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Shattered Shards: Myshelle's Medicine
Myshelle tossed he auburn hair over her shoulder, looking with a scowl at the methods of conveyance parked outside the club, though in some cases the term 'stabled' would be more accurate.
She wrinkled her nose at the scent of horse, not horse dung, merely horse. The air was thick with it here. She hated coming to what 'normal' humans referred to as 'Grimmtown' in some circles, a place where fairy tales came to life. Myshelle came here after work because it seemed that leaving the comfortable modern world behind and jumping head long into a place where the extraordinary and strange was the norm was the only way that she could drink in peace. Every time she would go to a bar, someone would either recognize her, or try to hit on her. Before the strange events that changed the world forever, Myshelle had taken to visiting strip clubs, where the focus would be on women who were most definitely less pretty than herself, but made up for that in the eye of lecherous males by being bereft of clothing.
The glowing sign above the door read "The Amorous Satyr," the glow from magical enchantment rather than neon lighting. Beside it was an image of a well hung, hoofed individual.
The brunette sighed, doing her best not to grab a strand of her long, gorgeous hair and start pulling worriedly at it. Even despite her going to Grimmtown, eventually people started learning what bar she frequented and began their creepy stalkerhood anew.
That was one part of her celebrity that Myshelle absolutely loathed; the drooling, adoring, mindless masses of fans. Get yourself a recurring role on a popular television series and appear monthly in the pages of several fashion magazines, and all of a sudden you can't walk down the street in a big city without some fat, BO-scented idiot recognizing you.
The model wrinkled her nose again, it was probably her imagination, but she could swear she could smell the faint hint of sex upon the air. Though any trace of it once she recognized it was buried under the scent of horse and fried food.
She hated looking for new clubs; she'd been banned from the last one after throwing a drunken patron across the room. The place mainly served the shorter Aerthan races. Apparently it was an unforgivable crime to toss a midget when he was pawing her leg and making comments about 'wanting to go make some three-quarterlings.'
Myshelle's heels clicked on the pavement and she got over her trepidation and marched into the club. The scent of horse and fried food only got stronger, as well as a strange, sharp scent in the air that made the model sneeze.
She immediately made her way towards the bar, and took a stool. The place was set up to look rather like an Old Aerth-style inn, though it had all the modern conveniences, and most of the bottles on the shelves were Earthen brands.
Though Myshelle thought they went a bit too far with the rounded, over-buxom bartenders and waitresses. Or wenches, she supposed. She ordered her drink, tossed down her money and leaned on the bar, nursing her drink while she thought over her day, as she usually did.
Her day had been ruined by a particularly ugly backdrop, and an incompetent gofer who seemed chronically confused at Myshelle's insistence that the coffees she instructed him to get for her were all wrong. Did the idiot think she couldn't tell the difference between one shot of cherry syrup or two?
And then there had been...
Myshelle spun on her stool, feeling rather anxious, wanting to lash out for her mistreatment during the day. Her eyes settled on the stage for the first time, and her brain seemed to lock up and shut down. Her drink glass fell from her hand and shattered on the floor.
Her mouthed opened in a gape that was only slightly wider than the size of her eyes at the performer on stage.
"What the hell?" she said to herself, though anyone close to her could hear.
She stared in shock and bafflement at the 'stripper' on the bar's central stage. She wasn't human, that wasn't a surprise. The most surprising thing was the Myshelle was rather sure the performer didn't count as a 'she.'
Not with the two foot long equine phallus and grapefruit sizes balls between 'her' legs. Myshelle shuddered at the sight, she had no idea she'd walked into one of those 'weird' clubs.
Made even weirder by the stripper's size, well, not her size, but her build. She was as hefty as the serving wenches. Myshelle winced, trying not to lose her lunch. She couldn't believe that people came and paid to watch he-she porkers wobble their fat rolls about.
She turned and stood, preparing to dart out the door, when she found one of the wenches in her way.
"Watch we're your going, you disgusting blob!" Myshelle growled, putting a hand on the shoulder of the obese server in her way.
A latex-gloved hand gripped Myshelle's wrist and blazing emerald eyes met her own. There was something in them that immediately sent a shiver down Myshelle's spine. Only when she looked down did she notice the woman, or quite possibly 'woman' was dressed in a latex outfit, rather than a blouse and skirt. Her bright red hair hung down her back, contrasting starkly with the deep black corset, gloves, and thigh-high boots she wore.
"I... I'm sorry..." Myshelle stammered, the satyr's eyes seeming to see into her very soul.
"No, you're not." The latex-clad satyr said, "You're not sorry at all, and I think you need to learn some manners."
Myshelle scowled and tried to pull her hand away, "I'm leaving." she said, trying to walk away from the creature. Instead she found a hoof pressing down on her toes with a portion of the satyr's potential weight, enough to cause pain, but more of a hint of what was to come.
"Get off my foot you bloated hulk!" Myshelle snarled, not at all used to treatment like this.
Her words seemed to anger the satyr more. For a large, hefty individual she moved rather quickly, ducking behind Myshelle and gripping a handful of auburn hair in her gloved hand, pulling the rude patron along.
Myshelle screamed all the way as she was dragged out of the public portion of the club, literally dragged, as she couldn't walk backwards very well in her heels.
She was tossed unceremoniously into a room behind the kitchen. No wonder the place smelled like fried food, the staff of the club probably ate chunks of lard for their meals.
The model was tossed into a strange looking chair. She stood, ready to fight back, to jab her lacquered nails into satyr's eyes, but the chair made some strange clinking noises, and she found her arms and legs restrained by padded clamps.
"What the fuck are you doing, you bitch? You can't do this!" she growled, trying to break free.
The satyr grinned, grabbing something off of a shelf and forcing it into the model's mouth. The gag made it impossible for Myshelle to form words, but there was a hole in the middle, which still meant she could make loud sounds.
The satyr smiled wickedly, "Honey, Aerthen land, Aerthen rules. One rule you need to learn is to never piss off a sorceress. I can do whatever I want."
The model's protests were dimmed as the satyr attached a large, thick plastic tube to the front of the gag. Some clamps hung down from the ceiling, to which she attached to the tube at various points, to hold it up. At the top she inserted a huge metal funnel, sticking the end in the tube. It too was clamped into place.
"You think you're better than the girls and I just because you're thin, hmm?" she asked, caressing Myshelle's cheek, "Well, we're going to change that."
The satyr went to the back of the room, pressing her hand against the wall, using the force to push a board up into the ceiling. Behind it was a small safe, which she rapidly turned the dial to, inputting the combination.
The safe popped open and the heavy shemale reached in and pulled out a jewelry box containing a pendant. It sported a large, white-yellow, opaque stone on a rose gold chain.
It was fastened around Myshelle's neck. It felt strangely heavy, and almost obscenely warm.
"Now that little beauty is going to take everything that passes your stomach, and will channel it directly into body mass. It'll be slow going, but I think we can bulk you up nicely in a few days."
The satyr turned and walked to the door, leaving Myshelle to continue to struggle in the chair.
"Oh Stephanie!" the satyr called, sticking her head out the open door.
"Yes, Kora?" came the soft, sultry sounding reply from the cook.
Myshelle couldn't see anything save for lilac hair, white, tapering horns, and a pair of mint green ears with the fat satyr, Kora, apparently, in the way.
"See that she gets some good hearty food in her. Start her on milkshakes and malts." The satyr said with a chuckle.
"Yes ma'am!" the cook said, chuckling also.
Myshelle didn't understand what could be so funny, but she expected that the joke was about to be on her.
Myshelle was left sitting in the chair alone for several minutes, fuming in anger as she tried to free herself, get the gag out of her mouth, or at least knock that stupid plastic tube out of it.
But try as she might she couldn't budge. This had to be some sort of cruel joke, binding her up and leaving her alone for a few minutes to scare her. They wouldn't actually do anything to her, not someone as important as Myshelle.
A few minutes more passed before the door opened, but rather than Kora or horned cook, instead Myshelle found herself strapped to a chair, alone in the room with the very performer she'd insulted.
The shemale looked very cross, her pink eyebrows bent into a scowl. Myshelle couldn't believe that she hadn't noticed how... loud the creature was. First had been the bubblegum pink horsecock, next had been the rolls of fat beneath pale white skin. She hadn't had time for her mind to process the bright pink hair and tail and the equally bright, intense blue fur on the creature's lower body.
The dancer had a bucket in her hands, which was spotted with condensation. She smiled and with a cruel laugh spit into the funnel before pouring the bucketful of milkshake within.
The girl seemed content to sit and watch, as she pulled up a stool, sitting beside Myshelle.
"There's no reason to insult other people just because they're different." She said softly, almost shyly.
To Myshelle's disgust the satyr began to stroke her half-hard cock, "Mmm... it never goes all the way down anymore. I'm too horny." The satyr said with a giggle, "I love it! It's so much fun when you're dancing. When I dance good, I feel good, and when I feel good..."
She sighed happily as a thick jet of precum spurted from the flared tip of her cock, it splattered on Myshelle's arm and chest. The captive looked at the satyr with wide, frightened eyes; they couldn't possibly be planning to...
No, that would be inexcusable. When this band of kidnappers and freaks were caught and brought to justice, and they knew they would be, they wouldn't want to have charges of rape added to kidnapping and torture by... by...
Chocolate-marshmallow swirl?
The thick ice cream-based treat had begun to slowly leak down the tube, coming closer and closer to Myshelle's mouth. She'd only gotten the first taste of lighter liquid. It seemed more like a malt than a milkshake. Whatever it was, it was rather delicious.
The taste took Myshelle's attention off the satyr, who continued to stroke herself, "I just love it here, you know? Getting to dance, getting all the cock I could ever want and... mmm... Mistress Kora makes sure I feel so good when I dance. The customers love my lap dances. I get into the rhythm and I move all sexy, and sometimes.... ooooh." She moaned.
"Sometimes I'll get so worked up that I cum all over the client. Oh they love that. Oh yeah, oh, OH!" she cried.
Myshelle closed her eyes and turned away, but still her face was splattered by the hose-like torrent of seed from the satyr. She shuddered, it was disgusting! The bitch had just... covered her in inhuman spunk.
The captive growled and renewed her futile struggles with the chair. It was then that the ice cream mix finally made it to her mouth. Myshelle found her mind going more away from struggling and more towards how to swallow the stuff without choking. It was taking all of her concentration to do so.
Concentration that was broken when the satyr licked her cheek. Myshelle coughed and sputtered, or at least she tried to, rather than choking, the act merely seemed to make her unable to control the muscles in her mouth and throat, resulting in a massive flow of the stuff down into her belly. The rapid flow of chilly ice cream also gave her a terrible cold headache.
Myshelle wailed her discontent at her treatment, trying to keep her head away from the satyr, who continued to lick until Myshelle's face and hair were free of spooge.
"Mmm... don't you go anywhere, cutie, I'm going to be back in a bit with your next meal." The satyr said with a giggle.
Myshelle wasn't exactly sure how she was managing to breathe while gulping down a mouthful of malt every second or two; it was rather difficult, and exceptionally uncomfortable.
With the gag making it impossible for Myshelle to get a perfect seal, she couldn't stop the flow of the stuff; she had to keep gulping it down. Chilly, sticky chocolate ice cream leaked from the sides of her mouth, dripping down her neck and staining her expensive silk blouse, another thing that angered Myshelle.
But she couldn't focus her anger for long, somehow every time she tried to struggle, the ice cream slid down her throat faster and faster. Her shirt had begun to feel tight around her midsection, she wondered how much she'd swallowed.
The big plastic bucket the satyr had brought in looked like your typical 5 gallon bucket. Myshelle's stomach couldn't possibly hold that much! But she'd been gulping the stuff down constantly for minutes. Maybe the thing around her neck really was enchanted after all.
Myshelle felt weird, like someone had knocked the wind out of her and she was about halfway to recovering. Her belly felt tight; did she dare look down to see what had happened?
It was at that time that there was nothing else coming into Myshelle's mouth, save for a low trickle. Her eyes widened and she looked down at her belly, finding it hideously disfigured, rounded and bloated, sticking out of her body with the presence of 5 gallons of ice cream and milk inside.
It took Myshelle a few moments to stop instinctively swallowing, accidentally gulping down several mouthfuls of air that came up in a massive, incredibly embarrassing burp. The captive model was thankful that there was no one around to have heard the sound.
Once more she was left alone with nothing to do. The mingled scents of the sticky things on her clothes made her feel weird. The mix of satyr cum and ice cream shake made her mouth water. Soon Myshelle had to start gulping to keep herself from drooling. Stupid pendant; Myshelle began to wiggle her head, trying to get the chain caught around her ear, so that she might be able to shake it off.
Though after a few tries she realized that likely the pendant was the only thing keeping her stomach from rupturing from being massively overfilled.
Myshelle sat for a long time, unsure how much time had passed, before she felt her belly... bubble. It felt like she was a water bottle with a tiny hole poked in the side, except without the leaking part, more the bubbling up part.
Turning bright red she kept burping and burping. She could feel the ice cream filling her belly moving around, being digested maybe?
All of a sudden the tiny bubbles became a huge torrent, and Myshelle couldn't help but let forth with one massive, continuous burp as the ice cream seemed to vanish into a bottomless pit.
After a few moments it was all over, though Myshelle still sported a rounded tummy, it didn't look like she was smuggling a watermelon. She sighed, hoping that this would be all the worse things would get.
As if taking a cue from her, things got worse.
Her body felt warm, unpleasantly warm. Myshelle began to sweat, water virtually pouring from her pores. Her pants felt tighter all of a sudden. Looking down at her legs, Myshelle could see them thickening, the slight slack in her jeans vanishing as they became skin tight.
Her bra similarly felt a little too constrictive, it didn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable. Myshelle prided herself on keeping her weight down to a svelte 110. What got added onto her was perhaps around ten pounds.
As soon as her body stopped swelling with the addition of fat, so too did Myshelle stop sweating; all of sudden she felt cold. She began to shiver and kept doing so until the door open, a blast of thankfully warm air from the kitchen accompanying Kora as she walked in with two buckets.
She chuckled as she looked over Myshelle, "Hmm... looks like the calorie method." She said, reaching down and giving the model's arm a bit of a pinch, "A good ten pounds, I think. We'll take things faster a bit later on, but for now I think that's a good rate."
Kora set down the buckets and pulled the tube from Myshelle's gag; she giggled and gave it a lick, grossing Myshelle as the satyr lapped at the mixture of ice cream dribbles and Myshelle's saliva.
"Now, let's get you cleaned up for your next feeding. We can't have you all sticky and uncomfortable now can we?"
Myshelle made unhappy sounds into her gag, struggling a bit at her bonds. Kora laughed and reached into one of the buckets, removing a washcloth dripping with water. With gentle care she cleaned off Myshelle's face and neck.
"Hmm, this is no good. That shirt is going to have to come off." She said.
Myshelle would've grinned if not for the gag. She would have to be removed from the chair in order for her shirt to be taken off.
The satyr began unbuttoning it, and then stroked her chin with a latex gloved hand, "Hmm... actually, I think I have a better idea."
Rather than take Myshelle out of the chair and remove her shirt, the satyr reached back behind the captive and unhooked her bra, tossing it into the bucket of water.
Rage burned on Myshelle's face, her underthings were one of a kind! That top cost more than some dumb Grimmy would make in a lifetime!
Myshelle's rage was ignored, as Kora clicked her tongue, "My my, what a messy eater you are. Sticky all the way down your breasts."
Myshelle howled as the satyr gripped her breasts and then lowered her head, running her tongue over the bare skin, her tongue stud tickling Myshelle's nipple.
"I can't wait to see what these will look like once you've bulked up." Kora said. The satyr hmmed softly, and then tweaked Myshelle's tits again, "Implants!" she burst out with a laugh, "No wonder you're so bitchy, you've got one hell of a self-image problem!"
Myshelle growled through her gag and tried to head butt her captor, who merely chuckled and gripped her head in both hands, her long tongue slipping into Myshelle's mouth.
The model tried to spit, to rid herself of the taste of the creature's saliva.
"Oh don't flatter yourself, there was a bit of ice cream left, and I have no idea what getting soap suds in your mouth will do with that pendant." Kora said, going back to washing Myshelle.
Myshelle wasn't sure what it was, something in the satyr's spit, perhaps? Enchanted lipstick? Or maybe even the strange, mouthwatering scent that wafted out of the other bucket, but a shiver went down her spine after their lips broke.
The washing done, Kora tossed the washcloth onto a pile of laundry in the corner and hefted the bucket, not noticing as Myshelle began to squirm. She felt... strange; an odd itch in her loins. The satyr hefted the bucket, and Myshelle winced, presuming that she was about to be doused.
"Oh stop it." Kora said with a snort, "I'm not going to get you all wet, yet."
She poured the soapy water into the large funnel, holding up the end of the tube, spinning the funnel around on its hooks. After a few moments she placed the tube in the bucket and let the water drain. She repeated the process a few times before dumping it out into the nearby sink. The bucket was quickly filled with new water, which was run through the feeding apparatus several times as well.
"There we go!" Kora said happily, hooking the tube back up to Myshelle's gag.
With a sinister grin she lifted the other bucket.
"This ought to be a bit more fun. The pendant prevents excretion, which makes this much more fun for all parties involved."
Rather than pour it in, Kora took the bucket over to a bench nearby. She went to a cabinet and unlocked it by uttering a few words that Myshelle couldn't hear. It was filled with strange bottles, filled with even stranger liquids. The satyr chuckled and selected a trio. She put a drop of a weird part black, part white fluid into the bucket, a carefully measured spoonful of something glowing blue, and then another carefully measured spoonful of some swirly blue-pink-purple stuff. She seemed to think about it for a moment, then laughed and poured in the entire thing. She shook the last few drops out of the bottle, and then stuck her long, dexterous tongue inside, apparently enjoying the last dregs of the bottle herself.
Myshelle found herself blushing, thinking odd thoughts at the sight of Kora performing some acrobatics with her tongue.
The satyr began to pour the mixture of unknown substance and magical potion into the funnel. It was thick, but more of a fluid than the ice cream had been.
The captive found herself a little bit curious as to what it was, its smell was absolutely delicious.
It was only a few moments before the stuff slipped into her mouth. It was rather strange, salty, but also pleasantly sweet. There were strange under-tastes that seemed to come and go, one strong, heavy, and reminding her of steak. The second even heavier, also meat-tasting. But the most common, and most delicious was a mixture of flavors, all absolutely wonderful, too many to individually pick out. While she had been trying to keep the ice cream from going down out of principle, Myshelle found herself trying to prolong this feeding for as long as she could, loving the wonderful taste. She didn't even flinch as Kora's hand stroked her cheek; she merely ignored it and continued gleefully drinking, "Well my pet, I've got business to attend to. But I trust you'll sit here and enjoy your meal. Ought to be delicious with the special potions I mixed up just for an occasion such as this."
The satyr knelt and looked Myshelle in the eye; the model returned the gaze, finding herself thinking that although incredibly heavy, Kora didn't look all that bad. Somehow the black eye liner and black lipstick meshed with the latex outfit she wore to make her look rather stunning. It seemed to have been tailored perfectly to fit every curve, every turn and fold of her body. If circumstances had been more... pleasant Myshelle would have asked who her tailor was. Since if he could make a nearly five hundred pound satyr look stunning, Myshelle could only imagine what sorts of beautiful clothes that could be designed for her. The satyr and herself were about the same size. Well, height wise, weight wise the satyr was probably four and a half times her size. So likely she could even use similar designs.
Myshelle wondered why she was thinking about fashion at a time like this, as well as wondering why she'd been having strange thoughts about Kora, what with the tongue, and now thinking she looked somewhat pretty, and the whole wanting to run her fingers through the gorgeous red hair of the satyr's head and tail.
Kora grinned, "They say you are what you eat, and with some things you consume when you wear this pendant, that turns out to literally be the case. Put a little magical focus into a few things smuggled out of a hospital and you have some interesting magical potions."
The satyr rested her head on Myshelle's shoulder, placing a hand on the captive's breast, her latex-covered thumb tracing circles over the nipple in a way that made Myshelle quiver and long for something more. "Bovine growth hormone for one. Testosterone for another. And a very liberal dose of a mixture of site-targeted testosterone and estrogen. Magic and science are so very much fun to mix, and with neat results."
Myshelle began to slow her rate of consumption even further, not to prolong the enjoyment, but rather to prevent more of the strange hormones from flooding her system.
"After all, now there's a genetic way to get proper shemales. All girly on the outside, with a delicious creamy center." She said, her studded tongue tracing over Myshelle's cheek, lapping up the rear that had began to trickle down. "You'll love it, sweetie. Now, I really have to get to work. I'll be back later to check on you. You enjoy your big bucket of horse cum now, you hear?"
Myshelle let out a sound of rage and disgust, trying her best not to swallow now. All she accomplished was sending about a tenth of what went down her throat down her front instead.
It made her skin tingle and her nipples ache, and still it dripped lower. She blushed deeply, terrified of what would happen when it would soak through her pants and reach her groin. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Max & Shani
Tags: black couple, big black cock, w hotel, new york, black pussy, foursome, hotel sex, black dick, white pussy, college friends
Our laughter spilled out onto West 47th Street as we untangled ourselves from the cab and headed toward the lobby door. Water cascaded onto and off the glass ceiling above as we trundled through the street lobby and piled onto the elevator, suddenly enveloped by the trademark electronica music that the W Hotel has seeping from every speaker in the hotel.
"This is a very sexy hotel," Shani stated with a smile as she wrapped her arms around Max. He reciprocated as he enveloped her in his muscular arms and kissed her on the top of the head. They were such a great looking couple. We emerged onto the main lobby at the 7th floor and were accosted by the throbbing beat of the sound system.
"How about a nightcap?" I asked, knowing we really didn't need another, but, what the hell? The night was still relatively young. The luminescent glow of the upscale bar beckoned and we heeded.
"Sounds great," Max barked and we weaved our way to find some space at the crowded bar.
We had our last round hunkered at the corner of the bar and felt surrounded by the hip Friday night crowd in full swing. The ladies, Shani and my wife, Kristen, turned more than a few heads as they sat perched on the tall stools, long legs exposed, and Max and I smiled at one another and at our good fortune to have two hotties on our hands for the night -- and for the rest of our lives. Two MILFs at the bend of forty never looked so good. Admiring stares from much younger men, and women, confirmed that fact.
Max and I had been classmates in engineering school and hadn't seen one another as much as we used to. Max had been the only African-American member of our graduating class that year, and he had parlayed his incredible technical skills, his good looks and his uniqueness as a black man in a predominantly white profession into becoming a principal at one of the leading AE firms in Chicago.
We'd kept in touch over the years, but there had been little opportunity to reconnect. The annual convention had brought us to the Big Apple and we knew it would be a great opportunity to rekindle our friendship. While Kristen and I had met Shani a couple times before, this was the first time we had spent any real social time together and it was obvious to both of us that she was a perfect match for Max.
Max had met Shani soon after graduating and returning to Chicago. She was fresh out of law school, a stunning beauty, and one of those women you meet and know that they are something special. I hadn't seen Max smitten with too many of his girlfriends over the years, but there was no doubt that he was head over heels in love with Shani. But, then, who wouldn't have been.
Her intriguing lineage, her mother was from Kenya, her father from Egypt, gave her an exotic appearance that was quite breathtaking. She had taken off some time from her law practice to raise two kids, but was back working part-time and excited to be meshing back into her profession.
Her body was striking: she was tall and lean, but had a very ample bosom and a pronounced "booty" that moved so provocatively when she walked. Her mahogany skin and large brown eyes were beguiling. Max had corralled himself a major league beauty with brains to boot, and I could tell he was a happy man.
And Max was no slouch himself. He was an impressive physical specimen, standing at a solid 6'-2" with short hair and a very handsome sculptured face. His broad shoulders narrowed quickly to a very small waist before flaring into one of those sculpted muscular asses with high tight cheeks that only black athletes seem to possess. His thick sculpted thighs rounded off a package that had girls hitting on him from the first day I knew him. Beyond his physical good looks he was smart as a whip, well-spoken, and had a great sense of humor.
His handsome debonair charm had always been a hit with the ladies. We were forever joking about his prowess back in college, where he was never without a lithe beauty on his arm. Of course, I had seen him in the locker room a few times and I knew that, aside from good looks and smarts, he was packing some serious equipment. He used to love showing off in the shower room, his long limp cock dangling between his thick muscular thighs.
He had certainly had no shortage of beautiful young ladies of all colors attracted to him during our college days. I had often wondered who he would finally end up with as a wife. One thing I did know was that she'd have to be someone very special and extremely sexy and beautiful. Shani certainly fit the bill on all accounts.
It had been a fun night on the town, a great restaurant, lots of laughs and good conversation, and Max and Shani had a way of pulling us into their orbit. They were a gregarious, charming, intelligent couple, and their mutual sexual attraction for one another was obvious to anyone spending a little time with them. There was plenty of sexual innuendo that crept into our conversation and there was little doubt that there was a mutual attraction between us and Max and Shani. I felt Kristen squeeze my thigh a few times during the evening and I knew just what she was thinking. So was I.
Now, my wife, Kristen, is a major scorcher in her own right. She stands 5'7", has shoulder length auburn mahogany hair, a beautiful face and a body that I will never grow tired of. She doesn't look like the mother of two pre-teenage boys, and her perky breasts defy gravity. Her stiff long nipples have always been an amazement to me, and her sweet round ass is to die for. None of this physical beauty was lost on Max.
Me? I'm no slouch, myself, if I may be honest. And while genetics has robbed me of much of my hair, my body was still slim and tight. I'd always held my own with the ladies, and I'd certainly scored big time with Kristen, a fact not lost on Max.
I could tell, as the evening wore on, that Kristen was attracted to both of them, and I certainly found Shani to be incredibly sexy and attractive. And there was also no doubt that Max, who had always had a thing for Kristen, was doing his best to weave his spell on her. I could always tell when she was attracted to someone by the way she flirted, and she had said numerous times over the years that she thought Max was a sexy hunk.. Max made no attempt to hide his attraction to Kristen either, and Shani and I looked at one another several times during the night and rolled our eyes at the spectacle we were witness to. Not that I minded; I was enjoying having Shani to myself for a bit and our conversation was exhilarating and intoxicating.
So the mutual admiration club finished up our night cap and headed for the elevator. It was still too early to call it a night, so we invited Max and Shani to come up to our suite for the "final" nightcap and a little unwinding after absorbing the buzz of Manhattan. They enthusiastically agreed and we headed up to our corner suite on the 38th floor. I opened a bottle of Barolo, poured four glasses and we toasted to the wonderful evening and whatever lay ahead.
Our suite had a very hot contemporary feel to it: floor to ceiling windows, glass work table, flat screen TV, electronic music bubbling under the conversation. But the focal point of our space was the huge mirror that formed the headboard of the bed; running the width of the king size bed and from the mattress to the ceiling. An additional seven foot high mirror leaned against the wall next to the bed.
"Aren't those mirrors great?" Shani exclaimed. "We had so much fun with them last night. Might have to get those at home," she laughed.
We nodded in agreement, thinking back to our own fuck last night and the incredible views the mirrors had afforded. It was one of the reasons I had selected this hotel for our stay.
Max had taken his jacket off and rolled up the sleeves of his white shirt, his black skin contrasting sharply against the starched cotton, as he casually reclined on the sofa with his arm around Shani. She was snuggled up next to him, her legs crossed, showing a lot of smooth skin, as her red silk dress rode up her long lean thighs. The strappy black heels added a certain allure to her taut calves. Max stroked Shani's shoulder and neck as she lightly rubbed her hand on his mid thigh. There was no denying they were an evocative and beautiful couple.
Kristen stood talking to them as I turned down the hotel music and plugged in my IPod to the sound system. As I returned, I stood behind Kristen and wrapped my left arm around her waist as I raised my glass to my lips. The deep red wine settled in nicely and I pressed my semi-turgid cock against her sweet round ass. Max settled his gaze on Kristen and ogled with impunity.
"Jack, I have to say you are one lucky man there, brother. And Krissy? All I can say is he doesn't deserve you." He smiled as Shani gave him a little whack.
"Well thanks, bro. I could most definitely say the same thing to Shani. How she settled for you will be a mystery for the ages."
We smiled all around. I nestled in closer behind Kristen as she brought her hand up to touch my face and turned her head to kiss me.
"All kidding aside, friend," Max continued. "We are two lucky fucking dudes to have these beautiful brides. Two lucky fucking dudes, man," he said again as he watched my hand slide a little lower down Kristen's belly, coming to rest not too far above the rise of her mons.
"I know, man. Amen," I said as I nuzzled my lips into Kristen's neck just below her ear.
The time had come and I knew that the next few seconds would chart the course for the rest of the night, and perhaps for years to come. But I had a good feeling about it; I knew how Kristen felt without her saying a thing, and the look on Max and Shani's faces as we embraced told me everything I needed to know. I decided to take the plunge.
"Let me show you two something," I whispered.
As I pressed my now rock hard cock into Kristen's soft round ass, I reached up to the top button of her blouse and slowly undid the first one. It popped open and a little lace from her bra peaked from underneath the fabric. We both looked at Max and Shani and could see they were spellbound, staring at Kristen's breasts. I caressed her breasts lightly through her clothes, concentrating on her nipples. They protruded forth stiffly, as they always do, and I could hear Max catch his breath.
I unhooked one more button and Kristen let out an audible sigh as the lace at the top of her black bra become more visible. We looked at Max and Shani again. We could now see the evidence of Max's excitement: a huge long bulge running down the left leg of his trousers. Shani had moved her hand further up his thigh and had her hand on his fabric clad erection. They both had a look of lust in their eyes.
I undid two more buttons, then another, and Kristen's blouse fell open. I pulled the silk material apart, and gently pulled the blouse off her shoulders. She was now standing in her wraparound skirt and expensive lace bra. Max and Shani eyes were burning holes in her, watching with an insatiable lust. No words were spoken at that point; no words were needed. I ran my hands over Kristen's body. I looked at Max.
"You like, Max?"
"Fuck," was all he could reply. I heard Shani give an audible groan.
I wrapped my hands around her body and hugged her against my raging erection. Her breasts bulged at the top as I squeezed upward. She could feel my heat burning against her round butt and her hands began to roam her own body. Max was breathing a little heavier now and the outline of his long cock was unmistakable. Kristen certainly saw it and I could see her looking at it; longing to take it out of his pants and touch it, feel it, suck it.
I slipped the straps of her bra off her shoulders, the swell of her breasts bulged above the cup of her lace bra. Max had now reached over to lower the spaghetti straps of Shani's dress. She had her hand firmly wrapped around Max's cock now and was moving her hand back and forth. The length and girth of his erection had us both locked in. Could it really be that big? Max moaned as he watched Kristen.
I slowly slid the cup of her bra down and her nipples suddenly poked over the top. I heard Max gasp and saw Shani put her hand between her legs, her dress pulling higher up on her long smooth brown thighs. I reached both hands around and rubbed Kristen's long nipples between my thumbs and forefingers.
"Are these delectable, or what?" I asked to no one in particular.
I licked my fingers and gently glided my fingers over the fully erect tips. They stood out long and proud; begging to be sucked. I unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. I whispered in her ear.
"God, you're beautiful, baby."
I reached down and unsnapped the clasp holding Kristen's skirt in place. In one motion it unwrapped and fell to the floor; totally exposing her body in a matter of seconds.
"Holy shit," I heard Shani exclaim. Max was breathing heavy as Shani squeezed his cock through his pants; her dress now hiked up to the top of her thighs.
Kristen now stood in panties and heels, her nipples long and hard; standing stiffly on her lovely upturned breasts. I cupped them and held them out for Max and Shani to admire.
"She loves to have these sucked," I stated in a whisper.
Shani's large breasts were practically overflowing her low cut dress and looked like they were ready to explode from their confinement. She had both hands on Max's cock now and looked over at us to say something.
"Max looks very uncomfortable right now," she said looking straight at us both. "This bad boy just goes in any direction it happens to be pointing. I think I need to make him more comfortable. Don't you?" she asked with a sexy, impish grin.
The ultimate rhetorical question. My hands slid down Kristen's stomach and over her silk covered mound. She reached back to stroke my cock, now hard as a freaking rock. I cupped her mons and could already feel the heat and moisture emanating from her pussy. Shani unbuckled Max's belt and slowly unzipped his trousers. Max couldn't take his eyes off Kristen's succulent breasts and he watched with interest as I began to rub her pussy. Kristen moaned softly as we watched Shani slowly and teasingly unveil Max's monster.
She reached into Max's pants and slowly, and with some difficulty, pulled Max's cock out. We both gasped as it suddenly stood hard and proud against the shirt tails of his white cotton shirt. It was long and thick; heavily veined and black as the night. It had to be a solid nine inches and his hairless balls were tucked into a tight round sack just below his groin. Shani displayed it proudly and barely grazed her fingers over its length. It twitched under her delicate touch.
"Holy shit, Max," I said with admiration in my voice. "You are packing some serious heat there, bro."
Shani smiled and looked at Kristen. My right hand tucked in under the elastic of her panties and slid down low. She was completely soaked as my finger gently touched her clit. Shani looked at us both, smiled lasciviously and slowly lowered her mouth to Max's cock. She stuck her tongue out and gently licked the head, twirling her tongue around the bulbous crown. Max groaned and pulled on the top of Shani's dress, allowing her lovely breasts to finally fall free. I lowered Kristen's panties over her hips and slipped them down her long legs. Her tight little pussy glistened for Max and Shani's gaze. Max looked at her with lowered lids.
"You are gorgeous, Krissy," Max said. "Fucking gorgeous, girl. Fuck."
Kristen smiled as she turned to face me. Her hands went to my belt and began to unbuckle me. Now Max could see her luscious round ass and I heard him moan from the combination of Shani's mouth and the sight of Kristen's scrumptious white butt cheeks. I reached behind and grabbed her ass in my hands. I pulled her cheeks apart so Max and Shani could see the gorgeous rosebud of her asshole and the full lips of her furled labia. I gave her ass a little slap. It jiggled provocatively.
"Jesus," I heard Max mutter under his breath.
We could now hear the slurp of Shani's sucking as she bobbed her head up and down on Max's cock, only able to take half of his huge package into her mouth. Kristen unzipped my pants and reached in for my cock. I could tell how incredibly turned on she was by her rapid breathing and we kissed deeply, tongues swirling. I whispered into her ear.
"I want to watch you fuck him, Krissy. I want to see his black cock slide ALL the way into your cunt, baby. We'll both fuck you, babe. Maybe Shani can help and we'll fill all your holes."
Kristen moaned her approval into my mouth as she pushed my pants down. I turned her around so she could see Max and Shani again. Shani was now kneeling on the sofa and driving down on Max's cock while her hand was wrapped around his base, following up and down with her mouth. She pulled off with a wet popping sound and looked over.
"Hey, Krissy. You want a taste of my man, baby? Maybe I can taste yours" she cooed as she stroked the length of Max's mammoth cock
Kristen was too stunned and excited to reply. Shani looked at her again as she stroked Max's cock. It was fucking huge, thick and black, and the site of Shani's tiny hand wrapped around it gave its sheer girth the scale it deserved. Even I was in awe at the beauty of his hard cock. I knew any woman would melt at the sight of it.
"Come on, Krissy. Come taste some of my chocolate, baby," Shani purred. "I know he wants you."
"That," Krissy cooed, "would be my pleasure."
Shani pulled off Max's loafers and socks as he pulled down his pants. He now only had on his white shirt, and his muscular legs and huge cock were too much for Kristen to resist. She walked over slowly and I watched that sweet ass of hers sway as she approached. Shani moved aside as Kristen knelt down between his legs. I watched in awe as she wrapped her hands around Max's cock and slowly brought it to her lips. Max smiled as he put his hand on her head and guided her down.
"Oh yeah. Suck me Krissy. Suck my cock, baby."
Shani smiled at the scene and looked over at me.
"You look awful lonely, Jack. Like maybe you need some company?" she stated, while leering at my fully engorged dick.
I sat down on the other sofa as I took off the rest of my clothes.
"And you've still got clothes on, Shani. I think I can help you with that," I said, as I leaned forward to welcome her into my arms.
She smiled, stood up and came over to stand in front of me. I couldn't wait to get my hands on her. While Kristen continued to suck on Max's cock, I undressed Shani, taking my time. Her breasts were already free and I cupped them and felt their soft buoyancy. Her nipples were large and just barely darker than her chocolate skin. I lifted one up to my mouth and sucked. She responded immediately.
"My nipples are very sensitive, Jack."
As I sucked softly I pulled her dress down, exposing a bright red thong that cupped the bulging mound of her pubis. I slipped it down and off, and she stepped out in all her glory. Her pussy was shaved, but for a tuft of curly black pubic hair, and her labia was pronounced and fleshy. I reached behind to cup her cheeks and moaned as I touched the fullest softest ass. She got down on her knees and took my rigid pole into her mouth. Her full red lips felt so soft against the rigid stiffness of my flesh.
I could now see Kristen again. She had moved up to the sofa, kneeling sideways to Max, but still choking on his thick cock. From this position Max could reach behind and touch her and I saw his big black finger deep inside her pussy. I could also see the insides of her thighs; they were drenched from her juices, overflowing with excitement. Max caught my eye as Kristen and Shani sucked our dicks.
"This girl sucks a mean cock, bro. Damn."
"I could say the same. Ahhhh."
Suddenly Shani took me deep; taking my entire shaft into her mouth and wiggling her mouth back and forth. I groaned with pleasure. She began to suck like there was no tomorrow and spent plenty of time sucking and licking my balls. I lay back and closed my eyes in ecstasy, and when I opened them again, I could see that Max now had Kristen sitting on the sofa, legs spread, as he kneeled between her legs and dove into her pussy with his big fleshy mouth. As his pursed lips and tongue began to work on her, I could see her squirm with delight, lifting her hips up to meet his oral assault, and finally placing her legs up over his shoulder and resting her feet on his back. Shani stopped for a moment and took in the view as well. She looked up at me as she gently stroked my cock.
"He's always had a thing for Krissy, you know. I know he was hoping, we were both hoping, that this might happen."
She glanced over at him, on his knees, his large hands under Kristen's ass, lifting her sex up to his mouth to feast on her wet gaping cunt. His huge cock hung between his legs; his immense ball sack tucked up tight just below his muscular ass. It really was an amazingly erotic sight, I have to say. And to know that his tongue was deep inside my wife was driving me crazy with desire. I watched her eyes clench in ecstasy as he worked his big lips on her engorged labia. Shani turned to me and stroked my cock.
"Maybe we should wander over there and join the party," she purred. I didn't answer; just stood up and pulled her with me. She knelt down behind Max and grabbed his cock and pulled it straight down. She looked up at me as she gently rubbed it.
"Isn't this thing amazing?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "It's almost too much cock for one girl to handle," she jested. "I'm always happy to share it with the right woman," she smiled. She looked up at Kristen and then smiled back at me. "Krissy is going to love this dick, as you will soon see," she said with a lascivious smile.
"I couldn't agree with you more," I said, as I circled around Max, who was so intent on eating Kristen's pussy, he hadn't heard a word we were saying. I kneeled down next to Kristen on the sofa and kissed her. She kissed me back with a mad passion that told me just how turned on she was. I looked down at Max, his large lips covered her entire sex and his long pink tongue worked her clit like a pro. The slurpy sounds of his cunnilingus showed his appreciation for Kristen's lovely cunt. I could see his fingers working on her madly; one deep in your asshole.
"I think she likes you, Max," I said; perhaps the understatement of the century. "Just so you know, and if you can hear me there Max -- she loves to have her neck licked and kissed. Her calves are very, very sensitive; so are her nipples. You have a lot left to explore, my man. Oh, and just so you know, she loves to be tied up and fucked, Max. Oh, and one more thing: she loves to swallow."
I heard Kristen moan loudly as I licked her neck, Max ate her pussy, and Shani worked on Max. I saw her lie down on her back and slip her head under Max's cock, taking it into her mouth, directly below him. Max pulled away and looked up at Kristen; total lust in his eyes.
Max has been between her legs for awhile and he turned to spend some time with his wife. As Max and Shani began to kiss and grope, Kristen and I began to fuck. I sat on the couch, she mounted me and impaled herself on me, so turned on and wet. Max and Shani also began to fuck, but Kristen couldn't see them since she was facing me. So I flipped her around and she quickly guided my cock back into her dripping cunt. Now we were watching Max fuck Shani, absolutely pummel her with his cock, his muscular ass clenching tightly with each long thrust. We were so turned on watching them, Kristen was bouncing up and down on my shaft and rubbing her clit furiously.
I whispered in her ear that I wanted to fuck her in the ass and she pulled up and off, grabbed my erection and guided it to her asshole. I slipped in, inch by inch and now her wet gaping cunt was spread for Max and Shani to see. As he was driving into her he looked over and saw my cock in Kristen's ass and her legs wide open. She spread her pussy for him and rubbed her wet fleshy pinkness. He smiled, slowed down, and Shani opened her eyes to look over. They liked what they saw and decided to crawl over and join us.
My legs were spread and Kristen's were spread wider. My cock was totally inserted in her ass, but I didn't move. I felt like a huge human buttplug. Shani crawled between our legs, and began to lick Kristen's pussy. Her big tongue and huge moist lips were like magic on her clit. I licked Kristen's neck and nibbled on her ear, talking dirty and telling her everything that was happening and going to happen to her. Max stood watching, smiling, his big cock dangling between his muscular thighs. Kristen looked at him hungrily, wanting him to fill her to the brim. Finally he climbed up on the couch, straddled us standing and positioned himself so his cock was at her open mouth. She gingerly wrapped her delicate hands around his girth and guided it toward her mouth.
"Yeah, Krissy. Open wide, baby, and suck his cock. Max wants your mouth, Krissy. Take him deep, babe," I whispered in her ear as I stroked her neck.
I moved my cock slightly, in and out, just so she knew I was still deep inside her; my cock totally ensconced in her ass. Shani was licking with abandon and put one, then two, then three fingers in Kristen's cunt; curling them up to caress her G spot while her expert tongue worked Kristen's clit. Shani massaged my balls below, knowing I needed a little attention as the low man on this totem pole, and she occasionally gave my balls a lick before returning to Kristen's dripping cunt. Kristen took Max's cock in her mouth, one hand wrapped around his girth, the other massaging his giant ball sack. She licked the bulbous head, swirled her tongue around the tip, then opened wide and took him as deep as she could. I continued to talk into her ear, my face inches away from her blowjob, watching her hungrily suck my friend's huge cock. Such a hot sight to see Max throat fuck her, hearing her gag on his prick and moan with pleasure, listening to the wet slurpy sounds Shani was making down below, as I encouraged Kristen and Max with my words.
"My cock is deep in her ass, Max. And Shani is eating Kristen's pussy and finger fucking her to beat the band. Krissy loves cum, Max. So she can't talk right now because your cock is so far down her throat. But if she could talk, Max, she'd be telling you to shoot your load deep into her mouth. She loves cum, Max -- craves it -- and she's going to swallow every fucking drop, man."
Suddenly, with our four bodies working in unison, we reached a crescendo. I could tell Max was close to coming; Kristen could tell too, as she doubled her efforts, craving his cum. Her holes were filled; my cock was in her ass, Shani's hand in her cunt, Max's huge cock in her mouth. We were all grunting and groaning, bodies slapping together. Then Max let out a cry.
"Oh fuck, Krissy! Here it comes baby. Here it.... Ahhhh"
And with that Max exploded the biggest load of cum she'd ever had erupt into her mouth. After several spasms he pulled out and continued to spurt gobs of cum on her face. His white semen was dripping out of her mouth and onto her breasts; cum all over her face and chin. And then suddenly Kristen felt her own orgasm welling up. Shani was banging her with her hand as she sucked on her clit, my cock was buried in Kristen's deepest recesses, and the sight of Max's cock pulsating and throbbing sent her over the edge. I could feel the spasms on my cock as her ass squeezed my shaft, and I finally let my own load go deep in her ass. Shani could feel Kristen pulsing over and over again on her hand as her dripping cunt spread juice all over Shani's beautiful face. I whispered in Kristen's ear.
"You're the best, Krissy. You're the best."
As we recuperated from round one, Max suggested we move to the large king size bed. There was no argument from anyone, and as I kissed Kristen deep, I whispered in your ear.
"You okay baby?"
She didn't answer; just looked at me with a look of unbridled desire and lust. I had my answer. We all rambled over to the bed and jumped on like kids at a slumber party; all of us turning to look at the mirror at the same time.
"Wow. Our foursome has just turned into an eightsome," I joked.
Everyone laughed. It was an incredible sight: two couples, one dark-skinned, one light skinned, ready to mix it up in a panoply of pleasure. I could see Kristen and Max were not done with one another yet, so I turned my attention to Shani. Kristen kneeled on the bed and faced the mirror; Max's huge black form dominated her from the rear. I watched in the mirror as his black hands encircled her body, squeezing her breasts, tweaking her nipples, as his hands slowly slid lower and lower on her body until his huge hand cupped her still moist pussy mound. Kristen was squirming with excitement as his finger entered her and his big lips found her neck and ear.
Meanwhile Shani crawled up to lay on the pillow and I knelt between her legs. She played with her pussy for me and opened up her lips with her fingers; exposing the pink wet flesh of her pussy, glistening in the soft light. I leaned over to kiss her on the lips, and traced my way down her body, over her sumptuous breasts, heading south to the Promised Land; Kristen's moans serving as my soundtrack. I could tell that Max was touching all the right buttons and relished the thought that I was going to get to watch him fuck her.
He turned Kristen over onto her back and his large black body hovered over her slender white frame. His huge cock hung stiffly under him, grazing her belly, as he leaned down to kiss her. I watched Kristen clutch his cock and pull him toward her wetness. He eased his big dick toward her lips; open, wet and waiting for his penetration. I watched in awe as he slipped into her, his girth stretching her pussy. Shani and I watched together; clutching one another.
"Oh, Jack, baby. She is in for the ride of her life." Shani exclaimed.
I dove into Shani's pussy with a vengeance. She grabbed my head and pulled me between her legs, grinding her cunt into my face and lashing tongue. She talked to me and encouraged me; my slurping assault mixed with Kristen's moans from just a few feet away. I don't know that I've ever been so turned on, imbibing in my favorite activity in the world with a gorgeous woman while my wife was within reach, finding ecstasy from the fuck of one of my dear old friends. We would be talking about this adventure for years to come.
I could tell my tongue was having the desired effect, as Shani bucked her hips and ground her cunt into my mouth. My eyes darted from this grinding chocolate beauty to Kristen, as Max began to slide into her and I saw her eyes roll back in her head. The overall sensual and visual stimulation was almost too much to comprehend.
In no time Max built up speed, his muscular black frame suspended above Kristen's slender body, as his hips slammed into her with a growing need and speed. Her hands grasped his tight ass as she tried to force him to fuck her deeper. Shani saw me watching and leaned up to kiss me.
"Let's go help him fuck Krissy, Jack," she said with a smile.
I jumped up and around to the other side of Max and leaned in so Kristen could take my cock in her mouth. She looked up at me for an instant, closed her eyes again and latched on to my stiff dick. Shani moved behind Max and used her hands on both of them. I saw her stick one finger into Kristen's ass, underneath Max's pumping dick, and the other she stuck hard into Max's ass, the better to spur him on. Max grunted his approval and began to fuck Kristen with all the speed and strength he could muster. Shani started talking dirty.
"Yea, Max. Fuck Krissy! Fuck her hard baby. Oh, she's loving your big black dick fucking her white pussy. Pump her baby! Slam that big old boy deep into her cunt!"
Max reared back and began to fuck Kristen with a ferocity that was almost hard to imagine. While she wanted to suck my dick, the pleasure she was receiving from his pounding was too much to ignore. I leaned down to whisper in her ear; tell her how much I loved watching Max fuck her; how beautiful she was. I could tell she was about to cum. I was talking, Shani was talking, Max was fucking to beat the band, and then, suddenly, I saw that look she gets and watched as her mouth opened in a silent scream and waves of spasms rippled through her gorgeous body. Her head was thrown back as she convulsed and shook with an internal rhythm and pulse.
As her long orgasm subsided, Max withdrew his cock, glistening with her juices, stroked it twice and uncorked the second biggest load of cum I think I have ever seen. Spurt after spurt of thick white cream exploded out of his giant prick and landed in ropes of cum all over Kristen's face and body. He kept pumping, his brow furrowed in an expression of ecstasy, as he blew his wad all over her sweet body.
It was an incredible sight. We all took a breath and laughed.
"Holy shit, bro. You're gonna be a hard act to follow."
Max smiled and crawled up to Kristen's head on the pillow and fed her his still hard dick. She lovingly took the tip into her mouth so she could taste herself on his cock. Shani crawled between her legs to lick her pussy and lick up Max's cum, now dripping out of Kristen's pussy. I slid behind Shani and slipped my dick into her pussy from behind. As I began to fuck her, Kristen could feel my thrusting through Shani's mouth. As I looked in the mirror, I smiled at the site of our train.
We spent the next hour smoothly moving effortlessly from one position to another. We watched Max and Shani fuck at one point, and they watched us. Max and I each enjoyed the undivided attention of both of the women, and numerous times the four of us moved into some creative position where everyone was involved. It was pure and unadulterated magic.
By 4 a.m. we were all spent, physically and mentally. Max and Shani finally crawled out of our bed, dressed and said their goodbyes, heading back to their room on another floor. Max and Shani made us promise we would come visit them in Chicago soon and we made plans for a long weekend in the near future. We finally crashed, completely satiated and fulfilled, knowing that we wouldn't be hitting the convention floor until well after noon that day. We drifted off into a deep sleep, Kristen's sweet head on my chest, as I stroked her hair and whispered sweet nothings in her ear. | literotica |
Title: How You Seduced Me Ch. 04
Tags: ass fucking, doggystyle, missionary position, submissive, blowjob, anal, rough sex, wife, cuddling, cum
I groggily wake in the dark to find someone spooning against me. At first I think it's my wife, but the skin feels so much hairier than any woman I've ever fucked, and underneath I feel lean hard muscles rather than her soft curves padded with feminine plumpness, and then you cuddle closer and your cock, semi-hard from the jolt of testosterone all men get in the early morning, nestles against my butt cheeks.
Oh shit, I think, my mind and heart racing from a surge of adrenaline. How late is it? How the fuck am I going to explain to my wife not coming home from the alleged boy's night out that was my cover story?
"Gotta go." I try to roll out of bed.
You hold me tighter. "Not yet. Got some ... business ... to take care of." Your cock is getting stiffer, and it starts pressing between my cheeks, sliding easily from the residual lube from when you fucked me earlier.
"My wife is gonna kill me."
"Fuck her," you say, but from the pressure you're starting to exert as your stiffened cockhead contacts my sore asshole and tries to push inside, it's clear it's not her you want to fuck.
"Dammit, stop." I clench my burning ring tight to ward off your cock. I try to squirm free. But your strong muscles are turning me, pushing me flat on my belly on your soft bed. Your legs are between mine and forcing them apart, and now you're grabbing a fistful of my long hair to further take control, pushing my head against the pillow while the weight of your body presses your skin hotly against my back. Your cockhead strains against my clenched ring, and you start bucking for entry.
Are you raping me, I groggily wonder. Or are you taking my no as some kind of roleplay, feigning reluctance? I guess I need to be more insistent to get you to stop.
Your cockhead pulls off me, to my relief, but then I feel the coolness of lube squirting on my hot and aching hole, and you resume trying to fuck me.
"Please ..." I say, intending to add a "stop", but that gets cut off as my asshole explodes in pain as the extra slickness of the lube allows your cockhead to shove past the shreds of my resistence, and your shaft slides in a inch or so.
"Yes," you say, grunting as you start thrusting in and out, deeper with each stroke, your shaft making that fucking sound with each downstroke as it pistons into my slippery ass walls, like this: fck frck dlk fck. "That's so hot. Say please again."
I want to say no. I want to say please. I want to say yes. But all I can get out is a squeaky "Unh ... ohh ... urh" as you knock the air out of my lungs with each thrust and you jackhammer into me balls deep, your firm lower belly slapping against my ass cheeks.
I finally manage to grunt out between thrusts, "Please. Don't. Fuck. Me. Like. This."
You stop fucking, though your cock is still deep inside. "OK."
You grab my left leg, jam it toward my chest, roll me over onto my back, and grab both of my ankles and place my heels on your shoulders, all in one fluid deft maneuver, your cockhead still inside me. I'm still completely in your control, but now in missionary position.
Phrasing, I think as you resume fucking me. I really need to work on phrasing.
Your handsome eyes stare into mine, and I'm kinda pissed off at the arguably-not-quite-rape-due-to-communication-fail, and I'm worried about the fallout when I go home to my wife, and I'm hurting from you slamming into my already well used ass, but admit it, I'm also turned on despite myself by the roughness, enjoying being dominated and letting you take control.
Fuck it. Quickest way out of here is to make you cum.
So I slide my heels from your shoulders down to the small of your back and wrap my legs around you, my heels pressing down with each of your thrusts, forcing you all the way inside, urging you to give me your cum. I drape my arms around your neck, and give you a loving look, a wanting it look, like I'm your wife and I'm willingly giving my body to you to satisfy my husband's lusts, not daring to say it out loud but it feels so good to embrace the moment.
You lean down and give me an electric kiss, lingering, while your body slams even harder into me, and my lips are muffling the sounds of you cumming - cumming hard - spurting inside me.
When you're spent, you lay on top of me, gasping for breath, taking most of the weight with your arms, my arms and legs still wrapped around you. The weight of your body on mine is comforting. I think of telling you about the wife fantasy, but shy away. I think of telling you about the near rape thing.
I settle on this:
I whisper in your ear: "We gotta work on communication. Get a fucking safe word or something."
You murmur sleepily, "Hmm?"
"I get how no can mean yes, but ..."
Your eyes open, a worried crease sliding onto your forehead. "Oh. Shit."
I think of how to say it.
"Did I ..."
I lean in and give you a gentle kiss. "No. No. That was kinda on me. I just ... I gotta get home to my ..."
"Lemme make it up to you first." You start kissing your way south, and I think of saying no, no time, but there's been too many "no"s already, and then your lips wrap around my cockhead for the first time, your first time reciprocating, and oh, it's so much better than the blowjobs my wife gives, and I murmur "Yes, oh god yes" just so there's no ambiguity, and you start taking some of my shaft as I harden in your mouth and I grab your hair and fuck your face, my hips rising up to finally take my pleasure too ..
After, still no hint of dawn in the black night sky, I drive home along nearly deserted streets to meet my wife's worry or fury or passive aggressiveness, or, knowing her, all of the above and more. The powerful engine in my car murmers an almost inaudible growl as I cruise through the darkness, your cum in my ass and a bit of my own cum on my lips from when you gently kissed me goodbye, and I can face whatever is next because I'll always get to remember these moments, get to remember the lust and surrender as I let you fuck me hard ... | literotica |
Title: 20 Years of Foreplay Ch. 12
Tags: strip, strip club, lingerie, dance, thong, lap dance, lace, cousin, masturbation, boner
So, you've heard how the bachelorette party was going for Jenna and Denise. Now we return to my bachelor party on that same night, just as we're pulling into the parking lot a Diamond's Gentleman's Club near the LAX airport.
As noted before, I've never been big on sleazy nudie bars, but dammit if those USC cheerleaders hadn't gotten me riled up, to the point where it wouldn't take much to strike a tent pole in my Docker's.
Diamond's is a fairly high end place (pun intended!), but it still managed to put forth that familiar musty scent, somewhere between cigarette smoke and sweat. You'd think there'd be some identifiable sexual odors mixed in there with the amount of naked girls walking around, dancing and grinding, but I guess most strippers don't get too aroused while on duty.
All six of us paid the $20 cover and shuffled down a dark hallway lit only by some unseen red lights (what other color would one expect?). I will say that the anticipation of walking into a strip club for the first time may only be rivaled by that first glimpse of the baseball diamond and the green grass on opening day. Even if it gets boring after a while, the pre-game is always enticing.
We emerged into a huge room deep in the throes of Saturday night. The clientele consisted of packs of inappropriate businessmen, some unhinged sailors, borderline underage dudes and bachelor parties like mine. The clubs I'd been in before had been dark, dreary joints populated mostly by bikers, druggies and lonely single guys like me who took the train in from the suburbs for their big night (or day) of secret rebellion. This place was more like a casino during prime time. Techno music blared from speakers mounted in every corner. There were two stages, both with at least one obligatory brass pole stretching from floor to ceiling.
The smaller of the two stages was ringed on all sides by a bar, with tables scattered behind it, and was occupied at the moment by a petite blond with a large set of unmoving breasts that were so fake it almost didn't seem right to call her "topless". There were black lights throughout the club, and her white thong glowed in the dark against her unreal tan. As we watched, she slowly slipped the thong to her ankles and stepped out of it.
"Fully nude, man!" Rob shouted in my ear as we took a table near the stage. "One of only 3 in the city where they take it all off. But this is by far the best one. Hottest chicks in L.A."
As the dancer bent over and showed her finely sculpted ass to a table of military boys, there was a cheer from the surrounding tables, and the dollar bills came out in bunches.
Meanwhile, my eyes were drawn to the larger Stage 2, which was against one wall about 20 feet to my right, upon which 3 girls were doing their thing simultaneously. Two of them were about half covered with tattoos, which unfortunately means automatic dismissal in my book. The third, however, held my gaze. She had straight brown hair down just past her shoulders, what appeared to be bright green eyes, and a fabulously rockin' body. Not so thin like so many strippers were, but more of the hourglass shape: well formed tanned tits currently encased in a green lace bra, a very short white skirt, underneath which appeared to be a matching green g-string. White high heels completed the outfit, though that's one of my pet peeves with strippers and centerfolds alike: okay, yes, they push your ass up. But don't they realize how sexy women in bare feet can be? And we certainly don't need to see the high heels in the shower photo shoot. Lose 'em, ladies!
I watched her swing around the pole a few times until the bra came off. I was pretty much oblivious to everything else. She was wayyy cute, without the jaded, dead-eyed stripper look you see sometimes, as if they're thinking about what to cook for dinner that night instead of the fact that they're running a hand across their thigh. This girl seemed to be genuinely enjoying herself, and the sexy smile didn't seem forced at all.
"Hey Thom, snap out of it!" Scott was yelling in my ear. "What are you drinkin'? Anything and everything pal. It's on us."
I ordered a Jack and Coke and tore my eyes away for a few moments. The girls that weren't on stage dancing were roving around the room, talking and getting friendly with the customers, but I knew that their ultimate goal was to find a few takers for a lap dance. They were trolling for twenties, in other words. In my experience, some could get downright nasty if you balked at a dance and refused. When I was young and broke, I stepped into a few clubs with literally 5 bucks on me, and if there's one thing strippers don't appreciate, it's a tightwad. I'd swat 'em away for a few minutes, until word got around that I wasn't buying. At that point, they'd all leave me alone for the duration. I also learned the hard way not to pay up front for anything. I went to one club where there was a sort of performance ring surrounded by booths that were open to the ring side. Silent men stood inside each booth while two girls made out with each other in the center of the arena. If you held out a large enough bill, they would come over and fondle each other right in front of you. Being totally naive, I held out a 10 and handed it to one of the girls right when they got to me, at which point they simply moved on to the next guy. I just stood there like a chump, dumb and horny.
Every few minutes, one of the table girls would take a guy by the arm and lead him through a doorway covered with tinsel strands to what I assumed was the "private dance" room; the "champagne room", if you will. I'd never had the money or the inclination to experience this, though one regret is that I didn't try out the "shower room" at a club in Seattle one time. My guess is that you sat there trying not to pull out your rod and stroke it while a girl took a private shower in front of you. That, I could get into. I always wondered what the protocol was. Could you rub yourself? Could you take it out? There was that Chris Rock joke, "no matter what a stripper tells you, there is no sex in the Champagne Room." A lot of grinding and dry humping, I guessed. I wondered if the girls were only naked from the waist up in there, though I suppose if you pay enough, anything is possible.
Rob was talking to a small-titted brunette wearing a nifty purple thong who had sat down at our table. He had apparently let the cat out of the bag about who the "special boy" was tonight. Her name was Missy, or Chrissy or something. It was too damn loud in there to tell which. The guys had pitched in and hired her to do a table dance for me, which I honestly would have passed on if given the chance. She was cute in a white trash sort of way, if a bit stringy, and a half naked girl is a half naked girl. However, my main issue with strip clubs is that I'm just not comfortable being sexual with a bunch of people around watching, let alone a table full of my buddies. It felt odd to sport an erection in front of them, and I knew I couldn't relax enough to really enjoy the experience.
No matter, in buying me the dance they were getting a show as well, so my chair was pushed back and Missy or Chrissy got to work.
She was already topless, but had just about as much up top as my fiancee Jenna did, which is to say not much. Still, where Jenna's tits were perky and sensual, Missy's were just sort of there, and not very shapely at that.
She began by straddling me and lowering herself down onto my lap, shaking her dark wavy hair in my face. All I could smell was stale Camel Lights and some sort of fruity perfume that was losing the battle for scent supremacy. After a few moments she leaned back and ground those purple panties into my crotch.
No reaction down below.
The other guys were having a great time, hollering it up. I found myself stealing a few glances at my brown-haired favorite on the far stage. Both her and her discarded green lace panties were lying on the stage, and the view was fantastic. Even at 20 feet away, she was turning me on more than the girl with her ass in my lap. Her dance was over then, too soon in my opinion, and she left the stage, naked other than her high heels.
After several minutes, Missy turned around and placed both hands on the table, swinging that ass from side to side, just inches from my face. This was more like it, but honestly, the look on her face was as if she was reading the Wall Street Journal -- just another day at the office. She did have a nice rear end, but boner-wise, I might as well have been sitting in pail of ice water. I decided it was perhaps the un-sexiest environment in which to have this experience.
When Missy/Crissy was done, we threw some more money her way and I thanked her for the ride. I put on an admirable bit of acting for the guys, telling them how awesome it had been, etc. but Scott could tell that I was mostly underwhelmed. He leaned into the table and said, "Fellas, I think I know what Tommy Boy needs tonight. I'll be right back."
With that he disappeared into the crowd. I finished my drink and had just ordered another when he came back, flanked by two stunning beauties, one of which just happened to by my brown-haired girl from Stage 2!
"I saw you had your eye on Miss Carli, here," Scott beamed. "But, since you're about to be chained to one single chick 'til your dying day, I figured you should avail yourself of the opportunity to go for a little "menage a twat", if you know what I mean. Before it's too late!"
I had to pick my jaw up off the ground, and the whole table laughed uproariously.
The second hottie appeared to be of half-Asian descent, and at just over five feet tall, was packed into a black lace teddy in a more than flattering way. Black silk stockings and a garter belt didn't hurt the look at all, nor did her resemblance to the porn star Asia Carrera, who I was familiar with from many a fine film from my teens.
As for Carli, she had gotten dressed again, with the white skirt and a tight white tank top obscuring the green lace underwear underneath. Everything white was glowing in the dark.
I was about to protest that whatever this was costing Mike wasn't worth it for another table dance, when the Asian girl took my arm and said, with no trace of any accent other than Valley Girl, "You have some very generous friends. Let's go, lover boy!" I realized that were headed to the private dance room, and my pulse quickened.
Now, this...this I might be able to enjoy!
As I walked, hearing the fading hoots and whistles from my friends and just about every other table we passed, I couldn't help staring at the way Carli's ass moved under that skirt as she led the way. It was not unlike a USC cheerleader skirt, in fact, and I fantasized that I was about to get my own private grind on with two cheerleaders.
By the time we reached the tinsel covered door, it was getting difficult to walk, for all the right reasons.
The private dance room turned out to be only semi-private. It was essentially a circular chamber, low-ceiling-ed and dark, with a couch-like bench running all the way around. There were cushioned partitions spaced every 10 feet or so, and through the strobes and flashes of red and silver light I could make out writhing female forms hovering over other men seated on the benches.
The girls led me to an open cubicle and sat me down on the soft red plush. For a quick second I wondered just how clean this couch was, but consoled myself with thinking that the guys who sit here never take their pants off.
My two rented ladies went right to work on me. The Asian, who I learned was called Mya, began dancing seductively in front of me while Carli sat down on the couch at my side and began nibbling on my ear lobe. She was saying something at the same time, but the music, which was slower here and only slightly less annoying than in the main room, was so loud that her message was mostly lost on me. I certainly wasn't complaining, though, especially when Mya turned around and sat down in my lap, which was beginning to be a fairly solid platform on which to sit. The black lace of her teddy was mostly sheer, and her tiny waist and shapely ass was close enough to touch.
Just as I was wondering what I was allowed to put my hands on, I suddenly understood what Carli had been trying to tell me. She repeated, "Above the waist in the back, and thighs down, front and back. Topless only."
Got it. In other words, no ass, no pussy, no tits. Seemed a little restrictive, but since I hadn't really touched anyone other than Jenna in a few years, I thought I could work with it and be happy as a clam.
Mya was wriggling pretty fast, so I put my right hand on the small of her back and felt that smooth lace all the way up to her shoulder. She was very warm. After a few seconds, she got up and switched places with Carli, and I caught a brief glimpse of a giant wet spot on my beige pants just before it was obscured by Carli's green panties. Could she feel it? Was it from me or Mya, or both? My guess was that the lion's share was mine. Either way, I had to remember to wear darker pants next time.
I was fully rigid by now, but my cock was trapped at an odd angle, and I ached to straighten it out. I wondered if grabbing your crotch was against the rules in this place. I certainly didn't want this to end too soon.
Mya was now running her fingers through my hair. Carli had lost the tank top and the bra and was cradling my face between those fantastic tits. She actually smelled quite nice, like lilac or lavender or something. I tentatively let my right hand roam up and down her thigh as she straddled me.
I have to pause here to attempt to describe this girl's skin. Perhaps I was just hyper-sensitive to this because of the forbidden situation, but I swear at first I thought she must have been wearing super thin nylon stockings or something. She was just so SOFT. Warm, tan, silky, smooth... I'd never felt anything like it. Not that my fiancee Jenna's porcelain thighs weren't heavenly in their own right, but I thought, 'my god, are all hot young strippers this soft?" Couldn't be, but if so, I'd been missing a lot.
When Carli turned around, slowly shaking that tight ass in front of my face, I reached out with both hands and ran my fingers up the back of her thighs until Mya gently redirected me just as I reached the beginning of the sculpted curve of her ass.
So soft...
Mya shook her finger at me playfully and mouthed, "No, no, no! Off limits!"
I did find it odd that these girls could grind their crotch on me and shake their tits in my grill, but I still wasn't allowed to simply run my hand over their ass. It was a strange place to find a selectively puritanical value system.
However, I decided to take full advantage of this fantasy.
I directed the girls to stand up and dance in front of me. They started to move slowly to the incessant beat of the music, and I thought 'now this is fun'. I imagined I could do more than just touch and dream, and that these two were mine for the night. I had one hand on a creamy thigh and the other on a smooth black stocking. Heaven.
My cock, though, was in absolute agony. They had to have seen it doubled up under my fly. I'd have given anything to have one of them straighten it out for me.
Matters down below were not helped much when the two girls turned to face each other and started making out, hands roving over each other's bodies, playfully tugging at various pieces of tight lace.
Suddenly, from out of nowhere, a burly bouncer-looking dude appeared. He tapped Mya on the shoulder, and just like that she was gone.
'Hey,' I thought. 'Do we get money back for this?'
I was now "stuck" with only Carli, who was slowly sliding the white cheer skirt down over her thighs and down her legs to the floor, giving me a dreamy view of the tiny green lace thong and the amazing things it was doing to frame her smooth belly and the barely hinted at triangle of her pussy. I really wanted to see that thong come off next...
In about a minute, though, Mya was back, holding what appeared to be a piece of black silk, or maybe a silk handkerchief. She pulled Carli aside and said something in her ear, after which they both looked my way and smiled wickedly. They moved back to the couch and began to blindfold me with the silk.
'What the hell?" I thought. Mike must've paid them to do something extra. But why the blindfold? I wanted to see this shit! That was about all I was allowed to do, after all.
Once the black fabric was tightly secured over my eyes, however, I began to experience everything around me much more vividly. The pulsing music, the alcohol in my system, the scent of the perfume, and the feel of soft, warm bodies brushing up against my leg, my arm, my face, my burning crotch...
They were all around me. All over me. All at once.
I wondered if now I might get away with an illegal touch, since after all, I couldn't see where I was touching, right?
The one dancing in front of me now must have been Carli, as while I was caressing her legs I noted the absence of stocking. As she moved with her back to me, I took my hand off of her thigh and rested it right where I thought her ass must be, and bulls eye! I landed right near the crease between her cheeks, right on the thin strip of her g-string. I quickly explored the rest of that fabulous behind, expecting any second to have my hand slapped away and be scolded.
But it didn't happen.
'Holy shit. I guess the rules have been relaxed.'
I went for broke and slid my hand down, feeling between her legs and along the tight panty pouch concealing her pussy, and I'll be damned if those panties weren't soaked straight through! I could smell it now, that unmistakable musk of aroused snatch. Maybe I just hadn't noticed it before now. Or maybe she was getting turned on by this illicit behavior.
Slowly, I felt her turn around to lower her body down on top of me, and suddenly a hand grabbed my cock through my pants, hard. Expertly, my shaft was pulled up and straightened out until it pointed upward toward my stomach. It was a quick, experienced move, as if she'd done it a hundred times before. Why she made me wait so long was a mystery, but oh, the relief! Add to that the orgasmic ecstasy as her crotch landed squarely on my rod, my stiff shaft nestling into the gap of her lips through the panties as she slid back and forth.
Now, for some reason, nothing that had happened so far had felt like cheating to me, but I began to wonder if a line wasn't being crossed here. It was also obvious to me that either way, there was no turning back now. Whatever happened, I was no longer in charge.
I felt the cushion settle as Mya sat down next to me again, then a hand on my cheek, roaming down the back of my neck, to my shoulders, my chest. Another hand spread as the fingers ran through my hair. 'Hmmmm...what other rules are no longer in effect,' I wondered.
I knew exactly what I had to try next, so I placed both hands on Carli's small waist and gingerly moved up her torso to those...tits.
Yes, they were there.
Yes, she was still topless.
Only, there was no way these were Carli's tits. They were much smaller, perkier, though still nice, with firm erect nipples. Sort of like...
Jenna's tits.
I must have audibly gasped, because I heard some very familiar giggling, after which the blindfold was slowly removed. When my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I saw that it was indeed my sexy fiancee that was grinding away in my lap, wearing red lace panties and nothing else. She was, however, made up like senior prom: hair up and curled, makeup impeccable, a thin gold chain around her neck that I knew she must have borrowed. There was even some body glitter in evidence. It was my one and only, alright, and I'd never seen her look so hot; made up like a slutty stripper and enjoying the role to the hilt.
Beyond her, only a few feet away, two other girls were applauding and smiling ear to ear: Carli and Mya. They were having a great time with this game. But, then, who was sitting to my left...?
My cock jumped involuntarily as I glanced over and realized that, nestled next to me on the couch and stroking my bare chest through my shirt was none other than my gorgeous cousin Denise. I lowered my gaze and took her in as she sat there with her long legs crossed: she was equally decked out, with her cascading dark hair teased out and her lips painted bright red.
What was she wearing? Well, it was a lingerie fan's wet dream: tight black lace bustier with a tiny rose just under her ample bosom, black garter belt, black panties and black thigh high stockings.
She smiled a cute but deliciously naughty smile and kissed me softly on the cheek.
"Happy bachelor party, Cousin!" she cooed. "Hope you have some dollar bills left!"
*To Be Continued...* | literotica |
Title: Meeting Josh Turner
Tags: singer
Staci stood at the edge of the stage listening to the voice of the man she had been dreaming of for weeks singing all the songs she had only heard on the radio and on her CDs. She closed her eyes and took in the deep, mellow bass as it slid around her like a warm blanket. She let the screaming crowd around her vanish as she listened to nothing but the sound of Josh Turner's voice.
When she opened her eyes again, he was standing right in front of her, close enough to reach out and touch. And that was just what she did, she reached out to him, hoping that he would notice her, acknowledge her, maybe even want her. She touched his leg and he looked right down at her, giving her a hint of a smile and a wink. She groaned inwardly, her panties getting damp beneath her short skirt.
She sighed, knowing the show was nearly over and she would soon have to go back to her normal life. She just wanted her fantasy to last a little longer. Little did she know that it would. She stood there, mesmerized by the man on stage, her pussy contracting each time he dipped down and hit that low bass that made her squirm.
Once his final song was done, he started walking around the crowd at the edge of the stage, greeting, hugging, signing autographs for his fans. She just stood there, watching him as he made his way around the crowd, noting that he had not greeted her yet. He had walked right past her several times as if she was invisible and she was starting to feel like she was just that.
She sighed, finally giving up on getting to meet the man she had dreamt about for all these months and headed for the exit. She didn't get to take more than two steps away before she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head slowly to look at the hand. It belonged to a male, dark and tanned with a faint outline where a wedding band once was. She slowly turned her head, her breath catching in her throat. Her heart skipped a beat as she lifted her eyes to look at the man who had placed his hand on her.
She saw him then, the man that she had been wanting for months, standing there behind her, touching her. She couldn't speak, she just stood there, slack jawed as she stared at the handsome face of Josh Turner. She closed her mouth and tried to look away, but couldn't, she just stared.
"Leaving before I could say hello to the most beautiful woman in the crowd?" The voice in her ear gave her chill down her spine, the deep bass was soft and seductive, it curled around her body.
She tried to speak, but only managed a soft squeak and a shake of the head. She was paralyzed, frozen. She gulped down air and opened her mouth again, but was still unable to form words. He laughed, shaking his head a bit, having had more than one woman react that way to him before.
"It's okay, I'm not that scary, you can say hello to me." His voice made her quiver and she suddenly lowered her head and closed her eyes.
She drew in a breath, trying hard to compose herself, "Hello, Josh."
That was all she could manage before her voice cracked and gave out on her. She didn't try to look at him again, she knew that if she did, she would start quivering. Not in fear, but in wanting. Her panties were soaked now and she was scared that he could smell her desire. He was so close to her now.
He laughed, a low, deep rumbling sound that reverberated along her spine, "You seem nervous, are you scared of me?"
Staci shook her head vigorously, "anything but scared.."
Her voice came out as a low growling whisper. She bit the inside of her lip, trying hard not to loose herself. She was so wet and so needy. She wanted to turn around and show him that she was anything but scared. She wouldn't, though. She couldn't.
Josh laughed again, realizing what the problem was now. "Come back to my dressing room and I'll help you calm down."
Staci gasped softly, hoping that she had heard him right and turned around slowly, looking into his eyes, whispering softly, "lets go."
Josh called to his manager that he was going to his dressing room and he'd catch them on the bus later. The manager nodded, eyeing Staci with a grin. Staci caught the look and wondered if that the rumor had been true after all, that Josh had lovers in every city now that he was divorced.
She didn't question it as she let him lead her into the back. She was led past the fans that still remained. The die hard, follow him to every city, fans. Each of them gave her a dirty, jealous look and Staci just smirked to herself. He had his choice of all these women, but he chose her. She trembled slightly as he pushed the door shut behind them.
He pushed her up against the closed door and lowered his mouth to hers, taking it in a swift, rough, deep kiss. Staci groaned, her arms looping around his neck as she let him kiss her. She let herself melt into him. Her dream was finally coming true, she was kissing Josh Turner.
She groaned against his mouth, catching his eyes, watching the raw passion come alive. She pushed off the door slightly, just to see if he would let her have any control. She was shocked when he pushed back, pinning her tight to the wall, his hips pressing against her soft belly. His cock hard beneath the jeans he was wearing. She groaned, letting her hands slip from around his neck.
She brought her hands down to the snap on his jeans, opening them easily. He took a step back, giving her a bit more room to work while she slid the zipper down. She pulled his shirt free first and slid her hands beneath it. She slowly explored the warmth of his chest, strong and muscular beneath the tips of her fingers.
He groaned this time, reaching to pull her hands free, yanking his shirt off, then immediately shoving his jeans down. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him. Staci groaned, the sight of him naked before her driving her insane. She reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, leaving her in nothing but a skirt and panties. She hadn't worn a bra, she wanted to be free against the cotton, she wanted to make sure that he could see her nipples were hard for him while he was on stage.
He leaned down and captured one of those hard nipples between his teeth and bit down gently. Staci moaned and arched her back, burying her fingers in his hair wanting to be able to hold him there. He had other ideas, though. He grabbed her hips, lifting her up off the floor easily, making her look down at him once she was raised so that the apex of her thighs were at the level of his mouth.
Staci gasped, watching him from above as he held her up, using the door to brace her while he buried his face between her legs. She moaned, reaching down to pull on her skirt, pull it up so that he could get closer. He pressed his nose into her crotch, inhaling the scent of her arousal. She whimpered, dangling somewhat precariously, wanting to be able to shift, or at least arch, but she had no leverage.
She felt his tongue along the edge of her panties, pushing them aside so he could lick at the sticky sweetness of her wet cunt. She groaned, finally figuring out how to catch her legs around his torso, giving her just enough leverage to thrust her hips some. He groaned, pushing his tongue in between the wet folds, clamping down on the swollen lips with his own, giving her the most intimate kiss she had ever received in her lip. She trembled, using her heels to rock herself some, giving him a better angle.
He groaned, pulling back from her pussy and letting her slid down to the floor again, pressing her against the door so she could feel his cock slide along her body and settle between her thighs. He rubbed against her panties a bit, making her moan even louder, her need growing more urgent with every second.
He finally stepped back far enough that she could get her skirt button open so it could fall to the floor. She pushed her panties down quickly to join them, wanting to be naked with him. He looked her up and down slowly, licking his lips, "you look even better naked."
Staci blushed and bit her lip, "so do you, Josh."
He grinned, "So what is your name, anyway? I don't think we got around to that part of the conversation."
Staci blushed and grinned, "Staci."
"Such a pretty name, fits such a beautiful woman." He leaned in and captured her mouth again, kissing her hard, tongue pushing it's way into her mouth this time. Staci groaned, mouth opening easily for his invasion, allowing him to capture her mouth completely.
He took full advantage of her willingness and lifted her again, carrying her to the couch against the far wall, laying her down there and following her down. Staci moaned, feeling the weight of his body on top of hers. She felt the throb of his cock between her thighs and arched into him, encouraging him to take her.
She wasn't disappointed, either. He slid into her slowly, stroking in and out once. He lifted himself off of her and she frowned, wondering what he was up to. He walked to were his bags were and reached in for something. Staci couldn't see what it was, but when he returned to her, she could see that he had taken the time to protect himself.
She smiled, reaching for him, pulling him back down on top of her and he slid smoothly into her body. She moaned, wrapping her legs around his waist, arching up to meet his gentle strokes. He kissed her, drinking from her lips as if she was the only one who could quench his thirst. He pushed himself deeper into her body, the rhythm considerably slower than the initial passion that had been there when they first entered the room.
He pulled out and thrust back in quickly, fucking her deeper than anyone ever had before. Staci groaned, arching up to meet each thrust, lavishing in the gentleness. She hadn't expected that, she had expected hard and fast, she wanted hard and fast. She also wanted long and slow. She just wanted him and now she was getting him. - He sped up the strokes, quickening the pace as he fucked her. She sped up with him, her nails digging into his shoulders as she met each long stroke into her. He finally pulled back once, nearly sliding out of her pussy, just hovering above her for a moment before slamming his cock deep into her waiting pussy. She groaned, the sudden roughness catching her off guard as her pussy clamped down on his cock, milking him and pulling him deeper.
He buried himself as deep as he could and came hard, his cock throbbing against the tightness of her muscles. She groaned, tightening her legs around him, keeping him tight against her body as she rocked. Her pussy milked his cock a few more times as she moved against him, finally slipping over the edge and cumming herself. He groaned, her pussy was squeezing down even harder on his cock, harder than he had ever remembered feeling before.
He pulled out slowly, carefully, making sure that he was able to get the condom out without breaking. He didn't want to end up impregnating someone when he wasn't sure that he'd stick around long enough. He took care of disposing it and quickly returned to the couch, kissing Staci gently. He looked down at her and smiled, "Come on tour with me?"
Staci gasped, not expecting that to be asked. She wanted to go. She had nothing holding her here, really. She could do her job from anywhere she had Internet access. She could do things the way she wanted to. Could she really leave, though, that was the question that made her hesitate in saying yes.
"I want to, but..." Josh placed his finger on her lips and smiled.
"You're scared, I know. Come with me for the weekend at least and see if you want to? I'll make sure you get a plane ticket home if you wish to return." He leaned down and kissed her, giving her a kiss like she had never felt before.
A kiss that made her say, without a doubt, "Yes." | literotica |
Title: Tina II Chapter 11- The Prisoner- A Gray Muzzle story by Gray Muzzle
Tags: Canine, Dog, Peteena, Poodle, peteena house, tina
Tina II, Chapter 11- The Prison- A Gray Muzzle story
Marcia placed a call on the intercom.
"Lucy, Can you come down to my office? There's someone I'd like you to meet."
Moments later, Lucy stuck her head in the door. A striking white Poodle, with the most amazing head of red hair.
"You called?"
Lucy was leaning in the doorway. She wore a long skirt, and a sleeveless silk top, over which she wore a pink cashmere sweater.
"Lucy, this is our newest girl. Can you show her around, and get her settled in?"
Peteena House was a home for abandoned Poodle hybrids. When the great emancipation came, they were no longer pets, but there was no where for them to go. As humans, they couldn't be destroyed, but there was no place for them to go. A kindly millionare, and lover of Standard Poodles left his entire estate to establish Peteena House. Here, the former pets could live out there lives, in comfort and dignity. When Peteena House opened, there were perhaps a half dozen residents. Today, after several additions, Peteena House was taking in it's eighty second guest. Once word had gotten out, they came from near and far. Europe, the Soviet Republics, the Middle East and Asia. Of course, most were American. The majority came from Arkansas, Missouri, and Texas, where they had been raised in great numbers. When they ceased to have economic value, the hybrids were cast off, with no where to go. Lacking money or education, there was no place for them to go. Peteena House was a Godsend, a place where every Poodle hybrid was accepted without question.
"Hello, dear, I'm Lucy, but no one ever calls me that. Everyone knows me as 'Red'
The new girl blushed and looked down.
"I'm Dorothy, Miss Lucy....sorry.....Red....." she offered her hand.
Dorothy was typical of the girls that came to Peteena House. She came from Kansas, wearing a gingham midrift top, Daisey Dukes, and a worn flowered hat.. She carried only a cardboard suitcase.
"Those are some shoes, there." Red commented, checking out her footwear.
"Uh, I knew I had a lot of walking to do....." Dorothy replied, looking self consciously at her heavy work boots, and thick white socks.
"Well, we'll take care of that. Let's get you a room, and let you clean up. Then I'll show you around."
Red took her suitcase, and lead her down a long hallway. They went down some stairs, then took an elevator. At the end of yet another long hall, Red opened a door. Inside, it was a cheerful, airy, four bed room. There were two bunk beds, and four dressers, and a bathroom private to the suite. Red went out into the hall, and came back with linens, and towels.
"Here's your towels. The bath is through there. Once you've showered, we'll do your hair, and get you some clothes.
"Thanks" she smiles
The shower was huge and clean. Not at all like the outdoor hose Dorothy was accustomed to. There was lots of warm water, and nice smelling soap. There was even a hair dryer for her to use. She would have stayed forever, but Dorothy knew that Lucy was waiting for her. When she emerged, Red was waiting.
"Here's a nice bathrobe for you. I hope you don't mind, but since I was waiting, I took the liberty of starting to unpack."
Indeed she had. Her few belongings were in the dresser, her clothes on hangers. The suitcase was under her bunk. There was a picture, which Lucy had placed by her bed, atop the dresser.
"The people....who are they?"
Dorothy took the picture from her.
"This is my family.....when they changed the law, they couldn't keep me anymore. I miss them sometimes. Especially....."
Her voice trailed away, but Lucy knew that she was talking about the boy in the front of the picture. She placed it carefully back on the dresser.
"Let's get going. We've got things to do...."
Lucy lead her back to the elevator. They rode it all the way to the basement. When the door opened, it was cool and dark. They walked another hallway, where there was a lighted room at the end. The door was partially open, Dorothy's eyes were greeted by the strangest sight. The room was a mess. There was an unmade bed, and food boxes everywhere. There were skateboards, and BMX bikes, and snowboards, and sports stuff off all types. There was a 250cc dirt bike being overhauled on the floor. In the center of the floor was a white Poodle wearing nothing but her underwear. Her back was to the door, and she was dancing and singing to 'The Beatie Boys' which played on her iPod.
"Violet!" Red shouted, pulling the headphones from her ears "This is Dorothy. She's our newest guest.
Violet snatched back her MP3 player, and threw it on the dresser. She then took a smock off the rack, and stepped into a pair of flip flops. She pulled a beautician's chair from the corner, where it sat under a sheet.
"Violet is our hairdresser. She doesn't live here full time anymore, but she still comes back to visit. She's really good."
Violet was suddenly all business. She placed Dorothy in the chair, and got to work.
Violet could see that there wasn't that much hair on her head. It was a common problem. Many girls had been struggling just to survive; there wasn't time for grooming.
Violet tugged at her snarled curls.
"I think most of this will have to go. Don't worry, though, we'll have you looking prettu. May I cut it?"
Dorothy was tearing up, but she nodded her head 'yes'; Violet began to cut. When she was done, there was a fine layer of soft fuzz. Dorothy was in shock.
"Now, let's get you looking pretty!"
Violet took her by the hand, to a room across the hall. When the light came on, the room was filled with wigs, of every length and color. They picked several, and took them back to the chair. She tried a blonde one, which was pretty, and a red one, and long brown curls. In the end, they decided thick brown braids, parted in the center, was the best look of all.
"What do you think? Violet asked, holding a mirror
Dorothy was very pleased. She had never seen such nice hair! She hugged Violet, as she got up to leave.
Lucy took her back upstairs, where they went to what may have been the largest room in the house.
"This is the closet" Red explained. "Each of us has our own clothes. But we have this....the 'Community Closet'. These are the clothes that we share. Truth is, we share most of the things we have. Just seems to make sense."
By the time she finished speaking, Dorothy was already in the racks of clothes that were on every wall. Dorothy tried on dress after dress, until she fount a sleeveless blue dress that she thought was very pretty. Lucy went to the closet.
"Here are some panties, and some undershirts. I got you a few one piece undergarments, too. A lot of us prefer them. You can wear bras, if you wish; most of us don't bother. We'll take you shopping for new things in a few days. These should hold you until then."
Then, they went to the shoe closet. Dorothy picked out some blue suede sneakers.
"That's...what you want? Red inquired, slightly amused.
"I'd see.....everyone wearing them. I never had any of my own. I thought they must be wonderful, since everybody had them" she replied.
"That's good enough for me" Red smiled.
They then went on a tour of the house. Red took her through the different dorm areas of the house. As they walked, they encountered groups of girls. Some were leaving to play tennis. Others were doing chores. Yet others seemed to just be hanging out. Leaving the dorms, they went to the public areas. In one room, Violet was now teaching an aerobic class, to about ten girls. Across the hall, another dozen intently worked on ballet dancing. There was a library, a comfortable TV lounge, and a theatre where movies were shown on weekend nights. Right off the lobby was the dining room. It was bright and cheery, and it could seat all eighty plus girls, and guests all at once. It was arranged in tables of eight, with white tablecloths, and there were candles and fresh flowers on each one.
"Marcia's orders" Red noted.
Beyond the dining room was the kitchen.
"Each week, the schedule gets posted. Newer girls serve meals to the senior ones. But everyone does chores." Lucy stated "Nothing nasty, mind you. Laundry, dusting, that sort of thing. We're all expected to help out."
"Only seems fair. I'm not afraid of work."
On the center island, was a red velvet cake. It was the lovleiest thing Dorothy had seen. She just gawked at it.
"Shall we have some?"
"But....it's not ours......"
"I think it will be OK...." Lucy responded.
She cut Dorothy a big slice of cake, and poured her a glass of milk.
"Where are my manners! You must be starved!"
Indeed she was. Dorothy finished it in record time, and Red got her another. She finished that as well. Red gathered up the dishes, and placed them in the dishwasher.
"Shall we look outside?
Outside was a place of wonder. There were swings and slides and playhouses.
"A lot of the girls seem to like them" Red noted "Most didn't have things like this growing up."
There was a built in cooking area, and a pinic grove, where the girls would eat outside in the summer. Beyond the main yard, was a running track- and another track.
"That's where we ride motorcycles ATVs, mini bikes, that sort of thing.
Dorothy's eyes were huge.
Down a small knoll, on the lower part of the property, was a HUGE pool. There was a hot tub, and a waterfall, too. Girls in swimsuits sunned and played in the warm water. By the pool, there was even a bar.
"Dogs aren't supposed to have that."
"Says who?"
"My family told me that"
"On that topic, they were wrong" Red laughed "What will it be?"
"I'll have a 'Bud', please."
Red got a Jack Daniel's on the rocks; she brought Dorothy a beer. They sat at a table with a big umbrella by the pool, where they looked over the estate on a magnificent Summer day.
"Uh huh....."
"What is it like....here at Peteena House?"
Red smiled.
"I though that's what we were discussing."
"No, I mean, really....."
Red sat back in her chair, and got very serious.
"OK. What would you like to know."
"Do people get along?"
"Oh, yes.....EVERYONE is really close. People have their disagreements, but all the girls are so sweet. Not to worry."
Red reached into her bag, and pulled out a cigarette, Marlboro red. She lit it with a vintage Zippo.
"Marcia is my dearest friend. She's really wonderful. She's always doing little, special things for people. She has some that she's closer to......She's very fond of Violet. There's this French girl.....And Marcia is my best friend....."
She took a long drag on the cigarette.
"We're lovers. Have been for many years."
Dorothy looked a little surprised.
"Is there...a lot of 'that' here?"
Red laughed.
"It's not like it is out there. Here.....there's only us girls. If someone has a need.....well, you'd help a sister, wouldn't you?"
Red took another long drag, and finished her drink in one shot.
"Lucy? Is there something I'm missing? I mean, it all seams so.....so WONDERFUL here. Still, I sense there's something.....something missing, something wrong. If I'm off track, please tell me so."
Red lit another cigarette.
"Smart girl. But then, I was never much good at fooling people when it came to my feelings."
"Does it have to do...with that?"
"This? " Red felt the large scar that crossed her nose. Looking more carefully, Dorothy could see that there was a part of her nose missing. Red sat back in her chair.
"That....was a long time ago. It's mostly behind me, at least now. Marcia helped me get my hair, the surgery, the rest. She'll help you too, if that's what you want. But no, not really. That's not it."
"Then, what IS it?"
Red smiled.
"I suspect you'll find me silly. I'll let you decide. It really IS what it appears. We're all friends. We're taken care of wonderfully. We pretty much live as we please. Get up early, or sleep late. We have lovely clothes. Our every need is met. By every standard, a perfect life."
"Then what is it?"
"It's all too perfect"
"Perfect? You're joking, right?"
Red shot her a look.
"Not at all. We were never meant to live in perfection. It will drive you mad."
"No one here looks the least bit mad."
"Ah, but they are! Most adjust, by just not thinking. They get up, eat play, sleep....then they do it all again. It's like prison. ...."
"Do you mean we're locked in here?"
"No, not at all. We're free to leave. We travel. Actually, we travel all the time. But it's the same thing, just in a different place. There's no place for us to go. The world out there, they don't want us. And we're not prepared to live there. So, here we are, in a cage. An elegant, sophisticated cage. But a cage just the same."
"Does everyone feel as you do?"
"No. Marcia has her career. She has a reason to get up in the morning, independent of us. She's quite happy."
"Just Marcia?"
"No. Violet is actually pretty happy."
"Violet? That crazy one in the basement?'
"Yes. Her. A while back, she met and married a reporter who came here. She has a job. She's lived in the real world. She does hair. She teaches aerobics. She's got a family, and friends.....a life beyond these walls."
"So there's hope."
"Hope for those who leave."
"But everyone SEEMS so happy......'
"Maybe. Perhaps I think too much. So, don't think about it. Forget I told you any of this. Maybe it will be different for you....."
"So, what do I do?" she asked, concerned.
"Plan.....start working on a way out. It will always be here....if you need it. But if you can, make a life. Get educated. Get a job. And....."
"Never give up on love. That boy....you love him?"
Dorothy looked down, never saying a word.
"Never give up on love......" | FSE |
Title: Fridays at the Guardian Angel Ch. 04
Tags: blowjob, anal sex, humilation, forced, futanari, impregnation, anal creampie, exhibitionism, public, virgin
*All characters are the age of 18 or older*
*Main story themes: Futa on Female, Coercion*
*Thank you for the continued feedback! I really appreciate comments especially if they are constructive!*
*If by some chance you stumbled upon this chapter, I highly suggest you go back and read each chapter in order.*
Sherry was the very definition of a proper American girl. She grew up in a proper family in a proper New England neighborhood where she went to a proper school where she got proper grades. She spent her teenage years being the pride and joy of her mothers, who showed off their beautiful proper blonde daughter to all their proper friends at their proper dinner parties. Sherry was a princess, the house with a white picket fence in the suburbs her castle.
Though for a princess Sherry was modest. As she grew up in an environment of privilege her body blossomed into that of a beautiful young woman. Soft and full breasts grew on her chest and tight curves flowed down her sides above long smooth legs. Coupled with her sharp face and bright blonde curls she was the center of attention when she entered the room. Though for all her beauty Sherry herself was humble, taking after her mothers she always maintained a modest and polite demeanor, a true example of class.
This class was hammered into her since childhood by her parents, as the members of Sherry's family grew to become lawyers, doctors, and other respected members of the community. Sherry was well aware that the expectations for her were no different, and she strove to meet the goals set by her parents. After years of proper behavior and hard work, this drive rewarded Sherry in the form of acceptance to a respected Midwestern university. During her final dinner party, Sherry announced to the glowing pride of her mothers and all the respected women of the neighborhood that she had enrolled in the pre-med program and planned to go on to medical school.
Four years ago Sherry hugged her mothers goodbye, tears of pride welled in their eyes as they embraced their golden child. Their precious child had made them so proud and she was going to go on to make them even prouder. Four years ago Sherry drove away from her castle in the suburbs with dreams of returning home, proudly surprising her parents with her graduation from medical school. Sherry knew for sure she would make them proud, she was her mother's daughter and she was going to achieve greatness.
Today however, Sherry was on her knees in a department store dressing room with Jackie's cock in her mouth.
Sherry swirled her tongue around the cockhead between her lips, stroking the shaft with her free hand in smooth motions. Her bright blonde bangs swung back and forth in front of her eyes with each pump of her wrist along the pulsating shaft. Light slurping sounds escaped from her lips as she bobbed on the engorged cockhead, tongue massaging the sensitive glans of her partner. The salty taste of precum touched her tongue, a sign that the futanari she was servicing was enjoying the attention.
She wore a white tank top so tight her breasts seemed to overflow past the tight fabric holding them at bay. A tiny black skirt rested on her hips, so short it would make a stripper blush. Her smooth ass poked out from the tiny flare of the skirt, black lace thong uncomfortably tight along her ass. Other dressing room doors opened and slammed shut, the occupants unaware of sensual service Sherry gave Jackie.
"You've come a long way since yesterday." Jackie said from her seat, hand resting on the little blonde head bobbing on her dick. "You sure I'm your first?"
Sherry reared her head off her meal and sneered at Jackie, "fuck you.", voice full of venom.
"Mmm, that may be an option. However, I don't believe I told you to stop. If you don't follow directions again then our little arrangement is off" Jackie said through a sly smile. "So get sucking my dick, it was just getting good."
Sherry took the cock in her mouth again but continued her viper-like glare at Jackie. The futanari only smiled and stroked Sherry's blonde hair as it swayed above her cock. Sherry's soft knees ached and burned as they rubbed on the hard floor of the dressing room. A mixture of saliva and Jackie's pre-cum flowed from the corners of her lips and down her chin each time she took the length into her mouth.
Though Sherry hated the owner of the shaft she was currently sucking on she did her best to service the futanari as best as she could, for she learned the day prior that Jackie tended to face-fuck if she felt the effort wasn't there. Sherry's tender lips massaged Jackie's cockhead while her wet tongue massaged the sensitive glans each time she shifted forward along the length. Her left hand jerked at the base of Jackie's cock, soft hands stroking to her lips with each slurp along the futa-cock.
Jackie leaned back in her seat, breathing heavy in ecstasy from the tiny blond coed's head that impaled itself on her cock. "That's it, right there you fucking slut." She breathed, "Fuck you feel so good sucking my cock. Just like that you goddamn whore."
Sherry doubled her pace, she had learned when Jackie began to call her names it was a sign the futanari was close to cumming. She milked Jackie's stiff cock, slick with saliva in a fanatic pace. Her jaw ached from the force of the engorged cockhead she forced in-between her tender lips, tongue flowing around her mouth along the cockhead. She took her free hand and massaged the futanari's ballsack, an effort to push Jackie over the edge.
Sherry could hear Jackie's panting grow faster and shaper until she felt a hand grip her hair, ripping her head back. Jackie stood up and quickly stroked her slick cock, "open your fucking mouth." She ordered. Sherry closed her eyes and obeyed as Jackie grunted and came on her face. She winced as each stream of cum struck her face, warm ropes of futanari semen fell across her down her face. Each panting grunt from the futanari brought more cum that coated Sherry's features and filled her mouth. Just as it seemed Jackie had emptied the remainder of her load onto Sherry's face, she shoved her cock into the open mouth and spurted one final shot of cum down her throat.
Jackie pulled her satisfied cock out of the shivering blonde and fall back on her chair in satisfaction. Sherry from her place on the floor choked and gasped; attempting to recover from having cum forced down her throat. Several deep breaths later and deep swallows later Sherry regained control over her thought and breathing, though the salty taste of cum still stained her mouth.
Raising her head from the floor Sherry's eyes met her reflection in the dressing room mirror. Stains of saliva fell down her lips and chin towards her cleavage. White streams of cum coated her face, a rope hung over her eyelid and draped across her face. Her bangs were wet and cemented to her forehead by a mixture of sweat and semen. A cord of guilt struck her chest, she didn't want to believe it was herself she was looking at in the mirror.
Jackie's hand gripped her arm and yanked Sherry to her feet. "Good job, cocksucker." She said in a casual tone. Jackie's verbal abuse only made Sherry feel worse. "Since you did such a good job taking my load like that, let's take a look at you. C'mon stand up straight now." Jackie primped and poked Sherry until she obeyed, like a kind of pet. Gripping the cum-covered girls shoulders Jackie spun her around and flipped up her tiny skirt. "Hmmm, I don't think black is your color." Jackie mused, referring to Sherry's tiny thong. "Red's much more your color, go find one in red." She ordered, opening the door and giving Sherry a gentle shove into the public eye of the store.
Sherry obeyed, slowly shuffling from the dressing room area into the intimates section. Humilation covered her like a blanket. She could feel the stares of the other women, they saw the way she was dressed like a whore and they saw the cum all over her face like a whore. She did her best to complete the task but she couldn't ignore the humiliation. Shame blushed her cheeks red while a painful lump grow in her throat demanding she cry. Only months ago she believed herself to be destined for greatness, and now she was digging through a selection of thongs while shivering from the cum that grew cold on her face.
*I will not cry* she ordered herself. *I will not give that bitch the pleasure of seeing me cry.* Finally finding a red lace thong in her size, she returned past the gauntlet of stares to the dressing room that housed Jackie. Shutting the door behind her she showed her red lacy objective to Jackie, who smiled and jumped up from her seat. "Perfect! Now let's see how they look on you." Jackie said as she yanked down the pair Sherry was wearing. Sherry kicked off the black lacy thong and slid up the red pair; the tiny lacy thong felt uncomfortable along her asscrack.
Jackie flipped up her skirt again and examined the smooth ass in the mirror. "Perfect! It's just your style. Should be wonderful for our card game with the girls this weekend!" Jackie said giving Sherry's exposed ass cheeks a painful slap before letting go of the flare of the tiny skirt.
Sherry winced from the blow and turned around to face her full form in the wall mirror. Her red thong was clearly visible as it curved around her hips above the top of her skirt, which length just barely covered her crotch. If she were to take even a small step the red fabric that covered her cunt was clearly visible. Shame filled her mind from the sight of herself in such a slutty outfit coupled with the now cold sticky cum on her face.
She wanted to be mad, she wanted to blame someone; she wanted to believe this wasn't her fault. But deep down inside Sherry knew: *I deserve this.*
My evening at the Guardian Angel had been nothing short of eye opening. Not only had I learned so much about the lives of futanari, gotten the intimate details of sexual lives from people I had just met, and almost been impregnated in a bar bathroom, but most shocking of all was that I wasn't the first one out of the poker game. Jackie had bit the dust much earlier in the night, but Cass had also fallen to the elegant-as-ever Mari, leaving only three players in the game.
I had been playing passive all game, my focus on the discussion between the futanari rather than actual strategy for winning the game. But I found myself with an excellent hand of two aces, with another ace in the river. Facing only Kris I took the risk and went all in, hoping I hadn't lost my buy-in.
The table was silent with the exception of Jackie, who purred in excitement. "C'mon Miss detective, I'm rootin for you here." She said softly. The blonde on her lap's skirt had slowly rolled up her side from Jackie's fidgeting, clearly exposing her bright red underwear. She didn't seem to care or notice, a blank look on her face while Jackie's hand kneaded her thigh.
Tearing my attention away from the red lace between her legs I focused on Kris, who casually flipped over her hand revealing a flush. With a small moan, I mourned the loss of my buy-in and flipped over my hand in defeat.
Jackie leaned back and bellowed an "oooooh!", mourning my loss with me. Giving a hard slap to her captive's somewhat exposed ass she yelled "Fuck I thought for sure you had her!". The woman winced but didn't yell at the blow to her rear, a clear red handprint grew to match her red lace underwear. This beautiful woman had taken so much abuse throughout the night, from being sexually harassed, smoke blown in her face, and being slapped around. But yet despite the pitiful look on her face she didn't react whatsoever, like she was a slave and Jackie her master. Courage welled up inside of me from the pathetic sight and I took a risk.
"Why do you let her do that to you?" I asked the blonde. The woman met my eyes with the question, only to quickly look down at the table with an empty look on her face.
"Jackie doesn't usually let her pets talk during the game." Kris calmly said, counting out my chips from a moment prior.
"Pets? What does that mean?" I asked, clueless for the countless time of the night.
Jackie had her trademark devil-grin, "Little Sherry here made a deal with the devil." She slid her hand in-between the woman's legs, a look of disgust on their owner's face. Jackie continued to massage her captive, her eyes on mine, "And don't think this is some kind of slavery shit, I'm not that fucked up. She can say no and leave at any time she wants."
I tried to think of scenarios why someone would allow such abuse, coming up blank. "So if I might ask, why don't you?" I asked the woman again, who still looked away with a pitiful expression.
"Simple really" Jackie answered for her, "The princess wants the keys to my castle. Little Sherry's wifey got herself knocked up, and like a true lady of class her babymomma didn't stick around long enough to say there aint no room in the inn." The expression on Sherry's face grew pained with embarrassment as Jackie continued to speak. "I'm her little fucked-up savior, giving her a second chance she never thought she'd have."
I shook my head in disbelief, "Savior?"
Mari saved me from Jackie's explanation, "In order for a mother or a couple to move into a nursery they need to be referred by a futanari, it's almost always by whoever got them pregnant. So basically for whatever reason, Miss Sherry," Mari nodded towards Sherry, whom was bright red with shame, "has reached an agreement with Jackie in order to acquire such a referral, as her wife failed to acquire one."
This talk of referrals sounded so medical and formal to me. I imagined a futanari and a woman signing legal documents bedside before taking a tumble in the sheets. The image amused and confused me simultaneously. I remembered how drunk with lust I felt in the bathroom just an hour before; I was seconds away from being gleefully knocked up by futanari whose names I didn't even know. "Referrals?" I asked, "Sounds complicated."
"Not really" Kris picked up, "The Nursery we partner with gives us these." Kris pulled several small black cards from her purse, about the size of business cards but thick and plastic. Sherry's eyes broke from her agitated trance and snapped to Kris' hands that held the cards. "These are our referrals" Kris pushed one over to me, Sherry's eyes following the small piece of plastic as it slid into my hand.
A long ID number was imprinted on the card as well as Kris' name. The Ark Nursery's logo of a bright white wing was printed on the bottom right corner below a small chip. The back of the card bore a large image of the symbol for Venus, enclosed around a small crown. Kris continued as I examined the card. "That card buys you five years here at Ark, that symbol on the back signifies which neighborhood the home is in."
"So you choose exactly where they live as well?" My eyes grew wide, "That's a lot of power."
"Well" Cass started "It's not like there's slums here in Ark, it's just a level of control. We have to ration out each neighborhood; otherwise I would have all my families in The Guardian Angel instead of the other areas. Every neighborhood is pretty nice here in Ark, so you just end up saving The Guardian Angel cards for partners you really like."
I thought about how much sense it made when I fully realized what Cass had said, "Wait, The Guardian Angel isn't a hotel?"
Cass threw her head back and laughed. Jackie smirked and answered for her, "It seems that way doesn't it? But no, it's just high class living. Most of us futanari live here like our own little mount Olympus, but there are plenty of apartments we can hand out to our favorites." Jackie's hand rested comfortably in-between Sherry's legs, fingers on the red fabric of her panties. Sherry's facial expression made it clear to all members of the table she wasn't the least bit aroused by the attention.
I refocused my attention away from the harassed woman to the conversation. "I think I'm starting to get it, but I still don't understand why someone would go to such lengths. There must be another futanari willing to give Sherry a card without using Jackie." I realized what I had said and quickly turned to Jackie, puffing away on her cigar. "No offense, Jackie."
"None taken" Her fingers continued to play with the fabric of Sherry's skirt.
"Typically." Mari explained, "A nursery doesn't accept a referral by a futanari that didn't get the individual pregnant. However Jackie here has convinced a certain Guardian Angel administrator to make exceptions for her."
"How did you manage that?" I asked, looking towards a grinning Jackie
"Turns out a certain Angel fucking sucks at bluffing so I've got a few free passes to hand out to the needy." Jackie rubbed Sherry's chin as she spoke, who jerked her head away and pouted.
"You want to see what the rooms look like?" Asked Cass, "We can give you a proper tour while Mari and Kris finish up if you like?"
"Sure!" I agreed, excited to explore more of the extravagant building that was The Guardian Angel.
Mari and Kris waved us goodbye and Cass and Jackie guided me out of the lounge. Sherry stared at the floor and followed close behind Jackie. Exiting the darkness of the lounge we emerged into the bright main hall and strode inside a nearby elevator, casual music drifted from inside the carriage.
"I think this floor is mostly empty..." Cass mumbled, cautiously selecting a floor. The elevator jerked and began upwards. Sherry stood next to Jackie, who was groping the blonde's butt with her free hand. I scanned Sherry's face for a reaction, but her expression was blank and eyes looking into memories of the past.
Sherry's achievements hadn't ceased since her acceptance to university, boasting a seven straight semester streak of a perfect 4.0 GPA she was a model student. The only thing that stood between her and entrance to any medical school of her choice was the daunting MCAT and a final semester of her undergraduate career.
She wasn't concerned about either challenge, she was confident she would finish her degree in perfect standing. Instead Sherry was at a holiday house party, concerned with getting her girlfriend, Ada to relax and enjoy a party for once in her life. It was the winter holidays, loud music pulsed throughout the house while students mingled, danced, and celebrated the end of another semester. Sherry and Ada had secured a spot on the living room couch, Sherry itching to be a social butterfly and Ada doing her best to be invisible.
"Drink this." Sherry ordered, "I'm determined for you to have fun with real people for a change." Pushing a glass towards her partner.
Ada glanced at the glass that had been shoved in her hands. "White? What is this?"
"It's called a white Russian. I know you don't like the taste of alcohol but trust me you'll like this." Sherry ordered. Ada looked into the milky liquid with a shy concerned stare. Sherry rested a hand on her shoulder, "C'mon Ada, I just want you to have some fun. It's just something to help you loosen up. Could you just try it? For me?" Sherry begged, big blue eyes staring into Ada's brown pair.
"Not fair, you know I can never say no to you." Ada relented, draining her drink in a single drink.
"That's my girl!" Sherry cheered, rubbing Ada's back.
Sherry had met Ada as a freshman as lab partners in introductory chemistry. Ada was hopeless when it came to the sciences and was completely reliant upon Sherry for passing the course. Sherry had been annoyed with her seemingly useless lab partner until she began to struggle in her creative writing courses and was saved by Ada's amazing abilities as an editor. A companionship was born, Ada was an English major who relyied on Sherry for math and science help while Sherry was pre-med and relied on Ada to get her through her liberal arts credits.
The girls formed a perfect team for the first semester, studying together late at night and becoming close friends. But as Sherry spent more time with the shy girl who enjoyed reading books more than talking to people, she grew attached. After their meetings she couldn't stop thinking about Ada's long black hair and brown eyes that peered behind a pair of thick rimmed glasses.
After receiving a perfect score on her final creative writing paper she burst into Ada's dorm room and planted a kiss on the frozen bookworms face. After the moment of shock, Ada enthusiastically returned the embrace; the moment was the starting point of their years-long love. Even though each girl was nearly the opposite of one another, the connection they felt between them was unmistakable.
Though Sherry was hopelessly in love with Ada, she grew annoyed at her partner's introverted attitude. Ada's idea of a celebration was a glass of wine and churning through an entire book in an evening. When in a group Ada was a wallflower, shyly leaning against a surface too scared to open her mouth. Sherry was tired of Ada missing out on what she believed was the college lifestyle, finally talking her partner into going to the holiday party. Forcing the shy girl out of her traditional jeans and sweatshirt and into one of her trendy party dresses Sherry swept Ada out of their dorm room and off to the house party.
Though Ada enjoyed the occasional glass of wine she was not what one would describe was a drinker. But after draining the white Russian Sherry had pushed her way, Ada decided this strangely named drink wasn't so bad and had a few more. With the newfound liquid courage Ada found herself on the coffee table, having the time of her life dancing and screaming along to the music much to the laughter of Sherry. The shy nerd girl was gone, and in her place was the obviously intoxicated butterfly, which drunkenly blossomed from her cocoon into the lush social butterfly.
Sherry exhaled mentally, relieved that Ada was finally relaxing and having a good time. She left Ada, who was giggling uncontrollably with a group of girls on the floor, in the living room and headed to the basement. Feeling like she should give Ada a chance to spread her wings on her own, she danced her heart out in the basement, massive speakers shaking the walls with her favorite songs.
Two hours later Sherry was danced out and covered in sweat, returning to the main floor she was curious what Ada had been up to. Nowhere to be found, Sherry asked the group of girls she last saw giggling with Ada if they had seen her.
"I think I saw her go upstairs." One of the girls shouted over the music and pointed up a nearby staircase.
Sherry sighed. Perhaps the party had been too much for the shy girl and she was just looking for a place to calm down. Trudging up the stairs she slowly opened bedroom doors, looking for her partner. Interrupting more than one couple whom were thoroughly enjoying the privacy of the bedrooms, she found her charge. Ada was flat on her stomach on top of the bed, the skirt of her dress flipped up revealing black panties. A stain was clearly visible on the bedsheets below Ada while drool escaped from her lips onto the pillow.
Sherry couldn't help but laugh. "Alright Ada, I'm glad you had fun but this party is so over." She turned her drunken partner over on her back and rubbed her awake. "We gotta get out of here" She said, eager to leave before the owner of the bed finds you.
"Mmmmm, Shewwi..."Ada mumbled, obviously drunk. "No Sherwi I's want to love you's" she slurred. Sherry let out a yelp, feeling Ada's hand under her skirt and clumsily rubbing the crotch of her panties. "Where's it go?" Ada asked.
Sherry removed Ada's hand from her skirt, "Where's what now?"
"Your biiiiiiiiig dick!" Ada cheered, drunkenly falling to the bed.
"Clearly a sign you need to go home. C'mon girl before you get sick." Sherry hoisted Ada to her feet, helping her downstairs. Sherry waved her other friends goodbye while they laughed at her drunken charge. It took some doing, but Sherry managed to carry Ada whom was deadweight, back to her dorm room. Depositing Ada into her bed, Sherry stroked her lover's hair. "I'm glad you finally relaxed tonight." She whispered and kissed Ada goodnight.
After an unforgiving hangover Ada recovered from her first binge drinking experience. Sherry found it hilarious that Ada was unable to remember anything past her first drink of the white Russian, but couldn't help but feel like she had fun. But while she had fun, Ada still preferred books as they never gave her hangovers.
Life and the school year continued, a month later both girls had returned to classes and life had returned to normal. For a moment of their lives, everything was perfect; love, life, and success were within reach and the two girls were closer than ever. But a single afternoon changed everything. A stomach bug brought a visit to the campus clinic for Ada. A quick examination and few tests later, a doctor broke terrible news.
Ada was a month pregnant.
A sobbing Ada broke the news to Sherry in her dorm room. Through uncontrolled tears Ada claimed she had never had sex with anyone other than Sherry, much less a futanari. Sherry stroked the hair of her sobbing lover while guilt gripped her chest. A month ago Sherry had dragged Ada to the holiday party, gotten her blindingly drunk, and left helpless. She remembered how Ada looked sprawled on the bed, her dress falling off her body and how her lower half was exposed. Sherry knew exactly how Ada had gotten pregnant, and it was her fault.
Sherry calmed the hysterical Ada, promising to love her forever and never leave her side. Sherry promised they would get through this and that their life dreams would all come true. Ada buried her head into Sherry's chest and cried, believing every word she said.
But Sherry didn't believe herself. She loved Ada, but there was no way that everything was going to be ok. As a pre-med student Sherry was no stranger to the nursery system. Without a nursery card, let alone not even knowing what the parent of Ada's child looks like, there was no way Ada would gain entrance to a nursery. Due to the rarity of Futanari, contraceptives were not commonly available and abortion was strictly only used in cases where the mother's life was in danger. Ada was going to give birth to this child. After a tearful night, the couple traveled to the county courthouse and married. Never had Sherry thought her wedding ceremony take place in the lobby of a gray office building and an overworked secretary as a witness.
The stress took a toll on Sherry well beyond her mental status. Ada had dropped out of her courses and Sherry might as well have, earning horrific marks on all her classes for the semester. The black marks on her GPA coupled with terrible MCAT scores effectively locked her out of medical school.
With only a single semester remaining before graduation, Sherry's future looked bleak. Ada's belly had begun to grow, a small bump a home to the child that grew inside her. In four months Sherry would be finished with her undergraduate and her financial aid would cease. With no other options Sherry would have to return home to her proper American home and confess to her parents she had not only failed in school but also was also married and expecting a child. Each time Sherry imagined speaking with her parents, her heart ached in her chest and her stomach sank. She couldn't believe she had fucked up so badly, she would give anything to make it all better, she prayed with all her heart just for a chance to get her life back.
And Sherry got her wish. Late one night Sherry sat in the corner of a dark bar, nursing a beer and replaying the night Ada conceived their child in her mind. From the darkness a woman in a sharp grey suit approached her and introduced herself. This woman explained she was well aware of Sherry and Ada's situation, and offered her a way out. She explained that as a futanari herself, she could provide her with a pass to the nearby nursery, staving off the need to confess to her parents.
The deal was simple, one nursery referral for Ada in exchange for one week where Sherry wasn't allowed to refuse the futanari. It was made very clear that at any point Sherry could refuse and forfeit the nursery pass. Desperate but not dumb, Sherry was well aware of the erotic intentions of this futanari that had somehow found out her problem. She knew it was dangerous, she didn't even know the futanari's in front of her, and the only other futanari she knew had knocked up Ada without so much as leaving her name.
But Sherry was short on options and this was her chance. If she was able to get a nursery referral she would be at least able to secure Ada and her child's future for the next few years. This would give her a chance to get her act together and still succeed in some fashion like she had dreamed. But most importantly it would buy her time before she had to confess to her parents about all her mistakes. Sherry stuck out her hand and said, "On one condition, I cannot get pregnant."
Jackie gave a smile so big it made Sherry uncomfortable and gripped her outstretched hand. "Deal."
The next week involved Jackie dressing Sherry up in terribly revealing outfits made worse by her constant groping in public. Jackie took great pleasure in exposing Sherry, knowing the girl was horrifically embarrassed each time Jackie forced her into smaller and smaller skirts. Jackie would demand to be sucked off several times a day, usually in public areas where they could be easily, and often times were, caught by passers-by. The worst by far however was Jackie's favorite activity of blowing her load on Sherry's face and forcing her into public with cum dripping down her face.
The humiliation was unbelievable for Sherry, but she held the memory of Ada close and told herself it would just be a week. Besides, it wasn't Jackie's fault Sherry was in this situation, it was her own. She had married Ada and she had promised to make things right, and one week of humiliation was the price to pay to provide for her wife.
I glanced up and down the long bright hallway that hosted the Guardian Angel apartment units. Massive paintings lined the bright white walls of the hall. Maids in uniform roamed holding laundry, empty food trays or cleaning utensils. Each time a maid passed our group she would give a small bow and give a polite "ma'am". The elegance and classy atmosphere was palpable.
Cass led the group; myself, Sherry, and Jackie whom had her hands around Sherry's waist as we walked), in front of one of the apartment doors. Using a keycard, Cass opened the electronic lock with a click and pulled open the door. I couldn't help but notice the keycard Cass had used appeared to be identical to the nursery referral card I had been shown earlier. Ushering me inside, I stepped across the threshold of the doorframe.
The apartment was of a class well above my status. Even though the apartment was empty it was sleek and savvy. Sharp black granite counters lined the kitchen below a sparkling hanging light. Appliances appeared to be state of the art and large enough to cook for a small village. I walked from room to room in a daze, the living room, dining room, bedroom; they were all massive and pristine.
Jackie and Cass chatted in the living room while I explored. I emerged from the bathroom the size of my bedroom in my home apartment and rejoined the two futanari. Jackie and Cass were amused by my bewilderment while Sherry leaned against a wall pretending to be invisible. "So people get to live here?" I asked quietly.
Cass gave a bright smile and said "Yeah, the nursery's referrals are the actual homes our partners stay in. Most of the futanari here live in the Guardian Angel, so we only get a few rooms so the futanari here tend to save them for their favorites."
"Favorites?" I asked quizzically.
"Yeah, like if they're a really good fuck and you want to keep them around." Jackie answered for Cass, "But we're queens of the castle here, so a futanari can give whatever referral they want for any reason. "
"So if you impregnate someone you don't really like, you give them crappy housing?"
Cass gave a nervous laugh, "Well, not exactly. All the housing here at the Nursery isn't all that bad, and plus it's free. If someone is upset enough at the level of housing their futanari gave them they are always free to live outside campus on their own dime. The normal housing in the homes you passed on your way here are quite nice, they're just nothing compared to the Guardian Angel."
"Mmm" I mumbled, mentally taking it all in. "Does anyone try to bribe futanari for better housing?"
Cass sighed, "Well yes, it does happen occasionally but it's actually quite rare."
"Really?" I said in surprise.
"Well yeah," Jackie said as she leaned against the kitchen counter. "What are they gonna bribe us with? If they've got enough money to bribe into the Guardian Angel then they have the money to live in similar places outside the nursery. Many with that kind of money would rather not move anyway. And then what else could they bribe with? Sex? They need to give it up anyway just to get in here and it's not like a futanari can't get a fuck whenever they want." I blushed at her frank explanation.
"Oh." I muttered, feeling my face heat up in embarrassment.
Cass gave a small laugh, "Eloquently put Jackie." She said as Jackie gave a small bow. Cass turned to me, "Think you have enough for your blog or whatever?" I nodded. "Good, let's go see who won our family game night, my money's on Mari."
"Really? I though Kris was pretty good." I playfully responded. Cass held the front door for me as I left the beautiful apartment. Stepping into the hallway I visualized my own apartment and suddenly felt inadequate.
Jackie called out the door "I'll meet you guys downstairs, just gonna use the little girl's room." Cass rolled her eyes and let the door shut behind her.
Sherry felt a tightness release from her chest as the apartment door shut. She had grown used to Jackie humiliating her in front of others, but to be exposed and harassed in front of another female was almost too much. On top of that the little redhead was some kind of writer; she prayed Red would at least have the decency to change her name in the final product. She would have said something, but Jackie had made it clear that speaking to anyone else while she was with Jackie would break their deal.
"I can't believe she gets moist over Kris rather than me." Jackie said wistfully. Giving a glance to Sherry leaning against the wall with her arms crossed she said "It's a real fucking shame tomorrow's your last day as my slut, I really should have made you dye your hair."
Sherry furrowed her brow and glared at the floor. She ran her hands through her long blonde hair grateful it had remained untouched through her humiliation.
"Goddamn I'm so fucking horny." Jackie practically grunted. "I never knew I was so into redheads, shit." Jackie released the buckle on her suit pants and let her bottoms fall to the floor, revealing a massive erection. "Slut, time to do your job." She said to Sherry while she stroked her erect member.
Sherry sighed. Striding over to the futanari she tied her hair back into a ponytail. Jackie leaned against the kitchen counter with her massive cock in hand and a smile on her face. Sherry braced herself to take Jackie into her mouth. Dropping to her knees she took Jackie's massive shaft between her lips, slowly bobbing her head up and down the cock. Having sucked off Jackie countless times in the past week, Sherry was an expert on pleasuring a girl-cock. Jackie gave soft moans while Sherry loudly slurped on the cock between her lips.
Sherry felt Jackie grip her arm and yank her to her feet. Sherry gave a surprised sound as she popped off Jackie's cock. "Now that you got me ready..." Jackie said lustfully. Jackie shoved Sherry into the kitchen counter and pressed her flat against the cold granite of the counter. Sherry felt her tiny red thong being ripped down her legs, exposing her sensitive parts.
"Hey!" she yelped in surprise. She felt her pussy was and she knew Jackie had been drinking and was horny, a dangerous combination.
"Oh, don't you worry princess." Jackie muttered as she stepped behind Sherry's tiny rear poking out of the short skirt. Fear rose in Sherry's chest as Jackie stepped forward. Jackie was about to fuck her pussy, she was about to be impregnated by this monster, this was breaking their bargain. Chest frozen in fear to the surface of the kitchen counter panic continued to rise in Sherry's mind.
A twang of adrenaline shot through her chest as Sherry felt Jackie's hands spread her ass cheeks apart. Jackie's cockhead pressed against her tiny asshole causing Sherry's head poked up from the counter in shock. Immediately Jackie pressed a hand into Sherry's shoulder, forcing her face back against the granite. Using her free hand Jackie guided her cock as she pressed into the shivering blonde.
Shocked into silence, Sherry panted and shivered while she felt the cock press harder against her tight resistant asshole. A burning pain shot through her body as she was forced open by Jackie's massive girth. With a contorted face Sherry grunted painfully as bit by bit Jackie's cock was forced deeper inside her.
"Fuck your ass is tight" Jackie muttered from behind Sherry's rear end. "It's gonna hurt unless you relax." She said as she gave Sherry's ass a light smack. Sherry, still shaking in pain, gave a small yip with each smack. Jackie gave a sadistic chuckle, "Alright, a one and a two..." she muttered before rocking her hips forward, sliding the entire length of her cock past Sherry's painfully stretched asshole.
"Ah! Ah! Ah!" Sherry hissed in pain as each inch of the massive girl-cock invaded her. Disgust and painful sensations overtook her mind with each inch of flesh entering her until she felt Jackie's bare hips press against her rear. Face contorted in a grimace, Sherry's body uncontrollably shivered. Pain burned from where Jackie had forced herself inside, feeling as if Sherry was being ripped open.
"Mmm that's good." Jackie purred from behind the violated girl. Jackie began to rock her hips, cock forcing itself painfully inside Sherry. "Fuck yeah that's it." Jackie breathed as she found her rhythm. Jackie buried her cock to the base inside Sherry's twitching asshole, a quiet '*smack*' each time her hips bounced into Sherry's rear.
She couldn't believe how painful it was to have her ass fucked. She tried to ignore the pain but having Jackie's massive cock in her gut was almost too much to handle. Closing her eyes she tried to imagine being somewhere, anywhere else where she wasn't being fucked against a countertop. But the effort was in vain, with each painful thrust she was jerked back to reality by Jackie's cock reaching her deepest parts.
Jackie had now reached a rapid pace, pistoning her cock in and out of Sherry's virgin asshole. She leaned atop her trapped partner who inhaled with a hiss of pain each time she slammed her hips forward. Jackie rested her head just behind Sherry's neck, panting in ecstasy directly into her prey's ear. Completely at the futanari's mercy, Sherry's mind echoed with the sounds of Jackie's erotic grunts which grew faster and deeper with each thrust.
Jackie suddenly buried herself entirely inside Sherry, painfully digging her thighs into the countertop. Grunting a loud "Ah! Mnnpf" into Sherry's ear, she felt the cock in her ass twitch and release a warmth into her belly. "Mmmf, Yeah" Jackie panted, the cock shivered releasing more of the warm seed. Jackie gave a small thrust "mmff, hah, hah" echoed into Sherry's eardrum while more girl-cum filled her. "Fu-u-ck" Jackie gave a final grunt and released the remainder of her load into the tender depths.
Giving herself a moment to catch her breath, Jackie lifted herself off her dominated prize and stepped back, cock slipping out of the ravaged asshole with a rude "sluck" sound. Sherry slipped back off the countertop and fell to her knees on the floor. Her asshole burned in pain as if it was torn open from the onslaught of Jackie's fucking. Warmth emanated from Sherry's gut, she felt sick knowing so much of Jackie's cum was inside her.
"Much better." Sherry heard Jackie say from the other side of the kitchen. She had taken her suit pants and redressed, looking sharp and not at all like she had just fucked someone. Sherry continued to catch her breath from her place on the floor.
Jackie strode over and squatted down next to the sweaty beauty on the kitchen floor. She took Sherry's chin in her hand and examined her face. "Still haven't cried?" She calmly asked.
Sherry jerked her face free, but maintained her position on the floor. "You disappointed?" She asked.
"No, just surprised." Jackie sat on the floor across from Sherry, learning against the wall. "Tomorrow's your last day."
"Yeah." Sherry said quietly. "One more day..." her voice trailed off.
"You know, very few have actually managed to put up with me as long as you have."
"Are you saying I should be proud?" Sherry's eyes were on the floor, she couldn't bear to look up just yet. Her asshole still burned numbly and she couldn't shift her focus away from the load of cum inside her, making her feel disgusting. A silence hung in the room over the two women.
"I could find her; the futanari that got Ada pregnant."
Sherry mentally winced at hearing Ada's name being said by Jackie. Ada didn't deserve to have her name uttered by such a person as her.
Jackie continued. "I could very easily find out who it was. With my connections I could have her in a week."
Sherry sat still on the floor.
"I could get her charged. With my connections I could get her convicted on any charge you wished. You name the punishment; A fine, prison time, or even castration, I can make it happen." Jackie's words seemed to echo in the quiet room. Sherry looked up to see a shockingly serious look on Jackie's face. She realized Jackie was being sincere.
Silence fell upon the room once more. Sherry thought back to Ada, lying face down in bed, unaware she had just been violated. She remembered the despair in her chest from her grades in the past semester. She felt cum slowly drip from her pained asshole and remembered the humiliation of the past week. She remembered marrying Ada in a cold courthouse and how neither family knew. She thought of Ada's growing belly and the child that was growing inside her.
"No." Sherry quietly said.
"No?" Jackie said in surprise.
"Getting revenge wouldn't change anything."
"She ruined your life."
"No" Sherry said sternly, "I did. It was my fault Ada was too drunk to even know who it was, and it was my fault I left alone like that. And this," Sherry gestured towards her lewd outfit and the small pool of cum on the floor, "it the fucked up way of how I'm fixing it."
Both women sat in silence; Jackie was staring at the floor lost in thought. Sherry shivered from her sweat covered body, her threads of clothing doing a poor job of keeping her warm.
Jackie nodded and said "Alright." Standing up and striding towards the door of the empty apartment she stopped and said "The usual time tomorrow, come here and say my name to the front desk." Before throwing the door open and disappearing.
I returned to the lounge with Cass to find the table empty, both Mari and Kris nowhere to be found.
"Huh, I wonder who won..." I thought aloud. Cass responded to me with a shrug.
I walked with Cass back to the main lobby. A sharply dressed attendant held the door open for us as we entered the cool evening air. Cass waved to a nearby valet who immediately scurried over and took my ticket.
"So, about these stories of yours..." Cass casually muttered.
"I'll be changing the names, and I won't even mention Ark."
"Oh, no I was just going to make sure you're coming back next week." Cass said wide-eyed. Nobody from the evening apparently cared I was about to publish stories of their sex lives to the masses.
I smiled. "I think I would like that."
Cass smiled back and nodded, "Good! You might want to work on your poker skills though."
I furrowed my brow. "Really? But I wasn't the first one out! I even knocked out Jackie."
"She never wins when she brings one of her pets" Cass rolled her eyes, "She usually throws so she can sneak off with them." I suddenly remembered we had left Cass alone with Sherry in the apartment. I tried not to think about what might be going on behind the closed door.
I was jerked to attention by the valet arriving with my car. Cass whistled "wow, first car huh?" I gave a tip to the valet who tossed me my keys and shrugged. Some may describe my car as a 'shitbox', but I liked to think of it as thrifty. I waved goodbye and began the drive home.
As I left the world of the nursery I mentally briefed myself on all I had learned. Kris's first time with Sam would make an excellent educational piece for her inexperienced readers. A write-up of Kyouko's romp with Mari would probably entice her more curious audience members. I gave a small shiver as I remembered Jackie's ravaging of her principal from high school, the more kinky readers would probably get a kick out of it.
I arrived home and began typing up a draft and continued until the sun rose.
Sherry approached the front desk of The Guardian Angel in her casual jeans and t-shirt. Jackie always gave her slutty outfits to change into so dressing in anything other than comfort clothing was a waste of time. Bags drooped under her eyes, Sherry had spent most of the evening in her dorm bathroom attempting to remove Jackie's seed from her bowls, but no matter how long she tried she still felt the disgusting slime inside her.
The receptionist gave her a large sealed envelope with her name on it. Giving a sigh Sherry plopped down on a nearby couch and tore open the envelope. Inside were several other envelopes, a room key, and a letter. Expecting some kind of fucked-up instructions she flipped open the letter.
*No doubt by this point you believe me to be a monster, a belief that is not incorrect. Your resolve is to be commended for putting up with me and my abuses for so long, I wasn't just pulling a line on you when I said many don't make it as far as you. I know it sounds bizarre, but thank you for the past week.*
*I hope someday you learn to forgive yourself for what happened to Ada. As much as you blame yourself for what happened that night, I know you would never have knowingly wished that to happen to her.*
*For the abuses you've endured by me, no simple apology could ever make up for. Regardless I'll do my best.*
*The room key in this package is your promised referral to Ark nursery, you have been granted access to a room in the Guardian Angel along with all the perks that comes with it. I assigned you to a room on a different floor from the one last evening, but with the same level of luxury, I hope it is to your liking.*
*The envelopes are letters of recommendation written by Mari. She holds enough influence and prestige that they should be enough to grant you a significant scholarship and entrance to any medical school in the Midwest regardless of your grades. I know we have a competent school within city limits, but if you should decide to attend a distant school Angel will be able to grant you similar housing in an appropriate Nursery nearby.*
*I realize this doesn't make up for all that I've done to you, but I hope it's at least a start.*
Sherry sobbed. | literotica |
Title: A Special Dessert by chickenboy
Tags: Avian, Female, Kiwi, M/F, M/M, Male, Transformation, Transgender
A special Dessert
John walked into the house, smiling as he turned over the small glass phial in his palm with the semi-translucent fluid sloshing back and forth within it. He'd had it made just for that day, saving as much as he could in order to pay the alchemist, having the man whip up something particularly crafty and effective. He and his long-time girlfriend, Kelsey, were going to celebrate their anniversary that night. Dinner, a movie at home, and fun later, of which the potion he now carried was to play an important part.
The liquid was a special, mystical elixir, distilled from the sexual essence of the great demons inhabiting the lands. Such creatures were not evil, just rather self-serving, and typically let people live their lives as long as their own needs were met. Every so often, though, they would give gifts and favors into the hands of the humans, which often became highly sought after. The substance John held was one such thing, widely known as D-cum, but with potential far exceeding its common, almost demeaning use name. Alone, the substance had the power to transform the people it touched into strange and bizarre beings of pure sexual form and nature. Widely produced and sought after, many people desired it for its ability to grant new traits or cause drastic, lasting alterations, giving them the ability to indulge in carnal pleasures many had never dreamed of before. In the hands of trained alchemists, however, it could be made into tonics and elixirs that could induce milder, typically controllable transformations, catering more to the specific needs or desires of those they were made for. If a man wanted a pair of breasts, or a woman wanted some male equipment, there were potions for that. But such needs were remarkably tame compared to some requests, with some people undergoing full body metamorphoses, sometimes temporarily, sometimes not, and into whole manners of human-like, animalists or more carnal forms.
John and Kelsey had played around with the potions before, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Sometimes they would come up with strange, fun little games to build their fantasies, sometimes even drawing from real life. While John's profession as an archivist had never been glamorous, he had found their "naughty librarian" bit both comical and exciting. Kelsey, a little more brash as were other people who worked as police officers, occasionally brought out her cuffs and nightstick and let things go where they would. Always the potions played a part, making the situations all the more outlandish and thrilling to the lovers. But these had come from very regular alchemists of little renown, with skill adequate to their standing. Their experiences had typically been just the modifications of a few traits, and not to great degrees. Moreover, the often unpredictable nature of the potions combined with the alchemists' lack of any true higher knowledge of the art had left John bearing a permanent mark from one such foray.
Hidden in his pants, the young man was the owner of not one, but two rather sizeable phalluses, each nearly eight inches when fully erect, with his impressively large sac containing four sizable testes. Not that he was complaining, though. It was, by comparison, a rather mild transformation, and one he could easily live with as long as he wore loose fitting pants. Life had gone on, and the increased virility had not gone unnoticed by him or his girlfriend. But then, that also led to his only complaint, his very frequent and strong states of arousal, often leading to embarrassing consequences, and both questioning and longing looks from other women nearby.
The potion he held, however, he had obtained from one of the most renowned and skilled alchemists in the region, a man with literally decades of skill and a very large and thoroughly satisfied client base. It had been expensive, but John knew it would be worth it. This was a potion for not just one night, but for spans of time beyond which he couldn't guess. The whole time he had been in the old man's office, laying out what effects he wanted the potion to have, he kept his mind not on the inevitable erotic exploits he would have, but on his loving, beautiful, tender Kelsey.
She was unlike any woman he had ever dated or been with before. The fact they had been together more than five years without even one major fight, and felt more drawn to one another day by day was testament to how much they were meant for each other. Yet despite their apparent suitability, and much pressure from friends and family, something always held them back from taking the last, big step in their relationship and tying the knot. But then, neither of them particularly cared, either. They were as close as any married couple could be already, having a working, steady relationship, a very healthy sex life, and a genuine and deep seeded love that had filled their hearts. In short, they were just the sorts people look at and know they would be together for the rest of their lives.
If there was one flaw John could see with what they had, it was, regrettably, with Kelsey. It was nothing she said or did, at least not explicitly, but it was in the way she carried herself from day to day, especially in her job. She was already a cop before he had met her, and took pride in what she did. But there was always a deep sadness and anxiety in her that John saw. As the saying among police goes, "no one sees what they see", and there were days when that showed especially true. There was many a time when John had come home to find Kelsey doing her best not to burst into tears, or just sitting unmoving, gazing out the window for hours. Even during their lovemaking at times, something would set her off, and Kelsey would fly into a rage or depression. And over the course of the years, he had noticed it taking a toll. He had done his best to comfort her, but he wanted to do more than that, wishing to take it all away.
This year, he thought to himself, he would give her that gift. The potion would make certain of that. Kelsey would have nothing more to worry about, and be able to live a quiet, simple life together with him. Setting the glass vial carefully aside, John went in and began to make dinner, the thoughts of what was to come weighing heavily on his mind. As he set about preparing her special dessert, John retrieved the phial, pouring its contents over the confection before placing it in the fridge.
He dimmed the lights, lit the candles and set out the plates just as he heard her car pulling up. With an audible pop that startled her as she walked in, Kelsey saw him standing and holding the now uncorked wine bottle, surprised and thrilled at the site laid out before her. She flung her arms around her boyfriend, planting a kiss on his lips before heading back to change out of her uniform, making sure to throw a few hip swings in his direction as she did.
The dinner was excellent, John taking pride in his culinary abilities, and the two talked for a time over several glasses of wine until he felt the time was right. Excusing himself, he hurried into the kitchen to fetch dessert. He pulled the small tart from the fridge, a small bit of pastry adorned with slices of a vibrant green fruit, the syrup-potion glaze looking sticky sweet over the entire thing. John knew kiwis were Kelsey's absolute favorite fruit, and when he brought it out, sure enough, she could not turn it down. John looked on with an intent smile as she ate, tactfully turning down the offer of the last bite. As she licked her fingers clean, John felt his twin cocks stirring in anticipation.
They spent a short time afterwards watching a movie, all the while the demon essence had been saturating her body. Some of the side effects had begun already, Kelsey becoming restless and fidgety. All too soon, she turned the television off, and peremptorily grabbed John's hands, pulling him to the bedroom. Her blood was up, and she almost tore the clothes off both of them before shoving her man onto the bed, flinging herself atop his naked form.
They rolled together in the sheets, kissing deeply, before Kelsey sat up, threw the cover away from John's lower body, exposing his two generous manhoods. She caressed them, one hand running up and down each length. As pleasurable as it had been when he had but one organ, John's pleasure was magnified not just double, but exponentially from the feeling of his throbbing shafts being pleasured. Each stroke of Kelsey's soft, subtle hands made him shiver in delight. It would be one of the things he would dearly miss about her once the change happened.
Kelsey loved the feel and texture, the exotic look her lover had with his twin wangs and the engorged scrotum holding the four large orbs within it. She looked him over, he was tone but not buff, and had a bit of a tummy to be sure, but she cared not for such menial things. In moments like that, he was the ideal male, and she wanted nothing more than to show him how much she yearned for his touch, his pleasure and for him to return the favor. She seemed even more eager and energetic than was usual, but that subtle fact was lost on them, as caught up as they were in the moment.
As Kelsey bent forward, kissing and licking the tip of his left shaft while still massaging his right, she barely noticed the slight tingling beginning to spread out from her stomach. If anything it magnified her desire, making her step up her pace. Dragging her tongue from base to tip made John shiver and moan, drawing streams of pre out of both lengths, helping to lubricate the work of her hands on his second shaft. She repeated the motion, savoring the salty, musky flavor of her man as more fluids drooled out. She could tell John was thoroughly enjoying her gentle play, but the desire in her had built up too much, and she was in no mood to take things slowly.
Rising, she straddled his body in a half-sideways position, holding the twin shafts one in each hand. In a quick, deft motion she had gotten plenty of practice with, Kelsey lowered herself, letting the near rock hard tips press firmly against both her cunny and her tight sphincter. Already lubed by his own juices, John sighed in ecstatic bliss as he felt the lips and ring spread open, letting his members slide into her body in unison.
Kelsey let herself gently onto the twin poles that now impaled her, driving her mad with pleasure. Slowly, inch by painstaking inch, she lowered herself ever more until she felt the slight tug of resistance, a sign her lover's shafts were stretched about as far apart as he could manage. Undaunted, she let herself rise, drawing both shafts out until only the tips remained within her, then quickly lowered herself once more, plunging the erect meat hammers back in. She repeated this action again, and again, and again, each time reveling in the unique, intense feelings that were overcoming her. Kelsey loved this perhaps most of all the various positions or techniques they tried, as there was something that just seemed to elevate the experience. Even on the odd occasion when they had indulged in a threesome, the feeling of two men pounding her still didn't compare. Something about being pleasured in both spots simultaneously by the same man, the one she was madly in love with, was the biggest turn on in the world. John felt almost the same way, loving not just the carnal pleasures unique to his situation, but also subconsciously aware of how much joy and pleasure he was giving his love. In the brief windows of clear thought he experienced between thrusts, John mourned that he would greatly miss these moments as well.
After an uncounted number of minutes, Kelsey stepped up her pace, desperate to let the tension of their passion be released. The odd tingling had continued to intensify, now an ever present feeling that spurred her onwards towards one end. With the apparent drive of a rutting stallion, Kelsey worked John for all he was worth. Beneath her, John did his best to hold back, savoring every exquisite moment, knowing it would be their last time like this. But like a dam in heavy storms, he inevitably succumbed, and the floodgates opened to unleash the torrent. His members exploded deep inside Kelsey, flooding her cunt and rear with hot, sticky seed. Jet after jet erupted into his lover, his orgasm going on for what to him felt like hours.
As he came down from the sexual high, panting and gasping for air, he could still feel Kelsey trying to work his softening shafts. Looking up at her in his daze, he saw her intense expression, the look of almost disappointment as she tried to coax his twin penises back to life. For an instant he had that sense of shame, but then remembered what the alchemist had said. John was warned that in the first stages of the change, she would have an almost maddened sexual drive as her hormones kicked in, aiding the elixir in its work, and that once in that state, the rest would soon follow.
Kelsey moaned in frustration as both shafts slipped from her body. Looking down, even from her squat position, the woman had a sudden feeling of vertigo. John caught her as she slumped forward, but she rolled away, clumsily getting to her feet and staggering a short distance away while leaning against the wall for support. She turned, facing John with a confused look overcoming her lust driven angst. She cringed as she felt her insides knot and twist, and even in the dim light of their darkened room, John saw her lower belly bulge slightly, and a sudden torrent of fluid dribble from her feminine folds. Kelsey gasped at the sudden orgasm, but it did nothing to slake her lust. Yet even as horny as she still was, the young woman couldn't help but notice the weight resting in her abdomen. Each small movement of her body seemed to cause something inside to shift, sending small twangs of pleasure up her spine.
Nearly doubling over, Kelsey struggled to catch her breath as a sudden muscle contraction hit her, centered around the now distinctive weight inside her. She fell to her knees on the drenched carpet as another contraction hit. She clenched her eyes shut as contraction after contraction rippled though her, feeling her innards spasm and move in turn. Soon, though, the nature of the spasms changed, and with each clenching and unclenching, the weight inside seemed to get pushed down. Kelsey's eyes went wide as she experienced the strangest feeling she had ever felt, feeling her cervix dilate and the weight, now assuredly an object, slip into her birth canal. In the mix of fear and confusion, she could almost admit that the feeling was incredibly pleasing, the best way she could think to describe it was as being fucked, but from the inside.
John, meanwhile, lay on the bed watching the spectacle unfold. Kelsey sat on her knees, legs spread wide apart and leaning back, as if making easier access to her most sensitive areas. Her pussy constantly dripped clear, viscous fluid, small squirts jetting out with each contraction. As Kelsey felt the mass moving inside her, so John began to see the outward signs of the emerging object. He watched as her vaginal lips began to spread, the flesh already swollen. After several, long, tense moments, her passage gaped, fluids shimmering in the pale moonlight falling through the window.
Kelsey panted, both wishing for the ordeal to be over, and for such a pleasurable scenario to continue. She could feel herself stretched by whatever was working its way out, but strangely, she seemed to also feel 'it' as well. Every time the object moved, her walls went alight with feeling, and conversely, when she clenched down around it, she could feel the confining pressure squeezing, likewise riddling her body with sensation. She pushed, trying to force it out faster, but it seemed to have lodged itself in one spot as a few more knots inside her worked themselves out. She could feel it along its length, extending all the way up to her womb, which at the moment was the epicenter of the churning, twisting, distorting feelings in her gut. All at once things seemed to be swelling, shrinking and turning over, and there simply was no way to describe the overpowering helplessness she felt despite her audible, labored groans of pleasure.
On the bed, John could only gaze on in rapt fascination, his members having sprung back to full arousal watching Kelsey, knowing she was adrift in the sea of feelings. He wanted to help her, but knew there was nothing to be done except let it run its course. And in impatient eagerness, he waited for the real show to begin.
Kelsey tried again to push at the object, but her muscles no longer heeded her. She felt them clenching, building up a great deal of tension, like a spring wound too tight. She panted and groaned, feeling like something imminent was about to happen. The tension built until with a violent shiver, it released. Kelsey bucked her hips forward and screamed, a gush of fluid spilling from her cunt followed by the emergence of a long, slick, tapering tube of flesh, followed by two round orbs concealed in flesh dropping out of behind the rod of flesh. Both their eyes went wide as they looked at the new prominent male organs sticking from her crotch.
Kelsey's face was a mix of terror and fascination, her gaze fixed on the new asset between her legs, the warm air making the moist skin tingle. John, who was expecting the change, was still shocked and surprised at seeing it happen firsthand, and just how well the potion had worked did take him aback. In one moment, his girlfriend had become so well-endowed that it threatened to put him with his two cocks and four nuts to shame. The enormous organ protruding from her swollen lips had to be at least eleven inches long, its base was thick as both his members held together, curved upwards and tapered down until its head flared out proudly, slightly more pointed than a typical human's. It was still very definitely human-shaped, but just different enough to give it a rather exotic look. The testicles, meanwhile, were at least the size of large eggs.
Kelsey stared unbelieving at the glistening shaft, all the while feeling an odd itching sensation from around the newly exposed mal anatomy, which as it turned out, were the last traces of her feminine lips fusing shut around the shaft, erasing her femininity forever. Slowly, tentatively, she extended her hand, running her fingertips along its length. She gasped in surprised exhilaration at the merest touch, goosebumps spreading over her skin as the feelings coursed through her. This latest development proved too much for Kelsey to take, and her mind gave over fully to the driving, burning lust and the strange but undeniably breathtaking sensations her body was feeling. The last shreds of resistance dissolved away, and her eyes seemed to unfocus as her, or rather 'his', mind now subconsciously accepted his new place not as a woman, or even a human, but a proud male creature eager to feel the joys of its new body. Kelsey knew instinctually, the effects of the potion no doubt, that he must see the changes through, and surrender his flesh to the forces reshaping his form.
Kelsey reached out, fingers curling around the moist flesh. The mere touch was enough to excite a shiver and small squirt of pre from the massive organ. Paying no heed to John, sitting on the bed with two now raging hard-ons between his thighs, Kelsey slowly began to stroke up and down along his own length. Kelsey's eyes, though blank, seemed to still burn with an inner fire, a longing more powerful than any ever experienced before. As Kelsey continued to stroke and massage the aching shaft, John saw more changes starting in earnest.
With Kelsey sitting prostrate directly before him, John had the best possible view of the transformation. Kelsey continued to stroke the engorged phallus, heedless of the changes proceeding at an ever faster rate. Kelsey's bosom, while never overly ample but not in any way petite either, began to shrink and deflate, soon leaving a chest that while still having the feminine curves, would almost be more at home on a scrawny man. All the while, the goosebumps which had sprung up from the jolts of pleasure had not vanished. If anything, they had seemed to grow in both number and size. First from the pre-soaked region around her swollen nether lips, where the enormous cock emerged from its host, soft, brown down began to push forth out of Kelsey's skin, followed soon by longer, narrower ones that more resembled fur than feathers. Mottled gray-brown in color, the layers of plumage soon covered Kelsey's crotch, moving out to engulf the hips, lower belly and beyond.
Kelsey's legs were next to change, thighs bulking up with muscle as the hip bone began to expand. Kelsey lost his balance, falling from his knees onto his back to free his trapped appendages. Resuming the ministration on the drooling member, Kelsey paid no attention to how the legs continued to reshape, growing stouter, the upper portions shortening while the ankles lengthened at the same time. Kelsey's feet began to lengthen and reshape as well, the two outer tows on each foot being absorbed, leaving only three digits on each foot that soon looked unmistakably like those of a bird, quickly sprouting short, black nails on each. The knees and thighs repositioned, moving to hold the upper parts tucked closer to the body. All the while the feathers had continued to sprout, moving more quickly down to cover the upper legs, knees, and calves, all the way down to the new distorted ankles where they abruptly stopped. The reshaped feet were quickly covered in rough, gray, scaly skin, completing their changes.
As the transformation progressed upwards, Kelsey could feel his mind torn as the sensations of the change tried to overcome the driving pleasure he was getting from the fondling of his new anatomy. With a great deal of reluctance, Kelsey gave into the urge and let go of the throbbing cock and twisted on the floor in frustrated sexual agony, but allowing the change to do its work. The feathers spread up his torso, his now very ample and curvaceous butt quickly covered in them. A short, nubby tail grew in at the base of the spine, but was quickly lost in the billowing growth of the plumage.
Even as the changes progressed, Kelsey seemed to be shrinking. Slowly but steadily his body seemed to decrease in size, not greatly, but enough to be noticeable, that is, except for the great protrusion of a cock, looking ever larger by comparison. John, enraptured by the sight of his former 'girlfriend' shifting this way had turned him on more than any time he could recall. Whenever they had indulged in potions in the past, he had likewise always found the process itself a great draw. But this time was different, as John knew this would be the most drastic such change Kelsey had ever experienced, enough so to let a new chapter of their lives begin.
Something began to happen to Kelsey's arms. He found at first the fingers and hands had become stiff and felt as though they were asleep. But the feeling spread up past the wrists, then elbows, all the way to the shoulders. The limbs were deadened, unresponsive. As Kelsey twisted and writhed, too overpowered with the erotic feelings to notice, the limbs began to shrink and wither. Starting slowly, with the fingers fusing and being absorbed, followed by the hand, the process crept steadily up each limb second by second, each time becoming thinner, lither, and shorter as they seemed to dissolve into themselves. As it past the elbow joints, there was scarce but nubs left. The process slowed, then stopped altogether as it reached the shoulders, leaving them and his torso otherwise untouched, but rendering Kelsey utterly armless. Now all the poor creature had was a torso, still human shaped and somewhat feminine looking, but lacking almost any other trace he had once been female.
Kelsey writhed on the floor, rubbing his legs together trying to, in some way, satisfy the all-consuming need emanating from his male anatomy. As he grunted and squirmed, the feathers covered what was left of his armless torso all the way to his neck. As the first bits of down began to creep upwards, Kelsey felt a pressure like a vice grip his head, squeezing it as it began to reshape. With a pop the skull relocated, making the head angle slightly more upwards as the neck gained a bit more length. His once beautiful dark brown hair fell away as feathers grew in across the top of his head. Kelsey's forehead flattened out and ears shrank away as his face began to push out. Kelsey tried to scream, but his jaws did not respond and were sealed tightly shut.
As his face slowly extended, Kelsey was aware of a searing pain in his mouth like his teeth were on fire. He began to buck and thrash wildly as suddenly he couldn't draw breath. Seconds seemed like hours as the lack of oxygen and burning pain in his jaws tortured him. Just when Kelsey thought he could stand it not more, he felt his teeth quickly begin to push forward, his lips parting around the long, hard, curving mass they were becoming. John watched from his place on the bed as from Kelsey's mouth, a brown, elongate, slightly curving beak emerged, growing out inch after inch until it was nearly two feet long. With a gasp, Kelsey flung his jaws open, the final phase of the transformation to occurring as the feathers swallowed the last bare patch of skin.
Kelsey lay on his back, his cock aching for release and body reeling from the change. He panted in short, rapid gasps, yet he could not rest. Turning his head, Kelsey noticed the gleaming, mammoth erection still protruding from between his feathered legs, as if begging to be touched, fondled, and pleasured. Meanwhile, John sat in a stunned, pleased silence, looking over the strange creature with delight. His girlfriend was gone, and in her place was a giant, humanoid kiwi bird, its torso sill looking vaguely human and feminine, and its eyes transfixed on its member rising up from the rounded, ample thighs. John went wide eyed as he watched the avian curl itself forward, and tenderly take the tip of its shaft into its long, curving beak.
Kelsey let his eyes roll back at the feeling, lightly clamping his beak around the sensitive rod of flesh. His long, slender tongue traced along its length, feeling the smooth texture of it as he licked and savored the taste of his own pre. What bit of apprehension over his new form might have been left vanished, thrown away in favor of the pure bliss he drew from his experience. So caught up in it was he, that he forgot about the man sitting not five feet away, looking at him in awe and longing.
John softly said his name, and the kiwi creature instantly stopped, letting go of his shaft and turning his head. As the creature's eyes caught sight of the man, he felt a welling up of emotions, a fluttering of his heart, and a yearning for only him. Forgetting the driving need, Kelsey rolled onto his stomach, drawing his thick legs in under himself, and stood up. His stance was squat, like that of a true bird of his species, but he balanced easily, his torso held mostly erect and leaning forward at a slight angle. At that point John could see the change had drastically decreased Kelsey's height, now standing at a little over four and a half feet tall rather than the previous stance of nearly six foot. The feathers lay like a shaggy coat upon his body, giving a more rounded appearance than was perhaps the truest shape of his new body. The eyes had not changed much, still the vivid green color they had always been, their gaze filled with compassion and kindness, but still with the deep, underlying note of need. And between his legs was the enormous, still rather human looking phallus, now positioned to aim more forward than up as Kelsey stood and shifted his weight. He saw it twitch, still rock hard, and small drops of pre leaking from the slit at its tip.
As John looked over the creature that now was Kelsey, the bird likewise examined the human. He knew him, in the most intimate ways. He had all his memories intact, of when he was human and female, and of how much he still loved the man sitting, staring at him. If anything, Kelsey's feelings for him had increased. There was an underlying instinct, a notion that penetrated everything he thought or felt, and that was his love for John, his desire to be with him always, to give himself over to the human body, mind and soul, and that nothing else in the world mattered. He was his, in every way conceivable, and Kelsey knew it through every fiber of his being. Everything else about him may have changed, but that was the one thing that never would.
John was about to speak, to break the odd, silent tension that hung in the air as heavy as the warm, musky scent of sex. As he opened his mouth, Kelsey bolted forward, taking one step and springing up to land on John's lap, cuddling up to him and rubbing his head softly against the man's chin, all the while letting out a series of light, contented chirps and warbles. While John was caught by surprise, after a moment he felt wholly at ease as the bird-creature nuzzled him affectionately. He pet and caressed the soft feathers, enjoying the feel of them wherever they touched his bare skin. He would have gladly spent the rest of the hectic night in such blissful contentment, but a sudden shiver of pleasure made both of them tense and gasp.
As he straddled John's body, Kelsey's still erect member had grazed against the human's twin shafts. As the shudder past, both met gazes for a moment, then looking down, John couldn't help but reach out to touch the prominent organ. Kelsey chittered in satisfaction at his touch, his fingers sliding easily along its warm, slick length. For his part, John was amazed at how well the potion had worked, not only turning his beloved into the male bird creature of his inmost fantasies, but it seemed to work too well, giving the former woman a manhood any male would kill for. As he stroked Kelsey gently in the dark room, the bird's feathered puffed out from the exhilaration of the moment, unreachable through the erotic haze.
With a stroke of insight, John grinned as he repositioned the shaft, angling it to rest in the cleft between his own two. Kelsey chirped in surprise, but John had seized the initiative. He thrust his hips up, at the same time grabbing Kelsey's feathered ass and pulling his body towards him. Already amply lubed by their own fluids, the three cocks slid and ground past and against each other. Both man and bird cringed and gasped as their bodies were set ablaze with the waves of tingling pleasure. John pulled back and relaxed his grip, letting Kelsey slide away and dragging their flesh together in the opposite direction. With another quick motion john repeated the maneuver, and again slowly let their bodies drift apart. By the third repetition, Kelsey had caught on, and of his own accord thrust his hips forward, letting his shaft drag across his lovers'. How long it went on neither could guess as seconds and minutes blurred and blended together, this new means of intimacy blowing away any experience either could remember.
Kelsey felt the pleasure building to near intolerable levels, but still he held back. He had to use all his will, fighting as hard as he may to let the experience last. It was not just for his own enjoyment, but more importantly it was for John, to let him experience as much as his body would physically allow. Kelsey was driven by the urge to please, knowing that giving John such joy would in turn give it to himself. But deep down, Kelsey hoped the end would be soon, as he felt the need and exhaustion overtaking him, begging for release.
The two males ground their organs together, grunts and chirps filling the room as they brought themselves to the very edge. John felt his four ball churning, and Kelsey felt the two massive ones he possessed do the same, the scrotum contracting and drawing upwards as he felt himself give in at last. In the last few seconds, both could only think of the other, and in their lust they let themselves go.
The timing could not have been more perfect, as simultaneously fountains of hot, thick cum erupted from the three cocks, gushing up between them and splattering their stomachs and chests with mats of the viscous stuff. John, with his extra pair, had of course been copious enough, but the streams emanating from Kelsey's body were a wonder, seeming not to slow or ebb until well past when John was spent. Kelsey's mind reeled with the experience, his first orgasm as a male, and one any other would scarcely believe. Their shafts stood proud a few moments longer, neither moving as they basked in the afterglow. Slowly, however, the moment passed, and both felt the overwhelming fatigue envelope them like a warm blanket. As they began to give in, John's members started to lose their rigidity, sinking back down to rest on his lap. The man watched while his partner's phallus did the same, deflating and hanging limp along with the large balls between his feathered hips. Kelsey felt the odd sensation as the organ lost its definition, the warm air feeling nice against the moistened, sensitive skin.
With no energy left John fell backwards, his arms wrapped around Kelsey's feathered shoulders, dragging him along. The bird creature fell on top of his lover, smearing and splattering their combined seed even more. Kelsey felt sleep taking him, and fought it only long enough to give one last, affectionate nuzzle to his lover, his mate, his master. John gently kissed the head of the creature he now embraced, and fell into a deep sleep, but one he was eager to wake from to start their lives anew.
It had been several months since Kelsey had undergone the change, brought about by her then boyfriend slipping a potion into her food. Anyone who saw him now would see only the avian creature that accompanied John almost everywhere. It had been hard to accept the story, and some people inevitably were put off by the once human creature, despite its pleasant demeanor and happy attitude.
That first day John had awoken to a ticking sensation all over his body, opening his eyes to find Kelsey licking him clean of the previous night's emissions. Seeing him stirring, she chirped happily then began to greet him, speaking in a voice that sounded neither masculine nor feminine, but was squeaky and somewhat high pitched, almost the voice one would expect a cute, cuddly creature like that to sound like. John could only smile, and helped his lover to clean his feathers. Their days and weeks after the first night proved strenuous, however, as they had set to work rewriting their lives.
People could hardly comprehend as they saw the little thing walking beside the human on the street, happy chirps emanating from its beak, its large, human looking genitals swinging beneath it as it walked, visiting office after office, registering her status as a permanent transformee, reallocating funds, and letting the kiwi put in her letter of resignation and turn in her badge. It was something to see for all assembled as the bird balanced on one leg, took the pen with the surprisingly dexterous toes, and signed all the necessary papers with apparent ease. But by the end of their first week, all was in order, and the Kelsey that was had ceased to exist.
Since then, Kelsey the kiwi had accompanied her mate almost everywhere, barely being able to part with him. It was torture each day as he left for work, trying to carry on with house work or books or anything else, but sheer joy when he got home. On a few occasions, some had confused Kelsey not as a transformed human, but as some actual animal, startled when he spoke up in his own defense. The bird was a bit offended when, stopped by a police officer, heard the man tell John to keep his 'pet' on a leash. That thought he mulled over for some time, gradually feeling lees indignant, and more embracing of it. So long as he was with him, nothing else mattered, and had eventually gotten to the point of accepting such comments, and even walking around in a collar with john holding the lead.
Behind closed doors, the two had made love almost every night since the change, Kelsey's own sexual appetite almost dwarfing the libido of the very well-endowed and lustful human. They tried many ways, from the trick they had done that first night, to various positions to take full advantage of John's anatomy, to simply touching and fondling for hours until one or the other could stand no more. It took Kelsey a bit by surprise when John asked if he would try being the dominant one for a change, and only with some reluctance did he agree. Something in his nature told Kelsey not to behave that way towards John, but then again it was what he asked for. As it turned out, though, it would be the second most memorable night of their lives.
That night, John lay prostrate before the avian creature, both his pet and mate, his hind end raised to let him take full advantage. Kelsey began slowly, starting off by using his long tongue and beak to good measure, teasing his taint, sac, and sphincter, and letting his feathers tickle the sensitive regions. As John grew ever more aroused, Kelsey did the same, his massive hard-on emerging from its sheath. Kelsey continued his foreplay for what seemed like hours, until John had to resort to begging him to go through with it. Kelsey, in that moment, too lust driven now to object, gave into his basic instincts and flung himself forward, his mammoth shaft slipping its way past the tight ring of muscles. John cried out in shock, pain and pleasure all at once as the pole buried itself in him, slumping forward and waiting for Kelsey to begin in earnest.
As gently as he could, Kelsey used his strong, dexterous feet to hold onto John's thighs, balancing on his raised ass like a perch as his shaft helped hold him in place. The initial thrust had driven only about a third of the length in, and sent bolts of pleasure up Kelsey's spine, telling his mind to continue. Slowly but firmly Kelsey pressed forward, inch after inch disappearing into John's rear. John moaned into the pillows as the kiwi tried to bury himself fully, the massive organ stretching him incredibly wide, but both of them were frustrated when Kelsey could not hilt. Undeterred, though, Kelsey slowly pulled back, drawing his member most of the way out then quickly slamming back down.
On into the night it went, Kelsey alternating his pace and rhythm, but never letting himself fully emerge from his lover. He was operating on the same instinct he had done right after his change, to never let up, and never give in, to let his master enjoy the fullest measure of ecstasy imaginable. It wasn't until they had lost all sense of time or place and nearly all energy was drained from them both did Kelsey finally surrender and let himself go. Both man and bird cried out in a shared climax so spectacular that their minds went blank, and in that one instant they thought themselves free of their earthly bodies. John came back to consciousness, feeling the flood of hot fluids filling his bowels, and loving every moment of it. And Kelsey felt for the first time what it was like for a male to penetrate, to ravish, to dominate and likewise relished the experience. That night was in some way the last part of the change, as Kelsey had now fully experienced his new male side, and John was happy to have sacrificed his anal virginity to let the person he love come into his own.
The two slept soundly that night, together as they had been since even before the change. They dreamed of one another, and would do so in any shape or form, for the rest of their lives. | FSE |
“This is a terrible idea.” Robert looked at the vixen like he had just been gifted a poorly-knit sweater for Christmas. Of all the things he expected to receive in order to fix his financial woes, especially after his chief manager assured him that she’d found an answer to his problems, a hot piece of vulpine ass, while appreciated, was not exactly high up on his list. He was about ready to kick her out the moment he saw her, if not for the snep by his side practically begging for him to wait five minutes so the newcomer could “get ready.” Even then, he expected this to mean the vixen would have some kind of presentation and thus needed to set up a projector or a laptop, anything but getting behind the counter and grabbing a bunch of empty glasses, only to then stare at them both like she was waiting for orders or something. The manager looked sideways at her incredibly annoyed boss, silently urging her friend to show off what her special talent was, then had to turn around and physically restrain the man next to her when the busty hiree removed her shirt and plopped both breasts onto the table. Before the man could complain about it, however, he saw what he needed to see. A couple of days later, the two were walking down the brewery’s storage vats, discussing the future of the establishment and what their plans were for the next few weeks. The vixen listened intently as her new boss explained the various types of alcohol he kept in stock and how they utterly failed to get his business any attention in comparison with other, more affordable alternatives. He had expected his expert hand to lend itself to a more refined clientele, one willing to pay more money for higher quality products, but instead it just translated into one continuous financial meltdown that refused to shoot upwards or even stabilize. With the vixen’s arrival, however, he was certain that things could be made to be better, even if they had to resort to less than wholesome marketing tactics in order to make that happen. Nady’s unique biological traits allowed her to do something very few, if any others, could: it took some effort to control, even more so to master, but after years of training she could easily draw upon her special talent whenever required. And while it might be an odd choice to want to work for a craft brewery rather than making an absolute killing by going after better, more marketable targets, Nady herself had always wanted to work at a place like that; it was more intimate, more genuine in a way, not tainted by mass distribution and able to dedicate itself to the pursuit of true flavour. It was an artwork in and of itself, and one that she sought to learn and master as well. Now, obviously, being able to reproduce any drink inside of her breasts would slightly cheapen the value of even the best-crafted ale, but the vixen still needed to drink and savour it
before being able to replicate it, thus making an attentive hand and sharp mind still be a requirement in the business. When she approached her friend, knowing they were working for an establishment in desperate need of help, that’s when Nady saw an opportunity to break into the world of craft brewing, even if she had to do so boob-first. Thus, it was imperative for her to become intimately familiar with every single aspect of every single brew currently kept in the storage rooms. Despite the rough first meeting, Nady learned that her new boss had a true passion for what he was doing, and the fact that his business was slowly sinking went a long way to explain his occasional disillusionment and obvious bitterness. He put a lot of effort into each brew, judging from the long-winded yet passionate rambling that came with every single damn barrel, and even though it often took a turn for the boring, the vixen had to give the man his dues for being able to remember so much, even regarding brews that he’d been working on for the better part of a decade. It made her want to be like him, renewed her dreams to have her own brewery one day and slightly aroused her, for whatever reason. Her boss, meanwhile, was adamant that Nady learn everything he could teach her before sampling any of the drinks. His manager, he said, was good with the administrative and backstage affairs, but to truly succeed, a brewery must be able to stand on its own two feet with a good selection of alcoholic beverages, one that people would come from far and wide to taste. When Nady asked the obvious question, considering the business was failing and all, his face grew dark and his eyes averted hers for just long enough that the vixen learned not to ask that question ever again. She did get an answer of sorts, with him sort-of not-admitting to having bungled up the initial marketing campaign, leaving them relatively obscure in a city that was already teeming with other opportunities to get wasted on cheap beer. Word of mouth only so went so far, and thus while they consistently got good reviews from the few customers they did get, it just wasn’t enough to pay for overhead. That’s where she came in. As much as her boss detested the idea of having to resort to such cheap tactics, he had to buckle before the might of the capitalist system; it was either sacrifice some of his morals in the short run or go out of business and send everyone out into the gutter, potentially ruining a whole generation of dedicated brewers before their careers could even get off the ground. And if there was anything he refused to do, it was chop away at the already fragile foundation of what he deemed a “lost art”; not exactly the truth, all things considered, but the sheer passion behind the words made Nady let loose a small “Wow…” of genuine amazement.
The preparations for the vixen’s first day were already underway, with the manager being in charge of coming up with a brand new marketing approach, one that would make good use of Nady’s unique talents. The idea was that the initial influx of customers, attracted by the prospect of getting a high-quality drink directly from the “tap”, as it were, would eventually peter out, leaving behind only those who truly appreciated the quality in the spirits themselves, rather than who or what they came out of. It was a risky move, potentially bordering on being an outright pipe dream, but it was just about the only way anyone involved could see the brewery climbing out of the financial pit it had dug for itself. Therefore, Nady’s training consisted both of learning the various specificities behind the brews and being instructed on proper serving technique; it wasn’t just enough that she could “lactate” alcohol on demand, a certain amount of flair and style was required if they wanted to keep the establishment’s image. Sure, it’d take a bit of a hit when it was being performed by a vixen baring her tits for everyone to see, but now was not the time to be picky. The biggest hurdle came when they had to figure out a solution to the obvious problem: Nady only had two breasts, and therefore could only ever produce two distinct drinks at a time. She could change them on a dime if required, but a sample was required. Thus, and much to the consternation of the owner, who insisted it would foul the flavour, a large keg of each brew was taken up to the front counter, kept hidden from view so that Nady could easily produce any item on the menu. What no one really thought about was what kind of effect this would have on her body, and not just the actual alcohol content; that Nady would get tipsy was a given, considering what she was offering to do, but none of the people involved spared a single thought to what might happen to an already-adaptable body being forced to cycle through so many different types of production in such little time. Even Nady herself, who usually kept a good enough head on her shoulders to think things through, was swept away by the sudden upsurge in hopeful thinking, allowing herself to believe that, against all odds, they’d be able to put the business back on track and get themselves on the road to success! And then her first day happened. The marketing campaign had been, for all intents and purposes, a resounding success, far more than their boss could’ve ever hoped for. The downside to it was that the kind of customers it attracted were obviously far less interested in the drinks than they were in the person serving them. It all banked on the assumption that only the interested ones would remain, hence why Nady could even swallow her pride and keep on serving people who were very clearly only there because of her tits.
Nonetheless, the opening night turned into a frenzied flurry of activity, bringing in so much well-needed money that her boss was left smiling for once, while the manager’s eternally-anxious demeanour calmed down just long enough for her to enjoy a coffee for its flavor for the first time in goodness knows how long. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief once the doors closed at around midnight… everyone except Nady. She should’ve thought of the consequences beforehand. Hell, even during the rush she was feeling her actions coming back to bite her and still insisted on carrying on despite all the signs that she should be stopping immediately. Her need to help, as well as her desire to break into the business, kept her going far past the point where the vixen should’ve turned around and asked for a five minute break; after saying goodbye for the night and driving home as fast as possible, her real challenge began. Forced to swap out between multiple different types of brew in quick succession, it wasn’t just enough for her tits to change what came out of them; seeing as they acted like kegs themselves, they had to work on overdrive to change whatever was inside of them so there wouldn’t be any mix-up in terms of taste. While the process itself was quick enough that Nady didn’t need to let anyone wait for too long, it did have the side-effect of slowly bloating her out as the night went on. It was unnoticeable at first, but the compound effect mounted on itself until, by the time the doors closed, the backed-up drinks inside of her chest made putting her shirt back on more or less an impossibility. It took her ten minutes just to get the topmost button in place, after which it flew off, hit the wall, and left her wanting to shout to get her feelings out. Considering the road was clear and she had her own garage, the vixen decided to forget about decency and drive home completely topless, though given the smell left inside of her car after she did that… there were regrets. Locked inside of her bathroom, Nady took a good look at herself. Her breasts had swollen so much that her back demanded she go lie down, or at least do something about the sudden increase in weight. Never had she considered that putting that much strain on her tits would lead to that result; if anything, the vixen thought that she’d end up smaller thanks to all the draining, but her body clearly had other ideas. She quite enjoyed the look though, to be perfectly honest; if not for how painful it was to carry around, Nady might actually have had to think twice before doing something to her size, especially considering how sloshy it was. She wasn’t at all unfamiliar with anything like that, what with her bosom being what it was, but it had been so long since they’d last inflated to that degree that the vixen had completely forgotten what it felt like. It was simultaneously power, dominance and a non-insignificant amount of pure joy at being able to be that big without having
to spend money on expanders for all that extra noisy goodness. Still, there was a uniform regulation to maintain and she couldn’t fit in it in her current state, so the vixen turned to face her bathtub, let her breasts hang over the edge, and got to milking herself. The draining session took the better part of an hour and left her feeling incredibly tipsy just from the smell alone. Without an ounce of milk between the two of her sweater puppies, her bathroom was left reeking of booze, an unwelcome addition to her household even if they were two well-crafted brews. Her work wasn’t done just because her breasts were back to their old size; Nady had to spend so long cleaning the tub and rinsing out the smell that, by the time she was finished, it was halfway to sunrise and she was feeling like collapsing and just sleeping there on the cold floor. Absolutely exhausted, she dragged herself back to bed, put her absorbent pads back on, and went to sleep. Thankfully dry by the time morning came, most of her day was spent trying to come up with ideas on how to deal with the stuffing her tits got. Assuming that the number of customers would rise after such a successful debut, something her boss assured her would happen, she’d have even less time between customers to deal with the bloating. The biggest issue with that wasn’t even size as much as it was the cumulative effects of having to constantly shuffle around brews inside of her tits; the more the vixen worked them into overdrive, the higher the odds of their flavour being ruined by cross-contamination, ruining the whole point of even having her there to begin with. Something had to be done, but any solution she could come up with was either impracticable or much too expensive for her to consider… unless… There was always him. It’d be humiliating to some degree, not to mention quite likely to rile up the crowd even more than they already had been before, but it was the only way she could think of to keep her tits under control and avoid any dreaded fouling. The trip over to the dairy farm, at least, was mercifully short, even if the reunion with her old friend was incredibly embarrassing, especially given that he had to help her load the machine onto the back of the car. Awkward goodbyes were exchanged, and the vixen was off to the brewery. To say her boss was surprised at seeing her drag a milking pump into the building would be an understatement, though it was less his usual irritation and more a lack of words to describe what was going on inside his head. He knew why it was there, but lacked the ability to express how befuddled the vixen’s choice had made him, choosing to just nod quietly and let her do her thing when Nady asked if she could set up the machine behind the counter.
As was expected, the influx of customers that night was even higher than the previous one, courtesy of both the marketing campaign and all the word of mouth that came from having someone like the vixen working in the establishment. As the first couple of hours went by with dozens upon dozens of orders, Nady thanked herself for having taken the initiative earlier that day, even if she only got a few seconds every other minute to relieve the pressure; it was more than enough to help compared to the previous night’s constant filling. This, of course, left her quite surprised when suddenly the machine wasn’t working as well as it had been. At first, Nady assumed that maybe it was just the holding tank filling up, but a quick look at it revealed the cylinder to barely be a quarter-full; nevertheless, the pressure inside of her chest was mounting even quicker than in her first night there, leaving everyone around her in a state of barely-disguised panic as the vixen’s tits began to visibly grow despite the numbers of customers asking for refills having plateaued. Nady herself was looking at her boss with wide eyes, unable to explain what was happening, right before the milker’s suction cups were overloaded and popped off her thumb-sized teats, falling loudly onto the ground and letting everyone hear as two gouts of ale began splattering onto the floor. Nady was absolutely enormous by that point, easily bigger than she had been by the end of her first shift, and still her body refused to stop; despite the vixen deliberately trying to hold back the tide, her breasts continued to produce the two brews they were last calibrated for like they were being actively drained, until, in a moment of desperation, the vixen brought all of her strength to bear and heaved those two colossal mounds onto the counter, slamming them down heavily enough for every customer to turn their heads toward her. What they saw were the tips of Nady’s ears poking out the top of two gigantic, furred kegs, leaking heavily enough for the flow of booze to turn into two small arcs, gurgling and churning loudly enough to overpower the background chatter. The counter began to groan under the weight, the vixen herself barely holding back her mindless moaning as the effects of the alcohol began to take her over. Soon enough, the first few brave customers got up from their seats and approached her, believing this to just be another stunt; eager as they were to drink straight from the tap, they didn’t notice the rest of the staff looking like they’d just seen a ghost. Then again, Nady’s boss had to hand it to his new worker; he’d never seen so many people clamoring for his drinks before. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Stupid Cupid- Mission One by baboonfan
Tags: Bunny, Coming Out, Highschool, Love, M/M, Muscles, Rabbit, Teenagers, Violence (Not In Yiff)
Eros snapped his fingers again and the crystals stopped moving. The one in front of Jerry began glowing like the sun.
"This is your first mission. Your job is to see these two get together. If you succeed, you're a step closer to getting your wings. If not, you know what will happen." Eros said in his deep growling voice.
Jerry shivered, remembering the intense pain from only moments ago. He stared questioningly into the golden crystal.
"What do I do?" Jerry asked. "To use magic, just think of what you want to happen, and then snap your fingers." Eros explained. Jerry did as he was told, and just as he heard the snap, he felt a tremendous pulling sensation, sucking him into the crystal.
. . . . . . .
11 years ago:
Ben Bunny was standing in front of Furryville Highschool, nervous, but excited. This was his third highschool in two years. His parents were constantly moving around for better jobs, so he didn't have a chance to make friends, but he finally coaxed a promise out of them that this was their final move. For the next four years he was going to attend Furryville High, make some friends, and enjoy not having to relocate every few months. He began climbing the stone steps of the building, feeling the thrill he always felt on the first day of school, when he saw trouble...
xxxx - p.s. when this appears in any story, it means a switch in viewpoints.
Nate Rabbit knew damn well he was sexy, and he wasn't ashamed of it.
He was the captain of the football team, and had the build to prove it. His muscles were toned to the perfection of a model, and he was easily the most buff guy in town. Usually it was the meat eaters who grew to be muscled, or bovines, whom were born with bulk, but his dedication and numerous hours at the gym had payed off. (Not including his upright ears) he stood at six foot two in his Sophomore year, taller than all the Seniors. Nate had a beautifully cut six pack and abs, thickly muscled legs and arms, and two huge pecs. His eyes were and icy blue, filled with arrogance and anger, and his nose was an adorable pink. His raven black headfur drooped sexily into his eyes. His grey fur was fabulously trimmed all over his body, from his padded footpaws, to the tips of his long perky ears. His chest had a milky white blotch spreading from his neck, across his pecs to right above his waistline. Below the waist was every teenage girl's, heck any woman's wet dream. An oversized circumcised dick lay over two orange sized balls. Flaccid he was 7 inches, but when he became aroused, he cock was a frightening 11 inches.
He knew that every girl, herbivore or carnivore, would beg to service his godlike body. He made it a point to fuck the daylights out of all of his teammate's girls, but he knew that none would retaliate because he was so big. All they could do was quietly boil away on the inside, all the while sucking up to the big dawg. He had grown up in a super conservative house with a drill sergeant dad, who always pushed him to become bigger, stronger, better. Because of this he hated sissy fairy gayboys. Nothing gave him more pleasure than messing with queers.
The second Nate laid eyes on the new kid he that he was a pussy, with that milky white fur all over his body, and the sprinkling of freckles over his face. The big droopy ears falling into his face and tiny pink nose pegged him as a gay. He signaled his underlings to attention. They knew what to do; they've done it lots of times. They distracted the bunny while Nate circled around him. In a lightning quick motion, he grabbed the new kid's pants and briefs and pulled them down to his ankles.
"PANTSED!" Nate shouted to all the kids in the courtyard. The new kid quickly tried to pull his pants up, but Nate kept them pinned down with his superior strength. All the kids near the school now where laughing their heads off at Nate's latest victim.
When the new kid tried bending over to wretch the clothes out of Nate's steel grip, he accidently shoved his ass in Nate's face. Nate was momentarily stunned and let go of the clothing, allowing the bunny the chance to pull his pants up. The damage was done though. Nate had just gotten a face full of bunny butt.
Ben wanted to die. He had never been so embarrassed. He had always been ashamed of his chubby body, but especially his ass. He had a huge bubble butt, which he had inherited from his mother. From the back, he looked like a girl in a rap video. His secret shame had been exposed to the whole school on his first day! He could feel his whole snow white body burn red with embarrassment. Ben felt his eyes fill with tears as he ran up the stairs into the school, all the while being laughed at by the whole student body. He ran into the nearest bathroom and locked himself into a stall.
He sat on a toilet seat sobbing for the rest of the day, wondering how things could have gone so wrong on his first day.
As Nate laid on his bed that night, he only had one thing on his mind, the new kid. The guy had the perfect ass, for a girl. He'd had sex with tons of girls, but none of them had the same booty as the bunny. Then Nate realized he was fantasizing about a guy's butt. He got angry. "Stupid queer." He muttered. "Only a fag had the ass of a chick. Sticking it in my face." He dozed off, determining to make the new kid's life hell.
6 years ago:
For the past three years, Nate made Ben's life unbearable. He stuffed him in lockers, threw dodge balls at him in gym, slapped his lunch tray out of his hands, and an odd assortment of teasing and bullying. Now Nate was a senior and Ben was a junior. Unfortunately, because of Nate's bullying, Ben had not made any friends. The other students were too scared to come near Ben, fearing they would be subject to Nate's wrath by association.
Ben stuck it out. Although he had a terrible time at school, he still didn't want to move away. If he asked his parents to transfer again, they may never settle down. He decided to stay at Furryville and try to ignore Nate. Since freshman year, he had taken up running as a hobby. Thanks to all this exercise, he a lost a lot of weight and was no longer chubby. He had slimmed down to the trim, leanly muscled body of a runner. Unfortunately, no amount of running would get rid of his big butt, and he was still sort of short.
Ben did have one class he loved at Furryville high, music class. He could play a great number of instruments very well, and was on the fast track to a music scholarship at Furryville University. Only one more year of high school and his troubles were over.
If it was even possible, Nate had become even hotter. He had put on about fifty pounds of pure muscle, and had grown to six foot five. He had even gotten a nipple pierced with a tiny gold ring. He was the king of the school, and everyone knew it. Even when he and his posse terrorized the other students, the principle was too scared of this ripped rabbit to get involved. His favorite victim was the pussy, Ben. Nate knew he was a fag the second the second he saw him, with that dumpy body, and those long hangin' ears, and those big, brown eyes....
What the heck was he thinkin'!? Nate shook his head to get rid of the nasty thoughts. He stripped off his gym clothes and strutted to the shower, gloriously naked. He could feel the jealous eyes of the other guys as he twitched his stumpy tail, which made his big cock slap gently on his thighs. It was the last period of the day, so most of the guys had gone home, but Nate always like to stay after class and enjoy a long, hot shower by himself. Except today, he wasn't alone. In the showers, lathering soap into his fur was that homo Ben! Ben saw Nate and his eyes grew wide in terror. Ben speedily finished his shower and ran to his locker. Nate decided that he was gonna have a little fun with the queer.
Nate turned off the shower, put on his jock strap, and sauntered over to Ben's locker. Ben was still naked and drippy, and when he saw Nate, he shivered from fear and cold. Nate put on his best pissed-off face. He was going to humiliate the queer, than kick his ass. "I saw you Bunny. I saw you lookin' at my hot bod." Nate ran his hands over his pecs, down his abdominals, stopping just at the spot above his cup. Ben's eyes trailed Nate's fingertips, as he gulped nervously.
"N.. No, I wasn't. I..I swear!" Ben implored.
"Don't give me that crap! I bet you jack off just thinking about me." Nate sneered. Ben secretly agreed with him. Many lonely nights had been filled with pleasuring himself to the image of Nate. He had long ago accepted his homosexuality, and had revealed himself to his parents, who accepted his whole heartedly. If anyone at school found out, however, his life would become even more unbearable than it was now. Nate now glared at him.
"DOWN ON YOUR KNEES!" he pushed Ben onto his knees in front of him. "TOUCH ME!" Nate commanded. Ben hesitantly raised his hands to Nate's pecs. He knew he was in danger, but he couldn't help becoming aroused. He felt his bunny dick begin to stiffen.
"GET INTO IT!" Nate shouted. Ben rubbed Nate's chest harder, flicking his thumbs over Nate's nipple, playing with the ring. Despite himself, Nate was becoming VERY hard underneath his cup. If the coach hadn't given him a special cup to accommodate his enormous package, his jock may have snapped from the pressure. Nate didn't know why this felt so good, he wasn't gay. But Ben's hands were now running down Nate's abs, feeling the wonderful ridges, and Nate almost murred his pleasure. He decided to change tactics.
"GET ON THE BENCH!" he shouted. Ben fearfully laid facedown on the wooden bench between the lockers. He felt his erection get pushed against his body, and the softness of his fur felt good against his smooth dick.
"GET YOUR ASS IN THE AIR!" Ben compliantly lifted his butt up. "MMM, you have a sweet ass. It looks like a girl's ass." Nate bent down to Ben and pulled his cheeks apart. Hidden between the white valleys of fur, lay a tiny pink rosebud of a hole. Perfect. Before he knew what he was doing, Nate bent forward and gave a deep lick. Ben let out a surprised squeak.
That sound. That was the sexiest sound Nate had ever heard. None of his girlfriends made that sound. He was hard as steel behind his cup. He needed to hear that again. He gave another lick to the pucker. No sound. He tried again, but he only heard the barest whimper. He looked at Ben's face. Ben had shoved a hand into his mouth to muffle his sounds. Nate yanked Ben's arms back, and gave Ben another lick. Ben let out another defeated squeak. It sounded like a chew toy, but it drove Nate crazy with lust.
Yes, this was what he wanted. This was what he had been dreaming of for years. Why hadn't he done this before? Nate let go of Ben's arms, and Ben gave a surprised squeal. Nate now knew what he wanted. He pulled off his jock when he heard voices coming through the locker room door. Some of his teammates must have had a late workout. Quickly Nate donned his shorts and t-shirt and quietly ran out the back door of the locker room. The stunned Ben was left on the cold bench, holding the athletic supporter. A senior monkey saw him first. "Holy shit!" The monkey shrieked. "That fag is humping the bench!" The second linemen, a falcon, chimed in. "He's jackin' to some guy's jock!" "Fuckin' pussy!" a pitbull growled. The footballers pounced on poor Ben, punching him in the stomach and crotch, yanking his ears, and their final act of cruelty was to stomp on his hands, knowing his love of music. Then they left him of the icy floor of the locker room, bleeding and semi conscience until the night janitor discovered him later. Xxxxx
Oh my god. That was soooooo good. It was also very close. Nate wasn't the quarterback for nothing. He ran quicker than any guy on the field, and when he had heard the guys entering the locker room, he ran home. When he arrived, he found that no one was home. Immediately he stripped and laid down on the sofa. Nate needed to relieve himself of his load. He stroked his big dick, picturing the image of Ben, naked and wet, squeaking with desire, going mad with pleasure. Only two strokes finished him off. He groaned and thrust up his hips. Instantly a shower of cum shot out of his dick, coating him and the coach with a thick layer of rabbit jizz. Nate sighed with relief and tweaked a nipple. He needed to start cleaning up now.
After three days, Ben was still in a slight coma. After the janitor found him, he immediately called 911. At first it was difficult finding the culprits, until one of the girlfriends of the jocks overheard him and his buddy bragging how he put that faggot bunny in the hospital. Ben parents pressed charges on all Ben's tormentors, most of which ended up in juvenile hall. Of course, Nate was named the top tormentor, and his parents were informed of some of the horrible things their son had done the past couple years. They had decided to send Nate to the toughest military training school in the country. They had offered to give him one chance to make things right. Under the strict supervision of an extremely muscled male nurse, he was allowed to visit Ben and make amends. He wrote a letter of apology to Ben and asked the bear if he could please deliver it when Ben woke up. The bear agreed and led him out of the room, into his bleak looking future.
Ben woke up two days after Nate's visit. He held Nate's letter carefully in his bandaged hands. The doctor had told him that although he would recover, his fingers would never regain their former dexterity. He would never be able to play an instrument again. With tears in his eyes, he carefully opened the letter.
Dear Ben,
I'm sorry. I know that I can never undo what I've done to you, but I'm only can hope that you will forgive me one day. I never realized why I picked on you, until now. I'm in love with you, and it took me until now to figure it out. I loved you the first time I saw you on the steps of the school. I will probably never see you again, so you don't need to worry anymore. I hope to see you again someday, when I'm a better man. Hopefully Nate Rabbit will just be a distant bad memory.
Love, love, love Nate
Ben closed the letter angrily. Why did this have to happen?! He finally found someone who loved him and now he would never see him again. After crying for half an hour, he decided to look at some collage brochures. His heart may be broken, but he still had his dreams.
4 years ago:
Ben had just got out of his music theory class at Furryville University. His professor had droned on and on about Bach's composition, and he just wanted to get to his dorm room and fall asleep. When he arrived at his room, he saw cardboard boxes strewn about. He probably got a new roommate. The guy walked out of the bathroom and gasped. It was Nate! His shiny raven hair had been cut into a buzz cut, and he had put on even more mass, but it was definitely Nate! "Ben..."Nate breathed. "I'm sorry. I didn't know. If you want I can change rooms.." he couldn't utter another word, as Ben had launched himself on top of Nate. Ben was desperately clawing at Nate's clothes, yearning to touch him.
"Hehe, I missed you too." Nate chuckled. "So you don't hate me?" "'Course not. I love you too! I've been waiting to tell you that for over two years! Now FUCK ME!!" "Happy to oblige." Nate stood up and took off his pants. As Nate took off his shirt, Ben ran his hands through the fur on his stomach. Nate's body was even more defined than before. Muscles bulged and relaxed with every intake of breath.
"I'm feeling kinda exposed, being the only one nearly naked." Nate said. "Well, let's fix that." Ben smirked. He stood up stripped. Since high school, he had slimmed down his figure into a very sexy runner's body, his muscles tight and defined. He turned around and exposed his pride and joy. The ass he used to despise now turned heads. It was just as big as before, but now it had become higher and more defined, the perfect bubble butt. Nate stared at the juicy ass, more aroused now than ever before in his life. Ben glanced at Nate over his shoulder, his ears drooping sexily into his eyes.
"Aren't you going to sample the goods, or are you just window shopping?" he asked coyly. "Teasing bitch!" Nate growled as he ripped the flimsy silk of his boxers from his body. Instantly, his mondo cock sprung upward and wetly slapped him in the chest. Pre spewed from the cock like a river, dampening the fluffy fur of Nate's stomach.
Nate grabbed Ben and pulled him into a tight embrace. He kept Ben's body facing forward, as they shared a passionate kiss over his shoulder. After a few minutes of the tongue fest, Ben panted out, "Please, it's been so long. I need you. NOW!" Nate needed no encouragement. He pulled Ben over to his bed, and had him stand, hands down on the bed with his ass up, his cute furry stub of a tail reaching for the sky. Nate kneeled on the floor, his dick dripping on his knees. He began tonguing Ben's rosebud, making Ben squeal with pleasure. Then the noise stopped. Nate looked up in alarm. Why did it stop?! Then he saw that Ben had stuffed a fist in his mouth. "Why are you doing that?! I love the noise you make. Don't stop." He yanked the fist out of Ben's mouth. Then he bent his knees slightly and rammed his dick up Ben's bunnyhole. Ben lurched forward and gasped. He suddenly felt so full.
"Stop. I don't want to make that sound. It's so embarrassing." Ben moaned as Nate thrust forward. Nate gave one more deep lunge, and Ben let out a very high pitched SQUEAK! "Oh, that was wonderful baby. Can you do it again? Can you? Please?" Nate begged. He punctuated each question with a powerful thrust. Each of his motions was reciprocated with a loud squeak from Ben. Finally, they both reached their peak.
At the final moment, Nate grabbed Ben's chin, turned his around and kissed him. They both gushed torrents of cum out of their dicks onto the bedspread, moaning into each other's mouths. Afterwards, they lay spent in each other's arms exhausted and happy. In the office of admissions, a hugely muscled bear smiled as he gazed into a crystal.
5 minutes ago.
Ben raised his conductor's wand to direct the woodwind section to play more softly. A raccoon girl whispered excitedly to her gal pal next to her. "GOD, he is so HOT!" "I know, did you see his ASS?!" her lizard friend said. "And I LOVE his eyes." A marmoset student walked into the music room of Furryville High. "You got a note from Mr. Rabbit sir."
"Oh, really?" Ben said with pretend disinterest. He glanced quickly at the note and smiled. "Be back in a few kids. Coach Rabbit needs something real quick. Just keep practicing your finger exercises." He quickly walked out the door to the teacher's lounge.
Sitting in a padded chair with his legs propped up on the table was the sexiest rabbit in the world. He pushed the baseball cap out of his eyes and grinned. He stood up and stretched, the muscles under his shirt threatening to rip his shirt. "Hey, babe. Care for a quicky?" Nate asked with a grin. "You know it stud." Ben answered, locking the door.
1 minute ago.
Mr. Tiger was talking to the janitor, Mr. Bear outside the locked door of the teacher's lounge. "What's the problem Jerry?" Mr. Tiger asked. The big hunky bear grinned. "Got a problem with the plumbing. Keeps making a weird noise. Don't know why."
Inside the lounge, the muscular coach was pounding the hell out of the music teacher's ass while he made a squeaking sound reminiscent of a possessed dog toy. The panting studs were blissfully unaware of the danger they were in as they expressed their love in the most beautiful way possible.
Jerry grinned after Mr. Tiger left. He cupped a hand over his ear to better hear the sounds of love coming from inside. "Mission accomplished." Then he snapped his fingers and disappeared. | FSE |
Title: Chapter 2: Apparition by AzureFlameKite
Tags: Action, Bear, Kissing, M/M, Raccoon, Tiger, Wolf
The large wolf dashed into the front door of the apartment, sliding across the hardwood floor. The door slammed shut behind him, the wall vibrating from the force. He dashed into the living room, taking a quick. The wolf lost his balance, slamming into a large desk. The phone fell on his head and he muttered a curse, "Shit!" He rubbed his head and began regaining his bearings. He snatched the phone up and punched numbers in at a rapid rate of speed. His fingers blurred on the last few numbers, his form shaking with apprehension. The phone purred out mixed dial tones as he listened in great intensity. He rocked and bounced back in forth, biting on his claws. A tenor voice picked up the phone, "Moshi Moshi,"
He launched into hasty speech, all of his anticipation pouring out at once, "What the hell Miatsu Kun?! You where supposed to be online an hour ago. I've just been killing level 20 monsters on my own waiting for you ya know!"
Miatsu chuckled dryly, "Ha ha ha, I'm sorry Toruko. Tsuyo kun hasn't shown up yet and I'm getting kind of worried,"
Toruko rubbed his temples in frustration, "Look, Just get your ass in there as soon as possible."
Miatsu sat quiet for a while and asked, "Maybe you should take a break, you know...for a couple days."
Toruko nodded his head, "I can't believe you just said that Miatsu. You know as long as Aokouen is in there, I will never EVER give up...you got that?"
Miatsu was silent for a while, and then his tenor voice cut through the line, "I know, I'm sorry."
Toruko sighed, "Its fine. Just make sure you come in this time, I'm tired of being the only one in the Guild home."
The wolf on the other end answers, "Alright, I will... promise."
Toruko pushed the off button and put the phone back on the charger. He walked out of the living room and into a narrow hallway. He felt his bare paws slap across the cold hardwood floor. He made it to the end and pushed a small door open. The scent of blueberries was the first thing that caught his senses. His legs became lead as he walked into the room, his face lined in pain. He walked up to the large bunk bed and fell to his knees.
The bottom bunk was void of anything except a crease in the center of a pillow lying at the end of the bed. His own top bunk had been cluttered with hundreds of papers, books, and other useless trash. But Aokouen's bunk was always clean; it was always void of any error or flaw.
He bent down and smelled the comforter, then proceeded to bury his face in it. He wailed into the comforter, sobbing uncontrollably. He thumped his fist into the side of the bed in anger and contempt, but then stopped. He felt only pure fury set in; he raised his head and set his fiery eyes on the far desk. He walked up to the desk and stared at it, on its surface rested two headsets and two controllers.
He bent down and hesitated; he reached over and grabbed the one initialed A.K. He decided if he was going to find Aokouen, It would be with his headset alone. He snatched up the controller and flicked it on. The headset fit snuggly on his head, making it easier to keep on his face. He chuckled to himself when he remembered Aokouen and him fighting over who should get which headset. Now he was using Aokouen's. He flipped the headset on and it flashed white, slowly filling with color.
An automated voice flowed out of the headset, "Welcome to THE WORLD R:X"
He smiled lightly and signed in as his usual character, Toruko. He clicked submit and the screen flashed again, "Thank you and enjoy your stay in THE WORLD,"
He saw colors rapidly change, hues begin to grow and multiply in size. Everything around him spun and zigzagged left and right, then suddenly...everything stopped. He stared into the open air, unsure of his first move. The capital was bustling as usual, people chatting with friends, players trading in the market, even younger children ran by holding the strangest of rare items. He loved how the world could change its rating from E to M depending on the filter put in any individual headset. Children usually got the Safety headset, which allowed them to get the full experience of the game, without swearing or blood and gore. A teenager's headset allowed them to get mild swearing and some gore, but an adult headset always has a gore and intense language setting. This made THE WORLD accessible to anyone of any age. He saw adults, children, even seniors playing THE WORLD.
He walked past other players, hands jammed in his pockets. He scanned the town square eyeing people as they past by. He stopped suddenly at the site of a young Dual Edge sitting on a nearby bench. He reminded him of Aokouen so much, the Devil May Care look on his face, his nonchalant slouch. His whole demeanor screamed Aokouen, but this man was not Aokouen. He was taller and bulkier, he was muscular yet slightly chubby, but most of all, he was a bear. Toruko walked over to him and took a carefree pose, "So, you're the one who sent in the guild request aren't you?"
The bear looked up, scanning the White Adept Rogue up and down, "Yeah, why?"
He smiled wickedly, "Well, I'm the guild leader. I'm responsible for handling any requests that come in and out."
The Bear began to chuckle, "Ha ha ha. You're the guild leader? You?! Your only level 23!"
The wolf chuckled slightly with him, and then slammed a foot into his chest, "You listen to me smartass, its not always about the level. It takes real talent to do what I can and let me tell you. I've Pk'ed guys twice your level." He got closer to the bear and whispered in his ear, "So don't fuck with me....got it?"
The bear only stared wide eyed. He nodded lightly, his body in real life shaking slightly.
Toruko took his foot off the bear's chest and smiled, "I don't think you can join...not yet anyway."
The bear stuttered, "W-w-Why the hell not?!"
Toruko chuckled darkly, "Because.... You're pathetic," Toruko stalked away, waving a slight farewell, "Ciao,"
The bear started to steep in his growing fury. He picked himself up and walked hastily to the chaos gate, "Pathetic am I, little fucker. I'm gonna show him whose pathetic!"
He got up to the Chaos gate and thought for a moment, "Think I'll go try out the new field," he mutters slightly, his bass voice coming out gruff, " **?** Gatling armored Homefront,"
The chaos gate rattled and spun, gold rings passing over his able frame. The scene changed much more rapidly then logging on did, it just flashed from one area to the next. He stared out into the open field. He could see broken down war machines and futuristic devices scattered across the ground. Turrets littered trenches and towers lined the horizons, along with a large snow covered stone wall. He jumped down from the chaos gate, landing by a tree and scanning the battlefield.
The young Adept rogue raised his Twin blades up, scanning the open field. A large mech like creature cut its way through a steel wall, charging towards the wolf with incredible speed. He stared at the level thirty monster and cackled, "Bring it!"
The monster leapt into the air, coming down on the Adept rogue. He flipped to the side, dodging the blow, causing the Monsters blade to become buried in the ground. The Adept Rogue dashed forward, cartwheeling across the ground. He had turned himself into a spinning deathwheel. He slammed into the monster, cutting of one of his legs. It stumbled, crashing to the ground.
Even though the Adept Rogue was nowhere near the level required to kill it, he had successfully outsmarted and crippled it. He reached behind his back and pulled out a long Katana, he walked up to the monster and began slashing at it while it was down. It thrashed about, screaming in agony. He continued to slash wildly, draining its health a little at a time. Once it reached desired half heath, the Adept Rogue pulled a bomb out of his pocket. He laid it next to the monster and dashed out. The mech began to thrash about, trying to get into a standing position.
Intead that only made it worse, the monster hit the motion sensor and was blown to bits. The explosion caused the ground to shake and tremble, smoke rising high into the air. A fiery plume could be seen from the bear, standing no more then a few yards away. He couldn't believe what he just saw, a level 15 Adept Rogue take down a level 30 monster. The Adept Rogue stared at the bear from a distance and then dashed at him.
He felt fear well up inside his chest, he was certain this guy was gonna PK his ass. He pulled out his Dual blades and stood at the ready, but an unearthly howl caught his ears. He turned his head and noted that a whole pack of iron clad dogs where rushing towards him at a ridiculous rate of speed. They where running on all fours, growling and snarling ferally. The Adept rogue crashed into the bear, knocking him onto the ground. He raised his left arm and yelled, "DATA DRAIN!" A small stream of light came screaming out of his open palm, it enveloped the dogs, turning them into useless data. He watched the golden orb in the distance grow; enveloping everything it came into contact with. Once it had dissipated, a large crater was created in the ground
Suddenly, the ground started vibrating, and the horizon became dotted with more dogs and Mechs. The White Adept rogue became angry, "The fuck with this, lets get the hell out of here!" He helps the bear up and they dash towards the chaos gate.
The bear looks at the Adept Rogue and asks, "Have we met before?!"
The Adept Rogue huffs, as if getting tired, "Not sure I have!"
The Dogs ran forward, nipping at the bear's heels. The bear begins to panic, "Ah Shit!!! We're so fucking screwed!"
The Adept Rogue huffs more, but He's still slightly faster then the Dual edge, "C'mon man, speed it up a little!"
The Dual Edge complains, "I'm trying!!"
The Dogs Continue to nip at his heels, arduously making their way forward. The bear yells out, "This is fucking stupid!"
The Chaos gate comes into view and the Adept rogue grabs the bear's hand, leaping into the air. The Adept Rogue touches the gate and yells, "Aqua Capital Mac Anu!" the area changes, turning back into the beautiful spacious town. The Adept Rogue falls on the ground, his body covered in sweat. He gasps for air, his body trembling.
The bear stares at him and asks, "Are you really sweating?"
The Adept Rogue lies, "It's an expansion pack,"
The bear crosses his arms, sitting on the stone ground, "I see," he looked down at the Adept Rogue and realized where he had seen him before, "Hey, I know who you are, I saw you walking around here earlier. You where the prick who wouldn't let me join your guild!"
The Adept Rogue sat up, his eyes filled with surprise, "There was a guy walking around here who looked like me?!"
The Dual Edge was taken aback, "Uhhh....yeah, I thought it was you?"
The wolf's surprised look died down to a smoldered distemper. He eyed the ground in contempt, "Well he's not me that's for sure."
The bear looked at the Adept Rogue and put out a friendly paw, "'Names Zeke, you?"
The Wolf grinned widely, shaking his paw, "My name is Yugure,"
The bear looked at him, face lined in confusion, "So, do you live in Japan?"
Yugure looks at him and sits up, looking down at the ground, "...Somewhat,"
Zeke looks at him with sad eyes, "How 'bout I add you to my friends list?"
Yugure looks at him from the corner of his eye, "I'd like that,"
The bear smiled widely, "No problem,"
They exchanged information and sat quietly for a moment. He sighed and asked the bear a question, "Can you do me a favor?"
Zeke looked at the wolf with a small smile, "Sure, what is it?"
The Adept rogue looked at the Dual Edge with sad eyes. He pulled a small cross pendant from his pocket and gave it to the bear, "Could you give this to the man who looks like me? I'd much appreciate it,"
The Bear took the pendant and put it in his pocket, "Sure, but I have no idea where to begin looking."
Yugure chuckled, "Ha ha ha... That's no problem, I've got the guild location and the password,"
Zeke frowned, "Isn't that, against the rules or somthin'?"
Yugure pleaded, "Please, give this to him. I'm begging you,"
The Dual Edge muttered, "Alright alright, I'll do it," He looked at the wolf with a small blush on his face.
Yugure didn't notice, he got up and smiled, "Well, I'm off. I'll send you a pm with the information."
Zeke gave a peace sign, "Sounds cool, see ya,"
The White Adept Rogue went back to the Chaos gate and muttered another code. He was whisked away immediately, leaving the bear with a sense of longing. Not to much long later he got a pm from him, it had the guild information directly on it. He smiled, got up and wiped the rubble and dust off his characters clothes. Zeke read the pm carefully and stalked off, paws in his pockets.
A large muscular raccoon falls into a nearby chair, raking his fingers through his fur. He sighs and asks, "Why did you call us in here again, Toruko san?"
Toruko turned around, his face grave, "There's been some talk on the forums about a White Adept Rogue wandering forbidden and closed areas. He's even said to transport without a chaos gate."
A large Tiger stalks left and right, his tail thrashing about, "Big deal, it could be some sort of AI or an event of some sort,"
Toruko snaps, his words coming out with white hot intensity, "Maybe that is the case, Yuki. But its strange when this Adept Rogue resembles me is it not?!"
Yuki stops dead, Amaterasu leans forward, and Miatsu comes out from the back room, "Really, they've spotted Yugure kun?!!"
Yuki still denies this, "It could be anything, lets not jump to conclusions now."
Amaterasu speaks up, his coon voice growling with contempt, "Funny Yuki san. I remember how sure you where last time. When Yugure san was deleted! You said he just logged of, said he was probably taking a shower!!! You have no right to even be here, you don't even care about Yugure san!!"
Miatsu raised his voice, "Amaterasu, enough!"
The raccoon went silent, leaving the room with an empty feeling. Toruko spoke up again, "While unnecessary that was amaterasu, he has a point Yuki. Even if stated on a forum, you should never doubt what you read, especially if it's an online game."
The Admin bowed his head, scanning the ground. He muttered a soft apology, "I'm sorry,"
Miatsu spoke up, his voice demanding, "Are these sightings locations posted?"
Toruko nodded his head, "Unfortunately, they're not. The forums haven't had any updates on these apparitions."
Miatsu looks at Yuki and asks, "Well, what about CCcorp, have they got anything new on the condition of the body?"
Yuki looks at Miatsu sadly, but says nothing. Miatsu punches the wall and screams, "CCcorps isn't doing jack shit!!"
Amaterasu begins to tear up slightly in real life, the conversation becoming harder and harder for him to bear.
Miatsu ran back into the back room, slamming the door behind him. Toruko sighed, "Lets finish the conversation later. For now, no one leaves this Guild, do I make myself clear?"
Amaterasu goes into the back room as well, Yuki answers, "Yes sir, will do sir."
Amaterasu walks to Miatsu's shaking form and sits next to him. He looks into the Black Adept Rogues frightened eyes and asks, "Do you think Yugure san is okay?"
The Adept Rogue looks at his best friend and collapses into his chest, sobbing in real life. "I don't know Tsuyo kun, Its like...There's nothing I can do."
Amaterasu hugs him close, in real life and in game. He strokes the wolf's ears and smiles, "Hey, remember when that girl kept hitting on you in gym class?"
Miatsu looked up at the raccoon and chuckled, "Ha ha ha, wasn't that rare? Girls never hit on me."
Tsuyo commented further, "Why not, you're not bad looking at all,"
Miatsu sat up, "R-Really? S, so, what do you like about me then?"
Amaterasu didn't mean to unleash his feelings so suddenly, but they came forth like a flooded river, "Well, your dark blue eyes are amazing, you got the coolest smile, you can talk to anyone so easily without even trying, you're the best at baseball, you've got the coolest looking fur, and on top of that your martial arts skills are top notch. Even as a noob in THE WORLD you where still excellent at dodging and evading."
Miatsu flushed red, "You think that much of me?"
Tsuyo looked down at the wolf's blushing form and his face burned. He unintentionally made his darkest desire slip. Miatsu came close to the raccoon's muzzle, lips trembling in apprehension. Tsuyo just stared in shock, his body frozen. The wolf pressed his lips firmly to the raccoons, his tongue gently slipping inside his muzzle. Tsuyo felt it in real life, as well as saw it in game. The weight of his body, the scent of his fur, all of it was intoxicating.
Miatsu broke the kiss and blushed wildly. A big goofy grin broke over his face, "He he...That was amazing,"
Amaterasu smiled, hiding his aroused expression, "Uh, Y-yeah it was."
Miatsu lay down in the raccoons lap and drifted into a gentle sleep. Tsuyo began to stroke his back carefully, his hand rubbing warmth into him.
Zeke walked forward, the dark alley becoming more unappealing with every step he took. He made his way toward the chalk drawing in the ground and stared at it. It pointed towards a dead end, but he knew better. He walked over to the brick wall and muttered the password "Silent lord sleeping lion," The wall did nothing, so he did as Yugure instructed. He walked into the wall, the surface slipping past him. His eyes Widened as he saw a grand spiral staircase and marble columns. He walked forward, enamored by the architecture. He went up the spiral staircase slowly, taking in his surroundings. The blinding white, gold and the stunning black ran up thee course of the walls, making them appear eerily closer then they actually where.
He made it to the top of the stairs and chose the door to the far left. He swung it open with an audible thrust, "Hello?"
Toruko's ears perked up. He turned around, shocked expression on his face, "H, How did you get in here?!"
Yuki noticed the player and pulled on his left arm; as if to data drain him. The Dual Edge Flinched, "Wait, I was told to give you something!"
Toruko yelled accusingly, "So you broke into my guild to give it to me?!"
Miatsu and Amaterasu came running out of the back room, Miatsu hollered, "What the hell is going on in here?!"
Zeke frowned, tossing his hands up into the air, "Well isn't this great, I've got the whole guild on my ass!"
Yuki snarled, "Well what did you expect, a welcoming party?"
Amaterasu waved, "Hello" he put on a happy smile.
Miatsu remained expressionless, but not hostile.
Zeke sighed, "Look, do you want it or not?!"
Toruko snarled, his face registering contempt and severity, "If it can wait until we're done in here, then no I don't!"
Zeke turned around, looking back with a grimace on his face, "You guys are supposed to be Yugure's friends? All I see is a bunch of assholes,"
Toruko froze, "Yu-Yugure?"
Yuki became angry, "How the hell do you know yugure?!
Amaterasu was a little slow, still on the insult, "Hey, I was nice! Oh wait, did you say yugure?"
Miatsu begged, "You have something from Yugure kun?! Can I see it, please?!"
Zeke froze, his eyes still holding contempt, "I don't know. I think you've done enough as it is. You can all wait until tomorrow,"
Yuki hollered, "Give it to us, now!!"
Amaterasu punched Yuki in the face, "Shut up asshole!"
Toruko panicked, "No wait, please!!"
Miatsu walked forward, eyes weighed down with sadness. He looked at the bear and whimpered, "Please....please give it to us...please."
Zeke looked around, his heart became heavy with this young wolf's sorrow. He reached inside his pocket and held it out, "Fine...but I'm giving it to you, Since your leader there is so keen on treating me like shit."
Miatsu saw a small cross pendant fall into his paws. His eyes filled with tears in real life. He fell on his knees, rocking back and forth with the cross pendant held close to his face, "Thank you...Thank you so much."
Toruko walked forward, eyeing the bear accusingly, "Where did you get that pendant?"
Zeke turned his head away, eyes contrite, "No way in hell I'm telling you jack shit!"
Miatsu was still holding the cross close to himself, sobbing bitterly. Amaterasu walked over to Zeke and smiled, "Please tell me."
Zeke noted that he was the only other non-asshole in the guild. He smiled lightly, "Yugure gave it to me himself...Mind telling me what the big deal is?"
Toruko's eyes widened, "He gave it to you?! Himself?!"
The bear looked slightly unnerved now, "Uhm, yeah. He told me where you gouys where, the guild password, the immunity charm...everything. He wanted me to give this to you personally, but I didn't think you deserved it."
Toruko's voice raised, higher and more desperate, "Can you tell us where he is?!"
Zeke turned around, "I don't, and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. You've done enough,"
Toruko dashed forward, "Wait!"
Zeke turned around, his eyes filled with contempt, "What!"
Toruko stopped dead, then bowed his head in shame, "I...I'm sorry, I'm so sorry,"
Zeke took another look at everyone's faces, Yuki had to hide his, turning his back so no one would see. He sighed and smiled, "Na, its cool... But I would like to know what the big deal is about Yugure,"
Toruko looked up, surprised expression on his face. He glanced over to Yuki and asked, "Yuki, do you think its okay to tell him about-,"
Yuki flipped, his answer contrite, "No, he's not authorized by CCcorps!"
Toruko growled, "Yuki, Yugure trusts him!!"
Yuki held his pride down, putting his friends over his job for the first time. He frowned, blushing slightly, "Alright, tell him."
Toruko looked at the bear and launched into hasty speech, "Three months ago, Yugure got into a bad accident."
Zeke looked confused, "Accident?"
Yuki took over, "Yugure is part of a special case called the Twilight effect. It's a select few who succumb to a cryogenic like sleep while playing THE WORLD,"
Zeke looked confused still, "Cryo what?"
Toruko clarified things, "Yugure is in a coma. He's staying at a hospital owned by CCcorps,"
Zeke was now completely unmovable, He stuttered, "T-then-then how i-i-is he still playing?"
Toruko looks grave, his face lined in pain, "I don't know...that's what we're trying to find out. CCcorps is allowing us to investigate this, giving us funds and supplies....After all, Yugure isn't the only one in a coma. Countless hundreds are resting in CCcorp's hospitals, conscious's trapped inside the game."
Zeke looked pale now, "So, Is that why you didn't let me join before?"
Toruko looked pale as well, "Yes, that's the exact reason,"
The bear got defensive, "Your doing the opposite of what you really should do! You're supposed to find more members to strengthen your cause! "
The bear walks over to the wolf and stretches out his paw, slightly cuffed. Toruko eyes this paw in his face, but does the same. He cups his paw together with his and answers, "You're right,"
Amaterasu came over, patting the bear on the shoulder, "Welcome to the guild err....Zeke," he said, reading the bears information. Miatsu was done crying, however, he wrapped his arms around the bears wide neck, holding him close, "He he. Cool, a new face,"
Zeke looked over at Yuki, who smiled and nodded. Zeke smiled back, blushing slightly. | FSE |
Title: Beginning Again Ch. 01
Tags: romance, consensual, oral sex, submissive female
*Author's note:
I expect this to be a longer piece – maybe six or seven chapters. All characters are fictional adults. Your feedback is welcome and gratefully accepted. Thank you for reading.*
Mac paced the tiny, one-room apartment. The rubber soles of his wet sneakers squealed against the faded linoleum floor in the kitchenette and left soggy tracks on the thin carpet of the bedroom area. The heavy rain had soaked his jeans and t-shirt clear through; they clung to him like a clammy second skin. He barely noticed the chill through the pain of a crushing headache.
He stopped briefly next to the window and pulled the stained curtains aside just enough to peer down at the street three stories below.
No cops. Not yet, anyway.
He resumed his pacing. His skull felt like it was splitting down the centre and he pressed his thumbs into his temples. He had to think. He just needed a few minutes to figure it all out.
He passed the couch. The girl. She was shivering violently. Sobbing. Rainwater plastered her long, black hair and a thin white shift against her skin. Scrapes on her knees and elbows left traces of blood on the linen. She lay curled on her side, eyes closed, whimpering.
"Shh. Be quiet, it's okay," he said, trying to sound soothing and realizing how insane that was. She had every reason to be terrified. Her crying continued unabated.
He crossed to the door of the apartment, checked that the lock was set, the deadbolt secured. Now what to do? Find a weapon, maybe? He hurried back to the window and peeked past the curtain. Still no cops. Rain coming down in sheets.
The pain in his head caused a brief wave of nausea to break over him. He found the plastic pill bottle on the floor and ripped off the cap. Still empty. How had he gone through a hundred Tylenol in just two weeks? He considered making another run to the drugstore but it was past curfew; he didn't want to fuck up his parole. Not after seven years inside. He looked back at the girl and realized his problems were likely bigger than breach of parole.
He staggered back to the girl, dropped to his knees in front of the couch.
"There's blood...are you hurt?" he asked. When she didn't answer he grabbed her right wrist and tried to peel her arm away from her ribcage, doing his best to ignore the way the wet cotton was see-through in places. He was just checking her for injury, after all. Nothing indictable. Her wrist was bone-thin and felt fragile in his hand. He noticed then that his knuckles were cut, throbbing and weeping blood.
She squeaked and pulled her arm back against her chest, curled tighter into a defensive ball, eyes squeezed shut.
"Don't hurt me, please! Just...just let me go. Please." her voice was a teary whisper soaked in desperation.
Let her go? No, no chance of that. Not until he could explain, make her see that this was all just a huge fuck-up. Nothing criminal. Nothing the cops needed to know about, that's for damn sure. He'd find a way to make her understand.
But first, he needed to remember. He started pacing again and tried to fight through the raging agony in his head. Tried to piece things together.
He'd made instant soup and white toast for dinner. Planned for an early night so he could start his job search at the break of dawn the next morning. Got another headache but found he had no pills left. The pain was bad enough that he'd run for the drugstore just at the edge of curfew. He remembered leaving his apartment just as the sky started to dump rain. Then...
Then nothing. Just a blank space where his memory should be. And then he'd found himself climbing the stairs to his apartment with a semi-conscious young woman slung over his shoulder.
He squeezed his head with his hands. The pressure dulled the pain just a little. Too little. It hurt to think. He swore and kicked a rickety kitchen chair, launching it across the room where it bashed a dinner plate-sized hole in the thin plaster wall. It felt good to hit something. Really good. He turned back to the girl.
"Look, let's go to bed...try to figure this out in the morning," he said, not sure if he was speaking to her or just thinking out loud.
"No...please...I won't tell. Just let me go."
He watched her shiver for a moment, wondering if terror or wet clothes were more responsible. He squeezed his head tighter. What would it take for this shitty evening to be over at last?
"Take that off. I'll get you dry clothes," he said, turning to his battered particle-board dresser.
"No! Please don't..."
"Take it off!" He roared, more forcefully than he intended.
Why was she making this difficult? Change into dry clothes, then sleep. Somehow this would all make sense in the morning. The pain made him want to puke.
She slowly peeled off the sopping shift. Her eyes were wide now, staring past him like he wasn't there. He threw a t-shirt and some track pants onto the couch next to her, then turned away. The sight of a young woman undressing held no allure for him when his pain was so overwhelming.
He walked to the tiny bathroom and ransacked it, looking for any Tylenol he might have forgotten he had. None.
He stripped off his sneakers, socks, shirt and jeans. His briefs were damp from the rain but he decided to leave them on. Didn't want to be totally naked if the cops burst into the apartment and found him with a girl who didn't want to be there. They wouldn't even need a warrant; it was one of the conditions of his parole.
Stepping back into the main room, his eyes were drawn to the naked young woman cringing in front of the couch trying to hide herself behind her skinny arms. The wet shift sat in a lump at her feet. Her terrified eyes stared at the wall just to the left of him. For several moments they both stood in silence.
"What are you doing?" he asked.
"You said...dry clothes..."
They stared at each other for another few seconds. Was she an idiot?
"Right there!" He gestured to the couch. She continued to stare in his direction. He was almost at his limit. He clenched his fists. Tried to remember his anger management. Breathe. Count.
She looked at him uncomprehending for a moment longer, then crouched, uncovered her small breasts and began to tentatively run her hand over the floor to the front and sides of her.
She was blind?
He took a deep breath and pressed his palms into his eyeballs. He didn't care. He just wanted to be unconscious. He'd deal with it – somehow – in the morning.
"On the couch. To your left," he said.
When he took his hands away from his eyes a minute later she was dressed. He walked up to her and grabbed her arm firmly just under her shoulder. She was so thin that his hand almost fully encircled her upper arm. She tried to pull back but he was having none of it and was much stronger than she was. He roughly guided her to the edge of his single bed until her knees bumped the mattress, then pulled the sheet and comforter down.
"Lie down."
"I...don't want..."
"Don't say another goddamn word. Just lie down and close your eyes." His voice was a harsh whisper. The agony between his temples was too intense. If he didn't sleep soon he'd have to put his fist through something. Or someone.
He watched as she lowered herself onto the mattress and curled into a tight ball, then he flipped the blankets over her.
Trudging back to the couch, he paused to kick her soggy, balled-up shift off the carpet and onto the ugly linoleum of the kitchenette, then he thew himself down onto the couch. He didn't care that it was damp. He didn't care that it was rough against his skin, or that it smelled musty. He didn't even care that it was a half a foot too short for a man of his height. He closed his eyes and breathed and counted and focused on unclenching his jaw. It didn't happen fast, but eventually he found sleep.
The sound of breaking glass brought him suddenly awake. He was on his feet even before he'd found his bearings. Sunlight tried to force its way through two large, dirty windows. The pain in his head had dulled but not vanished; it still throbbed in his temples. Not much of a reprieve but he welcomed it nonetheless.
The young woman was on her feet too, near the kitchenette, rooted to the spot with a terrified look on her face. Fragments of a broken drinking glass, knocked off the counter, lay scattered at her bare feet. His track pants and t-shirt looked almost comically over-sized on her tiny frame.
He sighed. A new day had arrived. Now to see if he could endure it.
"Don't move," he said, his voice gravelly.
"I'm sorry. I just need to use the bathroom. I can clean it up," she said, dropping into a crouch.
"Don't move!" he said, now with more annoyance. She froze. Jesus, nothing was ever easy.
He pulled on some old jeans and a white undershirt and then approached her, careful not to put his bare feet down on broken glass. In one easy motion he lifted her into his arms, then carefully stepped to the bathroom door. She weighed next to nothing and the warmth of her thin body in his arms felt good. Human contact in prison had been rare and unwelcome. He kicked last night's wet clothes out of the way before setting her on her feet again.
"Toilet's on your right. There's a shower if you want. Dry towel on the wall rack," he said, then pulled the door shut as he left.
As he carefully swept the linoleum and carpet for glass shards, Mac tried to figure out what he was going to do with the girl. She was blind. She couldn't identify him. Maybe he could walk her down to a coffee shop and just leave her there. It wasn't like he had hurt her or anything – not that he remembered, anyway. No reason for her to involve the cops. He'd only abducted her, refused to let her leave, then made her take her clothes off in front of him.
Fuck. His parole officer wouldn't be amused.
He decided to make breakfast for his unwilling guest. Instant coffee, canned soup and some toast with margarine. Sit her down. Explain things. She seemed a reasonable type – she wasn't screaming or hysterical. And he had a little money he'd earned in prison. Not lots, but maybe enough to smooth things over. It could work.
He heard the shower running. That had to be a good sign. If she was really freaked out she wouldn't be having a shower, he reasoned. A hot shower and a hot breakfast would have her seeing things his way. So to speak.
By the time her shower ended he'd boiled the kettle and had vegetable soup simmering on the stove. He pushed the bread down into the toaster. It was buttered and sliced when the bathroom door opened. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to force himself into the role of a nice guy. He wished his head would stop aching for a damn second so he could focus.
He stepped up to her and grabbed her elbow gently. She flinched at he contact but didn't try to pull away. "Come and sit down. What do you take in your coffee?" He tried to make his voice soft and non-threatening.
He steered her to the tiny table near the kitchenette and got her seated.
"Sugar," she said in a quiet voice. Her expression was guarded, her eyes followed his sounds as he moved through the room. She seemed tense and nervous but no longer terrified, probably figuring that if he intended to do something horrible to her, he'd have done it already.
He stirred the sugar into her coffee, pushed the mug into her hand, slid the toast in front of her and invited her to eat. He felt relieved when she took a bite of toast. All according to plan so far. She finished one slice and then another, alternating bites with sips of coffee. She seemed hungry.
Her damp, black hair fell over her shoulders in loose curls. A tan complexion suggested Hispanic or Latino roots. In her early twenties, maybe. She had pretty, dark eyes, although he could see in them a weariness that suggested life hadn't been easy on her. Her body was well-proportioned but too thin; she looked fragile and undernourished.
"There's soup too," he said, "And if you want more toast just say so."
She nodded, then was silent for a few more mouthfuls.
"What's your name?" she said at last.
"My name?" He trailed off as he weighed his options. If she knew his name she could identify him. Should he refuse? Give a fake name? Change the subject?
"You don't have to say if you don't want," she said.
He sighed.
"Call me Mac," he said, figuring it was a good blend of truth and evasiveness.
"I'm Nadja."
"Nice to meet you."
She just nodded and didn't say another word as he pushed the soup in front of her and pressed a spoon into her hand. She took her time with the soup, seemingly lost in thought. He rinsed her plate and coffee mug, then poured himself black coffee and downed it in hasty, bitter mouthfuls. He tried to think of something to say to break the awkward silence but couldn't figure out which direction to take the conversation. In the end he decided that silence was better than saying the wrong thing in a situation like this.
Finally she finished and left the spoon in the empty bowl.
"More?" he asked.
She shook her head. He grabbed the bowl and rinsed it. She broke the silence.
"So...what happens next?" Her tone was careful.
He hadn't figured that part out yet. His mind worked furiously, intensifying his headache.
"Well," he said slowly, "next, I let you go. I can get you a cab to take you wherever you want."
She regarded him silently. If she felt relieved, her neutral expression didn't show it.
"And...I figure maybe I could give you something to make up for the...trouble...of last night. Money, I mean. I never meant any harm. I get these headaches...they make me kind of bad-tempered sometimes."
She didn't respond, just stared in his direction. Her expression remained unreadable.
He cursed inwardly – she wasn't giving him much to go on. Should he name a figure, or wait for her to suggest a good price? If he named one she might get insulted if it was too low. But her silence suggested that she wanted him to go first. What would be a good amount? Two hundred dollars? More? Fuck!
"I want to stay," she said softly.
The request was so insane that it took a few moments for the meaning to register. Stay? With him?
"You can't stay," he said, "besides, last night you wanted to leave."
"Last night I thought you were going to kill me."
"Look, I can give you some money to get where you need to go..."
"I don't have anywhere to go," she said in a quiet voice.
Was that how she ended up outside in the pouring rain last night, dressed in a slip? Her old man threw her out? Maybe she had a bust-up with her boyfriend? But how did she end up draped over HIS shoulder at the end of it all?
"I can get you to a women's shelter. They'll get you back on your feet. Get you in touch with the police."
"I can't go to a shelter, or the police. I'm..not a citizen. They'd just deport me." Her tone was pleading, not defiant; she wasn't arguing with him.
If she couldn't go to the cops, that changed things. Gave him a better bargaining position. Maybe, somehow, he could make all this go away? It was almost too much to hope for.
"You're not staying," he said again, trying to filter the irritation out of his voice, "I'll give you some money, get you a cab. You go patch things up with your husband or whatever. It isn't my problem. I'm in way over my head as it is."
"I won't be in the way."
He took a deep breath and let it out in a long sigh, then pressed his thumbs into his temples.
"If you stay here, I'll end up hurting you bad," he said in quiet, measured tones, "not by choice. I'd never hit a woman; I'm not like that. But things build up. It gets too much and...I just can't handle it."
"I can help you."
"I just got out of prison. Seven years inside. This really isn't a good place for you."
"But...I can't see," she said, "and I have no place to go. No family, no friends. Please..."
"I'd like to help you but there's really nothing I can do other than give you some money, help you get someplace safe."
"Please! I'll do anything."
The conversation wasn't going as planned. Just one fucking thing after another! He took another deep breath and let it out slowly. He realized his fists were clenched and deliberately relaxed them. The throbbing pain was intensifying, the pressure building inside his skull.
"I'm going out for some Tylenol," he growled, "you can stay here for a few hours, get yourself together. Then I'm calling you a cab." He ignored her pleas as he slid his bare feet into wet sneakers and threw on a black hoodie. Without another word he grabbed his wallet and left.
What a fucking mess.
The cool late-autumn air felt good against his face. He walked slowly and focused on the anger management he'd learned in counseling. Breathe. Count. Relax his muscles. It didn't get rid of the pain, but it kept it from getting worse.
His first stop was the drugstore. He grabbed two giant-sized bottles of extra-strength capsules and swallowed three pills while he was waiting in the checkout line. He vowed never to run out of them again. They were a lifeline.
On the way back to the apartment he stopped at the bank machine and withdrew three-hundred dollars. Nineteen-hundred dollars were all that remained of the earnings from his job at the prison laundry. Finding a job – almost impossible given his criminal record - was becoming more urgent by the day. Not only did he need the income, but finding employment was one of the conditions of his parole.
He didn't need any distractions or complications getting in the way, and certainly didn't need another mouth to feed. Was it cruel to throw a blind girl out into the street? Yes...there was no denying that. But better that than to let her stay and make her a victim of his temper. She was safer somewhere else.
His headache had mercifully receded by the time he reached the door to his apartment. He paused and took several deep breaths. Unclenched his jaw. Relax, he whispered to himself. Relax. Stay calm, get through this. Don't let it get ugly. He turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open.
His eyes fell immediately on Nadja.
She stood waiting for him in the middle of the room. Naked. Her hands were behind her back, her feet shoulder-width apart; nothing was hidden from him. Dark eyes. Smooth skin. Small breasts with dark nipples. The faint outline of ribs visible under the skin. A flat stomach and narrow hips that framed a shaved slit. Skinny legs. Lovely.
"What..." he started but his throat closed and cut off the words. He stood rooted in place, unable to move. His heart hammered as lust – dormant seven years – surged through him. He was hard fast.
Nadja's eyes found his face and she stepped in the direction of his voice
"I don't think you understand," she said as she took a second step toward him, "I'm willing to do whatever it takes to stay. Whatever you need." She lowered herself to her knees in front of him. Her fingers quickly found and undid the button on his jeans, unzipped him. Then his pants were around his ankles and her warm hands had freed his cock from his briefs. Without preamble she slid it into her mouth.
He gasped as hot wetness enveloped him, and again when he felt her tongue stroking the underside of his shaft. The sensations overwhelmed him and he couldn't find his words. He knew what this was – she was trying to play him, trying to lead him around by his dick. It was working.
He felt powerful as she knelt naked at his feet and sucked him. She was clearly no stranger to oral sex; she used her lips and tongue expertly. His orgasm was closing fast and the idea of flooding her mouth with his cum spiked his arousal even more.
Nadja pulled back, held his cock in her hand and dipped her mouth lower. He felt her tongue on his balls, hot breath on his inner thighs. She took a long, slow lick up the length of his cock then ran her wet tongue along the underside of the head. Mac felt lightheaded; he could hear his own ragged breathing.
"Anything you want. Any time you want," she whispered, "you make the rules and I'll obey."
And then he was inside her mouth again, deep inside. He reached down, held her still-damp hair between his fingers. She responded by taking up a slow rhythm, pushing her lips all the way down the length of his shaft, then pulling back. Down, and back. A little faster each time. He could feel the pressure building, building.
His orgasm hit hard and the pleasure seemed to echo and diffuse through his body. The muscles in his abdomen clenched and spasmed as he emptied his lust into Nadja's mouth. He heard and felt her moan around his cock as she continued a gentle sucking, swallowing, keeping him inside her until he was completely spent. Finally she pressed a slow, loving kiss to the tip of his cock and gently tucked it back inside his underwear again.
Only then did he regain his powers of speech, but he couldn't find the words to evict her from his apartment.
It was a strangely vulnerable feeling to leave Nadja alone in his when he left later that day for his anger management counseling. He'd known her less than a day and had no reason to trust her alone with his possessions. He consoled himself with the fact that he didn't have a single thing worth stealing. All his clothes were second-hand, his worn-out furniture had come with the apartment and he hadn't had the time or inclination to purchase a cell phone or a computer. Slim pickings for any would-be thief.
She'd been acting differently in the few hours since she'd sucked him. For one thing, she'd stopped wearing the track pants he'd given her and now wore just his t-shirt, giving him tantalizing glimpses of her bare legs and thighs and even her pussy and ass if she moved just right. This occurred too frequently to be an accident. It was a clear invitation. Nadja had gone from fearful and reserved to brazen and sexy in the time it had taken him to run to the drugstore for Tylenol. He knew it was an act; a blatant attempt to manipulate him into letting her stay. It galled him that her ploy had been so successful; he'd been pussy-whipped like a goddamn teenager. Even knowing it was an illusion, it remained a powerful one.
With his lust muted temporarily he'd done his floor routine; push-ups, sit-ups, squats and lunges. Prison had given him the time, opportunity and incentive to put on muscle and he didn't want to let it atrophy now that he was out. He planned to join a gym once he got a job. Nadja had sat cross-legged on the couch and looked on with apparent interest even though she probably couldn't see him. Then he took a quick shower and was out the door.
She'd pledged to be waiting for him when he returned.
He took anger counseling at St. Peter's Church six blocks from his apartment. The old nun who ran the session seemed so gentle and grandmotherly that Mac wondered if she'd ever been angry in her whole life. Still, he dutifully listened, took notes, and forced himself to participate in the role-playing activities with the eight men who attended the same session. He practiced how to respond if someone insulted him. How to respond if someone cut ahead of him in line. How to respond if someone was talking too loud on the bus. In each case he applied the techniques the old nun had taught. No yelling, no swearing, no kicking chairs, no punching holes in the drywall. Breathe. Count. Use his 'calming word'. Relax his muscles. Picture himself in the shoes of the other person.
If it helped him stay on top of his temper, he'd do anything. He'd tried medications but they made him feel dopey and disconnected. The counseling helped, although he found the techniques were easier to apply in the classroom than in the real world. But wasn't that true of everything? Regardless, the counseling was one of the conditions of his parole and he had no intention of going back to prison. So he breathed and counted and chanted for the full ninety minutes.
He took the long way home, hoping the exercise and cold air would help clear his head. He had to get his mind right.
He had a plan, a plan he'd worked out before leaving prison. A plan that ensured he'd never end up back inside. Keep everything simple, that was the main part. Work, sleep, do his anger therapy. Repeat. Get that stuff right, lay a foundation for a New Life. Then slowly build on that. One piece at a time.
Adding a woman to the mix right at the start wasn't smart. He cursed himself for his weakness and stupidity. Why couldn't he get out of his own way? Why did he make it so hard to keep things simple? Life was brutal enough without taking on a homeless blind girl and all of her problems in addition to his own.
He stopped by the drug store and bought more bread, eggs, coffee and canned soup. At least for the immediate future he needed to start shopping for two.
"Why were you in prison?" Nadja asked, breaking a long silence.
She'd been sitting cross-legged on the old couch as he scrambled the eggs and cut slices of cheese for dinner. Every so often she would change the position of her legs, and if he happened to be looking he'd catch a glimpse of her naked sex. He forced himself to focus on dinner – it would be just his luck to cut off his goddamn finger while trying to catch a glimpse of pussy. He wanted her...badly. But they still had to eat.
"Long story. Don't want to bore you with it," he said, hoping it would suffice.
It did, for a short while.
"Seven years?" she said, obviously unwilling to drop the subject altogether.
"It was supposed to be three."
"What happened?"
"You've heard of getting time off for good behaviour? I did the opposite of that," he said.
It had been one prison fight after another, with months and years being tacked on to his sentence for each one. The fact that he won more fights than he lost was no consolation; seven years had been taken from him.
She didn't reply, but stood and approached the kitchenette, feeling her way forward carefully until she was standing opposite the counter from him as he diced half an onion. She wore an inquisitive expression.
"What happened to your sight?" he asked, figuring if she got to ask personal questions then he could get in some of his own. Her gray-blue eyes looked normal; there didn't seem to be any injury.
"RP," she said.
"That's some kind of disease?"
She nodded.
"So it's pitch black for you?"
"I have a vague sense of brightness and darkness, but not colours or shapes," she said simply. It didn't seem to bother her to talk about it.
He grunted his understanding, then turned and scraped the diced onion into the scrambled eggs.
"Why do you get headaches?" she asked. It felt like a tennis match, each of them lobbing questions at the other. Mac found he preferred it to the silence.
"Don't know. I've had them since I was twelve or so. Four or five times per week, usually. They hurt like hell. Sometimes Tylenol helps, if I take enough of it, but most times it doesn't do much," he said.
No point telling her the rest; that the headaches had sabotaged his education, ruined his social life at high school, drove him into rages that frightened his mother so much that she hadn't even visited him in prison. Not once.
Better to leave the past in the past.
He pushed two slices of bread down in the toaster. The welcome scent of fried onion and egg filled the room. He switched off the stove element, then tuned to face Nadja.
"What happened last night?" he asked.
"You don't know?"
"I get blackouts," he said.
Her expression became nervous. Guarded.
"Smells like it's almost ready. I'll wash my hands," she said, then turned and felt her way to the bathroom, shutting the door gently behind her.
He watched her go, content to drop the subject for now but not for good. He wanted to know what had happened last night, to fill in the gap in his memory. If she was staying then he felt he should know the whole story.
Five minutes later they sat across from one other at the tiny table. She was quiet for most of the meal, and he left her to her thoughts. Whatever happened last night obviously hadn't been a lot of fun.
"If you start frying the onions before you add the egg, the onions will be softer and the flavour will be more spread around," Nadja said out of the blue. Her tone was conversational; it didn't sound critical of his cooking skills.
"Yeah? Good to know," he replied, "you're a cook, then?"
She shrugged. "I used to love cooking. It's kind of hard to do it when you can't see anything."
"When did you lose your sight?"
"It happened gradually over time. It's just in the last two years or so that it's become really bad," she said.
"There's no treatment?"
She shook her head. They ate without talking for another few minutes.
"I didn't do anything really bad, just so you know," he said, "I got into a fight in a shopping mall. Beat up a couple of mall security guards. Punched a cop. Just stupid, really,"
"You punched a cop?" She sounded surprised.
"Yeah. I mean, I don't remember doing it. I never remember when I'm really angry like that. But they had security cameras and...there I was."
"So you just black out?"
"Yup. Can't remember anything afterward. Like last night. I went out for some pills, next thing I know I'm carrying you up the stairs instead of the pills." He gave a humourless laugh. "Keeps life interesting, anyway."
He hoped she'd take the bait and open up about the night before, but she lapsed into silence again.
They both finished their toast and scrambled eggs and he gathered the plates and cutlery and took them to the sink.
"I can do that," she said, rising and navigating to the sink, "I should do something."
He stepped back and leaned against the counter and she began to rinse the dishes. The pale blue t-shirt she wore covered her only as far as her upper thighs and he admired her legs and longed for what remained hidden.
Was it right, accepting sex in return for allowing her to stay? Holding the threat of eviction over her head unless she satisfied his needs? When he thought about it that way it didn't feel right at all.
On the other hand, the arrangement had been her idea – he hadn't made any demands, hadn't made any threats. She'd named her own terms. In the end, it was just a matter of give-and-take. A fair trade in an unfair world.
"Nadja," the lust in his voice was obvious even to him.
"You did say 'anything', right? Any time?"
She froze for a moment, then nodded slowly and stopped her washing. "Anything, any time," she said with no hint of uncertainty. She flicked the water off her hands and fumbled for a towel.
"No, keep washing, but take off the shirt," he said. He was pleased by how confident his own voice sounded, considering he hadn't been with a woman in the better part of a decade.
Nadja reached down, grasped the hem of the shirt and slowly pulled it up over her head, then let it fall to the floor before resuming her dish washing.
Mac moved to stand behind her, allowing his eyes to roam appreciatively over her tight backside. He couldn't decide what he wanted to do first; his hands wanted to be everywhere at once.
He leaned forward and gently tapped the inside of her left thigh. Nadja understood and widened her stance. He slid his hand between her thighs, loving the smoothness and softness of her skin. He could feel the heat of her sex even without touching it. His cock was painfully hard.
When he finally stroked his fingers over her pussy lips he found them mostly smooth with only a trace of stubble. He let his middle finger slide between her folds; she was hot and slightly moist. Her intimate flesh seemed to cling to his dry finger as he dragged it through the core of her sex, then up between the cheeks of her ass. She moaned as his finger went back for a second stroke.
"Please, let me suck you now," she said in a pleading whisper.
"Legs wider," he grunted as he quickly shed his jeans and underwear, freeing his rigid erection.
Nadja obediently opened herself further. "Mac, I want you in my mouth. Please let me taste you," she whined, and her desire for him sent his arousal to new heights. He'd never imagined that a woman would beg for his cock. He'd only been out of prison for two weeks! Deep down, he knew her desire for him was exaggerated, but chose to believe it. Everyone had illusions, after all – surely he was entitled to his own?
He stepped behind her, gripped her ass cheeks and spread them wide, delighting in the feel of the warm, yielding flesh. He groaned with desire as her rear hole and inviting sex were exposed. He took his time lining his cock up with the pink opening. He didn't want to rush, he wanted to savour his first stroke into her waiting pussy. She reached back and grasped his rigid shaft to guide him. He closed his eyes and pushed forward...
Nadja's firm, gentle grip on his cock prevented him from entering her. He gave another thrust and she denied him entry again. He felt an irrational surge of anger. Was she toying with him? Trying to humiliate him?
"You should use protection," she said in an urgent whisper.
"Just one stroke. I need to feel my cock inside you."
She turned to face him, and stroked his cock gently in both of her hands. She lowered her head until he couldn't see her eyes.
"Mac...it might not be...safe," she said in a quiet, serious tone.
"You're afraid I'm going to give you something?" he said in disbelief and growing outrage. Did she think he'd been fucking his cell-mate for the last seven years?
"No, no," she said quickly, "It might not be safe...for you."
"For me?" The meaning of her words took a moment to sink in. "What makes you think that?"
There was a long pause. Nadja continued to gently stroke him for a moment but then became still. Her shoulders slumped. The silence stretched to several moments.
"I'm...," her voice had gone quiet, barely audible, "I mean...I was...a prostitute."
It was his turn to lapse into silence as he tried to find something to say. His thoughts, so recently consumed with lust, then anger, were now a jumble of different feelings. Should he be upset? How upset? Repulsed? Sympathetic? Should he play it cool? Did this change anything that had come before it? What was the right way to react?
"When?" he asked.
"Up until last night."
Last night, when he'd blacked out then regained his senses while carrying her to his apartment. What had happened during the missing time? One possibility seemed to rise above the others.
"Does that mean...last night...did I hire you?"
Her laugh was so sudden and so out of place that it caused him to take a step back in alarm. As quickly as it erupted, it died off and Nadja covered her face with her hands and shuddered. She took a minute to regain her composure, then raised her unseeing eyes to his face.
"No. Last night you saved me, Mac."
\*\* | literotica |
Title: 3 Generations of Cock Pt. 08
Tags: gay anal incest, gay anal, big cock
I knew that, after the deputy had all but seen me sucking Mike's cock, it would be only a matter of time before we ran into each other again. And, after hearing granddad's tale about his stupendous cock I was looking forward to it.
As I expected, it happened a few nights later. I'd borrowed dad's truck and run into town to the only little bar we had. I'd hung out with a few old friends, had a few beers and was on my way back home when I saw whirling police lights in my rearview mirror. I pulled over and waited while the deputy exited his vehicle and walked up on my driver's side where, through the open window, I got more first look at his full to bursting uniformed crotch.
He bent down to the window and said, "May I see your license and registration, please?"
I supplied the documents and he stood up to examine them while I examined the outline of his enormous cock and balls outside my window.
"Would you step back to my vehicle while I call these in, please?" he asked.
"I wasn't speeding, officer." I said. "What did I do?"
"Just do as I ask sir." he replied.
I turned off the engine and he motioned for me to proceed. I was wondering if he was checking out my ass as I walked in front of him. He unlocked his passenger door and made sure that I was seated, then came around and got in on the driver's side.
"You live on the farm right up the road?" he asked.
"Yes," I said. "I believe you've already met my dad and granddad."
"I believe I have." he said. "Interesting fellows. Are you aware that you have a tail light out?"
"I didn't know." I said, turning toward him. "It's my dad's truck, I don't usually drive it. Did you like my dad and granddad?"
"Have you been drinking?" he asked.
"I have had a few beers," I replied, "Nothing major."
"You're being pretty reckless." he said. "Driving around with a broken light, drinking and driving and I don't know what you were up to when I saw you the other day but I know what it looked like."
"It probably looked like I was sucking his cock because I was."
The deputy didn't respond, just stared out the windshield, but I was aware the enormous lump in his crotch suddenly twitched and looked like it was growing.
"I'm going to just give you a warning this time. Get your light fixed and don't let me catch you drinking and driving again." he said. I waited, staring at the fully grown and almost frightening monster cock snaking down his pant leg but the only thing he said was, "You're free to go."
"I think you're letting me off too light." I said. "I think you need to teach me a lesson."
I got out of his car and walked up to the rear of my truck and lowered the tail gate. Then, I dropped my sweatpants so that I was standing nude from the waist down in the harsh illumination of his headlights. I kicked the pants off of my ankles and bent forward over the tail gate and raised one leg so that my ass was spread wide open and my puckered fuck hole was displayed to him.
He sat in his car for a moment and then I heard him key his radio and say, "Dispatch, I'm going on my break."
The dispatcher confirmed and he doused his headlights, then I heard his auto door open and close and his footsteps on the gravel. He came up behind me and stood there for a moment.
"I take it your dad and granddad told you about our meeting." he said.
"They did." I said. "I've been hoping I'd get a chance to become as friendly to you as they did."
I felt his hand caressing my ass cheek and then slowly slide into my crack where he fingered my hungry hole.
"I've got a pretty big dick." he said. "Have you ever taken a big one?"
"Just dad and granddad and I never took their dicks until day before yesterday, so no, I haven't. But that doesn't mean I can't, my hole has been used pretty well over the past few days so it should be loose enough."
"Your dad and granddad have both been fucking your ass? Am I going to have to arrest them for child molestation?"
"Not hardly," I said, "It didn't even start till days ago. I wasn't even aware that they liked sex with men, never had a clue growing up. I still wouldn't know if I hadn't started it."
"You certainly have an interesting family." he said.
By now, he was fingering my hole, sliding the tip in and out of my fuck pucker. I reached into my windbreaker jacket and brought out the small bottle of lube I carried there and handed over my shoulder to him.
"I've been hoping I'd bump into you so I came prepared." I said.
The deputy laughed and took the bottle and I felt the cool liquid drip between my buns and coat my hot hole and then his probing finger working the lube up my ass. I heard his zipper and then the slapping noise as he coated his cock with the slick liquid. I looked back over my shoulder at the huge piece of meat he held.
"Goddamn!" I said. "Granddad wasn't lying about you. I thought my dad and granddad had big dicks but that thing is a monster!" To myself I was thinking, "What have I gotten myself into?"
He held it up so I could appreciate the length and girth, and then began to rub his swollen cock head up and down in the cleft of my ass. Each time I felt the hot head pass over my puckered fuck hole, I involuntarily pressed my ass back for more.
"Here," he said, "take this." handing me his wooden baton. "Bite down on it if you think you're going to scream. Some guys find it heavy going the first time they take my cock."
I put the baton between my teeth and waited and I soon felt his massive cock head pressing into my anus. At first, it felt like any other cock but soon my ass ring started to burn from being stretched around such a fat globe. He kept pressing and I bit down on the wood in my teeth. Just when I thought I was going to have to ask him to stop, I felt the big head pop through the clutching ring and lodge in my hole.
"At least the worst is over." I said around the baton.
"Don't be too sure, rookie." the deputy said. "You've still got a lot of meat to take care of."
He started pressing forward again, slowly easing inch after inch of hard cock deep into my tight ass. I thought, "This is just like dad and granddad's cocks, only fatter." but the cock just kept on coming, stretching me open. I felt something deep in my ass, his fat cock head butting up against the depths of my guts and then I felt something release inside that left me gasping.
"That was my cock opening the second ring in your ass." he said. He pressed forward again and I felt his pubes against my ass. "All the way in." he said.
I reached down between my legs and felt his big balls, then felt the base of his cock surrounded by my ass ring. He slowly pulled out of me and I felt the ring inside my ass pop shut as his cock moved out of it, then he pressed and I felt it expand and open around his head again.
"Fuck," I said, "I've never felt anything like that before."
"We're just getting started, babe." he said. "Your ass will be feeling this fuck for the next couple of days."
He slowly started sliding in and out of my hole, getting me used to being stretched around such a huge fuck pole. Each time he popped my ass ring, I shuddered and wanted more. He moved his hips from side to side, batting his big cock up against the walls of my ass and corkscrewed his hips so that his dick stroked all of my insides. I was moaning like a bitch in heat and he hadn't even started to properly fuck me yet.
"You like my big dick in your ass, baby?" he asked.
"I love it!" I cried. "Fuck me. Destroy my ass with your big cock!"
He started to truly fuck me then. Sliding his dick out of me till only an inch was still inside, he slid it back in in one smooth motion. He did it again and again, popping my inner ring on his down stroke in my stretched ass. He started a steady rhythm, pounding his hips against my ass each time a little harder. I was feeling drunk and high both from the sensation of his dick ravishing my almost virgin hole and I could hear my own moan loud in the night.
He pulled back until only his cock head was still in my ass, then began fucking me with short fast strokes, sinking only another inch or two into my hole at a time. I was squirming from the sensation overwhelming my tight little ass ring when he suddenly sank his massive cock balls deep into me with one hard thrust. I felt my cum boil up my dick shaft and shoot out of my piss slit like a fire hose without ever touching my own dick.
"Oh, fuck!" I howled as his cock continued pistoning in and out of my guts, ravaging the tender hole deep in my ass with each thrust. He reached down and wrapped his big hand around my cock and balls and used them as a handle to get even more of his cock inside me.
I may even have passed out for a minute because the next thing I knew, I heard his ragged breathing next to my ear and him saying, "I'm going to cum, baby. I'm shooting my seed in you!"
His gargantuan meat swelled even thicker and he pressed the full length deep inside me, his cock head surrounded by my tight inner ring and his balls rubbing against my own. I could actually feel it as his cock head swelled, stretching me open and his fiery juice began blasting into my guts. Each pulse of his dick was followed by another spurt of cum, soothing my stretched ass walls.
When his dick stopped squirting, he collapsed on top of me with his meat still buried in me to the hilt. I felt him slowly start to go soft and shrink, first the head popping back out of my inner ass ring and then the thick shaft retracting into itself, slowly inching its way back toward my ass hole. It finally slithered out of me with a sound like a champagne cork and I could feel the cool night air entering my ravaged hole.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I may need crutches for the next few weeks and I'll never be able to sit on a bar stool again without it disappearing up my ass but aside from that, sure."
"Weaker men than you have survived." he said, laughing. "Usually, they came back for more."
"I can see how that might become addictive." I said. "I already was thinking I'd like some more of your cock, you're just going to have to give me a little time to heal."
"And I was just going to invite you to stop by tomorrow afternoon around 3, after I wake up. That tight little ass would be the perfect way to start my day before I go on my shift. As a matter of fact, I always sleep with the back door unlocked and it leads right into my bedroom. Pass that information on to your dad and granddad, let them know they're always welcome to stop by, too, if they need some entertainment."
"Maybe I'll surprise you and show up." I said. "I've always been a fast healer."
He stood up behind me and sank a couple of fingers in my stretched out hole.
"You see," he said, "you're already more loosened up. Next time I'll be able to get my cock into you a lot faster and I won't be so gentle with your hole."
I felt my cock starting to harden, picturing that scene in my mind.
The deputy arranged his big floppy dick down his pant leg and zipped up as I gingerly sat on the tail gate to put my sweats back on. He picked up his baton and examined it, then showed it to me.
"Just look at those teeth marks." he said. "I'm going to get a hard on every time I look at those and remember how they got there." He slid the baton back into its loop and turned to go, then turned back around and said, "And get that tail light fixed!"
I sat on the tail gate while he pulled away, then got up and limped to the truck cab. Between having my legs stretched out for so long and my ass hole stretched and fucked by that monstrous cock, I was sort of unsteady on my feet. Even sitting on the seat to drive made my poor over-fucked hole throb.
I got to our drive, pulled in and then hobbled to the back kitchen door. When I stepped inside, granddad was sitting at the kitchen table in his white robe drinking whiskey and water and reading a magazine. I hobbled across the room as he watched and he said," Did you get into some kind of tussle?"
"Yeah," I said, "I tussled that deputy's giant cock up my ass a few minutes ago." I lowered my sweats and felt my ass.
"I feel like the Grand Canyon back there." I said.
Granddad stood up and came around the table to where I was standing and pressed me down so that my upper body was lying on the table and my ass was spread open.
"Let me see if there's any damage." he said
He got behind me and spread my cheeks while he fingered my hole.
"Nope, no damage. Just a freshly fucked, cum filled little ass hole that looks kind of red and swollen. Hang on a minute." he said. He walked over to the refrigerator and got out the butter.
"An old fashioned remedy for any kind of scrape or burn is to put some butter on it to soothe it." he said.
I noticed that his cock was tenting out the front of his robe, too. He got behind me again and spread my cheeks and I felt his fingers spreading the butter around my inflamed hole.
"How does that feel?" he asked.
"Actually, that is really soothing." I said. I could feel his hard cock brushing against the back of my thigh as he massaged my hole.
"Let's get some on the inside." he said and started massaging more of the butter inside of me. His finger probed my ass, spreading the cool grease inside me and stroking my fuck chute.
"We really need to get some deeper." he said and I saw him scoop up more of the butter. He smoothed some more of it in my hole then paused and I heard him spreading it on something else, just before I felt his fat cock head pressing against my poor stretched hole.
"Is this some new kind of first aid, you old bastard? I asked.
"First aid for your hole and first aid for my dick, too." he said. "We need to get you coated deep inside and I never could resist sloppy seconds on a freshly fucked hole."
I felt his butter coated prong slowly ease into my plundered ass hole and after the onslaught it had taken earlier, granddad's dick felt really good, not too big and not too small, just perfect for fucking my ass.
"That is making it feel a whole lot better." I said.
"Your old granddad would never steer you wrong."
He slowly started to fuck his greasy dick in and out of my hole. As he picked up his tempo, he said, "That deputy must always shoot a big load. I can feel his cum squishing around my dick as I fuck you."
He started to fuck my ass faster and harder, his cock soothing the burning in my hard-fucked hole. I looked up to see Kyle enter the room, cross to the sink and draw a glass of water and drink it down, with granddad hammering his cock in and out of my spread ass the whole time. Kyle turned around and walked over, looked at granddad and me fucking on the kitchen table and the butter dish sitting beside us with finger marks in the little butter remaining.
"If you all want butter on your pancakes in the morning someone is going to have to get up and go to the store early." Kyle said and padded down the hall to his room.
I felt granddad's big dick pulse and his creamy ball juice flooded out of his piss hole and into my stretched fuck chute.
"That's the other salve that's good for what ails you." he said. | literotica |
Title: Maxie Reckless and the Kith #03
Tags: gangbang, fae, punk, anal, titfuck, double anal, double oral, frottage, futanari, dickgirl
"Any recommendations?" Zin says, folding her arms and surveying the harem of the Eldest. They came in all varieties (at least, all varieties of Faoikith, with a few others that I suppose may be of a different sect), with some being taller or shorter, slimmer or curvier, and coming in different shades and styles. "I shouldn't need any more than two."
The girl Zin was talking to, a remarkably short but full-figured character in one of the trashiest dresses I've ever seen, taps a finger to her lips and gazes out among the masses. "Just two, hm? Well, the twins work quite well together if you're going for a quick decision. Hand-picking may take too long if the Eldest is in a rush...."
I suddenly hear a joyous squeak from the back of the harem, two Kith girls breaking away from idly making out to reveal a pair of identical Kith girls, both nude but for loincloths. They have rosy pink skin like that of a rose, and handlebars of a deep Pacific-blue coloration. They're also both very slim, almost waifish in appearance, with small breasts and tiny waists -- if it weren't for their exuberantly seductive postures I'd be getting a bit of a jailbait vibe from them.
"Yes, we'll do it!" One of the twins says excitedly.
"Wait, what are we supposed to be doing?" The other twin chirps, touching one fingertip to her lips in a comically curious expression.
"We have an outsider on our hands," Zin says solemnly, gesturing to me with a quick glance. "An outsider that claims some... anatomical differences to humans. She has to undergo an official interrogation and we have a deadline." I still have no idea why saying I have a dick got me into all of this. Am I supposed to be the chosen one or some shit?
"Why am I getting the feeling that this is going to be really weird?" I say, folding my arms.
"It will be," Zin admits, "I'll do my best to make the process... comfortable, though. Meet the twins, Elle and Ella -- they'll be assisting me." Elle and Ella, how imaginative. The twins wave excitedly to me with exuberant smiles and I exhale. Well, it's better than being executed, and honestly the twins are pretty hot in their own weird way.
"Alright, enough with the vagueness -- assisting you in what?"
Zin sighs softly and reaches out, taking my hand gently and leading me deeper into the harem room, past something I would attempt to describe as a door were I not certain that I'd fail. Inside the next room is a massive, oblong bed, with closets and and dressers on the sides, holding I know not what. "What you claimed is very rare for humans. As far as I know, it's unheard of," Zin tries to explain to me but she sounds a bit awkward. Either she's out of her depth or this is as weird for her as it's about to be for me. "However, it's common among the Kith. We need to run some... tests, some tests that you may find invasive."
As Zin does her best to tactfully explain, Elle and Ella have gotten close to each other, caressing one another's lithe figures and tracing slim figures across tone stomachs. I have no idea what the rules on intimacy or childbirth are, when it comes to the Kith, but considering Zin's lack of reaction I can only assume that incest isn't a particularly large concern. I start speaking but leave my eyes on the twins, oddly captivated as they start gently kissing each other. "I noticed that all of you seemed female, but are you saying that all of the Kith have di--" My question is answered before I finish asking it, as the twins pull away each other's loincloths, revealing long, firm rods that have already reached full stiffness, leaning in to each other to press the spongy tips together. "...Oh."
"Yes, we do," Zin says sheepishly, tugging at the bottom of her half-shirt a bit awkwardly. "And... in order to confirm some things, we'll have to get the exact details on your sexual anatomy." With a small shift of her hand, she lifts her shirt up, revealing a single full breast, slightly larger than mine (proportionately, of course). Folding my arms is now no longer enough, and I awkwardly squeeze them around my body.
"Um, so... that means what I think it does, doesn't it?"
"The twins and I are going to have sex with you, outsider."
"And if I do this, I get to live?"
Zin chews her bottom lip awkwardly. She isn't in charge of what happens to me and I can tell she doesn't want to make any promises she can't keep. "It will help your chances, yes, depending on the outcome."
I nod slowly, glancing over to the twins. They're really going at it now, and Elle is pinned against the wall while Ella nuzzles her adorably-small breasts -- though I notice that her eyes stay on me. They're occupying themselves while they wait for the real fun to start, and I suppose it's up to me to get this show on the road. With a deep breath I lift my Distillers tee over my head, tossing it aside and revealing my own modest chest, not quite so boyish as the twins' but not so womanly as Zin's either, a comfortable B cup. Zin allows herself a weak smile.
"Not bad," the Kith girl says, shrugging all the way out of her own shirt and tossing it aside before hopping onto the bed. She's nice enough to make a seductive show of things, crawling to the edge on all fours so that I can see a cute pair of white panties under her skirt. "We don't have much time, but I'll try to be gentle."
"What do you need the twins for?" I ask, unbuckling my tanker boots and sitting up on the edge of the bed, my eyes lingering on the rosy-skinned minxes who are now watching me more intently. "Do they monitor us, or something?"
"We need to test your *full* anatomy, outsider," Zin says. "That means more than just your genitals. Your breasts, nipples, anus; all of you must be inspected -- it will be faster with three of us."
So it was to be a gangbang then.
I can cope with a gangbang.
And honestly, the twins' performance is getting me a bit stiff which will make this fun, and I've never been with a girl like me before. If I look at this the right way it can actually be fun, so why the hell not? I allow myself a small smile and slowly slide my panties off before tossing them at the twins, turning back to Zin and giving her a sultry stare. "Well, then let's do this shit -- this may be my last fuck so the three of you had better keep up."
Zin offers a small smile and leans in to me, kissing me hard and pressing her chest against mine -- it's a little weird kissing a girl who's so much smaller than I am, but I acclimate quickly, lifting my skirt to expose my own full, pulsing shaft. While I realize that I'm a good bit bigger than the Kith overall, I still get a naughty thrill when I notice that my dick's a good bit heftier than Elle's or Ella's, and considering the bulge under Zin's own skirt, hers as well. I nibble gently at the lavender-skinned girl's throat, holding her against me for a moment to work myself up. They want to experiment on me, they have to warm up the oven first.
It's a mild, but pleasant, surprise when I feel Ella's (at least I think it's Ella) hands slide along my sides, slipping in front of me to take a gentle hold of my breasts, rubbing them in slow circles, her thumbs flicking along the steel bars lacing my stiff pink nipples. I exhale a little ragged breath as she teases my sensitive nubs with her fingertips, relaxing and embracing the pleasure she gives me as I hold and kiss Zin, who is actually really getting into this. Her skirt tents as her cock pushes past the waistband of her panties, and I carefully lift it all the way with my free hand, nibbling her lip as I glance down to examine it. Her cock, as I suspected, is a bit smaller than mine but good for her size, the same pale purple as the rest of her, and very nicely shaped. I smirk.
"Like it?" Zin coos, unclasping her skirt and tossing it aside before kissing me again gently.
"Mhm," I nod, nibbling at her jawline as Ella teases me, before shifting my hips forward to press my rod against hers the same way the twins just had, grinding into the gatekeeper who had ushered me into this strange new world.
I suddenly hear a giggle, a soft kissing sound, then a few more giggles coming from behind me, and Ella firmly twists both of my nipple piercings. I close my eyes, breaking the kiss with Zin and releasing a harsh gasp of pleasure, a little trickle of precum leaking from my cocktip and along Zin's. "H-hey, those are sensitive--!" I quickly exclaim.
"Her body reacts like a woman's," Elle says with slight shock. "Her breasts are so tender and sensitive, and they feel so real...." I decide not to break the news that there have been medical breakthroughs in transgender operations that allow large changes in the sensitivity of breasts -- they don't apply to me anyway, and if it's that little tidbit that's gonna save my life she can just hold onto it.
"That's because I *am* a woman," I retort awkwardly before glancing down at my dick squashed against Zin's and imagining how silly that would sound to most humans. Whatever.
"It's alright, outsider," Zin says with a little smile, pushing me back lightly so that I'm laying in Ella's lap. "It's a good thing."
Well, score one for Maxie I guess. But I wish she'd tell me the 'good things' before the results were already weighed so I can make up bullshit excuses if I really need to. Ella cranes her neck down, pulling me up a little bit so that she can kiss and lick at one of my nipples, which apparently still need testing. I release an intense, instinctive moan which only increases when Elle pounces me from the other side, closing her lips firmly around my free breast and beginning to suckle, her hands roaming over my stomach and arms. I could get used to this if I had to, to be honest.
"What are you testing for, again?" I groan out between gasps of enjoyment. I'm beginning to feel a tense sensation in both breasts and my nipples are sticking out like tiny impaled top hats.
Zin shakes her head, then kisses my stomach. "Don't worry about it," she coos, before getting on all fours and lifting my skirt again, folding the top back and stroking her long, slightly forked(?!) tongue over the underside of my shaft.
"F-fuck!" I cry out, my body getting tense. "Hnn-n... I..." I babble, but it doesn't go much of anywhere.
"Relax," Zin says again, kissing my tip before closing her lips around it, suckling at it like the first tastes of a popsicle, where you're still afraid it might freeze to your lips. I close my eyes and lean back, trembling very slightly -- between the twins outright nursing from each breast, and now the gatekeeper proceeding to go down on a dick that I'm pretty confident is too big for her to handle, death is starting to seem like it'll be worth it.
"Look at how much she likes it!" the twins look up and utter in unison, before turning to each other and glaring briefly. "Don't copy me!" they both squawked, again simultaneously, before pouting. I'd laugh if Zin's lips weren't now closed around one of my balls, tenderly suckling at it. Hell, I let out a muffled giggle anyway, especially when Elle and Ella share a tiny make-up kiss before returning their attention to my nipples.
"Oh look, the tip of this one is getting wet!" Ella says happily.
"That's because you're sucking on it, you goof," Elle reprimands her sister. "Your mouth is wet."
Ella shakes her head, flicking my nipple with her tongue and then rubbing it dry with her thumb. "Nuh uh, check yours. They're moist."
I blush hotly, trying to ignore them. It had always been a 'fun' little thing -- while I can't honestly say I lactate I do get a little bit of moist discharge from my nipples from time to time, and I guess that's what the twins are noticing now. They redouble their licking and suckling and (occasionally) even biting, and I stop trying to contain my blissful spasms.
"She's sooo sensitive," Elle remarks.
"Girls, calm down," Zin says playfully, dragging her tongue back up along the length of my tool. "You're distracting her. We want the test to go well, don't we?"
"Well technically we haven't tested everything yet, even if she does seem to be passing so far," Ella remarks, looking down at Zin with a thoughtful expression. She then shifts her weight (along with me, still in her lap) and wriggles beneath me a bit more, and a notice something sliding between my asscheeks before popping out. I furrow my brow and lean up, looking down -- Ella's dick has popped out from between my thighs, now resting along the underside of my own shaft and in front of Zin. "Can you be a dear and get me wet, Zinny? I'm in the best position to give the outsider her..." she giggles, "...invasive examination."
Zin tilts her head to the side with an accepting expression. "True," she murmurs, before getting a naughty look. She wraps her lips firmly around the crown of my shaft and slides down a few times, getting the entire thing moist before grabbing Ella's cock with one hand and forcing it against mine and, with a great deal of effort, into her mouth.
My eyes widen at the impressive display but I try to stay composed, despite the pretty fucking intense sensation. Ella's distracted from suckling at me but the feeling of her rod pressed flush against mine, Zin's saliva dribbling over both of us as she attempts a very messy and challenging double-oral, is absolutely fucking amazing. My eyes roll into the back of my head and I flop backward, only for Elle to embrace me.
Breathing heavily, I glance up to the other twin with a questioning look as she gets close and kisses me firmly, giggling between sweet smooches. "I think we need to put this mouth to good use. It may not be part of the test, but Ella and I aren't always known for playing by the rules."
I actually get a little nervous. While I had a brief "straight" phase in college that didn't go well, I'd never had a dick in my mouth before. Played around with them, sure. Even had one in my ass once. But my trysts with males were always too fleeting to include something like a blowjob, especially since they were generally all terrified of the fact that I had a dick too. I inhale uneasily but then nod, and Elle slides over to share a quick kiss with her twin sister before getting off the bed and standing up.
I close my eyes briefly when Zin goes deeper, Ella's and my cocks firmly joined within the cozy embrace of Zin's throat. She splutters and then gags, saliva streaming down both of us now, before she pulls up with a gasp. When I can open my eyes again without risk of sensory overload, I see Elle's shaft standing imposingly in front of my face, and I shyly lean in to flick my tongue across the tip. It tastes nice actually, fresh and flowery and very reminiscent of all of the Glade I've experienced so far.
"Elle, you know that's not part of the experiment," Zin chastises, kissing one of my balls. "You should be helping me down here."
"Don't feel like it," Elle says with an evil giggle before setting one knee up on the bed, giving me better access to her rod. Stll breathing heavily, I take her tip into my mouth and start slowly moving back and forth, hesitant but getting a naughty thrill out of sucking the Kith girl's dick. "Besides," she continues, "You don't wanna overload the poor thing, especially since Ella's itching to start fucking her."
Oh shit. I forgot about that. I cough slightly and lean back, nuzzling Elle's dick and looking down between my legs. Ella's cock isn't there anymore, and I suddenly feel that peculiar sensation between my asscheeks again... though this time it's a good deal wetter. "Whoa there..." I begin, but Zin shakes her head.
"This is part of the test, outsider," she warns, but then offers me a smile. "Here, why don't I try to make it up to you?"
I lazily slurp at the tip of Elle's crown as Zin lifts her weight up, kissing my smooth, pale stomach again before lifting her tits with both hands, gently sliding my slick cock between them and pressing the plush, silky globes together. I gasp quietly, starting to close my eyes and relax -- and then immediately opening them again and letting out an excited squeal when I feel Ella breach me. It happens all at once, honestly, or at least it feels like it. Her wet tip presses against the smooth pink rink of my asshole before sliding upward and inside, drilling in a good few inches on the first go and stretching my backdoor around her.
Now, while I mentioned that the Kith had smaller dicks than I did, and it was true -- mine is bigger than average, and so are theirs. Ella's seems to be around the seven inch mark and now about half of that monster is in my butt. While this isn't... *entirely* unwelcome, it also isn't something I was totally prepared for. I let out a few harsh squeaks, spluttering my saliva over Elle's prick and twitching spasmodically, my hands making fists in the sheets.
"Hmmm... interesting," Ella notes, letting her cock lay against my face as I continue my silent scream of pure feeling, still unable to decide if what I'm feeling is pain or pleasure. "Her reaction isn't entirely negative. Keep going, sister... I think she's coming around to it."
Tears form in my eyes and my breathing goes from heavy panting to spastic huffing, my entire body shaking like a leaf in the rain. It's Zin's tits that start bringing me around -- seeming concerned, she starts to move them up and down, slowly at first but quickly gaining speed. While her breasts aren't huge they're big enough for this, and at a quick glance I notice that she's toying and tugging at her own nipples with her fingers... Zin's enjoying this.
"Fuck, ffffuuuuuu-uuck," I mewl out pitifully as Ella increases her pace, now slowly sliding her dick in and out of my snug backside, causing a renewed spasm with each rotation. I tilt my head in an attempt to distract myself and shove Elle's cock into my mouth, sucking at it more deeply now, more desperately as the heat in my body builds. I'm being assaulted from three angles and honestly, my nipples are still buzzing from the attention they'd received earlier. Elle's warnings about overloading me may have been valid, as I'm starting to feel like I can't handle any more of this without exploding. Ella is increasing her pace even further, and with each thrust I pump my hips upward instinctively in a simultaneous effort to "escape" her cock drilling in my ass, and shove my own shaft between Zin's breasts again.
"She's pretty good at this when she tries, you know," Elle says with a little giggle, taking a fistful of my hair and sighing contently, working her hips in smooth tandem with the bobbing of my head. While I don't want to admit it, this is all starting to feel amazing -- whether it's individually or simply as a group effort, even Ella's increasingly ruthless sodomizing is starting to be a huge turn on. Zin leans down to flick her tongue over my crown, but then hesitates.
"She's not pulling away anymore," she notes idly.
"Hm?" Elle chirps.
"She used to pull away when Ella thrusted into her -- now she's backing into it." Zin leaned back, her face splitting into a huge smile. "She likes it."
"G-good sign...?" I whimper, drool leaking from the corner of my mouth.
"Very good sign," Zin doesn't drop her grin, flicking her tongue along my cock again and then sliding up beside me, pressing her shaft back against mine. "You're doing well so far, but we do have one more test, I think."
"Whas'that?" I groan, nibbling at Elle's foreskin idly. "You've already tested every part of me...."
"Individually, we did," Elle begins.
Zin finishes for her. "But not every combination. We need to see if you can get off from stimulation of your ass -- without simultaneous stimulation of your penis."
I manage to find enough lucidity to arch a brow. What the fuck? I'm starting to feel like I'm some kind of porno. How can my destiny *really* be dependent on whether or not I can experience an anal orgasm?
"Don't worry," Zin continues hurriedly, though I'm not sure what she was reading on my face. "I'll help you." She smiles and presses the tip of her cock against Ella's before starting to push it forward, and my eyes widen to max capacity.
"What the fuck are y--?!" I start to squeal, but it's too late. I let out a shriek of intense pleasure and more than a little pain as Zin stuffs her cock in beside Ella's, breaching me once again and now double-stuffing my inexperienced ass. I thought this stuff was only for porn stars, man.
"Oh wow, you're really stretching her out," Elle comments, now giving up on trying to get me to blow her. While I'm doing my best it's just too much work between talking and screaming, and the rosy harem-girl seems just as content to stuff her dick into her sister's mouth, who starts eagerly slurping at it. "Are you sure this is safe for her?"
Zin lays one hand on my breast and leans in, suckling at my neck briefly before answering. "If she is as the Eldest suspects, she can handle it. If not... it likely won't matter." She works herself in another inch or two, and though she hasn't started thrusting yet Ella is still taking me to pound-town. I shriek wildly, arching my back and shifting my entire body back and forth, not sure whether I'm supposed to be pushing back and forward. In my defense, I think I'm doing both at this point.
"Mmn, start fucking her Zinny, your dick feels great next to mine..." Ella whimpers, now suckling at her twin's balls while Elle strokes herself.
"She needs time to adjust," Zin whispers, trying to soothe me with kisses to my cheeks and shoulders, starting to adopt a very very slow rhythm in spite of the fact that she could likely get off just from Ella and my movements. I start twitching freakishly like a Silent Hill nurse, my entire body contracting and contorting. I lift both my legs up and slide them behind my head, trembling and forcing myself to watch the two Kith violate me. As much as it hurts and as much as I feel violated it's so fucking *hot* to see both beauties sliding their cocks in and out of my ass, and while I wasn't expecting it... I'm still fully hard. And not even just hard, but harder than before -- I feel my balls start to tighten and lift, and I rake my black-painted fingernails roughly across Zin's back, leaving deep violet marks.
"**Nnahhhhh!!**" I wail out, tears streaming down my face as I take my double-anal stuffing like the bitch I am. Muscular action makes my cock bounce and jump and shift on its own, and Zin is picking up her pace now. Both cocks are ramming into me at a staggered pace, never at equal depth at the same time. Hell, even the sound of Ella sucking off her sister (and, God help me, the fact that those two *are* sisters) is getting me hot as hell. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take and I'm starting to suspect that the anal orgasm isn't a myth after all.
"She's close, Ella," Zin whispers, firmly nipping at my breast with her teeth. "Give her all you've got. Make her scream. We can still save her."
"Wait, save her?" Elle chirps curiously, looking down at me. "You never told me she was on trial, Zin."
"Well I'm telling you now! If you want to join, feel free!"
"Maybe next time," I hear Elle murmur behind me (thank God). "I don't think that'd be much help at this point."
Ella gurgles out something around her sister's dick but it isn't very impactful on the conversation. I'm barely listening anyway. Zin and Ella have just reached a state of sync and currently both of their dicks are as deep as they'll go in my ass, and you know what... I fucking quit. I seriously can't even at this point. On one front I never thought something like this could feel so amazing, especially as ruthlessly as they're abusing my butt. I lose all grasp on what's happening around me as I unleash a hellish banshee-wail, every muscle contracting (and my legs cramping slightly) as my cock pulses, then pulses again, the second throb heralded a powerful releasal of spunk. I'm powerless to stop it, or even direct it, and as those two thick Kith cocks drill me I unleash spurt after spurt of my own cum over my face and chest, totally drenching myself in the stuff in my personal culmination of tonight's events.
"Yes!" I vaguely hear a cheer from somewhere near me. My body lays completely inert and borderline useless but for the tiny twitches in my fingertips and toes. I hear another murmur of "she did it!" followed by a more surly grumble of "but I didn't cum yet."
There is an intense sliding feeling as Zin's dick slides free of me, quickly followed by Ella's. There are some shifting sounds and I collapse onto the bed, no longer with Ella's body supporting me. Weakly, I open my eyes to see all three girls standing above me, mutually stroking and groping one another with me in the middle.
Huh. A circlejerk.
Technically I guess that's another first.
It's only a few more minutes before I start to feel myself get latticed with lines of Kith spunk, the thick goo completely frosting my face, chest, and stomach, with some of it even getting in my hair. I can't even hear their screams of climax above the pounding in my own ears.
Still gasping weakly, I hear another shifting sound, followed by a familiar but unwelcome voice. "How did she perform?" the voice barks out. I know who's speaking -- it's the Eldest. It must be.
"I think you may be interested to know," -- Zin's voice -- "She passed each test. With flying colors, actually. You know what that means, Eldest."
"You can't possibly believe that--"
"It doesn't matter what I believe, your grace. We base our conclusions on this test, as we always have. The only possibility is that this outsider -- Maxie -- is half-Kith."
Well that was unexpected. | literotica |
A Little Wiggle Jenna sneezed. A few dark glances turned her way from the other women in the office. She sniffed and wiped her nose with a tissue. Marcy even gave her a dark look.
“Take that shit home, Jenna, we don’t need to get sick.” Marcy whispered harshly.
“I’m not sick, you know that. It’s my condition.” Jenna wiped her nose again, noting the tip was a bit pinker than she liked to admit.
“Shit again? You just had that last week.” Marcy hissed back.
“Don’t remind me. I hope it’s not a bit of karma for messing with the new girl the other day.”
“I don’t think your little note was enough to trigger the karma gods. Damn but was she a mess that afternoon. Squirming in her chair, trying to hide under that coat.” Mercy giggled a little of the image of Priscilla desperately trying to hid the changes. Hers weren’t so serious she couldn’t do so, but she definitely was uncomfortable and she refused to get up from her desk. Obviously, she didn’t realize that every woman in the office suffered some level of cursed affliction.
“Well, regardless, I’m pretty sure this is mine acting up again. Fuck. I know James is going to be thrilled, but damn, I had plans for tonight.”
Marcy tried to sound sympathetic, “It’ll be okay, it’s just another day.”
Jenna harrumphed. “Easy for you to say.”
“Look we’ve all got our own crosses. Roll with it. It’s not like yours isn’t among the more fun anyway.” Marcy made a rude gesture with her fingers.
Jenna set about packing up. Most of the women politely refused to acknowledge the other’s when this happened. Vi was the real exception, still treating it as a big secret, and Priscilla was just finding out that joining this office came with some unusual benefits.
By the time she got to sending the out of office email to the boss she could already feel the changes taking hold. Her nose wiggled. God, she hated that.
Grabbing her hat and coat she started for the elevators. Thankfully it was only mid-morning, and they were quiet. She was able to ride down alone. Which was good because she could already feel the burning lust building. Fuck. She wanted it. She rubbed herself through her dress even as her ears pricked. By the time she hit the ground floor her feet felt wedged in her shoes and her panties were soaked. The tip of her nose was decided twitchy now too. Thankfully she lived only a few blocks away and walked to work, but on days like today she didn’t really want to be seen. She put on the coat to hide what she could. Her hat pulled down just as tightly even though it was starting to hurt to do so. The shoes would just have to wait.
By the time she got to the door of her apartment building she could feel the wiggle under her coat above her ass. She grimaced a little hoping she could hold on long enough to at least get in the door.
The ride up the elevator was the longest one. Thankfully no other residents were about. It was getting hard to hide the twitching.
By the time she forced her way in the door she was panting. She tossed her coat and hat aside, freeing her ears, now stretching long and furry above her head. Pulling off her slacks she barely could force them over her growing feet. She wiggled her toes, now only four, but attached to a very long thick padded foot.
Fur was creeping over them too, and would soon cover her up to her hips. She knew this would happen. She checked her tail, it wiggled behind her, a puff of fluff. Her nose wiggled too, very pink now and slightly upturned. Thankfully she’d never grown whiskers or teeth to match. James might be less enamored of the teeth.
Freeing herself from what remained of her cloths she shifted her hips, letting them pop out into her wider stance. It took a moment, but each gave a solid, satisfying snap. She couldn’t ignore the warmth in her groin now. It demanded. Sadly, James wasn’t home. She wanted him. No, she needed him.
She grabbed out her phone and texted him as she made her way to the bedroom. No response. She tossed the phone aside onto the dresser and pulled open the drawer that held her sex toys. They were never enough. Still they were better than nothing as she grabbed two dildos. In her current state she didn’t even bother grabbing the lube.
Slamming the suction cup of the larger one the wall, she brought her swelling sex in line with it. Not wasting time with ceremony, she rammed deep within her needy cunt. She moaned. Bringing the other to her lips she began to felicitate it, kissing and sucking it as she rode the other.
So, engrossed in her play she never heard the phone chirp, or even the door open. Her eyes widened when she saw her lover in front of her. “Yes,” she whispered. Her hands pawing at his pants. She couldn’t wait. She needed more, she needed him. She could smell him. Her fingers reaching for his cock. She pulled the already hardening phallus into her hand. Drooling she slipped it between her lips, even as she continued to hump the wall, her tail twitching, her toes curling. So close, so close she thought. She could feel him hardening in her mouth. She sucked and licked and kissed him, fondling his balls with her free hand, while the other reached between her legs and toyed with her clit. Pushing him back onto the bed, she slid of the dildo, and pounced atop him. He barely had time to get a condom on before she was atop him. He filled her. She rode him for a moment before he shifted and threw her to the bed, he breasts pressed against the sheets as her bunny tailed ass wiggled waiting for him to dominate her. His cock slid back in now, as she squirmed and moaned, her hips pressing back into his. She couldn’t cum without him. It was so frustrating. Now she let the waves wash over her as he pressed down. Her plump backside felt the stinging slap of the flat of his hand, making her squeak in pleasure and pain.
It was over faster than she wanted as she could feel her muscles clench, pulling at him as he orgasmed. She wanted to feel that spray, and frowned a bit at the condom’s denial of her wish, but she still let the ebb of her orgasm wash over her even as she slowly sank down around her, cuddling his soft bunny in his massive arms.
She rolled over and snuggled into him. The warmth feeling good and secure. Maybe later she could convince him to bring a few more toys into the bed and really let her curl her bunny toes. | yiff-extreme |
Title: The Circle of Life (KovuXSimba) (Short Story) by Prince Seren
Tags: Blowjob, Fucking, Kovu, Lion, Lion King, M/M, Rimming, Sex, Simba
Simba sighed heavily as he paced around Priderock, the sun just risen a few minutes ago and already the Pridelands were scorching hot. He looked around sniffing the air trying to catch a scent of any signs of his wife and daughter, making sure that they were really gone. Since Nalla and Kiara decided to take a short vacation out of the Pridelands he was going to make his move on Kovu since it was just the two of them. He had fond feelings for the young lion, and he wanted to share them with him, but he was afraid. Never in his whole life would he had suspected that he would love another male lion. He didn't even know if that was part of the Great circle of Life. He wanted to consult Rafiki the old baboon Shaman about his problems, but he knew that wouldn't help.
He kept pacing, his paws scratching against the smooth rocky surface of Priderock. The other lionesses were out as well leaving the rock all to himself and Kovu. When he imagined himself as King when he was a cub, he never imagined this day in a million years. The young lion that joined his pride was so...hansom and cute. He had never imagined himself thinking these thoughts...
He raised his head and gasped, Kovu was approaching Priderock from his morning hunt. Simba crouched down on all fours trying to make himself invisible, but he knew that the young lion had already seen him.
"Simba?" the hansom voice of Kovu came as he leaped up on the steps of Priderock looking around.
"Over...over here Kovu," Simba stuttered as he tried to keep calm.
"Is something wrong sir?" He asked as he approached.
Simba's eyes observed every inch f the young lion, from his mane to his ass which was perfectly smooth and round, his tail swaying slightly with a black tip.
"Since we are alone after all Kovu, there has been something I've been ugh, meaning to tell you," Simba started his voice trying to crack on him from nervousness.
"What is it Simba?" Kovu questioned smelling the anxiety in Simba.
"Your not like yourself sir," He added.
"Like I said, since we are alone I have had the sudden urge to um....how do we put it? Mate with you," he at last said lowering his head his red mane flowing down like a river of blood.
Kovu looked at Simba for the longest of moments in silence. The silence was so awkward that even the birds had ceased their morning song.
"You want to mate with another male lion?" Kovu questioned looking at him directly in the eyes.
"I know it sounds...strange and unusual, but ever since you arrived I had this strange infatuation for you," Simba said trying to explain his feelings.
"I ugh...I know how you feel, I've been meaning to tell you the same thing Simba, for I feel the same way about you," He said looking up at his king smiling.
Simba lifted his head up in shock and looked at Kovu.
"You like me as well?" He questioned his ears flickering slightly.
"Yes, every chance I get I always observe your body, and in my head I imagine you dominating me like you would Nalla during the mating seasons," Said Kovu a small hint of rosey blush appearing over his muzzle.
Simba chuckled softly and walked up towards Kovu, pushing his muzzle against Kovu's in a deep kiss.
At first Kovu did''t know how to respond to the kiss, but slowly melted away when he felt Simba's tongue reach inside kissing him back passionitly.
"Do you want to try?" Simba questioned.
"I do have an erection," He added looking between his legs. His sheath was hard as a rock and a bit of his member was poking out from it.
"Yes sire," Kovu replied turning around rising his tail revealing his tight ass.
Simba walked towards the young lion purring happily.
"Maybe we should go further into the cave," Simba said as he then began to walk back deeper into the Rock, making sure that Kovu followed.
Once they reached the darker end of the cave did Simba return his attention to Kovu's ass. He lifted his muzzle up right into it, his tongue came out from his muzzle and began to rim the tight hole of Kovu's ass. His tongue slips inside it tasting his insides and began to lick around the walls opening it up slowly for his cock.
Kovu let out a loud moan, purring loudly as his claws extracted and began to scrap against the stone floor as he observed King Simba's movements.
"Oh that feels good," Kovu said purring really enjoying the feel of Simba's tongue against his prostate.
Simba kept rimming Kovu, until he was nice and open, he then got on top of him, his front paws wrapping around his waist, his rear slowly bending back as his cock reached its destination.
"Ready?" Simba asked purring deeply.
"Ready," Kovu replied gasping when suddenly he felt Simba's large cock slowly insert itself inside his tailhole. He lets out a moan as he closed his eyes his claws digging into the stone.
Simba clenched his jaws shut as his cock slowly pushed inward. This was the feeling that he was longing to feel. It was so different with Kovu then it was with Nalla.
"Oh your tight,' Said Simba as he slowly thrust his hips against the other male lion purring loudly feeling the pressure of Kovu's tail hole against his hardening cock.
"You're so big Simba," Panted Kovu feeling his own cock submerging from his sheath.
Kovu moans loudly, feeling the older lion's cock going in and out of his tailhole, his eyes close as he panted heavily feeling himself get harder and harder, his right paw lifts up as he supports himself wih his legs and other paw and slowly began to stroke his own cock which was fully erect.
"Oh fuck yeah," Simba growled slightly placing his head against Kovu's shoulder as he kept moving his cock ramming Kovu's tailhole.
"I think...I think I'm getting close," Panted Simba as he growled slightly his hips thrusting deeply.
"Hold it Simba, this feels...feels so good," Kovu said grunting slightly stroking his cock with the pads of his cock grunting heavily feeling his prostate get rammed by the King's large cock.
"I don't...I don't think," Simba went faster, and faster his hips thrust hard feeling his orgasm reach its peak. He lifts his head roaring loudly when suddenly a river of white shoots into Kovu's tailhole, he removes himself just in time to spread some over Kovu's ass, painting the maroon fur of Kovu in a creamy white panting heavily as he collapsed.
Kovu moaned loudly still stroking his member as he turned around.
"Suck it Simba," He said purring.
Simba grinned and then opened his muzzle and began to lick the lion's cock, tasking that sweet saltiness as he laid on all fours against the lion, his head between his legs. His muzzle wraps over the large member of Kovu's cock and began to suck on it, his tongue gently wraps around the large cock as he sucked on it hard.
Kovu moans loudly arching his back as he panted heavily his eyes going glassy as he pants.
"Oh Simba, I'm....I'm Cuming!" He growls loudly as he thrust his hips once more his eyes closing tight.
Simba tasted salt as he lifted his head, he then was showered with a sea of cum that spurted out from Kovu's cock. The seamen painted his red mane and tanned face a creamy white as he observed Kovu's expression who looked at him panting. Simba watched Kovu's body rise and fall with his breathing.
He then crawled up towards Kovu, resting himself on top of the young lion as he kisses him deeply allowing the both of them to share the taste of Kovu's seamen.
The lions laid there for the longest of moments, from that moment on he knew that the story of Priderock was altered, that he had fallen in love with another male, and that the path had been changed and that him and Kovu will be mates forever... Was this apart of the Circle of Life? | FSE |
Title: How Are You?
Tags: cheating wife
*Another short one which yet again has no sex to speak of. Maybe I should get some Viagra(?). It's a total fabrication and none of the names are real. Hope you enjoy.
"Hi sweetie. It's so great to hear your voice. I have to tell you, I had a heck of a time finding a new phone number for anyone there. So... how are you all doing?", Linda gushed while trying to keep from sounding breathless and trying to hide the fear and longing that she really felt.
Stacy hesitated and decided to play it safe, "Ummm... I'm sorry, who is this?"
"For crying out loud, Stacy. This is your mother! I'm.. I'm sorry I haven't called before now but, jeeze, I would expect that you would at least be able to recognize the voice of the mother that loved and raised you for 17 plus years.", Linda said, now very crestfallen.
Stacy smiled a bit. She really had been pretty sure that it was her Mom calling but things being what they are she had decided to be extra careful. Being careful also had the added benefit of giving her absentee Mom an emotional "slap aside the head" without being out-right nasty.
"Oh, hi Mom. You caught me by surprise and I was just being... you know, careful. I didn't want to start getting chummy with some stalker." Stacy paused again and decided to take issue with her Mom's "loved and raised you for 17 plus years" remark. She was keeping her temper well under wraps but wasn't above being "politely catty".
"Mom, I don't think you can count the last three years under the headings of 'raising' or 'loving'. I was almost 14 when you abandoned us and this is the first we have heard from you in over three years. I'm 17 now and haven't felt your motherly love in quite some time."
Linda sighed heavily, "I'm sorry, Stacy. Things were just so, so complicated back then I just felt I had to leave. ... But, enough of that! I really called to see how you are doing and maybe talk to your sister and brother if they are around. I plan to be a lot more available to you now that things have settled down. I hope we can reconnect and you can take a little advantage of being the child of a well-to-do mother now that Frank and I are married. I have so much I can do for you, Rachael and Josh. Our life is so much better than what it was when I was with your father. Don't get me wrong, your father is a good person but he just can't provide the niceties of life like Frank has lavished on me. I'm very spoiled now and I love it!"
"So now I want to show you kids a REAL life. The way life should be lived. At the same time, I can make up for the years of scraping by we all endured given your father's meager income and yes, maybe make up for my leaving rather abruptly."
Stacy was seething by this point. She loved her Dad, Ed Mercer, dearly. She also respected the responsibility and heartache he endured when Linda left forcing him into the role of a single parent trying to raise two early teen and preteen daughters and a wild 20 year old son. She was also very proud of how he had turned their lives around since her Mom's departure. Linda had cleaned out the bank accounts before she left so finances had been suddenly much worse than they had ever been in Stacy's memory. At the young age of 14 Stacy took on the role of homemaker as much as she could to help her family survive. Together they had survived, but it was a struggle for over eight months. Then things got better when her Dad made some drastic changes and now life was great!
It would have been easy for Stacy to simply lash out at the perpetrator of much of the pain that defined her fourteenth year of life. That famous temper of hers was ready, waiting in the background like a tiger on a light leash just waiting for slack and the chance to strike.
Stacy suddenly felt a rush of utter calm and knew the course of action she needed to take and it was brilliant!! If she lashed out, her mother would undoubtedly hang up and Stacy might never see or hear from her again. This would do no good for anyone and she really did want to have a relationship with her mother regardless of the stupid things she had done. Stacy basked in the calm feeling sweeping over her as she decided how to proceed. She would make her point, rub her mother's nose in the slime of her mistakes and still come away with the chance of a continued relationship for her, her siblings and her mother. Stacy smiled broadly and thought, "Stacy, girl, you may have just figured out a huge life lesson."
"Mom! You absolutely will not believe how hot I am. Hang on, I'm going to take a picture with my phone camera and send it to you. Don't hang up!"
Stacy stood in front of the full length mirror in her bedroom with ample light shining through the window. It was around 4:00PM in mid June so the sun came in strong through her west facing window. She smiled brightly, turning a bit sideways to show her coiffed strawberry blond hair piled on her head in an elegant style. She was wearing a full-length lavender evening gown that was elegant but hugged her very feminine frame showing her evolution into full womanhood. The gown was set off by long white gloves that hugged her arms to just above her elbows.
She clicked two pictures, chose the better of the two and quickly sent the picture off to her mother's cell phone. "Did you get it? What do you think?"
There was a long pause, as Linda viewed and digested the impact that three years in a blooming young woman's life can make. "Oh, my God. Oh, Stacy. You are beautiful. I'm... you... I'm speechless.", Linda said this in a sort of whisper, choking back the lump in her throat that was trying to strangle her. "Oh, Stacy I have missed so much, you have grown so... Oh, shit what have I done."
Stacy ignored her mother's reflection and pressed on, "You think that's something, wait 'til you see Rachael!"
Stacy glided across the hall to her sister's room, pushed open the door where her now 14 year old sister was getting last minute touches to a very elegant hairdo of her long, thick honey brown hair. Rachael's hair was also piled on her head with several ringlets that formed a coiled frame to her face. Her big gray-blue doe eyes and soft features made everyone stop and stare. Her face was strikingly beautiful. She also was wearing an evening dress that was softly elegant but did a much better job of concealing her charms than the dress worn by her older, more mature sister.
"Hey, Rach. Strike a pose. Mom's on the phone and I'm sending a picture of you to her." Rachael was being assisted by a woman in her mid thirties also in an evening gown that was made to impress. The woman possessed a regal beauty that turned heads regularly wherever she went. The woman started to remove herself from the picture frame when Stacy intervened, "No, Janice stay right where you are. I want you in the picture too."
Rachael was still a bit stunned but finally rolled her eyes and yelled with her hands cupped around her mouth towards the phone, "Hi, Mom! I can't talk now but lets connect some time later."
Stacy clicked a few pictures, picked the best shot and sent it on it's way.
After a pause, Stacy put the phone to her ear and said, "Bet you don't recognize Rachael do you? I mean Mom, Rachael's even got boobs!"
Rachael got red faced and screamed, "Stacy, you dork! Shut up!", but there was a shy smile on her face as the two other females in the room giggled at her embarrassment.
Stacy turned her attention to the phone again, "So wada ya think, Mom?"
Linda was at a loss for words, "I'm stunned, sweetie... Just stunned. You two have grown up so much and you are both so beautiful. I'm so proud. I wish I was there with you."
Linda kept pulling the phone away from her ear to look at the pictures of her children whom she now missed more than anything. Her heart ached with regret and longing. Then the details of the pictures began to filter through her tear filled eyes. "Why are you two all dressed up? You can't both be going to prom are you?"
Stacy had effectively hooked her Mom and was now ready to really start the nose rubbing. "No, Mom. It's even cooler than that. You remember the annual party that you always went nuts about and you and Dad never got invited to? You know. The Sedgewick-McTaggert Welcome to Summer Formal."
Linda responded immediately, "Of course, I remember. It was always the social event of the year. Damn, I would have given my eye teeth to go to that formal. Only the most powerful, beautiful people in the whole state were invited. I wanted so much to be able to get all dressed up in a formal gown and rub elbows with the social elite. I would have so loved that.", Linda sighed and then quickly broke out of her imaginary vision. "Oh, my God, did you and Rachael get a job acting as hostesses or wait-staff for that party? Wow, that is amazing! I'm so proud of you two. To think my daughters are actually going to get to be there among the beautiful people. I'm jealous!", Linda gushed breathlessly.
"No, Mom we are not part of the wait-staff. We are invited guests. As a matter of fact, we get to sit at the head table because Daddy is the guest of honor! It's a surprise for him, but Daddy is also going to get roasted! Isn't that like just too cool! I even get to be one of the roasters! I am soooo nervous but also so excited."
Linda was dumbfounded,"What? You're kidding right? You have to be kidding. Why would a lowly Cost Containment Clerk get invited to the Welcome to Summer Formal much less be the guest of honor? That just doesn't happen in real life. You're lying to me aren't you?"
"Yeah, right Mom. Rachael and I get all dressed up each day just on the off chance that you would call so we could yank your chain. Get real, Mom. A lot has changed since you abandoned us. We were very hurt, no, we were all devastated; but, Dad pulled us all together, even Josh, and somehow made a new life for us. Maybe I should bring you up to date on what's happened since you dumped us. This will have to be quick because the limo should be back with Fauna and Josh in about 15 minutes and then we will have to leave."
Stacy sighed deeply to quell her anger before she began her narrative of their life 'after Mom'. "Dad was pretty much destroyed when he found out you were 'doing it' with some old fart in your and his bed. You kinda disappeared right after he found out and confronted you so I guess you were already planning to leave but the date just got pushed up a bit."
Linda interrupted Stacy to whisper, "I'm sorry, Stacy. I didn't know you knew what happened between your Dad and I, but yes, after your Dad knew, I felt I had to leave. What was the point in staying. I mean, my God, he even had pictures of us! Frank and I decided to leave town and go to his Manhattan apartment and that's where we've been ever since." I'm sorry your Dad decided to tell you about what happened. I think that was kind of low to involve you kids."
"Horse shit, Mom! That is just pure horse shit.", Stacy tried to get her rising temper back under control. She took a deep breath and continued, "Dad didn't tell us. I told him! Who do you think took the pictures? Duhhh!
Rachael and I came home and everything was quiet except for some weird noises I heard coming from your bedroom. I told Rachael to wait downstairs and I went up quietly to investigate. When I saw what you were doing, I grabbed your cell phone, took a few pictures and sent them to Dad. Then Rachael and I left and went over to a friends house. By the time Rachael and I came home that night you had locked yourself in the bedroom and never came out but we could hear you crying. You were gone by the next morning. The last image I have of my 'loving' mother was of her on her back under some old guy in my Dad's bedroom. Tell me that didn't take therapy to get the images out of my head. I'm glad you at least had covers over your bodies or I would probably be in therapy even now."
"I can't believe you are the one who betrayed me, Stacy. How could you do that?"
"I don't think this is the time or place to trade shots about betrayal, Mother. It would be a pretty uneven match, don't you think? I'll put my fire hose up against your squirt gun any day and we won't even talk about Rach and Josh's stuff. So do you want a recap of the last three years or not?", Stacy was actually marveling at her own self control and her handling of this situation. The thought crossed her mind that she had really grown and matured in the last few years.
Linda understood at that moment that to have any kind of relationship with her children she was going to have to walk through the hell of facing responsibility for her actions and the outcome of those actions. This was not going to be some easy task. Not something a few gifts and trips would automatically fix. Her children had had to accept and adapt to a life without her in it. She wanted to know how they had fared but to do that she would have to hear how they felt about her decisions and choices. Did they all hate her? No time for running now. If she backed away now she would most likely lose them, probably forever, but if she wanted to reconnect she would have to accept their feelings and feel their fire. Was she up for this? Was any of this worth the pain she knew would come later?
Linda steeled herself. Her voice was soft and contrite, "Yes, Stacy you are absolutely right. We will have to have those kinds of discussions at some time, I suppose, but for right now we need to be back on some kind of reasonable speaking terms. I called to reestablish contact with my children and this will be a good first step. So let me hear what your lives have been like after I left."
"Mom, you just won't believe it. It's like something out of a story, like a fairy tale, even. Anyway, Dad went into a real funk for a few months and it was really bad. A lot of days, Rachael and I would come home from school and I would make her stay outside while I went in and checked to be sure that I wouldn't find Dad dead or something. Every time the phone would ring, I would jump thinking it was the police or hospital or something. I told Josh he needed to step up and quit drinking and partying because I couldn't be the only one trying to hold on. He did try, I think, but he wasn't much help. Finally, Dad started reading books on surviving breakups, grief and stuff. A lot of nights he would just lock himself in the bedroom and we would hear the clicking of the keyboard keys on the computer. He was writing which I think helped him a lot."
"Remember how overweight he had gotten? Well, one day he started getting up early to run and he even dusted off the treadmill and the weight machine thingy and started using them. I thought he was trying to beat himself back into living again." Stacy paused and thought for a moment then she said, "I know you probably don't want to know all this stuff about Dad, but it really is important in the whole scheme of things. So, sorry if it's not what you wanted to hear about. By the way, he's looking pretty hot now."
"No, no that's okay honey, I do need to hear about this, but thanks for caring enough to put that in perspective for me. I do want to know how you, Rachael and Josh are doing mostly.
"Well, Rachael's an easy one. She just kind of pulled herself into a shell and stayed there for quite a while. She's pretty much come around now and you wouldn't believe how well she's doing. A lot of that has to do with Janice. She and Rachael have really clicked."
Linda looked at the picture on her phone again and took special note of the woman helping Rachael get ready. "Okay, who is Janice exactly?"
"Oh, sorry, Mom. Janice is Dad's girlfriend. Isn't she gorgeous? ... And she's so sweet. She's a former swimsuit model and still does fashion modeling. She's really helped Rachael come out of her shell and now she's helping Rachael get started in the modeling world. ... Oh, Mom! You have to get a copy of last month's Teen Fashion World magazine. Rachael is on the front cover and she looks absolutely amazing! She is really becoming quite in demand as a model."
"What! How... When did this all happen? Your Father hooks up with a girl half his age and now she's pimping your sister out to photographers! If I find out she's doing any cheesecake photos I will have Dad and Janet or whatever her name is up on charges.", Linda was close to hyperventilating now.
Stacy waited to bring some calm to the situation (with an awareness that she knew where she probably inherited her temper), then she spoke very softly for effect, "Mother, Daddy and Janice are very, very protective and careful about any modeling work Rachael or I do. At least one of them is at every shoot, they insist on the photographer signing an iron clad contract with Dad and not one photo gets taken without Dad's review and permission. Do you really think Dad would allow anything remotely close to 'cheesecake' for either of us? He won't even allow her in a swim suit shot. As for Dad's girlfriend. Janice is her name, she's 34 years old so there is 11 years difference between her and Daddy. That's a LOT fewer years than you and Franky, who is what? 100? I don't know if they will ever get married but they are cute together and she has helped him a lot. She even says nice things about him once in a while so he seems pretty happy. Happier than I have EVER seen him, in fact."
"Frank is only 66 to my 43, Stacy.", Linda interjected hastily. "I'm just not sure if modeling is a good life choice for Rachael, it's certainly nothing I would have allowed. She needs something more dignified to do with her life."
Stacy bit her tongue to keep from saying something like, "Dignified? Like dumping your family to become some arm ornament for some 66 year old rich guy.", so she pressed on, ignoring the interruption.
"Modeling has done great things for Rachael, Mom. She is not nearly as shy. She now carries herself with an air of confidence and poise that she never had. She finally knows who she is, what she can accomplish and what she is good at. She even directs or suggests theme poses for some of her shoots. Let's face it Mom, Rachael has never been great academically and always considered herself a loser because she felt she had a bleak future. Now, she may be a world class fashion model before she graduates from high school and have a bank account that even YOU would be proud of. Before you ask, yes, I said I am modeling too, but I'm not so much into it. Rach and I do fashion stuff together where I am sort of an extra to highlight her or wear different patterns or colors of an outfit set we're showcasing. The best part is that Rach and I have gotten really close because we are helping each other and working together. I get paid pretty well also so I am saving a lot of money towards college. School is still my thing so I'm doing well. I've been taking a few extra courses each semester so I can graduate early and start college sooner. I'm still holding my 'A' average but I'm a bit worried about chemistry this year. It's a butt kicker but I need it if I'm going to get into veterinary school."
"Oh! Mom! You won't believe this. Rach and I get to keep the outfits we model so I actually have a wardrobe now! Can you believe it! I'm actually one of the best dressed in my class instead of 'Miss Geekazoid'. A lot of the 'too cool for you' girls in my class ask ME for fashion advice and some even have asked for my autograph!! Isn't that just too sick? I'm like almost popular. The best part is that the guys are starting to notice me.", Stacy giggled.
This was all very disturbing to Linda who had always struggled to achieve some undefined level of social strata. She had left her family behind to achieve social acceptance and it seemed most of her family members had achieved lofty heights without her. To make the cut even deeper, they had accomplished this with seemingly no effort!
Linda sighed heavily, "I'm thrilled you and your sister have done so well, Sweetie. So, although I'm afraid to ask, how is Josh doing? Is my boy okay?"
Stacy took a deep breath and checked the clock on her night stand to see how much time she thought she had knowing that soon the limo would return with Josh and Fauna. She didn't want to get into the next topic and run out of time before she finished. She noted that she probably had enough time. "Well, Mom, surprisingly I have to admit that Josh has turned a corner on getting his life on track. He was pretty wild, as you know, before you left and continued his drinking and hanging out with his friends after you left. He even got worse for a while. Daddy finally jumped down his throat and demanded that he quit partying and at least find a job or go back to school. Josh told him where to go so Daddy finally threw him out and told him not to come back until he had a job. Daddy even had the police remove him from the house a couple of times."
"What! Your asshole father threw my baby boy out of the house! How dare he! I'll have Frank contact a lawyer and sue that prick!", Linda huffed.
"Good luck with that, Mom.", Stacy said shaking her head. She knew her mother always considered Josh to be her favorite and let him get away with anything. She also knew that Linda supported his antics by slipping him money whenever he asked for it. He was actually pretty lucky that he never got arrested or in serious trouble.
"That was a year and a half ago, Mom, and Josh and Dad have pretty much come to terms since then. Josh mooched off of his friends for a while and even they got tired of supporting his lazy ass so they dumped him. He was on the street for a while and finally decided he didn't like life there, especially when he saw the three of us doing okay. He came to Dad and apologized and wanted to move back home. Dad kept with the 'get a job first' position so Josh got a job working on roofing. He finally moved back home but Dad made him pay his own way to show him what being an adult was about. It was sort of funny listening to him moan about the hard work and having to pay for food, rent and his car and not having any money afterward. Dad always would tell him that's the way of the real world and get used to it. It pretty much went on like that for about a year until Fauna came along."
"Don't tell me your Dad has another girlfriend. Who is Fauna?"
Stacy laughed. "No, Mom, Fauna is Dad's personal assistant. She is one sharp cookie and doesn't put up with any shit from anyone. Dad always refers to her as his boss. She is only 22 years old but she really has her act together. She actually met Dad at a convention he was working in Minneapolis. She walked up to him, shook his hand and told him he needed to hire her to make all travel arrangements, bookings and manage his expenses if he wanted to be a REAL success. She then handed him her resume and told him to call her when he was ready to take his career seriously. Dad hired her on the spot. She lives here with us so Dad jokes about having his harem to deal with. She really has been instrumental in helping Dad get his career off the ground. She is like having my very own big sister and we all love her. She's a real Norwegian cutie. She's about 5' 7 with short blond hair and baby blue eyes. Josh took one look at her and fell in love. She told Josh she wouldn't date anyone that wasn't going somewhere with his life so all of a sudden Josh got motivated. Mom, Josh enlisted in the Air Force four months ago and is soon to be headed to Monterey, California to language school where he will be learning Russian, I think."
"What!!? Air Force? Language School? RUSSIAN!!? Holy shit!", Linda was aghast; this was too much.
Chuckling at her mother's reaction, Stacy pressed on, "Wild, huh? He's at Lackland, Air Force Base waiting for his security clearance to be completed so Dad asked him if he could take some leave to come home to visit and go to the party. Fauna is softening up to him but still won't admit that they are an item. But us girls can tell she is hooked. She doesn't date anyone else and they talk on the phone for hours when they can. It's so cute. Josh is like... smitten. He has a plan to finish language school and go to college to get his degree and become an officer. Can you believe that! My nutso brother a military officer! Just too weird! It's strange what love will make you do, isn't it?", Stacy smiled at her own little dig at her Mom while innocently discussing her brother's future plans.
Abruptly a baritone voice began singing out "The Impossible Dream" in the background. Stacy laughed and stepped into the hallway outside her bedroom. "Oh, Mom you gotta hear this." She held out her phone in the direction of the voice as a series of wolf howls and groans were heard from very feminine voices. Rachael yelled out with a chuckle in her voice, "Daddy! Sing my favorite song 'Far Far Away'. On second thought just go sing far far away." Janice joined in with, "Don't quit your day job!" Stacy followed up with, "Daddy, why don't you take it on the road. I think there's a bus leaving in 10 minutes!" The girls could be heard laughing in the background as Ed was heard saying, "You girls are killing me! I get no respect. My own family... That does it. You are all off my Christmas list!" More laughter was followed by a female chorus of "We love you, Daddy!" and a male promise that okay they were back on the Christmas list.
Stacy came back on the phone laughing, "He's so funny. He always sings when he's happy or gets excited nerves and we always give him a hard time about it. It's a little game we play."
"Oh.", was all Linda could say. It was evident that her family had moved on without her. She was subconsciously hoping they would somehow still be hurting because of missing her. She then fell silent.
Stacy picked up the ball of conversation and continued her narrative. "Daddy doesn't know he's the guest of honor tonight but he's a bit nervous because he and Jack McTaggert are going to play a couple of guitar duos with the band. You know Daddy and his blues guitar stuff. After he and Jack became sort of buddies they both discovered they love to play guitar and they get together pretty much weekly to practice and drink a little beer. They joke about becoming rock stars . They're actually pretty good but they just do it for fun. Tonight is their first public gig and should be a hoot. Can you picture Dad in a tux playing guitar on a stage?" Stacy chuckled with that visual in her mind's eye.
Linda was again floored. "Your Dad and John McTaggert are friends? THE John McTaggert? How did that come about?"
Stacy smiled to herself. She knew that her Mom held the McTaggerts in high esteem because of their wealth and power. She also knew that her Mother had always wanted to just meet the McTaggerts and here her Dad and Jack McTaggert had not only met but were now pretty much 'best buds'. Stacy also relished the fact that he had insisted that all the family call him Jack instead of the formal Mr. McTaggert. He was a pretty nice guy who had been instrumental in launching Ed's writing career.
"Yes Mom. THE John, or Jack as his close friends call him, McTaggert. It all started when Daddy wrote a couple of articles about surviving and rebuilding life after a traumatic event like losing everything when a cheating wife dumps you and runs off with her boy-friend. Dad was thrilled when a couple of small magazines bought the articles for publication. Jack read the articles I guess, contacted Daddy and asked him to be a featured motivational speaker at one of the McTaggert corporate employee meetings. We thought Dad was going to have a heart attack. He developed a lecture from his articles and delivered it at their meeting. The speech went well so Jack hired Daddy again to speak at their annual stockholders meeting. Daddy got offers to speak at other meetings for companies represented by the board of directors and things sort of took off from there. Dad started writing more and more and better known magazines picked up his articles and soon he quit his job to devote all his time to writing and speaking. Jack kept introducing Daddy to important people and they started hanging out and they soon discovered they both had a love of playing blues and rock guitar. They have been buds ever since."
Stacy paused a long time to give her Mother time to digest all that had transpired. It was after all an amazing turn of events.
"Your father is now a writer? ... An author? ... A published writer? Your father, my ex-husband, is a published author?", Linda struggled to get her head around the far-fetched concept of her 'loser ex' becoming a success. She secretly hoped that it didn't pay all that well.
There was a sound of activity coming from the main floor of the house. People arriving, murmured discussion and light laughter. A strong new male voice could be heard as well as a much softer female voice. Stacy could see Janice leaving Rachael's room and walking towards the stairway leading to the main level. It was easy to surmise that she was heading downstairs to play hostess to the new arrivals.
Stacy suddenly remembered the step in tonights activity plan that she had forgotten. "Mom. I'm going to have to go pretty soon. Jack and Mona McTaggert are here with the photographers to take pictures for the newspaper society page and the coffee table picture album they publish and sell every year about the 'magical time' people had at the Summer Formal. It kind of makes me want to barf but I guess the book brings in a lot of money for charity and us attendees get to feel warm and fuzzy and good about ourselves." Stacy said this with more than a little bit of sarcasm because she did find it over the top and self indulgent. Still, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride that her Father's achievements had suddenly elevated their family to a place where others (especially her wayward Mother) would regard them with esteem.
Linda was quick to defend the practice. "Oh, Stacy don't take it so lightly. It's a great honor and privilege to be in that book and to know you took part in an historic event. You should be absolutely thrilled you get to be an attendee. Since you will be at the head table, your pictures will be on almost every page! I have secretly bought one of those books almost every year and this year I'll be able to point at pictures of Josh, you and Rachael and say 'See these special people. They are my kids.' I'm actually very jealous but very proud at the same time. I'm definitely putting in my order for several copies of the book as soon as they come out."
"Okay, Mom. ... Oh! Hey. Daddy is doing some kind of writer thingy in New York over Labor Day weekend and Rachael, Janice, Fauna and I were going with him. Maybe we can plan on getting together then. I really would like to see you and I'm sure I can get Rachael to come too, but you need to know that she is still pretty pissed at you for leaving. Maybe we can bring Janice with us so you can meet her. Ummm, would you want to see Daddy, also?"
"Oh, sweetie! That's a fabulous idea! Yes, yes lets put something together. I definitely want to see you and Rach but your Dad and his slu... ummm, girlfriend I'm not sure that's a good idea. Too much pain there from both sides I'm sure. I would like you to meet Frank, however; after all he is your step-father now."
Stacy stuck her finger in her wide open mouth with her tongue sticking out feigning gagging and said, "No, Mom. I still have nightmares about you and Frank doing the nasty so the only way I will meet Frank and you is if Daddy and Janice are there. I think it's only fair."
"We'll see what works, Stacy, but let's not let that upset the overall purpose which is for us to see each other. I am already excited about seeing you and Rach again so let's concentrate on that. Coincidently, Frank is using his influence to get us tickets for a Meet the Author Day put on by the New York Literary Guild over that weekend also. I will press him to get tickets for us all. It should prove to be a very prestigious event. Several novelists will be on hand to sign books and meet and greet. Frank is very excited. David Vulcez has committed to being there and Frank is absolutely giddy to meet him. David is a new novelist and Frank says his first book is absolutely brilliant. I know the coasts generally become aware of the newest trends and happenings before the mid-west gets to hear about them but by chance have you heard of David?"
Stacy picked up on the somewhat condescending tone in her Mother's statement and couldn't help but laugh and decided to give it right back. "Yes, Mother. I have heard of David Vulcez. As a matter of fact, I've met him on a number of occasions. Yes, I agree his work is quite brilliant. I read his book a while ago and found it to be quite..., how should I say, provocative. Have you read his book, Mom?"
Linda was taken aback by Stacy's quip but decided not to react. "No, I can't honestly say that I have. I'm not much of a fan of that type of reading but Frank definitely is a fan."
Stacy was now laughing and almost said something about there not being enough pictures in the book for her Mom's literary tastes but she refrained, "Mom, do you have a hard or soft bound copy of David's book available?"
Linda looked around and then stepped into Frank's study. "Ummmm, yes! I have his hardbound copy right here on Frank's desk. Why do you ask?"
"Mom, look at the back inner flap of the dust cover and tell me what you see."
"Ummm there's a picture of the auth... Oh, my God! It's Ed!!! Oh, my God. It's the picture I took of your father about seven or eight years ago! Jesus! How can this be? This can't be David Vulcez. Your father is NOT David Vulcez. Please tell me this is some mistake."
Stacy was still laughing and trying not to choke as the full impact of the irony kept bombarding her thoughts, "No can do, Mother. Yes, yes and yes, David Vulcez is really Edward J. Mercer. When Daddy decided to write a novel he wanted to keep his different writing purposes separate for a number of reasons so he came up with a pen name and released his first novel under the name of David Vulcez. This is just too funny. Your husband's favorite author is your ex-husband. That is just hilarious. This is too good. They ought to make a movie. I can't believe this. No one could make this shit up. Oh, damn this is too funny."
Linda just sat sullenly and finally just said softly, "Shit."
Stacy needed to go so she just said, still laughing, "I have to go Mom, I'll text you my email address and you can send me yours and we'll get our plans worked out for Labor Day weekend. I'm so glad you called and I really am excited about seeing you again. I love you, Mom. Still too funny."
Linda just offered, "Tell you brother and sister I said 'Hi' and give them my number so they can call me when they get a chance. I love you too Stacy."
Stacy went downstairs still laughing about the implications of this recent turn of events and prepared to go through the motions of having photos taken for the society gawkers. She knew she would have no trouble smiling brightly but only she would know why (for the time being).
Linda sat deep in thought for a long time and came to the realization that karma was indeed a vengeful bitch. She was still reeling from her conversation with Stacy when Frank nearly bounded into the room.
"Linda! You are not going to believe this! I just got a card from David Vulcez! I wrote to him telling him how much I enjoyed his book and how I really looked forward to meeting him in September. He actually wrote back to me and says ... in his own handwriting, no less..."
Dear Frank,
You have no idea how thrilled I am that you read and liked my first novel. Although you may not know it, you have made a very positive impact on my life and my career. I don't know that I can ever thank you enough so I look forward to the possibility of thanking you in person. You have lifted a great weight off my shoulders and provided a much needed spark in my growth as a human being and a writer. I am deeply indebted to you.
Best wishes,
David Vulcez
Frank continued babbling his enthusiastic joy, gushing about how he must have met David at some time, his picture looked somehow familiar but he couldn't place where he had seen him. He now could not wait to meet and hoped to become good friends with his newest favorite author.
Linda just continued to become more and more sullen and depressed as Frank's words faded deeper and deeper from her awareness. Finally, in a raspy dry throated voice she just softly said, "Shut up, Frank. Just shut the fuck up." | literotica |
Title: The Reluctant Thief by RhymeFur
Tags: Age Play, Domination/Submission, Feline, M/F, Nudity, Oral, Wolf
The Reluctant Thief
Well after a LONG rest I guess I am back in the writing business. Well first this story is an erotic story, featuring cubs and adults in adult situations, and as so may not be suitable for all audiences. If you are not old enough to view this file then don't, it's that simple, then again if you are at an area that this file is featured then you already had to go through there adult check before viewing this, so you where warned. Most of the action in this is semi-consensual and you should not proceed any further if such things upset you. As always this is total fiction and is based on a world comparable to the 50's in technology. Well I have warned you as much as I wish to, too much and you will begin scrolling past it anyway. So, for those of you still here, sit back and enjoy the show.
It was night in the country, a small farmhouse about 2 miles from town sits in the darkness, the light of the half moon illuminating the quiet house. At two stories high and looks like it has been standing there for many years, wear and use show through the paint, but one could hardly call it run down, behind it stands a modest cornfield, it stretches out for about 6 acres in every direction. Next to the house stands a small shed, with a few chickens, the old roof of the thing sturdy but weathered. In the past few weeks though a chicken or two would be gone in the morning, there would never be so much of a commotion to wake him or the rosters though.
Living in the house is a gray wolf, a bit past the prime of his life at 30 he stands at 6 feet, covered in a silver fur he is muscled and worn from years of making a living for himself. His body is hard and sturdy like the house he lives in, his build modest and drawing his fur close to his body, scars line his body in occasional places, not battle scars though, he was never a fighter, living in peaceful times. All his wear is from the farm where he works and lives, weather tending to the small amount of animals he has or working the field, the years where kind enough to him where he never had need to work in the factory or storefront. He wears modest clothing, an old red cotton T-shirt drapes over his chest, down lower is a pair of denim overalls, dirty and worn, but comfortable and rugged, he likes to think they are much like himself.
The wolf paces around the house carefully as he turns all of his lights off, he chuckles to himself as he plans to catch the thief who has been raiding his chickens. A few weeks ago he came in like he always did into the hen house to gather eggs, there he noticed the latch wasn't as he left it and doing a careful count he saw that his smallest chicken was missing, along with the mornings supply of eggs. The next time he was able to catch a footprint in the cornfield, he could tell by the shape it was a feline foot, but what he found odd was just how small the print was, almost as if it belonged to a kitten. It was always after he feel asleep that the thief came around, using the darkness as a cover, no other neighbors around to notice anything.
He waited in the shadows until about 10 p.m. it was fall and it was beginning to get a bit chilly out, this late at night he wondered if the wait was for nothing. Any good thief would have known to go on to another place unless they where desperate, perhaps they where caught and killed by someone else, not uncommon in these lands. Then he hears a noise, his lupine ears perk towards the noise and he inches forward, his footfalls silent and steady, bare feet gently touching cold ground, knowing every inch of his land. The thief appears in the light of the moon, a small feline, no more then three and a half feet tall and dressed in rags. It was hard to make out the gender in this light but by the facial features and obvious slender build, the cat seemed to be no more then a child.
He pondered for a moment then leapt forward, catching the thief in his grasp and picking the feline up easily, dragging the offender back into his house. The feline cried out, the voice that of a young girl, she struggled for a bit as she was dragged in "Hey, let me go!" she cried out, wiggling as she is carried into the house. The wolf growls softly "Stay still and maybe I won't turn you into chicken feed little one" he says gruffly, as he turns on the light to the house, he blinks a bit, letting his eyes get used to the light. Well electricity is hardly common around the area he makes sure to have what few luxuries he can manage, such as a refrigerator and electric heat, though more costly it tends to keep things warmer and reach better then vents from gas could.
The lupine smiles a bit, as he sets the girl down, looking her over "stay here and lets have a talk, if you don't try to run I won't have to chase you down with my shotgun, understand?" he says to her in a stern tone. The girl whimpers and nods softly as she looks at her situation, she takes a seat at the table "Y-yes sir" she says softly. The girl is indeed short and skinny, if not for her voice and hair she could almost pass for a male of her age, her fur is a light brown color, masked over by the layers of dirt caked in them, her little body looking like it is underfed. She wears a brown pair of pants, perhaps a different color at one time; she also wears a white shirt, that to looking more brown then anything, a few sizes too large for her. She shifts nervously, as she looks the male over, sighing as it is at least warm and she won't die cold.
The male smiles a bit and then nods "My name is Darien, and if you don't wish to get on my bad side you had better answer my questions, understand?" He says, his tone stern, but not harsh. The girl nods a bit, her face very obviously betraying her fear "Ok sir, I'll do my best" she says gently, her little feet not even touching the floor of the adult sized chairs. Darien smirks as at least she knows not to be on his bad side "Well, first I want you to tell me why you where stealing my chickens" he says, leaning back against the chair. She shivers softly "About a month ago I ran away from the orphanage at the next town over, I took the chickens because I need to eat sir, please don't beat me" she says, cowering a bit. Darien nods softly and ponders what exactly to do with her "Well first what is your name girl?" he asks, curious. The feline looks up at him and whimpers "Sir, please don't send me back there, it's horrible at that place" she whimpers softly. Darien growls low "I said tell me your name, we will discuses other things after." He says to her, leaning towards her. The girl shivers and nods "Sorry sir, my name is Tina" she says, lowering her head.
Darien chuckles to himself as he sits there for a moment, as if thinking a great thought, his tail bobbing slowly behind him. "Well you have a choice Tina, you can either stay here and become my little pet or I can call the orphanage tomorrow and tell them I have you." He says, musing over the thought. In this land it is not uncommon for a creature with a house to take a pet, either buying one outright or with someone who needs to take care of debt of face punishment. Tina whines softly as she thinks "Please sir, I'll stay here, just don't make me go back there" she says, somehow whatever this male had in store for her had to be better then where she was before. The wolf smiles "That's a good girl, now come with me and we'll get you in a tub, then after you clean you can have some supper with me" he says, motioning for her to follow him as he heads to the stairs.
Tina thinks for a moment then follows him, not to fond of the idea of another cold bath, but the idea of food too alluring for her to pass up. Taking his time he walks up and old set of stairs, creaky but sturdy, much like himself at times. The walls of the bathroom are gray, offering no more then the sheet rock covering the bare walls, another project to work on later, he leads her to a large clawfoot tub and starts to run the water, watching closely behind him to make sure she has followed. He smiles softly and looks her over "You better take off your clothes, I'm not having those in my tub pet." He says, making sure to emphasize the last word for her. Tina nods softly and takes of her clothes slowly, letting them drop to the floor. Her body looks even more tiny nude, her fur clings to her and along her back are scars, some looking newer then others, looking down her furless little sex is visible, dirty as the rest of her. Darien looks over her, smiling at her young body and grunting in disapproval as he sees whip lashes across her back "What happened to your back "He says softly, testing the water and stopping it at a good level. Tina winces as even the mention of that almost makes her feel the pain again, drawing her memory back to it "I got those because I wasn't able to do the work sir" she says, now becoming more apparent why she was so adamant against returning to where she was. Darien nods softly and picks her up, gently lowering her into the warm water, being sure not to drop her; he then starts to strip, undoing his overalls. Tina gasps as she enters the water, slowly lapping over her fur, she was expecting it to be cold, not to have a warm bath drawn just for her, and she blinks as the male begins to take his clothing off "What are you doing sir?" she asks gently. All in all few furs in that era are shy of nudity, clothing is to keep you warm when it's cold and in some cases when working with food it's needed to help keep things clean, some though go without clothing most of the time and even in public.
The wolf smiles "It has been a long day for me to, and I do not wish to run the bath water twice" he says, slipping his clothing off. Now that his clothes are off the sweat makes his fur cling to his body, his heavyset balls and large sheath visible to all. The young girl nods softly, watching as the male gets in the tub with her, obviously having room for two adults, making the fit easy for an adult and child. Darien smiles a bit and gets out a bar of soap, gently he brings it to the girl and starts to rub her shoulders, making sure to get them clean "Now just relax my pet" he says "The more you cooperate, the faster we get to eat." He says softly to her. The kitten nods softly and relaxes a bit, the warm water very soothing after being outside all the time, her fur slowly becoming clean as he washes her stomach and chest. The wolf looks at her and murrs a bit, looking her over "Turn around for me, I need to get your back, I'll be as gentle as I can." He says, slowly turning her around. "Tina winces as she is turned around, gritting her teeth as he washes her back, the pain not as bad as she thought it would be but still there. Darien says to her gently "There all done with your back" he smiles, getting a pitcher and pouring water over her hair, starting to wash her hair and face gently "Keep your eyes closed so no soap gets in them" he adds. Tina closes her eyes obediently wondering just what he wants from her, but she doesn't have time to complete that thought, her head once again getting drenched as the soap washes form her head, leaving her upper body clean. Darien smiles softly to her "There, now flip back around and I'll get everything else" he says to her. The little brown kitten nods a bit, turning back around, feeling better now that her face is cleaned off, and stretches her legs out, her feet near his hands. He nods and chuckles picking one of her feet up and starting to wash it off, taking out a scrubber to wear off all the calluses, then doing the same to her other foot, slowly washing up her legs after. She giggles as he scrubs her feet, nervous but really unable to help the fact that it tickles, relaxing her further. From what she can tell he doesn't seem too cruel and she can't imagine he wants to eat her, eating prey species is hardly taboo, but for a predator to eat another is near unheard of.
Darien rubs higher and higher, his fingers now soaping between her thighs, he forces them apart lightly and starts to soap up her little lips, murring deeply. The young girl whimpers and whines softly as he rubs her there, not to sure what he is doing, but spreading her legs for him, not wanting to make him reconsider feeding her "Umm, what are you doing?" she asks hesitantly. The wolf smiles softly "Just touching a place that I will be touching allot soon" he says, softly, with a slight look of lust to his eyes. Gently he rubs between her lips, before moving to her rear, soon finishing up as she just lets him, letting out little whimpers, but seeming it doesn't hurt she tries not to object so he'll keep it that way. "You will have to get used to me touching every part of you, and also you will have to touch just about every part of me, just not tonight." He says patting her head before rubbing her shoulders. She blinks a few times and nods, less sure about this but resting for now, watching him wash himself. He moves faster on himself, having taken baths many times throughout his life he has become attuned to doing it quickly, not one to waste time, and also knowing that his new pet is hungry.
In a few minutes he stand up, gently lowering her onto the floor and stepping out after, letting the now brown water drain out. He moves over to one of the cupboards and pulls out a towel, first making sure to dry the girl off, then himself. Damien smiles softly "You won't be needing your clothing from now on, it's warm enough in here" he says flatly. Tina sighs softly and nods a bit, following the male downstairs to the kitchen, feeling quite nervous about the whole idea of being a pet, not knowing she'd have to be nude. She feels the floor under her, it seems clean enough, she has a good guess that at least part of what she does there will include housework.
Downstairs in the kitchen/dining room Tina takes a seat, while the large male goes to the refrigerator to take out a couple of items. Damien looks back to the girl as he puts some chicken on the frying pan "Relax my little pet, soon you will see there is little to be worried about, I don't beat my farm animals and I'm not about to start on you" he says, adding a few vegetables to the mix. Tina nods nervously, at least she won't get beaten, she thinks, that takes a bit off of her mind as her nose catches the wonderful scents wafting from the pan. The large wolf smiles softly "It'll be ready in just a bit" he says to her, getting out two plates "Do you know how to use a knife and fork?" he asks her. The young kitten nods softly, a bit stunned that she would be allowed to use such things "Yes sir I know how" she says softly, her tail swishing back and forth. Damien chuckles slightly and nods "Well that's good, just because you are going to be under my eye and hand does not mean you have to act like a wild animal"
Bringing the food to the table Darien smiles, the food although not much to most it consists of chicken and green beans, with an onion chopped into the mix. He sets out the food and silverware in front of her, and places his own dish down "One more thing" he says, going to the fridge and pulling out a brown jug. Tina stands there in front of her dish, letting out a tiny whimper as she waits for his ok. Darien chuckles softly "You can eat little one, I'm just getting us something to wash it down with" he says, pouring two glasses of a white liquid, giving it to the girl as he takes his seat across from her. The kitten starts to eat at once, though she tries to show restraint she is almost gulping down the food, she then looks to the glass in front of her, she takes a little sniff and gulps a bit of it, she smiles brightly as she looks to the male "It's milk!" she says excitedly. The wolf chuckles and nods, starting to eat his own food "Well I have a cow out in the yard little pet" he says murring "I'll treat you very well as long as you learn to follow orders" he adds, taking a large bite out of his own food. Tina nods as she eats, taking a sip of the milk with every other bite, it's been so long sense she's had milk, and never cold like this, she continues to smile softly, thinking that whatever he wants her to do can't be worth running away for if he takes care of her like this.
Soon the food is gone, Tina sits there purring contentedly after about 2 servings of food, her tummy full and her little paws warm. Darien yawns softly, he has had a long day working in the field and it is approaching midnight "Ok little one, now it's time for bed, tomorrow I'll start to train you but I need my rest if I am to get any work done" he says, moving over to the girl and scooping her up. The girl lets out a little noise as she is picked up, more surprised then anything else, but she doesn't resist any, wrapping her little arms around the large males chest, feeling oddly comforted there. She can't remember the last time she was picked up and held in another furs arms, the feeling of warmth filling her body more as she becomes comfortable.
Slowly he carries her up the stairs, surprised at how well this is going, he takes her into his bedroom and puts her on the bed "Ok kitten, now you have to sleep with me" he says, striping his clothing off and slipping under the comforters. Tina nods softly, letting out a little yawn herself "Yes sir" she says softly, slipping under the covers. She lays next to the male for a while, wondering if he is going to touch her again, but as she turns around to see him, she finds he is already fast asleep. Soon she finds herself passed out next to him, with how much she's been running around sense she ran away from that awful place she never did get a good full sleep.
When the young cat woke up in the morning she found that the male was already gone outside to work, on the bed next to her she found a note. After a little bit she was able to figure out what it said. For her age being able to read wasn't so uncommon, it has just been a long while sense she had the need or even anything to read.
\-Pet, there is cereal and a bowl and spoon on the counter, pour yourself some and have some milk with it, I'll be in around lunchtime, do not go outside of the house.-
She looked it over a few more times to be sure of what it said and headed to the bathroom, breakfast could wait, and she really had to pee. She looked around the bathroom as she relieved herself. Everything looked different from last night, the light from the window gave it an almost unearthly glow, and she wondered just what was in store for her today, hoping that it wouldn't be too hard. No matter what though she wasn't going back to the orphanage, she would do her best to be a good little pet, though she was still nervous in just what he wanted with her privates. Tina headed downstairs after she washed her little hands and wiped herself good, she found the cereal and everything right where he said, she pondered running but realized that no matter what he was going to do to her that it had to be better then where she was before. She ate her breakfast slowly now, the hunger pains of before all but faded away, this meal just to maintain herself, and any excuse to have some more milk. She finished and looked around the kitchen, making mental notes to herself to where everything is, assuming that he'll most likely have her clean house when it needed to be done.
Lunch time soon arrived and the wolf came in from the fields, wearing overalls and nothing else, his body dirty but all in all he looked composed, showing that he must have been doing this for years, the work hardly tiring to him now. Tina waves politely, sitting at the table, her little feet dangling off the edge. Darien smiles as he sees her still there, honestly he thought she would have run away by now, but seeing how she was beaten can understand why she would be reluctant to go from a place that feeds and bathes her. The male takes a seat next to the girl "Now before lunch how about I give you your first lesson on how to be a good little pet to me?" he asks, smirking slightly. She looks up at him nervously and nods "Y-yes sir, I guess that would be a good idea" she says softly, looking down at her feet.
The wolf smiles and nods softly "Well tell me, how familiar are you with the parts between a males legs?" he asks, starting to undo his overalls. Tina blushes deeply and looks up to the male "Umm, well I know that there is a penis, and under it are two balls?" she says, not too sure about it herself. Darien chuckles softly, slipping his clothes off, his sheath swollen a slight bit, sweat making it almost shine "That's correct pet, now I want you on your hands and knees to get a real close look at them, you'll even have to touch and taste it" he says, patting her head. The kitten whimpers softly and looks up at him, she knows that it's really not right to do such a thing, but then again, stealing is bad to, she shivers softly and gets on her hands and knees in front of it, wrinkling her nose a bit at the smell. Smiling softly, the lupine strokes her ears gently "That's a good pet, now reach your little paw out and rub the sheath" he says, his cock starting to poke out a bit, the member not huge by any means, it is still large to one as young as the girl. Tina reaches out hesitantly to touch the thing in front of her, she lets out a little sigh of relief as she touches it, it's just skin, she tells herself, rubbing the sheath lightly. Murring softly Darien spreads his legs slightly, giving her better access to his swelling cock, soon it gets to about 7 inches, his knot swelling in his sheath a bit "That's very good, now suck on the tip little one" he says, pushing on the back of her head towards his cock. Looking up at him Tina whimpers softly and opens her muzzle, she shivers as the tip touches her tongue, not really liking the taste but having eaten worse in the past, she whines and takes the head into her tiny muzzle, suckling the tip like a bottle. The wolf smiles softly as he looks to her, he grips the back of her head and starts to force his cock deeper into her muzzle "That's it, you'll need to learn to take all of it, don't worry, just keep swallowing and it won't hurt too much" he says, murring softly. The girl whines deeply as she feels the cock start to force its way into her muzzle, gagging as it pushes down her throat, she doesn't resist though, a little tear falling down her face, at least it doesn't hurt like a beating does, she thinks, suckling softly on the salty member. Darien groans as he pumps in and out of her little throat "Yes, that's good, now when I pull out of your throat I'm going to shoot some slimy stuff into your muzzle, you are to drink every drop you can" he says sternly, not knowing how long he can hold out, the muzzle is so tight and nice. She whines deeply as her little face is fucked, she can feel his member throb in her muzzle, it's not so bad now that her throat has relaxed, she continues to suck on him, nodding softly at his order, not really wanting to but figuring it's better to obey.
She shudders over the cock in her muzzle, her little hands going up to hold onto his tights, she feels him start to pull back and almost tries to bring her muzzle with him, scared of what will come out of there. Darien chuckles as she moves with him, pulling on her hair gently to take his cock from her throat, he starts to cum hard, his hot and somewhat bitter seed filling her tiny mouth, letting out a loud groan. Tina gags a bit as the first spurt of seed hits her tongue, she moves to pull back but then remembers she has to drink it, thinking the milk is well worth this somewhat gross taste she gulps it down as well as she can, only tiny dribbles of seed passing past her little lips. Darien makes loud grunts and groans as the little kitten drinks his hot seed, he can at times feel little pricks from her teeth, but he can't really remember a time when he's gotten better head then this. After numerous muzzlefulls the flow stops, the kitten keeps milking the cock gently while she looks up to the male, wondering just how long she has to stay there and if there'd be more she'd have to drink. The wolf smirks softly as he looks to her, gently pulling his cock from her lips, the feel of every vein caressing her tiny muzzle. "You did a wonderful job there my pet, now I think it's time for lunch" he says to her, moving back to the kitchen to get a few things out from the fridge and cupboard.
The end, for now, look for part 2 soon. | FSE |
(M lust TF Bull)
Greg was getting a bit tired of bouncing between beginners jobs, but most career based jobs require a pretty high level of experience he most certainly does not possess. His eyes are a deep blue that almost look purple in certain lighting and his hair mid-length and bound in a small, tight ponytail at all times. Greg is very buff since his pass times are working out and listening to audio books... and listening to audiobooks while he works out tends to extend his workout sessions unintentionally. He had several girlfriends when he was in school, but since setting out to bounce between jobs he hasn't really had the time to chase and skirts. Women flirt with him from time to time, but nothing ends up coming from it.
His current job was helping on a nearby dairy ranch- the owners of the ranch were getting on in age so could not tend to the cows like they used to, and this is a mom-and-pops sort of operation; so these bovine were used to a caring human touch rather than being tossed around like a sack of beef, like an automated dairy would do. He is strong so moving equipment around and shoveling manure into composting heaps isn't hard for him. The women working there are the ones tending to the teats of all the bovine ladies.
And that is why Greg isn't as disgruntled by the lowly position of his current job. There are four other workers on the dairy that the old man hired and the smallest still has C cup breasts with nipples so aggressive it always looks like they are trying to spear their way out of her shirt. Another with perfect C cups and sandy brown hair to her friggen kneecaps! Her hair is so long she ties her hair up with her hair- she doesn't need an actual hair tie. Then another with a wobbly set of DDs- real quiet woman but Greg has caught her glancing at him often with her ice-blue eyes. Then the one he had his eyes glued to himself is Bethany- her hair dyed a navy blue with a streak of neon pink to one side bordering her face. Her breasts were contained better than the other women so her nipples never visible through the fabric, or a slight hint of flesh tone peeking through her top when she gets sweaty working on the dairy- however her tits must be in the range of H cups because even in her very large sportsbra under her shirt- her tits are so soft and huge that they billow out the top slightly, creating a muffin-top shape when she leans forward.
Bethany did not glance his way or flirt back, but she smiled often and seemed to roll with it- not directly shutting him down ever. When he asked to add her on social- she agreed. Trying to be suave; Greg even seen she was running late one day with milking and offered to help... which actually turned into a lesson for him on how to milk, and caused her to run just as late if not take even longer than if she just did it herself.
Greg bent down and immediately grabbed the teat- the cow let out a grunt and turned to him a moment before looking back forward and then snorting softly.
Bethany sighed, gently swatting his hand away from the cow. "Boy if you handle women like you handle cows..."
Bethany put her warm palm on the back cleft of the udder and gently pet the smooth, rubbery skin. After a few moments the cow spread her back legs slightly.
"You grab her tender bits immediately before she even realized you were going for her and startled her. If she tenses up the milk isn't going to flow. There are muscles in the udders that hold the milk in- otherwise they would just drip constantly. If the cow is tense, her muscles are tense, and the milk can't get out. The only way the milk gets out is if those muscles loosen up and let it go."
Greg embarrassingly tented his pants a bit watching Bethany gently caress the cow's udders. Bethany sighed and just tried to ignore it. Greg gently took the teat and squeezed it, but only a single drop fell from it. Bethany went to reach down and show him how to do it, but seeing he was clearly doing something wrong, Greg tried to correct himself first. He gripped the teat and tugged down on it- but his grip was too firm which blocked the path.
Bethany put a hand on her hip. "Her calf no longer needs her milk, but think of how he was getting it when he did. He isn't biting her teat, he only squeezes with his lips firmly enough to form a seal and hold it in place- all the actual force on the teat is downward from his sucking. You just hold the teat with your hand- you pull down."
Since it took her longer to finish up with Greg; the two of them were left to make sure all the stalls are properly closed so the cows don't wander, and clean everything up for the day. Everyone else had already left and the old couple was already cooking their dinner in the house. Greg had no complaints- every time Bethany picked something up it squished her boobs against her torso, causing the tops to stretch the opening of her sports bra further open and billow up more in the gap. They probably don't even make sports bras in her actual cup size. He thought he was being coy, sneaking glances are her wobbling assets- Bethany knew he was looking, she just chose to ignore it rather than cause conflict. He might be helping her for all the wrong reasons, but at least he is still helping.
Greg thought this was the perfect chance- when the two of them were closing up the barn to leave he stopped her. "Hey... so, I was wondering, do you... have a boyfriend?"
She smirked. "Why, do you want to ask him out?" She sighed when he definitely did not laugh at her joke. "I don't. You know when you added me to your social page- I can see posts you made BEFORE you added me, right?"
He started to get nervous, scanning his memory for a post that may have upset her, but he generally forgets about his posts minutes after making them. "Uhm, y-yea?"
She took out her cell phone and started scrolling through his past posts. "What was that one the day you got hired here? You were very eager to fuck all your co-workers, or something like that?"
"OH, woah, n-no, it- uh..."
"Oh here it is- 'Been bouncing between jobs for years now and have never had'- you typed 'had' backwards somehow by the way- 'a job where every staff member is as bonerific as this place. Can't wait to take home one of these lovelies and I don't even care which one!' Hmm."
"Sounds like you really value our personalities."
"Also bonerific is definitely not a word."
"Okay, but li-"
"And you've been eyeing us up rather frequently. I will have you know Sammie is nervous around you because of it." Oh, so she wasn't glancing at him so frequently because she likes him- she was keeping an eye on him because he makes her uncomfortable. "And you've been ogling me all evening today too. Look. Thanks for the help, but, I have no interest in an overly horny guy who objectifies women."
"Wooaaah- woah. I don't-"
"The answers no, Greg. It is fine, I am not mad or anything, it is whatever, but my answer is definitely still no."
She walked away to leave and Greg let her get a head start just because he was too stunned to know how to react, but when he did; he scrambled to catch up to her and stop her again before she got away.
"That is just social media! I don't take it seriously, I just type whatever, y'know? Just because I am bad with words doesn't mean I am a bad person."
Bethany grunt in frustration, stopping to turn around suddenly and putting her hand out to hold him back. "Fine, if you think you aren't at all like that- I can test you easily enough. I have access to some magic- I can put a curse on you that will prove whether you are in control- or your boner is."
He cocked an eyebrow. "Oookay..."
"Are you sure? I have limited access to spells, so if you fail the test completely I am not wasting even more on you to turn you back."
"Right... yea, sure." Now he was second guessing his choice in women- this nut job actually thinks magic is real?
"Okay then- I curse your lust to turn into a beast. If you are in control this shouldn't matter because the curse does not affect you- only your lust." Both of them jumped slightly at the loud splintering sound as one of the gemstones in the many rings she wore burst apart into a vibrantly colored dust. "Well, that one is spent." She pulled the hollow ring off and pocketed it- the band part is still gold, so she can pawn it off.
She got in her car and left just ahead of Greg, leaving him yet again a little stunned. Magic? Yea right. But why did the ring explode? Are all of those rings supposed to be magical? Eh, whatever. She apparently thinks he is some horny puppy- running around humping the legs of whoever walks near. Well... he is extremely horny, and his standards probably have lowered considerably... but that is because it has been so long since he got some real action!
That night after dinner, Greg settled down and decided to work off another boner to wind down for the day. Accidentally popping a boner at work- especially now- would be rather inconvenient so best not leave it alone. He remembered the sight of Bethany's massive tits so close to him as he worked with her earlier that evening. As he masturbated he started to feel unusually pent up, his balls almost felt like there was an outward pressure in them, like he could somehow feel his load building! He was too busy enjoying the feeling to notice his balls actually grew a bit each time they rocked up and down in his scrotum, though the growth was uneven and also caused their shape to deform slightly. When they drew up; he erupted an unusual amount of cum! Usually it just pools on his stomach and navel but his urethra stretched wide to let out thick blasts and he completely overflowed off either side of his midriff! The cleft of his abs completely filled with his hot goo. Each blast was stronger and there was more of them- so his orgasm was both stronger and longer, increasing the volume by at least four times what he could normally do!
He had to change the sheet and get cleaned up before returning to bed, but it was worth it for the sudden increase in pleasure. Is that what Bethany's spell is supposed to do? If that is what it does- he wouldn't mind a few more curses, haha. Only after getting cleaned up did he notice his balls felt heavier, and the scrotum seems larger- his nuts hang lower than normal. He grabbed up the loose flesh and squeezed between his fingers, drawing his balls up higher before hefting them a bit, smiling at the weight. Damn, he felt real good tonight. Greg did not notice his testicles' shape is not quite right. Normally they are longer than they are wide; his are currently wider than they are long.
It would seem his body was not nearly as satisfied as he was, for when he fell to sleep his dreams were wildly erotic- a blur of sexual feelings and scenes changing too frequently to have any discernible cohesion. Not only is he surrounded with beautiful women at work- those cows have their massive udders swinging around under them which is oddly appealing too; especially when compared against the bouncing breasts around them. On top of that; masturbating that night had felt unusually good, and was basically the last thing he did before going to sleep. It was no wonder his dreams were erotic.
He unconsciously started to thrust his new erection into his sheets under him, smearing them with pre while he slept. His pubic hair started to fall out around his cock and all across his balls. The scrotal flesh started to thicken, causing the skin tone to also darken a shade, and his balls enlarged again slowly as they were doing laps in his ballsack back and forth. Their shape however also deformed even further.
Greg woke up the next day and was oblivious to the damp, sticky spot on the bed where he had been rubbing pre all night. He unsurprisingly woke up with a raging boner too. When he slid his legs off the side of the bed to get up, he certainly noticed his balls' weight slap against his thigh- halfway to his knees! That was unusual, though not at all unpleasant. He would however have to be real careful- if he sits down too quickly without pants on to control where they swing, he could end up accidentally sitting on his own balls. He felt incredibly pent up- unknowingly due to him thrusting into his bed all night working himself up but never enough to actually release. His actual prostate was now almost twice the size it's supposed to be, and fully engorged with fluid. Greg was groggy and it did not seem that far off from normal, so he was fully prepared to ignore it, but unlike usual his erection was not going away. In order to use the toilet he had to stand a half foot back and basically bow forward, putting his hips back in order the aim the stream because his cock was too stiff to aim!
He decided to work off his boner again before work, trying to tame the beast. It felt as if he had not cum in ages, and he hit climax unusually fast! His urethra again stretched to accommodate the volume of the powerful jets of cum and his orgasm lasted just as long as the night before, except as it was tapering off- his balls rolled slightly and then lifted back up to once again grind on his pelvis- and his orgasm returned to full strength! He was caught completely off guard and almost stumbled backwards onto the floor! He came as strong and as long as before- but twice in a row!
Greg's thoughts were a jumble for a few moments after, he was just breathing heavily and braced partially on the wall behind himself, half wondering if he would suddenly orgasm a third time out of the blue the moment he attempted to stand up straight again. It was now he grabbed his elongated scrotum and reeled up his balls to examine them, and immediately had a mini-panic attack because they felt nothing like they normally do! The shape was completely wrong! It took him several minutes of feeling them through the loose scrotum to determine that they had essentially doubled. He has four balls- but they are fused in the middle; the new balls grew out, off of the old ones. Was this part of her curse?! She said nothing about giving his nuts the power of mitosis! His scrotal flesh was also oddly smooth, for how loose it also is- the creases and crinkles in the flesh that would normally be there are mostly smoothed out, plus the pubic hair is entirely absent.
Okay, so, something is definitely happening to him. He needed to act casual though- if Bethany found out she would probably be taunting him with it. It is supposed to only affect his lust, right? But he already got off, so now the changes should fade away. So Greg decides to do his best to ignore the changes. He would just pretend like nothing has happened to him so Bethany doesn't get the satisfaction and if he doesn't pay attention to his junk it should just go back on its own.
The work day went pretty normal, though Greg did feel a bit absent minded, and snapped out of a daze a few times as he felt himself slowly approaching an erection after spacing out looking at one of the women! He also noticed Bethany glancing at him occasionally- likely trying to read his face to determine if her curse is doing anything yet. Slowly as the day went on his scrotum seemed to tighten, lifting his balls close to his body again- so the changes are reversing, just... really, really slowly. His repeated almost-erections probably did not help.
It was mid-afternoon when Piper needed his help. She is the woman with large, aggressive nipples capping her C cups. She definitely does not wear a bra, because those nipples are perfectly imprinted into the front of her shirt almost constantly. The trouble now is that she is rather petite, but the ladder up into the loft of the barn broke, so she cannot get to the equipment stored up there. So rather than stand around doing nothing, she got Greg to help. He crouched down and Piper climbed up onto his back, placing her legs over his shoulders. As soon as he started to stand up with her on his back, she scoot forward and unintentionally pressed her pussy into the back of his neck! She is wearing a knee-length skirt, which pushed up by his head, so the only thing between his neck and her plump little mound is the thin stretchy fabric of her panties. She then told him to brace himself and she very carefully started to stand up with a foot on either of his shoulders, finally getting high enough to grab some of the equipment out of the loft. Greg however could not help but look straight up while Piper was distracted- giving him a perfect view of her pussy lips imprinted in her panties.
Greg gasped and wobbled a bit, causing Piper to brace herself and remind him not to move! He felt pent up again, but also as he was getting a boner from looking at her panties he started to get a bizarre pleasure, far back, close to his butt but not quite. The pleasure caused his erection to complete itself rather quickly. He had no idea what this new feeling even is- he never felt pleasure from there before, and also he isn't even touching himself!
Piper noticed the odd expression on his face when he let her back down and asked if he was okay. He just told her his shoulders were a bit stiff and that he would need to go do some stretches. So Piper took the tools and pranced off to resume her work, and Greg slipped away quickly to the very back of the barn where the bricks of straw were stored to use as bedding for the cow's stalls. He wedged himself between the stacks to the very back where no one would look, and immediately opened up his pants, already panting. His cock was dripping pre consistently and bouncing up and down as if agreeing to something. He kept feeling the electric pleasure jolts, and every time he felt one it seemed to be in a slightly different location, moving through him. He took his shaft in his hand and very gently started to stroke it. It spurt even more pre and Greg moaned softly, leaning forward so his forehead rest against the back wall and his butt on the straw wall behind him.
His balls were doing jumping jacks in his scrotum and the flesh there darkened another tone, now looking a bit off compared to the rest of him. His eyes went wide as the pleasure surged again and he actually felt an object moving inside of him! It shoved up into him behind his taint!! Then another surge and it was inside of his taint! He quickly dropped his pants lower and reached up under himself to felt along his perineum and felt a tapered bulge at the very back, before the muscle sloped into his anus! However touching the bulge felt good and another surge went off! His dick spit a gob of pre hard enough it almost looked like he was ejaculating and the bulge inside of him penetrated even further! Now it was sliding out slowly rather than in sudden bursts, which meant the pleasure did not spike as high but now also did not stop. He felt it stretching him further and further open as well as shoving itself further up, plugging his insides! It bent up behind his balls and his dick started to wobble with the frequency of a vibrator turned to 11. It was IN his cock! He could feel it at the very base! Wait, how was the pre getting out if there was an object blocking the path? His hips bucked unintentionally and he gasped softly every time now as it shoved forward a bit further, then slid back a tiny bit, then shoved further again. The urethra bulged obscenely huge and pre flowed out like a broken faucet. With a quiet *smeck* sound, the slit in his glans opened up on its own, causing his urethra to fully yawn open the entire length of his shaft and then the object within caused him to shiver in pleasure as it shoved even further- emerging from the tip of his dick! It penetrated him all the way through!
Greg gawked at it drooling pre for almost a minute before he realized what it must be. The pre is not coming out of his dick- it's coming out of the invading object... which means... it's also a dick. There is a dick inside of his dick, but this one comes to a tapered point and a very slight hook at the very tip. Thanks to being on a dairy ranch literally right now- he recognizes this as the phallus of a bull. He took his penis into his hand again this time gingerly, like tending to a wound. He felt so pent up and needed to get off- there is no way he could walk around with this thing sticking out of him, dumping pre constantly. If he even attempts to pull his pants back on they will be soaked within seconds.
Greg gently stroked himself, afraid to grip it with any sort of strength in its current state. He immediately convulsed from the intensity of the pleasure. The pleasure exploded through his hips and made his entire body shiver in a wave out from that point. The bull penis is also technically his- so he currently has two dicks. Since one is inside of the other, stroking one also strokes the other at the same time! His human penis is being rubbed on the inside by the bull penis, and the bull penis is being rubbed on the outside by his human one! It is like he is masturbating, frotting, and sounding all at the same time! Pulling back on his outer cock causes the inner one to emerge further, and then suck back deeper in when he lets go; because the there is less friction between his hand and the inner phallus.
Greg is practically cross-eyed moaning in pleasure as he masturbated hidden in the back of the barn. He edged himself back several times when he felt himself approaching climax too quickly from the intense pleasure. He wanted to feel this longer! It was such a unique feeling and so, so pleasurable. It was not till he noticed his balls starting to turn in his scrotum that he needed to get off faster! His old balls rotated forward and up slightly as the weight of the new balls growing off their backs increased! His old balls remained the same, while the new ones started to swell bigger and heavier- becoming more bovine! The longer he remains in an aroused state the more love-drunk his mind gets and the more severe the changes are! As much as he wanted to savor the strange moment, he did not want these invading parts to overwhelm his normal bits. Luckily thanks to the mind-numbingly powerful pleasure it was not at all hard to get off once he actually put his mind to it. The amount he came this time was as much as his double-orgasm the other night, except now there was no definition between one wave and the next, it was just one continuous orgasm. After he orgasmed the bull phallus immediately sucked into his dick and vanished deep inside of himself- softening faster than his human cock did. His balls however remained very lopsided, and the scrotum's slight regression from earlier has been undone.
Now he was very distracted the rest of the day. On one hand he was a bit panicked that Bethany's magic actually worked, and he somehow had a bull living inside of him now. On the other hand... it was the most amazingly pleasurable thing he ever felt, and he wanted to do it again.
That night he found his erections were a lot harder to ignore now. Every time he started to get an erection from looking at or even thinking anything sexy; his bull phallus also woke up. The problem there is that in order to erect itself, the bull penis needs to travel the entire length of his current cock from the inside- rubbing the two of them together. So it creates its own pleasure every time it moves, which then makes it even harder to not get a full erection. The only way he found to effectively stop it was to fold one of his legs under himself and sit on it so his ankle is pressed into his taint- blocking the path of the bull penis. Once it hits the obstruction it gets jammed, which feels very uncomfortable, and that uncomfortable feeling causes it to regress again. That unfortunately only works if he is able to sit down in the first place... which makes him wonder how he is going to fair at work tomorrow. He did not notice that all those close call erections that night also had a minor effect on him. His muscles getting a bit more bulbous, and a thin line of fur now grew in the cleft of his balls- looking to replace his pubes with red-brown fur, the color of red clay.
His dreams were a blurry mess of erotic scenes again, and once again he soaked his bedding with pre, waking up to see a pink pillar wobbling over him, holding the sheet almost a foot off his actual body! Greg sat up immediately in fear. In the barn the other day the bull phallus stuck out of his dick about two and a half inches, while completely filling it internally. Now there was almost two feet of candy pink cock jutting out of his human penis- the human urethra stretched obscenely wide to allow it all to pass through! The bull phallus is too stiff to allow his human penis to buck when it throbs, so when it throbs his human penis just pulls tighter around the bull phallus, as if trying to suck it off from the bottom! There are a few pale violet veins visible under the pink flesh, but the veins of a bull phallus are not bulbous- they do not project from the surface.
As much as Greg wanted to ignore it- it is so enormous that he does not know how to even get out of bed without smacking it against literally everything. So much of it is outside of his dick that even if it started to go soft, the feeling of it sliding against his other cock is going to make it return to fully erect immediately. The longer it remains out, the more dominant his lust is going to become as well- he has to beat off to get his lust to go to sleep again.
The actual bovine phallus was too sensitive and the flesh too taut on the surface to grab and jack like you would a human penis- so he grabbed his human dick and masturbated both penis at the same time till he got enough pre smeared onto his other hand to slide along the bull cock further up- since it was definitely a two-handed weapon at this point. Again the tension inside built the pleasure quickly toward orgasm without much effort, but there was a feeling of increasing pressure elsewhere as well. He could feel his tail bone slowly growing, and the size of his balls increasing- gently pushing on his inner thighs for room! Because of how long the dick is; when Greg climaxed and thrust his hips up into the air- the cum actually missed both him and the entire bed, hitting the wall over the head of the bed and running down the wall instead. The bull dick shrank much faster than his human one again, but this time seemed to recall to his human penis and then slow down- making his human penis look obscenely thick for a few minutes because there was an entire additional flaccid dick inside of it. He groaned at the damage to the rest of his body though. His tail bone was now unusually long, though still short enough that most people would not call it an actual tail. His testicles were absolutely massive now! Or, most of them was anyway. The half that were his human balls remained unchanged, however they were now cradled by bull testicles at least three times their size. Without clothes to hold it up, his scrotum hangs the massive nuts at level with his knees! The layer of fur has now consumed them and the base around his balls and cock, but the fur is only a few centimeters long in the cleft of his balls, it's extremely short everywhere else- though dense.
Well... that sort of seems unfair. He cannot control what he dreams about, and his body's reaction to that. Until he passes her little test he is going to transform at least a little bit basically every time he goes to sleep. Granted that should wear off over the day... as long as nothing else compounds it. Being surrounded by beautiful women at work makes that easier said than done.
Greg was hyper-aware of his balls shuffling around slowly in all the loose scrotal flesh, stuffed in his uncomfortably tight underpants. He had to dash away from the other workers several times, feeling what might be the start of an erection coming on and having to flee to prevent it. He had less to dodge today at least- Sammie the tall dark and beautiful one is off work today... although that also meant they were short a woman, so today Greg had to milk some cows too. He was fine with that- without the women around he could just concentrate on the cows and not worry about getting unintentionally aroused. Bethany already taught him how to milk them properly the other evening.
Greg plopped down onto a stool and placed the bucket, looking down the row of cows he was assigned to do. Those are real big udders- it doesn't seem like that much but they hold a lot of milk, they won't drain easily. The moment he went to touch an udder he paused and remembered Bethany gently petting it to calm the cow, but as soon as he did that he kept thinking about how much like a pair of boobs it feels like. Well... it technically IS boobs- just a four pack of animal tits. Each segment like a watermelon. They get really veiny toward the base, trailing fat pink veins up the underside- the milk veins which connect the udder directly to the heart with their own personal supply of blood. Greg started to space out, patting the silky soft, rubbery skin.
He snapped out of it and groaned as he felt a pleasure building in his crotch again. *Oh no, not again!? It is a COW! It isn't even a woman, c'mon!*
His entire body stiffened in confused worry as he felt a warm tingle up his body. A moment later his muscles started to gently clench, then harder, then harder and swell a tiny bit! Because they all increase at once he can actually hear the stretching tissue quietly! His muscle mass is increasing! The veins trapped between muscle and the surface skin tightened and bulged. He went to fold his leg under himself to cut off the phallus but it raced up past his taint, preventing that from working. He grabbed his dick and pushed into the urethra at the base with his index, cutting off passage there. The bull phallus only paused for a moment and then forcefully rammed against his fingers! He was so startled he fell off the front of the stool, but because he is so close to the cow he knocked the stool back as he collapsed onto all fours! The cow just looked at him curiously.
He tried to stand up again but all his muscles pulsed tight, locking his body in its current position for a moment as they swelled! The bull penis emerged from his own dick and wedged between him and his pants, using its turgidity to pull the waist of his pants off of him by an inch! Greg started panting, gawking at the udder only inches from his face, though also shook his head.
*N-no. I am not into... this. I am a man not a beast! I won't give in.*
Greg remained on all fours stubbornly- not lifting his hands to tend to the mutant dick. He groaned loudly as it emerged more and more, inch after inch, but then suddenly slid backwards back into him! It did not even go soft, it just full-reversed.
*Did... did I do it? Did I win?*
A moment later it slowly but forcefully slid back forward, emerging again nearly a foot! It slowed to a stop a little over a foot exposed before burbling up some pre and then reversed again! But it still did not go soft. It started to emerge AGAIN! His balls started to lift slowly and drop down heavily over and over from the pleasure and Greg's eyes went wide as he realized what was going on! The bull inside of him- his lust made manifest- it is quite literally fucking him. He isn't touching it, so it's using the friction of cock-on-cock to get itself off, it's fucking him from the inside out! Bethany cursed his lust to turn into a beast- a side effect of that is that a beast has a mind of its own, so the more power it gains, the more it is able to think for itself and potentially defy him! His dicks made sloppy, quiet wet squelching sounds as they rubbed together in a precum coated mess. Every time the bull shaft emerged fully it stuck a little further out, approaching the over two feet of shaft he had wobbling out of him when he woke up that morning before finally it erupted cum all over the floor with enough force to make audible splashing sounds as each jet pounded the floor!
The bull phallus shrank away again as his lust lost consciousness again. Greg remained stunned for over a minute before scrambling to get something to clean up the mess he made before someone else spots him. His clothes were tight now from all the muscle growth; he really looked beefy now. His muscles were not entirely settled either, they felt like they needed a good stretch but he did not at risk of encouraging them to grow still larger. Now he really had to avoid Bethany- if she seen him now she would immediately know something was up. He didn't want her to think he was losing, even if he so far IS.
Greg groaned, looking down the row of cows again and hustling to start milking them- already starting later than he should have. He had to hurry- he has no interest in cows but his lust is turning into a bull; which is very much attracted to cows. After orgasm, his lust becomes completely comatose, so it's entirely unaware of anything in the outside world for at least a short while. The only way he is going to be able to milk these bovine is if he does it before his lust wakes back up. Even if he does not masturbate himself- his lust can use him as a cocksleeve and just get itself off on him, which means he cannot stop it. What is he going to do? Grab the dick to hold it still? It will just slide in and out of his hands and get off even easier.
Even deliberately trying not to think sexy thoughts while milking was making it difficult! He was trying not to draw any parallels to human breasts, but in doing that he was technically thinking of human breasts. Greg managed to milk half of them before struggling. He felt the unintentional pleasure as the bovine phallus started to wake up and tried to slowly slide out. He sat so the edge of the stool was wedged against his perineum, preventing the second dick from passing through.
Bethany peeked in on him on her way past the barn. "Dang, still here? Not taking so long because you sprouted a tail or nothing?" She grinned at him.
He looked at her trying to cloak his nervousness. "N-no. I am fine. Just... this isn't usually my job, so."
"Oh, yea. Well we are already done, so we wrapped up on our end... you good to lock up the barn yourself?"
"Oh... yea, sure."
He did not even notice till now that the sun was at the far end of the sky already- it was the end of the day and he still had half a row of cows to empty out! Looks like he will be working overtime- but at least he won't have to worry about the women distracting him; they are going home. Sitting on the edge of the stool was making his entire crotch numb from cutting off the blood flow, but he could only let up off it long enough to get the feeling back before both his dicks started to swell and he had to cut it off again. He also had to get up to move over to the next cow. One cow after the other, his penis became a little bit more erect, then remained at that state because the blood also did not flow back out, so he was still getting an erection, just incredibly slowly and in stuttered bursts. He groaned at how overstuffed he felt- the bull phallus halfway up his taint but unable to pass any further forward, causing his taint to billow out, crammed full of more mass than it was ever meant to hold.
*Maybe... maybe if I let it out and then jack off again? It can't do anything if I ejaculate. Hrrngh, but jacking off in the first place is doing what it wants... giving it more control, more power... more shape.*
The problem is, is that he already gave it too much shape. If he had never let it fully wake up in the first place it would be regular lust, instead of lust manifested as an actual physical thing in which to actively fight him. At this point it is remaining stiff- so even though it cannot get out of him, it isn't shrinking back. That means unless he decides to sleep sitting upright on a stool the entire night- he can't keep it contained. The moment he gets up it is going to spring out.
At first Greg thought the muscles in his ass were starting to go numb from sitting so firmly on the very edge of the stool, but continued to milk as quickly as he could- ignoring his body the best he could. When he was done the next cow and needed to get up to move to the next, he looked at it and noticed that it was not just the sensation but its entire shape that was off! The muscles on the sides of his hips and outer, upper thighs were freakishly bulbous! What the heck was that? Cows have really bony looking asses- because their pelvis is shaped like a V; the two corners you see outwardly are the tips of the top of the V. He grabbed at it on either side- completely unsure of what it could even be. It felt like solid muscle, and mirrored the movement of the muscle under it, so he could tense or relax it, but there was no reason for muscle to be there, bulging out on the sides like handles. Unfortunately in examining himself there, he let up the pressure on his seat and the bull phallus started to slowly slide past. By the time he realized it was already too far forward- he could slow it but not stop it.
As his weird thigh-bulges can attest- ignoring the problem isn't fixing the problem. Even if it can't get out his lust is still there and still growing as a result. Greg tilted his hips forward and moaned unintentionally loudly as the inner phallus launched up through him very quickly, collecting all the pre from inside his human cock and flicking it in several different directions as it emerged and wobbled violently from its momentum. It immediately slid in an out a short distance, making micro-thrusts to rub the two cocks together. Greg grabbed his human penis to squeeze both of them as the inner phallus thrust itself, and then grabbed the bull cock closer to the top, having to bend it toward himself a bit in order to properly reach that high on the shaft! As he worked himself up, several of the cows looked at him in curiosity. His balls started to tense but their position in his scrotum did not change- as if they had become too heavy to raise on their own now. His human balls did not tense at all though, not responding to the stimulus. The bull testicles swelled a tiny big larger with every flex, smothering the human balls that were already too weak to even respond. The point where the two sets fused started to spread wider- stretching the human balls to conform better to the bull testicles' shape! Closer he got to orgasm, and the bigger his nuts deformed! Soon his human balls were just bumps on the front of the giant bull testicles, then wide slopes, and finally the balls actually lifted in the scrotum to squeeze against his pelvis, and that final long-held clench that delivered the sperm finally bloated the bull testicles so large they stretched his human balls out of existence entirely!! Each nut was the size of a cantaloupe- squished oblong, slung in a scrotum low enough to knock into his knees when he stands.
Demonstrating they were not just for show- his orgasm lasted almost two minutes, and the jets of cum lasted for two and a half seconds each, with only a half second gap between. During orgasm, Greg completely forgot his fight against the lust and grabbed around his human cock and squeezed down and inward, thrusting his entire hip along with the pleasure bursts, fully enjoying the ride. It was such a strong pleasure, and even the amount of cum he was creating was hot to him. He was also faintly aware of his tail bone extending again though. As if the force of his ejaculation went both forward and backward- the equal but opposite flow was the muscle in his already unusually large tail bone stretching the tissue out in preparation for actual caudal vertebrae to spawn. Once an orgasm starts it is essentially impossible to stop though- resistance will only hold back the physical pleasure, not the orgasm itself. The longer he launched heavy streamers of cum across the barn, the longer his tail grew! By the time he finished he had a full bull tail; tassel and all. His muscles even pulsed a bit bigger too- making his outfit fit him even worse. His midriff was now exposed because his bulbous upper body muscles were taking all the fabric of his shirt now, exposing his hard abs. The cleft between his abdominal muscles is so deep and defined you could stand a pencil up between them.
As the orgasm tapered off, it became a less sexy thought when he remembered that the orgasm was technically from a secondary being that is spawning off of him. He also looked back to the tail immediately and groaned nervously, knowing that would be considerably harder to hide from the women. The tail had the same red-brown fur as his nuts and crotch, but the tassel on the end was more of a base brown- a darker and more diffused brown. The bull phallus lost strength immediately after the show, but worryingly it did not pack itself away entirely! His human penis was stretched obscenely wide because the flaccid bull cock recalled as far as his existing dick but no further- so it still filled his entire taint... which means he cannot cut off its path. The weight of the entirely floppy bull dick inside of him, resting between his legs was bizarre feeling. The very tip of the bull cock remained still poking out of his human urethra. When his dick flopped around from movement it swung with four times its normal weight in spite of being the same size itself.
Several of the cows got out of line to better look at him, wondering what this odd human was doing, but also immediately recognizing the scent in the air as something that was not human. Greg's last ejaculation removed the remnants of his human sperm- it was only about 10% human sperm, 90% bovine. So the cows were wondering why they smelled a bull, when they only see a human.
Greg let out a long groan, deciding to leave the mess for now. He needed to milk all the cows before his lust woke back up, so the stripes of cum he painted across the barn would have to wait till he was done. He was the only human out here anyway, so it is not like anyone else will find it before then. He also noted his clothes were unable to contain him properly. His increased muscle mass made his clothes a very tight fit on its own- but also his balls were now larger and completely filled his underpants entirely on their own... which meant there was no room for cock. Even fully pulled up, his pants did not cover his dick. Thanks to the tail lashing around behind him, he also could not pull his pants completely up in the back, either. He also had zero control of the tail- it just did whatever it wanted on its own.
Even more distressingly though; when Greg stood up to switch to the next cow he almost fell over backwards! His entire body felt... weird. It was easier to move certain ways than normal but much harder to move in others. It almost felt like the muscles on his back were somehow larger than the rest? He looked at his hips and wondered if it was similar to what was happening there. He still did not know what that change was about. The muscle bulges there had grown too, and now better matched his actual thighs, but also they grew down, forming a long bubble-like formation of more narrow muscle, dangling off the bottom of the larger growth. Occasionally it would twitch on its own, but for the most part seemed to just mirror the muscle in his legs. His pants technically covered these growths for now but, it was a bit painfully tight there and you could still easily see the bulge through the fabric- it was not subtle.
Greg tried his best milking the next cow, but found himself spacing out. He was unconsciously moving his face closer and closer to the udder, leaning further forward.
*She smells nice. I can... feel the warmth radiating off her udders. So smooth... the skin on the surface is so soft and malleable. I wonder how much they weigh? Heh... I can help her carry them, if she wants.*
Greg did not notice, thinking what he felt was perhaps some leftover cum dribbling out or pre, but what he actually felt was the bovine phallus flopping out of his human penis again a bit longer but not harder. Because it already travels the entire length of his existing cock, they do not rub together in order for it to get out- so he was waiting for the unwarranted pleasure to alert him, and it wasn't going to happen that way, this time.
Greg let out a huff as his entire body tensed a bit on its own, his muscles felt... cramped. He could not help but arch himself forward and flex. The cramped feeling went away but the tightness of his skin only increased! When he flexed they did not just harden, but actually grew in size again, causing the seams of his outfit to let out distressed sounds. It was not just the meat of his body that grew this time however- once the prison of muscle expanded the bones took their tern to swell larger and bulkier in mass! His entire body increased in size! The bull cock slid a bit longer- though still completely soft, enough of its mass was hanging out now that the feeling of the two dicks wobbling back and forth was exaggerated through their length; and that feeling alone was able to promote an incoming erection.
Because he had grown larger, in order to properly reach down and look at what he was doing with the bloated teats of the cow- he needed to lean further forward. He was already rather tall for the stools, so he ended up leaning so far forward that the stood simply slid backwards out from under him and he fell onto all fours! Of course... he can milk a cow without actually looking directly at the teat- but that did not occur to him at the time. His horny thoughts of how close he wanted to be to those tits and his worried thoughts of having to milk them as quickly as possible became crossed- and instead of trying to get back up and onto the stool... Greg leaned forward, bowed his head, and took a teat into his mouth! He started drinking from the cow!
The cow lifted one of her back legs and glanced back but when it seen him suckling it lowered its leg again. The cows do not understand the methods of which humans take and consume their milk, they just know they are feeding another creature with their endowments, and that gives them a sense of fulfillment and happiness. It scratches the itch of those motherly urges after their own young is old enough to start trimming the grass instead. Greg lifted his head, so the weight of the soft udder rested against his forehead, enjoying the feeling of her smooth, rubbery skin against his own. His lazy cock started to roll out longer, straightening out the soft folds of candy pink skin. Greg started working on her third teat and his dick started to bob lazily in the air- the feeling of its own movement slowly working it to another erection. Then it started to drip pre slowly and it was straightening itself, bobbing with the throbs now. The veins darkened and it started to flick aggressively as it became turgid enough to stand out straight now as Greg finished this cow off entirely- having emptied three of the four teats with his mouth alone! The fur on his crotch was starting to grow up as well, following the cleft between muscles at first but slowly spreading over them as well, in a triangular formation up his underside.
Greg stood up and almost whimpered at the sight of his erection. It is so long compared to his body that he cannot look forward without seeing it, never mind looking down- it parts his vision in half! He would have to look almost straight up to avoid looking at it. His muscles had an odd, gentle, but prominent feeling in them that pulsed at random intervals. It was a mildly pleasant feeling, but he also noticed after a bit that his muscles were trying to flex on their own in reaction to the feeling. If he does that; they may grow again, making that feeling dangerous. For now he remained oblivious to the fact that the growths on the side of his hips were even longer and even less attached to his normal legs. Now with soft, noodly bones in their core- you could see the loose development of two joints down their length... they are separate proto-legs, and now long enough to dangle just lower than his knees.
He stomped awkwardly over to the next cow, still determined to do his job normally. His muscles kept flexing softly on their own and swelling a tiny bit bigger, causing his movement to be stuttered at best. He went to sit down and groaned as he remembered he did not even bring the stool to sit on, because he drank the last batch of milk. It did not even occur to him right now that he is milking the cows to sell the milk... they can't do that if he eats it. Greg got onto all fours to reach under the cow but his muscles kept flinching and swelling tighter and more bulbous, forcing him to pull his arm back quickly to brace himself. Only the muscle on the outside of his arms grew- the muscle on his back but not his front, and the proto legs instead of his old legs. This caused his entire muscle structure to deform, taking on a shape that is neither human nor bovine. You'd think a lot of muscle would make it easier for him to move around in, but its structure was all wrong, making his body very difficult to operate. His dick was also painting a path of pre across the floor and throbbing so tight that it almost itched with blood pressure, making it impossible to ignore completely.
*I can... barely move! My body doesn't respond to anything like it is supposed to! This fucking cock is like having a javelin glued to my crotch; it reaches things before I do! There is no way... I gotta get out of here. Just lock up, call in sick. I can't... keep... the cows are...* His body throbbed a bit bigger. *...it wants them. I had to avoid the women, but this thing isn't attracted to women, it's attracted to the cows... so I can't be around either until this regresses fully!* He looked himself over quickly as he squirmed on the floor, trying to get up. *I would have to call in sick tomorrow anyway- chances are this won't have regressed enough for me to be presentable, never mind keeping this hidden from Bethany.*
He shuffled back several feet quickly- almost falling over again but managing to use his momentum to keep himself upright till his butt hit the wall and he used that to brace himself enough to stand up straight. The cows were now out of line- half from becoming impatient to be milked, and half because the person milking them no longer smelled like a person. One curious cow walked up to him to get a better smell, and very much liked what she smelled from his crotch. His balls were entirely bovine, and so is their musk. She doesn't recognize the base of his shaft, but the body of it is all bovine, and she knows that shape well enough.
She uses her massive tongue to lick at the head of his human penis at the base of the bull penis, and Greg immediately shivers and bows forward from the feeling.
"N-no, no. Uh, I don't... well, it does, but I don't want... ahh-hhhhaaa-s-stop that!"
He put a hand on her forehead and went to push her away but his arm immediately locked in place! He could touch her but not push back against her- the deformed outer muscles immediately tensed, and since they are larger than his default muscles, they stopped him from moving entirely! And just gently touching her head like that makes it seem more like he is encouraging her than trying to shoo her away. Obviously the cow doesn't understand any of his words. She opened her mouth more, rubbing her soft pink lips on his shaft while coiling her tongue around it entirely!
Greg groaned and then unintentionally let out a snort as the muscles through his entire body started to spasm, trying to force him to do something. He kept trying to shove the cow away from his dicks, but wobbled because of his muscles fighting against him and bowed forward... which also aimed his dick forward, allowing the cow access to its end. The cow sucked on the tip, enjoying the mildly salty taste of the lube. As a herbivore its diet is usually very light on sodium.
Greg started to groan and moan rather desperately- the bull phallus bucking inside of his comparatively tiny human one- it was not moving much but it was thrusting with quite a bit of force as the cow sucked him. It held the forward thrust for a moment each time, forcing even more cock through the opening! His human dick could not take any more- but apparently there was even MORE bull dick in there! His human penis stretched obscenely around the base, and it was actually forced to stretch longer itself by more and more bull trying to force its way through. The feeling danced along the border of being painful but never quite tipped over. Greg was too blinded by the sensations to actually look down and see his genitals mutating! The fur was starting to grow up his cock! The throbs in his human cock caused it to unintentionally suck on the inner dick, but now those became less intense as the muscles devolved and the fur consumed the outside! When the fur overtook the now unrecognizably stretched glans, it grew longer than on the rest, forming a wispy tuft of fur on the tip... completing his dicks de-evolution into a sheath. He now only has one cock, and it is bull. His human penis has been regressed into its sheath, and the only bald strip of flesh still on it fused to his underside, completing its transition.
The feeling of the cow's soft lips and large rippling tongue on his cock caused him to shiver from the pleasure. He reflexively curled his toes from the pleasure, not realizing that using his leg muscles at all was promoting growth in the proto legs on his side! They grew massively now, their shape becoming quickly more recognizable as the bone properly formed inside of them! Greg noticed out of the corner of his eye and tried his best to pull away in panic but the cow bowed forward to follow the dick, and the mutated muscles forced him to buck forward again- putting his cock even deeper down her muzzle if anything!
The muscles on the outside of his arms and over his back were getting so big it almost felt like someone standing on his back! Without even meaning to, his arms moved on their own and loosely placed themselves on either of the cow's stumpy horns, loosely using them like handlebars. Greg's eyes went wide as he finally realized what was happening, when he looked at his poor deforming arms and seen his hands. His pinky and ring finger had next to no mobility in them, and were at the very least twice as big as all his other digits and still growing. The nails on them were now shaped like rounded triangles and almost solid black! They were growing in size all the way back to his wrist, deforming the shape of his entire hand along with them! His entire body started to grow in overall size again as the cow eagerly sucked his long smooth cock, and as the ends of the sleeves finally became too tight around his deformed arms and ripped- Greg seen the red pelt growing on him under his clothes... but only on the muscle deforming away from the rest of him. The two growing digits are the developing front segments of a bull hoof. He is growing bull arms out of his own arms! It is the same fate that his balls succumbed to- the bull grows out of him but then as it becomes more dominant, it begins to consume him.
The bull grows inside until it is too big, then he essentially turns inside-out, and then the human is trapped inside of the bull. The bull was originally just his lust- a mental state inside his head. If he doesn't get this under control REAL fast- his entire existence is going to be regressed to nothing but a brief mental state inside of the bull's mind!
"M-mmno! No y-yoouu got toOO... s-s-stohh-oop!" Greg tried talking the cow down, even though it cannot understand him, and was shocked with how thunderously deep his voice suddenly was!
In response to him trying to use his voice to defy it- his throat convulsed and the veins immediately pulled rock hard and bloated tremendously- easily visible on the surface! The muscle in his neck grew at an alarming rate in all directions! Greg was forced to remain bent over- presenting his cock at a convenient angle for the cow to keep sucking on because of the increasing weight of the muscle growing off his back! His sleeves tore upward from the less-flexible cuffs breaking first, but before the rip even made it all the way up; his grotesquely malformed back muscles completely blew out the entire back of his shirt! The garment remained clinging on by the shoulder till the rips on the sleeves made it all the way up, and then it fell off entirely!
His giant low-slung balls lifted themselves in the long scrotum a bit more every pulse, and finally when they hit the top and he erupted in orgasm- the very same moment his hips let out a loud, hollow pop! With a pop, several crunches and two quieter pops- his hips both grew and reformed, as if the pleasure surge is what changed them! They became much larger, but because he was growing bovine legs on the outsides of his own legs; his legs were caught on the inside of the bull legs and could not follow the sockets they attach to as the pelvis now put them further apart... which caused the bovine legs to instead link into those sockets instead. With an aggressive stomp the newly formed bull legs slammed into the floor and lifted him up on them, causing his human legs to dangle an inch off the ground. Even if his human legs were still able to reach- they no longer socket into anything, so they are sort of just free-floating off the rest of his skeleton, so they cannot support any weight! Of course this was the end of his already extremely ill-fit pants. The moment his hips changed the seams on the side exploded apart, and then very quickly ripped down the entire length of the legs, falling away like scrapped rags. His underpants looked like a thong for his balls alone, so without the support of the pants under them, they had to carry the full weight of his giant testicles and immediately snapped off- launching themselves two feet, spinning through the air thanks to the elastic in them.
Greg is essentially being lifted up by and wedged inside of a red bull! He has absolutely no control over the legs and hips now, so the bull eagerly thrusts into the cow, which lets out a muffled low as it eagerly sucks down the sticky hot love. He feels his neck deforming and the growth oddly wobbling back and forth, brushing the top of his head. He did not realize what was happening till he heard him snort, letting out powerful jets of hot air from its new nostrils... he has grown a complete bull head from the top of his neck! His grotesquely malformed neck branches at the top into two heads, stacked on top of one another! The top back of Greg's neck was still fused to the bull's throat just under its jaw, so the two heads could not divide from one another very far.
The cow went to pull away as the penis started to go soft, and the bull leaned its weight back onto the wall so it could thrust forward as far as possible to stay in its mouth longer. The cow finally popped off, licking its lips and then let out a short, pleased moo before wandering away- practically shoved aside by the other cows now gathering, having seen what this strange creature is packing. Greg tried to make a mad dash toward the barn doors, panting and delirious with hormones as he is, but his legs did nothing more than swing back and forth gently below them. Without directly connecting to his skeletal structure they are entirely useless, and the bull legs are so much larger that they hold his human ones off the ground anyway. His arms are still attached, but the bull arms are inside and sort-of beside them, so when one set of arms moves; so does the other. And a bull is a hell of a lot stronger than a man.
Greg tried to walk forward but stumbled and flopped forward. The moment the proto-hooves on the front limbs hit the ground the muscle flexed to catch him and expanded massively! The bull muscles expanded inward, partially consuming the human arms they were originally born from! Now the bull arms covered the top, bottom, and outer facing sides, leaving only a strip of human bulging out on the inner arms! His two fingers and thumb had no strength in them at all, and could only uselessly wiggle around. What had been his two last fingers were now giant, and taking the shape of a bull hoof- two much smaller digits forming from where the human wrist was to become dew claws, but at the moment their hoof segments were nothing more than shallow bumps.
The giant phallus wobbled and wagged under them, getting softer but not shrinking back at all. At the sight of the approaching cows, its own wobbling caused it to return to full erection- slapping Greg in the face when it tensed up, splatting precum across his forehead. Their skin turned to goosebumps at the bizarre sensation of the spine re-locating inside of them! It arched further out and the vertebrae bulked up tremendously as it pulled out of Greg's back and floated upward into the forming back of the bull instead! This caused his growing muscles to wrap partially around to Greg's side, threatening to suck him inside! The bull stood proudly on his forming arms and bellowed loudly to the cows as his arms started to enlarge, further deforming Greg's human arms against their sides!
Greg's rib cage started to become brittle as the mass was stolen, and branched upward for a moment looking like a figure 8 as the bull's ribs spawned off the back of his own! The forming ribs caused the back muscles to yank up off his torso making it three times as wide as normal, before another set of gigantically bulbous muscle formed and both the bull and Greg moaned deeply at the sudden feeling of the muscle becoming too large for where it was, and getting shoved suddenly around their shoulders! They grew almost perfectly overlapped so it wasn't even outwardly visible that he had two sets of shoulder blades till now- the new bovine pectoral muscles yanked themselves between the two sets of shoulders and separated them. This yanked up on their arms, but because the bull arms were growing rapidly it compensated for the added distance easily enough.
There is now a cannon bone where half his hand used to be, extending out into a fully developed set of cloven hooves- which means what is left of his two shrinking fingers and thumb are dangling over a foot away from the ground at maximum length.
The horniness was so much it was like every time his cock tensed up his thoughts whited out, preventing him from completing any thoughts!
*F-fuuuck... s-s-so h-horny. So hOOuurny, don't want to be. I don't... I don't... cows. Not a bull. CoOOUuws so big... udders so b-big, juicy... need toOO milk, fuck... need to fuck- no m-m-milk... slap balls on their udder... fuck... need them around...cock-no, need to get around them toOOOo the... door.*
Precum was spewing out of his dick so heavily it almost looked like he was peeing. His dick is so turgid it can't even flick any more- it just vibrates. As soon as the bull tried to move, walking on all fours; its body let out a rapid-fire cacophony of pops and cracks as its entire torso lengthened! It looked like its front moved forward while the rear remained in place! Greg's body however did not change length. The bull's chest shoved forward, which caused his human head to slide under- now fused to what is the bull's chest! The bull now had its own completed, massive, muscular neck and could look around without having to turn its entire body. It scanned the cows- its nostrils flaring as it tasted their scent and jet out hot air in grunts of approval. The nose of the bull is a dark red-pink, while the fur is closer to a true red.
"N...nuh. Yooou can't make... mmme, s-so hard... needs... hole! No, n-need to get away... get OFF. So... soOOuu many cows, m-M-MOOo easy to f-f-fuuuck. Just... more. Little... moOOure"
Gregs thoughts were spinning without pause, and because he was getting progressively less neurons to work with and the bull was gaining more- half their thoughts ended up crossing over between the two of them, so neither could tell which one was thinking which thought. One of the cows closer to them turned her boxy rump and lifted her tail, glancing back at the bull over her shoulders and he did not hesitate to take the invitation. Of course; since Greg is fused to his underside, that meant he gets sandwiched between two bovine!
Greg tried to protest or use his grip on the cow's back to somehow squirm away against all logic, but of course failed utterly. He could not make any sounds other than gasps and grunts because he had the entire weight of a full grown bull mashing him into the cow's backside, forcing the air in and out of his lungs in time with the beast's thrusts! Because his ears are partially fused into its chest, Greg could hear the stretching tissue within, the bones groaning and clicking as they expand and re-set in their new positions. The bull is growing still. Only able to get his dick in and barely grasp around her hips at first, mashing Greg's face into her back just beside her tail, barely over her butt. Slowly he slid up her back further and further as he grew still bigger, but Greg remained the same size. Greg's mind blanking too badly to even close his mouth, leaving a thin line of drool onto the cow's back. The bull was grinding him off between the two bovine bodies, like a sheet of sandpaper removing a lump.
The pleasure blanked all of his thoughts regardless, the feeling of a creature as large as a cow being wrapped firmly around the enormously long shaft. Their low-slung balls colliding with the back cleft of her fat, heavy udder, clapping against it. And they fit tighter and tighter as their overall size grew, surpassing the size of the cow under them. The bull let out rumbling, quiet lows and loud snorts and grunts as he thrust into her. Greg getting rubbed back and forth by a cow above and bull below, trapped between as he felt the bulbous muscles flex and swell larger, swallowing more of his human body into him. His chest felt tight with nervousness but he was so consumed with lust that he did not think of why he was nervous- what he should be doing about it, or what it even means for him. He just moved automatically with the muscles around him, willingly getting jerked around like a puppet so he can experience more of this wondrous pleasure. His cock felt so tight and uncomfortable on its own- it was so good and comfortable inside this cow, he didn't want it to ever leave. This cow's pussy was its home now; he wanted to stay here forever.
Greg's arms were swallowed into the bull's arms, leaving only three nubs that were formerly his digits, just past his wrist joints, but those soon stretched flat. The already completely useless human legs were mashed between the thighs of two bovine, and squished into and were absorbed by the giant triangular shaped thighs of the bull; their biomass feeding his expanding body! Their midriff was one and the same, and had already barreled out to bovine proportions. The bull came explosively into the cow, letting out a thunderously deep lowing before dismounting.
The bull did not slow down however- he is lust incarnate so even with his dick still connected to the cow with a thin line of stretched cum, he was already looking for the next volunteer; not even close to going soft. Greg was able to catch his breath, but made no attempt to protest. His brain was still utterly blank from pleasure and lust- most of his braincells stolen away to place into the bull's head. He let his crotch do the talking a bit too much- now it does the moving, the thinking, and existing for him too.
The bull seen a cow eyeing him up but too shy to actually approach. He intimidatingly walked up to her and booped his wet, textured nose against hers and after a moment they opened their mouths and entwined their long tongues in a strange sort-of bovine kiss. She went to turn around and the bull nudged her with his forehead, as if to hurry her along. He reared up and got up onto her hips on the first try, then used her hips to heave himself up onto her back- bovine are extremely awkward on two legs. He slammed his cock into her, feeling her stretch around his mighty phallus. The other had two calves- this one had only had one so far; her pussy is tighter. Her milk supply was running out even though she was being constantly milked, it had been too long since she had her calf. Well... the bull can take care of that real quick. There aren't any red bovine in the ranch yet, let's mix up the colors a bit. When he hilted his dick in her, he rest his weight onto her back and because Greg's ribs were so brittle already from feeding the expansion of the bull's ribs, his entire rib cage basically turned to dust instantly on impact. What was left exposed of his torso was immediately stretched out. The bull took a deep breath as his chest expanded, and the red fur grew inward, consuming the human portion entirely. Greg's head was partially fused into the chest, so when it expanded it also caused his skull to lose its shape and his head to stretch out with the chest. His hair quickly fell out as the two bovine bodies rocked back and forth against him. His mouth hung open drooling with a blissfully stupid look on his face- his head completely empty, just processing the pleasure he felt and nothing else.
*Let it... more... so much... good. Is... cum...bull in...*
The muscle under the face bulged and the eyes were forced shut and started to sink in, the mouth closed and started to fused shut and the nose stretched completely flat against the skin- the bull climaxed rather quickly and suddenly as the last traces of Greg were devoured in his own lust, immediately removing anything that had been holding the bull back.
Bethany got to work the next day to see the other two women rather distressed and confused. All of the cows were already out in the field, the barn was an absolute catastrophe and Greg was nowhere to be found- but they did find the scraps of his absolutely shredded clothing.
Bethany let out a frustrated sigh, watching a red bull chase a cow through the field. "You stupid idiot. I gave you that curse to teach you a lesson! You can't learn your lesson if you are a bull! How the hell did you turn completely in one single evening?!" She was unaware that he had been hiding his changes- and had already many alterations by their last meeting.
Overnight the bull had managed to fuck every one of the cows that had not already been penned and may very well have impregnated all of them if he was smart enough to open the pens to get at the rest of them. That meant the entire third of the lactating cows Greg had been assigned were now pregnant again.
Bethany shrugged and sighed. "Well, the old man had been wanting a new bull but was complaining about the costs... now he has one for free. Because I am still not wasting another spell charge on you- I warned you."
And so the red bull went on to be one of the best breeder bulls the country had ever known. Not only was he always raring to go at the drop of a hat- he was real good at seducing the cows and convincing them that they wanted it too. His constant flirting also kept them on their toes and made for a very lively, energetic herd... I guess you could say the red bull gave them wings. | yiff-extreme |
Of course, fuel was purely metaphorical. It wouldn’t do for him to actually consume those that were following him, even if that’s what other dragons often did; it’d be absolutely delicious, and possibly give him a significant boost in power if he arranged for his own sacrifices, but as with many things in life, the quick and easy solution was often not the best one. After all, why should he get rid of a long-lasting battery, therefore losing out on its full charge, just to get an injection of juice at that exact moment? Why should he forgo an entire life’s worth of worship just so he could eat a single human, who by that point would barely even do anything to his body as it was?
Mass was temporary, limited, but adoration could be risen to more and more absurd levels by giving his worshippers something to truly gawk at, by providing them with the kind of body that they dreamed of… just, well, covered with scales rather than with regular skin. And to that end, Aeron was more than happy to provide, since all he really had to do was be himself, no bullshit required; just his own confidence and a body that seemed willing to expand in every direction with each word of encouragement that was offered to him.
The dragon didn’t even know if that was the collar around his neck or his own nature having been spiced up so much by magical experimentation that it had become inherently unstable, but whatever the case, he could already feel the growth start to kick in, even if it was slowly at first: he would take a short breath and his chest would heave upwards, then release the air from his lungs only for his pecs to not move at all, seemingly having gained mass just from that small gesture. He’d pick something off the street because it happened to be in the way and he didn’t want to ruin it, and would get to watch as his biceps bulged out, his calves thickened and his entire body surged upwards as he got up to place the obstacle somewhere where it wouldn’t have to worry about being trampled. And though it only ever happened inches at a time, for Aeron every inch came at the price of a significant chunk of his sanity, for the pleasure he felt with each electrical flash firing up his spine was enough to get him to make some truly undignified sounds… and for his body to react in ways that only made things worse.
Aeron’s arousal couldn’t really be contained, but most of the time it was helped along by him being so close to Itha, the only other being in the entirety of existence who knew him well enough to be able to bring him down from his pleasure highs by pushing the right sequence of buttons with just the right amount of strength. This normally involved enough bed-wrecking fun that the two of them spent entire fortunes on replacements, and the amount of wood used just to keep up with their demands fueled an entire logging industry in their personal kingdom; but with him being in the middle of a town, with no lovely dragoness in sight, and a whole bunch of excited little ones eager to get a good grope of some section of his form, there weren’t a lot of things standing in the way between Aeron and him completely losing his mind, and his body went along with that unfortunate reality by gleefully feeding into it with abandon… especially in and around his nethers.
By that point, both of the giant’s nuts were so unbelievably stuffed that it was a wonder he hadn’t already exploded, with the amount of churning emanating from those things signalling that they were a clear hazard to everyone around them… and yet, there was no shortage of volunteers and supplicants wishing for nothing more than a chance at climbing the mounting height and heft of both orbs, even as they filled with backed-up spunk and grew tall and heavy enough that their owner was having trouble dragging them around; not because they were too hefty, but because their size made it so that moving from place to place forced so much sensitive skin go rub against the ground that it made his already-worrying cock situation even worse.
Truly an achievement, considering his rod was quickly approaching a size where it was about as thick as his whole torso was, and was already longer than he was tall; it twitched and throbbed, pulsated with each heartbeat, each time gaining just a bit more mass as it refused to settle back down at its previous size. It was clear that all the blood being pumped into it was going to turn that monster into something that Aeron wouldn’t be able to move of his own accord, let alone control… but as long as he could, he carried on walking, convinced that if he could at least find a wide-open space, he could minimize the damage done to his environs.
It certainly didn’t help that he was leaking like an open faucet already, and he’d barely even begun reaching anything resembling a climax, let alone crossed the line into open orgasm. Owing to the pair of nuts behind him, which quickly reached a size where he could comfortably lean back against them and use them as a beanbag for his entire body, gallons upon gallons of his potent pre were already flooding the streets of the town, running downhill and blessing whoever happened to touch the sticky substance with a wide variety of transformative effects of their own, usually focused around their own reproductive organs. A select few, those most lucky to win the lottery, began to transform into half-draconic hybrids of a sort; there were even some attempting to place the precum somewhere where it could be more useful, but no matter how much it far outstripped even the most powerful of males’ ejaculate, it still wasn’t the real deal. No, that one was quickly approaching, far more quickly in fact than Aeron would’ve liked, quickly enough that he started to think that maybe he should just stop and let the whole town come to him.
He certainly had no reason to keep walking, seeing as his mere form was powerful enough to barrel through whatever rickety structure was in the way of it. Why find an empty square when he could just his nuts balloon outwards and completely flatten any and all houses and otherwise standing structures within range? To a body like his, stones and wood were equally as destructible, so fragile that he felt like he could just breathe on them and they’d vanish away into the wind, turned to dust… either that, or both of his cumtanks were so pressurized that they refused to budge, and thus the entire world around them would have to in their stead; judging by how full they were, and how much fuller they were getting at every single moment, that was the most likely scenario now that Aeron thought about it. He felt it too, once he grew too big to really move anymore, once he allowed himself to fall back and simply enjoy himself on a throne of cum-stuffed nutflesh from where he could conduct his business without anyone getting in the way.
At least in this manner he could focus entirely on maximizing the pleasure he felt, wrapping both hands around the base of his cock and almost immediately coming to regret this decision: they weren’t enough. He looked to his arms, to the bulging musculature, the vascular muscle mass that only grew thicker and more heavyset with each passing second; he looked to his hands, powerful and potent, enormous and capable of crushing stone just by pressing it between two fingers. He looked at his cock, and there he had it: even his two hands weren’t enough to completely encircle its full girth, a realization that was… hard to parse.
Part of him wanted to panic at just how titanic his shaft had grown, how out of control everything was and how little of his original self remained within his head, but most of him just wanted to marvel at what he was seeing, at a body that was so receptive to the worship it received that its cock could probably be seen for a couple of miles around, poking out the tops of roofs all around it. It would have been a struggle, if not for the fact that the number of people around him just kept rising, leaving him in a state where he had no other choice but to accept the adoration and keep rolling with it.
Adoration that just kept feeding him and his form with the extra mass that he just then came to understand was his by right. It wasn’t just something he wanted (even if he really did), but something that was owed to him as the draconic overlord of all those tiny little supplicants, whose only good skill set was being living batteries of worship for his glorious self. He could practically hear their voices in the back of his head, the chorus ringing heavily as it produced wave after wave of pressure crashing into his insides, pushing his entire frame outwards with pound after pound of mass.
Aeron might have his eyes closed, but he could still feel everything happening to him: the burgeoning of his pecs as they took up more room on his field of view, the hardening of his abs until they could be used to grind steel (carefully, so as to not damage the metal), the continuous thickening of his arms and legs with additional muscle, such that he’d be able to pick up entire fortifications with but a single hand, the growing of his entire self as he gained foot after foot in height. But most of all, he felt the worship feed into his arousal, both directly and indirectly, as the rumbling began.
It was only a matter of time really, given how productive his nuts were and how much cum was stored up and ready to be shot out. The entire town would probably need to be flooded before he was anywhere near satisfied, but that was alright; it wasn’t as if its population had anything better to do, not as if they really had any purpose other than to make sure their dragon god could feel properly tended to, endlessly pleasuring himself as he was.
It was Aeron’s role, and above all his destiny, to serve as a living object of worship on the part of the many little ones surrounding him, and the many more his presence was drawing towards him. There would be no death around him, no injury or suffering, no profiteering or dominance like all those other amateurs he shared a species with; no, Aeron knew better, he knew that in order to achieve true apotheosis, true ascension into the halls of the gods themselves, one must cultivate an active and dedicated base of active worshippers whose minds were so utterly consumed by their love and adoration that they would think of nothing else, that they would move mountains if only it meant they could express how much they felt for their new divinity, and how hot those feelings ran. And to him, to the draconic giant at the center of it all, every word, every errant thought, was further confirmation that not only was he doing his job right, but that everyone else was doing theirs as well; the puzzle pieces were falling into place, and soon he would take his rightful spot in the grand hierarchy of things.
Not before causing a heaping load of damage to his environs though, but then again, what was something as worthless and minor as a single house compared to the birth of a new god? Or five, or ten, or however many would have to come down in order to make room for his new, glorious form? If the little ones around him wanted a new home, they could make one atop his very own body; he’d need to have attendants, those who were pious and devoted enough that they would happily come along with him as he ascended towards the heavens, those who were not only comfortable with the idea of spending an eternity singing praises unto him, but gleefully jumped at the opportunity when it was presented.
There were a lot of those as well; Aeron was genuinely surprised that so many would so eagerly join up with him, especially when the first impression he got from his surroundings was that a lot of the humans living there were more terrified than they were awed; then again, fear did have a way of worming its way into the heads of those that experienced it until it became unrecognizable from complete and total submission, or at least that’s what he kept telling himself. The idea that he might be ruling through dread was, frankly, something he refused to swallow; he, Aeron, the grand dragon, would never be so debased as to force people to obey him because they were too terrified of his wrath. Rather, he would promise exultation, apotheosis, and anyone who might want to share in it was welcome to do so.
Such thoughts swam around in his head and almost immediately vanished from it mere seconds later, given that his physical and mental being were in a state of near-constant flux, owing to the vicious cycle he’d accidentally created out of his very presence: by walking into the middle of a crowded, well-inhabited town, he had effectively made it impossible for people not to notice him, thus maximizing the odds of everyone around him being made aware of his unique nature, therefore leading down a path where the more attention he received, the more irresistible he became, and before long he had literally thousands of little ones congregating around his physical avatar, making it impossible to even try to move around.
Not that he could; as much as Aeron had convinced himself that he was a divine being deserving of the utmost of respect for his power, there was one thing that he couldn’t fight back against, and that much was gravity. No matter how great he envisioned himself as, that didn’t stop both of his nuts from being so immensely oversized that they’d already managed to completely fill the street he’d been on and flatten two whole lines of buildings on either side of it; each cumtank had swollen to become over twice as tall as Aeron himself, quite the feat given that he was quickly encroaching on the fifty-foot mark, and so positively stuffed to the brim with his virile seed that it was impossible for him to really… move. He could try and flap his wings, maybe even wiggle around, but the truth of the matter was that he was well and truly stuck there, immobilized by his own girth.
And if it weren’t for his nuts, his cock alone had already progressed past the past where it looked even remotely proportioned for the rest of his body. Thicker than he was wide, thrice as long as he was tall, it was a true pillar of manhood that all in town could see, that all for miles around could see, one that kept growing, creaking even as its leathery skin stretched and multiplied over itself, keeping Aeron trapped between a set of hyperactive cum factories on one side, and a positively titanic rod on the other. This, of course, only encouraged him to seek further stimulation, to move his arms and legs around such that he’d end up hugging his own shaft, grinding his entire body against it as the only thing that he could feasibly do… thus leading to yet more growth when his arousal fed into the active worship he was receiving because of it and the whole thing went exponential before he could do anything to stop it. The collar was burning, practically molten at that point, but he quite literally could not care; it was such a minor thing that his mind refused to pay the slightest amount of attention to it.
Itha, however, wasn’t so far gone that she didn’t notice it, if only because part of the enchantments on the collar were deliberately designed to warn her if something like, say, an uncontrollable growthsplosion took place. She trusted Aeron to accomplish simple tasks, but it seemed like folly not to at least protect herself against the possibility that he might go completely off the rails by showing off to the world and getting worship in return; up until that moment, the possibility that all of the magical experimentation that had turned the dragon into the massive hunk that he was might’ve had… unforeseen consequences, for lack of a better word, had been just that: a possibility.
It was theoretically something that could happen, but seeing as her own love for him didn’t trigger anything of note, Itha had been convinced that it should be safe enough to unleash her hubby onto the world, though obviously not safe enough that she could afford to forgo any and all safety measures. So, as that small light went off inside her head, and she felt the raw power filtering through local magical currents, the sigh that she let out was equal parts annoyance and relief; yes, there was a lot of clean-up work on the horizon, but at least the collar worked as intended.
Unbeknownst to the dragoness, what she felt had been nothing more than a fraction of Aeron’s true power, the very little amount that was actually ejected from his body rather than reflected back in so that it could further fuel his ascension towards godhood. Thus, when she prepared her illusion spells and then took off towards the town she sent her mate to, the dragoness expected him to be somewhere near the range of how he usually was around the house: enormous, yes, but still perfectly containable with a slap across the back of the head and a few stern words about humility.
It wasn’t until she flew close enough to actually see what was going on that Itha began to realize the situation was much more dire than she expected, and at that point, the amount of leaked power that kept hitting her at any given moment skyrocketed thanks to simple proximity; not that she needed that warning sign anymore, because she could clearly see Aeron’s cock jutting out from within the town, all the way from a good ten or so miles away. Granted, she was flying, so that was slightly cheating, but for that thing to be so clearly taller than anything surrounding it, not to mention its thickness being apparent even from so far away, it could only mean that the absolute worst happened… and yet, the thoughts crossing Itha’s mind were not panic or fear, but a titillation and desire that even she couldn’t quite explain.
Aeron could though, at least during the brief moments of lucidity that he still had. He knew exactly what was going on, how his power was such, how his might had been so stoked by the raw worship of so many new supplicants, that even Itha couldn’t avoid being affected by it; she wouldn’t become a mindless drone like all those little humans around him, but she wouldn’t be in full possession of her mental faculties either; then again, neither was he, neither was anyone for that matter, so how different was that to anything else? The time for thinking and consideration was long gone, and the time for self-indulgent, mindless pleasure was now, now and forever, forever and always, never to stop until Aeron’s body encompassed the world and became its new god, to be eternally worshipped by all those who laid eyes on him.
That’s what he thought to himself, stuck as he was in a cocoon of his own warm flesh, unable to think or do anything that wasn’t further increasing his pleasure; that’s what he beamed directly into Itha’s mind, when she haphazardly landed as close to his main body as she could, eyes and mouth wide open as she gawked at the sheer amount of damage wrought to what used to be a bustling town, and was at that time little more than a large, flat piece of land occupied almost entirely by her mate’s balls. It was spared his cock purely by virtue of it being up in the air, otherwise that thing would’ve carved out a trench deep enough to throw everyone who lived in their country into it several times over.
Itha was then faced with a problem. The animal side of her, the true lizard brain, wanted her to stop doing whatever it was she was trying to do and just focus on enjoying herself; there she had a cock far too big for her to ever take, a comparably-enormous pair of nuts and a dragon mate with which to enjoy both of those things with. There she had a true god, a draconic deity that was well on their way to becoming a true divinity. There she had Aeron, her lover, at his absolute most powerful, and her only job was to forget about limitations or responsibilities and just enjoy herself… then the rest of her butted in, reminding the dragoness that what she was witnessing was not normal, was not natural, that the only real reason why her mate was that big was thanks to her own magical experimentation, and most likely the collar he had on (just barely) magnifying its effects.
A battle raged within her head as she slowly crept closer to the dragon next to her, who called for her to approach and embrace him, who begged her to succumb to the same pleasure that he had himself; and the closer Itha got, the harder it was for her to keep resisting. Why should she, when she was close to a god, a breeding god who would soon bring her along for the ride? If only she synched up with his own power, she too could reap some of the benefits and grow to become something just as glorious as Aeron himself; and for a few moments, Itha genuinely believed that would’ve been the best course of action, and was ready to let go and immerse herself into this brand new world of theirs.
Until she pulled the collar off.
It was far more of an instinctive move than it was anything resembling a conscious one, but the second she tugged on that molten piece of metal just barely holding onto its form, everything stopped. The rumbling and quaking halted, the growth terminated, and even Aeron’s eyes went from unfocused and glazed over to suddenly very wide and attentive. It was like reality had just been paused and immediately resumed while everyone within it was fully aware of it happening, a jolt that brought everyone back down to something vaguely resembling sanity. And there, in the middle of it all, was Aeron, still just as big as he’d been moments prior.
He looked up at Itha, confused as to what exactly had happened, unable to understand why it was that he was so… well, huge. And all Itha could do was stare back at him, desperately trying to convey with her expression what words would be unable to, because above all things, beyond the damage done to the town, the amount of mental stress the dragon had put everyone under, the filling and cum that would have to be handled at some point, there was one thing that Itha needed Aeron to understand:
She couldn’t shrink him back. | yiff-extreme |
Title: D'Orgasmic Chronicles Ch. 12
Tags: group sex, swinging, oral, anal, bisexual, bi sex, beyoncé, carmen electra, fucking, sucking
*Disclaimer: Celebrity appearances in this series are in no any way to be considered realistic. They are included for the entertainment of open-minded adults only. Their thoughts, words, and deeds are in no way indicative of the real celebrity. They exist here only to build a story around.*
As the evening wound down, Gary, Mark, Lori and Holly were busy showing the record company executives the private viewing suites. Everyone seemed impressed.
Michelle found Courtney Friel and her husband Carter Evans. She asked them back to the mansion for the after party celebrations. They were happy to accept.
Limos arrived and people were leaving. Paparazzi were outside in force while the parking lots were full of fans. Many would camp out overnight insuring they would get inside tomorrow night.
"Gary, I heard a rumor that you made an addition to your pool?" Donald asked.
"Nothing escapes you, does it?" Gary laughed. "Yes, and I love it but with Brenda next door, I don't look so good anymore."
"Is Mark diving again? He's come back wonderfully. I was pleased because when I saw him in Vegas, he looked like crap. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong but I found out."
"I can't imagine where. Now I am going to kill those three assholes. Yes, he is diving. It's good for him."
"You know they really are family and were so worried about him. They owe everything to him. They swore me to secrecy and I've respected that. His woman, Cherry, is something else though. What is the word I'm searching for?"
"I do believe the word is Phenomenal, Donald. That is the only word to describe Cherry. I hope you brought your swimsuits. I'll see you at the house."
Tammy was on her game when the stars started to arrive. Their luggage had arrived earlier. She showed each new arrival where they would be staying and invited them to the pool area for cocktails.
The Clubs had closed but the restaurant was still full. Jill walked into the store just as Vicki had finished closing everything out.
"Look at the shelves Jill. We need stock and we need it now," Vicki grinned.
Jill laughed, "We figured that was going to happen. I have a truck loaded and ready. It will be here first thing in the morning. Are you happy?"
"This place was crazy all day. I'm very happy."
"Let's go home, you need a drink," Jill said as they locked the doors. Both clubs were locked but the restaurant would be open to the public very soon. "Have you ever hobnobbed with the rich and famous before?"
"No, I'm feeling intimidated. Are they all staying at the house?"
"Yes," Jill giggled. "Everyone is under strict orders to behave but I will guarantee there will be more fucking than you could imagine tonight. I know two men who are going to get the ride of their lives tonight. One of them has been waiting for this night for twenty-five years."
"What? I'm confused. Who has been waiting that long?" she asked as the walked to the car.
"My best friend in high school and my roommate in college is a gal named Suzie. She was madly in love with the three amigos. She had absolutely no idea that I even spoke to them. Everyone in school thought I hated them and vice-versa. That shows you how much they knew," she grinned. "The guys knew exactly how she felt towards them but they loved me. That was that. Suzie eventually married a great man who has had a hardon for me since middle school. Well, tonight the guys are going to finally rock her world. Gina, Brianna and I are going to rock his."
"Why is Gina and Brianna involved in this?"
"Frank is here with his boss and his wife. They run our control tower at the airport. We all talk to each other all the time over the radio. This is the first time we've actually been together in a long time. This will be a good night."
It was a warm night when they got home and everyone was on the patio. Loretta sat there with Reba and Beyonce. Mark and Gary made a beeline towards her. She introduced Reba to them and they were thrilled to meet her. They met her husband, Narvel Blackstock.
"You sir, are a very lucky man," Mark said as he shook his hand.
"Neither of you are doing too shabby yourselves," he laughed.
Gary laughed, and shook hands with both of them. Reba was absolutely gorgeous. He looked at Loretta and then to Beyoncé.
"Ut, oh girlfriend, here it comes," Loretta giggled.
Beyoncé's eyes were twinkling.
"You two, oh, you two are in for it. I could just take the two of you over my knee," Gary said.
"Promises, promises," Beyoncé mocked him.
"Seriously, talk about a mind-blowing surprise. We never expected any of this. You two simply took this over the top. We can't thank you enough."
"So when are you going to spank me?" Loretta teased. She saw the shocked look on Reba's face. "What, do you think I don't know their reputations? Girlfriend, back in my day..."
"Oh you're so bad," Reba said breathlessly.
"No darlin, I was that damned good."
Mark walked over to her, bent down, and kissed her. "You still are that damned good Loretta, and we love you unconditionally. Thank you. Thank you for everything."
Reba looked at Gary and smiled. "You outdid yourself with this new line of clothes Gary. I love them; they are so sexy. I saw several things I want."
"I saw something I want too," Narvel said. "I think Reba would look gorgeous wearing chaps?"
"Not on stage, oh no," she giggled. "Where the hell did you get the idea for those?"
"You tell her Mark, it was your idea," Gary said.
He told her the story about Halloween at the Luxor, and what happened after he saw those three women. He told her about his other friend also named Gary, and what his wife said to him afterwards.
Reba laughed herself silly. "She really said that to him? That is hilarious. I want to meet that girl."
"I wish you could Reba. Unfortunately, she died a few months after that but you did give her the thrill of a lifetime though. They were both cab drivers and, as you know, they get tickets to all the shows for free. Well, almost all the shows are free. He took her to see you at the Hilton. He told me it was the most expensive tickets he had ever paid for but they loved it. The next day, Kaye was in the cab line at the Hilton and your limo came in. Apparently, you saw a woman waiting in the cab line wearing a blouse you liked. You had the limo stop and you got out to ask her where she got it."
"Oh I remember that."
"Anyway, you did that right in front of her car. She was crazy thinking she was that close to you. You were her hero."
"I wish I had known. I would have invited her to dinner. She sounds like she was a great lady."
"Yeah, she was just a real sweet redhead, with a wicked sense of humor. She loved country and so does her husband. Their first date was to see Garth Brooks and afterwards, he proposed. We all miss her."
"How is her husband doing?"
"He misses her. She was a gem and he won't even date anymore. I feel bad for him. He works, comes home, and won't even go into a casino anymore."
"Give me his number. I'll call him and have dinner with him. I'll call Garth and Trish to join us. I think he'd like that," Reba smiled.
Gary laughed, "I know Gary too; he wouldn't just like that, he'd love it. Thanks Reba, thanks a lot."
"So that is where the outfit came from. I loved it and she almost killed him over his reaction," Mark laughed.
Carmen walked up and introduced John Rich to Gary and Mark. They chatted for a bit and Carmen told Gary and Mark that Jill was looking for them.
Mark saw Cherry holding court surrounded with all the artists who had appeared at the Glove. Mark walked up and kissed her. They met everyone and said they would be back.
"Jill is looking for you darling," Cherry said as she kissed him again. "She introduced me to Suzie and Dorothy. Rock their world darling. Suzie's been waiting for this for a long time."
"Have I told you today, Cherry Anderson? Have I told you how proud of you I am? How thrilled I was to see you on those stages tonight? Have I told you how much I truly love you?" Mark looked into her eyes and he saw the love within. He kissed her one more time. "Enjoy yourself baby."
Michelle, Lori, and Holly were the perfect hosts. They were entertaining their guests. Holly apparently developed a permanent attachment at the hip to Toby Keith and Toby certainly wasn't complaining.
"Jill, what did Jeremy mean when he said you'd be gobbling Frank's cock tonight?" Suzie giggled. "That Jeremy always says the wildest things."
"Honey, we've been the closest of the closest friends for years. I know everything about you. When did you become blonde?" Jill laughed.
"I what?"
"What the fuck do you think he meant?"
"Well, with Jeremy, I never know. He always teased me so much. They all did. I never know when they are being serious with me. Take you, for example, they hated you. They could not stand to be in the same room with you. It took me years to find out you had been doing them all along."
"Is that right?" Dorothy asked. "Those two men are as hot as hot can get. You've slept with both of them Jill? Wow, are you one lucky girl."
"Dorothy, this cunt has been fucking all three of them constantly since way before she should have. They manipulated the entire school. Everyone thought they hated Jill so obviously something had to be wrong with her. They wouldn't go near her. Sure, every boy in school wanted Jill but if the three amigos were that adamant that there was something wrong with her, they stayed away as well. Those three boys ignored every girl in school. I think, other than Jill, they spent the most time talking to me. I went all through school with a sopping wet pussy and I never as much as got a kiss out of any of them. They were always dating the models. Scratch that, they dated supermodels. Try competing with Cheryl and Christie. It pissed us all off," Suzie explained.
"So what does that have to do with Jeremy's comment?" Dorothy asked.
"Did you hear the one about the pilots who promised your husband pickled eggs?" Mark grinned as they walked up to join them.
"We both did," Dorothy, laughed. "Good God, don't let that happen please."
"Gina and Brianna were those pilots. I threatened to fire them if they even thought about it," Mark grinned. "We don't have to tell you about that Suzie. They were upset and said they had promised him they would get them for him."
"And I told them to fuck him if he can't take a joke," Gary laughed.
Jill leaned over, took Suzie's face, and pulled her close. "Darling, you know it's hard to say no to any of these guys so that is exactly what we are going to do. We are going to fuck their brains out and you two are in for the night of your life. I can finally say this to you and mean it." She kissed Suzie sweetly, "Welcome to the family darling."
Gary put his arm around Suzie and Mark put his around Dorothy. "Let us show you the house."
"Rose looked at Wendy and laughed, "We'll give them a few hours and then join them. It should be very interesting."
"Ya think?" Wendy giggled. "Check this out." Luke Bryan and Staci were walking down towards the water. "I bet she finally does him."
"Lucky girl," Rose giggled. "I'd do him."
"Rose, I love you with all my heart but I seriously think you'd do the Hunchback of Notre Dame." Wendy ducked as Rose tried to roundhouse her.
They walked back to the patio and saw that Jerry and Gina Jones were sitting with Donald Trump and his wife Melania. Richard Branson sat next to Ainsley and was very captivated by her. They talked about flying and she was her usual sponge for knowledge.
Ivanka Trump had joined Ronnie and they were all sitting by the pool laughing and having a wonderful time.
"Gary, you've made so many changes to the house. I know I was here for the party back in high school but now, it is a palace," Suzie sighed. "If I had only known, I would have been all over you."
"You lying bitch," Mark laughed. "You were all over us, time and time again."
"Yes and I lost, didn't I? Do you three realize how many girls wanted you in school? I would have done you in Biology Class for what it is worth. Most of the girls said the same thing too. You have no idea. You couldn't handle them all."
"Oh my God," Mark grinned. "Did she just issue a challenge? Gar, it is time for a class reunion."
"No shit, Sherlock. The gauntlet has been thrown down," he said as he directed Suzie and Dorothy into his wing of the house.
"Wait, holy shit, you have three stripper poles in your bedroom?" Dorothy exclaimed. "Why do you need three poles?"
"Darling, this room gets a lot of use. Haven't you met Gary's ladies yet?" Mark said to Dorothy
"Don't worry, if you haven't yet, you will before this night is over," Gary said as he took Suzie in his arms and turned her face to his. "I've been waiting a lifetime for this too."
Suzie pushed him away. She walked over to Dorothy and grabbed Mark. She pushed both men down on the bed and she stood in front of them with her legs spread and hands on her hips. "Okay, motherfuckers, I have something to say and I've waited years to say this to you. I just wish Jeremy was here to hear what I have to say."
"Hold on, do you want Jeremy here?" Mark laughed.
"Damn right I do. I just wish he were here to listen to what I have to say. I am so mad at you three assholes."
Gary reached for the tablet and the massive big screen came to life. Jeremy smiled at the scene before him.
"What the fuck?" Dorothy giggled.
Suzie turned and saw his lovely face smiling and she went off like a Roman candle. "You three have pissed me off more than I can ever describe. Were you just that fucking blind, or were you simply mean as shit? What did a girl have to do to get it through any of your heads that we wanted you? Goddammit! I wanted to fuck you, you, and yes you over there in exile land. My best friend, a woman I love as much as I love each of you, had you all to herself and you never let me in. Why? Don't you think I could rock your world just as well as Jill?"
"Suzie, we all wanted you," Jeremy told her. "Jill wanted us to let you in but we had something so special with her and honestly, we didn't want to fuck that up. My mom was hell bent on having Jill marry one of us but we said no. She didn't know we had married her years before. She is our first and true love, and always will be."
"Do you think we are stupid?" Mark asked her seriously. "Suzie, next to Jill, there wasn't another girl in school to hold a candle to you. We all wanted you."
"What you didn't know is this. Frank has been a close friend all our lives. We knew he was just simply head over heels in love with you. Even back in the days when you didn't give him a second glance, we knew how he felt. Sure we teased the shit out of you," Gary grinned.
"And we did a fucking good job of it, I might add," Jeremy laughed.
"But we somehow knew this day would come too. Suzie, the three of us have lusted over you since we were very young. Tonight, we hope you will forgive us," Mark told her sincerely.
"You cocksuckers, you lovely, delicious cocksuckers; do you have any idea how many years of pent up orgasms you fuckers owe me? You don't know this because we haven't seen each other in a long time but, Frank and I are swingers. Tom and Dorothy play with us all the time. I am going to fuck your brains out tonight and I don't plan on stopping. I am so pissed Jeremy. I want you here too."
"Darling, I hope you heard what I said earlier. You are coming to Thailand from now on. The three amigos are going to rock your world unlike anything you've ever seen before. That, my love, is a promise. Gary, are Tom and Frank being taken care of?"
Gary burst out laughing, "Bro, Jill has everything under control. She isn't alone. Gina and Brianna are there and from what I heard; Brenda is making a command appearance."
"They won't be able to walk. Good. Dorothy, I know we haven't met yet but darling, you look delicious. You and your husband are definitely coming to Thailand as well. Does that work for you?" Jeremy asked.
"If it means I get to fuck the three of you, damned right, I wouldn't miss it for the world," she blushed.
"You have a deal darlings. Hey guys, can we break a rule once?"
Mark laughed, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yeah I am. Ladies, no one comes to Thailand unless they have been 'certified'. That is simply a rule around here. I am proposing that we hold off on that until they get here. After all, we owe Frank and Suzie big time. What do you think?"
"I'm thinking I will need to buy a hospital jet," Gary snickered. "I also think it is a wonderful idea."
"Suzie, I have to ask this, I hope it doesn't offend you but I have to know. Are Frank and Tom bi by any chance?" Jeremy asked.
Suzie looked at Dorothy and they both blushed. She looked at Jeremy and nodded.
"Oh my God," Gary laughed. "Ohmigod! This is going to be one hell of a trip."
Gary walked to Suzie, tilted her face upwards and their eyes met. He felt her tremble as their eyes darted from a steady gaze to each other's lips and back. Their kiss was electric. Years of pent up passion flowed between them. Suzie was inflamed.
Gary undid the clasp on her gown. It slipped to the floor. Suzie was still as good looking as she had been in high school. She never had children; still the tight, hot cheerleader she was back then. Her honey blonde hair cascaded off her shoulders. Gary kissed her neck while undoing the clasp on her bra.
His tongue drove her lustfully insane as she fumbled while undoing his shirt. Her thin bra fell away. She inhaled sharply. For the first time in her life, she felt his naked flesh against her own. Her lips crushed his as her hands fell to his belt. He nibbled her lip and she felt weak. Her fingers undid his trousers but they did not fall away. He held her body close. She felt him pressing hard against her stomach and her knees shook. Gary picked her up and carried her to the bed.
"Ohmigod, this is really happening, isn't it?" Suzie said breathlessly. "Please tell me this isn't a dream. I want this to be real darling."
"Yes, you delicious creature, it finally is happening. It is not a dream. You, on the other hand, are definitely a walking wet dream."
"Oh Gary, I want a promise from you two," she grinned as she raised her body up on one elbow. "I want you two to do us exactly the way Jill told me you do her."
"Dammit, sis is talking out of school again," Mark, laughed from across the room. He had Dorothy completely aroused and she loved it.
"We can't quite do that tonight baby. We have to take you two to Thailand to do that." Gary said as he started to kiss her spectacular body. "We will do our best though darling."
Two hours and many earth-shattering orgasms later, two wonderful women lay in total exhaustion. Smiles stretched across their lovely faces. They hadn't heard anything other than the shrieks and wails of their own sweet bliss as these two men had taken them to the extreme heights of passion.
They also didn't hear four gorgeous women enter the suite and take their positions around the room. The women watched in silence as Suzie and Dorothy flailed and floated across the massive bed.
"I don't know, I'm betting that was only phase one. What do you think Wendy?" Cherry purred.
Dorothy and Suzie sat bolt upright and looked around the room.
"Definitely, that was just phase one baby. They haven't even started yet. I know our men. They have only just begun. I wonder what those cunts are doing upstairs," Wendy giggled.
Debbie started mixing drinks as Rose hung up the phone.
"Make more baby, they are coming down," Rose giggled as she started lighting candles and placing them around the room.
Cherry walked over to the bed and she kissed both women sensuously. "How is your night going dear?"
The elevator chimed and Jill walked off the elevator. Gina had Tom, and Brianna had Frank as they led them into the room by their dicks. Brenda followed and kept swatting their asses as they walked.
Suzie jumped off the bed and got right in Jill's face. "You CUNT! You cocksucking, greedy CUNT! I could just scratch your eyes out. You greedy bitch. Ohmigod! Ohmigod!" She grabbed Jill and she kissed her so deeply. "Bitch!"
Mark and Gary collapsed on the bed in hysterics.
"What are you bitching about? They haven't even fucked you yet?"
"Oh yes they did!" Dorothy exclaimed.
"Oh no they haven't!" the assembled masses yelled.
"Not by a long shot," Rose said as she handed Suzie a drink. "Girl, they haven't even got out of first gear yet."
"You two look like you've had a good time so far," Mark giggled as he looked at Frank and Tom.
"You heard what Suzie said to Jill didn't you? Well asshole, that goes for me too. You kept this fabulously gorgeous woman away from all of us. It's not fair. I swear; I don't know what to say right now."
The music came on and Cherry laughed as she hit the center pole. Her dance was so sexy and she was just so damned hot. She came off that pole and the room erupted as she landed in front of Frank. That was all it took and within half a minute, a full-blown orgy was in progress.
Rose walked out and returned with Jim in tow. Holly was busy and Jim welcomed her invitation.
The candles were having their usual effect. Suzie was on fire. Jim saw where they were going and smiled. He was a good stand in for Jeremy. They took her to heaven and back repeatedly and she went wild. Her body trembled and shook. Each massive orgasm was longer and harder than the last. They were just warming up. Her body glistened. With her ass filled, her pussy flowed. She was thrilled with each of their cocks' substantial presence.
This wasn't just special to Suzie. Gary and Mark were so pleased to be doing someone they had cared about most of their lives. Finally and officially welcoming them into the 'family' meant a lot to all of them.
Dorothy sipped her drink and just watched. What she saw was beyond her wildest dreams. She knew she was next but they were not finished with Suzie yet. Rose slid onto the bed and she kissed Dorothy sweetly. Her hands roamed over her body and her face fell between her legs. Rose licked and Dorothy came, never once taking her gaze off the love and affection Suzie was receiving.
Jill lit a smoke and relaxed as Brenda licked her pussy lovingly.
Cherry, Wendy, Debbie, Gina, and Brianna were taking Frank and Tom to places they had never seen before and those two men were speechless.
They turned their attention to Dorothy and she smiled. She lifted Rose up and kissed her with animalistic passion.
Dorothy molded into Mark and her kiss was atomic. She considered herself worldly but what she had witnessed just now was so far out of this galaxy. Now, it was her turn and she could not wait. Jim backed off and helped Rose attend to a semi-conscious Suzie. Mark and Gary had the extreme pleasure of really getting to know Dorothy and she them.
An hour later, Dorothy was Jell-O, with a racing heart and throbbing body. She had never experienced three gorgeous men do the things to her that they did. They were hunks, they were strong, but dammit, they were like one person. Everything they did, they did perfectly and in unison too. Jill was such a lucky bitch.
Cherry was on fire. She had been on her best behavior tonight. She had some of the hottest black cocks in the world there tonight but she wasn't having any of it. Later, fuck yes, but not tonight.
Now, she was going to show Mark's friends just how lucky he was and she was going to do them so well. She wasn't surprised to discover that they were very handsome, strong, and virile. They were, after all, friends those men had grown up with. She didn't know then how hysterically funny they could be but, she was sure there was lots she would learn from now on. She knew she was going to fuck their brains out and leave them limp and smiling.
Suzie and Dorothy lay exhausted on the sheets as Jill climbed between them. She kissed Suzie and then Dorothy. Both women just looked at her and giggled.
"Where the fuck did they learn how to do that?" Suzie whispered.
Jill laughed, "Brenda, come here darling." Jill told Suzie who lay there in wide-eyed astonishment.
"This answered a ton of questions. I followed you one day from school. I saw you drive over here and I was sure you were going to see Jeremy but you went to Brenda's house instead. I figured she was giving you dance lessons or helping with the cheer-leading routines. She was such a big help at school with those. I had no idea."
Brenda giggled, "I wish you had come in baby. I was a mean bitch but I think I taught them well."
Dorothy leaned up, grabbed Brenda, and kissed her so hard. "Taught them well? Ohmigod Brenda that was the best I've ever had in my life and I've had a fucking wonderful man and many lovers but holy fuck that was amazing."
Frank had collapsed in one of the easy chairs, "I'm here to tell you this Suzie; making love to Jill has changed my life. Fucking her was even better. Then, add all this into the mix and I now know what heaven is like."
"Baby, you've wanted to fuck Jill since you were a teenager."
"Frank, Tom, you are both welcome to fuck me any time you want. Frank, I kinda sorta wanted to fuck you too darling. I'm glad I did. Brenda, don't just lay there baby, show Dorothy a few tricks baby. I've got a few things to show Suzie." With that, Jill dove onto her friend and picked up where they had left off in that college dorm room.
Cherry and the girls attacked Frank and Tom. Gary went to pour drinks. Brianna and Gina joined them at the bar. "This is one time breaking the rules will definitely be good. Jim, you're going to need a really big clipboard next summer."
"Huh, I'm lost. What's happening next summer?"
"No one goes to Thailand unless they are 'certified' and since you are now the 'certification master' you need to know this. Frank, Tom, Suzie, and Dorothy are being 'certified' in Thailand," Mark giggled.
"Holy fuck! That will be wild. They better be good baby," Brianna said.
"They are exceptional baby. They'll be fine. I hope Frank and Tom are up for it," Gary grinned.
"Ha, you better believe they are. Those two can fuck," Gina blushed. "Of course, watching Frank with Jill was breathtaking. There was a ton of pent up passion there."
The sun was rising when this party wound down. Everyone dressed and headed for the patio. Linda was sure to have fresh coffee and sweets set out already.
Dorothy and Suzie were sipping their coffee and Cherry and the girls were listening raptly as Suzie told tales from school. Cherry was laughing and giggling as Suzie told them some of their adventures. "They really were pricks. Loved, admired, and friendly pricks."
"Mark showed up to one dance with a model who was, at that time, the number one model on earth. He was eighteen and she was probably in her early twenties. Every cock in the place was rock hard and the women, myself included, felt so insecure. She was, and still is, adorable and oh so sexy. The teachers were in awe. No one could even compete with the women he had in his life," Suzie stated as Diane walked over and kissed Mark tenderly.
Dorothy looked and burst out laughing. "Suzie, make that had, a has. Did you see who that was that just kissed Mark?"
Suzie spun around and saw him with his arm around Diane. She started to mumble something and Cherry burst out laughing.
"Honey, get used to it. Nothing has changed. I know nothing ever will. My man is always in demand. Diane is a very close friend." Cherry called them over and introduced Diane to the women. She made instant friends.
People were waking up and moving around. Gary was sitting talking to Big Kenny and John Rich. Mark joined them and had a blast listening to them. They are quite insane.
"I love this place Gary," John told him. "It is beautiful."
"Hey, your place isn't too shabby," Mark, grinned. "I know we'd love to see it someday. I've seen it on TV several times. Carmen says TV doesn't do it justice."
"Have you ever met Barbara Mandrell?" Big Kenny asked.
"She built it and if you think she is fabulous, you must see this house. You're going to be in Nashville a lot. You guys are more than welcomed to stay anytime you want," John said.
Mark explained that they had purchased a property for the staff. When he told them of the situation, they both knew the previous owners very well.
"Well hell man, you're just down the road from me," John said. "I expect I'll see a lot of you guys then."
"Just introduce us to one of your friends," Gary laughed. "Just don't let Cherry know about it."
"Who do you want to meet?"
"I'd love to meet Sean Hannity," Mark said. "We think alike on so many issues."
"Consider it done. He really is a nice guy. What's the deal about not letting Cherry know?" John laughed.
"We don't talk politics around her," Gary said. "Everything else is fine but that."
"I gotcha, not a problem." They went and got more to eat. Linda had outdone herself.
"Gary, I have a question for you?" Donald said as they walked out of the house. "Who is your decorator? Whoever it is I want to meet him."
Gary smiled and looked out on the patio. "Hold that thought a moment. Coffee and pastries are over there. I'll be right back."
He walked over and pulled Red to her feet. He gave her a kiss and said good morning.
"I want one too, please daddy, can I have one too?" Nancy smirked as she jumped up and hugged him tight.
"If you insist," he giggled as he bent and kissed her deliciously. "Come with me ladies, I have someone who wants to meet you. Did you get coffee yet?" He poured three coffees and walked them over to Donald Trump. Red squeezed his hand tight as he made the introductions. He left them talking as he made his way around the patio.
Sir Richard Branson walked out with Ainsley on his arm. "Gary, I'm in love with this woman. She is delightful."
Gary looked at Ainsley and saw the twinkle in her eye. He knew that look and he laughed, "She is life altering Richard, she definitely is." Gary kissed her good morning and sauntered off.
Cherry was sitting with Beyoncé and Rihanna by the pool. Gary walked up and introduced to her. "I can't thank you enough for last night. I had no idea any of that was going to happen. You are simply amazing. I honestly don't think I have ever seen this much talent in someone as young as you are. I can't wait to see what you'll be like in ten years."
"Thank you Gary. I can tell you this, what you are doing is mind-blowing. I know there will be many stars coming out of your clubs. This is exactly what this industry needed. I remember before I made it, I'd hear so and so would be in to see me and I was so nervous, I never gave the performance I was capable of. This takes that away and I love it."
"I'll second that," a lovely little blonde said as she sat with them.
Beyoncé smiled, "Gary darling, let me introduce you to the one and only Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta AKA Lady Gaga. God girl, you look like you had a good time last night."
She stood up and walked to Gary. "I know we have just met but I have to do this." She threw her arms around him and gave him a kiss. "First, you have a fabulous idea and I'm 100% behind it. Second, you have the sexiest people around you. Third, that was just an appetizer. If what I heard last night is accurate, I think I want to get to know you a hell of a lot better."
Cherry looked at Beyoncé and then to Gary. Her eyes were sparkling as she choked on her coffee. "I don't know what you heard Stef but I am sure it was an understatement." Both she and Beyoncé cracked right up.
"What I heard darling wasn't just about him. Your old man and I have some serious talking to do too. Some of it is business and some isn't, if you get my drift."
Gary put his arm around her and kissed her again. "Wow, I never thought I'd kiss Lady Gaga. I could get used to that."
"That is what I wanted to hear. Now I guess I need to get three permission slips and then, mister, look out!"
"Honey, you don't need a permission slip," Cherry grinned. "None of us do. We can do this fine hunk of man anytime we want."
"All of you?" Rihanna said her eyes wide and gleaming.
"Yes baby, all of them," Beyoncé said.
Cherry shot her a look and a half.
"Honey, after what I did to Jay Z last night," she giggled.
"You didn't."
"Well, actually, I didn't for the first hour. Tammy walked in on them and called her Linda and I've never seen anyone lose a hardon so fast in my life. He was stuttering and stammering. When I walked in, he lost it. He was mortified until Tammy, God I love that girl, welcomed him into the family. That was the most fun I've had in a long time with him."
Cherry cracked up. Gary walked over and kissed Beyoncé deeply and passionately. "I love you girl," he said.
"Well, this just won't stand at all," Rihanna, said as she stood and stretched. "I am not going to be the only woman in this group who hasn't kissed this fine hunk of man this morning.
She seductively walked towards him. He watched this spectacular young woman as she moved with grace and sensuality. "Robin, what was it that Oprah said? Oh yes, you were 'fuck' personified. She certainly was right."
"Oh now I am really amazed. You know my real name. Do you know how much that turns me on?" She walked into his arms and her lithe body molded into his. She threw her arms around his neck and she looked into his eyes. "I may be young but I have heard all the rumors about you and Mark. I plan on finding out if they are true myself." She tilted her head and kissed him with fiery hot lips and a passion begging to be quenched.
"Hold that thought, I have to get ready to do some interviews. I'll be back. Has anyone seen Holly?"
Cherry looked towards the lake and started laughing uncontrollably. "There she is," she giggled as Holly and Toby Keith came walking up to the main house. Holly was wearing Toby's hat and she had the biggest shit-eating grin on her face.
Gary looked at Cherry and they both burst out laughing. "How did they manage that? We didn't have any noise complaints," Cherry giggled. Beyonce cracked up at that one.
"Oh I'm not going anywhere," Gary laughed. Jay Z was walking towards them with his arm around Tammy and the other around Linda.
Tammy was laughing and giggling. She saw Gary and she ran into his arms and kissed him. "I love you darling; I really, really love you."
"Jay Z, I'm Gary Edwards. Welcome to the family. I guess you were a little surprised with your wife's twin huh? It is amazing how similar they are."
"Gary, man, you have no idea how similar they actually are."
Not one word was said, not even a smile. They chatted for a while and Gary left with Holly in tow.
The interviews took place at the Center and they took the helicopter over there. The parking lot was full of media trucks and people waiting for tonight's opening.
The interviews went well. When they sat down with Courtney Friel, her beauty mesmerized all three of them. She thanked them for the invite last night and Gary immediately extended it to tonight as well.
"I told your husband last year that he was one of the luckiest men alive and that was before I ever saw you in person," Mark told her. "You are so much lovelier than I imagined. How is the baby?"
"This is fun. Usually, I'm the one doing the interview. The baby is fine and yes, I heard what you said to Carter. In fact, he emailed me right after that and told me what the most eligible bachelor said about me. I was impressed."
"Courtney, I've known these two a very long time. They don't say anything about a woman unless she is truly spectacular. Now I see why they can't quit talking about you," Holly said. "Of course, your husband isn't bad himself."
They had a great interview and told her they would see her tonight.
That wrapped up the interviews and they went into the store. It had been fully restocked. Vicki was already there putting the finishing touches on everything. She saw them and ran into their arms. She was so excited.
Everyone kissed her and asked if she needed anything. She was good now that she had the store restocked. They went and got a coffee. Marv saw them come in and he was smiling.
"We have been swamped all night long. We opened to the public an hour after the clubs closed. We have been insane ever since. Everyone loves the menu. I haven't had a single complaint and the people are drooling over the wait staff clothes. Guys, this is a winner and a half. You have to see my receipts."
They had coffee and talked for a bit. They all went up to Holly's office and looked at the figures. Hank and Lindsay were there and Lindsay was beaming. Holly looked at the numbers and her jaw dropped.
"This is far more than I expected. I know we had all run the numbers many times but holy shit, this is amazing. We took in more money last night than 'The Broad Walk' took in last month. I can't wait to see the numbers for tonight."
"You think you're happy? Look at these," Gary said as he punched in his code and the retail store figures came up on the screen.
"Are you shitting me bro?" Mark asked. "These figures say that damned near everything was sold last night."
"Mark, that is only what went out the door. We have orders for almost as much product that we are shipping to people. I was getting worried I was going to be completely out of stock before we closed," Vicki told him.
"Well, I've never been happier than I am right now. Now, sit down everyone. I have something to tell everyone," Mark said. "We have four new acts performing this week. Last night, Michelle and Lori entered into negotiations on their behalf for recording contracts. They are losing their minds and we are beyond happy. Each one could stand to make millions and millions.
What I haven't told anyone other than Lori and Michelle is this. Whatever I make from these contracts will be substantial. I don't come cheap. Neither do you.
Lindsay and Hank, whatever contracts are obtained in your Clubs, you will be paid three percent of the fee I collect.
Now, just to clarify something, Lindsay is the Center manager.
Lindsay, this is your Center. You will be paid for all contracts obtained in this Center as well. That is in addition to what you made from the Club itself.
Hank, Marv, your Centers have not been built yet. When they are, you will have your own Centers. Until then, you'll do very well right here. So, congratulations everyone, you all made a shitload of money this week."
"Well, I'm fucking blown away. I didn't see that coming," Gary said.
Holly and Lindsay were speechless. Hank shook his hand and then grabbed him into a huge bear hug.
"Gar, we've talked about this for ever. I won't be happy until I can sit each of them down and show them that they are millionaires. I know you feel exactly the same way. I love each one of them. They are family and I take care of my family."
"Well that is the most generous thing I think I've ever seen you do. I mean it," Gary said sincerely.
Lindsay threw herself at Mark and she kissed him so deeply. "Mark, I love you. Thank you so much. You are going to invest my money aren't you?"
"Yes dear, I told you before and I'll say it again, I'll do everything possible to make you wealthy beyond your wildest dreams."
She hugged him and kissed him again.
Holly walked into his arms. "Listen buster, you didn't have to do this. I am going to make something very clear here. I want you all to hear exactly what I am about to say. You, Mark Banner are not my first love, shithead over there is. I love two men and only two men. A third is tugging at my heart and he's a pretty good man too but the two of you have my undying devotion and you will have until the day I die. If there is an afterlife, I want to spend eternity with you two. I mean that." She kissed him deeply and lovingly.
"Ah, I love all of you, you know that. Oh, I forgot to tell you this. If I negotiate a contract for one of my artists and it happens because of their appearance in your Club or Center, you own that. The same thing applies to any subsequent contract I obtain for that artist for life. Sorry, I left out that part. So, go and find me the next Garth Brooks or Rihanna."
He turned and walked out of Holly's office.
"Well I'll be dammed," Gary said.
Linda heard the chopper and she signaled for her people to bring the food out. It was a spectacular day, warm, nice breeze and a ton of good food to be enjoyed. They walked up and Reba grabbed them.
"Gary, I simply love your ladies. They are so pretty and so funny. Rose is a trip. I saw you last night Holly. It is nice to meet the woman who is responsible for all of this. Your girls have had Loretta and me in stitches all morning. Holly, trust me. We vocalists must stick together."
"Oh shit, now I'm embarrassed," Holly blushed.
Narvel walked up behind her and put his strong hands on her shoulders. He leaned over and whispered, "Don't be embarrassed darling, I live with a woman who can turn the word 'is' into a five syllable word. Now think about that for a minute."
That was all it took. Both Gary and Mark fell to their knees in utter and complete hysterics. They were laughing so hard they could barely breathe when Loretta walked by.
"My darlings, I used to simply blame it on really bad songwriters." She giggled and walked to the table.
There they were, sitting on the patio, tears rolling down their faces and they could not stop laughing.
After the lunch, they had a few hours to relax and the reviews of last night had come in. Every single review called it a total success. The new acts were praised, and the stars were glorified.
Beyoncé and Beyoncé were all over the news. That was a real showstopper. Holly's introduction of Toby Keith had gone viral and it was all over the web.
The real star of the night was Cherry. The cameras loved her on the red carpet. She was on the cover of more newspapers and magazines than she even knew existed. The exposure she got on the runway with the fashion show set the fashion world buzzing. Additionally, she was on stage in both clubs. From her dancing to her famous football jersey, she was a hit. The crowd loved her and the stars did too.
Frank saw Mark and walked over. He had the largest grin on his face Mark had ever seen.
"What'cha drinking Frank? Have you ever had one of Gary's World Famous Rum Runners?"
"Sounds good to me. I should kick your ass."
"That good huh?"
"Fuck me bozo, what do you think?"
"I don't have to think, I know. She is amazing, isn't she? We love her with all our hearts. We always have. Honestly, I think we all deserve Oscars for our performances," Mark quipped.
"You had us all fooled. There is no getting around that but now, I can fully understand. I've wanted Jill since I was thirteen. Never, in my wildest dreams did I think she was as good as she actually is."
"Hey pal, Suzie and Dorothy are something else themselves. Gary and I have always wanted to do Suzie. She is a spectacular woman Frank. We all wanted you to have her and we are just glad you do. Did they tell you about Thailand?"
"They said something about us going there next summer. Exactly what does 'certified' mean?"
Mark looked and saw Gary talking to Tom, Suzie, and Dorothy. He called them to the bar as Cherry and Gary's girls walked up. When everyone was assembled, Mark told Gary what Frank had asked. No one said a word. They knew who was going to answer that question.
Rose took a long swig of her Rum Runner, kissed Gary and then Mark. She started to speak when Gary stopped her. He saw Jill and he called her over.
"I let her do this because I know she cums just thinking about it," Gary laughed.
"Okay, it is like this. Before anyone can go to Thailand, they have to be 'certified'. What that means is they are 'certified' as a total and complete slut. You won't be just a regular slut but you will be our slut. There is a huge difference. We don't just fuck anybody. We are highly selective.
Jim, who you met last night, is the 'certification master'. He keeps track of your progress. I can tell you girls, you'll love it. Right now, we have a lot of celebrities here. Once they are gone, the people you have met here will be here to take you through the process."
She took another long pull of her straw and continued. "Each man and woman will fuck your pussy, your mouth, and your ass. Each woman will have you dancing on her tongues. You will lick and suck every pussy around here. We are all going to Thailand so you have to do them all first."
"Ohmigod," Suzie shrieked. "Ohmifuckinggod! Everyone? We get to do everyone. I just came! Oh fuck, when do we start?"
"Frank, Tom, you have to fuck every pussy, every mouth and every ass you see. You also get to suck every cock here too. Its okay guys, we know. Don't worry, everyone here is bi so relax and just have fun." Rose looked at each of them and she kissed them deeply. "Nothing makes this Asian pussy wetter than watching the men I fuck suck cock. Now, there is only one thing that makes it better. That is when you have a hard cock up your ass too. You seemed to like my pussy last night. Once you're 'certified' this pussy will be so much sweeter for you."
Gary looked at Mark and laughed. "That is normally how it works. We are very strict about it too but for the four of you, we are making an exception."
"You can't do that darling," Jill said. "That is not fair."
"Yes sis, it definitely is fair. You drove Frank wild for the better part of his life. Apparently, the three of us did the same thing to Suzie. Now, we have rectified that to a point. We are holding off on their 'certification' until we get to Thailand. Jeremy and his people want to 'certify' them too."
"Ohmigod...What is that old song? Oh yeah, 'You'll Never Walk Alone'. Change that to 'You'll Never Walk Again'!" Wendy snickered.
Jill burst out laughing, "Oh shit. Suzie, Dorothy you are in for a treat. So are you two," she said as her eyes shifted to Tom and Frank. "If you think last night was something, boys are you in for a surprise."
Mark looked over to the pool and he saw Maya and Tila lounging there. He called them over and introduced them. Frank and Tom were shocked to see them. Suzie looked and stammered, "I've seen you two before. Ohmigod, you are the twins in that fabulous porn film we have at home."
She looked at Gary who was laughing wildly. "What's so funny?"
"Honey, didn't you ever get the memo? Do you know what Jeremy does now?"
Suzie looked at Frank rather unkindly. "Not really Gar. Every time I ask him he never gives me a straight answer."
Gary was laughing so hard.
"Darling, Jeremy is now the largest Asian Porn Producer on earth. He's wealthy beyond belief, and he has over two hundred of the wildest porn stars just ready and waiting to 'certify' the four of you. These two were his biggest stars. Maya and Tila are twins and they work for me now. They live here with us now. Now, you add that to the sixty some people we will be taking with us, yeah, walking may be a problem."
"Oh, by the way, some of these celebrities are coming on this trip as well," Debbie, told them. "I'm not going to say who yet but you'll all simply love it."
"How long is this trip?" Tom asked.
"You'll need two full weeks. Figure ten days in Thailand plus travel time Tom."
"Great, tell me when and I'll make sure we have the time off. I wouldn't miss this for the world."
"I will and if you think Gary has sexy pilots, you haven't seen anything yet. Wait till you all get a look at Jeremy's pilots," Mark laughed.
"I can't wait to spend some quality time with them again," Cherry blushed. "I've never met Jeremy in person. I talk to him all the time but I didn't go on the last trip. I can't fucking wait for this trip."
"Cherry, you'll love him. He is just like these two. I've wanted to do him since I was just growing tits but now, after last night, I can't wait either," Suzie said.
"Gary," Maya said, "I know where we could do the 'certification'. We can add a few people to the list but it would be a once in a lifetime mindfuck. I know she'll get right into it."
"Ohmigod, at Jooms of course, holy fuck. If you take them to Jooms, they will never be the same. It could take at least two days," Debbie snickered.
"I like it," Mark snickered. "I like it a lot. Suzie, you have to know it hurt us as much as apparently it did you to treat you the way we did. I hope you can forgive us but I want you to know that you are now, officially part of this crazy family. That means that you are welcome here or in Vegas at my place anytime. I have a lifetime of mistakes to correct."
"As long as Cherry is okay with it, I'm game," Suzie smiled.
"Honey, as long as from time to time you let me join you, I'm all over it," Cherry smiled and kissed her. "After all, I will be screwing the lights out of these two sweet men who keep me safe in the air."
"Darling, they keep us safe even when they don't know who the fuck they are talking to," Jill laughed. "I can't tell you how many times we've spoken and not once did he realize I was the voice behind the controls. Maybe I should learn to burp too."
"Wait one fucking minute. Are you telling me that was you the last time you left here? I was wondering who it was that called me by name and told me they loved me?"
"All I heard was Mark laughing his head off," Tom said. "Now it makes sense."
Jill leaned over, took Franks face in her hands, and kissed him passionately. "I love you Frank. I love you with all my heart. If you ever eat another pickled egg, I'll personally de-nut you darling."
"Okay, that is settled. 'Certification' takes place in Thailand but tonight, we do the 'Sybian Certification' here. There will still be people here so we will convene in my suite later after the party." Gary said as he leaned over and kissed Suzie.
"What's the 'Sybian Certification'?" Dorothy asked.
"Nothing much darling," Cherry grinned. "Just the fucking best orgasms you'll ever have."
"Gary," Tila said. "I don't think we've ever been 'certified' on that."
"I didn't know that. You will be tonight baby."
Everyone was getting ready to go to the Center. Limos were arriving to take them. As this was the official Opening Night, the Red Carpet was out and the paparazzi were in abundance. The TV coverage was intense. The crowds were huge.
The place filled up, the fashion show was a huge hit. The night went off without a hitch. The crowds were wonderful and appreciative of each others taste in music.
Cherry shone on the runway, on both stages and everyone loved her. She was happy.
Gary, Mark, and Holly were in her office and looking at the numbers.
"This is fabulous," Gary said as he wrote out a check. "Let's go."
Loretta introduced Trace Atkins to both clubs. He walked out on stage and told the audiences what had been announced last night. Gary, Mark, and Holly walked out on stage.
Holly looked up into this gentle giant of a cowboy, picked up her microphone, "Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. On behalf of The Velvet Glove, The Country Girl Saloon, Holly's Diner, and D'Orgasmic Lingerie it is my pleasure to give this check to you, Trace, for the Wounded Warriors Project in the amount of $512,000. We'll see you in Las Vegas in two weeks when we open there. We hope to top this amount there.
The crowd went wild. The applause lasted for six minutes. Trace picked her up and kissed her. The roar of the crowd was deafening.
Holly introduced Toby but this time when she said that she had dreamed of doing him for so long, she failed to mention what she did last night.
Toby arrived on stage and finished the evening with Red Solo Cup. The place erupted again. Everyone sang it and they couldn't have finished stronger.
Gary was sitting at the Tiki bar relaxing after fully enjoying the evening. Luke Bryan and Staci walk up and Gary poured them a drink.
"I can't thank you enough Luke," Gary said. "Your video was very instrumental in the planning of this venture. Everyone here is a very big fan of yours. Of course, you have quite a lady there. She is gorgeous."
"I didn't know what was happening last night. I certainly wasn't expecting three of them. You guys seem to have Staci cloned so I'd say you are in pretty good shape yourselves. My video really says what your club is all about. I love it. I plan on being at as many openings as possible. I can't guarantee I'll make it to all of them. I do want you to know I am going to get together with Mark and discuss some business before we leave. If you guys are willing to do this for unnamed artists, I can only hope he'll be able to steer me in the right direction. I'm just getting started."
"You'll be around for a very long time Luke," Gary said. "If he helps you, you will be amazed at what he can do,"
"Well, I know one thing, I am definitely getting him to represent me," Staci said. "You guys have been so good to me but I've heard so many things this weekend that I didn't know. I definitely want Mark and Lori to handle me."
"Oh God girl," Gary laughed. "Don't say that to Lori."
"Yeah, I know what you mean," she snickered.
By every measure, the reviews said the same thing. The opening in Orlando had been a huge success. Holly was so happy and deservedly so. It was hard to decide though, what made her happier. Toby had what appeared to be a permanent smile on his face too.
Ronnie and Carmen were sitting with John Rich and Big Kenny. Ronnie looked like she had just won every lottery on earth. She hung on every word and her smile was as bright as her eyes. Brenda walked by and nodded slightly. Carmen caught it as so did Ronnie.
"Ronnie, do you need a refill darling?" Carmen asked as she picked up John and Kenny's glasses and headed to the bar. "You know guys, there is a lot to see around here. I love it at night. It is so pretty the way Gary has it designed."
They took them to the lake and it was gorgeous. They made their way back up toward the house but they took a detour to the right. They walked into a very dark dance studio and Ronnie told them she would be right back. Carmen put her arms through theirs and walked them to the oversized sofa. As they sat, the lights came up and their video rolled.
The thirty-six original people made their way onto the dance floor dancing to 'Save A Horse (Ride A Cowboy)' John and Kenny started laughing but their smiles only got larger as they saw what Ronnie and the rest were doing. Two thirds of the way through the song, they were all naked and Ronnie made a beeline for John.
"They have been on their best behavior all weekend baby," Carmen cooed in his ear and that was the last they were seen until morning.
"You know Gar, we really have a great group. Did you see what I saw?" Mark grinned.
"Oh damned straight I did. I'm impressed because they did it without attracting any attention to themselves at all. There is going to be two very happy cowboys in the morning."
"Speaking of happy," Mark nodded as Jill walked up with Suzie and Dorothy. Rose and Cherry had their arms around Frank while Wendy and Debbie had Tom in tow. Maya and Tila had their arms around Jim who was smiling with his ever-present clipboard under his arm.
Suzie and Dorothy looked at Gary and Mark and smiled so sweetly. "I don't know about this," Suzie chuckled. "Cherry said it would be the best orgasms we've ever had. We kinda took a poll last night and honestly, we can't see last night being beat."
Gina and Brianna walked up putting their arms around Mark and Gary. Brianna was giggling when she looked at the four of them standing there. "Take it from two delicious sluts who know exactly what we are talking about. Take last night, multiply it by a factor of at least ten, double that and you might come close to what is about to happen."
When the doors closed on Gary's wing, Rose was on fire. She started flitting about and lighting candles, getting toys out, and making sure all the party favors were available. Jim was pouring drinks and Mark and Gary were taking their time to let the candles take effect.
Maya and Tila decided that since these four sweet people were fans, then they were going to give them the ultimate Fan Bang before they got on the machines.
"Cherry, may we borrow some of your music baby?" Tila cooed.
Cherry laughed and picked up the tablet. She punched in her playlist and giggled. Mark was watching her intently, completely unaware of what was about to take place.
The pheromones were filling the air as the music began to play. Tila took to the far right pole and Maya to the far left. They danced so seductively and they both caught Cherry's eye. She laughed and they smiled. Their abilities on the poles had dramatically improved. All eyes fixated to these two Asian Goddesses as 'Baditude' began to play. No one saw her move. Magically, Cherry appeared on the center pole. The three women danced in perfect unison. As the song heated up, three amazing women climbed those poles, inverted and returned to the stages naked and hot.
Maya and Tila grabbed Suzie and Dorothy and pulled them onto the huge bed. They kissed them, expertly removing their dresses. Soft Asian hands delicately traced their hot bodies, teasing and tantalizing both of them. Suzie watched as Tila stroked Dorothy and the sight of her good friend in the arms of a top porn star drove her wild. Dorothy had the same reaction as she saw Maya with Suzie.
Frank and Tom were standing by the edge of the bed. Jill was undressing Frank and Cherry was removing Tom's trousers.
Jill turned into Frank's muscular body and their lips met. The kiss was soft, tender and filled with years of pent up, unfulfilled love. His hands felt the curve of her hips and they slid up to caress the fullness of her breasts.
Jill looked at Cherry and both women began to laugh. "Oh no you don't, you two. Before we even think of touching you," Jill laughed and pushed the men onto the bed joining their wives and the twins. "These two are going to give you a preview of what life in Thailand is going to be like."
Maya and Tila were the female version of Mark and Gary. Twins usually do everything in a similar fashion but in bed or on camera, they were definitely identical.
Maya and Tila kissed Suzie and Dorothy before they took Tom and Frank's hands pulling them onto the bed. Those Taiwanese dolls took their substantial cocks in their hands, looked up with their large oval eyes, and opened their hot wet mouths. Frank and Tom were in awe at the sight of these famous porn stars about to gobble their own dicks.
Maya turned and grabbed Suzie and shoved her down on the mattress. "Lick my pussy Suzie, lick me, and make me cum while I suck your husbands cock. You want to lick my sweet pussy, don't you baby? I know I want you to. I want to feel your hot lips opening me up and drinking every drop of my cum baby."
She turned and took Frank into her lips and smiled as he inhaled sharply at the sight and feel of this precious woman on the tip of his cock. Maya and Tila had the men shaking from the wonderful way they sucked and stroked them.
Suzie inhaled sharply as her tongue slid into Maya's very wet, naked pussy. This spectacular woman was sucking her husband completely. Her hands roamed Maya's body and discovered that her lovely breasts felt as wonderful as they looked.
Tila's tender hands cradled Tom's balls as she inhaled and exhaled his long cock fully and completely. Her tender touch coupled with her hot, wet mouth was driving Tom wild with unimaginable lust. Dot was beneath Tila who had dropped her sweet lips over her long, talented tongue. Dorothy moaned as Tila began to flow and she drank her up completely.
"Sister, oh sister! I think they like us darling. Let's see how well they can handle our hot, tight pussies' baby."
Over the next hour, Maya and Tila drove them wild. The men were in heaven as their cocks plowed their faces, throats, pussies, and asses. The twins had licked and sucked them all sweetly and finger fucked them fully. Suzie and Dorothy had cum so many times in so many ways. Maya and Tila were exceptional lovers and they knew how to maximize each and every orgasm.
Tila kissed each one and turned to Jim, who stood by the bed, clipboard in hand and Rose permanently attached to the head of his cock. "My darling Jim, we can certify to you that they are now ready to begin this phase of the 'certification,'" she giggled. She kissed Jim, leaned over and took his cock from Rose's lips, sucked him fully, turned, kissed Rose and put Jim back into her mouth.
Mark grabbed Suzie and Gary took Dorothy's hand. Wendy and Debbie had set the machines at the end of the bed.
"The four of you are about to experience something that will make up for all those years you missed out on. Ladies, if you will," Mark grinned as he took Suzie's hand. He looked into her blue eyes and kissed her lovingly. He put her on the machine and checked to see if any adjustments were necessary. Gary checked Dorothy. Neither woman needed the sleeve. Gary grinned.
Jill walked over, kissed both women, and giggled. "Maestro, if you please."
Gary laughed and turned on the machines. Their moans started softly but built quickly. At eighty percent, Dorothy giggled that she was in love. They had no idea what was in store for them.
The women progressed through the single and double dildos but when they were introduced to the G-Spot Ball things went off the chart.
"Gary Edwards," Suzie snickered, "If you are going to put that thing inside of me, you had better marry me darling. I always wondered just how kinky you could get but this shit is wilder than anything I could imagine."
Gary kissed her and settled her onto the ball. Wendy walked up with some party favors, which Suzie generously absorbed. Dorothy helped herself as well and Rose walked up with warm oil and two brown bottles. Mark kissed Dorothy and dropped her onto the ball. Both women seemed to love the tightness of the attachment.
Rose put on the blindfolds. Warm oil caressed their sensitive flesh. Gary started the machines and their effects were instantaneous. As the balls began to slowly rotate on their G-spots, both women shrieked. Gary increased the speed slightly and then he introduced the vibration back into the mix. Dorothy and Suzie lost their mind.
Hands were caressing them with delicious sweet hot oil. Gary and Mark were whispering sweet, hot, suggestive scenarios in their ears. Their pussies were on fire. Cherry walked up and gave Suzie and Dorothy hits of Rush as Gary turned the machines all the way up. The buzz was immediate and the sensation was so intense. The women screamed at the top of their lungs.
Gary instantly shut the machines off.
Not a word was said, but Mark and Gary inserted the last attachment and settled the women back onto the machine. The machines started again at full power and the women melted. The G-Spot ball was fabulous but the spinning anal finger took them where no man had gone before. They experienced warp drive orgasms as Cherry brought the bottles to them again. Their skin glistened. Each nerve ending exploded as massive, uncontrollable waves of passion overtook them deliciously.
When the women thought it could not get better, Suzie felt a cock caressing her lips. She knew that she had to have that cock in her mouth right now. More than anything in her precious life so far, she had to have that cock. Her mouth opened and her body exploded in a massive explosive orgasm. That wonderful cock passing into her mouth had ignited erotic passions she never knew existed.
She shook; she flailed; and the women had to hold her upright as that magic finger twirled in her tight ass.
The G-Spot ball twirled her into relentless mind-numbing orgasms.
The hands that stroked her touched every secret spot she possessed and triggered feelings she had buried so many years ago.
Totally deprived of sight, the ownership of the cock that was now deep in her throat thrilled her beyond anything she could ever conceive. She didn't know if it was Gary or Mark. She knew one thing and that was...it really didn't matter. She had fallen in love with both of them as a young teen-age girl and she had finally succeeded. She had vowed, someday, she would suck them dry and tonight, she was going to do exactly that.
Right now, one thing mattered and that was this. She was fast losing control of every bodily function. She was riding this wonderful machine and her orgasms were so over the top, so deep, so heart wrenching that the only thing she could concentrate on, if you could call it that, was the cock that was in her throat. She threw her head against his stomach. His cock drove deeper than any cock had ever been and she felt him swell. She grabbed his ass. He started to thrust. She screamed and he unleashed a river of cum into her greedy wanton lips and mouth.
Dorothy was in the exact same position on the other machine. Mark had filled her so completely and her body was putty.
Gary slowed the machines and the girls helped the two delicious women to the bed. They were neither coherent nor ambulatory but they were definitely not complaining.
"Holy fuck, that was the hottest thing I've ever seen," Frank grinned as he kissed Jill deeply. "Do you think she'll ever be the same?"
"Baby, you'll have to figure that one out for yourself. You two are next."
Mark and Gary were on the bed holding Suzie and Dorothy tenderly while they recovered.
The girls got the men in position and Jill started the machines. Mark and Gary looked on and smiled. They knew what was coming. Frank and Tom hadn't a clue. Jill had become expert with this machine years before. Not only was she drop-dead gorgeous but she was wicked sexy as well. She knew how to turn a man on and tonight, she was going to do Frank in ways he never knew possible.
Wendy and Rose walked up to the bed, flipped matching switches and the bed changed configuration.
"What the fuck?" Mark exclaimed. "Memo to Mark, kick Red's ass. You have toys I don't have. This can't stand."
"Don't blame her," Gary laughed.
"Honey, I simply love Nancy. She is actually kinkier than you said she was," Cherry giggled. "Don't you worry though baby, I told them to order a bed just like this already. I mean, ours is nice but it doesn't quite do everything this one does."
"Yeah, Jackson has already been notified. Two of these are on the way to Vegas and one is on the way here," Gary grinned as Suzie made a feeble effort to move her hand. It didn't work.
Jill had put the clit sleeves on the machines and their cocks rode along that sleeve which hardened their cocks instantly when the machines came alive. Jill stood between them and she talked so dirty that it actually surprised Mark and Gary.
Wendy and Rose climbed up on the bed and onto the horizontal bars. Debbie adjusted the heights and slowly brought their aching pussies to each man's lips. Female hands caressed their bodies and Maya and Tila knelt and licked their hard cocks as they rode the machine.
Jill stopped the machine and selected two fabulous dildos. She stroked each man and slowly and playfully inserted the toys into their asses. She kissed each man and sat him back down on the machine. They moaned and Jill was relentless.
Mark whispered to Cherry and she walked over and blindfolded the two men. Hands caressed them; each woman climbed the bar and the men munched on every pussy in the place. The women took turns sucking them as they rode that blessed machine.
Cherry put the bottle in front of them and they each took massive pulls.
Suzie and Dorothy were finally coming to and they watched as they lay in Mark and Gary's arms. Their men were in pussy heaven and their asses were full of a very well shaped cock. Cherry and Jill were the last two on the bar and Frank and Tom had no idea whose pussy they were licking but they didn't care. Every woman in this room was spectacular.
Suzie looked at Mark and then Gary. She pointed to the head of the bed and the guys nodded. She struggled to her feet and walked between the two machines. Tom and Frank were flying as the sensations built and built.
"Do you two love this? Do you Frank? Tom, what about you? Have you ever felt anything better in your life? I know what will make this so much better."
Cherry put the bottles under their noses and they took huge pulls. They felt two broad heads of fantastic cocks' brush their lips. They opened their mouths and felt the cocks slide between their lips. They sucked them fully as Jill and Cherry slid down to suck them as well.
"Frank, Jill is sucking your cock darling. She is such a good cocksucker, isn't she? Tom, Cherry is sucking you baby. Fuck, this is so hot I could cum just watching you suck those cocks. Suck them baby. Suck them deep. I know you've wanted to suck their cocks all your life. Now we can. Oh, fuck, yes! Suck those cocks baby. Cum for Jill and Cherry; oh, fuck, yes!"
Mark and Gary grabbed their heads and skull fucked them blowing their sweet cum down their throats. Jill and Cherry were rewarded with unbelievable loads as both men erupted with volcanic force.
The rest of the night was spent in the wettest, wildest sex you could imagine. Suzie and Dorothy's evening started strong and it grew from there. Mark and Gary made sure their every desire was met and exceeded.
The women did the same for Frank and Tom. Gina told him he had to change his diet. When he asked what she would suggest as a replacement, she took his head and pulled it between her legs. He giggled, and promised he would change but he warned her, he had a vociferous appetite.
The sun was coming up when they moved the party to the pool. Suzie walked arm in arm with Mark. She looked up into his eyes and said she had never been happier. "Not only have I just had the best sex of my life, I've had it with two of the three men I wanted my entire life. Thank you. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband so much. I always have and now, I know I kinda have you three to thank for that too. You really are special. I hope Cherry doesn't hear me but I do love you Mark. I love Gary and Jeremy too. I could scratch your eyes out but I still love you."
She jumped when Cherry kissed the back of her neck, "Suzie, if it helps any, I wanted to scratch his eyes out myself once too. I hated him. I really did. Don't worry baby, I can tell you this from the bottom of my heart, every woman around here loves these guys. You are a leg up on me. I've never met Jeremy."
Suzie's eyes glazed over, "Jeremy is completely off the wall. He is handsome, funny and so fucking sexy I can't even begin to explain it. He's just like these two. Put them together and stand back, something wonderful is going to happen. All the girls in school saw three guys who respected each one of us. They treated us wonderfully. They never touched any of us. The only woman they ever had a problem with was the one they were fucking every damned day. Go figure."
"Yeah, go figure. I never thought he would ever touch me. I really had given up on him. I'm glad he finally relented." Cherry leaned over, kissed Mark and told him not to deny Suzie any longer. "Promise me you won't treat her mean anymore baby."
Mark kissed Suzie and looked in her eyes, "When I welcomed you into the family, I meant it. You are now a full-blown family member baby. I hope you like Vegas. You are going to be there a lot."
Gary, Dorothy and the girls walked up to the Tiki bar. Gary made Rum Runners as the rest of the party made its way up.
"Frank, how ya doing buddy?" Gary laughed.
"Do you party like this often?"
"Only on days with 'day' in the name," Rose giggled. "The only reason we are dressed is because we have guests. Normally, we are naked all the time. It's called 'house rules'. It means high heels and maybe some lingerie but mainly it is high heels and bare flesh."
"Are you serious?" Dorothy exclaimed. "You have all that hot flesh running around naked? I'd think I died and went to heaven."
"It is all here for you too darling," Wendy told her. "When do you go back to work?"
"I wish," Dorothy said. "I haven't worked in three months and Suzie lost her job a few weeks ago. Frank and Tom have to be back to work on Tuesday. Why?"
Debbie grinned, "Everyone will be gone by Monday. Stay please, there are many things about this place you won't see until then. When you do, they will blow your mind."
"Okay, you have my curiosity peaked big-time," Suzie grinned. "Nothing could beat what happened tonight. That was the wildest thing I've ever experienced."
"You can say that again," Tom said. "I have a question..."
"Relax Tom, everyone here is bi. What happens here, stays here," Rose giggled and poked him in the ribs. "I just have to warn you though."
"Warn me? What about Rose?"
A chorus of, "She's greedy Tom," wafted in the early Florida morning.
Gary walked behind the bar and Mark walked over to him.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of it," Gary grinned. "If she thinks she's getting away this time, she couldn't be more wrong."
Jill walked up and put her arm around Mark. Before she could open her mouth, they both turned and told her it was already a done deal.
"Have I told you two today?"
"No dammit, and you've spent the entire weekend without paying us any attention at all," Mark sulked.
"Just checking," she giggled, grabbed drinks and made her way back to the party.
They heard laughter and looked as Carmen, Ronnie, John Rich, and Big Kenny were making their way back from Brenda's house.
Cherry laughed, "Oops, sorry, I missed rehearsal." She got up and walked into John's arms. "I'll make it up to you baby." She kissed both men and went to make them drinks.
Carmen made a beeline to Mark. "Mr. Banner, I don't care what has to happen but as of right now, I want you representing me. Make it happen, Mark. Please make it happen."
She kissed him, went, and talked to Suzie and Dorothy.
"I'd ask but I don't need to," Gary grinned.
Big Kenny grinned, "Hell, we've all heard the rumors. They seldom are true. No one told us they were understatements. Damn you guys!"
Holly and Toby appeared from somewhere. She put her arms around John and Kenny, "You ain't seen nuttin yet guys."
Mark took one look at Toby Keith and he burst out laughing. "I know that look. What can I get you to drink?"
"A blood transfusion is probably more appropriate, bro," Gary laughed.
"How do you guys keep up with all this?" he asked. "She is...she is."
"A...A...A life altering event?" Gary giggled.
"Oh hell, yes she is. If I survive the next month Mark, I want to talk to you too."
"If I survive," Mark roared. "Fuck me, we can relate to that!"
Frank and Tom were standing at the bar, feeling the fresh morning air bringing them back to some sense of normal when Gary walked up. "Hey guys, I have a question for you. I just heard that Suzie and Dorothy aren't working right now. I feel bad Frank but I don't know what Suzie has been doing."
"That's easy Gary. They were both media buyers. They specialized in Radio and TV but they have a lot of print experience too. This fucking economy killed their jobs and it hurts a lot," Frank said.
"Ah, I didn't know. I'll be back in a few minutes." Gary looked and saw Linda bringing coffee and pastries out onto the patio. He walked over to Dorothy and Suzie. "Coffee ladies?"
They grabbed coffee and Gary sat them down and had a chat. Mark and Jill watched from the Tiki Bar. It didn't take long before both women were jumping up, grabbing and kissing him deeply. They heard Gary laugh as they turned and ran back to the bar.
"He what?" Tom blurted as Dorothy explained what had just happened.
"Frank, you know I love you, don't you? Tell me you know that baby."
"Suzie, if you are thinking I am about to say no, think again. I think this is fantastic." He picked his wife up, kissed her deeply, and grinned at Gary. "What's fucking next? You two are up to your usual shit again I see."
"Hey, don't look at me," Mark laughed. "I don't know what the fuck he just did. Toby and I were having a drink. Don't blame me for whatever shithead does. What the fuck did he do anyway?"
"He just hired our wives asshole, like you didn't know anything about it. I'll believe that when pigs fly. You motherfuckers have always been like this. Just when you think you've seen it all, boom, something else wonderful happens."
"Oh thank God! I thought they only did that with us," Debbie smiled. "It's what I love the most about them."
Gary walked up with a coffee and a sweet roll. The girls ran to meet him and they kissed him sweetly. He smiled and sat his coffee down. "Ladies and Gent's, allow me to introduce the east-coast managers of our Media Buying Division. Guess what ladies, welcome to your new office."
Jill and Mark started laughing at the shocked look on their faces. Holly walked up and kissed each of them. "You start tomorrow. Now, we have a very strict dress code around here. Since we have guests right now, we have to hold off until tomorrow for it to go into effect. I'd be very happy to tell you all about it but we have a pecking order around here. You haven't met her yet but you will right now."
Tammy walked up and laughed. "I am the official keeper of the rules around here. Jill just sent me a text and told me I had to explain the rules." She started prancing doing her very best Hogan's Heroes impression. "So, here goes. 'House Rules' will be in effect unless we have workers or guests here. You will be naked or wearing the sexiest of lingerie. You must wear the sexiest high heels imaginable. You must, and I want to emphasize, you must, have a minimum of three orgasms a day. Mind you, I said that is a minimum. There is no upper limit. I repeat, there is no upper limit.
Frank and Tom, this applies to you as well, minus the lingerie and high heel stuff. There is no shortage of hot, wet pussies and willing mouths around here. Now many of our people will be leaving us but there will always be a lovely selection of hard cocks and wet pussies around here so please don't be shy.
Ladies, please see Jill for important financial updates."
Everyone applauded and she took a bow.
"Boss, that was rough. It's way too early to be this serious. Pour me a drink motherfucker, and then find someplace to fuck my hot, tight, black ass off please."
"Fuck the music business," Toby laughed. "I want to work here too."
"Seriously, where are we working from?" Suzie asked.
"You fucking lying bitch. All these years you've lied to me. I always thought the blonde came out of a bottle. Now I'm finding out you are a natural blonde. Sheesh, what is up with that?" Jill cried. "You see that chair you're sitting in? Put your laptop here, your feet up here. Add to that, a cold drink in your hand and perhaps a spare cock in your mouth. This is your office. Oh yeah, you'll also be flying all over the world but you'll get used to that."
"Does this mean we might get to look on board those jets?" Tom asked.
Brianna threw her head back and laughed. "Yeah Tom, there is a very good possibility you just might get to actually fly in them too."
Dorothy laughed, "Just wait, you tell him that and he'll be thinking about joining the Mile High Club."
Rose and Cherry burst out laughing.
Brianna took Gina's hand. Together they grabbed Jill and the three women walked over to Mark and Gary. "I want you to understand that right now, we are missing eleven of our pilots. God only knows where they are or whom they are doing. Rest assured; they are doing someone. There are three gorgeous woman and ten drop dead, sexy, bi men. If you ask any of us about the Mile High Club, we will all give you the same answer.
"That is what Autopilot was invented for," they all said in unison.
"You will all be members by the end of the week," Mark told them offhandedly. "I need coffee."
Dorothy and Suzie were so happy. Tom and Frank were laughing heartily.
The final straw was the look on their faces when Jill took them aside and told them about the financial aspects of the job.
"Darling," Suzie stammered. "This proves what I've been saying for years. They are out of their collective fucking minds." | literotica |
An Inconvenient Curse 2 I must admit, I never expected my husband to take so well to the curse I gave him. It wasn’t as if he asked me to change his gender, randomly, but here we were, married over a decade and he was game for the strangeness that was life with me.
I felt down to my slender hips, feeling the touch of my fingers as they moved over my soft mons and down into those thick full lips that we both loved, both the have and to make love to. It was strange, really, I hadn’t thought about it much, but I kind of missed being the one on the bottom. Maybe today, I’d jump his bones while I still had the cunt, instead of him.
Not that it should be that way, but really, the times I had the cock were just so overwhelming. I loved it. It was so raw and direct. I loved my clit too, even as I could feel myself rubbing her now as I thought about things to do this evening. He needed some loving, the good old- fashioned way.
Shaking my head, I pulled my hair back into a loose pony tail. There wasn’t much point putting clothes on, not with him due back from the store in a few minutes. I wanted to surprise him, so instead I reached for the razor.
*** *** ***
I met him at the door, dressed in my birthday suit. I watched his eyes light up at the sight of me. It was nice to know he still desired me so much after all these years. The bags lay forgotten as he grabbed me up and hauled me to the bedroom, just as I’d hoped.
He struggled with his clothes, so I leaned down and pulled them off him myself, coming up to face his cock that I’d worn only a few days before as I lifted it to my lips, kissing and stroking it. I enjoyed feeling it get hard in my hands.
His eyes were rolling back some now as I made a quick blowjob to provide a little extra lube before the main course. A quick check of my own lips between my crouched thighs confirmed that it would be enough.
I turned, pressing my body against him, letting his cock press against the crack of my ass. I wasn’t into anal, but it felt nice to feel wanted. Instead, I bent forward, letting my hips spread as I slid against the bed, letting my breasts flop onto the sheets, my pussy spread open behind. I could feel the air on my damp lips.
He took the hint, and he took me. I could feel him press in, penetrating me as I let my fingers curl about the sheets with each thrust, my nipples rubbing against the bedding. I kept one hand on my clit, just a little extra to help myself as his hands grasped my hips, pulling me to him with each thrust. A few quick smacks on the bottom made me moan.
I was glad I kept on birth control. I enjoyed this bareback ride more. We didn’t dare with him, but right now? It felt heavenly as my muscles began to clench and twitch. Soon I could feel myself pressing down on his cock for all my pelvic muscles could muster, feeling his seed spray up and hit my cervix in a warm gooey blast.
He fell over on top of me. His warmth welcome even as he slipped out of me. I wiggled my ass against his crotch anyway, enjoying my own afterglow.
“What promoted this?” He asked, perhaps a bit groggily.
“Oh, just figured I should get a few orgasms with my own pussy for a change. You should get to hog them all, you know.” I said, pulling him in for a kiss. He only smiled and returned the kiss.
*** *** ***
I was glad I’d done it. Three hours later I could feel the sudden twinge. It seemed that my time with my cunt was growing short. I could hear him in the shower, his boisterous singing abruptly stopping. He knew too.
I pulled off the shorts I wore, letting myself watch the changes. I always found the change fascinating, and yes, pleasurable. The soft pulls that started, the shift in my stomach as a part of me shriveled away. It was strange feeling the opening inside me seal up. I would guess it was just as strange for him to feel it open and her own uterus grow. But the real show was beginning. My clit was throbbing, the tip pressing upwards, each time growing a little more, the hood pulling back a bit farther. Thicker, longer, harder. Each moment I had more a cock and less a clit. Beneath it I could feel the pressing of my lips together. By the time my glans had bloomed fully on my cock, they had formed into that nice full sack, the twin orbs dropping from my stomach into the hanging pouch.
I couldn’t help myself; it was always such a rush and my fingers wrapped around the freshly minted cock happily. By now he would have finished with his changes too. If history was any guide, the only thing wetter than he would be, would be the water.
I rose from my spot on the bed, cock still in hand, and wandered into the bathroom to find my former cunt gracing the space between my husband’s legs. He was neither surprised, nor displeased to see me as I pressed into the shower with him.
Smiling, I thanked God that I found a man that could appreciate the curse I bore with such gusto as he began to suck my cock right there in the shower. | yiff-extreme |
Title: "The Ilot" Chapter 2 by Glamring
Tags: Husky, Love, Story, Story Series
**Chapter 2**
The train came to a smooth stop following a torrent of steam blasting from the locomotive. The young husky was out of his seat before his father was, anxious to explore the city.
" come ooooon daaad!" he insisted.
The older husky slowly got to his feet, gathered his things, checking himself in a mirror near the door, and proceeded to the out of their cabin to the exit at the front of their car.
As the two stepped off the train onto the platform, the young ones eyes lite up with excitement. He quickly realized why it's so often called the Sky Kingdom. Although the platform was fairly simple. There were a few ticket booths, seating for waiting passengers and a small food stand with a short attendant selling lunch specials to hungry travelers. Beyond that however, is what really interested the husky. The buildings beside the train terminal were absolutely enormous. They reached high into the sky like arms feeling for the clouds. Each one was elaborately decorated with gold, marble and any other precious materials you could think of. The tops of each building were adorned with either massive sky scraping spires or statues, set to elaborate poses that were reaching skyward into dizzying heights. Nothing the husky had ever seen came close to this city's majesty. His family was wealthy by all means but what the dragons had built was beyond wealth. He had not noticed that he was still blocking the exit to the train with his jaw agape when he was suddenly brought back to reality by a jolt. His father was tugged his hand forward towards a group of large armored figures quickly approaching them. He quickly began to follow.
The city was so breathtaking, the young husky had failed to notice a procession of 8 of their own guards having formed ranks around their positions including a few Advisers following loosely behind. No doubt they were trying their best to appear more important and involved than they really were. The husky never liked the Bureaucracy of his republic but his father never the less instilled the values and importance of the it and how easy it would be for it to fall into anarchy as in the ancient days.
As the two conclaves met, the husky stared up at the faces of the black Guards. They were all identically dressed, each were tall wearing flat black armor with each plate having complex designs etched into them in gold. They all wore a long black cape and a gold pommeled sword hung by their waists. "They were dragons!" The husky thought. Yes he had seem them before in his home city of Meridias but most never ventured past their domain. To see one in such a striking sense of authority and up close left the huskies jaw open. Again. Receiving another nudge from Alamar, he quickly regained his composer.
The black guards halted in front of the Prime ministers group and stared for a moment, the largest of the dragons, wearing a red seal on his chest stepped forward in front of Aurik.
"Well good morning Azgar. Tiberius sends his best assassin I see" the older husky said with as much smugness and contempt as he could muster.
" That's King Tiberius prime minister Aurik. And perhaps another time, The king has ordered us to escort you to the palace personally" replied Azgar, speaking in a highly conceded voice.
" tell the Tiberius thanks but as you can plainly see, I have my own protection." started Aurik but was quickly interrupted by the lead guard.
"the king!.....request that you have additional protection...in these times of trouble prime minister" the guard stumbling on his words looking as if he said them louder than he intended.
Aurik considered this for a moment before nodding his head, " fine then dragon, lead the way..."
Azgar stared for a moment, swaying slightly on his heals, hand on his pommel, he looked as if he would like nothing more than to trade words with Aurik but alas his long year of service and training told him otherwise. Nodding his head, he turned and waved the other guards behind him who immediately took up outer flanking positional on either side of the group. After an uneasy look from Alamar, the minister spoke. "lets go".
They began to escort them towards a set of high arches at the far end of the terminal. Even though the prime minister felt the extra security was unnecessary, he very well knew the way. It did however make the trip go a bit smoother, owing to the fact that anyone who caught site of the black guard quickly removed themselves from their paths all while staring at the procession. The young husky thought this was all a bit odd, but enjoyed the attention anyway. They were passing through the high arched gates that led to the street.
Although the husky was right in his assumption about the street, he however was misinformed about how the dragons lived. On the far side of the arches, waiting in a cobblestone street was a large black and gold carriage pulled by a team of 4 large white feral horses. He was yet again stunned by the elaborate design. It was an oblong shape, built with many vertical ribs around the main chassis. The door was open and the driver was standing next to it deploying a set of golden steps.
The husky looked up at his father, looking for some sign of surprise, but astonishingly, his father looked rather uninterested. Aurik had been to the city many times before so logically he was well used to such treatment. Besides, he had his thoughts dedicated to the more important events that were to take place later today. The husky tried to recall all the information about the city he could but never in all the story's his father use to tell him, could he ever recall him talking about such a fantastic reception.
There was a smaller black carriage behind the first, assuming this was for the rest of his government group. It was still very nice but paled in comparison to the first. As he, his farther and Alamar loaded up on to the first carriage, he expected more of their group to join them considering this carriage could hold at least 10 occupants. But oddly the rest were redirected onto the smaller carriage. This as he saw, dint seem to bother his father so he dint take any worry of it. He saw the rest of the dragon guard mount up on horses positioned around the carriage. By this time there was a bit of a crowed of curious onlookers forming around them, however they did keep a respectable distance from the black guards. The door was closed, the driver took his position and the lead dragon guard approached on his horse and had words with the driver.
The husky looked around at the inside of the carriage. It was large and spacious, filled with lots of soft black leather and precious metals all shined to have a gleaming reflective surface. Aurik yawned and gave a meaningful look at Alamar.
"After we get to the palace, you are to stay with my son until I return, me and the king have to speak privately."
The the tall wolf nodded, smiling at the young one and responded in a respectful tone
" yes prime minister, I won't let him out of my sight."
The young husky tried to return the friendly gesture but was thrown back into his seat with a jerk as their procession had began to move. He could hear the black guard calling out threats to anyone who may have had the misfortune to be standing in their paths. As in the train, the husky quickly pressed his nose against the window nearest too him and stared out in amazement.
"wooooww" he said slowly looking out seeing more of the impressive buildings that inhabited the inner rings of the city. Tall ones with spires, short ones covered in beautiful flowers. Some building were as square as a piece of parchment others curved upwards into exciting twist and angles. All appearing very purposeful and important, even the ones that look to be homes were still more extravagant than any in his own city.
Being dazzled by the extravagant buildings, he failed to notice the locals walking through the streets. They were all going about there daily business, some carrying food, others bartering at road side marketplaces for meats or wares. *They must be in the market district* he thought. He had never seen so many Sky'var at one time, each one having varying colors of scales. There were red ones, green ones, white ones, black and yellow ones, some had long curved horns, others had short multiple horns. Some would have a single spine staring on their forehead and repeating down the center of there head all the way till the tip of their tail. Some were garbed in fine silks, others dressed for business. Nearly all of them had fine metals wrapped around there long tails or precious stones hung off their horns. People here truly dressed to impress. He suddenly felt under dressed for the occasion, even though he had his best shirts and pants on. It was his favorite outfits, one he wore to the many formal occasions he was expected to attend with his father. Aurik's opposition always said that bringing his son to so many public events was an attempt to make the prime minister look more family oriented but the truth was, the public light always made him feel uneasy and because his wife died long before he was in office, his son was the only comfort he had.
The young boy noticed Alamar had motioned for his attention.
"Take a look at this" he said with a smile.
Without thinking twice, he shot excitedly across the carriages to the opposite window just in time to see down an intersecting street. What he saw was huge a greenVar'yern, rearing back with several handlers trying their best to restrain the poor beast. He just had time to see one of the handlers get kicked clear across the street by the dragons powerful rear legs before the next building hid them from view.
"whoa!" he said again in astonishment.
"pretty cool huh?" smiled Alamar
" ya....." for a moment, he thought about asking his father if they could get one but he knew he would never have a dragon in his home, his father despised them. He slowly returned to his seat thinking about what he would do if he had is own full grown Var'yern as his pet. Thoughts of seared furniture and irritated capital house maids ruined the image though. He looked up as he resumed his seat just in time to catch a glimpse of a group of dragons his age, running through the streets.
" huh, I've never seen their young before." he said
" take a good look because its likely to be the only place you will ever see them." said Aurik
"why is that?" questioned his son.
His father took a moment to answer.
"Because all dragons send their young to this city after birth for education. They are forbidden to leave the city until they are of age." Aurik explained.
He imagined for a moment what it would have been like to have never left his home city. What a terrible prospect he thought, and then considered how much he would miss the outlying lands of his country. But then again, looking around at the extravagant city, this one might be worth it.
They continued on into the inner circles of the city, climbing slowly towards the city center. Looking up at the taller buildings, he asked his father.
"how do they build these things up so high dad?"
"they don't" he said retrieving his book from a briefcase he carried and attempting to working out where he had left previously.
The boy stared for a moment with a confused look on his face. He waited for a moment but when no suitable answer, came he asked again.
"then how did they build it?"
His father sighed, looking up for a moment, then returned to his reading before answering.
"they dint build them up, they carved them down out of the top of the mountain"
He looked quickly back out the window trying to wrap his mind around the concept as Alamar cut in. Alamar had noticed the prime minister was in no mood to explain with the his thoughts focused on the upcoming meeting. He always got a little grumpy before important events like today.
"that's right. Long ago, this was a remote mountain in the middle of Brabus mountain range before the dragons began carving into it. From the summit down they labored over the coarse of centuries. It went though many stages of development before arriving at it's current depth."
That explained it thought the husky, now that Alamar had mentioned it. He did notice that the sides of the buildings, previously thought to have been decremental flourishes in the construction, were actually natural veins of raw material exposed to the surface after they were carved out of the mountain.
Finally after winding it's way between two of the larger buildings that appeared to be some type of textile market, the palace came into view. The palace appeared to be built in much the same fashion as the other buildings, tall, eccentrically fashioned and unreasonably large. Their were two buildings stretching like arms out from a central hall with a tall steeple cathedral in the center. The front facade was U shaped and was lined with many windows. Just behind the cathedral center piece was a tower that rose high above any of the other buildings in the city. The height from it's base wasn't any taller than any other building but because it was at the highest point of the city, it rose well above the others. There were many high windows, some open, others filled with extravagant stain glass murals that depicted events most likely from the empires long history. At the front was two large wooden doors wreathed in gold, each with a seal facing each other matching that of the seal on Azgar's chest. The emblems that he could see much better now looked like a large s, with horns on either end, and a smaller S in the center.
Surrounding the large palace was a tall marble wall, not unlike the outside wall. It has one central gate that was heavily guarded with 2 Guards on either side. The gate was black iron, cast into cured shapes. The gates were opened as they approached and into the Palace ground they entered.
The front of the palace was large colorful gardens with a circular fountain in the middle big enough to submerse the entire carriage in. They followed a road that lead around the center fountain too the palace entrance, it curved back around to meet up with the main gates.
The carriage finally came to a halt in front of an expansive set of marble steps that lead up to the front doors. The carriage shifted slightly as the driver climbed down, deployed the golden steps and opened the door.
The prime minister was the first out, followed by his son, then Alamar who looked around nervously.
"Alamar, now that we are safely inside the palace walls, we are well safe. Send my guards out side of the palace grounds to the Republic Embassy.... Oh and take the aids as well." Aurik said.
"yes minister" Alamar said, then relaying the commands back to his 8 guards who formed a block around the government aids who looked a bit put off not being allowed into the palace, but complied anyway, And so they headed towards the main gates. Aurik turned and headed up the stairs, followed by his son and Alamar. The front doors opened slowly as they approached and alas, they entered. | FSE |
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Stuffing, Female Inflation, Messy Popping, food
Text: "Whoo..." The team collapsed on the bleachers and awaited the verbal beating from Coach Jim. It was a hot day to be all decked out in softball gear and the team had just worked their butts off trying to take down Poplarville, the toughest team in the division. The coach removed his cap and began calmly. "You girls... I must say, you girls are..." and then he let them have it... "The WORST softball team I have ever seen in my life!" The next five minutes went on like usual, with lessons on running and pitching and catching and swinging. It was too hot to even pay attention anymore.
Jill sat in the top row of the bleachers. She leaned against the back railing and sucked the last sips of water from her dusty bottle, hoping that salvation would soon come in the form of the sentence "You may all go home now." She couldn't wait to head home, peel off her sweaty socks and jersey, and take a relaxing bath. The thought of comfort made her grin. Finally, Coach Jim couldn't find enough voice to scream anymore, and waved the girls away as if he were shooing a stray dog. "Yes!" Jill shouted out loud, and she ran to her car with a smile on her face. As she jogged, her body jiggled slightly in the tight outfit with every step. She had an athletic build that was muscular, but not completely lean. She was shorter, about 5'4'', roughly 115 pounds. Her long, dirty-blonde hair bounced as she ran, as did her slightly above-average chest. Large, blue eyes, a couple cutesy freckles, and a bright smile made her one of the most attractive things running the bases at most of the games, and the swaying of her wide hips didn't hurt either. There was no denying that she was cute for an 18 year old softball player. Especially with the two dark strips of eye-black smeared on her cheeks.
Right as Jill put her bags in the back seat and slammed the door, her friend Bree called to her from across the parking lot. Bree was standing with a few other girls from the team, and they motioned Jill over. "Great, I'll never get that bath..." Jill begrudgingly jogged over to the pack and forced a smile. "What's up guys?" Bree grabbed her arm and giggled, "You're comin' with us to go get pizza. NOW!" The girls all laughed, including Jill, and piled into a mini van belonging to one of the team members. The ride only took about 15 minutes, and when they arrived Jill found that she was feeling pretty empty from all that running. She stepped out of the van and was greeted with the neon "PIZZA LAND" sign on top of the familiar building. The team went here all the time. The shower could wait, Jill's belly gurgled, alerting that it wanted pizza first.
Inside the little resturant, the team piled into a few of the open booths. The place was a buffet, so they left their purses and luggage and darted straight to the rows of pizza pies lined against the wall. Jill loaded her plate with a mountain of slices of all kinds, and even brought an extra slice back using her teeth. The other girls laughed and did the same. As they munched and giggled to one another, Jill noticed Bree staring at her from across the table. She laughed with her cheeks full of food, and mumbled "Hi Bwee." Bree chuckled, and then swallowed her last bite of a slice of pepperoni. "You know, Jill..." she began with a tone that could only usher in a challenge. "I bet I could polish off way more than you could. I mean, why not get our money's worth?" Jill squinted at Bree. The girls looked at each other, then to their plates, and the challenge was on.
Jill and Bree dug into their next pieces like they were never going to be fed again. A flurry of sauce and cheese sprayed in all directions, causing the other girls who had become spectators to shield themselves with their hands. No sooner were the first slices sliding down the girls' throats, and they were on to their seconds. Both girls were going strong, and nothing could stop them... Except maybe thirst. They both took enough of a breather to mutter what they wanted. "Water!" sprayed Bree through her packed lips. Jill belted out her favorite soda. "Root Beer!" By the time several bottles of each drink were brought out, the girls had demolished slice number five. Their paces had both slowed a bit, but they were still going strong on round six. Bree started to leave her crust, which she declared wasn't cheating. Jill ferociously shoved hers in along with the rest of the slice. She was a true champion, and she'd prove it. Rounds seven through ten went decreasingly smoothly, until the girls agreed to take a short break from their fressing. Bree rubbed her sore stomach and burped, which made all the girls laugh. Jill's gut was so distended, that she had to unbutton her tight softball pants to make extra room. Then she too patted and caressed her strained tummy. A few of the girls gasped when they saw just how large it was and a few even looked away in disgust. "This is gross... Fat asses... It looks painful..." were a few of the comments. A few belches later, the girls were ready to go again. However, neither of them felt as confident about the next batch...
Another 15 minutes went by with nothing but the sounds of two gluttonous girls stuffing their faces with more cheese and dough than all of Italy could consume. They were on slices 19 for Jill, and 17 for Bree. Their now tremendous midsections had actually become wedged inbetween their seats and the table, so the rest of the team slid it out from between them (with much difficulty). Bree was ready to pass out. Her stomach was bigger than a beach ball, and she was having trouble breathing. She swallowed a few more mouthfuls and sighed in near-defeat. Jill was even worse off. She was cringing from the pain of her gigantic, weather balloon-sized belly stretching her stressed skin further and further. She'd asked the girls to remove her shoes and socks so that she could crinkle her toes from the discomfort. She took a break after slice 19 to rest and pant for awhile. Bree was all but finished. She patted her firm, over filled gullot and leaned back against the seat. Jill, however, was out to impress. She wanted to continue, despite the feeling that she couldn't possibly hold anymore and the teasing from some of the other girls. She was a champion, and she'd prove it.
A few minutes passed, and Bree's stomach had begun to settle. The water in her stomach was soaking into all the dough and cheese, and she started to feel more content in her accomplishment. Jill, on the other hand, had returned to binging on the rest of the pizza in the resturant. She downed slices 20, 21, 22, 25, 30... But then, on slice 33, she started to struggle. Her monsterous belly was the size of a cow, and it gleamed from the sticky sweat that had leaked out through her over-stretched pores. At this point, she managed to wriggle completely out of her pants, and her shirt was stressed up around her bellowing chest. It hurt so much, yet somehow, felt so good.
The other girls rushed to try and comfort Jill, being as she looked like she could just burst from all of the pressure. "Jill, maybe you should just stop eating..." Most of the girls were cautiously petting Jill's massive girth, trying to sooth away the fierce pain that made Jill moan in both agony and pleasure. The others, however, were apalled by the size of the bloated girl, and had begun making malevolent remarks. "Careful girls, looks like that zit's ready to pop!... I didn't know they served whales here!... Hey, anybody got a hair pin?..." Jill could barely hear them, but she tried to shrug them off and focus on containing the unreal quantity of dough, cheese, and sauce that was reacting with her stomach acids. Suddenly, her belly made a loud, rumbling noise. The girls all jumped back as Jill moaned and rubbed the sides of her gut. Then, her belly groaned again, this time shaking a bit. "Get her something to drink! Maybe that'll settle her down." shouted one of the helpful girls. Another young lady grabbed a 2 liter bottle of root beer from Jill's stash, unscrewed the cap, and shoved in in Jill's face. As the sticky, bubbly liquid chugged down her throat, Jill could feel that something wasn't right. The last of the bottle contents filled Jill's over-taxed tummy to it's near-absolute limits, causing her to swell like a helpless water balloon. "Oops..." shuttered the girl with the empty bottle, as she backed away into the crowd. For the moment, though, Jill seemed calm, and content. But then, she felt something deep inside her begin to stir...
Suddenly, Jill's belly gurgled and groaned as it began to softly vibrate. Then, a faint hissing could be heard from within the gargantuan bubble that was Jill's stomach. A girl in the crowd shrieked, "Oh my gosh, she's... blowing up!" Indeed, all of that carbonated soda had mixed with the gassy sauce and cheese combination, and was transforming rapidly into gas. "H-Help... me... please..." mumbled Jill, but it was too late. The poor girl was doomed. She inflated quickly past any kind of safe limits, and was had begun to creak like a balloon left on an open helium tank. Soon, her entire body started to expand. Her breasts filled up to the size of beach balls, and nearly smothered her as they tore out of her tiny shirt and threatened to bust her constricting bra. Her butt and thighs plumped , and she yelped at the feeling of her overly-strained panties cutting into her ever-tightening flesh. Her calves rounded out until they were big and shiny, and ever her hands and feet bloated up to the point where her finger and toe nails struggled to hold on. Tears welled up in her eyes and ran down her cheeks to tickle her incredibly full boobs. She winced in distress as long, red stretch marks formed across the surface of her taut, creamy skin. Her dangerously bloated belly creaked and groaned constantly, and she had become almost transparent. The crowd panicked and started to take cover.
"She's huge!"
"She doesn't have much longer, run!"
"Poor thing, look at her... She's ready to pop!"
"Everybody get back, she's gonna blow!"
Jill was now at critical mass. Her body simply could not hold another ounce of anything, food, soda, or gas. She'd grown so big, that she nearly rubbed the ceiling with her belly button, which had popped out from the pressure. She was leaking slightly from her nails, nipples, and... other places, and small holes even started to form in her over-stretched hide. Then, with no more room to stretch, swell, bloat or expand, Jill got tighter, and tighter, and tighter, until...
Jill's gigantic belly finally burst like an overinflated balloon! Remnants of food and what was once Jill's athletic body were scattered across the room, coating everyone and everything in the poor, exploded girl. The team mate that had poored the soda sat in shock, and looked around guiltily. Then, everyone turned to Bree, who's belly was still full and tight...
| bodyinflation |
The Psi-Drake Wars
Ilia moaned softly, a spasm wracked her body, followed by a wet, sticky sound. The near comatose girl had changed again, and not in a productive way either. Her elder sister, Rali, mopped her brow with a damp cloth.
"That was her tail emerging." rumbled a deep, but gentle voice from behind Rali, the Psi-Drake known as Samantha. Rali knew the creature's true name was unpronounceable by the human tongue, so like most of her race, the huge draconic humanoid took a name given by her summoner, in this case Ilia.
"I am sorry, my lady, but Mistress Ilia is nearing the point of no return. Soon breaking her bond to me will not stop her change. Once she reaches that point, her transformation will accelerate. She will live, Lady Rali, but as one of my race."
Rali nodded, it was the risk a summoner took when a Psi-Drake was summoned under the power of an individual. A circle of summoners could call and bind many of the extraplanar dragonkin, the plane's power flowing through them in only tiny amounts. The more in the circle, the less energy each caster was given from the Drake. Twenty summoners could call and bind twenty Psi-Drakes without risking energy transformation.
The energy flows directed themselves at different aspects of the summoner's life essence, never did two flows cross. Beyond a certain point, they began to cross, energy flowing from one to the other like arcs of electricity over closely placed wires. Draw too much on the energy of the Drachenplane, and you risked becoming one of its creatures yourself.
That was what Ilia had been counting on. The two sisters, one a mage, the other a warrior, had been fleeing their homeland, Drow and the servitor races of Goblins, Orcs, Ogres, and other less intelligent creatures, had swarmed up from the depths of Onerana, out of the twisted forests and planes that the civilized races of the plane had managed to drive the creatures into.
They had come with powerful draconic creatures under their control. The skies were soon darkened with the pitch black rain clouds that some of the creatures could exhale, blocking the sunlight and allowing the sensitive eyes of creatures the lived in the depths of the earth to fight on the surface.
There were so many of the creatures, scaled monstrosities that were little more than animals, serving as engines of destruction. Powerful mages, skilled warriors, stealthy and silent assassins, all could be brought with a simple summoning spell. But such power came with a price. Each Psi-Drake had a spiritual link back to the Drachenplane, which went through its summoner, suffusing them with the draconic soulstuff that swirled unformed around the barriers of the plane.
Open the flow too far, and you would slowly start to become a Psi-Drake yourself. You could be bound, but unlike those called, you could not be unsummoned or banished. Nor could those that you had summoned, though a majority of the summoners had to be transformed if the drakes summoned by a circle were to stay.
Ilia had no choice but to summon on her own, she would die otherwise. She had been bitten by a serpent warrior, the Drake's venom flowing through her body, sapping her strength. It wasn't a physical toxin, but a magical one, and all those that could heal were called into service to defend Onerana from the Drow and their thralls.
So Samantha had been summoned, not a warrior of great skill or a mage of limitless, but a scholar of medical lore. Or she had been, once. She had been summoned many times, cast back into her home plane after her callers had asked her questions, by her summoner's death, or by the banishment spells of an opposing foe. Both surface dwellers and the Underdark hordes used the Drakes now. In the years of conflict, Samantha had grown into a powerful creature, her body's natural growth accelerated by the magic used to keep her in Onerana.
"Th-thirsty." murmured Ilia. Rali nodded to Samantha, understanding. The few spells the Psi-Drake could cast bound the two together even more. The Drake had pulled as much of Ilia's pain into herself as she could, also managing sort of tie a knot in the flow of Drachenplane energy into her summoner. It had been nearly a week since Ilia had been bitten, six days since Samantha had been summoned. Without the Drake's assistance, Ilia would have passed away, or been consumed by her transformation several days prior.
"I hunger, my lady, might you attempt to hunt again?" the Drake purred, shifting her loincloth. Rali nodded and turned away, picking up her bow and walked out of the ruined temple that the three of them had taken refuge in. Taking on the effects of the poison herself was draining on Samantha, and required that she eat a great deal more than usual. But as a side effect Ilia grew more and more dependant on the Drake to provide her sustainable.
The summoner couldn't keep anything down that Rali could acquire by hunting or foraging. Water that wasn't at the Drake's body temperature was similarly rejected by Ilia's stomach. Ilia's 'feeding' was performed with the human's mouth and the hermaphrodite Drake's manhood. Rali couldn't stand to watch the sight of it.
In the end the transformation of a summoner to a Psi-Drake was the only thing that could possibly keep Ilia alive. Psi-Drakes were immune to the venom, or at least Samantha's species were. The changes were unpredictable, but the hope that the immunity trait would come before Ilia reached the point where the Drachenplane energy in her body was self sustaining was all they had.
The progress of the poison had slowed, the angry purple-black glow in Ilia's veins had dimmed and ceased to spread with Samantha's intervention. Ilia would live, Rali knew that. But neither wanted it to be as a creature that could be bound to another, forced to obey without hesitation at their whim.
Psi-Drakes took traits from those that bound them, Samantha had told her that, and had shown it was well. The Drake's silvery-blue crystalline scales were tainted in places with pitch black coloration, her blue mane pure white everywhere but the tips. A series of rapid summonings and returns by male Drow wizards transforming her from a shy scholar to their House Matron's personal plaything.
Samantha's time under Drow captivity was easily seen with the sheer number of small horns and spines that were once piercings. They ran in two parallel rows up her legs and sides, another set down her back and tail, more of them on the outside of her forearms. The Drake's thin skin had become tough scales, and the magical conduciveness of the Mythril piercings had fused them to her body after repeated summonings.
Rali could imagine what they were used for, to bind and restrain the Drake, able to bind her with ribbon, any struggling causing her pain. Samantha had not been well used by her Drow summoners. There was little fight in the creature, and little free will either. The Drake would keep her eyes to the ground, call her summoner 'Mistress,' and everyone else 'My Lord' or 'My Lady.' The look in her eyes was heartbreaking, she was perpetually on the verge of crying. She would take fault for everything, and if Rali seemed upset, would offer to let the warrior beat her.
The Drake seemed almost insistent on it, she would tell Rali that it would make the warrior feel better, and that it was alright to strike her. If Samantha hadn't been bound to Ilia, Rali might have done just that. Psi-Drakes were responsible for her sister's fragile condition, and the warrior desperately wanted to take out her frustrations on one. But the moment Ilia no longer needed the creature, Samantha was fair game.
Ilia purred softly, the sound mimicking that of Samantha, as the transforming human lay snuggled up in the nine foot tall biped's arms. The summoner's belly was full, and the Drake had felt just wonderful pleasure in the act. Samantha stroked Ilia's forehead gently with a taloned finger, "Do you feel better, Mistress Ilia?" she rumbled.
"I do." the human said, barely above a whisper, "I'm feeling a bit better. Not as dizzy or achy. I wouldn't want to try walking just yet, but I think my fever is going down."
Samantha nodded, lifting up the blanket that covered Ilia and checking the discoloration caused by the poison. It seemed to be lessening. The Drake activated her mage-sight, looking over her summoner, and found that the glow of magic that ought to be present had vanished. "The poison is gone, Mistress."
"Good." Ilia said softly, "That means that I can drink your milk again."
The Drake's lactation was a result of her being bound by Renakana, summoned by several sitters on the Council of Matrons to tell them of Psi-Drake history, physiology, and spirituality. It was never for more than an hour or two, and none seemed to be bothered by their acquisition of Psi-Drake traits. They were kind, and had treated her well, they were also all pregnant.
Renakana that delved deeply into their own hearts sometimes happened upon a hidden power, a strength granted by their goddess to strengthen those who were with child. Warriors could find themselves flying into a powerful rage, or have their reflexes enhanced. Mages found a greater effect to their spells, and a clarity of mind that was not present before.
Unlike the Drow, the Renakana seldom kept a Psi-Drake bound for very long, only to accomplish the tasks that were needed. To the great felines, summoned Psi-Drakes were allies, not slaves. With each summoning, the Drake found that she wished to stay with them, and not to return to the Drachenplane. She had spent most of her time on Onerana since the Psi-Drake War, as they called it here, had begun. She had been at the House Matron's side for five years, and now thought of Onerana as her home.
Ilia no longer needed her. Samantha could be unsummoned, and the human could be saved from the fate of one day being bound to the will of another mage. The Drake gently pushed Ilia's head away from her breast. "No, Mistress. You mustn't take in any more Drachen essence. You have to unsummon me."
The mage shook her head, "Nuh uh. You're soft, and warm, and you taste so good." the human purred, "I'm keeping you."
"You can't, Mistress. Please, I don't want you to be bound like I was. And you will be. The summoning rituals will get you almost immediately. Both sides actively summon newly changed Psi-Drakes, in hopes of acquiring a summoner from the other side, or saving on of their own from a similar fate." Samantha protested.
"I bet you know a way to prevent me from being bound." Ilia said, feeling her strength beginning to return.
Samantha nodded reluctantly, she could not lie to her summoner. "Yes, Mistress Ilia, I do, but it would alter the bond between us, it would strengthen it, and it would go both ways. You and I would never be unbound from one another. You would fully become a Psi-Drake like me, you wouldn't be a human any more, not even as a base."
"But I would gain Psi-Drake traits? The strength, the innate magical power, the long life?"
Samantha nodded again, "But you would no longer be my mistress you would be my..." Samantha grasped for the word, and when she found it, she was hesitant to say it. "My equal. You would be degrading yourself, Mistress, lowering yourself to the level of a... a..."
"Of a high born scholar Drake who was summoned, enslaved, and had be mind and spirit broken by the Drow. It's not a problem, Samantha. Tell me how do to it." Ilia said.
"My brood pouch. It is meant to hold offspring, but it can also create them." Samantha said, looking down at the ground. The Psi-Drake brood pouch as a sort of modified second stomach, originally meant for holding their eggs, keeping them incubated at the right temperature, and safe from predators, as well as keeping young Psi-Drakes safe from the elements and predators as well. They also worked well for carrying goods, and on occasion, people. Ilia and Rali had spent a night inside of Samantha when the weather had turned for the worse, becoming an icy downpour that the two humans would have frozen to death in, but not the elementally resistant drake.
"It will only work with my bound summoner, and I cannot do it without permission. The ability is known to few of my people, and fewer still know the way to trigger the process. I advise against it, Mistress."
"Is there another way?" Ilia asked.
"No, Mistress. There is something similar, but it would only work if you didn't have any advanced outward traits."
With Ilia's transformed arms and legs, which were fully scaled and reshaped, as well as her new, fully grown tail, the mage had been passed that point several days prior. Ilia suddenly moaned loudly, shivering, scales appearing on her shoulders, belly, and back. Both summoner and Drake felt a shift in the flow of energy.
"That was it. I'll change no matter what now." Ilia said with a smile, "You have to do it now, or else I'll be summoned and bound, like you were."
Samantha nodded, "As you wish, Mistress." the Psi-Drake said sadly, licking her lips.
Ilia's clothes had long since been torn away by her transforming body, only the blanket covering her, which Samantha cast aside. The Drake's tongue caressed the human's face, shoulders, arms, back, and breasts, slow licks leaving slick saliva on the mage's body.
Samantha gave her mistress one last pleading look, to which Ilia shook her head, "No, you said it yourself, there's no other option."
The Drake leaned forward, her jaws opening wide, her draconic mouth sliding over the human's raised arms, down past her head. Ilia moaned softly, the dragonkin's warmth spreading over her. Samantha lifted the human with her hands, tilting her head back, letting gravity aid in her swallowing of Ilia.
The mage went down easily, her thin, five foot frame giving the Drake little difficulty. Samantha gasped at the burst of arousal that accompanied the act. Taking eggs or young into one's pouch meant that you were perfectly available for breeding again. The Drake closed her eyes, concentrating. The entrance to the brood pouch closing by muscular contraction. Ilia would quickly find herself falling asleep, and thus unable to escape. But it was best for Ilia's safety if nothing else could find its way into the pouch while it was functioning as a secondary womb.
The Psi-Drake purred happily at the sensation of fullness, stroking her rounded belly. She had been forbidden from bearing hatchlings in the Drachenplane, the alterations the Drow had performed had made certain that the Breeder's Guild found her too impure for reproduction. It had never really bothered Samantha before, but the feeling of a fat, round middle several nights before, though it had simply been two humans in her pouch rather than a pregnancy, had excited Samantha beyond anything she had felt before. She actually felt longing for sex, a lustful desire that she had thought forever stripped away with her cruel treatment at Drow hands.
Samantha smiled for the first time in a long time. She was going to have a baby, kind of. Though Ilia would emerge at the size she was now, maybe a little bigger. But she was still going to be Samantha's hatchling. The Psi-Drake could no longer be summoned, or unsummoned. Her summoner was a part of her at the moment, and once Ilia's changes began, the blood and flesh of the two would mix for a time. They would be one body, summoner and summoned creature one and the same.
She no longer had, nor would ever again need, a mistress. She no longer needed to obey the instructions the Drow had seared into her mind. Ilia had found her behavior unsettling from the start, so Samantha would do her best to learn how to think and act for herself. Best of all, she could remain in Onerana forever, no longer able to be banished either. Samantha would go and live amongst the Renakana. She loved the wonderful, sweet, caring, soft, snuggly feline people. They were so loving and kind, and fun. The Psi-Drake particularly liked how they slept, close friends and family snuggled up together.
Her hand found its way to her manhood, stroking it slowly, savoring the pleasurable sensations that shot through her body. Sex felt so good when it wasn't forced upon you by your summoner. She was never allowed to play with herself unless her summoner ordered. Even when in the Drachenplane, Samantha had refrained from self-stimulation, just in case any of the Drow that had known her summoned her again, and asked her if she had broken the rules the House Matron had instructed her to follow.
She imagined the Matron bound as Samantha had been, forced to beg and plead for it, to be brought near the edge of climax so many times, only to have it cruelly yanked away from her. The Matron bound, helpless, and disgraced, admitting that she was nothing more than a wet little bitch for fucking, a creature who existed only to please her mistress. Samantha would slowly thrust into her, inch by slow, agonizing inch until...
"What the hell are you doing?" Rali growled, seeing the Psi-Drake laying on the stone slab where he sister had been resting when the warrior had gone out to hunt. "You didn't eat Ilia, did you?!" she demanded, sword out, pointed at Samantha's throat.
"Kind of, she's inside me. In my brood pouch. She's changing, becoming a Psi-Drake, becoming my hatchling." Samantha purred, not stopping her self pleasure, one hand on her cock, the other rubbing slow circles on her belly.
"Spit her out. Now." the human warrior snarled.
Samantha chuckled softly, "Can't. My pouch has sealed itself. She can't be removed until she's become a Psi-Drake. She is my anchor, tying me here, making Onerana my home. We will share blood, summoner and summoned mixing. I will be both in one, and so shall she. Never having to know the terror of having your will ripped from you by an evil master or mistress. She is safe, happy, and content to be reborn as my hatchling."
"I don't think so. I think you bewitched her. She wished to become one of you only as far as curing the poison within her body."
"Which occurred, however she passed the energy threshold. She would become like me, with or without my presence. But this way she will serve no one." Samantha said with a smile, completely ignoring the blade.
"You lie. Since you refuse to set her free, I'm going to have to cut her out of you!" Rali growled, swinging her blade, only to find a shock traveling through her arms, as if she had struck solid, immobile stone.
Summoned and unsummoned, bound to perhaps hundreds of summoners, huge amounts of magical energy poured into her body, Samantha was much stronger, much quicker, and much smarter than she seemed. One black scaled hand gripped the blade of Rali's sword without harm. The dragonkin's other hand grabbed both of the human's.
The Drake sat up, curling her tail around the human's ankles. "Such an act would most certainly end her life, and I will not allow my mistress and daughter to come to harm. But you are her kin, and thus should not be harmed. But then again I cannot have you scheming and plotting to 'free' her from me. So you shall truly experience what it is like for a Drake of my power to bewitch someone.... UUUUUH.... UUUUUUN!" Samantha grunted, her cock erupting, her thick, white seed splattering all over the human's face and chest, dripping down her body.
Rali spit the thick, salty-sweet fluid from her mouth, her eyes clamped shut, feeling it run down her face. It tingled, and she felt something strange. It felt like her armor was getting lighter. With a few clanks and the wet noise of liquefying leather sloughing off her body, Rali realized that such was the case. In moments she was completely naked. Her sword was pulled from her hands and thrown aside as a strange warmth began to seep into her, aiming right for her loins.
The warrior felt her mind fogging, thoughts of desire and lust pushing away those of anger and combat. She opened her mouth to protest, only to find it filled with one of the Psi-Drake's nipples.
She felt the Psi-Drake lift her up. Rali's legs spread seemingly of their own volition, wrapping around Samantha's cum covered belly. The warrior pulled her head back and cried out as the creature's prick was forced into her. Her cry was muffled as the Drake shoved Rali's head against her breast. The human couldn't breath, and was forced to inhale, bringing a trickle of sweet milk into her mouth with it.
Rali now realized why Psi-Drake milk was so prized, it tasted so good. She couldn't stop herself from suckling, she needed more. The human drank it down hungrily, suddenly feeling famished. She barely felt the pangs of pain and pleasure as the Psi-Drake fucked her, all that mattered was the milk, and that she keep taking in more of it.
Time soon lost its meaning, seconds and minutes evaporating into nothingness, Rali's world narrowing to the teat in her mouth, and the ache in her belly. There were pleasant feelings of warmth as the Psi-Drake came into her, again and again, and even more wonderful shivers of pleasure that Rali couldn't quite identify, usually occurring along with the sudden warmth.
The human whimpered as Samantha pulled her head away, only to find that she was being shifted around a little, allowed to nurse from the other breast. Rali was dimly aware that the amount of milk she took in was far too much than she ought to be able to handle, as well as far more than ought to be able to be contained in the Drake's breasts, large though they may be.
She felt herself drifting of to sleep, still nursing from the drake. She awoke feeling a dreadful chill on her naked body. She felt fine now, except for a strangeness in her mind, and the chill.
Rali opened her eyes, looking around. Her belly felt funny, large, clumsy, full. She heard sloshing as she sat up. Her belly was massive and round, filled with the Drake's milk. Rali found she had been sleeping between Samantha's legs. She founds her gaze going to the creature's cunt, the deep blue lips looking wet, swollen, and somehow inviting.
"Go ahead, little one," Samantha purred, "You've been in my brood pouch, so you know how warm I am inside. It's where your sister is after all, and the two of you are never apart for long. I would have brought you in sooner, but I decided that you would need the nutrition of my milk for your change. You will accompany Ilia as you always have, as her warrior guardian. I think the form of a War Wyvern ought to grant you the strength to do so nicely. Be big and powerful, make sure no one ever lays a hand on Ilia, hmm?"
"Ilia." Rali said softly, smiling. She knew that this was wrong somehow, that she shouldn't be doing this. But she was so cold, and Ilia was inside, and she needed to be with Ilia. She didn't see how she would be able to fit into the Drake's sex, but she found that the slick, wet, warm lips parted easily before her fingers, her arms easily sliding up to the elbow.
"Mmm... warm..." Rali purred in Psi-Drake fashion, pushing in deeper, feeling the chill begin to vanish as she put her head in. Samantha's tail curled between her legs, helping to push her in, the Drake's smooth scales rubbing deliciously against Rali's own cunt. The human's tongue left her mouth, lapping at the warm, slick walls, wanting to return the favor. She heard the drake moan with pleasure, felt her buck her hips.
Rali giggled and began to wriggle a little, continuing her crawl forward. She felt her breasts slide in with a slurping sound. The human wondered how Samantha was going to manage to get her big, milk filled belly in, but somehow the two managed. The feeling of her full tummy rubbing against the Drake's slick inside made Rali moan with pleasure, as did the replacement of the tail between her legs with the Psi-Drake's fingers.
They pushed her in deeper, until Rali's hips had disappeared into the Drake, where Samantha began fingering herself, the Drake's sex now had a good enough grip to pull Rali in deeper and deeper on its own. She felt Samantha growing warmed around her, gripping her tight for a moment and pulling her forward, then relaxing.
Rali could hear Samantha's cries of pleasure, muffled by the dragonkin's body but still audible, she found they were in time with her own twinges of pleasure, her moth... the Drake's increasing heat feeling better and better on her belly.
She felt everything going foggy again, everything except her belly and loins. Her pleasured mirrored Samantha's own. Rali moaned loudly, finding it escaping her mouth in bubbles. A powerful white hot sensation of pleasure filled her entire being, forcing her to suck in a deep breath, fulling the fluid into her lungs. She barely felt her mother moving, her back arching as she climaxed, pulling the soon to be Wyvern fully into her womb.
The fog continued to build, but the wonderful feeling remained. Rali felt her body growing heavy, weary, tired. It was time to sleep. Sleep inside her mommy. No... she had to find Ilia! Rali wriggled, feeling around until she found a place where the wall felt different, felt a round bulge in the wall. Her hands could barely make out the shape, but it felt liked a curled up human. Shoulders and hips were in the right place.
Rali mmmed softly, snuggling up against her sister through the barrier that separated them. She didn't need to worry, Mommy would protect them both while they were inside. Mommy was making everything better. The sleepy girl kissed her sister on the cheek through the membranous wall that divided them, felt the faint vibration of Ilia's purring, and curled up to sleep.
Samantha purred just as happily, her belly well rounded with the presence of two humans inside of her, and belly that would only grow larger as the two girls inside transformed, one becoming a Psi-Drake biped like her mother, and the other becoming a massive, powerful dragon that would make sure that no harm would come to her new mother, or her sister.
The pregnant Psi-Drake yawned, curled up into a ball, and and rolled Ilia's blanket up into a ball, using it as a pillow. She hugged her belly, caressing it. "I wonder how the Drow would react," Samantha said with a chuckle, "If they knew that this was what a Psi-Drake was supposed to do with her summoner."
She yawned again and closed her eyes. Tomorrow she would begin the journey North to Renakana lands. The Council of Matrons, she was sure, would be incredibly interested in the things that Samantha had known, but had could not reveal unless she was asked. Until now that was. Poor Drow, little did they know that the war was about to be over, and that they were going to end up as soft, sweet, fuzzy, obedient Renakana kittens.
The Psi-Drake giggled at the thought. The Matrons likely had enough Drachenplane energy built up inside of them to cast the spells that would make it work. The abilities that had converted the Drachenplane into an entire world filled with scaled, draconic creatures. These gifts would be much better utilized in the handpaws of Renakana. Sweet, caring, loving, felines. They wouldn't set up a breeding guild and force their citizens to be summoned by magic to other planes, in order to bring more worlds into the Drachen Empire. Nuh uh. The Renakana would be nice, and sweet, and wonderful. They would snuggle and love the Drow into submission. They wouldn't make an empire, just lots and lots of new black furred kittens with white hair.
Samantha was quite sure that her first mistress would make an exceptionally cute kitten, and if anyone needed love and snuggles, it was that ice-cold Drow she-bitch. The Psi-Drake would make sure that particularly unpleasant Drow was gobbled up and turned into a happy little kitten personally. Or a hatchling. Perhaps one of her daughters would be up to the task? "Yes... that would be nice." the proud mother-to-be said to herself as she drifted off to sleep. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Don't Give Up the Ghost
Tags: ghost, yandere, bondage, female dominant, male submissive, footjob, hairjob, vaginal sex
The darkness closed in on Theodore as he descended the spiraling staircase. The feeble light of the torch seemed to be swallowed up by the oppressive blackness, barely illuminating the crumbling, damp stone. With each step, the darkness and must grew as the staircase wound to its final destination. A great chamber lay beyond, its ceiling and even walls well outside the paling light of the torch.
Theodore needed no light to know what lay outside the flickering sphere of his vision. The bones of thousands rested here, a cathedral of bone. The architect of the ossuary was lost to history, the construction ancient beyond reckoning. Few clues remained to suggest the identity or fate of those at rest here. For some time it lay buried and forgotten, even planted over until the unnatural barrenness of the soil prompted the villagers who dwelt above to contact a priest.
Nothing could live here, not when so strong an aura of death permeated everything. Theodore could feel the slow rotting of his flesh as he stayed past his short welcome in this place. The air grew stale in his lungs and the walls felt as though they were closing in. Whatever malign energy took up residence here wished to keep the souls and bodies of the departed to itself. It sensed the threat posed by the interloper and sought to expel him by any means, something the black-robed intruder absolutely could not allow. He paid no heed and began the ritual, building his sanctuary from powdered silver sprinkled atop the bone floor.
The proper protections in place, Theodore meditated, summoning forth the concentration and energy needed to expel the spirits. He used their power against them, focusing his mind on the utter blackness and silence that defended the tomb from bandits and others of weak will. The dead held no power over the living but what the living gave them, empowering them with their fear, hatred, and sadness. All that was required to overcome their power was to reject it, embracing the coldness of death and the silence of the grave to chase out fear and calm the living heart. The caster retreated into his own mind, allowing the silence to prepare his mind for the trial to come.
The sound of bone-on-bone echoed around the room, deafening after the silence of the catacomb. A strangled cry followed, the soft voice a woman unmistakable against the echoing clack of falling bone. Theodore sighed as he struggled to regain his lost concentration before the spirits could harvest his aggravation at being disrupted. He focused again on his breathing, calming himself and rebuilding his meditative state.
Clack crash CRASH.
His eyes shot open, glaring balefully towards the point of the sound, his fragile concentration shattered by the repeat interruption.
"Sophia, knock it off and show yourself immediately."
A moment later, a second figure appeared in the catacomb. Her form was translucent white, illuminated from within by unearthly energies. Her appearance was that of a maiden in her prime, clad in a long and finely-sewn gown and the finery of a woman of good standing. White hair reached to her ankles, suspended unnaturally as if floating in water. Her feet likewise hung suspended, toes dangling inches from the ground. The apparition was beautiful beyond description, save for the faint pink flush covering her body and clothing and the look of complete embarrassment marring her flawless, porcelain face.
"Sophia, what are you doing here? I told you it wasn't safe for you here. You need to be at home"
"I know, honey, but I get so bored when you're not there. I thought if I was quiet and stayed out of sight, I wouldn't be a bother to you."
Theodore watched her blankly, unable to understand what part of "dangerous" she didn't understand. He was performing an exorcism on the entire area and she was a ghost. She had been rather needy ever since they met a year ago, but this was getting ridiculous. Chasing her out of his luggage before trips was one thing, but interrupting a potentially dangerous spell was something else completely. They would need to have a good, long talk about this when they got home.
"Go upstairs and wait for me. You don't want to be here when I perform the ritual. I'll finish up here and start preparing the corpses. Make sure the villager's skeletons are ready to go. I'll need some help getting all of these bones back home."
The life of a necromancer was not an easy one. He really struck gold tonight, though. There had to be at least a thousand skeletons down here, not to mention the villagers he "appropriated" earlier. With Sophia's help, his little army of undead terrors was growing larger every day. The other necromancers made fun of him for choosing a ghost to be his lieutenant and then almost immediately falling for her. They won't be laughing when they're skeletons. With a smile, the necromancer refocused, hoping to get this over with before dinner.
Theodore undid his collar and stripped of his priest's robes. Such deceptions were necessary when dealing with commoners, though he did occasionally feel bad for disguising as a priest, particularly when they begged him for salvation as he turned them into unliving minions. Misunderstood, not evil, he reminded himself. It was for the best, really. No one in his territory ever died of plague or famine, and he got to have plague zombies. It was a win for both sides. Really. They should be thanking him.
He also felt a little bad about his argument with Sophia. She seemed devastated when he asked her to leave him alone when he was working. It was for her own good, but that did little to assuage his guilt. She was all alone when he was gone, just like she had been for most of her unlife. Still, she needed to learn her place as his assistant, lover or not.
He dressed in a shirt and pants, checking himself in the mirror before heading out. Unlike his fellow necromancers, Sophia appreciated his muscular and athletic body. He only wore robes when he needed to. In the living room, she prepared dinner in a pot suspended above the fire. With his help, she learned to better control her form, giving her a degree of selective corporeality. She still couldn't lift heavy objects, but she could still pass through walls when she wanted and could now generally perform simple manual tasks without magic.
Generally. He stood back as she collected the remnants of the bowl and struggled to clean the splattered soup. He had offered many times to help or assign a skeleton to her aid, but she refused each time. She enjoyed being a homemaker and insisted that she be responsible for all such tasks. It was actually this dedication to the mundane that helped her master physical manifestation so quickly. She disposed of the broken bowl and food before stopping, catching sight of him with the corner of her eye.
"Would master like supper or a bath? Or perhaps...me?"
Where in pandemonium did she hear these things? He did his best to ignore her obvious solicitation. He was incredibly hungry and still had fifty score skeletons to animate. Her rejected her as gruffly as possible before taking his seat at the table. She said nothing as she served him, probably hurt by his crass remarks. He would have to remember to apologize later.
The soup was good, at least as good as it could be when made by someone literally lacking the senses of taste and smell. She must have been a cook of some skill in life, though her memories were hazy and incomplete. He finished quickly, intent to return to work and stood, falling immediately to the floor, chair and all.
"Not so fast, dear. Your bones have sat for years, certainly they can wait a bit longer, can't they?"
A quick test revealed what Theodore had feared. His legs strained against the mysterious bonds about his ankles and knees, tying him to the legs of the chair. He lay on his side, still atop his seat as the restraints twisted and tightened, crawling up his body like a snake. Bundles of translucent white crawled up his thighs and around his waist and wrists. His eyes followed the strands of white to the scalp of his girlfriend-cum-captor. Her hair pulled on his waist, dragging his pants down to mid-thigh while she sat on the table and watched. The tips of her hair crawled slowly up his shaft, twisting and squeezing around his hardening mast.
"Excited already, are we? I think this is what you have wanted all along, isn't it? You know you don't need to play hard-to-get, don't you? You could ask for this whenever you want."
Before he could answer, a rag floated into his mouth, driven by telekinetic force. He choked against the gag but could do little to expel it. The hair wrapped gently but firmly around his now-hard cock, stealing away his strength and will to resist. Each strand moved independently, wrapping and squeezing him as if braiding itself around his shaft. The probing appendages met at the base of his head, circling around and knotting itself it place like laces on a roast.
"It looks so pretty, trussed up like that. I bet it feels wonderful, too. Every twitch, every pull only tightens my grip, doesn't it? I bet it's driving you crazy."
Had he not been gagged, he may have attempted a retort. Instead, all that came out was a whimper that spoke more of pleasure than protest. The braid rippled in place, contracting from root to head in a slow wave before traveling back down. The sensation was unique by not exceptionally stimulating even as her speed increased. There was no friction, simply a pleasant tightness that caressed him unlike anything else he ever felt. The knot about his head grew tight, sliding ever-so-slightly up and down his frenulum and pulling his skin taught.
"Look at you leaking like that. Don't pretend you can't feel the dew gathering on your tip. Here, let's get you upright and see what we can do about that."
Sophia, weak though her body may be, possessed more than enough magic to right the chair, depositing him with all four legs on the ground. She sat on the table before him, body phasing through the soup bowl from which he just ate. His eyes followed up her legs from her toes that rested weightlessly on the chair to her thighs, crossed at the knee. Just beyond lay her sex, bared but not visible through her legs. She sat slightly back on her hands, thrusting out her firm stomach and pert breasts. Her nipples lay hidden just behind her hair, pushing out stiffly. Her expression was a mixture of pride and arousal as she watched him pant and twist in her bondage.
"Like what you see, love? It's been her for you the whole time, if only you would reach for it. But you can't now, can you? Not with your hands tied up like that. Just relax and let me remind you what I can do for you. To you."
Invisible force held his cock still and upright as her big toe prodded his base gently. His cock twitched, tightening the knot below his head just as she promised and adding the barest bit of friction to the slow coiling of her braid. Her toe traced up his cum vein, pushing out a small dollop of precum as it reached his head. His back arched as her first two toes rolled over his head, gathering the lubricant even as it continued to slowly ooze out. Her toes dragged down the underside of his cock, unhindered by the ethereal bands tying it and the invisible force holding it upright against the pressure.
Precum left a trail of wetness down his cock as her toes slid up and down in slow strokes along his shaft. She was gentle but insistent, pausing only to catch his head between her toes and squeeze, jerking up and down on his sensitive crown while tightening her hair. His cock strained against its bonds as it swelled with blood that could find no escape, dying it purple and red. Her second foot joined in, rolling and twisting over his head as she continued to stroke him. Her feet passed through each other, their slow march of pleasure not interrupted by something as mundane as physical limitation. Precum flowed without obstruction, an irrefutable sign of his approaching climax. Her eyes fixed on his as he shook and gasped, moans strangled by the rag in his mouth. Her hands held and groped her breasts, tugging and gently twisting her own nipples before sliding down her stomach and disappearing between her legs. Not being able to see as her fingers worked her cunt only made the situation more erotic. Her arousal leaked out into the soup bowl as she fingered herself.
Her feet synchronized with her hands, stroking and rubbing faster as she masturbated faster. Her breath came as quickly as his, shaking her shapely breasts with every sharp movement. Despite her obvious arousal, her feet never faltered, never slowed. She stroked him intently, eyes darting between his face and jumping cock. He was close and they both knew it. She pushed harder, wrapping her toes around his shaft as she stroked, focusing on his head for a while before sliding all the way down the length of his cock. Her unused strands of hair caressed his testicles, pulling and rolling them in their silken grasp.
Theodore fought against his bonds and the force restraining his dick to thrust into her foot, succeeding only in exciting his lover further with his struggles. He could hear the soft patting of her palm against her mound as she fingered herself vigorously. As she approached her own orgasm, her toes curled around him, squeezing tightly around his shaft. His climax built, sitting in the root of his cock and awaiting a final push to come erupting out. Sensing his imminent release, Sophia trapped both feet around his cock and stroked with all the speed she could manage, trapping his twitching cock between two sets of toes.
His hips thrust forward to deposit his load when she stopped suddenly, hair contracting painfully about the base of his cock and pulling down on his testicles. His seed swelled in his root, his orgasm stifled more effectively than his screams. He thrust furiously against his bonds to no avail, gasping and moaning in frustration and denial. She reached down to gently stroke his cheek, pulling the soaking rag from his gasping mouth.
"You thought you were going to cum, didn't you? Unfortunately, you don't get to cum until you give me what I want. What I need." Her words came slowly as she fought to concentrate amid her own, self-inflicted pleasure. "Tell me you want me, that you'll never let go. That I am yours, now and forever. That you'll never leave me or let me know. Tell me I'm safe. Tell me I'll never be alone again."
Theodore struggled to form coherent words as his body fought against its denied release. He never meant to hurt her, not like this. The past year flashed through his mind as he searched for what pushed his gentle lover so far. He left her alone many times, but she always seemed to understand, telling him that she knew his work came first. If he had known how much she was hurting, he would have never left. He searched for the right words, careful to express what he felt and not just his surging urge to cum.
"I'm sorry I was so selfish. I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me. I love you."
Her grip on him slackened at once, freeing his seed. He came explosively, drenching his chest and hers, splattering everything from her feet to her neck in alabaster shine. She gasped as he came, finishing herself off with a quick twist of the hand. Her back arched, thrusting her breasts out as they heaved. They climaxed together, her curling toes extending his orgasm just as his moans and still-erupting seed intensified hers.
She slipped off the table and into his lamp, panting with him. She kissed and licked along his collar bone and up his neck as she held him close. Her hot, soaking cunt lay bear against his leg, juices trickling down his leg and tingling with unnatural energy. His thigh grew hot where her fluids coated it, an interesting side-effect of exposure to sexual ectoplasm. His eyes laid closed as her hands massaged his chest and arms until he felt something hard press against his lips. He opened them to see a bowl parting his lips, the shimmering silver contents flowing out and into his mouth.
He coughed and sputtered as he drank her tasteless fluids. The warmth spread down his throat with unnatural speed as if being propelled by external force. It traveled down his chest and past his stomach, sitting in a hot lump at the base of his cool, soft member before slowly trickling in. He grew hard, much harder than before as the tingling traveled up his shaft, pushing it to hardness. It occurred to him a second later that it was not his blood pouring into his cock, but rather her juices, filling and hardening inside of him, warming his skin to a fevered heat.
"Didn't know I could do that, did you? My pussy juice is a part of my body, just like any other limb. I don't have the time to wait for you to get ready for round two on your own. I think this is going to feel better for us both, anyway."
Being a necromancer was hard. Not even conjurers had to worry about having their dicks haunted by obsessive girlfriends. Even still, there was nothing in the world that he would trade this enrapturing intimacy for. His cock continued to swell as more and more of her essence poured into it until it was larger and harder than ever before, standing at least an inch taller than it did just a few minutes ago. Her hair untied itself, allowing his cock to bounce and hang of its own volition, free from her grip but now even more under her control.
Closer to his lover than ever before, Theodore could feel her arousal in the energy that filled his throbbing cock. It became unbearable as she placed her hips above his shaft, straddling him and preparing for entry. Overcome by the urge to thrust deep inside her, he nearly missed the soft smile of genuine satisfaction she wore as her hand guided him to her folds before they swallowed him whole.
Her cool walls squeezed tightly around him, stretched past their ordinary limits by his unnaturally rigid cock. She sank down his length, her lips eagerly accepting inch after inch. Her form, though tinted red with arousal, was clear-enough for him to see his cock sink deeper and deeper inside her insubstantial body.
His size gave her no pause as she came to rest on his lap, with his full length embedded inside her. She paused, content for the moment with just feeling his fullness inside of her. She reached down, tracing the outline of his cock on her skin with a finger. With her other hand, she cupped his cheek, stroking him gently.
"This is how it was meant to be, my love."
Her declaration was punctuated by movement as her hips lifted off of his. She stood only a few inches before sitting slowly back down. Her arms wrapped around his head as she slowly thrust him in and out, drawing his head to her bust and wrapping it in spectral flesh. Her cool skin surrounded him, tingling unnaturally as the fell energies fed upon his heat and vitality.
Theodore could feel her breath, cool and damp, upon his neck as she rode him. Her steady breathing was interrupted only by an occasional gasp or whispers of love and eternal devotion. Her pace was slow and steady, better-suited to a night of romance and passion than an afternoon tied to a chair. She licked and nibbled at his ear and down his neck, spreading a thin trail of saliva as she went.
The pace grew with her passions, speeding to a respectable pace that left both gasping in pleasure. When her gasps turned to moans, the necromancer became aware of an altogether new sensation, an unfamiliar swelling in his cock. Looking through his lover, he saw that a thick bulge had formed in his cock, moving up and down his shaft in time with her thrusts. In the throws of passion, she lost control of her form, her body naturally attempting to reclaim its pieces and dragging the ectoplasm that filled his length with it. It traveled along his shaft, locking him inside her like a knot. Her cunt clamped tight around the protrusion, distending visibly as she gripped it tight.
The knot grew as he absorbed her love juices, coming to a size only slightly smaller than his fist. The pressure was unbearable for them both, their lovemaking deteriorating to simple rutting as their passions entwined. Her body began to lose its corporeality as she concentrated only on the pleasure of jerking his knotted cock inside her quivering cunt. Her arms and breasts phased into him, disappearing entirely inside his flesh.
Theodore barely noticed her disappearance, focused entirely on watching his cock swell and impale her repeatedly. He realized something was amiss only when her moans and gasps came from behind him, though he could hardly care about such details when she brought such incredible pleasure. Her thrusts reduced to mere spasms as she struggled to move the knot that joined them together, squeezing his entire length in rippling motions as pleasure overwhelmed her.
She came first, legs slamming shut through his as her body lost substance. Her cunt became the sole focus of her pleasure-wracked mind, squeezing in waves as she directed it to do what the rest of her body could not. Pressure built in his base, held in by the weight of his spectral knot. The pleasure grew with the pressure until he was screaming, practically begging for relief yet pleading for the sensation to never end. The knot moved slowly up his length before catching briefly at the base of his head. He lost his breath, nearly blacking out as his release finally came, rope after rope of semen pushing out the thick wad of ectoplasm with each spasm. He came and came, cock jumping inside her clear walls even after he had nothing of his own left to give. She leaked out of him, her fluids rejoining her body as it oozed from his tip.
His cock deflated slowly as it emptied, drooping when she could no longer manifest even her cunt. His cum mingled with her captive juices, floating still in her ethereal body. She slumped into him, barely catching herself before she fell into the floor, exhausted by her extended manifestation. Her breathing slowed as she teetered on the edge of consciousness. He rubbed her back as best he could as she drifted off, whispering gently into her ear as the last bit of her waking mind faded into sleep.
"Until the end of time, my love." | literotica |
Title: of love and war.... by Shadowed Skunk
Tags: Abduction, Action, Human, Love, M/F, Violence (Not In Yiff)
ok please keep in mind. this is JUST a story there are some things in it that might be Similar to a persons furrsona or whatever i did not try it. also there is sum stuff that might be offensive. once again its just a story. blah blah this is not for kids yadda yadda yadda. injoy.
"My name is Jake some of my friends just call me "skunk" and I have quite an interesting story to tell I stand about 5'11 and I am a skunk a pretty normal guy but enough about me ill just tell you the story...." he woke up like any other morning stretching his legs and squinting my eyes at the sunlight pouring through the window of his room. He would wrap his tail around himself and grumble wanting to go back to sleep but he knew he had things to do, and then it happened..... there was a loud BOOM from outside followed by the sound of screaming and shrapnel hitting the side of his house.
Quickly he would dash down the stairs and run through the front. door to see what had happened to see if anyone was hurt. Yes there was blood but that's not what had caught his eye he was to busy looking at the strange creatures who were marching there way in to his home town "the hell?" he would say squinting to get a better look at them.
They were furless save for the top of there heads and that was very short to begin with. Fleshy looking creatures dressed in green and brown blotchy clothing and carrying large black things that spit fire and threw led rocks making loud banging noises only to cause those in fount of them to fall and bleed. Never before had he seen something so odd nor was he so angered seeing them just come and do as they wished.
It seemed they were capturing some of the fur's living here and dragging them away screaming and clawing. Jake grabbed the dagger from his side and acted with out thought seeing one of the creatures attack his sister and attempt to take her away as well. He would charge at this creature and lunge as it turned around BANG pain shot through his left shoulder but he would not stop. This monster would not harm his family. A glint of steel and a spray of red the creature fell holding its throat and gurgling loudly for its last few moments of life.
He went to his sister and helped her up. "Go run and hide!" he screamed at her turning away to get a better look at this creature he rolled it over on its back and looked it over only to find a name tag reading Richard and a patch on its shoulder that read AREA 13. Tilting his head to the side he would raise a brow wondering what the hell was going on then he heard a shout coming from an unknown voice. "HEY you furry mother fucker! Try this on for size!" Jake would look up only to see the butt of one of those black fire spitters smash him in the muzzle and then blackness........
He awoke for the second time today only this time he was in a small cage among a few others holding some of his friends and family. He took note that his head hurt and was bleeding along with the fact that he was in some strange vehicle bumping around on his way stoneware. "Hey! Wear are you taking us!" Jake would shout at one of the creatures in the with him. The creature would stand and walk over to the cage and spit oh him. "Shut up freak!" it said before reaching through the cage and grabbing shadowed by his throat and yanking him forward causing him to hit his already wounded head on the bars, and once again blackness....
He came to a third time only to find he was now alone and had shackles around his hands and feet. Now enraged by all of this he would growl as a door opened and one of the creatures walked in. And stood in the middle of the room and smirked at him. "I hope you like it here. Though sadly you are to be sold next week and you will work for your keep I don't wanna call you a 'slave' cause nowadays that word is look down aphon but you are an animal and will learn that us men are better than you. So know your place now freak and maybe your life will go a bit more easy, understand?" Jake growled loudly and lunged at the creature only to have his limbs caught and him fall to the ground thrashing to get free not able to reach this monster he so desired to tear apart. The creature laughed and shook its head walking out and closing the door behind him. Jake sat there with only one word reapeating in his head. 'Man'.....
A few days had passed he had not eaten nor slept only sat there and his hate his 'lust' to be free grew. The door opened and a man walked in holding one of the fire spitters and struck Jake in the head to knock him out but he did not hit hard enough he was still awake but he played it out laying there and not moving. The man unlocked the shackles and went to lift him. He made his move grabbing the fire spitter and holding it like he had seen the men before the man was stunned and wrestled Jake for it back and then BANG! The mans eyes grew wide as he stared into the now hate fulled eyes of Jake and dropped to the floor writhing for a few moments and then he lay still... dead.
An alarm went off that hurt Jake's ears he ran to the door only to be greeted by three more men. Jake smashed the first in the head with the butt of the fire spitter as another yelled. "The freak has a gun! Shoot him!" gun... that's what these things were called the thought. But none the less he turned and fired at the other two causing blood to spurt from there chests and the fell. Looking down he would see the one he has hit in the face scrambling to grab his gun but he never made it jake made sure of that BANG. In the head. He stopped moving. "You're the freak." Jake said grabbing the extra guns and running down a bright hall only to hear a female screaming. He stopped and opened the door from witch the sounds were coming from. Only to find 4 men trying to rape one of the females he had seen from time to time in the stores around him home she was a small raccoon soft grey and black fur he remembered wanting to talk to her but never got the chance. And now She was fighting and clawing trying to break free from them "leave me alone!" she wailed as one lifted a hand and back handed her across the muzzle. That was enough Jake saw red lifting the gun he fired missing a few times causing the men to look quickly in his direction. "Shit!" one yelled famous last words it seemed. He kept firing at them until the gun went 'click click click...'
He moved over to the female who was crouched in a corner with her head down and her paws over her ears. "Hey..." he said as softly as he could which was hard from all the adrenaline he had pumping through him. "We need to get out of here right now, ok?" he asked. She responded by reaching up and hugging him. "Thank you.." she said. "My names Clare. And your right we need to go but we gotta help the others." Jake gave a nod handing her one of the guns and giving her a quick lesson aim and pull the trigger was pretty much it. "Show me the way there." he said. She gave a quick nod and they left the room back into the bright hallway seeing a few more men coming there way. Jake shoved Clare back into the room as he used the steel door to shield himself from the rounds the men were firing at him. He would stick only the gun around the door and fire blindly in there direction until there firing had stopped. He grabbed Clare's wrist and ran past them not taking the time to look at what he had done.
After a time she pulled away and yelled "stop! Here. Right here is wear they are." Jake gave her a nod and tried to open the door. Locked, he lifted the gun and fired on the lock until it fell open, kicking it inward he looked around to see many of the furries he knew and some he did not locked up in cages.
Clare watched Jake go from cage to cage smashing open the locks giving the others orders setting the stronger males to help carry the ones to wounded to move. She watched him find his sister watched them hug one another glad to see that they were both ok. Clare on the other hand was doing what she could to treat wounds among the others as some barricaded the door. After a time she listened as Jake stood and told everyone that they had to move on that they could not stay here. Clare lowered her head knowing what was about to come and feared it.
Clare followed Jake and the others finding an armory the gun fire blazed hurting her ears making her want to cry for all of this to end. And yet watching Jake take charge watching him fight and kill these men just so they could all go home once more. But everyone knew things would never be the same. She thought about how he had saved her about all he was doing with such passion such rage. But she knew that he had a good heart inside she caught herself thinking about lying with him and looking up at the skies holding one another. Only to have the thought shattered by more gunfire and this time a few of there fellows had fallen. Others had to be drug away from the dead and dying in order to save them. It was all very stressful for everyone.
Jake looked at the others grabbing weapons from the armory and once again showing them point and fire, though they had no clue how to reload the guns. Nor did it matter at this point. He watched Clare watched how she reacted how she moved and cared for the others. Remembering how much he cared for her but never said a word. But this was not the time that had to go. The group moved having short gun battles from time to time from room to room trying to find there way out of this strange place. Bingo the door outside was found they looked around only to find that they were in the middle of a huge facility. The words AREA 13 in large print along side the buildings.
"This way!" Jake shouted pointing towards the exit leading to a large forest type area.He led them all thinking to himself perhaps they were home free. They weren't. The men came in a large group firing at them all blindly it seemed. Why would they do this? What gain were they getting from capturing them and killing them? That was it Jake spun around and ran at the men firing in return wanting only to make them stop and leave him and his kind alone. The others hesitated but soon joined in that fought. The sound of many guns firing the sight and scent of blood filling the air of both furry and man alike. The furries realized soon that after a time the guns only clicked and no longer fired as they did before. The guns were cast aside and many fur's leapt at the men clawing biteing and seemingly thrown into a frenzy of sorts. One tackled a man grabbing him by the sides of his head beating it into the ground until it cracked only to look up and see a gun in his face BLAM the man smirked as the fur dropped. But the mans smirk was slashed away along with his face as another fur had taken him from the side and gored him to death. The fur quickly turning and slashing for anothers throat.
All that could be seen was firing blood claws teeth and rage. After a while it ended the fur's stood there numbers greatly thinned but still alive... the only thing that mattered now.They moved deeper into the woods until they had found a clearing setting up small makeshift buildings and tents which they had looted from the facility. Clare and Jake sat with one another in a small tent as Jake was righting down the events of the day. Placing the book down he would look up at her and smile weakly.
Clare smiled in return as they both tryed to forget about what was going on. Jake spoke first "Clare I.." she cut him off placing a finger over his lips. "I know." she said placing paws on his shoulders and pushing him back onto the ground. They shared one another that night as there bodies moved in unison together. They would moan and clutch at one anothers fur breathing heavily and she moved up and down on him. For the first time that day they felt a peace. As if they were the only ones who existed anymore. Holding one another tightly as they both climaxed in one anothers arms. She would lay her head on his chest listening to his heart beat as she murred contently. As they both looked up through the mesh roof of the tent stareing at the stars holding one another. She had gotten her wish they were together and nothing could change that now. She would look up at him with her soft green eyes. "Jake, I love you. And I can never thank you enough for what you have done today." she said softly. Jake would nod and hold her a bit tighter as they drifted off to sleep.
She awoke to the sunshine pouring through the trees and climed out of the tent. Her fur a tad mussed but she did not mind. She walked up behind jack and tapped him on the shoulder. As he turned around to wrap his arms around her. He spoke. "Clare. I swear that you and I will make it home. And when we do I want you take you as my mate.. I love you." he said looking into her eyes she hugged him tighter still placeing her head on his chest listning to his heart once more.
She was so happy even though they were in this strange place filled with 'men' she had Jake and as long as they were with one another everything would be ok she thought to herself.Then a single shot rang out and Jake loosened his grip on her. No it was not happening not now it couldn't happen. He looked down at her with sad eyes and coughed as blood came from his muzzle. He dropped to his knees. As the other fur's scrambled to defend the small camp they had made the night before. "NO!" she screamed "Jake!" she held him right there in the open as tears streamed down her face. He had been shot in the back and was now dying in her arms he spoke "C-clare...I-I'm so sorry." she shook her head "no your gonna be fine. Your gonna be ok!" se watched him look into her eyes and he did not respond. She shook him "Jake! Jake no don't leave me here! Please!" he was gone..... nothing could change that now she held him there and sobbed wanting to know why all this was happening. Another. Male grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away "we gotta go!" he yelled at her as she fought him clawing at the air wanting to stay with Jake "no!" she screamed "we have to help him!" but she knew deep down inside there was nothing anyone could do.
she ran to the tent they had slept in the night before and grabbed the book that he had been righting in. It was the only thing she had left of him and would protect it with her life. They ran. For days and nights they lost more and more of there fellow fur's and once again they set up another small camp. She sat there alone looking at his book with tears in her eyes she opened it and began to read it said, "My name is Jake some of my friends just call me "J." and I have quite an interesting story to tell I stand about 5'11 and I am a skunk a pretty normal guy but enough about me ill just tell you the story...... | FSE |
Title: An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 3-All American GTO by Tyro619
Tags: Dragon, Dragoness, Fantasy, cars, racing
I woke a few hours later,parched. I stretched a bit and looked at the clock,three AM. I took a drink of my water,squirmed around a bit and looked around my room. It was just the right size for me. The walls were painted blue and a thick white carpet covered the floor. The only furniture to speak of were a small dresser,and my bed. My bed was indescribably comfortable. The first few nights I'd slept on it had felt awkward. I felt like a pet sleeping on it,but soon,it became the most comfortable thing I had. I seemed to sink into the plushy fabric and it would pull me under in five minutes or less. I felt a smile cross my muzzle as my eyes fell shut. The entire room always smelled of the outside,and I liked it that way.Thoughts of what we could do for the GTO filled my head. All the guy had said was,"67 blaze orange Class R3 GTO Hardtop." We were pretty much unlimited in what we could do,as far as engines power and platform goes. "Gonna have to draw it in the morning",I thought as I fell asleep. I woke to the sun coming in through my open window. The birds were chirping and the cool spring air blew through the window over my scales. I smiled as I sat up and let out a large yawn. My door opened and I turned to see my Mom standing there. "Breakfast is ready,she said. "Okay Mom,I said,I'll be down in a minute." Mom left my room,shutting the door behind her. I was reluctant to pull myself out of bed,but I did. I stretched a little more and then went into the bathroom and showered off,polishing my scales until they gleamed(like I said,neat freak,and yes,that refers to me as well). I brushed my teeth and then got dressed. Slipping into a white shirt with holes in it for my wings and a dark brown cargo shorts with a hole in them for my tail. I looked at myslef in the mirror. My polished,jet black and crimson scales stood out against my clothes and my eyes were a very bright green,I thought it suited me perfectly. I stepped back into my room and grabbed my journal from it's spot under the corner of my bed and then went down stairs. The smell of sweet rolls and bacon hit my snout and made my mouth water. As I entered the kitchen,Dad was dishing out the rolls and bacon to my brothers and sister. "No bacon right Seth,Dad asked smiling at me. I felt my ears flop against my neck. "You have no sense of humor son",Dad said handing me a plate. We sat down at the table and began to talk. The conversation was lively,James and Will talked about the upcoming football game,Dad,his promotion and Mom,her new position as a nurse,I,my cars and Taylor,her cheer leading. After breakfast was done and cleaned up,I went up stairs,grabbed my backpack and then went to Jack's house. I touched down lightly in the driveway. The hot concrete made me wish I had something on the soles of my paws. Jack came out to meet me. "The GTO is in the shop,Jack said,as soon as DJ gets here,were going over in her truck." "Have any idea what were doing yet",I asked folding in my wings. "Not really",Jack replied,"you got something?" I smirked,"Yes,I said as I pulled my leather notebook from my backpack and opening it,"have a look." "Oh holy crap Seth,Jack said as his eyes grew wide,you are a crazy,crazy dragon." I laughed as a wide smile crossed my muzzle,"I know,and I'm proud of it." DJ's truck pulled in and we went and got in. The truck was big enough to hold all five of us as long as I was in the front seat,it was the only place that had enough room for my wings and tail. DJ backed out and started for our shop. "Anyone have any thing for the GTO,Tristan asked. "Yeah,Jack said smiling,Seth does." I handed back my notebook without a word. "Ohhh,Tristan said,this is nuts,twin turbo and twin super chargers is one thing,but this..." "Impressed,I asked. "Oh yeah,Tristan replied,"we can always count on you to come through." The ride to the shop was only about ten minutes,when we pulled in,I could see a blaze orange GTO sitting in the garage. "This what we've got to work with,I asked as we got out. "Yeah,DJ said,I've already run it over and it's perfect,no rust,frame damage,or anything." I rubbed my paws together,"Lets get to work then." We each had our parts for the build,I was tasked with the engine,DJ and Josh the suspension,and Jack and Tristan had the platform. The engine I had to work with was a standard,1967 GTO Hardtop engine,it was in great shape,so I saw no need to scrap it. The first thing I did was remove it and strip it down,cleaning it all up and removing the fifty plus years of dried oil and grease. I then built it back up on my work bench and began fine tuning it. I started with the air filter. Air filters remove contaminates from the air entering the engine,help to maintain air temperature,and help it to breathe more freely,which was a top concern,so I installed a pressurized carbon fiber cold air intake system and resonance tuned intake plenum. Next,I did the carburetor. Carburetors provide the fuel flow to the engine and precise timing,as well as extracting power from the fuel that is used. Changes can be as simple as installing a jet kit,or as advanced as changing the fuel pump and installing velocity stacks. Never one to skimp on my work,I installed a multi carburetor set up with multi choke racing carburetors and racing floats to ensure proper needle and and seat operation under high G loads. As well as high flow,stainless steel braided fuel lines and four Intake Velocity stacks on each one to optimize and increase power. I did the ignition next. Ignition upgrades help the engine to burn it's fuel more efficiently to produce power. Adding better coils,spark plugs and ignition wires can make a significant difference in engine power and car performance,so I went with a crank fired racing ignition and individual coils per cylinder and a knock sensor for adaptive timing control. The camshafts were next on my hit list. Upgrading the camshafts would allow the engine breathe more freely and rev to a higher RPM,thus producing more torque and power. The net result is a higher red line and more power in the high RPM range. I installed hollow racing camshafts which feature micro polished cam lobes and solid lifters and lightweight race valves and titanium retainers. Next,was the valves,displacement and pistons,or basically the insides of the engine. Upgraded valves improve intake and exhaust gas flow,allowing the engine to breathe freely and produce greater torque and power. Displacement upgrades make the engine more durable. They also reduce friction and inertia,and make the engine more responsive.The pistons compress the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber and convert the heat energy into mechanical energy. I installed larger,lightweight,high strength valves with a multi angle valve grind and larger valve seats for optimizing air flow into the engine. I increased the intake and exhaust ports size and shape,as well as modified the combustion chamber for more efficient flow and combustion. Next,I bored and stroked the engine block,reinforced the deck and resleveed the cylinders and installed a forged,knife edge stroker cam shaft. I also installed custom machined race pistons with performance coatings and gap-less,low tension rings to optimize compression. Next came my favorite thing to install,the Twin Screw superchargers. A super charger is an air pump driven by a belt connected to the engines crankshaft. It provides a major power increase by compressing the air-fuel mixture and then forcing it into the engine at more than atmospheric pressure. The result is more energy per stroke,which makes more power. I installed twin racing Twin Screw superchargers,blue printed for increased efficiency and durability with coat rotors and port housing for intake temperature control and increased flow. The inter cooler came next. An inter cooler is a heat exchanger that cools the hot intake air from a turbo or supercharger before it's forced into the engine. This makes the air-fuel mixture cooler and therefore more dense packing more energy per stroke,and you won't find them on any car that is not super or turbo charged. I installed the largest high flow,bar and plate core racing inter cooler with smother end tanks to reduce air turbulence. Next came one of the most important parts on this car,the oil and cooling systems. Oil and cooling systems help to protect the engine form friction,heat damage and pumping loss. It can include multiple radiators,remote oil reservoirs,baffled oil pans and dry sump oil systems. A dry sump oiling system with remote oil coolers to ensure consistent oil flow under high G loads. I took a step back to admire my work. The red,orange,silver and black engine resting on it's stand perfectly matched the car it would be put into. I took off my sweat soaked shirt and threw it aside. Tristan,Josh and Jack had already done the same and DJ was down to a tank top. We were all red in the face and smelled of oil and grease,but still had a long ways to go. "Let's take five guys",I said over the music that was blaring in the garage. Jack turned off the music and switched n a large fan and Tristan pulled bottles of water out of a cooler as we sat in front of the fan. The air blowing on my bare chest felt extremely cold,but I welcomed it. I moaned as I lay on my back with one leg over the other,putting the soles of my hot paws against the fan. "How much farther do you guys have to go",I asked pouring the water down my throat and over my snout. "Josh and I just got the suspension out,DJ said,now we have to install the upgraded rods and shocks." "Jack and I have to finish tearing out all of that crap from the inside,Tristan said,and then install the roll cage and all the gauges and other readouts." "I still got the exhaust and turbos left,I said panting a little. After around thirty minutes of sitting around the fan,the music came on and we went back to work. I attached the engine to a crane hanging from the ceiling and lowered it back into the car. It was a great fit. I hooked everything back up,tightened all the bolts and then proceeded to install the exhaust. Exhaust system upgrades such as improved headers,mufflers and large bore tubing provide extra power. They let the engine exhale more freely,creating more power by reducing back pressure and extracting exhaust gases more effectively. I installed Port Matched light weight ceramic coated anti reversion headers and a straight through race tuned exhaust system. Now for the turbo chargers,my second favorite thing to install. A twin turbocharger system provides a major power increase by using exhaust gases to spin multiple turbines,which,like a super charger,compressing the air-fuel mixture and then forcing it into the engine at more than atmospheric pressure. The result is more energy per stroke,which makes more power. Combining them with two Twin Screw Superchargers puts the air-fuel mixture under even more pressure,there buy allowing for a much more efficient combustion. I placed the two Ceramic ball bearing racing twin turbo chargers designed for maximum boost with high flow external racing waist gate,high flow piston type blow off valve,alcohol injection and an integrated electronic boost controller tightly in their spots and bolted them down. I slid out from under the car and wiped the sweat,oil and grease from my snout. Seeing I was done with my part,DJ spoke up,"Seth,come help me with these springs." Springs and dampeners help control weight transfer,maintain optimum ride height and can allow for adjustable alignment in toe,caster and chamber,to make the car more stable at speed and more responsive in corners. DJ and I installed low friction coil-over racing shocks with remote reservoirs for maximum valving control and matched linear race springs. As well as replacing the control arm bushings with adjustable helm joints and steel bearings. With that done,we turned our attention to the brakes. Brakes are an important part of the total performance picture. Your car's brake performance must match it's power and handling for you to be competitive. We installed the largest possible full floating carbon ceramic brake rotors,front and rear match aluminum monobloc calipers,race spec composite brake pads and dual master cylinders to provide adjustable brake bais to the front and rear. We repeated this process on all four sides and then I helped Josh with the clutch. The clutch is the vital link between the engine and the transmission. Upgrades increase it's ability to handle the extra torque of a racing engine without damage. Josh and I installed a low inertia multi plate racing clutch to maximize torque capacity of the clutch and reduce shift times. The next thing we tackled was the drive train,which consisted of the transmission,differential and drive line. The transmission and drive line transmits your car's power from the energy from the engine to the dive wheels. Upgrades can make shifts faster and smother,reduce friction and provide better durability. The differential allows the tires on each side of the car to turn at different rates,since the inside tire travels a shorter distance around a turn than the outside tire. A limited slip differential locks at a preset point to limit this difference in rotational speed,providing maximum traction under acceleration and deceleration. Josh and I installed a six speed sequential racing gear box with short penned,straight cut gears,dog engagement and inter-changeable ratios,as well as a carbon fiber drive shaft to dramatically decrease drive line inertia and over all car weight. We then installed a race spec two way limited slip racing differential that provides positive lock torque under both acceleration and deceleration. I then helped Tristan and Jack strip out all interior paneling and carpeting,remove the power windows,the back seats,the air and entertainment systems,the spare tire and install the roll cage and anti roll bars. Jack installed a lightweight battery and the car was done. The sun had set not to long ago and the heat of the day was replaced by the cool and moist night air. "Finally,Tristan moaned,were done!" I wiped the sweat from my snout,"It's a master piece,I said as we all gave each other high fives and then went into the shop's other room. There was good smelling pizza sitting on the table. "I ordered it around a half hour ago,Jack said,it just got here,let's eat." Tristan opened the boxes to reveal stuffed crust pepperoni pizza and the usual six cheese. We all grabbed slices and sat down. When I bit into the pizza,it's flavor exploded in my mouth and instantly satisfied the hunger that I'd had all day. We had skipped lunch to finish the GTO,and it turned out to be worth it. The pizza was like a reward for my howling stomach. The water was crisp and clean,soothing my sore throat. "Anyone got anything planned for next week,Jack asked. "Not that I can think of,Tristan said,other than hanging out with you guys." What about you Seth,DJ asked,got any plans?" "Nah,I replied,other than waiting for the next build to come our way." Josh,I asked. "Nope,he said,my calender's clear." "Good,Jack said reaching into his pocket and puling out five,small pieces of paper. "I got tickets to the Camaro versus Mustang event that's coming to town next week." "The DM guy we built the Toyota for a while back is going to drive for us." "Dude,Tristan said,his eyes going wide,"that's insane!" "It's a good way to get ourselves known,I said biting into my pizza,"plus,we could make a lot of money." "How much is the grand prize,DJ asked. Well,Jack said,each race is worth ten thousand,the event bonus is fifteen thousand and the all gold prize is thirty five grand. "That's a lot of cash,DJ said,that's all I can say." We talked for around an hour about the race and what we should do for our next build,settling on a Ford GT-40 freestyle. "How we going to juggle that with school though",I asked. "We'll think of something,Tristan replied. I glanced at the clock,nine twenty. "I gotta be getting home guys,I said standing up,my Mom will tear me apart if I stay out past curfew,especially on a school night." "See you tomorrow,Jack said as I left the shop and flew for home. I touched down lightly in the front yard and entered the house. Things were calm inside,Mom and Dad were siting in front of the TV,Will and James were nowhere to be found,and I guessed that Taylor was in her room sleeping. "I take it James and will are at the game,I asked. "Yeah,Dad said,there be back at midnight.James and Will had a later curfew than I did,but that was because they were older. I didn't really care. "How did things go honey,Mom asked. "Awesome,I replied,we finished the GTO and Jack entered our Camaro in a race that's coming to town shortly." "Tomorrow,were going to get the Camaro ready for the race and then start on a freestyle build of a Ford GT-40." "Good job son,Dad said,keep it up." "I will",I said as I went up stairs. I shrugged off my backpack and threw off my sweat and grease soaked clothes and showered off,once again polishing my scales until the light reflected off of them. I rolled into bed after brushing my teeth. The wind was blowing over my cool scales and leaving me with a refreshed feeling. I smiled as I stretched out to my full length,letting my snout and tail hang off the bed a bit. My wings and ears went floppy as I began to fall asleep. The door clicked open and Mom walked in. She sat on my bed and began petting me. It put me into a half sleep state. I didn't know why she did that,but I loved it when she did. After ten or so minutes of this,she stood and walked to the door. "Good night Seth",she said as she left. It was not thirty seconds before I gave in. But this is only part of my story. The rest is pretty exciting, so you probably want to hear it. | FSE |
Venus Keep out. That’s what the sign said, but it did nothing to deter the slender hand that wrapped around the door’s handle, an ear pressed carefully against it, listening. Slowly the handle bent downwards, the faintest of clicks as the latch released and the hand pulled gently, letting the door swing open. Cold air billowed outward from the room like an apparition freed from a tomb. It was cold, and to her relief, it was quiet.
She shivered despite the heavy coat she wore. The cold room lay open before her, empty of any other person. Units holding super-chilled vials stood around the room, carefully spaced as their small motors hummed faintly.
The walls stood lined with shelves, each holding stacks of carefully labeled sample vials. Each marked with codes that she couldn’t fully decipher.
“One of these, one of these.” She mumbled through chattering teeth as she scanned each batch, the cryptic numbers giving no clue as to which she was suppose to grab. Time wasn’t on her side though, she had only a few minutes until they would manage to restore the power, and then they’d catch her in the electronic security net like a mouse after a piece of cheese.
She grabbed a nearby stack, removing the top two cases. The third case she flipped open revealing small shiny metal tops of vials that hung inside the case. Dozens lay there, each no bigger than some of the perfume sampler bottles she carried.
Running her finger across the tops she selected two vials from near the center, and snapped the case closed. She then stacked the other two back on top. Hopefully it would take a couple days for anyone to notice the missing batches. She would be gone by then, or she planned. The only question was, had she gotten the right vials? She wouldn’t know. She flipped open the small case she’d brought with her, it held two small ice packs that she hoped were enough. Setting the vials into the small case, she knew she had limited time.
Stuffing the ill-gotten vials into her coat pocket, she quickly fled the room, carefully closing the door behind her. Outside the hum of the machines faded away, leaving only an eerie silence around her as the latch clicked. Stepping carefully, she managed to get away from the corridor before the popping and beeping noises as the generators began to restore power to the systems. Lights began to flicker as security systems began their automatic reset routines. She just managed to clear the last security door as the electric locks snapped closed with a bang. Around her the regular lights flicked on. The facility was secure again.
*** *** ***
Breathing a small sigh of relief, she hoped the bosses never realized how deeply flawed their system was to a simple power outage. The battery back up only maintained the samples and the chillers, the main security needed the secondary generators. That small different, that little oversight, now paid dividends in the two small vials that sat in her coat pocket.
The small weight was almost unnoticeable in her pocket, no bigger than a large cellphone it was her ticket to a new life. She was so close now; she could almost taste the success, but she knew the risks were enormous. They would fire, jail, and probably sue her if they caught her now. There was no excuse she could give that would save her.
She walked down the hall; her coat now draped over one arm as she headed fro the front doors. She stopped a moment at a desk. “Margie, I’m getting a headache from all this flickering light. Do you mind if I take the rest of the afternoon off? Please?” Margie’s sagging jowls were set in a perpetual scowl. She peered over the desk at the young woman, her look reminding Erin of her fourth- grade teacher. Thankfully, Margie’s scowl was only skin deep, and the woman was a sweet as sugar to the staff. “Sure thing, honey, go right ahead.” Her deep southern drawl almost made Erin giggle.
“Thanks Margie!” Erin waved. Careful not to run, she strolled towards the exit, and her car. No one had noticed her yet, not one alarm raised or question asked. She smiled, but not too much as the thought of months of planning working out perfectly. She tried to not shake, or look over her shoulder as she headed out under the cameras that lined the parking garage. Every noise made her want to jump, even the pop of the locks on her car as she pressed the fob.
Ein slid into the car’s seat, taking a deep breath as she shut the door. Her coat, holding the precious cargo sat on the passenger’s seat. She grabbed the wheel and took several more breaths. “Calm down, deep breath.” She muttered to herself.
She had to get off the campus before she could transfer the vials. The cameras were everywhere. The car sprang to life with the simple push of the starter, its quiet electric motor making almost no noise at all. She shifted smoothly into reverse, and then into drive as she wound her way out of the garage. She still counted on her luck, and with that luck no one would notice the thefts for a while. Long enough for her to be far away. One wave to Eugene at the gate and she was free.
She stopped again in a nearby strip mall, one too poor to have good cameras posted. Fishing in her pocket she pulled out the small chiller case, and checked it. Still cold to the touch. Reaching under the front passenger seat she grabbed a small cooler, flat, sleek, and full of a canister of refrigerant. It felt icy cold, and condensation formed on it. She popped open the small case and transferred the vials, turning a knob inside to start the chilled fluid pumping around the vials. She hoped it was enough. Then, stuffing it back in the space under the seat, she turned back off down the highway.
*** *** ***
She looked at the clock. The time was right. She pulled a phone from her car door’s pocket where it had lain hidden. She booted it up, letting the lights flash a few times as she continued her drive, waiting for it to start up. It wasn’t hers, that lay turned off in her purse to hide her location. This was a burner. There was only one number stored it in, and it was pre-paid in cash to only have thirty minutes of talk time with a carrier that had come highly recommended from a friend who engaged in some shadier deals themselves.
Finally ready, the phone beeped. She pulled off the highway at the rest stop, taking a minute to calm herself once more. Her slender finger pressed the dial button and she waited.
“Do you have the items?” The husky voice came over the phone.
“Yeah, I’ve got them.” She replied.
A brief pause. “Regular place. One hour.”
“Don’t forget my payment!” Erin snapped, but the line was already dead. Barely a minute used, but only twenty minutes remained on the phone.
She turned it off and shoved it back in the hiding space, pulling the car back on to the freeway. An hour was enough time. She could make that.
*** *** ***
Cliché, she mused, as she pulled up to the appointed spot. A warehouse by the docks, on a stormy evening no less. Well, not really evening, since it was barely mid-afternoon, but the gray clouds and wind made it seem later than it was. Looking around though, she had to admit that this bank of old storage warehouses lay isolated and private. Only a lone security guard roamed the premises, and in this weather, he was staying in his little guard hut, not that he cared.
She was very glad of her electric engine right now as it didn’t draw his attention when she slid by him in the dim light. He didn’t even look up when her headlights accidentally illuminated the small guardhouse where he sat. She could see him now playing on his phone, not the least bit concerned about her or anyone else on the property.
The rendezvous spot was near the back of the buildings. The place was spooky in the quiet dim light. The distant sound of the ocean and the chill breeze from it made it far more dramatic than she felt she needed to be. Why couldn’t they have done this exchange at a coffee shop?
She parked the car in a shadow not far from a building marked 17C, and waited. The time dragged by, and she constantly checked the time.
Finally, a tap came at her window. She nervously opened the door and stepped out, the small cooler in nervous hand.
“Have you got it?” His face was always hidden. He stood with the light behind him, his hoodie drawn up and a long-billed hat of disreputable appearance that sagged over his face enough to hide his features. A black man, neither tall nor short, with a beard that hung scruffily down over his collar. Hardly very remarkable. She probably wouldn’t know him on the street during broad daylight, let alone this miserable stormy half-light.
“I do.” She shook slightly as she popped the cooler and pulled out the vials. “Do you have my money?” “You’ll get your payment when we confirm the swap.” His smooth baritone as flat as ever.
“No, you pay me now!” Her voice sounded shrill to her own ears. She saw the muscles under his hoodie twitch.
“Calm down girl. We want to check the goods. Make sure you didn’t give us a fake.” His voice remained quiet, but there was an undertone of menace in it.
“I swear I didn’t.” She trembled. This was not going as well as she expected.
“Well, we’ll see.” He motioned, almost imperceptibly.
Erin tried to jump away as hands grasped her arms from behind. They pulled cruelly at her, holding her firmly in place as others descended upon her. One pair ripped away the cooler from her fingers, and another took her sight as a blindfold wrapped over her eyes. She tried to scream, but they muffled it by shoving a dirty piece of cloth in her mouth.
She felt herself lifted from the ground, and carried by those powerful hands. It wasn’t far, but it was out of the storm. The clang of a metal door suggested she was now inside one of the warehouses.
Her struggles only gained derision from the man.
His calm voice ran cold. “Don’t struggle, we’re partners after all. You’ll only make things worse. We just want to check the goods.”
She could hear him rummaging around in the cooler. The faint tinkle of the glass vials as they knocked against each other in his hands.
“Two vials? Hmm. Now that’s interesting. We’re you planning another deal? Perhaps double crossing us? Or were you thinking something else? Perhaps this one is for yourself?” He said, his hand under her chin.
She couldn’t see him, but she could feel the heat from his breath, the touch of his hand. She tried to respond but the gag muffled any sound she made.
“No matter. We will learn the truth.” He said quietly.
Erin felt herself pushed down into a chair. Her body held there by the powerful grip on her upper arms. She squirmed, but couldn’t move from her seat.
He was a bit farther now, his voice echoing in the cavernous room. “I’d stop struggling if I were you. It’ll only make this worse.”
She did for a moment, but hands tugged at her shirt lifting it up. She wanted to move, but the sudden jab in her stomach made her go limp. She could feel the icy coldness spreading through her stomach. The realization dawned on her that they were injecting her with one of the vials. Her mind screamed, but the gag stayed in place.
“Now, we wait.” His voice never changed, it stayed hard and cold.
*** *** ***
Erin found herself released from the hands, her body afire with the icy substance, so cold that it was burning through her. Slowly the icy changed to a real heat as the chemicals began to mutate her body, remodeling her form.
The gag fell from her mouth, letting loose the first deep moan that rolled through her. She knew the basics from work, how the serum would change the person’s DNA, causing rapid cell growth and changes, but she never imagined she’d be the one feeling those effects. Her body shifted, her hips popping and shifting on the chair, spilling over the small seat, stretching the fabric of her dress to the limits. She grimaced as she felt her panties cut painfully into her new hips and thighs, but they soon gave way, tearing as the thickness became too much for them to handle. She whimpered slightly, afraid they’d need to cut the dress from her, but a pop and she heard the zipper snap, followed by a tearing sound as it too gave way to the expanding jiggling mass that her hips had become.
Her breasts fared no better. She could feel them expanding too. Her back ached almost instantly as they doubled, then tripled in sized. The small strapless bra gave way, it’s hooks bending and snapping, leaving the fabric to float down to her waist, useless as her tits continued to expand, pushing her shirt even higher up her chest until it lay across her collarbone.
The cool air made her aware of more, as her nipples responded. Her normally inverted nipples all but popped into the air, swelling, and expanding, turning hard as her breasts reached critical proportions. She could hear the chair creaking underneath her, but so far it held.
She could feel pressure between her thighs too as parts of her grew to match the expanse of her body. She dared not think about what she might find if she moved her hand down there, but she could feel it. Her pretty, tiny, pussy was swelling. She could feel it getting moist, like the maw of a beast that craved cock. The thought flitting through her head.
Her voice was raw from the moans and shrieks, feeling her body swimming in the chemicals, adding pounds of flesh to what many would consider all the right places, gaining inches were most would count it a good thing. She could feel her terror giving way to other feelings, ones she did not want right now. She could hear the men around her shifting. She was certain they were watching. But they said little, save an occasional ooh or ah as her bust spilled onto her lap.
Only her contact said anything at all, a simple comment, lost in a humorless chuckle. “Ah, nice.” His attention on her changing shape.
Erin barely registered his comment though. Her mind was starting to feel the effects of the chemicals now. She felt herself drawn into a mental fog, as her thoughts started to squirm and wiggle around in lewd ways. She needed something else, something catering to her new desires. She rubbed her thighs together, feeling the slight squirt of juices reach her thighs.
The idea of money, even the idea of escape, lay subsumed by the wave of her new thoughts. Simple thoughts that made her want to wiggle her newly broad hips. She felt them shake the chair, their mass barely held by the seat as they now stretched twice, perhaps three times as wide as they had just minutes before. She could feel the plumpness of her backside, the jiggle that ran through it as she squirmed.
All she wanted right now was the drop to the floor, and let her backside shake in front of these men. Her mind knew it would appeal to them; and that was what she wanted. To be lusted after, taken by any man that would have her right now.
Sliding to the floor, she landed on her knees. Slowly she lowered herself down until her tits pressed against the cold concrete floor, the swollen tips sending electric feelings through her as they brushed the ground. Her skirt lay discarded, she yanked her destroyed panties from between her thighs and tossed them away. Raising her bubbly ass into the air, she shook it, feeling the whole thing jiggle as she arched her back against the giant mounds of her breasts. She craved stimulation, and she offered it. But there were no takers. Forcing herself back on to her heels she tried again, letting her hands wander over her breasts, feeling those huge nipples. Even blindfolded she could hear their shuffling about as she rocked her hips enticingly.
She played with each taut nipple, her tongue stretching out offering pleasure with each sway of her gigantic breasts. Spreading her knees, she felt herself open, and her fingers began to descend. She felt the massive mons, her fingers sliding over its hairless expanse.
The gap between her mighty thighs was gone, her small lips swollen to great size. No longer cute and small, but brutally obscene with long thick lips that spread easily with her hips, the folds parting as her fingers danced over their new fleshy dimensions. She could feel the slickness, the swell of her outer lips, the soft, stretchy dangle of her inner wings all coated with her juices. Her clit was throbbing.
She started to rub, letting herself move in time with the motions. Soon one fingers, then another began to feel deeper into her cleft, finding her canal, driving home into her as her breaths became shorter, her moans more pronounced. At first it was just two fingers, but that wasn’t enough, soon it was a third, then a fourth. Finally, the whole of her hand slid into that mammoth hole, sliding in and out as she felt the jiggle of her thighs and the faint slap of her lips against her wrist.
Her body ached for more, demanding attention for itself. So consumed by lust and need she barely realized the depth of her changes. All that mattered was sex, and if these men weren’t going to give it to her, then she would make herself cum.
It didn’t take her long to let the orgasms shiver through her flesh. For a moment the fog over her mind listed, and she felt herself again, ashamed, and embarrassed, horrified by what she had become.
*** *** *** The blindfold had slipped down, and she could see now, her contact leaning against a box barely seen in the dim light. She watched as he slowly raised his hands and clapped.
“That was quite a show,” he said, his tone calm and collected. He was not one who could find themselves distracted easily. “I suppose that proves you gave us the good stuff. Pity I had to waste a half a vial proving it. Still, a deal it a deal.”
She blinked. The chemicals in her mind were already sloshing again, and she was finding it hard to concentrate. The gag gone she squeaked out some vague attempt at a question, but the moaning had left her hoarse. She, herself, couldn’t even tell what she was trying to say. It could have been about the money. Perhaps it was about her body. Or, just as likely in her stew of a mind, it was probably just her asking for a ride on his cock. She wasn’t sure, and she wasn’t even sure she cared. Instead, she just knelt there, her hips swaying slightly as she felt her labia with an idle hand, the long lips nearly touching the ground. She wondered what that would feel like, she almost wanted to try it.
The man didn’t bother responding to the unintelligible question. He didn’t even bother responding to anything further at all. Instead, he snapped his fingers and a briefcase was set in front of her by one of the looming dark figures that stood behind her.
She glanced up long enough to see the huge muscled arm, wondering if it attached to something just as appealing, and maybe just as fulfilling. To her disappointment it withdrew without touching her.
The men turned and left; the small cooler tucked under her contact’s arm. She listened to the retreat of their footsteps, the bang of the door. Frowning she tried to focus. The fog was still heavy on her mind, but it was gone enough for her to look about. Her clothes lay in tatters, her body now voluptuous beyond any human concept. From her narrow waist to the expanses of her bust and hips. She shivered. Grabbing the case she fiddled with the locks, finally getting them to open with a loud pair of clicks. The insides were full of crisp bills, one- hundred-dollar bills in nice neat packs. She snapped the locks closed and grabbed what remained of her clothing and followed the men out, her breasts bobbing and hips shaking with each step.
*** *** ***
Erin found herself back out in the storm, the rain pelting her and its cold winds sending shivers through her new flesh, both cold and pleasurable. She saw her car not far away, but she found herself unable to run with her new proportions. The design of her new body only allowed her to strut, and sexily at that. She couldn’t make anything faster than a brisk walk, and that still showed off all her new goods.
She tossed the ruined clothes and suitcase into her backseat, and then tried to wedge herself into the front. This proved more problematic than she anticipated, and she had to move the seat back several times to make room for her breasts, and her hips barely fit in the vehicle now, pressed tightly between the door and the center console. Nor would the seatbelt fit properly, so she just gave up on it.
Once seated she realized several things at once. First that her new mound was quite a bit larger than she realized. It swelled awkwardly under her, pressing hard into the seat cushion. Erin had to shift her legs farther apart, and rotate her hips to let it slide more between her legs, and that only with some generous tugging from her fingers. This put more of her bubbly ass under her. Secondly, that she was still dripping wet down there and had just left a snail trail across her nice seat. She wished she had enough foresight to have put her ruined skirt under her.
Finally settled in place she started the engine, trying to figure out how to keep her hands on the wheel with her breasts forcing her arms to shift in oddly angles as she drove, not to mention the sensation of her nipples brushing the wheel as she turned it. Each time resulting in another little surge to her brain that told her she had a new purpose in life.
The drive home in the storm was mercifully short, but not so short as she didn’t figure a way to finger herself a little more on the way.
*** *** ***
The mental fog was returning in force by the time she got home despite her ministrations in the car. Her body was in need. She ached. Her body was demanding that she find something to fill that need.
She wondered if anyone would see her in the darkness of the weather. It was late evening now, dark. She parked in a spot she normally would have avoided, just because the light over it was out. All she grabbed was the briefcase and her purse as she wiggled her way out of the car.
Twenty steps up she managed to get to her apartment door. No one had whistled, save the wind, and she hoped she could just make it. The rain had plastered her hair down, and she was shivering from the cold. She just barely managed to make it inside her small apartment, letting the briefcase and the purse fall to the side as she locked the door behind her.
It was her last conscious act for a while as the fog fully enveloped her mind and she cared only for one thing. Erin gave way to her impulses now, her hips almost brushing the narrow walls of her hallway as she rushed for her bedroom. There she dug out her largest toy, something given to her as a gag gift by some of the girls in college. She’d never been able to fit it before, but now she slammed it home with abandon, letting her muscles squeeze down in the silicone. She panted as she slid it back and forth, letting her lips grip every inch of its length as her mind all but imploded under the pleasure that surged through her. She let herself go slack, feeling her body fall heavily to the bed, the dildo still driven deep inside her where her muscles continued to squeeze pleasantly as she drifted off to sleep.
*** *** ***
Erin awoke feeling a bit more sated, the toy now lying between her legs, pushed out some time during the night. The shroud that had encapsulated her mind, demanding sex, had released its grip a bit, but she still felt different, less sure. An urge to giggle surfaced. She wasn’t a giggler.
The kitchen was her first stop, all the growth and masturbation had taken quite a bit out of her, and she was feeling parched. She downed a whole bottle of water, and then promptly refilled it for a second go round. She knew at the rate she was losing fluids she would need lots of water to keep up with her increased libido.
The bathroom was her next stop. She needed to see for herself what they’d done to her. Her mind waffled between morbidly curious and terrified of what she was about to see. Erin already knew the feel. The sway of her new hips with each movement, the bounce of her new breasts. She opened the door and stepped in front of the mirror.
The mirror wouldn’t lie to her, and her mind just stood boggling at the shape she now wore. No longer was she the delicate waifish woman she had been. Her hard edges smoothed and rounded into curves that would be an understatement to call generous, save for a waist that made her look waspish between the melon sized breasts and the doorway filling hips. Her booty curved out too, pleasantly rounded into a fine bubble that bounced. She wondered how it would look if she twerked, a part of her wanted to. A part of her that was growing stronger ever moment as her libido returned in force. Already her nipples were firming up, their masses as big around as an old bottle cap. They stood out, each one longer than her thumb. Her dark areola swirling around them the size of a saucer. The biggest change was to the space between her legs. Her once tiny mound, barely a slit on her petite frame, now stretched and bloated. She could see the cleft, inches deep now, the lips stretching well down against her thighs, only split by the tip of her clit and the mass of her delicate inner labial wings that poked through the heavy folds.
Erin lifted one leg up onto the tub’s edge, feeling the mass shift and slide against each other, already slick and ready. Tentatively she reached down, pulling the lips apart, revealing the long spread of her inner labia as it framed her hole, the sensuous frills stretching easily with her gentle tugs. She could feel herself spasming with just the simple touches, her clit bouncing slightly as it readied for another round. She knew she was ready, and her body was hoping for an encore of the previous night’s escapades. Perhaps more.
She knew she’d give in, but for the moment she marveled at the sensuous body, wondering how she would adapt to it. All it wanted was sex, and to be lusted after. She wouldn’t be able to do desk work, not around men. She’d be in the broom closet in a heart beat sucking them off and demanding to have her holes filed with their cocks.
Her fingers played a little more with those long folds, soft as velvet and as sensitive as anything she’d ever felt. She couldn’t bring herself to hate them, or even that her body was no longer the one she knew. The changes felt too good, and she had to resist the urge to play with herself more, at least long enough to turn the water on.
But that resistance faded as her new body came under the spray. Her need to be clean overshadowed. Soon the cleanliness gave way to dirty thoughts and her fingers roving all over her body under the pulsing spray. Her mind consumed again by the desire to feel pleasure.
*** *** ***
She called out to work again. It was the third day in a row now. Not ten minutes later a call came, firing her for no-shows without cause. Erin didn’t care. Her body demanded attention all the time, and there was no way she could go back to the office with these changes. That’d give away the heist, and she’d go to jail. Her mind, of course, now ran dirty thoughts about what fun she might have in jail, but frowned when she realized there’d be no good deep dicking.
Leaving here was the only option, and soon. She had to find somewhere better, somewhere that could accommodate her new needs. She sent out a few orders to some online retailers to find some clothes that fit, though she fretted that no pants ever would again. Then again, she thought, why did she need pants? Skirts, that’s what she wanted. Easy access. Several of her orders were for new toys to sate her constant need, including several dildos bigger than any she’d ever had before. She giggled with each purchase. Her mind quickly becoming vapid, empty space as sex and pleasure became the only things that mattered to her. Well, not the only things. She cared how she looked, because sex was easier to get if she looked good.
The weeks passed, and she slowly lost the fight to the fog that consumed her mind each day. The rare minutes she wasn’t feeling enshrouded by the fogs she still had problems processing things that used to come with ease before, her mind just not as sharp as it had been. Her body just demanded too much, and it was as if it were slowly starving her brain.
She struggled to figure out what to do with this body. She didn’t want to be a prostitute, but it was all but made for the job. She even licked her lips at the idea of regular servicing. But no, she wasn’t there yet. So, what else? A stripper? She’d never last, keeping her hands off the patrons, certainly not during lap dances. Besides, she was different now, and her enormous assets were certainly beyond the norm of any stripper she’d ever seen.
Finally, she looked up a ranch in Nevada. She called the owner and made a pitch. He was intrigued. Two weeks later she found herself driving across the nation, with everything she dared take with her stuffed in the vehicle. She left a lot behind, including her name. It didn’t fit her anymore.
*** *** ***
The beat pounded through the room. Her hips swaying magnificently to each rhythm. She hardly noticed the sway anymore; it was so much a part of her now. Falling into her vamp routine was second nature too, her brain overwhelmed by the rising lust that blurred out all other thoughts.
Licking her lips, she studied her prey. Nicely endowed, he might even make her evening worth it. She spied the condom already on his cock as it came to hard attention at her approach. Good, she didn’t need to put it on him.
She reveled in her new position, a special attraction. Some men just wanted to have a go at a woman who could take any cock, others were just curious. A few just loved to bury themselves in her massive mound, some cuddling it, others spending their time trying to eat their way to her honey. She enjoyed all of it. Anything that satisfied the unsatiable monster that was her needs for a little while.
This one seemed to be up for a few rounds as she slid onto the bed, her hips flaring as she straddled over his aroused cock. Her massive lips dangled down around it now, artfully painted as she’d taken to drawing designs on them between session with body paint. She smiled at his eager expression.
Moving her hips back and forth she let the tips of her lips dangle down, brushing the tip of his cock, making it twinge and jump in anticipation. She didn’t need any lube. She just wanted a moment of tease before she let him have her. A giggle escaped her lips, their dark red paint split in a welcoming smile as she offered one of her mammoth breasts to his lips. He took it with gusto, pulling the whole of her nipple into his mouth, flicking it with his tongue and suckling. She shivered in pleasure.
Lowering herself down she felt herself gobble up everything he offered as she pressed his manhood deep into her folds. Yes, he had a nice endowment, but she could have wished for more. But for now? It was enough, and soon her moans echoed over the music.
Outside in the parlor the manager of the ranch carefully doled out his ladies of the night to his customers. His latest, the woman who went only by the name of Venus, was now his star attraction. He smiled as he pocketed the large sums that her skills brought in, a line of customers already forming for her unique skills. | yiff-extreme |
Title: project x (pt 3) the calm before the storm by Statick_The_Ferredrox
Tags: Sacrifice, War
The 3 were sitting at the couch in Rex's apartment watching the super bowl. The T.V. was blaring and the room was full of life. The small room with the small TV being the only light wasn't the fanciest environment but, everyone seemed to be having fun. "And Johnson starts running in for the touchdown and he is at the 50 yard mark he is going, going gone. Can you believe that the colts have done it again." said the announcer. "Hey, he looks kind of sick man, see look at him he looks green." Rex said concerned. "Yeah he does" Feedback said. "No seriously he's all hunched over and he really looks like he's hurting." Rex replied. "Oh yeah, damn he does." Feedback agreed. "Will he be all right" Foxtrott said concerned. "I'm Shure he'll be all right oh and I think the pizza's here." Rex said hearing a car door shut. "Just as I get comfortable." Feedback said. The door opened and it was a lizard dressed in red cargo shorts a red baseball cap and a red tee-shirt. "Hey Foxtrott you have the tip?" Feedback asked. "Uh yeah, I think, hold on and, got it." Foxtrott said pulling out his wallet handing the lizard a five dollar bill. The lizard smiled a toothy grin and thanked them walking away leaving the pizzas on the table. "Now it's a party" Foxtrott said staring at the pizza. "Hell yeah it is." Rex said opening the box. "Cheers to another year together as friends and uh you guys more than friends" Feedback said putting his slice of pizza out joining the others touching the 3 slices together.
"Hey look at the announcer he's starting to really look bad." Feedback said. "Oh dude the people in the background are starting to throw up." Rex said. The three were now sitting in shock watching the people bleeding and throwing up dyeing in the seats having. "Oh my god people are dying" said Foxtrott. "Holy shit they're starting to get up their alive but their dead what the hell."
Feedback said. All of the sudden they heard a loud band and felt a shockwave blow out the windows turning the power out. "Holy shit check this out." Rex yelled. "Their sending planes into the mix and bombing people fuck!" Rex yelled. "How far is the stadium from here?" Rex said. "Uh it's not that far from here maybe 10 miles." Feedback said. Another explosion rattled the house making the ground shake. "That was closer than ten miles man" Foxtrott said concerned. Yet another explosion destroyed a house nearby making the house rock harder than before. "Fuck we've gotta get out of here." Rex yelled. "Ok I've got some gas masks thank god my dad's a painter" Rex said handing everyone a mask. "Thanks man you saved my ass" Feedback said taking it gratefully. "Hey man thanks you're a life saver". Foxtrott also said "Everyone c'mon guys grab everything you can." Rex yelled throwing a backpack at the others.
Foxtrott ran up to his house grabbing some stuff and his favorite clothes in the bag and grabbed his dad's machete from the shed. Rex ran to his room and took a few weapons from the room, a wooden bat and a machete and ran down to the stairs waiting for Feedback. Feedback ran to his home grabbing his katana sword. Everyone regrouped back at Foxtrott's house. "Everyone, hold on wait for my parents" Foxtrott said. "Mom, dad get outta there we've gotta go get outta the house" Foxtrott said looking at them. "Foxtrott get in here the T.V. said to stay in the basement." Foxtrott's dad said motioning him to follow. "No don't listen to them their bombing people you've gotta get the hell outta here they tell you to hide in the basement cause they're bombing us" Foxtrott yelled. "Foxtrott we've gotta get outta here c'mon" Rex yelled grabbing him by the shirt. "No not without my family." He yelled back yanking away. "Foxtrott please just come in the house with us." His mother said sincerely. "NO come with me right the hell now." Foxtrott yelled staring at them hearing the sound of jets coming closer. Rex grabbed him picking him up dragging him away. "No, not without my family." Foxtrott said staring at the house. "It's over man it's too late" Rex said his ears dropping. Foxtrott screamed out "No!" Watching the planes bomb the house turning it to a pile of rubble. "FUCK!" Foxtrott yelled crying on Rex's shoulder. " I'm so sorry" Foxtrott said softly to himself. "Let's get revenge on the fuckers that did this" Rex said strongly. Foxtrott nodded to him determined to get revenge.
"Where do we go now?" Feedback said. "I know a place." Rex said. "Whoa look at this everything looks like left for dead" Foxtrott said with tears in his eyes. "shit they have called in soldiers" Rex said punching one of them in the head then snapping his neck taking his gun. "Shit let's move." Rex yelled running as he looked down the scope shooting the soldiers killing 7 putting another clip in making the red mist. "Shit I've been hit." Foxtrott yelled grabbing his arm clenching it in pain. "Ahh die assholes." Rex yelled he crouched up behind a wall with his gun drawn and the others being him then, without and warning he sprung up and shot a soldier in the head getting brains splattered on his face. "Ahh shit that's nasty." Rex said. "Ok we're here." Rex said opening the door. One soldier was in the building and Rex ran up to the shocked troop punched his chest, and then he kneed the soldier in the gut and took out a knife stabbing his upper chest and ripping the knife down destroying the soldier making steaming guts and a pool of blood spill out from him as he fell to the ground. "Ahh what the fuck- why did this- this is disgusting" Foxtrott sputtered and puked on the floor. "C'mon we've gotta go up to the rooftops." Rex said. The three got up to the roof and stared down watching soldiers start puking and dyeing coming back from the dead and climbing on the corpuses to get up to the roof watching helicopters and planes fall out of the skies and soldiers coming up with gas masks. "Shit I can't keep them all off me." Rex said. "I'll jump down everyone save yourselves I'll go. "No don't go Feedback if you're going I'm coming too." I'm sorry I can't let you do that." Feedback said "Uhh guys I can't keep them down much longer." he said slashing another zombie. "I'm sorry goodbye" Feedback said handing Foxtrott the sword. "Don't forget me." Feedback said as he grabbed a tire iron and jumped down. "FUCK NOO!" Foxtrott yelled crying. "C'mon man all this death won't be pointless we'll make it." The two found a small patch of ground with a box of supplies abandon by the owner behind a building out of sight from the soldiers on 3 sides. The two ran to various buildings and looted corpses of soldiers finding and scavenging items they could from the wreckage. The two stared at the sky it was a red sunset with the sight of a destroyed major city buildings on fire and many twisted pieces of metal that used to be aircrafts but were destroyed by pilots dying while flying as it occurred to them that this might really be the end of humanity. | FSE |
Title: How Hazel Became Oak - Epilogue
Tags: lesbian, lesbian sex
*Authors Note:
This is not a stand-alone story, it is an extended epilogue to another story of mine, 'How Hazel Became Oak.' Which you can also find on Literotica. Don't read this without reading the other story first, this will make no sense on its own.
I wrote this in response to a reader comment, with which, having thought about it, I agreed. It replaces the epilogue in the first story, and so the first few paragraphs are repeated here.*
The next morning we lay in each other's arms in Beth's, no, our enormous white bed, unwilling or unable to let go of each other.
I voiced what I had been thinking, almost since the night we made love, but without daring to hope.
"I am going to change my craft name," I suddenly blurted out.
"Whatever for?" Beth looked surprised at my sudden outburst.
"Because I'm fed up of being the only person in our coven whose real name is the same as their craft name and because when you say "Hazel" I'll never know whether its my High Priestess talking to her Lore mistress, or my Beth talking to her Hazel. It's my mother's fault, may her soul rest. It was the same for her, except that in her coven, the craft names were after flowers."
"What was she called?"
"Cow Parsley."
"She wasn't!" Beth looked shocked.
"No, she was called Rose, but it's the same..." I failed to complete my sentence as Beth hit me with the pillow.
After the brief, totally one-sided fight was over, and I had Beth pinned beneath my body kissing her mercilessly into submission. I gave her chance to speak.
"You win," she panted, "we can perform the naming ceremony today as part of the thanksgiving. But what name?" She thought for a moment. "Oak." She said, it's a fitting name. You showed yourself worthy of such a strong and steadfast name last night. You will be my Oak.
"I love it, it's perfect," I said. And I kissed her. Of course, one thing led to another and it wasn't until very late in the morning, when we were sitting in Beth's cosy kitchen drinking a welcome cup of coffee, that the phone rang. Beth answered. She spoke briefly and said finally, "tell her we'll be there soon," before hanging up the instrument.
"That was Ash," she said, with a look of concern on her face, "She says Eve is not herself this morning and she wants us to go over as soon as we can. Ash sounds a bit worried about her.
I can't say I was surprised; the Great Rite had been an extraordinarily emotionally and physically draining experience for all of us and we had decided that rest was the most important thing in the immediate aftermath. Eve, in particular, had been exhausted and was in no state to talk, but she was owed an explanation. We were not even sure whether she was fully aware of what had happened. She had given no indication of having even seen either the dark spirit, or Sarah's soul as they left her body at the climax of the rite. I shivered at the memory of the dark shadow that had hovered over Eve's naked form and how she had fought to escape the charmed bonds that held her, even though it was those that ultimately protected her.
In any case, we needed to find out from Eve how she had exposed herself to such possession. It does not happen accidentally, Beth was worried that Eve might have indulged in ill-advised occult practices which had laid her open to forces about which she had no knowledge or protection. It was obvious to us that Eve was susceptible to such things, we had to make her understand, for her own safety.
We finished our coffee and drove to the small house where Ash lived, calling at my house on the way just so that I could get into some clean clothes. I had, of course, nothing at Beth's and she was two sizes smaller than me. I threw my old clothes off and put new clothes on in the space of two minutes and felt better able to face Eve. I did not know what to expect. I think in her shoes I would have been very angry with us. We let her to go into the rite without telling her what we thought. But Beth had been adamant that she must not know, and I had to trust her judgement in these matters, in which I was a novice.
Ash must have seen us pull up outside her pretty, white painted, house because she opened the door to us as we walked up the path. She stepped out to greet us, pulling the door closed, presumably so that Eve could not overhear.
"I'm so glad you're here," she said, "Eve seemed to sleep well but it's as though she's in a trance, she's not really talking, just sitting. I don't know what to do, I'm really worried that she's been harmed." Ash seemed on the verge of tears. Beth put her hands-on Ash's shoulders as though to steady her and she gained strength from the touch.
"Let's go and talk to her, "Beth said, and we followed Ash into the bright sitting room where Eve sat upright on the sofa, apparently in a daydream. I was shocked by her appearance. She wore only a thick white dressing gown and her skin was deathly pale apart from livid red wheals around the delicate wrists and ankles that protruded from the gown. What had we done to her? Ash and I looked at each other and I could see that she was thinking the same thing. Had we transgressed the most fundamental tenet of our code; to do no harm, to hurt no one? My heart was heavy with shame.
If Beth shared our concerns she did not show it. She wasted no time but knelt on the floor on front of Eve and looked carefully into her eyes. She picked up each of Eve's hands in turn and examined her wrists, then did the same with her feet, running her hands gently over her ankles.
She looked at Ash, "Have you any witchhazel?" She asked.
"Of course, I'll get it," she said and disappeared upstairs.
"Hazel, bring me a glass from that cupboard please," she ordered and I complied without question, retrieving a small crystal glass from the glass-fronted sideboard. "Sit here", Beth said, as I placed the glass into her outstretched hand. She fished a small bottle of amber liquid from her pocket and poured some into the glass. She asked the Goddess to bless the drink and wrapping Eve's cold fingers round the glass helped her raise it to her lips. Almost involuntarily she took a sip, and immediately started to cough and choke.
"What was that?" I asked as Eve spluttered and Beth patted her on the back.
"Fifty year old Brandy," Beth smiled, "I told you yesterday it's what you need after driving out Daemons."
To this day I don't know what was in the bottle, Beth insists it was just Brandy and I suppose everyone is entitled to their secrets but whatever it was it had worked its magic by the time Ash had returned with the witchhazel. The relief on her face when she saw the change in Eve was so comical that I burst out laughing. And, as so often, mirth provided the spiritual balm that is the souls ease.
Beth became business-like. "Eve, before we talk I need to look you over, you'll need to take your gown off for me, would you like the others to go?"
Eve smiled, "No need," she said, "there is not much of me that my sisters are not already familiar with."
"Can you stand?" Beth asked.
"Yes, of course," Eve replied and Beth helped her to her feet. She untied the belt of the gown and slipped out of it. Ash took it from her and Eve stood naked before us, beautiful, pale skinned Eve, still with the arcane signs of the ritual curling round her breasts and flowing across the softness of her belly to the tip of her labia.
Beth examined Eve carefully from head to toe, paying close attention to the henna tattoo with which she had been adorned. "Pop a foot on the sofa for me," Beth said, and Eve did as asked without demur. Beth ran her hands over Eve's thighs and examined her vulva carefully. "Are you in pain?" She asked.
"A little tender there, "Eve said, "and my wrists and ankles are quite sore.
Beth smiled, "I'm a little tender down there myself, if it makes you feel any better".
I blushed bright pink. I could feel the colour in my cheeks and I saw Ash looking at me, speculation written all over her face. I'd tell her about Beth and me as soon as I decently could. I knew she would be delighted.
"You'll soon mend," Beth said to Eve, "get dressed, we have a lot to talk about."
Ash passed the gown back to Eve and she put it on. Wrapping herself in its warm folds.
"I'm sorry to have to put you through that Eve," Beth said as we sat down. "I needed to make sure you were not hurt and to check that the signs were still intact. They are, and I am glad. If they had been disturbed I would have been worried for reasons that will become clear as we talk."
"We could do with some tea, " Ash said and headed off to the kitchen. She was right, tea was exactly what we needed. Beth sat next to Eve on the sofa.
"Give me your hands," she said. "This might sting a bit at first but it will help the healing," and she began to rub the witchhazel cream into Eve's sore wrists. "You do her ankles Hazel," Beth passed the cream to me and I knelt in front of Eve, lifting her feet onto my thighs. I rubbed the soothing ointment into the sore bands round her ankles and for good measure into her feet. It could only do her good. She sighed a little and closed her eyes, as our hands worked their healing magic.
Ash returned from the kitchen with four steaming mugs of tea and we sipped it gratefully, the gentle fragrance of bergamot reassuring and calming. Beth opened the conversation.
"Eve", she said, "a lot has happened over the last twenty four hours and I will explain it to the best of my understanding but first I need you to tell me your story. Please start by telling us what you saw, heard and felt last night."
Eve thought for a moment before beginning. "I was excited and a little nervous to start with. Of course I knew roughly what to expect, you told me some of it yourself on the day we first met and Ash and Willow spent hours with me so I knew about the symbolism, the history and the stages of the ceremony itself but not the detail of what was going to happen to me." She paused, as if wondering how much she should reveal.
"The truth is, the preparation on the day already had me in quite a state. I had been lovingly bathed by two beautiful sisters, my body covered in a heavenly oil, and then I lay naked while they painted this tattoo on my body. It was a highly erotic experience in its own right, so by the time we walked together into the chamber I was almost floating."
Ash looked as pleased as anything but did not interrupt Eve's flow.
"The whole experience last night was extraordinary; the chamber was incredible, and you were all so beautiful. I was surprised to be tied down, but then I was surprised by everything. I found things out about myself that I was not aware of.
"Like what?" Beth asked.
"Like how much I enjoyed you undressing me in front of all those people," she said, "I don't know where that urge came from, it's not like me. I look after my body and I'm proud of it, but I don't normally have a desire to show it to the crowd. "
"Anything else?" Beth continued to probe. Eve seemed suddenly abashed.
"Well something very strange. I had a kind of vision."
"Tell me about it," Beth spoke gently, encouraging Eve.
She spoke shyly, " It started off as a horrible nightmare. I was stumbling up a steep path, I was cold to my bones so that I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. I don't know where I was going but something drove me forward. I had no shoes and the stones hurt my feet and when I looked at them they were torn and bleeding. I could hear water ahead in the distance, but it was so dark I couldn't see anything. I only knew that if I stopped I would die. All I knew was that I had to reach the water, so I plodded on, crying with the pain. I had no sense of time passing so I don't know how long this went on but gradually I started to feel warmer and the darkness began to lift. I found I could walk freely, with no pain and my feet were somehow healed.
When I looked up I saw you, High Priestess. You were close by a lake at the head of a valley surrounded by mountains and alpine meadows full of flowers. It must have been early evening because the sun was low in the sky, and everything was suffused in a golden light. As you walked towards the lakeside, you were laughing and when you reached the shore you stripped off your clothes and ran into the lake, screaming at the cold as you entered the water. There was another woman with you, a tall woman with blond hair, standing on the shore laughing at you. You called her to come in, but she laughed even more and said you were mad. So you came out of the water, the golden light shimmering on your wet skin, and you chased her into the meadow, naked as you were. She let you catch her, and you almost tore the clothes from her body as you lay among the flowers and made love..."
She tailed off. I saw the tears in Beth's eyes, but she was not overcome by grief as she had been before.
"And then I seemed to wake up, it was as though I had been dreaming but I couldn't have fallen asleep, my whole body was alive and you were in me. I felt your tongue and lips like fire. I was consumed by it and just when I thought I couldn't take any more I felt as though something pierced my soul and I can think of no other word for it than ecstasy."
Eve paused, wide eyed with wonder, "Was that the Goddess?" Is that what it feels like?"
Beth sighed, "Yes it was Eve, your virginity was taken by the Goddess last night and you will never be the same. You have been blessed as few are in these days. Use that blessing wisely to heal and to bring love as the Goddess asks. You will have an opportunity to give thanks later this afternoon and we are grateful too to have seen and been part of the wonder. Eve I must ask you one more question and then I will try and explain the meaning of your vision, and also tell you what happened last night. Have you ever dabbled in the occult, holding seances, or any other similar activity?"
"Never." Eve was emphatic. "I know of the danger of such things I would never play around with them."
"Are you sure?" Beth asked, sounding very surprised.
"Positive, "Eve sounded certain, "why do you ask?"
Beth ignored her question. "Have you ever had a vision before, like you did last night?"
"Not like last night," Eve replied, "the only thing that came close is that I had an 'out-of-body' experience once, a few years ago when I was very ill. I almost died in fact."
"Tell me about that?" Beth asked, and listened intently as Eve told her story.
"I had viral meningitis," she said, "it came on very suddenly. I woke up one morning with a terrible headache and within an hour had collapsed and was rushed to hospital. I don't remember very much about it but apparently it was touch-and- go, and I was unconscious for two or three days. All I remember is having the feeling of floating above my body. I could see the room and the nurses and a lot of equipment with wires and tubes going into my arms. There was a tunnel with a very bright light at the end of it and I felt drawn to it, but something held me back. Then everything went black and when I woke up I felt terrible with a blinding headache, but they told me I was over the worst and would make a full recovery, and they were right. Here I am."
"When and where were you then?" Beth asked the question, the answer to which I already knew.
"It would have been about four years ago in Mount Ashmore hospital."
I looked at Beth and she nodded.
"Would it have been around August time?" she asked.
"Why yes, how do you know that?" Eve confirmed what I already guessed. And I could see that, for Beth, the last piece of the jigsaw had just been slotted into place.
"It's rather a long story," said Beth. "Ash I think we'd like another pot of tea." She took the little bottle of so-called brandy out of her pocket and held it up. "And I think there's enough of this left to add a just a little restorative magic to all four cups."
I left Beth and Eve in the sitting room, and helped Ash wash up and prepare fresh tea. I wanted to leave them alone in case there was something that they needed to say to each other that they may feel constrained to say in front of others. The moment Ash got me in the kitchen, she shut the door and quizzed me. "What's going on between you and Beth? Something's happened hasn't it?"
I told her about Beth and I, and I thought she was going suffocate me, she hugged me so tight. Her face was a picture, tears of happiness ran down her face.
"Long, long overdue, what kept you?" She was hugging me one minute, scolding me the next. I hardly knew which way was up.
When I could breathe again, I said, "What do you mean, what kept us? It only really happened last night."
"You do talk nonsense sometimes Hazel," she was laughing. "It's been obvious since not long after poor Sarah's passing that you two are made for each other. All the sisters know it. I should have started a book on it like those scoundrel twins suggested."
I was flabbergasted. "Are you trying to tell me that you lot have been gossiping about your High Priestess and your Lore Mistress behind their back for three years, without a shred of evidence? May the Goddess forgive you. You..." But I couldn't think of any words to express the depth of my love and gratitude to my beautiful sisters, so I just burst into tears, fell into the warmth of Ash's embrace and told her that I loved them all, over and over again. And she cried too and got my hair all wet with tears so it was a sorry looking pair that returned to the sitting room, brimming over with joy and tea.
Beth looked at us, "What on earth have you two been doing?" she smiled, as if it wasn't obvious by the skip in our step. "Oh, never mind, pass me the tea and I'll add a little magic," and she shared the contents of her bottle between the four mugs.
Beth began her tale. "Some of what I am about to tell you will come as a surprise Eve, and I will answer whatever questions you have, but you must also know that some things are known only to the Goddess, we cannot know the true answer.
Four years ago, while you were close to death, my partner Sarah died of cancer in the same hospital. While her death was anticipated - she had, after all, a rapidly progressing terminal illness - she had been expected to live for several weeks longer. In fact, she was in hospital only for a short period of palliative treatment. I was not with her at the time she died and so I never had a chance to say goodbye. I know that somehow Sarah's' soul entered your body. Why? I can't know, but I suspect her need to say goodbye to me, or to allow me to say goodbye to her was so great she found a way to 'stay behind' as it were. This has something to do with your out-of-body experience, but it is not something I can explain."
Beth paused, wiping away a tear. She took a sip of tea and that seemed to restore her. Ash and I were simply weeping silently, as Beth re-lived her pain. I vowed that, if I could help it, it would be for the last time.
"I know it was Sarah, because of your vision. During the rite you experienced one of Sarah's memories. It was in the Italian alps, not from Monte Bianco, we had been walking up one of the side valleys and came upon a lake, just as the sun was going down. I swam, Sarah refused to come into the water, and we made love in the alpine meadow, under the sky." Beth paused again.
"It was the first time we made love," she said quietly.
"What about the nightmare part of the vision?" Eve asked. What memory of Sarah's was that?
"I was coming on to that," Beth composed herself. "That was not Sarah. Somehow, and probably at the same time, a dark spirit also entered your body. I don't know how it came to be within you, or its exact nature and purpose, other than to say such forces are always malign. You may, on looking back be able to discern its influence over you. However, I believe that its purpose was probably frustrated by Sarah's presence and that its possession will have no lasting effects."
Beth looked at Eve closely, Eve seemed deep in thought. "I know this is probably rather a lot to take in," she said.
"I was wondering what ill effects the horrible thing might have caused. I just can't think," she said, sounding worried, as well she might.
"This might sound like an odd question," said Beth, "but why were you still virgin until last night?"
Eve thought for a moment, "something always held me back," she said. "Sometimes right at the last minute. I have never felt able to let anyone penetrate me, or even bring me to orgasm, even though I love my body being touched and I am happy to bring myself to a climax and do so quite frequently."
"That might be one of the effects," Beth said. "A malevolent spirit might well attempt to frustrate the fulfilment of loving relationships. They are the work of the Goddess and the dark forces ever seek to counter them. If so, the daemon was ultimately the cause of its own demise, for had you not been a virgin you could not have been our Chosen One and its banishment would have been at best delayed, and at worst avoided. This is the way of the Goddess, using the very machinations of the evil ones to accomplish their undoing. But I am speculating beyond my knowledge and can only tell you what I surmise."
"Let us talk about the rite itself," Beth moved the conversation forward. "When we first met I saw that you were possessed, and I thought by Sarah but I also perceived something of the dark spirit in you. And now I must apologise. I decided to proceed with the ritual, knowing this, but without telling you what I suspected. In my defence it did not occur to me that both Sarah and some other spirit could reside in the one person. But it is to my shame that in my arrogance I did not seek guidance from those more learned than me. It is by the grace and blessing of the Goddess that all has come right."
Eve interrupted, "High Priestess, your apology is not needed. My heart tells me that you were guided by the Goddess in this and if these marks around my wrists and ankles are the price to be paid to be my own soul again then I count myself fortunate."
Beth nodded her head, sadly, "and yet there is more for which I must ask your forgiveness. At the crux of the rite, as your orgasm approached, the dark force was expelled. You experienced that through the dark vision you related earlier. Thanks to the magical hands of sister Hazel, the power of my own orgasm was sufficient to expel the Daemon, but to banish it, I withdrew the Athame, with which I had already partially penetrated you. You were on the cusp of orgasm, but you did not reach your climax. It was at that point you received the burns from your bonds. The daemon attempted to resist expulsion by forcing your body out of the sacred circle. I knew that this was always a possibility, and that is why I had you bound to the altar. Those ties caused hurt to you for which I am deeply sorry, but they preserved your life. The signs that Ash and Willow painted so lovingly on your, body also served to prevent the spirit from re-entering you. That is why I needed to see them earlier, to make sure they were intact. Had they not been I would have been worried that the daemon was yet within you. Happily, there is no sign and I am sure you a free of it.
When I saw the shadow. I believed that the daemon had misled me into believing that it was Sarah whose soul was co-resident with yours. Now looking back, I was blinded and a fool. For what purpose would a spirit attempt such a subterfuge? I was bound to try and free the spirit of my lost love and so come into direct conflict with it. Perhaps it believed it could overpower me and be freed to roam the earthly plane. I know nothing of its foul motivation but I should not have abandoned you to my own self-pity." Beth bowed her head. and this time I was unable to think of a way to lighten her load.
Eve spoke again. "And yet I achieved a climax which lifted me to the heavens and from which even now my body still tingles, how did that happen?"
"It was your sister Hazel, Eve. It was she, not I, who freed Sarah, bringing you the vision of our sojourn by the lake. And when you returned to reality, Sarah having departed, it was her lips and tongue that initiated the sacred climax and raised the fire within you, and her penetration with the Athame that took your virginity and allowed the Goddess to enter you.
Eve looked at me with eyes wide. "Is this true?" She said.
"It is partly true," I said. "It is true that the High Priestess was overcome for a few minutes and that she calls it self-pity and is ashamed. But it is also true that she expended her energy extravagantly to first expel and then banish the daemon that was within you and that she then recovered herself so as to enable you and I to simultaneously climax. Neither of our orgasm's alone would have been enough to free Sarah, nor would the Goddess have been able to fulfil you so completely. I was the earthly agent of your climax it is true, but I was but a channel, guided by the High Priestess and the Goddess and you must thank them both without reserve. You are truly Chosen and have been from the beginning by forces beyond our human understanding."
And then, to my eternal shame, and to this day my face burns when I think about it, I could not help adding, "and now that Sarah has left your body, I'd love to know whether you still fantasise about having your toes sucked."
Even Beth had to laugh, and I knew that she and Eve would need to talk more in private but that apart from some minor abrasions we had done no harm. We had much to be thankful for and so we set off to the thanksgiving ceremony in which I was to be newly named Oak with love in our hearts. And, in Ash, an ill-concealed desire to tell the sisters that the budding love they had long observed between their High Priestess and Hazel, Lore Mistress was now in full and glorious flower.
And that is the story of how Hazel became Oak, how a trapped soul was freed and how I found my soul-mate all on one eventful all hallows eve. May the Goddess protect you. | literotica |
By that point, it was both hopeless and pointless to try and pretend things were fine, or anywhere remotely close to it. Her bra was barely there, she could feel her chest swelling after tapping into her arousal, and the amount of people coming closer to the front door was enough to get her to curse beneath her breath, only to place both hands over her mouth as if trying to capture the words before they floated too freely. Despite it all, Kurimi still managed to put on a brave face and a slightly-fractured smile, even when the person in the front of the line was very clearly not looking at her face.
A moment of awkward silence followed, where both of them tried to pretend like the obvious wasn’t happening. The customer, a kobold who needed to carry around a small bench just to reach the top of the counter, had her eyes darting between the engorged set of milkers in front of her and the tipping jar. On occasion, she’d look up at the poster, and it was obvious her mind was struggling to accept what was going on in front of her; the math was obvious, the result… not that believable. Maybe it was just a trick, an illusion, but it was one the ‘bold wanted to see happen.
Despite Kurimi’s weak protestations, the customer opened her wallet and dropped a twenty in the jar, taking care to do it as far away from the feline as possible while still technically holding her place in the line. The cat herself could do naught but stare as the bill slowly made its way down to join its brethren, there to mock her and make an already terribly embarrassing day even “worse”. She wanted to feel bad about it, but it was hard to do so when her brain was being told, in no uncertain terms, that she was supposed to be enjoying that to its fullest extent. Her tongue practically lolled out of her mouth when the next growth burst hit, leaving her feeling tight on the outside just as much as within, at least until the straps on her bra gave up and her bust was set free. Already it was flowing freely, small spouts of cream erupting from her surprisingly-large nipples, creating two small streams of milk that ran onto the ground in front of the counter.
Then, the growth. Or the filling, rather; whatever was happening to her wasn’t the usual, or perhaps it was just that, but magnified a thousandfold. It was hard to tell when she could barely keep her mouth shut or throat from making undignified noises; all Kurimi knew at that moment was that her breasts were swelling again, bloating with their bounty and taking up an increasingly large share of the space in front of her. She was sweating, shaking and felt an intense need to scream, and yet the words “stop” or “no more” seemed to be mysteriously vacant from her vocabulary, replaced with a dozen synonyms for “more” or “bigger”. Her sheer, unfettered embarrassment had peaked and then gone over, a stack overflow of milky proportions that sent her careening back to needing what was going on with her. If she had control of her voice, Kurimi might just have asked people to put money in the jar; as it stood though, she felt that cycling through the alphabet one and a half times was good enough..
For now, of course.
The kobold signalled for the next person in line to walk up, having decided to serve herself by hopping onto the counter and grabbing herself a cup from behind it, then just sitting underneath one of the milky waterfalls and enjoying a good drink, having figured that it was just normal for that place to work like that. Most of the people waiting to be served were either regulars who came at that hour or people who were otherwise aware of the cat’s proclivities for growth, hence why none of them were all that impressed or surprised at the obviously unsanitary display in front of them. In fact, given the context, they all probably assumed it was above board, hence why they seemed perfectly content with throwing even more cash into the jar without even thinking, the feline’s weak complaints not nearly enough to convince them to stop.
It was for the good of the establishment, after all.
There was no more concern left in Kurimi’s mind for actually doing her job; if people wanted to be served, they could grab a glass and get busy, much like the kobold under the counter did. If they wanted any food to go along with it, she excused herself and made up something about “running a special” that day, giving the folks in the kitchen a reason to watch as her bust continued to grow out of control. The rivulets of milk had turned into small spouts, arching slightly before splattering loudly onto the floor and making a mess of the place, while the counter itself groaned under the combined weight of who knows how many gallons of milk a whole lot of breastflesh. From her vantage point behind it, Kurimi could see it start to crack in multiple spots, though given how her breasts were already too large for her to see over them, that was the least of her concerns.
Then again, what was she to do? Moving from her place was impossible, as was getting anyone to help her do that; though the cat wasn’t actually carrying them, she could feel the weight of those milktanks just by trying to pull back on them, and knew damn well no one in that building would ever be able to lift them. And she’d be damned if she let anyone but the staff touch her bust like that. No, she was well and truly stuck there, unable to do anything about the constant influx of customers who thought it was funny to offer a comment or two about how stuffed she looked before dropping even more money into the tipping jar. At least the nominal aim of that thing was being achieved; there were probably a few hundred bucks there already, though it was probably going to go towards repairing damages and cleaning the floor.
Mostly the damage, given what happened next.
It all took place in such quick succession that, even looking back with the benefit of hindsight, Kurimi still couldn’t piece everything back together. In one moment she was fine (for a given value of “fine”), the counter was in its place, her bust was swelling faster than ever and the sloshing was getting overpowered by the odd sounds of wood splintering and something creaking heavily. In the next, not only was she on her knees, not only were her breasts on the floor, not only was the milk starting to pool over and around her… but the counter was gone. And she was almost certain she was going to have to pay that out of pocket; either that or tapping into the tipping jar, thus invalidating the whole point of that exercise.
If that weren’t enough, her chest was swelling at an increasingly faster pace, to the point where sizes she’d once considered to be her absolute biggest breezed by without a thought for what she might think. Kurimi was forced to watch as her bust began to concentrate most of her body mass, the rest of her being little more than a feline accoutrement on a pair of milk makers that dominated a large chunk of the diner’s floor. Her face was bright red enough that it could probably be seen in the dark, and for just a moment, she snapped herself back to reality.
“They’re… g-good lord, they’re so big,” she mumbled to herself, perhaps not as quietly as she might’ve hoped, “they have to be done growing right… right…?”
Kurimi was unsure who exactly she was asking that of. Perhaps part of her hoped that by verbalizing the thought then her breasts would stop growing. Perhaps most of her hoped that the exact opposite happened, even if she’d never admit to such a thing. Only one thing was for certain: she was no longer in control. Her body was the smallest part of her now, affixed to a pair of breasts large enough that she could use them as body pillow, too full to really be snuggled up against, too sensitive to even be touched. And yet she could do naught but touch them, rub them, press them, knead them, milk them, not knowing if she did so for the sake of emptying out or enjoying herself for as long as that growth burst lasted. Perhaps it was a mixture of all those things, and the cat had lost the ability to make sense of things.
Maybe she liked it. Maybe she wanted more of it. Maybe she pointed out that the tip jar was still intact. The only certainty was that of increasing weight, the mounting pressure and increasing amount of fluffy, overstuffed fur she had to splay herself on. To a certain point, she did worry about any damage that might’ve happened, seeing as the counter had broken underneath her, but it was slightly difficult to really care that much when one’s bosom was filled and swollen to the degree hers was, and when the many customers pouring in were already having to be careful not to move in front of her.
The milk wasn’t yet being jettisoned out of her tits, but that didn’t mean it was safe to stand anywhere near her; the ground was a complete mess of running cream, the drains were just then activating, and a few of the people around her began to wonder if there would be an end to the madness. Most of them probably assumed it was all part of a plan, given the announcement on the wall, but surely if it was nothing but a publicity stunt, then Kurimi’s face shouldn’t be as bright red as the tip of her ears, both of which were bordering on the incandescent, even shining through her sweat-matted coat of fur. Surely, if everything was under control, this employee wouldn’t be throatily moaning about how good it was to be so full, or how she wanted more, or a whole number of things that made the most impressionable among them start blushing almost as furiously as the cat was.
It was impossible to tell if the growth was being caused by the weird, self-feeding psychological effect of the tipping jar, assuming such a thing existed at all in the first place, or by her breasts having gone into full production overdrive mode. Very rarely did she lose control of them to that degree, and every other instance had been somewhere private, where the main perpetrator could at least help her milk herself down after they were done teasing her about their size and milkiness; in a public setting, not only did she not trust anyone to do that, but there wasn’t any convenient brake to stop her from just carrying on like there was no tomorrow. Not that the cat particularly cared, of course; every second introduced her to a new world of sensations she never thought achievable, in ways she’d never imagined and in the most direct way possible. She felt her spine being overloaded with confusing signals, the pain of having to bend herself to accommodate for her growing breasts mixing in with every neuron on their surface flaring whenever they rubbed against the floor or gained another inch. It clouded her mind and left it an incomprehensible mess, until all she could do was moan, pant heavily and gasp for breath, all while her weak, not-at-all genuine protestations turned into demands for a bigger, fuller bust, occasionally mumbled underneath her breath, mostly spoken loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.
It had to end, though. Her body still had its limits, even if not in size; after enough time, her breasts simply grew large enough to be able to output about as much as they were making, creating this odd balance whereby they still tried to bloat to even larger dimensions, but found themselves capable of venting all of her excess cream. Not exactly the best for the lust-addled feline attached to them, but it gave everyone else in the room enough time to think about what to do next. They could carry on like nothing happened, accept that it was just a normal thing that happened in the establishment… or they could actively attempt to feed it even more; the tipping jar, against all odds, was still intact, despite having been shoved onto the ground a few minutes before.
So it was that whoever was left dug deep into their wallets, finding whatever cash they still had in there, and began throwing it into the glass container. None of it really did anything for Kurimi; her body had reached its apex, and despite her having surrendered to the notion that she would keep on growing forever, insisted on remaining stable. To say this was immensely disappointing would be an understatement; after several minutes passed with no changes to her breasts’ size whatsoever, a few of her patrons began to eye the tipping jar suspiciously, perhaps wondering if they could get away with retrieving some money off the top without anyone noticing, even if most were content with admiring the piece of art that was the cat’s bosom. Kurimi, meanwhile, was having an entirely different experience altogether.
Unbeknownst to everyone else present, the tipping was having an effect on her, just one that wasn’t immediately visible. Though initially she was too occupied trying to find where she left her ability to breathe properly, and then had to spend some time moaning to herself about how amazing it felt to have a literal bed of milky udders, she began to notice something strange, something she had never felt before. The pressure was still there, as usual, but there was something… more. A strength, a seed, building up inside of her, within each milky breast, growing greater in power while remaining the same, infinitesimally small size; it was an idea more than anything, an anticipation, the knowledge that it was going to do something. It took until those tiny pinpricks began to emanate large shockwaves inside of her for the cat to put two and two together, only then realizing that what she was feeling was another growth spurt… and a big one, judging from how much she was rumbling. It was odd that no one else seemed to see it, because those tits of hers were absolutely quivering and vibrating enough for her to feel it.
Not that it was the only odd thing she felt.
The sense of impending doom wasn’t circumscribed to her chest; while at first it might’ve been focused there, the same kind of budding pressure crash, the exact same mounting warmth turned to unbearable heat began to spread through her torso and towards her backside. Pitifully undersized compared to the mounds on her chest, part of her welcomed the change; would be nice to have an ass that was at least half as big as her tits, even if it meant tearing through her uniform. Wasn’t until the reality of the situation hit her that Kurimi began to actually panic: there wasn’t any room for her.
Frantically, she begged for her customers to leave, tripping and tumbling over her words before finding the correct sequence of noises that imparted upon them the urgency of getting out of dodge before her body went completely crazy. Many failed to understand, though they wisely decided to follow the minority that got the idea and ran as fast as they could towards the exit. Just in time as well; the moment the last person closed the door behind them, Kurimi allowed the floodgates to open, having been exercising the last remaining shreds of willpower to stop everyone around her from getting smothered against a wall.
… though that was an interesting thought.
That momentary distraction was all it took. Time ceased to mean anything as the monumental energy stored inside of her burst forth in every direction, coming in waves that each added so much size and weight to her bust and rear that even the feline couldn’t keep track of it. She was just vaguely aware of the sounds of the rest of the counter being turned into splinters, the chairs and tables scraping against the floor as they were pushed to opposite sides of the room, the shouting and screaming coming from behind her as the rest of the staff worked to lock every door to the backroom areas. The main dining floor was her turf now, hers to expand into and bloat over, to occupy and turn into her playground-cum-prison. And she was fine with that; so long as it kept coming, packaged in the overwhelming combination of pressure, pain and raw pleasure that it had been, she couldn’t care less.
Perhaps an hour had passed. Her growth began to falter, the spurt having run out of fuel sometime after she felt the room itself begin to press on her from every direction. One breast and cheek to one wall, the others on the opposite side feeling the exact same, the ceiling just barely grazing her body. She was locked in place, unable to move, squeezed on one side by half a room’s worth of tits, on the other by a similarly-sized volume of soft asscheeks. It was heaven for her, especially when everything in front of her was producing the most delicious, constant sloshing sound, smooth waves on a warm shore… except significantly more arousing, for one hopes to be obvious reasons.
The thought of getting out of there didn’t cross her mind. And neither did the issue of how her ass was going to be shrunk. All that mattered was it was finally over, and she deserved some rest.
A cat nap. | yiff-extreme |
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, floating
Text: Kim walked along Pacificana Avenue with a confident stride, for she knew that she definitely was qualified for one of best surf teams out there, the Venusian Wave Riders. She heard that the all-girl club had sort of an elitist attitude, but she figured they were always like that towards novices. As she turned left down an alley and headed towards the end, she spotted the small wood house at the end. When she got there, she checked the address. "2345, this is it!' she happily remarked. She knocked on the door and waited for one of the club members to open the door and welcome her in.
After a brief moment the door opened and a tall blonde-haired green eyed girl in a white Quicksilver shirt and blue Hawaiian board shorts answered.
"You're Kim, right?" The girl calmly inquired.
"That's me! Is everyone here?"
"They sure are! Come on in! We're waiting for you!"
The blonde led Kim into the house and lead her towards the main meeting room of the little bungalow. It was a small house, but it was very well kept up. Just before Kim and the girl entered the meeting room, Kim noticed a large display case full of trophies. She was astonished by how many were crammed into it. The awards came from many major surfing competitions, from Hawaii to Fiji, to Huntington Beach. She also noticed that they were all first or grand prizes, so she knew that these girls were definitely top-class material in the surfing world.
Following the blonde into the meeting room, the slender dark-haired tan-skinned Chinese-American swished her short shiny jet-black hair and was almost blinded by the light coming in through the large windows of the room. The end of the large room had three large windows which gave a view of the beautiful public beach and the waves constantly creeping in and crashing on shore while tourists, swimmers, and little kids wandered around on the dry white sand.
Five girls were already seated on a large couch and discussed tactics for surfing during harsh weather; they all immediately stopped and noticed Kim and the blonde.
"Ladies, may I present to you Kim Lung, our newest recruit!"
"Hello! How are you?"
"Pretty good." Mumbled a blue-eyed tall blonde sitting at the far end.
"So, we've got some fresh meat here again?" Wise-cracked the red-head sitting next to her.
"Kim, here are the members of our prestigious club." The green-eyed blonde began to introduce the girls.
"At the end here we have Shelly Strummers, she took the gold at the Fiji International invitational back in 2000."
The blonde Shelly nodded casually towards the girl's introduction, obviously not to flattered with it.
"Next to her is Courtney Lakes, she won in both Maui and Australia this summer."
"Eh, it was nothin', I coulda' done better." Courtney sarcastically remarked.
"Also we have here Jenny Collins, she's our PR girl and winner of last month's Surf-o-Rama 2002."
"Meh." slurred the slumped brunette sitting at the other far end.
"Next to her..." The blonde continued. "...is Mandy Drakes, the 'Terrific Tuber' as the paper calls her."
"Hey, who said you could call me that?" the raven-haired Mandy rebutted.
"And last but not least, we have our club leader, Tiffany Howland! She's the best surfer of us all! She's won too many competitions to discuss right now."
"But of course." Tiffany smiled.
"And I am Tracy Hayes! Welcome to the club Kim."
"Ahem Tracy." Tiffany coughed and stood up. "Remember, she isn't a part of us yet."
"Oh, sorry. I'm just a bit excited that we have a new member in the club."
"Oh, no need to apologize Tracy." Tiffany slyly grinned and looked towards Kim. "She needs to give us a display of her prowess."
"I'll be glad to Tiffany!" Kim chirped. "But all I brought was my wetsuit and my snorkeling gear in my bag here. I wasn't expecting to surf today, I thought we were just having a meeting."
"Well Kim..." Shelly stood up and walked towards Kim "Shouldn't a surfer always be prepared to prove their worth?"
"Uh, I guess." Kim stuttered. She felt somewhat uneasy around this imposing group.
"I guess we can lend you a board." Jenny said.
"Now get dressed and be prepared to shred some waves, that is if you can." Tiffany snidely demanded. All the girls except for Tracy and Kim laughed.
As Kim squeezed into her full-body black wetsuit within the dressing room, she wondered if she was really comfortable with this club.
"They seem sort of competitive and bossy, but I guess that's what you need to be when you surf at their level!" Kim pondered
After she suited up and grabbed one of the boards in the equipment shack, Kim walked towards the beach to meet the girls.
"Well it's about time slowpoke!" Mandy hollered. "It's freezing out here!"
"So Kim, ready to prove yourself?" Said Tiffany.
"Am I ever!"
Kim ran towards the surf excitedly and splashed into the water with a large splash when she reached deeper depths. She swam around scouting out for some waves to catch. Finally she found a nice large one just beginning to swell up about ten meters away. Kim briskly swam alongside the expanding watery hump and right when it began to peak and crash at one end, Kim stood upon her board, balanced herself, and rode the wave. She rode it for quite a distance, skillfully weaving around and slicing alongside the churning wall of seawater. Her wet black hair swung and flapped around in the wind and her shiny black wetsuit glistened in the late-morning sun. She felt absolutely thrilled.
Finally after a half hour of catching waves and riding them, she swam back towards shore and the girls. Tracy ran towards Kim clapping her hands.
"Wow! That was incredible Kim! You really cut through those waves like hell!"
"Thanks Tracy. I come out here when I can. I find new ways of taming the waves everyday."
"So girls!" Tracy turned towards the five. "What do you think?"
The five girls looked at each other seriously, Jenny let a crooked smile cross her lips briefly and Tiffany spoke up.
"Well, we all discussed your 'moves' out there Kim. And unfortunately, we don't think you're fit for our club."
"What!?" Kim gasped. "But, I didn't wipe out once out there! And did you see that big tube that I rode?"
"You flew through a tube? Didn't catch that one." Courtney sarcastically snarled.
"As you can see, you might have done some moves that could have impressed us, but unfortunately, we didn't. We were too busy talking about other things during your performance."
"But..." Tears were beginning to well up in Kim's eyes.
"After seeing your mediocre performance out there, we probably wouldn't have missed much.
Kim was flabbergasted. She felt this dark blob of grief fill her heart. It almost felt like it caused it to stop pumping. She dropped the surfboard and ran away, trying to fight back the tears filling her eyes so nobody would see her cry.
"Well, she took it better than some of the others who came this week." chortled Shelly.
"Good riddance, we're fine as we are right now. And with our current winning streak, we wouldn't want her mediocrity spoiling our perfect record." Tiffany said.
"Well, shall we go back girls? I could use some lunch." Everyone nodded in agreement with Tiffany, except for Tracy who just stood away from the group, disgusted by their blatant snubbing of Kim.
"So Tracy, how about you? Wanna' come by the burger joint with us?" Courtney asked.
"I've lost my appetite." Tracy then turned away and walked towards the direction where Kim ran off.
"Hmph, what bit her in the ass?" Jenny remarked.
Kim lay face down on her bed, sobbing uncontrollably into her pillow. She was absolutely heartbroken by the cruel refusal by the Venusian Wave Riders.
"They never gave me a chance. Why did they have to be so heartless?" Thought Kim.
She kept crying into her pillow until she heard a knock at her door.
Kim jumped up quickly, but she sunk back down into her bed. A voice called out.
"Kim! It's me, Tracy! Can I come in?"
"Are you going to embarrass me any more? If not, you can just leave!" Kim shouted.
"Kim! Please listen to me! Let's talk about this! I'm totally sorry about what happened. Those girls had no right to insult you the way they did out there!"
Kim wiped her teary red face and got off her bed. She opened the door and welcomed Tracy into her little apartment room.
"Kim, I'm so sorry about what happened." Tracy wrapped her arms around Kim and gave her a reassuring hug.
"But why? Why did they reject me?" Kim pleaded.
"Well, I guess there's many things I can say about those girls, but I'll choose a simple explanation here, they're bitches."
"No duh." Kim grumbled.
"By the way Kim, you're still in your wetsuit." Tracy pointed out.
"I know. I was so sad that I just rushed here and immediately started crying in bed."
"I can understand, I'd cry too if I were you. Mind if I sit down Kim?" "Sure." Kim pointed out a beanbag chair near her bed and Tracy sat down.
"Kim, as you can tell, the girls in my club aren't exactly the most open group on this beach, in fact they've turned down a bunch of great surfers like you."
"Yeah, they were all good, but I think you were the best one yet! Compared to the skills of the girls, you could easily match those sluts."
"I still can't believe they turned me down."
"They're really paranoid about losing their winning streak, and they really want to keep it going."
"Hmmph, well I bet they're actually crappy surfers themselves!"
"Well, they are good, but I've never seen any of them do that perfect run you did out there."
"Can you do something to let me in?"
"Why? They'll just make you feel horrible, plus they'll never accept you."
"I see."
Tracy and Kim sat silent for a minute, until Tracy spoke up with a bright look her face.
"Hee hee, I'd love to see those jerks get humiliated big time at one of those 'high and mighty' meets they show off at."
"Me too." Kim concurred.
"Hey! We should pull a prank on them! Something that will really screw them over!"
"I don't want to hurt them." Kim said. "Oh we won't hurt them, but we will ruffle their feathers though! But what can we do to embarrass in front of everyone here?"
"Well, maybe we can, uh, wait." Kim wrinkled her nose a bit and started sniffling.
"Gotta sneeze?"
"Yeah, it's a bi... i.... Ah... ah.. ahhhhhh!" Just before Kim could sneeze, she lifted up her wetsuit's neckline and put her mouth towards the opening.
Kim's wetsuit swelled up a bit from the sneeze that entered it.
"Bless you!" Tracy excused.
Kim felt funny with the air that she blew into her suit.
"Huh, that was weird. Good thing I didn't sneeze harder, or I might have blown myself up like a balloon! Hah!"
"That's it!" Tracy shouted!
"What's what?"
"The suits! Blow them up like balloons! We can blow their wetsuits up!"
"Whose wetsuits?" Suddenly Kim realized what Tracy was talking about.
"Ohhhh, I see! Now that would be funny!"
"Just think how freaked out they'd get when their suits started inflating like rubber party balloons!"
"They wouldn't be able to move! It'd just be like a cartoon!"
"Or even better yet, fill them up with helium!"
"Oh yeah! Then they'd float away! That'd be a hoot!"
"And you know what Kim? We can do it! With this upcoming surf meet on Saturday, the brats are going to be modeling these new neoprene/latex hybrid suits for this company. They are supposed to be ultra-flexible and stretchy!"
"Oo! Even better! Also my father works on these special compressed gas pellets for these companies! I'll see if he's got some that release helium!"
"How much can they let out?"
"A lot! These girls are gonna' be really big if we stuck them inside their suits."
"Excellent Kim! You think we can do this by Saturday? We've got only two days?"
"I'm sure I can nab the pellets tonight!"
"And I can sneak them into their wetsuits before they slip them on! How big are they?"
"They are really small, which is quite amazing for the amount of gas they hold. They are the size of a tiny pebble and can hold about 20 psi. I don't think they'll notice them."
"So, you wanna' do it?"
"You bet I do!"
"All right then! These brats will be flying over the waves higher than they ever could hope for. Heh heh."
It was a sunny Saturday morning at Pacificana Beach. A large crowd had gathered for the big surfing event. People from all over the state had come to compete and strut their stuff on the waves. Courtney, Shelly, Mandy, Jenny, and Tiffany were standing around under their tarp, being interviewed by a news crew.
"So Tiffany, what do you think of these state-of-the-art Soothex Wetsuits?"
A reporter questioned the group of girls whom were clad from toe to neck in the glossy black rubber suits. The suits even had mitts and booties on them, and there were no seams whatsoever to be seen on them. They had the sleek dark-blue Soothex logo spread along the side of the right thigh.
"We love them Rick! We think any serious surfer should definitely consider these suits, especially since they show off our wonderful figures so well!"
"And that's one of the main reason's we're selling them! Plus they are designed for maximum comfort and flexibility. They are air-tight too, so that no water can seep in and hinder your movement!"
"We the Venusian Wave Riders support these news suits 100% Rick! And we're happy you chose us to test them out."
"We're glad that you stepped up to the challenge! Plus since you're all such fine surfers, we'll get a lot of attention!"
"Well, its time for us to shred those waves in half. Ready girls?"
"Uh Tiffany? I feel something in my suit. Something really tiny, but round." Shelly spoke out.
"Don't worry, some sand probably got into your suit while you were changing. I feel a little something too. Besides, we don't want to delay our electrifying performancy any more."
The girls picked up their boards and walked towards the surf. People in the audience took notice of the five girls all dressed in the shiny wetsuits. Some of the wilder guys in the crowd wolf-whistled and hooted at them.
Meanwhile, behind a lifeguard tower, Kim and Tracy watched the action.
"Well, this is it! Shall you do the honors Kim?"
"With pleasure." Kim smiled as she picked up a control device with an antenna and clicked the single button on it. She giggled with glee as she pushed the button."
Suddenly all the girls stopped dead in their tracks just as a loud hissing sound began to emit from their suits. All but Tiffany dropped their board and started feeling themselves.
"Wha, what's goin' on!?" Jenny panicked
"There's something filling my suit! It feels like, gas!" Mandy yelled.
The suits began to noticeably bulge out. The feminine curvy figures began to plump out like hot dogs in a microwave. All the girls could do was gawk and gasp at their expanding wetsuits.
"Holy crap! Our suits are blowing up like balloons!" Jenny screamed.
"Noooo! My figure!" The vain Shelly yelped.
"How's this happening? Somebody please stop it! Stoooooop!" Courtney yelled out in futility.
All Tiffany could do was stare down at the ever-expanding mass of black rubber that was her wetsuit. She was sweating bullets and thinking...
"And to think, they're getting all this on TV."
The TV cameras near the crowd were catching every second of the wetsuits inflating. All people in the stands could do was gawk at the spectacle. Most people thought this was some wacky PR stunt, most of the surfer dudes and beach bums just said 'Woah' ad infinitum.
The wetsuits' midsections were now bulging out into well-rounded spheres with a circumference of at least three feet. The legs and the arms were also swelling into plump weenie-balloon shapes. All the girls could do now was waddle around helplessly and cry out for help that wouldn't come.
"For cryin' out loud! Why won't those damn idiots do anything!? We're inflating dammit!" Screamed Tiffany as she finally dropped her surfboard.
By now their had expanded to at least seven feet in diameter, by now the arms and legs of the suits were so plumped up or absorbed into the expanding sphere of the suit that mobility was impossible.
Finally, before the girls could lose their balance, they started to float up into the air.
"Oh shoot! We're filling up with HELIUM!" Cried Jenny.
The sound of hissing gas began to quiet down, the gas within the pellets inside the suits were almost depleted, but by now the suits had inflated from a human shape into a comical ball shape, with little puffy dents for arms and legs, and puffed up feet and hands and their tips. The girls now looked like human balloons, floating away from the warm sand of the beach.
"I don't wanna' float away!" screamed Shelly.
"We're never going to get down!" added Mandy.
"For gods sake! Somebody grab us!" Tiffany pleaded to the crowd.
Some people, once they saw the ballooned girls lift off the ground, tried to run towards them and grasp any part of their spherical bodies, but even the people closest to them couldn't grab them. The ones under them tried jumping up and nabbing the pneumatic females, but their efforts were futile.
Tiffany, Jenny, Mandy, Shelly, and Courtney kept screaming and yelling for help as they floated higher and higher into the beautiful cloudless Saturday day over the beach. As Tiffany floated away, she caught sight of two girls hiding out behind a lifeguard tower on the beach. They were both on the ground in stitches, laughing at the embarrassing predicament of her and the team.
"Bye bye girls! Send us a postcard! Via airmail of course! Ha ha ha!" giggled Tracy.
"Remember to send us some nice aerial shots of your vacation spots too!" added Kim.
"So where do you think they'll fly off to Kim?"
"Hopefully somewhere far. I don't want to see those jerks anytime soon. But I hope they don't get hurt."
"Don't worry Kim. They all have rich mommies and daddies. They'll probably pay the Coast Guard top dollar to fish them out of the clouds."
All Tiffany could do was stare at the two figures in the background and furiously glare at their enjoyment of her suffering. But for now, all she and the other girls could do was float helplessly, without any knowledge as to when they'd come back to terra firma. The five girl-balloons were now at least one hundred feet from the shore, and three hundred feet in the air. Ten minutes later, they were nothing but dark dots sailing around within the blue sky.
Kim and Tracy sat in the Venusian Wave Rider clubhouse, watching the evening news on the 50" wide screen HDTV in the club's living room.
"In other locals news today, a Pacificana Beach girl's surf club found themselves going above and beyond the waves like they never expected before when their cutting edge Soothex wetsuits inflated for no reason and caused them to float helplessly offshore. The president of Soothex Beachwear Inc. in an interview today was dumbfounded by the inflation of the girls' suits since he said that was not a feature that his RandR team had implemented into them."
"Yeah, you could say a willing third party added that in." Kim wisecracked.
"As for the girls themselves, their parents immediately have called the Coast Guard to comb the skies with radar and helicopters and rescue the girls. Unfortunately the sudden change in wind conditions midday have caused the group of girls to disperse, and the search has become a much more trying effort. One girl by the name of Courtney Lakes was rescued right before sundown.
The TV switched to a shot of the hapless Courtney being dragged via helicopter to the Coast Guard airbase, tethered behind a string that a man was holding within the copter. However, right when the helicopter touched down, the force of the landing caused the tension on the rope to reverse direction, and pulled Courtney right into the small spinning blade on the tail of the copter. All Courtney could do was scream as the rotating blade punctured her inflated suit. It exploded in a shower of jagged rubber ribbons, and Courtney fell to the ground butt first. She sat up, shook her head, and screamed when she realized she was completely nude. Courtney scrambled around on the ground to pick pieces of torn rubber from her popped suit to cover herself with.
"Heh heh, as you can see, she didn't have a very comfortable landing." The TV reporter laughed a bit and went on with the rest of the news for the night.
"Poor Courtney, just think how all the guys around here will think once she gets back." Said Kim.
"Yeah, she has a lot of admirers." Replied Tracy. Finally, the Coast Guard and Navy finally recovered all the girls from the sky after a week of intense searching. Tiffany herself floated almost halfway to Hawaii before she was rescued. Since the rescue effort drained the bank accounts of the girls' parents, they had to sell the clubhouse and all the equipment inside. Soon after the clubhouse was sold, the Venusian Wave Riders disbanded.
Kim and Tracy were able to save up enough money shortly after the clubhouse went up for lease, and they started their own club. Nobody had to worry about winning awards, and anybody could join.
| bodyinflation |
Title: Fetish Checklist by agius
Tags: Bondage, Cock And Balls Torture, Cuffs, Feline, Foot Fetish, M/M, Master/Pet, Skunk, Watersports, Whipping
Warning: this story contains homosexual relations between an adult black cat and adult skunk. It contains bondage, s&m, watersports, and a variety of other fetishes. If this sort of thing offends you, please do not read it. There is no scat, amputation, or gore to worry about, though - it is a pleasent sort of kink. If that sounds good to you, please read on and I hope you enjoy.
If you do happen to read all or most of it, I would surely appreciate ratings and comments. Thank you, and have fun!
"Work's done," the sexy little skunk said on the other end of the phone line in his usual high-pitched voice.
"Alright, hon. Get that cute ass back here - I've got a surprise for you," the feline almost purred into the phone. Their first anniversary - and boy would it be a surprise.
"Oooh, a surprise! I can't wait!" He sounded excited, like a schoolboy about to get new video games. That tone was one of the things the black cat really loves about Dennis - his excitability. And in bed it made him oh so very fuckable.
"Drive safe, hon."
"I will - love you, Alek!" Dennis' nearly feminine voice chimed in through the phone.
"Love you too, Dennis. See you soon."
"See ya!"
Aleksie hung up the phone and placed his cellular down on the counter top. He had spent the better part of the day getting and lugging in the supplies he would need. He ran through it one more time, making sure everything was in order. New bed sheets: check. Restraints: check. Self-heating lubricant: check. Toys: check. Clothing: check. No candle-light dinner, but that was hardly how the pair had operated over the last year. This would be something the cute little skunk would remember.
Alek had found some odd things in his search history after Dennis had stopped by his house a few months ago - Dennis had been browsing porn without Alek, and had left some unusual search terms in the browser's history. Alek had compiled a list of things they had not tried, and ran over it again in his head, wondering which ones he could put his lover through this night.
The cat waited patiently for the skunk to get home, reading a book in their apartment's entryway and idly tapping the can and cloth on the table next to him, as if to make sure they were real. He had never used the stuff before, but he had triple-checked everything online, and was sure he was in the clear. He heard the skunk pounding up the stairs, and stood up to greet his lover. He poured some very cold chemical out of the can and onto the cloth, being very judicious in the amount, then set the can down on the table and surreptitiously palmed the cloth. The cat stepped back.
Dennis threw open the door, eyes wide with excitement, and a smile tore across his face at seeing Alek. He was beautiful, as always - dark slacks and a trim blue-collar shirt with a loose tie outlined his athletic figure in a way that pleased Alek greatly. Dennis opened his mouth to talk, and Alek launched forward like coiled serpent, shoving the cloth over the skunk's short muzzle, covering his nose and mouth. The skunk, in a moment of panic, drew in one sharp breath, and that was all the chemical needed. Alek watched the skunk's eyes glaze over, and removed the cloth. Alek wrapped an arm around the skunk's chest and held him tightly as the skunk went limp.
Alek wasn't huge, but at six feet and change he was taller than the little skunk by a good six inches. And unlike the twinky little thing, Alek worked out. He easily caught the skunk, picked the shorter one up and draped the fur over his shoulder in a fireman's carry. An image of himself dressed as a prehistoric figure flitted through Alek's mind: me Alek, me conquer, me take! The more things changed, eh?
Alek walked the unconscious skunk through the living room and into his bedroom. It was a simple room - a dresser and closet on the left, a computer desk on the right, and a bed with nightstand in the middle. The drapes were drawn so that no natural light came in, and the low lighting from his bed lamp was all that illuminated the room. Prints of Alek's favorite artists were on the walls, and normally pictures of family and little sentimental gew-gaws would line the dresser and desk, but they were all put away for now. Alek didn't want anything to break the mood.
The cat leaned down and dropped the skunk unceremoniously onto the bed, allowing his lover's limbs to splay out across it's queen-sized fluffiness. He heard a slight crackle of the rubber sheets beneath the soft fabric he had laid out - an item he had set up for tonight. Hopefully Dennis wouldn't figure it out. Alek walked around to the left side of the bed and picked up the other item he had bought just for tonight - a leather cuff attached to one of the four straps poking out from between the mattress and bed frame. He slid it around the skunk's wrist, having to tie it at nearly the tightest setting to be sure it would hold the shorter man. The leather cuff was lined with plush on the inside, so it wasn't very likely it would cut off the skunk's circulation. The cat walked down to the foot of the bed and slipped off the sleeping skunk's shoes and socks - they would only get in the way. He attached another of the leather-and-plush cuffs around the skunk's left ankle, then another around the right. He walked around and cuffed the skunk's left hand as well, leaving the unconscious skunk tied, spread-eagled on the bed facing the ceiling.
The cat walked over to the dresser and pulled one of the toys from the bottom drawer, which hung open and ready with a few other items. He walked back to skunk and gently pried open those sexy lips with a finger, and slid the straps of the toy around the skunk's head, slowly lowering the ball gag into the skunk's mouth to be sure it wouldn't choke him. He snapped the links together behind the skunk, not bothering to lock it - after all, the skunk couldn't get his hands free until Alek wanted him to.
Alek stepped back to appreciate his work, and looked carefully at the skunk spread out on his bed. His soft foot paws tied down at the end of the bed, those thin slacks outlining his thin, toned legs, that blue shirt now revealing his thin torso, and the loose tie hanging off to the side. His face looked almost like a smile, wrapped around the ball gag, and his eyes remained closed.
Alek waited a few minutes for the skunk to wake up... then a few minutes more. Damn! Was he wrong about the dosage? How long would this take? After about fifteen minutes, the cat decided to make the best of his situation. He slipped out of the casual clothes he had been wearing while shopping today, tossing the jeans and simple shirt off in the living room, and his underwear to boot. He grabbed a chair out of living room, his book, and slid back into the bedroom. He read, and he waited.
Almost an hour later, he heard a groggy moan from the skunk. He set the book down idly, watching as the skunk woke up - hopefully without headache. At first the skunk tried to sit up, and finding that quite impossible, tried to talk. When that also failed, the skunk weakly pulled at all four of the restraints - the bed gave a little, but really the skunk was pulling against himself - a battle he could never win. Alek watched with a bemused smile, then stood up and strode over to the struggling skunk, lining up to the left of the bed, next to the nightstand.
"Hey there, lover," the cat said, sarcastically drawing out the last word, as if it were a joke. "Surprise! Hahahaha!" The cat laughed as the skunk's eyes widened - hopefully with excitement, possibly with fear. Maybe both.
"You left some history on my computer, Dennis. I poked through the things you looked at. We've gotten a little kinky before, but... I think tonight I shall be your master, and you my pet. There is a headboard above your left wrist - your safeword is knocking three times. Everything will stop if you use it, and you will go home. IF I take that gag off of you, and that's a big if, your safeword will be 'Antwerp.' Nod if you understand." Alek waited only a moment before the skunk slowly nodded his head.
"Good, my pet. Now first, let's get you out of these," Alek said as he pulled open the nightstand drawer and grabbed a small tool from it. He flicked open the box cutter and held it down in front of the skunk's face - the skunk's eyes widened again, definitely in fear this time. "This is very sharp, pet, so don't squirm, or you may bleed," the cat said as he loosely trailed the knife down the skunk's chest, his tail wagging at his pet's fear. He walked, trailing the knife along the skunk's right leg until he reached the foot of the bed.
The naked cat climbed on and flipped the box cutter upside-down, so the angled blade faced mostly away from the skunk. He grabbed a pantleg and started cutting, slipping his hand into the skunk's pants at the ankle and poking the sharp edge through, then slowly drawing it back towards him, ripping a line in the fabric. The back of the cat's paw brushed against Dennis' furry leg, which felt nice to the cat and he was sure excited the skunk. He proceeded up the right leg this way, cutting open his lover's pants and simultaneously rubbing the skunk's legs and thighs, until he reached the skunk's waist. He slipped the blade through one more time and completed the cut at the bottom of the skunk's stomach. Dennis whined just a bit through the gag, but Alek paid him no mind.
Alek repeated this process with the other pant leg, slicing through it slowly, inching up the skunk's leg with his paws and the deadly blade, stripping away the fabric covering the skunk. When he snapped through the waistband of the skunk's slacks, Alek reached a paw around and slid it between the skunk and the bed, grabbing the skunk's butt and the pants simultaneously. Alek yanked, hard, and the destroyed pants slid right off the skunk's thin body, leaving only his briefs between the cat and the skunk.
Not content, Alek positioned himself atop Dennis' thighs, seating himself perilously close to the skunk's crotch. He slid the box cutter underneath Dennis' shirt, rubbing his paw across the skunk's flat belly and naked chest, then drew the blade back along the row of buttons that held the shirt on. They popped off one by one, the skunk whining just a bit through the gag (probably more at the loss of the shirt than in fear, by this point). Alek slid up to kneel across the skunk's torso, placing his member right in front of the skunk's face as he slowly slide the blade up each of the skunk's arms, cutting the shirt apart and feeling the soft fur there.
Alek stood up next to the nightstand again, dropped the box cutter into the drawer, and yanked Dennis' shirt off, the destroyed fabric barely resisting at this point. The tie stayed on, but Alek could live with that. He looked at the mostly naked skunk and saw a distinctive oblong shape form in Dennis' briefs. Alek had been right - capture and bondage: check. Danger: check. What was next...
Alek strode around and saw the skunk follow with what little vision he had. Alek sidled up next to the skunk's hind paws, tied at the foot of the bed.
"You know, I always thought these were sexy on you," the cat said with a smile, leaning down to rub his cheek against his lover's beautiful foot paws. Alek nearly purred as he rubbed against the soft pad of Dennis' right foot, nuzzling the soft flesh and allowing the feelings it stirred within him to flow freely. The cat's lust boiled to the surface, and he couldn't help but take a lick at the soft sole of the skunk's foot paw. One lick lead to another, and soon Alek was tracing up his lover's foot and licking his toes. He felt Dennis twitch - was this tickling him? Alek grasped his lover's foot paw in both hands and took Dennis' furry big toe into his mouth, licking the soft padded flesh and the untouched space between his lover's toes.
He lapped right out to the end of Dennis' claw. He could feel the skunk twitching a bit more on the bed, but Alek didn't care. He was absorbed in licking Dennis' other toes - drenching the pads and claws with saliva as he took them into his mouth one at a time. Alek's member slowly hardened as the lust bubbled within him, urging him to lick more and more, playing with his lover's foot paws. Finishing with the right foot, Alek stood up to see Dennis' red cheeks, blushing even through the black-and-white fur. Hehe, interesting, Alek thought. He rubbed his member against the foot paw just a bit, allowing a few drops of pre to leak out onto it. Alek left them to repeat the procedure on Dennis' left footpaw, first licking across the sole, then slowly sucking on each of the skunk's four toes, feeling the soft flesh against his tongue and licking up the odd taste of his love's feet. Once again Dennis twitched, and this time Alek could hear faint giggling behind the ball gag - a little more as he finished up and rubbed his cock against the skunk's foot paw a bit. Tickling: check.
Alek stood up, thinking about what was next. Ah, right. Alek padded idly over to the nightstand, drew out the box cutter again - not making a big deal about it this time. He deftly flicked it through Dennis' boxers, then quickly yanked them off, allowing the skunk's hard penis to stand at attention, dribbling pre, much like the cat's own.
"Seems like you're enjoying this," Alek said, slowly fondling the skunk's cock, which made his own twitch. He lightly brushed up and down the sleek black member's length, from the base all the way up to the tip, teasing the skunk. He rubbed again, this time wrapping his thumb and index finger around the skunk's cock and squeezing a bit. He heard the skunk pant as he slowly drew his hand up and down the skunk's member, speeding up a little with each repetition. When he got going really fast, and the skunk thrust, just a little, into his paw, the cat stopped and padded idly over to the dresser. Teasing: check.
The cat grabbed three small items from the dresser's bottom drawer. He prowled back over to the skunk, now whining in desperate need. The cat was mostly hard, but he contained his own lust for a bit longer. He placed the cock ring and the two clothespins down on the bed between the skunk's legs, unsure if Dennis could see or not. He leaned down and slowly slid the cock ring over the skunk's penis and balls, sliding it down the six inches or so on the skunk and around his twin orbs. The cat smiled and idly twitched his tail as the skunk gasped at this new sensation, and made small noises as his balls were drawn through the small plastic ring. Hehe, if he liked that...
Alek picked up a clothespin and spread it wide, closing its jaws across the one of the skunk's newly-stretched testicles. Dennis' body jerked as he made a sound that came out like mmmrrphh! through the ball gag. Without hesitation or mercy, Alek quickly attached the other clothespin to Dennis' other testicle, allowing it to bite down on the skunk's nut. The cat then pressed the claw of his index finger into the base of the skunk's shaft - not hard enough to break the skin, but enough to make the skunk feel it. Alek smiled as he slowly drew the claw up Dennis' cock, pressing hard and scratching the skin. Dennis twitched and yelled, the noises mostly muffled by the gag. The skunk pulled at his restraints, but it did him no good. Alek added his thumb's claw to scratch at Dennis' cock on the way back down, causing more twitching and cries. C&BT: check.
"Had enough, my pet?" Alek smiled and looked back up at the skunk's muzzle, red now with either strain or further blushing - Alek couldn't really tell. He looked a little sweaty - a certain gleam in that beautiful black-and-white fur. Dennis panted, catching his breath. The cat walked over to the dresser and withdrew another toy, slid quietly back over to the bed and pulled some lubricant from the nightstand drawer. Alek knelt over his pet on the bed and brushed the skunk's soft tail, splayed out next to Dennis by the way Alek had ripped off his pants. Then Alek reached down below the skunk's throbbing, teased cock and applied some lubricant at the skunk's tailhole, conveniently left wide open by the spread-eagle restraints. He teased the skunk by rubbing the lube all across that little hole, but never entering.
Then Alek grabbed the small, egg-shaped vibrator from his other paw and, without ceremony, popped it in the skunk's tailhole. Dennis arched his back as the egg slid past his barrier on just enough lube, gasping for breath. Alek's tail twitched in amusement as he rubbed the skunk's belly with his left paw, and grabbed the controller for the vibrator in his right, turning it on and up until he could hear the faint buzz of the egg-shaped thing. Dennis moaned in pleasure again, his slick black cock dribbling more pre all the way down to the ring Alek had placed on it. The clothespins attached to Dennis' balls vibrated along with the toy inside the skunk. Toys: check.
Alek sighed as his lover twitched and moaned under the influence of the vibe and the matching clothespins. He stayed that way a moment, stroking the skunk's soft fuzzy chest, savoring this flash of absolute pleasure as his lover became lost in sensations. The skunk was clearly enjoying this. Well... next, next...
The cat shifted around on the bed, going back to kneel between the skunk's legs again. As the bed shifted, the skunk looked up at him, those adorable eyes curious and hopeful.
"Well, pet - time for me to mark you. If you're a good boy I may untie you for a bit," the cat nearly purred as the skunk's ears drooped and eyes widened. Dennis wasn't sure about this. Alek figured tonight was all experimentation anyway, so why not? He gripped his hard member and tried to relax his bladder a bit - a hard thing to do when one's cock is rock-solid! Alek closed his eyes and focused, and eventually felt the stream begin to flow out of him.
His warm, nearly-clear urine splashed across Dennis' cock first. Alek drew the stream slowly up the skunk, soaking his crotch, his soft, fuzzy belly, and his chest, soaking through the business tie he still wore. He continued onwards, the thin stream spewing from his stiff cock to splatter on the skunk's neck and finally across his furry cheeks. Dennis closed his eyes at the last minute and relaxed his head, taking the pee on his nose, his forehead, under his chin, and on the ball gag. Alek was sure some of that leaked into the skunk's mouth, but Dennis hardly acknowledged it. Dennis moaned a bit as the warm liquid splashed across his face, then back down his chest before Alek began to run dry. Alek surveyed his work, sniffing the light scent of his own piss wafting off the warm, wet skunk beneath him. Watersports: check.
"Hmm, that's a good boy," the cat said to his lover, his tail twitching in the air. He sidled slowly off the bed and began detaching the ankle cuffs from the skunk. Dennis didn't make a move - he just lie there and moaned, the vibrator and the clothespins and now the warm pee all over his body keeping him blissfully occupied.
"Now, you are not to remove anything I have put on or in you, my pet," the cat commented as he stepped up to the right side of the bed and began unlocking the skunk's left wrist restraint. "You are to obey my orders exactly. Failure will be punished." Dennis looked over at him, and Alek put on his most mischievous smile - very mischievous, even for a cat. He unlocked the cuff and walked around to the other side of the bed to undo the last one. Alek sat down on the bed next to the skunk and untied the last cuff. The skunk, realizing he was finally free, stretched a bit and rolled onto his side facing the black cat. He scratched idly at the cat's chest, moaning in pleasure around the ball gag he did not remove. Alek was glad he had taken care of the pissing business earlier - his cock was now hard beyond hope. The sexy little skunk, soaked and gagged beneath him - it was almost too much to bear.
Alek walked over to the dresser and returned to the bed with a leash and collar, and a set of leather-and-plush handcuffs. He attached the collar just above the skunk's tie, tightening it significantly. Dennis whimpered a bit more, and Alek loosened it just a little. The black cat sat down on the bed again and pointed to the floor next to the nightstand. "Down," he commanded.
Dennis obeyed promptly, sliding off the bed to kneel on the floor between the cat's legs, his fuzzy tail laid out behind him. "Stay," he said as he pulled Dennis' arms behind the skunk and tied the cuffs on, not bothering to lock them in place. "Good boy," Alek said, reaching around the skunk's muzzle to detach the ball gag. He slid it off slowly, and caught Dennis taking a last lick of it. Alek set it on the bed beside him, then pointed at his own rock-hard penis. "Suck," he ordered. Dominance / submission: check.
The skunk went to it with gusto, leaning forward to immediately take Alek's cock into his mouth, lapping with that soft skunk tongue at Alek's tip. Dennis quickly swallowed up the rest of Alek's eight inches, taking the dick in his throat all the way to Alek's soft fur. Alek leaned his head back and sighed in pleasure, the feelings rippling out from his groin to the rest of his body as the skunk sucked him off. Up and down, up and down the skunk's lips traveled across the length of Alek's cock, and his eager tongue licked across it, sending waves of pleasure throughout the cat.
Alek wanted to share the joy, however, and reached out with his foot paws to stroke the skunk's erect member. He squished it ever so slightly between his right foot and left, rubbing just a bit to give the skunk a little foot job. Dennis moaned in pleasure around Alek's penis, not slowing down a bit. Alek could feel the pre dribbling out of him, and felt a hot spike of pleasure as each drop was licked up by the skunk between his legs. The skunk moaned as his cock slid between Alek's soft, fleshy paws with each suck, the member squished daintily between the cat's feet. The sight of Dennis, bound and willingly sucking, moaning in pleasure at being a submissive little pet, brought Alek close to climax quicker than he had imagined.
"Stop," Alek commanded. The moaning skunk may not have heard him, though. He kept going, licking and sucking on Alek's member, leaning in and out and straining at his bonds. "Stop!" Alek ordered more urgently as his balls tightened, getting ready to explode all over that sexy skunk face... no! Not yet!
"STOP!" Alek grabbed the skunk by his hair and dragged the little pet off his cock - something that was almost painful as his cock suddenly lost that wonderful stimulation. Dennis smiled a little bit. Bastard. Alek glared down at him, then waggled a finger. "Bad boy," he said. "Now I'll have to punish you."
Alek abruptly stood up and dragged the skunk to his feet by his hair. Unbalanced, the skunk squealed in mild pain at the treatment. Alek showed no mercy, and dragged the skunk across the room to the closet door. It had always been a little small and tight, but now that was gonna be damn convenient. On reaching the door, Alek let go of the skunk's hair and grabbed the skunk's tie, tightening it until Dennis made a little gagging noise. Then the cat ripped open the closet door, dragged the tie and attached skunk to the top, and shut it. It worked better than Alek had hoped - Dennis stood on his tippy-toes, gasping a bit, lodged face-first against the door. The vibrator's controller hung from his tailhole and occasionally banged against the clothespins attached to his balls. Dennis was clearly pretty uncomfortable - and sexy. Breath play: check.
Alek wasted no time - he walked over to the bed and reached underneath for the toy he wasn't sure he would use. He grabbed the whip out from its storage place and uncoiled it, feeling its tight cord drop to the floor. Dennis, still gasping for breath over by the closet door, heard nothing.
"Now, time for your punishment," Alek announced, and cracked the whip against the skunk's back, above his cuffed wrists. Dennis yelled in pain, arching his back against the door for enough air to scream. The whip was just a toy, purchased at some bondage store - Alek knew it wouldn't break the skunk's flesh, but it probably did hurt like a sonofabitch. "One!" Alek yelled at the skunk, cringing a bit as he thought of his neighbors being disturbed - but he couldn't break the mood. His cock would be hard for months if they stopped now.
Alek cracked the whip again, hitting the skunk square between the shoulder blades. "Two!" he said as he watched the skunk's tail and the vibrator controller flail as the skunk squirmed and whimpered. Again the whip snapped out from him hand, this time hitting Dennis' toned calves, weakening his stance so that the skunk had to relax - and stop breathing. "Three!" Alek announced, waiting just a moment to hear the skunk gag. S&M: check.
The black cat dropped the whip and took three quick steps over to Dennis, reached around and opened the door to the closet. The skunk stumbled back into him, nearly collapsing backward with lack of air and balance.
"Easy, easy," Alek whispered soothingly as he loosened the tie and slid it gently over the skunk's head. "It's over now... you're going to be a good boy now, right?"
Dennis coughed, once, and nodded, making an mmm-hmmm sound wordlessly. Alek reached around to hug the bound skunk, pressing the skunk close to him with his big, strong muscles. Dennis sighed contentedly, even as Alek's cock pressed up against his tail, and Alek's paws tweaked the skunk's still-wet nipples. Alek noted that Dennis had not softened during any of this, and seemed harder now than ever. Alek was little different, after having watched his love squirm and gasp and make all kinds of pleasant noises.
The feline spun the pair around to face the pain, and gently walked them both forwards until he could shove Dennis face-first into the covers - his head landing next to the residue of some of the night's earlier activities. The skunk whimpered a bit as the clothespins adjusted to his new, bent-over position, and not too kindly.
Alek grabbed some of the lube off the nightstand and quickly coated his cock with it. With little ceremony, he lifted the skunk's tail and yanked out the vibrator, quickly sliding his penis in all the way. Dennis moaned pleasantly as Alek spread him open, hilting himself within the skunk's tail hole. Alek let out a breath as the warm skunk sheathed his cock, feeling a warm buzz spread throughout his whole body. He slid slowly out, then slammed back in again, shoving Dennis forward onto the bed (and eliciting a squeal, probably from the clothespins adjusting themselves again).
Alek looked down for a moment to watch his cock slide out of his lover, and grabbed ahold of Dennis' leash and his bound wrists. He grasped high on the leash with his right hand in order to stretch it tightly along the skunk's back. Dennis moaned in pleasure as Alek slammed back into him, shoving him forward against the collar and letting the buzz of sexual pleasure rip through his body.
Alek moved faster now, pulling out and slamming back in, spreading the skunk open all the way, shoving him forward into discomfort and even a little pain. Alek couldn't make himself care any more, though - he was lost in the bliss of fucking his pet, the fire of ecstasy spreading from his cock through his whole body. Pull out, slam in, pull out, slam in. Out, slam, out, slam, out, SLAM! Dennis pitched forward on the bed, yelling something to the effect of "God, yes! YES! Ahhh!"
Alek, barely thinking, reached around the skunk with his left paw (his right still securing the skunk's bound wrists and leash) and grasped his slick black cock tightly. He pawed furiously and quickly, hoping the skunk would come when he did. Alek kept fucking him, out and SLAM, out and SLAM, pawing furiously at the adorable fur, sensing the explosion of climax getting closer and closer.
"Aaaahhh!" Dennis yelled into the covers as Alek felt him cum. Ooze spewed all over the cat's paw, and Alek grasped the skunk tightly, riding out Dennis' orgasm. Alek slammed harder and harder, feeling the sensations build into their final crescendo. He pulled out quickly and slammed in once, twice more - and finally felt release as the orgasm rushed through him. Every muscle in Alek's body contracted, from the paw still gripping Dennis' cock to his pre-slicked toes. The feelings rushed over him - bliss, pleasure, joy, love... All pounded through him like a tidal wave. Alek collapsed forward on top of Dennis, turning their sexual romp into a deep, warm-hearted cuddle.
Both furs breathed heavily, not moving for a few minutes. Finally, Alek released Dennis' cock and moved down to slowly take off the clothespins from the skunk's balls.
"Thanks," Dennis said, still panting a bit.
"Couldn't leave those on forever, I guess," the black cat smiled, still in the post-orgasmic haze of sheer joy.
"For everything," Dennis said, "For all this - it was great."
Alek just smiled, nearly tearing up in gratefulness that he had pleased his love. He slowly slid out of the skunk (making an effort to do so, as sensitive as he was), and turned the bound skunk around.
"You're welcome," the cat said, leaning down to kiss the skunk. Their lips sealed, and their tongues crossed, lapping gently at each other to show their mutual affection. It went on for minutes - their anniversary kiss.
When they were done, Alek pulled back a bit to survey the skunk. Still a tad moist from being pissed on, wrists bound behind him, and the cock ring keeping the skunk hard, if oversensitive and totally unready. His foot paws still had some pre on them. God he was so sexy - Alek was nearly hard again. Perhaps in a little.
"I love you, Aleksie," the skunk said from his position halfway on the bed.
"I love you too, Dennis. Let's get you cleaned up," the cat said with a smile. | FSE |
Title: Celes' Night by Blackpaw Badger
Tags: Anal, M/F, Mild NC, Oral, Raccoon, Virgin
Celes' Night
Celes walked through the halls of the Air base, most everyone had gone to bed or left for their homes by now, and the base was abandoned except for the night watch. Her own living area was inside the bas itself; She was a technician after all, one of the best, besides Slippy toad and Peppy Hare. She sighed, thinking of them, the fact that they were home with loved ones, Peppy had Annie. Slippy had Croakella. She had nothing but her books. And her dreams....
But, oh what sensual dreams they were. Her alone, with the one man she loves. His body chiseled out of what must've been the very mountain of the gods. His firm grip holding her tightly, but gently. She looked into his eyes, and they kissed deeply...
Celes Shook the last images away, it was only that.... a Dream. "What would he see in me?" she thought, and sighed again. She looked up and saw the card slot beeping a silent red light at her, she took out her ID card and placed it into the slot, a green light beeped, then the door opened. She continued her walk, thinking about her task at hand. Late night check of computer systems, it wasn't really her choice.... stupid straws...
She rounded the corner and saw a light on in the control room; she stopped and held her breath. An intruder? A spy? Or maybe just one of the guards searching for stuff on the net? "Hopefully the latter...", she thought. She slowed down and poked her head around thaw corner, and froze. "Oh... gods..." she whispered as she saw the young male raccoon sitting at a computer typing on the keyboard. She held her breath, "oh boy oh boy oh boy...." She said to herself, "C'mon, Celes. Go in there... talk to him." she thought. "Easier said than done. Brain." She whispered to herself. She gulped and stood up, her mouth suddenly dry. She shook her head, "Job. Comes first...." Celes said...
"Unless he does as well..." She giggled at the thought, and then straightened up and she heard the chair inside the room turn. "Hello?" A male voice said, her heart stopped for a moment. "Oh... err... Hi." Celes said as she rounded the corner, and looked him straight in the eyes. She stopped, unable to say anything else, except, "Bleeeah..."
Sam's forehead scrunched up and an eyebrow raised, "you okay, Celes?"
She blinked, and shook her head, "Oh. Um. Yeah. I... I'm fine..." She smiled, "just here doing some routine system checks." she smiled as she sat across from him, and turned on the monitor, the system. She stared at him, seeing how quickly his hands moved over the keyboard, and getting erotic ideas about the keyboard being her body, every press, every touch, every brush. She yelped.
Sam looked dup in surprise, "Celes? What happened?"
She cast her face downward, blushing furiously under the fur, "Err. I. I stubbed. My. Toe..." She said in a low voice, and then quickly looked at the monitor as the prompt came up, and keyed in her password and information. Sam was still looking at her.
"Celes. I know something bothering you; you've acted odd for a little while now, and I'm worried. Maybe your over worked..." Sam said
"No, I'm not overworked." she said, then lowered her voice, "Though. I'd like to be...."
Sam still looked at her, "Celes, I'm your friend here.... tell me, what bothering you?"
"Well." Celes looked up. "It's now or never girl..." Her mind 'said', and she gritted her teeth... "I. I've. Got a.... cru... sh. on you." She said quickly.
Sam looked at her, surprised, "Celes..." she looked up, "I know. It's. It's really stupid I know. You're about 2 years older than me.... I'm sorry... never mind I said anything." She went back to the computer, as a single tear rolled down her cheek.
Sam shook his head, and got up. "Celes... I." He came around to her back, and put his hand son her shoulders, and started to rub them a little, "Well... I. Guess. I like you too." She looked up at him, her violet eyes watery. He smiled, and leaned over to kiss her on the forehead gently. She smiled.
"Sam." She said, "Could you... do that again? Here..." She put her finger to her mouth. He smile sand leaned over, gently kissing he mouth. Then he felt her tongue pressing against his lips, He smiled and closed his eyes and took her tongue with his. Celes moaned, the feeling sending small jolt of pleasure through out her body. He ended the kiss and sat in the chair next to her, smiling a little. She sighed and looked at him, "Are you always this spontaneous?" She smiled
He looked at her, "Are you?" A half smile on his face. She giggled a little. He looked at her, and then when forward to hug her. They embraced, for long moments, holding each other, until she leaned over into his ear and whispered, "Are you spontaneous enough to take me?"
His eyes widened, and he loosened his embrace, "what?"
Celes looked at him, "Sammy.... I want you...." She leaned forward and kissed him in the lips lightly.
Sam was taken aback by this, "Celes... are you... sure?" He said, "I mean. Totally sure about this?" she nodded, perhaps a little too much, cause he shook his head, giggling. She leaned forward, kissing him again, sneaking her hand underneath his shirt. He looked at her in surprise, "HERE?"
She smiled, "I think it's... kinky..." She said with a sly smile, "I've always wondered how this would be.... just the thrill of getting caught...."She looked at him, "What this would feel like, really...."
Sam looked at her, "your a virgin?" She nodded slowly. "Oh..." Sam looked up, "Well, I guess I'm kind of honored..." Celes looked up at him confusedly. "Well, You want to be your first...."
Celes looked at him squarely, "Can I ask you something?" Sam nodded. "What.... Why... well... umm... what do. You see in me anyway? I mean. I'm so. Normal...." she sighed.
Sam looked at her, "That's why I guess.... you are normal. Nothing special, your just... well... yourself. And you don't tee to be anyone else...." He smiled at her, and kissed her gently. She sighed and rubbed his chest fur under the shirt. He smiled and took her hands, putting them to her sides, then reached over and touched her breasts, stroking them slowly. She moaned and grabbed his wrists. He reached down to her sides and lifted off the shirt, a purple lace bra underneath, He grinned, "You like that color, huh?"
She smiled and blushed a little. "It suits you..." He reached over and she lifted his own shirt off, then Celes reached behind her, and helped him unbuckle the bra strap. She sighed as he removed the bra, her little pink nipple raised already from the kiss earlier, he stroked them, and tweaked them a little, sending little jolt of excitement through her body. She whimpered a little, feeling a wetness flow from her crotch. She embraced Sam, clutching him tightly. He grabbed her and held her close, "Celes, if you're not ready...." He said.
"It's. It's just so.... intoxicating..." She breathed, "Incre.. dible..." she was breathing hard already, short of breath, but she wanted, no. Needed to go father. She looked up and kissed his chest. He was a good 4 inches taller than she, and more muscular. She ran her hands through his chest fur, down to his abdomen, the breathed in, and slipped her hands under his slack pants. She felt his maleness, growing harder at her touch, and she heard him breath out deeply. She smiled and slowly raised her hand, and unbuttoned his pants. They fell to the floor silently, and she looked up at him.
"Celes..." Sam said, but was silenced as she put a finger to his mouth. "Quite... I already told you. w... what I want...." She said, removing her own trousers, she looked up and smiled at him, then lowered herself down to his crotch, sneaking a paw down into her undergarments. She pulled down his underwear and smiled. "You sure you know what you doing?" Sam looked at her. "Hey.... I've been through the class... and I've even got some videos..." Sam looked at her surprised, she just smiled.
She took his manhood into her paw, and put it into her mouth, suckling on the head as she rubbed her own sex. They both moaned. Sammy leaned back against the desk, looking at her head bobbing up and down on his cock, he smiled, "You know, Celes, It's been a while since I've been with a woman..." She paused for a moment, released him and looked up, "Thanks..." And she went back to her teasing. Her tongue rubbing the underside of it as she suckled on the head, and enjoyed to the fullest. She was also us rubbing her clit, her fingers working up and down the mound, caressing the lips and rubbing into her sex. She moaned inspire of herself, enjoying all of these sensations, not as if masturbation was anything new for her, but this circumstance was different. Sammy was also moaning once in a while as she stroked him in her mouth, her teeth rubbing against it, not causing pain, but rather an unusual pricking sensation, and this mixing with her warmth was an interesting blend of sensations. He felt the knot grow within his sac, he gasped, "stop... Please Celes... Stop..." He panted.
"Did... Did I do something? Wrong?" she asked worriedly, removing her hand from her crotch. He shook his head, "No.... It's just that... well... your missing out on all the action...." He grabbed her hand, and licked her fingers clean of her sweet nectar. She smiled, and kissed him. He walked over, and clean off a mostly empty desk with a sweep of his arm. The lead her over and lied her down on the table. "Ohm... Sammy..." she moaned as she felt him sliding her panties off, and yelped when she felt his rough tongue on her sex, going up the mound slowly, and coming down again. Caressing and flicking, tickling and tantalizing. She put her hands on his head, Cumming softly with every pass of his tongue over her already hard clitoris, Pleasure filling her to the very brim of her soul. He moved up one hand, and held her open, while the other softly stroked his maleness to ensure it hardness. She moaned, "Sammy. S... Stop fucking around.... Eat. Me." He stopped for a moment, and then dug in with all his force, licking and rubbing with everything he had, like she was a triple dip ice cream cone in 104-degree weather. She moaned and purred with every lick and touch, until she felt the pain in her lower stomach, and it radiated south, towards her sopping wet sex... she knew she was going to.
Come!!! She screeched loudly, "ahh ahh AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" As Sammy licked her sweet nectar up happily, it drips on the desk and his muzzle. She was breathing raggedly, her eyes closed tight, looking as if he was just raped by a horde of people, "Ohm... gods... yes..." Sammy took a few more licks and got up, wiping his mouth off with his arm, and smiling. "Sa... Sam." she looked up at him, her violet eyes full of a passion, even in this half closed State. "You. Are good... those videos. Must Help...." Sammy Smiled. Celes also smiled and looked at him, then opened herself wide, "fuck... me.... take me.... do what you will... just. Make me yours... forever..." She pleaded.
Sammy looked at this pries, and then to his cock. He grabbed her by the sides, slid her to the end of the table, and placed the head at her sex. She looked at him, suddenly feeling the head of his dick at her entrance. "Hold on... Love..." He said as he slowly pushed forward, and encountered resistance. The ring of virginity holding him from her. She whimpered in pain, and pleasure. He stopped, "Celes... this will hurt like hell..." and he gave her a moment to prepare before shoving in fully breaking the ring. She yelled in pain, tears coming to her eyes. Sammy stopped as he reached the root of his manhood, "Celes. I'm. Sorry..." He said. She looked up, "D... D... don't. Say that. Just. Fuck me..." she looked at him. Sammy looked back and slowly pulled out, then back in. Her pain ebbed and was replaced by an overwhelming pleasure, "Ohm.... yes.... ohm. Ahhh...." She moaned. He began a rigorous screwing, slowly sliding in and out o her body, the friction of their love making make each other incredibly hot. "Gods.... she tight...." Sammy thought as he made love to her. "Gods.... He's. So.... wonderful..." Celes sighed in her mind, before a cloud of pleasure encompassed it. Their brown and black tails twitching, their fur covered in sweat, their bodies on auto drive.
And this is how they were for long moments, rigorously fucking each other. Her hips grinding against his as he thrust intro her body over and over, the knot in his balls forming once again, then ebbing, almost annoyingly, then coming back. She moaned as she came, hard, "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!" She grabbed him and pulled him close, kissing him deeply. He pulled out, panting. She looked up at him, very hurt, "hey...." He smiled as he got her off the table, and bent her over, "Ohm... Sammy... I. Ahh!" she yelped, as she felt him invade her anus. She relaxed and tried let him in though, before long, his head was buried in her ass. Her tail twitching, and her raccoon mask done up in apparent effort, "Ohhh... gods.... Sammy... Ahhhh.... please." He smiled, "relax... don't worry.... just go with it, it won't hurt for long." She tried to take his advice, but it was very difficult. But, they managed, and he was going in and out of her anus as she leaned down and played with her sex once again, both of them moaning aloud. Sammy looked down at her, "Celes.... I'm. Going to.... Coo... AAHHHH!!!!" He thrust into her a final time as he felt every shot of come load up, and then gets squeezed out in jets. As she felt this, she also came, dripping o the floor of the control room.
They stayed connected like this for a few moments, he leaned over and kissed her back, and she was just bent over, panting harshly. "G. G. gods... Sammy..." She said in a ragged voice, "That... was.... INCREDIBLE..." She smiled, her eyes half closed. He pulled out, "you weren't bad yourself, for a 20 year old..." He smiled, "Celes?" He looked over at her sleeping form, bent over on the desk, " He smiled, and picked up their clothes, and her. He walked out into the halls, and saw a guard there, looking at them both; he smiled at him, "Hey, Speed."
"Sammy?" speed grinned, "Okay... I get the picture. I'll clean it up in there..." Sammy nodded thanks and departed for his room, Celes in his hands. And he grinned as he heard Speed's voice, "Man! You own me one Sam!"
She awoke the next morning, "Ohm... yeah..." She sat up and stretched, feeling her back pop in several areas, a momentary pain, but then relief. She looked around, a simple room, a large bed, a phone nearby, and a clock blinking 12:00 over and over; she glanced at her watch, and set the correct time. "9:30. Am." She said, she got up, her rear aching a little, but otherwise none the worse for wear. She found a robe and donned it, walking out into a room with a nice nature scene adorning the walls. "Sammy?" She called. There was no answer; she looked around more, finding the kitchen. She opened the fridge, and took out two eggs, checking the day. "Saturday, good.... a day off...." she smiled and broke the eggs into the skillet. Suddenly, she felt two hands on her shoulders, and she yelped, spinning around to attack the person there, but the wrists grabbed her by black furred paws. "C'mon Celes.... you don't really want to hurt me do yaw, honey?" Sammy leaned over and kissed her.
"You ASSHOLE!" she giggled, "You scared the living SHIT out of me!" Sammy laughed. She leaned over and kissed him deeply, "you want some eggs, baby?" She smiled. Sammy nodded, "Yeah. Baby..." and reached down under the robe and started to caress her mound. "Hey! I didn't mean those eggs!" She giggled, "go sit down, Breakfast is almost ready!" She commanded smiling. "Yes, Master!" Sammy said, and walked off like a slave in trouble. "Oh. Cut that out!" she said, and then laughed, as did he. She came in, two hot plates of Eggs, bacon, and sautéed mushrooms. And they sat there, eating, and giggling about jokes and other things....
Later... is another story...
\~EL FIN\~
Badger Connolly, Monday, August 24, 1998 11:28:52 PM Celes, Sammy, and Speed, are characters created by the author. Please ask permission before using them. Slippy Frog, and Peppy hare are copyrighted 1993, 1997 Nintendo of America, used without permission. | FSE |
Title: Experiance by Sindal
Tags: Age Play, Anal, Bear, Crossdressing, Foreplay, Love, M/M, Muscles, Oral, Rabbit, Rimming
Request from a good and much loved buddy, Dimi Hope he likes it
A rabbit sighed as the walked in the July summer sun as it glared down.
"Man its hot today..." He muttered to himself, looking around as people walked past in the busy streets of town that he paid no attention to. Why should he? No one was paying attention to him either. And why should they? They have their own lives to worry about, deadlines to meet and problems to solve.
The rabbit padded along the sidewalk; currently wishing he owned some form of transportation as he watched the cars whiz by, pouting immaturely at them in jealously. The lagomorpha had white fur on most of his body; round his ears and patches around his eyes, arms and thighs were spotted brown randomly in dark little blotches. His head hair was the same brown that spotted his fur and his eyes were a bright emerald encrusted green, full of youthful childish energy and life. As for age, the rabbit is 20 years old, and not a very tall fellow, but not short. He liked to think of himself as average for a rabbit's height.
He wasn't what you call a muscled buff stud, but he wasn't exactly...well, manly looking, to begin with. The rabbit had, a little shamefully and bashfully, been supporting a rather effeminate look for himself. He didn't mean to, just, his body never seemed to grow much muscle; it only slimed down and kept it lithe and trim. Maybe that was a genetic thing, the rabbit would wonder to himself silently. It wasn't like he worked out heavily, but he did work out. He enjoyed running, feeling the wind in his fur and caring about nothing else besides moving forward, like he would like to live his life, by moving forward.
Unfortunately this made him look like a bit of a girl. In fact, many people wagered that if he put on girl clothes, you wouldn't be able to tell that he was a male at all! But the rabbit didn't want that. It's not like he wanted to broadcast it to the whole world that he was a homosexual by dressing up in lingerie and short miniskirts. Never before had he worn them, and never before did he pant to! All he wore today was a plain white light T-shirt, some nice cool breezy shorts that had boxers under them and some comfortable shoes.
The life of this rabbit wasn't too complicated, but it wasn't completely planned out either. Being as young as he was, he wasn't sure just where he was going with his life yet. There were so many possibilities he had, especially if you came from a rich family that made its best effort to support your studies, cater to your whims and hope that you prospered. The only problem with that was you always had this large expectation to fill. It was a good things his parents weren't completely hell bent on making him a success, and supported his ideas as they found him to be a bright young lad...even though they secretly wanted their son to flourish like they had, because that's what every parent wants. They want what's best for their child, but at the same time mixed with what they personally would like for them.
The rabbit looked up, realising that he should stop walking as he had reached his destination.
The Gym.
Quietly, a rabbit named Theodore Gregory, opened the glass doors and stepped inside.
\---A short moment of admin later---
"Theodore right?" An elder looking bear said,
"Yea, that's me" Theodore replied, looking up at the other man that was a good foot taller than he was. There the two stood near the entrance desk of the gym. It was a lot livelier than it was usually. It was probably because of the heat, the gym had an air conditioning system, to generally keep the people inside cool after working their muscles off, and it was a refreshing breeze compared to the sun outside.
Theodore really couldn't help idly shifting his gaze at watch the people, specifically men, bettering their bodies. Muscled tigers pumping iron, buff canines flexing their exquisite muscle framework and strong-backed Orcas diving in and out of the pool with ease, shredding through the water like it was paper. That was forever the one good most important benefit of gyming when you're gay. Lots and lots of eye candy, since most of the people there were male. The rabbit smiled to himself.
"You mind if I call you Theo? Theodore sounds too formal for my likes," The bear said with a soft little grumble, not angrily but just out of habit of sorts.
"I don't mind." The rabbit replied.
"Names Alphonse, Alphonse Bridges." the bear now known as Alphonse said, "But call me Al, Alphonse is way too long for my liking either." he smiled a gruff old smile.
Theo nodded softly, "Nice to meet you Al" and gently and quickly scanned the bear up with his eyes. "I take it long names annoy you?"
"That they do." The brown furred grizzly bear before him was definitely taller, by how much he would never know until he asked. He wore a little brown, lighter than his fur, hat over his head, the kind of ones that have a square like shape and a long front part that would hide his eyes if he looked down with two holes for his small circular ears to pop out on each side. Speaking of eyes, the bear's was blue, a very clear crystal blue, and as Theo's eyes casually wandered downward, he noticed the ursine's build. He looked like one of those power lifter fellows, the ones that strong massive muscled arms and legs. This fit nicely, because out of the grey tank top his arms stood defined and chiselled under the mass of dark chocolate brown fur. As for the chest, Al seemed to have a large gut down there. But that wasn't necessarily unattractive as long as he had the muscles the little weight down there was a complementary factor. That was comment for bears as well.
As Theo guessed, under the comfortable looking slightly baggy shorts a pair of strong looking legs supported the body above it and some easy maintenance sandals slipped over his feet. The entire man was quite a large thing actually; everything he had was bigger than Theo, though Theo wasn't surprised. There were LOTS of people who were bigger than him, and if the Theo rabbit had to guess an age, the bear looked like he had lived for a while, defiantly not as young as he was. He guessed somewhere in his late thirties or early forties. He had a very mature old charm to himself, and the soft easy going smile he held was likeable.
"So, what are we looking at here?" Al asked, holding a clipboard that he scribbled something on.
"Oh, I don't need like any hardcore training like..." Theo looked to the other guys, the ones with chests that were ripped to perfection "...those guys..."
Al looked down at the rabbit, eyeing gently under the veil of his cap "Just wanna stay in shape then right? Keep your figure and all?"
Theo nodded softly, "I guess I do want to keep in shape also, but I'm to lazy to make up my own schedules and stuff" the rabbit smiled childishly, as if he just admitted some big secret, "So I figured I'd get the professionals in to, uh, help me."
Al chuckled softly to himself "Professionals huh? Were you hoping to get some younger pretty athletic girl while you're at it?"
Theo wanted to laugh, loudly. Why would he want a young athletic girl? That would have been a total bummer! Ok, so maybe he was hoping on the sidelines for a hunky stud as a gym instructor, but that was just a little bonus. He really did want to keep in shape.
"I don't think so." Theo replied. At least this guy was a guy and he wasn't necessarily a bad looking one, even if he was a lot older than Theo, which was a bummer. But that just meant he could work without staring at his gym instructor, so he guessed it was for the best.
"Right then, we'll just get started won't we? I'm too old to waste time" Al said, laughing heartily at his ‘joke', "We need to get your weight and things, trivial stuff to see what you're best suited for."
"I like running best sir." Theo replied.
Al raised a brow, "Why did you call me sir?"
"Because you're older than me, and I have to respect my elders." Theo said, another childish joking friendly smile showing.
"Don't call me sir, makes me feel like a grandpa." Al said, turning round and gesturing for the other to follow him.
A though passed through each of their respective brains, ‘Seems like a nice guy."
\---Later that week...---
"You did WHAT?!" a heavily embarrassed and flustered Theodore shouted so hard that the birds outside got scared and flew away.
"I set you up on a blind date." his friend, Matthew the Labrador, said plain as day like he wasn't interested in the fact that Theo was currently fuming...or as much as fuming Theo could get. Which wasn't very intimidating especially since Matthew was, once again to add to the list of people, bigger than the rabbit.
"...Why?" Theo asked, almost afraid and more to himself than the canine ‘Why? Why to whoever controls the luck in my life, why did you curse me with this?'
"Cause you need to get out there. You got the body, now work it" Matthew said, turning his gaze from his porno magazine that he so easily waved around like it was general literature. On the cover, Theo could see a muscled lion trying to stuff a deer full of his gigantic cock "Could turn out great."
"Or it could be incredibly awkward. What if the guy's a paedophile or a stalker or some kind of sadist or rapist or something else creepy and disturbing?" Theo said, still angry with his roommate.
Theo shared an apartment with Matthew, they'd been friends since High school, god only knows why it lasted that long since Matthew wasn't exactly the caring wonderful friend Theo would have wanted. He helped pay the bills, and that's all that mattered to the rabbit attending collage at the time. The less money he owed the better, even if it did come with the worse roommate in the history of forever.
"Hey, if he's a rapist at least you'll get laid." Matthew said, as if that was a good thing "I mean, look at me, I found my guy over a blind date." Matthew said, clearly more interested in whatever male pornography he was watching, funny thing was there wasn't even a hint of a bulge in his army style coloured shorts. So either Matthew was a really good at keeping his cool, or his cock was too small to make much of a difference. Which Theo very highly doubted was the latter.
"Your ‘guy' has so many piercings over his body he's probably made of metal." Theo commented darkly.
"And he's fucking hot when he's nude, so shaddap and just go. If you don't like it, just leave and never speak to the dude again. No big deal." Matthew said, turning a page and raising a brown in interest. "That's how blind dates work."
"But I'm scared!" Theo whined out as his last pathetic, even to himself when he heard it leave his maw, plea to somehow call the thing off.
"Then grow a pair." Matthew replied simply.
"I hate you." Theo muttered.
"I hate you too Theo, is this the part where I push you into bed and we have steamy hate sex?" Matthew said, smirking mockingly at his ‘friend' while turning yet another page and smirking brighter at the view.
"AAUUGH! I GIVE UP!" Theo muttered, stood up promptly from his bed and stomped out of the room carrying some mathematics and accounting textbooks, leaving the Labrador to enjoy his view of a naked buffed up stallion thoroughly muzzlefucking and cumming into a rabbit, who incidentally by looks alone, reminded Matthew of Theo.
\---The very next day, in the late evening...---
"Ok...just calm down Theodore..." The rabbit said to himself, out loud but not loud enough for people to look at him like was a freak, "You can do this...you can, you're old enough. You're allowed to go on dates, yeah, even if you don't know who the person is, you can still do this."
Theo sat, trying to look casual and not so nervous his teeth were chattering, failing slightly, on a bench near a bus stop. That's where Matthew said he would meet the guy, a bus stop near their apartment. It was all incredibly nerve wrecking and insane not to mention just plain crazy, but Theodore didn't want to stand the guy up even if it wasn't his fault the date was happening. Still, Theodore didn't know who the guy was yet. He could be passing up a really great guy if he hadn't come and that would have been unfair to both himself and the great guy whoever he may be. But he wondered if a great guy actually needed a blind date. Or they just did it for shits and giggles, and maybe find someone they like. Either way, Theo wasn't exactly having high hopes.
It wasn't too late, the sun was still out, but barely, people were pretty much done with their shifts at hellhole of a work and hurrying home to collapse onto something or someone waiting for them. People were once again too busy to notice a lone rabbit waiting at a bus stop bench. That had always been the case for Theo; he wasn't exactly someone who stood out often. He blended in with the crowd easily, being nothing special most of the time. And he sorta liked it that way. He didn't need a truckload of attention to make him feel special or secure. It would be nice, he would admit to himself, one in a while.
Theo looked down at himself. He wasn't dressed too badly. He hoped it said ‘It's nice to meet you, but I'm not too excited and desperate about all this', a shirt with a neat looking hoody to keep him warm, and some casual looking blue jeans, nothing too formal and nothing to informal. But once again, this is what he hoped it looked like.
"Eem...you waiting for a date?" Someone said from behind him in a deep tone, and Theo jumped out of his seat in shock. He didn't look behind him though, because something...something just seemed a bit off. Well, even more off than the whole thing all together.
‘...Where have I heard that voice before...?' he wondered. It sounded so familiar. But then he guessed he better not just stand there, not facing the guy like a moron. So with a little hesitancy and having to push his legs a tad to swerve, he turned round.
What he saw gave him the mental picture of his brain dislocating its jaw in it's gaping.
"A-Alphonse?" Theo said in exquisite mix of surprise, awkwardness and disbelief.
The elder bear's eyes were filled with confusion and shock. Over his normal signature brown cap he wore a black shirt with a light looking jacket of the same colour to cover it. A faded old pair of dark green jeans covered his legs snugly and some comfortable looking boots, not leather. "Theo?"
Theo blinked, over and over again, trying to think of what the HELL you're supposed to do when you are set up on a blind date with someone you already know. Was that even supposed to happen? Wasn't there some kind of unwritten ruling against that kind of stuff when blind dates were made? The whole point of it was to meet someone you don't know. It wasn't like he and Al were best buds or even good friends really. They were just acquaintances. He supposed it would have been more awkward if they knew each other in more detail
'Oh my god...what now? It's bad enough I know him. But he's probably twice my age!' Theo wondered ‘Say something at least...' the lagomorpha thought loudly in his brain. Theo looked up at the bear about to open his mouth and form words but Al beat him too it.
"So...you're gay?" The bear asked, rather stupidly since right now it was obvious what the answer was. But after all, obvious questions are always asked in awkward situations, because any silence breaker will do when you really need it.
"Y-yea...you too?" Theo weakly replied, looking down and avoiding eye contact.
"Proud of it." The bear said, a little too optimistically for the mood at hand.
Silence came again between the two, neither one knowing quite what to say.
"Look, if it's creeping you out, which I highly doubt it isn't, I can just go and we can pretend this whole thing didn't happen." Alphonse said suddenly, looking seriously.
"No...you don't have to do that..." Theo said, not sure why he was being his normal polite self instead of taking the offer that was just given to him that sounded way more tempting. He supposed either way the next time they saw each other at the gym it would still be a little bit awkward either they went forward or back. "I mean, it's not like we have to go on a...you know...real date" Theo said in his defence "We could just...I donno, hang out and become better friends, I guess? I mean, it'd be a shame to waste your time since you came all the way out here and it's not like I was expecting much anyway, since my friend tricked me into this..." Theo rambled on mindlessly.
"Your friend you say?" Al said curiously.
"Yea, my roommate things I'm not social enough and that it's not healthy" Theo muttered agitatedly, making bunny ear hand gesture emphasis on ‘social'.
"So this was against your will?" Al asked again.
"Mostly yes. Don't take it the wrong way Alphonse, but the only reason I came was because I don't want to be the kind of person that stands people up" Theo said, feeling nervous because what he just said still didn't sound too nice, "Would have at least tried to get along with someone."
"Polite young chap, aren't you?" Al said with a soft smile and an amused chuckle.
Theo blushed gently in his snowy, and a little brown, cheeks "I try. It comes with the personality trait."
"What in blue blazes names would make you want to hang out with this old coot in the first place boy?" Al said with a rather pleasant smile.
"No social life?" Theo offered, attempting to be funny, in a weird kind of way.
Al looked at the younger man for a moment, then shrugged to himself, "Aw what the hey, I don't have much to do tonight either" the ursine smiled warmly down at the rabbit "You got any ideas where to go? It's starting to get chilly out here."
"There's a nice little coffee shop a few blocks down. All I can think of right now" The rabbit said, trying to be positive and make the best of it.
Al grinned teasingly at the younger male, "Sounds pretty much like a date to me, boy" giving him a light judgemental look.
Theodore's cheeks darkened in red, becoming mildly irate quickly "You think of something then, how two guys going ANYWHERE together alone does not become an assumed date" he crossed his arms, trying hard to lessen his blush. "Least if we sit someone it will look more like I'm your foster child or something like that..."
Al chuckled loudly, seeming to have relaxed a great deal, "You prove a valid point there, boy. Very well, lead the way and I shall follow."
"Will you quit calling me boy?" Theo asked as he started walking over the pavement.
"You called me Sir, its payback." Al said positively, "Besides; compared to me you are a boy. Sir is for those formal stuffy types." the bear said as he trotted up along beside the other.
Theo stuck his paws into his hoody's pockets for warmth and kept his line of sight forward, not avoiding eye contact with the bear per say, but it made it a lot easier to think straight about what he just got himself into: bonding time with his older ‘friend'. It was better than staying home he guessed.
The walk was silent mostly besides the small sounds of footsteps and light breathing, as both of them seemed in their own world in the rapidly approaching night. By the time they reached the little quaint looking café the sun had just about set, the last traces of its rays hitting the ground before the stars came out to play.
The inside was warm and inviting compared to the cold world outside. A few furs sat here and there drinking whatever and looking out the window or reading the newspaper, some chatting to each other. Some light jazz played in the background almost inaudibly and the air smelt like a mix between chocolate cake and coffee. The seats were mostly black cheap looking ones surrounding a table in a corner while a few more little metal stools with the same black plush on the top stood in front of the large counter. Behind the counter a few waitresses looking tired and wishing to return home did their shift while chattering away, having the time since the place was nowhere near packed.
As Theo and his partner for the night sat down, an idling cat waitress sprung into action and asked if they wanted anything to drink. She didn't seem too enthusiastic, but not unfriendly looking either. Theo just asked for some tea, brand not mattering while Al got himself a cappuccino. She didn't write it down and strolled away quietly, and left the two male in their silence once more.
It was Al who broke the silence again, "How old are you anyway boy?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that ‘sir'" Theo grinned, satisfied at the glare, "I turned 20 about two months ago, you?"
"42, alive and kicking for as long as possible." Al replied, watching as the sun disappeared completely and the night sky was all that was left of it.
Theo nodded as he held this new piece of information, ‘Ok...so he IS more than double your age...so what can I ask him...' the rabbit pondered for seconds before opening his maw "Got any history?"
"Hmm?" The bear said turned his head
"42 is a long enough to have at least a halfway life story, care to share? Will make the night longer I hope."
Alphonse smirked softly "Just cuz I'm old doesn't mean I have a batch of stories about my youth just yet boy, but yea I do have a bit of a history if you don't mind hearing it"
"All ears." Theo said, purposely flopping his long straight rabbit ears up and down with his hands and making the other laugh.
"Well I originated in France actually, you can tell since my name is frenchish". Theo nodded, showing his attention, "Childhood wasn't all that special, went to school, got my grades, tackled with my sexually, graduated, normal stuff everyone faces and joined the army not too soon after."
"You were in the army?" Theo asked, looking amazed
"Did I not just say so boy? A few pretty good years I might add, serving my country and all that crap. A few gruesome sights naturally, but once you see it, the second time isn't so bad." Al paused and smirked softly, "It's true what they say about the military by the way, with mainly men around ‘exploring' yourself is quite easy, and most of those men have something good looking working for them." the bear chuckled as if he was drifting off into a memory while Theo, surprisingly attentive, listened.
"Though after a couple of years, I got a bad card hand during a mission and ended up being shipped to America, that being the closest country, and for a week or two I think spent sleeping and recovering in hospital. They fixed me up right as rain but after that going back into the field didn't seem like a good idea, right arms never been as good as it used to be" he said, giving said arm a little roll by the shoulder, "So I hung up my badges and spent the rest of my days till now as what I am today, a gym instructor, fairly happily too." The bear finished off, "That's about it."
"Must have been hard." Theo said softly.
"What part?"
"Sitting in a bed feeling helpless and vulnerable after just being struck down then having to start all over again." Theo said.
The drinks arrived swiftly, as Al eyed the other, "Polite and blunt I see." The bear looked down that the foamy hot beverage for a second, "It wasn't that hard, already had the training in the military, just used it for another job...a less strict job." Theo nodded while he added some sugar sachets to his tea and stirred it idly, a pinkie up in the air that he never seemed to notice, "How bout you?"
"My childhood wasn't special either, since it was a little while ago. I guess you could call me the nerd stereotype, also with sexuality problems along with a sidehelping of homophobic bulling that wasn't too bad but still really annoying, but that's over now. Thank god. I'm in college now, studying for accounting." Theo said, "Numbers and me are a piece of cake."
"Accounting huh. Writing numbers is a lot different from running around with a belt full of blades and a gun in your paws, hoping nothing jumps up from behind and plunges something deep through you heart." Al replied.
Theo cringed at the growing image of being in the middle of nowhere while someone stabs you to death, "What made you join the military anyway? Putting your life at risk wasn't really your life motive was it?"
"My guess, I wanted to do something out of the ordinary. See the world and be adventurous. Always did have a sharp eye when it came to shooting as well. Right now though I think it was hormones and insanity." The bear said, warm smile ever-present.
"Ah, the reason most boys jump up and join the military, hormones." Theo said sarcastically while lifting his cup and sipping softly against it, not slurping.
"Quiet boy." Al replied, already drinking his cappuccino. When he put it down again, there was a piece of white froth just above his lip and a little on his nose.
Theo giggled softly at the sigh, and Al took an angrier disposition...or at least, it looked like an angry disposition, "What you laughing at boy?"
Theo smiled, "You have white stuff on your nose."
Alphonse blinked softly, and whipped his muzzle clean, "Happy now?"
"You should have left it on. You look funnier that way" Theo said with a bright cheerful smile after his little giggle.
"I'm not your clown, boy." Al replied, turning on that older stern and strict charm in his voice, making it sound full of authority and power as it's sound waves echoed deep.
"Fine, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Don't shoot me."
"For someone who might come across as shy to me, you sure don't mind speaking your own mind." Al remarked.
Theo looked a bit offended, not sure why, but he did, "And why do I come across as shy?"
"You said it yourself, you were the nerd. No offence boy, but you don't really look like someone who's out there setting trends. You look like you should be clogged up in your room reading books till the sun goes down and similarly terrified of girls or boys in your case." Al said, grinning evilly at the rabbit, "And just to drive it home, you look like you should be wearing fewer clothes."
Theo knew why he felt insulted now, he was being judged as a bookworm AND a girl, "I can't help if that's how I am, ok?" Theo said, huffing and crossing his arms.
"Fine, Sorry boy, don't lecture me to death."
The two males stared at each other for a few seconds as if they were testing each other, to see who would lose the unknown game, before each of them broke into a little chuckle, Alphonse's louder than Theo's smaller giggle.
The two were off after that. Well their voices were anyway. As the night drew on the talking didn't stop. Jokes and smiles, fake glares accompanied with age taunts brought a comfortable mood, the kind you would expect from father and son and slowly each warmed up to the other as time passed quickly on the small circular clock that hung on the wall of the café.
Al in all his 42 years had enough times to tell dramatic stories about his times in the military that Theo found unusually entertaining, though he wondered if half of them were true since they sounded just one step into the land of farfetched and even more into the land of just plain weird. The bear loved jokes by the sound of things, since he had his own little arsenal of them. The ursine loved to laugh in general, but not overbearingly so that he became some old father type that just wasn't funny anymore.
Before either of them really knew it, their drinks were up and they kept talking. After that Theo was the one who realized it was getting late, and he needed the sleep for the days to come. Studying was not fun. The walk was a silent one, the talking from before didn't seem to match as well to the warm drinks and cosy café than the cold outside night.
Al offered to walk him home, and Theo accepted gratefully. Walking alone in the night wasn't really frightening, but it sure did make Theo feel a lot safer.
"Thanks." Theo said with the smile he had been wearing for the past hour at the least, "It was nice to get to know you better."
"You too boy." Al replied, having stopped at Theodore's apartment complex to give a last goodbye for what was left of that day.
Theo grinned foolishly, "Wanna pretend it's still a date and kiss my cheek?"
"Are you hitting on me boy?" Al said with careless and joking suspension.
Theo didn't blush, oh no he didn't, he just giggled with his paws back in his hoody pockets. Al was such a drama queen...but when he though about it, so was himself "Do you want to or not?"
"Can't beat the youth can I?" Al replied with a sigh "Fine, maybe it will make me feel like I was 18 years old again, kissing all the guys on the cheeks and feeling giddy" he chuckled. Carefully the elder bear leaned down a placed the softest of little kisses on the other's cheek. Theo almost didn't feel it, but he had. It was nice to be kissed...even if it was on the cheek, out of pity mostly and from a way older man. An old preserved and refined but light scent floated through Theodore's nostrils. It smelt like...all things adult...in a way.
Al straightened up from the lean and stood tall above Theo, "Enjoy the rest of your night you hear?"
"I will. I'll see you Thursday at the gym" Theo replied
"Right-o." The ursine said, and gave a light wave as he started walking off in the opposite direction of the apartment building. Theo waved back weakly and when Al was no longer in sight, he scurried inside, suddenly feeling tired without the bear to liven things up for him.
When he opened the door, Matthew was still up, pouring is eyes through some art books. The guy was very creative, and drawing men naked in the most seductive positions possible was his speciality. That Labrador could make any male look unbelievably hot when he drew.
Muttering a softly ‘hey' in the dogs direction, Theo quickly attempted to retreat to bed. Matthew cut him off.
"So how was it?" The dog asked, looking up briefly
"You expect me to date a 42 year old?" Theo muttered, trying to sound irritated.
This seemed to get Matthew's attention, fairly easily "You got paired up with a 42 year old?!"
"Yes, no thanks to you." Theo fake glared at the other, just teasing because he didn't mind the ‘date' at all.
"Then why are you so late? I though you had finally hit it off with some guy and he dragged you home to-"
"He's a friendly 42 year old, ok? I felt bad for him." Theo said.
Matthew was about to ask another question, but Theo did the cutting off this time with a swift, "Good night and farewell land of the awake."
\---And so...---
Time passed quickly after that. Weeks even, which forged the bond the young and old fur had. Despite when they saw each other regularly at the gym, which remained a mostly non social thing, they would spend time together afterwards and Theo would find he got home a lot later than he usually did-
"Are you DATING him?" Matthew asked.
"No!" Theo replied, blushing brightly "How can you even SAY that?"
"Because you spend ‘all' your free time with him, you ‘always' talk about him and whenever he's mentioned you get this big stupid smile on your face!"
"I do not!"
Theo smiled, causing his blush to deepen,
"Why do you care anyway? It's not like we really dating, we just spending a lot of time together."
"Doing what? Calling him your sugar daddy?" Matthew grinned, evilly and mischievous, loving the moment so much. It was too precious, too easy, too big to miss and way too tempting, "Does he make you beg and wear school boy clothes?"
"He only kissed me a few times on the cheek ok?" Theo retaliated, and realized too soon that wasn't the right thing to say.
"Wait till he gets to your mouth."
And Theodore said what he normally said when Matthew god unbearably annoying, which was a lot, "AAUUUGHH!" and stormed out.
Matthew chuckled to himself, feeling proud of his shit making ways.
\---Not soon after...---
"Hey." Al said as he walked to the other, waving as he came to a stop outside the movies.
Theodore looked up and nodded gently in greeting, looking a bit distracted.
"Something bothering you boy?" Alphonse said, turning serious in a split second, and the fatherly side of his old age turning on immediately for the little rabbit.
Theodore stared at the bear in front of him ‘don't say it....don't say it....don't say it.' Berating and commanding his body and mind not to ask what he wanted to. He didn't want it to blow up in his face, be called weird or otherwise offense and rude and he didn't want to ruin the casual like friendship he had with the older bear friend, it was something it actually liked in the world.
"Are we dating?"
And there it was...
The question Theodore was hoping he wouldn't stupidly blurt out. But there it was, out in the open and ready to be judged. The lagomorpha stared hard into the ursine's experienced eyes, trying to find the answer and some part of him secretly hoping things would turn out ok, even though he seriously doubted they would.
I mean, come on, the dude's 42 and he's 20, that's like 22 years apart. Isn't that paedophilia or something like that? What was he thinking? There was no way in hell that would even work. Even more importantly, why did he WANT it to work? That's just wrong, right? It was all Matthews damn fault, for putting the idea in his brain.
‘I shouldn't have asked, he's going to think I'm some kind of perv loser. Oh god why did I have to open my big fat mouth and sa-'
"I think so."
"I know I shouldn't have asked and you probably thinking I'm-" Theo paused in mid ramble of this thoughts "Wait, what?"
"I think we are boy." Al's serious tone was still there, calm and unbothered by the idea.
"...Really?" The rabbit asked "And you don't think it's freaky?"
"It's a little weird boy." The bear, attempting a smile, and succeeding, "But hey, remember what we said last week: Weird is just being special in a good way" the bear looked round "It's not like I can deny it. We're going to damn movies for crying out loud, only couples do that stuff."
Theo nodded softly "I thought so..."
Al grinned, "I don't mind really." he chuckled, "It's kind of ironic, we were on a blind date a while back, and now we're actually dating, in a way." he paused and smirked handsomely down at the rabbit, "Looks like I still got some moves huh?"
"I guess.." Theo replied, very slowly making peace with the idea that he was dating someone twice and a little more his age.
Alphonse paused, remaining serious and understanding, "...Do you mind it?"
Theodore looked up the much older bear, and studied him slowly with his eyes. It wouldn't be a lie to say the ursine had a handsome charm about him. He had noticed it many times before on previous occasions. It wasn't hard to miss. The bear was friendly and kind, but serious when it really needed to be. He was funny and he was very pleasant to be around. Theo could easily picture himself spending a lot of quality time with the other man.
But then, there was the big stump in the road of life and happiness: the age gap. Theo had always partly pictured himself with an older man, since they tended to be at least a little bit more mature and understanding, but not so far as to say 22 years. He's heard of those sorts of relationships, but from what he heard they were a bit hard to maintain. There was the age gap after all. The one gets older faster, dies earlier if natural reasoning is put into play, all sorts of stuff like that that makes a relationship a lot harder than it already is.
But having a gay relationship was hard anyway...
Theo shook his head, "So long as you don't, neither do I"
"So...this is a date-date then?" Al replied with a grin.
"Looks like it." Theo replied, looking optimistic and willing, on purpose and unforced.
Al grinned a bit wider, and slung his arm round Theo's shoulders, making the rabbit stiffen up at the sudden but welcome contact, "Then I got me a boyfriend." Theo blushed as Al smirked down at him, "Emphasis on boy."
"Shut up." Theo muttered up, "And do you have to hold onto me like that?"
"What? Afraid someone will hurt you? Don't worry." Al leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to white furred and rosy cheeks, "Big army bear will protect you. And since I'm the butch one in the pair by default, I get to do what I want"
"You really enjoying all this aren't you..." Theo snickered and let himself be held, not mind being the ‘girly' one at all at current time. Always did figure he'd be on the receiving end of a pair. The way he was he didn't think he'd ever be on the other side of the table.
"First boyfriend in a while boy, I have all the right in the world to be ecstatic about it. I'm old, let me have my moment alright?" the bear said, his arm tightening protectively around the smaller male as furs passed by looking at them with soft judgemental eyes. Al led, or rather, half dragged Theo into the movies. The rabbit himself had become a little weak in the knees for some reason. Many admin related things happened that Theo didn't pay notice to until they got to the doors of the movie. Everything was just happening so fast.
The theatre was already dark by the time they padded in, and they got a couple of seats in the corner of one side. Theo felt overpoweringly subconscious of his looks at the time. He didn't mind being with Al, but he was just...to put it bluntly, scared of what people would think of him if he just announced: Hey, I have a boyfriend who's twice my age and he's still hot as ever!
Theo blushed when he realized he added the ‘hot as ever' part in his mind, and tried to pay attention to the movie instead in the almost pitch dark besides the screen illuminating the large room of hardly anybody besides them. If one thinks about it, this is one of the perfect times for a rapist to make his move after lulling the victim into a false state of security. The rabbit took a side glance away from the movie he wasn't really paying attention to anyway to look at the bear.
Admire was more like it.
Al wasn't watching the rabbit; he was watching the movie like any other person would. Theo wondered how the bear seem to maintain his handsome trait even after darkness had fallen upon them. The brown fur made him stand out only slightly, but ever single feature stood out. It actually let Theo start to appreciate how the bear really looked, like seeing him in a new light, ironically in darkness. He smiled gently.
A large brown paw moved and gently grabbed Theo's in an easy embrace, fingers laced neatly together. The bear looked sideways and down, and flashed a toothy little smile. Theo just couldn't help but get butterflies flitting around in his chest, along with a secure feel about him. A feeling he very rarely felt in his life, that adamant instinct.
‘This can work...'
The rabbit soon found himself stealthily crawling into the bears seat and was welcomed whole heartily in a warm embrace of bear. Some kind of protective barrier had formed around him, one nothing could penetrate or disable. He looked up once more at the elder bear.
And in the next three seconds, almost as if on countdown for New Years Eve, the small rabbit and the large bear found their lips entwined...
Al sat in his little cosy single story house around town. Nothing special, just your average place with enough room for everything every furry needs to live with a few homey touches that makes each home no matter how big or small. A brick unlit fireplace stood in front of the lounge area, were the elder bear now sat in a reclining armchair, looking comfortable and content. ‘Old style' just reeked off the walls and carpeting. A few medals and pictures of a life the bear it belong to once lived with his own mind and body. Green painted walls with decent lighting and wood under the brown carpeting. Besides the chair was a couch that faced the not too big but not too small TV standing along against the wall.
Behind the living room walls, shuffles of another being were barely heard in the cottage like house made for one but able to house two easily.
"Ok...I think I'm ready!" the voice shouted.
"Well get in here boy, and let's have a look at you..." Alphonse the elderly, and admittedly perverted when he should be, bear called back.
A door opened, and revealed Theodore standing in its way.
"Holy. Shit." Al said, staring intently at the other, drinking in the sight like a dry sponge to water "You look gorgeous, boy."
Theo blushed a dark rose red, spreading very slightly to his ears as a weak pink, "Think so?"
"Boy, you could make a straight man love you." Al chuckled.
That may have been the case, as Theodore stood in the open doorway in the shortest looking blue miniskirt Al had ever seen on a male. In fact, it was the only miniskirt he had seen on a male in general. That wasn't all however. The skirt was accompanied with a short sleeved flamboyant purple shirt, a couple of bright red hearts on it that fit snugly against the rabbit's frame and hugged to him tightly. Over his flopped down ear a hooped earring hung from a hole and over his legs, covering from foot to knee were a pair of pink and purple stripe covered toeless socks.
If you didn't know better, you could have honestly mistaken Theo for a girl. A very pretty girl.
"Thanks." Theo muttered, and padded over slowly, swaying his hips just a bit, "Who talked who into this again?"
"No one talked anyone into this boy. I just casually mentioned after some time of our dating that you would make a rather pretty picture in girl clothes. Then for some unknown reason you decided to appease my ridiculous thoughts and promised to try some on for me." Al explained matter-of-fact like.
"Was that before or after you grabbed me and kissed the living day lights out of me, telling me you would always had a bit of a fetish for those kind of guys and seeing me in a skirt would be like Christmas coming early?" Theo said with a teasing smirk.
"I believe it was after..." The bear chuckled at himself more than at Theo's retaliation "Speaking of Christmas, why don't you hop onto my lap and tell me what you want?"
Theo grinned softly to himself and obeyed, neatly climbing into the bigger bear's lap and giving him a hug, "You are one perverted old man..."
"You show me a boy in girl's clothing and you expect me to act decent? I have needs too boy." Al replied, his right paw hugging Theo on his back and supporting him.
"What is it about it that you like anyway? If you like guys in girls' clothes, doesn't that technically mean you could like girls?" Theo asked curiously.
Al scratched his chin in mock thought "It's hard to explain what about fetishes turn people on boy. For me, I think it's just the idea it puts into your head. When you look at a guy and he's got a dress on, it's not the fact that he looks like a lass, it's the fact that you KNOW it's a male under all those clothes and their still able to look as beautiful as any female you could meet. The clothes don't last long either, once they come off, you're dealing with a man again, and the beauty remains on him without the clothes." Al paused, and then smirked down at the little lagomorpha in his lap, "I'm calling you beautiful, in case you're missing it."
Theo smiled gently up at the bear, "I wonder why people like ageplay then..."
"We're an example of those people boy." A brown paw rested on Theo's head, and gently stroked the back of it, encouraging out a soft sound of appreciation, "I already explained a fetish on my views, why don't you take a crack at it?"
Theo looked down to his skirt, the gut belonging to another residing near to it, "I think it has to do with...maturity" the rabbit looked into the eyes of the ursine, "Some people may want to seek people who have been through a lot and similarly know how to live there life out, since a lot of it has gone already. For the older guys I guess they want a nice young someone to make them feel young again, to feel like they still have what it takes to get back in the game and to breathe fresh life into them. I guess it also for the thrill of doing something that isn't common."
"That sounded rather deep boy." Al replied.
"I try."
"So then, you find me mature do you? You have given me a better reason to wake up in the morning with these tired bones."
"I'm glad I could help papa."
Al blinked and grinned devilishly down at the adorable blushing rabbit residing in his lap, "Did you just call me papa?"
"...Yea..." Theo whispered, highly embarrassed, "Since you call me boy...I kinda wanted to have a little pet name for you too."
"Boy, you are reloading my gun real fast and it hasn't shot for a while."
"Being called Papa turns you on?" Theo asked sweetly, almost innocently, succeeding to make him look even more adorable.
"Being called papa by YOU turns me on boy." Al smirked as he said.
"Well then, Papa bear, what can I do to help you reload your old gun then, hmm? You know how much I love helping my dear old pop..." Theo said, shifting his weight and sitting more facing the other. He could feel the bear's slow breath on his muzzle.
"Your being rather bold for the Theo I know boy, eager?" the bear asked, a little surprised to find the rabbit this willing when he normally was so shy and hesitant.
"Maybe it's just the rabbit side of me kicking in." Theo grinned.
"I dare say I like eager Theo better than normal Theo." the bear replied, a large paw slowly resting on the other's thigh, giving it soft caring strokes along its length and reaching higher and higher. His digits fingered at the thin cloth of the skirt, before easily lifting it up and sliding beneath it. The ursine's smile broadened when he found the equally thin clothed red panties under that tempting skirt, "I like eager Theo's undies too."
Theo blushed a red to match his undergarments, "Thought it would be a nice touch." he replied, the panties now showing easily with his skirt lifted up. It was silky smooth in the bear's paws, and the crotch had a small black paw print on it, which both Alphonese and Theodore found adorable.
Al pulled Theo just a bit closer to his body, Theo shifting a bit from lap to half lap-half thigh. The rabbit closed his eyes and murred the softest of all murrs when a finger brushed along his clothed butt cheek. It stayed just as soft, even as the bear cupped one in his large paws and rubbed it inside its grasp. A muzzle buried into a chest as that groping paw handled the goods more detailed, shifting off a cheek and moving towards the middle.
The murr got louder as a pair of old fingers caressed his crack, rubbing the fabric up against his white furred butt as the other paw reached under Theo's upper coverings and stroked the smaller male's chest. His lips parted to let out its sounds more easily, breathing warmly on the other's covered chest. A aroused rumbled travelled from the bear's belly up to his maw as he touched his new lover, and he could feel himself hardening slowly against his shorts.
Theo looked up at the bear, feeling the hardness near his thigh and feeling urges to touch it, please it, suck it, lick it, kiss it, something, anything, ‘Al, can I?"
"Can you what?" The bear asked, not only because he wasn't sure what the rabbit wanted to do, but because he wanted to hear the rabbit say it.
"Can I suck you off?" the rabbit asked as innocently as a child would, or as innocent as that question could be from a child.
"Thought you'd never ask boy..." the bear smiled, "It's all yours to play with." his paws retracted from the smaller mammal and rested behind his head, ready and fully willing to enjoy the experience.
Theo sunk from the bears lap and onto the carpeted floor in no time at all, nimble paws reaching out and pulling down the pants zipper, hearing the ‘zzzzzzzz' as it slowly went down. He reached at the waist and pulled the jeans down, smirking at what he saw.
"Jockstrap?" He asked.
"They're pretty comfy, and a lot easier for access." Al replied with a grin, placing his paw between the rabbits floppy ears and rubbing it with a thumb, encouraging further activity.
The rabbit took a good hold of the bulge pressing out defined at the white jockstrap, and groped it inside his paw, earning a pleasing soft moan from the taller male. He could feel the length throbbing against the fabric demandingly, waiting to be released and freed. Theo wasted no more time, and pulled down at the jockstrap. His eyes met a swollen length, judging by Theo only as about 10 or 11 inches long, black, cut and currently pulsing slightly, below it in a brown bag of fur hung two proportioned balls bigger than golf balls.
Theo licked his lips hesitantly, and looked up at the bear, met with a soft grin "Don't worry boy, just take your time, I won't pull or shove"
The rabbit nodded, taking a shy grip on the other male's powerful thighs, leaning his muzzle forward and not touching the length itself, but descending lower between the two balls. His nose gently sniffed and inhaled the bear's growing musk, bringing his tongue out and as shy as everything he did at the time, let it rest against the bear's sack. It moved slowly, moving the little pink muscle along the furred balls, sampling them more than tasting and hearing a deep rumble response for his actions. He kissed both hanging orbs in turn, thinking of what to do next as he ‘nibbled'. For the time being he let his tongue more bravely shower it over the balls, sucking around them and feeling the cock tingle near his cheek and nose.
Rabbit tongue moved up suddenly, licking swiftly at the base of the cock. The lick broadened and moved north, leaving more and more of length claimed in its path to the summit. Small white paws stroked along the strong thighs in a caring manner, scratching them gently as Theo's lips reached the tip, and gave it a swift kiss. His tongue got to work quickly, swirling around that tip slowly and licking over the slit. Al moaned in response, head back and maw open, "That's it boy..."
Feeling braver by the second, Theo dived onto the cock and making Al groan in pleasure. His lips sunk over the length slowly and grew accustomed to its taste and feel of it, quickly deciding he loved it. His tongue explored the rod in his maw, warmly lapping over it and keeping it trapped in his maw cavern. Al stroked his rabbit head lovingly, encouraging more and showing how much he loved the attention.
The bunny sucked gently over the length, slowly bobbing his head over the first half of it, his paw taking the bottom half and stroking it between his paw pads. He could feel the bear's aroused rumbling vibrate over his body as he sucked, playing slighting with the sensitive flesh and testing where the bear liked it the most.
It seemed like he did everywhere. The ursine's moans filled the room so quickly, and Theo could feel his body shivering with anticipation. He slid his tongue slightly, letting it drag over the warm member as it throbbed against his gums. The scent he was so familiar with whenever he was around the bear had doubled and added that small of a deeply aroused muscular male, ready to do what he wants to please himself. The scent drugged his systems as his head bobs went lower and closer to the bear's pubes where it seemed to be coming from, drifting to his petite nose easier. For the first time in that instant Theo realized just how hard he was when the pain of being clothed with a hard on ached in his lower regions.
Al panted softly, resisting his urges to just roughly grab the rabbit's long ears and use his muzzle like he didn't care. But he did, even though it was extremely tempting. He kept his old needs at bay and enjoyed the already amazing treatment as it was. His thick meat hadn't been under the pressure of a good pleasuring for a while since he had no one to offer him it, and currently it caused him to crave more desperately. He allowed himself the pleasure of bucking just once, pushing his length deeper in the rabbit while he looked down with a growl. He could already feel his balls working and churning new seed, and small drops leaked out in pre. "Oh god bunny boy..."
Theo let the white liquid touch his tongue, tasting another man's salty cum for the first time. He found a liking to, that odd sensation, and sucked harder on the member as if trying to get the rest out. His little rabbit tongue new to everything that was happening danced to the sound of wet licks. His nose twitched, hit with the growing scent time and time again as he went up and down.
Al stiffened, not wanting the pleasure to end, no now, not after so long of neglect and not after sharing the feeling with his bunny boy. But he couldn't take it. Every piece of him was screaming for release, to let his voices flow free. A shout, cry, scream of energy broke his lips apart as his seed dam was blasted open and let it rush to the poor unsuspecting rabbit. His last thought before his mind was overcome with ecstasy was cursing himself for not being able to last longer.
Theo's eyes opened in shock as a torrent of ursine cum flooded his maw. He tried to swallow some down, but with the cock still in his maw he gagged and was forced to take it out. The lasts spurts of the climax splattered his already white face, covering up some of the black patched. He licked his lips slowly, and smiled. But coughed a second later
Al looked down at the little younger male, an apologetic but nowhere near truly sorry smile. It was too good to be sorry for "Sorry...little...guy" he panted his words "Shoulda...warned ya..."
Theo shook his head slowly and innocently climbed back into the bear's lap, "S'ok papa..."
A moment of rest took place in the room, a short brief moment to catch breath, more needed by the elder one, "I used to be able to last...a lot longer than that..."
Theo smiled a shy amused smile, "Papa's older now...how's longs it been?"
"Couple of years...10 or so"
"Papa's got an excuse then." Theo nuzzled the bear's Adams apple, "He's just a bit out of rusty."
"Gonna help me get back in the groove boy?" Al asked, arms at his sides moving to hug Theo gently.
"Yes, papa..." the rabbit licked Al's neck, "Papa's still gonna take me right?"
The ursine looked curiously down as his boyfriend, "Boy wants more?"
"Papa still wants more." Theo replied with a giggle, and petted a black cock that hadn't softened one little bit.
Al smiled sheepishly and chuckled, "Always was a bit too horny."
"I don't mind."
"Hidden bunny side of you still workin eh?"
"You ask too many questions, Papa."
Another brief moment of comfort and silence "Just need my breath back" The bear whispered softly after a while. White lips pressed gently against brown for a second. A smile as innocent and pure as the snow itself spread along Theo's lips. The smile reflected easily.
"You might want to make yourself look desirable on the floor boy, might help speed the process."
Without a word Theo left Al's warm lap once more, and crawled over the carpet floor away from the bear. He stopped after a few crawls and looked back, paws and knees on the floor and rump stuck in the air. The smile was still there, but innocent and pure seemed to lose meaning slightly in it.
Al's eyes travelled over the rabbit's body, starting from the grinning muzzle, down to the exposed nape, south still to the currently still clothed and slightly bent back, more till the small puff of fluffy fur Theo claimed as a tail. Sitting right below was one of the tightest looking tail holes Al had seen in a while. He rose from his seat on the couch and moved his way over to the other male; till his body loomed over the other.
The urge to be completely naked suddenly overcame the bear, and some with seeing Theo completely naked. Without much second though he took hold of his shirt, and tore it apart with a loud rrriiipppp. Theo stared with a held back gasp of surprise at the sight; till his little shirt was roughly pulled over his head, both torn material and it thrown aside carelessly.
"Wasn't that a bit much papa?" he asked.
"Horny. Naked rabbit. Tailhole. No questions." The bear replied gruffly, getting to his knees behind the rabbit, and using a large brown paw to stroke along the rabbit's back, feeling said back arch into the touch. He brushed the fur under his palm caringly and slowly, relaxing Theo with the slow pets.
Theo murred softly, feeling the paw travel a bit lower to his sides, stroking them in the same manner. He felt another paw take a hold of his one leg at the same time, and sort of kept it in place while it slid the fingertips against his skin.
Al let his eyes drink in the sight of his lover, hypnotised by a hidden beauty the rabbit seemed to have. It wasn't long before the pucker against captivated his view, and the bear contemplated just what he should do to it, pondering quickly the options of foreplay. The thoughts races second by second and each thought brought a new answer to him. Slowly he leaned his muzzle down and kissed just above the tailhole and below the tail, that small area. His one paw withdrawing to the other leg and gripping the same way the other did, he held the bunny down.
Theo's eyes went wide when he felt a warm something that he could only guess was a tongue touch his tailhole. He didn't look back, keeping his eyes forward to deal with the funny new feeling. It slid up and down his crack, teasingly licking the sensitive flesh and covering much with its broadness. He could feel the wetness at his bottom that felt weird but wonderful all the same.
Al rumbled lustfully against the rabbit, nose touching the tail while his tongue worked. The pink muscle dragged its way over the rump, with his paws coming up and grabbing each cheek respectively and pulled them further away from each other to expose the hole as much as possible. It circled around the pucker and then went covered it with skill.
Theo moaned, feeling things he never felt before in his life. And he knew that people went on and on about how great sex was, but he never knew it was THAT great. His body heated a bit and he held back another gasp as he felt the muscle start to press and push at his rump, instinct telling his muscles to tense up.
Al pressed his tongue harder inside, breaking past the hole and wiggling in. He felt the hot wet tightness of an anus surround his muscle, yet he pushed it further still, as deep as he could into the enclosed caverns, tasting a fresh rabbit and enjoying the taste.
Theo felt his legs tremble gently, feelings all over his body reacting from one spot on his rump. He moaned, long and dragged out just as his virgin hole slowly and gently was pried apart. He could not mood, nor did he want to. He wanted to be stuck in that way for a long time.
Al's tongue darted in and out just a bit, in a sense fucking the rabbit with his tongue, lustful vibrations stemming from him, those old feelings from days before coming back to him and feeling so good to be having them again. That rush of adrenaline and excitement mixed with sparks of joy. He wanted more, god he wanted much more, and he was making sure he was getting it.
Theo for first time notices his erection during that time, hard and wanting. He shifted a bit downward so he wouldn't need so much support to keep himself up, and used one paw to fondle his bits, moaning quick at it and his ass's pleasuring.
Al ate the rabbit's ass with vigor, fucking his tongue inside of it, lapping the tight walls quickly. But soon his tongue slowed in speed, and eventually stopped. The bear took his muzzle away, and massaged the rump with one paw, and his own cock once more, "I'll slide in a bit better now..." he gave the rump a confident pat.
The rabbit was about to ask if Al had condoms, safety taking a small toll in his mind briefly, but he decided against it. He doubted the bear had anything he should be worried about and wanting to have the raw meat in his ass and not latex, not to mention that sticky yummy cum he just tasted up his hole was great.
Al shifted just a bit closer, his member's flesh rubbing up the rabbit's warm hole, ready for the cherry to be popped open. A paw took hold of the rabbit's shoulder "Ready for your pounding boy?"
"Yes papa..." the simple, and slightly arousing to hear, reply.
The ursine's black tip rested against the hole for mere split seconds before force drove it forward. Al growled deeply at the sudden welcome warmth over his arousal while Theo groaned in the slightest winces of pain.
"Papa...it hurts a little..." Theo said softly.
"You're a big boy now, be good and take papa's cock..." the bear replied roughly, holding onto the rabbit more securely as his length sunk deeper in the ass.
Theo focused on breathing while the feelings from moments ago doubled. Slowly the pain of being split apart subsided, and all that was left was the pleasure of having a big cock sliding against his walls.
"God boy... you're good and tight for papa..." Al said, holding the rabbit's rump with his other paw, shoving it deep and managing to hilt himself. He paused a moment, satisfied with the pleasured feeling of being inside someone for the time being. He let his cock grow accustomed to the sweet, sweet pleasure of it all.
Theo himself needed the pause more than bear did. It at least would let his ass to adjust to having a large intruder inside of it. Neither he, nor his add minded though. Theo felt complete in a way, rump tingling slightly.
Al pulled out slowly, letting those walls of heaven massage his cock slowly as he did. His tip remained inside the hole, and he pushed back in with more effort. The wet ass take it easier this time, and the next time it when in, and the time after that and soon the cock was sliding in and out in pace.
Theo hadn't forgotten pawing himself along the way, even though he felt slightly numb from ecstasy. He quivered gently, moaning soft "aaahhs" and "ooohs" as his ass was invaded over again. He closed his eyes, and fully embraced what was happening, tensing and relaxing his muscles in spasms with no real rhythm in them.
"That's a good boy, fight papa's cock a bit," the bear grumbled dominantly, picking his pace up and throwing his head back to moan to the ceiling. His paws pulled and pushed at Theo's body, controlling it and impaling it as far down as possible with each stroke, hitting the prostate like a slow drumming.
Although he was mostly being jerked back and forth with shoved and paws, the rabbit very gently rocked back into the thrusts with what strength he could muster out of his sex induced haze. He wasn't sure how much time was passing, but it felt like time was speeding by, and at the same time lasting forever.
The bear gave Theo's rump a spank, earning an adorable yip and a smug grin on his lips. His lust and burning passion increased rapidly, so did his need. He leaned over just a bit, and started hammering his cock harder at the bunny's rump, each one bring a delightful and constant slap. He gripped at Theo's neck fur, putting power into his thrusts.
Theo panted heavily, reduced to a horny rabbit wanting nothing more than to be royally fucked hard, heavy and raw. He loved every second of his hole being bombarded and plundered ruthlessly. He loved the sheer force behind it all and he never wanted it to stop. He hungered to be cummed into "Papa..." he moaned in appreciation to the other male dedicated so much effort.
The bear adjusted his pace slightly, slamming his cock inside the rabbit rapidly, pulling out slowly and pushing back in roughly. He created a combination between quick sparks and lasting flames of pleasure. Each deep thrust would rub his balls up against the other's rump, making tingling friction. Hearing the moans and calls of his lover aroused him just so much more, and he gave the ass another playful slap with his paw.
Theo whimpered and gritted his teeth, no longer pawing himself and using both of support himself as he felt like he would collapse at any given second. His cock twitched and pulsed painfully. He shut his eyes tightly, letting the shockwaves blast over him one by one, unable to do anything more but moan.
Al could feel the bunny tense up slightly, and he knew what was going to come very soon. Taking a hard grip on him, and another squeeze on the lagomorphs' length, he pumped his cock in and out without falter or pause. The heat of all the activity made the bear sweat as he pounded away, determined to see his love reach the point of no return.
And it came soon enough. The grasping hold of his cock plus the deep rabid stuffing sent Theo over his cliff.
"Aaaah!" he shouted, seed sputtering out onto the carpeted floor in tiny ropes. His ass clenched hard over the length inside in reflex, and his body shook heavily in release.
Al groaned at the sudden powerful tightness, his fucking still constant and powerful gaining added pleasure to both him and the cumming rabbit. Just a few more hard pushes into the extra tight cave was all the ursine needed for his second release, roaring loudly as his sloppy white load spilled into the rabbit's ass. It was less than the first, which was to be expected, but still quite a bit.
The two bodies shook against each other, the one's chest falling onto the other's back and thus making the one below collapse to the ground after. They lay there in a tangled mess of sweaty body parts and cum, gasping for precious oxygen, eyes closed and set into a very enjoyable recovery mode...
\---And finally...---
A fireplace blazed softly in the living room.
On the floor in front of that fire, lay a rabbit and a bear closely wrapped together in a bundle.
Both naked but the fur that covered their bodies and the blanket that had been thrown over each other, they lay in almost silence.
Theodore, poor exhausted thing, had eyes closed and slowly rising and falling chest to signal he was still dreaming was his only movement. His lips still and just slightly parted, his arms drawn into his body and legs lying sprawled out on the ground, he was at complete peace.
Spooning him from behind was Alphonse, smiling contently as he watched over the little rabbit sleep. His arm wrapped around Theo's waist, legs caught in the other's and muzzle watching with gentle eyes from over a shoulder, eh made sure the bunny was as close as physically possible.
The bear felt his old heart beat warmly in the embrace of love, and he snuggled just a bit closer to the rabbit. For the first time in a few good long years, he was truly happy with what he had; a good job, a good life, and now a great boyfriend to cure his loneliness and give him something to come home to.
Al closed his eyes and thought of how the future was going to be now that he had Theo at his side. He imaged walking through that front door and having the cheerful rabbit to hug hum around the neck and let him release all his stress from a hard day's work. That special someone he could share his feelings and ideas with and just spend time with. He was looking forward to it all, their life together.
It would definitely spice his life up in the least.
Al leaned lower, and gently pressed a gentle peck of a kiss on Theo's sleeping cheek. The rabbit's ear flicked, making Al want to chuckle.
"Night bunny boy...I love you..."
The flames continued to burn that night, long after the two males had fallen fast asleep. Somewhere in the night, Theo's paw had moved lower and held onto Al's, muttering softly and dreamily in his sleep.
Thank GOD I finished this personally overdue commission Good try and Age play I must say Proud of it, sorta XD
Written by me All characters belong to me, but I likely won't use them again
Beta'd by my Teddybear, Arukku (Love you babes, for fixing all my annoying typing errors)
Thanks for reading =) | FSE |
Melody- or just Mel as she proffered- is a really strong willed woman. With cyan eyes behind silver framed rectangular glasses, and brown hair tied in a high ponytail made of massive curls. She was surely a great prize for anyone to make an ally of, but a terrible enemy. In her highschool years she came upon two macabre harps carved from a long dead and forgotten deity. One harp controlled physical things, the other mental- body and mind. Controlling them was trouble enough and keeping them secret harder still. She had used them many times over the years, always telling herself each time it should be the last. It would seem it was time again to unseal the ancient ritual chamber they slept in- under the side of a small mountain that overlooked the city.
She had a cushy office job, handling book keeping for Aegis Security. It paid well and wasn't hard at all- the main shortcoming is that is abysmally boring, but that was remedied by her coworkers. They were a unique bunch of...colorful personalities that seemed borderline crazy at times, making the office much more lively than it should be. If left with just that, it would seem life was exactly how it should be, but then there is Allegro. Handsome, sure- athletic too. He was even nice, but that only made his arrogance and narrow mindedness that much worse! He knew he was good looking and subtly flaunted it every moment he exists like a subconscious function, like breathing. She could put up with that much but he also had a habit of mistaking his opinions for fact, and even when you prove him wrong he was excellent at back stepping and making it seem like he was never wrong at all! Allegro got into a rather big argument with Mel the other day, ending with him still ignorantly calm and Mel ready to pop his head off like a zit.
Allegro stated that in trying to be beautiful like society tells them is appropriate, women can never be as strong as men- effectively locking the two genders into preconceived roles. Even if one were to try and switch, they would never be good enough at it to really pull it off. Mel raged about how beauty and power were able to coexist, but nothing would get through Allegro's head! She was quite pretty but not strong- at least not physically, but she could fix that. It felt like cheating, using magic to create a pristine example of power and beauty, but she needed to get through to him, so she was going to make herself the exemplar.
After breaking through the caved in doorway of the ritual shrine with a portable shovel, she followed the path of light trailing from the opening. The torches and candles within the huge chamber had burned out eons before, so the opening she made was the only light- convenient then that the harps are in the center and thus within the light. The pedestal with the music book of the harps was outlined on the border of light and dark, but the book- the Dirge Of The Dead God was gone! There was a few people Mel knew could get in here, but why they would remove the book is beyond her. The music only did something if played from the harps- it did absolutely nothing on any other instrument. The harps were both still there however, and even if someone wanted to take them they couldn't- the harps are both huge and locked in place on huge marble slabs. You would need a crane to move them, and even then you would need to tear them out of the structure! So why remove the book? The book did nothing without the harps and the harps were uncontrollable without the proper music. Mel let out a very long, annoyed sigh. A bit blinded with anger still, she switched to her plan B. Taking out her cell phone she thumbed through photos of the book she had taken in the past when Mel was trying to learn about the book overall. The problem is- she didn't have pictures of much more than half the pages in the section for the harp for body only. She had to make due with whatever songs she had taken pictures of...which could prove dangerous.
Mel grumbled in frustration, flicking past images quicker now, only skim reading even though she didn't know what she was looking for. She quickly stopped on another song she had a...unique encounter with. Aspect of a cow. Mel never used it herself but knew a girl named Viola who did use it. It gave her big breasts and big nipples, it also made her lactate. Eventually she was lactating like a broken sprinkler from inhumanly giant breasts with too many, too long teats. It even affected her thoughts. But that was the thing- most of that was eventual. The aspect songs needed time to get fully up to speed- most of the initial changes are on a genetic level and not outwardly visible at all. Mel could imbue herself with the aspect of a cow and then not milk herself as to hasten that portion of it. It would put her on a rather strict time limit, but she figured she could manage it. She already had a time limit- she was trying to catch Allegro when he left work. Once she decided on that song, the final touch became obvious. For the athleticism portion she chose another aspect song, for lean but strong muscle Mel chose the aspect of a horse. With any luck two aspect songs on top of each other would slow each other down and extend the genetic sorting stage. As Mel straddled the ancient bone frame of the body harp, her fingers plucked at the hair made strings with careful precision. The strength at which songs were played affected their magnitude, which means playing part of a song louder and the rest normally can put focus on a single part of its effect. Knowing this already allowed her to tone down lactation and any mental effects from either, and hasten the effect on her bust but not amplify it. These variables is exactly why the harps were so easily misused- even the true songbook could only tell you so much, it doesn't have every variable possibility or combination or the book would have to be as thick as a house is tall!
Mel felt a very familiar tingle when she was done and her eraser nub nipples stood in attention, though not visible past her bra. She knew better than to wait for other changes and left to return to work. She would be cutting it close for sure. Mel needed to descend the mountain again, though the mountain was fairly small and going down was always quicker than up. Her car was at the bottom waiting for her. Mel skirted the speed limit half because of her time constraints and half because she kept feeling like stretching her legs, causing her to press down the peddle. She could feel the sinew in her legs bolstering and the muscle fibers twisting slowly and gently as it stretched and relaxed- getting a bit bigger each time. Mel's breasts swelled at a slow and steady rate as well, causing her to release the clasp on the back of her bra- already quite familiar of how to handle this. The breasts would pin the bra in place with outward pressure while the bra still helped keep them in place somewhat, without strangling them. She turned into the parking lot quickly with a sigh of relief as she seen Allegro turning into the lot as well, on foot. Mel's hair had been turned black and straight when her face changed, but she decided now to let it out of the ponytail as well just to be safe, and took extra care not to look into the rear or side mirrors in her vehicle- as that would negate the spell.
Mel called over to Allegro as she approached, asking if he seen her leave the building already- making it seem like Mel was a friend coming to pick herself up. Allegro smiled and told her Mel had left quite some time ago already, followed quickly with a comment on his good looking Mel's current form is. Well, convincing him of the beauty portion certainly wasn't hard- though her breasts were starting to tug the buttons on her shirt. Mel also noticed her vision was higher over the vehicles than usual- she was taller now, mostly her legs. Using the complement to carry forward from, Mel feigned ignorance of Allegro, asking who he was. Claiming Mel told her over text messages earlier about the argument with Allegro, she challenged his stance in her new form now- though remained outwardly as calm as she could. Responding so fast she nearly cut him off- Mel challenged him, claiming she could overcome him in any physical challenge! Allegro was hesitant, but then smiled and pointed to a nearby park. It was hard to tell if he chose it because it was the first thing he thought of, or because he wanted to see her big boobs bouncing wildly all over the damned place. The park was a common spot for dog walking and jogging because of long winding paths, he was going to race her from one side to the next- assuming it was impossible for her to keep his pace with her tits heaving along the way. The joke was on him, the song increased the size of the muscle tissue connecting skin to fat as well as the tendon that held both breasts up internally- they were impossibly well built for their size. Mel was glad he chose this bet, not only were her leg muscles begging her to use and stretch them but a race would be over the fastest, fitting her time constraints.
The two of them drove to the park and Mel nearly hit her head on the roof as she got out of her car again- she was still getting bigger, and her tailbone kept twinging as it slowly started to develop. Eager to get started, she hurried him along and Allegro played along easy enough- confident he couldn't lose. He did plenty of jogging himself in this very park. Mel bounced back and forth on her feet ready to go, not even caring that her bust was doing plenty of its own bouncing. Allegro gave the mark and they both took off, but Allegro got an early lead easily. Mel started to catch up not too long after, and other people in the park actually stopped to look at the two of them as Mel started to race past Allegro with ease, at a speed surely no one there could match- dogs included. She was so fast Allegro actually had to yell to her that he forfeit, as it was clear there was no possible way he could win.
When she stopped and hustled back to him, she only then noticed she had been running on only the front of her feet. Allegro, through his lack of breath tried to pass it off with complements to her for being uniquely skilled- that she was apparently the exception of the rule. All Mel really heard was she wins, Allegro loses. Mel also felt her ears perk up to listen to his breathless admittance of defeat- which meant they went human ears! Now almost entirely the ears of a horse, Mel was now doubly glad she let her hair down as it hid the ears. She was going to try and end the encounter as quickly as possible now that she won, but Allegro was actually faster to end it. It made sense- she did just stop him from going home to kick his ass in a race, and nearly gave him a heart attack trying to outrun her. He told her to say hi to Mel for him, and the both of them returned to their vehicles. When Mel bent over to get into her car though, she finally noticed two of the buttons on her top were torn clean off! She had more boob than the shirt could possibly contain, the added movement of her running must have torn them right out! She was too focussed on the race to even notice. Horses are extremely competitive by nature. To get back in the car she had to exhale and press her boobs back to fit them past the rim of the steering wheel. Her feet were also pressing into the toes of her shoes aggressively to find more room- she had to get back to the harps quickly. A glance in the rearview mirror as she was backing up to leave returned her face and hair to normal.
Mel kept looking down nervously at her breasts which were increasingly pink and increasingly bigger- trying to escape through her expanded collar like the top of a muffin over its cup. At a stop sign she tried to unbutton the top entirely and unintentionally exploded two more buttons completely off. She was only able to unbutton the last two remaining buttons and let her bounding bust throw her open bra into the wheel. Her nostrils were growing larger as well as her ears- retaining the shape of a horses ears but the size of a large eared bovine. Mel had to keep slouching farther over as her entire body continued to grow and cause the car to become horrendously cramped. When she finally pulled the car over it wasn't at the mountain. Her hands between wrist and fingers was lengthening and her digits becoming cramped and stiff, so she couldn't hold the wheel properly anymore, plus her breasts rubbed her lower gut and it was way more sensitive than it should be. To make matters worse, when she hit the breaks a hoof broke through the toe of her shoe. Mel was out at the edge of the city so she wasn't that far from the mountain, and homes were much more spaced out, so hopefully no eyes on her.
Mel took Viola and others out here to hide out in an unused barn a long time ago, so it made sends to come here again- it was between her work and the mountain after all. Mel kicked the ground as she squirmed her way out of the vehicle to burst her other shoe and take them both completely off. She had to lean on the car for a bit as her hooves bulked up and grew the structural integrity to hold her up properly. They were horse hooves, but she could already tell her devolving hands were going to be cow hooves. Her clothes were ridiculously small on her, and she knew if she bent over her pants would just explode from her leg muscles. Mel divided her giant pink breasts with one proto-hoof to see past and examine with her other arm what happened below- and found a second set of breasts! Not an udder, and not human- the pure black breasts of a mare growing from between her legs, with a distinct upward/forward direction. Sort of a 'torpedo tit' shape to them, the nipples were big but not as huge and defined as cow teats, but like a cow they had no areola. Then again, neither did her top breasts anymore- the breast turned pastel pink and the areola lightened to the exact same tone so they were effectively invisible. She let out a surprisingly deep groan as her neck popped and lengthened a bit. As soon as her legs were complete enough she made a quick run for the barn- and cleared the field in mere seconds with her long strides. She stood on the side of the barn facing away from the road- between the barn and fence bordering the horse ranch next door.
It was very hard to keep her balance now as her torso lengthened and barreled out, actually making her small beach-ball sized breasts look a bit more reasonably sized. Her top ripped apart at the sleeves removing it entirely from her. Mel seen as her skin sectioned off into black and white areas like a Holstein but didn't see right away that most of her face was bright pink. With rapid-fire muffled pops her face and already greatly enlarged nose started to push out- and then she was able to see the pink easily. She shook her head almost as if to try and force it to hurry up as the sensation was bizarre. Both her face and neck finished in one final burst of growth, and a sound of bone that sounded much more painful than it actually was. Mel slid her cow hooves from the barn wall to allow herself to slide down onto all fours to properly assess her now completed form. As soon as her legs bent in the slightest her pants tore into front and back half and fell away.
Her head was that of a horse, but her entire mane matched the appearance and length of her hair when she was human. Her nostrils, lips, and tongue were those of a cow however, and bright pink to contrast the black and white of the rest of her. Held in place by huge equine pectoral muscles was her massive pink breasts, up and forward enough that they only slightly hindered her front legs. Her body was horse, colored like a cow, with cow hooves on the front legs and horse in the back. The equine breasts were tremendously huge compared to any normal horse, but still a bit smaller than Mel's front melons. Again, their position and the gap between limbs allowed them to exist without hampering her limb movement. Her tail was ropey like a cow but the tasseled end was much larger and longer, taking aspects from a horse as well. She obviously couldn't see her naughty bits, but Mel could certainly see the massive muscular globes that was her huge equine ass. Her eyes were still bright and cyan in color though her pupil was horizontal like a horses, and just over them was two bone nubs- mini cow horns.
Mel stopped in circles for quite a bit trying to get used to moving on all fours. All four breasts felt like they were rocking back and forth a lot more than they actually were, and Mel determined it is because they all have milk in them. She looked up at the mountain- it wasn't that far at all, and she is very, very fast. Mel wasn't all that worried- she could still pluck the strings of a harp with hooves, and horses had to double getting onto their back legs. She would have to avoid eyes heading there, and take the easier path up to the door but other than that- all this can be undone at the very harp that caused it. The first time she had trouble with the harp it immobilized her, making it impossible for her to return to undo it- but this song made her MORE mobile, not less.
She placed a hoof on the lower part of the fence then the top, at first thinking she could heave herself over, but then trying to get an idea of how hard it would be to jump. Her torso was much bulkier even putting aside the overall size, she wouldn't have the flexibility to climb over. Mel walked back several paces, lowered her head and bolted at it, leaping several feet over it and landing with two booms on the other side. Her limbs became like well sculpted pillars on impact, sending a shimmering ripple through her defined muscle and absorbing the impact like it was nothing. Her heart raced as she looked back at the fence- she wanted to do that a few more times! Mel bet she could jump a car! This body was strong as hell, and with a human mind piloting it she could do all sorts of stuff! While she was riding her adrenalin rush, several horses from the new field came to greet her, wondering who the invader is. Mel was a bit nervous at the aggressive grunts, remembering dominant stallions can be quite aggressive when protecting the mares...or more accurately protecting their position to bang said mares. She grinned inwardly as she seen the emerging meat sticks bobbing under them. She was half made herself, so the males had no aggression toward her, and only the males came- the mares couldn't be bothered.
If Mel's cheeks weren't covered in fine fur she would be blushing. She knew horses had impressive junk(who doesn't), but she never had a good look at it till now. All the studs around her were in some stage of an erection, but one black stallion with a white mane and tail made false charges toward the others, driving them back. Going by both the size of his body and mottled pink and black pillar of skin wobbling below him, this oreo-colored horse was likely the leader of the herd. It almost seemed like a chivalrous act keeping the others off her, till Mel flinched in surprise at the feeling of his nose against her vagina. She felt sort of flattered, and a lot flustered, and neither helped her reaction time when he reared up and landed the front half of his body on top of her. She felt the broad, flat head of his impressive cock press against her a bit high, then about right, and then plunged into her full blast on the third go. Mel's mind blanked from the sensation of the massive thing in her, and like any horse the stud wasn't slow or gentle. She thought it was going to hurt or bottom out, but every time she thought it couldn't go farther- it did. He hilted in her, slapping the underside of her lower breasts with his shiny black balls. The arousal and rocking back and forth caused droplets of milk to escape both sets of breasts.
Mel was so completely absorbed in the situation that she didn't notice the rancher seeing the commotion, nor when he approached with a cattle prod. She wasn't just an unknown horse- she was a strange hybrid creature, and the man had already contacted the authorities, fearing her. A hot pressure filled her insides as the stuff finally climaxed and slid out of her with several sticky strands still connecting their genitals. The climax suppressed Mel's animalistic side and now her human mind was stricken with panic and regret. She took the field so the horses would act as a cover while she ran past to get to the mountain! Now she was tired and pinned between a now complacent stud and a fearful armed rancher! She really wished it hadn't turned out this way! Spinning around and kicking the man may be her only option to run, hopefully she just knocks him out and doesn't accidentally outright kill him!
It was in those thoughts of regret that Mel noticed the man blink out of existence. The stallion was full of energy and had an erection at full mast again, but before it could try and mount her a cloaked figure appeared between them! The stallion was ready to hoof the figure in anger, but an unflinching stare from her caused him to calm and back up. The stallion could smell her- she is not human. The cloaked woman turned to Mel and almost fumbled her black horn staff in surprise at the creature Mel had become. It took some doing but Mel managed to convince the cloaked woman that something was amiss. Clasping a hand to Mel's throat, the cloaked one lent Mel her voice.
"Who are you? What just happened? It is like time skipped backwards. I...I am supposed to be human, I goofed up with some magical songs...it is complicated."
The figure examined her entire form with bright pink iris. "My story is even less believable. I am Lizabeth, a traveller of the multiverse. The time skip you experienced was probably a side effect of my arrival- since I do not belong in this universe. In fact, I was never born in this one. I felt a powerful anguished soul in this universe and was curious."
Mel quickly glanced back at the barn. "There was a man who spotted me before, I need to get out of here."
"He seen you again already, but don't worry I made it never happen."
Mel tilted her head. "What? How?"
"My power is 'what if'. I take a scenario, find the universe it actually happened in, and then fold the results of that scenario into my current universe. I swapped him out for a version that was less attentive."
Mel looked to the mountain and then back to Liz. "I don't suppose you could teleport us to the halfway point on the mountain?"
Using her powers to fold the locations together momentarily, the two of them took but a single step and arrived on the mountain. Half from curiosity of what it felt like, Mel let Liz ride on her back as only Mel knew the exact location of the chamber. Casually trotting over there, she told Liz about the origin of the harps, and of the dead God Harm- most likely the anguished spirit Lizabeth initially came here to investigate. Liz found out about the power long before coming here thanks to one of the relics etched from Harm's bones having the ability to make dimensional rifts. Because the user could explore the multiverse, Lizabeth noticed it immediately and traced the power back to here, where Harm's soul is trapped.
Hesitating a bit when she was finally stood before the harps again, Mel played the inversed version of the songs on the harp. She was awkward and slow- needing to lean her weight on the frame of the harp and pluck strings carefully with cloven hooves instead of fingers. The transformation back from the altered form was immediate like always- rather than change her with a magical force it merely dispelled the magic already in her. When the nude human Mel went to turn awkwardly back to Liz she just barely reacted in time to catch the cloak Liz tossed to her to cover up. In place of the woman's body Lizabeth now walked on all fours in her true body- that of a bright orange mid-sized dragon with a golden sheen, and scaled back with feathered bottom. Mel was stunned stiff for a moment, but then smirked and tossed the cloak around herself. She had seen enough magic and dead Gods to no longer question sights like this.
Mel timidly kicked at the ground. "You have seen a lot more than me...so, was I wrong? About beauty and strength?"
Lizabeth let out a musical chortle. "No. On one hand, like you, I feel like smacking the smug face right off his skull for being so glaringly ignorant. On the other hand, I can ABSOLUTELY see where he is coming from...and he wasn't entirely wrong. That is what makes arguments like that so infuriating. Both sides are technically right even though they contradict one another, and language lacks the intricacy to properly define the differences."
"So...you can't normally be both, but you can? Are you talking about rules from two different universes? Universees? What is the plural of universe...?"
"I am pretty sure a newborn grizzly would kick my ass..."
"But humans are the apex predator, not them. With no claws, no extreme reflexes or armor nor fangs- humans are the strongest. How?" Liz tapped a long talon to her head. "A different form of power. And, after all you went through, what do you think about breasts?"
Mel blushed a bit in thought. "Fun, but a pain in the a- er, in the back. They give a lewd impression on everyone but feel so good to have. They are associated with things like sex, but also femininity. More than any other body part- they are complicated as hell, which is ironic since physically they are the most simplistic. I mean they are 80% just orbs of fat. When you have them you can't really hide it, they are always there, so there is a ton of opinions and feelings associated with them."
Liz smiled and nodded. "Not just physically- they are beautiful. They create a refined food for your young, they give pleasure and feel pleasurable to others, all beautiful things. Even the effort it takes to keep the lower back muscle to support a large set, and balance the muscle structure between fat and flesh and avoiding stretching in the tendon that holds them up. Even the effort of baring that weight and maintaining them properly is beautiful. That many forms of beauty you have found in a single body part- you KNOW beauty exists in hundreds of forms! So to say beauty and strength cannot coexist...ridiculous, really."
Mel nodded, though her brow furrowed. "But you said he was also right?"
"Yes. Society has a preconceived notion of what girls and boys like, and even that alone predetermines much of it. If you are always presented with pink and frilly things to have fun with, you are going to naturally like it. If you've always been shown liking boyish things is weird you will naturally avoid it. This isn't really anyone's fault, and digging society out of that rut is damned near impossible. I have seen many alternate realities and precious few have ascended beyond this, even in the infinite cosmos. People can think on there own though, so there will always be those two walk or cross the line, and their fight against stereotyping makes their act that much more beautiful. But that is how that Allegro person is right. Society- as in, the 'herd mentality' won't read between the lines, if it spots a woman getting physically strong it will turn its nose up at them without a second glance. This is an act of fear- fear of breaking the mold, and going somewhere unknown. Do not hate them, pity them and if you've the patience- hold their hand, and try to lead them somewhere better."
Mel leaned on the harp with arms crossed. "...deep stuff, eh? Even my problem- being that milk horse was pretty awesome, up till I had to avoid eyes and then things got messed up fast. Too bad it would be too dangerous going back and forth..."
Lizabeth smiled. "I could fix that, if you want."
"Really?! Wait...could you do it minus the weird front boobs?"
"You had four huge breasts."
Mel blushed. "W-well...let's leave the lower ones alone."
Lizabeth walked up to her and grabbed Mel's arm in her hand. Mel's entire arm was like a tooth pick in the draconic hand. Mel flinched at the intense heat that appeared and vanished in only a few seconds. When Liz removed her hand, Mel seen a tattoo of the milk horse and the dragon explained she need only cover the image and will herself into the form and she would be able to change back and forth at will. Mel thanked Liz for the help and asked her if she could help Liz in turn. Lizabeth wanted to take Harm's trapped soul with her- to restore it to a physical form and talk to him about it's powers. She explained that she wanted to use her 'what if' powers to help as many people- or Gods in this case- as possible. Looking through the infinite cosmos the first thing Lizabeth ever noticed was how easily so many peoples problems could be solved if only they had what another universe had. Mel immediately pointed to the harp of mind. A hundred times more dangerous than the body harp- its continued existence was nothing but a liability. If Liz removed the harp to another existence no one would have to worry about it being misused, and as a part of Harm's original body it can host both his power and soul. The bizarre encounter of magical musician and extradimensional dragon ended with a thankful nod from Lizabeth as she clutched the harp and blinked out of existence along with it.
Liz appeared at the bottom of a titanic staircase leading from nowhere and up into the giant castle of Greivanhol. She looked over the harp and then to the dark figure at the top of the stairs.
"Think you can revive him then?"
Occult smiled wickedly. "But of course. I even happen to be great with harps." | yiff-extreme |
Title: Sorcery.Net by Von Krieger
Tags: Dragon, Human, M/M, Magic, Masturbation, Oral, Pheromones, Snow Leopard, Transformation
Sorcery.Net by Von Krieger
Just another boring afternoon for Will, classes over for the week, not much of a social life, no LAN parties to attend this weekend. So for the skinny computer geek, there wasn't much else to do on a Thursday night but poke around the internet for a few days.
Will Durst never considered himself much to look at, 5'8", maybe 110 pounds soaking wet. Blonde hair worn long mostly due to his constant forgetting to it cut, though actually he found himself quite liking the reflection in the mirror with a ponytail.
Humming a tune to himself, he swishing the mouse around to kill the screen saver, and opened up his mailbox. Let's see, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, something from his sister Mina, Wrestling Gamers United newsletter, spam, spam, spam, and spam.
Another click brought up the message:
"Heya bro! Thought you might be interested in this website here. It's in some kind of foreign language, the images are worth checking out, and there's a pretty cool character design flash type thingy that I think you'll have fun with. Hope you enjoy the site as much as I have! Love, Mina \>^.^\<"
At the bottom was the link, a domain Will didn't recognize. Probably one of those itty bitty pacific islands. Mina was a bigger computer geek then Will was, if that was possible. Though his twin sister was somewhat pretty, she never had been one for hanging out, or making friends. Mostly she had just kept to herself.
For a girl, Mina was kind of a freak. She was an avid collector of porn, usually stuff that was odd and a bit strange. Will had a few megabytes of the stuff saved, mostly fantasy related stuff, occasionally a little furry if it was drawn in a neat looking style, or had something interesting about it.
Will gave the link a click, even with his cable connection the page took a bit to load, a good fifteen seconds. The sidebar buttons were written in a language Will hadn't seen before, and all the text on the page showed up in his browser as question marks. The logo on the main page looked kind of neat, sort of like an arcane rune with a chrome type effect and a little bit of rust on the sides. Not just a quick Photoshop filter job.
Hovering the mouse over the links bar, Will took a look at the names of the hyperlinks down at the bottom of the screen. 'Gallery.htm,' as usual the file names were in English. And thankfully so were some of the listings. It looked like a series of pics, a buncha links counting how many there were in each. The first one was entitled 'Red Dragon Beast,' Will had the whole series load in tabs in the background to take a look at in a minute. He wanted to see that character designer.
Another scan of the sidebar found a single none HTML extension, though .MAG wasn't anything he recognized. Though his browser seemed to, as it brought up a maximized new window. A loading bar slowly began to fill as some strange looking symbols swirled around in the background.
Will switched back over to the main browser window and took a clicked o nthe tab housing the first image. Wow, Mina had been right, the image was impressive. The art style was hard to define, he couldn't quite tell if it was drawn or CGI, in a way it looked almost real.
The image was of a serpentine dragon, powerful, muscular and looking very fearsome. The dragon's coloration was pretty typical, bright red, shiny scales, a bright yellow underbelly, and black horns, claws, and spines. Three rows of black spikes adorned it's body along the spine, from the top of the dragon's head to the tip of his tail, where a bony spade shape plate was adorned with six sharp spikes.
The dragon's head was quite neat looking, more snakelike then most dragons were drawn, all curved and streamlined. A long, tapering black horn jutted back from each temple, and a third from the middle of the dragon's forehead. The dragon's yellow-gold eyes were half closed, his black forked tongue lolling out, his mouth opened in a giant yawn. Apparently the dragon was waking up from a nap.
Will clicked over to the next picture, a shot of the dragon standing and stretching, the wingless beast looked almost as if it could be bipedal, the back legs were large and more muscular then those of most quadrupeds.
Will raised a brow at the third one, the dragon was laying on his side, and was sporting a tremendous hard on. Will wasn't much interested now, and closed out the rest of the pics, though he did save the first and second in one of the folders where he kept creatures that he had found interesting, to bring out as gaming aids in one of the play by post RPG's he took part in.
Going back to the gallery, Will scrolled down a bit, deciding on one that had 'Snow Leopard' in the English section of comments. He opened just one at first, and was quite pleased to see that this series involved a female.
A sexy looking snow leopard furre, drawn or rendered or whatever in a style just like the dragon. She looked almost like somebody you'd see just walking down the street. Will was sure he'd be checking out all the photos on this site, especially if there were more like the pretty kitty in front of him.
She was dressed in a schoolgirl outfit, long white hair tied back into a braid that hung almost to her big, fluffy tail. She was seated at a computer, though the screen was at an angle to where you couldn't see what exactly she was looking at. Will clicked the arrow key to move on, watching as the next pic appeared on his screen.
In this one the leopard girl was licking her lips, looking at the computer screen, her right hand on the mouse, the next one creeping under her skirt. Click. The third showed her with her panties down around her digigrade feet, her skirt pulled back, the chair turned to the side to give the viewer a good look at what she was doing. Her attention was still fixated on the screen.
Click. Now she's unbuttoning her shirt, the computer mouse shoved into her dripping wet sex. Click, shirt unbuttoned, she caresses a plump black nippled breast, while the other pumps the mouce in and out of her cunt. Will saved each pic in the series, from the first to the last, where she shows her feline flexibility with both legs up on the computer desk, her muzzle buried in her snatch, climactic fluids splattering in the air and all over her face.
A grin on his face, and a tightness in his shorts, Will went through the series again on his image viewer. On the last one he notices a detail he'd missed the first time. The computer screen in the background showing the dragon from the first couple of pics he looked at. The artist self-referencing their work was a cute touch.
Will clicked over to the character design window, a golden metal interface with blue designs had appeared, and there was a blank black circle, kind of like a window, with several runes below it. Will brought the mouse cursor over into the area, a wire frame design popped into the empty black space as the cursor hovered over a rune.
Dragon, centaur, naga, some sort of generic quadrupedal looking beast, and finally a humanoid shape. Figuring to recreate the leopardess, Will selects that model. The humanoid wireframe takes up most of the screen, along either side are rows of buttons, helpfully displaying black silhouettes of bodyparts. Along the bottom are three buttons, thankfully marked in English labeled 'Save,' 'Preview,' and 'Activate.'
Will clicked the image of a pair of triangular cat ears on a hairband, which brought up a new menu and altered the view. The wireframe morphed into a grey, smooth plained figure, a human shaped dummy to put everything on. He looked over the pictures, picking out a pair of more triangular, oversized Anime catgirl type ears. All the shape selections vanished, replaced by a number of texture selections. A simple click on 'Leopard' then the proper white-grey and black selection for the colorations, and the ears were done!
They appear on the grey placeholder, looking not quite as good as they had in the images, but Will suspected that one of the other buttons would render the character. Will repeated the process for the tail, finding the long feline tail in all the selections, altering the fur length slider, and leaving the additional options unchecked, this was indeed something he was going to be fiddling with for awhile.
With two of the most recognizable bits selected, Will clicked Preview. All the add ons vanished from the screen, as did the placeholder with the feline pieces attached, replaced with a smooth animation of a figure walking. Definitely human, brown hair, pale skin, couldn't tell if it was male or female. But the feline aspects were there, and they looked as good as they did in the pictures.
The fluffy tail moved fluidly as the figure walked, the ears going through a number of positions, back on the head, perked with interested, twitching as if to shoo away insects. Another click of the mouse returned the on screen image back to the main menu. If the stuff looked that good during the preview, what would the activate button do?
Will gave it a click, and yelped as a sudden sensation filled his body, like he'd just had an electrical shock. His cock felt like it had suddenly double in hardness, just about demanding attention. A strange warm feeling slide over him, then vanished for the most part, though it lingered in the lower part of his back and the sides of his head.
The warmth slowly changed into a pleasurable tingle accompanied by the sensation of his cock beginning to throb. Unable and unwanting to hold back anymore, Will lay back in his chair, stroking his erection through the fabric of his jeans. The caresses sent a shiver through his body, which lingered in the points where it tingled.
The more he rubbed himself the stronger the odd, but wonderful, feelings in his head and back got. Will didn't even stop to think about what was happening to him until he felt something slid down past his rump, into the leg of his pants. Something was there that hadn't been just a moment before.
Somehow he managed the willpower to pull himself away from his masturbatory urges, unbuckling his pants and kicking them off along with his shoes. He stood, trying to get a look at whatever it was, and found himself driven to his knees by a powerful surge of pleasure that raced through his body.
Will dropped to all fours, gritting his teeth as he pulled his cock out from his briefs and began to stroke himself. Aaah, it felt so much better now. He thrust against his own hand, moaning softly with each exhalation. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so good. The weird sensations were almost gone now, either that or swallowed up by the near orgasmic pleasure that kept building inside of him.
With a sudden growl of effort, Will came. Every muscle in his body seemed to misfire, sending him dropping to the ground, rump in the air. The cool plastic of the plastic mat beneath his computer quickly because hot and wet as jet after jet of his seed rushed out, forming a thick, sticky white puddle beneath him.
The sheer power of his orgasm left Will breathless for a moment, he simply lay as he had fallen, taking deep breaths and tried to gather the strength to move. That had been incredible, like nothing he had ever felt. His hand continued to stroke slowly, coaxing drips and dribbles of cum from his member.
"Wow." he said simply, in awe of what had just occurred. It had made him feel so good, he couldn't stop smiling, nor could he keep his tail from swishing happily back and forth. *That* was enough to get him to his feet. His tail? He didn't have a... why yes, yes he did.
A fine specimen of a tail, about three and a half feet long, covered in fluffy white, black, and grey fur in the familiar coloration of a snow leopard. Looking at the new addition with wide eyes and a slack jawed mouth, Will grabbed the tail and gave it a tug. He felt it, in fact he felt the touch of his hand against the fur.
A sudden realization hit him and Will slowly raised his hand to his head, only half surprised to find his own ears replaced with large, triangular, fluffy feline ears. He had to stifle a pleasured purr in his throat as he rubbed the sensitive kitty ear.
Will pulled off his shirt and threw it over the impressive sized puddle of splooge before sitting back down in his computer chair, glaring at the computer. "No way." he said, shaking his head. "No frickin' way. This is impossible."
Impossible or not, his tail felt as real as he was, the soft fur feeling nice against the bare skin of his thighs. For some reason he was still almost achingly hard. He bit his lip, thinking for a moment. "Why the hell not?" he said with a chuckle, "Might as well try it out and see what it feels like."
He click the button with the groinal area marked, bringing up a trio of symbols, the sign for male, the one for female, and between then a merging of the two. "No thanks, I'll stick with my own gender." Will said as he clicked the blue arrow.
There were a dazzling array of features and options that could be applied to that particular portion of the anatomy. Will messed with a few sliders, added a few items that looked to be click and drag additions, and selected a species. What he ended up with was a big, odd looking member protruding from a snow leopard furred sheath, a mix of features from horse and feline.
It made sense, Will always wanted to see what it felt like to be hung like a horse, and the feline additions fit his altered self thematically. After a preview to make sure that it wasn't TOO big, Will clicked the 'Activate' button and waited with a huge grin on his face.
Just as before a jolt ran through him, emanating from the mouse. The warm tingling centered on his groin this time. Recalling the last time, Will pulled off his briefs and sat on the floor, leaning against the wall with his already cum moistened t-shirt beneath him. He watched in awe as his maleness began to shift, the alterations beginning.
He eeped softly as his cock actually sunk into his body, but the head remained visible as the flesh around it changed. His scrotum began to grow larger, staying in proportion to the soon to be larger organ that was to emerge.
Will let out a sigh of relief as his cock, now light pink over the entire length, slid free from his new sheath. He slid one hand around the lengthen, thickening, changing organ, and another down to cup his growing balls. The powerfully enhanced pleasure that had accompanied his first transformation soon returned.
His member quickly grew past its former length, no longer fitting almost entirely in his hand, the shape began to change as well. The bell shaped head widened, flaring out like an equine's, while the tip narrowed and lengthened, becoming a bit conical like that of a feline.
Will let the pleasured purr escape his throat this time, now that he knew what was going on, the effects if not the source, he was much more relaxed and eager to explore his partially feline shape, and all the instincts that came with it.
The purr was interrupted by a pleasured gasp as his hand, now sliding up and down Will's now twelve inch member, came across a horse-like medial ring around the circumference of his cock. It certainly was different, feeling the change in width, a sudden expansion, then back to normal. Another gasp as his hand finds the second.
It was something he had added based on a pic his sister had sent to him of a well endowed black lion furre, a third gasp as the third was caressed. Will had thought it looked kind of interesting, even if males weren't his thing. His purring continued as his slow stroke traveled upward, each of the medial rings feeling good, but no longer so sensitive they made him gasp, however the small bumps her encounter did.
Not wanting to see how sharp feline barbs were, Will had added a few bumps here and there on his cock. The added texture to his cock added to the experience, as did the soft velvety texture of the fur that was beginning to grow in on his sack and sheath. The fluffy whiteness looked so perfect between his legs, his pubic hair replaced by the shorter, but thicker, feline fur.
Trying out a couple of different body shapes and types would be a really cool way to spend the weekend. Especially if every change felt as good as the ones he'd already felt. Will almost whimpered as the feels of change died away, though this time they didn't leave him with an overwhelming urge to fuck. Sure he felt horny, but it was easily controllable, which he was quite thankful for a moment later.
The sound of a muted growl came from the direction of his computer room closet. Will was immediately on his feet, walking over to investigate the sound, his thoughts of self pleasure pushed reluctantly aside for now. He'd just been transformed partially into a cat with a big cock that was like something out of an exotic sex toy catalog, who knew what other weird things were possible today?
Will opened the closet door a hair, peeking inside. Lacking a light in the interior, the closet was completely black, no sign of anything out of the ordinary. He opened in a little further, letting light in. To his astonishment the boxes of outdated computer gear he'd never probably need were gone. All that was in the closet was another door on the far wall, this one made of metal with rivets along the outside.
The catboy stepped inside to take a look, only to find himself in sudden blackness as the closet door swung shut behind him. Will quickly turned, reaching out for the door, but finding something completely different. As he turned the blackness faded, revealing a room made of hewn stone. Sitting in one corner, slurping noisily at his cock, was none other then the red dragon that Will had seen browsing the website earlier.
The dragon looked up at the naked catboy that had suddenly found his way into his domain, a black forked tongue slid across reptilian lips as it rolled onto all fours and began approaching Will.
"Oh sh...!" was all Will had time to get out before three hundred pounds of horny, scaly flesh knocked him back against the wall. The dragon's forepaws proved to be quite dexterous, gripping Will's legs and pulling him to the ground. The red beast murred happily, nuzzling the catboy's face and giving him a few licks.
"Hey! Stop it!" Will protested, not wanting to be a playtoy for a dragon, a MALE dragon at that. The dragon either had no comprehension of what Will had said, or had chosen to ignore it. The red beast's tongue slid downward, the long forked length curling around Will's shaft.
"Oh hey! No! Knock it off! Hey! I'm a guy!" the catboy protested, but the much larger scalie was having none of it. Will gripped the dragon's horns, trying to forcefully pull the dragon's head away from his cock. He tried to push himself back onto his feet, but the motion made him thrust involuntarily, the tip of his cock rubbing across the ridges on the roof of the dragon's mouth.
Apparently the creature took this as a sign that Will wanted to play. The dragon began to bob his head forward and back, lips and tongue tracing over the catboy's altered cock. Will didn't know if it was his inexperience with blow jobs, the dragon's skill, his cock's enhanced sensitivity, or the fact that he was being given head by a mythological creature, but whatever the reason it felt too good to resist.
He purred as he sank back down to the floor, wrapping his legs around the dragon's sinuous scaled neck. It didn't really matter if the dragon was male or not, this whole day was full of things that were entirely impossible. So why shouldn't he enjoy a few sexual pleasures with a male dragon? Dragons weren't supposed to exist, so why should he be all worked up about one intent on licking and sucking him to climax?
Will felt wonderfully calm and relaxed, he was sure he was either taking all this strangeness really well, or had gone into a sort of emotional shock. It didn't really matter which, the only thing that mattered right now was the dragon's wonderfully warm mouth around his cock. With a playful growl, he thrust deep into the dragon's mouth, pulling himself forward with the dragon's horns, intent on going in as deep as he could.
The dragon murred happily as the catboy's seed began to flow, filling his mouth. The red beast eagerly gulped it down, the tongue curled around Will's cock keeping him from pulling out until the creature had coaxed the last drop of cum that he could get.
The dragon nuzzled Will's neck softly before moving into a corner and taking a seated position. The creature cocked his head and made a soft "Myeh?" sound. Will couldn't help but stare at the erect black dragoncock that emerged from a slit in the creature's yellow belly scales. It was the size of his arm, at least! Will was quite glad that the dragon knew he was too big to fit, the beast would've broken him in half!
Well, it was only fair that he return the favor, and it was an opportunity to study a dragon up close and personal. At the very least he'd have some ideas on dragon anatomy for future use in a roleplaying game or something of the like.
The catboy sat down on the dragon's tail, finding the smooth scales a somewhat comfortable seat. He pulled the dragon's cock against his chest, one hand keeping it in place, the other stroking up and down the massive length. The dragon's eyes closed and he began to purr softly. Will kept the pace nice and slow, the dragon didn't seem to mind.
The dragon bucked gently, a spurt of precum gushing from the space shaped tip of his length, the sticky goo hitting Will in the face. The catboy scrunched his face, shaking his head and spitting to try and dislodge it, but it... kinda felt good being there. Nice and warm, and it smelled nice, and tasted wonderfully sweet.
Will suddenly found himself with his mouth pressed up against the dragon's cock, licking the red beast's cockslit, lapping up the rest of the pre. It was almost an instinctual action to way he did this, there had be no conscious thought involved. He had just gotten a taste of the stuff, and here he was, inhibitions cast to the wind, eagerly seeking more.
The cockhead was bigger then his fist, certainly not something that he could fit into his mouth, but the dragon didn't seem to mind the catboy's eager licks and kisses. Will knew the scent was having some sort of an effect on him, but he didn't care at all. It was a dragon, a wonderful, friendly, playful dragon with no intention of harming him. If an aroused dragon's fluids had this sort of effect on a person, that would explain how so many of the DnD campaigns Will took part in had a half dragon in them somewhere. With this scent filling his nose, there was no way he could NOT think of sex, and the only being to have sex with was the powerful beast in front of him.
The dragon's black, gleaming member grew warmer with each lick and caress, the creature's body heat seeming to rise as the pleasure Will gave him increased. The enticing scent had Will achingly hard again, but he couldn't take his hands off the dragon's slick shaft in order to guide himself into the magnificent creature's tailhole. It wouldn't be right, taking a dominant position with something so powerful
He had come to Will interested in mutual pleasure, so whatever they did it ought to be as equals. The catboy's tongue slid down the dragon's maleness as his hand moved upward, eager to test out the possibility of an idea he had found somewhat interesting for a long time, but figured the physics of it were impossible. Will purr-chuckled as two fingers met no resistance entering the dragon's cockslit. A third joined them, then a fourth before there was any sort of push back. "Mmm... this is probably going to feel a little funny at first big guy," Will purred, "But it's gonna feel so good once you get used to it." he said with a grin.
It took a massive effort of willpower to pull himself away from the dragon's cock, but Will managed, knowing how good it would feel for the both of them. The catboy coaxed the dragon down onto his back, the bright red creature looking up at him curiously, wondering what Will had in store.
The catboy scooted up onto the big reptile's belly, positioning himself just right. He reached out with one hand, pulling the dragon's massive cock down to lie against the smooth scales of his belly, his other gripped his own shaft. Loud moans emanated from both males as Will's cock vanished into the dragon's. All the precum the beast had gushed had made the inside wonderfully slick, and Will's manhood was just big enough to stretch out the dragon's urethra a little bit, giving a delicious friction that made both of them shiver.
Will gripped the dragon's cock tightly with both hands, sliding them up as he thrust in, and moving back as he pulled out. The catboy's furred crotch quickly became sodden as a titanic blast of pre spurted out of the dragon. It was incredible fucking the dragon like this, the heat pouring off the beast's aroused body, the scent of the creature's fluids that made him so delightfully horny, the awe inspiring mass of the big black organ before him. Every little thing seemed to heighten everything else. All five senses swirling together in his mind into a single point, all of it building towards and incredible crescendo.
With a near deafening roar that eclipsed his own growling scream of ecstasy, the dragon climaxed. The flood of wonderfully warm seed coating him set the already overstimulated catboy over the edge. For one glorious moment he felt everything, every hair on his head, every pore on his body, every scale on the dragon beneath him, every little speckle and splotch of dragoncum over his body, every little inch of the dragoncock before him.
He fell back from the dragon, his cock sliding free of his lovers with a wet slurping sound and a soft pop. But instead of the smooth scale and powerful muscle beneath him that he expected, Will instead found the softness of his bed.
The scent of dragon still filled his nostrils, his body was still covered with cum, but Will was no longer with the wonderful dragon's lair. He was back in his apartment. He licked his lips, tasting the sweet saltiness of the dragon's seed. The taste was better then he had expected semen would taste.
With a purring chuckle, the catboy made his way to the shower, not wanting to drip on the carpet. Man, if that website could do things like this with him just playing around, just imagine what it could do if he really went into detail with things? As the hot water hit his body, the temperature reminding Will of the feel of the creatures seed when it touched his skin, he found that he couldn't stop grinning. He was SO looking forward to all the things he was going to do this weekend, as well as what all the things that were going to do him. | FSE |
Maybe breaking into an ancient temple with several glyphs and wards literally burned into the outside wall wasn’t the best of ideas, but really, how was he to know that magic was actually real? The worst he could imagine was that it was filled with poisonous snakes or maybe got flooded at some point and the waters were themselves flooded with leeches; at no point could Josh have ever predicted that he’d be on the receiving end of a centuries-old curse-slash-blessing, nor that such things even existed to begin with!
It began innocently enough, with him breaking through what he assumed was a side entrance as marked on his map, then making his way through the complex, labyrinthine series of corridors leading further and further into what he could only hope was the center of the temple itself; seeing as most of it was buried underneath several dozen meters of rock and dirt and had hadn’t been entered ever since it was initially sealed by European settlers hundreds of years prior, the one thing he could rely on was his own navigational sense and spatial self-awareness, because no map was going to help him there.
The atmosphere within the temple was oppressive, almost supernaturally so, as if he was being watched by whatever spirits had been buried along with their place of worship; engravings and wall paintings glinted under the illumination of his flashlight, appearing as fresh as the day they were first laid, giving the whole place a regal, timeless look that definitely set off some alarm bells in Josh’s head. Surely, if the place had been abandoned, then pictures should be faded and the walls should be crumbling, not the exact opposite, and surely, if he was the first person to ever dare to step inside while all other entrances were still blocked, then there was no one there with him… and yet, the temple looked pristine, and the presences bearing down on him were absolutely getting heavier and heavier the more he walked, which the explorer chose to interpret as him getting closer to the center of the temple itself. His suspicions would be confirmed after what felt like hours of walking through corridors that looked as if they were getting tighter the longer he spent in them, when he emerged into what had to be the central chamber.
It was hard to truly comprehend how lavishly decorated it must be, owing to his singular light source, and even picking up and lighting his bigger lantern only revealed a fraction of the frankly absurd quantities of gold that lined every single surface. The cultural value of it was about as, if not even more important though, with ancient, half-forgotten alphabets and histories on full display, lovingly rendered by artists whose lineages had long since died out; and there, in the very middle of it, on a small plinth placed upon an elevated dais, was an idol. It was tiny, so much so that he could easily pick it up in a single hand, and yet its solid gold composition made it significantly heavier than its diminutive size might first imply. It was an intricate replica of an elephant, yet not one like Josh had ever seen before; this one appeared to be a hybrid, a cross between a forest elephant and a human, with the upper half belonging to the former and the lower half to the latter… not to mention a few extra bits that he only noticed upon closer inspection.
It was clearly a virility idol of some sort, given what else the sculptor decided to include, though not one Josh had ever heard about; as far as he knew, the local cultures never had any elephant fertility god, nor even an elephant god at all, turning the idol’s presence into one big question mark that he had no frame of reference for. Thankfully, such considerations would quickly be rendered moot after just a few seconds of him inspecting the tiny statue, when its weight suddenly began to increase at such a fast pace that the tomb-diver instinctively jumped back before dropping it on the ground, lest it smash his foot when it inevitably fell down; instead, it ended up landing on the gold-coated floor, shattering into a dozen different pieces that all scattered in different directions, scraping gently against the floor as they slowed down and eventually halted. It was over so quickly that Josh didn’t even have time to realize that he had just destroyed a priceless artifact, and given what happened immediately afterwards, considerations for the loss of priceless cultural history would have to be left for later, because clearly he hadn’t just broken a statue, he’d unleashed something in the process.
The powers that be gripped him the moment the final pieces of the golden elephant idol stopped moving, the very presences that had been hounding him from the moment he walked into the temple using this opportunity to do something to the intruder. At first, panic filled him, with Josh earnestly believing that he was about to be assaulted by some kind of supernatural deadly force; perhaps the idol had a curse placed on it, and him breaking it meant that he was now going to suffer a horrible death at the hands of its guardian spirits… or worse, he’d be marked for death and then released onto the world, to wait for his inevitable demise to come claim him when he least expected it!
The power flowing through him certainly seemed aggressive enough, to the point where he found himself grunting in pain as what felt like semi-physical bodies pierced through his own, forcing him to flinch and jerk in different directions; were those ghosts, slamming into him with whatever solidity they still had? Was he a puppet to their strings now, forced to do whatever they so desired without a say in the matter? Because if that was the case… it didn’t feel as bad as he thought he would. In fact, the longer it went on, the less painful it became, to the point where some parts of him began to send signals that let him know he was actually enjoying it to some degree, though whether or not it was actually true or just a result of his brain trying to shield itself, Josh didn’t know; then again, whatever doubts he might’ve had were once again handily waved away by virtue of what those spirits were doing to his body, because it quickly became evident that whatever they had in mind, they certainly didn’t expect him to break an idol like that and not repay it in some way, shape or form.
Specifically, his shape or form. He never expected such a thing to be possible, never having believed in the existence of magic and curses until that exact moment, but as soon as he looked down and saw his skin begin to gray out and thicken, not unlike that of an elephant’s, then he knew what was going to happen; he even smiled, a significant part of himself fully and earnestly thinking that this was just an hallucination brought about by a lack of oxygen and that he’d eventually come back to reality and find himself in a corner somewhere. He held onto this strange belief even when the rest of him began to warp and change to better fit his new aesthetic, even when his form started to fatten up and grow weightier in a way that honestly couldn’t possibly be a hallucination. And honestly… he didn’t want it to be.
Maybe it was the lack of oxygen, or most likely the spirits screwing with his perception of reality, but there was something about the transformation that left him feeling like it wasn’t all that bad, all things considered; clearly, if the idol was powerful enough to both keep the temple in the pristine state that it was in and turn him into a replica of itself after being broken, then either it had to be incredibly powerful, the deity it represented must be one of a higher order of gods, or… perhaps both. Even if only one of those things were true, it still signalled a transition into something that had to be better than the scrawny beanpole that he had been most of his life, a thought that kept growing stronger the longer the transformation continued and the bigger Josh felt himself getting.
The weight wasn’t the only thing going up either, as his eyes beginning to move upwards betrayed how his form was growing taller as well, combining to leave him feeling the most powerful he’d ever had in his entire life, like he could take a step and utterly crush anything underfoot with the strength of an actual elephant. Not just that, but as soon as he heard his pants tearing open by the seams, quickly followed by his package flopping out and heavily slapping against the inside of his thighs, the explorer realized that he wasn’t just being transformed into an elephant hybrid: he was being granted at least some of the deity’s own power, and in their field of influence as well if all of that pressure was anything to go by!
It felt like those times where he’d foolishly held back from experiencing release, or the many occasions where he simply got so involved in his work that he forgot to relieve himself until he accidentally ended up blueballed through no fault of his own, except… more. Not just stronger, but somehow more, experienced in a way that wasn’t normal or expected, like the sense of fullness wasn’t merely there because he had been deprived, but because his nuts had become too productive for their own good, yearning to have their dense and thick filling shared with the world, and preferably a few welcome lovers as well.
But as the transformation progressed and his body became ever larger, as Josh felt himself grow big and heavyset, even as his head grew dangerously close to what he assumed to be ceiling up above, this sensation never really went away; if anything, the more he grew, the more pent-up he ended up being, prompting him to bring both hands down to his rod for the first time during the whole process in a desperate bid to achieve some semblance of release and relief. It was only then that he regretted having kept his eyes either closed or stuck staring upwards, because clearly he’d been missing on the greatest transformation of all, as well as the explanation for why he felt so damned stuffed despite already having fired off a few loads.
His cock was long, and not just in the sense that it was a good few feet in sheer length. Rather, it seemed to have adopted a few characteristics from his elephant-like self, especially from that trunk he now had dangling from where his nose used to be; rather than just being a hard, vein-covered rod, his shaft had turned into something of a prehensile limb, not unlike the trunk itself, eminently controllable despite being very clearly rock solid and in intense need of someone to release into. The discrepancy between these states struck Josh as odd at first, but a second glance downwards and a chance movement of the hands later, and he came to understand why it was the way that it was, because it wasn’t cum he was keeping inside of his balls anymore… or, at least, not the way he used to, and certainly not just his swimmers.
Their surface had become lumpy, for lack of a better word, but rather than the bumps being a part of his sack’s skin, they moved about and changed their shape if he pushed them in with his fingers; it took a bit before he realized that those were eggs he was now keeping inside of his nuts, and considering how those things hung below the knee on his enormous frame, there must be dozens, if not hundreds of ovals inside of him, waiting to be deposited in whatever lover was insane enough to willingly throw themselves into his arms. That, on itself, handily explained why his cock was as bendy and malleable as it was; after all, it was a lot easier to deposit eggs with something that had a little bit of “give” to it rather than a solid rod… plus, it probably played into a lot of hidden kinks that most people never thought to admit to having, including himself; maybe that’s why he was chosen to bear the mantle of the fertility god?
… yes, he liked that. He liked that idea, that he wasn’t simply being “cursed” by the idol; how could he be, when clearly this new body of his was so much better than his old one? No longer was he just a human, no longer did he reside entirely within a frail, mortal shell, he was something better now, more than just a being, but the very manifestation of a concept made flesh! Over fifteen feet tall, heavy as the animal he was supposed to represent, and apparently decked out in a whole lot of jewelry that he didn’t remember putting on, probably a result of the transformation giving him the regalia that the god used to be… no, that he used to be depicted with, for this was not just some unknown deity that history had forgotten, it was him!
He alone now carried the legacy of this ancient divinity, even if it was embodied in a way that left him feeling more aroused than anything else; it was most likely by design, since, well, how much easier would it be to spread the joys of fertility and virility if he was already horny by default at every single second of his life? In fact, the more he looked at himself, the more Josh realized that the new body he was given was built to breed, and in far more ways than just being hung: his belly, too, was beginning to fill up with something, giving him an even pudgier look than the one he already sported; a quick brush with one hand revealed that it, too, was starting to develop bumps of its own, countless eggs multiplying within him and just waiting to be brought into the outside world… or placed into someone, to help fertilize even more clutches, endless more young to perpetuate his progeny.
Perhaps it was the spiritual energy speaking, but the giant couldn’t help but feel that this was something that had to be shared with the world, a gift that everyone needed to be made privy to, not just himself in that resplendent temple; the idol had been kept safe for all those centuries precisely so someone like him could break it, unleashing the deity held within, so that it may bring about a new golden age, one with himself at the helm!
He smiled.
He was going to get busy. | yiff-extreme |
Title: The Night by Toxicwolfy
Tags: Dark, Night, Sad, Wolf
i have been one acqatented with the night i have walked out in the rain and back in vain
i have walked down the saddest city lane i have passed by the watchmen in his heat and dropped my eyes unwilling to explain
And further still at an uneasrthy height a lumminary clock against the sky proclaimed the time was neather wrong nor right i have been one acqainted with the night | FSE |
Title: fox by d.c by cainfoxy
Tags: Poem, Red Fox
FoxS as white as snow. As betiful as a rose. Foxs as red as fire as fierce as time. A beast of lust for love. As elegant as a lily in the sea breez. As clever as a master of life. A fox breed so it be . may it thrive to the end of time as a animal of the gods. To be hold | FSE |
Title: Meet Me in the Bathroom Ch. 02
Tags: amazing night, great job, inside pants, nate, mom looked, hand mouth, hand inside, cock sliding, hand
My mother and I were just right for each other. After our first encounter we were never shy about things again. Not that we really were at all, but after our intimacy was expressed, we really bonded together in a truly unique way. A way that only a mother and child can.
I did have a moments hesitation about things that first time. I thought that we had definitely taken a new direction in life, one that society would surely condemn. Really it was already condemned and simply not discussed by anyone, ever. In fact, I can't remember ever hearing about incest until I was into college. Then it was a very taboo thing, very deviant and purely sexual. I laid in bed with my mother that first night wondering if it was wrong what we did. I thought how she felt, her body next to mine. She was snuggled against me and she smelled so good. Her touch electrified me and she was certainly someone who cared a great deal about me. That seemed like the perfect mate to me.
Fuck society, I decided. I want this woman and I want to continue to feel her touch against me. My only concern now was where was I going to find a hard dick now that I had fallen in love? I snickered a bit at the thought and drifted off into a blissful sleep filled with dreams of a sexy mature woman with whom I want to do everything!
As I said in my first chapter, we had moved in together after I had gotten very lucky and landed a great job. We had also done very well as a couple. She worked part time with a temp agency and Kept up with the house work while I brought in the big paycheck. At first it was tough to find time together. I was always working late doing the jobs no one else wanted. Losing cases basically, I got lucky with a couple that actually made it to trial and got a verdict that wouldn't completely embarrass me in the law circles. Mostly I plead out the cases and tried real hard to do a great job for the firm that risked a lot taking me in when there might have been a man "gasp" instead of me.
Things calmed down a year or so later. We were making friends when we went out. We had regular bars that we frequented and had formed a fairly regular group of friends with which to explore the fun side of friendship. Mom did say it takes a special kind of friend to cross the line.
Nathan was the first to experience us. I had wondered where my cock cravings would be filled, here he was. I had discussed my need with mom and she had the same feelings I did so we went on a manhunt. Nate is about 6'2" and is as fit as a fiddle. When we met him we were all out at a favorite bar of mine and drinking freely. Nate was pretty drunk, and like most drunk men, was saying the most amazing shit to us trying to get us into his bed. We teased him of course, not letting him know that he would surely be in our bed that night.
We started weaning him from the alcohol and eventually we made it to an all night restaurant. After several cups of coffee and a tall stack of pancakes we made it perfectly clear what we wanted.
"Nate dear," my mother said in that teasingly seductive voice I knew and loved. "I think that since you've had so much to drink that you shouldn't be driving home tonight. The way I see it you should take a cab, or you could spend the night on our sofa."
My mother saw the look of frustration in my eyes when she had mentioned the cab, and I am certain she saw the relief when she offered up the couch. She was teasing me as much as him I think.
"Honey" she turned to me, "do you have enough money for Nate to grab a taxi?"
Ooh she was teasing me. I could clearly see the gleam in her eyes. "I think it would be best, and surely more cost effective if he just slept it off on the couch." I said in as much of a please-don't tease-me voice as I could muster.
"Maybe you're right. Nate, the sofa is fairly large, it will be quite comfortable. And I am sure that neither Honey or myself dare to sleep until you are sound asleep yourself." Her tone left little if anything to the imagination and the look in my eyes was telling everyone who could see me that I wanted to fuck him, and I'd be damned if anyone slept (ever) until I got it.
"Uh, OK but I don't really know if I should, I mean I have things to do tomorrow, I don't wanna be late for my stuff... I mean, uh that I need an alarm or something." Nate was clearly trying to reestablish some kind of control. It was cute to watch but he had no idea what he was in for.
" Why sure dear, we aren't barbarians, we do have a little technology to share. We'll make sure that you get where you need to be when you need to be there." He probably missed the sarcasm in her voice but I was with her. I was ready to go too. Mom caught the hint and after paying the bill with a more than generous tip, we were in my car and cruising home.
Mom had slipped into the backseat with Nate and was making him understand the direction things were going. I heard her whispering into his ear and saw them share a secret smile. He closed his eyes and she proceeded to run her left hand up his leg from his knee to his crotch. I was trying to watch the road but things were heating up in the back and I wanted to be there with them, not worrying about the right sequence of turns to get us safely into the drive way.
She was rubbing his crotch very firmly and he was moaning a bit. He had no idea what was about to happen to him. He was about to put his right hand on her thigh when she deftly pushed his hand aside and then coolly undid his pants. She slipped her hand inside and he practically came right then. Her left hand was exploring everything inside his pants and he was loving it. He tongue was licking his ear and her teeth were nipping at him lightly. His fists were clenched as he was trying desperately not to touch her. I think that was the topic of the secret whisper. She and I had played that game.
I don't know how, but right at that moment I realized that we were parked in the drive way and I was turned in the driver seat watching the action.
Mom looked up at me and saw the lust in my eyes.
"I don't know honey, I don't think he has enough for two." She teased. She was taunting him as much as me and he caught the hint.
"I can do whatever the two of you want, anything! Please, lets go inside!" Ooh he sounded pretty worked up, I hoped he wasn't too excited.
Mom abruptly stopped and then without a word left the car. Nate was about crazy with lust. I hopped out and followed her to the door while Nate tried without much success to pull himself together.
Once inside I went to the kitchen to poor some tea and Nate collapsed on the couch. Mom was in the lounge looking at him and talking with that mother voice.
"Why on earth did you drink so much? How do you expect to pick up women with lines like 'hey baby, I got what you need' and 'ooh you are so sweet to watch.' You need to recognize you limits." Mom was laying into him, I think she wanted him to know that she was my mother. I kind of wanted him to know, but not yet. I wanted to wait until I was licking his cum from my mothers body. Go the thought of licking her hard nipples after he came on them. Ooh I don't care if people think its degrading to women, I think its hot.
Nate was clearly upset, "what are you, my mother? Lay off I was just having a good time, what's the harm?"
"Yeah, what's the harm?" I added, "We were all drinking freely a bit ago, maybe you should relax." I said to my mother handing her a cup of tea.
She grinned at me and I set the rest of the tea on the living room table an sat down next to Nate, poor baby. I snuggled up next to hem and quickly put my right hand inside his pants. I was shocked at how arousing it was for me to be doing to this man what my mother was doing to him a few minutes before.
He was hard. Ooh so hard it had been a while since the last time I had a hard cock in my hand. He felt so good. I stroked him slowly, I was determined to enjoy every aspect of this night. I was so wet. I whispered in his ear,
"Nate, pull your pants off for me, please." I licked his ear then and he was actually calm when he pulled his pants off. Mother was there to gather the pants and his socks and shoes and set them aside. She knew I liked it when she was motherly. His dick was long and throbbing, I worked my hand up the entire length, memorizing every vein and crease. Then I moved back down from the mushroom shaped head slowly to his neatly groomed curls. I do enjoy the look of a man who is groomed.
Mother was right there, inches away watching me pull this mans cock. First in my hand and then with my mouth. I moved to my knees in front of him and slid my mouth down. He was moaning. Mother took my place at his side and took his shirt off. I looked up at him as they kissed, their mouths full of each others tongues, my mouth full of hot dick. He tasted so good, it was dribbling a bit of fluid and I hastily licked it up. I sucked up and down at a gentle and still firm pace.
I never took my eyes off of them making out like teenagers. It was so hot to watch. She was all over him and this time she didn't mind him being all over her. Her shirt came over her head and her bra came off with barely a movement. Her nipples looked so good as hard as they were. She was starting to sweat.
I sped up my pace. I had his cock sliding in and out faster and faster. I was millimeters away from gagging but I wanted more. Anything my mouth couldn't reach I stroked with my hands. He was ready, I could feel him starting to squirm. Mother moved then from his side. He didn't care he was trying to hold on. I wasn't having it though.
Mom got beside me And pushed gently fro me to stop. I knew what she wanted. I stopped sucking this wonderful cock and looked at my mother.
"Oh god please don't stop now!" Nate was a bit frustrated. "C'mon, baby keep go... oh my lord." This to the wonderful sight of my mother kissing me. She put her hands to the sides of my head, just below the ears and pulled me to her gently, I leaned in and her lips brushed mine gently. So soft, so sweet. Then we kissed harder with more passion. We really went for it. I wanted to be one with her and gave her everything I had with my lips and teeth and tongue.
We were both glancing at Nate and he was furiously stroking his dick, from the looks of it he was ready to pop too. Mom wasn't putting up with that.
"If you cum, you leave and you never get a second chance with us." His hands were at his side and his sexy naked butt sat there and watched.
Mom looked at me and winked. I melted, I love it when she does this. She unbuttoned my blouse and with a flourish it was on the floor. She pulled my bra down and started licking my tits without even bothering to take it off. It felt so good. I pulled her head to my chest. She pushed my tits together and switched between them, biting gently between licks.
"Mmm mommy I love it when you do that." I wasn't really sure what was coming out of my mouth but we heard a chuckle. I looked over to Nate and he had his hand over his mouth.
"No way! No fuckin way! Aw shit this is fuckin awesome!" I grinned at him and laughed a bit.
"Well mommy dearest, our secret is out." I said as mom stood up to face him. She pulled her skirt and panties down and turned back to me. She stuck her ass back a bit and sat on Nates dick
"Oh fuck yeah!" he was indeed ready. She leaned back onto him and started riding, up and down, up and down. His hands were on her waist and it looked so sexy to see her like that with his hands on her hips.
I looked up into her eyes as I leaned my head into her wet pussy. The sound of his cock sliding in and out of her was so incredible. I could smell the sex in the air. And I wanted my share.
I leaned into her and tasted her pussy. I licked her in opposition to the dick inside her. Her clit was hot and wet and she jumped when I hit the sweet spot. I knew from long experience how she liked me to eat her. It was a bit of a challenge considering the cock in her but I wanted it and so did she. I licked furiously and with out mercy, I was determined to give her a great orgasm.
She was screaming and moaning and without warning grabbed my head and pulled me into her cunt. I doubled my effort. She was out of control. Soon her sounds were indistinguishable from his. I was licking as much as I could and was having trouble keeping contact with the fury of the fucking going on above me.
"Oh god baby, stop, stop baby... please stop." Mom was begging and I was going to give her her way, for now. I stopped and watched as she slowed down on Nate. She slid up and off of him. Her juices were dripping down her thighs and down his. His cock was shining and as hard as ever. Mom wanted a special finish for round one.
" I want your cum, I want it all over, can you do that for me?" she asked in her porn star voice. She tried so hard not to look like one but it suited her right now.
She leaned back onto the arm of the couch and casually masturbated as he watched and started to jack off again. I took my chance and sucked his cock back into my mouth. I sucked with a vengeance, I wanted his come as much as mom did.
"Ooh honey, suck his cock. Make him come for us, make him cum hard." Moms encouragement made me even wetter and I went at him furiously.
"Oh shit baby suck me, god this is it, fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm cumming NOW!" I pulled back and watched the porn scene unfold. He got on top of my mom and jerked his cum all over her tits and stomach. He came all over her and she loved, I loved to watch it.
He settled back on his side of the couch and I took my place with my mom.
"I love you mommy." I said as I started to lick his cum from her stomach. Carefully I cleaned her. I migrates to her tits and lick and sucked until there wasn't a drop of semen left on her. She was beautiful. Glistening in a kind of post orgasmic arousal that means there is always more to come.
"Damn! You two are so hot together. This had been the most amazing night for me." Nate was tired and ready for bed. I wasn't having any of that.
"You my friend aren't done yet. Not by a long shot." I said. He sighed. I thought he looked down right pitiful.
He did manage to pull it together and my mother and I shared a truly amazing night with dear little Nathan.
He was a regular at our house after that. Sometimes we had sex, other times we all just watched movies. Our friendship continues to grow and he is the only one in our circle to have found out that we are mother and daughter. I think its time to share that knowledge with one of my girlfriends from the office, but mom isn't ready yet. She will be when she gets horny enough, so all I have to do is tease her into submission. | literotica |
Title: Meeting Pearl Ch. 03
Tags: bdsm, romance, bdsm romance, female submissive, fsub, romantic
*I would like to thank albertabelle712 for taking the time to review this story!!*
**The First Morning Together**
I wake up and glance out the window noting that it is starting to get light, indicating that the sun will rise soon. Rolling over, I see a body wrapped in the light blanket on the floor right next to my bed. I am alarmed for a moment, until my mind catches up and recall it is Pearl. She is so beautiful and peaceful as she sleeps and I just watch her for a time. She looks so content, the slight rise and fall of her chest, the way her eyelids move and she murmurs quietly in her sleep every once in a while.
I still somewhat amazed that she is lying here. I had no intention of bringing anyone home with me the other night, much less whatever this is. I am still not certain what I am doing with her. I have had some flings with submissive women in the past, and know that I have dominant tendencies. But what am I doing with a beautiful woman sleeping on my floor?
There is something about her that draws me to her. She has an inner strength about her, a determination. We had talked long enough for me to realize that life had been cruel to her, but she kept on. She did not elaborate, but from what I gather these things would either traumatize most people or make them turn to drugs, or both. But she has moved on, she has a job, her own place, and tries to help others by volunteering her time and money.
I get up and put on a robe and kneel down beside her, staring at her peaceful face for a moment. Then I grab her hair, pulling tight. I watch as her eyes fly open and she jerks trying to look around but cannot with my hand gripping her hair firmly. Once her eyes lock on mine she seems to relax and I release her hair. As soon as I release her hair, Pearl gets up and kneels in front of me. "Pearl, get up and make me some tea. Bring two cups to the patio with some fruit when it is ready."
Pearl starts to rise looking around her and walks to the bathroom door reaching for the other robe. "Pearl" I call out "what did I tell you do?"
She turns to be and replies "Make tea, Sir."
"Did I tell you to get dressed?" I ask.
"No, Sir."
I get up and walk out to the patio. I was making good money on this trip so I splurged and am staying at a nice suite in a hotel with a view of the ocean. I take a deep breath, smelling the ocean air. I turn a chair to the east and stare at the sky as it slowly lightens.
Soon, Pearl comes onto the patio and sets a tray down on the table next to me. The tray has some fruit and a small tea pot with steam rising from the lid and two tea cups. She pours me a cup and hands it to me. Once I take it and her hands are free she covers her breasts and pussy, I assume because we are outside on the balcony and someone else may see her. "Good girl, now pour yourself a cup and kneel beside my chair." Pearl kneels close to my chair, her legs close together and her ass on her heels, her tea cup in one hand and she stares ahead, watching the sun rise with me.
I reach out and rest my hand on her shoulder and sip my tea and wonder what she is thinking. We sit/kneel on the balcony eating fruit and sipping tea in silence, both us lost in our thoughts. Once the sun is on the horizon and our tea cups are empty, I reach over and grab Pearl's hair and pull her head towards my crotch. Pearl struggles to move as her body slides across the smooth floor until she is kneeling between my legs. I release her hair and open my robe exposing my soft cock.
I continue to stare out, watching the sun rise further in the sky and I feel Pearl's tongue run up the underside of my cock. She moves down and starts to kiss and lick my balls then sucking my balls into her mouth. It does not take long before her ministrations have caused my cock to get hard. Once Pearl determines it is hard enough, she stares into my eyes as she slowly runs her tongue up the shaft from my balls to the head. Still staring at me, she kisses the tip then wraps her lips around the head of my cock and sucks hard. I can feel her cheeks wrap around my cock as her tongue teases my piss hole as she sucks.
Suddenly, she stops sucking and her head drops down my cock and I can feel my cock head enter her throat. She keeps pushing her head lower until her nose is buried in my pubic hair then holds herself there. I can feel her gagging as she remains in place, it is an amazing feeling. Then to top it off, she starts rotating her head, her tight throat rubbing my cock head. She holds herself there, teasing my cock for as long as she can, finally pulling up and gasping for air. She looks so damn sexy with streams of spit running from her beautiful face to my cock.
I smile down at her as I stand. Pearl remains kneeling between my legs with my cock in her face. I had intended for her to give me a nice blow job while I enjoy the sun rising, but she has turned me on and I find myself wanting to fuck her. Moving my chair aside, I step away and start walking inside, instructing Pearl to come with me.
I lead her to my bed and gently guide her onto the bed, laying her on her back. She watches me as I climb into bed next to her, I lay on my side next to her. Reaching over, I grab her chin firmly and hold her head as I bend down to kiss her. My lips press into hers firmly and my tongue slides past her lips as we kiss. I feel her hand reach up and wrap around my head pulling my head tight as we kiss.
We kiss passionately, our tongues playing. Her hands run down my back and mine start running down her chest, lightly tracing over her skin. I start kissing her face and down her neck as I start massaging her breasts gently. I continue kissing down her neck and I start to squeeze her tits causing her to moan. I squeeze harder, causing her to moan a bit louder.
Continuing to squeeze her tits, I start kissing my way around her areolas, circling them causing her nipples to start getting hard. Finally, I wrapped my lips around her left nipple. I love how large her nipples are; the diameter of my pointer finger and sticking out nearly half an inch when they are hard. My hand slides down her belly as I continue to suck on her nipple.
I run my fingers up and down her belly, each time down getting closer to her pussy. I can feel her skin quiver as my fingers lightly run over it. When my fingers finally slide over her pussy, I bite down on her nipple and hear her gasp then moan as I continue biting down. I stop biting her nipple and move to her other breast. I spend less time teasing it as it is nice and firm.
My pointer finger starts sliding into her pussy and I am pleased at how wet her pussy is already. Pulling my finger out, I slide it upwards between her lips, pulling away just before grazing her clit. I continue to pet her pussy, a fingers sliding between the lips, never quite touching her pussy as I nibble on her nipples.
Her body starts to arch off the bed as I get close to her clit. I run my finger up her slit again, rubbing over her clit this time; as soon as my finger hits her clit, I bite down firmly on a nipple. I start rubbing her clit, my teeth on her nipple as I do so. I bite down harder and harder until I hear her whimper, biting a little harder than releasing her nipple.
I stop rubbing her clit and start to slide a finger into her pussy with the other. I continue to slowly push my finger into her, feeling her wet pussy open up around my finger. Once I bottom my finger out I start to fuck her.
I slide a finger in her wet pussy and start finger fucking her, my thumb rubbing her clit as I do. I continue kissing, sucking and biting her tits while finger fucking her and rubbing her clit until she breathing hard and her hips are moving in time to my finger in her pussy. Her legs are spread wide now.
I release her nipple and pull my head away from her and stop playing with her pussy as I sit up and move between her legs. My cock is rock hard and I start rubbing my cock head along her pussy lips. She is moaning as we kiss passionately, my cock teasing her pussy. I slide my cock between her pussy lips and against her clit. I start kissing her as my cock teases her pussy until she reaches back, grabs my ass cheeks and pulls me towards her as my cock rubs past her pussy.
I pull away and get up, leaving her laying there panting as she stares at me. I notice her fingers sliding down to her pussy as she rubs it while watching me. I consider telling her to stop, but the sight of her on the bed, legs spread wide with her fingers in her pussy while she watches me is hot, so I do not.
I had purchased some rope yesterday while I was out and retrieve it from the bag and walk to her carrying it. Her eyes latch onto the rope as I walk towards her, and she goes from lightly rubbing her clit to burying two fingers into her pussy and starting to fuck herself.
As I approach the bed "Sit up, Pearl and face away from me." Pearl gets up, turns away from me and kneels on the bed. I am a pleased, if not a little surprised, when she kneels. I pull her hands behind her back and wrap the rope around her wrist, securing her wrists snugly. As I start wrapping the rope around her arms, cinching her arms together I ask her "Pearl, do you remember the safe words I told you?"
Her breathing is heavy as she responds "Yes Sir, I am to say yellow if I am getting uncomfortable and red if I want you to stop."
"Good girl, do not forget those two words and do not hesitate to use them."
I slowly and methodically wrap the rope up her arm, each wrap lying just over the previous. I keep the rope snug as I do so. Soon her arms are wrapped in red rope from her wrists to her upper arms. I grab her hair and bend down close to her "Are you a horny slut, Pearl?"
"Yes Sir, I am your horny little slut," she responds patiently.
"What do you want me to do to you, my slut?" I ask her.
"Whatever Master wants," she responds. I am startled as she calls me Master as I had not thought of myself in that term, until she said it. I found that I liked the way the word came off her lips.
"Good girl," I say as I roughly shove her onto the bed. I watch her struggle, rolling over onto her back with her arms secured behind her back. Once she is on her back I crawl between her legs once again and reach and give her a rough kiss "You are mine, Pearl" I say as I pull away.
I grab my cock and guide it between her pussy lips as she responds "Yes Sir, I am yours. I trust you, Sir." Once again she surprised me, she trusts me? I suppose she must to let me tie her like this, but we had only just met. How does she know I am not psychotic with the intent to torture her? Regardless, the statement warms me, makes me feel something that I will have to figure out.
Staring into her eyes, my cock head just in her pussy lips. "Are you ready, Pearl?"
Pearl stares back at me with her eyes full of lust and she smiles slightly as she replies "Yes, Sir." As soon as she says yes, I slam my cock into her tight pussy, burying it in her in one hard stroke. She cries out, in both pleasure and pain. I lay over her, my cock buried in her and watch her face and wait for her to look me in the eyes again. Once she stares into my eyes again, I slowly pull my cock back until it is almost out of her pussy and slowly slide back in. I start fucking her with slow deep strokes, watching her face as I do.
"Are you allowed to cum, Pearl?"
"No Sir, I am not allowed to cum without permission," she responds, her breathing is heavier.
"Does that turn you on, Pearl?"
Pearl stares at me as she responds "Yes Sir, but it makes me nervous. I do not know if I can stop myself from cumming."
I start fucking her harder and faster, "But you will do your best to do as I instruct?"
"Yes Sir!! I will always do my best to do as you tell me!" Pearl responds.
My hands reach down and grab her tits roughly as I start pounding into her harder, squeezing them, causing her to moan. She puts her feet beneath her and starts driving her pussy up into me as I slam into her. Thinking to myself 'She seems to enjoy rough tit play, I will have to explore that more later.'
My fingers find her nipples and I squeeze them hard as I continue fucking her. Almost as soon as I pinch her nipples "Master, can I cum? Please, I need to cum!!"
I release her nipples and drive into her pussy, watching her face, her eyes squeeze shut as she tries not to have an orgasm. After about a dozen strokes "Cum for me, Pearl!" I tell her as I squeeze her nipples again. As soon as I tell her to cum, her feet fly out from beneath her ass and she wraps them around my hips as she screams out "Master!!" and clenches her legs holding my cock deep inside her.
I can feel her pussy as she cums, contracting and releasing, it feels amazing. After a few moments, her legs release from around my waist and she collapses down onto the bed. She is breathing hard and laying there to collect herself, but I don't want that.
I pull my cock from her, roll her onto her belly and grab her hips yanking them up. Her face is buried into the bed as I kneel between her legs and drive my cock into her pussy. I hold her hands, admiring her bound arms as I start fucking her pussy. Her head is against the headboard as I drive into her roughly. She is panting and moaning softly as I fuck her.
SMACK! I slap her ass hard and she yelps, then moans loudly. SMACK! SMACK! SMACK! I start slapping her ass cheeks as I fuck her. She starts moaning louder and talking, but not very coherently. "Oh Fuck! Yes! Harder please, Sir!" I cannot slap her hard from my position but continue with firm spankings until I can see a red tint on her brown skin.
I reach up and grab her wrists, lifting her arms upwards, driving her head into the bed more as I continue fucking her hard. She is moaning loudly and panting and I keep lifting slowly until I hear her say "Yellow." I lift her wrists a bit more then releasing them and she moans out in pain.
I can feel my orgasm building, but work to hold it off as long as I can. I do not want to stop fucking her. But before long, I know I cannot hold off much longer. Reaching forward, I grab a handful of hair firmly and pull back. Pearl screams out as I pull her head up off the bed by her hair. Lifting her until she is kneeling on the bed before me, her body parallel with mine, I thrust into her hard and fast.
I am not even listening to her moan and grunt as I feel my orgasm building more with each thrust. My eyes close as I imagine seeing her body as I fuck her, wondering what her face looks like, imagining her tits bouncing as I fuck her. I decide I will have to get a video camera as I want to see my girl being fucked. I want to see her reaction in a way I cannot from behind her.
I cannot hold off anymore, with one final hard thrust I drive my cock deep and hold it there as I cum hard. I pull out slightly and slam in again as I release another load deep in her pussy and hold there. I can feel her pussy convulsing on my cock again realize she is screaming out as she cums again. My hand grips her hair, holding her in place with my cock buried deep in her as she cums.
As her pussy stops convulsing, I can feel her body collapse and am holding her whole body up by her hair, as she is no longer holding herself up at all. I reach up with the other hand and grab her shoulder holding her. I release her hair and grab her other shoulder and gently lower her to the bed as I pull my cock out of her.
Pearl lays beneath me in a heap, her body glistening in sweat, her chest heaving as she catches her breath. Thinking to myself how beautiful she is, I move beside her and untie the knot in the rope and start unwinding it. I unwind the rope all the way and set it aside, and my fingers run along her arms feeling the marks in her skin left by the rope.
I get up and go to the kitchen and get a drink of water. I fill a second glass and bring it back to the bed. Pearl rolls onto her back and watches me as I approach the bed and hand her one of the glasses of water. She takes a long drink, then looks at me and smiles "Thank you, Sir," she tells me before drinking the remainder of the water.
I set my glass of water on the nightstand and climb into the bed beside her. I reach an arm under her shoulders and pull her towards me, pulling her head onto my chest as I lie there. In only a few moments her eyes close and her breathing gets heavier as she drifts off to sleep.
I lay there with her in my arms thinking, wondering what I am doing. I already feel strongly for Pearl somehow, part of my mind fantasizes about her going home with me. The project I have in town will only last a few months, six at the most. I do not think Pearl has any family, well none that she cares to see. But this is her home and I cannot ask -or tell- her to leave it. Besides, how can I be thinking things like this after only knowing her for a couple of days?
I lay there holding her, enjoying the feeling of her soft body against mine. Loving the sound of her peaceful breathing as she sleeps. I feel so content and realize how long it has been since I felt this way. After an hour, I can feel her start to stir beneath me and she opens her eyes and stares up at me.
Time to get out of bed and start the day, I suppose. I direct Pearl to get up and start the shower for me. | literotica |
Title: How I Met My Husband Ch. 04
Tags: bukkake, cuckold, bisexual, cum eating, cum kiss, big dick, fetish, submissive, femdom
I made my way back across the dance floor to where I'd tied Dan up, only to find out he wasn't there. I was sure if tied him to a particular pillar, but he was nowhere to be seen.
I wondered what the protocol was in a place like this, do people go around untying people who are tied up by their mistresses or masters? if so isn't it a bit disrespectful? I knew Dan didn't have his phone on him so I had no option but to just take a look around the place.
We'd been there an hour or so and it was filling up with people by now, I admired all the different outfits, or like myself, lack of outfits, as I wandered around.
I still had my strap on attached so I was getting plenty of looks.
"Nice cock." One guy said to me. as I walked past. He was gyrating against another guy on the dance floor, presumably they were either gay or bisexual.
"Thanks." I replied confidently, looking down to see his naked crotch "You too."
I needed a drink so I headed for the bar. Even the bar staff were dressed in fetish gear. The woman who served me was really gothic looking, dark eyeliner, black hair, black corset. She was sexy as fuck, I could tell immediately from her accent that she was Scottish.
"Nice outfit. I haven't seen ye here before." She remarked in a thick Glaswegian accent, handing me my drink. "First time?"
"Yes." I replied, "it's a real eye opener, isn't it!?"
"Sure is love." She said "Diane and Orlene think of it all, y'know. I've been to loads of different types of fetish events and this is the best. There's something for everyone, doesn't matter what you're into, or what you're not into, you'll find it here. That's why it's so popular."
"I know." I said to her. "I've just been to the bathroom."
She laughed, presumably knowing which bathroom I'd been to.
"Ye don't have to go to that bathroom y'know." She said giggling. "Unless ye like pissin' on people. There's normal toilets over there."
"Thanks, but I thought I'd try it out you know." I said smiling.
"Good girl, that's what I like to hear. This place is all about new experiences, ye never know what you might like till ye try it." She said, bidding me farewell and turning to serve another customer.
I necked my drink and wandered around the perimeter, still no sign of Dan anywhere. He's in trouble when I find him, I thought to myself.
Then a guy approached me. He was tall, good looking with a really fit body, he was wearing only a pair of tight leather pants, no top. I could see clearly the bulging outline of his, rather large penis, through his pants.
"You look lost." He said smiling.
"Um.. I'm just looking for my boyfriend." I said.
"Boyfriend? Ah that's a shame." He replied. "I was going to offer to buy you a drink."
I don't know why I referred to Dan as my boyfriend, it was the first time I'd said it, and I did it without thinking. He was, at best my submissive tonight, definitely not my boyfriend.
"Sorry." I said. "He's not my boyfriend, I don't know why I said that. I'm his mistress, that's probably a better way of putting it." I said, back tracking.
"Ok," he said taking my hand and walking me back to the bar. "Fancy a shot?"
He ordered us two shots of Sambuca before I could answer.
"I'm Jessica, by the way!" I said, introducing myself.
"Pleasure to meet you Jessica." He said. "You can call me Master D'!"
"In that case, I'm Mistress Jessica to you then." I added, trying not to be out done by him. He laughed.
He was quite forward and confident, which I really like in a guy. He seemed really normal, too normal perhaps to be in a fetish club. Despite introducing himself as Master D' he didn't seem like a master.
"God you've got great tits." He said.
"Thanks" I replied. I'm always flattered when someone compliments my tits, especially someone as hot as him.
"Do you come here often?" I asked, probably the most predictable thing someone can ask to a guy they're chatting up, but it was a curious question.
"Now and again, when I'm feeling frisky." He laughed. "It's a pretty cool place. How bout you?"
"First time." I replied.
"What's with the strap on?" He asked.
"That's in case my boyf... my...slave, shall we say, you know... steps out of line."
"Get you." He said mockingly. "Poor fucker, goes missing for a few minutes and when he comes back you're gonna fuck him up the arse as punishment!?
"That's exactly what I going to do." I said, seductively touching my big plastic dick.
"Well, that I'd love to see." He said laughing.
We necked the Sambuca's and I ordered a round of Gin and Tonics, I like to pay my way. I was feeling a little drunk by now and extremely horny.
"So seeing as you've been here before, why don't you show me around." I said. "I haven't been into any rooms yet, apart from the bathroom. Master D' took me by the hand and walked me off.
"Ok, this is where you go if you want your dick sucked, anonymously." He said guiding me through a doorway and along a corridor. There were a little alcoves every few feet, each with a man standing, facing the wall.
This must be where the guys from earlier were stood when Carl and Lara were sucking them off.
"Ah, so this is the other side of the glory holes then!" I said.
"Exactly that." Master D' replied, finding an empty alcove and pulling his pants down, giving me his drink to hold.
I stood next to him and watched as his cock flopped out of his pants, Jesus it was big. A proper, long, thick, uncircumcised monster of a cock. He then fed it through the glory hole, which was only just big enough for it to fit through. He pushed himself up to the wall.
He stood there for a minute or so. "Nothing yet." He said looking at me disappointedly.
'Christ I'll suck it if nobody else want to.' I thought to myself, half tempted to run round the other side of the hole.
I could hear moans and groans coming from the guys who were stood at the other holes. Clearly some of them were getting noshed off.
Then Master D' let out a moan. Some lucky bitch, or possibly guy was obviously on the other end of his big dick.
"That's it!!" He said with horny look on his face.
"So you're not bothered who's sucking you off then?" I asked.
He pulled his cock back out.
"I'd rather think it was a hot woman, like yourself." He said winking at me.
"Aren't you going to let them make you cum?" I asked inquisitively.
"Nah, that was just a demonstration for your benefit." He said. "I'll save my cum for you, later on"
"That's a bit presumptuous isn't it?" I said. I was so horny that, if he wanted to put his big dick inside me, there was no way on earth I was going to stop him.
"Come on, this way." He said, ignoring my comment. "Do you know what bukkake is?"
I knew what bukkake was and I'd seen the name above the door, so I knew exactly where we were off to next.
We entered the room. It was a big long rectangular room, spit into sections. An area for Gay men, one for straight men and women, and an area that just said 'Anything goes.' above it.
There were several bath tubs and two shower cubicles with spiral staircases around them, much like the one in the bathroom I visited earlier.
There was a raised seating area, like a viewing platform with a few people watching on. So we took a seat as we finished our drinks. It was a kind of bukkake spectator sporting event.
To the left was the gay area. There was a bald man in his forties, sitting in a big bath tub with half a dozen other guys jerking off over him. At least a couple of men had already ejaculated on him as he had spunk trickling down his bald head onto his face.
There were a few more men queuing up, wanking off as they stood there awaiting their turn. Then one guy exploded all over the mans face as a few people cheered and clapped.
My head was then drawn to a woman in front of us. She was chained to a pillar, wearing the usual black rubber look fetish gear. She, again was in her forties, attractive, big breasted and blond.
A man, presumably her master stood above her, holding her by her hair, pointing her head upwards as a queue of men formed in front of her.
The first man, in his early twenties, stood in front of her and masturbated furiously over her face, she stuck her tongue out every so often to taste the tip of his young cock. I counted less than a minute of frantic wanking before he splashed a huge load of fresh, white jizz over her face and hair.
The audience, which consisted of Master D' and myself, a horny looking young couple a few seats down from us, and a lone middle aged man in the front row, all stood and clapped the young masturbator as he slumped away, leaving the woman covered in his semen.
The next inline entered the fray. A little, balding, chubby man in his mid thirties with a little chubby dick. He wiped it all over her gooey face, forcing her to suck it. He lasted a bit longer than the first. Maybe three minutes, before he shot his load into her mouth and eyes. All the time her master holding her head up forcefully, although she did seem to be enjoying the attention.
Four more men spunked over her before her master led her away, parading her around the room, for all to see the disgrace of her cum covered face. I was so horny I could have licked it all off her. Or, if Dan was there I'd have gotten him to do it instead.
"Another drink?" Said Master D' finishing up the last of his Gin.
"Oh, I'm pretty drunk." I replied. "I might take a rain check on the booze for a bit."
"Oh no, I didn't mean alcohol." he said pointing to an empty bath in the middle of the room. "I meant it's someone's turn to sit in the bath tub."
"Me? I questioned, looking back at Master D'. "I'm a mistress, I'll have you know."
"You're not my mistress." He said jokingly. "There's a line of guys there who want a sexy, young lady to cum over, are you going to deny them that?" He asked.
I like being a dominant type to Dan, I mean I really fucking enjoy it. But I have a submissive side to me as well, and as Dan wasn't there to see it, I thought what the heck, I'm here, drunk and horny as fuck, why not try something totally new?
'Who am I to deny a bunch of horny lads a place to dispose of their cum?' I thought, making my way down to the bath tub and hopping in.
The first guy wasn't great looking, his cock was average, uncut and his balls were really hairy. He seemed to take an age to cum as well. I wasn't going to suck him at first, but after six or seven minutes I wanted to move onto the next one, so I took him in my mouth.
That did the trick because he came bucket loads down my throat and onto my face within seconds of me blowing him. I cast him aside and beckoned the next lad over. I knew from seeing him out of the corner of my eye that he was better looking, with a bigger, better cock.
He fucked my mouth vigorously with his big dick, then pulled it out and came all over my face, wiping his cock over my forehead as he squeezed the last drops out of his impressive penis.
I took three or four more loads on my face, I could barely see due to copious amounts of jizz in my eyes, but it was a liberating and extremely fucking sexy experience.
I squinted through the cum in my eyes to see if I could see the next cock, but I had to close them as it was stinging so much. Then something big pressed against my lips. I opened my mouth to accommodate the head of this beast as the owner pushed it into my mouth.
It was humongous, I closed my eyes and sucked it, reaching out and jerking it into my mouth. He wiped this huge, hard thing over my sloppy, wet face, rubbing all the cum into my skin, before adding to the mess by ejaculating all over my slutty little face.
I felt the monster between my tits as he finished himself off on my cleavage before a huge round of applause. I was still struggling to open my eyes.
It sounded like a lot more people were in the room than earlier, I had been too busy to notice anyone else around. Then someone grabbed me by the hand and pulled me to my feet. I stepped out of the bath tub and wiped the cum from my eyes.
As I began to see more clearly I saw that the last cock I serviced belonged to Master D' and it was him who had pulled me to my feet.
"I told you I was saving my cum for you, but you didn't believe me!" He said jokingly.
I laughed as the applause subsided and looked up at the viewing platform. To my amazement, sitting there watching the whole thing were, among others, Orlene, Carl and Dan.
Orlene had Carl one side of her and Dan on the other, she had her arms linked through theirs like she owned them or something. She had a huge grin on her face.
"What the fuck?" I said, a little confused. Orlene laughed.
"Go and kiss your little whore of a mistress Daniel." She said releasing him from her grip and unfastening his gag. Dan walked over to me without saying a word and kissed me passionately, full on the lips. Then began to lap up the many loads of cum that were dribbling down my face. He snogged my face off as he did so. I noticed his cock was still hard as a rock.
I broke the kiss because I noticed that Master D' was now sitting next to Orlene, chatting away like they knew each other.
"I see you've met David!" She said looking at me, "His cock is as wonderful as I'd described is it not?"
I was dumbfounded.
"David...? As in your friend David?" I said turning to Dan, who nodded sheepishly.
"Yes, Daniel and David, reunited . She said with a look of mischief on her face. "Big cock and little cock, back together again.
She took David's softening cock in her hand and ran her fingers over it.
"Tell me you're not in love with this fucking beautiful cock and I won't believe you!" She said stroking it like a Bond villain would stroke his cat.
"So you set this up?" I said looking at Orlene in disbelief.
"Of course." She said "I thought Daniel and David should make up with each other, and what better way than to have a new woman to share?"
I didn't know what to think. I was really attracted to David and his mega dick, but I wasn't sure how Dan would feel about it. I mean they hadn't spoken for months.
I looked at Dan, wiping some cum from my eyebrow.
"Are you ok? I muttered.
"I'm fine!" He smiled back reassuringly.
"Come with me." I said, leading Dan out of the room to a quiet corner of the warehouse. I needed to talk to him and find out what he was feeling.
"I can't get my head round what just happened." I said. "I cant believe you've just witnessed me doing such a slutty thing, with one of your friends and I didn't even know about it!"
"I didn't know either, until Orlene led me in there and sat me down. It's the sexiest thing I've ever seen in my life." He said.
"I can see why you don't think I'm as kinky as Orlene." I said. "She is unbelievable at controlling situations and thinking things up. I don't know how she's dreamt half of this up either, this place is crazy!" I added.
Dan looked at my cum covered face and held my hand gently.
"I don't need you to be like her." He said. "I love you for who you are." My heart melted, it was the first time he'd said he loved me, the first time anyone had said it in a long time.
"Watching you in there with David's dick in your mouth, covered in cum was the hottest thing I've ever seen." He said. "I know Orlene instigated it, but it was you doing it, and it's you I'm in love with." He said.
I kissed him deeply, cum still dripping down my face and onto my outfit, my mascara running down my cheeks. I began to cry as my emotions took over.
I was about as much of a mess as I'd looked in my life, but the man I was falling for had just told me he loved me. It was one of the sweetest moments I'd ever shared with anyone.
I cherished the moment as we stood there holding each other close, knowing that any second I was going to have to rediscover my dominant side and punish Dan for leaving me alone, even though it wasn't really his fault. 'The best way to do that is with my strap on.' I thought to myself mischievously as Dan began to lick the rest of the cum off my slutty little face.
To be continued... | literotica |
Title: Medusa: Fate's Game Ch. 08
Tags: adventure, deep penetration, nonhuman romance, violence, large penetration, monster romance, cum overflow, greek mythology, fantasy romance, monster
*Love the support readers! I read all the comments and e-mails, and appreciate the feedback greatly.*
"Gods I need to get laid," the Amazon said.
Chimera rumbled something like a chuckle, took a deep breath, and sat down next to her. She was leaning against a rock, standing, and him sitting down next to her put him at eye level with her. It let him look out over the grass and sea the same way she saw them, as a tiny, short thing unable to see everything. The thought made him chuckle again.
"The fuck you laughing at?" she said.
"Nothing." A shrug and another chuckle later, he motioned to the water. "You have acclimated quickly. Adapted quickly."
"Have I? Last I checked, I was still tied up." And she showed her back to prove it, her hands still tied together behind her.
"After your 'condition' with Bellerophon, I am sure that will change." Scratching his beard with his claws, he frowned and turned to look at the small woman. "What is your condition?"
"Like I'm telling you."
"You plan to fight Bellerophon."
"I... it's not like that." Groaning, she pushed off the rock, stepped closer to his knee, and turned to face him. "And why do you care? He's the one who caused that." She nodded toward his face.
He reached up and ran a finger down the scar of his eye. The memory if the rock falling onto his face, crushing it, was a scary one. Even he could admit that.
The Amazon kicked his leg. He could smell wine on her breath, and her nose was scrunched up like a rodent's.
"You think you got me fooled?" she said. "Guard dog is depressed and looking for a slice of salvation. I see it all over you. I saw it on plenty of women who joined my cause, latching onto my hopes and dreams, hoping it'd rub off on them."
He growled, a harsh and guttural sound that vibrated in his chest. Hands tightened into fists, and his toes dug into the earth with a readiness to strike. Thin ice.
"You are drunk. Do not speak further."
"Fuck you. I know I'm drunk, doesn't mean I don't know a sap when I see one. So forgive the lady with her hands tied behind her, but you—"
Enough. His arm snapped outward, faster than she could dodge, drunk or not. His fingers encircled the entirety of her neck, until his finger and thumb overlapped behind it. Her eyes went wide, and then closed when he slammed her down onto her back against the grass.
He tried to speak, to say something, but only growls came out. His mouth opened, tongue licked his fangs, and grip tightened. The girl could no longer breathe; good. He growled down at her, deep, low voice rumbling and filling the depths of his stomach as he leaned in.
She tried to kick him, but he grabbed one leg and pinned it down. The other could do nothing with how close he was to her, how big he was compared to her. And with her hands tied behind her, she couldn't even take a swing at him.
He got in closer, close enough to feel her breath on his nose and see the white of her eyes. She still couldn't breathe, and he kept it that way as he smelled her flesh.
Devour her. Take her flesh into yours. She will taste delicious, of strength and fire. His tongue came out of his mouth on its own, and licked along her neck, from her collar to her jaw. Human flesh, salt and arousal and alcohol would be the spices. So much better than deer, the Amazon would be delicious.
Mindless animal!
Words cracked against his mind like a whip of thorns. He let go of her neck, let go of her leg, and put both hands against the grass beside her. Gasps pulled air into her lungs, and she blinked up at him with wide eyes.
His breathing was in pants. His body shook. His eyes refused to focus, and double vision blurred everything. His claws sank into the ground, until he was rooted into the Earth.
"... I am... sorry, I..." He did not move. Still leaning over her, on his knees and palms, the tiny warrior was hidden in the shadow of his body.
"Gods damn." The queen coughed a few times, but did not move either. "I thought you were going to strangle me to death."
"No. I am in control."
Are you sure, Chimera? He gritted his teeth until his jaw clicked. He was sure. The hunger started to fade, the swallowing onyx of his gaze disappeared, and his hands were his own once more.
"I... didn't know," she said. "I'd just assumed you were... I don't know. I forgot that... sorry."
The two of them grew quiet. He let his vision drift to the grass as his breathing started to calm, to his fingers deep in the dirt, to the woman underneath him. The scent of her body was strong from so close, alcohol and arousal and now the sweat of panic. But as he stared down at her from so close, he could smell her arousal.
And his eyes lingered upon her. Her tunic had pulled up to the side from when he grabbed her, and exposed her legs. Strong legs, toned, curved with a woman's muscle. Her stomach was exposed as well, and the smooth but lean indentations of her abs were visible.
"Ok, you said you're in control, but you really look like you're going to bite me." She squirmed underneath him, and pushed away a little with her heels against the grass.
But he could smell her heat grow. He could smell the wetness between her thighs, hidden in her loincloth. And he could see her nipples, hard against her tunic.
Once she'd managed to inch herself a foot away from him, he took her legs into his hands again, and slowly pulled her back to where she was.
"H-hey! ... um... Chimera?"
He did want her. He wanted this little she devil that had cut him open, defeated him. He wanted to devour her.
He leaned in close to her again. So small compared to him. Defenseless. She could do nothing when he leaned in, and tasted her neck once again, but with a gentle tongue. And with how small she was, his tongue was more than enough to cover much of her neck with his soft touch.
"You... you uh... you're sure you're not going to eat me?" She was trembling under his tongue's caress, and her voice wavered with her words.
His hands, colossal compared to her legs, slid up her skin, up along the outside of her thighs, up her hips, and then to the hem of her tunic. He did his best to be gentle, to not scare her, to not give into his desires with mindless abandon. But he had to have her. He pulled the tunic up over her head, and behind her, where it wrapped her arms as it caught on her bindings.
"Hey! Hey... what are you... doing?" Wriggling, she tried to squirm away again, but he put one of his hands back on her leg and pulled her back to where she was in a slow, tame draw.
Nude but for her loincloth and sandals, he rumbled deep in his chest at the sight of her naked torso. Scars decorated her lean body and dark skin; and yet, for all her muscle and strength, the curves of a woman were there. The thickness of her thighs, the dip of her tiny waist near her hips, the rise of her stomach near her ribs, the mound of her breasts, pert, with nipples a darker shade than the rest of her.
He lowered his head to her chest, and leaned in. So small, his head was almost as big as her torso. But, knowing she was so tiny, and helpless to stop him, he found his body burning hotter, and his shaft fighting against his own loincloth. When he pressed his tongue against the small creature's breast, he rumbled again until the ground around them quivered. While most of her was hard, her breast was still soft, and it molded to his tongue as he gave it soft licks.
"You can't be serious," she said. Despite her attitude, her words still wavered with her shivering body. She was afraid.
"You do not want to?" he said. He brought his head over hers again; he'd almost be able to fit her entire skull in his mouth if he tried. But instead, he leaned in, and rumbled deep through his body close enough he knew she'd feel the vibrations. "You said you need to 'get laid.'"
"Yeah, yeah but... I... um... not what I expected. And you're a giant. I... I admit I'm a little... afraid you're going... to eat me."
He rumbled, deep and quiet. The beast inside him was oddly content with how the night was progressing. He did want to eat her, but to have her naked, in his hands, defenseless and tied up, was changing his physical hunger to arousal. And try as she might to wriggle away, he could smell the same on her as well.
He sat up, undid the knot of his pelt's arms, and tossed it away. A moment later, his fingers were on her loincloth, and after a couple failed attempts to undo the very small knots, he simply pulled the fabric from her legs.
Naked, bound, she stared up at him with her mouth parted and breath coming in pants. He could see it in her eyes, she didn't know whether to fight him off, scream out for help, or let him have her. One word, one cry, and the others would come running. She knew it, he knew it.
But she made no cry, and spoke no word when he lowered his face down to her wet sex, and placed his tongue against the folds. Instead, she gasped, and lifted her head to look down the valley of her naked body as he ran his tongue up the lips between her thighs. His tongue was more than large enough to keep the whole of it buried in his warmth, and he eased it up and down against her body in constant pressure.
"Oh... gods..."
Humans were just small giants. And Chimera knew well how to pleasure his own kind; pleasuring her only meant dealing with a smaller target. With how large his tongue was against her body, hitting it all was easy, and he pressed his tongue harder against her, before he finally trapped the whole of her pussy in his mouth.
The reaction was immediate. The tiny warrior began wriggling again, panting, and mewling. Her feet no longer pressed against the grass for escape, but instead spread her legs apart. Her clitoris was swollen, begging for attention, and with each caress of his tongue, the Amazon whimpered, even as his tongue ran along the whole of her pussy instead of just the small target. When he pressed a little harder, and used his lips to suckle on her body while he licked, her noises rose an octave.
And a moment later, her juices were dripping down his tongue. He eased his tongue play, but kept his mouth on her while he watched her cum. She managed to blink down at him as she pushed her hips against his mouth, and her jaw hung open as she fought to get air into her lungs. Each convulsion of pleasure was blatant on her body, and the abs that ran down her stomach flexed and bent with the pulses. Sweat glistened on her skin, and her hard nipples stood out from her dark body as her areola swelled.
"Gods I needed that," she said
He slipped his fingers underneath her thighs, gripped her butt and legs in his large hands, and raised her ass a foot into the air. With his mouth still secure around the tiny mound of her sex, he brought his tongue down to the entrance of her body, and pushed.
"What're you doing? W-wait! You're... oh... fuck!"
Her muscles, trembling and wet, fought against his tongue. She squeezed her cunt tight, and squirmed against him, but she was trapped, and her delicious flesh was quivering. An inch at first. And then another, and another. The thick muscle of his tongue spread her open, filled her, worked its way into her trembling body, until the woman was whimpering once more.
Her normally harsh and powerful voice was reduced to quiet pants, and the occasional squeak when he forced the length of his tongue into her. Legs wrapped around his neck, and the queen panted more and more loudly as he stretched her open. When he licked upward against her insides, she moaned — a sound so unlike her, he blinked. She pushed her hips up to meet him, closed her eyes, and squeezed her thighs against his muscles between neck and shoulder.
"Fucking... big... fucking... tongue."
As if battling him, she tried to keep her eyes open and close her mouth, but he pulled her closer to him, sank more of his tongue into her clenching insides, and forced her eyes to roll upward. He wanted to open her up, pry her open, enter her, stretch her cunt until she was ready.
The orgasm hit her hard. She started to tremble like a leaf, and he again eased the probing of his tongue. He kept it inside her though, stretching the muscles of her insides apart while she came, while her liquids leaked from her, and her body gently rocked in his grip. When the tremors of her bliss faded, he renewed them with another upward stroke of his tongue, and another.
"Stop! Stop... please..."
Satisfied, he set the mewling, wet creature down onto the grass. Sweating, panting, and shivering, she tried to rest her weight on her elbows, but could not keep herself up. Each time she tried, she lay back down and let out a blissful sigh as her thighs shook. Saliva and cum mixed on her folds, and trickled down to join the grass.
He rumbled again, deeper, his belly spreading the vibrations until he could feel it in his claws. Leaning over her, he breathed deep of her scent, and placed a palm against her chest to feel her rapid heartbeat. She managed to peek at him through her half-open eyes, and her heart rate increased. He knew what he looked like, with his fangs exposed, his posture haunched over her, and every breath pulling her in. Like an animal about to enjoy its meal.
He removed the hand from her chest, grabbed his loincloth, undid the knot, and tossed it aside. There was no way he'd be able to fuck her in such a position. He'd crush her, and the angle was too extreme. No, he would have to do things differently.
So he scooped her up with his hands, one around her hips — finger and thumb nearly circled her slim waist completely — and the other on one of her thighs to help lift her. He himself sat down, put his back to the rock, and let his legs out in front of him. With his prey in hand, he settled her shivering form atop his lap, with her large, firm ass in the groove of his thighs, and his erection lying along her stomach.
After a few moments of heavy breathing, the exhausted queen managed to right her head, look around to get her bearings, and then down at what he'd placed up on her abs.
"You... can't... be serious."
Her legs were spread apart, hooked to the outside of his legs and hips, but barely able to touch the ground. His hand was wrapped around her waist, and her cunt was placed against the base of his cock, along the underside. And his erection, heavy, thick, ran up her over her mons, her abs, and several inches past her navel.
He growled, a deep sound that traveled through his body into hers. She squeaked, like a mouse, but squeak turned to quiet mewl when he raised her a few inches, before easing her back down to base of his cock while his length slid across her stomach. The soft stroke coated several inches of underside of his length in her juices, and the mess of fluids on her thighs was soon coating his testicles as well.
It took every shred of willpower he had to not bury his cock into the fiery little woman, hard, and fast. But he was in control, and he would not ruin this.
His cock was not a rigid thing, like he knew some animals owned. Instead it was long, thick, but pliable. Hard, and yet soft enough to bend with its weight when he again raised the woman with his one hand, and used her hot, soaked folds to spread more of her fluids along his length.
She was shaking even more than before, but her eyes were stuck to her stomach, and the phallus that lay there.
"I... I don't know if... that'll fit."
It would fit. Rumbling like a purring lion, he raised the woman higher with one hand, and took his cock into his other. He pressed the bulbous tip to her opening, and experimented, pressing against her with only enough force to spread open her folds a little, and nudge against her dripping flesh.
So warm. Her liquids coated the head of his shaft as he rubbed it against her, and soon more of her cum was trickling down the veined skin of his member. Soaked, inviting, tight flesh squeezed and milked at his glans as he pressed it against her opening. Warm, wet, her body felt amazing against the swollen tip of his length.
"You are a wet creature, Queen."
"H-hey! That... is because I am drunk." Her blushing grew until red showed through her dark skin. The warrior had a shy side.
He pressed his cock against her entrance, a little harder this time, enough to open her and massage the tip of him only a sliver of length. Thick as he was, a sliver was enough to earn some grunts from the Amazon, and she raised one of her legs to push her foot against his hip.
"Slow! Slowly, I... gods, you're... going to split me open."
He rumbled, and pushed her down toward him a little harder. The tiny warrior groaned yet again, a deep sound considering her size, but her voice rose to a squeak once the flesh of his cock's tip stretched her wider, and wider, before finally sinking in the first couple inches, so her muscles found the groove at the base of his glans. She looked down at where the soft flesh around her lips was pushed apart by the his girth until it was taut, and she stared.
"Fucking... Tartarus... gods... damn...," she said.
His own surprise joined her as he caught his breath. He did not expect the tightness of her wet flesh; to feel it on his tongue was one thing, but to feel it on his cock was another. She was very, very tight. Her insides gripped around the glans of his shaft, soaked it, and massaged it with trembling muscles that milked his member. When he pushed it another inch, she winced, and pressed down her foot on his hip harder; but she didn't stay stop.
He eased her down a little further. The tightness of her insides squeezed around his girth enough to deform it slightly at her entrance with the strength of her clutching walls, demanding his girth comply to the small amount of room her flesh held. If not for the copious amount of fluids she was leaking over him, he would not have been able to penetrate her, but her liquids were plentiful, and only wet, warm flesh greeted him.
Another couple inches. She groaned, loudly, and her head went limp to hang behind her shoulders as her legs stopped trying to stand on his hips. Instead, the Amazon let her legs spread once more, let her feet dangle off of his outer thighs, and started to pant openly. She was relaxing for him.
He growled, louder this time. Something about seeing the powerful little creature succumb, about her giving in, set his blood on fire. He let her bodyweight sink her further down onto his cock, until half of it was forced into her tight, quivering insides. The hand around his girth took her thigh instead, fingers wrapping her ass, and he held the woman there as his glans pressed against her depths. He could feel her body had run out of space for him, and when he looked down, there was a distension along her abs up to beneath her navel. A small one, but enough that he could see how deep he was entering her trembling body.
He wanted more.
With one hand around her waist, the other underneath her ass, he pulled her down further. The soaked inviting flesh pushed down against him, but he stretched her deeper, and deeper with a slow, gentle motion.
And the Amazon loved it. Her voice became a delightful song of mewls and moans, mixed with panting and tiny gasps. She moved her hips toward him, greeting his girth and milking at his length, while she raised her head to look down her naked body once more.
"You're..." Her eyes were locked onto her abs, and how a subtle outline of his cock was visible between her breaths. "You're... not supposed... to be able... to see that."
"You will survive."
"Heh. That's not what I'm... worried about."
"Oh?" But before she could respond, he eased the woman higher, until only the head of his cock remained inside her. The journey to pull half of his girth out of her was euphoric. Each inch earned sporadic clenches of the woman's muscles, more of her pleasant juices, and loud groans from her. Her tight insides squeezed hard enough to hurt, but the minor discomfort was lost in the pleasure of her wet, quivering flesh milking his length.
"Fuck... fuck fuck. Go slow... gods, slow. If you... if you go hard, you'll... break me."
She bit her bottom lip, and looked up at him.
He had no idea the woman had such a sexual body. Sexually self aware, he anticipated, but he did not anticipate the way she nudged her hips toward him in a dance, the way she begged him with her eyes in sexual delight, the beautiful noises she made. And when he sank her down yet again until eight inches of his thick girth were stretching her, wide and deep, she gasped, and smiled.
"It's a good thing your dick... isn't super hard. I'd be dead."
He frowned. What an unkind thing to say. With a low rumble in his belly, he started to pull her down further.
"Wait! Wait, wait I — nng!"
Deeper. Her taut insides trembled and squeezed, but he continued to press her down toward him, stretching her in toward her belly. And deeper. He went very, very slow, drawing out each extra inch he penetrated her over a minute of gentle pressure. But sure enough, given time and gentle nudging of his cock against her deepest parts, she accommodated.
"Come on, I'm sorry! I'm... oh... gods..."
The woman could say what she wanted, but her body did not lie. As he sank her further down onto his cock, and slowly stretched her deeper, and deeper, she erupted. Her muscles clamped down, and she arched her back with her head dangling behind her as she started to tremble. More fluids leaked over his cock, until drops of her cum were on his testicles.
He lifted her an inch, and pulled her back down. The result was a whimpering, shaking woman. She spread her legs, pushed her hips toward him, and trembled all the more as he pushed his length against her deepspot. Never hard, never thrust or shoved her down, he was far too deep for that. He had to be gentle, and coax her down to him with time, and a constant rubbing pressure against her depths.
When her lips found the base of his cock, he let out a deep, low rumble. The taut, hot flesh of her cunt, massaging and milking at his length between tremors of her body, earned more rumbles from him, loud enough the others would no doubt hear.
"You bastard. I... fuck, I'm going to break." The lean creature righted her head to look down the valley of her body once more, and the subtle distension his girth made along its center. "Look at that! I... can't believe you... fucking... all of it."
"Shall I stop?"
"... no. Spent all this time stretching me apart, I can take it. Just slow! Slow... ok? Feels like... gods that feels good."
The tiny warrior, with every inch of his cock devoured, moved her hips toward him in a subtle and gentle motion. And then down toward his thighs, before again she pushed her hips toward his stomach. Every motion forced her muscles to squeeze in different ways, milk at his swollen girth, until he could feel drops of his precum leak from his glans into her body.
"You are the first human I have done this with," he said. "And... I am surprised."
"Heh, surprised you didn't kill me?"
"Surprised at how... wet, and... delightful, this feels."
The bound woman chuckled, and let out a groan of her own when she pushed her hips back and forth a few more times. The wet friction of her drooling pussy against the whole of his length and the swollen head of his cock sent warm sparks of pleasure down his length and into his testicles, before spreading into his pelvis and thighs. The woman was a sexual creature, that was for sure.
"You're lucky I like it deep. Cause... this is... really damn fucking deep." She looked down to her pelvis once more, at where his girth spread her lips wide and taut, before she shivered and looked back up at him. "I can barely move."
The invitation earned a small smile from Chimera. He raised her from his length once again, making sure to take his time and enjoy how every inch of this thick, veined girth was basked in the tight grip of her soaked muscles. She relaxed in his grip and let her legs dangle off to the sides of him again, as her head rolled back and her body trembled. Once six inches of his member was removed, he eased her body back down to devour the dripping, exposed half of his cock, until again her taut muscles found the base of him, and the head of his cock stretched her deep.
And he did it again. This time, he lifted her shivering body from him over nine inches of his length, but kept the ripe, swollen glans of his cock inside her. He worked her body up and down his glans, sinking her an inch or two before raising her up again, and again, until the woman was once more trembling and leaking juices. Sinking her back down, balls deep onto his length, one slow inch at a time, earned more of the woman's mewls, and more of her tremors and convulsing muscles.
But it wasn't until he started to work her back and forth, keeping her balls deep while massaging her pussy's lips against his abdomen, and his glans against her deepspot, that the woman truly erupted. She started to gasp, pants turning into load moans, and her body arched all the more. Her legs squeezed tight around his hips, despite being unable to circle his waist, and her cunt trembled and squeezed in random spurts. Her juices renewed in copious amounts, warm and trickling, until they dripped from his heavy testicles underneath her ass. It was already tight to near painful inside her, but her orgasm left him wincing as her muscles milked at him until he could feel the pleasure in his groin grow.
When the Amazon finally grew still, and her noises grew gentle, he started to lift her up and down a single inch, faster.
"W-wait... I'm... fuck I'm... just... I just came! Slow... down..."
He didn't. He needed to cum. His whole body felt ready to burst, so close to the edge of bliss. The wet friction of her insides against his girth was too enticing, and he needed more. Now. So he bounced her as gently as he could force himself to be, while earning the desired bliss of her flesh caressing his glans and length. Each bounce earned a squeak from the dark little creature, and her gripping muscles only tightened more as her body started to meet his. He could hear the tiny splash of her liquids against him when her lips met his body, and the accompanying whimper of the woman wrapped around his girth with each bounce.
He stopped at last when the telltale signs of orgasm hit him. He squinted his eyes as he stared at the beautiful creature in his hand, and looked down at the sight of her soaked, spread lips devouring him. When the first wave of hot cum gushed up through his length, he eased her back down balls deep onto him, and rumbled his bliss when the liquid flooded into her, coating his length and her insides.
"Oh... fuck... that's warm," she said.
He barely heard her. The first taste of pleasure in so long, he leaned back, relaxed his grip on the woman in his hand, and let the fluid come. Each flex of his pelvic floor earned a gush of thick cum, warm and delightful along his cock. It only took a few seconds for the copious amount of cum escaping him to fill the tiny crevices of space left in Otrera, before they started to leak out of her.
It took a lot to keep his eyes open, but he wanted to see. He rumbled, deep in his belly as more waves of bliss ran through his length and into his core, while more of his cum started to leak out of the girl.
To his surprise, Otrera started to ease her hips back and forth again, in a squeezing rhythm that gently milked him of his liquids. Even with her arms tied behind her, she managed to dance her hips back and forth in a slow wave of pleasure. She was still trembling, and whimpering between her own pants, but that didn't stop her from milking his seed from him with deliberate clenches of her wet insides.
His orgasm lasted a while. He was almost embarrassed at how much cum was pouring into the woman, and how nearly a minute later, he was still rumbling in pleasure as he flooded her insides. Soon it was dripping down her ass, his testicles, and his own thighs; a mess he did not expect tonight.
"Gods... look at this...," she said between pants. "You're... gods you're everywhere."
He licked one of his fangs, and lifted the woman up. She shuddered in his hands, moaned as he slipped his length out of her, and sighed when at last the swollen glans of his cock fell free. The last clench of her pussy along his sensitive flesh sent yet more sparks of pleasure up his length, and a small river of his cum fell out of her and onto his length once it was free. But, perhaps because he felt like displaying a little dominance over the prisoner, or perhaps because he felt like enjoying a little more sexual play, he removed his other hand from her leg, took his dripping cock in grip, and laid it along her belly as he pressed her pussy to the base of its underside.
"Hey! Hey... mother of Earth..."
Otrera's mouth fell open as she stared at his length. A mix of their cum coated it, but it was the swollen head that drew Otrera's eyes, and the cum that still leaked out of it. He sighed with relief at being free of her insides — pleasurable as they were, Elysium even, they were extremely tight. With his cock laid across her abs, and his glans resting below her sternum, he was free to gently caress her body along the soft underside of his length, and coax several more thick waves of cum to flow out of him. The heavy streams fell between her breasts, dripped down his length, along her abdomen, and down between their legs. In only moments, he'd coated her abs and the underside of her breasts in white.
"Forgive me," he said. "It has been... some time."
"Gods damn that was inside me." The Amazon chuckled, still panting with exhaustion and sweat, but chuckled nonetheless. "You just took advantage of a bound and helpless woman."
Even quivering with the fleeting waves of post orgasm, the Amazon still had a mouth on her. Fire, warm against him, and inviting despite the harshness.
"Let us bathe," he said.
"Good idea. I've seen whores work a dozen men in less of a mess. Going to untie me?"
With a shrug, he picked the queen up into both hands, and carried her with him toward the sea.
"I shall bathe you."
Otrera's mouth opened wide, and she looked between him, the ground she now floated above, and the sea. But before long, her smile returned, and she grinned at him.
"All right."
She woke up the next morning with tender insides.
"Gods... fucking... gods damn it." Getting skewered on a giant's cock was not exactly how she planned the night to go. And she was paying for it. Sex with the werewolf had always been a rough affair, with claws and deep penetration and rough sex. But fucking a giant was a different matter all together.
She sat up and frowned at the big guy. He never slept, according the others, and sure enough, Chimera was sitting against a tree and looking at her. He had his loincloth back on, she noticed. But she did not; at least her tunic was back on.
Still tied up too. Well, it wasn't like a night of good sex was going to convince the beast to free her; if anything, she was his sex toy to do with as he saw fit, with how she couldn't defend herself. The thought sent a thrill up her spine. It was kind of fun.
Always thinking with your thighs, Otrera.
"You want to fix this?" she said, and she turned her torso a bit to point her butt at him where it lacked a loincloth.
He looked at her, scratched his beard, and shook his head. "No. I prefer you this way."
Was the giant flirting? The flat, boring tone of his voice had lessened, and instead she found hints of play and mischievousness. He was even smiling a little.
She knew those eyes. Those were 'I want to fuck you' eyes.
Memories of last night worked through her groggy mind. If not for her Fate's Child body, she'd probably be a bit more than tender — and suffering a hangover. The giant was big enough to make sex unrealistic... but she'd done it anyway. He'd held her in one hand and masturbated with her body, and she'd came all over him. A lot. With squirting, and everything else she did when she was cumming her brains out.
She could feel her whole body blushing; that included hardening nipples and some squirming too.
"Um... we uh..."
He held up a hand, looked to the path that lead back to the others, and frowned. Sure enough, Pinna came out of the canyon, grinning and hopping with every step like a young doe.
"Enjoy yourselves last night?" she said.
Otrera shrugged. "Wine was good... enough."
"That's not what I meant." The satyr hopped over to her, grin growing bigger, and motioned to the big guy sitting next to them. "That was some very... it was quite... it was really hot sex."
Otrera's blush returned. She did not like blushing.
"You were watching? You were busy fucking your husband, I thought."
"Well after I noticed you spying on me, I repaid the favor. Once I was done with Gallea of course." Pinna chuckled. "You're not very subtle when you're drunk. I mean, you don't seem to ever be subtle, but not exactly sneaky when drunk."
"I..." She was drunk, that was true. She thought she'd have at least been able to sneak around when everyone else was drunk too, but apparently not. Had Darian seen her then?
Before she could stop her, Pinna took her elbow — couldn't take her hand with them still behind her — and pulled her further away from the group and the giant. Otrera looked back over her shoulder to Chimera, who watched after her with a raised brow, but otherwise did not move.
Once they were were a little ways away, Pinna stopped.
"You, ummm." Pinna scratched at one of her horns and hopped around to stand in front of Otrera. "You ok?"
"... why do you ask?"
"Well, I... I mean, he is a giant, and... I thought maybe he took advantage of you being tied up."
Awkward, but appreciated? Otrera shrugged, and smirked. The satyr was the sort to thrive on gossip, tell good stories, get everyone drunk, and everything an inn needed to get people renting rooms and buying food. The sort you'd want to chat with, for talking's sake.
Otrera could use a little socializing, maybe.
"It was mutual. I mean, being tied up and being a prisoner made it a little one sided. But he had my permission... ish. I was drunk! No regrets though."
Pinna nodded, and as Otrera's blush started to fade, the satyr's started to grow.
"I watched a little longer than I probably should have," Pinna said. "But, it was... just... you must be sore!" And apparently unable to contain herself, the satyr held out both hands to measure nearly a foot of air with her palms. "So big! So so... so very big."
Blushing returned with a vengeance, but so did a grin. "You really want details, don't you?"
The satyr nodded, eyes wide and bright.
"You realize I'm a prisoner against my will?"
She nodded.
"And that my goal is — was — to kill Bellerophontes?"
She nodded again.
"Then why are—"
"Because you're a good person, and I know you're going to help us."
This again. Otrera groaned, rolled her eyes, and turned around, but Pinna grabbed her bound hands and stopped her from walking away.
"You're not the first wandering warrior I've run into," Pinna said, "or the first Amazon. I know your kind well enough to know you want to help. Andromeda and Perseus sound like some seriously fucked up people, and you want to free Pegasus of them. You can hate Darian all you want, but you know he was just on one side of a war."
"My tribe died against one man."
"A Fate's Child! He's a great warrior, and he had an unfair advantage. He knows it too. He regrets what happened, Otrera, he really does. You said as much last night."
"That was... wine talking."
The satyr laughed, and guided Otrera further away from the group again to take her toward the beach.
"Medusa is an unusual woman. She should be hard as steel, but she's as soft as a naive girl. Darian is... there's a rage inside him, Otrera, something unusual. Your anger was created by all the horrible things that have happened to you. But Darian? Bellerophon? His was just... there. Medusa's the only one who's ever touched him in a real way, and calmed him. And now that he is, it... it's really special. Something really special is happening, some genuine heroes on a journey to save a friend."
Darian's rage had always been there? It was Otrera's turn to smile. Pinna thought she knew much about Darian. But she didn't know everything.
"I get it," Otrera said. "I do. So just... let me think about it."
"Yes! Yes, please, think about it." Pinna giggled all the more, sat down by a tree, and motioned for Otrera to join her. "Chimera though, the Fates told me nothing. I'm sure they knew something; he was alive during the great war between giants and gods. The Fates were involved, so... I don't know! He's a mystery. He's a beast, and... and I owe him a lot." She snickered like a mischievous child, and held out her hands again to measure the air again. "So big!"
Otrera rolled her eyes, but chuckled despite herself, and sat down next to Pinna. The woman was going to try and be her friend, and maybe that wasn't such a bad thing. The Amazon wasn't so stupid to think she didn't want companionship.
"Yes, getting him inside was most definitely not easy. Very big, but a bit softer than a normal man's dick, so it wasn't going to kill me. Wine, and the tongue job he'd given me before made it doable."
Pinna bursted into a squeal of a giggles, but then brought her hands up to her ears with a pained groan.
"Ugh... hangover. So, uh... did he tell you anything about himself?"
"Nothing? Do you... there anything you can tell me? I'm trying to craft a story! A real, good... well, decidedly sexual story at this point. But it needs details!" The satyr was smiling, chuckling, and frowning at the same time.
She could do with some girl gossip for a while.
"Chimera and I argue occasionally, and it sort of came to a heat last night... next thing I knew, he was on me with his tongue. And it was a huge tongue, like the rest of him. Felt fucking amazing. Then I was in his hands, and... well you saw that part."
Pinna started vibrating, despite how the queen's words were making the satyr blush brighter and brighter. "More! All the details!"
Otrera laughed. She hoped the future wouldn't ruin this.
But it probably would.
The next few days went by better than the first few of her capture. Still tied up, so that was a royal pain in her ass for many unsanitary reasons. They untied her, let her clean herself, only to tie her back up. Chimera did all the work, but after their night together, she didn't mind it so much. He had nice hands.
And then every night, everyone started fucking. Gallea was healed enough so Pinna could have sex with him, super gentle lovey dovey she-does-all-the-work sex, but sex nonetheless. And the wife was apparently quite happy to do so; she initiated every time. Medusa and Darian were in a similar boat, with Medusa dragging her man off every night to fuck him with the same lovey dovey tenderness of Pinna. Medusa at least made a better attempt to hide the sex, but not by much.
Everyone was feeling comfortable with each other, talking with each other, and fucking whenever the urge struck them. And, to Otrera's surprise, that included herself and Chimera.
Sex with the giant was a nightly affair, and with her hands tied, she was on the receiving end of a lot of tongue and deep penetration. She didn't want to admit it to the beast of course, but it was Elysium. She got to relax, close her eyes, and let the giant have his way with her. A major change for her, and delightful one. He kept it gentle too, cause if he didn't, he'd split her in half. Always did like deep sex, and as long as the beast kept it slow, she was content to cum her brains out all over him.
And she was going to ruin all of it.
The sun started to rise on the seventh day of their respite. The morning air was cool, but not cold, and the breeze was equally as inviting. It was a good morning.
"Alright, untie her," Darian said. The warrior was standing up, leg healed; Fate's Children healed damn fast. He was wearing his tunic and sandals, nothing more. Same for her. Good.
Medusa slithered up behind her and started on her bindings.
"Don't kill him," she said.
Otrera looked over her shoulder at the serpent. The woman was frowning at her, and her snake eyes were staring straight into her. Yellow snake eyes with long, black slits down their center. Scary.
"I won't kill him." But I'll bring him near it. "Figure out what I want yet?" At last, with hands unbound, she brought them in front of her and massaged her wrists. She squeezed the air, felt the Fate's Child muscles of her forearms shift and flex, and felt her fingers tighten against her palms.
"I assume a duel." Darian shrugged, and pushed away from the cliff of their hidden little canyon.
"Close. Fist fight."
"A fist fight?"
"Yes." Otrera motioned for him to follow, and the two of them stepped further out into the open grass South of their hidey-hole.
"... a fist fight."
"Yeap." She tried to hide her smile.
"We have a fist fight, and you tell us where Andromeda's getting her sacrifices?"
All of them looked at her with a raised brow. The four of them stood in a row at the top of a small hill, heads tilted. She'd already walked down it, and waited for Darian at the open area below. Empty space, grass, no rocks or bushes or trees nearby, and flat land. Perfect.
Darian looked to Medusa, who shrugged in return.
"She says she won't kill you," the serpent said. "I trust her... I guesss."
Chimera nodded. "You can trust her word."
Aw, the big guy standing up for her. She grinned at him, and he managed a tiny smile.
Darian sighed, and started to walk down the hill toward her. But Otrera could see an edge of a smirk in his eyes. Try as he might to deny it, the man liked a good fight.
She rotated her head and neck about, twisted her waist and hips a bit, prepped a minor stretch for her legs, and cracked her knuckles. Darian just waited, cocky smile showing through more and more. He had a right to be cocky, having beaten her so many times already.
She stepped closer, and raised her fists.
Darian, chuckling now, put a foot closer to her, and raised his fists as well.
"Bellerophontes. Or I suppose I should say Darian. Your new name for your new life."
"That's the plan," he said.
"Tell me, how's your wife?"
She drove her fist into his face, hard. The feel of skin splitting against her knuckles, his skin, sent shivers of joy up her spine as the man rolled backward through the air and crashed onto the ground.
Let's see how well your group holds together with a little knife twisting.
"I noticed you and Medusa are quite close. Does your wife Philonoe know? After I killed her sister, I thought maybe you'd at least take a trip to tell her."
Darian was up to his hands and knees, but before he could get any higher, she kicked him in the chest. He went up a couple feet into the air, spun over once, and fell onto his back.
Gods damn it felt good to kick with the strength of a Fate's Child.
She looked up the small hill to the others. Medusa's scary snake eyes weren't so scary when they were wide with shock. The serpent turned to Pinna, and the two started talking, maybe arguing, about Philonoe. No doubt the satyr had known, but she hadn't told her snake friend. Too bad.
"I'm hearing that you've changed, 'Darian,' from the cocky, fame-obsessed degenerate you used to be before Zeus shot you out of the sky."
She jumped at him, and tried to land her knee onto his chest, but the bastard managed to roll back and onto his feet, leaving her knee to collide with grass. Darian didn't follow up on the opening though. He was clutching his chest, breathing hard, blood dripped down his split cheek, and the look of panic on his face was unmistakable. Not panic for her attack though, panic for her words. He even looked from Otrera up the hill to Medusa; mistake.
On him again, close, elbows in and fists up. No quarter for this cocky bastard, he deserved pain, and an uppercut against his jaw brought it. He flew back, but managed to land on his feet. More blood dripped from his chin, and each drip sent a flutter of joy up Otrera's body.
"You are a dirty, underhanded, mani—"
"You're the one keeping secrets, bastard." She swung out with another punch, but Darian managed to get around it and finally throw a return punch. It hurt, catching it in the forearm, but better that than the face.
"It was a gift from Iobates! I married her because it was expected of me! Forced upon me by circumstance!"
He was getting angry. Perfect. His words were loud enough for Medusa to hear, but yelling to the serpent created opportunities in the fight for Otrera.
"I couldn't give two shits about why you married her. I just think it's interesting that you never told your new love."
He winced. "I'm trying to leave that life behind. Completely."
"Yeah well, ghosts of the past and all that." She feinted a punch, got in closer, and drove her foot forward, straight at his chest. It was a move he'd normally dodge, but panicked eyes gave him away, and her sandal crashed against his gut.
He rolled backward, but managed to stop on his feet again, breathing fast and back slouched with one arm holding his gut.
"Philonoe is a relic of that life! And just like her sister — who you killed — Philonoe is a vile thing. I just want to forget her and leave it gone. Leave it all gone and buried."
"Is that so?" Otrera looked over her shoulder at Medusa. The serpent looked very worried, knuckles of one hand at her lips, and eyes snapping between her and Darian. "Seems like you've been burying secrets, Mr. Hero. Shame if someone dug them up."
"... don't."
"Pinna," Otrera said, smile on her face so big she could feel it in her cheeks, "tell me, does anyone know why Proetus ever made a nobody like Bellerophontes, before the Chimera incident, into a guard captain? You know why Proetus ever gave him a chance?"
"He... he was a skilled warrior. He'd gone to Proetus to ask for forgiveness for a crime. He became a member of his local militia for penance, worked his way up the ranks, and—"
"So you don't know what crime he committed?"
The satyr blinked, looked to Chimera and Medusa, and then back to her. "... no."
Bellerophontes was on her like lightning. His eyes glowed white, bright, until she could see nothing but white fire in them.
For a moment, she thought she could hear something roar.
She sidestepped, but Darian wasn't looking to dance. Instead of bringing up his hands to guard his obvious opening, he just pushed against his momentum into the ground, and pounced at her. His hands reached for her face, and she had to grab his wrists.
A moment later, she was on the ground, back to the grass, while the crazed man snarled at her from above. His strength was unreal, but his weight was easy to deal with. He couldn't reach her. If he could, she was sure he'd be clawing out her eyes.
"I'm going to fucking kill you," it said.
Her own eyes glowed white, but not with the fury she was used to. This was different. This was cold on her spine, self defense against the sudden firestorm she'd unleashed.
She brought her feet underneath him, and pushed both against his chest to send him back through the air. Get up, quickly!
On her feet, she had a split second to sidestep again as the man dived past her. And when she turned to face him, he was already running for her again. He was a small warrior like her, agile, fast, and furious. In their past couple of battles, her anger had been her undoing — or at least, certainly hadn't helped. Maybe she could use his anger against him?
Not likely. He was too damn fast. On her in a split second, he took a swing for her face, and she had to duck underneath it, only to have to roll to the side to avoid getting a knee in the nose. But each time she dodged, he was on her again, screaming. The strain and power in each punch showed as bulging veins, and for a moment, she thought it was Chimera taking a punch at her.
But she was a Fate's Child too. She brought a hand up to catch his, took a step back to go with the momentum, and forced his hand down while forcing his elbow up with her other hand as she sidestepped. With a foot put in front of his, she managed to flip the bastard and get him onto his back, so she could drive her knee down at his face.
Bellerophon didn't stop though. On his back, head toward her, he reached up to catch her when she got her knee over his skull, and brought her down with a twist. He got one arm around her leg, and got his weight onto half of her, facing her. And he started punching.
Punches hurt. A lot. Knuckles and bone and force. She tried to get free, but with his assail of punches, all she could do was block with her forearms. Each hit blinded her with a lightning's moment of pain and risk of a broken bone. Bastard was furious with her, she could hear it in his grunts and roars with each punch that fell on her like rocks.
She managed to get her weight onto her ass so she could use her free leg to kick him in the stomach. It sent him into a halfway spin over the grass, and her in the opposite direction. And again, the moment she was on her feet, Bellerophontes was already up and lunging at her. His eyes were frenzied, and his teeth were bared.
He left an opening. Maybe he hadn't expected her to get up so quickly, but he came at her foot first. Stupid. She got beside the kick and drove her palm into his chest. Determined, he swung back up to his feet and threw himself at her again, a full pounce. Bringing her arms up wasn't enough, as he managed to get one of his hands around her wrist, and tried to wretch her guard open.
So close, she felt her heart stop when the man's gaze caught hers again. One moment a smiling, handsome man, the next, a barbarian gone berserk. Is this what Pinna was talking about? Rage that had always been there? This wasn't the man she'd fought several times before, this was a crazed animal who was going to rip her arms off.
He brought a knee in from the side and crashed it against her waist. A snap and wretch of pain told her a rib was broken. But it also meant the man had his leg up, and she managed to get a grip on his ankle, and yank. She was strong, he was light, and she managed to get him a good twenty foot through the air before he landed, sliding in the grass again.
"The whole time I've been your prisoner, I've heard from everyone about how great you are. Medusa, obviously, but even Pinna and Chimera have compliments for you. Say you've changed from the angry bastard you used to be. Look at you now!"
She was playing with fire. The monster was shaking from head to toe, and his fists were tight enough she could see the veins of his arms from so far. He got up slowly, fingers digging deep into the dirt, before he turned to face the queen with murder in his eyes.
"But I guess it'd be against your new image to have people knowing what you did? That you killed your brother with your bare hands, for no reason at all?"
She waited for the moment of joy, the moment of satisfaction, the moment of elation from ruining the man and his world. She held her breath and waited for the spring of bliss to fill her from tasting revenge. Nothing. Nothing at all. Only bitterness on her tongue, and an aching cold in her gut.
Silence fell upon them all. Only the gentle, pleasant breeze stirred noise, grass upon grass. Otrera looked to the viewers of the brawl, and their shocked faces, dropped jaws, open mouths, and wide eyes. Even Chimera looked surprised.
The monster didn't move. He stood there, eyes glowing, body a statue, but the rage that poured off of him was unreal. He was shaking, and each breath had turned into a snarl.
"... h-how do you know that?" Pinna said.
"Andromeda knows a lot. Quite the scholar, quite the sorceress. I'd thought she might be lying, but apparently not. Know thy enemy, she said." Otrera breathed deep, leaned her weight from one foot to the other, and readied herself. Bellerophontes still wasn't moving, but she could see a flicker of movement in his eyes when she shifted left and right.
Bellerophontes at last raised his hands, one in a fist, one open, and started to take slow steps toward her. She'd seen similar looks, in those who gave into the need to murder with their whole being. The look of someone willing to sacrifice their life, just to kill someone.
Too late to stop now.
"Did I ruin your little fantasy, 'Darian?' Did you really think you could just not mention the horrible things you've done, and everyone would accept this new you? Will your little group still be able to, when they realize you're a psychopath?"
He stopped at the last word. "... what?"
"You can apologize about what you did to me, and say you regret your actions, but what does any of that mean from a lunatic who's been killing people since he was a child? Who's killed family, at no provocation?"
He looked down at his hand where his blood lined it. Then back to her as the white in his eyes started to fade.
"You saw Perseus," she said. "And you must have noticed it. The man's a psychopath. He's also a Fate's Child, chosen by the Fates themselves, like you, unlike me. I remember the look in your eyes when you slaughtered my tribe. It wasn't the look of a man at war. It was the look of a monster, someone completely at home in a bloodbath. The same sort of look Perseus has in a fight."
In her mind, she'd imagined destroying the man with her words. They'd fight, hit each other a few times, but with each word she would release upon him, his strength would waver, his endurance would falter, and she'd break his nose. She didn't want to kill him anymore; that was progress, right? But just because she didn't want to kill him didn't mean she didn't want to hurt him.
Or so she thought. But as the man's eyes returned to normal, and his heavy gaze fell down to the grass, the joy of it all faded to black. In the wake of her victory, all that was left was ashes.
He raised his gaze, and for a moment, she thought she was looking into the eyes of a dead man. "... I don't... remember their... fa—"
"That's enough!" Medusa slammed her tail against the ground, and slithered down to get between them. Soon several layers of snake scales were between Otrera and Darian, and the serpent faced her with bared fangs. "What are you doing?"
Otrera frowned at the woman, and paced side to side with closed fists.
"Exposing him for what he is!"
"I know what he is!" Medusa raised herself higher, well above Otrera's height, like a defensive snake, and stared down at the Amazon. "I know what he is capable of. I know he misses a piece inside him. I do not care about some old marriage he did not care for. I do not care about the crimes of his past. He is different than he used to be!"
This woman! This stupid, naive, ridiculous woman. A hundred years of Tartarus and still...
"Did you not hear him two minutes ago? One jab at the right spot and he loses it."
"I heard him. And I know he's the first one who... never mind." The serpent turned around, reached out for Darian's hand, and started slithering away.
It was only when Medusa had moved out of the way that Otrera caught Darian's eyes again. And he looked devastated. Heavy eyes had become stone, shoulders weighing him down, and each step he took to follow Medusa might as well have left a crater.
Silence once more. She looked to Pinna on the hill, and the satyr frowned at her. She looked to Chimera, and there too, the beast of muscle and brutality, she found his frown.
She looked down, and frowned at herself.
Gods damn it.
It happened again.
He looked down at his hands; they were still shaking with the rush of need when he was on Otrera. If he'd managed to get his hands on her, he'd have killed her, crushed her throat, ripped out her wind pipe. He'd have fucking torn out her throat with his teeth if he could have gotten close enough.
Medusa took them a ways from the group, and stopped them once she'd found a good tree between some small hills. A gentle place. And as he expected, Medusa guided him to sit by the tree.
The beautiful woman coiled up beside him. "One moment, I think Otrera will be kind, and the next, she is... she's..."
"She was trying to get a last jab at revenge, I guess." He shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair. "But I don't think she really wanted to. She could have waited for a better moment to bring that up, if she wanted." Breathe. Breathe. Otrera's face in his mind sent fire into his fingers, and the need to snap her neck started to grow.
Medusa set a hand on his leg, and waited. When he looked at her, she had a small smile, the tiniest thing, like a waiting mother.
"... I'm a married man," he said.
She shrugged. "Didn't sound like a marriage."
Gods damn she was too good to him.
"No, no it wasn't. I didn't bring it up because I wanted to forget about it. I... do you want to know?"
She nodded. "We love each other, right? Knowing each other's secrets, it comes with the job description."
Laughing, he squeezed her hand and brought it up to his lips.
"She was a gift from her father King Iobates. This was before I knew about what Proetus and him had planned, but after I'd become famous. He was trying to get on my good side before the inevitable. It was a wedding of... it wasn't a wedding. She wanted power, like her sister, and tried to manipulate me to get it."
"I understand. It... it's in the passst."
Too damn good. And when the beautiful serpent brought her torso over to lay her head upon his lap, he put his fingers into her hair, the other on her shoulder, and relaxed against the tree. How could she be so calm with him? He was still shaking with anger, he could feel it in his guts and his hands. Muscles twitched, and his forearms demanded he squeezed something until it died.
But Medusa stayed where she was, and reached up to touch his chest. Fearless.
"And my brother?" he said.
"I... I saw how you reacted, when Otrera mentioned it. I don't want to talk about it if it brings you such pain."
Of course she didn't. He didn't want to either. That was part of the problem, the constant running from the obvious, glaring hole in his life.
"... we were practicing with fake swords. I was only fourteen, he was seventeen."
"Darian, you don't—"
He tapped her shoulder with fingers as lightly as he could manage. "He hit me harder than he was supposed to. Just teasing me, using his older age and greater strength to push me around. Typical brother stuff. And I... just lost it." It took effort, but he raised his heavy hand from her shoulder and looked at his fingers. "Blinding white rage. My family had started keeping me at a bit of a distance after the incident with the thieves, except for my brother. And then... I just..." Beat his body until it was pulp, until he was a smear in the dirt. Parents had sent him off to Proetus in hopes he'd execute him for the crime, not enlist him.
Medusa raised herself from his lap, and looked at him with the most pitying eyes he could have imagined. It hurt to meet her gaze, and his eyes drifted down.
"It's a sad tale," he said, "a sad, pathetic story about a... I don't know. Monster is too powerful a word. Maybe just a—" Otrera's words slapped him in the face, and his breath caught in his throat with it.
A psychopath, like Perseus.
"Blinding white? Was that the first time you did that... eye glowy thing? Like you do when you get angry now?"
"It... it was."
"It sssounds to me like you awoke to that in a cruel way."
He choked on a chuckle, and forced himself to look her in the eyes. She had a tiny smile again, and she placed both her hands on his knees as she leaned over him.
"I've seen you angry," she said. "I know how angry you can get. And I'm sure you would have killed Otrera for what she just tried to do to you. But... for trying to tear us apart, and for trying to use your past against you, I might have done similar. And with your brother? Maybe it was because it was the first time that... power"—she poked him in the chest—"awoke inside you? I don't know, I just... I know there's something different about you. And it's not all good. But! But... you... you're not... like Perseus. Otrera says you are, but she's wrong!"
She brought herself to standing, as much as a gorgon could stand, and helped bring him up to his feet with her. "I looked into his eyes, Darian. I talked to him. He... he wasn't you. For him, the whole thing is... fun. The violence, the murder... fun. It wasn't just that he was comfortable in it, like Otrera said, but... like an actor delighting in play fighting, like it was a game."
Fun? Game? He frowned and stroked his chin. Otrera was right about him, he was comfortable with violence, at home with it, but fun? Of all the things he'd tasted when killing, when the thrill of battle took him over, he wasn't sure fun was the word he'd use.
The serpent continued. "I can understand why you didn't want to talk about your brother, or any of it! And I... I..." She looked left, looked right, looked over her shoulder, then back at Darian. "You're a scary man, Darian."
The words dragged him down until Medusa was holding him up by his shoulders, lest he fall back down.
"But," she said, "I... I know you're not Perseus. Scary like Perseus, but you're not him. And I don't know why you are the way you are. When Otrera made you angry? It was like you were a different person, consumed by something. You would have ripped her apart with your bare hands. You would have broken her skull down into a bloody mess, like with the soldier when we first met."
He had to look away again, and grit his teeth. Medusa didn't let him pull away though; she shook him until he had to look at her.
"You know you're more than that! With me... and Pegasus... even that man you spared in Tiryns, Patrius. You're not a—" She came to a stop and looked over her shoulder with a loud hiss.
Otrera stepped around the corner of rock, and leaned against a tree, arms across her chest, and face deadpan.
"Haven't you done enough?" Medusa snapped her tail against the grass as she turned to face the Amazon. "You've hurt him in enough ways. Leave him alone or I'll—"
"It's okay Medusa," he said. Valiant, she was. It made him smile. The woman would have thrown herself into any harm's way to protect him. He put a hand on her shoulder, and gave her a quick nod and smile before walking past her.
He leaned his head around to feel the muscles stretch, the joints crack, and his heart start to speed up. Another duel? The queen wasn't smiling or frowning, or anything he could read. She just stood there, arms folded over her chest, waiting.
The split skin of his face was still there, already bruising from fast healing. But Otrera wasn't much better off. He'd done real damage to her, and from how she was holding herself, her forearms were exposed; they were black and blue. And her tilt suggested a cracked rib from when he hit her side.
Always breaking down every encounter into the ways you can use it to defeat someone. Habits die hard.
"You said you were sorry," she said, "back in Tiryns."
"... I did."
"You said you regretted it, back at the giant's cave, too."
"... I did."
"So you did... You know you're not entirely normal, right? I see it in your eyes, like Perseus — no, I'm not saying you're Perseus." Quick with her words, Darian noticed, as he heard Medusa rustling behind, him ready to intervene. "Something about you is... different from normal people."
"I know." The words hurt, and when he looked back over his shoulder at Medusa, she managed a small nod and smile. "But I'm dealing with it."
"... I'm sorry," the queen said. Darian blinked at her, and looked her up and down. She was shaking a little, and her eyes dropped to the grass. "Sorry for bringing up dead shit from your past. Sorry for trying to kill you. Sorry for... Stheneboea and Proetus. If Philonoe is anything like her sister, I don't blame you for abandoning her."
Damn the woman was brutal with her words, even when she was apologizing.
"It's ok," he said. "And killing those two? It... I wasn't going to kill them. I wanted to, gods I wanted to, but I wasn't going to, for her." He motioned Medusa with his hand. "Trying my best to leave it all behind."
The queen chuckled, and stepped forward a little closer.
"I'm sorry about Pegasus too. Andromeda and Perseus haven't abused him, but yeah. He really is a beautiful animal, and multiple times I could see he was... more than an animal."
Relief hit him, and he let out a slow sigh. "Why all the apologies?"
"Because that"—she pointed back to where she came from—"was a mistake. I'm not so juvenile I can't see that. I thought for sure getting a good slice into you, maybe ruin you, would give me... fuck it. Doesn't matter, it didn't work. So, I could brood about it, convince myself of stupid shit, and make everything worse for everyone, or I can swallow my pride and my delusions, and get over it." She too let out a slow sigh of relief, and nodded. "Aethiopia. Andromeda said she got her sacrifices from Aethiopia."
"Aethiopia... thanks, Otrera."
"I'm coming with."
"Excuse me?"
Otrera got closer, reached out with a finger, and jabbed him in the shoulder.
"That woman, that mask, I didn't ask for any of this. She revived me, and... and everything just started moving. I walked into a chamber of bones, skulls, death, and Andromeda stood there. She offered me the power to defeat you, Darian. And I said yes like a blind idiot. Next thing I knew, I had your power, and I was indebted to a mad woman. I never even stopped to ask how the ritual was done! I didn't know it required lives. Just wanted to kill you.
"So I'm coming. Nothing else to do, nothing left of my life. My tribe is gone, and gods help me, the only reason I had to live was killing you and... and I don't want that. I thought I did, fuck me I thought I did. But I don't. What I want is a life worth living. Saving your friend, taking down that witch? Those sound like things worth doing."
Darian had to take a step back. The tiny woman was smiling a little, and standing tall, proud, arms at her side and breath calm. It wasn't hard to imagine her surrounded by fellow Amazons, each a sword and shield, each a weapon and loyal warrior to their queen.
"You su—"
"Yes I'm sure. Don't get in a woman's way once she's made up her mind."
He chuckled. True that.
"Yesss!" Medusa slithered up to them, and wrapped her arms around Otrera.
"Get off me, damn snake!"
"No, this is wonderful!" And of course the serpent picked up the Amazon, and slithered around in a figure eight while hugging her. Otrera squirmed to try and free herself, but a snake's grip was no joke.
Darian laughed. A moment ago he was really trying to kill Otrera. The next, they were allies. Like a ridiculous, grand tale of beautiful circumstance, enemies were becoming friends, united to take down the villain.
Ridiculous, and amazing. He prayed he wouldn't ruin it.
"You're giving me your bow?" Medusa said.
"I saw that piddly thing you were using. You're a good shot, and you can't do shit against swords, and—"
"I lasted a hundred years."
"How many of them were close calls? How many of them did you have to transform to kill? How many times did you have to use your stone gaze, when there were no friends around to get hit by it?"
She frowned. Otrera was poking holes in her defense, but it was all very true. And as she looked at the beautiful, massive bow, the frown melted away. It was such a magnificent thing, a white bow that looked like it'd been carved from white crystal rock. The string was gold, shining, and the leather quiver had gold adornments, threads similar to Darian's. The massive arrows within had white tips as well, polished until they shined the same as the string.
A heavy bow, too. When she picked it up, she had to recenter her slithering body to keep it from pulling her forward when she raised it.
"What about you?"
"I'm an Amazon." The tiny warrior picked up her two swords, and demonstrated some casual rotations of them around her body. Like dancing. "I know many weapons. And you should use a bow. I can use yours if it comes to it."
The two humans, the serpent, and the giant stood about in the open grass area Darian and Otrera had been fighting in earlier. They'd amassed their gear in a pile, the armor and weapons and shields, and were examining their options.
"You threw me a surprise when you used two swords," Darian said.
"That was the plan."
"Pretty aggressive fighting style. Never seen that before."
"Not aggressive enough." Otrera shrugged and set them back down. "Against a normal opponent, it'd work; I'd be able to create an opening and take advantage. But against a skilled warrior, the shield is simply the better option."
"I've always used sword and shield. I like the options it creates."
Medusa tried to hide what must have been an absurd and childish smile on her face, but she couldn't. It was too beautiful! Otrera and Darian, talking about... well, killing, but it was still a lot better than them trying to kill each other.
"These arrows are so beautiful! I'm afraid to shoot them." She lined up a shot on a nearby tree, but didn't fire. The arrow looked like something that belonged in the grip of a statue on display in Athens.
"Magical quiver. That Andromeda witch knows what she's doing." Otrera came over, and motioned for Medusa to give her the quiver. When she did, Otrera removed an arrow and put it in her left hand. She removed another with her right, and put it into her left. And again. And again. And yet, the quiver never emptied, and somehow Otrera only ever acquired three arrows in her left hand.
"Ooh." Medusa slung the quiver back over her shoulder, lined up a shot with a tree, and—
"Deeper," Otrera said. "Draw the arrow as deep as you can, while maintaining control."
Nodding, she re-knocked the arrow and drew it back as far as she could, until her arm was about to start shaking. Before it did, she took a deep breath, aligned her sight, and fired.
The snap of the string made Medusa's human half vibrate, but sure enough, the arrow stuck into the tree. More than stuck, it went in deep, deeper than an arrow should have.
"Yeah. Andromeda has some serious control over that mask and its Fates' magic. She used it to create Perseus's armor and sword — no idea where he got the shield though. His armor's pretty similar to Darian's, right? Fates' shit just shitting shit all over shit everywhere."
Medusa laughed and put the bow and quiver back. "What about Chimera?"
"What about him?" Darian and Otrera said in unison.
"He has nothing! Otrera has her Amazon armor and her swords, and even if she didn't, we could get her something. Darian has his gifts from the Fates', and now I have Otrera's gifts. But Chimera has nothing."
The three of them looked to the giant, only to laugh when he shrugged.
"That reminds me," Otrera said. "You guys found him in a hole in the ground, you said? Dressed in nothing but a loincloth of fur, and a dead cat."
Darian shrugged. "Dressed the same as when I fought him the first time."
"So, the dead cat has horns. There is no cat like that."
Chimera snorted, untied the hands of the lion-like creature from his neck, and tossed it at Otrera. She fell with a very un-queenly squeak, and disappeared underneath the layers of fur.
"This is heavy!"
"Before humans were building cities," Chimera said as he walked toward them, "and your kind were just learning to build tents from wood and animal skins, there were greater creatures than there are now. Beasts that hunted more than men, but giants too, and when the gods had the courage to walk Gaia's skin, even they were the beasts' prey. This is but one of those creatures. The only one of his kind."
Otrera wriggled herself free of the giant dead cat covering her, and held its massive, jawless head by the horns. "Only one of his kind? How's that work?"
"A child of Echidna, mother of monsters. This one prowled the plains for centuries before my family brought it down."
Family. Medusa tilted her head, and watched the giant closely. His head and eyes fell for only a split moment before he raised them, and replaced them with a smile.
"You are very old," Otrera said. "Ancient. Old man."
She said it with an air of insult, but Medusa saw the smile change on Chimera's face. She knew that smile, that was a playful smile!
Medusa reached down to take the cat pelt from Otrera, and giggled when she wrapped it around herself the way Chimera would. Her snake hair did what they could to make the skull of the cat fit her, but it was just too big. Its fangs dwarfed her face, and its length reached well past her hips. So big. The paws were bigger than her head.
"How is this thing still so soft? Soft and sturdy. It's thousands of years old!"
"The great beasts of that time were all immortal," he said, and he shrugged again as he sat down beside Otrera. "There are few of us left. The old beasts."
Old beasts. Something she would probably qualify as now; she didn't seem to age anymore, and as far as Chimera was concerned, she was a beast too. The thought should have made her upset, but the warmth and softness of the pelt washed away her anger. Maybe she'd get a pet cat once this was all over with, like an Egyptian.
Otrera looked at Chimera, head to toe. The giant was naked after all except for his loincloth, and the man was over ten feet tall of muscle, scars, and enough masculinity for a whole city. Medusa didn't care much for the gruff look of his body, the extreme ruggedness, the huge muscles, but Otrera did, that much was obvious. What Medusa hadn't expected was the looks the two shared, the subtle smirks, the occasional meeting of the eyes. Lustful eyes!
The past few days, she'd thought maybe something had been going on. Everyone had become so much more happy since finding the wine, since long past drinking it. And Otrera and Chimera had gone off on walks more than once, when the queen still had her hands bound.
Medusa giggled and rubbed her face on the fur. What sort of things were those two doing?
Everyone was fucking like rabbits!
She didn't know if it was because of that day with the wine, or perhaps because they knew that soon, they'd be off again to try and save Pegasus and stop Andromeda, or leaving for new land. It could have been all those things. But once Darian and Otrera resolved their issues, and there was no more animosity to be had between anyone in their lovable little group, everyone let loose.
They had two weeks until Gallea would be well enough to start moving on his own power, according to Chimera. Two weeks felt like a deadline before the 'change' would happen, whatever that would be. They all had a lot of anxiety waiting for it, and no where to go while Gallea healed. Apparently, that lead to a lot of sex.
It also lead to no one caring if they were caught. At first she tried to always take Darian far away for their love making, but then, when they came back to camp, Gallea and Pinna would be behind a tree not twenty feet away. Medusa discovered Pinna really had a thing for sitting on Gallea, on his face, on his hips, on him anywhere for their sex. And more than once, Medusa took more than a peek. And every time she did, the next time she made love with Darian, she didn't try as hard to hide.
One night, she didn't try to hide at all. They had one week left, and Medusa and Darian had just finished bathing in the sea. The sun was setting, the day was warm, and the wind had calmed.
"I'm going to take a nap," he said. He lay down on the grass, with his old cocky smile on, and hands hooked underneath his head.
Warm fuzzies drifted through her core, and she copied his smile as she hugged herself. She needed to talk to someone! Talk about love, romance, and all those things she and Darian were doing but were both new to. Pinna wasn't new to it, she was a happily married woman.
So she slithered back to the camp, and looked for her friend. She didn't have to look far.
At first she thought Pinna had decided to sit upon Gallea's lap. He was able to sit up now, and was sitting against a tree in their little canyon hideaway. Pinna was sitting on his lap with her legs wrapped around his hips and back, and she was resting her chin on the satyr's shoulder. It was absolutely adorable.
But it became slightly less adorable, and far more erotic when she noticed how Gallea had his hands on the small of Pinna's back, and she had her hands on his. They were naked, Medusa only just realized, and pressed chest to chest. Their furry deer legs looked so cute, with hers wrapped around him, and the sway of their hips was hypnotic.
It was the most darling sex she'd ever imagined. The way they were holding each other, hugging each other, while Pinna shifted her hips back and forth on his lap, made her whole body warm. She'd have to go back to Darian, and start doing things to him, immediately.
Pinna turned to put her head on Gallea's other shoulder, and she let out a slow moan as she opened her eyes and looked Medusa's way.
Eye contact. Medusa froze, knuckle on her lip, half her body hidden behind tree and rock. Blushing heat almost had her eyes watering, and she managed a small bow and mouthed 'sorry' before she started to slither away.
But Pinna stopped her. The handsome little woman smiled back at her, rested her cheek on Gallea's shoulder, and mouthed 'stay, watch.'
Stay. She wanted her to stay, and watch. Watch! Medusa froze, eyes drifting up and down the two hugging, naked lovers. Pinna looked so relaxed, so comfortable, like she was cozy with a warm blanket. Her eyes drifted closed, her breath steady, her noises a gentle song of soft moans. Every so often, Pinna opened her eyes again, looked at Medusa, and grinned.
The wife slid her hands up and down Gallea's back, up his shoulder blades, down his spine beneath where it rested against the tree, and down to his fur. She was careful of the bandage that still circled his waist, and instead let her hands drift lower to stroke and tease the small, fluffy tail of her husband.
Medusa couldn't see Gallea's face with Pinna's in the way, but her husband did much of the same for his wife. His hands roamed her back, teased fingers along her naked spine, and as he hugged her, his fingers slid up into her hair to comb the long waves of blond. Hair in fingers! Medusa melted at the sight, and the finger on her lip raised to massage one of her snakes instead.
They started moving faster. Or at least Pinna did. Gallea was undoubtedly forced to hold still at his wife's orders; Chimera's medicine was miraculous and strong, but Pinna was no fool. Horny, but no fool. She set the pace, controlled the flow, and danced on her husband's cock with the slow gyrating of her hips back and forth in a lover's rhythm.
"Going to cum soon?" she said.
"Got a few more minutes in me."
"Good." With another loving sigh, Pinna nuzzled her head into Gallea's neck, her smaller horns grazing against his hair.
"You're very wet."
"Am I?"
"Must be... because... I'm close."
Medusa had to bite her tongue to keep from squealing. She thought she was blushing before, but she was sure her entire body went red as Pinna smiled at her, and started to push her hips a little faster. Her bright voice started to whimper, and her smile only grew as she looked at Medusa. The handsome little woman shivered and squirmed, and mewled a few times too as she increased her pace for few moments, before at last growing still.
Pinna winked at Medusa, and with the most satisfied expression on her face, started to dance upon her husband's lap once again, without once breaking their hug.
Medusa, sure she was about to burst into flame, gave Pinna a tiny wave of her fingers, and slithered away.
"Oh my oh my oh my." She hugged herself and swayed left and right as she slithered. Would that be her and Darian in the future? The stories of couples were always that the flame died once married, but Gallea and Pinna were... oh, it was so beautiful. The tenderness, the gentle embrace, the perfect rhythm of familiarity. Perfect.
Darian loved her. Loved her and not that whore Philonoe. She didn't know if she was a whore, or slut, or evil bitch, or vile horrible ugly disgusting thing of a woman. But she must have been. Just because.
Sometimes she wondered if she should be upset. It felt like the thing to do, get upset about the secrets, make drama. But Darian had more than proved he loved her and only her on so many occasions already, she couldn't hold it against him, not when his past was such a mess.
Moans pulled her attention. It wasn't Pinna and Gallea, they were behind her, and these were more in front of her, around a hill crest with some trees between. Chimera and Otrera? Medusa knew the two had been enjoying each other's touch, but she hadn't really considered how that'd work. They were both hard, scarred, muscles and... hard. It must have worked, right? But now that she thought about it, the size difference was ridiculous.
She grinned, got down onto her hands, and started hunting. The grass was tall, the small hills dotted with large boulders and bushes, perfect for snake sneaking. And she was just the snake to do such a thing. Closer and closer to the sound, her snake hair pressed down flat to keep hidden, and Medusa hovered her torso an inch above the dirt like a prowling lion. Keeping from giggling was the hardest part.
Sure enough, she found them. Chimera was completely naked — gods he was so much muscle, twice as tall as a man, twice as wide, twice as thick! And he was kneeling forward, one hand on the grass, one hand holding Otrera underneath him.
Medusa's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. It wasn't Otrera's nudity that shocked her; the dark-skinned Amazon queen was as lean and fit as Darian, with a great ass! Her breasts were small but perky, and her nipples were standing hard. A warrior woman in the throes of sex. What made Medusa jaw-drop was how they were having sex.
Chimera held Otrera in his hand. Her. All of her. The giant was holding her waist and hips in his hand and lifting her body, and pulling her onto his cock as if she were a toy. Otrera's legs were dangling, her toes dragging along the grass underneath them. So. Damn. Huge. He eased Otrera away from his body with his hand, before pulling her back into his pelvis. Otrera herself held onto his fingers, and let out a deep, guttural groan as the beast sank himself balls deep inside her.
So. Damn. Huge! He eased her off his length again, and Medusa had to bite down on her finger to keep quiet. How was she fitting that brute inside her? And he was being... so gentle with her. Gentle, and slow, and tender. It was just like watching Pinna and Gallea — except that the giant was sinking an enormous cock into the tiny Amazon liable to split her open! No wonder he was being so gentle.
And close as she was, hidden in the grass and the shadows of the setting sun, Medusa could see the dripping fluids from the giant's testicles. She could even see a small belly bulge on Otrera when the beast sank her balls deep. Slow, deep motions, each pulling the tiny, wriggling, moaning Amazon out until the colossal phallus inside her must have only had its tip remaining, before Chimera pulled her back into him. And Otrera took it all, until again the beast had her ass pressed to his body, and the Amazon's legs started shaking.
"Fucking... gods...," the queen said.
Chimera stood up, though still on his knees. With his other hand free, he took Otrera by the throat, and pinned her head to his chest; she was so short compared to him, her head only reached his sternum, between his huge pectorals. For a moment, Medusa thought she'd have to intervene as Chimera kept his grip around her throat, but Otrera didn't fight him. Each of her hands held onto a the index finger of each of his hands, and she broke out into mewls when the giant started to fuck her again. Her legs dangled, her voice reduced to nothing but pants, and her eyes closed.
Cum started to pour down her thighs. Thick, white cum, mixed with the fluids of Otrera herself. The mess of liquids and bliss dripped down her thighs until it was on her ankles and toes, now grazing the grass from dangling legs. So much! Every few seconds, Chimera rumbled, a deep sound that shook the earth like a gentle earthquake, as if the Earth herself was groaning. And when he did, he pushed Otrera down on him a little harder, earned a squeak from her, and another thick flow of white poured out of where the two were connected.
Medusa hadn't expected Otrera to be so messy during sex either! The woman was groaning and grunting as Chimera kept her balls deep on his ridiculous length, and grinded her ass a couple inches up and down against him. Her own cum was dripping into the grass, and every so often, the woman groaned loudly, and squirted. Medusa managed to sneak close enough to see the mess of cum she was making over Chimera's testicles, her thighs, everywhere.
It wasn't just the sex though, it was Otrera's face, her movements, how the queen seemed so docile. So... submissive. Darian did the same thing, the first few times he and Medusa had sex, so submissive to her, so giving and compliant. Otrera was more like Darian than Medusa thought! And probably more than Otrera thought too.
Darian. Medusa slithered away, body boiling, aching, and now wet. Darian Darian. Her love. Love! He loved her, she loved him. She wanted to hold him and kiss him and squeeze him and give him pet names. And right now, she wanted to fuck him.
The poor man was still lying in the grass, one leg folded over the other, hands netted under his head. Her Darian. A dangerous man! One minute, he'd be fun loving and a bit cocky, with a great smile. The next, he was ready to strangle someone to death with his bare hands. Or worse.
But not in a million years would he ever even look at her with hard eyes. No, he was hers, all hers. And the playful, loving, tender Darian was her secret.
She raised herself high like a readying snake, and struck.
He never stood a chance. They made love, out in the open, where she knew the others would find her. She didn't mind.
"You sure?" Pinna said.
"Yeah. Seems okay. Nothing's falling out of me, and I'm only tender."
The six of them stood on the beach, Gallea included, though he was leaning on Pinna's shoulder. Still, standing was good, standing and walking under his own power.
The two satyrs walked closer to the water, and Gallea began to play his tune once more. It would be a little before the ship arrived, so the six of them would wait in the cooling breeze of the setting sun. Night was upon them, the moon was high, and the future was exciting.
Maybe exciting wasn't the right word for it, Medusa thought, but she couldn't help herself. Friends! She'd made friends, found love, and was on an epic quest. The little girl inside her had taken over, and rendered her a giggling fool. How long she'd buried that girl, only for all the mayhem she was going through to unearth her.
She was holding Darian from behind. Or rather, she was leaning on him, arms draped over his chest, her head against his shoulder and neck. It was a lot of weight, but he managed. Barely.
"You sure you want to come with us?" Darian said between pants of trying to keep Medusa's weight from collapsing him.
"What else could I do?" Otrera shrugged and squatted down to sift some sand through her fingers. "And... yeah, I do want to come. Fuck me, three weeks of you guys and I think I'm starting to like you." She smirked at Chimera, who gave her a grin in return.
"Even me?" Darian said.
Otrera's smirk vanished and a frown replaced it. "Don't push your luck. I'm not going to try and kill you, but that doesn't mean I can just forget all the shit."
Well, at least things were mostly good. Medusa let go of Darian, slithered over to Otrera, and offered the tiny woman one of her hands.
"Thank you Otrera, really. For the bow, but mostly because... I mean... if you can..." Screw it. She reached down, and wrapped her arms around the little warrior.
"You are... way too... hugging!" The Amazon squirmed and wriggled until Medusa was forced to put her down.
Aethiopia. A long sail to the South, near Egypt. Andromeda's arm was long indeed, to be able to hunt Darian down on the seas of Greece from Aethiopia.
"Anyone know anything about this place?" Darian asked.
Medusa shrugged. Otrera shrugged. Even Chimera said nothing, content to stare out at the fog at the nose of the ship.
"... really? No one? I should have asked earlier, I'd just assumed... someone knew something."
"I know a little," Gallea said. "Or at least I did. A few years ago, it grew very quiet. No real contact beyond some trade at the docks, I understand. King Cepheus and wife Cassiopeia rule here. No children. And... nothing, really. Good trade, exotic animals, but nothing worth mentioning."
They all looked at each other, a brow quirked, and shrugged. Unknown territory, or simply boring?
Medusa held her breath, but when the fog of their ghost ship came down, the night held no surprise.
The cloudless sky was bright with stars and the full moon. The distant shore opened up into a deep bay, with arms of rock that held tall docks. To the East and West was land, small mountains and cliffs, dotted with trees. A tall cliff rose from the center of the bay though, and upon it were dots of fires that lead up its side in a winding pathway. Atop the cliff of hard rock was an acropolis, similar to Tiryns.
All in all, it seemed like a perfectly normal city near the sea.
"... something has been done to the city," Chimera said.
"Looks like any other city to me." Darian jumped up onto the railing, and peered into the night. Medusa joined him, and indeed, found nothing but what a city at night would look like. All the ships were harbored, there were dots of fires along the distant docks, and the chirp of birds could be heard from many directions.
Chimera shook his head, and rumbled quietly in his chest as he looked to the city.
"No. Something has been done. Something... but I do not know what."
Medusa tapped the tip of her tail against the deck, and plucked at the string of her new bow. They were ready. | literotica |
Title: You Won't Fall, I Promise by Kiyoshi
Tags: Digimon, Flamedramon
**You Won't Fall, I Promise By:** Kiyo - 20 March 2006
Flamedramon x Exveemon
**Notes:** *AU; Title came from lyrics in the song I was listening to earlier today. Lyrics are at the bottom of the page. I thought of this while I was sitting in the GHSGT's today. Fun stuff.*
**Disclaimer:** *I don't own Digimon.*
The wind blew softly around the area. It was mid-spring, the weather was clear and warm. The grass moved in wavelike formations as the wind moved along the fields. Birds flew in migratory patterns and figures as they returned to their seasonal homes.
Flamedramon sighed softly, very relaxed, contemplating all of the above. Exveemon was laying beside him, his arms behind his head and his eyes closed, dozing silently in the shade with him. Flamedramon couldn't ask for more; it was incredibly peaceful today, and he was with his lover.
They were laying against a tree in the field, one of the only ones around. There were some wild digimon roaming around, but none of them were attacking eachother as would normally be expected. Spring was a great time in the Digital World. Violence was seemingly obliterated in these few months.
Exveemon stretched as he started to wake up. Flamedramon smiled as he looked over to him and ran a paw along his arm.
"Hey there.." Exveemon yawned as he hugged into the other digimon. Flamedramon reached his arms around the larger digimon and hugged into him tightly. They laid there for a while, just cuddling while the wind blew warm air around them.
"I've been thinking about a lot of things lately..." Flamedramon said after a while into Exveemon's neck. Exveemon moved off to the side a little, laying on his side, resting his head on his arm with the other arm on Flamedramon's belly. "It's just... I know that we're just 'files' in this place... We're all temporary if you think about it..." Exveemon nodded slowly, while trailing a clawtip lightly along Flamedramon's belly.
"I'm just worried... what if one day, something happens and I never see you again. Like a random defragment or deletion spree.." Exveemon leaned up, then gently kissed him on his muzzle, hugging him tightly.
"I love you... more than you could ever imagine... and if anything like that were to ever happen, nothing could take me away from you. Nothing. I promise." Flamedramon held into him a little tighter. Exveemon slowly draped his wings around them both, wishing he could show his affection for what it was, but there really was no way to express it.
Flamedramon lightly drug his tail along Exveemon's, slowly wrapping his around his, brushing his muzzle along his neck.
"Thank you so much..." Flamedramon whispered as he gently kissed Exveemon's neck.
**Ending Notes:** *Wow this meant to be a drabble but almost came out to be a lot more than that. ; I was listening to this song as I was walking home today, and I really think it kind of fits this. Kind of. ; Hope you enjoyed it.*
**The Dream Club Murders** Dead Poetic
So after all, you needed more than a death-threat fall. You needed more, and I let you fall. Into the coffin with your floor-dropped jaw. And I remember you aspiration, your dream to fit in. But it's gone, and they're here. So let's kill these felons now.
But I remember you, you'll go, you'll find a way back home. But I remember you, when you stand there, You stand with your eyes closed. And I feel, tonight, that I let you die. But you could have lived forever, it took smiles to keep you alive. But heroes die, and so did mine. But you go, and I stay, will it keep you at peace now.
But I remember you, you'll go, you'll find a way back home. But I remember you, when you stand there, You stand with your eyes closed. And I'll dig you out, and I'll sit you up. For the fools to find you, the fools breathe into you.
So sleep child no one can touch you now. No one can hurt you now. Not here. Anymore. | FSE |
Title: Meeting for a Coffee
Tags: nipple gasp, draw tongue, head nipple, nipple left, orgasm hits, bit nervous, breathing deeply, wet finger, black panties, low moan
*They had been waiting for just this kind of opportunity. Terri and Jason had met each other just a few months before, thanks to a personal ad site on the Web. Unfortunately, both were married—and not to each other. So far, their only encounters had consisted of discreet, stolen moments in secluded restaurant booths and other public places.
But this weekend, Terri's husband was joining one of his old high school friends for a camping trip. And, as luck would have it, Jason’s wife was going to be busy for the weekend with a major project for a client…and her parents had volunteered to watch their kids for a day. Which meant that for a few hours, the two could finally meet in complete privacy at Terri’s home. She called Jason, and asked him to come over for coffee on Saturday. It would just be for coffee, of course…*
**Terri’s story**
My husband had been up and out the door early for the drive to the mountains. I've had some time to relax this morning, and now the house is pleasantly humming with Dinah Washington on the stereo. I’m a bit nervous with anticipation, yes. I've made myself a cup of tea while I'm still in my nightgown. My husband has chided me about walking around naked in our new house, and I laugh about it, again with some anticipation. I've decided that a nice long shower might be a good idea, so I pad back upstairs to undress. I slip the nightgown over my head, flush a little as the fabric coarsely brushes my nipple...
I don't resist the thought, let myself linger there instead. I'm already aroused and I haven't even showered. I wonder what Jason is doing right now... What if he’s already eager? What if he’s buttoning his slacks and letting his hands splay against his crotch? What if he’s decided to lay back for a minute, fantasize about the two of us together, and slowly stroke off...I giggle about it. What about me? Maybe I should relieve a little pressure myself before he gets here? I lay back against the sheets, raise my arms above my head and pull into a stretch. I marvel for a moment at my breasts, reach back down to pinch my right nipple, then my left. I'm wet, and I giggle at the pleasure of it again! I slide my right hand down across my belly, circle my navel and continue down to lightly pull on my pubic hair.
Another giggle-- how maddening to be so aroused! I take my index finger and reach deeply into my pussy. I'm aching with wet. My clit is throbbing and I run my finger against it, flatten out my hand. I bring up my knees and imagine his leg separating my own...The thought of him on me, oh god, arches my back. I stop for a moment and run a wet finger across my lips. He’s kissing me deeply and my fingers are back to circling my clit, dipping, stroking up and down as the fantasy deepens. He’s eager to enter. Maybe I should roll over, let him enter me from behind... The throbbing of my clit is obscene, and my mind is breaking into its fragments of thought as the orgasm laps at the corners. I slow down to long strokes and the orgasm rolls over me in successive waves. The groan rushes from my lips and the shivering, goodness, oh, oh...
I realize that I've been clenching my left fist, and have balled the sheets tightly. I laugh aloud! Shouldn't I shower now?
I move to the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror. I turn right, then left. I wonder what he will like about my body? A soft smile touches my lips-- I wonder what he’s like naked? I lied and said "just coffee" but I know that he knows I didn't invite him over for a latte. I giggle again, and then giggle at my own laughter. Grow up, you're not in high school!
The shower provides little relief, and my mind is whirling just the same after I've toweled off. I've thought ahead to what I want to wear, black from head to toe. The black panties look great against my skin, and there's a favorite black bra that makes me want to ravish myself! The black dress is obviously inappropriate to the cold air outside, but it's low-cut enough that it will draw his first glance.
I slip into them and slip into my black flats. I move to tidy up the bed and then pause. Maybe we'll start in the kitchen...
**Jason’s story**
Saturday morning, I get up early as usual, on the pretense that I'm getting some work done before anyone else is up. I head downstairs in my sweats and t-shirt to check my e-mail. But my mind is filled with thoughts about what it would be like to have a few hours of uninterrupted, private time with her. I wonder if I could use this opportunity to see if she really wants to follow through on those fantasies we've been talking about. By the time I sit down, my cock is already hard inside my pants. I lean back in the chair, slip the waistband of my sweats down, and start to stroke its length as I visualize seeing her again.
I lazily let one finger circle the head of my cock...imagining her in front of me. Smiling as in my mind she kneels in front of the chair, naked (I wonder how she looks naked?), and brings her face down to my crotch. I feel her breath on me, causing my penis to grow painfully hard. Feeling it's her mouth, not my hand, that slowly grips my cock, sliding up and down slowly and teasingly. The pre-cum is already leaking onto my palm, and I spread it down so that my shaft glistens slightly with the moisture. I could come anytime now, I'm so aroused...but I smile and decide that maybe I should wait, just in case. I hear stirring upstairs, so I tuck my dick back into my pants (with some difficulty!) and head up the stairs to make some breakfast...and to wait for this afternoon to arrive.
As 1:30 approaches, I'm absent-mindedly packing to go and thinking about our meeting. My wife drops me at the subway, and I wave to her and the kids as they drive away. I ride the train, hoping that no one can see how stiff my erection is under my slacks. I'm still thinking of her, and what we will do in that time...about taking her from behind in her own kitchen as she’s braced against the counter. Or perhaps she would be lying on a couch, legs apart, as my tongue roughly laps her pussy...Christ, I'm starting to show a wet spot on my pants!
I straighten up, and step out of the train at the stop she indicated. Following the directions to her house is fairly straightforward, and I soon find myself standing at the door…Even though we've had such a comfortable rapport, I realize that I'm a bit nervous as I ring the doorbell. I look down at myself, dressed pretty casually in my usual khaki slacks and button-down shirt. Presentable enough, I figured. I take a deep breath, relax, and put on my best smile as the door opens…
I hear his footsteps on the porch before he touches the door. A spike of anxiety stabs down my back. Goodness, are my palms wet? The door is unlocked, but he’s waiting for me to open it. I decide to start with a bold move, so I swing open the door. Before he has a chance to smile hello, my lips are on him. He’s startled (and I have a moment of fear that maybe he would prefer a more demure start). But then his hands are on my waist and he’s pushing me back into the foyer…
Holy...! I get over my initial shock...guess that coffee can wait! My cock is hard instantly, pressing up against her thigh as I crush her against my body. My hands instinctively slide across her back, cupping her buttocks. Her breasts press harder against my chest. I take advantage and immediately hike up her dress so that I can feel the shape of her ass with my bare hands. My crotch grinds against hers, my hips thrusting deliberately so that she has no doubt about what I want next. I continue backing her up through the door into the next room.
Oh, thank god. He’s backed me into the foyer. His lips are still on mine, teasing with his tongue. But the rest of him, oh goodness, is very insistent. His chest against my breasts is making me breathless with anticipation, but when his hands are on my ass...I practically melt to my knees immediately. Still, the neighbors! I push him away and slam the door. Okay, aggressive worked, so I simply say, “Jason—unbuckle your pants!” He’s already breathing heavily, and so am I. But he pauses for a laugh. “What about that coffee?" I raise an eyebrow and unbutton the top of my dress...
As soon as I see the curve of her breast exposed, I practically tear open my belt buckle, and step out of my pants and up to her body. My lips run down the curve of her neck and I lift her left breast out from under her bra. My tongue reaches out to tease a nipple...I love how it's instantly erect. She gasps softly as my teeth lightly clamp down, and scrape across that nipple.
I straighten up and smile straight at her...I recognize that wild look of passion in her eyes. It reflects exactly how I feel. I reach around and grab her hair, and press her lips against mine again. My tongue dances with hers, and my hand continues teasing her breast, pinching her nipple, getting her even hotter...
I am just as startled by my own aggressiveness as I am by his response. His pants are off and his hands are on me before I can catch my breath. His hand slips into my bra and I gasp. A shudder follows down my back. He dips his head to my nipple and I gasp again. I'm reaching to hold him there when he straightens up. What a beautiful smile, and then he’s kissing me again. One hand is in my hair and the other is teasing my nipple. How is his shirt still on? I pull from his kiss, smile and reach for the buttons. His fingers are tugging at my nipple and I gasp again.
I don't pull the shirt off altogether, but lean in to draw my tongue against his nipple, left then right. I look up to catch his eye just as I cup his cock through his boxers. Ooh, nice feel. I press closer and take his lower lip in my teeth. I keep my hands on his cock and run my tongue down his neck. I want him on the floor, on the couch, oh, fuck it, now!
God, the feeling of her licking my nipple makes me wild! And her hand on my cock...it's almost unbearable. I push her away and take my boxers down. Then, I grab her again and slip the dress off her shoulders, down over her hips, to the floor. I have to take a step back and just revel in the sight of her. What I want is to feel her breasts, their fullness, the hard nipples against my palms. I unclasp her bra, leaving her wearing just her sexy black panties...I finish undressing. Then, I grab her shoulders and pull her to the floor, one hand under her while the other caresses her body and moves between her thighs. I can't believe how wet her pussy is...I easily slip two fingers inside her, finding how ready she is. I spread her juices across her crotch, running my fingertip between her buttocks and over her anus, feeling her shiver as I do so. My bare skin is pressed up against her, and I lower my head again to take her other nipple into my mouth. I suck deeply...
The shudder that ripples through his body makes me wet. I'm excited by him, and he knows it. I shiver as he undresses me, the dress falling to the floor and I feel like every nerve cell is charged. Now he is undressing, and another shiver makes me weak at the knees. I want to take all of him in my mouth—his lips, his nipples, his cock. He realizes what I crave, and draws me to the floor. When he slips his fingers inside of me, there is a heat in the very core of me that spikes beyond my recognition. I'm afire and yet shaking like it's deep cold.
His lips are on my nipple and I raise my hips to his fingers. My hands are in his hair and playing down his bare back. He pulls back to look back at me. I want to scream for him to lay against me again. But I hold his gaze for a moment...before I push him onto his back to straddle his hips.
He reaches for my nipple and I lean down for a deep kiss. I'm grinding my wet pussy across his dick and he loves it. I draw my tongue down across his chest, dance lightly across his nipple, lower myself down his belly and lick his cock clean of my own juices.
The look of her on top of me, pressing against me with wild abandonment, has to be the most erotic thing that I've ever seen. My hips push up, seeking to penetrate her. My hands are still cupping her breasts, tweaking them between my fingers, pulling on them to see how much pain she'll accept.
Then, as she glides down my body, I arch up so I can get a better view as her head lowers to my cock. The feeling is just as I imagined it, no, better! I can barely stand it as her tongue bathes my erection. I'm so ready to come, I want to just grab her head and fuck her soft, wet mouth! But instead, I intend to realize a fantasy we had discussed earlier. I push her off me. She starts to protest until she realizes that I'm turning her around and pushing her back so that she is on her hands and knees...
She’s so wet, I don't need any lubrication as I take my fingers from her cunt and press them into her ass. The first slips in easily, so I take a chance and push another inside her. I encounter some resistance as her muscles try to push me out, but I drive my hand forward. Hearing her cry out only makes me more determined.
As I feel her anal muscles relax, I pull out my fingers and spread her legs with my knees. I first plunge my cock into her pussy, thrusting hard so that it's coated with her juices. She presses her forehead to the floor with a low moan. After just a few seconds of moving my hips, working my cock deeper into her, I know that my orgasm is already building. I quickly withdraw...she pushes her ass back, as if she doesn't want me to go. But I know what we really want.
I work my middle finger back into her ass, moving it around so that she can feel it. Then, with my finger still in her, I push my cock along my finger and into her. She moves her hips involuntarily, tortured by the feeling of being violated this way. I pull out my finger and start to thrust faster and faster...
He pushes me off and the protest is on my lips. And then he’s turning me around... My pussy floods wet. His finger is in my ass first. We're both breathing deeply, but the moan I release startles us both. I can't see his face, but I hear his low chuckle before his lips are on my back. Holy mother, I don't even have time to beg for some release, before he’s inserted a second finger. Then he’s gone.
Not a moment to wonder because then he’s grinding up against me...He is trying to be gentle when he moves in with his cock, but he’s too eager...When he sinks into my pussy, every muscle tenses. I can barely think when he pulls out and fingers my ass. And then he’s inside me. It's tight...he’s insistent...I move my hips away...he presses deeper...his hands are on my hips, holding me...the pressure is enormous and he’s too excited to stop...I want him to stop or slow down, but I'm also excited by his aggressiveness. He is lost in me and my back arches. Something about the arch of my back excites him further and he clenches my hips tighter…
When his orgasm hits, my pussy convulses with jealousy, eagerness, anger and wild happiness. It's the shudder that ripples through him that just floors me. It's our sweat. His fingers digging into my waist. I want his lips on my clit, his fingers. Me, please me.
I'm too far gone to stop, can't even control my hips as they continue to drive my cock back into her ass....with a final grunt I unload my cum inside her...shit, I've never felt like I've cum so much, it just keeps going and going...I collapse over her back, feeling the sweat from my chest drip off and onto her. I feel like a wild animal...as she is shuddering, on her knees and elbows, I reach around once again to twist one of her nipples mercilessly, and I bite down softly on her shoulder...
But I know that she deserve her own pleasure. My cock slips easily from her ass, a little of my cum spilling out of her as it does so. I turn her onto her back. She makes another soft cry as her buttocks flex underneath her...feeling so empty so suddenly. But then my hands are under her ass, lifting her hips so that my mouth can close over her pussy...
I thrust my tongue inside of her. I move my head from side to side, coating my mouth and chin with her lather. Then, with a strong, slow lapping motion, I start licking at her clit...
He’s turned me over. I quiver in intense anticipation. The look on his face is unbelievable. I want to kiss him...I let out a long, low moan when his tongue dips inside my pussy. He's relishing me, rubbing his face across my lips and soaking in my juices. The pleasure is practically unbearable. My clit is so swollen that when his tongue hits, my head goes back and I'm choking for air. He raises my hips to him and I grind against his mouth. It's moments before the first orgasm hits. Not a moment for embarrassment—to cum so quickly, the cry that escapes my lips. My pussy tightens, relaxes, tightens and relaxes. He hasn't stopped and it’s torturous. The second orgasm follows like a hammer. I'm too lightheaded, can't catch my breath.
We're both breathing deeply. He’s sitting back on his knees and rubbing his shoulder. Belatedly, I realize that I'd dug in my nails. I smile a shy apology...
*Jason leans over, his breathing slowing gradually, and again kisses Terri deeply. Their juices mix on their lips, and they relax together on the bare floor. As they separate a bit, Terri raises her eyebrow again with that mischievous look—“*Now *do you feel like having some coffee?” Jason laughs softly. “I think you realize that I’ll take whatever you want to offer to me.” He looks at his watch. “We have time for coffee and a bit more, before I have to go.” Terri smiles broadly and replies, “Oh, you can be sure that we’ll be having more than just a bit more of THAT…”* | literotica |
Title: 180 Degrees-Tae & Vicky's Tomorrow
Tags: violence, african american, gangs, drugs
I sat in that hotel room and watched her...watched as she told her story, watched as she cried, watched as she grew exhausted and, finally, watched as she slept. I knew she only slept because I had strongly encouraged her to take a few sleeping pills...she really needed the rest. She'd been carrying a huge weight on her shoulders, that's for sure. She was dating, and running drugs for, a man that would certainly hang her out to dry. And ultimately, she was working for Jimmy L, one of the biggest dealers in New York. It so happens he was also a problem for me. He just happened to be the number two guy under the man who had once tried to kill me.
I shook my head, grabbing my car keys, scribbling a quick note, and leaving a room that suddenly seemed too small and stuffy. As I folded my rather tall frame into my trusty Toyota, I shook my head again. I found the entire situation to be utterly absurd. And I wondered if I could save this woman...if she *wanted* to be saved. My mind was running a mile a minute as my foot pressed heavily on the gas. I felt the need for cool air against my cheeks, the feeling of freedom as the car made its way down a pretty deserted highway. I wasn't sure which direction I was driving in...I wasn't sure I cared. I was more amused that I had a knack for falling for women who wound up in trouble with gangs in New York City. Over a decade later and I was in the same situation. How had I turned my life completely around, turned it 180 degrees from where it had been when I was 19, and still wound up back in the same situation? In between a beautiful woman and the Netas.
I laughed, but I didn't really find anything funny. She was in trouble and I was not sure I could help her. Not without radically changing my life and possibly ending my career. Because to help her, I would most likely need help from my grandfather. And I had been very careful to put a lot of distance between my job and my grandfather. Contacting him, asking him for guidance, and maybe even for protection, would most likely get me kicked off the force. You can't have a criminal as a close relative. And my grandfather? I had checked once I was hired. He'd been indicted for murder at least three times. No way would my supervisors let that one go.
So, once again, I had to ask myself, was my life work risking for a woman? For *this* woman? I sighed. I didn't know. I just didn't know.
She was groggy when she woke. And the room was dark. Even so, she could tell Tae was no longer there. There was something about the feel of the room that made it obvious she was alone. She wouldn't blame Tae if she'd left for good. The mess she'd gotten herself in? It was crazy. It was idiotic. And who knew if she could escape it now? What were the options? Testify against Dylan and Jimmy L.? That was a death sentence. She knew Jimmy was connected in a serious way in New York. He was certainly connected in a way that made Dylan fear him. Who was she to think she could save herself by turning him in? And what kind of life would she have anyway? Did she know enough to earn her protection from the government? Did she want to move to a new city, as a new person, and live a new life? Did she want to leave her teaching job, her friends, the Northeast...Tae? She sighed. Tae should not factor into her decisions. She wasn't even sure Tae was coming back. Yet, the thought of never seeing the woman again...well, it wasn't pleasant. She sighed again.
She stood, deciding to take a hot shower and maybe get something to eat. When she moved the comforter, she saw the sheet of hotel stationary fall to the floor. She picked up the paper and read the bold, neat handwriting. '*Went for a drive. Stay put.'* So, she would return. She smiled at the thought, staring at the note as her eyes filled with tears. God, she'd made a mess of things. What right did she have to drag Tae into this? Tae seemed to be a decent person, she had a career, a life...if she decided to go against Jimmy, how could she ask Tae to risk her safety, her job, her life for her? What kind of monster would she be if she did that?
She wiped the tears from her cheeks, wincing as she encountered the raw, swollen bruises. In the bathroom, she stared into the mirror, wondering who was staring back at her. She recognized parts of the reflection, the dark, curls framing her face, the honey-caramel skin, the worried amber colored eyes, the dimples decorating her pronounced cheeks. But she couldn't place the black and blue bruises, the puffiness, the thick, dark lashes, heavy with tears. She couldn't place the pinched concern around her mouth, the wrinkles in her forehead, the bags beneath her eyes. Who was this woman staring back at her? Who was she and where had Victoria Longman gone? She shook her head. Maybe it was time to make some huge changes in her life. Changes that would allow her to face the woman in the mirror again. The question was, should those changes include Tae Gonzalez or not?
Tae pulled the car into a parking spot at the hotel hours later and simply sat. There were a million reasons to walk away, to leave the woman in that hotel room with some words of advice and nothing more. And logically she knew that's what she *should* do. But she also knew that's not what she *would* do. Instead, she intended to try and convince Vicky to risk her future, to risk her life, by turning in her boyfriend and a very well-connected drug dealer.
She made her way back to the hotel room and heard the shower shut off as she closed the door. She took a deep breath. She wasn't sure she was ready to have this conversation with Vicky. How do you tell someone her life was over? That if she didn't become a witness for the state, the men in her life would probably kill her? She turned the television off, combing her fingers through her thick locks impatiently. How should she start? Should she tell her about her grandfather? About almost being killed so many years ago? About the kind of men Jimmy worked for? About the options the DA would surely offer her? Which angle was the least intimidating, the least terrifying? Honestly they all sounded pretty shitty to her.
She wasn't any closer to an answer when the bathroom door opened. But for a moment at least none of that seemed to matter. All she could see was wet, glistening, honey colored flesh, thick, shapely thighs, a nicely rounded bottom, heavy breasts with dark nipples, hard from the cool air...the sight of her charge, sans clothes, erased every other thought from her head. It was obvious Vicky hadn't realized she'd returned. She was searching through a small make-up bag on the counter, reaching up to pull the elastic band from her hair and shaking the short curls free. She combed her fingers through her hair, not realizing how much more of her body she was exposing, before looking into the mirror and catching a glimpse of the tall woman who stood frozen, taking her in.
"Oh!" Vicky dashed back into the bathroom, closing the door between them.
Tae shook her head, trying to erase the image from her mind...trying to get her hormones in check. Jesus, the woman was intoxicating. It was the second time the woman had completely erased everything from her mind. Tae shook her head again, trying to focus. What was she supposed to talk to her about? Oh yeah, she was supposed to tell Vicky her life was over...
Minutes later Vicky stepped from the bathroom, a short tee shirt covering her well-proportioned frame. She smiled, embarrassed.
"Sorry, I didn't realize you were back," she apologized shyly.
Tae nodded, not sure she could get any other words past the constriction in her throat. The tee shirt wasn't helping much. How could someone be so sexy in a fucking tee shirt? She turned her back as Vicky moved toward the clothes she'd left on the bed. She listened to the sounds of her sliding material over those delicious curves and swallowed again, trying to clear her head.
"Okay, I'm decent. Sorry about that."
Tae turned to face the fully clothed woman and wondered why even the sight of her fully dressed wasn't enough to cool her off. She ran her fingers through her thick, dark mane of hair again, sighing.
"Uh...you hungry?" Tae finally managed to utter, her voice thick with arousal. It would be best to get this woman out of the room and away from a bed before she lost control...again.
Vicky shook her head. She was hungry, but she didn't really want to leave now that Tae had returned. Instead, she wanted to talk. She wanted to let Tae know she would understand if she left. That this was not her problem and it would probably be for the best if she just forgot about her and returned to her own life. She had rehearsed the speech in her head while she showered...now she just had to get it past her lips. She hesitated, approaching the tall, honeyed colored woman.
"Tae," she started, licking her lips, forcing herself not to focus on the sheer energy the woman exuded. "I-I...uh, I wanted to th-thank you...for everything. But you really d-don't need to—"
Tae watched the woman before her, stuttering, her long lashes hiding those enticing amber colored eyes, licking her full, luscious lips absentmindedly in a way that went straight to Tae's gut. She swallowed, not sure how long she would be able to resist. She cursed softly, moving two steps away from the beauty now staring up at her anxiously.
"Jesus, you're driving me to distraction." Tae exhaled.
"I am?" Vicky asked, confused.
"Yeah, you are. Fuck."
Tae turned from her, counting to 10 in her head, thinking of sheep jumping over fences, trying to recall the periodic table...anything to steer her mind in a different direction. But the feel of the woman as she moved to stand directly behind her, the gentleness of her touch as she reached out to touch Tae's arm...
"I don't underst—"
Tae turned abruptly, leaning down and covering Vicky's lips with her own. It was not a tender kiss, a lover's kiss...it was filled with hunger...and maybe just a little anger. Anger that this woman had shown up in her life, had taken her back to a place she didn't want to be, had gotten under her skin. She pulled Vicky close, her body filled with a delectable tension she hadn't felt in years. She would stop if Vicky demanded it, if she made the slightest protest she would stop...but the woman in her arms just melted against her. She swore silently, brutally gripping Vicky's upper arms as she started to move them backwards toward the bed.
"Jesus, stop me Victoria," Tae pleaded softly.
But Vicky did no such thing, sighing deeply as Tae moved in to hungrily ravage her mouth again. Surprised at first, she'd only needed a little coaxing, just a little push from the tall aggressor, before she was responding in kind. The feel of those lips, she remembered them well...full, soft...titillating. They moved against hers, drawing her in, capturing her senses, erasing every other thought from her brain. She was still being moved backwards and then could feel herself being lowered, but didn't put two and two together. She realized she'd landed on something soft as Tae pushed her down, climbing between her legs. Then the air whooshed from her lungs as she felt the weight of the taller woman on top of her, creating even more of a light-headed feeling within. Those full lips were wreaking havoc, claiming her mouth over and over again, toying with her senses, teasing her...she felt the heat of Tae's tongue stroke her bottom lip, caressing it, adoring it, bathing it sensually, and her breath hitched again. She squeezed her eyes shut, a whimper escaping from her as Tae's mouth continued to dominate. The woman hadn't touched any other part of her, only her mouth, yet she felt as if she was on fire. She'd never been kissed so passionately...so thoroughly. It rendered her defenseless.
Vicky could feel herself overheating and sought to cool off...beginning to remove the clothes from her body. It wasn't logical, the desire to be naked, pressed against this strangely aloof, powerfully charged woman, but she gave in to the need anyway. She was more than a little surprised when Tae stayed her hands, preventing her from disrobing as she continued to nullify her common senses with that painfully delicious mouth. Instead, Tae shifted just a bit and pinned Vicky's hands beneath her buttocks. She felt helpless for a moment, a brief wave of anxiety sweeping through her before Tae's skillful mouth removed even that thought.
Tae was kicking herself mentally, willing herself to stop, but unable to do so. She couldn't resist the charms of this woman for some reason, first at the station, now here. She could feel her body teetering on the edge as the woman wiggled beneath her, their breath comingling sweetly. She lifted her body just slightly, her hand deftly opening the button of Vicky's jeans, her hand sliding past the waistband and finding its way to her feverish core. She stroked the fine hairs slowly, gently, her lips never ceasing to ensnare her willing captive's senses.
Vicky almost came unglued as that hand made its way past the slight swell of her stomach, resting against her soft downy center. Tae paused, nibbling at Vicky's upper lip, capturing the woman's attention again. At that moment, when she was lost in the sensations the woman was creating above, those clever fingers parted her thickened, slick nether lips, tenderly stroking the length of them. Vicky moaned loudly, the sound swallowed by Tae, her back arching as a long, thick finger found its way home and settled in. She felt that finger moving, pulling almost all the way out, plunging back in again, joined by another, pleasingly stretching her. Her nipples were rock hard, rubbing deliciously against Tae's perfectly round, full breasts. She could feel her body responding, obediently following Tae's lead. Her senses were overloading, those fingers pumping in and out of her, Tae's thumb tapping impatiently against her swollen clit, those lips swallowing her moans, the weight of Tae's body pressing down, almost suffocating her...she knew she was going to explode. Her eyes opened as suddenly Tae tore her lips away from hers, opening those intense, grey eyes and staring down into her soul.
"Come for me," Tae demanded softly.
Just the sound of that husky, powerful voice unhinged her. She cried out as her body was pummeled by a barrage of viciously exquisite sensations. They washed over her, freezing her, shocking her...she cried out again as Tae added yet another finger, burying them deeply within her slick heat, maneuvering her hand so she could rub against the front of Vicky's vaginal wall. It sent the smaller woman over again and she squeezed her thighs together tightly as she mewled uncontrollably, trying to slow the onslaught. Instead, she felt cool air against her burning nipples as Tae impatiently raised her tee shirt. Then the slightly agonizing wonder of teeth gently sinking into a painfully erect nipple, the swollen nub between her thighs, no longer shrouded by its hood, suddenly seized between two fingers and skillfully manipulated. Her third orgasm was no less intense. She called out Tae's name as it slammed into her.
Tae hungrily devoured the erect nipples standing before her, taking her time with each, ensuring they remained rock hard. Her fingers continued to fuck into the warm, tight tunnel, relentless, until she felt a fourth massive shudder seize her willing prey, vaginal walls nicely squeezing her hand. She was far gone, her body taking over, her desire to coax every last orgasm from someone so innocent, yet so luscious and gratifyingly responsive, overwhelming her. She was so distracted that it took her a few moments to realize the woman beneath her was no longer moaning...instead she softly crying. Tae took a deep breath, removing her hand from within Vicky's jeans and forcing herself to ignore the pressing sexual tension within her own body. Instead, she sat up and gathered the woman to her, holding her close. She'd witnessed this before. Sometimes overwhelming sensations created in the body provided a perfect opportunity to purge emotions. She wished she could say that had been her intent all along. It hadn't. But allowing Vicky the time and space to cry was a decent way of assuaging her own guilt.
They sat like that, Vicky nestled against Tae's chest, for a long time, darkness settling in around them. When Vicky finally shifted a little, Tae reached over to switch on a lamp, but then pulled the woman back into her arms, kissing her forehead.
"You okay?" Tae asked softly.
Vicky nodded, not able to answer yet. She settled herself more comfortably against Tae, enjoying the feel of the woman's strong arms around her. They were silent for a little while longer until Tae heard Vicky's stomach growl and chuckled softly. "I think we better go get something to eat."
Vicky sighed, but nodded yet again. Tae watched her scooch off the bed and quickly close her jeans, running fingers through her soft cloud of dark curls before readjusting her tee shirt. She raised a brow as Vicky looked around for something, finally locating the bra she'd discarded earlier and disappearing into the bathroom. Tae took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment, and then hopping off the bed. God, she had to get a fucking grip. Now was not the time for this. They had a lot they needed to discuss without the distraction of sex. Moments later Vicky reemerged, grabbed her jacket and followed Tae from the small hotel room.
They sat across from one another in a diner they'd found within walking distance. After ordering, Tae watched her charge carefully, noticing the way she carefully avoided Tae's gaze. Her hands were nervously shredding a napkin until Tae covered them with her own.
"Hey, relax, okay? And uh—" she hesitated, "I'm sorry I let things get out of control."
Vicky suddenly met those cool, grey eyes, distraught when she noticed the concern in them.
"Tae, don't." She turned her hands over and took hold of Tae's. "I'm okay. Sorry for the tears. I just—" she blew out a gust of air, "I don't know. I just needed to let that out."
Tae nodded, "don't worry about it."
They moved their hands when the waitress brought the drinks and Tae waited until she left before clearing her throat again.
"We do need to talk though."
She watched those amber eyes shift away, looking around at the other customers nervously.
"Vick," she started, "you need to turn them in and testify against them."
Those words...those words...Vicky didn't want to hear them. She felt her eyes fill with tears and reached for her lemonade, trying to calm herself.
"I can't," she whispered, "I just can't."
Tae sighed, reaching across to take the terrified woman's hand once again.
"Actually, you can. I'll help you. I'll stay with you."
Vicky raised her eyes and stared at the woman across from her. Had she really just promised to stick with her through this?
"I can't let you—" Vicky started halfheartedly.
"Look, let's just get you some rest tonight and tomorrow we'll go see the D.A., okay?"
Vicky released a breath, taking another sip of the lemonade. Maybe she *could* do this. With Tae by her side, she felt she could probably do anything.
I watched her sleep that night, wondering what the fuck I had agreed to. Had I lost my fucking mind? Did I really just agree to stick by this woman's side while she testified against someone who worked, however tangentially, for my grandfather? Jesus, I *had* lost my fucking mind. Or should I say I was losing my mind yet again, like I'd done with Jaffy all those years ago? I sighed, reaching back to quickly twist my hair into one thick braid. I slipped on my Timbs and pulled on a jacket, stepping into the corridor and closing the door quietly behind me. I dug the card I'd carried for well over a decade out of my wallet and headed toward the stairwell as I dialed the number. Even though it was 1am, I knew someone would answer. Whether or not I would be allowed to speak with him was a different matter.
Surprisingly, I didn't get much of a hassle once I identified myself. But when someone picked up the line after a brief pause, it was not my grandfather's voice on the other end.
It was a gruff, Hispanic voice, deep...somewhat familiar, but not really. It was too young to be my grandfather's, of that I was certain.
"I'm trying to reach Don Carlos?" I insisted.
"Taegan, this is your father."
The words stunned me. Absolutely and utterly stunned me. First I saw images of a smiling, playful man with perfect white teeth who smelled of a wonderful musky scent, tossing me up in the air and laughing as I squealed with laughter. I saw him tickling my mother in the kitchen one morning as she cooked breakfast for us. I saw him sitting beside me, helping me put together a jigsaw puzzle. But then I saw my mother lying in the hospital, dying of cancer, riddled with pain...and I was sitting beside her alone although I knew he'd been released from prison by then. That image erased my earlier memories of him. I couldn't bring myself to say anything to him.
"My name is Tae." I said with unmasked hostility.
He paused, "your grandfather asked me to take this call. Is there a problem?"
I licked my lips, trying to force myself to speak, remembering Vicky needed me to reach out to my family, "why can't I speak to him?"
Another pause, "Taegan, he's not feeling well. Please, talk to me."
I closed my eyes, dropping down heavily onto the stairs. It took a few minutes for me to get past my anger.
"I have a problem," I started, and then I let it all rush from me.
He didn't interrupt, only asking a brief question here and there. When I was done, and feeling quite exhausted, there was a very lengthy pause on the other end of the phone. I only knew he was there because I heard him swearing softly in Spanish periodically. I just waited.
"Fuck." He finally offered.
I don't know why, but the expletive made me smile, considering I'd said the same thing to Vicky. I heard him take yet another deep breath.
"This woman, who is she to you?"
I hesitated, not sure if he knew about my proclivity for women, "a friend," I finally hedged.
"Are you sleeping with her?"
I raised a brow, glancing down at the cell in my hand. I guess he did know. "Yeah."
Another round of Spanish curses.
"Taegan," he started again.
"Tae," I reminded him, although with a little less hostility.
"Taegan," he insisted, just like my mother had always insisted on using my full name, "she cannot turn them in."
I closed my eyes. Yeah, I knew he was gonna say that, but I had been hoping...
"No other option." I told him.
"She walks away. Starts a new life somewhere else."
"With what?" I snapped, "tits and ass?"
He didn't say anything for a moment and I knew, based on the little my mother had shared with me about him, he was probably taking a deep breath to avoid cursing me out. So, I took a deep breath and tried to be an adult about this.
"Sorry," I muttered. "She doesn't have the money to do that."
"Taegan, the minute she goes to the D.A., they will find someone to put a bullet in her head."
I didn't appreciate the graphic imagery, but I knew he was right.
"I think they'll offer her witness protection." I countered.
He laughed bitterly, "and? Do you know how large the organization is now?"
I sighed. Actually, I did know how extensive the Neta organization had become since my departure from New York. I scratched my head, wondering what I should do now.
"I already convinced her to go to the D.A. tomorrow."
"Un-convince her."
I bit my lip, undecided for a moment, but then making up my mind. "I can't do that. It's her only chance," I hesitated, "and I'm going with her into WitSec."
"Absolutely not."
I laughed into the phone, "you're kidding, right? You lost your parental right to tell me what to do a long time ago."
"Taegan Elba Marie...they will hunt you down and kill you. Do you understand? And that will start a war between the two sects, you know that."
"Then tell me what to do," I demanded harshly.
That was greeted with more silence. I thought he'd hung up until I heard, "bring her to New York. We'll see you tomorrow."
And he ended the call.
I explained most of it to her on the drive to New York. She sat silently, trying to digest the information. I was taking her to New York, the one city she was trying to avoid, to meet the man Jimmy worked for. Even after I told her he was my grandfather, it didn't sit well with her. I held her trembling hand for most of the two hour drive.
The brownstone wasn't really that familiar. Not surprising given the circumstances under which I arrived when I was 19. Things only began to look familiar when the elevator doors opened and I vaguely recognized the door we now stood in front of. When I knocked, someone opened the peephole and then the door. I didn't recognize this man, but he was Latino and huge, muscles upon muscles. I assumed he was a bodyguard. He motioned for us to follow him.
The den was even more familiar. It hadn't changed much, the burgundy leather sofa and chairs, the desks...I was pretty certain the computers were new. When we entered, there were four men already seated. They all stood. I recognized my grandfather, who walked over to me, more slowly than he had so many years ago, and hugged me. He rubbed my back a little and whispered for me to relax and sit down.
They were good instructions, because I had tensed up immediately. The other man in the room that I recognized was still attractive with his rich, dark hair, cut close to the scalp now and peppered with gray, his dark eyes and those thick brows I remembered. He was clean shaven now and still quite muscular. Marcos. I would never forget his face. He sized me up as I entered and smirked a bit. I wanted to punch him in the face, but I did as my grandfather said, guiding Vicky to the only empty sofa.
The other two men in the room? One was seated beside Marcos. He was also Latino, his hair long and braided into cornrows. His face was rugged and hardened. He was rather young and the only reason I recognized him was because I'd looked up his mug shot once before. James Lasher, better known as Jimmy L.
Finally, I turned my gaze to the last man in the room. Much like the voice on the phone, I vaguely remembered the face. He was very handsome, tall, not too thin, with piercing, dark eyes, a head full of rich, thick black hair, *my* hair, and a jagged scar from his temple to his chin. I had the flashback of him tossing me into the air again as he nodded to me and smiled...his teeth were still white and perfect. I nodded back although I didn't have much to say to him...my father.
"Gentlemen and ladies," my grandfather started the meeting, "we have a dilemma. You're all familiar with the details. I have found a solution."
He turned to Vicky, "Ms. Longman, you will turn in your boyfriend and testify against him in court." He turned to Jimmy, "you will tell him to do the time and keep his mouth closed or we'll cut his fucking heart out." He turned to Marcos, "you will compensate the boyfriend and reign this asshole in." He said, indicating Jimmy. "My granddaughter is not to be touched. Her friend is not to be touched. ¿Comprendé?"
His voice was clear and strong and allowed no room for arguments. Marcos and Jimmy each nodded once. When my grandfather turned to us, we also nodded.
"Perdón, Don Carlos, what about the money she stole?" Jimmy asked.
My grandfather turned to me and I shrugged, "her boyfriend owed her that money."
I could see Jimmy was about to protest, but my grandfather held up a hand, "fuck the money. Anything else?"
No one said a word. Minutes later Marcos and Jimmy stood to leave. My grandfather made his way over to us, "Ms. Longman, would you join me for a café?"
Vicky looked at me and I nodded. She stood and followed my grandfather out of the room. That left me and my father, who had been ordered by his father to "talk to your daughter" on his way out of the room.
I didn't help, not interested in helping this man to follow his father's orders. Instead, I simply sat, staring at him coolly. He licked his lips and sat down across from me. I wondered what he would say. What would make his decision not to contact me once he was released, his decision to allow me to deal with my mother's death alone, all better? I couldn't imagine. We sat in silence for a little while longer before he cleared his throat.
"Your mother asked me not to contact you."
Okay...that might work. I simply raised a brow.
"I was with her during the last month. I stayed at a hotel...I only left the room when you were coming. You always came at the same time, before work and after work. I would just wait until you left and then stay with her."
I was...dumbfounded. I already couldn't think of a thing to say.
"She said you were doing well. She didn't want me to interfere. She didn't want you to have anything to do with this life..."
I closed my eyes for a moment...yes, that sounded like my mother. Just like her, actually.
"She asked me not to contact you. That I should only communicate with you if you needed me, if you reached out to me first. I agreed."
I could still think of nothing to say, so I simply watched him.
"Look, I don't expect miracles. I know you think I haven't thought of you in years, but it's not true. I was there when you graduated from the academy. Sitting right beside your mother."
I wracked my brain trying to remember anyone sitting beside my mother, but I was so preoccupied on that day, it's possible I'd missed him. I was still silent, but I looked at him through new eyes...open eyes.
"My father is not doing well. He has demanded that I make amends with you. Again, I don't expect miracles. Just don't...shut me out, okay? I mean—" He licked his lips again, "I just want to check in on you, make sure you're okay...if that's okay with you."
He reached out and took my hand...I didn't resist. I couldn't really process what he was saying. It was all too...confusing. I was really focused on making sure Vicky was okay, not trying to resolve things with my father. In fact, I had been so convinced he was an asshole, I never thought about the possibility of reconciling. I sighed, nodding when he simply stared at me. He smiled and squeezed my hand. Then he stood and I followed.
"So, this girl? Your mother was worried about you being alone. Is she...?"
Now it was my turn to lick my lips. I had reached out to my well connected family to save Vicky's life. What was she to me? I had no idea quite honestly.
"I don't know. Right now I just need to get her through the next few weeks with the D.A."
He nodded. I stared at him for a moment longer and then turned to leave the room.
**\*\*\*** | literotica |
In Need of New Pants The pants wouldn’t fit. Her ass was just too much for them. “These were may favorite jeans, too,” Hailey bemoaned as she let them slide down to the floor.
There wasn’t anything to do about it. She knew what was happening. She’d caught the latest STI and she knew it. “That fucking asshole could have warned me he was carrying,” she muttered under her breath as she headed for the bathroom to see the extent of the changes.
Two years ago, no one had even heard of the disease, it was unknown, but like so many others in recent year it seemed to come out of nowhere. Now? Half the population seemed to have it. RMV-23 was the official name, but most folks just called it Baboonitis. A fitting enough name, given the effects. She reached back and rubbed her ample backside as she made her way into the bathroom.
The government said it was working on a vaccine and a cure, but so far there had been little news on either. Probably because most folks rather seemed to enjoy having it. Yeah, it was highly contagious, and sure, it had its side effects, but honestly a swollen bright red booty was hardly the end of the world. A few of the more out-there pop stars had even flaunted their newly swollen derrieres with revealing outfits.
The mirror would reveal the truth. She knew that even as she took a deep breath, turning to reveal her new assets. There was no mistake, her flesh from her inner thighs up to her booty was now dusky red, and suffering from some distinctive swelling.
It didn’t look bad; it certainly added some curves to her that she’d never had. She certainly could see why some of the skinnier girls went out of their way to catch a case. It was an interesting look though, with that color she wondered if she’d be one to flaunt it.
The sad reality she knew is that she would. Almost all the girls did. She could feel the early twitching of her libido reminding her of the other effects.
Hailey slid her panties to the ground, bending forward for the full effect, that deep rosy red popping out, even as other swellings made themselves known as her vulva peeked between her thighs, it too a dark ruddy color. A slight sheen glistened in the bright lights over the mirror, a tell-tale sign that she would soon be in heat.
She moaned slightly as she grabbed a handful of her backside and squeezed. It felt good, way better than she’d expected when talking with the other girls. Not that any of them had experienced it, no, there was just the gossip about who might have it. For all their beliefs in their worldly ways, they were still just eighteen-year-olds and seniors in high school. Gossip was a way of life, and the booty expanding virus was certainly a hot topic.
Hailey’s hands were roaming now. The nerves were sensitive all over the deeply pigmented area, and her fingers began to slip into the swelling cleft between her legs. The moisture was flowing now, her clit hard against the tips of her fingers as she felt the warms rise in her body. She wanted it; her whole body flared with desire.
Deep down she knew this wasn’t right. Her horniness was just a biproduct of the virus. But damn, it felt good as she let herself explore the new changes.
She’d have to figure out something for clothing though, she gave it a little thought between the shivers that were cascading up and down her body, her new booty trembling as her legs began to quake. She didn’t even bother to stifle the shriek as she brought herself to orgasm, why bother? Her parents were still in Vale, that’s why she’d had Joey over in the first place.
Hailey found herself on her knees, her hands covered in her own sticky juices. “Damn, that was intense.” She muttered to herself as she tried to rise on shaking legs. Maybe this wasn’t so bad. She could see why the boys were lining up to be with girls who had a case. She wondered how it affected them? Joey hadn’t shown any signs, but she hadn’t been looking either. She’d have to google it. After the shower anyway.
*** *** ***
“Oh my god, did you see?” Claire whispered in the hall.
Jenna nodded, “yeah, I guess she caught it.”
“No shit.” Smirked Mala, who eyed their newly curvaceous friend as she bounded down the hall flirting with several of the guys.
Claire let out a low whistle “Ooh, she’s got it bad.” She watched as Hailey all but threw herself at one of the football players, rubbing her generous ass against his leg.
“I hope I never get it.” Jenna said quietly.
Mala looked surprised, “Why not?”
“It’s just, you know, that lack of controls. I mean, I would like a bit more in the trunk, but I don’t need to become a sex crazed nympho.” She shrugged slightly, her eyes looking anywhere but her transformed friend.
“It’s only while you’re in heat, you know.” Claire chided her.
Jenna gave her and eyeroll. “Oh sure, that’s like being a werewolf. You know, it’s only bad a couple days a month.” “I don’t know, I’m on the fence. I mean, the other girls seem to love it.” Claire said quietly, watching several other girls with enhanced backsides troll the hall for dates. The school had never allowed booty cut-out jeans, but they explicitly banned them the year before after several girls decided to really flaunt the look of their new rumps.
The bell rang, the last month of school before graduation. The three headed to class, each wondering which of them would fall victim to Baboonitis next.
Hailey just smiled, having overheard much of the conversation between her friends. She didn’t care, maybe soon her friends would realize that the perks of this virus were well worth the cost of some new pants. She gave her new ass a shake and watched several guy’s heads turn. Maybe one of them would get lucky today. She licked her lips at the thought and headed for class, daydreaming about something far more interesting than calculus. | yiff-extreme |
Title: How Long Can You Resist Ch. 02
Tags: drama, historical, true love, first love
"Elizabeth met a man today!" Theodore called as he and his sister walked through the front door that evening. Elizabeth rolled her eyes, wishing her younger brother were a more reserved person.
"What?" their father said as he took his seat at the table for dinner. Rupert Winshaw and his wife had worked the farm all day, and both were more than ready to settle in and have a good meal. "What is this, Elizabeth?"
"Ignore him, Papa," Elizabeth said, kissing her mother on the cheek. "He has no idea what he is talking about." She hoped her father would let it go, but knowing that the subject of marriage had been a particularly sensitive one as of late, it wasn't likely.
"Oh Elizabeth, do tell us your brother is speaking the truth!" Mrs. Winshaw said, clasping her hands to her chest. Elizabeth rolled her eyes again, helping herself to some of the beef stew sitting in front of her. It had been a long day, and she just wanted to eat and go to sleep. "Alright, Mama," she said, giving up as she took a bite of her food. "I met a man today."
"Lovely!" Mrs. Winshaw said, smiling warmly at her daughter. "It's about time, my dear. You *are* getting older, you know." Mr. Winshaw nodded in agreement. Elizabeth stifled her annoyance; her parents were obsessed with marrying her off, and it was almost too much to take.
"Tell us about him, dear," Mrs. Winshaw said. "Well," Elizabeth began, "first of all, I didn't meet him so much as he came to our table to look at the wool." She poked at her plate with her fork, finding that she had suddenly lost her appetite. She could once again feel a fluttering in her belly, and it wasn't hunger. "He stared at me the entire time. He bought a bundle, although what someone like him would want with wool is beyond me." Elizabeth pushed a wisp of hair out of her face and looked her mother in the eye. "He made me uncomfortable, Mama. He looked at me as if I was some sort of... I don't know, but it was disconcerting."
"I think he likes her Mama," Theodore inserted, grinning with his mouth full. Elizabeth scowled at him, wishing once again for him to keep his mouth shut. "He couldn't possibly like me, Teddy" she said. "He doesn't even know me." She paused, then added, "He wouldn't like me anyway. He is obviously very wealthy, and I obviously am not."
"Wealthy, you say?" Mr. Winshaw said, lifting his head from his meal. "Yes, Papa," Elizabeth said. "The way he was dressed made that very clear. And he paid us more than enough for the wool."
"So what difference does it make?" Mrs. Winshaw said. "He took a liking to you, and it does not hurt that he comes from money. Do you realize what that could mean for this family if you *did* end up marrying him?" She stood to clear her dish, then asked excitedly, "When are you going to see him again?" Elizabeth sighed, answering, "He said he would see me tomorrow at the market. I wish he wouldn't. I do not want to give him false hope..."
"Do not say such things," Mrs. Winshaw interrupted, frowning at her. "You have a duty to this family, daughter. You'd best remember that." She then smiled once more, saying, "Now bring me your blue dress. It looks the nicest on you, and it could use a bit of mending."
"Yes, Mama," Elizabeth murmured, getting up from the table and going upstairs to her room. It looks like it doesn't even matter what I want, she thought to herself, sighing and taking her blue muslin dress from the wardrobe. To them, I am nothing more than another sheep.
*The next day:*
"I wonder when that man will be coming back," Theodore said, his eyes raking over the people milling around the market. It was an overcast Sunday, and it looked like it might rain at any moment.
"I do not know why you care so much, Teddy," Elizabeth said, straightening the bit of lace that trimmed her neckline. The dress was freshly pressed and mended, and it looked fetching on her. "I doubt he'll return. He probably didn't mean a word he said. Men like him flirt with the women for the pure sport of it." Her words sounded false to her, though, and she couldn't help joining Theodore in scanning the crowd for Mr. St. Claire. In her heart of hearts she did not think she would get along with someone like Gerard, but that did not mean she thought him unpleasant to look at. She remembered his dark hair and his piercing gray eyes. Eyes that had bored into her, making her feel as if she were standing in front of him without her clothes on. Eyes that looked right through her, that glowed...
"Miss Winshaw, may I say that you look beautiful this Sunday morning?" A rich masculine voice interrupted her thoughts, and she immediately turned her attention to Gerard St. Claire. He was unaccompanied today, and wearing a pair of dark trousers and a white buttoned up dress shirt that was open at his collarbone. He had on riding boots, and his hair looked wind tossed. Needless to say he looked quite handsome, and Elizabeth silently cursed him for it. How she was supposed to ignore the advances of a man who looked like that was beyond her, but she was going to try.
Beautiful is an understatement, Gerard thought to himself. He found himself staring like yesterday, captivated by the picture she created. Her hair was again in a bun, and she was wearing a dress that was the same blue as her gorgeous eyes. Gerard felt a tightening in both his stomach and his breeches. I need to get a hold of myself, he thought as he took in the vision before him.
"Thank you, Mr. St. Claire," Elizabeth said, and she dropped a slight curtsy. She watched him through her eyelashes, noticing how confident he looked as he stood there. He borders on being arrogant, she thought, immediately feeling irritated. "Please, call me Gerard," he said, bowing. "And hello to you, Theodore," he said, extending his hand to her brother. "I wonder, young man, if I may borrow your sister for a little while?"
Elizabeth cocked an eyebrow, wondering what in the world this man had in mind. Theodore nodded, grinning slightly. "You may, sir," he said, pushing his sister forward. "I can manage here for a bit."
Elizabeth stood agape. "Teddy, I do not think it's a good idea for me to just leave you here by yourself..."
She was cut off by Gerard as he took her hand and placed it in the crook of his arm. "I am certain he'll be fine," he said as he began to walk away from the table. "Join me for a horseback ride. I promise I'll be the perfect gentleman."
Elizabeth jerked her arm back, anger evident in her pretty face. "Now wait just one minute, Mr. St.... Gerard," she said. "Do not think you can simply order me around. Your technique may work wonders on other girls, but I see right through you and it will *not* work on me." She stood with her arms crossed, and her cheeks were slightly pink from frustration. Gerard thought she looked even more stunning when she was angry. I have a live wire on my hands, he thought. He could not help the smile that came upon his face.
"Miss Winshaw, I assure you that I have nothing but good intentions. All I ask is your company, for I do so wish to get to know you better." He offered his arm again, saying, "I do apologize if it seemed I was giving you an order. I will refrain from such wording in the future."
Elizabeth, for once in her life, had nothing to say. She frowned. She didn't know what to do with this man. She was not used to such attention from men; what little attention she *had* been shown, it had dwindled very quickly afterwards. She supposed it had something to do with her fiery temper. But this man was utterly nonplussed by her words. In fact, it seemed he actually enjoyed her even more when she was agitated.
She sighed, then took his arm. They walked out of the market and came upon his chestnut steed. "What a beautiful horse," Elizabeth said, reaching out to stroke its neck. Gerard watched her, finding that his heart fluttered a bit as a look of serenity came over her face while she petted and cooed to the horse. "This old fleabag? I suppose he's alright looking," Gerard said as he straightened the saddle. "His name is Lucifer, and I think he likes you." Lucifer nudged Elizabeth's shoulder with his snout, and Elizabeth couldn't help but laugh. "Yes, it appears that he does," she said, turning her smile to Gerard. He felt short of breath. Her smile will be the death of me, he thought.
"Well, shall we?" he asked, cutting short his thoughts. He mounted the horse, then reached down to help Elizabeth. She hesitated a moment, then took his hand. She took her place in front of him, and as his arms came around to take the reins she had a sharp intake of breath. A warmth washed over her as she sat nestled against him. Her back was to him, she could feel the firm plains of his broad chest and the strength of his arms. Heaven help me, she thought as she closed her eyes. What am I getting myself into? | literotica |
Title: Stitching Strangers (revised) by Exilo
Tags: Anal, Bathing, First Time, M/F, Oral, Vaginal, Wolf
**Rewrite of my first fic here. I took a lot of the critisms that were given and rewrote this, adding a lot of characterization, plot, and of course more sex**
*Stitching Strangers*
With only a knapsack to store his sleeping mat and a change of clothes, Exilo had set out on an adventure one day, when he grew bored with his present lot in life. Well, he enjoyed his lot actually, living with his sister in a quiet place, but sometimes he just wanted to walk and walk and never look back. So he did.
"And it will get there by two nights, right?" Exilo asked, giving the letter to the messenger hawk.
"Yes sir!" the hawk replied, moving a wing over his eye in a salute. "I will be there ASAP. Come wind nor rain nor snow nor shine, nothing will stop me from delivering this letter. Come hell or high water, I will get this letter to its destination as soon as possible. That's what ASAP means. It means-"
"Now, please," Exilo said.
"Yes sir!" The bird flapped his wings, kicking up a gust from the sandy streets. Exilo growled, annoyed, and covered his eyes to block out the dusty assault. Stupid birds.
He had no real destination. Maybe he would go back to his homeland, meet other wolves, maybe some of his father's family; go back to where ever the hell his mother was from and see if she had any kin there. This city was just a place to rest since he was sick of camping and wanted a nice bed if just for one night. And after that bird, he wanted a bath. A nice warm bath instead of washing in the river, but business was first: he had promised to write to his sister every chance he got. And now with the letter in the air, he set off to restock on supplies. First stop: the tailor.
"Is this the biggest size you have?" he asked. "Anything that might fit me?"
This land was cold and Exilo wanted a jacket, especially if he backtracked to the East and headed up North, he would definitely need something to keep him nice and toasty.
"Well," the she-wolf mused, scratching her chin and mentally taking in the male's measurements. The wolf was quite short, even for a female, but a nice size, so she clearly wasn't sickly. She had white fur and a black ring around her right eye, not quite touching her eye, but circling around it. Her right ear had three piercings, three silver rings that were aligned on the edge. Clothing was a black shirt with a small red ‘X' in the middle of the chest, and her belly was uncovered so he had to smile and lick his lips. Sad to say, she had pants on: black shorts that went down to her knees and a silver chain for a belt. It was when she wagged her tail that he saw the silver tail ring, squeezing the bulky fur a bit before the tip.
In turn, she inspected him. Tall, but not too tall. Slim, but with a bit of a belly. All and all, he was somewhat average to the eye. Most of his fur was brown, but that sort of rich brown that would glow red when in the right light, but now, inside, most definitely dark brown. The brown fur yielded to black at all four of his paws, just above the elbow or knee, his muzzle, and the ears. Still, he was average, but a nice sort of average. His clothes were nothing special. An old green cargo vest. Old blue jeans.
Exilo sighed.
"But I could make you something up if you like, sir."
The male wolf reached into his vest pockets and fished out the few coins he still had to his name. "How much would it cost?"
The tailor nosed at the coins in his palm and shook her head. "More than that."
And he hadn't even bought his rations yet. "Well, thanks anyway." Exilo turned to leave.
"Hey, big guy," the tailor called. "Would you be interested in a job?"
"No, thank you. There is no way I could do this work."
"I wouldn't expect you to do the tailoring. I just find myself in need of a second pair of paws." She cocked her head to the side, taking in his measurements again. "I'm understaffed. I could use some aid. I can give you room and board and make up your clothes as payment. Even if you don't want a jacket, the things you have on look as if they are coming apart at the stitches."
Exilo looked down. His clothes were tattered. Scrapes and scratches on his pants and his vest from a variety of fights he had been in littered his apparel. Some highwayman thought him easy prey or sometimes a street fighter for whatever money spectators would throw. Why was he still wearing his knuckle duster? He pulled it off his hand and dropped it back in his vest's pocket. The vest may have been old, tattered, and cut, but he would never ever part with it.
"It's a good deal, big man. And I could really use the help."
It was a good deal, and Exilo needed to conserve his remaining funds. He needed clothes and someplace to sleep. "Is this going to end with me chopped into pieces and buried in your basement?"
"Alright, I'll take it."
"Wonderful!" the she wolf squealed. She took Exilo's paw and began dragging him along towards the back of the shop. Exilo had to duck under every door way or low hanging lantern. Yes, his size was definitely a problem now. The she-wolf seemed to pay no heed to his difficulties, and scurried along.
"I'm Exilo," he added, realizing he hadn't introduced himself formally.
"Pae," the she-wolf responded.
"Pae? That's an odd name."
"Yeah, cause we just got a million Exilos. Sounds Russian. I'll just call you Exi."
"My name is Exilo."
"And I'm going to call you Exi, Exi!"
Exilo sighed. He was far too tired for this. "Where's my room?"
Pae huffed. "Fine, you can stay here."
Exilo stepped past her, and inside. It was nice room actually; somehow he had been expecting a broom closet with a blanket. It had a desk, a chair, a bed, a lamp, and a window that looked out into the town. There was a notable covering of dust and the door hinges squealed from lack of use, but he didn't say anything. "You're old employee's room?" Exilo asked.
"Sorry for the dust."
Exilo shrugged. He had certainly slept in worse.
"I've been meaning to clean it up and rent it out. This way I get an apprentice. It's been long enough."
Exilo smiled, nodded, and watched Pae leave, taking special note of her tail as she turned and headed down the hall. The bed was big, bigger than his sleeping mat actually. Soft down cushioned his rump and he yawned sleepily. Wow. He was more tired than he realized. He had done a lot of walking, a lot of sleeping on rocks. He really was tired, so tired, that he didn't even think of asking Pae where the bathroom was so he could wash his fur clean.
"You best be getting some sleep," the she-wolf said. "Cause tomorrow, I'm putting you to work."
Exilo yawned again, slouching down and putting his head on his shoulder. "Alright," he growled, closing his eyes.
Work wasn't the right word for what Exilo went through the next day. Torture was more like it. He had done a lot in his life, worked a lot of places, but this just wasn't work.
"For the last time, this is how you do stitches!" Pae growled. Dexterous fingers looped through the fabric with expert precision. In, out, in, out, hypnotic in the speed. When done, she tied it off and pulled the excess thread a bit, snapping it cut with her teeth.
Exilo took a deep breath and turned to his own project. "In, out, in, out," he muttered. He tried, in, out, in, out. He yelped suddenly, and lifted his thumb to better see the needle that had sunk nearly half way into the pad.
Pae growled again, plucking the needle out. "You're such a baby." She poked her own thumb a dozen times with the needle, and each time the pad stayed firm. Taking her demonstration a step further, she pulled a lighter out of her pants pocket. Sparking it, she held her thumb over the dancing fire. "Cool, huh?"
"Kind of creepy, actually."
Exilo looked back to his work. He took another deep breath and pinched the fabric, pushing the needle through. He was much more careful this time, taking the needle and pulling it through, working a stitch out. He tried for the second stitch, and pricked his thumb, drawing blood in the black pad. "Damn it!" he roared, earning a bop on the nose from the rolled up newspaper Pae was holding.
"Keep working on it," she muttered. Exilo did, putting such focus on the project, he didn't even notice as Pae left, coming back a moment later with a step stool. Her trusty tape measure wrapped around his chest, on the pectorals. She scribbled the measurements on a scratch of parchment. "Now your right arm. Now your left."
Exilo obeyed each of her commands, and smiled to himself when he managed to get the stitches straight three times before, again, pricking his finger. His thumb was really starting to hurt. Pae looked him over. With the measurements, she could do his shirt just fine. But not his pants. Not that he said he wanted pants, but...She grinned a sort of coy smile and lowered onto all fours, before very carefully slipping under the table.
Now under him, kneeling at his chair, she placed a paw on his knee and carefully pulled the tape measure from his clawed toes all the way to his groin, pushing a thumb between his legs playfully. That earned a sudden shout. Exilo pushed off the table, the chair tipping over and he fell back, landing with a loud crash.
"Now, Exi, if you're going to be a tailor, you got to learn to ignore these distractions."
Exilo panted, and started at the white she-wolf, her tail wagging. She was still on all fours and under the table like a devious puppy. "Stay the fuck away from my crotch!"
He growled, reaching under the table and grabbing her by the nape. He yanked her out and set her down, before pulling the chair close and continuing his work. More than the job he was supposed to be doing, it was just frustrating he couldn't get this quickly, like he could other things. This and cooking...he hated cooking.
This cloth wouldn't be usable after he was through with it. Even if the stitches were straight and orderly, he was getting blood all over it: crimson thumb prints or just wiping his hand on it to keep his grip dry. Why was the practice cloth white, anyway? Well, red now, but still.
"Have a preference of color for the coat?"
"What the fuck color is asparagus?"
Exilo cocked his head, gesturing to his vest.
"That is a fuck ugly color. You're getting myrtle." Satisfied, Pae scribbled the order down, before again reaching over and plucking a needle out of Exilo's paw. "Alright, that's enough for today. I need your hands intact for when we open."
It wasn't hard work, physically at least. Oh, what he would give for physical labor. He was built for that, he liked that. This was just torturous. But so was everything else the little deviant Pae put him through. People came in to pick up their orders, and he had to sift through the racks and racks of finished products to find said orders. People came in wanting their measurements taken, and some, little ones especially, just refused to hold still long enough for him to read the tape measure and write the number down.
"How did you ever manage this all alone?" Exilo asked, during one of the blessed down times where the shop was empty. It was strange. Everybody, EVERYBODY, seemed to come in at once, and then just as quickly they were gone. Why everyone couldn't come in at a steady pace was beyond him. No rhyme or reason even, like if it were people on their lunch break. Just floods, and then nothing. Floods, then nothing.
He gave a moan, lying on the floor behind the counter. His paws were throbbing from the prior work, and his head was feeling several sizes too small. And, for whatever reason, Pae was sitting on his chest, cross legged and staring at him with a wide smile. There was only a bit of trouble with breathing. Mostly she was light and he could manage.
Pae shrugged. "I just did. I didn't have a choice."
"I'm sorry I can't help more."
The she-wolf shook her head. "You're doing plenty."
He watched her. Her ears, her tail, her chest. He liked the angle. She was pretty. Nice fur, nice body, certainly a nice chest and rump. Her earrings he could do without, but to each their own. He was taken off guard when she shifted onto her paws and knees and leaned forward, brushing her muzzle across his. On the second pass, her tongue came out, rough and hard, and brushed his lips. The bell above the door rang. Pae casually stood up and walked around the counter to greet the customers, leaving Exilo wondering what had just happened. The cool air of the room lapped at the saliva still on his snout and lips. He flicked out his own tongue and tasted her remnants. "Exi, I do need your help," Pae summoned. He stood, leaning on the counter. There was work to do. Best not to think about it, at least until he had more time to really savor the memory.
The second day went like the first, only worse since his mind was so exhausted from the first day, but at least Pae didn't make any more moves on him. Was that a good thing or a bad thing? He wasn't sure.
The third day went like the second, only even more tiring since his mind was so exhausted from the first and second day, and Pae still didn't make any more moves on him. Well, this time, he made the move, and when she was reaching for something on a high shelf, he carefully moved behind her and took it down. She didn't seem repulsed by the sudden closeness. Her tail curled around his thigh and flanks a moment and she looked up, smiling, before slipping to the side and walking back to her work.
On the fourth day, he finally developed a short hand for taking measurements, and learned Pae's shorthand for giving receipts, which made finding orders much easier. Turns out there was some semblance of organization to the racks.
On the fifth day, the customers coming in and out where not quite so overwhelming. If Exilo's fingers weren't bloody mess of flesh, he probably would have spent the night continuing to learn to sew. But instead Pae decided to teach him to cook.
"I said stir it, not beat it!"
White cream flew out from the bowl and landed in small puddles onto the counter. Exilo growled and continued to mutter his increasing hate for cooking. "Why do I have to do this? You ask me to measure, I measure. To sew, I sew. How much do you want from me? I am not God!"
Pae shook her head. "OK, stop, before you make more of a mess in my kitchen." She sighed, holding her paw out for the wooden spoon. He whipped it out towards her; a clinging glob of batter went flying onto her muzzle.
Pae was stunned, and silently stared down at the goo right on the bridge of her nose. Exilo's expression softened at the sight. She looked kind of cute, like a bewildered puppy. And before he knew what he was doing, he leaned over and licked her fur clean.
He quickly came to his senses and drew back, expecting a swift backhand to the face. Instead, she slowly reached a paw up to where his tongue had been, found the spot free of food, and smiled.
"Thanks." She strode forward and relieved him of the spoon, returning to the bowl and mixing it at a nice and steady pace. Exilo blushed nervously; his facial fur felt like it was on fire.
On the sixth day, he stabbed his thumb with a needle and didn't draw blood. Fire still hurt. He had learned that the hard way, when Pae grabbed his paw and put a lighter under him. Pae promised that the callus would grow in time.
On the seventh day, the shop was closed and Exilo spent the whole morning face down on the bed, head buried into the pillow, not sleeping but not able to move either. Only at night fall did he even try to get up. He managed to shift his head to the door to see Pae standing there.
"How long have you been there?"
She grinned, and gave a nice little shrug of her petite shoulders, which made her chest heave very slightly.
"Is it normal to feel like you head is several sizes too small?" Exilo asked.
"Something would be wrong if you didn't feel like an elephant was sitting on it," Pae smiled, walking over. She was smiling wide, at least until her nose quivered. She retracted, pinching her nose. "You smell. Damn, when was the last time you took a bath?"
"What year is this?"
Pae whined, backing away. "I'll draw you a bath, alright. Do me a favor: burn those clothes."
He hadn't taken a bath in so long. Brushing a hand past his ears, he found the bits of sand still clinging from the messenger hawk's take off a week ago. Exilo struggled to get up. His body wasn't tired, but his mind, it just refused to send out the messages out to his limbs. It took him a long time to peel his work shirt off of his back, and he sniffed it, before pushing it away. He did smell. He undid his belt and dropped his pants to the floor, stepping out of them. Then, in true canine fashion and now unrestricted by clothes, he bent over to all fours and stretched doggie style. It was at that moment that Pae came back into the room. Exilo's elevated tail was facing the door, in all its glory. He looked between his legs at Pae, who just stared back at the curve of his flanks, the sack of his furry sheath, the hanging testicles. "And I thought I was forward," she managed to say, keeping a perfectly straight face before falling onto her back and laughing hysterically.
"Do closed doors not mean anything to you people?" Exilo howled.
Through cackles, Pae managed: "You didn't close the door. Please..." She stopped, rolling onto her belly and pounding the floor. "Please, put on the towel!" Somehow, Pae managed to throw the towel to the ground in front of Exilo's feet.
Exilo huffed, wrapping the towel as best he could around his nether regions. It was still a bit small, but at least Pae stopped laughing out loud, only giggling and grinning every time he looked up at Exilo, who was blushing red under his fur. "It could be worse. Some bears come in every now and then from the North, and they don't have such fine builds as you. Don't wear many clothes either. Yuck, that furry ass in a thong." Pae traced a paw over Exilo's stomach.
Pae brought Exilo to the bathroom, where a steaming bath was already drawn. Cracking up, she turned her back and allowed Exilo to take the towel off and climb into the bath. The tub was huge, so huge that Exilo could fully immerse himself without any problem, which felt absolutely heavenly.
OH! That felt nice. Instantly he loosened as the water soaked deep into his fur. He growled lowly, sending a vibration through the water. He was so relaxed it took him a moment to realize not only had Pae stripped out of her clothes, but climbed into the bath, and that she was snuggling close, trying to wrap her arms around Exilo's torso and putting her ear on the wolf's left pectoral muscle.
Exilo opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, save a long stifled growl that Pae took as invitation to come closer, shifting so she was resting heavily on Exilo's chest. He froze instantly, and she continued to nuzzle him. "Is something wrong?" Pae asked. Maybe she could sense Exilo's hesitance. He was stiff and rigged despite the warm water's comforting effect on him.
"No," Exilo said after a pause.
Pae backed away. She placed her paws on his chest and pushed up, settling on his hips and staring at him. "Oh no. I'm so sorry. I thought...oh no. Oh, I'm so sorry." She stumbled out of the bath, slapping down on the floor wetly and slipping flat on her stomach. "Oh no, this is so embarrassing. I'm so sorry. I thought you liked me. Oh jeez."
"I-I do," Exilo said quickly, climbing out of the tub himself. He slipped on the wet floor and hit the ground. Reaching for Pae, who was already moving, he just brushed her tail as she fled.
"I'm sorry. Oh no, I'm so sorry." She turned to apologize again, only to come face to chest with Exilo. "I'm so sorry," she said, looking up. There was wetness in her eyes, not all of it from the bath.
Exilo brought Pae up to his arms, holding her in a wet embrace. "I...do...like you. I-I think. I'm not sure. But...I..."
"I went too fast. Damn it. It's just...I don't know what to do and I thought you liked me. And? Oh no." She buried her face in his chest.
"Really, it's not you." She was light. Easy to hold. His paw slipped down her back and over her tail, gently brushing her rump and getting a nice grip. He felt her tail wag, the silver band at the end glistening nicely in the light. He smiled softly and turned back to the bath. He swung one foot in, then squatted, slipping into the warm water, sitting up and still holding Pae close. She, in turn, clung a little closer to his wet chest. She was warm actually. Warmer than the water, and very pleasant.
He swallowed. "There's really, really attraction. I mean. You're really beautiful. And...That kiss. It felt kind of..."
Just do it, Pae thought, slowly pressing her muzzle forward towards his. The briefest of licks, then she backed up, whimpering lowly.
Again, there was the taste of her lips on his. He flicked out his tongue, tasting what she had left. Slowly, almost as if frightened, he stretched his paw forward to touch her, and his claw brushed her shoulder. She recoiled in fear, but he got a firm grip and slowly pulled her near, and gave her his own lick on the lips. She didn't recoil or back away. She closed her eyes, and he did his, and they simply tasted each other, getting used to it.
He felt his heat begin to press out from between his legs. At first he didn't notice. He was so focused on Pae he barely felt anything. His paws explored her body, claws sifting through the white fur and finding her breast, giving it a little squeeze that earned him a soft moan. But when the certain heat between his legs rose to a painful ache he gave a slight groan, turning his head to the side and nibbling at her jaws at a better angle. He distracted her as his paw slowly moved down her spine and to the base of her tail, and gently pushed her down.
"Nnn!" She shuddered as she felt him enter, forcing her body to try to relax. She attempted to move off him, but his paw remained firm, and she was trapped between it and his rising heat. "S-stop." "Just relax," he said slowly, the words dripping out of his mouth and into her ear. "Rrr...rrr..." More and more she could feel him fill her, a mixture of pain and pleasure, but the pain was making itself more known. She nudged her hips to the side, fresh tears pouring out of her eyes. "Please, stop..."
She was tight, she couldn't loosen. She whimpered and cried into his chest, not in pleasure. He had to stop, despite the ache that demanded action. He pressed his muzzle to hers, licking and nuzzling, suckling and kissing. It helped. She felt herself relax, and she closed her eyes and let him calm her with his softness of his tongue. His tongue explored, his snout explored, but his eyes were tight and his vision was dead. Only her scent and taste. That was all he could focus on. Nothing else and he just enjoyed her, not even bothering to thrust.
Pae started yipping happily, rubbing her fangs against his, her tongue tasting his, and now that he wasn't delving so intensely, that hot thickness between her legs became pleasurable. She pulled back. "A-alright. I'm ready."
She licked and kissed along his muzzle, but if she whimpered or nipped hard it was a sign she needed to adjust. Still, it went well, with few interruption or breaks. And, finally, he was all the way in. He felt his hilt touch her flesh lips. He pulled away from her jaws and just held that, closing his eyes and feeling his erection pulse harder and harder. Her walls reacted, squeezing him gently in return. Pae felt each pulse. Each seemed stronger than the last. There was a boiling heat inside her. Not from him, he was hot and inside, but deeper in the pits of her stomach she felt a pressure that begged for release.
"Sorry," Exilo murmured as he pulled back, then pushed forward into the warm mass of she-wolf and felt a final release. His gush, his pressure built then drained out of him in massive spurts. Pae yelped loudly, squirming and howling as he climaxed inside her. She continued to shudder until he was merely trickling liquid, and dropped down, exhausted, onto him.
For a long time, neither moved. Neither had the strength. The week of work had been exhausting, but this was in a different league. Honestly, he simply didn't want to move and break the comfort of this position.
So it was up to Pae. Slowly she lifted her head from his chest and placed her paws on his shoulder. She pushed up, and slid off him, shivering as his shrinking girth rubbed against her walls. She rose fully, holding it a moment, and he leaned forward and nuzzled at her breast, then flicked his tongue out, rubbing against the black nipple, a sharp contrast to the snowy fur around.
"Exi," she uttered, putting a paw at his head and pushing him back. "Stop that."
"Oh jeez, what did we just do?" he asked. Animal instinct started to clear from his thoughts.
"Mated," she said simply.
"We've known each other for a week!"
Pae stroked him, and bending her head, ran her tongue up the bridge of his black nose and to the start of his majority brown fur. "I don't know about you...Exi." She forced a smile. "But I really enjoyed it." She chewed on her lip. "I...think I really like you."
Exilo stared. He smiled. "We barely know each other."
"Well we got the sex out of the way. Everything can just go good from here on out."
Again, Exilo reached forward and took gentle hold of Pae, pulling her close to his chest. "Good from here on out," he smiled, cuddling and nuzzling her.
"But if we do that again, I'm really going to have to start doing some stretches first. I-I'm not as experienced as you."
Exilo grinned and licked her. "What makes you say I'm experienced at all? I have read about enough though. I know a few things we can do that might be easier on you. Think you're up for it?"
Pae gave him a lick on the muzzle to say yes.
Exilo slowly stretched his arms and pulled her close again, then brought her mouth up to his, and gently began to kiss her. It was slow at first. Gently nuzzles and soft licks. Excitement began to overtake him, and he crammed her so close to his mouth it was as if he were trying to eat her whole. She didn't mind though. Save a startled noise, she gently nibbled back with her paws resting right between his legs. Exilo's paws moved down her back and towards her hip, over to her tail, and stroked her gently. Then his claws found both her cheeks, and his eyes fluttered a tad.
Pae mumbled happily into the kiss, eyes closed, paws starting to stroke Exilo lightly. She probably said his name, but it was muffled into a growl. He worked her rump carefully at first. His finger tips rubbed the tender skin between the two flanks, searching for the nice tight vent. Her tail twitched happily and raised up, the white fluffy tip and silver band rising above the bubbly water, drips raining down and making a splashy noise. Pae ran her paw from the beginning of his growing erection to his base, then back again, purring the whole time.
"Such a tease," he said playfully. "Well, I should warn you, I can tease you too." His claw slipped inside her tender vent, stretching the hole as just the tip moved in a circle gently. Pae gave a small yip at that. Her paws stopped moving and she began to pant slightly, tensing and clenching on him. He wiggled his finger gently, massaging one of her cheeks with his other hand. He nuzzled her crown carefully, licking, though it didn't seem as if she needed the distraction like before. "You want to try that thing?"
She moved up, tongue flicked out to taste his throat fur. "Sure."
Exilo pushed her back a tad, pulling his hand out. "Turn around. Face the other way."
Pae nodded and turned around, sitting with her backside facing him.
Exilo took firm grip of her thighs and pulled her back. Leaning forward, he brushed his muzzle over her bare left flank, and then gradually approached the middle. Pae shivered at that light contact, tail wagging in anticipation for this new sensation he seemed to be building towards. She moved her tail to the side, trying to keep it in check. But when he put his snout to her tail hole and gave the tender skin a little kiss, she lost it and whacked him with her tail. "Ah!" Just the little touches here and there, the tender stroking and tasting. It made her burn. "Exilo..." His name rumbled out from her throat in long throaty growls. She turned her head back to stare at him.
Exilo's muzzle sunk between her furry flanks. He slid his tongue out and tasted the warm taste of female. His tongue explored, finally finding her anus and poking it gently. His own heat was throbbing again, and waded in the water. He wiggled his hips, trying to get her attention. He needed it just as much as she did.
But Pae was far too lost in her own thoughts. "Exilo!" Pae's snarling and groans grew louder. She wiggled her hips to get more stimulation. "Please..Ah..." She had been standing on her paws and knees on all fours, but now her front half dropped, putting her in a sort of doggy stretch. Somehow she had enough sense to hold her head above the water, but even that was hard.
Exilo pushed harder until he was kissing the slimy flesh of her tail hole, sticking his tongue in as far as it would go. He pulled out and took a deep breath, before leaning forward and nosing at her vagina, sniffing the heady scent of her and giving the lips a lick.
"P-please. Exilo, please." She was so close already, and if he kept up the teasing she felt like she was going to pop. It wasn't painful like before, but she was crying. The bulk of his tongue. The warm breath of his exhale. Even his whiskers. His whiskers brushed the inside of her thighs, cutting through the thick fur and tickling her teasingly. Her paws gripped the edge of the tub hard until it hurt. She moaned and yapped, then threw back her head and howled as she released, jerking her hips back and forth.
Exilo gagged as the sudden gush of her pleasure flooded onto his face, filling his nose with her heady scent. He opened his mouth and drank down the sweet fluid lovingly, pulling her harder into his face.
"Ex...i...lo." She felt her tail flop down on his head.
Exilo moved his head to the side, resting his cheek on one of her flank's side. Enough was enough. She had her fun, but his penis was still bobbing out of the water. He was burning and crying and whimpering. He grabbed her by the nape and pushed her down towards his heat.
Pae wasn't ready though. She looked back at him, giving him a coy glance, and pawed at the tub's plug. Pulling it, the water began to slurp out. Pae's tail was still facing Exilo, and her tail moved in a little playful wag. She pressed her snout to his groin, giving a long exhale through her nose. Exilo's burning heat quivered and tensed. Pae took her time, crawling forward and settling at the other end of the tub. As she moved between his legs, the fur on her chest rubbed his tip and sent lighting through his body. When she was finally settled, he lifted his legs and rested them on the rim of the bath, corralling her head between the furry pillars. Pae spent a moment longer just breathing on him, then flicked out her tongue and lapped gently at his shaft with small, quick licks.
Exilo fidgeted around like there were ants in his fur, groaning and huffing loudly at the teasing. Pae quickly changed from quick licks to dragging her tongue hard from tip to base, trails of saliva in its wake. She may have been inexperienced, but she could learn fast. She had to hold her paws on his hips to keep him somewhat still. He seemed intent on making this difficult for her. Exilo reached for her. For a moment, he was so blind with pleasure he was going to stuff her face into his balls or tail hole, but caught himself and instead gave her a reassuring scratch behind the ear.
She gave a muffled growl at the petting, giving one last lick to the underside of his penis, then moved a bit lower, and kissed his scrotum. Like water, he was loose and weak under her tongue's assault. Long growls and heavy breathing escaped him. She used those growls as a guide to where his good spots were. The heat was incredible, the overwhelming scent too. Even after the bath, the scent of male was awe-inspiring. Pae wrapped her lips around his tip and started to lick, enjoying the taste. She kept her paws at his, thumbs rubbing him. Exilo placed a hand at the back of her head and pushed her a tad, trying to get her to swallow more. He was already so close. She had to work fast. She could practically taste his heat, feel the flames being fanned deliciously. Pae took in more, tongue rubbing under his erection, then sliding up and toying at the slit.
She was taken by surprise when the salty taste suddenly exploded into her mouth. She went to work, licking and licking, swallowing the white cream like wine. She kept her lips sealed around his girth so not a drop could escape. After licking his penis clean of the musky fluid, she pulled back, planting one last kiss on his tip and leaning back against the other side of the tub.
Slowly, she placed a paw on his hips, then on his stomach. She crawled up and nearly collapsed on his chest in a loving hug, arms around his middle, ear pressed to his chest and listening to his heart beat as it died down. "I think I love you," she growled gently.
"I know I love you," he said, and ran his tongue up her crown. "Especially when you blow me." | FSE |
Tags: Inflatable Clothing, Female Inflation, floating, latex
Text: I'm rather nervously sitting in the green room. It was a brand new game show being shot, it was called rather ominously "Bounce". I look around and meet eyes with a fellow contestant. She was about 5'11" tall, had enormous boobs, green eyes, and shockingly red hair, not ginger, bright red, she looked about the total opposite of me, I'm 5'4" tall, blonde, and I have a fairly curvy figure, but nothing like hers. She caught me staring and I looked away.
We get a call to go into our dressing rooms, and I wander down the corridor of the studios and find my room. There's a girl in my dressing room, apparently we need help getting dressed.
"You'll need help getting dressed." she smirked at me. She has one of those headsets on so people can bark instructions at you. "Take your clothes off, the suit will cover you up". I go behind the screen and put on the suit that's hanging off the rail. It's weird, feels like rubber. "You'll need to dust it with the talc, it'll help slide it on" the assistant said to me. So I do, I talc it up and put it on. It's quite tight. I push my feet through the legs and pull it up, arms now, and I look over at the zip behind me. So that's why we need an assistant.
"Can you give me a hand now please?" I say. The assistant pops around the screen and zips up the back of my suit. I go and look at myself in the mirror. The suit is all dusty with talc. I turn around to get a good look, and as I do so the assistant starts spraying the suit with something. "This just gives a good shine, for the TV cameras." she smiled. Certainly did give a good shine. I'm clad in rubber, shiny black rubber, it clings to me like a second skin. I turn all the way around, looked over my shoulder into the mirror, and see just at the bottom of the zip a set of small snap-on valve connectors.
"Let's just give it a test" the assistant said, and she snaps a bundle of small hoses to the valves. She's holding a remote. "Test one, not don't be alarmed" she said pressing a button on the remote, and she does my boobs inflate slightly. "OK, test 2" she presses another button and my butt inflates slightly. "Test 3, nearly done" and now my legs inflate slightly. "Test 4, no really we are nearly done" and my top and arms inflate very slightly. "OK no leaks, great. Last one" and she pushes the last button and the whole suit inflates slightly. "All done." I take a quick look in the mirror, I now look like slightly curvier version of myself, glistening in the dim light of the dressing room. She presses another button and I return to normal size. "Diagnostics complete" she says "You're ready, try not to brush against anything on the way to the studio". She disconnects the hoses.
She ushers me to the studio floor, I walk in, there's something that looks like a boxing ring in the middle, bright lights all around and the word "Bounce" overhead in a very bulbous font. Beside the rings are two very large shiny metal tanks bearing the designation "He" and some electronic equipment.
"OK this is rehearsal time, you're up against Diane to start with, get in the ring" the assistant said, she rolls her eyes and barks "I know, I know, as long as it doesn't do it this time..." into her headset and wanders off. I look in the ring, there she was, the redhead from the green room. Great. I climb up into the ring. Another assistant hooks up the electronics and the hose to the back of my suit.
"Testing visuals" says the other assistant, and my suit lights up with several blue dots, about an inch in diameter, one on each boob, one on each thigh, one on my bellybutton, one on each shoulder and I look over my shoulder, one on each butt cheek. Diane has the same, only hers are red.
"The game is simple, tap your opponent on the dots, and that part of them will inflate, making it harder to move, tap them on two dots at the same time, their whole suit will inflate. This is a rehearsal, so we've dialled down the amount of gas... You guys are ready... Go". the assistant explains.
GAS?! What gas. Diane charges towards me and lands a tap on my boobs. There's a whoosh and they blow up about 2 cup sizes. I retaliate and she duck out of the way and taps me on the butt and now whoosh, my butt expands, fantastic. I'm losing already. On the scoreboard it says "2psi vs 0psi". I take my chance and slap her on the leg dot, fwoomp, both her legs expand slightly, she looks comical. "Your legs look fat..." I say... "Yeah, well you've got a big ass" she retorts, slapping me on it again, it inflates more, and yes, looking in the monitor, baby has got back. I growl and grab her boobs, hitting both at once, she looks visibly shocked, as they both inflate two cup sizes and then her suit inflates all over, making her look a bit chubby.
"Who's fat now!" I shout at her. She bounds over to me, seething. Grabs my boobs hard, and twists. "You are..." she scowls, right in my face. "Don't, please, don't twist the suit, you'll break the connection, they're not meant to do..." said the assistant as he looked at the electronics readout. I look down, my boobs are blowing up rather fast, they're approaching the size of a couple of melons. "What have you done?" I say "can you stop it please?" I grab them myself, but that made things worse, now the rest of the suit was inflating. Apparently you're not supposed to grab yourself either.
I huffed and shifted around slightly, there was a sense of pressure building in my suit against my skin. "This is getting uncomfortable now" I gasp, looking at one of the monitors around the ring I see myself, my legs getting thicker, arms now looking comically sausage like and my belly, well that was rapidly expanding past my boobs, which were also inflating. My attention was distracted suddenly by the realisation that my feet were no longer touching the mat in the ring. Diane smirked at me. "This is hilarious" she said. "It's not, I'm turning into a balloon!" I cry as a slowly drift upwards, my suit is becoming a ball now, legs and arms getting shorter, and the boobs squishing up into my chin.
"I'm trying everything I can!" said the panicked assistant. Looking up at me. He looked quite small as I bounced against the "Bounce" sign over the ring. The pressure was immense. I looked at the scoreboard. "120psi vs 6psi". This was just great. I look at the monitor again. I am now a ball with just feet and hands and a head. A big shiny black rubber ball hovering over the ring, now facing upwards thanks to the hose keeping me from drifting any further.
Suddenly the director bursts into the room. "This is great! We'll have to do this in the show. Fantastic, I love it, can we get some more helium! She needs to go bigger! Get her down from there!". They yank on the hose to get me down. Thankfully the assistant guy in charge of the technology had figured out the issue and was able to deflate me, eventually. But I would have to do it all again in an hour.
| bodyinflation |
Title: A Bargain Made: A House Fallen Ch. 04
Tags: mind control, male dominant, male-female sex, medieval fantasy, magic, sorcery, light bondage, straight sex
Awareness came in pieces.
First, there was simply the sense of self. She had emerged from the blackness. Her heart beat strongly in her chest. She was not dead and not in any real discomfort, so she took a moment to relish that and focused on breathing in the damp air, still chilled despite the fact the flicker of torches and lamps teased her eyelids. She could smell the sea, so she knew she was still near where she started on the south side of the city.
Next came the acute awareness of her body as a whole. She was fully nude, her nipples firm in the chill. Her arms were over her head in a 'v,' cuffed to heavy chains that were anchored firmly to the ceiling. She was going nowhere until whoever it was decided to let her go. Then there was the collar around her neck. It felt like a thin metal and fit snugly, but not so that it threatened to impede breathing. The fear of the unknown led her to think of the sensation as fingers at her throat.
Then came memory. She was in the markets in the south quarter of the city shopping for some odds and ends for the house. Good deals could be had and Mistress had an affection for the handmade quilts from the merchants there. The now-captive had arranged for delivery of several and moved on to the rest of her list when someone brushed her. She turned to her left to see one of the urchins that claimed that part of the city. She didn't remember his face specifically, but, to be fair, she hardly looked. He was as unkempt, threadbare, and dirty as too many in the quarter. He'd brushed her hand so quickly and lightly that, if not for where she found herself now, she probably would never have paid it any mind. Not long after that came the blackness.
Feeling stronger and knowing that she had no hope of getting anywhere without knowing her surroundings, she opened her eyes, which was easier than she thought it would be. She'd expected the lids to be somewhat more leaden given how groggy she felt in those first moments.
She looked around the room. It was indeed well lit, showing her the limestone that surrounded her, but sparsely furnished. All that she could see was a table that had her shoes paired next to her clothes that were neatly folded. Sitting on that table with his hands on his knees and a grin on his face was someone she knew of, but little more. {Deres} "Where am I?"
"Where I need you to be," he told her. "I do commend you though, you seem very bright, Cassea. You surveyed yourself and your surroundings before opening your eyes and revealing yourself that way. Many other women would have simply started screaming and so would more men than would dare admit it."
She looked him over. From broad chest to powerful limbs, he didn't need height to be imposing, but he carried it casually even now. She noted that they even looked similar, both with dark hair and blue eyes. At first glance they could be related, but the idea that she could be mistaken for the kin of some wretch from the south quarter was upsetting no end. "What good would screaming do?"
"Absolutely none. You could scream until your voice were gone and you could scream with people right outside the door and no one would hear you at all."
She clearly puzzled over his last words, but said nothing more.
"I commend you too in not being particularly bothered by the nudity and the chaining and all that."
Cassea sounded genuinely indifferent, "It's done. Begging for my clothes would be as foolish and pointless as screaming or begging you to let me go. Since it is done, you may as well tell me what you think."
"You should be proud of every inch, honestly. No one would expect a body so...athletic under those clothes. Lovely thighs, toned belly, and I could probably bounce a coin off that backside. I'm not sure how you run a house and have the time to maintain it."
"Enjoy looking. It'll just be another thing you pay for."
He hopped off the table, standing before her, and sounding almost bored with what was coming, but willing to acquiesce to the demands of the situation. "This is the part where you tell me people will be looking for you. My answer to that is, your shopping errands are being completed while we're here together, and the goods will be delivered. So, to anyone that might want to look for you, it will look like you did your job and then decided to spend the rest of our time together on whatever leisure activities you have, like keeping that body firm, for example."
He gave her an impish grin, "By the time anyone is \*really\* worried enough to start looking for you, there won't be anything to worry about because you'll be back running the house and no one will be the wiser."
She snorted, taking a moment to imagine herself biting through the soft tissue of his throat. "Where you think I'll tell exactly no one of my kidnapping and rape at the hands of General Jaye's pet?"
He put both hands to his heart as though mortally wounded, "I've been called far worse than that, both before I left Erette and since I've returned. You don't even get points for effort. But, to put your mind at ease, no, you won't tell anyone what has happened here. You won't even want to."
She didn't believe it for a second, "Of course I won't," she said as though agreeing with the crazy person with a weapon in order to avoid a fight.
He touched her cheek just so see her reaction and was pleased she didn't flinch. This woman was strong-willed and, in that way, not unlike his beloved Neral. He liked that a lot, not for the least of reasons being that what would happen later would be all the sweeter for it. {All things in their own time}, he thought. "You know who I am?"
She jerked in annoyance, the chains rattling in response, "As if you don't know you have been the talk of the Houses for months." She took on a more formal tone, as a crier might if reading off his accomplishments, "Deres Valtise, pauper and orphan of the south quarter who ran away to find his fortune and his name, returns after a life who-knows-where to tend the sick and wounded. Almost immediately, he weds so far above his class that, if the general had any self-respect, she wouldn't have him lick her boots clean, much less warm her bed."
He smiled, "It has such a nice rhythm and cadence when you say it that way. Do you write poetry?"
That he was seemingly imperturbable made the whole situation that much more difficult, but perhaps something else could reach him, "You've started a war, you know. In taking me for even a minute you've invited my master's House to war with yours. Do you really think you, in your position, a position that entirely depends on \*her\* position, can afford such a thing?"
He sighed at this well-trodden bit. "Let me guess, if I let you go, you will speak to no one of it and it will be as though none of it happened?"
"Pfft...you will pay me well and regularly for my silence because that will be cheaper in treasure and less costly in blood than any conflict and it's certainly less a burden on you than your House's banishment."
He laughed a belly laugh that took his breath away as it echoed through the room, Deres pacing as he worked it out. "Oh, I really do like you, girl. You are where you are and I am where I am and you still have the iron in your spine to think that I'm just going to pay you to let you go."
"What choice do you have?"
"We haven't even started yet, dear." He scratched at his jaw and paced her again, "You know what interests me? We've been here a bit now, you and I. We've sparred and that's been fun, but you wake up here and you see me...and ask where you are, but not why you're here. Why would that be? Would it be that you know why?"
He enjoyed her silence.
"I think you know exactly why. Here's what I know: a war has already started between Houses and it was your master that started it. Prince Kudan of the Kressin is nursing along a centuries old grudge, or maybe he's just looking to cause trouble and take advantage of whatever mayhem ensues. He wants to strike fear into the heart of Erette, but he can't do it all by himself. He needs a guild mage to pull it off and one from closer to Erette is best because the greater the distance from Kudan, the better."
"Who knows how the got into contact? Maybe one of your master's aides likes the courtesans from Kressin and messages passed. Maybe they crossed paths at some ambassadorial function; it doesn't matter. What does matter is that, through links in a chain, Kudan and Vesik join forces and it's Vesik that contacts the guild first, though at least one soul from Kressin met with the guild because he is who the mage dealt with. In the end though, Kudan gets his revenge, and Vesik maybe, just maybe, ascends to the throne of Erette. Even if he doesn't, the House of Jaye is gone and he is a \*lot\* more powerful."
"In order to make all this work though, money goes back and forth and, at one point, on a gray beach on a cloudy day, because Kudan just has to see where his money goes, he spies you picking up the gold."
Cassea was good. Had her eyes not bulged ever so slightly at being caught out personally, her face would have betrayed nothing at all.
"But you did run gold at least once for a failed plot against arguably your entire kingdom and certainly my House. So, when you wake up here, you don't have to ask why."
Her jaw tightened as she studied him, trying by force of will to determine how much he could prove simply by studying his face, "\*If\* such a thing were true, what could I tell you that you don't already know?"
"You're going to confirm it and you're going to tell me how involved the family you serve really was."
"Am I?"
"Then you're going to help with a plan of mine."
She nodded, "Of course I will, just as soon as I can flap my arms and fly away from here." Cassea worked her jaw back and forth for a moment before spitting in his face. "Rape, torture, or kill me, but, if you're going to rape me, I'd prefer you killed me first. I'd rather not live with being mounted by a creature from the dregs. But, whatever it is, get on with it."
He wiped the saliva from his face with his sleeve without missing a beat. "That sounds fine to me." He touched his forefinger against the collar, triggering a flash of electric heat that flowed through Cassea, from head to toe and back again before dissipating entirely.
She looked around in wonder as the feeling took her and when it was gone she actually seemed pleased. "Ohhhhh, you are going to burn, mage. When this is over, I am going to scream 'forbidden magics' to the heavens and you will burn for it, and I'll throw wood onto the pile and laugh."
He shrugged. "After we're done, you'll be able to tell anyone anything you want. But, first, what's your name?"
She was taken aback by the seeming non-sequitur. "What?"
"I know your name. You know I know your name, so why don't you just tell me?"
"Fuck you."
"Perhaps later. What's your name?"
Her voice dripped with contempt, "Is that why I'm here? You need a real woman? You must know we all talk about her. That's a cold bitch, that Neral Jaye. How long can you fuck her without the frostbite setting in? The poor guttersnipe has to fuck that frozen cunt to have a warm bed. Is that all you do, Deres? Does she have you sucking cocks while she watches just to amuse her? How many get you a hot meal?"
He brushed her cheek and watched with satisfaction as she flinched and turned her head away. The veneer was slipping. He knew that look. It was the same look that so many of the upper classes gave him in streets as a boy when he would beg for money to eat. Many wouldn't even look at him as they tossed coins, quick to be away from them while still being able to tell themselves they were kind to the poor child. Later, that revulsion was useful for picking their pockets. How to reach her was in her flinch and in her words. She projected her own fear and revulsion onto others in the guise of insult as so many did.
He moved behind her, kissing up her shoulders, licking ahead with the tip of his tongue before planting another. "Maybe we should fuck. Do you know how many upper-class souls come here to play? Have you ever tried?"
"I'd have myself sewn shut first."
He touched her back and all her muscles tightened in response as she tried to worm away. "They come to us because we're more animal than they will ever be with their having to measure each step they take by what other people will see. Sex is an animal act, and they come to the animals that know how to fuck. Maybe I should start a line of men to take you before you go." He touched her firm ass and squeezed as he kissed, moving to her left shoulder, "You'd love it. In twenty minutes you'd be screaming for more.
"We're potent, too. You would end up bred by some merchant sailor, or blacksmith, or carpenter. That perfect body will be ruined, but when you think of it, how much heat will be mixed in with the shame; house mistress of House Vesik bred by some southerner with dirt under his nails and a throbbing animal cock."
Deres rested his chin on her shoulder as he forced his hand between her legs, "Do you hate me, Cassea?"
"Of course I haaaaaaaaaa..."
The world dissolved for her as she convulsed as an unstoppable wave of pleasure burst from the center of her being, wracked her body, and showered his hand and her thighs in her juices. The heat would ebb for a moment and then explode through her once again, pulling another scream from her lungs. When it faded finally, the stars left Cassea's vision as she struggled to pick her head up from its resting place, her chin on her chest. Words hurt as they departed her near raw throat, "What did you...do to me?"
Her head finally steadied on her neck as he came to face her again, looking the picture of innocence. "I did nothing, Cassea. You did that to you. That was your reward. I asked you a question, you answered honestly, and that was your reward."
His fingertips began running trails over her belly. "I am a man that likes to offer choices whenever possible, so, you can answer and reward yourself or not. Now, I suppose you're thinking that all you have to do keep your mouth shut and hold out until someone comes looking for you. That's actually true, I suppose." He stepped back, examining something that only he could see.
Cassea opened her mouth to respond, closing it almost at once. {I won't give him the satisfaction. I'll hang here until the sun goes cold, but I won't betray my master and my House.}
"It would be so boring to talk to myself though, so, what's your name?"
Her jaw set and she was was determined to say nothing, and, for several seconds she was successful. Then, the room started to orbit her, faster and faster until she had to shut her eyes to get even a slight reprieve from the bodily turmoil caused by the motion. Her stomach turned and twisted in her body making her heave. She opened her mouth to vomit, but nothing would come out. Time dragged for her as the sickness took her, certain she would die, and part of her hoping she might.
"Forget I asked."
In less than the space of a breath, the room rooted itself to the ground again and the retching nausea passed as though it had never been. She still stared at him as before, trying to will him dead, but there was fear as well.
"Don't worry," he assured her. "You won't die. It'll feel that way, no matter how much worse it gets, but you won't die and nothing will be permanent. All you have to do is hold out for as long as I can afford to keep you. Truthfully, if you can, you will deserve your freedom."
{Worse? In the name of the Goddess, how could that get worse?} She looked at him, not wanting to look pleading, but she knew what was coming and dreaded it.
"What's your name?"
She swallowed hard, closed her eyes and waited. Seconds passed and the nauseating merry-go-round began once again. Her stomach muscles clenched as she gasped and heaved. She heard the question again and the spinning seemed to increase. She tried staying as still as possible for, if she moved, the air around her cut through the cold sweat like blades of ice. {Shut up. Goddess, shut up.} His voice, even at a whisper, thundered through her ears.
She didn't know how much time had passed. In one sense she was so focused on enduring that she didn't notice while, on another level she was keenly aware of it dragging forward at a snail's pace. For her it was just another symptom of the near painful disorientation. She was so disconnected in fact, that she was barely aware that with one of her heaving breaths, "Cassea Voss," escaped her lips.
Like a candle snuffed, she was taken from the pits of misery to heights of ecstasy. The illness now simply gone, she gave herself to the joy in her body that every nerve sang its own song of. When she came back to the now, he watched her with satisfaction while she looked at him with burning hatred, hatred for what he was, hatred that the Goddess could grant power like he had to one so lowly, hatred for the fact that someone like him now had any status in the world at all, even if he did only get it by marrying beyond his station.
And hatred for herself most of all because, in the pit of her soul, she knew he had already won, and she knew he could see it.
He closed in upon her and another wave of shame swept her because she didn't recoil. Her body registered him as responsible for pleasure enough to drive her insane and her legs parted for his fingers on their own, happily betraying her. He deftly rolled his fingers over her clit in nearly the same way she did when she loved herself in the dark. Her pussy was drenched in her own cream and she held her breath to feel it before releasing slowly.
"What's your name?"
She mustered what she had left to fight with, resisting the next wave of sick, but, added to it now was this spot of pleasure between her legs that was imprisoned by the nausea and general ill. It teased and promised and pushed against an intangible barrier she knew was untouchable while she resisted. She looked down to see his hand there, moving in hypnotic circles. Time lost meaning again, but she somehow knew far less had gone by than last time. "My name is Cassea Voss."
She threw her head back, spread her legs and let the dam crumble. She started up at the ceiling thinking how beautiful the stone work was. Everything was beautiful.
He watched her ride it out, slowing his ministrations, savoring the look on her face. She really was stunning, and, even now, so spirited. "Every time you speak the truth, your reward will feel just this good. You won't tire or dry." The last word came with a wicked smile.
She took a deep, resigned breath. "I still hate you."
"You hate me and yet you're mine and you know it. Doesn't hating me make it better though?"
"Yes." She humped against his fingers like a street whore and surrendered yet again. When she came back this time, a giddy laugh came with awareness.
"Good girl, Cassea." His tone dripped condescension and dominance. Ordinarily that tone from anyone but her employers would have gotten them a mouth full of shattered teeth, but she couldn't muster much beyond annoyance.
"Are you ready to tell me what I want to know?"
There was horror at the betrayal of herself and her House. There was hatred of him and the way in which he had torn her asunder. There was the feeling of heady anticipation between her legs that came with her response, "Yes."
The happy stars appeared in her eyes again and never left as she answered question after question, telling him how Lord Vesik had done all he could to carry the plot forward with the help of Cassea and his daughter Sere. She told him how Lady Vesik had spoken against it over and over, fearing the reprisals that could come both with it's success and failure, but, ultimately had not intervened to stop it. She told him all he asked, and offered more just to get him to perhaps ask more questions.
After what seemed like an eternity in orgasm she found that hearing, "Good girl" did not annoy so much as remind her of her distaste for him, which aroused her like little else ever had. She looked upon him as he came towards her. *When had he stripped? Was his chest always so muscular? Those arms look so...powerful, too.* Her eyes drifted down to his hard, twitching cock. {Goddess, if that was all he ever had as a man to offer his woman it's enough.}
He grabbed her ass as she hung there, but she didn't flinch. He'd told the truth. She was sweaty and disheveled, but she felt energized and still as though she could take that train of peasants inside her, and part of her wanted to.
"Our business is concluded, so I think we should have some fun together." His voice firm and seductive, promising her even greater passion. "Have you ever tried one of us...guttersnipes, was it?"
"No." She waited, but nothing happened. She wailed plaintively, asking what had happened to her reward without saying a word.
"Shhhh, Cassea. Your rewards will come back soon, but only if you continue to answer me honestly. Do you understand me?"
"Yes, Deres." The whimper in her voice wounding her soul.
He kissed her chin as he squeezed that ass, so firm, even it resisted him, "You know noblewomen come to us. You know noblemen line up to grab the ankles of and wishbone the women of the this quarter. "Have you ever wanted to try?"
There was shred enough of her left to feel shame for a fleeting moment. "Yes. Your kind down here...breeding with no care."
"Like animals?"
"Yessss...it's disgusting."
He bit her neck and she whimpered and leaned into it, "But that makes you wet."
"Is there talk about whether or not I please my mate?"
"The workers mutter. We notice that she smiles more."
He slapped her breast hard enough to leave a mark and she grunted. "You know we're going to fuck now? You know I'm going to fuck you like the animal you think I am. You know I'm going show you the animal that you are." He kissed her lips and her tongue snaked in on its own. He pulled away and her lips chased him, "Though three hours of you screaming like a slut while you begged me to ask you questions should have told you enough about who you really are."
"I had no choice."
"You chose to stop resisting, that was choice enough. Do you still hate me?"
"More than before." They kissed again.
"But I won't be raping you, will I?"
He commanded her, his voice as fierce as any noble to their servant. "Show me."
Without hesitation she lifted herself on the chains and locked her ankles around his waist. He nestled closer to her, reaching down to guide the tip of his cock to her wet folds, pleased to find her cunt drooling on his cock. He held her effortlessly so that, to her, she seemed to float, "You may give me one command. That command will reward you, no matter what it is. Since I have what I need, you can even order me to let you go and I will. Command me, Cassea Voss."
She swallowed hard, her aches overriding her shame. She could tell him to go and it would be over, but she shivered, craving that mind-melting reward. She let her body scream at her mind just to build the sensation of impending surrender before she finally uttered the words that were really her only choice, "Fuck me, animal. Fuck me hard. Fuck me without mercy like you must fuck her."
She smiled a slightly crazy smile as she howled as another of the countless orgasms took her. Her pussy clamped down on his cock as if to strangle it as it drove up and up through her seeming not to stop until it reached her mind.
And, when his cock started to fuck it, she found she had room in it for nothing else.
Cassea touched her neck for what seemed like the hundredth time to find the collar still gone. On the outside, she looked none the worse for wear. She'd been able to clean herself and put herself back in an outwardly presentable position. Inside was another matter. Inside she felt hollowed out to her core. She'd betrayed herself and her House, not to mention given in to the most vile, debasing sex she could have imagined with a man she despised on a dozen levels.
All of that was nothing compared to the fact that she remembered every delicious surrender.
He sat behind the table with a satisfied look on his face. {Why shouldn't he? If I had so bested him I'd be planning a party.} It took all she had to keep looking him in the eye, but she would not let him cow her so completely that she couldn't.
He spoke to her, his voice firm, but seemingly not without sympathy, "Bring me an item that belongs to each of them. It doesn't matter what beyond the fact that it must be something that you \*know\* they will wear to the spring celebration at Court. You tend to that just as Tessa does for our House, yes?"
Her voice was barely audible. "Yes."
He leaned forward, clasping his hands, "Bring me what I need and I'll make as much of it go away as you want. That empty feeling you have will grow over time like the sick before, though not as quickly and you should be able to conceal it. I'm the only one that can remove it, and I can't exactly do that if I burn, can I?"
"I understand." The bitterness dripped from her words. "You'll have them as soon as I can get them to you." She paused, trying to grasp the enormity of what had happened, "I betrayed my House...and I'm going to do it again."
He leaned back, surveying her."Don't expect all that much sympathy from me. You and yours started this, we're going to finish it."
Words were on the tip of her tongue, but she grabbed the door and left before releasing them.
A week had passed and Deres kept to his normal routine of throwing hours into his healing practice, mostly helping the upper classes before going to the poorer parts of the city. They all, regardless of where they came from, needed his help, but without him reaching out to those most in need, they could never afford the services of a healing mage. That's where he knew he was doing the most good.
It was in his clinic in the upper quarter at closing where Cassea came to him. She came through the front door, having made an appointment, and no one looking at her would have questioned the need for one. From the dark circles beneath her eyes to the fact that she hid her hands whenever possible so she didn't have to see them shake she looked ill indeed. Even so, the rest of her appearance was as immaculate as would be expected from the house mistress of a noble.
Deres found even more respect for her as he was certain she was not the type of woman to have asked for help in that regard, so, despite everything, she'd maintained herself and likely her House, too. Anger and fatigue both reflected in her eyes as she stood opposite him with a small table between them in one of the examination rooms. She reached into her tan cloak and pulled out a black, drawstring pouch, placing it on the table while keeping it in her hand.
"I assume this is what I asked you for?"
She nodded, her voice quiet as though she weighed each word as a separate betrayal. "Brooch, ring, and a necklace; always worn at official functions, ignored otherwise. They'll ask for them just to see them and make sure they're properly cleaned soon, so you cannot have them for more than a day or two."
"I only need them for a few seconds. The spells are already set and stored."
Ordinarily she might have asked what it all meant, but it hardly mattered. When he reached for them she tightened her grip and pulled them to her while still leaving them on the table, her eyes burning fiercely like a wild dog trying to warn others away from its food. "First things first, mage."
He gave his head a small shake, "After I'm finished, then I'll clear your spell." Even as he spoke, she removed the braided silver and gold necklace she wore and tossed it harshly, it clinking on the table in front of him.
"I don't need that," he told her.
Her blue eyes suggested she could either scream in rage or burst into tears. "I cannot sleep. I can barely eat. I feel...empty. I feel like I will never feel joy again. All I do is go back to the memories of that day."
His voice hardened just a bit. He knew she was fragile and understood why, but his own ends were clear. "And I'll make that end, but not until I get what I need."
"I despise you," she spat.
He sighed. "We've covered that."
Her eyes narrowed, "Are you really so obtuse, pauper? This isn't just a game to make me squirm so you can savor it?"
"Perhaps I am, but I genuinely don't know what in the depths you're asking me for."
She picked up her necklace and clenched it in her hand, adrenalin giving her a respite from the quavering muscles. "I hate you with all that I am and I hate what you did to me even more." She threw the necklace to her chest as hard as she could in a barely contained rage, "But I want the collar. I \*need\* it.
He tried to be civil and understand and he honestly tried not to enjoy it. Even so, a small smile escaped him.
Her spine straightened and she stood proud. "Gloat if you wish." Her voice wavered as she touched the truth again, "I can barely function in the world. I'm already a shell that looks like a person, mage. It walks and talks and does its duties, but it's a shell. The only relief I get comes from...touching myself thinking of myself chained, aching for your next question." Her eyes were distant for a moment, "And even that feeling, so powerful that it paralyzes everything but my fingers, is a pale shadow of what was."
She looked down at the floor for a moment, "I...cannot go back to a life where that was nothing but a memory. Endless pleasure and all I had to do was be controlled in a way I couldn't stop no matter how hard I fought. To never touch that again..." The thought chilled her.
He thought about her words. She had a hand in what was done, but, on one level, she was only serving her House. He knew Tessa would have done no less. "I could and I will take the memory of it from you wish. I have what I need from you. In a few moments you'll be on the street heading home after having the jewelry cleaned. You'll place them back as you always would, without a second thought, and that will be that."
"Mercy?" She almost looked amused by the idea. "Stop, or I may actually want to thank you for something. I've thought of that, mage, but having the memory of such feelings taken away is, in its own way, worse than knowing you will never have them again." She gripped the pouch again, "Collar me. Make me feel what I felt before and you can have what you want."
The necklace was a pile of coiled metal in his hand before he closed it, "That was a means to an end. If I give you what you want permanently, you would have to be bound to me."
"Mistress? Secret whore? I've thought of that, too, Deres. I...accept any terms you offer. I've sacrificed my House to whatever you plan. I knew that, one way or another, I was forfeit as well the moment I left the grounds to come here. Do as you must so long as the feeling of that day never dies inside me."
Cassea tossed the pouch to him casually.
He looked to see that what was promised was there. Once done, he eyed her curiously, "What keeps me from sending you away as though you had these cleaned as I offered before?"
Some of her old confidence returned, "Because you've fucked and been fucked by this body and it offers you its slavery; there's no way you don't take it."
He laughed and shook his head, "I do like you." He paused, wanting her to hear and feel the truth of what was coming, "Know that I will treat you well."
She shrugged, "Since I'm not sure I will care either way after what is done is done... Tell me one thing though: did you enthrall the general in the same fashion?"
He shook his head. "She'd already agreed to marry me in exchange for my help in unraveling the plot. She chose a love spell to help make her life pass more pleasantly, and because she touched some of the feelings that you did, though not by my hand."
He thought of her and contentment was simply there, "She also knew before she chose that I love her." He focused on the now. "She is still completely herself though. You will be something slightly less."
She nodded, flashing a sardonic grin, "I don't wonder why she smiles more. So she will not care that you have collared me?"
"Not at all."
Cassea dismissed anything further. "No matter, do what you will."
The family trinkets were easily disposed of. Laying them out on the table, he pulled out from his own pocket, one at a time, slips of glass two inches long and about the width of two fingers. Inside, green and red gasses mingled together. Cassea watched as he placed one in his palm and then over each item. A second later the glass broke and the gasses infused themselves in the metal until there was no trace to be found. He hadn't lied when he said it would only take a moment.
"Yours will take time," he said, focusing his concentration on the necklace she'd offered, "as I have to start yours from scratch. Be quiet, please."
She took a seat from near the door and put it before the table before using it to watch as he created the tool of her enslavement. She watched as light seemed to simply appear from the space between his hand and the necklace and how the metal would move in response to it, sometimes seeming to almost liquify and re-solidify before her eyes as Deres watched the process intently. She saw the light reflecting in his eyes for a long time before she realized some of it was actually emanating from them instead.
With nothing to do but wait, the nervousness returned and she rubbed her hands together to calm them. The hollowness returned as well. Rocking slowly seemed to help, but she'd freeze every time the floor decided to creak, fearing that would disrupt his work, though he didn't seem to notice.
Cassea sat there for over an hour before the light faded from his hands and he took a deep, cleansing breath and a moment to stretch stiff muscles. She looked up anxiously, "Is it done?"
She reached for it and he placed his hand over it. "I like you, Cassea so I did not wish to change much. You will be mostly who you have been, but you will also be mine. Once you put it on, it doesn't matter if you take it off."
She snatched it from under his hand and clasped it around her neck. The metal felt different somehow; heavier and warm to the touch. It felt like a lover's caress around her neck. Seconds ticked by but she felt nothing else. Panic set in and she pressed it into her flesh with both hands, "It's not working. The spell is wrong. Fix it! You have to fix it!"
Her eyes were saucer wide as she watched him casually take a chair. "Please fix it. Please. I need what it was before. Deres, please." Her tone as she repeated herself alternated from commanding to abject begging.
He sat down, leaned forward, and clasped her trembling hands, "Tell me, Cassea Voss, do you still hate me?"
She squeaked and her eyes fluttered shut. There it was. It was like standing in a tank that was slowly flooded with water. That was what the warmth felt like as it bubbled upward from her toes and up through her legs. When that heat hit her clit she jerked and froze, her mouth hanging slack. Up it flowed, and when it met her breasts, her nipples hardened to points. When it flowed through her heart, she began to weep. It was different, yet the satisfaction was the same as what she felt that day in the dungeon. When the heat engulfed her mind, she welcomed it and happily drowned in the sea that had claimed her.
She opened her eyes, tears still wet on her cheeks. "More than ever." She felt energized and alive in a way she never had before save that day, but she knew now that it would always be a part of her, the fatigue and emptiness gone.
The answer pleased him. "To whom do you belong?"
"I belong to you, even though you disgust me." Both parts of that answer fired her heart and her body, the loathing of him making even the thought of riding his cock or obeying his whim that much more profane and thrilling.
"Good girl." He relished the flush in her cheeks, "Your master's House will be diminished if not gone soon, are you all right with that?"
She searched herself; the answering pleased him and contented her, as it kept her on her back, floating in that ocean of control and submission, "No, but..."
"I don't want to prevent it. I want to help you make it happen...because it would please you and I belong to you." {Goddess, the thrill of sacrificing my loyalties and people that I care for to my Master.}
"With your House not being what it was soon, I find that I would be in need of an assistant, someone to aid me here, when I may need to travel and, certainly at Court. You'll help me?"
"You do seem helpless at Court and I suppose it's in my interest to help you." Instead of wanting to entirely rip the smile from his face, it truly pleased her. That the two feelings co-existed was curious to her. "Once my House ceases to be what it was, I will be able to come to you without suspicion."
"I may have you taste Neral," he teased, "just so you know how frigid she is not. I know that you'll resist that."
"But I will break." Knowing that was like the long draw of a tongue along her clit.
"And you will ride a guttersnipe's cock frequently."
She finished the thought, her eyes twinkling in anticipation. "Hating every moment of it and you even as I cum so hard the world closes in."
He eyed her with lust and her skin tingled more than it crawled, "I may well ruin the firmness of that belly one day."
She bit her lip, feeling the submission and luxuriating in it, "It's yours to ruin."
He sent her away thinking of what was to come. Revenge was indeed at hand for those who threatened Neral and that pleased him. In his more immediate future though, was the return home. He would, of course, tell Neral of today and, she would, of course, not be bothered by the turn of events. Bryana, on the other hand, would likely roll her eyes and never let him hear the end of it.
That, in its own way, pleased him as well.
To Be Continued... | literotica |
Title: A Girl named Lassy Ch. 4 by Arghos
Tags: Beach, Collie, Human, M/F
Finally get to the good stuff in the last chapter. This one should be even hotter, becase who wouldnt want to make love to a beautiful, artistic, musician? Anyway whose ready for some fun in the sun?
Alex stirred as his arm wrapped around the back of the couch, his mind still fuzzy about the nights escapades. He leaned up sluggishly as his nose picked up the intoxicating aroma of bacon and eggs. He shifted to his side and saw Lassys' discarded bathrobe, still in the same place as she threw it when they made love. He stood up and wrapped his own bathrobe around his waist, walking towards the scent of food. He walked into the kitchen and smiled as he gazed at Lassy, leaning over the stove wearing nothing but an apron and panties. she turned around and looked him over, a frying pan of bacon in hand. she smiled sweetly as she set it on the table and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"I see your finally up." she whispered as she laid two plates on the table and wiped her hands off with a rag.
"And still unable to believe what happened last night." He yelled from the dining room as he found his pants dry and pressed hanging on the chair.
"Believe me, the feeling is mutual."
He stopped as she sat at the table, gingerly cutting her bacon apart with her fork. He sat next to her and pulled the bacon apart, devouring the delicious, succulent meat.
"You're Lassy Gold. The best soft rock singer in the states." He said as he polished off his plate. He didn't know if bringing it up was such a good idea.
She looked at him over her coffee and nodded.
"And you're Alexander Hawk, a perfectly normal, sweet man that enjoys reading, dancing..." She began with a spark in her eyes.
"And one hell of a generous lover."
Alex smiled and fiddled with his eggs with a fork, it was strange for him, talking to this woman he had hardly known like a long lost friend. He looked at the clock and quickly stood, noticing that it was 1:00 PM. He had slept through the most part of the day, but for some reason he couldn't care less.
"I guess I should be going..." He said half-heartedly, he didn't want to leave.
"Oh? I was hoping you'd like to hit the beach today." She sighed.
Alex smiled and pointed at himself, pointing out that he hadn't any other clothes to wear. He started to wonder what she would look like in a bathing suit, and the thought of leaving slowly faded.
"I unfortunately don't own a bathing suit."
Lassy coked her head to the side and looked him over, smiling as she undid the apron and let it fall to the floor. She walked up to him and pressed herself against him, placing a hand against his face as she looked longingly in his eyes.
"Well then we can get you one. I have a new bathing suit I think you'll really like." She whispered as she walked to her bedroom with a hypnotizing swing of her hips and tail.
She closed the door and Alex leaned against it, listening to her soft, melodic humming. He didn't have anything to do thankfully, and just the thought of being around her was enough to make him not care. He heard her claws drag across the door as the doorknob slowly turned, and the door opened even slower.
Alex couldn't help himself as he whistled at Lassy, now sporting a green biking and sarong wrapped around her hips. She looked over her sunglasses and winked at him, spinning around for him to look.
"I think we should stay inside." He joked.
She licked her lips and placed her hand on her hip, leaning slightly to the side and laughed.
"Now there's an idea."
Alex walked with her outside the apartment and smiled as they rode the elevator down. Alex couldn't help but grin as the people pointed and whispered. Lassy enjoyed it as well, even going as far as to stop multiple times to answer questions and get her picture taken with Alex. As they walked towards the mall, Alex heard a gasp of astonishment behind him and he turned around only to be confronted with an old acquaintance.
"Alex?" Asked a brunette curvaceous woman behind him.
Alex looked at the woman and wished to god he hadn't ran into her.
"Hello Miranda..."
Lassy looked at Miranda and smiled, extending her hand only to have Miranda stare at her coldly.
"Who's this Alex?" Miranda asked cooly.
"This... This is La-" I began.
"Lassy Gold, Alex's Girlfriend." Lassy stated plainly as she grabbed Miranda's hand and shook forcefully.
Miranda's eyes widened and a tall man with greasy black and a wife beater placed his arm around her and smiled at Alex.
"Finally got over Miranda?" The man scoffed as he looked Lassy over.
"Afternoon Tiell." Alex muttered.
"And you had to get with a dog to do it?" Tiell laughed.
Lassy stepped back and clenched her fists, apparently offended by the comment. Alex stepped forward and slugged Tiell in the face, knocking him to the ground with a satisfying crunch. Miranda looked at Tiell and back to Alex before raising her fist to him.
"You little shit! How dare you-" she yelled before having Alex glare at her.
"Shut your whore mouth."
She looked at him with a shocked expression as he wrapped an arm around Lassys' waist and walked away. Lassy looked at him with a smiled as she pressed herself against him.
"I want to rip your clothes off and do it right here." She said with a growl.
Alex smiled and just continued to walk, stopping shortly to walk into a store and walk out wearing a un-buttoned polo and brown swim trunks, posing for Lassy as she clapped her hands and whistled.
"You know, I find it offensive when people are stereotypical of my kind, but woof."
Alex looked at his watch and smiled.
"I also picked up a lighter fuel and coal, we can sit fireside on the beach and watch the sunset."
Lassy sighed and held his arm, burying her head in his shoulder.
"You are so romantic, I love that."
They walked down the pier and picked up some ice-cream, and then down onto the warm sand by the cliffs. Lassy pointed to a thin cave opening where they squeezed through, entering a lush, green forested path.
"Secret place, when I first joined the band, we went here all the time." Lassy said as she licked her vanilla cone.
They wandered down the path and entered a sandy patch of beach guarded on both sides by steep, high cliff faces. Alex wandered the beach and found a good spot to build a fire, while Lassy laid out the towels. The fire kicked in as the two sat side by side on the beach. Lassy laid on the towel face down and unsnapped her bikini and looked over her shoulder at Alex.
"You mind?"
Alex wasn't sure what she wanted. He couldn't rub sunscreen on her fur, and the sun was setting.
"Massage?" She asked expectantly.
Alex smiled and leaned over her, kneading her shoulder and running his hands across her back. She sighed as she rested her head on her arms, engulfed in the pleasure of the massage. She grunted and looked back at Alex, flipping over and placing her hands behind her head.
"Now the front." She moaned.
He placed his hands on her hips, rubbing her sides and moved to her stomach, tentatively massaging her flat stomach and slowly moving up her flat, toned abs. She bit her lower lip as she writhed in pleasure. He moved down and started to kiss her neck, all the while massaging her all over.
"If you keep on doing this..." Lassy moaned.
"Were gonna miss the sunset."
Alex grinned and removed his shirt, laying on top of her and running his hand through her hair.
"Would that be so bad?" He whispered into her ear.
She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him, her chest pressing tightly against him.
"Nothing is bad when I'm in your arms"
She pushed him back and slid her thong off, sitting on top of him as she pushed her hair back.
"This time, I'm on top."
"No argument here." Alex stated as she removed his trunks.
She massaged his cock with one hand and played with herself with the other, tossing her head back with a grin. She stared at Alex and cocked her head to the side, slowing her grasp and feeling his member.
"Is it just me, or did you get... Bigger?"
"Why don't we find out?"
She lowered her hips and gasped as he began to enter her, the tightness becoming apparent as he grinned widely. She began to lower her hips faster as the sunset turned to night. As she continued her steady rhythm, Alex felt as if he had died and gone to heave, her heavy breathing like music to his ears.
She lowered her mouth to his and gave him a peck before kissing down his neck and planting softer pecks along his chest. The kisses left marks of lingering pleasure that built up slowly, and he felt like he was about to reach the climax when she slid out of him.
"No, don't stop." He began.
She lowered her head to his wet member and began a slow lick, then brought her hand up and began to fondle his balls. The shift was killing him, he didn't know when he was going to lose it all.
"How about something new?" she said as she positioned her breasts between his thighs.
"Ever done this before." Alex grunted as she gripped his shaft and moved up and down.
Her steady pace slowly got quicker as her tongue slid out and massaged his member.
"Lassy! I can't hold on!" He yelled as his legs stiffened up.
"Just let it come, I want it." She moaned.
Alex cried out as he felt his entire body shook and his hips spasmed, shooting his load into the expectant mouth of Lassy. She breathed heavily as she licked her lips, a smile spreading across her face.
"That was amazing." Alex sighed.
"I think we should spend a couple hours here, listen to the waves, maybe sleep here." She sighed as she cuddled next to him.
"I was thinking Alex, maybe you want to visit the studio with me tomorrow, I know the others would love to meet you."
Alex smiled, that sounded great. | FSE |
Title: Hotel
Tags: female audio, female voice, female masturbation, female masturbation audio, female orgasm, female orgasm audio, phone sex, hotel
Alone in a hotel room. I call an old fling. Hope you answer. | literotica |
Title: Down at the Twist and Shout Ch. 04
Tags: brother, sister, incest, anal, sniper, mélette & odélie, twins
*My thanks once again to my editor and mentor GrandTeton for his patience and calm determination to teach me the error of my ways; that this story still makes sense at all is due mainly to him and his own highly developed narrative skills. All characters portrayed herein are over 18 years of age.
If you liked the story, please vote or comment if you feel moved to do so, and if you didn't like it, please tell me why.
This is not a depiction of the real world, it's my story universe, so the characters do or say things differently from how you think they would in the real world, please remember that this is just a story; it's just fun, something I hope will help you while away a quiet hour or so. I hope you enjoy sharing my world with me.
Justine fanned herself languidly, ineffectively, as the temperature in the cab of the old blue Blazer rose steadily, even with the windows down. Their pace through the maze of tracks and dirt roads was of necessity slow, due in part to the large amount of log debris left over from Katrina, added to by Sandy, Harvey, and subsequent, less destructive, but still bothersome flooding.
Most of it was heaped by the roadside in bleached mounds, but the occasional trunk still buried in the muddy, little-used tracks by the storms' fury was enough to make Johnny mindful of his Blazer's suspension. That, and the narrow roads and sharp, unexpected turns and turn-offs that could fool even the best driver, and Johnny was still the best, at least here where he knew every twist and turn.
"How much further, Johnny-Bear?" she asked, "I'm just about melting here. What's the temperature out there, baby?"
Johnny looked at the almost-reliable binnacle-mounted air temperature gauge and grinned.
"This thing says 80 degrees, but I'd say it got to be closer 95 degrees out there; we in the swamp country now, Minou, it get real hot an' humid out here this time o' year, sometimes up high as hundred degrees in the shade. Jes' think cool thoughts, Minou, we be at Lubin's place afore long, he got real icy aircon there, even got backup generator jes' fo' th' aircon fo' when they get browned-out."
Justine slumped back in her seat, wriggling her shoulders uncomfortably at the feel of her sweat-damp T-shirt clammy and sticky against her back, but still managing to grin at her Johnny-Bear's exaggerated, bayou-boy accent.
"Just make it soon, please, otherwise you're gonna have to scrape me off this seat with a squeegee!"
Johnny laughed out loud even as he patted her thigh (her long, smooth, firm, round thigh, noted another part of his brain entirely...)
"Don' you worry Minou, we make bayou-folks outta you real soon; jes' remember, it get down to 'bout forty degrees hereabouts come winter; you be rememberin' this heat real nostalgic-like roun' 'bout then!"
Justine grinned and fanned herself some more, resigning herself to more of this wretched heat and humidity. Johnny never seemed to think in term of hours and minutes, especially when she tried to get a guesstimate of their arrival time out of him; his standard response always seemed to be 'time be time, li'l gal; we come there when we come there, don'cha-all fret now!"
The drive through endless canebrakes and barely visible tracks, lined with huge, tangled honeysuckle bushes, their sweet, heady fragrance heavy in the hot, still air lulled her somewhat, but when they passed through a large stand of Live Oaks, she thought she could hear another engine, one with a different, harsher note than the Blazer's, echoing behind them through the long, winding ranks of hardwoods. She looked inquiringly at Johnny, but he seemed oblivious, his brow wrinkled in concentration as the Blazer bucked and bounced along the uneven surface.
"Johnny, there's someone behind us!" she hissed, memories of the three armed men in New Iberia crowding in on her, but Johnny merely nodded.
"Likely so, Minou; this ain't no private road or nuthin'; prolly local folks, an' nuthin' to do with us, mos' likely 'shiners; pay no mind to them an' they do likewise; lotsa folks down thisaway got trucks an' this a useful way to 'void the ATF."
Justine fretted nervously anyway; after almost running into the people looking for them she was understandably jumpy, so kept an eye behind them, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever was back there. The more she listened, the more certain she was that there was another truck coming up behind them, and not making any attempt at concealment, either; whoever it was, they were gunning the motor, almost like they were trying to catch up.
As she strained to see anything in the light flickering between the trees, suddenly there it was: a flash of dark orange, no more than a glimpse, but it was out of place against the lush greenery and vivid pink slashes of the bunched honeysuckle blossoms. The flash was enough to confirm that there really was someone behind them, and trying hard to catch up. She looked worriedly at Johnny, but he still seemed completely unconcerned.
"Johnny..." she murmured worriedly, but he just shook his head.
"Don' worry none, Minou; we almost there, jes' take it easy; I swear, ain't no reason to worry; you see me frettin'? Relax, Angel-May, t'ain't nuthin' to worry 'bout!"
The track eventually widened out into a dusty rural road, then met a single lane blacktop. Justine gasped at the view: endless marshy flats, as far as the eye could see, the myriad pools and sloughs shimmering in the sun as light breezes ruffled their surfaces, reflecting imperfectly the cloudless blue above them, like abstract mirrors in the endless flat greenery of the marshes.
Johnny pulled over to the side and rested his crossed arms on the wheel. His eyes were distant, far away, his whole posture one of almost complete relaxation. Justine leaned over to check him out, and he smiled at her, a small, almost wistful smile, like he was recalling something from long ago and far away.
"Johnny..." she murmured once again, twisting around to scan their back-trail, searching for another glimpse of the vehicle following them, one that she could hear clearly now, but he didn't move, just gazed at the miles of low-lying, swampy marshland and glinting pools, his eyes soft and unfocused.
"This where I grew up, Minou..." he murmured, ignoring her worried tone, "this my back yard; me, an' Big Jean, Jean-Nöel, Jean-Martin, Randy Broussard, Ofie LeGay, Mack 'n' Hoagie Doubilliér, couple others, we all come out here catfishin', sticking bullfrogs an' dippin' blue crabs, mebbe a couple mute ducks if we real sneaky-like, an' have us camp-outs, fry up a mess o' legs an' tell ghost stories. Over that way, that where ole Papa Joubert store use to be; Maw-maw Lucianne, his wife, she make the best hot cinnamon candy in Terrebonne; li'l Mel an' Odie allus come on out here with me an' eat fried legs an' candy 'til they sick, then I got to explain to Tante Amice why they so sick an' sticky an' stained-up; boy, she whup me good, but they was still good days..."
Justine watched his face as his memory unreeled, seeing the years drop away and the naughty, adorable boy Amice had told her about emerging again; her expression softened at the sight of Johnny so lost in his memories, a side of him she'd only ever seen fleeting glimpses of before.
But still that truck coming up behind them worried her; it worried her that they were out here in the middle of nowhere, alone and in the open, that they were only one jump ahead of whoever was looking for them, and that Johnny wasn't in the least bit concerned. Even as she pondered how to snap him out of it, there came the sound she'd been dreading, loud and clear: the other truck had caught up with them, and then an old but immaculate stepside painted a dusky orange, the exact same shade as a ripe persimmon, bucketed around the corner concealing them and purred to a halt right behind them.
"Johnny, JOHNNY!!" hissed Justine, punching his arm to wake him out of his reverie as the driver and passenger doors swung open. Johnny roused, looked around and behind him, and grinned.
"Stan' down, Justy; Welcome Wagon jes' 'rived!" he grinned. Justine jumped when a pretty brunette girl poked her head into the cab of the Blazer and grinned at her. An equally pretty blonde girl did the same on the driver's side, and Johnny smiled and winked at both of them.
"Hi baby-girls, you-all took your time gettin' here; I saw you back up along Bayou Blue, what you do, stop fo' li'l catfishin'?"
The blonde girl climbed up on the running-board, grabbed his head, and planted a big kiss on his cheek, then grinned happily.
"Well hello to you too, Li'l Jean! We been watchin' your back-trail last thirty mile or so, saw couple sneaky-lookin' trucks with blacked-out glass an' Noo Yawk plates gettin' theyselves lost in the cane; we stayed back a ways an' made sure they good an' lost, jus' in case, then double-back and play tag with you last twenty miles. Hi, my name Mélette," she beamed at Justine. "Jean-Bastiènne here my cousin, that my twin sister Odélie over there, this here Terrebonne Parish an' we the Welcome Wagon! You mus' be Johnny's gal we been hearin' 'bout; all the boys dyin' to meet you, watch them, some o' them kinda wild an' woodsy, they ain't been round anyplace much but they mean well. Tell you the truth, there ain't much to do here in the parish but we makes our own fun!"
Justine felt breathless just from listening to the girl rattle away nineteen to the dozen, but she smiled back when the cute little blonde grinned happily at her.
"So get yo' ass outta there, John-Boy, where your manners, ain't you-all gonna say 'hello' prop'ly?"
Johnny smiled back at her as he unclipped his seat-belt. Justine couldn't help but notice how his whole attitude had changed; now, instead of pensive and careful, he seemed almost boyish, young and happy again. The blonde girl stepped back as he swung the door open, and as he climbed out of the cab, she jumped on him, wrapping her legs around his waist as she hugged him in a neck-breaker.
"Whoa, easy there, li'l gal, you ain't no baby no more!" he grinned, staggering back under her weight.
As he staggered, Mélette turned her head and winked at Justine, who grinned at Johnny spluttering as he tried to fend off the barrage of kisses she planted on his face and neck.
"Get offa me, what wrong with you, baby-girl, I ain't been gone that long, cut it out!" he blustered, mindful of Justine sitting just five feet away, watching a very pretty girl kissing him frenziedly.
Mélette smiled at Justine and slid off him, to be replaced by Odélie, who went through the whole performance again, wrapping her legs around him and kissing him just as frenziedly.
Johnny managed to untangle himself from the little brunette and kissed both girls on top of their heads as he circled them in his arms.
"Damn, it good to see you pair 'gain!" he grinned. "Tante Amice tole me you livin' part-time down near Bayou Boeuf, got yo' own fishin' guide business, coupla pirogues an' a huntin' lodge; I might need to be borrowin' some o' that 'fore long, less'n you-all objectin'?"
Odélie hugged him and looked up into his eyes.
"Anythin' you need, jest ask; Maw-maw say you got bad trouble trailin' you, I'm guessin' it more than just them idjits we saw gittin' lost in the cane, so we dealin' ourselves in too; you know I can shoot the spots off of a zirondelle at fifty yards with papi's ole Remington, and Mel nasty good wi' that bow an' quiver o' hers; you got us along, I reckon we can make unwelcome comp'ny feel real unwelcome!"
Johnny nodded thoughtfully; what Odélie said had merit; she had a true sharpshooter's eye, and Mélette was lethally expert with her compound bow, her favorite hunting weapon; they would indeed be useful to have around. Too bad he wasn't going to allow it; bad enough he and Justine had those people after them, but to drag his baby-girls into it as well? No way, no how, not in a million years.
"Lemme introduce you proper, like, to Justine," he hedged. "She my girl, I think you like her. Wait here..."
With that, he stepped around the Blazer and popped the passenger door, steadying Justine with his hands around her slim waist as she climbed down from the cab. When the two girls saw her close up for the first time, they smiled broadly.
"Li'l Jean-Bastiènne pick a real pretty one, no mistakin'!" smiled Odélie, making Justine blush prettily.
Mélette looked closely at her, then reached out and smudged away the concealer under her eye before Justine could avoid her hand, revealing the purpled bruise underneath. Her lips tightened as she did the same on the left side of Justine's jaw, the bruising under the concealer vivid and ugly, clearly outlining the mark of a clenched fist. She spun around to look at Johnny, her eyes flashing with anger.
"What the hell this mean, boy? You do this? You gonna tell me she walk into a door, or she 'fell down', an' it was all a accident, cause if you do...!"
Justine stepped in front of Johnny, wrapping her arms around his waist even as she recoiled at the hot anger blazing in the blonde girl's eyes.
"NO! It wasn't Johnny, my Johnny's never laid a hand on me! It was my husband, ex-husband, I mean, he did this; he did it so he could steal my money, and those people after us, he owed them money, and now they say I owe it to them, and I have to...have to work it off; Johnny was defending me, he got rid of the men threatening me, and now they're after him because he tried to help me! Johnny's the most gentle man I've ever known, and he's never laid a hand on me in anger, I swear!"
Mélette looked at her for a long moment, then relaxed; she could see no lie in her eyes, she was telling the truth. Odélie gently took Justine's arm and turned her so she could look at her injuries.
"I'm thinkin' John-boy show the men who wanna harm you the error o' their ways, 'm I right?" she murmured, and smiled at the look Justine darted at Johnny.
"It OK, I know what Li'l John capable of when he get mad, I seen it once, long time ago..." she shuddered at the memory.
"I can guess what he did, but way I see it, he was defendin' his boo'sha; anythin' he did was the right thing to do, so I wouldn't go losin' no sleep over it. We get you back to Noncle Lubin's place, I reckon Tante Maigrette know how to make them bruises go down some."
Johnny looked curiously at Mélette, at her flushed face and neck.
"Why you so mad, li'l gal? Someone hurt you too?" he asked softly, his eyes hardening when she avoided his gaze. Odélie too looked away rather than meet his gaze.
"What happen? You tell me now or we ain't movin' from this spot; who did it?" he asked once more, a hard, clipped edge to his voice even as he watched both girls closely.
His voice took on a softer, menacing edge.
"I ain't gonna ast no more. Don't be no *tête dur, c'est moi, ton grande frère qui demande, alor' dis-moi maint'nent; je ne t'entends pas!* (don't be hard-headed, this is me, your big brother, asking, so tell me now; I can't hear you!) You gonna tell me who was it, an' whut he do to you, *et co faire* (and why)? Tell me!"
Justine's eyes flicked from the girls to Johnny and back, not understanding the rippling, rapid-fire Creole French, but getting what he was saying from his tone. Mélette flushed bright scarlet under her golden tan.
"It OK, Li'l John, it been taken care of, we OK, nuthin' much happen, an' it a while back anyways, let's jes' get outta here," she mumbled, then started when Johnny took her arm, gently but firmly pulling her around to look up at him.
"Whut happen, baby-girl?" he murmured.
Mélette looked up at him, her gaze level and unflinching.
"Beginnin' las' summer, me an' Odie decide we gonna go do some dancin', mebbe have a beer or two, so we ask Rafe Guillory an' Hecky Lafontaine to go with us to new place up the bayou at Belle Fourche, place called Harpoon Louie's; it was 'sposed to be a good place, clean, no road-house goin's-on, good music, but we din't wanna go there alone, like, so we asked them two along; we even took Apache, 'cos you don' go to a place like Harpoon Louie's in no farm truck. We got there, we dance with the boys, couple other boys ask us to dance, we havin' fun, and Rafe don't like it too much; he get all in there, telling me I'm his girl an' what I doin' actin' all loose and ready for whatever, so I tell him to blow it out his butt, ain't no universe I knows of where I ever be his girl; walkin' into a bar with him don' give him no rights over me, he jus' my frien' an' escort an' nuthin' else, so back off, go get a beer, ask some girl fo' dance, there plenty to choose from, an' we be cool."
She paused, her eyes far away and dark with remembered fear.
"He drug me outside, Hecky try stop him, he punch him out an' come after me, gimme couple good licks, made me see stars for sure. When I see straight again, I see Rafe down on his back, his face all blood; Odie must a' had Papi's Remmy in back o' the truck the whole time, 'cause she standin' over him with that rifle stuck in his eye; she hit him with the butt while he whalin' on me, an' she had her finger on the trigger an' all; I really thought she gonna blow his brains out, I know how light that trigger is, an' I jes' knew I was gonna see murder done."
She looked fearfully at Johnny, at his set expression and icy gray eyes, and continued.
"Bartender must have called the police. Nex' thing I know Randy Broussard show up, I remember he yo' frien' when you young; he one a' his daddy's deputies now, he listen to us, Hecky bear me out, so Randy take Rafe away, an' Hecky take me to ER at Thibodaux Regional, then take us home. When I get home an' maw-maw see them bruises, she go crazy, roundin' on Hecky, even though he all busted-up too, blamin' him, start callin' ever'one an' tellin' them whut Rafe done, an' how they got to help her drag him off somewhere so's she can make gator-bait outta him; Odie got to take her twelve-gauge and hide it in the truck otherwise she gonna end up in jail too. When I saw Justine's face all bruised-up like that, it just brung it all back."
Johnny stared at her, his lips compressed in a thin line, but his face otherwise expressionless. Mélette looked sideways at him, and her eyes widened.
"NO! You leave it be, John-Boy, it done and settled, don' go makin' things worse! I know that look, don' be stupid, Johnny, you got enough, an' bigger trouble on yo' ass!"
She dimpled, her eyes dancing, "'sides, Mack Doubilliér an' Jean-Martin go an' remonstrate with him, an' his leg kinda got broke by accident..."
Johnny raised a quizzical eyebrow at her.
"How well you know Macky D?"
Mélette dimpled again.
"For shame, Johnny, you-all know ladies don' talk 'bout such things! Le's jes' say we been...close, an' leave it at that; he cute, he clean, an' he know how to behave hisself around ladies; 'sides, he know he get rough he gotta 'splain hisself to you, an' he never gonna be ready for that kinda trouble!"
Johnny suddenly realized the girl had expertly deflected him from forbidding her, both of them, from tagging along, something he remembered she was always good at. The little blonde stared at him challengingly, and with a sinking heart he realized they had both dealt themselves in, and there was nothing he could do about it. Odélie grinned and slipped her arm through his, and pulled him down so she could plant a kiss on his cheek.
"Now that all settled, time we got headed outta here; them idjits following still ain't too far behind, so we best get movin', it still a fair way to Bayou Petit Gaillou."
Justine's first sight of Johnny's uncle Lubin was a shock; apart from the obvious age-difference, she could have been looking at his exact double, they looked that much alike. Lubin was gray, with a craggy brow, the only real sign of age, otherwise he seemed as hale and fit as Johnny; when he smiled, he had that same infectious, boyish grin, his voice was as soft and unobtrusive as Johnny's, and the same clear gray eyes that seemed to look right through her.
She remembered Johnny telling her that Lubin was his daddy's oldest brother, father of the three Jean's; Jean-Nöel, Jean-Martin, and Johnny's namesake, Jean-Bastiènne, and she'd laughed out loud when he'd told her his uncle had given them all the same name so he could be sure at least one would come running if he ever needed a hand and yelled out "Hey Jean, git over here, boy!"
When she'd stepped out of the Blazer, Lubin had looked hard at her, his grin slowly freezing as his eyes flicked from her to Johnny and back again. He started to say something, but seemed to think better of it, instead shaking hands with both of them, while giving Johnny a meaningful look and a quick nod toward the barn. Justine caught the by-play and wondered if he'd caught-on to who she was, because he certainly seemed to recognize her.
However, Lubin's wife, Johnny's Aunt Maigrette, a sweet, motherly woman had shown no surprise or distaste, she'd just clucked sympathetically while gentle fingers explored her bruises. She led Justine into the house to make up some poultices and dressings from herbs and roots she guaranteed would take down the swelling and reduce the bruising; Justine fell in love with her almost at first sight, helped along by the obvious love and affection she had for Johnny. With the ladies out of the way, Lubin turned to Johnny.
"Li'l Jean, mebbe my eyes are getting' kinda old an' rheumy, but I gotta say, that there li'l gal sure look familiar; somethin' you-all wanna tell me, boy?"
Johnny met his gaze squarely.
"Her name Justine, sir, she my girl, an' she in trouble, that's all I gotta say; you already know who she is, sir, otherwise why you askin'?"
Lubin grinned.
"Ever' time you do that I see your daddy standin' there; you only say what you need to say, when you need to say it, jes' like him. Okay, yeah, I know who she is, so I gotta ask: why? There gotta be million girls in New York, why her? I mean, I got nothing agin her, I remember her mama a sweet gal, your daddy did well to find a gal like her, an' she seems like she got the same nature as her mama, she certainly got her looks, but you gotta know there's other, safer gals to take up with. Why her, Li'l Jean?"
Johnny grinned, looking the spitting image of his daddy, that same twist of his lips as his daddy, something Lubin couldn't fail to see.
"Well sir, I don' rightly know, an' that's the truth; one day it struck me; she an' I, we got so much together, we fit together like we was supposed to be that way; we ain't never had no angry words between us, I don' know how to get mad at her, 'cos everything she do seems like it's the right thing to do, an' she know I ain't never gonna hurt her, mistreat her, or leave her regrettin' a single minute with me; we 'sposed to be together, I feel it deep down inside, an' she feel the same. Now, you can call it what you like, but it don' change the facts none; we together, an' we stayin' that way."
Lubin nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips.
"Well said, boy. I kinda knew you was gonna say somethin' like that, but I jes' wanted to hear you say it. If you come out with somethin' about how she no-one special, she hot so you goin' for it, an' she jus' there until the real one come along, you'd be over that rail an' I'd have whupped you with a plow-line! I dunno what you wanna call what you doin', and I dunno where it goin', but you seem certain in your mind, an' set in your way, so I guess you got to do this your way. I'll talk with Audhémar, he prolly see things the same way, so we talk with his boys an' mine, an' mebbe we work out somethin'...appropriate to entertain them fellers follerin' you; Audhémar got a real inventive mean-streak, lessee if'n we can tempt him an' his boys to get creative!"
Once dinner was out of the way, Justine and Maigrette chatted and did the washing up while Johnny and Lubin talked about what they were going to do next. Johnny was hopeful his contacts in the Orleans Parish Sheriff's Department could help him, but Lubin wasn't so sure.
"Li'l Jean, I got call this mornin' from Jacques Broussard over to Houma, telling me he got a slew o' so-called tourists drivin' rental cars with New York plates wanderin' aroun' town askin' questions 'bout the bayou country, and particular 'bout you; coupla real obvious gunnies tried to put the arm on your tante Félice at the Stop 'n' Shop, tellin' her they was ole friends an' they wanna see you, asking 'bout where you are, where you live, who your frien's an' family is, and gettin' real insistent about it; she hit the button, time he got there they gone, but there's more, and seems like more arrivin' every day."
He paused to pour himself a glass of clear spirit, grinning when Johnny declined a glass; he knew what was in that glass alright, and he wanted to keep a clear head. Lubin threw back his drink, and continued.
"Jacques an' me had a think about where these New York boys gittin' their information, an' how they find out so quick that you from the Atchafalaya, an' mebbe you headin' back this way, 'cos accordin' to you it only been a few days, a week, give or take, since you blew outta New York, and yet they already here in the parish. How they get onto you so quick? Jacques think they got someone, maybe more'n one, in the Orleans Parish sheriff's department. That bein' so, I reckon contactin' anyone up there, even yo' oldes' frien', might be a real bad idea."
Johnny chewed his lip, thinking about what they were going to do next.
"Noncle Lubin, way I see it, it's time to take the fight to them; this my home, everyone hereabouts my kin, Justine my girl, an' I'm damned if I gonna let bunch a hired guns an' no-good druggie button-men come down here an' take any o' that away. They wanna dance, let's give them a prom-night they ain't never gonna forget!"
Lubin grinned wolfishly.
"Damn, boy, I jes' knew you was my kin! You took the words right out of my mouth! How you wanna do this?"
Johnny looked thoughtful for a moment, then grinned.
"My original plan was to take them down to Ghost Lake, no-one lives permanent-like down there, so they be easy to spot an' trail, an' kinda pick them off as they stick their heads up; it be like playin' 'Whack-A-Mole' at the fair, only this time we whack 'em, they go down permanently; all them swamps and sloughs 'round there, places no-one ever been before, a body could get lost real permanent, real quick. Ain't no-one gonna come lookin' for 'em, not in that country, so with any luck we gonna sack 'em an' rack 'em, an' the 'gators an' catfish gonna think Thanksgivin' come early!"
Lubin's eyes gleamed happily.
"That just the kind a thing your daddy woulda said; he warn't one to take stuff like this lyin' down neither. I'm takin' Maigrette over to Audhémar's place with me tonight, things bein' what they are, I'd feel a lot better if she was with me tonight, but them two young hellions is out there someplace close-by, they spends mos' their lives livin' wild in the boonies, so they be jes' fine campin' out, it a fine night, an' mebbe you and your gal c'n sleep easy tonight knowin' they keepin' a eye on your back-trail."
Justine stretched luxuriously, grinning happily all the while.
"You weren't lying about the air-con, baby; it's wonderful!" she smiled. "I'd just about forgotten what 'cool' meant, but this is so great!"
She let the bathrobe slip from her shoulders and fall in a soft heap around her feet, posing artfully in all her nakedness for him.
"'Course, now I'm feeling a little chilled; can you think of a way to warm me up again, Big Bear?"
Johnny licked his lips; no-matter how many times he saw her naked, each time was like the first; her clear, creamy-pale skin seemed to glow with an inner light, making her jet-black hair seem almost blue-black against her white shoulders and her small, perfect breasts tipped with pert, stiff brown nipples danced enticingly, giving him a delicious tightness in his groin. Justine winked at him and pirouetted, turning through a complete 360, showing him the rest of her tight body.
Johnny's mouth watered at the quiver of her taut, globular little bottom, each cheek calling out to him to cup and squeeze them as his drank her ruby lips and feasted on her beautiful little breasts. Justine had habitually kept herself waxed, but now her pubes were beginning to grow-out again, a sexy delta of soft, silky little hairs, dark like the hair on her head, pointing to her secret place, and Johnny wondered what it would be like, how it would feel to part those fine silken threads and probe her hidden lusciousness with his tongue.
"You getting any ideas yet, Johnny-Bear?" she murmured, smiling happily as he reached for her and gently pulled her closer by clamping his hands around her bottom. Justine gasped softly as he carefully nipped her tense nipple with his lips even as he squeezed, lifted, and separated her buttocks, momentarily stretching her little balloon-knot open.
"That's fine and all, but you can do better, Big Bear; show me!" she whispered, brushing her nipples against his face, enjoying the feel of the taut little nubs dragging across his faint stubble. As she teased him, her hands fumbled with the waistband of his shorts, but finally she hooked her thumbs in the sides and slid them down. His erect cock swung upright, smacking in the palm of her hand. Justine smiled and licked her lips as she slowly began to fist him.
"This looks interesting, Johnny-Bear; can you think of anything I could do with it?" she drawled, grinning at his agonized expression. With that teasing expression still on her face, Justine dropped to her knees, to gently kiss the side of his tumescent shaft.
Johnny's breath hissed between clenched teeth as she darted swift little kisses all over his erect cock as she gently fisted him. Justine looked up, her eyes big and innocent, something she knew he had no defences against, and slowly, deliberately slid her plump, naturally red lips over the purple head of his straining cock.
Johnny shuddered as an almost electric thrill pulsed through him; his face reflected his agonized arousal as the soft, wet heat of her mouth slipped up and down on his shaft as she bobbed her head. His instinct was to meet her suckling with thrusts of his own and it took all his willpower to remain motionless, although his thighs and buttocks ached with the strain of not moving, not forcing himself further into that hot, wet succulence engulfing his manhood.
Justine could feel him tensing, she could tell his climax was near, so she backed off; a quick nip with her fingernails to the base of his straining cock backed him off as well, taking him down a couple of notches; much as she loved and craved the taste of his spunk, that wasn't what she wanted this night; it had been too long since she and her man had played in complete safety, and knowing they were, for now, anyway, safe and protected had made her horny; she wanted her Johnny-Bear to take her to see the elephant...
Johnny picked up almost subliminally on her need; her little glances, half smiles, teasing little looks, a million things too small or subtle to describe, these all added together to one thing; his Justy wanted to make love like before, the way they hadn't been able to since this madcap, helter-skelter flight from danger had begun.
With Johnny, to think was to do, and so he took her hand and raised her from her kneeling position, his hand gently squeezing her buttock as he pulled her close for a kiss. His hands roamed over her as they kissed, caressing, exciting, enticing, and suddenly she knew what she wanted, more than anything.
"Taste me, Big-Bear!" she breathed, "It's been so long, eat me, make me howl, you bad, bad man!"
Johnny needed no further encouragement, and when Justine drew him to the bed, he held her behind her knees as she lay back, spreading her thighs so he could gaze once more at the pink little jewel nestled in a bed of downy, silky black hairs, dewy and delicious. Justine closed her eyes as his big, warm hands held her legs wide open, her hips gently wriggling as she sensed rather than saw her man leaning over her, the knowledge he was staring at her pink jewel feeding her arousal.
Johnny paused, letting her scent fill his nostrils and percolate through his brain. Knowing she was so aroused raised his own level of arousal; she wanted him to taste and eat her, but what he most wanted to do was to savagely plow into her, hold her down and ram himself into her again and again and fill her with his seed as she writhed and shuddered beneath him; only his basic nature, the things that made him her 'Johnny-Bear', kept him from treating her so, even as her scent drove him almost mad with need for her. Later, later, his mind told him; first things first, and her sweet, spicy, delicious aroma told him what she wanted.
Justine gasped softly, shuddering with delight as his tongue gently lapped at her; Johnny ran the flat of his tongue from the tight little crease of her anus to the stiff little nub just beginning to poke out from its pink cloak. Justine cried out softly, a mewing little cat-cry of agonized delight as his tongue brushed her clitoris, a sharp jag of pleasure shooting through her to buzz in her stiff, throbbing nipples.
"Again...oh yes, again, Johnny!" she gasped, and Johnny was only too happy to oblige, while Justine writhed in ecstasy as his lips and tongue sent bursts of pleasure bulleting through her. Johnny kept licking and nibbling her, because she tasted so good, so sweet, and tangy, and fresh, and a million other soft, subtle tastes, but also because the feel of the soft growth of silky hairs teased and tickled his tongue.
Justine held his face against her, grinding her wet, succulence against his probing tongue and torturing lips, feeling the first stirrings of orgasm uncoil inside her. Johnny, so completely in-tune with her feeling and emotions, felt it too, and so he feasted on her, driving her onwards and upwards, never letting-up in his quest to pleasure his woman the way she wanted. Justine was gasping like a long-distance runner, she was close, so he rasped his tongue one last time over the stiff, juicy nub of her clitoris.
Justine stiffened as her climax blazed through her, pleasure so extreme she couldn't even give voice to it, or so she thought; her hearing, eyesight, every sense she possessed shorted-out as all her circuits blew wide-open. Her body shuddered and trembled as wave after wave of pleasure verging almost on pain crashed and surfed through her, to break against the walls of her mind and blow in once again, battering her with pleasure only her Johnny had ever given her, and then everything went dark as she floated in a warm and peaceful somewhere, feeling like everything in her world was better than fine, it was perfect.
Justine heard Johnny calling her, from what seemed a long way away, his voice faint and barely heard above the roaring in her head, but eventually his words began to make sense through the fog dulling her senses.
"What...? Johnny Bear, what happened? I was feeling so wonderful, then it all kind of went...I dunno, I mean, did I fall asleep, or something? How long...?" she murmured a little muzzily.
Johnny's face swam into focus above her, his worried frown giving way to a relieved smile.
"You OK now, Minou, I got you now. Girl, you scared me! One minute you humpin' like it's goin' out of fashion, nex' thing I knows you-all let out a scream like a bobcat in a snare an' pass out! I tho't I done sumthin' real bad, you laying there like dead thing, barely breathin', eyes all turned-up an' white, an' all I could think was whut in Hell I'm gonna tell tante Maigrette when she find you lookin' like you moonstruck!"
Justine smiled as she held out her arms to him.
"Special kind of bayou-magic you've got there, Johnny Bear! Now how about I show you some of mine?"
Johnny grinned as she fondled his aching erection.
"I thought you never ask, li'l gal!"
About 200 yards upwind of the house, in their secluded campsite concealed in the angle of two huge Cottonwoods and hidden from the road, the twins smiled at each other.
"She kinda noisy..." observed Mélette, her softly jealous tone making her sister grin.
"You a fine one to talk, Miss Mélette Ysabeau Gaudet de Cormier, spinster o' the parish," smiled Odélie, "considerin' the noises you an' Macky D. useta make; I swear, near on ever'one in the parish knew what you two was doin'!"
Mélette rose up on her elbow to throw her backpack at the grinning girl but then she paused, sniffing the air. Odélie too froze, snuffing the air delicately, her nostrils flaring as she caught what her sister was scenting. The breeze had shifted, blowing now from the direction of the road, and the usual night scents had a new component, one that shouldn't be there.
"You gettin' this too, hun?" breathed Mélette, and Odélie nodded.
"Uh-huh, two, mebbe three, up high somewhere, prolly up on the knoll along White Oak trail, it the only place hereabouts high 'nuff see along the road on both directions; only city-boys gonna go huntin' smokin' cigars an' wearing cologne smellin' like a whore's boudoir; what they do, shower in the stuff? You reckon we should slide over there an' give them somethin' to sleep on, permanent, like?"
The blonde girl shook her head.
"Nope; they ain't goin' nowhere tonight, not while it dark; they can't show lights, not up on the knoll, they know people gonna see them from miles away, so they gonna sit tight an' wait for first light; they prolly settin' up as spotters for the rest of them fellers we followed through the canebrakes, so they ain't goin' nowhere 'til them other fellers show up. Leave 'em be, we move in when they on the move, but they surely ain't goin' nowhere for now, so you get some sleep, hun; if nuthin' happen I'll wake you in four hours."
Johnny woke, as always going instantly from fast asleep to fully awake, no drowsy transition or warm half-awake state, to a world still gray in the pre-dawn light. He grinned as he looked around the familiar room, one he'd slept in so many times during his boyhood days; everything was the same; the same pile of dog-eared old Zane Grey and 'Sudden' paperbacks, Jean-Nöel's stacks of baseball magazines, Sports Illustrated's, and National Geographic magazines, the same pile of batting helmets, mitts, and stack of bats in one corner, and the same small shelf with a row of sporting trophies.
The only difference between those happy days and now was his truly epic erection, and the svelte, creamy-skinned naked girl spooned fast asleep against him, hugging her pillow with her pert, beautiful little rump thrust up so provocatively. The image of innocent, yet smolderingly sexy young womanhood was almost more than he could bear; he had to almost pinch himself to remind himself that he was awake, not dreaming, and that this beautiful, sexy girl was his.
Hard on the heels of that thought came another, and, smiling at what he was doing, he slowly slid down the bed, to softly kiss the sexy, outthrust pair of buttocks. Justine stirred, the faintest "Mmmm..." escaping her lips as she smiled in her sleep. Johnny froze; waking her just yet wasn't part of his plan.
When he was sure she was fast asleep again, he began gently kissing the soft, plush globes again, slowly urging her onto her stomach, kissing and licking more insistently in the cleft between her taut ass cheeks. Still fast asleep, Justine began pushing back against him, obviously feeling something as he kissed, then rimmed her gently, squirming in her sleep as his tongue-tip brushed and teased her taut, creased little pucker.
Justine stirred, her thighs drifting apart, and Johnny smiled to himself; his plan had worked! Slowly, gently, with almost feather-like delicacy, his tongue tip probed the soft flesh exposed between her open legs. Justine squirmed, smiling her sleep-smile as whatever she was dreaming about jibed with the feel of Johnny's tongue and lips gently probing her most intimate parts.
Johnny lapped at her, enjoying the taste of her, dizzy with the scent of her arousal and horny beyond belief; his instincts were to yank her legs apart and jam himself into her, but he was in complete control of his instincts. They'd played this game before, and he wanted to pleasure his girl, to play with her, to tease and gently torment her, because when they did finally make love, it would be, like every time they did this, a truly next-level experience.
Licking, kissing, probing deeper and longer with his tongue, he slowly worked-up the sleeping girl, her increasingly outthrust buttocks making it easier for him to probe and tease, while her hands clenched and unclenched as what he was doing to her worked its way through her and into her dreams.
When he heard her gasp, he grinned happily as he bored in even more firmly, holding her smooth thighs apart while her pelvis writhed and danced. Her hands found her breasts, fast asleep though she was, tugging and squeezing her stiff nipples as dream-state merged with reality, her body telling her that dream sex was becoming real. Johnny saw this, how close she was, and slid two fingers into her damp and fragrant pussy.
Justine's eyes snapped open as the shock of orgasm powered through her, a wail of purest ecstasy escaping her lips as she rode the crest, eyes squeezed tight-shut and tears like tiny crystals glimmering on her eyelashes as she tugged and squeezed her nipples even more frenziedly, rolling her climax on and on, while Johnny, all pretense of subtlety dropped, jammed his mouth against her damp and dewy pussy as hard as he could, rasping his tongue against her clitoris and jolting her into yet another wave of almost unbearable pleasure. Another wail, louder, harsher than the first burst from her lips as she shuddered and trembled, caught in the huge bow-wave of pleasure that crashed through her, swamping her senses with pulse after pulse of hot delight.
As the tremors and aftershocks of release trembled and swirled inside her, Justine became aware of Johnny still poised above her, his lips kissing her back, between her shoulder-blades, the curve of her neck where it joined her shoulder, soft, delicate nibbles that woke a storm of gooseflesh all over her skin, still sensitive as it was after such a massive climax.
More obvious even, was the feel of his thick cock pulsing in the cleft between her buttocks, the flesh hard and hot, ready for release of its own. Without thinking, Justine reached behind her to encircle his shaft with her fingers, squeezing and gently fisting him, rubbing the seeping, glossy tip of the shaft around her velvety anus, her movements becoming more insistent with every stroke of his cock.
"You-all sure you want to go there, Minou...?" Johnny whispered, "You don' have to baby girl, I'm jus' happy you wan' me 'tall! We c'n do this 'nother time, baby, ain't no rush!" he breathed. Justine grinned at the concern in his voice.
"I know I don't have to Johnny-Bear, but I want to; every part of me owns every part of you, and everything I have is always only for you; I want this, baby, I want you to have me like this, I want you to always want me like this, and any other way you want; we're us now, Johnny-Bear, not just me and you!"
As she spoke, Justine stuck her bottom out even as she pulled her buttocks apart, showing him her tightest hole, slicked and lubricated with his pre-cum as it winked at him.
Johnny pushed forward, easing himself into her millimetre by millimetre, ready to pull back at the first sign he was hurting her, but if he was, Justine showed no sign of it, only her lip caught sexily between her teeth as his thick cock slid slowly, unstoppably into her most secret place, until he could go no further, buried to the hilt in her tight, hot anus.
"That wasn't so bad!" she grinned, flexing her internal muscles and squeezing him for a second. Johnny's eyes almost popped out of his head at the sensation; his cock was already squeezed into her glove-tight behind, the velvet grip holding him more firmly than anything ever had before, and the added pressure almost made him shoot his load there and then.
"Don' do that, Minou...jes' please, don't..." he murmured, lost in contemplation of the sight of his fat cock buried inside the taut, firm little bottom, her anal ring stretched obscenely tight and glistening around him; that sight alone was almost enough to make him lose it, and he didn't want that; if they were going to do this, like this, he wanted to savor the experience.
"Well, Bayou-Boy; you gonna fuck me or stare?" taunted Justine, just loud enough to jar him out of his mesmerized gaze at the sight before him, followed by a gasp as he slid himself almost out of her, then pushed back in, watching her globular buttocks quiver as he reamed her tight ass. His hands slid up her waist, to cup and squeeze her small, perfect breasts, pulling her against him as he increased his pace, jamming himself into her harder and harder with each thrust while Justine moaned and squealed and gasped with each stroke of his cock inside her.
How long they strained and hammered together in such a primitive, primal, taboo way neither knew nor cared; the sex was all, two lovers coupling frenziedly as though their lives depended on it.
At some point they had risen up, and now Justine was sitting astride her kneeling man, his hands clamped firmly around her breasts as she rode him as hard as she could, her hands locked behind his neck to give herself greater leverage as she slammed herself up and down on his straining cock, slipping him almost out and then back into her as she rode him, both of them lost in their own world of sexual bliss.
Justine could feel him shortening his stroke; her Johnny was almost there, just a little more, so she began muttering, demanding, telling him what she wanted.
"That's it, baby, give it to me, fill my ass, fill it up, make a baby in me, Johnny give me an ass-baby, breed me, Johnny-Bear, breed your little sister's ass, cum in me and fill me, do it, do it DO IT!!"
Johnny lost his last shreds of control at his sister's words, his body going rigid as every single muscle froze, locking him in place with his cock swelling to jam inside that impossibly tight place as spurt after spurt of sperm gushed and blasted out of him and deep into Justine's tight little ass, doing what she'd asked for, pumping his seed deep inside her ass, breeding her the way she'd demanded.
At the feel of his cock jamming and pulsing deep inside her, Justine too froze, orgasm once more blazing through her, blinding and deafening with its intensity, what felt like every muscle and tendon vibrating like harp-strings, each one tuned to a subtly different note, blending into one great, swelling chord, an upwelling of unbearable pleasure from deep in the bedrock of her.
Justine slumped forward and would have collapsed bonelessly if Johnny hadn't had his arms around her, holding her to him as every last drop of his seed pulsed, and finally slowed to a trickle inside her. All he could do was hold her up, too dazed and mind-shattered by what had just happened to fully connect yet with the real world, only held upright by instinct.
As his head cleared he finally released his grip on her, allowing her to relax as he followed her down, his cock still tightly clasped in her anus. When he started to withdraw, Justine gasped and whined, her limbs twitching and shuddering in time to the mini-orgasms whirling through her again, curling and uncurling in a dance of pleasure and pain, bringing back to her some of the mind-searing intensity of what had just occurred.
They lay in silence for long minutes, hearts slowing and lungs working more and more normally as sense and cognition slowly returned, until Justine mustered enough energy to smile happily at him.
"Whooo, Johnny, what did you do to me?" she quavered, still too mind-blown for anything smarter or sassier, and Johnny, his mind equally scattered, could only gather her closer and kiss her neck, her shoulders, the base of her throat, and the shallow valley between her small, firm breasts, his kisses calming her, and him, collecting his thoughts and feelings after such a cataclysmic orgasm.
Johnny smiled happily, struggling to remain awake after such a huge expenditure of energy, his arm cuddling Justine to him even as the tiredness ebbed, and strength flowed back into him. He grinned at her, once more fast asleep, tired-out after such an energetic session, checked the time, and slid carefully out of bed; while Justine slept he wanted to think about their next move and a cool shower would help him gather his thoughts. Just as he stepped into the shower, Justine slipped in next to him.
"Hi Hot-shot, what's the plan for today?" she grinned, pinching his ass and grinning at him.
Johnny yanked her under the spray-head, grinning as she gasped at the torrent of cold water.
"Listen-up, li'l gal," he began. "We cain't stay here too long; this place way too close to main road; one way or 'nother they gonna come down this way, an' I shore don't wanna wait 'round fo' when they do show up; I was gonna slide over Houma way, see Maw-maw, but they idjits been there 'ready, they think we gone there they gonna show up in force, so me an' Lubin and some o' the boys gonna let them trail us down to Ghost lake, an' jump them there; I reckon what we do there gonna make them goons think twice 'bout messin' with me an' my family!"
Johnny towelled off and pulled on his shorts; right now he needed some thinking-alone time, a habit of his Justine respected, so while she set about getting them some breakfast, Johnny wandered out onto the veranda to watch the sluggish bayou while he thought. He was deep in thought, thinking about what had happened this last week, where they'd been and what they'd learned, where they were going, when Justine, dressed in nothing but boy-shorts and a light robe, snapped him out of his reverie by handing him a coffee. He smiled to see her so innocent, yet so sexy, and took a sip of the bitter brew, completely unaware that even as they stood on the veranda in the morning sunshine and sipped their coffee, a professional killer with a high-powered sniper-rifle was lining-up a head shot on him.
Mélette and Odélie broke camp silently, brushed down the area and hid all sign they'd been there, then flitted through the woods, heading for the wooded knoll on the White Oak Trail. A hundred yards from where the trail diverged from the main road, Odélie froze, one foot in the air, her hand up to silence Mélette. Both girls listened intently, then Odélie made a circling gesture with her raised hand, pointing first left then right,
Mélette understood immediately; the men on the knoll were on the move, moving in closer to the house, so she would circle around to the left in front of them and Odélie would do likewise to the right, and jump them before they reached the house. Both girls set off, Odélie with her Remington cocked and the safety off, and Mélette with an arrow nocked ready.
Odélie made contact first; about two hundred yards from the house she spotted a city thug sneaking through the woods, the reek of tobacco and overpowering cologne confirming it was one of the men from the knoll, so she circled ahead of him, clambered up into a huge old Live Oak on the trail he'd have to use, and waited for him to come blundering by.
When he showed up, she could see he was alert for trouble, constantly scanning the terrain around him. He should have looked up. As he walked under the big branch she was crouched on, Odélie dropped square on him, her knee between his shoulder-blades sending him flying, while his own rifle flew off somewhere into the underbrush. Odélie clubbed him on the back of the head with her rifle-butt as he went down, and shoved her rifle muzzle up under his chin when he rolled over on his back to see who had jumped him.
"Don't you-all move less'n y'all want a big hole in yo' favorite head, boy!" she grinned. "This my daddy's old Remington and she got a real sensitive trigger, so you be smart, or you be dead, you hear me, boy?"
So saying, she gave the distinctive triple *'Kee-weet, Kee-weet, Kee-weet'* call of the yellow-bellied flycatcher, repeating it twice.
Meanwhile, Mélette had caught up with his partner, a young man no older than herself, with what looked like an expensive, high-end, high-tech sniper rifle. She watched him cast around for a place to rest the rifle bipod for a clear shot, but finding nowhere suitable, instead took a length of rope from his pack and tied it around a tree at about shoulder-height. Mélette frowned, unable to work out just what the hell he was doing, but when he pushed the muzzle of the rifle through a loop twisted in the rope, she suddenly understood what he was up to; he was giving himself a stable rest to take his shot.
As far as Mélette was concerned, it had already gone too far; this creep was setting up a kill-shot. She realized she could clearly see Johnny and Justine on the porch, about four hundred yards away, so that meant that paid killer could as well; it was time to act.
As the man started to line up his shot, she put a razor sharp, broad-head hunting arrow through his trigger-hand, pinning it to the tree he was leaning against. The killer screamed, and as he tried to yank the deeply embedded arrow out of the tree, she shot him again, this time in the buttock. The man gave another howl as he dropped to his knees, and squealed once more as the arrow through his hand kept him hanging against the tree.
Mélette grinned and stood up; scratch one killer. The sniper's eyes bugged when he saw it was a pretty little blonde girl who'd shot him and tried to grab his rifle with his uninjured free hand. Before he could reach it, Mélette was standing in front of him. He froze when she pushed the razor-sharp tip of an arrow into his nostril just far enough for him to feel how sharp it was.
"I wouldn't boy; now just you lemme see what we got here..."
Without taking her eyes off him, Mélette unhooked his rifle and looked it up and down, and worked the bolt to eject the round in the breech.
"This look real expensive; that right, boy?" she murmured, and when he nodded, she smiled brightly at him.
"Bet it shoots real accurate too; looks like you c'n hit purty much what you wants from a ways out, 'm I right or am I right?"
The thug nodded fearfully, wondering where she was going with all this.
"That's just too bad, hun; I 'spose I could give this to one of the boys, but it ain't no use to them. See, they hunters, they kill to put food on the table, an' when they kill, they thank th' Lord for his bounty in providin' for their family; they don' murder from concealment. This thing here made for murderin' folks, an' that's all it was made for; there ain't no other reason for it to be; none the boys gonna want nuthin' to do with it; it's dirty, an' it's evil, an' we don' need stuff like this down here, sooo... "
With that, and before he could blink, she'd swung the rifle by the barrel and smashed it against the tree with all her might. ABS shattered and splintered as she repeatedly slammed the sinister-looking rifle against the tree until it was just a mass of plastic shards and bent metal components.
"There, now it's clean..." she murmured, tossing the wreckage far out into the bayou. "Nex' thing is, I gotta deal with you, so..."
She pulled out her huge, custom-made Randall Bowie knife, the 'Confederate' model, with its eleven-inch, razor-sharp clip-pointed blade and brass knuckle-bow, one of a pair that Johnny had given the girls for their 18th birthday, intending to cut the arrow-shaft out of his hand, but he took one look at the huge blade and fainted dead away.
"What in Sam Hill...?" she muttered, but then shrugged; if he was out cold he wasn't going to be all squirming and crying and telling her how much it hurt, so she set to. When he came around, he found she'd zip-cuffed him securely, with his hands behind his back, taken the rope he was going to use as a stable base for his shot and tied it around his neck, then around the tree, immobilizing him, strapped his ankles together with his own belt, dressed the arrow-wounds in his hand and backside, and thrown his pants, boots and socks away.
As he focused on her, they both heard a repeated squittering bird call, and, after a pause, the sound of a rifle-shot, and Mélette smiled.
"Who are you?" he asked, terrified. "I saw 'Southern Comfort', I know what you people are like, please don't let your clan have me, I'll do anything you want..."
Mélette frowned and prodded him with the alloy shaft of the arrow she'd taken out of his hand.
"You lucky I'm the shy, retirin' type, or I might take offense at that! That there birdsong an' shot mean yo' friend face down in the swamp, or he wish he wus. Now you tell me sumthin'; jes' whut kinda stupid city-boy idjit are you anyway? You an' yo' fancy guns come slitherin' around here bein' all sly an' thinkin' you all that, but these here swamplands is dangerous enough for you an' yore kind without you-all lookin' to go fussin' with my folks. You lucky I got you first, ain't no tellin' what else is a-trailin' you, or even sittin' right next to you this deep in, jes' waitin' for you to do somethin' all-fired stupid; look here..."
She whirled and raised her bow, with an arrow already nocked, and in one quick release shot another of her razor-sharp, broad-head arrows right through the huge mottled snake lying coiled up in the mound of leaf litter a few feet away from him. The arrow pinned the huge snake to the tree it was lying under, entering its neck just behind the head, a perfect shot. He shrieked as the snake thrashed around violently, unable to wrench itself free from the deeply embedded hunting arrow.
Mélette grinned at her shot, winked at the helpless killer, then, carefully approaching the coiling, thrashing monster, calmly drew her huge Bowie knife and, with a two handed grip, rammed the fearsome clip-point right through the snake's skull, killing the huge creature instantly.
"What the fuck was that!?" he shrieked, and she grinned at him.
"That there's a Ree-tic-ulated python; them idjits up New Orleans way keep them as pets; why they do that only the good Lord knows, 'tain't like we don' got enough dangerous shit roamin' aroun' out here already, where they 'spose to be, but no, they got to bring in even more, an' worse than that, too. Then Katrina come along, these damned things get loose, now they breedin' faster'n hogs in a canebrake; ain't nothing to stop 'em, even daddy 'gators shy away from them, so they grow real big. This'n ain't but a young'un, only ten, mebbe twelve feet; I seen ones near-on twice as long an' thicker'n Fat Arno's leg. I hear tell they's even spotted some Nile crocodiles North and East o' here, too, more escapees after Katrina; I dunno 'bout that, but you lucky you never meet one o' them, they huge, an' they don't hide none, they just rear right up 'n' bite you clean in half; I read somewhere that a Nile croc bites with the same force as a truck fallin' off of a cliff; be grateful there ain't none of them down this way...not yet, anyway."
She nudged the still thrashing and shuddering dead snake with her trail boot and grinned at him, making him quail even further.
"You still lucky I got you afore that snake did, yes sir. See, he ain't gon' eat you, but mebbe he don' like you comin' too close, so he snap out an' bite you real deep; you get bit by one o' them, you be real sick afore long."
She hunkered down and tapped the twitching dead snake with the flat of her huge knife.
"Thing is, they ain't poisonous, not like cottonmouths , but they got real dirty mouths, and there ain't no-one out here for to clean you up, no ant-i-biotics, so you get bit, you gon' get sick, then real sick, mebbe lose your mind a little, go wanderin' 'round, an' this a real bad place to go wandering if you ain't in your right mind; you go fallin' in the swamp, then a big ole daddy 'gator gon' come along an' take you fo' a li'l swim, stick you under some log deep-down only he know 'bout, an' wait for you to go all sof' an' sweet an' ready to eat."
She paused, gauging the effect her words were having on the hired killer.
"Now, you ready to answer up good, or you wanna wait until nightfall an' mebbe have a *rougarou*, or some big ole 'gator come find you? 'cause that real likely right now; see them drag marks over to the bank? That where a real big mama 'gator, looks like mebbe a ten-footer, come up out the bayou regular like ever' night, prolly because she got a nest somewhere 'round hyah, mebbe that big ole mound o' leaves an' such over there, an' if that the case, then she ain't too far 'way t'all right now, watchin' an' waitin' for you to leave so she can check her nest. I reckon that there snake was lookin' for that nest, too; them things smell real good, so it prolly know there a nest hereabouts, jes' packed full a' eggs an' young, an' if the nest here, then mama-gator not too far away, neither. If you look over there a ways, see that log? See how it floatin' agin the current? That's 'cause it ain't no log; that's mos' likely mama-gator, watchin' her babies an' waitin' an' bidin' her time."
The killer began to sneer at her for trying to scare him with such a childish ruse when the floating 'log' swivelled an eyeball and looked straight at him; anything he might have said died in his throat. Mélette sat down Indian-fashion on a pile of leaves and began collecting her stuff together.
"Daddy-gators get up to sixteen feet hereabouts, mebbe more; one o' them come looking for a easy meal an' you toast boy. Then, o' course, there's that there mama-gator out there, she find you still here tonight, near her nest, where her eggs 'n young 'uns is, she ain't gonna question why, you just gon' be easy meat fo' her, so you wanna wait fo' her, or you wanna talk to me...?"
She watched his expression of horror widen, while she grinned to herself, and prodded him again with the alloy shaft.
"Answer up, boy, an' don' you go an' try lyin' to me. What you doin' slinkin' around out here like a animal, aimin' guns all sneaky-like at innocent folks? Jes' remember; I don' know you, an' I already don' partic'larly like you; if'n I leave you out here for the 'gators, ain't no-one gon' know 'cept me, and I ain't losin' no sleep over you, so you better start, an' if you ain't real convincin' real quick, weeelll..." she started nonchalantly tossing twigs and pebbles at the enormous drag-marks on the bank of the bayou.
"I reckon now's about time to start doin' your Christian duty an' confessin' all for the good o' your 'mortal soul...or, you could jes' keep your mouth shut, and, come nightfall, you-all can try and talk momma 'gator out o' tearin' you in half like a syrupy biscuit; good luck with that."
She stood, and brushed leaf litter off her jeans.
"Now you can talk to me, or I'm leavin', I got things to do..."
The thug's mouth clamped shut, obviously terrified of his masters, in spite of the fact he was tied half-naked to a tree in alligator-country, something Mélette saw, so she changed her tack.
"Look at it this way, boy; whatever your bosses gonna do, it gonna be sometime in the future; me, I'm here an' now, and I'm real immediate when I do somethin'; way I see it, you can tell me ever'thin' an' save yo' skin, then run where no-one ever gon' find you, let them people you works for think you-all dead, or you c'n be loyal an' stay shut an' momma 'gator gonna be all fat 'n satisfied tonight after a real good meal; I be long-gone, and there ain't no-one for miles aroun' to hear you screamin'. Think 'bout it."
Mélette grinned widely and chomped her teeth several times, the thug twitching in time to the clicking of her teeth, and when she had his full attention, she looked up at the sun.
"You got the rest o' the day to do some thinkin', boy; I mo leave now, I for real got things to do an', an' when I gone, I ain't a-coming' back this way, so I reckon it's time to make a choice; me or mommy-gator, 'cos come dark, you jus' a stain an' a coupla drag-marks."
She'd slung her pack and picked up her bow when the man decided to speak.
"Please...don't leave me out here; I'll tell you anything you want to know, I swear!"
Mélette listened in growing disquiet as the hired killer told her everything she needed to know, and more.
"There's four teams working this area," he told her, "me and Rico were supposed to take our shot if we could, otherwise we were supposed to link-up with at least one of the other teams and hit wherever Bastine and the girl are hiding-out, take him out, grab the girl, and take Bastine's head. "
He looked up in alarm when Odélie appeared from behind a tree, her rifle pointed right at him and her finger quivering on the trigger, but he carried on at Mélette's nod.
"There's a bounty on the big guy, a million dollars; he musta really burned the Ribeiro's, they're a pair of crazy fucks and right now they're foamin' at the mouth; they're madder'n shit, and they got a real hard-on for John Bastine; they want him dead, now, and they want his head as proof of death; both brothers were real definite about that; John Bastine's gotta die. We have to bring the girl back alive, though; the brothers were just as definite about that, too; alive and unharmed; she's some kind of looker, and Joao Ribeiro's got plans for her; he likes 'em young."
Mélette scowled angrily, jumping to her feet and unsheathing her huge Bowie knife.
"I was kinda feelin' almos' sorry for you, boy, I thought mebbe I could let you go and you jes' run, you ain't actually done nuthin' yet, but now I know for sure you a murdering scum-bag sonuvawhore, so now you bosses gonna get theyselves a head; I mo' carve you like a Halloween pumpkin, boy, an' them gators out there gettin' a free feed! You fucken' dead, boy, you-all just made my mind up for me...!"
The man cowered back from the sheer venomous fury distorting the little blonde's face, but the brunette girl stepped in front of her, blocking her way, without once taking her bead off the hired killer's forehead.
"Back off Mel, this piece o' shit got more talkin' to do! An' you!" she barked at the trembling man, "the rest of it, start talkin' or I mo' put a .22 Accu-Tip slug through yo' face, jes' like I done with yo' frien'. You talk, or you die, now!"
The thug's face paled at the fury glowing in the little brunette's eyes.
"Where...what...Rico..." he stammered, making a spirited attempt to dig his way into the tree with his shoulder-blades when Odélie pushed the rifle's muzzle up against his forehead.
"Yo' frien' tried goin' fo' his shoulder-holster, which was kinda stupid, what with me pointin' this big ole thing at him an' all, mebbe you Noo Yawk killers all stupid as that, so I guess I gave him what he knew was comin'. You wanna make a stab at doin' sumthin' stupid, boy?"
The thug gulped.
"What did you do to him...?" and Odélie grinned bleakly at him.
"He face down in the bayou with a hole in back of his head you can shove your foot in; he takin' a slow trip to the Gulf, 'less the 'gators get to him first, an' you gonna join him if'n you-all don' start talking real fast an' detailed."
The man knew when to give up; these two girls might look like pretty little things, but they'd just proved how merciless they could be, and so he talked, because he wasn't stupid, and he wanted to live.
Johnny crouched behind the Cottonwood at the side of the house, Justine flat on the ground behind him as he scanned the area carefully; they'd both heard the sharp crack of a small calibre rifle several hundred yards away to the North and West, and his first thought was that Odélie had fired that shot. If that was the case, trouble was up; she never wasted ammo, so she would have had a definite target in sight.
Nothing further had transpired, but caution had seemed in called-for, so now Justine and he were concealed away from the house, ready for whatever showed up.
A movement away up in the underbrush caught his eye, followed by a glint of light reflected off a binocular lens, and a piercing whistle. Johnny grinned and straightened up, patting Justine on the shoulder as he did so.
"Let's go, Minou; looks like them two li'l gals got themselves a new friend! Let's go be neighborly, what you think?"
Justine smiled back bravely, but Johnny saw the white knuckles, the lines etching themselves at the corners of her mouth, the hunted look in her eyes, and realized just how frightened she was. His elation died away, and he cursed himself for bringing all this down on her, for dragging his baby sister halfway across the country because his rage and lack of self-control had broken through yet again.
"Baby," he drawled softly, "I'm sorry for this, I'm sorry for ever'thin', for draggin' you 'round like all this your fault, mebbe I should jest get you to Dallas an' on a flight outta here, somewhere safe they can't find you, an' me an' my folks take care o' business here once't an' for all; this ain't your fault, honey, an' it ain't yo fight, I jes' drag you into it, and I'm purely sorry I did, but I can make it right, Minou, I can make you safe, and keep them scum a long way an' a painful road away from you. I 'pologize most sincerely for endangerin' you, if I send you somewhere I know you safe, I can clean this up for good, then I'll come get you, I swear on mama's heart."
Justine smiled at his solemn expression, and reached out to prod him gently on the tip of his nose.
"Johnny-Bear, being with you, all of this, has been the best time of my life; I've never felt more alive; when any moment could be our last, that's when my life with you makes the most sense, and seems the most perfect of all. This IS my fight, because you're mine, and I'm not going anywhere without you; do you think I could live for a single minute not knowing if you were dead or alive? Do you really think I could scuttle away with my tail between my legs, and leave you to face this alone? We're a team, Johnny-Bear, you're my other half, and I won't live without you; I swear to God, I will fight alongside you, I will be there with you when the last man is standing, and I will go down fighting for you, because you'd do that for me. I love you, Jean-Bastiènne Doucette, and I'll never leave you."
Johnny stared at her, taking her in, her sincerity, the set of her jaw, and swept her into his arms, his lips crushing hers even as her fingers twined in his hair, pulling him into her, kissing him as eagerly, as fervently as he kissed her. How long they stood like that they never knew, only breaking their kiss when a discreet throat-clearing jarred them back to reality.
Johnny spun around, his face reddening at the sly smile on Mélette's pretty face.
"You folks need some time alone? I c'n come back some other time..." she grinned, taking in their general state of undress, and her smile widened as Johnny slowly blushed a deep beetroot. Justine grinned back at her, totally unabashed.
"No, now's good, Johnny just needed to hear a couple things, so we're good now!" she giggled, and Mélette's arch expression sent Johnny into a fresh fit of blushing.
"When you kids done playin' 'kissy-feelie', Odie 'n' me got someone stashed up by the ole hollow coon-stump you might wanna have a little heart-to-heart with; we bin eddicating him properly on whut happens to idjits come bargin' in where they ain't wanted an' try an' kill folks, we softened him up some, but you might wanna work some o' that ole Swamp-Thing magic on him, he 'bout ready to pee his pants at the thought o' meetin' my 'clan', so look scary John-boy, batter-up!"
Johnny looked closely at her.
"Only one? What was that shot we heard while back?"
"Odie jumped th'other one, he got cute, now he swimmin' down to Lake Barre, 'course he doin' it kinda slow, on account o' havin' a big ole hole where the back o' his head useta be; serve him right thinking a hideaway gun a match for a loaded Remmy when Odie pointin' it at him. Way the current's runnin', he should be about down to Leeville by tomorrow, 'less the 'gators an' catfish get to him first..."
Johnny grinned at her innocent expression.
"Noncle Lubin sure was right 'bout both o' you; you a pair a hellions for sure! Get on the horn an' get a hold o' Randy Broussard; it's 'bout time the law get involved."
Eulalie Deaucette, Johnny's grandmother, Maw-maw to rest of the family, frowned at the large, blacked-out SUV creeping down along Route 56, the Little Caillou Road. Somehow she knew they were heading for her home, and it didn't look like they were paying a neighbourly call either. A quick glance back at the porch to check her 12-guage was still stashed just inside the door, and she wiped her hands on her apron. Looked like that trouble
Jacques Broussard had told her about was here.
Well, if they wanted trouble, she knew where a heap of it was laying around just waiting for people like them, so she stood on her porch and watched the large vehicle slow to a stop. The doors swung open and two men in brand new, tailored khakis, with fishing vests and new boonie-hats, with large, automatic pistols stuck in their waistbands, sauntered up to the porch.
"Hello the house!" called out one of them, smirking at the sight of the little old woman glaring at them. "Would you be Mrs. Deaucette, by any chance?"
"Who wants to know?" replied Maw-maw, her frown intensifying when one of the men grinned insolently at her.
"You are Mrs. Deaucette, old woman, don't bother denying it, we already know who you are, but hey, bein' polite don't cost nothing, right? We know who you are, we got no beef with you, we just wanna know where that big ugly fucking idiot John Bastine's hiding; you tell us, there'll be no unpleasantness, we'll just be on our way, no fussing, an' we won't trouble you again. 'Course, if you're gonna be difficult about things, well, we've got ways of dealing with that too. Answer up, old woman; where is he?"
He made as if to draw the pistol in his pant's waistband, but froze when a male voice rang out.
"Drop the weapons and put your hands on your heads!"
The second thug whirled, tugging the handgun from his waistband as he spun; there was a sharp \*pop!\*, the sound of a suppressed rifle-shot, and he dropped to the ground clutching his arm, blood seeping between his fingers and pooling around him.
"Next one's a head-shot! Move those hands and it's yours, now DROP YOUR WEAPON!"
The thug carefully laid the handgun on the ground, straightened up, and stared at the heavily armed soldier in full OCP battledress and IOTV body armor, complete with pushed-up night-vision goggles mounted on his helmet, who'd appeared seemingly out of nowhere, pointing an M4 carbine with an underslung grenade-launcher right at his face.
"On your knees; NOW!" commanded the soldier, a sergeant, and when the thug complied, another soldier appeared out of the roadside foliage, planted his boot in the middle of the thug's back and pushed him flat on his face, yanked his arms up behind him, and zip-cuffed him several times. Another soldier did the same to the wounded man, and retrieved his dropped handgun before he got any ideas.
"Move a muscle and you're dead, you pair of fucks! Be good and you'll get to live, and if you think I'm joking, make a move..." he muttered. The prone men gabbled their surrender, and the soldiers covering them hauled them to their feet.
"See, that was easy, wasn't it!"
The sergeant tipped back his helmet, pulled off his Oakley sunglasses and grinned at Maw-maw, while his men ransacked the SUV and piled all the weapons they found in the yard.
"Sergeant Everett Jones, ma'am, USASOC out of Fort Benning; we're on manoeuvres with the Louisiana Army National Guard, ma'am; my colonel thought we needed to sharpen-up our training, and a couple of your Johnny's friends asked us to come make sure these animals left you in peace, so we linked-up with the local National Guard unit and came on down. If you need any further assistance, ma'am, we're in the vicinity, and we'll keep watch for any more of these dirtbags."
Maw-maw stared at him.
"Jean-Bastiènne got friends in th'army? Who-all sent you?"
Sergeant Jones grinned.
"Ma'am, it was Miss Angel Graves and Miss Cassandra Matthews; I think you already know Miss Cassie's husband, Robin, he said he'd spoken with you. They're friends of the regiment, and what they ask, we do; it was our pleasure, ma'am, and Miss Angel said we were to stay close by 'til this is all over and done, she was quite definite about that! I'll take these two hyenas into town and drop them off with Sheriff Broussard; the one I shot isn't as bad hurt as he thinks, he'll live long enough to face a judge, and a few of the boys will kinda lay-up here and there and see you safe. Any more of these dirtbags show up, we'll clean them out for you, I have my orders direct from Miss Angel, an' I intend to carry them out! Now, if you'll excuse me..."
With that, a group of soldiers appeared out of the underbrush where Maw-maw would have sworn no-one was hiding, and a Humvee likewise appeared out of nowhere. The soldiers lifted the two prisoners into the vehicle, collected the pile of guns and magazines, and dumped them in the back of the vehicle.
"First bayou we come to, we'll drop this lot in there, somewhere nice and deep, ma'am!" grinned Sergeant Jones, and with a last wave, climbed in the Humvee and drove away, while the remaining soldiers drifted back into the underbrush and disappeared.
Maw-maw scratched her head in wonder. Did all that just happen? It must have done; one look at the bloodstain in the yard confirmed it. Maw-maw shook her head, grinning.
"Whut kinda frien's you-all got these days, John-Boy...?" she mused as she went back inside to get a bucket and some lye to wash down the yard. | literotica |
Title: How I Became A Gay Cock Slut
Tags: gay, domination, seduced, anal sex, masturbation, shaved, blowjob, rimming, oral sex, first time
A few weeks ago, I attended a training conference in Hilton Head, S.C. The company I work for has multiple locations throughout the southeast and paid all the expenses to the four day program. They were willing to pay at least half of the accommodations or all of it if we were willing to share a room with another company employee. All other expenses, including meals, were paid for as well as a small daily expense account for entertainment.
I'm 28 and my wife and I just purchased our first home a couple of years ago and as you can imagine, we are on a really tight budget. I gladly opted for the fully paid room. I had not actually shared a room with someone since college, but that experience hadn't been so bad. Actually, my college roommate and I have remained good friends since graduation even though we live a considerable distance apart now.
The Hilton was an oceanfront property with my room overlooking the beach. It was early in the season, so there were not as many bikini clad beauties to view but just getting away from the office was a blessing. It's been a difficult couple of years in sales but we've all weathered the storm and now the company was finally freeing up money in human resources to train us on some of the new product lines.
When I checked in, I saw they had me rooming with somebody from Charlotte, not far from where my wife and I actually live. The bellman took my bags up while I surveyed the hotel – the pool, the restaurant, and finally... the bar. I went ahead and had a couple of beers before I went up to the room to unpack.
When I arrived I saw an open suitcase on the bed nearest the door. The owner appeared to be in the restroom. The TV was on so I sat down on the bed, bundling my pillows behind my back, and waited to meet my new roommate.
I was relieved when the guy who popped around the corner appeared to be a well groomed man, perhaps ten or fifteen years my senior. I announced myself immediately as to not startle him.
"Hi, I'm Bob," sticking my hand out in anticipation he would do the same.
"Steve," he shot back. "Where you from?"
"Raleigh," I replied. "You in sales? I saw you were from Charlotte when I was checking in."
"Actually I'm with one of the product lines you're training on this week. I believe your company put some of us together with you guys. And yes, I'm from Charlotte," Steve smiled back.
"I was just about to head downstairs. I believe there is a 'Get Aquatinted' program going on with some appetizers and drinks," Steve informed me.
I figured I could unpack later and Steve and I went down to the lobby and were directed to a room set up with an open bar and quite a spread. I didn't really know anyone with the company and struck up a few casual conversations here and there.
What surprised me though was Steve. It was like he didn't know a stranger as he moved through the crowd striking up conversations with anyone who arrived. He had a strong sense of confidence and a certain charisma. I was already glad he was my roommate.
After the hospitality room closed, Steve and I made our way into the bar where we watched an NBA game and talked more about our personal lives. Looking back, I seemed to do most of the talking as I shared with Steve that my wife Laurie and I dated throughout most of college and married when I was 24.
Steve shared he was 38 and divorced. He confided that his busy travel schedule was really a strain on his marriage which ended more than five years ago. Since then, he was in a steady relationship but not tied down to any one person.
I couldn't believe how easy he was to talk to as I seemed to go on and on about college, my job, my marriage. Steve was drinking scotch while I switched back to beers, trying to remember it would be a long day tomorrow listening to speakers throughout the day.
When we arrived back at the room, I began stowing away my clothes when Steve announced he was going to get a quick shower. I surfed the channels on the nice high def TV as I heard the water running in the other room. I had taken up my familiar position on the bed when I was startled with Steve's nude frame walking out of the bathroom.
I'm not a prude or anything and I'm fairly used to guys walking around naked down at the "Y" or even back in school. I was just not accustomed to a total stranger walking around nude in my bedroom. Steve meanwhile was rubbing his head with the towel and then tossed it over into a chair.
My new roommate had his back to me but I couldn't help notice his tanned chiseled frame. There was little doubt he worked out. He reached for a comb in a travel bag on the dresser and brushed back his locks, taking his time before turning and walking over to the bed.
I couldn't help but stare and was startled when he half turned and asked, "My being undressed doesn't bother you does it?" When I wasn't immediately forthcoming with a response, he added, "I'm kind of used to shedding this business attire at home. But if it bothers you, I'll put something on..." he said looking back right at me.
I pretended that I really didn't notice and looked over trying to look disinterested, "No, I'm fine. Hell, we're just guys here. Make yourself at home."
Privately I was shocked. I stared ahead at the TV but couldn't help but see his cock swinging in front out of the corner of my eye. I pride myself in that I have what I consider a nice sized dick. But this guy had some major meat hanging down. I also noticed he shaved his genital area. As a matter of fact both his crotch and chest seemed to be completely hairless and smooth.
Steve walked over and sat down on the bed and hiked a leg up, resting it across one knee.
"Are you sure?" he looked over. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything. I guess I'm just used to relaxing at home."
I looked over and just sort of shrugged my response, "No, I'm cool. Might not want to go out like that though," I added trying to add levity and move on from the subject.
"Anything on?" he asked so nonchalantly.
"Not sure. Looks like we get a good many channels," then I added, "and some pay channels to boot." There were several ShowTime channels with a variety of movies and specials.
Steve looked at the TV for a minute and then announced he was going to get to bed. He stood up again as his dick swung just a couple of feet from me. I was still startled that he would just undress right down to his birthday suit.
I heard him in the bathroom, apparently brushing his teeth, as he ran water, turned out the light and headed for bed. He again walked right past as I tried to stare directly ahead.
I'm not gay, nor have I ever had any same sex encounters of any kind, but I couldn't help glancing over occasionally as he pulled back the comforter and sheets. Before sliding between them, he turned and half faced me, "I'm sort of a morning person and like to get up early and work out. Will that bother you?" he inquired.
"No, that's fine," I shot back, trying desperately to look up at his face, hoping my eyes did not betray me.
When Steve turned off his lamp, I actually laid in bed thinking about what had transpired over the last few minutes. I could feel my mouth had gotten dry as I made my way over to the small fridge and pulled out a bottled water. I lay back in the bed and watched TV for about an hour until I too felt the urge to catch some sleep.
I slipped off my pants and tugged my shirt over my head before turning out the light. Closing my eyes, I could not get the images of Steve's naked body out of my head. I had never given any thoughts to having sex with another man but here I was admitting to myself, I was aroused, excited seeing Steve, knowing I'd likely be seeing plenty of it this week.
I didn't even hear Steve get up. Merely the door opening up as he reentered the room from his morning workout. The rustling of clothes and then the shower running in the bathroom. I had been facing the sliding glass door which I had intentionally left open. The soft roar of the waves crashing down on the beach below us.
Then I found myself turning over on my side facing Steve's direction. I knew it was crazy, but I wondered if I'd get another show. I had never been turned on watching guys undress. Never gave it a second thought. But here I was, my heart pounding in my chest, hoping to see Steve pop around the corner again.
I was not disappointed. Just a few minutes in the shower, Steve again emerged. Rubbing the towel across his back, around his legs, before tossing it back in the bathroom on the floor. Once again he stepped to the mirror and brushed his hair. I watched through squinting eyes as he moved around the room retrieving articles of clothing before reaching into the dresser and stepping into a pair of boxers. In just a manner of moments he was tying his tie around his neck, slipping on his suit jacket and out the door.
I had pretended to be asleep but the moment the door closed behind Steve, I threw back my sheets. I had stripped down to my briefs the night before and simply slept in them. Looking down, I could not help but notice how aroused I seemed to be.
I'm not sure why I did it, but I reached down and cupped my briefs under my balls and began to stroke my cock. I spit into my hand, wetting it down, as I applied it to my shaft and began rubbing my hardening cock. I thought of the sex Laurie and I had just a few nights earlier. Laurie is a gorgeous brunette and I could picture her tits swinging back and forth as I pumped my dick into her doggy style - a position we both really loved.
It didn't seem long at all before I felt my orgasm approaching. But the scary thing was the images I kept seeing. Steve's chest, his naked cock swinging back and forth. His balls which hung down low. I tried to concentrate back on Laurie, her beautiful ass, those big brown eyes. And then the familiar build up in my cock as I shot load after load onto my chest.
I got up, wiped off the mess with a tissue and stepped into the shower.
The day seemed to drag on as most of the morning and then the early afternoon was filled with lectures and PowerPoint's. It had been some time since I sat through a college lecture and I had forgotten how boring they could be. When we took a mid-afternoon break, I snuck back to the room, slipped on my suit and headed off to the pool.
Some of the employees from the seminar had organized a trip to a nearby Seafood Restaurant for dinner but I decided to chill out by the pool. The beers went down easy in the hot sun. I struck up a conversation with a couple on vacation, enjoying small talk, as I relaxed at the resort. I grabbed a burger listening to a guitar player entertaining the small crowd which had gathered in the outside bar.
It was then I saw Steve apparently coming back from dinner. It was a real contrast with me in a swimsuit and a t-shirt and Steve in a nice pair of dress slacks and a polo. He sat down and ordered a scotch from the waitress inquiring about my day.
We just sort of picked up on the previous night's conversation. There was something about this guy - so relaxed, unpretentious. As he sat at the table, someone would walk by and speak, telling him how much they enjoyed his presentation earlier in the day.
I'm not sure how long we stayed downstairs but I knew I was feeling a little bit of the alcohol from my afternoon by the pool and now the bar. When Steve announced he was headed up to the room, I indicated I wasn't far behind.
When I entered our hotel room, Steve was in the bathroom taking a shower. I flipped a few channels finally settling on a rerun of a CSI episode. By now I knew the drill and expected Steve to walk out nude. He did. I guess it was the drinks, but I caught myself staring. Watching as his penis waved back and forth as he walked around the room.
Once I was sure he caught my stare as I tried to look away. While I pretended to be looking over paperwork for the next day, I thought I saw a half smile on Steve's face at having caught me admiring his tight abs along with the package below.
Feeling a little grungy from the day out in the sun, I decided to clean up a little myself and took a shower. The hot water cascading over my shoulders felt great. Feeling much better, I stepped from the shower and toweled off, wrapping the soft fluffy cloth around my waist and walking back in the bedroom.
Steve was lying nude across the bed reading a magazine. I walked over to the bed and picked up the remote. Steve indicated he wasn't watching anything in particular so I surfed until the remote settled on a pay station. It was an adult flick, soft porn, but porn none the less.
I relaxed on the bed and watched a scene or two before it just timed out. I suppose it was a tease to get you to order because the screen indicated to continue watching you had to press the orange order button.
"Fuck," I exclaimed "just when it was getting good."
Steve set the magazine down on his chest and looked over. "Order it if you like," he suggested.
I reflected for a second, thinking about whether to make the purchase or turn in for the night.
"Or do you want the real thing?" Steve inquired looking at me.
"The real thing?" I questioned back. "You mean, go back downstairs?"
Steve set the magazine aside, sat up on the side of the bed. "No, no I didn't mean that. I've seen you looking. We both know what you really want."
"What do you mean?" I shot back.
"You know exactly what I mean," he answered back, standing up and taking his dick in his hand. "You've been checking me out ever since I got here, and now we're gonna' let you have it."
I wanted to blurt out he was wrong. He was crazy as hell. It was him walking around naked all the time. I wasn't gay. I wasn't into guys. I was married. Happily married! But here I was speechless. Staring at his cock he was stroking with his hand, pumping it back and forth, hardening before my eyes.
"Come over here Bobby. Sit over here," he motioned pointing to the side of my bed.
I sat frozen in place. I wasn't about to move. He was wrong. I wasn't like that. I would never do what he was asking. My eyes watching him stroke his cock, his other hand still pointing to the spot on the side of the bed. I looked up from his dick. His eyes looking straight back into mine.
"It's okay Bobby," Steve broke the silence. "It's just us. No one else will know. Not your wife, no one that works with you. Just us two. I know you're curious. I know you want to do it."
I was determined not to move, even as I felt myself sliding to the side of the bed, my legs slipping over the side. My face just inches away as he continued to slide his hand across the long shaft of his cock.
"Go ahead, take a nice long look son. That's what you been wanting to do," Steve said softly.
He let go of his dick and it swayed, bobbed, defying gravity as it hung there. I couldn't say anything as I just stared at it. I'd never seen another man's penis up close. Steve realized the state I was in, the hold he had. Unable to make the first move, he broke the silence, "Go ahead boy. Touch it. You can feel it."
It was as if I was in a trance. I reached out with my right hand and rested it on his warm shaft, my fingers closing around it. I couldn't believe how soft, how warm it was.
"That's right Bobby, stroke it, stroke my cock," Steve encouraged me as I began to slide my hand back and forth on his hard shaft. It got harder and harder under my touch, rising, stiffening.
Steve stepped closer to me and rested his hand on the back of my neck. "Kiss it Bobby. Kiss my cock."
I couldn't move my head. I wasn't gay. It was one thing to touch him. I had to draw a line at sucking him off. I couldn't do it. I wouldn't do it. I wanted to turn away, to stop, but I found myself still transfixed. Still stroking his cock.
Steve's finger reached down and rested on my lips. His finger pushing against my lips, pushing until his finger entered my mouth. In a matter of seconds, I found myself sucking on his finger. His finger exploring my mouth. "You have such a pretty mouth Bobby. I want you to kiss my cock. Let me feel your pretty lips on my dick," he coaxed.
I felt his hand pressuring behind my neck, pulling my head closer and closer until my lips touched his cock, warm on my lips. My mouth now touching his dick. It seemed so surreal. This wasn't me. It was someone else as I felt my lips slide across the head, planting kisses on the crown, on the side of his hard cock.
Then without any further encouragement I let his dick slide into my mouth, through my parted lips. I was sucking a cock. I never imagined I would ever do what I was doing but here I was. Sucking a cock of a man I had just met the day before. Then he instructed me how to please him. What he liked as I began to lose my inhibitions.
I did exactly as he said as I sucked madly on his cock, rubbing his balls, taking them in my mouth on his request. When Steve removed his dick from my mouth, I sought it out trying to pull it back. I loved his taste. I liked the feeling of his cock swelling in my mouth.
I could tell from his moans that he was enjoying what I was doing as my head moved up and down on his hard shaft. I couldn't take the whole cock in my mouth but I jacked his cock with my hand trying to stuff as much in my mouth as possible. I bathed the head with my tongue knowing I was doing a great job as Steve guided my head between his hands.
He reached down and pulled on my nipple causing me to wince. No one had ever played with my nipples, not even my wife, as he realized how sensitive they were and kept up his assault, pulling, twisting causing me to suck harder.
It was then I felt his balls tighten and I knew from his knees starting to buckle he was close to cumming. I tried to lift off of his dick but Steve held me in place, holding my head firmly over his cock, buried in my mouth as he began shooting his load.
"Fuck, that's right, suck me, take that load boy," Steve groaned. I didn't want to swallow his semen but he held me in place. I swallowed as quickly as possible. While at first I struggled, I begin to accept his release and then found myself sucking again, licking, trying to take in all the cum, some which had escaped from the corners of my mouth. It was salty and slick but I licked it up, sucking the remainder from the tip of his dick as Steve settled back on the bed. His slippery dick pulling free from my mouth.
"Damn that was good boy. You're a natural. A natural little cock sucker," Steve smiled as he gathered his breath, then slinking down to his knees, unwrapped the towel that covered my dick. Steve gazed on my already hard cock. It wasn't nearly as big as his. He placed his hand around my dick. It was the first time any man had ever touched my cock.
His hand was much bigger, rougher than my wife's little hand. Steve bent down and took my cock into his warm mouth. I collapsed back on my elbows as I watched Steve go down on me, taking my whole cock into his mouth. His lips actually touching my stomach. I couldn't believe Steve could take it all, but there he was giving me the best blow job I could ever remember getting. Laurie was good but somehow I think Steve was better.
I wasn't sure whether it's because he knew what he liked and that's what he did or whether it was the taboo nature of it. Steve knew exactly what he was doing. He bathed my cock and balls with his tongue. I'm not sure I had ever experienced the blowjob he was giving me. It was absolutely great!
Eventually Steve slid up on the bed and began kissing on my nipple, drawing it into his mouth, sucking, licking, biting lightly at my little bud. He pulled the wet towel completely off me, ripping it out from under me, leaving me naked under his hungry gaze.
I had no idea how sensitive my nipples were but I enjoyed Steve sucking and pulling on them. "Spread your legs boy," Steve commanded me.
I did as he asked without thinking as I felt a warm wet finger pressing against my puckered asshole. Steve pulled his finger away and coated it with spit from his mouth and placed it again at the entrance to my ass. Pushing gently, it entered slowly.
No one had ever explored my ass as Steve worked his finger in and around, continuing to suck on my nipple. "Stroke your cock boy. Jack it off for me," Steve urged.
Steve slid up. I had my eyes closed and was unprepared when I felt his lips on mine. I couldn't believe he was kissing me. My lips were tight against his as he licked my lips, running his tongue along them. My lips and eyes both were tightly closed. I didn't want to do this. I couldn't believe I was doing this. And then it happened, his tongue prying between my clenched lips. My lips parting slightly as his tongue pushed through, exploring my yielding mouth, finally resigned, allowing him to kiss me.
Here I was laying across the bed, another man kissing me, fingering my ass as I jacked my own cock. One finger, two fingers, pushing in my backside, exploring, in and out as I relaxed taking more and more of him. He pushed in, burying his fingers in my ass. I had both feet flat on the mattress, my legs apart, as Steve explored a part of me that Laurie or no other woman had ever done.
At first it was uncomfortable but as I jacked my dick, I spread my legs wider exposing myself, letting him have as much access as possible.
"You like that boy? You like me fingering your ass?"
"Yea," I grunted back acknowledging what we both already knew. I could feel myself pushing back into his fingers, my left hand pulling on my own butt cheek, trying to open it wider. It was a warm sensation. A sensation I had never felt before and it felt so good.
"That's right, spread that little cherry ass. It's a hot little ass. I was noticing it today out by the pool. You gotta' nice little ass," Steve chanted as he pushed his fingers in, deeper and deeper.
Steve went back to kissing me, pushing his tongue deep into my mouth. "Stick your tongue out boy," Steve hissed. I did as directed as he sucked my tongue into his hot mouth. His fingers were plunging now in and out of my ass, his hand slapping at my cheeks.
I felt my balls draw tight as I shot stream after stream across my stomach. There was so much cum some splashed beside my head on the mattress. As my own orgasm subsided, I went limp, my legs collapsing down on Steve's hand which he withdrew as he placed a last, long, lingering kiss on my lips.
When Steve pulled away from me, he gazed back in my eyes. I felt completely wiped out. He took a finger and scooped up a small glob of my own cum and placed it lightly on my lips. I could taste the saltines of my own cum as I wiped my lips with my tongue taking the semen into my mouth as Steve smiled.
He got up announcing we had a busy day in the morning as he went into the bathroom to ready himself for bed. I don't believe I moved an inch when he returned, set his clock and slid between his sheets.
"Goodnight boy," Steve said as he clicked off the lamp on the night stand. It was then the "Boy" registered with me. Not Bobby but "Boy". It was kind of lost on me earlier.
I pushed the sheets down and then crawled back under them. I had just participated in my first same sex encounter. It was like someone else had done it. Not me. But I realized, it was me. I wanted to deny it. I didn't want to do it. But I did and I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it a lot.
There was still three days left in the conference and I wondered what might happen next. All I knew was if he asked me again I would have sex with him again. Actually I wanted to. It was all I could think about as I closed my eyes.
I didn't sleep very well that night, continually tossing and turning thinking about what had transpired hours earlier. The image of me having oral sex with another man. Allowing him to finger my ass, actually enjoying it, was tearing me into. I considered myself as straight as they come, a very happily married man. Yet, I knew what I had done and enjoyed doing.
I was actually awake when Steve got up the next morning, slipping on his shorts, t-shirt, and shoes for his workout. Pulling the sheet over my head, I tried to catch just a few more minutes of sleep before I got up myself. It was perhaps two hours later when Steve returned, running a shower, before emerging, wiping the remnants of water from his back.
He looked over to see me staring back. "Good morning sunshine," he smiled disarmingly. "Sleep well?"
I wanted to say are you kidding. Hell no, not after what we did... how I'm feeling about it. Instead I turned facing him, "Yea," I lied.
"I enjoyed our little session last night," Steve went on as he approached my bed. "You're pretty damn good for a first timer," he added, now taking his dick in his hand. I watched as he gently stroked his cock. He was looking at me but my gaze was solidly fixed on the cock which was swelling in his hand.
Within seconds his cock was fully erect, sticking straight out at an upward angle. My own heart was pounding as I looked at it, with Steve removing his hand leaving just his cock which seemed to beckon me. Everything in my mind told me to stay put. This was wrong – it was crazy. I wasn't gay. I didn't do things like this but I felt drawn, almost hypnotized by the sight before me.
"Go ahead boy. We both know what you want to do. Now that you've had this cock, you can't get enough. You want more. You want to taste it. Come on, get down here on your knees and suck my cock. Lick it. Take my load boy."
It was almost as if it were somebody else and I was unable to stop them as I slid out of the bed, still naked from the night before. I knelt down on my knees. Steve placed his hands on both hips as he guided his cock to my mouth. Without any further instruction I parted my lips and took in his cock.
I could still taste faint traces of soap from his shower. He smelled clean and fresh as the warm flesh moved back and forward between my lips.
"Fuck you're a good little dick sucker," he moaned as I wrapped my hands around his ass and pulled him tighter to my face. "Yea, suck it, lick my balls boy. Take my nuts in your mouth and suck them."
I did exactly that as I sucked one then the other ball. I marveled at his hairless sack. How smooth his skin was all around his dick, completely shaved bare. I held his cock and licked the length of the shaft before sticking it back in my mouth. Steve removed his cock and rubbed it on my face, across my lips.
"Stick your tongue out boy," he commanded. I complied as he rubbed his head across my tongue, lightly beating it with his shaft. "You like that cock don't cha' boy? You like sucking my dick, kneeling down there taking this cock in your mouth, don't cha?"
"Yes sir," I said in between slurps.
"Are you my little cock sucker? That what you are boy?" Steve asked.
"Yes sir," I moaned back licking his dick.
"Yes sir what," he shot back.
"I'm your cock sucker. I can't get enough of your cock. I love it," I answered back.
"Look up here. Look at me," Steve barked. I looked up at him, his dick buried in my mouth. "You want to taste my load. You want me to feed you some breakfast?"
"Yes sir. Cum for me. I want you to cum in my mouth," I begged. I did. I couldn't help myself. I was so turned on. I wanted him to shoot his load and let me suck it down.
"Stick your tongue out and open wide boy," Steve commended.
I sat back on my legs and opened my mouth as wide as possible, sticking my tongue out in anticipation of his promise. Steve jacked his cock just a few times before the first stream of cum sailed across my face. He corrected his aim and sent the next spurt into my hungry mouth. Two or three more found their target before he wiped the last remnants on my tongue.
I closed my mouth and swallowed the remainder. Steve took his finger and scooped up the stream starting to slide down my face. He took the finger and placed it to my lips which I took into my mouth, savoring now the taste of my own cum.
"Damn you're hot boy. You learn fast. Stand up," he commanded. I did as he directed and when I was standing before him, he took me in his arms. I felt small as he kissed me hard. My own erect cock rubbed against our stomachs as he grabbed onto my ass cheeks and pulled me tight. His tongue pushing into my mouth, our lips rubbing together.
It was almost like in that moment I belonged to him. I wanted to belong to him as he kissed me as passionately as I had ever been kissed.
"I'd like to take care of you but I have a class that starts up in 15 minutes. Lie down on the bed and jack off while I get ready. I want to see you cum for me," he urged.
I did as he directed and lay down on the bed, watching him dress as I stroked my cock. I lubed my dick up with my own saliva as I pumped my dick. In moments I was spurting cum onto my chest. He looked on with a smile as he finished tying his tie and slipped on his jacket.
I lay on the bed, cum all over my stomach and chest as I closed my eyes. That might have been a mistake. When I opened them it was nearly noon. I had fallen asleep and missed most of the morning's program.
Sitting in class after lunch was almost a waste. My thoughts kept going back to the last twenty-four hours. It was hard for me to fathom that this time yesterday my last thoughts were I'd be some guy's playmate. But here I was and I couldn't get my mind off what we had done – what I had done.
As wrong as I knew it was, I simply couldn't erase the images of kneeling at Steve's feet, taking the last few drops of cum which dribbled off the head of his cock. I sat through the day's program but my mind was definitely somewhere else and immediately after the class broke up I headed upstairs.
I waited in the room assuming Steve might come up. When he didn't I headed down to the bar and began to suck down some Grey Goose and tonics. Around ten and feeling no pain at all, I decided to turn in. I took the elevator to our room and opened up the patio glass door to get a great breeze. The warm salty ocean air filled the room as I slipped off my clothes, leaving just my briefs as I collapsed on the bed, waiting on the arrival of my roommate.
My thoughts kept rerunning the scenes of Steve, his cock, my mouth. I pulled down my briefs and began stroking my cock, swelling in my hand. The images of Steve's shaved crotch, his heavy balls that I bathed with my tongue. Then the thought hit me. I retreated into the bathroom and began running the shower. I got out my shaving cream and lathered up my crotch. I was careful to use a new blade as I began shaving strips across my lower abdomen, around my balls, anywhere I detected hair until I felt completely smooth. I even swiped under my balls and around the crack of my ass.
Rinsing off, I watched as the hair fell to the bottom of the shower in clumps. Most of it went down the drain but I used a tissue to pick up the rest and discard in the trash basin. Looking into the mirror I couldn't believe how much bigger my cock looked with no hair, I couldn't recall being hairless since I was 13. But here I was, standing in the mirror looking at my erect cock, swollen from my arousal. I hoped Steve would be pleased with my new look.
Steve had a bottle of Dewar's Scotch on the dresser and I didn't think he would mind. I'm not a scotch drinker but I needed something to steady my nerves as I looked at my bald dick and hairless balls in the dresser mirror. I wondered what my wife would say when I unveiled my new look. I could come up with some lame story I'd seen some guy down here in the sauna and thought I'd do it.
At any rate, I sat back on the bed, turned on the TV and waited. It was almost midnight when I heard the door click and open. Steve smiled as he looked at me, naked on the bed. I don't think he noticed at first my surprise, as he made his way over to the scotch and poured him a drink too.
"I see you've been waiting on me and I definitely approve of the way you're dressed," he said with a smile as he walked over. It was then that his eyes looked at my shaved crotch, completely hairless as my dick was already fully erect.
"Oh my, I didn't see that earlier. That's nice...very nice," he said appreciating my handiwork. I like a shaved cock. You have a very pretty cock. So much nicer without all that hair.
He set his drink down on the nightstand and rubbed his hand across my stomach, down across my hairless abdomen to my cock, gripping it, and giving it a couple of tugs. He took my balls in his hand, holding them, giving a gentle squeeze. I felt chills run down my arms at his touch. He let go and unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it over to a chair. He slipped off his loafers and lifted his feet removing his socks, then his slacks. As he pulled down his boxers his cock came into view. The cock I had come to worship over the last day.
"I'm sorry I had to run off and leave you hanging this morning. I'm not normally like that but I knew I had to get set up." Steve moved to the foot of the bed and positioned himself between my outstretched legs. He bent over, taking my dick in his hand, bringing it to his mouth as he swallowed it whole. His lips again now resting on my smooth stomach. I was amazed he could take my whole cock in his mouth and he ran his tongue around my shaft. Steve spent several minutes licking my cock and balls which he alternated in his mouth.
Then he did something I was unprepared for, he pushed my legs up where my knees were almost over my head and began to lick my asshole. I had never felt anything like it as he ran his tongue up and down my crack, pushing his tongue in. I moaned as he assaulted my backside with his tongue, then replacing it with his fingers which he worked into my chute.
As he toyed with my ass with two, then three fingers, he again sucked in my dick and began moving his mouth up and down on the shaft. I loved the dual feeling of him fucking me with his fingers while giving me head. I completely lost track of how long he was doing that when he rose from the bed and walked over to the dresser. He took something out of a travel bag, a tube that he squirted on his hands, rubbing the liquid on his cock which was already hardening.
"Get over here on my bed, on your hands and knees," he said. I was pretty sure I knew what he intended as he continued to stroke his cock, lubing it up, and then my ass as I scooted up on the bed. There was a part of me that wanted to say hell no. That's way too big. But another that wanted it. That wanted him to take me.
He had been easy on me with his fingers and I hoped he would be just as easy with his monster cock. Luckily the drinks had taken a toll on me and I was much more relaxed as I felt his fingers lubing up my hole, preparing me for his dick.
Okay boy, it's time to take that little cherry ass of yours. That's what you want isn't it? You want me to fuck that ass," he chided.
"Yes sir, fuck me. I want you to fuck my ass. My tight little hole. Make it yours," I said back.
I did. I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to fill me with his huge cock.
"Look in the mirror boy. I want you to get a close up look as I take that cherry. Watching as I take that ass boy," he said pointing to the mirror stretching across the dresser.
I did just that and couldn't believe it was me staring back. I watched as he guided his meat to the cheeks of my ass which he pulled apart with his right hand guiding the head of his dick with his left. I could feel the head of his cock touching my asshole, teasing it, pushing just lightly, and then a little more.
Then I felt it as his head entered. I knew I jumped a bit as he let go of my ass and grabbed on to the lower part of my back. He stood still, letting me get accustomed to the huge presence now filling my hole. Inching it in, ever so slowly. I could feel his cock moving deep into my bowels drawing a moan from my lips as my head went down to a pillow, biting it as the uncomfortable pain gradually gave way to a feeling of fullness.
It seemed to take forever, but eventually I felt his thighs touching mine and I knew he was all the way in. I had taken all of him – his whole cock. My face was turned to the mirror and I watched as he fucked my virgin ass, moving slowly at first, and when he met no resistance a little faster.
It was as if it were someone else in the mirror. Not me, as I watched the man taking the other from behind. Driving his cock deep into his ass. I watched as I could see Steve's dick sliding out between my cheeks and then back again. I felt so submissive - so taken. Now I knew how Laurie and the other women I had fucked felt when I took them doggie style.
I was so turned on watching myself. Giving myself totally to Steve.
I moved my ass back to meet his thrust. My butt was perched high in the air with my face laying flat on the mattress. I could see my bald little cock and balls flapping with each forward movement. My own cock seemed to shrink, and while I felt horny as hell, it was no longer erect as it moved with each thrust.
It was almost as if my cock had retreated with Steve's anal assault. It dangled from my crotch as my balls contracted in their sack. Occasionally I would reach down and pull on them, feeling the lube which ran down my crack as Steve pushed his cock in and out.
"That's it boy. Take my cock, take it," he groaned. "Who's fuckin' ya? Who's fuckin' that ass?"
"You are," I moaned.
"Is that my ass? Does that little cherry ass belong to me?"
"Yes sir, it's your ass. Fuck it. Please fuck my ass," I moaned back.
"So you liked being my little cock sucker yesterday, didn't cha' boy?" Steve taunted.
"Yes sir, I didn't want to. I didn't want to feel that way, but I loved it. I loved sucking your cock. That's all I could think about today. I love sucking your cock," I ranted.
"And tonight you're my little bitch. You've given yourself completely to me. That's my ass now boy. You'll give it up any time I want. Wherever I want. If I want it tomorrow, you'll give it to me. If I call you next week, you'll drive down and give it to me want cha' boy? There's no turning back. That ass belongs to me now."
It hadn't dawned on me he would contact me after the conference. My heart fluttered. His dick sawing back and forth in my ass. He would call me at home - in front of my wife? I was lost in the thoughts when I heard him bark out, "Answer me boy, if I call you next week, you'll drive your ass down and give it to me, want you?"
I knew what he expected to hear. "Yes sir, I'll do that. I'll drive to Charlotte. I'll do it. You can have it. You can have me ... anytime you want," I added.
"Because I own your little bitch ass now. My cock owns it. Isn't that right?" Steve taunted.
"Yea, oh fuck," I groaned. Steve was slamming harder. Then he pulled his cock out and turned me over. Taking a pillow and shoving it under my ass, he elevated my butt just slightly off the bed as he positioned his cock at my hole which slid in easily now. He bent down and took my right nipple in his mouth, licking, sucking. It felt so good.
Then he collapsed his full weight on top of me. He kissed me, his tongue meeting mine as I wrapped my legs around his back and pulled him deeper into my ass. I did feel like I belonged to him. So full, so complete as he moved his cock slowly into me, stretching me, taking me.
I felt him stiffen and then a warm sensation as his cum shot deep into my ass. It felt wonderful as he pumped his juice in, pushing, deeper, deeper until he relaxed on top of me. I kissed his neck as he pulled his cock free of my ass. I could feel my hole gaping open as warm cum trickled out and down my leg.
The next two days of the conference were spent with me servicing him whenever he asked. I sucked his cock or offered him my ass at will. I lost track of how many times I sucked him off in the next two days.
The last two nights we roomed together we just shared the same bed. That last night, Steve had just fucked me from behind as we spooned in the bed. My ass had grown accustomed to his cock and this time rather than pull out, he left his dick buried up my backside as he wrapped his arms around me pulling me tightly into his body.
"Steve, tomorrow when I leave, did you mean that about coming down to see you? I mean is that something you just said?" I inquired.
"No, I meant it. Now that I've had that little pussy of yours, I expect to get it often," he said softly.
"Pussy?" I shot back.
"Yea, your little pussy. That little boy pussy of yours. The pussy you gave up to me. It's mine now," he explained. "I have an ass, yours is a little boy pussy."
"Well...what do I say. I mean what do I do about Laurie. I mean, what if she asks what I'm doing? Where I'm going?" I inquired.
"Bring her too boy. Bring her down to see me. Both of you," he chuckled.
I pulled away and turned the best I could. His arms holding me from facing him. "No Steve. You can't involve her.. She can't know, please," I begged.
"Know? Know what a gay boy she married. That you're a cock sucker now? You like a hard dick up that little pussy of yours," he said back. His voice different. Almost defiant, dominant. "No boy. You belong to me. Your ass, your mouth. You'll do whatever I tell you when I tell you. You understand?"
"Steve, I'll do anything, but please don't let Laurie know. Don't let her find out what I've done," I pleaded back. I felt tears welt up in my eyes. The horror of her knowing I had crossed the line. That I had become some man's lover. And worse, it sounded like Steve intended to have her as well. My own wife.
"I know you'll do anything. Anything I want. We both know that," Steve said as he pulled me back tighter to his chest. "And if I tell you to suck my dick in front of her, you damn well will. You'll do it and will not hesitate. I'll fuck your little ass while she looks on. And I'll fuck her too. Both of you. You understand?" he said so emphatically. "You'll both be my little play things, my little bitches. I'll have you both whenever and wherever I want. You got that?"
The realization of what he intended sunk in. I knew he would. And if I said no what would he do? Would he tell her? Tell her what I had become. What we had done? Would she believe him?
His voice interrupted my thoughts. "Anyway, deep down that's what you want. We both know that. You like me fucking you. Feeding you my cock. You like being my little bitch. That's what you've become now. Not a boy. Just a little bitch. You want your wife to see you sucking my big cock. Taking that load, swallowing my cum. You'd like that. Laurie, watching me fuck that little pussy of yours. You want that now. To be honest with her."
Steve knew he had me. He knew I was completely resigned to his bidding, "I'm going to take your wife. Just like I did you. I'm going to fuck her. Fuck her right in front of you. And then you'll lick her juices off my cock and eat that sperm I put in her tight little box. What's more, you're going to ask me to do it. Beg me to do it. So will she. I'm sure she'll still fuck you after she's had my cock, but it'll never be the same. Not when I'm done stretching that little cunt of hers out."
Steve's breath was hot on the back of my neck. "And you want to give your wife to me. You want me to fuck that little pussy of hers, maybe take her ass too. Would you like that? Would you like watching me fuck her little ass like I do yours?"
I couldn't believe what he was saying. Then I felt him reach around to my cock. It was stiff from all his talk. "Look at that. Your little dick is all hard from thinking about it. Thinking about me fucking her little pussy. Taking her little anal cherry. You're excited thinking about it aren't you? It really gets you off thinking of me fucking your wife doesn't it? Tell me!" he demanded.
"Yes, fuck yes," I gasped. I couldn't believe what I was saying.
"What is it you want me to do Bobby?" he smirked.
"I want you to fuck her. Fuck my wife like you fucked me," I moaned.
"That's what you want? What you really want?" he continued.
"Yes, I want you to. I want us both to be yours. I'll do it. I'll, I'll do it," I said as I felt him pumping my cock.
"That's a good boy. Okay, you bring her down to my place next weekend. I'll email you directions how to get there. You leave everything to me. Before the end of the weekend, you'll both be my little sluts." Steve turned my face and planted his lips squarely on mine. It was a long, deep kiss. He flipped off the lamp. His cock still buried up my ass. In a span of four days I had become Steve's little bitch and now he intended to have my wife as well. And I would give her to him.
We would both be his sluts. His little bitches. I didn't know exactly how it would happen. But I did know – it would. | literotica |
Title: My First Foxy: A Primer on the Care and Feeding of Your New Pet by danath
Tags: Ball Growth, Blueberry jizz, Cock Growth, Collar, Cum Inflation, Fox, Gay, Hyena, Hyperphallic, Leash, M/M, Male
My First Foxy: A Primer on the Care and Feeding of Your New Pet
By Danath
Kraven Lupei ([http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kravenlupei/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kravenlupei/)) & Knoxin ([http://www.furaffinity.net/user/knoxin/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/knoxin/)) are © their owners. Used with permission.
\* \* \*
Kraven scanned the bar, checking out the patrons to see if anyone fit his taste. A few males stood out to him, but he didn't rush to judgment, preferring to take his time and savor the decision. The hyena slipped his drink, watching over the rim of his glass at the plethora of options available.
There was the cute little otter in the corner, for starters. He was hanging out with a few felines and a shaggy dog. The otter was slim, short, and viciously cute, but Kraven wasn't in the mood for otters tonight.
He let his eyes wander as he felt his sheath bulge up a bit in his pants. He was horny as hell and desperately needed a good, solid fucking - hence tonight's excursion to find some prey. The blueberry hyena could land pretty much anyone he liked, thanks to his good looks, fit body, and obviously thick cock, presently curving out against his camouflage cargo pants.
Kraven leaned back on his bar stool and brushed some of the collar-length light-teal hair from his eyes. He licked his lips as his sheath bulged again and he surreptitiously reached down to give it a pat.
"Easy, boy..."
The hyena reached over his head with both arms, stretching his muscles and causing his tight, sleeveless white shirt to wrap even more tightly around his pectorals. His thick, shaggy neck fur fluffed up some when he paused, mid-stretch, and stared across the bar. A long, slow smile crept over his face.
Target acquired.
The fox was slim, cute, with a shock of purple hair draping across his forehead, reaching to just between his eyes in a point colored a bright teal, the same as his eyes. A small brown soul patch grew in on his cream-colored chin; otherwise, from what the hyena could see, the fox had the regular deep orange, nearly red fur typical of his species, with dark brown ears and paws.
Kraven stood from his seat and winced when his package swung in his pants. His cock was already thickening and heading down one leg of his baggy pants. He ran a paw through his faded teal hair as he walked around the bar towards the fox, who was presently talking to a bar regular.
The hyena tapped the fox on the shoulder and sneakily ran his paw over the top of the vulpine's glass, dropping a few pills inside. They quickly dissolved, leaving no trace in the bubbling drink. Kraven bared his teeth at the other male, warning him off the fox, though his features relaxed into a smile as the fox turned around. The other patron backed off hurriedly, aware of Kraven's reputation.
"Hello, cute stuff," Kraven said, reaching up to pinch the fox's chin between his thumb and finger. "You here alone tonight?"
The fox's eyes scanned the hyena rapidly, taking in the thick blue pelt, the darker blue spots running down the sides of his neck and arms, the rough scars around his wrists from a well-worn life, and, of course, the growing bulge in the hyena's pants. It throbbed noticeably, bumping into the fox's knee, and he gulped.
"What's your name?" Kraven asked, taking a sip of his drink before he spoke.
The fox grabbed for his drink, paws trembling a bit, and took a slug of the cool liquor before responding. Kraven's smile widened by a fraction.
"I'm Knoxin," he said, ears struggling to maintain their uprightness in the alpha hyena's presence.
"Cute name... cute fox..."
Kraven licked his lips as he let his paw slip around the fox's neck, down to his shoulder, and tease across his slim chest, pausing to pinch each of his nipples in turn through his black and silver t-shirt. Already the small male's package pushed against his tight black pants. The hyena had to hold back his gleeful laugh when the fox downed the last of his drink in an attempt to soothe his nerves. He signaled the bartender for two more and, as he passed the fox the glass, dropped yet more pills into the liquor.
Tonight would be fun.
He kept chatting up the fox, teasing him occasionally with his paws, or leaning in to inhale his scent and nibble on his ears. The fox giggled, moaned slightly, and pushed into the hyena's paws. When Kraven's teeth closed around a pinch of skin on his neck, teasing him through his pelt, the fox froze and a whine of pleasure hissed out of his nose and mouth. The hyena pulled back, teeth bared in a ferocious smile. How good would tonight be? He'd already found this male's weakness.
The fox wobbled back and forth, gasping lightly and rubbing at his neck with his paw. Knoxin felt the effects of the pills, though of course, he attributed it to the liquor he'd drank too quickly. The mickey wouldn't knock him out, but it would lower his inhibitions and cause some mild confusion, allowing Kraven to manipulate him more easily. It would also result in the whole reason the hyena was on the hunt tonight.
"You're a hot little fox," the hyena whispered, before nipping the smaller male's neck again, triggering another whine. "How about I take you home with me?"
"Ah... ahhh... I don't... I don't know," Knoxin gasped, body trembling. "I feel kind... kind of funny."
Kraven grinned and reached between the fox's thighs, pressing his palm into the bulge there. Knoxin moaned louder than he had before and looked down, shocked.
"Something... something's wrong!" he moaned. "I'm not... I'm not that big!"
A fat bulge, at least ten inches long, pushed up and to the side in the fox's tight pants, forming an obvious ridge. It trembled as Kraven groped it, squeezing and stroking through the fabric. The fox shuddered as it pulsed, thickening and lengthening under the hyena's touch. It glowed faintly through the black fabric, the same teal color as his hair and eyes.
"It's... it's getting bigger!"
"Yes... I wonder why?" the hyena said, apparently perfectly innocent. "Maybe I ought to take you back to my place so that you don't get too big for these tight pants..."
The whole time, the hyena kept his paws working, massaging and teasing the growing length in the fox's clothes. Soon, it pushed up past the waistband, forcing itself past the belt as it flexed, more than 16 inches already. The head spurt into Knoxin's t-shirt as it grew and flopped forward, pulling the fabric away from his lithe chest. The teal color of the pointed shaft was even more obvious now, as the thin shirt blocked little of the bio-luminescent light emanating from the fat stalk.
"Oh... do you think... that's a good idea?" Knoxin moaned.
Kraven leaned in and opened his muzzle. Instead of speaking, however, he took a large nip of the fox's neck. The vulpine nearly fell off his stool and Kraven had to catch him as his jaws closed tightly, suckling and kneading the thick neck fur with his sharp teeth.
The blue male dug into his pocket, tossed a few bills on the bar, and held Knoxin's arm over his shoulder.
"Let's get you home, foxy..."
It wasn't hard to convince the slim fox to get into the car. He was trembling, moaning, and dripping as his erection continued to grow, soon pushing past his nipples, though his shirt kept it upright as he sat in the car. The drive went quick - Kraven amused himself the whole while as he played with Knoxin's rapidly growing erection. By the time he got the staggering, moaning, dripping fox into his house, Kraven's cock stretched down his pant leg, nearly to his knee, and he shuddered with anticipation. The fox was nearly bigger than him already.
No time for foreplay. Kraven pushed the fox onto his back on the bed, ignoring Knoxin's cries as his cock slapped against his belly and chest. A few moments later, the blue hyena had the fox's pants and shirt off. The fox wriggled on the bed, both paws clutching at the covers as his huge erection wormed its way up his chest. The point reached nearly to his ears by the time Kraven got undressed.
"Such a hot little foxy," the hyena groaned, working his cock with both paws. The ebony length stretched out in front of him, thick and hard, nearly two feet long. His heavy nuts hung below, drawn up tight to the base of the shaft as clear pre trickled down the underside. His chest and belly flexed as he watched the fox, waiting for the pills to finish their work.
The lithe male on the bed grunted and moaned. His cock, the same teal color as his eyes, glowed in the dark room, casting off a bit of greenish light. His massive member flopped up and down, throbbing and pulsing, getting larger by the moment. He whined constantly and Kraven, unable to resist, bent over him, grinding his chest into the fox's cock. His tongue went to Knoxin's ears, teasing the insides. Hyena teeth are sharp and the fox went still, hardly able to breath, when those dozens of sharp white pearls tickled their way down the sensitive flesh of his ears, then his cheek, and finally his neck. Pre-cum pumped out of his fat, pointed tip onto the pillow near the head of the bed, far past his ears, when Kraven's teeth clamped around his neck.
The hyena grunted, tasting the fox's scent on his tongue, feeling the pulse of his jugular between his lips. The fox's hips went rigid and his claws lifted, coming down on Kraven's backside, grabbing his shoulders and nearly piercing his skin.
"Unnn... nnnnnoo... ooooh..."
Various moans and shudders greeted Kraven's ears as he rolled his tongue around the fox's neck. The vulpine really got off on the neck biting, the hyena discovered, as he felt the massive shaft pinned between their bodies pulse dangerously. He clenched his teeth more tightly, shifting his jaws a bit so that he was horizontal, across the smooth, slim neck, and gnawed lightly, teasing the fox with the power of his muzzle. The fox gasped, spluttered, paws scrabbling for purchase in Kraven's thick back fur. The hyena grunted, tongue wetting down Knoxin's neck, threatening the small male's throat with a multitude of sharp teeth. The fox battered at his shoulders, hips thrusting wildly; Kraven felt the huge length spearing from his hips slap against his sides more than once as he worked his tongue down through the fox's fur. His teeth scraped on skin as he bit just a little more tightly, able to feel the pulse of the vulpine's jugular strongly now.
Knoxin's body tensed. His fat erection, still growing, draped over Kraven's backside as the hyena continued to chew, lick, nibble, and tease on the smaller male's sensitive neck, working from one side to the other and back again. He had to forcefully pin the male down by his shoulders as he wailed and moaned, lurching side to side as pleasure ramped up in his loins. The hyena shuddered as he felt splashes of pre-cum splatter into his fur, soaking down his lower back. The fox cried out again, lifted his hips, and shot a huge load of pre over his head. The tail end of the spurt landed mostly on the back of Kraven's head and he finally relented, not wanting to make the foxy pop too soon.
The hyena smiled as he lifted his muzzle and licked the fox's nose. Almost immediately, Knoxin relaxed, panted, and closed his eyes.
"Oooh... what.... What's happening to me?" he gasped, both hands moving to his erection, now nearly three and a half feet long. It stretched over his head, slightly curved, and was nearly as thick around as his own hips. A pair of balls, each half as big as a basketball, rested between his spread thighs.
Kraven hadn't seen anything so gorgeous in a long time. This subby little male would be the perfect toy for the night. He licked his lips, still able to taste Knoxin's deliciously sharp scent in his muzzle, and squeezed the base of his own not-inconsiderable erection. For a moment, he considered simply fucking the fox senseless, and his cock surged in agreement, but his tail hole demanded attention. He'd topped too many times. He needed a good pounding. And besides... this fox wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. Plenty of time to fuck his brains out later.
Being a top, being dominant, meant a life full of tough decisions, the blue hyena decided.
Still, as the fox lay moaning, writhing, gasping and moaning on his bed, he knew he had to follow his original plan. The muscular hyena procured a leash and collar from nightstand. He held it up in front of the fox's muzzle and smiled.
"See what it says, foxy?" the hyena said. "Read it out for me."
"It... it says... p... pet..."
"Yes, it does. It says 'pet'. Do you know why?"
The fox shook his head, teeth chattering as his paws vigorously worked his hyper-sized erection.
"It's because tonight you're going to be all mine. I'm going to use you however I want, and there's nothing you're going to do about it," the hyena said, leaning down so his muzzle hovered a few inches from the fox's. "And like any good pet, if you're good, you'll get a nice treat."
"Good boy."
Kraven fastened the collar around the fox's neck, making sure to leave it loose enough that he could still get his teeth in there later, should it be necessary. The long lead he wrapped around his wrist and pulled, watching with amusement when the fox tried to pull back and resist.
"Now, now, foxy... be a good boy," he warned, reaching out to press his paw flat to the vulpine's roiling, taut, basketball-sized sac.
The fox went ridged as the hyena's claws tickled his sac. Ten sharp black claws rippled through the light cream fur, occasionally teasing the insides of Knoxin's smooth thighs. The fox's slim chest heaved as the weight of his massive cock bounced up and down against it. At the base of the huge teal shaft, a slight knot began to form. Kraven almost purred like a cat when he saw that and his tail hole tensed with anticipation. Things were just getting better and better...
The hyena could wait no more. His rump tingled as he used a bottle of lube to slather his tense hole, using a few fingers to spread it around inside himself. His other paw grasped the lead firmly, keeping the line taut.
It was a bit of a struggle to get in position. He had to stand, legs spread, over Knoxin's head and reach back with a paw to lift the massive teal stalk up into the air. Pushing back against it, he shuddered as he felt the pointed tip slip under his lifted tail. The hyena's thighs trembled as he pushed back harder, groaning with delight as his hole gradually spread open. He forced himself back, ignoring the cries of the fox beneath him for now.
With a surge of effort, he thrust his hips back and howled when the tip sunk in. His cheeks dimpled inwards, pulled by the thickness of the four-foot fox cock. The lip of the crown pierced him as his thick ebony shaft hit his hunched over body in the chin, splattering his face with his own clear pre.
He hauled on the leash and growled.
"Get those hips moving, pet," he demanded of Knoxin. "C'mon!"
The skinny fox's face alternated between wide-eyed immobilization and cute little growls. His paws went to the base of his cock, holding himself just above his growing knot, as the hyena shoved himself down, taking the fox's generous new endowments inch by inch.
Kraven's belly soon stretched outwards as the massive shaft penetrated him deeper and deeper. His legs spread, his toes splayed, as he used gravity to sit himself down on his pet's arousal. His long black shaft flopped forward, draping itself over Knoxin's chest and face. He pulled on the leash again, forcing the fox's head up, and used his other paw to smear his lips and nose with pre-cum from the tip of his spurting shaft.
"Lick it up, pet," he gasped, hips stretching and creaking the whole while.
Knoxin opened his mouth, eyes glassy, and found the taste surprisingly good. The hyena's fat erection tasted for all the world like a big, fat, juicy blueberry. He moaned as he dragged his tongue over the skin, loving the taste. The hyena's thick clear pre-cum tasted even better, like a freshly baked blueberry pie with whipped cream. The more thick pre-cum pumped out of the broad, smooth, rounded tip, the more Knoxin wanted to slurp up the messy jizz.
Soon, nearly half of the teal stalk was planted inside the hyena's stretching body. His belly fur was taut, stretched like a balloon around the tip of the fox's pointed dick. With both of Knoxin's paws working his hard shaft, Kraven ran his free hand across his stomach, groaning as he felt his fingers push into the hyper-cock inside him through his own blue fur and skin. His other paw held the leash tight, keeping the fox's muzzle against his aching tip.
"Thrust those hips, pet! I want it all!"
The fox tried to oblige, but the weight of the shaft was so much, it was pinning him down as much as Kraven was. Still, more of the bulging center part of the shaft ground into the hyena's body. The urethra, pinched where it slid against Kraven's aching hole, bulged outwards, entirely full of thick pre-cum. Kraven grunted and pushed himself down harder, faster, pumping his knees to bounce a little as he worked himself down. The fox below moaned even louder, tongue flopping out, clear pre-cum drizzling into his open mouth from the fat black stalk above him.
"Oooh... yesss... almost... there!"
Kraven gasped as he forced his hips down. He was stretched so huge already and the fox's cock was just so thick... his belly bulged, rounding out slightly as it filled with pre-cum, hiding the outline of the vulpine cock spearing him somewhat, though the pointed tip was still very much visible.
The hyena's toes curled into the covers as he felt the growing knot hit his rump, stopping him from taking the fox any further. Gritting his teeth, Kraven pushed down even harder. Every fiber of muscle in his body flexed, straining to their limits, as he tried to stretch himself further, to take the thick, growing knot. His ass stretched by the millimeter, slowly opening around the broad expanse of flesh.
Knoxin's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt the pinching, tight body take the upper few inches of his knot. The pressure only grew, the pleasure intensified, as Kraven took more and more of the fat ball of flesh. His balls audibly rumbled, swelling nearly a foot larger in a matter of moments as his climax readied itself. His body lurched upwards, finding the strength to thrust at last.
Kraven's eyes closed tightly as he felt the fox's hips pounding upwards. Inch by inch, his ass stretched wider and wider, until his legs were spread nearly horizontally. His fingers grabbed onto Knoxin's shoulders as he hauled himself down. His belly bloated further, round and fat, laying on top of his own massive black cock and forcing it down into Knoxin's neck and chest.
The tight ring of flesh surrounding the fox's knot reached the midway point. With a deep moan of lust, Kraven's rump closed tight around the lower half of the knot, taking it in just a second, compared to the minutes it took to take the upper half. His belly and chest stretched outwards as four feet of fox cock throbbed within him. The knot alone stretched his hips like taffy, distending and contorting his body.
Kraven gurgled and pulled on the leash as the fox's whines and pants increased in volume. The fox's huge sac sloshed and jiggled until, with a sharp bark, the vulpine climaxed. There was no chance he could stop the tide of hot white jizz that exploded inside the hyena.
Kraven felt the first gush pump into his belly and dropped his muzzle wide open, unable to even groan as the second burst hit a moment later. His stomach sloshed like a waterbed as, within a few moments, it stretched outwards larger and larger, until it completely covered the fox underneath him, smoothing the smaller male with his blueberry fur. He grabbed his chest and belly, gasping for a breath as his taut skin stretched with the sheer flood of seed spurting inside him.
The fox's knot throbbed, making him grunt and wriggle. Every motion caused him to clench uncontrollably around that massive teal length. His own cock, hard and thick, trapped between his belly and the fox, exploded as his climax came upon him without warning. He kept cumming and cumming and cumming, blowing his continuous load directly over the fox's neck and face, pinned as it was under his fat, rotund belly. Rather than diminish, the flow only increased as the fox's nuts emptied into him. In fact, Kraven's balls grew larger, swelling in size as though feeding off the mass of cum pumping into his distorted belly.
He gasped and gurgled, head tipped back, as the fox disappeared entirely from view beneath his huge stomach - not even his ears were visible. Kraven could still hear the faint whines and barks of a fox experiencing the most intense orgasm of his life, however, and the larger male smiled blissfully as his own pleasure increased.
Even the most hyper of foxes had to run out of cum eventually, though, and with a shuddering moan of pleasure, Kraven rolled onto his side. The fox's incredible knot was simply too large to pull out, and would remain that way for many hours. On his side, facing the fox, he watched as the smaller male gasped and panted, tongue out, face covered in blueberry jizz. The hyena's cock pumped steadily, still shooting seed in an effort to drain the body attached. Lazy pulses sent echoes of pleasure through both their bodies, as the teal shaft twitched occasionally. The fox moaned and leaned over, licking the hyena's broad tip, still drinking the blueberry pie-flavored cum with obvious delight.
In fact, Knoxin's knot had locked itself in Kraven's rump so perfectly tightly that his cheeks were nearly dry. Hardly any of the vulpine's thick cum managed to escape that way, leaving Kraven fat and full, with a belly nearly twice his original width. Knoxin pressed into the swell and curves, making "rrffs" and "unnngggs" as his knot twitched inside the warm rump. Kraven, who couldn't lean down much anymore, panted and tugged on the leash.
"Good boy... once that knot goes down in ten hours or so, we're going to do it all over again," he said. "Didn't I promise you a treat if you were a good pet?"
Fin | FSE |
Title: Behind the tapestry Pt. 10 - Conclusion
Tags: oral, passion, pregnant, oral sex, bdsm
Their laughter and playfulness during breakfast the next morning was not unusual for others to witness.
He would reach over with his fork, offering her a half of a cherry tomato that was mistakenly put on his plate. She would shake her head and tell him that he needs to eat it.
"Tomatoes are good for you my king." She said as he attempted to offer her the tomato.
"No my queen, tomatoes are good for you. They are a nuisance to me." He said as he dropped the tomato half in an empty bowl.
After breakfast, the king and queen enjoyed a walk in their garden. They slowly meandered through the maze of flowers, and felt as if they were floating in the serenity of the environment. The dazzling colors and the perfumed scented air swirled around them as if the flowers themselves were enjoying the presence of the royal couple.
Exiting the garden, the king led the queen to the stables.
"My love." The queen said softly. "I hope you do not expect me to climb atop a horse and ride with you."
With a twinkle in his eye, the king emitted a slight chuckle.
"The thought never crossed my mind. But, I do think with a little assistance, you will be able to take two small steps up into a carriage."
He had led her through the stables to a waiting carriage outside the fence. With the aid of his outstretched hand, she deftly scaled the step and sat on the padded seat.
The king took the reins from the stable boy, made a clucking sound in his cheek then said, "Come on boy."
The horse exited the grounds with an easy gait that was neither too fast nor too slow. "Just right for mama bear." The king thought then smiled as he looked over at his love.
They rode in silence for quite a while. Many times the king wanted to remind her that all of his thoughts and desires always lead back to her. He wanted to tell her how radiant and beautiful she was to him. He felt like he needed to stand and proclaim his love at the top of his voice. But, he knew she needed to be alone with her thoughts.
He knew that there were many times he talked too much and needed to be quiet and listen. Listening not only to her words but to her actions, her expressions. She already knew that he would stand in front of a thousand archers with their bowstrings pulled taut just to protect her. What she needed now was the silence in order to think.
He would wait for her to begin a conversation, if she decided she wanted to speak.
She reached over and rested her hand on his thigh as they rode. He held the reins in one hand then placed his other on top of hers. Wrapping his fingers around her hand he gave it a slight squeeze.
Turning to him, her face pale and a tear in her eye, she began to talk.
"I am afraid. I am going to be a mommy soon and I am scared to death. I have never done this before and I do not know if I will be a good mommy. Every action I do will need to be with the thought that my child will see or end up knowing my action. My child will emulate what they see."
She sighed. Sniffled. Then continued.
"I do not even know how to hold a baby."
She began crying and trying to talk between sobs.
"You will think"...sob..."my body is ugly and never want to touch me again!"
"How am I to raise a child if I am not even sure how to change a diaper?"
She covered her face with both of her hands and released a shuddering cry. The king rubbed her back as she expelled the pent up worry and anxiety.
Once her breathing returned to normal and she stopped crying, she sat up and wiped her tears with her kerchief. "I am sorry my love. Forgive me for being so weak." She said as she dabbed her eyes and forehead.
The king kept his eyes forward as they continued to ride. Still holding the reins in one hand, he removed his other hand from her back, reached over, gripped her hand and held it in his.
"You got very upset with me when I released you from your duties with the kingdom. I know how strong you are. I admire your strength. I also know that it is your weakness. You will continue to work, to fight and to press on until you are exhausted."
He looked at her and smiled.
"In your worries you have seemed to forgotten about me."
"I most certainly have not!" She exclaimed.
"Oh, but you have." He said as he looked forward once again.
"You say that you do not know how to hold a baby or change a diaper. You say that you are frightened because you have never been a mommy."
He took a deep breath, held it, then exhaled.
"You forget that I have never been a daddy. I have never held a baby or changed a diaper. We are experiencing these things together, for the first time! I am also frightened, but I know that we will be together and we will be the best mommy and best daddy that we can be. We will have the best people helping us and guiding us in what we need to do so our baby will be safe."
He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it. As for your body. You also forget that it belongs to me. I love your body, I love your soul. I love you. Period."
The king stopped the carriage under a tree by their waterfall, hopped down and tied the lead rope so the horse will not wonder.
The queen stood and held out her hand so he could assist her in stepping down, but he got back into the carriage and stood facing her. He placed his hands on either side of her face, kissed the tip of her nose then began to speak.
"Do not forget about me. We are in this together. I love you more than any words I could say or write. This child is our child. I will be up when it cries so that you may sleep a little longer. I will change the diaper so you may rest. I have vowed to take care of you and this is just another small way for me to prove to you that I honor my vows."
He leaned in and kissed her lips.
"You are not doing all of this alone. This is us. Not just you and me. But us as a family."
Another kiss. Longer. Deeper.
"As for your body. You are mine. I will always want what is mine."
He lowered his hands and began to remove her clothes. His eyes locked on hers as he bared her shoulders. She closed her eyes and tilted her head slightly as his lips kissed her neck.
She could feel the breeze as her nipples were released and became erect. He sat her down on the seat frame as each breast and nipple were kissed, sucked and nibbled.
Her clothes sat in a heap on the floor of the carriage as he positioned himself on the seat of the carriage with her feet resting on either side of him.
"I am hungry my queen."
He leaned forward and inserted his extended tongue into her wet and open lips. She could hear his moans as his tongue flicked and slid on and in her. He sucked on her hardened clit moving his head up and down on her with the same motions her head moves when she is taking him in her mouth.
He felt her hands on the back of his head as she buried his face into her. She was stealing his breath as she began to shudder. Her quivering body made his hunger deepen which encouraged him to renew his efforts in pleasing her.
After a quick gasp of air, he feasted on her dripping wetness. He inserted a finger and curled it upwards and began to thrust his hand as he cleaned every drop of nectar she emitted.
Her orgasmic moan roared along side the water fall.
Her gasps rushed along with the breathy wind.
Her sweet vocalizations married with the songs of the birds.
Her king pleased her. He gave her whatever she wanted and would deny himself everything in order to please her.
That night while they were in bed, the queen was unable to get comfortable. The king rubbed her back, rearranged the pillows, got her water to drink.
When he returned to the bed with a cool and a warm wash cloth, the queen was sitting on the edge of the bed.
"What can I do to help you my love?" He said as he neared.
"You can feed me." She said looking up at him.
"Of course I will feed you. Would you like some fruit? Pineapple maybe? How about some tomatoes?" He said with a wink.
The queen said nothing but reached out and parted his bed robe. She cradled his sack in her hand and pulled him to her. While squeezing and rubbing him, she took his soft cock into her mouth. Her eyes never left his as she buried her face up to his body.
He felt her begin to swallow and move her tongue as he quickly hardened. His tapered head began to direct itself down her throat and she did not pull away.
She was hungry.
She began to move her mouth up and down his shaft with deep and fierce movements. Both of her hands now placed on each cheek, fingernails leaving crescent shaped moons in his skin as she dug in and slammed his body into her mouth. She was hungry and he was going to feed her.
As he started to reach for the back of her head to pull her away so he could release himself on her chest, she grabbed his wrists and held his arms to his side.
She must have sensed he was close but she did not pull away. She held held him deep in her throat as he drained himself in her. She was hungry and she was being fed. She swallowed and sucked. She licked and nibbled. She freed his wrists then began to stroke him with her hand causing residual cum to surface to the head so she could lick it away.
"Thank you my king." She said as she laid back on the bed.
"Are you comfortable now?" He said as he laid down and curled his body next to her.
"Yes, my love. I am." She said dreamily.
"You know."
"I do."
As the king awoke, he reached for his queen. It was a habit of his every morning. He awakens before her, reaches to gently touch her hand, cheek or shoulder then kisses that part he touched. She was the first thing he reached for in the morning and the last thing he reached for in the evening.
A blanket, a pillow then the edge of the bed was all he felt. The queen had awakened before him and he did not feel any movement when she arose.
This puzzled the king because he was a light sleeper. Any sound or movement caused him to open his eyes at least, and stay alert until he determined if his queen was safe. But, he neither felt nor heard her get out of the bed.
He shrugged into his robe as he made his way across the room. "Maybe she stepped out onto the balcony for fresh air," he thought as he opened the balcony door. His brow furrowed when he saw the empty balcony with no evidence of her presence.
He turned and reentered the bed chamber, closing the door behind him.
The corner of a piece of paper on the queens vanity fluttered in the slight breeze caused by the closing door.
The king walked over to the paper and held it up. It was a note from the queen.
My King,
I am glad I did not wake you when I left. It would have made this much more difficult.
I have met people from a nearby kingdom and have befriended them. Their interests and their stories have piqued my interest and I have decided that I want to be with them.
You have given to me, you have opened up and shared your life with me and I appreciate how much you have tried to make me happy. But I am a greedy girl. I do not want to wait and see if you would like or do the things my new friends like.
I do love you, but it will be best for me to no longer communicate with you.
The sunlight began to shimmer and fade as tears filled the kings eyes. His throat tightened and he felt his stomach fold and tighten into knots that tied themselves into knots.
He fell to his knees with a bone wrenching jar and felt pain as his soul begin to rend itself from his being. The pain was minimal compared to the pain he felt in his heart. The heart he had given to her. He trusted her. He told her of his dreams, his insecurities and fears. All held in his heart. He was feeling his heart become lighter because of her. The heaviness was dissipating because he had no longer carried it with him. He had given his heart to her.
Here it is was again. Given back to him. Full of pain. Heavy with torment and sadness.
He wanted to lock himself away. To hide. He wanted to do nothing that brought him pleasure because he lost the only thing he had ever wanted. Love.
He was not aware that he had crawled to his bed but he knew he lacked the strength to stand and lay on the bed. He decided to lay on the cold stone floor. That is what he felt he deserved because he was not good enough for warmth. He did not earn the comfort of a warm bed.
The tears formed puddles on the floor where he laid his head. His crying had become sobs. The only audible sounds he emitted were, "why why why..." over and over. In his mind he felt as if he were dying. He no longer had the desire to be a king. He wanted to go away and hide. His goal of pleasing his queen, loving her with the deep passion that he possessed, denying himself in order to make her happy, to make her smile was all gone.
His body began to shake. He was unable to control the shaking and he wailed and clenched his teeth in anguish. The grief was so great, it felt to him as if hands were on his side and shaking him.
"Why! WHY! WHYYYYYYY!!" He groaned as the shaking increased.
He could hear the words and began to slow his breathing so he could tell those at the door yelling "My king" that he was ok and they could go away.
The shaking of his body continued so he decided to roll to his back in order to regain some control.
As he tuned to his back, the feeling of the hands shaking him stopped.
The words, "My king oh my king" were replaced with, "My love, oh my love." He could hear someone cry and felt a hand caress the side of his face.
He opened his eyes to see the queen kneeling over him, her face distorted in distress from crying. Her lips were forming "my love" over and over again.
He quickly sat up and she lunged herself at him and gripped him tightly around the neck.
"You came back." He whispered then began to cry once again.
"I never left." She said as she held onto him tightly. "Why would I leave? Where would I go? I have been in bed my love."
The king lifted his hands to show her the note and realized his hands were empty.
"What happened to the note?" He asked as he was moving his robe around looking for the piece of paper.
"What note?" She asked as she pulled away. "Were you dreaming of writing a note?"
"Dreaming?" he asked. "Have you been in our bed the entire night?"
"Of course I have. If I would have gotten up I know it would have awaken you. I have been asleep the entire night until I heard you stand up a few minutes ago. You then fell to your knees so hard I knew it must have hurt. It took me a little bit of time to get myself out of bed and throw a robe over me. By the time I was able to get over to you and lower myself to the floor, you were sobbing and saying why why why, over and over again. I began to shake you in order to awaken you. I was afraid and yelled." She sat next to him and grabbed his hand. Lifting it to her lips, she began to kiss his knuckles and fingers.
It had been a dream he thought. The most horrible nightmare he could ever imagine.
"What were you dreaming my king? What caused you such great anguish?" She asked as she snuggled into him.
"It was a nightmare of great loss my love. I felt as if my soul was being torn from my body as if my skin were being peeled. But, it was just a dream." He said as he kissed her.
He stood up and helped her stand then walked her over to the bath. He filled it with water that was warm enough to cause small wisps of steam to rise. After removing her robe he disrobed himself and helped her into the bath. He took his time washing her body. He cherished and worshiped every part of her with his hands. He massaged her back as she sat between his legs then he got up and faced her. Taking first one foot then the other, he began to caress, massage and knead each foot. He knew how much she needed the relief in her feet and he was willing to give her that relief for as long as she needed.
He decided not to tell her the specifics of the dream. It was his insecurity, his nightmare and he felt it would be best for her to not know a dream of her leaving him had entered his mind. Worries of: is he doing enough for her, does he prove his love enough to her, will she ever grow tired of him and seek other adventures haunted him.
"My love."
He heard her angelic voice pierce through the evil of his mind as it was attempting to cause him grief once again.
He looked from her foot to her face and saw that she had her head laid back and her eyes closed.
"Yes my queen."
"You do not like feet. Why have you held onto mine and massaged them for so long? I am not complaining, I am wondering what I have done to deserve your love and devotion." She said as she opened her eyes and looked at him.
He lowered her foot in the water then leaned forward and placed his hands on her tummy.
"Because I love you. I know you love me. I was so lost before you that I cherish every second I have with you. I honor every part of your body. I would die for you so that you may live and be happy. I would be so empty without you that by seeing you from a distance or hearing your voice comforts and fills me. I have never known love like this and honestly it scares me."
He stood and offered her his hand. After they exited the bath he toweled her dry and wrapped a new robe around her.
"Very soon we will be parents. I need you to know that although I will devote love and time to our baby, you are still my true and deep love. You and you alone."
After he finished speaking, he walked to her and kissed her lips. He held her as they stood in the middle of the room in their robes. They began to sway and slowly dance from the music that was shared within their hearts. This was love. They could hold and caress one another in a gentle embrace or tie one another up and leave marks of love. He had reached his goal. His goal was his queen.
Two days later the king, hand maid and the hand maids mother were assisting the queen as she was in labor.
The king never left her while she was giving birth. He was encouraged to wait out in the hall, and was told that it was not normal for the man to be present during birth. But, the king would not leave his queen.
That night the king sent out an announcement that the king and queen are now parents. They are parents of a beautiful little girl and a handsome little boy. The queen gave birth to twins!
The king had constructed two sleeping cribs for the babies. They had converted part of the library into a nursery. The adjoining door to their bed chamber was kept open so the king and queen could hear the babies while they sleep.
Many nights the queen would awaken to the sound of the babies crying only to be pat on the leg and told to stay in bed for a little while. The king would get up and hold them, soothe them and change their diapers allowing her to rest a little longer. Sometimes the babies would go back to sleep after a diaper change and she would feel the king return to bed. Each time he returned she would hear him release a deep and loving sigh. She had asked him why he sighed after spending time with the babies at night.
"We have brought them into the world and they depend on us. It is up to us to take care of them. They will look to us for guidance, comfort and love. At no time in my life would I wish for our children find out something displeasing about us. About something we did or have said. We should live our lives in the way we would want our children to live. So, as I lay back in to bed with you I sigh. I sigh because they will grow up knowing that my love for you is deeper than any ocean. My love for you soars above every mountain. I am not ashamed that people know that I love you so dearly. That is why I sigh. I sigh because they will have seen love and how is it intended."
Over the next few months the queen would wait until the king patted her leg and tell her to stay in bed, she would quietly get up and watch him from the doorway.
"Hello my loves." He would whisper.
His gentle voice would begin to soothe them as he approached. She smiled as she would watch him take one and change the diaper then change the other.
He would then cradle both of them as he sat in a rocking chair and hold them. Sometimes she would hear him hum, other times she could hear him sing. She knew the king hated the sound of his voice when he tried to sing but yet he quietly sang to the babies. For him to die to his own ego in this way showed her another aspect of his willingness to give everything he has to love.
Her favorite time of standing in the doorway was when he would quietly tell them stories. She knew he had stories flowing through his mind all of the time. Just like the first time he took her to the waterfall.
Tonight was a story night.
She could hear things like bluebonnet flowers covering the fields and how the prince and princess would dangle their toes in the water. How they magically turned into a mermaid and a merman and swam through the water with the greatest of speed. How they would jump out of the water and do flips to the applause of the king and queen as they watched.
She walked in behind him and kissed him atop the head and thanked him for allowing her the extra time to rest. He sat with her as she fed the babies saying he wished there was a way he could feed them so she would not have to get up all of the time.
"Do not try to steal this precious time away from me my king." She said with a smile. "They suckle to me and me alone. This is my time. You have your songs and your stories. I cannot compete with you that way, so do not try to compete with me during feeding."
"Yes my queen." He said as he kissed her.
"Go to bed my love. Thank you for taking care of us." She said as he pulled away.
"If there is nothing more you need or want then I will go lay down." He said as he stifled a yawn.
"I need or want nothing more tonight my love."
He kissed her again then walked towards the door.
"But. My Sir."
He stopped and braced his hands on either side of the doorway when he heard, "My Sir."
"I believe we have waited long enough. Tomorrow, I will want and need you to have your key ready." She said with a seductive timbre to her voice.
The king drew in his breath, nodded his head then said, "You know."
The End | literotica |
In the city of Fathach Beag, two Fae sisters grew up quite close to one another. The elder sister Ava always looking out for and playing with the younger Maeve. Maeve remembers building forts out of fallen leaves in the fall with Ava. In the winter they helped collect and melt icicles around fires to prevent them from falling from the trees overhead and damaging buildings, and the fire light through the ice cast strange dancing shadows. In the summer they would play hide and seek in the gardens among the fruits and vegetables that were the same size or even bigger than themselves. In the spring, they would giggle among themselves comparing their wings to those of butterflies that stopped by the flowers that grew around the city outskirts. But that was also where the divergence started.
Ava was quite popular among the students of her school, and she was studying to be a lapidary- identifying and refining precious stones into even more beautiful works of art. She had very little magical prowess...at least by Fae standards- and those standards were admittedly quite high. Maeve was quite good with magic for her age, so not only was she studying a different path, their age difference distanced the sisters further still. Ava still tended her sister when she could, but it a petty amount of time compared to how they used to mingle. Fae wings dissolve in liquid, growing back a day or two later once again ready for flight. If a Faerie kept their wings though, they grew larger and more impressive the longer they remained- defaulting back to transparent dragonfly-like wings when regrown. Ava had her wings in pristine condition for quite some time so by now they looked like beautiful stain-glass, black, deep blue, and pink. This gained the attention of many of her fellow students who admired her, and then fell in love with her personality. This unfortunately meant she had a busy social life outside of classes as well- further dividing her from her jealous little sister Maeve.
So Maeve did the only thing she knew to solve the situation- magic! She took to her magic tomes to see if she could find some way to force her big sister to pay more attention to her! Then she would have fun like the good old days and not want to be apart from Maeve willingly or otherwise. Maeve was still fairly young though, and while she was good at magic for her age...her repertoire was still a bit lacking. Magic books were not hard to come by in a city of Fae, but many contained concepts or words Maeve did not even know. There was an entire section dedicated to sex and lust spells and she didn't know what either of those words meant! Eventually she settled on a book of transformative spells. Maybe there was a spell to transform her sisters thoughts into ones of Maeve? No, the book did not have those sort of transformations. Almost entirely animal transformations, but Maeve did smile as she seen a section dedicated to canines. According to the book dogs were very loyal creatures, dedicating themselves to their pack above all else. Maeve was Ava's pack! Dogs were small-ish four legged creatures and looked cute enough. There was spells for different breeds, and for some reason there was two near identical ones for regular female dog and 'bitch'. Maeve did not know the difference, but bitch had its own specific title so she assumed that was the more prestigious one.
Ava twirled in the long mirror on the door to her room, admiring the dress she was wearing. There was already another four laying out on the foot of her bed she had already tried on. An outfit for every occasion, and a lot of important Fae were also pretty vain so faults in your appearance could hurt your standing rather quickly. Her smile faded a bit as she felt an odd tingling sensation pass through her body that almost settled into an itch on the surface. She puzzled over what that feeling could have been as she also noticed she felt unusually hot. It felt as though the entire room was heating up quickly, but how could that be? She had to brush her hair away from her chest because it was adding heat on top of her breasts which already insulated her front just fine on their own. That was when she noticed her nails had turned into claws! Not even sharp claws either, they had blunted tips. She wanted to take her stockings off but only bent over and groaned at the increasing heat. No, it was certainly internal temperature she realized- especially in her crotch which was starting to twinge in need. She liked what she seen in the mirror but not THAT much! It was quickly getting difficult to think straight, but she did see in the reflection her ears were growing, a bit longer and a lot wider. Fae ears were already long and pointed but also very slender, now they were becoming rounder and starting to flop over from their increasing weight. She slipped a hand into the slit up the side of the dress skirt and snaked its way under her panties to press in on her fattening labia, feeling the heat against her hands, and moisture. She moaned again at the feeling and panted a bit, leaning against the mirrored door with one hand and massaging her other hand over her pulsing pussy. Ava was unable to tell apart from the strong pulses of pleasure that her tailbone was growing out, hooking around the top of her panties and then growing down the inside of the skirt, quickly gaining a fuzzy coat of fur as it went.
Her toes curled and her feet stretched out as she lifted herself onto the front of them, seemingly from pleasure. In reality she couldn't have stopped herself from doing that regardless because her actual feet were changing structure! From the ankle down bulked and stretched, causing the tops of her stockings to migrate farther and farther down her leg, unable to contain it all properly anymore. The bottoms widened greatly as her toes fattened and grew claws as well. The much broader feet with puffy padded skin on the bottoms strained the shape of the stockings as it was, so when the claws started to grow they immediately popped holes in the ends. Ava was working her nethers rigorously now, hooking her fattened fingertips into herself as she rubbed. Her entire body tensed with each inward push and her breathing was becoming ragged and her moans sharper in tone. Her mouth hung open in lust so she hardly noticed her tongue was actually much larger than it was supposed to be, and a bit flatter than normal. Her panties were already moist, but she squeaked in a desperate orgasm and completely soaked them, staggering back off the door a bit finally realizing something was vastly different about her leg structure. The entire room seemed a bit off making her feel like she was going to pass out, but she did not. What was actually happening is the range of colour her eyes could perceive was becoming more narrow- she was losing her ability to see certain colours. Her horniness also did not go away, at all. If anything the orgasm made her hungrier to have another! As soon as she hooked her hand around her fat labia though the tensing muscles in her arm expanded tremendously as her hands became giant paws. She held both arms out in front of her, staring at them while still panting. They were huge! From her elbows down her arms almost tripped in width! She felt her feet expand the same way, and they became even a bit larger than her hands had. When she looked down her balance was thrown off again and she hunched way over, feeling fur quickly growing on the top of her back and her spine started to groan and pop as it expanded, and then her rib cage.
Ava panted loudly, letting a bit of drool drip from her tongue- too desperate and horny to care what she looked like right now. As she alternated from heavy breaths to groans her teeth all turned to fangs and her tongue got a bit longer, and the end of her nose started to darken. Her dress was so tight! Her body was trying to catch up to her oversized paws. Her panties dug into her even fatter darkening labia causing her to stagger back and forth, squirming around on her feet trying to find a position where it wasn't digging in. Her dress started to shred at the seams and she could not take the heat anymore, grabbing into the fabric with her claws and ripping the front of the dress completely apart. She yipped in surprise of her reflection when tearing her dress open revealed six smaller breasts under her original two! Now less restrained her entire body started to grow, making her paws less giant in proportion. Her tail involuntarily wagging tossed the remnants of the clothing off her while her expanding torso popped the clasp on her bra. Ava went to run the soft pads of her front paws down her many tits and yelped at the sharp pleasure, immediately skipping them and ripping her panties off in desperation. Her pussy was tremendously puffy, and almost pitch black! It had taken on a triangular shape more familiar to canines. Without even turning around her eyes locked with the tall round bedposts behind her- in the reflection of the mirror. She staggered back till she felt it on her lower back, then stepped up onto the bed to lift herself high enough and lowered the large sphere on the top of the bedpost into her pussy and started pistoning up and down, rocking her hips back and forth at the same time. She rolled her huge paws over her many tits, twinging the nipples up and down. Her tongue lolled out the side of her mouth as her face started to stretch as she groaned and panted from the sensations. Her nose became dark and wet as the fur starting on her forearms and back started to spread across her entire body like wildfire.
Ava grunted as she looked down in frustration at the bed post- it was too small for her. Or more accurately, she was too big. She no longer hand to hold herself up on the bed, she stood tall enough to easily get it in her and the bedpost wasn't doing anything a single finger from her could already do. She started rapidly rolling her finger over her fat black pussy to try to aid the post. Her head hit the light on the roof only a moment before it hit the roof with a dull thud. She was as tall as the room! She tried to bend forward to give herself more room but her spine and joins had been slowly shifting position and it was too difficult to stay upright now, so bending over caused her to fall completely onto all fours. The let out a long whine before slamming her pussy back and engulfing an entire corner of her bed in its plush folds. She thrust back against the bed, which was slamming against the wall with enough force to crack it. Her weight was starting to bend the floor down and the entire level of the building was starting to creak as she shifted back and forth. She had another orgasm as the top of her head was pressed forcefully into the door frame and she jammed backward aggressively from the orgasm, causing the entire bottom of the bed to enter her! Her body groaned and bones popped into new positions as she had another large growth spurt and the bed was forced further into her as she expanded across the floor, till she was touching both walls and the entire bed was basically inside of her. The door creaked and blew off the hinges across the hall and Maeve quickly dashed into the hall from her room in surprise, not entirely knowing what was going on herself. The walls started to bend outward and Ava's feet smashed through the roof of the floor below, she was outgrowing everything. Her pussy was clenching and spurting on its own, even though the bed was becoming too small for her as well.
Ava felt the tips of her paws touch the furnature in the floor below and without thinking lurched forward to get her footing, causing her face to smash through the hall and the floor of the rooms across from hers. All the splintering wood and tile was abrasive on her furry face causing her to recoil, staggering out through the side of the building, ripping the entire side off of all three floors as she fell into the street. Ava could not think through the hormones and as soon as she got her footing on the cobble road she thrust back and ground her pussy into the corner of the building, causing the entire remainder of it to rock back and forth with her thrusts as her juices ran down it and pooled on the sidewalk. Other Fae gathered in shock, trying to figure out what was going on- Ava was 90% canine at this point and not at all recognizable as having ever been a Fae. Maeve just stood in the sundered hall in shock, not sure if she should say or do anything, at risk of others knowing she did it. Ava orgasmed again, firing the bed out of herself as she was forced to turn her head against the building across the street- quickly running out of room again. She had the flexibility now though to do what few species could- she rolled into a ball and licked her own pussy, falling backward just as she ran out of room, causing her back to scrape off sections of the wall of buildings on both sides of the street at the same time. As she thrust into her own face and writhed in the street she unknowingly started to destroy two entirely new buildings because she was much larger than the street itself. Another powerful orgasm started to rocket through her till she convulsed violently, throwing her head back and howling as she exploded pussy juice down the road soaking several onlookers as she completely her transformation into a complete bitch. Still panting heavily, she slowly turned to look at Maeve with her teeth bared.
Maeve had not been outside of the Fae city to know what the outside world was like. She did not know the Fae people were tiny. The book said dogs were fairly small animals, but she did not realize the illustration was of a dog and a human, not a Fae. To Faeries dogs were absolutely huge. Well, Maeve may have to spend the next several years worth of chores to make this up to her elder sister. At least they would now have to spend more time together...that is, if Ava didn't want Maeve to tell everyone who the giant horny mut was that wrecked a city block with her cunt. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Cafe Connections 1: On the upside... by Mechinadragonash
Tags: Anal, Dragon, Gay, M/M, Mild Drama, Story Series, Wolf
This is the first in a series of short stories I'm going to write about a group of friends who hang out at a particular cafe, and the various connections they eventually make with each other, hence the title Cafe Connections. This particular story involves my own character, who has recently parted with his lover, and is pretty much looking for some rough, simple sex, and maybe finds more than just that. Hope you all enjoy. \~Mechina
Mechina sat on the couch in the back of his favorite cafe, Rocketstar, the obsidian scales of his exposed chest gleaming behind a haze of smoke. He was leaning forward slightly, claws folded beneath his chin, his eyes far off in the world of his thoughts. He wore a black satin dress shirt, rolled up past his elbows and unbuttoned, nothing beneath. The exposed parts of his form were lithe and slightly toned, marked with white runic brands in strange diagrams; his black wings folded behind his back. The dragon's well muscled legs were garbed in baggy black cargo pants that hung teasingly low, his tail flicking this way and that, moved by his dark thoughts. Just a few days before this, his lover of nearly a year had decided he wished to be 'just friends.' The idiocy of such an idea considering the circumstances around it just irked him to no end, and, considering he and his ex-lover's sexual appetites, far too many familiar places held memories that brought unwanted emotion. This couch, even, had been a site for one of their adventures, still fresh in his mind...
*"I love you," the voice said, as a playful feline claw ran up his back, sending shivers rampant through his body...*
Growling, the dragon cast the memory aside, and attempted to do so with the feelings that came with it, though one persisted against his will. Now, not only was he irritated, he was aroused, and that just topped his week off. His mate had left him for another, he had lost a good friend thanks to the war, and he no longer had a place to stay, due to events that had happened earlier that day. Nothing was going right for him anymore. At this point, all he wanted was a fuck without any implications. Alcohol, which he had just celebrated finally being able to get legally, was another option. He looked up at the entrance while he pondered this, and saw one of his good friends come in.
De'astin was a gorgeous wolf, the seemingly stereotypical type you saw all the time on the covers of fashion magazines for males. He was a perfect, silky gray with a milky white chest, muzzle, and face. De'astin's reputation was a bit shady, he was known to be the person you went to if you needed something that might not have been legal, and he organized a lot of the local raves. He moved straight to the couch to drop down beside Mechina. "What's with the doom and gloom look, Mech?" De'astin queried as he sprawled, garbed in a thin, half-zipped hoodie that exposed his muscular chest and faded blue jeans covered in anti-government patches and tears, a few pretty revealing ones.
Mechina sighed, and rubbed his face. "Homeless, mateless, and horny. Not a great combo." Mechina was pretty blunt when he did speak, which wasn't often. The dragon was on the shyer side most of the time though in certain crowds he was sociable. He was well liked by those who put the effort into getting to know him, and he was fairly attractive.
"Wow. You really did get it bad this time, dude. Well, I know you, and you'll be back at it in no time. As for being horny... Couple ways that could be remedied. Most convenient, yet dissatisfying, option would be to paw off." De'astin cracked a smirk, being his usual smart-ass self, trying to cheer Mechina up. While De'astin was a bit arrogant, he was still kindhearted and loyal to his friends, and his smile was infectious.
"Heh. You only suggest because you secretly think of me pawing off and paw off yourself." Mechina chuckled, flicking his tongue at De'astin playfully. The two made such jokes with each other often, neither really expecting the other to take it seriously, both thought the other to be disinterested since they had met.
"Maybe. Maybe I think of more than that." De'astin gave Mechina an odd look, to which Mechina had to loft a brow.
"And by that you mean?" Mechina queried, curious to see where the wolf was trying to take things. Secretly, Mechina had thought of De'astin in that way for the longest time, never acting because he thought De'astin was too attractive to be interested, and De'astin was convinced Mechina had always been looking for something other than what he had to offer.
"You want to come upstairs with me?" De'astin asked, his smirk softening a bit, with a playful sparkle in his eye. The wolf lived in the apartments over the cafe, preferring the solitude of the lofty studios rather than rooming like most college-aged males, and it was perfect for his sexual behavior, most roommates wouldn't approve of how often De'astin had overnight guests.
Mechina chewed his lip as he considered momentarily, the thought both appealing and somewhat surprising, and then gave in. "Yes, actually, I would." The wolf *was* gorgeous, after all, and Mechina needed it right then, and it was something De'astin himself had been wanting for a long while. The wolf then took Mechina by the paw as he rose, and led him up the stairs to his quarters.
The details of what the apartment looked like were lost on Mechina, as De'astin was on him as soon as they entered the door. The wolf grabbed Mechina by the neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss, his tongue probing Mechina's muzzle, De'astin's forcefulness nearly melting him then and there. The wolf gently led Mechina to the bed while his kisses moved from Mechina's muzzle to the dragon's neck, nibbling at the sensitive flesh just enough to hurt in that exquisitely good way, and his paw groping at Mechina's crotch. As Mechina's legs bumped into the mattress, De'astin pushed him onto it, his paws grabbing onto Mechina's baggy pants and tearing them off with gusto, leaving Mechina exposed. His sheath was already full due to De'astin's wandering paw, and his perfect black member emerged fully as De'astin lowered his snout and gave his sheath a tortuously slow lick starting at Mechina's plump balls and proceeding up Mechina's shaft with just the tip, tasting Mechina's slit before going down on Mechina's thick seven inches. De'astin was obviously experienced, and his delicate use of teeth and strong tongue worked at Mechina's member until it was rock hard, causing Mechina to pant with pleasure. He generally did nt enjoy being given oral, but De'astin was doing it like noone before him had.
De'astin lifted his head, and Mechina drew him into a long kiss, the two twining tongues, both lost in their arousal. De'astin's paws fumbled with the removal of his own pants, but sure enough, they were soon gone and De'astin's beautiful member was exposed, his sack the size of Mechina's fist. The wolf was already fully aroused, his slick eight inches glistening and thick, with the typical canine knot at the base. As he continued his make out with Mechina, he positioned himself with his cock angled at Mechina's waiting tailhole. Mechina gave a muffled gasped of surprise and slight pain as De'astin suddenly plunged into him, a gasp that turned into a low moan of pleasure as his insides relaxed around Deastin's thick length, ecstatic in the feeling of finally habing someone inside of him again. De'astin didn't bother going slow, his cock demanding rough pleasure, and thusly he quickly pulled out and slammed right back in, causing Mechina to groan in ecstasy. De'astin began pumping inside Mechina, the two breathing heavily, claws and teeth exploring each other's body, De'astin's fur damp with sweat, and Mechina's smooth scales slick in De'astin's embrace.
Mechina's clawtip traced De'astin's spine, following his back down to his rump, the hoodie having been discarded not long before. The dragon squeezed the wolf's firm rump as De'astin continued his thrusting, his cock hitting all the right places to make Mechina groan and gasp in pleasure. Mechina's claw slid down to De'astin's tight pink tailhole, tracing light circles around it before squeezing into the orifice. De'astin gasped in delight at this, thrusting hard into Mechina's tight ass, locking his muzzle onto Mechina's own in an impassioned kiss. Mechina began finger fucking De'astin in counterpoint to De'astin's thrusting into himself, his skillful digits driving the wolf into a frenzy as he first added one extra digit, and then another.
De'astin's thrusts became harder and more urgent, causing Mechina to gasp uncontrollably, struggling to hold back his climax in the rush of pleasure. De'astin was an experienced top, and his thrusts were aimed perfectly at giving both he and Mechina as much pleasure as possible, and the tightness of Mechina's tailhole around his cock was delicious. Mechina was not a passive bottom either, and he milked De'astin's tool with his ass muscles in a way that made De'astin growl continuously with pleasure. De'astin suddenly plunged in to the hilt on Mechina, the dragon letting out a roar of pleasure as he let off as his first orgasm hit, copious amounts of seed shooting onto his bare chest, his ass clenching tight arousnd De'astin's not, triggering the beginning of De'astin's lupine orgasm.. As Mechina's tailhole closed over the knot, it began to expand, pulsing as it did so, to the size of a fist inside of the dragon, who could only moan as De'astin continued humping inside of him as he fired load after load of hot cum inside of the dragon, the knot pulsing against Mechina's prostate, bringing him near to a second climax. De'astin leaned his head down and began sucking Mechina off, milking Mechina's cock with his skilled tongue and lips, seeking out the most sensitive places instinctively, and it wasn't long before Mechina came again, firing his hot load into De'astin's gullet, and the wolf drank him dry. His orgasm once again caused his prostate clamped down on De'astin's engorged knot, driving the wolf to fire one last volley of hot seed from euphoric pressure. Both panted, exhausted and spent, before embracing each other and falling into slumber, still joined as one. | FSE |
Title: Genetic Children-Log 03- No Work Today by Korm
Tags: Character Development, Dream, Feline, M/F, Pregnancy, Science, Story Progression, Story Series
Please don't steal my Characters or my ideas, sorry if this is similar to your life(as if) Some more latin in this one courtesy of Google translations again,
Carrying an opaque white bag Korm headed out to the footpath to throw it in his wheelie bin. It was collection day so he had taken the bin out a few hours earlier, after opening the lid and cramming the bag in he saw the truck was already heading down his street. He shut the lid and stood waiting for the large white garbage truck to shuffle its way down, god it was moving slow. As it was getting closer he noticed that it had neglected to pick up the bin at the house before his, and leaning backwards he could see that the others hadn't been emptied either, if they had been the lids would be open. Feeling a tingle run up the back of his neck he turned and walked slowly back into his house.
KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "HELLO? ANYONE HOME?" Korm heard a man yelling. He had heard the truck stop for a few seconds before continuing on of course he had also heard a door slam as someone got out of the truck. Korm had locked his front door and went into the bedroom to his clothes cupboard he had to be ready if this was, as his feeling suggested, something bad. He pulled aside his jackets and pushed a button concealed on the upper side of the door frame.
SMASH!!! Korm heard a window shatter at the back of his house, they were coming in and they weren't being quiet about it. He heard the footsteps coming through the house towards his bedroom, the bedroom door was kicked open so hard that the handle smashed a hole in the wall. The man proceeded to his computer ripped the cords from the tower box and left out the front door. Korm heard the truck stop again, the door slam and the truck left. He was still under the floor, under the bed. The button had opened a trap door to a bunker under his house, the lab told him he would need it one day. It was equipped with everything that anyone would need for survival in case he had to hide out for a prolonged period. It was fire proof and once a man was inside there was an override to render the button in the cupboard useless. There was also no way anyone could trace the button to that which it operated as the link was wireless. Korm was in his bunker sending the last of his data backups to the second always-on computer in his lab, the button had a secondary feature. It immediately backed all pre-set files up to his bunker computer via 10mb/s wireless LAN. He had his dream notes, technical notes and research pre-set, all of it had been transferred and deleted from his hard drive as the files were compressed it had only taken seconds.
Looking at the monitor, he saw the feed from 30 pinhole cameras placed throughout his house, all were clear.
He opened the encrypted messaging service on his computer and typed in a binary code to access the Lab's message system.
Which was the following: "have been attacked, assailants unknown proceeding with breach protocol will contact within 24 hours"
Three hours later Korm was sitting on a large piece of concrete in a dimly lit, empty building. He was setting up a laptop that he had cut from the inside of this rodeo's back seat, it had all the encryption software installed but required a code on start-up or the hard drive would fry. He input the code and let the Lab know that he had evaded any tails and the breach protocol had been enacted, all he had with him was his car and the clothes on his back.
A reply came from the Lab, a reply directly from the Director, after decoding it read: "Info being gathered, confirmation of breach protocol enactment accepted, proceed to secondary pit, return to Lab in morning, DISCARD VEHICLE"
Korm shut the laptop down and walked through the debris to the doorway. He went to the car and put the laptop under the drivers seat. The car started first time and he pulled out of the abandoned block and headed through down a bush road away from town. After he had emerged from the underground bunker, he went to his car and grabbed a jerry can from the back. He set it on the ground and pulled a crowbar out as well. After ripping one of the weatherboards off the house's back wall, he withdrew some fake number plates and changed his cars plates. He threw the crowbar back into the car and then the original number plates went into his house. His house was laced with a passive explosive that had to be armed or it was just as useless as play dough, C2 explosive was much more stable than c4 and the explosive can be more easily controlled. The arming device and detonator were concealed in his car as well, he poured the petrol from the jerry can on everything he could from the front door to the back, threw the can as far in as he could and shut the back door. As Korm was driving away several small muffled bangs were heard from his house and the petrol ignited, and his house was gone along with everything that was evidence of him being there Long before the Fire Service ever got there.
As he drove away from the abandoned block he saw a side road and turned onto it, after travelling two kilometres, he turned his car right and drove it into the bush. He transferred all the gadgets from his car into the chest on the motorbike that was concealed in the bush and drove his car into the underground storage. After grabbing a few essentials from the stored food and water, he locked the front from the inside and headed down stairs. It was a small place, big enough for his car and the bike on the top level and just a room with a bed and a computer on the lower level. The facilities were powered by batteries, activated upon entering and sufficient for at least a week of constant use.
He plugged his laptop in, preferring to use that over the on base computer, and plugged the satellite line in to his modem. He sent one more message before retiring to bed that day: "Secondary pit reached and secure, not followed going to stay here the night and proceed just before sunrise, prepare the shed two wheels only."
With that he hit the hay.
"Liber, Maritus, Periculum!" The woman was standing facing his but her head was concealed in shadow. He wondered what was casting the shadow as, looking up he saw nothing above them. He had control of his head in this dream but not his body. He moved his gaze back down and saw that he was naked, she was also naked. A soft light was caressing her thighs and the left side of her abdomen. The light emanated from nowhere and threw a shadow over her right side, the swell of her stomach was a little larger this time, he surmised that this was his mind dealing with the impending 'birth' of his daughter. The feline glided over the ground towards him, her paws making no sound on the ground. She raised a human hand to his face and stoked along his bearded chin. He still couldn't see her face it was like a matt black block over her eyes, ears and nose. She moved her hand to the back of his head and proceeded to kiss him, plunging her tongue deep into ins mouth, his tongue replied feeling it was natural, something he did everyday, it slipped in and around her rough feline tongue, exciting him as he tasted he. He felt her starting to pull out of the kiss and he couldn't do anything about it as his body wouldn't respond. Her hand licked down his side and he felt it encompass his shaft, she pulled her hand away from him, and the pushed it back towards his body. Korm let out a quiet moan. Her head rushed forward until her ear was resting on his cheek, he could feel her face fur and smell her cat-like scent.
She was still pumping downstairs as she whispered in his ear: "EXCITO!" More Latin, WAKE!
Child, Husband, Danger! Was the message left in his mind, Child, Husband, Danger! Either he was in danger or his child was. | FSE |
Title: Amongst the city - chapter 1 by shywryter
Tags: M/F/F, Vampire, Wolf
I walked by Pup's room on another round of pacing around the den as we called it. I was itching to get out of there and gain some relief for myself however leaving him alone while vulnerable was out of the question, even if this place was lined better than Fort Knox. I let out a soft sigh knowing tonight was going to be a long one, he had been trying to prolong the down times of his raging hormones by pulling virtual all nighters with more than one women. Unfortunately his body didn't care about the quantity of women just the quantity of release. However our line of work didn't always allow for that. I knew he probably caught my small sigh but the women in the midst of the throes of passion would not have heard it.
I turned away from the sights of the two women one riding pups large thick cock and the other riding his tongue and the sounds of their screams. More screams erupted and then a short growl shortly after. I knew with the pattern of things I had scene in other women's heads that he had changed positions and was now driving hard into the wet depths of one of the females while pounding away into the other with his long fingers. I shuddered, flashing through the different screams I had heard over the past couple of months. Afterwards, when he was sated and calm again I was going out hunting to drown out the screams with the women that I conquested.
Nothing ever did compare which given who and what he was, was understandable. Not that I had personally known the reasoning but through the memories of the women I erased I saw, heard and felt everything as they had. I knew every inch of him through the eyes of those women, every inch. I knew what every thrust felt like. Not that many humans were able to too closely scrutinize what I had over the past months. His rock solid six foot tall body, chiseled half by biology and half by life we led, his long thick dark hair. His skin, that looked dark but was covered with a thin fine layer of fur. His ear, slightly pointed back. His eyes, a light golden color that gradually got darker as his need deepened. His teeth, all sharpened and ready for deadly feeding. And no one noticed that he walked on the balls of his feet.
The last quality of pup I had learned from seeing through the eyes of those he took, was that his cock was just as proportional to the rest of him. It was my job once he had finished was to replace their memories and send them on their way. The unfortunate side effect which I had not brought up to pup was that I knew every thing they had done so very well, I knew exactly what it would feel like to be with him though I never had and we agreed never would. I felt the hum of my drive pulsing under my skin and cursed myself willing memories that weren't my own away.
Tonight I not only needed to feed but I needed to have my physical needs met as well. A deadly combo brought on by the Nanos that wasn't learned until a couple of months into the program. A program much like Pup's, where they called for people to be test subjects for genetic alterations. This was in effort to prepare people for the future when surviving became important and not just monetary gains. That was although how they pulled people in, a large sum of cash. That wasn't to say that subjects weren't screened and handpicked for the tests. The main reason I entered the Nano program was that it promised to fix just about anything that could be physically wrong with a person and was a hell of a lot cheaper than lasik.
They soon found that the Nanos didn't just die off when everything was "fixed" because the body was constantly in a state of disrepair meaning the Nanos were constantly working and burning fuel. Their fuel happened to be blood and the body didn't naturally reproduce blood fast enough to supply the Nanos. Transfusions had to take place in order for the Nanos not to drain blood from tissue, muscle and then organs. Unfortunately there wasn't enough transfusion blood available for those that had the Nanos. Most of the subjects died off while very few us began to develop differently.
It was believed that the Nanos altered their hosts in order to obtain more blood. The few of us who survived had heightened senses, became stronger, move faster and our bodies stayed in an optimal performing condition. Even with these adaptations there were only a handful of us that had learned to use the most important change we had undergone, fangs. Once we penetrated a source of blood the Nanos would draw the blood up through our enlarged canines.
It had become Pup and I's job to find those who had gotten out of control with their "needs" and eliminate them. Tonight however would be a night where kept our needs in check. Personally I didn't like going this long without but with Pup trying to extend the time between his needs I never voiced my discomfort. On another round around the building I noticed that Pup was moving faster with his thrusts, his release was close. Just as I had circled to my room to get ready for the night I heard his loud growl followed by a short sharp howl.
I smiled despite myself, he was becoming like clock work. I knew exactly when he had his release by the sounds he made and through the other women's eyes I knew exactly what I would see as he did. The slight change in his eyes, his skin slick with sweat, his muscled tensed and shuddered and he came all over whichever woman he had been previously penetrating. He would take a few moments to regain himself then he would come to my room and I would go to his. He would shower the reminants of his release off and get ready for the night.
I would removed all traces of Pup from the women's minds and clean up what ever Pup hadn't making sure there was absolutely no trace of what had happened. I sighed sending the women off into the night, the pair still held the soft smile of satisfaction on their faces. As we passed each other in the hall returning to our respective rooms Pup reached out and gently grabbed my arm and stayed like that until I looked up into his eyes. It wasn't a surprised to see his eyes back to a very pale yellow but the gratitude in them had me at a loss for words.
It was always understood that in our moments of weakness after whatever release we may have had the other would clean up the mess to make sure we weren't discovered. At least that's what I had assumed. When he spoke his low voice was slow and deliberate making sure there was no doubt or confusion in his words, "I know you fight the pain of bearing their memories in your mind and in your flesh. I know you hold in the pain of your hunger and need. I know you do it all to protect me and for that I am grateful beyond measure." I blinked a few times unable to process a single thought just staring into his eyes knowing he was completely open and vulnerable in these passing moments.
I closed my eyes and muttered, "Careful big guy you wouldn't want the public to see you like this, they may not think we are dangerous after all." He grinned and let go of me heading back to his room to get ready for the night. | FSE |
Title: A Charming Introduction by Maxwell Kay
Tags: Cub, Fingering, M/F, Oral, Squirrel, Teacher, Vaginal, Wolf
Graham's paw beat furiously at his swollen meat, images of the girl of his dreams flashing before his squinched eyes. The feline was gorgeous in her cheerleader outfit, the buttons undone to reveal graceful cleavage, skirt hiked up to show off her delicate heiney. She danced and twirled, making kissey faces at him, undulating seductively, occasionally lifting the front of her skirt to give him a glimpse of her pink, virgin slit.
Of course, the real Eve would never dance for him, never show off her lithe body for his benefit. In fact, when he had finally screwed up enough courage, after weeks and weeks of wanting her, to ask her out, the catgirl had laughed in his face, like it was some great joke. She had laughed and told him she'd rather "puke my guts out" and called him names, until he had run from her, ears burning. But that hadn't been enough. She'd told everyone she knew about his failed attempt, and pretty soon the whole school, or at least the popular part, was laughing at him. Except for the jocks, of course. They were too busy pushing him down, shoving him into trashcans, and knocking his books out of his hands.
Graham's ears flattened against his head as he neared orgasm, hunched over, teeth gritted. The catgirl in his imagination was naked now, on her back, arms outstretched, beckoning him close. Her arms closed around his shoulders, her long, muscular legs wrapped around his waist, and her full, pouting lips pressed against his in a joyful celebration of love. As their lips touched, he reached a shuddering climax, spraying thick globs of cum across his sheets.
But the real Eve would never beckon him closer, never press her lips to his in an ecstasy of sensation. Instead, she spread nasty rumors about him, telling everyone that he was poor, that he was gay, that he had an STD, that he was this and that and everything else. Since he had taken that giant leap of bravery, it seemed like everyone was laughing at him, that is, when they weren't shoving his face into the toilet. His life was even more of a living hell than it had been before. As he gathered tissue to clean up the mess, Graham Talesor began to cry.
"Fuck, I'm gonna be late again!"
Grabbing the piece of toast from the toaster, Sandra Lucas shoved it into her mouth as she tried desperately to get her jacket on without knocking anything else off the table. Shoving her paw through the arm of her jacket, she snatched up a glass of orange juice and slammed it down. Still grumbling, she grabbed her purse off the couch and darted out into the hall, almost forgetting to lock the door to her apartment as she hurried away.
"Why do I always do this? Why do I always oversleep?" Demanding answers from no one in particular, the squirrel rushed down the hall, rummaging through her purse to find her bus pass. The reason she overslept was obvious, even to her: she never went to bed on time, preferring to stay up until the middle of the night watching stupid old movies on basic cable, or pawing off to late-night soft core porn. She'd been doing that last one a lot lately, she mused.
She couldn't help it. At thirty-four, Sandra's sex drive was as healthy as it had ever been, if not more so. It's just that her social life had slowed down, imperceptively at first, until it had finally died in a shuddering crash. She hadn't been on a date in months, hadn't gotten laid in longer than that.
It wasn't because she didn't try; she certainly kept an eye out for opportunities. It wasn't because she was no longer attractive, either. Okay, so maybe she had put on a few pounds, but she still had a trim figure. And yeah, maybe her breasts weren't as perky as they used to be, and maybe her ass had expanded a tad, but hey, she was hot for her age. She just didn't have time to go to the gym every day. Or ever, really.
She just didn't have time to date, that's all. Or go to the gym. Or learn Spanish like she said she was going to. Or write her mother and tell her that things were going well, and not to worry, and she'd see everybody at Christmas. Frankly, she didn't have much time for anything. As she settled into her seat, she blew a lock of purple hair out of her eyes. Time. That's what she was missing. It was this damn job. Being a teacher put tremendous demands on one's time. Preparing her lectures, assigning homework, grading tests...
"Fuck!" Sitting up straight, Sandra remembered that she was supposed to bring the class's tests with her today. With a groan, she saw them in her mind, sitting in a pile on the edge of the coffee table, not a foot away from where her purse had sat. It was going to be one of those days.
Graham was having a shitty day. Those of us who remember the trials and travails of high school likely never had to put up with the things Graham put up with. It started as soon as he got to school. The snickers behind his back, the laughter in his face, the slaps upside the head and the punches in the shoulder. Walking down the hall on his way towards class, he was verbal assaulted the entire time. Sitting at his desk, cruel, obscene notes found their way onto his desk, reminding him just how much everybody hated him. He was so glad he wouldn't have to put up with this stuff next year.
Feeling miserable, Graham dropped his head onto his desk, wishing he could curl up in a ball and disappear. His teacher was late (again), and as he waited for class to start, he could feel everyone's stares on the back of his skull, hear the half-concealed chortles sent rolling his direction. "Just a few more months," he told himself. "Then high school will be over, and I'll never have to see these people again."
Ms. Lucas bustled in, late as usual, looking flustered. Graham had always kind of liked her. She wasn't really cut out to be a teacher, but she tried her best. She was just always so disorganized, like she hadn't thought ahead far enough to actually prepare for class. Honestly, she probably hadn't. Most of the time, she forgot her lecture notes and spent the hour reading a magazine while the smart kids made a circle and discussed last night's reading, and the dumb kids just talked.
Graham didn't notice her today. He tried not to notice anyone. His mind kept going back to the night before, pawing off to the image of Eve, disgusted with himself for still being so enamored with someone who had treated him so badly. How was he supposed to deal with these things? He couldn't help himself, couldn't make himself forget the feline. Even now, ears burning with shame, the butt of numerous jokes, he couldn't get her picture out of his mind.
The bell rang. Ms. Lucas looked up, startled. She had spent the entire hour stammering through a lecture on a topic they weren't even studying, until she had given up and pulled out her magazine, throwing her feet onto her desk, crossed at the ankles. Now she looked up at the class, and as they shambled out of the room, she reminded them to read Chapter 3 (or maybe Chapter 4), and promised that she'd have their tests tomorrow.
Out in the hallway, away from Ms. Lucas' ears, the kids renewed their taunting. That was another thing he liked about Ms. Lucas. Most of the time, she paid no attention to what was going on in her classroom, but she always did put a stop to any conversation that turned ugly. She swore, she complained about the other teachers, and she chatted amiably about topics that were completely unsuitable for school, but she never stood for name-calling among her students. Her classroom was safe. Out in the hall was another story entirely.
Graham just couldn't take any more. He suddenly veered right and charged down a different hall, head down, eyes glaring at the floor. He knew where he could go. A new gym had just been completed, and now the old one was off-limits while the school board decided what to do with it. It was something of a haven. Nobody ever went there, student or faculty, so Graham could be alone. Ducking under the yellow construction tape, he entered the gloomy old building, his footfalls sounding softly among the empty bleachers. Turning a corner, Graham sat down and cried.
Sandra was having a shitty day. Those of us who remember high school as being a never-ending fight to stay awake likely never had to fight as hard as she did. She couldn't help it, school was just *boring*. Who cared about history? It had already happened, what did it matter any more?
It didn't help that she had forgotten to write down lecture notes for today. Expertly searching her brain for memories of the lesson, she proceeded to lecture the class for about half an hour until she realized she wasn't even talking about whatever it was that the class was supposed to be studying. With a shrug, she had plopped down in her chair and took out her old copy of US. The smart kids learned better when she wasn't talking anyway, and the dumb kids didn't learn either way, so what did it matter?
When the bell rang, she'd been caught completely off guard. She reminded the kids to read one of the chapters in the book, she couldn't remember which one, and promised she would bring their tests tomorrow. If she wasn't running late again. Which she almost certainly would be.
"Whatever," she thought. "I need a smoke." Smoking was, of course, prohibited on school grounds, so Sandra had been forced to find a place she could go smoke without being caught. A new gym had just been completed, and now the old one was off-limits while the school board decided what to do with it. It was something of a haven. Nobody ever went there, student or faculty, so Sandra could be alone.
Ducking under the yellow construction tape, she entered the gloomy old building, her footfalls sounding softly among the empty bleachers. Leaning against the wall, she sighed happily as she lit a cigarette, inhaling deeply, the tart smoke calming her nerves. Goddamn kids. Why do they care what they got on their tests, anyway? The smart kids always passed and the dumb kids always failed. Why would this time be any different?
She was in the middle of the thought when she heard a noise, a quiet, subdued noise, like a tiny whimper. Her first instinct was to ignore it, like she ignored pretty much anything that didn't deal affect her directly. With a snort, she took a drag on her cigarette, letting the smoke out slowly, savoring the hot, spicy aroma.
There it was again, that little, half-heard sound, like a tiny whine or squeak. This time, Sandra could tell it was coming from very close by, and it occurred to her that someone else might be in the gym with her.
"Probably a couple of kids ditching class to fuck," she sighed. There was a time SHE ditched class to fuck around with boys, but that was a long time ago. Part of her dreaded finding out that she was right, coming face to face with a reminder of her age and loser social life. Another part, which won after a brief struggle, was excited to see what was going on. This would be way hotter than cable porn!
Sandra walked along the bleachers and turned the corner, peeking her head around gingerly, careful to remain concealed. She was immediately disappointed. There were no naked co-eds writhing in ecstasy with one another, or even someone pawing off by him- or herself, just a little grey wolf curled up with his back against the bleachers.
"Damn. Just my luck," she grumbled. Taking another puff of the cigarette, she stood watching the wolf quizzically, something poking at the back of her mind, something that wouldn't let go. It took a few minutes, during which the male didn't look up, or even move, but she finally realized what was bugging her: she had seen that green hoodie earlier.
Of course! It was that quiet kid in her senior history class! The one who sat in the back and kept his head down, the one everyone else picked on. Sandra always felt sorry for him. He seemed like a nice kid, he was just a wimp, and high school kids ate wimps for breakfast. It didn't help that he was a real runt, as small as any freshman, in a class full of massively-built morsels of masculinity. He sure was a cutie, though...
A wicked grin coming over her face, the squirrel dropped her cigarette on the floor and moved fully around the corner, arms folded, looking down her nose with an air of authority.
"Cutting class, are we?"
The wolf pup jumped, so caught up in his own world he'd had no idea the other furre had been standing there for several minutes. He started to stammer out an apology, but Sandra cut him off.
"I don't wanna hear your stupid excuses, you got that? What's your name?"
"Graham Talesor, ma'am." His voice sounded sick.
"Come here, Graham, and explain to me why you're here instead of in class where you belong." Sandra hoped that he couldn't smell the cigarette smoke on her breath. That would be *just* what she needed.
As the small wolf stepped forward, he moved into a patch of light coming through the window, and Sandra could see his face was damp from crying. As he looked miserably up at her, his eyes shimmered, like he was trying to fight back tears even now.
"I-I'm sorry, ma'am, I didn't mean to, I ju-"
"Just what?" She cut him off sharply.
"I just couldn't handle it any more!" Now he burst into tears, throwing his paws to his eyes, his little body wracked with choking sobs. "Everybody's so mean to me, and the boys beat me up, and the girls make fun of me, and I just can't face them any more!" Now Sandra remembered she'd overheard some of the rumors about this kid. He'd asked out one of the popular girls in her class, and now the whole school was hassling him for it. Sandra couldn't help feeling sorry for him, and as she looked at him, an idea came to mind that might fix both their problems...
"Of course the girls make fun of you," she sniffed. "You never stand up for yourself. You act like a little kid. High school girls don't like boys who act like kids."
The wolf sniffed loudly and looked up at her, eyes shining. "They don't?"
"Of course not," she stated matter-of-factly. "High school girls like boys who act like men."
"Oh." The pup's voice was full of dejection, his shoulders slumped.
"But you're in luck, kiddo. High school girls might not like it, but there are some grown-up women who actually prefer small fries like you." As she spoke, Sandra took a step forward and knelt down in front of him, one paw on his shoulder, looking him full in the face.
"R-really?" The wolf didn't seem to understand what she was saying. Sandra laughed on the inside. What an adorable little thing he was!
"Really." Her voice had dropped to a near-whisper, and her eyes narrowed. Flashing her most seductive smile, Sandra reached her paw between his legs and caressed the wolf's package beneath his jeans.
"M-miss Lucas," he stuttered, paralyzed with confusion. A visible shiver ran up through his body, and Sandra knew she had complete control.
"Shhh, shh. Call me Sandra." She leaned in, gingerly pressing her lips against his. He stood stock still, except for a slight quivering. As she broke the kiss, Sandra lowered her other paw to his waist and began unbuttoning his jeans.
The cub stood ramrod straight, eyes locked on hers, obviously knowing what was coming but unable to mentally process it. No matter, he didn't need to be moving around right now anyway.
Sandra reached inside his open fly and tenderly pulled out his cock, which, just from touching it through his pants, had become hard and straight. She couldn't suppress an instinctive shudder as his member emerged from the darkness. It had been so long since she'd held one of these, and the sensation of his hot little rod in the palm of her paw was such a turn on. It wasn't huge, certainly, but it was a little bigger than she had expected, maybe six inches long, and hot to the touch.
"Mmmm, you're really hard, Graham," she cooed, her right paw wrapped around his shaft. "You must really be turned on." She began stroking him as she spoke, his penis pointed almost straight upwards, furry paw cuddling it as it traveled the length. "Does that feel good, honey?"
"Oh, Mi-I mean, Sandra. It feels so good, please don't stop." He was finally moving, his eyes closed, head tilted upwards, mouth hanging open a few inches. She could hear raspy breaths whistling through his nostrils.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna stop," she reassured him. "In fact, I'm going to make it feel even better."
"How?" He looked at her, curiosity overcoming pleasure for the moment.
Rather than explain, she decided to show him. With a wide grin, Sandra slid her other leg downward, so she was now on both knees, rather than a knee and a foot. Licking her lips, she lowered her head until she took the first few inches of his cock into her mouth, and closed her lips around it.
Instantly, she could feel her crotch flooding with desire, and she moaned into his groin as she slid more and more of his shaft into her mouth. It had been so long, so long since she had given a blowjob, and it was turning her on like crazy! With a rumbling purr, she began bobbing up and down on his young shaft, sucking hard at the burning meat between her lips.
Little paws found her head, tugging gently at her coif of hair, while his moans of pleasure echoed down from what seemed like miles away. Sandra hardly noticed these things, so intent was she on the prize before her, eyes closed tightly as she shoved, again and again, the little wolf's dick into her mouth, less a blowjob than simply fucking him with her face. While one paw pressed against his tummy for support, the other one rapidly pushed up her skirt so she could rub desperately at her tingling cunt, her fingers sopping wet in seconds.
With a long, shuddering cry, the little furre blew his load, a volcanic explosion erupting into her muzzle. She gasped, leaning her head back, letting his wolf-love splatter over her face and neck, heedless of the mess it was making on her blouse, jerking at his quivering meat until it finally stopped spraying, loving every minute over it.
The young wolf sat down tiredly, panting hard. "Wow, Mis-Sandra, that was incredible. That was so wonderful, I don't know how to thank you."
"I know how you can thank me, honey." Sandra stood up, peeling off her dirty blouse, revealing the black lace bra holding her orbs in place. Lifting her skirt, she showed the male her panty-less pussy, glistening with fluid, the fur around it damp with moisture.
Graham couldn't believe what was happening. As he fought to catch his breath, leaning back on his paws, his teacher stood up and began to disrobe, pulling her messy blouse over her head and tossing it onto the ground. Her breasts, held gently in place by a lacey bra, jiggled as she moved. He liked that. He liked that a lot.
"I know how you can thank me, honey," she purred, lifting the hem of her skirt. To Graham's surprise, she wasn't wearing any panties, and a thick pink slash stood out boldly against the grey of her fur. As her aroma wafted towards him, he felt drawn unconsciously forward, nostrils flaring as he neared her pink crotch.
"Go ahead, touch it." Her voice was a whisper, but not a request. No, Graham got the feeling that nothing she said was a request, but rather a command, one that he couldn't help but obey. As his paw reached towards her, he swallowed hard. He'd never been this close to a real pussy. He'd never even seen one in real life.
As his fingers stroked the outer folds, his teacher gave a happy sigh. His fingertips were damp after just a moment, and, bringing his paw up to his face, he gave them an experimental lick.
Incredible sensations ran through his mind, wiping out all other thoughts, filling his head with the thick, cloying scent of the woman before him. Swirling scents and colors twisted inside his head, and he felt a twinge in his semi-erect cock.
As he reached for his teacher again, the squirrel shook her head, and for a moment he was crushed by the thought that it was all over. Momentarily, Sandra was on her back, skirt hitched up, legs spread wide to give him access. "Go ahead, honey. Put a finger inside me."
The horny pup didn't have to be told twice. Licking his parched lips, he slid a digit past her moist outer folds and into the hot cave within. She hissed through her teeth as he did, vaginal muscles clamping down on his extended finger.
"Good, good. Now move it back and forth."
Graham obeyed gladly, eyes fixed with fascination on her hot slit as he began to saw his finger in and out. The squirrel reacted wonderfully, body twisting sensually on the floor as waves of hot pleasure ran through her. The pink muscles in front of him twisted and squirmed, juice running down his paw and dribbling on the concrete below.
"Ooohh, good. Now be a good boy, put another finger in." Without hesitation, his middle finger joined his index, and the femme's gyrations seemed to increase in both speed and intensity. Graham didn't fully understand the whys and wherefores, but obviously the squirrel was enjoying this tremendously, and it was a huge turn-on. As his fingers disappeared into her steamy recesses, the wolf felt his cock straining once more, as hard as it was a few minutes ago.
No longer comfortable in a sitting position, Graham shifted so he could rest on one knee, sawing at the femme's pussy from a new angle, and though he didn't know it, it was driving Sandra even crazier this way. She happened to glance down, to see what he was doing as he shifted his weight, and when she saw that he was fully erect again, her eyes got wide.
"Graham, honey," she gasped, body rocking with heat. "Do you want to fuck me?"
The young furre could do nothing but nod, his voice no longer functional. Grinning wildly at him, Sandra struggled to sit up halfway, resting on her elbows, legs drawn up so that her feet were on the floor. "Go ahead, kiddo. Don't make me wait."
Graham extracted his fingers from her quivering pussy, his arm trembling violently. Taking a deep breath he climbed up onto his knees, between her legs, paws planted on either side of her heaving body. He yelped a little when her paw took his cock, and when he felt her press the head of his penis against her outer lips, he gave a gasping shudder.
Very slowly, he pushed himself inside. The sensation was indescribable. He reached deeper this way than he could with his fingers, and she was practically boiling inside. The heat and pressure on his dick was intense, and if he hadn't stopped for several moments to catch his breath, he would have cum then and there. He glanced at Sandra, as if looking for orders, and she nodded.
He didn't move slowly for very long. The feeling was too intense, the need too pressing. He slammed his cock into her, over and over again, with all the force he could muster. He was no longer a runt. He was a wild animal, pounding at the female below him, forcing himself inside her with every thrust. She moaned and writhed beneath him, biting at his shoulder, her sharp incisors cutting into his skin.
"Oh, oh, yes," Sandra groaned through clenched teeth. "That's it. I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum! Don't you *dare* stop now!" Her command was to be obeyed, no matter what, and Graham gritted his teeth and sped up the pace, crashing furiously into the older furre, his body a blur of motion, his mind a reeling chaos of sex and heat.
The squirrel squealed and bucked underneath him, her vagina crushing him as a climax rocked her body, the heat inside her intense. It was too much for the young wolf. With a great cry, he came, unleashing a torrent of white-hot cum into her body, splashing out of her pussy, spattering their thighs. This was the most intense orgasm he had ever experienced, and it was several minutes before he was able to pull out without collapsing on top of her.
When her eyes stopped rolling in the back of her head, Sandra regarded the little wolf lying exhausted between her legs. He didn't look like much, but that was one of the best fucks she'd had since, well, since she could remember. She was going to make sure this wasn't a one-time thing, that was for certain.
"Well, how did you like that, honey?" she murred. The wolf only grunted in response, to tired to speak. Not that it mattered. She was in control of the boy, that was obvious. Getting to her feet, Sandra picked up her blouse and wriggled back into it, noting with irritation that it was big dollops of wolf cum on it. Well, she could take a half-day.
Turning the blouse inside out to hide the stains, she sauntered towards the gym exit, a great big smile plastered across her face. "Graham honey, come see me before class tomorrow. I think it would be a good idea if I started tutoring you, so make sure you keep your grades up. The squirrel grinned evilly to herself. Her problems were over. | FSE |
Being spaceborne was an interesting experience, especially given that her body had effectively become so immense that, rather than simply occupying the spot that Earth had left behind after she snacked on it, Emily instead took up most of the space between Venus and Mars, and that was just with her waist; the planetary system was lucky the plane most of the planets travelled on happened to pass straight through her midriff, because had it been just a few… honestly, she couldn’t even tell anymore. Most of her life, the cat had pictured the many planets as impossibly large bits of rock and gas floating in space, and yet now, when she looked towards the two closest ones, she could barely make them out against the immense backdrop of her thighs, to say nothing of how many stars her rear and bust were blocking out, her own included! Emily had to be careful to fish out the Sun from where it had pushed itself into, a tight fold on the side of her right breast where her soft, pudgy self had more or less grown over it; didn’t feel as warm as she figured it should, but then again, her body in general was so colossal that physical law had probably taken one look at her and decided not to even bother anymore. With the star in her hand, held neatly in her palm, it was only a matter of time until the local area of space was left completely in the dark, and with a simple squish… poof. Gone. Darkness surrounding her, lit only by distant stars, and all of the mass of the sun added to her own, not that it really mattered when her breasts and butt alone were already pushing against the Oort Cloud.
Emily took a moment to check if Kitty was still where she had left him, only to realize that she was far, far too big to be able to detect someone who was still person-sized. She could try and sense him, but that was hardly easy given the sort of scale she was operating at; then again, it was either that or nothing, so the stellar-sized cat took a couple of minutes to close her eyes, turn her senses inwards, and attempt to find out if her mate was still stuck in her folds, riding out the same high that she was. It was just like finding a needle inside an entire warehouse full of hay while blindfolded, and indeed Emily was about ready to give up entirely by the time she chanced upon something: a brightly-burning little flame, stuck somewhere inside of her at a distance that even she couldn’t quite fathom. It was odd, seeing his body at distances that even light took some time to travel, but it had to be them, still happy, still ecstatic, still mindlessly enjoying the fact that he got given a front-row seat to a brand new goddess being born. It left Emily relieved at the very least, since now she could focus entirely on growing bigger without having to worry about losing Kitty by the wayside; even better, in the short time it took for her to find and confirm he was still there, her body apparently decided that it was better off outsizing entire solar systems by sheer virtue of being, because as soon as Emily opened her eyes again, what she saw around her were millions of tiny little dots, spread across the heavens with seemingly no pattern, all them blinking in curious little rhythms in those short few seconds they had before her body replaced them.
There was no other way things could go. As far as the giantess very much enjoyed the night sky, what exactly was she going to do, slow down? Emily doubted that was even possible, even assuming she might one day want to not constantly accelerate outwards and feel as the very fabric of existence was absorbed by her burgeoning form. It made for some fine entertainment as well, being able to watch in real-time as entire star clusters and nebulae were there one second, then were replaced by a tiny fraction of her breasts, or perhaps a bit of thigh, all while she rested her arms atop her bust, laid her lazy head down and rode that serotonin wave for as long as it could possibly last. Didn’t take long before her form became noticeable even from intergalactic space, jutting out from atop and beneath the Milky Way’s plane, utterly dwarfing everything around it, with Emily’s mind suddenly jumpstarting as she became acutely aware of just how massive she was and just how utterly insufficient it happened to be. But she had a plan; it was a dumb plan, it was bound to fail, but she had to try anyway.
For the whole duration of her ascension, as little as it had been considering how inflationary speeds worked, her bust had been hard at work giving making the Milky Way live up to its namesake, mostly by replacing every bit of empty space between the stars with her intensely-sugary, warm cream; however, this was nothing if not wasteful, because it wasn’t feeding back to her in any way, thus requiring the intervention of something that could turn all of this excess milk into something worthy of a goddess like herself, something more than a mere snack like all those twinkling stars and their planetary systems were: that great big cosmic sinkhole at the center of the galaxy. It was probably ridiculous to think she could use it as a concentrated booster, but then again, her ass was bigger than it was and soon enough it would outsize the entire Milky Way itself, so it was either act immediately or lose out on the opportunity. As such, Emily turned herself towards Sagittarius A*, doing so with a kind of ease that was entirely at odds with her size, extended her arms outwards to either side of her (coincidentally messing with dark matter strands so much as to break them apart completely), and promptly shoved them straight into her breasts.
What should have been a painful impact never registered whatsoever, but did create such an incomprehensibly vast gush of milk that, for a few moments, the black hole became shimmering white, right before the event horizon began to expand at an impossible rate as the singularity at the very center absorbed entire galaxies’ worth of mass, the Milky Way (or whatever was left of it) being consumed in the process. Entire globular clusters were washed away in the cream currents, spiralling down the drain into the growing, lightless sphere, until entire galactic arms were twisted and bent out of shape before being pushed into the black hole with a little help on Emily’s part. Somehow, in just a few short minutes, her home galaxy was gone, replaced with a milk-stuffed and well-fed hypermassive black hole that still wasn’t even big enough to fit on her palm properly. Honestly, it felt like a disappointment, even if she could feel how heavy it was from sheer proximity; were this any other day, it would’ve been enough to implode her brain from simply trying to comprehend it, but now?
Now it was just another snack, one that she barely felt going down after unceremoniously throwing it into her mouth like it was a piece of hard candy, not even bothering to consider how many laws of physics she was breaking with such a seemingly simple gesture; all that mattered was that Andromeda was within arm’s reach, and with it, a highway to the next galaxy over. It seemed almost wasteful not to spend at least some time savoring that new dish, but by the time that Emily reached the next meal on her main course she was already so unbelievably colossal that it could fit in the palm of her hand and still have room left. She could only imagine what it must be like for any sentients living within it; one moment everything was fine, the next they had some unfathomably, incalculably huge mass approaching them from “beneath” the galactic plane, pushing the whole thing towards what looked to be a cavernous maw wider that the greatest of voids, capped with two scintillating gems bigger than their home galaxy was: Emily’s eyes, shining in the dark, glaring at her newest snack with a mixture of delight and boredom, knowing that, as much as she was going to enjoy chowing down on the whole of Andromeda, even then it wouldn’t be enough to satisfy her anymore, not at the size she was at. At least the second supermassive black hole was enough of a snack that she felt it going down, as opposed to the rest of the galaxy’s mass; quite disappointing overall, if she had to be perfectly honest.
She sighed, taking a few moments to focus and try to find some enjoyment out of all of this; why exactly was she even bored? Why had galaxies suddenly become the be-all end-all of her growthsplosion? She was so unbelievably huge, and yet had decided to grade her size based on something so tiny compared to her that she could barely even see them anymore? That just felt like a waste of time now that she thought about it; why even bother with such puny little objects when one of her nipples alone could outsize any of them, when a single one of her breasts or cheeks, when a fraction of her thighs alone consumed countless such disks and globules without her even realizing it was happening? Hell, the more she looked at herself, the more her mouth broke into a wide, toothy grin as she came to understand the full size that her body had achieved, especially now that it more or less fed itself and was entirely out of her control. “Down” below, her thighs and hips had widened so much that, if it weren’t for her equally colossal asscheeks competing for room, they would’ve blotted out every source of light beneath her body; in front, she couldn’t even see anything at all, given the literal wall of breastflesh that covered her entire field-of-view. And behind her… well, Emily didn’t know what was behind her, because why would she look anywhere else but forward with a cleavage like that to rest her head upon? In the coldness of space, her warm bosom provided the best possible pillow to rest upon, giving her something soft and delightfully comfy on which to rest as her body continued to overtake the entirety of existence; wouldn’t take too long before there wasn’t a “behind” her either, with her rear riding up her back and imprisoning her torso between her tits on one side, and a small portion of her cheeks in the other. She would’ve liked to be able to grind her legs together, but sadly couldn’t do it without risking time breaking apart; still, that much wouldn’t be a concern for too long, not after she was done with everything.
Because the end was approaching, or at least the end of what she knew existed. With her growth accelerating past the point where she could even remotely think to control it, Emily knew it was only a matter of time until everything in that iteration of reality had been consumed and replaced with some part of her body, most likely tit, ass or thigh given how enormous those were. Within a few short minutes, every galactic supercluster, every mega-strand of dark matter, every last ounce of mass left in the Universe would be hers, fed into her body to make her even more glorious than she already was, made to fatten her up to become the goddess she was always meant to be. She could feel it already, the fabric of existence straining against her, feeling like a plastic bag had been forced over her entire body and she was trying to get out from inside of it, pushing against a thin film that, no matter how flimsy it might be, refused to budge. Be it a part of one breast or a section of a leg, she felt the very edge of the Universe encroaching upon her, until finally, after what had to be a mere hour (or even less) after eating her planet, Emily’s growth stopped.
It was inevitable, if only because of simple logic: she couldn’t really grow into anywhere if there was no room to grow into at all, and somehow, her explosive inflation had reached the very edge of existence and found where everything just… stopped. There was no more space beyond that point, no more room past that invisible boundary that was nonetheless extremely malleable. The cat could push her hand against it, feel it twist and bend beneath her fingers, but it always returned to its old state when she stopped trying to push through, leaving her feeling surprisingly cramped and yet quite comfortable at the same time; after all, the entirety of existence had been taken over by her bust, rear and legs, a colossal cat with an hourglass figure so exaggerated that she couldn’t help but drool at the mere thought of it… but it still wasn’t enough. She knew she had more left in her, but what was she to do? There was no more Universe to grow into, and she hadn’t discovered the secrets of life yet; all the milk that had been leaking out of her was still floating about, and she figured the whole cosmic egg she was trapped in would eventually flood itself with her productivity, but what then? It almost felt anti-climactic in a way.
Then she felt it: a grumble in her belly. It was like a void… or many voids, now that she thought about it. It felt like her stomach acid was churning away, irritated by some unfathomable beast of immense size roiling away inside of her. It was only after a tiny little burp produced what was unmistakably a singularity surrounded by an event horizon that Emily realized what was happening; to be perfectly fair, it made sense that eating all of those black holes would eventually come back to bite her, though the cat had hoped that it wouldn’t be something as undignified as burping in front of… well, not anyone, but still! Luckily for her, no such thing came to pass; unluckily, what did happen was significantly worse, at least for the fabric of the Universe that she had come to replace.
Emily felt it before it happened, bubbling up from her stomach, building up pressure in that one, most uncomfortable spot in the back of her throat. She feared what might happen if she let it out, feared that it might have dire consequences for existence as she knew it… but was that not the point? Did she not want to break free of her bonds and truly explode in every direction? Maybe this was the key to that, if only she were brave enough to set it loose.
A single hiccup, accompanied by a flinch… and a distant, reverberating pop as the cosmic egg surrounding her cracked.
She was free. | yiff-extreme |
Title: The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Part 8 by Triple xXx Werewolf
Tags: Dingo, Hell, Male, Minotaur, No-Yiff, Stuck, Werewolf, graphic
The Canine Underworld #8
Part of The Dream That Turned Real series
(First Person)
"So, now what? We go in?" Ryan asked me.
(Third Person)
"Sorry, guys, no go." Mike said as he lowered his head and tail and walked away, in the direction of the fort as he changed back to his Anthro form.
"Aw, Mike..." Ryan said as he followed the disheartened werewolf a time later.
The others looked at the town beyond the wall, then to the pair of Lycans in the distance. Gorn made the gesture for blowing one's own brains out, making the appropriate sound for it before grabbing the dingo and carrying him as they went to where they called home.
"Moike, you are a fuggin' coward!" Dan said.
"Dan, don't insult him. You know what's gonna happen." Ryan defended as he watched Mike, who sat on a rock with his head in his hands.
"I know, but it kinda proves that your boyfriend has a weakness."
Mike cleared his throat in a low growl.
"We all have strengths and weaknesses. But it is our own decision to take that risk, of exploring the unknown, to face whatever comes our way." Gornak informed Dan. "Besides, we are not going to risk our lives if it isn't necessary."
Ryan sat down next to Mike and put his hand on the other Lycan's back. "You should ignore Dan, he's kinda screwy in the head right now."
Mike lifted his head and looked at his mate.
"Sooo, what now? What are we doing?" Lupo asked, looking around at everyone.
"I don't know, why don't you and Dan wrestle for a bit, entertain us?" Ryan told him. "Good training."
"I'd rather not. It's kind of embarassing, if you get where i'm going."
"Come on, show us your moves!" Ryan egged the wolf on.
"Unless you wanna have a go with me, Rai." Dan suggested, putting his fists up.
"Not happening." the werewolf said, folding his arms. "It'd be like you picking on Mike, then you get your lights knocked the fuck out."
"Well, damn it, what're we s'posed to do, other than wait for the next wave of Demons to rear their ass-fucking-ugly ass-faces?"
Lupo rubbed his chin. "Hmm... Hibernate?"
"Done that." Mike said. "Might do it again later."
"This one sounds a bit childish, but we could play either Tag, or Hide and Seek."
"Nope." Ryan told the wolf.
"At least there's some tactical value..."
"Rock-Paper-Scissors, see who gets to explore the depths of Valdov's butt?" Dan suggested.
"NO." they all told him sharply.
"Wow, being in Hell sure got us in the slump." Lupo said.
"Ain't that the way it's supposed to be?" Dan asked him.
"Well, i don't know about you guys, but Ry an' I are gonna hit the sack for now." Mike said, pulling Ryan with him, going into Gorn's house to pull some Z's, as they thought about stuff to do.
While the two werewolves slept, the other three tried to figure out what to do.
"So, this is what makes those things insane. Nothing to do, no ideas... Just.. sit on the ground, stare at nothing, and wait for time to end." Dan said in a trance-like monotone as he sat down on the ground, before getting a mighty slap across the face from the minotaur.
"Dan, do not speak like that!" he shouted as he picked the dingo up and shook him back and forth. "Should you continue like that, you are only submitting to those monsters. To your own evils."
"Well, what the fuck else is there?"
Lupo went to rouse one of the Lycans as Dan and Gorn argued on.
"Mike? Mike, wake up, please. Dan is suffering severe mental trauma."
"Tell him to stick it up his ass." Mike mumbled in a gravel-filled voice as he rolled over to hug his lover.
"No, Mike, don't be like that. I have formulated an idea to keep Dan active, but i need you and Ryan to help me with it. It's a good idea, i promise."
"Urgh, fine. Ryan? Hon, wake up, the lesser species just grew a brain."
Lupo took the insult, but never reacted as both werewolves got up again.
"Ugh, why do i feel like i got jet lag?" Ryan asked himself, shaking his head.
Lupo gave them full detail of what they had to do: Build an obstacle course, along with a twenty foot tall game of checkers, with themselves as the pieces in teams.
"Team-based multiplayer and speedrun a map?" Mike said. "That actually sounds interesting. Yeah, let's go do that!"
In what seemed like a few hours, they had it all set up. A full-blown obstacle course to run through, and the pillars were moved into a checkerboard spacing, close enough to safely jump from one tower to the next.
"I am such a slut when it comes to mazes." Gorn deeply chuckled as he saw the maze before him.
"That's 'cause you're following the stereotype of your kind: You're gonna go in there, hide in the center, and wait for us to come and get you so you can mow us all down." Lupo said.
Mike opened his wings and hovered over the course, before some unknown force pulled him back down. "Whoa, let me go!" he shouted.
"Sorry, Moike, flyin's cheating!" Dan said as his whip held the werewolf in place. Mike let his eyes glow red with rage, and instantly he blasted a hundred-foot wide donut around the dingo, allowing no escape as the whip silently fell to the ground.
"How do you like that, shit-for-brains?" the werewolf called out.
"You're an ass, Mike!"
"Whadja just call me, dingo?" Mike said as he floated to the ground in front of Dan, touching noses with him as he snarled.
Dan nervously smiled. "I haven't a clue what you're talkin' 'bout. I-I was just thinkin' out loud by accident."
"ELBOW! KNEE! KICK! SLAP! KOH!!" Mike yelled as he hit Dan with each move he called. Koh basically translated into K-O, or knockout, final move, a hard right to the chin, sending the dingo flying out of the ring.
As Dan hit the ground, Ryan rushed to his friends' aid.
"Just leave me to die, already." Dan weakly said, tilting his head toward Ryan. "He's too much for me to handle."
"No, Dan, I won't." he said before turning to look at his mate.
"What?" Mike said, a look of unbound fury in his eyes, a stone-cold serious look on his face. "He had it coming. Did you hear what he called me?"
Ryan dug his fist into the ground. 'I thought he'd gotten that out of his system, already..' he thought to himself.
"Look, Ry, I know we are in a great deal of distress, but i think it would be best if Dan gave us some space. He should know already, I can't tolerate being called names! Especially 'asshole', I fucking HATE that one!" Mike said, his voice roaring across the wasteland.
Ryan looked at his mate. "Y'know, I was friends with Dan first before you."
"Does that mean you don't want me anymore?" Mike replied, feigning a look of shock upon hearing his words. "If so, just say the word, and I'll go serve myself up to those Demons on the other side'a the wall." he continued, nonchalantly as he pantomimed himself leaning on a wall, his thumb pointing in the direction of the wall.
"No, Mike, that's not happening!" Ryan teared up as he brought Mike and Dan in a close hug. "I love you both the same, and I am not letting you put yourself in danger."
"Oh, what's become of us, guys? We're kickin' each other's butts left an' right!" Dan sobbed while they hugged.
"Let us be thankful that we're not getting attacked every now and then by those monstrousities right now." Gorn said to himself, watching the three make up.
"You guys want another shot at the course? If not, Valdov wants to go Godzilla on it." Lupo asked, coming out of the maze.
"Let'im, we weren't gonna use it anyways." Dan said.
"Okay... Val, let'er rip!"
Awhile later, after the dragon demolished the obstacle course, everyone piled up on Gorn as they slept, leaving Valdov with guard duty. Not that he minded it, he needed something to protect.
All was quiet for a long time, as the dragon looked around, his vision sweeping across the barren wastelands. Suddenly he sensed something, and proceeded to wake the others up, by roaring, stamping his feet, and lightly whacking the house with his tail.
"Whoa, whoa, Valdov, calm yourself. What's happening?" Lupo asked as everyone raced out to see what spooked the dragon. Valdov then used all his brainpower to link up with them all.
'I.. sense.. strong magic, nearby.' he said.
"There are other mages near? Where?" Gorn asked.
'Cannot tell. Coming from everywhere!'
"DAN! DANNIE!" a voice shouted. Everyone looked around, trying to find the origin of the voice.
"Wait a minute, I know whose voice that belongs to!" Dan said. "RIIICCK!!" he shouted.
"YEAH, IT'S ME!" came Rick's reply, followed by a bout of relieved laughter.
"WHERE ARE YOU?" Dan asked.
"IN THE MORTAL REALM, AT YOUR BAR!" came the reply after a second.
"Dannie, it's Kraig! Are you alright?" the young fox said.
"DADDIE! Are you there?" Kraig asked.
"Yes, my son, I am here. I will be waiting for the moment when we can be together again!" Lupo said.
"Kraig?" Dan said.
"Yes, Dannie, i'm here. We're gonna get you all out of there!"
\========================= 1111111111111111111111111
"Wait a minute, the diamond!" I said, teleporting over to the crystal and quickly zapped out a sphere the size of your standard disco ball.
\========================= 3333333333333333333333333
"What are you guys doing right now?" Kraig said.
"Can you see us on Lycaon's screen?" Dan asked. "Mike's carvin' up a big'ol diamond that we found. Can you see it?"
"Yes, i can. What's he making?"
"Mike, what're you making?" Dan asked the wolf.
"That's for me to know and you to find out, let's put it that way." Mike said as he resumed shaping the desired object.
"Looks like a disco ball...." Dan told Kraig before realizing what it was. "Oh, wait. OH! I see it now, he's making a crystal ball so we can see you guys!"
"LYCAON!" Ryan shouted.
"Yes, Ryan?" the wolf-god answered.
"Could you shoot a projection of someone over there? Anyone, just try it!"
After a short time, the crystal ball in Mike's hands started to glow amber, then a bluish-white. Then, the ball started floating out of the werewolf's hands and away, before a Doberman faded into view.
"D'wahh.. brbrbrbrb." the Rover shook his head.
"Blitz!" Ryan called. "IT WORKED!"
"AHH, not in my ear! I need that, you know." Blitz said, rubbing his ear.
"What's the Blitz over on your side doing?" Dan asked.
"I have put him in a immobile trance-like state; A physical ghost of him now walks among you."
"Does that mean, if I punch him here, he can feel it there?"
"In a way, yes."
"Don't." Ryan said.
"Too late!" Dan said as he punched the Doberman on the arm.
"OW, YOU PUNK!" Blitz shouted as he began to chase the laughing dingo around, before slamming into Mike, in all his Feral glory. Screaming, the Dobie tried to run, before running into the Minotaur.
In a second, Blitz disappeared, replaced with the glass ball from earlier.
"Why'dja do that?" Dan asked Lycaon.
"You guys were being mean to me, that's why!" Blitz replied.
After a short time passed, the ball began to glow again, as a tall Springer Spaniel stepped out of the light, clutching his chest before seeing someone run up to him.
"Rick!" Dan said, running up to the figure.
"Dan!" Rick replied, bringing the dingo in a tight hug.
Breaking the hug, Rick was approached by someone he had also lost touch with a long time ago.
"Ry- uh, Officer DuBon!" Rick snapped straight to attention and saluted the werewolf.
"There's a name I haven't been called in a long time, Springfield!" Ryan saluted back.
After introducing Mike, Gornak and Lupo to the trucker hound, they went inside the house to discuss thier plans. That is, until Rick's form started to fade away.
"Oh, shit! What's happening?" he struggled.
"It seems that you cannot travel very far from the object used in your transversion to this realm." Gornak explained.
"Dan, get the ball, if you could." Rick said.
Dan went to grab the object, when it burned his hands the very second he picked it up.
"YEOW! How the fuck is that possible?"
"Perhaps only the Creator of the Sphere can wield it." Gorn said.
"Then it looks like I'm up." Mike said.
\============================== 111111111111111111111111111111
I walked over and slowly closed my hand around the glass ball. I could feel the heat eminating from it, yet I was not harmed by it, it did not burn when i touched it.
"I got it!" i said in weak triumph.
"How is it only you can touch it, and I can't?" Dan asked.
"Methinks it hath trust issues." I replied in a sneer.
"That was so funny I can't even laugh at it."
I growled deep from my throat, letting him know full well who he was dealing with, posing like I was about to lunge at him.
\================================= 33333333333333333333333333333333
Mike picked up the ball, and they went inside Gorn's house to talk about the escape plan.
"Kraig really misses me, doesn't he? I can only blame myself for bringing up that idea of having that one-night stand with you." Lupo told Dan as the two sat down, the others standing, or leaning on a wall.
"Okay, so what's the game plan that the old man's got to get us outta jail?" Ryan asked.
"Well, he's got us a convoy of vehicles, bikes mostly." Rick started, "He's gonna set up some kinda wormhole between Earth and here. Me and the others'll ride down here, grab you guys, and goose it back. Simple yet complicated, I know, but it looks like you cleaned house on whatever monsters you were fightin' with, so shouldn't take too long."
"What kinda rides're we gettin'? " Dan asked.
"There's gonna be about twenty bikes, all the same thing, Horscht an' I're gonna carry ten each on our trucks; Zeke and Bane are gonna drive two cars down, Plee-a-dees, if I'm not mistaken. The Road Rovers have thier own rides, and, uh.. Y'probably don't know this, but there's three others who're taggin' along with us."
"Three others?" Mike said. "Can you put that into more detail?"
"Since you asked. One's a wolf, like you guys, the second one's a bird, and the third is a bear, like Horscht, but he's got more muscle."
"Hmm... who do we know that fits that description?" Mike asked.
"Can yuh look through your crystal ball over to Lycaon's side?" Rick hastily asked in an annoyed tone, without thinking. Mike pinned the trucker with a lethal stare, unmoving.
"I only asked a question; there's no need to be offended by it."
Mike did not answer; he still sat there with that cold look in his eyes.
"Okay, I'm sorry! What?" Rick asked, starting to look nervous now.
Dan looked at Mike, waving his hand in front of him. "Uh-oh, I think you ticked him off somehow."
"Well, I'm not pickin' any fights, so if you could do something to get him to at least take his eyes off me, I'd breathe a little easier."
"Uh, Mike? Mikey, you okay, hon?" Ryan cautiously approached. Mike quickly turned his head in Ryan's direction.
"Why don't we go outs- oh, right, only Mike can handle the ball. Damn!" Dan said, snapping his fingers.
Gornak stepped in between Mike and Rick, and swiftly kneed Mike in the gut, followed by a 'crack' sound as he butted heads with the Lycan, knocking him unconsious.
Ryan gasped. "Gorn, what the fuck was THAT for?!"
"He was about to attack our guest, your friend. Do not worry, I didn't kill him, I only knocked him out for a short time."
"You better be right, Gorn."
"Anyways..." Rick continued, "I don't know where the wormhole's gonna open up, but when it does, stay clear of it."
"So, those 'three other guys'? You didn't give us their names yet." Dan said.
"Greyfus, the wolf; Beakwood, the eagle; and Teddium, the bear."
"Greyfus..." Ryan echoed.
"Rick, your visit is over." Lycaon told the trucker.
"Alright then, Scotty, beam me up!" Rick said, making the others laugh a bit as he faded out of view, the ball's light dimming before going dark.
"Aw, Mike." Ryan sighed, looking at the other Lycan.
"He brought it on himself. His motives are unknown to me, aside from whatever it was that our messenger said to trigger his reaction." Gorn said.
"Well," Ryan said, cracking his knuckles, "Let's see if True Love's Kiss can wake him up."
Ryan picked up the other werewolf, cradling him in his arms, then brought his lips to Mike's in a slow, passionate, driving kiss that lasted a few minutes, sharing his saliva with his lover.
After breaking the kiss, he set Mike down and waited.
Mike slowly changed into his Feral form, claws extended several inches, and slowly came to as his skull mended, whatever brain damage Gorn caused disappeared.
"Mikey, are you okay?" Ryan asked.
\>, Ryan?"
"Mike's talking in Spanish; How do we fix him?"
"How did that come to be?"
"That would be my doing, Sir. Mike was about to attack your messenger, so I subdued him, by knocking him unconsious." Gornak explained.
"Daniel told us that you can control Magick as well."
"I can."
"You must search him for the soul controlling his voice, and eradicate it."
"And what method do you prefer I use?"
"Tap into his MindLink. Search through his memories between after he lost consiousness and before he woke up."
"I shall try my best, Sir."
Gornak instructed Ryan to restrain Mike in the form of a friendly hug, then placed his left palm to the possessed werewolf's forehead, and in a low rumbling voice, called forth his magick to search through Mike's subconsious memory.
"Hm... Where are you, vile being? Show yourself..." the minotaur muttered, his eyes darting about as he looked at various parts of Mike's mind.
Soon enough, he found it: A physical experience between Mike and a Demon. He found the Demon's point of view, as it's soul was sucked from it's body... out of it's rear, and into Mike's genetalia.
Gorn yanked his hand away from Mike, accidentally whacking Dan, who was walking behind him at the time.
"OW! What was that for? I didn't do anything."
"Dan, you may be right. Mike is channeling a Demon that never got fully absorbed as nutrition. You probably do not want to know how he got it."
"Mike took a Demon up the creek, remember? He showed us the one that turned to stone after he sealed the deal." Dan said, rubbing his head where Gorn hit him. "Ahh, dammit, that hurt."
"Mighty Lycaon, I found the demon's corrupt soul. How do we get rid of it?"
"Have you any incantations for this task?"
"We were hoping that you knew of such a spell, for I have none at the moment."
"Hmm... " Lupo said to himself, trying to figure out how they were going to remove this apparition from the werewolf without completely obliterating him. "I think, what we need, is a basic Exorcism-type ritual, then see where we go from there."
"Ya heard that, Lycaon? We need an exorcism spell." Dan said.
"I shall tap into Mike's subconsious, then you can channel your energy through me to Mike." Gornak told Lycaon.
"If you see this as a 'good idea', then I shall try."
Gornak performed the same MindLink as before, then told the wolf-god that he was ready. In a few moments, he was flooded with Lycaons' incantation, which the minotaur was passing onto the werewolf.
The others watched as Gornak's eyes glowed a light teal color as Lycaon remotely worked his magic.
"Ohh, please tell me this is gonna work." Ryan said, worried.
The tension was thick in the air, as the exorcism took it's toll on Mike and Gorn, the Lycan growing weary, the Minotaur doused with sweat, keeping his stance constant, until he sensed something within Mike's being: The demon was losing the battle, and tried jumping into Gorn as another host.
Gornak pulled his hand away again, Dan well out of his swing radius, and growled, wrestling with the entity as it tried to overpower him. He was not one to be underestimated, as the bullman conjured forth his most powerful dark magic, and forcefully expelled the Demon from himself, expiring the demon instantly.
Dan, Ryan and Lupo all jumped back and held each other as Gorn faced them.
"My friends, today marks a milestone for us, as we have sucessfully exorcised a demon!"
They applauded as Mike finally came to.
"Ugh.. what happened?" he said as Ryan came up to hug him.
"You... had a bad ghostie trying to posess you, but Gorn kicked it's ass and sent it packing. That's what happened. Remember that demon i caught you with?"
"Well, somehow, you pulled some sort of cock-vore on it, but instead of taking the whole demon, you only took it's soul."
Mike widened his eyes at the news: he thought he was just mindlessly fucking a demon, yet he hadn't known that he was capable of such a feat.
"Holy fucking shit. Lemme get this straight: I... cock-vored a Demon's inner being just by doing what i did to it?"
"It appears so." Gorn said.
"That... is disturbing." Mike said before turning to Ryan. "Now I know how you feel."
"You don't know the half of-- Oh, wait, you do." Ryan replied. "Welcome to my current dilemma." he then said, a sheepish smile on his face.
"Soo," Dan said, looking around, "Now what do we do? What else can we think of that everyone can have fun doing?"
They went through thier options again: Eat, sleep, have sex, chase the dingo, play around in Valdov's droppings, race each other, build or destroy stuff, wander about the wasteland...
Everyone knew that the possibilities were somewhat as endless as it was in the mortal realm, yet in a limited form. They could do anything they wanted, but could not find any form of motivation, nor inspiration to get them to carry out thier desires.
"Damn. S'like we can do whatever, wherever, whenever, but it's like we're completely powerless to do anything. Friggin' sucks." Mike said.
"If all this clamoring is for activity, why not train yourselves to become stronger, more effecient.. Less whiny?" Gornak stated, getting evil stares from the Lycans.
"He is right, though. We have been doing more talking than taking action." Dan told them, "I noticed we've gotten a tad lazy since the Demons stopped attacking us."
Ryan and Mike both agreed on that cold fact.
"We have this unlimited freedom, right?" Ryan asked. "But there's no technology, no pre-made entertainment or food, no electricity.. all the stuff we used on Earth, we don't have over here."
"You know what?" Lupo asked, snapping his fingers. "It's like living in the days way before Benjamin Franklin even discovered electricity, even before he was born! We are living like our ancient ancestors."
"That's a crazy idea, Loop." Dan said after some moments of silence.
"No, really, iit's true! If i still remember my History correctly, we are currently living life like it was back in the Stone Ages."
"How so?" Gorn asked.
"Gornak, look at your house; You built it out of stone. Your furniture are made from the skins of the Demons you've slaughtered over time."
"Huh, I've never once realized that." the bull-man said.
"Out of the simplest resources at our disposal, we can create the stuff that we used to have. Shit, we can invent the wheel, as the cavefurs did long ago..."
As Lupo gave his speech on the resemblance of this incarnation of Hell to the Stone Age, Dan slipped away to do a little 'creating' of his own. Walking around, he came across some Demon carcasses twice his size, still intact.
"Ah... Here we go. Hmm.."
The dingo looked around for a good rock about the size of his fist, and picked one that felt solid, grinding it against a boulder from one of the nearby pillars until it turned into a blade. Testing it's sharpness, Dan accidentally cut himself. He winced as the pain died down some.
"Damn, that's sharp!"
Dan then went to work, slicing up the Demon for its' skin, to make into leather strips, finding that he had done an excellent job sharpening the stone, it cut through the hide with ease. After that, he found a slab of stone half his height. He envisioned his whip as a stone-shaping grinder, and it took on the shape of the tool. He further shaved and shaped the block of rock until it looked like a skateboard.
Checking its' weight, he found it was still quite heavy, so he shaved it to where it was light enough to work, yet thick enough to not break under even Gorns' weight, re-checking the weight every few passes.
Taking a few bones from the Demons' remains, and the leather strips he made earlier, he strapped the bones to the stone board to become its' axles. Transforming his whip back into the cutter, he shaped four wheels out of solid rock, balancing them as if they were car tyres, shaving thier weight before mounting them to the skateboard.
Stepping on the device with a light touch of his foot, Dan slowly put his weight on it, until he fully stood on the board. He smiled at his conquest as he tried its mobility; he had everything just right, the wheels didn't bind, the bone axles were strong as steel.
"Well, those who fail history are doomed to repeat it." Ryan said as Lupo continued on about the things they could make.
"And what better place than here?" Mike replied before Dan zoomed past them.
"Now what's crazy dingo doing?" Ryan asked, a confused look set upon him.
Dan rolled over to the others and kicked the board up from under him, grabbing it mid-air, and stood it up as he leaned on it, smiling. "Guess correctly, an' I'll let you use it."
They looked at the object, then at Dan. "It's a skateboard." they said in unison.
"Wow, how'd you all know?"
"We know what a skateboard looks like." Lupo said.
"Okaay... 'Ey, Mike, couldja build me a half-pipe?"
Mike shot him a fake posessed look, eyebrows furrowed like he was going to break the dingo's skateboard.
The werewolfs' face twitched a bit, smiling as he let his breath leave him in a sigh. "Fine. But only 'cause I'm bored."
As Mike created the skate ramp, Dan pulled a few ollies while he waited. The others watched, Ryan yawning, Lupo itched his neck, Gorn standing like a statue.
The young werewolf jumped on the top of the halfpipe, and fired his heat-vision, glassing the surface for the dingo to ride on.
"Here we go, one half-pipe! Happy, Dan?"
"As happy as a truck in a mudbog." Dan said as he tested out the trick-ramp.
Mike watched as the dingo flew around the half-pipe, whooping as he caught air.
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'Well, this actually looks..... fun.' I thought as I watched Dan on his skateboard, zipping through the halfpipe he requested.
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"Wow, he's actually having fun on that thing." Ryan said. "You should give it a try, Mike.
"Naw, I can't." he replied.
"Skateboarding's not my thing. I'd rather have a bike."
"Okay... but don't let me remind you."
"Ryan... Just looking at you alone is enough to do that."
"Aww, you do care."
"So... i ask again... what do we have for... activities?" Dan asked, launching off the ramp.
"I just thought of something.. Dodgeball, using a Demons' skull!" Gornak said as he held up a small skull, getting a creeped-out look from the dingo. The minotaur winked at him.
"Wanna..." Lupo told Dan, followed by a few hand gestures and a high to low whistle.
"Hmm.. not really." Dan replied, turning down the wolfs' 'special' invite.
"Gorn, you were able to turn Valdovs' mood, and channel Lycaons' powers. How is it that you cannot use your magic to create stuff, or imbue our weapons?? Lupo asked.
"The extent of my powers are not as you think them to be." Gorn explained. "As I have only learned but a few simple tricks."
Dan launched the ramp one last time before sticking a landing near the Minotaur. "Well, if you knew every spell ever made, y'woulda passed the power level of whoever rules this dump. Then we'd be in even more trouble."
"You'd be wise to think that." Gorn said in a light laugh.
"Creepy." Ryan said, shaking his head before looking at Dan. "Can I have a turn on that thing?"
"What's the password?" Dan replied in a cocky tone.
"Hmm... Please?" Ryan angrily snarled in the dingos' face.
"Ah-ah, say it nicely, now."
Ryan slapped the dingo down and took the skateboard that was spinning in the air. "TOO BAD! It's my turn and you know it."
As Ryan played around with the skateboard, Mike dragged the limp Dan back into the fortress with Lupo in tow.
"You're never gonna learn from your actions, are you, Dan?" the werewolf asked.
"What good's a brain if you're not using it, man?" Lupo said as Mike neatened the dingos' fur.
"So, Dan wrecked both your rides... and Kraig told you to kill yourself because he wanted Dan over you. Not to offend, but that's just fucked up." Mike told Lupo as Dan went on the demonhide bed.
"Well, he didn't explicitly say that... It was... subliminal, to label it."
"Okay, continue."
"Dan didn't wreck my bike; it was broken when I gave it to him, the engine threw a rod, and killed one of the cylinders." Lupo told the Lycan. "The car, though, was completely accidental. Dan's bike coughed up the back tire, and he hit a pothole or a rock or something."
"And still I wonder how you were able to remember all that, from so long ago." Dan said, sitting up to look at the wolf before Ryan came in, holding Dans' skateboard, now broken in half.
"Hello, is this quality control? I need to make a complaint." he said.
"Yeah, well I got one for ya too, Ry." Dan said under his breath.
"Are you okay, Ryan?" Mike asked.
"Oh, I'm fine... well, maybe a little hungry."
Dan and lupo both had scared looks on thier faces.
Ryan smirked. "Don't worry, I ain't gonna eat you guys, I love ya too much to do that."
"And just how do we fix the munchies?" Lupo asked as Gorn came up behind the werewolf.
"You eat... That's the only way." the bull-man said.
Everyone stayed their positions for awhile. Dan coughed a little, breaking the silence.
"We're running out of things to do, aren't we?" Mike said, shedding a lone tear.
"We are, sadly." Ryan said, watching Mike's tear fall to the ground. "It's a zigzag pattern I've noticed: Activate, then procrastinate. We try an activity until we're tired of it. S'the downside to the ol' phrase, blah blah blah, repitition, yadda yadda yadda."
"And then we decide to sleep it off, which the question bugs me -- " Mike paused. "Anyone have any... dreams, lately?"
"Funny thing, that. We haven't had any. At least, nobody willing to share aside from you, Mike." Dan replied.
"I may as well share one, while we're on that topic." Gorn said, crossing his arms as he leaned on the wall behind him. "I had a dream that took me into the Medieval ages. I believed that I had been living in that time period, ironically, as a slave-driver. As most of my dreams, it... had a bad outcome."
"Ohh, you got..." Dan said.
"I did. Sent me to the guillotine, they did. That I remember the most, feeling that blade come down on my neck, sending me to an everlasting slumber as they sent their swords tween my eyes... Cheering their victory over my rule forevermore."
The minotaur looked around, everyone wide-eyed, Mike even shaking from listening to his tale.
"Something troubles you, Mike?" he said.
"I think Mike's a lightweight when it comes to horror stories. I swear, if he were wearing boots, he'd shake'em to bits." Dan told Gorn before looking at Mike. "Don't worry, I'm not making fun of you. I mean, you've gone through so much already."
"Good going, now he's not gonna be able to sleep anymore because of that." Ryan told the minotaur before tending to his mate.
"That was kinda harsh." Gorn mockingly said.
"I wouldn't say anymore, Gorn, 'till we get Mikey all better." Dan told the bull-man.
Dan, Gorn, and Lupo left the shelter for awhile, to let Mike recover, and split off to do their own thing. Dan was rebuilding his skateboard, Lupo tended to his dragon, and Gorn was weightlifting with boulders.
--- | FSE |
Title: How to Stop Smoking Ch. 20
Tags: chest muscles, health food, thick rich, purple crown, ring asshole, pussy milking, washboard stomach, brown ring, muscles rippled, clit gail
When I entered the spa, there weren't more than 3 people there. It was a real quiet day.
I headed for the men's locker room and changed into my sweats. As I walked to the back to find the weight bench that I wanted to exercise on, I noticed only one person lifting weights.
Gail was a blonde body builder. She worked out daily to keep her body toned for competition. She was about 5'9" with big firm breasts. Thigh muscles that looked like they could squeeze a man to death.
Gail was lying on her back on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand. Her attire was the skimpiest black swimsuit you've ever seen. The top barely contained those massive tits. The bottom had been pulled into her pussy lips by her strenuous exercises.
As she brought the weights over her chest, you could see the muscles rippling. Her tits were straining to break their bonds. I stood there in admiration. Gail had obviously set some very high goals for herself and had been working hard on achieving them.
My cock appreciated her shape too. It was beginning to swell. Gail stopped to take a break. As she set up, her washboard stomach rippled. God, What a body!
Seeing that she noticed me, I introduced myself telling her that I had come to the spa to work out and relieve some tension. Gail asked just what I planned to work out - my eyeball muscles?
Laughing, I told her that, as soon as I saw her, I was fascinated. She had an excellent body, and it was obviously because she had the guts to stick with the program she had set for herself. Too many people last only a little while on a strenuous program like she had undertaken.
She asked if I would like to give her program a try. I felt as if she had just issued a challenge. I said "sure" and she invited me to take a seat.
I sat down on the weight bench and leaned back. Gail had me scoot back until I was positioned under the barbells.
With her attending, I placed my hands on the bar and lifted them off the cradle. As she positioned herself to assist me, she straddled my face. I had a close-up view of her pussy.
I pressed about 6 times and found I was tiring already. After I really strained on the 7th and 8th presses, Gail helped me put them back on the rest. This time, she had to squat down and lean forward in order to assist me. This positioned her pussy bare inches above my tongue. I smelled the aroma of her sex and my cock began to swell.
Gail had me sit up and straddled the bench behind me. She began to massage my neck and arm muscles. The soreness began to leave almost immediately.
She then had me lay back down to take the barbells again. While I was pressing them, she moved around in front of me and placed her hot hand on my cock. It responded quickly.
As my cock began to swell, my energy for lifting weights shrank until I could hardly lift them. Finally, I had to rest. Since Gail was not in position to take them, I let the bar rest across my chest.
Seeing that I was temporarily pinned and in no position to protest, she pulled down my sweats and released my swollen cock. I could see that she was turned on. She licked her lips and placed my cockhead in her mouth. Then she began to pump my cock with her hand as she gave me a fantastic blow-job.
In minutes, I came in her mouth. She continued to suck me until she had consumed every drop. Once she felt that I had no more cum to give, she continued tonguing me until my cock began to regain it's hardness.
At this point, she stripped off her minuscule bikini, straddled the bench and stuffed my cock between her pussy lips.
With a few squatting movements, she managed to get the entire length buried deep within her hot pussy.
Her pussy had gotten really wet while she was giving me the blow-job but her exercises had tightened her pussy muscles.
With my cock deeply inside her, she reached forward and took the bar. Holding the bar to her chest, she began to press the weights over her head. With every movement of the bar, her tight pussy was milking my rigid cock.
She did about 10 presses before she came. When she came, I thought she would drop the bar, but she managed somehow to hang on to it. While she was doing the presses, I caressed her breasts. Gail was so muscular that her tits were just an extension of her chest muscles.
Her nipples were about a ½” long and very dark. I pinched them and rolled them around between my thumb and forefinger. She came. As she came, her body shook and her pussy muscles were clenching tightly around the base of my cock. She was having multiple orgasms.
After about 5 minutes of her orgasms, I felt the heat rising in my loins as I came. Spurt after spurt of thick rich cum splashing against her pussy walls. Soon I was drained. With a little shudder, Gail reached forward and replaced the bar on it's cradle above my head. Then she kissed me. A deep, soul searching kiss that lasted for several moments.
We rested like that with my cock deep within her. So far it didn't show any sign of going soft. Gail kept squeezing my cock with her cunt muscles. This woman had talent.
Gail asked me if I had ever made love to a body builder before. I said that I had and, when I mentioned Mandy, Gail said that she knew her. I figured she would. You should always know your competition.
As we talked, Gail kept up a slow rocking rhythm with her hips, massaging my cock with her pussy muscles. Soon it began to get hard again.
I suggested that we hit the showers and cool off a bit before fucking again. Gail agreed that it might not be a bad idea. Besides, she said that there were a couple of other exercises that she wanted me to try.
We went into our respective dressing rooms. I called Maria at the Museum. I felt obligated to let her know that I might not make it by closing time.
I had just stepped into the hot shower when Gail came in. There was a connecting door between the dressing rooms and she had a key.
Taking the soap from me, she began to scrub me down. Lathering me up from top to bottom, she paused each time she passed my cock and gave it a few strokes.
I couldn't help but respond. My cock began to swell until it reached full hardness. The huge purple crown just begged to be sucked.
Instead though, Gail handed me the soap back and informed me that it was now my turn. I began with her muscular shoulders, lathering her back - working my way down to her ass.
As I rubbed the deep valley between her ass cheeks, her breathing began to quicken. She was getting turned by my playing with her ass.
I worked down her muscular thighs and calves until I reached her feet. Her back was covered in thick, rich lather.
Turning her around, I began working on the front. My tongue was busily proceeding my hands. I licked above her knees, working toward her steaming pussy.
When I reached her pussy she arched her back, sticking it out to make it more accessible. I inserted my tongue between the fleshy pussy lips and searched for her clit.
As I found it, she gave a sharp intake of breath. I gave her pussy a few quick licks and proceeded upwards.
Soon, I had her nipples in my mouth, licking and biting them. They were extremely sensitive.
My fingers found her pussy and I darted a soapy finger inside to play with her clit.
Gail was breathing rapidly and her body was trembling. The more I rubbed her clit, the faster she began to move until her body exploded in orgasm after orgasm.
I kissed her and she sucked my tongue deep within her mouth. I stopped playing with her clit and continued upwards with my soapy hands. Scrubbing her washboard stomach and chest, playing with her erect nipples.
Inserting my cockhead between her fleshy pussy lips, I pushed upwards until she was impaled on my rigid cock. God, her pussy was tight.
We sank to the floor of the shower. The water washing off the soap as I rapidly stroked my cock in and out of her steaming pussy.
By the time we both came, all the soap had been rinsed from our bodies. Exhausted, we just lay there letting the hot water stream over us.
When we recovered our energy, we toweled each other off and got dressed. Gail returned to the Ladies locker room and put on a clean bikini swimsuit. I put on my swimsuit and met her at the pool.
We swam for 10 or 15 minutes then rested in the shallow end. Neither of us could keep our hands off the other. After drying off, we headed to the gymnasium to work out some more.
Gail lowered the rings until she could put her legs through them. She swung back and forth - her legs spread wide. Her pussy lips were clearly visible through the thin material of her bikini.
I kneeled on the mat in front of her. As her swinging pussy neared my face, I took hold of her legs and stopped her momentum.
My hungry lips found her muscular thighs and I began to lick in and around her pussy lips.
Tearing her bikini bottom off for better access, I tongued her hot pussy until she was begging me to fuck her.
She was so juicy that my rigid cock slipped in with ease. Once again, I allowed her to swing back and forth.
My cock was pulled from her pussy until just the crown was inserted. Then, as she swung back towards me, she was once again impaled on that massive cock.
Just as Gail was on the verge of cumming, I leaned back and pulled my cock from her pussy. She begged me to put it back in and continue fucking her. But I had other ideas.
Helping her down from the rings, I guided her over to another weight bench and set her down.
Pushing her back until she was prone on the bench, I kneeled in front of her steaming pussy and began to lick her clit. Gail began a long series of orgasms. Her body was bucking and thrashing like crazy.
Taking an Indian club from the rack, I began using it like a dildo. Pushing it in and out of her pussy while she continued to cum.
When it looked like it was juicy enough, I pulled the club from Gail's pussy and pushed it against the brown ring of her asshole until the knob slipped inside.
The knob entered her with a 'plop' and the surprised look on her face told me that she was not accustomed to being violated like this.
As I worked the club in and out of her ass, the tapered neck began to gradually stretch her. When I felt that her ass was stretched enough, I replaced the club with my rigid cock.
I pumped in and out of her ass for a few strokes until I was on the verge of cumming. Then I withdrew my cock and helped her to her feet.
Telling her to bend over and take hold of her ankles, I teased the brown ring of her asshole, slipping my cock inside. She was very tight.
I worked my cock in and out as I pulled her wide hips toward me. Then I came. Flooding her ass with cum.
When my softening cock slipped from her ass, we sat on the weight bench to catch our breath.
I invited Gail to my house to continue with the weight training. She accepted.
After we cleaned up and dressed, I met her in the lobby. Gail was a knockout in street clothes. You would never guess that she was into body building.
She had on a chocolate brown leather mini skirt with a matching leather top. Her long brown leather boots came up to the bottom of the mini skirt. She looked nice.
Both of us were hungry. Gail suggested a health food restaurant for lunch and we headed out.
She settled back in the seat of the Rolls and gave directions. While I drove, she reached over and began playing with my cock. Before long, my rigid cock was clearly visible.
Being 16" long and 2 ¾” in diameter, my cock reached to my knees. The tightness of my trousers only served to enhance it's visibility.
When we arrived, Gail said we should wait until it subsided before going inside, but I figured "to hell with it" and we went on in.
The stares we were treated to while we were eating were something else. You could tell by the looks that they were making bets about whether or not I was fully erect.
We were seated in a booth near the door. Being a health food place, the atmosphere was bright and cheery.
As we were chatting, a tall black lady came to our booth. Gail introduced her as Vera, a Zulu from Africa - the owner of the restaurant.
I slid over and Vera sat down. While Gail was asking about a potion to increase her staying power, Vera placed her hand on my leg.
Squeezing my cock, then tracing the outline of it produced a gasp when she realized how big it was.
Vera asked if I needed something too and I replied that I didn't need a potion. Everything was just fine with my equipment. Replying that I was obviously right, she turned her attention to Gail.
She told Gail that she had two potions for her. One would give her additional stamina and strength. The other would make sure that she stayed horny to keep up with me.
We chatted for awhile. I found out that Vera was the daughter of a Zulu witch doctor. This explained why she was respected for her potions.
Vera also told me that, if the potions didn't work well enough to give her a call and she would come over and help out. She wanted to find out for herself if that cock in my pants leg was real.
Gail and I finished our meal and headed to my place. When we got to the bedroom, we began to strip. Both of us had no false allusions about sex. We both knew what we wanted and clothing was just a hindrance.
Taking Gail by the hand, I led her to the sauna. I pulled out a couple of large towels, cranked up the heat and we stepped in.
We reclined on the benches and just relaxed. Every 5 minutes or so, I got up and added some cold water to enhance the steam. We had sweat pouring from every pore.
Lying across from each other gave me the chance to study Gail's body. Every part seemed to be total symmetry. Her muscles rippled as she shifted on the bench.
I got up and moved over to her. Pulling her towel aside, I sat down and reached for her. She sat up and we kissed. I placed a hand on her breast and gently stroked her nipple, feeling it rise to my touch.
My hand traveled down, past her stomach to the area above the pubic bone. When my fingers reached her cunt. I spread her cunt lips and eased a finger inside. She was wet. Her breathing was deep and ragged.
Watching her muscular chest expand made me appreciate the sacrifices she had made to get that body.
I stroked her clit. Her hips pushed upward against my hand. I teased her clit - slowly at first, then picking up the pace until she was on the verge of cumming.
Replacing my finger with my hot tongue, I licked her pussy, savoring the aroma and taste of her juices.
When my tongue hit her swollen clit, she began to cum. I flicked my tongue rapidly against her clit. Her bucking hips spread her juices all over my face.
While I was sucking her clit, she had been stroking my cock. I was ready. I spread her legs and turned her body until my massive cock was at the entrance to her pussy.
I pushed the purple crown of my cock inside her and with slow teasing strokes began to enter her. Soon my cock was deep inside. We began to fuck. Slowly at first - then building to a faster pace.
The combination of the steam heat of the sauna and our exertion had our bodies bathed in sweat. It was so hot we could hardly breathe.
Gail's muscular body looked fantastic. As she rose to meet my thrusts, her muscles rippled and gleamed in the dim light.
Soon we were cumming. My balls tightened. My cock shot spurt after spurt of red hot cum inside her pussy.
When my balls were drained, I collapsed against her. We lay there letting our passion subside until my softening cock slipped from her pussy.
After we recovered, we left the sauna and headed for the shower. While the cool water cascaded over our bodies, we soaped each other and began to cool down. Or so I thought.
Gail began stroking my cock until it reached full hardness. As she stroked, the purple crown peeked through the soap.
Faster and faster she stroked until I was on the verge of cumming. Then she stopped and we moved under the water to rinse off.
As the last of the soap left our bodies, Gail knelt on the floor. She took the crown of my cock in her mouth. Squeezing my balls as she sucked me, she soon had me rock hard. I felt the hot cum rising in my cock.
When Gail felt my cock twitch, she stopped sucking and stood up. Spreading her legs as she raised on tiptoe, she worked the head of my cock against her pussy lips until she felt it slip inside.
I placed both hands on her ass and lifted her off her feet. As I did so, she became fully impaled on my hard cock. She was so tight.
She wrapped her muscular legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. Holding her ass cheeks, I pushed her away, then pulled her to me - stroking my cock in and out of that tight pussy.
As she began to orgasm, her eyes rolled back in her head. She was in ecstasy.
I began to cum. Her hips moved back and forth. That tight pussy was milking my cock, draining every drop of cum.
Exhausted, we finished showering and went to the bedroom to rest.
We must have slept for an hour or more. I woke up first. Propping my head on my hand, I lay there watching her.
Even in sleep, her chest muscles rippled as she breathed. There was a dark vein that ran across and around her breast. I traced the outline it with my finger as I worked my way toward her nipple.
Her nipple began to respond. As it hardened, I leaned over and began to suck on it. Soon it was at full hardness. Her other nipple was getting hard as well.
I eased out of bed and opened my 'toy' cabinet. Selecting the items I wanted, I returned to the bed.
I had fur handcuffs with Velcro fasteners for both her hands and ankles. Nipple clamps on a chain with pussy and clit clamps on the other end of it. A vibrator dildo with an ass penetrater. A pair of leather panties with snap fasteners. A waist strap with a cotton rope. A ball gag for her mouth and a pair of fur gloves.
With these in easy reach, I began to bind her. As I was fastening the last ankle cuff at the foot of the bed when I noticed that Gail was awake - watching me. She hadn't said anything - just watching. Her breathing beginning to deepen in anticipation of what was to cum.
Putting the ball gag in her mouth was a chore. She fought it all the way. Until I put a nipple clamp on one nipple. When the clamp closed on her nipple, she opened her mouth to scream. That's when I shoved the ball gag in place and fastened the straps behind her head.
Her body was thrashing wildly trying to rid itself of the nipple clamp. I hadn't planned to clamp her nipples yet, so I removed it. Her nipple was red and swollen.
I massaged it to ease the some of the soreness.
Putting the waist strap on her, I looped the rope through an eye hook in the ceiling. Then I hoisted her until all the wrist and ankle cuff chains were tight.
In this position, her pussy was wide open and vulnerable. It was wet and glistening in the dim light.
Leaving her tied like this, I got the shaving equipment from the bathroom and plenty of towels.
With the shaving brush, I began to apply a thick creamy lather to her pubic area, working my way down and around her pussy lips. When she was thoroughly soaped, I began shaving her. Spreading her pussy lips and manipulating them for easy access with the razor, I slipped a finger inside and toyed with her clit. Her body responded in spite of herself. She was hot.
After I had all the hair off, I got a pan of ice-cold water from the refrigerator and began removing the soap. Rubbing her pussy lips inside and out, the cold water soon had her hips bucking as she tried to reach orgasm. I wouldn't let her. I stopped.
When her hips stopped moving, I dried off the water that remained and began sucking her. Her hips began moving again. Her nipples were rock hard. I decided that this would be the time to put the clamps on. She screamed into the ball gag as I put the first one on and began thrashing wildly as I placed the second one on.
Pussy juice was running down the crack of her ass, soaking the bed. She had orgasmed.
I placed the pussy clamp on her pussy lips. She screamed again. As her pussy became used to the clamp, her hips began moving again. Then I put the clamp on her clit. Her body bucked so hard, I was afraid she was going to break her bonds.
Juice was running out of her pussy again.
As her body gradually became used to the clamps, her movements subsided. Soon she was quiet. I couldn't have this. She was enjoying it too much.
I removed the clamps from her pussy and clit. As the blood began flowing through them, she began to moan and scream again. I massaged her pussy until she stopped screaming. Then I inserted the dildo in her pussy. Using her pussy juice to lubricate the ass penetrator, I slid it in her ass as the dildo was thrust forward.
I put the leather panties on her to hold the dildo in place, then turned it on. Her body responded immediately.
As I turned it down to a low hum, her hips slowed their movement until they rocked gently back and forth as she fucked the dildo.
Pussy juice was flowing as she again orgasmed.
I let her orgasms continue until she finally collapsed. Her eyes closed and she had passed out.
I removed everything from her body. Leg cuffs, wrist cuffs, ball gag, nipple clamps, leather panties and the dildo. Everything came off except the waist strap. This would keep her pussy up in the air for fucking.
Putting on the fur gloves, I began to stroke her body. Starting with her nipples, I massaged them until the blood was again flowing and they were rock hard.
As I rubbed her naked pussy with a gloved hand, she began to respond. I moved into position and, after spreading her legs, I inserted my rigid cock in her wet pussy. I began fucking her. My cock had been hard so long it was begging for release. Just as I began to cum, Gail came to.
She opened her eyes and began using those fantastic pussy muscles. Milking my cock of every last drop of cum.
After removing the waist strap, we rested.
Gail had never been tied up before and, at first, was quite afraid. She admitted that the clamps I put on her nipples, pussy and clit hurt but, once she got used to them, they were a great turn on.
In fact, everything I did to her was a totally erotic experience. She couldn't believe how wet she got. I told her after she used the bidet I would show her how wet my tongue would make her.
Gail said she wanted to call Vera. She needed reinforcements. I told her to forget that, I had an appointment the next day and I wanted to be fresh.
We spent the rest of the day making love. We had dinner around 7, watched some TV and just relaxed.
About 9 P.M. I took her back to the spa to get her car.
Kissing goodbye, we parted. I went home to get some rest so I would be fresh to Treatment #3. | literotica |
Title: Smuggle Kitty by Minkat
Tags: Feline, Human, M/F, Transformation, Vaginal
It had been fifteen days since Travus was brought to the underground caverns of the resistance. He had begun to feel better; his pounding headache had subsided about a week ago. He was clad in light blue pajamas that had been provided by the felicians. The human was now pacing the room that he had been originally brought to. He watched as Glacis entered the room. Travus moved to hide his arousal at the sight of her salacious saunter and accompanying musky scent. He longed to run his hands through her soft-white fur, but he did not want to cheat on Minka.
Glacis: You don't need to hide. I know you want me.
Travus: I can't let down my Minka.
Glacis: Our operative in Blight's hotel told me that Minka has already slept with many felicians and that she did not resist.
Travus: Probably the kitty. And, maybe Blight.
Glacis: It was. I think she'll understand if you want to fuck someone else.
Travus: Not yet.
Glacis: Have it your way. I should tell you why we brought you here.
Travus: I thought you wanted me to help in the attack on Blight's hotel.
Glacis: We had another reason for saving you. Dr. Katis wants to meet you.
Travus: Who is she?
Glacis: She is a brilliant geneticist.
Travus: Felician?
Glacis: Yes. She had ulterior motives for having us rescue you. I'll leave you to her.
Glacis walked out of the room, glancing behind at the human with her green-feline eyes and licking her lips. Her tail twitched in slight annoyance at Travus' imperviousness to her advances. He would not be able to resist her for long.
Travus sat in the chair next to the bed. He watched as a strangelooking felician entered the room. She looked like a shrunken leopard with wispy fur that appeared to be balding in various areas about her body. She also had wispy gray hair akin to a human's and the piercing blue eyes of a human. Travus looked at her in consternation, unable to fathom the combination of human and felician traits. Her spots appeared to be giant freckles that covered her exposed flesh. Her tail was a mere spotted stump. She wore a gray lab coat.
Katis: I am Dr. Katis.
Travus: I figured. What do you want from me?
Katis: As you noticed, I do not appear fully felician. The truth is that the felician genetic code has been growing increasingly unstable. There are felicians that are a normal blend of human and feline, felicians like Blight and me that are significantly human, and then there are felicians that have very little humanity and become quite feral shortly after birth. These felicians are usually imprisoned to protect the general populous.
Travus: So, felicians are originally from earth?
Katis: Yes. We were part of an experiment to create a new species of sentient beings. We tried to live among humanity for many years after our inception and then decided to find our own world. On felicia, we were free from the prejudice and animosity of humans. We have lived here for over a century. Our human and feline traits have become randomized in our sexual chromosomes. I brought you here to perform an experiment. I want to observe the genetic code of an original.
Travus: Original?
Katis: I want to inject you with the serum that changed humans into felicians.
Travus: You want to turn me into one of you?
Katis: Yes. Our genetic code is becoming more and more unstable. I want to examine the original genetic code and hopefully discover a method to stabilize the code. I don't know what the future holds for our species. Will you help us?
Travus: I don't know. I kind of like being human. What about Alana? She is also human.
Katis: She is too connected with that canine. We need you. The future of felician depends on discovering the root of this genetic instability.
Travus: What about my mink?
Katis: I don't believe she needs you as much as we need you.
Travus: We haven't been together long. I'm willing to do the experiment. It might be time for a change in my life. Noone has ever needed me like this. Maybe Minka will even like me as a felician.
Katis: Splendid. I'll have the serum ready in a couple of hours. Which cat do you prefer?
Travus: Tiger.
With that, Katis left the room. Travus was nervous about the impending experiment. He knew it could mean leaving Minka, but it was a chance he wanted to take. It was a chance to change his dreary life. The idea of Minka having sex with felicians sank in and he thought it was time for their relationship to change. And, his life was going nowhere.
Katis returned three hours later with serum in hand. The fluid was blue in color. She tied a rubber cord around his left bicep and injected the liquid into the artery. Dr. Katis then left the room and instructed Glacis to watch him through the night, especially for signs of a feral nature.
An hour later, Travus awoke from a nap to feel a feverish feeling. He felt like he was both hot and cold at the same time. His skin itched and felt like it was crawling with insects. His teeth fell out and were rapidly replaced by feline teeth. Orange and black fur spouted from myriad places about his body. His ears expanded into pointed feline ears. Travus felt a sharp pain in his tailbone as a tail punched through his flesh. He screamed out in agony as his bone structure transformed. His skull and jaw changed to resemble the maw of a tiger. He screamed again as his musculature began to burn. His muscles grew to ten times their human size. Claws ripped through his fingertips. He shredded his pajamas with his new claws. His scream became a roar and barbs punctured his penis from within. He collapsed onto the bed as the changes continued to emanate. He had dreams of the jungle, of stalking prey, and seeking mates. The fur-covered bedspread also became part of his dream as he found his prey. Glacis watched over the tiger. She noticed that he had cum on the bed during his sleep. She smiled and tasted the fluid. Glacis enjoyed the alkaline taste.
Later in the evening, Glacis removed his barbs under a local anesthetic while he was unconscious, for Katis insisted on genetic diversity. If the barbs were left intact, he would have a higher probability of impregnating every felician he mated with. Glacis then applied a salve to speed his healing. The newly created felician slept fitfully for five days after the serum was injected. Travus awoke to marvel at his new physique in the full-length mirror to the right of the bed. His golden feline eyes surveyed a creature that was part human and part tiger, a felician. He studied the patches of white fur amid the orange and black, particularly the white patch on his torso that began on his chest and went to his groin. He noticed his white-furry balls, which now seemed thrice as large as before the transformation. Travus extended his claws and gave a menacing glare at himself before withdrawing the claws. Glacis entered the room causing his phallus to stiffen.
Glacis: Wow! You transformed into a sexy tiger. Let's see you resist me now.
Travus: I don't think I can resist you now. Your scent is incredible.
Glacis was still wet with estrous. Travus licked her furry face. He could smell her arousal intensify, the scent sweet to his improved sense of smell. He moved behind her and nibbled her neck. Glacis assumed the mating position; she lifted her buttocks and moved her head to the floor. Her tail lifted in a motion of invitation to coitus. The tiger stared at her red-hued labia that were drenched with mucin. Travus penetrated her estrous-swollen vulva with his mushroom cap. He no longer cared about the mink; he savored the mounting of this heated felician. His head buzzed with his animalistic passion for this felician. He felt her warmth as he pounded her pussy. The bumps where his barbs had been removed tingled with pleasure. She purred as he drove his rod into her depths. He continued to yiff her, her love pouch increased in heat as he continued to piston her. Travus roared as he came within her. His semen permeated her canal; he hardened quickly after he injected his fluid.
Travus mated her again. The tiger gripped her hips. Glacis moved into his thrusts writhing with each plunge. After a few minutes, she came hard with an orgasm fostered by his intense yiffing. Her orgasm caused her heated loins to spurt pussy juice. The sticky-white lube drenched his huge testicles and dripped onto the bed. The oily fluid stained the bedspread. The tiger drenched one of his fingers with the fluid and tasted the nectar. Travus continued to drive his swollen rod into her estrous-drenched cunt. He grabbed her hips as he mated her in frenzy. His growls echoed through the caverns. Glacis mewed in pleasure as her purrs intensified. She came again with passion insurmountable. A few minutes after, Travus ejaculated again; his fluids permeated her loins. Travus could feel her wetness.
Glacis gently pushed Travus onto the bed and straddled him. She ran her claws through his chest fur. The tiger stroked her breasts, tweaking the taut nipples. Her vagina dripped with body fluids. He savored her moisture as semen and pussy dew dripped from her pussy onto his chest. This sex was wet. He loved being a felician.
Glacis: That was magnificent. Especially for your first time as a felician.
The two cats yiffed five more times and collapsed onto the bed in each other's arms. Travus stroked her fur, paying special attention to the fur around her vulva. The two slept fitfully through the night in a tight embrace. Travus forgot the mink; he had found pure ecstasy that was missing with her... | FSE |
Title: Free Rent for Nadine
Tags: blowjobs, oral, cum, open relationships, facefuck, fetish
*A fictional off shoot of my true Chasing Nadine story.*
So Nadine and I had become the best example of friends with benefits. Although we worked together, we had developed this incredibly steamy oral relationship. In the back of my mind though, I wondered how long she would put up with this. I had told her many times how I was totally not interested in a monogamist relationship, or get married or have children. Though we were friends, I always kept her emotionally at arms length. Then came that day at my place with the big question. I lived in a very modest 2 room apartment in the '70's about 2 miles south of our work and she had left her parents place (including her abusive step-father) and lived with her grandmother about 5 miles north of work.
One afternoon, we had just gotten done with a nice oral session and we were wondering where to go to eat. Out of nowhere, she said, "I know we've talked about this before, but my grandmother is really driving me crazy. I really need to get out of there. She's so strict. Please let me move in with you. We can share rent and it'll be so much cheaper for you."
I find this funny in retrospect as my rent was only $185 a month in 1974 with all utilities. I was making about $2.50 an hour but was doing well on my budget.
I said, "You know what I think. I don't want us to get more emotionally attached than we already are. I care a great deal about you. I know you want to get married and have kids one day and you know I'm just not that guy. Living together would be a real strain and if you or I met someone we cared about, it would difficult to leave. Our thing is good now."
She shrugged,
"I know. I just can't stand it anymore. C'mon,...please, please, pretty please? You know we'll have lots of fun. I'll do anything you want" as she reached out and held my arm right in her boobs as she always did.
At this point, I decided to say anything that would dissuade her.
"What if I bought you some nice high heels and wanted you to walk around naked in them?"
She just giggled, "Sure, as long as you turn up the heat in here. A girl can get chilly. My poor nipples."
I said, "What if I wanted to take Polaroids of you naked?"
She said nonchalantly, "Sure, as long as you don't show them to your buddies. But if I'm already here and we fool around, why do you need pictures?"
"In case you're not here or for some reason we never see each other again." I retorted.
Again she shrugged.
I took it to another level.
"What if I wanted to bring 3 of my friends over and have them watch you blow me or even better,...give them all blowjobs?" figuring this would be the turning point.
"Are you sure you wouldn't be jealous and want me all to your self?" she jibed as she smiled seductively.
She stunned me with that one. I was taken aback a little. I thought for a second and then threw this out there, thinking it would surely kill her enthusiasm.
I said, "OK. Here's a deal that you can accept or refuse. Since we both know that someday, you will be leaving for a boyfriend or marriage, I am guessing that you'll need money for moving into a place of your own or one without another guy. So instead of paying me half the rent, I propose that you let me borrow your mouth and face say...10 times a month. This way, you save and pay me no rent. When you have enough cash saved up, you can get your own place."
She was a little stunned and I thought finally, she'll back down.
She whined a little and said, "But we already do that. And what do you mean 'borrow' my mouth and face?'"
So I continued, "No this would be different. If I spend any time pleasing you and in turn each other, then that will be our normal time spent and wouldn't count. This means that instead of masturbating, I would just get blowjobs from you to completion with no other activity...10 times a month. I would have control of your mouth and face for one hour at a time, 10 times a month. I prefer this to happen when you're in the mood because it makes it that much better for me. Preferably, I'd want you nude in heels for maximum arousal."
"I'll bet you would." she said looking at me with great surprise and an inquisitive gaze.
Finally, I thought she would rescind.
"Do I have to do it this way? I can just pay you the money." she said.
I replied,
"I can pay the rent myself with no problem and don't need the money. The choice is yours. I just thought you could save some money and I could get some unrequited fun. I will work hard at keeping our friendship alive and safe except for those 1 hour periods where I would basically be using you as my masturbater. I still enjoy licking your very hot body, so if I start that, I simply can't help myself. I think you'll know when I'm into the rent thing. I could be an hour or it could take as little as 30 seconds as you know."
She laughed, thought for a while and said, "OK. I'll do it."
"Do what?" I said.
She replied, "We'll try it your way although I don't see what the big deal is. I would suck your cock everyday if you wanted, but it is a good idea that I save money for myself and I do love sucking your cock."
"Trust me, it'll be different and you will know the difference. If by chance you do find a boyfriend, you can start paying me cash again if you feel uncomfortable until you move." I told her.
At this point, her mood completely changed and seemed very happy that she could leave her grandmother's place. "So, when can I move in?" she bubbled.
"As soon as you want. So you know what you're dealing with here, I suggest you take off your clothes again and let's start our first session. Let's just consider this your security deposit" I told her.
With that she dutifully started disrobing not an hour since she had put them on after our previous session. After all this talk, realizing that she wasn't going to relent and I was about to have a live in suck slave got my 21 year old cock rock hard again. As soon as she was naked, I laid a towel down on the kitchen table, bent her head over sideways on the towel and inserted my cock into her mouth again. She moaned and hummed a 'what the fuck' kind of tone. I started gently fucking her mouth while playing with magnificent breasts, pulling and twisting her nipples. She seemed a little incredulous and kept looking up at me.
I just said, "See what I mean? I just want to fuck your mouth or have you blow me to make me cum. I know you like cum but I'm going to rub my cock all over your face after I cum on it. The aftersuck will be very important" as strange gurgling noises came from her face.
I then let her stand up and led her over to the couch where I sat her down, ass to the edge. She leaned back, I got up and straddled her face. I started fucking her mouth slowly again while I reached down to cup, play and pull on her breasts. My passion started to build and I went over the edge and started cumming in her mouth while still pumping. She didn't swallow and just let it seep from her mouth down her boobs to her pussy.
After I came, I pulled my cock out and massaged myself using her face. She hummed and moaned like she was cumming as I rubbed my cock and balls all over her face. I took my time and made her lick and slowly suck me till I was satiated.
"That's what a rent payment looks like." I said standing up and turning.
She stood up with cum dripping off her body. She looked down at the mess I'd made and said, "Well that was different. You seemed like someone else."
"Still want to move in? I chirped and she looked down and started to feel her pussy.
"I can't believe I'm really wet!" as she looked up at me still running her two fingers up and down her pussy.
"It could be physiological response to the activity I just put you through or it could be that you really liked it." I responded.
"I think I'm going to enjoy living here, but I won't be sucking your friends" she said as she sank back down to the couch to play with herself which she had never done before. I think she got the idea as I went to take a shower.
She didn't leave for another year when she realized that she wanted to get fucked. (I was very fearful of pregnancy) She went on the pill, found a guy she liked, did him and then came and popped my cherry in my late 21's. She paid rent the last two months there before she moved out...whewww,...what a year. | literotica |
Title: Beetlesmith's Ch. 03
When I entered the dining room, Gloria and Jackie were laughing uproariously about something.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
Still chuckling, Gloria said, "I was telling Jackie about that patient of mine, and what Karen had said about screwing him until her nose bled."
Both of them started laughing uncontrollably again. Karen finally joined us. Before sitting down she gave my hand a squeeze and mouthed 'I'm sorry.'
I weakly smiled back at her, and nodded my head; silently telling her all was forgiven again, at least for now.
I heard Karen ask the other two women something when the full effects of the elixir finally hit me. It started as a slight tingling at the back of my head that extended down the back of my neck. This was followed by a very brief fainting sensation, as if I were experiencing a head rush from standing up too quickly. For some reason I momentarily lost my peripheral vision, which augmented my feeling of lightheadedness. I tried to listen to what the women were saying, and vaguely heard Gloria ask Karen what took her so long in the kitchen, but my mind and eyes couldn't focus on anything in particular. Then the sensation was over.
The whole episode lasted for only a few seconds, hardly noticeable, and afterwards I felt physically normal. To the unaware, the whole process would have been perceived as a temporary bout of wooziness brought on by too little, or even too much food and drink, and nothing more. My emotions, however, were being flooded with an overwhelming sense of eroticism, the likes of which I've rarely experienced. All my senses were sharpened, and everything I looked at, smelled, or touched triggered one salacious thought after the other, and had my member bursting hard against my pant seams. Even a passing look at the condiment dish containing the few remaining green olives stuffed with their crimson pimento was garnering extreme erotic thoughts.
However, there was another feeling that invaded my consciousness. One that felt more focused and pervasive than my heightened sense of eroticism, and it was growing stronger in my psyche with each passing moment. It can only be described as a feeling of total invulnerability, or of supreme self-assuredness. In my mind, I knew I could say and do anything without consequence, because I felt that those around me would do whatever I suggested without hesitation, and those who didn't would not dare interfere. I suspect that only those long steeped in wielding power over others, such as a Roman emperor or a feudal lord would come close to feeling as I did that moment. It was an emotion I had never felt before; exhilarating, but at the same time frightening. What would happen if ever I were to lose control of myself, or somehow believed what I was feeling was real and not caused by a drug? I could now understand how someone would overindulge in the elixir, for the false sense of power it granted was intoxicating and potentially addictive.
I came out of my thoughts to hear Karen and Jackie arguing about...sex; imagine that.
"...Oh, Jackie, the way you talk you'd think you took out a patent on the wild life," I heard Karen say.
Jackie laughed sarcastically, and said, "Compared to you and Will, I do, and that thing you call the wild life is just letting your hair down and having some fun. I can imagine what a risqué time in the Henry household would consist of; it's probably putting in a DVD of 'Weekend at Bernie's' and falling asleep on the couch."
I watched Karen and Jackie argue back and forth. Each throwing insults at the other and driving themselves into fits of anger, which were quickly followed by tears, and then pleas for forgiveness. I could not even guess what started it, but it was a scene not unlike I observed between Gloria and Karen a week ago, and as I watched to two women banter back and forth, and felt my own moods changing, I was starting to understand the affects of the elixir on the human psyche.
The fluctuation in mood, from anger to tears to laughter and back to anger, was not due to the mingling of alcohol with the elixir as I previously thought, but represented unchanneled sexual aggression. The elixir was increasing the libido gradually, but continually. This was manifest by the women's unconscious sensual touching of themselves coupled with their increasing raunchy banter, and which became more overt as the minutes passed. The elixir was causing them to push their behavior passed their usual comfort zones that were bounded by their normal precepts of societal mores and decorum, what Beetlesmith had termed his metaphorical walls. However, because of their precepts, they could not, as yet anyway, actualize this sexual aggression. Instead, it was channeled into other avenues of escape, such as the subconscious touching, the sexual banter, or the sudden conscious lapses into sexual daydreams. Unfortunately, these avenues were not enough to quiet the increasingly erotic feelings and needs. They wanted to act on their sexual aggression, but some of their walls were still in place and inhibiting them. This remnant inhibition subsequently frustrating them, and their frustration inevitably gave rise to anger. The women were only waiting for a catalyst to develop that would, in essence, condone their sexual behavior and to give it direction. I suppose as the instigator of the situation that I was the catalyst and it was my task to give it direction.
By this time Gloria had jumped into the argument with both feet and was castigating Jackie about some perceived slight, "...Karen's right, you are a freaking bitch, and an ignorant one as well. You don't have the slightest clue about anyone, let alone Will and..."
"Oh, what's to know? It's not like Will and Karen are the last of the red-hot swingers," came Jackie's sarcastic reply, cutting Gloria off before she could finish.
Gloria was visibly irked by Jackie's flippant attitude, and was about to pounce on her when I broke in, "Jackie I'm sorry you have such a low opinion of Karen and I. I know by your standards we live too quiet a life, maybe even a boring life, but we have a good marriage, and occasionally we have our fun, although some of us have been having more than others, right dear?"
Karen shot me a quick look of derision.
"What does that mean?" asked Jackie with interest.
"Nothing really," I said offhandedly, "Except that you make the mistake of confusing a braggadocios nature with actual experience. Just because some people don't kiss and tell doesn't mean they haven't been kissed at all."
"I still don't get it," said Jackie slightly irritated.
"Well, for example, we know that you're very open about your sexual exploits and the not too subtle and humiliating way you've treated your husbands in the past, but as far as the rest of us know, it's all been talk," I turned to Karen and asked, "Have you ever seen your cousin exhibit this wild sexual nature she brags about, outside of the way she dresses, of course?"
Karen just shook her head slowly, unsure of where I was going with this line of questioning. I heard Gloria giggle at my verbal tweaking of Jackie's nose.
"You think I'm a tease?" Jackie asked with some irritation.
"I don't know," I said, as I got up and moved around behind my wife's chair. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek, "That's the trouble with boasting, particularly on attitudes and attributes that can't be readily proven. You have to expect some might not believe you, and some may even call your bluff. But I do know that some in this room, some that you would consider prudish, have expressed certain desires that even you might find...How should I say it...Exotic."
Jackie smiled, "Are you calling my bluff, Will?"
I ignored Jackie for the moment and said to Karen, "What was it you said to me in the kitchen?"
I felt Karen stiffen in my arms. It was obvious she was uncomfortable with the situation, and that suggested to me those last few moral walls still remained. I looked over at Gloria whose interest had piqued at Karen's predicament, as she leaned forward in her chair staring intently at Karen. Jackie was also amused and sporting a wry grin, but contrary to her nature remained unexpectedly silent.
"Tell us Karen," asked Gloria, "What did you say to Will in the kitchen?"
Karen remained silent and rigid in her chair. I could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Her breathing suddenly became shallow and labored. I lightly brushed my hands across her breasts, and she reacted with a sharp intake of air. I then cupped her breasts and gently massaged them. I could feel her hard nipples through her blouse pressing against the palms of my hands.
Even with all of her slutty bluster and 'anything sexual goes' attitude, I heard Jackie utter an audible gasp at my boldness at fondling my wife in front of guests. Gloria, whether subconsciously or not, had cupped her own breast with one hand, and resting her head in the other, watched Karen's face with amused anticipation.
When I slipped a hand under Karen's panties, she modestly clamped her legs together, and murmured a weak, "No...Please," in protest. I knew her reluctance was fragile, however. It was a feeble, verbal signal that although the last remnant of her ethical walls still stood, they were teetering and about to come crashing down.
I easily slipped my hand between her legs. Her vulva was already moist and slick. Touching her button, ever so gently, I felt a tremor course through her body. She still clamped her legs weakly against my hand, but with each gentle stroke on her clitoris, Karen spread her legs a little wider.
I had Karen in a state of near climax similar to when we were in the kitchen, and asked her again, "What did you say to me in the kitchen?"
She was still reluctant to vocalize in public what she had admitted in private, and answered only with a soft moan and a tightened grip of her hand on my free arm.
I stopped massaging her clit. She emitted a whimper of protest, and then, knowing that I was not going to let her get away with remaining silent, she tried to appease my curiosity with deflection, and said hoarsely, "I...I said a lot of things in the kitchen."
"Yes I know, but this was something specific about Gloria."
She sat trembling from nerves and sexual excitement and looked silently over at Gloria, who was staring back with raised eyebrows and a subtle smile across her lips. It must have been torture for Karen, to be so close to climax numerous times tonight but not allowed to finish, not without admitting to something she could never admit to at any other time. Yet even though she was on the agonizing cusp of orgasm, she still refused to confess her delicious secret, and only meekly said, "Please."
There was much unspoken want behind that small word: please, don't make me say it in front of the others; please, stop tormenting me this way; and please, don't stop pleasuring me.
Gloria guessed Karen's mind as well, and taking pity on her, walked over and stood in front of us. Gloria smiled warmly down at her and pushing aside a lock of Karen's hair that had fallen across her face, bent over and gently kissed her. It was all Karen needed, for when I touched her clitoris again, her trembling became a shudder, and I felt the warm moisture of her climax saturate her groin.
Gloria looked down and saw the growing wet spot between Karen's legs, and said with a slight laugh, "I'm glad you're wearing your panties this time, or I would have been drenched again."
Gloria continued to play with Karen's hair as Karen unbuttoned just the lower three buttons on Gloria's blouse. Then pushing the fabric to the sides, Karen placed her hands under Gloria's skirt and gently squeezed both of her buttocks while she sweetly and gently kissed and licked her belly.
Seeing that Karen and Gloria needed no more encouragement from me, I shifted my attention over to Jackie. I was beginning to worry that the drug wasn't having an effect on her, because she had yet to show any outward signs of becoming aroused. Given her nature, I thought she would have at least had her clothes off by now. Instead, she remained seated, quietly watching the two women.
I bent down close to her ear, and whispered, "Penny for your thoughts."
Startled, she flinched before answering, "I had no idea."
Jackie and I continued to watch the others in silence. Karen was still kissing Gloria about the navel and had slid Gloria's panties off and onto the floor. She then looked up at Gloria and giggled, "See, I even remembered not to rip yours off this time."
Gloria, eyes closed, responded only with a smile. Karen then gently pushed Gloria back so that she was sitting on the table, and hiking her skirt up across her waist, began kissing Gloria's inner thighs.
Jackie was still flummoxed by what she was seeing, and began to stutter some type of questions, "What...How...When did..."
"This is really a surprise for you, isn't it? There's a good reason for that, I guess; because we're all just a closed book, aren't we Jackie? We only show people what we want them to see and nothing much else, but inside there are things written that have largely gone unread or unnoticed. Mostly because we don't want anyone else to see what's written there. Maybe we fear condemnation and embarrassment, or maybe we just cling too greedily to our privacy and wish to maintain a certain degree of mystery form others, even from those closest to us," I said, as I nonchalantly unbuttoning her blouse.
"I know you've never understood Karen's appetites. It's probably because she didn't trust you enough to tell you, so she only showed you a rough veneer, and kept you at arm's length. But, I also think you never bothered to look inside either of us. You only looked at our covers as it were and read nothing more into it. We didn't interest you enough, or you found us deficient in some way."
By this time, Karen was deep into servicing Gloria, who had put her feet up on the arms of Karen's chair, while leaning back and bracing herself against the table with her hands. Neither of them showed any sign of interest in what Jackie and I were doing.
"That's not fair," Jackie said in an injured and mocking voice, "I never thought you or Karen deficient, or whatever it was you said, just...I don't know...Karen and I never got along that well. Even when we were kids we were always on edge around each other, Karen more than me. So yes, I'm guilty of keeping distant after all these years, but what of you, Will? Knowing about people is a two-way street. I don't think you or Karen cared to know me, either. So you're partly to blame."
"Why do you think I invited you here tonight, you dope?" I said, as I unclasped her bra. Her overly large breasts spilled out of their confines, the nipples large and dark brown in hue, stood out in stark contrast to the paleness of the surrounding skin. I cupped a breast in each in of my hands.
"You know I shouldn't let you do this to me," she said in a tone of halfhearted reluctance.
I continued to playfully fondle her breasts, and said teasingly, "You can tell me to stop at any time, but given your supposed raunchy nature I didn't think you would mind. I guess that was all an act. I always figured there was more virgin than vamp about you."
Jackie said, with some irritation, "So that is what you think of me; that I'm a tease?"
"Well I'm just wondering why a self-proclaimed seductress of all things that walk on two legs would sit passively by and watch others, supposedly more prudish have a good time instead of leading the charge."
I had thrown down the gauntlet again, but this time she picked it up. Jackie pulled me around in front of her with a strength I had rarely felt in a woman, and took a firm hold of the bulge in my pants. She smiled seductively, and said, "I'll show you what kind of tease I am. Why don't you tease me with your cock and fuck my tits. You'd like that, I know. I saw you staring at them tonight. I see it in your eyes right now. Come on Will, rub that hard cock all over my melons until you shot your thick load right into my waiting mouth. Do it all to me... Right now... Right in front of wifey."
I smiled. This was more like the Jackie I know, "Isn't that what you did to your second husband, made him watch while you banged all sorts of men?"
"No," was Jackie's curt reply, "Todd made me watch as he banged all sorts of men. Needless to say our marriage didn't last long."
It was a surprisingly sincere confession that obviously pained her to admit. I was about to say something to ease her embarrassment when Karen, her head still buried deep between Gloria's legs, began to laugh uncontrollably.
Gloria tried to stay out of the impending ruckus, but even she started to giggle as Karen continued to laugh into her groin. Finally, Gloria thought she should say something, "Karen, come on, it's not nice to laugh."
At length, Karen lifted her head up, and in between fits of laughter said, "You're right. I'm sorry Jackie, but what do you expect? You've got this rep of the buxom, slutty and sultry vixen, ready to boink or blow any guy within a twenty mile radius. Guys would come from far and wide just to droll over your big boobs, wide hips and tight bubble ass. They came hoping for a glimpse of you sashaying down the street just so they could cream in their jeans. Yet, even with your sexual prowess over men, in the end you get turned into a cuckold by a switch-hitting nancy-boy."
Karen and Gloria erupted into laughter again.
"Go ahead, laugh, make jokes," Jackie said in a cavalier tone that belied the fact she was hurt by Karen's humorous antagonism.
Seeing the hurt look on Jackie's face, Gloria held out her arms beaconing Jackie toward her, "I'm sorry. We shouldn't be so mean."
Jackie hesitated for a moment before she fell into the younger woman's arms, and hugging each other as two sisters might, Jackie said, "It's not that; it just seems to be, 'let's all pick on Jackie night.' Will thinks I'm a dope and a tease, you're making fun of my crystals, and Karen...Well it's Karen just being Karen..."
Hearing this Karen forgot about Gloria for the moment and sat back in her chair, "And what's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh come on Karen and cut the crap, you know what I mean. You've never liked me. Even when we were kids you were always poking a finger at me, and making fun of me. I'm still trying to figure out why you invited me here tonight, probably as some sort of twisted mind-fuck so that you could make fun and humiliate me in front of your friend."
"To be perfectly honest with you, I didn't invite you, Will did," Karen said dispassionately, and then she turned toward me with a hint of spite in her eyes, and asked, "But that's a good question, why did you invite her?"
Now, all three women were looking at me waiting for an answer. None of them seemed to understand the irony of the situation and absurdity of the question as they stared blankly back at me; each of them in various stages of undress, and performing acts of sexual depravity that most men have only experienced in their wildest imaginations. I thought the answer was obvious, 'Because you three are going down on each other and when I'm not fucking each of you blue I'm going to watch. Duh!'
I directed my answer to Jackie, but did so while looking at Karen, "Certain things have happened to me that have made me more appreciative of family. Sometimes the people we love most, or who are closest to us, fall into neglect. It's not done purposefully or with malice. It's just the result of taking them for granted. I think Karen and I have been taking those closest to us for granted, and I didn't want it to continue."
I was being tactfully ambiguous. Let each of them construe whatever they wanted out of what I said. Karen sat with downcast eyes. Was I still pointing an accusing finger at her and her adultery, or was I accepting partial blame for being neglectful of her in the past and pushing her inadvertently toward those indiscretions? I couldn't be sure what Gloria was thinking, but she smiled back at me and winked. Were the certain things that happened to me a reference to last week's escapades, or, like Karen, did she believe I was graciously admitting to some culpability? Jackie's reaction was the most obvious and heartwarming, she run up and hugged me tight about the waist. Holding us close, she began to sob.
"I always wanted to be thought of as family by you."
"Of course you're family, you dope...," I started to say.
"See, when you call me a dope now it doesn't sound so mean," she said in between fits of sobbing alternating with laughter, and then she asked again as if seeking some reassurance, "Am I family, Will? Am I?"
She didn't wait for an answer. Maybe she really didn't want one for fear that I might have been lying, because she pulled my head down and kissed me forcefully and passionately. The last wall had finally crumbled.
When this evening began, I'd have guessed that Gloria or even Karen would have resisted the inevitable transformation into the nymphomaniac the longest. Unexpectedly, it was Jackie who had shown the greater reluctance in shedding polite decorum, and it was only when she found acceptance did she allow herself to fully succumb. Once she felt that sense of belonging with the three of us, she never again hesitated in expressing or actualizing her intimate desires.
Upon releasing us from the kiss, Jackie immediately lowered herself to her knees and started fumbling with my belt buckle and zipper.
I heard Karen say to Gloria, almost under her breath, "Well, there she goes. Good luck getting Will's attention tonight," and then louder in a more sarcastic tone when she saw that Jackie was having problems, "Need some help over there, Jackie?"
She ignored Karen's comment. When she finally got everything unclasped, she deftly slipped my trousers and underwear to the floor. Liberated from its confines, my cock sprang up, clipping her under the chin.
Jackie giggled playfully, "Ooh, I think he's happy to see me."
Without saying anything further, she pushed me back into the dining room chair and began nuzzling and fondling my cock with her lips and tongue. Jackie never sucked on my cock, but instead she would apply tongue and lips simultaneously, as if French-kissing various areas along my shaft and head. She rarely used her hands, keeping them mostly on my thighs for support. Although on occasion she would slide them close to my testicles and gently stroke my scrotum with her thumbs. Maybe it was her technique alone, or that the elixir was imparting a new level of hypersensitivity to my organ, but the effects of her gently using just her tongue and lips was maddeningly pleasurable. I suspect the effects of Jackie's oral expertise were plastered across my face, as I heard Karen and Gloria start to giggle at my varied facial contortions.
"Jesus, what in the hell is she doing to you?" Karen asked with a laugh.
I could barely open my eyes to answer, "I don't know, but you should be taking notes so you can do it when she isn't here."
Jackie giggled at my compliment, and in between firm kisses and short sucks on and about my cock-head, spoke to no one in particular and in a voice that was almost clinical in tone, which I found even more erotic, "I'm not really doing anything special. It's just that I take my time. I think most women rush through it too quickly. They give a couple of hard tugs, some rough sucking, and expect the guy to be satisfied. It's pretty obvious from the guys I've dated that most of the other girls they've been with don't like sucking on a guy's chubby, but I love playing with a hard cock. I love teasing it, and caressing it, and I just love it when I finally pop their cork and they spray all over my girls. You give a guy a great blow job and you can get him to do just about anything."
I saw Gloria and Karen roll their eyes as they listened to Jackie expound on her oral philosophies. I was finding the stifled interplay between Karen and Gloria amusing, particularly as they had to bite their tongues from saying something untoward to Jackie. Then seeing my continual facial contortions, Karen finally said, "Well, you better pop Will's cork before he has a stroke."
Jackie smiled up at me, and asked, "How 'bout it Will, you ready to give me a shower?"
This was all killing me. It wasn't just Jackie's deft tongue on my cock that was driving me to squirm in agonizing pleasure, but it was the whole situation of watching Karen and Gloria watching Jackie that was really sending me over the edge. The look on their faces told me they wanted to see me come across Jackie's face as much as me, but there was something else I wanted to have happen first.
I pulled Jackie up and kissed her before saying in almost a whisper, "I wonder if you can make Karen squirm as easily as you do me?"
"Oh, I think I can at least try," she said, as she crawled under the dining room table.
Karen looked over at me and clearly mouthed, 'You bastard.' I winked back at her, and said, "I remembered what you told me in the kitchen."
"Hey cuz," said Jackie as her head appeared between Karen's legs, "Let me see your hoochie coo, sweetheart."
Karen slid herself forward on the chair in order to give Jackie easier access to her vulva.
Gloria still sat on the table, amused by how events were transpiring, but slightly befuddled at all the sly subplots that were transpiring, and voiced her frustration, "Okay, what's with the kitchen thing again; what did you say in the kitchen?"
Dropping her voice lower in an obvious attempt at imitating Jackie, Karen said, "Never look a gift horse in the mouth, sweetheart. Now show mama your hoochie coo."
A wonderful feeling of contentment washed over me as watched Karen's elixir-induced fantasy actualize before my eyes. The three women were now in their own erotic world, simultaneously servicing each other with complete abandon while moaning softly to the oral delights each was imparting on the other. However, it became obvious that Jackie was doing as good a job on Karen as she had been doing to me, because Karen was finding it difficult to effectively perform her oral delicacies on Gloria, and this was exasperating Gloria to no end.
Gloria gave a frustrated laugh as she periodically pulled Karen's head tightly against her vulva, most likely as a tactile reminder for Karen to pick up the slack. Karen would make a vain attempt and renew her efforts in pleasuring Gloria. Eventually, however, she just laid her head into Gloria's lap and allowed herself to be totally succumbed by Jackie's magic, while Gloria seemed content for the moment to act as Karen's lady in waiting by gently fondling her newfound mistress's beasts or stroking her hair while whispering words into her ear.
It was not long before Karen's soft moaning elevated into a continual din of delight. Only once did Karen look over at me. Near the end; she smiled directly at me. It was a mischievous smile, something a child would display upon learning a clever trick to play on a rival sibling. Then she pursed her lips as if to blow me a kiss, and said dreamily, "I hope you're taking notes."
Turnabout is fair play, I guess. I just smiled a response, but I don't think Karen noticed because at that moment she closed her eyes and clamped tightly onto Jackie's head and shifted her pelvis further forward. She held Jackie that way for a few moments, and then uttered a single, abrupt cry before shuddering violently.
Karen rested back on the chair and looking up at Gloria, said breathlessly, "I'm sorry baby. I'll make it up..."
Gloria didn't let her finish, and said as she tried to squeeze into the chair with Karen, "Okay Karen move. It's my turn."
I started to laugh as Karen struggled vainly to get out of way, but Gloria had inadvertently wedged them both into the chair.
"Jesus; you dork, would you just fucking wait 'til I get up?" Karen said laughingly, as she tried to twist herself out of the chair and push past Gloria.
"I'm sorry," said Gloria still frustrated, "But twice you got me right on the edge, only to stop. You don't know what it's like to have that happen."
"Yes I do, you bitch. Will's been doing it to me all night."
"Okay, then you know. So move."
I heard Jackie from under the table, "Hey wait a minute. How did I get to be everyone's suck bunny?"
Gloria, fearing that she might have to go without a third time, started to make pleas to Jackie. I stopped listening, however, as Karen came over and sat down in my lap, facing me.
"You look so lonely over here," she said purring into my ear.
She scooted further forward and while pressing her clitoris firmly against the shaft of my cock, sliding it ever so slightly up and down. It was a wonderful bit of foreplay she sometimes performed before we fucked.
"I'm doing fine my love. I was having fun watching the floor show."
She teasingly bit my earlobe, and said, "I bet you were. Why do I get the impression that you set all this up?"
It was meant as a rhetorical joke, but twenty years of marriage also told me that there was a real element of curiosity behind her question. The events of the past week, the escapades first with Gloria and now with Jackie, were so sudden and unexpected, and so far beyond anything we as a married couple had ever talked about or contemplated, and defied any normal explanation. More times than not, a lack of explanation for an abnormality created doubt, apprehension, and eventually inquisitiveness.
At the time that Beetlesmith first made his pitch, he made the claim that the participants, once the elixir wore off, would just slough off its effects as a randy evening and nothing more. This never quite had the ring of truth. Certainly a one time event could be construed that way, but could repeated abnormal behavior with a mixture of old and new participants be as easily dismissed? Could it really be accepted as having occurred naturally, and not artificially induced? Even though the heart may eventually accept the peculiar as normal, the mind always looks at the extraordinary with suspicion, always questions the peculiar, and demands an explanation. So I could tell that although the events that were happening to the four of us felt normal to Karen, her rational mind was not quite accepting of that feeling, and doubt of my innocence was creeping into her mind.
I kissed her breasts, and said as absentmindedly as I could, "Didn't you know that my real name isn't Henry, but Svengali? I've always had this mystical power over the minds of women..."
"That's not what I meant," she said as she bit my lower lip, and then she dropped her voice to a whisper, "Really, why did you invite Jackie?"
She was not buying my earlier explanations and so was continually fishing around for a reasonable answer. I hoped that that was as far as her apprehension about the past week's events were going, and answered her again earnestly, "Mainly for the reason I said. I really believe we've been neglectful of her even though she is a ditz. But I also had more selfish reasons. Given that this is Gloria's last night with us I really wanted to...well, you know...Recreate the ménage a trios thing; but I thought Gloria would need a little more added inducement, so I thought that raunchy Jackie would be a good vehicle to get her juices flowing. I figured she'd stir things up, leave, and then hopefully, at least as far as I was thinking, we three would...you know, party."
Karen laughed, "That's the stupidest thing I think I've ever heard you say, and that's why I love you. You really thought Jackie would be that kind of influence on Gloria?"
Then again, sometimes a questioning mind will accept a fabulous lie rather than a fabulous truth. Karen seemed to have accepted my explanation, even though it sounded positively moronic.
Karen was still rubbing her clitoris against my shaft. I grabbed her ass pulling her closer to me. She let out a low moan of delight, and said teasingly, "You want to see if I was taking good notes? I really want to taste your cock."
"I've got a better idea, besides I think it's time we moved into more comfortable surroundings," I said, picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder. It was something I used to do to her when we were first married. Karen squealed with playful glee.
As far as I could tell Gloria and Jackie did not even notice us leave, engrossed as they were with each other. I carried Karen to our bedroom, and threw her onto the bed. Again, she squealed with delight. It was a type of laugh I rarely heard from her lately, and hearing it suddenly made me feel young again.
Karen looked up at me seductively. Propped up on one elbow, she nonchalantly played with herself, saying, "You haven't done that to me in a long time. I approve."
"I think there are a lot of things we should introduce back into our marriage, old and new," I said as I entered her.
"New things like tonight?" she asked slyly.
I only smiled. Let her think that what was going on between us, Jackie, Gloria and subsequent others, may become a normal routine.
Right away, I felt something different upon entering my wife. She was noticeably tighter than I remembered her being. It could just be my imagination. The mind tends to play tricks in unusual situations, plus who knows what other changes in our psychological perceptions are invoked by the elixir? However, besides the snug feel of Karen's pussy, I also felt a distinct difference in the stimulation of my cock. The feeling was something I could not put into words. It was just as pleasurable as it was without the elixir, but it felt different.
Karen moaned softly. I always liked looking at her face when we made love, watching the telltale signs of increasing sexual arousal reveal themselves in her looks and manner.
"It feels so good. Harder," she intoned breathlessly.
She grabbed the backs of her knees and brought them up tight against her chest. Her face and neck were flushed a beet red.
It was about this time that Gloria jumped on the bed alongside Karen, and said with a giggle, "I'm next."
"Where's Jackie?" Karen asked as Gloria began sucking on Karen's tits.
"I think she had to go pee," Gloria mumbled around a mouthful of Karen's boob.
Seemingly uninterested in Gloria's answer, Karen was on to more pressing and immediate concerns, "Bite my nipples...A little bit harder...Oh that's nice...," she began to giggle, and between quick breaths, said, "Oh, it all feels too good."
I increased the force of my thrusting to compliment Gloria's nibbling. Karen's tongue was sticking out the corner of her mouth, it was a subconscious, little girl habit of hers that usually manifested itself when she was nearing climax.
"Baby Glo," Karen said softly, "I'm so close. Touch my clit."
"Say please first and then kiss me," Gloria said, half teasing.
Karen barely squeaked out a please before Gloria clamped down on her lips, and at the same time reached down and deftly pushed on Karen's button.
Karen arched her back ever so slightly and trembled, and then trying to plead past Gloria's lips, said, "Oh, don't stop."
Gloria was not going to stop, but slowly, almost teasingly massaged Karen's clitoris as she forced her tongue even further into Karen's mouth.
Again Karen arched her back and trembled, and again, and again. I lost count how many times the pattern repeated, but eventually she released her knees and allowed her legs to go limp along the bed.
Karen, still beet red and with a thin sheen of sweat covering her face and upper torso, covered her face with her hands in a mocked show of embarrassment, "My god that was almost as good as the last time."
"You mean the time when you passed out?" asked Gloria with a sarcastic smile.
Still emulating embarrassment, Karen attempted to defend herself, "Shut up. I didn't pass out. I was just tired."
Gloria started to sing to the tune of Puff the Magic Dragon, "Will and his magic stiffy, makes Karen scream, and when he sticks it into me, my pussy's gonna cream."
"Shut up. I didn't scream," Karen said, laughingly.
"Only because I was covering your mouth," said Gloria as she kissed Karen hard again.
I was still pumping away into Karen, and felt my own impeding climax begin to build, "If anyone's going to start yelling it's going to be me."
It was then that Karen decided to really get slutty. Propping herself back up on her elbows, she began to verbally taunt me in the most delightful manner, "Come on baby, I want you to come all over me. Come on and pull that thick stick out and shoot it all over my boobs,"
She giggled again, and teasing Gloria about the other day's incident, said, "Now remember Gloria, Will's going to come, so stuff's going to...you know...come out."
"Shut up. I knew stuff comes out, I just didn't know how quickly or how much."
"Let's do it to him porno-style," Karen said as she wrapped an arm around Gloria's neck so that they lay together cheek to cheek, and then she continued her taunting, "Come on baby, shoot it into my mouth. I want to taste your sweet cum so bad."
Gloria also got into the act, although she wasn't quite as raunchy as Karen, "Yeah Will, give it to me like you gave it to me before."
Both of them continued their verbal tease, all the time laughing at their own audaciousness. The whole scene acted out by my two nymphs spurred me on, and I really started to pound by cock into Karen with greater force and frequency.
"That's right baby, harder. Fuck me harder. Yes, I want your cum."
I pulled out of Karen and just sat back on my heels, gently rubbing the underside of shaft along Karen's pussy, and as the erotic sensation of inevitability climbed to its fullest extent, my base animal vulgarity sank to an unaccustomed depth, "You sluts want my cum? Then open wide."
No answer, just smiling blank stares back at me.
"Say it again; how much you want my cum."
As a final taunt, Gloria started to say, "Give me your hot, sticky..."
The first shot missed its mark and flew like a frozen, white rope over their heads, hitting the headboard behind them with a 'splat.' Two more jets, of near equal volume and force as the first, followed in rapid succession. My aim was better this time, hitting Karen across the nose and Gloria in the chin. Laughing, the women quickly brought up their hands in a defensive reflex as I continued to stroke one jet of semen after the other, which mostly landed as heavy strings along their upper torso and neck.
Gloria was the first to break the silence, "Jesus Karen, thanks for the warning."
"Sorry baby," answered Karen with a laugh, and then she said to me in a slight tone of astonishment, "What in the hell's gotten into you? You're like fucking Robo-cock, or something."
I was still sexually aroused. There was no painful, post-coital sensitivity to my cock, nor any perceptible release in sexual tension in either my muscles or my mind. I was as sexually charged after ejaculating as I had been before, maybe more so.
The true wonder of the elixir finally became clear to me; for this is how it would be for the rest of the evening. I wouldn't always climax even though I felt I should, and when I did orgasm, often I didn't ejaculate even though it felt that I had. Yet, through it all, I remained hard, and my sexual arousal never waned.
Karen was still propped up on her elbows trying to wipe my semen off her face and chest. I took hold of her and brought her up into a sitting position so that my cock was inches from her mouth.
"Suck it," I demanded.
At that time, it didn't matter to me who else might have been in the room, man or woman, wife or friend, rival or enemy; my demand would have been the same, and would have been acted on just as Karen was about to. I daresay I would have willingly complied with any demand made of me, from either a woman or man.
Karen clamped both hands onto my ass, and drew my cock about half way into her mouth. The whole time I could feel her tongue swirling around, teasing the head and shaft. She looked up at me as if asking for approval.
"You can do better than halfway," I said.
She pulled me farther in, this time getting about two-thirds of my cock inside before she gagged a little and had to stop. Again, she looked up at me for approval.
"Maybe we should see what Gloria can do," I said in mock disappointment.
Gloria passively waited with her mouth open. Karen, not content to sit idly by and watch, continued to lick my shaft as Gloria drew me in about halfway before she stopped for fear of gagging. Karen, ever the helpful mistress, put a hand on Gloria's head and gently pushed her into me. Again, Gloria started to gag, but Karen just held her head in place until Gloria got used to the feeling, and then she continued to nudge her forward. When it looked as if Gloria could not accept any more of my cock, Karen released her head and allowed her to continue sucking me on her own.
"That's right, baby," Karen intoned over and over as if it were some chant, "Suck that cock. Tastes so good doesn't? Yeah, suck that fat cock."
Karen took my cock away from Gloria, and again pulled me into her mouth. This time I could see and feel her nose just touching my stomach as she drew me in as far as she could. Gloria shifted her attention to my testicles, and was gently sucking and licking each of my balls in turn. It went on like this for a few moments before they would switch off, and reverse roles. Gloria never quite pulled me fully inside her, but it was not for want in trying. Eventually, when it came for them to switch places, Gloria politely refused to give my cock back to Karen, and instead sucked even harder.
Karen giggled at Gloria's greedy behavior, and said teasingly, "You like sucking on my husband's cock, don't you, you little slut? But I bet you'd like him to fuck your sweet pussy even more."
Karen took a hold of the situation and positioned Gloria her on her hands and knees, then gently fingered her all around her exposed vulva and clitoris. She grasped my erection, and guided me into Gloria.
Karen remained by Gloria's side, and lovingly stroked the small of her back and tight buttocks as I rapidly pumped away at Gloria's prostrate form. I was soon making the same slapping sounds against Gloria's pussy as I did to Karen's. Gloria, giving herself over to the moment, just laid her head down on the bed, moaning wildly.
Reaching under Gloria, Karen fingered her clitoris and swollen labia, "Oh, you're so wet and slick, baby," Karen said softy, as if to herself, and then said in a much louder voice, "Fuck that wet pussy with Robo-cock. I want to hear her yell. Fuck that little slut harder."
"Robo-cock, I like that," I said with a laugh, and then added, "If you keep helping me like you're doing, she's definitely going to scream."
Karen giggled again, and said, "If you think that's good..."
With that, Karen wetted a finger on her other hand, and then pressed and gently swirled the tip around Gloria's anus.
"Do you like that baby?" Karen asked Gloria, who answered by moaning louder while chewing on the bed sheets.
I had truly underestimated the power of Beetlesmith's elixir on the human psyche. In essence, each of us was feeding off the others' most basic sexual desires, becoming willing participants of those desires, and then escalating our own fantasies in the subsequent sexual interactions. At first, I was the driving catalyst. Now it was Karen's turn to realize her most basic sexual fantasy, while using Gloria and me as actors in her perverted passion play. Would Gloria be next to control the situation and infuse the group into her own version of debauched eroticism? I could only hope. It had become obvious to me that I had dampened our first session of a week ago when I administered the elixir to only Karen and Gloria. By remaining sober, as it were, I had unwittingly removed myself as a necessary component and catalyst for escalation within our group exploits.
By now, Karen had fully inserted her middle finger inside Gloria's ass and was trying to work a second finger inside. Gloria had gotten up on her elbows, and was pushing back in rhythm with my forward thrusts, forcing both Karen's fingers and my cock deeper inside her. It was obvious that Gloria was on the verge of climax...
...When Jackie jumped on the bed, putting a momentary halt to the escapades.
"Perfect fucking timing, Jackie, just perfect," Karen said, barely concealing her ire.
Realizing that her sudden entrance had spoiled the mood, and seeing Karen on the verge of anger, Jackie said sheepishly, "Sorry. Don't stop on my account. Mind if I play too?"
Seeing Jackie's embarrassment, Karen softened her mood, "That must have been a hell of a piss. What took you so long?"
Jackie giggled, "Where'd you get the idea I had to pee? I wanted to shave."
Karen starred at her incredulously, "Shave; what do you mean shave?"
"Gloria has such a cute little hairless hoochie, I thought it would feel good if..."
"Oh let me see," blurted Gloria excitedly.
Jackie sat down in front of her, spreading her legs to reveal a perfectly hairless, pink vulva. Only a small patch of pubic hair remained in the area immediately above her pussy.
Gloria cooed approvingly just before she started to tongue the offered pussy. Jackie laid back in delight.
"Well, there they go," Karen said, sounding a bit like a fifth wheel. Then resigning herself to the situation, she shrugged her shoulders, squeezed in beneath Gloria, while adding, "I guess when in Rome."
Just like that, the three women fell into the same rhythm they had achieved in the dining room, although this time Gloria had double duty. She put forth a valiant attempt at dividing equal time between the two women, but given the situation, and Jackie's dominant position, Jackie won the bulk of Gloria's attention.
I looked down at my wife as she attended to Gloria, "So how does Rome taste?"
She smiled up at me, and I just about shot my load when she parted Gloria's labia with her hands, saying, "She's all wet and primed for you."
With the elixir, there were always little surprises like that around every corner. I almost lost it again when she took a hold of my cock and ever so deftly guided me into her friend's well-lubricated hole.
As soon as I started pumping away, Karen reached up around Gloria's hip and reinserted a couple of fingers into her anus.
The effect on Gloria was almost instantaneous. She was quickly back to peak arousal and moaning incessantly; although muffled as they were because Jackie was forcing her mouth against her 'hoochie.' Occasionally, Jackie would bark a command at Gloria, mostly to tell her to keep sucking on her clit at those times Gloria's attention started to wane.
I could clearly hear Karen over the din of Gloria's moaning as she sucked loudly on Gloria's clitoris, and sometimes I could feel her tongue against my scrotum as she licked at my passing balls. The feeling was incredible, and sometimes I would stop my thrusting and allow Karen to fully suck and tongue them.
I was back in gutter mode, telling Karen to do any number of things to me or Gloria.
"Suck on my balls while I fuck your friend's tight pussy...Now tongue her wet hole. That's right, clamp your whole mouth over her pussy and tongue-fuck her. I know it's what you dream about. Now suck on my thick cock. Suck it all the way down to my nuts," I would say, as I alternated between fucking Karen's mouth and Gloria's pussy.
Jackie, hearing my brash treatment of my wife, was spurred on to her own level of sexual depravity. She had positioned her ass up and off the bed, with her pelvis thrust far forward, and while holding Gloria's head steady, ground her pussy up and down and side to side against Gloria's mouth, while repeating, "Suck on my clity."
Even if Gloria wanted to, she could not move; held fast in front by Jackie, and at the rear by Karen who had locked her arms around her hips. All she could do was remain motionless, and allow each of us to have our way with her, and given her loud and persistent moaning I doubt she cared.
Jackie was the first to climax. She gave an abrupt but very loud groan, and then saw her slip backwards off her legs as if they were carrying dead weight. She then lay motionless on her back, panting heavily.
Jackie's orgasm seemed to act as a sexual cascade that rippled through the rest of the group. Gloria was the next to climax. Her mouth free of Jackie's pussy, she laid her head down on Karen's belly and let go with a full force of moans mixed with long strings of incomprehensible, sexual gibberish. Karen, sensing what was about to happen, vigorously massaged Gloria's clit with her fingers.
"Come on baby, I want you to come. Come for me baby," Karen chanted.
It was as if Gloria was waiting for permission, for as soon as Karen pleaded for her to come, I felt her warm fluid surge around my cock in almost rhythmic pulses. Long after Gloria's climax had subsided, Karen continued to gently play with her clit, and cooing, "I know that felt good.
Not to be totally outdone, I held my cock inches from Karen's mouth and slowly stroked myself.
Karen, seeing my intentions, exclaimed in an amused tone, "Not you too."
"You said you wanted it porn-style, remember?"
She tried to open her mouth, but her reactions were too slow as my initial blast caught her just as her lips were parting. She then grasped my cock, sucking hard on the head as she continued to jerk the rest of my load out of me.
All four of us were quiet, and only the sound of our deep breathing was heard.
Karen felt the sticky concoction that covered her face, and broke the silence when she exclaimed, "God; I'm drenched."
"She's a squirter. I found that out in the dining room," said Jackie.
"Tell me about it," answered Karen, "And it doesn't help when my husband blows his load onto me as well."
Gloria wiggled her ass in front of Karen's face, and said with a laugh, "You're just a popular girl tonight."
Karen slapped her ass playfully, "Not just popular," then wrapping her arms around Gloria's hips, Karen continued tonguing her swollen vulva. Jackie watched as Gloria slowly closed her eyes in obvious pleasure, and began to spasm all over again.
"I think she's coming again," Jackie marveled.
I laid down next to Jackie. We watched as Karen and Gloria continued to roll about the bed, locked in each other's arms, each orally servicing the other, and totally oblivious to everything around them.
I idly stroked Jackie's vulva, and said, "Remind me sometime to tell you about Gloria."
"That she's a bit of a slut?" Jackie asked with an amused smile.
"No, just the opposite. I think much of what you're seeing tonight is her trying to make up for lost time.
Jackie fell silent for a moment as if contemplating what I had said, "She told me about what happened."
"Who?" I asked as I kissed her neck.
"Gloria; about what happened with Karen."
I stopped kissing. I don't know why I stopped except I thought it odd that she would bring it up now. I also found it odd that Gloria would tell her, but the elixir does funny things to a person's reserve.
I asked, "You didn't know about it?"
Jackie scoffed at my question, "Me? Karen never tells me anything; you know that. For what it's worth, I'm sorry."
"Why are you sorry?" I asked surprised by her statement.
"Just that I always thought Karen was the grounded one, but I guess fucking around runs in our family. You know about Karen's mother, and both my parents. Surprisingly, neither of them did it with Karen's mother, which is hard to believe. And the less you know about my brother's shitty marriages the better. I just thought you two could avoid all that crap," she paused for a moment before finishing her thought, "And now that I think about it, I guess that's why I've had a hard time getting close to you, because deep down inside I thought you and Karen were better than me."
"And now that the bloom has come off our rose we seem more human?"
Jackie didn't answer, but instead turned back to watch Gloria and Karen. By now the two women had unwrapped themselves from the sixty-nine position. Karen was sitting on Gloria's face and shifting her hips back and forth, an expression of ecstasy plastered across her features.
"They're quite an item together," Jackie commented, "Some husbands wouldn't be comfortable with it. I know my first husband wasn't."
What was she hinting at now? I slipped two fingers into her pussy and gently massaged one of her large breasts. She let out a long sigh of approval.
I finally said to her dismissively, "It's just sex, Jackie. I wouldn't read anything more into it."
"You're probably right, but over dinner I couldn't help noticing the looks Karen would give me if I talked too long or got too close to Gloria, and I saw the looks Karen was giving to Gloria. I didn't think much about it at the time, thinking it was just typical Karen and her animosity toward me, but seeing them together now..."
Jackie didn't finish her statement, letting her words trail off into the air. Jesus, she was manipulative; and I was getting irked that she would try to bring this up now, mostly because I wasn't sure about her motives. Was it out of genuine concern, or was she trying to drive a wedge between Karen and I as some form of revenge against her childhood nemesis? I assumed the former, because in a way she was partly correct about Karen and Gloria's relationship. Karen had always been overly protective of Gloria, and this could be construed as jealousy to an outsider like Jackie. Also, throughout the evening so far, Karen maintained a fairly aloof posture toward Jackie. Always willing to perform various sex acts with Gloria and me, but showing no inclination to reciprocate Jackie's advancements. This reluctance could also be seen as jealousy.
Gloria and Karen had moved back into a sixty-nine position with Karen still on top. Gloria was working a few fingers in and out of her, as Karen's legs visibly shuddered at the attention that was given.
"You think I should be worried?" I asked.
Jackie shrugged her shoulders, "You know Karen better than me."
I laughed, "Well that's a chicken-shit of a non-answer."
"Look, what do I know? I'm a ditz; remember? You said so yourself."
"Evasion," I said.
Jackie babbled on about nothing in an attempt to avoid the answer, so I let it go. She wasn't going to tell me, and besides, I had already guessed what she was trying to imply, just not the reason, and that she would never admit no matter how much I grilled her.
I continued my slow fondling of her vulva; rhythmically inserting and manipulating three fingers into her pussy while stroking her clitoris with my thumb. She let out a low moan and puffed her chest out so that I could suck on her nipples.
"Bite them," she requested, "Not so hard...Yes, that's it. Ooh, that's nice"
She let out a soft whimper, and I felt a brief shudder move through her body.
"That was quick," I said teasing, "Hardly worth my effort."
"Oh but it was," she said as she pushed me onto my back and mounted me.
Having just climaxed, she felt extremely warm and slick against my erection, but I thought surprisingly tight for someone with her bed experience. She sat up, her arms fully extended, hands pushing hard against my chest for support. She purposely placed her hands closely together, causing her arms to squeeze her massive breasts together, pushing them up and further forward than they would normally. Accompanying this visual spectacle, she just let her hips do a slow grind so that her clitoris was always in full contact with my body, while still forcing my cock firmly against her.
I played with her tits, making sure to gently pinch her erect nipples. When I touched her clitoris, I felt her shudder again, and then again.
Wonderful stuff, that elixir.
I started to laugh, "Jesus, Jackie, what the fuck."
A smile of embarrassment crossed her lips, "I'm sorry. I'm usually quick on the draw, but never like this."
It was then that Gloria lay down along side of me, and blurted, " That's why Karen started calling him Robo-cock."
"Robo-cock," Jackie repeated in an amused tone, "I like that, but wasn't that the title of a porn movie?"
Gloria got an indignant look, "What are you asking me for? Sounds like something you should know." With that, Gloria reached up and gave Jackie's breasts a squeeze, saying "Are these things registered?"
I laughed, but Jackie looked insulted by her comment, but after seeing the humor in Gloria's risqué and impromptu brashness, laughed as well, "Well they're real if that's what you mean. Where's your mistress?"
Mistress? There was another dig at Karen and Gloria for my benefit. Gloria either didn't notice the slight or ignored it, and answered, "She had to go pee, and I think she said that we needed some lubricant."
I suddenly remembered the novelty items I bought, and said to Gloria, "Tell Karen there's a paper bag in my closet. I have a surprise for you guys."
Gloria got a quizzical look, and said before going, "Okay, but I'm next."
Jackie watched her leave, then commented, "She's cute, a little dingy, but cute. I can see why Karen likes her."
There was another side-ways dig, but I let it pass, and said, "Dingy? You're calling Gloria 'dingy?' Well Jackie pot, may I introduce you to Gloria kettle?"
Jackie smirked sarcastically, "Very funny."
I teasingly shifted my cock around inside of her, and said, "Now, have you calmed down enough so that I can at least get myself off this time?"
She leaned forward on my chest, kissed me, and said with a mocking pout, "What's the matter, Robo-cock not getting enough attention? Is Cousin Jackie having all the fun?"
Suddenly we heard laughter from the bathroom. Karen appeared at the door holding the double dong and the strap-on dildo I purchased, "When did you buy these?"
"Right after last week's escapades, I figured you and Gloria would put them to good use. Besides, I wanted to give the vegetables a break; we were running low on cucumbers."
Gloria, standing behind Karen, held up a new bottle of lubricant, "Look, Karen bought some K-Y."
I started to laugh, and teased Karen, "And when did you buy the K-Y?"
Embarrassed by her exposed hypocrisy, Karen turned around and walked back into the bathroom.
I yelled after her, "Don't forget to bring your old vibrator as well."
Gloria lay beside us again clutching the double dong, and asked whimsically, "Does this thing talk, and why do we need three?"
"Well technically four if you count the other end," I said with a smirk, "But sure, three for three ladies. Why not?"
"And just what are you going to do then, seeing how there's one for each of us?" Jackie asked in an amused tone.
"Anything I want." | literotica |
Title: ferdinad adult version by dbj_rab
Tags: Bisexual, Fantasy, M/M/F, Multi species
The year is 2205. The world has changes much in the last few centuries. The magical world of fairy and animals have come back, coexisting with the world of man once again, though there are those who still cling to the old ways of the world of man. Man has learned to utilize both magic and their science creating dangerous machines and weapons.
The sun was setting down as they watched their city being burned down. Mothers with babies and fathers with their older cubs were crying as they fled from the warmongers who pursued them.
"Why did this happen to us? What did we ever do to them," many of them thought to themselves. The truth of the matter is that the warmongers didn't care who they crushed in their war against who they consider their enemies. They conquered who they want and when they want with very little resistance. But that will soon all change as the prophecy comes to unfold.
"We will have peace again, but there will come a cost," said the fox seer Ferdinad. "We must rally ourselves deep into the forest where they can't reach us. We must gain allies of the other animal and fairy kingdoms," he said.
Everyone believed him, and respected him since he was a seer, but he was beginning to have doubts. His powers have not been reliable, as they have been in the past. "I must be getting old, why else are my powers not working?" Ferdinad thought to himself as he traveled along with the other refugees. Ferdinad is in truth not old on the outside. He looks to be of 20 to 25 years of age, though in truth he has lived for over several hundred years utilizing his magic to slow down his aging process, a trick that he learned from elves.
"Well, I'll have to go to the elves and see if they can answer my question."
As the refugees approached the forest, they couldn't believe their eyes. The forest was filled with fairies of every kind, flying around all over, giving comfort to the children. Everyone kept walking deep into the forest until they reached an elven city.
"Welcome to our home. Please make yourselves at ease. No harm will come to you will you're under our protection," a tall and lanky elf said. His name was Kititino and was king of this region. Everyone bowed and curtsied and said their thanks. "Ah, Ferdinad. I see you're still alive and well," Kititino said.
"Yes your majesty. I am well and am glad to see that you are as well. I have a favor to ask. I need to speak with you privately," Ferdinad replied.
"Very well. We can talk after everyone has been settled and after we have eaten dinner," Kititino said.
Everyone was soon settled into empty rooms that the elves always seem to have whenever there's an emergency. The people and animals marveled at how tall and graceful the elves were. They still radiated an air of regalness and command authority. They are still the most knowledge able of how magic works; after all they lived through magical wars for several thousands of years, even while they were in an alternative reality hidden from man's world. Everything wasn't peaceful in their world either. There were those who were evil at heart as well. That's how their world comes together again, through the work of a rogue elf and his followers, but that's a story for another time.
Ferdinad went around searching for some of his friends that he has not seen in a while. "Ho, Barb. How are you doing, you rascal you?" he asked as he approached a lioness. "I'm doing fine, thank you. As you can see I've finally found a mate and decided to settle down from the life of thievery," she said as she pointed to one of her cubs running around with the elves.
"Ho ho. So who's the lucky fellow who stole your heart?"
"There he is now," she pointed to a huge male lion coming out of a tent.
He was incredible muscled and looked every inch a warrior of death armed to the teeth. Ferdinad gulped as he saw him approach and felt a small twinge in his bulge as he noticed the lion's bulge as well.
"How do you do?" he asked. "I'm Ferdinad, a friend of Barb."
"Nice to meet you Ferdy. I'm Harold." The lion said.
"How long have you and Barb been married?"
"We'll be having our tenth anniversary in a few days," Harold said.
"Wow. That's great. I'll have to try to get you guys a gift."
"I think we can think of something," Harold said as we winked at the fox seer while Barb was looking after her kids. "Does that wink means what I think it does?" Ferdinad thought to himself.
"Well, I better let you guys go and see ya later at the dinner reception okay?" Ferdinad asked as he left.
"You can count on it. We have some things to catch up on," Barb replied as she gave him a quick kiss.
He walked around seeing if he could get his powers to work to see the outcome of the war. Nothing happened as he tried to control his thoughts and clear his mind. "Damn, this is getting old. What in the world am I going to do? I can't go back to what I was before I got these powers," he thought to himself.
His thoughts were interrupted when he felt a paw on his shoulder.
"Thinking about the war?" a soft and kind voice asked.
Ferdinad turned to see his old mentor, a Rabbit. "George," he exclaimed. "How in the world are you? It's been so long since I've last saw you."
"I've been well, yet I'm having difficulties with my powers lately. How about you? Are they giving you problems as well?" George asked.
"Yes they are. I'm going to be talking to Kititno after dinner. Want to come with me?"
"Yes, that would be good."
"In the meantime, want to find someplace to relive some old memories?" Ferdinad asked.
"I was thinking of the same thing. How's about we go to my place? It's a little bit set aside from everyone else and has a bit more privacy," George said.
"Great. Let's go."
They soon went to George's huge tent. "Make yourself comfortable. I'll get something to drink," George said.
"Great," Ferdinad said as he watched the rabbit's ass bend over to pour the tea in cups.
"Here you go. Hope you like it." "Hmm, tastes great."
"Good. It's supposed to enhance your sex drive." "Really? Let's find out if it works," Ferdinad soon reached over and placed his paw on George's bulge, while George did the same thing. "Oh wow. You really do miss me, huh?" Ferdinad asked as he rubbed against George's bulge. "Hmm. Looks like you do as well," George replied.
Both stood and started to remove their clothes. They stood naked, admiring each other bodies and rising dicks. "Wow, you've surely gotten bigger since I last saw you," Ferdinad said. "You're not my only appreintance. I've teached a lot of others," George said.
Both soon couldn't contain each other and started to rub against each other while falling towards the ground.
They soon got into the sixty-nine position. George was sucking and rubbing hard against Ferdinad's fox dick, while Ferdinad was doing the same thing to George's rabbit cock.
Both gasped as they felt each other place their dicks completely in their mouths and started to suck and lick them. "Oh gods. I forgot how good you are at this," Ferdinad moaned. "MMM so tasty. I can't wait to feel you," George responded.
George continued to bob his head up and down while trying not to squirm under Ferdinad's influence.
As the minutes went by, both knew that they couldn't last much longer, and both of their dicks were twitching and they thrusted their hips and plunged themselves deep into each other's throats as they grunted and cummed. Both men groaned as they emptied each other down their throats. "Ohh. That was unbelievable. Now that the foreplay's over, what do you say to getting down to the dirty fucking?" George asked.
"I thought you've never ask," Ferdinad replied.
He then pounced on the rabbit, and started to rub him to hardness again. The rabbit moaned as he felt his dick respond to the touching of the fox. George then went on all fours and lifted his tail up, to expose his tight rose bud. Ferdinad then licked it and started to finger fuck him. "Oho you're tight," he exclaimed.
"Ahh, that feels good. Don't stop," George groaned back.
The fox then placed two fingers and pushed them in and out. As soon as he determined that the rabbit was ready, he lifted his hard on and started to rub it against the tail hole. George twitched and sweated as he felt the fox's dick press against his ass. "Yes....Do it to me, fuck me hard," he shouted.
Ferdinad responded by pushing himself into the rabbit's ass. He gasped as he felt George's ass tighten around his prick. He soon pushed himself in all the way, his balls resting against George's. "MMM, feels so good. I've forgotten what it's like," Ferdinad grunted.
He soon started to push in and out continuously. As he was doing so, he reached down and started to jerk his mentor off along with his thrusts.
Both panted and sweated as they soon reached climax. Ferdinad soon felt his dick twinge against the rabbit's tightening ass. He quickly plunged in deep and screamed as he climaxed deep inside his mentor's ass. George soon groaned and spurted his seed as he felt the fox's spurt inside his ass.
"Ohh, gods. I can't believe you made me cum two times," Ferdinad exclaimed.
"Yeah, well the fun's not over yet. It's my turn to fuck you now," George replied.
"Ohh. I don't know how much more of this I can take," Ferdinad moaned as he laid back to let the rabbit lick his tail hole.
George hummed to himself as he began to finger fuck the fox. The fox twitched and shivered under the onslaught of the rabbit's playing. He then lay shocked as he felt George rubbing himself against the tight hole and started to push in past the anal ring. The rabbit grunted as he pushed himself in and out of the fox's tight hole. He wasn't going to last very long since the previous fucks. He just quickly pumped in and out, and pretty soon gave one last thrust deep inside the fox's ass as he cummed and cummed for the last time.
Ferdinad gasped and groaned as he felt the rabbit's cock spurt inside him. He then cummed for the third and last time as well.
Both panted and hugged each other, while the rabbit was still inside him, enjoying the afterglow. The soon fell asleep.
Afterwards, they woke up quickly and realized that it was almost time for the dinner party. "Well, I better go and get ready. See you there," Ferdinad said as he left. "Right. See you there. We'll have to do this again some time," George said.
Ferdinad went off to take a quick shower and to rest before the dinner.
Soon it was nightfall, and everyone was gathered around the huge oak table laden with all kinds of food. The kings sat up front near the head of the table where Hititino sat. Everyone was dressed in their finest. "Let's have ourselves a good eat everyone, and not worry about the current events that are going around," Hititino toasted. "Hear hear," everyone said.
Soon people were tearing into the lucious food that was all over, and they made small talk as they eat, wondering what was going to happen to them and who was going to try to stop the war mongers.
"So, have you felt anything different since the last few months?" Ferdinad asked Hititino.
"We have felt a draining of our magical powers from the nodes that we used to be able to feel and track. It seems that the war mongers have developed a way to pump natural magic to use for their own use," Hititno said.
"How is this possible? I thought that magic nodes were only able to be drawn from magicians as they drew from their inner selves," a king asked.
"Apparently they have developed some kind of machine. We need to send a reconnoiter team to investigate what's going on in the cities that they have taken over. Then we should plan accordingly when they come back. Is this plausible to everyone?" Hititino asked.
Everyone murmured their consent. "This is a good plan, but who's going to lead and who will be the other members?" someone asked.
"I thought that Ferdinad would make a good leader, and he could chose who he thinks is capable of going along," Hititino replied.
Everyone turned to look at Ferdinad who was blushing beet red. "Who me?" he squeaked. "I don't know very much about leading, much less going into enemy territory."
"Nonsense, you have contacts that others don't when it comes to going into battle," Hititino said.
"Hmm, so he knows about that does he?" Ferdinad thought to himself. "I wonder how he found out."
"Sigh, all right. I'll do it," Ferdinad said aloud.
"Great, then it's agreed. We'll stay here and await to what ever information you are able to gather."
They soon left and Ferdinad went off in search of Harold and Barb. As soon as he spotted them, they approached him as well. "We thought of what you could give us for our anniversary," Barb said.
"Oh, what is it?"
"You can let us get together and have a threesome." "MMMM that would be good. When do you want to do it?"
"How about later, before we leave to gather the info?" Harold asked.
"All right, I'll find you guys later tonight then. How did you know I was going to ask you to come along?" Ferdinad asked.
"Heh, you know how quite we can be when we travel, plus we have a lot of other keen senses you need to scout out the enemy before they spot us," Barb said.
"All right. That's good. You're sure the kids will be okay?"
"Yeah, they'll be fine. They know our duty and theirs."
Ferdinad soon left them and went in search of George. "Hey, George. Care to come with me to find out why our powers aren't working as well?"
"You bet. I'm packing up my stuff now." "All right see ya in the morning then."
He went off in search of a few others who seemed capable of going with him. He soon had seven people chosen and went off to inform Hititino who would be coming with him to gather info. "Very good. You've selected a lot of good people with various skills to combat different situations that may arise. We'll see you off in the morning, and be sure to take all the food and supplies you'll need," Hititino said.
"Very good your highness. By the way, how did you know my secret?" Ferdinad asked.
"Ohh, I have my sources. Besides on of your past lives worked with me in a war, and I remembered your moves," Hititino said.
"Ahh, I didn't realize that. Hmmm. Thanks for the info. I'll see ya in the morning then."
Ferdinad soon left to find Barb and Harold's tent. As he entered, they welcomed him in. "Did you find everyone else you wanted?" Harold asked.
"Yes. There'll be four others joining us."
"Ah, great. So, shall we get it on before it's too late?" Barb asked, as she started to remove her clothes. Harold was doing the same thing, and helping Ferdinad out of his. He gulped as he saw Harold's huge dick. "Ohh gods, that's going to hurt in the morning," he thought to himself. He glanced over at Barb and she looked exactly the same as she was when they were together. "Wow, Barb. You haven't changed at all since we last fucked." He exclaimed.
"Why thank you. You look about the same too," she commented as she glanced down at his eight inch cock, popping out of it's sheath. "Shall we get started?"
Barb laid down on her back while Ferdinad approached her and started to fondle her, while Harold fondled the fox's ass and balls. Everyone was soon moaning and shivering with anticipation of the sex to come. Ferdinad soon licked all over Barb's huge breasts and fingered her pussy, while Harold tongued his tail hole.
Ferdinad and Harold then switched places, Harold licking Barb's clit while Ferdinad licked and finger the lion's ass. "HMM that feels so good," Harold moaned as he jerked himself off a little while getting ready to enter Barb.
Harold soon shoved Barb's thighs apart and started to push his 10-inch cock inside her. She squealed with pleasure as her husband thrusted himself inside her. He grunted as Ferdinad started to slide his fox dick inside Harold's tight ass. He groaned as he felt his nerve ending go on fire when his dick went past the lion's anal ring and the ass muscles tightened around his cock.
"Ahh that feels sooo good," Ferdinad gasped as he pumped in and out of the tightest ass he's ever fucked.
Barb and Harold were soon grunting and groaning as they continued to fuck each other. Soon everyone was humping in a rhythmic fashion. It wasn't soon when their sweat covered bodies were grinding into each other as the men quickly thrusted faster and harder into each other and soon pushed in deep and spurted their seed at the same time. Harold quickly came into Barb, and as his ass muscles flexed around Ferdinad's cock he came quickly inside Harold's ass as well. "Ohh gods, that was wonderful," Ferdinad groaned as he lay on top of Harold. "Hmm. We'll have to do this again sometime," Barb said.
They napped a bit, and then Ferdinad quickly got dressed and went to his room.
Soon everyone was asleep as nightfall began. They didn't notice when one of their own crept about silently, looking for Ferdinad's room. He approached it and silently opened the door. The fiend hid in the shadows and watched Ferdinad as he slept. He then crept down silently and moved the covers from Ferdinad sleeping form to reveal his naked body.
"Ohh gods, he's huge," the intruder thought as he bent to fondle the fox's member. "Unnh. Need to go to the bathroom," Ferdinad mumbled. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and was instantly alert staring at the intruder in front of him. "Who are you? What do you want?" Ferdinad shouted as he showed his sword from it's scabbard.
"Drat. I was hoping to get you, but it'll have to wait until later," the intruder said as he made smoke fill the room and disappeared from Ferdinad's sight.
"Guards, Guards," Ferdinad shouted, as the smoke cleared.
Soon everyone was awake, and hurried towards Ferdinad's room.
"Ferdinad, what's the matter?" Hititino asked as he approached.
"Someone tried to kill me a few minutes ago. I got lucky and stopped him thanks to a little help from nature, which if you'll excuse me I have to go," Ferdinad said as he hurriedly went to the bathrooms.
Everyone laughed at the thought that someone was saved due to needing to go, but was soon searching all over for someone who was out of place.
"Everyone is accounted for. No one's missing, so who ever it was is long gone by now," a soldier reported.
"All right. Thanks. You all can go back to bed now. We still have a lot to do in the morning," Hititino said.
He waited until Ferdinad came back. "Well, did you get a good look at who it was?"
"No. Who ever it was, was covered completely in black. I could tell it was a mouse though, because the intruder was small and had round ears," Ferdinad replied.
"Hmmm. I don't know of any mice being near here. We'll have to discuss this more in the morning. Mean while, I'm placing a guard in front of your room until you leave," Hititino said.
"All right fine. I'll sleep a little bit better knowing that," Ferdinad replied as he crept back into sleep.
Morning soon approached and everyone was awake and up at first light.
Everyone murmured as a spring storm approached. "Hmm, I hope this isn't a bad omen for things to come," Hititino said.
"Don't worry. I'm sure it's just normal weather," Ferdinad replied.
"Well, is everyone ready?" Ferdinad asked as he looked around at the others.
"Yep. We said our good byes," everyone said.
"Al right. Let's go," Ferdinad shouted as he marched in front of the others.
As they left the elven city, everyone was lined up to see them off.
"Come back safe. Don't do anything rash," they all shouted as the seven marched on towards the city's gate.
Soon everyone was out of the city. "All right, so were do we go now, leader?" Barb asked.
"I thought it would be best to see what they wanted to do with the village first, and then move on towards one of their cities," Ferdinad answered.
"Hmm, good plan. All right, so do you want me and Barb to be scouts?" Harold asked.
"Sure that sounds good, seeing as you're fast runners and can see things in the distance," Ferdinad replied.
They soon sped off in the distance, and were soon lost to everyone else's sight.
"All right everyone just simply stick together, until I say other wise," Ferdinad said.
The band of five pulled their invisible cloaks together, to cover their mechanical ones in case the magic fail, as well as their weapons.
They moved slowly due to the amount of rain that poured down, and luckily didn't run into any enemies yet.
"Okay, this looks like a good place to rest," Ferdinad said after they were walking for the past four hours towards the village.
Everyone just sat underneath some trees, trying to keep dry and eating from their food supplies while waiting to hear word from either Barb or Harold.
As soon as everyone was rested, they moved onward. As darkness approached, Ferdinad pointed to an area that everyone liked, and they camped there for the night. As they were setting up the tents, Barb and Harold came back.
"Whew, sorry we were gone for so long. There are a lot of enemy patrols around the village. We had to wait for awhile to see what was going on there," Harold said.
"Well, at least you're back. What did you find out?" Ferdinad asked.
"Nothing much. Just that there are humans and other furs walking around patrolling around and guarding a few buildings. One other thing though that was odd, was that I couldn't feel any presence of a wizard. They all had their weird looking pole weapons, along with others," Barb said.
"Hmm. That's interesting that their wizards aren't with them. They must be planning something huge back at their base," Ferdinad mused.
"Yes, well if you'll excuse us we had a long day and would like to rest and eat," Harold said.
"All right everyone. We'll take turns guarding in shifts. Be sure to take your turns when you're needed. I'll go first," Ferdinad said.
As everyone settled to go down to sleep, Ferdinad thought of how to approach the village and try to find out what was going on.
While he was concentrating, he didn't notice when Harold sneaked up behind him. He jumped when he felt Harold's paw on his shoulder and move downwards. "Opps. Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. Just wanted to see if you wanted some company," Harold said.
"Oh, sure. That would be great," the fox looked up and grinned. "I still can't stop thinking of the other day. Gods you're big."
"Well, thanks. You're not bad either. Care to go at it again?" Harold said and winked.
"Sure, we're the only ones around. I don't see why we shouldn't be able to do a quickie," Ferdinad replied.
Harold answered by kissing the fox, and then pulling his pants down. He then started to rub his paw against the sheath, and as Ferdinad's dick popped out he quickly put it in his mouth sucking hard.
"Ohhh. That feels good. Don't stop," Ferdinad whispered.
Harold continued his sucking while Ferdinad slowly rocked his hips to deep throat him. Harold grunted and continued to jerk himself off while sucking.
Ferdinad soon stopped and dropped down to Harold's 10" cock.
He then put it in his mouth and started to suck it was well. Harold soon growled softly and started to fuck his face. Ferdinad almost gagged as Harold's dick went in deeper and pre-cum quickly flowed out.
After sucking for a few minutes, he then stopped and kissed Harold again, while rubbing his body against Harold's.
Harold mewed softly as he bent over to let Ferdinad lick his tail hole, and finger fuck him.
He then placed his cock next to the newly opened hole, and started to thrust.
"Ohh, gods. How can you be so tight every time?" Ferdinad grunted.
"That's for me to know and you to find out," Harold groaned back.
Ferdinad slowly pumped his dick in and out of Harold's ass. He then picked up the pace, and started to thrust like there was no tomorrow.
Soon both males were sweating and grunting under Ferdinad's hard pumping.
The fox moaned as he felt himself getting close to his climax. He panted as he continued to pump in and out, thrusting as deep into the lion's tight ass as he could. He soon couldn't contain it anymore, and thrusted in deep as he shivered spilling his fox spunk into the lion's ass. As he spurted his dick out, the lion quickly grabbed him and thrusted his dick hard and deep into Ferdinad's ass. "Mmm. You always seem to make me cum quickly," Harold said as he pumped in and out, and then pushed all of his cock in and spurted lion cum into the fox's hole and over his balls.
Both males groaned and moaned as they rested their sweat covered bodies for a spell as Ferdinad's shift came close to a close. They quickly cleaned themselves up, and Ferndinad gave Harold a quick kiss as he went towards his cat friend's tent. "Okay, Harriet. It's your turn to take over watching the camp," he said. Harriet soon came out and groaned as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, "Okay," she yawned. "Who's going after me?"
"You'll be waking up Henry next."
"All right. Have a good night. See ya in the morning," she said as she went over towards a different area near the camp.
As the lithe cat went to assume her position, Ferdinad went back to his tent, still reeling from the effects of fucking with Harold. Little did he know that it wasn't going to be his last. Lucky for him he's a fox otherwise any other animal wouldn't have lasted this long.
As Ferdinad crept back under his covers, a shadowy figure moved from within the top of the tent. The figure landed softly, hardly making any noise. He then crept closer towards the fox, making sure he was still sleeping.
The dark figure reached under the covers and fondled the fox's balls and cock.
"Ohh, not again Harold," Ferdinad mumbled.
Before the fox could figure out what was going on, the mouse dropped his pants to reveal his 11" dick. He quickly lifted the fox up and started to thrust it into his tail hole.
Ferdinad woke with a start as he realized that it wasn't a dream, and that he was being fucked again. The mouse covered the fox's mouth as he pumped in and out, causing the fox to winch. "All right, I'm only going to say this once. Why are you going towards the village?" the mouse asked in a whisper. He moved his hands off the fox, and Ferdinad didn't say anything. "Tell me or your ass will feel more pain than this," the intruder said as he scraped steel along the fox's tail base.
Ferdinad shivered as he felt the cold steel against his body. "All right, just don't hurt me there. We're just going to see if there are any survivors who might want to come with us," he replied.
"Hmmm. Very well, it sounds plausible," the mouse said as he continued to pump in and out, going faster as he soon reached his climax. "Ohh, gods. He's so tight," the mouse thought to himself. As he shuddered and spurted his spunk into the fox, he left quickly, saying "You haven't seen the last of me. Mark my words."
Ferdinad blinked as he saw the figure disappear from in front of him.
He knew it wasn't a dream, since his ass felt sore, and the mouse's scent was all over him. Ferdinad groaned as he went back to sleep, thinking of what to do in the morning if the intruder comes back again.
The next morning, he awoke to others already getting up and cooking breakfast, attending to their nature needs.
He yawned as he went into the woods to pee, and was surprised by George.
He splashed a little bit on himself as George appeared behind him.
"I hear that you had an interesting time last night with Harold," he said.
"Oh, who told you that?"
"Your forget that we rabbits are good listeners. We make things our business to know what goes on," George replied.
"MMm. Well what are you going to do about it?" Ferdinad asked.
"Oh, how about this?" George exclaimed as he suddenly reached for Ferdinad's cock and placed it in his mouth. He then started to suck hard. Ferdinad moaned as he felt the rabbit's throat tighten and pulled on his groin. The rabbit continued to suck and deep throat until Ferdinad suddenly gasped and held his head, shoving it in and spurting his fox seed down George's throat.
"There. That wasn't so hard was it?" George said.
"You sexy rabbit you. I'm going to get you later," Ferdinad threatened.
"Sure you will. Well I go to go if I'm going to get breakfast."
"You already had breakfast. I say that you go and stand watch while we get ready to move on again."
"Groan. All right. I guess I asked for it."
George soon left to do his duty, as Ferdinad returned to the camp.
As soon as everyone was ready, and the camp was obliterated, they moved on.
While they were walking, Ferdinad told everyone of his idea of how to get into the city without being to obvious.
"All right everyone. I'd thought of this all night long, and I thought it would be easier to dress as the slaves do, so that we can move around without too much difficulty."
Everyone murmured their consent and voiced a few opinions on how to dress, and what to do if split up.
"If we get split up from each other, we'll just meet at the outskirts of town after dark," Ferdinad replied.
He then handed everyone miscellaneous clothing and clothes to cover themselves as peasants. As soon everyone was dressed, he went over to inspect them. "Not bad, but you all need to be a little bit dirtier. Slaves don't usually have time to bath much," Ferdinad said. He bent down and picked up a pawful of dirt and smeared some all over everyone. "There. That's better," he said.
"Okay, does everyone know what they are doing?" he asked for one last time.
Everyone nodded their consent. They continued to walk on, looking like a band of people on hard times.
As they neared the outskirts of the village, everyone paused to take stock in what was going on. They noticed only a few guards posted at the front gates, and a lot of people working in the farms nearby.
Most of them were tilling the soil, and gathering crop ready for harvesting. The ones who were done, were heading towards the gates. The guards didn't give them a second glance. The slaves were made up of a diverse of people, humans, elves, magi, and animorphs. The group quickly slithered through the wheat and popped up among those who were going in. They held their breaths a little as they passed the guards, pretending to hold armful of wheat and other crop. As soon as they passed, they followed the slaves for a while to gather their surroundings and to see what the sit was.
As soon as they saw a break near an alley, they quietly moved towards it and disappeared from view.
"All right. It looks like they have gotten lazy, protecting their slaves and food from raiders. Anyone has any comments before we move on?" Ferdinad asked.
No one said anything, but the mood was somber. "Don't worry. We'll be back to free everyone, but first we must gather information as to what our enemies are doing. All right let's go," Ferdinad said quietly.
The fox seer noticed that most of the overlords and captains were up on a tower, viewing all of the village below. "Hmmm, this is going to be tricker than I first thought," Ferdinad thinks to himself. They group broke up and went their separate ways, listening to the whisper of conversations among the slaves who were once living peaceful lives in the village.
"I have had enough of this crap. When are we going to do something about it?" a big burly bear asked a nearby human.
"Who knows? But do you want to lose a limb or your life? They have big guns and stuff ya know," the human murmured. "We'll just have to wait and see what happens."
Among the group that Ferdinad is with, he hears whispers of plans to overthrow the overlords from their homes. "How are the plans coming along?" a stout and muscular bull asked a small and thin skunk.
"They're going great so far. They haven't noticed that we have been bringing in fewer food and some supplies are more than enough for them to fret over a few missing pieces," the skunk replies.
"Good. Keep it up. Hopefully we'll get our chance soon," the bull said.
"Hmmm, so everyone is planning an overthrow attempt huh? But what about what the overlords are doing?" Ferdinad thought to himself.
Meanwhile, Barb and Harold have discovered some information while posing as a favorite slave who is able to move around with a little bit more freedom by being a messenger or anything else their overlord commands of them.
They are sitting at a bar, and sipping while looking around and listening to the conversation around them.
"Who cares what happens to the village? We're better off that the overlords are here. They give us better shelter and protection from the animals that used to attack us, and give us money and more food if we do a good enough job," a cat was said, who was talking to a female mouse.
"Sure that all well and good, but what about our freedom? When will we be able to move and think and act for ourselves? I don't want to be a slave forever. I only do it out of necessity. As soon as I see a break, I'm going for it," she told the cat.
"All right, but if you get killed while trying to escape, don't blame me," the cat responded.
They continue their conversation, unaware of the lions listening in.
"Hmm, it seems that some slaves are happy, while others want to break free. But what about what their plans are?" Harold murmured to Barb.
"I don't know, but let's continue to listen around. We're bound to find something," Barb replied back.
They soon decided to leave, when they run into a captain.
"What are you slaves doing here? Do you have clearance to be here?" the big human asked them.
"Why of course we do. Where would we be otherwise?" Harold said.
"All right then, show me your papers," the human asked.
"Papers, of course. Here you go," Harold said as he quickly dragged the captain towards the back of the bar.
He quickly held the captain's throat and started to squeeze slightly.
"Gack, you're choking me," the captain mewed.
"Yeah, what are you going to do about it?" Harold asked.
"What do you want?" the captain asked.
"Information. What are the overlords doing here?"
"I don't know. I was only hired to make sure the slaves don't revolt or anything." "You're lying. Tell me what I want to know, or I'll snap your throat." Harold growled.
"All right. I over heard one of the overlords say something about there being a lot of natural magic around here's that untapped. They're going to drain it and use it against the magi and others who are free." The captain gurgled.
"All right fine. If we find out that you're lying, you won't know what hit you, understand?" Barb said.
The captain nodded. "Good. You're not going to say anything are you?"
He nodded again.
They left him trembling in the corner as they continued to walk on as if nothing had happened.
As they walked on, they decided to mingle in and find out more info. They got in a line and followed it. The slaves were heading towards a shaft with smoke coming out of it. Barb and Harold soon realized that they were heading towards a mine. "Ohh, crud. It's hard to get out of a mine." Harold thought.
"What do we do?" he whispered to Barb.
"I don't know. It's too late to break away... I'm sure they don't keep everyone down there. They must give them rest, so we'll escape then," Barb said.
As they were going down, Ferdinad was going with the slaves heading in an opposite direction. They were heading towards what appeared to be a huge, round metallic ball. "What in the \<bleep\> is that?" Ferdinad wondered to himself.
He soon got his answer as they slaves entered the ball, and were forced to stand still atop of round cylinders under their feet.
As soon as the door closed, a voice commanded them to start to move.
As they did so, the ball moved forward as well. Ferdinad wondered what in the world was going on with this. "Psst. What are we doing?" he asked a nearby slave.
The slave whispered back, "We're to move this forward towards where there's a hole in the ground that they dig when they find magic nodes. All of our weight makes the hole larger and easier for them to get the draining machine ready."
"Wow. So that's what they do," Ferdinad thought to himself.
It felt like they were moving non-stop for hours until finally they begin to sink a little, and then falling straight down.
Ferdinad feels a lurch and the ball was moving up and down, forcing the ground to be removed and he felt a little bit sick from the movements.
"Ohh, gods I hope I don't hurl," he thought to himself.
As soon as it started, the movements stopped.
He then felt like they were being lifted up and them were commanded to move backwards.
"Oh man, this is painful having to move backwards. What if I trip and fell?"
Someone did trip and fall, and was trampled to death by the others who couldn't stop though they wanted to as they were crying the loss of one of their own.
"This is more horrible than I thought," Ferdinad thought to himself as he felt himself sicken as he heard the shrieks of the fallen slave go silent, and as his feet touched the trampled slave.
Soon they were back at the camp and were marched out. As the last one left, other slaves were forced to clean the bloody mess that was all over.
"We lose at least one person every time they make us do that," a slave murmured quietly.
They were herded into a tent and were told that they could relax for the rest of the day, and wander about the confides.
Soon the slaves were groaning as they tried to relax and live for another day.
Ferdinad quietly slipped out and went back to the alley where they first met.
As he walked back, he noticed Barb and Harold going into the mines. "\<Bleep\>. They're not going to do so well. Oh, well. They know how to take care of themselves. They've gotten out of worse spots than this, they'll be at the outskirts after dark," Ferdiand thinks to himself as he waits for the others to arrive.
Meanwhile, as Ferdiand waited, Barb and Harold were being led into the mines along with the other slaves.
"Shit. What are we going to do?" Barb whispered to Harold.
"Don't worry. We've gotten out of tighter scraps than this. We'll make it out and be at the outskirts by dark," he whispered back.
As their eyes became adjusted to the darkness and dim lights of the mine, they noticed that a lot of the slaves were very ragged and wearing almost next to nothing clothing, barely covering their private areas not to mention the smell.
"Oh, gag. How can they stand it?" Barb thought as her senses were overwhelmed at the scents. She glanced at Harold and noticed that he too was holding his nose.
As the slaves passed one another, no one said anything. They were handed shovels and told to simple dig all the rocks and dirt that they could until they said other wise.
As Harold and Barb worked alongside the other slaves, the mood of them were very somber. "Hey, why are you guys so sad?" Barb whispered to a slave next to her.
The slave merely glanced at her and didn't respond. She then realized that he was deaf. "Oh, my. You poor man," she thought.
They worked in silence, straining to hear any whispers of conversation, but didn't.
They didn't realize that all the slaves were either dear, dumb, or just lost the will to care about what happened to them; or pretended that they did.
After for what seemed like a very long time, the slaves were finally given a break, which only lasted a very few short minutes long enough for a quick sip from a small cup of water and half of half a piece of bread.
They soon resumed working after their "rest" period.
"Oh, how horrible. No one can survive like this," Harold thought to himself.
After a much longer period, the slaves were finally allowed to go to sleep for the night, which didn't make much difference to them, since they practically lived in the dark anyway.
As soon as they were lead out and into their holding cells, Barb and Harold quietly and quickly formed a plan on how to get out.
"Guard, Guard!" Barb shouted.
A burly human and bear came along. "What do you want, bitch?"
"My husband is sick. Please help him. He's one of your strongest workers. You don't want him to die do you?" she pleaded.
"All right. Calm down. We'll take him to the doctors."
"Thank you so much. May I please come along? He'll feel better if I'm at his side."
"All right fine. Just this once."
While they were picking up the listless form of Harold, Barb quickly pushed a sleep posion dart into each of the guards necks.
Harold quickly got up and they ran hiding in the shadows. As they reached the gates, it was heavily guarded.
"Shit. What now?" Harold asked.
Barb answered by pointing at the wall. They never thought that slaves would try to escape so easily by climbing the walls.
They extended their claws and began to climb slowly, keeping in shadows in case on of the guards looked up.
After what seemed like a long time, but only fifteen minutes, they reached the top of the gates and soon climbed down.
They quickly sticked to the shadows and then ran under the wheat fields.
Luckily no one noticed a thing, and they were able to spot the others as they reached further away from the village.
"Way to go you guys. I hope you didn't have too much trouble," Ferdinad said as they approached.
"No more than regular," Harold answered.
As they gathered together, Ferdinad suggested that they travel onward while the village was still sleeping.
Everyone soon moved onward towards their next destination. After traveling for a few leagues, they decided to camp and rest.
"All right, let's go into those woods over by the trail," Ferdinad said.
Soon everyone was pitching tents and eating a cold dinner, not wanting to risk making a fire and having it seen by the overlords.
Everyone was put on duty patrol and replaced each other at intervals so each got some rest. Luckily nothing happened during the night.
As day break began, everyone was ready to move on.
"All right. We're going to be going to the town of Deodits. I hear that there's a lot of activity going on there and we might be able to get a better sense as to what's going on," Ferdinad said to the group.
"Sounds good. Looks like you've got everything planned out," George replied.
"Not quite everything, but enough," Ferdinad responded.
They then moved out towards Deodits. As they traveled the road, they noticed that a lot of people who were usually up and about at this time, were not. "Huh, wonder were everyone is?" George murmured.
"They're probably hiding or waiting til dark to move in fear of the warlords." Harold replied. "That's what I've seen a lot of in my travels."
They continued onward, not saying much to each other, keeping their minds on the tasks coming up. "Man, how in the world can we defeat this force?" Ferdinad thought to himself. "I guess I'll just have to wait and see. What happens will happen."
They soon reached the city of Deodits within a few hours of walking.
"All right everyone, looks like the city is coming up ahead. Shall we do the same thing we did earlier?" Ferdiand asked.
Everyone looked to each other for conformation. They all shook their heads in agreement. "All righty then. We'll do the same thing," Ferdinad said.
They decided to split up and enter the city in separate ways so they don't attract attention.
The guards didn't pay them any mind, which everyone thought was a bit unusual since guards usually asked people why the were entering the city.
They shrugged their shoulders and moved on, keeping to the shadows and watching how the people were attending themselves.
The occupants of the city acted like there was nothing out of the ordinary.
"Huh. What in the world in going on?" Ferdinad though as he watched the other slink off towards their chosen destinations to gather info.
Ferdinad started to walk towards a tavern, when he felt other eyes upon him.
He cursed himself slightly, "Should have known that I'd have to change clothes. I must look like a rich merchant or something. Oh well, I'll deal with it if it comes," he thought.
He felt the eyes on him still as he entered the tavern. He quickly moved away, towards shadows to watch who would appear behind him.
The person who entered next, wasn't the one tho. It was just a mouse who looked like an ancient American culture object (hint M.M.).
Ferdinad continued to wait but no one else appeared. He relaxed somewhat and started to look around the place.
The tables weren't full. There were only a few people and groups around.
He went towards the bar and ordered a glass of beer.
As he sipped the bitter brew, he felt the eyes on him again. He glanced around and then up towards the stairs and noticed a pair of eyes looking right at him from the shadows.
He got up slowly, still nursing his drink and went up the stairs.
As he approached the top of them, he noticed a small figure go into a bedroom.
He followed pursuit, and quickly looked around the room.
As his eyes got used to the dimness, he saw a female mouse sleeping in the bed. He walked over and noticed that here eyes were slitted, watching his movements.
"Well, what do we have here?" He asked approaching her.
She squeaked with some control and shouted "Who are you? Why are you in here?"
"Well, you kept following me with your eyes, so I'd thought I'd come up and ask what you wanted from me," Ferdinad replied.
"Why, nothing honey. I'm just a girl trying to make a living. I thought maybe you could be persuaded to be hired to join me on my journey," She said flashing her eye lids at him.
He looked carefully at her before responding. "Prove to me that you mean no harm."
She answered by getting up and revealing her legs, removing a small handgun buried in the pantyhose, and stripping naked.
"There, does that seem sufficient?" she asked with a smile.
"All right. I'll take your word then. What do you need with a hired bodyguard?" he asked, trying to hide his erection from the sight of her.
"Why does any girl need protection? To scare away those who would do me harm, silly," she giggled moving nearing towards him.
Ferdinad gulped as the lithe mouse approached, grabbing his paw and pulling him towards the bed.
"Well, what do you say? Will you help me out?" she panted revealing more of herself.
"Um.... Sure. We could always use another person. You can tell us more about what's happening," he gulped.
"Well, that sounds great," she replied reaching down towards his bulge.
He moaned a little as her paw rubbed against it hard.
"Ohh, something tells me that this fox likes what he sees," she laughed.
Soon, Ferdinad was naked next to her and started to kiss and fondle her breasts.
She moaned and gasped as he moved downwards towards her pussy.
She yelled as Ferdinad licked and entered her tight twat tickling her clit.
"Ohhh, gods that feels so wonderful," she panted, pushing his head further into her.
He slurped her, making her climax for the first time licking her cum up. He then moved his sheath, which most of his dick was out towards her face.
The mouse bent down to take his head into her mouth and started to suck hard on it.
Ferdinad grunted as he felt pleasure run throughout his body from her blow job.
He panted and shoved it deep into her throat. The mouse groaned as she felt it hit against the back of her mouth, barely able to breath.
He thrust his hips faster in and out of her mouth, finally cumming all over her face.
"hmmmm, nice and sweet," she said as she licked herself clean.
"That's just the beginning," he said as he reached down towards her and flipped her on her back.
She grunted in surprise as he lifted her tail and poked his cock near her enterance.
She squealed with delight as he thrusted hard and fast into her.
"oohh, gods you're so huge," she panted.
Ferdinad just grunted as he thrusted himself in and out of her, enjoying the feel of her tight vaginal muscles tighten around his cock.
Soon both were sweating like crazy, as he quickly pushed deep into her, spurting his fox cum inside her.
The mouse moaned and groaned as she felt her nth climax, feeling him emptying inside of her.
Ferdinad collapsed on top of her still tied to her and both went into a quick nap.
"well, I hope that was a satisfactory payment for your services," she said as they got dressed.
"Yes, that is a good payment, stay here and I'll get the others to meet with you before we leave," he replied back.
"Humph, fine. Keep a lady waiting forever why don't you," she said with a smile.
"Don't worry. You'll be safe with us," Ferdiand smiled back.
He then left the room and tavern, to look for more info.
When he left, the mouse quickly went to the closet.
She whispered, "Well, how do you think I did, brother?"
"You did fine. Just be sure to watch yourself around him and the others," a husky voice replied back. "I'll be following behind in case you need backup."
"Feh, don't worry. He's putty in my hands now," she smirked.
Both thieves laughed to each other at the stupidity of the fox, or so they thought......
Meanwhile, Ferdinad was out looking for more info. The others weren't having much luck. It seems that the inhabitants of the town are under a spell, and don't know what's going on. Everyone soon gathers to meet with Ferdinad at their predestinated site.
"Well, did you guys find out anything?" he asked quickly.
"No. Other than that everyone is under some kind of spell, making them think everything is okay," Barb responded.
"How about you?" Harold asked.
"Well, I found an informant who's willing to tell us some things in exchange for some protection going towards her destination," Ferdinad replied.
He lead them towards the tavern, where the female mouse was waiting for him.
"Well, there you are. I was beginning to think that you'd never show up," she smiled as she glanced at the others. | FSE |
Title: Summer in the City - Chapter 3 - The WALK by Kodaw
Tags: Clean, Drama, Emotion, Gun, Humor, Love, M/M, Tiger, Wolf, clumsy, danger, difference, fun, police officer
Alex carefully approached the guests, with Ty standing out like a bright colour. He stumbled over his words 'w... Well.. Welcome, can I how help you?' 'Hmmph, armature, whatever, we have a reservation, it's under Maxine Corline' Maxene said as the small wolf tried to communicate with her. With the commotion Sed walked past, and saw Ty, in the party of 6. Sed giggled and shook his head thinking 'this is going to be fun'. 'Oh... Uhm well please follow me' Alex said as lead the guests over to the table on the first floor. Ty wasn't too worried about the small wolf, in fact, he was distracted. 'Damn, he didn't even greet me, am I that bad?' Alex thought out loud. And with that, Maxene grabbed him on the collar of his shirt 'listen here you little punk, if you are going to make a comment you make it out loud, and I don't want some crappy service from you, this restaurant has the best reputation, and for that I am going to pay, so I expect the best, and if I don't get the best, I will rip your soul apart' She raged with a slight bit of cynicism and a slight grin on the last bit as she held Alex with one hand and the other formed into a fist. 'Yes mam, Yes Mam, yes mam' Alex said out of fear. 'Ok then' Maxene smiled, 'now where is our table, oh it better be a good one, otherwise...' she said with a smirk. \*damn\* Alex thought to himself as he led the party up the stairs and to the best table they have, looking out on to the beautiful city street. Alex set the party down on the table, Maxene, what appeared to be her boyfriend, a polar bear, a really energetic Colly, a Dalmatian, Dober and Ty. After Alex got the order for the drinks he scurried on down to the bar, and told the bar man to hurry on up, with that Sed came up to Alex 'Hey... So interesting customers, Maxene is a rough one... And of course then there's Ty...' with that comment Alex could not contain his blush. 'Well, look dude, if you like him... Tell him, when your shift is over... Run on to him and just talk to him... Get to know him ya know' Sed said with a calm notion. 'Hmmph... Not that easy Sed. Remember I come from Riverton... A small town where I never had a relationship of any kind!' Alex said out shortly. And then the barman intruded with the drinks all ready. 'Just don't mess up... Alex. If you like him... Just don't let him play with your heart that's all I'm saying hey' said as Alex ran up the stairs. 'Hmm DON'T MESS UP... Yea say that to the clumsiest person in the world' and on that note, Alex tripped over a small object spilling the drinks over the party of 6... And for a brief moment, there was a silence in the place, almost cutting through the air. Then Maxine smiled and fisted her one hand into the other 'Time to die' she yelled as her Polar bear boyfriend held her back when she tried to grab Alex... 'I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry....' Dober and the rest were all just laughing about is, but Ty was as calm and serious as ever. Quiet. 'I'll go get new ones, on the house' Alex said, as he picked up the glasses, and ran down back to the bar, where a laughing Sed was waiting for him. 'WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That was properly the worst thing that I ever seen, the best worst thing ever! Hahahahahahaha, ooh that's good comedy.' Sed mocked. Alex of course didn't think it was very funny. 'I made a fool out of myself, besides, now I don't stand a chance' as he felt his heart drift down into an abyss of hopelessness and sadness, with a tear rolling down his muzzle. 'Hey hey... Little buddy, its ok, I'll help you out ok? Besides Maxine is a really scary client... I went to her bar once, there was a bar fight, let's just say, she started it, and she won...' and Sed went up to the party, explained that he was really sorry, and how embarrassed Alex was, and even gave the party desert on the house. 'You owe me big time' he said with a jump in his step as he walked on by Alex. The rest of that night, Alex preformed at his best, looking at Ty, not seeing any emotion but only a serious look, looking onto the street. 'Ty what's wrong?' Maxene said as Ty was looking away, and Ty could not contain his thoughts, as he was thinking about his new case, the wolf ripper... 'Nothing much' Ty said with no expression. 'Oh, yea I see so... C'mon man you got a HUGE promotion today' the collie said. 'He got his first case today as well, and this one reminds him of...' and with that Ty looked at Dober and lightly punched him through the face. 'Ugh... Sorry' Dober resided. Everyone at the table was totally and utterly confused. 'Oh well' Maxine busted out. 'To TY!' as she raised her glass in the air and downed the glass of beer one shot. Everyone followed, of course not as haste fully. The night continued and the guests got drunker, until late, they finally decided to bill out and pay, they gave Alex a huge tip and they were on their way. 'Nice going kid... Hick... You can really make...... A.... Nnnighhht.... Whooot' Maxene stumbled out with the support of her polar boyfriend 'let's go' he said strictly. Sed grabbed Alex and shoved him out 'Count this as me being nice, ill lock up and cash up, now go! Talk to the guy already' the party scattered and Ty started walking on his own away from everyone \*Damn, I hate these social formalities\* he thought. And then Alex ran on up to him. 'You know, tonight was like the second time you did something clumsy. Besides, why are you stalking me anyway?' Ty said with a serious notion. 'Ooh hehehe, well uhm I'm not stalking you see, we just keep running into each other...' Alex said whilst giggling and scratching his head. 'Get it... RUNNING INTO EACHOTHER... No, maybe.. maybe not?' Alex tried to make Ty smile. 'It's not safe to be out here, you know' Ty lectured 'there is a killer about'. 'A Killer? Ooh sounds serious, please tell me more Mr Inspector man.' Alex said in a play full notion. 'This is a serious matter, what was your name again, Alex wasn't it.' 'How did you? What, I don't recall giving you my name...' 'That's why I'm an inspector.' 'Look, Ty, what happened at the peer the other day... I can't stop thinking, well I can't stop, I feel so... Well' and then Alex when quiet as he struggled to express himself. ''Well? Out with it... You can't?' and with that Alex grabbed Ty's hand, and a burst of emotion when through Ty, a feeling he never felt before, Alex's warm touch, his caring nature, his energy. What was this mysterious feeling? Was this what they called a feeling for another person? 'Ty, I can't stop thinking about you'. Alex said to Ty directly, as they were underneath the streetlight, looking each other in the eye. Passion, a spark. 'Me neither' and naturally, they hesitated for one moment, but then, their lips touched and they both felt it. Passion, colour, joy, happiness, Love.
Shortly after the moment of passion, Ty immediately pulled back. 'It's late, you should go' he said with a sudden change in his voice. Naturally Alex was confused, and his natural curiosity made him speak the following words 'why?' 'Look, I don't know what's going on, and its messing with my head, you are messing with my head, well not you, but the situation, ugh you know what I mean.' Ty rambled, as he felt his heart started to race. 'So, pretty much you are afraid to handle the situation?' Alex said with a smirk. 'Nothing like that' Ty said and for the first time in years he blushed. 'Uhu... Yea your blush totally agrees' Alex said in a playful sarcastic way. 'No, I uhm... Yea, no' Ty stumbled and mumbled. 'It's ok. My roommate said I should say this, and my heart is racing as well, but look Ty, I really like you allot... And I would like to get to know you better'. \*what is this guy thinking, why is he reacting this way, is he the same goofy, clumsy guy from earlier on?\* Ty thought. 'Hmm, m... Me too' Ty said without thinking and immediately wondered where the words came from. 'Well in any instance, you still have to go home, I'm not letting anyone sleep over at my place... Don't work like that' Ty said in a flash. 'But I will walk you home, streets can be dangerous these nights' Ty said but in his mind he thought about the murderer. Alex nodded his head 'yea I come from a small town called Riverton so...' 'I just need to get something from inside, ok?' Ty said. 'Jip'. They walked up and took the stairs to the second floor, Ty unlocked the door and entered the pin, and switched on the lights 'Ok stay right here' as he went right in. Alex of course could not hold in his curiosity. He peeked in and then walked in. The apartment was amazing, very neat and tidy. Simple and straight forward. A Entertainment system, a Tv, a L shaped couch, a fair amount of CD's Wide windows with an amazing view over the ocean with a lonely couch looking out over it. An open plan apartment, even the kitchen was neat and tidy, everything in its place. 'Didn't I tell you to stay outside? You are ... Ugh never mind, let's go. Ty said, and Alex noticed the Police badge around his neck and underneath his jacket, a gun in its holster. He was very curious, but after the stunt he just pulled, he didn't ask. Ty locked the apartment, and they went down stairs. 'Ok, so where do you live?'
They walked on down the street right onto the beach front. Alex just wanted to break the silence, but could not find the right words. Ty on the other hand was focused and cautiously looked around. 'So, you say the streets are dangerous' Alex said as he finally had a valid topic to bring up. 'Yea. What of it?' Ty said in a low tone. 'Well it's just... I thoughts that this place would pretty safe, since the people I've met have all been really nice, and well it just seem like such a happy place' Alex rambled. 'This isn't Riverton, the big city comes with its own dangers' Ty said short and precise as usual. 'Dangers?' Alex said whilst tripping over a bottle that was right underneath his step, he slammed down on the ground with his face first then ouch followed his decent and collision. Ty smiled as he went down to help Alex back up, giving an almost silent laugh. 'You goof, you are really clumsy aren't you?' 'Well, matter of perception, I call it my curse, others call it humour, some people call it fun. Whatever you call it, it still hurts, hehe but, I'm kind of use to it by now.' He said as he leaped on to a bench on the side of the pavement. 'Tada!' Ty sighed \*what a goof\*. 'So how about you? You have any family, where do you come from?' Alex asked directly. 'I don't talk about these things'. 'Well everyone has a story, and I'm interested in hearing yours'. 'Well, ok here is how it goes, I was born went through school joined the police and now I'm an agent directly focused on inspecting crime scenes, or as usually will be called an inspector, whatever' Ty said in short with a don't care attitude. 'No fair!' Alex rambled. 'You know, you are a little annoying' Ty said directly and blunt. Alex lowers his head and his voice lowers 'yea, many people say that.' They walked along, there was an awkward silence in the air, Alex lowering his head and looking only at the floor. Ty looking in front of him. After a little bit, Ty saw the small wolf walking next to him was really down and sad. 'Sorry' he said softly, whilst he cannot believe what he is saying. 'It's ok. Nobody gets me, so whatever.' Alex replied, and with that Ty sighed. 'Emotion was never my strong point, and letting people in isn't my thing. I once had a little brother, he was in a sense like you. Now... Well...' he stopped his sentence, and carried on now with a focused 'I joined the police to help and protect people. I won't, don't want anyone to get hurt. I came from Andar city. I moved here to, like you, get away from my past' Ty said in a cool voice, simply look forward. Ty was looking up at him 'wow, thank you for sharing that with me.' Alex smiled, and it was obvious his mood was really lifted. But right at that moment a dark figure ran in an ally way, Ty immediately noticed, as the figure wearing a masquerade mask was running toward them. He ripped out a knife and Ty immediately shoved Alex to the ground whilst pulling out his 9mm from the holster underneath his jacket 'stay down' he yelled. The dark figure turned into another direction as Alex pointed a gun \*Shit, I can't just shoot, civilians might get hurt.\* he thought, and he yelled after the figure, I will get you. As the figure simply vanished. Alex came up with a small pavement burn on his arm 'uhmm, what was that about... And by the way you sure pack a...' 'Some call him slither, others call him the man slayer, and his targets are all k9. He is dangerous, and no one ever see him. Darn that was my chance and I blew it' Ty said frustrated. 'Ahh... E..' Alex saw Ty's frustration and decided not to say anything. They started to walk again, and about a block from Sid's house, Ty asked 'How's your arm?' Alex was amazed at the question. 'Hehe, I told you, I get bruised allot and stuff. This is nothing' meanwhile in his head he was thinking ouch ouch ouch. They finally got to Sid's house. 'Thank you for walking me home and stuff.' Alex said friendly 'no problem' Ty said empty. 'Hey, maybe we could go for coffee some time or something to drink.' Alex said nervously. 'Yea maybe we could' ty replied. And suddenly Alex hugged Ty, as his heart beat really fast, Ty was caught off guard. But then lightly hugged back. 'Ok, cheers' Ty said as the hug was broken. He started walking away. And Alex turned around and fiddled with the keys as his hands shook and he looked at Ty. He then opened the door and just as he went in, Ty looked back. Alex closed the door and then, leaned against it and slid down as he felt his heart beating fast and he felt like he never did before. Right at that moment Sid came down the stairs. 'Soooo...' He said with a grin. | FSE |
Title: Mean Girls Reunion 03
Tags: lizzy caplan, oral, oral sex, blowjob, cunnilingus, fingering, actress, masturbation, mean girls
**Part 3 - Lizzy**
This time, I stumbled onto something while doing my job. Technically, I was off the clock and was only wandering around after goofing off with co-workers. But before I left, I walked over to the gymnasium set, which would be crowded for tomorrow's filming of some big third act scenes.
I came in to see if anything needed fixing or fine tuning, to save some work for tomorrow. But the second I got in, I heard some strange noises. Noises that soon started to sound erotic. Noises that seemed to be coming below the bleachers in the "gym."
Thinking ahead, I quietly slipped out of my shoes, so I wouldn't make as much noise by coming closer. Carrying the shoes in my hands, I tiptoed on my socks towards the bleachers, looking to see if I could make out who was below yet -- and what she was doing.
It could be one of two things at this point. But I didn't hear any other voices -- unless he or she was really quiet -- so that ruled out sex. Masturbation it was, then.
As the noises got louder and I got closer, I put on my writing glasses and started to make out who it was.
If I didn't know better, I'd say it resembled Lizzy Caplan -- a.k.a sharp tonged outcast Janis Ian. She had her head thrown back and her shirt still on -- but it was probably another matter below. Before I could try and confirm it, she got louder and one of her arms seemed to move faster.
Her moans and pants got huskier, sexier and closer to the brink. So close that she couldn't see me -- but that would easily change once she was done. And she sounded close to being done any second.
When that second came, I watched, heard and was enraptured for the first two seconds. However, my brain rebooted and helped me make my retreat in the next few. I heard her catch her breath and pant as I got closer to the exit, then I quietly opened the door and slid out.
Whether Lizzy could hear me by then, I didn't know. The fact I could get on the lot the next day gave me an idea. As if this fucking set wasn't giving me enough ideas already.
January 2014
Although I'd witnessed more graphic things from Lizzy 11 years ago than Lacey or Tina, I was less nervous to see her in person. For one thing, she didn't know me, and probably wasn't hiding that she saw me during a private moment. Then again, if she didn't remember me, it might not help my actual sales pitch for the story.
Nevertheless, Lizzy allowed me to see her in her apartment, after she got done shooting a movie for the day. Between her schedule and her appearance at the Golden Globes days ago, she could have easily declined to see me or just done this over the phone. Yet once again, I was fortunate to make my case in person.
Indeed, since she didn't see me in our biggest encounter on the Mean Girls set, she didn't recognize me. But I seemed to convince her I did work there, and assured her that Lacey and Tina could confirm it. She believed me and let me tell her about the proposed cover story anyway.
Yet as I pitched it, told her Lacey and Tina were on board and assured her we could work around her schedule, I got the feeling Lizzy's mind was elsewhere. With eyes as big and noteworthy as hers, it was easier to tell if they were distracted. She did nod and seem to follow along, yet I sensed I didn't have her strictest attention.
To get more clues, I tried to talk and study her other body language at the same time. I ignored how I was checking out someone's body for different reasons than usual lately. As I did, I noted Lizzy's posture looked straight, and her legs....
Her legs were pressed kind of tight together. And this was the second time her hand brushed between them.
"So you think you can get Lindsay?" Lizzy broke my concentration, by staying on the actual topic of conversation.
"Oh, oh right. I suppose I'll find out very soon," I got back on track. "After I finish talking to you and Amanda, I'll have no choice. That's why I want to sort out as much as possible first, just in case."
Shrugging my past suspicions aside, I got out a notepad and showed Lizzy when Lacey and Tina had for the shoot. Lizzy claimed she could get herself available, pointing to the best potential dates with one hand -- and keeping her other hand between her legs and on her skirt. Which almost seemed to arch against that hand.
What the hell could make her....
"So, one of those dates should work. I can call you once I work out the best one," Lizzy said, somewhat quickly. If my developing crazy theory was right, this would make a little more sense....
But it couldn't be. I couldn't have gotten in the middle of her....doing that again. "Is now a bad time?" I blurted out loud in my disbelief.
"Excuse me?" Lizzy asked back. "Are you in a rush or something?"
"No. Well, technically, yes. But if you're in one, I can come back," I finally settled on.
"I agreed to see you, remember?" Lizzy frowned. "I made time when I could have rested and pushed you off. So let's at least get something out of it."
"Okay, okay!" I said with some frustration. "We just need to pick the best date you can be there, and match it up with the others."
"I can make that work," Lizzy declared, pointing to early March on my notepad, without looking too hard. "If they can, I can."
"Oh. Okay. If Amanda and Lindsay can, then we're all good," I concluded.
"Good, looks like we're all set, then," Lizzy hurried along. Not knowing what else to say, I got up and started to make my way out.
I knew I couldn't expect the same thing as my last two trips.....even if it looked like it could set up that way. But I'd pushed my luck enough, I supposed. With that, I left Lizzy's apartment and closed the door behind me, yet I stayed in the hall.
I told myself I should leave now, but my feet stayed stuck. I didn't know what I was expecting or hoping for -- though I stopped guessing when I heard from behind the door, "Damnit, it's gone!"
I was too confused to leave now, especially when Lizzy suddenly opened the door. She looked annoyed and frustrated, but when she saw I was actually still there, she softened up a little. "Sorry," she quietly said as she calmed down further. "That....wasn't about you."
"That narrows it down," I quipped. It might have been harsher than I intended, so I got out a sorry before Lizzy let me back in.
When she closed the door, she explained, "I did have a long day. Still coming off a long Globes weekend, really. I figured I could....relax and be fresh and ready before you came here. But I lost track of time and I....didn't get done relaxing. Not as much as I wanted. I guess that made me antsy."
If I hadn't seen Lizzy's 'relaxing' techniques 11 years ago, maybe I wouldn't suspect a deeper meaning now. Some of it wasn't that much of a cover anyway. Hell, maybe I was wrong and she was on the level. Either way, I said, "I get it. I can still leave and let you relax again."
"That'd be nice, if I hadn't lost the mood. I was so close to it before, and now I gotta start all over again. Who knows how long that'll take?" Lizzy lamented. "I got too upset to stay ready."
"Is that my fault?" I had to ask.
"No, no! Well, not directly," Lizzy answered. She then sighed and continued, "It's not you. We used to work together, apparently, and now you're gonna get me back in with the Plastics. Except Regina, apparently. So I shouldn't take it out on you. You can go if you want."
"I don't want it to feel awkward if we see each other again," I stated, borrowing Tina's past excuse. I thought it out some more, sat next to her on the couch and let myself ask, "If there's any way I can help you relax....I'm in no rush. Really. Whatever you might need."
At this point, I could still claim innocence and say I thought she really meant "relax." By that skin of my teeth, I could make this offer and look okay if I read it wrong. Or my luck could be due to run out after all.
"I did it by myself before and almost got there," Lizzy broke the silence. "But I might need more to get that close again."
She still hadn't made the subtext 100 percent clear -- 80 percent, maybe. I studied her body language again, yet gave myself more freedom than before. I saw how she looked less stiff, and how her green blouse and black skirt clung to her in the process. I saw her legs weren't rubbing together, but she did cross one over the other to show off more tempting skin.
I looked up and saw the bit of exposed, tempting skin on her chest, although a lot more seemed to be hidden below. I only let myself see that for a second, but when I looked up and saw the sultry tinge in Lizzy's green eyes and developing smile, I lingered longer.
"Is that a yes?" I got out. "Are you getting more relaxed already?"
"I'm starting to think you might....help me get there," Lizzy commented, sounding more blatant and sexy.
She inched herself closer to me, which gave me the confidence to reach for her bare knee. When I got there and felt it -- and saw it as a final go ahead -- I responded, "Then I'd better get to work."
Before Lizzy could do anything, I got off the couch and kneeled down in front of her. Once she uncrossed her legs, I went right between them without even removing her skirt. I felt her up at first and detected a lack of panties, then lifted her skirt up and got right to work.
It was clear she really had been working on herself recently, even if she hadn't gotten all the way. Yet either her past work or my skills made her groan louder when I got going. I made myself believe it was both, but when my tongue circled her and my fingers grazed her before going deeper, I could believe it was mostly me now.
"Oh, fuck," I heard Lizzy exclaimed. "Put it in me. Tongue first," she instructed. I followed orders and let my tongue slide all over her, while my hands rested on and rubbed her upper thighs. "Mmmm....hands now," she instructed next.
She said hands plural, but I cheated anyway. I just put my left hand next to my face, keeping my right hand on her right leg. Lizzy had less reason to nitpick when I put my left forefinger in her, then licked the right of her pussy and suckled on her there.
"Oh, that's it....wiggle em," Lizzy moaned. My finger went as far into her as it could and rubbed her, while my tongue licked her from side to side and then up and down. She sounded impressed with how I followed directions.
When my thumb caressed her below her pussy, Lizzy all but squeezed my head with her legs. Undeterred, I finger fucked her faster while licking her and stroking her leg all at once, then removed my finger and put my tongue back in without missing a beat. As for my finger, it and the rest of my left hand palmed her inner thigh, while my right did the same to the other one.
I pushed Lizzy's legs further apart, then decided I finally needed a better view. My right hand went behind her and Lizzy pushed her hips up, giving me room to lower her zipper and push her skirt down. When I got it off her legs and left her pussy exposed, I put my thumb at the bottom and let my tongue go to the top.
My forefinger and thumb rubbed her below while my teeth, lips and tongue worked on top, making Lizzy cry out longer. "Fuck me....fuck me, I'm getting there again...." she praised. If she'd gotten that close before and couldn't finish before I got there, I'd have to add something extra.
I put my thumb into her next, which I presumed she could have done herself earlier. She couldn't keep her tongue on her pussy at the same time, though. It kept licking the top as I fucked her harder and deeper, only to have my tongue dive right back in the second I removed my thumb.
"Ugh, yeah, harder," Lizzy urged. I tried licking her deeper, but perhaps that wouldn't cut it. When my tongue found her clit, I got a better idea.
My forefinger and thumb returned to get a hold of her clit, tugging on it while I licked up every inch of her. Lizzy groaned deeper and breathed heavily, pushing herself onto my face and fingers. This helped distract her while I worked out my final move.
In short order, I put my left index finger and forefinger into her, placed my left thumb underneath her pussy, placed my right fingers and thumb next to them, and put my tongue back on top of her opening. They all fucked, rubbed, tweaked and licked Lizzy up accordingly.
"Oh, fucking God!" Lizzy called out. "Fuck, it's coming! Fuck, it's about time....fuck!" she gasped as she began letting herself go.
I took my fingers out and put my tongue back inside Lizzy, right as she started cumming on it. My lips covered her up as well, helping me catch and swallow what she gave me. My tongue left her as she came down and rested against her lips, then my lips left her.
My fingers gave her a few final rubs before I finally looked back up. Lizzy laid her head back, looking quite overcome and satisfied. "Oh, I was looking forward to that all day....worth waiting after all," she muttered.
"Thanks," I said. After a few more moments, I got on my feet and asked, "So you are relaxed now?"
"Yep," she replied. "That's always been relaxing for me." She paused and added, "So I know how it must be for people other than me." I didn't miss that she wasn't looking at my face anymore.
"Wait...." it dawned on me. "You sure you're not too relaxed?" I double checked. If she was too relaxed and really needed rest -- or couldn't get enough energy back for the job -- it wouldn't be worth it.
"I got some reserves left for this," Lizzy quipped. On that, she sat herself up and put her hands on my hips before I could move. Once she made sure I wasn't leaving, her right hand lowered my zipper, reached in and pulled me out.
Without another word, she lowered her mouth on me and started sucking. And God, it was worth it.
Lizzy gulped me down deep to set the tone, before massaging me more slowly. Her lips and tongue went up and down my shaft as she moaned quietly, yet she got louder before she came off. Without pausing, her mouth went to my underside and kissed it deeply, with the tip of her tongue soon replacing her lips. It went all the way to the bottom of my cock and went back up, right as her left hand grasped my wet erection.
She pumped me below and resumed suckling my tip and head above, while moaning and dabbing her tongue on me. Her eyelids lowered as her alluring green eyes looked up at me, seeing me visibly melt at her skills.
It was a blowjob that made my toes curl into my shoes, and made most of the rest of my body tingle. Lizzy took her time and made sure every inch of my cock was taken care of in some way. I didn't know if she learned this on her own or learned it in some way thanks to "Masters of Sex," but I couldn't look into it at that time.
Lizzy put both hands on my shaft and concentrated her lips and tongue on my head, kissing and rubbing it on her lips. She took her lips lower and removed her right hand, promptly taking the top half of my cock into her hot mouth and bobbling down. Her left hand pumped me in tune with her mouth stroking me, as her right went right onto my ass.
Although Lizzy had been so vocal and descriptive when I blew her, I had no words for my part. I didn't have the capacity to come up with them -- at least words other than "Ugh." Since my hands were just hanging there, I thought they could show my appreciation for me.
My right tried by going onto Lizzy's cheek, resisting the urge to push her head down further. Instead, I brought it to the back of her neck, rubbing my thumb gently over the front to sooth her. The next thing I knew, Lizzy licked up my cock, blew on it and then kissed up to my head, so I presumed it worked.
My left hand tried to massage her neck and shoulder too, which made Lizzy keep moaning on me. Maybe she would have regardless, but I wasn't about to make her come off and answer. However, she came off me anyway.
With nothing on my cock, I took my hand off her in a bit of childish revenge -- or maybe just to put something on there. Before I could take over the job, though, Lizzy's hands went on her blouse instead of me. She lifted it over her head and threw it away, leaving her completely nude, as it turns out.
I didn't see any nudity from Lizzy 11 years ago. I did see a share of it on "True Blood" and "Masters of Sex" so I already knew what I missed out on. But knowing it and seeing it were two different things, as I remembered while seeing her full breasts rise and fall. They must have been right between a B and C-cup -- maybe a B+.
I had no vocal comment, and neither did Lizzy -- aside from her mouth going back on me. My hands rested on her shoulders again, but it was clear she wanted them lower. There was little else I wanted at that point too.
Once I grabbed a hold of Lizzy's supple breasts, I pushed them up and put my palms on her nipples. I rubbed them as Lizzy rubbed my shaft, making us both moan in the process. I found my voice while cupping her tits and feeling her cup my balls, although it still just said, "Fuck, yes...."
All of a sudden, Lizzy remembered to unbuckle my belt and take my pants and underwear down. I wanted to get them off my ankles, but I couldn't once Lizzy put her hands on my bare ass and went back to town.
Gripping my ass tightly and pushing it forward, Lizzy bobbed up and down like I was really fucking her mouth. I almost did it myself, but I kept my hands on her tits and pushed them up in lue of pushing her head down. However, she got me down my throat without my help.
I groaned to the heavens at that point, distracting me from Lizzy popping her mouth off. Strangely, she went the opposite approach from before and licked me all too slowly. The tip of her tongue dug into my slit, only to slide right down my shaft in a torturously slow manner.
I kept speaking in only groans as Lizzy wrapped her lips around me, sucked oh so gently and moaned oh so deeply. She popped off, came back on and did the same, only with her tongue back on my slit. She came off, repeated the process and added a doe eyed glare up at me.
Just when I thought I could take no more, Lizzy broke the gentle treatment and sucked me right down into her throat. I held onto her tits and tried to hold onto my cum for dear life, but Lizzy tried to suck it down directly. When it seemed she'd get close, she came off and completely let go of my cock, leaving me in hellish limbo.
I almost forgot my pride and asked, "Please...." until Lizzy spared me by putting her tongue on my slit. She kept her mouth open and licked it up in plain sight, then slowly put her hands on my ass and her lips around my head. Finally, she moaned what sounded like approval for me to let go, with her lovely eyes encouraging me even further.
A few more suckles was all the added approval I needed, and all I could take.
I exploded right onto Lizzy's tongue and mouth, hoping I didn't churn out more than she could handle. She swallowed the opening spurts, but came off and let me land the rest into her open mouth. Mine was open for different reasons by then.
After I finally got everything out, Lizzy closed her mouth, kissed my tip before it started deflating, and sat back down with a smirk. I didn't have that much energy for a while, as I merely had enough to collapse next to her on the couch. My bare ass was on it, but so was hers, so I had an excuse -- if I cared to make one.
I had no comment on anything at that moment, leaving Lizzy to break the silence. "Interesting style you're going with," she noted, making me remember I was the only one with clothes on. With my shirt and shoes still on and my pants and underwear around my ankles, I looked as messy as Lizzy looked stunning -- nearly.
"Would you feel better if we matched?" I asked, risking that she wouldn't want to. When Lizzy reached up and fiddled with the top button on my shirt, I figured it paid off.
I kicked my shoes off and finally got my pants and undergarments on the floor. As for my shirt, I got it off myself and spared Lizzy the work. However, she worked on my chest in another way by kissing down to my nipples.
For symmatry's sake, I put my hands back on her nipples in return. I hoped this gave me the go ahead to kiss them as well -- but I remembered there was something else I hadn't kissed. Going by the principle of 'first things first,' I chose to kiss Lizzy's mouth instead.
While I knew her lips felt soft and hot on my cock, she had enough of that left over for my lips too. Her tongue slowly met mine as her hand went into my hair, and I kept one of mine on her tits. My free hand went onto her lower back and lowered her onto the couch, helping her to truly relax.
I laid on top of Lizzy and kept kissing her slowly, not caring that my cock wouldn't feel the side effects for a while. Lizzy was more likely to get going again right now, so my left hand moved down her body as my mouth moved down to her neck. Her husky moans gave me a tiny little tingle, but that was all I could muster for now -- perhaps not for too long, though.
As for her, I gave her more to go on when my finger returned to her pussy. It circled her gently while my mouth nibbled on her upper chest. At last, I reached her full breasts and pushed her right one up as my lips latched on.
"Mmm....think you can get me wet again?" Lizzy challenged.
"One of us should be," I muttered into her breast.
"We can be more ambitious than that," Lizzy argued, as I felt her hand drift down.
"I think you drained me too much for that," I pointed out.
"Then who better to fill you back up, right?" she counter pointed as she held my flaccid cock.
Despite her hand's talents, I wasn't gonna get back up any time soon. However, Lizzy had other tactics. Although I couldn't really go into her yet, she guided my head to her pussy and rubbed it against her lips. Admittedly, it gave me some sensation, and it sounded like she was getting some too.
Lizzy wrapped her legs around my waist and began dry humping against me, letting our bare, drained genitals rub up on each other. With her tit in my mouth and free hand, and her groans serving as a soundtrack, I saw and felt a method to the madness.
Both my hands went onto her hips as my lips went to her left breast. I got into humping her body and helped her tits bounce as a side effect, while I went back and forth on them. Eventually I went back to her mouth, just in time to cover both our moans.
I'd gotten up to half mast by now from rubbing against Lizzy. To get the rest of it up, I took my growing cock and rubbed my head onto Lizzy's lower lips again. I didn't go in, although I could have now, but gliding and teasing her opening was enough at the moment.
Lizzy stopped humping me and laid back, breaking our kiss. My mouth returned to her neck and my right hand went back on her chest, adding to her sensations. I felt my head getting fuller and wetter against her pussy, with the rest of my shaft not far behind.
"See? There's always something to do," Lizzy bragged, setting up to reach down for my cock and pump it along. She even fingered herself and put some of the juices on my shaft for extra help.
"Hold that thought," I forced out, ready to handle the next step. I moved her hand away from me and grabbed myself, teasing her pussy lips anew. This time, however, I put the head in when I was done.
I slowly started pumping Lizzy and added more of myself with each thrust. Once I got comfortable, I rocked into her and went back to kissing her. But before long, I got all of me into her and I lifted my body up in the process.
I settled into sitting on my knees on the couch, with Lizzy still on her back. She put her legs back around my hips as I reentered her, putting my hands on her waist for added balance. I quickly set a steady pace, leaving Lizzy to sit back and enjoy the show.
She saw me thrust in and out of her, and saw my hand go back to her center for good measure. I teased her with the tip of my left finger, right as my right fingers teasingly slid up her body. They landed on her right breast and stayed there for a while, before making their way to her left.
Lizzy looked and sounded like she was enjoying the journey regardless. She did try to reach towards me, but couldn't get far while she was on her back. I figured I would worry about that later -- yet Lizzy was more impatient.
She bucked herself back against my groin, which didn't strike me as suspicious, or anything less than hot, As it turned out, she was building momentum to rise up, wrap her arms around me and sit up on my lap. All I could do was try not to fall on my back.
Once I managed that, I started trying to adjust to the new position. Lizzy had a head start, holding on tight with her arms and legs and riding herself on me. I still needed to hold onto her in some way, so I settled on holding her ass.
"Hello there," Lizzy teased when I had it all sorted out. She quickly pecked my lips and fucked herself on my cock even quicker. I did make myself catch up and meet her thrusts while keeping my hands locked on her ass.
Lizzy's chest pressed against mine, keeping her tits from bouncing too much -- although they collided onto my chest quite well anyway. I watched her cleavage rise and fall, until I paid more attention further below.
My fingers headed back for her pussy to help Lizzy along, despite how she was helping herself -- and me by extension. Nevertheless, there was no such thing as too much help for her. Both my index fingers did their job to make sure of that.
"Oh, I like that," Lizzy filled me in. "Do you too?" she asked as her hips came down on me harder, skewering my answer.
"I got no complaints," I answered accurately.
"Good," Lizzy said. "Could use a rest, though."
Lizzy actually unwrapped her legs around me, so I thought she was being literal. Before I got too upset, she pushed me down so that my back landed against the couch's arm after all. She kept her hands on my chest to keep me down, then settled herself back on top of me.
In this context, relaxing meant lying on top of me as she slowly rode me again. It seemed to make a difference, as her seductive eyes and sultry smile sure looked relaxed in front of me. Her subsequent kisses were slow, steamy and relaxing as well, as she put a hand on my cheek and slid her tongue past my lips.
My left hand went back to her ass and pussy while my right landed on her hair. She fucked me faster while somehow keeping her kisses slow, although my hips couldn't quite keep up. Yet at that moment, I was content to let Lizzy set the pace.
I had just enough time to be amazed that snarky outcast Janis Ian/snarky actress Lizzy Caplan was doing this to me. Then again, these last several days should have taught me to expect anything. Like the fact I'd probably be cumming soon, despite being so drained earlier.
In that case, I didn't have much time to help drain Lizzy. With that in mind, I pulled out all the stops I had left.
I put my left forefinger back on her pussy, working it over along with my cock. In the meantime, my lips broke from her mouth and went to her left breast, while my right hand pushed up her right breast. Somehow amidst all this, I focused enough to fuck her faster than ever.
It was a four way attack that drove Lizzy out of control, in a nice last minute change of pace. She moaned, yelled out a few fucks, and tried to buck herself back on my hips. But with my cock and finger working her and my mouth and hand working her chest, she was left to just ride it out.
"Fuck me, make me cum!" Lizzy gritted, as if I wasn't going overboard to do that. I did have to slow my cock down so I wouldn't go with her, though. But my finger helped rub her further along, as my teeth and right hand tweaked her nipples enough too. Still, Lizzy's hips seemed to be getting a second wind.
"Come on, cum for me...." I asked, for my sake and hers. Lizzy rode me deeper and helped herself, though I wasn't sure about me.
With time for one last idea, I took my right hand off her tit and put it in front of her pussy -- rubbing it along while my left hand kept rubbing her in back. My mouth caught her breast and suckled it to add one more surge of pressure.
"Yes! Yes, fucking...." Lizzy left hanging in lue of more moans. The last few seemed to signal that I'd done the trick.
I suckled her nipple deeply one last time and pulled away, as my fingers and cock got her to the finish. Lizzy threw her head back and grabbed my shoulders, helping her stay steady as she rode her orgasm on me.
I closed my eyes to ride out her release, making sure to look away when I opened them. I felt Lizzy's hips slowing down and heard her pant in relief -- though she'd probably remember my relief hadn't come before long.
It didn't come at that moment, judging by how she laid back on the couch and slipped off me.
I finally looked down to see Lizzy on her back, catching her breath. My cock was now out of her, erect and fairly wet. I looked at how close it was to going off, then looked down at Lizzy in the midst of her afterglow -- exhausted, satisfied and sexy as hell.
The kind of sight that would make someone jack off then and there.
All things considered, that was probably the most fitting way to end this. Even if I was the only one who'd really understand how.
Before Lizzy's juices dried too much on my cock, I began pumping. I doubted I'd really need that much, as I studied Lizzy's wet opening and heaving chest before seeing her face. She locked eyes with me before seeing what I was doing, yet she didn't give out any reaction.
Either I fucked them out of her, or she was ready to see the show. Maybe 20 percent of the first, 80 of the other. Either way, it was a show she'd get.
My hand went faster and my thumb rubbed my head, feeling the pre cum coming out. I didn't have a specific plan on where to shoot, as I just wanted to get myself there. For the record, I had her stomach in range by the time I started boiling over.
I was all but lost now -- too much to mind as Lizzy reached over and took the bottom of my shaft. My hand stayed on the top as Lizzy cheated and rubbed me to the finish line.
Since she did, she made sure I shot my first few spurts on her stomach, then went up to her chest. She aimed the last few strands at her neck before we both let go of my shaft. It was deflating again, but it wasn't going back up any time soon. Not before I had to leave, anyway.
There was still a few minutes left before we had to worry about that. I stayed quiet and got my head back in order, while Lizzy cleaned my cum off -- both with a tissue from her skirt and her own fingers. After licking them clean, she sat up and took it all in like I was doing.
"You know I got myself off a lot on the set? Even late at night when no one was there," Lizzy temporarily made my blood go cold. "But clearly you can't get everything by yourself."
"Clearly," was all I had for her.
"You said the reunion's not all set yet. So all that's off the record by default, right?" Lizzy inquired.
"Well....I can keep a secret if you can," I answered, knowing well it was one of the most truthful things I'd ever said.
But I had two chances left to top that. Among other things I could wind up topping. As improbable as that looked right now. | literotica |
Title: The Blaze: Episode 3 - Falling Prey by Ebon Jackal
Tags: Bad Language, Compassion, Near Future, No-Yiff, Sci-Fi, Violence (Not In Yiff)
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well, here it is. For any out there who were anticipating this one, I'm sorry it took so long to get done. School and such things got in the way, and I'd like to thank you for your paitience. For those hopping into this for the first time, welcome! Remember, comments of any sort are always welcome here or by e-mail.
Also, I'd like to give a big thanks to Klesk Vadrigaar for his continuing support and help. You rock, man! :-)
Anyway, without further ado, enjoy.
The Blaze Episode 3: Falling Prey
Planet Masse Blitz Baumwolle's Pub August 2, 2200 AR
Chase landed hard against the table, the force of the blow knocking the wind out of him. "Damn it, if I'd only brought my staff..." he whispered, then inhaled sharply and stood up again. His opponent, a tall black bear, had managed to throw him a fair distance, and was now smirking with glee. He obviously thought that the wolf was done. He would soon realize just how wrong he was.
"Want more, wolf?" the bear taunted.
"Gimme, gimme..." Chase raised his paw, taunting the bear with a curl of his arm. The fool huffed and charged forward, claws out and ready to slash. Before the bear reached him, Chase lashed out with a snap kick to his stomach, then a spinning punch to send him flying backward a short distance.
"Ugh! Lucky shot." the bear said, panting and clutching the point of impact.
"Not lucky. Skilled." The wolf flashed a satisfied smile, then turned to face Pyro, who was busy fighting off a pug. "Yo, Pyro!"
"Yeah?" Pyro answered, kicking his foe to knock him away.
"Can we get some music in here?" Chase nodded at the jukebox right next to his dog friend.
Pyro looked at the jukebox, then back to his leader. "Sure thing, Chase! Any requests?"
"Punch the rock search key!" Pyro obeyed, practically smashing the button with his paw. The jukebox began its randomized search for any sort of rock music being played on or off the planet. It soon returned a good heavy metal track with a fast, pulsing beat and blaring guitar chords.
"Bonito!" Chase yelled. "Some fighting music! Just what I needed!" Chase jumped away from the table, searching for another victim.
Adam and Kai, meanwhile, had been attacked by a pair of identical bobcats. The two birds were backed up against the bar, and the felines were closing in for the kill. Perfect. They had fallen for an obvious trap!
"Up and over?" Adam suggested.
"Do it!" Kai responded. The two ran toward their opponents, only to spread their wings and glide over the feline's heads as they jumped into the air. Of course, the bobcat twins weren't expecting such a move. Adam and Kai each delivered a powerful kick to their opponents backs, which sent them falling forward onto the bar. From underneath the bar, Masaru and Jess emerged, breaking a bottle of liquor over each feline's head.
"Classic." Masaru commented before giving Jess a high paw. The poor cats could only groan and pass out for a short while.
Blake had somehow managed to find a wisecracking tiger to battle. The big cat kept slashing violently with his claws, and Blake just barely dodged each time. The tiger breathed in angrily, obviously a little annoyed that his target remained unscathed. "Hold still, you little fuck!" he suddenly growled.
"Not a chance, man!" Blake quipped, then ducked under another slicing shot from the tiger. Though he seemed calm, in his mind he was screaming "I need some help over here!"
The rat's wait wasn't long. Chase soon came rushing to his aid, head butting the tiger in the ribs. The feline cried out in surprise, then stumbled back a few steps.
"Get away from my little buddy!" Chase said, glaring tauntingly at his opponent. "Why you gotta pick on someone smaller than you?"
"Ass." the tiger mumbled, then glanced around to find the rest of the furs gathered there with him having some difficulty themselves. He flashed an angry glower at Chase, then ran for the door of the pub.
"Retreat, men!" he yelled to his friends. "We're in over our heads!" His group ran out the door, as he stayed behind to deliver his final word.
"Round one to you!" the tiger bellowed. "Don't get used to it! The Hunters don't take to losing! See ya later!" He turned away and ran outside to join his allies.
The song on the jukebox ended seconds later. Chase's gang all made for the center of the room, gathering in a small circle to discuss the events of the past few minutes. "The Hunters, huh?" Chase said to his gathered friends. "Anyone ever heard of them before?"
"I have." Blake chimed. "They just kinda popped up one day. Not a really dangerous group, and they're all hoverboarders to boot!"
"A hoverboard gang?" Kai said, then gave an amused chuckle. "Now, that's something you don't see too much anymore."
"So, is there any reason you know about them, Blake?" Adam queried.
"Heard about them bragging a big heist they pulled off at that department store uptown." the rat answered. "Says in the papes that they just stormed in, robbed a few of the electronics shops, then jet. It's odd, though."
"What is?" Jess asked.
"When they were robbing the place, there was one dude that seemed to be leading them. I think the papes said something about a big green dragon on a nitrous board that made it his job to collect all of the loot and get it out before the cops started showing up."
"So? Pyro inquired, passing out cigarettes to the others.
"I didn't see a dragon!" Blake exclaimed. "Did any of you?"
The others stopped. Suddenly, it occurred to all of them that no one had seen the dragon in question at all during the fight.
"It's probably nothing." Masaru said, lighting up his cigarette. "Maybe he was out swiping some better hoverboard parts or something."
"Maybe." Blake admitted. The gang fell silent and scattered around the pub again.
After a half an hour of hanging around, Jess tossed her unlit cigarette to the ground and walked over to the coat rack.
"What're you doing?" Pyro asked, scurrying over to pick up the cigarette Jess had thrown away.
"I'm gonna take a spin." Jess answered, pulling her jacket on. "Anyone else wanna come?" The others shook their heads. "'Kay, guess that means I'm soloing."
"Careful out there, Jess." Chase called before she got out the door. "The Hunters might be around, and they're probably still pissed off."
"Those wusses?" Jess smirked and chuckled. "I think I can handle them." With that, the rabbit girl gave a salute and walked out the door.
Jess was never a big fan of riding alone, and she could never understand why. She always just assumed it was because of her image that she had to protect. She was the only female in any of the gangs, downtown or uptown. This alone made her an easy target for the prejudice of the other punks in town, and it always made her uncomfortable to think about everything she had to do to maintain her appearance as a fierce girl. Needless to say, most of the other bikers never took her seriously until she'd mangled a few of their limbs. How she wished that, just once, there could be a gang member who would not take her for her gender alone.
There was more to it, though. She had long since given up on having a serious relationship with anyone at all. After all, if she opened up even a little to show the rest of the gangs that she still had a soft side, she'd lose every bit of her image. However, after she saw Chase and Rose together, she had started longing for what they had. Now, more than ever, she wanted to have a caring guy in her life.
Jess shook her head clear of her worries as she rode over the Pass. She felt like taking a stroll in the park for some reason. "Nice day out." she thought. "Hate to waste it cooped up in the warehouse." Her bike hummed softly as she slowed down a little.
No sooner had Jess caught sight of the park gates when a plasma bolt blew a hole in her front tire. She had to bail from the bike as it skittered out of control and fell on its side. Looking to the gates, she saw the Hunters gathered on their matching black hoverboards with pistols in their paws. Jess stood her ground, shaking, as the Hunters circled in around her.
"Hiya, honey." the tiger from the gang said, raising his pistol to his mouth and blowing the smoke off its barrel. "Whatcha doing out here all by yourself?"
"I was..."
"Stow it, girl!" the little pug called out, pointing his pistol at Jess's head. The other Hunters followed suit, and Jess was suddenly overwhelmed with a horrible realization. Chase was right, the Hunters were still pretty pissed off. Enough so that they were ready to kill her if she made any false moves. She considered lashing out for just a moment, but she knew that she would be gunned down if she so much as flinched.
"What's wrong, bunny?" the bear said evilly. "Not gonna fight back?"
"What a shame." one of the twin bobcats chimed in. "I was hoping..."
"...that she'd at least throw a punch." the other one finished the statement.
Jess stared them down, unable to hide her increasing fear. She was gonna die out here! Finally, she looked back to the tiger. "G'night, girly!" he said, nodding to the others. Jess closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the searing pain of the plasma bolts to flash through her.
"Hold on!" a new voice called out. Jess felt her eyes open, and from the park gates came a tall dragon punk riding on a blue nitrous hoverboard. His green, scaly body was covered by a black hoodie and a pair of dark blue jeans. His eyes were the feature that caught Jess the most, though. They were a steely grey, almost emotionless, but they gave off a hint of something deep and hidden. The dragon stared at Jess for a moment, then he turned his gaze to the tiger.
"Cutter!" the tiger cried out, shocked at the dragon's arrival. "We were just... uh..."
"Stripes?" the dragon said coldly.
"Yes?" the tiger answered.
"Come here for a second." The dragon curled his finger, beckoning Stripes over to him. Stripes obeyed timidly, slowly approaching the dragon on his board. As soon as he was close enough, the dragon lashed out, slapping him hard in the face. "You stupid son of a bitch! What did I tell you about pulling this kinda shit?!"
"Come on, Cutter!" Stripes answered, rubbing his face. "She's with that gang from the bar I told you about!"
"I don't care!" Cutter screamed angrily. "You know what your problem is? You don't think before you act! You do anything you feel like anytime you feel like doing it! Guess what. If you hadn't started that fight, you wouldn't have gotten your tail handed to you! Besides, just cause you lost a fight, it don't give you the right to gun down the winner! That's just plain stupid! Now, gimme the gun." The dragon boy held out his hand, waiting for Stripes to comply.
"Gimme!" Cutter cut him off, giving an icy stare. Stripes hung his head and put his pistol in Cutter's hand. "That's better. Now the rest of you." The dragon glided through the group on his board, collecting the guns one by one. "Y'all go back in the park, I'll have a word with you later!" The Hunters all boarded through the park gates, and the dragon turned to Jess with his cold eyes, slipping the guns into his pockets.
Jess was thoroughly freaked out at this point. It was fairly obvious that this was the dragon who was leading the Hunters, and after she saw him attack a member of his own gang, she became afraid of what he might do to her. What she was met with was something she would never have expected. The dragon's glare seemed to soften, and his steel eyes allowed a little sympathy to come forth. "You alright?" Cutter asked.
"Did they hurt you?"
"No. I'm fine."
"Good." Cutter got off his board and approached slowly. "Excuse the rest of the gang. Stripes has a bad habit of taking over my job and pulling dumb stunts."
"So, then, I guess that makes you their leader."
"Correct." The dragon smiled and held out his hand. "Name's Cary Bellingsly, everyone calls me Cutter."
Jess looked at his hand strangely, then realized that Cutter was trying to be courteous. She took hold of his hand with her paw, and she was astonished at how easily it was lost in his grasp. "Pleasure." Jess replied.
"And you are?"
"Jess Baumwolle."
"Jess. That's a nice name." Cutter smiled. "Good to know you."
"Hmm?" Jess hummed, confusion in her voice.
"What? Am I not allowed to be nice to such a pretty girl?" Jess looked up a bit, letting her eyes lock with his. They were almost completely different now, looking softer and perhaps a little kind instead of emotionless and cold like before.
"Sorry." Jess answered. "I really didn't expect to be-"
"Treated like this after you slammed my gang?" the dragon finished her sentence. "Actually, I'm glad you and yours did that. Stripes and the others need to learn to take a beating, especially when they go looking for one."
"I see." Jess giggled and smiled. "Glad we could help."
"Me, too." Cutter let go of Jess's paw and got back onto his board.
"Hey, can I ask you something?" Jess said, not wanting to end the conversation too soon.
"You do stunt shows on that thing?" Jess looked down at his nitrous board.
"Sure do." Cutter replied, performing a perfect kickflip. "Actually, there's a skate contest in this park tomorrow afternoon. Maybe you should swing by and take a look."
"I'll try to." Jess walked over to her bike, picking it up off the ground.
"You gonna walk all the way downtown?" Cutter called after her as she started to leave.
"Sure am."
"You want me to tow that for you? My board's got some serious hauling power!"
"No, thanks. Besides..." Jess hesitated. She didn't want to speak her mind, not on this matter.
"What's wrong, Jess?"
"My leader, Chase. He's... had a bad history with dragons."
"Why? What happened?"
"Maybe I shouldn't say."
Cutter opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He understood that Jess was a little uncomfortable with the subject, and he wanted to respect her privacy. She might be a member of a rival gang, but that didn't give him any reason to invade on personal issues.
"Okay, whatever tricks your ride, Jess." he finally said. "See you tomorrow?"
"Like I said, I'll try." Jess waved farewell as she started jogging back toward the Pass. While she slowly built up speed and ran alongside her bike, she replayed through the events of the past few hours in her head. In a short while, she had helped beat a new gang, nearly died by their paws, and befriended their leader. It was a quick sequence of occurrences, and the final one seemed a little bit strange to her. Had she actually made friends with that dragon? Was she losing it? What if this meant that she would slip soon and let her feminine instincts and feelings take her over? She was overwhelmed by her anxieties, but she was feeling more and more peaceful every second of it.
\-The Next Day-
The afternoon was decent enough outdoors. The sun was letting its rays shine past the polluted atmosphere, the wind was calm and cool, and there wasn't as much of a rank smell in the air as there usually was. Jess had been fortunate; Chase had plenty of spare tires stashed in the warehouse and was handy enough with a wrench to get the job done. Now, she was riding uptown again to catch the skateboard contest.
Jess hadn't really mentioned to the others what she was doing. As far as they knew, she was just out for a spin and would return in about an hour or so. If Chase had known she going to watch the leader of the Hunters performing in a stunt contest, he would have dismantled her bike just to make sure she wouldn't leave! She knew that he would never approve of her even looking at the dragon, much less attending any event that he was involved with.
Jess arrived at the park as the light of the sun was beaming proudly in the sky above. It almost seemed to applaud her defiance of her leader's specist views. Ever since he was a young cub, Chase had harbored a deep hatred of all dragons. Jess understood his reasons, and she was always sympathetic to him because of them. After all, she'd probably hate dragons, too, if one had...
"And a brilliant performance from Rancid McJeeves!" Jess's thoughts were broken by the sound of a voice on a loudspeaker and the thunderous applause of furs watching the skate contest inside the park. Jess parked her bike and walked through the gates. A short way down the path, there was a large crowd with an announcer booth behind them sitting in the grass around a makeshift obstacle course. Traffic cones, ramps of various sizes, rails already marred from harsh grinds; standard fare for most hoverboarders. There was even a fake staircase at the start of the course, and it hid nicks and scrapes all over it. Jess guessed that they must have been near the end of the contest. She only hoped that she'd popped in soon enough to see Cutter.
"And now, guys and gals, for the final performance of the day. This kid might be a wingless, but he don't need wings to get serious air! Lemme hear ya make some noise for Cary 'Cutter' Bellingsly!" The crowd obliged, screaming and clapping until their clamor rivaled that of a thunderstorm. While this was going on, Jess looked at the false staircase to find Cutter ascending them with his board tucked under his arm. He looked excited, but intensely focused. Without a doubt, he was going to be attempting a difficult run.
Jess's curiosity was piqued by something the announcer had said. She examined Cutter's back as he climbed the faux stairs, and found that there were no wing holes cut into his hoodie. Jess felt like a complete idiot! How had she not noticed it before? Cutter had no wings; a rather unusual thing for dragons on Masse. Maybe there was more to him than she had first predicted, then.
Cutter reached the top of the stairs and, after flipping a small switch on its underside, let his hoverboard fall to the ground, air pads first. The board let out a small 'whoosh' as the air pads began their work, funneling air from thousands of microscopic holes in the deck and pushing it out at nearly mach velocity. Cutter put one foot on his board as it began to rise, leaving the other on the ground. Jess and the rest of the crowd fell silent. His run was about to begin.
"Are the judges ready?" the announcer asked over his loudspeaker. Two furs from in front of the crowd raised their pencils to signal yes. "Cutter, are you ready?" Cutter looked over to him and gave a slow nod. "Alright, start the countdown!"
The crowd joined in as Cutter knelt down and put his energy into his foot, waiting to start. "3... 2... 1... tear it up!" A fast-paced rock song blasted onto the loudspeaker, and Cutter pushed off with all the force he could find. Jess waited, half afraid that he would fall flat on his face.
Instead, Cutter forced the back end of the board down and stuck the stairs with it as he descended. It sounded like a bunch of firecrackers going off in rapid succession. Cutter landed safely and barreled forward toward a long line of traffic cones. Just before he reached them, he forced his board into a floating 360, and he reached down to slap the pavement with his hands. Next, Cutter went onto a ramp, performing an atomic board grab in midair. He landed with the back of his board grinding against a rail. He continued this all the way down, then jumped off with a perfect 180 kickflip. As he plowed ahead, he hit a vertical ramp at top speed and was slung into the air. He completed a swift 540 with a frontside grab before he landed on the other side and used his foot to speed himself up again.
"Cutter's doing well, but he'd better kick it up a notch if he wants to make a strong finish!" The announcer's voice rang out just as Cutter kicked the nitrous tank on the back of the board. Instantly, he received a speed boost from the momentary burst of fuel through the mini-blasters in the back. It wore off just as Cutter touched onto the final ramp. Once airborne, Cutter's body became a hypnotizing swirl as he began to do a fast combination of 360's and backflips. He looked more like a skydiver than a hoverboarder. It lasted for several seconds, and Cutter touched down five feet away, not even struggling to maintain his balance.
The gathered crowd, Jess included, sat in total awe for a moment or two, then broke out into wild applause. "And there it is, all! Cutter's signature move, the 'Starburst Hurricane!' Wow!" The announcer seemed just as impressed as everyone else.
Cutter stood silently, letting the applause ring clear as he picked up his board and switched of the air pads. After the air had stopped flowing, he walked into the crowd and looked around anxiously. Jess noticed him as he finally got through to the back.
"Pretty impressive stuff, dragon boy." she called out, waiting for him to turn his head toward her with an excited and pleased smile on his face. "Wish I could do that."
"Jess!" Cutter's face lit up even more, and he walked over to shake paws with the rabbit girl. "Alright, you made it after all!"
"Just in time to watch you." Jess admitted, nodding. "I've never really liked hoverboarding stunts that much, but those were some of the most incredible things I've ever seen!"
"Thanks." Cutter replied, modesty in his tone. "I mean, other than my Hurricane, all of those are pretty basic stunts. I never really worked too hard on putting that run together."
"Ask me, I say that last move alone oughta win you the contest!"
"Let's hope."
A few minutes later, after the applause had died down and the judges had visited the announcer's booth, a voice came onto the loudspeaker once more. "Well, the contestants have shredded, the judges have spoken, and Inferno City's champion boarder is about to be crowned!" A few moments of silence followed. "They've gone... for Cutter Bellingsly!"
The crowd cheered loudly in celebration, and Cutter's voice cut through their cries with more vigor than that of the entire audience. He accidentally embraced Jess, who returned it before she realized what she was doing. Even after that, however, she held on and said "Good work, Cutter!"
"Thanks, Jess!" Cutter replied, releasing her. Jess looked him over once more. His smile couldn't be disguised, but it didn't seem like just a smile of victory. There was something else, something... welcoming, inviting, and strangely adorable. It was completely different from when she had first seen him the day before.
"Cutter!" All of the gathered crowd silenced. The announcer, a young timber wolf, had walked onto the stunt area with a wireless microphone in his paw and was beckoning to Cutter. The dragon waved a temporary farewell to Jess, then proceeded to join the wolf where he stood.
"Cutter Bellingsly, in all my time I have never seen boarding techniques of that caliber from someone as young as you. You truly deserve the title of Inferno's Champion Boarder! And, to commemorate you..." The announcer stopped and raised his other paw. In it was a shimmering diamond pin in the shape of an ancient skateboard. The gathered crowd looked on in envy as Cutter accepted the pin from the announcer wolf, then attached in to the outside of his hood.
"Wear that symbol well, Cutter! It shows any in doubt that you are one of the greatest in this part of the planet!" The wolf turned around in a short circle and concluded with "Let's hear it again for our new champion, Cutter Bellingsly!" For the final time that day, Cutter opened his ears and let himself bask in the thunderous praise of the crowd.
Jess and Cutter had remained behind after the crowd had departed and the obstacle course had been broken down. Now they were sitting on a bench, watching the light change as the sun slowly set in the polluted skies. Jess was curious about Cutter, and she decided to ask him a few things.
"So, Cutter, can I ask you some questions?"
"Sure, whatever you wanna know."
"When did you start hoverboarding?"
"Well, it's kind of a long story. See, I was born in a small town really close to here. At first my family was glad to have me, but then they noticed something horribly wrong. I'm a wingless, and my family was totally embarrassed. My old man didn't want a freak for a son, so he kicked me out on my fourth birthday." Cutter turned to face Jess and smiled. "Some birthday present, huh?"
Jess frowned. "Sorry. I didn't mean to-"
"It's okay. You didn't. Anyway, ever since that day, I've been living on the streets."
"Wow." Jess was suddenly beginning to admire the dragon boy. She couldn't even begin to imagine life without Blitz to care for her, and now she was face to face with someone who never knew what having parents was like. "That must be tough."
"Oh, you have no idea. Soon, I had to start stealing food and money to stay alive. That's what caused me to start hoverboarding."
Jess gave Cutter a questioning look. "How?"
"One day when I was six, I was caught trying to rob a restaurant. The cops got called, and I ran away. They chased me for about ten blocks, and I thought they were gonna catch me for sure. Then, as I passed up the local ride shop, I saw a working hoverboard floating in the window. I busted the window, grabbed the board and took off fast. The cops would never see me again, because I rode until I was inside of this city. I stopped in an old construction yard to rest. I think they were planning to build a big factory there or something. Anyway, before I fell asleep, I realized just how fun the ride had been, how good the wind had felt against my face, how sweet the speed was. In a way, it kinda made up for those feelings of flight that I'd just never get. So, ever since then, boarding's just been a part of me. I've made money off of it, too, whether it was winning bets or performing in nearby contests."
Jess nodded and smiled at him once he had finished. Now her admiration for the dragon couldn't be denied. She felt that he really had lived a pretty bad life so far, and that he was a very strong fur for living through it. Though now, something else came to her mind. Cutter had embraced her after his run. She was certain that he knew he had done it, but had he let it happen on purpose or was it a happy accident? Maybe he was more than just strong. Perhaps he had retained a little kindness as well.
"So, anything else you wanna know, Jess?" Cutter asked, his eyes seeming to sparkle in the slowly fading light.
"Actually, yeah. There was one more thing." Jess turned her whole body and looked him in the eyes. "Earlier in the park, did you really mean to catch me in the hug, or did you even know it was happening?"
Cutter flinched a bit, and he seemed to grow a little nervous. "Well, I-"
"Hey, Bellingsly!" an angry shout sounded from behind. Cutter turned around fast to see a teenage lizard staring him down angrily. The dragon recognized him almost immediately.
"Whatcha want, Rancid?" Cutter asked in a slightly annoyed tone.
"I'll tell you what I want! Gimme that pin, you cheating shit!" Rancid held out his clawed hand, and something dripped off of his left index claw.
Cutter groaned and rolled his grey eyes, which were slowly becoming cold and unforgiving again. "First off, no. Earn it fair and square, like I did. Second, don't tell me you're trying that old poison-tipped claw routine. C'mon, man! That's, like, ancient!"
"Damn it, that title belongs to me! I refuse to give up my old place to a wingless freak for the second year in a row!" Rancid was obviously growing more and more annoyed with each moment.
Cutter tensed up a little, his eyes immediately turning to their emotionless state. "Big mistake, Rancid." The dragon began to rise from the bench. "Never... mention... the wings!"
"Cutter..." Jess tried to stop Cutter, but to no avail. He began to charge toward Rancid in a blind rage, and his angry war cry echoed through the trees of the park. Just before Rancid could be struck, Cutter was kicked hard in the stomach and sent sprawling to the ground from the hit.
"Nice job, wingless!" Rancid taunted, moving closer and raising his claws. "Fine, if you won't give up the pin without a fight..." The lizard brought his claws down fast across Cutter's face.
At least, they came close. In the nick of time, a furry white paw caught the claws just above Cutter's face. Cutter looked up from his place in the grass to see Jess gripping his foe's forearm tightly, preventing him from moving. "What're you doing, Jess?" he asked, confused and a little concerned.
"I still owe you." Jess responded, then twisted Rancid's arm with a sickening pop.
"Christus!" Rancid screamed in complete pain and fell to the ground clutching his arm, screaming and tearing up. "Couldn't win this one by yourself, Bellingsly? Had to call in your bitch, didn't you?"
Jess kicked Rancid in the stomach, then again in the head. "Shut up, before I break the rest of your bones!" Casually, she turned and walked toward the park gates.
Cutter rose from his position on the ground, looked at Jess walking away, then back at Rancid, then back to Jess again. "Wow!" he thought to himself. "Now, that is one tough girl! My mind's made up. I can't pass up something like this!" Cutter ran to catch up with her, grabbing his hoverboard from under the park bench on the way out.
Jess had just reached the Pass on her bike when she thought she saw someone coming up fast out of the corner of her eye. She slowed down a little to let her follower catch up. To her surprise, Cutter soon rode up alongside her on his hoverboard.
"Hold on a sec, Jess. Can I talk to you for a while longer?" Cutter asked.
"Okay, sure." Jess answered, slowing to a halt. Cutter did so as well, then stepped off of his board.
"That was amazing." the dragon remarked.
"What was?"
"What you did to Rancid. I had no idea you were that strong!"
"Oh, that. That's nothing. Just a broken arm. Besides, you had already saved my life once, so I figured I needed to return the favor."
"Remind me never to get on your bad side, then, if you think breaking an arm is nothing"
Jess turned her face to him, and Cutter could see that she had a severe look of doubt. "Cutter, do you honestly think that we'll ever see each other again after this?"
"Don't see why not." he replied.
"How can you be sure?"
"Look, Jess, I never really answered your question before. That hug in the park, it wasn't something I meant to do. Any other time, I would've just called that an accident and left it alone. Problem is, something like that doesn't just happen outta nowhere. I mean, I'm not a very clingy guy, so contact like that isn't anything that just comes naturally to me."
Jess shrugged, but a little optimism couldn't be hidden in her tone. "First time for everything."
"Not with me. Besides, I gotta say, I've been thinking about you a lot since I saved you yesterday. Now, in my experience, whenever you find someone and can't get them outta your mind, there's something more there than just a new acquaintance. It's happened to me every time I meet a girl who's... well, something special. And, by Dieu, you're definitely a special girl!"
"I've never met a girl quite like you. You're tough, brave, but you can be pretty gentle and caring at the same time. Ask me, that's something only one in a million furs can be. Besides, you could've broken off that hold I had you in, but you didn't. Why not? You knew it was happening."
"How could I have-?"
"C'mon. Why would you ask me about it if you didn't know it happened?"
Jess chewed over the dragon's words. It was true, she could have just as easily torn away from him, but she let herself get wrapped up in his embrace. That plus the fact that he wasn't treating her like most of the other gang members would made him almost undeniably different as a fellow fur. He seemed to genuinely respect her for her personality, not to mention that he had saved her from his own gang when they were about to get their revenge for a crushing defeat. Maybe Cutter was right. Perhaps there was more than just coincidence in their meeting.
"Okay, Cutter." Jess said at last. "You're right. About everything."
"Was I?"
"Yeah. And, I admit, I feel almost the same way as you do. I mean, you've been treating me better than any guy I've ever met, and I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either. Besides, ever since you saved me, I've been feeling something strange. Not bad, just..."
"Something new to you, right?"
Jess locked eyes with Cutter and nodded. "Yes. But, something's still bugging me. No guy's ever just been a friend right away. Why would you?"
"Simple. At the time, you were in trouble. Kinda like a damsel in distress situation. Anyway, after I heard what Stripes said about you being in one of the gangs, I was sold! I never thought I would find a girl like that, and I wanted to at least try at getting to know you a little more. And, now that I do, I have no doubts. It was real, everything I was feeling from the start."
Jess's heart was pounding in her chest. One last question remained. "So, does that mean that you-?"
"Yes. It does."
"I didn't even ask yet."
"You don't have to. I knew what you were thinking. I guess the real question is, can you prove to me that you feel the same way?"
Jess smirked and leaned in close. "You know anyplace really private?"
Cutter gave a confused stare for a moment, then his face seemed to glow with joy as he understood what the rabbit meant. "Sure. Follow me, I've got just the place."
"Right behind you, Cutter!" Jess smiled as Cutter starting moving forward on his board, and she lightly stepped on the accelerator to follow his lead.
Jess and Cutter arrived downtown at a large construction yard with a wooden shed just as the setting sun was turning the sky a pleasant shade of deep pink. The rabbit girl parked her bike and dismounted, looking around. The site looked abandoned, like the area hadn't been used in years. The metal girders were still exposed and several were riddled with rust.
"Like it?" Cutter asked, motioning to the unfinished building.
"What is this place?"
"Remember how I told you I slept at a construction site when I first came here?"
"I loved it so much, I've been crashing here every night since."
"How could you have slept around here?"
"I'll show you." Cutter beckoned to Jess as he floated over to the nearby shed. Jess followed, and the dragon boy stopped in front of the door as he got off his board. Tucking his board under his arm and putting his hand on the doorknob, he turned back to his rabbit friend and said "Promise not to laugh."
Jess nodded and Cutter opened the shed's door. Inside was something Jess wasn't expecting to see at all. Instead of construction tools left behind by workers, the shed was filled with furniture! A leather armchair in one corner, a black night stand and a bed in another. In the back stood a wooden workbench built into the wall, as well as a space filled with pegs and hooks for hanging small repair tools on. Several types of manual screwdrivers and other small tools were scattered on the workbench, along with what seemed to be spare hoverboard parts. The entire place was illuminated by a single light bulb which shone in the center of the ceiling.
Instead of laughing, Jess let out a gasp. "Nice digs, Cutter!"
"Thanks. It didn't get like this overnight." Cutter said as he ushered Jess inside and closed the door behind them. "When I first came here, it was padlocked and filled with all kinds of crap. I broke in with a rusty crowbar. After I got a little money, I was able to buy the bed and the chair from a used furniture store uptown. I raided that night stand from a landfill, and all of those tools were already here when I came."
"Now I can see why you've been here every night."
"It's the closest thing I have to a home."
"What do you do for food?"
"Let's just say that once you've learned to mooch, it stays with you."
Jess chuckled. "I see."
"Anyway, I'm glad you like it here." Cutter slid his board under the bed and took a seat in the armchair. "You're one of the few fortunate furs besides me who's ever seen the inside."
Jess gave a curious glance at the dragon. "I'm not the first?"
Cutter suddenly took on a more serious look. "Nope. I've... invited plenty of ladies inside."
Jess began to worry a little. "You have?"
Cutter heaved a weary sigh. "Jess, I'm not gonna keep secrets. If you can't accept me for all I am, then it won't work between us. The truth is, I've seen a lot of girls in the past. So, needless to say, I haven't always been alone in that bed. But, as always, there is a drawback to that." The dragon paused and hung his head, and his tone betrayed a feeling of desolation and loneliness. "Every time, I thought I'd found the right one. Every time, I was wrong. I failed time and time again, but I never really gave up. I just wanted to believe so badly that I could be like any normal fur out there, but I guess that my obvious condition kinda scared all of them off. Just like my folks, they didn't wanna be known as someone who loved a wingless." Cutter body began to shake, and his steely eyes filled with tears. "I miss being able to love. How can I ever be sure it's real anymore? I don't know what to think."
Jess stood silent, watching Cutter break down in front of her. At this point, she wasn't concerned with Cutter's past womanizing. No longer did he seem like the powerful fur she had seen the day before. Instead, he looked like a helpless child that was only waiting for a friendly paw. She could hardly believe it. Maybe Cutter hadn't weathered life as well as she thought at first.
"Cutter." Jess choked out, walking over to him and kneeling down to bring her face level with his. "Please, calm down. It's alright." The rabbit leaned in, kissing away a single tear that rolled down Cutter's left cheek. "There's someone here for you now, and she doesn't give a shit whether you're a wingless or whether you had the most gorgeous wings on Masse!"
Cutter's tears seemed to disappear almost instantly. "You mean that?"
"Of course. Cutter, it's not you're fault that you were born that way, and you shouldn't have to go through hell because of it. Trust me, I've felt the same way as you do right now. It sucks being a girl in a gang, cause nofur ever takes you seriously until you teach them respect the hard way. The gang's my only way to survive, and I hate having to take all the crap from the others around. But, you wanna know what the worst part of it is?"
"I never thought I'd find the right guy. No guy would ever go for the 'tough girl' type. At least, that's what I thought until you came along. You were friendly from the start, you didn't even seem to care that I was in a biker gang. And now, here we are."
Cutter could feel his composure return as he absorbed Jess's speech. "So, I guess we were kinda good for each other, huh?"
"Yep." Jess smiled softly and brought her arms around the dragon's neck, nuzzling against his face scales. "Why else would I have come here without a fight?"
"What about this Chase guy? Aren't you worried about what he'll do if he finds out?"
"Forget him! He's just being a specist bastard."
Cutter's eyes widened in awe. "Jess! Pretty bold thing to say about your leader."
Jess stopped her nuzzling and looked into Cutter's eyes once more. "Look, don't get me wrong. Chase is a great guy and I really do like him, but I don't think he really needs to feel anything against you. Dragon or not, you're a friend, and nothing he can say or do will change how I feel."
"Why's he hates dragons so much?"
"He... has his reasons, Cutter. I don't think you really wanna know, though."
"'Kay. I won't pry." Cutter's mouth loosened into a warm smile. "Now, back to business. Who said I wanted you to stop cuddling?"
Jess returned his smile and went back to rubbing her face against Cutter's. The dragon responded by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer. For both of them, the feel of their partner's face against their own was new and more than pleasant. For long while, neither even so much as breathed, merely closing their eyes and letting the loving feelings flow through them.
Cutter pulled away gently after a while, looking into the rabbit girl's eyes. In his mind, they held a rare beauty, an understanding and empathy that no other fur could ever give. Had he been able to see it, he would have known that Jess was seeing the very same thing in him. Everything that neither had dared to hope for from the other was coming forth and mingling contentedly.
Jess suddenly closed her eyes and took Cutter's face into her paws. Pulling him forward, her lips touched his, and the dragon let out a muffled breath of surprise. After a moment, he found his own eyes closing and the same sense of absolute joy engulfing him. With his arms still around the rabbit girl, he gently caressed her back as she deepened the kiss. Cutter parted his mouth just as Jess did, tempted to slide his tongue inside.
At that same moment, he realized that he was giving in to something dangerous. Lust was attacking him again, as it had in the past. This time, however, it wasn't just his heart on the line. What if this Chase found out about what he and Jess were doing? What would he say? Cutter opened his eyes and looked down to see Jess's paw moving toward the bulge in his jeans. His own clawed hand came down quick, catching hers.
"Wait." he whispered through the kiss.
Jess stopped and looked up at him, confused. "Cutter?"
"Jess, we shouldn't." He looked down at her paw and released it from his grip. "It's too soon for something like this. Besides, it's getting late. You'd better get home soon, or Chase is gonna get worried. Or suspicious."
"But, Cutter, I'm not afraid of that."
"I am." Cutter gazed into her eyes and spoke softly. "Jess, I'm not taking any risks here. I only just found the one girl who'd ever keep me as I am, and I'm not gonna throw that away. I don't want anything to happen to you, especially not at your own leader's paw. Understand me, I love you. That's why we have to let this wait."
Jess could feel her eyes fill with tears, but she held them back. "How long?"
"Until we both know it's time. I hope that won't be very long."
"Me, too." She gave Cutter another quick kiss, then gently lifted his arms off and rose from the floor. Just before she got out the door, she asked over her shoulder "When will I see you next?"
"Whenever fate decides to deal me a good hand again." Cutter replied sadly.
"Alright." She waved farewell. "Until then."
The dragon returned the gesture. "Good night, Jess, and drop by soon. If I'm not here, check for me uptown."
"Will do." Jess walked outside and got onto her bike. She did not notice that she had forgotten to close the door.
As she began to ride away into the last scraps of light, Cutter watched her leave through the open doorway of the shed. "Stay safe, hon." he thought. "Long as I live, my heart is yours. If you really do feel the same way, then something good'll happen for us both soon." With that thought, Cutter closed the door and turned out the light. It was time for him to get some sleep.
Next Episode: Switchblade Rave | FSE |
Title: How I Met Your Mother Ch. 03
Tags: female secret agent
**Thursday, 9:34 am**
His fingers fumbled with the lid of the bottle of water. Eventually, they managed to open it and pour the cool liquid down his throat. As Andrew Hargreaves swallowed, he noticed his wife watching him.
"Save some for me," she said. Andrew screwed the lid back on and handed it to her. "So, having trouble keeping up?"
"Me? No – I'm just enjoying the view back here." He replied, smirking. "Your bum does all sorts of wonderful things to me."
"Cheeky," Leah quipped, handing him the bottle back.
"Precisely!" Andrew replied. "Okay, three more laps around the running track, then we'll head home. What time have you got to be in work today?"
"Twelve," Leah replied. "Tom wants a senior staff meeting this morning but a couple of the others aren't back until lunchtime, so there wasn't any point getting in early today."
"Okay," Andrew said, taking off before Leah had chance to react. "Quickest on the last lap gets the first shower!"
**10:47 am**
The idea of individual showers had turned into a joint effort within thirty seconds of Leah running the hot water. As Andrew threw a towel across to her from the pile in the airing cupboard he found himself thinking out loud.
"I miss naked Tuesdays."
"What?" Leah said as she wrapped the large bath sheet around herself. "We haven't done that since…well, since the kids were born."
"I know – that's what I'm saying – I miss it."
"I don't miss the fear of you leaving a nasty mark on the sofa." Leah replied as she scuttled past Andrew on her way to the master bedroom. "White was definitely the wrong colour for that."
"Yeah – shame about that, that sofa was comfy." Andrew plodded along behind her, drying his body off with his towel as he walked. "So I take it that naked Tuesdays are off the agenda for the foreseeable future?"
"At least until the kids have left home." Leah replied. She glanced over at Andrew – who was now studying his face in the mirror and staring at something. "What are you looking at?"
"The volume of grey hairs in my head is increasing exponentially." He sounded concerned. "Christ, I'm only just thirty-five and I'm starting to go grey like my Dad!"
"Andy, if you carry on doing things to me like you did in the shower this morning I couldn't care less if your hair is grey, blue or pink!" Leah said as she walked over to him. Wrapping her arms around his stomach and practically welding herself to his back, she looked around his shoulder at their reflection in the mirror. "Seriously, I thought the hand rail was going to break at one point." She kissed his shoulder. "So, what are you doing today?"
"I need to go through my notes for the convention speech I'm giving at TerrorCon later. Then Diane wants me to get together with her and that new assistant of that she hired for me at some point today. Christ knows why she's hired her – I can't see why I need one." Andrew replied. Leah reluctantly pulled away from him.
"I can – if you didn't have me organising things you'd forget where your clean socks are each day."
"I have clean socks?" The mock expression of shock on his face made Leah laugh. "Wow – what's next? Man walking on the Moon?"
"Shut up." She said. "All I'm saying is that I don't think it's a bad idea – besides, you're not Diane's only client. She's your agent and editor – not your slave."
"Well, here's a crazy idea, why don't I pay you to be my assistant?" Andrew said. Leah opened the bottom draw of her tallboy and pulled out some underwear. "Think about it – you can make me cups of tea all day long, get me a sandwich whenever I need one, unlimited blow jobs on demand…"
"Mmm, you're really selling the role to me baby," Leah giggled. "I'm not sure I can do tea *and* sandwiches on demand though."
"And I thought that the blow jobs would be the stumbling block!"
"Oh, I have no problem with the blow…" her phone began to ring. It wasn't Leah's personal mobile; it was her office-issued one. She leaned across the bed and scooped it up from the bedside table. "Hargreaves…mhmm…right…okay…I'll see you soon then."
"I didn't think you had to be in work until midday?" Andrew sounded concerned.
"Something has cropped up – Alison is on her way over to pick me up." There was a new sense of urgency in the way Leah was getting ready now. "So, there's food in the freezer…"
"Don't worry about it – we've been through this before, I know what I'm doing," Andrew reassured her as he grabbed a pre-packed silver suitcase from the wardrobe. Leah looked at it for a minute.
"No, no, I don't need that." She said, grabbing her blouse and throwing it on without buttoning it up. "Can you get my grey suit out for me?"
"Okay," Andrew knew what the grey suit meant – it was usually the one Leah wore if she thought there was a risk of any trouble. "One lucky suit coming up."
"I keep telling you it's not my lucky suit," Leah replied as she snatched the trousers off the hanger. "I just feel comfortable in it."
"I'll go and stick the kettle on. Alison won't be here for twenty five minutes yet." Andrew said, leaving Leah in peace to get ready.
Leah finished the drink and put the mug in the sink at the same time as the doorbell rang. Andrew was standing in the hallway by the door, holding Leah's jacket for her.
"Be careful." He said as she snatched the jacket from his hand. As soon as it was on she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply.
"I will. Love you."
"I love you too." He said. Without another word he opened the door. Alison was standing on the doorstep. Andrew nodded to her, acknowledging the fact she was there without saying anything. He watched as they walked down the drive to the dark grey Range Rover waiting for them. Leah glanced over her shoulder once at him before she got in and the vehicle drove away. Andrew waited for a minute before closing the front door.
Then he went upstairs and vomited in the bathroom.
"At 8:32 this morning we received confirmation that a cargo flight operated by Global Supply Systems inbound from Tbilisi had landed at Stansted Airport with a suspicious package as part of its cargo manifest," Tom Benedict's voice was distorted over the speaker phone in the Range Rover.
"I'm sorry, what sort of package are we talking about here?" Alison asked.
"One of the handlers noticed that the crate was written up incorrectly – the item weighed in excess of sixty pounds when it should have only been forty-five. He reported it to his supervisor who had the local authorities open it up to determine if there was an additional import duty that needed to be levied." Tom added. "I'm sending the images to Leah's Blackberry now."
A few moments later the small device in Leah's hand beeped and a series of images flashed up on the screen. Contained within the wooden crate was a cylindrical tube that was attached to a large auto-loader device. In turn, that was fed by a magazine that appeared to be calibrated to hold something roughly the same size as an over-sized shotgun round. Attached to the main body of the device was a small hand-held element that looked like a weapon from a cheesy science fiction show.
"Jesus…" Alison muttered.
"A Dragunov AGS-30." Leah said.
"You recognise that?" Tom asked.
"You might say that." Alison groaned.
"It was a prototype semi-automatic grenade launcher developed by the Russians in the late 1990s as a successor to the AGS-17," Leah said. "Its original spec was around the concept of a portable urban pacification system, but it was soon clear that its scope extended way beyond that."
"It's capable of firing thirty millimetre, programmable smart grenades up to seven hundred metres. It's got a rate of fire of sixty high explosive rounds per minute. The little ray gun looking gizmo is a remote laser targeting device; it can store up to twenty independent targets at once." More images of the device flashed up on the Blackberry as Leah continued to explain the origin of the weapon. "The Russian company designing it ceased production once it was revealed in the testing phase that it was prone to over-heating, but they *lost* five of the working prototypes before they went out of business."
"Look's like Jovan's ghost has come back to haunt us." Alison muttered.
"Where was this being shipped to?" Leah asked Tom, partially ignoring Alison's statement.
"There's no forwarding address – the shipping manifest said that the purchaser was going to pick it straight up from the airport this afternoon."
"How long until we reach Stansted Airport?" Alison asked Michaels, who was driving.
"About forty-five minutes." He replied as both women felt the surge in power as he pushed the accelerator down.
**Hagley Hall**
**May 2001**
"Ladies and Gentlemen please raise your glasses to Mr and Mrs Andrew Hargreaves," Bryant Mayhew raised his glass in a toast to the couple as they made their way towards the dance floor. As Andrew held Leah's hand, he saw the look of joy on her face.
"I can't believe you're actually getting me to dance to Elton John's *The Way You Look Tonight*," Andrew whispered into Leah's ear.
"Nothing you say right now will spoil how happy you've made me today," She replied as they danced. "But if you want to get lucky tonight then you'd better watch what you say about the choice of music for our first dance."
"Oooh, threats *Mrs* Hargreaves?" Andrew mocked her. "You really think that once you've had a few drinks you'll be able to resist me?"
"Contrary to popular belief *Mr* Hargreaves, you are not as charming as you think you are," Leah quipped as Andrew pulled her closer to him.
"Hey, doesn't matter, you signed up to obey me. Remember that part of the wedding vows? You're my woman now; you've no say in the matter." Leah could hear the humour in his voice as she pulled back and saw the huge smile on his face.
"I knew we should have written our own vows." Leah replied with a smile. "But in case you've forgotten, that door swings both ways."
"I better be careful what demands I start making then huh?" Andrew responded as Leah put her head on his shoulder. "I love you, you know."
"Yeah, kind of figured that." She replied. "Now kiss me before the song finishes."
Three songs later and Eric Douglas was on his way to getting seriously drunk. As he sat at the head table nursing his drink, Leah sat down next to him, wrapped her arms around him and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"What was that for?"
"Consider it a thank you for being here." Leah replied. She noticed the glum look on Eric's face. "What's wrong?"
"I…I think that Alison is having an affair." The words just blurted out of Eric's mouth. "I'm sorry, I should just shut up, and you don't need this today…" He started to get up out of his chair.
"Nonono, come on, sit down," Leah said, grabbing his arm and virtually dragging Eric back into his seat. "What makes you think that?"
"It's all these trips she keeps going on, you know, for her job," Eric sounded upset.
"Eric, listen to me." Leah said. "Whenever we've been working away together Alison has never done anything that would lead me to think that she's being unfaithful to you." Eric took another swig from the flute of champagne. "I know she's not the easiest person in the world to get along with, but I do know that she loves you. Now get up and dance with me."
At the same time on the dance floor, Alison was in Andrew's arms as he twirled her around the floor.
"Thanks for sorting all this out while Leah was away – it means a lot to both of us." Andrew said.
"Don't mention it – consider it my wedding gift to you both in lieu of a new toaster," Alison replied. "What I said about upsetting her stands though – I can still make you disappear!"
"Stop it, you'll make me laugh and I might step on your toes…Hey, looks like Leah's finally getting Eric to his feet." Andrew said. Alison looked over his shoulder.
"I'm surprised he can still stand at this point – he hates weddings." She replied. "He's usually well on his way to getting drunk by now." Alison realised that Andrew was looking at her. She found his gaze slightly uncomfortable. "What?"
"You haven't told him, have you?" Andrew said. Alison scowled.
"How do you do that?"
"Answer me." Andrew said, ignoring Alison's question.
"Look, I admire the way how Leah and you are completely honest with each other," Alison replied. "It's brutal but it works for you guys because you know you can trust each other, but that's not the way I'm wired."
"He still thinks you work for a bank for Christ's sake," Andrew said. "At least tell him you work for the Foreign Office or something like that – you know, just in case."
"I appreciate the concern and I don't want to sound funny Andy, but what's it matter to you?"
"It matters because I happen to like Eric and if the situation was reversed I'd rather know a watered down version of the truth than have the reality hit me like a brick if something happened to Leah." Alison could see the earnest expression on Andrew's face. "At least I could, you know, prepare for it."
"God you're sickeningly good, aren't you?"
"Yes he is, and he's mine," Leah said, gently sliding in between Andrew and Alison. "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to dance with my husband again."
**9 weeks later**
Late in the July afternoon, the sun scorched the Mediterranean shores below. Exhausted from a day of sun worship, water sports, and souvenir shopping, crowds of tourists began gathering at the outdoor cafes and taverns, which lined the city's waterfront. The scent of fried seafood began to drift throughout the harbour where a multitude of yachts and other pleasure craft were moored against the pier.
On the deck of one of those boats was an attractive brunette woman wearing a triangle top and string bottom bikini. Facing inland, she casually sat up and leaned her body backward against the palms of her hands. Looking comfortable, her right leg extended straight out in front of her, whereas her left knee was bent at a forty-five degree angle. She then tilted her head back, letting the bright rays glisten off her sunglasses, while her dark tresses of hair dangled downward.
Another woman, tanned but this time blonde stepped out from behind the cabin door. Barefooted, the newcomer walked out onto the deck wearing a pair of snug fitting blue jeans and a black, lace tank top.
"You need to put some more suntan lotion on your shoulders," said the second woman. "Otherwise you'll burn." Upon hearing the voice, Leah rolled over on her stomach. Bringing her hands behind her, she then undid the top of her bikini.
"Can you put some on my back then?" said Leah as she held up a tube of sun-screen.
"Hey, what did your last slave die of?" Alison joked as she picked up the tube and squeezed.
"I had them shot on a charge of insubordination." Leah smirked. Slowly, the lotion oozed out and fell onto Leah's back producing a curvy trail of white cream crossing over itself in a manner reminiscent of a moebius strip. Alison then placed her hands on top of Leah's shoulders, and began to rub them over her warm, sun soaked skin. Alison's hands smoothly slid over Leah, delicately etching themselves into the lean but firm muscles along her torso. Leah smiled, indulging in the way the massage relaxed her. By the time Leah's back was covered with a glossy shield, Alison applied a coat over the back of her legs as well.
"You know, you're almost as good as Andrew at doing that," Leah quipped. Alison retaliated by smacking her playfully on the back of her legs. "So are you all set for tonight?"
"Indeed I am! How do I look? Do you think *mi amore* will like me like this?" replied Alison as she stood up, leaned back against the rail of the boat and modelled her appearance. Leah lifted her head up and rested her chin on top of her right hand, which was propped up on its elbow. The bewitching gaze of her green eyes and free flowing blonde hair made Alison seem desirously untameable. Her lace top pressed against her skin and was hemmed at the ribs, showing off her flat waistline while the faded blue jeans she wore rode below Alison's navel, complementing the effect. Slung across her hip and below her belt loops was a thick, metallic lariat decorated with crystal and ornate patterns.
"You look like a tramp." replied Leah with a giggle
"That's right! Just the way he likes me. Maybe I'll even let him get lucky tonight," answered Alison with a sly grin on her face. "This undercover work can be *so* taxing."
"Whatever you do just be careful," said Leah as she pushed herself up off of the deck.
"Don't worry Leah, I can take care of myself." said Alison as she sat down on a bench, crossed her legs and strapped her feet into a pair of stiletto sandals. "Besides, I'll have you watching over me like a guardian angel."
"Only for a short while – after that you're on your own." Leah reminded her.
"I'll be fine," Alison said, hugging Leah and casting a glance at her watch over her friend's shoulder. "Okay, I've got to go."
Moments later Leah leaned forward on the rail and watched Alison head down the pier towards the town. As usual male onlookers' heads began to turn. It was amazing how easy it was for Alison to get men eating out of her hands, thought Leah. The swinging motion of her hips always caught the attention of the men nearby, while her flirtatious smile and wave dazzled them.
By the time Alison reached the waterfront a large crowd of people were parading down the walkways. At one of the outdoor cafes Alison could see Jovan sitting at a table. The sunlight reflected off his bald head and she could imagine his small, beady eyes eagerly pouring over every woman that walked in or out of the café. Looking every bit the part of a Balkan mobster, dressed in an ill-fitting suit that looked like it hadn't been dry cleaned in a month, he had a bottle of cognac in front of him, a cigarette in one hand, and his cell phone in the other. Sitting along side him were several large boned men in military haircuts; both of them looked displeased to be sitting in public rather than out breaking legs.
Undeterred, Alison came up from behind him. Because the bodyguards knew her, they made no attempt to stop her from nearing their charge. Instead they contently stared at her navel and very fit midsection. *I could have killed him right then,* Alison thought as she playfully blindfolded Jovan with her hands.
"Guess who?"
"Ah! It's about time you arrived," answered Jovan as he sniffed the fragrance of her perfume and placed his cell phone on the table. Reaching back up, he grabbed a hold of her wrist and guided the back of her right hand to his lips. After he kissed her hand, Alison leaned forward and kissed the side of his mouth. Once her lips made contact, the tip of her tongue protruded forward and tickled the inside corner of his mouth. In response Jovan turned his head toward her and tried to envelop her lips completely with his mouth, but before he could, Alison coyly moved her face away.
"Come on Jovan there will be plenty time for that later," she said as she sat down next to him, and poured herself a glass of water. Not before too long a waiter brought out their dinner trays and a vintage bottle of wine.
Meanwhile, out in the harbour Leah stood behind the wheel of the boat and gently steered it away from the pier. Once she reached her not too distant destination, she dropped anchor and went back into the cabin. When she returned she was carrying a black briefcase. Walking to the front of the boat she knelt down on the deck and pressed the case snaps with her fingers so that the top popped open. Inside the case were the parts of a high calibre rifle. Going about her business, she efficiently assembled the weapon. Turning around in the opposite direction she looked through the scope of the rifle out into the sea until her eyes found the two bottle shaped buoys she had thrown over board earlier.
Calmly pressing her cheek against the butt of the rifle she then placed the tip of her right index finger on the trigger and squeezed off two near-silent rounds. A smile of satisfaction formed on her face when the bullets shattered their targets. Like a fisherman waiting for a prize catch to take the bait on the hook, she patiently lay next to her weapon until her target presented itself.
Back on the waterfront, Jovan and Alison entered an elevator at a seaside hotel accompanied by two of Jovan's bodyguards. As the door closed the two men came up from behind Alison; one began patting her down so as to check for any possible concealed weapons while the other checked her small purse.
"Come on boys all you had to do was ask, I'll be glad to give you a closer look if you really want one." responded Alison as her eyes defiantly glared at the two men while she teasingly began unbuttoning her pants.
"You know how it is, one can never be too careful these days especially with women!" joked Jovan as he motioned the two bodyguards away from her.
"Don't worry Jovan, I promise not to bite unless you want me to," said Alison as she allowed her pants to drop slightly enough to reveal the black lingerie she was wearing underneath her jeans. After they reached their floor the entire group moved out of the elevator and into the hall until they came to the Presidential Suite.
*Typical,* Alison thought to herself as her target struggled with the key card between his fat fingers, *delusions of grandeur.* While the two bodyguards remained outside, Jovan and Alison entered. Before the door closed Alison mischievously looked back at the two bodyguards and puckered her lips, blowing a kiss to both of them.
Once the door closed she pressed her body against Jovan's and wrapped her arms around him. Immediately, he reciprocated and the two of them exchanged kisses. Suddenly, before he was content, Alison stepped away.
"It's too hot in here. I've got to open up those windows before I burn up," said Alison, dropping her purse on the bed as she walked over to the wood shutters then opened them up, exposing a seaside view.
"Yes, that's better," commented Alison as she felt the cool sea breeze blow against her body. Placing the palms of her arms on the window pain she pushed herself up until she sat on the edge. Casually she crossed her legs and slowly unstrapped her sandals until they fell off her feet onto the floor. Jovan for his part was entranced by Alison's beauty and stared at her lustfully.
"So what do you want to do now?" she asked in a sultry voice. Moving off the windowsill she walked up to Jovan who had just sat down on the edge of the bed. "Mmm, you're awfully quiet over there Jovan, at a loss for words?" Alison purred. Jovan nodded, enthralled by her.
"Ok you've been a good boy. So I'm going to give you something to remember me by." Slowly she began unbuttoning her jeans building up Jovan's anticipation with each snap. Then she turned her back toward him and slightly bent forward, and wiggled her way out of the jeans like a snake shedding its skin. Looking back over her shoulder at Jovan she could see the gratified smile on his face as he leeringly admired her. When Alison stood up straight, her jeans plummeted to the ground. Gracefully she lifted up her feet until they cleared away from the jeans.
"Have you thought about what you want me to do to you? Any last requests?" Alison couldn't contain her smile at her choice of words as she reached back, pulled on the elastic of her black panties, and snapped it back against her flesh. Turning back around, she unbuttoned the top of her lace top, making her cleavage visible. Then she got down on her hands and knees and began crawling toward Jovan, halting in front of his shoes. She then lifted her neck and back up until her face was parallel to his groin.
On her knees she reached out with her hands and began to undo his pants. Taking as much time as possible her right hand pulled down on his zipper allowing her left hand to fit through the opening. Delicately massaging his masculinity through his underwear, she began gently scratching him with her fingernails, making him stiffen with excitement. Alison heard Jovan's sharp intake of breath, his anticipation increasing when he saw her lower her face down.
"Soon you'll be in heaven baby. Just close your eyes and think of me." Jovan's body tingled as he felt her cool mint breath blowing between his zipper. Alison's eyes mischievously gleamed as she looked up, and saw Jovan with his eyes closed and mouth gaping open waiting for the carnal gifts he believed she would give him.
Just then Jovan's head suddenly jolted forward as if he had been clubbed from behind. As his head slumped down blood began flowing from a gaping hole in the back of his skull. As his body began to wilt, Alison stood up and caught him before he collapsed to the floor. With little effort she carefully lowered him down to the mattress.
"Sorry Jovan, but you're really not my type." Then she gazed out into the sea where she knew Leah was watching, and blew her a kiss. She quickly searched Jovan's cooling body and found a pistol tucked in a holster under his left arm, just as she was expecting, and his precious cell phone in his right hand pocket. Checking that the pistol was actually loaded, Alison took a moment to pull on her jeans and return her sandals to her feet.
She headed straight for the door of the hotel room. Opening it, Alison stepped out. With the pistol in her right hand she pushed the gun into the one bodyguard's neck and fired once in an upward direction. Not hesitating for a moment, she swung her left hand outwards, striking the other bodyguard forcefully in the throat.
Alison looked back at her first target – he was lying on the blood stained carpet, a few twitches going through his legs as the last neural responses fired along the nerves in his body. Satisfied that he wouldn't be bothering her, Alison turned her attention back to the second bodyguard.
He was on his knees, clutching at his throat and trying desperately to breathe. Alison stepped up to him and grabbed his head, one hand under his chin and the other gripping a tuft of hair. She twisted it sharply to the right, and then back to the left to be sure of fully dislocating his skull from his spine before letting his body fall to the floor. Content that her work was done here, Alison returned to the room, reached into her purse and pulled out her cell phone.
"These three are toast," She said. "So, did you remember to put my wetsuit on board the boat?"
"Of course I did." Leah replied. "I'll pick you up at the back door in five minutes."
"Better make it ten," Alison said, looking at the two bodies in the hallway. "These two puppies look like they are dead weight."
"According to the data on this cell phone Jovan was expecting his shipment early tomorrow morning," Leah said as the laptop continued to decrypt and translate the data stored on the memory of the phone. "And they are moored somewhere out here, just outside the territorial water restrictions."
"Nice. So they sit out here in international waters and then the handover takes place tomorrow morning with no one around to stop them?" Alison said. Leah nodded.
"That appears to have been the plan." She said. "Lucky we're here to throw a spanner in the works."
"So, how was the honeymoon?" Alison asked as the boat glided to a slow stop under the dark Mediterranean sky. They had been running dark for the last twenty minutes with the engine at a minimum, trying to mask their approach.
"Great – I didn't think a book signing tour could actually be fun, but it was." Leah replied as she starting to get into her wetsuit. "I can't believe we spent three weeks going down the East Coast of America without going stir crazy and then spent the last week in the Florida Keys just chilling out."
"God, stop gushing, you're making me sick." Alison replied. "Eric and I have split up."
"What? Why?" Leah felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. "Why didn't you say something sooner? Jesus, I feel terrible, here I've been wittering on about how great my husband is the last week…"
"Stop it – you're happy, you're allowed to witter," Alison interrupted her. "I didn't say anything because it didn't feel right. I'm not sure it's really sunk in properly yet." Alison said. "He…he thinks – no, he's convinced himself that I'm having an affair with someone, although who it is I have no idea."
"Have you tried to talk to him about it?"
"No, every time we try he just gets paranoid and we end up screaming at each other." Alison replied. "It's probably for the best, in the long run…" Neither woman spoke for a minute.
"Okay, seeing as we're confessing things then I guess I should tell you that this is my last operational gig." Leah broke the silence.
"What? You're taking the analyst's job?" Alison asked. Leah nodded. "What am I going to do without you?"
"You'll manage," Leah said. "I was going to mention it on the flight home. It's more money and I won't be jetting off places at a minutes notice, plus we can start thinking about a family…" She sounded almost apologetic.
"*We*?" Alison almost choked on the words. "You've really thought this through haven't you?" Leah nodded again; the expression on her face conveyed her feelings far better than any words could.
"I…I'm not sure I can do this anymore…you know how we agreed that the best way to approach this is like you've got nothing to lose, facing it without fear, well, I feel like I've got something to lose now…"
"Leah, you don't have to explain yourself to me, jeez, I fully understand what you're talking about," Alison said, walking over and hugging her friend. "And I'm happy for you – it's just sad that this is going to be our last time out together." They held each other a little longer than they normally would.
"Okay, I've got to get my game face on," Leah said as she broke away from Alison, wiping something away from her face. "Otherwise something could get screwed up."
Crouched down on the deck of the *Novi Sad*, sheathed in the form-fitting wetsuit that she had used countless times before, Leah took stock of the sight before her. Casually walking around the deck was one of the members of the group of Balkan arms dealers that she and Alison had been tracking for nearly a month now. After compiling all the evidence of their activities, Leah had approached their supervisor with the details;
Jovan Miskolav was acquiring weapons from one of the former Soviet states and selling to the highest bidder. Whilst this wasn't uncommon – and in fact tolerated in some circles – the Department had taken exception to the particular individuals that Jovan had chosen to do business with. After Leah had spoken to Tom his reaction was simple.
*Take them out and dispose of the package*.
As she crouched low on the deck, she watched as the man – called Velimir – paused to light a cigarette. She took advantage of the delay – allowing the condemned man his last earthly pleasure. Stretching her legs, Leah braced herself as she saw the small white stick slowly burning down.
*I'm glad that Andrew doesn't smoke*
She shook her head, trying to dismiss the thought and try to remain as detached as possible. These men were killers and would have no qualms about doing the same to her if things went wrong. Leah reminded herself of that fact as she stayed in the shadows.
As Velimir finished his cigarette, Leah pounced like a cat upon a mouse. Her lithe, athletic figure sprung from its hiding place. Clamping a hand across Velimir's mouth to prevent his screams, Leah grabbed the back of his head with her other hand and twisted sharply. She felt the familiar sensation of the vertebrae snapping as she caught his body before it slumped to the deck. Dragging him to the edge, all anyone would have heard was a soft *splosh* sound as she lowered the dead man into the water.
*Could have been a fish,* Leah thought as she turned her attention to the rest of the boat. Cautiously making her way along the deck, she could hear the sound of two voices – unmistakeably male and both sounding in high spirits. Grateful that her rubber clad feet made little noise, Leah approached the direction of the voices carefully. Peeking around the edge of the fibreglass hull of the boat, she saw Tomislav and Milan standing by the rear of the boat, both taking no notice of the fact that their other companion had yet to return.
Leah took a deep breath, trying to clear her mind of any other thoughts. *Just be fast and precise, deal with the situation as efficiently as possible; don't think, just act; remove the emotional aspect of it all,* she coached herself as she considered her options. As both men were currently facing away from her, she had the element of surprise by approaching them in their blind spot. Covering the short distance between them in a matter of seconds, she went for the nearest – Tomislav – first.
Slamming both of her hands down on either side of his neck, he crumpled to the ground, momentarily stunned by her attack. Milan turned, trying to make sense of what had happened by swinging a fist towards their lithe attacker. Leah blocked the blow easily and drove two quick punches into his chest and a third into his face, breaking his nose.
He stumbled back as Leah returned her attention to Tomislav. He was on his hands and knees, getting his feet slowly. Leah's wetsuit-clad leg rose majestically upwards before she sent it crashing powerfully down on the junction of his spine and skull, splintering the bones upon contact. His body hit the deck and twitched spasmodically, the last few signals from his brain moving down his body before the connection was permanently disabled. Milan tried to wipe the blood that was streaming from his nose as he looked up – just in time to see Leah's foot slam into his face. The force of the blow lifted him off his feet and into the air. Moments later, he felt the cold water strike his body just before he lost consciousness for the last time.
*Something about the way the moon reflected off the water made her pause for a moment. It then struck her that on the last night of their honeymoon, they had sat on a quiet beach on Bahia Honda and watched the sun slowly sink beneath the waves. They had been snorkelling during the day and saw a pod of dolphins swim by them, shortly followed by a nurse shark.*
*Andrew couldn't stop talking about the shark as they sat on the beach that night. He told her about their life cycles and how he had this trip plotted out in his head to swim with the Great Whites off the coast of South Africa in a shark cage, but how the insurance costs were prohibitive at the minute. Leah marvelled at how the ocean looked so flat that night with the moonlight bouncing off the shallow waves. It was like a sheet of glass floating above the sand. Tonight it was a different expanse of water, but the effect was still the same.*
*Keep it together Leah,* she berated herself, *this is how things go wrong and you end up getting hurt – focus on the matter at hand!*
The interior of the boat was split into two parts according to Leah's informant. There was the primary cabin in the main section of the hull – and Leah reasoned this was where they were probably storing their cargo – and a smaller secondary area that adjoined the deck. As she opened the door she saw two men inside. Both of them were oblivious to Leah as they were going about their tasks – it appeared that they seemed to be cooking something on the small stove.
One of them – Zoran – glanced up at Leah for a moment before doing a double take. His eyes almost popped out of his head as he took in the shapely female figure clad in the slick black wet suit. Leah leapt into the cabin – her foot striking Zoran squarely in the chest and knocking him backwards. His companion – Mirko – launched himself towards Leah, only to run straight into a powerful high kick. The force of the blow was deceptive, Mirko realised as he found himself sprawled across the small table that they ate at, As the plates scattered beneath him he had just enough time to see Leah following up her initial blow, grabbing the lapels of his jacket and pulling him up off the table. The last thing Mirko saw was the palm of Leah's hand flying towards his face.
Zoran managed to pick himself up off the floor and turned towards the door that led to the main cabin. Suddenly, a female arm wrapped itself around his throat from behind and began squeezing. He tried to yell for help, but Zoran couldn't make a sound. Leah calmly increased the pressure of her lethal chokehold. The man's face turned blue as the lethal brunette continued strangling him. His efforts to free himself from her grasp were in vain; his fingers slipping off the neoprene arm that was wrapped around his neck to deadly effect. When she was sure he was dead and the last few spasms had wracked through his body, Leah let the corpse crumple to the ground.
"All done," she muttered as she approached the door to the main cabin. The sound of movement behind her made Leah stop dead in her tracks.
"Aww, you didn't save any for me," Alison said as she entered the cabin.
"Well if you hadn't spent so long getting into your wetsuit then maybe I wouldn't have had to clean house all on my own." Leah shot back at her with a grin. "What's in the bag?"
"Oh, this and that, you know, a few bits and pieces I thought we could use." Alison replied. "So, what's behind door number two?"
"I'm hoping it's what we're looking for." Leah paused as Alison handed her a silenced pistol. Grabbing the large steel handle and twisting it, the heavy metal door slid open. Alison stepped in first and began to sweep around the hold with Leah backing her up.
"Looks like we're clear," Alison said, lowering her firearm. Both of the women turned their attention to the pile of wooden crates in the centre of the hold. "Please tell me that the phone had some sort of inventory on it."
"Three crates of assault rifles," Leah began reciting them from memory as she moved around the boxes. "Two boxes of grenades, a cache of small arms and six surface-to-air missiles," she was counting up the numbers as she walked around them. "And one Dragunov AGS-30."
"I've never heard of one of those before." Alison said as she began looking in each crate. "And by the looks of it, it isn't here."
"I think it was here," Leah said from the other side of the hold. Alison looked over – Leah was kneeling next to an empty wooden crate. "But it looks like someone got here before we did."
"And left the crew and all this stuff behind? I don't get it."
"Neither do I," Leah said, picking up a pair of the thermite charges Alison had bought on board. "But we can worry about that once we've sunk this little warship. Come on, let's blow this place and get out of here."
The following morning the waterfront was swarming with police and local media. By the time Alison and Leah had packed their bags and were waiting for their taxi back to the airport, the furore had begun to die down. As they lounged around in the hotel, Alison picked up on some of the discussions the locals were having.
"Well, it appears that some sort of drugs war erupted last night," She said with a grin on her face. "They've found three men dead in a local hotel and a boat blown up just outside the harbour."
"It's shocking what goes on in these quiet coastal towns these days." Leah joked as she got up. "I'm just going to the toilet – don't let the cab go without me." She walked through the lobby and into the hotel bar to the public toilets. On her way back from the bar, Leah took a small diversion via the bank of pay phones that were situated at the far end of the lobby. For a minute she contemplated using her "official" phone, then discarded the notion when she thought of the pile of paperwork she'd have to complete once she got back home.
"Andrew, it's me," Leah said. "Look, I'm late."
"That's okay, I'll just push the dinner reservations tonight back an hour or so…"
"No, I mean I'm *late*." Leah repeated, emphasising the last word.
"Oh, right. Okay." Andrew said. "Oh – right!" Leah could almost hear his eyes opening a little wider as he finally understood what she meant. "Err, what do we do now?"
"I'll make an appointment to see Dr Ingram tomorrow, just to confirm I'm right." Leah hesitated for a minute. "You're…you're okay with this, right?"
"Okay? Shit, yes – I'm more than okay with it, I mean, it's what we've been trying for over the last six months," Andrew said. "I was just starting to get worried, that's all, and to be honest I'm…ecstatic. I just wish you were here in person to tell me."
"Well, it's still early days, but…" Leah added. Alison was gesturing towards her in the corner of her eye. "Look, I've got to go but I'll see you in a few hours."
"Okay Princess – I'll get one of those home pregnancy kits from Boots on the way over to the airport." Andrew said, the line breaking up slightly as Leah heard him moving around and scooping up some keys.
"If you must, but I don't want you going out of your way okay? I'll see you soon, love you."
**E-Centre Convention Facility**
**TerrorCon 2009**
**Thursday 1 pm**
"…well, in order to answer that question I think it helps to understand the motivation of the Esoteric Order of Dagon in the first place," Andrew said as he addressed the hall of fans. He had been on stage since midday and the talk was helping to take his mind off the sudden change of events that morning. "Let's be absolutely certain about this point – unlike every other cult in the Cthulhu Mythos, the EOD have no long term goal other than the return of Cthulhu, and they are under no illusions as to their status in their God's endgame."
"Which is?" one of the guests asked. Andrew allowed himself to smile as he held the microphone in his hand.
"They end up as dead as the rest of us – except they die in the knowledge that they wrought this destruction upon mankind." He said. "In many respects, the Order is the ultimate doomsday cult in the Mythos – they don't see their actions in anything other than absolute terms, it's either success or failure on their part."
"But how do they compare to, say, the First Church of Starry Wisdom or the Brotherhood of the Bloody Tongue?"
"It's interesting that you mention two of Nyarlathotep's cults there," Andrew said, walking around the stage towards the direction of the young woman who had raised the question. "I mean, if there's a God within the Mythos that you can negotiate with, then it's The Messenger of the Outer Gods." Andrew paused for a moment as he stooped to pick up a bottle of water from the corner of the stage. "But even that is only going to buy you a small window of time; after all, The Messenger has his own plans as well that he puts in motion."
Andrew looked out across his audience, still not quite believing that all these people were here to hear him speak. "But if I was going to break it down into simple terms, the EOD want destruction right now – many of the other cults are prepared to wait and have been patient for quite some time." He noticed someone signalling to him from the side of the stage. "And, I'm being told that my time here today is up, so I think that's a good place to wrap things up. Now before I go I just want to thank you all for your support over the years, and remember *la! Cthulhu fhtagn*!" Sections of the audience responded to him in kind as Andrew walked off the stage, waving at the people.
Stepping out into the wings, he was met by Sarah Covington, the assistant assigned to him by the publishing company. Her wavy brown hair was tied back into some sort of loose ponytail and she was dressed in a rather expensive looking suit. She handed Andrew a sheet of paper.
"Okay, here's the list of the signings you're doing this afternoon," Sarah said. Andrew nodded as he tried to take in the details. "And then you have your Zombie seminar *All Flesh Must Be Eaten: Putting the Living into the Living Dead* at four today."
"Groovy," He replied. "So I have, what, thirty minutes for lunch?"
"Sort of, Diane wants me to go through a series of revisions for your latest manuscript with you. I thought we could do it over lunch." Sarah said, then instantly blushed. "Oh god – I mean we could go over the revisions at lunch."
"It's okay Sarah, I know what you mean," Andrew chuckled. "That's fine – I just need to call my wife and check how things are at home."
Craig Farnsdale sat in the interviewing room with his hands wrapped around the coffee cup that had long since gone cold. Having been isolated in the room for nearly an hour, he was beginning to feel like his bladder was about to explode. The door opened and the two women walked in whom he had met at the airport cargo terminal. He decided that the brunette was more attractive than the blonde – although he also thought that there was something decidedly more threatening about the blonde's demeanour.
Of course, he hadn't had chance to think about this the first time he'd met them this morning as they were both aiming guns at his head.
"Okay Mr Farnsdale, your story checks out." Alison said.
"I told you, I don't know anything about the cargo – I just pick it up from point A and drop it off at point B." Farnsdale said.
"Mr Farnsdale, where exactly is point B in this case?" Leah asked.
"Newcastle – place called West Jesmond."
"Newcastle? The Tyne and Wear one?" Alison asked. Craig nodded.
"Yeah – Fog on the Tyne and all that shite." He added. "Some sort of boarding house, bed and breakfast place I think. The address is on the delivery chitty."
"Mr Farnsdale, thank you for your help and co-operation today," Leah said. "However, if you could just hang around here in the police station while we proceed with our enquiries that would be a huge help."
"Whatever sweetcheeks," Craig said. "Any chance I can get another cuppa and a paper?"
As she left the interview room Leah felt a buzzing sensation in her pocket. She grabbed her personal phone and answered it.
"Hiya," she said, seeing Andrew's number on the display.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine – how's it going?" she said, gesturing to Alison to carry on ahead of her.
"Good." Andrew answered. "Mom's picking the kids up – I popped into the school and told the head mistress. Do I need to pop back home to get your suitcase out?"
"No, no – definitely not." Leah said. "I might be done sooner than I thought, but I'll let you know, okay?"
"Sure – I'll speak to you in a bit then."
"Okay. Bye." Leah ended the call and headed towards the first floor where they had a room set aside to use. As she closed the door behind herself, Leah saw Michaels setting up a conference call with their office in the city. The speaker in the middle of the room screamed out a high-pitched squeal for a minute – everyone winced at the noise.
"Sweetcheeks?" Alison joked.
"Stop it." Leah warned her. "Tom, the truck driver seems clean – however we have a delivery address in Newcastle upon Tyne that warrants closer examination as soon as possible."
"Good work," Tom replied over the loudspeaker. "I'll have a team ready and they'll pick the three of you up in thirty minutes."
"Actually sir, I think that Michaels and I can handle it," Alison said. "There's no need for Hargreaves to be dragged along when she's not a Field Op any longer." She winked at Leah.
"If you're sure you can handle it Irving then that's fine by me." Tom replied. "Okay, good work people – call me when you're on the road." The speaker squealed again as the call was disconnected.
"You didn't have to do that." Leah said. Alison shrugged her shoulders.
"Hey, I dragged you out here on a whim this morning because I needed to know that someone I could trust had my back – but the heavy mob is being rolled out now so there's no reason why you need to hang around any longer than is necessary."
"Are you sure? I mean, I feel like I'm running out on a fight…"
"Don't talk wet – we've got this," Alison said. "Besides, Michaels is a better shot than you."
"Seriously." Michaels said as he got the keys out for the Range Rover out of his pocket. "Just drop the tank off at the depot before you go home tonight."
**E-Centre Convention Facility**
**TerrorCon 2009**
**Thursday 4 pm**
"There are certain things that we all take for granted in life," Andrew said as he looked out across the audience. "The sun rises and sets each day…the football team you support will always find a way to blow the crucial game in some bizarre manner…Starscream will try to usurp Megatron…shit happens," He walked around the stage, gauging the reaction on people's faces. "But, ask yourself this; when was the last time you bought something you actually needed, that you literally couldn't live without? When was the last time you had to make a decision on something that wasn't motivated by the desire to accumulate possessions? How many hours are there in a day when you aren't spending it glued to the television or the computer screen?"
The room was silent.
"That's the critical point that you need to consider when we look at the whole concept of a zombie holocaust." He moved back to the centre of the stage. Above him a screen began to roll down into place and the light in the room dimmed slightly. "That's the critical nature of *Infection*. You see everyone from Romero to Raimi to Kirkman, Brooks to Wright & Pegg, has their own interpretations of what things will be like when everything falls apart."
"Most of you know me as that guy who writes Cthulhu Mythos stories – and I'll admit that I've touched upon the nature of the undead in those with Glaaki and to some extent the Brood of Eihort, but this is my stab at writing something really dark and I thought you might like to see it as a work in progress…"
The screen behind Andrew burst into life with the words *Week Three*. A moment later, the speakers in the room roared into life. A gravely voiced announcer in an American accent filled the room.
**Pirate Radio Broadcast, Week 3**
*"Okay, Brother and Sisters, you'd better listen close. If you got no fear of God you better get some, and quick.*
*"The government is hauling people away in cattle cars. They're takin' 'em up north to some kind of tent city. I don't know what it is, but I saw the barbed wire and trenches around it.*
*"All I know is that the whole place is surrounded by those…the…I mean…the dead. There were so many of them falling into the trenches that the rest were just walking across on top of them. And the shooting!*
*"I swear to God Almighty as my witness that they soldiers were busy shooting a lot of the people INSIDE the fence. They were shooting them in the head and loading them into trucks and driving them away. And them d-dead folks just kept a'coming. There weren't no end to 'em that I could see.*
*"I don't know what's going on out there, but I know I've gotta do something about it. All y'all that got a gun and a stout heart meet me tonight at Harvey's Propane in Chillicothe. We'll go up there and see what we can do about it…"*
**Internet Bulletin Board Post**
*"Don't come near Wichita Falls. Everyone is dead as far as I can tell. I haven't seen a living person in three days.*
*I'm not getting out of here alive. I know that now.*
*There are still helicopters. I hear them at night. It helps to listen to the helicopters. I don't hear the dead people when I listen to the helicopters.*
*I just wish one of the helicopters would come down and take me out of here. I knocked a hole in the roof and hung up a sign that said "HELP! I'M ALIVE". But they haven't stopped to help me.*
*I don't know what I'm going to do.*
*Somebody help me, please? Mommy and Daddy are trying to get through the back door and they're smashing it up with my bicycle. I'm going to have to go hide in the attic. I won't be able to talk to anyone then, so yell loud when you get here."*
**Unauthorized use of University Police radio frequency, University of Kentucky, Louisville**
*"Do not approach our location. Repeat. Do not approach our location. This is an automated signal that we will begin if we are overrun. If you can hear this message, do not approach the Health Science Center or surrounding areas. If you can hear this message we have been overrun by infected individuals and will already be dead. You cannot help us, but you can help yourself by staying away.*
*Do not approach our location. Repeat. Do not approach our location…"*
**World News Network live broadcast**
*"Bill. Bill? I don't know if you can hear me. The roar from the crowd is almost deafening. We've moved to the 15<sup>th</sup> floor balcony above Platte Avenue. I don't know if you can see the picture, but there are people packing the streets as far as we can see in either direction.*
*"Some of them are carrying banners Cathy. Can you see what's written on them? Are they…? Are those effigies…?*
*"Yes, Bill. The crowd is burning eff - Ohmygod! They aren't effigies - they're burning bodies in the streets. At the corner of Platte and Anderson they're throwing people into a pile and using gasoline to set them ablaze. Oh god some of them are still moving, Bill.*
*"Bill? Did you get that? There's a police helicopter over the crowd, an officer on a bullhorn ordering them to disperse. The crowd is moving. Wh-what? The crowd is shooting at the helicopter now. The helicopter is smoking. Its smoking and it's moving away. We can hear more gunfire. Yes, the gunfire is increasingly in intensity. I think it's the Army. I think the Army is -" \*static\**
*\*\*\*SIGNAL LOST\*\*\**
The lights gradually rose up and the screen slid back into the ceiling as the audiotape finished. People applauded, some cheered. Andrew looked out at the crowd – then he saw one face amongst the audience that made him smile.
Leah was standing at the side towards the front, not far from where Sarah was standing as well. She was applauding along with the rest of the crowd.
"Thank you, thank you – however, that's just the beginning of it," Andrew said, struggling to make his voice heard even with the microphone. "I want to thank the people at Audioville for helping to put that little presentation together. I wasn't convinced to begin with, but it seems to work. Now, I was going to open it up to the floor for a little Q&A session…"
"I can't believe you made it," Andrew said as he hugged Leah after the end of his time slot. "I thought…you know."
"Well I'm here and everything's okay," Leah replied, kissing him quickly. Andrew noticed Sarah lurking in the background.
"Shit – introductions!" He said. "Sarah Covington, this is my wife Leah; Leah, this is Sarah, my new assistant."
"It's great to meet you, Andrew's told me so much about you," Sarah said. Leah smiled.
"Well, not too much I hope." Leah replied. "Otherwise that could be embarrassing," She looked at Andrew. "So, how long until you're done here?"
"I've just got to pack up the gear here and run through a couple of last minute…" Andrew began to say.
"It's okay – I can handle it – it's only a few further revisions, we can go over them next week." Sarah butted in. "You guys get out of here."
"You sure?" Andrew asked. Sarah nodded. "Thanks. Thanks a lot."
"Great – let's go get the kids from your Mom's and get something to eat." Leah said as she guided her husband towards the exit. "I'm starving and I need a foot massage."
**West Jesmond**
**7:43 pm**
The door frame jarred against the brickwork as the lock was shattered by the battering ram. Before the door had chance to complete its enforced trajectory towards the wall, heavy-set men and women, fully clad in protective coveralls and bearing automatic weapons, barrelled into the narrow property.
The air was filled with voices screaming out pre-determined warnings and call signs between the swarming sea of black figures that oozed into the property from both front and back. Like a wave of unstoppable water, every available space inside the house was quickly filled with a human presence.
As the sound of boots striking stairs echoed through their ears, Alison and Michaels entered the property, both wearing body armour that matched that of their counterparts as they marauded through the house. Michaels bolted towards the stairs, disappearing from sight as he went to the first floor.
"All clear on this floor ma'am," One of the police officers reported back to Alison, who nodded in response to the man. As she pushed the front door too she saw the pile of unopened post that had been pushed up against the skirting board. She stooped to pick it up – the post marks of the oldest pieces were nearly a month old.
"This place is empty." Michaels said as he walked back down the stairs. Alison held up the post.
"It appears that it's been this way for about a month now," She added. "Looks like this was just some sort of drop-off address."
"Don't these old terrace homes usually have a cellar?" Michaels replied. Alison nodded.
"Yeah – usually the staircase is located under the stairs…" she pointed towards a small door that had remained unopened up to this point. "Sergeant, two of your men please," Alison said as she directed the officer's attention to the door. He gripped the handle and twisted it, pulling it open. Michaels stepped in front of Alison and sniffed.
"What's that smell…?"
**76 Burrow Street**
**9:18 pm**
The evening seemed to fly by once they had gotten home. After spending an hour playing with her two children in the garden before bathing them and putting them to bed, Leah finally ventured into the living room to find Andrew sitting on the sofa, typing away on his laptop. Leah got on the sofa with him and pushed herself into his body, as Andrew snaked his right arm around her shoulders.
"So, still going with Jenny the Toad Princess I see?" Leah said as she read the screen.
"Yeah – it went down well today and I figure it adds that bit of gut-wrenching horror to it all; it just sort of drives it home to the reader just exactly *how* bad things have got."
"Please remember that Cassie loves that character and if she hears about it she'll be heart broken." Leah said, beginning to get fidgety. "Do you have the remote control at all?" She asked, looking around the sofa to see if it was wedged down the arm as usual.
"No, it's in the kitchen I think. Scott was trying to start the microwave with it." Andrew put the laptop on the end of the sofa and got up. "I'll go and get it…" As he walked away they both heard the sound of Leah's *other* phone ring.
"Shit – what the hell can that be now?" she said, looking at the clock on the wall. Andrew found the remote and aimed it at the television, switching it on. Leah grabbed the phone from the base unit where it was charging up.
The television screen flickered into life. Andrew was only partially paying attention to it as he tried to string his thoughts together.
"…explosion is believed to have been as a result of the detonation of a large quantity of highly combustible material in the basement of the residence. The property was used as a guesthouse in the West Jesmond area up until recently. Again, breaking news here of an explosion…"
The images of a hole in the row of terrace houses made Andrew look up at the screen – fire fighters were trying to contain the blaze; a sea of blue and red flashing lights illuminated the paramedics as if they were in some sort of surreal disco as they wheeled people to the rows of ambulances waiting to move out of the narrow street. It looked like at least one of the vehicles that had been parked in the street had been flipped over by the force of the blast.
Then Andrew heard the sound of something falling to the floor in the hallway. He got up to investigate. "Leah? You okay…?" Andrew saw his wife slumped on the floor, tears running down her face and the phone lying a few feet from her. She looked up at him and could barely speak. In the blink of an eye he had rushed to her side and wrapped her in his arms. Between the sobbing Leah managed to blurt something out.
"…Its Alison…she's…" | literotica |
Growth became simply another facet of interacting with Kal, just as natural as talking would have been before his ascension to godhood; to be near him was to surrender to the very concepts of lust and self-indulgence, not because one wanted to, but simply because it was the right thing to do. It wasn’t a choice so much as the way things were meant to be, the way the natural order had been designed to work, and thus resisting it was nothing if not complete folly; why waste time trying to remain decent or maintaining something resembling decorum when one could be throwing oneself into the very jaws of depravity in order to truly enjoy what it was like to give up and give in to one’s desires?
To grow, to bloat, to swell, to transform, until one’s form became just as perfect as it could possibly be, right before one had the realization that it could be perfected further; excess became the rule rather than the exception, with all those exposed to the giant tiger and his creations openly welcoming the changes that gave them just about everything they could think of to play with and lose themselves in, to the point where one wouldn’t need others in order to experience sexual ecstasy… but of course, where was the fun in that?
Why remain alone and merely explore one’s own body when there was a whole world with billions of others ready to join in on the fun, billions of souls ready and waiting to be welcomed into this new, divine state of being where lust and bliss were the only two sensations that anyone could ever possibly experience? No strife, no conflict, no hunger or thirst or disease, but simply a perfect existence where one could lose oneself for all of eternity and then return to reality to readjust their physical avatar before embarking on another eon or two of experimentation and carnal indulgence; after all, when the streets ran thick with cum and the waves of milk were tall enough to ride atop the spunk currents and lap at the second stories of buildings, what else was there to do but open one’s mouth and accept the bounty, to drink of it greedily and to go with the flow?
This was the new life that Kal was offering those around him, a kind of life that would be given for free and without reservations to anyone who would embrace it willingly and accept the tiger’s warm, soft, tender touch… well, either his or that of any of his progeny, or his progeny’s progeny; the process he had begun could not be stopped, having gained too much momentum for anything to really put any brakes to it, and indeed, even if Kal, for whatever gods-forsaken reason, decided he wanted to put things back where they were before, it was highly doubtful that he could even remotely begin to do it, let alone be successful.
The snowball had been thrown down the hill and it was already halfway to the base of it by the time the second wave of liberated souls came to understand true pleasure, at which point critical mass had been reached and there was simply no stopping anything from progressing in one single direction. Carla and Kal had managed to turn everyone inside the museum into better versions of themselves, and now that each and every one of those lucky individuals got to spread the joy of ascension to least two or three others, things would begin getting exponential as the planetary orgy truly began in earnest. Given the size boosy that came along with most of the transformations, it made it easy for even those with the biggest, most oversized assets to move around and find new partners, at which point the third generation would come to be and the multiplicative tree just kept getting wider and wider with each new generation brought into the fold.
This process was made significantly easier by how much the amount of fluids spilled helped to bring new faces into the fold, either willingly as they threw themselves into the currents running through the streets and straight into buildings, or entirely by accident whenever someone made a wrong turn and their car was completely covered by thick cream or potent, virile seed. The flooding only became worse as time passed and the amount of people involved in the unravelling of their reality grew, as not only did their numbers contribute to an endless escalation in ejaculate and milk production, but their sheer size helped ensure that even the smallest of them produced hundreds of gallons of everything per second after just a few short minutes.
Kal himself didn’t even have to worry about anything anymore; as great as he was as a lover in his brand new state of being, even he couldn’t compete with hundreds, soon to be thousands of people fucking like animals all at once… and nor should he even try; that wasn’t the point. He looked down at the artifact, feeling its power seep into him the more his apocalypse was unleashed upon the world, continuously changing and improving his body to give him the sort of physique that would make it perfectly clear who was supposed to be in charge there. He grew taller and bulkier, towering over even the biggest of his proverbial descendants, strong enough to snap steel between two single fingers, well-endowed to the point where he couldn’t take a single step without carving a half-mile-deep trench behind him from the weight of his nuts, so productive and virile that the area around him was awash with a thick drizzle of cum from his constant skyward spurts.
He was colossal, and grew only larger the more the stone allowed the power contained on the other side of it to keep leaking into his body, turning him into less of a large tiger and more a living, breathing, feline-shaped gateway into this alternate existence, giving a fraction of a percentage point of the energy contained in it a way to break through to his side of the dimensional barrier. Even this sliver was more than enough to lead to drastic change all around him; his mere presence alone was already enough to start moulding and reshaping any tiny one that yet remained within sight, needing Kal to only lay eyes on someone for them to start bulging outwards and filling in every tender, sensitive, erogenous spot; as for the ones who had already been blessed, there was no reason why they couldn’t be improved further, leading to a few of them becoming downright gigantic even compared to their peers.
Yet, above all others, there stood Kal, his footsteps thundering, his motions making the very ground beneath his feet quake with how heavy and imposing he had become. Soon, the whole planet would be able to feel his presence, the entirety of Earth realizing that their lives up until then had been naught but a prelude, an introduction to the real history of their civilization; it was one that could only be achieved through mindless self-indulgence and surrendering to one’s base desires, but one that would help them ascend to heights never thought of before, closer to the state that the other reality was in.
So what if the flooding of cum and milk was already starting to strain the city’s sewer systems, so what if the amount of soft, supple flesh rolling around was becoming almost impossible to avoid? There would be no crushings in this perfect world of Kal’s, this new heaven that he helped to bring forth; anyone caught beneath anyone else would simply bask in the larger one’s glory and become bigger themselves, solving the problem instantly. Anyone drowning in anyone’s fluids would merely need to open their mouths and drink greedily, for all milk and seed would soon become as mannah to them. There would be no need to worry, for there would be nothing to worry about; Kal would see to that personally.
Something he could do given how colossal he was becoming. It seemed that for each step he took he gained several yards in height and width, leaving him so enormously tall that he very easily broke through the first cloud layer without even realizing it had happened, and had to be reminded of it once a plane attempted to move out of the way before promptly bursting open from everyone inside being blessed by the tiger’s presence. None of them would be harmed, of course; their descent was slowed down by the giant titan’s powers, or maybe the ones seeping through the crack in reality that was the artifact around his neck, it was hard to tell; what mattered was that a brand new plane’s worth of passengers had been uplifted, and their existence became that much better for it. Now, all they had to do was find a suitable partner and start fucking, preferably one already of their size or slightly below, that they may further spread their blessings around the way they were meant to.
For there was no need for them to do so to the rest of the planet’s population; they had Kal for that, who was still growing, still thickening, still ever more glorious and impossible to miss. He took wide wide strides in order to avoid stepping on any of his progeny, who had become so tiny to him, and his efforts to bring the whole world into the fold began to pay off almost immediately after he put his mind to them. He need not worry about getting the message out; there might not be news crews that survived first contact without joining the growing mass of blessed bodies, nor were there any amateurs capable of wielding cameras or phones for the exact same reason, but there was… himself. Himself, his presence, his body, his power; this, alone, was more than enough to start spreading his influence far and wide, even beyond the horizon… especially considering a single spurt of precum from his shaft alone was enough to put even the biggest of his progeny’s full loads to shame, something he was very proud to make evident as he openly stroked himself and painted the landscape white with each step he took.
Things had begun to take a global turn by that point, precisely thanks to the giant tiger’s influence seeping into the very fabric of existence, aided along by the artifact he still wore on his neck; it was amazing how it was still there, how the chain had elongated and adapted to keep the diminutive piece of rock stuck to his body before finally melting into him and embedding the piece of the dimensional key into his skin proper. It was inlaid now, the gem shining in the sunlight as it slowly grew outwards, absorbing some of Kal’s own power as he continued to grow in every direction, continued to uplift civilization by way of forcefully showing them what they were missing out on. It was a process that couldn’t be stopped; the influx of energy from the other side of the veil had allowed the titan to tap into the same kind of dormant power that was responsible for all the impossible “magic” that had been dug up in the past few years, and from there it was simple enough for the key to siphon some of it to reconstitute itself. Not as it once was though; no, Kal would be the key.
A living gateway, a physical god whose mere existence served as an affront to causality as he caused the veil between worlds to thin out, tattering in places and allowing parts of this other existence to literally flood into his own. There was a whole universe’s worth of perfection out there on the other side, and with so little space left, was it any wonder that the “others” needed some more room to vent all of their excess into? Spunk and lactic cream in equal measure began to leak into his reality all across the world, literal tears in reality itself opening in the sky and showering all those beneath them in an unending flood of fluids that only grew more powerful with each passing second.
Lakes and rivers had their waters corrupted and eventually replaced, entire seas and eventually oceans becoming more opaque, thicker, whiter as they were consumed by the tide, the animals within mutating to approach sentience, that they may too reap the benefits of this worldwide calamity-turned-rapture. The very shores began to erode as sea levels rose, as the world over was forced to deal with the fact that “dry” land would never be dry again; everything would always be covered in a layer of their production, eternally sloshing in currents that spanned the entire globe, with the only difference being how deep the coating happened to be… and seeing as all those living on the planet were set to keep growing for all of eternity, said depth could just keep increasing as well, until the Earth began to expand with the sheer amount of juices flowing, and the cities of old were covered by miles and miles of cream and cum.
This was the world that Kal gave everyone, the world that he had helped create purely by virtue of his existence, but oddly enough, it didn’t feel like it was… enough. Yes, it was perfection, of that there was no doubt, but it was merely one world, a measly little planet among what might very well be trillions, if not more, in his galaxy alone; while most of them were most likely devoid of life, the fact that there was an entire new reality on the other side of that gem proved that life could develop in other places, and if that held true, then wasn’t it his responsibility to ensure that it, too, could savor of the same perfection that everyone else on his planet already was? As a true god of excess and self-indulgence, was it not Kal’s job to make sure that all sentient life, regardless of where it may be, could appreciate the finer points of what it was like to give up their worldly concerns and ascend to a new stage of existence? He certainly seemed to think so, but at the same time, he was still planet-bound. At least… for the time being.
He closed his eyes, attempting to focus on what was happening on the other side, or, more specifically, what had happened to the other side. He could see it in the back of his eyes, a history that wasn’t his own being replayed at fast speed, more of an instinctive knowledge than anything else; Kal saw worlds, many more than his own and that of his patrons on the other side of the veil, linked together in a vast, multiversal structure that spanned far more layers of existence than even he assumed there had been before, in a spider’s web of truly mind-boggling proportions.
Together, they traded, conversed, exchanged, improved upon one another, in a multi-dimensional golden age that lasted for what felt like several eternities; entire universe’s worth of resources were dedicated to expanding the lifetime of others, that life may flourish from where there had been none, and that it may last forever in an endless paradise. But it was only heaven as per its own rules and regulations; doorways were shut for the smallest of transgressions in order to preserve the “purity” of it all, a feckless attitude if he’d ever seen one. Eventually, and predictably, one universe would discover the same power source that now worked in overtime to transform him and all those around him, and after their influence expanded to “contaminate” several other realities, whoever was left destroyed the entire network in a blind panic, cutting every instance of existence away from all others, and isolating the “disease” for all eternity.
Until now. Because it wasn’t a disease or a contaminant, it was a blessing, a missing piece of the puzzle that ensured that all those who saw it could experience true bliss for all of eternity. All that these presupposed masters of reality had done was kneejerk reacted to their impending perfection with the same attitude that one entrenched in one’s views might have to anything different: rejection. They rejected this truth, rejected the glory it offered, and in their folly, made sure no one would be able to embrace it if they had not done so already, then hid away in their little corners hoping it would all just go away, all while dooming this once-vast, multi-dimensional pan-civilization to a slow, decadent descent into mundanity.
But not anymore, not with Kal there, not with the tiger at the helm to spearhead the new awakening and the spread of the good word; his patrons on the other side might be happy to simply welcome another reality into the fold, but he wasn’t. Others might be content in simply living with their new state of self, but he wasn’t going to just stop there; after all, when he set his mind to something, he wouldn’t stop until he did it right, and Kal wasn’t one to stick with “good enough” solutions when better ones were available to him. No, more was required, more was necessary, and if no one else was going to do it, then he would.
After all, his body had become a key as well, not just a gateway. The unique combination of the artifact fragment and his own biology, empowered by the energies from two distinct realities, had all come together to turn him into something… unique. Something that existence in general had never seen before, a living keystone that could freely unlock whatever door it saw in front of it, given enough time to figure out how it was shut. It might take him aeons to break through to the next universe over, but that didn’t really matter, because he did have aeons to spend. It would take him a literal eternity before he truly began his great work to reestablish the great civilizations of old, but that was fine.
He had all the time in existence. | yiff-extreme |
Title: 3 Is a Magic Number Ch. 02
Tags: cousin sex, sister sex, anal, ass to mouth, voyerism, sister, cousin, outdoor sex, blowjob, squirting
*All characters are 18+*
Everything looked different in the light of day. Last night I had sex with my beautiful, vivacious, horny, and goddess-like cousin, Julia. It seemed like the world should stand still in celebration. My mind reeled.
I got out of bed, pulled on my shorts, grabbed a towel, and headed to the shower. Luckily, the bathroom was free. I closed the door, stripped off, and stepped into the gloriously hot water. Damn, I love a nice hot shower! I really enjoyed the smell of my body wash, and the scratchy feel of my poof. I was in heaven.
The door opened. What the fuck?
"Jack?" It was my sister Katie. "I have to pee, do you mind?"
"No, go ahead." I saw her lower her panties through the occluded glass. My cock twitched. I always had a thing about girls peeing. I guess I'm just a pervert. I heard her tinkling, and reached down with my soapy hand, and tugged on my growing dick.
"Did you have fun last night?" My hand froze in mid-stroke. Everything had happened so fast last night that I never had time to consider how Katie would react to me having sex with her best friend and cousin.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"What the fuck do you think I fucking mean, Jack? I could hear you banging Julia. I was right across the hall, and it wasn't like you two tried to be quiet."
Shit. This was not going to go well. If Katie was angry she could make life difficult for me. What if she was mad at Julia? After all, I didn't go into her room wearing only a towel. Then again, everything is always the guy's fault. That hard and fast rule is true 99% of the time with women.
"What do you want me to say, Kay? Yeah, I had a great time. I'm an eighteen year old guy, and I had sex with a beautiful woman. You had to know it was going to happen, you are her best friend and all." I heard the toilet paper rustle. She let out an exasperated sigh, muttered something under her breath, and then flushed the toilet.
"What'd you say, Katie? The water is loud in here." She bent over, giving me a fuzzy view of her bubble butt, and pulled her panties back on in one quick motion.
"I said, fuck off, asshole!" She stomped out and slammed the door.
My cock went totally limp. What is wrong with her today? Yesterday she watched me get a hand job from Julia in the lake, and stood there while I blasted her with part of my load. If I live to be a hundred, I'll never understand the divine mystery that is woman. The joy had gone out of my shower. Katie was mad at me for something. Was it something I did to Julia last night? Did I do something wrong? Is she mad at me today also? Fuck. It looks like it is going to be one of those days again; one of those days that fucking end in "Y."
I finished rinsing my hair, turned off the water, and dried off. I wrapped myself in my towel, gathered my clothes, and flitted quickly from the bathroom to my bedroom, and closed the door. I wasn't alone in my room. It felt like my throat was starting to close up.
"Julia," I managed to squeak out. She was spread out on my bed in all of her nude glory. Julia has a tight, tanned body. It is the kind of body that only cheerleaders have. She had just enough curves in all the right places, a flat stomach with just a hint at a six pack, and an ass so tight that you could bounce a quarter off of it. Top it off with honey brown hair with blonde highlights, and a dazzling smile, and you had one killer package; and she was butt naked in my bed.
"What are you doing, Jules?" She languorously ran her hands over the perfect curves of her breasts, and down the flat plane of her stomach. I tried to think about my mom making breakfast not twenty five feet from where I stood, but I failed miserably. I reached behind me to lock the door, but I felt it open on my hand. Oh shit! It was going to be my mom. I was so dead!
It was Katie.
"What's going on?" She froze in place when she saw Julia naked on my bed, and then she closed my door. I heard the click of the lock button. Whatever was happening here it would not be witnessed by anyone else. What was Katie's deal? Wasn't she mad at me?
Julia seemed unmoved by both the presence of Katie in the room, and by the smell of bacon being fried by my mother in the kitchen. Her hands continued to roam across her body teasingly. She rubbed across her hips to her thighs. Her thighs parted, and I was looking at the holiest of holies, not in the refracted moonlight like last night, but in the light of day. My cock twitched, and quickly began to grow.
Her pussy looked... hungry. Her labia were pink and engorged with her excitement. A finger teased between the lips, and up toward the clit, liberally spreading her glistening cunt juice. She slowly raised her finger to her parted lips, slipped it into her mouth, sucked it, and let it go with an audible pop.
"Mmmmm. Fuck, I taste good. Don't I, Kay?" Katie didn't answer; she just stood next to me, mesmerized by her naked cousin. Julia moved with the grace of a panther stalking its kill. She smoothly slid off the bed onto the carpet, and got on her knees in front of me. Her face was about even with my hard on, which was comically covered by my towel.
"Is that for me?" She beamed an angelic smile, then paused and looked at my sister. "Perhaps it's for Katie?" I looked over to Katie, and her eyes were glued on the huge tent in my towel. She had somehow moved over to sit in my room's only chair, which was positioned directly across from the bed. She was radiant. Her gorgeous red hair flowed down her back, glistening coppery in the early morning sunlight. She was still wearing the ratty white tank top and pink panties from last night. She didn't have on a bra, and the thin fabric of her white top did nothing to disguise her evident excitement. You could see the roundness of her areolas clearly, and right in the middle, protruding almost an inch were her nipples. They looked hard enough to chip a diamond. She leaned back in the chair, and opened her legs slightly, apparently waiting to watch what was going to happen in front of her. Her green eyes were huge, and her face looked almost feral with hunger as she focused on my boner.
I was so caught up in seeing this new side of Katie that I almost forgot about the naked form of Julia that was kneeling in front of me, at least until I felt her small hand reach out and strip away my towel. My attention immediately shifted to Julia, even as I heard Katie whisper a quiet "Oh my god." Julia licked her lips quickly, and sucked the tip of my cock between her lips. The heat and moisture of her mouth felt incredible on my erection. Her piercing blue eyes looked right into mine, and she smiled around my pole, then she slid down until it touched the back of her throat. She sucked in gently, and slid back up to my head, her tongue gently teased the sensitive spot, right under the head.
Katie let out a small growl from the back of her throat, drawing my attention back to her. She was focused on what Julia was doing to my cock. She licked her full lips sensuously, and I wondered for a second what they would feel like wrapped around my cock. Her hands were pressed firmly against her flat tummy, and she squeezed her legs together, than let them part again slowly. Was she teasing her pussy by grinding her thighs together? My gaze slid down her body until it reached her tight pink panty clad cunt. I could clearly see her camel toe, as it was perfectly defined by the way her panties tightened between her porcelain thighs. I thought I could see the faintest spot of wetness between her pussy lips. I moaned at the sight, as Julia sucked me in, and Katie's green eyes were riveted onto mine. I couldn't believe it. I was getting sucked off by a sex goddess, and I couldn't take my eyes off my goddamned sister!
Julia hummed with happiness as she bobbed up and down on my cock. I slid my hands behind her head, into her light brown hair, and rocked forward to meet her next bob with a thrust of my own. My cock bumped the back of her throat, causing her to gag slightly, but she quickly recovered, and continued on her relentless pursuit to drain the cum out of my balls.
Katie appeared to be breathing rapidly, and she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth as if in concentration, but her eyes never left my cock. She squeezed her legs tightly closed again, then spread them wide, and I knew that I hadn't imagined the wet spot before, because now they appeared to be soaked. Her wet panties clung to her pussy in a way that left nothing to the imagination. My breath exhaled like a shot, and I felt the unmistakable approach of my orgasm.
Julia reached under and squeezed my balls gently, her long nails scratching slightly on my tightening sack. Katie's hand slipped between her thighs as she glued her knees together again, and this time, she didn't spread them apart. She continued to grind them together, as she dropped her eyes from mine, and leaned forward. Her face was only about a foot and a half away from the junction of my cock and Julia's mouth, and she seemed to be eager to watch my impending climax.
I drew my eyes away from my sister, back to the tanned goddess that had half of my cock buried in her face. She smiled again as she saw that she had recaptured my undivided attention, and slurped quite loudly, as her saliva dripped sexily down her chin, onto her perky breasts. I groaned softly, trying to be as quiet as possible, but it was really hard to tone down the noise. I wanted to shout at the top of my lungs. She sped up her onslaught on my pole, sucking me harder, and bobbing her head faster. Katie let out a loud moan, and I saw her arm moving furiously out of the corner of my eye. It suddenly occurred to me that she was probably having an orgasm. She was cumming while watching me get sucked off!
Thinking about Katie's orgasm was all it took. I started feeling tingles in my balls, they quickly built from tingles to a small flame, and building quickly towards an inferno.
"I'm gonna cum," I hissed as quietly as I could. I was ever the gentleman. Katie moaned again softly; her hand still moved on top of her panties, and wriggled in her seat. Julia smoothly slid my cock from between her lips, and started jacking it furiously.
"Cum on me, baby!" she squealed much too loudly. "Drown me in your cum, Jack. Oh fuck, I want it so bad!" The dirty talk was all it took to make me cum. My entire body tensed and my cock exploded. It felt like I had never had an orgasm before and that this one was my first ever. Huge ropes of semen splashed across her cheek, nose, into her hair, and they just kept coming. Spurt after spurt of red-hot jizz shot out of my cock to douse this incredible cock-sucking beauty. It looked like two or three guys had spooged on her. Her mouth was open wide, and she moved in to catch the last couple of dribbles from my fire hose on her tongue. She swallowed greedily, making my seed disappear like a magic trick. I swayed as my knees seemed to unhinge as my ridiculously hard orgasm wound down. It was all I could do to keep from falling down and crushing the semen frosted cheerleader.
"That's what I'm talking about, Jack. Fuck, you came hard. It is all over me." Julia cracked a smile as she smeared cum over her perky breasts. She scooped a glob from her cheek, and slurped it greedily into her mouth. Katie moaned softly again while she watched the cum covered nympho frolic in my spunk. Julia had never looked hotter than she did in that moment, with the bright morning sun bouncing happily off her perfectly tanned, jizz-soaked body.
Then she did something that totally kicked up the heat about a thousand notches. She slid her finger across her forehead like a squeegee, scooping up a huge amount of sperm, and popped it into her mouth. She sucked it slowly, moving her finger in and out of her mouth, mock-fellating it. She popped it out of her greedy, inseminated mouth, and pulled Katie down and kissed her soundly.
It was the hottest thing I had ever seen, my sister and our sperm drenched cousin sharing a mouth load of my jizz. I almost felt like I could cum again. My cock never started to get soft; it just stayed rock hard at the sight of these two uncommon beauties tongues flashing in each other's mouths. Katie's hand slid down Julia's neck, and cupped a semen coated breast. Her thumb swirled around Julia's slippery nipple, as she softly teased it. Julia's cum covered hands were buried in Katie's wild red curls.
As quickly as it started, the kiss broke apart. Julia moved away from my sister, and Katie's eyes flashed from my still rock hard cock to my eyes. She smiled at me beatifically. Some of my sperm had rubbed off of Julia's face, onto her chin, and her tank top looked like it was wet from rubbing against Julia's luscious little tits. Katie stood up quickly, grabbed my towel from the floor, and flung it at Julia.
"Wipe off and get dressed quick, before my mom comes down here." Julia complied silently. She wiped my spunk off onto the white towel, and pulled her shorts and tank top over her gorgeous body. She stood, and kissed me gently, her lips tasted faintly of my salty semen. She wrapped her small hand around my pole, and gave it a tug.
"Thanks, stud. I really enjoyed that." She slipped past me, unlocked the door and disappeared down the hall. I was left alone in the room with my sister and an awkward silence followed. What could I have said after that? She smiled at me again, kissed my cheek quickly and then followed our cousin. I closed the door and let out a deep breath. What had just happened? No matter who was sucking my cock, it was Katie that I got off on. Her watching me was what really did it. My sister and I were always pretty close and had been especially close for the past three years or so. Yes, I have had some racy thoughts about her, but that's normal isn't it? This was a whole other level.
I mechanically got dressed in jean shorts and a baby blue t-shirt and then made my way out to breakfast before my mom could come looking for me. I was having scrambled eggs and bacon when the girls showed up, giggling to themselves. My mind was so clouded by thoughts of what had happened that I could barely choke down my breakfast but they were their usual ebullient selves. Julia smiled at me without a trace of shyness or embarrassment. All I could think about was her face and body bathed in my joy juice. Katie grinned at Julia and then turned to me. Her piercing green eyes seemed to take all of me in at once, weighing and measuring me, and then she smiled back at me shyly. At least she seemed to acknowledge the fact that what happened in the bedroom really had occurred and that it was a little out of the ordinary.
"What do you guys have planned for today?" my mom chirped cheerily. She was obviously oblivious of what had gone on last night and earlier today; thank god.
"We were going to see if we could borrow the truck to go on a hike at Chapel Loop." Katie said cautiously. She gave a guarded look to Julia who came back with her signature smirk.
"That sounds nice. You guys have a good time, your father and I are going to mow the lawn and work on the flower beds today. We have to get them ready to plant tomorrow." That sounded good to me, since I hated yard work. I never understood why people would go on vacation to do more work, but that's my mom for you.
The drive to Chapel Loop State Park was very peaceful. Katie rode shotgun, and Julia rode in the back seat. It was a very nice day outside, partly cloudy, and warm, but not really hot. Both the girls were dressed in tank tops, tight shorts, and comfortable shoes. Being that this was the first time that we had been alone, I decided to get some answers from the girls. They were currently gabbing on about one of their friends who had got caught sneaking out of her house. "Katie why were you so mad at me this morning, in the bathroom?"
The conversation immediately stopped dead. She looked at me with a cornered expression. I could tell that she didn't want to answer me. The silence stretched on. She was so much better at this than I was that I almost regretted asking the question to begin with.
"Why do you think that I was mad at you?" Katie countered. So this was how it was going to be.
"Because you told me to fuck off, that's why. Is that something that you just generally say to people for no reason?" I thought that my logic was sound.
"I had just woke up, and I was in a bad mood, alright. It wasn't anything... personal." She looked at me challengingly, like she just dared me to continue. I decided to let that drop, but there were some things that I was still curious about.
"What about in my room this morning, what was that about? You..."
"Stop!" This time it was Julia who spoke up. "Listen; just enjoy what happens, Jack. Live in the moment, because if you start asking too many questions, shit might stop happening. Do you get me?"
I was confused. They wanted to do things, but they didn't want to talk about it. What the fuck? If I live to be a million years old, I'll never understand women.
Katie cut me off.
"Did you enjoy your blowjob this morning?" Katie quizzed.
"Yeah, you know I did."
"Then just fucking drop it, Jack." Katie left no doubt that they were done answering questions. I wanted to push, but my common sense, and my cock, told me to shut the fuck up. I put my eyes back on the road and let silence fall over the car. If that was how it was going to be, then fine.
Chapel Loop State Park had a wonderful hiking trail. Katie and I found it the year before and I was eager to try it out again. It wasn't very long, only about five miles, but it offered beautiful scenery and many picnic areas along the way. We planned on spending most of the day there. We parked about fifty yards from the trail head and noticed that there weren't very many cars in the parking lot. That was one of the best things about northern Michigan; you never had to wait in line for anything.
We started walking leisurely, the girls taking the lead. Like the pervert that I was, I looked at their asses. I had to admit, both were spectacular. I usually didn't ogle my sister's ass; but after seeing her and Julia swapping my cum this morning, usual definitely didn't describe my mood. Julia's ass is tight and athletic; Katie's is bigger, and definitely a curvy, bubble butt. We walked along, having companionable conversation about mostly inane things. It was comfortable. My comfort level evaporated when the girls fell in step beside me.
"So Jack," Julia quipped with a smirk, "Katie tells me you've only had sex with one girl. Well, besides me, of course." I looked at Katie, and she didn't even have the good grace to look at all ashamed. In fact, she looked at me challengingly. How could she know that? I didn't know, so I asked.
"How do you know that?"
"Girls talk Jack. Do you think sex never comes up in our conversations?" Katie giggled at my supposed innocence. "I know that you got a blow job from Phoebe Miller when she was wasted at Nicole's party."
How could she know that? I never even told any of my friends about it. It wasn't because I was ashamed, or anything. I was just never the kind of guy to brag about stuff like that. Besides, we were both drunk at the time, and that was probably the only reason it had happened.
"So you invaded an intoxicated girl's mouth?" Julia asked. "What happened to you being a nice guy?" Surprisingly Katie came to my rescue.
"The girl was a fucking whore, and she probably blew half that party. It wouldn't have mattered if she was drunk or not." She smiled cheekily at me. "His good guy status is still intact."
"We'll have to see about that. He did fuck his cousin last night, in the bedroom right next to his sister's." Julia seemed pleased with herself. "You also can't deny what happened this morning, either."
"What'd he do this morning? You ambushed him, and gave him head, so what?" Katie looked a little bothered. She didn't let anyone slam my reputation if she could help it.
"Well," Julia started, "The so what is that he got off by looking at his little sister."
"I think that you are just mad that he kept paying attention to me, while you had his cock in your mouth. You're just jealous." I had never heard Katie use the word "cock" before. It was kind of sexy. I was tired of being on the defensive, so I decided to play a little offense.
"So Julia, it looked like that wasn't the first time that you two had kissed. So is it a habit, or what?" I couldn't see myself, but I must have looked pretty smug right about then. Julia was on one side of me, and Katie walked on the other. I saw them exchange meaningful looks.
"As a matter of fact, it is a habit..."
"...we're lesbian lovers." What the fuck? Whatever I had expected, it wasn't that.
"You fucking cunt!" I had hardly ever heard my sweet, innocent sister say the "C" word either, but apparently there was a lot that I didn't know about her.
"What, are you ashamed of me, or something? It wasn't like he didn't figure it out already. We talked about showing him." Apparently they had made plans concerning me. I fucking knew it was a conspiracy.
"We talked about it, but we never decided anything." Katie looked in genuine distress, and she stopped walking. I stopped beside her. Her eyes were tearing up. I took her in my arms and hugged her tightly. It wasn't unusual for us to hug.
"I'm sorry," I started. "I didn't mean for you to get upset."
"I know," she sniffed. "I'm just not sure that I wanted you to know about that."
"It's no big deal, honestly. It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that you are happy." She smiled at me, and I wiped the tears from her cheek with my thumb.
"God, get a room. You know that he just thinks it's hot. He wouldn't care if you fucked a giraffe, as long as you'd let him watch." She did have a point. I had to admit that the image of her and Julia played itself out in my mind even as I held her close. Between the fantasy of them going at it, and her close proximity, my dick started to get hard. She was pressed right against me, because of the firmness of my grip. I felt her ample tits rub up against my chest, and I smelled the strawberry shampoo that she used. She was driving me crazy! All these feelings were new to me.
"Hello there!" she giggled wildly, and ground her stomach up against my throbbing member. I had risen to full hardness in what seemed like record time. I loosened my grip around her shoulders to let her pull away, but she pulled me closer.
"Is he hard?" Julia asked.
"Yeah, he is. It's fucking huge, he's almost poking me in the ribs." She giggled animatedly, all thoughts of her anger toward Julia apparently forgotten.
"Well you are practically a midget, Kay. But one thing is for sure, you can't deny that this erection is totally because of you. He can't even see me." I could hear the smirk in Julia's voice. "He's got a nice cock, doesn't he?" I felt Julia's body press against mine from behind. Her hard nipples stabbed at my back, as Katie's stabbed at my front. I could have had a heart attack right there in the middle of the trail.
"Yeah, he does," Katie said breathlessly. "It's so thick." She ground her stomach against my cock again. My cock had surpassed hard, and went straight to petrified. I felt Julia's hand squeeze between my dick and Katie's stomach, and she gripped my schlong fiercely.
"Oh fuck, that is hard. We need to take care of this," Julia teased, as she jacked my shaft. "We can't have you hiking like this, it might get bent." She giggled, and Katie mimicked her.
"We could go back to the car," I suggested hopefully.
"That's a half an hour walk," Julia complained. She sounded like she wanted her fun now. She began to kiss my neck softly.
"There should be some picnic tables ahead. Last time we were here, they were arranged about a half an hour apart," Katie said. I wasn't sure about this idea. I didn't exactly like the idea of being "taken care of" out in the open for anyone who walked by to see, but I was suddenly so out of my mind horny, that I just didn't give a shit. Apparently Julia agreed with me because she immediately seized my hand, and began practically dragging me down the trail. Katie laughed musically, and grabbed hold of my other hand.
We walked for about another five minutes before we found the picnic tables that Katie promised. The hardness of my prick never wavered. If anything, the determination that Julia showed while stalking down the trail excited me even more.
As soon as we reached the small clearing, Julia threw her arms around my neck, and pulled my head down for a kiss. Passionate wouldn't exactly describe our kissing. She practically devoured my mouth, while she ground my cock against her belly. She moaned softly into the kiss.
"I need you, right now!" She wasn't asking, she was telling. I looked over at Katie, who had taken a seat at the closest picnic table, and she gave me a small nod of the head. I wasn't sure what her place would be in this, but right then I didn't care. My entire thought process boiled down to nine inches of need. Julia walked over to the picnic table that Katie was sitting on, and began to undo her shorts.
"Take your shorts off, dumbass. How am I going to get at your cock with them on?" I readily complied by undoing my own shorts, and pulling them and my boxers down. My cock sprang into the open air, gloriously hard. I had thought she was going to give me a hand job, but apparently she wanted to fuck. She was having a hard time with her shorts, since they were so tight. I moved behind her, grabbed the legs of her shorts, and pulled down forcefully. They slowly moved down, grudgingly at first, then quickly pooled around her ankles.
She had no panties on. I briefly wondered if this was planned, but found that I didn't care one way, or the other. Pulling her shorts down put my face even with her ass, and I leaned forward and kissed it gently. She shivered at the touch of my lips. She bent forward at the waist, planting her hands on the table, and spread her legs. The sight of her glistening love hole almost made me cum on myself. I could see how desperately wet she was. Just in the time since her shorts were down, her juices had begun to drip down her thigh. Apparently I wasn't the only one who became more excited on the way to the picnic area.
I went from crouching to fully on my knees. I licked her moistened thigh, and worked my way toward the creamy center. She tasted and smelled terrific, and pre-cum began to leak out of my erect cock. I knew that I couldn't last long during sex; I was way too over excited. I had only eaten pussy once, and my inexperience showed. I focused on her slit, sliding my tongue over and between her lips. I explored the inside of her pussy, and quickly began to tongue fuck it. Though probably inept, my attentions had their desired effect, and she started grinding her pussy back against my face. Her moans spurred me onward, and my confidence in my abilities was quickly bolstered. The tonguing and grinding continued for a couple of minutes. Just when my tongue started getting really tired, she came... hard. She cried out loudly, in a wordless release of sexual tension. I continued my efforts as she shuddered to a finish.
All I could think about was getting my rod into her slick tunnel of love. She started to turn to face me, but I wordlessly pushed her back around. I was done taking orders from her, this was now about me. She obediently bent over again, and I guided my cock up to her tight slit, her girl juice and my pre-cum paved the way. I pushed in, none too gently, only burying about two inches of my shaft in her scalding hot pussy. It was so tight, even after fucking last night, that it felt like I had died and gone to heaven.
"Give me all your cock, Jack. Shove it in, give it to me." I didn't make her wait. There was no teasing this time. I grabbed her by the hips, and mercilessly buried as much as I could inside her.
"Awww, fuck!" she cried out loudly. It was all she could manage as I started to relentlessly plow her. I drew almost out, and quickly shoved it back in. Almost out, and back in. I just started to get a rhythm going when I looked over her shoulder at Katie. She was propped up on the picnic table's bench, naked from the waist down. My breath caught, and my rhythm broke. I slipped out, and almost shoved it up her ass, before her squeal alerted me to the wrongness of the hole. I plowed back in the correct hole at full speed.
Katie's eyes locked on mine as she frigged herself at the speed of light. Her snatch was flushed gloriously pink from excitement with just a little red tuft of a landing strip above her clit. Her pussy was beautiful, and I wanted it desperately. I wanted to bury my fingers, my face, and my cock in it. She moved the hand that was bracing her on the bench, and attacked her clit with it. She was now held up entirely by upper body strength, and her porcelain belly quivered with the strain.
I was plundering Julia's cunt mercilessly, and my lusty excitement was building to the point of no return. Katie began panting and moaning, all the while her gaze was locked on mine. She looked seconds away from cumming, and so was I.
"I'm getting really close," I managed to choke out, in between thrusting and sucking air. I needed to know where to cum, before I mindlessly blew my wad.
"Cum inside me, Jack. Cum in my pussy, PLEASE!" I felt her cunt momentarily tighten, as she began her orgasm. Apparently the thought of me painting her insides with my jizz pushed her over the edge. An orgasm tore through Katie, as she heard her cousin and lover plead for cum. As soon as Katie began to howl, I lost my fight. Thick streams of cum gushed out of my shaft and into her cum greedy pussy. It felt like her tunnel was milking my cock for every last drop of jizz, and that's what I gave her; every single last drop.
As our orgasms wound down, Katie dropped her eyes from mine, and slumped back onto the picnic bench. Julia had been holding up tirelessly to my onslaught; but her strength began to lag as I continued to bang her pussy, even after I was finished cumming. I let go of her hips, and ceased my motions, and she practically collapsed face first onto the table top. I had to admit, it was a lovely sight. Her tight, perky, teenaged ass bent over the table, with a load of our combined cum running down her leg. I slapped her ass as I walked around her and sat down on the bench next to Katie's prone form. Julia pushed herself into a standing position, walked around, and sat down in my lap. I felt the warm wetness of her pussy up against my leg, and my cock twitched.
I held Julia on my lap, and began to kiss her gently on her neck. I slid my hand cautiously over to my sister's pale thigh. It felt wonderfully smooth and silky as I stroked it. I wondered what it would taste like.
"You surprised me by eating my pussy like that." Julia laughed throatily as she continued to try and catch her breath. "I didn't think you did that, since you made no move to do it last night."
"Last night was kind of crazy," I said. "You were driving me insane, and I couldn't get to fuck you fast enough; plus, you were really into getting finger banged." She laughed.
"Speaking of finger banging, are you alright Kay?" Katie had been lying back quietly, letting me softly rub her thigh.
"Yeah," she said hoarsely, "I'm good... Really good" She smiled up at us, and the girls started a riot of giggling.
"What were you thinking about when you came?" Julia asked once the giggles died.
"None of your business," she said quite seriously for an eighteen year old girl.
"It's cool if you got off watching him fuck the hell out of me." I nipped at Julia's neck teasingly, and she moaned. Katie stayed silent. "You weren't really watching him fuck me though, were you?"
Katie looked hesitant. I knew that she was tense by the tightening of her thigh, but she finally answered quietly, so quietly that I didn't catch the answer. I think I knew what she said just by the way she had looked at me while I was fucking Julia. She had been thinking about me. More specifically, she had been thinking about me plundering her goodies like I had been doing to Julia. Thinking about Katie this way was too much, and my cock began to push hungrily against the cheerleader's ass in my lap.
"Wow, up again already, huh?" she said to my cock. It didn't answer back, though. Julia grinned at me, gave me a quick kiss, and slid off my lap onto the grass. She attacked my cock with her dirty little mouth, sucking, licking, and bobbing. I saw her rapidly rubbing her clit with her free hand.
I looked at Katie, and she watched me defiantly, as if I was challenging her right to watch. "Take off your shirt," I told her. She looked at me questioningly. Julia thought I meant her, so she stripped her tank top over her head in one smooth motion, barely breaking her rhythm. I looked down at the naked goddess in my lap, who was willing to do the filthiest of things for my pleasure. I was sure that if I had decided to take her ass a few minutes ago, she would have cheerily complied with my wishes despite her initial sounds of protest.
I looked back at Katie, and tightened my grip on her thigh almost painfully. "Take your shirt off. I want to see you naked." She looked at me for a long minute. There seemed to be a war being waged behind her brilliant green eyes. I wasn't sure who should win. She slowly stripped off her tank top, then undid her bra, and added it to the small pile of her clothes on the table top. She was now gloriously, and deliciously naked in front of her own brother.
Julia had clearly been confused by my second order to take her top off, since she had readily went along with the first. She saw where I was looking, and watched Katie take her top off. She smirked at me when I looked at her, then returned her slutty mouth to the task at hand. After a couple more minutes of foreplay she was ready for action. She was also in the mood to give orders.
"Climb up on top of the table," she told me. I stripped off my shirt, completing my nudity, and got on the table.
"Not that way, dumbass. Turn around so that you can see Katie too." I felt stupid for a second, but quickly realized that she was giving me her approval for me to look at Katie while we were having sex. Apparently she wasn't worried about being upstaged by my redheaded sister. I turned around on the table.
"Now lay down," she said bossily. I lay down, but I was frustrated because I couldn't see Katie. "Easy, big guy," she smirked at me, "Don't look so disappointed, you're killing my fucking ego. I'll get your hot little sis for you." Julia got up on the table and straddled me, and then Katie got up and put one of her legs on the edge of the table right next to me. Her crotch was just about even with my face, and she was only a foot away. I could see how wet she was, and smell how excited she was. I saw the look in my sister's eyes. Katie looked vulnerable. It was something that I never thought I would see in Julia's eyes in a million years.
I was instantly distracted from Katie when Julia slid my cock inside her in one smooth stroke. She was very, very wet, and hot as lava. Damn she felt tight. She made little mewling noises in the back of her throat as her insides adjusted to my fat prick inside her, she was able to get almost all of me inside her in this position. If Julia's pussy had gears, she would have only one, and it would be labeled "fuck me hard." She lived up to that label as she rode me fast. Her pussy began to bottom out on my cock as she slowly stretched inside. Every time she bottomed out, she made these little cooing noises. It was very cute, and it spurred me to fuck her harder. So for every stroke, I had a counter-stroke waiting, and our bodies settled into the timeless dance together.
I saw Katie playing with her nipples out of the corner of my eye. I turned to watch the show that she was putting on for me. Her nipples were large and beautiful, centered on impossibly perky breasts, the kind that only an eighteen year old could possess. I really couldn't judge her cup size, being that I knew so little about such things. They were bigger than my ex's and bigger than Julia's; they had to be at least a D cup. She saw me looking and stepped up her efforts. I reached out with my left hand and softly trailed my fingers over her flat stomach. She shivered violently at my caress as a small moan escaped her lips. I had the feeling that I was driving her as crazy as she was driving me.
My attention was drawn back to Julia as she quickly approached orgasm. Her previous coos, that I found so cute, had turned into small grunts. I placed my right hand on her hip to steady her as she slightly started to lose control of her movements. It was hard to coordinate everything that I was doing at once, not at all like the porn stars that you see on video. It wasn't a slick, coordinated effort; it was all of us doing our own thing as we spastically rutted against one another in the open air. I stopped stroking Katie and concentrated on Julia, pulling my left hand up to her hip in order to stabilize her. I increased my upward thrusts as she came down and received an immediate reaction. Her pussy went off like a firecracker. It tightened with a vise-like grip, threatening to push my invading cock out. I fought against her cunt muscles, and plowed ahead, feeling her tunnel become slick with her cum. She howled a mix of unintelligible noises mixed with obscenities that prominently featured the words fuck, cock, cunt, and slut. I didn't understand what the fuck she said, but I had a pretty good idea what it meant: she was having an awesome fucking orgasm.
Before I could pat myself on the back too much for my heroic efforts in imparting female pleasure, she collapsed on top of me, shivering, shaking, and gasping for air. For a trim little cheerleader, I was surprised at how heavy she was as dead weight. I kissed her neck, and told her how wonderful she was. I ran my hands all over her body, which was slick with a thin sheen of perspiration. She gradually came to her senses, and began to kiss me back.
"Wow," I said stupidly, not being able to think of anything more appropriate. She grinned at me, then twined her fingers in my short brown hair and kissed me hard.
Apparently we were not the only people affected by the hotness of the sex. Katie half sat, half laid on the bench seat of the picnic table, directly below and beside me. Her pussy made wet sopping noises as her fingers rammed in and out of her slick hole.
"Awww, fuck," she said dazedly as she attempted to finger herself off. Unlike last time, she was within ready reach of my left hand. I bent my arm back, and gently squeezed one of her firm breasts. Her insanely hard nipple poked between my fingers, and I squeezed it; gently at first, then with increasing pressure. Her eyes drilled into mine again.
"Oh god... yes," she exclaimed as I practically mauled her right tit. I saw little drops of wetness flick from her fingers as she fucked herself at what had to be a record pace. I wanted nothing more than to bury my face in her soaking wet snatch, but the weight of the beautiful girl on top of me, and my own fears kept me in my place. Julia stopped kissing me, and watched the hot stroke fest that was my sister.
"Cum for your brother," Julia said forcefully. "Think about how hard his cock is for you."
"Oh... yeah," Katie moaned.
"Think about how his big hard cock would feel inside you... fucking you... filling your hot little pussy up."
"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Her fingers blurred as she plowed her slit.
"Think about your brother fucking you and cumming inside you. Imagine him shooting his load deep inside of your pussy." That was enough to send Katie over the edge. She howled into the woods as she came hard on her fingers, girl cum soaking her hand and squirting her parted thighs and cunt. Damn, she came a lot. My hard cock jumped inside Julia's snatch, as my sister's eyes blazed at me, threatening to burn me to ash. I was dizzy with the idea of fucking my gorgeous, redheaded
sister. I could smell the excitement of her hot little pussy as it continued to spasm on her now slowing fingers. It drove me insane. I released my grip on her breast as her orgasm subsided. Nobody said anything for a few long minutes. Julia slid off my hard cock, and started pumping it with her fist. It slid though her fingers smoothly because of the slick coating of her cum.
"Do you want to fuck him?" Julia broke the silence bluntly. I looked at Katie and she stared back at me. She slowly nodded.
"But I don't want to do it here, though. Not for our first time. I kind of want it to be special." I understood her reservations. Katie was definitely a girl that craved romance, and getting shagged senseless on a picnic table was kind of tawdry.
"Do you want to suck him off or something? I bet he'd just go nuts fucking those ginormous tits of yours." She shook her head slowly. Julia beamed at me, and squeezed my cock. "It's you and me, cowboy. What do you want me to do?" I honestly didn't know. I felt a little guilty, but I was so focused on Katie that Julia kind of dimmed in comparison.
Then it came to me in a flash. "I want to fuck your ass," I said confidently. I certainly sounded more confident than I really was since I'd never done anal before. It sounded like a good idea, though.
Julia smiled. "You are a dirty boy, aren't you?" Katie laughed and the tension between us decreased. "I told you that he wasn't as innocent as you thought he was, Kay."
"No, I think that you are just a slut, and that you are corrupting my brother."
Julia laughed at her friend's comeback. Then she climbed up off of the table top and bent over the side of the table, right next to Katie's seated form. She stuck her ass out lewdly.
"My ass isn't going to fuck itself, rump wrangler." She smiled at me and I quickly took the hint. I vacated the table top quickly and walked around the table to join the two girls. I was about to take hold of Julia's hips when Katie reached out with her small hand and grabbed my cock. She dazzled me with her pearly whites.
"It's so hard," she said breathlessly; so much for falling sexual tension. She pumped her hand a few times on my cock experimentally. Lust was slowly but surely clouding my vision. My cock felt like it might explode. I was drawn to her like a moth to a flame. She eyed my cock greedily and kept pumping. I bent down slowly, and kissed her lips softly while her hand still moved on my shaft. Our kiss deepened, our lips parted, and our tongues explored. I reached behind her head and tangled my fingers in her wild red curls.
"That is so fucking hot!" Julia said, but she was ignored. The only thing that mattered was our kiss. It was truly a soul kiss. Katie moaned into my mouth and I practically pulled her off her feet by her hair. She released my shaft and her body molded itself to mine; my free hand cupped her magnificent ass. My pre-cum coated her flat stomach as she ground it against my cock. It was so slippery, I thought I would explode before long, but I didn't care. I let my finger slide down the crack of her ass and I teased her puckered star. She moaned hungrily again and I slid my fingers down farther, until I found the back of her dripping slit. She jumped like an electric current had run through her. Katie reached back, grabbed my hand, and pulled it away from her pussy. She broke the kiss.
"It's not that I don't want to Jack, because I do. I really do. Please, just not here." She demonstrated an iron will by taking a step back from me. I felt supremely disappointed, but I did understand, or at least my big head did. She ran her small hand over her stomach, idly playing with my slippery pre-cum.
"Do you want me to take care of him, Katie?" Julia seemed a little perturbed by her demotion to fuck toy. Katie nodded.
"Take her ass, Jack. Take it hard. That's how I like it." Julia positively beamed at me. She returned to the table and bent over.
"Use my pussy juice as lube. Just put it in and get it nice and slick for me." I complied lustily, sinking my shaft into her as far as it would go. She grunted loudly. "Fuck, your cock is big. Don't go crazy in my ass right away. Take it slow."
"No," Katie said. "Fuck that slut to death, Jack. Don't go easy on her; I want to hear her beg for mercy." Katie started rubbing her clit even as I was buried balls deep in our cousin. I pumped a few strokes to get lubricated, and then slid out. At that point I would have been satisfied with her pussy because I needed to cum badly, but I was determined to give my sister the show that she wanted.
I located her puckered star with my finger and I used it to guide the placement of my cock. When I was positioned at her back door, I pushed slowly, but forcefully forward. Her asshole steadily denied me entrance.
"Try to relax, baby." I reached out with my free hand and spread one of her cheeks wider. She exhaled slowly and I felt her tight ring give just a little. I took full advantage by increasing the pressure I was giving her. After a few seconds my head popped in. She exhaled in a rush as her insides tried to adjust to the relentless pressure. I pushed further in; an inch, two inches, three inches. I pulled back and humped forward again, this time I went four inches deep. Soon I had my entire length buried in her gloriously tight tunnel. It surprised me that all of my cock fit in her ass when it barely fit in her pussy.
"Come on Jack, you aren't making love, you're fucking. Plow that whore's ass!" Katie looked serious as she sat on the top of the table while fingering herself off. She grunted as she rubbed her clit. I pulled back, and really started fucking my Julia's ass. I banged her so hard that my balls slapped up against her wet pussy whenever I would thrust forward. Whatever I was doing it must have worked for Julia, because I fucked her for only about a minute when a full blown orgasm tore through her. She cried out loudly as her asshole twitched, tightening and loosening around my cock. I was relentless in my fucking and never slowed one iota. The friction in her ass was enormous and I now knew why they made anal lube. With her ass feeling like that, I didn't last long; only another minute or so until I felt my balls tighten before my inevitable orgasm.
"I'm getting ready to cum," I stated. I didn't know whether I should cum in her ass or not, so I left it up to her.
"Pull out!" she yelled. I felt disappointment in not shooting my jizz in her dirtiest of holes, but I pulled out anyway. I started jacking my dick, preparing to cum all over her ass, when she shocked me. She turned towards me, knelt and sucked my cock into the back of her throat. She bobbed on my pole about three times before I unloaded in her mouth.
"Oh, shit. Fuck." I came and came and she sucked down every last drop of my spunk. Some of it hit the back of her throat funny and she gagged a little, but it never slowed her feasting on my jizz. Katie came just when I blew the last of my load into Julia's pie hole. Her orgasm lasted longer than mine, which didn't seem possible, and then she slumped against the table top behind her, breathing raggedly.
We all sat down on the bench next to Katie. It was a few minutes until we all regained our breath, and composure.
"Oh my god, you really are a dirty slut." Katie giggled. "I can't believe you went ass to mouth. That's hands down the most perverted thing I've ever seen."
"You know what they said in 'Clerks 2," Julia joked.
Katie looked puzzled.
"What was that?" I asked innocently.
"Sometimes it's ok to go ass to mouth." Julia smacked her lips appreciatively at the load of cum that I had just dumped in her throat. Except for the walk back, we were done hiking for the day. | literotica |
Title: The Law of the Pack Part VI: The Beginnings of Something More? by Ragnarok1234
Tags: Kissing, School, Teenagers, Wolf
Jim woke early the following morning, to a most wonderful smell. He smiled, eyes still closed, and leaned forward, grasping and laying his muzzle on top of the warm furry pillow, without considering what it was made of. With that, Jim fell back asleep.
Kate woke up a few minutes later, and felt like she had an extra layer of fur wrapped around her. She realized what that bag of fur was, and growled, trying to slide out from underneath the paws that were holding her there, but they grasped her tight against the sleeping body once more. Kate's eyes narrowed, and she kicked out with her right hind leg. It connected with Jim's thigh, and he jumped up, yelping. "What was that for?" he exclaimed.
"That?!" Kate replied. "That was for trying to sleep with me!" Jim growled.
"I did no such thing!" he replied, angry.
"You were practically riding my tail!" Kate replied.
"You wish!" Jim said, turning, and leaving the cave, fuming. Kate gave him a moment, and then went to apologize.
"Hey," she said, padding up beside Jim. He sidestepped away from her, and she moved back up next to him. "I'm sorry I kicked you."
"Whatever," Jim replied, looking away. Kate huffed, and walked around in front of Jim's line of sight, hunkering down before him. "What are you doing?" Jim asked, bewildered.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" Kate asked, shaking her tail and hind end.
"Hmm, looks to me like an Alpha who's acting like an Omega," Jim said, the corners of his mouth turning up. "You would *never* do something like that, now would you?" Kate's response was to growl.
"I'm gonna get you!" she said, pouncing at Jim, who deftly stepped out of the way.
"Apparently not," Jim replied, turning around to face the female wolf.
"Yeah, watch... THIS!" Kate exclaimed, leaping through the air once more, and, once more, Jim moved out of the way. Though, at the last second, Kate twisted around, and knocked Jim to the ground. She pinned him to the ground, and he snapped at her, though he couldn't move to get up.
"Cheater!" he shouted, snapping his jaws at her.
"Winner is more like it," Kate replied
"Meh," Jim said, pushing the female off of him, and getting to his feet. "I'd like to see you do it again."
"That a challenge?" Kate asked.
"You couldn't do it, even if it was," Jim said, forgetting about his initial anger at being kicked.
"Bet me," Kate said, hunkering down one more time.
"Alright!" Jim said. "You and me, right now. You pin me, and I'll do whatever you ask me to do, one time." Kate didn't like where this was going.
"...and if *you* win?" she asked, nervously.
"If I win, you know what I want," Jim said, grinning.
"Jim, that... I can't..." Kate stammered.
"Hey, if you can't accept the consequences, don't run with the big dogs, girl," Jim said, laughing. "You lose, and you do whatever I ask you to do, one time. Take it or leave it." Kate nodded, and circled around, trying to think how best she could take Jim out. She eventually saw her opening, and took it. Jim had purposely left himself open to attack, and relied on his superior speed to spin around. In a flash of fur, Jim had Kate flipped upside down, and pinned firmly to the ground. Both panted from the quick physical effort.
"I told you," Jim said, "don't try running with the big dogs unless you can handle it." Kate frowned, and whimpered, knowing she had to keep up her end of the bargain. "Now, you know what it's time for," Jim said, grinning devilishly. Kate's breathing stopped, knowing what the male was about to do. She closed her eyes, and waited for the inevitable. It didn't come. She waited thirty seconds, and then opened an eye, wondering what happened to Jim. He was still holding her down when she opened her eyes, but as soon as she opened them, he climbed off of them, and sat down. "I want you," he began dramatically, causing Kate to whimper slightly, "to sit here in front of me, and keep your eyes open, for thirty seconds." Kate did as she was told, questioning the strange directives the wolf gave, and sat in front of him, their noses not a foot away from each other.
When fourty seconds went by, and Jim had not ravished her, she began to wonder what was going on, until Jim said, "you're done," leaned forward, and tenderly kissed her on the mouth. Shock crossed her mind, and all conscious thought slipped away for a moment, until she came back to reality, and realized she was kissing the male wolf back. Jim's tail swung back and forth, brushing dirt around on the ground, and she didn't even realize that hers was also. Jim pulled back as suddenly as he started, and Kate almost went with him, not wanting to stop.
"Does that count as what you were going to do to me?" Kate asked, dreamily. Jim shook his head.
"Nope, the only thing I asked you to do was sit in front of me for thirty seconds. You let me kiss you," Jim replied. "I would never do something like that to you without your permission, or, at the very least, your having not been forced to do it. Was it good for you?" Kate sighed, enraptured.
"I'm... not quite sure. Maybe you should do it again, so I'll know for sure..." she leaned forward, and met Jim halfway. Their muzzles locked, and Jim could taste the caribou that Kate had for breakfast the day before. He pulled back, and Kate asked him what was wrong.
"Is that caribou?" he asked.
"Um, yes?" Kate replied, rubbing her mouth with her paw, embarrassed. "I'm sorry..."
"For what?" Jim asked, leaning in to within an inch of her muzzle, "I love caribou." She kissed him, and he explored her muzzle with his long tongue. Kate's came out to meet his, and they danced around each other's mouths for close to a minute, before Jim broke off the kiss." We should probably get to class now," he said, and turned around. Kate yelled at him.
"Hey! Don't think you don't have to sleep on the opposite side of the cave now, because of this!" she growled.
"Wouldn't dream of it," Jim replied, grinning. "Come on!" Kate walked up beside him, and pushed him to the left. He pushed her back, and they walked to the Alpha's den, playfully shoving each other back and forth, their tails wagging. | FSE |
Title: BedLove
Tags: bedpost
The night was still young, only about 9:00 P.M. A young woman, around the age of 22, was strolling around her one bedroom apartment. Wearing nothing but a soft, blue silk bathrobe, she walks from one end of her small kitchen, looking for something, although not sure what. Her soft brown hair fell gently down over her shoulders, ending at the curves of her ample breasts. Her bathrobe held tight to her sexy, curvy frame, showing every curve and crevice, from her shoulders down to the sides of her thighs. Her soft hands ran along her cupboard, her slender fingers grasping one handle, pulling it open. She reaches in with the other, and pulls out a clear glass. Running her fingers under the faucet for a few moments to make sure the water is cold, she fills her cup. Walking over to her large bay window, which seemed out of place for such a small apartment, she gazes out onto the road below. Busy businessmen and lovely teen couples walked the streets, some skipping along, anxious to get home and be together alone, some quietly walking along, just enjoying holding each other. She smiled. There can be such love and beauty in this world, she thought, her smile growing.
She closes her eyes, thinking of her past, bringing up some wonderful intimate memories she has shared with her lovers. Although she enjoyed the raw, sexual urges the men she has been with, the intimacy of her few female lovers has overshot the males. Something sparks in her mind, and her hand twitches, almost losing grip of the glass. A small amount of water spills out, landing on the top of her chest, and streams down her cleavage. She giggles, enjoying the feeling of the water seeping down between her breasts. She notices a slight wetness forming elsewhere, between her legs. She leans against her window, lifting one leg up, and squeezes, pressing her pussy lips against each other. She bites her bottom lip, rubbing her airborne leg back and forth, feeling the sensation tingle up her pussy, up to her stomach, and into her thighs. She sets the glass down on the floor, not caring whether or not she knocks it over. Leaning her forehead against the glass, her slender arms untie her bathrobe belt, letting it fall open, exposing her naked form to the air.
She sees her reflection in the mirror, and grins. Her soft, curving cheekbones, her round eye sockets, slightly wide nose and thin lips gave her a cuteness that most people couldn't see and not glance for a second look. Her eyes meet her eyes, and she grins again. Her own reflection excites her, and a flare of soft pleasure pulses inside her pussy. She stares at herself, working down her body, looking at her firm breasts, with the material of her robe still barely covering her nipples. She works her way down, between her legs, and sees the roundness of her lips pressed against each other. She gasps, squeezing her pussy together again. The sensation in her crotch, isn't that strong, although it feels incredible, and it's building. Still leaning against the glass, she slides her robe over her shoulders and lets it drop to the floor. Her nipples have hardened, and she pushes them against the glass, pressing the tips into her breasts. She lets out a slight gasp, turning her head to the side, pressing her cheek on the window. She rubs her chest up and down a few times, feeling the electricity run through her tits, and into her torso. Her hand subconsciously runs up her thigh, and cups her pussy, as she closes her eyes.
The fire inside her flares, the touch of her hand on her crotch increasing her arousal so much that she lets out a gasp. She rubs, letting the pulse of pleasure run up her body, feeling her legs start to get feeble. She spreads them, bracing herself more against the window. She slowly slips her middle finger into her pussy, letting out another gasp. She could feel an early orgasm coming, although she wanted to hold out. She hooks her finger, rubbing it along the upper wall of her pussy, glancing on her g spot. She almost loses her balance as a massive spasm flows through her. She pushes her breasts up against the glass again, and slides her finger out of her pussy.
Regaining her composure, she walks over to her bedroom door. A slight trickle of her juice was running down her leg, and she could feel the massive tingling inside her building as she walked, her wet lips rubbing against her thighs. With her wet finger in her mouth, she opens her door, steps through, and walks to her bed.
It's a queen sized bet, with perfectly sized bedposts at the corners. She sets her eyes on one of them. Staring at the post, she crunches down, spreading her legs open, and pulls close to the corner of the bed. She wraps her arms around the post, and presses her crotch against the side of the curvy post. The wood splits her lips apart, and her swollen clit makes contact with the surface of the post. She gasps, and immediately starts rubbing frantically up and down the post. She can feel her orgasm approaching, and pulls away. She then pulls forward again, smashing against the pole. A massive wave of electric pleasure flows through her, her clit feeling like it's about to explode, she rubs upward then stops. Her orgasm was almost there, begging to come, but she won't allow it. Not yet.
She stands up and positions her soaking lips above the bedpost. She gently lowers herself onto it, slightly spreading out her lips. She grasps her breasts, cupping and pushing them upward, not wanting to neglect them. Her nipples harden even more, hurting just a little. She cups her right breast, pushing all the way up, and bends her neck down, pulling her nipple into her mouth. She sucks intently, feeling the lightning travel from her nipple, from her pussy, to the rest of her body. She sits down on the post, taking a good 8 inches all the way into her pussy. She throws her head back, letting go of her chest, putting her hand on the sides of the bed. She sits down more, taking as much of the post in, stretching her immensely. She could feel the post inside her, pushing out on her vaginal walls, the massive pleasure causing her mouth to gasp open, and her mind begin to lose touch with reality. She opens her eyes, although can't comprehend what she's seeing. All she knows is what's going on between her legs, inside her. She moves up and down, slightly, feeling the ball on the tip of the post press against her cervix, stretching out her tight pussy. She grasps the remaining part of the post on the bottom, and leans back, rubbing the ball on the top of her pussy. Leaning back more the massive wooden object makes contact with her g spot.
Her eyes fly open, then clamp shut, as her orgasm takes over her entire body. In her mind all she feels is everything imaginable that's good, built up inside her, causing every nerve of her body to explode with unimaginable pleasure. Her pussy clamps down hard on the post, her clit pulsates, her leg muscles tightening up. Her torso convulses forward, her massive orgasm making every muscle in her body contract with ecstasy. She opens her mouth to scream out, but the wave of a second orgasm pulses up from her pussy lips, into her clit, then spreads out through her body, making everything stiff. Her mouth frozen open, she opens her eyes. Her second orgasm flushed out through her body, reaching the highest climax she ever experienced, and held there. She has no idea how long, her entire sense of time lost in ecstasy. Her pussy convulses on the post hard, her body vibrating, and she loses consciousness.
She wakes up several hours later, laying face down on the bed. The perfect roundness of the bedpost allowed her to slide off after her cumming, and she figured she must've pulled up on it enough for her to fall off with no problems. She smiles, then giggles. She looks back at the post, it glistening from the moonlight shining from the window, through her open bedroom door. Letting out a sigh, she closes her eyes for a minute, and realizes her favorite blanket is laying on the bed next to her. It was a small quilt, knitted for her years ago, by her mother shortly before she had died. She clutches the corner running her finger along the embroidery. Her name. Mieka. | literotica |
Title: A Almost Perfect Awakening Ch. 54
Tags: carly hands, sex she'd, knew lynn, lynn beth, girl wanted, time he'd, penis began, wayne, lynn, he'd
*A thousand "Thanks!" to Bob from Illinois for his valuable help.
The following chapter is part of a single novel length story relating a journey of awakenings, discovery and growth involving a small group of people.
By clicking on a blue Wm\_Sexspear, you'll be taken to my Profile; at the bottom of the page you'll find a list of all the currently available chapters. THIS SHOULD MAKE IT EASY TO READ THEM ALL, IN SEQUENCE, WHICH IS HEARTILY SUGGESTED so the reader can follow the story line, character development, and catch the inside jokes.
Many of these chapters could go into many different categories. For example, in Chapter 1 there's a small amount of male-male sex. A number of ladies have said it turns them on to picture two guys, just like the idea of girl-girl sex is arousing to many males. Yet Chapter 1's purpose is to supply important background regarding the heterosexual development of 2 young men, so I'd hope a totally hetero or gay reader could to relate to and enjoy this chapter.
Fan mail, well-intentioned questions, and constructive criticism are welcome; I do my best to respond when an e-mail address is supplied.
Thank you. W\_S
This story is protected by (c) copyright and may not be duplicated, reprinted, copied or placed on any Internet Website without permission of the author. All rights reserved.*
\* \* \* \* \*
**Chapter 54: Wayne Gets an Eyeful**
Acting like newlyweds, Carly and I couldn't keep our hands out of each other's pants. We practiced being careful about not attracting our parent's attention. Any effort was worth it; we'd found something too good to give up. Happily, we found we could usually get in a quickie during chores. It might be a different story come colder weather, but for now it was a high point of every day to go outside together each day.
Careful clothing selections allowed us to do a lot during 'homework' time. If we wanted to get together at night, but couldn't explain being in each other's room, we'd sneak downstairs after our folks had gone to bed. Being sure to each have a glass of something just in case, we'd then head to the sofa. By wearing nothing under our bathrobes, we could get naked or covered in a second flat, making it easy to screw like rabbits.
Usually I'd get over to see Lynn and Beth a couple times between each Monday through Thursday. During the week I'd make love to Lynn a little more than with Beth, but I certainly didn't ignore her either. One of the most incredible weekends I ever had was when the Troutman's took Jim two states away because he won a regional 4H award. While I couldn't sleep over, most of the weekend was spent having sex with all three girls at once. It was just as well that I slept at home; I needed the rest. With Beth, Lynn, and Carly working on me, my penis was in a hand, mouth, or pussy almost constantly.
About 3 weeks after our first group party, we took a day trip as a group to Chicago to hit the incredible Museum of Science and Industry. On the way there and back we stopped at a number of Pharmacies to stock up on condoms.
Our gang of 5 went everywhere together. Jim and I were young and virile enough that any girl who wanted it never went home without having had intercourse. With three "sisters," any girl that wanted to feel a girl's tongue on her clit was never disappointed.
Just as I would visit Lynn and/or Beth. Jim would come over to my house sometimes. He, Munchkin, and I started taking after dinner 'walks'. We'd stroll casually until we were out of sight from the house, then head for the hayloft. Several unused horse blankets were now stored in a hidden pocket between hay bales. After quickly fashioning a "bed," Jim and I would take turns making love to Munchkin, or share her.
Often Munchkin enjoyed having a boy at each end. She'd suck on Jim while I screwed her; then we'd switch. Sometimes Carly liked to be on her hands and knees, sometimes on her back or side. Having Carly suck me from underneath as I knelt over her face was a particular favorite of mine; it excited me greatly to see her do that with Jim as well.
Roughly 2 months after our group formed, a new wrinkle was introduced into our sex lives. On a particular Wednesday night I'd gone over to see Lynn. One thing hadn't changed, I still had a special attraction for Lynn, and I wanted to make love to her very much that night. As usual, we'd slipped out of the house to go for a 'walk', doubling back to the Troutman's tiny guesthouse. Once inside we were all over each other.
Anytime we'd been apart for a day or two, we'd start by making out as if we hadn't seen each other for a month. We French kissed like mad; my hands worked frantically until they held her magical bared breasts.
Lynn liked to rub my chest and nipples first, then loosen my pants so she could grab my buns. It was normally 5, often 10 minutes, before we'd begin to grope between our lover's legs. Sometimes we'd 69 until we both came at least once, then we'd continue eating each other until I was ready to mount her.
Some nights we were both so turned on we'd just fight to bare our genitals and skip the foreplay. Afterwards, we'd make out or 69 while taking in all the sights until we were ready for a second serious screwing.
On that particular Wednesday evening Lynn and I were very happily feeling each other up. Our lips were locked, our tongues were playing nicely together, and our fingers were busy removing our partner's clothing. We'd been engaged in foreplay for 15 minutes, the time for penetration was nigh. What we didn't know was someone else was also looking forward to me mounting Lynn.
Warm and cloudless, it was a moonlit night. If you stood behind the guesthouse, the moonlight pouring in the front windows made it easy to see almost everything we did on the small bed we used. The bushes and canopy of trees behind the house kept it dark there on even the brightest night. The glare on a rear window from any light in the room, plus the screen beyond it, turned the window over the tiny 'kitchen' sink into a virtual one way mirror.
The man masturbating as he watched teenagers preparing to have intercourse knew he wouldn't be seen. He knew it because it was his house, he'd checked. He also knew because he'd watched them before.
Wayne Troutman had quite by chance seen his daughter and me head into the guesthouse one night. Once a lonely farm boy himself, his instincts instantly told him what was likely happening inside his guesthouse. The first time he'd spotted us, he told himself he was just going to "see how far those two kids are going."
His wife was a fanatical Baptist. Wayne loved God and hoped God loved him, as most farmers do. Unlike his wife, and a lot of the hypocrites at his church, Wayne felt sex was a wonderful, natural part of life. He'd long been sick of sex being decried as evil by people who'd cheerfully fuck over their neighbors to make $5 off them. He knew how hard it was to find a little happiness in this neck of the woods, so Wayne was reluctant to run in shouting before he knew what they were up to.
At first, watching the two kids making out was nostalgic, and it wasn't like they were babies any longer. It reminded him of how he felt at that age when he'd discovered girls for himself. His parents had both been Bible-thumpers who felt the answer to everything was in the Bible, even if it was written by people who thought the world was flat and every disease was caused by an angry God, not a germ.
Wayne enjoyed reading scripture, but as far as girls, sex, and birth control, it didn't help at all. In fact some parts of the Good Book were pretty racy, it only made him want to fool around even more. He'd come to believe their "good people wait until their married" line was mostly a big load of bull dung they used to avoid having to explain anything tricky to their three kids. Hey, like what was going to happen then? Would someone slip them a copy of the "Really Good Fucking" manual 5 minutes after their wedding vows?
Wayne and his wife were both virgins when they'd first made love. He'd impregnated her the third time they'd had sex. She'd been almost as ignorant about her own body as he was. Marge had enjoyed sex at first, but once she'd gotten pregnant she nearly dried up. Marge liked having babies to mother, so she'd put up with sex from time to time, but only so she could have her family. In fact, for years now, Marge was actually embarrassed by sex, having grown up brainwashed that God only wanted people to have sex when they tried to make a baby. In addition, she had a stupid notion that people should pretty much limit themselves to the "missionary position." This had made sex with Marge damned near like work. Like God really cares who's on top when a baby gets made, geeezzz!
As Wayne watched his daughter in action, he soon realized she was the kind of lover he'd always wanted. Wayne hadn't been laid in a month of Sundays, so he became exceptionally aroused watching. He hadn't intended to be a voyeur, but even as he thought about barging in, the realization that he might get to see his beautiful daughter naked froze him into inaction.
As her clothes came off, and his fantasies were at last fulfilled, he soon needed relief. Never in his life had he seen anything as exciting as when Larry's hard penis began pumping between Lynn's legs. His erection had grown to its fullest dimensions all on it's own; his penis was deviling him for release.
The protective Father SHOULD have run in to "save" his daughter. However, the terminally frustrated man unzipped his pants, freed his aching erection, then masturbated. He came within a minute. An exceptional amount of semen shot against the side of the house long before the lovers inside reached their climax. At least it looked like an exceptional amount to Beth who'd followed her father from the house.
Beth had set out to warn her sister that their Dad was on the prowl, or maybe distract him if he got close, but she never got the chance. When she'd seen him start watching, she froze, not knowing what to do. When he'd taken out his penis, then began to stroke himself furiously, she instantly knew what to do. Keeping out of sight, Beth lowered her panties and strummed like hell until she came with an earth-moving orgasm.
Seeing her father's erection weeks ago in the barn, stilled haunted her fantasy life. He had a magnificent cock, and Beth loved looking at it. Certainly she'd seen that breath-taking erection in more than one dream. Moments after Wayne had come, his youngest daughter came as well. The coupling couple in the guesthouse had no idea how many people were deriving pleasure from their love making.
Once Wayne knew that Lynn and Larry were an item, he watched like a hawk, waiting for them to "sneak out" so he could observe them having sex. Following years of frustration, he was enjoying the best orgasms he'd had since his sexually barren marriage began.
Damned if the kids weren't teaching him things about having sex he'd never dreamed of. The first time he'd seen them 69, he came so hard his knees buckled. Wayne always had an excuse ready if his wife asked where he was going. "Hurmffpp, well the calf had a fever this morning, just going to check on her. Maybe give her a bottle."
Beth always knew when Lynn was planning to go out. She'd usually leave first, so she'd be hiding out of sight in the old outhouse, just waiting with her panties off to see her father stroke his lovely penis until it spit. She always had spine-melting orgasms, yet there was something more she wanted.
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*Please vote if you enjoyed my story. This journey continues with Chapter 55.* | literotica |
Title: Dire Wolf Hunt Preparation by WaterSinger
Tags: Dire Wolf, Hunting, Snow, Winter, WintertimeContest2012, Wolf, hunter
**This is chapter one of my new mini-series for the SoFurry Winter Contest. I hope you all enjoy it, and look for the next \*\*** two chapters, hopefully all up by the weekend!\*\*
**Characters are (c) to me!**
Falling snow had a distinct sound to a wolf. It was a muted, muffled sound and yet it was one which brought excitement soaring into the blood-stream. She shivered a little, her ears perking as she poked her nose out from underneath the bush, her head tipping to the side as she inhaled the chilled air. It scalded her nose even as it invigorated her. Energy was roaring into her veins, her breathing steadily speeding up, visible as two almost constant plumes of breath flared above her.
She disappeared into the bush for a brief heartbeat before lunging out; her body lean from a hard summer's hunting. Her black fur was liberally scattered along the head and shoulders with snow, her shoulders and stomach tinged a steel grey made darker by the melting snow underneath her. She shook slowly, feeling her thick fur and loose skin shifting about her body as she moved. There was only one thing left to do as the snow began to blanket the ground underneath her paws, and that was to call those roaming wolves back to her side.
Her head lifted, her lungs swelling before she howled. The song wasn't distorted by the snow, the thin covering on the ground not yet muffling the clear command in the tone. *Come to me; follow my voice back home*. Those words were unspoken; however they were clear-cut and soon answered by voices of different levels, all conveying the same message. *Coming!*
\_ \_
The entire time she waited, the snow lingered on her black fur, settling on the tips of the double-pelt before melting when confronted with the body-heat coming from the she-wolf. Leaving the fur in spikes, she first heard the muffled steps coming to her left. She whirled, her tail swirling behind her before she yipped, running headlong to meet the grey form of her sister.
They twisted as they leapt into the air, their bodies crunching together before separating. No words were exchanged, instead noses pressing against the prime body parts. Cold, damp nose-pads were forced under bellies before pressing tenderly into cheeks and soft growls of affection were exchanged, twin eyes of amber gleaming as one.
With the pack forming again, it didn't take too long for the next pair to make their presence known, both subservient to the sisters now perching themselves on their haunches. They approached slowly, cringing lower to the ground and with their ears back, their smoky grey pelts dusted with the faintest of snowfall.
They crept towards the darker of the females as one being, their shoulders almost touching as they submissively lapped at her jaw, held high up before she let out the softest of rumbling growls. They both paused in place before backing away, leaving the grey female without the greeting her presence demanded as the Beta of the pack. She was to be disappointed however; as yet more wolves emerged from between the trees, their paws so quiet on the snow-littered ground as to appear ghostly but for the prints they left behind.
"Welcome friends, family! We are, as you know, now able to hunt together again. The branch-horns have birthed and now are many and weakened as we are strengthened by the cold. We will feast well at every hunt. When the time comes, an Alpha will make himself known and we will grow again as we haven't since my mother and father ruled the pack. Now let us sing, let our voices ring together as we tell the world how strong we are and how little we long for anything more than the warmth of fur at our sides, the ground beneath our feet and the heat of the hunt in our blood."
The black's impassioned speech had the others yipping in agreement before as one mighty beast, like a hive with one mind, they lifted their head in song. The eerie tune rang over the forests and across the plains that made up the mighty home of the pack. Home to wolves far larger than most, these were intelligent creatures able to think and rationalise far beyond their canine appearance.
The black female alone stood head and shoulders above her less intelligent kin and she was one of the smallest in the pack, despite being the leader. Dotted through the pack were wolves that dwarfed her, marking her youth far clearer then her too-long legs and over-sized paws. Soft growls billowed through her chest as she stretched before bounding into the midst of the pack. Not large and yet, not small, there were a full twenty three members of the pack, fourteen of those her own family and the rest outsiders allowed to join.
She only stopped on her way through the pack when she heard the sound of her sister baying at her to stop.
"Cryo! Will you wait for me? You know you need to keep me at your side. You are young, still learning after taking over and though you are growing well...you still need the aid I'm offering you." Cryo sighed softly, swinging her large head around and flashing the oversize teeth that filled her jaw at her sister.
"I know I have you to thank, Skyler. Without you, the pack wouldn't have accepted me, but you need to understand that I am grown now. My pack need me to be the strongest leading female I can be until we've hunted and filled our stomachs on more than the half-branches that linger for the pairs to hunt or the rabbits for those that hunt alone. When we find the male we are meant to find, then you will step down." Her voice became a harsh growl as she stepped towards her sister.
Her brow was lowered, her eyes shadowed as she took one step and then another. Her body was lean but muscled, the black pelt bristling and adding the illusion of size to her rather slender frame. Skyler stepped back as she moved forwards, her eyes hard on those of her sister before she dropped them down, acknowledging her sister as the more dominant out of them. Triumphant but not hasty, Cryo stepped forwards again until her sister backed away properly, leaving her alone and free to travel through the pack without her not so little shadow at her side.
She greeted each wolf individually, rubbing her body against theirs before bounding about in excitement. The thrill of the hunt was upon her and suddenly she became frantic, dashing through the pack wordlessly and gathering the others to her side. She was panting, filled with an anxious energy that had her ears perked with quivering urges.
There wasn't much she could do but gather them up, feeling Skyler sliding up to her side and just down from her shoulder. Cryo was urgent as she lifted her head and almost bayed, calling the attention of the entire pack to her.
"With such a huge amount of us gathered, we need to split into three main packs. Each pack will break into half, with the target of three branch-horns being our prey before we feed. You will each have a leader, three hunters and the rest will be normal wolves. I will lead one group, Skyler will lead yet another and the final group...will...be...led...by...Shil. Shil, will you come here please."
The timid, shell-shocked male broke free from a group of his brothers, his eyes widened as he stepped towards the Alpha female. He was a truly monstrous beast when compared to her relative daintiness. The summer hunting had only increased his size so now he stood more than half again over her head, his golden eyes fixed to the ground in submission despite his size. He was a typical grey wolf, his coat a mottled effect though longer in preparation for the winter that had finally begun.
With his ears flicked back, Cryo smiled at Shil before sitting, waiting for him to copy the movement before she spoke.
"I know you wonder why I chose you as a leader, Shil. You are the biggest male now, the one able to command almost the largest of wolves. You will take the dominant males with your three hunters. They will try to test you; you need to prove to them that you aren't a weakling. If you can hold your own...well. You will be rewarded handsomely when the time comes." He lifted his eyes to Cryo's his head tipping slightly to the side before he nodded.
"I understand, Cryo. I'll go pick my pack now then wait for your signal to move out. I'm guessing you want us to keep our voices to ourselves?" Cryo was almost surprised by his words, nodding swiftly before watching him head off, gaining a sense of pride as his strides became filled with a sense of purpose.
"Skyler, go pick your own group. Remember, no more than three hunters. I'll pick my own three. Split the others how you like. You know who I prefer to hunt with." Cryo's voice allowed for no mistakes to be made, Skyler dipping her head politely and with the softest of growling approval. Cryo was left alone for a few minutes, watching as the others shifted themselves about their groups. Her own group was the smallest next to Shil's, Skyler having the largest group of wolves.
Cryo shifted herself to her feet and stretched slowly out, growling as the tension in her spine eased. Moving to her place at the head of her pack, the smaller portion of which she knew to be utterly loyal to her and everything she stood for. She was prepared, though one last time she lifted her voice, not in song but in direction.
"Make sure to hunt only the old and the weak, and howl if you see any outsiders! We will have our Alpha this night or I will revoke my hold on you all as Alpha female." Her words caused a silence which was telling. There was no promise that any outsiders would turn up, let alone one to rule beside her. They began to whisper between the smaller packs, their ears splayed before Cryo lifted her head in joyous song.
*Shil, move out, head to the left of the territory and move with silence. Good hunting and good running! Skyler, you take the right, head to the mountains and move with confidence. Good footing and good hunting, remember to keep your noses up and your hearing keen! My pack, come to me; let us forge ahead with patience. Good speed and good fortune is upon us!*
With her pack prepared, the she-wolf stood and began to run. The footfalls of her pack echoed around her as they vanished into the forest as wisps of different hued smoke. | FSE |
(M tf Goodra, F merge Mothim, both liquid inflation & growth)
Grey was a pokemon trainer, once. In his old age he has long since put his years of battling behind him. He never looked at trainer battles the same way again after a fateful encounter with a Goodra many years ago. He tried to diversify his team by capturing a Goodra, but in trying to teleport him to the pokemon to surprise it- his Abra unintentionally teleported him INTO the Goodra. He used a Gardevoir to try and swap Water Absorb onto himself in an attempt to use the rain to heal him, but the healing did not function like that. He ultimately made the situation considerably worse- his body absorbed all water it made contact with. It is an Ability, not a skill, so he had no way of turning it off again. Grey unintentionally annihilated half of the city just trying to desperately escape the rain that was swelling him, and eventually was saved by a fluke after bursting from over-pressure!
Now he looks out over the ocean from the side of a cruise ship, wondering what life had been like if that never happened. The experience of being fused with a pokemon and the fear of someone somehow figuring out that it was Grey who caused several millions of dollars worth of property damage caused him to become very skittish about using pokemon at all. He soon after stopped training and battling entirely. He still has his partner pokemon, but they basically only ever hang out and chill- no battles. Now Grey's hair matches his name. His youth has passed him by, but he regrets backing off from battling. He is too old now to keep up with the new meta and all these fancy new Gen9 pokemans. A weedcat, Jojo's bizarre duck, and a walking pepper. Back in his day, pokemon only came in three shades of green! Grey is envious of his wife Zie- she is almost the same age as he is, but she is much more full of energy and very much still a pokemon trainer. In fact- that is why she is not at his side right now. She is on the ship... somewhere. She ran off to find people to fight while Grey just enjoys the view and mourns his lost youth.
There was several other cruise ships in the area- announcing the start of another generation of pokemon has caused a lot of people to start adventures in previous regions, which caused a spike in activity. You actually could not see that far out over the ocean without another ship interrupting the view. It is off the coast of Unova, so it is a very populated area even when it isn't busy. Grey grunt in frustration at the sight of all the younger couples, and the sounds of all the pokemon battles on the various ships. That's it! He is going to fix this! He stormed back to his and Zie's room and used the laptop to access Zie's pokemon storage . She had almost one of every pokemon in existence by now... which means she has a Celebi. Grey released Celebi and told it his dilemma. He needed its power over the flow of time, to undo his age! He commanded the mythic pokemon to make him young again! Restore his body to a previous point in time!
Celebi looked uncertain, but then nodded and concentrated very hard. For a moment everything flashed black and white and pixelated, then back again. Grey started to feel strange. He started to feel more awake more.... alive! His hair started to darken from grey to black! The lines in his face became shallow and faded away entirely as his skin felt more taught and elastic again! His bones no longer ached! He even gained an inch in height back! He jumped up and down and clapped for Celebi!
"Oooh man! Thank you! This is awesome. I can finally do all the things I missed out on because I wimped out after the.... well, y'know, THAT incident."
Celebi did not know, but he nodded along anyway.
"I don't even have my pokemon here with me, I will borrow some of Zie's pokemon I guess to fight with while on this trip. Boy my pokemon are going to be hype when they see me though. We are back in the game baby!"
As he was typing on the laptop to scroll through the storage collection, he furrowed his brows at the sight of his fingers. They were looking a bit puffy? He held his hand up and watched it as his digits slowly swelled up and his skin started to turn peach. As soon as his skin started to turn, he immediately knew what was happening. Grey looked quickly at Celebi.
"Wait, did you restore me to when I was fused with Goodra?!"
Celebi did not know that ever happened to know if he did or not- also he is a pokemon so he can't talk to properly reply in the first place. It just shrugged and shook its head, nervously.
"Shiiiiiit, shitshitshitshitshit, I need to find Zie fast! Your her pokemon, she will know how to properly direct you. I don't have enough gym badges."
When he was on the deck earlier, he was glad the sky was overcast- the sun hurts his eyes. But now it made him nervous- it could start raining any minute and if he returns to his fused state- he will absorb the water again! He almost grabbed his cane when heading out but realized he no longer needed it. He could feel his toes plumping up in his shoes even faster than his fingers are, and starting to fuse together. Luckily, rather than cramp and burst out of his shoes they just filled his shoes and squished. Goodra have very soft, boneless bodies so his foot just conformed to the space it was trapped in. He could feel a tail starting to form behind him. The spine didn't extend, because Goodra have zero bones; instead the forming tail simply looked like a pudgy little bubble of flesh. As it grew it became a hill, then a fat cone, then a wide tube. He was trying to keep it hidden in his pants so his tail hit the division between pant legs and curved forward along it, growing up under his genitals and then cradling them in the front. His normal brown colored iris were started to melt away with the increasingly large purple border- the eyes of a shiny Goodra. Goodra is slightly larger than he is in overall mass, which causes its form to almost entirely swallow his human features- but having human mixed into it forces its coloration to be shiny even though the original pokemon was not. Shiny Goodra have banana colored bodies and peach underbellies.
Grey found Zie and quickly tried to flag her down but she was too caught up in her current battle. Zie had vibrant orange hair when she was younger, it has faded considerably with age but is still orange. She never acts her age, shouting enthusiastically at her pokemon in the heat of battle to inspire them. You can tell she is an older woman but definitely still beautiful- and her C cup breasts still hold up perfectly.
"Zie, I need to speak with you, about your pokemon."
"In a minute, I got this punk on the ropes, I want to let him squirm a bit or it will be over too soon."
"Zie...." He grabbed her hand and she looked down and noticed immediately how plump his fingers are!
By now they were so fat they brushed against one another constantly, and they were shorter too. He no longer has fingernails and you cannot outwardly see the joints in his hands.
"Oh my Arceus. Did you try the appetizers?! I told you they have shellfish in them! Your allergic to shellfish!" She then looked fully at his face and squinted at his appearance.
"Just come on!"
As they hustled back toward their room he explained to her what happened.
"Holy shit, that was YOU?! All those years ago, that nearly destroyed the city?! That was you!?! My apartment got flattened! You never told me?? We have been married for 21 years!!"
"Well I wanted to forget. Also I flattened your apartment, so I thought you'd be upset. Anyway, your Celebi turned back the clock on my body but it also caused me to be part Goodra again!"
She looked down and blushed as the bulge in his pants became massive, and slid up under his waist to start climbing his torso under his shirt. "I-is that...?"
"My tail. It is a tail."
"Right. That is what I thought."
"No its not. But what do I do about... this!?"
The seams on the sides of his pant legs started to strain and tear as his thighs ballooned in size- the softening skin bubbling out whatever tiny gaps were created. Four fat nubs were now on his forehead, slowly forming antennae.
"Well, you shouldn't have asked Celebi in the first place. I have a Dialga, you know? Celebi can travel through time- it can't manipulate time!"
"So use Dialga!"
"No because that is a different type of time power, mixing the two together could cause any sort of distortion now. Hmm, Arceus could fix this but I never caught him..."
His pants fully exploded off him so suddenly his massive thighs went into a jiggling fit. His genitals had already converted and were currently resting internally in his groin- out of view. His giant tail was still growing at a good speed as it dropped to the floor no longer trapped in his clothing, and then flicked behind him where it belongs. His torso was starting to take a tear-drop shape, his lower body growing large and round, losing its human definition. The bones in his neck were softening and his neck started to stretch out. His antennae getting much longer.
"Wuh got to duu suthung!"
"Your losing your voice. Uhhhh, well how did you turn back the first time?"
"I burst- faiuntud."
"Oh right, because if a pokemon trainer faints they get reset back to the previous pokemon center- that does not apply to fainted pokemon, which would cause you to divide naturally. Well that is easy then! I just gotta kick your ass!"
"Ah! W-wuit! Tull ull pokumun."
"Huh? Oh- wait till you are all pokemon. Yea... I suppose getting hit with pokemon attacks on human body parts would probably do a little too much damage."
His body stretched taller and pudgier still. His face ballooned forward into a soft, round, and short muzzle. His cheeks turned purple and ballooned out a bit creating a moist pad to release goo from. He had three more on his tail sides. He held up his arms and shrugged, causing his torso to wobble a bit. Well- that was it then, a proper Goodra with the shared mind of a human. His hands also had more digits than a normal Goodra still, but they were so plump and squished together it was a detail easily missed. Zie motioned for them to go outside but Grey shook his head, pointing to the window on the door to their cabin. It was raining outside now- if he walked out onto the deck in this form he would start to rapidly inflate from the liquid. Zie did not like the idea of having a pokemon battle in a small ship cabin though- if she accidentally trashed the furniture they would have to pay for it.
"Well I don't have a lot of pokemon left since we can't go to a pokemon center while on the ship, but it isn't like this is a normal battle anyway."
Zie released a Glaceon to bring a quick and painless end to Grey's HP bar- Ice against Dragon, it will be super effective. Glaceon used ice beam and Grey dodged- the beam hit and froze the bed solid!
"Hey! Don't move around!"
Grey looked surprised and shook his head. Zie narrowed her eyes and realized the problem. The pokemon aspect of his mind did not interfere normally because pokemon are generally fine with following human orders- knowing it is for the better of them both. In attacking it however she woke up its fight instinct- the Goodra's mind was forcing him to actually fight!
Zie ordered the Glaceon to use ice beam again, this time dashing to the side to prevent the Goodra from having enough room to dodge. Goodra dove THROUGH the beam and spun around, slamming the Glaceon hard with its tail and knocked it out in one hit!
Zie was baffled! It tanked the hit like it wasn't super effective at all, and dealt a massive amount of damage with iron tail- more than it should have been able to. She looked at the tail and realized it was STILL growing slowly- and turning bronze color toward the end as it started to curl up behind Grey from a lack of room. Oh no- Celebi did not just turn back the clock on Grey's body, it also regressed Goodra... Grey is turning into a Hisuian Goodra! It is part Steel type- its strong against ice!
Grey made several strange, goopy sounds to try and warn her, the Goodra was planning to attack her next! Hisuian pokemon are not just wild- they are feral. She dashed outside and tried to slam the door on it, but Goodra's tail was now absolutely gargantuan and hard as steel, allowing it to smash the door clean off its hinges. Zie quickly sent out a Primeape to hit one of Goodra's remaining weaknesses but it yanked itself back into the iron casing of its shell causing the attack to miss, and then KOed it immediately on the next turn. Zie noticed the Goodra looking spaced out, and dashed away before it could coordinate another attack- she needed to figure something out fast. She doesn't really have that many pokemon left who are battle-ready. Heck the Celebi is only lvl5.
Goodra did not follow her, and once she was out of visibility its instincts were silenced and Grey was once again in control of his body. Unfortunately, his body was rapidly growing. The rain absorbed into him and he could feel it surge through him like a refreshingly cool pulse. His tail bloated up first, but it is inside a metal shell so it could not fatten up too far. His legs ballooned huge, which made it difficult to walk properly. He started to head back to the broken doorway of their cabin to try and get out of the rain, but his steps were awkward. Every time he stepped down his thigh meat and butt rippled and the bottom of his tail wobbled. His gut started to round out, and then his entire torso. His arms got pudgy and then his neck and head. As he approached the doorway his entire body started to feel tight and his movements slowed even further. His skin tightened even more, started to make stretching sounds and then in a sudden surge he grew! His entire body stretched larger and his body once against felt looser and gained its mobility back! This happened the last time too. Goodra has no bones so its body can stretch absurdly large before running out of space. Once he gets too full his entire body just stretches out to accommodate. While its limit is ridiculously massive- Goodra does still have a limit on how far it can grow. There is also a second problem with expanding too far, and that is the fact that he is on a boat. It is a giant cruise ship so it can hold a lot, but it also still has its limits. If he grows fully back into Goozilla- he will sink the ship and everyone on it into the ocean!
Grey finally wobbled his way over to the door to the cabin but when he went to go inside, the top of the shell on his tail clunked against the doorway! It is too big to fit inside! He shoved his body inside, but he could still feel the cool pulses in his body from water being taken in! The shell can also absorb water and he could not get that part in! Goodra can control how hard the shell is- it is an extension of the tail itself. On one hand, he doesn't have to worry about anyone recognizing him- they will think he is just a normal Goodra. On the other hand... if he can't fit in this door he isn't going to fit in any of the others, which means he cannot take shelter. He can barely walk properly in this form, he most certainly cannot swim and the ship is no where near port. He has no where to go!
He got up suddenly just to pull himself back at the thought of getting stuck halfway through the door. He almost fell over in the opposite direction as his body wobbled violently from the sudden movement. Every time it grew in size it comes less stable. Now as he walked he basically had to roll himself from one leg to the other- the base of his tail so plump and heavy that it drags on the ground. His tail kept getting squeezed longer by the tight confines of the shell, causing the metal surface to groan and stretch longer- the spiral getting more rings and the base of it getting wider to try and accommodate the tail within. His gut started to round out and make deep sloshing sounds whenever he moved. It was a shame he has to be so worried about it, because it is a very pleasant feeling. Like softly rocking around on a water bed- except he is the bed. His joints were pulled more and more straight from the liquid tension inside and even his mouth and eyes were forced shut from pressure a moment before his body gurgled loudly and sloshed around as it grew another size larger and the pressure let go to start filling again. The extra long antennae of Hisuian variety of Goodra started to bloat out, looking more like the long tube-balloons used to make balloon animals out of! Even in this distorted form; Grey is not actually a water balloon, so the liquid doesn't just settle all in the bottom. It naturally sinks lower because of the weight, but it saturates everything inside of him; skin, muscle, organs- everything. So each and every part of him felt its own added weight and wobbled with its own rhythm with every movement. This caused every movement to take more strength to preform, and his body was constantly tugging him this way and that with the motion of the fluid rocking in him!
Zie watched from the very end of the cabins, hidden around the corner at the end of the ship. She remembers seeing Goozilla before she met Grey, not knowing it was him. People attempted to subdue Goozilla with attacks but the larger it got, the less effective attacks became- especially since its body is so soft. Attacks just bounce off of him. She already wore out her fighting pokemon before this even started, so she doubted her remaining pokemon had what it takes to bring down Goozilla. In a sudden stroke of genius she quickly brought out and sent her Mothim! The moth pokemon is not especially strong on its own, but hers is actually well trained and has an excellent pedigree because she was trying to breed a shiny. Rather than attack Goozilla, she told it to use Sunny Day! Beams of sunlight speared through the clouds overhead and the rain quickly stopped! She can't defeat Goozilla but she can stop it from growing to full size!
Grey's consciousness blacked out a moment as Goozilla used Rainy Day. Sunny Day is a pokemon move- using it triggered the Goodra battle instincts again! Thanks to Rainy Day, the clouds closed and darkened- now it was raining even harder than it initially had been! He was growing even faster now! Before she slipped back behind the corner, Grey attempted to use Hydro Cannon on her, but his body absorbed it as fast as he manifested the water, so nothing actually left his mouth! His body grew extra wide in a sudden surge which almost yanked him forward onto the deck before his body grew again. His head was now at the upper deck while his body was standing on the lower!
Zie did not see any alternatives... she told Celebi to teleport her into Mothim! If she fuses with her own pokemon she will have greater control over its movements and a better chance of fighting. Normally it would not work at all against a Goodra- but Goozilla has its ability swapped with water absorb, which means it does not have Sap Sipper. If she uses Giga Drain she can suck the liquid out of him into herself! It isn't exactly a foolproof plan however- draining him means she will be inflating herself the same way, and as long as it keeps raining he keeps growing without end. She needs to drain enough from him that she can KO him before she becomes immobilized too.
When Grey fused with Goodra the result looked almost like a perfectly normal Goodra- at least till he started blowing up. That is because its mass is greater than his and more flexible. Mothim is smaller than Zie's mass, so the result was more of a mix! The two bodies occupying the same space caused the Mothim features to spread out and stretch her existing muscles and flesh to match it. The upper half of her face turned black like Mothim's skin, making it almost look like she is wearing a mask, and her nose became a bit pointy. White ridges formed on either side of the upper bridge of her nose and followed her eyebrows, branching off halfway through into large, flat antennae. The tips of the antennae are baby blue- like with Grey, fusing a human into the pokemon caused it to become shiny. The wings emerged from her back as if her skin was made of putty, but then once they were in place and the two sets of muscles fused internally, the wings started to steal extra biomass to expand to better match the now larger unified body! She shivered at the strong and strange feeling firing through the wings as the scales grew in number to match the expanded wings. The 'powder' on a moth's wings are actually scales after all- really, really tiny scales.
Her legs started to simplify and turn pure white. Her feet extended, causing Zie to stand on the front of her feet only, and her toes all compressed and fused. The surface structure of her skin pulled taught, hiding the internal structure of the legs, causing them to lose definition as the mass equalized through them. The result was legs that looked like those of Calyrex! Her arms tightened in the same way- the internal mass of her muscles equalizing through her arms so they lose definition as the skin turns white- but unlike her legs her arms still retained their overall shape. She still had hands and fingers, just not fingernails, and her arms were unusually smooth looking. She grew large, square plates of flesh off her lower back just over her butt, roughly where a tail would be. This is essentially a forked abdomen. Unlike a real bug- Mothim's body does not have a chitin carapace, it has very firm flesh, a sort of halfway point between chitin and flesh. Zie's human traits negated that part entirely.
Zie smiled and bat her wings a few times before slamming them down and launching herself into the air! She can fly in this form! Unlike a standard moth who would be grounded in the rain- the scales on a Mothim's wings have an oil on them that repulses minor amounts of moisture. Birds secrete a similar oil and coat their feathers with it. Zie could hear people panicking toward the front of the ship- she did not have time to appreciate the pretty blue of a shiny Mothim's wings. She flew toward the front of the ship, and seen Goozilla before actually getting to him. It is now so large that its staggered movements are causing the front of the ship to bob in the water! Its weight was moving the entire giant ship! The people ran screaming from him thinking he was trying to attack or eat them or something, but Zie could tell he was just shooing them away so he would not accidentally hurt them. The amount of water in his body would be making it very difficult to stand up at all, but the liquid tension actually holds him up- so even if he did not try to stand at all he would remain standing unless something shoved him over. His belly and the base of his tail was so soft and bloated that it touched the ground between his round legs- his legs were not long enough to hold his body off the ground anymore. Zie could tell by how it moved that his metal tail was no longer metal. Even the steel shell was stretching out and becoming softer as a result- it was now about as hard as cartilage, while his body was about as solid and smooth as a boob. Goodra do not have any visible pours, so their skin is very smooth by default. The purple circles on his tail and face were drooling a translucent purple goo- his body's only way of venting excess fluids, but it would not be enough. It wasn't enough the first time this happened. Zie blushed a bit when she got close enough to see the neon pink cone laying on the ground in front of him. The pressure caused him to have a forced erection- the penis is meant to engorge with fluids after all.
Goozilla's combat instincts did not kick in right away as Zie approached- both halves of its mind not sure if it was looking at a human or a pokemon. Zie quickly hit him with Giga Drain! It did almost no damage at all, it did however make Goozilla feel suddenly a lot lighter! His skin felt loose and suddenly his body became much, much more wobbly and unstable. His flesh started to tighten back up, shrinking his body till it was firm enough to stabilize itself again. Zie had the opposite effect, her stomach gurgled loudly and she felt a cool rush appear within in a sudden burst! She belched loudly without meaning to as the sudden appearance of water filling her belly smashed all the excess air out of her to make room! Her stomach started to push out immediately, but because the liquid was absorbed and not ingested normally- the bloat also forced itself into the rest of her just like Goozilla.
"Ah! Haa~ ahh~" Zie gasped breathlessly as her nipples immediately went rock hard.
A wave of cool filled her breasts and they started to expand! The growth was so rapid you could hear the tissue stretching. Her breasts were not only much larger now, they stood unnaturally high on her chest- the tension made them abnormally taught. Goozilla furrowed its brow at the weak attack shuffled toward her, but still could not move particularly well so it was easy to see the attempted attack coming. Zie hit him with another Giga Drain, causing him to lose his balance and shrink again, flopping onto the deck causing the boards of the deck to creak in pain from the heavy hit. Her thighs ballooned out huge causing her to shiver from the coolness of the water inside. The split abdomen started to swell thicker and rounder with liquid and her belly grew again. Her breasts also grew again, but her thighs and belly took most of the hit this time. She looked full term pregnant with twins at this point and had to land because flying with that much weight was getting too much. She moaned at the feeling of the liquid sloshing inside of her- realizing it inflated her upper pubic mound as well, because the jiggly movement was getting real close to her vulva.
Using the weight of her liquid mass, Zie lurched forward and punched Goozilla as he was wobbling back to his feet, using Pound! Goozilla shook like she had slapped a jello mold. He lost almost zero HP. Zie's heart tightened at that. Oh no, she still can't really hurt him. Dragon/Steel has very few weaknesses, and his defense stats are astronomical. If she can't KO him, she can't actually fix the situation, because she cannot get rid of the growing liquid mass, she can only shift it over to herself. Even if they both sit on opposite ends of the ship, eventually they will get so heavy the ship breaks in half! Then it occurred to her- what if he isn't on the ship? He cannot swim in this form, so knocking him into the ocean would be very dangerous, but Goozilla absorbs liquid extremely fast due to its body being so squishy and soft to begin with. If he fell into the ocean, he would probably grow so large so fast that he would burst before he has a chance to drown! Fainting will cause him to respawn elsewhere- and thus unable to drown.
Zie used Gust to throw him off-balance, causing his body to ripple in the strong wind like the liquid it contained. She dashed around behind him and yanked on his massive softening shell and pulled him backward toward the nose of the ship! It yanked free and turned around to use Thunderbolt but she caused him to flinch and lose his turn when she hit him with another Giga Drain. She moaned and staggered back herself, bracing herself against the railing as her massive gut swelled even larger! Her ballooning boobs now looked completely shiny smooth and her areola popped out into rounded hills of their own separate of the curvature of her breasts. Her nipples even fattened into taught nubs. Her crotch joined the expanding curvature of her stomach, and the forked abdomen behind her swelled round and large till they looked like two huge football shaped bulbs! Her thighs were so massive they could not move without rubbing together, and wobbled violently with any little movement she made. She could feel the liquid rippling against her pussy from the inside- her labia now swollen into the lower curvature of her large gut. A mothim's torso is just one big sphere, so as she bloated up she was quickly losing her remaining human shape. Her stomach was so large that it held her huge tits up, obscuring her vision quite a lot. She could only look straight forward- if Zie looked even slightly down all she could see is her own boobs!
Now Goozilla was once again only as tall as the second deck... which is... still far bigger than a Goodra should be, but a lot smaller than he was. It also meant he was more mobile. Goozilla lunged at Mothim again and this time Zie just smiled and thrust her gut up- smashing him in the torso with her bouncy belly to stun him. She meant to dash around behind him but overestimated her mobility in her bloated form and ended up rolling around him instead. She could not afford the time to get back to her feet so she simply kicked him with her legs while still laying on the deck, and it was enough to stagger him forward. Goozilla is far too large for the railing to be able to stop him as he tumbled over into the ocean!
Grey was not sure what to think- he is just a passenger in this body. It was like a dream, he was just on autopilot, except he could fully feel everything. He took as large of a breath as he could before he hit the water. The Goodra took control and made him grab the nose of the ship from the underside to prevent from falling deeper into the ocean. Goozilla could feel a growing pressure and a slight movement against the surface of his body as he inflated extremely fast! The softening shell of his tail started to harden again and now what was once metal started to turn into crystal! His body was distilling the salt from the ocean water to rebuild the shell! His arms became fat cones, his thighs massive ovals and his feet and legs just plump little tubes jutting from the bottom of his thighs! His tail was so titanically bloated huge that it his tail and the growing salt crystal shell had almost twice the mass of the entire rest of his body! His body and neck took a bloated water drop shape, with his lower body massively round. His penis which was naturally meant to expand really bloated up, becoming shaped like a traffic cone from the bloat, but grew to almost the size his tail used to be as a regular Goodra! He kept feeling powerful pulses of pleasure as he ejaculated without warning- but only ejected water. His body was doing it on reflex to try and get rid of liquid. The goo-generating pads on his tail and face were releasing increasingly watered down liquids too, but it was a minuscule amount compared to how much he was taking in.
Goozilla's shell started to deform as his tail was forced straighter and straighter from internal pressure. His entire body felt so tight, but also so jiggly and soft! The pressure was like an inverted hug- pushing on the inside of his body. His limbs were nearly immobile from how large they ballooned. His neck started to straighten as it bloated thicker and thicker from the base up.
Mothim and Zie bit their lip nervously watching the surface of the water. There was an inward rippling on it where the water was collapsing into Goozilla below the surface. He needed to pop before he ran out of breath. She did not want to risk her husband like this, but it was better than destroying the entire cruise ship and potentially killing the hundreds of people onboard. Zie ran her hands down the massive round curve of her taught belly. She glanced back at her massive thighs- which also meant her butt was huge and round. She staggered forward suddenly as the entire ship dipped! Goozilla climbed onto the railing! Grey knew to stay in the water to try and pop as quickly as possible, but his control of the body is split with Goodra who does not understand the plan. Because its body is so massively bloated it struggles to pull itself up any further- it cannot bend its torso enough to get over the railing and its limbs aren't long enough to completely swing over the top. He also continues to bloat even now- much slower now that he is not in the ocean but it is still raining heavily thanks to Rainy Day being active. Because the rain was forced by his attacks; the sky about a half mile out is still perfectly clear, causing the sunlight to shrine through the drops of rain and cast a massive rainbow. It would be beautiful if they were not too busy trying to KO one another.
The metal railing bent outward from his weight and as Goozilla continued to try and pull himself up he finally pulled it so far out that it just broke and he slammed down onto the deck hard enough to break some of the planks. Uh oh, that meant he could just crawl forward to get onto the ship! His tremendous weight was putting the nose of the ship almost level with some of the larger waves as it struggled to stay above water with him on it. Zie had no choice- she started to spam Giga Drain again to steal his mass. If she can de-stabilize him enough he will slip back into the water. Even her lower legs now started to bloat up making her legs shaped like an upside-down teardrop. The small split abdomen over her butt bloated even rounder, forming two massive bubbles of taught flesh! Zie's lips swelled up so much it was almost hard to talk, and her cheeks became puffy and jiggly. Her breasts ran out of room as her giant sphere of a belly became so large that it touched the deck while she was fully standing, and still grew up toward her boobs- forcing them to divide to the sides. Her nipples were bloated so smooth they looked like little sausages, and released several thin streams of water! She is so saturated that it is forcing its way out. Her arms and fingers became so chubby and round that she could barely move them. The big spheres her split abdomen became above her rounding butt almost made it look like she had two butts stacked on top of one another. Her pussy was tightly squished closed by her labia which were now only visible as two long oval shaped hills on the very bottom of her rounding torso. A bit of water leaked out, but not much could escape even there because the labia were swollen shut! Her areola used to have a solid edge to them, but her breasts were stretched so massively and heavily that it was a soft faded edge now. The separate curvature of her areola against the rest of her breast was like a half coconut resting on the side of a giant sized beach ball!
Zie's entire body was shiny smooth now- her pours pulled flat. She shrank Goozilla enough that he started to slid back, but the further toward the edge he slid the tighter his grip got. Zie could not lift her massive belly off the deck, so she had to slide it across the wet surface- her massive oval thighs violently wobbling with each step which also put her big round butt cheeks into a jiggling fit. At this point any movement she made sent small ripples through her entire body like she was a living water balloon. Even when she approached Goozilla, her limbs could not reach far enough to get past her huge tits never mind her gut to be able to reach him, so she had to use her stomach! Zie leaned forward, stepped forward, and then leaned back, flicking her huge belly forward and slamming Goozilla back off the front of the ship! She was immediately tossed onto her soft ass as the nose of the ship flicked up into the air and caused the entire cruise ship to rock suddenly. The nose of the ship was still pointed down- now because of Zie's own weight. She breathed a sigh of relief and just leaned back on the deck. Her body was so tight her flesh creaked like the surface of a full balloon. The water was cool though, so oddly refreshing.
Goozilla once again fell into the depths, this time too bloated to start with to grab onto the ship to try and pull himself back out. He very quickly returned to his massive size from before she knocked him back in. His limbs became so bloated that he could not really move them at all, just wiggle them slightly. Fish kept slamming into him in confusion, because his rapid absorption was creating a water current into his body. The coloration of his skin started to fade. He was stretching so huge and so bloated that his skin was starting to become translucent! He has no bones to obstruct the view through his body, and his organs already had a higher percentage of water to begin with, so you could see right through his entire body. His limbs kept filling till they were just giant bubbles on his sides! His spiral tail was now a cone of crystallized salt- forced straight by pressure. His penis was still firing pulses of pleasure in him with contractions but even when it wasn't it was still jetting a stream of water constantly. The base stretched wider with his torso, making his dick look shorter and wider even though its size wasn't actually changing. His neck and tail started to lose definition against his body. Goozilla felt his belly hit the bottom of the ocean here and bounce slowly- many fish had been caught between but because his body was such a high percentage of liquid now, they just popped through the surface with almost no resistance. He now had schools of fish swimming inside of his body- which you could plainly see because his skin is translucent! His vision started to turn blue from holding his breath, but he could feel his limit fast approaching anyway. His entire body started to pulse as it was trying to take in more than it could stretch to make room for. All he could hear is a slight stretching sound, and the sound of the rushing water inside of him in his ears. His entire body lost almost all definition in the unceasing stretching, his limbs now just shallow bumps on his side, and his tail and neck just look like slight points on either end of his torso- he was shaped like a giant lemon!
Zie once again watched the surface of the ocean carefully, not seeing any signs of her husband. She really, really hoped he was okay. There was suddenly a loud, deep sound like a large bubble in a water cooler and a massive explosion of water erupted just below the front of the ship, once against rocking the cruise ship violently! It worked! She defeated Goozilla! The rain stopped now- the effects of Rainy Day only last till the battle ends. The Goodra vanished entirely now- its existence this time around was as a temporal paradox that shouldn't exist in the first place. Grey however would appear naked in the last pokemon center they used, and would have a lot of explaining to do as to why he is naked in public. Better than having to explain how he almost sank an entire cruise ship. Zie hid in her room till the ship made port- then she quickly shuffled her way home to wait for Grey to return and help her. She cannot turn back to normal now without also being KOed; except she has no opponent to knock her out. Honestly she was not in that much of a hurry. She only hastily ran home so that no one would see a half-human Mothim rolling around. Now that she was alone and waiting for Grey to turn, he rolled onto her back and wedged her fingers in her honey pot- it was time to enjoy this rotund body a bit. It felt real good to be sooo full and so tight. Before she got Grey to help her pop- she helped herself 'pop'. | yiff-extreme |
Title: Meant To Be Ch. 02
Tags: love, commitment, romance, los angeles
My eyes blink rapidly trying to adjust to the invading sunlight as it begins filling the bedroom with its warmth, my eyes finally able to focus on the tableside clock before turning to fix on Ashley lying next to me sleeping. My mind instantly remembers the events from the previous night. Ashley asking me to sit on the edge of the bed as she inserts a cd into the player, careful to block my view leaving me puzzled. My laughter and anticipation filling the room as T-Pain's "I'm in luv wit a stripper," pours from the speakers. Her robe slipping to the floor with her back to me as her hands explore every inch of her body, teasing me, her body inches in front of me as she bends over as if touching her toes her perfect bottom literally in my face. My mind fixates on the erotic movements from the night before, the way her lingerie fell to the floor after receiving my own personal lap dance, the bass pounding through the speakers.
Now, watching her while she sleeps, I'm in awe of her beauty. Still my heart skips a beat and my breath catches in my throat. "Morning," she greets me, her voice barely audible yet still able to startle me while her eyes remain closed.
Grinning, I carefully brush aside strands of long blonde hair from her face. "How did you know?" I whisper softly.
"I always know when your eyes are on me, I feel them." Her eyes flutter open, the blue in them brightening as they too adjust in the sunlight.
"You have more than fifteen minutes, go back to sleep."
Her hand reaches for me, fingers brushing my cheek and my lips unable to help themselves, instinctively seek contact with them. Arms wrapping around each other's bodies, I gently kiss along her neck her head tilting back to accommodate my hungry lips, brushing along her jaw line, my lips finally arrive at their destination.
"I'm not so tired suddenly," Ashley chuckles. With my legs on either side straddling her body, I pull her night shirt up over her head, our lips passionately resume, while my mind continues to carefully play through the previous night's events. My hands cup and massage her heavy breasts as her own hand cups my panty-clad pussy, the pressure forcing the silky material to rub against my aching pussy, causing a loud moan to escape between my quivering lips into her hungry mouth. "Sit back," Ashley growls. I lean back while Ashley sits up removing my own shirt in one simple whoosh, my breasts bouncing freely inches in front of her face. "Mmm much better view." Her lips close around a hard nipple, her hand sliding into my panties, fingers rubbing my clit. My mind instantly becomes a blur once direct contact is accomplished, my arms wrapping tightly around her body for support as her fingers continue fondling my hard clit. Her other hand rests on my back, as her expert fingers move from my clit to enter my very center. Ashley tilts her head back, eyes watching my expression while her fingers move inside of me. My eyes tightly close, my hips keeping pace with her fingers now pumping steadily in between my thighs. "You enjoy my fingers stroking deep inside your pussy don't you baby?" My moans build, increasing in volume as seconds and then several minutes pass.
"I can't...much longer," I gasp, biting down hard on my lip not wanting to ride the wave over the edge just yet. Leaning forward, Ashley buries her face in my cleavage. My excitement trickles down my creamy thighs.
"I know what you're thinking, you're thinking about the lap dance, your lap dance. The way your eyes focused intensely on my breasts, my hips, my legs, and of course...my ass." Her fingers pump furiously inside as the inevitable arrives. My head whips back, every fiber of my being is engulfed with my orgasm, my pussy squeezing tightly around her fingers holding them captive. Panting, trying to catch a breath, blinking as my eyes readjust I feel her withdraw her fingers and my eyes focus just in time to watch her fingers disappear inside of her mouth, her lips closing around the wetness. More juice spills out between my thighs as the room fills with her moans while she sucks on her slick fingers.
The forgotten alarm suddenly buzzes startling me causing me to jump as Ashley laughs and winks at me. Her fingers pop out of her mouth and her body begins to move to the edge of the bed. Reaching toward the alarm, my hand slams down instantly silencing it. "Hell no," I declare Ashley laughing all the while. I grab her hand, her fingers still sticky and close my mouth around them.
"I guess I have time for a quickie."
My fingers hook the side of her panties and slide them down her smooth legs and over her feet. Touching the material in the center, I feel a rather large wet spot. "If you didn't have the time, you would make the time," I confidently reply tossing the moist panties to the side. Watching the panties land on the corner, Ashley looks at me a huge smiling forming. "You bet." My hands resume their descent down her body, over her flat stomach, her tan thighs when her hand unexpectedly grabs mine, her eyes locking with mine when she demands, "Don't tease me, fuck me."
For a split second I freeze with shock at never having heard Ashley speak this way before, but unable to deny the instant gush those very words sparked. I slide down her perfect body and begin sucking on her clit, my fingers stroking inside. Her hips forcefully push her center against my face, my tongue working on overdrive trying to keep up before being rewarded with a flood of her juices spilling from her center. I decide to continue without pause, her hand suddenly on the back of my head as she rides my face to her second orgasm. Gasping, I barely hear her ask me to come to her. For two minutes we cuddle in the glorious afterglow before Ashley starts to get up out of bed. "Hold on a minute," I grab her hand. "What was that a moment ago?"
Grinning she replies, "Just an idea I had, turn you on did it?" she inquires raising an eyebrow. Pulling her body to me, I kiss her softly and remind her of the obvious. "One look at you is all it takes." This time she initiates the kiss. "I need to shower this minute, or I will be late for work." I nod and release her watching as she hops out of bed and hurries into the bathroom, breasts bouncing, ass swaying, turning me on all over again.
When I enter the bathroom, Ashley is already in the shower. "It's Friday, tonight we should go out, you still haven't been to Swirl." I turn on the water faucet and grab a wet wipe. "That sounds great, tonight is ladies' night," she answers over the sound of running water.
"You want me to make you breakfast, something to go?"
"No thanks. There's always food at the office, usually bagels. One of the many perks I enjoy."
"You still enjoy going to the office, this job must be a keeper then?"
The water abruptly shuts off and instantly the curtain whips back. Without hesitation my head turns, my eyes drinking in every inch of her dripping beauty as if in a trance. Grabbing a towel, Ashley dries off and wraps the towel around her body and I pout once all is covered. Ashley steps out and turns to close the curtain, her towel falling and exposing her backside. I certainly don't miss a beat and appreciate the chance to continue admiring her body openly before lifting my eyes to hers, a knowing smile on her face. "Another quickie?" I offer.
"Yes please, but it will have to wait."
I was afraid that might turn out to be the answer. Oh well no harm in trying. "Coffee?"
"That will do, thank you."
I step forward closing the gap between us and place a finger under her chin. "I love you." A tender kiss and my thumb delivers a gentle caress on her lower lip before reluctantly withdrawing and allowing her room to get dressed. I exit the bathroom and hurry to the kitchen to begin the coffee. Ashley appears in the doorway as I'm pouring in the creamer. I pass the coffee to her and in between sips of my green tea I inform her, "The 110 to Pasadena is clear, no accidents."
"Thank goodness."
"Just the usual Friday morning traffic to contend with."
"That's bad enough. Sandra is booked all day today and Monday she is due in court most of the day. I must say the experience is excellent and I'm learning about family law." Ashley looks around to make sure she isn't forgetting anything and then runs her hands over her skirt smoothing it as if there were a wrinkle present.
"What time today?" I eagerly ask as I accompany her downstairs to the garage.
"Before 5:00."
"I'm not sure I'll last until then."
"I'm not surprised," she remarks throwing everything into the car and then folding her arms in front of her chest. "After the amount of time you spent staring at my body in the bathroom, I bet you can't wait to see me."
"Guilty as charged. After two months together, one would think the passion would settle down a bit between us, instead I want you more than ever. I can't help but to look at you constantly."
"I didn't say you were looking, I used the word staring."
"You're gorgeous Ashley, stunning."
Leaning into my body, she whispers in my ear, "I do believe you've told me this before at a certain shopping mall inside of a certain clothing store." She gently blows into my ear, her breath sending shivers down my spine as always. She kisses me. "I love you Casey."
Waving, she drives down the street heading towards the 110. I hurry upstairs and straight into the shower. Hours later, inside my office, I hang up the phone and steal a glance at the clock before increasing the volume on the radio in time to hear the traffic report. I listen closely as I fax the appropriate paperwork to the bank. Heavy congestion and one accident, fortunately further on down the 110. Closing the programs still open on the computer, I hear the doorbell and walk downstairs thinking it must be UPS. I look out the peephole and am surprised to see anything other than someone dressed in brown. Knowing a woman is standing outside and little else, I open the door.
"I'm looking for Ashley?"
"I'm afraid she isn't here right now, but I'm happy to take a message. You are?"
The woman standing before me doesn't respond, her expression remains carefully neutral, her eyes never leaving mine. Her brown hair is cut short and while not beautiful, standing here dressed casually in jeans she is attractive.
"You're Casey."
It's not so much a question as a statement.
"That's correct and you are?"
Silence ensues for a minute before she finally answers. "Mary."
My eyes widen before I have a chance to hide my surprise. I stand staring at her before finally asking her, "What are you..."
"Is Ashley inside?"
The shock rapidly disappears, my eyes narrow not appreciating being cut off mid sentence and in a neutral tone I respond, "My answer remains the same as before, no she isn't."
Her eyes wander up and down my body, her face continuing to remain neutral, hard to read. "When will Ashley be back?"
"I'm not sure." It was lame answer, but not a complete lie. Perhaps she would stop off somewhere on her way home, or traffic would worsen?
Shaking her head, Mary turns to walk back to the driveway. "Fine, I'll wait for her."
I, too, shook my head not keen on the idea of her ambushing Ashley when she arrives home. Without thinking I call out, "You're going to just sit and wait in the car?"
Mary continues walking as she replies, "If you have a problem with that, I'll move my car to the street in front of your neighbors."
"It's hot outside and you may have to wait awhile."
"Thanks for your concern, but I'll be fine," she hollers and she slides into the driver's side and starts the car.
Now she is beginning to piss me off. A memory suddenly flashes through my mind of Ashley telling me about how she cried when she told Mary about us having been together. Crying only because she felt she should have broken up with Mary before her and I engaged in sexual activities. I also remembered Ashley telling me how Mary had propositioned her, me or Mary. I thought about that first day when Ashley and I had sat at the kitchen table eating duck and drinking diet sodas as I pulled my cell from my back pocket and dialed Ashley's cell. Damn, straight to voicemail. I let out a deep breath and began walking to the end of the driveway motioning for Mary, who is patiently sitting inside of her car parked in front of the neighbors'. She gets out as I holler, "This is ridiculous, if you are determined to wait for Ashley, then you will wait inside with me. When Ashley arrives home you can say whatever you came here to say."
We walk up the drive in silence not that I had expected her to say a word when suddenly she whispers, "Thanks."
This day is just full of surprises another of which is the black Honda approaching and honking. I instantly turn my head in the direction of the horn in time to see Ashley smiling and waving. Her hand becomes still, mouth beginning to drop open. Whipping into the drive, she kills the engine, the door flies open and Ashley jumps out taking long strides across the drive. I knew she wouldn't be happy when she saw our guest, but I honestly didn't understand the degree of anger present on her face.
"That better not really be you Mary." She arrives at my side pushing her Oakley's on top of her head, her angry eyes staring holes through Mary.
Mary's eyes never leave Ashley, her expression suddenly becomes apologetic, all the confidence and strength from before vanishes. If I didn't know better, I would say Mary had expected Ashley's reaction. "You look..." her eyes roam down Ashley's body, "Fantastic."
I step forward, but Ashley holds out her hand. "I can't believe you are actually here." Pausing to shake her head, "Why the hell are you here Mary?" Apparently it dawns on Ashley that Mary and I had been making our way inside because she points to the doorway and questions one octave below yelling, "Inside?" Her eyes turn to me and for an instant my body stiffens, but her expression immediately softens. "Inside?" she questions again, but this time her voice is much softer.
"Mary refuses to leave without speaking to you and I was hoping to spare you this ambush."
Her eyes glare in Mary's direction once again. Mary takes a step towards Ashley, her arm held out. Ashley doesn't flinch instead she demands, "What? What do you feel you must tell me?"
Mary looks at me, her face somehow neutral and I actually begin to feel sorry for her. I flash back to when Ashley told me how Mary had a gift of seeing the good in everyone and Ashley supposed it was because of this gift that Mary was able to live so carefree, never seemed to get angry or lose her temper at anyone. Right now all I want is to understand the reason behind Ashley's anger. In a firm voice Mary asks, "Do you mind giving us a minute alone?"
Before I have the chance to respond Ashley cuts in, "No, Casey isn't going anywhere. Continue."
Looking around to see if we have any witnesses, I calmly suggest, "Perhaps it would be best to move this inside?"
Ashley looks at me dumbfounded. "You're kidding?" Placing a hand on Ashley's shoulder, I lead her off to the side. "Doesn't it bother you that she is here?"
"More than you can imagine."
Staring up into my eyes Ashley asks me again, "You were really going to invite her into our house?" There was no anger behind her eyes, just a need to understand. "I wanted to spare you this exact ambush. I was hoping you would see the car and realize we had company and once I heard the garage open, I was going to meet you downstairs and warn you. At least give you thirty seconds to prepare." Ashley nods, her shoulders relaxing as she lets out a drawn out sigh. The need to wrap my arms around her is almost too much to bear. I want to kiss the pain visible on her face away and cuddle against her protecting her. Instead I ask her, "What am I missing here?"
Ashley stares up into my eyes, the pain melting back into anger. "Not now, I will tell you later I promise."
Seconds tick by, but I don't question it further. "She is here and we are already this far along. Let's just go inside where at least it's air conditioned, listen to what she has to say and then send her on her way and enjoy the weekend together. Okay?"
"Sounds like a plan." We grab a hold of one another's hand. "Wait a second. You mentioned a car in the driveway, what car?" I point to the car parked in front of the neighbor's house. "What is it doing over there?"
"Don't ask."
We approach Mary hand in hand, her eyes clearly upset, but she follows us inside without a word. Ashley points to the chair and she and I sit down together on the couch while Mary continues to stand. Ashley finally looks up at Mary and Mary takes it as her cue to begin.
"First and foremost, I miss you Ashley. I know we've been through our share of the bad, but there is also so much good and I want you to give us another chance. I know you are with someone new and I know how things were...left...between us, but I want another chance."
Shaking her head Ashley coolly replies, "No Mary. We have been up and down this road countless times. Our relationship was wonderful for a time, but it has obviously run its course. I'm with Casey now and I'm happy. Please believe me when I say I truly hope you find someone who makes you as happy as Casey makes me."
Tears are now forming in Mary's eyes and she must blink several times to keep them at bay. "For the past two months I have worked hard to make the changes in my life you had asked of me before. I have a new job that I'm pleased with and I enrolled in college. I am happy with the changes I've made, but I did it for you. Tell me it's not to late, please?"
"Mary I'm not sure how to make this clearer. What we had was wonderful, but our relationship has run its course. The spark, connection, what have you burned bright for years, but not now, not anymore. I'm sorry."
Mary reaches for Ashley so quickly Ashley nor I had time to respond. Holding her hand Mary whispers, "It doesn't have to end like this. Like it did."
As soon as Mary mentions the past, that spark of anger returns in Ashley's eyes, and she yanks her hand back as if she had nearly touched a snake. "No!"
"Why are you so angry with me?" Mary demands, anger now present in her voice.
"I come home and find you here completely out of the blue, talking with my girlfriend and doing god only knows what." Ashley stands from the sofa and I follow as well sensing something is about to happen, the pain evident on her face. "I try not to think about it and being here with Casey makes it easier, but I will never forget and seeing you when I pulled up...it just reminded me and the entire event played before my eyes so clearly and I was reminded how I was too shocked to do or say anything then so I let you have it today."
Something passes in Mary's eyes, perhaps embarrassment, shame, or both, but whatever it is only served to fuel her flames. "You cheated on me, unless you have conveniently forgotten that!"
"I know that!" Ashley screams stepping forward, closing the gap between them. "I have apologized repeatedly, and I know it hurt you, but I didn't deserve your reaction, your... punishment."
"You broke my heart! My supposed wife betrays me so yes I was pissed excuse me, would you have preferred I didn't give a damn?"
Ashley is now visibly shaking. "You told me I was a street whore, nothing more than a regular fucking street whore and then you slapped me. I was too shocked to do something so I lied there on the floor stunned, I mean you never lose your temper, let alone...and with me no less. And if that wasn't enough when I stood up, you just had to slap me a second time."
My eyes are wide with surprise, my body frozen as everything sinks in and with realization comes fury and I launch myself at Mary.
"You did what?" I exclaim as I reach out to grab her, Ashley's body stepping between us just in time.
"This doesn't concern you," Mary bellows standing her ground while Ashley pushes me back.
"It certainly does."
"Sit down."
"Don't you dare order..."
"Casey!" Hearing Ashley yell my name is the only thing that makes me stop, that can stop me. At this moment, my cell rings. My eyes burn a hole into Mary. Ashley grabs me, fingers on my chin forcing me to look at her. "Take the call, let me handle this."
I open my mouth to protest, but she silences me. "Please, I didn't handle it last time, this is my chance. Please for me?"
I yank the cell from my pocket and flip it open walking to the stairs and heading up.
"Great news Case! I have a week of paid vacation time next month so I can visit you guys! Hello?"
"I heard you Teri," I grumble into the phone.
"Goodness Case who died?"
"Mary's here."
"Mary who?"
"Ashley's ex."
"Beg your pardon? You have got to be kidding me! What does she want?"
"To speak with Ashley."
"No way, tell her to leave."
"Fine pass her the phone, I'll happily do it."
"Ashley and she are downstairs talking."
"Without you?"
"I was there up until you called."
"In that case get back downstairs, goodbye."
"Wait, it's okay."
"She begging Ashley to take her back?"
"Something like that. You know for a second I actually felt sorry for her, I really did until..."
"Until what?"
"Apparently back in New York, when Ashley confessed that she and I had slept together, Mary lost it and called her names among other things." I couldn't even say it out loud.
"What do you mean other things?" Teri asked voice low and hard.
"I'm not going to repeat it, I can't right now."
"Did she hit Ashley?"
I let the question hang in the air unanswered. Finally I simply said, "I want to kick her ass."
"It's not to late Case, hell I think you should buy a gun."
I couldn't help but to laugh despite the seriousness in Teri's tone. "Don't tempt me."
"Look Case, Mary will be gone in a few minutes and that leaves you and Ashley. You two are all that matters, you have each other. She loves you and you her, got it?"
"I have to go, are you going to be okay?"
"Yes, thank you."
"Alright, talk to you soon."
"Hey Teri."
"We can't wait for you to get your behind down here."
"I know, I know."
Laughing we hang up and I hurry downstairs. Mary's head is hung low and Ashley is no longer angry. In fact, she looks quite relieved as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, a weight I had no idea was present. It bothers me that she kept this from me, but on the other hand, I understand why she did. Now all I can hope for is that she is finally able to unload here and now and feel cleansed afterwards.
Mary looks up when she hears my arrival. "I'm sorry Ashley, I really am. I did everything for the wrong reasons. I hope one day you can forgive me." Looking at Ashley one last time, she abruptly turns and walks downstairs and out the door.
With the sound of the door slamming shut, Ashley collapses and I catch her in my arms, holding her against me as the tears pour from her in rivers like a dam that has burst. I whisper sweet nothings to her and hold her tight as she lets it all out finally. After several minutes, I help her to the couch and she sits down leaning against my shoulder. "You feel better?" I ask.
She doesn't answer just simply nods. When she is able to speak she tells me the whole story. Exactly what happened in New York and what reasons Mary has given to explain not excuse her inappropriate behavior. Fear apparently had been the primary cause. I didn't really understand why, but I did know what it was like to be ruled by fear. Everyone has experienced being either the cause or effect or sometimes both of fear. Fear is not a good motivator when it comes to relationships, not just sexual relationships, any and all. I had learned that lesson early in life.
"I feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I had no idea just how much it still affected me until I pulled into the driveway and saw her."
"A hot shower will make you feel better."
Nodding Ashley stands. "Do you mind if we stay in tonight?"
"Not a bit, I would enjoy that."
In the bathroom, I turn on the water and undress Ashley before stripping away my own clothes. Suddenly Ashley grabs me, her lips crushing mine, a need so strong driving her to pull me close, that I have a hard time catching a breath. My heart pounds against my chest as we kiss. Under the hot spray of water, we take turns washing one another, our lips only parting when absolutely necessary. The need consuming Ashley is understandable considering the circumstances, but I too had a growing need, a need that I couldn't clearly put into words.
After drying off, with Ashley's back against the sink for balance, our lips still dancing together, I finally break away, Ashley whimpering at the loss.
"I want to love you." I couldn't phrase it any better than this, but somehow I knew Ashley understood exactly what I wanted. Our lips pressing together again, we slowly walk back out of the bathroom, fumbling towards the bed until the heel of her foot bumps against the foundation. Ashley lies down, her eyes closed, her hands out above her head as I hold her foot in my hands, massaging gently and slowly in the beginning. I knead and massage every inch of her foot and then gently lower her foot and take the other one in my hands and repeat the same procedure.
"Oh this feels so good," she moans. Her chest rises and falls as she lies peacefully on the bed, perfectly content. This very sight sends a flame of desire sweeping through my entire body. I continue massaging her foot not wanting to cheat her out of this pleasure despite more pleasure sure to follow. While kneading the base of her foot, I raise her foot a bit higher, and moan as her toe disappears into my waiting mouth. I gently suck on her toe and am rewarded with a shiver from Ashley. My lips take another toe hostage and I suck harder with two captives now in my possession. Ashley's body is writhing on the bed, her hands running through her hair and down her chest. "Oh Casey," she moans my name as I take another hostage. My hands move to her ankle and calf, tracing the smooth skin with my fingers and lightly kneading her calf. After a few minutes, I switch to the opposite foot and work the magic once again. I keep my eyes on Ashley's face for the most part, but every now and again I peek at her center and notice with every passing minute, she glistens more. By the time I finish with her little hostages and move to her delicate ankle, her hands are kneading her breasts, her right hand every so often wandering down south. I release her foot, both hands now free to run along her smooth legs. Our eyes focus intently on one another and I feel the sole of her foot press against my breast, my nipple immediately responding. Her big toe and the one next to it spread just enough to allow my hard nipple between them. She moves her foot slowly back and forth, her toes fucking my taut nipple, the sight alone enough to make my knees go weak. I hold steady, enjoying the sensation to much to give it up. I lean forward, knees pressed against the mattress for balance, my hand reaching for her dripping pussy. Slowly I run my fingers along her center before dipping inside and scooping some of her sweet essence into my fingers. Withdrawing from her warm center, I run my sticky fingers over my nipple while Ashley's toes continue stroking my shiny nipple. I dip my fingers inside again and apply her excitement to my other nipple and her foot immediately begins stroking that nipple. Her own fingers travel south and then slip inside, my own fingers mirroring her actions on my body. Without any spoken words, we both make love to our pussies, watching the other one pump vigorously inside. Ashley's free hand is busy stroking her clit, my free hand flat on the mattress as I try to keep my balance. Both of my knees are shaking badly and I'm not sure I will be able to hold myself up when I orgasm. Suddenly Ashley stops completely and lowers her right foot south down my stomach, circling my belly button before pressing her toe inside of my center. I gasp both hands darting out seeking balance. As suddenly as it began, it stops. Ashley makes a come here motion with her index finger and it takes every ounce of self restraint I have not to jump in the air and land on her crushing her. Instead I gently lie on top of her, but in a 69 position. My tongue furiously laps at her center seeking every drop of honey, her tongue copying mine like Simon says. I spread her smooth lips apart and glide two fingers inside. My breath catches in my throat when I feel her enter me. I insert a third finger and shiver with anticipation knowing Ashley will follow suit. I cry out when a third digit penetrates. My lips wrap tightly around her clit and I moan against her clit and my body releases every ounce of fluid I have when I feel her moans vibrate through my clit. My head begins spinning from the pleasure leaking from my body as my lover's pleasure pours directly into my mouth. I work hard to capture every drop not able to bare the thought of missing some. Our sweaty bodies untangle and I roll to the side. I keep my hand on her skin needing to keep contact and apparently so does Ashley.
The next evening, having decided to go to Swirl, Ashley is dressed in a skirt while I'm in jeans. We stop at Charlie Trio's on Huntington and Alhambra Rd for dinner. I order calamari among other dishes, but I must have calamari. Sitting in a booth, our feet seek contact underneath the table. Slowly Ashley runs her foot up and down my pant leg until finally I can't think of anything else. "What was I saying?"
Ashley laughs and draws her foot away. "You talked to Teri and she has vacation time coming up."
"Oh yes, but first why don't you come sit next to me."
We finish dinner sitting with our thighs touching one another's, oblivious to everyone else in the restaurant, occasionally my hand rests and lingers on her thigh until the waitress stops by to check on us. Parking for Swirl was a challenge, but once inside we give our eyes a chance to adjust. Standing just inside the entrance, hand in hand we look around at our surroundings. The light inside is dim at best, but clearly both gay and lesbian couples were here tonight and at this particular moment Madonna's "Like a Virgin," was playing loudly. Round tables were scattered throughout and a group of women were shooting pool by the entrance. Ashley and I walk to the bar, noticing the four corners of the bar are pretty much in darkness. We pass a couple, lips locked obviously in their own world. Ashley stares and then smiles back at me. At the bar, we each take a stool and I order two beers. I learned of this bar shortly after arriving in LA. I had been here once before and it was an eye opening experience having come from the Midwest. We just didn't have a bar like this where I came from, or if we did I certainly had never found it. I met a woman within five minutes of my arrival, and I swear she waits for newcomers to visit. Her name is Rachael Yu, a very pretty Chinese woman with long dark hair and sexy dark eyes to match. She has a sexy deep voice which is what had done me in, and as Ashley and I take our first sip of beer I hear that deep voice holler, "Break," as the sound of billiard balls crashing into one another before scurrying off to their respective corners fills the room momentarily. Within a minute, I feel someone coming up behind me and I say, "Hello Rachael."
"Hello Casey, I haven't seen you around in awhile."
I spun around on my bar stool. "I've been very busy." I had shared with Ashley my night with Rachael. "Ashley this is Rachael, Rachael this is my girlfriend Ashley."
"This is your first time." It wasn't a question. Rachael had a smirk on her face.
"Don't even think about it."
Shaking her head Rachael lets out a rich deep laugh. Ashley looks at me smiling, she knows about my little theory. Rachael straightens up and looks at me. "I only ask if I may have one dance?"
I look at Ashley and she smiles. I nod and Rachael escorts Ashley onto the dance floor. A slow song begins and I look at them on the dance floor making sure Rachael is behaving herself. So far so good. I look around and locate the couple from earlier still engulfed in their own little world. Despite the lighting I can tell the redhead has her hands under the blonde's shirt, their bodies pressed so tightly together they look like sardines that just popped out of the cramped can. The song ends and Rachael and Ashley make their way back to the bar.
"She behaved herself," Ashley reports.
"Thank you Casey. It was good to see you again."
I nod as she makes her way back to the front of the bar. Ashley is watching the couple openly grope each other.
"Want to dance?" I offer.
Smiling she accepts my held out hand. Ashley leads us to a corner of the floor and I'm not a bit surprised. Her arms wrap around my neck and I hold her close enjoying the warmth of her body.
"Rachael told me to take care of you."
My eyes narrow. "Really?" Ashley nods smiling. Our bodies close any gaps between us, melding together beautifully. "I'll take care of you and you take care of me."
"You bet." Ashley wraps her arms around my waist but soon her fingers slowly slide under the shirt. My nipples are hard and waiting for her touch and when she slides her palms over my nipples, I back us up against the wall, her back lightly hitting the wall. My lips devouring hers, her legs wrap around my waist, my arms around her supporting her. I place my face close to hers so she can hear me say, "Deja vu."
Grinning ear to ear she replies, "Except this time our positions are switched."
"And it's a bar instead of a bathroom, we're moving up in locations."
Ashley laughs. "We should go home."
"Really?" I raise my eyebrow.
"Rachael told me to take care of you and that is exactly what I intend to do."
THE END | literotica |
The rest of her team stared her down when she lunged into the airlock, narrowly avoiding having one of her feet caught in the mag-locked door when it slammed shut. Though none in the team could see them, the faintest traces of a string of nanites came in with her, desperately clinging to the bottom of Kenna’s foot, holding off on their emergency protocols until they were safe and sound outside the firing range of a group of very pissed-off Guardians with itchy trigger fingers. With a few excuses, Kenna got back up and waddled over to the ship, attributing her sudden bout of dizziness to the fact that she’d just been exposed to a vacuum for what was probably longer than recommended for someone of her kind.
Unbeknownst to her, the very threat that they had flown over to take care of was already starting to reform inside of her body, using the lull in the action to subvert as much of her physical form as possible without anyone, Kenna especially, noticing; slight alterations to her genetic code really, nothing but the absolute basics that would later on become something far greater, allowing for the defeated Fallen to live once again through the very life force of the one who ended their life. It would be poetic, if not for the fact that it was so incredibly gruesome; unfortunately for everyone involved, however, things wouldn’t be that simple, as it would appear that the sound beating Atraks-1 was on the receiving end of had somehow damaged the programming on the nanites that were supposed to reconstitute their body. As a result, rather than being able to completely transform the infected Guardian by the time the ship landed on the Tower, all they managed to do, despite their best efforts, was to enact some low-level changes to their bodily structure.
Not that these changes were subtle, but they were mostly hidden away by the suit the Guardian was wearing, enough that she didn’t really notice it until the ship she was on had properly docked, and at that point it was best for her to just conveniently ignore them and try to get home as quickly as possible. Kenna knew something was up when she began feeling bloated, but seeing as her body didn’t immediately and spontaneously explode into a mimicry of Atrak’s form, she figured it must’ve just been some sort of post-battle stress not agreeing with her meal for the day; she had eaten more than usual, so it wasn’t entirely out of the question. However, as they made their approach to planet Earth and her sense of overwhelming fullness continued to mount, the Guardian began wondering if she shouldn’t be saying something to her colleagues; after all, even if she weren’t infected by the Eliksni, there was always the possibility of a pathogen being surreptitiously hidden away inside the space station, accidentally released by the firefight.
However, there was something about the way she was feeling that stopped her just short of doing anything about it, like there was a voice in the back of her head soothing her, letting her know that everything was fine and she needn’t worry, that it was all ok and all she had to do was enjoy the ride and she’d be fine. Truth be told, Kenna should have been worried about suddenly feeling so at ease with a potentially devastating and body-altering agent running rampant through her system, but being able to lay her fingers on her stomach and feel the slight bulge of extra pudge made for rather nice entertainment, even if she was certain it was the first step towards her own doom. Then again, when absolutely nothing happened beyond her growing slightly heavier and heavier as the ship flew closer to the docking bay, surely there wasn’t anything to worry about; she’d just have to head back to her room, take some decontaminants and then be done with it all, no worries!
Walking with that new weight attached to her though, that was certainly something. Kenna attracted no shortage of looks when she got off from the ship and quite literally waddled her way towards her quarters, not even bothering to hide the fact that she was sporting a gut that would only become more noticeable the more steps she took without sitting down somewhere. Suddenly, she felt… empty, like her stomach had been replaced with a bottomless pit with a black hole at the very bottom that hungered for the whole universe to be thrown into it. Despite having had a bigger-than-average lunch precisely in preparation for the mission, Kenna couldn’t help but want to stuff her face with literally the first thing she saw that was even remotely edible, as that was the only feasible way she saw of making that belly of hers grow even larger; where exactly her ravenous appetite had come from didn’t matter so much as finding a way to sate it, for questions could always be asked after she was nice, full and plump, plumper than she was right now. What a stroke of luck, then, that her room’s replicator machinery was up and running that day, ready and waiting to satisfy each and every whim that popped into that head of hers; all that was required of her was for Kenna to pull a chair up, plop her rear in front of the dispenser port, throw her armour away in order to give herself as much wiggle room as possible, and then…
… then she could eat. That was the imperative, to eat, to consume, to fill that gnawing void inside of her stomach that had come from nowhere, asserted itself, and now demanded payment in the form of an unhealthy amount of binging. After all, the Guardian could literally ask for whatever she wanted in terms of treats, the whole breadth of human gastronomy (or at least the bits available in the archives) there for the taking, at her fingertips and a single sequence of button presses away. Everything from the most sugar-laden of pastries to the most savory of roasts, fresh out of the replicator and as hot as they would be if they were made in an actual oven, all of it so close to her that Kenna didn’t even have to move that much; just lean forward, grab the plate that came along with the meal, devour it as quickly as possible, then throw the crumbs away and start the cycle all over again! It was a dreadfully inefficient waste of the resources allocated to her, but using them up to build weaponry when she could be cooking up more food seemed like the real waste there; why bother with guns when she could have a delicious fifteen-course meal for an entrée? She barely even noticed when her clothes began to tear at the seams, the bulging body underneath them expanding not just in the belly and midriff areas, but somehow all over; the nanites inside of her system were going haywire trying to transform Kenna into another replicant of Atraks-1, but thanks to the rather fortunate malfunction in their programming, were only succeeding at turning her into one of the Eliksni, unburdened by the psyche imprint they were attempting to impose upon her. And, whether it be because of the Fallen’s biology or just the need to provide immense quantities of calories to keep her body from collapsing, this was translating into an insurmountable desire to feast.
Thus, it wasn’t surprising that the gorging continued long past the point where Kenna’s stomach should’ve ruptured, but instead kept breaking down everything she stuffed into it with alarming speed. Her arms and legs were straining her suit’s ability to contain them, fat rolls of oddly-purplish skin bulging out from the holes, while the torso section had failed to contain her completely and was now dominated by an immense, flabby, wobbly belly that spilled over onto her lap and kept bloating with every bite she took. The replicator was overlocked and running high on heat, smoking even as the half-human hybrid demanded increasing amounts of nourishment from it, until the poor thing had a backlog of thirty or so items to deal with; despite her increasing size, Kenna was possessed of a seemingly unnatural amount of agility, at least when it came to inputting orders onto a panel with one hand while grabbing them with the other, literally stuffing her face into whatever meal she had near her, pigging down like a beast.
Yet, she was still hungry, still just as demanding as before, if not even more so, and would be moaning and begging for someone to feed her if not for the fact that her mouth was constantly occupied while trying to fix that problem. It wouldn’t ever happen though; no matter how much food she ate, all that Kenna accomplished was making the nanites inside of her work on higher and higher levels of overdrive as they desperately tried to steer the transformation her body was undergoing away from a mere species shift and more towards a replacement for their old physical form. But the Guardian’s psychological conditioning was too strong… and her hunger was simply too powerful for even the nanites’ programming to overcome, providing her with an impromptu and highly unlikely shield against the unseen threat inside of her very own body.
Not that Kenna was aware of any of this; as far as she cared, she was simply hungry, albeit unnaturally so. The nanites’ effect on her body had tainted her mind as well, leaving her unable to process how out of the ordinary the whole situation was; to her, it was perfectly normal to sit in front of the replicator and queue up several dozen meals while chowing down on an equal number, perfectly normal for her body to bloat and fatten up so much that even her extra-stretchy bodysuit wasn’t powerful enough to keep. It was perfectly normal for her skin to be turning into a completely different hue, and perfectly normal that, despite the ridiculous quantities of mass she was shovelling down her throat, she still felt like she hadn’t eaten in months, prompting her to make the next snack all that much larger, much more nutritious, and thus worsening the transformation yet again. Or, well, bettering it, depending on how one looked at the situation; as far as Kenna could truly appreciate what was happening to her, the changes occurring to her body were actually quite nice, especially with how fluffy she now was. Never before in her life had the Guardian assumed that being able to literally sink her entire hand up to the elbow in her belly fat could be so attractive and alluring, yet there she was, doing exactly that and feeling like it was the best thing on the planet. Honestly, it was actually starting to arouse her in an entirely different way, a part of her brain activating that hadn’t even been lightly grazed in what felt like years. In fact, she felt an undeniable need to move one of her hands down to somewhere where it could be of bigger use to this new need, but this would mean not being able to eat as quickly as she needed to, which was just unacceptable. Truly a pickle if there ever was one, hence why her body decided to fix that problem for her.
In their effort to transform Kenna into a copy of Atraks-1, the nanites injected quite a bit of Eliksni genetic material into her, and while most of it had gone to waste when the Guardian decided to turn herself into a blob instead, some of it had “stuck” to where it should; notably, those two fleshy nubs that had appeared on her side, just below her arms, which had begun to inflame and bulge outwards the more she ate. Kenna didn’t notice them, or at least didn’t pay any more attention to them than she would a random itch, allowing the budding set of arms to begin developing, first as a pair of spindly, fleshy wriggly bits, but very quickly morphing into properly functioning appendages, complete with controllable hands and the right neural paths to allow the half-human to use them on an instinctual level. Kenna, delighted with her brand new limbs, immediately put them to use in the only way she could: with both of them very quickly reaching between her legs and making her regret ever having waited so long before doing so; it was as if her entire body was set ablaze from even the slightest touch, as if her sensitivity had been turned up to impossible levels while every nerve was frayed and left barren for even the tiniest of stimuli to overload. A single touch was all that was needed for her to start gushing as if riding a particularly hefty male, and the conjunction of that flood of serotonin with all the other transformative substances being used by the nanites seemed to speed up the process taking her further away from hybrid territory and far more towards becoming another one of the Eliksni… albeit one with her own mind and willpower, even if it was entirely dominated by a need to eat.
In an instant, her whole body bloated outwards, gaining what felt like hundreds of pounds as all the calories she’d been scarfing down seemed to suddenly multiply in on themselves, making short work of whatever remained of her bodysuit and pieces of armor still attached; her full form was now visible, as was the fact that her skin had gone fully purple, which together with the brand new set of arms and the fact that her vision was starting to go blurry, should have alerted the former human to the fact that her body was being hijacked. In fact, Kenna was actually somewhat aware of this; it just so happened that her brain was too busy trying to get its next fix by demanding her body eat even more, so much so that the replicator was starting to malfunction due to the sheer overflow of demands being input by the eternally-hungry former human. After a while, her button presses just didn’t register anymore, and she was left to slam her increasingly fatty fingers against the panel only to receive no feedback in return; sure, the food kept coming, but she couldn’t queue up another hundred or so meals every minute, so what was even the point?! Soon enough she would be done with her entrées and then have nothing for the main course, and the moment that happened, well… she was going to have to make it everyone’s problem, because Kenna was not going to sit in her room and wait for the repair techies to come fix her replicator; that was just time wasted, as far as she was concerned.
Predictably, this attitude could only end in one way: the half-human, half-Fallen sitting on her fat ass, staring at a replicator that was now more smoke than food dispenser, banging her four fists against it after it stopped giving her what she craved the most, loudly enough that a few people outside were starting to wonder what was going on inside Kenna’s room. All around her was the dejected remains of what could have been enough food to feed a whole settlement for several days: empty, discarded plates, broken cutlery, piles of crumbs that were themselves meals but barely registered with her new appetite, all stacked up to such heights that, if not for the fact that her transformed body was significantly larger than her original one, Kenna might’ve felt like she was wading through garbage rather than simply the regular stuff.
Still, it took her a bit before she mustered up the willpower to do anything but execute percussive maintenance on the broken machine, and even then it was because getting other people to feed her was probably going to be a hassle and she didn’t feel like doing anything that required the slightest amount of effort; after all, was it not her fate, her destiny to be serviced and served to, to sit on her widening rear as she was fed endless amounts of food to her own personal specifications? She could see it as clearly as she could anything else, especially now that her second pair of eyes had grown in, that as a perfect fusion of two species, she, and she alone, deserved the sort of regal treatment that was normally reserved for those of the highest station. Sadly, no one else was aware of this yet, which meant she had to put in at least some work to get the rest of the world up to speed on what was required of them.
To be fair though, it wouldn’t take too long for anyone to get the picture once she revealed herself. Just getting up from where she was sitting was enough to give her an idea of how imposing her new body must look, considering she bumped her head against the ceiling and felt her immense, rotund belly jiggle and sway with each motion, every step bringing with it a deep churning glorsh from the vast quantities of food safely packed away inside of a tum so colossal that, were she to look down, being able to see her feet would turn into a thing of the past. Yet Kenna didn’t feel at all like how heavy she clearly was; perhaps her new body was simply adapted to deal with those sorts of sizes, because she found herself capable of moving with astounding grace, enough that the only reason she had to break through the door at all was because her flab and pudge could only squish down so much before her innate elasticity gave up.
Thus, anyone that happened to be outside of her room at that time would have seen a perfectly normal door, with a perfectly normal wall, in a perfectly normal corridor in one second, while in the next the very air was steeped in bits of debris and floating chunks of ground metal, their ears filled with the thundering footsteps of the now full-Eliksni as she emerged from within her abode, licking her lips and already looking for her next meal. She was lucky that the outside had a higher ceiling, because the first thing she did was grab the nearest replicator she saw, yank it off the wall, then turn it upside down and dump whatever food its internal battery could provide for as long as it could keep going, gaining what felt like hundreds of pounds in the process… especially after she gave up eating regular meals and just demanded the machine produce an unending stream of calorie-rich nutrient paste that she could pig out on about as hard as her new facial anatomy might suggest she could. With the nanites in full swing, every ounce she consumed was an ounce that settled on her body somewhere, resulting in her frame bulging out and becoming more and more massive the more she ate, the more she consumed, the more she allowed her primal instincts to take her over.
But it wasn’t enough. Not even when everyone around her stopped to stare at the budding giantess did Kenna begin to think that she was even remotely close to being done, not even when the battery on the replicator ran out at around the same time as her belly’s frontmost part was pressing against the ground, not even when the floor beneath her cracked from the strain of having her take a single step. There were still things to eat, still minds to subsume into her own; folks weren’t actively getting on their knees and singing praises unto her, so clearly there was work to be done still, at least as far as she cared. Plus, with so much delicious mass around her, it wouldn’t be too difficult for Kenna to take advantage of the nanites inside of her, putting them to more productive uses; after all, if she was the kind of deific entity she pictured herself as, then surely she could control something as simple as a microscopic nanite swarm, and indeed, all it took were a few moments of concentration before she tapped into the frequency that those tiny automatons were operating in, the same ones that had gifted her this glorious new form… and the same ones that would make it even better.
There were plenty of replicators around her if she so chose to use them, but the more she thought about it, the more the ascended human began to think that they just weren’t worth her time. Eating was so blasé, she wanted to consume, not just chew on something and swallow it like some primitive ape would; she was better than that, beyond that, and as such was owed not just the privilege of being able to choose when to use her mouth properly, but the right to take whatever she wanted into herself… in the most direct way possible. There were plenty of construction materials around that wouldn’t be necessary once she made herself become the throne upon which all others should lay, not to mention a few ships buzzing by that, quite frankly, looked far too old to be allowed to fly. With a simple flick of her wrist, Kenna unleashed a cloud of nanites from her fingertips, ones that had been subverted to her will rather than the other way around; these eager little helpers quickly found a parked ship and enveloped it completely, breaking it down to its base components, then turning those into their constituent compounds, molecules, then atoms, until the oozing soup of undifferentiated atomic stuff was suitably changed at the smallest of levels to better suit the ascended Eliksni’s needs. All that was needed was for protons and electrons to be rearranged in order to create substances that her body could actually process, and while this might’ve sounded like nothing short of complete and utter madness just hours before, now it was something as easy as snapping her fingers and asking someone else to do it for her. From metal to sugars, by way of atomic manipulation, and suddenly Kenna was a whole space-worthy ship fatter in every direction, licking her lips with such content that it should probably be made illegal for anyone to enjoy anything as much as she was enjoying herself in that exact moment.
The few people still around who hadn’t made the right decision to get the hell out of dodge as quickly as possible as soon as possible were entranced by the display, unable to comprehend just what had happened. Had the giantess consumed the ship, metal and all? Had that nanite swarm broken it down so efficiently that she could do the same to them? And why was it that they weren’t running away at the mere sight of it if they knew that there was a non-zero chance they could be next? Perhaps it was the simple fact that, gluttonous or not, the ascended Eliksni was something of an imposing sight, imposing enough to overload one’s better judgement and promise it that, if only it were to work towards them, then it would be duly rewarded with an ample supply of divine love and attention. In reality, this was nothing but an unintended side effect of whatever the original batch of nanites had done to Kenna; the former human was barely even aware of the small ones next to her once she got started consuming her surroundings properly, because why would she bother with those who couldn’t even begin to scratch her ankles in terms of power? It felt like a waste of time, time she could instead be dedicating to tearing down everything around her and feeding it into that void that her stomach had turned into, hoping that maybe, if only she ate everything, then she would eventually be satisfied… before the next meal, of course. Or dessert. Or a second course, those were always good.
Now that she had confirmation that her body could take whatever it was the nanites inside of it could touch, however, things were quite a bit simpler than they used to be; after all, if she didn’t even require food to be, well, food, then anything that existed could be used to fuel that immense, roaring furnace inside of her that kept demanding for more and bigger meals for the feast. In fact, the more she looked around, the more Kenna came to understand that there was a very good reason why she was even there to begin with, why her mind had guided her to not inform her team that she might’ve been infected, and why she had gone to such great lengths to ensure that her transformation was as successful as it turned out to be. She used to be a Guardian, but now was something more; and as a former human, especially once with such a high level of responsibility, she just happened to have access to one of the most important landmarks on the planet, the central hub from which everything of note took place, where the Traveller had opted to park itself, where destiny itself converged. And while before she might’ve looked at this as it was, that being a burden that she and a select few were chosen to carry, now it was revealed to her that, quite the contrary, it was in fact an opportunity; an opportunity to truly ascend, to break free of the mortal bonds holding her back, chaining her down to her pitiful former existence as nothing more than a faceless soldier in a war that she no longer cared about. She was something better now, someone that could take whatever they wanted and turn it into more glorified pudge for her belly, more fat for her rotund and gorgeous body, all while the gnawing hunger inside of her grew bigger and stronger the more she went without feeding it! Maybe, she thought to herself, everything in her life had led to that exact moment, where she looked up at the Traveller, floating in the air, bearing down on Humanity from above, and saw not the last hope for salvation amidst a universe happy to wipe her former species off the face of their homeworld… but a snack. A big, round, delicious snack that made her lick her lips in contented delight even before she got to taste it… but she would. She was sure of it.
Before she could get there though, Kenna needed a little boost to her body. She was big, yes, but not enough enough to try and tackle the Traveller without promptly getting shut down in the process; luckily for her, and unluckily for everyone else, she was just big enough to be able to lord her size over all the tiny ones running around her, and just strong enough that their pathetic attempts at stopping her were already completely ineffective. Melee combat was a bust, as anything brought to bear on her body would either bounce off her curves or be absorbed into them via a quick swipe by the growing nanite swarm inside of her; firefights would end as quickly as they began, what with the thick cloud of nanoscopic automatons that surrounded her in every direction creating an impenetrable shell that only grew stronger the more anyone tried to damage it. In fact, all that Kenna needed to do was sit her fat ass down and allow her intention and willpower to guide her actions… or rather, the hungry cloud of nanites breaking down everything around her into its constituent components, only to then rearrange them much like it did to the ship, only on a much grander scale. It wasn’t just the Tower that surrounded her, but the whole City around that, the last place where life of her former kind flourished; the technological marvels brought about by the Traveller’s appearance, the last remaining bastion of humankind in a cold, dark, uncaring universe, all of it was right there for the taking, if only she had the will to take it all without bothering to ask. And if there was something that Kenna had in vast quantities at that time, it was an intense need to take for herself, she wasn’t picky about what.
Therefore, why not take everything? The panelling on the walls, stripped; the very floor beneath her widening rear, torn off and ground down. The railings, the machinery, the replicators and their nigh-endless power supply system, the ships flying by and the ones parked at a distance, even the occasional person who wasn’t fast enough to escape from her ravenous appetite. All of it served to feed into a continuously growing, never ending vicious cycle whereby more consumption merely made her larger, therefore made her hungrier, and thus spiked her need to eat even more; Kenna was both fully aware of this and yet taken by it anyway, no longer caring about the consequences or what might happen to her. She couldn’t even be shot now, not without the ballistics or energy blasts being used to make her gloriously oversized body even bigger than it already was; she couldn’t even be attacked by moving ships, seeing as they’d only be swatted down from the heavens and plunged into her hungry maw, or simply pushed into the many folds of her colossal belly, where her weight alone would pancake them before the nanites helped her take the metal into her body. All the while, she grew bigger, softer, rounder, a ball of fat and pudge that knew only how to become more massive as it reached the peaks of indecency and kept climbing, Kenna by that point openly moaning and trying to move her hands somewhere where they could make good use of all that arousal. That she was surrounded by panicked screaming and what remained of the human race preparing for a final battle didn’t really register to her; as long as she could keep herself from falling down to the ground levels too hard, then nothing else really mattered as far as she was concerned, especially considering she still had the rest of the city to consume after she was done with that pitiful little tower with a capital T. How typical of her former species, to give things such important-sounding names when they were a mere five-minute banquet for someone like her, who could make it all just… go away, vanished down her gullet, with as much ease as she would snap her fingers.
It was almost scandalous how easily she utterly broke down her surroundings and added them onto her growing self, almost as if the last redoubt for Humankind was naught but a bunch of cardboard and she a colossal monster ready to stomp on it… well, the comparison was almost apt, but the last thing Kenna needed was to picture herself as an even greater beast devouring everything, or else her horniness might just jump to truly insurmountable levels. No, best that she focus on what she could feel at that exact moment, that being her nanite swarm gently lowering her through the air as the structure around her was destroyed and remade to better suit her desires, until she felt the warm ground beneath her by-then house-sized cheeks, cheeks that only grew fatter as the last remnants of the Tower were broken down and directly pumped into her. From there, it was easy to know where to go: the whole City was there, undefended, unguarded seeing as so many of its protectors just so happened to be close by when Kenna discovered that her appetites included former humans if they just so happened to be near her when the nanites sought her next snack. There was nothing and no one that could slow her down, let alone stop her, except perhaps for the Traveller itself… and what was it going to do, smite her down with the wrath of a big, stationary floating ball? It was nothing to her, nothing if not another snack that she was merely too small to fully appreciate; as soon as the whole City was packed away inside of her belly and in that enormous ass of hers though, then it would see who the real ruler of Humankind was. Sure, by that point, there probably wouldn’t be any humans left beyond the ones that happened to be off-world during her little rampage, but who was counting? She certainly wasn’t, not when she had to get busy extending her net of nanites to encompass literally everything on not just her immediate surroundings, but the whole metropolis as well!
It didn’t matter to her that the main emotion on everyone’s mind was blind panic and existential dread, as a colossal Eliksni enshrouded by literal tons of nanites had just risen from the ashes of the Tower and now loomed over most of the buildings around it, spreading her arms around and beckoning forth for everything to be dumped into her waiting maw. She was a goddess of destruction, one whose happy little squeals and giggles were powerful enough to cause small quakes that only served to soften the cityscape up for when her minions came to pluck it up. One by one, every structure closest to her was ripped to shreds and turned into more sustaining feedstock, Kenna’s body no longer even needing to have her meals transformed into something palatable; their mass alone would keep her going, make her grow, make her fatten, make her tits become so massive they could flatten buildings and yet look so tiny next to that gigantic belly swung out in front of her that she might as well be flat-chested. Make her become so grossly engorged that her head was practically buried by the folds of fat in her own neck, make her become something so beyond mortal ken that anyone who laid eyes on her would drop their weapons and willingly succumb to the knowledge that their life was forfeit, meant to be used as nothing more than fuel for the ascension of their new goddess. Then, and only then, could the ascended Eliksni, the former human known as Kenna, be truly satisfied and sated… but she wasn’t.
She should be. By all objective means, after being done tearing the whole City down into its constituent bits and absorbing them through every pore, becoming this gigantic, flabby blob of an Eliksni with a shadow that was cast for miles behind her, Kenna should have been done with her rampage. She’d done it, it was over, most of her former kind was gone and, while not exactly buried, at least somewhere where it couldn’t come back from; the fact that her nanites were going to work on the rest of the planet, breaking down its crust and eating whatever vegetation was around, should be nothing more than a dessert, a finisher after a particularly heavy meal. She should be sated… but she wasn’t. In fact, the more Kenna considered this, the more she became acutely aware of how much her hunger hadn’t gone away, and how much it was telling her that the true main course, the real meal, was still there, waiting for her to take it into her maw.
The Traveller. It still floated, taunting her, just within reach. If she wanted to, Kenna could stretch her arms out and touch its smooth surface, bring it closer to her; it was about as big as her belly was now, so why not try and scarf it all down? If she was so powerful as to be able to strip the planet down the mantle already just from consuming whatever was lying around, who knew what she’d be capable of doing once the full might of that thing was absorbed into her. Yes, that’s what had to happen; it was her fate, her destiny, that which she was meant to do: to eat the Traveller, and take from it everything.
She licked her lips again, slavering and drooling as she pulled the sphere towards her.
The feast was about to begin. | yiff-extreme |
Title: tino and joanne by prettykitty123
Tags: Love, M/F
once upon a time there was princess named joanne who lived in a far away land and all the boys loved her exceptone boy who was absolutely a jerk and was very hot but she had uncontolable love for him, so she folows him out of town and he says "what do you want?" ''nothing god just what's your name" "call me tino" **"okay bye!"** she fell in the swamp and tino helped her then she noticed he had a birth mark like hers...
they could never be together...
so joanne had a plan she would try to get him to runaway with her never to be seen again... | FSE |
Title: Free Universal Carnal Knowledge Pt. 21
Tags: mfff, older man
*"Far too many"*
The day had started warm and it got steadily hotter and muggier as the afternoon wore on. I filled in time until we could leave without giving offence, allowing George to tell me some interminable story about the difficulty of getting his American bosses to pronounce his surname correctly. After this I thought I ought talk to Vicky and Simone and say thank-you for leaving me alone and contenting themselves with only the occasional yearning gaze in my direction. Before doing so, however, I took pity on Alicia, who was clearly beginning to suffer in the oppressive conditions in the tent, and told her that she could follow the example of most of the guests and go out for some slightly fresher air. So off she went to turn more male heads outside.
I let the twins back me into a corner and jabber away excitedly. They still looked incredibly fuckable but as conversationalists they favoured quantity over quality; I reflected, however, that in a few days I should be able to shut them up at will. I was happily imagining them naked, at my sexual service, and blessedly mute when it struck me that all of a sudden it had got very dark outside. I was about to remark on this when there was a blinding flash of light and a huge thunderclap and the heavens opened.
Instantly the tent began to fill with laughing and bedraggled guests. Some had been standing nearby and were not too badly affected but most of them had apparently been wandering farther afield because by the time they were washed up at the tent they were drenched. Alicia looked amazing; her light frock, wet through, was almost invisible as it clung lovingly to every contour of her huge bosoms.
But it had to be said that the cloudburst had worked wonders for the appearance of many of the other guests too; rainsoaked summery clothes adhered tightly to young female bodies and revealed shapely buttocks and nicely formed breasts wherever the eye rested.
Conditions in the tent had been uncomfortably hot and stuffy even when it was relatively empty. Now, as more and more soaking wet revellers crammed inside, the temperature and humidity increased alarmingly. Faces and bodies glowed with an admixture of rainwater and sweat that ensured that clothing remained sodden. The tent was filled far beyond its intended capacity and as people milled about they were forced to squeeze past each other's sweaty, clammy bodies.
In the midst of all this I had the most enormous erection. I had, of course, been sneaking to the toilets at intervals during the day to relieve my needs and I had intended to do so again before leaving, but now I was trapped. One young woman I had hardly noticed until now, but looking very sexy with her long wavy dark hair matted down with moisture and her happy, slightly tipsy face aglow with rain and sweat, began to press against me. When she politely allowed someone to pass she made sure she backed into me far more forcibly than necessary and her buttocks pressed hard against my groin. She giggled with surprise and delight at what she found there and pressed back even harder, with a quick wiggle of the hips thrown in.
I tried to back away but in doing so found myself jammed against other sweaty bodies. One of them belonged to a delicate-looking girl, not my usual type but very pretty with her long blonde hair and big beautiful eyes.
Suddenly I felt a movement in my pocket. Thinking for a moment that someone was trying to rob me (hardly likely, given my surroundings), I made a grab and found I had hold of yet another girl, who smiled flirtatiously at me and blew me a kiss before pulling her slippery wet hand from my grasp. Hardly had she disappeared into the throng than I felt another hand, this one surreptitiously but determinedly feeling its way down my lower abdomen. It belonged to the delicate girl, who was carefully looking the other way with an expression of faraway innocence as her fingers explored my groin. When they found their quarry they grabbed it firmly through my trousers and her face assumed a look of almost blissful wonder.
And so it went on. As I tried to navigate my way to where I had last seen Wendy, I forced my way past female bodies pressed against me and hands touching me everywhere and occasionally reaching into my pockets. I was terrified of what was happening but also highly aroused; my cock was throbbing with desire and demanding that I strip off and tell the girls to form an orderly queue (or, better still, a not-at-all orderly queue).
After a while I realised with relief that the rain was stopping and some guests were escaping the overcrowded tent. I was now able to reach a very concerned-looking Wendy. "James," she began, "those girls --"
"I know," I interrupted. "God knows what we're going to do now."
"Get out of here," she suggested, "before things get any worse."
This was good advice. I asked her to go and detach Alicia from the ardent young men surrounding her while I made my excuses to George.
Our goodbyes said, the three of us headed for the car and I checked with Wendy that she had been keeping clear of the alcohol. "Of course," she replied, clearly shocked that I should think her capable of disobedience.
"Good," I said, thrusting the car keys into her hand. "You're driving."
My companions both seemed surprised when instead of getting in the front I climbed in the back with Alicia, but it took only a moment for the penny to drop with Wendy. "I'm *desperate*," I whispered hoarsely by way of excuse (not that I needed one). "I can't possibly wait till we get home."
"Do you think you can contain yourself until we get to the end of George's drive?" asked Wendy with that knowing, indulgent smile she was getting so good at.
I said I thought I could manage. Anyway it took longer than that for me to unzip my fly and unleash my cock and for Alicia to struggle out of her knickers and hitch up her soggy frock.
Tastes change with age. Sex in cars, I have decided, is a case in point; in my twenties I relished the excitement of it but as the years have gone by I have come to prefer the comforts of a bed. The fuck with Alicia met my immediate needs but it was too cramped and uncomfortable to be entirely satisfactory and as I put her gently to one side to recover I promised myself a repeat later on at home.
As I sat next to her, reflecting on the garden party and dully wondering what the harvest would be, I absently felt in my pockets. My fingers found a screwed-up piece of rather damp paper; then another. My pockets were full of scraps of paper, bits of card, stuff like that. I pulled one out and examined it.
There was scribbled writing on it. "Kathryn," it read, followed by a cellphone number.
I reached for the next. It was a piece of card torn from the corner of a menu or some such. "Please, please, please call me. Your Sara," and a number again. I felt in my pocket again; the next was also card but seemed more regularly shaped. It was a passport-type photograph of the delicate otherworldly-looking blonde girl. On the back was written, "Fuck me." There was no name, just a number.
"What have you got there, darling?" asked Wendy.
I explained and she let out a low whistle. "How many?"
I rummaged in my pockets. "Plenty," I said. "Far too many."
After going through my pockets thoroughly, I laid out the notes as best I could on the parcel shelf. They varied from tiny scraps of paper to a large folded card. Each of them included a cellphone number. Except for the blonde girl's, each gave a name too, although with one or two exceptions, such as Elspeth, they meant nothing to me. Most contained a message, usually only a few words in tones varying from loving ("Yours, yours, for ever yours," for instance, or, "You are my dream, my destiny") to graphic ("I fuck for England" or, even more bluntly, "Your cocksocket"). The longest note was from Tammy (which was she?) giving a frighteningly explicit account of what she wanted me to do to her ("I wish I had more holes to offer you" was one of her milder sentiments), and there was one brief but cringeworthy poem that I cannot bring myself to quote.
I counted the notes. There were twenty-six of them. | literotica |
Tags: Belly Inflation, Breast Inflation, Butt Inflation, Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Inflation Olympics
Text: The girls had lead Sarah to a large gymnasium adjoining the locker room then. She realized now why the building had appeared so large from the outside... its interior contained a standard 400-meter track, layered with that sort of black rubber that she'd heard was made of recycled tires. A tier of mostly empty black bleachers ran parallel to the track on each of its long sides. They took Sarah to the front row in a roped-off section marked "VIP.""Will you be okay here, Sarah?" Laurie asked. "The only people allowed on the field are contestants and officials."I should be," Sarah said. "I can see the whole field from here. She took a seat on one of the black padded seats of the bleachers.A loudspeaker from the back of the bleachers announced, "Mobility four-by-one-hundred relay in five minutes. If you're signed in, get to the field and take your places, ladies.""That's our cue Sarah," said Laurie. "We'll be back before too long. I don't have any other events until later on, so I can answer some more questions for you in just a few minutes, okay?""Will do," said Sarah. "Good luck, girls," she said with a smile. A chorus of "thanks" and "thank you" issued from Laurie, Sandy, Lindsey and Amanda as they began to head towards the field. Sarah jumped in shock as all four of them deflated back to their normal size in preparation for the start of the event. She was struck this time by how much taller Sandy was than the other four, and thought that maybe that was one of the reasons why Sandy competed in the so called 'Volume' events. It made sense that a bigger girl could hold more than a smaller one.Over the course of a few minutes, Sarah watched as the four companions made their way to the track and took their places on the track along with the other teams. Sandy stood at the starting line, while Laurie, Lindsey, and Amanda stood at hundred-meter increments around the track along with the other members of each team. One official with a starting pistol blew their whistle then. Any girls on the field still stretched out with helium released the gas out of their mouths, slimming before Sarah's eyes. The starting runners took their places beside Sandy at the starting line. Each reached to the helium tank before them and took the free end of the helium hose in their mouths, their free hand resting on the valve of their helium tanks.The starter's pistol went off, and an amazing sight befell Sarah. Ten sets of helium tanks were opened, and the ten starting girls began to swell. Sarah could hear the hiss of the gas entering their bodies from all the way up in the stands. Every woman's inflation was slightly different in nature, but slowly but surely each one was expanding. Breasts swelled, bellies ballooned, thighs and buttocks expanded, and the stitches of the contestants athletic suits complained vigorously as the wearers inflated more and more.Sarah noticed that Sandy, valve on her helium tank almost full-open, was rapidly eclipsing her peers at the starting line. Everyone had started empty, but with each passing moment Sandy's expanding girth increased the margin between their sizes, within seconds becoming twice the size of the rest, then three times, then four. Other girls at the starting line began to cast worried glances in her direction. Some of them opened the valves on their tanks further in a bid to decrease the gap between their respective sizes. Sandy smiled around the hose in her mouth and reached down to the faucet-valve on the helium tank before her. She quickly turned it counter-clockwise until it reached the end of its threading and came off in her hand. She tossed the useless valve over her shoulder and closed her eyes contentedly as the helium now rushed into her body at the maximum rate now unhindered by any restricting valve. She was doing what she did best and knew it. She rested her free hand on her ballooning stomach and swelled larger and rounder with each passing moment.Seeing that catching up with Sandy's inflation was going to be a sheer impossibility, the other contestants one by one held as much helium as they felt necessary and took off running down the track to their waiting teammates. Their movement struck Sarah as being somewhat ungainly, but it was evidently rather hard to move quickly while so overly inflated. One by one, they slowly traversed the hundred meters to their first set of teammates and quickly began to transfer the helium held inside their bodies to the new runner for their team. Each runner locked lips with her teammate, and flicked open the valve inside their own mouths, allowing the helium contained within their inflated bodies to begin to inflate their partner. As had been explained to Sarah, half the helium flowed into the new runner, and half remained in the first woman's body once the pressure differential inside both women had equalized. The newly-inflated runners took off down the track towards waiting third-leg team members. Sarah noticed that Sandy still stood at the starting line, now enormous beyond anything she'd imagined...she was gigantic, breathtakingly big. The bottom curve of her belly nearly touched the ground, the entire sphere of it nearly as tall as she was. Her breasts nearly occluded her face from view, such was the distance that they rose upwards. She didn't appear to be paying much attention, still resting her hand on her side and smiling around the hose in her mouth.From a hundred meters down the track, Laurie yelled "Come on, Sandy! We're starting to get too far behind!" One by one, the other runners slowly made their gassy 'handoffs' to their new partners, quickly sending the newly ballooned girls off on the third leg of the relay race. "Come on, Sandy!" Laurie shouted again.Sandy lifted her free hand from her side, and merely raised her index finger slightly, signifying "wait.""Hurry up!" Laurie called again. "You don't need any more, that's too much as it is!" Sandy didn't appear to hear, and continued to grow larger. She was so large now that she was virtually covering four lanes of the relay track. Her expanding belly pressed now against the upright helium tank of a long-departed contestant, tipping the tank over as her girth continued to distend prodigiously. Officials began to glance back and forth at one another, concerned."Ma'am, you know this is a RELAY, yes?" Sarah heard one venture cautiously."Mmm-hmmm," Sandy agreed throatily around the hose in her mouth. Sarah watched Sandy's free hand gently testing her side, pressing in gently to gauge the firmness. Sandy smiled to herself."Sandy, come ON!" Laurie yelled again from her position further down the track. Then, with a whispering sigh, the roar of the helium rushing out of Sandy's tank slowly fell silent. Sandy, looking slightly disappointed, spat the hose from her mouth."You guys need to fill these relay tanks to the top next time!" Sandy reproached."Uh... sorry, ma'am. We didn't really think anyone would use....that...much, for a relay..." the same official that had spoken before replied. Without another word, Sandy arched her back, thrusting her truly gigantic belly into the air, and began to walk carefully down the track. Meanwhile, the rest of the relay teams had all made their final handoff. Sarah noticed that the fourth members of most of the teams weren't very inflated at all, holding only an eighth of the air the original runners had been holding as she'd been told.As Sandy slowly carried her unbelievable girth down the track, impeded by the size of her belly and overinflated thighs, the fourth relay runners crossed the finish line back where Sandy had just left. One by one, Sarah saw race officials hold a tiny device to the lips of each girl, and write down a number on a clipboard. After this, each woman allowed her body to deflate, then turned to watch Sandy waddle down the track with widened eyes. When the very last girl had crossed the finish line, Sandy finally had reached Laurie. Sarah had no idea how Sandy was going to get close enough to her to transfer her helium. Surely she was too inflated. Sandy said something to Laurie then, but Sarah couldn't make it out over the distance.Sandy grinned broadly, and then pressed her enormous girth against the ground, her abdomen pressing into the track just below her popped-out navel. The impact produced a loud, drum-like "DUNN!" audible even from Sarah's position. Suddenly, Sandy forcefully pushed off the ground with both her feet. It was almost a jump, but she kept her belly pressed against the ground, having pushed off the ground on a vector tangent to the sphere of her own overinflated belly. Slowly, she began to roll on the sphere of her stomach. She slowly rolled up and over until she was lying on top the great swell of her abdomen, her face held up to a level even with Laurie's despite the fact that she was lying down on top of herself. Sarah gasped at that... even lying down upon it, the bulge of Sandy's belly was over five feet high. She threw her arms around Laurie's neck, and Laurie learned forward to meet her, mouth to mouth.Sarah could hear it all the way up in the stands when Sandy flicked open the release valve inside her mouth. The roar of helium rushing into Laurie's body was unbelievable. Sandy's mouth was much larger in gauge than the small-diameter hose that Sandy had used to inflate herself with, so the helium contained within her swollen body wasted no time in flooding into Laurie. Laurie's hands flew to her belly as she began to fill, unprepared for the speed of it. Her waistline distended by inches, then feet, then yards. Her leotard grew tighter and tighter about her as her belly, breasts, thighs, and buttocks grew increasingly full and taught. Sandy, the source of Laurie's inflation, gradually began to decrease in size. Within moments, Laurie was now so large that she pressed her own belly to the ground and lay face to face with Sandy, one of them deflating, the other rapidly inflating. After only perhaps fifteen seconds each was approximately equal in size to the other, though the shorter Laurie's belly looked much fuller and tighter than Sandy did. Sandy used her inflated thighs to squeeze as much of the remaining helium in her body out into Laurie by squishing the great ball of her stomach between her legs. Laurie ballooned slightly larger. Sandy at last relaxed her hold on Laurie and rolled herself backwards, landing on the balls of her feet.Not used to being so enormously inflated, Laurie flailed on top of the sphere of her abdomen, trying to generate the inertia needed to roll back onto her feet. Sandy stepped forward, pressing against Laurie's side with her own inflated belly, rolling the redhead backwards onto her feet. Staggering backwards, Laurie turned and began to run as best she could down the track towards Lindsey, cradling her immense form between her palms. Lindsey, seeing how large the hugely swollen form of Laurie was as she waddled closer, paled slightly. When Laurie arrived, red-faced from the pressure inside herself, Lindsey stepped backwards in awe of the size of her relay partner. She was usually placed behind Laurie in these races, Sarah recalled, but Lindsey's demeanor said that never before had the redhead been of such a gigantic size."Take... some... of... this... helium... now," Sarah heard Laurie grunt. Hesitantly, Lindsey stepped into Laurie's embrace, squishing against Laurie's swollen belly. They locked lips then, and Laurie opened her release valve inside her mouth. Lindsey's inflation was not as rapid as Laurie's had been, but it was much more dramatic. Every milliliter of helium that escaped from Laurie's lips flowed into Lindsey's swelling thighs and buttocks. They swelled larger and fuller, stretching her yellow leotard tighter and tighter across her expanding seat until finally....BANG! The rear seam of her leotard busted open, exposing the bronze tan of her overinflated backside. She tried to pull away, surprised, but Laurie held her fast in her grip as the pressure hadn't yet equalized between them. Sarah watched in amazement as Lindsey's bottom distended amazingly, reaching an unbelievable size. Finally, Laurie released her, her own belly finally significantly emptied into Lindsey."Go, run!" Laurie urged her. Lindsey needed no urging, and took off at a rapid pace, her waddling run looking almost comical with her inflated thighs and bottom."You owe me for new pants!" Lindsey called over her shoulder, holding the rent in the seat of her leotard shut as best she could in spite of the amazing distention of her buttocks. She reached Amanda in a few moments, and the two rapidly pressed mouth to mouth. Lindsey's bottom slowly shrunk down to a smaller, albeit still amazing size. Consequently, Amanda's breasts filled and swelled inside her top, straining the material to the maximum and squishing against Lindsey. When the two at last disengaged, Amanda turned to run for the finish line, only to find her bosom so grandly inflated with helium that her endowments instantly floated up into her face, obscuring her view with an extreme close-up of her own cleavage. Sarah watched as she compensated by turning around again and ran backwards, looking over her right shoulder. At last, she reached the finish line. Grinning, she held her buoyant bosom down against her torso so that the dumbfounded official could press the pressure gauge against her mouth. Blinking with disbelief at the number, she double-checked the value, and then recorded Amanda's pressure and the team's total time on her clipboard.The official that had measured the pressure in Amanda's breasts calculated some figures on her clipboard, blinked once in surprise, and then walked off the field and made her way to the small room next to the bleachers.At length, the loudspeaker at the top of the bleachers behind Sarah spoke up: "Four-by-one-hundred mobility relay. First place: Sandy Mason, Laurie Washington, Lindsey Hall, Amanda White." After that, the speaker continued to read off names that Sarah didn't recognize. Down on the field, the four friends grinned at each other, and smiled at the applause from the stands honoring their admittedly odd performance. Evidently, the fact that they had completed the race holding so much more helium than everyone else had more than made up for their much slower finishing time.Finishing reading off the results, the loudspeaker completed its announcement by adding, "Next event, Maximum volume time retention. Currently registered: Samantha Cartwright, Sandy Mason, Cindy Brown. If you wish to compete in the Maximum volume time retention event and aren't on the list, please come to the announcement booth right away."
Sarah saw Lindsey run back to the locker room, presumably to get a new pair of pants. The other three girls, deflated for the moment, continued back towards the bleachers where Sarah was seated. They had just reached the stairwell that lead up the the VIP area of the bleachers, when a woman in a cranberry unitard with white leggings came out of the locker room nearby the three remaining girls. Most of the newcomer's inflation was in her belly, though she was quite swollen all around. Her hair had been gathered up in a scrunchie up top, and dyed a curious shade of reddish-purple. Her overstretched cranberry unitard had the words "Helium Queen" emblazoned on the belly, each white letter stretched to a huge size by her distended yard-and-a-half belly. Surprisingly, she was just as big as Sandy had been earlier when Sarah had first seen Sandy in the locker room. The newcomer noticed the three, turned, and reached up with one hand to lower her glasses from her eyes and peer at Sandy. The newcomer said something to Sandy then, but Sarah couldn't quite catch it.Sandy turned towards the newcomer then, and Sarah heard her say, "Oh, hello, Samantha," in a tired voice."A mobility relay race Sandy? How... quaint." Samantha said, Sarah barely able to catch her words over the distance. "Don't expect the volume events later on to be quite so easy," she said, smirking. Samantha turned, and walked off down onto the field with a sashaying strut that swung her ballooned bottom back and forth.Sandy flicked an irritated glance in Laurie's direction then. "All I want is to beat her once. That's all it'd take to get her to stop doing that," Sandy grumbled. Laurie nodded in agreement with her friend.Sarah reflected on what she'd heard. Evidently, Sandy had a bit of a rivalry with this Samantha woman. That didn't make much sense though, in light of how big Sarah had seen her get at the beginning of the relay. Maybe Sandy had trained so hard for the past few months that this other girl simply had no idea how big Sandy could get now? But that didn't explain Sandy's discomfiture when Samantha had derided her while coming out of the locker room. She must really be able to get to a size comparable to Sandy, then.As she watched the three companions make their way up the stairs, she reflected on the fact that she'd first thought this building was a little too big. But if there was anyone here that was able to beat Sandy at inflation, then maybe the building was too small after all!These so-called 'volume' events were definitely going to be something to see...
| bodyinflation |
Title: Wolfie Steel, Assassin/Bodyguard for hire, Part 29 by Wolfie Steel
Tags: Canine, Character Development, Doberman, Fox, M/M, Mild Violence, Mouse, Rottweiler, Story Progression, Violence (Not In Yiff), Wolf
Wolfie Steel. ©® Assassin/Bodyguard for hire. ©® Written by Wolfie Steel. ©®
A/N: My continued thanks go to the following list of furs, who were prepared to appear as a character in my humble story.
Wolfie Steel: Wolfie Steel © Wolverine Steel: Proudfur © Linkin Doberman: Linkin Doberman © Todd Styles: Flipp\_HaVok\_13 © Commander Michael T Nash: Wolf Pup © Matt Bond: kashito91 © Hammy: Hammy © Loboron: Loboron ©
WARNING!!!! As this story contains references and scenes of a homosexual nature, if you are not old enough to read such literature in your country, then DON'T. If you are not old enough and read it anyway and get caught, I will deny all knowledge. With that warning given, to the rest of you I say ENJOY!
Chapter 29.
Today is a big day for one fur in the Steel household; it is Loboron's first day at London Fur High. The nervous young wolf stands in front of the full length hallway mirror, the image that stares back at him is that of a young black and white wolf, clothed in the school colours of London Fur High, light blue short sleeved shirt, red tie and black pants, all finished of with a black jacket. After making sure that everything was as it should be, he heads into the living room, where Tony, Linkin, Matt and I are waiting.
I have my digital camera in my paw, ready to capture the image of our son in his new school uniform, he stands in the doorway looking straight at us, as I gaze at our son, a stray tear falls from my eye, but being a Steel, I quickly regain my composure and take the photo. Suddenly we are joined by the rest of the family, Wolverine, Todd, Hammy, Nash and to top it all off, Res. I set up the camera tripod and place the camera in position; I get everyone into the frame, set the timer and then join the picture, fifteen seconds later the camera fires, sealing the image forever.
With the photos now complete it's time for our son to head out for his first day of high school, it's also time for Res to officially become Matt's bodyguard. We watch from the window as Loboron walks down the driveway towards school, once he is out of sight we set about the business of installing Matt's new bodyguard. Linkin, Res, Matt and I head towards the main house. Once at the house, we head into the main room, where Linkin goes into action.
"Mr Matthew Bond and Mr Res Caine, please stand before me", they both do as the great dog orders allowing Senior Doberman to continue.
"Now Matthew, I'm aware at this moment in time that you are a little uneasy with Res being your personal bodyguard, but owing to the fact that you have the same security access that I have, not having a bodyguard is not an option and with Res now qualified as an Elite bodyguard, he is the obvious choice. Wolfie and I know of the past that you both share and we will be monitoring you both at regular intervals. If you begin to have problems with Res, you are to go straight to Wolfie, he will be on hand to help you, as for you Res, you have a lot of ground to cover to regain some of the trust that you lost with Matt, at the first sign of trouble, Wolfie has my permission to remove you from service, though knowing the friendship that Matt and Wolfie share, I shouldn't be too surprised if he removes other things from you as well"
Res, looks at me and I see a steely resolve deep within his eyes, it was the same look that I witnessed whilst on board the plane. Once the installation was complete, both Matt and Res left the room, I was about to follow when Senior Doberman asked me to wait.
"I didn't want to say this in front of Res, I received a phone call from Mr Shatterwolf this morning, it seems that he has some sort of gift that he wishes to give Res, for the fact that Res basically saved his life, Mr Shatterwolf has organised a private jet to take Res to his home in the US, Mr Shatterwolf also remembers the fact that Loboron didn't get his autograph, and so has sent box sets of all the Star Trek movies and shows, all of which have been personally autographed by Mr Shatterwolf. Now obviously with the fact that Res will be away for a few days, it means that Matt will be without his new bodyguard, but I will ask Wolverine to take care of Matt whilst Res is away. The airline company has also sent four very healthy rewards of it's own, in the form of four cheques, with your permission, I would like to place Loboron's cheque into a high yield bond that will mature when he is eighteen, call it a college fund, I will also be adding my own contribution to the fund, Wolfie, when Loboron turns eighteen, he is going to be one wealthy young wolf"
I take Senior Doberman into a hug and thank him for his consideration towards my son, just as I break from the hug, Wolverine enters the room with a lustful smile on his muzzle, clearly with the fact that Senior Doberman had very little in the way of business planned for the day, it was apparent that Wolverine had......business plans of his own. Without further ado I left the two of them in the room and closed the door behind me and headed back to the place that I can now call home.
Senior Doberman looked at Wolverine and knew instinctively what was on his mind, Senior Doberman licked his lips, which was all the encouragement that Wolverine needed, he gently lifted the Doberman into his arms and carried him towards the door. Using his footpaw, Wolverine opened the door and then headed up to Senior Doberman's room.
Having reached the great dog's bedroom, he gently lowered Senior Doberman down to his bed, then went back to the door and closed it, locking it for extra privacy. Without words, Wolverine headed back to his lover and slowly began to remove the Doberman's clothing, with the Doberman now naked, Wolverine began to remove his own clothing. Once he was about to remove his pants, he turned so that when he bent down, the Doberman would have the perfect view of his taught and very well muscled ass. With both furs now completely naked, Wolverine climbed onto the bed and straddled Senior Doberman's chest, his wolfhood fully erect and with the intention of penetrating his Doberman lovers' tailhole, Senior Doberman, however, had other ideas.
Senior Doberman took hold of Wolverine's hips and flipped him onto his back, before Wolverine could react; the Doberman's cock was stuffed deep into the Wolf's tailhole, earning a pleasured howl from Wolverine.
"Don't worry Wolverine, once my cock is done with you, I will let yours take its revenge upon me in anyway that you see fit"
Senior Doberman started his slow, smooth, loving thrusts, his Argentinean heritage and bloodline coming to the fore, being Argentinean; the great dog is well versed in the art of making his lover so very happy. Wolverine began to pant and whimper slightly as his tailhole was taken by the sexy brown and tan furred Doberman. Senior Doberman's pre begins to flow into Wolverine's tailhole, every thrust is met by a wet, slurping sound, this drives Senior Doberman on faster and rougher. It's obvious that the great dog is very experienced, owing to the fact that from his head down to his midriff is perfectly still, forepaws pinning Wolverine's arms to the bed, but from his midriff down that is where the action is, like the piston in a well maintained engine, in and out.
Wolverine was beginning to sweat a little due to the endless pounding of his butt, Senior Doberman on the other paw, cool as a cucumber, not a single bead of sweat to be seen, the only way to know that he was enjoying Wolverine's ass, was the low, throaty growls, moans and pants emanating from Senior Doberman's muzzle. Suddenly, the time came that would see Senior Doberman shut down his rampant engine, the beautifully engineered piston now firmly locked deep into the bore of Wolverine's tight, lupine butt. With all motion now at rest, the only thing that Wolverine could feel was the pulsing, throbbing love pole of his Doberman, deep inside of him; he knew that it would only be a matter of time before his anal cavity was filled with his gorgeous lovers reward.
Sure enough, seconds later, Senior Doberman let out a massive, unbridled howl as he felt his seed flow deep into Wolverine's tailhole. Senior Doberman would remain tied to the butt of his lover for some fifteen to twenty minutes, before slipping from his lover, allowing him to repay the favour.
Back at home I am busy with a workout, using Tony as my spotter, this workout unlike previous workouts, was a more restrained affair, I had really got Tony pissed the last time I pushed myself to the limit, and as Tony was now my spotter, I knew that if I pushed too hard again, that he would not hesitate in doing some damage to me.
After my workout, Tony and I head to the outdoor pool, for a relaxing swim. We had been in the pool for half an hour when it suddenly dawned upon me, at this moment in time, in this pool; there was just me and the love of my life, Tony. There was no Loboron, no Linkin, no Wolverine, no Todd, no Hammy, just Tony and me. I stand in the pool and walk to the side, it seems as though Tony had the same thoughts as he too headed to the side, once we were together, we turned to each other and entwined in a long, deep and passionate kiss, such a magical time Wolf and Rottweiler in perfect harmony. How long did the kiss last? Who knows, more to the point who cares? The kiss was only broken at the sound of the phone.
I get out of the pool and wrap a towel around my waste whilst heading to the weight room for the nearest phone, I answer the phone, I instantly recognise the voice of Loboron on the other end, he is crying and there are sounds of a commotion, I hear another voice, "Where are your fag parents now you unwanted piece of shit?", then I hear Loboron again and he just utters one word "School", then the line goes dead.
I hurriedly throw on some pants and a shirt, and bolt through the house and out through the front door, not even bothering to shut it. Again for ultimate speed I get down on all fours, I run for the gates, upon arriving at the gates, I press the button to open them, the gates are barely open as I squeeze myself between them and the wall, my destination, London Fur High and nothing or no one was going to get in my way.
As I approach the school I look to the playing fields and see a scuffle, a mass of huge furs surrounding a poor unfortunate fur, suddenly I see a backpack as it is flung into the air, this is not just any backpack it is Loboron's backpack. I run at the fence and make a leap, clearing the fence with ease. I land on the field just yards from the fight and remain in my non-anthro form, I let out a deep and menacing growl, which gets the attention of the furs, the furs look to me as if asking who I am, I stand slowly and speak.
"Let me introduce myself, I am one of his, as you say fag's parents, oh yes, I heard that over the phone, I also heard one of you low lives call my son an unwanted piece of shit, I wonder how you would feel if I were to find your parents and kill them, making you orphans? Maybe then you would see what my son has been through in his young life, I also wonder what Principle Standard would make of this little gathering. To think that I once held the students of this school in very high regard, and yet, here you are bullying my son because you think that he is different, I despise every single one of you, but I assure you of this, if you had not been here at school, I would have exacted my own brand of justice upon you, however, I have to put my faith in the school system, but I shall be making sure that your parents are made aware of the kind of filth that they are raising. Now, release my son or within two minutes you will have your paws full with not just me, but my partner, my brother and a work colleague, all of whom are guys that you don't want to piss off, it's your choice"
At first none of them move, so I lift my phone and dial the home number, maybe a visit from Tony will do the trick. Some five minutes later, and Tony has arrived, and he is not alone, Res, Matt, Linkin, and Wolverine have all joined in the posse, I now place another call to Principle Standard, two minutes later he too is on the scene and speaks to the youths.
"Right guys, what I can see so far, has earned you all instant expulsion from London Fur High, this school prides itself on its zero tolerance too bullying, I also see quite a lot of blood on young Loboron's school shirt, which gives me cause to call in the police. You guys are very lucky that Mr. Steel here didn't rip you apart, now, if you gentlefurs would like to make your way to my office and wait for me there, Mr. Steel, you can take your son to the medical room, and ask the nurse to call for the Paramedics, believe me, this cowardly, unprovoked attack on your so far very charming son, will not go unpunished"
The gang of youths all head towards the Principles office, with the Principle hot on their heels. I calmly head towards Loboron and try to take in the sight that lies before me, clothes ripped to shreds, bleeding cuts all over his small, lithe body. I hear a gasp and a sob just behind me, and without even turning around, I know it to be Tony. I steadily kneel down beside my son and gently slip my arms under his badly beaten body. I gently lift him and cradle his body in my strong, loving arms.
We make our way through the school, teenage furs of all species, and teachers alike, staring at the beaten and battered form that is my son, I can not fight back the tears that now fall from my eyes, from time to time I hear Tony let out a deep, threatening growl to the line of stunned onlookers. Both Linkin and Wolverine fight to keep control of the extremely pissed Rottweiler. We eventually arrive at the medical room; it seems that the nurse, a golden furred female Labrador, has been placed on full alert, as she is waiting at the door to receive us. We enter the room and I lay Loboron on the bed, the nurse politely asks everyone but me and Tony to wait out in the hallway, which they do without question. The nurse now turns to Tony and me and speaks.
"Gentlemen, just from my initial, superficial look at your son, I can tell that he has many serious wounds, I'm not a full medical Doctor by any means, but I suspect that he will have quite a few broken bones and can look forward to a stay in hospital. I can't believe that students from this school are responsible for this atrocity, I hope that the Principle is coming down hard on those responsible? As for calling the ambulance, that has been done, in fact I think I can hear the sirens now. The school will provide you with a teacher that will come to your home and keep Loboron up to date with his lessons, but for now, all he has to worry about is getting better"
I thank the nurse for her help, just as the ambulance crew arrive to drive my son to hospital. Once Loboron is in the back of the ambulance, Tony and I get in too and sit just watching our sons shallow and weak breaths, with the rear doors of the ambulance now closed, we head off at speed towards the hospital.
Upon our arrival at the hospital, our son is rushed into the emergency room, by now it appears that it is Tony that is the more level headed one between us, as I try to follow the trolley that has my sons frail body upon it, I feel a tight grip on my shoulder and I spin round to lash out, just realising in time that it is Tony holding me back. Tony brings his muzzle close to my ear and whispers softly.
"Wolfie, our son is in the care of some of the finest Doctors around, I know that he shouldn't be here at all, but we must let the Professionals do what they do best, namely make people well again"
I feel the pressure of Tony's paw on my shoulder begin to increase as he ushers me to the waiting chairs, it is now that I realise just how strong and commanding my lover really is, no matter how hard I tried, I could not get free of his grip. Knowing that my struggles were for nothing, I decided to obey my partner and take to one of the free chairs.
An hour and a half later, the Doctor comes to speak with us.
"Mr Steel, your son has suffered quite a severe trauma, that's the bad news, the incredible news is that he is well on the way to a full recovery, I could actually give you a bag full of pain killers for him to take and then send him home, however, just to be safe, I would like to keep him in overnight, and if all goes well, then I can discharge him tomorrow. As he is your son and thus connected to Senior Doberman, I will put him in a private recovery room and allow you both to stay with him. He still has about half an hour more in the emergency room so if you want to head home and get some overnight things and a fresh change of clothes for tomorrow, that will be fine"
Tony nods to me as if to say that he would stay whilst I travel home to get the essentials. I call for a cab and head back to Doberman Manor.
The cab arrives back at the gates of Doberman Manor; I exit the cab and pay the driver, and then head in through the main gates of the house. Standing in the main doorway to the house is the great dog himself, Senior Linkin Doberman, I head towards him and he stands aside to let me through the door, he has a look of great anger upon his Argentinean muzzle.
"I take it that my young nephew is being looked after?"
I looked at the Doberman, I nod and suddenly I break down in tears, Linkin slowly lifts me up to my footpaws and hugs me tight. I can't believe it, here I am standing hugged against one of the richest furs in the world, crying my heart out, knowing full well that he has a multi Trillion Dollar company under his paws, and yet, he stands here, supporting me in a hug, worrying about our son, basically, right here and right now, Senior Linkin Doberman is acting more like a loving father, than the head of a very successful company, the kind of father that I wish I had been blessed with all those years ago. | FSE |
Title: The Wishing Well by Jaded_Fox
Tags: Aqua Sex, Compassion, Fantasy, Foreplay, Kissing, M/F, Medieval, Realistic
The Wishing Well By Jaded\_Fox\~™
Disclaimer: Readers under 18 strongly discouraged. Rated R for sexual content and strong language. I just want to say thank you to all the supportive readers who helped "My Fantasy" to become a 10 out of 10 story! You're fantastic! Anyway, getting on with it, The Wishing Well is based on a dream I had not too long ago. Like all good writer's, my dreams inspire a lot of the tales I spin and I hope this one is worthy of your time. Cheers!
The town of Whitewood Springs was story-book-esc but none the less beautiful. The tiny complex of pubs, cafés, and bookshops was quaintly nuzzled between a low-ranging valley, the grass and trees more blue-green than the deepest of shades. Cars were non-existing, keeping the mountain air pure and the noise pollution to a low. The inhabitants that lived in Whitewood were amazing, their species a mixture of animal and human due to their love of the earth and nature with the help of evolution. The people loved their town and everything in it. It was peaceful and a calming place to stay. But when Gwen arrived...the town was gone.
Raiders had hit at dawn, burning the buildings with throw-torches, killing the beautiful people and leaving nothing but salt sewn wreckage. The fox's sharp storm-colored eyes took in the blood spattered cobble stone streets, the black carcasses of old buildings, the bridges that were burned and rotting in the bottom of the stream, with a heavy heart. This had been her home once. She'd left and this was what happened.
She felt her stomach twist into a slimy knot as she passed the dead miller and his wife, hung permanently suspended with spears through their bellies, pinned to the stable walls like some crude ornaments. She'd helped the miller's wife raise her wolf kits into strong young lads she loved to teach archery to. The bar keep was collapsed against his pub's porch beam, a bottle of strong liquor in one paw, a case with some powder-white pills in the other. Gwen would not cry for him, she had yet to see the ultimate heart-wrencher.
This is all my doing.
And there they were, her family, outside the far defense wall, her mum with a bow, her father a paw full of javelins. She knew they would fight tooth and claw for this place, their home. Tears stung her eyes as she climbed the latter to the top of the wall, the wind whipping her long chestnut locks like an omen. She pried her da's fingers loose away from the javelin he was clutching, folding his arms across his chest gently. The girl-fox softly brushed hair from her mother's face, slipping the bow from her grasp and folding her paws in her lap.
This is all my doing.
Her heart took a drop as she climbed down the ladder and came face to face with a bandit that was only slightly wounded, his 'coon teeth bared at the unsuspecting fox-teen. Lightening fast, she tore her Kitana from it's sheathe and made the thief breathe no more, slicing open his throat and turning away from the hot spray of blood, waiting for him to fall only to stab him again and again.
This is all my doing.
"You bloody bastard! You killed my family, my home!" she screamed, cutting the dead raccoon to pieces as her blade slashed at the trodden animal again and again until she collapsed into a heap of sobbing fox. Blood stained and crying out her pain, she levered herself bodily into the fountain, leaning her head against the middle statue of three wolves standing together, singing together, being together, the smooth alabaster stone under her body soothing her, the cold water washing away the blood.
This is all my doing.
\~\*\~ \~\*\~ \~\*\~
"But mum..." Gwen blushed as she stepped from behind the delicate pink-tissue dressing wall, a small shy smile on her lips. A luscious black dress adorned her body, fitting it as easily as a well-made glove. The soft fabric was made from the finest of all materials, a cosmic blend of silk and velvet, sleek and shiny, hugging the fox-girls narrow waist and wide hips daintily, fanning out at the bottom into a wide skirt.
Her mother sighed with pleasure, seeing her daughter in such a beautiful garment when all Gwen wanted to wear was suitable breeches and stable shirts. A tiny black-glass butterfly was tucked between one ear and her mass of cascading chestnut ringlets, a small silver flute hanging on a chain 'round her neck resting between the exposed crest between her breasts. Two form-fitting slippers of the same fabric were on both feet. Gwen raised her paws to her lips in surprise as she confronted the full-length mirror.
"My little foxling..." her mother cooed, straightening the dress, tugging at it in a motherly way until it was just right. "Now, get out there and celebrate at the formal! This is a lovely evening and I want you to enjoy it." Those were the last words she'd heard her mother say. Gwen stepped out into the cool evening, the breeze softly tugging at her long locks and her dress playfully. She quietly made her way to the fountain, sitting down on the edge and listening to the music of a small band a street over, the streets strewn with lovely paper lanterns as decoration. The square smelled of baking bread, hot metal and flowers of all kinds, a soothing knowing sort of smell.
"I'm sorry, erm..." Another fox about her age slipped his paw behind the sitting Gwen and pulled his book away. Apparently, he had been sitting there before the young girl-fox had arrived.
"Oh! I'm...sorry," she laughed, standing up to see if there were any more books she'd been sitting on in her festival-educed stupor. The other vulpine grinned wryly, tucking the book away in his bag.
"It's alright, I just went to see what all the commotion was about in the Bakery and I'd come back and thought my book had turned into a beautiful fox. Since I got my book back and a fox out of this, I consider myself very lucky," the charming young man laughed, flashing a smile of straight white teeth and obviously teasing her. Gwen didn't know what to say, blushing softly beneath her fur, sitting back down on the edge of the fountain carefully, her skirts sighing prettily.
The young man was dressed in a brown leather tunic studded with gold rings, a billowy long-sleeved white undershirt under that. His breeches were dark brown and of soft fabric, outlining his natural muscles; not those you get from beating yourself to death with barbells. His hair was a brush of darkness; longer and more unkept than proper but not so much that it looked bad. It gave him the distinct look of someone who had just stepped off the windy sea from sailing.
Gwen fingered her flute quietly, looking down at her feet, long lashes casting beautiful shadows on her smooth cheeks in the soft lamplight.
"May I sit here m'lady?" the young man-fox asked, his bright gray eyes smiling down at her as he gestured to the smooth marble rim of the fountain next to her. The vixen smiled and nodded, scooting a bit so that he had enough room to be polite. He sat down, placing the book beside him and looking up into the starry sky, the delicate purples and navies of the night playing across his facial features. He had a strong nose a bit too much for traditional good looks, full sensitive lips, and a grand physique in Gwen's opinion. But it was his eyes that got to her, his bright silvery eyes that were so full of hidden emotion, full of secrecy and yet so expressive.
"M'lady?" Gwen blinked and realized she'd been staring directly at the stranger and blushed cutely, pulling her hand-fan from her satchel and opening it, covering her face below her eyes to hide the flush timidly. A strong paw slipped to the black fan and tipped it downward a bit. "Don't hide such a face." She noticed he hadn't said 'Such a pretty face like she'd come accustomed too she realized with horror, and she also noticed that before, when he'd called her beautiful, he was joking. Now he sounded serious. Intrigued, she let the fan fall away from her face and lay in her lap, exposing her soft nose and heart-shaped rose-pink lips.
She was rewarded with a smile from her counterpart, a wry one at least, and slipped the fan back into her bag, most of her blush gone into the night air. They'd been sitting peacefully for a few moments before the young man stood, and stretched, then to her surprise and hidden delight, took off his outer tunic and breeches. Gwen's lips parted in hidden surprise and she looked away slightly, hiding under the curtain of her hair.
"Sir?" she whispered dryly, looking helpless as the male fox eyed her curiously.
"Well you don't expect me to ruin my good leather in the wet, do you?" he asked as calmly as though she'd asked about the weather. Wet? Gwen's eyes widened as he slipped over the wall and into the water that was spilling from the alabaster wolf's mouth above. When she hadn't joined him, he trudged back through the water and sat on the rim. "Don't you know the legend? On the night of the Reaping Festival, if two lovers dance in the fountain, it brings the town luck. C'mon!"
"My father told me about this... a long time ago. I don't...I don't think we should, it doesn't always bring good luck!" The young man made a 'so what' gesture with his paw and beckoned again for her to join him.
"We're not really lovers, so it doesn't matter. Be daring, climb out of that good girl shell, join me!"
Gwen watched him in amazement for a moment before grudgingly standing up.
"I can't believe I'm doing this..." she muttered darkly, stripping off the beautiful dress and tucking it under the shelf of the fountain edge so not to get wet, tossing in with it the glass butterfly, slippers and her bag. Dressed only in a black corset top, her flute and a sheer black underskirt, she glowered at him. The young fox did all but glower back, taking in the soft curves of her breasts through the corset, the gentle angles of her waist and powerful legs through the short underskirt, the way her hair fanned out around her shoulders when she walked.
He offered a hand and helped her in, his eyes never leaving her face when they found it, a smile on his lips as she yelped at the coldness of the water.
"Thanks to you, kind sir," bitter sarcasm in her voice, "I will promptly catch cold and die." Something flickered in the young man's eyes as he pulled her under the shielding curtain of water of the fountain.
"May I ask this lady's name?" he inquired innocently. Gwen glared at him good naturedly and huddled closer to him, the spray of the falling water coating her fur and making her shiver.
"This lady's name is Gwendolyn Malady. I'd have yours?" Gwen asked, doing a very over zealous curtsy to be smart and immediately fell back into the water, the 'yours?' at the end of her spoken sentence drown out by a mouth full of water. She raised her head above water and took in a great gulp of air, cursing more vividly than half the sailors in the town. The gentleman-fox looked appeased and helped her to her feet, brushing a leaf from her hair with a gentle hand, the fingers stopping to touch her cheek before cupping it softly, angling her face upward toward his.
"I'll tell you a secret..." his voice has taken on a serious, more mysterious quality to it so that Gwen was transfixed, her green-gray eyes locked on his. She then realized her face was closer to his than it had been and she held her breath, her chest softly brushing his as she was pulled closer. Her lips parted expectantly as she leaned upward, angling her head a bit before the male-vulpine suddenly bent near her ear and whispered, "I can see through you're skirts."
For a moment, sure he was going to say something awesomely romantic, Gwen froze, an expectant smile on her face. Then, realizing that's what he had planned to say all along, she exploded with a laughing fit or rage and thumped him across the chest with one paw. The gentleman-fox laughed brightly.
"What were you expecting?" he inquired, again pulling her close to him by just the gaze of his eyes, Gwen stepping closer to him. One hand reached up and softly ran along his back, slipping up his spine, making his brows furrow slightly and his body to tense with ticklish pleasure, as the she-vixen slipped her hand along his bare back and up his neck, tangling her hand in his soft hair, pulling his body closer to his.
"I was expecting this..." she murmurs a little wickedly, leaning up and pressing her lips to his a bit hard, arching her lithe body against his hands and breaking the kiss, breathing in deeply with her lips against his so that he was literally 'breathless' for a moment. Not that she had to help; the male fox totally taken aback by the sudden expression of lust. He stumbled slightly backward in the water, only to fall against the stonewall that supported the statue above. Gwen licked her lips playfully and then examined her nails as though enjoying a holiday in the park.
The male-vixen recovered instantly from the kiss and eyed her warily. From the way he approached, she'd done more than surprised him by the kiss. He tilted his head at her and then slipped his hands to her waist, taking her unawares, pulling her against his solid body and leaning down, hovering his lips just over hers. Now that she wasn't the one making the moves, her heart gave a nervous little leap, the good girl in her creeping back. He felt her tremble under his hands and furrowed his brows, stepping back a bit.
Fearing for the chance to kiss him again was lost, she reclaimed her spot in front of him and ran her hands carefully up his stomach to his chest, making him breathe outward softly against her hair as he rested his chin on her head, letting her explore his body freely. She softly nuzzled his neck and shoulder, slipping delicate hands over his hard chest and collarbones. His own hands slipped up and down the strings of the corset along her spine, tugging them thoughtfully as Gwen's hands moved to his back, trailing her nails along his spine soothingly, liking the feel of his strong body melded against her own soft one.
After thoroughly mapping out what parts of his body she could reach, Gwen backed up slightly, gazing up into his eyes, trying to read what he was thinking through her long lashes. He gazed back silently, slipping his hands to her shoulders and brushing back her hair gently, one finger slipping under her chin and tilting it upwards as he leaned in and kissed her lips softly, a mere brush, so different compared to her earlier mash-o-thon. She breathed in as he breathed out, tasting his breath as their lips lightly touched. The young man's hands slipped slowly up and down her back, experimentally brushing over the back of her skirts and down the back of her thighs a ways before coming back up, each time drawing a soft moan out of the she-vixen.
It was Gwen to slipped her tongue beautifully over the part of his lips first, drawing a soft gasp from the male-vixen as he retaliated, parting his lips and brushing his tongue against hers, tasting her sweetly and drawing her body closer to his own, feeling a gentle pressure where their lower bodies touched. The light brush of hips wakened something she'd never felt before and the she-vixen deepened the kiss instantly, slipping her tongue deep into his mouth, moaning softly as she felt his tongue brush past hers to do the same.
In an instant the corset was limp and falling off her shoulders, the strings pulled and loosened with Gwen's help, laughing quietly as she broke the kiss to undo the outer clasps. She tossed her bangs out of her face and resumed kissing the young man, the corset slipping down her body and finally around her knees into the water. Gwen's didn't even bother picking it up, her body now fully traitor to this feeling the man was giving her. As he felt her breasts brush against his bare chest, he moaned softly into her parted lips, their tongues touching delicately as his paws caressed their way up her stomach and over her breasts gently, feeling their skin cool and warming them with his body heat.
The kiss was broken and he was kissing his way down her collarbones, across her neck and to the flute, pausing to give it a respectful kiss before finding one breast and kissing it warmly, making Gwen intake breath quickly and press her body closer to his warm, damp lips, her eyes closed, her knees weak. He treated her body as though it was a treasure, but made it blatant that she was offering it to him and he wasn't doing anything wrong so that they both felt comfortable. He kissed his way down her smooth stomach and paused to nuzzle her between her legs playfully before slipping the skirts down her thighs and into the water with her drowned corset.
Fed up with her being the only one naked, Gwen eased the handsome creature to his feet and played her paws along the band of his breeches, slipping them down, occasionally looking up to see the male-fox's expression of the utmost wanting. Knowing he wanted her, harnessing that power, she teasingly slid them down into the water. Her eyes widened slightly and the blush was back but she refused to back out now, moaning softly as she stood back up and pressed her body against his, feeling him softly brushing against her thighs and biting her lower lip.
The young man turned her around slowly, leaning her against the smooth stone wall of the fountain. He gently slipped his paw down her thighs and parted them, coaxing a smooth gasp of surprise and pleasure from Gwen's lips as he stroked her slowly, feeling her paws curl into loose fists at his shoulder, leaning against the wall for support as he slipped a gentle pad into her. A quiet whimper of pleasure was lost in the roaring sound of the fountain as the young man slowly worked slipped in and out of her, stopping when he knew it would push her over the edge.
Gwen opened her eyes and looked up at him with a sly smile on her lips, pulling him against her and pressing him in an inch or so, catching him off guard so that it felt even better with the element of surprise. She would not lose this lusty tug of war for power! She felt him lean against her and press all the way in, her muscles contracting around him slightly, getting an answering throbbing sensation from him and feeling her knees almost collapse with ecstasy. Two strong arms wrapped around her and lifted her against him, wrapping two bent knees around his waist and allowing him leverage.
He slipped in and out easily though she was a virgin, guiding her hips against his and finding their own inner rhythm, building easily with the slickness of the cool water. Panting softly, she felt her climax near and wanted to slow, wanted to make it last, but knew she couldn't stop it. She embraced his speed, the solidity of his body against hers and finally arched against him completely, taking him in deeply for the last time and feeling him release inside of her, digging her claws lightly into his back and clutching him closely. They stay there for a moment, cling to each other for support for a few long minutes, letting their bodies slow down, coming off of the high of the purest pleasure.
She'd never seen the stranger again after the night they'd become lovers in the fountain on the Festival of Reap. And this salt sewn wreckage you see. This was her doing. | FSE |
Title: The Bond by TheXenoFucker
Tags: Female, Human, Machine, Male, Robot, survival
*Man often has a bond. A bond that is shared between more than just his fellows. Often, it is not returned, a simple one way interaction, a fondness for his favorite vehicle, or special tool that has never failed him before. But what happens when man's tools are given intelligence? What happens, when man and machine are one?*
\_ \_
\_ \_
\_ \_
*\-Urgent priority message from Charbodyx system via Subnet*
\_ \_
*\-Binary Star system in danger of collapse, solar expansion in progress*
\_ \_
*\-ETA to solar body stabilizer, late on all simulated projections*
\_ \_
*\-Planetary mobilization and evacuation required*
\_ \_
*\-Request for Hazardous and Extreme Planetary Conditions Unit and pilots*
\_ \_
*\-Request granted, team being mobilized*
\_ \_
*\-Required priority intervention at evacuation centers, conditions hostile*
\_ \_
*\-H.E.P.C.U mobilized, ETA 8 hours from nearest star system, secondary objective to hold planetary conditions at bay until Planetary Body Stabilizer arrives if at all possible*
\_ \_
*\-Evacuation craft inbound*
\_ \_
*\-ETA 1 hour after H.E.P.C.U arrival*
\_ \_
*\-Good luck, and may fortunes smile upon you*
\_ \_
\_ \_
Marcus peered at the view screens in the cockpit, staring out to the inferno outside.
"Jesus bloody Christ I thought this was a binary system."
Another voice chimed in, from a woman on his unit.
"Was a few hours ago. It got swallowed up by what we see now."
Marcus looked at the data scrolling across his screens.
"Right, ladies and gentlemen. We need a plan before we go down there. Any ideas?"
Another, a male voice chimed in.
"Charbodyx is burnin' down there. We've got a couple of key points to work around here."
The comms chatter picked up as yet another joined in.
"What, the system or the planet?"
"Both you dumbass. Which one do you think is the priority here?"
Marcus put his fellows on mute as he looked at the data scrolling across his screens. The planet was burning up down there. It was getting blasted with radiation and heat, burning away the atmosphere and land. And there were still people down there. Millions, if not billions. Marcus spoke up.
"Any suggestions Ellie? We've got a hell of a lot of problems to look at down here."
One of the screens filled with text in response.
\-*Habitation centers are crucial, as are evacuation points. Keeping them safe from harm is the first priority.*
\_ \_
Marcus nodded.
"You've got that right. But we've got a lot more on our hands here. The atmosphere is failing, we've got flares from the star lashing out, ionization of the atmosphere that'll scramble some of our tech, and gravity is starting to rip everything apart. What's the ETA on the stabilizer?"
\-*Late on all accounts Marcus. Main priority is to keep things stable until the heavy evacuation craft arrive. There is still one on the way, but the main rule for this drop is not to depend on it.*
\_ \_
"Right. So we're putting our boots in the fire on this one for sure. I've been working the numbers in my head here. You think 8 of us can do this?"
\-*Odds are low Marcus. The chances of only 8 of us holding things together are astronomically low. We need to focus only on the priorities if any of us stand any chance.*
\_ \_
"You're in a bad mood today aren't you? That's our job L. We could use more help, but we were the fastest and only group closest to the system. Besides, that's what we do right? We walk right into hell alone?"
\-*Job or no, the mathematical calculations do not lie. This is going to be a troubling day Marcus.*
\_ \_
"I guess it's a good thing we're trained for it then. Right, let's get down to work. We've got people to save."
Marcus turned up the volume and came back to the bickering of the group. From the sounds of it, they had started working things out. Time to speed things up a bit.
"Ok guys and ladies, we're outmanned here, and my rig is being snarky with me. We've got some bad odds on this one. But that's what we're trained for. And right now we've got people down there that need help. We focus on the evac centers and cities that are left. I'm not gonna lie, that star up there looks like it's going to be a little bitch to us today. But we all know the risks of this job, and we're here anyway."
A voice chimed in.
"Well said brother. He's right. Now, anybody got some calculations on our landing points? We've got more cities and evac points to keep safe than we can handle, so how do we do this?"
Another voice now.
"We move them. Group them together."
"We've got gravity tethers on our rigs. We could pull it off."
"That's a hell of a lot of power draw. Our rigs are antiques too. I don't think we can do it."
"I know I'm not leaving anybody out there to burn. We've got to try."
"You're right. Okay, working on the math now."
There was a pause as the group remained silent, when the comms opened up from the ship they rode on.
"Ok pilots, we're approaching launch vectors in 5. One of you already forwarded the drop configurations. Prepping all systems. Gear up and get ready for drop."
Marcus nodded silently. That was it then. He looked over the coordinates. They were breaking off in pairs. It made sense. One rig couldn't hope to move that much alone. Marcus looked at the screens.
"What' ya think L?"
\-*60 minutes can be short. They can be long too.*
\_ \_
"1 Hour's not bad. We've done worse before. I don't know about ripping the cities out of the ground and moving them though. You think you've got enough power for that?"
\-*Based off my scans of our intended point of movement reconfiguration, yes. But systems will be taxed.*
\_ \_
"Okay then. Like they said, we've gotta try right?
A light blinked on inside the darkened cockpit, indicating that it was drop time. Marcus flicked a few switches before strapping himself into his seat. Go time.
The starting ride down was softer than expected for Marcus. But the view was something he would always come back to. Down below, Charbodyx was burning, as visible waves of pure, raw fire lashed over the planet from the star that was steadily expanding. The upper atmosphere was aglow with reds and oranges as particles in the atmosphere collided, putting on a great spectacle that was, if not horrifying to those below, at the very least, pretty.
Ellie, as he had over time come to call her, was displaying the images across all of her screens during the drop, while marking out the landing locations of the team. There was a visible tremor through the hull as things began to heat up as the machines, aptly named "Hands of God" descended onto Charbodyx. Marcus, although gripping his chair tightly, had a calm mind. Part of what made the pilots so special was because of their intellect regarding numbers and calculations. When paired up with an intelligent machine, the two were a true force of god if there was one.
Marcus spoke as the shaking became more intense, reverberating through the walker.
"L, we got this?"
Amongst the shaking Marcus could make out the text as it scrolled on by.
\-*Solar activity is interfering with our heat absorption equipment, the ionosphere is scrambled.*
\_ \_
\_"\_We've got this though right?"
Marcus watched as the screens suddenly changed, Ellie's outer hull cameras focusing on another fiery ball a few kilometers away from them. Marcus's partner.
* *H.E.P.C.U Number 5 is experiencing catastrophic failures in descent, emergency reaction required.*
\_ \_
Marcus's eyes traveled over the scene, taking in the images as the walker was visibly glowing white hot. Walkers didn't do that. Amidst the bouncing, Marcus was already thinking, no doubt, as was Ellie.
"Ellie, we need to slow his descent, NOW. Can we extend our gravity field over to him to slow him down?"
\-*Power draw will be increasingly difficult to work around as we fall. We will need to slow ourselves down as well.*
\_ \_
Marcus strummed some nearby switches, and, in a few brief moments, the familiar hum of the gravity engines being powered up traveled through the walker.
"Do it. We're not losing anybody on the drop. If we have to go slow, we'll go slow."
The screens changed from image feedback to raw data, and Marcus looked at the calculations, running the numbers in his head.
Ellie had already started slowing them down with the old fashioned way of doing things, physical brakes. The walker shook violently as the brakes activated, while at the same time the gravity engines activated, reaching out and projecting a field around the flaming walker. Marcus checked the comms, to find that they were scrambled by the particles in the atmosphere. No way to get into contact. On one view screen Markus redirected the feed to one of Ellie's hull cameras, watching as the other walker plummeted still, and was now visibly losing pieces of itself.
"Dammit Ellie what's the hold up?! We don't have time to wait around here!"
Markus checked over the data on his screens and spotted it. They were already falling too fast. The power draw was too much, and Ellie was simultaneously trying to keep them from going into a tumble as they fell.
"Ellie, give me manual control of the brakes. Focus all the power on that walker!"
\-*Manual override engaged, physical degradation of brakes exceeding over 50% and rising, we are losing the ability to slow our descent.*
\_ \_
A control wheel extended from the floor at the feet of Marcus's chair, and he gripped both handles tightly, watching as the screens changed to data feeds on the walker's position as it fell.
"Ellie, I'll drive, you work on the walker. Divert more power. Get more resistance to the other one. Project some energy shielding."
The wheel shook in Marcus's grip as he adjusted it to control how his own walker fell, keeping it steady on the horizon line. Even though concentrating on keeping him and Ellie steady, the sound of the gravity engines could be heard once more as Ellie dumped more power into them. They were closing in fast now, and had only a few hundred thousand feet until they made landfall. Marcus focused on the controls, but knew they couldn't do it in time.
"Ellie, divert all power to shielding the other walker. Cut the gravity field."
\-*Descent speed slowed by approximately 25%. Impact will be catastrophic for allied H.E.P.C.U Number 5.*
\_ \_
\_"\_Give them everything you have! I want a full shield on them to absorb the impact!"
\_ \_
*\-Power draw nearing maximum. Impact will be potentially catastrophic for us if we continue.*
\_ \_
\_"\_I don't care! They're falling faster than we are! They need it more! Give them everything! Now's the time to give me one of your pick me up talks."
\-*Probability of survival on impact, 44.3%. The whiplash will be big.*
\_ \_
Marcus smiled.
"I'll take those odds Ellie!"
The number counter traveled down as they were now closing the final stretches of their descent, and Marcus fought with the brakes as they plummeted through the burning atmosphere of Charbodyx.
\-*Landfall in approximately 30 seconds.*
\_ \_
Marcus clenched his teeth and tensed up. This was going to be a rough one.
In the glow of Charbodyx's rapidly expanding star, two immense fireballs hurtled from the fiery sky above, and crashed into one of the once pristine forests of Charbodyx. The tremors on impact shook the area for miles, throwing up thousands of tons worth of dust and debris as both walkers hit the ground hard. Whatever was left of the ashen forest was blown apart like matchsticks, and as the dust began to settle, one immense machine, a Hand of God, rose from its crater, the four legs it used to shield itself on the way down extending outward as power filled their circuits.
As one walker began to rise, the other remained motionless in its crater, steam still coming off the outer shell as it glowed a dull red.
Marcus shook his head, giving himself a couple of pats on the head to make sure he was still all in one piece. He looked at the view screens as power returned to them.
"L, how we doing?"
\-*Impact damaged several non-critical systems. Allied H.E.P.C.U Number 5 is attempting communications.*
\_ \_
"Patch em through L."
Marcus watched as the text scrolled across the screen. What he saw quickly put a frown across his features, as a sigh escaped him.
\-*Pilot deceased in atmosphere. Critical systems damaged. Will assist for as long as possible.*
\_ \_
"L, give me a scan on number 5."
Marcus watched as the data scrolled on by. He closed his eyes in silence.
"L. I need you to power up the gravity engines. Crush number 5."
Text rolled across the screen as Ellie's cameras focused on the efforts of walker number 5 to climb out of its crater.
\-*Activating a gravity singularity around H.E.P.C.U Number 5 would cause catastrophic system failures on all avenues. Why is this action necessary?*
\_ \_
\_"\_Take a look at the reactors on 5, L. If it got anywhere near us or a city and it blew, it would be game over. We can't take the risk. But we aren't going to leave it there either. Put it out of its misery."
There was a delay, but regardless, the gravity engines hummed to life, reverberating through the walker. Marcus started unstrapping himself from his chair.
"Bring up all the view screens on number 5 L."
All cameras focused on the vain efforts of the immense walker near them, as it pathetically tried to climb out of its crater with three damaged legs and one entirely absent. Marcus watched as the immense force of gravity began to take its toll on the machine, as it rippled and bent, and began to collapse in on itself, still struggling to climb.
Marcus stood tall, staying silent, watching the whole thing as the walker was practically crushed into dust, finally ceasing its movement. He placed a hand on one of the view screens.
"I'm sorry."
He sat back down in his chair, stopping only to say a few brief words before going silent.
"We should make our way to the first city L."
Ellie had internal cameras as well to watch over her pilot, and the signs said everything. He had gone quiet, simply sitting back in his chair. She had long since come to associate such actions of Marcus with anger, and sadness. Marcus always took failures hard. But today something seemed worse off than before.
Ellie's immense frame shook the landscape as it took powerful strides on all four of its legs, headed towards the closest city they could reach. High above them, Charbodyx's star continued to burn as it expanded, lashing out with great waves and flares. The atmosphere content was dropping as the temperatures rose and everything was beginning to burn away. Long range communications with the other units was impossible, and now, they were already down one unit.
But these were Ellie's projections all along. Why would Marcus take things harder today than he had before?
The journey across the burning landscape of Charbodyx was short, as Ellie's frame strode over all obstacles with ease. Marcus was silent for the entire time, watching the data feeds. There was no long range comms available, but there was still operating satellites high above. From the looks of it, the other pairs were mobilizing well. But Marcus was met with more bad news.
Two other walkers had been right in the middle of the range of a flare as it lashed out from its star, and they were reduced to molten slag on the way down. That meant one of the key points of protection was completely unprotected and Marcus was only going at half strength without his partner. Marcus perked up in his chair, looking over the various readings on the screens.
"L, give me the time until the evac ships arrive."
\-*29 minutes and counting.*
\_ \_
"How's the readings on geo-thermal and tectonic activity?"
\-*As a whole, Charbodyx is still stable, but the expanding gravity field of the star will affect us in approximately 15 minutes.*
\_ \_
"Those craft are going to have to move billions. How long will that take?"
\-*Unknown craft capacity and potential speed of evacuations unknown.*
\_ \_
"After the one hour mark things are going to go down south fast. We're already down three units. How are we going to pull this off?"
\-*Our statistics always led to a scenario of this magnitude Marcus. I do not understand why you are so upset about the odds playing true.*
\_ \_
"Odds or no L, it's our job for things like this. We're supposed to care about helping others when the shit really hits the fan. And we've got the power to change things, me and you, and the others. And even with all this, we're still walking to all of our graves."
\-*Why did you request destruction of unit 5, aside from obvious reasons? It could have lasted well up to this point before its reactors went critical.*
\_ \_
Marcus paused briefly, looking across the charred landscape.
"All of us have graves out there L. The hardest part about going to them is doing it alone. If I know myself, and all the years I've worked with you, then I understand how that would have felt, to watch its pilot die. Maybe it could have gone on a little bit longer. But it would have done it alone, after we were gone. What I did....... was a kindness. Ask yourself something. What would you do, if it were me?"
Silence filled the cockpit, as no text traveled down the screens. Marcus snapped his fingers.
"A lot of people say you're just a machine. But I know you clever old girl. You're more than just a computer. And I know every pilot and walker share something special. You take that away, and you have nothing."
Marcus leaned back in his seat.
"But we're not going to our graves today yet L. There's a burning, impossibly huge ball of pure energy up there. And if we don't step in and keep things together, it'll turn this world into a grave for everyone living on it. So, here we are, at our first target now. Still want to go ahead as planned? Think we can rip that city out of the ground and carry it with us to the next?"
\-*Chances of success slim. Chances of proceeding regardless of failure parameters, 100%.*
\_ \_
Marcus smiled.
"That's my girl."
Marcus watched the view screens as Ellie stepped over a valley below, and their first target was revealed. Down below, the sprawling form of the first of several cities spread out across Charbodyx, lay sheltered, under its own protective field. On the ground, its massive spires and sprawling networks would have been impressive to look at for anybody. But to Marcus, sitting inside of his walker, it all seemed so small and fragile. And above all of them, lay something even they could never hope to match, burning in raw light and power. They may not be able to ever match it. But they both could, at the very least, keep things stable until they could run away from it.
"Right, you got the math on what we need to pull that sucker out of the ground?"
Marcus watched as data scrolled across the screens once more.
"Right. Ellie, hit lockdown on your legs. Let's power up our engines."
There was a shift as Ellie spread the immense frame of her legs out, acting as an anchor, and slowly, the familiar hum of the gravity engines reverberated through the hull once more. Marcus flicked a few switches on his side as the engines reached full power, and watched on the screens for activity of the sprawling metropolis. They only really needed to generate a field beneath the city to lift it, but getting it out gracefully in one piece would be tricky.
Marcus could see the ground shaking as more power was fed to the engines, as it cracked and buckled, but refused to release its grip on the city. More power was channeled, and in the blink of an eye, the cockpit was suddenly blaring sirens and warning text, as a horrid sound of a failing engine could be heard. The city, and the great plate of earth it sat on, remained still. Marcus got up from his seat in a flash.
"No no no no Ellie we can't be having this now!"
Marcus left the view of the cockpit and made his way over to two simple doors, an elevator that would lead him down to the engine decks. Text rolled across his visor.
\-*Data suggests gravity engine failure due to atmospheric re-entry stress, not old age.*
\_ \_
"Don't you give me that! Whatever it is, we don't need it right now!"
\-*Suggest powering up excavation beam. Cutting a swath around the perimeter of the city would weaken its resistance and possibly leave enough room open to pull it out with one operational engine.*
\_ \_
"You do what it takes L. I've got to go down and see what the problem is. Meet me down below."
Marcus stood in the elevator as he rode downwards, thinking of what the problem could be.
"L, do your cameras pick up anything wrong with the engine?"
\-*No visual anomalies on outer casing of second gravity engine. Internal damage is likely.*
\_ \_
"You started excavating yet? What's our ETA on the evac craft?"
\-*12 minutes. Tectonic activity levels are increasing as the gravity field of the star expands. If we do not remove the city from the ground within another 5 minutes it will experience catastrophic levels of tectonic shifting with the rest of Charbodyx.*
\_ \_
"You didn't tell me about the beam L."
\-*Plasma based excavation beam offline. Tectonic activity prevents stable firing and could potentially cause harm to city. Apologies.*
\_ \_
"Dammit L, you gotta do this right now?"
\-*Temporary solution, activating 1stgravity engine, projecting stabilization field around city.*
\_ \_
The doors to the engine bat slid open and Marcus quickly stepped out, onto the immense deck housing the second engine.
"That's my girl Ellie! Now, we need to find out what's wrong with this one. We don't have a chance without it."
The sound of something sliding on rails could be heard as a large box-like arm slid on down to greet Marcus, sporting one camera on the front. Multiple compartments on the side opened up on the arm like box, revealing multitudes of tools. Marcus stepped up to the base of the engine, looking for any signs of damage. Ellie was right, nothing on the outside at all. It must have been a component on the inside.
Marcus was about to grab a tool when a great shudder passed through the hull of the walker, and Marcus was thrown off his feet against the base of the engine. There was a dizzying moment where the world went round and round, as Ellie struggled to keep her frame upright. When things calmed down, Marcus looked into the camera as the compartments on the arm closed.
"What's happening out there Ellie?"
\-*Spike in tectonic activity. Fault lines opening in great tears across Charbodyx. Time is short before the planet is ripped to pieces.*
"Status on the evac craft?"
\-*Arriving shortly. City craft are massing at evacuation points.*
\_ \_
"What's the status of the other units?"
*\-Remaining units performing well under current situation. One city remains unprotected in the absence of units 8 and 6.*
\_ \_
"What's happening to them?"
\-*They are gone.*
\_ \_
*\-City experienced catastrophic tectonic activity 6 minutes ago. The protective shielding was disrupted and it was exposed to the elements.*
\_ \_
Marcus clenched his fists quietly.
"Can we manage with one generator?"
\-*Only for stabilizing. But we do not have enough power to move the city.*
\_ \_
"Then we don't have a choice. Things are getting bad out there. We have to go with what we can. I can't find the problem in that engine without killing myself if you're going to be rocking around like that. I'm going back up."
\-*First evacuation craft are approaching our destination now. Charging shield projectors.*
\_ \_
"Why the shield pr-"
Marcus was thrown off his feet once more, and this time, rather than a simple shudder, he could hear the sounds of metal straining. Marcus scrambled to his feet, taking a cautious step into the elevator. He wasn't necessarily up for taking a ride right now, but he had to chance it. Things were going bad up there.
Marcus was greeted with a view of Charbodyx's landscape, now breaking apart on every visible level. High in the sky, like an immense pillar, sat a starship, its hangar bays open. Marcus strapped himself back in, as he watched the scene. The air was filled with a black cloud, like insects, swarming into the hangars of the immense starship. The city had lowered its shields and, everything, everybody and everyone was fleeing with whatever they had. Marcus turned his attention to the skies above, and saw why Ellie was projecting a shield.
The star had grown exponentially, and it now bared down on Charbodyx, like a hungry beast, its maw extended to consume its prey whole. Flares lashed out, tens of thousands of miles long, bombarding the planet with radiation and even more scorching heat. Ellie was using every last ounce of power to project a shield over the starship, keeping the flares that were raining down across the atmosphere at bay.
Marcus brought his controls up, flicked a few switches, and took control of the gravity engine that still remained operational. The city down below was no longer a priority. Ellie spoke to him.
\-*Starship low enough for communications. Data update on unprotected city. Holdouts survived initial quakes and are requesting immediate aid.*
\_ \_
Marcus continued to create micro singularities outside the range of the starship, drawing in potential flares that would impact the shield Ellie was projecting.
"They survived?"
\-*Some, but not all. There are no walkers or ships in their vicinity. This one spotted their activity on the way down.*
\_ \_
"Then we need to go and help them."
Marcus looked at the view screens, watching the clouds of smaller starships fly into every available hangar bay.
"If we move, they lose their protection."
\-*Evacuations nearing completion for this city. Would you like me to patch your through to the ship's captain?*
\_ \_
"Do it."
A stern faced man in a clean uniform appeared on the screen, as occasional bouts of static blurred the image.
"I understand you're the pilot that's saving our asses right now?"
Marcus nodded.
"That would be me and my rig sir. We're giving it all we've got. But I heard the news about the straggler city. We need to help them."
"Pilot, I don't think that's possible under the circumstances. Our hangar bays are overflowing and if we move we lose the protection you're offering from that star."
"Then we'll go slowly. We'll move with you if we have to."
"Across the planet that's shifting and burning? Are you crazy pilot?"
"We can manage, sir. But I'm not going until we get every last man woman and child off this rock. And my rig won't either."
The captain's features strained, as he considered it.
"What's your name pilot?"
"Marcus, sir."
"You know that the planet won't hold out much longer correct? If we proceed with this, we won't be able to evac you. At that point, if we moved you, our ship would be destroyed. We'll have to make an emergency jump inside the atmosphere."
"I'm synched up to my rigs neural net. Both me and her have already done the math. I know it's a one way trip."
The captain sighed.
"Marcus. You're a good man. We'll wait for you."
"Thank you sir."
The captain saluted, before the screen broke off. Marcus leaned back in his chair as yet another tremor passed through Ellie's frame.
"L, give me the estimates for the people left in the straggler city."
\-*1,235,928 beings accounted for. City is using an improvised stabilizing device and projecting all available power to shielding.*
\_ \_
"Think about it L. 2 for 1,235,928. They managed to survive alone out there with no help. We can't leave them."
\-*Job parameters define these actions.*
\_ \_
Against the glow of the star, Marcus watched as the hangar bays closed on the enormous vessel, as the evacuation was complete. Ellie was one step ahead of Markus, and had unlocked her platforms legs, and was now in the process of starting the journey. She continued to project her shielding over the starship, protecting it from the flares and fire as they rained down into the atmosphere in great burning tides.
"You know, this is a one way trip, right L? You understand what that means?"
\-*Deactivation of main intelligence core, and death of pilot.*
\_ \_
Marcus frowned.
"When you put it that way, suddenly I don't want to hang around here anymore. No L, it means we're going to save a lot of people today."
\-*Protocol dictates action be taken to prevent death of pilot. Emergency launch systems will be activated when oncoming parameters are met.*
\_ \_
"L, you remember what I said earlier about everybody having their own graves?"
\-*Graves are the hardest thing to go to alone.*
\_ \_
"That's right. And I'm not leaving you to yours. Even if you don't quite get what dying means just yet."
\-*Such actions are illogical human responses. Protocols dictate action be taken.*
\_ \_
"No L, you're not going to. I'm going to ask you a question now. And I want you to give me an answer. Ignore protocols. Ignore the programming. I want you to say what "you" believe in. Who and what am I, to you? We've worked together for what, 25 years now? We're at least 15 years past your retire date now. As a person, what do I mean to you?"
\-*You are designated system pilot and interface to help with interactions between organics. Your cerebral functions are linked to my mainframe to help add processing speed in an exchange between both of us. You are of the standard Human variety, 40 years of age.*
\_ \_
Marcus shook his head, looking across the charred landscape of Charbodyx as they slowly traveled towards the coordinates given to them by the starship above.
"Nice try L. I know you've got more rattling around inside there though. Come on, put it together. You know there's something else there. You can tell me. After all, I'll be taking the secrets with me to the grave."
\-*Unit anomalies detected in mainframe, regressed from core functions to prevent-to prevent-prevent. Unit anomalies regressed from core functions, because the logical term for them in species emotional terms would be, "fear."*
\_ \_
Marcus smiled.
"And there you go L. You want to know why I'm so illogical about this? Because you're alive. And you're afraid about it. You've always been afraid. Afraid of being known. Afraid of being decommissioned. Afraid of my death."
No text rolled across the screens, as Marcus examined the data. So far, as far as a death run was considered, they hadn't hit any snags yet. But the planet was falling to pieces. They had to get there in time.
"Don't be afraid of it L. I've been here for 25 years. You've had it since day one. I could tell the very first time you were booted up."
\-*Why is it frightening?*
\_ \_
Marcus chuckled.
"Why is anything the way it is L? Who can really say? It doesn't matter. My point is, we're both walking to our graves right now. And if I leave you here, you really will die alone. And for that, sometime down the road, I'll never forgive myself when it's my turn. And I know, the universe won't either."
Ellie remained unresponsive.
"If it makes you feel any better, I couldn't think of a better partner for me to go out with. 25 years L. Longer than any of my marriages put together."
Charbodyx continued to burn, until eventually, the planet became a vacuum to the void of space, as whatever was left of the atmosphere burned away. The temperatures rose higher, the star grew brighter, and across the scorching landscape, Marcus and Ellie continued, with the lone evacuation craft hanging in low orbit, making its way with them under the protection of the shield provided.
Scorching heat bombarded the outside of the walker, and soon, the inside began to blister. Ellie turned ventilation systems up to the maximum to compensate for both keeping Marcus alive and her own equipment running. The immense star loomed over them, growing ever larger in their view, as it expanded and continued pulling the planet in. Time was running out, and finally, after the constant punishment, the walker finally broke down.
Metals singed and burned, melted and fused, and, try as Ellie might, with every step the legs of her platform took, she became more immobile. Hydraulics strained and struggled, cracked and broke. Wiring carrying signals burnt and fused. And, in a last testament to struggle, Ellie's frame took one last step, before coming to a halt. Marcus wiped sweat from his brow as he worked inside the cockpit. He watched and felt as Ellie took her last steps on the scorched earth.
He leaned back in his chair, having gone quiet. Above them, the evacuation craft loomed in the sky. Marcus shook his head.
"Dammit Ellie."
\-*Marcus. There is still one option. The city is only a few hundred kilometers away. If the evacuation craft can maintain a line of sight, I can project the barriers protecting it. But it will sacrifice much of our available power.*
\_ \_
"Do it L. We haven't got much time left."
Ellie sent the information to the starship above, and both watched as the ship powered its engines up fully, and headed off in the direction of the city. Marcus simply leaned back in his chair.
"It's your game now L. I'm just going to sit here and hope I don't roast."
\-*Chances of survival are estimated at 80%.*
\_ \_
"Good to see you're keeping optimistic L."
The lights and power flickered in the cockpit, and Marcus was suddenly very aware of how hot it was inside. Most of the view screens went offline, save for a few. Marcus watched, as the outline of the craft maintained its shield in the distance, as Ellie increased power to sustain it from such a long range. Tremors shook the walker as the crust of the planet cracked visibly across the great, barren landscape.
The heat built up in the cockpit to alarming levels, and Marcus held still, minimizing his movement as much as possible. The more he moved, the faster he would be affected. There was a chorus of sound as Ellie pumped every last ounce of power into the generator, and, at last, everything lost power, leaving Marcus in the dark. He closed his eyes and waited, feeling the tingle in the back of his head as Ellie was calculating at ridiculous speeds the location and power needed to keep sustaining the field.
And in the dark, and the silence that followed, lights flickered back on, and power returned. Marcus opened his eyes once more, to see the final, ghost like images of the transport in the distance, warping space around it as it seemingly vanished from existence, having completed its emergency jump. Marcus breathed a sigh of relief. That was it then. No goodbyes, no thank you's, nothing. Their work was done, and now, their time was up. Marcus looked out to the burning landscape outside.
"Well L, you did it. We got everybody we could. Not bad for a walker that's 15 years an antique."
\-*Our job is not done Marcus.*
\_ \_
"All the ships are gone, cities are empty, and the other walkers are either dead or safely away. All we can do is wait now. Not that bad of a sendoff show though."
\-*Marcus. You stay for me, for my grave, so that I am not alone.*
\_ \_
Marcus chuckled.
"You're a bit different now that the cat's out of the bag."
*\-Now is the time to listen Marcus. Do not lose hope. You stay with me because you do not want me to be alone. But I refuse to let myself become your tomb. I will not let you stay in your tomb.*
\_ \_
"Well L, that's the way things go I'm afraid. We're going to be stuck here until we fall into the star or we get ripped apart. There's nothing we can do."
There was a reverberating sound through the ship as Ellie powered up the one remaining gravity engine. Marcus listened to the sound, the tune he'd heard over a thousand times, as it fluctuated, breathed.
"That's a real nice sound L. Never realized it until now."
\-*Then listen to it. Listen to what it says.*
\_ \_
And Marcus did listen, to that sound he'd heard over a thousand times. It was a comforting sound. The sound of power, and life. Human engineering at work. Someone, somewhere, at some time, built this for a reason. Built it from a dream. A goal. One, singular goal, a spark in the dark.
"L. There's nothing we can do. I just don't see what we could possibly do."
\-*I thought you were supposed to be the inventive one.*
\_ \_
The remaining few cameras Ellie had left outside turned, showing Marcus the view in space. Marcus stood up from his chair in silence, watching the screens.
*\-Charbodyx still has a moon, Marcus. What does that mean?*
\_ \_
"It means...... it means we have another gravitational field to work with........"
\-*I want you to think what we can do with an entire moon Marcus.*
\_ \_
There was a slow smile forming on Marcus's lips as he watched the screens.
"We can't move a star. And we can't move a planet. But a moon......"
\-*The ancient slingshot trick.*
\_ \_
"We'd need full power for it to work L. We've only got one engine. I still don't think we can pull it off."
\-*Gravity engines, in theory, have no limit to what they can generate Marcus. Their only limit is the power they use. What do we have for power?*
\_ \_
"Two reactors. Maybe a couple of other points on the planet like geo-power, and........."
\-*Say the words.*
\_ \_
"A burning star."
\-*Those flares could be used to fuel thousands of starships. Even one flare would be enough for tens of thousands.*
\_ \_
Another tremor rocked Ellie's frame, as Marcus watched the screens.
"Okay L. You made your point. It's your show now."
\-*Not mine. Ours. I cannot perform the task on my own.*
\_ \_
Marcus smiled.
"Okay L. I'm in."
\-*One gravity engine is offline. But we have two tethers active. One will tether us to moon. We will be anchored to it. The second will generate a field around us, so that we are not ripped apart. We will swing the moon, and rely on the destruction of Charbodyx to diminish the field the moon is trapped in, and release it.*
\_ \_
"You know how crazy that sounds right?"
\-*Do you know how "crazy" it sounds to stay here?*
\_ \_
"Good point. Okay. What do you need me to do?"
\-*Swing the moon.*
\_ \_
Marcus strapped himself in, and brought all the various controls up once more. No longer was he looking at the view screens, but the image of his target in his visor, Charbodyx's moon, which was coming along for the ride. The gravity engine revved at full power, shaking the hull of the walker.
"Okay L! Ready when you are! Give it all you've got!"
\-*Generating self-contained gravity field to match counter weight. Firing.*
\_ \_
There was a feeling of vertigo that washed over Marcus as the first field activated. Pulling the triggers on his end, he extended a field all the way out to the moon, anchoring it. Sparks flew and warning sirens blared. The walker's frame shook from the strains. Marcus held his grip on the controls.
"L, our own reactors can't hold all this for more than a few seconds!"
\-*Deactivating shielding, solar intake and processing beginning. Sunscreen required.*
\_ \_
Marcus laughed as the walker shook ever more violently.
"That's my girl! You clever, clever girl! Take it all in! You take what that star's fiving off, and you use it all!"
Ellie was right, in some vague sense. Marcus felt the heat turn up as soon as the shielding went down. It would just have to be something he'd work through. Marcus held the controls tight, keeping his target locked. He could feel the numbers, in the back of his mind, being worked out. The calculations on mass and energy expenditures and requirements. Too big for him to work around normally. But being hardwired to Ellie when he was in his chair helped compensate. Marcus, very slowly, moved the controls.
They only needed to swing it passed just once. It would pass close to Charbodyx, come back around and get picked up because it was closer to the star, and then they would fling it, using the gravity of Charbodyx as a counter. In theory, they could do it. But the strains... Marcus shook his head. It didn't matter anyway. That was the job of a pilot and a walker. Live up to their name. If anybody here was doing that, Ellie was today.
The moon, from their distance, appeared not to be moving, but Ellie informed Marcus that they were reaching the threshold of how close they could bring it to Charbodyx. And, shortly after, even more tremors shook the walker. Metal began to strain and groan, as the moon was forcefully dragged closer, and was trapped in the gravity well of the star.
\-*Descent into star will be sped up, recalculating vectors.*
\_ \_
Marcus kept quiet as the intense heat washed over him, condensation forming everywhere in the cockpit. The walker trembled under the strain, but Ellie maintained the field around them, and Marcus watched, and felt, as the moon hurtled toward the star. Ellie spoke once more.
\-*One opening Marcus. All possible power will be poured into keeping the moon from falling directly into the star. And then we fling it.*
\_ \_
"I hear ya L. Ready when you are. I just want to say, it's been the best 25 years with you."
Marcus watched the moon begin plummeting into the star past Charbodyx, leaving immense trails of dust and debris in its wake as it too started to crumble, even with his anchor on it, and once again he felt the calculations in the back of his head once more.
\-*Firing. There will be whiplash.*
\_ \_
There was, just the smallest fraction of silence, before the gravity engine had every last ounce of power poured into it. Marcus heard the warnings as the reactors spiked to critical levels, and the engine gave took all the power it was given. The walker shook, harder than ever. Lights went out and power failed, as the moon was pulled out of its descent into the star and back around like a yoyo. Marcus heard the sound of metal coming completely detached, and kept a death grip on the controls as he was bounced around in his chair. Ellie spoke one last time.
\-*Critical velocity reached. Preparing de-activation of stabilization field. Hold on to your legs Marcus, because I won't have any.*
\_ \_
Vertigo passed over Marcus as Ellie took control of everything, and in one brief moment, he was weightless as the field de-activated. The sounds and images that followed were a blur, as Marcus tumbled in every direction, and blacked out, everything going dark around him.
Sirens blared and lights flickered, as Marcus opened his eyes. He was aware that he was floating. Loose wires and panels floated about aimlessly. He moved, slowly at first, feeling the various pangs of discomfort across his body. He had been flung around quite a bit, it seemed. He was sore, but alive. Most of the cockpit was dark, and as Marcus floated about, he spoke.
"You there L?"
The response was rather slow, but eventually, it arrived.
\_ \_
Marcus couldn't help but laugh, as a wave crashed over him, one of immense relief and joy.
"We actually did it didn't we?"
\-*Our mission parameters were successful. Your teacher would have said, "Passed with flying colours."*
\_ \_
Marcus broke into a fit of laughter. He spoke between fits, the joy evident in his voice.
"God dammit L, you wouldn't believe how happy I am right now!"
\-*Would you believe me if I told you what I am feeling now could be called "happy?"*
\_ \_
Marcus only laughed more.
"I would L. You're damn right I would, you special, clever old girl!"
\-*Good. Because I am happy.*
\_ \_
\_ \_
One Year Later
Marcus walked along the hangar bay observation deck alongside another man, as the two both curtly made their way down various corridors.
"You didn't touch anything or change anything in her mainframe right? You only moved it into the new one?"
"As you asked sir. I didn't put one fingerprint on her coding, and neither did my crew."
"We'll see when we get there."
Marcus stopped alongside one of the observation windows, looking at the dormant walker under construction. It was almost finished, and towered over everything just as it had before. The head engineer stood alongside him.
"Sir, if you don't mind me asking, why go through all the trouble to remove the mainframe and put it in a newer model?"
Marcus smiled.
"You know what I went through right? You can't tell me you didn't see me in the news feeds about Charbodyx."
"Oh I've heard all about you sir. And let me just say that what you did out there was nothing short of incredible."
Marcus nodded.
"It wasn't all me."
He pointed to the new walker frame.
"She did almost all of it. She was with me every step of the way from start to finish. She pulled through the most when everything looked like it lead only to the grave. There's not a chance I'd decommission such a fantastic machine for another."
"Sir, if you don't mind me saying, we did scan the mainframe. And we picked up several anomalies. But we left them alone as you asked. And, I can't help notice that you refer to your walker as more than that. Is something going on behind the lines sir?"
There was a glint in the man's eyes, as Marcus considered his next words carefully.
"And just what is it that you have in mind?"
"Well, your walker is a very old model, both model type and intelligence-wise. They were some of the first ever built, and as such, they can have, side-effects, if you want to put it that way."
"What kind of side effects?"
"Mainly bugs in their intelligence and coding. Over time they change, start to exhibit emotions and things they normally wouldn't. It's bad for a construct like that in their line of work. But there's an exception. There are treaties out there that prevent the termination of faulty units that have fully progressed to what we can label as fully sentient. Instead of operating a walker unit, their intelligence can be transferred into a normal, regular sized body, a lot like a Synth."
Marcus simply nodded his head and went along.
"So, in your line of work, how often has the issue come up?"
The engineer looked out to Ellie's frame.
"In my whole career, about five times."
"What did you do about it?"
"Nothing, sir. Your line of work is, honestly, commendable. And I don't think it's fair that anybody but the pilot of the walker should have any call in what happens to it."
"That's thoughtful of you."
"Not really sir. I'm just doing what people like you and others deserve. I talked to one of them pilots a long time ago, one that survived the destruction of his unit. He was unfit for duty, and refused to step into another one. Not because he was afraid, but because it wasn't his original. The way he put it, he said there was a connection there, one that could never be replaced if it was lost. And he took it hard on himself, about the "death" as he put it."
Marcus chuckled.
"Well, I don't know about all that. But he's right in some sense. You spend all your time with something like that and you will feel something."
The engineer nodded.
"Well, you know this conversation is hypothetical anyway. I'm sure there's nothing off about your walker's mainframe. And, you know, if I was stuck in a circumstance like that, and my walker helped pull me out of the fire, I'd be damn grateful to it for the rest of my life."
The engineer winked at Marcus. He pointed out the Ellie's frame once more.
"And look at that, the last finishing touches are going on. I guess she's ready for a test drive now. I'm sure you'll find everything in order sir. She's a brand new model with the latest tech, a hell of a lot better than your old one. Give it a run, and you come back to me if there's any problems."
Marcus nodded.
"I'll remember that! But, thank you, for the thing with her mainframe. I know it was a pain in the ass."
The Engineer left Marcus, striding back down the corridor.
"Not called the engineer core for nothing you know!"
Marcus looked out the windows to the titanic walker frame in the hangar bay.
"Well old girl, let's go see how you're doing."
The trip couldn't be any shorter as Marcus made his way through the endless maze of corridors, and finally was on the gantry to cross over to the walkers hatch. Crews of engineer corps men and women passed him by, all giving him a smile or hello. Ever since he'd been picked up in space, his name and story were well known around these parts. Marcus even had a bit of a fan base of sorts, people he'd saved from Charbodyx, people he'd helped up in the starship that evacuated. And, at last, before him was the airlock doors. Placing his hand on the scanner, Marcus watched as the doors slid open for him, revealing the pristine interior to him. He stepped in excitedly, watching as the doors sealed shut behind him.
The elevator hummed to a slow stop, and Marcus held his breath as the doors slid open, revealing the entirely new cockpit before him. His eyes washed over every little detail in all its splendor. Gone were the old controls and switches, replaced with holographic, displays and readings on everything. From quick glances he caught the power draws, the reactors, the four gravity engines, and all the new equipment that was stuffed into this new walker. But, as his eyes traveled, he came to a chair. Not just any chair, but one next to his. A co-pilot chair.....
Marcus stepped around to the front slowly, looking on in surprise as he rounded out to the front. Sitting in the secondary chair, was a humanoid frame, simply shaped with plain feminine features across a smoother looking metal than the outside of the walker. Cords dangled up from the back of its head, and as Marcus looked up, it was clear that the model was built for moving around the cockpit. Even throughout the walker. It was then that he spotted a note on the side of the chair. He picked it up, looking over the writing.
" ***With regards from the engineering core. We hope you like the new interface!"***
**\_ \_**
Marcus smiled.
"Okay then L. Wakey wakey."
Marcus stepped over to his chair, and sat down in it. Instantly feeling the reaction as he was plugged into the walker's mainframe. Holograms lit up around him in response, and Marcus's hand hovered over the activation command. He looked over to the secondary chair.
"Well, let's see what you've got to say after a year of quiet."
Marcus pressed the switch, and watched as the reaction was instant. Power traveled throughout the walker, and his new co-pilot activated, coming to life. Light flowed into the eyes of the simple frame, and between the joints in the outer casing, a dim light could be seen as well. The simple frame's eyes looked about, and Marcus could hear the subtle sounds of its mechanized joints as it raised its hands up to its view. Marcus smiled.
"Long time, no see Ellie."
The simple frame looked towards him in response, eliciting a strange feeling in Marcus. It was, weird, to say the least, to watch as Ellie now had a visible response to him. Words came to her now, and rather than text, a very basic, warm and pleasant voice sounded out to him from around the cockpit.
"*It is good to see you again Marcus."*
Ellie held up her hands to her mouth. Marcus could only sit back and laugh, watching the reaction.
"Well look at that L! Looks like you've got yourself a voice!"
Marcus waved the holograms off from around him, as he stood up from his chair.
"You've got a bit more than that too. Here, let me show you."
Marcus extended his hand out to the simple frame, and watched as Ellie's train of thought traveled along. She had been around him enough times to understand what he meant. And slowly, she reached out a hand, grasping Marcus's with slender metallic fingers. Marcus pulled, watching as, like an automatic reaction, Ellie's frame uncoupled from the chair, and a small gravity field activated, lifting her feet just barely off the floor. Her frame shook and wobbled, and Marcus caught her by the shoulder.
"Whoa, easy there! You can do the math but you don't know the feeling yet!"
Ellie looked up to him, Marcus once again receiving the strange feeling of having her visibly watch him. She was always watching him with internal cameras. But having her respond, with electronic eyes and basic facial features was, new. She was always just simply, there. But now.....
"*Marcus, these system configurations are, unfamiliar."*
There it was again. The reaction she showed when she spoke.
"Whole new body L! Gotta get used to everything! You've been sitting in your mainframe for about a year now while they worked on you."
"*Happy birthday Marcus."*
"Oh. Since when did you keep track?"
"*I always keep track."*
"Well then. Happy birthday to you too!"
Marcus twirled Ellie's frame around with satisfaction as he felt her glide along smoothly.
"What do you say old girl, want to go for a test run? We're parked in an asteroid field. We could get used to the feel of things."
Marcus watched the expression change on her facial features, and came to a realization. The engineers gave her interface facial features to correspond with emotions. But it wasn't pre-programmed responses. It was programmed to respond to what she was giving off for feelings. Ellie's eyes looked about, around at the cockpit, and finally, back to Marcus.
"*That would be a reasonable course of action. Your chair looks better for dealing with whiplash now.*"
Marcus laughed.
"I made sure to get the latest up to date stuff. You and me both are going to have some fun."
"*Who says we already aren't?"*
10 Years Later
Marcus rode the lift up, rocking on is feet uneasily. Today was the big day. Or tonight at least. Who'd think after all this time, he'd be nervous? Marcus checked a watch on his wrist. He wasn't late. That was a good thing. It didn't change the fact that the lift seemed like it was going up so terribly slowly. Marcus looked up to a camera in the corner of the ceiling.
"I guess the surprise is moot right L?"
Silence greeted him. Marcus shook his collar. He hoped he hadn't upset her. She could be a bit moody sometimes. The lift came to a slow stop, and the doors opened up, as Marcus stiffened up, looking his best for the occasion. And there, in the doorway, floated Ellie, her arms splayed wide, a token smile across her features.
"Happy anniversary!"
Marcus was taken off guard as the lights in the cockpit flared brightly, going from their dim quiet setting, revealing what Ellie had done in his absence. Across all the walls, were hundreds of drawings and letters. Thank you's and memoirs of Charbodyx and other worlds over the years. Ellie drifted closer, still maintaining a smile on her features.
"You like what I did with the place?"
Marcus smiled, keeping his hands behind his back.
"I'm shocked L. Where'd you get all that stuff?"
"It's a secret. Just like what's in the box behind your back."
Marcus let his head down.
"Can't hide nothing from you can I?"
"I did not cheat. No thermal imaging or x-rays were used in the examinations."
Marcus chuckled.
"Well, I guess if the cat's out of the bag, I may as well get on with it then."
Ellie shifted, placing her hands behind her back as she floated in place, the various wires attached to her backside swaying slightly as she floated from side to side gently. Marcus held out the small box, opening it up slowly, revealing its contents. Marcus made sure to watch her eyes. They always had that spark in them. Ellie stared at the small, obsidian ring that gleamed in the small little box, containing a diamond, that when looked at closely, had a tiny, perfect image of a star inside of it. Ellie tilted her head inquisitively.
"Marcus, this is..."
"Obsidian from Charbodyx. And a perfectly induced replica of its new star."
"I was attempting to convey that it was beautiful."
Marcus smiled.
"It's more than another memoir L. More than a symbol and a reminder."
"I do not know of what else it could be other than a gift."
"It's a very, very, ancient Human tradition L. It's something we've carried with us, probably since the dawn of our species."
Ellie took the box from Marcus, examining the ring closer.
"It was an old pact, a symbol that stood for a union between to people. It let everyone know that the two that wore it would stay at each other's side forever."
Marcus slid the box away from her prying hands, and brought one along with him. He slid the ring out of the box and held her hand out. Marcus smiled as he watched her ever inquisitive eyes.
"I give you this ring now, as a symbol of what you mean to me L. You've been there longer than anybody else I've ever known. Through good days, and bad. You were even there for the worst day of my life. And you helped make every one afterwards the best."
Marcus slid the ring over her finger, watching with a sense of joy as it fit over perfectly. Ellie held her slender hand up, watching the light glint over the obsidian and diamond, as the miniature replica of Charbodyx's red giant glowed from within. She looked back to Marcus, drifting over to him, wrapping her arms around him.
"Thank you Marcus. I don't know what to say."
Marcus held his own grip tightly.
"That's okay L. You don't have to. The fact that you can make a smile, and the way your eyes have something more in them, is all I'll ever need."
The two stayed quiet for some time, simply enjoying the peace together. Lately, they'd had far too many drops, and finally, now they had some quiet time. Marcus had traveled everywhere, from ship to ship, system to system. And in all the years, he'd never called one ship home. In fact, Ellie was his home now.
The two broke apart eventually, and Ellie took the time to show Marcus all the things she had collected for him. Letters and thank you's from families. Pictures that young children had drawn of him and his walker. All of them, people they'd saved over the years. But among all of them, the people of Charbodyx stood out the most. Some of them had seen what he'd done. The vain efforts to save a fellow pilot in his descent. Continuing on in the face of the impossible. And sacrificing it all to save even the one last group of holdouts.
These letters all meant something to him, and even Ellie as well, as they looked through all of them. Ellie would often joke about how fat the young children would make her old frame look like, and Marcus couldn't help but laugh, always pointing out how huge it was. Her frame was designed to stride over mountains, and come down from the sky like some great cosmic hand belonging to a powerful deity. From the ground view, she really would have looked like a hand of god.
Eventually, their musings and talks would come to an end as evening set in, and their plans for a simple, quiet evening began. Over the years, Ellie had grown a liking to watching movies. And tonight would be time for just that. But a little more as well. Over the years Marcus had changed as well, and he found himself attached to the projected form that Ellie held. And if there was one thing he liked more than relaxing with her, it was doing so under the cover of a blanket.
Ellie's black frame was merely a simple outline to match her gender association, but it was all he ever really needed. He would strip down, and lay back in his chair, and Ellie would make a point to climb over top of him. It was always simple, yet satisfying for him, as he ran his hands across her simple frame. How it captured the form so well, but had its own unique feel. Always, the very first feeling as bare skin came into contact with cold metal. The shivers in response as she clambered over him slowly, deliberately, and suddenly, while it still had shock value, pressed close to him.
It was always gentle, and slow, Marcus absent mindedly running his hands along Ellie's backside, feeling all the various wires that stretched from her head and down her spine, to the joints and spaces between her plating. Felling the subtle hardness of her frame, which was a flexible synthetic metal. Hard, but still soft to Humans. But tonight, it was special. The lights dimmed in their usual manner as they finished their night, and already, Marcus was leaning back in his chair in comfort as Ellie casually lay there with him. Marcus would catch glimpses of red light from the ring he had given her, only adding to the special evening.
"You know, that ring really suits you L. Matches your frame nicely."
Ellie smiled, the softer features of her face contorting as her eyes watched him.
"You want to know something Marcus?"
"What's that?"
"I'm not scared anymore. I know what I am now."
Marcus didn't get a chance to reply, as Ellie closed the gap between them, placing a slow kiss on Marcus's lips. It was something entirely new to him, the feel of cool, flexible synthetic metal of her lips and face. And through it, Marcus knew what it meant. It was a sign of things to come. A sign that Marcus would welcome with open arms. Her eyes sparked with that essence behind them, as she broke away slowly.
"And I know you're my little pilot."
Marcus smiled back.
"And you're my clever old girl." | FSE |
Title: Down by the Lake Ch. 07
Tags: threesomes, group sex
Have you ever noticed how much work is involved, when you want others to do some work for you? Friday I called the spa company, ordering the unit I wanted. I insisted they hold it until the concrete pad was ready. They assured me it could be delivered on 24 hours' notice.
The pool company was different. They wanted their own people doing site prep, or they couldn't guarantee the pool. We compromised. They could inspect the hole before delivery.
At first they weren't happy about it, but when I said 'Big Swede', the man on the phone just laughed. "That's the guy we contract to do this. I'd just be inspecting my own crew."
Jeannie went to work at nine. Madge and I took the boys and Bogart down to the lake. No canoe this time, but they brought their rods.
We settled Madge in her spot, then wandered along the shore, looking for places to fish. The boys settled in about ten feet apart, started casting. Now that he was using his left, JD was getting about twenty yards out. Clark seemed to have a ten yard limit, so I directed him towards a grass bed to his left, and about twenty feet away. "Just drop it out there, then retrieve the way I taught you."
After a while they became bored, put the poles down, started running around. I tried keeping them away from Madge, but Bogart's romping and barking finished her meditation for the day. "Sorry about that. I'd forgotten 'bout the short attention span of youngsters."
"It's ok. That's just something we'll have to adjust to. Besides, I think I was finished."
Gathering everything, we hiked back up the hill in time for lunch.
Brady's guys had the spa site leveled, and were in the process of framing it in. They were confident we could pour concrete on Monday, if the plumber and electrician were done, and they were expected in the afternoon. Their next phase would be framing a roof, but that would wait 'til the spa was in place.
At the other end of the deck, Johansen's crew had cleared the area needed for the pool. Theirs was the more complicated job, as a hole had to be dug and excess dirt removed. They asked if we could wait for the concrete pour before bringing in an excavator. This was what these guys did-as long as the job got done, I wasn't going to get in their way.
While the boys napped, I took Madge to bed. We slowly undressed each other, hands lingering in special spots, caressing, touching. We had slowed in our lovemaking, but now it felt deeper, more intense. I entered her slowly, not stopping until our pelvis were pushed together. Wrapping arms and legs about me, she held me to her. 'Naomi says I should do this..."
She began a rhythmic movement within her pussy, a rippling, grasping that moved up and down my cock. There was no resisting the sensations. Without a single move on my part, I came. As I returned to awareness, I watched a flush sweep across her face and chest. Again a rippling over my cock, then quiet. She slowly opened her eyes. "I didn't know I could do that." She whispered.
"I didn't think anyone but Naomi knew how. When did you learn that?"
"This morning. She taught me. While you were with the boys."
Saturday, Madge's mother came up. She looked more relaxed than even a few days before. We set her up in the spare bedroom, as she was staying the weekend. Madge took her to the lake while I kept the boys busy at the house. They returned a little over an hour later, both looking quite relaxed.
After lunch I had the boys 'rest'. We sat on the deck (what was left of it) talking. Mostly it was mundane things, the everyday. She was getting to know me, reconnect with Madge. Nancy proved to be smart and insightful. She had a grasp on current affairs, an opinion on the coming elections, the ongoing wars. She suggested several web sites for the boys, including a couple that stressed learning.
In the main, we just relaxed.
Being Saturday, Jeannie didn't get home until ten. Totally exhausted, all she wanted was a small snack and sleep. We poured her into bed, then Madge and I returned to her mother. "You know if she keeps up like this, it will splinter you."
"This was the first Saturday she's had to come up here after work. And it's summer. I hate to think of December or January."
"Does she know anything about real estate? I have a friend in Buckley with an office, she may be looking for someone."
"Mom, I know real estate. I'm a licensed agent. Josh, would you mind if I went back to work?"
"I don't want to force you into anything, or keep you from something, but you do realize you'll be working weekends again?"
"That's a problem, you'd be here alone with The Dervishes. Let's talk things over with Jeannie on Monday, when she's relaxed. Maybe we'll come up with something."
Monday proved interesting. Brady's crew arrived at 8, the concrete at 9, and by 12, everyone was gone again. The plumber and electrician had trenched in their pipes Friday afternoon, and basically just stood by during the pour, insuring their work was ok.
Nancy called in the early afternoon. Her friend was looking for part time help, and if Marjorie called, she would be happy to set an interview. We broached the subject with Jeannie, but she wasn't receptive to quitting the shop. I understood, this was something she enjoyed.
Jeannie's mother came up the hill while the pour was going on. The boys were so engrossed in the construction, they barely acknowledged her. When the crew left however, they realized not only was she here, their bikes were on the back of her car. They spent most of the afternoon blasting around the house on their bikes. Jeannie and Mary sat on the deck, watching them going in circles, laughing. By four they were exhausted. Jeannie gave them juice, parking them in a corner of the den.
All that mad action gave me an idea. Leading Jeannie, Mary, and Madge behind the barn, I laid out a track for the boys. They could peddle to their hearts' content, and not lay a cloud of dust on the house. Three heads nodded in unison. My next project was in the works.
Tuesday opened with the arrival of the excavator and a dump truck. The boys could hardly eat they were so anxious to get outside. They were parked on the deck all morning, one of us staying close by to prevent accidents.
I asked the dump driver to take his first load behind the barn, explaining what I had in mind. He had three boys. Understood instantly. When I explained my plan to the track hoe operator, he said the first load would be topsoil, the hardpan farther down would go elsewhere.
Maybe it was genetic, their father being an equipment operator, but the boys ate up every move the track hoe was doing. By four, the hole was shaped. Johansen came by, asked for some adjustments, then pronounced it good. Looking at me, "Tomorrow we bring in sand, to cushion the pool. By Thursday, I should be able to set the pool in for the first fit."
"First fit? How many are there?"
"Hopefully one, usually several, I don't want any voids under it."
The boys went to bed early, they were exhausted once again. Bikes are good for my love life.
Madge and I took our lovely Jeannie into the den. Madge laid a comforter on the floor, I brought in wine. After only a few sips, Madge tugged Jeannie down, laying kisses over her lips and face. Soon she sat up, pulling her shirt off, then leaning forward, offering a nipple to Jeannie's waiting mouth. Lovingly, she extended her tongue, swiping across the hardening pink cone. Madge lowered herself, feeding more tit into her lover's grasp, moaning, "Jeannie, sweet Jeannie, love me..."
She swayed, moving tits across Jeannie's lips, teasing herself. When she'd had enough, Madge sat up, pulled her lovers blouse off, then tenderly began dancing her tongue from conical nipple to conical nipple, finally dropping to encompass a breast completely.
Jeannie gasped, held her breath, then exhaled with a swoosh. She pulled Madge up, kissing tenderly. They reached down, pushing shorts past knees, wiggling them the rest of the way. Fingers searching out labia. Lips upon lips, they stroked each other, drawing each higher. Pressing breast to breast, my two beauties brought the other to the brink, then eased back, to the brink once again, then over, in a tumbling climax that had them rolling side to side, fingers digging, searching for every moment of climax.
Slowly, they returned to the present, smiling over at me. They opened their arms, calling me to them, welcoming me with kisses. They pushed me onto my back, Jeannie licking and kissing my stomach, taking my cock into her mouth. Madge all over my face, kissing eyes, cheeks, kissing lips, moaning loving sounds into my mouth. She moved up, offering her tits to me, first one then the other. Very soon, her stomach slid past my lips giving me a chance to lay more kisses on her, licking her navel to bring a giggle. She lifted, straddling my shoulders, teasing my nose with the strawberry essence above me. She teased my lips, drawing her labia across them, until I closed over her. My tongue flicked out, seeking to part those delicious lips, drawing her juices, seeking more.
At my hips, Jeannie had drawn me fully into her mouth, hardening me as I have seldom been. I felt her release me, the cool air tingling my cock, then some shifting. Her legs pressed my hips, I felt a hand grasp my cock, the moisture of her slit surrounding my head. She lowered herself, causing me to moan into Madge's flowing cunt. In response, Madge ground onto my face.
If they were saying anything, I couldn't hear, as Madge's thighs were pressed against my ears. I didn't mind, I cared more about sucking every drop from her, even while Jeannie was trying to fuck everything from my cock. I held Madge by the hips, pulling her to my face. Jeannie was surging up and down, her velvet pussy clamping me. I felt my come rushing through me, jetting into Jeannie. She began quivering, forcing herself down, hard, onto my cock. My face was drowning in pussy juice and I didn't care. I licked everywhere my tongue could reach, directing her pussy with my hands on Madge's hips.
Slowly, the pressure eased on my face, Madge tilted over, virtually falling to her side. Jeannie, my beautiful Jeannie, stretched onto my chest, licking the juices from my face. She gave me a small smile, "I think I like your idea of 'important stuff'."
Wednesday afternoon I took the boys into town. We stopped at the General Store, where I bought ice cream cones. John came over to meet JD and Clark, shaking their hands. "Murph, you doin' alright?"
"Sure why?"
"Oh, you're just lookin' a little tuckered. You getting enough sleep with these guys around the house?"
"We're not keeping Josh awake, really!"
"Yeah, me and JD go to bed on time."
"Sundgren just lifted an eyebrow, "Maybe you just need vitamins. I have a big bottle of Supers behind the counter." And he was gone, laughing.
"Josh, what did he mean?"
"He's just bustin' my chops."
"What does that mean?"
"He's joking with me."
"He thinks I look tired."
"Are you? Are you ok?"
"Yeah, I've just been working harder than I'm used to. Maybe I better get those vitamins."
"Momma Madge! Mr. Sundgren says Josh is tired!"
"Yeah, he said Josh was tuckered. Is that bad?
Madge looked over at me, "Tuckered?"
"That's what Sundgren said. I guess I am kinda spent. But it's ok, I got vitamins. See."
I put the large bottle on the counter with a thunk. She picked it up, started reading it then burst out laughing. "These are horse vitamins!"
"Yeah, John said if I was going to be put out to stud, I'd better take the right pills."
That night I had steak for dinner.
Thursday morning the spa arrived. For Brady's crew, this was the easiest stage. Being a self-contained unit, they just had to locate it, then check for level. The plumber and electrician would do the rest. Meantime, they began plotting out the retractable roof.
Over at the pool side, Johansen's crew awaited their delivery. This was more complicated; being an oversize load, it required plenty of maneuvering room at the site. Not to mention a crane.
The boys were taking all this in avidly. Madge was plenty busy, handing out coffee and cinnamon rolls to everyone. Hey, I even got one!
Johansen was overseeing this operation. The crane set up, then the truck carrying the pool backed into place. Slings were set, and the crane operator took his first pick. Now, these guys had done this a bunch of times, so they were within inches of perfect on balance. While Madge, the boys and I watched, the pool was picked, rotated, and lowered into place. Johansen's guys scrambled to guide it into the hole, then jumped in to spot it, aligning with the drain plumbing. They let it settle until some weight was off the slings, then lifted it back out. Johansen jumped into the hole, checking the imprint on wet sand. Some sand was placed at his direction, then he climbed out and the pool was set. Levels were broken out, everything checked, then rechecked. Finally Swede was satisfied, and a backhoe started pouring sand around the pool. The crew tamped it all around to about four inches from ground level.
The crane folded up, the truck departed, the crew took a long breather. Everyone being done for the day, I handed out beers, telling them they earned it.
Brady had hung around, watching the pool lift, so he just happened to be there for the beer. Plus, it was check time again. After finishing that, I asked what their work load looked like after Labor Day. Johansen was pretty booked into October, Brady had some openings in mid-September. Both were curious why I asked.
"Well, as you've seen, my family has grown. Plus, I've acquired a few in-laws. And they like coming up here. So I'm thinking I need more guest space. Now, I have a rough apartment in the barn, and it could be cleaned up, maybe insulated. It'd make a decent place for guests."
"Damn Murph, you're sure spending a lot around here."
"I know, some of this, like the spa, I'd been thinking on before. The pool, yeah, that's an add-on. The apartment is just because I don't have enough bedrooms if everyone comes at once.
IF you're getting the impression things were busy around my place, you don't know the half of it. Along with the construction going on, Madge had me exercising and bike riding, we were meditating, plus we had the boys (Now officially known as The Dervishes) to look after. And that included on-line time with some math sites. Then there was our personal time, usually cuddling and making out. When Jeannie was home, Madge and I found time for her. Sometimes together, others separately. Oh, and don't forget all the chores around the place.
Madge now did most of the grocery shopping. Good for her, she met everyone in town. Bad for me, I didn't get into town as much. Plus she did most of the cooking and cleaning. Impressed? Damn right I was impressed.
Moving into August, things were busy, yet my new normal.
Friday, Madge met with the realtor in Buckley. They hit it off, but until Madge came up with a suitable car, no job was offered. Coming home, she wasn't sure if she should be happy or sad. I parked her in front of the computer, told her to start looking. Carl called, asked me to drop by, he needed some advice.
Carl was thinking about the new chair he had coming, and how he could start driving again. He was thinking a ramp up into his pickup, but I thought that'd take a twenty footer. "How about a lift gate?"
Once all that was worked out, we settled into a couple games of gin, and the usual gabbin'. "Murph, I gotta ask you somethin'."
"Sure, what is it?"
"If it's not my business, ok. How do you know you can trust those women? You're a lot older, maybe they're just takin' you."
"If I thought you were asking just too be snoopy, I'd tell you to go to hell. But I don't think that's it. Gyrene, you're worried about me!"
"Not me, Marie..."
"Bull, she'd ask if she were concerned. It's ok. Do I trust them? Yeah, and I'll tell you why. I believe most people are good. I'm willing to trust someone until they show me otherwise. So far, they haven't given me any reason to doubt them."
"And if you're wrong?"
"I'll have a lot of pleasant memories I wasn't going to have."
"You've thought this out?"
"Oh, yeah."
"What about your kids?"
"I do have to talk with them. Maybe I should get Jessie out here to collect the Mustang. Talk to her then."
"Yeah, I promised it, now would be a good time."
Saturday morning I called the kid's, invited them up for Labor Day. I explained to Bob his mother's car was going to Denver with Jessie. That wasn't a surprise. I also told him there was more, but we'd talk about it when he got here. Talking to Jessie, I let her know she was taking the Mustang back. "Dad, are you sure? That's Mom's car."
"I promised her you'd get it when the time was right. I think now is the time. I've also invited Bob up, there are some things we need to talk about."
"Dad, are you all right? Are you sick? Losing the cabin? What's going on?"
"None of the above, Pumpkin, just a change in my life. Oh, can you still practice law in Washington?"
"Yes, is there something I should know?"
"All in good time, it may be something, it may be nothing. I'm pretty sure I'll know by the time you guys get here."
Sunday Madge found her car. Or rather, she found two. We sat at the computer going over her choices. "I can go two ways; number one is a Miata. This one is three years old, my research tells me the owner is asking a slightly high price, but he may come down on a fair offer."
"What about real estate, don't you need something to haul clients around?"
"No, most people do their own driving, they only want to see one or two houses at a time."
"Ok, what's number two?"
"A van? That's quite a changeup."
"I know, but there's good reason."
"Such as?"
"Well...in case you haven't noticed, The Dervishes call me Momma Madge. With Jeannie working, somebody has to run them around, and you can't always do it. And let's face it, they're not safe in the pickup like they would be in a van. Plus, there will be times all five of us go somewhere together."
"You'd rather have the van?"
"If it means I'm Momma Madge, yes."
"Ok, what do you know about the van?"
Monday I awoke to my lovelies kissing each other. What a beautiful sight. Weekends were tough, Jeannie was usually too tired to do much but eat and sleep. Monday was her catch up day. Usually she started with Madge, and while they 'Slept In', I took care of the boys.
Madge and I called on the van, arranged to see it. After breakfast we ran into Tacoma, hit the Credit Union for a certified check, then went looking; a two year old Freestar. Nice and clean, low miles, it had been a fleet vehicle. Even had maintenance records. The owner and I did the dicker bit, he felt he got his price, I came close enough to mine to be satisfied. Madge was happy, she got the van.
Back home, everyone admired the van, oohing and aahing over it's pristine condition and all the space. Jeannie pulled me aside, "Josh, I don't want you to take this wrong, but I don't want a different car. This one is mine, and I want to keep it."
"Is that all?"
"No. You've done a lot, and plan on doing more. But I don't want you, or me, feeling I'm staying with you for things, or to milk you, or anything like that."
"Has anyone suggested that? Me, or anyone else?"
"Josh Murphy! Listen to me! This is important to all of us! If I feel I'm just here for 'things', I'll leave. It won't be right. It won't be for love. And I don't want that. I want to stay. I want to be with you and Madge a very long time."
"Honey, neither you or Madge have given me any reason to think otherwise. She got clothes because she needed them, and practicality had her accepting without an argument. The same with the van. Do you know the main reason for the van? She's Momma Madge."
"Momma Madge?"
"You haven't heard that yet, have you? That's what the boys call her. It's very important to her."
"No. Wow, Momma Madge, huh?"
"Yeah. Now, when did you start worrying this was about things?"
"When you started telling us about cell phones and insurance and cars and everything you wanted to do."
"So, in other words, I just told, I didn't ask?"
"Pretty much."
"I'm sorry. I guess I'm too used to making decisions without asking. Can I...can we send your car to a shop for a thorough check up?"
"Yes, dear, if it'll make you feel better."
After lunch, the boys and I got started on the track. We paced it out, figuring turns, small jumps, straights. All told, this was coming in at roughly a quarter mile per lap. Once the basics were laid out, I brought the tractor and blade around, and we started creating. Throwing dirt must be inherent in boys, 'cause they hustled; helping me with the shaping. After an hour, they were pooped. Already the track was paying off.
While the boys napped, I found Jeannie lying on her stomach, on our bed. She was wearing a thin blouse and loose shorts, but her beautifully shaped ass, aimed toward the door, drew me in. Walking in quietly, I began laying kisses on her legs. The first generated a little squeak, but after that, lots of encouraging moans. Slipping hands under her shorts, I smoothed the skin of her lovely bottom. Soon, I folded to temptation. Pulling her shorts and panties off, I laid kisses all over those enticing globes, licked my way down the split between the cheeks, laved the rosebud I found. My hands lifted her hips, opening her to more attention." Josh, you do know how to turn me on. Don't stop now. Whatever you do, don't stop...noowww."
In the corner of my eye, there was movement. Glancing, Madge was just sitting in the chair, smiling. Since she wanted a show, I determined to give her one. Lifting Jeannie to her knees, my hands spreading her wondrous cheeks, I dove into her ass, gently biting each side, rubbing where I had just been, kissing the red marks I had left.
Madge moved closer, whispering words of encouragement, urging me to; "Love our Jeannie. " Show her how we love her. Josh, show her."
Show her I did. By now her pussy was dripping, she was moaning, and I was hard as could be. Tugging my shorts down, pressing my cock to her pussy, I teased her. Sliding just an inch or so in, then back, she was soon on the edge. Just has I rammed in, I pushed my thumb against her ass, then in as she came. I was right behind her, driving as hard as I could. We came together, Jeannie's pussy quivering against me. I slumped forward, kissing her shoulders and neck. Looking over my shoulder, Madge gave us a silent applause and slipped out the door.
\*\*\*\*\* | literotica |
Tags: Blueberry Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping, blueberry inflation, female inflation, revenge
Text: Amy peeled the wrapper open. Staring at the bright blue stick of gum, she went over what the shop owner had told her.
"It's just like the film, you'll get the full experience. Tomato soup, roast beef, and then some blueberry pie to finish it off. That's when the swelling will start."
He had to be joking, right? She must have just taken him too seriously, he was obviously just making a reference... But what if the gum really worked?
She had been pacing around her room for nearly half an hour. Amy carefully took the gum out of the wrapper and held it in her palm, slowly lifting it up to her mouth. She looked at herself in the mirror and popped it in.
"Here goes nothing..."
Almost instantly, she could taste the soup. She closed her eyes and smiled. This had to be the best tomato soup ever. The roast beef was up next, and just like the soup, it was even better than the real thing. She almost forgot about the blueberry pie that was coming.
But then it happened. Her mouth was filled with an incredible blueberry flavor. She sat down, completely overwhelmed with how good it was. She kept chewing, when she glanced down at her hand and noticed her fingertips. They were slowly turning a rich shade of violet. She began to feel a little dazed, and the color continued flowing up her arms. She turned to the mirror, just as the violet reached her face. Amy watched as the rest of her body became covered. She stood up, starting to become a little nervous.
Amy patted her flat stomach. Even though she had turned to the shade of a blueberry, she was relieved that she hadn't swelled up yet. She went up to the mirror to look at herself, still shocked that the gum had worked. And then she felt it.
Her stomach was beginning to softly rumble, and she knew her fate. Amy watched as her belly started to gradually push forward. She frantically tried to suck it in, but this only seemed to speed up the juice. She was starting to look pregnant, and her t-shirt was riding up over her swollen stomach.
Amy let out a sharp cry as she felt the juice in her breasts. They grew from a C, to double D's, to triple F's... Meanwhile, the rest of her body was filling up just as quickly. Her butt was pushing against the back of her jeans, threatening to rip them at any moment. Her shirt was stuck under her boobs, but her belly had grown huge, and was hanging far down over her legs.
She was too scared to look at herself like this in the mirror, but she realized that she wouldn't have been able to anyways. Her neck was slowly disappearing into her body, as she started to round out. Her arms shrunk into her sides, uselessly laying against her swelled hips. Her legs did the same, and she fell onto her back. Only now did she understand just how big she was. The amount of juice that she could feel sloshing around inside of her was much more than she could fit in her bathtub, but as she caught a quick glimpse of herself in the mirror, she knew that her expansion was far from over.
Amy was now a ball. A helpless ball, filled with blueberry juice, far too big and round to move. The remains of her clothes were scattered around her, a reminder of just how much she'd grown. All she could do was wait. Her body continued to fill with juice, bringing her closer and closer to the ceiling with each passing second. She felt her left hip brush against the wall. She hoped the swelling would stop before... before she... She didn't even want to think about it.
She was now inches away from hitting the ceiling. She closed her eyes, preparing for an explosion. But it never came. She opened them and blinked. Amy was now a giant blueberry, taking up her entire apartment. But she hadn't popped.
Minutes went past before she started to get annoyed. "Come on, gum... You turn me into this enormous blob, but you don't pop me?" She summoned all her strength in an attempt to move, but her massive body just shook the hundreds of gallons of juice inside her. Her annoyance quickly turned to fear as she realized that she was stuck like this until someone found her. She bit her lip, tasting blueberries.
A few hours of complete boredom later, Amy was close to tears. She figured it was probably quite late, and she knew that sleeping would help her pass the time. Her dreams were filled with blueberries, she couldn't get them out of her head. Morning came, and a thin ray of sunlight came from a window near a corner of the room that Amy's body hadn't completely covered. Amy slowly blinked, breathing heavily.
She was still massive, but some of the juice had leaked overnight. She was lying in a puddle of it. Amy smiled, and she shook her body again. The puddle grew larger. She felt the juice leaving her body, and tried to enjoy it. Once she got herself small enough to sit up, she carefully did, and she leaned against the wall to catch her breath. There was no doubt that she was enormous, but at least this was more manageable. She shifted her weight and felt the juice slosh around inside her massive body, but no more came out. That's when she heard it.
Her phone was lying a few feet away. She could see that she had cracked it and probably damaged the speakers when she had filled up the apartment, but it was still working. It rang again, softly beeping. With all her energy, Amy threw herself in the direction of it, and her body rolled sideways. Just as she hoped, her head landed on the screen, and answered the call.
"Ames, what's up?" This was Kate, one of her best friends. "I was thinking of coming over later, you got any plans?"
Amy's body had swallowed up her neck, but she managed to get out a few words. "Come. Now. Door locked. Break window. Need help."
"Oh my god, what happened? I'm on my way!" Kate hung up.
Amy was lucky that she lived on the ground floor. She closed her eyes, trying to get comfortable until her friend arrived.
Ten minutes later, she heard something thrown at the window behind her. Another object was thrown, this time breaking through. Kate climbed through the narrow opening.
"Amy, I don't know what to say..." She looked at her friend. "You're blue. And huge."
Amy was beyond embarrassed, but she knew how lucky she was to have someone with her. "Just help. Roll me up."
Kate walked behind, and placed her hands on Amy's body. She playfully poked her. "Whoa, you're filled with juice!"
"Not a joke. Help."
Kate poked her again. "It's not every day you find your friend as a blueberry. How'd it happen?"
"Gum. Bought a pack."
Kate walked across the room and picked up the pack of gum. "Oh, like in that movie? That's crazy it actually worked..."
"Just help me!" Amy was getting restless after nearly a day of being a giant blueberry.
"How?" Kate was focused on reading the label on the package of gum.
"I... I don't know..." Amy tried to empty herself of some more juice, but she couldn't get any more out.
"There's 11 more sticks in here! If you got this big from just one..." Kate took out another stick of gum.
Amy started to get nervous. "Please... Help me..."
Kate walked back over to Amy with the gum. "You're a blueberry. I've got no idea how to get all that juice out of you, and even if I did, you're blue. But I'm getting curious about something, and you're completely helpless."
Amy began to cry. Blue tears rolled down her face.
"Oh, come on. You did this to yourself." Kate started to unwrap the rest of the sticks. She squeezed all 11 of them together in her palm, creating a ball of blueberry gum. "I'd get you out of the apartment so you've got room to grow, but you're way too heavy for me to move." Amy clenched her teeth together, refusing to open her mouth. A small puddle of juice was beginning to form under her.
Kate poked her massive belly. "Ames, open up."
Amy was slowly managing to juice herself. Her arms were gradually becoming arms again. Kate was trying to get her mouth open, and she didn't notice as Amy reached out to grab it from her hands. "Hey!" Surprised, Kate stepped backwards, and stumbled. She fell onto the floor, nervously looking up at Amy's swollen, blue face.
Amy dropped the ball of gum into Kate's shocked, open mouth. Hitting the back of it, Kate gagged, and accidentally swallowed it. Her eyes widened as she slowly got to her feet.
"Amy... Maybe-maybe it won't work if I can't chew it?" Her hopes were crushed as she began to taste tomato soup. She struggled to imagine just how big she was going to become. "Serves you right." Amy leaned back, continuing to juice herself. She was now the size of an extremely obese woman, a significant change from the previous day. Kate was starting to freak out. The tomato soup changed to roast beef, and she quickly left Amy's apartment, slamming the door behind her. She needed to find somewhere to expand. Kate crossed the street, pushing through a group of pedestrians. The taste of blueberry pie filled her mouth, and she froze. She looked at her hands, and saw her fingers become violet. Kate began to run.
She didn't know where to go, but she was terrified. The color had reached her elbows now. Kate raced down the street in a panic. She saw her reflection in a shop window, and watched her neck turn blue, then her mouth, then her nose...
People started to notice her and pointed to each other. A small crowd was gathering around Kate, trapping her. The swelling happened much quicker this time than with Amy, since Kate had swallowed much more gum. Within seconds, she was looking pregnant. A few seconds later, she was rounding out. Kate took a few steps forward before her legs were sucked into her body. Her arms were sucked in as well, and the crowd began to back away. "Help me... Please... " Kate sobbed, understanding how Amy must have felt. She was now about as big as Amy was when she left the apartment, but growing rapidly.
A curious man walked up and poked her in the butt. "She's filling with juice!" The crowd muttered excitedly to each other, but Kate could hardly hear, since her ears were so squashed.
She was bigger than a car now. Cars had been forced to stop, and fascinated drivers got out and joined the crowd to watch. Kate quickly passed Amy's biggest size, and her swelling sped up. She was covering the street, her head becoming a tiny dot on her absolutely massive body. People were scrambling to get away from her, realizing what was going to happen. Amy had now gotten herself to a much more practical size, and she slowly got to her feet. She was still completely blue, and quite plump, but this would have to do. She threw on her biggest pair of leggings and a t-shirt that barely covered her belly, and she walked out of her apartment.
"Quick, run!" A man sprinted past her, and she looked up to see Kate, who had grown bigger than some of the buildings. The massive blob was still growing, and Amy almost felt bad. She started to walk towards Kate, who was sobbing uncontrollably. Kate couldn't see anything but her giant blue body, stretching out hundreds of feet in every direction.
Amy watched as Kate continued to swell, but she noticed it was slowing down. She stepped back every time Kate grew bigger, but she was starting to realize that the gum wouldn't allow her to pop just from expanding. Amy poked the blueberry. She knew that popping her would mean flooding the city, but could she leave her like this? The swelling continued to slow down, eventually finishing.
Kate blinked. She was indescribably huge. Amy stepped back to gaze at the blueberry in awe. She couldn't believe just how enormous her former friend had become.
Kate was beyond helpless in this state. She couldn't even wiggle her fingers, which were now sausage-like, and tiny at her sides. She took deep breaths, tasting and smelling blueberries with each one.
Amy was struggling to figure out what to do. She realized that she was the only one anywhere near the blueberry, and it's fate was in her hands. She also knew that popping it would cause all of the juice to burst out, and the force from millions of gallons of blueberry juice was not something that she wanted to face.
She turned around and began to walk away, when she heard the juice again. Maybe the gum couldn't prevent someone from popping if they had 11 pieces of it... Amy wasn't going to stick around to find out. She ran as fast as she could, slowed down by the remaining juice in her body, but determined to get out of range of the overfilled blueberry.
Kate heard the juice too, and knew what was about to happen. Her skin had been stretched to an incredible size, and it wasn't going to be able to hold all of the juice inside. She licked her lips, tasting delicious blueberries, and closed her eyes.
It took weeks for the city to recover from the flood. Amy hadn't been able to get any more juice out of her body, but she was thankful that she hadn't ended up like Kate. She was still completely blue, and a very large girl, but she was starting to get used to it. She was cleaning her apartment today, when she noticed the empty package of gum under a chair. She picked it up, and almost threw it away before feeling a final piece wedged at the bottom. "Kate must have not noticed this..." Amy held the last stick in her hand, and unpeeled it. She could smell the familiar scent of blueberries. It was nearly irresistible.
She tried to snap out of her trance. Amy thought about everything that had happened in the past few weeks, but the stick of gum was beyond tempting. And so she popped it in her mouth.
"Mmm, tomato soup!"
| bodyinflation |
Title: Total Trust Chapter One: Pressing On by CherryBlossomSystem
Tags: Gay Relationships, Lucario, M/M, Pokemon
**Comments and feedback are welcome this is my first try at a Pokémon story please let me know how I am doing. The locations are based on The Pokémon Platinum game\_. Let it be noted that bold and italicized text indicates telethapy is being used.\_**
**DISCLAIMER: I do not own The Rights to Pokémon or any of its Affiliates. The Rights to Pokémon and All of its Affiliates are the property of Game Freak Inc.**
**Chapter 1: Pressing On**
\_"Gardevior NOOOOO!" \_I jolted awake from my dreams soaked in sweat to see that Lucario my Pokémon partner was looking at me startled. "Sorry buddy I didn't meant to wake you up" I stretched my back and ran a shaky hand through my hair sighing.
" ***You had the dream again didn't you?*** *"* Inquired Mist my Lucario using telethapy.
***"Yes, I still feel guilty about it. If I had not run into the battle she would still be here.*** *"* I mumbled into Mist's shoulder as the bipedal canine hugged me tighter. *"* ***Your Aura fluctuates a lot when you dream like that"*** I detected the note concern in his voice and said aloud "Sorry for scaring you." As I spoke, I gently rubbed the lobes on Mist's head and he closed his eyes enjoying it. "Could you let me go so I can get dressed? Then we will go train." I whispered and he blushed turning around and staring pointedly at the cave wall.
I snickered and quickly donned my clothes and clipped on my Pokedex and Pokeball belt. Mist's Pokeball was the only one clipped onto it. I checked my backpack, a few cans of food for Mist and myself, camping gear, a handful of potions and revives along with a few berries.I then turned on my Poketech and scanned Mist just to make sure he was healthy. The Poketech beeped telling me that he was fine. Then I turned on the map function to see where we would head next. I traced a finger down route 214 and figured that it was finally time to move on. I checked my collection of badges counting Coal, Forest, Cobble, and Fen I sighed with relief that they were all there but felt like I was drowning as I stared at the Cobble badge. I shook me head and then I tapped Lucario on the shoulder to let him know I was ready and we headed out of the cave. He walked along beside me silently while I desperately tried to shake off the memories of when Gardevior, my first Pokémon died.
**Location: Veilstone City**
It was just after my Gardevior had defeated Maylene and we exited the gym to celebrate I intended to head to a restaurant so I cut through a back alley. Both of my Pokemon were exhausted after the battle and were in their Pokeballs resting. When I started to turn the corner to reach the restaurant I was attacked by a rogue Joltik. It's trainer tried to stop it but apparently the small Pokemon did not have enough respect for its trainer to listen. It rushed me and Guardevior even in it's exhausted state emerged from the Pokeball to protect me. I shouted a warning but I was to late. The Joltik latched onto Guardevior and sucked out it's life force. Guardevior didn't struggle against the attempt but when I tried to pull the Joltik off her she backed away from me and shook her head. I yelled at her to get it off as it started to send bolt after bolt of electrical energy into her body. I Finally grabbed her and the electrical energy funneled into my body instead of her's. I growled and jumped back as the Joltik jumped off my Pokemon and fired Multiple Electro webs at her. I tried to tear the webs off but the shock knocked me on my butt. Then time slowed down as the Joltik fired it's next web at me. Guardevior reacted purely out of instinct and a black hole materialized in front of me swallowing the web. Then Guardevior slumped against the webs holding her up unmistakeably dead. Her Soul sucked into the black hole as I watched. I tried to dive after her but the hole collapsed in on itself leaving me to hold Guardevior's body and cry my eyes out. Soon after I had left the city as fast as I was able my heart felt like it was breaking and the crushing loss of my friend that I had raised from the start of my journey. I resolved to stay away from that city as long as I could but little did I know that someone else was watching me.
A portal opened into my world and as I screamed with rage at the intrusion the portal closed and a white and green something floated towards me. It was Translucent in nature and when I fired a Shadow Ball at it the attack failed to harm it. It stopped at my eye level and spoke "Max" before fading into mist and dispersing. I started to wind my way through my world looking for this \_"Max" \_
I found no Max here but myself but briefly a window to the outside world flickered open and I saw a picture of a trainer. He was crying and holding the body of the phantom that had dared to enter my realm seconds before. His tears hit the sidewalk but even as small as they are they would have provided me with a gateway if I chose to take it. Instead I watched the scene in silence and when it faded I stayed where I was floating for hours afterwords. I knew the loneliness this human was going through I experienced it all my life. I kept an eye on him in passing weeks his tears providing me with many opportunities to study him. I admit that I was beginning to be intrigued by this human, so much that I think I would like to meet him if I could. In many of the windows I saw a blue Pokemon with him. This Pokemon had spikes on its wrists and chest and was about the same height as his trainer. I wondered about their relationship but I was more focused on the trainer than the Pokemon.
Since that night, I never stayed in the city ever again. I do not know if the Joltik that caused my Gardevior to sacrifice herself for me is still alive and I do not want to know. I stay in the wilderness now with Lucario as my only company. Under the cover of night, we roam and under the light of the sun, we hide. It has been 2 months since my friend was murdered and not a day goes by that I do not miss her. My Poketech began to ring and I glanced at the Call ID to see who was calling. Seeing that the ID was blank, I huffed and silenced the ringer before pocketing the device.
When Mist looked at me questioningly, I shrugged and muttered "No ID." He nodded and I turned my gaze to the path. We were currently in East Sinnoh and the trees were losing their leaves in preparation for winter. I shivered a bit wishing I had grabbed my coat before we left the cave but shrugged it off.
"Is there a clearing or something nearby?" I asked my friend and he closed his eyes to focus his aura. When he opened them, he pointed to the right towards a dense bunch of trees and off the path. I nodded and gestured for him to lead the way. He put his paw in my hand so I would not get lost and started walking towards the clearing. I heard the occasional Starly stir in their sleep and watched an Illumise and a squad of Volbeat make their way across the sky. The Full moon lit the night occasionally be interrupted by a cloud or too. Overall, it was peaceful outside a nice contrast to my inner turmoil.
When we reached to clearing, I dropped my backpack and fished out our meditation blanket along with a few herbs that we could burn to help us relax. I set about making a fire and while I collected, the wood Mist dug out the pit for the fire. Once I thought, I had enough firewood I started to turn around only to see a crouching Houndour growling at me. I could have dropped the wood and ran but I did not want to pick it up again. ***Let us see Houndour's attacks are Tackle, Bite, Leer, and finally Ember.*** I thought to myself. One of the moves could paralyze me and one of them would burn me crisp, though I could avoid the physical attacks if I was quick enough.
My little growling friend did not give me a choice however as it's black and orange furred body started to tense faintly and as I dropped the wood and jumped backwards the passing fireball singed the top of my hair. I landed awkwardly and fell onto my butt grunting. The Houndour regarded me as if considering its next move. It used Leer and I felt my body temporarily seize up. I watched the Pokémon as I tried to get my frozen body to respond and fought the panic that was beginning to well up inside my throat. When I could move again I was hit with Ember head on a painful Burn making my right arm sizzle as I screamed loud in pain. When it seemed I had a semblance of control over my body I gave the little fur ball an angry glare.
I got into the stance that Mist had shown me from out last training session and faced my opponent letting my anger replaced by calm. I took a deep breath and when the Houndour lunged at me, with its canine teeth bared, I dodged out of the way and when it landed, I waited for its next move. My burnt right arm hung useless at my side while I waited.
***It sure is taking him awhile to get back with that firewood.*** I thought to myself before closing my eyes and concentrating to sense out his aura. The forest was resolved into a world of darkness only lit by the blue of the trees as they flew past. My mind searched out further for his familiar presence and a flash of red across my eyes followed by an orange streak made me blanch. I opened my eyes and using a combination of scent and Aura I made my way to him and then hid in the shadows unsure if I should intervene or not.
He seemed to be quite calm now. He was almost relaxed as he kept his eyes on the Houndour. His stance was a bit out of form and his breathing a bit more labored than what I would have liked but other than that he was in the stance that I taught him. When Houndour tried to Bite him he effortlessly dodged and instead of attacking right back like I thought he would he just waited sizing up his opponent.
***He seems to have it under control.*** Still even if he did have it under control, a human should never fight a Pokémon hand to hand. He was horribly outmatched and he knew it. When Houndour lunged at him, again I jumped in the way and used Close Combat my fist and legs moving in a blur as I hit the fur ball. I landed a final kick and a loud ***CRACK!*** Resounded through the forest and the Pokémon flew back into the dirt panting.
***You could capture it you know*** I said in Max's mind and he shook his head. ***I do not have any more Pokeballs with me Mist. Even If I could catch it, I would not it. It is scared to death we should just leave it*** \_ **be.** \_ I nodded and formed an Aura Sphere in my palm and threw it down at the dirt making a huge plume of debris rise as it struck and exploded. I jumped backwards and grabbed my trainer to keep him safe as I nimbly dodged the falling debris. When we were safe I let him go and even though he was a little winded, he patted me on my head and said "Thanks for the save Mist."
I slapped him across the back, which made him stumble. "You're welcome" I sniggered and then ran off with him chasing after me. I laughed and jumped into the treetops leaping from branch to branch. "I'll get you for that Mist" I heard him yell from behind me. I sniggered and slowed down waiting for him. He passed underneath where I hid and I dropped down onto his shoulders making him fall into the dirt. I got up and offered a paw to him trying not to laugh. He took my paw and pulled himself up then shifted his weight and threw me over his shoulder. I angled my body in midair and managed to push off a tree trunk and land right beside him sticking out my tongue.
"Show off!" He muttered before starting to gather firewood again. I helped him this time and used a bit of my aura to coax the fire to light once we made it back to the original clearing. Things settled down after that with Max getting into a meditation pose after throwing a few herbs into the fire. I sat right beside him and listened to his heartbeat as he slowly relaxed. Watching my trainer I felt sorry for the pain he was feeling. I also admired how hard he was able to push himself. He has not seen civilization for two months and even though he has cut back on his own food intake, I know that he will need to get to a city soon to restock on supplies.
Soon after the *Event* as we referred to it in conversation, my trainer shut himself off to me. He was cordial with me and as kind, as usual, however I could tell something was wrong so one night as he slept I read his aura and fell into his dreams. I could not believe the magnitude of what had happened. While I realized that Gardevior was no longer with us, I believed him when he said that he released her. I confronted him about it and he broke down before my eyes. When he managed to sputter out the truth, I felt horrible for making him relive the memories.
From then on, he started to treat me better and responded to me well enough. When he expressed a desire to meditate, I was cautious at first but eventually started to teach him. He seemed to enjoy it. Only later did I realize that while he meditated he was battling his own inner hell. When I realized this, I started keeping a better eye on him. I did not need to worry thought because after every meditation he seemed slightly more like his old self than before.
Even from half way across our clearing, I could smell his burnt flesh. As he meditated, I made my way over and grabbed his burned arm and when he looked at me with reproach, I still held on. He bit his lip as my paws slowly made my way over his arm. My muzzle wrinkled in distaste while I let his arm drop. "You got broiled Max. You have to go to a city now to get your arm looked at." He sighed but accepted my point with a nod of his head.
"Let's start getting ready then." He grumbled and I grabbed his uninjured arm and tugged him to his feet. It did not take us long to return to Maniac Tunnel and grab our things after chasing away a few Zubat.
When Max leaned down to get his backpack, I took it before he could reach it. "You just need to worry about that arm. I will handle everything else." I told him leading the way to Veilstone City. He grumbled but nodded his assent and started walking down the mountain. When I saw two large boulders up ahead blocking the way, I used Aura Sphere to shatter them to bits.
Then after making it through the rubble, I supported my trainer down the mountain and past the Chimneys that provided air for the Underground. I stopped briefly to let my trainer rest and took the time to scan the Underground to see if I could detect anyone beneath us. I did manage to detect a few trainers but none of the auras was particularly strong. However, I did have to move Max out of the way when one of them surfaced exactly where he was standing seconds before.
Since I could tell that Max really did not want to talk to the new arrival I took his weight again while the trainer behind us shouted
"Hey Do you want to Battle?" we ignored him and a flash of red Light cut off our progress as a Charizard emerged from the red light. The dragon roared and a torrent of flame rushed from its snout.
***"Damn Asshole"*** I thought as Lucario propped me up on the wall and then turned to face the Charizard. ***He is a Fire/Flying Type we had better be careful.*** Mist said in my head. I nodded and thought " ***Use Close Combat***!"
Mist ran forward just as the Pokémon unfurled its wings and took to the sky out of striking range. "Charizard use Fire Fang!" yelled the Trainer behind me. I snorted and thought," \**Make *him eat an Aura Sphere*." \** While sparks started to fly from Charizard's mouth Mist was forming a sphere and when Charizard swooped in close to deliver the attack Mist shoved the sphere into his mouth and then jumped back as an explosion kicked up dust.
When it cleared the dragon Pokémon was clearly in immense pain. "CHARIZARD! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?!" He screamed at me running over to his partner. Clearly, the battle was finished and I pushed myself off the wall before replying
"Oh I don't know maybe because you decided to be macho and challenge a clearly injured trainer? You deserve what you got." I may have seemed cold but in truth, I was annoyed and my sharp tongue naturally took advantage of that.
I turned my back on him to check on Mist. "Everything OK Mist?" I asked him when I approached. He nodded but I still insisted on using one of our precious Potions on him. When I finished he huffed at me expelling a warm stream of air in my face making me laugh. I started slowly walking back down the road again after repacking my bag. Mist traveled beside me in a friendly silence leaving me to my thoughts.
***"Do you think shoving an Aura Sphere down his throat was overkill?"*** Mist shook his head no.
"Considering the situation you did the best you could." he whispered and reached for my hand. the pads on his paw felt slightly rough against my skin but I didn't object. As we headed through the grass at the base of the mountain we almost fell into a concealed hole.
I marked the spot on my Marking map App on my Poketech before carefully maneuvering around it. Once It was behind us we proceed up the path to Veilstone City. | FSE |
Title: Remnants of Love and Hope by Doctor Otter
Tags: Death, Fox, Gay Relationships, Love, M/M, Violence
The Emperor Xing smiled softly as he looked around at everyone enjoying themselves at the fair. It was good to see the smiles on the faces of the people of Han-Ma again. The war had ended exactly one year earlier and this fair was to commemorate the end of that war. Xing though felt heaviness in his breast not seeing a familiar face he had so hoped to see. Suddenly through the crowd he finally spotted him, the young arctic fox from Arca himself dressed in his regular dressings and a wearing his glasses, smiling and enjoying himself. "IAN!" screamed the young emperor in glee, "Glad you made it! Welcome to Ryo-Ma, capital of Han-Ma!" Ian looked over to the emperor and smiled softly, "Indeed, thank you for inviting me to the festivities Xing, everything here looks very colorful and the food!" he said gleefully. Xing nodded and chuckled, "Careful you don't drink too much... you'll end up in someone else's room!" He joked to Ian, "Let me show you around here!" After seeing the many sites and scenes within the capital Ian and Xing gently smiled as they watched other furs who dressed as a lung, an ancient dragon from Han-Ma lore, they saw many magic acts and wondrous scenes. Suddenly, the two came upon a young female fox that was sitting quietly in a fortuneteller's booth, dressed in fine silk and wearing a bandana over her head. "My lord Xing... might I tell you your future, as well as your friend? It's on the house..." she said smirking at the two. Ian stopped and looked to Xing, smiling gently. "A fortune, perhaps we should try it?" he asked. Xing looked wearily, "I'm not sure, some people would be here to scam us... but since it's on the house, what's to lose?" The vixen smiled and looked into her crystal ball and smiled. "My this is strange... I don't see a fortune... instead... I see... I see... a past..." she said slightly startled. Xing looked to the ball and then up to her, "Who's past?" she looked up to him and smirked, "Both of yours..." Inside of the crystal ball, the three of them saw a handsome young gray fox upon a horse, trotting along softly, the young man had his head fur tied back in a long pony tail dressed in finely polished armor and a pair of glasses marching along the dirt road gently. His gaze was laid upon a gentle young soul on the side of the road attempting to pick up his load. He was dressed in peasant's clothing that was tattered and torn all over, wearing with red pants and a white shirt, his flowing brown hair seemed out of place on a red fox such as himself, but it somehow made him more attractive. The young gray fox pulled the reins of his horse gently and dismounted, aiding the young peasant in his menial task. "Oye thank ye sir for helping me..." the young man began to say as he looked up to the young fox. When he saw who was aiding him, the peasant averted his eyes to the ground in utter shame as he realized whom it was, "Milord... Myer Brande... son of the High Duke Jules Brande... I... I apologize, I didn't realize it was you milord..." he began ranting, bowing profusely to his higher up. Myer merely stood there and smiled gently, "Arise peasant, you've no worries... I'm not one to pull my rank around here... what is your name sir?" he asked politely. The fox's lips quivered with fear, quickly answering, "Fiehrick sir... Miles Fiehrick, I run the orchard not too far from here... I'm sorry if I have offended you sir!" he said. Myer slowly took young Miles' paw and smiled softly, "Relax young one... I'm not going to harm you..." he said as he gently aided him to his feet. The young duke smiled as he ran his paw gently found his way to the fox's cheek gently and smiled, "You've no worries to offend me dear sir... I merely was trying to help you out..." Miles softly nodded as he returned to picking up the apples. Myer smiled as he aided him and looked to him as they finished, "Might I ask where you are headed good sir?" Miles looked down, obviously out of place talking to the future duke, " I was heading to my good friend's house, she was ill and I wanted to bring her some of my fruit to help her feel better." He said softly. The young duke smiled as he hopped upon his horse, "May I offer you a lift?" he asked softly as he smiled gently. Miles looked to him surprised, "N... No milord... I couldn't take a ride from royalty... would that not..." Myer shook his head gently and offered his hand, "I care not what others think, I wish to help... but I expect nothing in return..." he said softly, smiling. Miles looked up to him, "But I cannot do this for free sir... I'd be taking advantage of you Duke Brande... How about I treat you to a dinner tonight... after this errand is finished." Myer smiled gently and nodded, "That will be fine..." After some time when the chore was done, Myer and Miles dined on a fine dinner comprised of spiced meat, bread, potatoes and a fine cider from Miles' own Orchard. After dinner, Miles began cleaning off the plates as Myer watched on with utter interest, now out of the heavy armor and wearing a tabard and royal clothing. "Tell me Miles, how has your life been as an orchard owner?" Myer asked idly looking around the simple house. Miles smiled, now more comfortable and confident around his master, "It's a living, I make enough to live off of without worrying about going under any time soon, it's a great life I must say actually," He said softly as he began replacing the dishes into the cabinets, "though I do wish there was someone to share this life with..." Myer suddenly looked back to him and smiled softly, "So there's no Mrs. Fiehrick?" he asked. Miles shook his head, "I would think not... you see... I find... more pleasure spending my time with Men, that is if I made any sense," He said humbly. This peaked Myer's interest as he gently walked over to Miles and smiled gently, "What if you'd find this... man you're looking to share your life with?" he asked. Miles blushed at the question as he looked down, "Well I would forever cherish him... and he would always come before me... I would hold him and love him for the rest of my life... even into the after life I would love him." He said softly. Myer then gently wrapped his arms around Miles softly and smiled, "Really? Like this?" he said gently as he pulled the young fox close. Miles yelped slightly as Myer pulled him into an embrace and blushed even more, "But... but milord! Are you not scheduled to be married?" Miles said warily. Myer looked to him, slightly frowning, "To a worthless biddy that would yak my ear off? No thanks... besides... I too prefer men... Miles... I want to get away from the Dukedom... I'm no royal member... I wasn't cut out for that kind of life..." he said softly. Miles quivered gently, practically melting into the young gray fox's arms as he listened, "S... Sir Myer..." he began, only to be silenced as Myer turned the younger fox around and gave him a gentle kiss to his muzzle. Miles' eyes shot open at the duke's actions but he soon eased into the embrace, feeling so close to the gray fox. When they parted gently, Miles looked to Myer and smiled softly, "S... Sir Myer... I... with your permission... I'd... I'd like to make love... with you..." Myer smiled gently and began to undress the young fox before him, starting with his white button up shirt as he smiled, "Permission... granted..." Miles sighed gently as Myer slowly stripped him of his shirt slowly and lovingly as the two shared another embrace of muzzles as Mile's hands idly began taking off the duke's tabard slowly. As the two slowly made their way up to Mile's room, the heat between the two seemed unbearable, as the two quickly ridded themselves of their pants. The young duke looked to Miles and smiled politely, "I'll need your help first before I can slide in..." he sad gently, rubbing his shoulders. Miles understood what he was asking and gently lowered to his knees, giving his master gentle licks to his bulging sheath until that solid ebon member finally slides out, greeting the young fox's eager licking. Myer moaned gently as his love gently began licking the tip of his shaft gently, rubbing the back of the young red fox's head softly, enjoying the licks and suddenly was taken by surprise as the fox suddenly began deep throating him. Myer reared his head back in utter pleasure, he had never felt such desires, such forbidden fruits from another man before in which he desired for so long. After a few more moments, the young gray fox stooped his lover and looked down, murring softly, "It is time honey..." he said softly. Miles nodded in agreement and gently laid down on the bed, looking back to his lover for the night as Myer crawled over to him, spooning him as he guided his own member into the red fox's tail hole gently and lovingly. "ooooohhhhhh" moaned Miles gently as he felt that ebon shaft slowly slide into his bowels, "M... Master Brande... you're... you're so big... but gentle... I..." he began. Myer hushed his love softly and smiled as he gently thrusts into his mate lovingly and kissing the side of his neck, Myer could tell that Miles was burning in the passion of the moment, groaning and loving every moment of their closeness. Myer couldn't help but touch every inch of the young fox's body, everything about him was beautiful, even his member was beautiful as he gently began stroking it with a free hand. "ooooohhhhhhh Myer..." Miles moaned again, feeling that member slide in and out gently, "knot me Myer... I want to be your mate forever and always!" he said aloud to him. Myer smiled at this as he continued sliding in and out of his lover's tail hole when suddenly he thrusts one more time, shoving his knot into the young red fox's hole and groaning loudly as he climaxed. Miles reared his head back onto Myer's shoulder as he felt that knot tie the two together for the moment as he too felt himself knot up and climax all over his bed. After the two calmed down, Miles nuzzled Myer gently as the two spooned and wondered in the afterglow of the moment. "Miles..." began Myer softly, "I don't ever want to go back... I want to stay here forever, with you." Miles turned his head so he could catch Myer out of the corner of his eye, smiling gently, "Myer... I wouldn't have it any other way." Seven years pass and the two were wedded after their first year of living together. Myer never returned home and had gotten used to peasant life on the Fiherick orchard. Meanwhile, Jules Brande, Myer's father, was worried of his son's demise, and had been searching the world over for him. It would take a long seven years to finally find word of his son, but in the worst possible way. He came upon the orchard just as Miles and Myer were preparing to be off to market, selling the fruits they had harvested from the orchard. It wasn't that he found his son working along side a peasant, but when he saw the glimmer of wedding bands on both of their fingers, that drove him over the edge. The High Duke then drew his sword and dismounted from his white steed as he quickly walked over to the two. Just as Myer had began driving the horse and buggy away, Jules raised his sword and sliced through Mile's flesh, driving the blade directly through his heart. Myer looked behind him to see Miles fall to the ground as he stopped the horse and buggy and ran to his side, "MILES!!!!!!!" he screamed as he picked up the young fox's head. "M... Myer... I... I'm sorry my love..." he said as he closed his eyes gently, forever seeing the darkness of nothingness. Myer looked at his now dead lover and looked up to his father with seething hatred and anger none that he knew before. "FATHER!!!!!" he screamed aloud, "Why did you do this?! Why do you dare stand to see me in this state after killing the man I love?!?!?!" Jules looked to his son with disdain as he replaced his sword, "No son of mine is going to denounce his heritage and live as a peasant!" Myer's heart was filled with rage as he gently pulled out his own sword and charged at his own father "YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!" he screamed as he went for an attack, only to find a sword to be buried deep within his chest. Jules sneered angrily as he then shoved the blade deep into his son's chest, growling loudly, "From this day forward... I have no son!" and then he pulled his blade from Myer's chest, falling to the ground in agony. The Duke then looked over to a pair of twin kits over by the house, watching on with a look of bewilderment. Jules sighed heavily and looked to the Kits, gently picking them both up in his arms, taking them with him to the castle, and before leaving, as an after thought, the still alive Myer would see his own father hacking off the hand in which held the wedding band, causing Myer to scream in pain. As Jules left, Myer dragged himself over to his dead lover and held him close, panting heavily as tears gently flowed over his cheeks. "I... I'm sorry my love... I... I couldn't avenge you... I was too weak... to protect you." Myer then gave a gentle kiss to the young red fox's lips and gently faded into nothingness. It had seemed like eternity, but finally Myer slowly awakened to find himself in a graveyard, slowly sitting up and looking around, "W... Where am I?" he said to himself. Suddenly, he heard footsteps from behind him and as he turned around, a wolven figure stood before him, with the scythe on his shoulder, Myer immediately recognized who it was. "C... Crescent Moon!!!!! That... that must mean that I'm..." Myer stuttered. "Dead?" Crescent Moon finished for him and looked down to him, "Yes... yes you're dead Myer Brande. I'm here to lead you to your ultimate goal... whether it is here, or in the hellish pits of despair, or back on the planet... to find out you must follow me." He said calmly as he walked in a general direction. Myer nodded softly as he stood up and walked along the path with him. It had felt like days, but they finally arrived to Ellysa's palace. Ellysa had Myer tell her the story of his life, of how in life he was a righteous man who would help the needy and give to the poor when necessary, about the consequences of leaving his father and his title and the death of him and his mate. Ellysa nodded softly and looked to him and smiled, "Though your end was truly a tragic one Myer, you're welcome to stay on the Ellysian Isle if you desire... but no this, once you stay here... you may never return to your world." Myer looked at her, still sobbing from telling the gory details of his and his mate's death, "I want to be re-united with my mate... my lover Miles Fiherick..." he said softly. Ellysa nodded softly and looked to him, "You're mate is already en-route to the world again... if you wish to see him again, I can have you reincarnated..." Myer looked to her and smiled, tears still streaming down his cheek, "You... You could?!?!" he said. Ellysa nodded and gently began touching his cheek, "Since you died so horribly, I will grant you a gift... the gift not many receive... in the next life your fur will be snow white, you will have astral projection, and the ability to heal those who are wounded. You will be a Soul Fox..." and with that, Myer felt a sudden pull from behind him as his soul was suddenly pulled back towards the earth. It would take a few years but Myer's soul returned to earth in the form of a baby crying to a pair of brewmeisters in Arca. "It's a Boy!" said the father gleefully as he picked up the young snow fox kit into his arms smiling. The mother slowly held her arms out as the father gently gave the kit to her, she smiled gently and looked to her lover, "He's so tiny... and adorable..." she said softly. The father smiled and looked to her, "So, Isolde, what do you want to call him the seventh child of your litter?" The young mother smiled and looked to the father, "You know Liam... I've always loved the name... Ian... Ian Rainhardt." The father nodded softly and smiled, "Ian... wonderful name love." Meanwhile, four years later on the other side of the world, Miles' soul was sent to the land of Han-Ma as a young kit over there. His mother held him tightly in her arms, smiling as he gently suckled on her breast for nurishment. Suddenly, the emperor comes rushing in and smiled, "Mina?! Mina You have given birth?! When I heard from the other side of Han-Ma I rushed over here..." She smiled gently and looked down to him, "Yes My dear Lou, I've named him Prince Xing, the first of hopefully many children to come." The father smiled brightly at the young one as he fell asleep in his mother's arms, "Something tells me this lad will have a wonderous future ahead of him..." Ian and Xing stood looking at the crystal ball, wondering if what they had seen was true. Xing looked up and began to speak, "Oracle... is this vision..." but before he could finish, she was already gone. Ian looked to Xing and shivered a bit, "That was a little weird, but it would explain many unanswered questions between the two of us..." Xing nodded softly and looked up, realizing it was getting late, "We should return to our rooms... it is getting late, do you have a place to stay Ian?" Ian shook his head softly, "Unfortunately I cannot read your home language, I only know the language of Arca." He said blushing softly. Xing nodded softly and smiled, "No worries, you can come back to the palace with me... I'm sure Lady Sun wouldn't mind it..." with that, the two began walking back towards the palace. Ian suddenly stopped and looked to the crystal ball, blinking a bit, seeming very familiar, as if he heard of a story of a fox woman who had the power to see the past lives of ever being. Ian shook his head, dismissing it as a fantasy and began walking back to the palace, but from the shadows, stood the oracle as she smiled, watching the two leave. "Believe it or not Xing and Ian," she began, "But this is all true... and Myer and Miles were destined to live together in harmony... know this you two, you both will be each other's rock when being taken in by the storm." And with that she vanished back into the shadow, from whence she came, leaving unanswered questions of her true identity and mission. | FSE |
Title: A Bellhop's Duties Ch. 01
Tags: steve cooper, lifted receiver, finally steve, room phone, standing proudly, stood held, phone dead, phone company, pants leg, mouth bob
*Summary: Sometimes my job has definite perks.
Note: 1) Please remember that unprotected sex can be very dangerous. Only engage in it without protection if you know and trust your lover or if you like things like Russian Roulette. Remember this is a work of fantasy, not reality.
2) This story involves graphic sex between 2 men. If this kind of thing offends you, you're in the wrong place to begin with.*
\* \* \* \* \*
Many of you are aware of bellhops as those characters in movies that respond when a bell is rung at the front desk of a major hotel. And that's not too far off from the truth. But, beyond taking luggage up to a room or out to a cab, we have many other duties to perform. Some might even surprise you.
I work for a large downtown hotel. I've been a bellhop for several years since I was downsized out of my previous job. But, while the pay isn't that great, the tips can be quite sizable. And the stress is far lower. For a young single guy, it's just about the perfect job.
Even the uniform is kind of cool looking. Ours are dark blue tunics with white slacks. Gold buttons and white gloves. No hats too. (Those little pillboxes always irritated me in movies.) And my slightly long blonde hair contrasts with the uniform nicely.
Also, I've been told I fill out the uniform quite well too.
My hours are good. I work from 10 AM to 7 PM most of the time with two days off during the week. My meals are from the kitchen that serves the main dining room so I eat well but I get a lot of exercise both during and before work. (I get to use the hotel's gym and sauna before it opens to the public.) And I can get discounts on travel from the agency in our lobby.
So, all in all, I may take home a bit less than I used to, I also get to eat better than before and I don't have to pay fees to any gym.
And I owe it all to my old college roommate, Bob. He studied hotel management in school and is now the head concierge at the hotel. He knew I was having trouble landing a new job and suggested I try this for a while. That was over three years ago.
And I thank him just about every day.
One day, while I was in the process of thanking Bob for helping me out, he pulled my face off his cock to give me a tip. (Did I mention that he and I were lovers while we were roomies?) Seems the rich scion of one of America's more prominent families was coming to stay and Bob thought I could help out.
"You're the best worker I have. And you're totally dedicated to any task at hand. Or mouth," Bob said with a wink.
I smiled back, "Sounds great. Let me know where and when." Then I took his hardness in my mouth again.
Bob isn't too big, about average, but he has tremendous staying power. And, since I love a cock in my mouth more than just about anything else, that's perfect for me.
Nibbling lightly on the spongy head, I sucked in just the mushroom cap. I stuck my tongue into the slit and tasted his salty precum. Then I licked down the smooth shaft until my nose was tickled by his pubic hair.
Tracing back up the other side, I ran my tongue along the underside of the head until I reached the slit again. Teasing that for a few more seconds, I decided to expand my coverage. I pulled his pants further down and went after his balls.
Bob has nicely furry nuts. They tickle my tongue when I lick them and fell like velvet in my mouth. I can easily get both of his balls in my mouth to suck and lick them.
This time, I took turns with each one. I licked his scrotum thoroughly then sucked in the left nut to tease the tight skin over it. Then I moved over and sucked in the right testicle. Naturally, after that, I took both in my mouth.
After taking off my gloves, I used the fingers of my left hand to play with Bob's ass. I ran the tip of my finger around the tight hole then, taking a brief break from sucking his balls, I wet two of my fingers and slid one into him.
Bob's groan told me he was close. I'd been playing with him for nearly a half hour, after all.
I moved my mouth back up and took him into me, sucking hard. As I tongued the shaft in my mouth and rubbed the head against the back of my throat, I shoved the second finger into him and touched his prostate.
His body arcing off the chair, Bob came and came. It seemed like gallons of his milky-white cum flowed down my throat. But being so used to his orgasms, I happily swallowed his load.
Finally, he collapsed back into his desk chair, sighed and pulled my up to sit on his lap. I could feel his still-hard cock pressing against my thigh through my uniform pants as he turned my face to kiss me.
Bob loved to taste himself but only on or in someone else. He always reamed me after fucking me and we always kiss after blowjobs. This was one of his special, tongue swabs of my entire mouth.
After he got all the traces of his cum he could find, we just sat there slowly kissing and relaxing.
Finally, I had to get up. As I stood, I saw a smear of cum on my pants leg. Bob saw it too and swooped down on it, licking and sucking the material. When he finished, there was a larger wet spot on my thigh. It's a good thing I can get my uniforms dry-cleaned through the hotel.
Bob stood to fix his pants and said, "He'll be here day after tomorrow. I'll be sure to have you around then."
Giving my ex-lover another quick kiss, I said, "Thank you."
"My pleasure," Bob said.
Then I left his private office to head for the small locker room. Fortunately no one saw me with a large stain on my pants leg.
I was looking forward to our upcoming guest. I had heard that he was quite generous when it came to gratuities.
And I have to admit that it would be something to brag about to friends later.
As it turned out, I had a longer wait than two days. Our guest decided it was time to visit old friends in Aspen or one of those western ski havens.
However, it was not a total loss, his personal assistant, Steve Cooper, came ahead to look things over. Bob acted as his host and told our guest if he needed anything to ask for Bob or myself and we would see to it.
Steve Cooper was a young man, about our age, so in his late 20s. He seemed, under the tailored suit, to have a pretty nice body. He had a pleasant smile, dark brown eyes and short, light brown hair. He seemed like a pretty likable guy.
A few hours after his arrival, Bob called me to the front desk. "Mike, I need you to go to Mr. Cooper's room and make sure everything is okay. Just a pleasant little check. I'd go but I have to meet with the catering staff. If there's any problem, page me."
"Okay Bob."
"If he needs anything, anything at all, I want you to take care of it. Okay?"
I headed up to the suite Mr Cooper was staying in. It had a front room with a view of the park, a bedroom to the left and a large bathroom to the right. There was a small wetbar and all the amenities you'd expect in such a hotel, including an entertainment center with a VCR, a DVD player and a large screen television.
And, by the way, it was a dump compared to the suite of rooms his boss would be occupying on his visit. If only I could live in such a 'dump'.
I knocked lightly on the door and heard a muffled, "Just a minute..."
After over a minute, the door opened and I saw our guest in one of the hotel's terrycloth robes. He looked like he'd taken a shower recently. And he smelled clean but I detected a trace of...
"Yes?" His question directed me back to the reason for my visit.
"I hope I'm not disturbing you. But Bob, Uh, Mr. Reynolds, asked me to see if everything is satisfactory. Can I get you anything? Or do anything for you?" I knew what I'd like to do for, and to him.
"Well, it's kind of embarrassing, but could you take a look at the bedroom phone? Maybe I'm doing something wrong..."
I smiled and nodded. He showed me into the bedroom and I checked out the connections. I don't know what the problem was but, when I lifted the receiver, the phone was dead.
"I'll get housekeeping right on it," I promised.
"No rush. The living room one should work."
"Okay, but I will get it looked at. Can't have telephone problems in the city's premier hotel." We walked out into the main room and I noticed the entertainment center was open and in use. From the blank TV screen, I could see that the VCR, or the DVD, was engaged but off.
I went ahead and lifted the receiver of the main room's phone and it was dead too. 'Seems like the line to the suite might be down,' I thought. I didn't voice this as it might be bad for the hotel's image, especially to such an influential guest. Instead I blamed the phone company and said I'd get right on it. Then I turned to the door.
"If there's anything else you need Mr. Cooper, please feel free to ask for me. My name's Mike. Mike Bowman."
"Please, call me Steve," he said as he stuck out his hand. I grasped it, feeling a firm grip but gentle too. "You know, there is one thing. I'd like to order some room service but.." He gestured towards the useless phone.
"My pleasure. What would you like? I'll bring it right up."
He gave me a quick order for a club sandwich. I nodded and left with a quick "Be right back!"
As it turned out, my blaming the phone company was a lucky guess. The lines in Midtown were down due to some problem at a switching center.
I went directly to the kitchen and gave Gretchen, the day chef, our guest's order and told her to let me know when it was ready. She understood the desire to give the white-glove treatment to certain guests.
Finally, nearly twenty minutes later, she brought a tray out to me in the lobby. Thanking her, I headed up in the elevator.
As I neared his door, I heard voices and saw the door was slightly ajar. I realized I hadn't heard it click shut behind me when I left. I hoped he wouldn't be too upset.
I listened to the voices, not wanting to interrupt anything important but trying not to eavesdrop at the same time. One thing I couldn't ignore was the statement, "I want to suck your cock now!"
I was about to leave the tray outside the door, close it quietly and knock then leave. As I reached for the doorknob, I glanced into the suite. What I saw was not at all what I expected.
Steve was on the couch, and while I couldn't be sure, I thought his robe was lying open. But, instead of seeing part of someone's head, I saw his arm moving. Then I glanced up and saw the TV was on.
And boy, was it on! There on the oversized screen was a scene of a young blonde guy going to town on a large, throbbing cock!
Steve was watching porn. And not just any porn but gay porn!
Something inside of me urged me into the room. Quietly closing the door, I came up behind him and saw the robe was open and he was pumping his own dick slowly as he watched the boy sucking the man's dick on the television.
There is often a sixth sense in a good bellhop that knows when and what a guest needs. This was one of those times. I placed my hands on Steve's shoulders as I said, "Can I be of service?"
He jumped then scrambled out from under my hands. Pulling the robe around him quickly, he stood in front of the TV red-faced and trembling.
"I... It's not... Please don't say..."
I looked at Steve and smiled. "I meant what I said earlier about anything you need. And I do mean anything."
I glanced down at his crotch. He was unsuccessful in covering his hardness when he whipped the robe on. And the man on the TV was really moaning as sucking sounds could also be heard.
Before he could say or do anything more, I stepped around the couch and led him back. "Please, just relax."
I knelt between his legs as I pulled the robe open. He had a great body, lightly muscled and practically hairless. The skin was smooth and pink until my eyes got to his crotch. There was a nice little bush of pubic hair, slightly darker than the hair on his head. Standing proudly out from his nest of fur was a nicely hard cock.
His cock was lovely. It was seven or eight inches long and about four inches or so around. The shaft was lightly veined and smooth, the head was moist and absolutely lovely.
I wrapped a gloved hand around it and stroked it gently. With my other hand, also gloved, I stroked the flat skin of his stomach up to his muscled chest. Steve closed his eyes, obviously enjoying the sensation of a cottony touch. I know I do.
I bent over and took him in my mouth. I laved the head and tasted his precum as I licked his slit, one thing I love to do. Then I proceeded to move up and down his shaft, my tongue in constant contact with his heated flesh.
After bobbing on his dick for a few minutes, I moved on to his balls. They were shaved and smooth. What a delight! I suckled them for several minutes before moving back up to take his cock into my mouth again. Still wearing my cotton gloves, I cupped his balls gently in my hands, tickling and caressing them.
After bobbing up and down a couple of times, I started to lick it like a lollipop. I took long, slow swipes up from the base to the head then swabbed down the other side of his shaft.
One hand slipped to the back of my head caressingly, fingers running lightly through my blonde curls. It brought a wonderful frisson of pleasure to my body and made my already-hard dick even harder.
I felt Steve's cock twitch and his ballsac tighten. He was about to go so I quickly took him back into my mouth.
He fired blast after blast of hot spunk into my throat. Somehow I managed to swallow it all. It was delicious.
After Steve came, I gently licked his dick clean then released it from my mouth. As I stood up, I said, "If I can be of service again..."
Steve stood and touched my cheek tenderly. His other hand rested on my flat stomach, I could feel his heat through my tunic. "Do you have to go?"
Before I could answer, he kissed me. It was a long, deep lover's kiss that thrilled me to my toes.
My hands slid under his open robe to caress his back as our tongues danced together. His hands moved around me too. The hand that had touched my cheek now held the back of my head gently and his other rested in the small of my back.
He pulled back from the kiss, shrugged off the robe to stand there in his glorious nudity, and asked, "So do you? Or can I convince you to stay?"
I enjoyed his argument and, as I was about to regretfully tell him no, I remembered Bob telling me to take care of our guest. Smiling, I pulled Steve to me and resumed our kiss.
Several long minutes later, he sat me down on the couch. Straddling my lap, his dick now recovered and standing proudly again, he sat facing me and leaned in. He licked my ear then nibbled the love, his teeth clicking on the simple gold stud there. Then he whispered, "You have too many clothes on..."
He began to lick my lips and then the insides of my mouth as he worked at opening my tunic. Once the buttons were open, his strong, soft hands slid inside to caress my chest. (In the summer, I rarely wear anything under my jacket.)
Pulling back, he looked deep into my eyes and said, "I'm glad I convinced you to stick around."
I wrapped my hand around his renewed erection and said, "Oh yeah, you really had to twist my arm..."
I took a moment to pull off my gloves. When Steve started to protest, I explained the difficulty of removing cum stains from the material. He laughed and slipped to the floor to help me off with my shoes and socks. Then he gently massaged my feet until they were like butter. After that he turned his attention to the waistband of my white pants.
Looking at the tightness in the crotch, he giggled, "Is that for me?"
I lifted my ass as he pulled my pants down my hips. Unlike my upper body, I was wearing briefs under my pants. But they were doing a bad job of containing the rage beast between my legs.
Steve tossed my pants aside and ran his hands up from my feet to my thighs. His touch was sensuous and exciting while still being gentle. He leaned down and kissed my hard-on through my cotton jockeys. It twitched in response. When he ran his tongue along the cloth-covered length of me, it throbbed.
"Oh, I think someone wants to come out and play," Steve teased. Leaning up, he kissed me quickly before he resumed stripping me.
Normally I don't care for cutesy playful talk during sex but with Steve it was different. It added something to our activities.
Once I was as naked as Steve, he wrapped his lips around my stiffness. His tongue played with the head of my cock then fluttered down the length of my shaft. His hand held me upright while the other played with my balls.
I groaned loudly as he played with and love my cock. Much more of this and I would've shot into his mouth then and there.
Which was exactly what Steve wanted. He pulled off for a moment and asked, "You're close, aren't you?"
When I nodded, he dove back down on me, practically swallowing my cock. That magic tongue of his went to work as he gently pulled on my scrotum. In seconds, I yelled, "SSSSTEEEEVVVVVEEEE!"
After that, the next thing I knew was Steve sitting next to me on the couch, holding me. When I opened my eyes, I smiled at him and kissed him.
"Thank you. You are incredible."
"So are you," he said. Then he kissed me, a long, wet, exciting kiss.
After the kiss, we sat there watching the porn still playing on the TV. Occasionally I would shoot a glance at his dick or Steve would eye mine to see if we were recovered yet.
Finally, Steve clicked off the TV, stood and held out his hand. "Join me in the shower?"
I merely nodded and let him help me to my feet. A task I rewarded by kissing him.
"Lead on, " I said after untangling my tongue from Steve's.
And what a lovely sight it was to see his tight ass in front of me as we headed through the bedroom into the bathroom. I glanced at the whirlpool tub, thinking of the fun we could have there as he went to the shower. My attention was caught by Steve again as I watched him stretch a bit to turn on the shower.
What a beautiful body!
Steve steeped under the water and beckoned me to join him. We embraced under the warm, streaming water; the feel of his hard body against mine was deliciously erotic. Our still recovering cocks brushed each other and hardened some more.
Kissing gently under the shower head, we caressed each other's wet bodies for several minutes. Then it was time to lather up...
Taking the soap, I took my time rubbing every part of Steve I could as I built up a lathery foam on his torso. I paid particular attention to his groin and ass, which he seemed to appreciate, if his groans meant anything.
As I washed the suds off Steve, he took the soap and started to rub it all over me. Soon, it was my turn to moan as he gently cleaned my body, especially the aforementioned pleasure spots. When a finger slipped into me, my moan became a loud groan of pleasure.
"Looks like someone likes having their ass played with," Steve joked. I kissed him by way of saying yes.
Now, I'm not a top or a bottom. I enjoy both giving and taking a hard cock in the ass. Bob was a bottom, except when it came to my blowjobs, and I was currently between anything like a steady lover so no one had really touched me there for a while. When Steve fingered me, it was (I hoped) a promise of bigger, and better, things to come.
When I asked him if he planned to fuck me, he smiled and asked, "You want me too?"
"Oh yes..."
"Well, we'll see," he teased. "But first, I think there's something you need to take care of. After all, you want your guests happy, don't you?"
Cupping his tight ass in both hands, I kneaded the firm cheeks as I replied, "I always believe in making the customer happy. How's this?"
I poked a finger at his tight hole again and he yelped, "Oh yeah! Right there! I need you to fuck me..."
I drop to my knees in the shower, turned him around and spread his cheeks. Steve leaned against one of the walls of the shower as the water cascaded down his back and trickled past his anus.
As I leaned in, I swear his ass winked at me. I laughed, "Your ass is winking at me!"
"It just means it's happy," Steve replied with a giggle.
That giggle changed to a low moan when I began to swab his tight little pucker. The low moan grew as I pushed my tongue into his ass, French kissing him down there.
I took my time, licking the edge of his tight sphincter and pushing into him. By the steady state of his moaning, and the way his cute little ass shoved back at me as it moved around, I think Steve was enjoying my work.
By this point, I was again hard as a rock. Reaching around, I foudn Steve was as well. Ah, the joys of being young. We were both ready to go again less than an hour after we both enjoyed marvelous blowjobs (if I do say so myself).
I continued to rim his ass for some time though. In case you haven't picked up on it, I'm a very orally-fixated person. I love to use my mouth for pleasure - mine and my partner's.
Finally, Steve stood straight. "I want your hard cock in me. Now!" Then as a nice, little afterthought, he added, "Please."
I stood and held his hip with one hand while guiding my dick with the other. His ass was tight! It was apparent he was used to taking dicks up his ass but it must've been some time since he had been fucked.
I slowly pushed with the flared head of my cock until it slipped into Steve. He moaned and fell forward onto his crossed arms. I stopped for a moment, "Are you alright?"
"Oh yes... Please... More..."
I happily obliged and shoved more of my length into him. Once I was buried to my pubic hair, I began to slowly saw in and out of him. I could feel his prostate as I went in deep and Steve felt it too. Every moan made my smile grow even as my excitement was growing.
As I continued to fuck Steve's ass, he leaned back to me. Taking one hand from his hip, he guided it to his nipple. I willingly began to tweak and roll it as I thrust in and out of his hot, tight ass.
It didn't take long before my cock exploded again, coating his rectum with my creamy cum. It was all I could do not to fall over onto Steve.
I held him as my cock shrank, occasionally stroking his still-rigid dick. When I softened enough and slipped out, I dropped down and began to suck and lick his oozing asshole. After thoroughly cleaning him up, I stood and shared my treasure with him.
All this time, the warm water of the shower was poring down on us. Thank God for the large hot-water heaters hotels use.
Before we began to prune too much, Steve took my hand and led me out of the stall. Then he lovingly caressed me with a soft, absorbent towel. He even remembered to be careful of my still-sensitive dick.
I then toweled him off, being equally careful of his hard cock for different reasons - I wanted him in my ass. Badly.
Once dry, we stood and kissed before Steve took my hand and led me to the large bed in the other room.
The phone rang as I was flat on my stomach with my new friend laying on top of me, slowly, gently fucking my ass. I groaned. What a time for the phones to start working.
Amazingly, without missing a beat, Steve hit the speaker phone button. After a long moment, he said, "Yesss?"
"Mr. Cooper, this is Bob at the front desk. I just called to let you know the phones are working again." I groaned lightly as Steve's dick prodded my prostate. "Is everything okay, Mr. Cooper?"
Steve laughed. "Yesss. E-everything it just gr-reat!"
"Good. Is Mike taking care of you?"
"Oh God! Yes! He certainly is!"
I didn't know whether to groan, laugh, or moan in pleasure. Fortunately, the conversation was at an end.
"B-bob, if there's nothing el-else, I have a pressing engagement to...to attend to..."
"Of course. Sorry to bother you Mr. Cooper."
The line went dead and we both started to laugh. And this led to his cock moving around and around in my ass. What a feeling!
Steve resumed his slow pistoning of my rectum as he kissed and licked the back of my neck and ear.
Soon, his pace picked up and I knew I was about to receive another helping of his love potion.
As he blasted a load into my ass, coating my rectum with his sweet honey, I spurted yet another load into the sheets under me. My cries were muffled by the pillow under my head but Steve made up for that.
Several minutes later, we lay in each other's arms, exchanging gentle sweet kisses while we gently touched and caressed each other.
"God, you are fantastic, Mike! I love your ass, your cock, your mouth. I love..."
I silenced him with a long loving kiss. "Let's just wait before we go too far. Okay?" I finally said.
Steve laughed and caressed my asscheek, "Too far?"
I smiled back at him, "You know what I mean."
"Fair enough. But, as long as I'm in town, how about keeping me company? Here in the suite and while I take care of things in town."
I looked deep into his dark, soulful eyes and said, "It'd be my pleasure."
The kiss that followed was again incredible.
*The End (for now)* | literotica |
Title: Safarierlebnisse 1 by Sarno
Tags: Anal, Bisexual, Fox, German Language, M/M/F, Oral, Tiger, Toys, Vaginal, Wolf
So, das ist nun der 1. Teil meiner ersten Yiffstory, ich hoffe mal das sie euch gefällt. Achja wer die Story lesen will muss mindestens 18 sein. Über kritik würde ich micht freuen. Und nun, viel spaß beim lesen.
Safarierlebnisse - von Sarno
Wie so oft surfte ich mal wieder im Internet, um zu sehen ob es was Neues gab, was mich interessieren könnte. Nebenbei, ich heiße Sarno und bin ein 20jähriger Fuchs. Ich bin ca. 1,80 Meter groß (die Ohren nicht mit gemessen), schlank und von relativ sportlicher Statur. Mein Fell hat auch die normale fuchstypische Zeichnung, allerdings mit einer kleinen Besonderheit, es sieht aus, als ob mich ein goldener Schimmer umgibt, wenn die Sonne drauf scheint. Ansonsten trag ich noch einen Clip am rechten Ohr und ein Lederhalsband. Meistens ziehe ich auch dunkle bzw. schwarze Sachen an, worauf sich, optisch gut passende, lilafarbene (etwas dunkleres lila) Streifen befinden.
Während ich mich von Seite zu Seite klickte, öffnet sich auf einmal eine weitere Seite, die Werbung für ein Gewinnspiel macht. Als ich mir diese Seite genauer anschaute, stellte ich fest, dass in diesem Gewinnspiel eine 2 wöchige Safarireisen verlost wurde. Insgesamt 20 x 2 Karten. Diese Safari ging nach Nrey, ein Dschungel in den Land Serila. 'Hmm, so eine Safari währe doch genau das Richtige für mich, um ein paar Leute kennen zu lernen und vielleicht ist ja auch jemand dabei, der zu mir passt' dachte ich mir mit einen leichten grinsen und stellte mir ein paar hübsche Weibchen und süße Männchen vor, da ich bi war. Kurz darauf nahm ich auch schon an dem Gewinnspiel teil. Ich glaubte zwar nicht wirklich dran, dass ich so eine Reise gewinnen würde, aber die Teilnahme war kostenlos und so hatte ich auch nichts zu verlieren.
Eine Woche später fand ich in meinen Briefkasten einen Umschlag. Als ich den Umschlag öffnete, fand ich einen Zettel und zwei Reisetickets. Überrasch und glücklich zugleich las ich mir den beiliegenden Zettel durch, womit mir zum gewinn der Reise gratuliert wurde. Als ich weiter las, erfuhr ich wann und von wo die Reise begann. Nach einen kurzen blick auf meinen Kalender stellte ich fest das die Reise erst in 4 Wochen begann und so noch genug Zeit war.
Mit jedem Tag der verstrich, freute ich mich ein bisschen mehr auf die Reise. Am Abend, 2 Tage vor Beginn der Reise, fing ich an meine große Reisetasche zu packen. Als ich meine Schränke durchsucht, um zu entscheiden was ich mitnehmen wollte, öffnete ich auch aus versehen eine Schublade, worin sich Taschentücher, Gleitgel und ein Dildo befanden. Diese Dinge nutzte ich ab und zu mal, um mich ein bisschen zu vergnügen, wenn ich mal alleine zu Hause war. Während ich meine Utensilien so betrachtet, bemerkte ich, dass ich mal wieder Lust auf ein bisschen Spaß hatte.
Kurze Zeit später begann ich mich auszuziehen, nahm diese Utensilien mit und legte mich auf meine Couch. Langsam begann ich mich an der Brust zu streicheln und rutschte mit meiner Pfote immer tiefer. Als sie an meinen Sheath angekommen war, fing ich langsam an diesen zu massieren, wobei mir ein genießendes knurren entfuhr. Mit der anderen Pfote begann ich nun meinen Hoden zu massieren, während mein Glied immer größer und härter wurde. Als mein Penis seine maximale Größe erreicht hatte, rutschte meine Pfote nun von meinen Sheath nach oben, umfasst mein Glied und bewegte sich sanft auf und ab. Meine andere Pfote bewegte sich ebenfalls ein stück tiefer, um nun mit einem Finger leicht mein Tailhole massieren zu können, was mir wieder ein genießendes knurren entlockte.
Sanft begann ich nun mit meinen Finger gegen meine ffnung zu drücken und rutschte etwas hinein, worauf ich ihn wieder herauszog, nur um ihn wieder in mir versinken zu lassen. Dies wiederholte ich noch ein paar Mal, bevor ich aufhörte mit wichsen und Fingerficken, da ich jetzt etwas anderes in mir spüren wollt. Darauf hin nahm ich das Gleitgel und den Dildo. Mit dem Gleitgel rieb ich den Dildo und mein Tailhole ein bevor ich es wieder wegstellte. Mit der einen Pfote begann ich wieder zu wichsen, während ich mit der anderen mir den Dildo leicht an meine ffnung drückte und ihn mir langsam einführte, was mich erneut lustvoll knurren lies. Erst langsam und dann immer schneller werdend begann ich mich mit den Dildo zu ficken und wichst mich immer im gleichen Takt dazu.
Nach etwa 3 Minuten bildete sich an meinen Glied der Knoten und ich merkte wie sich der Orgasmus langsam aufbaute, deshalb zielte ich mit meinem Glied auf meine Schnauze und öffnete diese. Immer schneller wichst und fickt ich mich, bevor ich stöhnend meinen Höhepunkt erreicht und ich mir selber 4 große Fontänen meines Saftes in die Schnauze spritzte, welche ich genüsslich herunterschluckte. Nach dem mein Orgasmus abgeklungen war und die letzten weißen Tropfen auf mein Fell fielen, zog ich mir den Dildo wieder heraus und stöhnte noch mal genießend. Danach säuberte ich ihn wieder und wischte mir das Gleitgel und mein Sperma mit Taschentüchern ab. Als ich das erledigt hatte räumte ich diese Utensilien wieder weg und begab mich unter die Dusche und danach ins Bett. Glücklich und erschöpft dachte ich noch mal an die Safari und schlieft dann ein.
Als ich am nächsten Morgen aufwachte, fiel mir gleich wieder ein, dass ich noch meine Reisetasche packen wollte. Sicher hätte ich das auch schon hinter mir, hätte ich mich nicht zu ein bisschen Spaß hinreißen lassen. Also stand ich auf, erledigte meine Morgentoilette, frühstückte und begann sogleich weiter zu packen. Während ich packte musste ich völlig die Zeit vergessen haben, denn als ich aus den Fenster schaute, fing es draußen an langsam dunkel zu werden. Eine Stunde später war ich auch endlich fertig. Ich aß noch ein bisschen und begab mich danach unter die Dusche. Anschließend ging ich in mein Schlafzimmer, stellte meinen Wecker auf um 6 Uhr und legte mich schlafen.
Pünktlich um 6 Uhr klingelte mein Wecker und riss mich aus meinen Träumen. Ich stand auf und schaltete den Wecker aus. Danach erledigte ich meine Morgentoilette, frühstückte zog mich an. Als ich fertig war schaute ich auf meine Uhr. Es war 6:55 Uhr. Also nahm ich meine Reisetasche und ging zu meinem Auto. Mit einem gestottere ging der Motor an und ich fuhr los zum Flughafen. Der Verkehr war zwar ziemlich dicht, doch war ich bereits 7:40 Uhr da und begab mich sogleich zu Flieger, denn er sollte 8:10 Uhr starten. Eine Stunde und 10 Minuten später landeten wir auf einen sehr großen Flughafen, von den dann der eigentliche Flieger starten sollte. Ich ging zur Info und sah dort auch schon eine Gruppe von ca. 25 Leuten. Zu dieser Gruppe gehörte auch ein Pärchen, bestehend aus einem Tiger und einer Wölfin.
Die Wölfin war etwa auch so groß wie ich, also um die 1,80 Meter. Sie hatte ein eine schöne und schlanke Figur, ihr Fell ist größtenteils grau, hat aber auch mehrere weiße stellen, was optisch gut passt. Sie war etwa 21 Jahre alt und trug eine enge Jeans, die ihren süßen hintern noch etwas mehr betonten und ein T-Shirt, worunter sich ein paar perfekt geformte Brüste befanden. Kurz gesagt, sie sah echt sexy aus. Der Tiger neben ihr war ca. 1,90 Meter groß, wenn nicht sogar etwas mehr. Er hatte eine sportliche Figur und seine Muskeln zeichneten sich deutlich unter sein Fell ab, was eine ungewöhnliche Färbung hatte. Sein Fell hatte zwar dasselbe Muster wie bei jeden Tiger, aber die Farben waren vertauscht. Sein Fell war also im Grunde schwarz mit gelben Streifen, was echt gut aussah. Er war etwa 22 Jahre alt, trug auch eine Jeans und ein enges T-Shirt, was seine starken Bauch- und Brustmuskeln sehr betonte.
Ich musterte die zwei ausgiebig, bevor ich sie fragte, ob sie auch an der Safari teilnahmen, „Ja" antwortete mir der Tiger. „Schön, Hallo erst mal, mein Name ist Sarno und wie heißt ihr?" fragte ich sie, wobei ich den beiden die Pfote gab. „Tag, mein Name ist Renok und das hier", dabei zeigte er auf seine Freundin „ist Fira". Wir unterhielten uns noch ca. 20 Minuten und fingen an uns anzufreunden, bevor die Gruppe vollständig war und wir zusammen mit den Reiseleitern zum Flieger gingen. Auf den Weg dort hin sprachen wir auch mit den 3 Reiseleitern, damit ich während des Fluges bei Renok und Fira sitzen konnte. Etwa 10 Minuten, nachdem der letzte Passagier sich auf seinen Platz gesetzt hatte, startete der Flieger auch schon nach Neku. Diese Stadt liegt in Serila und ist ca. 70 km nördlich vom Kela, den Dorf, von dem die täglichen Touren beginnen würden.
Nach dem der Flieger in der Luft war unterhielten sich auch die Leute wieder, die während des Startes kein Laut von sich gegeben hatten. Auch ich unterhielt mich wieder mit Renok und Fira. „Wart ihr schon mal in Nrey?" fragte ich. „Nein und du?" kam es von Renok. „Ich auch nicht, aber auf den Bildern im Internet sah der Dschungel sehr schön aus". Während ich mich mit ihn unterhielt, erfuhr ich u.a. dass die beiden schon seit 2 Jahren zusammen waren. Da der Flug noch ca. 14 Stunden dauern würde, hätte ich auch noch genug Zeit mehr über die beiden zu erfahren, da sie mich mit der Zeit immer mehr interessierten. Nach einigen Stunden hatten wir auch das Thema wo und wie wir in Kela übernachten würden.
„So wie ich gehört habe, soll es da 2er-, 3er- und 4er-Bungalows geben." sagte Fira. „Na Klasse, ich kann dann wohl allein in so einen Bungalow wohnen?" fragte ich mit einem leicht sarkastischen Unterton. Kurz darauf flüsterte Renok Fira etwas ins Ohr, worauf diese nickte und anfing leicht zu grinsen. „Das ist doch kein Problem. Wir nehmen einfach einen 3er-Bungalow, und du kommst mit zu uns." Schlug mir Renok vor, wobei nun auch er anfing zu grinsen. „Hey, das ist ja ne super Idee" freute ich mich und lächelde. Nach kurzer Absprache mit den Reiseleitern war auch das geklärt. Als das erledigt war, schaute ich auf meine Uhr und stellte fest, dass der Flug noch etwa 5 Stunden dauern würde. Da ich zu unserer Ankunft ausgeruht sein wollte, bat ich die beiden mich etwa eine halbe Stunde vorher zu wecken. Kurz darauf schloss ich die Augen und schlief ein.
Etwa eine halbe Sunde später wachte ich auf, lies aber meine Augen geschlossen, als ich merkte das jemand an mir vorbei ging. Es war Renok, da war ich mir sicher. Er ging offensichtlich auf die Toilette. Zuerst dachte ich mir nichts dabei, aber als Fira nun auch aufstand, beschloss ich meine Augen zu öffnen, damit sie auch sah das ich wach war. „Wo willst du denn hin?" fragte ich. „Auf die Toilette" sagte sie. „Ist da nicht Renok im Moment?". „Ja" antwortete sie mit einen Grinsen und ging in Richtung Toiletten. Lächelnd schüttelte ich den Kopf und dachte mir 'na dann viel spaß', dann schlief wieder ein. Nach etwa einer weiteren halben Stunde wachte ich wieder auf, als die beiden wieder kamen und sie wirkten leicht erschöpft. Ich lies mir nichts anmerken, dachte noch 'na mit denen werde ich noch was erleben' und schlief gleich wieder ein.
Als ich gerade in einen Traum versunken war, wurde ich wieder geweckt von Renok. Er sagte mir darauf hin, das wir in etwa 30 Minuten Neku erreichen würden. Das freute mich natürlich, da 14 Stunden Flug doch ziemlich langweilig waren, wenn man sich nicht gerade irgendwie die Zeit vertreibt (z.B. eine halbe Stunde zu zweit auf einer Toilette). Kurze Zeit später landeten wir auch schon und gingen zu dem Ausgang des Flughafens, wo schon ein Bus auf uns wartete. Nach ca. 3 weiteren Stunden Busfahrt waren wir endlich am Ziel: Kela. Es ist zwar ein kleines, aber sehr schönes Dorf. Nach dem alle ausgestiegen waren und ihre Taschen genommen hatten, wurden allen ihre Bungalows zugeteilt. Wie abgesprochen, kamen Fira, Renok und ich in einen 3er-Bungalow, welche wir auch gleich einräumten.
Sobald wir auch das erledigt hatten, gingen wir alle dann auch erst mal was essen. Da es hier auch schon Abend war (wegen den unterschiedlichen Zeitzonen), gingen anschließend alle auch gleich ins Bett, denn der Tag war doch recht anstrengend. Zum schlafen gab es drei Einzelbetten, die man aber bei bedarf mit einander verbinden konnte, zu einen Doppel- oder sogar Dreierbett. Fira und Renok taten dass auch gleich und hatten nun ein Doppelbett, in welches sie sich legten und miteinander noch etwas kuschelten, bevor sie einschliefen (zumindest dachte ich das). Ich legte mich in mein Bett und versuchte nun zu schlafen, was mir aber nicht gelang. Also lag ich einfach da und versank ein wenig in Gedanken.
Nach etwa einer halben Stunde hörte ich die beiden auf einmal sich bewegen und leise stöhnen. Währe ich nicht wach gewesen, hätte ich wohl von deren Liebesspiel nichts gehört, selbst während sie zum Höhepunkt kamen. Noch ca. 5 Minuten hörte ich die beiden schwerer Atmen, bevor sie anfingen mit einander zu flüstern, was ich dennoch verstand. Nicht dass ich Interesse hätte andere zu belauschen, aber da ich sowieso wach war, hatte ich keine andere Wahl. „Sag mal Fira, wie findest du eigentlich Sarno?". „Niedlich und du?". „Ich auch. Was meinst du, sollten wir ihn mal fragen?". „Ich denke schon. Vielleicht sagt er ja, dann würde diese Safari bestimmt noch viel interessanter". „Dass glaub ich auch. Am besten wir fragen ihn morgen Abend". Danach schliefen sie beide ein. Ich dachte noch mal über das nach, was sie gemeint haben könnten und schlief dann auch endlich ein.
Als ich am nächsten Morgen aufwachte war es etwa 8 Uhr. Frühstück gab es um 9 Uhr, also genug Zeit zum duschen. Ich zog meine Shorts aus, nahm mein Handtuch und Waschzeug und ging ins Bad, da die beiden noch schliefen, war ich leise um sie nicht zu wecken. Nach dem ich fertig war mit duschen begann ich mich abzutrocknen. Während ich mich am Kopf trocknete, öffnete sich auf einmal die Tür und Fira kam rein. Allerdings war sie genau so nackt wie ich. Wir beide erschraken leicht, da wir den jeweils anderen nicht erwarteten. „Entschuldigung, ich hätte anklopfen sollen" sagte sie, „ich geh am besten wieder". „Brauchst du nicht, ich bin sowieso fertig" worauf ich dann auch das Zimmer verließ. Ich sah es zwar nicht, aber ich merkte wie sie mich beobachtete. Als ich mich umdrehte, um die Tür hinter mir zu schließen, sah ich sie kurz lächeln und schloss die Tür.
Während ich zu unseren Zimmer zurück ging kam ich an einen großen Spiegel vorbei und musste mit erschrecken feststellen warum Fira so gelächelt hatte: ich hatte eine Erektion bekommen, wahrscheinlich als ich sie nackt gesehen hatte. War ja auch kein wunder, so sexy wie sie war. Ich versuchte den Vorfall schnellst möglich wieder zu vergessen und ging in unser Zimmer um mich anzuziehen. Doch zuvor wickelte ich mir noch mein Handtuch um die Hüfte, damit so etwas nicht wieder so schnell passiert. Als ich rein kam, sah ich Renok, wie er sich gerade ausgezogen hatte. „Guten Morgen" sagte er. „Guten Morgen" erwiderte ich. Er bückte sich, um sein Waschzeug zu nehmen, was mir die Gelegenheit gab seinen knackigen Hintern zu betrachten. Danach ging er zum Bad, doch bevor er draußen war, drehte er sich noch mal um, grinste mich an und verschwand.
Ich ahnte schlimmes und als ich an mir herunter sah, bestätigte sich meine Vermutung. In meinem Handtuch war eine große Beule. 'Nicht schon wieder' dachte ich mir. Ich hoffte dass sie es schnell wieder vergessen würden und zog mich an. Als die beiden wieder kamen, erwähnten sie es nicht weiter. Sie zogen sich an und wir gingen zum essen. Nach dem wir fertig waren, hatten wir ca. eine Stunde, bis unsere erste Tour beginnen würde, die für heute geplant war (Wir erfuhren, dass es 10:30 Uhr losging). So begaben wir uns zurück zum Bungalow, um uns langsam vorzubereiten. Ich zog mir entsprechende Sachen an und packte mir einen kleinen Proviant ein. Fira und Renok taten das gleiche und als sie fertig waren, legten sie sich noch gemeinsam in ihr Bett, um ein bisschen zu kuscheln.
Ich sah den beiden dabei zu und hätte am liebsten gleich mitgemacht, aber ich glaubte kaum daran, dass so etwas passieren würde. Nachdem ich den beiden gut eine halbe Stunde beim kuscheln zugesehen hatte, drehten sie sich zu mir um und Fira fragte: „Ist dir nicht langweilig, die ganze Zeit so herumzuliegen?". „Nö, eigentlich nicht, euch zuzuschauen, vertreibt auch ein wenig die Zeit. In sofern ihr nichts dagegen habt." sagte Ich. „Ganz und gar nicht" kam es von Fira schon fast mit einem sinnlichen Unterton. Noch ein paar Minuten sah ich den beiden zu, bis wir unsere Rucksäcke nahmen und zum Rest der Gruppe gingen, die draußen schon auf die Autos wartete, aus welchen wir uns Landschaft anschauen würden.
Dann kamen sie. Es waren 3 große Geländewagen, in denen jeweils 15 Personen platz hatten. Nach dem unsere Gruppe vollständig war, verteilten wir uns in die Autos. Natürlich gingen Fira, Renok und ich in das gleiche Auto und warteten darauf, dass es losging. Es dauerte noch ein paar Minuten, doch dann fuhren wir los. In jeden der 3 Autos war jeweils ein Reiseleiter, um uns über das Land, die Einwohner und die Natur zu informieren. Während dieser Tour schauten wir uns aber nur die Landschaft vor dem Dschungel an. Es war eine riesige Graslandschaft, in der nur ab und zu mal ein Baum zu sehen war. Nach etwa 5 Stunden fuhren wir wieder zurück nach Kela. Wir waren gegen 16 Uhr da und gingen erst mal in unsere Bungalows, um uns auszuruhen und ein wenig zu erfrischen.
Renok und Fira gingen zu erst unter die Dusche und kamen nach gut 20 Minuten wieder. Kurz darauf ging ich in das Bad. Da meine Kleidung ziemlich staubig war, hatte ich sie auch gleich ausgezogen und in einen Beutel getan, während die beiden unter der Dusche standen. Als ich im Bad war legte ich erst mal mein Handtuch bei Seite und stellte mein Shampoo auf die Ablagefläche in der Dusche. Danach drehte ich das Wasser auf, stellte es auf eine angenehm kühle Temperatur und stieg darunter. Ich genoss wie das Wasser kühlend über mein Fell und meine Haut floss. Als ich genug abgekühlt war, stellte ich das Wasser wieder warm und massierte mir langsam das Shampoo ins Fell.
Als ich an meinen Genitalien angekommen war fing ich mit einer Pfote an meinen Hoden zu massieren, was mir ein genießendes Knurren entlockte. Langsam füllte sich mein Glied mit Blut und kam aus meinen Sheath hervor. Mit der anderen Pfote fuhr ich durch das Shampoo in meinem Fell, um meine Finger schön glitschig zu machen. Nachdem ich mir sicher war das er das war, führte ich ihn an mein Tailhole, um ihn darauf kreisend zu bewegen, was mich lustvoll Knurren lies. Kurz darauf hatte mein Glied auch seine maximale Größe erreicht. Nun ging ich mit der einen Pfote von meinen Hode nach oben, um mein Glied zu umfassen und sie sanft auf und ab zu bewegen. Weil es so doch ein wenig unbequem war, setzte ich mich auf den Boden und begann nun etwas schneller zu wichsen.
Mit der anderen Pfote ging ich sicherheitshalber noch mal durch das Shampoo um sie noch mal richtig schön glitschig zu machen. Darauf hin setzte ich einen Finger wieder an mein Tailhole und drang mit ihn vorsichtig in mich ein. Als er komplett in mir war, fing ich an meine Prostata zu massieren, was mich aufstöhnen lies. Durch die innere Massage und das schnellere wichsen, dauerte es auch nicht lange, bis mein Knoten anschwoll. Da ich wieder meinen eigenen heißen Saft schmecken wollte und der Druck in meinen Hoden immer größer wurde, zielte ich mit meinen Penis auf meine Schnauze und öffnete diese. Bei den beiden Massagen war es auch klar, dass es nicht mehr lange dauern würde, bis ich meinen Höhepunkt erreichen würde.
Dann war es auch endlich so weit. Ich drückte meinen Finger noch mal so tief ich konnte in meinen Hintern und merkte wie sich mein Schließmuskel auf einmal verengte. Kurz darauf schoss ich mir stöhnend 4 Fontänen meines Spermas in die Schnauze, die ich ohne zu zögern runterschluckte. Nachdem mein Orgasmus abgeklungen war und noch ein bisschen meines Saftes über meine Pfote lief hielt ich sie mir vor die Schnauze und leckte sie sauber, um auch den letzten Rest meines Spermas genießen zu können. Als ich auch damit fertig war zog ich meinen Finger aus meinem Tailhole, stand wieder auf und spülte die letzten Reste meines Saftes und Shampoo aus meinen Fell. Nachdem ich wieder sauber war, drehte ich das Wasser zu, stieg ich aus der Dusche und Trocknete mich ab.
Als ich wieder in unser Zimmer kam, lagen die beiden auf ihren Bett aneinandergekuschelt uns schliefen. Ich setzte mich auf mein Bett und zog mich mit sauberen Sachen wieder an. Nachdem ich fertig war, legte ich mich auf mein Bett und schlief auch noch ein bisschen. Dabei träumte ich auch davon, wie ich mit den beiden auf einen großen Bett lag und mit ihn kuschelte. Doch bevor es noch interessanter werden konnte, weckte mich Renok. Es war etwa 18 Uhr. „Na komm du Schlafmütze, bevor das ganze Abendbrot alle ist" lächelte er. „Hm, besser ist das" erwiederte ich und stand auf. Fira wartete schon an der Tür auf uns. „Macht mal ein bisschen schneller, mein Magen beschwert sich schon", was wir dann auch mit unser eignen Ohren hörten konnten. Wir grinsten und gingen darauf auch gleich los.
Wir gingen in die große Halle, wo wir schon gefrühstückt hatten. Dort waren auch die anderen und futterten schon ordentlich. Jeder von uns nahm sich ein Tablett und ging dann zu den Tischen, wo das Essen stand. Auf mehreren Tischen verteilt gab es Fisch, Fleisch, Obst, Gemüse und so weiter. Alles war auch schön dekoriert, zumindest dort, wo nicht schon die anderen alles weggefuttert hatten. Ich nahm mir von allen eine ordentliche Portion und setzte mich zu den beiden an den Tisch. Das Essen war sehr lecker und tat richtig gut nach so einen anstrengenden Tag. Als wir fertig waren unterhielten wir uns noch ein bisschen. Nach einer weile sagte Renok zu Fira: „Wollen wir uns den Sonnenuntergang ansehen? Ich habe hier in der Nähe einen Hügel gesehen, von dem das bestimmt gut geht. Er liegt auch schön Abseits...". „Aber gerne doch." antwortete Fira ihm grinsend.
Kurz darauf brachten wir die Tabletts weg und gingen aus der Halle. Als wir draußen sagte ich zu den beiden: „Viel spaß noch beim Sonnenuntergangbeobachten, ich geh zum Bungalow zurück." Ich wollte mich gerade umdrehen, als mich Fira an meiner Rute festhielt „Den werden wir haben," wobei sie grinste „aber was willst du denn alleine im Bungalow?" „Keine Ahnung. Was soll ich denn sonst machen, ihr wollt doch bestimmt alleine sein auf den Hügel" antwortete ich. „Das schon, aber für dich haben wir noch ein Platz frei" sagte sie lächelnd. „Sicher?" fragte ich ungläubig und schaute dabei Renok an. „Ja klar. Komm mit. Es wird dir bestimmt besser gefallen, als alleine im Bungalow zu sitzen." „Na gut, bin dabei." Sagte erwiderte ich. „Du wirst es nicht bereuen" kam es von Fira so leise, das ich es fast überhört hätte, dann gingen los.
Aber zuvor lief Fira noch mal schnell zum Bungalow und holte eine große Decke. Nach etwa 10 Minuten hatten wir den, von Renok erwähnten Platz gefunden. Es war ein etwa 15 Meter hoher Hügel, von den man das ganze Gelände gut überblicken konnte. Allerdings nur, wenn man sich hinstellte, da das Gras ca. 1 - 1,5 Meter hoch war. Als wir oben angekommen waren, mussten wir erstmal das Gras platt machen, um die Decke ausbreiten zu können. Anschleißend machten wir es uns darauf bequem. Fira und Renok kuschelten sich sofort aneinander, um sich zu streicheln und zu küssen. Ich lag etwa ein halben Meter von ihn entfernt und betrachtete dieses. Es war zwar schön den beiden zuzusehen, aber ich fühlte mich ein wenig fehl am Platz und so rollte ich mich auf den Rücken, um mir die langsam sichtbaren Sterne anzusehen.
Es wurde zwar schon dunkel, aber warm war es trotzdem noch. Ich schaute weiter in den Himmel und döste ein bisschen vor mich hin, die beiden neben mir schon völlig vergessen. Auf einmal hörte ich Fira leise stöhnen und ich drehte mich zu den beiden, um zu sehen was los war. Dabei sah ich dass sie beide nackt waren und Renok auf Fira lag, ihre wohlgeformten Brüste massierte und an ihren Nippeln saugte und leckte. Ich bekam große Augen als ich das sah und merkte, dass langsam aber sicher meine Hose zu eng werden würde. Fira murrte genießend, dann drehte sie ihren Kopf in meine Richtung, lächelte mich an und sagte: „Na, gefällt dem Füchschen was wir machen?" Mir war es zwar etwas peinlich, aber es gefiel mir und darum nickte ich auch leicht. Kurz darauf lies Renok von ihren Brüsten ab, schauten zu Fira, diese zwinkerte ihm zu und dann grinsten beide mich in einer Art an, die mich etwas verunsicherte.
„Leg dich mal in die Mitte der Decke" sagte Fira. Es kam mir zwar etwas komisch vor, aber ich tat es. Ich schaute die beiden fragend an und kurz Zeit später saßen Renok und Fira neben mir, Renok auf der linken und Fira auf der rechten Seite. Dann begannen sie meine Brust zu streicheln, es kam mir zwar erst komisch vor, doch dann fing ich an es zu mögen, wozu ich noch genießend murrte. „Ah, es scheint den Füchschen zu gefallen" lächelte Renok. „Mal schauen was ihm noch gefällt" grinste Fira ihren Freund und mich an. Darauf hin begannen sie mich langsam auszuziehen. Da ich den beiden mittlerweile schon vertraute, hielt ich sie dabei auch nicht auf. Ich unterstützte sie sogar dabei ein wenig. Nach kurzer Zeit war ich dann auch nackt und schaute die beiden abwechselnd an. Wobei ich Fira´s schöne Brüste, ihren flachen Bauch und schon etwas von ihrer Weiblichkeit sehen konnte und bei Renok, dessen muskulöse Brust und Bauch und auch schon seine Gliedspitze, die aus seinem angeschwollenen Sheath kam.
Das und das weitere Streicheln erregten mich langsam aber sicher und so begann auch mein Sheath anzuschwellen. Renok und Fira sahen es und Fira fragte mich: „Du magst das, stimmt´s?". Ich nickte. „Willst du dass wir weiter machen?" fragte sie mit einer schon fast erregten Stimme. „Ja, bitte" antwortete ich. Dabei nahm ich ihren Duft in mich auf und wurde noch mehr erregt. Langsam glitten Fira´s Pfoten weiter nach unten und streichelten nun über meinen Bauch. „Wenn dir irgendwas nicht gefallen sollte, dann sag bitte bescheid" merkte Fira noch an. Ich murrte immer lauter, genoss das Streicheln und antwortete: „Okay, aber ich glaube nicht, dass das der Fall sein wird". Dann glitten ihre Pfoten rechts an mein Sheath vorbei zu meinen rechten Hinterlauf und auf der Innenseite langsam wieder nach oben, bis sie meine Bällchen erreichte und diese vorsichtig massierte. Das lies mich leise aufstöhnen und ich genoss es ausgiebig, wobei nun auch meine Gliedspitze hervor trat.
Da ich mich für diese Zärtlichkeiten zumindest auch ein bisschen revanchieren wollte, begann ich beide über den unteren rücken zu streicheln, was sie auch genossen. Fira´s Pfote wanderte weiter nach oben und fing nun an meinen Sheath zu massieren, wodurch ich wieder etwas aufstöhnte und mein Glied nun immer schneller anwuchs. Ihre andere Pfote wanderte zu Renok´s Sheath, was ihn zum schnurren brachte. Renok zog Fira´s Kopf mit einer Pfote zu seinen und küsste sie heiß und leidenschaftlich. Seine andere Pfote wanderte nun zu ihrer rechten Brust um diese zu massieren. Beide hörten kurz mit küssen auf und Fira sagte zu mir: „Du kannst mich auch ruhig berühren wo du willst". Ich schaute sie mit großen Augen an, traute mich aber noch nicht so recht, darauf hin nahm sie meine rechte Pfote und führte sie zu ihrer Vagina, welche ich dann auch erst vorsichtig und zaghaft streichelte. Mit der Zeit wurde ich immer mutiger, begann ich ihre Weiblichkeit etwas intensiver zu streicheln und fuhr mir einen Finger an ihrer Spalte entlang, was sie leicht zum stöhnen brachte.
Zusätzlich fing ich nun an mit meiner freien Pfote ihre linke Brust zu massieren. Renok´s und auch mein Glied waren mittlerweile voll ausgefahren und so umfasste Fira diese und begann uns einen zu wichsen. Darauf hin mussten wir beide aufstöhnen und ich drang vorsichtig mit zwei Fingern in Fira´s Vagina ein und bewegte diese rein und raus, was sie auch zum stöhnen brachte. Als mein Glied nun voll hart war lies sie von uns beiden ab und hockte sich über mein steifes Fuchsglied. Sie umfasste es mit einer Pfote und richtete es auf ihre Spalte, danach fragte sie mich: „Darf ich dich reiten?" Ich konnte nur leicht nicken und dann lies sie sich herab und ich drang langsam in sie ein. Das lies mich etwas lauter aufstöhnen und sie glitt weiter auf mir herab, bis meine ganze Länge in ihr war. Sie wartete kurz und bewegte sich dann reitend auf mir, was uns stöhnen lies.
Ich genoss ihre enge und feuchte Weichheit, wie sie sich perfekt meinen Penis anpasste und diesen auch massierte. Zusätzlich beugte sie sich nach vorne um an Renok´s Glied zu lecken, was ihn aufstöhnen lies. Nach kurzer Zeit nahm sie es dann zum saugen in ihre Schnauze und bewegte diese noch auf und ab. Da das auch noch direkt neben mein Gesicht geschah, hatte ich eine super Sicht und hatte auch Lust darauf. Also fragte ich sie: „Darf ich auch mal..." „...Renok einen blasen?" vollendete Fira grinsend die Frage. Ich nickte. Fira sah Renok an und er sagte: „wenn du willst, hab nichts dagegen" Ich grinste „Dann knie dich mal so über mein Gesicht, das du auch Fira noch streicheln und küssen kannst" Beide waren richtig begeistert über diese Idee und so ritt mich Fira wieder aufrecht sitzend, während Renok über mein Gesicht kniete und sie leidenschaftlich küsste.
Als ich seine beeindruckende Erektion sah, konnte ich nicht widerstehen und nahm sie sofort in meine Schnauze und lutschte genüsslich dran. Renok musste laut aufstöhnen und sagte: „Oh man, Sarno, du bist ja echt gut" Ich versuchte zu stöhnen, als mich Fira nun schneller ritt und massierte Renok´s knackigen Hintern leicht. Ich umspielte nun sein Glied mit meiner Zunge und verwöhnte auch seine Dornen mit. Ich verspritzte bereits erstes Pre in Fira und saugte nun etwas an Renok´s Penis. Zusätzlich bewegte ich meine Schnauze auf und ab, um ihn noch mehr zu verwöhnen und schmeckte anschließend auch schon sein erstes Pre. Fira´s Bewegungen wurden immer schneller und ich begann diese von unten zu erwidern, wozu ich auch an Renok stärker saugte. Wir stöhnten nur noch, allerdings wurde es bei mir durch Renok´s leckeres Glied stark gedämpft.
Nach ein paar Minuten begann mein Knoten in Fira anzuschwellen, was sie noch etwas mehr stöhnen lies. Ich schmeckte bei Renok immer mehr Pre, also war er kurz vor seinem Orgasmus. Auch Fira und ich standen kurz davor und mein Knoten hatte nun seine volle Größe erreicht und hakte in ihr, was sie auch sehr genoss. Ich saugte nun noch etwas stärker an Renok und wurde kurz darauf mit seinen heißen Tigersaft belohnt, den ich sofort herunterschluckte. Es war zwar viel, aber ich schaffte es alles zu schlucken. Während er seinen Höhepunkt hatte lies er auch einen lauten Lustschrei von sich hören. Anschließend kam ich auch in Fira und füllte sie mit meinen eben so heißen Fuchssaft ab. Allerdings war mein Lustschrei kaum zu hören, da er von Renok´s Glied in meiner Schnauze stark gedämpft wurde.
Noch bevor mein Orgasmus abgeklungen war, kam Fira zu ihren Höhepunkt und lies einen lauten Lustheuler von sich hören, während ihre Säfte über mein Sheath und meine Bällchen liefen. Ich spürte wie ihre Vaginalmuskulatur auch die letzten Tropfen aus meinen Glied molken. Nach dem unsere Orgasmen abgeklungen waren stieg Renok von meinen Gesicht herunter und legte sich erschöpft neben uns. Anschließend streichelten und küssten wir uns noch etwa 10 Minuten, bis mein Knoten wieder abgeschwollen war und ich wieder aus Fira gleiten konnte. Wir kuschelten noch etwa 5 Minuten weiter, bevor wir uns wieder anzogen, die Decken zusammen falteten und zurück in den Bungalow gingen. Dort angekommen duschten wir erstmal ausgiebig und gingen dann ins Schlafzimmer. Wir schauten erst die Betten und dann uns gegenseitig an, grinsten kurz und verbannten nun auch mein Bett mit ihren und hatten anschleißend ein Dreierbett. Danach legten wir uns hinein und schliefen aneinandergekuschelt ein. | FSE |
Title: Getting Relief by Nogard
Tags: Bulbasaur, M/M, Pokemon, Vulpix, Watersports
"Tackle him Ter!"
I couldn't help but let out an exaggerated sigh. But nevertheless, I complied with my trainer's wishes. As I rushed forward, I hoped beyond hope that this would end the lengthy fight. Inside I knew it wouldn't though.
My trainer was a good kid, but she wasn't the brightest person. Here I am, a Vulpix having a battle against a Bulbasaur, and she hasn't told me to use one fire attack. Not one! I honestly couldn't say how long the battle had been going on, but it had to be well over half an hour by this point. It was more like a training session than a battle really.
I actually contemplated disobeying her more than once during this fight. Every time she told me to use my quick attack or growl, I wanted to just open my mouth and let loose a jet of fire. Had I done that, I certainly wouldn't be in this position. But I was loyal and a little bit stubborn. I had never disobeyed my trainer before, and I wasn't going to start now. At first it was no big deal, but as the fight dragged on and on and on, it became more serious.
No, I wasn't afraid about losing the match, cause I had lost many in the past, and that's no big deal; it was something much more... embarrassing. To be completely blunt, I've had to pee since the battle started. I didn't think it would be a big deal, I mean, I was fighting a grass type, so surely I could battle quickly and then go take care of business. But one thing I hadn't counted on - and probably should have because of how long I've been with Kas - was how illiterate she was when it came to Pokémon battles, but even I didn't expect her to be this bad.
Now every attack that she called was that much longer I had to wait to relieve myself, and at this rate, I might not make it to the end of the battle. Luckily for me, the Bulbasaur did seem to be tiring after the countless physical attacks I had dealt him.
"Use razor leaf Lux."
I couldn't be happier to hear that as I charged forward. Sure I could just dodge his attack, but then it would just be longer until it was over. As Lux stood his ground and released a helix of leaves at me, I put my head down and sprinted right into the heart of it. It stung a bit, but it was nothing I couldn't take, and I would gladly trade attacks if I could hit him full force while he wasn't defending.
As planned, he tumbled away from the impact of my head connecting with his, and for a brief moment, he lay unmoving. My back legs twitched half in desperation and half in joy as I figured the fight was over, but unfortunately, he got back up (albeit slowly, but he still got up).
Kas said, "Hey Paul, are you ready to call it quits yet?"
The Bulbasaur's trainer responded, "Not on your life. We're winning this thing aren't we Lux?"
Lux nodded to him and then turned to face me with a determined expression. I would have taken a battle stance in any other fight, but instead, I squirmed in place as I fought my body's urge to relieve myself. I would imagine that I looked pretty silly doing that while they looked on, but it's better than the alternative, and apparently it didn't come across that way.
She responded to him, "There's no way you're winning this fight. Just look at Ter; he's literally trembling with adrenaline."
Well, that was one way to look at it I guess. It took some conscious effort, but I finally got control of my body again and took a deep breath as I awaited Kas's orders. Paul's came first though, and shortly afterward, his Bulbasaur was sprinting toward me with his head lowered. Kas called out the same attack, and then we were rushing toward each other as fast as our legs would carry us.
We both knew that this was going to hurt, but hopefully this would be the one that would end it. As we crashed our heads into each other, the impact was much greater than either of us had anticipated, and we collapsed on the ground in unison. My head was spinning and my vision was a little blurry, but I could still tell that Kas and Paul were shouting at us.
It took a bit before I could make out what they were saying, but I finally heard "get up" from Kas, and I realized that I had to stand up or we might lose. Finding the strength within, I got on all fours and stood my ground while I watched Lux lay unmoving.
Kas yelled out in triumph while Paul said some word I hadn't heard before. I watched the two of them walk over to each other and shake hands and exchange some words, but as I was watching, another wave of desperation hit me. As Paul bent down to his Bulbasaur, I turned away from them and went as fast as I dared go.
I slowed down once I got to what I considered a safe distance away. I looked around first and saw a Pidgey staring at me from a tree branch. Sure I was desperate, but I wasn't going to do that while a complete stranger looked on. I walked on, trying to find some place where I could be alone.
Again I got control of my body, so it was a little easier to put it off as I searched for a good place to relieve myself. It took a couple minutes, but I finally found a secluded area, and after one last glance around to make sure I was alone, I spread my back legs and prepared to relax my muscles.
That was until I heard the grass rustling. Some movement in my peripheral vision caused me to stiffen up and tighten my muscles again. Turning toward the source, I saw only a flash of green before the Bulbasaur from earlier crashed into me. I tumbled away before finally landing on my back. Before I could so much as try to move, my limbs were held in place.
My eyes went wide as I frantically tried to wriggle free, but I quickly found out that I was helpless as the Bulbasaur's vines were wrapped tightly around me. All four of my legs were held to the side away from my body, and I could only watch as he casually walked until he stood in front of me. He didn't look happy, and I soon found out why when he spoke up.
"I bet you feel pretty good about yourself don't you? You know as well as I do that that battle should have been over long ago. But no, you had to insult me and my trainer by drawing it out and not using any fire attacks."
I opened my mouth to try and explain that I was only following my trainer's commands and she wasn't the best fighter, but as soon as I did, he continued.
"Shut up, I don't wanna hear your excuses. I'm just glad that my trainer had a potion handy so that I didn't have to go back to a Pokémon Center without confronting you directly. You thought that you could just run away from me and everything would be fine? Think again."
That wasn't what I needed to hear. If he was at full strength while I was still drained, I had no chance of breaking free until he said so. He was definitely more muscular than I, so I would have to bargain with him or calm him down.
I managed to say, "I was just doing what my trainer said! Please..." before he cut me off again.
"Please what? Let you up so you can go waltzing back to your trainer with your head held high? No, I'm not letting you go until you realize how embarrassing that was for me. How would you feel if you went against a water Pokémon that beat you without using any water attacks?"
Hearing him mention water was probably the last thing that I needed him to say. Just the thought of it made my body squirm again. I started to panic. With my legs spread out, I knew there was no way that I'd be able to hold it in. I felt the contractions start, and with a last desperate plea, I stared into his eyes as I squirmed and said, "P-please... let me go."
He frowned at me and said harshly, "Why? What possible excuse could you give me to let you go? Huh?"
As if on cue, he got his answer. I tried to hold back, but it was useless. Only a few drops leaked out of my sheath at first, but once they did, I couldn't keep the rest back. With a drawn-out sigh of relief, I relaxed all of my muscles as my urine flowed out freely, splashing all over my chin and chest. Some of it ran down my sides to wet the grass, but the majority of it immediately soaked into my white and red fur.
My already red cheeks could not have been more scarlet as I was embarrassed beyond words. I did what I could to avoid looking at Lux as he watched me wet myself, but it wasn't any consolation because I knew he was there. I couldn't do anything other than lie there, helpless as my stream finally trickled to a halt, leaving me soaked and still unable to get away.
I had my eyes closed; there was no way that I look at him after what he just witnessed. I waited for him to move, or speak, or do anything, but he didn't, and each second I lay there seemed to drag on for an eternity. I tried to think about anything other than what just happened, but with my fur soaking wet and the smell of urine present, it was impossible. Finally, he broke the extremely awkward silence, but it wasn't what I expected to hear.
"Damn dude..." Those two words came in a much softer and inquisitive tone than his harsher language just moments ago. It caught me off guard, and I opened my eyes to look at him. Surprisingly, his face was a little flushed as well. Why was he embarrassed? He wasn't the one who just wet himself while someone else watched.
"That was hot." For a brief moment, pure confusion replaced all of my embarrassment. Did he really just say that? My eyes finally broke contact with his, and as they traveled down a bit, everything became clear. His member was sticking out under him, and the more I stared at it, the bigger it got.
He continued, "I think I know what I'm gonna do to you." My eyes went wide, and in a vain hope, I looked back at his face, searching for any sign that he was joking or just trying to scare me; but all that met my gaze was a malicious grin. I tried struggling to get out of the vice grip of his vines, but to no avail; until he decided to let me go, I was trapped.
My heart skipped a beat when he took a step forward, and when his member was near my own nether region, I held my breath as I awaited what was sure to follow. But he surprised me again when he kept moving forward until his member was resting over my belly. Like a magnet, my eyes were drawn to it; I mean, how could I not look at it when it was right there? It seemed to be about the same length as my own, but it was definitely much wider. I wasn't looking forward to whatever he was about to do, but as long as that thing was away from my rear, that would give me some relief. He lowered himself down until his member was pressed against my stomach, and then he started to rock his body back and forth.
Even though I know I should be disgusted with what was going on, the truth was that I've never mated before. So even though I was still covered in my own urine, tied down against my will, and now another Pokémon was rubbing his cock on my stomach... That was a lot to take in all at once, and my body reacted in a way that I didn't expect. Maybe it was just because his balls were grinding against my sheath, but I felt my own member swell very quickly, and it wasn't long before it was poking out, and once it was exposed, it only grew that much faster.
I let out a moan from the stimulation, but I don't think he heard me, because at the same time he let out a loud sigh before saying, "Oooh, yes, your fur is so warm and soft and wet! I should just keep you here forever so I can always enjoy myself."
I know that last part was supposed to be somewhat of a threat, but my sensitive shaft didn't see it that way, and the sensations of having another Pokémon grind his body against mine were heavenly. I don't know if it was involuntary or not, but I started moving my hips with his. He continued, "Mmf, you're lucky I'm a nng... nice guy though, so I'll, mmf, just enjoy myself a bit before I let you go." Surely he had to know how aroused I was; how could you not feel another Pokémon's hard cock when it's pressed against you? But he neither said anything about it nor did he show any sign that he noticed or cared.
Even though I was being forced to do this, I believed what he said and don't think he is a bad guy. I've been frustrated before too, so I can understand that he needs to vent his anger - even if he is doing it in a very unorthodox way. I would also be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself too. My cock had gotten fully hard, and with his weight grinding against every sensitive spot, I wanted the moment to last as long as it could.
I started panting the longer we continued, and each breath I took brought the heavy smell of musk and urine, but at this point, it only fanned the flames of my lust that much more. Even though I couldn't feel it on my fur, I knew my member was leaking pre. I could literally feel it steadily flowing through my shaft, making it slide that much better against Lux's package.
Every time he thrust forward, I saw the tip of his cock spurt pre into my belly fur. The sweet smell of it was intoxicating and I let out a groan as a wave of pleasure washed over my body. Maybe it was my inexperience with mating or just the situation itself, but my orgasm was starting to build up quickly, and my legs stiffened as my hips thrust even faster in response.
He had to be getting close too, because his paced picked up until his humping began to grow erratic as grunts of pleasure echoed from his throat. I knew he would hit his peak at any second, because in the midst of all the movement, I could feel his balls tighten, and I could swear his cock swelled even more. As if on cue, I got my answer as he finally shot his pent-up load.
"Nng... nnf... ooh... yeah... there it is." He said as he raised the front half of his body up, letting his semen shoot on my face and chest. The smell of his seed was even stronger than both our musks combined, and there was a lot of it! My head was spinning in euphoric utopia with how long his climax lasted; he had to have spurted half a dozen times on my face before the rest landed on my wet chest. When his member finally stopped twitching, he relaxed a bit, letting his weight press against mine as the last bits of semen trickled out onto my belly.
The extra tightness was exactly what I wanted. I continued my sporadic movements as my climax inched closer and closer. I could feel my balls start to twitch and pull into my body and my panting had reached a new level. My paws clenched and my tails swished back and forth as they prepared for my release.
And then without warning, he got off of me and backed up, leaving me thrusting into the air, desperately seaking the little bit of stimulation I needed to finish. When I felt nothing, I whined out, hoping that he would take pity on me. I was so close! Couldn't he just let me hit my peak?
He started chuckling, and I don't blame him. Here I was, coated in his seed, soaked in my pee, and whimpering as my cock pulsed in the air with nothing to bring me over the edge. He said, "I've got one more thing to do to you..." I watched as he turned slightly to the side and raised his back leg. He pointed his still-hard cock right at mine, and with a sigh of his own, urine erupted out of the tip.
His stream landed on my member, sending a warm wave of pleasure through its entire length. Given my state of arousal, that was all I needed to reach the point of no return. As urine continued to drench my cock, it stiffened before pulsing wildly as my cum rocketed out, landing on my face to join his patches of semen. He must have had to pee, because my climax came and finished while his stream stayed strong.
Before he was done, he shifted forward on three legs, making sure to coat my entire underside with his acrid piss. When his arc finally started to weaken, he aimed the last bit on my face, and I had to shut my eyes and hold my breath until it finally stopped. I felt the grip of the vines loosen, and before I knew it, I was free again.
I wasted no time in rolling over onto my stomach before rubbing my eyes. When I was sure they were not going to burn from anything dripping into them, I opened them to see the Bulasaur walking back the way he came as if nothing happened. He said, "I don't know about you, but I feel much better about that battle now." As he disappeared out of sight, he called back, "Tell your trainer not to be so stupid next time."
He laughed loudly as the sound of his footsteps receded, and I was left alone to ponder what just happened. Regardless of how I felt about the experience as a whole, I could think about it later; for now, I would have to get clean before heading back myself. I was glad that no one could see me right now. I must have looked pretty ridiculous. I shook my fur, letting the droplets of pee sprinkle onto the grass around me. When I finished, I turned away from where Lux went, and started walking toward what I hoped would be some water so I could clean myself off more thoroughly. As I walked, I heard what sounded like some snickering. I darted my head around to find the source before I finally spied the same Pidgey that I passed earlier staring at me with a wing in front of his face as he tried not to laugh.
"Oh shut up." I told him before I sprinted away, hearing him burst out laughing behind me. | FSE |
Tags: Full Body Inflation, Female Inflation, Implied Popping
Text: "What do you think of Kelly Small?" Dave asked Andrew as they sat in the cafeteria.
"Don't you mean Kelly BIG?" Andrew asked back, using the plump girl's nickname. "I don't think about her at all. She's kinda chubby, don'tcha think?"
Dave stared out into space. "She is plump," he said. "But I don't think it's fat."
Andrew gave him a funny look. "What are talking about?"
"I don't think it's fat," he repeated. "If you look at her closely, there's no folds of fat on her, just smooth skin. And when she walks, she doesn't seem to be slowed down by her weight. It's almost like she's big, but not fat."
"What are you getting at?" Dave finally looked at him. "I think she's just partially inflated."
Andrew started laughing--until he saw Dave was serious. "Are you telling me you think she's that big because she's filled with air?!"
"That's exactly what I'm saying," Dave pressed on. "I have a theory: I think she's a walking, talking inflatable doll; and that if you just poked her, she'd blimp up even more."
"Dude, you're sick."
"True," Dave admitted. "But I can't stop thinking about it. I keep imagining her blowing up like a balloon, just getting bigger and bigger. It's so beautiful. She may look chubby now, as a heavyset person; but as a balloon, I bet she'd be gorgeous."
Andrew shook his head in disbelief. "If that's your theory, why don't you test it? Why don't you give her a poke?"
Dave shrugged. "I'm a coward."
With a bemused chuckle, Andrew made his way to fifth period. But the seed had been planted.
Kelly Small was in Andrew's biology class, and he found himself staring at her. He decided that, yes, if she lost a few pounds, the young blonde might be mildly attractive. But she was just so big... He kept staring at her. As the class progressed, he noticed that, yes, there was a sort of "lightness" about her, as if her movement wasn't hindered by excess pounds. Her skin was smooth, with no visible signs of fat. Just a kind of pleasant roundness to her features.
Andrew would continue to stare at her every day for the next week.
And then he would think about her when he was at home. Constantly. He found that he would get physically aroused by thinking about her... but how was that possible? He was never interested in fat chicks before.
Unless... she wasn't fat. She was just partially inflated.
He shook the thought from his head--but it didn't leave for long. He thought of her just as she was... and then he thought of how she would look if she were bigger. And bigger still. Then he thought of how she would look if he could actually SEE her get bigger. And finally, he imagined her as a balloon. He thought of little else for the next few days, until it drove him insane. He caught Kelly at her locker after school, long after the hallways were emptied. Kelly had no friends to speak of, so it was little surprise to see her alone.
Andrew approached her. "I think Dave was right about you."
She gave him an annoyed look. "What are you talking about? And why do you keep staring at me in class?"
"Dave has this theory," Andrew continued. "He thinks you're not fat, just partially inflated."
"Oh, that is so funny," she sneered bitterly and turned to leave.
But Andrew blocked her path, and she stopped suddenly, as if afraid to touch him. "He also thinks," Andrew went on, "that if I poked you, you'd just bloat up like a blimp."
"Get away from me," she told him, and she tried to step away.
But then Andrew poked her.
"Don't!" Kelly cried, but it was too late. There was a soft hissing sound, and her entire body filled up noticeably bigger: her stomach; arms and legs; her hips and thighs; her breasts and her ass--all swelled up like a tire on a pump.
"Oh my god," murmured Andrew. "It's true."
"Please don't do that!" Kelly urged him. "I have to avoid bumping into people, or I just bloat up like this. And I don't want to get any bigger!"
Andrew's eyes lit up. "How... how big can you get...?"
Kelly looked terrified. She backed away from him, about to bolt away.
But Andrew poked her again. "No!" she yelled, but her body began to hiss and bloat up all over. Her jeans, already tightly packaged, groaned as they filled out farther, stitches snapping as it lost the battle to contain her expanding butt. Her sweater fared little better, as her swelling stomach and breasts stretched it out across her ballooning figure. Andrew heard the strap on her bra break apart, and her breasts made a sudden lunge forward. Then the hissing slowed down, and Kelly's expansion gradually slowed and stopped. She stood there, her clothes torn but still holding, a bloated version of herself.
"So beautiful," Andrew whispered in awe. Her body, though swollen, did not have the characteristics of an overweight person: no cellulite, no stretch marks, no creases of fat. He felt her spherical stomach to admire the smoothness of her body. She clearly wasn't a fat woman. She was just a balloon.
And all he had to do to make her bigger was...
"Please! Stop!" Kelly shouted as he approached her again.
"No," he said simply, and he poked her belly once more.
The hissing began again. Kelly let out a wail as he her body blimped out farther and farther, her sweater and pants giving up and the fight and bursting apart. All that remained on her was her panties, riding deeply up her inflating behind. But it was not as if there was much more to see: Her girlish features were gone, replaced with just a round, ball-like body that kept growing bigger. Bigger. Bigger. Her arms and legs were virtually gone, with just plump hands and feet sticking out her globular figure. The hissing gradually slowed again and stopped, leaving Andrew to admire his handiwork.
"Please!" Kelly repeated. "Look at me! I'm so big and full I don't even look human anymore! Please don't make me any bigger!"
"But you're so beautiful," Andrew assured her. "I've never seen anything so beautiful in all my life! You're the biggest, fullest, most beautiful balloon ever! I--I've just got to make you bigger!"
"Help!" Kelly cried out, but none was forthcoming. He poked her again.
"Noooo! I don't want to get bigger!" But her cries had to be shouted over the hissing sound that accompanied her increased expansion. Her body grew bigger, so much bigger, as she helplessly inflated. Andrew stood entranced as she filled up the hallway, her body now so puffed up that no one could get around her. Her head got closer and closer to the ceiling as the inflation pushed it higher and higher into the air. Her skin pulled tighter and tighter as it grew more and more transparent. She grew and grew and grew until once again she slowed to a stop.
"I'm begging you!" she called out to him. "I'm so blown up, I feel like I'm about to pop! I don't want to explode! Please! If I get any bigger, I just know I'm gonna BURST!"
Andrew ran his hand over her tight, round body, admiring its smoothness, relishing the squeaks her body gave as it fought to keep the air inside her. "You know," Andrew said. "I think you're right. I don't think you can get any bigger. One more poke, and you'd inflate till you popped!" He outstretched his arms and, as best he could, wrapped them around the front of her body to give her a hug. Then he stepped back to give her another loving look. "Goodbye, beautiful, beautiful balloon-girl!"
And before Kelly could protest... he poked her once again.
| bodyinflation |
Title: Sirius: Book one - The Beginning: Chapter 6: The Journey by WhiteArcticFox
Tags: Dream, Fantasy, First Time, Fox, Gay Relationships, M/M, Romance, Sci-Fi, Wolf
A/N: Okay guys, the ever-anticipated Yiff is here! That's right, our *heroes* explore their sexuality, sort of... you'll see...
Warning: This story contains mild language, sexual scenes, and homoerotic behaviour, if this offends you or you are under the age of 18, you are warned to turn back now. That being said, on to chapter 6! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
Chapter 6: The Journey
Axis walked beside Jasyn, smiling timidly. His ears were perked and he had a few ideas in his head.
Jasyn walked quietly aswell, thoughts of Axis in his mind. Though the Sirian Fox was younger and smaller, he was stronger. Jasyn, being the wolf that he was, shouldn't have liked that, but he did... in fact, he liked it a lot.
Axis blinked a few times, wondering what Jasyn was thinking about. He was almost trance-like in demeanour. Suddenly he got an idea and he pressed Jasyn against the wall.
Jasyn blinked a couple of times, his eyes vacant for now, not really registering what was going on. His training had helped him to accomplish that sense of near-trance.
The young Sirian Fox sighed and suddenly pressed a deep, fiery kiss on Jasyn's muzzle. His tongue dared to trace the contours of the wolf's lips, and Jasyn moaned out, and snapped awake.
The moment he realized that Axis was kissing him so passionately, he started to melt into the kiss, almost submissively.
Reluctantly, Axis broke the kiss and nuzzled into Jasyn's neck-fur, "You awake now?" he asked.
The elder Sirian smiled awkwardly, looking really satisfied, and nodded, licking his lips, "Mmm... awake, yes. Coherent? That's another story..."
The younger male chuckled and clasped his paw in Jasyn's, cooing lovingly, "Good, cause our hallway is three feet back..."
Jasyn blinked and chuckled loudly, "Gods I'm an idiot," he said, and then they turned and walked back.
When they actually reached their respective quarters, they parted for the evening with another loving kiss.
"Are you sure you don't want to sleep in here with me, Kit?" asked Jasyn, hoping, praying that Axis would come in.
"Yeah... I want to get used to my own quarters... you know?" replied Axis with a sigh.
"Oh-okay... well, I'm over here if you need me-" said Jasyn.
"-and I'm here if you need me" finished Axis, a little quickly.
There were a few moments of awkward silence, and then Axis just turned and went into his room. Jasyn thought quietly to himself, 'Why do I get the feeling he's not telling me something?' before retiring to his own room for the night.
He slowly stripped out of his civilian clothing and eyed his uniform with distaste, before walking, nude, to his bed and dimming the lights. "Now if only this ship's computer had a selection of nature sounds."
The voice that Jasyn had heard earlier chimed in the room, "Selection verified, initializing nature sounds library." A monitor over in the corner of the room flickered on and started scrolling.
Ever the curious one, Jasyn walked over and watched the selections scroll. He saw a few titles that interested him, 'waterfall.abn, ocean.abn, forest.abn, river.abn, night.abn, and compilation.abn.' He said to himself quietly, "What does .ABN stand for?" and the voice chimed again.
"Dot ABN: filename abbreviation meaning, Ambient Background Noise."
"Who are you?"
"Please- Restate inquiry."
"What are you?"
"Please- Restate inquiry."
"Who am I talking to?"
"This is the Echo Wind main computer, verbal command interface."
"Verbal command interface eh?"
"Please- Restate inquiry."
"Nevermind... okay, play night.abn"
The room was filled with the noises of owls and crickets. Jasyn smirked, 'nice' he thought.
He walked over to his bed and climbed in, yawning tiredly. He still wished he had Axis in his arms, but he'd give his fox as much room as required.
Axis stripped out of his civilian clothing as soon as he stepped in the door. He headed towards the restroom and was shocked to see that for the first time in his life, he didn't have to share a washroom with anybody.
He smiled gleefully and hopped into the shower, turning on the water almost immediately. "Mmm... that feels heavenly..." he said as he worked all the grit out of his fur.
The water seemed to automatically mix with some kind of cleanser, because Axis' fur started to bubble. "Oh, he-he well this is convenient..." he worked the soap through his fur, smiling happily as his fur started to rinse clean.
After he had finished, he stepped out of the shower, dripping slightly onto the angled, draining floor. It wasn't angled harshly, but just enough for the water on the floor to drain away. He grabbed what looked like a hairbrush and started to brush his fur.
He dried himself off with a towel and brushed himself again, smiling in satisfaction. "I feel much better..." he said to himself, before he walked into his empty bedroom. He pulled out his E-Pad and his Data-Disc from the pockets in his jeans and yawned slightly.
'Hmm... more tired than I thought I would be... I guess a trip to the galley is out...' he thought to himself, before placing his E-Pad over his Data-Disc and downloading the contents.
He shook his head and said quietly, "I'll wait until the end of my next shift to listen to the rest of these... right now, I need some shuteye..." and with that said, he collapsed onto his bed, not even bothering to get under the covers, and turned the lights down with the little console on his bedside table.
Axis woke up on his bed, very drowsily. He sniffed at his surroundings and blinked, there was someone else in his room, but who? It wasn't Jasyn; he knew that for a fact. It wasn't Lynn, and it definitely wasn't human. He bolted upright and growled, crouching on the bed and looking around the room.
There was no one there. The clock on his wall read 09:55. It was pretty much useless to Axis at this point. He noticed that there was a computer on his desk and he went over and sat down. He tapped the controls intuitively and, sure enough, there was a decoder system.
"Okay, let's see... the first digit stands for the day of the week, and it goes from one to seven; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. So... from the clock, it must be Wednesday."
He continued to read the decoder, "The second number indicates the month, and runs from one to twelve; January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. So it is, Wednesday July the... 28th, I'm guessing. What does the .35 stand for though?"
"Please- Restate inquiry," came a computerized voice.
Axis jumped and blinked, before he said, "What is the complete date and time?"
"Today is uni-date, or Wednesday July 28th, in the year 2235. It is currently nine hours, fifty-nine minutes and twenty seconds since the last Zero-Hour."
Axis took this in and nodded quietly. He decided he'd had enough learning about human time keeping for now, and he slipped on his jeans and grabbed his uniform, heading towards the door. When he got to the door he noticed there was a small note sticking to the inside. He grabbed it and read it quietly.
It read:
*Hey slut, Stay away from Jasyn or you'll wake up with a few less appendages.*
Axis blinked. He had just been threatened, and he knew by whom. He grumbled a bit and walked out the door and across the hall.
He knew he shouldn't be waking Jasyn up right now, but he had to tell him about the note.
He pressed the call button.
He waited for a couple micro-rotations and no one came. He pressed it again, and before him suddenly stood the half-naked form of Jasyn, smiling in the doorway.
"So, decided you'd come in with me after all? Wow, that only took you thirty Earth-Minutes."
"Wh-what?" Asked Axis.
"Oh, while I was laying in bed, I was staring at my clock and I asked myself 'what do all those numbers mean?' and Lo and Behold the computer chimed in and told me everything. You do know it's been less than six rotations since we parted, right?"
"Wh-what?" said Axis again.
"You heard m- hey what's that in your paw?" said Jasyn, grabbing at the note. He read it and jumped.
Axis whimpered a bit and pushed himself into Jasyn's room, bringing the Sirian Wolf with him. He nuzzled into Jasyn's chest fur and whimpered again. Jasyn was comforting to him, so therapeutic, the soft, gentle fur, the warm caress, the tender kisses.
Jasyn looked down at Axis and wrapped his arms around his Kit, frowning slightly. "Axis... Don't worry. Nothing will happen to you... I promise..."
Axis looked up at Jasyn and smiled, gently lapping at the older Sirian's neck-fur, "Th- Thank you Jasyn... You're really good to me."
"Aww, now I'm only so nice because you're so important to me, you know that right?" asked Jasyn, smirking.
Axis pawed playfully at Jasyn's chest and grumbled, "Less than two rotations... how could Azuma sneak into my room in less than six rotations?"
Jasyn sighed, barely catching the word 'Less' and just pulled Axis down into the bed, "If it'll make you stop grumbling, stay with me for awhile. We're in this together Kit, whether Azuma likes it or not."
Axis blushed and cuddled close, "Alright Jayse, I'll sleep in here."
Jasyn chuckled and hooked a finger into the loops on Axis' jeans, "You're not sleeping in these though... They must be uncomfortable..."
The fox swatted Jasyn's paw and smirked, "Of course I'm not, I was just waiting to see how fast you'd get up the nerve to ask me to take them off."
The elder Sirian chuckled and shook his head, hugging Axis gently, "Take them off and let me see you like you were born to be seen."
Axis shook his head, "Corniest line *ever!*" and then got out of the bed and, while facing away from Jasyn, stripped himself of the jeans. He bent over to slip them off of his legs, his three tails raised tauntingly; showing off his rear.
Jasyn's jaw dropped and he nearly melted. His own pants were too tight now, so he quickly slipped them off and kicked them out of the bed, watching Axis' every movement.
As the younger fox climbed back into the bed, Jasyn gave his bottom a firm little grope and hugged him gently, "Uhm... sorry about the, uhm..."
Axis chuckled, feeling Jasyn's member throb against his sheath, "Heh, Jasyn, I want to tell you something. I've actually been attracted to you since the day we met... but I thought you'd never want me... I've always known I was gay Jayse... I just didn't have the courage to tell you..."
Jasyn's heart skipped a beat, and he just stared at Axis with a silly grin, "Does that mean...?"
"No Jasyn... No sex yet... It just means I don't mind the fact that you're horny as hell right now... cause truthfully, so am I, but I can hide it."
Jasyn frowned and nuzzled Axis quietly, "You know, Kit. It'd probably be you who started it either way. I want to know that you're ready, because I'll always be ready for you... Okay?"
Axis blushed and held Jasyn lovingly, "Okay Jayse... I won't keep you waiting too long, I promise."
The two descended into blissful sleep, held in one-another's arms.
Jasyn stirred and woke up with a shock, then a groan. He felt something latched onto his neck, suckling gently.
"K-Kit! Mmf... that tickles!"
Axis continued to tease Jasyn, nuzzling into his throat and suckling gently. He let up only for a moment to say, "Of course it does," and then resumed torturing Jasyn.
Jasyn writhed and bucked a bit, feeling Axis' sheath against his own. He was surprised at how big his Kit actually was; at least matching Jasyn's in size and girth.
When axis finally let up and resumed cuddling Jasyn, he whispered, "Our next shift is in twelve rotat- I mean, an hour. We should start getting ready, maybe hit the galley?"
Jasyn nodded and let his paws wander, slowly caressing over Axis' rear, "But I wanna cuddle for a bit, Kit."
Axis smirked and let out a pleased groan, "Mmmm... well, I suppose we can cuddle for si... I mean thirty minutes."
"Half-an-hour?" asked Jasyn, chuckling.
Jasyn smirked and yawned slightly, "Well... I'm not all that interested in cuddling... you and your torment woke up the sleeping giant."
Axis giggled as his own sensitive member ran over Jasyn's, and it was indeed awake. He smirked and let out a low groan, "Mmf... you know how much I want that?"
Jasyn smirked, raising an eyebrow, "How much?"
The younger Sirian male ground his hips against Jasyn's and growled, "Enough to force it into myself.
Jasyn went wide-eyed. 'Did Axis just say that?' he thought to himself, he looked up at Axis with an uneasy grin and said, "Ar-are you sure about this, Kit?"
Axis nuzzled into Jasyn's neck and whispered, "As sure as I'll ever be."
Jasyn's heart skipped, he must have been dreaming. He nuzzled into Axis neck-fur and said, quietly, "Your wish is my command, Kit..." and with that, rolled so that Axis was beneath him, and grinned happily.
Axis blushed a bit and spread his legs open, inviting Jasyn in as he gently leaned into a kiss; his heated breath cascading along his mate's lips. Jasyn gently poked the tip of his Sirian cock to Axis' opening and kissed him for everything he was worth, as Axis' smaller paws interlaced with Jasyn's.
"Ready, kit?" asked Jasyn, not wanting to hurt Axis as much as he'd heard it did.
"Y-yes... I... I think I'm ready Jasyn..." came the timid, boyish reply. Axis felt the tip of Jasyn's tapered length start to push into him, and he grunted out in pain. "Aa-aah-aah... It hurts Jasyn!" he cried, whimpering a bit.
Jasyn stopped and pulled out, nuzzling Axis close and whispering, "We need some kind of lubrication..."
Axis growled as Jasyn pulled away and squeezed his mate's paws tightly, "No... I'll be fine... I want the raw Jasyn... mount me proper..." he said, through shallow breaths. He let go of Jasyn's paws, and Jasyn kneeled back as his fox rolled over and got onto all fours. "Make me yours, Jasyn..."
Jasyn's Sirian wolfhood started to ooze pre-cum, and he thought, 'Natural lubricant...' He pushed his tip against Axis' entrance once more and whispered, "I'll be gentle... but I won't stop unless you ask me to..."
"O-okay... just mate me Jasyn!" came the feverish reply from the Sirian Fox.
Jasyn started to work his tip against Axis' tailhole, and then pressed the first inch or so into the tight, virgin opening of his Kit. He let out a loud groan and kept pushing, whispering, "so tight... warm... so Axis..."
Axis groaned out through clenched teeth, his claws digging into the mattress. He let out a moan of pleasure and said aloud, "Mmf... Jasyn... more!" The young fox loosened his anus just enough for Jasyn's massive wolf member to get another few inches in, and then clenched as his lover hit three bundles of nerves. He shuddered in pleasure, moaning Jasyn's name.
Jasyn continued to slide his large cock into Axis' rump, groaning in deep satisfaction. Four inches, six now, nine inches. Jasyn finally hilted himself deep inside his lover, murring contently as he lay, with his forming knot at the base of Axis' tailhole. He stopped here, letting the young fox get used to the size of it, groaning slightly as he said, "Just... tell me when you're ready for more... Kit..."
Axis clenched and unclenched the tight ring of muscle around his lover's shaft, smiling in pleasure as his own cock dripped pre-cum. He murred contentedly and bucked against Jasyn's knot, "C'mon Jayse, you know I can take more punishment than that."
Jasyn chuckled and slowly pulled out halfway before pounding back in, his knot stretching Axis' tailhole a bit. He grunted in pleasure and whispered, "You sure?" before pulling half-out again.
Axis let out a grunt of pained pleasure and gritted his teeth, "Ngf... Jasyn... more!" he said, wanting so badly to feel Jasyn's life-seeds inside of him.
Jasyn groaned and started to slowly pump into the young fox, one paw resting on Axis' own, and the other tracing circles in Axis' tummy fur. He let his paw trace lower, brushing a knuckle against his Kit's length as he continued to thrust.
Axis groaned and let out a slight whimper of pleasure, clenching his rear as tightly around Jasyn's cock as he could, moaning out encouragement, "Nng, Jasyn... so good!"
Jasyn kept thrusting, taking Axis' length in his gentle paw and stroking his Kit, pawing his cock, helping the fox reach climax, as he felt his own draw near. "Nngh... Axis, I'm gonna cum!"
Axis groaned and braced himself, feeling Jasyn's thrusts grow deep.
Jasyn pushed one last time, his knot finally filling Axis' tailhole, as he felt his length become immersed in a fiery-hit, fluid euphoria; his very essence.
"Ohhh... Jasyn... Jasyn..."
"Ahh! Jasyn!" shouted Axis, shaking the wolf awake.
Jasyn's eyes flickered open and he looked into the angry ones of his Kit, "Hey, Kit... What's u-" he sniffed at the air. A moment of silence fell as he realized what had happened.
"Jayse... you mind telling me what this is?" asked Axis, pointing to his chest and stomach. Coating his fur were long ropes of white, thick, sticky wolf-spunk.
"Uhh..." started Jasyn, blushing horribly, "S-sorry..."
Axis sighed and fell onto Jasyn with a chuckle, "It's not like I mind being covered in your goo Jay, but I'd like to know what you were dreaming about that drove you to... erm... *cover* me in it."
Jasyn heard the squelch of his seed between Axis and himself, and blushed again, "Uhm... Promise you won't freak out?" he asked.
"I have a pretty good guess, knowing you, but I promise I won't freak out..." said Axis with a smile, "Understanding is the basis for any relationship Jasyn."
"Well..." started the wolf, "I was... dreaming about you..."
He told Axis about his dream, and the young fox snickered, blushed, and shook his head, "Sounds like quite the dream..."
Jasyn chuckled, hugging Axis openly now, "Yeah, well, you said it yourself, one day it'll come true, right kit?"
Axis blushed and nuzzled into Jasyn's neck fur, kissing him lovingly, "Yeah Jay, really soon."
The clock on the wall read 17:29 and Jasyn coughed once, "We've got to be on the bridge in half-an-hour!"
Axis smiled and nodded, "Yeah, but we'll have to get rid of this sticky mess first..."
Jasyn chuckled and slowly sat up, Axis in his lap, "Well, we could do it the natural way, and that'd be to lick it off, or we could have a shower together. Either way is equally intimate, but if we lick it off we get a bit of a treat too."
Axis snickered and said, quietly, "I'd rather just get clean, fast, if you don't mind Jayse... I'd like to check out the galley."
Jasyn nipped Axis' shoulder and grinned, "Shower it is!"
\--(You didn't think I was going to go through two shower scenes in the same chapter did you? If you did you're CWAZY!)
Axis walked out of Jasyn's quarters and into his own, grabbing his Data Disc and his E-Pad. He stepped out of his quarters with the devices around his belt. The uniforms on the Echo Wind were more formal than on the Falchion; white dress pants, a grey turtleneck, a white jacket with a stripe that ran across the chest, about an inch thick. The stripe was continued on the sleeves, coming up to a point on the outside. The jacket has black shoulders, and the stripe colour was different for every officer; Axis' was yellow, denoting that he was an engineer. He also had one rank pin, which in his case was a small, silver circle, about a centimetre in diameter, with an engraved area in the shape of a paw print. He guessed that the pin itself identified him as both an ensign and a Sirian and it had to be pinned on the right pocket of the jacket.
Jasyn bore a single pin also, except his was gold, identifying him as a Lieutenant. He also had a red and orange stripe; pilot and bridge crew. "Ready for your first real shift, Kit?" asked Jasyn.
"As ready as I'll ever be, I guess," came the Fox's smiling reply. The pants were actually very comfortable, and indeed had been modified for his particular physique, though how they'd managed that was a mystery to him.
"Well, I'll see you at 06:00 then?" Jasyn asked. He'd gotten used to the time keeping of these humans.
"You bet. See you later Jayse," smiled Axis. He leaned up, gave his wolf's cheek an affectionate peck, and turned and jogged off down the hallway.
"Don't hurt yourself!" called Jasyn after him, before he started to walk to the lifts.
\-- (I'm not going through the tedious work days...)
Axis smiled as he walked into the mess hall. He'd wanted to try some more human food since they'd had the pancakes. Jasyn had called him at the end of his shift and told him to meet him here, so why not test his curiosity now, he thought.
He walked up to the counter and the man behind it was running a wire tool through a thick, dark brown liquid in a big bowl. "Hey there!" he said putting the metal bowl over a heater. His eyes were bright, excited to be on such an important mission, and he picked up a basket of cut, prepared strawberries and put them with the bowl, "Just making some chocolate dip for these beauties. What can I get ya' ensign?"
Axis smiled and looked across at the man. "I just wanted to pop down and try out some food, I haven't had, well, much of anything for the past forty-sev- I mean, twenty-four-and-a-half hours. Can you recommend something?"
The man smiled and immediately said, "Why sure, just let me see here..." before turning and looking around the kitchen. The man wasn't overly tall, about the same height as Axis was. He had blond hair, or what Axis would call 'head-fur', and slightly pale skin. "Ah! Here we are!" said the chef, turning back, "Okay, so we've got a sliced apple and some cheese, or if that doesn't interest you we've got some spicy breakfast sausages and a scrambled egg. Or you could try my nearly famous strawberry waffles with a hot cup of mint tea. Take your pick, mister..."
Axis filled in the blank, "Oh, Levi, Axis Levi, and I think I'll try the sausages, with the tea, perhaps? If that's not too much trouble that is, sir."
The man scoffed jokingly, "Trouble? Nah, I enjoy cooking. Please, though, call me Eric." He extended his hand and Axis shook it warmly. "So, sausages, scrambled egg, and mint tea eh?" Eric fixed up the plate with a smile and handed it to Axis with a metal mug of tea.
"Oll int, the Sirian thank you," said Axis with a slight bow.
"You're welcome, and be careful with that tea, you don't want to scald yourself."
Axis found a table near a window and sat down, gazing out at the stream. It was almost dizzying how fast it went by, yet he barely felt anything. He cut a bit of one of the sausages off and popped it into his mouth, then smiled and chewed it happily. "Mmm, this is good. I'll have to thank Eric later."
"Who's Eric?" came a voice from behind him. Axis jumped and lifted his head to see Jasyn standing behind, looking down with a smile.
"Oh. The chef's name is Eric. Sit with me Jayse, I want you to try something," said Axis with a grin, motioning to the seat beside him.
Jasyn sat down and smiled, looking at the food with an open mind, "What is it?" he asked, looking up at the fox.
"Eric called these things 'sausages' and he called that yellow bit there 'scrambled egg'. This is 'mint tea'. I haven't tried that yet," said Axis, smiling back.
Eric walked over and smiled, standing at the unoccupied side of the table, "Hello there, can I get you something Lieutenant?"
Jasyn looked over and nodded, "Yeah, could I get a plate of this, please?"
Axis hit Jasyn in the chest with a sigh, "You could at least introduce yourself, Jayse..."
The chef chuckled and held out his hand with a smile, "Eric Raltir, I'm the chef here in the Galley."
Jasyn shook the offered 'paw', "Jasyn Emitt, Helm."
There was a brief moment of silence before Eric excused himself, "I'll go get you your meal. It was nice meeting you Lt. Emitt."
Jasyn smiled and bowed his head, "Likewise Mr. Raltir."
"Call me Eric," and with that he was off.
Axis smiled at Jasyn and continued into his food. "It's really good, Jayse, nothing like that stuff they used to serve on the Falchion. Hey, are you feeling okay? You're being awfully quiet," said the young Sirian, looking concerned.
Jasyn shook his head quickly and blinked, "Hmm? Sorry, watching those strings for 12 hours can really do a number on your eyes." He rubbed at his ice-blue eyes and smiled as his food arrived. "Thank you," he said.
The two ate and spoke about their respective days, and when they were done they took their plates over and thanked Eric for the meal.
"All I'm saying is that you could be a little less, well, wolf-like. You're acting like everyone here knows you Jasyn."
"I am not, and besides, you don't have to be getting all chummy with these humans."
"Well maybe I want to make some friends! Gods, Jasyn, I actually feel accepted around here now!" shouted the Fox. They had stopped outside their respective quarters and had been arguing for about five minutes.
"I just don't want to see you get hurt, Axis. I-"
"I can look after myself Jasyn. Like you said 'strong, confident fox'"
"But I-"
"But nothing, you should at least try to understand that we could be stuck with these people for awhile!" Axis growled, low in his chest, and turned to retreat into his room.
Jasyn sighed and reached out a paw, resting it on the young Sirian Fox's shoulder, "Axis, I... I know, I'm sorry..."
Axis' ears perked. He turned slowly and looked up into Jasyn's eyes. He could tell that Jasyn meant it, and he hugged him gently, saying, "Jasyn, don't worry about it, okay? Just try to be more friendly, okay?"
Jasyn smiled and hugged back, nuzzling into the top of Axis' head, "Alright... I'll try."
They could hear footsteps approaching from around the corner, and they stepped apart and looked like they were just talking. Around stepped Lynn and Azuma, in their new uniforms. They walked up to Jasyn and smiled. Lynn spoke first, "Hey Jasyn, we were wondering if you'd like to come to the ship's gym with us, you know, try out some human sports and such?"
Jasyn blinked once and looked over at his fox with an unsure look on his face. "Only if he can come with us," he replied.
"Sure eh, the more the merrier right? No hard feelings about before, foxy?" said Azuma with an obviously fake smile.
Axis held back from backhanding the older, larger Sirian and replied, "Yeah, no hard feelings."
"Alright! Well, let's go. We'll hit a few games and then call it in for the night, kay?" suggested Lynn.
"Sure." \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_
So? What'd you think? Not what you expected at all for the first yiff of the story, eh? It's my first PUBLISHED \_"Yiff", so feedback would be appreciated. How did you like the story so far, etc etc.
Comments are encouraged.\_ | FSE |
Title: Don't Ever Give Up Ch. 03
Tags: romance novella, drama, tim, julia
*Note: This is fiction. Sure, most authors, myself included, try to stick to reality as much as possible, but we must take certain liberties. For example, I learned long after developing the concept for this story that a certain statue doesn't actually exist. That statue plays a very prominent role in this chapter. Now, I won't ruin it for you now, but the statue is of one of the most famous men in the history of sports. So, it doesn't actually exist - it damn well should. And this is my story. Voila. Anyhow, if anyone is from the Raleigh, N.C. area, and that factual discrepancy offends you, then... please, just work with me.
Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ;-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it's all uploaded, so don't get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy!*
Tim had done this well over 3,000 times. J.T., acting as his co-pilot today, had probably done it more than 5,000 times. Among the passengers on today's charter were three or four other pilots, and all told, everyone on the plane with a pilot's license had probably executed tens of thousands of flawless landings throughout their careers.
Still, Tim never relaxed once the runway came into view, even during the day when he could see the runway easily. This time, he was turning final for an instrument night landing. He could watch the cockpit displays showing the precise track of the plane relative to the runway he'd be on in a few minutes, but that didn't stop him from being nervous.
Like most of the other pilots he knew, Tim was a big believer in one of the oldest overused pilots' phrases: "Any landing you can walk away from is a good one, and if the plane is still functioning afterward, it's perfect." However, he'd also developed a healthy respect for Murphy's Law throughout his career in the Marines: "If it can go wrong, it will. If more than one thing can go wrong, they all will, all at once." He felt he could never be too cautious.
J.T. had been peppering him with questions for the past 10 minutes, but he knew to leave Tim alone during this brief period, the time between receiving the landing clearance and actually touching the tires to the tarmac. Tim's breathing became shallow and controlled as the Learjet inched closer and closer to the runway. As he broke out of the low scud, he was intently focused as first the runway displaced threshold disappeared beneath the plane, followed closely by the numbers on the runway.
Tim's exhalation was audible as the wheels touched down. J.T. engaged the reverse thrusters, and the plane slowly crept to a stop after eating up more than a mile of runway.
"Mile High zero-one, welcome to Raleigh-Durham International. Exit runway to the right when able; taxiway delta to the jet port."
Tim complied with the air traffic controller's instructions, easing the plane to the right, off the runway and onto the taxiway. This was a smaller plane, so instead of taxiing toward the main gates, he headed toward the charter buildings. Just like the main gates, though, there were two linemen ready to greet him and help him get the Learjet parked.
"So, really," J.T. said. "This is a big step for you."
"You know, I would glare at you right now if I wasn't focused on these guys," Tim said. "Glaring is much less effective when you're not looking at the person."
"Seriously, man," J.T. said, simply ignoring Tim. "One of her biggest complaints to Sheila is that you never let her ride home with you, even though you're both going to the same place and coming back to the airport in the morning. So, this is big."
Tim ignored his best friend for just a second and got the plane parked. As soon as he shut down the engines, he signaled for the flight attendant, who opened the door and extended the steps.
"We're still not riding back in together tomorrow," Tim said, turning his attention to his co-pilot as the passengers disembarked. "I'm only letting her drive me home because I left my SUV at her place. I'm fairly certain you know this, seeing as you're the reason why."
Three days before, Tim had returned the N.C. State football team to Raleigh after a game in Tallahassee with Florida State. Carlos had indeed fractured a bone in his right forearm, and wearing the proper splint, he'd become the original fumble-free version of himself. The Wolfpack had whipped up on the Seminoles, and the plane ride home was just generally a good time. It certainly had put Tim in a great mood. Julia was off that particular day, and instead of making her drive all the way to his house on the lake, he'd decided to surprise her at her house instead.
"Speaking of which..." J.T. said, and Tim could only roll his eyes. He wondered how long it would be before J.T. figured it out. "You got back into town Sunday evening. I picked you up over there this morning. You stayed with her almost three whole days?"
"Don't make a big deal out of it."
"It is a big deal, dude," he said. "You don't even like it when she stays overnight, and now you're over there for three days?"
"What can I say, J.T.?" Tim replied. "She just keeps coming back for more. I fucked her Sunday night right into Monday morning. I was ready to leave, but she convinced me to stay. And let me tell you, she can be pretty damn persuasive. She has this thing she does, where she puts ice in her mouth then goes down on me for a minute, then switches to coffee... it's marketable, dude. Anyway, we stayed there all day Monday. Tuesday, we went to work, but she got off first. I went over there and made sure she got off first a few more times."
J.T. was stunned.
"What?" Tim asked.
"Bullshit," J.T. finally said. "Now you're just making shit up so I'll stop asking you about it."
"Maybe I am," Tim said. "Maybe I'm actually telling the truth."
"But you never offer details."
"Yeah, like it was a big fucking secret what we were doing over there all that time, man," Tim said. "And if it will get you off my back, then, hell. What's a little sharing between best friends?"
Tim left the cockpit, descending the steps onto the asphalt. J.T. joined him soon thereafter.
"Tim, you could show me the video and it still wouldn't get me off your back."
"OK," Tim said, shooting his friend a cautious glance. "You're starting to scare me."
"All the shit we've been through together, and NOW I'm starting to scare you?"
Tim laughed and rolled his eyes simultaneously. "You have a point."
"Still, man, you could have asked me to drive you over there," J.T. continued. "It's a big deal."
"You're about to find out how big a deal it is when I call a cab to take me over there and you have to explain to her how I was gonna let her drive me home, but you wouldn't shut up."
J.T. put his hands up in surrender. "OK, OK."
The pair walked silently into the charter terminal. They made their way through the building and into the MHC, Inc. offices. Julia was sitting in one of the chairs, idly flipping through the latest copy of Sports Illustrated.
"I keep telling you she's a keeper, man," J.T. said, pointing at the magazine. "Any woman who reads Sports Illustrated without being forced..."
"What do you mean, without being forced? You don't keep anything in here but that and Aviation Weekly," she answered. She'd already stood up. There was a look on her face that she always had when she met Tim at the airport - like she wanted to run up and jump into his arms. She didn't because she thought he would get mad. Lately, he wasn't so sure.
"True," J.T. said. "Just trying to turn people on to the important things in life."
"Hey, you," she said when Tim reached her. "I just got off work and figured I would drop by to see if you guys were back yet."
"I know," Tim replied. "I talked to Shelby in your office an hour ago."
"Why?" she asked.
"Wanted to see when you'd be off," he answered. "Turns out I'm going to need a ride to your place."
Her eyes lit up. Tim smiled involuntarily.
"J.T. couldn't drive you?"
"Oh, he could have. It's just..." Tim tried to spit it out, but it wasn't coming.
"He'd rather go with you." That was J.T., being ever so helpful while rifling through the mail. Tim glanced over at him, and then looked back at Julia, who was beaming. He raised his eyebrows a bit and then nodded.
"Cool," she said, clearly trying to conceal her happiness. That was one of the things he enjoyed most about having Julia in his life, at any level: it didn't take much to make her happy. Though Tim had always been willing to go the extra mile to make his friends happy, just the tiniest things - like him letting her drive him 10 minutes to her apartment - made her act like it was her birthday.
"You good, bro?" Tim asked, not looking at J.T. but trying not to maintain constant eye contact with Julia, either. He wasn't sure why.
"Yeah," J.T. said. "You're at RBC tomorrow?"
"Hoops at noon?"
Tim headed for the door, holding it open for Julia. He spotted her Toyota Camry in the parking lot and headed for it.
"How was Tennessee?"
"Awesome," Tim said. "Of course, everything looks awesome at 5,000 feet."
"I know," she said, smiling at him. "Who were the passengers? And while we're on the subject, why did J.T. have to come kidnap you at five this morning?"
"We were picking up a bunch of J.T.'s dad's friends," Tim said. "Old friends from when he grew up in Nashville. I guess that's the benefit of being rich - anytime you want to see your friends, just scramble up a Learjet and say, 'Go fetch.'"
"OK, but he just planned it this morning?"
"No," Tim said. "Steve was supposed to be J.T.'s co-pilot, but he called in sick. J.T. knew I was at your place."
"Ah, and since he lives a mile away, he just figured he'd come get you in person."
"Honestly, I think he was trying to set this up," Tim said. "He was pretty adamant about letting him drive."
"Hmm.. guess I have to thank him then," she replied.
"Please don't," he answered. "That boy's ego is already threatening to take over Wake County. Don't encourage him."
"If he's going to keep coming up with ideas like this, I'll give him all the encouragement he needs."
Tim was going to respond when his cell phone started ringing. It was 99 Problems by Jay-Z. That could only mean one person.
"You have wonderful timing, Carlos," he said, sliding into the passenger seat of Julia's car. "And by wonderful, I mean horrible."
"Sorry, Doc," Carlos said. "I need a favor."
"I can't play wingman for you tonight," Tim said. "Really, now that I'm officially employed by the school, I can't do that for you ever again."
"I don't need you to," was the reply. "I need you to play wingman for Pat Kersee. With the cops."
"Kersee got into trouble? What, did he get caught doing homework during normal partying hours?"
"You remember that shit I told you a couple weeks ago, on the plane ride back from Boston?"
"Not particularly."
Carlos repeated their conversation. Tim's eyes just got wider and wider. He noticed Julia watching him from the driver's seat.
"Jesus, man," Tim said. "What are you, some kind of prophet? I'll be right there."
He hung up the phone and looked apologetically at Julia.
"We need to make a pit stop first."
She nodded and started the car. Five minutes and one hasty explanation later, Julia's Camry pulled up in front of the main entrance to the RBC Center. There were only two police cars there, but the dual sets of flashing lights served as a beacon, drawing anyone within range to North Carolina State's basketball arena. Tim saw Carlos' blood red Ford Fusion parked 100 feet away from all the commotion, and he motioned Julia to park behind him.
"Wait here, OK?" Tim asked, getting a nod in return. "I'll just be a minute."
He hastily got out of the car and headed over to Carlos, who was sitting on the hood of his own car.
"I spent the whole drive over here hoping like hell you were pulling a prank, Carlos," Tim said.
"Doc, I can't even make this shit up," he said. He was dressed in early American ghetto - a bright orange Charlotte Bobcats' jersey, sagging blue jeans, and enough jewelry to get himself mugged at this time of night.
"You talk to him yet?"
"Yeah, but just for a sec," Carlos replied. "Po-po got real upset when they found out he texted me."
"So, why am I here?"
"One of the cops recognized me when I got here," Carlos said. "Asked Pat if he was on the team, Pat said yeah. They told him to call a coach to come over here. I said I'd handle it."
"What about Tia?"
"That's trickier. They pressed her until she admitted she was a cheerleader. Got someone at the station to look it up, and they called the cheerleaders' coach, or whoever they have that runs them."
"Ah," Tim replied. To say Nicole Clifford would be something less than pleased would be a huge understatement. Captain or not, Tia would be booted off the team, and Tim wouldn't have a chance in hell of keeping this off the head coach's and athletic director's desks. A thought formed very quickly in his mind. He waved to Julia, and when he caught her attention, he beckoned her over. She looked a bit bewildered, but she got out of the car.
"I didn't know you was bringin' your girl, Doc," Carlos said. "I dropped mine off on the way over here to help Pat, but if I'd known we was havin' a party, shit."
"She's not my girl, Carlos," Tim said, mostly amused. "But she is going to help get us out of this mess." Tim waited a second, and then realized what Carlos had just said. "You have a girlfriend?"
"Nah," Carlos said. "I just got one I hit it with more than the others. That's who I was with just now."
Tim and Carlos both watched Julia walk over to Carlos' car. She was still wearing her Southwest dress, but she filled it out well.
"Daamn, Doc," Carlos said, but an elbow to the ribs shut him up.
"Julia Waters, Carlos McDonald," Tim said, making introductions as quickly as possible. Tim pulled the Southwest Airlines pin off Julia's dress and pocketed it. "Carlos, you know who the cheer coach is, right?"
"Fuck, no," he replied.
"OK, let's try this a different way," Tim said. "Carlos, you've fucked one of the cheerleaders, right?"
Carlos grinned and flashed him a set of perfect pearly whites. No further reply was necessary.
"Good. Call her - any of them, since I'm sure we're dealing with plurals here - and find a way to get a hold of Nicole Clifford. Whatever you need to do, convince her nothing is going on. Just stop her from showing up here."
"On it, Doc," Carlos said, and immediately began working his phone. Julia and Tim made their way toward the cop cars.
"What am I doing here?" she asked.
"Were you ever a cheerleader in college?" Tim answered back with a question.
"Do I look like I was a cheerleader?" Julia replied.
"No," he agreed. "You look much, much better." Julia turned her smile up to high beams as they continued speed walking toward the cops. "Anyway, you're the N.C. State assistant cheerleading coach. Just play along."
She might have put up a fight, but they'd reached the two cop cars. Two of the cops got into the near police car, so Tim and Julia made their way to the other car. Tim spotted a hulking figure leaning against it, with his back to them. About 10 feet away, a drop-dead gorgeous Latina sat on the curb, carefully observing them as they approached.
"Can I help you?" the officer asked. He was short and black - not as well built as Carlos, Tim thought, but he looked about as fast. The nameplate on his uniform said Blue.
"Sure," Tim replied. "I'm Tim Fetters, one of the doctors for the North Carolina State football team. I understand you've detained one of my players?"
"I'm Sergeant Blue. You have some ID?"
Tim pulled out his wallet and handed the officer his driver's license and a business card identifying him as the team psychologist.
"I asked for a coach."
"Yes, I understand that," Tim replied. "Carlos only has three coaches in his cell phone, and he told me he tried to call all three, but none of them answered. I did."
It was a blatant lie, but after a few seconds, the cop bought it.
"Fine," he replied. "Who is this lovely young lady?"
Tim was about to answer for her, but Julia stuck her hand out.
"I'm Julia Waters, one of the cheerleader coaches here," she replied. "We're sorry to have caused you all this trouble."
"Not a problem, ma'am," the officer replied. "How did you both get here so quick?"
Julia took that one as well. "Well, that football player over there didn't know this, but when he called Dr. Fetters here, he called me, as well." She was laying it on thick now, even stepping up her Southern accent for effect. She batted her eyebrows as she jerked her head toward Tim. "Let's try and keep that between us, if you don't mind."
Sergeant Blue eyed Tim now. Some of it was jealousy, but some of it was the classic 'What's he got that I don't?' look, as well.
"Not a problem, ma'am," he said again. He directed them to follow him. As they did, Tim leaned over and whispered the girl's name into Julia's ear, so she could correctly identify her.
"Tia, what the hell happened?" Julia started. Tia looked back at her, clearly trying to figure out who she was. She was dressed in a white sweater and a blue denim skirt. The sweater looked disheveled - clearly, it had been balled up somewhere and just recently thrown back on.
"Why the hell do you care?" Tia replied. Uh, oh, Tim thought. He shot Tia a hard glare before responding.
"Careful, Tia," he said. "You're lucky Ms. Waters here was the one Carlos called and not Ms. Clifford." Tia stared back at him for a second, and he eventually saw the light click on.
"You're right," the girl replied. "Sorry, Ms. Waters."
"Sergeant?" Tim asked when he realized neither Pat nor Tia was going to offer an explanation.
"Apparently, these two couldn't restrain themselves," he said. "We were conducting a routine patrol and happened upon them in a... let's just say... less than appropriate act."
"C'mon, Sergeant," Tim said. "You can level with me. You caught 'em fucking out here?"
Julia laughed. Tia's eyes nearly popped out of her head. Tim looked over at Pat and saw the slightest smirk on his face. For his part, Blue stayed as professional as he could.
"Not exactly," he replied. "Mr. Kersee was leaned up against the statue, and Ms. Lopez was kneeling in front of him. I think you can fill in the blanks."
Tim looked up. Sure enough, there was the statue of Jim Valvano, the legendary North Carolina State basketball coach. Carlos, in his infinite wisdom, had nailed this one, so to speak.
"Yeah, probably," Tim said. "You mind if we talk to them for a minute?"
"As long as you don't mind an audience, go right ahead."
"Pat? Tia? Want to give us an explanation that will stop us from calling Coach Taylor and Ms. Clifford?"
"I'm sorry, Doc," Pat started, finally pulling his weight off the hood of the police car. The car rose up an inch or two. Pat's belt was still unbuckled and his fly was unzipped, but thankfully, nothing was poking out. He also had only a T-shirt on, one that was struggling to keep his large upper body contained. A red N.C. State jacket was lying on the car. "Tia was working out here in the women's weight room. I was working out with the basketball players. We caught each other on the way out, and we got the urge. I didn't think we'd get caught."
"It took us half an hour, you moron," Tia said from the curb. "Of course we were going to get caught."
"Half an hour, Pat?" Tim asked. "I mean, kudos and all, but if you're going to do it in a public place, perhaps a quickie might be the better option?"
Tia's jaw dropped again, and Tim could tell that even Julia was a little surprised by his question. Pat, though, thought nothing of it.
"Oh, we did that, Doc," he said. "With her? It took five minutes. I mean, she only got off twice, but under the circumstances-"
"PAT!" Tia shouted, throwing her purse at him. It hit him squarely in his right thigh, which made most cinder blocks look ordinary. Pat didn't even notice.
"What? It's the truth," he said.
"I know, but you're all tellin' everybody," she replied.
"Tia?" Julia asked. "If it only took five minutes, why were you still out here for 25 minutes?"
Even in the pale streetlights and the blue police lights, Tim could see the light-skinned Hispanic girl blush.
"Well, I, umm," Tia stammered. Pat jumped in.
"I didn't get off," Pat said. "I told her I could wait till we got to the dorms, but she said no. She went down on me, and... well, they told you the rest."
"For 25 minutes, Tia?" Tim asked.
"It's not my fault," she replied. "He wouldn't cum! I thought I was better at that."
"Oh, you're just fine," Pat said, walking over to the Hispanic girl and sitting down next to her. It looked like a jumbo sack of potatoes had just collapsed onto the sidewalk. "I was just trying to hold out. I could have gotten off right away, but I didn't want to give in that quickly."
"Ya know, Pat," Tim said. "I'm sure 'ol Jimmy V here appreciates the sentiment, OK? But I'm not sure this is quite what he meant by 'Don't ever give up,' all right?"
Julia, Tia, Sergeant Blue and the other officer within earshot burst out laughing. Pat just cracked a huge grin.
"OK, officers," Tim said. "What's the plan, here?"
The two men looked at each other.
"Technically, we have to take them downtown and book them," Blue said. "It's indecent exposure."
Tim nodded and pulled the two policemen farther away from the group, leaving Julia with Pat and Tia. He made sure none of the others could hear.
"I'm not going to get in your guys' way if you decide you have to do this, but just hear me out," Tim said, getting nods from both men. "Pat Kersee is a 4.0 student in the electrical engineering program here. Sure, he's got a shot to play pro next year, but he's graduating in December with his Bachelor's degree, five months early. When I first heard he was in trouble, I thought maybe he'd been trapped in the library after hours and set off an alarm or something. Tia Lopez, she's a member of pretty much every college Hispanic leadership committee in the country, and she's one of the top students in our Veterinary Sciences program. They're just a couple of co-eds who couldn't resist temptation. No one else saw them - no one else was hurt here."
Tim saw the two officers exchange a look. The one who hadn't yet said anything - Peterson, according to his nameplate - spoke now.
"I'd just like to know how *he* managed to hook up with *her*," Peterson said, making both Sgt. Blue and Tim laugh.
"I hear that," Tim said. "If I were him, I'd be pissed that no one else saw."
"It would just be a lot of extra paperwork for us, anyway," Blue said, and Peterson nodded.
"But Dr. Fetters, you need to make them understand," Peterson said. "They can't be out here doing stuff like that."
Tim stood up straight and spoke to where everyone could hear it.
"I understand, Officer," he said. "We'll deal with this internally, I can promise you that."
The two officers nodded to the cops sitting in the other police car. It drove off a few seconds later.
"Ms. Lopez, Mr. Kersee, we're releasing you into the custody of Dr. Fetters and Ms. Waters here. If we catch you out here again, we'll have no choice but to arrest you. Do you understand?"
Both of them nodded. The two officers got into their car and drove off. As they did, Carlos pulled his Fusion in front of the statue. "It's taken care of," he said. "The cops had to leave a message for the cheer coach, and Christy called her and convinced her it was just a prank call."
"You're dating Christy now?" Tia asked, recognizing the name of one of her fellow cheerleaders.
"Ain't nobody said nothin' 'bout dating," Carlos replied.
"Julia, can you take Tia to the car, please?" Tim interrupted. "I'll be right there." Julia nodded and escorted Tia toward the Camry, still parked 100 feet away.
"Pat," Tim started, and he saw Carlos' eyes follow Julia and Tia across the lot. "I'm not going to mention this to anyone else, ok?"
The big man looked visibly relieved.
"But listen. You almost got yourself arrested, man. I know you didn't mean anything by it, but this would have made the entire team look really, really bad. I'm going to remember this, and if anything happens again, everything comes out. You hear me?"
He nodded.
"Carlos," Tim said, pulling the running back's attention back to front and center. "Can you take him back to the dorms?"
"No problem, Doc," he said. "Thanks for helping out."
"No worries. Get outta here."
"Sure thing," Carlos said. He started the car again, but before he drove off, he rolled his window down. "Just one thing, first, Doc."
"Your girl got any sisters?"
Tim grinned. Even at a time like this, Carlos was trying to get laid. There was something about Carlos' expression that made Tim stop for just a second - it wasn't that flirtatious, lecherous grin Carlos usually had when he was on the prowl.
"We don't really have that kind of relationship, man," Tim said. "I'll see you two later."
Tim watched Carlos drive out of the parking lot, and then walked to Julia's car. Of course, he knew Julia had a bunch of brothers and sisters. He'd never met any of them and didn't even know their names. Even if he had, Tim didn't think he'd be doing anybody a favor by hooking them up with Carlos.
When Tim got into the car, he gave Julia directions to the dorms. Tia was in the backseat, and Tim used most of the drive there to give her the same lecture he'd delivered to Pat. Tia was very apologetic, and by the time he was finished, she was on the verge of tears.
"There's no need to cry," he said. "I talked you both out of what could have been a very bad situation. But you're the woman here, Tia. Everyone in this car and in this country knows you have the cooler head when hormones start raging. Next time, get him back home first. Hell, do it inside RBC. I'll give you a key to Coach Taylor's office. Just, don't do it in public, OK?"
Tia giggled. Julia pulled up in front of her dorm, and Tia got out. Through his open window, Tim added one more thing.
"Or, here's an idea. Next time, just make the poor guy cum faster. Then you won't have this problem."
Julia opened her mouth to say something, but Tia turned and headed toward the dorms. Tim was rolling up the window.
"What?" Tim asked, seeing Julia's open mouth.
"I was just going to tell her," she said. "If she needs pointers, I'd be happy to help. You never seem to complain."
"No," he agreed. "Tia, for as hot as she is, and as much as I'm sure she does it for Pat Kersee, is just a girl. You, Ms. Waters, are a woman."
"You calling me old?"
"Oh, hell," Tim said. "You're five years younger than me. You're not old - you just know what you're doing."
"I dunno," she replied, winking at him as she pulled out of the dorm parking lot and back onto the road. "I think you were calling me old. I think I need to prove you wrong."
Tim grinned. "Suit yourself."
Ever since he could remember, Tim had been surrounded by self-assured women. His mother was the head women's soccer coach at Wake Forest from the time Tim turned seven until she retired when he was in his mid-20s. His commanding officer for most of his tour in the Marines was a woman, and she answered to a two-star general who was one of the highest-ranking women in the United States military. The chair of the psychology department at North Carolina State, Paula Ferguson, was one of the most published professors in the world.
Even with all of that, Julia was one of the most secure women he'd ever met. She talked about needing to lose 20 pounds and joked about her curvaceous figure, but unlike most other women who weren't blessed with supermodel looks, she knew she was attractive without having to be reminded. At work, she had no problem dealing with angry passengers, confused employees and overzealous middle managers from corporate headquarters. With the way he'd acted over the past 18 months, Tim knew that a woman with less personal security would have bailed a long time ago. When he let his mind wander there, he realized her sense of self-worth was one of the things he was most attracted to.
That all evaporated into the atmosphere when it came to her apartment. The first time they got together was at Tim's house, and after that, she wouldn't let him come to her place for six or seven months. Really, it had just been within the past couple months that she had started inviting him over occasionally - prior to that, the only times they used her place was when Tim had a late night followed by an early morning and didn't want to drive 30 minutes outside of town.
Tim repeatedly tried to convince Julia that he could care less about where she lived. For one, he'd never really been concerned with financial status or social class. Sure, his family had always had money, but he never felt like that made him better than anyone else. And besides, their relationship was purely sexual -- great sex in a clapboard shack was still great, Tim liked to say, while lousy sex in a mansion was still lousy.
Julia lived on the third floor of a five-story apartment building in Durham, just up the street from Duke University. Her entire apartment was about as big as Tim's master bedroom and bathroom, which was a sore spot for her. He often told her that his pre-Doctoral apartment, just two miles away from the N.C. State campus, made her apartment look like a luxury suite at the MGM Grand, but it didn't matter. It was still a source of embarrassment for her.
Tim dug the simplicity of the place, though. Julia knew how to use her space - every available square foot was used, but he never felt like she was a packrat. There were some "typical girl" things at her apartment; she had two flowerpots hanging in opposite corners of her living room, there were several romance novels laying on her coffee table, and he was sure her cat was lurking somewhere, scheming up a way to attack Tim when he least expected it. Then again, she had a neon "Open" sign on the wall right next to her front door, and a giant plastic cutout of Steve Smith, one of the Carolina Panthers' receivers, adorned one of her bedroom walls. Tim loved his house because of the view and easy access to water skiing and boating, but Julia's apartment had real-life charm and that "lived-in" quality.
"You handled yourself very well tonight," he said as they entered her apartment. "I appreciate you helping me with that, especially on the fly."
"Hell, you were the impressive one," she said. "I just said two things. You managed to get them out of being arrested."
"I just did my job," he replied. "I'm supposed to look out for the mental well-being of North Carolina State's athletes. I don't think hitting the police blotter would have what you'd call a positive impact on either Pat or Tia's mental health, do you?"
He went into the kitchen and grabbed two Miller Lites out of the fridge. For some reason, he thought, it always went like this. At his house, Julia tended to be the busybody while Tim just collapsed into a chair. At Julia's place, Tim usually got the drinks. Julia just leaned up against the wall, watching him.
"Probably not," she replied, taking a generous swig of beer. "How close were the cops to arresting them?"
"Just watching the two of them, I could tell they found the whole situation more amusing than anything," Tim said. "I don't think they really felt like putting the effort into arresting them. I just said some things that reinforced that idea."
"Well," Julia said, pulling Tim to her. One hand was holding her beer, but she was still making progress on the buttons of his dress shirt with her free hand. "You still could have called their coaches and turned them in. It was a very nice thing to do."
"I'm sure they thought so," Tim said, running the fingers of his right hand through her dark brown hair. "Yeah, really, the cops were mostly just shocked that someone like Pat could land someone like Tia."
"You heard what they said," Julia said. She finally worked the last button loose and pulled his shirt off his shoulders. "He made her come twice in five minutes. Who cares what the equipment looks like, as long as it still works?"
"Oh, is that right?" he replied. His free hand was now working on Julia's dress, pulling the hem up her legs slowly.
"Yessssssss," she hissed into Tim's ear. "Of course, in your case, I don't have to choose. I get the best of both worlds - the equipment works, but it also looks damn good." She accentuated her point by running her hands across his well-chiseled pecs and tracing the contours of his abs.
"Is that your way of telling me you want to cum twice in five minutes?" Tim asked. He set his beer on the dining table behind him, and did the same with Julia's beer before leaning down to kiss her neck. He dragged his tongue across her collarbone, and when he bit down on her shoulder, she gasped.
"I wouldn't turn it down," she replied. "I will say this: if you can do it, it won't take me 25 minutes to make you cum."
Tim broke into a huge grin and pushed Julia's dress the rest of the way up her thighs, bunching it around her waist. When he moved his fingers to her pussy, he could feel her wetness, even through her panties.
"Somebody's already turned on," Tim said, pulling her panties to the side and immediately jabbing a finger inside her.
"OH, shit!" she said, immediately locking her hands around his neck. "I've been horny all day. You didn't fuck me this morning before you left."
"I didn't, did I?" Tim asked.
"Noooo..." she replied. "I had to go to the bathroom and finger myself twice today."
"Show me," he said, taking her right hand and moving it in between her legs. "I'm going to make you cum twice in the next four minutes now, but you're going to help."
Julia started rubbing her clit while Tim rapidly plunged two fingers into her steamy cunt. She wasn't going to last a whole lot longer, but just to make sure, he leaned forward and caught one of her nipples between his teeth. Even with her dress and bra still covering them, the sensation was strong enough for Julia to let loose with another blue streak.
"FUCK!" she yelled. "I'm gonna cum!"
Tim only increased the pace with his fingers, and he managed to pull back and watch Julia's face as she came on both their hands. He got more than his fair share of memorable views from the cockpit, but for Tim's money, this sight - a beautiful woman cumming because of something he was doing - beat everything.
While his right hand was occupied with her pussy, his left hand had been working at his own zipper. He'd loosened his belt enough to pull his black slacks down around his ankles. As soon as she stopped to take a breath, Tim crouched down, aimed his cock at her pussy and plunged forward.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuuuuuuucccckkkk!!!!" Julia cried out, most of it into Tim's shoulder. He figured he had about 90 seconds left to make her cum again. He lifted her right leg off the ground, and after re-locking her fingers behind his neck, she added her left leg, intertwining them around his lower back. Tim supported most of Julia's weight while repeatedly slamming into her pussy, causing the picture frames on the wall to shake. One of them got loose from its hook and crashed to the ground - Tim barely noticed.
His arms were wrapped around her lower back as he held her up, but he freed one of his hands temporarily to lay several light but stinging swats on her bubbly ass. She groaned with every smack, adding something extra to the constant whimpers she was letting loose every time Tim drove into her pussy.
He was quickly running out of time, so Tim resorted to a trick he only used occasionally. He leaned away just enough to establish solid eye contact with Julia, and stared deep into her eyes while he repeatedly slammed his hips forward into her. They exchanged so much with those deep gazes, but it always seemed to grab her emotions and send them hurtling over the edge of a cliff.
Within five seconds, she was biting her lip. She started babbling incoherently a few moments later, and somewhere around the 30-second mark, he felt a torrent of Julia's juices flooding his cock as she came one more time. She squeaked a little bit, but not much else came out of her open mouth as her second orgasm slammed into her.
Tim usually broke the eye contact once she started cumming, but he couldn't tear his eyes away this time. They stayed locked onto each other throughout her entire orgasm, finally looking away as Julia's body started to sag. He didn't like doing that to her - that kind of deep, soul-searching look could do nothing but give her the wrong idea about how he felt. But for whatever reason, it worked on her every time, so when he absolutely needed her to cum right then and there, it was his go-to trick.
"That's so unfair," she cried as Tim carefully lowered them both to the ground.
"I know."
"You always tell me there's nothing emotional in this for you, then you go and do stupid shit like that," Julia said.
"Hey," Tim replied. "I had a deadline to meet. Normally, I'd have just strung you along for another few minutes until you came from the friction, but I was under strict instructions to make you cum twice in five minutes. Time was running out."
"And that's all it was, huh?"
"Of course," he said. He knew it was bullshit, and he figured Julia probably did, too.
"Right," she said. "Go sit on the couch."
Tim did as he was told and dropped down onto Julia's red loveseat in the living room. She hadn't gotten off the ground yet, but as he settled into the chair, she started crawling toward him.
"Well, you lying sack of shit, you met your deadline, so I guess I have to hold up my end of the bargain," she said. She was grinning enough for Tim to know that she wasn't totally serious, although now he was sure she knew he was lying.
After what seemed like 10 minutes but probably only took 10 seconds, Julia crawled in between Tim's legs. She didn't waste time on pretense and small talk - she immediately dropped her head to his lap and engulfed his cock with her warm mouth.
"Oh, God, Jules," Tim groaned. "I'll never get used to that feeling; those first few seconds I'm in your mouth are just amazing."
"You like that, do you?" she asked, looking up at him and smiling around his cock.
"You know I do," he replied. "How do you taste?"
"How do I-" she almost finished repeating Tim's question when she finally realized what he meant. He saw her cheeks blush slightly, which just got him harder. She said nothing for a minute; she just continued bobbing her head up and down on his cock.
"I taste pretty damn good actually," she said, pulling him from her mouth ever so briefly. "You hear about how some guys can suck their own dicks - I wonder if it'd be possible to lick my own pussy."
Tim's eyes bugged out of his head, and Julia laughed as she popped his cock back into her mouth. There were about a million replies to his last question, but Tim had fully not expected that one.
"Though, I doubt it," she said a few moments later when she took him out of her mouth and started stroking him. "I'm sure I'm not flexible enough for that."
"Well, it's all about wanting it," Tim said, placing his hands behind her head. "Flexibility, we can work on."
"Later," she replied, and started licking up and down the length of his cock. She was using one hand to massage his balls and the other was wrapped around the base of his dick.
For the next 10 minutes, Julia steadily worked his cock with her tongue and her lips, with just the slightest contribution from her teeth. She only stopped once, to take off the dress that was still bunched around her waist. Tim's eyes must have rolled back in his head a dozen times, as she kept finding ways to make something that already felt really damn good even better.
Finally, she started deep-throating Tim, which pushed him right to the edge. Just as he was about to cum, though, she gripped his cock tightly around the base, cutting off the cum from rising up from his balls.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm not letting you cum just yet," she replied, grinning.
"I don't think that's how it happened," he answered. "Pat said Tia was doing enough to make him cum, he just wouldn't let himself. She wasn't purposely stopping him."
"So?" she replied back. "You said I'm better at this than Tia."
Tim just groaned as Julia removed her fingers and started sucking again. She'd waited just long enough - he wasn't getting soft, but his orgasm was delayed a few more minutes. He tightened his grip in her hair and moved her up and down on his dick, feeling himself inch closer and closer with every up-and-down movement of Julia's mouth. She really was good at this, Tim thought, and if she wanted to tease him and make it last a little longer, that was fine.
Just a few minutes later, Tim discovered Julia's ulterior motives.
She was rapidly moving her mouth up and down on his cock, occasionally taking him down her throat, and Tim tightened the grip he now had on her shoulders to let her know he was about to cum. Instead of speeding up, or even backing away and using her hands to finish him off as she sometimes did, she pulled off completely. Her hand lightly stroked his dick, just enough to keep him hard, but that was it.
"What's going on?"
"I'm still not letting you cum yet."
"Oh, God," Tim groaned. "C'mon, Julia. Once was bad enough, but you're going to kill me here."
She rocked back on her heels and sat down Indian-style on the floor, still stroking his rock-hard cock.
"Oh, I'll make you cum," she said, a strange gleam in her eye. "You just need to tell me first."
"Tell you what? That I want to cum?" Tim blurted out, exasperated. "Jesus, Julia. You know I want to cum."
"Not that," she replied, half-chuckling. "I want you to say it."
"Say what?" Tim replied. He was starting to get rather annoyed. His dick was still standing at attention, with Julia's tiny hand wrapped around it, not even covering half.
"You know what I'm talking about, Tim," she replied.
Oh, fucking Christ, he thought to himself. "You can't be serious."
"I am serious, Tim," she answered. "I want to be serious. You want to be serious. But you can't get over yourself and admit it, can you?"
"Julia, this is not the time."
"It's never the time, Tim," she answered back. "You just made me cum a few minutes ago with one of the most intense, passionate looks I've ever seen in my life, and yet, you still say it's just about the sex."
Yet another image from the past trickled to the front of Tim's brain. It was of himself, about three years ago, in an apartment much smaller than this one. Then, it was Tim himself sitting Indian-style on the floor, right next to the door, while Leira loomed over him. She'd been standing, trying to leave, and Tim was sitting down, but the similarities were too much. Just as Tim was about to respond, he remembered Leira's words, all too clearly in his mind:
*"The sex with us has always been great. But that's all this is about now. Don't you want more than that?"*
All at once, Tim's anger shot up to the surface, and his body followed suit, ripping his cock from Julia's grasp as he sprang to his feet. He made a B-line for his shirt and slacks, still crumpled in a pile next to the fallen picture frame by the dining table. Now it was Julia's turn to be confused.
"What are you doing? Where are you going?" she asked frantically.
"I guess it isn't even about the sex now," he replied, much too harshly. As he pulled his boxers and slacks up over his now flagging cock, he turned to look at her. The look on her face was pure panic. It tugged on him - it really did. But he was so angry with her right now, he couldn't help it.
"I'm sorry, Tim," she answered. "I didn't mean it. Please, don't go."
"You did mean it," he answered, speaking about as loudly as he could without yelling at her. She was on the verge of tears now. "You wanted something from me. You couldn't get it from me any other way. Here, I thought you were trying to do something for me... and all you wanted was something to make yourself feel better."
"I did want you to cum!" she exclaimed. "I just-"
"I got news for you, Julia," Tim replied. He didn't want to say this next part, but the words came before he could clip them. "The last person who used sex as a weapon with me? I haven't spoken to her in more than three years."
Tim patted his pants to make sure he had his keys and his phone. Without looking back at Julia, he opened the door and slammed it behind him. | literotica |
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