel out one of the exits and just as she ran out of air she backflipped and landed perfectly on her feet just a meter away from the north wall of the fortress. She stood for just a few moments as the entire pagoda began to creak and rumble. The bottom part had been weakened so much by Kamiko controlled air explosion that there was no chance it would be able to support the top part of the building. Finally the top part of the tower came crashing down, splintering the demolished remains of the bottom floor and causing the remaining three stories to telescope into each other.
After waiting a few moments for the dust to clear, Kamiko walked towards the almost-totaled yet intact front floor that remained of the pagoda. The unconscious bodies of the guards scattered the ground like seeds on the ground. Just as she got near the wreckage, she saw a shadow move around from within one of the square windows. Slowly the figure emerged from the crumpled frame; it was a stately woman in her mid-20's with a colorful light green silk kimono with blue diamonds embossed all over it. She struggled to stand upon her legs, trying to recover from the shock she received when the building collapsed. She coldly looked Kamiko in the eyes.
"Did you destroy my proud and beautiful fortress?" She demanded.
"It wasn't much of a fortress then, and it still isn't much now." Kamiko replied.
"How, how dare you, you destructive bitch!" Yelled the enraged Lady Komoda. "You will pay for ruining my life's work!"
The enraged villainess quickly bent down and grabbed a long sharp pole from the wreckage. She then pushed it out in front of her and began running towards Kamiko at breakneck speed, screaming like a ghost back from the dead.
Kamiko just stood there, waiting for the furious woman to come nearer. Just as the makeshift spear came near her chest, Kamiko briskly stepped aside to the right, allowing Lady Komoda to run right into her. Quickly, Kamiko grabbed the red-faced wild woman in a tight bear hug, and began to take a deep breath. As Kamiko did this she expanded her belly outwards one foot, pulled the mask on her suit off her mouth, and blew right into the mouth of the flabbergasted Lady Komoda. Immediately, Kamiko's bulbous stomach disappeared, and reappeared on Komoda's midsection. All the horrified woman could do was fall onto her backside and stare at her bloated belly. She screamed out in fright.
"Now, listen to me carefully Komoda. I can blow a lot more air into you and make you even bigger. You can be a nice human balloon for the children to play around with. All I need to know is how many men does Lord Taro command? Also, what kind of weapons, armor, and other implements of destruction do they carry?"
"I'll never tell you, devilgirl!" Fumed the bloated Komoda.
Angered by the woman's refusal, Kamiko grabbed Komoda by the collar of her kimono, wrapped her lips once again over her mouth, took another deep breath, and blew into the hapless Lady Komoda. Now the woman's belly stretched out so much that not only the obi wrapped around her kimono snapped off, but her limbs plumped out a bit. Kamiko allowed her to stand, but all the inflated Komoda could do was waddle around comically, hardly able to move her swollen and tight body.
"Now, I'll ask you one more time before I fill you with enough air to pop you. Tell me what Lord Taro has."
"Okay, okay! Don't kill me! I... I... I heard he now has an army that is at least a thousand strong, maybe even two-thousand. He has spears, the best katanas crafted in the land, and last I heard even some guns and cannons. Some are even imported from the Dutch who in return got them from other powerful western nations!"
"Is this true?" Kamiko asked.
"Yes, yes! It's all true, and if you need even more proof, I have a bunch of scrolls there in my room that record the inventory of all I have given to him! It even has names of, er, I can't tell!" Lady Komoda bit her tongue to withhold the last bit of info.
"Well, I can probably find it anyways, there's no need to halt your words. You can go fly away now." Kamiko went back up to Lady Komoda, grabbed her head, and started puffing more air down her gullet. All the helpless woman could do was grunt and cry muffled screams as Kamiko inflated her bigger and bigger like a child happily blowing into a rubber balloon. Lady Komoda's cheeks began to bulge out and obscure half of her once slim and pretty blushed face. Her blimped-out midsection began to absorb her rapidly bulging limbs. Her kimono wasn't able to take this massive stress, so it ripped into little ribbons and gently floated off as she grew bigger and bigger with each puff Kamiko took.
Finally after about twenty seconds of hard puffing, Lady Komoda was about as big as Kamiko herself would normally be when she floated about in the sky. The once-slim and voluptuous beauty now resembled a human blimp with a large round midsection and two round bulges perched upon it with pinkish-red saucer-sized nipples in the middle of them. Her limbs were equally bloated and gorged with air; they stuck out from her body, immobile and useless. Both hands and feet at the tips of each respective cone of inflated taut flesh were also plumped up and unmovable. Kamiko looked up at the naked and ballooned Lady Komoda as she floated upwards. The moonlight shone off her tight pale skin, making her look like a white glowing extraterrestrial object in the sky. Higher and higher the hopeless and once-proud owner of the now decimated fortress floated towards the overcast clouds, emitting muffled screams through her bulging cheeks as she disappeared into the hovering sea of grey.
"Please watch out for sharp objects during your flight Miss Komoda." Kamiko mockingly yelled towards the helpless balloon-woman.
Tomoko-sensei sat down in the middle of the temple, gleefully letting her eyes spot and absorb every word they discovered on the scrolls Kamiko found at Yamagawa-jo.
"Ah, I knew you would find a treasure-trove of information at that castle. I'm surprised you were able to find so many scrolls Kamiko-chan! Especially considering how that spiteful wench Komoda keeps everything wrapped up tightly."
Kamiko laid on her back a meter away from Tomoko. She had plumped up her body with air to help her soothe her nerves rest her body.
"She was a bit uncooperative Sensei. But I think I loosened her up a bit." Kamiko said.
"Ah, she must be enjoying her little trip in the sky, no?"
Both Tomoko and Kamiko giggled a bit at the little wisecrack.
"So Sensei, what are you going to do now that you have this important info about Lord Taro?"
"I have to admit, these scrolls you brought me contain much. But I still need to find out more about who is allied to whom. We need to not only find the strings but also know where they connect."
"I see sensei. So does this mean that I'll be spying from now on?"
"Yes Kamiko, you won't have to risk yourself by stealing things for a while. You are going to be using your skills and your ears for the next few weeks. Plus I will be doing some spy work as well."
"You too sensei?"
"This project will take a lot of work, so it will be best if two people are working at the same time."
Kamiko laid further back onto her cushiony backside. She kept reflecting back to the mission she had just accomplished, thinking about how she felt like a different person while tricking both the guards and Lady Komoda into giving her the scrolls.
"Sensei?" Kamiko spoke.
"Yes dear?"
"I'm changing so much as I move on to bigger and bigger things as I take on harder challenges."
"That trip to the castle did require some brainpower and strength."
"I know sensei, but I also felt my inner personality changing into something almost foreign, totally unrecognizable to what I was like as not only a student, but when I still worked for Yoshi on the farm."
"You are in a different world my girl." Tomoko got up, stretched, and started pacing slowly around Kamiko. "You yourself said you could not believe the stories I told you about how Lord Taro took over my lord's domain with support from the shogun. There are always people more powerful than both you and me. They are always controlling all those underneath themselves who do not have wealth and power. Those on the bottom are just merely puppets to be controlled to make food and materials that benefit the men on top. To keep themselves in power, rulers have their own group of warriors and lords that submit to their whims so that they may also reap the benefits of their tyranny."
"But what about Lord Hideyoshi, sensei? What made him different?" Kamiko replied.
Tomoko just stood for a few moments, staring blankly out into space, thinking backwards in time.
"He was a man, whom despite his status as a daimyo, did not want to have things that way. He wanted to put more power in the hands of the people; that is why he had them all have a say in decisions of his government.
"That sounds so different sensei, ordinary people sharing power with the leaders."
"Yes it does Kamiko. And it's something I think Taro knew about. Maybe he had a hand in Lord Hideyoshi's death so that he could keep all the power for himself."
Kamiko's eyes began to glitter with light as they moistened up with tears. She wondered what it would be like to have a stronger voice in the world. She was a girl who had already learned how to become strong physically, but how could she become mentally stronger. Then she reflected back upon her mission, how she tricked all those men, inflated herself, and blew them out of the castle like feathers in the wind. They were all helpless before her power, despite their own raw and physical male strength. Kamiko had more power than even the once-mighty Lady Komoda, whom she had blown up into a balloon and allowed to float aimlessly into the skies.
"Sensei..." Kamiko whispered. "It looks like we're going to change everything."
"I would not really say that is true Kamiko." Tomoko said. "Well, not now. We will have to work a lot more in order to make a difference."
Kamiko looked towards the ceiling a few moments more, thinking about her teacher's sage words, and then she finally closed her sleepy eyes. She had done a lot of work, and had to rest up for what the future challenges that would come to her.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Messy Popping, vampire
Text: "Hmmm..." Shina pondered.The burglar knelt at the end of a dimly-lit stone hallway, ear pressed against a stout wooden door, absorbed in process of probing its lock. Once she was through, there was nothing standing between her and the job of a lifetime. There was of course one detail that had made the venture the job of a lot of other people's lifetimes, and not long ones at that, but she had an ace up her sleeve for that eventuality. Probably."Aha!" The mechanism clicked and she stood up straight, placing her tools in one of many pouches in her belt and sweeping messy strands of hair from her face. She took a quick swig from a flask on her hip and then drew her sword, eased the door open on oiled hinges, and stepped into a space that was part study, part master bedroom, and part crypt. The room stretched out long and high before her, lit with a dim, even light by magic-imbued spheres set in ornate sconces. A balcony ran around the edges of the room, a door or two to either side of her. And straight ahead, in the depths of the chamber, past rows of twisted, spiked furniture, her target: a shaded alcove sheltering a thick-set rectangular block of greyish stone that jutted from the floor like the bones of the earth itself.She made for the alcove, heart racing, moving with footfalls hushed by the rags tied around the soles of her boots. In short order she was standing over the stone edifice, marveling at its smoothness and strength, at the silvery glyph etched into the top surface. She didn't need to read whatever forgotten language it represented to know what it meant. The diurnal rest of the clan matriarch herself. Camille.Shina pulled out her flask once more and drank again, more deeply. This was it. She gripped the edge of the coffin lid somewhat awkwardly, refusing to drop her sword, and pried at it with her fingers. It moved slowly, groaning and shifting, opening just a crack. She coiled herself, reset her grip, and heaved. The lid fell back and she gripped her sword with both hands, striking downward."Ha-haa!" she cried, plunging the silver-plated blade into—Nothing."Looking for me?"The words rang out through the chamber like a masterwork violin played slightly off-tune. Shina jumped to her feet, spinning and raising her sword and scanning the entrances for her foe. She paused for a moment before lifting her gaze upward and then giving an involuntary little gasp. A tall, slender woman stood on the balcony on a near wall, skin deathly pale and hair flowing silver, clad in a frilled blouse and sleek trousers and standing with all the dreadful elegance of high society half a millennium in its grave. "I, uh..."Camille stepped casually over the railing and plunged fifteen feet to the hard stone floor, landing without breaking her stride. Shina gulped visibly, dropping her swordpoint in a low guard, then raising it back threateningly, and finally sinking into a tail guard as the vampire strode wordlessly toward her."Oh, hey, uh, you know..." Shina said as her mark approached, looking past her to the door she'd left ajar at the far end of the chamber, "My, er, esteemed employer just wants your little necklace thingy as proof I killed you, so if you don't wanna do that I guess you could, you know, just give it to me instead?"Camille stopped and fished beneath the neckline of her blouse and held up a small golden amulet twisted into the same symbol that marked the coffin lid. "Interesting." She shrugged and dropped it back out of view. "And exactly is your proposal if I do not?""Ah," Shina said, holding up one finger to punctuate her thoughts. "In that case, uh, I think I might have to trick you." She backed up the pronouncement with an attempt at a winning smile. "Anyways," she edged to the side, giving herself a clear shot at the door. "You know, I was just going to..."She swerved without warning and darted forward, sword screaming directly at the vampire's breast. It didn't even make it halfway. Faster than her eyes could follow the vampire unsheathed her own blade and stepped forward, flowing through a counter that sent Shina's murderstoke clattering to the floor twenty feet away.Camille smiled broadly. Brilliantly. And sharply. The rogue stood rooted on shaking legs."Oh, was that your trick, then?" the vampire said, and slipped her sword back into its sheath. "I was hoping for something a bit... better?"Shina's eyes darted between Camille and the doorway behind her. "Ah. Uh, well, if you knew what the trick was, it wouldn't be a very good one, right? So if you watch very closely...""What's that!" she cried, pointing to her left. She darted to the right, on path toward the exit, and almost in the same instant, so did Camille. A fist to the gut sent Shina careening backward, her vision flashing black as she impacted the stone wall and then deathly pale as the vampire loomed inches from her face."What a fragile little creature," Camille said, pinning the thief up against the wall and staring into her eyes. She reached one hand up to caress Shina's cheek, reveling in the way the girl twitched beneath her touch. "You really have no idea what you're doing, do you?" Ravenous hunger gnawed at her despite her dismissive tone. It was a truly glorious catch. Such young, tender flesh. A beautiful, slender tribute with such an inviting little neck. She pressed herself into her victim, savoring the scent of fear that rose as the little rogue squirmed against her, trying to retreat where there was no room to move. Delighting in the heart that hammered away, thumping against the stillness of her own breast. Pumping fresh, hot blood with such maddened fervor. She licked her lips and leaned in, baring her pearl-white fangs.Shina reached behind herself and untied a pouch on her belt with a smooth, practiced motion. A wooden stake dropped from the hidden compartment into her palm. And icy fingers clamped around her wrist."And there it is," Camille said with a half-smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Such a pity for your mortal coup de grace. Your whole life... for this."She raised Shina's fist up between them and tightened her fingers like a vice. Shina cried out and relinquished her grip, letting the wooden spike drop to the floor with a dull clatter."Now, if you are done attempting these... tricks," Camille said, the breath from her words flowing over Shina's cheek, "There is one question left to answer. You present me with quite a generous offer. So, how much should I take? Or," she said, pausing to show off her long, white fangs, "How much shall I leave?"Shina whimpered, squirming feebly back against the wall, trying in vain to shrink away from the vampire's bite. Razor-sharp pain lanced suddenly through her throat and she gasped as the vampire began to feed.Camille groaned softly and indulged herself on blood that sprayed over her tongue with an intense burst of flavor. It was rich, spicy, burning almost like strong drink. And in that moment, she couldn't get enough of it. She gulped it down greedily, the rogue's blood like fresh mountain stream to a woman dying of thirst. It roiled in the pit of her stomach, spread glorious warmth into her chest, seared through her own veins like fire. The girl wasn't lying—she did have a trick up her sleeve. And she played her part theatrically, swaying and bowing her knees and throwing her arms around her assailant in a move Camille knew wasn't for support. The transparent gambit awakened something deep inside Camille, inflaming the ravenous, passionate hunger of her baser nature. She dug her fangs more deeply into her victim and gorged freely, spilling muffled pants and clipped sighs of satisfaction, warmth spreading into her cheeks.Shina surely was smiling as spots ate the corners of her vision and the strength vanished from her legs. And Camille would give her exactly what she wanted. She hadn't spent so long in undeath without employing a certain caution, but the girl was so delicious, so foolishly prideful, that she drank to satiation and kept on going, filling herself with the girl's vibrant lifeblood until the front of her blouse pulled tight against her stomach. At last she pulled her head away and stepped back, breaking Shina's desperate grip almost without noticing and sighing deeply as her victim collapsed in a heap at the base of the wall, blood trickling over her collar."I may have—hic—indulged myself a bit," Camille said, smiling. There was a loud gurgle. She stroked her stomach softly, fingers sweeping over its visible curve. Shina's face brightened at the gesture, a glint of triumph in her eye. A frail little spark that Camille would stamp out without mercy."You know, I was beginning to wonder if you had any real plan at all," Camille said conversationally, gazing down at the burglar with an expression that turned suddenly dark. "Do not think I cannot taste it, little mage. That trick was old when I was young. You think to fill my veins with your magic until I sear from the inside out. As if you had a tenth of the power! Ooh, what intoxicating insolence! I shall send you back to your old masters as my thrall and you can show them what victory your pathetic spark has won tonight!""Or perhaps..." she continued, slipping seamlessly back into her high-society composure, drawing a knife from her belt and playing with the point in the palm of her hand, "You may be worth keeping around. My own special little treat." She smiled again, sharply. "So tell me, mage, what is your school of proficiency? You shall make an excellent pet if you are a fraction as useful as you are delicious."The rogue shrugged. "Sorry, don't know any magic. Just a regular girl. With a bit of a drinking problem." She pulled out her hip flask and raised it toward her mouth. Halfway there it slipped from her trembling fingers and toppled over on the floor, spilling out a small puddle of clear liquid."What's this?" Camille said. She sniffed the air and then narrowed her eyes. Despite the human's apparent dependence on liquid courage, there was no pungent scent to be found on the flask's contents. Or, come to think of it, on the girl's breath.Her stomach gurgled again, more loudly, and a hot flash ran through her. She sheathed her knife and knelt down to skim the liquid with her finger. Searing pain latched on and she recoiled, shaking it off."Holy water?" she said, straightening up and stepping back. The heat in her veins kindled like a fire spilled from its hearth. "And you've been... drinking?""All week," Shina said, picking up the flask and breaking into a grin. "Pretty good trick, huh?"Camille stepped back, eyes going wide and belly even wider."You... ugh!" the vampire cried as her stomach gave a great heave and swelled out visibly. A button shot off from the front of her blouse, skittering across the floor with a tinkle drowned out by a sudden rushing in her ears. Another wave of pressure rolled through her, and she looked down at herself with gathering horror. Her stomach shone taut and pale through the gap where her blouse had torn open, her bulging breasts threatening to make a breakthrough of their own. Even as she watched she could see herself growing, feel the pressure building beneath her skin. The stolen blood began to sizzle in her veins, laced with holy fire that reacted violently with her undead flesh.Another button popped, and then another. Camille began to swell more and more rapidly as the tainted blood flowed to every extremity, her arms and legs plumping up and her stomach stretching like an overfull wineskin. Her sword-belt cinched at her hips as she expanded around it, cutting painfully into her growing figure. She rolled her head back and gritted her teeth, pain skyrocketing until a loud snap sounded over her strained growls and the belt ripped apart, dropping away onto the floor. Her body swiftly ballooned out to fill the space, tearing open the front of her trousers and undoing the last button on her blouse. And the little rogue was watching it all with gleeful expression, slumped feebly against the wall in her victory. Smiling. Laughing. Camille looked back down at herself, ran her fingers down the front of her ruined body and curled them into fists, howling with fury. The little trickster wasn't going to get away with this. She could rip the insolent girl apart with her bare hands."You little—Mmmph!"She looked up just in time to see Shina tottering forward on unsteady feet to plunge the flask right into her gasping mouth. The remaining contents ran, undiluted, like magma down her throat and flashed to steam in the pit of her stomach. The vampire's furious roars diminished to helpless whimpers as a colossal pressure hurled out inside her, outdoing her previous growth in the space of a moment. Her finely-tailored clothes strained briefly before tearing into shreds, her boots splitting down the sides. She continued expanding at a breakneck pace, filling up as if the little flask had funneled an entire river into her mouth. Everywhere her body was tight and smooth and round, pulling taut against the force pushing her out as wide as she was tall. She took another half-step toward the rogue and slipped on the remnants of her boots, toppling forward onto her bulging stomach. She didn't have far to fall.Camille wiggled impotently, furiously, as the mass of her body began to absorb her limbs. She was totally immobile as she lay on the cold floor of the chamber, totally exposed, her once-dignified form stripped naked and distended beyond all recognition. As much as she expanded, the pressure inside was always outpacing her, filling all the space she gave and pressing for more. Her body throbbed, pulsing out magnificently and shrinking back slightly before surging out again, pushing out a little further and shrinking back a little less each time. She swelled in steps with the inevitability of the rising tide as the burglar watched in awe until with one last pulse she lay, rumbling instead of shrinking, eyes round with shock and fury, and—Shina made a dash for the alcove and dove behind the coffin as the vampire finally exploded with a booming, wet pop that rolled like a cannon blast through the chamber. Silence followed in its wake, and then a quiet hiss that steadily rose in volume. After a few seconds, the rogue ventured to poke her head out and surveyed the new landscape of the room. Dark red liquid pooled on the floor, splashed the walls, splattered the ceiling, bubbling and sizzling as she watched. She smiled and crawled, lightheaded, from cover, watching smoke begin to curl up from the evaporating puddles.Ugh, she thought, vampire smoke. Don't breathe that, and tore a bit of cloth from the hem of her shirt to cover her mouth and nose. It was a little more than she intended, but that didn't matter. She could buy a new shirt later. A thousand new ones. A... whatever came after thousand. The vampire's weapons alone were worth a small fortune, she thought, stepping over sodden shreds of cloth and gingerly picking up the ruined sword-belt. And the amulet, the treasure she'd come for—she looked around, found its chain tangled around a sconce on the wall and curled her fingers gently around it—suffice to say she knew a few people who were going to be so jealous when they found out it had worked.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, fast food, popping, ripped clothes, succubus
Text: Beth stared beyond the cash register, beyond the small dining area, out through the glass windows into the depths of the cool New England night. It was dark and alien, an infinite shroud broken only by the steady rhythm of the streetlamps that lined the small road out of town. The boredom was soul numbing. She could not for the life of her fathom why a Burger Wiz should be open so late at night, and who in their right mind would be hungry enough for one of their slimy grease pucks in the dead of night. She yawned and switched her empty gaze at the clock above the only exit, directly across from the counter. Twelve fifty two.
"God I hate this flimsy body. It's always hungry, or thirsty, or it needs to go potty. It's like taking care of a child."
Beth took off her visor with the stupid wizard hat and ran a hand over her head. She raced her fingers through her dull orange hair. Nothing there. No bumps, no nubs, nothing. It didn't feel right to be so hornless.
"Beth, keep your hands clean! Customers don't trust a greasy palm."
Beth shuddered at the motherly, nasally voice snapping at her from the kitchen.
"What fucking customers? There's no one here!"
"Language, please!"
Beth could feel her manager Nancy lumbering behind the wall of kitchen apparatus, or probably eating it.
"Who could I possibly offend right now?"
"Me, for one."
Can we at least close up? Seriously, no one's coming. I haven't even seen a car on the road for an hour."
"No. We close up at one in the morning. That's the rules, and we follow them."
Nancy knew Beth was right. Any other manager would have closed two hours ago.
"Besides," Nancy continued, "You never know when a customer is going to walk in through that door."
"You know what? You're right." Beth snapped back, " I bet a mob will rush in at second, so get on that grill. Just don't eat their burgers before they get here."
"That bitch," Nancy thought, "How does she know?"
Nancy walked over to the grill and carefully placed a slice of cheese on each of the four beef patties simmering on the grill. Yesterday was three days from being a full year since she began her nightly raids. She watched the patties dance in puddles of fat with tense anticipation.
"Well, no harm no foul, right?" She thought, "I mean, if anything I'm saving the company money. I've always stuck to using stale bread, old cheese, and old beef. If there's less to throw out, less is wasted. If less is wasted, money is saved. For what it's worth, I should get a raise for my selflessness."
Nancy forgot to consider Burger Wiz's five year old policy that the food closest to expiring be cooked first and that stale bread be donated to local food banks. She also forgot to take into consideration that she started grilling fresh patties a week ago. Nancy grabbed a pair of fresh buns that she 'mistook' for stale and scooped the patties on to make two double cheeseburgers. Nine hundred and seventy six calories altogether. She took her first bite into her forbidden fruit, savoring the sweet and juicy product of Burger Wiz's garden of Eden. The eating soothed her, and helped her forget the anxiety of management for a few minutes. She felt the warm ball of greasy goodness slither down her esophagus and melted like the fresh slices of cheese she used on those patties.
"In the end, doe it really matter what I use? It all gets eaten or thrown away at some point, anyway. I haven't been caught yet, and no one will suspect a model employee like me. They already bought that I have a glandular problem, too."
Nancy didn't remember that Beth knew just what it was that she was doing in the kitchen, neither did she know that no one really believed her flimsy excuse for gaining an astounding one hundred and thirty four pounds in a single year.
"Fat fucking pig." Beth steamed behind the cash register. She could hear every piggish noise Nancy made, every bite she took, and winced every time she chomped her big teeth onto that disgusting vomit. She could feel every calorie surging through Nancy's body, racing in her greasy bloodstream only to deposit themselves cleanly and snugly in her breasts. "I fucking swear, a hundred pounds of her is just her fucking tits. And she weighs, what? Like, four hundred pounds?"
Beth growled and stared at her own body. She was skinny, but curvy everywhere it mattered. She had the definition of an ideal body type as far as she was concerned. Her breasts strained her E cup bras with pride, shamelessly teasing men of all colors and types into wanting a bite. She was always the curvy girl, the one with the hooters that could knock a man dead where he stood. Breasts were everything to a man, and she knew it. And yet here, before her very eyes, was this cow of a woman, this ugly ball of slime and burger meat who carries around a pair of boobs so unbelievably big they crush all others by comparison. It drove her insane. Each breast was a personal insult to her very existence.
"Alright Nancy, it's twelve fifty five so I'll start wiping all the tables. I already counted the cash and both registers match the sales."
Nancy swallowed the last bite of her second burger, "Okay! I'll get started in the kitchen, then." She said, licking the grease off her fingers.
Beth walked around the dining area, biding her time as she casually wiped each table with a wet rag and a spray bottle of watered down discount cleaner. After the last table was dry, Beth walked over to the front door and quickly looked around. Beth pushed a finger on the lock of the door and a successive click told her it was locked, and that Nancy's keys would not fit in the keyhole.
"I wish my magic wasn't so limited in this body. Locking doors, it's just embarrassing." Beth mumbled.
Nancy yawned and walked out of the kitchen, "All clean!"
Beth had to suppress a gag when Nancy walked out from behind the registers. The all black uniform they both wore looked like paint on her skin. The black polo shirt she should have replaced by now barely covered her whole torso, and a little bit of flesh stuck out from the bottom. Every roll of fat and cellulose deposit on her stomach and back was shown without mercy, and her bra was outlined perfectly, from the cups to the straps to even the clasp. Walking around shirtless would have made no difference to either of them. Her jeans shorts fit her waist comfortably enough, but were cut high enough to let portions of her truck sized ass cheeks go uncovered. The pair of white panties unfortunate enough to be hers was painfully outlined and even visible at times.
"Those poor things." Beth thought.
Nancy's legs jutted out like half filled sausages, displaying every varicose vein that existed on her thighs and calves. Her messy cropped blonde hair exploded from her head at random, from above and below her visor. The way she looked, it was amazing that she wasn't even thirty years old yet.
"Do me a favor and lock up for me, okay? I'll see you tomorrow."
Nancy walked to the front door while Beth walked to the bathroom out of sight.
"Hey Beth, why'd you lock the door?"
She fumbled her keys with the lock, trying and failing to get them to fit.
"What's wring with the lock?" She mumbled, "Beth? I need your keys, mine aren't working."
Nancy turned around and saw an empty restaurant.
"Beth? Where are you?"
"Sorry, I'm in the bathroom. I'll be right there!" Beth called, her voice sounding slightly different. More confident.
Beth walked out of the bathroom and stopped at the soda fountain. Nancy froze.
Beth tossed off her visor and shook her head, letting her bright red hair cascade to the small of her back. Beth's hair only went to her shoulder blades before. Nancy shuddered as two little horns peeked out from where Beth's visor was. Beth's skin was much more pale than before, from a normal ginger complexion to an albacore white. Her numerous freckles were gone, as well as her green irises. Instead, they glowed an unsettling yellow, like a campfire. She still wore the black polo shirt and tight yoga pants that she had on earlier, but this time it was like a total stranger stood before her.
"Yeah boss?"
Beth laughed at Nancy's pale, terrified face.
"What? You don't like it? That's a shame. My name is actually Alba, but you can call me Beth if you want."
Nancy gauged whether or not she could make it to the fire exit door in the kitchen, a path that went directly towards Beth or Alba or whomever she was. In the end, she knew she had no choice, but no chance either. She broke into a dead sprint toward the counter, but it was her misfortune that as fast as she could was still not very fast. Alba laughed like a hyena at Nancy's escape attempt.
"Where do you think you're going, lardass?"
Suddenly, all twelve of the soda machine's nozzles turned on as Alba reached her arms out towards Nancy. The streams defied gravity as they rocketed toward Alba's arms, forming into two large streams of soda that wound around her arms like snakes until they shot out of her hands like fire hoses. The two streams combined into one at the exact point of Nancy's mouth.
"Six months!" Alba screamed as the rivers of soda poured down Nancy's throat, "I watched you gorge your fat face with those disgusting burgers for six fucking months!"
Nancy couldn't process the events unfolding before her eyes. Her stomach filled with soda like a water balloon hooked onto a hose turned to full, and it wasn't long before her shirt began sliding up her belly as it swelled larger.
"And just where did it all fucking go?"
Nancy bent her knees and grabbed her burgeoning gut as it weighed heavier and heaver. Suddenly, she felt the soda spread and explore different areas of her body.
"Your fucking ass!"
Nancy ran one of her hands over her behind, hearing creaks and groans from her shorts. She could feel them tearing little by little already.
"And your gigantic-"
She wobbled like a top as her center of gravity was forced further and further forward. She knew she couldn't stay standing for long at this rate.
Nancy felt her knees buckle and she toppled to her knees, feeling the seat of her pants rip in two from the zipper to the belt. Her butt bulged like a zit, tearing her straining white panties. Her shirt rode up to beyond her belly button as her stomach swelled larger still, and her fat rolls flattened out to a balloon-like smoothness.
Her shirt yanked upward to her bra as she fell on her stomach, legs flailing and feet sliding on the linoleum floor. Thankfully, it was not a very long fall. Her thighs and arms smoothed out and widened with soda. Her jeans continued ripping apart and exposing more and more of her jiggling butt. Every part of her body was rumbling and shaking as soda poured in. Her arms quickly tore the sleeves of her shirt like tissue paper. Suddenly, the flow of soda ceased. Both Alba and Nancy blinked in confusion.
"What? What the fuck happened?"
Alba looked at the soda fountain; empty.
"No. No! No, God damn it, No!"
Nancy blinked and looked around in a daze.
"Ugh... Ooh, my... Belly. What... What happened?"
Nancy belched and and rubbed the side of her stomach with her stiff, inflated hands.
"I'm so... full. And big... What-"
She belched again, except louder.
"What happened to me?"
Alba, with fire in her eyes, stormed up to Nancy and grabbed her by the cheeks. She leaned in close like a drill sergeant in boot camp.
"Me! Me you fat fuck!"
Before Nancy could respond with anything of substance, Alba grabbed the sides of her tight stomach and shook it as hard as she could. Nancy groaned in discomfort as her belly got tighter, and her entire body started to rumble. By the time Alba let go, Nancy was growing again, and faster than ever before.
"Oh... Oh! Oh my-"
Nancy belched again and grabbed her stomach.
"Ugh! God!"
Nancy's arms and legs quickly stiffened with carbon dioxide until she lost the ability to move them, not like it would do her any good. They jutted outward like traffic cones as they inflated with gas. Her body groaned and rumbled as it filled up even more. Her back smoothed out and filled with gas, ripping her poor shirt from the collar to the waist. The exposed clasp of Nancy's straining bra dug deeper into her flesh as her breasts inflated as well. The front of her shirt, strained already, gave up and tore in half. The two shredded pieces of her shirt hung from her shoulders until her arms ripped the sleeves apart.
"Ooh! I feel-"
Nancy burped again.
The remains of her jeans fell to the floor in shreds and disappeared under her growing mass. Her exposed panties snapped, leaving her butt and crotch completely naked. Not like there was much to see anymore. Her butt assimilated into her globe as her thighs vanished into her body. Her sneakered feet flailed uselessly. Her arms followed suit soon after. Her neck sunk into her body and her jaw was forced shut. The pressure kept building up; tighter, tighter, bigger, bigger. She kept swelling and growing, but she knew she had to have a limit. She could not last forever.
"Jeez, Nancy! You gained a lot of weight." Alba mocked, "Your glands really are overactive after all!"
Nancy's body stopped growing even as the gas still kept coming. The weight of the soda distended the bottom of her body against the floor, yet still she touched the ceiling. The pressure within was astronomical, and still increasing. Nancy struggled to keep breathing. Her skin was tighter than a drum, and was stretched so thin that much of her skin changed color to a disturbing brown. The top third of her remained the same color. Her bra finally relented, and snapped off. Her breasts, apparently the envy of Beth or Alba or whomever she was, were the size of beachballs. Her nipples were stretched tight, and sensitive to the air currents in the room.
"Better enjoy these puppies while you can, bitch." Alba said, flicking a nipple with her hand. The sensation sent waves through Nancy's body, causing her to shudder. More bubbles formed and the internal pressure skyrocketed. "Cause no one gets bigger boobs than me without my permission."
Nancy's skin creaked.
"Wait." She thought.
Her skin creaked more, and stretch marks pulled across her skin.
"She did this because-"
The creaks became groans, and the rumbling grew only louder.
"My boobs were-"
The groans and rumbling became a deafening roar as she toppled at her limits.
Alba snapped her fingers and vanished, reappearing outside the Burger Wiz just as Nancy's body gave way and exploded with a roar. Windows shattered and soda sprayed everywhere. Even some of the metal in the kitchen was bent or broken. Alba smiled, then chucked. She turned away from the husk of a building.
When Alba turned back around, her proud smile vanished. The shorted electrics sparked and burst into flame. Within a minute, the entire building was on fire. By the time the fire crew reached the ashes, nothing was left but a few smouldering embers. Alba made sure of that before vanishing into the hills and woods beyond the glow of the streetlamps, and deep into the wall of the moonless New England night.
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: There was nothing she could do. Fear gripped her as the small group of individuals with her stepped back as her belly bagan ballooning. Fatter and fatter; she grew. Suddenly, a heavey force pulled her from behind. She turned around at her waist as best she could and witnessed her ass blow up as well.
As her lower half rounded out, she was lifted into the air; the swelling showing no sign of stopping. Her cheeks plumped up as juice filled them. And then, as quickly as it all started, it stopped.
She was a complete sphere, save for her tiny little head and her useless hands and feet. She looked down at the people with her with a pleading look on her face which read, "help!".
"Oh my gosh, she's so fucking huge!" Taylor said, pausing the movie on a fairly descent full-body shot of Violet.
"Yup..." Haley replied, uninterested in her friend's freaky fetish.
The two girls sat on Taylor's couch, enjoying Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Taylor was 19. She had short, brown hair, and nice D-cup breasts. Currently, she wore a red and white plaid shirt, which buttoned down the front, and a pair of regular blue jeans.
Haley was 17, though, she would be 18 in about a month. Currently, she had on a deep-purple patterned shirt, which almost hid her C-cup breasts. She had silky brown hair, which came down to about her soulders.
Taylor's eyes were fixed on te TV, mesmerized by the sight of the fat, juicy blueberry girl that was Violet Beauregarde.
"How have I not seen this footage before?!" Taylor asked herself, not really expecting a reply from Haley.
"I find it a little disturbing, actually," Haley said, cleaning dirt out from under her fingernails. Taylor tore her eyes from the TV, a look of crazed rage in her eyes.
"What do you mean disturbing? This is the hottest blueberry girl video I've seen since... since... well since the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory," Taylor informed her friend, irritated by Haley's opinion.
"At least in the original Violet's body wasn't ruined. She could at least waddle, this poor girl can't move at all," Haley argued.
"Which makes this one hotter," Taylor concluded, upausing the movie.
Haley had moved in with Taylor about a year and a half ago after her parents died. Before that, they had been good friends, meeting while Haley was still in the eighth grade.
The arrangement worked out alright; the two got along just fine. The problem arose when Haley discoered her friend's fetish for women blowing up into blueberries, which was a little strange to Haley at first, but she eventually got used to it. That's not to say that she liked it; she simply tolerated it. And now the two sat there, watching Charlie and the Chocolate Factory; an idea brought about after Haley asked Taylor if the new Violet scene turned her on as much as the old one did.
"Gosh that is sooo sexy..." Taylor said as Violet's sherieking head dissapeared underneath her orb of a body as the Oompa Loompas rolled her towards the boat.
"You are so strange, you know that?" Haley asked, looking at her friend in disgust. Taylor watched in awe as Violet was slowly rolled closed and closer to the door.
And then she got stuck.
"Oh my gosh!" Taylor paused the movie again, and continually readjusted her sitting position; so turned on that she couldn't sit still. Haley noticed this, and rolled her eyes.
"Gosh, why isn't there ever a guy near by to fuck you when you want them to?" Taylor asked, still caught in a state of restlessness. Later that night, Haley wandered up the stairs to her room. As she passed Taylor's door, she noticed Taylor was typing away on her laptop. Curiousity caught the better of her, and she crept into Taylor's room to see what she was typing. Closer and closer she approached; until she was just over Taylor's shoulder.
Taylor was on her DeviantART page, typing in a story of some sort. Haley read over her friend's shoulder; "...as the pressure mounted in her belly. Then, her boobs ballooned outward, quickly filling out her bra while her butt blew up as well. 'What the fuck is happening to me?' Haley screamed, as I simply watched as my best friend and roommate blew up; mesmerized by how sexy my blue-ballooning friend looked." "What the hell, Taylor?!" Haley yelled. She stormed out of the room; her fists clenched in rage.
"Oh shit," Taylor murmered, minimizing the screen. She followed Haley down the hall, apologising all the way. Finally, Taylor was face to face with Haley's door.
"Haley, open up," Taylor pleaded, trying to get the locked door open.
"Go away," Haley shouted in reply, angerly changing into her pajamas; a pair of dark blue work-out pants and a zip-up work-out sweater. She sat on her bed, whipping away a frustrated tear from her eye.
"Haley, look, I understand your anger," Taylor explained, "but it's not that big of a deal."
"Not a big deal!" Haley said, a tone of deep hatred in her voice. "You were writing about me turning into a blueberry, and how hot you thought I looked! My gosh, I mean... how long have you been attracted to me?"
"I'm not attracted to you specifically," Taylor tried to explain.
"Oh no?"
"No. I'm attracted to the idea of you turning into a blueberry. I'm attracted to the idea of ANY female blowing up into blueberry," Taylor said, not sure if that discription would make since to Haley. After all, only people with the fetish usually understand it.
Not a sound was heard on the other side of the door. Taylor stood for a short while more, waiting for a response, but alas: silence. She headed back to her room to finish the story, then went down stairs to watch TV. Up in her room, Haley had her laptop open to Taylor's DeviantART page, reading through every story she had ever posted.
There were stories about her becoming a blueberry, Taylor becoming a blueberry, her boobs blowing up, Taylor's boobs blowing up, both of their boobs blowing up simultaniously, and there was even a story about Haley's belly blowing up to about twice the size of the octomom's.
*Maybe it's not as big a deal as I thought it was* Haley thoght to herself. She still wasn't sold on the fetish, but she didn't mind being the victim to expansion in Taylor's stories.
Haley stood up, and headed down the hall to apologies to Taylor. As she reached the bottum of the stairs, she noticed several strips of gum lying on the table. Not thinking much of it, she popped a piece into her mouth, and headed into the living room.
"Hey," Haley said shyly, "can we talk?"
"Sure," Taylor replied, muting the TV.
Haley sat down next to her on the couch. Taylor immediatly notcied Haley was chomping away on a stick of gum, and was about to say something to her about it, but Haley cut her off.
"Look, I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I thought it over, and I realize that it's not really that big of a deal."
Taylor stared at the blue dot slowly spreading across Haley's face. "Haley, I am so, so sorry."
"But you don't have a reason to be, I'm the one who over reacted," Haley explained, unaware of the changes happening to her skin color.
"No, I should be sorry. I should have told you earlier, but... the gum on the table at the bottum of the stairs is actual blueberry gum," Taylor offered an apologetic look. Haley seemed confused. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide as she felt her belly push out. She looked down at he stomach, jumping off of the couch. Taylor sat where she was, a worried look on her face, though, she also seemed to be enjoying her friend's situation.
"What the hell did you do to me?!" Haley shouted as her belly began looking about the size of a woman nine months pregnant with 12.
"Sorry!" Taylor said, genuinly apologetic, though still enjoying what was going on. Suddenly, Haley's boobs began blowing up, nearly doubling in size of the course of a couple of seconds.
"OH MY GOSH! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO MY BOOBS!" Haley screeched, moving her hands from her belly up to her boobs, holding one in each hand as if examining them to ensure they were really her's.
"Really sorry?!" Taylor offered, though, she wasnt sure she should be sorry for giving her friend bigger boobs.
Haley's butt began to join the race, and was streatching her pants to the limit. Haley twisted herself arond at the waist as best she could to get a view of her ballooing butt.
"MY PERFECT ASS! OH MY GOSH IT'S SO HUGE!!!!!!" Haley whined. She turned her attention back to Taylor.
"HELP ME!" She cried, as her bottom half began to round out.
"I... I can't," Taylor said, mesmerized by the sight of Haley.
"TAYLOR!" Haley cried as the weight of her boobs caused her roll onto her front. She placed her palms flat on the ground for support, as she twisted herself around to get a view of her now non-existant legs. She looked back at Taylor, a look of fear and panic on her face as her boobs lifted her so far off the ground that she was no longer propped on her hands. Soon, the rest of her had rounded out.
And there it stopped. There she sat: Haley; once an attractive 17-year-old girl, now a big blue blueberry with boobs. Taylor rolled her onto her bottom, and looked up at her.
"I'm really, really sorry," she said, with a slight bit of a giggle.
"Yeah right! You think this is sexy, don't you!?" Haley said, shaking her hands and feet in anger.
Taylor thought for a second, then pushed her friend onto her back.
"What the hell are you doing!" Haley demanded as Taylor made her way around to one of Haley's sides.
"I'm rolling you to bed, fat ass," Taylor replied.
"I'm not fat!" Haley shouted in reply as Taylor began to roll her away. She kinda liked the way this felt, though.
As they reached Haley's room, Haley had one request for Taylor, "Can you PLEASE take a picture of me?"
"Why?" Taylor asked, guessing at the answer.
"I wanna see what I look like all big and blue like this."
"You like it, don't you?" Taylor asked, snapping the photo.
"NO!" Haley said in defense. Taylor jumped up on the bed, and brought the cmera to Haley's eyes level.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so fat!" Haley said to herself.
"Please," Taylor said, jumping off of the bed, "don't say that again."
"Say what? I'm so fat?"
"Yes," Taylor replied, turning her head away as she did.
"Why? Does it turn you on when I do?"
Taylor shook her head 'no'.
"Oh yes it does! You love hearing about how big and fat and helpess I am!"
"Please stop!"
"Gosh! I can't even move! I'm as big as a house!"
"Stop it!"
"OH, and then there's my boobs!"
Taylor turned around and pushed her friend onto her back in playful anger. She then began making her way to the door.
"So, you're going to juice me in the morning, right?" Haley asked, somewhat enjoying the situation.
"We'll see, good night," Taylor said, clicking off the light. The next day, Haley awoke in the bathroom; her jacket unzipped and Taylor squeezing juice out of her boobs into the tub.
"You know, I really don't mind you touching my boobs as much as I thought I would," Haley stated, still a little sleepy.
"Good," Haley replied, "Because you must have had a lot of juice in you to blow up that big. It'll take me a while to get it all out." About an hour later, all the juice had been squeezed out of Haley's body. As she put on the change of cloths Taylor brought for her, another workout outfit with a white shirt, she noticed that her body was different than what it was befor she blew up. Sure, she was still blue, but the pants had to be fought with in order to streatch across her now ghetto-sized booty and hips, and her shirt was so small, her now DD-boobs barely fit in it. On top of that, she could only get the sweater to zip up about half way.
"I'm really sorry you had to go through all of that," Taylor said as the two sat back down in the living room.
"It's alright.... It was.... fun," Haley replied, examining her bloated boobs.
"So I was thinking," Haley said, drawing Taylor's attention, "maybe tonight YOU could be the blueberry, and I can roll YOU around."
Taylor's face lit up in a big smile, "I would like that."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Blueberry Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, belly inflation, blueberrification, Female body inflation, full body inflation, transform
Text: I've already told the story of how I got the leprechaun's gold. So that is old news. But the next part of the story wasn't as interesting, but certainly stranger.
I had the pot of gold sitting on a shelf at home. I just kind of had it there, wondering what I was going to do with it next. I'd already used my three wishes up, so to me it was just a matter of the best way of cashing the gold in.
But then one night a knock came at my door. I got up and looked through the peek hole, but no one was there. The knock came again. I opened the door, and there was the leprechaun.
"Wow," I said. "I'm surprized to see you here."
"Begosh and begorra," said the little fellow. "True, 'twas no easy journey, but I did come for me gold."
"Now, I took your gold fair and square. It's mine now."
The leprechaun gave me a menacing glare. "Well now, it won't be doing ye much good if you're not breathing now, will it?"
Images from the various leprechaun movies flashed through my head. So I sighed; what the hell, I'd already taken my wishes. "OK," I said. "You can have it."
"A man of reason!" said the little guy. "But I am reasonable, too. Here is some compensation for your troubles." He handed me a roll of loose bills. He danced nimbly into the room, and snatched the pot of gold up. Then he ran out through the door.
I took the roll of money he gave me, and went through it quickly. It was about $500 bucks. Well, I thought, not as much as that gold would have brought, but what the hell. At least I didn't get sliced up by nasty, sharp Leprechaun claws like the teenagers in those movies. I stuffed the roll of bills in my pocket.
Now that I had some loose cash, there was only one thing to do. I went outside, got in my car, and headed for my favorite strip club.
On the way over, I went through the drive-through of a burger joint by the college and got a drink. The girl at the window was one of these incredibly stick-thin waifs. I wondered how she could keep herself upright, but she seemed to do OK. I peeled a couple of dollars from the roll, thinking that it's too bad she didn't have more up top. I handed her the first bill, and blinked. Did her shirt move? As I watched, it definately grew. She didn't seem to notice, but shifted her shoulders a little. Now she was definately larger; maybe a heavy B or small C cup. Good thing she wasn't wearing a bra, or she'd be out of room up there.
I handed her the second bill, and watched. As she turned to get change, her chest surged. Leaning over the cash register, her busom rolled out inside her blue and tan uniform. When she turned back, she had to be at least a DD.
"Here's your change. Have a nice day," she said, leaning out to hand me my change. Her breasts were straining at her shirt, threatening to burst it open.
And that was just two bucks, I thought.
I got to the stip club, and was greeted at the door by the hostess. She was blonde and cute, fairly short, but curvy. She wore a light satin shirt, and a long black dress. Her waist was pleasantly narrow for her wide hips. She welcomed me, and I peeled off a twenty to pay the cover. I thought, "Body, definately body for this one" as I handed her the bill.
The result was remarkable. She took the twenty, and as she turned to put it in the cash register, she swelled. First her breasts pushed forward, followed closely by a rapid swell of her belly. Her hips widend. Her narrow waist filled out. Her butt rolled out, stretching the black cloth of her dress taught. Oddly, she didn't seem to react, exept that she took on a confused look, and her hands came down to her rapidly expanding belly. And still she grew. The waist of her dress gave out and burst. Her breasts strained against the buttons of her shirt, making the satiny cloth shiny with tension. Her belly pushed out into the open air. Her arms and legs thickend. Her shirt finally gave way and ripped open in several places at once; half her buttons popped off, the other half holding on desperately. As her belly filled up and her waist and hips widened, her dress gave up and ripped loudly down the side. She was standing in front of me, filled to bursting, jutting out of her ruined clothes in almost every place.
Well, I thought, she didn't go round. Next time I'll have to be more specific.
I went in and took a seat. A waitress brought me my complimentary drink. I tipped her a couple of bucks and said, "Butt."
She smiled and said, "But what?"
I just smiled back. "Never mind."
As she walked off, her butt cheeks filled out and swelled. Her walk took on a funny gait as the mass of her butt grew. Finally it was huge, about two waitress' girth. She bumped into several of the girls going back to the bar, unaccostomed to her new width.
I turned to the stage; time for some fun.
There was a slender, red-haired beauty with tiny boobs writing around on the stage. I figured she was saving for a boob job, so I decided to help her with that. I held up a dollar.
She slinked over towards me and began writhing seductively. Then she leaned forward, pressing her smallish breasts together around the dollar bill I was holding up. In her hands, her boobs swelled. She danced back, dropping the bill on the floor. When she tuned back, she had gained at least two cup sizes. I held up another bill.
Six dollars later, she was enormous. Her mamaries swelled and grew, sometimes so fast they made audible stretching noises. Now she was having trouble dancing, because of the weight of her firm, massive HH sized boobs. The song ended, and she scooped up her boobs in her arms as best she could, and teetered off the stage.
The next was a goregous black girl with long hair. She was very fit. A little short, but she was very pretty. I watched as she danced a while, then I held up a bill. She danced over to me, and pulled her G-string open; I slipped the bill under the elastic. At once, her smooth, firm belly softened. Her belly button became a soft little divit surrounded by soft, swollen flesh. She danced some more, pulling aside the G-string to show me the good bits. Then I held up another bill, she came over, and I slipped that one in her G-string, too. Instantly, her belly surged forward. Rounder and rounder it became. It took a couple more dollars, but soon she was dancing around the buldge of her huge, brown, full-term belly, caressing it erotically.
Wow, I thought. I like this.
The next dancer was a slim woman with long hair that fell straight down. I slipped her a few bucks in her G-string. After she'd grown a nice belly, I pulled a ten from the roll and slipped it under the strained elastic of her G-string. She writhed erotically back to the center of the stage, and then she grew. Seriously, without any restraint. Her belly swelled and rounded. She didn't even look pregnant anymore; instead, her tummy looked fairly globular. She lost her balance and flopped forward, landing on the still growing mass of her tummy. Bigger than a beachball, soft, round it became. The song ended, and she leaned forward, but couldn't get leverage to lift herself up. One of the waitresses came up and help lift her spherical tummy. They hauled her back to a booth in the back, where she rested her tummy on a small table, and lay back huffing, her legs splayed widely.
Funny how they don't seem to react, I thought. Must be magic.
A waitress came up and I ordered another drink. As I handed her a five, I said, "Deer." What the hell.
She laughed and said, "Yes, darling." Then winked at me and took the money.
Then she stood still, her eyes going wide. Her ears poked out from under her hair, pushing out, lengthening. They turned brown with soft fur. Her face took on a soft haze of fur, too, and her nose turned into a little black button. At her sides, her hands turned into hooves. She canted forward as something happened under her clothes, shifting her posture. Her ears were all the way exposed now, and started twitching prettily. She turned, and walked back to the bar, leaving her shoes behind as she balanced delicately on her deer-girl hooves.
A dancer came up and pressed against me -- a pale, dark-haired beauty. "Want a dance?" she purred.
Getting bolder I said, "Balloon!" and stuffed a ten in the band of her G-string.
She stared dancing for me, close, inside my knees, and then her skin went purple. As she swayed sensously, her skin took on a dusty sheen, looking soft and pliable. I took a breath, and blew on her. She swelled. I took a breath and blew again. She swelled some more. Blowing steadily, I slowly filled her up. Her G-string snapped off, followed shortly by her bikini top. Pretty soon she was a huge shiny purple balloon, standing helplessly in front of me. Her hands and feet stuck out of her round sides, flapping uselessly. Realizing I had forgotten something, I pulled a five off the roll, stuck it between her teeth, and said, "Helium." There was a hissing sound, and slowly she began to lift off.
I turned to the dancer on stage. She was very beautiful, and had exotic eyes. Her hair was cut in a short black bob. I held out a twenty, and leaned forward. "I'll give you this if you roll around on it on the floor." She smiled wickedly, and took the bill. Throwing it down on the stage, she flopped down on it and began cavorting erotically. Her belly surged beneath her. It swelled, bulding out past her sides, pushing her up off the floor. Her tummy continued to swell, until she was having trouble reaching the floor with her arms and legs. Soon her ass was jutting high in the air, her pussy high and free, her arms and legs kicking at her sides, as she rested on the huge mound of her belly. There was a short break as several waitresses struggled to half-roll, half push the enormous bulk of her belly off the stage.
Now I was on a roll. I walked over to where three young-looking dancers were talking. I pulled three twenties from the roll, and walked up to them. "Blueberry, blueberry, blueberry," I said, handing each a bill. They laughed cynically and said, "Thanks!" Then gave each other a look like, "what a kook."
Then the first said. "Mmmmmmmmmmmm!"
The one beside her said, "Blueberry!"
The third said, "Delicious!"
"I love blueberries!" She turned blue.
"Me, too! My favorite" She turned blue, too.
"Yummy!" said the third, and having said this, turned blue.
Then all three started to swell. The one in the schoolgirl uniform burst out of her clothes first, followed closely by the other two. Their eyes went wide, which looked kind of funny surrounded by their blue faces. They were all a deep purplish-blue, and they swelled rapidly. One girl took a few waddling steps, holding her swollen blue belly, but the other two just stood still and grew. Pretty soon all three were huge, naked, swollen blueberry girls.
And so the night went. The waitresses were all tipped well, and became animal girls. There was a cute cat girl, a mischievious skunk girl, and a rather top-heavy waitress who could be nothing other than a cow girl. Moo. All the dancers were walking around sporting bulbous tummies, or breasts that defied the laws of physics. At one point as I walked past the dancer resting her spherical belly in the booth in the back, I pulled out a ten, slapped it on top of the globe of her tummy, and said, "More!" Her eyes went wide, and she obligingly grew even bigger.
The girls were having trouble on stage, becuse their swollen breasts and bellies made it hard to get up on stage, let alone dance. So some of them took to just sitting in the middle of the stage, rubbing their swollen form.
Finally I reached into my pocket, and came back with... the last bill! Oh no!
I looked down at it. It was a hundred-dollar bill. I broke into a wide grin.
Looking around, I realized I may have done all the girls. The waitresses were walking around on hooves and paws, the dancers were all hobbling around with their watermelon breasts and beachball tummies, and the cutest dancers were completely immobilized as blueberrys, globes, or floating balloons. Then I spotted one last dancer in the corner. She was quiet, with short brown hair, and a look that bespoke shyness and world-weariness at once. Her face was round and soft, her eyes very dark. I waited for a balloon girl to drift by, then I leaned back and looked at the girl until I caught her eye.
She got up and sauntered over. Everything about her looked soft and delicious. She came up and smiled a little smile. "Want a dance?"
"You bet," I said. "Big!" I handed her the hundred.
No sooner had she taken it when a loud rumbling sounded. All the girls looked around, and the dancer before me looked down. The rumbling was coming inside her. She placed both hands on her tummy, and gasped. Then she grew.
Her tummy exploded forward. Her breasts filled and started spraying milk. She filled rapidly, her arms and legs filling up, her body filling then rounding to keep up with her tummy. Her clothes burst into pieces, and the bits of cloth floated down over the room. In moments she was completely round. But she kept growing. Her little head looked back and forth above the sphere of her body as it rose higher and higher. Soon I couldn't even see her head; just one hand that waved frantically where it stuck out from the swollen globe of her body. Still she grew. I jumped up from the table and stepped back as she grew larger and larger. There was an "Ow!" and I looked up to see her body pressing against the ceiling, which was fortunately petty high. But the growth continued. Now her body was buldging out as she pressed harder and harder against the ceiling. There was a crack, then the sound of wood snapping, and she pushed up through the roof and into the night sky. The huge sphere of her body filled most of the floor of the strip club, and no one could reach -- let alone see -- the stage anymore.
Well, I thought. Guess it's time to go.
I walked to the door as the sounds of shrieks and cries filled the room. "What happend to me?" "My breasts -- they're HUGE!" "Oh, my tummy!" "I am so swollen!" "MEOW!" "Oh my God I'm a blimp!" I guess parts of the spell only lasted so long.
The cool night air gusted in as I opened the door. Stepping out, my foot caught on something, and I fell hard onto the cement. I thought, what the hell?
Pushing myself up, I discovered an angry, sputtering little man trapped beneath me. I helped him stand up, and he angrily brushed the dirt from his green outfit. It was the leprechaun who had given me the magical roll of bills.
"Watch where you're goin', ya giant lummox!" He fumed. Then his face grew sad. "Ah, but ye did catch me again, fair and square. So by the law of Leprechauns, I suppose I must give ye my pot of gold and three wishes." He sighed. Then his eyes light up with lust and he rubbed his little hands vigorously. "Unless, that is, ye would consider some compensation for your troubles instead." He pulled out a thick roll of glowing bills.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Bob and Tina had discovered a sunken Spanish Maine!
As she swam through the wreckage, she hit her tank and broke off the pressure regulator. She tried to pull her mouthpiece out as the air rushed in, but she could not.
She felt pressure against her weight belt as her tummy started to protrude. It suddenly felt good. She tried to unhook her weight belt, but there was too much pressure. She could not pull the belt together in front to undo the hooks.
Now her boobs were growing, trying to explode out of her wet suit. She shivered with pleasure. Her boyfriend, seeing her dilemma, went to help.
He tried to get his hands under her belt for leverage, but the pressure was too great. He pulled out his shark knife, held it up in front of her mask. Her eyes were rolling in their sockets, but not out of pain. He put the blade under her belt and pulled. When the belt released its restraint she doubled in size!
And she was getting bigger!
Afraid she would rush to the surface and get the bends, he lashed her to the mast. She fought him at first, but realized he would not be doing anything to hurt her and stopped.
And she got bigger and bigger. Her nipples got sensitive and she reached up to rub them.
Now her boobs were trying to push out through the webbing of her tank harness. He could see her nipples through her wet suit. As he got the knife under the straps to cut them, her stomach ballooned out between the top and bottom pieces of her wet suit. Once the tank straps were cut her gut stopped expanding, but then her melons started.
He stopped breathing for a moment as she started sliding up the mast. The lashing around her waist caught on a rope mount and she stopped. Her hips had blown up enough to keep her from slipping out of the lashing. He started breathing again and turned his attention to her. He had to swim around her liferafts to reach the mouthpiece.
Now she fought him with a fury. The sensation in her ballooning blimps was almost too much to handle. She was in heaven. And she wanted more. She wanted to be as big as a house. She wanted to be as big as her Spanish Maine. She wanted to be as big as the ocean. And nobody was going to stop her!
He had to relent. Then he felt the deck move under his feet. It was rising. She was raising the galleon! And still she got bigger!
Her flippers popped off as her feet stretched the rubber belt holding them past their limits. He kept trying to get to her mouthpiece as they rose to the surface. She kept fighting him off.
The water pressure diminished as they rose. She expanded even faster. Her wet suit, stretched to its limit, split down the legs and up the arms. Her butt split open and flesh spilled out. The suit split farther and farther until there was nothing to hold it and it fell off her and slowly settled to the ocean floor.
They broke the surface and he swam over to her. "Let me help you!" he cried, again reaching for the mouthpiece. Her response was muffled by the air rushing into her. She wanted to fight him, but could no longer flex her arms. He pulled and pulled, but the mouthpiece would not budge. Her heart jumped for joy when she realized he could not get it out of her mouth.
And still she ballooned farther.
He swam to the dual inboard motorboat, then swam back to the galleon with a rope. He watched her hooters get even more humongous as he with each stroke. He tied the rope to the mount on the mast, then swam back to their boat. Not removing his gear, he started the engines and headed for shore. The galleon hit a sand bar before the motorboat reached shore. He gunned the engines to make sure it would not slip back into the sea.
He swam back over to the galleon. Two hot air balloons swayed in the breeze. The deck sat at an angle, but he was able to get across to her.
"You okay?" he asked, knowing full well she was not. The hiss of rushing air had stopped and the mouthpiece slipped easily from her lips. "Bringing it up is definitely worth a sixty share of whatever we've got here," he said hoping humor would ease the tension.
She nodded her head. A starry gaze in her eyes.
He took his knife to cut the lashes holding her to the mast. Slipping twice, he took off his gear to lessen his weight. It slid to her bloated side. She reached for it. She found his mouthpiece and picked it up. He jumped to stop her as she bit down on his mouthpiece, but the rope mount caught his tank strap.
She swung the tank against the bottom of the mast, breaking off the pressure regulator. He saw her smile as the sound of hissing air filled his ears.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Calisea's guild, the Shattered Hand, had tasked our young heroine with an extensive spying mission. Her orders were to take residence in or near Stormwind, disguised as a human to the best of her ability. The last part sparked her alchemical fire, thinking: Why disguise myself as a human...when I can become one!
Calisea had locked herself in her alchemy lab, her girlfriend Cailee away in her home city on personal business, she was able to focus all of her attention on coming up with a potion to shape-shift her into a human. Nearly a week after parking herself in front of her alchemy equipment, she had the breakthrough she was looking for.
"Bottoms up..." She said aloud, taking the oddly glowing potion straight from the flask it was boiled in. At first, nothing happened aside from an inadvertent belch escaping the troll's mouth, Calisea blushing a little and rubbing her stomach. Shortly however, an odd tingling feeling that began at her belly, started to spread until it encompassed her entire body. She felt herself begin to change all over, first and foremost she began to shrink to a human height. Her hair, once mid-back in length, had shortened untill it barely reached the bottom of her neck. Calisea trembled in awe as she held her hands up to her face, her two fingers becoming four on each hand, in addition to her thumb of course. The same occurred with her feet, becoming human-like five digit feet. Her tusks disappeared all together, and the most dramatic change...her once blue skin turned a pale light tone. The tingling subsided, and with that, Calisea stood up and nearly tripped immediately...not used to running with her new feet. When she stood in front of the mirror, she cried out in joy. "Eureka!" The figure in the mirror could not be identified the troll she was moments ago. Her hair remained blue, and the red pupils were a little odd, but she thought with a little sweet talk she could get away with it. She struck a sexy pose in front of the mirror, which caused her now way too big pants to fall, Calisea covering up shyly. "Ugh...I didn't think that through....I need human sized clothes..."
Unbeknown to the young genius, somebody had heard the cries of joy and awe from the outside. Zali was out picking up more dyes for her artwork when the sudden, human-sounding voice caught her attention. The silent troll crept up to the house, peering into the window and watching. "A human..." She thought, noticing the now nude Calisea getting out of her loose fitting clothing. Zali quickly ran home, deciding to bring her Air totem to deal with the intruder, the totem she needed the most practice with. She jogged back to Calisea's home quickly, a look of annoyance on her face, mostly wondering where her friend had gone and why a human was in her house.
Calisea by now was right back in front of the mirror, acting silly and posing in various sexy or just plain stupid positions. "Wow...Human chicks have nice asses!" She turned around, looking at her butt in the mirror. Aside from the hair, red eyes, and the barely noticeable incisor fangs that had seemingly taken place of her tusks..she looked like a certified human. Zali entered the house, throwing the totem down nearby and peeking into the bathroom now, Calisea turning and covering up. "Z-zali...? Erm...now is not the right time..." She said, Zali tilting her head curiously, wondering how this human knew her name. Before Calisea could protest, Zali began to cast a spell, wind visibly swirling about her. "H-hold on! It's me, Calisea!" Calisea backed away, eye twitching as the spell manifested into a spinning ball of air in Zali's hands. The troll hesitated momentarily, almost stopping entirely...but she quickly dismissed the human woman's claim of being her friend, releasing the spell at the girl. Calisea tried to turn and run, but stumbled, bending over inadvertently as the spell whooshed against her butt, seemingly doing nothing.
"Oh!...That felt funky..." Calisea said, turning around to see a softly grinning Zali crossing her arms. "W-what? Don't tell me...*belch*...Oh no..." Calisea held her belly with one hand, covering her mouth with the other. The effects of the spell began to make themselves apparent. A loud hissing sound began to emanate from Calisea's belly, Zali hopping up and down overjoyed that her spell had worked. The human girl moaned as she rubbed her stomach, her gut starting to swell out spherically, Calisea making stretching sounds. "Zali...please stop the spell!" She blurted out, her troll friend covering her mouth to hide her laughter as Calisea blew an impressive fart, the air being conjured within her attempting to escape. The unfortunate victim tried pushing her now bloating breasts down and away from her face, muffled cries heard from behind the ballooned bosom as she lost the battle, her nipples popping out audibly.
Zali grabbed and carried the expanding Calisea before she got too inflated to fit through the door, a mildly sinister idea racing through the shamaness' mind. "D-damn...tits! Zali! Where the...mmph, hell are you taking me?!" She demanded, her posterior beginning to creak and expand, the shamaness reaching into her pocket and pulling out cork which she used for smearing effects in her paintings. "Corks...two...don't you fucking dar-MMM!" Calisea protested as the first cork was shoved into her mouth, Zali smiling as she rammed the second up her ballooned friends butt. Calisea could only huff in irritation as her limbs starfished, her entire body filled with air now. She wriggled her fingers and toes as Zali brought her to a small oasis outside in Durotar. Calisea began to feel her limbs puff out and start absorbing into her spherical body, losing all mobility, the air having no place to escape now caused her to inflate much faster. Zali at last stopped the spell, holding a spherical, very agitated Calisea in her hands. She set the bloated girl on the water, Calisea of course now quite buoyant. Quickly, the troll slipped out of her modest clothing, revealing a slightly less modest swimsuit as she climbed onto her lovely new pool toy.
"Oh...she's going to fucking pay for this..." Calisea thought, the waves splashing against her causing her to moan, Zali laying back and sipping a nice refreshing drink...
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, floating, helium
Text: Mai knew she could do better. Puberty had gifted her short frame with a fertile figure, which she had parlayed into a successful modeling career. Unfortunately, in Japan, that only made her an expensive piece of meat as far as most men were concerned. Every guy she dealt with felt it was his prerogative to cop a boob, grab her ass, and make the most disgusting propositions. There was nothing she could do about this except deal with it on a case-by-case basis. It was simply part and parcel with her position, and she was not so naive to think that she would still have a career if she complained to the media or the authorities.
Mai longed to move to America, where sexual harrassment was taken more seriously and most men knew to look but not touch. Unfortunately, getting a work visa was harder than ever. She had briefly considered smuggling herself in, but with the ports and all flying craft larger than a weather balloon under surveillance, the only way across the border was through Mexico, and the thought of being crammed in the back of a van with a dozen strange men made her skin crawl.
She had finally discovered the glimmer of an opportunity in an auto parts company with an American division. She was employed as a "race queen" -- eye candy to attract male attention to a corporate logo. The company was thinking of exporting the concept to America, and with her credentials, Mai would be the first across.
Until then, however, Mai had to endure a job that featured all of the aggravations of modeling with none of the glamour. Where as a model she was able to tell off individual leches as long as she didn't rock the boat, in her current position that would get her fired. She just had to endure the creeping eyes, casual touches, surrepititious photographs, lousy pay, and the bubbleheaded ditzes that were her co-workers, telling herself all the while that it would end in a trip to America.
Mai was at an exhibition promoting a new system developed by the company for race cars. It used a set of powerful pumps to dynamically inflate and deflate tires according to the position of the steering wheel and the condition of the road. The system required compressed gas to operate, and since weight and safety were major concerns in racing, helium was chosen for its low density and nonflammability. The featured event was a race between two cars, one with the system and one without, but there would also be close-up demonstrations of the system and kiosks promoting other company products.
Entering the race queen tent, Mai expected to find the usual bathing suit or gymnastics leotard. Instead, there was what looked like a bodysuit bunched up on the floor. A plastic ring held the neck open wide enough for her to enter. It was collapsed vertically, so she could see where her feet went. A note from her supervisor instructed her to put her arms and legs in the suit and pull it up to her shoulders, but then ask for help before continuing.
Following the directions, Mai noted that the feet of the bodysuit were packed into vinyl slippers, an unusual touch. The stretchy suit seemed snug, but not excessively so. Pulling the ring up to her neck, she yelled for assistance. Her supervisor came in and pulled the ring up and out, allowing the rubber-lined neck to shrink down to a snug fit. The next step she found rather odd -- he snapped a plastic collar around her neck, holding the fabric in place. When she asked what was going on, he told her that it would become clear in a few moments. She felt the presence of someone behind her, and then felt something pressing into what she realized was a valve between her shoulder blades.
This didn't prepare her for what happened next. Mai gasped as with a short, sharp hiss, the fabric of the suit shrank inward to conform to every inch of her body. Feeling around, she found that the thin material had drawn into the crack of her ass, the curves of her crotch, and the bases of her breasts. Even her nipples stood out in almost perfect detail. She also noticed that the surface of the bodysuit was very, very, slippery. Casting her supervisor a stunned look, Mai heard him explain that she wasn't just promoting the corporate logo this time. The company had developed an ultra-slick and durable coating for engine parts, and she was the demonstration model. Before the horrified Mai could object, he got behind her and shoved her towards the curtain.
The next few hours were a living hell for Mai. The bodysuit covered more than any other garment she had worn in her careers as a model or race queen, while at the same time revealing almost everything. Her purpose, of course, was to be felt up while at the same time demonstrating the slickness of the new coating. She learned from another race queen that there were even words on her bodysuit instructing the reader to not be shy and grab a feel, she wouldn't complain. Needless to say, most of the men were more interested in her body than the coating. Every moment, someone was touching her somewhere she didn't want to be touched. The chemically-treated surface of the bodysuit allowed her to slip out of one grip, only to run into another set of hands in the opposite direction.
Some of the men were almost clever in their cruelty. One asked her to take the "pencil test", which needless to say she failed for the first time since she was 14. As she bent over to retrieve the pencil, she heard the snap of a camera behind her. Guys would throw their food and drinks at her and watch them slide off. It never occurred to them how it felt to have hot chili or ice-cold soda washing over her tits. And, as per company policy, she had to laugh and smile through every second of it.
Even the suit itself offered aggravations of its own. Mai was used to her thighs rubbing together as she walked, and the sudden lack of friction threw off and exaggerated her gait, which of course encouraged the men all the more. She found it impossible to rest her feet. If she leaned against a wall, she fell on her side. If she sat in a chair, she slid to the floor. Once, she had the bright idea to ask a staff member to tie a rope around her waist, and then to the back of a chair, so that she could stay on. This only made it that much more difficult to escape from the next group of gropers.
The worst part, however, was her hands. The company had obviously had the foresight to supply her with footwear so she could stand, but had not seen the need to provide her with gloves. She never did manage to pick up that pencil, and when she fell while trying to rest, she had to slide her legs to either side of her body, then "walk" her feet together, since her arms were of no use picking herself up off the ground.
Mai couldn't take another minute of this. Not one more minute. She didn't care if she got fired, she was through. Several minutes of fiddling with the bodysuit later, she concluded that there was no way of getting it off without help. After a search, she found the staff member with the pump, hooking it up to a small helium tank for a demonstration. Pulling (well, ordering) him to a secluded corner, she told him in no uncertain terms to get the suit off her. Cowed, he agreed to do so, but explained that he would have to release the vacuum before removing the collar, lest the suction pull the suit's neck down to her waist. She could then slip out of the suit and into real clothes while his back was turned.
The man had attached the wand of the pump to the valve of the suit, and was about to press the "neutral" button, when a slight shift in Mai's posture caused the sun to reflect off her shiny back into his eyes. Momentarily stunned, he fumbled with the controls, and instead of releasing the vacuum, pressed the worst possible button he could have chosen.
Mai squealed as the skintight suit suddenly ballooned into a bulbous torso with sausage-like arms and legs. Startled, her inflator yanked on the wand, rocking Mai back on her heels. A moment later, excess pressure forced the valve out of the wand's grip, and a blast of gas from the tip sent Mai flying and tumbling end over end.
She wasn't carrying enough helium to float away, but her descent back to the ground was distressingly slow. Her screams attracted attention, and a staff member was waiting to try to catch her where she was going to land. As he grabbed for her, though, she slipped out of his grasp and sailed back into the air. A small crowd gathered where she was headed to next, but their combined efforts couldn't keep hold of her slippery suit. The next several landings were aborted in a similar manner. At one point, a man miraculously got on top of her, but her supervisor rushing to the scene tripped and fell on HIM, and she squirted out from beneath them, bouncing off a kiosk and back into play. Every time she neared the ground, a man tried to capture her, and her expansive new curves conspired with the super-slick coating to send her back into the sky. She screamed at everyone to stop chasing her, just let her land and settle down, but no one listened. Every male wanted the gratification of saving the damsel in distress.
One relatively bright fellow, instead of failing at grabbing her torso or limbs like everyone else, decided to go for her feet. While this was a swell idea in concept, he pulled a little too hard, and the vinyl slipper came away in his hand. Although romantically reminiscent of a fairy tale, this made things even worse for Mai, since her small body was now just barely shy of buoyant, the other shoe literally the only thing holding her to this earth. A shifting breeze had picked up, and every failed capture was now followed a long, leisurely drift around the exhibition.
Mai had not been totally passive in her distress, but her ability to control her flight was almost nil. The pressurized bodysuit held her arms and legs spread-eagled, and every hand, object, or surface she managed to touch slipped right through her fingers. Finally, she flipped upright to find that a horizontal cord festooned with triangular colored plastic flags was coming right at her face. Thinking more quickly than she ever had before, Mai caught the cord in her mouth. She had a fair bit of momentum, and she feared her head would be wrenched right off her neck as she flipped end over end, but her rotation slowed and then stopped.
Out of the corner of her eye, Mai saw the exhibition staff running over to dismantle one of the poles holding up the cord and bring her down. Unfortunately, their jostling briefly stretched the cord even tighter, and it snapped off that end. It was under a fair amount of tension, and yanked her towards the track, where the race was still in progress.
As the "enhanced" car roared by, Mai was caught in its wake. Flag after flag was ripped from the cord as she was dragged almost to its end. She knew the "control" car, lagging badly at this point, would still be only seconds behind. Mai gritted and gnashed her teeth, but was unable to stop the second wake from ripping the cord from her mouth and sending her spiraling upward with nothing in her teeth but a bunch of plastic flags.
An American cowboy performer had been brought to the convention to help promote the company's operation in the States. He had been sleeping off a bad case of jet lag in his tent, but Mai's supervisor thought that his talents could be useful right now. In his half-awake state, he blearily understood the panicked translator's heavily-accented English to mean that a balloon had become untethered and they wanted him to lasso it. Well, this would be more interesting than yelling and firing a cap gun, at least. Grabbing his rope, he stepped out into the daylight and spotted a shape rotating slowly in the sky. Effortlessly twirling a lasso, he made a leisurely throw that snagged Mai's still-shod foot on the first try. Then, assuming that he had hooked nothing more massive than a balloon, he yanked hard on the rope.
And the other shoe dropped.
And Mai finally earned her trip to America.
Martin Robards, owner of a successful modeling agency, was skeet shooting off the back porch of his San Diego beachfront home, when a missed pull resulted in a loud boom and something landing in the water not far offshore. He rushed into the surf, expecting to find a part from a supersonic aircraft, but instead finding a short but curvy Asian girl wearing what looked like the tattered remnants of a bodysuit and babbling hysterically in Japanese. When she calmed down, she turned out to speak fluent English. Her story on how she had got here was too wild to believe, but he didn't expect her to admit she had jumped off a border runner before the Coast Guard caught up to it. Learning that she wanted to be a model, Martin offered her a proposition.
Mai Robards knew she had it made. By the time NORAD had tracked the mysterious small flying craft to its landing spot, she had already been married and got her green card. Her modeling contract stipulated that she not be touched and not have to wear anything skintight. Although her husband of course expected sex as her end of the bargain, Mai was happy to oblige. Martin was so much more self-confident, stronger, and, well, "bigger" than any Japanese man she had known.
Her career wasn't proceeding as well as it had in Japan, though. After some consideration, she decided it was because of her breasts. Although she was downright stacked by Japanese standards, compared to American models of her height she was nothing special.
She pondered this as she was cleaning out their garage while he took the car for a tune-up. In a corner she came upon an electric breast pump that she deduced must have been used by his first wife. It was pretty much a block of rust after all that time in the humid garage, but what drew her attention was that it was connected to a sturdy brasserie with a Y-shaped plastic tube attached to where the nipples would go.
She look at the bra, and at the portable air compressor for the car's tires, and felt the first faint glimmerings of an idea...
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, blueberry, milf, popping, testing room, Willy Wonka
Text: After only fifteen minutes and thirty-four seconds, Tiffany and her mother, Jessie, managed to disqualify themselves from the Wonka factory tour. Admittedly, it was an impressive feat to lose that quickly, and would be a daunting new record to beat. Wonka only grumbled and checked his pocket watch. At this point, the only thing that really surprised him anymore was his ever-growing losing streak wagering with those little orange bastards, whose predictions were always terrifyingly precise. Still, it broke the monotony. Wonka sighed and adjusted his top hat, "At this rate, they're gonna rob me blind," he thought as Jessie squealed in shock.
"Tiffy! Your face! It's... Purple!" Jessie covered her agape mouth with both hands. Her arms squeezed her barely covered--and braless--E cup breasts and further strained her orange and red paisley tube top, whose tenacity was nearly as incredible as Wonka's candy. In the air conditioned room, her nipples poked against the fabric like twin mountain peaks. "Oh my God, you look so cute! Oh, I just need to post this on Insta!"
"And I thought they were stupid in '71," Wonka thought.
"M-mom! This really isn't the time!" Tiffany stomped her foot as her blue stomach crept forward and untucked her expensive white designer blouse. Juice was already pouring into her C cup breasts, which began to strain her brand new white lace bra. "Ooh, I'm filling up so fast! Make it stop!"
Jessie snapped a photo mid-shout, with Tiffany's blue mouth wide open and her glossy blue lips gleaming under the overhead lights. "Oh, that's a cute one!"
One of the pint-sized brats stuck out his tongue. "It's not gonna stop 'till you pop, ya big blue dummy! You're gonna get big and round and then go boom and leave a big mess!" Before he could continue, his father smacked him upside the head.
Wonka scowled at the both of them. He put down $200 that the brat would get shrunk, but the more he watched them, the more he realized he was wrong again, and that the kid was really destined for the egg chute.
Jessie showed the photo to Tiffany, who whined as her growing gut spilled out from under her shirt. She was beginning to feel her underwear shift and tighten underneath her skirt. "See, honey? You look so adorable all blue and pudgy. Your cute little red skirt even distracts from how fat you are!"
Tiffany blushed violet as she watched her rapidly expanding ass escape the cover of her plaid skirt. "Mom, this isn't helping!" Coin-sized gaps between the buttons of her blouse grew wider as her swelling breasts spilled over her bra.
"Oh, quit being such a negative nelly. You've already got five likes! And see," she shoved her phone in her daughter's face, "I even wrote a cute little caption. 'Tiffy tried some gum today at Wonka's and now she's all blue!' Oh, it's got ten likes, now!"
"But Mom, I don't want to be a blueberry!" Tiffany's blonde pigtails shifted as they rested on her expanding chest. "Oh, I'm filling up too fast!" Tiffany panted and groaned as she cradled her burgeoning belly, which already looked bigger than a due pregnancy with triplets. As her thighs fattened and stretched her fishnet stockings, her ass cheeks raced to be the largest of them all. The middle button of her blouse burst open.
Jessie took another photo. "Ooh, Tiffy! You never told me you had such cute undies!" She picked up her daughter's skirt and snapped another photo. "They're adorable!"
Tiffany flushed, "M-mom, you're embarrassing me!" She reached back and pulled down her skirt as best as she could, covering her new pair of white panties, dotted with pink hearts. "Don't look!" Another button burst off her blouse, this time the one just above the middle. A large crevasse of cleavage peeked through the opening as her bra struggled to contain breasts five times larger than it was ever designed for.
Jessie snapped another photo. "Honey, you're not gonna believe this! You are positively blowing up--"
"I know that!"
"No, sweetie, on Instablam! You're already past four hundred likes! See?" Jessie showed Tiffany her latest post, whose comments section was already horrifically explicit, of Tiffany cradling her massive belly as a generous swathe of her childish panties lay exposed for the world to see over her colossal rear end. The caption read, 'Tubby Tiffy's gonna need extra time at the gym to work this weight off!'
Tiffany shrieked, "Oh my God, Mom! If I ever go back to school I'll be a laughingstock," and buried her violet face in her plumping blue hands, "I wish I was dead!" Then, with impeccable timing, Tiffany's bra snapped and released her titanic tits in a tidal wave of cleavage that threw her off balance and sent her toppling onto her billowing belly. The second-lowest button burst off immediately, leaving just a single button below and two above her massive mammaries. Her tiny skirt served as little more than decoration over her totally exposed underwear as her rear continued to grow. "Ah! Help! Help! I can't get up!" Tiffany flailed her pudgy arms and THICC thighs as her belly rose like dough and her back fattened with blueberry juice.
Jessie snapped another photo, largely focused on her daughter's cavern of cleavage, and captioned it, 'Tubby Tiffy's titanic tits keep growing! Now Tubby Tiffy's so big she can't move! Let's hope she can roll!' "Wow, sweetie, you're already past seven hundred likes! You're huge!"
Wonka cleared his throat and limped forward on his cane, holding a piccolo in his hand. "Well, might as well get on with it." After playing an ear splitting trill, a platoon of orange midgets dressed in lederhosens with green hair, large bushy green moustaches, and feathered caps marched four abreast from behind the factory equipment.
Tiffany's jaw dropped as she shoved her growing cleavage out of her face to see. "Wait, they were there the whole time?" She wobbled on her juicy belly as her thick thighs stiffened.
The oompa loompas nodded and chattered, "Oh, ja, ja! Ze whole time!" They snickered as one said, "Und nice underpants frau Amerikaner!" The oompa loompas chattered "Ja! Ja!" as they laughed Teutonically.
The tour group looked at each other quizzically. Jessie blurted out the obvious question, "Why are they German?" Tiffany, meanwhile, whined as her back rounded out with her belly into a massive sphere, which began to assimilate her thighs into its globular mass.
One of the oompa loompas stepped forward. "Nein! Ve are not Cherman! Ve are Bavarian! Und proud of it!" This last remark was met with a sonorous chattering of "Ja! Ja!"
Wonka shuffled between the two groups and tucked away the piccolo. "As much as I'd hate to put an end to this wonderful little educational seminar, I'm afraid miss priss and her bimbo mother need an escort to the juicing room. Can you handle that while I continue with the tour?"
The oompa loompas snapped to attention and saluted. "Ja, mein Fuhrer!"
Wonka laughed nervously and made a "Cut that out," gesture with his hand. "That's wonderful. Now," he said, pounding his cane on the floor, "the rest of you, follow me." As the remaining members of the tour group followed the geriatric factory owner, the cute little five year old girl in the back innocently waved goodbye to Tiffany, who nervously flapped her hands as her arms went stiff.
Jessie snapped another photo as Tiffany's body grew nearly spherical, with only her stubby stiff cones-for-arms remaining, and captioned it, 'Tiffy's gotten herself all big and round and full of juice! She makes such a cute berry girl!' "Tiffy, good news! You're already at two thousand likes--three thousand! You're exploding!"
"Mom, can you use like, any other word?!" Tiffany kicked her nubby feet in protest as her arms subsumed into her spherical berry body. "I already feel ready to burst and I don't need--Ooh! B-be gentle down there!" Tiffany flapped her hands and kicked her feet as a dozen pair of little orange hands sunk into the swelling side of her blue body, all the way from her thigh to her engorged breast, which had taken to using her shirt as a makeshift bra, as they began to roll her so she lay horizontally on her stomach. She spat out her bangs as they rolled her to the juicing room, flapping her hands and squirming incessantly. "And don't look at my panties!" It was hard not to, considering they dominated a third of her body.
Jessie twitched as a thought popped in her head--a rare phenomenon. "Hold on, I'll be right back!" Jessie ran off out of sight, and came back minutes later as the oompa loompas pushed Tiffany through the massive double doors into the long corridor leading to the juicing room. "Sorry, I wanted to get one last photo of the testing room."
Tiffany oozed contempt--or juice. Or both. Likely both, since her shirt was beginning to be stained purple over her nipples.
Beads of sweat beat down the orange faces of the oompa loompas as they struggled to push Tiffany to the juicing room. It was difficult enough when she was five and a third feet in diameter (her height), but as her blue body blimped to six feet, her enormous mass slowed their progress. You can't blame them, really. After thirty years of rolling twelve year olds around, you're not quite prepared for the additional mass, assets, and horomones of teenagers. After only rolling her thirty feet since their last break, the oompa loompas stopped again, gasping for breath. Meanwhile, Jessie snapped another photo of Tiffany, this time laying on her back.
"Oh, this one shows off your curves really good!"
"Mom," Tiffany growled, "I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop taking pictures and actually help." Her voice was muffled by her beach ball size breasts, which completely smothered her face.
"'Tiffy berry's rounded out nicely! So big and juicy and sexy! Such a cutie pie!' Winky face, and post!" Jessie looked up from her phone and blew a blue bubble. "Honey, I am helping. Look, you've already hit thirty thousand likes! You're massive--"
"And look at all of these cute and rich boys who want to be your boyfriend!"
"Mom!" Tiffany flushed violet and flapped her hands. "I already have a boyfriend!"
"Yeah, but not a rich boyfriend." Jessie squealed, "Ooh! My hand is all purpley!" and took a selfie with lightning speed. "'Uh oh! I feel funny...' Winky face, and post!" Just as the oompa loompas were catching their breath, they all looked over at Jessie, whose skin was rapidly changing color as she smacked on a piece of Wonka three course gum. She looked back dumbly. "What?"
All at once, they stood up and shouted, "Fick zis!" before storming off, one shouting a final "Dummkopfs!" before stomping out of sight.
"Mom, what just happened?"
Jessie blinked. "The oompa loompas quit."
What followed next was a frantic squeal which sounded like a mix between nails on a chalkboard and a loose timing belt. "Oh my God, oh my God, I'm gonna fucking burst I can't believe it I'm gonna fucking blow up and explode like a giant water balloon because of my stupid fucking mother why do I have to be related to you you stupid--"
This continued for some time.
Finally, once Tiffany ended her tirade (now six inches wider and thirty pounds heavier), Jessie took another selfie, captioning it, 'Ooh, getting so full! Can't see my feet anymore!', and spoke up. "You done?"
"Why-hy-hy-hy?!" Tiffany flailed her hands and feet in despair.
"Because you looked so cute all big and blue like that that I wanted to try it!"
Tiffany was silent as the dumbest thing she ever heard in her eighteen years sunk into her ears like an army man dropped in a bowl of pancake batter. "I'm gonna explode," she finally muttered.
Jessie moaned and rubbed her swelling belly, which looked about three feet across, as her shirt rose up to her massive chest. "Honey, I feel so sexy like this! Ooh, we just passed hundred thousand! Let's take a selfie to celebrate!" Her thighs rubbed against each other as she walked to her daughter's side and began to roll her like a huge snowball.
Between fits of spitting out locks of her golden hair, Tiffany begged her mother to come to her senses and spit out the gum before she grew too big to roll her, let alone move by herself, to the juicing room, all while watching her mother's blue body swell with juice. As her own body began to make the slightest creaks from stress, she whimpered at the sight of her mother's titanic thighs rubbing against each other, with a belly that spilled over a screaming pair of jeans shorts while her massive ass tore at the fabric. Jessie stopped directly under an overhead light and rolled her daughter onto her crotch. Their heads were practically level.
Jessie dug out her phone and turned on the front-facing camera. "Say, 'berries'!"
"I don't wanna pop!"
Jessie smiled and blew a bubble, making a peace sign before winking to the camera. "Berries!"
"Mom! This isn't funny!"
Jessie giggled as she typed on her phone, happy that she got the picture in the middle of her daughter's annoying bleating. That glossy lipstick always caught the light just right! "'Tiffy's such a cute bloated berry girl! Round and ready to pop! Can't wait to join her!' Winky face, and post!"
"Mom, I am not ready to pop!"
"You are when you're passing a quarter million likes, honey!" Just then, the button of Jessie's jeans burst off and the zipper failed spectacularly, causing a sudden rip to tear across the seat of her pants to the waist. Her massive rear took its chance and lunged through the huge gap, splitting seams on her red lace panties and finally destroying her jeans. Jessie shuddered and bit her lip, moaning as her legs buckled inward, and she tumbled backward onto her daughter.
"H-hey!" Tiffany groaned as the sudden weight sloshed the juice inside her. "Argh! Get off me!" Tiffany flailed her little hands in protest as her mother arched her back into her belly. "You're... crushing me!" As her mother moaned in delight, Tiffany struggled to stay in one piece. Her eyes felt ready to pop out of her head as the juice inside her shifted. The bottom-most button of her blouse burst off and her breasts jiggled in freedom. "M-mom! Stop! Ohh, I'm... gonna--Argh!"
Finally, Jessie stumbled to her feet, blushing violet. "Sorry, sweetie. I guess I lost control there." With one hand nervously rubbing her neck, the other covered a very large damp stain between her legs. Dribbles of juice seeped through her shirt.
Tiffany gasped for breath as the juice settled and the blood (or juice) rushed from her head. "Now, can you please roll me to the juicing room? Before I explode?!" She frowned and looked at her ruined blouse, which was more or less a curtain over her planetary tits. "Well, at least my skirt's holding up fine." Her skirt snapped and fluttered to the floor. Tiffany grumbled, "I wonder what that was..."
"Just one moment, sweetie. Mom needs a few more pictures of her berrying baby before she gets juiced." Jessie waddled around to Tiffany's behind with her fat arms resting twenty degrees off her side. It was getting harder to move every second as her limbs fattened and stiffened with juice. Clumsily gripping the elastic, she then tugged on her daughter's underwear.
Tiffany impulsively responded with an "Eep!" as her underwear dug into her behind, kicking her feet as the overstretched cotton fabric cut into her already tight and sensitive crotch. She blushed deeper and deeper shades of violet as the elastic cut deeper into her waist and her body creaked. "Ow, ow ow ow ow! Ow! Mom! You're giving me a wedgie!" Jessie took another photo, then let go of the elastic, which snapped back to her daughter's waist. "I just can't help myself, sweetie. Those cute little frills on the border are just so cute! Where did you get these?"
"This isn't the time!" Tiffany flailed her hands impotently as the seams of her shirt began to burst open as her body struggled to continue it's unstoppable growth, and the elastic of her panties dug deeper into her skin. "Mom, if you don't start rolling me soon, you won't even be able to roll me!" Tiffany's skin groaned as it was stretched tighter and tighter, and Tiffany groaned in response, "Oh, I feel so tight!"
Jessie's shirt ripped open and her leaking breasts spilled over her bloated belly like water balloons filled from a tap. "Oh, I know what you mean, honey! I feel so big and juicy," she moaned as she squeezed her chest, "and so full!" She took another selfie of both of them. "'Tiffy Berry's getting fuller by the second! Ready to burst, and I'm not far behind her!'"
As the cacophony of rips and tears built in frequency and intensity, Tiffany whimpered and gritted her teeth. Juice pooled into her fingers and toes until they were totally rigid. "M-mom?" Her neck vanished into her ballooned body.
Jessie had already begun quietly and carefully backing up, holding her phone out to get Tiffany's whole body in frame. She pressed record and held her phone as steady as she could. "Yes, sweetie pie?" As she waddled, the inseam of her thighs dropped. Her expanding ass alone was nearly as wide as she was tall.
Tiffany groaned, "I feel really full, like... super full." Her hands and feet sank into divots in her body. Her voice strained, "I... really want to be juiced. Like, right now. Ohh, I'm so tight!" Finally, her panties ripped apart and fluttered to the floor, though some of the shards remained lodged in her behind. "Ohh-hoh-hoh, I... don't think I can take... much more! Hah! Haah!"
Jessie stifled a moan as her own skin tightened with every gallon of juice pouring into her body, filling her basketball sized breasts and ballooning behind. "How much bigger do you think you can get, baby?"
"None! I... can't grow anymore!" Tiffany bit her lip as her head sank into her body. "Ohh, I'm so... full of juice! So t-tight!" Her shirt ripped down its seams and fluttered loosely at her wrists. "I can't hold... any more juice! I... need to be juiced. Like... right now!" Her body groaned and stretch marks traced across her equator. "Help mm--mmph?! Mmph!" Tiffany's eyes, wide as saucers, darted frantically as her lips swelled with juice and sealed her mouth shut. Her cheeks puffed out as juice pooled into her mouth. "Mmmph! Mmm mmm!"
Jessie strained to keep her rigid arms facing forward. "I love you, Tiffy! Make your momma proud with a big boom!"
"Mmm?! Mmm mm mmmph mm?!" Tiffany squealed and her eyes shot open as her head sunk down to her nose. "What?! She won't juice me?!" she thought. Her body groaned angrily and the sensation of blood rushing to her head returned. Tiffany groaned and flushed violet. "Oh God, this is it! Ohh... Ohh no--!" Her body pulsed once, twice, thrice-- Boom!
A torrent of juice smashed into Jessie and knocked her onto her back. She fumbled her phone and barely managed to snag it before it dropped, then deftly stopped the recording and posted it, typing, 'One last look at my Tiffy Berry! So proud of my beautiful bursting berry girl! Can't wait to go boom next!' Jessie sighed in relief and laughed. "We did it, Tiffy! We hit a million likes! Shame you weren't a good enough blueberry to see it, though." Jessie took another selfie, with her back on the floor as her blonde hair fanned out in a pool of her daughter's juice. "'So proud of my berry baby! We had such a BLAST berrying up for you all, even if Tiffy seemed a little BLUE about it!'"
Jessie took selfie after selfie as her back filled up with juice and her body rounded out to a sphere. The more she grew, the less arm she had for selfies, and her burgeoning wall of blue flesh covered up more of the screen each time. Suddenly, her phone vibrated, which could only mean one thing. "Damn, out of batteries!" Jessie dropped her phone and squirmed, suddenly aimless.
After a few moments, she felt cold metal press against the peak of her belly. Jessie flapped her hands and feet in celebration. "Take that, Tiffy! I'm a bigger berry than you! A better berry! And I'm gonna fill up this whole hallway and level the entire building when I explode!" Jessie cheered herself on as her hands and feet ballooned with juice and sank into her body, followed by her neck and head. Soon, her distended sides pressed into the walls as she continued to grow, creaking and groaning as her limits approached. Her panties snapped, after a long battle with her waistline, and fluttered to the floor, unnoticed. The tension in her skin suddenly spiked, doubling, then trebling as the juice scrambled for more places to fill. Jessie moaned as her lips swelled with juice and her cheeks bulged. All at once, the juice pushed out in every direction, pulling every square inch of her taut skin just beyond its tensile limits. Jessie went cross eyed. "Oh, Ohh God! Yes! I'm gonna... Ohh--!" Her body pulsed again, and again, just before-- Boom!
Wonka and the tour group (which was now down to only two) stopped as a rumble ripped through the factory. Before giving them any time to speculate, Wonka pulled out his piccolo and played an ear splitting trill. A small group of oompa loompas goose stepped from nowhere.
"Vhat is your bidding mein-- er, Herr Vonka?"
"Send a cleanup team to the juicing room."
Wonka tucked the piccolo away as the oompa loompas marched. "Now, where was I? Oh, right! Wonkavision."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, first person, floating
Text: In the darkness, it could have been anyone, and I had to be sure. So I endured the aching tension until the car stopped completely and a figure got out. Standing by the phonebox I could see his face, and only then did I leave the hedgerow and run over. The night air was now cold against my body and the hard tarmac smacked against the soles of my feet. The fear hadn't left me, and I experienced each stride as a heart-stopping moment before the ground's percussion caught me again. It still felt wrong. For a long moment we clung beneath the headlamps glare; his open gaze of relief and assurance holding me. I relented to the shaking, not all driven by cold, washing over me with a half-sob. "Won't let go this time" he whispered. I just nodded.
He guided me around to the passenger's side, hovering close enough to grab as climbed in; unneeded, but necessary. The car interior was warm, and the dashboard lights reflected against my dimpled skin. The thrum of the engine seemed so natural and real; an anchor from the vast whorling silence I had experienced. I found myself pressing an arm up against the roof, reflexively. My thoughts had caught me out again. I forced myself to believe things might ok. He rummaged behind for a blanket. The coarse woolen fibres nestled with the scent of thin oils as he enfolded me in the tartan throw. I pushed the rough folds down between my legs, covering bare thighs and the lingering flush.
He settled into his seat, one hand on the wheel, uncertain. "I, um, would have brought your clothes, but there wasn't much..." His voice tailed off.
"I remember that much".. The pressing confinement, the sharp twang of elastic release. God, I'd barely noticed at time, but the memory snapped through my voice.
"Hey". A steadying hand, a look of hurt, and his sympathy edged on my guilt. It had been rough on him too. "Sure you're alright?"
"I think...I think so.... Oh God..."
"You're bleeding". His hand followed his words to my forearm.
"Scratched. I got to holding onto a tree. A damn Hawthorn tree, I think". I half-laughed, letting the cracks show. At the time, it hadn't seemed so funny; I mean thorns; things that might pop. But I wasn't going to let go.
"We'll go my place. It's nearer; and, umm, can fit you up with some jeans; got a t-shirt for you"
"Yeah. Can't go home like this. Shit, If Claire is back from her shift," Again the laugh. I didn't want to be left alone anyway. "Can we just drive?"
He nodded. The car reversed, turned about, and headed back towards the main road. The high-banked growth tunneled the headlights,and we plunged through the ring of night. Down here, the stars no longer shone. I was glad. In their utterly cold presence, I had been an impossible trespasser.
The car picked up speed and with the intensity of motion I needed him to tell me things were alright. That he was alright. "Sorry. It's just been,well, a lot. And I'm not making much sense. I mean, where were you?". It sounded like an accusation. But he hadn't abandoned me. He'd done all he could, right up to the moment his hand slipped from mine.
He was silent for awhile. "I watched for as long as I could. I mean, you just went.... I couldn't see. I got to the car and thought of following. But the clouds. I just drove around. Just a complete fucking blank. I was so worried. I was thinking what I was going to tell your folks. Until I got your call. I didn't recognise the number. For some reason I thought it was the police; that they knew everything. That I'd be under arrest for either manslaughter or, or...an air traffic violation for all I knew."
I was aware now of how much I was shivering. Strange I hadn't really felt it before. I choked out my frustration, letting it rupture in the recollection of events "Hell, I could barely remember your number. I had to repeat it half a dozen times to the operator before I got it right. I was such a mess. She must have thought I was drunk, calling reverse charges at 2am. I was afraid she'd think I'd had an accident and send an ambulance. Or the police."
"That might have been a problem."
"You're telling me. 'How did you get here, Miss?' ' 'Oh, that's easy, officer, you see I've been flo...". An edge of hysteria. God, I don't want to lose it now.
"Hey". Again the look of concern. "I came as quickly as I could. There was quite a breeze."
I shuddered. After the start, I hadn't felt any wind. Just the caress of the night air, the cling of fog vapour condensing against me. I'd been lucky there too; if it had been winter, I might have frozen.
"I know". I tried to show a smile. That I forgave him. That there was nothing to forgive. It couldn't have been more than 3 hours since we were drinking on the patio together. Though it seemed a lot longer. How far in 3 hours? 20 miles? 30? I knew I'd been panicking about how close I was to the sea, though it had been never more than a silver sliver askance on the horizon. I'd kept trying to roll over for a good look, which was harder than it seemed because some bits of me had developed ideas about which direction they should be pointing in. With a stronger wind...
"Its alright." He reached over to squeeze my shoulder "I mean...you're...back to normal, right?"
I clenched the blanket about myself, trying to deny the echoes of memory and sensation. "Kinda. I mean I think so...not in any danger of....like before" I gestured upwards, leaving the thought unfinished. "Just don't feel quite.... heavy again."
"Maybe it takes a little while for the residue to work its way out. This...stuff must be like helium ,right? When I got your call I thought you'd still be... well, you know."
I shook my head "Hsssh, Hon, it can't have been helium. Listen; you see that balloon-seller in the high street who has a bunch bigger than ...and she never look as if.... you know. Whatever it was; it was a lot more powerful than helium. In a lot of ways."
I gave myself an experimental squeeze, pressing against my residual fears (still a bit too perky just there?). Half wary (or was I hoping?) for the reedy hissing that first alerted me something was amiss back then. He was probably right. I did feel more settled than I did half an hour ago. And definitely better then than half an hour before that; clinging to a tree branch with my legs whipping in the air. And before that... but it was a different kind of feeling, with the fear jumbled into sensuality, the soft kiss of the sky...
"But how did you get...? " He paused. "I'm sorry, dumb question"
"No, s'ok." I was amazed. "I need to...understand this. Feel my way through it. God, initially, I thought, I really thought that I could burp it out. I got that genius idea from a kid's book, for chrissakes. But I couldn't. Like having a huge bubble in me that never quite... well, then I tried to squeeze it out...while I could still move."
"Squeezing didn't work? I know we tried to..."
"On the patio yes," (I remember. The pressure. Undulating exertions, my rising panic at what was happening, the pneumatic lift forcing him astride, as I slipped out from under). "Oh hon, its not your fault, there was nothing you could do. And I had to let go. I had to."
"I tried to keep hold, but when you... " He didn't conclude. His eyes mirrored the receding forlornness of memory. The empty grasp. The lights of the decking becoming dimmer and dimmer as the night swallowed me. Cries lost on the wind. Everything gone with the wind.
"Oh hon, I didn't want to hurt you. How long could you have held on? What if you fell? This way, it was just me..."
"I'd have found a way" He muttered, aware of the inadequacy. Gratitude and guilt. I knew I loved him for it.
"I found.... a way, too. A way back. But squeezing didn't work, hon, Not like you imagine, anyway", I blushed, smothering the intimate memory of excitement. "But it did do something". I'd put too much of an unintentional tease in my explanation. He looked across. He knew me that well.
"I was...distracted". I continued. "The gas made everything...its kinda hard to say, but it made me taut. More sensitive."
"You almost sound like you enjoyed it."
There it was. The guilty secret. I couldn't hide this between us.
I whispered my confession. "Oh God, yes. You can't imagine."
He blinked, but said nothing.
The memories returned, and I felt myself gulping over their clarity. I imagined myself back on the patio. The initial moment of realisation; the puzzled look on his face as the wine glass fell; gravity's poor slave. My high-pitched shriek (I had screamed, hadn't I?). Then, so quickly, that feeling. Inside me. Indescribable. But the sounds; the rip-stretching of fabric. The comical escape of the buttons on my blouse. Now that was undignified... I found myself laughing....
"S'ok..." My words were wrought with acceptance, relief. "It's all ok...."
The recollections cascade after each other. The sudden perking to the mounting hiss of pitch. The rising arc of my breasts, plumped and already waving before me. He'd been saying something, possibly anything but the obvious. Inflating. I'd felt myself stiffen, arms unable to restrain the swelling pink domes before me. I don't remember losing the skirt, but I must have been naked by this stage. I remember the table-candle casting a perfect crescent on my roundness, but I was already coming adrift from such concerns. Slowly, an overwhelming feeling of up-ness begun. Now when I was a little girl I used to fantasise about playing with too many balloons (who didn't?), but this was utterly unlike that. It was more push than pull. Like the air was a tangible mesh of insistent bubbles around me.
From seated, I'd been lifted to my feet. And then to tiptoe. He'd grabbed hold by about that point, instinctively aware of the danger that I had barely comprehended, his arms a bracelet about my expanding tummy. For a while he pushed me backwards, and I felt his firmness grind through the bulging pressure against me. The flush of recall made me squirm slightly in the car seat. Christ, what had that gas been doing to me? (I guess the mind can't hold terror and arousal together) That was late, with the vertigo. Then I just wanted him to push deeper and deeper (did he really need those pants? Couldn't he see mine were off already?). I was gasping something, some supplication. But what did I want? Just the awareness of tension merging with illicit moisture, blossoming tingles between my thighs. I'd been so scented. And he'd tried to hold me down; the presence of him spreadeagled against my swelling.
I think that's when I came for the first time. Oh God. I really did. The ripples chasing across the tautened surface of my ballooning body, concentric rings of pleasure as they converged across my labia, my nipples. I would have flopped backwards...if I'd been able.
Overwhelmed by the sense of being bigger, buoyant (don't balloons know better than to fight their fate?), I felt myself surrendering to the penetrating hiss as it reverberated within me. He was slipping, grunting; the smooth wooden boards no longer pressed against my back by his weight. I rolled out from under him, the flush of rhapsody broken by a sharp bounce, then rolling up. Face pressed against the patio awning, widening eyes caught the chasm of the sky. Realisation. Omygod. Up. The cry failed in my throat, but here I went...
An arresting tug. And he was holding my hand. For a long moment I was tethered between earth and void. An errant bubble (in-trouble bubble!). Then his ruggedness was failing against my earnest, feminine, buoyancy; he was already being lifted into the air. His eyes were silver as he held me, the tears forlornly drowning his exclamation. I knew what I had to do. I let go. I saw him fall back. I half-wept my desperation to him, hoping he could hold it between us, but the water forming in my eyes rose with me (Such a naughty girl! Even my tears were denied communion with earth).
Up. Beyond any flailing human reach. Up. The dark line of trees swept below, swaying wordlessly to the breeze the bore me aloft. Up. Then yellow lights of houses picked out in sleeping lines as they tumbled below. Up. The darkened umber course of fields along the river, deep in its flow. Up.
I tried kicking futilely, having the idea that it might be like swimming. But it wasn't; the gas shifted within me, sending me rotating under the pull of my buoyant belly. Lighter than air, my gaze following my floaty breasts towards the clouds. I couldn't stop myself rising. The clouds lapped at me, their banks of grey mist first enfolding, then relenting to moonlit white as I rose through them. Then their grip was loosed entire, receding away in silence, as I rose into a new landscape of candy-floss swirls, contrasting silver and sepia tones. I panted broken breaths into the expanse as a sheen of fear gripped me (now I worried about falling - jeez!). Perhaps I would never come down. Or that I'd rise until I burst. Or drift out to sea. Then, high in the sky, an unlooked-for serenity. My tension unknotted under the admixture of strangeness and wonder. I felt secure, as if a huge glove was tightening about every inch of me, but evenly and gently to support me. All my senses were stretched astride a magical bubble of lift; unable to comprehend, merely experience, and accept (why fear the air, when I was a native of it?). Anyhow, trying to move just made stuff going 'boing!'. And that caused the tingles to re-appear.... The memory ignited more giggles. Going 'boing' had helped, in the end. The waves of tingles had released me from helpless buoyancy with the gentlest of hisses. Then down through white-misted dream to landscape, solidity, the grip of the tempora mundi.
Memories tethered, I came back to myself, to the present rolling motion of the car. The sable-passage of our journey was still ours to share, if I wanted it. I looked at him again, my eyes now anointed with madness and delight.
"Hon... I was floating. Really, really floating. I was terrified, yes, but, but...it was exhilarating. Like nothing I've experienced before. Exhilarating and sensuous." I leaned forward, taking the kiss to him, lips tangling to let the confidence slip between us with ease. "I actually blossomed up there. Several times."
The wash of memories, settling into pools of acceptance, became part of me now. Shorn of the terror, I could only recall the sensation of freedom; the wideness of the world curving away below me. A lesser, untethered moon adrift in an ocean of stars, drawing passing envy from the constancy above (who is this girl to wander barefoot, trackless through our dreamscape, unchaperoned and buoyant?). I remembered it all, shiningly.
"I turned into a balloon." I breathed. "A real, honest-to-goodness, lighter-than-helium-in-air balloon!"
"But I loved it". I whispered. And I wanted to share it. Again.
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping, balloon, floating, magic
Text: How Gabriel missed an important physics lesson, and how Elisha gave him a pop quiz.
Gabe's dreams seldom followed a linear story line. His dreams were random, disconnected images but occasionally took on breathtaking detail and realism. Sleep did not always come easy while he shared a home with a witch stepsister who had blown him up like a human balloon until he nearly burst. Since then, the incident manifested itself in his unconscious mind, as was the case this particular time...
Balloons were everywhere. They covered the floors and the walls, some floated to the ceiling, others floated through the room with abandon. It was not a room he recognized but one that was built with the power of his unconscious imagination, spacious and classically elegant, and very, very white, though mostly obscured by the balloons, pink, purple, blue, red, orange, green, and various other shades. Some were big and pear-shaped, others round and globular, some tied to a string, others free-floating. Where did they all come from?
As soon as the question entered his mind, he saw Emily, the cute blonde friend of his stepsister Elisha, wearing her glasses and her hair in a ponytail as usual. She sat on the floor, surrounded by balloons, as she puffed into a smooth, round, pink balloon. Gabe approached her, and the balloon seemed to double in size. Emily ignored him as she lifted the balloon into the air, and Gabe became mesmerized by its gigantic size. She blew it bigger, puffing with sexual ferocity. It doubled in size again, until it was bigger than Emily herself.
"Please don't pop it," Gabe found himself saying, but she continued to blow. "Please," he repeated, inexplicably begging for the balloon's continued existence.
"Why not?" said a voice, and Gabe turned to see Allison, the cute redhead, holding a big red balloon to her breasts as she blew into it. She giggled at some unknown joke. Smiling, she held the mouth of the balloon with her teeth as she rubbed her hands over its taut rubber.
Gabe turned back to Emily, who lay on her back, puffing up the giant balloon. But the balloon was different now: it had hands and feet, and a head. Atop of the balloon was the face of Michelle, a former friend of Elisha. Gabe had watched Elisha inflate the helpless Michelle until she burst. But there was Michelle, part of a huge pink balloon that Emily blew into.
"Pop her, Gabe," said Allison, standing next to him.
"I don't want to pop," Gabe said, seeming to speak for Michelle. Or was he speaking for himself, afraid that he'd be next?
"If she pops, you'll like it," Allison assured him. Gabe looked again at Michelle's big, round, pink body, and in the next instant, she was gone. There was no noise, no fragments, but Gabe somehow knew Emily had caused her to burst. Or had he caused it? He felt guilty for not helping her.
"You popped her," said a voice from somewhere.
Gabe turned again, and this time he faced a darkened room, one that was again giant and spacious but was lit only by moonlight through a large window high above him. In the middle, inflated and gigantic, was Elisha's dark-skinned, dark-haired friend, Talia. She was giant but not completely round: Her stubby arms stuck straight out from her sides, too puffy to bend, and her large bloated frame was inexplicably supported by two stubby legs, covered by the shadow cast by her belly, which was inflated into a perfect semi-circle. Yet she was giant, easily reaching two stories, her small head appearing almost comically on top. She wore some kind of blue jumpsuit that glistened in the moonlight and stretched tightly over her entire body. "You're a balloon-woman," Gabe might have said. Or maybe he just thought it.
Balloons flew into his face, obscuring his vision. He knocked them desperately out of the way, as if coming into contact with them might cause him to inflate like Talia or Michelle. The next thing he knew, the landscape had changed again: He was now in the back yard of a house he visited as a child. Balloons covered the lawn, and he saw one floating by that particularly grabbed his attention. It was Emily, inflated into a giant yellow balloon. She giggled as she floated past him. "I'm a balloon-woman," she told him. "I can be bigger than that, you know," said Allison, and Gabe looked to see that Allison stood next to him again, but this time, she had inflated into a giant red balloon. She giggled as she bounced into him, floating with the breeze. Gabe watched them float around, and he had to admit he felt jealous. They looked like they were having fun, flying in the air.
At that moment, he looked down and realized that he was high above the ground. How was that possible, unless...? He looked again, and sure enough, it was true: He had inflated now, too. He was a giant, floating balloon-boy. Emily and Allison floated his way again, colliding with him and pinning him between their inflated bodies, giggling all the while. They bounced and floated for too brief a period, rubbing their round, rubber bodies together in some kind of bizarre balloon orgy.
"Play with us, Balloon Boy," Gabe thought Allison had said.
Emily giggled. "Balloon Boy," she repeated.
Gabe wished he still had arms, so he could reach toward those round, full balloons with the pretty faces on top. He wished he could watch them get bigger. And as soon as the thought entered his mind, Emily and Allison began to grow. Their heads seemed to float backwards as their bodies expanded, pushing them farther and farther from Gabe. As their faces faded from view, the inevitable thought crept into his mind.
How big would they get before...?
And then Allison soundlessly, quietly burst.
Gabe turned to look toward Emily, but she wasn't in sight for long. A second later, she too silently popped. And then Gabe felt himself falling, falling for a long time. The balloons were gone, Emily and Allison were gone, and he looked down to find his stepsister Elisha, holding a string that was tied to his foot. Gabe realized later that there was no logical way he could have seen the string, but he knew it: He was Elisha's toy balloon, dangling helplessly on a string, being pulled in ways he didn't want to go.
"Please don't pop me," Gabe called down to her. "I don't want to pop."
"Why not?" Allison said, standing below him. She was now her regular self, as if she had never inflated, much less burst.
"I don't want to pop," he said.
"If she popped you, you'd like it," said Emily, also deflated and standing there looking up at him. Elisha tugged on the string, bringing him closer to the ground.
"Please," Gabe repeated. He was soon in Elisha's arms. (Was he smaller now? He must have been, as she could not have otherwise held him so easily.)
He saw Talia, a deflated Talia, watching him. "You want to pop."
"No," he said feebly, as he saw Elisha holding a pin to his taut skin.
Elisha smiled. "If I popped you, you'd like it. You'd fall in love with me."
Gabe looked up at her. God, she was beautiful. He said, "I want to pop."
And the pin came closer.
"I want to pop!" Gabe blurted out, his head shooting up from his desk.
The classmates in his physics class burst out laughing. Mrs. Caldwell looked bemusedly at him. Gabe felt his face turning red. The lack of sleep had caught up with him, and he must have fallen asleep sometime during the lecture on kinetic energy. Now his personal gravitational field was a superconductor of unwanted attention and teasing. Even Marjorie, the class hottie, found Gabe's outburst to be an induction of comical energy.
After the laughter subsided somewhat, Mrs. Caldwell tried to assume control. "Thank you for sharing that information with the class, Gabriel. Now do you care to define the phrase 'elastic collision'?"
Gabe passed, wanting nothing more to do with the subject of elasticity for quite some time.
It became apparent to Gabriel that he could no longer stay in the same house with his tormentor and stepsister Elisha. But getting a place of his own proved difficult: His wages earned from his part-time job simply disappeared—literally disappeared—from his possession, while Elisha began sporting a new wardrobe. He would be stuck with her for some time yet.
And he wasn't sure he had much time left. Some day, he knew, Elisha and her friends would go too far. If he couldn't get out, he would have to find help. He concluded that, Elisha's threats notwithstanding, his only hope was his stepmother Rachel.
But the issue of explaining to his stepmom that her daughter was a witch was touchy at best. Explaining that Elisha bordered on psychotic was an even more delicate subject. And explaining to Rachel that her daughter had blown him like a balloon—well, he could see how that might put a question mark around his sanity.
Still, the slender, athletic, 36-year-old Rachel Dickensen was always quite personable and approachable. She was also fair when it came to family disputes. He would have to make her listen, because the alternative was to allow himself to be Elisha's slave and hope that she doesn't one day accidentally, or not so accidentally, inflate him so much that he bursts.
She was washing dishes as he entered the kitchen. She stood with her back to him, and his eyes drifted down to the tight white shorts that clung snugly around her hips, the cloth riding up her rear, clutching to her skin and exposing the bottom of her shapely glutes. Her long black hair was tied in a pony tail, and when Rachel turned to face him, Gabe was pleasantly greeted by her breasts, her ample cleavage threatening to leap from the gossamer pink halter top she wore.
"How was school, Gabe?" she asked, drying her hands on a nearby dishtowel.
Gabe realized that he didn't know where to begin and suddenly became nervous. He avoided eye contact, and his eyes drifted downward again, this time to Rachel's tanned, sculptured legs. He inhaled sharply. As if he didn't have enough issues about wanting to boff his stepsister...
"Um, okay," he mumbled.
"Are you sure? Something on your mind?"
Actually, a lot was on his mind. Rachel was easily as hot, if not more so, than Elisha's friends. His mind drifted to the vivid balloon dream he had in physics class. God, those girls were hot, blowing up balloons. And they were hot AS balloons. He couldn't help but wonder what Rachel would look like if...
And as soon as the thought entered his head, Rachel's belly bloated outwards.
"Oh, God! What the hell?!" Rachel gaped at her enlarged belly, feeling it with both hands to determine what was filling her up. It felt like air.
Gabe was equally amazed, and for a moment, he thought he might be dreaming again. He shook his head as if to shake this vision from his mind. But no, he was awake and gaping at his stepmother, who looked as if she had become nine months pregnant in a second.
She looked up pleadingly at Gabe. He wondered if she would get any bigger.
And just like that, she did.
Her breasts lifted up like helium balloons, tearing free of her top. The sudden inflation startled Gabe for just a second—but when he looked at those giant globes on her chest, so huge, golden, and inflated, he wanted to see her get bigger.
In conjunction with his wish, Rachel grew larger. At first, she tried to cover her exposed giant breasts, but soon she had other problems. Her sides and back blew out, making her midsection into a large ball. Her arms were thrown to the sides, and they puffed up along with her legs.
"Gabe! Help me! Make it stop!"
Gabe wasn't sure how—he figured this had to be Elisha's work, and he didn't claim to understand sorcery. Why would she cause her own mother to inflate? He looked over Rachel's round balloon body. She looked...she looked...
...She looked absolutely beautiful!
"Gaaaaaaaabe!" said Rachel, her inflation shooting forward again, doubling her size in seconds. She inflated like the pony-tailed balloon that she was, and it finally dawned on Gabe.
Elisha wasn't causing Rachel to inflate.
He was.
He didn't know how it happened—maybe the witchcraft rubbed off on him, maybe he stumbled onto its secret, who knew?—but he realized that the more he became attracted to Rachel as a balloon, the more she inflated. He didn't know how to stop it. She was so beautiful—
"Ohhhhh!" Her inflation increased again. "Stop it, Gabe! What are you doing to me?!"
"I—I don't know!" he said. He didn't want her to get any bigger. At the same time, he couldn't help himself but become aroused at this beautiful balloon woman!
"Helllllp meeeee!" She inflated more, knocking over the kitchen furniture as she filled up the room, becoming more snug in the confined space.
He wanted desperately to help her, even attempting to close his eyes. But he couldn't! He had to look at this beautiful, round, inflated balloon-woman, so large and full, growing tighter as she grew and grew...!
"Please!" she called out to him. "Don't do this to me, Gabe! Stop it! Please!"
Her body squeaked as it tried to withhold all the air building up inside her. Her head was now to the ceiling, her sides pressed against the walls. Still her body hissed and squeaked, straining to be even larger when it didn't seem possible...
Gabe didn't want to think it.
But it's hard to force oneself not to think of something.
So he did.
And with a sudden BANG!, she did just that.
In the next instant, Gabe stood alone in the kitchen, his heart pounding. And so was his pants. There was no sign of Rachel, no scraps or anything to indicate that she had ever existed. And there he stood, incredibly, powerfully, physically aroused at having popped her.
"I knew it!" said a familiar voice.
Gabe spun around to see Elisha in the doorway to the kitchen. She stood with her arms folded across her healthy chest, the torn T-shirt she wore exposing her midriff. Her blue jeans, as usual, looked painted on, all the way from her hourglass hips to her dainty, slender ankles.
"I didn't mean to—I don't know how I—" Gabe began.
Elisha raised a hand. "Oh, relax! You think I'd actually let you pop my mom? That was just an intricate illusion I created. Mom's actually out with her boyfriend right now."
"W—what the hell?!" Gabe tried to wrap his head around all this.
"I read your mind," she explained. "I saw how you dreamed about inflating my friends, and how you were getting off on it! So I set up this experiment to see if you'd get off on inflating my mom, and you did!"
"I didn't!" Gabe feebly protested.
She pointed to the bulge in his pocket. "Then what's that?!"
He couldn't answer. "You sick disgusting pervert! You got hot popping my mom, you psycho! It's bad enough you get boners from me, but now you want to inflate my mom? And my friends?" Gabe still couldn't talk, and he swallowed although his mouth was dry. She stepped forward and thrust a finger into his chest. "You're the balloon-boy around, here, get it? You're the balloon!"
And Gabe looked down to see his body plumping up. "No, please! Elisha, I'm sorry!"
But Elisha's rage was irrepressible. Gabe's body became a round balloon ball in just seconds, and he gently floated upward. He floated on his back, looking up at the ceiling, when he noticed the ceiling fan. Ceiling fan?! Had that always been there?
He drifted inexorably toward the swinging blades of the fan that threatened to turn his balloon body into shreds.
And then Elisha allowed him to stop, just about a foot from the fan.
"You're going to stay up there for a while and think about what you've done," Elisha told him. She turned to leave, but stopped and spoke over her lovely shoulder. "Oh, and if I were you, I wouldn't spend this time thinking about my mom or my friends as balloons. Everytime you do, you'll get bigger. So don't think about it!" She giggled and left the kitchen.
It was of course impossible not to think about it when Elisha put the thought into his head, so his mind was immediately filled with the images of a balloon Rachel, a balloon-Emily, a balloon Allison, a balloon Talia...!
And with each thought, his spherical shape expanded, growing ever closer to the blades.
Gabe would spend the next hour running songs through his head, anything to keep himself from thinking of inflated women.
He wasn't always successful.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, water
Text: We stood outside washing the cars. The sun was shining down, reflecting off the drops of water on the bodies of our vehicles like twinkling stars. You slapped a dripping soapy rag onto the hood of your car, sliding it around on the smooth metal surface. I sponged down a fender of my yellow Volkswagen.
"Baby, hand me the hose. Could you?" you asked. You looked to me, noticing how wet my white tanktop was getting. My breasts--my "succulent 38's" as you called them--swayed bralessly as I rubbed down my car.
"Sure," I responded. You continued wiping the soapy rag across the hood.
"Here you go...sweetie," I giggled, as you glanced up only to get a blast of water in your face.
"Why you little..." you snarled jokingly as you dropped the soapy rag, holding your hands up to block the spray of water.I laughed as you fought the spray and made your way around your car to my little yellow Volkswagen. Holding my thumb against the end of the hose sent a good jet of water out and quite a bit spraying in all directions, dampening me even more than I was. The cold water hitting my chest made my nipples pop up, pea-sized dots against the white tanktop material.
You got around to my side of my car. I wasn't paying attention, nor were you, as your right foot hit the water bucket and you went sailing backwards. I heard your pained gasp as your backside hit the pavement quite hard. I let up on the hose. "Are you okay?"
You leaned over on one cheek and slid a hand under your other cheek. "I think my butt is broken...but I'll live," you said as you rubbed your cheek. "I'm sorry," I said feeling guilty. You quit rubbing your cheek and sat there looking up at me. You smiled, noticing my soaked top again and my nipples sticking up.
"What can I do to make you feel better?" I asked, then noticed what you were looking at. I grinned and looked at the hose and the water pouring out in a big steady stream. "I think I know..."
I brought the end of the hose up to my lips and opened my mouth.
Wrapping my lips around the end of the hose, I felt the water rush in. My cheeks puffed up. I focused and inhaled, creating the perfect environment within myself to begin...
"Helia! You're inflating!" you announced as you watched my boobs in the tanktop begin to swell.
I leaned forward as my breasts grew heavier, filling quickly with the cool water. The wet white tanktop stretched and stretched, pulling tight and wet against my expanding skin. My little nipples blossomed into grape-sized bumps fattening along with my growing breasts.
"Okay, okay. Your apology is accepted," you said as my breasts grew to the size of watermelons.
I pulled the hose from my mouth. "Are you sure? I feel so bad," I said, putting the hose back in my mouth. My huge breasts returned to expanding bigger and bigger. The white tanktop stretched so tight it looked like a second skin.
"Yes! I'm fine. Look," you said getting to your feet. You waved your hands about to signify you were in one piece with no breaks or sprains. Your eyes grew wide as my breasts grew wider and fuller. My breasts swelled with several gallons of water. The tanktop began to tear down the center from the neckline on down.
I pulled the hose from my mouth. "Okay. I just want to make you happy and forget your pains." I dropped the hose and moved up to you. My huge breasts swayed like fat pendulums.
"Hey! What are you doing? What..." I bounced my huge heavy water-laden breasts against you, forcing you back to the ground. Plopping down on top of you, I straddled you, my huge breasts jiggling and sloshing in my way-stretched tanktop. I leaned forward, placing my little hands on my giant breasts and mashed them in your face. They felt like two huge wet water balloons.
"Feeling better?" I asked smiling. I leaned back to let you answer. "Half-unconscious but, yes, I feel better," you said with your hair matted to your forehead. I squealed as I felt something push against the crotch of my shorts from where I straddled your lap.
"Maybe we ought to go inside and let the car washing wait a bit," you winked.
"Mmmm. Okay." I got up off of you and helped you up. My gigantic breasts swaying and bouncing as if with a mind of their own.
As we moved towards the house, I kept stopping, connecting one length of hose to another length of hose. We got to the door into our place and you stopped. "What are you doing with all that hose?" you asked looking at the connected hoses that could probably reach around the house several times.
"Let's go the bedroom, turn on the water and I'll show you, lover." I winked and nudged you with my huge breasts. My nipples were each as long as two stacked fat grapes.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, huge, water
Text: The more he thought about it, the more he realized that things were even stranger on levels that were heretofore overshadowed by other strange events. For such a large city, it had to have some earlier foundations, but there were no signs of historical buildings or landmarks. It was just a very generic large, modern city. Odd how he never considered it until now, he thought. "So about what you said a few days ago..."She glanced behind her as she walked. "What about?" she asked."The buildings get fixed if anything happens to them? Just... overnight?"She nodded. "If anything happens to the city, it's undone when I go to sleep and wake back up, and everyone else here just kind of accepts it. It's like that one Harold Ramis movie.""Caddyshack?"She stopped in her tracks, giving him a look over her shoulder."National Lampoon's Vacation?"She turned, jabbing a finger at his chest. "Don't you- don't you -dare-.""Don't worry, I know which one you mean.""You better."A few minutes later they happened across a vending machine, and she paused to fish some change from her pocket before punching one of the buttons. There was a clunk in the tray, and she fished out an opaque glass bottle. "Hey.""Yes?"She placed it into his hands, too stone-faced for him not to know things weren't as they seemed. "Bet you can't drink this in one go."With a shrug he unscrewed the cap and put it to his lips, tipping it up and drinking. It was cold water, nothing more and nothing less, but after a few gulps he realized that it was still full. Still drinking, his eyes went to her, searching for an explanation."Yeah, there's... really full bottles here." She shrugged helplessly. "It's like how helium tanks are basically bottomless. You can stop if-" As he shook his head a look of surprise crossed her face. "You're really going to...?" She smiled. "Alright, go for it."He nodded, continuing to drink, noting that the amount of water coming out of it was increasing as time went on. His cheeks bulged as they filled, his throat swelling out with each swallow, and his stomach quickly began rising off his frame, navel poking out from beneath his shirt as it forced open the zipper on his jeans. The water began pooling elsewhere as well, fabric across his backside pulling taut as his hips widened.By now he had attracted the attention of passers-by, some of whom lingered but most left the area with various degrees of haste. Those who remained watched as his gut took up more of his body and his legs fattened into trunks, growing over his ankles as his thighs pushed them apart before eventually beginning to disappear into his rounded midsection. By the time his legs were gone, pulled into shoe-topped dimples, his backside had already touched the ground. His shoulders and arms were untouched, but the rest quickly tapering down, giving his body a teardrop shape the size of a queen-size bed and a foot or two higher than her.He pulled the bottle out of his mouth with a "pop," taking a breath."You're stopping?" she asked."No, but..." He gestured towards her. "I don't want to flatten you."She arched her eyebrows. "Wow. Okay." Circling around him she planted one foot on his sizeable ass, climbing up om top of him. "I want to see where this goes."He nodded, raising the bottle. "Hang on," he said, before putting his lips around the mouth and sucking as hard as he could. His cheeks grew to the size of basketballs as he drew in water, gulping it down as hard and as fast as he could. He grew in fits, surging out and up a foot at a time, then more. As he spilled out across the road he felt his backside begin to press against the windows behind him, glass cracking and giving way as he bulged into the store front. To his sides were parked cars, bumpers first indenting his body before he simply grew over them. There was a fullness and weight to his body that wasn't there with air, and as he crested one story in height he felt the vehicles begin to crumple beneath him.He spread across the road, cresting two stories in height and still gaining. The front of him intruded on a series of apartment buildings, rough stone bricks pressing against him. With no more room in front of him or behind him he grew out and up, love handles stretching to the sides as his line of sight rose higher. It was confining, being pinned as he was between two rows of buildings, pressed out of shape.She looked down at him, noting the discomfort on his face. "Hey," she said, pointing to the buildings in front of them. "Are you going to take that from some dumb -building?-"He shook his head, still drinking."Yeah, what do buildings even do for us anyway? Shelter from the elements?" She rolled her eyes. "Pfft. Flatten those suckers."So he grew, crushing cars and toppling trees. He grew, shattering windows story by story. He grew, filled with millions of gallons of water, now gaining yards at a time, shaking with each gulp. His weight mounted as it pressed into the sides of apartments, bulging over onto their roofs as bit by bit, cracks formed in their walls and foundations. Frames buckled, then broke, an entire street of buildings pushed over and crushed by tons of liquid. His body, unconstrained, lurched as it spread over rubble, the top of him dropping with enough speed that it set his contents in motion, jostling and wobbling, gut and ass smashing into more of the neighborhood.The sole passenger on him, and the only other person in the area that didn't evacuate, bounced about as he rose and fell, clinging to his jacket until he came to relative rest. She took a moment to recover her bearings, looking over at him as he held the bottle upside-down, the last few drops of water dripping down on him."I think it's empty," he said. With a casual toss he let it roll down his front, watching as it grew more distant. "Am I..." He turned his head to either side. "I'm the size of a city block.""Probably a couple thousand tons, too," she added."I feel like it. It's different from air; there's more weight to it. I can feel my body flattening out and pressing against everything around me."She nodded, crawling forward and taking a seat beside him. "This is really great, you know? Having someone to share all this weird stuff with.""Yeah."Silence."I wish I could reach my dick.""You know you can bounce up and down a certain way and-""No, that's fine. These are my good jeans."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: Jana and Sveta awoke to find themselves in a small cell, about ten foot square with bare, smooth concrete walls. The cell was utterly Spartan, and the only things to break the monotony of the walls was a small rectangular window with thick bars, high up on one wall, there wasn't even a door. Light poured in through the window and Jana, the taller of the two girls walked up to have a look through.
'There's nothing out there' she said to an expectant Sveta.
There wasn't really, just a flat, white baked landscape. The sky was blue and cloudless, but the sun, elsewhere. It looked like a desert, emptier than anything Jana had seen before. She could make out cracks on the desert floor; and then there were the hundreds of small grey boxes arranged regularly across the landscape. Jana estimated that these boxes would be about the same size as their cell; there must have been thousands in fact, stretching all the way to the horizon, and on some of them, Jana could see small windows like the one in their cell. Jana didn't mention this to Sveta, feeling it would only depress them, but she wondered whether there were people looking out of the other windows, wondering similar things.
There was a glass of water and two pills on the window sill, the water, clear with a smooth, untouched surface, like it could have sat there for millennia, the two pills small and white. Jana took them down; there was a note beneath the glass.
'A present' Sveta read, the note was in Russian and Jana was Ukrainian so she had given it to Sveta.
The two girls just sat and looked at the pills and water, Jana took a sip of the water, for the first time they noticed the silence; silence has a habit of creeping up on you like that, it disguises itself and when you notice it you go mad. That was what they used to do in the old Gulags, but that was years ago, that didn't happen anymore.
Sveta picked up a pill.
'We could sit here for years and the only thing we'll ever have to do is swallow the pills' Sveta said.
'Surely we'd starve to death first'
'Oh that's positive!' Sveta snapped. Surely we'd take our chances on this 'present' before then?'
'Yes, I imagine so' Jana replied, forlornly. 'What do you remember before we woke up here?' she asked.
'I remember we were in a cafe in Milan' Sveta replied 'you ordered an espresso... and...' she struggled to recall 'that's all I remember, you?'
'About the same' Jana replied, still forlorn and somewhat stunned by what she had seen out the window.
Neither girl had addressed the fact they were in a cell with no door, they were both too scared and shocked to delve into the unknown. At this point, however Jana got up and began to walk round the cell, in circles, stroking her palms along the smooth walls, looking for the missing door. Sveta continued to look at the pills.
Jana sat down opposite Sveta, they had been here now for over a year... or so they judged by the comings of night and day. They were both hungry, but neither showing any sign of malnutrition... nothing had happened, nothing at all, the atmosphere was utterly serene. The two girls were becoming, to say the least, a little insensible.
Sveta was still looking at the pills, she picked one up.
'What are you doing?' Jana asked.
Without speaking, Sveta dropped the pill into the water. It started to fizz, and give off bubbles. Sveta smiled, this was the most exciting thing that had happened to the girls in a year. Jana smiled too. Within seconds the smiles had become giggles and then the two girls were rolling around on the floor in fits of laughter. The pill continued to fizz until it had turned the water into a mass of bubbles, then the bubbles began to die away, popping one by one until the water was still again, and there was no sign of the pill.
Jana smiled menacingly at Sveta and picked up the one remaining pill.
'What are you going to do with it?' Sveta asked.
'Well' Jana, replied, still smiling, 'We've been here over a year, it's about time one of us swallowed a pill'
Sveta looked scared and backed away from her devious looking friend.
'er... well I'm not swallowing it' she said 'I'll fill up with gas and burst or something!'
Jana just continued to smile, and then popped the pill into her own mouth.
'Don't worry' she said without swallowing, matter-of-factly with a sing-song lilt as thought it was a game.' I need for something to happen here, and if it means me inflating from this pill, then so be it... I just have to know'. She stepped towards Sveta and put a hand on her shoulder. It was shaking.
Jana felt the pill sliding down her throat.
She felt a tingle of anticipation, she daren't think what would happen when it started to release gas inside of her. She had no idea whether the gas would get out, or whether it would stay in; and if it stayed in she'd be blown up like a balloon! She shuddered and waited to see. She was excited at the thought, the unreality of it all made her teeter on the edge of trance, but deep within her, something was scared.
After about thirty seconds, nothing; then Sveta suddenly backed off and gasped, she felt a gassiness in her abdomen. She looked down and rubbed her hands over it. Her worst fear had been Jana inflating, and it was coming true, and happing to her! The pill was releasing its gas into Sveta, which was causing her stomach to inflate and bloat her abdomen. It wasn't just her stomach that was inflating either, she saw her abdomen pushing forward, causing her belly button to peek out from under her top like that of a pregnant women trying to wear normal clothes; but also becoming wider like the whole thing was inflating.
'Oh!' said Jana disappointedly, 'I'm so sorry, I never meant for you to have to inflate'. Jana sounded more crestfallen that her friend was getting all the fun than worried for Sveta. She could feel the pill fizzing inside her, like a dull tickle; and was feeling a little gassy, but somehow the gas was being sent into Sveta as soon as it was released, blowing up the wrong girl.
Sveta was just staring at Jana in fear and horror, her body blowing up around her. She was unable to speak, with shock. For her the fun ended when she feared that Jana might blow herself up but this... this was worse that she expected to happen to Jana! She was hoping she would just become a bit gassy and be able to burp it all out, but the pill was too much for her body to take. She tried to burp, but it was no use, her abdomen was getting bigger and rounder, all over, with no release.
She was pumping up like a beach inflatable ill designed for over-inflation, first her mid-section blowing up like a swim-ring, then the whole area from her diaphragm down to her crotch surging forward and becoming more rounded, forcing her to arch her back. The gas was getting into her, and her body was pressure-tight, trying it's best to hold it all in!
Jana realised that if she could just regurgitate the pill then it should stop inflating Sveta, except she didn't want to. She had been eager to become pumped up herself, even eager to explode, a shiver ran down her spine at the thought, it aroused her. If she couldn't be inflated herself, at least she could watch Sveta inflate, and tear herself apart with desire that she couldn't feel it herself and that would only intensify after Sveta had popped, so to magnify her torture when she was alone. She wanted badly for Sveta to at least enjoy what was happening to her, and cherish the enormity, totality and destructiveness of her explosion, her oblivion, her nirvana. But Sveta hadn't even yet accepted there was no way off that train.
So only half heartedly, she pushed on her stomach but unsurprisingly it didn't make her feel sick at all. She glanced nervously as Sveta, who was still rooted to the spot in shock, expanding like the throat of an angry frog, and smiled.
The inflation began to spread from Sveta's midsection as the gas found more and more parts of her to become pumped up. she felt her trousers tighten and looked down to see her thighs expanding like plump sausages, straining the cloth. She turned to look behind her and saw her bum was also growing in size, becoming bigger, and rounder and plumper till it too looked like it was ready to explode, she winced as a stitch on the back of her trousers blew with a loud pop.
Jana jumped at the sound of the pop, and felt another tingle of excitement as the sight of Sveta inflation became accompanied by the tears and pops of strained clothing and small patches of balloon-like flesh bulged through the rips and holes in her clothes.
Sveta's cheeks starting filling with air gurgling up through her throat, she felt her heart flutter and suddenly realised she would soon not be able to speak.
'What does it feel like?' asked Jana, trying to sound concerned, even though she just wanted to hear Sveta describe the sensation.
'It ummph feels like mmmmph the pressure It just keeps nnnggh mounting and gasp!' another stitch blew 'mounting.' Jana stared open mouthed as Sveta started idly stroking between her legs as her body expanded, bulging up and heaving against her clothes Sveta continued 'Every second that I mmmmmph!, expand bigger and gasp, bigger' another stich blew as though responding to Sveta's observation, Sveta felt a feeling of danger, as her body just keeped inflating, tauter and tauter, each second feeling like a second beyond her limits, but then the pressure increasing further still, and Sveta, amazingly still growing. 'feels like I nnngh could explode but I don't
. I just mmph keep swelling!'
'Don't worry' Jana said, unconvincingly, 'I can stop you swelling up, watch this. She put her index and middle finger together and pushed them into her throat. After a couple of seconds, she started gagging and yanked them out. Jana sank to her knees, and then onto all fours as the retching turned to coughing. Jana certainly felt sick, but the pill wasn't coming out; she could still feel it gurgling within her. She heard a soft creaking sound and smiled again to herself, feeling the pain of not being able to join in.
Sveta was still ballooning, bigger and bigger. She thought if Jana couldn't get the pill out, it sounded like Sveta would be going kaboom for sure! And she didn't have Jana's appreciation for that fate. 'Help!' Sveta shouted, her panicked state making it difficult to think of anything more original to say, 'Somebody, mmph pleeease. Jana helpmmph me mmph mpph I'm gonna explode mpph MMMPH!' Sveta had lost the ability to speak, her cheeks too inflated for her to squeeze anything out; she could only make muffled mmphs and pmmphs as she watched the more and more of her body inflate.
Her breasts also started ballooning, and she cupped them with her hands to feel them inflate like beachballs and strain her top. Just as she stroked her fingers over her nipples to feel how hard and sensitive they had become, a button blew off her blouse and she felt her boobs spring out to fill the extra room that created. She shuddered with a strained pleasure as her fingers delicately caressed her nipples, and then slid her hands down the sides of her body.
Jana looked her friend up and down. Sveta was increasing in volume, more and more rapidly, stretching out her clothes, and more stitches popped. Jana backed away nervously. It looked like Sveta really could explode! Jana felt a slightly selfish fear about what would happen to her if Sveta burst. Would she make it through the blast or would Sveta go off with such a big bang as to destroy the whole cell? If she did get through it, would anything happen to her, would the pill start to inflate her? Another thought that excited her if only she could inflate too, and explode like Sveta was about to.
She looked Sveta in the eyes. Sveta looked scared, she was stroking her breasts and belly, but as her torso swelled in volume, she could no longer reach her crotch. Jana smiled seductively and walked towards Sveta, the two girls' gazes fixed in each other's eyes.
'Does it feel good?' Jana asked, softly, calming the atmosphere between them. Sveta nodded. Jana smiled and pressed her body against Sveta's feeling how Sveta was expanding second on second. She stroked Sveta's belly, reaching round to her ass, and finally between her legs. She could feel Sveta shuddering probably in both pleasure and fear. Jana stroked Sveta for only a few seconds before the frustration that she couldn't inflate herself became too much. She retreated back against the wall to gather her thoughts, glancing at Sveta forlornly from the corners of her eyes.
Sveta felt taut little ripples and creases come and go in her straining blouse, as she ran her hands down towards her hips. Her torso was swelling up like a barrel, feeling drum tight. As she nervously toyed with the waist strap on her trousers, she heard a low groan and the mounting creak of tearing fabric, like something straining, stretching further than it was supposed to. She gulped, that could only be her body trying to tell her it couldn't hold out much more. She focussed on the sensation of the mounting pressure within her, which she couldn't release, and thought she was going to explode if it didn't stop soon! There was so much pleasure mixed in the feeling of pressure, she couldn't help but enjoy Jana's stroking, but all the while, was the feeling that she had to stop enjoying the pleasure and think, if there was any way to break free, and deflate. Should she just surrender herself to the feeling of being pumped up and forget about escaping even the thought of exploding, in part excited her, the fact that she would go out with such a bang; or it certainly felt like it would be a huge bang.
Sveta bit her bottom lip and peered over her shoulder, wide eyed and speechless with shock as all she could see to the front were her breasts, rising like twin suns over the horizon towards her face, blocking her view and stretching the cloth between them into a concertina of ridges and valleys reaching from one breast to the other.
When she saw how bloated her bum had become she gasped softly and shortly. It was like two pressure vessels which had been overpressurised and become distended, erupting through her trousers which were ripping as they could no longer hold her buns in. She could see that her lilac panties were still holding out, strained, with long straight creases shifting and smoothing as they arched across her expanding backside. She rubbed her hands over and around her buns in two great circles, sliding her fingers beneath her ripped trousers and moaned through inflated cheeks as she felt the pressure becoming almost like solid air within her.
Within the room the humidity was on the increase the strained pleasure of earlier and Sveta's feat was creating a sweaty atmosphere and both girls were now soaked in their own, and each other's sweat. The steamy, sauna atmosphere muffled everything, sounds of Jana gasping and Sveta trying to cry out through inflated cheeks and her body groaned and creaked. Everything seemed softer, yet more strained and more pleasurable like some naughty fetish reaching it's climax. Jana began to shudder with the pleasure herself.
Jana wondered what it must feel like to be Sveta, to actually be pumped up. The unsatisfied desire to be blown up was tearing her apart now. She slumped to the floor, and watched Sveta jealously and Sveta expanded more and more, and she was terrified, ungrateful why did she get to have all the fun of being inflated? Jana started stroking her own body, muttering under her breath,
'I want to be pumped up, I want this body to fill up with gas I want to I want to'
Jana's voice rose till Sveta noticed. Jana screamed out.
'I want to EXPLODE!!!' shattering the calm in the room and visibly angering Sveta.
Sveta's anger at Jana's reaction was distracted, when suddenly, her body creaked and started to blow up unevenly. Her left side began bulging out further than her right, causing her to arch to the right; then she arched to the left as her right side caught up. Her buttocks were also inflating unevenly, the lead changing from one to the other and back as though trying to race to be the first to pop. She tried to keep her balance, teetering from one foot to the other; it was difficult as her legs were becoming taut and rigid with the inflation; but as they pushed each other apart she regained her stability and stood for a while, arching further backwards as her front bulged out more and more, her burgeoning bust filled her field of view like a pair of massive blimps taking flight, the straps on her top holding out and pressing into her blimps like tethers trying to keep them down. She wiggled her arms with what little mobility they had left as they too pumped up to become rigid.
Jana watched helplessly as her friend continued to get bigger, fatter and more tightly inflated. She tried to estimate how long it would be before Sveta blew apart. She'd inflated from her normal size to this huge, bloated balloon girl in only a few minutes; and for the last minute she'd looked increasingly tight and her body was creaking and groaning. Jana estimated that Sveta only had thirty seconds or so to get used to the feeling, then she would just explode like a giant air bomb,
'rrrmph' Sveta groaned and thought to herself. 'I'm too pumped up! the pressure... too... much' even her thoughts had become strained as she tried to voice them inside her head... 'I'm... mmmmmngh!' she tried to moan again as though it would release the pressure... 'gonna... gonna... blow!'
She almost wanted to explode! The pressure was so much and she just longed to let it out in any way possible. It just seemed like the natural progression, the right thing to happen; she thought about herself bursting... It would definitely be big, the tautness and protesting squeals of her skin told her that when she blew apart she had a good chance of making a major impact on the landscape; maybe even leave a crater!
Jana saw Sveta's groaning, heaving body looming towards her as she stood stiffly against the concrete wall. She couldn't see Sveta's head, just her round abdomen, with clothes stretched over it and her arms and feet over the horizon, so to speak, she looked like a star about to go supernova. She counted down how long she thought Sveta had left not long; she smiled, she found the whole thing so exhilarating, and such a turn on.
'ooooh' Sveta just managed to squeeze out a moan through puffed up cheeks as the pressure inside her mounted, air being pumped into the last uninflated parts of her, her shoes felt tight as her feet filled up, hands started to bulge like inflated rubber gloves. She tried to wiggle her pudgy fingers but they were becoming rigid and resisted, her whole body was now so pumped up it was almost rigid, and she could only stand there and tremble; legs apart, arms out straight, cheeks puffed up so she could hardly breathe and beads of nervous sweat rolling down her face. She knew she was almost at the point of explosion and closed her eyes tight, bracing herself as her whole body groaned and tightened.
Jana reached out and touched Sveta, who was now close to pressing her into the wall, the inflated girl felt turgid and her clothes taut, punctuated by small rips and tears. She could feel Sveta pulsating slightly as the pressure tried to increase in vain, threatening to blow her apart to break free.
'Poor Sveta' she whispered softly, stroking Sveta's balloon tight skin.
The sound of stitches blowing in her clothes had risen to staccato snaps and pops that seamed almost, but not quite regular, like popcorn in the oven almost ready.
Sveta allowed herself to open one eye slightly, just to see how inflated she had become, scared but almost thrilled to be so huge, but just as she did...
Maya was gazing through the small window of the concrete cell her and her friend Kashya had mysteriously found themselves in; surveying a vast empty field of concrete cubes when she saw a cube about 100 metres away suddenly explode into a shower of concrete and cloud of smoke, leaving a gaping crater 'What on earth happened to that?' she thought. She turned back to Kashya who was holding a glass of water and a pill. Kashya smiled and swallowed the pill with the water.
'Might as well' Kashya said, 'you should do the same'. Maya declined, for she suddenly felt a strange sensation in her stomach.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Julia absentmindedly walked though the mall, wandering the brightly lit halls, trying to relax. She had some things she wanted to buy, a new bra for one, maybe a top. She also wanted to grab a video. She had called in advance to reserve it, so she had plenty of time. There was a large Lingerie shop in one corner, and Julia was slowly making her way there, weaving between shoppers. She arrived in a few minutes and started browsing around, looking for any cute tops. Julia was a short, Hispanic girl, with dark skin, brown eyes, and black hair that went to the middle of her back. She had a very pretty face, nice cheekbones, and a very beautiful smile. Julia did have one problem, that she disliked about her appearance, and that was that she was flat. All over, she was flat. She had no chest, and no butt. She was build like a board, and hated it. All the women in her family were like her, so she had come to accept the fact that she'd never have breasts of any size, but she still didn't like it. Julia was trying to find a top that would look good on her slender frame, there were one or two, Julia grabbed both and was about to go up to the counter when she heard an all too familiar voice.
"I don't believe this, she did it to me again. She took my ideas, and didn't give me any credit. I mean I've been working here for almost 18 months, and I've never even been considered for a promotion. With all the money I've made this place i should be the manager by now." Julia peeked between a rack of shirts, and saw who was speaking. Julia let out a silent groan, and shook her head. It was Mandy, and if she could be said to have a nemesis, it would have been her. Mandy was tall, with long blond hair, bright blue eyes, and a very pretty face. Those qualities were overshadowed by her bust, however. Mandy, or Mandy Mountains, as Julia sometimes thought of her, was huge. Julia had no idea what size she could be, but her breasts looked like two very large honeydew melons in her low cut shirt. Her shirt, probably a size too small, showed off a great deal of cleavage, and didn't do much to keep her breasts from bouncing around like jello.
"It's just not fair. I do all the work, she gets all the credit." Julia felt a ping of conscience in her, and, while Mandy had always been horrible to her, making fun of her, spreading rumors, playing pranks, Julia was still a nice girl at heart. She had tried before to bury the hatchet, and she felt that this might be a good time to try again. Offer some condolences, maybe some advice, and maybe Mandy would be nicer to her. Julia came out from behind the clothing rack, and gave her best smile.
"Why not just quit Mandy? I mean, if you're doing all the work, surely there's somewhere that'd hire you and respect your talent."
Mandy snapped her head around, and looked down at Julia. "Ohh, It's you... I suppose you think it'd be easy to just up and quit, don't you? Well, here's a little lesson...You do know what a bra is, right?" Mandy grinned nastily at Julia. "Just making sure, not like you ever wear one. I on the other hand have these." Mandy thrust her chest forward, her shirt letting out a slight creaking, and her cleavage becoming deeper. "MY bras need to be very VERY large, 38 F to be exact, so they're hard to find, and expensive. Since I work here, I get a sizable discount, and it's easy to get properly fitting ones. So just go away, and take your useless advice someplace else." Mandy turned away with a huff, and started talking, in loud tones about Julia, how she wasn't pretty, was too short and had no curves. Julia took a deep breath, and put the clothes she was going to buy down, and quickly walked out of the shop.
Julia started walking to the video store in the mall, still feeling depressed when she smelled something very nice. She looked up, and saw the Cinibun stand in the food court had just baked a fresh batch of cinnamon rolls. The smell alone had cheered Julia up a bit, so she walked over to buy one. She bought one and sat down, and began to eat it, her mood rising. She was about halfway done, and feeling good when she noticed a guy standing buy the condiment stand. He was taking a long time to grab a ketchup packet, and Julia noticed that he kept stealing glances in her direction. Julia felt her cheeks become a bit warm, and she smiled back. The guy looked up again, and with a smile, and a deep breath, began to walk over to her. Julia smiled, he was pretty cute, nice face, cute eyes, and pretty hair. She quickly ran a hand over her own hair, and have him another smile. The guy smiled again, approaching her table. Julia felt her heart starting to beat a bit faster, and looked up as the guy came near. The guy walked right by, not giving Julia a first glance, much less a second one, as he waled to a table behind her, where a girl was sitting. She had long brown hair, a plain face, but a sizable chest, along with a low cut tank top. The guy started talking to her, and Julia slumped down in her seat. It always happened, she thought. All guys were interested in was a pair of huge tits, forget about anything else. If you're built like I am, guys just overlook you. Julia looked at the remains of her cinimon bun, and sighed. Her hunger was gone, so she just tossed the remaining bit away, and started to walk to the video store.
The store was busy, and there was a sizable line, but Julia wasn't worried. They should have her movie behind the counter, so she could just grab it and go. After about ten minutes in line, Julia finally reached the counter. The cashier was a slightly dorky looking guy, a bit cute, but nothing too extreme. Julia smiles at him, and says, "Hi, I think you have a movie for me? The name's Julia?" The cashier nodded, and turned around to look though movies behind the counter, but after a few seconds, turned back around and said, "Sorry, but, um, I can't find your movie..."
"What do you mean you can't find it? I called up here not 2 hours ago, and someone said that you'd have it saved."
"Damn it Tommy, you did it again!" Another cashier, a shorter blond haired girl walked up behind him. "She's the girl who should have gotten that movie." The blond girl looked at Julia in apology. "Sorry, but this idiot here gave your movie away. Get this, some chick comes in, and asks for the movie you wanted. Tommy says that it's holding for someone named Julia. At this point, the girl, who has big boobs, kinda rests her chest on the counter, and unhooks her bra, and says, 'Ahh, that's better...I'm Julia, can I have the movie?' And this idiot here gives it to her, just because he got to see some cleavage."
Julia looks at the cashier, who's a little red from embarrassment.
"I'm sorry about that, but here, some coupons, you can get some free rentals." Julia smiled in thanks, took the coupons, and walked out of the store.
"Damn it," Julia said to herself. "Everywhere i turn today, some girl with big boobs is bugging me." Julia quickly went back to her car and drove home, trying to relax, and forget about everything that happened.
She arrived at her apartment complex in a few minutes, and quickly walked up the stiars, and into her apartment. Julia collapsed on her couch, and lay back, slowly rubbing her temples, trying to calm down. She was shake out of her calming thoughts by the phone ringing, and with a sigh, she got up to answer it. "Hello. Oh, hi Mom, What's going on?" "No, nothing much is going on here. Nope. No. No, I haven't seen any guys in a while. I've been busy, it's been busy at work. Come on Mother, don't worry." Julia sighed. "No mom, the last guy you introduced me to...He was 15 years older than me, and when he saw how I'm built, he completely ignored my the rest of the date! He talked more to the waitress than me." Julia rubbed the bridge of her nose with her fingers, and said "I know it's not your fault that I'm skinny, I know i should be happy that I'm not fat like Aunt Loretta. Listen, I have to go, I'm late for the gym. I'll talk to you later, Take care, call you soon." Julia clicked down the phone and shook her head. She went to her room to quickly change, and grabbed her gym bag. Working out always seemed to vent some of her aggression, and she certainly had a lot to vent now.
Julia worked out for about an hour and a half, running, swimming, and doing some minor lifting. She felt better after working so hard, and she was starting to forget the events at the mall. She stripped in the locker room, and walked to the showers, ready to go home and relax.
"Shh, Here she comes." The group of girls immediately turned back to the showers and continued washing, as Julia walked into the showers. She looked at the four girls and felt a ripple of anger wash over her. She knew that they were talking about her. She didn't know how, but somehow, she did. Those four girls were some of Mandy's close friends, and if they were here she wouldn't be far behind. Julia hoped that she would be able to get out before Mandy go there, so she could avoid another humiliating session.
"Hey, this is the girls shower, Oops! Sorry Julie." Julia closed her eyes and silently moaned to herself. Mandy walked up behind her and slapped her on the ass. "Sorry about that! With that way you look, I thought you were a guy!" The group of girls and Mandy laughed like it was the funniest thing that they had ever heard. Julia turned around and looked at Mandy. With Mandy's height, and Julia's lack of it, if she stood close, to look Mandy in the eye, Julia had to look up at her through her breasts, which is not the best way to intimidate someone. "Mandy, why are you always like this to me? What did I ever do to you?"
Mandy gave a wicked smile. "I just like picking on you. Oh, by the way, I wouldn't try getting a date around the club for a while. I let it slip that you're a lesbian. Sorry!" Mandy and her group of friends almost fell over laughing, and as the tears began to well up in Julia's eyes, she turned and walked out of the showers. Julia had the control to get to her locker before she began weeping, wishing that there was someway that she could get back at her. She quickly pulled on her clothes, and walked out of the locker room and to her car.
She drove home, and when she got there, there was a large package on her doorstep. She was a little confused, but ever since Mandy had sent her that package that had sprayed paint all over herself, she gingerly picked up the package and took it inside. The return address was a city in San Salvador. Julia thought for a second and tried to think of anyone who she knew that lived in the Bahamas. Julia then remembered that she had a great-aunt, or something like that who lived down there. She didn't know much about her, because she had been a taboo subject when she was growing up. The only thing that she knew was that her family had disowned her, and she was a very odd person. Julia quickly opened the package, and inside there was a large book, and a piece of old looking, yellow paper. Julia took the paper and began to read.
"Dear Julia, (it said)
It has taken me a very long time, but I have finally found you. I am sorry that we did not get a chance to meet in person, but I was never invited to the family cookouts. They were all afraid that I would start doing weird things and scare the neighbors. But I truly wanted to meet you. You see, you have a legacy. You descend form a very powerful line of Voodoo priestess. You have a great gift, and to help you, I am sending you my book. Use it well, and remember, if you ever get in over your head, I'll come to you. Good-bye, and good luck!."
Julia looked at the letter for a few minutes, trying to make sense of what her great aunt had said. She was a Voodoo priestess? Impossible. She didn't believe in that sort of thing anyway. But she found herself starring at the large book lying on the table. "Well, I guess it won't hurt to try one out."
Julia lifted the large book and brought it over to her living room. She then opened it and began to flip through the pages, looking for something she could test. "Hmmm, let's see. Sickness, naw. Invisibility. Not for my first one. Boils, ooh, Biblical. Voodoo dolls. Heh, figures. Levitation. Hmmm, Ok, I'll try that." She looked closely at the spell, and closed her eyes and began to recite the incantation. "Bagan ohut wuer luudd. Fies do quas. daon de epras." She waited for a few moments, and almost laughed. "Ha! I actually thought that something was going to happen. I really need to check myself." Julia then opened her eyes and looked at the book again. Julia immediately noticed that something was wrong. She couldn't quite put her finger on it, but she could feel that something was wrong. She then realized that the book was about 3 feet lower then when she had started. Julia froze, and slowly looked down at the floor. She was hovering almost 3 feet off the ground. Julia screamed, and then plummeted back down, hitting the floor hard. She then scrambled up and backed away from the book like it was going to bite her. She slowly began to calm down, and began to think about what had happened. She had just done something that was scientifically impossible. She looked at the book again and took a deep breath. She walked over and began to say the incantation again. This time, Julia could see herself slowly rise of the floor. she moved upwards, and stopped about 3 feet away from the floor. Julia looked down, and immediately wished that she was back down, with her feet touching the ground. Julia was in shock, when her body slowly moved down until her toes were touching the floor. Julia smiled and then though about going up. She immediately began to rise, and Julia let out a huge yell of happiness. Unfortunately, this broke her concentration, and she fell to the ground again. Julia was beside herself with happiness. She began to picture all of the things that she could do, but her thoughts were rudely interrupted by an image in her head. She then remembered how Mandy had humiliated her. "Well, this would be the perfect way to get revenge, wouldn't it?" Julia let out a laugh and began flipping through the book.
"Let's see what we've got in here. I want something good, something that'll humiliate her, but not hurt her." Almost as she said those words, the book began to flip madly, Until finally stopping. Julia looked down at the page. "Physical Voodoo dolls. Hmmm." Julia began to read the section.
"Physical Voodoo dolls are mush different from the traditional form of Voodoo dolls in the fact that they cause no pain, only physical changes. If a person was to Make a traditional Voodoo doll, and stick it with a pin, the person who was the target, would feel the pin, on a amplified scale. But if you ripped one of the arms off, Nothing would happen. However, In Physical Voodoo, if you poked that doll with a pin, the target would feel no pain at all. But if you pulled the arm, then the target's arm would stretch as well. As this spell is very physical, the activating ingredient needs to be some sort of a bodily fluid. Blood, or spit will work well. You also will not need a actual doll, as the spell will create one for you. The ingredients are as follows..." Julia looked down the list of regiments, and began to think hard.
"Where the hell am I going to get the foot of a crow? Graveyard dirt I can do, but the Hand of Glory, I don't even know what it is. Hmmm, Horse hoofs are in gelatin, and there's a cave where I can get a bat. What about the other stuff though? Dove heart's, Mandrake root, hair of the dog that bit you, maybe there's a index or something." Julia began to flip through the book, until she came to a section labeled "Regiments" She opened it, and a small piece of paper fluttered out. Julia grabbed it and began to read it. It was a letter from her Great Aunt. It gave the standard bit about being careful, and don't let anyone know. Julia smiled and put the piece of paper in her pocket. She began to read, and to make a list of places that she'd have to go to gather the ingredients.
3 days later, She was done. It turns out that Voodoo is pretty flexible. She didn't have to go around digging up any bodies or anything like that. It did take some wandering in the woods to find the right roots and herbs. But now she was almost done. All she had left was the hardest part. Getting some blood or spit from Mandy. At first, she thought that all she would have to do would be follow her around and grab a piece of gum or something like that. But that was easier said then done. After almost 2 days of following her around, she never saw her eat any candy, or gum. But one day, she saw her go into a Red Cross building. Julia followed her into the building and saw her sit down in the waiting area for people who want to give blood. Smiling, Julia ducked into a empty room and began to chant the spell for invisibility. She consecrated until sweat began to trickle down her forehead, and then she slowly opened her eyes and looked down at herself. She immediately smiled and she looked down and saw nothing. She grinned and slowly walked out the door and entered the waiting room, just as Mandy was walking towards the room where she would give blood. Julia followed her there, and waited inside of the room. After Mandy had finished and the nurse had left, Julia quickly went over to the blood bag and drew out a few drops into a vial that she had. Smiling to herself, she walked out of the room and back to her car.
Now that she had all the ingredients, she was ready to cast the spell. She gathered up all of her ingredients and began the spell. "Ok, First, shred the wolfs bane and layer the bottom. Next, take the mandrake root and place that in the center. Then pour the mixture of bat's blood, cat hair, and snake skin over the mandrake and wolfs bane." As Julia poured the mixture, the bowl began to smoke and let out a smell of melting rubber. "Next, place the blood of the target into the mixture." Julia did so, and when she did, she could see the smoke suddenly form the shape of a busty girl for a instant. "After that, Begin the incantation, and while chanting, concentrate on the ratio of the doll to the target." She began chanting, all the wile thinking, six to one, six to one. Suddenly there was a huge flash of light and a high pitched whining noise. The smoke coming out of the bowl began to rush foreword, quickly filling up the room. The whining noise became louder and louder, until Julia had to put her hands over her ears. Then, suddenly, it stopped. The smoke began to stream back into the bowl, and when the smoke cleared, Julia saw a foot tall doll inside of the bowl. The doll had blonde hair, and big breasts. It didn't have any facial features, but Julia knew that it was Mandy. She smiled as she thought of the havoc that she could cause with this doll. Julia looked at the clock. Mandy was always over at the health club at this time. Julia grabbed the doll and ran to her car.
Julia arrived in 10 minutes and began to look around for Mandy. She wasn't in the workout area, or the weight room. Julia finally spotted her in the pool. It was late, so there was nobody else in the pool but her. Julia walked over to the large windows overlooking the pool and took out the doll. Julia then paused. She realized that she had no idea how to use the doll. Shrugging, Julia experimentally pulled on the breasts, causing them to stretch out. She then looked into the pool and waited. She saw Mandy swimming, and she saw her suddenly stop and stand up in the pool. She looked down at her chest, and began to rub it gently. Then, suddenly, Mandy's breasts surged out, quickly growing almost a foot in length. Her breasts were now almost 3 feet long. Julia saw Mandy standing there, looking at her breasts in shock. Julia smiled and pushed the dolls breasts back down, until they were almost not there anymore. And as she did so, Mandy's once ample chest quickly shrank down to nothing. Mandy began to rub her breasts, as if that would make them grow. Julia started to laugh, when she looked over and saw a small air tank that the club used for blowing up balloons, and some small hose. Julia smiled and quickly pulled the tank over to the edge and attached the dolls breasts to the hose. Looking down, Julia slowly turned on the air. The dolls breasts slowly grew out, becoming bigger and rounder with each passing second. Julia looked down and saw Mandy's breasts doing the same thing. Mandy was quickly trying to get out of the pool, but her breasts, now easily a foot across were slowing her down. She reached the edge, but could not pull herself up, as her breasts were now longer then he arms. Julia then turned off the tank and removed the hose. Julia looked down at Mandy, who was desperately trying to climb out of the pool, with no luck. Julia then got another idea. She took the hose and stuck it firmly up the dolls ass. She looked down, and turned on the air. She could see Mandy stop her struggling, and look down at her stomach. She began to rub it as well, but as she did, Julia could see her stomach slowly ballooning out. Mandy let out a small scream, as she tried to push her growing belly back. But it was no use. She kept growing and growing. Soon, Mandy looked like a person who had 3 huge beach balls stuffed inside of her swimsuit. Julia turned of the air and began to walk down to the pool.
Mandy was floundering in the pool, trying desperately to get out. "Hello Mandy." Julia said. Mandy looked up over her breasts and began to cry out. "Please help me Julia! I don't know what happened! Suddenly I got all swollen! Please help me!" Julia began to walk around the pool, all the while, a look of hatred on her face. "I know what happened." Julia said. "I did this to you. After all the abuse, all the insults, I finally got back at you. but that's not all." Julia pulled out the doll, and started to squish the breasts and the belly down to nothing. "After today, good luck trying to get any guys." Julia let out a high laugh as she walked out, leaving Mandy floating in the pool with her breasts gone.
Once Julia drove home, She started thinking. "If I can make a doll of her, and give her huge breasts, maybe I can make a doll of myself and get a few more inches on top." With this happy thought on her mind, Julia quickly returned home, and began to make another doll. As soon as she was done making it, Julia looked at it and gave the breasts a tug. Almost immediately, Julia felt and saw her breasts grow out, Filling her top to bursting. Julia was giddy with happiness, and she quickly ran to get her bicycle pump. She returned to the living room, only to get one of the biggest shocks of her life. Sitting on the couch, was Mandy. She was looking at Julia with a look of such hatred, that Julia could swear that her hair started to smoke. "So," Mandy said. "Look who's got the upper hand now. Now I control the dolls, and you. So were going to have some fun." Julia stood still, as Mandy reached down and picked up her own doll. She then pulled out a small pump of her own and began slowly pumping. The doll's breasts were slowly growing bigger, But nothing was happening to Mandy. "Why isn't it working? Tell me now!" In a small voice, Julia said, "You have to put more air into it." Mandy gave Julia another scathing glare and began pumping faster. The doll's breasts were now almost half the size of the doll's body and growing quickly. Soon they were the size of the entire doll's body, and Mandy was still as flat as ever. "It didn't work! Make it work!" Mandy screamed. Julia smiled and said some words under her breath. "What did you say?" Mandy demanded. "I said the activation mantra." Julia smiled and steeped back. Mandy's eyes grew huge and she dropped the doll and her hands flew up to her breasts. Then, almost instantly, Mandy's breasts exploded out of her shirt, and grew bigger and bigger, They pulled Mandy down and she fell on top of them and they grew bigger and bigger, lifting her up into the air. Then, just as suddenly, they stopped. Mandy looked down from on top of her breasts, and stared down in shock. Julia slowly walked around Mandy's breasts, running her hand along them, stopping to pinch the nipple. All this time, Mandy was shaking in exctasy. Julia looked up at Mandy and said, "I'll make you a deal. You stop giving me trouble, and stop insulting me, and I'll give you your doll. Is it a deal?" Mandy, Who was rubbing her breasts as hard as she could quickly nodded. Julia reached up and handed Mandy the doll. Mandy quickly shrunk her self back down to a normal size, and began to blubber out thanks. "Don't worry." Mandy said. "I'll never say anything bad about you ever again. Thank you so much." With that, Mandy quickly ran out of the house. Julia smiled as she saw Mandy's car drive off, and she returned to her living room to read more of the book. There were some really great spells in here, and Julia couldn't wait to try them. But now, it was late. Julia walked upstairs, and went to sleep.
The next morning, Julia was woken up to the sound of the doorbell ringing. Blinking, Julia walked downstairs, and was meet at the front door by all of Mandy's friends. They all had begging looks on their faces, as one of them said "Do you think you could make dolls for us too?" |
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, first person
Text: I hate to admit it, but I am a clothes horse. I love going out and buying the newest fashions, be they slinky evening wear or stylish leisure wear. On one shopping expedition I found an adorable rainbow-hued tight evening outfit. The material was a soft lycra dyed in horizontal levels of blue, green, magentas and more. I knew horizontal stripes don't hide signs of LARGENESS very well, but I didn't care--in my case, there's no way to hide things when they grow to incredible sizes far beyond normal anyway.
I debuted the outfit at an outdoor beach party. A friend's coworker's parents owned a cottage that overlooked the ocean, and the weekend's weather was warm. It was a marvelous party with a huge crowd, and I enjoyed sipping champagne. Well, that's not entirely accurate--in truth, glass after glass of the stuff was flowing quite unyieldingly down my throat. I became slightly intoxicated and subsequently very giggly.
I spotted a guy at the party I liked and started following him, tripping out onto the wood deck that overlooked the water. I made my way over to one end of the deck, leaning against the rail for balance. Another glass of bubbly was offered to me, but my stomach was feeling odd. I tried to pass it up, but by that time, I lacked the self-control and took the champagne anyway. I knew I should not have even raised it to my lips, for as I began to drink that one last glass of gassy carbonated bubbly glass of champagne I felt a particular sensation spreading throughout my body.
My first sip made my chest quiver.
The second sip started the front of the tight colorful outfit to stretch.
The third sip pushed the sides of the dress out and forward as my breasts started to expand with air.
People stopped and stared as I smiled and took a fourth sip, then another, each swallow of bubbly liquid going down and the released air going right to my bosom.
Tipsy and feeling a bit naughty, I put the glass to my ruby red lips and drained the whole glass in one greedy gulp. Quickly setting the glass down, I stood there with arms down leisurely at my sides and watched as the front of the stretchy striped ballooned up with my expansive breasts. I didn't expect such a reaction from the beverage, nor did I expect my own aroused state. I let out a little gasp as my gigantic boobs blasted outward, bigger and bigger. People exchanged concerned looks as this girl before them became larger and larger, swelling up by the second. The guy I was interested in stared, eyes as big as saucers, at my monstrously swelling bust. The horizontal striped dress bulged further and further outward and suddenly I was concerned for the limits of its elasticity.
Finally my swelling balloon of a bust stopped inflating. I stood there, teetering on my tippy toes from the intoxicating effect of the bubbly wine. My breasts loomed out before me, each at least two feet in diameter--certainly wider than my body! I smiled drunkenly at everyone. The guy I had my eye on had disappeared from the deck crowd. I felt sad, thinking maybe he wasn't into girls with humongous breasts. I had let myself go, overdone it, and now I was alone in a crowd of people murmuring to each other while giving me disapproving, sidelong glances. And I was stuck for the time being, in my ballooned-up dress, barely containing my ballooned-up breasts, at a party where obviously no one appreciated my gifts.
My frown faded when the cute guy I was after stepped back out onto the deck--carrying two full champagne bottles. A big smile lit his handsome face.
My rainbow-hued horizontal striped dress was due for the REAL test.
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Messy Popping, blueberry, challenge, pie
Text: Deborah thumbed the marriage band on her finger while she waited on a wooden bench. The sun was dipping below the horizon. The neon sign for Dooley's Bar and Grille buzzed above her. The dinner rush was at its peak.
"It's been like five minutes. Maybe she cancelled?"
Deborah tapped her brand new shoes against the cement.
"I oughtta check, just in case."
She took her brand new smartphone out of her designer purse. No new messages. Damn. She looked at her new wristwatch. Every second was agonizing. Each minute was an eternity.
"Oh man, what am I doing here? Why did I let her talk me into this?"
She tugged at her jeans-- they were a little too tight. She'd have to bring them back to be refitted. The buttons on her shirt bulged. It was definitely too small. But she bought it a only month ago. Did it shrink? No, it couldn't have. Her new lifestyle must be getting to her. More specifically, it was getting to her already doughy waistline.
"Do I want to get any bigger? I have enough trouble buying clothes that fit already. It's been, like, three months and I've already gone up by at least two sizes."
Come to think of it, it was looking like number three was on the horizon. Deborah looked around. Nowhere in sight.
"I'll tell her something came up. We can just do it next year."
Deborah stood up and made a step toward her brand new Lexus.
"Hey Deb! You're going the wrong way!"
Deborah froze. Caught red-handed.
"Oh, h-hey Mary!" Deborah forced a weak wave. "Sorry, you were running late so I thought you cancelled."
"A wizard is never late nor is he early, he arrives exactly when he means to."
Mary watched the joke sail over Deborah's head, a full head lower than her own.
"Come on, Deb, lighten up!"
Deborah forced a smile and followed Mary into the restaurant. Her red form-fitting dress, with a skirt that ended a third of the way down her thighs, caught the allure of every man in the building, and drew attention that Deborah really could have done without. Once again, Mary totally overshadowed her in every way. Which isn't surprising, considering that while Deborah barely made five feet on the tips of her toes, Mary was perfectly five foot eight. She had a meticulously crafted body, fit and trim but with a bombshell rack. Deborah, however, had the body of a marshmallow. Mary's perfectly shaded light brown hair was long and silky, while Deborah swore there was a crayon lodged somewhere in the vast jungle of her curly hair. How did they even become friends in the first place? One day, Deborah bought a powerball ticket and got lucky, then suddenly Mary came into her life out of nowhere. Hell, she wouldn't even leave her alone.
"Table for two please."
Deborah didn't even know what Mary did for a living. All she knew was that tonight, both of them were putting their fortunes on the table all or nothing. The thought of winning made Deborah tingle. A hundred and fifty million dollars?! What couldn't you buy with that? But the prospect of losing made her blood run cold.
"Lighten up, Deb. You look like you saw a ghost!" Mary laughed and took a seat. She immediately squirmed. "Fucking sticky seats, gross. Stupid shanty bars, I bet these idiots couldn't find a stain under a blacklight."
Deborah sat down.
"How are you so calm?! Seriously, it's freaking me out!"
"Relax, you'll be fine. Besides, I'm not the contestant."
Deborah's face paled. Shit, she was right! She never said that they both had to do it! How did she never realize that?
Deborah gulped. "I want out."
"Not an option."
"I don't care. I'm not doing it!"
"Sorry, not an option. You signed a contract in front of witnesses, dummy. You forfeit, your money is mine."
Deborah deflated. "That's not fair! You should do it to!"
Mary shrugged. "Welcome to gambling, honey."
A waitress in the standard all black uniform walked to the table. Mary barely held in her disgust at the sight of her. Outclassed, across the board. Full, long blonde hair that flowed like rivers of gold over and behind a face Venus herself modeled for. Eyes more blue than tropical waters, and more dazzling than a pair of Indian gemstones. Her breasts were large enough to kill a bear, and in perfect ratio with her perfectly round ass. What the fuck was she doing working here?! There just had to be one girl in this shithole more attractive than her, and it just had to be her waitress!
"Hello! My name is Jennifer and I'll be your server. Can I start you off with something to drink?"
Christ almighty, even her voice outclassed Mary's. It sounded like fresh honey on handmade ice cream. Hell, you could get a sugar high just listening to her talk!
"Diet pepsi, please." Mary said, avoiding eye contact with the plebeian.
"Uh, may I please have a pepsi please?" Deborah spoke with an air of reverence.
"Deb, honey, that carbonation won't do you any good."
Deborah's face flushed red and cringed. She couldn't even look Jennifer in the eyes.
"I'll have a water instead, please."
"Okay, diet pepsi and a water. Be right back!" Jennifer smiled her perfect teeth and walked off. Damn it! Her stride completely obliterated the best Mary could ever do. It had the perfect balance of allure, confidence, and mystery with every eye gouging step her immortal legs took. The worst part was that Mary swore that every cell of Jennifer's body oozed a contempt so vast it was tangible, like her very existence was to outclass her. Mary quietly spurned God for insulting his greatest creation so completely with this... this... thing.
There was a quiet pause while the waitress got their drinks.
Deborah whispered, "Hey, Mary. I think all the waiters are looking at us."
Mary glanced at the bartender, who glowered back. Every muscle in his shaved face expressed total disgust and contempt directed solely at her.
"Nah, you're paranoid."
Mary knew what they were thinking. You could be blind and still tell. But you know what? Fuck 'em. She's rich and they aren't. So what if you had to pop a few dumbasses to climb the ladder? It's just natural selection, after all. Survival of the Fittest. Mary glanced at Deborah's sickly pale skin, her fat stomach, and how the buttons of her gaudy shirt strained to hold her disgusting mass of Twinkie cream and pizza slices behind a thin veil of unwarranted dignity. Her posture was as if she was trying to hide in her fat, like some gelatinous turtle. She couldn't wait for that pitiful rag to be destroyed. Survival of the Fittest. And Deborah was anything but fit.
Jennifer came back with their drinks, beaming her obnoxiously perfect smile.
"Here you go! Diet Pepsi and a water! Are you two ready to order, or do you need a few minutes?"
"I'll have a six piece buffalo wing. You know what you want, yet?" Mary asked Deborah as smug as possible.
Deborah started to sweat bullets.
"I'll have... uh... um... the... the uh... blu-blueberry pie?"
Jennifer glanced at Mary with a stink eye and stifled a sigh.
"Are you sure ma'am? It's extremely dangerous, and we aren't liable if anything goes wrong."
"I'm... I'm sure."
"Okay. I'll be right back with the waiver."
Mary could hear them now. 'Hey, it's the con artist. You know what she wants.' Yeah, they know what she wants all right. Fuck 'em. They're just jealous. She clawed her way up here. She earned it. And she'll be damned if she lets a bunch of wage slave busboys and pearl divers blow her biggest haul yet.
Jennifer gave Deborah a pen and the form. "Are you sure? Even if you sign it, you don't have to eat it."
Mary reclined in her seat.
"Oh no, she does."
Jennifer scowled at her.
Deborah signed the form without reading it. "Here."
Mary smiled and watched the waitress take the form into the back office. Victory!
Twenty five million dollars was an awfully big prize for any restaurant to offer, let alone a dive like this. Sure, she may have played a part in that. Went on a splurge, bought a crummy restaurant under her sister's name, and boosted a silly little money challenge they had. Sure made her job easier, and they sure can't complain about all the customers they get now, even if a good number of them leave through a drain. With so many stupid girls and in such little time, a hundred thousand became a million became twenty five million dollars. The stakes got higher, and the game just gets easier.
"You excited to win big, yet?"
Deborah shrank from Mary and said nothing.
"Come on, don't be so glum. If you're lucky enough to win a powerball, you'll win this like it's nothing! All you have to do enjoy the ride and keep yourself together."
Deborah looked at one of the overhead TVs.
"Deb, this is easy for you. You're so flabby already, this'll be nothing. What's a few more pounds to you, anyway? I mean, you'll just gain it anyways, right?"
Deborah blushed intensely and looked at her distended, flabby gut and straining shirt buttons, and thought of how this was only the third time she wore this shirt. She blushed even harder at the thought of needing yet another set of pants, and looked back at the TV without saying anything. She wasn't even watching the game. She just needed something to look at that wasn't Mary. She said nothing for some time.
Jennifer walked back to their table, beaming with rehearsed cheer.
"Your wings'll be ready in a few minutes." She looked at Deborah with a sullen face so genuine that Deborah couldn't fathom there being a possibility it was fake. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but you'll have to eat our pie in a separate room."
Deborah got up without saying anything, red as a tomato. Oh, come on. Really? They have a special room? she thought.
Jennifer led Deborah and Mary, who tagged along of course, to the back of the restaurant. Every set of eyes followed them as Jennifer pulled back an over-the-top red curtain hiding the small execution chamber. It was about ten feet in each direction, with the floor, ceiling, and all but one wall made of concrete painted white, but stained heavily with blue. The wall facing the restaurant was made from a thick pane of spotlessly clean plexiglass. The floor tapered down slightly to a drain in the center of the room. Above the drain was a small folding chair and table, where her paper plate of pie sat. Jennifer opened the plexiglass door.
"Are you sure? You can back out at any time for a full refund."
Deborah responded by sitting down and grabbing the fork.
Mary rolled her eyes. "Jeez, you're so melodramatic!"
Jennifer closed the door behind her. "There's an open table close by, if you'd like to sit there."
Mary smiled. "That would be lovely."
Deborah watched Mary take a seat directly in front of her room, move her chair to have as best a view as possible for Deborah, who sat facing the plexiglass wall. A crowd from the bar gathered around for the show. She was on display like a zoo animal. Deborah scooped a chunk of pie and gazed at it. This was her last chance to quit. Just walk away. But all that money... Just as soon as it was hers, it was gone. Like she never even had it in the first place. That evil fucking bitch! It wasn't fair! Die rich, or live broke. That was her choice. She brought the chunk near her lips and wavered. The fruity smell wafted up her nose. It was tempting. Die rich, or live broke. Die rich, or live broke. Deborah sighed, utterly defeated.
"I'm a fucking idiot."
She popped the chunk in her mouth and chewed. Holy crap! It was delicious! Definitely the best pie she'd ever eaten in her life. It was a shame she'd only have it once. Hell, it nearly made up for everything by flavor alone.
"Is it any good?" Mary asked. She made a point of asking that question every single time. It was muffled, but the air holes at the top let it through.
Deborah smiled morbidly. "It's to die for." She took another bite. She paid a fortune for it, might as well enjoy it. The slice was a little small, though. They better not be skimping on her. She took another bite, and stifled a satisfied moan. "You should try it sometime." Deborah's stomach growled. Not a quiet, low 'I'm hungry' growl. It was a bombastic, earthy 'What are you doing you crazy bitch?!' roar that startled half the restaurant, and drew their attention to the show Deborah was about to host.
"Nah, I'm not a big fan of pie. I like cake, especially Death By Chocolate."
Deborah felt her stomach fill up with juice and took another bite. The slice was mostly gone now, just crust and a bit of blueberry filling.
"How much is the prize for that one worth?"
Jennifer brought Mary her buffalo wings and walked up to the door.
"Ma'am, if you're done I'll take your plate now."
Deborah felt her shirt buttons tighten, and took one last bite.
"Yeah, I'm done. I don't like crust, anyway."
Jennifer entered the room.
"I'll have to take the table and chair, too."
Deborah stood up and folded her chair. Her belly darkened to a deep blue behind the quarter-sized gaps in her shirt. She massaged her tight and full belly as Jennifer folded up the table and took it out of the room. As she rubbed, she even felt with her hands the juice gushing out, from where she couldn't tell, and splashing against the inside of her swelling belly. It felt tingly, like someone was tickling her from the inside. The juice was cool, even refreshing, and goosebumps raced across her body. Her shirt was really straining now. The first button to pop off was the closest to her belly button. By now, her hands were turning blue as well, and it was just beginning to creep up her neck.
Jennifer closed the door behind her.
"Good luck!"
Deborah smiled. Her cheeks turned blue. Another button, just below, popped off and bounced against the plexiglass.
"Huh. So that's why it's there."
True, but not the only reason.
Her breasts were beginning to grow now, as well as her rear. Deborah gasped as the juice tickled her nipples, which were getting sensitive against the stretching. The dense juice tugged at her skin and pulled her toward the floor. She felt so heavy and full already, how would she feel a minute from now? Or ten? Would she even make it that long? Another button, above this time, popped off. She spread her legs apart and cupped her growing gut in her arms.
"Ooh, how big am I going to get?" If I really am going to explode, at least let me fill up the room first! She thought. Don't let me go out like some nobody.
Mary ate up the show, greedily licking buffalo sauce off her fingers while Deborah blew up like a blueberry to a live audience. Dinner and a show! Her skin rippled as juice filled her like a balloon. She'd never felt anything nearly as electrifying before in her life, and she had the foreboding feeling that she never would again. Her thighs stuffed her jeans like sausage links in less than a second, and a massive tear burst through her inner thigh, sending a big wave rippling across her body. Another tear, another, and another across the seat of her pants that went up to the bottom of her zipper. Her nerves were on fire! Her thighs bulged through the tears, ripping them more. Deborah bit her lip and groaned as her body quaked. Just fall off already! Her massive ass begged for release from its shrinking denim prison. Deborah dropped her gut, reached underneath, and tugged at her pants button, straining to get it undone.
"Aah, ooh, ugh this hurts! Nngh! My pants are gonna cut me in half!"
Mary giggled and took another bite. Sooner or later...
The button exploded off, and the sudden shifting mass of juice pulled her zipper apart and broke her jeans in half. Deborah grunted like an ape at the relief.
Sooner. Mary thought.
The jeans, without any support, fluttered like rags to the floor. Juice from her nethers began to stain her brand new, expensive white lace panties. Seams already started to pop. There was no way they could last long. By now, nearly all of the buttons on her shirt were gone, and her leaking nipples stained her matching white lace bra. Her growing breasts spilled out from above and underneath her bra. Deborah kept rubbing her belly, desperate for some relief. The pressure! The weight! And it was only getting worse.
Damn, that is a high quality piece of underwear.
The clasp snapped and her breasts lurched forward like a tidal wave, obliterating the last button on her shirt. Deborah was starting to pant. It was exhausting to stay on her feet, and would have been impossible if her legs weren't so rigid with juice. Her waist was as wide as she was tall, and her enormous thighs tapered like cones to her cartoonishly small feet, like an elephant balancing on a bowling pin. Her back tapered up to her neck from her ass, which was forming a large tear up her panties.
"I can smell the money already, and it smells fruity!"
Another line Mary felt obliged to say every. single. time.
Deborah grunted, berry scented sweat pouring down her face. "S-so heavy! Ugh!" Her legs finally buckled under her, after a courageous last stand. A massive wave cascaded through her body as she toppled onto her colossal rear, utterly disintegrating the remains of her panties. Deborah moaned impulsively. Her brain was going to fry from sensory overload at this rate. Slowly, she tipped backwards.
"What?! Oh, shit, shit, shit shit shit shit!"
Deborah flailed her increasingly heavy arms in vain, and rolled onto her back. Juice shifted with the change of position. Her thighs shrank slightly, her ass and back rounded out completely, and her breasts shrank to their original size. Juice filled her arms until they were rigid cones, tearing the sleeves of her poor shirt to pieces. Her shoulders filled up with juice, shoving her torso into her jaw.
"How big am I grnna grt? Mmmph? Mmmph! MmmmMmm Mph!"
Juice filled up her cheeks and lips, sealing her up like a valve. Mary laughed at Deborah's predicament and picked up her last buffalo wing. Deborah's body had an unsurprising similarity to a water balloon. The bottom bulged out and flattened against the floor while the rest of her curved like a dome. Her arms and legs were jammed outstretched toward the top corners of the room as they sank into her growing body. Leaking juice pooled on the ground around her. The room stank of blueberries, and the smell was seeping into the rest of the restaurant.
Mary drank in the smell, the sounds, and the sights of watching her idiot 'friend' hand over her entire lottery winnings. "Come on, girl! You can do it!" She mocked.
Deborah felt her hands and feet sink into her body and swell into stiff balloons. Every single pore of her body was leaking juice, and she was still growing! She was so tight and full, and the juice was so heavy! It felt like a ton of bricks were resting on her chest, and it kept getting heavier. Maybe she would suffocate before exploding?
Oh god! If that can happen, I think I'd rather pop! Deborah thought.
Her body rose like dough in an oven as she continued to grow, shattering even Mary's most outlandish expectations. Who could have thought that a blob of fat that barely reached five feet could grow big enough to nearly fill the room?
She must be at least seven feet across by now. Then the boom will be all the better! Mary devilishly thought. The best one yet!
Deborah did everything she could to keep herself together. Her skin was tortuously tight, still growing, and she could feel her limits approaching. Her skin began to groan, and the juice still kept coming! It should be stopping soon, right? Maybe she even had a chance of winning after all!
Come on, you can do it! Keep it together! Keep it together! You're almost there!
Mary finished the last of her wings and licked her fingers sticky clean. Now she was getting impatient.
Just pop already, for crying out loud! I want to go home and watch NCIS at some point tonight. Mary thought, and nearly said out loud.
Deborah was nearing eight feet in diameter. The inflation was slowing down to an agonizing crawl. It took every ounce of strength to even breathe, and all of her willpower to keep from turning into a big blue puddle on the ground. Deborah's headsank into her body, making it even harder to breathe. A shock of cold ran up her body as her crotch pressed against the plexiglass. Deborah nearly lost her focus.
Am I touching the wall?! No... No I have to be! I did it! I did it! I filled up the room! I have to be the biggest blueberry ever! If I do end up bursting, I can at least burst happy.
Mary watched Deborah's crotch squeeze against the plexiglass and rolled her eyes. "Now that's just indecent." She drank the last of her Diet Pepsi and looked at her watch. Come on, any second now.
The restaurant was deafened by Deborah's groaning body. Juice dripped down the plexiglass and pooled at the bottom. Deborah's skin was screaming for it to end, one way or the other. Her drum-tight body trembled as juice kept coming and coming, even as the inflation was almost imperceptible. The pressure was immense, pushing on every cell of her body in every direction, stacking on top of each other.
Oh god, this is it! I can't take it any more! I'm going to pop! I'm really going to pop!
Mary sensed Deborah's fear, and her heart pounded. This is it! This is it! She couldn't even blink. She couldn't risk it! She couldn't miss this! Deborah might even break the plexiglass! "Come on... Come on! Do it! Burst! Burst like a balloon already!" Now she was saying it out loud. Practically screaming it, actually.
The restaurant watched with bated breath. Time slowed down to a halt. What was going to happen? Would she do it? Could she do it? Then, a single side comment shattered everything.
"Wait, she's not even growing anymore! Is she still filling with juice?"
On no, she really wasn't growing! No, no, it couldn't have stopped. She must still be filling up. But liquids aren't compressible, if she was still filling she would have burst already. Mary's eyes began to dry up. At the risk of everything important to her very being at this moment, she blinked. No. No, god damn it, no! Nothing! Nothing happened!
Deborah was beginning to realize it, too.
Did... Did it just... Did it stop?! It did! Oh, It did, it did, it did, it did! I can't believe I did it! I'm not gonna pop! I'm the biggest blueberry in the history of ever, and I didn't pop! I didn't pop! I'm invincible! And filthy rich!
The crowd of onlookers roared like victorious barbarians at the witnessing of the impossible explode into the realm of reality. Mary toppled from her chair like a tower of dominoes.
Everything. Every cent I've made. Everything I've worked for. My whole life. It's gone. I'm nothing.
Jennifer squatted next to Mary and gave her a thoroughly carnivorous smile. "It's so beautiful to see cosmic justice in action. Don't you think so, Mar--"
Without any warning, Deborah's skin tore open in a flash and a piercing boom thundered through the restaurant. A massive tidal wave of blueberry juice smashed the plexiglass wall and cascaded across the room, soaking everything and everyone in its path. All of the tables in the immediate range were broken and overturned, the chairs destroyed and tossed like toothpicks, and people thrown like ragdolls. Everyone took their time getting to their feet after being washed to the opposite side of the room. They needed to, after having the wind knocked out of them twice. Once by someone coming so unbelievably close to winning, and again by the huge wave of her internal juice. It felt like something out of a storybook.
The bartender got to his feet and wiped off his nametag. Some of the letters were wiped off by the blast, so now it read ' uth r'. He checked the liquor. Most of it was destroyed, but some still survived. The cheap stuff, mostly.
"I told them to get better glass, didn't I? See, this is why you need stronger glass, Jenny. Jenny? Hm. Probably washing off in the bathroom. She better help with the clean up. Damn. We even gave her a smaller slice."
Luther went to the kitchen, which for the most part avoided the onslaught, and grabbed a mop. Meanwhile, Mary darted out of the restaurant while nobody was looking for someone to blame.
Mary rung her hair to get the juice out. Her now purple dress was definitely ruined forever. She might have to burn it or something. She took the keys to her Mercedes out of her purse and unlocked the car. She opened the door and paused.
"Damn, I really should have gotten those seat covers." She looked around to see if anyone else was looking. No, she was definitely alone. Taking her chance, she unlocked the trunk, stripped off all her clothes, and tossed them in. She slammed the trunk as fast as she could and darted into her car butt naked. Thankfully, she made it before a cruiser could materialize to write her up for indecent exposure. She was so quick at it that she didn't even notice the second pair of soaking wet clothes in her trunk. But it's not like it was easy to see. It was night time, after all, and the clothes were black. Mary backed out of her spot without even looking for frail, elderly women or wandering disabled children and took off out of the parking lot.
She took a deep sigh at the stop sign out of the lot, and dug out a cigarette from her purse. She lit it with her lighter and took a long drag. She let out another massive sigh of relief.
"Oh my fucking god, that was so fucking hot. I gotta start recording it."
She pulled out of the lot and took a right without signaling. She checked the mirror, in case someone was following her.
The figure in her backseat tapped her on the shoulder.
"Hey, can I bum a cigarette?" It asked in a horribly seductive voice. One that sounded like it was made out of honey and ice cream.
Mary froze up. Caught red-handed. Mary took shallow, uneasy breaths as Jennifer turned on the interior light, leaned forward and dug through her purse. Mary glanced at her as she drove. What was going on? Jennifer's blonde hair darkened until it was glowing like red hot embers, and her skin was so white, it wasn't even human!
"Man, this thing is a fucking disaster area! Where-- Ah, there you are, my little nickies!"
Jennifer pulled out a cigarette as two small horns poked out of her head.
"Uh... N-n-need a l-light?"
Jennifer laughed. Her yellow eyes looked bright enough to start a fire by themselves.
"Nah, I'm good."
Jennifer snapped her fingers and a small flame sparked from her thumb. Her fingernails sharpened into claws as the tobacco caught the flame. She took a drag and blew it out with the cigarette smoke.
"Not a big fan of menthols, to be honest. They rot your teeth out, you know?" She took another drag. "For the record, my name isn't Jennifer. It's Alba."
Mary gulped and gathered up her spilled guts.
"Wh-what do you want?"
Alba smiled, her razor sharp teeth gleamed like knives in the mirror.
"I think you know what I want."
She took another drag off her cigarette, and flicked the interior light off.
"Drive. And drive where I tell you."
Alba's sulfuric eyes smouldered in the dark, piercing Mary's reflection as she drove. The glowing ember of the cigarette illuminated her teeth as she grinned like a Cheshire cat. She giggled and took another drag.
"We're gonna have so much fun."
Isn't it beautiful to see cosmic justice in action?
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: Jack leaps over the fence and lands in the grass beside Shelly. He cautiously looks back over the four foot tall wood fence and doesn't see anything out of the ordinary. He breathes a sigh of relief and sits next to Shelly.
Shelly half winces and smiles as she holds the side of her belly, "That went well."
Jack pulls aside her hand and sees the bite mark. Worry and concern fills his eyes, "No, no, no."
Shelly returns her hand to the wound, "I got bit."
"That's not what I want to hear, Shelly. This can't happen! Not you!" Tears run from his eyes as he remembers growing up with her. The fun times of friendship and now the end of it is staring him in the face. "I...I can't lose you."
"I'm sorry. You know the bites infect."
"I know." He wipes the years from his face and thinks of all the events that they've gone through since the zombie apocalypse started two days ago. Why did this have to happen to her? Why did any of this have to happen? Damn it!
Suddenly, Jack sees Jennifer running down the sidewalk in a panic. Her brown hair swings wildly in a ponytail behind her head and blood is splatter against her emotionless face. He calls to her and waves his hands, but she doesn't even look at him as she runs down thw sidewalk on the other side of the fence. He quickly ducks back down as he sees the zombies giving chase and hopes Jennifer keeps ahead of their grasp.
Shelly groans as she feels a pressure in her stomach, "Oh! I don't think I'm going to make it, Jack."
"Don't say that."
Suddenly a hissing sounds and Shelly's stomach pushes outward to the sounds of stretching rubber. Shelly feels her belly pushing outward, "Oh.....oh. Jack, stop it!"
Jack looks into her eyes, "No! There's no quitting. You can do this, Shelly." He looks around the yard as the hissing continues and the sides of Shelly's belly bloat outward. "I've never seen a bite do this. Your body may be coping to make sure you survive."
The groans of rubber grow louder as Shelly grows bigger and her legs plump to fill her pants. A tearing sounds as her butt inflates, splitting her pants, and her thighs bulge, popping seams. The button of her pants pops off and is lost into the grass as her belly pushes outward, unzipping her pants. "I'm getting so big."
Jack moves off to fight a zombie attracted by the hissing sounds and sounds of rubber stretching. He kicks the zombie and it stumbles back as he looks for a weapon. "Just hang on!"
Shelly hears a loud squeaking and watches as her shirt is strained by her inflating breasts. Her upper arms and shoulders bloat. A tearing sounds as the shirt is defeated by her inflating body. She moans as the pressure builds and her torso becomes spherical. "I'm turning into a blimp." A thump sounds as one of her breasts is stretched flat and another thump sounds as the other follows. Her back rounds and her pants are pushed off as her sphere body absorbs her bloated legs and bloated arms. "So...much pressure."
Jack slams the gardening hoe into the zombies head and watches as it falls motionless to the ground. He wipes the blood from his face and sees another incoming zombie. "Damn another one."
Shelly's face redden from strain as her sphere body swallows her arms to her elbows and her legs to the knees. She feels her neck bloat with pressure, "So....much....pressure. Gonna pop, Jack!"
Jack pushes the zombie aside, "Don't talk like that! You're going to be fine!"
Shelly groans as the pressure pushes her bigger, "I don't feel fine."
Jack struggles with two zombies, "You'll be fine!" He sees a neighbor named Fred Wilson staring at him on the other side of the fence and growling. He takes down one of the zombies with thw gardening hoe and blood splatters his shirt. He blocks the other's attack, "Everything is fine!"
Four thumps sound as hands and feet are absorbed into Shelly's expanding sphere body. Her face reddens as her body groans horrible rubber groans and her neck is slowly swallowed. "Go....gonna.....POP!"
Jack takes down a zombie as two more rush toward him, "You're fine, keep going!"
Shelly closes her eyes as the pressure becomes unbearable and her head is stretched flat on her sphere body. "Ja.....Jack!!"
Jack growls as blood splashes his face and another motionless zombie falls. "Come on!!" He frowns as he notices a faint shadow of a circle around him and he wipes blood from his face. He turns to see Shelly is a round, trembling, twelve foot tall, semi transparent, sphere, "Oh shit!"
Suddenly a horrible shriek of rubber sounds and in a flash Shelly is gone. A gust of wind blows across the grass and Jack as flakes of rubber flutter through the air. He drops to his knees with gardening hoe in hand and watches as blood drips from his chin onto the ground between his knees. "Shelly..."
Fred Wilson's voice yells, "What the hell is wrong with you, son? You act like your best friend just died."
Jack slowly looks up to see Fred Wilson no longer a zombie and he wipes at the blood on his face. He notices it's mud he is wiping free and flashes of realization hit him. Jennifer jogging with head phones in and no zombies chasing her. Shelly his best friend, pleading she couldn't take anymore and him blowing her up bigger. Why? Why didn't he see there were no zombies? He remembers growing up with Shelly and now remembers blowing up his imaginary friend until she popped. Tears run from his eyes and he wonders why he couldn't be satisfied with just a little bigger.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, competition, floating, magic
Text: "You're a sick man. You know that, don't you?" Kevin Peterson was muttering to his reflection in the glass contraption before him. He laughed and looked about his makeshift lab with pride. "All this knowledge, all this equipment, and what do you use it for? Nope, no cure for cancer comin' outta this place!" Kevin had always been short on funds due to his unconventional beliefs. After all, there weren't that many scientists who believed in magic in the first place. And it didn't help that he was only twenty-two, only had a bachelor's from some no- name university, and had never published a damn thing. Kinda made grants hard to come by. So his scientific/arcane research was relegated to the ignoble status of a hobby. He could only pursue a limited course of research, and even that only with what time and money he could spare from his job at the local computer store. Luckily, magic usually wanted natural ingredients, and basic lab equipment wasn't too hard to come by if you know where to look or how to build it.
But still, he was limited so he only worked on trivial things. Trivial, but important to him. Tina bounced down the stairs into the cellar. "Ready for the show, dear?" Kevin snapped his head up from his work. People often asked how this ragged haired, bespectacled, geek had wound up with the gorgeous redhead that now stood before him. According to Tina, "You'd be plenty handsome if you just work on your appearance a bit." Not that it mattered to her beyond making him feel better. Strange how she didn't care how he looked, but was so obsessed with her appearance.
Tina was a perfect 36D-24-36. She had the face of an angel, bright, fiery red hair, deep blue eyes, and smooth shapely legs that went on for days. She was reigning champion in the Miss Silver Beach Pageant, but she still had one wish. She'd always wanted bigger breasts.
"Do you know how many women would kill for your bust?" he had told her.
"Well they can have it," she smiled. "I'm planning on trading up to a bigger one." But implants had been out of their budget and out of the question as far as Kevin was concerned.
"Then put that lab of your to use," she'd said, laughing. "Whip me up something that'll make me bigger." She'd been joking, but the more Kevin had thought about it, the more feasible it became. And it helped that he, like most men, couldn't object to an increase in her endowments. And it was within the capabilities of his modest lab, so he worked at it. And worked at it. And finally came up with a formula that he figured would work. He asked Tina if she wanted to test it, and two minutes later he'd mixed a few grams of white powder in a glass of orange juice, and down the hatch! That had been about two hours ago. He wasn't exactly sure how long it would take to take effect, so he told Tina to just go about her business and come down to the lab as soon as she felt something happen.
She was wearing denim shorts and, at Kevin's advice, a very loose T-shirt. "I felt a tingling. I think it's starting." Her nipples stood out prominently. "Oh, I definitely feel something."
"Sit down, then" Kevin said, excited.
"Do you hear that?" There was a soft bubbly noise coming from her breasts, something like gently fizzing soda.
"Don't worry, it's normal. Well, not really, I guess boobs shouldn't be making random fizzing noises, but that's exactly what I expected from this potion."
"I guess I should have asked this before, but how exactly is this stuff working?" Tina could feel a tense pressure building inside of her. Her dark areolas, faintly visible through the white cloth, had definitely swollen bigger, and her nipples were harder than they'd ever been, poking out through her shirt.
"It's really very simple," Kevin said. "The mixture reacts with the fat deposits in the breasts to produce a sort of pseudo-gas..." This was where magic and science mixed and got confusing. The bubbles that were forming inside her weren't really-- well, they were more like-- come to think of it, it wasn't all that simple. "Basically, you're being pumped up with air." It was a gross oversimplification, but for all intents and purposes, that's what was happening.
"Whoa, it's starting!" And indeed it was. Her already ample bosom began to swell, her tits becoming fuller and rounder. Over several minutes, she puffed up bigger and bigger, her oversized shirt gradually becoming less loose, then just about right, on to straining at the seams as her boobs expanded to the size of large cantaloupes. "I can't believe this is working!"
"What, you didn't think I could do it?" He tried to look hurt.
"Of course I believed in you, Kev." Tina threw her arms around him and pulled in him for a kiss, her newly enlarged chest squishing pleasantly against his. Then she stepped back to admire her new assets, cupping breasts and feeling their taut fullness. They were still growing a bit, thought slowly now, and she could feel her skin growing tight as they filled up even more. Finally, her inflation tapered and stopped. "They're so big," she marveled. "Careful, dear, I might float away on these new balloons." She giggled.
Kevin laughed. "Don't worry, it would take a few thousand doses to get you enough buoyancy to float."
Her eyes grew wide. "You mean this stuff is like helium?"
Kevin shook his head. "No, it's only slightly lighter than air. Like I said, you'd have to cram down a few pounds of that powder and fill up several rooms this size before you'd have to worry about getting airborne." He pulled her in close to him and started stroking one of her huge, firm breasts. "Besides, you know I would never let you go."
"So how long will this last?"
"Should last about half a day. Long enough so that can figure out whether you really like this size."
"Oh, I just love being big," she sighed, "I just wish these could last till the contest." It was one of those statements that she regretted almost before she'd finished saying it.
"I can't believe you'd even think about cheating in that contest!" You see, Kevin had always been big on honesty and fair play. After all, his honorable nature had made him that much more appealing to Tina. The rules of the Miss Silver Beach Pageant expressly prohibited the participation of 'any and all persons who have been cosmetically enhanced by artificial means.' They'd probably been thinking about implants and liposuction, but Kevin apparently thought magic was covered as well. "I don't even know why you enter every year. It's really nothing more than glorified wet t-shirt contest, and I'm not sure seeing the love of my life on sexual display is worth the thousand dollar prize." Not exactly a wet t-shirt contest, admittedly. Of course, there was a talent competition, and each contestant had to answer some incredibly trite question like "how would you go about curing world hunger," etc. But regardless of what the judges might say, and as one might expect in a pageant held on a beach, ninety percent of the points were scored during the swimsuit competition. And in the swimsuit competition, all other things being equal, the woman with the biggest breasts won. Tina had won last year because she not only had a good-sized bust, but she also had talent besides what she carried in her brassiere.
"Remember dear, last year's prize money kept this roof over our heads. And I know you don't like cheating, but it's different this time. This is the tenth year running they've had this competition at Silver Beach, so this year they've upped the first place prize to ten thousand dollars. And these --" she cupped her newly swollen attributes, "-- could be just the edge I need to beat out Roxy." Roxanne Merriweather used to work at the same pizza place Tina did. Two years ago, she had entered the competition with a (relatively) modest C cup and hadn't even made the first cuts. Over the next year, she mysteriously swelled up to a full, perfectly formed double-D. She denied having surgery, and all of the judges' examinations, which were rumored to have been quite thorough, could find no evidence that Roxy's new boobs were anything but genuine. So last year Roxy was a finalist, placing third almost entirely because of her tits. The only thing that kept her from the crown was a blunder in the talent competition. Soon after, she quit slinging pizza and went for the big bucks at the local strip joint. Tina had seen her recently, and she would've sworn that bitch was still getting bigger. And as long as she didn't forget the words to the national anthem this year, she'd be a shoo-in for the win.
Kevin just shook his head. "If she wins, she wins, and if you win then you win. Either way it's a fair, but very superficial, contest. I may not like that you're in it, but at least I'll know you played fair. You know how much I hate cheating, even if it would get us ten..." He thought for a moment what that money could buy. A vacation, a car, real lab equipment... He shook his head clear of such thoughts. "No, it's just not worth it."
Tina sighed, obviously disappointed. "Alright Kevin. I guess it's good one of us has morals. But you think you can make this permanent after I'm done with the contest tomorrow?"
"It might take me a couple of weeks, but I can do it," he said. "If you're sure this is what you want."
She smiled mischievously. "I dunno. Let's see how these babies look outside the lab before the clock strikes midnight and they turn back into pumpkins." She took him by the hand and started leading him off to the bedroom. They had plenty of time, since it was still mid- afternoon... "You're serious, Brad? You actually saw her tits get bigger?" Roxanne was quivering with rage, and boy did she quiver nicely. Her boyfriend Brad was distracted by her jiggling bosom and almost forgot the question. Roxanne was beautiful before he met her, but over the past two years he'd been molding her into a goddess. Her long, supple legs rose up through inviting thighs to full, smoothly rounded hips. Her waist was amazing slender, which further accentuated those breasts which, until this afternoon, Brad had thought were the most incredible he'd ever seen. She'd been exercising, so she was wearing that skin tight pink leotard he loved seeing her in. Golden blonde hair fell in waves about her shoulders, and Brad was entranced by a stray strand that was gently teasing her burgeoning cleavage when he felt the piercing glare from her ice-blue eyes.
He snapped out of his cleavage-induced daze. "Yeah, I saw 'em. You shoulda seen 'em, they were fuckin' huge..." He held his hands out in front of him to demonstrate Tina's immensely enhanced figure, and suddenly realized that Roxy wasn't nearly as appreciative. I've gotta do something about my attention span, he thought to himself.
"What are the odds that there are two goddamn wizards in this town?"
"Better than you think," Brad muttered. Through his thorough investigation, he'd found there were at least a dozen within fifty miles, and Brad had made it his business to keep tabs on who was doing what, and how he could benefit. It was easy, since each person who discovered the secrets of magic was convinced that he or she was the only one, or at least one of a very few. Brad, for all his coarse exterior, was very perceptive and knew differently. He had found it was in his best interests to keep an eye on the others and steal -- er, learn from their experiments.
"Why is this Kevin guy so much better than you?"
"He's not better than me. I could kick his butt any day of the week, he just understands biological enchantments better than I do." Brad knew his work quite well. Kevin was at best a two-bit magician who happened to be able to manipulate flesh well. Extremely well. Brad had to admit he was impressed with Kevin's work, and had been unable to suppress his erection when he saw Tina growing bigger and bigger, seeing thin cloth pulled tight across plump, erect nipples--
"Hello!" Roxy shouted in his face. "Listen magic man, if this is the best you can do, you can kiss that ten grand goodbye!"
"You know, if you'd just put in a little more effort, you'd have won last year. My potions pumped you up more than two cup sizes, trimmed your waistline, and wiped out your cellulite but I can't do it all for you."
"If you could, I wouldn't have to work out." Her shoulders dropped dejectedly. "Well I've had a year to practice, so I'm better now. But it won't be good enough if Tina struts in sporting a set twice as big as mine."
"Oh, we're talkin' at least three ti-- anyway, you won't have to worry about it. This Kevin guy's really big on the whole playing fair thing. He won't let his girlfriend use the enlargement potion before the contest."
She shook her head and spoke as if she were lecturing an errant child. "And what if she manages to persuade her boyfriend to change his mind, hmm? What if ol' Kevin decides that the high moral ground isn't worth losing ten thousand dollars? What if the little bitch just sneaks into his lab and takes it herself? Then I'll lose, she'll win, and we'll be out a shitload of cash. The question is, what do we plan to do about it?"
Brad rubbed his chin, thoughtful. "I've got it! Why don't we just take it?"
"I thought you said this stuff wasn't permanent? I don't think it would be good if my tits blew out in front of the judges."
"It doesn't have to be permanent. It just has to last long enough for you to get that big check, then who cares? And if I can steal the powder, not only will Tina not have the advantage, but you'll get a big boost. Big enough that you won't even have to remember 'the rocket's red glare.'"
She punched him in the stomach. "I make one little mistake and nobody ever let's me forget it!" She wasn't strong enough to really hurt him, she knew, but it made her feel better. "Now run along and get me my winning advantage. I'll make sure there's--" she inhaled deeply, making her leotard strain against her breasts "-- a reward waiting for you." Brad was spying on Kevin in his lab. It was almost midnight, the pageant was in the morning, and he was still working on something. A passage spell had gotten him inside the house. It would be several weeks before he could cast another one, but it was of no great importance; in his travels, Brad had found that breaking out of a house was much easier than breaking in. Brad's stealth spell prevented people from noticing him as long as they weren't searching for someone, so he could get in pretty close. So he stood on the other side of the room, in plain view but still unnoticed, watching and listening. "What's taking him so long?" Brad thought to himself. Kevin had just received a call that some rare herbs he'd been searching for had been found, but he'd have to personally come to make the purchase. It was a four hour drive, and the boat was leaving in the morning, so it had to be tonight. Kevin should have left an hour ago, but it seemed he had some last minute preparations to make. And Brad was getting impatient. He couldn't make his move until Kevin left.
"I can't believe I'm doing this," Kevin muttered as he mixed the final ingredient. The final puff of blue smoke told him he was finished. He carefully shook a dose of the powder into a small beaker and carried it out into the kitchen. He quickly jotted out a note on his pad and left it by the container before grabbing his coat and walking out.
"Finally," Brad allowed himself to whisper as he heard the car start up outside. He went to the lab and picked up the jar that held Kevin's supply of breast-enlargement compound. Then he went to the kitchen to check what Kevin had left there.
Underneath the beaker which held a small quantity of yellowish powder was the hastily scrawled note. It read, "Sorry I have to leave you tonight, but I should be back in time to catch part of the pageant. I know how important this is to you. Take this two hours before, and you'll be sure to win. Love always, Kevin." Laughing, Brad snatched up the beaker and note. And unless they noticed a window had become mysteriously unlocked, he was certain they'd have no idea he was ever there.
Morning rolled around, and Roxanne had a very special glass of orange juice for breakfast. "You're sure this stuff'll work?"
"Of course," Brad assured her. "I've seen it work before, and this is the stuff Kevin was going to give to his girlfriend. Good thing she didn't get it, too."
"Well it better do the job, or I'm gonna look pretty silly at the pageant." Roxy was wearing a pair of cutoff shorts and a tank top that hung quite loosely on her. She'd gotten it back when Brad had thought he could make her breasts even larger, then discovered that he'd reached the limit of his skill. She'd kept it and several other outfits just in case he made progress. Right now it looked ridiculously big on her. "How long do I have to wait?"
"It should take a couple of hours. You have plenty of time before the excitement begins." Brad could hardly wait. He'd seen what the powder had done for Tina, he could only imagine how the already over-endowed Roxy would wind up. Hopefully, he wouldn't have to imagine for long.
But it turned out to be longer than expected. They were ready to leave, and she still hadn't grown. "C'mon Roxy, let's go."
But Roxy was getting nervous. "No. I don't want to go out there before this stuff kicks in. What will the judges think if I'm out on stage, and suddenly I start blowing up?"
"If we don't go soon, you'll be late. If you're late, you'll be disqualified, and all the boobs in the world won't help you then. It's a long trip, I'm sure you'll be fine by the time we get there." After several minutes of back and forth banter, she was finally convinced. She packed up her swimsuit and evening gown and they started off. Brad couldn't tell her exactly how large she'd get, but she'd been doubly lucky: first, she'd been able to find someone who did last-minute overnight alterations, and second the material in both outfits should be able to stretch a bit if her estimates were too conservative.
They were just nearing the coast when it started. They were roaring along in Brad's convertible, catching the attention of the occasion trucker who stayed alongside them a while to peek down at Roxy's impressive cleavage. At first she thought the tingling in her nipples was from the ocean breeze whipping against her. But where was that hissing coming from?
"Brad, it's starting!" Her already full bosom began to swell, her hardened nipples jutting perkily forward. The hissing grew louder, and her breasts grew larger. Brad was having a hard time keeping his eyes on the road as his girlfriend's breasts expanded to fill her skimpy tank top to overflowing. In a few minutes, she had surpassed Tina's former glory. "Oh my God, I'm huge!" He might have thought she had a pair of basketballs stuffed into her shirt, if half of her assets weren't spilling out of her barely adequate coverage.
He reached over and gave her left boob a gentle squeeze, rubbing his thumb over a nipple the size of a wine cork. "See, I told you it would work! Whoohoo, that pageant is as good as won!" He quickly got both hands back on the wheel as he just barely avoided colliding with the car next to them. As much as it pained him, he kept his eyes on the road.
Her top gave out pained popping noises as stitches began to give way. With a final rip, her breasts sprang free of their confines, standing out full, proud and still swelling. Soon they started pressing against the dashboard in front of her. "Brad, that powder worked a little too well! I'll never get into my swimsuit now!"
"I'm sure we can squeeze you into it. It'll stretch enough, don't you think?"
"Not if I don't stop growing soon!" For she was still steadily inflating, her deep cleavage beginning to bulge up as she felt her skin growing taut. Nearby drivers were staring, and a few accidents almost resulted. "The judges from last year would've believed that I grew, but not this much! Did this happen to Tina?"
Knowing the risks, Brad looked away from the highway to glance at his girlfriend. And almost immediately crashed the car. Roxanne, who had been marvelously endowed before, now had breasts that surpassed all but the most unreal of the silicone queens he'd seen in magazines. And he'd have to edit out that "almost" in less than a minute if she kept growing at this rate. He realized that Roxy should have stopped inflating long before she was half her present size, even taking into account that she was bigger than Tina to begin with, and that was still leaving a huge margin for error. Something was wrong. "Holy shit," he muttered.
"Brad, make it stop!" She was drawing her breaths quickly as a sense of panic slowly built up inside her.
"I'm pulling over before we make someone crash," he said, trying to remain calm himself. Mainly he was worried about himself. Roxy's swollen pink nipples were now pressing hard against the dashboard, her enormous bosom covering her thighs and completely filling up her lap. Her right breast was being squeezed against the passenger side door, and Brad's hand brushed against the left one as he reached over to shift gears. It wouldn't be long before there was no room for him in this car.
"What's happening?" Roxy wailed.
Brad pulled over to the side of the road, grabbed his cell phone and rushed around to the other side of the car. "Get out, quick!" he shouted, opening the door.
"I can't," she gasped. Indeed, she was firmly wedged into her seat by the pressure exerted from her burgeoning bustline.
"Damn," Brad muttered as he reached around one of her breasts to grab the seat release lever. Roxy fell back with a muffled "Oof!" and lay jiggling for several seconds before Brad grabbed her hand and pulled her out. In her present condition he figured running was out of the question, but he wanted to get her as far away from the road as possible. He'd chosen to pull over at a spot near some trees they could use for cover. But to his surprise, Roxy seemed quite unencumbered by her breasts and wasn't having much trouble keeping up a slow jog. When they were out of view, they stopped and Brad took time to assess the situation. He just stared blankly.
"Don't just stand there, do something!" she screamed. She was trying to squeeze her breasts down, but her hands sank into her distended flesh only a couple of inches before the pressure inside her matched her efforts. Something had gone wrong with the potion, they were just too big. Brad could see her arms would have to be more than a foot longer before she could even reach her own nipples. And those beautiful, puffy pink areolas he had licked and teased during their lovemaking were now the size of dinner plates, stretched out flat against the majestic curves of her breasts.
"Well, at least you aren't getting bigger," he offered helpfully.
She was almost about to start calming down when she noticed that something else was happening. Though she wasn't getting bigger, the pressure inside her was increasing. Her hands, which were making large indentations in the side of her breasts, were slowly pushed out as her skin drew tight. Soon, she wasn't able to press them in at all. Roxanne closed her eyes and clenched her teeth, certain she was going to explode any moment. "Oh God, the pressure!"
Now near panic himself, Brad threw his arms around her breasts and tried to press her boobs down himself. Well, he really couldn't reach around, but he tried. "One the count of three we both squeeze together," he said. "One, two, three." Brad and Roxy both pressed in with all their might. Her breasts had bulged up to the point where her face was almost half buried in her own cleavage, but he could still see when her eyes snapped wide open with fright.
"Oh no!" she screamed. "Stop it!"
"What's wrong?" Brad asked as he let go.
"I'm blowing up!" Brad thought she was merely restating the obvious until he saw her shoulders puffing up. The swelling continued, spreading down the length of her arms to her wrists. Her arms were forced outwards as they pumped up with gas. "Help me!" Then her waist thickened slightly as her hips broadened, buttocks swelling to strain against the fabric of her shorts. Her thighs expanded, pushing her legs apart as her shorts split, ripping apart and falling to the ground. Brad went around behind her to see what was happening. The swelling crept downward still, plumping her calves and puffing up her feet just enough to snap the this straps on her sandals. As the remnants of her shoes fell away, her breasts began to swell again, this time along with the rest of her body. Then, ever so slowly, she began to rise off of the ground. "Brad! I'm floating!"
He grabbed her ankles as she rose up past him, but it was no use. Her whole body was still inflating, pulling skyward more and more, and her ankles gradually became too thick for him to keep a grip on. She slipped out of his hands and into the sky. "Heeeeellllllllllp meeeeeeeeeee!" she wailed. Brad stood dumbstruck as he saw his girlfriend, a swollen balloon girl attached to the two huge globes that were her breasts. She drifted upward, pushed lightly by the wind like a parade balloon that had become untethered. The sound of tires screeching and crunching metal reminded him of the nearby highway and his car. He ran, jumped into the drivers seat and started following as Roxy sailed away on the light summer breeze... Kevin made an effort to make the most noise as Tina paraded down the walkway, bouquet in her hand, crown upon her head, prize money won. Roxanne, strangely enough, hadn't made an appearance in this year's pageant. Kevin chuckled to himself. Brad was so predictable, so self assured, and so unschooled in the ways of stealth. It had taken some minor but extremely difficult adjustments to give his powder the desired effect, but it had been well worth it. She should be back on the ground by nightfall if his calculations were correct. If they weren't, oh well, it would be a long night for Brad and Roxy.
"I can't believe Roxy didn't show up!" Tina said afterward, just before planting a deep kiss on Kevin's mouth.
"I can," Kevin smirked.
"Kevin," she said, her jaw dropping in surprise, "you didn't cheat to help me win, did you?"
"Of course not," he said, still smug. "Roxanne tried to cheat, though. And as we all know, cheaters never prosper. Now let's get back home and see if there's something interesting waiting for you at the lab..."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: Lina loves sushi. She could eat and eat and eat sushi till she explodes, Which is kinda ironic you'll find out later ^_~. One day Lina was out looking for a good sushi place since she's eaten out the last few places. Which she is very lucky. No matter how much would eat she never gain a pound. "That's cuz I have a hiiiigh matobla-lizm ^_^" Lina standing 4'11", with dark red hair, wearing a beautiful purple kimono strolls around town on breezy autumn day looking for sushis places. She stops and look at one little shop she's never seen before. "Chaz's Sumo Sushi" she reads
"Hmmm, Sushi means it's a Sushi bar, Sumo means they have a lot cuz Sumos are big fat guys, and Chaz means... well I guess he owns the place, the pretty self-explanatory." and with that she happily bounces into the shops.
"Welcome to Chaz's Sushi Bar!" A large man from behind the counter looked up form making a sushi rolls says. "I'm Chaz him self Master Sushi chef and maker of other culinary wonders!"
"Hiya" Lina said happily. A bubbly looking girl came from out the back. "Hello" she said.
"Please have a seat for at the bar, since your are first costumer you can order anything for free" she said with a smile. "Really?" Lina said surprised. "Yep" said Chaz "Anything for free."
"Whheeeeeee!" Lina exclaimed and rushed to the bar. Chaz finishes his sushi roll. "Now what can I..." he cut off by the ringing of a phone in the back. "Doh, I should get that."
"I'll serve her!" said the girl.
"Ok, oh by the way that's my wife Maisha, she help you with anything you need"
"Kay Kay" said Lina. Chaz goes into the back, Maisha goes to the counter to serve Lina."
"what would you like?"
"Mmmm" Lina thought "what was he making a mintue ago?
"Ooo that's his specialty, 'Sushi of the Giant', it helps sumo wrestlers gain weight or something like that."
"May I try one?" Lina said
"Certainly" Maisha gave her a roll, Lina quick ate it. And she has say it was the greatest thing she every tasted, so full of favor it made her mouth water.
"MMMmmmMMmmmMMmmm!!!" Lina Exclaimed "This is Uber Yummy! I'll take 20!"
"Oh yes certainly" Give her 20 rolls, she Lina happily eats up." Chaz came back from the back "So what did the lovely young lady order?" he said
"Oh I gave her 20 pieces of the sushi you just made." Chaz stared for a minute with a frightful look on his face. "Y..y...you mean the Sushi of Giants" he said
"Ya-huh" she said with a smile
"NOOO!!!!" he said. "Do you know what the sushi does?"
"Ummm... it makes you gain weight? I guess?" Maishi said looking dumb founded
"Not doesn't make you gain weight. The special ingredient mix with you body and produces a gas that makes to twice as making you look bigger, you inflate so to speak, and that's only if you eat one roll!"
"So what you're saying...is she'll be turning into a human balloon?" Maishi asked.
"Yes a big balloon, maybe even explode, I dunno I never knew anyone that eat so much."
"Maybe she should stop her?" Maisha said
"You're right. Yeah you girl don't eat any..." and as soon as he said that Lina just finish the last roll...
"Hmmm?" Lina looked questioningly at Chaz and Maisha "What? what is it?"
"Um... you... uh.... are" Chaz stammered trying to get the words out.
Just then Lina felt a little bloated. "Oof, I must've ate fast." She looks down at her belly and sees it's a lil round "hmm" she thinks. But her thoughts turn away form it as feels herself getting lighter and pressure building up in side of her. "OOooo" she lets out a groan. "I feel... a little...dizzy." she looks down at her belly and sees it puff out a little, gazing in amazement she rubbed it and felt the pressure expanding inside. She also notice she was being lifted out of her seat, she looked behind her and saw her butt and thighs swell, like she suddenly gained 20 lbs and then she felt her top get a little heavy looking back she saw she breast become 2 sizes bigger. She smile at how big she got and closed her eyes and rubbed you expanding tummy that now looks like she was 5 months pregnant. Chaz and Maishi looked with aw as they this girl's figure swelled, not knowing what could happen or how big she'll get, nor could they stop it. All they could do was watch. Lina's bloating figure stretched her kimono to great lengths. Her obe hold not hold anymore and burst off expose her big swelling belly and giving it more room to gorw faster. Her two basketball size breast lay atop her enormous belly inflating as well, along with her butt that lifted her out of her seat and forced her legs apart, yet still there was no sign of worry on her face, just shear delight and pleasure. Now the floor with her expensive kimono ripped to shreds she lay there with nothing but her bra and panties that were about burst free of her ballooning form. She body was about body took up most of the space in the store, which cuz the owner Chaz to break outta the spell of watching this poor balloon girl, take his wife's hand and run outside, they didn't wanna be trapped if Lina got so big she filled up all the space in the store. Lina laid there smiling and thinking to herself "this is so fun, I wanna get bigger, really big, bigger then anything else." then the thought crossed her. "but what if I pop??? EEEEEK I don't wanna go boom!" now in a stat of worry she tries to move but she was so big she could hardly move her arms, or have the ability to sit up. Her body continued to balloon with no sign of stopping, her Bra and panties which remarkably held up until now wore torn to shreds, how she a big balloon girl and naked, how embarrassing. She could longer see over her due to her mammoth sized breast. Her belly reach the top of the ceiling and her sides touched all walls, and still she was expanding. She heard an ominous creak thinking it was her, that she would any minute explode like an over inflated balloon, the creaks grew louder and louder when BANG! Her inflating body out grew the store and the whole store was completing demolished. Now she felt herself floating in the air, which to her surprise she was. She was nothing more then a giant naked parade balloon. The towns people all looked up at the big balloon with amazement.
Lina giving up her vain struggle just relaxed and enjoyed her last moments as she was floating off into the sky. Just then as her body was the size of a blimp she stopped expanding but the pressure still coninued to build. "This is it" she thought. "I'm going to burst, Ooo the pressure is too much, I can't hold it anymore!" Her drum tight skin began to pulsate. "Ooo the... pressure...too much... can't...hold... it.. OOOOOOOOO" she let out a loud moan, and with that the big balloon girl exploded with a large KABOOOOM! that shook the earth.
Months later Chaz and his wife's business was booming. After all the calls heard about theres a sushi that makes humans blow up like balloons, a certain kind of target audience came out of the wood work and started ordering his specialty made sushi. Needless to say it's thanks to those people that he still remains in business today after the little event that took place with Lina.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping
Text: Cindy stood at the vending machine looking over her options between classes. After looking herself over self-consciously has usual, she decided to just grab a diet soda. She wasn't a fat girl, but was noticeably chubby. Her "extra padding" did get her into trouble sometimes, has she often somehow failed to notice the space she truly took up. Such was the case today has she turned from the machine and immediately ran into the a girl that had been standing next to her in the crowded hall. The collision knocked them both to the ground, and caused Cindy's glasses and soda to fall to the ground.
"What the fuck?" cried the other girl, who Cindy was dismayed to find out as Candice, the head cheerleader, once she replaced her thick glasses on her face.
"Oh no" Cindy thought, has this would only cause her more torment than she already received. "I'm so sorry, can I help you-" She was cut off.
"Haven't you done enough fat ass?!" Yelled Candice angrily. She stood up to her near 6ft. in height, her D cups bouncing lightly has she huffed with indignation.
"I-I'm sorry..." Was all she could reply meekly.
"Not has sorry has your gonna be!" Candice yelled before storming off, her Round ass shaking behind her.
"Well, I suppose that could have gone worse." Cindy thought to herself has she picked up her soda. "Awww, now it's all fizzy, I'll have to drink it later" She said has she headed to her next class, which happened to be chemistry. She took her normal seat at the back of class and waited for the teacher to begin the lesson. Today, they were studying delayed chemical reactions in converting liquids to gasses. This was going to be a lab assignment, and the teacher was assigning partners randomly. Of course, knowing Cindy's luck, she got paired with...
"No fucking way! Why do I have to work with the blob?" Candice whined out loud has the teacher called them off together.
"Candice! Talk that way again about a fellow student and I will fail you for this assignment!" For his credit, the teacher was a decent guy, but he couldn't do anything about this women's resentment toward anything that didn't share her bodily perfection. She had almost no body fat on her, and what she did have was tucked away nicely in her ample chest, and voluptuous hips and ass, which her long golden blonde hair could brush against due to it's length. Cindy was almost the opposite, she was about 5 ½ feet tall, chubby, and had short brown hair she couldn't do much with. Her face wasn't cute enough, despite being hidden behind coke-bottle lenses but it wasn't enough to make up for the rest of her it seemed. She nervously scooted away form her partner has she sat down in a huff, her melons wobbling again.
"You better not screw this help or so help you I make you regret it!" Growled Candice in a tone low enough so has not to be heard by anyone but Cindy.
"O-okay..." She replied meekly. "God I wish she wasn't such a bitch." Cindy thought to herself. She took out her pop and started to twist the cap when she realized too late about the fizz... The soda proceeded to spray on her lab partners clothes, of course.
"Damn you bitch! Can't you do anything without screwing up?!" Hissed the cheerleader, afraid to cause to much of a ruckus lest she get an F. "Get some fucking paper towels or something to clean this up now!"
"Okay, yes, I'm so sorry!" Cindy rushed off to get some paper towels for what good they would do.
"Fucking bitch, I just bought these! She better pray this won't stain..." Candice eyes the substance on the table they were meant to experiment with, and the unattended soda bottle next to it. "I think I know how to get back at that sniveling cow..." She quickly poured the some of the liquid into the soda bottle and swirled it together. "That should teach her a lesson, heh heh heh..."
"Here, let me help you..." Cindy says has she starts trying to clean up the mess.
"Just leave me alone! Drink you damn soda..." Candice snapped, trying to sound more pissed than eager to watch her plan succeed. Cindy complied, not wanting to do anything else to piss Candice of. She drank the rest of her soda, but gagged has she noticed an unfamiliar after taste.
"Ugh, what was that?" Cindy thought to herself. Suddenly, Candice asked to be excused to clean her self of in the ladies' room. In reality, she didn't want to be near Cindy if what she thought was going to happen happened. "Oooh, I feel kind of weird, almost gassy" thought Cindy shortly after Candace left has she felt a strange sensation in her stomach. She didn't even notice the empty beaker in front of her. She excused herself and went out into the hall to go to the bathroom. On the way there, she felt an immense pressure in her stomach and looked down to see belly bulging outward! "How can this be happening?" She asked out loud, her stomach inflating in her hands. "Oooooh, getting bigger is not what I want to be doing, what's going on?" Has she worried about her stomach, she began to realize the feeling was spreading, now her boobs were slowly inflating! "Not those too! Stop! I don't want to grow!" She started sobbing has Candice watched from around the corner in the hall.
"I can't believe it's working! That dummy is actually blowing up thanks to the reaction that chemical is having with the soda she drank!" She thought to herself has she watched poor Cindy begin to grow a bigger ass now.
"No! why am I getting fatter, what did I do?" Wailed Cindy has her belly, boobs and ass continued to inflate with the gas inside of her. Soon, buttons and stitches were popping and bursting has she outgrew her clothes. She stood there in the hall, still swelling and down to her underwear has she felt a shift, and the inflation spread to all of her body now. "Nooooo, why won't it stop? I don't want to be a balloon!" She could no longer cry out, has her lips puffed up. Her arms and legs were now being absorbed by her body has she grew, becoming spherical. "Oh god, what's gonna happen to me? Will this stop? How big can I get? Oh my god! Can I explode? Ooooh, feeling so full now, I don't think anything can stop me from bursting if I get too big..." She realized woefully has she grew so big she was just a 6ft round orb inflating in the hall way. Her hands flapped uselessly has she felt her body creak and groan. The pressure was building, but her growth was slowing. "Oh my god, I feel so full, I think I may pop!" She got so big she filled the hallway. "I don't think I can take much more, don't think my skin as much give left!" Creeeeeak...... "Someone, please help me!" Groooooan...... "I can feel it, it's too late, I-I'm gonna......"
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium, I'd Rather Be Flying
Text: "Balloon Rides" read the old sign on the shoulder of the lonely two-lane highway that marked the intersection with the dusty side road. A large friendly arrow on it hailed travelers to turn right and seek audience with the airplane hanger off in the distance and tall dry grass fringed the base of its splintering support poles like the loose straw of a scarecrow's collar. The late afternoon son bathed it in a warm light that made it glow against the deep blue of the high altitude sky. The red paint in the lettering had faded so much that in places only the taller ridges of the brush strokes survived and before long there would nothing left but a ghostly silhouette of the lettering.
In the distance an automobile spiritedly danced along the road, slowing to a crawl as it approached. As if pondering the invitation to seek out the hanger, the car almost came to a complete stop before accepting and turning off the highway. The driver gingerly guided the sporty car as it transitioned from the hard pavement to the dusty pathway leading into the old airport, only to pick up the pace once the ruts at the pavement's edge had been conquered.
A short distance from the turn-off down the well-worn parallel dirt tracks, the vehicle passed by what had once been a military sentry shack. The passage of time had withered away its charge so that the only things now remaining under its watchful eye were a tattered barbed-wire fence and the rusting pipes of an old cattle guard. The driver slowed the vehicle again as she drove it through the barrier, being cautious so as to not damage the underside of her new convertible. The sagebrush flanking the gravel path cast long shadows over the car's slippery red surface and dust swirled up over the trunk lid as it was pulled into the slipstream's shadow behind the windscreen. Bright particles of dust began to collecting on its tail lights as it wound its way down the path. The vehicle's turbine-electric engine sang quietly, barely audible above the stones popping and crunching beneath the wide, high performance tires. A little farther into the airfield, the road meandered past the rotating beacon and automated weather station, gently curving toward the looming hanger. Like a ghost town, sprinkled about here and there were the cement foundations of buildings long passed away. Rounding the bend, the driver and her passenger laid eyes on two airplanes that slowly revealed themselves from behind a row of unkempt shrubs. The two well used crop dusters were parked dormant on the ancient concrete apron in front of the hanger and gray canvas cockpit covers were neatly fastened in place as they awaited the next day's work. The dry weeds growing in the expansion joints between the cement squares of the ramp formed right-angled geometric patterns, prompting the sunglass bespectacled passenger to remark to her driver friend on how the scene always reminded her an abstract perspective line drawing.
The pathway led directly to the left side of one of the airplanes, and the driver, Pamela, eased her car back up onto hard surface again. It passed close to the plane's wingtips and once clear of the craft, turned to the right towards the hanger, giving her passenger, Rachel, an excellent view of the front of each plane. Each old bird had a highly polished chrome spinner capping a black, nicked-up aluminum propeller. A single large exhaust stack jutted out on both sides of each nose; bare inconel hued with reds and blues from the hot combustion gases. Crimson preflight inspection streamers hung from various protrusions, dangling listlessly in the still air. Both planes were positioned for easy departure from in front of the hanger, their tail wheels tied down at the perimeter of the concrete surface. Stenciled in white paint on one of the planes (much like the mascot on an old fighter plane) were the words "Big Horse" and a little cartoon picture that Rachel could not quite make out from a distance. As they passed in front of them, Pamela recited from memory the make, model, and engine configuration of each plane and even knew (in excruciating detail) the back story on their serial numbers. "Yes, you tell me that every time" Rachel reminded her friend.
"But they're so cool!" Pam was incorrigible in her enthusiasm.
Rachel was clearly not impressed, though, and responded accordingly with a monotonic "Uh-huh". Pam just smiled as they cleared the two craft, her passenger's disinterest going unnoticed.
Dominating the view ahead was the hanger. The giant building was originally designed to house the large bombers that once populated the airfield and its scale was hard to wrap one's mind around. The segmented doors sealing the gaping maw of the building's entrance were simply massive, covering the entire side of the building. And like the flying buttresses of a medieval cathedral, door support gantries flanked each side of the structure's main entrance. Built at the foot of each flanking support wall were rows of single story offices. Their cinder block walls were painted in a fading olive drab and frames of the multi-paned windows embedded at regular intervals had been glued shut by untold layers of paint. Up top, the structure's corrugated steel roof formed a single long archway above the main doors. To the left side of the main entrance, embedded at the bottom of one of the door segments, was yet a smaller door of the size one could find in a typical home. Driving on a large expanse of pavement was not unlike piloting a ship in a harbor and Pam patiently set course for the human-sized doorway. On the right set of hanger doors was a big logo that read "Kane's Flying Service" and Pam noted out loud that the proprietor's beat-up old pickup truck was gone. "They must have finished up early today." she remarked to Rachel, who nodded in agreement. The long shadow cast by the giant building swallowed the little red Honda as it approached and as the distance between the car and the entryway closed, Pam made a slight course change to the left followed by a sweeping turn to the right, coming to a gentle stop with her side of the car directly adjacent to the small door. Satisfied with her arrival, she pulled on the hand brake lever and shut the engine down. Like the end of so many other convertible rides, the sudden calm and quietness made the atmosphere feel deep and hollow. The fresh memory of the swirling slipstream pounding down on the senses always made for a stark contrast to the sudden calmness one found at the end of the ride. It was much like lying down in bed after a day spent in the waves at the seashore; one still felt as if being pushed around by the rushing air.
As she opened the driver's side door and swung her legs out to stand, Pam asked her passenger to retrieve a set of keys from the glove box. Rachel cheerfully complied with her friend's request.
Handing the keys to Pam, she then exited from her side of the car, closing the door behind her. In the stillness, the precision mechanism of the latch made a pronounced yet satisfyingly tight "kuh-lok" sound as the striker met the locking plate and the sound echoed off the lumbering hanger doors. Pam was already at the small entrance door, peering through the dusty glass panes into the darkened interior as she searched for the right key. The deep shadow cast by the tall roofline hovered over the two women as they stood there, enabling Rachel to remove her sunglasses and peer into the impossibly deep blue sky without having to squint. Finding the right key, Pam opened the door to a clunk and a sharp slap that echoed around the interior of the cavernous building in a way that made Rachel's footsteps outside sound flat in comparison. As soon as she disappeared inside, Pam turned to her left and walked directly to the main lighting switch on the wall. Flipping it on, the contacts of a large relay somewhere up in the ceiling snapped together and the fluorescent lights overhead buzzed as they slowly began flickering to life. Rachel followed Pam through the doorway and took in the scene before her.
The sun streamed through the windows along the top of the hanger walls as dust particles danced in the angled shafts of light. Though it was aging, the hanger had been lovingly cared for over the years and one could smell the rich aviation history that dwelled within its walls. The other end of the hanger had the same segmented door setup as the one where the women had just passed through and along the base of the hangers walls were the windowed offices. On the owner's side of the hanger, what windows weren't blocked by shelving or plywood had been blackened out. The only exception was the glass entry door through which Rachel could see a service counter and a waiting area with chairs and a coffee machine. The walls of the hanger had been painted a light gray a long time ago and rose perhaps 50 feet up into the steel trestles of the rafters. In one corner of the hanger sat Pam's ancient yellow Piper Cub she was so fond of. Next to the plane was her hot air balloon support truck with the words "Team Rathani" emblazoned upon its door in colorful text. But parked square in the middle of the hanger floor and illuminated by the streaming sunlight, sat a spiffy new delivery van with the logo of Pam's employer, CV Technologies, on it's side.
"What's with the van?" Rachel asked. Pam usually didn't have access to company equipment outside of work. "Are you fencing company property, now? I wondered how you could afford a new car right now."
"Ha. Ha. Very funny." retorted Pam in a sarcastic tone. Continuing with "You're just jealous", she stuck out her tongue at Rachel with an exaggerated "nyah". It was the good natured banter one would expect from two old friends.
Pam rented space for her flying activities from Luther, the hanger's owner. This, Rachel knew for sure. But she was always telling Rachel about the dangers of industrial espionage and how CVT insisted that its employees keep a low profile. So the presence of the company van was genuinely puzzling. The old airfield didn't see much activity, but it was not abandoned by any stretch of the imagination. Would this not attract undue attention?
Expecting such a reaction, Pam was ready with an answer. "It's alright, I'll explain in a little while" she said. "Go on in while I check on something. There are drinks in the 'fridge." She handed the key ring to Rachel. Though her curiosity was begging for attention, Rachel suppressed the urge to pepper her friend with a barrage of questions. She merely smiled, said "Okay", and made her way to Pam's rented office, fumbling for the right key among the dozen or so on the ring as she walked. Pam's office door was always easy to find. It was the one the closest one to the main hanger entrance and had an old, professionally hand painted sign that said INSTRUCTORS ONLY. Rachel inserted the proper key in the lock as she reached the door. She always was taken by surprise by the absence of an audible tone or blinking light when she opened the door. It was so ancient that it was purely mechanical in design. As the door opened, Rachel peered in.
The walls of the little office were decorated with that cheap plywood paneling that had been so popular at one time. The ceiling tiles were musty and had brown water stains in many places. In fact, it looked like the last time the place had been remodeled must have been during the middle of the previous century. The room even had the old military surplus furniture left there when the airfield had been decommissioned. Along the outer wall was a window with yellowing curtains and a door leading to the tarmac outside. The windows along the interior wall where Rachel had just entered afforded a panoramic view of the hanger floor through disarrayed Venetian blinds.
Next to the exterior door was an old tubular steel-framed couch with thick vinyl cushions. In the couch's center was a large tear that had been amateurishly repaired with silvery-gray adhesive duct tape. Despite the presence of a coiled spring that was valiantly trying to poke through the ancient material, a deep depression on one side of the couch advertised the fact that it was the best seat in the house. In the middle of the room was a stout gray metal desk and on it sat a decidedly modern nodebox and printer along with a cordless telephone and base station. Next to the computer was an ancient automotive AM/FM radio and a homemade power supply that also served as its pedestal. On the wall behind the desk hung a whiteboard with cryptic aviation and weather jargon scribbled all over its surface and navigation charts and computer print-outs festooned its perimeter. Humming away in the corner on the opposite side of the office (facing the desk) was a full sized refrigerator that Pam had saved from the scrap heap. The room's final compliment was a small entryway beside the appliance leading to a pair of restrooms.
Rachel entered the room and sauntered toward the refrigerator along the well worn path in the linoleum, uttering the command "Lights" as she was half way across. Immediately, the ancient fluorescent tubes came to life, save for one in the corner fixture sputtering as it's ballast buzzed softly in protest. The room's smell matched its appearance and was a medley of ancient office furniture, the exhaled smoke from countless cigarettes and cigars, and spiced with a hint of mildew. The raven-haired woman could not have been more of a contrast to her surroundings. "Poised" was the perfect word to describe her physical presence and she moved as if modeling the latest couture at a Paris fashion show. Her graceful movement was something that she had never actively cultivated. It just came naturally. With a face often described as Elvin, she had a long, graceful neck with soft creamy shoulders and a wasp thin waist. Her hips flared below, wide and curvy and flowing into long legs. Befitting the rest of her figure was as full and round bust - a feature she felt was a curse because of the unwanted attention it often brought her. In her professional life, she wanted to be taken seriously as an artist and candidate for tenure at Enormous State University's CattyN School of Fine Arts, so she felt that accentuating her chest wasn't conducive to her goal. She thought it made her appear anti-intellectual instead. So it became habit to always dress in a manner that concealed her bounty. The method of camouflage this day was a loose white short-sleeved blouse and a yellow bandana that hung loosely from her neck. But if one looked closely enough, though, gaps along the buttons up front would yield a quick, yet cheap thrill. Her dainty leather sandals clicked and tapped on the delaminated floor covering as she glided across the room toward the refrigerator.
Reaching the dilapidated appliance, she opened the bottom door and peered in, pondering her choices. Inside was a collection of lunches never eaten, molding away in their containers, a diverse array of partly used condiments and quite a few soft drinks. Among the soda cans and bottles on the top shelf, was a rectangular plastic food container that looked like it was half filled with flour. Pondering her drink choices, she opted for a Zero-Carb Diet Caffeine-Free Vanilla Limon Sievert! Cola (only 1 calorie per serving). She took one, paused a moment, then grabbed an additional one for her friend. Turning around while simultaneously bumping the door closed with a heel, she headed for the desk in center of the room. As she held one bottle in her hand, she placed the other against her slender mid-section with her forearm. With her free hand, she twisted off the plastic cap of the gripped bottle, mildly grimacing from the effort. A quick check of the cap's underside revealed that she had not won anything in the drink company's latest promotional giveaway. "Sorry" apologized the writing under the cap. "Play again for a chance to win!". "I never win any Toys." she complained aloud, rolling her eyes.
Upon reaching the far side of the desk, she pulled a reclining swivel chair from behind. It creaked and groaned as she sat down in it and she surveyed a mosaic of old photographs displayed beneath the desk's scratched Plexiglas surface as she settled in. The collection had been built up over the years, added to by numerous other tenants. Every time she visited, Rachel always thought it was fun to try and piece together the story told by the scene. In many of the pictures were poses of men and women standing next to long forgotten aircraft; some exotic, some mundane. Other pictures were obviously family portraits and one looked like that of someone's girlfriend. The clothes worn by the various subjects clued the viewer into the vast time line encompassed by the display. To round out the collection, Pam had contributed a few pictures of her own.
A check of tomorrow's weather forecast was in order, so Rachel pressed the power button on the box to tap into the net. As the interface shimmered into existence above the desk surface, she flipped on the power supply for the radio. The stereo was an old in-dash unit and just happened to be the last surviving part from a car Pam had driven back when the two were undergrad roommates at ESU. The vehicle had been one of those cute little right-hand drive British Minis Pam's father had bought for her to drive while in school and it was supposedly one of the last originals off the assembly line. This fact had been a great source of pride for Pam and she never passed up an opportunity to tell people about it. So, to say that the radio had a lot of sentimental value would be an understatement. Two unmounted stereo speakers had somehow been attached to the correct wires in the tangled harness at the back of the unit, each at opposite corners of the desk. Music played as the radio powered-up and Rachel could see the Noise Reduction logo displayed next to the dancing light bars of the graphic equalizer. The illuminated "Carnatic" logo was visible in the display screen. The radio's Reception was quite exceptional despite being so far out of town.
Pam walked in as Rachel was looking at the weather forecast. Smiling, she closed the door behind her and asked how things were looking for the next day.
"Pretty good" came the response.
"And this evening?"
"Hold on - let me check." Rachel moved her hands in a precisely choreographed manner over the sensor pad and a three dimensional weather map appeared as lines of text scrolled down a window in the holographic interface. "Not bad. Clear, mild, with light and variable winds."
"Great!" exclaimed Pam, suddenly brightening even more than her normal cheery self. She bounced on her heels as she stood in front of the desk.
"Oh - got one for you. It's nice and cold" said Rachel, holding out the unopened soda bottle.
Pam thanked her friend and took the bottle, enjoying a big swig of the refreshment after opening it.
"Well, did you win anything?" inquired Rachel.
Pam held the bottle cap up to the light and smiled. "Awright! A free pass to see 'Mondo the Great' perform at Six Flags!"
"Ugh." Rachel growled, again rolling her eyes. She couldn't help but feel a small twinge of jealousy toward her friend. That's always the way it was with Pam - good fortune always followed her. Not only had she been hired right out of one of the hottest tech graduate schools in the country by CVT, but in just a few short years she was earning large piles of money and advancing steadily in her career. Meanwhile, Rachel's own path seemed like it was stalled and going nowhere. She spent her days suffering the indignity of having to teach class after class of dumb football jocks on scholarships and sorority princesses seeking their "MRS" degrees how to hold a sketch pencil. Despite her love for art and the broad education she had earned, some days she felt like simply quitting and taking up avocation in the exciting world of retail grocery sales.
It certainly wasn't Pam's looks that explained her advancement. She was by no means unattractive, but she was not a stunning beauty either. She was clumsy in movement and plain in manner. She had no fashion sense, or at least felt no urgency to ever dress up. The faded ESU intramural T-Shirt, sweat pants, and tennis shoes she was currently wearing were de rigueur. The most she ever did with her shoulder length light brown hair was to either braid it or put it up into a ponytail. And while not quite lanky, she certainly wasn't very shapely. At least she had finally heeded Rachel's pleas and gone in for corrective eye surgery, eliminating her need for glasses. Despite this, she never had to put much effort into dating; men always seemed to flock to her and as of late it appeared that wedding bells were in her near future. For this, Rachel had to concede her friend's gifts of intelligence and a genuinely friendly nature. Deep down, Rachel had to acknowledge that the professional and personal success Pam enjoyed were well deserved.
Rachel had known her friend long enough to realize that Pam's bouncing and barely suppressed smile signaled nervousness. "You're hiding something. What's going on?" she asked pointedly, looking Pam square in the eye.
Pam glanced away, stealing a quick look at the hanger floor over her shoulder. Her barely suppressed smile turned into a barely suppressed, guilty smirk. Happy guilt, yes, but it was an unmistakable look of guilt that washed over her face.
"I lied to you" she blurted out, her smirk now in full bloom. Rachel pursed her lips at hearing this, raising an eyebrow. A keen understanding of body language was one trait with which she had an advantage over her friend. "Like, 'duh' Pam. I can read you like a book".
Pam's shoulders fell a bit at hearing this and she became a little more serious as her bouncing momentarily ceased. And when she was serious about something, it was as if her techno-geek coefficient dropped an order of magnitude. Pam let out a brief sigh as she began to speak. "The ruse was to get you out here without anybody at the party getting suspicious. I haven't been up in my balloon in almost a year, yuh' know. But I've got to keep people thinking otherwise."
Well, THAT was no big surprise. Pam was always cooking up one hair-brained scheme or another. Rachel answered with another rendition of her monotone "Uh-huh."
"Besides, I think you'll like what I have to show you". Pam brightened with this thought and began bouncing again.
"So, pray tell, O great techno-girl" Rachel pressed, folding her arms across her chest as she leaned back in the creaking chair. She lowering her gaze to look Pam directly in the eye. "Just what IS the plan for this evening?" "It's kind of a secret."
"Kind of?" Rachel reacted sardonically. Why was it that engineers could be so vague like this?
"Well, I'm finally allowed to tell a few select people. But you have to keep this quiet." Rachel was a little taken back by the implied meaning of the comment and was visibly bristled.
Pam, realizing her gaffe, defensively raised both eyebrows at Rachel's reaction and tried to explain herself. "Look, I'm really serious" she blurted out. "We can't even trust the government on this one. Once we're ready to go to market, we can quickly perform some 'official' clinical trials." She pantomimed little quotation marks with her hands and fingers when she said the word "official".
In her excitement, Pam was several steps too far ahead in her rapid-fire explanation of things. But from the context of the situation, it was quite obvious to Rachel that all the theatrics had something to do with Pam's work. "By then, we'll have had a good lead on the competition" continued the woman in a rapid staccato. "Industrial espionage is always a danger. I'm taking a real risk showing you."
Pam's poor choice of words elicited an instantaneous response from her friend. "You'd think that I would go blabbing your secrets to everybody?!" Rachel protested, quickly sitting up straight and unfolding her arms as she subconsciously balled her fists.
"I'm not saying you would." Pam's geek coefficient went back down again and she held her hands palm out in a calming gesture, causing Rachel to stifle another retort. "But I have to stress this to you: if you were to accidentally mention in any way, shape, or form about seeing something interesting here this evening, it could be devastating to the project. Every little tidbit of information or seemingly off-hand remark could be added to all kinds of other little pieces to form a whole picture. Believe me when I tell you that someone is always watching and waiting."
Rachel nodded in reluctant understanding and visibly relaxed a little as she realized that her friend did not mean ill towards her.
Pam regrouped her thoughts and started over, pausing with an extended blink of her eyes. "All I'm saying is, don't tell anybody anything about what you're about to see here, okay?" Her tone was much more soothing now. "All we did was pull out my hot air balloon equipment to prep it for a flight in the morning. That's the official story - okay?"
"Uh-huh" came the response. The more diplomatic approach had worked to reassure her friend. Though often socially awkward, Pam was a quick study and often was able to pull herself out of self-inflicted embarrassment in a spectacular manner. Rachel quickly realized that Pam was actually placing a lot of trust in her and as she acknowledged her understanding, injecting a bit of humor with a big, exaggerated wink.
"Good!" exclaimed Pam, beaming and bouncing.
"Rachel, you have a pretty good idea of what I do for a living, right?"
"Yeah, Kinda." Pam had explained it to her before, but always got so caught up in the details that much of it was lost on Rachel. "Medical applications for nano machines, I think."
"Didn't CVT's founder patent the first practical uses for them?" Rachel had read up a little on Pam's employer.
Pam was impressed. "Yeah, he did most of the foundational work when he was still a professor at ESU. He worked out of Clovis Hall right next to where you teach." As usual, Pam got caught up in the excitement of the moment and began pummeling her friend with more information than was necessary. "He and one of the students that worked for him. They left academia and started Critical Volume Technologies with the money they made off that first patent." "So tell me what's going on." Rachel was willing to suffer her friend's idiosyncrasies, but her curiosity was making her impatient.
Pam continued with a little background. "Along about the time that first project was wrapping up, they found some interesting side effects from another product they were working on. That's when I came into the picture: for my first assignment at CVT, I wound up being put on the team developing the product for market. We're in the final testing stages before we go for government approval."
"So, what is it?"
"It's an auto safety product."
"Um....okaaayy." Rachel wasn't quite sure what this had to do with her. "What does this have to do with me?"
Pam was unfazed. "It's been thoroughly tested in a laboratory environment for the last three years, but we wanted to get some real world reaction before we applied for government approval. Like I explained, we have to keep this quiet. So, it was decided to enlist the help of personal friends and family members."
"So, I get to be a guinea pig then" was Rachel's response.
"No, no, no!" Pam protested. "The theory is very sound. We haven't had any major problems during the program. Each of the members have had a chance to try it and it works really well. This is more of a marketing test than anything else."
"Okay" said Rachel, dryly, knowing that there had to be more to the story.
"But, in my spare time I've been playing with it and have discovered some more interesting effects. CVT's owner said to go ahead and try them out 'cause it sounded like it had promise."
Bingo! "Uh-huh. So, you haven't tested this new version?" Rachel said, skeptically.
"Yes, I have." Pam insisted. "It works just like the regular version and I assure you it's quite safe. In fact, it's actually fun to use. Do you wanna try it?"
"Umm, I still don't know what it is."
"Well, it can sound rather bizarre at first, so I'm trying to introduce you to it gently." "Just tell me, already." Rachel pressed her friend. Pam drew in a deep breath, pausing for effect. "You know I've had my hot air balloon rating for awhile, right?"
"It's really fun, but the logistics can be a pain. It's not like my Cub, where I can just get in, fire her up, and go for a ride."
Having helped Pam with the balloon many times, Rachel agreed. "What if I told you I had a way to go ballooning without all that equipment?"
"You mean like the those guys who did the cluster ballooning at the last rally?" guessed Rachel.
"Kind of, but with even less equipment than that."
"What, like with a suit or something?"
Pam smiled at this, bouncing. "Yeah, or something".
"TELL ME." This obtuseness was really getting annoying.
"We've figured out a way to eliminate airbags for cars. No inflating airbag. No inflating suit." Pam again paused here for dramatic effect. "Just you."
"You - the driver - inflates in a crash." Pam explained.
Rachel blinked, disbelieving.
"We call it the 'Internal Airbag'."
Rachel blinked again, her face blank with incomprehension. "It's going to revolutionize the industry!"
Again, Rachel blinked, eyes widening as the entire picture suddenly snapped into focus. Though her education in the hard sciences was lacking, she was well aware of the progress made in the computing, bio-engineering, and nano-technology fields over the past several decades. What may have once been the stuff of movies or magical wishes just a few short years prior was now plain old boring reality. The only thing missing was for clever individuals to put it all together for use in various ways. Apparently, one of those individuals was bouncing on her heels right in front of her.
A smirk now formed on *Rachel's* own lips. "How?"
Pam sat down on the corner of the desk and explained the process, kicking her legs against its side and sipping her cola as she talked.
The genesis of the Internal Airbag actually began as a failed attempt at a nanobot-activated sunscreen. The lotion worked well on test volunteers, but a side effect was that there was no way for the body to rid itself quickly enough of the nanite's nitrogen byproduct and users reported irritation of the skin where it was applied. The company moved on to more immediately successful products, but CVT senior management decided not to kill the project altogether. Instead, they put it on the back burner for the purpose of further developing those "detrimental" side effects.
It was around that time when Pam was hired on at CVT as a research assistant. In a flash of brilliant counter intuitiveness, she was able to tweak the nanite design so that it *increased* the N2 output.
Taking quite a risk, she tried it out on herself one night in the lab. When the smiling CEO came down later that morning to personally offer his lab coat as a replacement for the one destroyed by Pam's inflating bust line, it was obvious that the company had a hit product on its hands. The marketing department immediately commenced brainstorming sessions and out of one of these meetings came the idea for the Internal Airbag (in addition to some rather obvious products). The project was moved to the top of the development heap and given the code name "Wren".
There were two major hurdles CVT had to jump through before they had a successful product, namely: inflation control and skin elasticity. Pam's expertise was brought to bear on both problems.
The way it worked was fairly straightforward. Once ingested, the nanites migrated to their preprogrammed destinations in the epidermis and subcutaneous fat cells. There they modified the cell walls and built several small elastic chambers in each cell. After networking together and mapping a user's body surface, they would cease acting autonomously and await further commands from an external digital radio transmitter.
The little machines worked their magic by producing nitrogen with a patented cold fusion process, injecting it into the artificial vacuoles. A cell could grow quite large as it was pumped up with the gas, yet normal cellular processes were not affected. The cumulative result of billions of cells inflating in unison was that a user appeared as if he or she were inflating like a balloon. With a little creative programming, the network (and thus the inflation) could be controlled very precisely. Skin elasticity was controlled by a similar way but (theoretically at least) there were limits to this elasticity and as a precaution, safety mechanisms were built into the whole process. Testing had not yet revealed the upper size limit, however.
The one drawback to the whole deal was that inflation was too slow to be effective for its intended use. So the nanites were further modified to receive and make use of electromagnetic energy to supercharge their output. The radio transmission frequency was increased up into the microwave range and used to both communicate with and power the machines. All that remained was to refine and miniaturize the control equipment and to run the system through a rigorous testing regimen. The trials went extremely well (Pam became particularly animated as she recounted her part as a volunteer test subject) and it was during this phase when the idea of using the equipment to go ballooning came to her. Only a minor change involving the cold fusion process was required for the nanites' design: instead of nitrogen, helium was now produced. Upon being told of Pam's new development, CVT's owner enthusiastically blessed it.
For the final version of the standard Wren, the user simply ingested the nanobots - the transmitters being embedded into a vehicle's seat. These transmitters, in turn, were controlled by the car's central computer and activated during a crash.
Pam's new version differed somewhat, however. The transmitters took the form of two metallic armbands worn on the arms above each elbow. The armbands were actually small computers that communicated wirelessly with the little robots to both inflate and deflate the user - they provided some external power as well. But the central control for the this version was actually the inflatee's brain; commands were made with pure thought. The armband transmitters were tuned into a user's brainwaves using standard human/machine protocols and the data link was via nerve induction along surface of the skin. Pam's last addition was to make use of one of the earlier versions of the transmitter plates to speed-up the initial inflation.
"So, whaddaya think?" asked Pam expectantly of her friend, resuming her bouncing as she stood back up.
Rachel paused, blinking as she contemplated what she had just been told. "I'm really not sure" she finally said.
"Do you want to try it?"
Rachel sat in the chair, staring silently at her smiling, bouncing friend. "I assure you it's safe." Finally, letting out a pronounced sigh as she rolled her eyes at Pam, Rachel agreed. "Oh, alright. If it will make you happy." The whole thought of the situation was so crazy and so off-the-wall that it simply had to be some sort of joke. It was only for the sake of not disappointing her friend that Rachel agreed.
"Great!" Pam exclaimed as she clasped her hands together. She was almost bouncing off the floor in her excitement.
The first order of business was to get the nanomachines into one's body. There were several ways to do this, direct injection being the quickest. But Pam thought it better to have her friend take them in orally, as Rachel was squeamish about needles. It was as simple as adding the nanite powder to Rachel's drink, but it would take about one half hour for the little machines to be in place and ready. Pam stood up from the desk, walked over to the refrigerator, and retrieved the plastic container with the white powder in it. This elicited a knowing "Ohhhh..." from Rachel as she realized what it was.
Setting the container on the desktop, Pam pulled open the lid and produced a kitchen measuring spoon that had been hiding inside. She then plunged it into the white powder and brought forth a heaping spoonful. "Give me your soda" Pam requested. Rachel complied. Pam shook off some of the excess powder from the spoon then carefully poured the rest into Rachel's half full soda bottle. The mixture bubbled slightly and Pam put her hand over the opening, tipping the bottle upside down then right side up to mix the powder in. She then handed the bottle back to Rachel.
"Once you drink this, the nanites can only be deactivated by a special program at the lab. Is that okay?" Pam asked.
Rachel looked intently at the bottle and then cast an unsure gaze up to Pam. "They can be removed at any time?"
"Yes, at the lab. Trust me - I wouldn't do this unless it was safe."
Again, Rachel intensely pondered the soda bottle. After a moment of heated internal dialog, her face relaxed and she brought the bottle to her lips. In three quick gulps, the liquid was gone. The nanite base powder gave the cola a chalky taste, making it slightly bitter and she could feel a slight tickling in her throat.
Pam's face was beaming again and she bounced on her feet. "It takes about a half hour for the nanites to be ready. In the meantime, let's get everything set-up"
The first thing Pam asked of Rachel was to put on what she called a "Flight Suit". One had been readied for her in the restroom. "Be sure to completely strip down before putting it on" Pam cautioned. "You don't want anything getting in the way."
"Think about it. Just how stretchy do you think cotton is, exactly?"
"Ohhh" Rachel pantomimed with her lips as she pondered the thought of her brassier constricting her chest as her blouse exploded and sent its buttons shooting across the room.
Pam motioned for Rachel to enter one of the bathrooms as she entered the other. Rachel closed the door behind her as she voice-commanded the lights on. An out-of-balance bathroom vent fan loudly whirred to life as the room lit up. Along the tiled wall, next to the sink was a white jumpsuit draped on a clothes hanger. A pair of tan slippers sat beneath. The fabric of the suit was woven, slightly stretchy, thin and had a smooth sheen to it. Rachel undressed, neatly folding her clothes and undergarments and placing them in a pile on the edge of the sink. Once she had put the flight suit on, it was apparent to Rachel that it was much too large for her. In fact it looked more like a sleeveless skydiving jumpsuit as the pleats and folds of the material billowed out around her. The low cut front draped over her chest, emphasizing her now bra-less cleavage rather nicely. Without her underwear, her breasts swung pendulously under the fabric of the flight suit and the material lightly danced across her skin with the slightest of air movement. It was so thin and light that it almost felt as if she was still undressed. The slippers fit perfectly, however and were very comfortable. Looking in the mirror, Rachel noticed that the suit had a green stripe that ran the length of the garment, playing hide and seek amongst the folds of excessively loose material.
From through the wall, she could hear Pam closing the cupboard beneath the sink and then open the door to her bathroom. With one final glance in the mirror, she opened her own door and stepped out. The light extinguished automatically as she left and the noisy fan was silenced.
Pam was standing at the desk in an almost identical suit and slippers, the only difference being that hers had a purple stripe. It, too, was much too large and it billowed in the air as she moved. Correctly anticipating Rachel's first question, Pam explained "I made them from the same material used in my hot air balloon."
"Why so loose?" asked Rachel, grasping the pleats of excess fabric from around her midsection and holding them out to her sides.
"Believe me, you'll need the extra room" Pam explained. "Ohhhh - gotcha." Rachel wondered just how big she would soon be getting.
Pam made for the door and motioned for Rachel to follow. "Come."
Once on the hanger floor, the pair walked over to rear of the CVT delivery van, the fabric of the suits rustling and flowing in the air as they walked. As they reached the rear of the truck, Pam opened the double doors and stepped up on the rear bumper to enter. The interior of the vehicle was packed with computer equipment, cables, cabinets, and a small table along the left wall. Near the driver's seat was a large spool wrapped with a thick electrical cable.
"Did you design all of this?" asked Rachel.
"Some of it. Mostly, I just wrote the software." Pam opened one of the cabinets and removed a small aluminum briefcase, setting it onto the work table as Rachel looked on from the rear of the van. Inside the case, packed in gray egg crate style cushioning foam, were two sets of matching metallic armbands. Pam carefully removed one set and placed it on a fixture in front of the closest computer terminal.
"Rachel, I need you to place your hand here", Pam said to her friend, pointing to a black rectangular pad next to the console keyboards. "I have to tune your armbands to you." Rachel obliged by stepping up into the vehicle and placing her hand on the pad. Pam then tapped a few keys on the console and fiddled with the mouse, opening and closing different windows and dialog boxes on the computer's holographic display screen. "All done." "That was quick" Rachel noted.
"Yeah, it doesn't take long" Pam said. Handing the armbands to Rachel she added "Go ahead and slip these on just below each shoulder. Make sure the power button faces outward." Rachel accepted the golden colored metal rings and slid them up her arms. The bands were very thin, having a slightly oval cross section, and were highly polished and smooth. On each band, a single fine line was etched around the circumference, biased to one side and terminating in a small circle with a red dot in the center. Rachel surmised that this was the power button.
She put them on as instructed and noticed how snugly they fit; almost as if they locked into place. "Now, while I move the truck, would you open the hanger doors?" Pam asked.
"Sure." Rachel had done this before and got a kick out of running the ancient electrical motor system.
"Don't open them all the way, to the first mark - maybe about fifteen feet or so."
Rachel nodded in acknowledgement as she climbed out of the van. The tickling sensation was gone from her throat, but now her skin was tingling and the movement of the billowing fabric gently caressing her skin gave her goose bumps. She made her way over to the control panel in the corner (the same one that Pam used to turn on the lights). Pam started the delivery van's diesel engine. Reaching the control panel, Rachel found the correct switch for the set of doors on her side of the building and twisted it to the "OPEN" position. She could feel the ancient contacts inside the panel close and immediately a loud ringing klaxon sounded as the doors parted, moving slowly but deliberately as the segments slid along their iron tracks embedded in the floor. Pam leaned out of the open driver's side window of the truck and shouted the word "Recess!" above the harsh rumbling of the truck's engine, making an allusion to childhood school days. Rachel rolled her eyes again as Pam laughed and smiled from the driver's seat.
Satisfied with the new opening in the wall, Rachel let go of the switch, stopping the door's progress. As the ringing klaxon was silenced and the remnants of the bell's pulsating din echoed off of the walls, only the pulsating rumble of the van engine could be heard.
Pam began backing the vehicle up to the opening while its safety alarm pulsated in a high pitch beep, warning nobody in particular to keep clear. Leaning out the open driver's doorway, she looked back toward the rear of the van while spinning the steering wheel with her right hand. Once it was maneuvered within twenty feet of the door opening, she stopped and shut down the engine. The acrid diesel fumes hung in the still air and Rachel scrunched up her nose in protest of as she walked back to it.
Pam disappeared from the driver's seat and into the back of the van, emerging with a large, heavy disk attached to a thick black cable. Gingerly stepping down off the back of the truck, she seemed to be taking great care in handling the object. The cable dragging behind her was unspooling from inside the van and she was now sporting a pair of the armbands as well.
Rachel met the giddy woman as she stopped short of the hanger door opening and examined the device in her arms. It was a white plastic disk several inches thick and about three feet in diameter. The edges were beveled and on one side were a series of concentric circles molded into the surface. On the opposite side were four small cylindrical protrusions scattered evenly about the perimeter. The cable entered the edge of the disk at a small rectangular box. Pam stooped down and placed the disk on the floor, her flight suit billowing around her. "So that's the transmitter?" asked Rachel.
"Yeah - we used it in the first round of testing about two years ago" Pam explained. "The cable goes to the wireless control unit in the van that links to our armbands. How are you doing?"
"My skin is tingling all over" Rachel answered, rubbing a forearm.
"Good", Pam smiled. "When that feeling starts to fade, you're about ready".
Pam jumped back up into the van and Rachel watched as she worked the computer equipment. As she did, the individual rings in the transmitter began emitting a green glow that pulsated and blinked in a random fashion as a test program ran.
"Everything is looks good" Pam called out from inside as she reached up above the desk and pressed a button on one of the consoles that beeped and illuminated in response. "There. All set to go".
Pam exited the van by jumping off the back in a spirited manner and her smile seemed to light up the entire hanger. In her hands she held what looked like a coil of thick string. "Let me tell you how this works" she said, becoming a little more serious as she assumed the roll of instructor. Her expertise in what was about to take place clearly gave her confidence, though she fidgeted with the string as she spoke.
"To begin, you step onto the transmitter and press the power button on each armband. You'll feel a tiny jolt like a static shock when you do. It's normal"
Rachel nodded.
"That will initialize the nanites. From then on out, you are in control."
"So, what - do I just think 'inflate' and it happens?" asked Rachel.
"Not quite" Pam corrected her friend as she shook her head slightly. "The equipment cannot translate commands originating from your brain's speech center. You need to use its visual processing area" she explained. "You have to visualize what you want to happen."
Rachel nodded again.
"Don't worry" Pam assured her friend, "I'll go first and I'll talk you through when you go".
Rachel pointed to the coil Pam was holding. "What's the string for?"
"Oh - it's parachute cord, actually. I'm going to tie our wrists together so we don't get separated once we leave the hanger."
Suddenly, the evening's itinerary became crystal clear and Rachel chided herself for not seeing it earlier. Up to this point, she hadn't realized just where Pam's little adventure was to take them. Rachel's eyes widened and her face blanched as the blood drained from it. "What? W-we're going to do this outside?" she finally managed to stammer. Pam failed to grasp the depth of Rachel's heightened unease and playfully castigated her friend. "Why did you think I asked you to open the doors, silly? Don't worry. It's okay - I know what I'm doing. Okay?" Again she bounced.
Rachel was almost catatonic with dread at this point and it was the only thing preventing her fleeing the building in a blood-curdling scream. but instead (as if hypnotized) she nodded her head slowly. Was she nuts? "Why did I just DO that?" she screamed in thought.
"Good!" Pam bounced out, grinning. "How is your skin?"
"The t-tingling is fading, l-like you said." Was she trembling, now, too? Rachel consciously wished the little machines would just take their damn sweet time, thank-you very much. "Good!" And with that, Pam fished for the ends of the cord, each of which had a Velcro strap attached. Finding one, she proceeded to wrap it around her right wrist and test its security with a sharp tug. "Give me your left hand". As Rachel complied, Pam wrapped the Velcro of the remaining end around the nervous woman's wrist and then tested the tether's security as with her own. "All set."
Rachel's heart was pounding in her throat as she watched Pam step up onto the little platform and her mouth was drying out from the sudden rush of adrenaline.
"Stand over there" Pam said as she pointed to a spot about ten feet away from the transmitter. "That will keep you far enough away from the beam." Again, Pam's ill-worded remark did not serve to comfort Rachel. "And if I'm not far enough away?" she thought to herself. But she nonetheless nodded meekly and did as she was told. Pam's voice seemed a distant echo in her mind now as the adrenaline fanned the flames of her fight-or-flight response. At last, Pam noticed Rachel's panic. "Hey - it's alright. Take a deep breath. We don't have to do this" she said, stepping off the dais to gingerly approach.
Rachel almost took up Pam's offer to bow out right then and there. But instead, she closed her eyes, breathed in deeply, and let it out slowly. "I'll be okay" she assured Pam as she reopened her eyes. "Are you sure? Really, it's safe. I've done this many times - it's fun. I'm not going to get angry if you don't want to." Pam smiled in genuine concern. Rachel smiled back. "I'm OK, just a little disoriented. Go ahead and show me."
"Then I guess it's show time" Pam announced as she stepped back up onto the transmitter. She reached up to each armband and pressed the red buttons. What happened next took Rachel completely by surprise. In a matter-of-fact tone, Pam looked directly at her and said "Ya' know Rachel, I've always wanted a big chest like yours."
The comment was so off-the-wall that Rachel momentarily forgot her nervousness. Pam just smiled, though, and looked down at her chest. "Let's see what we can do about that."
She held her hands up to her chest, palms out, as if to present it. Rachel just continued to stare, the comment not quite sinking in yet.
The transmitter surface suddenly illuminated, its rings emitting the same green glow as before. Through the baggy material of Pam's flight suit, two lumps suddenly appeared on her chest. As the mounds pushed out on the loose fabric, it looked as if Pam was arching her back.
The lumps quickly became mounds and began to round out under the fabric. The suit's neckline separated a little, exposing the skin of her chest. Suddenly it became clear. Pam wasn't moving - her breasts were getting larger. Rachel gasped audibly as she realized what was happening. Were they....inflating?
Hearing the reaction, Pam's smile broadened and she continued to look down at her swelling chest. As the inflation continued, the suit's fabric began moving across the surface of the mounds, separating the suit's neckline enough to reveal newfound cleavage beneath.
Not only were breasts swelling, but they seemed to be pushing slightly upward against the suit. Pam was no longer flat, but instead now sported a mammoth chest that was rapidly filling out the top of her suit. She looked up at Rachel with one eyebrow raised and then placed her hands over her new assets, stroking her new cleavage lightly with her fingertips. "Not bad, eh?" "Like...balloons" was all Rachel could manage to say.
"Exactly". Pam's hands were steadily pushing out from her chest, carried by her growing bazooms. Her forearms were now wrapped around the sides of each and she interlaced her fingers, hugging herself as her elbows were slowly pushed out by the inflation. When she did this, Rachel could hear a little squeak as each breast rubbed against the other. Pam giggled.
Soon, her expanding chest had gotten so big that Pam could no longer hold her hands together. As she unlocked her fingers, her hands sprang apart. She then moved them up along the tops of each. Pam now had the most impressive cleavage that Rachel had ever seen. Suddenly, she let go, moving her hands up and away. To Rachel's amazement, each breast bobbled upward, their flight only restrained by the fabric of the suit. It was interesting to see how it had been tailored to contain them in this manner. The suit was no longer loose around Pam's chest, filling it out nicely with rounded curves at the top and loose fabric dangling below. Pam raised her chin slightly, speaking to Rachel over here floating breasts. "But wait, there's more!" she said, imitating a television announcer.
With this, she lowered her arms and placed her hands on each thigh, letting the loose fabric of the suit bunch up between her fingers. Just as with her chest, Pam's hips started to swell outward. Beneath the suit now were the unmistakably shapely forms of two inflating legs. The fabric disappeared between her fingers as the suit became more and more taut.
While the expansion of her hips and thighs steadily progressed, Pam reached around to her backside and Rachel watched in further amazement as that, too began to swell. The woman was looking more and more like a cartoony parade balloon. Pam's swelling thighs were pushing her legs apart, making her knees press together and it was obvious that the suit was not nearly as roomy down below as up top. The fabric seemed to be almost fully stretched out around her hips and Rachel could hear it creaking along Pam's thighs, fighting the pressure. But just as quickly as it had begun, the inflation ceased.
It was amazing. From inside, two huge balloons pushed out from Pam's chest, trying to squeeze each other out of the suit's neckline. She had insanely curvaceous thighs leading into rounded hips, and Rachel could only speculate that Pam's midriff was still it's normal self; the loose fabric below Pam's chest hid it. Pam repositioned herself on the transmitter platform, making adjustments for her newfound growth. Though her feet were now spread out farther apart than her shoulders, her inner thighs were still touching and the weave of the fabric rustled as each of her legs brushed against the other. "And now" she announced with a flourish, "without further adieu, the finale."
This time, she tilted her head back a little and closed her eyes as her hands moved to her stomach, pushing the folds of loose fabric flat against it. Gathered in her hands, the pleats in the fabric acted as mooring tethers for each of her pneumatic breasts and she pulled down on them, testing their buoyancy. When she let go, they floated back upwards to just below her chin.
But something else was happening, now. Rachel watched as her friend's hands began moving outward. This time, it was Pam's midsection that was growing. Her flat tummy now took on a pleasantly plump rounded shape as it swelled. Her chest seemed to be growing as well - not her breasts - it was as if she were breathing in deeply.
Rachel soon realized that Pam's entire upper body was inflating - from her shoulders down to below her belly. The growth was much faster than before and she could even hear a slight hissing sound emanating from her friend.
Pam's hands gently pressed into her belly as it swelled outward like an inflating weather balloon. Her breasts lifted a little more, separating as they began to obscure her face. As Pam grew, the hissing seemed take on a more hollow quality.
As her belly steadily pushed out, Pam bent her knees and began to straddle her inflating torso. Her entire front was ballooning out before Rachel's eyes and it was now too big for her to wrap her arms around. Beneath her inflated breasts, her chest expanded outward and farther down her suit pushed out between her thighs. Her arms rested along its side as the last of the loose suit fabric began to smooth out across the expanse of her belly. She was simply huge - a human Zeppelin.
Her swollen breasts had been pushed outwards and separated by more than a foot as her chest had inflated beneath. The suit's neckline was now a huge "V" that ran from around her neck and shoulders, over her boobs, and down to the top of her inflated belly. Rachel could easily see the sides of each breast through the huge gap in the material, resembling two soft, flesh-colored balloons sitting atop the woman's weather balloon belly. Her knees bent to either side as she straddled herself. It looked like she had taken an air tank and inflated one of those huge advertising balloons inside her flight suit. The hissing stopped and Pam raised her arms in front so that they were level to the ground. As her upper arms pressed against her boobs, she opened her eyes and leaned forward toward Rachel, attempting to lay down on the transmitter pad. She was so big that there was no need to move very far before her belly touched down and once there, seemed to bounce slightly. It looked as if she was already quite buoyant. Once down, she rocked forward, her belly now taking her entire weight. She moved her legs forward along it, like a jockey on a horse, and positioned her arms along her expanded breasts (the suit was doing an admirable job of keeping them down). She rested her hands on the top of each.
Though on her stomach, Pam's feet did not touch the ground and her eyes were almost at shoulder level with Rachel.
Rachel just stood there with her mouth agape. Other than her derriere, Pam's back didn't look like it had inflated much. The final process seemed to restrict itself to her chest and belly and possibly her shoulders and upper arms. The flight suit's green stripes were now plainly visible, running from beneath each of Pam's arms down along her rib cage and flowing along her hips and thighs toward her feet.
"See? It's as easy as 'Inflate, 1-2-3" Pam gleefully announced. "And awaaaay weee gooo!"
Rachel heard the hissing noise again and then, as if on a hoist, Pam slowly lifted off the ground and hovered a moment as the parachute cord dangled from her wrist. Her swollen tummy reflected the bright green glow from the transmitter as she rose.
With another hiss, Pam continued upward, waving her hands in the air to maneuver herself around to face the hanger door opening. She was almost twenty feet in the air now.
"Rachel, will you walk me to the door?" she asked, floating in mid air. Rachel felt like she was on autopilot as she spoke. The surrealness of what she was witnessing blotted out almost all thought except amazement. "S-sure. Which side?" "Oh, the left I guess. There's a railing there." Rachel moved toward the line dangling from her friend's wrist, gathering up the slack in the cord as she moved. Looking up, all she could see was the huge inflated expanse of Pam's belly and the hanger's giant rafters above and beyond.
Gently, she guided her friend over to the door (only a dozen or so feet away). It was like Rachel was holding the string to a toy balloon. Pam bobbled as Rachel gently guided her along. As they reached the door, Pam grabbed for one of several railings that ran horizontally along the door. Rachel had not noticed these before on any of her previous trips out to the place and by their looks had just been recently installed. With her left hand holding the bar, the ballooned woman effortlessly twirled herself around so that she faced the opening in the hanger doors. Craning her neck to see over her expanded chest, she announced that it was now Rachel's turn.
Rachel, still looking up at her friend in amazement, was dumbstruck. A thousand butterflies seemed to take flight in her stomach.
"It's Okay. You'll be fine." Pam reassured her. "Just go stand on the transmitter."
Reluctantly, Rachel obeyed her friend. She cast her gaze up over her shoulder as she shuffled over to the little platform, paying out the tether as she went. Arriving at the transmitter, she hesitated a moment, then stepped up onto it and turned toward Pam.
"Hit the power buttons, dummy."
"Oh, right". Carefully she reached up an pressed the button on her left armband and paused, waiting for the jolt.
"Both armbands have to be on before they initialize." instructed Pam.
Rachel reached up and pressed the switch on her right armband. For a moment, nothing happened. Then, suddenly, it felt as if she had placed her hand on a running Van de Graaff generator and she jumped. The jolt was followed by a momentary but intense tingling over her entire body that made her shiver.
"You okay?" Pam called down to the wide eyed woman.
"Yeah. Uh, wow".
"You're ready, then. Give it a shot."
"Any suggestions?" Rachel inquired as she looked up at Pam.
"Start with your chest the first time out. It's the easiest, plus you'll find it makes balancing in the air easier."
Rachel stood on the transmitter for a moment with a look of concentration on her face, trying to visualize her breasts growing. "Nothing is happening."
"You're probably not giving it a good enough image. Think of two balloons expanding on your chest. Remember the costume you wore to that Halloween party? Try thinking of that."
Rachel concentrated on the memory of wearing the country singer costume and of how drunk she had gotten that night. Still, nothing happened.
"What gives?" she called out plaintively.
"No, no" admonished Pam. "Think of the balloons inflating. Remember how it looked as you blew them up inside the costume? Think of that again."
The mental image entered her mind as soon as Pam recounted it and immediately Rachel heard a faint hissing sound coming from down below her chin as she felt movement on her chest under the suit. Eyes suddenly wide again, she looked down and gasped. The surface of the transmitter was alight, enveloping her feet in a bright green glow. Her breasts had actually grown. "Oh my God!" was all she could blurt out as she reached up and grabbed them. Was it true? Was this really happening?
Pam snorted a knowing laugh at her friend's astonishment. "Keep going."
The inflation had stopped momentarily as Rachel's surprise had broken her concentration. Her heart was racing again as she began contemplating her new "powers". Again, she recalled the mental image of the inflating balloons. But this time, instead of the small party balloons she had bought for that particular occasion, she now imagined using those huge ones that her apartment manager put out by the street every morning for advertising.
The hissing enthusiastically resumed as Rachel felt the pressure in her breasts rise. The platform glowed even brighter than before. It felt as if someone was lightly caressing their entire surface of each breast with a soft blanket. She could actually feel her skin expand, billowing like a thundercloud in the summer sun.
As she pressed down on her breasts, the swelling caused her fingers to separate along their expanding surfaces. Her cleavage was showing much more noticeably through the widening neckline of her suit and she could feel the bottom of each swelling breast spread down over her rib cage and then along her abdomen. Her hands continued their journey outward.
Despite her burgeoning growth, she could feel that her boobs were still very soft, she found that her nipples became a turgid as the fabric slid across them. The suit top was filling out nicely now and she was already too big to clasp her hands together as Pam had done, so she was content to rest her arms along the sides of each boob. As she did this, she noticed something else - a lightness on her feet. She stood up on her toes briefly and then bounced back down onto her heels to test her buoyancy. There was no doubt about it - she was getting lighter. The actual mass of each breast had not changed, but with their newfound lift they bounced easily in response to her test. Curious, she shook her shoulders back and forth to see the result. The pendulousness of their normal state was now almost gone and they bounced off of each other instead.
"You can feel it, I see" said Pam from up above.
"Oh my God!" (Rachel was a real wordsmith at this point), "It really works! I'm huge - it's like magic."
"Yes - of course it works. And, no - it's science, not magic." Pam smiled as she said this, happy that her friend seemed to be warming to the idea of becoming a human balloon. "Tim sure likes it when I play with the equipment. You should see what *he* can do with this stuff!"
Again, Rachel's concentration was shattered. She just stared up at Pam again. "You mean you two..."
"Oh yeah." Pam had a very devilish gleam in her eye. "Last week I brought this stuff to my place and we had a little fun" she giggled. "Oooohhhh...." was all Rachel could manage to say.
"Yeah - 'oohhhh' is about right." Realizing what she had just said, Pam was a little embarrassed by the impromptu confession and quickly changed the subject. "Keep going - I'm getting lonely up here."
Rachel closed her eyes. With furrowed brow and a tongue planted firmly in the corner of her mouth, she visualized weather balloons and very tight blouses. The hissing returned as her chest seemed to surge out into her arms.
The upper portion of the suit was rapidly reaching it's limits and Rachel could feel it becoming tight around her inflating chest. Weary of going too far, she cleared her mind to halt the inflation. She felt even lighter on her feet now.
As she released her embrace from her around her chest, her breasts floated upward, rebounding as they encountered the suit's restraint. Looking down over her nose, all she could see was her deep, soft cleavage filling the v-neck as her breasts heaved toward the roof.
Again, she bounced on her heels to test how light she was. Her balloons generated enough lift that she found that she was able to lean quite far forward and back without falling over. Beneath her bust line, the suit was still loose and it cascaded below her chest like a waterfall. "I'm filled with air?"
It was amusing how Rachel's excitement seemed to suddenly drop her IQ a few points. "No, silly - I told you - it's helium. And it's mostly *you* in there, anyhow."
For a moment, Rachel was lost in thought. "How big can I get?" she suddenly inquired.
"As big as you want. Even bigger without the flight suit." This answer made Rachel smile in a way Pam had never seen.
"Yes, quite big."
"Then, why the suits?"
"Because I don't want some farmer asking why there are two naked women standing in his pasture." Pam's words echoed around the interior of the cavernous room as she explained from above. Rachel gazed up and nodded as Pam talked.
"When we land, we'll deflate and it will look like we're two lost skydivers from the airport. Besides, it's not like we need to airlift a tank or anything." Lift...a...tank. Pam cringed inside the moment she spoke that last phrase, suddenly realizing that she may have revealed too much about the project to Rachel. There still were many aspects of it that required secrecy and, friend or not, Rachel was not supposed to know them. Clumsily, she changed the subject again. "Try your butt and legs." Perhaps the comment would go unnoticed by her friend. "Okay." This time Rachel found it less difficult to operate the system. She simply imagined her thighs inflating and filling up the suit. The mental image was rewarded by another hiss and the addicting sensation of soft pressure along the skin of her legs. The rising inflation in her now insanely curvaceous thighs pushed them together and began forcing her knees apart. Her buttocks blossomed out behind her in soft rounded curves while the smooth fabric rustled in accommodation. Just as with her chest, the hissing took on a more hollow sound as her legs puffed up and before long she found it necessary to move her feet apart (before they sprang apart by her swelling thighs).
As the suit began to tighten around her legs, she could feel her soft flesh being gently squeezed, trying to free itself from confinement. Just as she was beginning to become concerned about the tightness, the hissing ceased.
Bouncing up on her toes, she was amazed at how weightless she felt. "I feel so light on my feet, like I'm going to float away" she remarked as she explored her new body with her hands. "Well, that's the basic idea."
Rachel's breasts were so huge that all she could see was swollen cleavage when she looked down, bordered by the glistening micro fibers of the suit. Not even the transmitter platform was visible. Through the loose cloth dangling over the edge of her bust, she could still feel her flat tummy. Exploring her new body, she slid her hands between her breasts and ribcage. They actually did feel like balloons. They weren't tight, but instead were soft and warm and gently pushed back as she sank her hands into them. Even the surface of her skin looked softer, reminding her of rising pizza dough. And Pam was correct: it really was all her in there. She could feel every movement of her hands as she explored herself.
Her hips felt gargantuan as they flared out from her wasp-thin waist. So inflated were they that her arms would not dangle straight down as was normally the case. Instead, her forearms came to rest at an angle on their curving slope. And though the suit hugged her lower extremities in a tight embrace, she could tell that the flesh beneath was just as soft as that of her breasts.
Pam continued talking. "And it's a good thing you stopped when you did. It gets kind of uncomfortable if you make yourself any bigger."
Rachel looked up at Pam, furrowing her eyebrows. "You mean it hurts? I thought I could get really huge."
"It's just difficult to move and balance if they get too big. That's why the flight suits are cut the way they are. Can you move your legs okay still?" Balancing on her left foot (a task she found rather easy now that there was so much less weight on it) Rachel picked up her right foot and bent her leg at the knee. The pressure did restrict her movement somewhat and she was surprised to find that her calf bounced against the back of her leg much sooner than when she stretched before a jog. It obviously had expanded as well. She found that bending her leg at the hip took quite a bit more effort, but it was still manageable. When she relaxed her leg, it seemed to spring back straight. "Seems okay. It's a little stiff, but I can still bend."
"Good! This is it. Are you ready?"
Rachel raised her eyebrows and looked back up at her floating guide. "As ready as I'll ever be".
"Go ahead and inflate your tummy - that will finally make you buoyant enough to fly." Pam's toothy grin was so infectious that it actually had a calming effect on her pneumatic friend.
Gulping again, Rachel meekly registered an "OK", closing her eyes as she took another deep breath. Her hands found her belly through the cascade of loose fabric as she let the air back out of her lungs. She then held her arms out to her sides and slightly behind her the way Pam had done. Once again, she conjured up a vision of an inflating balloon. But this time, imagined it slowly blowing up inside the suit over her stomach. Curiously, the sound of the hissing gas was muted and she could barely feel any expansion. With her eyes still closed, she called out to Pam. "Nothing is happening!"
"Visualize yourself taking a long deep breath that fills your lungs" Pam advised. But before Rachel could try this, Pam blurted out a warning so quickly that it was almost incomprehensible. "Oh - wait - Stop! I've-got-to-warn-you-about-this-next-part."
The sudden alarm in Pam's voice motivated Rachel to rapidly open her eyes and stare expectantly up at Pam (who's own expression of panic was not the least bit helpful). "WHAT?? NOW A WARNING??" Rachel shouted plaintively. Her heart once again leapt into her throat and she found herself short of breath.
"Um, Yeah. sorry - I should have told you earlier. This last part could be really dangerous." The nonchalantness of the remark was maddeningly obtuse, even by the measure of Pam's famous understatements.
"What do you mean, 'dangerous'??" Rachel's eyes were wide in panic as her imagination ran wild.
Slowly, as if approaching a ticking bomb, Pam explained. "Rachel, whatever you do...." "WHAT!?"
"W-Whatever you do - I mean this - DO NOT...oh, God.."
Rachel squeaked in fear.
"Do not...do not allow the image of my hot air balloon being inflated enter your mind."
"WHAT?? WHA-" was all the poor woman could manage before she felt an enormous pressure in her belly. Instinctively, her hands flew back to it as it surged outward, the helium hiss loud and ominous. Not only had the image entered her head, but it was all she could think of. "OH MY GOD!" She cried as the full meaning of Pam's warning played itself out in her mind. She was fixated on the image of the huge fabric balloon swelling up off of the launch field as the word "DANGER" screamed in her head as if from a loudspeaker.
Above the hissing gas, she could hear Pam shouting at her. "Rachel - oh my God! - get that image out of your head - you'll explode!"
"Explode" was a choice of vocabulary that was not very helpful at the moment. Rachel shrieked as the inflation seemed to intensify. Indeed, it did feel like she was taking in a huge breath. Through her panic, she could feel her whole torso swelling, rounding out as it did and pushing out against the flight suit. Her breasts began to separate and lift as the flesh beneath them inflated. Her hands were quickly sliding off her belly, no longer able to reach around it. Even her arms and shoulders were feeling puffy as they, too, began to swell up.
She could feel her belly inflating below as her lower body pressed down against the crotch of the suit. Soon, it was pushing out against her thighs, forcing her legs to straddle around it as it swelled. Though still loose, the material of the suit was rapidly filling up and Rachel could feel it sliding across her burgeoning tummy. The loud hiss of the helium was becoming increasingly hollow and it seemed to echo around inside her.
"Oh my God, Rachel, no!" was all Pam could shout from above as she held her hands up against her temples. Her face was painted in horror.
By now, all Rachel could see before her now was the ballooning surface of her chest as it pushed her breasts aside. Each one was now spread far apart from the other as the fabric material stretched over them, thwarting their escape. Her belly was so big that she could not see over its horizon to the bottom of the "V" that had formed in the suit's neckline. Her chest was inflated almost all the way up to her chin and if she tilted her head down could actually make contact.
Then, above the flowing gas Rachel heard another sound - a low, angry groan. The suit was definitely reaching its limit now but she could not be sure that it wasn't her own flesh she heard.
As the groaning intensified, she shrieked again and balled her fists as she held her arms out straight. "So this is it" she thought. Dying would be bad enough, but the thought of losing her life by popping like a helium balloon had such an unreal finality to it that she was at a loss for what else to think. As the pressure surmounted, she clenched her teeth and shut her eyes, awaiting her fate.
And she waited.
The hissing continued and she waited some more.
And then.....nothing.
The hissing had stopped; she could feel that her body was no longer expanding. When this finally registered with her, she began to carefully calm herself down. Maybe she was going to be okay. But, what happened? She had fully expected to die only moments before yet still seemed to be in one piece? So, slowly then (as if a computer rebooting) she opened one eye and then the other. Then she heard it. It hung in the air like a mischievous fairy. At first, it was a giggle that became a chuckle. Soon the chuckle became a laugh, the laugh became a snort, and finally, the snorting gave way to boisterous guffaws.
Rachel's relief quickly became anger and she turned her head upwards and glared at her tormenter. Pam's face was illuminated with delight as she laughed uncontrollably.
"That....wasn't....funny." was all Rachel could say through gritted teeth.
"Oh yes it was! You should have seen the look on your face." Pam was able to say between guffaws. "I told you it was safe! We didn't spend a billion dollars of RandD money for nothing, you know. The system will not let you rapidly inflate past a certain point. You can safely get a lot bigger than that, anyhow."
Rachel continued to glare up at Pam. And then, slowly at first, the anger seemed to leach out of her. As she tried to fight the smirk forming on her lips, the trickle of departing anger became a deluge and she began laughing in relief. The Power of Suggestion: that was the oldest trick in the book and Rachel had fallen for it hook, line, and sinker. It was a trick in the same vein as telling a friend not to think about swallowing. Immature, yes. But oh so very entertaining for the prankster.
"You looked so uptight, I just had to have a little fun. You were taking too much time anyway."
"I'm gonna get you for that, Pam."
"Sure you will." came another friendly taunt. "But first, you need to finish. Lean forward and try to touch the ground."
Still somewhat shaken, Rachel leaned forward. With her knees bent and spread far apart by her giant inflated torso she was just barely balancing. In fact, she was only managing as well as she was because of the tremendous upward lift her newly inflated body was creating.
Holding her hands straight out over her sides, she slowly teetered forward. Before she was expecting it, her belly touched the edge of the platform and then bounced back up. This caused her feet to slip and she rolled forward while instinctively throwing her hands in front to catch herself when she hit the floor.
But she never did. Instead of falling on her face as she was expecting, her entire body rotated forward and bounced off the platform. She found her self face down and resting on her stomach. Her legs straddled it as her rear-end rose high into the air. It was a very uncomfortable position with her head so far down.
Seeing this, Pam called out some more advice. "Inflate your breasts a little more - that will bring your head back up."
Rachel complied. The inflation came easily now and as she pictured the balloons again was rewarded by the familiar hiss of the gas. As her body rotated back and her head leveled with her back, she realized that her stomach was no longer touching the ground. The sudden cognizance of this elicited a stifled shriek as she thrust her arms out in front as if to reach for the floor. Slowly she was rising off the ground over the transmitter.
Coming to her senses, she halted the futile attempt to grab the floor. "Hey, I'm floating!"
"Of course you are! Don't stop - you're still over the platform. Inflate a little more and get up here."
Rachel visualized her swollen body pressing out farther against the suit and was rewarded by more hissing. Slowly upwards she floated - 3, 5, 8 feet as passed above roof of the company van. As she tried to get a glimpse of the floor directly below, her butt inflated, tilting her forward. She corrected herself by simply willing herself to roll backwards. This inflated her breasts and brought her level again.
"Ahh - you're getting the hang of control, I see." Pam was impressed by how quickly her friend was learning. As the tether cord left the ground and arched between them, Pam began taking up its slack as she held herself in place with a foot hooked over the railing. Rachel continued to rise and she spun around in a lazy circle as Pam pulled her closer with the tether. After a few moments, the two women found themselves face-to-face. As Rachel reached for the horizontal bar, Pam transferred the lasso to her right hand and grabbed hold of the bar with her left. The two women were quite a sight as they hovered near the vertical edge of the opened doors. They floated there as if taking a break at the side of a swimming pool, their huge bodies bouncing off the door when they made contact. Other than their massively swollen cleavage, it looked as if each had caught a ride on a weather balloon and drifted up to the door. Rachel found it very easy to maneuver and rotating herself took almost no effort. Floating there, it was almost as if they had gone scuba diving in a giant water-filled cavern and Rachel felt as if she could go for a swim in the air.
"I still can't believe this is happening" she finally managed to say, breathless.
To Pam, the feeling was completely understandable. "Sometimes, neither can I. It gets addicting - I've been coming out here several times a week. Too bad I can't log the flight time!"
Rachel smiled and nodded her head in agreement.
"Are you ready to go for a ride, now?"
Rachel briefly closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Okay. I think so."
Pam smiled and concentrated for a moment. With a slight hiss, she let go of the railing and floated up over Rachel who watched as the woman's hugely inflated belly passed over her. Pam pulled her self along the door hand over hand. "Follow me." Rachel spun herself around and worked her way toward the opening, following below and behind her friend. As Pam reached the edge, she rotated so that she could see Rachel and she let go of the looped tether. The slack fell, suspended between the two. "OK, - I'll move around the edge to the outside and let go. Keep right behind me. Once we're outside, you can use the arm bands to ascend or descend. They don't have as much power as the regular equipment, so the inflation happens more slowly. It's very calm out so we won't go far. I'll call for a ride when we're down." Pam pulled her hair aside to show Rachel the phone attached to her ear. "Okay?"
"Uh..." This was it. They were actually going to leave the safety of the building.
"Trust me - it'll be alright."
With a smile, Pam bobbled once again as she rounded the corner. The last glimpse Rachel had of Pam was of her fingertips she pushed off from the edge of the giant door. From outside, she heard Pam call out for her to follow.
It was only a few feet to the edge and Rachel approached cautiously. Peeking around it she saw the blue sky above and the cord dangling from her rising friend. The door edge seemed to go on forever vertically in both directions. "I feel like I'm going to fall if I let go."
Pam called down "I know! The same thing happened to me the first couple times. Its normal. Just let go!" Her voice sounded flatter now that it no longer bounced off the hanger walls. Rachel could see that she was slowly rising.
It was like trying to find the first step on a ladder when climbing down off a roof. One knew it was there, but without being able to see it, could not be sure it really was. That first step was an act of faith. Rachel slowly worked her way around the edge so that she was now outside and the fading paint on the corrugated sheet metal of the door stared back at her from a few inches away. She closed her eyes. She paused for a moment and then pushed the door away. Nothing seemed to happen.
"Geez, open your eyes, dummy!"
As soon as she did, Rachel gasped and tried to reach for the door. but it was too late - she was now almost thirty feet up and well away from it. The ground was slowly receding below. Pam was slightly above her, smiling as she looked down. Rachel could see the parked car in front of the door. The concrete slabs of the apron made a checkerboard pattern that faded into the distance along the vast expanse of the ancient facility. Even the weeds between the cracks began to disappear and Luther's two airplanes seemed much smaller from up here as well. Up above, the sky seemed bluer than ever.
"Inflate a little more and get up here" Pam called down. Looking up, Rachel concentrated and thought of the hot air balloon again. The helium flowed into her and she ascended. This ballooning, it was becoming very easy.
Before long the pair were level with the curving surface of the hanger roof and rising higher as they drifted off in the still air. Once above the roof, the sun bathed them in its warm glow. Pam greeted Rachel as the two reunited. "Ready? Let's go higher. The view is great!"
By now, all Rachel had to do was to think about following her friend upward for the effect to occur. Pam gathered the slack in the tether so she could face her friend as she caught up. "You helium floater, you! You're a natural!"
"I think I could get to like this." She really could, Rachel thought as they floated towards the highway.
"I knew you would. I think it's going to be rather popular when we introduce it."
"Ya' think?"
The two women laughed. As the sun made its way toward the horizon, the pair floated off into the distance. EPILOGUE Further down the highway and out of site behind a dilapidated billboard, sat a parked rental car. Inside was a burly, darkly complected man wearing an ill-fitting brightly patterned shirt, a bushy moustache, dark sunglasses, and several days of beard growth. His mouth was wide open in astonishment as he slowly lowered a pair of binoculars to his lap. On the passenger seat next to him was an old film camera with a high-powered telephoto lens and in a near panic, he fumbled for it, finally grabbing ahold from among the used potato chip bags, road maps, and empty soda cans littering the area. Once he untangled the shoulder strap from around it, he brought the viewfinder up to his eye and furiously began snapping pictures of the strange sight off in the distance.
"Da boss eez-a not gonn-a believe 'dis" he muttered as the camera clicked and whirred. "Dis meen promoshun". Visions of a new uniform and sunglasses danced in his head as he softly hummed the Elbonian National Anthem to himself.
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Implied Popping
Text: It was all over the news. For a small town anything tragic made headlines. "Amy Sommers is presumed to be dead. It was a month ago since she went missing..."
And "blah, blah, blah" thought Vi as she smiled to herself and turned off the TV. Of course, she knew what had happened to Amy a month ago. She had been there when the poor lass had swelled up into a giant blueberry and exploded all over Madam Brown's store of magic paraphernalia and occult doodads.
At first, she had been slightly upset over the whole ordeal. She realized a person had just died and she would never see Amy again. As she had thought about it though, she realized she did not really care she would never see her "friend" again. Lately, she had been coming to the conclusion her companion was a bitch.
Once she had come to terms with the situation, she realized she was in awe of Madam Brown's powers. Madam Brown, sensing potential in the young Violet, had asked her if she wished to learn the arts. Now normally, Vi was only interested in witchcraft only so far as to be interested. Never had she wanted to actually become a witch. However, she was not the most popular girl at college. In fact, you might just say she was about the least popular person there; except for Sebastian De La Crovax. He was the least popular. (Mostly due to the fact that he had seven fingers on each hand and he often bragged about how he picked his nose with each one. Also, they thought his last name was ridiculous.) However, upon seeing Madam Brown's display of magic, she realized it would be a great way to finally get revenge upon the people of her dorm.
Basically, she had spent all of the previous month learning the ways, the methods, the tricks, the means, the techniques, the processes, the manners, the routines, the approaches, the procedures, and even the styles involved in witchcraft. All in all, she had a decent amount of knowledge. About 3% of everything there is to know according to Madam Brown. (You may think 3% is very small given all the things Vi learned as mentioned two sentences ago, but then, what do you know about witchcraft compared to Madam Brown?)
Which brings us to the present of Vi lounging in her dorm room (now a single room, due to the oh so tragic disappearance of her roommate) turning off the news. She was feeling especially happy because today was the day she would begin her revenge. "Actually", she thought to herself, "the revenge won't begin till tonight, not today. So really, tonight will be the night. Although...day has more than one meaning. It could imply just the time it is light out, or it could apply to a 24-hour period! Wait, why does this matter?"
You see, Vi had a happen of over-analysis. But anyway, her plan was this. She had over-heard three girls talking and found out they were going to get drunk in their room that night. So using her new found knowledge, she decided to make a very special alcohol, just for them. Now obviously, she could not just waltz into the room with them, they hated her like everyone else apparently did. That is why she needed Joseph Barnsby.
Joe was also not too popular. Still, he was much higher up on the social ladder than Vi. He had actually been the one to start much of the ill-will directed toward her. He had seen her in an occult store once from the street. Immediately he started the rumor that she was a witch. This led to most people avoiding her all because of a misunderstanding. Ironically, she was becoming a witch to get revenge for being called a witch. "If you can't beat the insult, become it" she often mused to herself.
Now our friend Joe would kill for a chance to get drunk with the aforementioned girls. They were all cheerleaders from the same high school. He actually had a crush one of the girls, Julie. It couldn't have been her magnetic personality so Vi figured it was her blonde hair and curves. So Vi left her room and walked to Joe's room.
She lightly rapped on the door. The door open after a second, "Hey, what's goin...o, it's you."
"Hello Joseph, how are you today," Vi cutely spat out. And she was able to do it cutely. Despite her bad reputation, she was not unattractive.
"What do you want witch?"
Vi somehow overlooked the rude greeting and continued, "O, I just overheard that Julie, Tammy, and Sam are drinking tonight and I was going to join them. I was just wondering if you wanted to come."
"Of course I want to go, but what makes you think I want you there. How do you ever expect to get in anyway? They'll just kick you out."
"Well," Vi stammered as though oblivious, "I remembered that Julie's favorite dessert is blueberry pie. You know, since she always gets it at the cafeteria."
Joe almost laughed. "What the hell does that have to do with them allowing you to drink with them?"
"Well, I was in France the other day," she lied, "and found this blueberry flavored vodka that can only be bought over in France. I snuck it back over and I'm sure Julie will let me in for a taste. Of course I'll tell them it's for a grand finale. That way I can drink with them all night."
Now Joe could put two and two together. Unfortunately for him, he always got five. This is why he realized the only way he was going to get in with the girls was if he had that vodka. He failed to notice the evil glint in Vi's eye though.
"Why your right Vi," he exclaimed, suddenly kinder. "I didn't realize you were so intelligent. Sure, I'll go head over there with ya tonight. Let me see that stuff that's getting us in. I'm intrigued." "O, sure thing Joe. Man, this stuff is so good, it'll probably only take five shots for everything to be perfect." Vi was pretending to be completely excited, but she knew what was coming.
The second Joe had the bottle he slammed the door in her face. "O, hey thanks Vi for this ticket inside their room. Sorry to inform you though that it will be a non-witch party. Sooo...umm...no witches allowed!"
"O my Joe, what a witty retort," Vi thought as she walked away trying not to laugh.
So Joe prepared for an evening of fun. Around ten, he headed on over to Julie's room with drink in hand. (Actually he had it in a sweatshirt since he was underage. Like Vi and the three girls, he was only 20.) He knocked on the door with high expectations. (Not the Charles Dickens book. It was his state of mind.)
Sam opened the door. Sam wasn't his crush, but she was still hot. She has long red hair and was prepared for a night of relaxing in a pair of matching hot pink sweatpants and top. It was apparent they had already begun drinking some. "O, ummm, hey.....uuhhh..Jack?)
"Joe, actually."
"O, ok, John, sorry bout that. So, whatcha want?"
"It's Jo...nevermind. I'm here for the festivities."
"O, like, I'm sorry Jim, but you were so not invited."
"What's going on here?" Julie walked up with a questioning look on her face.
"Oh, hey...Julie," Joe managed to squeak out when he saw her walk up in a pair of curvy jeans with a brown belt and sky blue T-shirt.
"Julie," Sam stated matter-of-factly, "Jacob here thinks he's going to drink with us."
"I believe his name is Joe, Sam, and what makes him think such a thing?"
"Well, there is the small matter.....of THIS!," and with that Joe released the bottle from his sweatshirt with a dramatic swirl. Julie sneered, "although the presentation was very impressive Joe, I think we have enough alcohol without your supply."
"Alcohol? This isn't just any alcohol. This is special blueberry alcohol only found in France." With the mention of blueberry Julie eyes lit up. She pretended not to care too much though.
"O really, blueberry huh? That's kinda inte....odd. Let me see it."
Joe, remembering his own masterful trick upon Vi, was not so easily duped. "Only a smell for now. This, being a very special and expensive brew, will be the grand finale." With a flourish, he unscrewed the cap and waved it under Julie's nose. The smell was intoxicating! Julie knew she needed this.
"Well, I guess it would be more interesting than the usual stuff we drink. Alright Joe, come on it."
"WHAT?" Sam exclaimed shocked.
"I said it's alright Sam! Besides, aren't you tired of green apple and raspberry all the time?"
"I guess," she mumbled.
So Joe walked in victorious. He saw Tammy on the couch, apparently more drunk than the other two. She had on a loose red shirt that came to her knees and button up red blouse with her medium length brown hair in a pony-tail.
"Hey Tammy, this is Joe, he'll be joining us tonight."
"O, like sweet and stuff, haha," Tammy replied not caring.
So a few hours of drinking passed. All three girls got far more drunk and Joe did a wonderful job himself of catching up. Eventually as they got close to their limits, they began making fun of Vi.
"O guys...I mean, haha girls. Cuz the three of you are girls, not guys!" Joe laughed.
The girls all laughed. "You're so..like right Joe," Sam laughed. She finally got his name right when wasted. "We are all like girls, except for you. That's great."
"Yeah, yeah, anyway, so Vi.." Joe began.
"Wait Joe," Julie interrupted, "before we smake...I mean smake..haha...you know what I mean. Before we make...there we go...fun of Vi some more...hows a like about that blueberry...shit?"
"O, o right," Joe relied pulling it out form under his chair. "I suppose it is somewheres about the time for...such endeavors. Is that the right word?
"WHO CARES!" Tammy yelled. "LIKE, umm" she got quieter, "pass that shit around. Whoohoo, more alceyhol!"
With that Joe opened the bottle and poured a shot for each girl. Not liking blueberries himself, he passed on it.
"To special blueberry shit" Julie laughed and with that all they all downed their shots. Immediately, they all began ranting over the drink.
Tammy jumped up, "That is the...bestest damn shiat I have ever had the pleesure of cunsuming." Julie just sat on the couch apparently in a state of bliss.
As Joe watched though, it almost seemed as though they started to turn a slightly blue color. After a minute or two they definitely seemed a light shade of blue. He figured he must just be drunk. The girls never noticed because they were too drunk and excited over the drink to care.
"Joe!" Julie suddenly demanded coming out of her moment, "more!"
So Joe immediately lifted the bottle and filled each shot glass again. Sam raised her glass and yelled, "to the best damn stuff ever." There was general agreement and then the shots went down. Once again the girls were amazed. The talk became a little different this time though.
"Ya know, I'm like drunk and stuff, but like...this stuff makes funny, haha, makes me feel funny somehow..........."
"Differently," Julie finished for her. "I know what you mean. I even feel kinda bloated. How much have I had.?"
Joe got tired of their convo and went to the bathroom. When he got back however, he had to take a double take. Not only did the girls seem even bluer, almost a real blue now, but something else was strange. Were they fatter? No! But on closer inspection...maybe. Tammy's blouse buttons seemed a little strained and Julie's pants seemed maybe a bit tighter. He decided he might be imagining things. He decided he would watch closely after the next shot. He didn't have to wait long. The girls, apparently still oblivious (was the drink at fault for this?) were demanding more. He wiped out the bottle and poured three more shots. They didn't even wait to toast this time. As soon as the glass was full it was down the respective girls throat. This time Joe watched closely.
"Wow, I afeel even more...strangeness. This is crazy shit," Tammy thought aloud.
As Joe watched them talk he realized he couldn't be imagining things. The girls skin changed till is was completely blue. He knew he was right we Tammy said, "hey, you guys...I mean girls, right joe?...hahahaa." They all giggles. "Anyway, you look like green...opps. I mean blue."
"Haha, now that you like say that, kinda true. We are so drunk!" Julie laughed.
"I am not drunk," Tammy protested. "Watch me walk around." With that she got up and walked in circles. The other two girls were in their own world, but Joe watched. Her ass seemed almost a little bigger and he still though her buttons looked tighter on her shirt. Suddenly, she started to moan a little as she walked and her skirt started to become tighter. Suddenly, it wasn't so loose anymore as her thighs began to take up more room and her butt curved out some. Her blouse was definitely strained as her stomach stretched it out more. Even the buttons over her breasts groaned as they were pressed out from her growing cleavage.
What Joe didn't see was the similar situation on the couch. Sam suddenly grabbed her stomach and saw her hands being pressed outwards. With shock she watched as the outline of her growing belly became slightly visible under her very loose sweatshirt. She knew her boobs must be growing also because she could feel her nipples rubbing against her bra.
While Tammy had it spread a little everywhere and Sam's stomach was not faring well, Julie was having a more hourglass experience. At first she felt her cleavage deepening and her bra growing tight. She looked down and was surprised to see much more boobs in her face than normal. She was normally a C but they looked like D's now. She put her hands on them and felt them rounding out. As she was feeling them she suddenly felt the armchair of the couch pushing her. She was confused since she hadn't moved when she realized she was moving...outward. She put her hand down to her hips and felt them widening into the armrest. She also noticed her thighs were growing together and gout feel her butt filling as well. As soon as it started though, it stopped.
Due to the drink though, they immediately forgot their plight and didn't realize anything was wrong. To Joe's horror, the girls suddenly were demanding more of the wonderful drink. He tried to argue with them, but they started to get angry.
"Alright, fine, if this will make you shut up have some more. Just don't get mad at me when you wake up tomorrow."
With that they downed a fourth shot. Joe waited for the effects. Sure enough, the girls eventually deepened to dark blue. He watched for what would come next.
Tammy was sitting down again and she felt it first. "O my gawd, there's the feeling again..." With that she began filling again. Joe could see her chubby blue legs inside her skirt and they began fillings more. He watched as blue flesh connected with blue flesh and suddenly they could grow no more. There was no stopping the growth though so Tammy felt her skirt begin to stretch around her legs. Soon the skirt make a V since her legs were growing so round they were two mountains squeezed into the stretchy skirt. Her skirt's crotch was also being stretched by her expanding stomach. The buttons on her blouse were groaning even more as blue flesh began poking between the spaces. Even her hips were widening, pushing into Sam.
Sam was not having a better time. She looking in horror as her sweatshirt began tightening more. Even her boobs were beginning to push out. Her stomach continued to round out and it started to become a large dome that was increasing in size. She could feel her belly button deepen as the elastic band on the sweatshirt was lost as her belly began to grow unto her lap. Her boobs were beginning to get pushed into her face as they rested upon her doming stomach. Julie didn't notice any of this though.
She had many problems of her own. Her bra was becoming painful as her boobs were also growing. They were outdoing the other two as they passed any size a normal woman would have. She could feel herself becoming wedged in-between the arm rest and Sam. This was due to the fact that her hips were flaring out even further. She wanted to spread her legs because they were growing so round they were trying to push away fro each other. She realized she had to stand up before she was stuck. She tried to stand up and couldn't, realizing her butt must have been larger than she thought. She readied her self and gave a large shore, springing up. She flung herself across the small room and caught herself on the opposite side, her swollen bottom wobbling from the momentum. She put her hands on her rump and realized how completely huge it was. She looked back and saw her underwear pressed firmly to her jeans and he checks continued to push out. Her posterior was growing so large he belt began to hurt. She walked back to the middle of the room, waddling. She spread her legs out as they filled out further. Suddenly there was a loud ping noise as Tammy's breasts burst through three of her buttons. She has deep cleavage jammed into a tight red bra. Just as suddenly as before, the growing stopped. Joe was speechless. What the hell was happening. Why were they girls getting fatter before his eyes. Although, it didn't look like fat. They almost seemed firm, like a ballon. Looking at them, he just knew they wouldn't ask for m....
"Hey Joe, any of that shit left?" Julie asked walking toward him, her huge hips swaying.
"Alright, I don't care what you think," Joe yelled as he dodged around Julie. "I'm taking this stuff and leaving. I am officially cutting you off!" With that he turning around and made to walk out of the room and almost walked right into Vi, who was standing in the entryway.
"Why hello Joe. Are you enjoying the party?"
Joe began backing up. "You, you did this. What the hell is in this drink!"
"No Joe," Vi said as she swiped the bottle. "You did this. You and all the awful people that live in this dorm...hell, in this whole world!"
"Why you.." with that Joe lunged at Vi. She immediately held up her hand and Joe flew backwards in the wall past all the bloated girls. He realized he was frozen there.
"Now watch Joe as revenge is carried out." Vi turn to the girls, who looked like something was missing from their world. "Who wants drinks?"
"WE DO," they all exclaimed.
Vi poured the fifth shot for each of them, laughing evilly the whole time. The girls eagerly snatched the drinks from Vi. "No, stop, don't drink those or you'll get even bigger," Joe tried to warn them, but it was too late. They had already downed the drinks with astonishing speed.
"Now the real fun begins," Vi cackled as the girls drank the last shot. Finally, after the fifth shot had be taken, the girls snapped out of their stupor, completely sober now.
"Holy shit," Julie screamed, "I'm fat as hell." She took a few stepped looking with horror at his absurd figure shaking. "I can barely walk with my thighs so huge."
"Who cares about your thighs," Sam screeched, holding her massive stomach, "look at the size of my gut. I can't even put my hands around it."
"Well I'm big all over, but there's another problem. Why are we all blue?"
All three girls looked at each other and suddenly there skin began changing again, now to a blue so deep they became purple.
"O my god, what's happening to us now?
"Well my dears," Vi interjected, making her presence known, "you're entered the final stage of your change into a blueberry."
With Julie all over her face Julie lunged at Vi. She stopped midway though, holding her stomach. "OOooo, I suddenly feel real strange. O shit, it what we felt like before we swelled befor..." Before she could finish her sentence she groaned and her stomach poofed out slightly. "OOooo noo.." she turned her bulk to she her friends in a similar situation.
Sam's stomach began rounding out again and the stitches on her shirt began to protest. However, her posterior began to inflate as well. With her crotch and legs having no where to grow with her large stomach on top of them, her swelling forced her to stand up. She seemed to be inflating faster than her friends. Her midsection was becoming so large, it began to swallow her legs and arms as her back started to swell as well. "Help, I'm becoming a ball." Her sweatshirt burst of her and he boobs sprang out since her bra was long gone. Her books also began to get swallowed by her growing midsection.
She had to raise her arms as they were now half consumed by her stomach. Her legs were just cones now, rapidly disappearing. Her sweatpants were quickly blown off.
"What the hell is happening to her," Julie screaming, watching her friends panties explode off as she became a round purple ball.
"Why Julie, she just finished the transformation into a blueberry. Something that will soon happen to you and Tammy."
"No, this can't be happening," Julie whimpered as she fought back another strange feeling washing over her and her stomach poofed up a bit more pressing into her belt. Her arms also became a little rounder.
"Help me!" Julie and Vi looked over to see Tammy standing up expanding out in all directions. Her arms were growing rounder as her ass and legs began stretching her skirt. She inhaled and with the exhale her stomach shot forward and burst through the rest of her blouse with many loud pings. Her red her breasts swelled out and the red bra was gone. As her top half swelled up more and more, her skirt continued to hang on for dear life. Her legs plumped up more and she needed to spread them out to stand properly. However, her skirt held them fast and she began to tetter. With a scream, she tottled over onto her side. Her large stomach caught her fall, but the pressure of falling cause her legs and butt to rip the skirt to shreds. With a whimper, they watched as her ass grew into the air as her back began to swell. Her red panties could only stretch so far and ripped in half completely exposing her flesh. With nothing holding her back, she finished becoming a blueberry.
"Joe and Vi turned back to Julie," who was grimacing, holding back the expansion.
"Go ahead and fight it Julie, it just makes for more entertainment. It so interesting. I hadn't realized everyone expanded in different ways. Yours reminds me of a friend I once had."
Julie shuddered and her stomach puffed up more. Her stomach began to push over and under her belt and her belly button was peeking out from under her shirt. She heard a groan from behind her which meant her rear had expanded some also. "Vi, get this air out of me."
"Air? Haha, No Julie. It's juice. Like I said, you're becoming a blueberry. You're doing a great job of fighting it, but you're slowly getting bigger. The juices are building up pressure inside you. Soon, you'll be just like your friends."
"Fight it Julie!" Joe yelled from across the room. He could see she was losing though. Her body was beginning to pulsate, and she grew a little larger with each pulse.
"EEErrrggg, I can't stop it," Julie said through gritted teeth. "I can't feel myself slowly ballooning out. Her stomach began to peek out more and more with each pulse and her crotch and hips were groaning under the belt. After a few minutes the belt was singing her waist in.
"This belt is cutting me in two." However, Julie fight was soon to be over. The belt began to groan as her stomach pushed out a little more each second. One final pulse and BOOM! The belt flew off into the wall and her stomach shoved out into her skin tight jeans. The rush of juice was too much for Julie and she began expanding freely.
"Somebody, somebody help me. I'm becoming a blueberry!" Her shirt rode yp her stomach as every heard her bra snap. Her pants curved around her belly as her bellybutton pressed into the fly of her crotch. Her legs were still growing and she went spread eagle. Her arms began to rise as her hips pressed into them and as her arms began to round out. Her jeans were beginning to hold back the juice and her cheeks puffed up like a chipmunks.
Julie could only look with terror as her growing stomach burst through her fly. Her blue panties were barely visible over her jeans zipper. One second later and they were very visible as her zipper broke. Her stomach pushed into the V of her jeans. Vi walked around Julie just in time to see her large rump split her jeans right down the middle. Her panties were shiny spread skin tight over her widening butt. The rip in her jeans grow by the second as more and more panty clad ass pushed through. Her shirt began to tear as her whole body began to swell. She could move her tree trunk legs no further and her crotch began to push down as her jeans fell apart. Her arms and legs Became cones as her body began to become a giant blueberry.
She could only mumble as her crotch reached the floor and her body expanded out to her hands and feet.
"All done. Well, almost all done." Vi chuckled.
"What do you mean," Joe asked wondering how this could get any worse.
"Why Joe, do you think I would let them go. To tell the world what I did. O no, they have to pop."
"No, please don't give them any more," Joe pleaded, eyeing the last quarter of vodka.
"O don't worry Joe," Vi declared picking up the drink. She patted one of the girls and she was tight as a drum. "I've already given them enough. They just need time for the juices to build up pressure. However Joe, I'm not a wasteful person."
With that she pulled a funnel out of her purse and shoved it in his mouth. He could only mumble hysterically as she poured the remaining quarter down his throat.
"You see Joe," she mewed, stroking his arm, "we witches have a nasty habit of revenge.
With that Vi picked up her purse and left the scene of the crime as one very frightened college boy began to turn blue.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Prologue
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of Morigal, there lived a Queen named Roe. She wasn't by any means old, only about 28, but being very narcissistic, Queen Roe feared the aging process. She feared becoming an ugly old hag, like her mother. Feared her husband, the kind-hearted King Crain, becoming disgusted with her appearance. That's why she had to find a way to beat Mother Nature.
One day the queen was on a horse ride alone. She followed a trail deep into the forest, where most feared to go. There she met an old witch. The witch said she'd grant Queen Roe's wish. There was a catch however. In 20 years, if Roe had a daughter, the witch would take her as her slave. Roe, greedy with the power of her wish being fulfilled, agreed. Her wish was granted and Roe would stay young forever.
Exactly two years to the day later, after becoming ripe with child, Roe with her eternally youthful good looks gave birth to a daughter she named Melody. After a week, Roe was back to normal, like she was on the day the wish was granted. And she remained that way for another 17 years. Until one day... Melody woke up with the sunrise shining thru her window cracks into her face. Today was the day of her 18th birthday. She jumped out of bed and threw open the shudders to her window, taking in a deep breath of the morning air. She had been waiting for today for sometime. Not only was there a large feast in her honor but her father had arranged it so several suitors would come by as well for inspection. She was so excited. Her maid came in and told her it was time to get dressed. Melody agreed happily and chose her sparkly white gown. Her maid helped her dress, as was common in those days, and she stood in the mirror. Her maid helped put up her long, silky blonde hair up into a bun. Her gorgeous hazel eyes sparked with resonating sunlight. The only thing she wasn't really proud of was her frail body, scrawny because she never did any physical labor. That would be unbecoming of any princess. Melody thanked her maid and ran down to the great hall.
Meanwhile in the grand hall, the king and queen sat in their thrones.
"What's the matter, Roe?" asked Crain, seeing her sit there, looking distraught.
"I... Well, It's just one of those days. I feel as though there's something I should be remembering, but I can't for the life of me figure out what!" Roe sighed. "Where's my royal pedicurist?!" she hollered, looking as young as she did 20 years prior to this day. Over those 20 years, she became more and more greedy and self-centered than ever before. Crain had noticed this but the thing he noticed most was how much of a devil she'd become in the sack and he feared that might be jeopardized.
"Hello, Father. Mother. How are you on this lovely day?" asked a whimsical Melody.
"Happy Birthday, Child!" said her father with a jolly laughter. "You look radiant today! Are you ready for the festivities?"
"Oh yes!" she laughed. She then looked over to her stern-faced mother.
"Melody! Don't act so childish! You are a child no longer!" Yelled Roe.
"Yes Mother." Huffed Melody, walking away. She truthfully hated her mother and her ways, but she was too nice of a person to argue back, so it was common for her to just turn a shoulder and walk away frustratedly. She made her way out into the royal garden and sat by the fountain, her favorite spot in the whole world. "Why is she such a hard-ass?" said Melody in a very unladylike tone. This manner of speaking, that she'd learned from her maid, was the exact opposite of the etiquette her mother taught her and she used it when she was annoyed, as a form of rebellion. As she sat groping, a claw like fingers danced around a crystal ball, watching from miles away. A raspy cackle echoed in the forest all the way to the royal garden. Melody looked around, hearing the weak resonations of the laugh. The Witch realized what she'd do to the princess as payback.
There was a crow that entered the garden and kept its eyes fixed on Melody. Melody, not noticing its grim presence, decided she'd pick some of the beautiful flowers that adorned the garden. Suddenly, a weird feeling was twinging, deep inside her. She clenched her frail abdomen with her free hand and went back to picking flowers. Then the feeling started to build up a bit more. Melody put down her flowers and started heading for the royal doctor's office. That was until suddenly, there was a heavy surge of pressure in her body and suddenly, Melody's body grew into the hourglass she always wanted it to be.
"My god!" She cried. "I'm really a woman now!" she laughed as she tickled the growth. Her breasts were DD's and her ass and hips were just as proportionate. "Hmmmm. It's good to be an adult!" she said with a laugh. The poor girl had no idea that this was the start of something rotten. She ran into show her parents. The Grand hall was in the process of being decorated for the feast tonight. She ran, now with bouncy tits. She'd never been so happy in her life. "Mother! Father! I'm a woman!" she screamed as a familiar crow flew in right behind. She felt another short twinge and her breasts grew a cup size as she ran.
"Heavens, daughter! What's happening to you?" asked the King.
"I'm... I'm finally... a woman!" she said, noticing the new growth and loving every minute of it. She twirled around to show them her nicely developed ass as well.
"You quite frankly look like a hussy, girl! Go upstairs and have your maid let that gown out for you before you tear it!" said her mother snottily. Melody was too happy to let the Queen get to her, so she willingly obliged and ran back up to her room in the tower.
"So you want it a little larger in the chest and in the back and hips... but you still want it to show you off?" asked the maid.
"Oh yes!" laughed Melody whimsically. "Thank you, maid!" she hollered happily as her measurements were taken. The Maid went at it right away, knowing the princess needed a gown for tonight's feast. The Princess explored her newly developed areas as the crow watched from the window sill.
After about a half hour, the maid fitted the girl with the gown again. She was quite frankly a miracle worker. Though Melody had grown some since the measurements were taken, the gown seemed to be stretch and covered Melody just as she had wanted it. The princess thanked the maid profusely and ran back downstairs to pick entertainment for the feast with her parents. She hadn't realized but after becoming so well developed, she was experiencing problems walking. Her breasts, about the size of basketballs and tender to the touch, were constantly bouncing up into her face as she went down each step. Her ass, with each cheek roughly the same size, made her waddle slightly. Realizing she'd land on her inflated ass if she ran, she decided to take it slow, very slow. Upon reaching the main hall and her thrown, Melody began to feel a new twinge, this time, deep down inside her stomach. She ignored it though and watched as jesters crowded in front of them, hoping to be picked for tonight's celebration. Despite her odd feeling, Melody laughed at each Jester's routine. The jester she enjoyed the most was the one that seemed to poke fun at her mother, but since Roe had him put in line to be executed, Melody obviously couldn't pick him. Suddenly the feeling in Melody's midsection become more and more intense. It was beginning to become painful, she sat there, one hand cupped on her flat abs, trying to fight the pressure. But it was becoming too much. She couldn't stand it anymore. That's when she felt something strange. The pressure seemed to push out a little. Just a tiny bit, but low and behold, Melody's flat abs now had a small little bulge that poked out just under her belly button. She tried to hide her shock and told her parents that she was feeling a bit tired. She started to walk back to her room when suddenly her mother's voice chimed in.
"You know, Melody, dear?" laughed Roe. It seemed as though it was a jealous tone that had just found a flaw.
"Yes, mother?" asked Melody politely but still in a rush to get upstairs.
"All this growing... You may be putting on some weight! Do watch what you eat tonight! It's hard enough to find a proper suitor, but one that'd settle for a blimp?" just as the word's left Roe's lips, Melody's eyes bugged out of her head. The crow swooped down from the rafters and landed on the poor girl's shoulder. "What is it girl? What's the matter?"
"Mother? Father? I feel... funny!" she said, both her hands jetting towards her middle. But it didn't feel like her own. It felt like that of a pregnant woman! She looked. It was her alright! She was beginning to inflate like a balloon. The growth in her breasts and hips was just the start, now the rest of her was catching up. She looked down to see a pregnant belly in it's sixth month and screamed as another month came in seconds. Her parents both jumped from their seats. A sash she had on around her waist strained to contain her ballooning body. But Melody's inflation proved too much for the band and it snapped, making her truly round shape known. "I'm... growing!" she hollered as the crow flew off her shoulder. With a flash of black light, the crow changed into a form that was only familiar to Queen Roe.
"WITCH!" she screamed. "It is you!"
"Ah yes. Queen Roe!" heckled the hag. She was tall and lanky with a sickly colored skin and frizzy black hair. Her black attire matched her heart. "You remember the deal you made with me?"
"Deal?" asked Melody, who had since fallen to the floor and watched her belly reach a full term size. Now her ass and breasts began to grow again. She was filling up with air alright. And fast. Running was impossible, since for her to run, it required her to get to her feet, and that was really out of the question. It didn't mean she didn't struggle though. She tried rolling to her side. Reaching out in front of her, she couldn't even brush the tip of her bellybutton. She was growing too huge.
"You never told her?" asked the witch. "How about the King?"
"What deal does she speak of?" asked the King sternly upset.
"I... I..."
"You gave up your daughter to look young forever!" laughed the witch, summing up the Queen's explanation before she could even spit it out. "As promised, 20 years to the day, I take your daughter as my slave! End of story!"
"How is she to serve you, hag, if she is in such a condition!" screamed the angry king. Her rarely got angry but when he did, it wasn't good. He looked at his daughter. Her belly had inflated so much that now her sides and back were pushing out as well, squeaking like a rubbery balloon would. She could only pant hastily, fearing what was happening to her. The growth was spreading to her limbs now as her breasts began to grow assimilated into her belly. She was becoming spherical. But then something miraculous happened. The growth had stopped for now. Melody was round, a belly with cone shaped limbs and a head on top. Luckily for her, the gown she was wearing was still miraculously intact.
"She doesn't serve me. It's her suffering that serves me!" laughed the witch after watching the poor princess finish inflating. "Now if you will excuse me... I have power to gain." With another black flash, the two were gone. Melody came around in the witch's cavern lair. It was dark but eerie glows reflected off of beakers and potions in colored glass. It was dim enough to see, but just barely. She tried to get to her feet, but then she remembered. To her left was a dressing mirror and she could see most of herself in it.
"Wha- What has that... bitch done to me! I was so beautiful! My... Body... now I'm... I'm a... " she trailed off, becoming more and more hysterical as she went.
"Balloon?" laughed the witch.
"YOU! You foul smelling... what's a Ball-oon?!" panted the swollen princess.
"Oh in the future, it's a little toy children play with! They fill it up with air, sometimes until it can't hold any more then-- POP!!! It's nothing but debris scattered across the room!" cackled the witch. Melody fearfully gulped. "Speaking of which," said the witch. "I have some delightful children for you to play with now!" She uncorked a bottle and a beigish-gray liquid slopped onto the floor like thick grease. Out of the amorphious mass sprouted little hands and feet. A head popped out and Melody gasped. The pile of slop was becoming about a dozen imps, each uglier than the last. Jibbering in a hellish gabber, the imps surrounded her swollen body. The witch laughed and took a seat in a large demonic looking throne in front of them, watching as her darklings began to roll poor Melody around as if she were a child's ball.
"NO!!!" Melanie screamed, echoing out the caverns thru the Swamp of Despair. Back at the Castle, the King was mobilizing forces of knights to seek out his daughter. He was furious at his wife for what she had done and couldn't even bare to look at her. Suddenly, the two doors to the main hall creaked open.
"A bit early for the party, I suppose." Laughed Prince Karsen. He was from the next kingdom over and was destined to inherit a large amount of wealth from his father.
"Sorry, Prince, but the party has been cancelled." Said the distraught king. "A witch has enchanted my poor daughter with a strange force and took her back to her lair."
"That's atrocious! What did the foul hag do to her?" asked the Prince angrily. He was worried because he had been intending to become a suitor to the girl and was concerned for her safety.
"She... the poor thing... " the king was brought to tears as he sat down in further distraught.
"The witch filled her up." whispered one of the knights.
"Pardon?" asked the Prince.
"She's a big as a horse..." a flanking knight whispered.
"What happened?" whispered the Prince.
"The queen made a horrible deal and Princess Melody was the price!" screamed the enraged king, hearing their whispers. "The witch in question has a knack for irony. My daughter always thought herself to be scrawny and too thin, so the witch gave her a more volumptious form... and then some." He trailed off into whisper.
"King Crain! It'd be an honor to bring your daughter back! Allow me to search for her." Said the valiant prince.
"Be my guest." Said the angry king, throwing his arms up. The prince ran back out to his horse and galloped promptly toward the Swamp of Despair. He knew it was to witches what Miami is to the Elderly!
Back in the witch's lair, the imps had rolled Melody to her feet. They tried to get her to walk. However, Melody was far too swollen! She could only wobble ungracefully from one foot to the other as the imps chased behind her.
"St-st-stop this!" huffed the bloated princess. But the impish gibbering overpowered her scream and she was still being pursued.
"Ah my dear. I give you credit! I thought you to be far less mobile in this condition! Oh well, we can fix that, right my children?"
"Wha...?" was all the princess could get out her mouth before the witch twirled a finger at her. A strange feeling mounted in her, pushing out her sides even more as she waddled. "No! No more!" she screamed but the witch continued to twirl her finger with delight. Melody's cone shaped limps were being consumed by the growth, slowing her for the imps. She came to a stop with her body out-swelling her feet to the ground. Some of the stitching in her gown was loose and there were a few gaps but for the most part, it amazing stayed in tact! "Stop this!" screamed Melody as her cheeks began to catch up with the rest of her. Her eyes looked like they were squinting due to the size of them.
"As you wish," laughed the witch. "I wouldn't want to blow this place up, now would I? Keep playing with your balloon, my children, mother's got work to do!" Laughed the witch, leaving to work on a new potion at her bubbling cauldron.
"N-N-Now... what...?" asked Melody, now nothing but a sphere with a little puffy hands, feet and head. The Imps surrounded her on all sides and began to roll her around, back and forth making the poor princess dizzy.
"Dance!" laughed the stoutest one of them. He pushed her side, leaning her up upon on foot and all of the imps gave her some room. From that position, Melody struggled to get away, but she could only seem to spin on her toes. The imps clapped and laughed as their balloon danced for them. Melody tried to jump to the other foot but missed and rolled onto what was her belly.
"Ooph..." she sighed, feeling as though she had landed on one of them. The greasy liquid oozed out from under her and reformed in front of her swollen face. It was crying like a baby.
"Mommy! She's so big! She crushed me!" it bawled. The witch approached again.
"Now princess, you better learn to play nice!" she said with mocked scorn. She twirled her finger again and Melody began to float. The most of the imps jumped onto her and held on to what ever they could to climb atop her as the poor girl-orb was guided around the room by the witch. "Look kids!" she laughed to the couple of imps still on the ground. "A hot-air balloon!"
"Yea!" they all cheered.
"You bitch!" screamed Melody with frantic hysteria.
"Now now!" laughed the witch as the imps atop Melody jumped off. The witch went from twirling her finger to pointing to the ground and with it, Melody bounced off the ground like an over inflated basketball.
"Ooph..." she sighed again, bobbling with each bounce. The imps saw a new way to play with her. They crowded under her, their combined strength hoisting her up.
"Wheeeee!" they laughed as they threw her off the wall. With a rubbery thud, Melody reflected up off the ceiling and back onto the floor. The witch and her darklings surrounded her. Melody was bawling uncontrollably. The witch smirked as the cries left the poor swollen girl's mouth and straight to her, energizing her.
"I love the sound of suffering in the morning!" she laughed. Meanwhile outside the Prince ducked under a branch as his white horse slowly crept thru the swamp. It was pitch black, even for this time of morning. Suddenly, in the distance, he heard crying.
"That's her! I'm sure of it!" he shouted. "Yah!" said pulling the reigns of his horse. "N-N-No! N-No! P-Please... Stop!" cried Melody as she gasped for air, as if she wasn't filled up with it enough.
"Halt foolish witch-bitch!" shouted the Prince triumphantly kicking in a set of ancient double doors. "Relinquish your spells on the princess immediat... My God!" he screamed, taking one look at Melody.
"Pr-P-Prince K-Kars-sen?" Melody felt even more depressed now that her dream boat saw what she had become!
"What did she do to you?" he gasped.
"Lo..." gasped Melody
"Look..." she gasped again.
"What is it?" suddenly there was a loud thud against his head, knocking him out.
"Ha! No one can save you know, my Puffy Princess!" laughed the witch. She began to twirl her finger at Melody as if to make her swell more.
"No!" screamed the blimp girl, being rolled around by the imps.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, breast expansion, breast inflation, floating, helium
Text: There are definite advantages of being married to a plastic surgeon, Suzie thought as she lounged poolside in her own backyard. She was enjoying a little downtime, taking a break from the work she did at home to enjoy a little time in the spring California sun. Michael, her husband, had built a studio onto the back of the house for Suzie when they got married a few years back. The studio was her own private area, replete with easels and worktable for her to do the drawings and designs for her fashion clothing line. Shelves full of fabric samples dotted the walls in places where her design drawing weren't mounted. The past few months Suzie had taken the time to truly make the space into her own, private woman-cave. Her small company, Ba-Luna Fashions, had 'taken off', like an overfilled helium balloon, in the past year, and now the two were enjoying some of the spoils of success. Their Thousand Oaks home already had a huge backyard, with fully-grown fruit trees along the fence line that provided some privacy from peeping neighbors. An in-ground pool and spa were the next expansions that the couple had wanted and planned for. The work had been completed a few weeks before, and the couple could be found frequently spending their evenings relaxing in the bubbling waters of the Jacuzzi or splashing around in the depths of the new pool.Seeing the cool, tranquil waters through the window as she had worked on her latest project, Suzie had given in to the temptation and abandoned her design drawings. Now sitting in the shade of an umbrella within a handful of steps from the inviting water, Suzie stretched her legs out on the cushion of the chaise lounge and welcomed the changing of the seasons. The air tasted slightly of the ocean that was only ten miles to the south, and the smell of freshly-tilled earth from the farms to the north. The feeling was blissful, and breathing deeply, she closed her eyes, dozing.Michael had been away for the week, in stormy Chicago. He had invited his wife to tag along with him for the annual convention of the National Association of Cosmetic Surgeons, but a cold front coming off the Great Lakes that had kept the upper Midwestern states in its grip for the past two weeks had dissuaded her from accompanying him. Suzie was a California sunshine lover, and avoided snow when she could. He was due to arrive in Los Angeles the next day, and he had called her every night to tell her how much he missed her and couldn't wait to find himself back in her arms on Saturday.As her mind drifted somnolently, Suzie remained in a state of wakeless sleep; not quite completely unconscious, but also not completely aware of her surroundings. She was undisturbed by the slight breeze that caused her white, silky swimsuit cover-up to flutter slightly, the white bikini underneath hugging her amble curves seductively. Her chest, filling out the bikini's top (of her own design) with much more than what nature had originally blessed her with (thanks to her husband's 'work'), rose and fell with her gentle breathing as she relaxed further and was finally claimed by the pagan gods of sleep.Suzie jolted with a start, eyes fluttering open, not knowing how long she had been out or what had disturbed her. The sun was still high in the afternoon sky, so she determined that she hadn't slumbered very long. It was then that she felt a familiar tingle in her erogenous regions, one that always accompanied Michael when he used his special 'power' on her. She glanced down at her chest to confirm what was happening, and watched as her breasts began to swell as they had done many times before. "Oh," she commented out loud to herself, "I must still be asleep and dreaming." This had never happened before unless Michael had been in the room with her, so she relaxed and embraced the feeling of the expansion. The growth, skin-stretching pleasantly, was accompanied soon by a feeling of weightlessness. When Michael inflated her with his special gift, it was so rapturous to her that is usually got her juices flowing, and she reached down and touched the front of her bikini bottom, feeling her clit rise and harden through the soft fabric. Her nipples, sliding inside the white cups as her breasts ballooned in front of her eyes, rose in response, outlined prominently through the silky cloth. Suzie gasped tenuously as the sensuous feeling enveloped her, and, closing her eyes again, began to gently rub her engorged clit through the swimsuit's fabric. It startled her when the bikini's bra became too tight, and began to rip down the middle of her expanding cleavage. Suzie stopped her quickened rubbing when she felt the strings give way, the two halves of the swimsuit top springing to her sides and releasing her overblown tits into the exposing air. Her boobs were almost the size of beachballs when she realized that she was not truly still asleep. "Oh shit!" she exclaimed, jumping up from the chaise lounge, her chest blimps bobbing in front of her face. "This is real!"Unable to close her cover-up around her expanded chest, Suzie simply dashed for the nearest open portal to the house. She always left her studio door stood open when she was working, to allow fresh air to circulate through the spacious room. With her breasts floating up into her face, making it difficult to see precisely where she was going, Suzie bumped a planter and brushed against a dwarf pine tree as she made her way up carefully up the path to her workshop. Bigger and bigger she inflated, her tits developing more upward lift the closer she came to her goal. With ten feet to go, she took a tenuous step and hovered in the air for a couple of seconds before finally descending back to the ground. With one last push-off, Suzie launched herself at the open doorway, the tops of her breasts bumping into the upper doorframe as she did. Her body's momentum then carried her the rest of the way into the room and under the relative safety of the studio's low ceiling. Her feet were only dangling a few inches off the workshop floor. Her nipples, though, were stretched four feet above her head, adhered to the studio's texted ceiling. Since her toes couldn't touch the floor, Suzie was practically immobilized, unable to move, and unable to know how this had happened to her in the first place. Michael was two thousand miles away, and she certainly didn't have any special power to have done this to herself. Unable to do anything else, Suzie hung there trapped in the air. Ten minutes went by before she heard her cell phone ring. It was on one of the workbenches, fifteen feet away, and the ringtone that played meant that Michael was calling her. Since she couldn't move, the phone went silent, unanswered. I have got to get to that phone, she thought, determined. But how? And then an idea popped into her head. Suzie remembered being a child and playing on the swing-set in her parents' yard. She began to sway her legs, like she would on the swings, building momentum. Twisting, she swung her feet in the direction of the workbench, toward the phone, and her breast balloons skipped a foot across the ceiling. Repeating the action several times, Suzie slowly slid her way across the painted drywall, giving her abdominal muscles quite the workout. Finally, she maneuvered within reach, and was just able to stretch her fingertips enough to touch the cellphone and drag it closer to her. At last she was able to grasp the device, and turning her head to one side due to her floating obstructions, dialed it one-handed to ring her husband back."Hi, sweetie," Michael answered cheerfully. "I was on a break between lectures and tried to call you, but you didn't pick up, so I was...""Michael," she cut him off, exasperated. "Tell me about it later, but for now I have another serious problem that I'm currently dealing with!"He hesitated. "Ugh...what's going on?""Let me explain," Suzie began. "A little bit ago, I was sitting out by the pool, enjoying the sunshine, when suddenly my tits blew up like balloons again.""Wait...what?" he stammered."Just like when you have done it to me dozens of times before. Fortunately, I was able to get inside before I got too big to fit through the door and then floated away."The line was silent as Michael absorbed the story. "You just inflated, and floated, like I do to you, but without me being there?""Apparently so, since I am currently pinned to the ceiling of my studio," she snapped at him, frustrated. "Do you mind telling me what you were doing about twenty minutes ago?"He paused, thinking. "I was in the symposium on breast augmentation and reconstruction. The panel of speakers were talking about the newest types of implants, and the pros and cons of each. One guy was taking about the newest air-inflatable, adjustable implant. One of the panelists made a joke about women being able to use them as floatation devices, while another pointed out the risks associated with traveling in a pressurized aircraft. If the loss of cabin pressure ever happened, those implants would inflate to triple their size and burst. Which, of course, is why I always have to make sure you are fully deflated before we get on a plane. And then..."Suzie smirked, knowing now where this was going. "Get to the point of the story when you were thinking about me," she instructed."Well, at that point I was getting a little bored. Breasts are kinda my specialty now, and these guys weren't talking about anything I didn't already know about. But all this talk about inflatables and breasts got me thinking about the first time we swam in the new pool, and you had me blow you up so that you were your own personal floatation device. And how much fun we had having sex in the pool, and you blowing up so huge that you practically floated both of us out of the water that night.""And then I started blowing up, for real," she added. "You are ten states away, and you can inflate me from there? What am I supposed to do about that?""Just give me a minute," Michael said calmly. "Let see if I can also deflate you from here." Suzie hung in the air, waiting, imagining her husband silently concentrating mentally. A minute passed, and no change occurred. "Anything happening?" he asked."Nothing," she replied. He paused again, issuing another mental command across the distance. And was rewarded with a high-pitched hissing sound, much like a balloon with a slow leak. "I think it's working now," Suzie said when she felt her nipples lose their contact with the ceiling. Slowly she descended, finally feeling her toes touch the hardwood flooring. It took a moment for her to be able to stand flat-footed on the ground, and another two full minutes before her breasts were no longer bobbing in front of her eyes and she could sit in a chair. "Are you fully deflated?" he asked, embarrassed. "No," she answered, wiping a bead of sweat from her forehead, "but that's okay. I want to have something to smother you with when I meet you at the airport tomorrow, in revenge for you doing this to me. Now you will have to learn to control your power from long distance. It's a good thing I didn't have clients over when this happened."Michael laughed. "Is there anything you want me to bring back from the Windy City?""No," Suzie giggled, "just you, in one piece. But you own me a new bikini.""Then I will take it up with the designer," he said. "I know her intimately."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Stuffing, Female Inflation, Messy Popping, food
Text: "Whoo..." The team collapsed on the bleachers and awaited the verbal beating from Coach Jim. It was a hot day to be all decked out in softball gear and the team had just worked their butts off trying to take down Poplarville, the toughest team in the division. The coach removed his cap and began calmly. "You girls... I must say, you girls are..." and then he let them have it... "The WORST softball team I have ever seen in my life!" The next five minutes went on like usual, with lessons on running and pitching and catching and swinging. It was too hot to even pay attention anymore.
Jill sat in the top row of the bleachers. She leaned against the back railing and sucked the last sips of water from her dusty bottle, hoping that salvation would soon come in the form of the sentence "You may all go home now." She couldn't wait to head home, peel off her sweaty socks and jersey, and take a relaxing bath. The thought of comfort made her grin. Finally, Coach Jim couldn't find enough voice to scream anymore, and waved the girls away as if he were shooing a stray dog. "Yes!" Jill shouted out loud, and she ran to her car with a smile on her face. As she jogged, her body jiggled slightly in the tight outfit with every step. She had an athletic build that was muscular, but not completely lean. She was shorter, about 5'4'', roughly 115 pounds. Her long, dirty-blonde hair bounced as she ran, as did her slightly above-average chest. Large, blue eyes, a couple cutesy freckles, and a bright smile made her one of the most attractive things running the bases at most of the games, and the swaying of her wide hips didn't hurt either. There was no denying that she was cute for an 18 year old softball player. Especially with the two dark strips of eye-black smeared on her cheeks.
Right as Jill put her bags in the back seat and slammed the door, her friend Bree called to her from across the parking lot. Bree was standing with a few other girls from the team, and they motioned Jill over. "Great, I'll never get that bath..." Jill begrudgingly jogged over to the pack and forced a smile. "What's up guys?" Bree grabbed her arm and giggled, "You're comin' with us to go get pizza. NOW!" The girls all laughed, including Jill, and piled into a mini van belonging to one of the team members. The ride only took about 15 minutes, and when they arrived Jill found that she was feeling pretty empty from all that running. She stepped out of the van and was greeted with the neon "PIZZA LAND" sign on top of the familiar building. The team went here all the time. The shower could wait, Jill's belly gurgled, alerting that it wanted pizza first.
Inside the little resturant, the team piled into a few of the open booths. The place was a buffet, so they left their purses and luggage and darted straight to the rows of pizza pies lined against the wall. Jill loaded her plate with a mountain of slices of all kinds, and even brought an extra slice back using her teeth. The other girls laughed and did the same. As they munched and giggled to one another, Jill noticed Bree staring at her from across the table. She laughed with her cheeks full of food, and mumbled "Hi Bwee." Bree chuckled, and then swallowed her last bite of a slice of pepperoni. "You know, Jill..." she began with a tone that could only usher in a challenge. "I bet I could polish off way more than you could. I mean, why not get our money's worth?" Jill squinted at Bree. The girls looked at each other, then to their plates, and the challenge was on.
Jill and Bree dug into their next pieces like they were never going to be fed again. A flurry of sauce and cheese sprayed in all directions, causing the other girls who had become spectators to shield themselves with their hands. No sooner were the first slices sliding down the girls' throats, and they were on to their seconds. Both girls were going strong, and nothing could stop them... Except maybe thirst. They both took enough of a breather to mutter what they wanted. "Water!" sprayed Bree through her packed lips. Jill belted out her favorite soda. "Root Beer!" By the time several bottles of each drink were brought out, the girls had demolished slice number five. Their paces had both slowed a bit, but they were still going strong on round six. Bree started to leave her crust, which she declared wasn't cheating. Jill ferociously shoved hers in along with the rest of the slice. She was a true champion, and she'd prove it. Rounds seven through ten went decreasingly smoothly, until the girls agreed to take a short break from their fressing. Bree rubbed her sore stomach and burped, which made all the girls laugh. Jill's gut was so distended, that she had to unbutton her tight softball pants to make extra room. Then she too patted and caressed her strained tummy. A few of the girls gasped when they saw just how large it was and a few even looked away in disgust. "This is gross... Fat asses... It looks painful..." were a few of the comments. A few belches later, the girls were ready to go again. However, neither of them felt as confident about the next batch...
Another 15 minutes went by with nothing but the sounds of two gluttonous girls stuffing their faces with more cheese and dough than all of Italy could consume. They were on slices 19 for Jill, and 17 for Bree. Their now tremendous midsections had actually become wedged inbetween their seats and the table, so the rest of the team slid it out from between them (with much difficulty). Bree was ready to pass out. Her stomach was bigger than a beach ball, and she was having trouble breathing. She swallowed a few more mouthfuls and sighed in near-defeat. Jill was even worse off. She was cringing from the pain of her gigantic, weather balloon-sized belly stretching her stressed skin further and further. She'd asked the girls to remove her shoes and socks so that she could crinkle her toes from the discomfort. She took a break after slice 19 to rest and pant for awhile. Bree was all but finished. She patted her firm, over filled gullot and leaned back against the seat. Jill, however, was out to impress. She wanted to continue, despite the feeling that she couldn't possibly hold anymore and the teasing from some of the other girls. She was a champion, and she'd prove it.
A few minutes passed, and Bree's stomach had begun to settle. The water in her stomach was soaking into all the dough and cheese, and she started to feel more content in her accomplishment. Jill, on the other hand, had returned to binging on the rest of the pizza in the resturant. She downed slices 20, 21, 22, 25, 30... But then, on slice 33, she started to struggle. Her monsterous belly was the size of a cow, and it gleamed from the sticky sweat that had leaked out through her over-stretched pores. At this point, she managed to wriggle completely out of her pants, and her shirt was stressed up around her bellowing chest. It hurt so much, yet somehow, felt so good.
The other girls rushed to try and comfort Jill, being as she looked like she could just burst from all of the pressure. "Jill, maybe you should just stop eating..." Most of the girls were cautiously petting Jill's massive girth, trying to sooth away the fierce pain that made Jill moan in both agony and pleasure. The others, however, were apalled by the size of the bloated girl, and had begun making malevolent remarks. "Careful girls, looks like that zit's ready to pop!... I didn't know they served whales here!... Hey, anybody got a hair pin?..." Jill could barely hear them, but she tried to shrug them off and focus on containing the unreal quantity of dough, cheese, and sauce that was reacting with her stomach acids. Suddenly, her belly made a loud, rumbling noise. The girls all jumped back as Jill moaned and rubbed the sides of her gut. Then, her belly groaned again, this time shaking a bit. "Get her something to drink! Maybe that'll settle her down." shouted one of the helpful girls. Another young lady grabbed a 2 liter bottle of root beer from Jill's stash, unscrewed the cap, and shoved in in Jill's face. As the sticky, bubbly liquid chugged down her throat, Jill could feel that something wasn't right. The last of the bottle contents filled Jill's over-taxed tummy to it's near-absolute limits, causing her to swell like a helpless water balloon. "Oops..." shuttered the girl with the empty bottle, as she backed away into the crowd. For the moment, though, Jill seemed calm, and content. But then, she felt something deep inside her begin to stir...
Suddenly, Jill's belly gurgled and groaned as it began to softly vibrate. Then, a faint hissing could be heard from within the gargantuan bubble that was Jill's stomach. A girl in the crowd shrieked, "Oh my gosh, she's... blowing up!" Indeed, all of that carbonated soda had mixed with the gassy sauce and cheese combination, and was transforming rapidly into gas. "H-Help... me... please..." mumbled Jill, but it was too late. The poor girl was doomed. She inflated quickly past any kind of safe limits, and was had begun to creak like a balloon left on an open helium tank. Soon, her entire body started to expand. Her breasts filled up to the size of beach balls, and nearly smothered her as they tore out of her tiny shirt and threatened to bust her constricting bra. Her butt and thighs plumped , and she yelped at the feeling of her overly-strained panties cutting into her ever-tightening flesh. Her calves rounded out until they were big and shiny, and ever her hands and feet bloated up to the point where her finger and toe nails struggled to hold on. Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks to tickle her incredibly full boobs. She winced in distress as long, red stretch marks formed across the surface of her taut, creamy skin. Her dangerously bloated belly creaked and groaned constantly, and she had become almost transparent. The crowd panicked and started to take cover.
"She's huge!"
"She doesn't have much longer, run!"
"Poor thing, look at her... She's ready to pop!"
"Everybody get back, she's gonna blow!"
Jill was now at critical mass. Her body simply could not hold another ounce of anything, food, soda, or gas. She'd grown so big, that she nearly rubbed the ceiling with her belly button, which had popped out from the pressure. She was leaking slightly from her nails, nipples, and... other places, and small holes even started to form in her over-stretched hide. Then, with no more room to stretch, swell, bloat or expand, Jill got tighter, and tighter, and tighter, until...
Jill's gigantic belly finally burst like an overinflated balloon! Remnants of food and what was once Jill's athletic body were scattered across the room, coating everyone and everything in the poor, exploded girl. The team mate that had poored the soda sat in shock, and looked around guiltily. Then, everyone turned to Bree, who's belly was still full and tight...
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping
Text: He led Torrie around the house on a leash. It gave him that great sense of power for which he craved. The leash was short and permitted only little liberty in movement. Torrie moved around on her hands and knees seemingly feeling no discomfort. The attractive blonde wore a dark black latex suit that barely covered her behind. It was long-sleeved, though, and gave her a panther-like look when viewed from the front. The two reached the large oak doors, which they passed through as moved on over the stone floor towards the laboratory of the mansion.
A jerk of the leash signaled Torrie to leap up onto the cushioned table. She was well-trained, yet mindless. The man activated the new machine and a dim blue light quickly enveloped Torrie. The man approached Torrie and raised his hand above her head. She quickly leaned up, kneeling before him with bent elbows and her hands perched in front of her breasts. She stretched upward, eager to seize what it was that the man was holding with her mouth.
The man toyed with her, feeding off this power display, but then finally let her grab what he was holding – a large balloon. Torrie devoured the unusual treat and licked her full lips graciously enjoying the taste the balloon had left in her mouth.
"Time to alter your level of consciousness, dear," the man announced and walked towards a dial on one of the machines. Torrie's collar gave a signal in response as her gaze gradually became less empty. "I'm still your pet? Please, Steve, when will this have an end? I promise, I'll stay together with you, but stop treating me this way!" Steve had heard such comments from her before. She'd been his pet for close to a year now. But he wasn't about to let her go, for he had finally perfected his latest machine and was now prepared to test it on the woman of his dreams.
"I've been feeding you with balloons now for several months and from the latest lab results-" Steve picked up a sheet of paper – "they're beginning to take the anticipated effect. But now, with the completion of my latest device, I don't need the balloon-treatment anymore – I can transform you to my liking instantly." Torrie was frightened, as she had no idea what Steve had planned. She would have loved to run away, but she knew it was useless as she still didn't have enough control over her body.
"Time to make you bigger... time to blow up your breasts, finally!" Steve began turning a knob on the panel of the computer. The blue light that veiled Torrie began to flicker and she could feel a change beginning in her body. Her breathing became heavy and loud. It was as if her body needed more air. Indeed, Torrie could feel her latex suit beginning to stretch – she could feel herself beginning to stretch! Her tits were blowing up! She moaned, but not with passion, but from the strain this transformation was putting her body under.
Steve walked up to her breasts and held his face in front of them so that they were inflating in his face. He could feel Torrie's tits swelling on his cheeks. Torrie tried to push him away somehow, but she could only move her head. Suddenly, though, the swelling stopped and Torrie was relieved. Steve, however, was just getting in the mood and appeared to be angry that Torrie's boobs had stopped inflating right while he was burying his face between her swelling tits.
Steve angrily walked back to the panel. "Well, I guess you've only blown up to level 1... but I've still got three levels to go... your tits aren't half as big as I want them to get!" Torrie exhaled in despair – she couldn't do a thing against being inflated while wearing a latex suit and being held like a dog. She looked up at one of the mirrors in the room and almost started to cry. She was on all fours and now had large breasts sticking out of her body. "I look like a cow," she said to herself. She got angry and yelled at Steve: "Look at me... I look like a dumb cow! What are you doing to me?" Steve didn't bother to answer – he liked the way she looked. Still, he wasn't completely satisfied yet and quickly turned the knob to level 2.
"Shit." Torrie saw him activate the machine again and realized she was about to blow up even bigger. Steve ran back to her and tried to lie down beneath her. She couldn't do a thing to prevent him from positioning himself underneath her, let alone assist him. She could feel the urge to suck in air again and simultaneously noticed the swelling of her tits. She looked in the mirror to see them blowing up like balloons, very gradually and roundly. Steve, lying beneath her, was letting them blow up in his face and getting ecstatic. Torrie felt completely degraded. She was nothing more than a blow-up doll.
Suddenly, the inflation stopped again. Steve pushed Torrie away in anger, as he stomped back to the machine. Suddenly, he heard Torrie call him and he turned around quickly. "Hey, Steve, look at my huge tits now! They're hanging from my body like huge party balloons. I'm a balloon-girl now. You want to see my tits inflate in your face, don't you... well, why don't you just move the table over to the panel, then you could twist the knob while lying underneath me."
Steve couldn't believe he hadn't thought of that. It took some preparation, but he was fueled by Torrie's words. He moved over the table and re-adjusted the light, then he positioned himself beneath Torrie and reached for the knob. "Blow up to level 3, baby!" Torrie called out: "Fill me up like a balloon, Steve! Make my tits huge!" She felt her breasts swell up immensely and was glad to discover that it wasn't as straining to blow up this time as it was the previous times – she'd gotten quite used to having her boobs blown up.
Steve was massaging her breasts beneath her and it felt surprisingly good. She hated him, but for him to touch her swelling boobs was irresistible. "The inflation's almost stopping – switch to level 4," she called out and Steve obeyed. "Make me bigger... bigger... bigger!"
This was her chance. Her tits were so over-blown. Using the little control she had over her body, she squeezed them deeper into Steve's face – he was trapped between the two swelling tits and began kicking and waving his arms, but Torrie had him firmly trapped beneath her breasts. Then she rolled forward a bit towards the panel. In all the months she'd been Steve's prisoner, she'd never gotten so close to the knob that controlled her level of freedom.
Now she seized it with her mouth like she'd trained with the balloons and switched off the control of her collar. Immediately, she reached up with her right hand and pulled it right off her neck. It was obvious, who would be the pet now...
Steve couldn't break free from Torrie's over-inflated breasts and he knew he was in for trouble. He could barely breathe and feared he might stay trapped beneath her forever, when he felt Torrie lift her breasts again – but no! that wasn't possible, she couldn't move like that... she didn't have the freedom to do it, she was controlled by the collar...
He felt the collar snap closed around his neck. He was Torrie's pet now. Torrie shifted her weight off of him and nearly tipped over because of her huge tits. Both tits were nearly 3 feet in diameter (that's 1 meter for all you non-Americans out there). She quickly discovered she could stand more easily if she simply leaned forward and rested her upper body on her two tits.
Steve's collar was activated and he was perched on the table like a dog. He could do nothing but listen to Torrie speak. "Steve, you turned me into your dog – you made me walk all around your mansion on my hands and knees, you made me wear a latex-dress, you fed me balloons and, how could I forget, you turned me into a freak when you blew up my breasts. I think it's time for payback now, Steve... and you're not gonna like it."
She looked at the panel and read the labels above the buttons, knobs and switches. "Oh, this sounds a lot more interesting than what you did to me... helium. Yes, I think you ought to be filled with helium. But since you don't have breasts, I guess I'll turn you into a huge ball!" Full of rage, Torrie twisted the knobs and watched the blue light change to green and become thicker.
Steve knew what was going to happen next. He desperately wanted to say something. He knew what would come out if he tried to, he knew he would humiliate himself even more if he did, but he desperately needed to talk to Torrie. He opened his mouth, concentrated and... barked.
Torrie laughed hysterically. "Oh, what did you say, my doggie? It's no fun to be treated like a dog and to be blown up... yes, I know... but I'm afraid that's exactly what's going to happen to you!"
Torrie moved around uncomfortably. She couldn't wait to see Steve, the dog, blow up with helium, but she was also looking forward to deflating her tits... not fully, though. And she'd keep the latex dress as well... at the beginning, she had to admit in retrospect, she did look really sexy.
It was getting more and more uncomfortable, though, in her already stretched latex dress. There was only one explanation – she was still growing! She looked down, but couldn't detect a change in her tits. Suddenly, she felt herself being lifted in the back – her butt was inflating and it was inflating fast.
Steve kept barking, trying to tell Torrie to turn off the machine before things got worse, but it was too late. He knew he would be unaffected by the inflation beam, as he had never been fed with balloons, but Torrie's fate alarmed him.
Torrie's arms and legs jumped out of her body rapidly as they suddenly too were expanded. "No... why me? I can't be getting bigger... I wanted to blow you up, Steve!" Torrie's voice was higher and she knew exactly what was happening – she was becoming a large helium balloon with two enormous balloon-breasts.
She struggled to reach the control buttons with her arms, but was only able to wave them past them – she was already floating, hovering a foot or two above the air. "I'm still growing... I'm getting bigger and bigger... too big!" Torrie was no longer able to produce meaningful sentences. Her head was filling with helium and she became very light-headed and strangely happy as she sang out in her helium voice: "Now I'm a huge balloon, I wanna float, bigger and bigger and bigger, blow me up, I'm your balloon, look at my huge over-blown tits, watch me fly!"
Torrie kept spinning around in circles in all directions as her body became rounder and rounder. Soon, she was a complete ball with her beautiful, happy, over-inflated head and two large balloon-breasts sticking out from her body. Soon, she reached the ceiling and with no place to go, she simply kept inflating up there. Steve looked up, unable to move otherwise and watched his love blow up like a blimp. Torrie's expansion seemed to go on endlessly, as her head and even her tits were eventually sucked into her helium-filled body.
Suddenly, though, Steve heard a loud squeaking noise and wished he could cover his ears. He helplessly barked Torrie's name one last time as her explosion thundered throughout the mansion. Her shreds rained down from the ceiling.
Steve knew his fate. He was so close to the panels, but there was no way of him reaching them and giving him back his freedom. The collar he had designed was strapped firmly around his neck and he was truly paying for what he'd done to Torrie. He couldn't move anything except his head and he could only bark like a dog – he'd die a slow, torturing death over the next two days.
He looked down at a large rubber shred of Torrie that had landed in front of him. To him, it was a beautiful reminder of the love of his life. Suddenly, an idea sparked in his head and he realized it was also his ticket to a beautiful death in memory of Torrie. He quickly swallowed the balloon-like piece and basked in the green light. He soon felt the inflation begin. He had chosen the fate Torrie had planned for him.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Implied Popping, pills, women inflating men
Text: "It's really silly, my fetish," I say, making significant effort to allow embarrassment into my voice. I drop my eyes from his as if ashamed, though I've had this conversation a dozen times before.
"Nonsense," he counters, smiling patronizingly. It's there to read in his face: already he is fantasizing that it must be something predictably male. His imagination takes hold of him and he surmises I must be dreaming of a threesome with him and another woman. Uninspired. The truth is far more perverse.
"Well..." I stammer in a vacillating tone that allows the proper sense of hesitation.
"Try me," he adds, grinning broadly with self-confidence. "I'm sure it can't be anything too strange. What's this fantasy you always hint at but never talk about?"
"Open your mouth, and close your eyes," I murmur. A moment of indecision crosses his face. "Please, for me?" This wasn't what he expected, but he feels obligated to be chivalrous and carry through on his offer. They always do. He complies with obedience, closing his eyelids and parting his lips.
I pop the lozenge into his mouth accompanied by a soft chuckle of anticipation. It's the last one, and the most precious because of that. I've used them increasingly carefully as their numbers waned. This one has to count. He jolts with a start at the presence of the unfamiliar object in his mouth, his eyes opening in alarm. He begins to rise to his feet. With a gentle but firm grip, I place my hands on his shoulders and settle him back down to the bed. I press my lips to his, not to romance him, but to complete my task. My tongue slips between his lips, casting about for the pill that has taken shelter inside his mouth.
"Mmf?" he grunts questioningly, his lips nervous and hesitant against my own.
With practiced ease, I push the pill straight down his throat with my tongue. He squirms, sputtering in surprise. He grabs me and pushes, shoving me backward and leaving my lips a hand-span away from his own. I smile at him, my eyes vibrant and intense.
"What's going on?" he asks, crossly demanding to know the reason for my actions. In response, I merely unbuckle his belt. I slowly draw the belt from his pants, a gentle whisper of leather as it passes through the loops one by one.
"My fantasy is men expanding like balloons," I murmur passionately, my warm breath panting against his chin.
"What?" he croaks in anger and disbelief. "That's impossible." I chuckle and slip my hand under his shirt, resting my fingers against his waist as they tingle with excitement. Already I can feel his belly beginning to bulge as the lozenge begins to work within his gut. One of my less-reticent toys managed to tell me that the pill at work felt like a churning inside his belly. I can tell this newest one feels it now. He squirms, hands clutching his swelling abdomen in surprise.
"Impossible?" I laugh, shoving him flat onto the bed. I yank his shirt up, revealing the taut expanse of the swelling dome of his belly. His toned abominals try to hold back the expansion, but the rush of air blossoming within him is an adversary they were never meant to match. The clasp of his pants pops open. I kiss the rising arc of his waist; it feels warm and springy against my lips, swelling to fullness. "If it's so impossible, what's brewing in your tummy here exactly?" I tease, prodding the turgid dome with a knuckle.
"Stop this!" he demands. He starts to backpedal away from me across the covers, struggling to pull his shirt down over the traitorous belly that it will no longer contain. He looks so adorable, ineffectually struggling to conceal his beachball tummy. I spot the proof of his virility as a bulge under his bloating waistline. I don't think this one is enjoying himself very much, but an unaccustomed pressure inside always makes men come to full mast regardless. I've hungered after this moment for months. He knows I've done this to him; his belly is swelling because of me.
"I can't," I murmur, my voice husky with restrained desire. "Nobody can. All I can do is enjoy you." I pounce across the bedspread, straddling the tight mound of his inflating gut as his body begins to distend to a sphere of round masculinity. I squeeze the bulging orb firmly between my thighs, relishing the long-forgotten feel of inflating flesh pressing against me.
He has perhaps a scant quarter of an hour before he gets too full. The most delicious things are always so brief and precious. He squirms beneath my lascivious assault.
"Blimp for me," I moan. He does.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping, competition, inhale
Text: Jim and Nancy compete to see who can be the biggest.
Jim wasn't an old-fashioned guy, particularly, so he didn't mind always getting beaten by a woman. But Nancy had this way of rubbing his face in it. She beat him at chess, at miniature golf, at cards, at darts, at billiards. It was after one especially vexing trivia game that Jim decided he'd had enough. He got up to leave.
"You're such a sore loser," Nancy told him.
"And you're an ungracious winner," Jim told her. "You need someone to knock down your inflated ego."
Nancy scoffed. "Hell, my ego isn't inflated. THIS is inflated!" In what became the most bizarre demonstration Jim ever witnessed, Nancy took a deep breath, puffed up her cheeks and strained. Soon, to Jim's amazement, her belly shot out from her shirt, blown up as if she had suddenly become nine-months pregnant in an instant.
"How the hell did you--?"
"It's called talent," she chided him. "Something you don't have."
Well, that was a challenge if he ever heard one. Jim had never tried to inflate himself before--never thought it possible, either. But he was curious. He followed Nancy's example and swallowed a lot of air, pushing it inside him.
Whoosh! His stomach pumped up and out, stretching his shirt to its fullest. But he didn't stop there. He puffed again, and he swelled even bigger than Nancy had, tearing his shirt and snapping off the button to his pants.
Nancy laughed, realizing that she finally found something Jim was good at. "That's pretty big," she admitted. "But watch this!" She took another deep breath, and soon she was swelling bigger and bigger, her body expanding in every direction until her midsection was nearly spherical. Her clothes also tore, and her arms--now themselves a little chubby--could not get around her exposed, swollen belly. Her dress also tore off at the waist, unable to resist her inflation.
Jim couldn't resist it, either. He had to admit that she looked beautiful all blown up, stretched out like a toy balloon. He thought, somewhat guiltily, that he would like to see her even bigger. And he knew how to goad her into it.
Without thinking, he puffed himself up... and up... and up. His clothes totally shredded, and his body grew rounder like Nancy's. But he kept getting bigger, just to show off. He grew rounder, becoming more ball shaped as his arms and legs seemed to disappear into his globe of a body.
Nancy giggled. "I could just squeeze you like a ball," she told him. "I'd squeeze you till you popped! But I can't reach my arms!" They both laughed, and she blew again. She blew up rounder and fuller, expanding so big that her clothes also tore off, and she even knocked over a nearby table. She swelled and swelled until she, too, looked more like a ball than a person. Soon she was bigger than Jim. "I win!" she declared.
"Not yet," said Jim, and he began to grow again. He puffed and puffed and puffed as Nancy looked on and giggled. He had puffed up so big that she could barely see his head over the vast expanse of his round body, and his hands and feet were almost gone.
"Give it up, Jim. You'll never be THIS big!" She puffed and puffed again, swelling larger and larger, expanding like a balloon until she exceeded even Jim's mammoth size.
A troubling thought hit Jim. "Nancy, maybe we'd better cool it before you pop yourself."
"You mean before YOU pop!" She laughed at the thought. "That would be so typical of you, you know. You always try to beat me, and you always lose. You know you're going to lose this one, too, don't you? I'm bigger than you, better than you, and I always will be! Just admit it--you know you'll pop if you keep trying!"
Jim watched her smile at him for a while before he took another determined breath. He wasn't a born loser, and he was going to prove it. He swelled and swelled, his body creaking ominously from the strain as he struggled to contain the air that was expanding him, filling him, inflating him. He felt so much pressure inside that he worried that he might burst--and Nancy would win after all. But he managed to grow just slightly bigger than Nancy.
But not for long. Giggling, Nancy blew herself up bigger, bigger, and BIGGER! Now just a huge blimp, she was stretched so thin that Jim could see right through her. And she was getting bigger by the second!
Jim couldn't believe it. How big could she get? But certainly he could get that big if she could, right? Right?
He struggled to keep up. There they were, two human balloons, swelling larger and faster, each trying to be bigger than the other. Their bodies swelled so big that they collided into each other and now competed for space to expand in. It was getting awfully snug in the room, as they were close to filling up every open space. But still they puffed and puffed and grew. They inflated and inflated and inflated.
Finally they both stopped for breath. Nancy was giggling at him, as she could see that Jim was really straining from the pressure. He could not hold out much longer, and they both knew it. Jim wondered if maybe Nancy had practiced, and therefore had more stretch in her.
Or maybe she was better than him. Maybe she would beat him once again, and again he'd be humiliated. Or worse, he'd be both humiliated--and popped like a balloon.
Nancy showed signs of strain, too, but she was still laughing. "Come on, Jim!" she goaded him. "I'm still bigger! What's the matter? Are you going to burst?"
(Yes, he thought.) "Look, I'll blow myself up as big as you, and we can let it go before one of us bursts, deal?"
"I've got a better idea," said Nancy, who noticed that Jim was trapped between her and the wall. "I'll blow myself up till you get squeezed so tight that you pop!"
Jim's eyes widened. "You--you wouldn't--?"
Of course she would. She blew and blew and blew, her vast round body pushing him against the wall, pinning him and squeezing him. The pressure multiplied exponentially. He had no way out, no way to escape her inflating figure. He was pinned helplessly against the wall, feeling the pressure build and build and build...
Jim opened his eyes cautiously. His body lurched somewhat when he heard the pop, because he thought it was from him. But the pressure had eased--somewhat--and he was now looking at only one balloon-ball, and that was himself. Nancy had burst into nothingness.
Jim sat there a moment, processing his victory. Well, it wasn't really a victory: Had he actually tried to get any bigger, he would most certainly have burst. Nancy had, in fact, gotten bigger than he ever could have. But at least she wasn't around to gloat about it. And he knew now that he was safe from exploding. He wasn't going to pop!
Reflexively, he went to breathe a sigh of relief.
He took a deep breath...
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, balloon, floating, helium, latex
Text: "Buyer's remorse" doesn't quite capture what she was feeling. "Cheated, humiliated." Now, those terms would describe the feeling more succinctly. Perhaps what had made the encounter so troubling was the fact that she didn't consider herself to be the easily duped, naive type. The consumer mayhem of "Black Friday" surely didn't help. Yes, that's it; long day, fatigue. That's why she gave in. The comforting embrace of rationalization always helped to salve a psychic wound such as this. But, still... thirty bucks for the stuff; what was she thinking? All day she had been treading water in a frothy sea of human chaos. Outside, winter approached. Inside, the suburban cocoon was sweltering. Fueled by the desperation that radiated from the crowd, the atmosphere percolated just below critical mass. She wandered in a Brownian fashion on the ground floor, dodging the potted trees, fountains, and catatonic shoppers. Her legs ached and her head pounded as she clutched several large plastic bags that held the day's booty. It was time to extricate herself and go home to some peace and quiet. Stopping in front of a big department store for a moment to get her bearings, she staggered numbly towards the direction from whence she entered this particular circle of Hell. The crowds thinned out in the extremities of the mall and the merchandise offerings in the kiosks at the center of the concourse ranged from banal to, well, pitiful. Most of the bored attendants had their faces buried in their mobile phones while disinterested shoppers strolled by. But there was something about the last one at the end of the wide corridor. Ordinarily, she probably wouldn't have noticed it, but when she laid eyes on the display did a double take, clumsy footsteps bringing her to a halt on the tiled floor. The attending sales associates noticed and looked directly at her. Instinctively, she turned her gaze upward and found herself gawking at the bouquet of big red helium balloons softly swaying above the striped fabric the kiosk's roof. Shiny and buoyant, they were captivating. She self-consciously broke her lingering gaze with a start and again and looked down, only to see the man and woman still staring directly at her. "Just great" she muttered under her breath. With a questioning look, the man turned his head and looked at his dark haired female partner on the opposite side of the faux handcart. The woman returned his gesture with a slight nod. Once again, the man fixated on his target, smiling. Resuming her sortie at a brisk pace, she cast her gaze off to the side - anywhere other than at the two marketing predators standing between her and the glass doors of the mall entrance. She felt like a gazelle at a watering hole amidst the cheetahs."Excuse me, miss?" the man in the earnest sweater pleasantly intoned as she approached. He moved a few paces out from the kiosk so as to make it impossible to be politely ignored. "Crap" she cursed quietly. There was no getting away now. "I'd like to introduce you to our new product." He gestured at the mostly empty shelves in the kiosk as he spoke. Above several squat, plain jars was a sign imploring the reader to "LOSE WEIGHT NOW, ASK ME HOW!" He had her full attention now, that was for sure and if looks could kill the man with the earnest haircut and earnest sweater would have been bleeding to death from the cuts of a thousand eye daggers. Why was it that complete strangers felt the need to point out to her the fact that she was not exactly skin and bone? What business of it theirs was? She never went around calling out attention to the physical flaws in others. It was just plain rude. Really.The female now spoke up, a distinctly foreign accent rolling off her tongue. "Believe me, I know how difficult it is losing those last few unwanted pounds." The English woman placed her arms akimbo and turned to the side, seductively smiling as she showed off a svelte figure wrapped in a stylish business skirt and blouse. "I've lost over one hundred". "It's an amazing product". The man wearing the earnest slacks and shoes added. "Great. Now comes the hard sell," she thought, sighing loudly and letting her shoulders drop. What was it going to be, good cop/bad cop? "Thanks, but I'm really not int...""Such a wonderful aroma" English cut in. The woman had pulled one of the jars off the shelf, opened it, and brought the rim to her nose. Deeply inhaling, she rolled her eyes up into fluttering lids. "There's absolutely nothing like it." Earnest took a turn now, holding out a container to her. "It's normally a sixty per jar but, today only, it's half off"."Thirty bucks?" she blurted, rolling her eyes. "Look, I'm just trying to g...""Immediate results and a money back guarantee" Earnest bounced back, unfazed and smiling. "No questions asked.""What do you have to lose?" English chimed in."Just a few pounds" Earnest replied. They exchanged knowing glances, giggling at the scripted spontaneity.She stood there for an uncomfortable moment, staring Earnest down, while weighing her options. He smiled back, unwavering. Numb, tired, and aching, she just wanted to go home. She could easily step around Earnest and head out the nearby entrance but was too tired to put up much of a fight.She relented, speaking with a gruff deadpan. "Fine. Whatever. I don't have any cash.""Not a problem." Earnest gestured at the credit card processing machine sitting on the cart. Meanwhile, English produced a small plastic shopping bag and placed one of the jars in it. A big red balloon from the rustling cloud was freed and its ribbon used to tie off the bag. English smiled as product and payment were exchanged, looking directly into her customer's eyes with an oddly mischievous expression. "Part of the promotion, love" she cooed as the bag and it's contents changed ownership. "It's what you've been looking for."It took the bracing wind outside the entrance to recall her common sense from its little walkabout. The regret of having been taken advantage of gripped her and she had abruptly stopped in her tracks, forcing other mall patrons to detour around. She felt like an idiot standing there holding the balloon as it was whipped about by the wind, bouncing against the back of her head. After an intense moment of closed-eyed, clenched-jaw, silent cursing, she turned around and marched right back in, determined to get her money back. The warm and humid wall met her on the other side of the double glass doors and she walked the short distance to the kiosk with a deliberate, I-am-really-pissed-off gait. The balloon happily bobbed and weaved behind. It had only been a minute or two, but the two were gone. The cart was empty and the balloons were missing, too. She turned to look down the length of the wide corridor, anger flushing her face. There was no sign of them in the crowd. A quick walk down to the intersection with the next bustling concourse was fruitless as well. She turned again toward the exit, defeated.It was a long drive home.
The jar sat on the vanity where she had carelessly tossed it. Above, the balloon rolled around on the ceiling as the end of its tether dangled just above the floor. Meanwhile, she sat on the sofa in the living room, having melted into the cushions over the course of several hours. Her shopping clothes had been traded for sweatpants and a sweatshirt soon after arrival and the ensuing evening had been filled with self-pity and regret in front of the television with only a quart of ice cream and a bag of pretzels to keep her company. She had continued channel surfing long past the point of boredom and presently her thumb mechanically pressed the "UP" channel button once every few seconds. There were certainly better ways of spending a Friday evening. "Enough" she finally announced to the furniture and off went the television. Sitting there in the dim light, she felt like a slob - a gullible, gullible slob. A few moments later she grumpily clawed her way out of the butt-shaped divot in her seat and stumbled in the dark toward the bedroom.
The lingering sweetness of the toothpaste swirled in her mouth as she rinsed out the brush. At the edge of the sink was the jar. She stared back and forth from it to her reflection in the mirror, re-evaluating the frumpy curves with which she was so familiar. The only sound was that of the rushing air from the vent in the ceiling. A moment later, her clothes lay in a crumpled heap on the floor and her reflection was topless and wearing only panties. Fat? No. But definitely flabby, she grimly noted... again. A pinchable inch here, a wobbly bit there - not exactly the stuff of a super model or even the long gone body of her youth. She turned to view her profile so as to compare it with that of the English woman at the kiosk. "Nope, not even close" she said out loud, shaking her head in grim honesty.Again, she looked at the jar on the vanity, picked it up, and turned it around while searching the label for ingredients or instructions - neither of which was to be found. The only writing anywhere on it was the word "H E L I U M" written on the label in a modernish script, white on black. Carefully, she opened the jar and peered into it. It was filled with a clear, shiny gel and she brought it to her nose: nothing. It was odorless. She was not surprised. Looking at the jar again and then back at her reflection, she paused for a moment and then dipped two fingers into the goo. The sensation of it was odd. The substance seemed as though it had no mass, like a high-tech aero gel of some sort and it felt cool on contact like an alcohol hand sanitizer. Topical? She plunged her fingers back in, scooped out a good handful, and put the jar back down. She then wrung her hands together to coat both palms evenly and began to apply the gel to her naked body. Everywhere she did, the gel soaked into her skin so quickly that it was difficult to determine exactly where it she had already put it on. The only clue was a sensation of coolness. After several helpings and more smearing of it around, she was satisfied that all her problem areas had been covered, which is to say she applied the stuff to just about everywhere. The cool sensation persisted, causing her to sport goose pimples on most of her naked flesh.She stood up straight and stepped back a pace to view herself. "Immediate results, eh?" she thought, turning side to side. Except for the lingering coolness, there were no changes. She stepped forward to get a close-up in the mirror.Instantly, an intense tickling washed over her from head to toe. Her breath shortened and her knees went wobbly for just a moment. Grabbing the edge of the vanity for stability she stared wide-eyed into her reflection. Her heart seemed to flutter and skip a few beats while her reflection's mouth was agape, unable to process the flood of tactile information and offer up an explanation.The tickling was soon accompanied by a feeling of tightness in her skin that, again, seemed to be everywhere. In the mirror her reflection's breasts noticeably perked and she reached up and hugged herself reflexively, arms across her chest as each hand grabbed an opposite shoulder. Her mounds felt firmer against her forearms and she could feel her turgid nipples pushing out. With her hands up near her face, she sensed something else. It was a familiar smell, almost chemical in nature. Pressing a wrist up to her nose, she inhaled. The aroma was strong and she quickly identified it, then released her newly bouncing chest and began sniffing up and down both arms. There was no denying it; her skin smelled of latex rubber. Again, she looked up and stared intently at herself in the mirror. The woman in the reflection still had no answers. The two gawked at each other, panic rising.Another wave hit. This one was much more powerful, dominating her consciousness and bringing her to her knees. She stayed on the floor for a moment, panting hard and trembling. Still holding onto the edge of the vanity, she slowly pulled herself back up on her shaky legs and feet. She leaned over the sink and steadied herself with arms locked at the elbows. The face in the mirror was very close, taking up most of her view. It was much more distressed than before. The sensation now felt as if thousands of bubbles were brushing against her skin and she found it very difficult to concentrate on anything. She took a deep, trembling breath that swelled her rib cage and pressed her breasts against her upper arms. She exhaled. The swelling continued. She could feel her breasts still expanding out against her arms and, looking down past her reflection's chin, watched as they burgeoned before her eyes. Deep, pneumatic cleavage formed at their juncture and she rotated her arms to accentuate the positive. Good God yes, they were actually expanding. Her boobs squeaked as they were pushed together.She bolted upright, wide eyed at hearing the noise. They stood out proudly, noticeably bigger and fuller, bouncing around. Again, crossing her arms over her expanding bosom, she cupped each breast. There was no doubt about it - she was growing. Each bouncy bit of flesh was swelling in her hands, forcing her fingers apart and her elbows out away from her chest. They felt different, too - the skin was tighter yet more pliable at the same time. Gingerly, she released the squeaky death grip on her chest and let her arms fall to the side. They came to rest in a manner with which she was not accustomed and she realized that her hips were growing, too - and her tummy. Frantic hands explored her mostly naked body. Everywhere, more flesh; swelling flesh that squeaked on contact. Again, she looked up at the reflection in the mirror, hands clutching her belly. Even her shoulders seemed to be swelling. In fact, her womanly curves were all the more so, approaching the cartoonish. Her breasts were bloating up before her eyes. Below, a now firm tummy rounded out beneath her navel and hands. Her thighs swelled as her hips widened making her panties press into flesh they barely contained. Her backside rounded out, tight and firm yet still soft. Beneath her breasts, her chest swelled, too, and all over her skin had taken on a muted lustre. The lights around the vanity reflected off her peach flesh.Behind her doppelganger in the mirror, the big red balloon gently rolled around on the textured ceiling. There was a click of the thermostat in the hallway and the furnace began to shut down. The roar of the rushing air slowly tapered off until the apartment was silent, save for the squeaking of skin expanding on skin. With the quiescence, the balloon came to a rest and she looked up at it for a moment. There was another sound. A quiet hissing gently filled her ears. It had been there for a while, she realized, but masked by the din of the central air system. A connection slowly began establishing itself in her fore-brain. She looked down at the jar on the counter: Helium. Above her: balloon. Then there was the hissing and the shiny, squeaking flesh. And, yes: lighter - she felt lighter on her feet. An insistent, beckoning upness slowly built as she stood before the mirror. Her chest continued to swell, breasts growing - no, ballooning atop it. Ever-present still, was the incessant bubbling under her skin. It was almost too much to bear. The hiss intensified and, watching herself in the mirror, a tiny whimper escaped her lips. All over, the expansion accelerated. Breasts inflated and perked above a swelling torso and shoulders while her arms slowly rose away from her sides. The stitches on her dainty panties soon gave way with a soft pop as the swelling flesh beneath bounced outward with new-found freedom. She felt lighter still, buoyant even. Her boobs were the first to venture upwards. Still inflating, they lifted in front of her and blocked the mirror. Up her hands went to push down the bouncy balloons and then up on the balls of her feet she went. She gasped and for a moment teetered on the brink of weightlessness as she then went up on the tips of her toes. Moments later: release. She was free in the air and rising slowly. Still, she swelled. With each passing moment she got bigger and rose a little higher. Everywhere, her skin tightened, squeaking with each panicked movement. The carpeted floor receded below and her reflection passed above the mirror. The top of her head rebounded off of the red balloon, startling her. Soon thereafter, her back was gently pressing on the ceiling. She stared down at the floor, holding onto herself for dear life. Her belly now swelled the quickest - pulling, tugging, and rounding out. The thermostat clicked in the hallway and the furnace roared to life. She could bear it no longer.
She awoke in the morning, face down on her bed. The foggy memory of the previous evening's events looped in her head as she slowly arose and sat on the edge of the mattress. Above, the big red balloon still rolled around on the ceiling. She looked down at her body. All was normal again, except for a little remaining puffiness. Moments later, she was in front of the mirror, examining herself. Her skin seemed to glow in the vanity's incandescent light, younger looking and not so flabby as it had been. Her breasts, too, were still perky and bouncier than they had been. The tickling had long subsided, but the memory was still there and as she rubbed her arms along her torso, she shivered ever so slightly.The opened jar was still sitting by the sink and she picked it up, evaluating the remaining contents. Just a little bit was left over. She looked into the eyes of the woman in the mirror for a moment and then down to her chest. She stared back down at the jar again as an impish grin formed itself on her lips. She scooped up the remainder of the gel and turned it over in her hand as the the cool sensation worked its way into her fingers once more. Carefully, she applied it to each breast and then waited.The hissing returned. With wide eyes she watched as her femininity swelled, two inflating balloons bouncing on her chest. Passing buoyancy, they quickly grew much bigger than the night before and soon she was barely able to put her arms around them, hugging herself in the process. Moments later, she was up on the balls of her feet. Then, up on her toes for just a brief moment. And then....
It wasn't until early evening that she came down and was able to bouncy-walk around the apartment. Her bazooms still swollen and very buoyant, she hastily threw her sweats back on and grabbed her purse. With her fly-away hair and unrestrained chest bouncing wildly under her cotton top, she was a sight to behold as she ran down the stairwell and out to her little economy car. The tires squealed as she tore out of the parking lot. Out in traffic, she impatiently revved the little engine at intersections, waiting for the lights to change. It seemed she hit every red light between her apartment and the mall. The shoulder strap of her seat belt pressed uncomfortably into her swollen chest the whole way.A frantic search of the mall yielded no trace of the man and woman and there was no listing on the mall directory. Even the security guard at the help desk could find no reference. He was a bit too pre-occupied with her heaving chest to be of much help, anyway. The evening was slipping away and she hurriedly weighed her options. There were two other malls in town, but it was nearing nine o'clock and there was not enough time to visit both before they closed. She sat in her idling car. On the other side of the glass, a light snow fell. The heater blower growled on its high setting while the windshield wipers methodically swept back and forth. Her hands gripped the steering wheel while she focused her great mental powers of shop-kwan-do, estimating to which of the retail complexes she could make it before closing time. Recalculating complete, she sped off. Twenty aggravating minutes later, she arrived at her destination, parked sloppily, and ran inside. Up and down each concourse, she searched desperately. Her chest had deflated somewhat more, but was still big enough to elicit stares. Again, after two full circuits, there was no sign of the pair. Most of the smaller shops had begun to lower their security gates, signaling to the thinning crowds that closing time was nigh. There was no hope for the evening. What made her think that she would find them, anyway? Defeated again, she turned to leave. Making her way back out to the parking lot, she turned the final corner down a mostly de-populated concourse and stopped in her tracks. Ahead was a lonely kiosk. A clutch of big red balloons floated above, tethered to it with ribbons. Below stood a man and a woman, both engaged with their mobile phones and not aware of her. The woman had her back turned and was deep in a conversation. The man looked down into his, thumbs busily texting away.The disheveled woman's heart skipped a beat as she slowly began walking toward the familiar pair. Nervously, she approached Earnest. He looked up, slightly startled, and then smiled. She smiled back unsteadily, wide eyed and heart pounding. He reached over to English and tapped her on the shoulder. "Lucy, we have a customer." The woman - English - no, "Lucy" stopped in mid sentence and turned around. For a moment, there was no expression on her face. Then, she narrowed her eyes and smiled devilishly. "Right. Almost done here. Call you back" she spoke into her phone, ending the conversation. Deliberately, she took-in the newly buxom woman standing before her."Indeed we do, Mr. Smith."
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, full body inflation, popping
Text: It was a beautiful day, Lesile had decided to call her friend Elizabeth to go into town to go shopping. Lesile was already at the meeting point, only living a couple of blocks from the main street of town.
"Hey Liz," Lesile greeted cheerfully. Elizabeth took stock of Lesile and for just a fleeting moment felt jealousy. Lesile was a very pretty redhead, not to tall, and very thin. She could eat and eat without the effects showing on her at all. Elizabeth on the other hand was very self-conscious about her appearance however. Although she had been told by many a guy how attractive she was, she felt...well fat. Nothing could be further from the truth, and most guys laughed when she made that statement to them. Her figure was drastically different from Lesiles, and Elizabeth was more sought after due to it. Nevertheless she still remained envious of Lesile.
"Hey yourself," she replied forgetting about her momentary weakness.
"Say, I'm hungry. What'dya say we grab a bite to eat before we get shopping, maybe mexican," Lesile offered.
Just like her to want to eat, Elizabeth thought. "Sure, whatever you want," Elizabeth answered.
They walked through town to the local mexican restaurant, laughing and giggling all the way. They were taking a shortcut through an narrow alley, when a man in a black suit, and tinted sunglasses turned the corner and almost knocked over the two girls.
"Oh I'm terribly sorry ladies," he said in an accent neither Lesile or Elizabeth had heard. "I am in such a rush, I didn't mean to startle you". There was something weird about the man, the way he looked at Elizabeth, almost as if he were looking through her. It made her shiver involuntarily, and she felt dizzy for a moment.
"No harm done," Lesile said carefully and grabbed Elizabeth's arm to get her moving. When they got out of earshot, Lesile laughed briefly. "This town is just full of weirdos." Elizabeth still felt slightly uneasy, "I dunno, that was definitely creepy." "Come on, I'm absolutely starving. They have an all you can eat buffet."
Breaking out of the trance Elizabeth said sarcastically, "great".
Elizabeth looked behind her, and thought she caught a glimpse of the man still staring at her. She shrugged it off as paranoia. "Well that hit the spot," Lesile said pushing her fourth plate of mexican cuisine forward.
Elizabeth had eaten about three heaping plates herself, which shocked both her and Lesile. She usually ate like a rabbit these day, and to eat all that food was an uncommon occurrence. "I can't believe I ate so much, I feel like I'm going to pop," she said while adjusting the waistband of her jeans which seemed quite a bit more snug now. "Just stick me with a pin."
Lesile laughed, "It's good to indulge yourself once in awhile you know."
"Lets get outa here so I can walk this off."
They paid the check and were back on the main street once more. "Where should we go first," Elizabeth asked
"How bout the thrift shop, haven't been there in a few weeks." Ninety percent of Lesiles' clothes came from there, she loved the thrift shops. "Sounds good to me."
As they walked to the shop, Elizabeth felt that her clothes seemed tight. She vowed never to eat again. Once inside the shop the two girls picked several pieces to try on. Once in the safety of the fitting room, Elizabeth removed the restricting clothes and examined herself. She could almost swear that she had gotten bigger since this morning. Her already ample breasts seemed to be slightly bigger beginning to spill out the sides of her DD cup bra. Her panties dug into her thighs slightly more than usual, at that moment she decided that she would have to run a few miles that evening. She finally tried on a lowcut party dress she had found in her size(or so she hoped was still her size). She squeezed into it, finding that it was a bit snug around her breasts and hips. She was about to take it off when Lesile opened the curtains trying to catch her friend by surprise.
"Wow," she said mouth wide opened, "you look great". Some other women nearby where forced to agree, as well as two guys who nearly drooled at the sight. This made Elizabeth feel ten feet tall, that is until she heard a loud tear coming from her rear. Upon examining with her hands hoping to feel fabric, she instead felt her own panties and bottom. Turning beat read she ran back to the fitting room. I knew it was to good to be true, she thought to herself while removing the torn dress. All she wanted to do was to go home, and get away from this store. As she put on her clothes she had a hard time getting the pants buttoned. "That's all I need", she muttered. Finally, with much coaxing she got the button fastened noticing the amount of her belly pushing over the waistband. Her shirt also seemed to show off more of her belly than usual as she pulled the shirt over her breasts. She came out of the dressing room, and found Lesile waiting for her obviously sensing that Elizabeth would want to get out of the shop quickly. After explaining what happened to the sympathetic sales clerk, they left the shop not having to pay for the ruined dress.
"Don't sweat it Liz, it could of happened to anyone."
"That's easy for you to say miss waif," she said very upset.
Lesile looked hurt by this comment, which made Elizabeth feel guilty for she had said. "Look Lesile, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, you know how I can get sometimes. I think I'm just gonna go home now."
Lesile sincerely looked concerned for her friend, which touched Elizabeth. "Look, try to perk up. I'll call you tomorrow, OK."
Elizabeth smile slightly, "sure thing. Talk to you tomorrow." The rest of the afternoon Elizabeth sat around and felt a little sorry for herself. She tried to go out running, but found herself rather tired. When her mother called her for dinner, she tried to convince her that she was not hungry. However as of late Elizabeth's mother feared her daughter might not be eating well, and while she was at home determined to feed her. The pasta did smell good, so Elizabeth put a very small portion on her plate. Over the afternoon her Jeans had stretched slightly becoming more comfortable. As she ate however she felt the jeans get tighter and tighter on her until finally the button exploded quite audibly and everyone at the table looked down her wide opened jeans. "Oh my," her mother said.
"Are you pregnant," her father asked suspiciously.
"I'm a virgin daddy," she said abruptly, causing her father to turn bright red, "I think I'm done. I'm going to bed". She got up from the table slowly, as she felt rather full, covering the exposed part her panties the blown out jeans had exposed. When she reached her bedroom she quickly shed her clothes once more. Her bra was unbearably tight at this point. She looked in the full length mirror, she had definitely got bigger, especially in her chest, a little bigger in the belly, and a little wider at the hips. Still feeling completely exhausted she put on her oversized nightshirt, even that felt a bit snug in some parts, and promised herself that she would be getting a membership at the gym tomorrow. "Right now I have to sleep though," she said to herself. Elizabeth slipped into a blissful sleep, totally unaware of the black cat watching her through the window. Elizabeth realized something when she started stirring out of her sleep, although very vague as she was barely out of her slumber, there was something blocking her vision. She woke up lying on her back and when she opened her eyes she couldn't see over her breasts. She finally woke up completely with a start, "what the hell," she said panicked. She moved her hands to her now giant orbs that were her breasts, and felt how tight her oversized night shirt had stretched over them. It had even started to tear in the center, and each breath she took caused it to tear a little more. She squeezed them slightly and found them to be somewhat taut. She moved her hands down the rest of her body and found her belly to be larger as well. She tried to get up, but was having a hard time with all the added bulk. Finally after gaining enough momentum she rolled off the bed and onto her feat nearly falling over before she found her new center of gravity. She found walking to be difficult, it was more of a waddle. As she turned to her full length mirror she gasped as she caught full site of herself.
Her breasts where the size of basketballs and defied all gravity as they were perfectly round without a bit of sag to them. Her hips and thighs seemed huge to her now. She turned around to try and get a view of her bottom, which didn't take much effort. Her panties had slipped into her crack causing a wedgie, and she could see why. Her bottom look like two half basketballs, proportionate somewhat to her bust.
"What's happening to me," she almost cried. She waddled over to her door and opened it. Luckily her parents were at work and she had the house to herself much to her relief. She did not want to be seen in this condition. She was pondering what she was going to do when the phone rang. She made her way over to where the phone was, and then lost sight of it under her massive breasts. As she bent down she fell over with the added weight on her front. Fumbling for the phone she finally grabbed hold of it and answered, "h hello?"
"Hey Liz, feeling better today," Lesile asked over the phone..
Elizabeth gulped before silently answering, "no I'm not. Could you please come over. " "Sure, is everything OK," she asked concerned.
"I'd rather tell you when you get here, and come alone please."
"Sure, I'll be over in about twenty minutes."
"OK, I'll be here," and with that she hung up the phone.
This gave her twenty minutes to get up, and to find something that would fit her. This proved to be no small task. After about a dozen tries, she got enough leverage to lift herself up. Next was to find clothes, and that proved to be the most difficult part. None of her pants would fit her, nor any of her shirts, and dresses were out of the question. She thought about it and decided to check her parents wardrobe. She finally found one of her fathers oversized white button down shirts, and one of her mothers skirts with an elastic waist band that seemed to fit. She looked at herself again in the mirror, noticing how far the shirt stuck out making her look even plumper. She remedies this by wrapping a black belt around the bottom of the shirt showing her boobs off some more. She also decided to put the belt on to tell weather or not she was getting any bigger. The other half of her body looked better, just her thighs and hips look bigger, not so much he calves. Finally ready to meet Lesile she carefully made her way downstairs back into the living room, and plopped onto the couch at a weird angle due to her rounded butt.
After what seemed like an eternity the doorbell rang and Elizabeth asked who it was. When Lesile announced "its me silly," Elizabeth yelled for her to come in. She heard the door open and Lesile's footsteps.
"You in the living room," she asked.
"Yeah, but brace yourself."
Lesile rounded the corner and gasped at what she saw. On the couch was a more rounded version of Elizabeth straining a shirt usually many sizes to big. "My God, your your.....", she was speechless. "Huge, plump, go on you can say it," Elizabeth said on the verge of tears.
"What happened," Lesile said moving over to her friend.
"I just woke up like this."
"How do you feel," she ventured.
"I feel so bloated, and tight. Its hard to describe."
Lesile moved her hand to touch Elizabeth's bloated body and stopped herself not wanting to upset her friend more. Elizabeth just nodded, indicating it was OK. Lesile gave Elizabeth's belly a poke, feeling the tautness of her belly.
"Its weird," she muttered," its almost like touching a balloon."
"Well I kinda feel like one," Elizabeth replied.
They both sat in silence, until Elizabeth began to feel a little dizzy again. "Are you OK," Lesile asked concerned. "I dunno, I feel funny," Elizabeth said looking down at her waist.
The belt was starting to get tight on her, her body began to bulge over it and under it. Elizabeth's breaths were more of short puffs as if she were trying to control the intake of air into her. "Your swelling up," Lesile noted near hysterics.
"Help get this belt off me, Please," she pleaded. Lesile tried to unbuckle the belt, but it was too tight. Elizabeth's face was red with tension as the belt cut into her painfully. Her chest now strained the front of the shirt stretching the buttons enough that Lesile could see parts of her massive bust. Lesile could only watch as Elizabeth blew up on the couch, her thighs thickening down to her calves finally. Finally the belt exploded off her waist. Elizabeth stopped swelling, and looked down at her body. Her upper torso was becoming more and more spherical.
"What are you filling with," Lesile asked giving Elizabeth another poke. This time feeling that she was a little tighter, and she bulged in other places when she was poked.
"I think its air," she said," I really am blowing up like a balloon".
"We have to get you to a doctor, and find a way to deflate you. You feel tighter than before....," she trailed off.
Elizabeth's face filled with fear. "Do you think I'll pop?"
"I dunno Liz, but I don't want to risk it, come on I'll drive."
"I hope you brought your station wagon," Elizabeth said. Lesile helped the plumpened Elizabeth up and to the door. Getting through the door was a problem, as Elizabeth was far too wide now. Lesile got up behind her enlarged friend and began to shove her through. "Careful," Elizabeth whimpered. Finally they were able to squeeze her through the door, and Lesile carefully helped Elizabeth get into the back of her station wagon. It was a tight fit, and Lesile had a hard time seeing out the back. Elizabeth had a very uncomfortable ten minute trip to the hospital as she rolled from side to side in the car. When they reached the hospital Lesile ran inside to help move Elizabeth. She heard a stretcher being rolled and running footsteps. "Holy shit, she's so round," she heard a voice mutter. She couldn't see over her breasts. She felt hands grab onto her swollen body, and what sound like a balloon squeaking. She cried out when she realized it was coming from her. "She's lighter than she looks," the other EMT said.
They placed her on a stretched and moved her through the emergency room and finally into a large private room. Somewhere along the way, Lesile had been asked to stay in the lobby. So Elizabeth was forced to lay there alone. After just a few minutes a doctor entered the room. "Hello Elizabeth, I'm Dr. Owens," he said awestruck.
"Doctor, what's wrong with me," she squeaked.
"Well its certainly not retaining water, that's for sure," he said realizing that humor was not appropriate at this point. "I'm sorry its just, well, I've never anything like this before. No one has to my knowledge, its unprecedented. But I'm going to try and help you," said Dr. Owens. "Nurse," he called his voice wavering a little.
A young nurse walked in and nearly fainted when she saw Elizabeth. "Y, Yes Doc Doctor," she stuttered.
"Please help me get Elizabeth on her feet, and then see if we can find her a gown," he said moving over to the stretcher.
The doctor and nurse fussed about her and helped her get onto her feet and center her on her plumpened legs. "OK Elizabeth we're going to....." he stopped as he watched the girls face flush.
"Oh no," Elizabeth cried, "its happening again."
Elizabeth began to blow up again, this time a little differently. Her shoulders began to puff up along with her arms, which began to rise straight out. Followed by her chest which strained the tight shirt. With a "pop" a button flew off it followed by another than another. "She's blowing up like a balloon," the nurse wailed.
"Thank you nurse, I can see that," the doctor replied.
Elizabeth looked frantically about her as her belly blew up pushing her chest up to her chin. Her shoulders now pressed against her neck, her shirt finally gave up the ghost of containing the rest of her and fell to the floor. "Help, Help!," Elizabeth cried. Her upper torso was almost completely spherical. Her skirt was begging to stretch to its limits and finally burst off her, revealing overstretched panties. Her crotch began to inflate over her legs, and meanwhile her arms were becoming part of her upper body. "I'm getting too big, the pressure is just mounting," Elizabeth cried. She tried to take a few steps, but could only waddle a few inches.
"She's gonna pop," the nurse yelled running out of the world. The doctor was about to stop her, when he thought that maybe the nurse had the right idea. Her body was almost completely spherical now, a fleshtoned balloon with gargantuan breasts. It was even making squeaking balloon noises too. Elizabeth grunted and whimpered as she grew enormous, for she was almost three hundred inches around at the waist. "Oh Doctor, help, I'm so big, the pressure is too much. I'm gonna POP!," she was hysterical now. As she struggled against her inflation she wobbled and then finally started sliding onto her back, but fell short as it was too round to lay on. The Doctor then heard straining rubbery stretching and was about to run when the inflation seemingly stopped.
Elizabeth just lay there at an angle, he eyes shut just waiting to explode. When she realized that she was no longer inflating she lay very still, fearing even breathing hard. She felt completely full, the pressure almost unbearable. She was a helpless balloon, unable to move. Dr. Owen signaled to the nurse that it was safe to come back in. He approached the bulbous mass that was Elizabeth and placed a hand on her body, and retracted it quickly upon feeling how tight she was. "Whoa," he said.
"Uh, Uh, if I get any bigger I just know I'm going to burst," she said.
A crowd had gathered outside the room, watching the spectacle of the giant balloon girl, the doctor ordered them away, fearing the enormous unstable girl in the center of the room.
"Dr. Owens," the nurse said.
"Yes Nurse." "Do you still want me to take some blood from her?"
Dr. Owens looked at the girl dumbfounded, "think about that for a second," he told her. She did and then it struck her.
"Oh, I guess the needle might not be a good idea". Lesile was led to the room where they had put Elizabeth. No one could get a hold of her parents, so she had decided to stay. When she entered the room she saw a nurse holding the biggest hospital gown ever. It was more like a huge sheet then anything else, no doubt the engineering of improvising nurse. Then she looked over at the flesh colored balloon with breasts in the middle of the room, she couldn't see Elizabeth's head though. She slowly walked over to where she could speak to her face to face. Elizabeth looked back at her friend her face shrouded with fear at her predicament. "Oh Elizabeth...", she said completely at a loss. "What's it like," she asked.
"I'll never look at a balloon the same way that's for sure," she managed to say. The pressure must have been immense in there. "If I have another episode.....".
It was a disconcerting thought to say the least. "I need to get some more material for the gown, I'll be right back," said the nurse. The nurse left the room, and closed the door. "We'll find a way to get you back to normal, don't worry," Lesile said trying to comfort Elizabeth.
"Always looking at the bright side aren't you Lesile."
Lesile spun around and found a man in a black suit standing there. The same man they had ran into in town. He had startled her, for she did not hear the door open. "Who's their Lesile," Elizabeth asked.
"I think you'd better leave mister," Lesile warned.
"Oh I don't think so, after all, an artist admires his handiwork," he said playfully.
Lesile stared at the man in fear, "you did this," she whispered.
"That's right my dear," he smiled, "I had no idea this would be so much fun. Watching you squirm as you blew up."
"How," Elizabeth whispered unable to see the man.
He approached Elizabeth's rounded body. "Get away from her, Doctor, Nurse.....", She was cut off as she felt her body freeze into place. "No one can hear you dear, so please don't waste your breath."
He poked Elizabeth causing her to bulge and to whimper again, "Stop that," she said.
"You see, I'm what you would call a warlocke. Do you believe in magic Lesile," he asked. When she didn't respond he continued, "Its no matter, because I do. My powers flow from the fear of others that I link to. In the case of our rotund young lady here," he patted her again causing the skin to squeak, "well I found out her fear of getting fat and well acted on it. She didn't get fat of course but it gave me the idea for this. I think that I will have to do this more often," he added. "Please, let the air out of me," Elizabeth pleaded.
The warlocke laughed, "well that wouldn't be very fun would it. No no no. Lets see. How shall we end this," he was toying around.
"You bastard," Lesile yelled," I'll....", she found herself unable to talk.
"Kindly shut up miss," he said casually," now where were we". He climbed up onto Elizabeth's body, causing her to bulge dangerously.
"Oh, stop, your gonna make me pop," Elizabeth cried.
He brought his face between her monstrous boobs, and looked down at his victim. "That's the idea you know. But how shall I do it I wonder. Stick you with a pin maybe," he said while poking one of her orbs. "Please stop, change me back, please," she pleaded again. He smiled and stood up on top of her and began to jump, causing dangerous rubbery groans to emit from her tight body. "Oh stop, just stop, oh...oh....oh". He finally stopped and jumped off her body. "It would seem as though there where still some room in there. Lets see just how big you'll get," and with that he snapped his fingers.
Again she began to swell, the warning noises coming from her body. She flapped her hands against the sides of her body, and kicked her little feet. Soon her hands and feet where being engulfed by her sides, as well as her feet. Lesile watched in horror as the warlocke inflated Elizabeth to her limits. She saw that her nails where beginning to dig into her sides, she closed her eyes.
"Oh no, my nails, I'm too big, I'm.....gonna...........pop ohhhhhhhhhh," her nails dug deep into her sides. Her cheeks began to puff up as well as her lips, she swelled, and swelled, and swelled, and POP!!!
There was a deafening sound of a balloon popping. Lesile opened her eyes to find the room filled with shreds of flesh colored rubber, and thankfully that was it. The warlocke stood there with his eyes closed, seething with power. "Well its been fun my dear, lets do this again shall we," and with that he vanished leaving only a menacing laugh.
Lesile began to cry, still frozen to the floor. "I'll get you you bastard, if its the last thing I ever do."
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, balloon, floating, helium, Ms. Bouncer
Text: High in the sky, spying down upon the world with an eye for justice, Ms. Bouncer floated along underneath inflated breasts. Listening to the sounds of wind and creaking skin, she sighed and turned her sight to her own cleavage. "Quiet day today," she mused to herself. "Nothing's happened since that bank robbery this morning. I should probably get down soon." Looking back down at the city below, Amelia's gaze drifted over to the suburbs where something caught her attention. A sign was visible on the roof of a small house, facing straight up to the sky. Deflating and swooping lower, Amelia could see clearly printed in bold lettering: "MS. BOUNCER LAND HERE!" A message for her specifically? Amelia had seen fans staring up at her as she went on sky patrols before, but never had she seen a sign positioned for her. Her curiosity peaked, the pneumatic heroine glided down towards the beacon. Landing on the sidewalk, Amelia looked at the house that had signaled her. It was a small one story house, nothing about it screamed TRAP, EVIL LAIR, or so she walked up to the front door and knocked. After a moment, the door opened, revealing a short-haired brunette wearing a t-shirt and shorts. Before Amelia could offer a greeting, the brunette gasped loudly and clasped her hands over her mouth in shock. "Oh my god! Katie, it worked!" the brunette shouted back into the house. "She's actually here! Okay, okay, okay..." The woman took a few moments to collect herself before turning back to Amelia. "Hi Ms. Bouncer! I'm Beth, uh, we, er... hey, why don't you just come in, it'll be easier to explain that way." Beth said, gesturing for Amelia to enter the house. "Alright then. I'm guessing that sign on your roof wasn't just for show, huh?" Amelia said as she strode into the humble abode. Inside, she made her way to the living room, where a woman sat on the couch, appearing even more surprised than Beth was. She had long red hair and was wearing a tanktop and yoga pants. Amelia took a seat across from the couch as Beth darted into the room and stood to the side of the two seated women. "Okay, so, this is my friend and roommate Katie," Beth said, gesturing to the woman beside her. "It's her birthday today, and well, she's a big fan. Like, reeeeally big fan." Amelia nodded, noting how Katie was still staring wide-eyed at her, likely busy processing having her heroine walk into her home. "The sign was my idea," Beth continued, "I wanted to see if I could get her a meeting with her idol. To be honest, pretty surprised it worked." Amelia smiled at the two, trying to ease Katie out of her stupor. "It's no big deal. It's actually quite nice to meet a fan of my work!" Amelia extended her hand towards Katie, who grasped it slowly. Amelia could feel Katie trembling as she shook her hand. "Happy birthday to ya, Ms. Katie!" Katie, to her credit, remembered to raise her hand and shake in response. "H-hi Ms. Bouncer. I, uh, like your work." Katie said, voice shaky with excitement and shyness. "You know, the superhero stuff and the, er, you know." She mimed balloons on her chest. "The inflating part. Just, you know, it's cool, that's all." Not wanting to be rude, Amelia suppressed her smile as she watched Katie's face turn crimson. She looked over at Beth, who nodded curtly to confirm Amelia's suspicion that Katie's admiration of her powers wasn't entirely innocent as Katie was trying to make it out to be. Wanting to break the shy silence, Amelia scanned the room and came up with an idea. "Say," she said, "for a party, there sure aren't that many balloons in here." Beth perked up at the observation. "Oh, that's my bad," she said. "The sign took so long to make and get up we didn't have time to do much preparing before you got here. I got a pack of balloons here." She tossed a pack of party balloons over to Amelia. "If you like," Beth continued, "I can get the helium tank we got for-" "Oh no, that won't be necessary," Amelia interrupted, tearing open the pack and taking out a balloon. Taking a deep breath, she blew into it with gusto, inflating the rubber orb to capacity in one breath. Tying off the balloon's nozzle, Amelia let it go and watched as it floated up to the ceiling. "Remember, you're talking to a walking, talking supply of endless helium," she reminded Beth and Katie with a wink. Beth clapped at the display while Katie stared transfixed at the balloon rolling around on the ceiling, her mind clearly imagining what other uses Amelia's powers had. Amelia decided to indulge Katie's imagination. After all, it was her birthday, and Amelia found her shy and reverant demeanor to be the cutest thing. Turning to face Katie, Amelia took out another balloon and smiled at her fan. "Of course, while it's neat to exhale helium, there are much more entertaining tricks for this party, if you'd like to see them," Amelia said, giving Katie a wink as she leaned towards her. Katie, cheeks as red as a tomato, took a moment to respond with an enthusiastic nod. To the surprise of the roommates, Amelia casually slipped the straps of her uniform off her shoulders, peeling her costume down to expose her breasts. Beth stared wide-eyed, muttering something about understanding why Amelia didn't bother with a mask, while Katie seemed to be taking time to remember how exactly breathing worked. Amelia herself chuckled at the pairs reaction. People's reactions to her casual attitude towards nudity gave Amelia a lifetime supply of funny faces to remember. Keeping her pace, she took the nozzle of the balloon in her hand and placed it over her nipple. Holding it in place and focusing, a jet of helium streamed out of Amelia's breast into the balloon as if her nipple was the nozzle on a helium tank. She filled it, tied off the end, and repeated the process. Soon the ceiling was covered in an array of multi-colored rubber orbs. Finishing filling up the last balloon, Amelia took it off her leaking nipple and tied it off. At the same time, she allowed her breasts to swell a few cup sizes with helium, acting as if she didn't notice it. Letting the balloon float off, she took a dramatic look down at her swelling mammaries, clasping her hands to her cheeks like a true overactor. Letting the inflation subside,she looked over her own set of party balloons to see Katie staring wide-eyed at the pneumatic pair of boobs facing her. Along with her face now rivaling the color red itself for the position of "most red thing in existence," Katie had a wide grin plastered on her as she took in the sight of her idol standing topless with inflated breasts before her. No doubt she was fiercely debating whether this was a dream or reality. Amelia glanced over at Beth. The brunette flashed a thumbs up before pointing at Katie and miming a set of big tits. Amelia nodded at Beth's silent signal, and the brunette grinned gleefully at the idea of what Amelia was about to do. Strutting forward to Katie, Amelia leaned forward, giving the shy redhead a full view of her naked cleavage. "Say Katie," she said as seductively as someone who has never actively seduced someone in their life could, "I've got another trick I can show you if you like." Katie nodded slowly, now constantly vibrating in excitement. With blinding speed, Amelia swooped towards Katie and pulled her into a kiss. For a second, Katie felt as if she was on top of the world. Then Amelia blew hard into her, and Katie realized very quickly that she may very well be on her way to physically being atop the world. Amelia felt Katie jolt in surprise as the helium flowed into her. Though she couldn't see it, she knew Katie's breasts were already swelling into her tank-top. A rubbery creak accompanied the hiss of the puff kiss as Katie's breasts pulled her top taut. The fangirl had closed her eyes and was softly moaning as she was inflated. The stitches of her tanktop now audibly struggled to contain the helium mammaries inside, and with Amelia continuing to inflate Katie, the straps soon lost their valiant battle. Katie's breasts sprung forth, perky and round with gas. Over to the side, Beth cheered as the spectacle unfolded, her phone recording the event for Katie to watch later. Katie herself moaned in bliss as she felt her skin stretch outward to contain the helium. On top of being able to make out with her idol, Katie was feeling all the pressure, pleasure, and sensitivity that came with having your inflation fetish realized. Her nipples felt as if they were burning with arousal, making her legs shake as her mind was clouded with pleasure. Her breasts now dwarfed Amelia's own boosted pair and squeaked as they rubbed together. The air around Katie was feeling bubbly and thick; she thought for a moment that she was about to faint. Instead, Katie felt her legs begin to stretch up as she got bigger. She rose to a moment to her toes before Amelia suddenly pulled backwards with her. Katie let out a distressed "mmph!", but to her amazement she didn't fall to the ground. Rather, she felt her breasts pushing up against her upper body, like beach balls in a swimming pool. She kicked her legs as her feet left the ground, defying gravity as Kate hung horizontally in the air to Amelia, attached by their kiss like a balloon to a nozzle. For a few seconds more, Amelia held the blow kiss before breaking off with a pop. With her mouth free, Katie screamed in pleasure for a moment before bringing a hand to her mouth to muffle herself. She looked at her heroine wide-eyed, her face a sea of turbulent emotions. "It's alright, take some deep breaths, let yourself enjoy it," Amelia reassured the newly buoyant girl. Katie shook in Amelia's arms, her breathing becoming gradually more stable. She looked down, taking in the size of her breasts. They jutted out below her, twin blimps bigger than her upper body carrying her in an unfamiliar sea of sensation. She stretched out her legs, feeling the cool air swishing between her toes and across the bottom of her feet. Slowly, a smile formed on Katie's face, and she began to laugh with joy. Here she was, honest-to-God floating with balloon tits bigger than she could have hoped for, in the arms of her idol. She looked at Amelia head on, mouth agape trying to search for words. Amelia smiled back. "See, I told you it'd be fun!" she said, enjoying the sight of someone else taking in buoyancy for the first time. Amelia recalled her first time following the lab accident, how she had reached past inflated breasts to meet the approaching ceiling. "Of course," she continued, "I unfortunately can't stay for too long. There is a city that needs protecting after all. I'm going to let go now, so prepare for a bit of a jolt." She began to unwrap her arms from around Katie, but the fangirl's grip suddenly tightened.
"Wait!" Amelia was taken aback for a moment by Katie speaking for the first time. The once shy girl now looked determinedly into Amelia's eyes. For a few seconds she seemed to muster the will to speak further. "Look," Katie finally said, "I know you're a hero and all, and I'm just some fangirl who's birthday was today. But I-..." She stumbled for a few moments, words failing her before shaking her head. "Oh fuck it, do you wanna go out sometime?" Amelia blinked. In all her time superheroing, she had done many things, seen many things, met many people. But never before, never in her life had the heroic Ms. Bouncer had somebody ask her out. For the first time in her cheerful and quiply life, Amelia White, Ms. Bouncer herself, who had shrugged off bullets like the breeze, was at a complete and utter loss for words. Amelia blinked again. Katie's look of determination looked to be crumbling the longer Amelia took to respond. Amelia desperately weighed options in her head. Yes, she knew she was a lesbian, she had accepted that long ago. But she didn't know how to be one! What about the secret identity, would superheroing take a toll on a possible relationship? Could she entrust Katie to know who she was? Did she even care if people knew who she was? Did she even like Katie? Sure she was cute, the way she was so shy yet clearly enthusiastic about what she liked. Or the way now that Amelia noticed it that her hair parted just right, or her eyes, or how great and adorable she looked inflating. But what, but yet, but how- Oh fuck it. Keeping one arm on Katie, Amelia took a pen and paper from a conveniently nearby table. She scribbled on the paper before turning to Katie. "You'll take a while to deflate, maybe a day or so," she said, "but once you do, here's my number." Katie floated in silence for a moment before letting out an ecstatic whoop. Letting go of Amelia, she floated slowly up, her breasts pushing a few balloons out of the way. She laughed and cheered the whole way up, continuing even as her breasts collided with a hollow thump against the ceiling. Amelia took a moment to smile at the sight of the happy girl while adjusting her uniform over her breasts. With a hop in her step, Amelia made her way out the front door, imagining what her first date might look like as she inflated her tits and took to the skies. Standing in a corner of the living room, Beth slowly brought her finger up and hit the button to stop recording on her phone. She slowly looked back and forth between Ms. Bouncer in the front yard beginning to take off and her roommate Katie floating on the ceiling. Sitting slowly onto the floor, Beth stared ahead blankly for a few moments before uttering a single sentence. "Best birthday party ever."
Ms. Bouncer meets a fan.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, implants, latex, remote controlled, Remote Possibilities
Text: Rachel was quite pleased with her new shape. Turning to view her profile in the mirror, she tossed her mane of red hair over a shoulder and placed one hand against her stomach, flattening out the button-down shirt in an attempt to make her figure more apparent. For the first time in her life, it made a difference.
Rachel had always been underendowed. Actually, that was the polite way to put it; a less generous term might be nonexistant. Many feminists might say that that sort of thing didn't matter, but it did to Rachel. She had always longed, just once, to wear and fill a bikini top. Another fond desire was to be able to have cleavage while wearing an evening dress, something most women took for granted. If asked if her life would be any less fulfilling without these simple pleasures, the admittedly already-attractive Rachel would have been forced to publicly admit it wasn't all that important. But, deep down, she felt it was.
Breast implants had been a serious consideration for some time, but just as she had convinced herself to undergo the surgery, the silicone scare had struck. Sick of living with rude nicknames and having no desire to go back to the endless line of unnaturally padded bras, she nosed around. As luck would have it, a young doctor, full of ideas and opinions hard up against the grain of most of his peers, entered the equation. He firmly believed in a new implant that had taken years to develop, but had been stalled by the delays of testing and federal approval. Faced with years of red tape before his revolutionary advances would be accepted, he surreptitiously started the search for a willing test subject ready to try something new.
And Rachel had turned out to be that person. An almost impossibly petite redhead with a charming smile, Rachel surprised the doctor with the speed of her acceptance of his proposal. The surgery proved to be remarkably simple. It had only been two days since the operation, yet there were no visible scars or pain. She was already up and about in her room, packing her belongings and getting ready to leave.
Her new breasts were everything she had hoped for. After viewing them every concievable way in the mirror, she decided the term 'perky' best described her new B-cup shape. Slipping on her very first bra with actual cups had been a thrilling delight that resulted in several more minutes of admiring herself before getting dressed. She knew they were nearly total prosthetics, but there was sensation, albeit somewhat diminished, as well as motion. Prodding them revealed nothing out of the ordinary except that they were somewhat cold to the touch. Some mild numbness, Rachel thought. Only logical. Beyond that, they looked perfect. Rachel was finishing packing when she noticed the small remote sitting by the side of her bed. It featured one arrow-shaped button pointing up and another arrow pointing down. She picked it up for further inspection. No brand name or company logo adorned the contraption, and the television remote was on the table next to the vase of crysanthiums. Shrugging, Rachel tossed the orphan clicker onto the desk.
As she continued, a faint hissing noise slowly became audible. Unable to place it, Rachel stopped her packing to listen. It wasn't the radiator, she thought; a bit warm for that, anyway. She also realized that the area beneath the base of her bra suddenly began to itch. Oddly enough, it also seemed to be a bit tighter than when she had first put it on. Thinking about how nice it was to actually be able to consider a bra "tight," Rachel turned to the mirror for one last look, smirking at her sudden narcissism.
Taking a deep breath, she posed coquettishly with a rougeish smile. Letting out a sigh, she started to turn back to her suitcase when something caught her attention. Looking down, she realized that her chest seemed to be a bit bigger than just moments before. Post- operation swelling was possible, but at this late a date? And what about that hissing?
Placing both hands gingerly on her new front, Rachel made a surprising discovery. The hissing was coming from her! By tilting her head to one side, she could just make out what sounded like a slow air leak on a bicycle tire. Looking deeper into the mirror, Rachel became sure of it. There was no doubt about it, she was getting bigger at a very slow rate. "I, my God...they're, I'm, my...I'm...inflatable!"
She stood there in stunned amazement for a moment; then, all of a sudden, it clicked. So that's what the doctor had been talking about, she thought to herself. This is more than just a new set, they're adjustable. And here I thought he was just talking about future versions of the prosthetic!
Connecting a third part to the puzzle, Rachel walked over to the desk and grabbed the small remote. Giving the downward pointing button a tap, she listened intently. Sure enough, the hissing stopped.
Unbuttoning her shirt, Rachel nearly squealed with glee. Her chest had appearently increased up to around a C-cup, straining her now too-small bra. They still felt perfectly natural, if a bit light for their size, and had a reasonable movement. Stuffing the remote in her purse, Rachel beamed, and headed out the door. "Honey, I'm off to the grocery store!" Rachel called from the doorway. Ed gave a slight wave of acknowledgement, glasses reflecting the computer screen in front of him, fingers typing furiously. Rachel smiled. Ed had become incredibly affectionate after he had seen the new Rachel, but he still could become so engrossed in work that the entire world seemed to fade away for him. It was more than likely that he'd be on there for a few hours...which gave her just enough time to set up her plan.
Sure enough, she had time to not only buy but also sort, shelve and eat some of the groceries before Ed had managed to separate himself from the glowing monitor. Ed pushed himself away from the desk, slightly dazed, and entered the bedroom, where he found Rachel wearing old sweat pants and a faded oversized shirt, reading a novel.
"Hello, dear," said Rachel, not looking up. "Get a lot done?"
"Well, yeah, actually - I managed to fully encode and implement three more pages of the site, and I remembered to write a nasty letter to Senator Exon."
"Ooh, implementing pages..." cooed Rachel with mock passion. "I love it when you talk technical. I hope your work hasn't taken too much out of you?"
With that, Rachel stood and removed her sweatshirt, revealing a skin- tight covering of black latex underneath. As she shimmied seductively out of her bottoms in front of a stunned Ed, it became apparent that the top was part of a bodysuit, and her entire body, save the hands and feet, was covered in a thin layer of rubber, a thin silver zipper running down her side, with its pull resting at her ankle.
"It was on sale at the grocery store," she smirked.
When Ed finally managed to speak, he mumbled, "You should go shopping there more often." His pulse was racing, and Rachel knew it. She reveled in the playful power her new body possessed.
As Ed approached her, Rachel took a step back. "Ed, there's something else I haven't shown you," she offered coyly. "I know you like the results of the surgery as they are, but...well, there's more."
"More?" he asked, surprised. "What do you mean, 'more?'" He scanned her body quickly. "How much more could there be?" "That's what we're going to find out," she smiled, producing the odd remote from the rear of the nightstand drawer. "I didn't want to tell you so you wouldn't worry, but my surgery was something of a...beta test. I'm the first person with a special kind of implant that the doctor promised would be a new standard in a few years' time. I wanted to wait for a special occasion and...well, grocery shopping was a good enough excuse. Push one of those arrows, and you'll understand."
Ed cocked one curious eyebrow and, ever the optimist, cautiously tapped the up arrow once. The hissing sound Rachel had heard in her recovery room returned, and this time she was able to witness the transformation. Slowly and steadily she watched and, this time aware of what was going on, actually felt her bosom swell. Her inflating breasts pressed against the latex evenly and slowly, expanding under the stretchy black layer with controlled force. She was well on her way from appealing B to perfectly poised C.
Ed, meanwhile, was obviously having trouble breathing.
"How did...what did you...was it this...umm..." Ed's brain froze. All he finally managed to convey was a resounding "Huh?"
"I told you there was more," she laughed, inhaling deeply and arching her back to make even more of her expanded assets. They were now big enough to force the catsuit to pocket under her bosom instead of fitting her form all the way down. "The doctor explained the process as an untested theory, and I really didn't expect this perk in my own surgery, but I have to admit, I love it. Don't you?" She reached out for his arm, and he dropped the remote. She placed his trembling hand on her swollen left breast and leaned her weight onto the bed. Ed was stuck between trying to be polite and trying to function. Ten minutes ago, she had been her normal gorgeous self; now, there was a latex goddess before him, pumped up in all the right places. He gently massaged her single breast, feeling tension and a unique kind of...light density, something he'd never felt before. Rachel just closed her eyes and smiled. Ed nearly tripped over himself as Rachel drew him onto the bed.
"Does it..." Ed swallowed rather convulsively. "Are you in any...is there much feeling? I mean..." He gently pressed upwards against her breast, stroking it as reverently as if he were touching Ming china.
"Yeah, there's--oh, that feels good!--there's still quite a bit of me involved with those things you're fondling. The...'addition' is mererly air. How do they feel to you?" Leaning a bit closer to where he had sat down on the covers, she nudged him with the edge of her burgeoning new front, grinning in delight at being able to do so.
Shifting his gaze from where it had been riveted for the last few minutes, he looked up. "The latex makes it kinda hard to tell, but it feels real to me! Rather firm...but you always were." She gave him a mock frown that had an infectious glee bubbling under the surface. "I'm amazed it moves so naturally!" Once again he poked her gently, watching the slight shimmy that ran through her new torso.
"Now, you don't have to be quite so gentle!" said Rachel. "It's not like I'm going to break. It's been weeks since the surgery, and according to the doctor, all of his theories are officially tested. I'm in no pain, and," she smiled, "I'm ready for action!"
So saying, she lunged forward suddenly from her spot on the bed. Standing up just enough so that her shoulders were about even with Ed's head, she tackled him soundly, the stretched latex squeaking merrily as she wrapped her arms about his neck and bore him over backwards.
Ed was stunned, to say the least. Rachel had always been rather exuberant, but tonight she was positively grow...er, glowing. He knew that she had always harbored a desire to have something more than the smidgen that nature had alloted her, but he had never known how much it meant. Of course the fact that he was now up to his ears in her new assets also might have something to do with his mental state. She rubbed up and down quickly, once or twice, pushing his glasses up onto his forehead with her balloons. His eyes, impossibly enough, opened even wider.
Throwing one leg over his, Rachel pulled herself astraddle and slowly drew back. Ed's now revealed face had what could best be described as a silly grin. After a few quick blinks he refocused, pulling his glasses back into place. "Anything to say?" she inquired archly, leaning forward so he could barely see her face over the curve of her bust.
After a few moments of running about madly in circles, Ed's sense of humor finally caught up. "Hmm...my very own Barbie doll! And life size, no less..." Rachel squirmed off of him, hopping to her feet on the bed, then bouncing up and down once or twice before thumping down solidly on the floor. The shaking of her enlarged, bubbly features was stunning to watch.
"Y'know, I never used to mind going to the pool or gym the way I was," she remarked conversationally as she reached down and fondled the remote. "I have to admit, I was always a bit jealous of the girls there who could fill out their shirts a bit better than I could. The odd thing was, I found them a bit on the attractive side as well." Seeing Ed's look of surprise as he sat up, she continued. "No, not that...just a sort of envy. I was more interested in their bustlines than anything else. Sometimes in the locker room at the gym I'd catch myself looking at a bra bigger than any I could wear and fantasizing about being able to. In a funny sort of way, that fantasy kinda turned me on. And now..." Turning, she reached out and twirled the dimmer switch. The lights faded to an even glow. Looking at the remote in her hand, she tapped the up arrow once.
And twice.
And a third time.
"And now," she repeated with a wicked smile, "the fantasy becomes reality."
Ed watched in awe as his wife, a formerly athletically shaped individual, made her chest swell bigger with each breath. A slight hissing was barely audible to him from where he sat. The latex pinged and popped as it moved to accomodate her growing form. Rachel looked downward with an almost worshipful expression, watching as her feet dissapeared from view. "Oh, Ed. You wouldn't believe how this feels! I'm growing!" She was having trouble finding the words to describe it to him, but could tell from the look on his face that he wanted to know. " I can feel the suit getting tighter against me, but it's not hurting at all. There's just a kind of...bubbly feeling to it. Sorta like the feel of champagne against your lips, you know?" She squeaked one hand along one of the softball-sized protubrances on her chest. "I'd say I'm a triple D now! It's so weird...I guess this is what balloons feel like this when they're filling up. I'm blowing up bigger and bigger!" Ed realized that the growth itself was starting to turn her on as he saw her nipples standing out clearly against the snug fabric of the suit. She continued to grow, slowly, the glued seams under her arms pulling forward slightly. With a last soft hiss, almost a caressing sound, the inflation stopped, leaving her with a ballooned bosom the size of twin volleyballs. Perky to the point of defying gravity, they swayed ponderously as she experimentally shook her shoulders.
Staring at Ed, Rachel slowly ran her hands down her hips, smoothing the already ripple free latex. "And has this little boy..." She pouted her lips as she outrageously mimiced an old pose perfected by Marilyn Monroe and placed her hands on her knees, squeezing her already oversized bosom to even greater heights. "...been good today?" With that, she broke into a wildly overacted nightclub dance, hamming it up the whole way, bouncing vigorously. Ed sat with his mouth open. The things people will do in their bedrooms, he thought to himself after a moment. The only thing missing was a pole to twirl around and even that she made a go at, draping herself around the back of a chair. This didn't quite compensate however, and she went over the top of it with a thump, bringing a restrained snicker from Ed, who tried to hide it as best he could. The innocent look he gave her when she came back up was enough to start her off as well, trying to suppress her characteristic snort/giggle by putting her hands over her nose. This broke the dam for Ed, who had to take his glasses off to wipe away a tear of mirth after a few moments.
"What's so funny?" Ed managed after a moment.
"You had to be there..." Rachel replied, which set them both off again.
Giggling, she walked across the room, sliding into his lap with a sensuous squeak and dropping the remote over his shoulder. Nudging her extremely pronounced front up against him and wrapping her arms about his, she commented softly, "This is the first time something's ever come between us." He glanced down at the twin spheres that held her at elbow length, pressed up firmly against his chest. Her warmth pervaded them and he could feel the heat from her exertions radiating through the latex.
Throat dry, Ed stared back, then smiled like the sun coming up. "Well, then, I guess we'll have to do something about that. Where's my pocketknife..?"
"Kidding!" Ed suddenly shifted the balance of power and eased Rachel onto the bed. Her swollen bosom stayed eerily balanced atop her torso, nipples now clearly visible through the thin rubber. "I think we're going to have to get used to that," said Rachel softly. "As long as I'm all pumped up like this, they're going to defy gravity a bit." "I don't mind, really," smiled Ed. "There's something humorously erotic about having my own real-life inflatable doll. I could get to like this."
"Rowwrr. C'mere, you smooth-talking rascal."
Ed straddled her and leaned over to kiss her parted lips.
But as his weight shifted onto her body, her weight in turn pressed on the bed--or, more specifically, on the remote buried between the comforter and her back. Silently, the device registered one up arrow press...then another...then another. The commands started to stack up.
The telltale hissing started again. "Well! You certainly are eager to see what the 'new me' can do, aren't you?" The pressure in her chest built slowly but satisfyingly steadily, and she smiled with the look of someone who's just achieved snuggly warmth. "Just be careful how many times you hit that, lover..."
"Hit what?" replied Ed.
"The remote, of course. Don't go overboard pressing buttons on your new toy."
"But..." he started, "I'm not. I don't have the remote."
"What?" Rachel suddenly became acutely aware of a jabbing pain in her back. Still hissing, she motioned for Ed to move off her, and quickly. Turning and looking down, all she saw were her expanding breasts, not- so-quietly inflating at pace. Leaning over them, she found the remote on the bed where she'd been laying, picked it up and examined it.
"Oh my God."
"What? What?" Ed did not like the sound of urgency in Rachel's voice. His eyes focused on the remote.
The up arrow was completely embedded inside the casing. The button was stuck, flush.
"Turn it off. Hit the other key!" Ed offered helpfully.
"I can't!" she said, stabbing pointlessly at the down arrow. "It's not working! The up button is totally jammed!"
While the remote had decided life as a paperweight would be more interesting, the implants continued to work as advertised--and then some. Rachel was ballooning to great proportions, a bulbous multi-cup bosom filling out on her once A-cup frame. The growth continued relentlessly in time to the hissing accompaniment. Rachel realized with horror that, because the remote was jammed, it was still registering "up" hits. She was blowing up nonstop. She had to act fast.
Her first instinct was to remove the latex suit. "Get this off, get it off!" she screamed, straining her right arm to reach the zipper at her ankle. Bending over was easy; not suffocating on her inflating mammaries was the difficult part. Ed scrambled for the zipper and started to run it up the length of her leg.
"What was that?" Rachel asked.
"Looks like the remote's not the only thing that's broken," said Ed. "One of the zipper teeth just committed suicide; now I can't move the thing up or down."
"No, no, no..." Rachel moaned. "This can't be happening...this wasn't supposed to happen!" She gingerly put her free hand on the side of her inflating breast. She could feel the steadily mounting pressure inside, feel herself physically blowing up, the pungent latex perfectly mimicking the properties and texture of a party balloon. Experimentally, Rachel pressed in slightly, gauging the density. Her fingers sunk in slightly. I'm not full yet, she thought. I still have time.
"Maybe I can fix the remote or something," Ed muttered as he glared at the offending item.
"Ed, you can't even fix the screen door. How do you expect to repair...this!" Rachel snarled, her massive orbs shaking in time with her outburst. While they still had movement, it was far less than before and the overall shapes had begun to assume those of balls stuck to her chest. Her nipple outline was no longer visible; whether it was due to the loss of the mood or the stretching of her skin was impossible to tell. Rachel fought hard to squelch a rising feeling of panic, and questions formed in the back of her mind. What if they don't stop? What if I just keep getting bigger? And what happens when I can't get any bigger? She couldn't consider it. She had to stay in control, even if some parts of her weren't.
Straightening up from her futile tugging on the zipper, she winced as the latex squeaked loudly and puckered deeply around her waist, under the breasts and beneath her armpits. It only took a second to realize what was wrong, and she reached up to the high collar and eased it out with one finger, allowing air to seep in beneath the sealed rubber. The wrinkles around her torso eased, but her ever-expanding front had started to pull up all the slack, and standing straight was beginning to give her a minor wedgie. In these sorts of situations latex is not known for its forgiving qualities, and she spent a moment digging and pulling.
Ed glanced up from his prying at the depressed button with the edge of a dime and stared in astonishment. His wife, the woman who he had used to call 'Skeeter' back when they were first dating, much to her irritation, stood before him looking more voluptuous than all but the biggest of the silicone queens. Impossible curves met his eyes as they skittered over her, not certain where to settle.
"Stop playing with the remote and call the doctor. He built these...these things!" Rachel gestured at her expanding breasts. "He'll know how to turn them off. He's got to!" She snapped her fingers in front of Ed's nose. "C'mon, hurry up!"
"Yeah! Yeah, phone, yeah." Ed vaulted from the bed, nearly braining himself on the half-open door as he tried to run out into the hall while still looking back at Rachel. The sound of his feet was distant thunder on the stairs followed by a crash of kitchen chairs as he slipped on the linoleum.
"Stop already!" Rachel whined to her own chest as she took a firm hold of the crotch of her suit and pulled down, her bosom getting in the way as she did small dance of frustration in the middle of the room. It did little good, for as soon as she let go, her swollen chest bounced upwards, yanking everything with it and causing her to squeak in dismay. The suit had to go, she thought, as she eyed its well-packed, rounded confines jutting out almost horizontally under her chin. As she grew larger, the suit grew tighter, the pulling forward of the arm and shoulder material was getting uncomfortable and, worst of all, it was becoming difficult to breathe. The pressure of the latex was only restricting her breasts anyway, pressing in on them and making it more likely for them to...
The small voice in the back of her head started to internally verbalize her nightmares. (I'm not going to make it...I'm going to pop like a balloon...I'm going to explode)
She stopped herself again, blocking out her fear. If the zipper was stuck, she reasoned, then the only thing to do to keep herself from bursting was to cut it off. The image of the scissors in the bathroom flashed through her mind. As she turned toward the bathroom, she caught sight of herself in the mirror.
Ed's difficulty in leaving the room was somewhat justified, she thought to herself in astonishment as she stared at the overinflated latex toy that gazed back at her from the mirror. Pumped with gas that she was helpless to stop, her titanic breasts started at her chin and went down almost to her waist, deep ripples in the material under that giving mute testimony to the strain. Gently she rubbed one hand along the smooth and bulging side of her chest, almost in a reverie. The awkwardness of moving her restricted arm brought her back to reality, however, as did the discomfort.
The bathroom door proved to be a bit of a problem as soon as she got there. Designed to fit beween the confines of a closet door and a window, it was a few inches narrower than a standard doorway. Normally this was not a difficulty and went unnoticed until Rachel bumped into it and stopped, her breasts touching either side of the door. She paused a moment in disbelief, then bumped forward again, only to have her motion arrested once more. Turning to the side wouldn't help; her chest had inflated so far out in front of her that she was as deep as she was wide. The panic started to swell in her again, almost as fast as her ballooning breasts. (It's hopeless...I'm too full...just forcing myself through the doorway will cause me to burst) But the nerve-wracking hissing was enough of an impetus for her to back up a foot or two, then rush forward, popping through the door frame with a squeal of synthetic fabric.
Rachel spent only a fraction of a second looking into the tiny mirror over the sink. It was far too small to show anything more than a bit of her now. She found herself agreeing with her inner tormentor. "I am going to explode," she muttered to herself. "If I don't get free, I will pop!" Puffing, she dug through the drawers, cursing as she discovered how difficult it was to do with over three feet of breast to get in the way. The simplest solution was to bend almost all the way over and yank the drawer out. Further wedging was an unfortunate side effect, but it was better than the alternative. The scissors finally put in an appearance from behind the toothpaste, the tip gleaming a stainless bright in the dimness of the drawer. She pounced on it with a cry of triumph.
(Getting bigger...too big...it's not stopping)
Looking at herself, she realized the mirror would be little help. All that was visible was her face and a swell of latex creeping up towards her chin. Looking downward was of little use either, as even bending over was insufficient to see her feet. Manuvering around, she distantly felt the bottoms of her pressurized breasts touch the faucet. The blade of the scissor fit into her palm nicely as she held it aloft in front of her face. One false move, she thought, and these things could do a world of hurt. (I can feel the pressure building. I can't take much more.) Gotta stay calm. "Time to let you guys out," she said somewhat hysterically, as she plunged the tip into the latex bed beneath it.
The suit parted easily, the low-resistance latex peeling back and down. "Waaaaigh!" was all Rachel had time for as her cleavage made a concerted rush out of the newly formed gap, boiling up at her face. The suit practically exploded away, her arms shrugging back at the release of tension. Her breasts seemed to burst from their confines, smacking into the mirror and her chin as her back bumped into the towel rack. All that was visible in her reflection was her panicked eyes staring at her over a rising sea of swollen pink. The pressure surged and rolled wihin her, driving strange feelings even as horror threatened to overcome her. Clutching at the sides of her chest, she realized she couldn't even reach the further wall, much less get her hands around or under them. She was too late; her doomed inner voice was right. "Edddd! I'm gonna explode! HELP ME!"
Panting with the exertion, Rachel suddenly realized something. It was quiet. The hissing was gone. Turning her head, she rested one ear against an upflung breast. Nothing.
"Oh, my goodness." She turned her head even further to see Ed, standing in the narrow door, staring in at her, a slight twitch under one eyelid being the only thing moving. In one hand he held the remote, in the other, its batteries.
"Oh, Ed, it's stopped! They've stopped, I'm not gonna pop," Rachel gasped out, her arms wrapped about her new front. Even though things were no longer getting bigger, she was still wedged into the bathroom, her chest resting in the sink and pushing her solidly into the wall. As for Ed, he was not quite sure exactly what to feel. His wife was stuck in the bathroom by her own body, her huge breasts, each the size of a beanbag, stuffed in firmly. After a minute or two of total silence, her calm returned. "So, the doctor said to pull the batteries?" Rachel managed "Yeah. He said to take them out and it would stop sending signals to your...you." Ed shook his head once or twice. "Rather obvious, really. The automatic fail safe probably kicked in first, however. You were listening to yourself before I got the chance to take them out." Ed reached out and rapped the side of her breast with a knuckle, causing a shimmy throughout the taut surface. "Lord, you're huge."
Standing before him was a swollen form that, incredibly, now belonged to his wife. Her overinflated implants resembled pink punch balls that had been pumped to twice their normal size. Rachel's extraction from her predicament was easier than either of them thought, although the wall hangings in the bathroom were askew. With Ed pulling and Rachel providing directions--"Does your hand need to be right there?"--she made it to the door and gingerly passed through one breast at a time as she went sideways. Pulling the second one out made a noise much like a cork coming out of a bottle. Rachel stood there and shimmied for a moment, her arms only reaching halfway around her enormous new front.
"The doc says he'll be right over. He was leaving when I came up the stairs," Ed mentioned. "And apparently, you've got the wrong remote or something. He has a better one he's bringing over." He stared at Rachel's blank, sunken expression. "What's the matter? You're safe now."
Rachel sniffled a bit and sat down on the bed, blinking in surprise when she realized her breasts were in her lap and still rose high enough to almost touch her chin. "I'm sorry. I wanted this to be perfect for you and now I'm some sort of inflated freak. I'll have to get these taken out."
Ed wrinkled his eyebrows. "Why? You told me yourself that this was a test case. There are always going to be a few problems with that sort of thing, and I'd say you were pretty lucky that this was the only side effect. Besides, the doctor sounded like he knows what to do when he gets here; he's apparently prepared for such emergencies."
Rachel looked up. "You mean...you mean you don't mind me looking like this?"
"Well, it is a bit on the silly side, but it's only temporary. Rachel," Ed continued gently, "you were the happiest I've seen you in years when you came home from the hospital. One or two minor setbacks," he said, eyeing her lap with a smirk, "...or major ones, for that matter, shouldn't stop you from looking the way you want to look."
"Okay, sermon over," he said "C'mon, lemme help you get the rest of that latex off. Besides," he added with a lilt, "the doctor won't be here for another hour or so..."
Rachel looked at him with mild astonishment. "You're not seriously suggesting..?"
"Well, I don't know about you, but I'm certainly in the mood."
She smiled lopsidedly and bobbed her head in that isn't-that-just-like- you-men manner. "You're sick, Ed. Very sick."
Ed looked ingenuous. "It took you three years to figure that out? I mean, after all, this is science."
Rachel wiped one eye--reaching up and around to do so--then bolted straight with a memory. "Oh, wow...I hope the rest of the girls don't have problems like these."
"What other girls?"
"The rest who volunteered to try these out. We'll have to warn the doctor about it."
"When he gets here. When he gets here."
An hour is a long time when people are occupied.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, alchemy, clothes bursting, corset, Thickening Agent
Text: Cloying beads of sweat gripped Emily's brow, gluing her coppery hair to her goggles as she painstakingly measured and gingerly mixed chemicals in the clear vials she held. If too much air got into the mixture, it would froth for days, and the reactions would take that much more time to finish reacting and degrade. This was supposed to be Temporary, after all.
Her male colleagues in the Alchemist's Guild were focusing on immortality and infinite gold and other such 'high' pursuits, but Emily sought that much rarer element; Adventure! The Adventurer's Guild hadn't been hiring, though. The Alchemist's Guild was, however, and the steady pay and free lab space made her nights spent on rooftops and in tombs scabbing non-contract work for the folks who couldn't afford a proper adventuring party that much easier. It was almost a sort of alchemy in itself, using the crucible of late-night danger to reduce and purify her research funds to... less money, but with more fun.
Tonight was prep-work for the infiltration of a seedy establishment which she had been previously banned from. She was almost proud of the likeness they'd posted by the Bouncer's station, but they knew her face, and so she had to be unrecognizable. And when she finished tonight, no one would be looking at her face.
'Athletic' is often the polite term people use for girls like Emily, who cannot keep fat on their bodies. Be it either through genetics or lifestyle, Emily couldn't gestate the womanly curves that some of the other girls her age had managed, but, in her private moments (or when she was in her cup) she had to admit (often at great volume) she had a great butt. That volume was probably one of the reasons she wasn't allowed back at this particular bar.
Emily, however had an ace up her sleeve, and that was the Elasticity Amplifier she'd been consuming for the last year and a half. She had slowly enhanced the elasticity and ductility of her soft tissues while reducing their plasticity and she was only getting more flexible by the dose. In layman's terms, she was quite bendy and stretchy, but didn't stay bent or stretched. It had gotten her out of several literal and figurative Tight squeezes, and she hoped it would come in handy for this particular disguise.
During one particularly enlightening encounter with an all-you-can-drink special whose volume was definitely the reason she was not allowed back to this bar she had discovered that her skin's elasticity allowed her to deform herself to quite the degree without harm or permanent effects if she had an internal support to maintain the shape. Her stomach and other guts had stretched to fill her torso far beyond any mortal capacity and She'd popped her corset and was sloshing around merrily when they heaved her out and she... also heaved. It was a fair banishment, she would admit ... sometimes. But inside was her mark, and she needed his... whatever maguffin was driving tonight's escapade. She'd read the note again before she left.
Her new steel-boned corset would hold up nicely (she hoped) as she was aiming for a different shape tonight. Less wineskin, more hourglass.
She eyed the mixture, raising her goggles to reveal her emerald eyes and see the tiny vial without distortion. It looked the right color, and there weren't that many bubbles in it. It was probably fine.
She upended the contents into her compressed stomach and gave her corset a cinch for good measure. It was amazingly sweet, and she almost considered mixing more, just for the flavor. She counted backwards in her head from thirty for the mixture to saturate before she drank the catalyst.
There was a disappointing pause before she could feel the the faintest tickle in the pit of her tummy. Like fuses being lit, the fizzing spread from her stomach to her extremities and all her most intimate parts. She nearly went cross-eyed as a thousand tiny bubbles tickled and caressed her from the inside of her skin. The agent was supposed to bond to her fatty deposits, what little she had, but it seemed she could feel the reaction almost all over. Had she missed the co-chiral bond with the elastic... annnnnd she lost the math as her thoughts were chased away by pleasant fizzy bubbles and a persistent muzzy pleasantness. (Or perhaps she failed to calculate that the brain is a fatty deposit and she was getting a bit air-headed from the chemicals.)
Either way she was lost in the tickling, bubbling, fizzing onslaught until her corset creaked and she was brought back to the moment as her stomach and it's contents strained against it's confines. The pressure quickly equalized and her feminine features all gained a tiny bit of volume.
"Oh," She let out a tiny, surprised coo as she felt herself stretch for the first time since the bar. The ale hadn't done that. Her hands, unbidden, began to explore her expanding form, each touch, every squeeze, translated to a pleasing cacophony of sensations that the human mind was not meant to feel or understand. There was pressure, yes, oh what pressure there was, but there was give, too, as if her first breath of the morning could go on forever. Millions of tiny hands pushed her skin outward, meeting her own hands with equal measure at first, and then more, so much more. She could feel her breasts pressing out against her fingers, spreading them and pulling, pinching, tugging her skin everywhere she could touch. Her thighs, and even her proud bottom were shifting under her loose pants, pulling out the slack, ever so sensuously slow. She gasped, greedy for volume, trying to pack her lungs and stretch herself further as her agent did it's work within.
As she grew, the available volume for the reactions to take place within her grew, and so did the pace at which she filled. Her miscalculation began to cascade.
What started as a crawl, slow and torturous became a walk, confident and inevitable.
Her probing hands were busy exploring every amazing inch of her body when her second wave of expansion began. Another creak of her corset, and another burst of pleasure as her skin stretched to contain all of her.
She was indeed starting to develop that hourglass figure that she'd not-so-secretly envied on other girls, her bust was hissing and fizzing along nicely, and she was about to start losing sight of her creaking corset for the first time in ages, as her newly improved breasts began to obscure her view downward with her sensitive, freckled decolletage, and honest-to-gods cleavage between. She let out another low moan as they touched together, and she began fondling herself anew amid the squeaky, sweaty collision between her disparate halves.
Below her corset, her ample thighs and glorious butt were making her adventuring pants far less baggy, as each strap and pocket drew a lover's caress across her rapidly constricting lower quarters. Her expansion was a torturous march of longing, and she began wondering idly if there were more hands available to touch her. Having occupied her two hands with her breasts and their sensitive nipples, she satisfied the crawling tease of her nethers by crossing her legs and working her hips in a sensuous figure eight, the tension of her pants and the stretch of her skin sent shivers throughout her whole body, as if each tug and poke of the expanding gas caused an opposite and equal reaction somewhere else when the pressure sought some release from it's humanoid prison.
Redoubling the reaction, she felt her stomach shift under her corset, her guts rearranging as they churned and burbled before pushing out in a constant creaking stream.
In return, the gas she was filling with, sought out every corner of its vessel to fill; to tease; to touch; and to stretch.
Emily's Slow dance with herself became slower as she began to run out of room in her clothing to move, constricted and pressurized even further. The caresses and touches of before began to become sure, firm grips on taut flesh as her straps and buckles ran out of give. Her thighs and even calves began to bulge and stretch out between each gap, and with a tickling pop-pop-pop, even making new gaps of their own. A dry voice in the back of her head stated plainly that she should have done this naked, and it was immediately shouted down by the feelings of pressure (and pleasure) increasing everywhere else.
By now, the fizz of reaction from before had become an outright bubbling churn that permeated her entire being. She could barely stand among the seeking, tickling hands that distended her from the inside, and the bubbles knew how to find every one of her secret places. She was getting deliciously wet from the feelings she had no way to process, and , her exploring fingers confirmed, she was even beginning to foam a bit from the tips of her sensitive nipples, now crazy with sensation from being stretched across the fronts of her amazing breasts. Her breasts.
She took several more sinful moments to examine every freckled inch of her new endowments, practically tearing off her shirt to expose more glorious, sweaty, stretchy flesh. She rose like bread through the gaps in her clothing, searching, blooming into each inch of free space she created with her tearing fingers. Her Alchemist's Robe was tossed to the floor, and her shoulders down to her corset laid bare, and everywhere between she bulged and grew, sweaty skin kissing evening air, meeting it, pushing it out of the way and continuing on on the walk onward.
More volume, greater room for reaction, more area for error. The walk became a run.
She churned and fizzed and burbled and bubbled, practically vibrating from the reactions inside her.
She never noticed that she should have stopped seven seconds ago.
Onward she grew, unrestrained up top and pressurized on the bottom. Her once ample, now outright turgid thighs squeaked together inside her pants, and began seeking other avenues of expansion. Leather belts and bandoliers full of reagents began to constrict with mad purpose all about her legs and buttocks, teasing, touching, squeaking and creaking until she could stand it no more and fell to her knees, hands flying to touch her most private places, to tease, to ply, to re-live any exhausting moment of this boundless pleasure.
Emily lost herself, awash in feeling and spouting fizzy concoction from every bodily orifice like a mad sprinkler in some perverted lord's garden, every jet and bubble that escaped, giving a final, tiny taste of Ecstasy on it's way out. She couldn't hold it anymore. As she kneaded and explored her sticky, swollen self she ran out of reactants and stopped expanding just as she collapsed into paroxysms of decadent pleasure, her skin squeaking and creaking as she finally relaxed and bulged out a few more inches, sending her into further aftershocks.
She lay on the floor, panting and heaving, bobbing in the air with improbably huge breasts and flared hips to match, sweaty and sticky, and altogether spent she cooed and squirmed on the cool floor for who knows how long in pure contented bliss.
As she regained her faculties, she began taking stock of her state. Breasts so large she could scarcely contain them in an embrace, hips so wide she'd more than doubled her standing width, and an ass that would require a survey team and a good week to explore it's vast expanse. And all of it was her, glorious her. She patted her hollow-sounding thigh, and lost focus of her eyes for a moment as the sensation rebounded about inside her. She needed to be careful about that. Distractions like that could compromise her mission.
As she languidly (and squeakily) made her way to her feet she began to remind herself of her own work from memory. The formula was sucrose-based (and very sweet), so it would attenuate poorly with alcohol, which was a shame, as Emily was really feeling thirsty after all that exertion. Maybe one drink wouldn't hurt. As long as she could fit through the door with her prize when she was done, it was fine, wasn't it? It was supposed to last an evening and a half, and she could certainly find ways to spend that time while she laid low. Finally, was her disguise.
She looked down, at her clothes, which were in a sorry state, safe to say, and would not be making the journey with her. She'd bought a dress for this occasion (most of a dress, anyway), and would be wearing it to the pub once she squeezed into it. She had a plan, a mission, and was all set.
She nodded, making a fist and thumping her prodigious chest, Yes, Emily Gold was going to reclaim that thingamabob for whoever, as was just and right and not a thing could stop her.
Well, maybe another few minutes of exploration wouldn't go amiss...
Tags: Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, chemical, Happy Holly Days, redhead
Text: "What's the matter, you don't have the Christmas spirit?"
I'd recognize that voice anywhere.
Holly answered the phones at work. I spent most of my time down in the lab, but I'd see her every time I had to deliver a status report or a presentation on one of my projects. I'd have to pass the front desk to get to the meeting room, and she'd always deliberately make eye contact. If I was alone, we'd exchange small talk, though she'd rarely say anything if other people were around. But she'd always peek out from behind those auburn locks to give me...the look.
Chemistry isn't the kind of career that makes you a chick magnet, which was fine, because I've never been particularly outgoing. Also, I wasn't going to pretend that I had anything she needed. Holly's boyfriend used to visit her at lunch, pulling up in an ostentatious 4x4 with chrome chicks on the mudflaps. Everything about her attitude said she liked danger, and cruising around town with a bad boy just fit the profile. Dating a quiet lab geek didn't. I always assumed she was just doing it to tease me or see what kind of reaction she'd get.
I was a little surprised when the 4x4 stopped coming to drop off lunch. Gossip got around the lab fast--it was over. Everybody knew Holly was a straight shooter who didn't feel the need to hide her true feelings--she once famously got scolded for making a dirty joke to one of the VPs--so it was assumed that the breakup was by her choice. Everybody felt the same way, though--watch out boys, she'll chew you up, she's a maneater. And of course, that assumed any of us would have had a shot to begin with. Just because you want something doesn't mean you can get it, and I knew enough to stick to the shallow end of the dating pool.
Besides--I figured if "the look" was sincere, she'd initiate. I was naturally shy, but she hadn't been at the summer picnic--she flirted up a storm with me. I wasn't red from sunburn, let's put it that way, But I didn't have the nerve to flirt back, not with 4x4 Guy nearby. All I could think about was my head under one of his tires. His constant presence--even the threat of his presence--kept me at a distance.
But that was then. Right now--in the lab, in my safety zone--Holly stood in front of me, her girl-next-door looks in full effect, buffed nicely by a maroon stretch velvet dress that fell daringly off her shoulder and rode halfway up her thigh. It seemed like she added a loose black belt solely to call attention to her hips.
"What's the matter, you don't have the Christmas spirit?"
I didn't make eye contact. "No, it's that everybody else has had a few too many spirits," I said. "I like my coworkers. I just don't like them when they're drunk off their asses."
"I am innocent until proven intoxicated," she said with a smile. "Actually, I thought you were down here with a mind to spike the punch, whipping up something with more kick."
"Well, that's half true," I said, looking up "I know it looks antisocial, but I haven't been able to get this project off my mind, and I'm so close to a milestone that I figured I'd hide down here for a little while."
"Alex, if I found you, you didn't do a very good job of hiding." She approached my lab bench. "What's so interesting?"
"I'm afraid it's not the cure for cancer," I said, tapping absentmindedly at some keys. "Actually, it's a little embarrassing. But it could turn out to be something really cool, something...well, remember when that distributor was in a few months back? The guy with the eyebrows?"
"Yeah, he was a jerk."
"That's the guy. He wanted us to come up with something like helium, only better. He wanted it to last longer, offer more lift at lower pressures, and of course, he wanted it to cost less. We told him it couldn't be done." I thought about it a second. "That's probably part of why he was a jerk."
"I always thought you guys could do anything."
"Well, that's just it--the suits said they wanted his business anyway, so I've been working on his impossible task ever since. I was told to think outside the proverbial box."
"Nice," she said sarcastically. "So when you made that an action item, did everybody get everybody on the same page with your proactive new paradigm?"
"Everybody wasn't involved. I've been working alone."
"No, I meant...never mind," she said. "So I take it you found something outside the box."
"Yeah. I broke a few rules, tried a few unorthodox methods, some organic...I won't bore you, but I found...well, not what he wanted, but something interesting."
"Oooh," she purred. Her eyes lit up a little bit when I told her I was a rule-breaker. "Can you show me?"
"I can't show anybody," I smiled. "It's an invisible gas. But it's got most of the properties that guy wanted, only no lift. It'd be worthless to him but valuable to other people."
"So you've invented a helium substitute that doesn't lift things off the ground," she said mockingly. "On planet Earth, we call that 'air.'"
"Ah, but not this kind of air," I replied, a little excited to be reveal some details. "This is not your garden-variety oxygen mix. It behaves differently, reacts with certain things in unusual ways. And sometimes you want to make things expand without making them fly," I said, turning a little red. "There are potential...cosmetic applications."
"Cosmetic..." she said. "You mean...?" She cupped her breasts slightly, smiling.
I must have turned pinker still. I didn't really mean to go into all this, but I was kind of flustered by her presence and I was excited to finally be able to talk to someone about what I was working on. "Um, well, yeah, but I was thinking subtler, like wrinkle removal or lip augmentation. This stuff could be a substitute, something safer and cheaper that you could go and get added every few months--maybe even do it yourself. And it wouldn't be permanent--the goal is to make it stable enough that it would stay where you wanted it to be, but slowly dissipate over time. When it runs out, you just go back to get a refill, like any other prescription."
"So if I wanted to fill out my bikini in the summer, I could go in, tell the doctor to give me a few pumps, and start turning heads."
"You already do that," I said, and instantly regretted it. She smiled. So much for the secret part of "secret admirer."
"Flattery will get you everywhere. I'm sold."
I quickly went back to staring at the screen, even though I wasn't really looking at anything. "Well, let's hope the company is too, so they can turn around and sell it to someone else."
"No, I mean, this sounds awesome. I want some."
I looked up. She'd started scanning the room in detail, looking around at the equipment. "Excuse me?"
"This stuff--Air Plus, Super Air, whatever you decide to call it--sounds fantastic. Let's try it out."
"You're serious. Um, no."
"Why not?" she said, grabbing bits of equipment from the supply cabinet. "I trust you."
"It's not a matter of trust," I said, too stunned to move. "Let's forget the insane ethical issues here for a second--JH-12 isn't done. Everything I've told you works only in theory."
"Well, you have to prove theories, right?" she said, grabbing a fistful of rubber tubing and heading for a tank labeled "JH-12" in my handwriting. "Look, JH--'Just for Holly,' and the 12 is for December!" She turned to face me and feigned humility. "I'm flattered, really, but with a name like JH-12, it's never going to sell. You can use the name Super Air. I don't mind."
Before I could even process what was going on, Holly had shoved the tubing onto the nozzle of the tank and held the other end between her teeth. She reached out to turn the valve.
"No!" I cried, and thrust my hand out to knock hers away. And I did--but I managed to open the valve in the process, which was exactly what she wanted. She sealed her lips around the tube and inhaled as a loud hiss escaped from the tank.
I immediately flicked the valve closed again. She took the hose from her lips and giggled at me, a naughty child who just peeked at her Christmas presents and got away with it.
"Holly...are you alright? We've got to get you to the hospital."
"For what?" she laughed. "For breathing? 'Oh, doctor, you have to help me, I...inhaled!'" "'Well, young lady,'" she said in a deeper voice, mimicking an older man, "'my advice is to exhale and repeat the process, or you'll die."
"It's not funny, Holly. I have no idea what that's going to do to you."
"I do--it's going to make me irresistible," she said. "Besides, I didn't breathe hardly any of it in, and so far, all it's doing is making me feel tingly inside." She looked down at herself as if expecting to see something happening.
And then something did. I heard a strange sound, a combination of a stretch and a hiss.
Holly started to swell.
It wasn't much, but it was noticeable because I was looking for it. Truth was, I did have an idea of what it was going to do to her, and I was right. Her chest moved slightly as her breasts seemed to fill out a little more. Her hips flared out a small amount and I saw the lower hem of her clingy dress move.
Holly's mouth dropped open as she stared at her chest. She ran her hands over her hips and up the sides of her breasts. It was difficult to watch, but impossible not to watch. Just that small amount of the gas gave her form some notable definition--curves, as they say, in all the right places.
Her instant reaction was joy--perhaps too much. "If this is a little," she said, "I want a lot!" In one fluid motion, she put the hose back in her mouth, flicked open the valve, and basically hyperventilated. "No!" I cried, shutting the canister down. "What are you doing?"
"I'm trying something new," she said, inhaling deeply, catching the last few vapors. "It's fantastic! I feel great," she said, admiring her reflection in the mirrored surface of one of the chrome cabinets, "and I look even better!"
"It's highly unstable," I stammered. "This isn't even even the latest mix. It's never been tested, for Christ's sake!"
"Can't say that now," she purred, refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing. "And I think the first test is officially a success," She adjusted her dress to accentuate her positives. "Don't you?" Her dress did look a bit more rounded around the edges; her hips and bust seemed fuller, sexier. I had to admit—she looked good.
But I didn't have to say anything. One look at me let her know she was right.
My emotions were totally scrambled. I was furious and scared, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious to see what would happen next--on a personal level, on a scientific level, on an impending-disaster level. "Holly, if a little sip of that stuff made you...swell..." I had trouble getting the word out. "You breathed in a lot more the second time, and I...I just don't know how it's going to affect you."
"Oh, you'll know," she said, and started running her hands up and down her sides again. "Since I feel all tingly again, I think we'll both know, right...about...now."
The hiss-stretch sound returned. Holly tugged her dress downward and planted her feet firmly on the ground, steadying herself for whatever was about to happen.
The top of her dress moved. Her breasts had started to swell again, deliberately, same as before. The stretch velvet clung to her hips and I watched as her rear round out a bit more. Holly looked at herself, thrilled. "Oh yes," she said with a wicked grin. "Oh Alex...you're a genius."
She was starting to look noticeably rounder. The maroon velvet caught the light as it eased itself around her increasing curves, urged on by a steady, insistent hissing. Her breasts had grown about a cup size, but I couldn't stop the gears in my head from turning. Fat absorption? Cell mutation? Skin inflation? I had to know how it was happening.
"Holly," I said softly, venturing slowly toward her. "How do you feel?"
"Wonderful," she said, throwing her head back and laughing. "But don't take my word for it." She grabbed my arm, pulled me right to her, and placed my hands right on her ass, grinning as she stared me down. "How do I feel?"
I went completely red. She felt...soft. I could feel the tingle--a slight vibration under her skin, almost like a hum. I heard her bra creak slightly--her chest had grown another cup size while I stood there, dumbfounded. If her undergarments were uncomfortable, she didn't show it. She looked euphoric.
"Holly, this is dangerous, you could--"
Her tongue interrupted mine. With a sudden and forceful kiss, she pushed me backwards against the lab bench, thrusting her chest into mine.
"You're sweet, Alex--a total gentleman." She spoke softly but firmly, but not loud enough to cover the stretching, hissing sound coming from inside her. "You've always treated me with respect. Your little experiment here is giving me what I want"--she cupped her breasts again--"and I know it's what you want. Think of it as a holiday gift exchange, Alex. You have my permission. No more Mr. Nice Guy."
Something snapped, and I attacked her like a hungry octopus. And when I say something snapped, I mean, literally, something snapped--I think it might have been one of her bra hooks giving up under the strain. My trademark shyness merely a memory, I let my hands skim up and down her torso. She was downright voluptuous now, every curve accentuated, softly swollen but resilient to the touch, deliciously warm.
The JH-12 had chosen all the right targets. Her dress' neckline stretched to reveal increasing cleavage--once a B-cup, her bra now strained to contain full and steadily growing Ds. Her hips kept apace, flaring out in sharp arcs, and I could feel her rounded rear for myself. Her belt had shimmied up from her hips to her stomach, and as I glanced down, I saw the start of a curve at her belly.
"This tingling isn't going away...it's incredible," she said, once again grinding up against me. Her expansion had been extremely steady--the hissing sounds hadn't increased in volume or pitch and she had no sudden reactions to whatever was really happening inside her. "I wonder how long this will last!"
I wondered too. Even though I should have been preoccupied, I kept hearing my own words repeated in my head--'no idea what this is going to do to you'...'unstable'...'this is dangerous.' But I couldn't see anything but pleasure and a wicked determination on Holly's face--she didn't seem to be in any pain.
But she didn't seem to be slowing down either. Her eyes suddenly grew wide. "Oh my god, I can't believe this is going to happen...hold on, watch this..." She backed away from me, flexed her arms at the elbows. "I'm going to bust out of my bra!"
She held her breath and I held mineI heard stitches popping and watched in disbelief at the movement under her dress. Then...pop! Streeetch...tick...pop! Streeee-e-e-tch...ticktick...tick...POP! Holly gasped in delight as each of the clasps on her bra gave way. She reached down her dress and triumphantly pulled out the damaged strapless garment, holding it aloft like a trophy. "I have always wanted to do that!"
It wasn't like she needed the bra anymore anyway. Her breasts were almost spherical, like balloons. Her palms caressed the sides of her hissing boobs, now fully DD and approaching F. "When I was a girl, I always wanted...you know, dreamed of being big when I grew up, like the older girls who used to get all the attention," she said excitedly. Clearly, she'd wanted to tell someone this for a long time. "But it didn't run in my family, so I figured, stick it out in this shit job until I could save up for implants. But now...now they're so big!"
"Holly," I said carefully, "Holly, that hissing sound, it hasn't stopped, and I think..." I lowered my voice because I couldn't believe what I was about to say. "I think you're inflating." She cocked her head to the side slightly, gave me a thin, flirty smile, and inhaled deeply at the thought of it. I tried to shake it off. "But you're still growing. Everywhere."
That wasn't technically true. She sported an exaggerated hourglass--big up top, impossibly curvy hips, a generous rear, and just the hint of a belly, with slightly thicker thighs. But there was no doubt that voluptuous was steadily turning to cartoonish.
"I don't care!" she cried. "It feels amazing, and I'm blowing up in all the right places. Oh, god, look at me! I'm so fucking sexy!"
She continued to swell and squeal with delight as she explored her inflated form. Holly's body had blown up lusciously to three or four times her original size. Her chest strained against her dress, pulling it down to reveal deep cleavage between nearly spherical ballooned breasts. Her pumped hips and plumped posterior looked taut and firm from the increasing pressure. And by now, her belly had swollen out to meet resistance from her belt, slightly constraining her middle, perfectly cinching her hourglass figure.
As if aware that perfection had been achieved, the hissing tapered off, and I no longer heard the stretching noise. When Holly realized her swelling had stopped, she actually pouted for a second, then ran her fingers experimentally around her chest, down the sides of her belly, along her ample hips and around to a generous bubble butt. She liked what she felt.
Holly's stretch velvet dress accommodated her luscious new curves as best it could, but she couldn't keep it from rolling up her smooth, rounded thighs a bit. Holly wiggled out of her overstretched panties, hopped up on the lab table, and instantly found herself surprised at her bottom's new buoyancy. She bounced slightly, then sat with crossed legs to accentuate her hips.
"Come here, Mr. Nice Guy," she said with a beckoning finger.
I was completely over the shy thing. The woman in front of me was everything I had been lusting after, amplified beyond even my wildest fantasies. Her curves were simply irresistible. My lust finally took over and beat my logic centers into submission. She wanted this. And I wanted her more than anything in the world.
I approached the table, grinning. Holly took my arm with one hand and, with the other, grabbed the rubber tubing, still connected to the tank marked JH-12. "You may be a mad scientist," she teased, reclining. "But I'm the one who's going to drive you crazy."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, air, burp, deflation, floating, magic, Nymph, potion, witch
Text: Upstairs, in the quaint kitchen of The Great White Witch's cottage. The witch herself sat at a diner set, sipping coolly from a fine china teacup. Things were certainly much quieter after the defeat of the Abominable Warlock, strange as it were. She expected miles of lines to be at the shop door, seeking help with reconstruction of the village of Hermit, but the only business she'd received all day was a Leshy requesting a magic foot cream. "I guess they just wanted to give me a break," She thought aloud. "Maybe they thought I'd have my hands full with Abi's community service, which reminds me I haven't heard a peep out of him since I sent him to dust the crystal cabinets..."
She floated back down to the floor with grace and headed for the Stairwell, carrying the tea tray with her -using her levitation powers- in case the little sprite was thirsty.
When she reached the very bottom of the winding staircase, she was at the basement floor. The room smelt fusty and slightly "pickled" from all the embalming and storage of dead frogs and worms that had gone on down here. A fire pit at the centre of the room. A stuffed alligator sat atop one of the crystal cabinets and right on the bottom shelf, lay a puffed-out sprite, about to fall asleep in the feathers of a duster.
"Abi, don't fall asleep in that, it's not good for your lungs." The Great White Witch fussed, picking him up and holding him in cupped hands while she blew the dust out of his platinum blonde hair.
He rubbed his cardinal red eyes and yawned. "Well It's hard to stay awake when you are dusting with a brush three times the size of you; the weight of it nearly tipped me off the shelf twice!"
"Oh, stop your griping, it'll build character and put some hairs on your chest." She teased, lightly poking him in the chest. "Here have some Tea, It's Chamomile, good for the belly and the soul."
She sat on one of the steps and placed the tea tray in her lap and rested Abi on it. She poured out a small drizzle of tea into a cup and with a flick of her hand, magicked a miniature straw to appear and handed it to Abi.
"Why do you waste magic making these tiny straws? Why not just shrink the cup?" Abi queried; his blonde brows furrowed.
"It's something vaguely to do with science and particle physics; If I shrink something the particles come closer together, making the object denser; at best, I make it too heavy for little people to carry, at worst, The particles bounce back and cause the item to explode and I like this tea set." She explained.
"Hold your horses a second, so you can cause me to swell up to the size of a Mage and Fae Tournament Stadium but you can't shrink a cup?"
The Great White Witch sighed. "I didn't magically make you wider; every blood vessel and muscle fibre just got pumped up full of Pixie Dust until it finally hit your intestines then all 25ft of it ballooned up until..." She made a popping sound with with her lips.
Abi just frowned at her, unimpressed and suckled up his tea.
"Can I have some more?" He asked.
"What's the magic word?" She cooed, staring down at him.
"Eleka Nahmen Nahmen Ah Tum Ah Tum Eleka Nahmen?" He flashed a cheeky grin at her. "Just kidding it's 'please', do I have to say it every time I want something? That sounds so monotonous..."
"Gosh, you're full of questions today, Little-Bitty Pretty One."
"Don't chide me, I'm much older than you."
The Great White Witch chortled and levitated Abi by the scruff of his cotton jumper.
"Yes, but based on how our lives have turned out, I'm clearly the wiser." She smiled and raised up her lovely red eyebrows, all smug.
Abi folded his arms as she lowered him back down onto a saucer and refilled his cup. As she picked up her own cup of tea, there was a knock on the shop door upstairs.
"Ooh! Break time's over!" The Great White Witch said excitedly.
She lifted Abi and the tea tray back upstairs and placed the set on to the coffee table in the shop foyer.
"Be a doll and grab another tea bag from the kitchen upstairs, pretty please." She asked, warm and polite. "We must have a fresh pot for the guest."
Abi looked at the enormous towering stairs and sighed, before he began his climb.
She swept the dust from her gleaming white dress and fluffed her red hair out of her face. With a stretched wide smile, she opened the door to for her new customer.
"Welcome to The Wishes Emporium." She cheered, her freckled cheeks glowing rosy.
The guest at the door didn't seem to be too cheery. It was a beautiful Nymph with long, black winding hair and skin as dark as coal, wrapped scantily in vines and leaves. Her brown eyes were puffy from tears though still shining with a glint of one last hope.
The Great White Witch gently took her hand and led her into the lobby. "My, how may I help such a rare beauty?"
The guest sat upon the cosy, velvet coach while The Great White Witch took the armchair.
"Mrs. Witch..." The guest started.
"Please dear, all my friends call me Cinnamon, Cindy if you'd like."
"My name is Bellula." She cracked a smile.
"Oh, what a beautiful name to match your face, rolls nicely off of the tongue, like a nice, fresh pot of tea would if my assistant would hurry up..."
Bellula and Cindy giggled together.
"See, you're laughing now, what could be so bad, my dear?" Cindy asked.
"Well, My husband and I... we've been trying for months to have a baby but to no success, doctor's daren't help us because my husband is... well..." Bellula handwaves for Cindy to come closer before whispering in her ear. "... A Centaur."
"Oh dear and I thought we were done with racism towards hominid interspecies relationships years ago." Cindy Tutted. "But your problem Bellula, will not be an easy one to fix, my sweet."
"I'll do anything, Mrs- I mean Cindy, I've always longed to have a baby, even when I just a sprout and I couldn't bare to carry another man's baby, not after everything my wonderful Cerulean has done for me."
Cindy smiled warmly and put her hands on her heart. "Then I'll work my magic then... Abi, don't worry about the tea, My customer will be taking a potion instead."
Abi's growls of frustration could be heard all the way from the Kitchen upstairs as Cindy and Bellula ventured into the basement.
"Now let's see here..." Cindy hummed as she conjured up a podium and a spell book at the far corner of the basement. "Here we go!" She held the book, suspended it in the air with her mind as she set up her huge cauldron.
She let out a "FIRAIRES!" and the firepit ignited and with a soft. "Aquarius." The cauldron began to fill with bubbling water.
"Now sweetie, all nymphs whether water or earth bound like yourself suffer with fertility problems, this is all thanks to a curse placed on them by the jealous goddess Hera, who was sick of her godly husband and brothers fooling around with Nymphs at the expense of their celestial wives." Cindy explained. "I have a potion here that will temporarily render you fertile to every man or hominid creature, you are to drink all of it and then well... ride your husband. By morning light tomorrow, if you have done as I say, you shall have your baby."
Into the witch's brew, Cindy threw Fennel seed, Garlic, A dead frog, a slice of salmon and a punnet of strawberries. "For flavour" she stirred a huge wooden spoon around the giant pot as the water grew slimy and green in colour. It looked like pond scum but it smelt like mint sauce and springtime.
Cindy snapped her fingers and a bundle of glass conical flasks and a ladle drifted towards her from the cabinet. she gathered some of the potion in the ladle and served them into the flasks one by one before placing cork stoppers in their tops and shelving them to be labelled. One bottle of fertility potion remained open and was handed to Bellula.
"Bottoms up, my dear." Cindy smiled.
Bellula pinched her nose and tipped the glass to her pretty lips. As the bitter, fishy taste hit her tongue, her eyes widened with shock and she guzzled the whole bottle as quickly as her gag reflex would let her. The strawberries hadn't done much for the tang of slime and spices.
Cindy laughed as Bellula shuddered and pulled a disgusted face upon finishing. "I probably should have added pineapple to make it taste better..."
Bellula rubbed her tummy. "Is my stomach supposed to feel this full?"
"I'm afraid so, sorry I should have warned you the potion comes with a bloating side effect; it's so infamous it's called Hera's Revenge, but fear not you'll have a bit of a swelly belly for an hour or two and then you'll..."
Bellula stumbled backwards into a cabinet as her tummy puffed up before their eyes.
"Deflate... um... that's not supposed to happen..." Cindy gulped.
She snapped her fingers and the armchair appeared in the basement and she ushered Bellula to sit on it. She snapped her fingers again to make a stethoscope appear and put it in her ears to listen in on her pulsating tummy.
Bellula's full stomach was gurgling away like a witch's brew.
"Goodness." Cindy gasped in astonishment and put her hand to her cheek. "Me Oh My, The potion is a potent one but you're not supposed to have that much of a reaction!"
Bellula winced, she felt like she had a big, ever-growing burp was trapped in her stomach. "Am I allergic or something?"
"Let me check the spell book again..." Cindy said, trying not to alarm Bellula any further.
She stepped back up to her book and reread the ingredients. Yep, they were all right, she had made sure not to use Toads that can exasperate the bloating effect, she had measured the amounts carefully beforehand, so what could have been wrong?
She read through to the end of the page and found a warning in red ink "Not to be consumed after performing oral forms of sexual stimulation."
Cindy's grey eyes widened.
"Um... Pardon me Bellula..." She gulped. "Had you um... performed relations... on Cerulean before coming to... visiting me?"
"Well not since last night," She puffed, glistening with sweat, her poor, doughy belly was now hard and bulbous. "He's got such a voracious appetite for sex, he's an animal, I try to please him in any way I can."
She grunted as she felt the tight constraints of the vines and ivy belt pinch against the skin of her growing belly. She huffed and puffed as the pressure of the belt bulged her stomach into a squashed '8' shape from the bind it was in.
"Would you say one of those ways involved..." Cindy flushed pure pink. "Swallowing?"
As Cindy finished probing, the belt gave way with a mighty crack and Bellula's gaseous stomach swelled forward and outwards, squashing her into the armchair. She let out a sigh of relief from the release of pressure before the pinching once again returned as her swelling form pressed against the arms of the chair.
Cindy raced up to Bellula and pressed her cold stethoscope onto the taut skin of her smooth rounded tummy.
"Cindy! What is happening to me?" Bellula wailed. "I feel like a parade balloon!"
"Well... the... results of you... performing... on your husband has created a strange reaction in your stomach, it's acting as a catalyst for the bloating."
"Well could you make it stop? I can't keep growing, there's no way my husband will sleep with me like this!"
"I'm afraid my dear, all I can do is let Hera's Revenge run it's course; if I make you drink anymore tonics, it could alter the effectiveness of the fertility potion or worse, create more side effects..."
Bellula huffed, her stomach loudly bubbling with the rise and fall of her breath. She looked like a big juicy, ripened pear that was still growing much thicker and sweeter. Her little cheeks blushed as this swollen mound begun to push up against her breasts. The band of her ivy leaf bra and the vines that wrapped around her hips were growing tighter.
"I do think I should at least try one thing so that you don't burst..." Cindy hummed, thoughtfully.
"I COULD POP?!" Bellula screamed.
Cindy pulled the rim of her hat over her face, embarrassed, she just wasn't a fan of the shouting. "Well, I've seen some pretty messy Magic Build Up Disorder flair ups in my time to know what happens when you let a person get too full, so let's just say it's in the realm of possibility and let's not take any chances."
"Oh mercy..." Bellula sighed.
"First let's try to dislodge you from that armchair: you're coming dangerously close to outgrowing it."
"Am I? I hadn't noticed..." Bellula said, cross, fed-up and blushing.
Cindy sighed. "Well just think of it as practise for your pregnancy, at the end of the day Centaurs are not small creatures..."
Cindy pulled an oil from the cupboard and poured a little down Bellula's sides, to add a bit of lubrication to pull her from the seat. She held onto her hands and pulled. The leather arms of the chairs squeaked and creaked before releasing Bellula's expanded sides. Without the confides of the chair to pin her down, Bellula and Cindy realised a different problem in their mitts; all that gas continuing to fill Bellula's tummy was making her lighter by the second. She perched on her tippy toes in an attempt to reach the floor. Cindy waved her hand and magicked the vines around Bellula's legs to hold her to the leg of the heavy armchair. Her taxed belly let out a sickly growl as all the liquids and bubbles in her tummy unsettled and wobbled, as she swayed around in the air. Bellula was turning as green as her ivy costume. Cindy held her bloating, rounded figure and pressed her head against her stomach.
"Not too long now Bellula, sounds like you're almost done digesting." Cindy hummed. "Let me see if I can find an ointment to help sooth any stretchmarks..."
"It'll probably be too late for that..." Bellula grunted and with a hiccup her waistline blew up another inch.
Bellula now looked like a fat, succulent orange, practically bursting with ripeness. Her now inflated band size pushing her heaving bosom up towards her chin. Her hips stretched wider apart to accommodate the uncomfortable, enormous bloated mound billowing on top of them. A rumbling gurgle rolled across the stretched out skin. She huffed and she puffed as her big gassy belly continued to expand. There was an immense pressure building from the top, bottom and sides of her ballooned gut that travelled towards the centre; it felt like a pin was being stuck in her belly button from all the stretching that was going on. She grunted as her stomach jiggled and let out one more bubbling moan. Cindy backed up against the wall and hid behind her hat. Anticipating the worst.
Bellula let out one more anguished groan and clutched her belly before her belly button finally popped out like the safety button on an open jar! She let out a sigh of relief. She couldn't feel anymore stretching, she just felt like pressurised tank and was all floaty and sick.
Cindy looked out from behind her hat and slowly and cautiously approached Bellula and gave her bloated patient's tummy another listen.
"Well your tummy's finally empty... save for all the gas of course."
"Oh Mercy, stick a fork in me because I'm so done with this..." Bellula moaned, still pale green with queasiness.
Abruptly a little scream could be heard coming from the stairwell to the basement. Tiny Abi was awestruck with pure terror at the sight of Cindy's expanded customer. Before either Cindy or Bellula could say anything, he'd turned and fled.
"Hold on tight Bellula, I'll be back in a shake of a lamb's tail..." Cindy jittered, quickly slinking off to catch Abi.
"Well it's not like I'm going anywhere..." Bellula huffed, swaying like a balloon in the breeze.
When Cindy finally caught up to Abi, she called after him. "Abi, whatever is the matter?"
"Stay away from me you Crazed Demon!" Abi screamed as he hid in the space under the cooker.
Cindy knelt down on the floor and peaked under the stove. Abi was pinned up against the back wall like a frightened mouse, his tiny knees knocking, his breath fast.
"Abi? It's okay..." She cooed, her voice high and soft. "Come out, I'm not going to hurt anyone, I promise."
"Oh Yeah? Then what were you doing to that poor girl down there? Was blowing me up not enough?" Abi Snapped.
"Okay, You and I both know that wasn't my fault, get out from under the stove and talk to me properly please." She sighed and reached under the stove to grab him.
As Cindy got close to reaching Abi, He bit her finger, hard. Cindy let out a yelp as he sped off from under the cooker in the direction of the stairwell.
She pointed directly at him and cast a bubble around him and lifted him from the floor. She approached Abi as he was trapped in this floating hamster ball and stared at him crossly as he kicked and screamed to get out, but her eyes soon softened as she saw each little strike and yell and tantrum got progressively weaker until he curled up like a scared woodlouse and started weeping.
She magicked a cosy piece of linen into her cupped hands and released him from the bubble, letting him drift gently down into this tiny blanket and swaddled him like a baby. She shushed him as she cuddled him against her bust as she carried him to the dinky cubby hole that she'd created for him. She levitated the doors open and carefully placed him into his little matchbox bed.
She stroked a finger across his fluffy blonde head and his soggy, red eyes finally looked up at her.
"Shhh, Have a little sleep." She hummed, comfortingly. "I'll come back and talk to you when you're more level-headed, maybe with a nice warm cup of tea, eh?"
He still whimpered a little as he closed his eyes, so Cindy kept stroking his dinky little head and shushing him softly until his hiccups and breathiness slowed down into a sleepy purr.
Cindy lifted her hand away and sighed as she levitated the cubby doors closed. In a snap of her fingers she teleported back down to the basement.
"Now Bellula, Sorry about-"
Bellula's circumference had shrunken down quite a bit since Cindy's absence. Her belly jolted with a hiccup before letting out another cacophonous belch.
Cindy flapped her hat in Bellula's direction.
"Good Gravy. Hera's Revenge seems to be wearing off then." She huffed, wafting away the strange smell of soup and cut grass.
"Yep, I'm Feelin' *BURP* much better now." Bellula pat the underside of her stomach as it slowly started to reduce down in size. "My tummy still hurts a bit though..."
"Well after all that stretching, you'd think it would. I'm just glad you're starting to get back to normal before any major incident." Cindy flicked her wrist and a scented candle poofed out of thin air. "Don't mind me..."
She lit the candle and floated it around to clear up the gaseous smell but Bellula let out another rumbling burp which blew out the flame. Cindy tutted. "I guess I'll sort this out another time."
"What was the matter with the tiny screaming man?" Bellula asked as her feet slowly began to return to the floor.
"Oh, that was just my assistant, I think he might have PTSD after I defeated him." Cindy said, nose pinched. "I call him Abi; He's serving me as part of his Community Service."
"Hold on, does that mean HE'S The Abominable Warlock?" Bellula Gasped.
"I'm afraid so, I decided that by guiding him to serve as a Witch-For-Hire's Assistant, he could make up for all the damage he's done."
"Wow, You really are The Great White Witch." Bellula Smiled.
Cindy Blushed and managed a coy smile.
Finally, Bellula was deflated back down to her petite, curvy self and relaxed into the chair with a flop.
"Whew, thank you Cindy, I hope after all this trouble the fertility potion works." Bellula shook Cindy's hand. "At least with all that distending I'll be nice and limber for Cerulean, Huh?" She laughed with a wink as Cindy glowed bright red with embarrassment and buried her face in her hat.
After she had waved Bellula off, she returned back to the cubby hole with a tray full of Lavender Tea for her and Abi to share. She levitated the door open.
"Peace offering!" She said as she placed the cup into the cupboard.
Abi was still huddled in his blankie, sat upright facing the doors.
"It's Lavender Tea, it'll help you sleep; not that you need much help with that my Hard-Working Assistant." Cindy smiled coyly at Abi but his expression of displeasure didn't budge an inch.
"I hate this..." He mumbled.
"Okay you're sick of tea I understand-"
"IT'S NOT THE TEA!" He growled, before stopping himself getting angrier. "It's just... this feeling... make it go away."
Cindy put her hands into the cubby hole and lifted Abi out of it and looked down at him with soft, concerned eyes.
"Why don't you talk about it with me and I'll see what I can do?" She said, running a thumb across his fluffy blonde hair.
She floated in mid air, poising to listen, with Abi perched in her hands.
"I've never been good with fear..." Abi started. "I got bullied, I had nightmares, I was scared of the family dog! And whenever I got scared, I would just curl up, all pathetic... like I am now."
Cindy furrowed her brows, saddened.
"One day, when I was still young, a voice called me to the forbidden section of the School Library." He held his hands against his chest. "I can still remember the feel of its enchanting pull in my heart now; the voice promised me I'd never be afraid again, for once, everyone would fear me. I was led to a book of Dark Magic, sealed within an Obsidian case. I reached out and felt its electrifying power; All I was to do was to take the highest branch of the Cypress Wood Tree from The Hermit Mausoleum's Graveyard and bring it back to the accursed book and I would have mastery over life and death itself. Upon attaining its power, with The Cypress Wood Wand of Death and The Black Magic Journal of Bones China by my side, I knew no fear and I was only going to grow more unstoppable, That was, until you came along..." Abi sniffed. "Now I have no Magic, no power and I'm afraid again."
"Aww, it's okay to be afraid Abi." Cindy cuddled Abi into her cheek and lightly rocked side to side. "But when we're afraid, we should use our magic to protect ourselves, not to hurt others."
"What's the difference?" Abi scoffed.
"...Well, why don't you let me figure that out for now and I'll keep protecting you until you learn?"
"Okay..." Abi Sniffed.
Cindy planted a little kiss onto Abi's cheek and carefully placed him back into his tiny matchbox bed.
"Goodnight Abi." She said, closing the cubby hole doors.
"Goodnight Cindy." He murmured from under his covers.
She teleported back down to the basement to light a few scented candles to clear out the strange wafting smell of acid and frogs spawn, but little did she know evil stirred from the bowels of the Abandoned Kingdom. Amongst the rubble of the destroyed temple where she and The Abominable Warlock had crossed wands, a saccharine voice beckoned.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, cheerleader, water
Text: "Oh God!" Zoe gasped. "We're going to die... I just know it" She clung tightly onto the seat in front of her.
"Shut up and sit down!" hollered the driver as the school bus sped thru dangerous rocky pass, the storm raging.
"Hey! You're the one who said you'd be able to beat them back to the school!" Zoe hollered. You see this had all started back at the big football game. It was Lakeview's Hornets vs. Valley's Sharks. Valley, the visiting team, won with a huge upset and in a boasting mood, the guys joked that they'd beat the cheerleaders back to the school for the victory party and drink all their beer before they got there. The Driver for the cheerleaders' bus, a rather fat, smelly fellow, suggested they should bet on it and so they made a competition out of it! And shortly after, they were off, buses peeling rubber back towards Valley High.
Saying he knew a shortcut, the driver took some mountain pass as some fairly dark clouds rolled in from the horizon. Then the rains came and a deluge ensued. The Cheerleaders didn't seem to mind though as they talked about their boyfriends and created new cheers. Zoe, however, was more afraid they'd plummet off one of the towering cliffs due to the roads being so slick. Lying back in the seat she let out a relaxing sigh. 'Why? Why was she doing this?' She thought back to her mother nagging her about how colleges look at the things you participate in at school. She despised jocks and other popular kids but had to hide that if she wanted to put this on her college application. She was just glad that this was her last game! As the girls made up new cheers in the back, she thought back to her freshman year when she first tried out for the cheerleading squad. She was beautiful enough and her body was pretty okay. It was just the fact that she wasn't related to anybody on the school board that she got looked over. And then her mother again, challenging the schoolboard, saying the only reason why she wasn't on was because she was Asian. To avoid law suit the school let her on and had for every year since. She was one of the prettier girls in the school, with her short hair brushing shoulders with brown highlights, matching brown eyes, and lithe body! 'Oh yeah... that's another reason why she didn't make it in the first place.' She thought looking down at her nonexistent breasts. She was too lithe. She sighed, about ready to almost nod off.
Suddenly, there was a bang and the bus began to swerve out of control. Zoe grabbed the seat, fearing that they were going off the cliff! The Driver rode it out and was luckily able to bring the bus to a halt rather close to a cliff face. It wasn't like they were teetering or anything but it was closer than Zoe would've liked it.
"Sorry!" he exclaimed. "It was a blow out. Too bad we don't have a spare!"
"But now the boys are going to beat us... and drink all our beer!" whined Jennifer. Jennifer was your typical platinum blonde, flighty cheerleader. Killer bod and huge bouncy breasts! It didn't help that there were two other Jennifers just like her. The three traveled together, almost as if they were some kind of blonde wolf pack.
"Hey what about there?" pointed Rachel. She was a little brighter, seeing where as she was a darker blonde. Up on the hillside was a dilapidated old manor with no signs of life.
"It looks empty..." Zoe sighed, just glad to be alive after that blow-out. "No lights, probably, no phone."
"Always gotta spoil it don't you, Zoey?" asked Dani. Dani was the typical snotty cheerleader who is so popular it doesn't matter who she's nice or mean to because she'd still have people following her every command. And she especially hated Zoe. Zoe didn't know why but Dani'd pick on her every chance she'd get and would always call her Zoey! She hated being called Zoey... and since the stupid, snotty cheerleader babe did it, everyone else had to too. What didn't help was that Dani was the captain of the squad. Zoe just thought her little mantra... 'it's the last game... it's the last game... '
"Well I'll go see if they have a phone so I can call the bus compound and get another bus up here!" said the Driver. "Just wait on the bus here. You should be safe!" And with that the fat stinky driver shuffled off the bus into the deluge. He had turned the bus off and taken the keys with him. There in the darkness, the girls sat. Just over the loud tapping rain, they heard a wolf's howl and looked at each other.
Just then, in the pouring rain, the driver felt a tug on the shoulder. He slowly turned to see the cheerleading squad there, wanting to go with him. The driver shrugged and continued on toward the manor. Watching from the bus, Zoe just shook her head and laughed. Knowing how these things usually went in the movies. Stranded vehicle, hapless victims, spooky old house on top the hill in the rain? Only a few things could have came from this:
Out of all those outcomes, none to Zoe, seemed like a desirable one. So she figured the bus would be the best place for her. She just watched thru the drops on the window as the cheerleaders slowly made their way to the front door of the manor. Tip toeing they slowly reached the front porch. The driver turned to give a demonic smile to everybody.
"You think anyone's here?" asked Ashleigh. She was usually the voice of reason. Ashleigh, the token petite redhead who was always worried about everybody else. "Maybe we can... go back?"
"Wuss." Smiled Dani, making all of the other girls laugh at her. Ashleigh fell silent again. "So knock!" Dani shouted at the driver. The driver formed a fist and brought his hand up to knock when suddenly the door opened with a long creak. It looked even darker inside than it did out in the rain! Then, flanking the doorway, a set of lights flickered on, giving them a dim view of the entranceway. Then as if it were a chain reaction, a row of chandeliers flickered on lighting up a long hall with a blood-colored maroon walls and mahogany paneling. Spooky and Gory paintings decked the walls, each with a Bosch like theme to it but each more disturbing than the last. All of the girls seemed to be a little spooked, even Dani though she wasn't going to admit it! They all followed closely behind the driver, afraid of what might come about. "Good Evening, Girls!" said a demonic, Vincent Price-like voice. "I trust the ride up was a... fun one?" laughed the voice, seemingly coming from behind them! "Oh my God!" screamed a Jennifer with a jump. "Who... ?" There behind the mass of blue and yellow cheerleading uniforms was a man in a shiny black leather trenchcoat that draped around him like a cape. He was rather creepy looking with his hands folded, both index fingers wearing point claw finger rings. He had Maroon eyes that seemed to match the walls, too little spikes of hair above his lips for a mustache and a long pointy goatee that curled up at the end. The cheerleaders backed away from him as they caught sight.
"Hi... Can we use... your phone?" asked Rachel with terror.
"Phone?" he laughed. "Why I'm afraid the wires were knocked due to the storm and service is out." He paused with an evil smirk. "That means no one can call in... or out!" He cackled. The girls continued to cringe backward. "Driver!" the man shouted. The fat bus driver seemed to waddle thru the girls. "Yes, well anyway! My name is Archimedes!" he smiled as the driver waddled thru the cheerleaders and to his side. The man also motioned for the door to shut and it did with a loud slam. "And, you my fine girls, have taken the bait!" he grinned with pointy fangs as he pulled out a rotten old turnip and dropped it on the floor. "Enjoy!" he smiled. The driver dove for it and began to maul it like a bear after a salmon. Suddenly the driver started to squeal and change! The cheerleaders jumped back as it became apparent! The driver was becoming a pig! Or maybe he was a pig... that'd been changed into their driver. They were all in shock. "He was under my control the entire time!" laughed Archimedes as the pig squealed thru the group of girls loudly with the turnip in its mouth. "Now! To Get Down to Business!" laughed Archimedes, holding up a burlap pouch. He chucked it at the ground and red gas loomed around, blinding everybody. The girls began to cough as the gas covered the room. When it cleared, they were all gone.
Meanwhile, Zoe sat on the bus with her headphones on. The volume was on its loudest yet the rain was still overpowering it. She wondered what was taking them so long to just call the bus place. She almost felt like going in to check and then thought about the psycho with the chainsaw and cheerleaders running away with their big, bouncy boobies. Not something she really wanted to see! She sighed and went back to trying to listen to her music.
"Where are we?" asked Rachel between coughs. The smoke cleared and she'd stopped gagging. Miraculously, they were no longer in the foyer but a dank dungeon like setting. Archimedes gave his coat a flick out and it seemed to blow with the dungeon's light draft. "You're in my workshop!" Archimedes replied happily. " I should probably tell you all a little bit more about myself, shouldn't I? And knowing how you creatures are, you'll be slow to belief me. Oh well! No matter!" He laughed. "I'm Archimedes Daggerskin and I'm what you would call a 'demon' from the desert dimension of Nether. I am an alchemist and a businessman. And for eons now, I've been coming to this miserable dimension in order to find the best merchandise."
"What the fuck is he talking about?" Dani said in cynical disbelief. "You'll see!" he smiled again, releasing a dark reddish-brown gas into the air. The girls began to breath it in without realizing. "You see on my world, water is extremely hard to come by! Where as here, where it is so plentiful. It even makes up a good part of you humans! So I figure I could manipulate that somehow and find a way to bring water to my miserable plane of existence!" Just then Rachel, started to look funny.
"Ohhh" she moaned. "I feel really bloated all of a sudden!" she winced as she fell onto her knees. "And so it begins!" Smiled Archimedes. "that was quick." He snickered to himself. Rachel kneeled in the middle of the floor, hunched over. The other cheerleaders backed away as Dani stood there with her arms folded in disbelief. "Feeling a little under the weather, my dear?" smiled Archimedes the only one who got close to the poor girl. She looked up with a confused look on her face.
"Oh dammit!" growled Zoe. She was still on the bus but the batteries on her walkman had just died. She chucked it back in her bag and sat back. She looked up at the house. Maybe she was supposed to go play hero and bust everybody out! Free them from the crazy chainsaw-wielding psycho that was chasing them thru out the entire house! She pulled on her hooded sweatshirt and kicked open the bus door, ready for action with her tiny can o' pepper spray. "What... are you... doing... to... me?" panted Rachel. She fell backwards, exposing what looked like a growing bulge in her midsection as the already tight sweatshirt she was wearing got even tighter. All of the cheerleaders seemed to jump back again, in fear. Dani even showed signs of panic.
"You're making her fat?"
"Actually," smirked Archimedes, sneaking up behind her and putting his arm around Dani. "It's not fat at all. It's water! You see, due to the lack of water back home, alchemists like myself come to this dimension and fill up human females like Rachel here!" Rachel was lying on her back, swelling up more, her belly looked like she was pregnant for the past three months. Her hips also widened, along with her ass and thighs. Her breasts then also seemed to swell up a bit. She started crying as she helplessly swelled up! "Then we go back home and distribute them!"
"Ohhh God!!!" she bawled. Ashleigh and one of the Jennifers slowly gained the courage to stroll over slowly.
"Everything's going to be... okay..." stuttered Ashleigh trying to comfort her swelling friend. "we won't let him!"
"Yeah!" agreed the Jennifer, slowly inching closer. Ashleigh gave her friend's expanding belly a slight poke and it sort of reminded her of a water balloon. Feeling that she was shocked but continued to try and comfort her anyway.
"Oh you humans and your compassion!" mocked Archimedes with a coy smile. His face when grim. "It's so... sickening! And besides... you will be just as helpless!" With that Rachel continued to bawl louder as her breasts each grew to be about the size of her head, with proportional ass cheeks. But what really make her look big was her belly. It was looking as though she was ready to deliver a full-term baby. Straining to contain her, the zipper started to snap and until it was open and revealed the top of her cheerleading uniform stretched to its limits. There were gaps in the seams where flesh started to poke thru. She screamed and slowly rubbed her belly as it grew with each pulsating surge, ripping the seams even more. When she moved she could feel the water actually swishing around inside her like a water balloon. This made her bawl even louder. The water was now also starting to enter her limbs as well as they grew into a cone shape in towards her body. The swelling continued and Rachel seemed to roll back a little on her massive ass cheeks. Her arms swung out to her sides because they were so swollen. Her entire body continued to round out more and more. With a loud shredding noise, the cheerleading outfit finally gave way just as her bra and panties did. The shreds remained around the puffy girl, a mocking reminder of how she once looked. "Oh my god... she might explode!" Jennifer screamed and backed away from the swelling girl. Ashleigh started to do the same. Archimedes could only laugh as Rachel became so swollen her body has assimilated her arms up to her kneecaps and a little past her elbows, leaving cone shaped ankles and wrists that slowly got sucked into the girls rouind body. Within a few seconds the girl was a complete sphere with little dainty hands and feet. Big tear filled eyes stared up at the rest of the cheerleaders. The other cheerleaders all looked around in a panic. Some were bawling uncontrollably as others just stared. Suddenly, Ashleigh timidly let out a small gulp. "oh... no... I..." she didn't need to say anymore. The others knew that she was next. She felt a heaviness building up inside her around her navel. "help..." she squeaked timidly. Meanwhile, Zoe approached the front door. It was open a crack but didn't see any lights on inside. She slowly pushed the door open, trying to be quiet. Instead, the door gave a horribly loud creak as it swung.
"Dammit!" she whispered. She started to walk on the creaky floor boards, looking for a lamp or a light switch or a match or something! It was pitch black! Outside seemed brighter! She shouted hello but had no answer. Where the hell did they all go? She strolled slowly and tripped over something big! Something warm! And Breathing! Suddenly a crackle of lightning lit the room up. She looked down to see a large potbelly pig staring at her right in the face. Weirded out, Zoe just kicked at it and scared it away. Back downstairs...
"don't... leave me... ohhhh...." Cried Ashleigh as the kinder cheerleaders backed away. She looked like she was about to hit critical mass like Rachel had! She was large and round with a little red-haired head bobbing around up on top, tears streaming out of its green eyes. Other cheerleaders had started as well and now just about half of the team was starting to inflate! Dani, in a state of shock, backed against the wall and watched as each girl slowly bloated up and ballooned on water, fearing she might be next! Archimedes just laughed. He started to walk around and pat each one as they stopped growing.
"Don't worry! It'll all be over sooner than you think!" he smiled as he walked over to an old book in the corner. Dani watched as the two Jennifers surrounded another as she rounded out with frantically shaking cone limbs. Everyone had tears streaming down their face. Dani saw Rachel, so big she was too afraid too move... even if she could. Dani slowly gained the courage to walk forward and delicately placed a palm on her navel. Because of the intense pressure, the slight touch made Rachel wince and whimper, her body quivering as Dani pulled her hand back. "this is... horrible!" said Dani, looking around. She was the only one left! The room was filled with gigantic spherical cheerleaders and the tatters of the clothes that they once wore. Suddenly a loud banging became audible as Zoe slid down a trap door chute and into the catacomb. Archimedes scratched his beard and chuckled.
"Where...?" she looked around. "Omigod!!!" she screamed. All the swollen cheerleaders bobbled around to see her, trying to tell her to run and get help, but unable because of their size. She saw Dani standing with a look of panic.
"i... feel... So full!" she whimpered as she suddenly wrapped her arms around her middle. Archimedes came up behind Zoe.
"An Asian?" He laughed. "Ooh! I do just love your type!" he said, placing an arm around her. Zoe, fearing what that meant fell to ground leaning back on her palms. "What did you do to them?" she screamed, trying to get away. She looked at Dani to see her hips and thighs plumpening up like crazy as her breasts and belly pushed forward. Her whole upper torso was in the process of rounding out into one huge sphere as wide as it was tall, maybe a bit wider. Zoe looked back up at Archimedes in terror.
"Don't worry!" he smirked, leaning down to look at her. "I have slightly different plans for you, my dear!" he said, pointing a finger. A sparkly dust sprayed out and suddenly, when the cloud cleared, Zoe was in a shackle and chains!
"Portal! Open to Nether!" he shouted, chucking a bag of dust at the far wall. A vortex swirled around and created a tempest in the dungeon. All the girls bobbled in fear, as Dani's outfit gave way and she stopped rounding out, roughly a little larger than the others. Archimedes laughed and pointed toward the vortex. All the girls started to roll back and forth helplessly, not able to stop themselves. And suddenly they all rolled toward the warp hole! Ashleigh, the closest was the first to go thru, a bright flash when her round body squeezed into it. Zoe watched as every girl went thru. Dani was the last and the way she rolled, she was able to look up at Zoe with a beyond terrified look on her face! With a flash she was gone too. Now it was only her and that strange devilish man in the long coat. He again pointed to the door and Zoe's shackled slowly lifted her to the warp hole and suddenly she was no longer in the dungeon of the old spooky house!
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation
Text: "So I'm an embarrassment, Steve? I embarrass you?" Anne smirked angrily over her shoulder at Steve, who looked extremely pleased with himself.
"Yep. That's exactly it. Every time I turn around, you're doing something to make me look stupid. But, you're not just an embarrassment," he began, almost savoring the words, "Anne, you're a joke."
She felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. Hard. Almost doubling over, and feeling her eyes well up with tears, it came as some surprise, and excitement, when she felt the stirrings of anger brewing inside her. Not just anger. A rage, borne of countless jabs and jokes at her expense, the ceaseless barrage of cutting remarks, and the numerous hurtful comments made without even a hint of apology, began to well up inside her. She turned, slowly, expecting that the sight of her crumbling on the inside would register on his face. When it didn't, she told herself, I don't care what I felt, he's earned this.
Smiling slowly and evenly, she snapped her fingers saying, "Comatose", and watched as Steve slipped peacefully into a deep hypnotic daze.
* * *
"Mmmmm," Steve stretched, feeling more relaxed than he could ever remember, almost as if he had taken a nap, although, he knew Anne and him had stopped fighting only moments before, when he recalled her saying, You win, Steve.
He stood up, and for a moment his brain seemed to scream at him from an age away, "What the - ?" as he took in his outfit. Almost as soon as that thought entered, however, his subconscious kicked in, telling him, Of course you're wearing this suit. You promised Anne you'd wear it today, dumbass. Shaking his head and smiling, any caution slipped out of his mind's grasp. Everything is exactly how it should be.
It worked! Anne thought, struggling, almost in vain, to keep the excitement she was feeling concealed. Not only had she managed to affect the old hypnotic command she had planted weeks ago, putting him into a highly suggestive sleep, but she had her other commands accepted, apparently, without any notice by Steve. Even now, he was speaking the words of his interior monologue out loud, and seemed to be completely oblivious. Anne had to grin, knowing that just as he had unknowingly mumbled his thoughts, yes, everything was exactly how it should be. Only now, it was time for her to play.
"Now, Steve," she began, "What were you saying before about me being....what was it you said? Ah – an embarrassment?"
Steve squirmed in his seat. For some reason he wasn't feeling quite right. He was feeling worried around Anne. Not worried exactly, more...timid. And the last thing he wanted to do, for some reason, was make her angry. So, turning on the charm, he set about placating her. The problem with placating her was, although he didn't realize it, he had just told her exactly what he felt, and more importantly, what he was about to do. She stopped him almost before he could start.
"Don't even try to...placate...me, Steve. I don't have the time or the energy to listen to it." Steve goggled, wondering how she knew. I must have a tell, he thought. She smiled.
"Well, I suppose we can't sit here and fight all day about it. Besides, I'm just so pleased you wore the suit I made you. It makes you looks so...so...grown. Grown up," she added. "But, you know, you don't fill it out the way I had hoped." She pouted almost comically. He rolled his eyes.
"Well, the problem is," he began, a grin slowly forming. Anne knew what was coming. "You probably modeled it on yourself, so of course, it's bound to be a little big on me. Well, actually, really big." He tempted her to one up him. She decided to continue steering him exactly where she wanted him. She walked up to him, and smoothed the fabric down around his shoulders, and pulled the jacket front down, her eyes popping wide.
"Oh, Steve! I knew I forgot something," she beamed, bouncing out of the room. She returned holding something behind her back. Making him close his eyes, she circled his waist, and drew the two ends of a wide, red belt close around his middle. Pulling it tight, she clasped it, hearing him grunt about its tightness. He reached for it, but couldn't seem to get a hold on it.
Why the fuck did she put it on so tight? I'll just loosen it here – or maybe, I can just grab it here – how the hell did she get it this tight?
Reveling in his innermost thoughts spilling out, Anne playfully slapped his hands from the belt. "Don't touch," she warned, "or I won't tell you how to get it off." She waggled her finger in front of his face. He only sighed, annoyed.
She stepped back, taking him in, nodding pleased to herself. She walked slowly around him admiring her work. She chatted, seemingly absent-mindedly as she examined the fit.
"It's made with this really stretchy fabric," she commented, "it's made to grow with you." She stopped directly behind him. Taking him by the shoulders she turned him to face the full-length mirror, and put her arms around his waist, making final adjustments.
Funny, Steve thought, she seems...taller.
Anne smiled as she lowered her chin onto his shoulder, moving her hands to his front.
"You know, this suit reminds me of something, Steve. Something I saw recently. What was it?" She seemed to be pondering. "Oh yes, that's what it was," she said slowly, staring at his eyes in the reflection.
"What? He asked her, wondering himself. He knew he had seen it somewhere before.
"Remember we were watching that parade? And the theme was children's movies?" She watched as comprehension slowly dawned on his face.
"Violet," he beamed.
"Very good, Steve, you're so smart." She grinned at him, and despite his best effort, he was pleased to make her proud of him. He...wanted to make her happy. Almost like...
"Remember how big that float was, Steve? Remember how huge it got?" She smirked as he shifted, uncomfortably. She decided to really start playing.
"You know, the only problem with it was," she spoke slowly, drawing out the words. "I wanted it to be...bigger. I wanted to watch it balloon slowly. Swelling up with sooo...much...air."
What was that? Steve thought. He swore he heard a rumbling, and suddenly felt really gassy. Anne seemed to know exactly what he was thinking as her face took on a sympathetic look. She moved her hands to his hips. "Something wrong, Steve?" She asked sweetly.
"I feel –" full, he thought. "Funny," he told her. She nodded knowingly at him. It was time to scare him.
"Of course you do, hun. Afterall, it's not everyday that you get to please me like this."
"What? Please you? What are you talking about?" He took hold of her hands and tried to move them. He couldn't budge them. They were like rock. He tried again.
She giggled happily in his ear. "Oh, Steve," she smiled, shaking her head and removing her hands.
"Please me, Steve. That's what I said. And you are pleasing me right now. You're wearing my suit, and, unless I miss my guess," her eyes darkened, "you are feeling kind of...strange. Yes?" She sat down in a chair facing him, her arms folded in front of her chest, and spoke the trigger word.
Steve felt like he had been punched, and shook his head to clear his eyes. He almost fell over when he regained focus. He could swear that Anne had just gotten bigger. More muscular. Stronger. And he felt...weak. I feel so...so...small. He stared wide-eyed at Anne, trying to figure out why she seemed suddenly so much more...intimidating.
"What's wrong, honey?" Anne cooed, seeming to grow with each word. She didn't tower over him, yet appeared to be much wider, more, present. Her figure was fuller, more...
"Motherly?" She offered. Steve's jaw dropped. Did she just...finish my thought? He screamed internally.
"Steve, you seem so...frightened...right now. Want to come sit on my lap? Your big, strong Anne will make you feel better. Her arms opened wide as her face smiled darkly.
"No? Well then how about I make you feel less worried, okay? Would you like to feel...Oh, I don't know? More like me? Bigger?"
Steve heard the rumbling again, and the feeling of gassiness came again, only stronger. His hands shot to his front, as he suddenly felt so full.
"Well, now, isn't that odd?" Anne began. "When I said...bigger..."she emphasized the word, "you got the strangest look on your face." her hands slowly began wringing.
Steve breathed heavily out, feeling like he had just finished eating a huge meal. Only...It's getting worse! He thought worriedly.
Anne grinned and slowly leaned forward in her chair, and mouthed the word slowly, almost sensually.
Steve eyes widened as he felt a slight pressure. He could swear he heard a hissing sound...
She rose carefully to stand in front of him, and said again, more forcefully, "Bigger."
What's happening? Steve thought, panic creeping into his mind. He could swear the hissing sound was getting louder, and his suit felt ...tighter ? around his waist. He instinctively placed his hands over his front, shying away from her. Anne smiled, watching him try to make himself smaller in front of her.
She began slowly walking around him again, drawing one finger ever so lightly across his front and side. She paused behind him again, and placed her hands slowly over his. She leaned in close to his ear, pursing her lips and seeming to ponder a moment before she whispered.
"Biiiggggggerrr," she breathed softly, pushing in ever so slightly on his hands, forcing him to feel what was starting to happen. She watched him swallow in the mirror, and smirked as he took a deep breath, noticing that it seemed to go on longer than it should have.
Oh God! What's happening to me? What is that feeling? It feels like...Oh my GOD! Steve's eyes dropped to his front as he began to feel his hands slowly, and barely perceptibly, being forced outwards under Anne's own hands. Being pushed out by...
"Steve, what are you doing?" She purred in his ear, feigning innocence. "It feels like you're.....filling up?" Her tone made it seem as if he had done something wrong in her eyes.
Steve could only stare, frightened as he watched the front of the suit grow slowly tighter beneath her touch. A pleat almost painfully folded open, moving hardly at all. Soon, another pleat had begun unfolding. And another.
"You know Steve?" She began, carefully. "You feel really full. But I wonder, Steve. What could be causing this? What could be causing you to get..."
Don't! Steve pleaded silently, staring at her eyes in the reflection, his shoulders dropping, a meek expression creeping across his face.
"Good," she smiled at him. "Very good, Steve. I think you may have figured it out. I was wondering if you would." Despite a revulsion at himself, Steve beamed back, proud to have pleased her again, if only for a minute.
"You know what's making this happen, don't you, honey?" She asked him gently.
Steve nodded, looking ashamed.
"What is it, Steve? What is making this happen to you? Or should I say, who?" Her beaming face grew evenly darker, more sinister.
His eyes dropped from her reflection, and he stared down at the floor. Or tried to. His front was slowly billowing outwards, obscuring the floor in front of him. He swallowed.
Barely above a whisper, his voice breathed out slowly, as if testing the waters.
"Y-y-you," he stuttered quietly. Don't look at me, please, he begged her internally. He tried to shrug gently out of her grasp. She held him there, and pushed in gently on his front, sighing as she felt the growing resistance.
"Me." She nodded, moving his hands in a slow circle over himself, making him feel it happening. "I'm....making....you slowly get....bigger, Steve. I'm filling you up. Me. Because," she paused, taking his chin in her right hand and forcing him to stare back at her in the mirror.
"Good boy. As I was saying...," she leaned in closer, never letting her eyes move from his. "Because," she sneered. "I want to. And you will do whatever I want, won't you, Steve?" Watching him nod, embarrassed, and unable to deny her, only filled her with more confidence. And more ideas on ways to show him how completely helpless he had become.
She moved his hands to his belt, and pressed his hands in again, watching his eyes open wider in the mirror. Leaving them there, she finished her circuit of him, standing directly in front of him. She placed her hands gingerly on his hips, pleased to feel them slowly rising outwards. It's time, she thought, to show him how weak he really is.
"Steve," she began, "I want you to understand something, okay?" He began biting his lip, looking more nervous. "I AM doing this to you. And I can make it stop." She watched a glimmer of hope flash across his face. She laughed softly.
"Would you like me to stop, Steve? Do you want me to stop...filling you?" He shook his head quickly, eyes looking up at hers, then back down.
"Well then, I think you owe me an apology. Do you think you can tell me what I want to hear?" His nod came slower this time, and seemed to only make him more nervous. She waited.
"I....I'm sorry, Anne," he started, shuffling his feet. Her eyes opened slightly, indicating she wanted more. He bit his lip again.
What does she want to hear? He wondered. Oh God, I can feel it happening. I feel like...like...a balloon. Her eyes flashed hungrily as he thought it.
"I'm sorry I said you were weak....that I called you....a....a...joke" His voice lowered to almost a whisper. He didn't want to remind her of what he had said.
"Good, Steve," she started. "But do you think I really needed to hear that? We both know who is weak now, don't we?" She saw the confirmation in his eyes. "Afterall, I can do anything to you, now, can't I?" He blushed nervously. Her grin became more spiteful. "So, " she murmured, "Tell me."
"Y-y-you ....can...do anything to ...me." He stuttered.
"And what, Steve, am I doing to you now?" She reveled in his nervousness.
Don't make me say it, he thought. Please Anne, don't.
"Say it," she hissed warningly.
"Y-y-you're...making me...." He trailed off.
"Bigg-" she slowly purred.
His head shook quickly, no. Licking his lips and pleading with his eyes, he interrupted.
"M-m-making me...." His voice dropped to a barely heard whisper. "fill up."
A slow smile spread across her face, and she nodded. "That's right Steve. I'm filling you up. I'm making you fill up. Making you fill up with what?" She was enjoying this.
Please. Please don't make me say it, he thought. I can't tell her. It's too embarrassing.
She waited, and began tapping her foot, the smile fading. He swallowed, and croaked out, "A-a-air."
"Good boy, Steve." She pressed in on his hips, enjoying the look of uncomfortableness on his face. The look of shame. The look of ...fear?
She watched as his front pushed out further, the pleats continuing to open. She knew he was shaking slightly, and each touch only seemed to scare him more, as he flinched whenever she pressed in on him. It's not enough, she thought. I want him to lose it. I want more.
"Now tell me, Steve. Since you're filling up," she began, almost suggestively, "with air," she paused. "What does that make you? What, " she leaned forward, "are you becoming?" She watched his face grow redder.
"A...a...," he groaned inwardly, feeling his front pressing out, lightly pushing against her. They both looked down, but only Anne smiled.
"A what, Steve?" She slid her hands between her and him, letting her hands cradle his expanding front. God, she thought, he's really getting big. She moved forward, hands still on him, pressing him slowly back.
"A...balloon," he breathed, realizing as he said it how true it was.
"But, not just any balloon, Steve." She took another step forward, forcing him closer to the wall, feeling less and less give as she pressed against him. "Who's?"
"Please," he begged. "Don't make me say it." He stared up into her face. Up? Steve thought, she's so...tall, so much...stronger. He took this in, fearing her more and more as she forced him to say it.
"Tell me," she said, unsmiling.
His eyes welled with tears, and Anne watched his face take on a look of...defeat? Oh my GOD, she thought. He's actually going to say it! She knew once he did, that there would be no more denial, no more backbone. She would own him.
"Y-y-yours." His shoulders sagged and he seemed to collapse in on himself, shaking with fear. She forced him to take another waddling step back, feeling him press into the wall behind him.
"Mine." She took her hands off him and took a step back, admiring her handiwork.
His front was now becoming beach ball sized, and his hips ballooned outwards from his tiny waist, almost like....a girl, Anne thought. Good, I'll use that later. He had stopped trying to meet her gaze, and instead stood there, shamefaced, staring at himself, almost trying to avoid her gaze. Good luck, she laughed internally. With a sense of victory, she decided, Time for the real fun.
She turned away from him, almost bursting with elation, not letting him see how pleased she was with herself. She looked over her shoulder at him menacingly.
"Beg," she whispered.
On a subconscious level, the command took effect. Despite the fear he had felt, the embarrassment, he was forced to comply. He felt less and less strong, less and less able to deny her. And his shame, like his body, grew.
"Please, Anne," he begged, his arms slowly reaching for her. "I'll do anything. Just please, no...more...air."
He took a shaky, timid step toward her. "I'll be good. I'll never make fun of you again, I promise." He stepped a little closer.
In his mind, he screamed with embarrassment at having to beg her. At needing her help. At doing what she told him to do.
She watched him, smiling, as he crept forward, arms reaching for her. His ballooning thighs brushed against each other as the moved, and her eyes, hungrily, stared.
"No," she said, smiling darkly.
No? He thought, fearfully. But...but...Oh God. She can't mean it! "No, Steve. I've been waiting a long, long time to make you admit something. Something we both know. Something you pretend not to know." She spread her arms wide, looking from hand to hand. Glancing up, she fell quiet, and he stopped moving.
"I'm not weak, my little balloon, am I?" She didn't wait for a response.
"In fact, I'm strong, and I always was. So much stronger than you ever could admit, Steve. Stronger, smarter, and so much more powerful than you ever could be." She flexed, showing him her muscle.
"Y-y-yes, Anne," he slowly admitted.
Her eyes flashed. "Did I tell you to say anything?" She asked, a hint of warning in her voice. He nodded no.
"And since I am so strong, I've decided it's time that you knew who's in charge. Who controls who." She sneered, "Who owns who." She stepped forward, pressing against him, her arms going around his waist, pushing in behind him, on his sides, feeling the growing pressure.
"So, Steve...who owns you?" She brought her face closer to his.
He gulped, unable to look away. "You," he breathed, terrified.
"Me," she agreed. "And what will you do for me, my balloon?"
"...Anything..." She arched her eyebrow.
"Anything?" She pondered a moment, smiling as she turned to stare into his eyes. "What if I made you say the words? Made you say 'bigger'? Made you ask me to make you fill up even more?"
His eyes widened, terrified. No! Not that, Aims, please, He screamed internally.
She giggled menacingly. "Say it, Steve. Beg for it." She waited.
His lip quivered, like a child's, as he realized he had no choice. She would only make it worse if he didn't do what she asked him to. Told him to. He took a struggling breath, and whispered.
She smiled, watching the air slowly pump into him, drawing the suit tighter and tighter across his hips, knowing full well that there were still so many pleats that hadn't even begun opening. Knowing that he would have ample time to experience what it was like to be her toy.
"Very good, honey." She patted him lightly on the front. "Now say it again, but this time," she turned away grinning. "Beg me to blow you up."
The growing panic on Steve's face, coupled with the look of complete shame, made him look, and feel helpless. Worse, not only was she watching him, but she was forcing him to watch in the mirror. He could only stare as his hands continued to be pushed out farther and farther, his upper body looking more and more like a pin in a pincushion.
"Bigger. P-p-please Anne, make...make me....bigger." His voice cracked, and Anne thought she heard a soft sob escape his lips. "B-b-blow me up, Anne...please."
She began to giggle. As she watched him squirm, trying to fight the subconscious commands, and failing, she decided a humiliation was in order.
"Oh my God, Steve," she said disgustedly. "You are so....fucking....weak." She pushed him barely at all, and he stumbled backwards. "Blow you up? Blow you up, Steve?" She started speeding up as she ranted at him. "I'm not just going to blow you up, balloon, I'm going to make you beg me for it...in front of everyone. I'm going to make you want to blow up. Because," she said snidely, "I can make you do anything I want."
"In fact, " she said, "I want you to me. Tell me what it feels like." She placed her hands on her own front, pushing it forward, and filling her own cheeks. Laughingly, she mimicked his expression. "Tell me exactly how it feels, Steve." Deciding to add some incentive to an honest answer, she gave him some motivation. "And if I don't like what I hear...." She trailed off, filling her cheeks with air again, laughing at him.
She listened as he stammered out how full he felt, how tight. She shook her head when he began to talk about pressure. He thinks he knows what pressure means? She stopped him mid sentence, shaking her head unhappily.
"Stop, my balloon. Stop right there." She looked at him like he had disappointed her.
"I told you I wanted you tell me something I'd want to hear. Something I didn't know. I know how 'full' you are, Steve. How 'full' you think you are. But you don't get it do you?" She stared at him amazed at how pathetic he looked. "You aren't full, not by a long shot. I'm going to keep filling you, with more and more air, and guess what?"
He swallowed, fearfully. "W-w-what?" He pleaded.
"You're going to take it. Every little bit of air I give you, you're going to take it in. And you'll still take more. And more. And..." her eyes half closed with the pleasure of telling him.
"It's never..." she began.
"...Ever..." His eyes welled up again, knowing what was coming.
"...Ever...going to stop!" She placed her hands on his cheeks and playfully bit her own lip. "Unless..."
His eyes lit up, not sure if he had heard her right. Unless? Oh God, just tell me!
His lip, still quivering, and his eyes, still welling, pleaded for an answer. "Unless what? Please, Anne. Unless what?" He asked as meekly as he could.
She ran through several possible options, letting each one fade, until she came up with the one she wanted. She smiled, seductively. It was perfect. He was so very uncomfortable in his own skin right now. For the first time in his life, he was probably ashamed of how he looked. Perfect.
"Unless...you can make me want you." His face crumpled. "So simple, Steve." She grinned victoriously. "You're such a big, strong man...make me want you. Make me, and I'll stop the air. But, to be fair..."
She dropped her eyes to his chest, and ran her hands over it. She sighed contentedly, mouthing the command.
Horridly, Steve slowly looked down, afraid of what he was going to see. At first it seemed like nothing was happening, but then...No...no, he cried to himself, It's not fair...I....
Steve's chest, once flat, was now swelling outwards. Like two round, and growing balloons, jutting from his ribcage. The tears began to flow silently. Anne knew this was incredibly embarrassing for him. She knew how hard it would be for him to handle. She also knew, it wasn't at all the final blow.
"Now show me, Steve. Make me want you. And I should think, at the rate you're going, that the longer it takes, the less chance you'll have. So you better act fast." She put her hands on her hips and waited, tapping her foot again.
Trying to keep calm, Steve realized that he had no choice in the matter. If he wanted to end this, he had to do what she told him to. Commands me to, Steve admitted, ashamed. Bringing his hands up past his swelling chest, he wiped his tears, and timidly approached her. He reached out to take her hands, and despite standing two feet away from her, his front brushed into her. She tried not to smile as his chest swelled into her arms. Thinking that maybe this was what she wanted, he tried pulling her closer, his hands in hers, and brought them to rest on his sides. She let him position her, feeling him filling up against her. She watched him swallow and begin to softly speak.
"Do...do you ...like...me like this, Anne?" He softly pressed her hands into his sides, making her feel how much pressure there was, how tight he had become. He tried looking into her eyes, but seeing only laughter there, he looked down. Red faced, he tried to lean forward as if to kiss her cheek. She turned her head slightly, as if inviting him. His face came closer, then stopped. He realized, to his horror, and her excitement, that he was quickly becoming too big to get any closer. Feeling the real stirrings of panic, and not knowing what else to do, he tried to softly encourage her to tell him what she wanted.
"My belt is so tight, Anne," he whispered. "Maybe you'd like me to..." he swallowed hard, "take it off?"
She slowly nodded sensuously, almost to the breaking point of laughing in his face, playing the aroused and interested girlfriend to a tee. His hands left hers, and moved to the enormous buckle. Despite every attempt, there wasn't enough slack to loosen it. He could barely even get a finger underneath it. Fear in his eyes, he tried to look down to see if he could get it off, but could only see his ballooning chest. He tried craning his neck to see past it, but it was no use. He was simply too big.
Fearing what would happen if he failed, he took her hands again, and moved them to the belt. In his softest voice, he whispered into his growing boobs.
"Help me with the belt , Anne. Please. I'm...I'm too...big. I can't get it off. Help me."
She smiled, slowly, and leaned forward, softly brushing her cheek against his massive chest. She cooed.
"Does big, bloated Steve want me to help him with his belt? Does he want me to help him with all...this...pressure?" She bit her bottom lip and pressed in lightly on his front.
He nodded slowly, pushing down on his front so she would have room. It was like pushing in on a balloon. A big balloon. She rested her chin on his chest, inches from his face.
"If you beg me to, not tell me to, I will, Steve." She pursed her lips and half closed her eyes.
Yes! Steve thought. She IS going to help me. Breathing softly, he brought his lips an inch from hers, and begged.
"Please, Anne...please help me. I'm...so full...I can't stand it much longer...I want you to help me with my belt. I need you to. There's so much....pressure...in me right now. I feel like...like..."
"Like what?" she whispered, licking her lip.
"...Like I'm going to...burst without your help. Without you." Despite the situation, he couldn't help but feel the stirring of arousal come over him.
Kissing her lightly on the lips, he was shocked by the response.
Anne began shaking slightly, her eyes closing tightly, until...
She began laughing. Stepping back, hands on her stomach, she nearly doubled over laughing at him. His eyes went from shocked, to hurt, to scared, realizing he had just been had. For almost a minute, she howled at him, at his expression, and at his shape. Finally she calmed down enough to speak.
"You....fucking...blimp!" She laughed. "You think, even for a second, that I would want you like this? So bloated he can't even reach me?" His eyes dropped, and his lips began quivering again.
"Awwww. Don't cry, Steve. How does it feel? How does it feel to try to ...seduce...me, and fail?" She giggled. "You think I'd ever want you like this? I blew you up, you fucking joke. I'm still blowing you up! And there's nothing that's going to stop me. All you did was make me pity you even more. You're like...like..." her eyes flashed. "Like a little girl. So helpless, so bloated."
Looking at his waist, almost obscured by his growing top and bottom, she shook her head, laughing. "And you asked...no, begged me to help you with this belt? Are you a fucking moron? What do you think is the only thing stopping you from turning into a hot air balloon?" She almost fell over watching the truth dawn slowly on his face. I never thought about...he thought.
"Talking to me like the idea of you...blowing up....turned me on? You look like a balloon, Steve. My big, bloated, balloon." She finished laughing and sat down. Becoming more serious, she turned to the reflection, growing tired of the game.
"I won, Steve. I made you do everything I wanted. And you couldn't stop me, couldn't even stop yourself. And now," she said, pointing to his waist, "your belt."
With only a moment's notice of what to expect, Steve felt his body filling up faster than before, pushing against the fabric tightly. His eyes widened, caught by surprise by how fast it was happening. His mouth formed an "O", and his hands started to push in everywhere trying to slow it down. She was amazed at how stubborn he was, as if the air could be pushed back in.
"Ooooh, Steve, I hope your belt holds on. I want to watch you squirm as you get bigger ad bigger, feeling more and more air pumping into you. Being pumped into you. By me. Faster and faster. I wonder how much more you can take? More , Steve...sooo much...more!" She sat back, and waited for the final breakdown. She knew it was coming. She just had to wait. It took less time than she thought.
Oh God, he thought. I'm going to burst! She's gonna fill me till there's no more room. My sides are pushing out everywhere. And my ...my...boobs! They're too ...fucking....huge! Knowing the end would be coming if he didn't do something, he gave in completely. Sobbing, and clawing at his massive chest, trying to keep his head above it, he broke down. Completely defeated, and feeling more ashamed than he had ever known, he begged her for the last time.
"Please, baby. Please....I'll do anything....I'll...I'll tell you how terrified of you I am...I'll tell you how huge I feel, how completely helpless. You can make me do anything, and I can't stop you. You can even make me want it, want you...and I have no choice. I have to do whatever you want me to. I ...I...want to...I want you to control me. To embarrass me, to make me feel so small and little beside you, while you make me a huge...blimp! Please, Aims...please, baby....just help me. I'm begging..."
Smiling, she raised her right hand and snapped. "Comatose," she whispered.
* * *
Steve awoke refreshed. Anne was watching him, smiling happily. He slowly sat up, looking around confused.
"What - ?" He wondered.
"What happened?" Anne asked him softly, and without a trace of anger.
"Yeah, " he replied, forehead creasing.
"Well, I wanted to teach you a lesson for making people feel small and helpless around you, Steve. And I wanted to let you know that despite how I act sometimes, I'm no pushover. Think I managed to convince you?" She winked, smiling.
He sighed, thankfully, and stood up. He felt better. And he did understand. It was all a hypnosis trick. He had never blown up, felt ashamed, watched her taunt him. She had just created a venue to let him know what she thought of how he had been acting. Cool.
"Well, I'll let you get home, Steve. You earned a long nap, I think." She bounced up to him and hugged him. Something in the back of Steve's mind screamed at him, but as quick as it had appeared, it was gone. He hugged her back, and walked for the door.
Passing her housemate on the stairs, Steve thought to himself, I won.
Meeting Katie's astonished gaze as Steve left, Anne explained that the hypnosis wasn't the only thing that had actually happened, and despite Steve's understanding, it had all been real. The hypnosis, the shame...the air. To ensure that her victory would be complete, her final command, after making him fall asleep, was to make him see himself as normal, though, he was far from it. Shaking her head as she watched him waddle down the street, oblivious, she giggled.
"No, Steve," she said. "I won."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, beer, belly, burst
Text: Samantha was going to her first college party. Excited to have a good time, she entered, only to have her anticipation ruined by her arch nemesis, Amanda. "Why did she have to be here?" Samantha said under her breath as she walked through the door. Amanda was already excessively drunk and flirty, like usual. "I swear, she never grew out of high school," Sam said bitterly in casual conversation. That's when a few of the boys rolled out a new keg, and the one shouted "Keg stands!" Everyone cheered wildly. Amanda volunteered first, drunkenly flailing her arms.
Two of the guys held her legs up in the air, while a third held the beer tap. She grabbed the handles on the keg, and away they went. She managed to drink the beer quickly, avoiding spitting any on the floor. A drunken cheer broke out, as she was finishing up a well-executed keg stand. Samantha went into a rage, deciding the only way to beat her was to beat her at her own game. So she volunteered next. The guys grabbed her legs like usual, the third guy with the tap; she grabbed the keg and signaled that she was ready to go.
She opened her throat and let the beer pour in. She would beat Amanda; she would do more than beat Amanda, she would do the longest keg stand ever. Her rage fueled the insanity, and away she went. Sam had already beat Amanda's time within the minute, but she needed more than just beating Amanda. Her stomach filled rapidly with beer, as the foamy liquid rushed down her throat. Samantha felt a bit uncomfortable, but she trucked on. She started to look bloated, to no surprise. This was ignored though by the drunken rage of a cheer, as Samantha continued on the longest keg stand. Most people were impressed; minus the few sober enough to realize that something might be wrong with the situation.
A few minutes passed, a forth guy helped pump the keg to keep things moving along. Samantha had consumed the first gallon of the keg, and it was showing. Her belly protruded from her shirt now; luckily she was wearing yoga pants, otherwise her pants may not have survived. She refused to give up though; she would not quit until all 15 gallons of the keg were gone. She would show everyone the greatest keg stand.
Samantha looked full term pregnant after the next few gallons, as stretch marks began to form on her taxed belly. People started to notice something was off now, even through the thick drunken environment. "You've had enough!" the guys said as they put her down. But she greedily grabbed the tap and kept going. Sam was keg sitting more than keg standing, but it didn't matter now. All that mattered to her was finishing her job, showing Amanda who could party harder. She pumped the keg with one hand, and held the tap with the other. Everyone backed up now in fear of the unknown consequences, as her growing body needed more room.
The stretch marks on her belly now circumnavigated her body, as she was well done with over half the keg. Her shirt had given up the battle of the bulge, has her belly resembled an overfilled beach ball ready to burst. Some of the party began to worry she might pop, but most just watched in drunken awe. Some even started to cheer, as the girl slowly turned into a weather balloon, filled with beer. Sam ignored all this; she had tunnel vision to her ending point, drunk off anger, as well as beer. She pumped away, adding more pressure to the mix as she rushed down a one-way street to an inevitable end.
Now in the final gallons of the keg, her belly was well over three feet across, churning and bubbling as the carbonated yeasty substance broke down more inside her. The keg was near completion, and she would reign victorious. Only a few more gallons. Sam was incredible amounts of pain, but she was so near the end. Only two more gallons. Samantha's incredible belly spanned over four feet, the weight pushing her hips apart as she laid spread eagle on the floor. She knew yoga pants would be a good decision. Only one more gallon. She could feel vibrations around the room reverberate in her gargantuan body. But not for long.
Sam held the tap tight, and let the bubbly liquid and foam run dry until only air remained. Now, the crowd stopped in awe. After all the beer and gas inside the keg was inside Sam, her belly was a five foot orb, vibrating gently as more of the CO2 escaped from the beer. But it had no place to go. Sam lay there, smiling, knowing she'd done it, not knowing the consequences. More gas kept forming, but her overstretched cowhide of a body started stretching less and less. The crowd finally realized through the drunken haze that something was about to go wrong, and backed far away in fear that Samantha's fate may danger their health. Sam stretched up to almost six feet now, her belly's critical maximum. The gas continued. Pressure built higher. A soft creaking sounded. Sam took one last gasp as her overdue belly burst with a tidal wave of beer, breaking all the windows in the small party house. It was, the greatest keg stand, ever.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, bike pump, jealousy
Text: Laying atop the bookshelf by the door, Victoria's cat rested peacefully in her apartment. His owner out on a date, he was enjoying a quiet afternoon.At least he had been.The door suddenly flung open angrily, it sent shivers through the house as Victoria smashed it shut. "The nerve of that guy! Staring at that billboard like that!"His owner wearing a tight red skirt and a matching top, the cat swipes a frustrated paw at the edge of her outfit as she storms past him and into the center of the living room. His nap now ruined, he stretches as she paces back and forth."I just can't believe the nerve of some guys. We're on a date and he keeps ogling it out the corner of his eye the ENTIRE time! He actually thought I would be too stupid to notice!" The offending billboard being for a new push up bra, its advertisers had chosen a woman who didn't need the extra "oomph" to begin with. Cramming her large, tan udders into the straining cups, the bra had done its job almost too well. Causing a few fender benders after it had first been installed, it had gotten the ad agency quite a nice bonus as sales for the bra skyrocketed. Tonight however, it had cost Victoria's date a good slap as his eyes wandered just a few times too many for her liking. Now staring down her tight top to her own respectable chest, she had felt wanting.Used to being the center of attention, she did not wear jealousy well.Grabbing her hefty double D's, her former pride and joys bounce beneath her tight top. "I'll show them! I'm going to pump my babies up bigger than he's ever seen! They'll be putting me up on a billboard! Hell, I'm going to be BIGGER than that stupid billboard!" His owner stomping into the bedroom, the cat can hear her muffled rant through the door. After a few minutes though, the room suddenly goes quiet.Rolling his eyes, the cat turns the other way on the bookshelf. Purring softly into his arm, he's relieved that his vain owner has stopped carrying on. His eyes slowly beginning to shut, he begins to nod off to sleep until...FWIIIPThe sound making him jump out of his nap, he quickly turns around to see his owner rubbing her chest again in the living room. His anger at being woken again being replaced by curiosity, something was...different. This time she has a peculiar grin on her face and...a few more inches to her bust?Seeing that his owner is holding a bicycle pump, the cat follows the hose up to his owners trim tummy. The nozzle fastened in below her bizarre looking belly button ring, he's very confused as to why she's suddenly so giddy."I'll show them..." she hisses to herself. Raising the end of the pump, she chuckles before pressing the handle down with a determined grin.FWIIIPHis eyes shooting open, he watches as his masters already ample cleavage seems to deepen. The woman's prized orbs squeezing out of her shirt, that pump somehow added a full cup size to her bust! Shaking them back and forth, the air keeps them buoyant and perky despite their new size."What do you think kitty? You think this is big enough to keep his eyes where they belong? On me!"FWIIIP FWIIIPGiving two more deep pumps, the stitches to her top slowly tear. Threads popping one by one, more and more milky flesh oozes through the gaps as it fails. The last bit of air reaching her chest, her shirt and bra falls to the floor with one last, satisfying RIP! Her bare breast now the size of basketballs, they squeak like balloons as she lovingly squeezes them to her chest. Grabbing the nozzle again with a mad twinkle in her eye, she begins pumping...and pumping...and pumping...FWIIIP"Oh god yes! So big and round! No one will be able to resist!"FWIIIPThey'll throw that stupid cow off of that billboard and beg me to go up in her place!"FWIIIP "Hell, I'm gonna be so big they won't even need a billboard!"FWIIIPThey'll ask me to *FWIIIP* stand up there and *FWIIIP* display my balloons to the WORLD!"FWIIIIIIIPWincing slightly at that last pump, she looks down at her prized orbs. Her cat watching the pneumatic scene unfold, he takes a few nervous steps backward. Barely able to see over her massive blimps, they look like two beach balls fighting for room on her chest. Wobbling turgidly in front of her, the swollen flesh has lost much of its milky color. Replaced by an alarming shade of pink, they look like overinflated balloons ready to BURST!Sweat starting to bead on her forehead, he can tell that the same thought has just crossed her mind as she struggles to contain all of her air. The handle on the pump pulled up however, she can't just leave that last delicious rush of air in the pump!"Ooof...just...just a bit more. I'm...I'm sure my babies can take it. Right?" She looks to her cat for some kind of confirmation. A mix of excitement and strain on her face, he wants to tell her to stop! He wants to scream for her to pull the nozzle loose as quick as she can, before another ounce of air is forced into her straining rack!All that comes out is a soft "Meow"Sadly, the overinflated brunette misinterprets this as a yes. Pressing the plunger down with all her weight, it slowly forces air through the hose and into her breasts. Groaning in pleasure at first, as the nozzle moves lower her expression slowly turns to fear as a very loud groan echoes through the room. Stretch marks crisscrossing her straining blimps she looks up and manages a frightened "EEEK!" before...POP
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, chemical, first person, floating, Prose that Blows 5 - Taboo (2011), Prose that Blows Winner: Best Story, Prose that Blows Winner: Least Contrived Use of a Thesaurus, Prose that Blows Winner: Most Original Story
Text: The girl in the flat opposite drifted onto my balcony. I didn't see or hear her footfall; hands still clutched about the rail, the gasping sob as she settled, exhaled. So the girl tapped the glass. Twice. And I answered.
"Hello." She whispered. "Can I come in?"
There she was, twenty-something and naked on concrete, warm breath against glass. Dark hair cascaded to her bare shoulders and a slight, mousy face. Deep brown eyes pulled the moon down and pooled it so her slender frame seemed to shiver with weight. Her lips showed a trace of blue; glistening alike fairy dust, or hypothermia. I opened the door and guided her in.
She can't have jumped the distance. 15 foot and recessed into the sheer wall of the building.
Her paleness frightened me as she sat on the sofa. I mentioned an ambulence. She shook her head, sadly. For the first time she seemed to notice her nakedness in a maturing vulnerability. I draped a bathrobe about her shoulders; a scent of acridity clung about her neck, like bubblegum. I asked her what happened.
"Its difficult. I went on a diet. I wanted to be..." she swallowed her trepidation. "Lighter. I ordered this...blue powder, to help me lose weight. You dissolve it in water...drink it....but I had too much. Made me a whole lot lighter. Lighter than a feather.. lighter than..."
I followed her words like a white rabbit. "Air? "
"Yes." She blurted and leaned forward. The peach flesh of her breasts bulged glistening, as she took my hands in hers. "This powder fills you with kinda gas, like helium....enough to make you go up like a ba..."
I tried to draw back, but the warmth of her hands held me tethered.
"I'm serious!" She snapped. "It's gentle, at first. Butterflys. Then the fizzing starts. Bubbles. Burbling in your tummy. Then I started to stretch."
She widened her hands as if catching a beachball.
"I just....bulged out like I was pregnant. Tried to hold it back, but the pressure was pumping my arms out like a swim-ring under my clothes. Clothes...Oh.....gosh...they just burst off...I lost my best bra."
She laughed and cupped her chest mischeviously.
"Your breasts follow. Before you know it, they're positively enormous but strangely rounded. Bulbous. Buoyant. Buttocks too. All this time you're thinking it can't be happening. But it is. Your skin goes from soft, to firm, to pneumatic. So sensitive; the wind pushes on you, teasing between your legs. Then everything is just billowing out, arms, legs... you start to feel lighter, your balance goes, you bounce gently, almost drifting....your feet rise to tiptoe and...."
She paused, reddening in recalled arousal.
"And then.....Oh God. I don't think I can explain it. It's like being a giant bubble, soft but irresistably bouyant. When your feet leave the floor it feels like the most natural thing in the world. Floating. Until you hit the ceiling. Boing! " She giggled, waving her hand up and down.
"And there you stay, all upside-down and wriggly, until the gas wears off." The blushes again. "I was fizzing for ages. Thought I would pop...and maybe I did, well...a little, if you know what I mean."
She stood up. Suddenly serious again.
"But I drank it outdoors, without someone to help. Maybe I liked the sense of danger. I don't know. I was excited at first; scented so lush. But the hissing just kept going. I got scared. I couldn't get back in. Once I started to float, well....I was lucky.... The wind whipped me about the building, I grabbed hold of the railing on your balcony and just hung on, terrified. I should have called but, I...didn't want you seeing me like that. Not then. I just waited ages to deflate and then realised I was stuck naked on a balcony of a neighbour I'd barely spoken to..."
She blanched at the memory. Unsteadily she traced her way over to my front door and opened it. She paused, one last secret to impart.
"Later." She said, smiling. And left.
Her door was unlatched, or she got a key from somewhere because I heard it shut. Tired in a way I could not explain, I rose and crossed to the balcony. Outside, the urban sky was occluded, drizzly and mundane. Only petrol and electric dreams until I saw it.
Lying on the tiles, right where she must have left it, was wrap of cling-film in purest tinctured blue.
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, inflatable suit
Text: My summer job at the store was pretty boring until today. I was fumbling again with the mannequins and becoming more and more frustrating."These stupid inflatable mannequins." I mumbled as I struggled to put the latest fashion craze, space suits, on one.To make things even more "fun" the manager had me wear one of the space suits too. The suit was really just a sauna suit."Need some help?" A melodic voice from behind me asked. I turned to see her smiling. Like me, she was in one of the suits too."I'm Katherine." She said and we shook hands. She grabbed the mannequin and began helping me put the suit on it. The mannequin was limp."It just needs a little more air." She said and I watched as she added more air to the mannequin with the air tank. I felt myself getting excited. "Thank you. You're really good at this." I told her and she smiled. We started on the other mannequins. She was very pretty and it was becoming harder and harder not to show my excitement."You're welcome. It's kind of fun doing this." She said and posed like one of the mannequins. "You just need a little air." I told her and she slipped the air hose up her sleeve and a puff of air filled her suit. The effect on me was immediate. A bulge formed in my pants. I hid behind a mannequin so she wouldn't see it.
Watching us was our manager. She was a real jerk and wasn't too happy about the good time I was having working with Katherine. "Those two are having too much fun." She mumbled to herself. She walked up to us and cleared her throat. "Katherine, your pose just now gives me an idea. You two can be human mannequins in the window." She said and pointed to the display. Katherine and I stepped next to the mannequins. The lights were very hot. "It's kind of hot." I said and the manager reached for the air hoses."This should help." She said attaching a hose to my suit then to Katherine's. Cool air flowed into our suits, just enough to keep up cool."Thank you." We both said and began our modelling careers. When people walked by we stayed still then moved when they weren't looking. A little girl came by and watched us for a while. She worked behind us and was curious by the noise from the air hoses.
Both our eyes watched the little girl as we held our poses. The little girl started to play with the valves and gave both a turn. Air began flowing in faster noticeably filling out our suits."Katie, leave that alone." The little girl's mother said and picked her up. The mother walked away with the little girl watching our suit puff out. "Let me fix it." I said and tried to bend down. My suit held me back and I couldn't reach the valves. Air continued to flow into our suits and Katherine began to look a little comical. Her top made her breasts look huge and her bottom ballooned out behind her."Goodness." Katherine said and when I looked at her her suit was now over inflating.
She looked like she had beach balls stuffed in her top and playfully patted her sides. She smiled and we laughed at our predicament. My suit filled out more and began to lift up my arms. I felt my legs spread apart and was now glad my suit was so big. It hid my rock hard boner.
Katherine's suit inched closer and closer to me. Slowly her figure was disappearing as her suit began to round out. Her arms lifted up followed by her legs spreading apart. "I can barely move." She told me and looked at me. She closed her eyes and licked her lips."Are you OK?" I asked."Y.. yes. I'm so.. so.. horny." She whispered and noticed my look. "You too?" I nodded. Our suits inflated more and our buns moved closer and closer to the floor. We were rounding out and I felt my suit touch the wall behind me. Katherine's suit did the same. We moved closer to each other. The anticipation of our suits touching was overwhelming. Our suits pressed against the floor lifting us up with our feet and hands now dimples in our suits. We tipped forward and our lips met. Kissing her was incredible and as our heads sank into our suits we both climaxed. I pumped over and over into my suit and she moaned wriggling as she couldn't stop herself.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping, blowback, blowkiss, women inflating men
Text: When the three gorgeous women entered the tavern, the smart men headed for the door. The others, clearly the majority, remained to stare at the blonde, brunette, and redhead who strutted confidently, perhaps arrogantly, to the bar. The female bartender, Sarah, politely took their drink orders and served them without comment.
She recognized the hot trio as Baby (the blonde), Brianna (the brunette) and Kitty (the redhead). Baby's perfection culminated in her sculptured butt, which caressed a lucky bar stool. Her beauty was only enhanced, not detracted, by her prominent angular nose. The tall, athletic Brianna leaned over the bar, resting her inviting breasts, which seemed to need a break from their attempts to break free of her tight tank top. The rambunctious Kitty, always smiling, attracted many eyes to her skin-tight shorts that rode up her crotch while exposing her long golden legs. Sarah knew it was best to stay in their good graces.
Unfortunately, Bob was new in town.
He, like most of the male species, was immediately entranced by the three beauties. With a lustful look in his eye, he sauntered up to the bar next to the gorgeous treacle. "Hey, ladies," he cooed, "buy you all a drink?"
Baby and Brianna just looked impassively at him. Kitty, however, beamed with excitement. "Oooh! A volunteer!" she said jubilantly.
"A volunteer?" Bob repeated mindlessly.
"Yep," said Kitty. "See, I like two things in life: Popping bubble gum and popping men. And guess what? I'm all out of bubble gum! So goodbye!"
With that, Bob looked down to see his coat filling up like an inflatable life jacket. It didn't take him long to figure out that it wasn't his coat that was doing the inflating. His body was rapidly pumping up, blowing up like a balloon. The coat quickly began to shred, and in just seconds, Bob had become a huge balloon ball, rapidly expanding in all directions, losing his human features to be replaced by a round, inflating ball for a body. A few more seconds, and all that remained of Bob was his puffy head, hands and feet sticking out of a giant balloon that continued to grow at an exponential rate.
Kitty giggled, her wild eyes gleaming with the anticipated conclusion. A slight grin broke out on Brianna's previously impassive face. Sarah the bartender covered her ears. Baby looked slightly bored.
Bob had ballooned so big that he was almost touching the ceiling of the tavern. Kitty pointed at him. "Pop!" she shouted. She liked to predict when the big bang would occur, but she was not always accurate. Bob continued to inflate.
"Please, don't!" he pleaded through his plump lips.
"I said pop!" said Kitty, and thrust her finger at him again. But he still just grew bigger, looking pleadingly around for help that wasn't forthcoming.
"I'll do anything!" Bob assured her. "Don't let me burst!"
But Kitty just ordered him again: "Pop!" Bob's puffy head touched the ceiling, and then...
BANG! Bob burst into nothingness, leaving only shredded articles of clothing to indicate he had ever existed.
"Yes!" said Kitty, throwing up her arms in victory, drinking in the echo of the popping noise that she loved so much. Baby and Brianna exchanged a knowing glance. A few more patrons carefully made their way to the door.
Kitty closed her eyes and clenched her fists in ecstasy. "God, I love it when they beg!"
Brianna nodded at the torn remains of Bob's clothes. "That was a good one," she acknowledged.
Baby just looked forward and sighed.
Kitty leaned forward, looking past Brianna at the blonde. "Baby! What's the matter?"
"Oh, nothing," said Baby distantly. "I guess I'm getting a little blasé, you know? I think I've popped so many men in my time that it's getting old."
Kitty just gaped as she struggled with the concept. "Getting old? Who gets tired of popping men? That's like getting tired of multiple orgasms!"
"I think I understand," said Brianna. "I have to admit it; it's never quite as good as the first time I popped a guy."
"You guys are nuts!" said Kitty, whose love of popping was unsurpassed. "It just gets better and better for me!"
"Oh, it's still nice," said Baby. "But the first was the best for me, too."
Kitty just looked puzzled. "Well, why don't you tell us about it?"
"Yeah!" Brianna encouraged her. "Tell us about your first time!"
Baby smiled, a faraway look in her eyes as she recalled the happy memory. "Well, it was like this..." she began, rubbing her chin. And the world went all blurry and wavy...
1. Baby's Tale My boyfriend John and I went down to a secluded area of the beach. I brought along my inflatable raft, but I forgot to bring the air pump. So I asked John to blow it up for me.
"Oh, man, are you sure you need it?" he asked, because he knew it would take quite a bit of time and quite a bit of air. But of course, all I needed to do was bat my eyelids at him, and he started a-blowin'.
I lay on the sand in my bikini—you know, the thin white one that becomes transparent when it gets wet?—and I didn't do anything but watch him inflate that raft for about 20 minutes. I kept him inspired by just being there, lying on my stomach so he could see my butt as well as my rack. I knew he thought I looked good, so he kept puffing away like a good little boy.
As I watched the raft inflate, I began to feel a little funny. Watching it get bigger, I think I felt a twinge of something, a sign that maybe watching things inflate held a special interest for me. The bigger it got, the bigger this feeling became, and I began to feel a bit playful.
Finally, the raft was almost fully inflated. John was clearly winded and anxious to see me get wet. He held the nozzle, trying to get it closed without any air escaping.
"One more breath," I told him.
"Baby, it's full," he assured me. "What do you want me to do, pop it?"
"It won't pop," I said. "Trust me. Just one more breath. A deep one."
So he took a deep breath, and just as his lips touched the nozzle, I leaped onto the raft. The sudden pressure on it blew back all the air in the raft, as well as the air he had inhaled. I think we were both surprised what happened next.
The raft was totally deflated again, and all the air was pushed back into John. His eyes widened as his whole body plumped up. Not just his cheeks; not just his stomach; but his arms, legs, and entire midsection all puffed up with air. The nozzle of the raft dropped out of his mouth, but no air escaped. I don't know how all the air managed to stay inside of him. Of course, later I learned that I was doing it by my own willpower; but at the time, all I knew was that I had accidentally discovered how to inflate my boyfriend.
After an initial moment of shock, I burst out laughing, and I kept laughing at him for some time, rolling around in the sand, holding my sides. He squirmed around, trying to adjust to his new bloated condition and failing miserably. He could barely move! It was so priceless! "Baby! It's not funny!" he wailed, but that just made me laugh harder. "What do you mean?" I said, gasping and crying from laughing so hard. "Look at you! You're a balloon! It's hilarious!"
He fumed a bit, still trying to move his arms, but all he could do was flail them a little bit. Finally, he looked down at his blimp body and chuckled a little. "I guess I do look a little funny," he admitted. "But that was still pretty mean!"
"You're right," I said, finally getting control of myself. I sighed and wrapped my arms around him as best I could. "That was pretty cruel of me, and I owe you something for that."
He looked at me lustfully. "Oh yeah? What's that?"
"A good swim!" I said, and I snatched him up and threw him into the water. Then I jumped on top of him, using him as my raft as I paddled around.
"Baby!" He tried to call out, but the waves would splash over his face, keeping him from saying much of anything.
"Relax, pool-toy!" I called down to him. "It's not like you're going to drown! You've got plenty of air!" I laughed again and kept paddling for a while, his body squeaking beneath me as the waves batted us about.
Finally, I noticed his head had been underwater for a while, and he was looking a bit blue, so I reluctantly dragged him back to shore. I squeezed his rubbery body a little, forcing a gush of water to shoot out his mouth, aided by all that air inside him. Unfortunately, this also caused him to deflate a bit, and he was sufficiently deflated that he could walk around a bit.
This would not do. Before he could escape, I threw him down on the beach, and acted as though I was about to give him mouth-to-mouth. He didn't even resist as I laid him on his back, pinched his nose closed, and brought my open mouth down on his.
And I blew. He went, "Hmmmph!" as his body plumped up again, returning to his inflatable-raft state. But I didn't stop there. I blew again, and he plumped up further, especially in his midsection. He began to put up a fight; but it was just so pathetic, with his pudgy arms and legs flailing around, that I almost began laughing again. But as I felt him get larger beneath me, heard his body squeaking from the increased air pressure, my amusement gave way to a deeper, sensual feeling. I puffed again, and sighed inwardly as he expanded again. So I puffed some more, and then again. I closed my eyes, just feeling his rubbery body inflate and inflate. I rubbed my hand over his inflating belly, feeling it get bigger and bigger. I totally lost control, and for the next several minutes—I lost complete track of time—I just concentrated on blowing up my pool toy.
Finally, I opened my eyes, and all I could see was round flesh in front of me. I had blown him up so big that he looked absolutely giant, like a hot-air balloon version of himself, but rounder, looking less like a person and more like a giant balloon-ball.
"Oh my God," I whispered, looking over the vast expanse of his body. "You're a huge balloon! You are the biggest balloon I've ever seen!"
He murmured something back, but I realized that my hand was clutching his lips, holding them as if his mouth was the neck of a giant balloon. I decided to keep it that way for a while. I again lay on the sand, lying on my back and holding my balloon up to the sun. John was stretched so tight, so thin, that he was transparent, and I could see the clouds above me. I kicked him gently, bouncing him in the air, while keeping a tight grip on his lips. I was entranced at my giant balloon. I had never seen one so big in my life. I ran my toe over his taut skin, feeling his rubbery body against my leg. Finally, I whispered, "So what do I do with you?"
He tried to share his idea with me, but I wouldn't release his mouth. I was just thinking aloud. "How big can you get?" I asked. Again, he squirmed helplessly, looking pleadingly back at me with his distended face. I noticed he no longer had a neck; his body had absorbed most of his extremities, and I saw him only as balloon with a face on it.
"I think I'll find out," I said.
"Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!" he said.
I just laughed and blew into him again. The air was struggling to escape, and his body kept trying to push the air back at me, resisting any further growth. I pulled back a little, looking over his giant balloon-body. Then came the moment when I faced the very real prospect that I would cause my boyfriend to burst. Part of me was scared. But most of me was excited, knowing that only one conclusion would satisfy me. I could never just go back to seeing John as he was before. "You're about to burst, aren't you?" I asked.
"Mm-mm!" he agreed.
I squeezed him gently between my legs. "Good," I said, and blew him up again.
I blew and blew, and I realized that, for me, there was no going back. I had to see this to the end. I would not stop. I could not stop. I just puffed, and puffed, and puffed...!!
The explosion was sudden, terrifying, and exhilarating. I wallowed in its power, as the sound of his bursting echoed back at me, still ringing in my ears as I drank in the sight of boy-balloon fragments raining down on me. "Sweet," said Kitty, picturing the image in her mind.
"That's a nice story," Brianna agreed, nodding.
Baby sighed. "Never another time like the first."
"So," said Kitty, "did you feel any remorse?"
Baby looked genuinely confused by the question. "Remorse? What for?"
"For popping a guy you could've had more sex with first!" said Kitty, as if it were obvious.
Baby made a contemptuous noise. "Please! As if guys to use as sex toys are hard to come by!" She looked over her shoulder at the nearest male, who was ogling Baby from a couple tables away. "You!" said Baby. "Come here!"
The man looked around to make sure she was talking to him. Then he raced up to the bar where she sat. "Who, me?"
"Yeah, you," said Baby, a little impatiently. "You want to be my boyfriend? Maybe go back to my place and have sex later on?"
"Hell, yeah!" said the guy.
Baby turned to her friends. "See? Piece of cake!" Then she turned back to the eager man. "Now blow up until you pop."
The man immediately began to inflate, becoming a round balloon in just a few short instants. "But—but I never got to—I mean, we never even—!!" But Baby had already turned back to her friends, ignoring the cries of her inflating victim. "Anyway," Baby continued, "how about you guys? You remember the first guy you ever popped?"
Brianna nodded. "Oh, yeah, I've got a great story about that." She looked over Baby's shoulder. "Watch it; your ex-boyfriend's about to pop."
"Who? What ex-boyfriend?" Baby looked over her shoulder at the man she told to inflate, having forgotten him already. "Oh. Him," she said, uninterested.
The man was a huge expanding ball, almost to his limits. He looked down at the three gorgeous women, especially at the woman was causing him to inflate. "I regret nothing!" he shouted, and burst into pieces.
Kitty whooped and clapped for a moment before turning back to Brianna. "Anyway, you were saying...?"
"Yeah, the first guy I ever popped. Actually, it was a communal experience. I was joined by my entire cheerleading squad. But it's still a great story. I remember it as if it were a memory from high school..."
She rubbed her chin, and the world became all blurry and wavy...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, floating, male inflation, women inflating men
Text: "It was fucking garbage, Wayne."
"Hey, cmon, I liked it."
"Oh, you liked a mindless action movie with scantily clad Hollywood women and explosions every 5 minutes? Stop the presses!"
This argument between Wayne and Sylvia had been going on like this from the moment they walked out of the theatre right up until now, as a promising anniversary date was slowly turned sour by the Hollywood machine.
"It's not my fault if you can't appreciate the nuance and subtext of a movie like this."
"Nuance? Nuance is not the issue here, Wayne. The issue is that you knew I hate these kinds of movies and yet you dragged me out to one anyway. How come we never do anything that I want to do?"
"Hey, I took you to see New Order that one time."
"That was last February!"
The argument kept on like this before finally running out of steam as they reached the bus stop, both of them wordlessly realising that they were going in circles. Sylvia sat down with an aggravated sigh, with Wayne about to join her before he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket.
"Ah shit, I gotta take this. I'll try not to be too long." He said, walking around to the other side of the shelter as Sylvia groaned out something that sounded vaguely like "whatever," knowing full well that he probably would be too long. She tried to keep herself occupied, mostly by constantly checking the time with what little battery she had left on her phone to see when the bus was supposed to arrive, before her ears pricked up at a sound she didn't quite know how to describe. It was like a football hitting a wall, but slower and more... hollow? She wrote it off as just mysterious late evening ambiance, before finally turning around as she heard it a second time. When she did, she was met with a sight that, once again, she didn't quite know how to describe.
There, just above the top of the shelter, was what appeared to be a giant flesh-coloured balloon, roughly 7 feet wide. As she watched, it got caught on a breeze and bumped into the roof again, making that same hollow *bwoomph* sound as Sylvia had heard before. With that mystery solved, Sylvia was about to write off the admittedly strange sight as more than she was willing to deal with in her current mood before noticing something else even more strange. As she gave the balloon a closer look, she noticed odd protrusions around its circumference, whichshe quickly realised were hands, feet, and the upside-down head of a man. He looked to be in about his early-mid 20s, with puffy, swollen cheeks. Furthermore, she noticed one of the hands had a string tied around it, which she followed down with her eyes to a woman who, Sylvia thought, must have only just sat down while she was looking at her phone.
She wore striped black thigh highs with spiked black boots and a black skirt, along with a small purse slung over one shoulder and a simple white t-shirt and black cardigan. A simple, dark outfit that both contrasted with and matched her carefree yet mischievous smile.
"They're so much cuter like this, aren't they?"
Sylvia had been so absorbed by the spectacle that it had taken her a few seconds to even register that anyone was talking. "Wuh? O-oh, right, that... Uhhhhhhh, I guess?" She replied in confusion.
"Don't worry, I was confused at first too." The mystery girl said, giggling a little at Sylvia's bewilderment and extending a hand. "I'm Marie, by the way."
"S-Sylvia." She said, slowly regaining her composure as she accepted the handshake. "Soooooo, what's the deal with that?"
"Him? Oh, me and him had been dating for a few weeks. It wasn't really working out, so I decided to actually get some use out of him." Marie explained, looking up and admiring her balloon.
"I know how THAT feels..." Sylvia muttered, glancing back at her still-deep-in-conversation boyfriend, before double taking. "wait, wait wait wait wait, you mean that's actually...?" She said in sudden realisation.
"Oh yeah, totally. Fantastic, isn't it~?" Marie stated rather matter-of-factly, her mischievous smile giving way to a beaming, enthusiastic one.
"You-... I mean-... You can just do that?"
"Of course, basically every girl I know deals with her dating problems like this."
"What do you mean "every girl you know?" This isn't just some weird thing you do? Is this some kind of fucked up gen-z trend that I'm too old to have caught when it was new?" Sylvia asked, her flurry of questions increasing in speed as she became more and more bewildered with each new piece of information.
"I mean I found out about it online but I'm pretty sure it's been around for a good while. You've seriously never heard of girls blowing up guys?"
"Oh yeah, now that you mention it I think I saw it on an episode of Loose Women one ti-OBVIOUSLY not!"
"Did it never even occur to you to do it?" Marie asked, her playful attitude slowly changing to her own confusion.
Sylvia began to falter, slowly thinking to herself that maybe there is some kind of appeal to this, even if she couldn't even begin to imagine what it was. After all, why else would something so abnormal seem so apparently normal?"No? I mean, not that I can remember at least... I don't get it."
Marie went to try and give an explanation before stopping herself as another idea suddenly came to her. With a quick tug on the string in her hand, she yanked down on her balloon's wrist and brought him down to eye level with the two girls. The string slackened for a moment, before going taut once again as his position equalised. Smiling briefly at the display of his helplessness, she offered Sylvia the string. Sylvia looked at it in confusion for a moment, before tentatively reaching out and grabbing hold of it. She just stared at him for a moment, watching him slowly but noticeably drift around with the breeze in front of her. "Go on, do whatever you want with him. Not like he can do anything about it, at any rate." Marie chimed in, causing Sylvia to giggle a bit at the balloon boy's plight. She reached out and touched a surface, gasping a little as his taut skin squeaked in protest.
"Wow, he feels just like a real balloon... Even sounds like one too." She said in amazement, idly running her hands over every surface she could reach before becoming even more amazed at the realisation that she could just turn him around to get to the bits she couldn't reach.
"So, waddaya think~?" Marie asked, smiling at the other girl.
"You know, I think I'm starting to get it. He's just so... full, and round... and helpless."
"God, I know right? That's the best part, He's my toy now. Or, more accurately, he's our toy~" Marie said, dragging a nail down the boy's side and listening to his body squeal.
"This is so wild, I didn't even know people could get this big." Sylvia said, winding down and enjoying herself but still astounded that any of this was even possible.
"Oh, he can get even bigger than this~"
Sylvia turned her head and stared at Marie in amazement.
"No way."
"Yes way. Just put your lips to his and start blowing, it's that easy."
"Wait, you mean I have to kiss him?" Sylvia said, returning her attention to the balloon boy she held in front of her. "Ah fuck it, he's probably a better kisser than Wayne anyway." She said, affixing her gaze into the balloon's eyes. He looked anxious, yet defeated, like he'd accepted his fate. Then, as if it was the most, Sylvia closed her eyes, puckered her lips, pressed them to his and began to blow. It was difficult mustering up enough breath to get a good blow in at first, but eventually her eyes widened in surprise as she felt his skin begin to stretch under her fingers, and a hollow hissing sound ring out from within him. Despite how odd the situation was, she couldn't help but find it all oddly relaxing. Just when she was starting to get into it, however, the tranquil of the constant hissing was rudely broken.
"Yeah, alright, we'll catch the game tomorrow. Talk to you later ma-" Wayne said as he turned the corner, abruptly stopping as he saw his girlfriend holding a man in the air who was giant and completely spherical, but more importantly, she was kissing him. "Hang on, what the hell's going on here?" He said in a strange mix of confusion and anger that was probably intended to sound threatening but in actuality was anything but. Sylvia broke the kiss and instantly spun her head around to the source of the noise, her eyes widening in shock at the sight of the boyfriend who, in the moment, she'd completely forgotten about.
"Oh, Wayne! Uh, I was just, I mean I was just uh-"
"She was just finding out how much more fun men are as giant, inflated toy balloons, weren't you~?" Marie said, looking over Sylvia's shoulder and waving at Wayne.
"Who the hell are you?" Wayne said in the same faux-threatening tone of voice.
"Someone with way better dress sense than you'll ever have, by the looks of things, I mean good lord when was the last time you washed that shirt?"
"Hmmmm, I think I put a wash on last thursday... Wait, that's not important! Who do you think you are, talking to me li-" He began before quickly faltering as the reality of the giant balloon-shaped man in front of him finally hit. "...and what's up with him?"
"It's a girl thing, you wouldn't understand" Sylvia said, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"What is? What the hell's going on?"
"Why don't you show him, hun~?" Marie said, giving Sylvia a knowing look. Sylvia seemed confused for a moment, before her eyes widened in realisation and excitement.
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Wayne said, a hint of worry creeping into his voice.
"This~" Sylvie stated before leaning forward and kissing him passionately on the lips. Wayne resisted for a split second before his brain processed what was happening, and he started to go along with it. Then, right as he was getting comfortable, he heard his girlfriend take a deep breath in through her nose, and suddenly felt a rush of air going down his throat. Sylvia grabbed onto the back of his head and held him tightly in place as, without so much as a second thought, she began to inflate her boyfriend like a balloon.
Wayne was initially bewildered, having no idea what was going on, until eventually he felt his tummy peek out from under his shirt and press against Sylvia. He finally put two and two together at this point and tried to resist, but Sylvia took these first signs of inflation as a renewed source of enthusiasm and increased the force of her blowing, quickly puffing out his torso and causing his limbs to go rigid with a loud *fwoomp*. Marie, for her part, watched in joy as the number of balloons slowly went up by one, Sylvia's rhythmic inhaling and blowing quickly removing any physical capacity Wayne had to resist. The sound of popping seams and ripping fabric filled the air as his burgeoning body shredded all the clothing he had on.
As he filled up more and more, Wayne's body slowly began to change from a cluster of puffy body parts to one giant inflated sphere, his back and sides rounding out and joining his torso to form a complete ball. And yet he got bigger and bigger, his clothes by now having fully been destroyed and laying in tatters on the pavement and his shiny, latex-like skin fully on show for all to see. With a few last mighty puffs, Sylvia stepped back and took in the sight of her former boyfriend now merely an inflatable toy. Wayne, for his part, attempted to complain, but by now even his cheeks were all puffy and inflated, so all that came out were a series of ineffectual muffled noises. Marie stepped forward and gently placed a hand on Sylvia's shoulder, as the latter girl stood in a mixture of shock and excitement.
"What did I tell ya? They're so much cuter like this, aren't they~?"
"Holy fuck I cannot believe I just did that." Sylvia replied, breathing heavily even without a balloon to dump all the air into. "Although... How come he's not floating like yours?"
"Oh, right! Just gimme a sec, I'll take care of that. Be a dear and hold this, will you?" Marie said, handing Sylvia her balloon boy as she took a piece of string and a small cylindrical object out of her purse. Sylvia looked up at the first balloon wistfully, thinking about how quickly she'd gone from thinking of him as a boy who happened to be inflated to a balloon who happened to be a boy. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, as she heard a quiet hissing noise coming from where Wayne was, looking over and gasping as she saw her boyfriend rise up into the sky like a balloon, which he was, come to think of it.
"Oh my god! How did you do that!?" Sylvia yelled in surprise and elation. Looking down, she saw that Marie now had a bright, sparkly purple colour to her lips.
"This stuff." She said, gesturing to the lipstick tube she'd taken out of her purse earlier "makes any gas inside the recipient lighter than air. I just gave him a quick peck on the cheek and let gravity do the rest~"
"Wait, that's a thing?"
"Wellllll, sorta. Just something between us girls~" Marie replied, the two of them giggling. "That's not even the best part, have a look at where the string's tied." Marie said, stifling laughter.
Sylvia looked up, and noticed that it wasn't his hands or legs, but instead somewhere rather more intimate.
"...oh, fuck you." Sylvia said, before the two girls burst out laughing.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, inhale
Text: Lori winked to the other two young women. "Watch this." Stepping onto the path she walked through the park, stopping in front of a sandy-haired blond in a button-up shirt and cargo pants. "Hey Scott. You ready?""Sure," Scott replied, standing. "But what took you so long?""Oh, you know," she said, trying to sound casual. "I was distracted.""By what?""Well..." She suppressed a smile. "There was this really big blimp flying overhead.""It couldn't have been -that- big.""No, it was pretty big."Scott scowled, furrowing his brow as he took a step away from her. He took a deep breath before breathing in again, huffing and puffing. As he did his belly grew in surges, at first untucking his shirt, then pulling the fabric taut against it, going from full to stuffed to beyond. One by one his buttons popped free until he stopped, leaving him looking as if he swallowed a beach ball, shirt curtaining either side of it. "Well," he said, patting his belly, "it couldn't have been this big.""Don't kid yourself," Lori retorted. "That's barely a balloon."He nodded. "Okay." Again he huffed and puffed, gut slowly growing as air began to fill elsewhere. His pants first pulled taut across his backside, waistline straining before the fly simply broke. The legs were next, swelling thighs filling the fabric and pushing against each other, forcing him to widen his stance. Up top his pectorals puffed up and broke free of his shirt, and arms grew thick, forced to the sides as his midsection grew rounder. By the time he stopped he was a bloated caricature of a person, much to the notice of the other people in the park. "It had to have been this big, right?"Lori pursed her lips, slowly shaking her head."Fine," he growled. Once more he breathed in, his belly taking up more and more of his body. Bit by bit his arms were pulled into his form, and bit by bit his legs grew wider and shorter, until both were mere rounded bumps on his sides and his body rested on the curve of his lower hemisphere. His shirt was torn open, but despite that his clothing still held on, stretched as it was. When he paused again he was all but round, having gained another head or two of height. "This big?"She gave him a helpless shrug. "Nope.""FINE." He gulped down air in a fury, his body surging out in all directions with each breath. Within moments he was double his normal height, matching a weather balloon in scale, and showing no signs of stopping. "I'LL SHOW YOU BIG!" His body heaved as it suddenly grew another yard, letting out a low groan. "I'LL SHOW YOU THE BIGGEST BLIMP IN THE WORLD!"The two young women approached as Lori looked up at her boyfriend, standing in his ever-growing shadow. "So..." one began, "you just tease him and he does... this?""Hey," Lori said. "Don't kinkshame."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Offscreen Popping
Text: Brody liked to show up at school early, so he could quickly put his books away in his locker and get to homeroom before anyone noticed him. He didn't like to be noticed, because that meant being noticed by girls, who laughed at him, and by boys, who would pick on him. Even if it meant getting up ridiculously early and sneaking in the side door to the high school, Brody knew it was essential for self-preservation.
That's why he couldn't believe his misfortune when he stepped around the side of the building and saw Colin standing outside the side entrance having a smoke. What are the freakin' ODDS? Brody thought.
He didn't really know Colin--all he knew is what he saw: The youth in the trench coat was muscular but quiet. He could quite easily have become a sports jock from his tall frame and chiseled physique, but apparently he didn't think much of sports. He didn't have any friends that Brody could picture. He didn't hang out with the jocks, or the druggies, the deadbeats, the goths, and certainly not with the nerds, who were Brody's crowd. Colin was, to Brody, a complete enigma.
That's probably why he didn't immediately turn and run. For all he knew, Colin may be the one boy in school who wouldn't beat the crap out of him. And besides, running away would be a sign of weakness--blood in the water, as it were. So Brody, trying to walk casually but trembling inside, headed for the door, avoiding eye contact and hoping Colin wouldn't pay any attention to him.
He got within a few feet of the door when Colin said, "Hey, kid."
Oh, God. Another beating coming. Just remember to curl up into a ball and it will eventually be over. Colin reached into his trench coat pocket and removed what appeared to be a pen-style flashlight. He pointed it at Brody's chest, and with a tiny click, a small red dot of light appeared on the front of Brody's shirt, almost like a sniper rifle's pinpointer.
Brody was understandably confused, and as usual, he was scared of what it meant. In fact, his stomach felt hollow with fear. It took a moment to find out it wasn't fear that was in his stomach. He just felt hollow, period--as if his insides were disappearing and being replaced with air. He looked at the little red light, then at Colin, and then back down to the balloon under his shirt.
Brody's books fell from his hand and struck the sidewalk. Balloon under his shirt?!
There was no balloon. It was his belly, pumping up under his shirt, lifting his shirt tails from his trousers and exposing his belly button to the elements. He thought of how he was ready to curl up into a ball--but now it looked like he had swallowed a ball! A good sized inflatable ball, like the kind he gets struck with in gym class all the time during dodgeball games.
But before he could even process his shock, his belly quickly outgrew the dodgeball size, and now looked beachball size.
Brody cast his terrified stare away from his stomach and toward Colin's "flashlight." Colin merely grinned as he took another drag on his cig.
"Quit it!" Brody said, more a plea than a command.
"Make me," Colin said.
Brody's belly continued to surge, pulling back his shirt even farther. The rest of his body hadn't yet bloated up, so he just looked comically pregnant, as if he were carrying full-grown adult triplets.
"Just stop!" Brody called, while running a hand over his stomach, as if in the hopes he could push it back under his shirt. He tried, but it continued growing, pushing out from under his hands like rising dough. He tried stepping away from the light, but Colin easily followed him. Finally, Brody threw up his hands, trying to protect his belly from any more exposure to the red beam. But then his arms plumped up as the light struck his hands.
He moved his arms away, and the light struck him full in the chest. And just like that, his chest bloated out to join his belly.
"Stop it!" Brody pleaded again. "Why are you doing this?"
"It's fun," Colin said, as if no explanation were necessary.
Brody looked around for any sign of help. Of course, there was none. He arrived too early for there to be many other students. Faculty? Forget it. They were always there if Brody ran in the hallway, but when some bully was picking on him, they were miles and miles away. Today was no different.
Colin just stood there, holding the red light on Brody, and Brody could do nothing. Nothing but stand there and inflate. "Ohhhhh, stop!" Brody said, as his body began looking nice and stuffed, from his pudgy neck down to his throbbing legs and bulging ankles.
To his surprise, he stopped. That never happened before, and it was with great trepidation that Brody took his eyes off his bloated frame and looked over at Colin.
Saying nothing, appearing to give Brody no further thought, Colin clicked off the light and replaced it in his pocket. Then he pulled out a small, indeterminate object from his other pocket and reached out toward Brody's ear.
He stuck it in--it was an earpiece. Brody was too confused to even form a question.
But Colin answered anyway. "That's so I can keep track of you," he told his inflatable victim. "For the entire day, you're going to do exactly what I tell you, no matter what. If I tell you to literally bounce off the walls, you're going to do it. And if you tell anyone what I'm doing, or if you try to escape, I'll blow you up so much you'll... Well. Use your imagination."
"When will you let me go?" Brody managed the courage to ask.
"Maybe at the end of the day," said Colin. "Or maybe I won't. We'll see. It all depends on how well you amuse me. Or I might just blow you bigger for the hell of it, who knows?"
"I can't go to school like this!"
Colin calmly withdrew the laser pointer, clicked it on, and directed it at Brody's belly.
Brody knew what was coming, but was somehow surprised anyway to find his body filling up uncontrollably. "Okay! Okay! Stop! I'll do it!"
Colin let Brody get just a little bit bigger before finally taking the beam away. "I'll be watching and listening," he warned, and before Brody could register it, Colin was inside the doors and gone.
Brody tried to push his bloated body back into shape, to no avail. His attempts to bend over to pick up his books were similarly hopeless. Hoping this would be a nightmare like the times he showed up to school in his underwear, Brody gingerly reached around his massive gut for the door handle, turned sideways to get through the door, and entered the school.
He waddled his way through the nearly empty halls, but his progress was slow, and students were beginning to fill up the building. At first, he got amazed stares, then he heard whispers as he passed various cliques, and finally, the name-calling started.
"Hey, balloon-boy!" shouted Anna, one of several cheerleaders gathered a few feet away from Brody's locker. Anna and her friends were all fabulously hot. Brody had always wished they would know he was alive; but at this moment, he wished he could go back to being beneath their notice.
Anna sneered, "Did you just get really fat or did you suddenly get 18 months pregnant?" The other girls squealed with hilarity.
"Someone's inflating me," he whispered.
"Someone's WHAT?" she asked.
"Someone's--" Brody cut himself off. He looked beyond the gaggle of young beauties to see Colin at the end of the hallway, pointing the pen light at him. The tiny red beam, which was apparently assigned no importance to any observers present, struck Brody in the chest again, and he bloated up even bigger. It was a brief but sudden expansion, as if Colin were just proving a point.
"Oh my GAWD!" said one of Anna's hot friends. "Did you see that? He's blowing up like a balloon!"
It was then Brody heard a voice in his ear: "Say, 'I'm fat AND I'm pregnant!'"
Brody peered back down the hallway. He hadn't seen Colin use a microphone, but he had recognized the bully's voice.
"I'm fat AND I'm pregnant!"
The girls looked at each other, each supressing their mocking laughter until it burst out of them. Colin: "Say, 'That's right. And I can make myself even bigger.'"
Brody did NOT want to say that. He hesitated. He saw Colin point the red beam. And then he said, "That's right! And I can make myself even bigger!"
Colin: "Watch this."
Brody: "Watch this."
Colin: "Louder."
Brody: "Loud--oh, uh...I mean, WATCH THIS!"
Brody closed his eyes and braced for it. Sure enough, he swelled up bigger, his clothes tightening around him as he seemingly fattened up with air. He grew larger, like a frog puffing itself up. Again, it was brief; but Brody was noticeably bigger, rounder, more bloated than ever.
By now, other kids had gathered in the hallway, pointing, laughing, joking amongst themselves.
"Whoa, careful there, balloon-boy!" Anna called out. "Don't pop yourself!" The other witnesses laughed at the very thought.
Brody looked around at the laughing crowd. Would they laugh that hard if they knew that Colin really MIGHT make him pop?
The girls continued laughing amongst themselves, as Brody heard in his ear: "Grab Anna's boob."
"What?" Brody asked.
"I didn't say anything," Anna said.
Colin: "Grab her boob, or you go boom!"
Brody reached out a bloated arm and grabbed Anna's breast with his pudgy hand.
"Ewww!" said Anna, slapping his hand away, which made a sound like she was slapping away an inflatable pool toy. "Don't touch me, freak! If I didn't want you touching me before, I sure don't want you touching me now, you big blimp!"
It seemed at first that Brody had no response, and just stood quietly for a moment. But in fact, he was processing Colin's latest instructions.
"A big blimp?" Brody asked meekly. Pause. Then he said more forcefully: "A BIG BLIMP?! I'LL show you a big blimp!!" And then his body blew out in all directions, inflating like a parade balloon. "Easy there, balloon-boy!" said one of the other cheerleaders.
"C'mon, let's get out of her before he blows!" said another.
"He already blows!" said Anna, and they huddled away, occasionally looking over their shoulders at Brody as they headed toward their homerooms. Brody no longer saw Colin. Was it safe to move? To talk independently? Just to be sure, he made his way very cautiously through the hallway. After sitting through English class uncomfortably in a desk way too small for him, all the while shaking off the teacher's suggestion that he see the nurse and denying that he had an eating disorder or a pituitary problem. Biology class would be a little easier, he knew, because they could sit on stools, and he would be unconfined by these tiny desks.
Unfortunately, Miss Miller was substituting.
Miss Miller was the substitute teacher that every boy and several girls had a major crush on. Pushing forty but looking twenty-two, the tall, leggy brunette was so obviously in the wrong profession, she could have had "Playboy model" stamped on her forehead. God, why did SHE have to be here today?!
She entered the classroom, stopped dead in her tracks, and the rest of the class smiled as they waited for her reaction.
"Brody? Are you wearing an inflatable suit?"
"No, ma'am." PLEASE stop noticing me!
"Do you need to see the nurse?"
"No, ma'am." PLEASE stop looking at me!
"Okay..." She reluctantly turned her back to the class to write the day's agenda on the chalkboard. Her pants weren't especially tight, but they were clingy enough to fill virtually every student's mind with the appropriate visual. Why did he have to be humiliated in front of HER?!
Almost as if on cue, Brody inflated bigger.
Oh, come on! Colin was standing right outside the classroom window! Didn't anyone notice him? Of course not, because they were all busy watching their classmate blow up like a balloon. He inflated there on his stool, before his billowing midsection pushed against the lab table, tipping him back on his stool. Brody had time only to wave his bloated arms before he fell backwards, bouncing hard against the floor like a basketball.
The class erupted into peals of laughter. And soon, still lying on his spongy back, Brody was looking up at the tall, leggy, gorgeous Miss Miller. He squirmed on the floor. But he lacked the leverage to stand back up.
"Brody? Do you need to be excused?"
"I--" Colin's voice in his ear interrupted him. Brody winced, as if the words about to leave his mouth were physically painful. "No, Miss Hot-Ass!"
"I BEG your pardon?!" She glared down at him. He felt as if she were about to raise one of those long legs and plunge her high heels into his increasingly gossamer belly.
But Brody/Colin continued: "I'm a balloon, Miss Hot-Ass! Just a big, fat, happy balloon! I like to go bouncy for you! I'm getting bigger for you, just like I always get bigger in my pants for you!"
"Are you on some kind of medication?" Miss Miller asked. "Should I call someone?"
"What you should do," said Brody, "is give me a blow job until I burst!"
Brody spent the rest of the day in detention.
He was happy with that: Isolated from all other students, he just bobbed at his desk--actually, on the floor beside his desk, because he was too big to fit behind it. There he sat undisturbed, unnoticed, blissfully alone. But he was also aware that it would end. And he didn't know what he would face at the day's end. He had plenty of time to stew about it.
Near the end of the day, Brody was finally excused. But not to go home: He had to attend the school's pep rally in the gym. "Uh, you're going to have to help me here," he told his captor, before resignedly reporting to the gymnasium.
Predictably, the entire school focused their attention on the balloon-boy whose body took up space on the bleachers that would fit at least ten students. He watched the cheerleaders lead the entire school in several victory cheers, listened to the band play (out of tune, natch) several marches. Brody looked for Colin, but couldn't pick him out in the crowd. Was it over?
And then, near the end of the event, Brody began to inflate again. The other students scooted over on the bleachers to give him room. Some cheered. Others jeered.
"Look! He's gettin' bigger again! Someone stop him before he explodes!"
"Knock it off, blimp boy! We're packed enough as it is!"
By now, Brody was such a large ball he could not see where Colin's red beam was striking him. Where was he? He couldn't see Colin anywhere, yet he was somehow still inflating him. And he was inflating him faster than ever: Brody doubled in size in only seconds, becoming more and more ball shaped. His clothes groaned and tore slightly, but managed to stretch even further around him. [Fortunately, Brody bought his clothes at the same store as the Incredible Hulk.] He didn't know where Colin was, but Brody's mission was clear.
Brody shouted over the din of the gymnasium. "Look, everyone! I'm a toy balloon! I'm a giant toy balloon! Pick me up! Bounce me! Play with me!"
A few juvenile students obliged. Several hands grabbed Brody's inflating body--he was surprisingly light, like a giant beachball--and they tossed him high into the air. He came back down again, and SMACK! Several hands swatted him again...and again...and again! The crowd crowed with amusement as Brody was batted around all over the gym like the toy balloon he was. Brody made no sign for them to stop. In fact, he encouraged it:
"That's it! Bounce me! Play with me! I'm just a balloon! Bounce me higher! I'm just a helpless balloon-boy! Higher! I'm a toy balloon! I'm a toy BALLOOOOOOONNNNN!!"
The crowd loved the sight of Brody getting smacked around, and all thought it was the greatest pep rally ever. The teachers looked amongst each other and shrugged. There were no rules against inflating oneself, the kids seemed to love it, and Brody didn't seem to mind. Although, as he bounced from one side of the gym to the other, and back again, Brody did seem to be getting dangerously large...
Brody seemed to awaken as if from a dream. He lay among a sea of balloons from the pep rally, many of them popped, some floating freely, some settling gently on the floor. He felt as if he were lying on a large matt, but he was merely lying there on his gargantuan stomach, now his own personal inflatable mattress. The crowd was gone. The pep rally was over. The school was empty. Empty except the pep rally balloons, and one very big, air-engorged balloon boy.
And then, as he expected, he heard footsteps.
Colin stood in front of him, tossing the red penlight over and over in one hand. "Well, I've humilated you in front of the entire school. There's only one thing left to do now."
"You're going to let me go?" asked Brody, knowing the answer.
"Nope. I'm going to blow you up so big you explode."
"You said you'd let me go!"
"I said maybe. You didn't really think I wouldn't pop you, did you?"
Actually, Brody admitted to himself, no. He said nothing.
"Besides," Colin continued after a pregnant pause, "I AM letting you go. I'm letting you go boom!"
And then he pointed the beam at the center of Brody's large, spherical body. Brody heard a click. Then he felt himself inflate.
His body grew exponentially larger, swelling like a balloon out of control. "Wait!" he called down to Colin. "Please just tell me: Why?!"
Colin shrugged, still holding down the trigger. He repeated his earlier answer: "It's fun."
Brody, as if satisfied with that answer, said no more. He just waited for it to happen. Waited and inflated. He closed his eyes and felt himself grow bigger, his skin grow tighter, the pressure build inside him, until he felt he could take no more, yet he still blew up larger and larger and larger...
Oh God, I'm really going to burst, Brody thought.
I'm actually going to pop like a balloon!
I'm going to EXPLODE!
I think I like it.
BOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM!! The explosion reverberated throughout the empty gymnasium.
Colin chuckled to himself before replacing the penlight into his pocket. He walked slowly away, chuckling occasionally when he thought of Brody's screaming during the pep rally.
He hadn't told Brody to say ANY of those things.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, hose in navel, sphere
Text: The building was rather sleek, a total contrast to the surrounding strip mall. It's walls stark white and window panes tinted grey, somewhat obscuring it's interior. Bright, neon purple letters spelling out Laurent hung next to the front door. The aforementioned door was in constant motion, as several customers walked in and out happily.
Sam sat in her car, tapping her fingers rhythmically on the wheel. She glanced at the building and back her feet, again and again. She stared into the rear view mirror, blinking her deep blue eyes quickly. She looked back at the store.
Just get out of the car. She told herself. Everyone's here, you're no different.
She opened the door and climbed out, watching as several girls went in and out the revolving door. Those who walked out wore new shirt and pants, printed with the same bright purple logo hung next to the entrance. One brunette had a pep in her step as she walked, her large chest bouncing with every step. Sam walked in, nerves growing.
The reception room matched the exterior, bright white with compliments of greys and violets. Several girls sat on the provided couches. Some filled out papers, some scrolled on their phones, and others watched one of the two flat screen TVs hung on opposite sides of the room. They advertised the Laurent, and it's creator Eva Laurent. She explained how her brand was the future of fashion, and something that was both revolutionary and beautiful.
Sam was getting lost in the ad before an impatient customer pushed her from behind, making her realize she had arrived to the front of the line.
"Good afternoon." Cooed the receptionist. Her dirty blonde hair was tied in a regal bun. "H-hello." Stammered Sam, still somewhat embarrassed at not paying attention to her place in line.
"Are you here for our beauty treatments today?" Asked the receptionist, taking several paper from her desk and adding them to a clipboard.
"Why else would I be here..?" Sam looked around, not seeing any products to be sold.
"Just take the paper, sweetie." Said the receptionist, handing her the clipboard. "Take a seat and fill out the paperwork. Once you're finished, bring it back up to me."
Sam thanked the receptionist and took a seat near the corner. She read through the paper quickly, signing her name and filling out billing information. The liability waiver only heightened her nerves, but she filled it out before leaving only one page left; the choices of treatments.
She looked over the opening paragraph, describing how Eva's interests in both science and fashion lead her to her new brand. Sam ignored this, and hurried down to the treatments. There were four; Up-Top, Pear Shaped, Hourglass, and the Full Package. The last one stuck with her, dancing in her mind. "Full package?" She whispered to herself. She looked up, seeing now what treatments each girl walking out had taken. The blonde with the big boobs? Probably Up-Top. The brunette with the big butt and thick thighs? Pear-Shaped. And the girl with both? Hourglass.
She looked back at the paper, noticing the small excerpt underneath the last option. Notice! It read. Those who show talent with this treatment are susceptible to future employment with the Laurent brand! Sam eyes lit up. She quickly checked the box and hurriedly handed the papers back to the receptionist. She read it over and looked up to Sam as she arrived on the last page. "Aren't you brave?" She joked.
"Yes I am." Sam smiled cheekily.
"500 dollars will be billed to your account next Monday." Said the receptionist. The price made Sam's confidence waver, but she continued to stand proudly. The receptionist pressed a button before speaking into a microphone, asking for a doctor. "Doctor?" Sam repeated.
"It's a very special procedure, and we will only provide you with our best." The receptionist explained, before being interrupted as a door on the right opened up.
"Samantha Hollins?" Asked the doctor, reading the name off a tablet. Sam raised her hand, surprised at how fast she had gotten ready. "I'm Dr. Leia," Explained the Doctor. "Now follow me, this way." Dr. Leia lead Sam through the door, as they both continued down a long hallway. They passed several offices, many other doctors (or what Sam assumed were doctors) typed away on computers. Finally, at the end of the hall, they entered a room that was labeled Treatment Lab. The name made the butterflies in her stomach bounce around even faster.
The room itself was very big, at least 20 foot high ceilings and the walls seemed to padded. This reminded her of the rooms in movies where they put the insane. Her chest slowly began to feel as if it were being constrained by a straightjacket. The doctor lead her to a collection of what looked like medical equipment and a large air tank in the center of the room. "We will begin the procedure shortly," Dr. Leia explained. "I just need you to remove your clothes."
"What?!" Sam gasped. The doctor tilted her head before growing beet red. "Oh, my apologies. I didn't realize how strange that sounded," She adjusted her glasses shakily. "The procedure might make you outgrow your clothes, and it can be dangerous to leave them on. So if you wouldn't mind stripping to your undergarments, that would be very much appreciated." Dr. Leia turned and began typing something onto a nearby laptop. Sam, realizing she was being given some form of privacy, began taking of her clothes. She placed them on a nearby chair in a neat pile, standing awkwardly in her panties and bra before the Doctor turned around.
"Wonderful, now just excuse me as I prepare you for the treatment." Dr. Leia quickly did several things you would expect from a check up at your local clinic; taking her pulse, checking her reflexes, among other things. After that was finished and recorded onto the laptop, Dr. Leia retrieved a hose from the large air tank next to her. "Now I'm going to sound strange again," Dr. Leia twisted the hose in her hand. "But where would you like the hose?"
Sam blushed. "Pardon?"
"It can either be placed through the anus, genitals, or navel." The Doctor explained. "The navel is the easiest but other customers have described it as less... Pleasurable." Dr. Leia chuckled softly.
"Th-the navel, please." Answered Sam shyly. The doctor nodded and fastened a new nozzle onto the end of the hose. "Now this might pinch," Dr. Leia placed the hose into Sam's belly button, making her yelp as it fastened itself in. "The procedure may now," Dr. Leia turned the valve on the tank. "Begin."
Sam felt the cool air rush into her stomach. She nearly lost her footing, it was so shocking. She ran her hand through her long, orange curly hair. The Doctor watched on, typing things away onto her tablet. Sam's hand soon found its way down to her stomach, which felt tight, almost like she had over eaten. She pressed down, and it was indeed taunt. As she pressed down, she felt the air move in her stomach. She moaned softly, quickly slapping both hands over her mouth. "Don't worry," Dr. Leia smiled. "I'd do the same thing."
Sam's stomach began to grow, and she continued to play with it more and more. She soon looked like she was seven months pregnant with twins. She breathed in sharp quick breaths, but they were halted when suddenly the cool air crept up her back. Suddenly, her chest felt tight. Her B cup breasts began to swell, quickly filling her bra. The pressure built, her chest grew, and finally the bra gave in. With a loud snap, the bra fell in shreds to the floor. Finally free of its prison, her chest surged forward, making Sam's entire body jiggle in response.
The cold air had already been filling her behind, but Sam finally noticed once her panties seemed to be growing uncomfortable. She grabbed her small butt, feeling it fill in-between her fingers. Her thighs soon followed, plumbing up as her hips widened. She could no longer walk, only waddle. She did this, her hands switching between her stomach, chest, and butt. She gripped them, pushed them, becoming overwhelmed by the cacophony of senses that was being brought to her. Sooner than expected, her panties snapped. Her hips shot outward in all directions, and her butt and thighs soon began to lose shape. Dr. Leia watched on in interest, seeming impressed at Sam's size.
She continued to swell, and soon enough she could no longer move her legs or arms. Slowly, her back began to round out and her limbs seeped into the globe that was her body. Her legs disappeared, her crotch resting on the floor. She moaned, making her body vibrate, which made her moan even more. She was in complete ecstasy, as she began to grow almost double her height. Dr. Leia was amazed, and quickly turned off the valve as Sam had swelled up to be 15 feet high. "You're incredible!" The Doctor yelled. "We've never had someone whose skin was so elastic!" She was answered by muffled shouts. "Oh, I didn't realize you're probably too big to talk." Dr. Leia reversed the valve, slowly draining the air out of Sam.
As this process continued, Sam stared at the wall in front of her. Her mind raced, going over what just had happened. She never thought that would feel... Feel so good. How tight her skin felt, even how her body swelled when her underwear snapped off, it all felt so incredible. "So," Dr. Leia broke the silence. "How much air would you like me to leave in you?"
"Hm?" Sam couldn't look down, she was still too big.
"Up-top, pear shaped, hourglass..." The doctor trailed off.
"Oh!" Sam realized. "Um, pear shaped."
Dr. Leia giggled. "It looked like you enjoyed that part the most." Sam grew beet red as the Doctor emailed one of her supervisors, saying that they have found the perfect canidae for their position in Paris.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, water
Text: In a world much like ours, in a town much like one you've seen before, there lived two young women, Flora and Jordan. They first met in high school, their friendship sparked by their uncanny similarity to each other, both being fair-skinned blue-eyed brunettes, but as they matured the similarities faded: Flora grew taller, Jordan grew a bit more full-figured; Flora wore her hair long, Jordan cut hers short; Flora developed into responsible and mature young adult, while Jordan... well, you get the idea.
One thing that did not change, however, was their friendship. Their relationship was close, though not so well-defined as to deprive onlookers of the possibility of drawing their own conclusions on how close they really were. As such it came as no surprise that, following college, they both moved into the same house in the suburbs; a nice high-ceiling ranch house with an above-ground pool out back, something which Jordan made use of on occasion when she should have been doing something else. Like now, for example.
Relaxing on the pool chair, Jordan adjusted the strap of her dark blue bikini top and put her hands behind her head. It was a wonderful day to get a tan, and while she did have chores to do they certainly weren't so pressing that they couldn't be put off until later. Honestly, she couldn't think of a better time to relax outside by the pool than when there were more important things to be done. Procrastination just made things sweeter. Everything was perfect.
She licked her lips. Everything was perfect... except that she was thirsty.
This would not do.
No reply.
"Hey," she shouted, a bit louder. "Flora! Can you get me a soda or something?"
Still no reply. She must not be back yet, which meant that she'd have to get something to drink herself. But that would mean getting up, which was completely out of the question.
Her eyes fell on the pool, its liquid contents mocking her need - or want, at least. But that would still require going over to it. It was a shorter trip, but a trip nonetheless, and thus still unthinkable. Looking around the chair, she searched for anything that might be of use. Sandals, pool noodle, suntan lotion, coiled length of garden hose-
Gears turned in her head as she remembered long-forgotten high school physics lessons. Scooping up the hose, she sat up and gripped one end as she gave the rest of it a sidearm toss, watching it unwind in midair along its length before the end landed in the pool with a splash. After jiggling it slightly to straighten it out she raised the end of the hose to her lips and begin to take a series of long pulls, sucking on it with all her might. It took a bit of work, but eventually she was rewarded with a steady flow of cool water. Lying back, she trailed the hose alongside her and placed it in her mouth, swallowing the flow as she mentally patted herself on the back for her ingenuity.
Jordan drank, and drank, and drank, and as she did so a pot belly rose up on her slim form. Reaching down she gave it a slight squeeze, smiling as she felt it swell beneath her fingers. -I get all the water I can drink, and it keeps me cool from the inside,- she thought. -I don't know how people get by when they're not as clever as me.-
As her growth continued she began to feel her belly weigh down on her, and she looked down at herself to find that she had grown to over the size of a volleyball. Keeping the hose in her mouth with one hand Jordan awkwardly pushed herself up into a sitting position, her stomach shifting and sloshing about as she moved. As it settled she watched it slowly continue to grow, her body edging outward inch by inch, the heft of it pressing against her legs and pushing her thighs apart.
So distracted was she by her expansion that she lost track of time, only coming back to reality when she heard Flora shout, "I'm home." Jordan would have replied and stood up to greet her, but she considered the hose to be a far more pressing priority and probably couldn't have stood up without assistance even if she wanted to. Thus, it was up to Flora to find Jordan by the pool, which she did. More precisely, finding her sitting on the edge of the pool chair with a hose between her lips and a stomach two feet across hanging between her legs. "Jordan."
"Mmm?" she replied.
"What are you doing."
Jordan pulled the hose out of her mouth with a soft "pop" and rested it atop her belly, a small waterfall pouring down her to the grass below. "Drinking."
"Out of the pool."
"That's a twenty foot pool."
"...I'm thirsty."
"With six feet of water."
She glanced over at the pool. "I'm really thirsty."
Flora stared at her.
"-Really- thirsty," she said matter-of-factly, putting the end of the hose back in her mouth.
Flora continued to stare at Jordan disapprovingly, hoping that she could, for once, shame her into changing her course of action. Jordan, meanwhile, continued her rythmic drinking oblivious to her friend's scorn.
After a minute or so of fruitless glaring Flora sighed, walking away from Jordan as she rolled up her sleeves. Circling around to the opposite side of the pool, she scanned the base of its wall before spotting the object of her search: A large filtration pump, its motor gently purring away, with a hose coiled up next to it. Flora turned the device off before tugging one of the side tubes free, attaching it to the end of the hose. Picking up the opposite end, she dragged it back around to where Jordan sat, reached into the pool and fished the other end of her hose out of it.
"Mmph!" She pulled the hose from her mouth again. "Hey! I said I was thirsty!"
Ignoring her, Flora screwed both ends together and gestured for Jordan to replace it, which she questioningly did. Returning to the pump, she gave her friend one last look to ensure she was ready before flipping the switch to "HIGH."
The pump roared to life, and Jordan's cheeks bulged out as the initial blast of water hit her, swelling them up to twin softballs on either side of her face. She spent a few seconds trying awkwardly to swallow the torrent before calming down and simply letting it rush down her throat.
The increase in swelling was very visible, and very rapid: In the few moments that the hose had been hooked up to the pump Jordan had grown enough that the bottom of her belly had spilled over the edge of her seat and was beginning to brush against the ground. "Better?" Flora asked, approaching her again.
Jordan let go of the hose briefly to give her a thumbs-up with one hand as she continued to swell outward. Suddenly the water inside her shifted, and she let out a muffled cry as she rolled forward onto her distended form. She rocked back and forth for a few seconds, flailing her legs in an attempt to keep her balance before coming to rest, the hose still between her lips and held firmly in both hands. Looking down over her shoulder, she attempted stretch her leg down in the hopes of touching the ground; no mean feat, as her stomach was three feet high, almost as wide as she was tall and getting bigger by the second.
Flora walked around Jordan and gave the side of her belly a gentle poke, as if testing the elasticity of her skin. Leaning in towards her friend's face to ensure she paid attention to her she asked, "are you going to be fine here without adult supervision?" Jordan nodded vigorously. Flora thought she heard an "mm-hmm" but wasn't entirely sure. "All right," she replied, straightening up. "If you need anything I'll be inside paying off our massive water bill."
She looked down at the rest of Jordan and did a double-take. In the short time between the question, the reply and her snarky one-liner she had grown another foot across, nearly brushing up against the side of her legs; had she continued to stand there it was likely that she would have been bowled over. Again. Still, she still couldn't help but be at least somewhat impressed. Giving her friend a quick pat on the side, she turned and headed towards the house.
* - * - *
"Flooooooora!" Jordan shouted. "You can turn off the pump now!"
Setting her pencil down, Flora pushed herself away from her desk and headed for the back door. "Drained the pool, have we?" she asked, opening the patio door.
The sarcasm was completely lost on Jordan. "Come and seeeeee!"
...and see she did. Jordan looked, for the lack of a better term, like she was lying atop a massive flesh-colored water balloon, flattened slightly by its own weight. Her belly was nearly fifteen feet across, somewhat smaller than the pool in terms of girth but compensated for in height, towering over three feet above Flora's head. "Oh, so you have."
Jordan beamed. "Darn tootin'." She let out a low, rumbling belch and patted her stomach, the surface wobbling slightly. "'scuse me. Hey, how big do you think I am?"
Flora turned off the pump and walked back towards Jordan's enormous mass. She held out her arms for comparison, trying to gauge her size. "I don't know. Pretty huge."
"Naw, this isn't huge. I still have room, you know."
"Well, I hope you're satisfied," she said, giving her a look.
Jordan sighed, spreading her limbs and resting her head on her bulk. "I am. I think I crushed the pool chair, though."
"As well as part of the pool."
"Oh." She pushed herself up and looked towards the ground in a vain attempt to survey the damage. "Whoops."
"You know, for a girl who can suck an entire pool through a garden hose, you had some awful luck with-"
Jordan pointed an accusing finger at Flora. "Don't you dare finish that sentence."
"I'm merely making an observation."
"Well, go make observations somewhere else," she said, "because I have sunbathing to catch up on." With that she lay back down, supported by a stomach bloated to an impossible size by countless gallons of water.
* - * - *
It was some time later, just as Jordan was drifting off to sleep, that she felt something cold and hard being propped up against her side. Craning her neck over her shoulder, she spotted Flora in a red one-piece bathing suit scaling her belly via a ladder. Reaching the top she stood up and kicked the ladder away, sending it to the ground with a clatter. "Hey, what's going on back there?" Jordan asked.
Without a word Flora crossed Jordan's swollen form, her feet sinking into her friend's body with every step. "It's a nice day out," she said, sitting down beside her, "so I thought I might join you." Holding out a can she asked, "care for a soda?"
"Ooh, thanks," Jordan replied, taking it. "I was getting a little thirsty."
"...and us without a second pool," Flora deadpanned.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Hourglass Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, club, detective, fetish, genetic, gumshoe, investigator, New York, PI, private eye, sci-fi, science fiction
Text: "A private investigator?" the checkout girl asked. "You mean like in the old movies?"
"Yeah," I sighed, leaving with my bourbon. "Only not like in the old movies."
I get this a fair amount. People seem to think that because Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade are fictional characters, then PIs themselves must be fantasy, too. I'm starting to think they're right. There are an alarming number of people who treat me like I don't exist. And yet, there's my name on the door: Rick McGuffin, Private Investigations.
I'll spare you the life story, but a few years on both sides of the law led me to a place where I can find out things that other people can't. An old friend here, a few hunches there, some slicing skills, a nanocom, the willingness to actually do research – it can pay off, or at least pay the bills. I can think of worse careers. Just not too many.
As you probably know, New York is weird. Greenwich Village proves it all on its own, but there are so many little pockets of peculiar in this town that it would be tough to say who's in the lead on any given day. And somewhere near the turn of the 21st century, it got even weirder. Mother Nature is a whore, but Big Science is her pimp; together they created everything I never wanted to see outside my second-floor office above St. Mark's Place. Honestly, I miss the piercings and tattoos – they were quaint next to the weird shit walking the streets now.
After the whole ecosystem-domino-effect-thing, nobody was surprised when we saw the first mutations – or "traits," if you want to be polite to the aberrations. Yet instead of being shunned, those who developed traits were celebrated as celebrities. Well, at least, the ones who got cool shit were. Green skin, extra vocal cords, the occasional extra finger or toe...basically, stuff that was uselessly unique yet also gave them their 15 seconds of fame. And when Mother Nature couldn't crank out new biological fashion trends fast enough, Big Science took over the mass production. Recreational gene-splicing quickly made "defaults" antique; those not lucky enough to have tiny wings or iridescent pupils could easily roll their own freakshow. And now, everybody's special. Ain't that America.
The genetically mutated and the genetically modified came to be "gems," with only "natural" or "synths" denoting how they got to the other side of human. I had my own term for them: "Traitors." For one, it was funnier. And B, their rise to prominence is as good a reason to drink as any of my others. 2.
As a PI, I spend too much time in my office for it to be profitable. Actually, "office" is giving it too much credit. I work in a 10-foot-square box with a cracked window that lets the pollution seep in. It's rent-controlled so it hasn't been upgraded in several decades, unless you count the duct tape.
Normally I wouldn't take a VIM call that interrupted a lunch from Curry Burger, but the incoming tag said it was from Gwen. She hadn't called in seven months, so I made the exception, because Gwen is exceptional. I pushed the "food" aside, wiped my mouth, and touched the Answer icon.
"Hi, Gwen." I tried to sound normal. I have no idea if I pulled it off. "Hi, Rick." The screen didn't do her justice; it couldn't capture her sparkling blue eyes or golden hair the way my memory did. But it was all over her gorgeous face: This was awkward. I had hoped this was the call that would make everything go back to the way it was. It obviously wasn't.
I realized an uncomfortable silence was no way to win her back. "What's up?"
"Rick...Cynthia's missing."
Cynthia and Gwen were always close, long before they came to New York with the standard dreams of fame and fortune. Opposites attract; Gwen tended to be demure and shy, while Cynthia was challenging and overt. Cynthia was sharp, too; she'd even helped me run interference on a few cases. I'd flirted with both girls, but only fell in love with one.
"Missing? C'mon," I blurted out. "She's busy. She's probably just focused on the premiere."
"Rick." Gwen went from merely uncomfortable to legitimately insulted – and frightened. I immediately regretted my tone.
"It's been three days now. No VIMs, no messages, and she didn't show up last night. She hasn't been home and nobody's seen her at the theater, either. Something's happened."
The city was always dangerous, especially for an attractive young thing like Cynthia. I was now concerned, but tried not to show it. "When was the last time you talked to her?"
"Monday night. When I didn't hear from her in-between, I figured she was just crashing at the theater, exhausted from rehearsals. You know. But she's never missed our Thursday dinner."
"All right," I said, trying to sound reassuring. "Look – don't panic. I've got a few things I can check. I'll call you as soon as I find anything."
"Rick..." She looked like she was going to say something, then stopped herself. "Thank you," she said, and looked away.
"No problem," I said, after my own uncomfortable pause. "Thank you" wasn't what I was really hoping to hear, but it would have to do. 3.
I double-checked everything Gwen told me; unfortunately, it was all true. A friend at the security company confirmed that Cynthia's last biometric entry was Monday morning when she locked the door. Well, at least Cynthia's biometric handprint locked the door. Anything's possible. This is New York. I switched tactics and started slicing. A routine image recognition hack – checking Cynthia's photo against a real-time security camera database – paid off quicker than I could have hoped. Problem was, it didn't make any sense. Like a lot of other theater people, Cynthia lived in Hell's Kitchen, but I spotted her on multiple cams way the hell down near the Franklin Street subway station – a good three miles away. That wasn't Cynthia's part of town.
What's worse, I knew whose part of town it was. Whatever your damage might be, you could be sure there was a trendy underground hotspot somewhere in the city for your claim to genetic shame – and most of them were scattered in the blocks below Canal Street. Home to many celebrities over the years, lower Manhattan had always attracted the affluent and the arrogant – and traitors, having enough money to play God with themselves, fit right in. Tribeca was lousy with them. And that's where images of Cynthia kept popping up, on three different days since she'd gone missing.
You know that feeling of dread you get in the pit of your stomach when you know something's going to go bad? This is the first time it actually kicked in for me on this case. It wouldn't be the last. 4.
Just to be thorough – and to avoid visiting Tribeca until I absolutely had to – I visited their apartment building to triple-check in person, then reluctantly hopped the 2 train from Times Square down to Franklin. I almost didn't hear the maglev signals at the subway platform because I was fascinated by a young girl – couldn't have been more than 16 – sporting a blonde pony tail. I mean, literally, the tail of a pony, flowing out over the back of her jeans. Little girls with rich daddies used to ask for a horse; now, they just wanted the hooves.
The light was already fading when I emerged at Franklin Street. The cluster of camera sightings were focused around the same three-block area, so I took up residence in a java joint on the corner of Varick and quietly made my coffee Irish. I kept one eye on the street and one on my nanocom, watching for any new matches from the security cameras.
I wound up using both. I got a beep that reported two image matches roughly a block and a half away and heading in my direction. Several seconds later, she walked right by the coffee shop window – and if I wasn't looking for Cynthia, I might not have recognized her. Rubber leggings weren't what I expected, and the metallic silver jacket didn't exactly make it look like she was hiding, but I got enough of a look at her face and her trademark auburn hair to know it was really her. She didn't spot me, so I tapped my nanocom on the corner of the table to pay and quickly slipped out the front door.
I knew I had a positive ID, but if the wardrobe didn't throw me, the body language sure was confusing – and distracting. She moved with an exaggerated swagger I'd only seen her use on stage, like she wanted people to notice her. I didn't mind the view, but I had to look fast – wherever she was headed, she was headed there in a hurry.
Turns out the chase didn't last long. Just a block away, she knocked on the side door of a building; she muttered something and they let her in. By the time I reached the door, it was sealed up tight again, but I did notice the small security panel mounted next to the door – a high-end audio/video/biometric deal. Whoever Cynthia was there to see, they weren't very inviting. Twilight had set in, so I headed across the street to a small bar for surveillance and spirits. Bourbon in hand, I took a seat by the window, set my nanocom's mic to parabolic and aimed it at the door across the street. The building was an old decommissioned firehouse, something of a local landmark; Cynthia had entered through what had been the side staff entrance, and I doubted that the main garage doors had been opened for a good decade.
After about 10 minutes, a pedestrian with half his hair carefully shaved to look extremely random knocked on the door through my earpiece.
"I think you've made a mistake," said a voice through the speaker.
"To err is human," said the pedestrian.
I heard a soft beep and a click as the door opened. Hilarious Haircut ducked inside. Click, two beeps. Five minutes later, the same exchange and entry was repeated for Blonde With More Money Than Taste.
Sounded easy enough. 5.
It was properly dark now, which only made me feel more daring. The bourbon hadn't hurt my confidence, either. I approached the door.
The speaker clicked. "I think you've made a mistake," said the voice.
"To err is human," I said.
The lock clicked and the door pushed open easily. I slipped inside.
"Welcome," said an impossibly large man in an impossibly large black t-shirt. His muscles had muscles. "You're among friends."
It was almost as dark inside as it was outside. The firehouse had been converted to a nightclub – and by the looks of it, the conversion had been hasty. I gingerly took a few steps on a nearby ramp that led to the landing above, hoping to get a better sense of the place, if not a glimpse of Cynthia.
A series of seemingly haphazard ramps – accent on the hazard – led up three, maybe four stories, offering a clear view of the sea of people on the ground floor, none of whom seemed willing to get too far from the bar near the door. I scanned the crowd for a silver jacket but didn't see it. Pink hair here, cat eyes there...frankly, not as many traits as I'd expected to see. But hey, at least I was among friends, right?
As I climbed another ramp, it became clear that the upper floors were designed as semi-private meeting areas. Small groups of people gathered around sofas and tables, chatting, smiling. Form-fitting synthetics seemed to be the dress code; I became aware that I was one of the few not wearing at least one item made of latex or lycra. That, and everybody seemed eerily happy. That just made me more suspicious. This was New York, after all.
I spotted a flash of silver and auburn when I hit the third floor; Cynthia was holding court around a coffee table with no coffee on it. Instead, it supported some sort of high-tech hookah pipe, a bouquet of hoses stemming from a vase-shaped base. She spotted me and smiled. "Riiiick," she purred, drawing out the vowel sound with a fake tone of surprise. "Fancy meeting you here." She was performing, and her costume for this show was more elaborate than I thought. A red latex halter corset contrasted with the shiny black leggings.
"Long time no see, Cynthia," I replied, trying not to sound as uncomfortable as I felt. "Do you come here often, or for days at a time?"
She pressed her lips together in a humorless smile and turned to her audience. "Would you excuse us?" They smiled back and, wordlessly, rose to leave. I caught a glimpse of some epic cleavage from one of the blondes and a generous sweetheart bottom on one of the brunettes as they sashayed by.
"What's with the disappearing act? Gwen's been going crazy," I said.
"Well, she must have been utterly out of her mind if she decided to call you," she snapped back. We'd sparred before – she was smart, and I loved a challenge – but instead of the usual playful and sarcastic, her tone was now egotistical and mean. I wondered if this was an act. Then I wondered if she'd been acting up until now. "Can't a girl go on a little adventure without having her surrogate mother sic her ex-boyfriend on her?"
"Is that where we are? Adventureland?"
She paused a moment. "Yes," she replied smugly. "I'm impressed you found your way in. Do you even know where you are?"
Her arrogance brought out my sarcasm. "I'm surrounded by traitors in a club that appears to have been constructed without any regard to health and safety ordinances."
"The term you're looking for is 'gem,'" she said, with the correcting tone of an elementary schoolteacher. "And if you don't behave yourself, I'll have the one of my partners throw you out."
"How many partners do you have? I've always wondered."
She looked stung for a moment – score one for Rick – but it passed quickly. She waved for an overmuscled waiter and nodded for him to bring drinks. "We built Aufblas for people a bit more...enlightened than yourself."
"You built what?"
She pointed to a glowing sign near the bar. "The Aufblas Bar. It's German. And it's where you are, stupid."
"Oh, it's German. That's a relief. For a minute I thought your tongue had swollen up."
Something flickered across Cynthia's eyes; she blinked slowly and recovered. "You really have no idea, do you?"
The bulging waiter appeared with a pair of drinks – some clear liquid in a martini glass, and some brown in a tumbler – and Cynthia motioned for me to sit. I cautiously accepted the seat and the bourbon. "Here's what I do know. You're hiding in plain sight as part-owner of a gem bar, and I can't figure out why." She didn't react, so I decided to stand down. "Is everything okay?" Still no reaction. "Is this about Gwen?" She rolled her eyes over her martini. "Rick, everything is not about Gwen. For everyone's sake, let it go."
"Well, what's this all about?"
Cynthia paused for a moment, then sighed heavily. "I'm just tired of not living life on my terms," she said. "I still live in someone else's apartment. I perform in someone else's show. My choices have all been compromises – and I came to realize that all I was really choosing was who would set my limits. I didn't like that. So I finally decided to choose something else. On my terms."
"You ran away."
"I took some time for myself," she corrected, "for something important."
The awkward pause told me everything I needed to know. I added another, then asked, "Are you a traitor?"
She laughed in exasperation. "Are you a bigot?"
"No! But I don't think there's any shame in being normal."
"Look, I don't know why you've always felt threatened," she said crossly. "People got all concerned about natural gems, but it was just the same cosmic joke with a twist – same planet, same problems. They still didn't get to choose anything. But synths...they get the best of both worlds. All the choice and total control."
"So you're saying you had work done?" I shrugged, retreating to my bourbon. "Okay, you've got a new life. No reason to hide from your old one."
"Don't pretend you approve," she barked. "You think this is all a fad, a fashion trend."
On cue, a girl with rainbow eyebrows walked past our table. "Cyn. Come on."
"It's more, Rick, for some of us," she said, lowering her tone. "We can become our wildest dreams. Why not be what you've always wanted to be?"
"I am what I want to be," I said defensively.
"Really?" she said sarcastically. "Spying on unfaithful spouses? Living alone? Pining after the one that got away?"
That hurt enough to make me pause. "I'll do my best not to mistake that for a compliment."
"I didn't mean...I'm sorry," she said earnestly. "I'm trying to say...it doesn't have to be that way. You're a good guy, Rick. You can make a change, too."
"I don't think a trait is going to make me feel better."
"Depends on the trait," she said with a smile. Things were lightening up, but I felt better conferring with the contents of my glass.
"Cynthia," I mused aloud, shaking my head with a smirk. "Accent on the synth."
"Speaking of which," she said, "I don't think you know which rabbit hole you've tumbled down yet. Aufblas serves a specific clientele. So, mister detective – detect."
Her eyes darted to a point behind me, and she gestured for my eyes to follow.
At the bar, a raven-haired woman in an elastic green minidress chatted with a blonde man in a black latex tank top who looked like he lived in the gym. His left hand rested on her exaggerated hip, and she didn't mind that he was practically having a conversation with her oversized rack. A very shapely brunette approached the couple, welcomed by each with a kiss, as her skin took on a purple hue.
I turned back to Cynthia. "Muscleheads and whores?"
She sighed. "A demonstration, then." She leaned forward to select a hose from the vase on the table; as she pulled it, it extended several feet from its base. Cynthia paused, almost solemnly. "All of our choices shape us," she said. "Some more literally than others."
She put the hose between her lips, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. Her silver jacket adjusted itself as her lungs expanded...and they didn't seem to stop. I watched as the shoulder straps on her corset shifted and her cleavage deepened. She'd grown two cup sizes before releasing the hose from her lips. They now formed a blissful smile, and she reluctantly opened her eyes.
In a sultry voice that made it clear she'd just had a very pleasant personal experience, she whispered, "Are you sure...that a trait...can't make you happy?" 6.
I wasn't sure what to say. A friend I'd known for years suddenly sucked on a straw just turned herself on by blowing herself up like a balloon. Well, two balloons. I had to admit – witnessing the moment and seeing the results affected my breathing, too. I tried to play it off. "That looked...fulfilling."
"Oh, I'm far from full," she replied, folding her arms behind her head to bring her breasts up to full prominence. She was flirting with all the subtlety of a sledgehammer. I spotted what looked like a tiny valve near her armpit; I decided not to ask. "But as you can see, my trait brings pleasure to myself as well as others. Now I have choice and control." I felt distracted and stupid. "So..." I couldn't believe I was going to say this out loud. "You're inflatable." This explained her swagger on the street. With freshly exaggerated curves, she was probably still getting accustomed to walking with rounder hips and thighs.
"It's one of the newest traits, just cleared a few months ago," she said, smiling at her own cleavage. "I started saving up for the splice as soon as I heard it was in development."
"And this isn't a fad."
"No," she said, taking a distractingly deep breath. "It's something I've always wanted – long before it was possible, even," she said, a hint of shyness creeping in. "But it was just something I felt, a fantasy I couldn't explain. It's still kind of a naughty thrill to be able to talk about it, let alone live it. The sense of pressure...gives me a sense of power."
Well, there was nothing for me to say to that. Back to the bourbon, which seemed to be kicking in.
"It certainly won't hurt my theatrical career," she added, gesturing at her curves. "They don't hide girls who look like this in the chorus."
"I guess not."
"After the splice, I had a little money left over, so I invested here. I like to think of it as the ultimate growth market." She smiled, and raised her drink in a mock toast. "At Aufblas, our bouncers actually bounce."
"So you're all a bunch of loonies."
"Times have changed, Rick," she said, letting the insult go. I guess she could tell the booze was starting to talk for me. "Actually, the whole world has changed around you. I'd hate to see it leave you behind."
"Look, I may be surprised now, but I am...happy for you," I sighed.
"You can be happy for you, too," she said, sliding a fingertip down the side of her breast. "We both know what you like."
It took all I had to ignore that and continue. "But Gwen doesn't deserve this silent treatment. You guys are like sisters. Why leave her out?"
"I told you," she said, sliding around the sofa toward me. "I'm finally truly free to make my own choices, and I don't want anything – or anyone – getting in the way." She leaned forward, playing her pair of queens even closer to my vest as I tried to blink the bourbon away. "This is a fresh start for me, and I know exactly what I want this time." She put her hand on my hand, then put my hand on her thigh. I didn't want to enjoy it as much as I did, but the booze had removed a lot of my better judgment.
"I know we've both wondered what might have happened between us, Rick. And we both know we're a good team. This can be a fresh start for you, too. Besides...I've already admitted I have control issues." I felt something stroke my crotch. "Looks like you're having a few yourself."
Cynthia had definitely made things harder than I'd expected tonight.
"You know, the straws aren't the only way to fill up," she whispered. "I can show you the others, but not out here. How do I arrange a...private investigation?"
My head was swimming; Cynthia had been replaced by a hazy pair of red lips floating over two round hills. "Cyn," I slurred, "I don't feel so good."
"Well, it's about time," she said in an echo chamber. "It should have kicked in ten minutes ago."
Everything went dark. 7.
"Welcome back."
I slowly regained consciousness. My head felt like a battleground. Opening my eyes seemed like a bad idea just yet, but I was pretty sure that I was sitting, and that I was hearing Cyn's voice.
"Did we enjoy our little nap?" The voice came closer. "You certainly can hold your liquor, Rick. Probably someone else's too."
I wanted to shoot back with something witty but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a cough and a moan.
"I'll take that to mean 'Where am I,'" Cynthia said, "and that's a fair question. You've been upgraded to one of our elite private rooms here at the club. Consider yourself a special guest."
"I've never been so sorry to be on the guest list," I croaked, still squinting. "Do you always drug your VIPs?"
"Actually, most of them prefer to self-medicate," she said nonchalantly. Through cloudy eyes and dim light I could see she was still wearing the black latex outfit, and the extra curves that filled it. "But I am sorry about that. It seemed the best way to get the job done."
When I went to rub my eyes, I found I couldn't move my arms. My wrists had been bound behind me; I guessed from the feel that they were magnetic cuffs. "Cyn, look...I said I was fine with whatever changes you've chosen. You want to get gemmed, fine – you don't need to hold me hostage."
"That's such an unpleasant word," she replied. "Think of yourself as a guest so valued that I've employed deluxe measures to ensure your security."
"And since when did I become so special?"
"You always were," she purred. My eyes had fully focused now. Cynthia was straddling a backwards chair about five feet in front of me, arms folded on its back. With her legs spread wide, it was clear she was still in a suggestive mood, and the way her shiny legs caught the dim light, it appeared that she'd added some air to herself while I was knocked out. Her hips and bottom flared with an extra voluptuousness as she leaned forward into the chair's back.
"Cyn," I said, "I hate to ruin your mysterious master plan with logic, but if Gwen asked me to find you, don't you think she'll notice when I disappear too?"
"I doubt it. For one, you haven't exactly been on the best of terms."
"And for two," said another voice, "I've noticed."
From the dark side of the room, Gwen appeared. I tried not to reveal just how surprised I was to see her stride out from the shadows. She wore a high-necked, hot-pink minidress with a cyan leather waist cincher decorated with silver buckles. It was as if Barbie decided to go to a ren faire in the 1980s. I was at a loss for words as my mind tried to process everything, so Gwen continued. "Thank you so much for finding Cynthia," she said with a faux sweetness. "She said that after a little acting coaching, I could get you to do anything I asked."
"Gwen," I said, stupidly. I could only articulate a single word: "Why?"
"Cynthia was telling the truth, you know," she said, strutting over to where Cyn sat and running her finger down her friend's back, which caused them both to smile. "You always have been special. While the rest of the world looks for ways to improve themselves and their lives, you...well, you never have." Cynthia rose from her chair and walked into the dark of the room. Gwen locked her eyes to mine. "So set in your ways. So locked into your narrow view of the world. You've always wanted things your way or not at all." She broke the stare and glanced at the floor. "It's one of the reasons, you know."
Cynthia returned with something in her hands, and Gwen met her gaze. "I needed someone more...flexible."
They both smiled again, and I felt even more foolish. When the hell did this happen? And why was I never invited?
Cynthia held up a silver canister, a few inches long and about an inch thick. After Gwen gave a quick nod of permission, Cynthia moved behind Gwen, wrapped her arms around her midsection, and softly but firmly fitted the end of the cylinder through the buckles of Gwen's waist cincher. Gwen gasped slightly after its soft click, and I heard the canister emit a hollow hiss.
With Cynthia's arms keeping the canister connected, Gwen's hands traveled up her ribcage to where her chest had started to visibly expand. Eyes closed, Gwen caressed her swelling breasts, straining against the spandex as they inflated into taut spheres. Her hips and ass followed, flaring below the waist cincher into soft but generous arcs. After about 20 seconds, Gwen's hourglass now measured at least 90 minutes.
Cynthia disengaged the cylinder with a click and a yank, causing Gwen to gasp again. "I told you the straws weren't the only way," she said matter-of-factly.
This all went against everything I'd known, everything I'd ever believed. Cynthia, I could understand – she was always a wild child, and I figured it was only a matter of time before she went traitor. But Gwen...standing before me, feeling herself up. She slowly – torturously – explored her pneumatic curves in front of me, smoothing her hands down her luciously rounded ass and up to her extraordinarily inflated chest. Her waist remained pinched, but her bust looked ready to bust.
"It's amazing," Gwen finally said, a bit dreamily. "The navel...is intense."
I felt completely disoriented. My reality had been replaced with a bizarre substitute. Gwen had never so much as hinted that she wanted to be a gem; had she really been harboring this desire all along? Or had Cynthia gotten to her and made her think she wanted it? It was a little too convenient. I couldn't stop turning it over in my head, even though it was moot. The woman in front of me was now an exaggerated parody of the one I used to know – or thought I knew – and she seemed transfixed by her own inflated body.
I hated to admit it, but so was I. Seeing the girl of my dreams and her flirty best friend pump themselves up into sexy cartoon versions of themselves before my eyes ranks up there as downright inhumane. We'd all been friends long enough that they knew my preferences for curves; this was clearly intentional torture. So while my hands were literally and figuratively tied, other parts of my body were free to react on instinct.
Cynthia was clearly getting her own satisfaction from Gwen's pre-orgasmic state, but she snapped her attention back to me. "Anyway. I finally realized – well, we both did – that your stubbornness was actually a benefit," she said. "With all your biases, you would never try anything new, never change, and certainly never upgrade yourself. And that was valuable in its own way."
I saw where she was going and I got there first. "Genbanks."
I'd heard stories about what happened in the genetic underground – terrible, inhumane stories. Traits can't be created without uncorrupted control data, and they can't be tested without live subjects. The stories about kidnappings of potential donors. Experiments once they were tapped. Cages for all involved. The genbanks said they were all urban legends, but when people disappear and never return, you have to give them some credence. And this is the fate Cynthia and Gwen had planned for me.
"There are parties looking for clean samples," Cynthia said with a nod. "Parties with enough money to recoup the cost of my upgrades, my investment in this place, and then some. So you're gold, Rick. You're not only a pure specimen, you're the only truly unmodified person I know. You don't even have a tattoo." She looked me up and down. "While you were out, I checked."
"I'm glad I meet your lofty standards, fraulein," I snarled.
"Oh, don't you dare," Cynthia replied with disgust, her swollen hips swaying with every angry step toward me. "The guy who snap-judges people based on their genetics plays the hundred-year-old Hitler card? Spare me. What color is your girlfriend's hair again?"
"I'm not his girlfriend," said Gwen suddenly. Wherever her inflation had taken her, she was now returning to reality – whichever one I was suddenly in. But despite her villainous bravado speech before, she had trouble making eye contact with me now.
"They're not my standards anyway," said Cynthia, turning with a squeak to give me the impressive rear view. "Our contact was very specific. We don't get paid unless we deliver what we promised."
"So draw some blood already," I said angrily. "Get it over with." I could accept losing – I was used to it – but I was getting tired of fruitlessly tugging at the magnetic cuffs keeping me in place, and I just wanted this strangely erotic nightmare to be over already.
"Not good enough," Gwen said, getting back into what I started to suspect was a character. "A few of your hairs were enough for pre-screening, but they insisted on payment in full, as it were."
"The whole manchilada," said Cynthia with a self-satisfied smirk. "And they wanted a live specimen. I think they've got very special plans for you, Rick." Gwen leaned toward me, overtly presenting her pressurized cleavage. "Besides," she said, cupping her taut breasts and giving them a squeeze. "You can understand why we'd want to stay away from needles." 8.
I heard three deliberately timed knocks on the door, and Cynthia disappeared into the shadows. When she opened the door, I briefly saw the hulking silhouettes of two of the club's bodyguards. A few moments later they stepped into the light. "Time to go," said Cynthia.
One of the bouncers – a foot taller than me and roughly twice my width – waved a metal wand over my cuffs and they noiselessly separated from each other. As I stood, the cuffs alone felt fairly heavy, and I didn't have time to rub my sore arms before Mr. Massive yanked them behind my back again, reactivating the magnetic field. My wrists slammed together again with a clank. A quick shove from his pal Mr. Imposing let me know that the bouncers' bulges weren't entirely for show; they might have added inflatable traits to fit in at the club, but they also had a few muscle upgrades lurking underneath.
Cynthia led the way out of the room and down a long, dim corridor; I guessed were in a basement below the firehouse. The two thugs shoved me into the hallway behind her, then took up either position behind me – like prison guards escorting a doomed man. I didn't see Gwen but I assumed she was following after I heard the door close and lock behind us. The lighting was dungeon-worthy, but it was enough for me to see Cynthia's red hair cascade over her shoulders and the racy curves of her undulating hips. I really hated that I really liked what I was seeing. So round, so firm, so fully packed – I supposed it was easy to get a figure that would drive men wild when you could simply squeeze a bulb to get it. It was bad enough that I'd never seriously pursued Cynthia because of my devotion to Gwen; now that I'd blown both chances, it was as if Cyn was almost literally rubbing it in my face.
She paused at a door in the hallway. "I don't want the club seeing him," she said to the bouncers."Take him to the alley exit and I'll meet you in a moment. Gwen, stay with them." Cynthia ducked inside the room as we marched past. Imposing prodded me to hang a right at the upcoming intersection.
Now, I don't know if anybody's up there – Jesus, Buddha, Hendrix, Yoda, whatever. After all the weird, sad crap I've seen down here in the material world, I tend to think that nobody's driving the bus. But every so often, I catch an unbelievably lucky break, and one day I hope I find out if there's someone I should be thanking. Because at that precise moment, I knew I owed somebody a nice gift basket.
As we turned the corner, I felt my cuffs demagnetize. Massive and Imposing were hired because they were, well, massive and imposing, but they probably couldn't spell the name of an IQ test, let alone pass one. So it didn't occur to Massive that keeping the maglock wand clipped to the front of his belt would put it close enough to my cuffs to set me free. It was silent when the field disengaged, but I felt it, and struggled to keep my arms in position to keep up appearances. I saw another hallway up ahead, and I hoped that adrenaline would get me through what I felt was my only chance.
I took a deep breath and, with an audible grunt of effort, spun to my left as fast as I could, swinging my heavy, cuffed right wrist up straight into the side of Massive's face. I heard something crack and he recoiled. Before Imposing had a chance to react, I used my momentum to spin all the way around for another swing, this time with both wrists together, and plowed the cuffs into Imposing's temple. He went down like a sack of genetically modified potatoes, bouncing slightly as he hit the ground. Massive was still clutching the left side of his face when I delivered an uppercut on my third rotation. He staggered back and toppled over — slamming into a shrieking Gwen, who quickly crumpled under his weight, pinned beneath a few hundred pounds of unconscious thug.
I didn't know much about the inflation trait, but I knew this much about normal balloons: You can add air, you can subtract air, and if it's not pumped to the max, you can displace the air inside. When Massive landed on Gwen's hips and legs, the air shifted, creeping up her torso with an ominous hiss. Gwen's chest rapidly filled her bubblegum pink dress as it strained to contain them. "Oh fuck," she cried, watching her breasts overinflate like the enormous balloons they had become. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna pop!"
I didn't want to see that happen to the girl I'd once loved...so I turned and ran. This was my only opportunity to save myself from a very real future of scientific slavery, so I yanked the maglock from Massive's belt and bolted around the corner. Somewhere down one of these hallways was an exit. 9.
I quickly got lost in a maze of dark corridors. As I passed door after dimly-lit door, I tried not to think about what I'd just done, or what kind of deviance lay inside the private suites I was passing. But as desperately as I needed to run, I needed to get these heavy cuffs off first. The adrenaline from the fight was wearing off and arms were now screaming in pain just from the dead metal weight hanging from my wrists. I finally spotted a room with its door ajar and ducked inside.
I had trouble processing the sight that lay before me. The center of the room was dominated by some sort of examination table, with a more traditional bed to the right; both featured bondage straps. There was some sort of rubber sack/cocoon/deflated ball thing nearby; I didn't want to know any more about it. Three gas cylinders holding who knows what lined one wall; a rolling cart with various pumps, squeeze bulbs, and small silver canisters sat next to them. A hazmat suit, a gas mask, and various clichéd Halloween costumes ranging from schoolgirl to policeman to nun hung on a rack in the corner; most looked to be made of stretchable fabric. I think I even saw an inflatable horse outfit. There must have been several dozen hoses and tubes of various sizes all around the room – slinking out of the ceiling, snaking out of wall outlets, never more than a few inches away from just about any object in the room. Everything was polished, curved, and smooth; it looked like a science lab pretending to be a bordello. The smell of latex was strong and heady; I wondered if they were pumping it in through the vents. I'd found the weirdest, kinkiest, most deluxe suite for inflation perverts.
I sat on the edge of the bed (an air mattress, of course) and fiddled with the settings on the maglock. After keying in a standard override code, the cuffs sprang open and clanked to the floor. I winced and rubbed my tortured wrists.
"Put those back on," barked Cynthia. I hadn't seen or heard her come in; I probably should have shut the door behind me, but I was in a bit of a rush. That didn't change the fact that she was now leveling a pistol at me.
"Cynthia, this is stupid."
"Not as stupid as you thinking I wouldn't see your little adventure in the hallways." She closed the door with her free hand, never lowering her weapon. "Cameras," she said, gesturing to a dome in the corner of the ceiling. "And I bet that's how you tracked me down in the first place, wasn't it? Good old irony."
"Cyn, you can't do this!"
"Already done," she said, sauntering slowly toward me with those hips, her outstretched arm pressing her bulbous right breast into her bulging left. "The nice men from the genbank are waiting for their package. All that's left to is to deliver what they ordered and collect my credits. So let's go."
"What about Gwen?"
"She doesn't care about you, Rick. Get up."
"I mean, is she okay?"
"So now you care, after you heroically ran away from your true love because you thought she was going to explode?" she snarled. "She's resting. And she'll see that was nothing – she's going to be able to get much bigger than that." Goddammit – another cruel mental image. I wished she'd just shoot me.
"There has to be some way we can work this out."
"No," she said flatly. "It works out by you getting those cuffs back on and marching outside, and me not messing up the nice walls of this room with your brains."
I knew she was bluffing. She said it herself: If the genbank was promised a live sample, I was worthless as a corpse. But I didn't really see many options at the moment, so I gingerly put a cuff back on my left wrist. When I grimaced, it wasn't an act.
"It must be killing you," she said with a cruel smile. "Seeing the new her, the new me – seeing us together, even – and knowing that you will never have either of us, never be able to enjoy any of the things we can do now."
A wave of the maglock secured the cuff to my wrist, and it was at that moment that I realized...I was going to owe Yoda another gift basket.
I picked up the other cuff, slammed it on Cynthia's right arm, and bashed her hand with the maglock, simultaneously locking the cuff and making her drop the pistol. With another quick wave of the wand, the two cuffs clanked together as a pair, but an angry shove from Cynthia threw me off balance, and together we tumbled onto the bed, chained at the wrists.
Cynthia tried to pull her arm out of the cuff, but she was more likely to pull her arm out of its socket. Realizing it was fruitless, she simply went for my throat with her free hand, forcing my windpipe closed. I gagged for a few seconds, then with a burst of adrenaline, rolled her onto her back. I pinned her thigh to the bed with my knee and pulled her claws away from my throat with a gasp.
Her hips flared out suddenly as her derriere pressed against the bed; as with Gwen, the rest of the displaced air shot up her torso and into her already augmented chest. Her breasts surged, creating inches of new cleavage barely contained by the corset. She gasped at the sudden change but kept blindly flailing with her free arm, desperate to do any damage she could, until I pinned her wrist next to her ear.
We were still cuffed together – I'd fumbled the maglock when we hit the bed – but at least now I had some physical leverage. I realized I needed to incapacitate her before she turned the tables again.
And then I remembered Cynthia's reaction to the straws, and Gwen's to the canisters.
I grabbed for one of the closest hoses surrounding the bed, which turned out to be connected to a breathing mask. When I forced it down over Cynthia's face, I heard a click from the other side of the room as the respirator activated. She savaged me with brutal left hooks the moment I released her arm, so I threw my elbow down on her forearm and managed to keep the mask clamped over her nose and mouth.
When the hissing began, I didn't see Cynthia start to inflate – I felt it. With my whole body covering hers, I instantly felt her hips begin to grow beneath me, while her chest slowly pressed harder against mine. She struggled at first and her eyes shot open, but then she screwed them shut as I heard her moan behind the mask. The red rubber cups of the corset's top stretched to accommodate her ballooning breasts; her hardened nipples poked at me through the latex. I struggled to stay on top of her as her ass continued to swell, forcing her pelvis up into mine.
I had hoped that by blowing Cynthia up, I might be able to shut her down. Sure enough, as the air flowed in, her resistance leaked out. Her writhing beneath me now had a different, deliberate tempo to it, and her latex tights pinged and creaked as they tried to keep up with her rapidly swelling form.
I lunged for another nearby hose – it had some sort of connector on it, like the one on the cylinder Cynthia used on Gwen. I grabbed it and stuffed in between us, looking for her navel under the boning of the corset, and finally hit the mark with a soft click. Cyn gasped, and I felt her abdomen bulge slightly, then recede beneath the heavy corset stays – and all the other swelling areas got a boost. I spotted the valve near her armpit, and with a lucky lunge snagged another hose to match it. Another soft connection click and Cyn's breathing became heavy pants of pleasure. I felt her inflate faster beneath me.
I didn't dare remove the mask, but I knew I couldn't stay cuffed to her for much longer. I spotted the missing maglock on the left side of the bed, so I moved our connected arms as one, grabbed the rod upside down, and disengaged the cuffs with a one-handed wave of the wand. Cynthia wasn't trying to beat me senseless anymore, so with another quick tap of the controls, I completely unlocked the cuffs from both of us. She didn't notice; she was delirious with pleasure and still moaning as she swelled. With her arms free, she grabbed at my hips, pulling me closer, as if trying to force me to enter her. When that went nowhere, she focused on herself, cupping the sides her enormous breasts, pressing in to feel them inflating against her hands.
Experimentally I removed my hand from the mask; Cynthia didn't even notice. At this point her pleasure centers were clearly running at full tilt. I slid off her body and stared at what Cynthia had become. She was more voluptuous than any woman I'd ever fantasized about, let alone seen – spherical breasts bulging straight out from her ribcage, ready to burst free of the crimson cups at any moment. Her still-slim corseted waist gave way to pneumatic, rounded hips and tapered thighs, backed by an enormous ass that pushed her pelvis skyward. She was someone's ultimate fantasy, waiting to be explored – or exploded, by the look of it. Whoever it was, I hoped they had big hands and a lot of stamina.
Her staff would find her soon enough, but I didn't want to be here when they did – and I still needed to get out before the genbank goons threw me in a cage. I took one last, long, lascivious look at Cynthia 2.0 – still inflating obscenely before my eyes – before heading for the door.
Over the hissing, I swore I heard Cynthia call out a single muffled word from behind her mask: "More..." 10.
After all that trouble, I managed to waltz out of Aufblas through the main door with little more than the bruises from Cynthia's jabs. Apparently she'd kept the whole affair on the down-low, and Gwen was nowhere to be seen, so nobody even attempted to stop me. The first light of dawn lit my way to the subway, and I headed back to my place, thoroughly exhausted.
New York wasn't safe for me anymore; Cynthia could have shown up at my doorstep with the scumbags from the genbank at any moment. I hated to leave the city but I was a marked man, so I had to leave, at least for now. I knew from investigating identity theft that it was fairly easy to acquire a new name, and I knew a maglev ticket could have me in Los Angeles in an hour. I didn't have many possessions worth keeping, so it didn't take me long to pack. Just some slicing gear, my nanocom and some data archives, some papers and photos, my meager life's savings, and some bad memories that I'd probably relive forever.
I spent a lot of the weeks that followed asking myself the same questions over and over. How had Cynthia convinced her to turn traitor? Was she truly acting of her own free will? Had I driven her away by being too inflexible? When did she and Gwen become a couple? Ultimately, which was the real Gwen – the girl who laughed at all my jokes while we were dating, or the one who set me up for my own kidnapping?
And the heartbroken ex-boyfriend, leaving Gwen on the floor when she was helpless and terrified that she was going to explode...was that the real me?
The answer to all of those questions is always the same: Bourbon.
I told you at the beginning. It's not like the movies. There are no happy endings.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: "Yes! Finally done!" Sarah let out a long laugh. It was the last day of the semester, and she was going to celebrate. College had been tough, but now that the first part was over, she was going to get so wasted that she'd forget her own name. She let out another laugh. Sarah was tall, almost 5'11", and she had straight black hair and very green eyes. She was thin, not bony thin, but healthy. She had a few curves, but nothing to turn heads. Sometimes she was depressed that she didn't have more in the chest department, but today, she wasn't thinking about it at all. Quickly dressing in a almost skin-tight black pants, and a maroon tank-top, she quickly left her dorm to hit the town.
As far as she knew, everyone who was anyone was going to this new club. Sarah didn't know the name, and in fact, no one she asked did. They knew what it was, and where, just not the name. It took about 5 minutes to walk to the club, and when she was 2 blocks away, she could feel the bass line of the music. The club looked almost dirty when she go to it. There was a moment of confusion, and then, with a smile, she pushed open the doors and walked into the thrall of people.
"Hey Sarah! Over here!" she turned to the voice and saw her good friend Casey waving to her. Sarah quickly walked over to her. "Say, Nice pants. Or did you just paint your legs?" Casey laughed. "Here ya go, sit down. We're just starting. It's your round."
Sarah smiled and quickly took a drink. "Ok," Sarah said. "That's one!"
Many hours later, the party was beginning to reach it's peak. "What number are we on?" Sarah asked sluggishly. "I dunno, I lost it in the teens." Casey said, giggling. "Oh, Look!" Sarah turned to where Casey was pointing and saw a large number of people taking hits off of a helium tank, and laughing in their high pitched voices. "Heheh! Come on Sarah! Let's take a hit!" She laughed and began to drag Sarah to the tanks. "Here, I'll make it interesting. I'll bet that I can tae a larger hit then you. I got five dollars, What do you say?" Sarah laughed in her drunken state. "OK, deal!" Casey smiled and took the hose. Carefully, Casey took a deep breath of the air, and then preceded to sing Jingle Bells in her high-pitched voice. "Heehaw!" Casey said. "Beat that!" Sarah smiled and staggered up to the tank. By this point, they were starting to gather a crowd. Sarah could hear them whisper, making side bets. Sarah grinned and stuck the hose in her mouth. She then gave the nozzle a quick turn and inhaled deeply. She could feel the gas rushing into her, filling her lungs. Sarah then tuned off the helium and began to recite poetry. But in the back of Sarah's mind, she felt something was wrong. Her pants, tight before, were now almost cutting into her hips. She quickly forgot about it, and finished her speech of "Casey at Bat" She was feeling a little lightheaded, and stepped down off the stage.
Sarah turned back and saw Casey preparing to take another hit of the gas. Sarah smiled and crossed her arms. She paused then, because it had taken more effort to cross her arms then, almost like something was blocking her arms. Sarah looked down at her chest and gasped in surprise. Her breasts had grown! They were almost a cup size bigger!. Sarah looked down at the rest of her body, and she was pretty sure that her butt was bigger, and it looked like her belly was bulging out a bit as well. "Hey! Sarah! Your turn! Or have you had enough already?" Casey laughed with her high pitched voice. Sarah let out a high giggle, and ran towards the stage. She grabbed the hose and turned to Casey. "I'm doing fine. But after this, you won't be!" She stuck the hose in her mouth and turned the nozzle on as high as it could go. Sarah's eyes bulged out a little as the handle broke off in her hand. But she soon had more pressing matters, as she was beginning to grow bigger! She looked down and could see her breasts beginning to expand outwards. Sarah could also see her belly growing larger as well. And her pants were very quickly on the way to ripping off of her inflating butt. Surprisingly, Sarah didn't feel bad about this. In fact, she felt very good. Also, no one else in the bar seemed to mind as well. They were all laughing and watching her blow up. Sarah's breasts were now stretching the tank top to the limits, and her pants were becoming far, far too tight. Sarah began to try to take them off, but stopped when the seams along the side ripped and fell of her body. Her shirt was beginning to rip as well, and soon, it tore open, and her breasts, now the size of small beachballs, floated in front of her. Sarah squeezed them gently. They felt like large balloons, and were acting like them too. She could feel her breasts pulling her up very slightly. Sarah could also feel her belly growing larger and larger, and it soon looked like she has swallowed a few basketballs. Sarah rubber her huge balloon belly and moaned in pleasure. It felt so good! But Sarah was having more and more trouble bending her arms. She looked at them, and was shocked to notice that they were swelling up as well! Her arms and legs were sticking out from her body, and they were swelling up. Sarah's body was swelling up as well, slowly becoming spherical. She felt her body getting larger and larger as the gas rushed in. Soon, Sarah was almost 7 feet around, and the only things that made her look human were her hands, feet and head. But suddenly, Sarah was jolted out of her pleasure by a slight feeling of pressure in her body. Sarah looked down at her huge body, and saw that she had stopped growing, but the gas was still flowing in. Sarah's eyes got wide and she felt the pressure rise in her massive body. The pressure got higher and higher, as Sarah was pushed closer and closer to climax. Soon, Sarah's body was quivering with the pressure, and with the impending climax of Sarah. Then, suddenly, two things happened. First, the tank ran out of helium, and the gas flow stopped. Second, with a cry of pleasure, Sarah climaxed with explosive force. All of the gas rushed out of her, pushing her backwards off the stage. Sarah lay on the ground, naked and panting, watching her body slowly shrink back to normal size.
"Come on, Balloon girl!" Casey yelled at her. "We need to get you home!" Casey draped her coat over Sarah's body, and they ran out the back door.
The next day, Sarah read a article that the new nightclub had been recently shut down, because the owners were releasing hallucinatory drugs into the air, to get people to come back to the club to increase business. The managers had denied doing this, but there had been reports of mass hallucinations, involving a inflating unidentified woman. "Did ya see that? You're a hallucination! I wonder if that makes me a skistofrentic..." Casey sat down next to Sarah. Sarah laughed. "It's weird Casey. It felt so good blowing up, but I don't know what do about it!" "Well, gym at school's locked up, and I have a key copy. Also, If I remember correctly, there's still a bunch of helium tanks left over from the last dance."
Sarah smiled. "Well, why didn't you say do before?" With what, Sarah jumped up, and started to run over to the gym. "Oh, by the way, you still owe me that 5 dollars."
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: Jen held the hand of Halley, the seven-year old she was baby-sitting, as they walked toward the entrance of the video arcade. Jen was all out of tokens, except for the two she promised Halley she would save to buy balloons, and it was time to go home.
It was a Saturday night and Jen was spending it the way she spent every other night during the weekends; baby-sitting the neighbors' daughter. She had never had a boyfriend, and she pretty much knew why. She didn't have what all the boys her age wanted: breasts and a cute, round butt. Even though she knew not all girls started developing by the time they turned 16, she figured she had been singled out. Her body had all the curves of a two by four. As she and Halley walked through the arcade, she watched the other girls her age, the ones who had started developing, and sighed, wishing her body looked like theirs.
As soon as Halley saw the balloon vending machine, she let go of Jen's hand and raced over to it. Jen walked quickly after her. She didn't notice a piece of paper laying on the floor, since Halley was standing on it.
"I wanna red one please can you buy me a red one Jen?" she rambled excitedly.
Jen smiled. When she forgot about the fact that she was spending her wonder years baby-sitting instead of making out with all the cute guys, she truly enjoyed watching Halley. She was a cute little kid, and very well behaved. After baby-sitting some of the other neighbors' kids, who were absolute brats, she decided she would only watch Halley. Her parents paid the best, anyway.
"You can't pick what color you get," Jen reminded Halley as she handed the last two tokens to Halley. "But let's hope we get a red one." Halley put one of the tokens in the slot, and they watched as one of the balloons was moved over to the helium nozzle. The mouth of the balloon was stretched over the nozzle, and there was a hissing as the helium began to flow. Jen's eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement as she watched the balloon remain uninflated.
Then she felt the fabric of her t-shirt moving across her breasts. Or, the area where her breasts would have been, if she had any. When she looked down to investigate, she was shocked to see that she did have breasts! Not only that, but they were getting bigger! They were a full C-cup when she first looked down, and as she watched, they moved through the DD, and grew bigger still. Her t-shirt grew tight around her chest as her breasts continued to grow, and Jen was for once thankful that her once nonexistent breasts made a bra unnecessary. Jen was surprised to find that, as big as they were getting, they weren't heavy. In fact, they felt very light. Almost as if they were... balloons?? Oh my god, Jen thought. Is that why the balloon isn't being inflated? Because the helium is going into her breasts? That couldn't possibly be. Or could it? What other explanation was there? As she pondered her situation, Jen's breasts continued to grow, or rather, inflate. By the time they had stopped, they were as big as volleyballs. Her t-shirt had been stretched so tight that her nipples and aureolae were faintly visible through the white fabric. Her aureolae had puffed up to the size of silver dollars, and were half an inch thick. Her nipples were the size of thimbles, and poked prominently against the fabric of her t-shirt. Jen looked at her breasts, dumbstruck.
Lost in her amazement, she barely heard Halley lamenting the fact that the balloon hadn't been inflated. "Oh man," she declared. "I hope it works this time." And she put the last token in the slot.
Jen gasped as Halley's words registered in her mind, and as the machine once more fed a balloon toward the helium nozzle. She hoped Halley was right, that the machine would work this time. She doubted her t-shirt could stretch anymore without ripping.
The hissing began once again, and, Jen panicked as the balloon remained uninflated. She looked down at her breasts, expecting to see them bust out of her t-shirt. But they didn't. She thought they were at first, until she realized that it was only her nervous breaths, which were causing her chest to rise and fall heavily, that was making her breasts appear to be growing once again. This confused Jen. Where was the helium going, if it wasn't going into her breasts? Jen received her answer when she felt the fabric of her leggings moving against her butt.
Stunned, she turned to look at her behind. Sure enough, her cheeks were growing, or, as Jen assumed at this point, inflating. Jen watched as they continued to inflate, stretching the Lycra material. They were stretching the cotton of her panties plenty tight as well, causing Jen a bit of discomfort. The waistband of her leggings was beginning to be pulled away from her waist by the growth of her behind, so she pulled it higher up on her waist, lest anyone get a free look.
This had the effect of pulling the back of her panties in between her cheeks like a thong. Jen was glad, since it alleviated some of the tightness. When her rear finally stopped growing, her cheeks stuck out as far from her waist as her breasts did from her chest, and were as proportionately big all around.
"Oh man," Halley repeated. Jen didn't even hear her this time. She had discovered that she could see her reflection in the glass wall separating the restaurant area from the rest of the arcade, and was looking herself over. At first, she was near tears at what had happened to her body. But the more she looked at herself, the more she began to like what she was seeing. I did always want big breasts and a cute, round butt, she thought. And now I've got them. Her breasts were quite a bit bigger than she had wanted them to be, as was her behind, but they were both perfectly shaped, and amazingly sexy. And they certainly attracted the attention of the boys, she noticed, as she realized that she wasn't the only one checking her body out. All the guys sitting in the restaurant were staring through the window at her, mouths open in amazement. Their girlfriends, after seeing what their boyfriends were staring at, sat in disgusted silence, arms folded angrily across their suddenly inadequate chests. A huge smile spread across Jen's face as she turned to look at Halley, who was trying to get her attention.
"I know why it didn't work," she told Jen. She held up the piece of paper she had been standing on. "See?" On the paper, written in black magic marker, were the words: OUT OF ORDER.
Jen mussed Halley's hair. "I'm sorry you didn't get a balloon, Halley. Maybe next time we come it'll be working."
Halley frowned, disappointed. "Yeah."
Jen took Halley's hand and they walked out of the arcade, Jen's breasts and butt bouncing slightly inside the tight confines of her t-shirt and leggings.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, floating, helium, latex
Text: The short-haired brunette waved wildly, exuding a natural exuberance that only came from lack of responsibility. "Hello there! I'm Jordan."
The pony-tailed brunette nodded in acknowledgment, exuding a natural dignity despite wearing a skin-tight blue bodysuit that left precisely nothing to the imagination. "I am Flora."
"...and we are here," Jordan said, gesturing to the empty beach they were at, the gas cylinder a few feet away and another object covered with a cloth, "are here to do SCIENCE."
"What sort of science?" Flora asked. "For expositions sake, that is."
"Relevant science," she replied, pointing to the cylinder.
"I see. I'm a touch curious as to why this required me to wear a full-body suit, however," Flora said, gesturing to the matte blue outfit that was currently covering everything below her neck.
"We can't have you going around naked."
"True enough, I suppose."
"That and I like how you look like a brown-haired Samus Aran when wearing it."
"I'm also a touch curious as to how you found my precise measurements and body shape." Looking down at herself she raised the ball of her foot, wiggling her toes. "Most rubber suits don't have individual toes, much less subtle indentations in the chest for the wearer's nipples. Among other things." She lowered her foot and shot a look at Jordan. "As it stands this outfit is so revealing it may as well be painted on."
"ANYWAY," Jordan repeated, walking over to the cylinder, "I did some math and I just wanted to demonstrate something I found out about everyone's favorite noble gas."
"Something that you didn't inform me of the full details of but still demanded I help you regardless."
"Exactly." Picking up the end of the hose she walked back towards Flora, uncoiling it as she went.
"That's a long hose," Flora remarked.
"We're going to be doing a lot of science," she replied. "Now hold still." Leaning forward, she inserted the nozzle into Flora's navel, giving the hose a pull to ensure that it was in securely. Heading back to the gas cylinder, she placed one hand on the valve. "Ready?"
Flora looked down at the hose, then at Jordan. "Would you even listen if I said 'no?'"
She pondered this for a moment before giving the valve a twist. "Nope."
With a telltale hiss the gas began to flow through the hose and into Flora, who winced slightly at the sudden increase in pressure. Her stomach was the first to grow, going from full to bloated to gravid and beyond in the course of a few seconds. Her breasts were quick to follow, gaining a sudden perkiness as they began growing up and out, jiggling slightly as her belly grew beneath them. Shortly thereafter there was a rubbery squeak and Flora reached behind her, attempting to alleviate her new-found wedgie as her ass cheeks began to inflate.
"How you holdin' up?"
Flora wrapped her hands around her expanding gut, feeling the gradual growth. "Fine. How full is that tank?"
"It -was- full when I got it, but it's going pretty quick." The hissing faded and Jordan looked at the pressure meter just in time to see the needle hit "empty." "Oh, speak of the devil."
"They usually do," she remarked, drumming her fingers on her belly. "That's why I use air compressors; they're far cheaper."
Jordan walked back to Flora for a better look at her handiwork: Her stomach had swollen to the size of a beach ball, gently moving in time to Flora's breathing. Her breasts had grown forward more than they grew out, two foot-long blue ovoids bobbing above her belly, and her rear had gained at least three inches of padding in all directions.
"This," Jordan said, pointing, "is all you'll get out of one tank. You're not flying anywhere with this."
"Yes, because this is a genre utterly -obsessed- with realism." She paused. "Flying?"
"Fortunately for SCIENCE," she continued, running back from whence she came, "we have enough to achieve proper lift-off!" With a flourish she pulled a nearby sheet away to reveal nine more tanks, all connected to a single valve, which was in turn connected to the hose leading to Flora's navel. "Behold!"
Flora's eyes widened. "Oh dear."
Jordan gave the valve a series of twists, opening it as far as it could go. The blue-clad woman grunted as nine tanks' worth of pressure slammed into her belly, swelling it another foot before it began to flow through the rest of her body. Her wedgie returned with a vengeance as her butt grew outward, the size of her backside matched only by her breasts. "Jordan!" she shouted. "Dial it down a tad, would you?"
Jordan shrugged helplessly. "Sorry Flora, valve's stuck."
"Did you even -check?-"
"No, but you know how it is."
Flora sighed. As the tanks continued to empty themselves her back rounded out, her torso quickly growing spherical as her breasts were forced upward, blocking the lower half of her view. As Flora reached up to try and keep her now two-foot-wide breasts from bouncing around as they inflated, she felt her arms begin to fill and plump up from the helium. After struggling for a bit to keep her assets from moving about with her ever-bloating limbs she eventually gave up and let her arms drop, bouncing off the sides of her body.
She began to starfish, her limbs growing wider and spreading apart as she continued to swell outward. Soon the growth of her breasts slowed to a halt as they were stretched across her growing chest, becoming two prominent hemispheres stretched across her five-foot body. Her arms and legs continued to be absorbed into her form, becoming four smaller domes topped with her hands and feet. Suddenly Flora trembled slightly and let out a soft moan, clenching her hands.
"What just happened?" Jordan asked, concerned.
"The pressure is causing me to stretch."
"...that's the point, isn't it?"
"Down there, I mean."
"Yes, and it's-" Flora's cheeks reddened. "Oh my. It's causing the suit to rub against some rather sens-" Her eyelids fluttered, and she bit her swollen lip. "...sensitive locations as well, which is a bit more than I'm used to."
"Oh." A wicked smile crossed her lips and she sauntered over in front of Flora, looking up at her smugly. "Well, you learn something new every day, don'cha?"
Flora tried give Jordan an irritated look, but her as head was currently in a dimple atop a eight-foot sphere the best she could do was stare down the valley of her cleavage at where she supposed the top of Flora's head was. "Yes. Yes we do."
"You know, I never would have thought you were a latex person."
"Sort of like how they wouldn't have thought your long-term 'boyfriend' was a shower massager?"
There was a sudden jerk and Flora felt herself roll forward onto her belly, coming face-to-face with a very intense-looking Jordan. The stream of helium flowing into her continued to push her body outwards, inching her head towards her friend's until she was nearly nose-to-nose with her. "How. Long. Have you known?"
"Since college. Freshman year."
Jordan let out an anguished cry, stomping away. Folding her arms across her chest, she started tapping one foot on the sand. "I can't believe you knew," she said testily.
"Did you honestly think a robe could hide the fact that your hips were -sloshing- as you walked?"
"I kind of hoped, yeah."
"Sloshing -audibly-?"
"...yes. What's worse, I can't believe you just told everyone."
Flora shrugged, or at least tried to; when one has no shoulders and and one's arms are fat, immobile stumps, one's options for gesturing tend to be limited. "You have to give as good as you get. Besides, I think most of them expected that from you."
"You make me sound like some sort of pervert." She paused. "Okay, you've got me there, I guess." Turning, she added, "but you're not any bet- woah."
"Woah what?"
Crossing the sand Jordan again approached Flora, who was rapidly approaching the twelve-foot mark with no signs of slowing down. Even though Flora was lying on her belly Jordan found herself having to look up to meet her gaze. She pressed a finger into the top of her left breast, testing her elasticity. "I turn my back and you get big on me."
"I've been getting big."
"Well -yeah-, but it's like how pots boil faster when you're not looking at 'em." She fell silent for a second. "Wow, I can -hear- you getting bigger. How you holdin' up?"
"For one, my nose is itchy." Jordan reached out, scratching the tip of Flora's nose. "Thank you. For another, my hands are starting to feel stiff."
There was a series of soft "pop"s as, one by one, her fingers and toes began to fill with helium, ending with four simultaneous "pop"s as her hands and feet rounded out and began to swell with the rest of her.
"That explains that, I suppose. Are we almost done?"
"Almost," Jordan replied, walking around her and out of sight. "Don't worry."
"No worries there."
Now completely immobile, Flora closed her eyes and relaxed, focusing on the sensations she was experiencing: The warmth of the sun, the sand shifting under her, the feeling of growth, the tightness of the suit, the sound of her body creaking as it stretched and eventually, the gradual feeling of weightlessness. As her expansion slowed and stopped she felt herself lift into the air before a tugging sensation around her navel woke her out of her reverie.
"Gentlemen!" Jordan proclaimed, holding the hose connected to her friend. "BEHOLD! We have achieved flight!"
Floating above Jordan was none other than Flora. Her inflation at an end, she was nearly sixteen feet in diameter, a dark blue human balloon bobbing at the end of a hose. Her breasts were flat domes five feet across, each stretched across the curve of her massive body. All that remained of her arms and legs were squat three-foot hemispheres on the corners of her body, and her formerly slim hands and feet were swollen orbs two feet across, each dotted with five basketball-sized protrusions where her digits would be. "You're a century late for that," she retorted, her reply muffled slightly by her puffed-up cheeks.
"Yeah, yeah," she mumbled, reaching into her pocket with her free hand. "Let me get out my notes." Pulling out a handful of index cards she paused to read from them before continuing. "Right. Now you see all that?" She pointed to the helium tanks. "That's how much it would take to get the average woman airborne. Ten tanks, twenty-two hundred cubic feet of helium. Right now Flora is -literally- the size of a weather balloon."
"I certainly feel like one," she remarked.
Jordan tossed one of the cards away. "Also, if you wanted to you could pipe it into your breasts, just in case you wanted to be big enough to tit-fuck a smokestack or something." Another card toss. "If I used hydrogen she'd be a foot or two smaller, but there's that whole 'Hindenberg' thing to worry about."
"I should state for the record that I feel so much safer knowing that I won't explode violently should someone set me on fire."
Yet another card toss. "...aaaaaand if I used natural gas she'd need to be a whopping twenty-one feet around." She threw away the last card. "That's a lotta baked beans."
"You just know someone's going to take that as a challenge."
"They could try, but they'd probably just get really gassy and weighed down at the same time."
"Much like your cooking."
Jordan laughed. "That was a weird night, wasn't it?"
"Quite." Suddenly Flora became aware of a barely audible stretching sound, as well as the sensation of the helium inside her gradually pushing her body outward. Nowhere near as loud or as fast as when she was being inflated by the tanks, but still there. "Jordan," she said calmly.
"I'm in a dark-colored latex suit, outside, and full of gas."
"Yeah, and?"
"Dark colors absorb heat. Gas expands and gets more buoyant when it gets warmer." She paused. "You didn't account for this, did you."
"...not as such, no," was Jordan's reluctant reply. "But don't worry, I've got your tether." She tugged on the hose for emphasis, only for the nozzle to disengage from Flora's navel. "Whoops."
With nothing holding her down Flora began her lazy ascent into the skies above the beach, the heat from the sun fueling her continued expansion as she swelled even larger. "JORDAN!!" Flora screamed. "YOU ARE BANNED FROM SCIENCE *FOREVER!!!* DO YOU HEAR ME?!"
Jordan stared upward. "Oh boy." She looked away sheepishly. "Don't worry folks, she'll be fine. Really."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, kiss, water
Text: Staring at the sea through her binoculars' glasses, the lifeguard seemed a living monument to maintenance of bathers' security on that piece of shore.
Deliciously tanned skin, red sensual lips, light blue penetrating eyes, thin legs furnished with tapering hands and fingers, a cascade of thick blond air dropping down her half-naked back, generous hips, prosperous womb, breathtaking legs with beautiful feet and a vast breast which could be easily guessed under her monochrome red one-piece swimming costume: if you had meet Donna, you would have describe her as a perfect look-alike of Pamela Anderson.
She wasn't only gorgeous and shapely, of course; she was also greatly gifted with strength, courage and intelligence, which she always used for her duty.
Since she became lifeguard on that beach, no one had never drowned; that's because she had a special method of rescuing people in danger.
All of a sudden a desperate call for help sliced through hair.
"Uh?" Donna subheading grumbled directing her binoculars towards the area the cry was coming from.
It was a young surfer boy the one who was shouting, floundering about and desperately sawing the air.
There was no time to waste; with a feline leap she descended her towering location and ran barefoot on the boiling sand, to reach a big tank of oxygen standing on the ground.
The sexy woman put the hose in her mouth and unleashed the gas by rotating the valve. Her hips gradually became larger, her legs plumpier.
As the tank got empty, her junoesque figure had turned into a nearly spherical balloon, with blown up boobs leaning forward like balconies and stubby limbs.
Sprinting as fast as she could, Donna crossed the beach like a bolt among batchers' indifference; they were used to her balloony ways of doing her job.
She didn't need to use a boat or a lifebuoy, neither she feared she could drown; bloated as she was, she would serve as a human rubber dinghy.
Causing the water to be projected in air as she went pass, the lifeguard finally left the shore and entered sea; few meters from shore she dived and started swimming at light's speed towards the unfortunate one.
When she reached him, the surfer first looked at her as if confused of seeing her; then she replied, keeping her mouth as close as possible not to set free extra oxygen: "Get on, I don't bite!".
Without further delays, he climbed her rounded back and clung to the straps of her swimsuit, being very careful not to let himself fall.
"Thank you for saving me big girl" he thanked her while she was heading for the shoreline.
"Just duty" Donna answered back tight-lipped among powerful strokes.
At last, she was finally able to regain solid ground, exhaling all the oxygen trough nose and mouth, till her cheeks were void.
What a tiring job it was! And sea accidents wasn't the only problem Donna had to deal with.
There was a she-troublemaker on the beach that year.
Her name was Anna; other people might have judged her as nice and pretty, but the lifeguard would disagree.
She wasn't particularly bad towards the others either; anyway, she couldn't stand Donna, and this feeling was reciprocated.
Each time they met, they used to mordantly dig at each other; plus Anna found exceedingly funny to play tricks on the more mature woman, such as making her things disappear et cetera.
In short, there was very little love lost between them.
The lifeguard wasn't therefore really happy to see her new rival coming to her with a mischievous smile.
"Look at her, she's going to trick me again somehow....Dammit!" Donna thought trying to ignore her.
Anna was currently flanked by two contemporaries of her, a long brown-haired girl, her eyes surrounded by enormous circular glasses, and a red-haired one, two sideward locks sprouting from her scalp.
She knew them by sight: her names were Maud and Allison; they were often accompanied by her enemy, even if not taking part in her bad jokes, and sometimes by a couple of boys.
"Hello Donna. Don't you think a beautiful day?" she introduced herself caressing her long red pigtails.
"Even beautiful days may have unpleasant aspects" she apparently absent-mindedly pronounced.
"Anyway, what about a drink? I'm offering!" the red-haired proposed, among her companions' nods.
The blond woman, a little suspicious, finally accepted, even if she shouldn't have.
It was, of course, only a mere pretext to trick her into a huge coke-drinking and belching contest, put on with the exclusive purpose of inflating and temporarily immobilize her. Time went by, and the contest was vaguely beginning to show signs of ending.
The four of them, much to other bathers' astonishment, were securely anchored to the ground, as they had become unable to stand up from the coke they had greedily swallowed.
Nauseated and now furnished with enormous round bellies and plump arms and legs, they couldn't help keeping their hand on guts and belching, roaring so loudly they could have provoked an earthquake.
"UUUUUUUUURP!!!! If we go on like this I'm gonna throw up!" the carbonated Donna exclaimed while strongly clasping her aching and overfilled stomach.
Even Anna, who felt about to pop, had probably repented of her proposal; but she was way too proud to admit she had been defeated by her own idea.
"I'd say *URP* it's a *BURP* draw! BUUURP!!!" Maud laboriously judged.
"I *UUURP* agree too! UUUUUUUUURP!!!!" Allison said.
Waddling and making her considerable interior liquids wave, the lifeguard got up, but her challenger made it to glare defiance at her one last time, as to say: it doesn't end here. Some days later, when the lifeguard had almost forgotten about the event and had lost all the gained weight, and was reading on her location during one of the rare moments of spare time in her job, Anna turned up in front of her, her hands on her hips, a grim look in her eyes.
"Yesssss???? Anything you need, deaaaaar????" Donna asked her trying to repress her own murderous instincts and putting down the book.
"Don't' pretend not to know! I'm here for a reason you can well understand!" she proclaimed pointing a finger at her with an air of accusation.
"Look, if are disappointed for what had happened just know...".
"I want to demonstrate you only one thing: I'm better than you at everything, even at inflating!".
Now Donna was really mad and couldn't stand back from the challenge: "Are you sure? Let's see!".
As furious as a furious bull, she brought there a pair of helium tanks; they had been there for a long time, if she had ever needed them to perform flying rescues or act as a parade balloon during parties on the beach.
They were getting serious; tension between them was extreme.
As gas flowed in their mouths, their whole bodies began to expand in sense of width forward as well backward.
Anna's breasts had now become the size of a basketball each, her belly was as large as an oven and as protruding as an obese biker's beer belly; Donna's hips grew larger and larger, like an elephant's ones, and her legs were turning into robust pillars of an outstanding mass.
Of course, the amount of gas within her increasing and expanding every tissue till the point of rupture, the two had begun to float; first standing on tiptoe, then, as they got lighter and lighter, until they were able to fly like huge blimps.
A lot of people that morning directed their view to the sky that morning to notice a couple of odd female human-like bloated flying objects; they wondered if it was some kind of hot hair balloons festival.
Probably, if they had grown a little bit more, they would have completely blacked out the sun.
Everything in Anna's body was now spherical like a ball: cheeks, arms, breasts, hips, belly, legs, everything filled to the brim with pure helium.
Even if large, she was nothing special compared with Donna: her mouth still securely stuck into the hose, gallons of gas were being pumped each instant into her ballooning boobs and gut, barely covered by her red swimsuit; her naked back appeared so tense it could explode anytime, her limbs had turned into nothing but four miniature round blimp.
Her hand and feet seemed to be sinking into such a vastness of flesh and gas.
"So who's the best at inflating little girl?" the lifeguard attempted to mumble as they didn't stop gaining height.
Finally they both agreed to cease the contest before somebody burst; removing the hose from their mouths, they started blowing out all the helium they had inhaled, gradually descending and eventually touching the ground again.
Donna's boobs and stomach came back to their normal size and she gave rest to her overstretched cheeks; so did Anna.
On her rival's face the blondie could discern a clear sense of defeat and, at last, disheartenment.
She therefore felt justified to maliciously triumph. That very afternoon, Donna had returned to her usual assignment on her elevated seat.
Along the shore she could see Maud and Allison walking and joking with the boys she had often observed them with.
No trace of that unappealing Anna for the moment; no, wait, she was swimming some hundreds of meters from the coastline, apparently happily splashing about.
All of a sudden she disappeared under the surface.
And immediately each possible intention of vengeance and envy within her were suffocated by a stronger sense of duty.
As fast as a lamp, she grasped an air tank and took it with her; she needed that item not to inflate herself, but in order to breathe underwater: since the girl had been dragged underwater so quickly, there was no use for powerlessly floating on the waves.
And it didn't look like a stupid joke among teens, like the ones the which had often procured false alarms for her.
Just few moments later she was slicing through water flapping her feet with desperate vigour, the air hose arranged into her mouth, with few gas flowing throughout it: the rest was for Anna.
At first Donna feared she had been caught by a shark; fortunately, she could soon realized things weren't so, but what she saw didn't make her feel reassured at all.
Anna was fluctuating in midwater; her belly bloated and limbs bloated with water as they had never been.
"Look at how much she has drunk! I must hurry!" the alarmed lifeguard thought, and therefore she kept on heading for the bottom following her sinking.
"Help me Donna..." it seemed to her to hear her whispering.
Finally she was able to reach the red-haired, but suddenly, as if she had already prepared that, the latter opened her eyes and squeezed the tank from her, grabbing her harm.
"Take my water, I must save myself!" she mentally uttered blowing all the ingested liquid into the other woman with a long kiss, then she swallowed the hose and turned on the gas.
While Anna was inflating more and more on her way to the surface, the blondie, unexpectedly overloaded by this additional amount of water, went on subsiding.
Her cheeks inflated both with air and liquid, she brought her hands to cover her mouths, gulping: she immediately needed to breathe! Among the thundering foam, Anna resurfaced, even more blown up than before.
Similar in her form to a huge hot air balloon thrown into the sea, she began to swimming by strokes towards mainland.
Other time went past, and bubbles started forming on the top of the waves.
At last an overinflated red, yellow and pink mass made its appearance some meters from the shore, and laboriously got back on the beach.
The most faithful bathers had seen Donna huge in a variety of occasion, but this time she was bigger than any other one.
Her pudgy cheeks and three chins boiled with extra liquid; gallons of saltwater filled to the brim of explosion her nearly spherical legs and boobs, making her arms look like stubby sausages.
Many drops of water were seeping through her nose, mouth and ears.
She had got such an enormous gut that her legendary apparently indestructible swimsuit had got torn on her belly and on each hip, visualizing bulging pieces of watery stretched flesh. "How stupid!" the waterlogged woman furiously exclaimed. "She gave me her water, she took my air, I almost drowned and I drank half of the sea! URPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I must go the bathroom, if I can still fit into it!".
She couldn't at first, and that afternoon the queue in front of the bathroom took lots of hours.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, College, curse, demon, magic
Text: Immaculate yellow banners flap in the light breeze from on high in the towers. The grass is growing again after a long winter, and the birds are returning to nest in the trees. Animals return from hibernation, bringing new and interesting fauna to the sights around the castle. The early afternoon light bathes the courtyard in its warm glow, illuminating the dozens of finely crafted statues of men and women having sex in increasingly lewd positions, many indescribable by mortal words. Truly, Maringyon is the most prestigious school for succubi and incubi alike, teaching both magic fueled by lust and pleasure, as well as exactly how to please any mortal beyond their wildest dreams.
Karina is not a demon, and she is bored.
Karina is a young witch, sent on a student exchange program across the magical colleges of the world. She is very energetic, and upbeat, and a tad mischievous, but bored beyond belief. Just as the statues in the garden are erotic enough that a mortal human would orgasm after even a glance at the most modest one of the collection, the recreational activities offered to the lust demons at Maringyon are as routine as a game of bowling to lust demons, but would without a doubt kill any mortal trying them in a whirlwind of pure, indescribable pleasure that some would call enlightenment. Instead, Karina is stuck sitting in her room studying lower-level fetish spells, the kind that many lust demons learn in their early school days, and her roommate isn't even here!
Karina's roommate Alexander is world-famous for being the first mortal man to ever survive opening a book meant only for lust demons, but it had the side effect of turning him into an incubus, and he needed to learn from the ground up, as well. Since he needed to be placed in a room that was devoid of all the higher-level pleasures he couldn't yet fully understand, the staff put Karina in with him, suggesting that Alex 'explore his new form and try things out' while Karina should 'enjoy the chance to have sex with an incubus without losing her soul'. And while the sex was mind-blowingly amazing, Alex often got dragged off by his succubus tutor Maria in order to get used to the crazy pleasures he could now experience.
Thus, the current predicament: Karina is bored with no way of surviving any local activity, and Alex left his Lustonomicon on the desk. The same Lustonomicon all lust demons have to know, and the same Lustonomicon that should never be opened by a mortal, ever, except when Alex did it that one time and destroyed the book in the process. Even the most basic position in the book is said to be so erotic that a complete nymphomaniac would pass out, and so complex even the greatest contortionists could not pull it off. And it sat there, and stared at her. Mocking her.
Fuck it, she thought. In a single, swift movement, she undid the casing and opened the book to a page Alex had bookmarked, apparently his 'favorite spell, ever.' As she opened the book, a bright light blinded her vision, and she shook with pure ecstasy as every nerve in her body cried in joy. The last thing Karina saw before passing out was Alex and Maria returning to the room, Alex looking like had run a marathon, and both diving for the book as it burst into pink, heart-shaped flames.
Karina awoke later in the room, more specifically in her bed. Maria was watching her intently, waiting for her to wake up, while Alex was fanning through another lustonomicon as fast as he could. "Well, well. Hey hot stuff," Maria called to Alex. "Your roomie's awake!" She turned to Karina. "You, my dear, have just made the best, and last, mistake of your life. You opened up my boy toy's big book o' sex and stuff, and you went and got his favorite spell cast on you." Alex rushed over. "Karina, I've been looking for an inverse spell, but I can't find anything on undoing spells in progress! I'm sorry, I'll keep looking! You stay calm, and whatever you do, don't get aroused! It'll start the spell!" He rushed back over and pulled out some other demonic books, leafing through them at a faster and faster pace. His tail swayed as he hurried through book after book, and Karina's eyes were drawn to his rear as the extra limb thrashed about. He's got a cute butt, Karina thought. But that started it. She heard a hissing, a gurgling, a sloshing, and more all at once, as a strange feeling overtook her body, causing her breasts to slowly expand with... whatever was filling her. She moaned in pleasure as she caressed her breasts with one hand, rubbing her nethers with the other, as her breasts grew ever larger. Maria laughed as Karina's tits passed the size of her and strained to keep together at the size of carriages, and Alex turned around all too late and received a faceful of giant witch boob as it burst in his face with a mighty BANG!, leaving Karin unharmed on the floor of the room, moaning as this time her ass began to swell with the magical substance. "Maria, what the heck are we going to do? None of those spells are meant for humans!" Alex cried out. Maria responded by whipping him lightly with her tail, which among demons stands for 'be quiet', or in this case 'be quiet and let me think'. Karina could not be quiet, as her ass swelled first past the size of a beanbag chair, then a dresser, and finally reaching the size of a car before once again sending her to her climax with a second resounding BANG! Alex only looked on in horror as Karina, unharmed, laid in the middle of the floor, moaning in pure joy as her lips began to swell on her face. Even this was so pleasurable, that amidst her muffled cries even an inexperienced incubus like Alex could detect her pleasure. Another BANG!, and Karina showed up again, unharmed, as her ass and belly began to swell in tandem. "Nothing," Maria finally interjected. "We do nothing, and leave her here. Then we go tell the teachers what happened." "Why? Can't we help her?" Alex replied as Karina exploded again, this time swelling into a prefect sphere at high speed before blasting apart again and growing her belly alone. Maria picked up the Lustonomicon and flipped to Alex's favorite spell. "Xksdfb-maijalas-anurbfb-ranmalfos", she read without casting the ritual to go with it as Karina exploded yet again. Maria continued as Karina got a swelled head and hands. "Better known as the eternal bloat spell, causes the victim to inflate with gudwigos, incomprehensible to mortals, in various ways while causing extreme pleasure and an orgasm upon exploding, then fully repairs the body. Irreversible and wears off after 101 years." BANG! Another blast again shook the room. "Wait, 101 years? You've cast that on us dozens of times, why are we not-" "Demons are immortal, you twit, and we do it in a magic area outside of time so you don't miss anything. Unfortunately, pretty girl here," BANG! "Isn't immortal. Even with herself completely recovering after each pop, she'll kick the bucket of old age before you can help her. Still, she should have a good sixty or so years of pleasure before the reaper comes calling. Now, come on, stud, we're going birdwatching today." BANG! "And how is this going to," BANG! "turn into an orgy exactly? You know I prefer advance warning." BANG! "Oh, it won't," Maria replied, swaying her hips as she walked out the door. "I just like birdwatching." BANG!
This request came from a friend without an account here who wanted in on my new How I Would Inflate You thread. She requested her OC Karina to be blown up, but she also specified ALL SHAPES of inflation. That may take a while.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Messy Popping, force feeding, magic, water inflation
Text: Ms. Jackson was a vile professor of English. Every student that attended the college heard a horror story here and there about her. Since her subject was one of the most necessary courses in college, you always had a chance of falling into her class. Most of the students that were unfortunate enough just dealt with the low grades and relentless criticism from Ms. Jackson. She was a short, slightly pudgy woman. She was in her mid-thirties and other than her weight, she was a gorgeous woman. She was as cold-hearted as it came, she didn't show compassion on any level. It was rumored that a pregnant student had to deliver her child in the room because there was a test that day, and she had her grade lowered because she was disrupting the class. Sammie Spencer was a student in Ms. Jackson's class and like her classmates, she wasn't excelling in Jackson's class. Sammie was part of a secret coven of witches and was chosen out of her circle to be the one to go get a job. She despised college as she had never quite fit in. She rocked the punk/gothic look and most people thought she was a crazed wicken."Another damn day in this class," Sammie thought to herself. She ran a hand through her pink hair and played with the black tips of it. She had found her time spent much more efficiently with her feet kicked up on the desk. Her black boots nervously rocking as she stared at the clock behind Ms. Jackson. "Ms. Spencer, I know my class bores you but you could at least pretend like you're listening, and get your damn feet off my desk!" yelled Ms. Jackson. Everyone in the class, which was about seven other people, all turned to look at Sammie. Sammie knew that if her coven found out that she got kicked out of a class they would lose it. She complied and tucked her heavy boots under her desk with a sneer. Ms. Jackson continued, "Eyes up here, everyone. Please drop your essays off on my desk at this time." Sammie's smooth attitude was crushed, she didn't do her essay at all. For the last week she had been practicing curses with her fellow witches. She knew she had to face the music and hoped that the consequences weren't too harsh. After each of the other students had dropped off their essays, Sammie approached the seated Ms. Jackson. "Ms. Jackson, I had some family business come up and I -" "Don't you dare tell me you didn't write this essay!" yelled Ms. Jackson. Sammie could feel everyone's eyes on her again, "If you could just give me one more day." "No! Life doesn't work on 'one more days.' You have failed to show me even an ounce of attention in my course. Get out!" Ms. Jackson grew red in the face and stood angrily. "I promise just one more -" "Get the fuck out of my class!" yelled Ms. Jackson. Sammie's face scrunched with anger and she couldn't control herself. "Listen here, fat ass! I don't want to do this shit anymore than you have to. All I'm asking for is one more day, that's it. If I can't deliver then you can flunk me!" Sammie didn't know she was releasing magic as she screamed. Tammy, a blonde girl in the front row, noticed Ms. Jackson's black shirt pull tighter around her butt. "How dare you? You get out of her right now before I throw you out myself!" screamed Ms. Jackson, unaware of her skirt pulling tighter. "I'd love to see you..." Sammie stopped at the sight of her professor's thighs widening. "Oh my God, look at her butt. Is it ... growing?" asked Britney. "I thought I was just seeing things, but it is. How can it just grow?" asked Tammy. Ms. Jackson's anger faded to as she reached around and felt in her hands each butt cheek inflate. "What's happening?" asked the worried Ms. Jackson. Sammie was even more disappointed with herself. Not only had she messed up in college but she just used magic on her professor in public. Sammie reached into her purse and pulled out a crooked wand, she raised it to the sky and a red flash emerged. All the students' eyes widened as they all became hypnotized. Ms. Jackson however was just the same and was backing away from Sammie. "You! You're a witch!" Ms. Jackson tried to push her butt back in but it only looked as if she were groping herself. The students gathered around Sammie and all looked over Ms. Jackson. "I think you need to make her butt bigger!" said Jack, a black haired football player. "You perv, Sammie is a witch she can do anything. I think we should let her feel some humiliation for once," smiled Tammy, setting a hand on Sammie's shoulder. Tammy leaned over and whispered something into Sammie's ear. "Oh I can do that," Sammie smiled and waved her wand proudly. The room streched into a large dinning room and all the desks merged together into a long, large dinner room table. The table was covered in every inch by chocolate cake slices. "Class if you would please turn your attention to me," said Sammie as if the new professor. "Today we will learn just how much cake the female body had withstand. If you would please line up and one by one feed Ms. Jackson until I tell you to stop." "What the fuck is going on?" demanded Ms. Jackson. She had magically been forced into a small chair that her fattened ass couldn't wedge out of. Ropes tied her wrist down to the wrist rest of the chair. The students did as they were told taking a plate each and marching at Ms. Jackson. She tried to scream for help but that just helped Britney stuff the first piece into her. Ms. Jackson kicked as her cheeks were filled with the delicious cake. Brandon then pushed his piece into his ex-professor's mouth. Ms. Jackson coughed as the cake pushed down into her stomach. One by one the large pieces of cake were forced into Ms. Jackson. After each student had stuffed Ms. Jackon with three pieces and her belly looked like she was fully pregnant, Rose said, "We need to fatten her up faster. Maybe if we gave her a drink." Rose winked to Sammie and she was up top of it. A hose descended from the ceiling and the students fought over who got to stuff it into Ms. Jackson. Ms. Jackson groaned as her upset belly gargled with discomfort. Jack pulled it away from everyone and stuffed it into Ms. Jackson's mouth. "Ha, said my athletic skills were inadequate huh? Try pulling the hose out, you fat bitch!" taunted Jack. Sammie did away with the chair and let Ms. Jackson stand. She pulled on the hose with all her might as the water poured from it heavily. Jack and Brandon laughed together as Ms. Jackson's black cardigan filled with breasts. "Typical for the guys to want the water to fill up her tits first," huffed Olivia in the back. "What would you rather it do?" asked Sammie. "I want to see this bitch fill up like a Macy's Day parade balloon," laughed Olivia. Ms. Jackson waved her hands in protest at the suggestion but she had no say or voice. Brandon eagerly watched the buttons pop on Ms. Jackson's cardigan until the rest of her started to fill out. "Aww man, she was going to be stacked with a preggo gut. I guess I can get to like this though," said Brandon walking around Ms. Jackson. He gave her swelling ass a loud slap and everyone burst into laughter. "Goddamn dude, that shit was loud. Let me try," Jack raced over to Ms. Jackson's badonkin' badonkadonk and slapped it hard. Ms. Jackson groaned as all her clothing was shrinking on her. Soon all the students circled around her poking and putting their ears against her. "That sloshing is kinda hot, shake her up," suggested Chelsea. All the students grabbed a bloating part of Ms. Jackson and shook her. The sloshing of water and cake was very loud. "Uh oh, Ms. Jackson! That wasn't water that was super carbonated soda!" yelled Britney. Sammie waved her wand again to change all the water in Ms. Jackson. She popped the hose out of her mouth as that was no longer needed. "You freaks! Stop this, I'm getting too ... oh what's happening to me now?" asked Ms. Jackson. "Damn your thick... I mean really!" joked Chelsea. "We just shook you and you're filled with a carbonated liquid, do the math. Maybe you should have took that subject instead," laughed Tammy. Ms. Jackson's cheeks blow up and she prays to let out a burp but can not. The gas builds in her as the students poked and shook her more. They started to chant, "Grow, grow, grow!" Ms. Jackson's black skirt rips into two from bloating butt cheeks and her shirt and cardigan burst off of her from her beach ball sized bust. Only a part of super elastic panties hold on for dear life. Even that pulled extraordinarily tight against her belly that was twice the size of one of her boobs. She started to cry and was instantly mocked by all her students. "Awww, poor Ms. Jackson is a big fat cry baby!" mocked Rose. "I'm such a big, fat, bloated bitch!" mocked Olivia. "I hope she keeps blowing up till she explodes!" yelled Tammy. All the students cheered the idea and Sammie didn't feel so comfortable about the idea. Sammie waved her wand to stop the inflation and dehypnotize and the students. She waited but nothing happened, Ms. Jackson continued to expand. "No, no... this can't happen!" yelled Sammie as she shook the wand as if that helped at times. Ms. Jackson's body began to creak as she towered over the others, bloating bigger and bigger. Her tits expanded to two giant orbs that were bigger than all the students. Her butt continued to expand and pushed out about four foot behind her. The students kept shaking her and gas was pushing into every inch of her body. Her eyes bulged out as she experienced the last moments of her expansion. Sammie knew that this wouldn't go over well with her covent. After Ms. Jackson filled to the max and exploded, all Sammie could do was use her magic to clean up the classroom and erase the students' memories. While the students waited for their absent professor to show up, Sammie was kicking herself for using magic.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: I couldn't believe that Helia wanted to come back to Texas with me. Summer in New York was pleasant for me, but a New York girl experiencing a Texas summer? But Helia paid for the ticket out of her own money, so I guess I couldn't complain much.
"Ooooo, we're gonna have such fun, Strig," cooed Helia, "I've never been to Texas before. This should be fun."
"There's not that much to do, where I'm from Helia," I said, "You'll just get bored."
"I won't get bored," replied Helia, as she settled into her seat, " I can always find something to do." She asked the stewardess for a pillow, and began to nap as the plane took off. As the plane gained altitude, I watched as Helia slept. As the air pressure dropped, Helia began to slowly get bigger. Her breasts and belly swelled slightly filling out her seat and the space in front of her.
Helia slept soundly until the plane landed. As the plane descended, Helia's generous measurements returned to their normal 68GG. As the plane's wheels touched the runway, Helia woke with a start. She stretched and gave a big yawn, as the captain announced our arrival in Dallas. "Did anything happen while I was asleep?" asked Helia.
"No," I replied, "Not for you anyway."
We caught the commuter plane back to San Angelo, and landed a little after three in the afternoon. "How will I recognize your dad?" asked Helia.
"You remember that Uresei Yatsura tape I rented at your place?" I asked her. Helia nodded. "Well my dad looks a lot like Onsen Mark."
Helia giggled furiously as we left the airport. Outside in the parking lot, my dad was waiting beside his Mustang, a palomino-colored hatchback. "How was the trip?" Dad asked.
"It was interesting to say the least," I replied.
"Yes," said Helia, "Travel is a great way to expand one's knowledge." She burst into giggles as I loaded her bags into the back of the Mustang.
We had a lot of fun that night, I treated Helia to a movie that wouldn't be showing in her hometown, and after the movie was over, she beat me two out of three times at my favorite video game in the theatre arcade. After the game was over, she arched her back and stretched, a very impressive sight, and asked if I would take her back to the house.
At the house Helia took a long shower, and dressed in some high necked satin pajamas with an unusual cut to the fabric. "Maternity PJ's?" asked my mom.
"They have a better fit for someone with my condition," said Helia, patting her overly full bosom. Mom left it at that, as Helia retired for the evening. The combination of the date plus jet lag must have taken a lot out of her, because I heard her snoring almost immediately after her head hit the pillow.
The next day, Helia was still halfway wiped out as she emerged from her room. She went into my bathroom, and started rummaging around in her overnight bag when she cried: "Oh no!"
"What's wrong, Helia?" I asked sticking my head in the door.
"I forgot my multivitamins," replied Helia despairingly, "I'm gonna be a mess if I don't take them. What am I gonna do, Strig.?"
"Umm, wait a minute, I have something," I said. I opened my medicine cabinet and pulled out a large bottle of caplets, and handed two of them to Helia. "These help me when I don't feel up to snuff in the morning," I explained. Helia took the two caplets, and washed them down with a glass of water. As I went out of the bathroom, Helia got out the bottle and took four more of the caplets, but I didn't know this then.
I had my own little sports car at the time, but considering the car's size and Helia's generous assets, I borrowed one of Norvell Allen's Cadillac convertibles for today's little jaunting. Helia had asked if I would take her shopping, and I said I would. "You just tell me where you want to go," I said, "And I will take you there."
I put the top down, started the engine, and pulled out of the driveway. As we drove around for a while, I noticed Helia adjusting her shoulder strap. "Is something wrong?" I asked. Helia shook her head a bit. "It's probably the heat," said Helia, "I sometimes expand a little when it gets hot like this. I won't get much bigger." Helia leaned the seat back and raised her arms above her head to stretch. "It's a lovely day," she said, pulling some slack into her belt. We stopped at a music store on Knickerbocker and bought some CD's to listen to. I looked for a couple of Pink Floyd CD's I wanted and Helia looked for something to her taste. Maybe a classic rock fan like me.
I glanced over at Helia to see what she had picked out. I couldn't be sure, but her top looked a little tight on her for some reason. "Helia are you alright," I asked.
"Yeah," she replied, "Why?"
"You look a little full, that's all," I explained.
"I told you, it's the heat," said Helia, "You should have seen what happened one time at a tanning salon. I got wedged in the tanning bed for over an hour." She giggled.
Back in the car, Helia leaned back in the seat and stretched. She asked if I knew of any place to get a decent meal. I took her to one of my favorite pizza, places all you can eat for five bucks. By my standards it was a bargain.
Helia wasn't the picky eater that I was, she tried everything on the buffet, and even a few things I wouldn't try. I could never see the attraction of pineapple and Canadian bacon myself, but when she asked for jalapeno and pepperoni, I was tempted to run out and buy her the biggest bottle of antacid I could find. Heartburn City.
As Helia left her seat to go to the restroom, I noticed her belly was sticking out a little bit from under her top. I didn't think much of it, until she came back. This time I could see the bottom of her navel sticking out from under the fabric of her top. She helped her self to two more slices of thick crust Meat Monster Pizza before we left. As we got into the Cadillac, all of Helia's navel was exposed.
"This is more than just the heat, Helia," I said with some concern. "How do you mean?" Helia replied.
"Well most of the stores that we went into had air conditioning," I explained, "You should have shrunk down a little, but your still blowing up."
"You're right, I am getting a little big," said Helia, pulling her top down over her belly "Even with the heat, I never got this big."
As we pulled out of the lot, Helia's belly continued to balloon up, as did her breasts. As I turned onto Sherwood, we passed the Holsome Bakery, a thought hit me. "Helia," I said, "Did you take anymore of those pills from my medicine cabinet?"
"Yes I did," answered Helia, "I didn't think they were as good as my vitamins, so I took a few more."
"How many more?"
"Umm, three or four," said Helia.
"No wonder you're blowing up," I said, "Didn't you read the label on the bottle?" Helia shook her head. "I couldn't, it was torn," she said, "Why what are in those tablets?"
"They're Brewer's Yeast," I said, halfway serious. I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. "Helia, you're rising like a loaf of bread."
"Oh no!" Helia cried. Slowly, but steadily, her belly surged forth and grew towards her knees. Helia gave a short squeal. "There's not enough room up here," she said, "I'm gonna have to get in the back." Helia had a difficult time getting in the back with her belly the size it was, but finally she managed to get over the seat. She laid down in the back seat and tried to relax. "Hoo boy," she said, "This has never happened to me before."
As the time got close to noon, we found ourselves in a slight traffic jam. The sun began to shine down into the back seat and onto Helia's exposed belly. "Strig," she cried, "It's happening again." I looked in the back to see Helia's breasts and belly grow full and tight as yeast began to make more bubbles inside of her. Her belly slowly swelled to the size of a beach ball. Bigger and bigger she grew, as the warm sun-heated up the carbon dioxide bubbles inside her belly. Helia's shoulders thighs began to grow thick and round as well, becoming cone-like.
Helia's belly and breasts began to rise over the top of the Cadillac's back seat for every one to see. Suddenly an opening turned up in the traffic jam. I revved the engine and turned into a side street that I knew would get us home quickly.
Helia began to get bigger than the Violet from Willy Wonka. As I passed the house I turned right on the next street and pulled into the alley behind my house. I then did the only thing that made any sense. I opened the back gate, and tossed Helia into the pool. She drifted through the air, and landed lightly on the water's surface
"What did you that for?" she asked.
"Sorry, I panicked," I said, " I thought it would be the best place to hide you until you deflated."
"Good idea," she said.
"Can I get you anything?" I asked as she floated over to the side of the pool.
"How about some suntan lotion and a pair of sunglasses," she said, "As long as I'm here, I might as well work on my tan."
"Okay," I said, "Anything else?"
"A tall glass of water?"
I helped Helia strip down to the French-cut Lycra bikini she was wearing beneath her clothes. I then hung her clothes on the fence to dry, and then went into the house to get Helia's things. I returned wearing a bathing suit. "Sunglasses," I said slipping them over her cute nose, "Water," I set that in front of her and slipped a long bendy straw between her lips.
"Thanks," she said, as she began to suck up the water through the straw. As she did this, I poured sunscreen on her swollen body and rubbed it into her soft skin. I then oiled her legs and, with some discretion, the top of her bust. "You can touch them," she said, when she saw me blush, "Your doing me a favor." I finally settled on putting the oil in her hand and then guiding it to each swollen breast.
"You're sweet, Strig," said Helia, "I don't find that kind of modesty often. I guess that's one of the reasons I like you. You don't want my body, you just want me." Before I knew it, she had hold of my arms, and hauled me upon to her swollen belly. Before I could do anything, she said: "Relax, I don't mind being a pool toy, in fact I kind of like it. It keeps my hair out of the water." I saw what she meant.
My weight off set her buoyancy so that rather than laying on the water, it was more like she was sitting on it. "It's a nice day to go swimming," said Helia. I laid my head on her swollen belly. Without really thinking about it, I heard a sort of fizzing sound. At first I thought it was just the water in my ears. Then it hit me, water, you mix yeast with water to get the CO2 bubbles. I looked at Helia just as I realized why she wanted the glass of water. "Or for a balloon ride," she said with a grin that belonged on an Irish girl that loved to steal kisses from innocent boys.
As I felt Helia continue to swell in my arms, she began to giggle girlishly. As warm gas filled in Helia's bulk floated us off the water's surface, I realized what it was that I liked about Helia. No matter what the circumstances, she could always rise to any occasion.
I must say that my visit with Strig was fun as well as relaxing. Something about Texan hospitality. I left his beautiful state with a ten gallon hat and a new ten gallon brassiere along with a ten gallon blouse and ten gallon pants. Thanks Strig!
I also must say that in the warmer months you can find me in a pool or near the lake. I love to swim or, as often as it happens, float about on the water, soaking in the warm yellow rays of the sun, being rubbed down with lotion or oil (of course, in a more inflated state I need additional hands to assist).
I like to keep inflated during the summer months. If not my whole body I typically keep my breasts at a rotund round and incredibly bouncy size. I have a set of Lycra bikinis that will stretch to nearly any size. Every once in a while a suit gets old and I simply will "blow" out of it ending up standing there in the water with my giant life-preservers hanging off my chest or billowing up to my chin.
So, if you see a very busty girl hanging out in the local wading pool or lake, and a moment later you see her boobs expand and blast out her swimsuit top...be a dear and head over with a quart of suntan lotion and oil me up, won't you?
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: 'Sir the chemical is in the works, we secreted it into some food stuffs at a market.'
'Good now keep tabs for the effects it has I want to know what it's capable of.'
'Very Good Sir.'
Becky was too tired after work; she picked up her groceries and set off home. Becky was a little self conscious as a man looked at her on the bus as she went home, at 20 she felt her friends were stunners and she was always worried about her weight despite her friends telling her otherwise. Not fat at all she constantly thought she was with her curves. She had modest 36C breasts, she wished was bigger, a slight paunch she worried about and, she thought bitterly, what she felt was a large ass, her hips wide and curved, her butt sticking out behind her. She rarely wore dresses as a rule. Now she was wearing a black top that just showed a hint of cleavage and a pair of loose black pinstripe trousers with her favourite red pumps (She often in work clicked them together wishing like Dorothy to go home).
At home she fixed herself a sandwich and a glass of blackcurrant juice sitting down she looked at the TV, a night in, her housemates where out on a trip so she had quiet for the night. She bit into the sandwich and chewed slowly, it tasted slightly funny but she decided to eat it anyway, she was pretty hungry. She shook out her long dark blonde hair from the bun she wore for work letting it fall over half way down her back.
Slowly her face flushed, she felt hot, and it began to turn a blue colour round her cheeks and nose. Unknowing she took another bite and put the sandwich down as the blue spread over her face and down her neck, it passed slowly under her top as she grabbed her drink and emptied half. Leaning to put it back she glimpsed something on her arm, watching she saw the blue flush spread down her arm and cover her hands.
'What the?' She walked over to the mirror and saw her face totally blue 'Oh my God! My face!' She whispered. Lifting up her top she saw her stomach stained blue and when she pulled her trouser leg up she was in time to see her ankles and feet succumb 'What's going on with my body?' she said in a frightened voice as her hair changed too she lifted her top higher her bra containing her blue breasts, and lower her big butt had turned blue too.
A low sibilant gurgle came from her abdomen, she grabbed it as it growled loudly 'ooohh what's happening to me uhhhn so bloated' her stomach felt drum tight and full but still the bloated sensation got worse building steadily. Becky felt a burp building as she rubbed her belly, but it just refused to come 'Ohhhh... too full.' she stammered when suddenly her stomach seemed to bulge out a little, her fingers stretching apart as it grew a little. 'What?' exclaimed Becky as she felt the change? With a gurgle her hips and ass began to grow 'No stop!' she cried pushing with both hands on her butt, which now was pushing against her trousers, her thighs also filling out, soon her legs and butt were tight against her trousers, forcing her legs wider as her thighs pushed together. Glancing at the mirror Becky saw her lower half blown up out of proportion to her top. Her ass pushed out towards three feet wide. Tears bubbling she frantically pushed at her butt and squeezed her enormous thighs trying to stop the growth.
With no warning it stopped. The pressure lightened and Becky suddenly felt ravenous. Trying to walk she realised her legs would not bend and nearly fell flat as her huge thighs bumped together knocking her balance, The hunger was worsening and so she tried swinging her huge hips round bringing her foot forward. With this slow waddle she covered a few inches at a time each step causing her legs and butt to ripple and bulge tears flowing as the hunger gripped her, after a minute or so she reached the table. Bending over she heard a ping as her trousers strained but she got the sandwich. Hungrily she devoured the sandwich and drained the drink then motioned to sit down. Collapsing on the sofa her legs shooting out straight, her ass spreading as she sat.
The tightness returned 'NO!' protested Becky as her stomach got sore and full again, now her stomach began to grow filling out above her trousers causing some spill over as the trousers waist tightened cinching her waist. She was Unable to open her trousers as they cut into her side painfully. A band of blue appeared as her shirt rode up. Becky tried pulling it down to no avail as her naval came into view. Rolling and puffing Becky pulled herself up again as she felt a tingling in her breasts 'Not those too?' she sobbed still feeling her round stomach as it bulged all around her making her grit her teeth as her trousers waist tightened. Her view of her stomach was slowly being impeded by her growing boobs. She felt them shifting under her top as more cleavage became visible. Her growing breasts caused her top to reveal her now giant stomach, at 4 feet across the middle. Her bra was causing Becky discomfort as her breasts spilled over and under it straining hard, but again like her trousers it refused to break. The slow growing breasts were now at least a foot across each and were touching Becky's chin stopping her from looking down at her body. With a hiss her arms, still wrapped round her breasts, began to fill 'What is happening to me?' whimpered Becky as her arms were lifted up, her shoulders pushing toward her face. A loud snap and her now tiny bra popped, her huge breasts ripping the stitches and jiggling as the tension released. Almost taking it as a sign her trousers button popped running the zipper down and sending ripples through her body. Her stomach pushed through the 'V' created making her struggle for balance. As she wobbled a loud rip came from behind, wincing with effort she forced her bloating arms down feeling her ass and found a huge tear exposing her black French knickers which looked painted on. She pushed at her butt hard willing it to shrink till her arms were to full and as she fought felt them raise to right angles once more. 'Why is this happennmmmmph!!!' her eyes opened wide as her lips and cheeks filled up making talking near impossible 'MMUMPH!' she tried to yell as she felt her body rounding out her stomach and waist filling to make one sphere and slowly began to absorb her mammoth legs. Tottering around Becky could only squeal and whimper as her body filled out. With a strange noise her trouser seams were popping exposing her bright blue legs which seemed to grow faster with freedom, so fast Becky constantly had to correct her stance to avoid falling. A final crack ended her trousers and she felt tears welling again as she felt the material fall away leaving her already tight and too small panties attempting to cover her monstrously huge butt. She seemed to consist of three huge spheres, her torso and breasts, and her humongous legs and bloated arms were now being drawn into her body as it filled.
Becky tried to turn her head and felt her hair brushing her rounded back as she took in her predicament, when a pop drew her attention to her breasts. Deep blue cleavage looked back, and she saw her top pop another stitch, her top just covered her nipples now stretching round her as she grew, but she could feel the stitching breaking under her arms. She looked with shock realising the reason for this was her body had absorbed her arms to the elbow' MMMPHH!' hopelessly she struggled as her top cracked, and ripped down the middle. Her gigantic breasts exploded outwards surging and growing.
The sudden change of her centre of gravity made her tip forward just saving herself with a staggering waddle. Tears bubbled from her eyes as she grew larger, her legs gone, leaving her just with feet (still sparkling and red shoes glittered from her tiny blue feet), her hands flapping uselessly at her sides and her head, with swollen lips and cheeks able to turn only a few inches, each movement making her long hair tickle her back.
And still she grew. Her stretched black panties now the size of a thong giving her little modesty. A cold sensation made her realize her torso had outgrown her feet, her body touching the floor, growing. She moved to tiptoe as she began to lose balance. 'MMMPPHHHH!' she squealed as she tipped forward, hands flapping before rolling onto her breasts and torso. She struggled but could barely rock her enormous body. Her swelling continued as she stared at the floor tears slowly dripping 'Mmmph.' she moaned sadly wondering what to do.
Her body was drum tight filling slowly now, her hands fat and bloated she couldn't even move her fingers, her feet sore in her super tight shoes. With a ping she felt her underwear snap and she felt herself blush in embarrassment despite her self. Her thoughts were on one problem her skin creaking louder with each passing minute, but still it would not stop, her mouth tasted funny, and her heart beat loud due to the pressure of her body.
She heard her door open and people walk in, she was worried as they didn't sound surprised, there next words worried her more
'subject is ripe sir we will bring her back to the lab for monitoring' Becky panicking tried to move shout anything for help as she saw black shoes and trousers enter her view 'lift her.' Ordered the man and she felt hands roll her up
'MM. MMMMMM. MMMPH!' she tried to shout as he came in view a passive man in a dark suit and glasses, slim and calculating. She realized she was now almost an 8 feet tall blue ball with giant breasts and a tiny head. 'Take her' she was rolled to the wall which seemed to disintegrate as she was pushed through, creaking louder still straight into a lorry on her drive 'MMMMMPH!' she thought 'someone, anyone see me!!' In the lorry she was given a small patch stuck on her huge body 'this will stop you bursting, if your good' said the man as the wall seemingly reappeared behind her 'new technology huh? Said the man matter of factly 'Disintegration and rebuilding in seconds'
'Hey what's going on where is Becky?' Jenny from next door shouted, Becky's heart soared
'MMMPPHHH!' she tried to scream the man looked at Jenny smiled and shouted back
'Becky is moving were picking the last of her stuff up, she wont be here for a long time' NOOO she struggled in the lorry willing Jenny to come over and look
'OK tell her to say hi'
'Sure will' Tears anew flooded Becky as she saw the lorry door shut turning her whole world dark.
'Sir we have a specimen'
'Very good keep me noted'
'Some one may suspect'
'Well we may need more then one subject. See to it'
'Of course sir'
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: It had all happened so quickly. Nicole had been walking home from work when all of a sudden a gang of women in black catsuits burst from a nearby building and dragged her inside, kicking and screaming, into the back room. Waiting for her was another woman - a dominatrix - wearing a leather corset and holding a bicycle pump. As the other women held Nicole down the dominatrix forced the nozzle into Nicole's mouth and began pumping, filling her with more and more air, her clothing tearing off of her as she swelled larger and larger until all that was left of her formerly svelte figure was an enormous ball, her skin stretched to an uncomfortable tightness as she sat there, immobile save for the futile flapping of her hands and feet. Even her face had swollen, her full lips holding the nozzle firmly in place.
The dominatrix waved towards the door, and the catsuited women left without a word. Once they were gone she looked over Nicole and purred, "oh my, just look at you." She pressed a finger into her side, Nicole's skin barely giving. "So full of air. Why, there's hardly any give to you at all." She tapped a finger on her chin, looking pensive. "Maybe I should deflate you..." A devilish smirk then crossed her face and she drummed her nails against Nicole. "...or I could pop you instead."
Nicole's eyes widened and she let out a muffled protest.
"But I think there might be a lit-tle bit more room in you. So let's play a little game, shall we?" She gently rested her hands on the handle of the pump. "I'll fill you with three more pumps of air. If you can hold it, you're free to go." She raised the pump. "If not..."
The dominatrix slowly pushed down on the handle. Nicole's body let out an audible groan as the air flowed into her, the skin of her belly becoming near-translucent. She felt tight all over - painfully tight - and wondered if she could really hold any more.
"That's one," the dominatrix purred. Licking her lips, she raised the handle. "...and this is two."
The handle went down and Nicole's body groaned again, more loudly this time. Nicole's hands and feet, the last traces of normalcy on her form, suddenly swelled out into spheres topped with fat sausage-like digits. She could feel her body quivering from the strain and she squeezed her eyes shut, willing herself to hold together.
"I really am surprised," the dominatrix said, impressed. "You're a very... resilient girl." She pulled the handle up. "...and after this, all that air will be out of you... one way or the other." She pushed the pump down one final time. "Three."
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, Clean Popping, air pump
Text: Shirley had massively, grossly underestimated how many people had money and a willingness to spend it on stupid things.
Holding up a pump and asking her stream watchers if they wanted to see her pump up her boobs was, obviously, a joke. Much fun was had by all, until she received a rather sizeable donation with a message of "ten thousand bits if you do it kappa."
So here she was, pumping away. It was a shock when she discovered that it actually worked, and the thought of easy money was enough for her to keep going. Even when her former petiteness rivaled the endowments of other, less talented streamers; even when they surpassed basketballs in scale; even when her shirt stopped stretching and started tearing; even when her her skin began to feel tight. Just as most of the view of the camera was covered up by her breasts, and the chat scroll was covered by excited-looking emoticons, her skin began to grow uncomfortably firm. As she struggled to continue pumping against the pressure she wondered when the nozzle would slip free. After all, she reasoned, forcing the plunger down with a grunt, she couldn't just-
The sudden POP startled her enough that the pump flew from her hands, her shirt instantly deflating as she felt a painful crack like an elastic band being snapped across her ribs. She let out a loud curse as she clutched her chest, partly from the sudden pain and partly from shock to steady her now-pounding heart, finding that her breasts had fully deflated and then some, leaving her with near-absolute flatness. Her watchers were concerned, but she waved a hand to show that she was mostly fine and not in need of serious medical attention.
As the stinging faded she heard the text-to-speech read off "a promise is a promise" as the donation came in; roughly a hundred dollars. She didn't know what she would spend it on, but probably not bras any time soon.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Offscreen Popping, infidelity, poem, revenge
Text: It was at his service station that the couple took their vows;
It was just a short while after that that Moira left her spouse.
Tod was tall, and he was handsome, but he also was quite mean;
In a while, she told Joe everything. It was a nasty scene.
"I understand your need to look at other men," he said,
"But I must draw the line when you have taken one to bed."
"Just let me make it up to you," she pleaded with a smile;
"I'll do whatever you would like. I'll make it worth your while."
At that, Joe merely glanced at her, a smile across his face.
"All right," he said, "I'll tell you how we'll put you in your place.
"Let's go back to the station, and I'll show you what we'll do.
"I promise, I'll forgive you at the instant that we're through."
Delighted, Moira joined him as they travelled to the shop,
Knowing well that after this was done, she wouldn't have to stop.
If Joe forgave this easily, she'd never have a care;
She still felt smug as Joe removed the hoseline for the air.
A puzzled look on Moira's face caused Joe to slyly chuckle.
"Relax! This thing is only air." He told her to unbuckle.
Her navel bared, Joe took the hose's nozzle with a grin,
Then quickly brought it to the hole, and firmly held it in.
A moment later, Moira heard a hissing, then a ping!
The sudden pressure rushing in was quite a lovely thing.
Another "ping!" Another surge, and Moira was aglow;
"I never knew how nice this felt...I'm glad you did this, Joe!"
Her belly, now a tiny mound, pressed firmly at her slacks.
The snugness of the cloth was great! She felt herself relax.
"I think you've had enough for now," Joe told her, hose in hand.
"No, not just yet! I haven't had as much as I can stand!"
Joe felt the swelling mass of pink...it was too hard to resist.
"I think you're right...there's room for plenty more, if you insist."
Her bosom heaved excitedly, as Joe turned up the air.
In moments, tortured clothing split, her size too much to bear.
A moaning sound escaped her lips; it filled her with desire
To stand there, pressure from within, inflating like a tire.
Her massive belly had ballooned to radical proportions;
Joe ran his hands along her sides, admiring the distortions.
On and on, the pinging chimed, and more and more she swelled;
Her turgid arms and bloated legs looked shaky, but they held.
Joe traced a finger lightly over tightly quivering skin;
He truly couldn't fathom how she still could keep it in.
"It's time to leave. I'll stop the pump," Joe told her with a wink.
"Oh, no!!! Don't stop! There's lots of room! I'm hardly at the brink!
"I promise that I'll tell you if I think I'm going to pop."
"Well...on that condition, we'll go on. Just tell me when to stop."
She closed her eyes and sighed with each new ping and luscious gust;
She didn't see the tiny lines which raced across her bust.
The lines were travelling outward from her bellybutton, too;
Engorged with air, her blimping form now shuddered as it grew.
Now only Moira's hands and feet protruded from her mass;
The widening pinkness lurched and heaved, distended by the gas.
But now the color darkened, growing rosy, first, then red;
The lines were spreading faster, stretching further, foot to head.
"I think I'm feeling rather full...let's leave while I'm still able."
The trembling blimp of Moira's mass looked more and more unstable.
"I'd love to grow some more, Joe, but there isn't any room."
"I know," smiled Joe.
The pump chimed, ping.
And Moira went...
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, magic
Text: Kelly Donahue stalked down the hall of the Girl's Dormitory, with a bundle in her arms. She counted off the room numbers until she found the dorm she was looking for. As she steeled herself for what she might see, but that was the price when you had to deal with Deirdre and Brighid Adair.
Kelly knocked on the door and waited for a moment. When nobody answered the door, Kelly dug out her key to their room and went inside. There was no sign of the cousins anywhere in the room. That left only one place they could be. Kelly went into the back of their room and stood before the bathroom door. She then knocked gently three times on the high right corner of the door; then three more times by the middle hinge. Slowly, a faint green glow appeared on the middle of the door, as a mystic symbol only she could see appeared on the door. "Mages..." Kelly thought to herself as she slowly opened the door.
Rather than a little five by seven bathroom like she had in her dorm, Kelly walked into a magical grotto with a lake three times the size of an Olympic sized pool. Suddenly the bright red head of Deirdre Adair appeared from out of the water. "Hi Kelly," she said, "Come for a swim?" Kelly shook her head. "I have a problem Deed," she explained, "And I sort of need your help."
"Then a good swim is just what you need to help sort it out," said Brighid, as she appeared from nowhere behind Kelly. She gave Kelly a gentle push sending her into the water. A second before she hit the water, Kelly's clothes vanished and appeared hanging on a hook by the door. As the water surrounded her, Kelly inhaled sharply, causing the water to fill her lungs. Slowly she exhaled as the shock of landing in the water wore off. Around Kelly's legs the water began to bubble, preventing her from seeing what was happening. Suddenly the bubbles drifted away, and, from the waist down, she had a fish's tail that was the color of emerald. The pool had transformed her into a mermaid.
Kelly looked up and then swam towards the two matching fish tails above her. She had a nasty scowl on her face as she appeared above the water. "I didn't need that Brighid," Kelly said sternly.
"Of course you did," said Brighid, "When you have a problem, you need a distraction. Something to take your mind off of it, so you can find a solution."
"And where else will you find a bigger distraction than us?" asked Deirdre.
"Actually I came here because I thought you might be my solution," Kelly replied. Later in the Adair's living room...
"Neat Kell," said Brighid, "Where'd you get the parachute."
"It's my Cap and Gown for Graduation next week," Kelly replied.
"What," said the Adairs simultaneously.
"The company that took my measurements for the gown, got my name mixed up with a girl in Devon College across town," Kelly explained, "They use the same color gowns, and her last name is Donahue as well."
"This girl has got to be major league plump," said Deirdre holding the gown up to her own slender body.
"I tried getting in touch with her so we could switch gowns," Kelly continued, "But she's left town to visit her relatives for a week. Devon holds their Graduation the week after we do."
"Say no more, Kelly," said Brighid; "I see the problem."
"But this is a little out of our league," said Deirdre.
"Why is that?" asked Kelly.
"When members of our family get their magic, we have to specialize one way or another," Brighid explained, "Transformations and illusions are our specialty, not material alteration."
"But what about..." Kelly began
"The bathroom you mean," finished Deirdre, "Any mage can do that, we form a gate into a place called Underlie. When we're there, we can create our own little pocket of space, make it as limited or unlimited as we want."
"What am I going to do," worried Kelly. Back in the Mermaid Pool:
"Couldn't we make her an illusory gown, she could wear one couldn't she," asked Deirdre. Brighid shook her head. "Kelly would have to believe in it strongly for the illusion to appear solid," she replied, "With her Sight, she would see right through it, and that would cause problems."
"This is going to be complicated," said Deirdre, "I wish we could just transform her so the gown would fit."
"There's an idea," Brighid replied; "Can you imagine how heavy she'd have to be for that parachute to fit. Kelly's go through the floor of the stage." She slapped the surface of the water with her tail to emphasize her point. "She wouldn't have to be heavy," said Deirdre, "Just big."
"Just big huh," Brighid replied, "What do you plan to do, blow her up like a weather ball-"
"Heeeey!" the sisters said in unison Kelly sat on the park bench across the street as bursts of magic flared from the bathroom window. She was glad she was the only one there who could see it; or else everyone on campus would be trying to burst into the Adairs' dorm room with axes and fire extinguishers. "I wonder what their excuse would be," Kelly mused, "We're sorry House Mother, Deirdre was smoking and I had just come in with a big box of fireworks." She giggled silently.
Kelly thought back to the time she first met the Adairs. The first time she saw the two cousins, they appeared to be two slender girls about the same age. Both had modest curves and fiery red hair that practically blazed in the sunlight. Kelly decided to play welcome wagon and brought the Adairs a box of donuts. But when she knocked on the door, the cousin's opened the passage wearing only spandex shorts and jogging bras.
"Umm... Hi, I'm from the welcome wagon," Kelly said to the two lookalikes, "Would you like some donuts?"
"Thank you," one said, "I'm Deirdre, and this is my cousin Brighid."
"Cousins," said Kelly, "You mean your not twins?"
"Our mothers were twins," Brighid explained, "We just look more alike than most cousins. However Deirdre has blue eyes, and I have the bigger boobs." Deirdre's eyes widened. "You do not," she said, "Mine are bigger."
"Mine are a 34 D."
"36 D."
"Sounds like a regular argument," said Kelly. Deirdre nodded. "Maybe you can help us settle it," she said, "Which one of us looks bigger."
Kelly looked at the two girls closely; while it looked like Deirdre had the deeper cleavage, Brighid's bust was definitely fuller, but it was simply to close to tell. "You two look to be about equal," she said, "I honestly can't see any difference."
"Are you sure," asked Deirdre. Kelly looked at her and blinked her eyes. She looked bigger than before; not by much mind you, but just enough to be noticed. "Yeah," Brighid called, "Isn't there any difference?" Kelly looked back at the other cousin, only to see that they were indeed the same size; as though they had grown just that much bigger at the same time. What was going on here?
"I still say I am the bigger," said Brighid. Indeed she looked it, at least to Kelly's eyes. For the soft swells on her chest now fit snugly into the spandex of the sports bra. "No, I am," said Deirdre, and indeed it now appeared that she was, but not by much.
Kelly turned her back to the identical duo and began to doubt her own sanity. Was she hallucinating? As she was pondering this, a faint sound reached her ears. It sounded like rubber stretching...or spand-
Kelly spun around to see both cousins steadily filling out their spandex at a noticeable rate. Soon, both girls were sporting a pair of flesh colored pumpkins on their chest. Was this some kind of joke. Finally, Kelly said: "Take your bras off." The cousins shrugged and slipped the straining spandex over their heads. Each revealing the pert, pink nipples that indeed verified that their breasts were real and that they were indeed growing fuller and fuller. The Adairs were growing into a jaw-dropping sight.
Kelly slowly slumped to her knees. Deirdre and Brighid kneeled on either side of the exasperated girl and group hugged her, letting the swelling breast flesh mold around their guest. "Sorry about that Kelly," said Brighid, "We didn't expect our joke to go this far. We thought you would See what we were doing, but it appears your Sight has been subdued somehow."
"Please tell me what's going on?" said Kelly as the swelling flesh she was trapped between came up to her chin. The cousin's explained how their family, the Adairs were a line of magic users that went back to before the middle ages, how they were able to transform their bodies to such grandiose proportions, and why they had done it in her presence.
"You have the Sight," said Brighid, "The special sense that allows us to see the energies we need to do magic. We thought you were able to use it, so we each grew a bit bigger when you were looking at the other." Kelly blinked "But how do you know I have this sight?" she asked.
"Let me show you," said Deirdre. The Mage touched the center of Kelly's forehead. Suddenly the world lit up for a moment then dimmed to normal. "What just happened?" asked Kelly. The cousins helped her to her feet and guided her towards a mirror. "Deirdre just helped tune in your Sight," said Brighid, "You never learned to use it, so I guess that means that you could be the first real mage in your family." As Kelly looked into the mirror, she saw that her eyes were glowing. It was sort of a cross between a candle flame, and the effect from the old "Village of the Damned" movies.
"Or it could be that you just have the Sight," said Deirdre, "But that alone can open up a whole new world for you." "It most assuredly did," Kelly thought to herself, as she also thought of all the things her new found vision showed her. Seeing the energies that the mages were gathering was like watching a fireworks display every night. It was always amazing. The next day, Kelly Knocked on the door to the bathroom. As the barely visible symbol appeared on the door, she turned the knob and went inside. Instead of the Mermaid Pool, the room was fashioned in the style of a rustic workshop, complete with wooden benches and floors. In the back, stood the Adairs, wearing boots and cut off over-alls. Brighid looked like her normal self, but Deirdre had an overfilled bodice and over muscled body. "Deed, is that you?" asked Kelly.
"Sorry if I seem a little imposing," Deirdre replied, "It's just easier to work with metal if you have a little extra muscle." Kelly walked over and felt Deirdre's arm. "One of these days I have got to try this," she said. "Did you figure out a way to get me a gown?"
"Actually, we found a way for you to wear the one you've got," said Brighid, "We're going to cast an illusion of your normal self over you as you're wearing the gown. That way all everyone in the audience will see is just plain Kelly Donahue wearing the gown she had intended to buy."
"Well that sounds easy," said Kelly, "But what was with all the hocus pocus last night from the window."
"Well," said Deirdre, "There's a snag. In order for the illusion to look right, everything under the spell has to fit properly, meaning the gown has to fit you properly when we cast the illusion."
"You call that a snag!" shouted Kelly, "I'd have to be-"
"Huge," said Brighid, "We know."
"Try enormous," said Kelly, "There's no way I would be able to walk without the ground shaking under me." Deirdre put a hand on Kelly's shoulder. "Trust us," she said, "Have we ever let you down?"
"Well..." Kelly replied, "no, but..."
"We've already tried it out," said Brighid, "There's no danger to you, it won't even hurt." Kelly's eyes shifted to the floor. "Okay," she said, "What do I have to do."
"You're gonna like this Kelly," said Deirdre, "But, for the sake of your clothes, you'd better strip down to your panties." Kelly nodded and then pulled her shirt over her head. As she did this, she felt something get stuck in her exposed navel. "Eep," she squeeked, "That's cold." Kelly put her shirt down and saw, sticking out of her navel, was a long hose that led to the base of an old fashioned tire pump. "Oh you're kidding," Kelly groaned.
"Nope," said Deirdre flexing her muscular arm. She raised the handle of the pump slowly, and then released it. As the handle decended back into it's seat, Kelly felt a cool rush trickle into her. She giggled as the sensation swirled around inside of her and finally settled down. Kelly took off her shorts and folded them next to her shirt. "Do that again," she said.
Deirdre raised the handle again and this time pressed it down. Kelly felt the rush once more as it flowed into her belly. She looked down to see that there was indeed a difference. As she felt her tummy, she found that it didn't sink in like it used to; it was firmer, like something had been added. Deirdre pumped the handle twice more, causing Kelly to inhale sharply. This time there was definately a difference. Her belly was noticeably rounder, the Adairs were blowing her up like a balloon, and it felt wonderful. Deirdre pumped the pump slowly, to allow Kelly to get used to the sensation. Kelly ran her fingers over her new tummy as this new feeling trickled into her.
As Deirdre pumped, Kelly watched as her belly swelled further into a firm dome; it was about the size of a volleyball now and she was getting bigger. More and more she swelled bigger and bigger under Deirdre's steady effort. Kelly moved over to a bench and sat down to watch as her belly grew to fill her lap. As she grew, the sensations in her belly grew as well. Kelly let out a deep sigh with each luscious gust that surged into her growing girth. Now at first glance, Kelly could have been mistaken for fully pregnant, and still she grew under Deirdre's ministrations. As her belly billows further out, Kelly's petite B-cup breasts slip down on either side of her swelling form. Kelly's eyes flutter closed as the delicious swirling sensations continue on from her belly and into her breasts. Slowly, her hands drift up to massage her now growing bosom. "Keep pumping Deirdre," Kelly said between pumps.
"Okay," said Deirdre, increasing her tempo. As more and more of the strange magical gas filled her burgeoning body, Kelly stood up and walked across the room. She took up Brighid's hands and placed them on her billowing midriff. "Feel," Kelly said breathlessly, then she placed Brighid hands on her blossoming bust. As Kelly's beach-ball sized belly brushed against Brighid's own slender form, Kelly pulls the red-haired mage on top of her as she lay down on the floor. Deirdre stops pumping.
"Kelly are you alright?" asked Deirdre.
"Please Deirdre, keep pumping," said Kelly, "I haven't felt this good since ever. If this is what you feel when you transform into something new, then you won't stop until I tell you to, and Brighid you will not move. This is too much for me to handle alone, and you will tell me how big I grow."
Brighid sat on Kelly's inflating stomach, she couldn't believe what was happening. She thought they were creating a way for their friend's problem, but it seemed that the Adairs had created a monster. "Please Deirdre," Kelly beckoned "Pump."
As Deirdre resumed her actions on the pump, Brighid was startled as she to felt how quickly Kelly was growing. She could feel the silky skin of Kelly's breasts knead against her fingers, and the skin of Kelly's midsection rub against the inside Brighid's bare thighs. This new friction sent tingles of pleasure up Brighid's spine. As Kelly's tummy grew fuller and fuller, she began to squirm with greater the pleasure of Brighid presence on her stomach. Kelly reached for her nipples to pleasure them only to find them out of her reach. "Brighid," she said, "Please..." Brighid reached up and began to rub the widening auriola of Kelly's breasts, only to slip off of the swelling pink cushion her friend had become, and into her cleavage. Kelly pressed her swelling bosom together, trapping the mage in her deepening cleft. "Deirdre help!"
Deirdre stopped pumping and ran over to pluck her cousin out from between Kelly's overinflated breasts. As she set her cousin on the floor, Kelly began to breathe heavily. Brighid put her hand on the side of Kelly's girth and felt that she was still blowing up. Deirdre looked around her enormous friend to see that the pump was pumping in time to Kelly's breathing. Slowly, Kelly's tummy grew bigger than Deirdre was tall.
"I think we have a problem," Deirdre said, "We're running out of room. That's pump is just going to keep pumping until something gives." Brighid nodded and then closed her eyes. Suddenly the workshop faded into mist and the three of them were on a great, misty expanse, Unformed Underlie. An infinite dimension with no boundries or gravity.
"Well that takes care of one problem," said Brighid, "But Kelly's still getting bigger." Indeed she was for now her breasts were six feet across, and her belly twice that. A sudden snap announced the explosive demise of Kelly's panties. Suddenly, Kelly's bottom filled out to catch up with the rest of her body, and still the pump filled her bigger and bigger. Had the Adairs not been distracted by the sheer enormity of their friend, they would have seen that the pump was no longer filling Kelly with ordinary air. The device was filling her up with the mystical vapors of Underlie. Kelly's eyes fluttered open and her breathing slowed down a bit. She gave a deep sigh of pleasure as she looked down at her ample growth. She had at least an eighteen foot radius. Her arms and legs had swollen into her mass, her head, hands, and feet the only things sticking out from her great expanse. "Wow," she said with great awe.
"Kelly," said Deirdre floating over to her friend, "Are you alright."
"Don't worry," said Brighid, "I'll take out the hose, that should return you to normal." As she freed the end of the hose from Kelly's navel, a look of shock passed over Brighid's face. Kelly should have been deflating, but she wasn't. As Kelly's head drifted around, Brighid lowered her eyes. "Kelly, I'm sorry," she said.
"Don't be," Kelly replied, her voice now echoed strangely. "I have never felt better, and it's important for a new mother to feel good about what's happened to her."
"Mother," said Deirdre, "You're pregnant?"
"With a whole universe," Kelly finished, "This is how goddesses are made, by accident. We are filled with the raw vapors of the Underlie, and guide whatever you create within yourself to grow as well. Goddesses only need two things. A place in the Underlie to grow for one."
"Grow?" said Deirdre. Kelly nodded. "Universes are big places," she said. The mists of the Underlie swirled around Kelly's body and then formed a vortex around her navel. The mists then began to fill her once more making her grow bigger. "And it takes much to fill them."
"And the other?" asked a still downhearted Brighid, "What else do goddesses need?" Suddenly she was pulled towards Kelly. "Friends," Kelly said as Brighid touched down on her greatly swollen body. "To remind her of what she was, and to share what she has become. I think the two of you will make great goddesses."
Suddenly the mage's clothes vanished as the mists spiraled around them. "You mean we're gonna be as big as you?" said Deirdre, "But what about the graduation ceremony?"
"Don't you know," said Kelly, "Goddesses can control time as well."
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Implied Popping
Text: Johnny awoke at 2 a.m. on Christmas morn, too excited to sleep. He tip-toed past his parents' bedroom before racing down the steps to the darkened living room, only slightly illuminated by the lights on the tree. His heart pounding, he tore open all his presents. He got video games, candy, action figures (not dolls, of course--they're action figures), and even a new bike. Overall, it was the biggest holiday bash he'd received.
He slumped in a chair with disappointment.
Once again, Santa had ignored his entreaties. How many letters to Santa does he have to write? He'd been good all year. How could Santa treat him like this?
Then he noticed a small, wrapped box on the mantelpiece. Had that been there before? He looked at the note, which was addressed to him from Santa. The handwriting was different, but he barely noticed. He unwrapped the box and opened it.
A glowing gold beam radiated from the box. Strangely, although the beam blinded him, it was not painful. His jaw dropped as he became immersed in the glow. His whole body felt weird, like he was ... shrinking? Then darkness.
It was dark and quiet for an interminable period. He couldn't speak, couldn't move. Yet he felt strangely at peace.
Then all at once, it seemed like the roof shot off the house, and bright light shone in on him. Then he saw a face he knew: It was Angela, a girl he knew from school. But she was a giant! She had to be fifty feet tall! Her voice, chirpy and ecstatic, boomed like thunder:
"Oh, wow! A balloon!" She reached down with her gigantic hand and picked Johnny up. As she lifted him out of the box, he finally realized what had happened: Santa granted him his ultimate wish! He had become Angela's balloon!
He wasn't sure how he could see Angela or her living room. Presumably, he did not have eyes any longer, but was conscious of everything around him. This included being able to see not only Angela's beaming face, but the confused look of her parents. Her mother turned to her father and seemed to mouth the words, "Did you get her that?" He shook his head, equally puzzled.
All his questions were forgotten as Angela put her lips around his opening. Then her warm breath slammed into him, first making him firm, then causing him to swell rapidly bigger. Even at this early stage, the pressure that resulted from his forced expansion was intense and--while he didn't have the words to express it--felt not unlike a constant orgasm. She blew him up bigger, then bigger still. If balloons could smile, Johnny was certainly smiling. Angela stopped to catch her breath and admire her handiwork. "Wow! This balloon is big already, and I'm just getting started!" She blew into Johnny again, and he expanded further, enjoying every moment as he got fuller and fuller with every puff. The strain on his elasticity increased exponentially as he swelled and swelled. Although he couldn't see how big he was getting, he could feel it. And he was getting really big.
Angela paused again. "This is going to be the biggest balloon ever!" she exclaimed excitedly, rubbing her hands over Johnny, which to his rubber skin felt deeply sensual. Then she blew him up again. His rate of growth slowed, so she blew even harder. He stretched out bigger, becoming more and more transparent.
"I love balloons so much!" Angela declared, and gave Johnny a bear hug. She squeezed him to her chest, and the pressure was unbearable. Johnny was sure he would burst!
"I'll be in the kitchen," said Angela's father, who hated loud noises.
Angela mercifully released him. But soon she was blowing him up again, inflating him larger and larger. Her breaths kept coming, relentlessly. He expanded bigger than he thought he could get--and was still getting bigger. And bigger. And bigger still.
"Why don't you open some of your other presents?" Angela's mother asked, anticipating a future mess.
NO!, Johnny thought. But he needn't have worried. Angela totally ignored her mother and went back to blowing Johnny up. If anything, she was more determined than ever to make Johnny bigger, as she took deeper breaths and puffed him up with almost religious dedication. He knew that by now he was huge! But she still made him bigger, still inflated him larger, still blew him up more. He was vaguely aware that he was probably almost as big as Angela.
"Look at how big it is!" Angela said proudly. "I'm going to make it even bigger!"
"Honey, you're going to pop it," her mother warned.
To no avail. "I'm going to make it bigger!" she insisted, and she did. Johnny grew and grew and grew. He bobbed helplessly around in the air as she filled him up every part of him. There was little room left for more air. Angela was struggling to keep the air inside him, as the mouthpiece got smaller and smaller. But still she blew, determined to make Johnny bigger. She kept blowing and blowing and blowing. Johnny knew from the strain--and even from his very size--that he could not get any bigger. He was stretched to the fullest, on the verge of bursting. Angela must have known it too. And yet ....
She took one more breath. A long, deep breath. And then she blew into him.
The best Christmas ever, thought Johnny, just before...
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Inflation Olympics
Text: The girls had lead Sarah to a large gymnasium adjoining the locker room then. She realized now why the building had appeared so large from the outside... its interior contained a standard 400-meter track, layered with that sort of black rubber that she'd heard was made of recycled tires. A tier of mostly empty black bleachers ran parallel to the track on each of its long sides. They took Sarah to the front row in a roped-off section marked "VIP.""Will you be okay here, Sarah?" Laurie asked. "The only people allowed on the field are contestants and officials."I should be," Sarah said. "I can see the whole field from here. She took a seat on one of the black padded seats of the bleachers.A loudspeaker from the back of the bleachers announced, "Mobility four-by-one-hundred relay in five minutes. If you're signed in, get to the field and take your places, ladies.""That's our cue Sarah," said Laurie. "We'll be back before too long. I don't have any other events until later on, so I can answer some more questions for you in just a few minutes, okay?""Will do," said Sarah. "Good luck, girls," she said with a smile. A chorus of "thanks" and "thank you" issued from Laurie, Sandy, Lindsey and Amanda as they began to head towards the field. Sarah jumped in shock as all four of them deflated back to their normal size in preparation for the start of the event. She was struck this time by how much taller Sandy was than the other four, and thought that maybe that was one of the reasons why Sandy competed in the so called 'Volume' events. It made sense that a bigger girl could hold more than a smaller one.Over the course of a few minutes, Sarah watched as the four companions made their way to the track and took their places on the track along with the other teams. Sandy stood at the starting line, while Laurie, Lindsey, and Amanda stood at hundred-meter increments around the track along with the other members of each team. One official with a starting pistol blew their whistle then. Any girls on the field still stretched out with helium released the gas out of their mouths, slimming before Sarah's eyes. The starting runners took their places beside Sandy at the starting line. Each reached to the helium tank before them and took the free end of the helium hose in their mouths, their free hand resting on the valve of their helium tanks.The starter's pistol went off, and an amazing sight befell Sarah. Ten sets of helium tanks were opened, and the ten starting girls began to swell. Sarah could hear the hiss of the gas entering their bodies from all the way up in the stands. Every woman's inflation was slightly different in nature, but slowly but surely each one was expanding. Breasts swelled, bellies ballooned, thighs and buttocks expanded, and the stitches of the contestants athletic suits complained vigorously as the wearers inflated more and more.Sarah noticed that Sandy, valve on her helium tank almost full-open, was rapidly eclipsing her peers at the starting line. Everyone had started empty, but with each passing moment Sandy's expanding girth increased the margin between their sizes, within seconds becoming twice the size of the rest, then three times, then four. Other girls at the starting line began to cast worried glances in her direction. Some of them opened the valves on their tanks further in a bid to decrease the gap between their respective sizes. Sandy smiled around the hose in her mouth and reached down to the faucet-valve on the helium tank before her. She quickly turned it counter-clockwise until it reached the end of its threading and came off in her hand. She tossed the useless valve over her shoulder and closed her eyes contentedly as the helium now rushed into her body at the maximum rate now unhindered by any restricting valve. She was doing what she did best and knew it. She rested her free hand on her ballooning stomach and swelled larger and rounder with each passing moment.Seeing that catching up with Sandy's inflation was going to be a sheer impossibility, the other contestants one by one held as much helium as they felt necessary and took off running down the track to their waiting teammates. Their movement struck Sarah as being somewhat ungainly, but it was evidently rather hard to move quickly while so overly inflated. One by one, they slowly traversed the hundred meters to their first set of teammates and quickly began to transfer the helium held inside their bodies to the new runner for their team. Each runner locked lips with her teammate, and flicked open the valve inside their own mouths, allowing the helium contained within their inflated bodies to begin to inflate their partner. As had been explained to Sarah, half the helium flowed into the new runner, and half remained in the first woman's body once the pressure differential inside both women had equalized. The newly-inflated runners took off down the track towards waiting third-leg team members. Sarah noticed that Sandy still stood at the starting line, now enormous beyond anything she'd imagined...she was gigantic, breathtakingly big. The bottom curve of her belly nearly touched the ground, the entire sphere of it nearly as tall as she was. Her breasts nearly occluded her face from view, such was the distance that they rose upwards. She didn't appear to be paying much attention, still resting her hand on her side and smiling around the hose in her mouth.From a hundred meters down the track, Laurie yelled "Come on, Sandy! We're starting to get too far behind!" One by one, the other runners slowly made their gassy 'handoffs' to their new partners, quickly sending the newly ballooned girls off on the third leg of the relay race. "Come on, Sandy!" Laurie shouted again.Sandy lifted her free hand from her side, and merely raised her index finger slightly, signifying "wait.""Hurry up!" Laurie called again. "You don't need any more, that's too much as it is!" Sandy didn't appear to hear, and continued to grow larger. She was so large now that she was virtually covering four lanes of the relay track. Her expanding belly pressed now against the upright helium tank of a long-departed contestant, tipping the tank over as her girth continued to distend prodigiously. Officials began to glance back and forth at one another, concerned."Ma'am, you know this is a RELAY, yes?" Sarah heard one venture cautiously."Mmm-hmmm," Sandy agreed throatily around the hose in her mouth. Sarah watched Sandy's free hand gently testing her side, pressing in gently to gauge the firmness. Sandy smiled to herself."Sandy, come ON!" Laurie yelled again from her position further down the track. Then, with a whispering sigh, the roar of the helium rushing out of Sandy's tank slowly fell silent. Sandy, looking slightly disappointed, spat the hose from her mouth."You guys need to fill these relay tanks to the top next time!" Sandy reproached."Uh... sorry, ma'am. We didn't really think anyone would use....that...much, for a relay..." the same official that had spoken before replied. Without another word, Sandy arched her back, thrusting her truly gigantic belly into the air, and began to walk carefully down the track. Meanwhile, the rest of the relay teams had all made their final handoff. Sarah noticed that the fourth members of most of the teams weren't very inflated at all, holding only an eighth of the air the original runners had been holding as she'd been told.As Sandy slowly carried her unbelievable girth down the track, impeded by the size of her belly and overinflated thighs, the fourth relay runners crossed the finish line back where Sandy had just left. One by one, Sarah saw race officials hold a tiny device to the lips of each girl, and write down a number on a clipboard. After this, each woman allowed her body to deflate, then turned to watch Sandy waddle down the track with widened eyes. When the very last girl had crossed the finish line, Sandy finally had reached Laurie. Sarah had no idea how Sandy was going to get close enough to her to transfer her helium. Surely she was too inflated. Sandy said something to Laurie then, but Sarah couldn't make it out over the distance.Sandy grinned broadly, and then pressed her enormous girth against the ground, her abdomen pressing into the track just below her popped-out navel. The impact produced a loud, drum-like "DUNN!" audible even from Sarah's position. Suddenly, Sandy forcefully pushed off the ground with both her feet. It was almost a jump, but she kept her belly pressed against the ground, having pushed off the ground on a vector tangent to the sphere of her own overinflated belly. Slowly, she began to roll on the sphere of her stomach. She slowly rolled up and over until she was lying on top the great swell of her abdomen, her face held up to a level even with Laurie's despite the fact that she was lying down on top of herself. Sarah gasped at that... even lying down upon it, the bulge of Sandy's belly was over five feet high. She threw her arms around Laurie's neck, and Laurie learned forward to meet her, mouth to mouth.Sarah could hear it all the way up in the stands when Sandy flicked open the release valve inside her mouth. The roar of helium rushing into Laurie's body was unbelievable. Sandy's mouth was much larger in gauge than the small-diameter hose that Sandy had used to inflate herself with, so the helium contained within her swollen body wasted no time in flooding into Laurie. Laurie's hands flew to her belly as she began to fill, unprepared for the speed of it. Her waistline distended by inches, then feet, then yards. Her leotard grew tighter and tighter about her as her belly, breasts, thighs, and buttocks grew increasingly full and taught. Sandy, the source of Laurie's inflation, gradually began to decrease in size. Within moments, Laurie was now so large that she pressed her own belly to the ground and lay face to face with Sandy, one of them deflating, the other rapidly inflating. After only perhaps fifteen seconds each was approximately equal in size to the other, though the shorter Laurie's belly looked much fuller and tighter than Sandy did. Sandy used her inflated thighs to squeeze as much of the remaining helium in her body out into Laurie by squishing the great ball of her stomach between her legs. Laurie ballooned slightly larger. Sandy at last relaxed her hold on Laurie and rolled herself backwards, landing on the balls of her feet.Not used to being so enormously inflated, Laurie flailed on top of the sphere of her abdomen, trying to generate the inertia needed to roll back onto her feet. Sandy stepped forward, pressing against Laurie's side with her own inflated belly, rolling the redhead backwards onto her feet. Staggering backwards, Laurie turned and began to run as best she could down the track towards Lindsey, cradling her immense form between her palms. Lindsey, seeing how large the hugely swollen form of Laurie was as she waddled closer, paled slightly. When Laurie arrived, red-faced from the pressure inside herself, Lindsey stepped backwards in awe of the size of her relay partner. She was usually placed behind Laurie in these races, Sarah recalled, but Lindsey's demeanor said that never before had the redhead been of such a gigantic size."Take... some... of... this... helium... now," Sarah heard Laurie grunt. Hesitantly, Lindsey stepped into Laurie's embrace, squishing against Laurie's swollen belly. They locked lips then, and Laurie opened her release valve inside her mouth. Lindsey's inflation was not as rapid as Laurie's had been, but it was much more dramatic. Every milliliter of helium that escaped from Laurie's lips flowed into Lindsey's swelling thighs and buttocks. They swelled larger and fuller, stretching her yellow leotard tighter and tighter across her expanding seat until finally....BANG! The rear seam of her leotard busted open, exposing the bronze tan of her overinflated backside. She tried to pull away, surprised, but Laurie held her fast in her grip as the pressure hadn't yet equalized between them. Sarah watched in amazement as Lindsey's bottom distended amazingly, reaching an unbelievable size. Finally, Laurie released her, her own belly finally significantly emptied into Lindsey."Go, run!" Laurie urged her. Lindsey needed no urging, and took off at a rapid pace, her waddling run looking almost comical with her inflated thighs and bottom."You owe me for new pants!" Lindsey called over her shoulder, holding the rent in the seat of her leotard shut as best she could in spite of the amazing distention of her buttocks. She reached Amanda in a few moments, and the two rapidly pressed mouth to mouth. Lindsey's bottom slowly shrunk down to a smaller, albeit still amazing size. Consequently, Amanda's breasts filled and swelled inside her top, straining the material to the maximum and squishing against Lindsey. When the two at last disengaged, Amanda turned to run for the finish line, only to find her bosom so grandly inflated with helium that her endowments instantly floated up into her face, obscuring her view with an extreme close-up of her own cleavage. Sarah watched as she compensated by turning around again and ran backwards, looking over her right shoulder. At last, she reached the finish line. Grinning, she held her buoyant bosom down against her torso so that the dumbfounded official could press the pressure gauge against her mouth. Blinking with disbelief at the number, she double-checked the value, and then recorded Amanda's pressure and the team's total time on her clipboard.The official that had measured the pressure in Amanda's breasts calculated some figures on her clipboard, blinked once in surprise, and then walked off the field and made her way to the small room next to the bleachers.At length, the loudspeaker at the top of the bleachers behind Sarah spoke up: "Four-by-one-hundred mobility relay. First place: Sandy Mason, Laurie Washington, Lindsey Hall, Amanda White." After that, the speaker continued to read off names that Sarah didn't recognize. Down on the field, the four friends grinned at each other, and smiled at the applause from the stands honoring their admittedly odd performance. Evidently, the fact that they had completed the race holding so much more helium than everyone else had more than made up for their much slower finishing time.Finishing reading off the results, the loudspeaker completed its announcement by adding, "Next event, Maximum volume time retention. Currently registered: Samantha Cartwright, Sandy Mason, Cindy Brown. If you wish to compete in the Maximum volume time retention event and aren't on the list, please come to the announcement booth right away."
Sarah saw Lindsey run back to the locker room, presumably to get a new pair of pants. The other three girls, deflated for the moment, continued back towards the bleachers where Sarah was seated. They had just reached the stairwell that lead up the the VIP area of the bleachers, when a woman in a cranberry unitard with white leggings came out of the locker room nearby the three remaining girls. Most of the newcomer's inflation was in her belly, though she was quite swollen all around. Her hair had been gathered up in a scrunchie up top, and dyed a curious shade of reddish-purple. Her overstretched cranberry unitard had the words "Helium Queen" emblazoned on the belly, each white letter stretched to a huge size by her distended yard-and-a-half belly. Surprisingly, she was just as big as Sandy had been earlier when Sarah had first seen Sandy in the locker room. The newcomer noticed the three, turned, and reached up with one hand to lower her glasses from her eyes and peer at Sandy. The newcomer said something to Sandy then, but Sarah couldn't quite catch it.Sandy turned towards the newcomer then, and Sarah heard her say, "Oh, hello, Samantha," in a tired voice."A mobility relay race Sandy? How... quaint." Samantha said, Sarah barely able to catch her words over the distance. "Don't expect the volume events later on to be quite so easy," she said, smirking. Samantha turned, and walked off down onto the field with a sashaying strut that swung her ballooned bottom back and forth.Sandy flicked an irritated glance in Laurie's direction then. "All I want is to beat her once. That's all it'd take to get her to stop doing that," Sandy grumbled. Laurie nodded in agreement with her friend.Sarah reflected on what she'd heard. Evidently, Sandy had a bit of a rivalry with this Samantha woman. That didn't make much sense though, in light of how big Sarah had seen her get at the beginning of the relay. Maybe Sandy had trained so hard for the past few months that this other girl simply had no idea how big Sandy could get now? But that didn't explain Sandy's discomfiture when Samantha had derided her while coming out of the locker room. She must really be able to get to a size comparable to Sandy, then.As she watched the three companions make their way up the stairs, she reflected on the fact that she'd first thought this building was a little too big. But if there was anyone here that was able to beat Sandy at inflation, then maybe the building was too small after all!These so-called 'volume' events were definitely going to be something to see...
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, Offscreen Popping, blowkiss, women inflating men
Text: The sound of a page occasionally being turned was more or less the only thing audible throughout most of the building, save for maybe the odd creaking of a chair or a cough or two. Of course, though, libraries tend to be like that at the best of times. It was particularly quiet, however, on the evening at which he found himself taking up residence in a secluded wing of the library for some quality reading time. While most people were either at home or making their way there under the setting sun, he decided to take the time while he was in the area to finally get around to that crime novel a friend from work had gotten him for Christmas the year before that he'd never gotten around to. Now, 3 chapters deep, he had to admit he was starting to get engrossed. So engrossed that, between that and the carpeted floor, he failed to hear the silence broken by approaching footsteps, only being pulled out of his own little world by a hand on his shoulder and another, more curious noise directly in his ear."shh~"But by then, it was too late to react. A split second later, he found himself pressed against the back of his chair as a girl he'd never seen before swung her legs over him and mounted his lap, holding both his hands down by his sides in one movement with almost rehearsed precision. No sooner had he hastily processed this information that she forcefully pressed her lips to his, and began to blow; strong enough to show clear force, but just slow and weak enough to imply a kind of sensuality, as if she was having fun with whatever it was she was doing. Whatever it was she was doing, however, became apparently rather quickly, as he began to feel an odd sort of pressure welling up in his lower torso. He shot his eyes down quickly and noticed his belly starting to press against his shirt, his eyes immediately widening in surprise. His captor's eyes did the same, though with more of a predatory gleam, as if to say "you're mine now, and I'm going to do whatever I want to you."As his belly continued to swell, straining against the buttons of his shirt, he felt the pressure spreading to other areas of his body. His trousers, already skinny to begin with, began feeling even tighter than usual as his ass and thighs expanded, and though he struggled against her hold, he found that the newfound swelling and pressure in his arms and legs rendered them stiff and weak. She was very aware of this, and found her passion renewed at the sight of his body slowly inflating larger and larger. Her breath couldn't keep up forever though, and she stopped and leaned away as his back began to round out, pressing him forward in the chair. He immediately tried to seize the opportunity and shout, either to try and call for help or just express his shock and anger. He accomplished neither, as he instantly found a hand placed firmly over his mouth, any words that would've come out simply turning to muffled gibberish."uh-uh-uh~" She told him in a whispery singsong as she wagged her finger disapprovingly before leaning in close to his face. "we're in a library, remember? And besides, I haven't nearly had my fun yet~"With swift and precise timing, she then removed the hand from his mouth and instantly locked lips with him again, resuming his inflation. As his shirt was reaching the limit of its stretch, she sensually ran a long fingernail along his now uniformly swelling middle, silently cutting his buttons loose. He was relieved for a moment, before realising the implications of her nail along his tight body, and he was only getting tighter and tighter still. Amidst the silence, the sound of the fibres in his pants crackling and popping as they slowly formed larger and larger tears was all the more agonising, an ever constant reminder of his perilously inflated state, until finally they gave up the ghost and burst off his body with a quick *RIP* and a hollow *FWOOPM* as his legs finally joined with the rest of his now spherical body. The recoil from this also served to tip the chair back onto the ground, cusing him to roll backwards onto his back and his mystery inflator to move from straddling his crotch to straddling his taut, round belly.By this point, he had gradually become aware of the fact that his growth was slowing down. Not for lack of power, however, as she continued to puff him up right with that mixture of sweet playfulness and commanding force. His eyes widened as he put two and two together and realised that he was nearing his limit. Evidently, she was aware of this too, as she took another break. Covering his mouth proved unnecessary, as he went to protest but found that his cheeks were too puffy for him to open his mouth. She ran a finger along his belly and pressed it into him, giggling softly to herself as she felt the lack of give in his flesh. She looked back up into his eyes as she did so, making her intent perfectly clear without uttering so much as a word. She gave him one last taunting wink before pressing her lips against his for the third time, his senses going into overdrive as she forced more and more air into his overtaxed balloon-boy body.The sound of his skin creakingThe sound of the air rushing into his bodyThe sound of his own muffled, involuntary whines of fearThe sound of her muffled groans of pleasureNot very loud, but deafening against the silence of the library.And then finally, with one last puff, that silence was dramatically broken. |
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, first person, magic
Text: I checked my watch one final time: one minute to go. As I pulled my hair back beneath my gray beanie, I took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. I didn't usually get too nervous before jobs, but this one promised to be a special challenge, even for a thief with my... unusual skillset.
The digital display on my watch flashed as I adjusted my satchel and tightened my gloves: show time. Straightening against the shadowed pillar, I drew in my mind's eye a three-dimensional blueprint of the vault. My fingers shaped symbols in the air, and, steeling myself, I uttered the short incantation.
There surrounded me a sensation of between, bitter cold mixed with deafening gusts of blackness. It lasted but a moment, yet seemed to stretch on indefinitely, to the point where I wondered if I would reach my destination. But finally, the tumult died down, and I reentered the universe with a jolt.
It is difficult to describe the experience of teleportation. No words can really do justice to the space between point A and point B, and there is no real precedent for what happens when you get there. First there is a FWOOMP! of displaced air, and then an immediate and overwhelming sensation of fullness, as if your lungs, stomach, and intestines have all reached their capacity. Along with the fullness is the hug of fabric that doesn't fit quite so perfectly anymore, and extreme vertigo that borders on nausea for a few moments before subsiding. The cramped pressure inside your body improves as high concentrations of air flow toward low concentrations, and the system reaches equilibrium. In practice, it involves quite a bit of belching and flatulence.
I did a quick bit of fiddling with my sweater and pants to relieve the various tight spots. My body, now at twice its normal volume, looked significantly plumper than it had mere moments before, outside the gates. I couldn't help but take a moment to run my hands across the assorted new curves. Another belch found its way out of my mouth. Blushing, I finally composed myself and took a look at where I was.
The vault was maybe ten feet by fifteen, and lined on all sides with drawers and glass cases, each containing a treasure of some sort. All were undoubtedly valuable, but my principal aim was not money. I like to steal things that are one of a kind. Special. Powerful. And tonight, I had my eye set on a very special prize. Which was a bit of a problem, considering that, as I examined every case and opened every drawer in the entire vault, I couldn't seem to find it.
A twinge of panic began to stir in my bloated gut. The mansion had dozens of rooms; if the amulet wasn't here, then it could take hours to determine its true location. I did, luckily, have hours. That wasn't the problem, however. The problem was that I was locked inside a vault that couldn't be opened from within.
I brushed some renegade locks of hair back under my beanie. At the moment, I had two options: teleport outside the vault and explore the rest of the dimly-lit, security-patrolled mansion, or abort the mission. My judgement was perhaps a bit skewed by adrenaline, but I really wanted that damn amulet. Sighing, I visualized the hallway outside the vault, twiddled out the hand signals, and uttered the incantation.
The between was shorter this time around, but the instant expansion made my eyes bug out. The outrageous pressure was exacerbated by the fact that I had to hold in the air to keep silent while I scoped out the areas adjacent to me. Only when I had determined the coast was clear did I let out a long, muted belch. My intestines squirmed uncomfortably, but I was too nervous to relieve the pressure, or too prudent—I am a lady, after all.
Moonlight shone through a large picture window not too far away from me. In the dimness, I could see my startlingly enlarged breasts peeking out the top of my sweater. I probably looked pregnant with a whole batch of extra-large fetuses. I put a hand to my face: even my lips seemed a smidge fuller.
I made my way as stealthily as I could down the hallway. If my mental map was correct, I should be heading toward the next likeliest spot: the study. Doorframe after doorframe passed—how many rooms were there in this damn house?—and I heard nothing but my own very quiet breath, and the occasional gurgle as my abdomen complained about the pressure. Finally, I arrived at Door #1.
My panties dug into the cleft of my buttocks as I knelt down and removed the lockpick kit from my satchel. The door was ancient, probably solid oak, but the lock was brand new. This could take a little while.
I had been at it for probably a good ten minutes when I heard footsteps echoing softly down the hall. In the darkness, I was concealed, but as I gazed down the rows of shafted moonlight toward the sound, I made out the figure of a guard strolling sedately toward me. I had very little time.
The lock continued to defy my attempts at breaching the study. The guard drew closer. My breathing grew faster, and I feared he might hear it. I had no alternative. Yanking out the tools and tossing them back in my satchel, I shut my eyes, waved my fingers, and whispered the incantation.
I was instantly inside the pitch-black study, and instantly consumed by unbearable fullness. I wanted nothing more than to let it all out in an explosion of bodily gas release, but I mustered every ounce of strength to hold it in. My eyes watered as I listened for the guard to walk by the door. All the while, I dreaded that he might be able to hear the storm of thunderous noises emanating from my midsection. I was startled by a sudden pop as my navel became convex.
An eternity passed, and the footsteps died away. Exhaling gratefully, I allowed my body to relax, and discovered to my horror that the air had apparently lodged itself quite irretrievably within my gut. The pressure remained almost debilitating, but it now had no outlet.
That amulet had better be in here.
I rummaged around in my satchel, struggling to reach it with both hands around my rotund stomach, and pulled out a flashlight. The bright beam ignited the opposite wall, and in the ambient glow, I beheld the astonishing expanse of my body. If I had to guess, my bust was nearing a foot and a half across, and my belly a bit less than twice that. Neither was much contained by my sweater. My ass felt cinched by a pair of panties that would now probably fit someone twice my normal size easily. My face felt pudgy; I probably had dimples now, and big pouty lips. I was forced to waddle as I searched the room.
All four walls were lined with towering bookcases; in one corner I bounced against a massive armchair, accompanied by an embroidered lamp. There were more than just books on the shelves, and as I looked, my eyes fell upon a bust of some Greek deity—Pallas, no doubt—around whose neck there rested a pendant. My heart skipped a beat. The amulet! Just sitting there, with no locks, no vaults, not even a good dusting. The last artifact of an ancient mystical order, said to channel the forces of nature and give its wearer power over birds and beasts, and here it was, a knicknack in some rich fool's study. It seemed almost pathetically easy.
I grabbed the amulet and gently placed it in a velvet pouch, which I then stowed in my satchel. The job was nearly complete, with only a few minor complications, if waddling around like an overstuffed beanbag for a few days counted as minor. I composed myself with a grin, secured the strap of my satchel securely across my front, and cast the spell one last time.
I materialized outside the gates, concealed once more behind a brick pillar. Or, partially concealed, at least. As the vertigo subsided and I adjusted to the unbelievable pressure raging within me, I did a quick mental calculation. Each teleportation displaced my current volume in air, which would double my volume with each casting. After four teleportations, I was sixteen times my original volume. I couldn't see much past the beachball-sized globes of my breasts, but I knew I must look absolutely ridiculous. I had to be nearly as wide as I was tall. Moving around, I discovered with some consternation that my legs would barely bend, forced rigid by the inconcievable amount of air lodged inside them. My arms were not much better by comparison. Cold air in unexpected places signaled that my wardrobe had malfuctioned rather irretrievably. Frankly, I was surprised it had held out this long.
If the futility of my situation hadn't yet become apparent, it was quickly brought home to me when my first attempt at walking resulted in a fall that ended—much too quickly—with a rubbery bounce. I was stuck, eyes gazing up at the stars.
There followed several mortifying minutes of Sisyphean struggle as I variously rolled, rocked, and bobbed to and fro in an attempt to right myself. I was ultimately forced to accept that I was not going anywhere.
As my breathing, quickened by the exertion, grew calmer, I heard the tread of a leather boot. I couldn't know who it was, but probability indicated that it wasn't someone I wanted to run into in my present state. I was terrified; I seriously doubted my body's ability to withstand another teleportation. The pressure was already so intense. But the footsteps grew closer, and finally, clenching shut my eyes, I pictured my living room, twiddled my fingers, and mumbled the incantation through swollen lips.
I very nearly passed out from the pressure. It stretched my body in all directions, forcing its way into every corner, every crevice. It was fullness beyond reason, like the entire universe was crammed into me. Never again will I look at a balloon without shuddering. I truthfully thought I was going to explode.
My stomach gave a gurgle, and then a rush of gas burst from between my puckered lips. A similar gust exited my rear. I blushed, but only half-heartedly; already I felt indescribably better.
My clothes had said their last goodbyes, and now lay in tatters on the floor around me. The satchel strap had torn, and the bag's contents were now strewn across the carpet; I spied the velvet pouch, and the unmistakeable bulge inside it. My treasure was safe.
I examined my current state. It was of course impossible to tell for certain, but I seemed to be altogether rotund. Nothing more than a ball seated gently upon the floor. Swollen hands and feet wiggled stiffly at far removed points, sunken into divots on my drum-tight surface. Beyond the canyon that comprised my cleavage, I saw little except a horizon of pale, shiny skin, too taut to raise goose-pimples despite the cold air. I could feel my crotch rubbing against the carpet, inflated past my feet. My cheeks were comically engorged, and my lips were puffed so full that I couldn't speak. Mobility, at least attemptable before, was now an impossibility; my efforts rewarded me with nothing more than a gentle wobble.
Oh, well. It would be at least a day before I could even attempt to move around, and another week or so before I'd be in any condition to go out. Until then, I could afford to relax.
Another belch rolled up my esophagus. I let it escape through my nose. My body cushioned itself against the floor, and despite myself, I felt my eyes grow heavy. Sleep would be a welcome reprieve, though I'd no doubt be hungry when I woke up. Oh, well. That could wait. For now, I was satisfied.
I had my trinket.
Tags: Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Clean Popping, Belly Demon, cigarette, decompression, demolition, floating, helium, magic
Text: Cal hadn't intended for his life to wind up like this. He chuckled to himself as he scrubbed the oil from his calloused hands. "Whose life winds up as intended?" he thought to himself. But his had taken a decided turn for the worse several years ago, and firmly stayed there. Marcus had challenged him to a duel, and he'd lost. Caligula Torvath the Third, the greatest of the Torvath line of wizards, had lost. Had Marcus been a more noble wizard, he would have killed Cal outright and that would have been the end of it. But he'd done something far worse.
Cal had set up the station to get away. It was a form of self-exile. He lived out in the middle of the desert, fifty miles from anything else man made. He had a few pumps, a repair garage, a little convenience store, even a tow truck out back. He lived above the store. Occasionally people came by, gassed up, stopped in to get things fixed, but mostly he was left to himself. Here he could be alone in his shame. With his magic he could conjure everything he needed, so he never left. But Marcus had found him here to extract his due. While it was the perfect place for Cal to disappear into his self-loathing, it was also an ideal location for wizards to battle to the death away from prying eyes. Marcus visited almost monthly now. He had stopped by again a few hours ago and dropped off Amanda along with a few parting taunts and left for another duel.
Satisfied that his hands were as clean as he cared, Cal splashed water on his face and stared at himself in the grimy mirror. A few years ago he'd been soft. But he used very little magic out here these days, just what he needed to stay isolated. Now he was lean, muscular from labor and unkempt for not caring. He ran his hand along the dark stubble the covered his face. "Where the hell did you go wrong?" A loud sharp rumble, like nearby thunder, caught his attention and drew his gaze to the bathroom window. The light outside was fading, but off in the distance he could see a rising dust cloud.
"Did you hear that?" Amanda demanded as Cal exited the bathroom. Cigarette in hand, she sat waiting in the store. She smoked when she was nervous. Cal stared at her. He normally wouldn't be able to admit to himself that a woman he found so despicable he also found so attractive. But Amanda's beauty was partly Cal's doing. It wasn't that Amanda hadn't been beautiful before Cal or Marcus had ever met her. She had been. Her slim, firmly toned body was the result of years of regular gym sessions; her smooth, flawless, golden brown skin was earned through relentless sunning and obsessive moisturizing; her long, flowing black hair was a gift from nature.
"Of course I heard it," he replied, flatly. He had little patience for Amanda, no more than was required of him. She'd always been too slender for Marcus' tastes, and her own as well. That was where Cal had come in, and it was the other reason he'd Bound Cal instead of killing him. Marcus was a summoner, at least he had been when he started out. He specialized in using magic to force people and creatures to do his bidding. Cal was a pneumaticist. His specialty was the control of pressurized gases and liquids in enclosed spaces. It was an ancient magic specialty that was generally looked down upon as the trade of jesters and charlatans until Caligula Torvath brought his first duel to an explosively victorious conclusion to settle an insult delivered by a wizard who had claimed just that sixty years ago. Cal's grandfather had advanced the art by leaps and bounds, as had Cal's father. Pneumaticism had been thought of as a joke for so many centuries, little work had been put into studying ways to counter it. By the time Cal picked up his first amulet, he was already well on his way to towards accomplishing amazing things. That was all derailed when Marcus defeated him and forced him to, among other things, "enhance" his then-fiancee. So while much of Amanda's beauty was natural or earned, the voluptous hips that filled out her leather skirt and the plump bosom that strained the buttons of her blouse were Cal's doing.
"So, do you think that's good news?" she asked anxiously.
"That depends on who you ask," he replied.
Amanda set her lips in a stern pout and exhaled a sigh that was half growl. "Cal, I understand that you despise my husband, but I'll thank you not to wish for his death in my presence."
"Well, that boom probably means a wizard just died out there," Cal grumbled. "If it had been Marcus, then I'd be free right now and you'd be in a whole heap o' trouble. So I'm guessing your hubby just won another duel. But we won't know for certain until he calls. If he calls. It's possible that was just another shot fired in the battle that didn't actually settle it."
"Ok," she said, nodding nervously, and took another puff from her cig. She ignored his flimsily veiled threat, as she always did. Cal was Bound to her husband by his curse. As long as Marcus lived, Cal couldn't do anything to hurt her.
Several minutes later, the phone next to the register rang. "It's him. He's won."
Amanda looked up. "How do you know?"
"I know." He picked up the phone. "Congratulations, Marcus."
"Come on Cal, we both know you don't really mean that." Cal could tell that Marcus was smiling as he spoke. He was driving; Cal could hear the passing wind in the background.
Amanda's face lit up as she heard the voice responding through the phone. "Yay!" Amanda clapped her hands together and hopped merrily in place, her long black hair flying about, her full bosom just barely staying within the confines of her blouse. She bounced well.
"Did the duel go well?"
"Better than expected. Most wizards are quite humiliated at being turned into living blimps, but Jenella took it quite well. Actually, towards the end she almost seemed amused by it."
"So the Belly Demon did her job?"
"Flawlessly. Listen Cal, Amanda and I will want to celebrate once I get back to the station."
"The room's ready," Cal said, trying to keep from gritting his teeth. It was just another humiliation. Marcus and Amanda would retire to his room, to his bed, and rejoice at Marcus' latest victory. Cal would spend most of the night working, doing loud things to drown out the noise until he eventually went to sleep in his tow truck. "You want me to put some beer up there for you?"
"No thanks, Cal, I've brought wine for the occasion. Oh, and could you have her pumped up to celebration size by the time I get there?"
"Yes, sir."
"Great Cal, you're beautiful. Caio."
Amanda spoke up as soon as Cal set the phone down. "So? Is he coming?" She was wide-eyed with excitement.
"Of course he is. And he wants me to get you to 'celebration size' by the time he's here. I'll get you some of the pills." Cal took his keys from his pocket and went to the cash register behind the counter. He kept a stash of his special pills around just for this purpose.
Amanda smiled and twirled a lock of her hair around her finger. "Hey Cal, let's skip the pills. Why don't you just use the pump on me?"
She loved doing this. As soon as she'd started speaking, Cal had known what she was up to by her tone. The pump she was talking about was the enchanted industrial grade air compressor he kept in the workshop to power his pneumatic tools. He preferred pneumatic tools over electric for obvious reasons. At it's lowest setting it would be quite effective at inflating Amanda to the desired size. At maximum power the compressor could deliver an incredible volume of air at over 150 psi. And if he ever got Amanda on the business end of that compressor, he knew just what he'd do. He'd set it to helium and--
The pain felt like a hot needle being inserted into the base of his skull. It always started like this.
He gripped the edge of the counter and tried to think of something else, anything else besides the sight of Amanda's lithe body billowing outward under a torrent of compressed gas--
The needle in his spine, grew hotter, grew thicker, and grew barbs. He began to shake...pink Volkswagons, puppies with butterfly wings, the Golden Gate Bridge in a hazelnut fog... but his mind returned to visions of Amanda bursting from her designer clothes and blowing up into a huge ball before gently lifting up into the sky--
As the pain became blinding, Cal lost his grip on the counter and collapsed. The sharp crack of his head hitting the floor finally cleared his mind of any forbidden thoughts. As the haze before his eyes parted, the sound of Amanda's laughter could finally make its way to his ears.
"On second thought," she giggled, "maybe we should just stick with the pills. They always seem to work just fine."
Cal gasped in relief as the pain vanished. "You bitch," he spat, still panting. The Binding forbade him from doing many things. He couldn't cast any spells whatsoever on Marcus or Amanda, and he couldn't use more mundane methods to harm them either. Even plotting to do so would trigger the excruciating pain. And that's what Amanda toyed with. He could think of all sorts of evil ways of dispatching the couple without penalty, so long as they were idle thoughts. But as soon as she gave him permission to use the pump on her his recurring fantasy of blowing her up became a real possibility, thus triggering the pain. He could avoid it by suppressing the thoughts, but he always failed. After several years in bondage the only freedom he had was in his fantasies, and they even took that from him when they could.
Cal stood and opened the register drawer. Reaching towards the back of it, he grabbed the small tin of Altoids he used for storing his inflation pills. He opened it. There were still normal mints among them, but the enchanted ones were tinted various colors to indicate their function; red for breast inflation, purple for belly inflation, green for deflation, etc. He tossed three reds onto the counter. "That should do," he said.
"Thanks," she smiled back. She popped all three into her mouth and let them dissolve on her tongue. Her lips pursed and her brow furrowed at the overwhelming taste of mint, but she endured. Her face relaxed as the magic began to take effect.
Her already ample bosom began to swell. A spell on her clothing allowed it to stretch with her, but her blouse still put up a valiant fight. Her breasts, once firm cantaloupes, plumped up to double that size, then doubled again. The fabric of her blouse pulled apart between the buttons, offering tantalizing glimpses of her delicious flesh. After about a minute, the swelling stopped. Amanda sighed and caressed her newly expanded assets. "Yes, this will do nicely. I'm sure Marcus will love them." She reached deep into her cleavage and retrieved what was now a slightly crushed back of cigarettes. "Oops," she giggled as she lit one. She took a seat and waited for Marcus' arrival.
The hard-packed desert road was rough, but Marcus' drive back to the gas station was remarkably smooth. He expected as much, considering how much he'd paid for this car. The six figures' worth of fine German engineering never failed to please him. The black convertible zipped through the sands towards the one structure in sight, kicking up dust in its wake.
Marcus pulled up in front of the station and parked his car. He stepped out and made a quick assessment of himself. "No, this won't do," he sighed. Desert combat was so dirty. He sang a quick incantation, and a shower of powdery sparks descended on him. His shoes were polished to mirror brightness, the dust vanquished from his charcoal grey Armani suit, and his dark blonde hair was slicked back to perfection. He took quick look in the car's sideview mirror, more to admire his own chiseled jaw than to check that the spell had worked. "Damn, I'm gorgeous."
Marcus strolled towards the back of his car, humming merrily to himself as he thought of his breathtaking wife waiting for him. Victory, and the rush of power that came with it, was an amazing aphrodisiac. Marcus loved power and Amanda loved powerful men. They were a match made in heaven. With the press of a button his keychain, he popped the trunk open. A sharp gust of wind caught his attention as he was rooting through the trunk for the carefully packed bottle and wine glasses. He looked up at the darkening sky.
"Hmm, must be a storm coming," he muttered as he nudged the trunk closed.
"You could say that," came the silky, feminine, and entirely unexpected response. Marcus jumped, and whirled to see a familiar figure reclining on the hood of his car.
It was Her.
At a first glance, she appeared to be a beautiful, fiery-haired woman clad in shiny, form-fitting purple leather. The outfit bared a smooth, flat midriff of alabaster skin, while it's high neck and matching elbow-length gloves gave her an almost regal look. A ruby pendant the size of a child's fist hung from a sparkling gold chain around her neck. She would have the air of a princess were it not for the prominent features that made it clear she was not human. The two short horns that curved up from her head were the first indication. The purple of her wings matched her clothing so well that they could easily be mistaken for a cape when she kept them furled. She waved at him. "Hi there, Marcus."
"Hey there, BD!" Marcus said, feigning happiness at seeing her. She was supposed to return to the summoning stone after her task was complete. What was she doing here? "Good show today, eh? Jenella blew up real good."
"Yes, she did," Belly Demon purred. "She was a clever one, too. If I were you, I think when my defeat finally came I'd like it to be at the hand of someone as clever as she."
Marcus shrugged. "Clever or not, she still wound up popped. She couldn't defeat me. Anyway BD, what are you doing here?"
"Oh, I thought you knew." Belly Demon pouted. "I'm homeless now."
Marcus laughed. "Whadya mean, you're homeless? Your home's right here--" Marcus stopped abruptly as his fingers found nothing but an empty pocket. "Where's the stone?" he gasped, his heart quickening. He looked up at Belly Demon. "You can't have it, you're not even allowed to touch it. What's happened to it?"
Belly Demon smiled. "Once I'd incapacitated Jenella, you told me to make sure it was an 'extra big boom,' remember? Well just before her lips became to swollen to speak, Jenella cast a spell to pull the stone from your pocket into hers."
"But you should still be in the stone, out there in the desert somewhere."
Belly Demon shrugged. "Well I tried to return to the stone after Jenella popped, but it was an extra big boom, so when the stone went flying it hit a rock and..." Belly Demon opened her hand, and several crystal shards fell from it. "This was all I could find of my old home."
The color drained from Marcus' face as he realized why Jenella had been smiling just before she went. Thanks to her, the Belly Demon was now free. And as a summoner, Marcus was well aware of the first wish of any freed demon.
As quickly as his thoughts allowed, Marcus dropped the wine and glasses and hurled a bolt of energy at Belly Demon just as she spread her wings and leapt at him. The ball of sparkling magic hit its target, but it didn't seem to have any effect. She landed in front of him and pressed her hand against his chest.
"No..." Marcus gasped as he felt the demon draining his strength. He quickly found himself unable to move. His eyes widened in terror as his belly began to swell.
"Have I ever told you how much I hate it when you call me BD?" she sneered. "You were never my friend, you were my captor. You don't get to give me a nickname."
Marcus' limbs began to plump up like sausages in his clothing. His belt snapped, his pants split open, and one by one the buttons on his shirt surrendered to his burgeoning form. Belly Demon ran a finger across his exposed stomach.
"Tsk tsk," she clucked, "so tight already. You really make for a lousy balloon. But don't worry, you won't be one for long." She watched, amused, as his limbs were absorbed into his rapidly inflating body.
"Don't do this," he pleaded, unable to do much else. "Please don't, we can make a deal. I'll give you anything you want."
"I know you will, Marcus. Because all I want right now is to watch you pop!" She gave him a special goodbye kiss on the cheek, and Marcus groaned as his inflation accelerated. As he reached the point where he was almost completely round, she gave him a sharp kick in the direction of the store. "Goodbye, Marcus." Amanda had just finished her second cigarette when she heard the car approach out front. "He's here!" she squealed. She tucked the pack back into her cleavage, hopped up onto the counter and stretched out seductively. "I want to be the first thing he sees when he walks in."
Several minutes went by, and Marcus didn't appear.
Cal frowned. "Something's wrong."
A few moments later, their view out the front of the store was obscured by a huge, pale, dusty ball that had rolled up to the window. Embedded in the ball they could see a swollen face.
"Oh my God! " Amanda shrieked. "It's Marcus!"
"Oh crap, the Belly Demon's gotten him! She's free!"
"Cal, you've got to help him, he's still getting bigger!"
And indeed he was. Even though there was glass between them, Cal could hear the groans of Marcus' overtaxed skin.
"I can't," Cal said. "I'm Bound, I can't use any magic on him." Cal instinctively tried to drive any thoughts of spell casting from his mind to avoid the punishing pain.
"Hmmmph mmmmmmm!" Marcus was unable to speak intelligibly, but it was clear he wanted someone, anyone to help him.
"You've got to do something!" Amanda pleaded. She was frozen with terror.
"I can't do anything," Cal replied, shaking his head. Seeing Marcus clench his eyes shut, he realized what was about to happen. "Except maybe find some cover!" He grabbed Amanda and pulled her behind the counter on top of him.
The entire building shook as Marcus burst. The glass front of the store blew inward, sending snacks flying off the shelves and showering Cal and Amanda with glass shards.
Amanda was in shock. "Ohmygodomygodomygod," she rambled over and over. "She got Marcus. She just popped him."
"Ymmph, M kmma mmfwis." Amanda looked down to see that she was smothering Cal with her pillowy bosom. She rolled off of him as though he were on fire and scooted back against the wall.
"Marcus is gone."
Cal nodded.
"That means you're free."
He nodded again.
She closed her eyes. "Ok then, do your worst. Just please make it quick," she begged, her lip trembling.
Cal had never claimed to be a good man. He couldn't really say for certain if he'd have done things differently had there not been a terror of his making out on the rampage. But at that moment, despite years of torment at her hands, he had no desire to harm Amanda.
Amanda heard a jingle, and opened her eyes as she felt something land in her lap. She looked down to see a box of mints and a key.
"The key will start Marcus' car. He gave me a spare for when he had me work on it. The green mints will deflate you. You'll want to be at a more reasonable size if you're going to make a run for it. You can stay in here if you want, it might be safer. Given the choice, Belly Demon will go after me before she goes after you since I helped summon her. Or you can make a run for it. With the engine in that car, you could be a mile away in half a minute, and even Belly Demon couldn't catch you a that speed. That is, if you can make it to the car. She won't pass up a chance at another bursting."
"What will you do?" she asked.
"Do you care?"
"Not really," she said, standing. "I'm just curious."
"I helped bring this demon into the world. I have to take her out. I have a friend who's a summoner." Cal stood and looked around. There was no sign of Marcus anywhere amongst the devastation. Cal picked up the phone. "Maybe he can help."
"Fine," she said. "It's your funeral. I'm making a run for it." She tucked the mints into her cleavage and ran for the door, jiggling all the way.
"Hey! Amanda! Wait!" He sighed in frustration. "Hey, Seth!"
"Cal?" came the disbelieving response. "Caligula Torvath, sweet heavens I thought I'd never hear from you again! This means you've got good news, right?"
"Good news and bad. The good news is I'm free. The bad news is, the demon that killed Marcus will probably come for me in a minute or two. I need to know everything you know about the Belly Demon's weaknesses."
"We've been waiting for this day, Cal," Seth said eagerly. "We've been working on ways to defeat her since you and Marcus summoned her. Now that you're free you can help us."
"Gladly, not that I have a choice. It's me or her. Now hurry."
"I'm afraid the news is mostly bad. She's immune to most magic..." Key in hand, Amanda poked her head out the door. The scene looked clear, so she ran for the car, ignoring Cal's shouts behind her. The windshield was cracked, but it seemed in working order. She jumped into the driver's seat and adjusted the seat forward. But before her feet could reach the pedals, her jumbo-sized boobs pressed against the steering wheel and bulged up into her face.
"Damn!" she cursed. That was probably what Cal had tried to warn her about. She stepped out of the car, allowing her breasts to drop back down to their resting position, and began fishing through her cleavage. Unfortunately, a cleavage of that magnitude required a lot of searching, as her running had apparently caused the mint box to slide down rather deep. After unfastening two buttons and searching for several minutes, her hands finally clasped upon something and she came up with...
A pack of cigarettes. The ominous sound of flapping wings settled in behind her.
"You know those things'll kill you, don't you? Luckily I'm not nearly as fragile as you, so I have nothing to fear from tobacco."
Amanda shrieked as she spun around. "You!"
"Yes, me," Belly Demon murmured as she pressed a finger into Amanda's navel.
"Noooo! Cal! Help me!" Her belly immediately bulged outward, first resembling pregnancy, then obesity. "What are you doing? I've never done anything to you!"
"No, you haven't, my dear. But you can do something for me."
"Please, don't! I don't want to be turned to a living balloon!" Her already breathtakingly large breasts swelled even more, stretching her blouse across her expanding chest.
"Who are you kidding?" Belly Demon laughed. "You've been a living balloon for some time now. Which means you'll make a much better balloon than your husband. But if you tell me what I want to know, then I won't pop you. I'll just have some fun with you, then I'll let you go." A devilish grin spread across her crimson lips. "Do we have a deal?"
"Unnnh!" Amanda's richly tanned skin was gradually being stretched farther and farther. Her thighs thickened into barrels, her belly became more globular, and her prodigious breasts began to flatten across her enormous girth. Amanda's mind was spinning. If she doesn't pop me, as long as I can get to those green mints I'll be fine. "Ok, whatever you want, please, just don't pop me!"
"Good," Belly Demon purred. "A moment ago you called for 'Cal' to help you. Is Caligula nearby?"
Amanda found it hard to be reassured as her cheeks plumped up and her limbs were disappearing into her body. "Yes, he's here. He's in the shop." She was almost completely spherical now, and the enchantment on her clothing began to fail. The cloth that had magically stretched to accommodate her impossible girth tore at the seams.
"Good. What does he know about my strengths and weaknesses?"
"He doesn't know anything!" she cried. "He was going to call someone to try find out."
"Excellent." It was unlikely he'd discover anything useful. Amanda's shuddering form now towered over the Belly Demon, and she had to raise her arm to keep her finger in place. "You can go now." With a soft pop, she pulled her finger from Amanda's navel.
"Thank you," Amanda breathed, her voice almost a whisper. But her relief was short-lived. She quickly noticed she was no longer touching the sand. "What's happening?"
"Goodbye, Amanda," Belly Demon said, waving as she watched the balloon woman slowly rising from the ground. "I've had my fun, now I'm letting you go."
"I'm floating!" she screamed. The desert breeze was carrying her away.
"Yes," Belly Demon said absently. "Helium will do that."
"No!" But she was already on her way. She began to rotate slowly in the wind. and she saw Belly Demon standing below, a smug grin on her face, then she was facing the sky again. She rose faster and faster, and she felt the pressure inside her slowly rising. "You tricked me!" But she didn't even know if the demon could hear her at this point. The last shreds of her clothing fell away, and she continued to swell. The desert floor continued to recede, and Amanda just kept getting bigger. The gas expanding inside her desperately sought room to spread; her hands plumped up, her feet swelled until they burst from her shoes. Amanda found herself squinting to see over her own bulging cheeks, and the last sound she heard was the familiar groan of overstressed rubber as she reached her limit... The phone call had been only slightly encouraging. When Cal didn't hear the car start shortly after Amanda had left, he'd assumed that Belly Demon had gotten her. When the last remnants of the windows shook from their frames in response the boom from the sky, he was certain. Amanda was gone, and he was next. He grabbed the gun from beneath the counter and ran into the workshop to make preparations.
Cal was fiddling at his workbench when Belly Demon walked in. He heard her footfalls on the cement. She didn't even try to sneak up on him. "Greetings, Caligula." she called.
"Hello, Belly Demon," responded, not even looking up. One hand was adjusting knobs, the other fingered the Desert Eagle tucked into his belt.
"So this is it, I find you cowering in your cave? Any surprises for me?"
"Just this." Cal spun around, took aim at Belly Demon's chest, and fired three silver .50 caliber bullets. She staggered back, but Cal quickly surmised it was more from surprise than from pain. She was laughing.
"Silver bullets? Nice try, Caligula, that almost tickled." She walked right up to him, and Cal backed up against his workbench, dropping his gun. "I'm nigh invulnerable, but you probably just figured that out. There are a few spells that might work, but only the greatest of summoners would know them. You're a pneumaticist. The deadliest of spells you can cast are mere parlor tricks to a demon like me."
Cal stiffened as he felt her hand press against his chest. With a flick of her wrist, she tore his shirt open. He could barely contain his rage at her insult. "It must be embarrassing then that you were captured by a two bit summoner and his clown sidekick." It was the best retort he could muster.
"A little," she giggled, running a single gloved finger down his belly to his navel. "But my revenge will be slow and sweet. Marcus I had to do quickly, but at least I made his woman watch him pop before I did her in. But right now it's just you, me, and all the time in the world." She slipped her finger into his navel, but held back from inflating him for a moment. "So does my little clown have any last words before I turn him into a big clown?"
Cal smiled. "Remember, Belly Demon, I come from a long line jesters and charlatans. The folks in the audience always get their chuckles, but we always get the last laugh." Belly Demon raised a puzzled eyebrow. It was just the delay Cal had hoped for. He shoved the hose from the compressor deep into Belly Demon's exposed navel.
He'd always wondered what would happen if he ever used the pump at its highest setting, and he wasn't disappointed. Belly Demon's eyes grew wide, her mouth formed an astonished O, and she barely had time to let out a squeak of surprise before she blew up like a car airbag. Her arms and legs shot straight out from her body as they filled, immediately breaking her contact with Cal. She flapped her wings and quickly got airborne, and although she managed to pull the hose tight, the nozzle stayed firmly lodged in her belly.
"Curse you!" she screamed as she rapidly ballooned in size. She was the size of a moving van, and continued to inflate under the unrelenting pressure of the pump. Her wings quickly became useless, and she fell back to the ground with a soft thud. Her bloated form quivered as she struggled against the pressure, but it was futile; she was stuck. Cal smiled as Belly Demon took up more and more space in the garage. She was nothing but a huge globe now. Her lower half was rounded and purple, with only her boot-shod feet protruding from her swelling mass. Her midsection was a wide band of pale, turgid flesh, and her top was ridiculously distorted over the stretched out and flattened remnants of her formerly voluptuous curves. Chubby hands with plump fingers wiggled at her sides, and her graceful wings were now comically tiny in comparison to the rest of her. Her face began to fatten as it approached the garage ceiling, but Cal shut off the pump before she reached it.
"That should hold you for a while," he said.
"This won't stop me," she called down to him. He was standing close enough to touch her, but her head was so very far away. "Getting blown up is game to me, and this is a mere inconvenience. You can't destroy me!"
"Actually," Cal said, picking up his gun. "I can."
Belly Demon laughed. "We both know that puny weapon is useless!"
"Not if I aim it right," he said, pointing at her navel.
At this moment, Belly Demon would have paled if she had been human. "Congratulations, so you know of my weakness. Then you also know that a mere popping will just buy you some time until I reform. It takes a lot more power than can be mustered by a little hot air to dispatch me."
"You mean like the kind of power you might find in the mystically charged gas put out by an enchanted pump?" he asked. For the first time, Cal saw fear in the Belly Demon's eyes. "Right now there's enough inside you send you straight back to whatever hell I pulled you from."
The garage echoed with the demon's laughter. It wasn't what Cal had expected. "If you pop me now, it will destroy me and everything and every one nearby. I can see how your hands are shaking. You're a coward, Caligula. You let Marcus enslave you, and you stood by helplessly while I burst your brethren. I've seen into your heart. You'll flee and hope to fight me another day. I'll eventually deflate, and the chase will be on again. All you've done today is postpone the inevitable. In the meantime, I'll be stuck here with nothing better to do than to plan my exquisite retribution."
"Shut up!" But Cal knew she was right. He didn't have it in him to sacrifice himself. His fear took over. The gun fell from his quaking hands, and he stormed from the garage. He had to leave this place. He'd take nothing with him, start anew. If he could get back in contact with his clan, they might be able to work together to vanquish this demon. He'd take Marcus' car, everything would be OK.
He saw the keys laying in the dirt next to the car. He bent down to pick them up when he saw the cigarettes. He froze. It was the pack Amanda had kept tucked in her bosom, he could tell by the curve of the indentations. He picked them up, and he couldn't get the thought of her out of his mind. He didn't mourn for Marcus, he was a monster. But the wizards Marcus had slain, Jenella, Karubh, Sakkoor...he was responsible for them as well. And Amanda, while not the most virtuous of women, hadn't deserved to be sent alone into the desert sky to explode-- Cal's breath caught in his throat. The explosion had come from the sky. Belly Demon had blown up Amanda, filled her helium, and let her float away to burst.
She'd gotten the idea from him.
It wasn't right that he be allowed to walk the earth while a monster he summoned ran amok. I'll end this tonight, one way or another. Cal returned to the garage. And between the car and the doorway, he had a revelation.
"Ah, the clown is back."
"Choose your words carefully, demon, they could be your last." Though it was a cumbersome task, Cal rolled her so that she was on her side, her head close enough to face him. He took care to avoid her hands; one touch, and that could be the end of him.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm taking a trophy," he said, as he snatched the ruby pendant from around her neck.
"That'll do you a lot of good in hell."
"At least as much as it did you." He pulled out a cigarette and brought it to his lips.
Belly Demon chuckled. "I don't know that much about human physiology, but I understand cigarettes are bad for you."
Cal took a long drag. "That's OK, it won't be a cigarette for long."
Belly Demon raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What will it be?"
"It's kind of a magic trick. You see, in the hands and lips of a mortal human, this is just another cancer stick. But when inserted into a Belly Demon filled with magically charged explosive gas, like so," he pressed the filter end of the cigarette into Belly Demon's navel, making sure it was secure, "it becomes a fuse."
"What have you done?!"
"Guess the last laugh is on you, BD. Ciao." He ran from the building.
Belly Demon heard the roar of the engine as Cal drove off, leaving the demon alone with her thoughts and fears. A human in her situation might have panicked and desperately sought a way to deflate. But Belly Demon knew better. She closed her eyes and set to inflating herself. If I can do it fast enough, I can grind out the flame against the wall. She pumped herself bigger and bigger, her skin taking on a rubbery sheen as it stretched tighter and tighter. Her face plumped, her lips swelled with the strain, her hands disappeared into her tumescent bulges. She was mere inches from the far wall when she felt the sharp, searing pain of failure reach her skin.
She did choose her last words carefully. With all her breath she wailed a curse that had never been heard by mortal ears. And the cacophonous roar of flame that engulfed her ensured that it never would. Cal didn't even look back at the flash of light in the distance. His old life disintegrated, and he was streaking towards a fresh start at over a hundred miles an hour. He smiled. It felt good to be free.
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation
Text: It was raining, a dark, damp afternoon in north London, and in a bedroom in a flat someone was unhappy.
"For goodness sake!" Sarah shouted to the cat sat on her window sill as she rifled through boxes. She was flinging rubber clothing onto her bed from containers strewn around her bedroom. "It's missing... It's missing..." she grumbled flinging more clothes over her shoulder. She had only just moved house a couple of days ago, going upmarket a bit due to some fortune from previous cases she'd solved, moving into Marylbone seemed like the thing to do. However something had got lost in the move.
Sarah flopped backwards onto the bed sending piles of latex clothes flopping onto the floor. "I'm annoyed kitty, my new suit has disappeared in the move" she lamented with a sigh. Meanwhile in a back street top floor flat in Soho a girl sat with a box on her lap. She was an average sort of girl, she had an average length black bob haircut with a fringe, she stood not taller than five and a half feet, and was of average weight. She wore the company polo shirt she always wore doing her shift at QuickMove removals, upon which was her badge emblazoned with "Jem, Here to Help". Jem pushed her glasses up her nose to get a better look at the package on her lap. She wasn't one for taking things that were not hers, but this box had her intrigued, it was wrapped in black rubber, with a red rubber ribbon keeping it closed, it had "fallen" off of the van in the move and she'd put it in her car for "safekeeping", at least that was the excuse she'd use if she got caught with it.
Carefully she unwrapped the rubber clad parcel, it smelled like dark chocolate. Opening the box slowly and parting the tissue paper, she pulled the garment out of its container. She held it up to herself. It looked exactly like a pair of jeans and a black long sleeve t-shirt attached together only made from latex. If you looked closely it looked like it was made from thick rubber. There was a zipper that ran from each shoulder to the neck to get into it. She pulled out a cream card with embossed gold writing on it and had a read. "Talc thoroughly inside, made as per your special requirements." she whispered.
She raised an eyebrow, then got undressed from her work clothes. Carefully she undid the zippers and pulled the garment on over her legs, pulling it on until her feet popped out of each leg with a snap of latex. She pulled it up her body and over her arms, smoothing it down over her breasts. Cleverly it had a built in bra so they looked pert and bouncy. She did the zippers up and looked at herself in the mirror. It seemed to pull her in all the right places giving her an hourglass look. It fit perfectly, was warm and not too tight. She ran her hands over herself to smooth things out and caught her fingers on a valve on the side on her right hip. It looked a bit like a tyre valve. "Oh? What's that for?" she mumbled slightly puzzled and looked in the box for a clue. Nothing to help her in the box, only a small bag with a couple of clip attachments. "Curious" she said, and pulled some trainers on and headed for the door. Back in the Marylbone flat, Sarah was on the phone to QuickMove. "It's been lost in the move, no it's not easily replaced..." she sounded angry. "Look, it was a black parcel with a red ribbon, could you please contact the crew that moved me and see if anyone saw it, it's very important, and it cost a lot of money... Thank you" she would have slammed her phone down had it not been a mobile, so instead angrily prodded the hang up button and put it in her jeans pocket.
Thinking back to the day of her move, there were 2 men on the crew and a supervisor. The men were unlikely candidates, it had a ribbon after all. The supervisor was an older lady in her 40s, hair tied in a bun, also an unlikely candidate to have taken it. Thinking further, she remembered there was someone sat in the truck all day, a girl, brown, no... Black hair, she wore a nose ring and had her hair in a severe bob, she'd just sat on her phone all morning in the van while everyone else had done the work, then when we'd arrived at the new house, she wasn't there. Clues, more clues. She had to go to another job anyway, this could wait. It's probably at some depot been forgotten. Jem was walking down a busy Soho street towards her local bike shop, nobody noticed her despite her wearing her rubber outfit, it was perfectly disguised. She clattered through the old door and into the shop with a ding of a bell. Out from the back came James a handsome young chap with a spiky brown haircut and a skull earring. "Alright Jem, what can I do for you? You can't need another bike service you only came in here a month or two ago. You're looking good today by the way? Had your hair done?" he asked all at once in a mock cockney accent.
"Thanks. " she blushed slightly. "I have a bit of an odd request, but have you ever seen one of these?" she said pointing at the valve on her hip. James let out a small laugh, came around the counter and looked closely. "Yeah it's a schrader valve, used mostly on mountain bikes and the like." he pinged it. "What's it doing on your jeans?"
Jem looked around the shop to see no other customers, and turned slightly redder. "It's a rubber outfit I found, I'm not entirely sure why it has a valve though, that's why I came here, you have an air thingy right?"
"Yep, yep, compressor out the back." said James also intrigued by the suit. "Let's pop an air hose on it and see if it does anything." James went out the back and dragged through an air line from the back of the shop and attached the clip to the valve. "Ready? We'll start off slow first."
"Yes, ready as I'll ever be!" she replied.
James pressed down on the trigger and with a slight hiss air started to inflate the suit, at first it didn't seem like it was doing anything, then with added air, her breasts started to inflate bigger to a D cup, her hips were widening slightly and her bottom was blowing up as well. James stopped. "Well now, that's made you look different!" he said as he whipped his phone out and took a photo. "See?"
"Oh... Ohhh. That's nice." She replied. "I can feel a bit of pressure, but it's fine." James unclipped the hose, but it stuck slightly. "It doesn't normally stick like that. Might be the valve." but he managed to pull it off, the air hissed out and Jem went back to her normal size. "Oh. " she made an exaggerated frown face. "It hasn't got a core, the air won't stay in without a core. Look, hold on a sec." James rummaged in a parts box and found a valve core. He quickly installed it and reattached the hose with the clip.
Jem grabbed the trigger from James and pushed hard. There was a loud hiss and her suit inflated quickly past where it had gone before. Her breasts blew out to E cups, her hips widening and her bottom, legs and arms growing in hourglass like proportions thanks to the constraint of the belt. James grabbed it back. "Hey, don't blow up too much. That's a hundred psi! You don't want to explode!" he laughed. "You do look amazing though." and he pulled the hose off the valve, again it stuck a bit, but still came away, he took another photo with his phone. "See, air doesn't come out now." he grinned at the exaggerated woman in front of him showing her the photo. "Nice suit, never seen one exactly like that, but I've seen some before on the Internet and I've..." Before he could finish the door bell tinkled as it opened and the now voluptuous Jem exited with a jaunty "Thank you!" "Got a couple of them myself..." he continued to nobody, and with a sigh he shook his head and went back to servicing the bike he was working on. Sarah was deep in thought as she walked through the busy, and now rainy streets of Soho, she was on her way to a job, but her mind was elsewhere on her parcel, head down and not paying attention she bumped into someone, she looked around to see a curvy lady walking away from her confidently. She shook her head, slightly disoriented and walked on towards the square nearby. Jem was slightly perturbed to bump into someone, but at least the outfit she was wearing kept her dry, mostly, except for her head, she looked into a dark window to see her reflection, the woman staring back looked a lot like her, only much more shapely. She thought being inflated was such a rush, exciting, and the outfit was so full, she loved the feeling of pressure and loved the attention, walking down the road she turned heads. Jem thought back to James, she felt bad as she'd more or less ignored him on the way out.
"Maybe I could surprise him" she thought, and she wandered off to the market square. She wasn't used to her new dimensions and kept bumping into people, the suit vibrating with a resonant ping every time she bumped into someone. Nobody cared though, this was London, and you could walk round wearing pretty much anything and nobody would bat an eye. She went through the market looking left and right for what she wanted, there were old bric-a-brac stalls, fruit, veg, anything you could possibly want was here, except what she wanted to find. Finally she happened upon a party stall in a quiet part of the market. They sold everything you needed, napkins, bunting, plates, and balloons. The owner looked bored.
"Excuse me" she said to the stall holder who was sitting in his van right next to an enormous rusty tank marked "He". A red rubber hose hung over the tank with a valve clip at the end. "Do you think that..." she pointed to the hose. "Will fit on this?" she pointed to her hip. The man got up. Pulled the hose off the tank and walked over. "I don't see why not." he was completely unfazed by it, like he'd seen it all. He pushed the clip over the valve and went back to the tank. "You sure about this?"
Jem nodded. "Yep, inflate me!" she grinned.
The man rolled his eyes. "Righto" and turned the squeaky tank tap on. "Just say when!" he smirked.
Jem bit her lip as her suit inflated, her bottom widened out further still, thighs expanding, calves inflating. Her boobs were filling out to FF cups and beyond, her extreme exaggerated inflation was a sight. Her belly had started to inflate too, blowing up like a beachball. "The pressure is wonderful. Oh yesss." she purred. The man disappeared into the back of his van. Jem continued to expand, the arms growing fatter and fatter, the whole suit starting to grow rounder and rounder. "Excuse me?" she said loudly. "I'm done.. I think I'm done" she said, blushing. The man reappeared from his van looking visibly flushed. "Sorry" he said, "I had to go and, do... something." he coughed, and tried to turn the valve off, it squeaked as he tried to turn it. "It's stuck." he said as he disappeared into his van again, clunking noises could be heard as he rifled through his tool box. "I'm blowing up too big!" Jem shouted. "Do something!" she could feel the pressure of the suit now, it was starting to get rounder, boobs, belly, bottom and legs smoothing out into a large ball shape. The man returned with a pipe wrench and smacked the tank tap a couple of times. With a loud squeak of rusted metal he managed to turn it off to see Jem standing there a five and a half feet diameter ball wearing what looked like jeans and a t-shirt with just hands and feet embedded into it and a head poking out the top,
"You're a bit big" the man said as he fiddled with the hose to remove it from the suit's valve, it was a little stuck. "It's not coming out?" he quizzed. Jem sighed, and looked very red. "It's got a valve thingy in it" she said looking slightly cross eyed. This was extremely exciting and terrifying at the same time. Sarah walked around the corner of the market to see a giant ball suit which looked almost exactly like the one she'd ordered not so long ago. "Hey!" she shouted and ran up towards it. "That's mine!"
Jem wiggled her feet and hands in embarrassment. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't, I don't. Ugh." she couldn't speak through the intenseness of the situation. "You" Sarah pointed at the man with the van, "Turn that back on"
The man turned the tap on again, and Jem started inflating again. "No, no more please" she pleaded as she started to lift from the ground, her hands and feet getting further embedded into the rapidly inflating suit, she rolled onto her back facing the sky. "Don't let me go!"
"Oh I won't let you go" replied Sarah "You're coming with me."
Sarah turned the tap on the tank off and yanked the hose from the cylinder. "Here... This is for the helium and the hose. Thanks!" she threw £100 at the man who'd inflated Jem. Pulling her new balloon behind her she made her way out of the market. "You, have been a very naughty girl."
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Male Inflation, Messy Popping
Text: Before I tell you what I do for a living, I want to say two things about my job. One is that I'm probably effectively a mass murderer according to most of you. That's obviously not how I see it and I don't know anyone else in this line of work who does. People with that motive would be weeded out during the recruitment process anyway and they won't let it develop later since our tasks are allocated in strict rotation. They give us different duties out of the "field" every few months. Also, look at it from my angle. Most of the injury to my clients has already happened by the time I'm called in, when it happens - that's another thing, but I'll come to that in a bit. My role is to provide them with a merciful release. The other thing I wish I'd heard the last of is the idea that my job could be done by just anyone with a knitting needle. I've lost count of the number of jokes I've heard about how my three years of training must have been spent learning how best to hold one and so on. That's not how it is at all. We don't even get to use "knitting needles" until the second year and there are at least four other main ways of doing it which are more common. Our training, among other things, includes the development of empathy, meaning that we have to go through some of the experience ourselves, and obviously that can't involve undergoing the surprisingly rare "knitting needle" phase. We get to know a whole load of medical stuff, the physics involved, how the machines work and so on. Coming back to what I said earlier, another stereotype I'd like to demolish is the idea that we spend all our time killing people. Much of our work is aimed at ensuring that people survive the procedure, not that their lives end. So anyway, walk a mile in my shoes. I'm going to describe a random day so you get to understand our work. In case you haven't already guessed, I'll just say it outright in words you'll understand. I'm what most people call a "popper". It's only fair to spell it out. Now I've told you that, you may not want to read on, and that's understandable, but if you make that decision it does mean you're closing the door on understanding us. If you don't want graphic descriptions, stop reading now. Don't say I didn't warn you. This is how it works. We have eight-hour shifts and spend some of the rest of our time on call. There's a depot like a fire or ambulance station, but most of the time I'm parked up somewhere and my calls appear on a dashboard display. I'm given an estimate of how long I have before they need me to perform the task in hand and the method of release requested. Sometimes we have to use a helicopter to get there in time, but it's usually easier just to drive because helipadsa are not very common. So anyway, here we go with a typical day. I got into work at 8 am that Tuesday and had four deflations booked in. We sometimes get impromptu releases but on the whole they're scheduled for place and time and they get optimised for travel time, meaning you might not get the exact slot you want, but we do try. That scheduling is one of the things I do when I'm on an out of field cycle. We're not supposed to because it shows disrespect, and it's one of the things we'd be reprimanded about if it made its way onto an official form, but we talk about the "Four E's": Execution, Euthanasia, Experimentation and Ecstasy. Not everyone falls into those categories neatly and "Experimentation" is a dustbin we throw everything that doesn't fit elsewhere into. Today, I had a 9 am appointment with "Ecstasy". Dressed in waterproof, wipe-clean overalls, I reviewed the form for my first client. Her name was Erica.In waterproof wipe-clean overalls, I reviewed the onscreen form for my first client. Her name was Erica Mole, method of inflation subcutaneous, air medium at body temperature, and the method of deflation what we in the trade call "juicing": compression with suction.. I loaded the devices into the back of the van: the suction pump and the squeezer - the official name is the "expulsion accessory", but nobody ever calls it that after basic training. It's really bulky and heavy, incidentally - much of its work is done by the weight rather than motive power. This work keeps you fit. I drove through the streets towards the address on the other side of Grimesworth. I always find myself looking at pedestrians with a professional eye when I'm working. That bloke in the jeans and T-shirt wouldn't do very well. The pressure in his pelvic cavity would blow him up in a top-heavy way which his loose top wouldn't compensate for. He was a ruptured sigmoid waiting to happen. As for that pregnant woman in the hippy dress, well, I didn't have to use my imagination much there but my practiced eye could tell that she was full of baby rather than gas or liquid, and that it was her womb which was full rather than anything else, though the weight was pulling down her abdomen in a way only a liquid could. Just before I reached the towerblock, an overweight couple crossed the road in front of me. Obese people inflate strangely. Gas tends to outline their fat deposits and they go lumpy at first, but I rarely see them in that state. Their upholstery also means they need quite a bit of skill to puncture as I have to find a spot where I'm not just jabbing the puncturing instrument into a cushion of fat. I parked outside the address and wheeled the equipment cart to the entrance and pressed the entryphone button. After quite some delay, the buzzer went and I got inside the building. 8:58 am. Erica would be almost fully inflated. Luckily, the lift worked. I went up to the eighteenth floor, then dashed out with about a minute to go. A discreet knock on the flat door elicited a young man in a dressing gown. "Steve" he said. "Adrian", I replied. "We're new to this". he whispered. "How does it work?" "I just come in and wait where you want me to until you tell me you're ready." "OK, come in." I sneaked in and quietly closed the door. Female moans of pleasure against a loud hiss issued from behind the bedroom door, building to a muffled crescendo. It was a little surprising that novices should opt for subcutaneous inflation. Most people who do this for fun are quite squeamish about that method and won't even think about getting the surgery needed for years after they start inflation. It's addictive though, so those who start off with an aquarium pump will often, sooner or later, find themselves opting for the op if they can afford it. They would also, however, usually prefer to deflate themselves and their equipment took this into consideration on the whole. I couldn't help wondering about this Erica. Her screams reached a climax and ended, then a switch clunked and the hissing died. Steve opened the door. "Can you, er, come in now please?" I hefted the machinery into the room. Erica was lying on the bed, hardly recognisable as human. Her egg-shaped torso filled and stretching her grey pullover hoodie and jogging bottoms and her apparently breastless chest was emblazoned with the words "AIR MAX". She was a bottle blonde and and her pierced, fair-skinned but flushed face bore a blissful look. A hose went into the kangaroo pocket of her hoodie, next to the hands she was resting on her ballooning flanks. "I'm so huge. Look at me" she cried. As it happened, she was nowhere near as inflated as quite a lot of other people I'd seen, but if you're new to it, being the shape and size of a Pilates ball probably is a bit of a novelty. Steve also seemed new to this. This was a bit of a judgement call really. Was I supposed to play along or would that be seen as intrusive? I chose to be non-commital as I feigned engrossment in the position of the massive piston-like plunger over her midriff and positioned the suction pump beside her bed. I paused. No specialist clothes, low-rent flat, novice. "Do you mind me asking where you had your valve fitted, Ms Mole?" She was returning from some distant plane of consciousness and took a while to answer. "Oh, Switzerland, at the Geneva facility." "May I?" "Go right ahead." So that's where the money had gone: they'd skimped on other stuff to afford the operation. Not on the pump though: a rich blue and scarlet Pneumoflate 9000 sat purring away in the corner of the bedroom, still plumbed into Ms Mole. I unscrewed the hose and inspected the valve where her navel used to be through her pocket before smothering it in rubbing alcohol. Pulling my own hose closer, I pushed it home and was rewarded by an echoing clunk. One of the rookie mistakes, luckily only generally made on the practice dummies, is to activate the squeezer before the suction pump. This can have messy consequences. I did it myself once, and was torn off a strip in no uncertain terms. With a single practiced movement, I turned the suction pump on followed immediately by the squeezing piston. The plate began to lower itself onto Erica's stomach as a hiss could be heard again behind the din of the motor. Nowhere near as quiet as that Rolls Royce of inflation they'd splashed out on. Shame they hadn't read the manual. "How long will it take? I have to be at work by ten," she shouted above the noise. "About five minutes. Don't worry, you'll have plenty of time. Here's a little bedtime read for you." I handed her a leaflet. "OK to leave you for a few minutes?" "Fine." I turned to Steve. "Would you mind coming with me for a moment?" "OK then." He led the way through the door into the kitchen, mercifully closing it on the roar of the motor. Newbies often wanted to hang around with their partners and I wondered if I'd made assumptions about the nature of their relationship. None of my business of course. "Would you like a coffee?" "Not while I'm on duty thanks. I thought I should have a word with you about your pump. Have you read the documentation that comes with it?" He smiled nervously. "I have to admit I've not. I just - well - couldn't wait any longer after the first few pages." I handed him a copy of the leaflet. "Read this and the manual. I don't normally need to attend such intimate sessions. If you're going to invest in a Pneumoflate 9000, you may as well use its features. It's not a bike pump you know." He looked blank. It always amazes me how, in any situation, people don't read instructions before they try out new bits of kit. The roar from the bedroom dwindled to silence. "You won't need to call us out again if you let me demonstrate something on the pump." I took him back into the bedroom. "'Morning again, Ms Mole. Now Steve, look here." I pointed out the lever on the 9000 model. A red light was blinking next to it. "If you just push the lever the other way, it'll just deflate Erica by the same volume as it inflated her before, and quite quickly too. By the way, you need to engage the sterilisation cycle on it now. Shall I do that for you?" "Nope." Erica pulled out the hose and slid out from under the piston. Her grey sweats were now baggy on her much diminished form. "I dunno, men! Never reads a manual, you know!" She took a quick glance at the machine and pressed a button marked "SELF-CLEAN". "Well, if we're done I need to change for work now. See yourself out, will you? Oh, and thanks." I shook her offered hand. Steve helped me out with my equipment and I returned to the van. On the dashboard, an extra booking flashed redly. 0945 ANONYMOUS MALE, LIQUID, ERUCTIVE DELIVERY. It was on the other side of town but in the same Therapy Centre as my 10:30. The rush hour had finished, so by 9:30, there I was at the familiar clinic for my next two. "Grimesworth Therapy Centre" read the plaque outside what looked like an ordinary Victorian terrace, whose original residents would've had an attack of the vapours if they'd known what it would eventually be used for. I pushed through the door into the reception area. "Hello Sue, how are you doing?" The besuited woman behind the desk smiled back. "Fine thanks Adrian, and you?" "Busy morning all of a sudden." "Oh yes, of course. Well, I have a funny feeling your 9:45 will be early." I sat down on their padded built-in sofa and passed my eye over the familiar notices on workplace bullying, the Samaritans and contraception yet again. Just as I considered picking up a copy of "Model Village Monthly", a couple blustered in. She was clearly heavily pregnant and, as it happened, as apparently was he. He waddled forcibly up to the receptionist and equally forcefully said "We want to see her now". "YOU want to see her now," added his partner. "I personally am perfectly happy to wait." Sue managed to maintain her composure. "Hold on sir, I'll just check." She peered at her monitor. "I'm afraid your appointment is in ten minutes." He let out a strangled cry. "Ten minutes! TEN - minutes." His companion shot him a look of contempt as he dashed to the loo. She sat down and looked me over. "Are you the bloke who's doing 'im then?" "Yeah. All in a day's work." "You don't know you're born, you lot. Five minutes of pumping, then your job's done." I couldn't get what she meant. "Got kids?" "Oh! Sorry, I see what you mean. Yes, two." "Did you have this done?" "No, they're in their teens. It was years before this started." The man staggered out of the toilet. He struggled to do up his flies, then plonked himself down next to his wife. "Are you feeling better now, Bill?", she asked sarcastically. "'Struth Dawn, I swear I'll never take women for granted again. You," he corrected himself quickly, "I'll never take you for granted again." "Let me introduce you to our friend, what was your name again?" "Adrian. But you have to see Helga first." With that, the woman herself turned up in poloneck and slacks. "I'm ready for you now, William. Walk this way please." I swear Dawn thought about saying it. I'd be on in about fifteen minutes. That meant I needed to be done by about twenty past, I reckoned. I went to the Gents and pulled a waterproof apron from the dispenser. Sure enough, with Prussian punctuality, Helga called me in. The room was brightly lit and Bill was lying on his back, legs in stirrups, naked from the waist down. He looked over at me. "Bit of privacy please!" "We are trying to make this authentic, William," said Helga. He rolled his eyes. "You do know she's having a home birth?" Dawn shushed him and I set about my work, scrubbing and gloving my hands. "Right Bill, this'll take a little while. You know what to do: just bear down when I say, breathe in and push, and it'll pop out." Bill flinched at the word "pop". Helga handed me the scissors. I took care not to make their sharpness audible and kept my back to him. It's not always a good idea to let the dog see the rabbit. I'm amazed at what some men do for their partners but quietly felt this was a passing fad. Still, it had been several years now. I couldn't help thinking they'd be more use fetching and carrying but it's not my place to judge. I looked over my shoulder. Bill's eyes were fixed on the ceiling so I could probably risk it. I went over with the scissors and a plastic sheet. "Just lift your bum up a second please." He complied and I spread the plastic under him and draped it down onto the floor before placing a bucket on top. Had to consider the cleaners. "Women never give birth on their backs nowadays, you know." "Sorry mate, just doing my job. Now breathe in and push down hard please." "OK." He took a deep breath and let out a long, tense whine. I focussed my attention between his cheeks and glimpsed the flourescent green of the saline-filled balloon inside him, but couldn't be sure of not injuring him. There were cases on record of the balloons bursting inside men before they came out, hence the saline. Otherwise there was a risk of water intoxication. It slipped back inside. "And again please." "Oh, you've got to be kidding me!" He gave another straining noise and once again I caught sight of the gaudy synthetic rubber. Once again it vanished inside him. "Third time's the charm, eh?" "I'm really giving it my fucking best!" he shouted, red-faced and sweating, on the edge of tears. "Isn't there another way?" Whereas there was of course, we weren't supposed to mention it unless there was a medical emergency. "Come on Bill, you can do it!" shouted Dawn, who seemed to be enjoying herself a little too much. "They're not joking, this really is like trying to shit a watermelon. I can't, I just can't!" "Yes you can! Come on!" "Why did I agree to this, you bitch?" Helga chimed in. "That language is inappropriate William. This is mild compared to giving birth. The balloon is much more compressible than a child's body." His withering look bounced straight off. "You're not helping." "Empathy is the object of this exercise. The frustration you are now experiencing will be of value to you as a birth partner." "But us men, we're not supposed to do this. We're not designed for it. The bus is too big for the road." "This is your current task, William. You have a large object within you which you must now expel." "OK, OK." He took a deep breath. He pulled in the air, completely filling his lungs. His upper body was full of air, his lower of water. I crossed my fingers. It was amazingly easy to be taken in by all this. I looked at Dawn and wondered what was going on between her ears. Another straining sound. The veins throbbed on his temples. Flicking my pupils back to where I was supposed to be looking, I saw they were also bulging elsewhere. He bore down again and I knelt, scissors poised out of his view. I was honestly rooting for him. He managed to push the balloon clearly into view. I heard myself say "I can see the balloon's head", and Dawn burst out laughing. Before it could disappear inside again, I reached up and snipped the end. Warm salty water gushed out all over my face, almost completely missing the bucket. Bill let out a long groan of relief as fluid continued to dribble and the tight roundness of his belly mound began to sag visibly and return to its former size, which turned out not to be that small in the first place. "Youve done tremendous Bill. Now just give us a couple of minutes while I retrieve the balloon." I took the extraction skewer from my breast pocket and started winding the flaccid stretchy bladder round it, grateful for the protection of the latex gloves and thinking that I really was going to have to change now before the next client turned up. After what seemed an age, the other end of the balloon emerged, by which time Dawn and Bill were hugging and kissing, talking in lowered tones to each other. Another success story. Shall we leave these two to themselves for a while? whispered Helga, and we left the room, bagging and binning the balloon. Its a dirty job, but - well, you know. In reception, an apparently fat young purple-haired women awaited us. Wrinkles in the fabric of her blouse pointed away from her grossly distended belly. Her limbs were oddly slender, like they were stuck on. Something seemed not to be really hers. She caught Helga's eye immediately. "Please Helga, it really hurts being blown up like this. I feel like youve stuffed me with cushions of air and pumped them all up. I cant even eat. Ive really learned my lesson, please let the air out. I feel like Im gonna pop! Im really, really sorry."
"You owe me no apology, Simone." "Yeah, but I cant apologise to Tina, can I? Because of the injunction?"
"Here is not the place, Simone. Shall we go to another room? Adrian, the receptionist will call you when I am ready."
Simone groaned as they passed Dawns room. It seemed cruel, but Simone was clearly old enough to know better. I judged her to be in her early twenties. It was becoming a standard penalty for bullying the obese and apparently it was very successful. I visited the bathroom, showered and discarded my old clothes into the laundry basket. Feeling refreshed, I retrieved a clean uniform from my holdall. No sooner had I emerged from the bathroom than Sue called me in, so in I went. I passed the open door to Dawn and Bills room, which was now empty - takes all sorts I suppose - then knocked on the next door, bag over my shoulder. "Come in", called Helga, and I opened the door to a clone of the other room. Simone smiled desperately at me.
"I am SO glad to see you!" "Are you ready?"
"Am I?! "
I took out the speculum. "Lie down and open your mouth please."
Grunting, she struggled into a supine position, her abdomen obscuring her head completely from where I stood. As I approached her, I was able to see her face again. "It will be over soon", said Helga. "You know, I had people threatening to pop me with pins. They thought it was funny. Poor Tina."
"Open wide please." I fiddled with the overhead light. They really should give us headlamps for this kind of thing. I shifted a convenient stool next to her head. She was screwing up her eyes in the glare. "Aaah!"
I placed the speculum carefully into her mouth, manoeuvring it through a curve until I could see her glottis, then back a bit. The plug was easy to see, being the same hue as her hair. "Now hold absolutely still while I unplug you."
It was like a finger trap. Pulling it in the middle with tweezers would stretch it front to back while narrowing it sideways. The trick was to do this without triggering choking as the air started to rush out of her. Tightening my grip on the handle and bracing myself, I edged the device down just slightly, slipped in the tweezers and carefully slotted them into the top slits before giving them a quick pull. The air pressure from Simones stomach pushed the plug up into the speculum, which was now acting as a cork. "Now sit up carefully and slowly." Simone eased herself painfully up on her elbows, pushing against the gas inside her as she bulged out under her own weight. The handle jumped in my hand as Id expected. "I'll remove the speculum on the count of three. One...two..Three!"
I flipped the speculum over and out of her mouth and was rewarded with another faceful, this time of air. She held open her mouth and raised her knees as she emitted a loud burp which mustve lasted a whole minute. Then she rocked herself to and fro, squeezing more air out with her legs and producing a series of smaller burps separated by lengthening intervals. After a couple of minutes, she lowered her knees again. She was still quite bloated, but my practiced view showed it was now her colon which was filling her up. "Urgh, why am I still a blimp? And it hurts even more!" "This has only been the first stage of your deflation. Your intestines have blown up with the air inside them because theres less pressure on them from your stomach," I replied. "You need to take off the containment suit to finish, to get rid of the air from the other end. Until you do that, itll stay trapped inside you." Too quick for me to stop her, she shed her blouse and long skirt, revealing a peach-coloured catsuit with a straining zip running down her front. She hesitantly took hold of the zip pull with her right hand. "You mean I have to get undressed and fart in front of you? "
I held up my hand, "Whoah, hold on a second. No, you do it in the bathroom. Finish getting undressed and do your business in there. "
"Oh." She looked relieved. "OK." She staggered off, rubbing her sides and groaning. I sat in the waiting room while she thundered away in the Ladies. Helga bunged Simones clothes through the door. It didnt sound like Id need to call my colleague Carol in, which would be necessary should she run into trouble while naked. A skeletal young man jumped nervously with each trump before being called in. Shortly after, a much slimmer and more proportionate Simone came out of the toilet, sighing with relief and rubbing her front. She handed me the catsuit for laundering. "I'm just so grateful to you. I'll never pick on anyone overweight again."
"All part of the service," I answered, then added, "Incidentally, I think I should warn you that they double the volume after a second offence."
She stared for a second, then smiled and shook her head. "Well that's never going to happen, believe me." I left to the sound of pumping from Helgas room. Presumably I'd be closing that case next week. I sat in the park eating my sandwiches. You may have noticed that so far, nobody had died or been literally popped that morning. Maybe you can see it's not the only thing we do, and in fact it had been a typical day for me so far. Having said that, I've chosen a slightly unusual day just to give you an impression of the full range of what I do. It's only fair of me to describe a day when some popping and death did happen. Don't run away with the impression that the afternoon I'm about to recount is typical, but it does happen, so I've chosen a day when there happened to be two poppings. Usually, there isnt even one. What I'm saying is, if you don't like popping don't read on, because if you do that's what you're going to get. Don't say I didnt warn you. 1pm and back to work. The dashboard flashed the familiar-looking name SHARON MCQUEEN, followed by the word OVERINFLATION. Yes, that Sharon McQueen, well-known performance artist. Unless youve been living under a rock on the other side of the Moon for the past six months, you know what's coming next. I made my way over to the art gallery where she was performing. I pride myself on my professionalism, but I'm not going to lie to you even if it means speaking ill of the dead. Not only did I not get what McQueen's art was about, but I found her annoying and attention-seeking. For instance, her Electric Barbarella piece involved a studio floor with concealed plates activated by visitors walking over them and electrocuted her as she sat in an Excessive Machine in the middle of the room. Bad taste and derivativeness is what I'd call that. Over the past few months, McQueen had been pushing at her limits. I drove the very short distance to the gallery wondering what exactly she had in store for me, and parked down a side street, then checked my wallet for the swipe card. Another flashing sign, multicoloured and much larger, hung over the gallery entrance. SHARON MCQUEEN'S INFLATED EGO I made my way into the lobby and was approached by the expected police officer. "Are you Mr Adrian Francis Dodd of 39, Royal Gardens, GW3 9PF? "
"Yes. "
"Sign here please sir. "
There's a load of paperwork in this job but I can see the point on these occasions. I gave the form its usual cursory read. I hereby certify that I am... blah, blah. Yes, all in order. I scrawled my name at the bottom. The officer then accompanied me into the main gallery. A stage had been erected in the centre along with terraces of seats, now audience-filled. A doctor greeted me at the corner of the stage. "I have to get Ms McQueen to sign a consent form before we proceed." She walked over to the stage centre with a clipboard. Lying there flat on her back - the only bit of her which was flat by then - was Sharon McQueen herself, dressed in a black PVC catsuit. You know how celebrities are always supposed to look smaller in real life? Well, that wasn't true on this occasion, and nor was black a slimming colour. Sharon McQueen was a white woman in her thirties with short-cropped black hair and blue eyes. At the moment, she was also giving a pretty good impression of being heavily pregnant. Her breathing was laboured under the respirator strapped over her face, a plastic tube between her lips. It was thinner and more flexible than usual and she could easily have bitten down on it if she'd wanted to interrupt the air flow. The hose led to the familiar Pneumoflate 9000, currently autolocked in standby mode, having registered the maximum gas throughput for oral inflation, which I knew by heart - sixty litres, or around thirteen gallons. She was gently stroking her front with an air of languid wonder. Its amazing how many people do this given the opportunity - I suppose its a novelty to them to be so hugely blown out and stretched. The doctor tapped her on one of her still bony shoulders and presented her with the consent form with a pen, which she dreamily took in her left hand. I hoped she was in a fit state to remember her name. Many people enter a fugue state during inflation, so she might not even remember her name at this point. Nevertheless, she appeared to sign legibly. There's legal debate over informed consent during inflation, with some people arguing that lucidity can only be guaranteed before it starts and others maintaining that it cannot be informed unless the person is currently experiencing being inflated at the time. A joke among us poppers is that it should probably be given after they've burst. She was starting to pant shallowly. The doctor gave me the thumbs up and I went over to the pump. I stuck in the swipe card, then my key, operated both simultaneously and entered the twelve-digit PIN which would finally override the security. A dialogue box appeared on the display panel accompanied by an urgent beeping. "URGENT WARNING: ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO CONTINUE? Safety cannot be guaranteed beyond this point and unauthorised operation of this device by a third party will result in criminal prosecution for murder." I tapped on OK. "Please enter quantity of air at NTP required in litres."
I paused, then walked over to Ms McQueen. The audience watched in rapt silence. I shook her hand. She beamed back at me and waved to her public. I unrolled a tape measure and wrapped it round her waist, where it went easily under the small of her back. Her abdomen felt tight and tense as it twitched spasmodically to my touch under the taut PVC of her containment suit and my nails scraped against her zip fastener teeth. 140 cm. I stretched the tape beside her from hips to shoulders. 60 cm. So she'd been tall and thin before this, as I recalled. I'd better use the torso height as a guide - her muscle tone wasnt too good, apparently. Some quick mental arithmetic enabled me to enter an appropriate figure as soon as I reached the keypad. Her panting had got faster and louder, but like her, I work well under pressure. 2,2,4, ENTER. 3,0, SECS, ENTER. That combination of figures guarantees bystander safety and in this case also guaranteed that she would retain consciousness all the way to bursting. It's better not to think too much about what you're doing when this sort of situation arises. I took a look at her. I knew exactly how she felt right now. Sixty litres was the maximum inflation we were permitted to experience as trainees, and I myself had only been there for a split second, but I would never forget the disorienting feeling of my insides blowing up to the size of a beachball, the curiously numbing pressure pushing me out in all directions and the intense feelings of crowding and stuffedness from the air. I was about to put her beyond even that. As soon as I threw the lever, she would enter a terra incognita of grotesque but somehow beautiful blooming ballooning whence no-one had returned to tell the tale. I gave the lever the requisite shove and the hose shuddered. She gave a whoop and a gasp. They were familiar noises, involuntary, the result of turbulence and friction as the air forced its way into her body against the resistance of her organ walls. She wouldn't be able to sustain the integrity of her viscera for more than a couple of seconds, I knew. Sure enough, a muffled squelching pop was accompanied by a sudden limb flinch and her belly billowed upwards. The precise timbre of the sound told me the rupture had been somewhere in her stomach. The audience gasped in chorus, ironically drawing more air into their collective bodies than Ms McQueen currently contained. I never forget it's a living, though of course sometimes not actually breathing, human being. In this case, she chose her fate herself for some obscure purpose. She might be regretting it now, but that was all the more reason to ensure she'd get a quick and merciful release at the end. Lets face it, being blown up like a balloon is about as far as you can get from a natural state as possible. It isn't supposed to happen, and in fact back in the days before it was a common occurrence, most people would have said it was impossible. There was another bang. This would be the sound of the muscles in her body wall snapping and letting through the air under her skin. The second subcutaneous inflation that day, but this one would end differently. Just as I'd seen many times before, for a second or two her front went floppy and puffy as the air found more room inside her. The next bit varied and I became part of the audience as I looked closely at her chest. I must maintain detachment. I repeated that mentally like a mantra as I saw that she was turning out to be what we in the trade call a boob ballooner. We find that of women who are subcutaneously inflated, about two thirds just blow up round all over like simple balloons, but the other third undergo a different kind of transformation. Their breasts really do inflate separately like two balloons too. This was happening to Ms McQueen right now. For some reason nobody has yet been able to determine - the research continues - for a minority of women the air tracks into the potential space between their mammary tissue and their skin. It even happens to a few men. And that would probably mean...yes. It was pulling her containment suit down. You had to watch that sometimes because no only could it be undignified but the teeth could rake against the skin and cause a slow deflation in a fatally injured subject. This caused a lot more suffering than a sudden pop. However, I noticed that in her case she seemed to have done her research or got lucky, since she was wearing a stretchy red top underneath. Her cheeks were puffed out and her eyes bulged. Amazingly, her ears hadn't blown, and even more amazingly, her lips were still turned up at the corners. Nor was it the vacant smile I sometimes saw in overinflated subjects, apparently caused by brain damage, but a fully aware, intelligent-looking grin. She had made no attempt to stop off the flow by biting down on the tube - she had control over her fate and this was a conscious decision. She wouldn't be in pain according to experiments which had been conducted on people in this state. Brain scans and blood flow monitoring indicated no sensation of pain and non-functional pain receptors due to an interrupted blood supply, once the gas pressure inside exceeded about 1000 torr. You had at least to admire her dedication to her art. Twenty seconds had passed. Her rounding torso was starting to swallow up her limbs now. That was another variation. Some people's limbs puffed up like sausages while others' were overtaken by the rest of the body - the pressure inside the torso would squeeze shut any subcutaneous access. Now she was starting to ride up as her back and buttocks became cushions of air. When people were orally inflated, this was sometimes the point of no return because their buttocks would close up the only natural exit. She was totally round and would burst any second. I was often tempted to use a puncturing implement at these stages due to the tension of waiting for the explosion. Finally, a seam running up the side of her containment suit split just slightly. Had she not been inflating so fast, that would've needed addressing, but in fact it wasn't a problem as at that very moment she popped with an almighty bang, still grinning ecstatically. It was almost completely clean too, apart from a tiny needle-like spurt of blood from the tear, yet again in my direction, when it happened. Her suit sagged and shrank back and the doctor went over, felt her carotid pulse and looked in her eyes. "Pupils fixed and dilated, no palpable pulse. Time of death 2:45 pm." The police officer and I signed the witness form and I left. It was her containment suit, so it wasn't my responsibility. It's not that I don't care. I do a necessary job and I seriously think Ms McQueen was very happy with her performance, whatever it meant. Maybe its absurdity was the point. Don't ask me, I'm a popper, not a postmodernist. Presumably her people would be cleaning up the mess, such as it was. There would be some blood in the oral tube and a small smudge on the floor but aside from that, in practical terms it would be a very straightforward job. I was pleasantly surprised to find I'd managed to stay clean through all that. I wouldn't be needing the fresh overalls I'd laid out in the back of the van earlier. It's important to turn up to inflations clean, not just because of hygiene but also to preserve client confidentiality and because fresh clients are almost always in a heightened emotional state of some kind. It won't help if I turn up looking like I've just come out of an abattoir. On getting behind the steering wheel, my heart sank. The dashboard indicated that I was about to have to do the one duty everyone in this line of work hates. It's the worst part of the job for all of us. Regardless of our political views, you'd be hard pressed to find a single individual who sees this kind of thing as anything other than a grim duty executed with a heavy heart. In fact, anyone who did take any kind of pleasure in it would certainly have been weeded out early in the selection process and would be more likely to find themselves as a client in this particular part of the job description than a practitioner. There in front of me flashed the euphemism: 1500: MARTIN FIORE CAPITAL PUNCTURE. Well, I wouldn't be needing an address for that one. I drove round to the prison, which again was situated nearby. There had been a brief period during which it had been open to the public, which was why these facilities were in city centre prisons. Thankfully, that was all over now thanks to the UN, but the actual executions still went on. The reasoning behind it was as follows. A prisoner serving a life sentence would suffer more by being thrown into jail in their youth for the rest of their natural life, and never make any contribution to society, so they were sentenced to death. However, in a typical political kludge resulting from the usual desire to have things both ways even if they don't work, it was also considered important that they should not become martyrs, so they were executed humiliatingly, by inflation. You want to know what I think? It's just wrong. Very wrong. No excuses, regardless of what they've done. But again, I'm doing my job and by the time I get to them they've reached the point of no return. My task at that point is to bring about a mercy killing. I end their suffering when I do this, giving them a "happy" release. Someone else would do it if I didn't, and if no-one did it, they'd just slowly expire and it'd be even crueller. However, that doesn't mean I don't always wish I never had to do it or that I don't lie awake at night sometimes totting up the number of people I've popped and feeling disgusted at what I do. Anyway, I'd reached the prison. The condemned would already be inflating by the time I'd worked my way through security. A lift took me down to the soundproofed basement and one of the many white rooms I visit in the course of a working day. There were three other people there apart from the prisoner. I'm not going to say exactly what happened then out of respect for him and his next of kin. Suffice it to say that the mandatory method of deflation for execution by inflation is puncture, so I chose a number 1 puncturing implement and found a point on the torso by percussion where the skin was thinnest, then lanced it over the remains of the stomach by puncturing my client to a depth of ten centimetres and removing the needle after two seconds, whereupon he popped. A rather depressing end to the day. I would also say, though, that I felt I had done my duty to him by providing him with a swift end, and as I say I don't agree with the death penalty. There are people out there working in factories which make these needles, governmental inflation machines, others who drive the lorries which deliver them, and people who maintain them. Are any of them less responsible than I am? Whenever we have to participate in an execution, we theoretically get the rest of the day off, but since my wife is aware of that I prefer not to go home early and just work unpaid for the rest of the day. I may do what I'm obliged to, but I have no wish to advertise the fact that I've effectively just killed someone to my partner. In fact, we don't even mention that bit. I drove back to the depot, stuck the soiled uniforms and containment suits into the washing machine and filled in the execution report. I don't keep count of the number of those I've done officially: ending a human life is equivalent to destroying an entire world anyway, so killing any number of people doesn't make it worse. I spent the rest of the day sterilising the equipment and revising. I looked at rupture volumes for different body sizes and leafed through a suit catalogue. There was an interesting research paper in the Journal of Inflationary Studies on male pregnancy simulation which described a new balloon which released female hormonal analogues while inside the body and some thermographs of blood flow during visceral helium inflation which the authors of the paper said demonstrated that although the body as a whole could not become lighter than air, certain organs could, particularly the stomach, and were effectively floating inside the abdominal cavity. The dispassionate tone always helped me deal with these downers. Also, for every execution out there, there were probably a thousand inflation-related orgasms too, not to mention the positive outcomes of medical and psychotherapeutic inflations. Just before leaving, I looked over Wednesday's schedule. Five appointments again. The first was possibly this day's skinny bloke, but probably someone else from the previous week - EATING DISORDER - FORCEPS-ASSISTED ERUCTATION. Then I was supposed to give a presentation to the local inflation fetishists club on precautions in deflation. The next one was a male inflation by unzipping - I didn't get one of those today. He seemed to be a suit safety tester. Brave guy - he'd have a bloated pension when he retired early, always assuming he wouldn't die in the line of duty. An hour on hand in AandE to relieve any emergency inflations followed: as you may have been unlucky enough to experience, oxygen inflation can be used as an emergency measure in situations such as near-drownings and carbon monoxide poisoning. It's like an internal version of a hyperbaric oxygen tent. Finally, there was an evening one which was quite remarkable: a genuine juicing. The local theatre was putting on a production of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' where the woman playing Violet, a dedicated method actor, would be filled with an isotonic fluid rich in blueberry juice. I certainly looked forward to that one, but wondered about immune system issues. 5 pm, safe to come out. I walked the half hour home to my house in the suburbs. Real balloons hung on the gate and a banner over the door reading "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD". I opened the door to a shower of party poppers. "SURPRISE!" shouted everyone. I kissed Carole, who handed me a glass of sparkling wine. We did like our in-jokes. "Nice day at work dear?" I grimaced. She knew what that meant. "How about you?" "A quiet day today, only three. A habitual balloon boober, an empathiser who got stuck in a shop doorway - thought I was going to have to call you with that one - and a stunt inflatee in an advert. Anyway, happy birthday!" CHINK! I looked at the children playing with the balloons. As of yet, they had no idea what we did for a living. I wondered if they'd follow in our footsteps. |
Tags: Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, floating, helium, magic, Prose that Blows 4 - Winter Wonderland (2010), Prose that Blows Runner-Up: Most Disturbing Story
Text: Pffffft. The genie arrived without fuss and smoke.
"Cool. Do I get three wishes?"
He checked his outfit.
"Wrinkle-free folding my ass."
"Excuse me, but I just let you out. Do I get three wishes or not?"
"What? Oh, yeah. Thanks. Fire away."
"I want you to help me with my new years resolutions.
"Take your time. I'm not going anywhere."
"I already told you."
"You're allowed to think about these things, map out possible consequences, make sure I'm not going to give you a Twilight Zone ending."
She stamped her foot. "You're not listening to me."
He raised his hands placatingly, palms catching the light from the last of the fireworks. "Hey, you're the boss. New years resolutions it is." He paused. She paused. He realized their fecund pauses were in danger of becoming pregnant and said, "So, what are they?"
"I want to quit smoking."
"Ooooookay. You know, you could do that yourse..."
"I can't. I don't have the willpower."
"Have you tried patches, or gum."
"Just grant my wish, please."The genie snapped his fingers as the strains of 'Auld Lang Syne' drifted across the dunes. "Done."
"I want to drink less.
"You do know that I could grant you anything, don't you?"
"Do you want to go back in your lamp?"
"Fine, don't get all pissy. Jeez." He snapped his fingers again. "Done."
"And I want to lose weight."
"You sure about that?""Who's in charge here?" She stamped her foot again."
"It's just that..."
"Stupid Gemma's been giving me a hard time about my smoking, my drinking and my weight the whole party. That's why I came out here. That's why I found your dumb lamp. I don't want her to have anything over me at the next party, so make me lose weight."
"I don't think anyone will have anything over you if you make me do this."
"Do it.
"Is that an order?""Yes." The foot stamped a third time.
"Fine." He snapped his fingers. "You really are an idiot." His form became a blur, traveling out to sea across the moonlit sky, accelerating to freedom.
"You're the idiot," she called after him. She noticed red light coming from near her feet. Glancing down, she saw a digital read out showing her weight. 120lbs. Scales? The numbers changed. 119. 118.
"He did it," she breathed.
115. 114.
"I'm losing weight."
111. 110.
"I'm gonna look so good." She ran her hands down her sides, but stopped them when they met only her familiar curves. "What the fuck. That idiot lied to me.
105. 104. No I didn't. 102.
"Did you just write that?"
100. 99. No. 97.
"What did you do to me? What's happening?"
95. 96. You're losing weight. 94.
"But I'm not getting any smaller. I asked you to help me lose weight."
92. 91. Derr. 89.
"So if I'm not getting any smaller, how am I losing weight?"
84. 83. Heard of Helium? 80
"What. Yes. You put it in balloons."
75. 74. 73. And... 70.
"And what? They blow up and float at the end of their strings."
65. 64. Have you got a string? 61.
"What? No. What do you mean?"
59. 58. Dumbass. 55. What do helium balloons do if they don't have any string? 50.
"Don't call me dumbass. You're the one who got my wish wrong."
50. 49. I think you'll find it was you who got the wish wrong. 45. 44. What happens to helium ba...
"They float away. Why do you keep asking dumb questions?
38. 37. You are turning into a helium balloon. 33.
"Huh? That can't happen. People don't turn into balloons."
29. 28. Ahem. Magic. 25.
"Stupid genie. Make it stop."
20. 19. 18. 17. 16. 15.
15. I didn't change anything. 14.
"But the numbers stopped. I still weigh," she checked, "thirteen pounds."
13. That's what a thick rubber balloon with just enough helium to keep your existing shape weighs. 13. I didn't stop the weight loss program. 13. I just ran out of you to turn into helium and rubber.
"So what's your next trick, genius. You gonna pull rabbits outta your..."
12. 11. I'm gonna finish your weight loss by adding helium. 10.
She missed the last message as she tried to find the source of the hissing sound. "Where's that coming from?"
10. Your chest. 9.
"Fuck. Make it stop. I wanted to be thinner. Stop it." She clasped her breasts as they grew beneath her sweater, the hem pulling out of her jeans.
8. Better get indoors. Or find some string quickly.
She didn't notice, but the ominous squeaking of her growth and the tightness of her clothes were enough. She lunged... well, she tried to move quickly... would you believe she stepped daintily from the scales and began a strange waddling amble toward the house lights beyond the rim of dune tops, her feet seemingly in more of a hurry than the rest of her. Her inflating torso, now constrained by the too small sweater, wafted backward, its buoyancy and air resistance making itself known more with each cup size she outgrew. Buttons popped. Cashmere can only take so much punishment. The beach balls floated free and bobbled in her face. She picked her increasingly tenuous footing by the moonlight shining through her transparent rubber boobs. Her progress up the dune, aided as it was by her rapidly diminishing weight, was quick, but at the crest she could no longer find traction.
"Help me!" she screamed to the party-goers on the balcony.
"Is that Susan out there?
"Fuck. Anyone except Gemma, please, come help me."
She heard drinks spill and saw the dim outlines of several guests jump the railing with varying success.
The seams of her jeans gave way and swelling buttocks caught moonlight. Drunken male shapes raced across the sand only to miss an upwardly mobile ankle by inches.
Out on the dark sands, a final text arrived. Lol. e Pop.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Male Inflation, deflation, dollification, female domination, muscles, plug, romance, transformation
Text: Knock, knock.Alex turned his attention from monitor, put glasses on and focused on the door. Don looked up over his book in the same direction. "Who can it be?" - he asked, not really expecting any answer.Knocking repeated. Alex replied, seeking slippers under the table : "Lets see".He opened the door and let in Kate and Alice. Not the most expected guests. Both room and its inhabitants were not in the best shape possible. Piles of clutter, dirty dishes, uncombed hair and Don only had on his underpants. Girls looked at him, giggled, he blushed and they giggled again. While Don dressed, Kate explained: "Guys, we hate to distract you, but we just got our things delivered including fridge and lift is not working, you know. So can you, please, help us?"Alex had didn't look excited, so Kate quickly added "And we have an apple pie"."I'm sure you'll easily handle it" - Alice tried to appeal to self esteem.Don appeared again, wearing black sport shorts and a t-shirt, both quite loose for him. "I'd volunteer, and I hope you a right, yet I didn't see that burden, so I'm not sure". Alex casted an accusatory glance at him. No surprise that, his roommate has signed to it so fast, as both girls were quite attractive. Kate's natural blonde plaits were cute and she sported voluptuous boobs, today clad into stretchy blouse, libertine enough to see valley between mountains. Well, girl was no model, she was quite plump and her jeans were too tight, pushing fat sides up and out. Still Don was no pair to Kate, not even close. Frankly speaking, nor Alex was. As to Alice, she was a queen. Strait nordic face features, curly red hair, stylish green dress and shoes... She was of same height with Alex and Don were taller, yet she looked upon them from unreachable height with her icy blue eyes. What did she forget among mortals? Ah, the fridge. The best Don could expect, was said apple pie."I'm sure, you two would do it, I have a plan. But if you are busy, we can ask someone else" - Alice hooked. Don now radiated with optimism of puppy. Of course he was not busy and always glad to help ladies, Alex was not busy too, Don said so.Alex had abandoned all hope too and capitulated: "Okay, lets do it". He put on his least stained t-shirt and followed the girls, while Don locked the room.They went down the stairs from seventh floor to the basement, it was a long way even without any cargo. Kate was happily twitting about hardships of diets: that's while she quited her diets, two days was an absolute record. Don was mostly talking about organic chemistry exams, while Alex and Alice were silent. Alex was regretting his pliability and Don's stupidity, while Alice just smiled to her thoughts. Kate's tightly braided plaints jumped cheerfully and bumped into girl's back, as she descended. Alex imagined, what else was jumping, but could not see, as he looked from behind. On the plus side, Kate wore tight jeans, hinting where panties were. Not that Alex was fan of plus size butts, but this one was worth watching.And then they came. There were some bags and cardboard boxes surrounding fridge. No, the Fridge. It stood tall, proud and white as iceberg, surrounded by sea of lesser luggage. Even Don's optimism sprung a leak at this sight."No worries, we removed all the shelves and glass from it" - Kate reassured. Boys tried to move iceberg. They succeeded, but only because it had rollers on the bottom. Don tilted the fridge and Alex tried to pull the bottom up, but it was to heavy. They barely could lift the thing. Alex had to put it back on the floor. Shame was better then possible injuries due to falling from stairway or getting a rupture.Don turned to the fridge too, heaving and probably thinking about their impossible mission, or pondering how to retreat without losing face. Alice handed something looking like small transparent piece of plastic to Kate, and said: "I told you, boys, I have a plan". Kate immediately stepped behind Don and got her hand under his shorts. Second later Alex felt that Alice did same to him, pulling his t-shirt up, then something cold has touched and stuck to small of his back. Cold feeling radiated outside, it wasn't painful, yet unexpected and somewhat scary. Alex has turned to Alice on his heels: "What the hell?""Relax, you'll like it and that would help you to uncover your true potential" - Alice's voice was so soothing and seducing, that Alex really calmed a bit. As to Don, he was surprised too, but Kate's hands on his butt made him forget all complaints. Icy cold feeling engulfed rest of Alex's skin and he noticed odd change in the outside world... as if someone has adjusted focus on camera. His shortsightedness has gone in merely seconds. He didn't took glasses, as they could fall on the stairs, but now his eyes didn't need them anymore. With his newly keen sight he noticed wave of change going upwards from Don's neck to his cheeks and forehead, sweeping all signs of akne, leaving slightly tanned skin with no blemishes. In the dim lights of basement he couldn't be sure, but that new skin had slightly plastic sheen. He looked down at his own hands, apparently they undergo same change and it was almost over, eating last chunks of his natural pale skin, replacing it with evenly coloured something. Also hair on his hands melt and vanished one by one. Then low hissing came. It emanated from Don and from Alex himself. Alex noted his underwear becoming snug, and Don's sport t-shirt, wasn't loose anymore. He has grown biceps, shoulders, all sorts of muscles appearing out of nowhere. Same happened to Alex. Muscles appeared out of nothing, quickly using free space inside boys' garments.Amazed Don finally managed to ask: "What did you do, girls?". Kate replied: "we thought you need some pumping, but had no time to go to gym". "Yeah, this is a short way" - Alice added - "you are pumped. Quite literally"This indeed looked like inflation and felt like inflation, both Alex and Don sensed growing taut and stretching feeling. As growth went on, boys added in height, inflating torsos pulled their t-shirts aside and upwards, revealing their new six-packs. As Don turned to Kate, Alex could glance at his back, there was a semi transparent plastic valve, sticking from his back, or rather upper side of his left butt cheek. It was unbelievable, Alex put his hand on his own back and found same feature in the small of the back. Alice took him by the arm and pushed away from plug, softly but without hesitation: "Not now". Inflation of muscles was nearly over, inflated their hips, arms, and the rest of body a bit more, then hissing stopped. Don looked like some mix of comic parody on bodybuilder with a male strip dancer, his facial features were recognizable, but he was now handsome guy, not a nerdy boy. Alex thought, that same is true for him. Alice broke stunned trance: "Now, boys, try to move damn fridge again"They did. This time it was easy. Don felt strain when he mounted heavy burden over his back, as if weight compressed him - widening his legs and hips, but he could handle it, also hoped that overstretched shorts wouldn't tear by the seams. Alex lifted his corner easily now. Kate clapped her hands cheering them up. Girls took some relatively light boxes and followed Alex and Don, who raced upwards, enjoying their fresh new strength. They were at eighth floor in two minutes. Probably could do it faster, yet inertia at turning seemed to be a problem. The strange doping added strength, taking weight away. Anyway, they had to wait for girls there, as door of their room was locked. They stood bathing in the glory and maidenly glances. Don has pulled his shorts up, to hide plug, Alex could not do so and his t-shirt was near limit - no chance to pull it down, wide stripe of his chest and back was exposed, so he just turned his back to the wall. Here on the girl's floor they had few friends and even those who knew them, barely could recognize him and Don now. Finally, Alice and Kate came and unlocked door, letting boys in. They put fridge and raced down to cellar level to pick up rest of bags. Girls decided to wait at their room.On the walk, boys had some time to share emotions. Don said "Never felt, so cool. And Kate, dude how she watched at me, when ... you understand, when change happened"- "Yeah, you really look like a stripper bodybuilder. But, do you have a clue, what happened?"- "No, but I don't care. I like it"- "I like it too so far. Yet I'm quite nervous, and this thing in my back, everyone sees it. Well it is better then glasses, I can hide it, once I find anything fitting my new size"- "Glasses?"- "Yes, my eyes are ok now."- "That's great, dude"- "Yet I don't understand it".They got rest of bags and boxes, there were not much left.Don continued interrupted discussion:- "Ah. That seems impossible to me, too. But that's the kind of miracles I like."- "Don, do you think we are just pumped, or really inflatable"- "Maybe, I hope they'll tell us"- "Maybe. Alice told me not to touch the valve. I wonder, why"- "Because you'll deflate" - Don laughed - "You may try, while she's not watching"- "I'd leave the honor of the experiment to you"They walked from the stairs to the room of Kate, catching glances of girls, flirting, playful and puzzled when they saw Alex's back.Finally job was done. Kate has shown where to put the fridge and rest of things, pie was at the table, then Alice said: "Great thanks. Now we can change you back".Both boys were thunderstruck.Don was first to argue: "But why?".Alex had to support him: "I don't know what did you did, and how. Would be nice to see some explanation. Yet it is too good to give away""But you are inflatable" - Alice reasoned - "You look very hot, now, of course" - She said. Addressing to both, but mostly to Alex. He couldn't believe his ears. Alice-the Goddess-Bartley said he looks good!"And I'd stay like that" - boys said in a chorus."You heard that, they don't mind being inflatable" - Alice said.Kate just nodded: "Then there is no problem. If you two agree, let it be permanent". Alex felt odd, cold feeling in his back again. Plug was not stuck anymore. It became an integral part - tactile sensitive as the rest of his skin.Kate continued: "As the problem is resolved, well, Come here to me, you, naughty" She seized overwhelmed Don by his arm, easily dragged and kissed him in the lips. Alice did same to Alex. His usual suspicion has vanished. Both pairs kissed ardently, then with more and more lust. He hugged her, she hugged him, with notable squeaking sounds... then her hands went to stripe of bare skin on his back, caressing him, she playfully touched the plug, pulling it in open position. That was surprisingly pleasant. Don was happy like never before, when the girl of his wild dream put her hands on his butt, she made a circle with her nail around his valve and pulled it.Both boys were popped open simultaneously. Again they hissed, but this time louder then during the change. Don expected something like this, he relaxed feeling how her hug squishes air out of his body, muscles were shrinking, he felt limp and weak, but Kate held him tightly, so he didn't fall. Don's face flapped into Kate's gorgeous cleavage, he was at the apex of happiness slowly becoming flat in her arms.Alex, has pulled away, from Alice, but quickly found that his strength is fading as air leaved his pneumatic body. He yelled: "What are you doing?"Alice replied "It's part of being inflatable. Relax. I'll play with you later. And don't fight. You agreed to stay like this and now it's permanent"He tried to free his hands, but fighting only made him deflate faster. He reduced in size quickly passing his old skinny shape, quickly becoming limp, creases appeared, he couldn't stand anymore and collapsed on his knees. Alice bent and folded his torso and finally sat on him, squeezing remaining air out of his empty plastic shell.
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation
Text: "This isn't good."
"Don't say that."
"It's just that... it's just..."
"Are you tired?"
"I'm beyond tired."
"Is it your legs? Mine are really cramping up."
"My legs are twisted knots of pain, but they're kicking."
"Come on- we have to keep going."
"Easy for you to say, you're the one with the life vest."
"Do you want it?"
"No... no, you keep it, it's just..."
"Just what?"
"I want land. Or at the very least, I want to see land."
"We're going to make it."
"Only if you mean the royal we."
"Don't talk like that."
"I can't... I just..."
"Look... there is- there's something- something I can do that will help."
"I can't imagine what."
"But look, you have to know this is a last resort- the very last. You have to trust me, John. I'm going to trust you. Please... just don't get wierded out."
"What are you talking about? Look, I'm up for anything."
"All right then, hold both my hands tight. Now, promise me you won't get freaked out or angry or anything."
"Yeah yeah, I promise. What exactly are you going to do?"
"Just hold on."
With that Michelle closed her eyes and seemed to concentrate on something intensely. Her brow furrowed and she clenched her jaw tight. After a moment though, her face relaxed and a great calm washed over the both of them as they bobbed in the water hand in hand, face to face. John stared at Michelle as she appeared to be doing nothing at all. Then, it seemed she was doing something, or something was happening to her life vest. It was inflating. Somehow she was filling it with more air. How, John couldn't imagine, but in a matter of moments the bulging vest seemed much too full and he feared that Michelle was going to burst their only flotation device. The fabric was visibly straining and the belts creaked in protest as the vest swelled unnaturally larger and larger.
"Stop or you'll..." but before John could finish the vest did just what he feared. It ruptured. The bright orange vest deflated quickly and fell limply back onto Michelle's small form. And yet, it didn't actually have that far to fall for Michelle's body now seemed significantly more substantial. Her chest was rapidly filling the gap left by the defeated vest and was expanding still. John's eyes widened in amazement. She wasn't blowing up the vest, she was blowing up herself. Michelle seeing his confusion clutched his hands tighter. The space between the two shrank and John realized it was Michelle's entire body that was expanding before him. She was rounding out like a barrel, her clothes stretched about her ever increasing circumference. Her puffed up arms shrank into her rounding form. Slowly now she was rising out of the water. John squeezed her hands even tighter. His widespread arms were barely able to hold on to hers as she continued to widen. John then felt the expansive curve of her belly press into him. She was spread out beyond him by several feet on either side, and still she grew. Soon their bodies were squeezed together tightly and they rose together out of the chilly sea. John couldn't believe it. It felt as if he were hugging a giant balloon as it was inflated. Only this balloon was soft and warm and he quickly reminded himself wasn't a balloon at all, but his girlfriend. Their arms were spread further and further apart as Michelle filled out into a complete sphere with only her head, arms, and feet revealing any semblance of her old shape. Perfectly round now John guessed she spanned at least five feet in all directions. Michelle looked about herself with a subtle grin of satisfaction. John continued to stare dumbfounded. Michelle then managed to gently lean backwards so that John could rest on top of her. His weight pressing down on her caused Michelle to spread outward a bit more, but her growth had completely subsided and they seemed safe for now. With the moon high above the two bobbed gently somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
"Michelle..." John started still in shock.
"Not yet," Michelle stopped his inevitable questions. "Lets just rest awhile and I'll answer your questions later."
John awoke having slept comfortably on the cushoiny surface of his newly expanded girlfriend. Looking about the horizon he sadly found no land, no ships, no sign of rescue. There was only the unending surface of water which kept Michelle's buoyant body bobbing and dipping- the long horizon tilting and swaying. John turned away as he felt a sudden wave of nausea wash over him. Closing his eyes he brushed his cheek against Michelle's warm smooth surface until the feeling passed. He looked down to her adorable sleeping face nestled into her swollen body. Perhaps sensing his gaze her eyes opened. "Good morning," she said with a great yawn which seemed to cause her to expand even more.
"Good morning to you," John said with a loving smile.
"Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, you make a very comfortable bed."
"And how many girls can say that?"
"Not a one."
"Right. OK, I guess I should explain," Michelle said with a nervous tone. Michael could see her hands off on either side fidgeting. "Yes it's weird, yes it's bizarre, and as far as I know, I'm the only one who can do this. But, we are safer from drowning then we were last night." Michelle looked deep into John's eyes to gauge his reaction, but couldn't read his expression. "And I understand if you're freaked out, and if you don't want to see me anymore after we get rescued, I'll understand."
"Not see you?" John started. "You're going to be a whole lot harder to miss. Which, now that I think of it, will make us a lot easier to spot out here."
"Wait," Michelle said hopefully, "you're not mad?"
"Mad for saving my life? Not really. I am a bit saddened that you would keep such a big secret from me, but I understand." John sat up and pressed his hands into Michelle's great rounded front. His hands sank in a bit and then sprang back. Her body was fairly tight, but not too taut, like a ballon that was full, but not overinflated. "Is it reversible?"
"Oh, yes, I've been this big before. It just takes some concentration. Do you want me to shrink back down?"
"No, this is good. I was just making sure." John now spread his legs so that he straddled her wide body giving him better balance. Michelle was pleased to see him so relaxed. "Well, I guess we have some time to kill, so how's about a story?"
"Well, I did have a full day of starving to death planned, but sure, why not."
"Don't be negative," Michelle scolded from below. "Anyway, this all started when I was very young- four I believe. One day my mother had taken me along to the supermarket, a chore I always found immensely boring. I was dragging my feet behind her and wiping my drowsy eyes when I felt this odd sensation. Looking down I say myself start to swell up all over. It didn't scare me, in fact it seemed oddly normal. I just stood there and watched it happen. I was wearing this cute little pink jumper and I slowly filled it more and more. I must have looked like a big ripening peach. I remember feeling puffed up and snug, like being packed into multiple layers of winter clothing. As I continued to expand my clothes got pretty tight, then awfully tight, but even as I began bulging out of my clothes and straining its seams, I still remained calm. I remember being more amused than anything. Bigger and bigger, tighter and tighter, then pop! I burst a button and watched in awe as it shot off and hit my poor mom right in the back of her head. She hadn't noticed that I had stopped and she was a good fifteen feet ahead. Still, even from that distance my button hit her hard enough to get her attention. She turned angrily thinking I had hit her on purpose, but when she saw me her look turned instantly to fear. Seeing her reaction caused me to panic in return. Apparently little girls weren't supposed to suddenly resemble over-inflated beach balls. Mom thought I was having an allergic reaction and she screamed for help. Seeing such panic in her eyes I realized that my expansion was upsetting her and I quickly shrank back down. Somehow even then I could control it almost instinctually. Tearfully I apologized but my mom was absolutely baffled. She left her shopping cart right in the aisle and rushed me home."
"So this doesn't run in the family?" Michael asked patting her drum-like surface making a soft tum-tum sound.
"Oh, no. I mean, you've met them. My family never did anything remarkable or questionable in any way. So they looked at this as a curse. When my father came home that night my mother closed all the blinds in the house and ordered me to show him what I had done in the supermarket. So I did. I had been sent to my room for the afternoon and had been practicing this new talent. Basically I just need to relax- like its my natural state to be inflating. It actually takes more effort and concentration for me to keep a normal figure. Anyway, I was thrilled. I thought I had learned a neat trick. My father like my mother thought otherwise and forbade me ever to do it again, especially in public. Since I didn't seem to experience any pain or after effects from the experience, they decided not to take me to see a doctor. This was to remain a skeleton in a tightly locked closet."
"Hmm, and so you've never done it again until now?"
"What? No way! I thought it was a gift or a super power. A secret one, sure, but one I practiced diligently whenever I had the house to myself. I couldn't tell you how many excuses I've come up with for lamps I had knocked over and why all the furniture had moved while they were out. Some people might stretch out a sweater they borrowed, but when I was done with one it would look like a tent! There was this one time when I got so big I burst all the living room windows and..."
John interrupted her story by suddenly leaning far to one side and vomiting.
"Oh, oh John, I'm sorry," Michelle was shocked. "I didn't mean to gross you out."
"No, no," John said wiping his mouth and now looking quite ill.
"It's not that. I think I'm getting seasick."
"Getting? John you are seasick," Michelle said looking up at his pale face with concern. "But why now? You never got sick on the boat."
"Well, no offense, but the boat was quite a bit larger."
"Oh," Michelle said. "Well..." she paused, biting her lip. She took a good look at her swollen form with John wobbling on top. She closed her eyes and relaxed. "Hold on."
In an instant John felt himself rising up as if in an elevator. From beneath him Michelle began to spread in all directions. Laying back down he moved up towards her face.
"Put your arms around my head," she instructed. As he held her close she rolled forward as she continued expanding. John watched her hands move further and further away down the ever expanding curve of her body. Ten feet wide, Twenty- higher and higher they rose as bigger and rounder she swelled. John looked at Michelle with wonder and awe. She just smiled proudly and enjoyed the sensation of becoming easily the largest living thing on the planet. She'd never had so much freedom to grow, so she wasn't afraid to abuse it. Soon Michelle was so big that John was again laying flat, only now her pretty little head stood before him, not below. Her long hair lay flat as it fanned out from behind her face. Neither hand was visible, they were now somewhere far off on either side the massive sphere that was Michelle. As she reluctantly realized this was probably big enough, she stopped her growth. She then seemed to concentrate, and John felt them drop, though he noticed no shrinkage.
"Taking on ballast," Michelle said matter of factly.
"Oh," said John again amazed beyond words.
"I can control what my body absorbs. I've been filling with air, but now I'm taking in some water to keep us from bobbing too much."
"Very thoughtful of you," said John, the natural color now returning to his face. Cautiously he stood, but he found her quite stable now. His feet sank only a few inches into her springy surface, and he realized he could actually walk about this fascinating landscape that spread before him. He didn't wander far, for the curve of her body got more severe the further he went from her head, but he needed to get an idea of her size. Gazing down he saw the water far below- he guessed about 100 feet. If she was half submerged, that meant she was about 200 feet in diameter! This literally knocked him off his feet and he fell backwards with a bounce.
"Are you OK?" Michelle called to him.
John rushed back to her and laid down so they could be face to face. "You're incredible."
"Incredibly huge you mean," she corrected him blushing.
"No," he said surprising her with a kiss, "you are incredible." "Oh- ah," she stammered with tears in her eyes. From beneath him John felt her slowly expanding again below him.
"You're growing again."
"Yeah, sorry," she said stopping the growth. She smiled warmly back at John, tears still flowing. "Like I said, it takes some concentration to keep from growing. "Sorry to have distracted you," John said softly as he wiped the tears running down her cheek. Tears she couldn't possible reach herself.
"Don't be. This is like a dream. I've held this secret for so long, convinced that I was a freak. And you're really not bothered by it? "No," John said honestly. "I mean its different, I'll give you that. But I've always loved that you were different." Michelle was in love. "This is more than I could hope for." Again John saw tears welling in her eyes and felt a subtle rise.
"Just don't forget that we are lost in the middle of nowhere."
"I know, I know," she said trying to focus.
"Well, I've got the time, so how about another story? You called this a super power. Did you ever find a use for this ability? Besides being a human raft I mean?" "Well, I never fought crime by inflating if that's what your asking. Until now I've never found a useful purpose for this ability. But I've always had this fantasy. Something I would daydream about when I was feeling blue. You see, the town I grew up in was one of those oddities of logic that put it in a valley a few miles downstream of a large dam. Well, in my fantasy the dam bursts and sends a wall of water down the canyon that leads down to our valley. Unless the water can be stopped the town will be destroyed and thousands will be killed. Feeling suddenly heroic, I drive up to meet the flooding waters and dive right in. Immediately I begin to inflate faster than ever before. Taller, wider, in every direction I spread. Water surges all about pushing me along with it downstream. Bouncing along with the current I look to the distant cliff walls that make up the canyon. The sheer enormity of the canyon is almost overwhelming- almost. Its a huge task, but I am a huge girl- no the biggest girl, and I'm still growing bigger by the second. I know I can do it. Faster and faster I expand. The oncoming water is getting closer to town, there's maybe a mile to go before it floods the valley. Determined, I continue swelling until I can feel the cliff walls brushing up against me on either side. Now spanning the great width of the canyon, I continue pushing outward until my enormous round body is wedged firmly in place. The water still finds its way through the nooks and crannies remaining, but I am quick to fill those spaces. I continue expanding, increasing the pressure between me and the cliff walls until eventually the water is completely stopped and I'm literally wearing the canyon like a skin-tight pair of jeans. I've formed a massive plug. I'm a human dam. What took over a decade for man to build I've accomplished in moments. Like that story with the little kid and the dike- only I've used more than my finger to plug up the hole. Countless lives and real estate have been saved. I'm a hero. A hero spanning a quarter mile across, but a hero nonetheless. Those who would have mocked me now declare me their savior. No favor is too small and my every whim is accommodated since I am told I will have to stay like this for quite some time until the dam can be repaired. People come from all over the world to marvel at me. I'm a national monument and the number one tourist attraction that year. The president commends me. Kids buy little inflatable Michelle dolls, and..."
"Wow, that's quite a dream," said John snapping her out of it.
"Yeah, well I've been kicking that one around for quite a while." "So, you never revealed this ability to the public?"
"Would you? I don't think everyone shares your enthusiasm for this."
"No," John agreed, "I guess your right."
"I am trust me." Michelle frowned a bit and went on. "You see, there was this one time. I was at school- it was gym class. I'd had a bad breakup and was having trouble keeping myself together. Several times that day I had experienced minor bloating. My clothes would suddenly get tight and I'd excuse myself to the bathroom and try to shrink back down. Well, we were playing soccer and I was goalie. The ball was far from my end, and my mind just started wandering. My gym clothes were quite baggy, so I had swelled quite a bit before it caught my attention. I stopped growing immediately, but then I remember this little thought jumped into my head. Why shrink back down? Why not let myself grow, what a great goalie I'd be then if there was no room in the net for the ball. With that thought I felt myself swell faster. It felt liberating. Even though all eyes were on the other end of the field, I had never let myself expand outside before. It was such a rush. I was awash in a flood of emotions. I grew and I didn't care. Then wham! I got hit right in the face and down I went. This hurt like hell, but it got my attention back. As people rushed around me I managed to quickly deflate without anyone noticing. I used the wallop to the head as an excuse to leave early. Back inside I had the showers all to myself, and standing there in the square white tiled room I looked at my body. And I thought 'I am different, but is it so bad? What's the real thing that I am afraid of? Is this a curse or a gift?" Slowly my stomach bulged out. And I thought, "this is amazing, no one else can do this, right?' So I let myself get a little bigger, then a little more. My belly was so big, so wonderfully round and soft. I touched it and it felt nice. So I let myself swell even bigger. Still soft, still nice- no, it felt better than nice, it felt freeing. Caught up in my expansion I hadn't noticed three girls entering the room. 'Holy crap, Michelle's pregnant!' one of them yelled. I turned and looked horrified at their gawking faces. 'Oh my god, how have you been hiding it, you're huge. I'm telling the teacher.' 'No!' I yelled and stood in the open doorway blocking her escape. 'Move it,' she said trying to push past me. Her little hands pressed deep into my giant belly. Seeing their reaction I knew I couldn't let her tell anyone else. Without even thinking I let myself balloon outward so that I tightly filled the doorway. The girl was knocked backwards. The eyes of the other two nearly popped out of their heads. 'You're a freak,' one said. 'No I'm not. Look its just, just keep it a secret,' I rambled. I could see it in their eyes, they didn't know what to make of me- this absurdly round girl blocking their only exit. Still they teased me, but I noticed how they were backing away from me as well. It was then I realized, this was fear, and fear was a weapon. Awkwardly I pushed myself out of the doorway waddled to the center of the room. I kept my eyes fixed on theirs, and they didn't move. As I slowly resumed my growth they exchanged quizzical glances. I just smiled and continued to fill out before them. Soon I was perfectly round, and the room was becoming quite crowded. One girl decided to make a run for it and again I surged outward, now not only blocking the door, but filling the whole room. When I stopped growing all four walls were pressing against me. The girls were trapped helplessly in-between. My head was now up to the ten foot ceiling and I looked down at their panicking faces. Their heads were all that was visible since their bodies were hidden behind the curve of my own. I could feel them squirming. I remember thinking how pitifully small they seemed. They begged me to let them go, but I told them they had to make a promise first. They refused and started to scream for help. So I grew a little more. Now my head was pushing on into the ceiling tile and my swollen body covered up to their mouths. The walls creaked from the pressure I was putting against them. I could see tears in the girls' eyes. 'Now,' I said. 'I don't want to hurt you, but as you can see I'm more than capable.' To emphasize my point I squeezed them a little more. A tile popped off the wall and drove my point home. 'I don't want anything but your silence. Try to imagine how this is for me. Now I'm going to let you go, but you have to promise never to speak of this.' They all nodded desperately. 'And to make sure you keep your promises, let me remind you that you all have nice big homes. Betray me, and I'll pay you a visit, although I can't guarantee that your houses will be able to contain me.'"
"Good threat," said John engrossed in her tale.
"Yeah, and it worked. Those girls never talked about me, or even to me ever again," said Michelle with a slight frown.
"Mm," said John rising to his feet. "Well that passed some time." "Do you see anything?" John scanned the horizon. "Sorry."
"We're going to be OK."
"I don't know how I'm going to explain this though," Michelle said looking out to her enormous body spread out before her. "We'll worry about that when the time comes."
"It will come, don't worry," Michelle reassured.
"Yeah," John said not entirely convinced. "I just hope its soon, I'm starving."
"Me too," Michelle agreed. "I only look full."
"Hmm..." John said now looking to the west.
"What is it?" Michelle asked while trying in vain to turn. "Is it a ship?" "I'm afraid not. There are some pretty serious clouds moving in. I think we might be in for a storm." "Well, our luck just keeps improving."
The storm turned out to be a full blown typhoon. John hugged Michelle's head tightly as her mammoth body was tossed about by the giant waves and surging winds. John was being bounced repeatedly as Michelle was constantly rocked and rolled. Even at her amazing size, some waves still managed to crash over her, drenching them both. For hours John held her tight, but as another great wave hit, John lost his grip and began to slide uncontrolled along Michelle's smooth wet surface. There was nothing he could do to stop and Michelle watched in terror as John slid out of her view. John frantically grasped about trying to stop his fall, but it was now inevitable. The further he slid from Michelle's head, the steeper the descent and the faster he went. Michelle looked all around, but feared the worst. At her size, a fall could certainly kill. If he lived he would certainly drown in this storm. She had made the decision to shrink down and look for him, but then their luck finally changed. She had pretty much forgotten that she even had hands, but she now felt something clinging tightly to her distant right hand. John was just as astounded as Michelle when he somehow caught hold of her hand stopping his fall. He looked down seventy feet below to the violent sea. He clutched what remained of her wrist tightly with both hands. Michelle's hand patted his gently. He leaned in and let her touch his face so she would know he was safe. He watched as her hand pointed upward and then made the OK sign. He kissed her hand in agreement, and he instantly felt the now familiar sensation of Michelle's body spreading out against his. This time the growth was faster, almost frantic. This was like no elevator. This was more like a plane taking off. John watched as the ocean raced away from beneath him. Two hundred feet, three hundred, four- onward, outward, she was moving out in all directions. Again the arc of her body became so great that he was again laying pretty much flat, and her growth subsided. John couldn't even guess at her size. A mile wide- possibly, but it was just too much to even think about. The now distant waves now only caused the slightest shudder against his enormous girlfriend. Still holding her hand John put his head down and waited out the rain.
By sunrise the storm had ended. John rose and scanned the ocean for a sign of help. Still, he saw none, which was disheartening as he now had a very high vantage point and could see for miles. Looking up the subtle slope of her body, John began walking to find Michelle. Michelle felt John's tiny footprints as he approached her head. He'd walked nearly a half hour before she spotted him on the horizon. This was when an odd thought hit her. That's not the horizon, that's me. She looked all around, and realized all she could see was herself, and she saw that she seemed to go on forever. How big was she? She couldn't tell, but she knew she was well beyond anything she'd previously considered gigantic. Bigger than any ship, taller than any building, Michelle was the largest man made object for sure. Only mountains gave her any competition. A chill went through her as she thought this. She was experiencing emotions that just couldn't be processed. With only the sky above and her tiny boyfriend in the distance, she literally was the world. As John finally reached Michelle's head, he plopped down before her exhausted. "That storm sucked."
"Yeah," Michelle said quietly.
"Are you OK?" John asked noticing something different about her. "Well, there's a bit of a problem."
"I ah... I can't seem to shrink back down.'
"Oh no," John said looking about her vastness.
"I'm just not able to concentrate. That storm really wore me out, and I think it also because I'm so hungry. I'm sure that's it. Besides," she said trying to lighten the mood, "someone's bound to notice us now." 5.
"See anything?"
"Man am I hungry."
"See anything?"
"What the hell are they doing?"
"I don't know, but man I could sure use a..."
"Don't say it. Don't talk about food. It only makes it worse."
"Actually I wasn't going to. I was going to say I could really use a bathroom. I haven't had anything to eat or drink, but I really have to go."
"Well, you're not going here!"
"Yeah, don't worry, I'll hold it."
"You bet you will."
"See anything?"
"Besides you?"
Michelle looked up at him coldly. "Nope," John answered flatly.
"Are they even looking for us?"
"I hope so." "Its just bad luck," Michelle said frowning.
"Well, yeah, but..." John stopped himself.
"But what?"
"Never mind," John said turning away.
"I don't know, maybe... maybe knowing what I know now, there might have been something you could have done."
"Like what? Look at me, I think I've done more than enough? "No, before all this. Maybe you could have done something- you know, to save the ship."
"It was hard enough to let you know about this, there's no way I was going to swell up in front of a thousand old tourists. I would have caused even more panic. Besides, looking back I'm glad I didn't save that ship. They put our lives at risk with that drunk of a captain. Anyway, I'm sure the cruise line is insured, and everyone else got off safely. We were the last ones off remember."
"And who's fault was it that we missed the last lifeboat?"
"Mine!" Michelle bit back angrily. "O.K. I was panicking. I've never been on a sinking ship."
"But..." "No. Listen, this is not something most people can just accept. Now I didn't go into a lot of detail when I said that my parents disapproved and that's because they totally freaked. They never looked at me the same way again. Just like the girls at school. They may never have said it, but I was made well aware that I wasn't normal or accepted."
"Yes, I get that but..."
"And my last boyfriend- my fiancee- I never told you why we broke up."
"You were engaged? You never told me..."
"Yes, and he broke up with me. Why? Because of this- because he couldn't deal. One day we were fooling around and he started tickling me. We were having so much fun I just couldn't help it. I blew up right up before his eyes. He lost it, I mean really lost it. I tried to explain, but he couldn't even comprehend what I had done. If you could have seen the way he looked at me. I can't take that again."
"I told you, its OK." "Well maybe its not OK! You have no idea what this is like. I'm enormous. I'm beyond huge. I can't see past myself. I don't even know if I can reverse this any more. My hands are probably a mile apart right now and if you could see either one you would know it was flipping you off right now. Somewhere down there is a fish that won't stop nibbling on my toes. I'm tired, hungry, and scared."
"I'm sorry."
"Just leave me alone."
"How can I? Wherever I go, there you are," John joked inappropriately.
"I said go away!" Michelle closed her eyes in anger. For an instant it seemed the whole world shook and John fell flat on his face. When he got back up Michelle, or at least Michelle's head was nowhere to be seen. John stood alone. The curve of Michelle's body was now hardly noticeable. He couldn't really tell which direction was up or down any more. Everything seemed flat. The ocean was no longer visible. Michelle's body just continued straight off into the horizon. It even seemed colder. Was he that much higher? Michelle what have you done? John thought to himself. He called her name. There was no answer. He turned in the direction that seemed to slope slightly upwards and began walking. John walked for hours and still had not found her. How big could she possibly be? Should he even be going to her? What if he made her angry again. What if she grows bigger? With that thought, John stopped. He didn't know what to do. This whole situation had literally grown out of control. As he stood there John noticed a faint humming noise. He turned looking about as the sound grew. Looked up he saw a helicopter approaching. First unsure of what he was seeing he rubbed his eyes to confirm the vision. Yes, it was a rescue helicopter. John waved to them enthusiastically. The helicopter approached him quickly but did not land. As it hovered a man with a megaphone called out. "Are you John?"
"Yes!" he yelled back."
"Your girlfriend told us where to find you." He tossed out a ladder. "Come on."
John quickly climbed on board and hugged his rescuer. "Thank you so much, I really can't..."
"Don't worry about it," the man said smiling. "And don't bother trying to explain. We'll take you to her. Oh, and we've got some food as well."
John was handed several cans of a nutrient shake and he drank them quickly. As the helicopter rose John still could not see an end to Michelle. Her rounded shape was somewhat more noticeable from here, and soon, he saw the tiny spec that was her head. The helicopter took a position near Michelle and John leapt out running to her. "John, I'm so sorry," she cried both happy and sad.
"Don't be, we're finally gonna be all right." John leaned down and kissed her forehead. He then pulled out a shake and put a straw in the can so she could drink. After a few moments the rescue worker approached them.
"So you guys finally found us," Michelle asked looking up to the man.
"Not exactly miss. We were given a tip on your location."
"A tip from who?" John asked.
"Well, you're not going to believe this. We've been lookin all week, but turns out we were given bad coordinates from the ship's captain so we were all looking in the wrong place. But this morning an astronaut looking out of his window on the space station reported seeing an unknown land mass in the Pacific and called us to check it out."
"He saw me from space?" Michelle blushed.
"With his own two eyes."
"Well..." Michelle started in disbelief. "Well, I'll be sure to thank him."
Tags: Breast Inflation, Female Inflation, floating
Text: Tabitha timidly closed the door behind her. It slid into place with a shuddering metal 'clunk,' which echoed throughout the small, brightly lit room. Three of its walls were blank, but the fourth had a large mirror, which Tabitha would bet her life was actually a one-way window. In the center stood a dais, about waist high, upon which rested a patch of fabric.
"So, I just, take off my shirt and put this on, right?" she asked, desperately trying to hide her nervousness. She suspected she failed.
"And your bra," came the voice over some unseen PA. "Don't want it digging into you when the process starts."
"And I can take it off at any time? I don't want to get too big . . . have a sore back." she explained as she slowly made her way over to the garment.
"You'll gain size but no mass . . . the process will actually make you lighter as you will displace more . . ." the voice stopped itself. "Yes, you can stop any time, and no, they won't be heavier."
Tabitha didn't really understand, but made her way to the garment regardless. Gingerly, she took it the surprisingly heavy fabric into her hands and unfolded it. "How, how does it work?" she asked.
"The prototype has micro-emitters worked into it that . . . listen, it just works, we've tested it before."
The shirt was Brobdingnagian; at least triple or quadruple XL. Men's size XL. Setting the crumpled shirt back on the dais, she turned so that her back was to the 'mirror' and began to take off her shirt. It wasn't that she was vain, and she wasn't that unattractive, she just wished she had a breast size slightly larger. For an instant she felt like stopping, like terminating the test and leaving. That it was vain of her to want larger breasts, that it was stupid. But the treatment was free, and like the man said, what did she have to loose?
She finished removing her bra and let it hit the floor. Then, with much trepidation, she reached behind her for the elephantine shirt . . . and donned it. It was enormous on her, easily dwarfing her smallish frame. The 'short' sleeves fell past her elbows and the shirt ended near her knees. The hole for the neck alone was so large that it she could almost fit through it. Gently, to avoid any 'fashion disasters,' she swayed herself around, so that the gentlemen behind the mirror could see.
"So when does it-ooh!" There was a slight tingling sensation in her chest, like someone had poured carbonated soda down her chest. At first it was rather unpleasant, but any discomfort subsided almost instantly
Scared of what horrors she might see, of her own body mutating, she reluctantly gave a glance down to her chest. Nothing.
But then she felt it. The shirt around her was shifting, ever so slightly. Riding higher as the intensity in her chest grew slightly more pronounced.
"How do you feel?" came the voice over the PA.
In a trance, Tabitha managed 'weird' whilst checking the growth of her chest.
The first bit of visual evidence came small. Like she had padded her bra with a couple sheets of tissue paper. But they were GROWING. And, Tabitha thought, growing faster.
After a time, Tabitha did not know how long, she estimated she had gained half a cup size, growing from a slightly-larger-than-normal A cup to something in the realm of a B. She reached for the hem of the shirt.
But then it happened.
A feeling exploded in her chest, like being wrapped in the biggest, softest, fuzziest blanket in the world. No, no it was better than that. It was like the essence of that feeling, the essence of happiness and contentment was liquid, and was being poured into her. Her body quivered for a moment, her knees went weak. She was. . . she was the happiest she had ever been. She was alive! For the first time in her life she was warm, and content, and happy, and ALIVE!
Her bust's growth had exploded along with these new feelings, quickly surpassing a size B and making short work of C. Somewhere, in the back of her mind, she knew she should take the shirt off, but that might end the feeling! And besides, it was fun to watch her breasts grow.
It was fascinating watching them inflate, as they searched for more and more room under the shirt that suddenly seemed a lot smaller now. Forcing out, moving around, drawing up more cloth, rounding, CHANGING.
And then they moved in a different way. Still growing, but now moving UPWARDS. The were no longer resting on her torso but . . . moving, FLOATING. The hoisted themselves up, obstructing her view, and Tabitha couldn't help but giggle.
The shirt was beginning to strain now, she felt that it had run out of slack but didn't care. On a whim she fulled down the front of her shirt, which acted like a tether, drawing them back to earth. Then she let them go and they immediately flew up to her face, with much more fore than they had before, bopping her on the nose. And Tabitha laughed like she hadn't since she was a child.
"Get in there, she's going to ruin it!" came some voice from somewhere, but Tabitha didn't care, she was having too much fun.
The shirt was really stretching now, she could feel the back of it desperately trying to hold together from the irresistible force of her pneumatic orbs. Creases formed across the fabric, which hardened and straightened into lines of force that dug into her, tying to find some way to encompass her enormousness. Her ever-growing chest started distorting, seeking freedom through the collar or through any means, really, but always up; and ever bigger.
She felt something, some slack in the shirt behind her. Just a tiny bit, a small little burp that gave her breasts a millisecond of unimpeded expansion. And then another, and then another.
And finally the entire seem gave, shredding the shirt in half, the force of her burgeoning spheres threw it off of her . . . and threw her upwards. The men rushed in too late. The only thing in the room now was a ruined prototype shirt and a girl with massive breasts, breasts that were trying to urge her body skyward.
"Heya, you guys got a bigger one?" she asked playfully, skittering across the floor on her tippy toes.
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation
Text: Melody never felt like this before, at least, not in the waking world. She could feel herself grow and luxuriated in the knowledge that her power over men, already substantial and honed to a fine point, was about to be exponentially enhanced. The hiss of air slowed and stopped but the snug sensation of her chest, confined in the strong layers of clothing made her smile to herself. She would be unstoppable with breasts this size.
Then the plug was let out of her world. Her dive buddy pressed the purge button and the buoyancy jacket deflated. The sensation of huge, air filled breasts protruding from her chest left her in a smooth whoosh, leaving her substantial lady bumps unchanged. Melody returned from her reverie to find her buddy waiting for the corresponding equipment check. She masked her disappointment that she was not sporting the be all and end all of boobs and allowed her enthusiasm for the dive return, but knew she would give up the sport if it were the price of personal floatation devices that would gain the attention of any breast worshipping man or woman she came across. After diving, debriefing and grabbing a quick meal, melody returned to her motel suite for an alleged early night. She packed her dive gear in its bag and set about running a relaxing bath. While the water ran, she thought over her recent epiphany, that inflating her buoyancy jacket would finally give her the sensation she had been seeking since puberty awoke her interest in ballooning feminine appendages. It seemed so real, so immediate, she entirely forgot she was at sea. The instructor's instructions were ignored and for the few moments the sensation lasted, she was in heaven. She owned the world. Apart from the pleasure she imagined would come from larger, rounder, bouncier breasts, she craved the attention and worship they would bring her. Her breasts already attracted admiring glances and flattering overtures. Bigger could only mean better. Melody had an idea. She didn't resist it for a second and unpacked her dive gear, carrying the jacket, hoses and a tank into the en-suite. The bath was ready and she dropped her robe as she stepped in.
The regulator was attached to the tank, the jacket was attached to the hose and trussed into place over her breasts. Melody lay back in the hot water and closed her eyes, savouring the anticipation. Her hand grasped the control and gently depressed the inflate button. The hiss of air expanding from the tank began quietly but the sensation of her breasts expanding was immediate. In her mind's eye she could see them pushing forward and out, stretching her clothes in the fight to be free and on display to all the world. She pressed the button more firmly and the expansion surged. Her excitement at being in control of her body and power was escalating. She felt the constricting jacket fight to hold her in. The tiny voice in her mind asserting that it was a tactile illusion caused by tightening clothing was told to take a hike. She pressed the button hard and the racing gas whooshed down the hose and into her chest. She writhed gently on the floor of the tub but found she made less and less contact with each movement. Praise be, her breasts were so big they made her float. She knew things were reaching an impasse. She heard Velcro strain to hold, felt the crushing pressure of her breasts/the jacket pushing against her ribs. The moment was almost over but disappointment was tempered by the idea that she could repeat the performance until the hot water or the air ran out. A last gasp of air phutted into the jacket and she released the button. Melody floated serenely at the surface of the water, her smile wide as she contemplated life as an inflatable sex goddess. A thought passed fleetingly. What if it was a wish come true. What if she opened her eyes to find breast flesh straining to escape from every gap in the jacket. Would she inflate herself beyond the boundary she had reached? Would she go for broke and blow herself up to within a gasp of popping? Damn straight she would. She'd blow herself up to fill the room, the house, the yard. She'd try helium and become her own lighter than air transport. She'd blow herself up in public, on TV and on the net. People would worship her and her inflatable assets everywhere she went. And she would blow herself up in private to be the balloon love doll of any man she chose. She savoured the thought for a long time and opened her eyes.
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