For the achievement of the aims set forth in Article 4, the founders establish a society under the provisions of Act II 1989 on association and the terms and conditions hereof. Seat: 1063 Budapest, Munkácsy M. u. 16. The "National Host of Hungary" Society (hereinafter Society) aims to promote the research of advanced IT and communications technologies and networks in Hungary, particularly including the support of Hungary's involvement and successful participation in the relevant EU programs and in the projects of such programs and other programs with similar aims. the Society may engage in complementary business activities to achieve the above aims and support its non-profit activities. The Society may not pursue direct political activities, it is independent of political parties and it may not support, or accept support from, political parties. All members of the Society are ordinary members in terms of their rights and obligations. The Society has no supporting or honorary members. Any domestic legal entity, company without legal entity or individual entrepreneur may become member of the Society. Membership is subject to acceptance of the Society's Charter by signing the relevant declaration and payment of the membership fee. Membership is furthermore subject to a harmony between the aims of the organisation or person applying for membership and the Society's activity and aims and to the person applying for membership or delegated as a proxy having adequate professional experience in advanced telecommunications or the application thereof. One can join and withdraw from the Society on a voluntary basis. Membership in the Society is created by admission and terminated by withdrawal, exclusion or cancellation. Admission is subject to the decision of the Society's Presidency. An appeal lies to the Society's General Meeting against a resolution refusing admission that shall be considered at the subsequent General Meeting. The members of the Society are registered by the Secretariat. The members of the Society shall pay annual regular membership fees as determined by the General Meeting each year. The General Meeting may allow non-profit members to pay reduced membership fees. The membership fee shall be paid for the whole year even if the member was admitted in the interim period. The membership fee falls due on 1 January each year and is payable by 31 January of the same year. The annual membership fees of ordinary members admitted in the interim period shall fall due on the day of admission. Withdrawal from the Society is subject to giving a notice in writing. The date of the withdrawal is the date of the postmark. Membership is terminated by cancellation in case the member ceases without leaving a successor. The Society's Presidency may terminate membership if the member fails to pay the membership fee within 90 days of the due date. The Society's Presidency may exclude the member whose activities are in conflict with the Society's aims or violate the provisions hereof in any other way. The excluded member may resort to the General Meeting to seek remedy against the Presidency's resolution. keeping the trade secrets that have come to the member's knowledge. To achieve the Society's aims, the members may make additional financial contributions to the Society in excess of the membership fee. The main corporate body of the Society is the General Meeting consisting of the entirety of the members or their proxies. The legal entity members attend the Society's General Meetings through their permanent or ad hoc proxies. Each member shall have one vote at the General Meeting. Each member shall designate a proxy (proxies) empowered to make declarations or assume obligations on his/her behalf and shall report the proxy's name to the Society's administrative body. The members may replace their proxy (proxies) at any time. The proxies shall certify their right of representation by official powers of attorney. Exercise of the voting right is subject to the member's proxy certifying his/her right of representation prior to the start of the General Meeting. The General Meeting shall have a quorum if at least two-thirds of the total number of votes is represented. If no quorum develops at the General Meeting in 2 hours from the originally appointed starting time, the General Meeting shall be postponed and reconvened within 30 days. The reconvened General Meeting shall have a quorum on the original agenda irrespective of the number of votes represented at the meeting. The General Meeting of the Society shall be convened by the Society's Presidency. The Society's General Meeting shall be convened whenever necessary but at least once a year. The Society's Presidency shall appoint the date of the General Meeting and inform the members of the venue, date and time and agenda of the meeting at least 15 days in advance. The General Meeting shall be convened if the members representing at least one-third of the total number of votes request the Presidency in writing to convene the General Meeting. The agenda of the General Meeting shall be determined and put before the General Meeting by the Society's Presidency. The General Meeting shall be chaired by the Vice Chairpersons alternately, on a rotational basis. any issue referred to the General Meeting's exclusive authority by law or the Charter or drawn by the General Meeting into its own authority. The General Meeting usually passes its resolutions by an open, simple majority vote. In the case of a tie vote, the issue shall be put to the vote repeatedly until the vote is successful. Any resolution imposing obligations upon, or directly affecting the interests of, one or more members is subject to the consent of the member(s) concerned. The member concerned may not vote on his/her exclusion. A two-thirds majority vote is required for passing a resolution on the issues set forth in a), b), c), d) and f) of Paragraph 1, Article 16. The General Meeting passes its resolution by a secret vote when electing any of the officials in Paragraph 1, Article 18 and on any other issue if requested by at least one-third of the members with voting right. The proceedings at the General Meeting shall be recorded in minutes. The minutes shall contain the major comments and proposals made and the resolutions adopted at the meeting. The minutes shall be signed by the Chairperson of the General Meeting, the keeper of the minutes and two persons appointed at the beginning of the meeting to certify the minutes. The General Meeting of the Society is open to the public. The General Meeting may decide by a simple majority to exclude the public. The Society's officials listed in Paragraph 1 shall be elected by the General Meeting for three years. Prior to the General Meeting electing the officials, the Society's Presidency shall set up a nomination committee of at least 3 members and appoint the chairperson of the nomination committee. The nomination committee's proposal regarding the election of the officials referred to in Paragraph 1 shall be put before the General Meeting by the chairperson of the nomination committee. The proposed persons will be included on the list of candidates. The members of the General Meeting with voting right may nominate other persons from among the ordinary members or their proxies present at the meeting. Then, at the chairperson's proposal, the General Meeting shall elect by an open majority vote a polling committee of three persons other than those included on the list of candidates. The officials shall be elected by a secret vote. An official is deemed elected if he/she has acquired over 50% of the valid votes cast. If none of several candidates receives the required number of votes in the first round, a second round shall be held with the participation of the two candidates with the highest number of votes. The voting result shall be presented to the General Meeting by the chairperson of the polling committee. One-third of the ordinary members may propose in writing recall of the officials falling within the authority of the General Meeting. The proposal shall be submitted to the Chairperson who, with the aim passing a resolution on the recall, convenes a General Meeting under the terms pertinent to extraordinary General Meetings. Otherwise, the rules pertinent to the election of officials shall apply. c. in case the number of members in the Supervisory Board diminishes to half as a result of a withdrawal. The extraordinary General Meeting shall be convened within 30 days following the emergence of the circumstances giving rise to convocation. Otherwise, the rules pertinent to the Society's ordinary General Meeting shall apply to the extraordinary General Meeting. The Society's operation between two General Meetings shall be directed by the Presidency. The Presidency is entitled to make decisions on any issue concerning the Society's activities, not including those referred to the exclusive authority of the General Meeting under the Charter. establishing the remuneration of the Society's employees within the limits of the approved budget. The Society's Presidency consists of 5 persons, called as Vice Chairpersons. supervising implementation of the resolutions of the General Meeting and the Presidency. The Vice Chairpersons may be re-elected to their office. No remuneration is paid to the Vice Chairpersons. The Presidency shall establish its work schedule and rules of procedure itself. The Presidency shall meet at intervals defined in its rules of procedure but at least every 3 months and announce the agenda of the meetings in advance. The meetings of the Presidency are not open to the public but may be attended, in addition to the Vice Chairpersons, by the members notifying their presence in advance and by the persons invited by the Chairperson. The Society's Executive Officer and the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board shall be invited to the Presidency meetings with the right of consultation. The proceedings at the Presidency meetings shall be recorded in minutes, available to the members at any time. The Presidency meeting shall be convened by the Chairperson. The Presidency meeting shall have a quorum if at least 4 members are present. The Presidency shall generally pass its resolutions by an open, majority vote. In the case of a tie vote, the issue shall be put to the vote repeatedly until the vote is successful. The Presidency shall pass its resolutions by a secret vote to elect the officials falling within its authority or if requested by any of the Vice Chairpersons. The Society's Chairperson shall be elected for a one-year period by the Vice Chairpersons from among themselves. exercising the power to sign and remit jointly with a Vice Chairperson or the Executive Officer. In case the Chairperson is absent or prevented, he/she shall be substituted by a Vice Chairperson appointed for this purpose. The Chairperson may be re-elected to his/her office. The Executive Officer shall be elected by the General Meeting and the employer's rights in respect of him/her shall be exercised by the Chairperson of the Society. exercising the power to sign and remit jointly with a Vice Chairperson. The Executive Officer's work shall be supported by the Secretariat of the Society. The Secretariat keeps the Society's records, handles the expert assignments and the Society's documentation and publication activities. The Secretariat is responsible for organising the Society's events. The General Meeting shall elect a Supervisory Board to supervise the Society's management and the administration of its assets. The Supervisory Board shall consist of one Chairperson and two members. The members of the Supervisory Board may not hold other offices within the Society. The members of the Supervisory Board may not be relatives of each other or another elected official of the Society. The activities of the Supervisory Board shall be directed by its Chairperson. controlling compliance with the documentary discipline. While performing their duties, the Supervisory Board members may inspect any document relevant to the Society's activities. The Supervisory Board shall inform the Society's Presidency of the findings of the supervisions and call the Presidency's attention to terminate the irregularities or abnormalities found. The Chairperson of the Supervisory Board shall give an account of the activities of the Supervisory Board at the General Meeting of the Society. The rules of operation of the Presidency shall apply to the operation of the Supervisory Board. The Society's management is based on annual budgets. The Society manages its finances independently and assumes responsibility for its debts up to the assets of its own. Apart from paying the membership fees and additional contributions, the Society's members are not responsible up to their own assets for the Society's debts but shall assume full moral and financial liability for the damages caused by surpassing their powers. The detailed rules of the Society's management shall be laid down in the Society's management regulation. The Society's officials are reimbursed for their reasonable expenses and those listed in the organisation and operation regulation are entitled to remuneration. The official's remuneration is determined by the General Meeting each year. The Society sets up professional and work organisations whose duties, operation and reporting duties are set forth in the organisation and operation regulation. it is dissolved by the court. If the Society is terminated, the General Meeting shall determine the utilisation of the assets left after the satisfaction of creditors. While the Society exists, the Parties shall promote achievement of the Society's aims by their conduct and actions. The Parties shall supply each other with information to promote effective participation in the R&D programs of the European Union, however, neither Party is required to supply information the disclosure of which affects its lawful business interests. The Parties agree not to use the trade secrets and information coming to their knowledge for purposes other than for realising the Society's aims and agree to seek the other Party's permission or consent for the use of trade secrets. The damages resulting from the failure to obtain permission or consent shall be paid by the Party whose obligation was to obtain permission or consent for the use of the trade secret. The Parties agree not to disclose the trade secrets coming to their knowledge to third persons and to use such trade secrets only towards the operation of the Society. The Parties shall have duty of secrecy during the period of existence of the Society or their membership and for an additional 5 years following the termination of the organisation of the National Host of Hungary or their membership. No one may be excluded or pushed to the background on discriminative considerations in connecting the members' networks. The members of the Society agree not to resort to the court or other authorities for the settlement of disputes with another member or the organisation of the Society arising out of or in connection with the activities in the Society until the Society's Presidency takes sides on the dispute. The Society's Presidency shall have right to take sides on the issues relating to the Society that are not governed in the Society's Charter or other regulations. The position of the Presidency shall be binding upon each member but a legal remedy may be sought against the Presidency's resolution at the subsequent General Meeting.
Consumer Surplus in Online Auctions Information Systems Research, Forthcoming 31 Pages Posted: 30 Jan 2008 Last revised: 24 Feb 2015 See all articles by Ravi Bapna Ravi Bapna Indian School of Business Wolfgang Jank University of Maryland - Decision and Information Technologies Department Galit Shmueli Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan There are 2 versions of this paper Number of pages: 48 Posted: 10 Nov 2005 Number of pages: 31 Posted: 30 Jan 2008 Last Revised: 24 Feb 2015 You are currently viewing this paper Despite the growing research interest in Internet auctions, particularly those on eBay, little is known about quantifiable consumer surplus levels in such mechanisms. Using an ongoing novel field experiment that involves real bidders participating in real auctions, and voting with real dollars, we collect and examine a unique dataset to estimate consumer surplus in eBay auctions. The estimation procedure relies mainly on knowing the highest bid, which is not disclosed by eBay, but is available to us from our experiment. At the outset we assume a private value second-price sealed-bid auction setting, as well as a lack of alternative buying options within or outside eBay. Our analysis, based on a sample of 4514 eBay auctions, indicates that consumers extract a median surplus of at least $4 per eBay auction. This estimate is unbiased under the above assumptions, and otherwise it is a lower bound. The distribution of surplus is highly skewed given the diverse nature of the data. We find that eBay's auctions generate at least $7.05 billion in total consumer surplus in the year 2003 and may generate up to $7.68 billion if the private value sealed-bid assumption does not hold. We check for the validity of our assumptions and the robustness of our estimates using an additional dataset from 2005 and a randomly sampled validation dataset from eBay. Keywords: eBay, sniping, highest bid, consumer surplus Bapna, Ravi and Jank, Wolfgang and Shmueli, Galit, Consumer Surplus in Online Auctions (December 20, 2007). Information Systems Research, Forthcoming, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=1087658 Ravi Bapna (Contact Author) Indian School of Business ( email ) Hyderabad, Gachibowli 500 019 +91 40 23187156 (Phone) University of Maryland - Decision and Information Technologies Department ( email ) Robert H. Smith School of Business 4300 Van Munching Hall HOME PAGE: http://www.smith.umd.edu/faculty/wjank/ Institute of Service Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan ( email ) Hsinchu, 30013 HOME PAGE: http://www.iss.nthu.edu.tw
Warner Music has struck a wide-ranging deal with the Istanbul-based Doğan Group, which owns Doğan Music Company (DMC), Turkey's largest independent record label, and DMC's subsidiary NetD, one of the most popular channels on YouTube . Doğan Music Company (DMC) will distribute Warner Music's physical product in Turkey and represent its repertoire to Turkish-owned digital music platforms. The deal will also see Warner Music repertoire hosted on NetD, which is one of the Top 5 most-viewed channels on YouTube, with nearly 13 million subscribers and 600m monthly official video views. The repertoire will be hosted on dedicated playlists that NetD will promote on its home page and popular social media channels. Warner Music will also partner with NetD's significant influencer marketing network. They will create video content around Warner Music artists and songs that they will promote to their vast audience of predominantly Turkish viewers. Turkey is one of the world's fast-growing recorded music markets. The latest IFPI figures show that the value of the market increased by 31.7% in 2017 to some $55m. Alfonso Perez Soto, EVP, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, Warner Music (pictured main), said: "Turkey is one of the most exciting emerging markets in the world. "We're very focused on ensuring our artists have truly global impact and this deal will provide them with the best way to connect with Turkish music fans. Samsun Demir, CEO, DMC, added: "We take pride in assuming the representation in Turkey of the repertoire from one of most significant music companies in the world. This agreement will see us cooperate across so many areas. Forget Drake. The music sales story of the year could soon be Johnny Hallyday.
The New Ditch Witch SK755 is built to outperform on any jobsite. This model features a high-drive track system along with an enhanced operator station, delivering superior performance through increased ground clearance, more lift capacity, faster ground speed, longer track life and more operator comfort. And by sending more horsepower to the attachment than the competition, this new SK mini skid steer will help make you more productive, job after job. Not White, Not Red. Only Orange. Efficient, low‐maintenance Kubota® diesel engines provide outstanding power for all machine functions—24.8 hp (18.5 kW). Directly coupled hydraulic pump design eliminates worries about slipping, squeaking and breaking. 362.9-kg rated operating capacity and a 2.06 metre hinge-pin height enables more productive loading. Low-maintenance track tensioning system features a grease cylinder for easy adjustment and track removal, delivering longer life and minimising downtime.
How to watch streaming River-Boca return Copa Libertadores 2018 by Dore At 9pm on DAZN will air the Superclasico that will award the Copa Libertadores 2018. Here's how to follow the match on TV and live streaming for free This is not a match like the others. And not only because it will assign the Copa Libertadores 2018 (the equivalent of the Champions League in South America), but because it puts River and Boca in front of each other. Not just two Argentine teams, but the two most important clubs in Buenos Aires, where you can breathe soccer on every street corner. This is the first time that the Copa Libertadores sees River Plate and Boca Juniors in the final. The two fans do not like each other (to put it mildly) and for a month in Argentina there is a different air, a spasmodic wait to see how it will end. Never before has the spotlight been on the 2018 Copa Libertadores return final as much as it has this year: soccer fans are looking forward to evenings like this. The Copa Libertadores final features a first leg and a return game: the first was played at the home of Boca Juniors and ended with a 2-2 result, while the return will be played tonight at the Monumental and will award the trophy. Away goals, however, do not count double and in the event that the ninety minutes of regulation play ends in 1-1 or 3-3, the game will go to extra time and possibly penalties. The anticipation for the match is great and also Italian fans will be able to watch River - Boca live streaming on DAZN that has acquired the rights to the Copa Libertadores 2018. The kickoff is set at 21:00 Italian time Finale Libertadores 2018, where to watch it DAZN, the video streaming platform born during the summer and that has secured the exclusive rights to three matches of the Seria A for each day, has enriched the offer by acquiring the rights to the Copa Libertadores 2018 and will broadcast live the Superclassico. To see River - Boca return of the final of Libertadores 2018 is necessary to be subscribed to DAZN (the cost is 9.99 euros per month, with the first month free) and have one of the devices supported by the platform (smart TV, tablet, computer, smartphone and console). DAZN is the only way to follow live the Superclassico 2018 between River and Boca. How to stream the Superclassico, return final of the Copa Libertadores 2018 If you are not at home, you do not have to worry, you can watch the return of the Copa Libertadores 2018 final between River - Boca streaming on DAZN using your computer or the application for smartphones and tablets. To watch the Superclasico streaming for free you need to launch DAZN, enter your credentials and then press on the Sport item of the menu. A pop-up window will open and you will have to click on Soccer. On the new page there will be all the matches broadcast on DAZN, scrolling down you will find the logo of the Copa Libertadores, press it and the section dedicated to the trophy will open. Clicking on the match banner will start streaming River - Boca final return match of Copa Libertadores 2018. Kickoff at 21:00. Update at 23:30 on November 24 Following the violent clashes outside the Monumental Stadium, the 2018 Copa Libertadores return final River - Boca has been postponed to November 25 at 21:00 Italian time. How to watch in free streaming River - Boca return final of the 2018 Copa Libertadores on November 25 The clashes that occurred outside the Monumental stadium and the attack suffered by the bus of Boca Juniors with six players injured, has forced the South American federation to postpone to today the return final of the 2018 Copa Libertadores. The most awaited match of the year in South America turned into what everyone feared: an urban guerrilla warfare that forced the police to shoot smoke bombs and rubber bullets to quell the clashes. The match has been postponed to today and the kick-off is set at 21:00 Italian time. Fans in the Bel Paese will be able to watch River - Boca final return match of Copa Libertadores 2018 in streaming on DAZN: you need to have a subscription to the platform and use one of the supported devices. The procedure to follow to watch the match in streaming is very simple: just launch the platform and from the home of DAZN click on the banner dedicated to River - Boca Juniors. In a matter of seconds the streaming of the Superclassico, return final of the Copa Libertadores 2018, will start. 4 sites where you can download old classic games for free The best electric scooters to buy Bridgerton: which character will return in Netflix series Touch ID, when will it return on top-of-the-line iPhones How to watch MotoGP 2018 live streaming How to watch the Seria A 2017/2018 live streaming How to see the 2018 World Cup in streaming Black Friday 2018 in Italy: dates and how it works What Italians searched on Google in 2018 Telegram doesn't work: March 5, 2018 what's happening The most anticipated smartphones of the second part of 2018 Instagram down on June 12, 2018, what happened IPhone X 2018, better battery life thanks to chip devised by Apple Where to watch the Sanremo Festival 2021 in streaming
Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging: A preclinical study Ivan Hidrovo, Joyoni Dey, Megan E. Chesal, Dmytro Shumilov, Narayan Bhusal, J. Michael Mathis Pharmacology & Neuroscience Background: Over the last decade, several theoretical tumor-models have been developed to describe tumor growth. Oncology imaging is performed using various modalities including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). Our goal is to extract useful, otherwise hidden, quantitative biophysical parameters (such as growth-rate, tumor-necrotic-factor, etc.) from these serial images of tumors by fitting mathematical models to images. These biophysical features are intrinsic to the tumor types and specific to the study-subject, and expected to add valuable information on the tumor containment or spread and help treatment plans. Thus, fitting realistic but practical models and assessing parameter-errors and degree of fit is important. Methods: We implemented an existing theoretical ode-compartment model and variants and applied them for the first time, in vivo. We developed an inversion algorithm to fit the models for tumor growth for simulated as well as in vivo experimental data. Serial SPECT/CT scans of mice breast-tumors were acquired, and SPECT data was used to segment the proliferating-layers of tumors. Results: Results of noisy data simulation and inversion show that 5 out of 7 parameters were recovered to within 4.3% error. In particular, tumor growth-rate parameter was recovered to 0.07% error. For model fitting to in vivo mice-tumors, regression analysis on the P-layer volume showed R2 of 0.99 for logistic and Gompertzian while surface area model yielded R2=0.96. For the necrotic layer the R2 values were 0.95, 0.93 and 0.94 respectively for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) weights of the models (giving their relative probability of being the best Kullback-Leibler (K-L) model among the set of candidate models) were 0, 0.43 and 0.57 for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian models. Conclusions: Model-fitting to mice tumor studies demonstrates feasibility of applying the models to in vivo imaging data to extract features. Akaike information criterion (AIC) evaluations show Gompertzian or logistic growth model fits in vivo breast-tumors better than surface-area based growth model. https://doi.org/10.21037/qims.2017.06.05 Mathematical tumor growth model Quantification tumor growth 10.21037/qims.2017.06.05 Dive into the research topics of 'Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging: A preclinical study'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Computed Tomography Medicine & Life Sciences 100% Growth Medicine & Life Sciences 38% Single-Photon Emission-Computed Tomography Medicine & Life Sciences 14% Theoretical Models Medicine & Life Sciences 11% Logistic Models Medicine & Life Sciences 9% Breast Neoplasms Medicine & Life Sciences 8% Feasibility Studies Medicine & Life Sciences 7% Hidrovo, I., Dey, J., Chesal, M. E., Shumilov, D., Bhusal, N., & Mathis, J. M. (2017). Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging: A preclinical study. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, 7(3), 299-309. https://doi.org/10.21037/qims.2017.06.05 Hidrovo, Ivan ; Dey, Joyoni ; Chesal, Megan E. et al. / Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging : A preclinical study. In: Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. 2017 ; Vol. 7, No. 3. pp. 299-309. @article{33659edc78df42b494d29007a314825b, title = "Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging: A preclinical study", abstract = "Background: Over the last decade, several theoretical tumor-models have been developed to describe tumor growth. Oncology imaging is performed using various modalities including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). Our goal is to extract useful, otherwise hidden, quantitative biophysical parameters (such as growth-rate, tumor-necrotic-factor, etc.) from these serial images of tumors by fitting mathematical models to images. These biophysical features are intrinsic to the tumor types and specific to the study-subject, and expected to add valuable information on the tumor containment or spread and help treatment plans. Thus, fitting realistic but practical models and assessing parameter-errors and degree of fit is important. Methods: We implemented an existing theoretical ode-compartment model and variants and applied them for the first time, in vivo. We developed an inversion algorithm to fit the models for tumor growth for simulated as well as in vivo experimental data. Serial SPECT/CT scans of mice breast-tumors were acquired, and SPECT data was used to segment the proliferating-layers of tumors. Results: Results of noisy data simulation and inversion show that 5 out of 7 parameters were recovered to within 4.3% error. In particular, tumor growth-rate parameter was recovered to 0.07% error. For model fitting to in vivo mice-tumors, regression analysis on the P-layer volume showed R2 of 0.99 for logistic and Gompertzian while surface area model yielded R2=0.96. For the necrotic layer the R2 values were 0.95, 0.93 and 0.94 respectively for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) weights of the models (giving their relative probability of being the best Kullback-Leibler (K-L) model among the set of candidate models) were 0, 0.43 and 0.57 for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian models. Conclusions: Model-fitting to mice tumor studies demonstrates feasibility of applying the models to in vivo imaging data to extract features. Akaike information criterion (AIC) evaluations show Gompertzian or logistic growth model fits in vivo breast-tumors better than surface-area based growth model.", keywords = "Cancer biology, Mathematical tumor growth model, Quantification tumor growth", author = "Ivan Hidrovo and Joyoni Dey and Chesal, {Megan E.} and Dmytro Shumilov and Narayan Bhusal and Mathis, {J. Michael}", note = "Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. All rights reserved.", doi = "10.21037/qims.2017.06.05", journal = "Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery", publisher = "AME Publishing Company", Hidrovo, I, Dey, J, Chesal, ME, Shumilov, D, Bhusal, N & Mathis, JM 2017, 'Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging: A preclinical study', Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 299-309. https://doi.org/10.21037/qims.2017.06.05 Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging : A preclinical study. / Hidrovo, Ivan; Dey, Joyoni; Chesal, Megan E. et al. In: Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery, Vol. 7, No. 3, 01.06.2017, p. 299-309. T1 - Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging T2 - A preclinical study AU - Hidrovo, Ivan AU - Dey, Joyoni AU - Chesal, Megan E. AU - Shumilov, Dmytro AU - Bhusal, Narayan AU - Mathis, J. Michael N1 - Publisher Copyright: © Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. All rights reserved. N2 - Background: Over the last decade, several theoretical tumor-models have been developed to describe tumor growth. Oncology imaging is performed using various modalities including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). Our goal is to extract useful, otherwise hidden, quantitative biophysical parameters (such as growth-rate, tumor-necrotic-factor, etc.) from these serial images of tumors by fitting mathematical models to images. These biophysical features are intrinsic to the tumor types and specific to the study-subject, and expected to add valuable information on the tumor containment or spread and help treatment plans. Thus, fitting realistic but practical models and assessing parameter-errors and degree of fit is important. Methods: We implemented an existing theoretical ode-compartment model and variants and applied them for the first time, in vivo. We developed an inversion algorithm to fit the models for tumor growth for simulated as well as in vivo experimental data. Serial SPECT/CT scans of mice breast-tumors were acquired, and SPECT data was used to segment the proliferating-layers of tumors. Results: Results of noisy data simulation and inversion show that 5 out of 7 parameters were recovered to within 4.3% error. In particular, tumor growth-rate parameter was recovered to 0.07% error. For model fitting to in vivo mice-tumors, regression analysis on the P-layer volume showed R2 of 0.99 for logistic and Gompertzian while surface area model yielded R2=0.96. For the necrotic layer the R2 values were 0.95, 0.93 and 0.94 respectively for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) weights of the models (giving their relative probability of being the best Kullback-Leibler (K-L) model among the set of candidate models) were 0, 0.43 and 0.57 for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian models. Conclusions: Model-fitting to mice tumor studies demonstrates feasibility of applying the models to in vivo imaging data to extract features. Akaike information criterion (AIC) evaluations show Gompertzian or logistic growth model fits in vivo breast-tumors better than surface-area based growth model. AB - Background: Over the last decade, several theoretical tumor-models have been developed to describe tumor growth. Oncology imaging is performed using various modalities including computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and fluorodeoxyglucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET). Our goal is to extract useful, otherwise hidden, quantitative biophysical parameters (such as growth-rate, tumor-necrotic-factor, etc.) from these serial images of tumors by fitting mathematical models to images. These biophysical features are intrinsic to the tumor types and specific to the study-subject, and expected to add valuable information on the tumor containment or spread and help treatment plans. Thus, fitting realistic but practical models and assessing parameter-errors and degree of fit is important. Methods: We implemented an existing theoretical ode-compartment model and variants and applied them for the first time, in vivo. We developed an inversion algorithm to fit the models for tumor growth for simulated as well as in vivo experimental data. Serial SPECT/CT scans of mice breast-tumors were acquired, and SPECT data was used to segment the proliferating-layers of tumors. Results: Results of noisy data simulation and inversion show that 5 out of 7 parameters were recovered to within 4.3% error. In particular, tumor growth-rate parameter was recovered to 0.07% error. For model fitting to in vivo mice-tumors, regression analysis on the P-layer volume showed R2 of 0.99 for logistic and Gompertzian while surface area model yielded R2=0.96. For the necrotic layer the R2 values were 0.95, 0.93 and 0.94 respectively for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian. The Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) weights of the models (giving their relative probability of being the best Kullback-Leibler (K-L) model among the set of candidate models) were 0, 0.43 and 0.57 for surface-area, logistic and Gompertzian models. Conclusions: Model-fitting to mice tumor studies demonstrates feasibility of applying the models to in vivo imaging data to extract features. Akaike information criterion (AIC) evaluations show Gompertzian or logistic growth model fits in vivo breast-tumors better than surface-area based growth model. KW - Cancer biology KW - Mathematical tumor growth model KW - Quantification tumor growth U2 - 10.21037/qims.2017.06.05 DO - 10.21037/qims.2017.06.05 JO - Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery JF - Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery Hidrovo I, Dey J, Chesal ME, Shumilov D, Bhusal N, Mathis JM. Experimental method and statistical analysis to fit tumor growth model using SPECT/CT imaging: A preclinical study. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. 2017 Jun 1;7(3):299-309. doi: 10.21037/qims.2017.06.05
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This house/single family home located at 4058 Boundary Road, Burnaby is currently for sale and has been available on Zolo.ca for 96 days. This property is listed at $1,588,000 with an estimated mortgage of $5,845* per month. It has 6 beds, 4 bathrooms, and is 2,192 square feet. The property was built in 2018. 4058 Boundary Road, Burnaby is in the Burnaby Hospital neighborhood Burnaby. Central BN, Renfrew Heights and Garden Village are nearby neighborhoods. Property Details Home facts for 4058 Boundary Road: utilities, exterior, parking etc. With 13 houses for sale in Burnaby Hospital, 487 houses for sale in Burnaby, finding your ideal home will be easy. 4058 Boundary Road is a residence located in Burnaby, British Columbia. It is situated in the district of Burnaby Hospital in Burnaby. Other districts nearby are Central Bn, Renfrew Heights and Garden Village. Boundary Road has 4 postings currently for sale, while the community of Burnaby Hospital has 19 postings for sale. Of the 1,569 total properties for sale in Burnaby, Burnaby Hospital makes up just 1.21%. The average asking price of a property in Burnaby Hospital is $1,730,305, with an estimated mortgage of $6,315 per month.* That is 2x the average list price of $865,508 in Burnaby. Properties listed in Burnaby Hospital are an average of 2,470 sq ft, with 5 beds and 4 baths. The majority of properties for sale in the district around 4058 Boundary Road are houses.
Irvine postpones $5.7 million deal for UCI… Irvine postpones $5.7 million deal for UCI Health to sponsor Great Park The Great Park Balloon and sports complex in Irvine, CA, on Wednesday, January 2, 2019. (Photo by Jeff Gritchen, Orange County Register/SCNG) By Tess Sheets | [email protected] | PUBLISHED: September 29, 2021 at 11:23 a.m. | UPDATED: September 29, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Irvine city leaders this week held off on approving a sponsorship deal with UCI Health that would have tacked the name of the health system onto the Great Park logo as a presenter and provided a host of other branding opportunities. In a deal that would have meant roughly $5.7 million for Irvine over the next decade, UCI Health as the Great Park's top sponsor would host and take part in health and wellness initiatives and hold an "Annual Wellness Month presented by UCI Health" for city employees. Support of city-organized events such as blood drives, health screening and vaccination programs, and possibly air ambulance services, could have also been worked out as part of the deal. The health provider would be a source of medical expertise for the city through the term of the agreement, as it is now for COVID-19 best practices. But after some complaints over the exclusive nature of the sponsorship and questions about the price tag, Irvine leaders decided Tuesday, Sept. 28, the city will go back to the drawing board. More about the sponsorship deal could be discussed at a City Council meeting next month. "I think this is a new direction for us going to sponsorships, so this is the first one and we want to do it right," Mayor Farrah Khan said at a Great Park Board meeting. "So if we need to take a little bit of time to make sure that we do it right, well, we'll go ahead and take that time." City officials in February 2020 hired consulting firm The Superlative Group to create a sponsorship program at the Great Park, which set out the following month to find the 1,300-acre recreational hub a presenting sponsor. UCI Health was selected out of national and local companies considered for the deal, Irvine's community services manager, Jenn Starnes, said at the Tuesday meeting. The medical center was "most aligned with the city's strategic goals and offered the most advantageous terms to the city," she said. The sponsorship prospect came amid expansion plans for UCI Health. The medical center is building a new health complex near the northern edge of its university campus, which will feature a 144-bed hospital, specialized oncology and neuroscience services, children's health and urgent care facilities. But some council members – they also serve as the Great Park board – were apprehensive over parts of the deal. Anthony Kuo and Tammy Kim voiced concern about a provision of the agreement that would restrict other health care providers from some sponsorship opportunities within the Great Park. That exclusivity raises the value of the deal, Kim said, arguing the sponsorship is worth more than what UCI Health planned to pay. Also not factored in, she said, is Orange County's placement as one of the top media markets in the country, making advertisements here especially costly. "We look at this and we think, 'Oh, it's a lot of money,'" Kim said. "But it actually isn't compared to what they're getting." Starnes said other healthcare providers could still sponsor some community events in the park, such as the annual Irvine Global Village. The deal would have brought in $500,000 to the city the first year, with annual payments increasing by 3% until they reached $652,386 in the 10th year. The Superlative Group would receive 10% commission on the payments. The remaining funds would be allocated "to enhance the budget" for the City Council's executive assistance staff, according to the staff report. The choice to designate sponsorship revenue there was made previously by the City Council, said Pamela Baird, Irvine's director of community services. City leaders this summer voted to drop "Orange County" from the park's moniker, saying Irvine should be recognized for operating the amenity, which lies within its city limits. Councilman Larry Agran, who previously opposed the name change, urged the city's leaders to "go slow" in choosing how the park's logo might change again with a presenting sponsor. City leaders are still shopping branding opportunities for a number of other Great Park fixtures, including the soccer, baseball and softball stadiums, light pole banners, the farmers market and more, Baird said. Branding of public spaces seems to be becoming more common, said Niklas Myhr, a marketing professor at Chapman University, "at the same rate as the willingness to pay tax dollars for it has gone down." The concept can be seen as a "win-win" by the public, who can enjoy the benefits of a park, for example, while the money to operate it comes out of someone else's pocket, he said. So long as the brand is compatible with the use of the space. A tobacco company, for instance, may not be popular for a kid's soccer field, he noted. Myhr said sponsorships are playing a bigger role in more spaces that were previously void of ads "as costs go up, and organizations, nonprofits and for-profits alike are looking for other ways to sustain themselves and grow." city-council Great Park Tess Sheets | Reporter Tess Sheets covers Fullerton, Orange and Irvine, along with communities in south Orange County including San Juan Capistrano, Mission Viejo and Lake Forest, for The Orange County Register. She also reports on transportation. Hailing from Florida, Tess previously worked for the Orlando Sentinel, where she covered criminal justice and public safety agencies. Before that, she was a breaking news reporter for Florida Today and Treasure Coast Newspapers. While she sometimes misses home, she's happy to have escaped the humidity. [email protected] Follow Tess Sheets @sheets_tess Pageant of the Master's cast measures up Cool cars cruisin' for a good cause Happy cats, happy humans Puggle Bailey is still waiting for his forever home
Amelia Earhart: What The General Public Never Knew Home Page: Amelia Earhart About Tod Swindell Drumming Out False Earhart History The Curious Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam Past Significant Amelia Earhart Disappearance Investigations About 'Operation Earhart' (1960-1970) The 1980s and 1990s Words Of Monsignor James Francis Kelley On Amelia Earhart Comparing Amelia Earhart To Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Surname 'Bolam' added in 1958) Wikipedia Deceitfully Misleads the Public About Amelia and Irene Newspaper Fraud Tried To Hide The Truth In 1982 The Year Is 2021, And The Truth Pertaining To What Became Of Amelia Earhart Is Now Plain To See Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was a real Twentieth Century person. The individual displayed above was identified that way from the 1940s on, but she was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. A recent study revealed she did not appear as "Irene" prior to the 1940s. In 1965, it was first suspected that the distinguished looking person above, who was known as Irene, had previously gone by the name of Amelia Earhart. In 1970, she publicly denied she was Amelia Earhart, although it was never outright proved if she was or wasn't the once world famous pilot living with a different name. Now, the results of a privately conducted study have made the truth plain to see. Below are sample elements from the 'digital comparison' section of a forensic research analysis that deeply examined the life stories of two 1930s' flying pals, Amelia Earhart and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile: The post-1940 only Irene. [The analysis learned that there was more than one, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile.] Amelia Earhart in 1937... begins to... digitally transition into... ...the post-1940 Irene in 1965 The comprehensive Amelia Earhart and Irene O'Crowley Craigmile forensic research study and comparison analysis not only surfaced the reality of more than one Twentieth Century person having been attributed to the same, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity; it also left no doubt that the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was previously known as, Amelia Earhart. Keep going to learn more about this recently learned, and now wholesomely presented finality. About The Original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia Earhart knew and had flown with in the early 1930s, looked nothing like Amelia: This 1930 dated newspaper photo features the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, shown between her husband, Charles James Craigmile (left) and her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. Tragedy struck the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's life in 1931, when her husband of three years, Charles James Craigmile, suddenly died: After her husband died, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile decided to become a pilot. With Amelia's encouragement, she purchased a plane in 1932, and she earned her wings in 1933. In fact, she was a pretty good at it for awhile, and became part of an elite group of fliers that based at Long Island, New York's Roosevelt and Floyd Bennett Airfields. An old newspaper photo of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, shown next to her plane in 1933. It was no small feat for any pilot in 1933, to fly a single engine, two-seater plane to Chicago from Long Island, New York. In 1967, an elderly, retired pilot by the name of Elmo Pickerill, recalled the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from the early 1930s, in the following manner: Strangely, approximate to when Amelia Earhart went 'missing' in the late 1930s, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile as well, was no longer evident. In time, clear photo evidence of the original Irene had also been removed from circulation. Whatever became of the original Irene is not publicly known, but it is certain anymore that Amelia Earhart continued to live-on after she was declared missing during the pre-dawn era of World War Two, and in due-time she was able to assume the original Irene's leftover identity for herself to use... for the remainder of her days. Any further, this reality of what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing in 1937, exists as an obvious truth to behold. [See more digital comparisons further down.] "The forensic studies are very convincing. She was not an ordinary housewife as she claimed. She was influential, knew many well placed people and was well traveled." From an Associated Press article by Ron Staton, John Bolam refers to early results from the 21st Century Amelia-to-Irene forensic comparison analysis orchestrated by Tod Swindell. John Bolam was the generation younger brother of the post-1940 only Irene's British husband, Guy Bolam. He died in 2008, not long after making the above statement. "All one has to do is realize that the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was a real person who knew Amelia Earhart in the 1930s -- but that she did not look like Amelia -- while understanding at the same time how the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, proved to be congruent to Amelia Earhart in a head-to-toe manner, and the truth suddenly reveals itself." Tod Swindell How The 'Irene' Controversy Originally Surfaced:- The 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives, by Joe Klaas, focused on the results of 'Operation Earhart', a ten-year investigation that concluded by boldly asserting the post-1940 Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (later, 'Bolam'), shown next to the book, had previously been known as, Amelia Earhart. The post-1940 only Irene was blindsided and she denounced the contents of Amelia Earhart Lives, and people ended up making fun of Operation Earhart's assertion about her, after she deliberately convinced the curious that it was outlandish to even suggest that her long ago friend, Amelia Earhart, somehow survived her 1937 disappearance and went on to be known by another name. I have studied this issue for a long time and I'm here to inform all that anymore, mocking the simple notion of Amelia Earhart continuing to live-on after she was declared 'missing', and then changing her name, is no longer judicious. To be sure, it never was judicious. As well, the idea of Amelia Earhart opting to change her name, especially after whatever it was she endured during her period of absence, was never as far-fetched as some individuals made it out to be, nor was it ever an outlandish suggestion. For hindsight now shows that Amelia's survival and name change was not only true, but it was the result of a well thought out and well orchestrated endeavor, the end result of which, that of Amelia Earhart veritably replacing the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, was a reality that was never supposed to be known by the general public. The book Amelia Earhart Lives did catch the living, former Amelia Earhart off guard in 1970, and to her, she recognized no other choice but to deny her true past in order to preserve her privacy, and no doubt as well, to avoid confusion and conflict. Anymore it is completely evident, though, that beyond several off-target assumptions the book presented, it indeed was correct where it asserted that Amelia Earhart survived her disappearance -- and she lived to become known as, 'Irene.' Tod Swindell Above: The former Amelia Earhart faces the press in 1970. She denounced the contents of the book, Amelia Earhart Lives, denied her true past, and people believed her. Amazingly, however, no one back then thought to compare her to Amelia. Decades later, researcher Tod Swindell's study of Amelia's life story became the first such effort to include an Amelia to Irene, forensic comparison analysis. The former Amelia as 'Irene' Again, the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile looked nothing like the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, because she used to be known as, Amelia Earhart. Above is another digital composite of Amelia Earhart and the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam), from the first-ever 'Amelia versus Irene' comparison analysis. [The study issued many comparisons.] Above, the cover of Shirley Dobson Gilroy's classic 1985, "artistic tribute to Amelia Earhart" book, Amelia / Pilot In Pearls It's Over...- The results of a long-term, comprehensive forensic research analysis that studied Amelia Earhart's life story and her 1937 disappearance and missing person case in a revolutionary kind of way are presented here, and they display the veritable truth pertaining to what became of Amelia after she went missing. Amelia Earhart aficionados were already familiar with the unresolved, Amelia/Irene controversy from the 1970s. The analysis results confirmed that the top photo portrait shows the former Amelia Earhart in 1977, who lived the remainder of her days after the 1930s, with the identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile applied to her person. It is now a reality to behold, that from the 1940s on, the former Amelia Earhart was known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, until 1958, when she married Guy Bolam, of England, that updated her name to, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam. [From 1958 on she was more commonly known as, "Mrs. Irene Bolam" or "Mrs. Guy Bolam".] Amelia Earhart knew and had flown with the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in the early 1930s. After the original Irene endured a tough decade, though, by the late 1930s she no longer appeared. You will find out more about the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile as you continue reviewing the analysis results displayed here. You will also ascertain for yourself how from the 1940s on, even though the person featured in the top portrait photo was legally known as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, (and later, 'Bolam') she definitely was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Rather, she was the former Amelia Earhart, according to the forensic research discoveries and comparison results the analysis delivered. Amelia Earhart in 1937, right before she purportedly, disappeared without a trace. If you cannot fathom the truth about what became of Amelia Earhart by way of the analysis results displayed here, it is most likely because your care worn Earhart soul won't permit you to. Your chance to recognize the truth about Amelia, though, is by being considerate to what this in-depth analysis discovered about her, as opposed to dismissing it all out of hand. The people who have been Earhart educated in misleading directions will likely influence you in a 'don't believe what you see here' way, as will stodgy historians that will tell you to disregard the now plain to observe reality that shows what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing. Notwithstanding their opinions and other false platitudes--that conflicts a person's ability to maintain a sense of proportion about Amelia--it is your right, if you wish to observe and know the truth, to keep going here. Tod Swindell, 2021 A Note About A Person's Looks Throughout her famous career, Amelia Earhart demonstrated a variety of looks. Below left is the same photo of her taken during her 1937 world flight, just before she went missing. When compared to the 1932 photograph in the center and the 1928 far right photos, it's hard to recognize they all display the same person. [Food for thought when comparing individuals and their different looks.] Below, all Amelia... The Origin Of The Now Recognizable Truth About Amelia Earhart Few recall the contentious, never resolved story from 1970, about an assertion that stated Amelia Earhart continued to survive after she was declared missing in 1937, and how she was later discovered in the U.S. living under an assumed identity: November of 1970 Headlines: The University of Texas at Dallas, that houses a special collection of U.S. aviation historical research, recently cited that Amelia's survival in the described manner above was plausible given the amount of credible evidence that supported it. Keep going to find out why, and what more results from the new, comprehensive analysis learned about the shared Twentieth Century identity of, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam). Note: Wikipedia's "Irene Craigmile Bolam" page presents a falsified brief about the never resolved 'Amelia became Irene' assertion, where it suggests the Irene identity controversy was settled using known facts about her life, and by way of a forensic detective hired by the National Geographic Society in 2006. The study learned that the National Geographic Society never hired a forensic detective that delivered a final conclusion about Irene's life-long identity, and facts about the original Irene, who had known Amelia in the 1930s, are easy for anyone to trace. It is important to point out that there is no record of any forensically drawn conclusion that stated Amelia Earhart did not live to become known as, 'Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam)' in her later life years. So wikipedia's page is misleading where it implies such a thing. In the meantime, an overwhelming preponderance of both forensic and circumstantial evidence accumulated in decades gone by indicates that Amelia did live on after she went missing, and at some point, for reasons only she and very few others understood, she assumed the leftover identity of a person she used to know, whose name was Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Below again, the original Irene The old 1930 newspaper photo above, features the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, shown between her husband, Charles J. Craigmile (left) and her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. According to the forensic analysis results, at some point the post-1940 only Irene assumed the original Irene's leftover identity. As well, also according to the analysis results, there were a total of three different women attributed to the same "Irene O'Crowley Craigmile" identity. Note: Clear photo records of the original Irene were removed from circulation long ago. Thanks to the analysis results, it is now fairly easy for one to recognize with a naked eye, that the above younger to older images are those of the three different people who were attributed to the same Twentieth Century identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Individually they were: 1.) The original Irene. 2.) The surrogate mother Irene, and 3.) The post-1940 only Irene. There are people, of course, including the survived families of both Amelia and Irene, who never wanted the long existing, 'Amelia versus Irene' controversy to be seriously addressed, let alone have the truth of Amelia's post disappearance existence in such a well hidden manner be known by the general public. But now it is known, and it needs to be reckoned with. As mentioned, the Twenty First Century study that delivered the Earhart truth was only recently finalized, so its findings have yet to be formally accepted, but it is certain they will be. It came down to simple true or false reality checks, and hands down the truth of Amelia's post-disappearance life as Irene easily prevailed when all was said and done. More About The Original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile: Note: After Charles James Craigmile died of a sudden illness in 1931, his widow, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who had met Amelia Earhart before, turned to Amelia and Amelia's well-known pilot friend, Viola Gentry, to pursue her new dream of learning to fly: Amelia Earhart in 1921. In 1928, when she was thirty years old she suddenly became famous. Soon after that she met the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile through Irene's aunt, a noted attorney by the name of Irene Rutherford O'Crowley. In 1929, Amelia Earhart and Viola Gentry became charter members of the 99s'. Above, Viola Gentry in 1927. She came to know the original Irene through Amelia Earhart. Viola Gentry was famous for her endurance flying and stunt flying. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, shown next to her plane in 1933, the year she earned her pilot's license. Her future as a pilot would be interrupted not long after this picture was taken. As fate had it, just after the original Irene earned her pilot's license in mid-1933, she became pregnant out of wedlock, that naturally interrupted her new life as a pilot. She went on to deliver a baby boy in early 1934, yet by the late 1930s, her son, (whose father was estranged) was being raised by a 'nanny' mother figure whom he grew up believing to be his biological mother. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's pilot license was not renewed beyond 1937, and to this day her ultimate fate remains unclear. Her leftover identity, however, helped Amelia to become the non-public person that she had missed being during her fame years. Before Amelia left on her 1937 world flight, she was sure to announce it would be her last flight of any significance, and she turned the attention of news reporters toward her pilot friend, Jackie Cochran, proclaiming that Jackie stood to be America's new female aviation heroine going forward. Note: For some insight toward the way Amelia regarded the world fame she achieved during her flying career, consider the Doris Rich quote below. "Over the nine years spanning her first and last transoceanic flights, Amelia Earhart became one of the most famous women in the world. The private Amelia disliked that fame intensely." From author-historian, Doris Rich's 1989 biography of Amelia Earhart. Below, again, the 1967 note from one Elmo Pickerill, Secretary of the Early Birds of Aviation of Long Island, New York, ties the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile together with Amelia Earhart and Viola Gentry in the 1930s: Below again is the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam) shown facing the press in 1970, to decry the contents of the new McGraw-Hill book, Amelia Earhart Lives. Two statements the post-1940 only Irene (Mrs. Bolam) made about herself in 1970: [The record showed that the original Irene O'Crowley married Charles James Craigmile in late 1928.] About The "post 1940 only Irene" Moniker The analysis discovered that the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam) was not identifiable anywhere as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. When combined with its other realizations, hindsight revealed that the post-1940 only Irene's past identity question emerged in 1970 as a valid controversy -- that became obfuscated by endless deliberating -- thus enabling the former Amelia Earhart to continue on living the post-World War Two era 'private life' she'd grown accustomed to, and so obviously preferred not to abandon. Two Friends... Above: Eleanor Roosevelt and Amelia Earhart in 1933. The two became friends after they met. Below is a digital composite of Amelia's above image and a 1965 taken photo of the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (Bolam). "It is nearly impossible even for families to recognize a loved one after thirty years of absence, so greatly has the self altered. And a little reflection upon the changing quality of consciousness is sure to give us some insight into the numberless selves our surface minds and egos have become since first appearing in the world." Philosopher Uell Stanley Andersen (1917-1986) Below, the post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam in 1965. her look here may not remind us of her former life, yet there is no question anymore that she did used to be known as Amelia Earhart. JOSEPH A. GERVAIS PHOTO POST-1940 ONLY IRENE O'CROWLEY CRAIGMILE BOLAM Again Amelia... ...her future Irene self in 1965 An Executive Branch Quandary Even A War Couldn't End President Franklin Delano Roosevelt Below find excerpts from a document generated by the White House nine months after Amelia Earhart was declared a missing person. The full transcript it came from concerned information President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration withheld that pertained to what actually happened to the famous pilot: To this day no explanation has been given to account for the above recorded words, but it is now certain that Amelia Earhart continued to live-on well past July 2, 1937, the date she went missing. Here, one can understand why the secrecy that concerned what really happened to Amelia in July of 1937, and what became of her afterward, managed to remain in tact. Note: The spirit of forensically recognizing and accepting the truth about what became of Amelia Earhart, was not born from an idea suggesting FDR's administration used bad judgment during the pre-dawn era of World War Two, when it optioned not to publicly disclose what it learned about the outcome of Amelia's failed world flight attempt. Issued in 1987 by the Republic of the Marshall Islands: Below is a 50th Anniversary commemorative stamp depicting Japan's Imperial Navy rescuing Earhart and Noonan, and recovering Amelia's plane. This occurred at the same time the second Sino-Japanese War was commencing, that served as a precursor to World War Two. Whatever went wrong with the duo's flight plan, it put the White House in a tough spot since the U.S. was against Japan's invasion of China. The United States general public was conditioned not to recognize the Marshalls' version of Amelia Earhart's world flight ending from the time it was first evidenced to a variety of United States soldiers who had been sent to serve in World War Two's Pacific theater. Below, this Associated Press article lead-in appeared in 2002. Ever since the World War Two era, different, 'Amelia ended up in the Marshalls' accounts akin to this one kept surfacing. Sadly, in the United States, few seem to care much about this reality based version of Amelia Earhart's world flight ending: Especially in recent decades, people have been cajoled (or misled) into looking for Amelia's plane above all else, even though the sad reality is, her plane will never be found by privately organized and funded expeditions. "While I do believe that Amelia Earhart ended her world flight quest in the lower Marshall Islands, I do not believe that she was a spy when she was 'picked up' there by Japan, the Marshall's governing authority when her world flight took place. I do consider, though, where James Donahue's British Connection research from the 1980s comes into play, and statements made by Lockheed employees that referenced how an additional plane similar to Amelia's had been readied to also participate in her world flight plan, that there possibly was a British supplied man and woman flight team in some other plane, that while doing reconnaissance over the Marshalls adjacent to Amelia's "civilian" flight plan, had encountered trouble and went down there. Where the White House transcript cited that Amelia disregarded all orders, this may have been relative to Amelia unexpectedly rerouting her flight and heading to the Marshall's in an effort to help the downed fliers, one of whom may have been the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. (The original Irene was a competent pilot who had known Amelia, and Amelia was not shy and spoke several languages, including some Japanese.) Unfortunately, the move backfired when Amelia learned the other plane had been shot down and the pilots did not survive, and she also realized she was viewed by Japan's military as a diversion 'accomplice' to the other plane's illicit activities, thus prompting her detainment, and eventually leading to the official silence to always be maintained toward the matter by the governments of the United States and Japan." Tod Swindell "Numerous investigations foundered on official silence in Washington and Tokyo, leaving the true fate of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan an everlasting mystery." 1982, aviation historians, Marylin Bender and Selig Altschul on the 1937 disappearance and subsequent missing person cases of Amelia Earhart, and her navigator, Fred Noonan, quoted from their book, The Chosen Instrument. Above is Amelia Earhart in 1928, the year she instantly became famous. Nine years later, in 1937, she purportedly disappeared without a trace, and according to history she was never seen again. Many documented World War Two 'Pacific Theater' servicemen from the U.S. and Japan, along with South Sea Islands' government officials and residents, disagreed with history there. They commonly stated, based on the eyewitness accounts of people who saw Amelia alive overseas after she was declared missing, and on other corroborating testimonials, that Amelia Earhart lived-on well after the date of her so called, disappearance. From the 1960s' on, several investigations that were conducted also agreed with this conclusion. Throughout the war years, Amelia's mother, Amy Otis Earhart, also insisted that her daughter was still alive overseas based on information she'd privately been made aware of. Again, above is Amelia Earhart (left) and Viola Gentry, two good pilot friends in the 1930s, who both knew and helped the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile to earn her wings. By the late 1930s, however, the original Irene was gone, and to this day it remains unclear what her ultimate fate was. Reusing a few photos, the box below has more on this trio: again shown next to her plane in 1933. She was commonly referred to as, 'Irene Craigmile' as listed below: Again, Amelia Earhart, before she became famous. Eight years after she met the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, Amelia Earhart was declared a missing person. Then in 1939, to release her estate to her next of kin, she was legally declared, 'dead in absentia' after no certain explanation to account for what became of her could be given. Above, Viola Gentry, "The Flying Cashier." She and the original Irene lived in the same Brooklyn apartment building for awhile. Viola often invited the original Irene to events she attended, like this one in 1933: Another 1933 press notice telling of Viola Gentry entertaining Lady Drummond Hay of England, along with the original Irene Craigmile and other pilots. Note: Pearl Pellaton lived in the same 316 Rutland Rd apartment building in Brooklyn that the original Irene and Viola did. The above 1932 Akron, Ohio newspaper photo featured Amelia Earhart (outlined in white), Viola Gentry (outlined in gray), next to the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, (outlined in black.) Reprinted from today's available newspaper archive, when enlarged, the original Irene's facial image is the only one in the group with no discernible features: Viola Gentry, who maintained Amelia was still alive after she went missing in 1937, was among the individuals who continued to know Amelia -- after Amelia assumed the original Irene's leftover identity. The same goes for Amelia's sister, Muriel. However, they never publicly acknowledged who their later-life friend, 'Irene' used to be. Instead, both strongly contested the suggestion whenever they were asked about it. There may have been more to the McGraw-Hill publishing controversies that took place in 1971, and their relationship to Amelia Earhart's old 'missing person' case than was realized at the time, and once again, where so, Viola Gentry may have figured in. That one of the most reputable publishing houses in the world would issue consecutive books that dialed in on the life of Howard Hughes, and then quickly withdraw them both, is somewhat odd in itself. The first book was Amelia Earhart Lives, that threaded a theorized level of involvement that Howard Hughes possibly had in covering for Amelia after she went missing. (Read about the 'Irene Bolam versus McGraw-Hill's Amelia Earhart Lives book lawsuit' further down.) Hughes, a great pilot himself, was a known 1930s acquaintance of Amelia's, but he was never consulted by Joe Klaas, the author of Amelia Earhart Lives, and the book was withdrawn by McGraw-Hill in early 1971, shortly after it was published. Next, throughout 1971, Clifford Irving wrote a supposedly authorized by Howard Hughes 'autobiography' that was set to be published by McGraw-Hill at the end of the year. Once again, however, Clifford Irving did not consult with Hughes, and he was charged with perpetrating a hoax after Hughes objected to his book and claimed he'd never met Irving. This led to pressed copies of the book being burned by McGraw-Hill before they made it into circulation, and to some jail time for Irving as well. Interestingly enough, Joe Klaas was never challenged by Howard Hughes at all, nor was he fined or convicted of any crime, and neither was Joseph A. Gervais, whose ten year investigation Amelia Earhart Lives was largely about. Amelia Earhart Medal Presented to Howard Hughes by Viola Gentry on Amelia's sixty-sixth birthday, 7/24/1963 The Amelia Earhart medal displayed above, was presented to Howard Hughes by Viola Gentry two years before the former Amelia Earhart was first publicly recognized for who she used to be. Perhaps not so ironically, it was Viola Gentry who introduced the post-1940 only Irene to the gentleman who recognized her as the former Amelia Earhart, (Joseph A. Gervais) the day before this photograph was taken: Above is Viola Gentry and Guy Bolam, on August 9, 1965, outside of the Sea Spray Inn of East Hampton, Long Island. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was long gone by then. Viola had known her, just as she knew the new post-1940 only Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who had married Guy Bolam in 1958, and who had previously been known as her famous flying friend, Amelia Earhart. (Above photo taken by the former Amelia Earhart, AKA, Mrs. Guy Bolam.) Below is an excerpt from Jennifer Bean Bower's 2015 biography of Viola Gentry, The Flying Cashier, where a 1941 interview Viola gave to Maybelle Manning was recalled. While reading these words, know that Viola maintained that her missing friend, Amelia, was still alive throughout the war years, yet after the war ended she stopped talking about her: Knowing how close Viola Gentry had been to both Amelia Earhart and the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, it is incomprehensible to even entertain the idea that after 1940, Viola's friend, the original Irene, could have suddenly morphed into an older-version, carbon copy twin of Viola's famous friend, Amelia Earhart, who had gone missing years before, never to be seen again. It turned out the original Irene was gone by the end of the 1930s, and basically, Amelia, who had continued to live-on, took her name in the 1940s to further use for herself. Once Again... Above, Amelia Earhart, age 39... ...digitally transitions into... ...Mrs. Guy Bolam in 1965 Amelia Earhart, age 36... A Quick Review 'The History of the Mystery' As we enter 2021 after a most trying year, anymore it seems that people are bored with the subject of Amelia Earhart's odd 1937 disappearance. In recent decades, to regenerate public curiosity, a variety of organizations and theorists, (a few shown below; the oldest being TIGHAR and the newest being the 2017 upstart, Chasing Earhart) took to promoting myriad theories to the news media, within their attempts to offer a solution to the 'mystery' cloud that continued to hover over the legendary pilot's fate. Of little surprise, it turned out that none of their varied conclusions were correct. However, another accredited researcher, Tod Swindell, who deftly avoided media adulation, quietly approached Amelia Earhart's disappearance and missing person case forensically. The results of his work are detailed beneath the following once promoted but now discarded theories. TIGHAR CHASING EARHART Richard Gillespie of Tighar, 'learned what happened'; said Amelia flew south of the Equator to a desert island, died a castaway, and was eaten by small land crabs. Elgen Long, of Nauticos, said he 'solved the mystery': Claimed Amelia flew in an uncertain direction after missing Howland, and she went down in the ocean at unknown coordinates. Mike Campbell said he found, 'the truth at last'; Claimed Amelia died in captivity within a ruthless Nippon military culture. Richard Martini of "Earhart's Electra" felt he, 'knew the answer'; Amelia was executed on Saipan by a small Japanese firing squad. Below: The New, 'Paradigm Shift' Alternative After decades of intense study, what does Tod Swindell profess to know about Amelia Earhart's old missing person case -- and a forgotten controversy in relationship to it? Enough to where the differing conclusions offered by past Amelia Earhart theorists were deemed anachronistic with one long ago, prematurely dismissed exception. A forensic analysis he orchestrated with human identity experts, proved instrumental in discovering never before known realities about an infamous assertion from the 1970s, that stated Amelia Earhart privately lived on for years under an assumed identity after she was declared "missing" in 1937, and "dead in absentia" in 1939. To begin with, until the analysis took place, it was not known that a formidable woman known as, Mrs. Irene Bolam, who in the 1970s had been called-out as the former Amelia Earhart, had a physicality about her that proved to be congruent to Amelia Earhart's physicality. It wasn't known because Mrs. Bolam was never actually compared to Amelia Earhart before the analysis took place. After the analysis did take place, when the results were combined with the additional corroborating information that had previously surfaced, (such as the accounts given by Monsignor Kelley, previewed directly below) it became forensically clear that Amelia did survive and in time became known as Irene. The post-1940 Irene (FKA Earhart) dining with Monsignor Kelley "After all she'd been through she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore." Monsignor James Francis Kelley, 1987 Monsignor James Francis Kelley [1902-1996] held PhD's in philosophy and psychology. He admitted to having counseled Amelia in the 1940s, and helping with her identity change as well. The post-1940 only Irene, (FKA Earhart) above on the right, did not like it when people candidly took her picture. Her expression here appeared to make that abundantly clear. The dark haired gal with the gray streak in the photo was Gertrude Kelley Hession, Monsignor James Francis Kelley's sister, who was a regular 1970s traveling companion of Irene's after Guy Bolam died. This photo was taken in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, in 1976. (Note the digital composites below.) Ever evasive to the press, when asked about the identity controversy that concerned his friend, Irene, Monsignor Kelley was quoted in 1982 in the New Jersey Tribune this way: Anecdotal information about the post-1940 Irene and her 1970s' friendship with LPGA promoter, Peter Busatti: Above: The post-1940 Irene and Peter Busatti, 1978 Above left is the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile; above center is the post-1940 Irene and Amelia digitally combined; above right is a rare profile photo of Amelia Earhart, taken just before she went missing. "Peter Busatti said he accompanied Mrs. Bolam to the Wings Club in New York City on one occasion. He said a full length portrait of Amelia Earhart hangs in the room dedicated in her honor. ""It was a dead ringer for Irene,"" he said. ""Sometimes I thought she was [the former Amelia] and sometimes I thought she wasn't. Once when I asked her directly she replied, "When I die you'll find out,"" Busatti said. At a Wings Club event in Washington, Busatti mentioned how, ""All the admirals and generals seemed to know her."" Excerpted from a 1982 New Jersey Tribune article. When interviewed, Peter Busatti openly commented about his suspicion that his friend, the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, used to be known as Amelia Earhart. Balloon Rides Anyone? The above 'hot air balloon' newspaper photo taken in 1979, features Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam [FKA 'Amelia'] accompanied by famous golfer, Kathy Whitworth. Especially in the 1970s, after taking over to manage her company's accounts, to include for her main client, Radio Luxembourg, the former Amelia Earhart was simply known as 'Irene Bolam' to friends and associates of hers. In the meantime she had also grown to be respected and admired by important people not only in the United States--but internationally as well. Those who were aware of who she used to be, of course, never talked much about her, such as her friend, Senator Barry Goldwater, who in her later life years she shared her ongoing love of photography with. Senator Goldwater himself was a great pilot who distinguished himself that way in World War Two. Anymore, reality states that the woman above was not the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile. Rather, she was known as 'Amelia Earhart' for the first half of her life, and then as 'Irene' for the last half of her life. To not recognize this is to not recognize the truth when it comes to what became of Amelia Earhart after she went missing in 1937. A Word from the Orchestrator of the Forensic Analysis Tod Swindell and 'Gibson' in 2016 I am not, nor have I ever claimed to be a certified forensic expert, but to learn and better understand forensic comparison applications, I educated myself by reading about them, meeting and consulting with forensic detectives, with forensic anthropologists, with physicians, with a voice comparison specialist, and with a document examiner. Ultimately, by the time I finished my forensic endeavoring, twenty-years of a learning process had transpired as I applied various comparison techniques to the dated, yet never settled, did Amelia become known as Irene question. I began my 'forensic comparison journey' in 1997. I first registered portions of my research at the Writers Guild of America in 1998, then again under the MSS title of Protecting Earhart in 2004, 2008, 2012, & 2016, revising it along the way. I copyrighted my MSS in 2014, and then again in 2017, with the forensic visual elements added to it. I am now in the process of launching a new website platform while producing a trailer for my upcoming documentary, and am preparing my Protecting Earhart MSS for final publication. Hocus-pocus has never characterized my work, or "hokum", as it was once accused of being by one of Amelia's living relatives. I was never prone to trickery or fraud, or chicanery or frame. I just let the chips fall. In recent years I have been unfavorably written about in newer Amelia Earhart books. As well, various media outlets, starting with the National Geographic Channel in 2006, took to downplaying my forensic accomplishments. That never bothered me much, really, because it wasn't until 2020, the horrid year of the Covid 19 outbreak, that I finally started to feel I was ready to go public with my epic, Amelia-to-Irene forensic journey... and the full results it achieved. This included its discovery of the unrealized fact that three Twentieth Century women were attributed to the same 'Irene' identity, with the post-1940 only Irene being the one who matched Amelia. I suppose that amid the fog of 2020, I decided it might provide a good, and possibly enlightening public distraction to come forward with this new information. I attest that my efforts handily display a forensic reality about Amelia Earhart, pertaining to a truth about her that has been ignored ever since it first surfaced five decades ago. That's right. In 1970, our national news media alerted our country of this very same truth about Amelia's post-loss survival as Irene, only to see it be categorically shouted-down without being disproved. [Note: A self proclaimed Earhart fanatic, Dr. Alex Mandel of Ukraine, outright fabricated in his 2007 posted, "Irene Craigmile Bolam" wikipedia page, where he wrote that the Irene in question's 'life history' was, "thoroughly documented, eliminating any possibility she was Earhart," and that a Nat Geo forensic detective "concluded" that the 'Amelia became known as Irene' postulation was false. Trust knowing, Dr. Mandel marshaled some loose information that he twisted into lies there.] If you cannot fathom the truth about what became of Amelia Earhart by way of my work, it is most likely because your tainted over time Earhart soul disallows you to. Your best chance to recognize it, though, is by giving serious consideration to the analysis results displayed here, rather than dismissing them all out of hand, as you will probably be influenced to do by less Earhart-educated individuals, or by people who simply wish to leave this now observable reality alone. It's up to you. Otherwise, my own reward of truth came by way of the incredible journey I traveled to get to it. For what it's worth, I am thankful for choosing the path less chosen when I came to my Amelia Earhart fork in the road, for it did make all the difference. Tod Swindell - 2021 "The journey is the reward." Tao On November 11, 1970, news reporters and cameramen crowded into a law office conference room in New York City, to listen to Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam respond to a broad-minded implication about her that appeared in a new book about Amelia Earhart. When asked by a reporter if she used to know Amelia Earhart, Mrs. Bolam acknowledged that she was a long ago friend of hers. The title of the book was, Amelia Earhart Lives. Amazingly, Amelia Earhart Lives focused on a ten-year investigation that ended by boldly suggesting Mrs. Irene Bolam had previously been known as, Amelia Earhart. Mrs. Bolam's Press Conference: Caught off guard, but wielding a strong and certain voice, Mrs. Bolam stood alone while reading a statement prepared by her attorney. She admonished the assertion that said she was really Amelia Earhart, then held her ground while briefly answering a few questions. She concluded by strongly denouncing the book, Amelia Earhart Lives, and left the room. Except, the story about her true past was far from over. Below, two statements Mrs. Bolam made about herself in 1970: married Charles James Craigmile in 1928.] Continuing on... It turned out that the fairly enigmatic, Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam, was a jet-setting international businesswoman who in 1958, married Guy Bolam of England, the person who originally founded the business she ran. Beyond facing the press to challenge the McGraw-Hill Company, Amelia Earhart Lives author, Joe Klaas, and Joseph A. Gervais, whose ten year investigation had inspired Klaas to write about it, Mrs. Bolam followed-up with a defamation lawsuit against them. Below: The indomitable Mrs. Irene Bolam O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam The Irene Bolam versus McGraw-Hill defamation case that lasted from 1971 to 1976, was more complex than people realized. Mrs. Bolam had claimed to be an ordinary New Jersey housewife, although in actuality, she was a world traveler who presided over 'Guy Bolam Associates' that sported major global clients, to include Radio Luxembourg. Although Mrs. Bolam rejected the book's implication about her, the press conference she held and her subsequent lawsuit did not put an end to her 'real identity' controversy. True, in the years that followed, strangely enough even the New York State legal system (see below) was not able to determine if she was or wasn't the former Amelia Earhart. In fact, few people realized that the controversy over Mrs. Irene Bolam's life-long identity never came close to being settled in a forensic kind of way. "Lou Foudray calls the investigative research of Gervais and Swindell, ""Just the tip of the Iceberg."" "All the evidence all put together, I feel like she [Amelia] did survive. I think she survived and came back to the United States, but that she wanted her privacy." Lou Foudray, Amelia Earhart Historian and former proprietor of the Amelia Earhart Birthplace Museum in Atchison, Kansas, is quoted from interviews conducted by Lara Moritz of KMBC TV, Kansas City, and by The Topeka Kansas Capital-Journal's, Jan Biles. Mrs. Foudray believed that the combined research of Joseph A. Gervais and the in-progress forensic analysis orchestrated by Tod Swindell, had already provided enough proof to conclude that Amelia Earhart had survived after she went missing, and that in time she became known as, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile (and later, 'Bolam'.) She also correctly projected that there was much to the story that remained unknown, by way of her, "tip of the iceberg" anology. Some reporters kept tracking the curious, unresolved case of who Irene Bolam really was, or used to be. The reason the controversy over her identity was never fully settled was found in the forensic analysis orchestrated by Tod Swindell, that ended up displaying how more than one Twentieth Century woman had been attributed to the same, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam identity. It also revealed that the Irene who faced the press in 1970, appeared nowhere identified as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s. In short, she was not the original Irene, who is shown again below: Above Center: The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, in 1930, shown between her husband and father. After meeting Amelia Earhart through her aunt, she briefly became a pilot herself until a pregnancy interrupted her flying days. Not by accident, no clear photos of the original Irene are readily available today. "It's sad, in a way, how the profound greatness of Amelia Earhart's person became lost in the so-called mystery of her disappearance. Here, for a brief moment let's again look back at the outcome of Amelia's loss through words generated by the White House nine months after she was declared missing: As mentioned, the White House never did reveal what it knew about Amelia Earhart's world flight outcome, and by now it is certain that the general public was dissuaded from being able to realize what really happened to Amelia. Today, people seem to have forgotten that Amelia's 1937 disappearance was an international controversy, because it ended up being systemically swept under the rug of official history by the U.S. federal government. This exercise was already in the works in September of 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. The facts of Amelia Earhart's loss continued to be obfuscated throughout the war years as well, and then even more exponentially after the war was over. Indeed, the effort to muddle the truth about what became of Amelia Earhart, actually continued on into the 1950s, until finally, it was determined that people in general had been conditioned enough to accept that Amelia simply crashed and sank at unknown ocean coordinates prior to completing her world flight, even though that was a far cry from what had actually happened. Heeding to the false dictates of Amelia's living family members, institutions overseen by the U.S. federal government, and its offshoot cottage industries that managed to keep the the curious stupefied, this is all the public continues to know at this present space in time. And that's a shame. Basically, for decades gone by the citizenry of the United States has been spoon fed non-truths about Amelia Earhart's world flight outcome, by individuals that felt they were doing it for the better good of the body public. Anymore, though, it is obvious that Amelia managed to live-on and become known as one of three Twentieth Century women attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity." Tod Swindell Above is Amelia Earhart and the post-1940 only Irene in a digital composite. Over the years people were conditioned to not pay attention to the never fully settled, Irene Bolam Versus McGraw-Hill lawsuit. Now, in 2021, the forensic analysis arranged by Tod Swindell, that concluded Amelia Earhart and the post-1940 only Irene were the same human being, has proved itself to be an incontestable equation. To better ascertain this for yourself, keep going to learn more about this new, fortified reality. "In the late 1990s, I couldn't believe it when I came to know Joseph A. Gervais, the Air Force officer whose ten year investigation had inspired the 1970 McGraw-Hill book, and he mentioned that no one had seriously compared Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart before. It seemed odd, because after decades he was still insisting that she was the former Amelia Earhart." Tod Swindell Tod Swindell and Joseph A. Gervais in 2002. "Many theories have been given by many different people; some bordering on the absurd, some plausible. Gervais' theory as to what happened to Amelia Earhart is one of the plausible ones. Gervais and his colleagues were seasoned Air Force pilots, and thus, understood the problems in flying long distances over water as well as the technical aspects of flying aircraft. Their experience and some of the documents and leads uncovered in their research led them to believe that Amelia Earhart did indeed survive." Paul A. Oelkrug, C. A., University of Texas at Dallas, 2006. Below, another digital composite example from the analysis: The post-1940 Irene Bolam IRENE O'CROWLEY CRAIGMILE BOLAM Above is how the post-1940 only Irene Bolam looked in 1965. Hardly a soul felt that she resembled Amelia Earhart all that much, and while looking at this photograph that Joseph A. Gervais took of her that year, it seems understandable. Most people assumed Gervais' assertion that suggested she was the former Amelia Earhart, was debunked at some point, but it never was, and to people's astonishment, the Twenty First Century forensic analysis displayed her to have been congruent to Amelia Earhart. This included by way of Digital Face Recognition, that was much improved and became more available in the Twenty First Century: Amelia Earhart... (continued below) A Digital Face Recognition grid common to the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam and Amelia Earhart. Same posturing of head position and neck to the shoulders is clearly evident as well. Light shading adjustments can help to exact a common face print within a digital composite. ...begins to... ...digitally transition into... ...the post-1940 Irene Tod Swindell's human comparison study revealed that more than one person had been attributed to the same Irene Bolam identity, and the one above shown compared to Amelia, was not identifiable as "Irene" prior to the 1940s. The study also determined that not only facially, but the post-1940 Irene's entire physical being was congruent to Amelia Earhart's physical being, as were her character traits. These 'forensic realities' were not known before the study took place. Why? Once again, simply put, no one had ever seriously compared Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart before. Dr. Walter S. Birkby Dr. Walter S. Birkby, a noted Forensic Anthropologist who advised on key portions of Tod Swindell's analysis, challenged himself with a, 'if this, then that' argument when it came to the assertion of Amelia living-on and becoming known as Irene. Based on the different Irene Bolam's that Dr. Birkby acknowledged the study displayed, with the Irene that proved herself to be congruent to Amelia Earhart appearing nowhere as 'Irene' prior to the 1940s, it was prudent of Dr. Birkby to offer his expert opinion in said manner. In Rollin Reineck's book, Amelia Earhart Survived, Dr. Birkby commented on the difficulty he had in nullifying the post-1940 Irene as the former Amelia Earhart. (Dr. Birkby was originally engaged by Tod Swindell to nullify her if he could. He couldn't.) Dr. Birkby acknowledged that the cranium, hairline, facial features, and neck-to-torso of the post-1940 Irene were the same as Amelia's. He was also impressed with the post-1940 Irene's eyes, calling them, "a perfect match spacing wise and tear-duct to tear-duct" to Amelia's eyes. Beyond aging and some obvious post-1940 changes that included hairstyles, fashion, and makeup, there may have been some nasal work endured by the post-1940 Irene as well, but nothing (according to Dr. Birkby) that would have been unexplainable in medical terms. Dr. Birkby also pointed out that while it varies, a person's ears and nose will continue to grow as he or she gets older. Thus his, "if this, then that" approach surely would apply where the idea was for the 'Irene Bolam' in question not to be recognized for who she used to be. So the "if this, then that" example would be: If at some point, Amelia Earhart optioned for a non-public life going forward after she was declared "missing" in 1937, and "dead in absentia" in 1939, then her overall objective that involved changing her name and altering her appearance some, would have included her not wanting to be recognized for who she used to be. It stands to reason: The plural Irene's realization coupled with the digital composites that revealed the post-1940 only Irene's full head-to-toe congruence to Amelia Earhart, when further combined with the overwhelming preponderance of circumstantial evidence, and the eyewitnesses that pointed to Amelia's continued existence after the date of her so-called disappearance, never amounted to, just a coincidence. Above, the post-1940 Irene in 1965, digitally transitions into Amelia in 1935. Face to face, head to head, neck to neck, shoulders to shoulders, heights, appendages, etc., all aligned with exactitude. A key indicator of the post-1940 only Irene was the large flower pendant that she often wore. (See it outlined in the boxes below.) Joseph A. Gervais believed it to be emblematic of her former identity of 'AE' for people in the know. Merritt Island, Florida - 1965 Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia - 1976 Senator Hiram Bingham & Amelia Earhart Rescued and Detained as opposed to Captured, Imprisoned, and Executed "In the Twenty First Century, clarity was delivered to the suppressed fact that Amelia Earhart did not go missing somewhere in the equatorial South Sea Islands. From the World War Two era on, in a contiguous manner, the people who saw her alive there and knew who she was shared the non-promoted reality of it with others. They commonly stressed that Amelia went down on a remote, civilized land-mass in the lower Marshall Islands, where she and her navigator, Fred Noonan, were rescued within a matter of days by Japan's Naval Authority, just as Japan was beginning to engage China in the second Sino-Japanese War. This first-ever 'human comparison analysis' managed to surface non-contestable body evidence that displayed Amelia Earhart alive as 'Irene Bolam' long after she went missing. Therefore, coupled with the reality that Amelia had continued to privately live-on that way, it appears certain anymore that all along, the event of her rescue in the lower Marshall's and her subsequent detainment was nothing less than straight-forward information delivered by honest speaking people." Tod Swindell Amelia Earhart In The Above, a remarkable 1994 book authored by Donald Moyer Wilson, (revised in 1999) displayed well over a hundred testimonials offered by South Sea Islands residents, World War Two soldiers from the U.S. and Japan, U.S. military brass, and more, that described Amelia Earhart's post loss survival under Japan's stewardship. The common thread that existed among the testimonials was that Amelia went down in the lower Marshall Islands where she and her navigator were rescued and detained by Japan's Imperial Naval Authority. Although a few people said they heard that Amelia may have died while in Japan's custody, no real evidence was ever found to support that such a thing had happened. Below once again, this Associated Press article lead-in appeared in 2002. Ever since the World War Two era, different accounts akin to this one kept surfacing. In the United States, to this very day few seem to care about this reality based version of Amelia Earhart's world flight ending: Below, a 'Winter of 2015' article by Larry Clark, featured in an issue of Washington State University magazine, described some recent Marshall Islands travel-adventures of school teacher and WSU alumni, Dick Spink. Well studied on Amelia Earhart, Mr. Spink first visited the Marshalls in 2006, and was amazed that the history of Amelia Earhart having been there was common knowledge: Below, again the 1987 "50th anniversary" commemorative stamp issued by the Marshall Islands, depicts the rescue of Amelia Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, and the recovery of Amelia's plane. "While Amelia's rescue and detainment in the Marshall's is generally accepted to have been true by astute researchers of Amelia Earhart's missing person case, the account went awry in the 1960s, when people started pushing sensationalized conjecture that touted Amelia as a 'spy' who was captured, imprisoned, and executed. The fact is, however, nobody ever knew that to be true. In the meantime, the later introduced notion that said Amelia continued to live-on after she was rescued and detained -- that she continued to survive -- and that at some point she changed her name, seemed to go over the vast majority of people's heads. Yet it is obvious anymore, that did happen." Tod Swindell Disclaimer: Nat Geo Versus Wikipedia Before Tod Swindell embarked on his study, previous investigations of Amelia Earhart's disappearance and missing person case had not bothered to compare Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart. Wikipedia's "Irene Craigmile Bolam" page posted in 2007, is misleading. Where it states, "Bolam's personal life history has since been thoroughly documented, eliminating any possibility she was Earhart", it is now known that statement is untrue. It turned out here was an original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile who Amelia had known in the 1930s, and that was not the person who faced the press in 1970, who later demonstrated an overall congruence to Amelia Earhart. Although clear photo evidence of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile is all but non-extant today, below is how her image appeared in a newspaper photo taken in 1930. Once again, she was not the same Irene who faced the press in 1970: 1930 dated newspaper photo of Charles James Craigmile, his wife, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and the original Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. Below, the original Irene's image is enhanced. The wikipedia page also incorrectly mentions that a National Geographic hired forensic detective "concluded" that Amelia did not become known as Irene Bolam. This was and remains a fabrication issued by the person who launched the page, Dr. Alex Mandel, of Ukraine. Dr. Mandel posted the page in 2007, after learning about the comparison study Tod Swindell had embarked on. Dr. Mandel, favored a claim stating Japan had captured and imprisoned Amelia in 1937, and that she died in its custody. Japan, of course, maintains to this day that it never harmed Amelia Earhart. In recent decades there has been an aligned contingency of individuals that have influenced news media outlets (and therefore the general public) in different directions about Amelia Earhart's 1937 world flight outcome. This has prevented the reality of Amelia's post-1940 'private life' existence from being openly embraced. While the Smithsonian and National Geographic Society have always ridden the fence about Amelia's final fate, their one exception has been to traditionally downplay the 'Amelia became Irene' conveyance. The "forensic detective" who briefly appeared on a Nat Geo special in 2006, Kevin Richlin, had little foreknowledge of the Amelia-to-Irene postulation, and merely looked at a few photo samples given to him by Nat Geo's producers. After doing so, he suggested if the material they gave him was 'all there was' to support the assertion of Amelia becoming known as Irene, then he would advise the proponents of it to 'move on to something else.' Detective Richlin never deeply evaluated the postulation himself, nor did he come close to "concluding" that Amelia having changed her name to Irene was forensically untrue. Given all that was learned about it dating back to the late 1960s, it would have taken a much more serious evaluation on his part to make a forensic determination. Thus the adage, "Don't believe everything you read in wikipedia." Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. Although history tried to impress upon people that the two Irene Bolam images below represented one in the same person, the analysis revealed them to have been entirely different human beings: The above cover features a 1970s photo. According to record, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam died on July 7, 1982, and a Memorial Dinner was held for her in October. Anymore the question is, which Irene died that year? The one above did not match Amelia Earhart at all. She was not the original Irene either. Rather, she served as a mother figure to the original Irene's 1934 born son. Above book page leaf: Reprinted with permission from Joe Klaas, the author of the 1970 McGraw-Hill book, Amelia Earhart Lives. The Irene in the photo only appeared as 'Irene' after 1940. Shown above, as mentioned, a key discovery that Tod Swindell made during the course of his study: There was more than one Twentieth Century person attributed to the same Irene Bolam identity. In fact there were three, for the person featured on Irene Bolam's memorial dinner program cover was not the original Irene, nor was she the post-1940 only Irene. This is edified further down. In the meantime... The Positive ID Placement Made By Irene Craigmile Bolam's Son: From Tod Swindell: Thursday, February 20, 2014 Subject: Verification I want you to know that I am in full agreement with you that Amelia Earhart was not your mother. Your mother, as you identified her in these younger and older version photos, led a very different life than Amelia and bore little resemblance to her physically. Our agreement on this matter is pertinent to the correct presentation of the facts. My conveyance is that you have positively identified these images as those of your late mother, and that she absolutely was not, and never possibly could have been Amelia Earhart. I agree with this 100%, and understand that you do too. If you could you send back a simple 'I agree' for verification I'd appreciate it. Clarence Alvin 'Larry' Heller: Friday, February 21, 2014 Subject: Re: Identity Verification The attached pictures are of my mother and she was not Amelia Earhart. C. Heller Proof is available. "AROUND 1940" Reviewing A White House Preface: The above sentences were photo-copied from a White House transcript that referred to the actual outcome of Amelia Earhart's 1937 world flight attempt. They were recorded in 1938, nine months after Amelia was reported 'missing'. The Executive Branch of the United States Federal Government has never revealed the details it knew about Amelia's 1937 world flight outcome, dating back to the administration of President Franklin Roosevelt. from July 2 & 3, 1937: Amelia in 1936 Amelia and her later-life self in a digital composite. "The forensic determinations that showed Amelia Earhart's physical being alive as 'Irene' in the last half of the Twentith Century are non-contestable." Tod Swindell Reviewing the Foundation of this Forensic Research Study The below investigative accounts of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance were extensively analyzed in a recently completed study. The endeavor was undertaken to shed a better light on Amelia Earhart's old missing person case, that was historically left unresolved. The end result is a new Manuscript and Forensic Analysis entitled, Protecting Earhart. Both are set to be issued in 2021 by independent researcher and film producer, Tod Swindell. His documentary film that has been years in the making is also nearing completion. This website serves as a preview. 1993 UK, 1994 US 1994, revised-1999 All of the above investigations determined that during the pre-dawn era of World War Two, Amelia Earhart, and her navigator, Fred Noonan, did not lose their lives by crashing into the Pacific Ocean at unknown coordinates, as the public was left to assume. As well, five of them ended up concluding that Amelia Earhart not only survived beyond the date of her disappearance, [July 2, 1937] but that she continued to live-on, and in time changed her name. Most people found that hard to believe. Now, (as Paul Harvey used to say) here's the rest of the story... An Old Story with a New Twist The following material is exclusive to Tod Swindell's Twenty First Century analysis, that revealed a non-publicized forensic reality about Amelia Earhart. As the world knows, Amelia Earhart was declared 'missing' in 1937, and then 'dead in absentia' in 1939. Thus far, historians at the Smithsonian have been encouraging people to not pay attention to the digital composites issued by the analysis, even though they are non-contestable. The post-1940 Irene in 1977 Amelia Earhart and the post-1940 Mrs. Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam, AKA Mrs. Guy Bolam, in a Digital Composite from the overall analysis. (She had wed Guy Bolam of England in 1958.) The post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam in 1977 The comparisons not only demonstrated an overall Amelia-to-Irene congruence, they also evidenced that the 'Irene' above was not identifiable as 'Irene' prior to 1940. It is essential to recognize that there actually was a 1930s pilot by the name of, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who, although her prominent family never officially reported it, went missing close to the same time Amelia Earhart did. This person was simply known as 'Irene Craigmile' and both Amelia and her well-known pilot friend, Viola Gentry, knew her and had flown with her. According to Viola, Amelia had introduced her to Irene Craigmile. Learn more about the original Irene further down. For now, below are excerpts from a letter written in 1967 by one Elmo Pickerill, who at the time was serving as secretary of a Long Island based club called, The Early Birds of Aviation: Above, a small brownie camera photo from 1932, listed Amelia climbing on the wing, Jack Warren in the rear pilot seat, and Irene Craigmile & Viola Gentry standing. The plane had recently been purchased by Irene. Below once again, is a photo that appeared in the Akron Ohio Beacon Journal on September 1, 1932. Outlined in white is Amelia Earhart; outlined in gray is Viola Gentry; outlined in black and fully shaded is the original Irene Craigmile: Where one takes the time to enlarge each facial image in the above photo, it's somewhat curious that Irene's is the only one where no facial features are discernable. The photo was reprinted from today's available newspaper archives. Again, the 1930 dated newspaper photo of Charles James Craigmile, his wife, Irene, and Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. Below, Irene's image is enhanced. In late 1931, Charles James Craigmile fell ill and died within three days time. From his September obituary: A year after Charles died, his widow, Irene, began taking flying instructions from Viola Gentry's husband, Jack Warren. "The courts have yet to decide the matter once and for all." After the news story about her broke in 1970, Mrs. Guy Bolam, sued for defamation. Her attorney referenced where the Air Force officers' new book, Amelia Earhart Lives, contained factual errata beyond insinuating that his client, Mrs. Bolam, was possibly a bigamist and a traitor. Four years later, in 1974, as the follow-up news article stated, the 'courts' still had not decided if Mrs. Guy Bolam was or wasn't the former Amelia Earhart, and in the end it was left that way. When her defamation case was finally settled in 1976, Mrs. Guy Bolam, who had originally sought $1.5 million in damages, was awarded $60,000 to be paid by the book's publisher, McGraw-Hill. The Air Force officers were left alone, however, since the question of Mrs. Bolam's former identity remained unanswered. Amazingly, it stayed that way well into the Twenty First Century, until Tod Swindell's comprehensive forensic analysis was undertaken, the first one ever to compare Mrs. Guy Bolam to Amelia Earhart, that naturally delivered its telling results. A handwriting example from the character traits section of the comparison analysis: Above is a cryptic handwritten line from a 1967 note penned by the post-1940 Irene to Joseph A. Gervais. She actually wrote about two people who, 'knew us both well as Amelia Earhart and Irene Craigmile'. Below is Amelia's own 'Amelia M Earhart' signature the way it appeared on a school form she filled out when she was seventeen. The similarity of the cursive styles is no coincidence since the same hand produced them. Below, more from the Character Traits section of the comparison study, some of the post-1940 Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam's cursive letters are shown on the left, and some cursive letter samples from when she lived as Amelia are shown on the right: Looking Back at the Life of Mrs. Guy Bolam Note: It was Joseph A. Gervais (USAF Ret.), who in 1965, encountered Mrs. Guy Bolam at a gathering of senior pilots in New York. After he was introduced to her, without formally receiving permission, he took a photograph showing her next to her British husband, Guy Bolam, who she had wed in 1958: Above left, the 1965 photo taken by Joseph A. Gervais of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bolam; center, from the original negative; right, the infamous 1970 book, Amelia Earhart Lives, that the 'Guy and Irene Bolam' photo appeared in. It is easy to see why Mrs. Bolam did not remind people of Amelia Earhart, until recent years, when the digital composites the forensic analysis generated were issued. Above: February 5, 2000, retired USAF Major Joseph A. Gervais, accepts the Amelia Earhart Society of Researchers 'Historical Achievement Award' for his unparalleled investigative research and final analysis of Amelia Earhart's failed world flight attempt. The Society's founding President, Bill Prymak, referred to Joe Gervais as, "A World War Two flying hero widely recognized as the world's leading authority regarding the subject of Amelia Earhart's disappearance." Joseph A. Gervais died in 2005, having never disavowed that at some point after she went missing in 1937, Amelia Earhart took the name of a past 1930s' acquaintance of hers, Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, whose demise was obscured to enable it. One might ask: Why is it that people in general have never heard of Joseph A. Gervais? The best answer was given by Gervais himself: "No one was was ever supposed to know that Amelia survived and took on another identity, so my 1960s investigation that learned she did was swept under the rug of official history." "Before his passing took place in 2005, I befriended and came to know Joseph A. Gervais, and I was surprised when he mentioned that no one had ever really compared Irene Bolam to Amelia Earhart before. Based on the national news-making claim that he made about her in 1970, I found that hard to believe and decided to do something about it." Tod Swindell Below, the most significant realization from Tod Swindell's overall analysis, that is tantamount to understanding the duplicity that characterized the Amelia-to-Irene equation and how it was originally contrived, was the discovery of not just two, but three different Twentieth Century women having been attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity. This was never ascertained before. Not to omit, the one who matched Amelia Earhart appeared nowhere as 'Irene' prior to 1940: Above on the left is the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in 1930, who Amelia Earhart had known, shown between her first husband, Charles James Craigmile, and her father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley. She did not resemble Amelia Earhart. The original Irene went missing around the same time Amelia did. What became of her is unknown . Above in the center, shown in younger and older forms, is the surrogate mother of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile's 1934 born son. She was also attributed to the same identity of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, after she took over raising the original Irene's son in 1937. To the right is the third Irene O'Crowley Craigmile-Bolam, shown on top in 1946, and below in 1965. She married Englishman, Guy Bolam, in 1958. The forensic study concluded that she was not identifiable as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile prior to 1940. [The math should start to get simple here.] Digitally Forensic Post-1940 Irene & Amelia digitally combined Accredited Digital Face Recognition programs arrived in the Twenty First Century Tod Swindell's comprehensive forensic research study that deeply reviewed the known facts of Amelia Earhart's disappearance, also examined the full-life story of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile Bolam. This included comparing her physical being and character traits to Amelia's. According to a purely objective viewpoint, the results of his study only appear to affirm the concealed reality of Amelia Earhart's post-1940 life as, Irene. The Amelia To Irene Forensic Study © Tod Swindell 1997-2020 What The Entirety Of The Accumulated Data Revealed data (noun): a general collection of facts, such as numbers, words, measurements, observations and descriptions of things forensic (adjective): belonging to, used in, or suitable to courts of law or to public discussion and debate First, a look at how the Amelia Earhart to Irene Bolam assertion became clouded by misinformation: Note: Of the invented Amelia Earhart cottage industries shown below, the oldest and most notable being Tighar, and the most recent being Chasing Earhart, (that surfaced in 2017) none of them produced significant factual data pertaining to the 1937 disappearance and missing person case of Amelia Earhart. Nor did they produce authentic evidence to help explain what actually happened to her. Basically, cottage industries such as these operate as businesses that exploit the mystery of Amelia Earhart's disappearance in the interest of adulatory pursuits and financial benefit. Contrarily, the 1960s investigations of two individuals, Fred Goerner and Joseph A. Gervais, along with the 1980s investigation of Randall Brink, that reviewed and solidified the data originally generated by Goerner and Gervais, and then expanded on it, well eclipses any information produced by other parties on the subjects of Amelia Earhart's 1937 disappearance and her post-loss missing person case. Based on the additional accumulated data that supports the authentic findings of Goerner, Gervais, and Brink, it is pragmatic to ignore viewpoints expressed by Amelia Earhart cottage industries that offer other ideas. Especially where so much of the data the earlier investigations generated has now been solidified by the Twenty First Century efforts of investigative researcher, Tod Swindell. His first-ever, 'Amelia-to-Irene' comparative analysis was part of a massive, in-depth study that commenced some twenty odd years ago. The results he achieved only affirmed that Joseph A. Gervais, was correct all along where he determined that Amelia Earhart lived well beyond 1937, excepting that she had changed her name for both political reasons, and for the sake of her own future privacy. "Special recognition goes to Tod Swindell, who undertook an extensive, in-depth forensic analysis of the post-1940 Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam as compared to Amelia Earhart, to show the world they were one in the same person." In his book, Amelia Earhart Survived, a quote from author and golden age of aviation historian, USAF Colonel Rollin C. Reineck. [Colonel Reineck was a Joseph A. Gervais collaborator from 1990 to 2005.] Tod Swindell Some years ago, after meeting and getting to know Joseph A. Gervais (USAF Ret.) from 1996 to 2005, it perplexed me to learn that no one had ever disproved his 1970 assertion that stated Amelia Earhart had changed her name and continued to live-on for decades after she was declared 'missing' in 1937. This is because the former Amelia Earhart hired powerful lawyers that did an incredible job when it came to obfuscating the life story of Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, a real person Amelia had known in the 1930s, whose leftover identity the famous pilot went on to assume for herself after 1940. Today, we need only remind ourselves that from 1970 to 2016, five nationally published book authors averred that Amelia Earhart survived her disappearance and later became known as Irene. Could the reason be they were advancing the truth, except the general public, that was basically unfamiliar with the shouted-down 'Amelia to Irene' story, found it too hard to believe? Yep. That's basically it. I've worked hard on developing and exposing the reality of this truth ever since meeting Joseph A. Gervais, a great pilot himself and a veteran of three foreign wars, who died in 2005, never having disavowed what he alone discovered. As the year 2021 kicks off a new decade with positive vaccine news, perhaps it is time for our body public to begin taking the now obvious reality of Amelia's later life existence more seriously. Especially when compared to the variety off-base, Johnny come lately Earhart theories presented in recent decades by glitzy looking cottage industries out there, the ineffective activities of which dominate the news media and the internet, in turn hindering the verisimilitude of Amelia's post-1940 life as Irene O'Crowley Craigmile from cleanly shining through. Tod Swindell, 2020 Below the following dedications, continue to examine Tod Swindell's landmark forensic undertaking. Doris Kearns Goodwin and Amy Kleppner Above, Historian Doris Kearns Goodwin (left) and Amy Kleppner (right) Educator, Doctor of Philosophy, Amelia Earhart's niece. Also honoring the life of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who, "...bore witness to, argued for, and helped to constitutionalize the most hard fought and least-appreciated revolution in modern American history: the emancipation of women. Aside from Thurgood Marshall, no single American has so wholly advanced the cause of equality under the law." Jill Lepore, The New Yorker Most importantly, remembering Amelia Earhart... Amelia Earhart, 1937 "Amelia Earhart was interested in the status of women from an early age. She compiled a scrapbook about women who had nontraditional jobs, mainly in male dominated fields. She wanted women to achieve greater equality in the aviation industry. She persisted because she loved aviation and she also was passionate about achieving equality for women." Amelia Earhart's niece, Amy Kleppner [2018 Canary & Co interview] Again, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile looked nothing like Amelia Earhart. After 1940, Amelia virtually replaced her. Read more about the original Irene below. The former Amelia Earhart in 1977, living as Mrs. Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam. The original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, who Amelia Earhart had known, earned her pilot's license in 1933, then gave birth to a son in 1934. She did not frequent airfields as much after that, and her license was not renewed after 1937. What became of the original Irene is a mystery unto itself. Before 1940 arrived, a surrogate mother had already been raising her 1934 born son for her, and her son grew up believing she was his biological mother. Below is the original Irene's son, Clarence Alvin "Larry" Heller's positive ID placement that he put in writing in 2014, as a contribution to Tod Swindell's forensic research and comparison analysis. Mr. Heller met twice with Tod Swindell in New York, and optioned his version of his mother's life story to him through the law firm of Cowan Liebowitz & Latman PC. Now, take another look: It is fairly easy for one to recognize with a naked eye, that the above younger to older images are those of three different people; the original Irene, the surrogate mother Irene, and the post-1940 only Irene. The above photograph, described in newsprint as taken in 1937, shows the original Irene's son, Clarence Alvin "Larry" Heller, with his "mother" in the Florida everglades, although it is hard to truly determine which mother is shown with him. The annulment of his parent's marriage was just getting underway at the time, and Larry Heller's father, a Brooklyn based pilot by the name of Al Heller, moved alone to Buffalo, New York that same year. As the story went, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, had become pregnant out of wedlock with Al Heller's child (Larry) in mid-1933, so the two eloped to marry and she briefly took his last name -- until it became known to her that Al was still legally married to another woman he'd had a child with. After the annulment was completed, (that basically says a marriage never legally happened) the surname of 'Heller' went back to being Craigmile, the last name of the original Irene's first husband, who had died in 1931. Al and Irene's son, Larry, however, kept the surname of 'Heller' as was listed on his birth certificate. It seems somewhat out of place that in the annulment complaint, Al Heller was described as "improvident" when it came to the matter of supporting his wife and son, where the photo above depicts them looking fairly well supported. Not many people could afford travel trailers, kiddie cars, and vacations to Florida back then. May as well add here, that it was Miami, Florida where Amelia departed from on June 1, 1937 to begin her world flight. It does appear to have been the case, that both Amelia and the original Irene went missing approximate to each other, leaving it possible to consider that the original Irene, a pilot herself and a friend of Amelia's, had flown in the other purported plane that had been designated to coincide with Amelia's world flight plan to do reconnaissance during the Pacific leg of Amelia's journey, and that the original Irene and her possible 'British furnished' male co-pilot met with tragic misfortune while doing so. The original Irene was a pretty good pilot. The below May of 1933 mention in the Brooklyn Eagle newspaper was a testament to this fact. For anyone to fly alone in his or her own plane from New York to Chicago and back, that was a hardy 'private pilot' feat during that time period. It was a month or two after that, though, she realized she was pregnant with Al Heller's child. As revealed in a 1938 White House transcript discovered decades later, it was against "all orders" (see below) that Amelia headed toward the Marshall Islands, the last known area the other flight duo was believed to have been doing fly-overs. Amelia aborted her known flight plan to head there in an effort to try and find out what had happened to Irene, and to help if she could. Unfortunately, the move backfired and left her as an additional suspect pertaining to the recon flight plan. This was deduced from a September of 1938 OS-2 intelligence report discovered decades later, that stated that Amelia made the final call to head "north" (her given bearing was actually northwest) and she continued to check in at half-hour intervals while doing so until she was out of range. The OS-2 report directly contradicted the two-way radio report released by the White House two months earlier, in July, a full year after Amelia's world flight had taken place. Read more about the two plane scenario in the "British Connection" section, relative to the 1985 book by James Donahue, that is elaborated on further down. [Note: First hand accounts from Lockheed employees, the manufacturer of Amelia's plane, did convey that more than one plane was prepared for and involved with Amelia's world flight plan.] If this sounds like a far-fetched idea, it merely serves as a potential explanation for the original Irene's non-reported demise, and why Amelia, who survived her 'missing person case' ordeal, later ended up using Irene's name. This suggestion was first introduced by Tod Swindell in his copyrighted manuscript, Protecting Earhart. Above, another excerpt from the May 13, 1938 White House transcript that denied First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt's request for its 'report' on Amelia Earhart's premature world flight ending from the previous year. FDR right hand man, Henry P. Morgenthau Jr., made these comments directed to Mrs. Roosevelt, adding to the reason for his additional aforementioned comment below, of not wanting to ever make public what really happened to Amelia. Of note, the White House never did make public the information it withheld. It is apparent that initially, the White House deduced that Amelia and her navigator, Fred Noonan met their demise after they entered Japan's forbidden fly zone of the Marshall Islands. It wasn't until August of 1939, about eight months after Amelia was legally declared dead in absentia, that the White House first became privy to new information, suggesting that at least Amelia was possibly still alive under Japan's stewardship. More accounts of Amelia's ongoing survival surfaced after that, but by then Germany had invaded Poland (September 1, 1939) marking the beginning of World War Two. Below left is the cover image of the James Donahue book, that expounded on a non-publicized arrangement to involve more than one plane in Amelia's world flight plan. Next to it, once again is the 1987 commemorative stamp issued by the Marshall Islands. The stamp depicts Amelia, her navigator, Fred Noonan, and Amelia's plane being retrieved in the lower Marshall Islands. As noted, this has always been considered 'common history' in the South Sea Islands region that Amelia Earhart went missing in. The Smithsonian Institution, however, as an acting agent of the U.S. federal government, all-but censures any version of Amelia's continued existence after the date of her disappearance, July 2, 1937. Recognize her above? Probably not, but this is the post-1940 Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, or, 'the former Amelia Earhart' in Hawaii, before she married British international businessman, Guy Bolam, in 1958. Above: The former Amelia Earhart in Jamaica in 1976. Can an individual change over time physically, emotionally, spiritually, and egotistically to a point where they become difficult to recognize after a long period of absence? Consider the following quote from Twentieth-Century philosopher, Uell Stanley Anderson: "If we think of ourselves as bodies, our changing self becomes apparent. It is nearly impossible even for families to recognize a loved one after thirty years of absence, so greatly has the self altered. And a little reflection upon the changing quality of consciousness is sure to give us some insight into the numberless selves our surface minds and egos have become since first appearing in the world." Uell Stanley Andersen (1917-1986) Now, here again, consider the 1987 words of Monsignor James Francis Kelley, a past President of Seton Hall College, who perhaps was the former Amelia Earhart's closest later-life friend and confidante. Although he demurred when reporters asked him questions about her, to certain individuals he knew, Father Kelley, who held PhD's in Philosophy and Psychology, disclosed that his friend, the post-1940 Irene, indeed was the former Amelia Earhart. He included the rationale of why she decided to become another person in the following aforementioned way: "After all she'd been through she didn't want to be the famous Amelia Earhart anymore." The point being made here: The general public did not know 'all Amelia had been through' both during her famous career -- and especially during her long years of absence -- and how it altered her psyche to a place where she no longer wished to be the famous celebrity she once was. Life was never easy for Amelia. Before she went missing her nine years of fame consumed her; then during the eight years she was not in view, wherever she was and whatever she was doing was very likely no picnic for her. Consider the following Doris Rich quote about Amelia's famous career from prior to her 1937 world flight: Why People Didn't Know As we enter the third decade of the Twenty First Century, the first ever, Amelia to Irene forensic comparison study left no doubt that Joseph A. Gervais was right all along about having discovered the former Amelia Earhart living as Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam, in 1965. Why people didn't see this before, and why a human comparison study was not orchestrated until after Tod Swindell came along, is partially explained in the following way: Beyond the 'official government silence' observed toward the matter ever since the event of Amelia's loss occurred, there were four main players involved in maintaining the nondisclosure of Amelia's ongoing existence with a different name after 1970, the year that Joseph A. Gervais went public with his discovery. They were, 1.) Amelia's sister, Muriel 2.) Amelia's pilot friend from the 1930s, Viola Gentry 3.) Clarence 'Larry' Heller, the 1934 born son of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and 4.) Most significantly, the former Amelia Earhart herself. Under the photo of the original Irene, shown between her husband and father below, the above mentioned individuals are shown in younger and older forms: Again, Charles James Craigmile, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, and the original Irene's father, Richard Joseph O'Crowley, in 1930 'Larry' Irene [F.K.A. AE] Above columns, left to right: Amelia's sister, Muriel, in younger and older forms. The next column shows Viola Gentry above, with Amelia, far left, and Elinor Smith in between them. Underneath is Viola in 1965 with Guy Bolam, the British husband that the former Amelia Earhart married in 1958. The next column shows Clarence 'Larry' Heller, the 1934 born son of the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, above in a 1982 newspaper photo, and in a more recent photo underneath it. The next column shows the former Amelia Earhart, above in a 1965 photo, living as the post-1940 Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam, and in a 1977 formal photo portrait taken of her underneath it. All four individuals were quick to refute the 1970 Gervais' assertion, that stated in the 1940s, Amelia Earhart had quietly resurfaced in the United States with a different name and a new profession. Anymore, though, by virtue of the study results, it is clear that such a thing did happen. For the sake of what reality states, while focusing on how they were individually quoted when it came to what Joseph A. Gervais asserted at the conclusion of his 1960-to-1970 investigation, the duplicity that went on to characterize the issue of Gervais' concern is revealed. 1.) Starting with Muriel's quote, beyond admitting that she 'knew' (the post-1940) Irene, she countered: "Its just ridiculous. There is practically no physical resemblance." 2.) From Viola: "Why, that's ridiculous. I knew Irene since 1930, and I knew Amelia Earhart, too, when we all flew from Roosevelt Field. They certainly are not the same woman." 3.) From Larry Heller: "My mother is not Amelia Earhart." 4.) From the post-1940 Irene, FKA 'Amelia Earhart': "I am not a mystery woman and I am not Amelia Earhart." Note: Based on the decades worth of data accumulated after the above individuals offered their comments, and upon analyzing the context of each quote, the line between truth and non-truth becomes blurred. This is due to the realization of the study results exhibiting that more than one person had been attributed to the same Irene O'Crowley Craigmile identity. Therefore, Muriel was not so incorrect when she said there was, "practically no physical resemblance" ...since the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile, did not at all look like her sister, Amelia. However, the post-1940 Irene, who Muriel knew in her later life years, proved to be a head to toe match to her sister, Amelia. As well, Viola Gentry definitely had known -- and sometimes flew with the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile in the 1930s -- just as she knew the post-1940 Irene (O'Crowley Craigmile) Bolam in her later life years, who used to be Amelia. Since it was true that the post-1940 Irene was not the same woman as the original Irene, Viola was not so incorrect there. As for Clarence 'Larry' Heller, clearly, Amelia Earhart, who was famously in the public eye in 1934, (the year Mr. Heller was born) was not his biological mother, rather, the original Irene O'Crowley Craigmile was. So his statement of, "my mother was not Amelia Earhart" was correct as well. Last but not least, the former Amelia Earhart did not live a mysterious life as 'Irene' after 1940, and technically, she no longer was Amelia Earhart. Rather, when she said what she did in 1970, she was in her third decade of being known as Irene.
The 'First Five Days Indicator' just came in positive, TheStreet has learned. This is the market data you need to know about, like now. The "S&P 500 First Five Days Indicator" has come in positive for 2018, and Jeff Hirsch of the Stock Trader's Almanac says that means there's now an 83.7% chance that equities will rise for the year as a whole. That's good news for Wall Street, because stocks historically do poorly in a year that has midterm U.S. congressional elections. "While I'd love for the midterm year to have a textbook bear market [that offers buying opportunities], it's looking less and less likely," said Hirsch, who's editor of the Stock Trader's Almanac and chief market strategist at Probabilities Fund Management LLC. Hirsch's now-retired father Yale invented the First Five Days Indicator in 1972, backtesting it to 1950. The indicator holds that if the S&P 500 rises during the first five sessions of any given year, odds are that it will finish higher for that year as a whole. With the S&P 500 up 2.77% for the year as of the close on Monday (January's fifth session), the indicator has come in positive for 2018. In an interview shortly before Monday's close, the younger Hirsch said that the First Five Days Indicator has correctly predicted the S&P 500's annual direction in all but seven years since 1950. The indicator came in positive 43 times between 1950 and 2017 and the blue chips ultimately rose in 36 of those instances. That's an 83.7% accuracy rating. The Santa Claus Rally Indicator. Another market measure invented by Hirsch's dad, The Santa Claus Rally Indicator holds that stocks usually rise during the seven sessions covering the last five days of an old year and the first two of the new one. It's a good sign when that happens -- and this year, it did. The January Barometer. This measure looks at how the S&P 500 performs during January as a whole. If the blue chips rise that month, that's a positive indicator for where stocks will go over the entire year. We won't get a reading on that last indicator until Jan. 31, but in years when all three come in positive, the S&P 500 has risen 93.1% of the time for the year as a whole going back to 1950. That's partly why Hirsch's current "best-case scenario" has the S&P 500 ending 2018 at 3,300, up 23.4% for the year. Similarly, his best case for the Dow industrials calls for them to finish the year at 29,000, a 17.3% annual gain. The expert said Monday that if the January Barometer comes in positive at month's end, "that will be confirmation that our [best-case scenario] was bullish enough. And it might even push us into the 'Fully Bullish' camp."
Rider Levett Bucknall Toggle navigation Search | Americas Convention & Exhibition Centres Cost Management & Quantity Surveying RLB UK Partner Rebecca Best appointed to Management Board of global professional body May 6, 2020. RLB UK Partner, Rebecca Best has been acknowledged within the industry through her appointment to the prestigious RICS (Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors) Management Board. Rebecca, a Fellow of RICS adds value to the Board through her experience in the industry and the knowledge and insight she has gained via the roles she has held within the professional body. Until the beginning of 2020, Rebecca held a seat on RICS Global Governing Council and has undertaken many roles within the institution including Chair of the RICS Matrics UK Board, Chair of the RICS Greater Manchester QS Professional body and was an elected member of the RICS UK and Ireland World Regional Board. She is particularly passionate about the future of the industry, promoting careers and encouraging diversity and inclusion within the built and natural environment. Commenting on the appointment, Rebecca said: "The work RICS accomplishes in shaping our industry is incredibly important and I am really delighted to be continuing to collaborate in this new role. This appointment also demonstrates the culture that runs through RLB, encouraging and enabling colleagues to work with industry bodies; taking on active roles to really make a difference." The Management Board's remit is to direct RICS affairs under delegated authority from the Governing Council, playing a key role in developing the professional body's rolling business plan and holding the organisation accountable for performance and strategic risk. The Management Board which includes the RICS Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, is a smaller contingent of the RICS Governance Structure facilitating agility in its approach. RLB UK Chief Executive Andrew Reynolds gives his views on the year ahead to Building magazine May 06, 2020 This article originally appeared in Building magazine on 11 December 2020. Andrew Reynolds has warned the industry could be hit by six months of materials delays if the UK fails t... RLB makes tracks with Midlands Very Light Rail Programme RLB UK continues to make tracks in the Midlands by commencing this week on the third phase of Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council's innovative Very Light Rail (VLR) project, having... University of Hull achieves sustainability first in region with top environmental assessment rating The University of Hull has achieved the first ever Gold SKA Rating in the region for the fit-out of its academic hub in the new Energy and Environment Institute. Achieving the high... About RLB With a network that covers the globe and a heritage spanning over two centuries, Rider Levett Bucknall is a leading independent organisation in cost management and quantity surveying, project management and advisory services. Our achievements are renowned: from the early days of pioneering quantity surveying, to landmark projects such as the Sydney Opera House, HSBC Headquarters Building in Hong Kong, the 2012 London Olympic Games and CityCenter in Las Vegas. We continue this successful legacy with our dedication to the value, quality and sustainability of the built environment. Our innovative thinking, global reach, and flawless execution push the boundaries. Taking ambitious projects from an idea to reality. E [email protected]
Many drivers do not appreciate that they are still over the legal limit during the following day. However, a current documentary by Radio and TV presenter Adrian Chiles highlighted the long-term damage alcohol has on your health. A current documentary included Proofessor Roger Williams from the Institute of Hepatology at King's College Hospital in South London, has given his life to medicine and is widely revered as the "Sir Alex Ferguson of the medical establishment", and his driving passion is to dispel our blasé attitudes to casual, excess drinking and face up to its real cost. A speech made a few weeks ago by the Secretary of State for Health, Matt Hancock read: 'For 95 per cent of people, the alcohol we drink is perfectly safe and normal. I like a pint or the odd glass of wine, and I know I speak for most of my audience and certainly the vast majority of my colleagues, too.' We must also need to point out that alcohol plays an important role in the lifestyles of European citizens and cultures of European countries. Alcohol is also an important driving force behind the European economy that creates jobs, generates fiscal revenues and contributes to the UK and EU economy by around €9 billion annually through trade (Anderson & Baumberg 2006) WHAT riled Professor Williams was that first sentence? For while the Health Secretary may think 95% of alcohol consumption is safe, Professor Williams and fellow experts on the influential Lancet Standing Commission on Liver Disease in the UK do not. They are committed to lobbying the Government and public health policy makers to act, especially on the availability of cheap drink. The NHS recommends that adults drink no more than 14 units each week — that's 14 single shots of spirit or six pints of beer or a bottle and a half of wine. But about a third of drinkers consume more than this, which is enough to significantly damage their health, particularly their liver. The reporter used to be a bit of a drinker, often knocking back six pints of Guinness a day. In an average week, I'd consume around 50 units, although that number was known to double. I did my best to downplay and told himself everyone likes a drink. (But that's not true, since about 17 per cent of adults don't drink at all and 70 per cent of those who do stick to the 14-unit guidelines.) The only days I drank nothing focus on extreme cases, and so the rest of us look at the classic 'alcoholic' slumped in a shop doorway, and say to ourselves: 'Oh, that's not me! Therefore, I have no problem. I am fine.' Well, I know now that we aren't fine. Today, as someone who still likes to drink, nothing when he was broadcasting in the evening. He needed an actual reason to abstain for even one day. His drinking habits go back a long way. At university, if anyone I liked had said they didn't drink, well, I probably wouldn't have ended up being friends with them. And as a lifelong West Bromwich Albion fan, going to a match meant having a few drinks with mates — one or two or countless — beforehand. I believe the word 'alcoholic' is outdated, but I've come to realise that I was undoubtedly depend­ent on alcohol to some extent. And if I am, then thousands of others are, too. They are drinkers like me, quietly putting it away without, superficially, doing any great harm — when, actually, we could do ourselves some real good by drinking significantly less. I believe that all the coverage of alcohol misuse and abuse fails to tackle this problem. It tends to focus on extreme cases, and so the rest of us look at the classic 'alcoholic' slumped in a shop door­way, and say to ourselves: 'Oh, that's not me! Therefore, I have no problem. I am fine.' Well, I know now that we aren't fine. Today, as someone who still likes to drink, nothing would give me more pleasure than to tell you that the 14-unit figure is a load of nonsense. But I can't do that. Over the past months, I've applied my (admit­tedly unscientific) mind to a vast amount of evidence, and it is clear that the folks in white coats speak the truth: drinking more than 14 units a week is bad for you. To suggest otherwise is about as daft as claiming that smoking isn't harmful. To be fair to Matt Hancock, he's right when he points out that the group most at risk of alcohol-related health problems is the 5% of drinkers who put away more than 50 units a week (for women, who are more suscep­tible to damage caused by alcohol, it's 35 units). Indeed, this group consumes about a third of all the alcohol drunk in the UK. But look at it another way and you discover that nearly half of all alcohol is consumed by the 8.5 million drinkers like me who knock back between 14 and 50 units a week. More than one million hospital admissions annually are the result of alcohol-related disorders, and it costs the NHS £3.5 billion a year. Alcohol is the biggest risk factor for death in men under 60. And terrifyingly, with the frequency of deaths from liver disease and hospital admissions increasing year on year, logic dictates that must include many of those drinking between 14 and 50 units a week. From all I have learned about full­blown liver disease, the symptoms are horrific and the end ghastly. Just as worrying is the demon­strated link between drinking arid the increased risk of common cancers of the breast and bowel. All of this becomes even more alarm­ing when you realise — as I did when making the documentary for the BBC — that it's very easy to drink 50 units a week if you drink something every day and then throw in a couple of big nights out. At a friend's 40th birthday cele­bration last year, I drank four pints of Guinness, four bottles of beer, a glass of champagne and five glasses of wine. Even a quiet night out — what I, in my ignorance, thought of as a non-drinking night with a mate — would be two pints of Guinness each and perhaps a bottle of wine between us. Even with that degree of regular boozing, the symptoms can be silent. Liver disease often doesn't show itself until it's too late to easily treat. Routine blood tests showed my liver function was normal, but for the documentary I had a fibroscan which is a type of ultrasound that assesses the hardness of the liver. That told a different story. My liver is fatty, which is bad, and there are signs of fibrosis caused by a large amount of scar tissue — both undoubtedly linked to my drinking. In short, last year I found I was well on the way to having potentially fatal liver disease. The liver specialist I saw said: 'You can't go on like this' — and he was right. For you, it's not a choice between living a good, long life or a good, slightly shorter life, he added; it's about making your declining years as bearable as possible. And drinking too much before you get there isn't going to help. Ironically, my biggest concern is getting to old age without having ruined my innards so much that I can't enjoy a drink to ease me through my twilight years. So, I've cut down on my drinking, though it's not been easy. In fact, I wonder whether it's easier to stop completely rather than to try to moderate what you drink. If you stop completely, you have only one decision to make, hard though it is. But you know where you stand, and so does everyone else. If you're merely moderating, there are dozens of decisions to make every week. When do I drink? How much do I drink? Will this friend or that friend be annoyed if I don't drink with them? But I'm proud to say that I've managed it. And, for me, the key to it has been counting units. Believe me, I know how hard it is to bring yourself to do this, and I resisted for a while. I find the Drink Less phone app easiest to use (other apps are available). It allows you to input your alcohol intake throughout the day and projects it onto a graph. The effect on me was immediate. I've discovered that once you're counting units, you can work out which drinks you really want, or need or will enjoy. I reckon if you put every drink I've ever consumed in a row, it would stretch for nearly four miles. But, to be honest, I think I've only really appreciated a third of them. The rest were completely unneces­sary, and now I've got a dodgy liver for my trouble. What an idiot! Nowadays, when I go to the pub, I order what the Germans call beer sour: half a beer and half a soda water in the same glass. That's been a game changer for me. It gives you a pint to hold and the taste isn't dramatically different. More importantly, it's half the units. I've also started drinking alcohol-free versions of the drinks I like, and there's plenty of good stuff out there. So how do I feel in my new guise as a 'moderating drinker'? Well, I'm a bit lighter, a bit calmer, a bit healthier and, what I do drink, I enjoy more. The biggest changes I've noticed, however, are psychological. The pressure we put on each other to drink is absurd. Alcohol is the only drug you must apologise for not taking. I've sworn a solemn oath no longer to be pressured into drinking by anyone, and nor will I pressure anyone else. But neither will I pressure any­one into drinking less. If you enjoy every drop, crack on —just if you're aware that more than 14 units a week puts your health at risk. Don't beat yourself up if you can't get down to that number. I still really struggle, but every unit I don't drink helps. If you're regularly drinking much more than that — say 40 units a week — my strongest advice is to ask your GP to send you for a fibro-scan. I know how lucky I am. I got the wake-up call I needed. Now, I want to wake-up others. And if I ever need further encouragement, I can always call upon the image of Professor Williams slumped at his desk in despair, knowing better than anyone what too much booze is doing to us — and determined to do something about it. About the Author Tony Previous Post Smart tachographs: what you need to know Next Post Maintaining truck and trailer fridge units Load security issues Vehicle load security pilot AdBlue checks <# if(ThriveComments.current_user.ID){#>href="https://keepontrucking.net/wp-login.php?action=logout&_wpnonce=eb82e6fb6f"<#}#>><#= ThriveComments.util.render_label('logout_change') #>
I prettied up some of my beading patterns for sale on Sellfy! They're pretty cheap, so if you're interested, check them out! If you don't know how to loom bead, I also have a tutorial for sale there. Bonus: here's a pattern you can have for free.
Home > Appliances > COMMENT:Why Sharp Is A Massive Basket Case COMMENT:Why Sharp Is A Massive Basket Case By David Richards| 7 Mar 2016 Appliances, Latest News Sharp Australia hasn't got much left in the consumer appliance market, they got out of the TV market last year, not because their TV's were inferior but because of poor marketing resulting in a lack of uptake by consumers. Now their appliances business is on life support as their parent Company is set to be flogged to Taiwanese Company Foxconn, in a multibillion dollar deal that could well see the Companies consumer products disappear from Australian shelves. Sharp make extremely good products but they don't know how to price them or market them because of a combination of poor Japanese management and local management, who don't have a clue when it comes to delivering cut through marketing. Sharp management have failed dismally resulting in lost jobs, and a once great brand relegated to the back end of stores. The Sharp Australia web site which is a low cost way for the Company to market their products. But the problem is that this site is shocking and local management, don't have a clue when it comes to social media marketing, which in the USA is seriously driving sales for Sharp. Sharp Australia Intro Page Same Product Page On the Sharp US web site Sharp Australia product page, 1999 type design. Same type of product page at Sharp USA with scrolling benefits. In the USA Sharp appliances are top of mind and growing, but when it comes to online the difference between the Sharp Australia web site and the US site, the difference is like chalk and cheese. While the Australian web site looks like something from the early days of online the US web site is engaging and designed to deliver information for consumers. Deloitte Australia Research shows that 65% of consumers are going online to search for information prior to shopping, they either visit a retailer's web site or go direct to a vendors site who redirects them back to a retailer to buy or like Sharp in the USA sell the product direct. According to a recent study by e-commerce analytics company Clavis Insight, Sharp trumps its top five online competitors in the big US market, including Panasonic who are the #1 microwave supplier in Australia in five key metrics: availability, image presence, content, keyword search and customer ratings. With 17 percent of market share by volume in 2015, according to Euromonitor, Sharp leads the pack with strong breadth and depth of distribution among online appliance retailers analysed in the study. Specifically, at least 15 Sharp models were offered by the trio Amazon, Target.com and Walmart.com – while Target's e-tail site carried 33. What's more, the brand outperformed its peers on both search performance and image presence, offering multiple product views on a large majority of its product pages. This must be embarrassing for Sharp Australia staff who believe marketing is still about giving retailers a bundle of cash and expecting them to build the brand and market the product using catalogues, store visits and online. Along the way they slap together some external marketing to demonstrate to retailers that they are actually conducting some form of external marketing. Today a strong web site that promotes a brand as well as products is a critical part of any marketing mix. Also critical is video as 63% of all transactions at web sites like Harvey Norman and JB Hi Fi are coming from portable devices such as a smartphone or tablet. Consumer today want to simply press a button, watch a video and then make a decision as to their next move. Sharp's problem is not about money, it's all about deadwood. What Sharp Australia needs is a Young aggressive digitally savvy marketing team that can ID the right products for Australia and then aggressively market them. They need to give the brand CPR so that when it comes back to life consumers actually want to engage with the brand. At one stage Sharp branded products were an object of pride for both Australian and Japanese consumers. Sharp started to come unstuck in 2005 when Japanese management started to believe that the brand was invincible. They believed that their new LCD/LED TV production plant at Kameyama was the be all of TV production plants. The only problem was that the Japanese management was only watching the Japanese markets and not overseas markets like Australia or the UK and the USA, while at the same time they failed to capture orders from third party TV Companies to manufacture display components. This resulted in the Company racking up massive losses. Even while the plant was pumping out product, it was seriously in debt due to competition from other TV manufacturers, including Chinese and Korean manufacturers. The blinkered world view that still exists at Sharp Australia today has destroyed a once great brand. Now the Japanese are fretting at the loss of the iconic brand to a Taiwanese Company Foxconn who has made a name for themselves making goods for Apple. at the heart of Japan's reluctance to let Sharp be sold to Foxconn is the bile building up in the throats of Sharp management and Japanese Government official's that the know how once owned by a great Japanese Company is set to fall into the hands of a competitor. The anxiety comes from a deep feeling that denies the ascendance of Taiwan, China and South Korea in realms where Japan once reigned. Japanese media never seriously discuss the fact that companies such as LG, Samsung and Haier now dominate the global home electronics field. A few pundits and journalists have made the case that not only does Sharp's likely sale to Hon Hai not signal the end of the world, but that it could turn out to be a good thing for Japan. During a recent Japanese TBS Radio discussion, listeners sent in questions betraying their nervousness over the deal. One listener remarked that if Hon Hai buys the ailing company, Sharp will merely become a "maker of goods." Atushi Osanai a Japanese academic told the listener that, in fact, Hon Hai was buying Sharp because it admires the company's knack for new ideas. What he failed to communicate was the fact that Japanese Companies are making great products but they are failing dismally when it comes to marketing the products. Sharp who does not have much of a profile outside Japan due to its lack of initiatives is doomed to becoming a supplier of components. Japanese electronics makers "have never had an overseas strategy," according to Osanai, unlike Japanese car makers. He claims Hon Hai will give Sharp that chance, something the Innovation Network Corporation of Japan who also been bid for the Company would not have been able to do. Foxconn says it will not sell off any part of Sharp, though that could change once the financing dust has settled. Japanese media say that Hon Hai wants Sharp for its display technology, but there is nothing special about Sharp's LCDs, which have become a commodity because Sharp management were unable to sell the superiority of their panels. In truth, it wants to get into the IOT (Internet of things) business, by producing home appliances that can connect to the Web, and for that it needs Sharp's know-how. Hon Hai's rival, Haier, bought General Electric's appliance business for the same reason. Softbank another big Japanese Companies popular robot, Pepper, is manufactured by Foxconn another fact the media rarely mentions but one that is central to the issue of Sharp's worth to the company. "Hon Hai is just like Pepper," said Osanai. "You can tell it what to do, but it won't come up with ideas on its own." David Richards has been writing about technology for more than 30 years. A former Fleet Street journalist, he wrote the Award Winning Series on the Federated Ships Painters + Dockers Union for the Bulletin that led to a Royal Commission. He is also a Logie Winner for Outstanding Contribution To TV Journalism with a story called The Werribee Affair. In 1997, he built the largest Australian technology media company and prior to that the third largest PR company that became the foundation company for Ogilvy PR. Today he writes about technology and the impact on both business and consumers. appliances, microwave, sharp, tv Virtual Reality Roller Coasters Set To Launch Haier Close To Closing US$5.4B GE Appliance Deal Christmas Kitchen Sale Hits Aldi This Saturday TCL Moves Into Oz Whitegoods Market Sharp Reveal New Microwaves You Can Talk To Sharp Gets Into The Gaming Console Market In Partnership With Nintendo Samsung Brings Etsy Art To Frame TV
2021 Conger Wild Horse Gather 2021 ONAQUI MOUNTAIN WILD HORSES GATHER 2018 Cedar Mountain Horse Gather 2020 Confusion Gather 2020 Frisco Gather 2018 Muddy Creek Wild Horse Gather 2018 Range Creek Gather 2019 North Hills Gather 2019 Onaqui Gather 2020 Range Creek Wild Horse Gather 2020 Swasey Mountain Gather 2020 Sulphur Gather Begins: September 26, 2019 Ends: October 2, 2019 The BLM will gather approximately 200 horses from Federal, State and private lands. The appropriate management level for this HMA is 75-125 animals and the current population 282 horses, which is projected to reach 338 with the addition of the 2019 foals. Horses removed from the range will be transported to the Axtell Off-Range Contract Wild Horse Facility in Axtell, Utah. Public lands will remain open unless closures are deemed necessary due to safety concerns. Outdoor recreationists and visitors to the gather area should be aware that there will be low flying helicopters. The recreational use of drones is discouraged from Bruin Point to Nine Mile Canyon, and from Dry Canyon east to Rock Creek Canyon. Brief road closures may also be needed to allow movement of horses during gather operations. Anyone interested can get updates on Twitter by following @BLMUtah or searching #RangeCreekGather. To learn more about how to adopt or purchase a wild horse or burro, visit the BLM National Wild Horse and Burro website at www.blm.gov/whb or call (866) 468-7826. Public Observation Opportunities are available for the public to observe daily operations through BLM-escorted tours so long as conditions remain safe for both the horses and participants, and ensuring that gather operations are not disrupted. Observers must provide their own transportation, water, and food. No public restrooms will be available. The BLM recommends weather-appropriate footwear and neutral-colored clothing. Binoculars and four-wheel drive or other high-clearance vehicles are also strongly recommended. To protect the wild horses and the horse gather operations, no drones will be allowed to be flown in the vicinity of the gather sites. Details on the BLM-escorted tours will be updated each evening during the gather and announced daily on the BLM gather hotline at (801) 539-4050. Gather operations will begin on Sept. 26 on private land where public observation will NOT be available. For those interested in observing the gather, opportunities begin on Sunday, Sept. 29 and individuals should meet at Millers Wellington Chevron convenience store located at 2195 East Main Street, Wellington, Utah where tours will depart at 6:00 a.m. MDT. For additional information on participating in public observation days, contact Lisa Reid, Public Affairs Specialist, at (435) 743-3128 or [email protected]. Persons who use a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD) may call the Federal Relay Service (FRS) at 1-800-877-8339 to leave a message or question for Lisa Reid. The FRS is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Replies are provided during normal business hours. Daily Gather Reports Summary: Sixty three horses were gathered today. Body scores of the horses were 4's. There were no members of the public viewing the event due to the gather being on private land. Approximately 25 members of the public were at the temporary holding facility. Animals gathered: 63 (21 stallions, 32 mares, 10 foals) Animals shipped: 37 Total Deaths Today: 0 Acute: 0 Chronic/Pre-existing: 0 Summary: Nine horses were gathered today. Body scores of the horses were 4's. There were no members of the public viewing the event due to the gather being on private land. There were 12 members of the public were at the temporary holding facility. Animals gathered: 9 (3 stallions, 5 mares, 1 foals) Summary: Thirty four horses were gathered today. Body scores of the horses were 4's. There were no members of the public viewing the event due to the gather being on private land. There were 8 members of the public were at the temporary holding facility. Animals gathered: 34 (8 stallions, 22 mares, 4 foals) Summary: Zero horses were gathered today. No gather operations today due to high winds. There were 4 members of the public present today. Animals gathered: 0 Animals shipped: 0 Summary: Twelve horses were gathered today. Body scores of the horses were 4's. There were 6 members of the public viewing the event. There were 19 members of the public were at the temporary holding facility. One filly was humanely euthanized after severely injuring herself during gather. Animals gathered: 12 (2 stallions, 7 mares, 3 foals) Summary: Twenty-two horses were gathered today. Body scores of the horses were 4's. There were 5 members of the public viewing the event. There were approximately 20 members of the public were at the temporary holding facility. Animals gathered: 22 (10 stallions, 10 mares, 2 foals) Summary: Fourteen horses were gathered today. Body scores of the horses were 4's. There were 2 members of the public viewing the event. There were six members of the public at the temporary holding facility. Final Totals updated 10/2/19 Animals Gathered Animals Returned to Home Range Animal Deaths
Failure to obtain stakeholder commitment. Inability to assemble an effective team. Failure to plan and manage the plan. This issue log helps keep track of what problems are on-going and how they relate to each of the pitfalls. Integrate the log into your project pitfall mitigation strategy.
I notice, in the Saturday newspapers, that Labour MP Andrew MacKinlay has resigned in fury over ministers allowing the extradition of Gary McKinnon to the United States to stand trial for hacking into their military computers. Whether Gary really has a serious disability or not, and whether he intended only to find details of UFOs or had a more sinister intent has nothing to do with my blog today. I was disgusted with the noise that MacKinlay is making. Resigning as an MP at the next election will not really be a problem for NuLabour as they will be having a huge weed out anyway. I would have been more impressed if MacKinlay resigned immediately causing a new by-election. After all, its only a loss of a few months pay, and he is 60! Only by leaving immediately would he have made any impact on the present leadership. No Mister MacKinlay — I am not the least bit impressed at your rantings and ravings. They will have absolutely no effect on anybody. Did you really expect the public not to see through your half-hearted stance! I read with interest that the government has decided, in its wisdom, that the reason middle class and working class children are losing out in the top jobs is because of elitism! There is one thing we can be sure of, and that is elitism has no place in this election of our members of Parliament. They cannot see that it is their disastrous attempts in education that has caused youngsters in government schools to fail through life. Parents of the very well off, and this includes many Labour MPs, send their children to private schools to ensure they get a good education. One does not have to be very intelligent to know if schools fail in one sector then those pupils will do worse in life. Whereas, the schools that excel with their teaching ensure their pupils have the best start in life. MPs must look closer to home for the reason why this "elitism" exists. My solution is simple, improve standards and disciplines in government schools and you will see middle-class and working-class children getting their equal share of the top jobs. PS I have dictated this using Dragon NaturallySpeaking software and have to admit it is now making my life a lot easier! Especially since I'm about to launch a community newspaper. I have just come back from a weekend in Antwerpen. It is a lovely city and for places to see and visit, you will find a lot to read at their Antwerp site on Wikipedia and its sister site Wikitravel. One of the best restaurants is Het Pomphuis. We ate there on my birthday. A lovely leisurely meal, with absolutely no pressures. The food was delightful and the service impeccable. Attentive without being intrusive. The waiter took charge of our bottle, and was there to top up our glasses whenever they needed topping up. And he made our bottle last with about six or seven top ups throughout the meal. This was the type of restaurant one reads about in establishments a hundred or so years ago. We had a three course meal with a bottle of wine, then a glass each of dessert wine with our sweet, and coffee afterwards. The bill came to 150 Euros but you could easily go to 300 Euros. Not cheap by any means but if you look at the "value for money" this comes up very high on my list. To get there from the centre? Taxi 15 Euros, three buses go by from the centre, or you can walk it in about 45 minutes. Public transport is by means of bus, tram or larger tram they call their Metro. Tickets are E1.60 each if you pay the driver, if you buy at the bus stop it is E1.25 or you can purchase a ticket for ten journeys which work out at 0.80 cents a journey. Once you activate the ticket you can make as many changes as you wish during the hour from the first ticket activation. I give you an example. From our hotel, there was a lovely cafe five stops away in the old town. We could go there, have a coffee, and return to the hotel with the return journey not being charged for. Our hotel was a four star hotel called the Plaza Hotel in Charlottalei (the name of the street, and also Metro station). The hotel people had a sense of humour. They gave me room 69 as I was 69 when we arrived. I had visions of them moving me to room 70 on my birthday, but thank goodness it didn't happen! Room 69 turned out to be a junior suite but we weren't charged extra which I thought was very nice, as was the box of Belgian chocolates they placed in my room on the day. As a little footnote, we saw the package advertised in one of the package trips to Europe deals, but as we are over 60 I checked prices separately. And we saved £140 between us by booking Eurostar and the hotel ourselves. The Hotel was the same but as we were older, we got a better deal on Eurostar. eBay doesn't really like snipers as it eats into their profits. But my expenditure is more important than their profits. Now that I have retired and no longer get all the "men's toys" from various PR companies who used to court me when I was a journalist, I have withdrawal symptons. However, Pam (my long suffering wife) and I have come to an understanding. I can still play with my toys if I sell some of them on eBay and use that money for buying new ones. Anyway, this is what I do. And I have developed a style which is very successful. As a journalist I can compose my Auction details page to make the product sound exceedingly exciting. But when I buy, I look for bids which are written by people not as competent with descriptive adjectives. Naturally I check how many transactions they have made to date and what percentage of their feedback is positive. It works and I invariably sell my toys for more money than I pay for them. But what do I mean by sniping? There are companies outside of eBay where you add the Auction reference number and the maximum amount you want to pay for the item. The sniper software keeps an eye on the bid and a few seconds before then end of the auction, slides in your bid at the minimum next level. This is the first time that anyone on eBay knows of your interest, so you don't bump up the auction price. I use EZsniper and have been using them successfully for a year or two now, saving myself considerable money. EZsniper is an American company who went commercial, after being in development for a year, on September 13, 2001, two days after 9/11. Starting with a core of dedicated beta testers, they have now grown to over 500,000 users in their EZsniper database. Since their beginning they have delivered millions of bids saving users millions of pounds. They have since expanded their service to include about forty auction sites in addition to all of eBay's sites (around the world) about two years ago. This expansion has been well received by international users who can read the site in 17 languages. I have spoken to the people at EZsniper and they have informed me that they have a major innovation coming very shortly. I just can't wait to see what it is. eBay also own a bank called PayPal which is quite complex to use, but very useful if you take the time to work your way through all the services and additions they add to make your transactions as painless as possible. Finally, not everything that eBay touches turns to gold. They evidently didn't use EZsniper when they purchased Skype (the company) as they paid well over the odds and now they want to sell it. It will make a loss of hundreds and hundreds of millions! Take schools, for example. You may be sending your children to one of the few excellent comprehensive schools but, unless you are in a predominantly non-immigrant area, you are fortunate. However, if your school is in one of the many hundreds, if not thousands, of areas where there are massive immigrant populations – some London borough schools have pupils of over thirty different "first languages" then education there has to slow down to enable these pupils to catch up with their English. This means that, by the time your children leave school they could be at the least, a year behind Public school pupils, and at the most, two years behind! Not a very comforting thought. "The government says the UK has moved from the 'containment' to the 'treatment' phase of Swine flu as the number of people catching swine flu continues to rise. The Fawkes family are in London for another fortnight, before we head for France. 4 year-old Miss Fawkes is in day two of displaying possible Swine flu symptoms: high temperatures, tummy ache, headaches and a dry cough. "Last night a worried mother took Miss Fawkes (who had a temperature of 39.1 C / 102.3 F) to the paediatric A & E unit of a London hospital where she was given a mask and told to go instead to a walk-in unit. The walk-in unit told her there was a four hour wait and that she might as well go home and see her GP. This morning the GP's receptionist said that they could not have a suspected case of Swine flu in the waiting room and she was to go home. Isn't this absolutely disgusting? A young family with a four year old suspected of having the "swine flu" with another two year old child in tow, and they get treated like this. MPs aren't worried of course, they can afford private medicine, and can afford private schooling. Those who, being Labour, have to send their children to comprehensive schools no doubt pay for private tuition for them! And don't we all know they'll find a way of getting us, the tax payer, to fund this "expense"?
So there's a new facebook, and all the pallaver that goes with people adjusting to the new stuff. Please, before you run around madly worrying about privacy and facebook charging for things, check out this fabulous woman's page called Mari Smith. She'll set you right and I can't possibly add a comment to all the daft facebook panics going on at the moment! (She gets lots of comments on her page from people sharing her stuff, so switch it from 'Everyone most recent' to just show 'mari smith' when you look at her page). Right, rant over, on with the show! Apparently there is a new feature where we are going to be able to tell that someone has unfriended us. It's not so new is it, because I can tell now that an apparent friend who once worked with me unfriended me, as her name looks different to me when she comments on my friends updates? (If you are seriously considering unfriending someone, just unsubscribe to their updates, don't be so obvious as to unfriend them unless they are really horrid; you've always been able to do this by having lists and only looking at the lists of people that you like lots). Well I'm going to tell you why you never need to worry about supposedly losing a friend. It's because as one person is leaving your life, there is always someone else on the way in. Always. No exceptions. It might not always be obvious because actually although they de-friended you on friday at 1pm, they were actually gradually going off you for ages. So in the meantime there has been someone else, or maybe a couple of people who have been gradually getting to know you. Have a think about it, you do have new friends don't you? Plus now with facebook, twitter and all sorts of online communities, it's really easy to make new connections. So there will be a new person. Also, there is a downside to everyone. Why are you glad that they have unfriended you? Did you worry everytime they said they had achieved something that you weren't as good as them? Were they reminding you of a life that you no longer have? Were they talking with lots of other people about how fabulous they were, so you automatically were assuming that you aren't fabulous? Were they moaning about life lots? Did they basically take up time in your life, reading their updates, that you will never get back? Plus they didn't unfriend you because you are horrid, they did it because you remind them of themselves which irritates them. There is also the fact that some people get really twitchy on facebook about seeing other people's lives going well. I can already hazard a guess at who is remaining my friend but unsubscribing this instant. It's impossible for you to appeal to everyone in life, the most you can achieve is 50%. So next time someone unfriends you on twitter or facebook or even in 'real life', just pop this song on really loud, have a dance, stick two fingers up, and then keep your eyes open for new opportunities of friendship surrounding you.
1. Why do you have a Cookies Policy? The reason we have a Cookies Policy is to explain to you what cookies and similar technologies we use, why we use them, and what you need to do if you want to restrict, block, disable or delete them. Our Cookies Policy is part of, and is subject to, our Privacy Statement and our Terms and Conditions. By accessing and/or using our Website you confirm that you accept the terms of our Cookies Policy. 2. What are cookies and similar technologies? A cookie is a text file placed on your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or other device ("device") when a person access or uses a website. There are also technologies similar to cookies (e.g. clear gifs) that do the same. Data is collected because it can be necessary to a website's operation, to assess and/or improve its performance, and/or to provide a personalised experience etc. To find out more about cookies, please visit https://ico.org.uk/for-the-public/online/cookies/. 3. What if I don't want cookies and similar technologies? When you access and/or use our Website, we will ask you if you will accept cookies and similar technologies from us and/or our third parties. If you choose not to accept them, or if you accept them but subsequently restrict, block, disable or delete some or all of them, you won't have access to many features that make your experience more efficient and some of our Website may not function properly. 4. What cookies collect my data? We use the following third-party cookies on our Website. They are placed on your device by the third parties set out below. Please note that these cookies are subject to the privacy and cookie policies of the third party placing the relevant cookies. 5. What similar technologies collect my data? We do not currently use any similar technologies. 6. What happens if you update your Cookies Policy? We may update our Cookies Policy from time to time and without prior notice to you to reflect changes in our processing of your data, privacy practices and changes in applicable data protections law and regulations. If we make changes to this Cookies Policy, we will post the revised Cookies Policy on our Website and update the "Effective Date" date at the top of this Cookies Policy. 7. What do I do if I have any questions? To contact us with any questions regarding our Cookies Policy, please contact us at [email protected].
Refrigerated trucks and vans have contributed to a network of growing delivery markets. They are the perfect resource for small businesses and companies looking to deliver quality products and services. A refrigerated truck could mean the difference between your perishable goods making it to the sales floor or the waste bin. If your business is responsible for delivering perishable goods at their freshest, then you have come to the right place. South Bay Ford Commercial offers the latest and greatest in Ford refrigeration vans and trucks. While the 2018 Ford Transit was built for either a cargo or very popular work van, this full-size Ford van is also one of the most ideal refrigerated vans in LA. How is this possible? Thanks to the largest distributer of refrigeration vans in the United States, the popular Ford Transit has been converted to a refrigeration unit on wheels. Beginning with a wood frame, laid by Delta-Stag, alongside the floors and the walls. After, a polyurethane foam is sprayed and leveled for ideal insulation. After the aluminum, odor free and easy to clean ChemLight interior is setup the Thermo King engine-controlled refrigeration unit is installed. The nicest thing about this unit is that it can be controlled by the driver vs. having to go in the back of the van to reset the temperature for each delivery. Available in three roof sizes (low, medium and high) for all your perishable delivery needs, the Transit receives its power from three strong and efficient engine choices, including a standard 3.7-liter V6 (275 HP, 260 lb-ft of torque), an optional turbocharged 3.2-liter diesel-powered inline five-cylinder (185 HP, 350 lb-ft) and an optional turbocharged 3.5-liter V6 (310 HP, 400 lb-ft. Each of these engines are partnered with a select-shift six-speed transmission that offers better drivability and fuel economy. Although the Ford Transit Van is the easiest to upfit into a refrigeration vehicle, South Bay Ford also specializes in the upgrade of other Ford commercial vehicles. So, if you are in need of a different fleet of refrigerated trucks in Los Angeles, contact South Bay Ford to discuss available upfit opportunities. Along with creation of a top-performing refrigeration vehicle, the specialists at the leading Hawthorne, CA Commercial Ford dealer also foster close working relationships with local distributors to procure the highest quality tow truck and fuel-efficient Ford truck upfits available. As your trusted Commercial Headquarters, South Bay Ford also offers the delivery of specialized commercial vehicles throughout the United States. This means hassle-free distribution of your new Refrigeration Van/Truck, Parcel, Linen, Bakery, Food, Work Truck, Van, or Utility vehicle right to your door. Are you ready to get behind the wheel of the perfect refrigerated vehicle? Then, what are you waiting for? Come on down! We at South Bay Ford Commercial want to be the first place you think of for all your custom commercial vehicle upfit needs.
Spring is here, and that means most of us are gearing up for some long-awaited spring cleaning. Whether that means clearing out your closet, shredding old paperwork, or re-organizing the garage, we know that spring cleaning is a nice opportunity to remove the clutter and clear out the cobwebs – literally and figuratively. We know you'll have no trouble sprucing things up around the home, but what about spring cleaning your professional life? If you're seeking a new position, it's our job at MJW Careers to polish our clients' assets so that they shine during their interviews, and ultimately get the job. Ready to give your professional strategy a good scrubbing? Here are a few tips to set you up for success. If one of your favorite spring cleaning rituals is reevaluating your closet, followed by removing old items and replacing them with new pieces, think of updating your resume as a similar concept. How often do you update your resume? If it's not regularly, then you're not allowing this powerful tool to showcase all of your skills and experiences. Don't worry if you're unsure about what to change; our expert resume writers are here to help you create a one that you'll feel confident submitting to potential employers. When you're actively applying for positions, you know that an interview is typically the next step in the job hunting process. So even if your resume is stellar, and you've already picked out your power outfit, are you ready to walk into that interview with the right amount of confidence? If you need a refresher on your basics, our interview trainers are happy to assist. By the time you go through our sessions and mock interview, all those nerves will disappear, and you'll leave that interview with an unforgettable first impression. As we look towards warmer temperatures, you may start putting away those heavy sweaters and scarves and making way for brighter colors and lighter clothing. If you have an interview coming up, what you wear is a key part in perfecting that first impression. What you wear will vary depending on the type of industry to which you're applying. Reviewing a company's website may help you determine what the expected dress code is, especially if it features photos or videos of actual employees. Whether you decide to wear a suit, or something a little more business casual, make sure you choose an outfit that you feel comfortable in, and is appropriate for the company's environment. According to a 2018 Career Builder Survey, 70% of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process. Why? Because it's a way to get a glimpse of someone's personality beyond the resume, and to ensure that a potential employee is a good fit with the company. Start by reviewing your social accounts and checking your privacy settings. Many don't realize that posts, photos and videos are set to a "public" default setting, meaning everyone can view them even if he or she isn't following you. If there's anything you would like to keep between family and friends, adjust your settings before you start applying to jobs. If you find yourself in a job searching slump and unsure of your next step, contact our experts at MJW Careers. It's our goal to guide clients to the right career by consulting with you on what's working, what's not, and how you'd like to move forward. We hope you try out a few of our tips, and we look forward to helping you succeed!
2018 the beginning of Google releasing the browser version of Chrome, which automatically block intrusive advertising. New Google's filtering technology developed by obsessions establish "Coalition for Better Ads guidelines laid down - which means that this browser users will see fewer pop-up ads, and hear less automatically pasileidžiančių audio, writes engadget.com. "The reality is that people too often have to deal with įkyriomis work preventing online advertising - for example, those which have unexpectedly loud and starts playing music or causes to wait 10 seconds before showing open the page content," - said Google's advertising and commerce senior vice president Sridhar Ramaswamy. According to him, the annoying experiences some people can lead to absolutely block all ads and thus cause serious injury to the Internet platform, content developers and journalists. They are dependent on advertising, which has the ability to create content. The first reports that Google intends to create an ad-blocking version of Chrome, appeared in April. And while the evaluation of the user's perspective to get rid of any annoying content seems sensible move in terms of Google's prospects for such a solution it seems somewhat surprising: each quarter for one of your Google earns after more than 20 billion. US dollars. Meanwhile, Web content developers will be able to see that their advertisements violate the new Google standards. When Google in 2018 will strictly apply the new standards better ads, these ads to users in Chrome no longer see.
Administrative Support Coordinator II California State University Stanislaus Job no: 493479 Department Academic Affairs Work type: Staff Location: Stanislaus - Turlock Categories: Unit 7 - CSUEU - Clerical and Administrative Support Services, Probationary, Full Time Full time position available on or after August 15, 2019 for the Anthropology, Geography, & Ethnic Studies Department. Under the general direction of the Department Chair, this incumbent will provide administrative support for the Anthropology, Geography, & Ethnic Studies Department. The incumbent will assist with overseeing and coordinating the day-to-day operations of a large, busy, and complex academic department. Coordinates, collects, and creates students files of all student records for the Departments including: graduate students, majors/minors, and those with a concentration.Creates and provides advising worksheets and posts curriculum requirements. Determines and assigns appropriate academic adviser in area of student's concentration of interest. Works with evaluators in Enrollment Services interpreting and administering university and departmental policy, procedures and guidelines relating to student admission, advising and registration.Develops and maintains computerized database to track student progress in the major, minor and concentration, such as advisor data, address, phone, GPA, and academic standing for general department evaluation and consideration for outstanding student awards and honor societies. Coordinates and schedules student appointments with faculty for academic advising. Secures and maintains files each day for academic advising appointments, releasing academic registration holds through the PeopleSoft system.Participate in New Student Orientation to assist faculty advisors and welcome new students. Provide staff support for the student Honors Societies. Coordinate the student honor society application process; create application forms, facilitate collection of student membership fees utilizing designated trust account, verify student eligibility according to GPA, initiate membership activation, distribution of official membership certificates, ensure campus charter is current. Coordinates the annual induction ceremony. Coordinate class scheduling process and input class schedules into the university's CMS/PeopleSoft system. Work with department chair and program directors on course scheduling worksheets and summer and winter session for Anthropology, Geography, Ethnic Studies, Social Sciences, Liberal Studies and cross-listed courses. Includes adjusting faculty-teaching assignments through the schedule change process.Establishes office procedures/processes (in coordination with the Chair) and maintains timelines and notifies faculty, staff, and students to ensure that processes are complete. Coordinates and implements comprehensive information related to the Anthropology, Geography, & Ethnic Studies programs in Turlock and Stockton. Articulates clearly to students in person, by phone or e-mail, websites, and social media. Acts as the procedural liaison with other departments an offices on-campus and off-campus.Attends, interprets and implements information from the College of the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Administrative Support meetings, Professional Development Training Sessions, PICWEB trainings and CMS PeopleSoft meetings as needed.Communicates with students, staff and the public regarding inquiries at off-campus televised sites/remote broadcast (e.g. Stockton televised classrooms, Zoom, etc.). Maintains department membership status in professional organizations (e.g. American Anthropological Association, Association of American Geographers, etc.).Communicates and coordinates departmental buying, delivery and storage; acts as liaison with suppliers, vendors, and contractors.Provides administrative coordinator support for affiliated institutes and centers, specialized classrooms, and labs. Coordinates, compiles data and implements some departmental grant proposals such CAHSS Dean's Teaching Initiative, Dean's Travel and Teaching Initiative Funds, RSCA Grants, Service Learning Faculty Grants, Keck Grants, Equipment Request, and UEE Funds.Extracts information on students and alumni to print labels for mail distribution for survey purposes. Arrange travel request and claims through concur or other university systems (e.g. lodging, transportation, per-diem travel reimbursements, receipts), including international travel. (Annual 50+ trips)Administers field trip travel and claims through concur or other university systems (e.g. lodging, transportation, per-diem travel reimbursements, receipts). (Annually, 6-20 field trips)Research, evaluate, and arrange transportation (e.g. rental vans), lodging, permits, food, equipment & supplies, conference registration for university related travel of faculty and student participants. Research, evaluate, and purchase supplies and equipment for field trips, field courses, and events.Perform work independently under general direction from Chair and Program Directors related to goals. Identify projects, outline plans, initiate work, and complete and/or appropriately delegate work.Coordinate with student course fee system, IRA, Dean's Office, SERSCA, RSCA, Service Learning, UEE, extra-mural grants, Chancellor's Office. Communicate and assist off-campus vendors and venues from local and regional that are unfamiliar and unprepared to navigate university procedures and processes.Work with multiple work unit projects and priorities to arrange coordinate all aspects of the events. Duties include but are not limited to room reservations, event services, technical support, permits, food, hospitality, honoraria, parking, security, and student assistance.Interact with high-level university personnel and outside officials, presenters, and performers.Advertise events through campus media and regional media. Coordinate with risk management to ensure that all paperwork is appropriately constructed, completed by participants.Coordinate with student course fee system, IRA, Dean's Office, SERSCA, RSCA, Service Learning, UEE, extra-mural grants, Chancellor's Office.Works with the Office of Communications & Public Affairs to publicize events. Coordinate and delegate work to the students assistants providing event support for the 6-15 events.Process all new-hire paperwork for staff, faculty and student assistants.Facilitate the national faculty hiring process by preparing complex travel arrangements, coordinating agendas, arrange for hospitality services and acting as administrative escort for job candidates.Place job postings on additional websites to ensure a diverse applicant pool. Prepare separate program requests for part-time faculty hires and maintains part-time contracts.Maintain information on part-time faculty pool and provide this information to department chair. Assist in the faculty RPT process. Maintain all documents pertaining to RPT, PTR elaborations, and the department part-time lecturer evaluation processes. Review census figures, FTES, and workload reports to assist department chair in adhering to university policies regarding student enrollments and faculty workload expectations.Prepare faculty Workload Reports and Assigned Time forms; review for accuracy and submit to department chair for timely approval. Full-accountability of work-flow and completion of work for the assigned support staff and student assistants.Prepares requests, job descriptions, interviews, hires, trains, schedules, assigns, mentors, and monitors student assistant work. Accountable for work-study students' work.Assists in the hiring process and procedures for student assistants hired under faculty grants and department funds.Coordinates and prioritizes administrative and clerical projects interspersed with the day-today activities and operations of the department. Monitors budget, develops line item costs and updates department chair and coordinator of budgetary issues.Develop/maintain spreadsheets to track department expenditures, prepares financial reports for the department chair and program director.Monitor/reconcile program budgets including general fund, extended education, trust and foundation accounts using university databases. Research and evaluate information requested by the department chair and program director using data sources in university and system-wide databases; prepare reports from information obtained from database searches.Coordinates with CAHSS Budget Analyst and Financial Aid office work-study annual allocation. Manages program details such as student payroll, scholarships, internal grants and purchasing for the department offices.Serves as a direct contact with the Student Payroll office.Tracks budget information on Financial Data Warehouse, PeopleSoft, and/or Foundation monthly account reports, for the department's Anthropology, Geography, Ethnic Studies, GIS Lab, Geography Field Trips, 5 state accounts, 6 trust accounts, and 2 Foundation accounts. Coordinates and maintains budget management for State, Trust, Foundation and Grant accounts for the department to include design, preparation and maintenance of spreadsheets for budget reporting, planning and forecasting.Furnish monthly budget reports and updating appropriate faculty of budgetary capacities.Prepare purchase requisitions and encumbrances of supplies, services, and instructional equipment for Anthropology, Geography, Ethnic Studies, GIS computer lab, the Bone Lab, Soil Lab, KECK Visual Anthropology Lab, Department Institutes, other program specialized needs.Responsible for expenditures and monthly reporting of the department Procurement Card, Travel Pro Card, KECK Grant Pro Card and Staples accounts.Monitors and tracks faculty grants, transfers and balances.Coordinates and maintains inventory control for Anthropology, Geography and Ethnic Studies.Responsible for surveying-out outdated equipment. Coordinate and maintain equipment inventory for 150+ items.Maintains annual reports, catalog copy, course revisions, new course scheduling, scholarships, census reports, library archives, and incomplete grades.Requests, distributes, and maintains records related to supplies and equipment for the department office and department labs.Processes course changes and cancellations for dissemination to appropriate areas for approval. Provides support for faculty in curriculum revision process. Sets time lines and manages deadlines for department requirements and paperwork. Responsible for undergoing training and then implementing new systems and processes related to department functions.Assists the Directors of the four centers housed in the Department of Anthropology, Geography, and Ethnic Studies when needed, including supporting external grant administration. Processes and serves as contact for key requests and maintains key list for Anthropology, Geography and Ethnic Studies faculty. Completes annual review reports for inventory key control with Facility Services.Maintains, schedules and coordinates office equipment servicing/repair of copy machines, scanners, telephone, etc. Maintains inventory control of department property. Coordinates and orders books and desk copies for Anthropology, Geography, and Ethnic Studies.Assist with administering class assignments in emergency or unforeseen faculty absence. Education:Completion of a high school program, technical/vocational program, or their equivalents. Experience:Several years of related office work experience. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills.Excellent organizational skills. Experience to be fully functional in all technical aspects of work assignments. Excellent computer skills: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, and Outlook). Knowledge of university databases such as PeopleSoft and Data Warehouse. Experience working with the Concur travel program. Some college education and knowledge of Spanish. Comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the university infrastructure, policies, and procedures.Thorough mastery of English grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Thorough knowledge of office systems and expertise in using office software packages, technology and systems. May function as the office information technology specialist. Ability to use and quickly learn new office support technology systems and software packages is a prerequisite. Ability to independently handle multiple work unit priorities and projects. Ability to interpret and apply a wide variety of policies and procedures independently, and use judgment and discretion to act when precedents or specific guidelines do not exist. Ability to troubleshoot most office administration problems and respond to all inquiries and requests related to work area.Ability to understand problems from a broader perspective and anticipate the impact of office administration problems and solutions on other areas. Ability to analyze operations and procedural problems and develop, recommend, and evaluate proposed solutions.Working knowledge of budget policies and procedures. Ability to perform business math, such as calculate ratios and percentages, track and analyze financial and/or budgetary data, and make accurate projections requiring some inference. Ability to effectively write and present own reports.Ability to effectively handle interpersonal interactions at all levels and handle highly sensitive interpersonal situations. Ability to use negotiation and persuasion skills to achieve results and expedite projects. $3,115 - $5,639 per month plus excellent paid benefits. (Anticipated salary will be$3,115 - $3,427 per month, depending on the qualifications of the successful finalist.) Commensurate with qualifications and experience. As a member of the 23-campus CSU System, we offer an extremely competitive benefits package that includes, but is not limited to, outstanding vacation, health, dental, and vision plans; a fee waiver education program; membership in the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS); and 14 paid holidays a year. To be considered, qualified candidates must submit a completed Stanislaus State online employment application, cover letter, and resumé. Applications are accepted electronically only. Please note that failure to completely fill out each section of the online application may result in your application not receiving consideration. To apply online, please click the 'Apply Now' button on this page. Applications will be processed in accordance with Article 9.3 of the CSU/CSUEU Memorandum of Understanding. Preference will be given to qualified individuals currently employed at CSU Stanislaus in bargaining units 2, 5, 7, and 9 except when it is determined that it is necessary to appoint outside applicants to meet the best interest of the campus by obtaining specialized skills and abilities not available from current employees. Criminal Background Clearance Notice Satisfactory completion of a background check (which includes checks of employment records, education records, criminal records, civil records; and may include motor vehicle records, professional licenses, and sex offender registries, as position requires) is required for employment. CSU will make a conditional offer of employment, which may be rescinded if the background check reveals disqualifying information, and/or it is discovered that the candidate knowingly withheld or falsified information. Failure to satisfactorily complete the background check may affect the continued employment of a current CSU employee who was conditionally offered the position. Campus & Area California State University, Stanislaus serves the San Joaquin Valley and is a critical educational resource for a six-county region of approximately 1.5 million people. The University is fully committed to creating a culture of diversity and inclusion – one in which every person in the University community feels safe to express their views without fear of reprisal. Widely recognized for its quality academic programs, the University has 10 nationally accredited programs and 662 faculty members. 94 percent of full-time faculty holds doctorates or terminal degrees in their fields. The University offers 43 undergraduate majors, 16 master's programs, 7 post-graduate credentials, a doctorate in education and serves more than 10,000 students. New instructional facilities have been built for the unique pedagogy of professional programs, laboratory sciences and performing arts. Stanislaus State continues to receive national recognition with its ranking as one of the best 384 colleges in the nation by The Princeton Review. The University was one of 12 public universities in the nation to be recognized by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities for demonstrating exceptional performance in retention and graduation rates. In addition, U.S. News and World Report ranks Stanislaus State in its top 10 among public universities in the West, while Washington Monthly honored Stanislaus State as the West's No. 1 university for the money. Stanislaus State also is recognized as a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) by the U.S. Department of Education. The university is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis of race, religion, color, ancestry, age, disability, genetic information, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, medical condition, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, covered veteran status, or any other protected status. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. The person holding this position is considered a 'mandated reporter' under the California Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting Act and is required to comply with the requirements set forth in CSU Executive Order 1083, revised 7/21/17, as a condition of employment. Applicants requiring necessary accommodations to the application process may contact the Human Resources Department at (209) 667-3351. California Relay Service is available at (800) 735-2922 voice and (800) 735-2929 TDD.As a federal contractor, we are committed to attracting a diverse applicant pool. Please consider completing the Voluntary Self-Identification of Disability form (your response will not be shared with the search committee) at:https://www.dol.gov/ofccp/regs/compliance/sec503/Self_ID_Forms/VoluntarySelf-ID_CC-305_ENG_JRF_QA_508c.pdf. CSU Stanislaus hires only individuals lawfully authorized to work in the United States. In compliance with federal law, all persons hired will be required to verify identity and eligibility to work in the United States and to complete the required employment eligibility verification document form upon hire. Clery Act Disclosure Pursuant to theJeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act,the annual security report (ASR), is now available for viewing athttps://www.csustan.edu/annual-campus-security-report. The ASR contains the current security and safety-related policy statements, emergency preparedness and evacuation information, crime prevention and sexual assault prevention information, and drug and alcohol prevention programming. The ASR also contains statistics of Clery Act crimes for Stanislaus State for the previous three years. A paper copy of the ASR is available upon request by contacting the office of the Clery Director located at One University Circle, Turlock, CA 95382, or by calling 209-667-3572. The individuals who appear to be the best qualified for this position will be contacted by telephone or email for an interview. INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS ANNOUNCEMENT MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE To Apply, visit: http://careers.csustan.edu/st/en-us/job/493479/administrative-support-coordinator-ii jeid-0ed13bb0e76e3144bc739d06fcb5904c About California State University Stanislaus California State University, Stanislaus is an exceptional public university that, because of its student-friendly size and commitment to excellence, is able to offer all the benefits of a private education. CSU Stanislaus offers baccalaureate degrees in the liberal arts, sciences, business and education, as well as teaching credentials, master?s degree programs, and other professional studies. The University is composed of the College of the Arts, College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Human and Health Sciences, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the College of Natural Sciences. Additional course offerings developed specifically for learners seeking professional or personal development are available through University Extended Education. CSU Stanislaus continues to emphasize quality and excellence in education and to respond to the needs of its diverse student population. Through a strong commitment to diversity and educational equity, CSU Stanislaus helps all students reach their full potential.California State University, Stanislaus is an exceptional public university that, because of its student-friendly size and commitment to excellence..., is able to offer all the benefits of a private education. CSU Stanislaus offers baccalaureate degrees in the liberal arts, sciences, business and education, as well as teaching credentials, master?s degree programs, and other professional studies. The University is composed of the College of the Arts, College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Human and Health Sciences, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the College of Natural Sciences. Additional course offerings developed specifically for learners seeking professional or personal development are available through University Extended Education. CSU Stanislaus continues to emphasize quality and excellence in education and to respond to the needs of its diverse student population. Through a strong commitment to diversity and educational equity, CSU Stanislaus helps all students reach their full potential.California State University, Stanislaus is an exceptional public university that, because of its student-friendly size and commitment to excellence, is able to offer all the benefits of a private education. CSU Stanislaus offers baccalaureate degrees in the liberal arts, sciences, business and education, as well as teaching credentials, master?s degree programs, and other professional studies. The University is composed of the College of the Arts, College of Business Administration, College of Education, College of Human and Health Sciences, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the College of Natural Sciences. Additional course offerings developed specifically for learners seeking professional or personal development are available through University Extended Education. CSU Stanislaus continues to emphasize quality and excellence in education and to respond to the needs of its diverse student population. Through a strong commitment to diversity and educational equity, CSU Stanislaus helps all students reach their full potential. Chief Naturalist / Interpreter for Missouri State Parks Jefferson City, Missouri Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources, Division of State Parks 3 Weeks Ago
Everything seems to slow down a little in August, including wedding season. I've been using the time to look ahead to fall and get started on some exciting new projects, including new additions to our online store. More to come soon! You've been asking- and we've been listening. Soon, you'll be able to order a dozen of our signature Coconut Macaroons online, boxed and ready for gifting or enjoying! It's jam time! We are using these quieter days to stock up on summer berries and turn them into beautiful preserves for winter gift boxes and next summer's cakes. We are counting down the days to the first issue of To Market, a new publication from the editor of Edible Boston, which will focus on the New England food community as a whole and the policy issues that impact it. Until you get it in your hot little hands, you can read more here. Hello summer! The oven has been cranking, and we have been floating from one beautiful wedding celebration to the next, sneaking in bike rides + beach trips, and eating all the berries. We hope you're doing some of the same. The latest. If you have not yet heard our exciting news- we are thrilled to share that we have been awarded a Best of Boston by Boston Magazine + Boston Weddings for best wedding desserts! We could not be more excited, or more grateful to all the couples who've asked us to be a part of their celebration. Lovely things. We are headed back to Lynzarium's Plant Shack! Join us on Sunday, July 31st for a pop up with Nectar & Green for the perfect summer breakfast pairing. Laurel will be sampling her incredible almond milk- and we'll have granola to go with-hope to see you there! Community. Here at the kitchen, we only fill about one bag of trash every two weeks- thanks in large part to obsessive recycling- and our awesome friends at Black Earth Compost. Located here on Cape Ann, they offer curbside pickup to residents and businesses across the North Shore. We're big fans. What happened to the May newsletter you ask? Good question. Now here we are in June. The Peonies are in bloom, wedding season is in full swing, and I've got lots to share with you. And while I'll be spending most of my days at the kitchen, I'm looking forward to sneaking in time at the beach and visiting all the exciting new food places opening on Cape Ann- hope to see you around! The latest. Keep an eye out for us next week on facebook live with Style Me Pretty! Later this month, in partnership with Rockport Exchange, we will be back at Seaview Farm for our second annual farm dinner fundraiser in support of our local farmers' market. Please contact us for ticket information! Lovely things. There is just something about June, with everything in bloom, that makes us a little giddy. We celebrated the season at a recent wedding with classic shortbread cookies dressed up in rose petals and pansies for something extra special. Community. It doesn't get more local than Atlantic Saltworks. Flaky, small batch sea salt harvested right here in Gloucester. It adds depth of flavor to our cakes and a great crunch to our cookies + confections. March felt a little like a lost month around here- it came and went and I barely noticed. Now I feel like I'm going to blink and it will be May. I'm gearing up for spring holidays, weddings, farm dinners, and some exciting editorials. And looking forward to sharing news on all of it with you. The latest. A gift for Mom. Just a gentle reminder that Mother's Day is coming and it's always good to think ahead. We'll be adding Lavender Madeleines to our flourboxes in place of our classic cookies because we think Mom deserves something a little extra special. All Mother's Day orders must be in by Wednesday April 27. Lovely things. Our new website is live! The goal was to create something user friendly that better showed what Mayflour is all about. We couldn't be happier with the results- and hope you'll agree. A HUGE thank you to Whitney Buckley for her tremendous talent and shared vision- she worked some serious magic for us! Community. This time of year in particular we get a lot of requests for our Lavender Honey cake, and find ourselves making a few trips to Tomten Beeworks in Ipswich for the Mansur family's beautiful, raw liquid honey. We also tuck little jars of their creamed honey into our large gift box for some local sweetness. With the first day of Spring a few weeks away, it feels like just maybe we are out of the woods and can start to look forward to warmer weather. I've already started some spring cleaning at the kitchen and am busy working on some exciting new collaborations that I hope to share with you soon. The latest. We're excited to announce that starting soon, we will be partnering with Nectar & Green to offer our classic granola as an add on option to their beautiful Almond Milk. Visit their site for details and to read more about this local business we love so dearly. Lovely things. A little something pretty for your Monday- Vanilla Rose cupcake with Raspberry Buttercream. We love the hint of floral, especially this time of year when we are looking for something lighter and brighter. Community. Every week we make the short drive to Chicken Little Farm in Ipswich to pick up our eggs. The farm is run by 18 year old Cole Desmond, who makes the health of his free range chickens his number one priority. His gorgeous eggs are the only ones we use in the Mayflour kitchen, and at home. I don't think it's ever too late to commit to your new year's resolutions. And while January slipped quietly by, the start of a new month has me energized and excited for winter projects, like our very first newsletter! The latest. All the news that's fit to print. This month we'll be celebrating Valentine's Day and spreading the love just as we did last year, with Lynzariums right here in East Gloucester. Join us all weekend for cupcakes + packaged goodies- perfect for gifting, excellent for indulging. Lovely things. A little space for some inspiration. Winter means recipe testing and currently we're elbow deep in Marshmallows. Fluffy clouds of sweetness, we think they're kind of divine. Look for them soon as the newest addition to our confections selection. Community. Here's where we rave about farmers, makers, and fellow small business owners. We get our beautiful Chocolate + Cocoa from Equal Exchange and love that everything is organic and fairly traded, supporting small farmers around the globe.
1. Who is always hungry? 2. What is your favourite food? 3. What is the craziest thing you have ever eaten? Amiel - Sheep Head Curry, I didn't know what it was at the time. 4. How did you experience Beast Grill? "Beastly"... even though we had forgotten our snorkels! 5. What was your favourite dish at the Beast Grill launch? 6. How do you feel South Africans respond to your music? Our music makes people happy. That is why we have such a varied support base, ranging from 4 year olds to 80 year olds. 7. Any South African artist you guys look up to? The large crowds are amazing as well - lots of people singing with, is an incredible experience. 9. Your music is unique, yet difficult to describe. How would you describe it? Amiel - We play happy, make-you-feel-good music. Brendan - We do a lot of writing on the road, and draw influence from different experiences in a variety of locations. So our music generally reflects the mood that we are in, and we are almost ALWAYS in a good mood. 10. These totally EPIC Rubber Duc caps you guys are sporting? Where can I get one? What a Crazy yet Awesome woman!
Why does East Bay Flag Football give money to local charities? East Bay Flag Football has had a lot to celebrate. They have grown from 80 players in their first season, Fall 2013, to over 480 players in Fall of 2018! And the leagues charitable contributions have grown too. EBFF made it's first official donations to local charities in 2014, giving $2,000 each to Children's Hospital Oakland and BayKids. Since then, the league has donated a total of $42,000!! CHO's and BayKids' dedication to youth wellness, teamwork and generosity is what inspired the league's formation. Organizers plan to make donations to local charities every year. Donations are raised through East Bay Flag players' registration fees. At Children's, the money is earmarked to buy toys for the teen center's bingo night prizes and holiday gifts. "We know a couple thousand dollars won't go far covering medical costs, but it will buy a lot of toys and gifts for sick kids" said league founder Adam McNulty. BayKids, based in San Francisco, also helps sick kids. BayKids filmmakers help patients at Children's make their own movies, everything from anime to adventure films to documentaries. By learning to make films while they are in the hospital, kids can learn about acting, photography, script writing, editing and other skills. "BayKids provides a much needed distraction. Kids can concentrate on 'their film', rather than all the other scary stuff going on in the hospital. Hopefully our donations to BayKids will help them continue doing what they do" McNulty said. EBFF began donations to Oakland High School's Football Program in the Spring 2015 Season. Lead by Head Coach Jayce Goree, Oakland High's football program gives their players a sense of purpose, pride and accomplishment. EBFF is proud to help these great local charities and programs. For information, go to: Baykids.org & Childrenshospitaloakland.org ...and GO WILDCATS!
Kitambar Biomass Fuel Switch, Brazil Type: Sustainable Infrastructure | Renewable Energy Standard: VCS Working with the Kitambar ceramics factory in north-eastern Brazil, the project has switched the fuel source for the factory kilns from unmanaged forest wood to renewable biomass. The project alters the fuel source fed to the kilns from native wood in the Caatinga biome to renewable biomasses such as algaroba and cashew tree wood. This protects the 895 km2 Caatinga ecoregion from deforestation and delivers emissions reductions by reducing unsustainable harvesting of native vegetation. Switching to renewable biomass to reduce emissions and protect local biodiversity. I have worked at the factory since 2005 and the change of fuel made things so much better. We no longer have contact with the fire, I just have to put the fuel into the feeder and that's it. With the construction of safety fences, there is also much more protection from the machines. From all changes though, what made the biggest difference for me is the school. In the past, when I wrote my name it would come out all wrong, you know, missing letters. It made me very sad not to know how to write my own name. Now with the classes it comes out perfect, it feels so good! I still cannot read, but I'll get there! Recently we were told we could invite people from outside the ceramic factory to attend classes with us, so I brought my brother, he is also learning to read. Ailton Pedro da Silva's story In addition to delivering emissions reductions to help take urgent action to combat climate change (SDG 13), the project delivers a number of other sustainable development benefits. These include: Life on Land: Prior to the project, the Caatinga biome – one of the most threatened ecosystems in Brazil – was used as a fuel source for the factory. Without the project the Kitambar ceramics factory was estimated to consume 32,700 m2 per year of non-renewable wood. Approximately 50% of the Caatinga area has already been converted from its native vegetation for uses such as grazing and timber extraction. 187 species of bees, 240 species of fish and 516 species of birds inhabit Caatinga. Quality Education: Ceramic factory staff are offered additional training courses including laboratory analysis for product quality control, electrical and machine safety courses, and management and leadership. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure: The project has donated tiles and bricks to support local construction, including for a church, drug recovery centre and youth orchestra. Clean Water and Sanitation: The project also contributes to the Cistern project in partnership with a local NGO which refurbishes the roofs of low income families' homes, incorporating water catchment for clean drinking water. This initiative started in April 2015, and the factory contributes 5,000 roof tiles monthly. Good Health and Wellbeing: Kitambar provides training programs about health and safety practices, H1N1 vaccinations and labour gymnastics three times a week to encourage physical activity. Affordable and Clean Energy: The factory possesses a dryer that recycles the heat from the kilns resulting in reduced energy and uses 50% renewable wood in heating them. Decent Work and Economic Growth: The company offers employees a fixed salary, benefits such as life insurance, transportation, meals, commission on production and a 50% subsidy for health insurance.
The restoration is ongoing and an exciting find, under mud, silt, earth and debris has been the original floor of the cellar. At an average depth of 18" I struck stone. It proved to be slabs of schist, about 50% of a floor. Thinking ourselves lucky to have so much left intact we sought to lift the stones, trench around the walls to put in a perforated drain pipe, remove a 4" slice of soil and replace it with impacted shingle and re-lay the slabs, standing to chance to acquire the rest. No such luck. The spade struck hard with a shower of sparks and slid! I followed as the spade sped away passing neatly under a biscuit of compressed soil. Crash! What had revealed itself is a cut and napped quartz floor under the schist slabs. A lined diagonal drain is cut into the quartz and the evidence is that the quartz floor is original 12th Century. We have found coinage wedged between the quartz blocks in witness to its medieval origins. Mother died, her legacy helped enormously. We committed ourselves to a programme of leaded stained glass windows and limed oak and chestnut woodwork in the style of manufacture of the 15th - 17th Centuries. Copper guttering, cut stone work in stone sympathetic to the project from as far away as Spain and Alsace; the Sarcophagus destined to be moved into the cellar (will that make it a crypt then ?) before too long as it is starting to suffer the effects of drying out to the detriment of the carving. "Templars" is like a living museum, we live here with trappings and object d'art from every era of history to the present day. A programme of maintenance of the existing will have to be budgeted after the cost of living and repayments of loans, forever to be the monthly nightmare as they are for so many of us, eh ? "Templars" was saved from the bailiffs in a moment of crisis with the French loan sharks. Two years into the restoration, thirteen individuals, family and friends, from around the world put together a package enabling us to, with great difficulty, get the sharks and their menaces out of our hair. When finally our house sold, the brave and generous 13 were repaid and they will forever be part and parcel of the story of our quest to save "Templars" as intact as possible for the benefit of history and the interest of younger and future generations. At the end of these posts you will find space for your comments, thoughts, observations and participation. Your inclusion in this site will be of great importance to us and I must say, we have not set up the blog as a begging bowl, just as a means to share our enthusiasm and excitement of such an unusual project.
Home » Music Videos » Brooklyn Rapper Mozart Rick Releases Video for "Window" [Video] Posted in Music Videos Brooklyn Rapper Mozart Rick Releases Video for "Window" [Video] Mozart Rick By Jack Barnes Dominican-born, now Brooklyn-based, young rapper Mozart Rick has his eye on domination in 2017. After catching some early buzz due to collaborations with artists like Juelz Santana, Uno The Activist, and Castro Guapo, Mozart inked a label deal with SixtyFive Entertainment / Asylum (Warner Music Group) and has today dropped the official video for his track "Window", which has garnered almost 1-million spins on Soundcloud. The track is also available today on all digital platforms including Spotify and iTunes. Enjoy this video stream below after the jump. Mozart Rick's story is a classic tale of New York City: He moved from the Dominican Republic when he was nine, settling in the Bronx amidst extended family. He didn't speak English at the time, and wasn't too excited about learning a whole new language. Music was there, however, to help bridge the gap—Rick's interest in rap began soon after moving to the States, when he was just 10 years old. Fast forward to 2016, and Rick's raps have him poised to break into the upper echelons of the music industry. "If it wasn't for New York," he says, "I'm not sure I would've ever been determined to pursue a career in music." Not that he's forgotten his roots—Mozart Rick's music blends English and Spanish seamlessly, a nod to his families in the DR and the Bronx. "I want to be an artist that inspires people through my music," Rick says. "I want to feel the adrenaline when I go on stage and put on a good show for my fans." That's certainly the case for his single, "Window." It's the kind of hard-hitting track that sounds due to ring out in clubs across the country. Rick's hook is especially addictive, an example of a new style of sound: "Nobody's making that disco-trap like me," Rick says. And the fans have responded—"Window" always draws a big reaction from Rick's crowds, which is an essential part of his style as an artist. "You get to interact with your fans on stage and see your fans reactions," he said. "As an artist you make music for people so you want to see how they react." "Window" serves as an introduction to Rick's album due to drop in early 2017. The project was recorded in NYC, the perfect city to reflect Rick's high-energy, spontaneous songwriting tactics. "I just start with a melody, then I freestyle," he says. "Every song you've heard from me is a freestyle." Soundcloud | Twitter | Instagram Want to submit something? Click Here Need promotion? Click Here Follow me: Getmybuzzup on Twitter | Getmybuzzup on Facebook | Getmybuzzup on Google+ | Getmybuzzup on Tumblr | Getmybuzzup on Linkedin | Getmybuzzup on Pinterest | Getmybuzzup on Instagram | Getmybuzzup on Snapchat Let us know what you think in the comment area below. Liked this post? Subscribe to my RSS feed and get loads more!" Props to Mozart Rick ← Marriage Boot Camp – "Jersey House Lies" (SNEAK PEEK) #MarriageBootCamp [Tv] Jhené Aiko Bares All for PETA's Anti-Fur Campaign [Photos] → JoBlo TV Show Trailers DJ Akademiks In Da News TV TMZLive djvlad The Wendy Williams Show
Open Preview See a Problem? Chandrasekar added it Jan 09, Smohankumarkgm marked it as to-read Aug 29, Shahul Hameed marked it as to-read Aug 20, Return to Book Page. The five-minute programme, presented in simple colloquial Tamil, the common man could relate to and punctuated by anecdotes meant to make you smile and ponder, was broadcast without a break from until his retirement in xwaminathan Targeted as a motivational writing for youngsters, this book is an interesting read for all ages. Smohankumarkgm marked it as to-read Aug 29, T Thanga marked it as to-read Jul 20, Vijay rated it really liked it Mar 15, About Thenkachi Ko Swaminathan. Raj Kumar rated it it was amazing Mar 27, Boomi Nathan marked it as to-read Sep 28, A humorous piece at the bookw of the programme was something for which the listeners looked forward to. He is survived by his wife and a daughter. Want to Read saving…. Retrieved from " https: Thenkachi Ko Swaminarayan for the entire family. Madhava Deva Kumar marked it as to-read Dec 07, The show, giving a message, was a hit and was broadcast for 12 years from Vijay Kumar marked it as to-read Mar 03, Gopinath marked it as to-read Feb 20, Suren marked ok as to-read Apr 18, Devi Soodamani added it Sep 25, Thanks for telling us about the problem. Dec 07, Saravanan Meivel rated it really liked it. Want to Read saving…. Naveen Kumar marked it as to-read Mar 09, Mubarack marked it as to-read Aug 23, Through this programme, he taught farmers modern agricultural techniques, of course using his inimitable easy style to relate to the simple country folks. Kalidass Chidambaranathan marked it as to-read Nov 05, Thanks for telling us about the problem. Ayyanar added it Aug 29, Arunkumar marked it as to-read Aug 23, Swaminathan was a radio artist. PaperbackNew Editionpages. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Swedha marked it as to-read Oct 10, Orphaned articles from December All orphaned articles Articles with hCards.
Home Entertainment Saif Ali Khan, Rani Mukerji reunite for 'Bunty Aur Babli 2' after... Saif Ali Khan, Rani Mukerji reunite for 'Bunty Aur Babli 2' after 11 years New Delhi (India), Dec 19 (ANI): After spelling magic in 'Hum Tum', Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji will be back on screen with Yash Raj Films to play the original 'Bunty Aur Babli' in the fully rebooted sequel after 11 long years. YRF had earlier announced a complete new pairing of Siddhant Chaturvedi, who rose to fame in 'Gully Boy' and debutante Mumbai girl, Sharvari as the new conmen for the Varun Sharma helmed upcoming Movie. Saif Ali Khan who is elated to be a part of the franchise issued a statement saying, "Bunty Aur Babli 2 is a completely rebooted sequel and is set in today's time. It is a fantastic script that hooked me on instantly." Mentioning the movie as a complete family entertainer, he added "It is an out and out entertainer for the entire family to sit and enjoy and this is what I loved and connected with. Also, it's a new role for me, new language and milieu and that's what I really look for in a script. I also love the dynamics between the originals and the new Bunty Babli in the film." "It's fresh, hilarious and extremely engaging. Rani and I have always had a lot of fun working with each other and I'm looking forward to our creative collaboration again. It's also equally amazing to be back home at YRF again," the ' Cocktail' actor said. The much-anticipated sequel will see a huge time leap of 10 years and has also brought the originals back in the franchise. Recalling the love received for the originals, Rani said, "The original 'Bunty Aur Babli' got tremendous love and appreciation from audiences and it is their love that has made YRF decide to make the sequel." Talking about Abhishek Bachchan, Rani added, "Abhishek and I were both approached by YRF to reprise our roles as the originals in Bunty Aur Babli 2 but, unfortunately, things didn't work out with him and we will miss him dearly. As a team, we are so happy to welcome Saif." She further added, "I have lovely memories of working with him and I'm really looking forward to creating something new and exciting with him in Bunty Aur Babli 2. Hopefully, audiences will give us the same love that they have given our earlier films " Produced by Aditya Chopra, the much-anticipated movie is already on floors. (ANI) Babli Mukerji Previous articleTop Web Series Releasing On OTT This Week: Upcoming Web Series Of This Week – See Latest Next articleUpcoming Indian Web Series On Netflix, ZEE5, Amazon Prime of this Week Jurassic World 3 Director Reveals Steven Spielberg's Reaction to the Legacy Characters Reuniting All main heroes wish to do multi-starrers: SS Rajamouli 'Yadhalo Mounam': Music video featuring Sridevi's niece sizzles is a hit! Pushpa Movie Download Filmyzilla in Hindi HD (LEAKED) 480p, 720p, Watch Online Legally Kerala Lottery Result Today 17.12.2021 Karunya Plus KN 399 – Check Winning Number List Atrangi Re Movie Download Filmywap, Tamilrockers HD leaked online illegal sites
Home >Portable Lead Flotation Processing>Miners Impacted By Gold Standard Miners Impacted By Gold Standard Gold and the Economy Gold has had a significant impact on the U.S. economy, from the gold standard to the price of gold. Its value depends on its relative safety compared to other investments. How Gold Affects the Economy and You Gold's impact on the economy waxes and wanes, depending on how safe other investments are.Gold Standard - Pros & Cons - ProCon.org A gold standard would increase the environmental and cultural harms created by gold mining. In the first quarter of 2019, mining one ounce of gold cost $1,000. [ 123] T The average wedding band contains three to seven ounces of gold. [ 124]Gold Standard vs. Bimetallism The Gold Standard "The gold standard is a monetary system where a country's currency or paper money has a value directly linked to gold. With the gold standard, countries agreed to convert paper money into a fixed amount of gold. A country that uses the gold standard sets a fixed price for gold and buys and sells gold at that price. Environmental Impacts of Gold Mining | Brilliant Earth Dirty gold mining has ravaged landscapes, contaminated water supplies, and contributed to the destruction of vital ecosystems. Cyanide, mercury, and other toxic substances are regularly released into the environment due to dirty gold mining.Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining Without Mercury . Although many miners use mercury in artisanal and small-scale gold mining, it is possible to safely and economically recover gold without it. Mercury-free techniques are safer for miners, their families and local communities. They may also help miners market their gold at higher prices.Gold Standard C$30M bought deal for South Railroad - Mining . Gold Standard Ventures has announced a C$30 million bought deal financing led by BMO Capital Markets to obtain funds for development, permitting and exploration activities at its South Railroad . Ethics of Mining Gold: The Social and Environmental Impacts . Peru is a target for some of the worst mining practices because it accounts for 13% of the world's copper, 4% of gold, 22% of silver, 7.6% of zinc, 9% of lead, and 6%of tin, according to the country's Ministry of Energy.How Did the Gold Standard Contribute to the Great Depression . The gold standard is a monetary system in which a nation's currency is pegged to the value of gold. In a gold standard system, a given amount of paper money can be converted into a fixed amount .OceanaGold marks three decades of gold standard mining . OceanaGold marks three decades of gold standard mining . OceanaGold is a resilient and dynamic gold miner with a strong and sustainable future. . How expansion of megacities will impact demand . Gold Standard - Pros & Cons - ProCon.org A gold standard would increase the environmental and cultural harms created by gold mining. In the first quarter of 2019, mining one ounce of gold cost $1,000. [ 123 ] The average wedding band contains three to seven ounces of gold.Gold Standard vs. Bimetallism The Gold Standard "The gold standard is a monetary system where a country's currency or paper money has a value directly linked to gold. With the gold standard, countries agreed to convert paper money into a fixed amount of gold. A country that uses the gold standard sets a fixed price for gold and buys and sells gold at that price.What If We Had A Gold Standard System, Right Now? For most of the 182 years between 1789 and 1971, the United States embraced the principle of a dollar linked to gold — at first, at $20.67/oz., and then, after 1933, $35/oz. Nearly every . Why Gold Matters: Everything You Need To Know Investing in gold bullion won't offer the leverage you would get from investing in gold-mining stocks. As the price of gold goes up, miners' higher profit margins can boost earnings exponentially.When FDR Abandoned the Gold Standard - Investopedia The Fed's gold to notes and deposit liabilities ratio, "which stood at 81.4 percent a month before Britain left the gold standard, slumped to 51.3 percent in March 1933, the lowest level since .How Gold Has a Positive Impact on the Local Community In the gold mining industry, this is especially true since the impact of gold mining on the physical environment is so prevalent. In a recent report by Gold.org , the study stated that the community may not have any regulatory control over the gold mining company, but if a company contributes to the welfare of the environment and its people . How Did the Gold Standard Contribute to the Great Depression . The gold standard is a monetary system in which a nation's currency is pegged to the value of gold. In a gold standard system, a given amount of paper money can be converted into a fixed amount .Responsible gold mining | World Gold Council Managing the environmental impact of operations is also a vital element of responsible gold mining. Responsible companies take great care in designing and following policies that preserve the local biodiversity and water quality. The World Gold Council and our Members support the International Cyanide Management Code. Developed in 2000, it .When FDR Abandoned the Gold Standard - Investopedia The Fed's gold to notes and deposit liabilities ratio, "which stood at 81.4 percent a month before Britain left the gold standard, slumped to 51.3 percent in March 1933, the lowest level since . What If We Had A Gold Standard System, Right Now? For most of the 182 years between 1789 and 1971, the United States embraced the principle of a dollar linked to gold — at first, at $20.67/oz., and then, after 1933, $35/oz. Nearly every .Why Gold Matters: Everything You Need To Know Investing in gold bullion won't offer the leverage you would get from investing in gold-mining stocks. As the price of gold goes up, miners' higher profit margins can boost earnings exponentially.Powell explains why a return to the gold standard would be . Fed's Powell explains why a return to the gold standard would be so damaging to the economy Published Wed, Jul 10 2019 12:24 PM EDT Updated Wed, Jul 10 2019 2:33 PM EDT Thomas Franck @tomwfranck How Gold Has a Positive Impact on the Local Community In the gold mining industry, this is especially true since the impact of gold mining on the physical environment is so prevalent. In a recent report by Gold.org , the study stated that the community may not have any regulatory control over the gold mining company, but if a company contributes to the welfare of the environment and its people .How Money and Banking Work On a Gold Standard | PHILOSOPHICAL . A true gold standard is a gold standard built on fractional-reserve free banking. The government defines the value of the currency in terms of precious metals, and then leaves banks in the private sector to do as they please–to issue whatever quantity of banknotes they want to issue, and to pay the price in bankruptcy if they behave in ways .The gold standard: what can the industry learn from gold . The Council says that in 2013, the gold industry made an economic contribution totalling over $171bn to the top 15 gold mining economies. Noting the lack of a specific framework for how the gold industry can advance sustainable development, the World Gold Council in 2019 launched its Responsible Gold Mining Principles (RGMPs). The gold standard is a monetary system in which a nation's currency is pegged to the value of gold. In a gold standard system, a given amount of paper money can be converted into a fixed amount .Gold Standard Ventures to Present at the TD Securities Mining . Gold Standard is developing the South Railroad Project, an open pit, heap leach gold project located in Elko County, Nevada. The project is part of a +21,000 hectare land package on the Carlin .Standard: Gold - Fairtrade International The overall objective of this standard is to create opportunities for artisanal and small-scale miners and their communities, by promoting the formalization of the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector through establishing membership-based artisanal and small-scale mining organizations (ASMO). Powell explains why a return to the gold standard would be . Fed's Powell explains why a return to the gold standard would be so damaging to the economy Published Wed, Jul 10 2019 12:24 PM EDT Updated Wed, Jul 10 2019 2:33 PM EDT Thomas Franck @tomwfranckA New Standard in Gold Mining - The Daily Reckoning A New Standard in Gold Mining. Big news just broke in the gold sector. The story originated from industry bellwether Goldcorp.It involves a relatively complex set of mergers and business .Why Did the U.S. Abandon the Gold Standard? | Mental Floss A gold standard would put the Fed in a similar predicament. Gold supplies are also unreliable: If miners went on strike or new gold discoveries suddenly stalled, economic growth could grind to a halt. Why Gold Stocks Rallied During the Great Depression . What happened to the shares held by the public in 1933 when FDR confiscated gold? So you were safe holding the shares! GG. ANSWER: You must realize that gold was money under the gold standard. You can see how it declined following the commodity rally during World War I and eventually bottomed in 1924. 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Mi Fit is the official application for Mi Band and Mi Scale, on account of which we can capitalize on our Xiaomi gadgets. With this application, we can keep a total record of our weight (will keep a day by day log) or the measure of meters we stroll on a typical day. From the Mi Fit interface, we can investigate our goals and our outcomes. What's more, we can see natural diagrams with all the data about our physical action or our advance. We can even know at what time we nod off, how much time we have rested, and obviously when we wake up. Mi Fit is a partner application for all intents and purposes basic for the clients of a Mi Band or Mi Scale. On account of it, they will have the capacity to stay up with the latest all the data acquired through these gadgets, which isn't nearly nothing. Likewise, inside the application, we will discover offices to impart our data to different clients of the same. Mi Fit is available to download from Google Play Store. You can use this app on your Android devices for free. If you also want to use Mi Fit For PC then you need to download and install Android Emulator on your PC. Below you can see simple and easy steps to download Mi Fit For PC. Use the top search bar and enter the word, Mi Fit. After the complete installation of the app. Go to MY APPS of BlueStacks where you will see the app Mi Fit. Stay tuned for more latest Apps and apps for PC guides. If you are facing any kind of problem to Mi Fit For PC, please let us know in the comments.
The two little buds on the bosom of their mother. And the Father does not need them to burn round him. And I should be fairer than all my sister flowers. On the high and the low, and come alike to all. And give a queenly air to this crimson robe of mine." My jewels, since the stars can never come to me." A glittering fire-fly that hung by her side. Why shouldst thou seek for beauty not thine? And what he most loveth is a sweet, pure heart. The loving gift which he to thee hath sent? Like the fire-fly thou hast in that foolish breast of thine. Care only for true beauty, and seek for no other. Unfold thy leaves, my daughter, and let the fly depart." Of purple and green, that covered her breast. The blooming of her sister bud leaf by leaf. Hung her weary head down on her wounded breast. And longed for the cool dew; but now 't was in vain. As drooping she stood by her fair sister's side. Thou canst win thyself no joy by passion or by pride. And the earth as a pleasant home, while thou art dwelling here. And strive to keep thyself most innocent and fair? Be fair without, be pure within, and thou wilt happy be. Thou mayst pass away, to bloom in the Flower Spirits' home." O'er the fair little ones that bloomed at her side. On the happy little flower that had learned the lesson given. and that humility alone can bring true happiness to flower and Fairy. You shall come next, Zephyr."
Go along for the ride with this new addition to the WOW farm set. Join Farmer Jim and his animal friends Dusty and Clarissa as they clip-clop around the farm. Clarissa often gets hungry so is always seen eating grass and enjoys riding along in farmer Jim's cart. This quirky toy is complete with removable ride-on Horse and Cow.
25 Years of Sonic! June 27, 2016 10:36 pm Published by Solid Jack 2 Comments The year of anniversaries continues as the speedy, blue hedgehog created by Sega, celebrated his 25th last week and sure we should have done this on the day, (June 23rd) but with all the news that was expected to following the celebration, we felt it was best to put it off until now and then go over everything! Whilst at the same time dedicating another day to such a momentous occasion. But why start with current events, when we can start with the history of Sonic instead, so we're going to do just that. It was 1991 and Sega didn't want just another character, they wanted someone who could be a mascot, a character that would make the company a leading company in the video game industry and Sonic proved to be all that and more. The hedgehog didn't just go on to get a couple of sequels, he went on to get many spin-offs and made appearances in a number of Nintendo titles such as Smash and Mario & Sonic. But that's the present, let's go back to the early 90's where Sonic games were releasing yearly, with plenty of spin-offs in between them. In fact there were so many games that there wasn't a single year between '91 & 99 that didn't involve the speedster. Sadly though, all of the hedgehog's success wasn't enough to stop Sega from continuing with creating their own consoles, but an ongoing partnership with Nintendo saw to it Sonic and all his friends would never leave us, as Sonic games have continued to come ever since and not just on Nintendo devices. Fast forward to now, Sonic has had quite a few mangas, TV shows, which includes the Sonic Boom series that also has two games already associated with it and Fire & Ice due for release later on this year, but he's been in films too. First there was his appearance in 2012's Wreck-It-Ralph, along with Tails (my favourite character from the Sonic universe) and Eggman, but there's also a new Sonic film in the works and has been since 2014. In short, it's nearly 25 years later and Sonic continues to be popular and it's a good thing too because Sega came out this week to confirm that there is a Completely New game in development by the Sonic Team. This is the statement Takashi Iizuka gave Famitsu earlier on the week and although specific details aren't revealed, it is expected they will following during the 25th anniversary party next month on the 22nd of July. "We at Sonic Team – are developing a completely new game, as well as developing a full movie, actively done by Sony Pictures, and animation on Sonic Boom. We are also ready to improve sponsor ties. The most important thing is not the fact the series survived for 25 years, but how many games was developed. Our goal – add something new and overcome any potential hardships." Still that won't be the only statement we'll be sharing this week, as we also have a comment from Iizuka regarding Sonic's relationship with Nintendo and another comment from Ivo Gerscovich regarding Sega's emphasis on quality. Both responses come from the latest issue of MCV. Takashi Iizuka: "When SEGA stopped making hardware and just started doing software, the first platform that we released Sonic on was a Nintendo console. We felt from the very beginning, that the Nintendo platforms were where the passionate Sonic fans were. Historically that is where our relationship started with Nintendo. Unfortunately, the Wii U didn't manage to get as many gamers on the hardware as we would have liked. That was unfortunate for Sonic because we didn't get the mass of people to enjoy the content. But Nintendo has always been a great partner, we have Mario & Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Sonic in Super Smash Bros… we really appreciate the work that they do." Ivo Gerscovich: "SEGA is really – as of this last year – putting a huge emphasis on quality. One of the things about Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice is that we held the title for a year, which is not something SEGA has traditionally done, but this focus on quality is really about trying to take Sonic back to where it used to be. We are really focused on turning Sonic into an entertainment icon, not just a games icon. We want to go across all platforms and elevate his status even further, which explains why we are doing so much." It is great to see Sega coming out and speaking out like this, especially since Sonic, like Link and Mario, is a character I grew up with and fondly remember, and even with what we shared above, that isn't all we heard from Iizuka this week as we also found the time to tell us why Dr. Robotnik became Eggman and you can read his explanation here: "When the game was originally developed in Japan, they called the character Eggman. That was the name of the character, but when the game got localized and ported into the Sonic the Hedgehog that we know in the West, they decided to, without confirming with the development team, change his name to Ivo Robotnik or just Robotnik. That's kind of when everyone first learned about the character. Of course, this was without consulting the people who made the game. They just kind of went off and did it. It became super popular and everyone in the West kind of learned about the character as Robotnik. That went on through the "classic" series in the Genesis/Mega Drive era, but as far as the developers are concerned – the ones who made the character and the leaders of what this character is doing next – we really didn't want to have anyone in the universe with two names. To us, he's Eggman, but in the rest of the world he's called Robotnik. We wanted to unify that into one name moving forward. This is something I actually did in the Sonic Adventure series. I made it so that we understand the character's name is Robotnik, but his nickname is Eggman, and as far as everyone is concerned in the world now, we're just going to call him Eggman as his official name." The blue hedgehog is clearly sticking around as far as Sega is concerned and we couldn't be happier about it and with the 25th anniversary part happening next month, don't be surprised if Sonic snags a headline here and there in the meantime as plenty of new announcements have been promised, but what about you? It's been 25 years of Sonic, have you got a favourite Sonic memory you feel like sharing? We'd love to hear it. Source: @NE_Brian of Nintendo Everything, MCV & Natalie Levig of My Nintendo News Tags: Dr Robotnik, Eggman, Ivo Gerscovich, mario and sonic at the Rio olympic games, Sega, Sonic, Sonic Boom: Fire & Ice, Sonic the Hedgehog, Tails, Takashi Iizuka Categorised in: 3DS, News, Wii U This post was written by Solid Jack
For the many romantic souls out there, the mere mention of the word brings in hope, excitement, dreams, wishes and something totally inexplicable. It's a feeling tough to experience and hard to come by yet the charm lives on and the desire burns on. There he walked out of the mall, blue shirt and black pants, tired of the tiring week and bored of the boring work. Ordered a cup of coffee and found a spot out on the sidewalk in the middle of the rush hour footfalls. Boorishly he started charting the apps on his iPad making sure the chaos was still alive. In between he would take stock of his surroundings with a quick glance, sip the bitter water and swipe back to his charts. He was part of the eternal crowd keeping track of the time they wait for someone something somehow and somewhere bump into them. In the distance, the sun was setting and the twilight brought in a sudden breeze. He was three blocks away, clad in black, one shoulder shouldering the laptop bag and the other brandishing the phone call. He was part of the undying crowd, thinking about the past, planning the future, missing the present. He was two blocks away while the ballet of glance and sip and swipe had just ended the circle. He was one block away. The traffic signal went white. While taking the sip of the coffee, the glance fell on the black suit crossing the road. While brandishing the unending call, the sight caught the blue shirt sipping. The distance began to subside though neither the glance nor the sight lost their beeline. The call ended, the sip finished. The phone went down, so did the cup. Both the lips curved into smiles. Irrespective of the life around, their eyes only caught their smiles. The barista had a chance to make another cup for the gentleman. Once outside, a quick look clarified that the only spot available was on the table in the middle of the sidewalk in the midst of the dwindling footfalls. The coffee cups were just props. The table top was just a support. The air was just the enclosure. I was an audience to their moments. The missing glances, the absent-minded touches, the misplaced gestures, the omitted words and the lost world. I was glued to the story with the rest of the universe just nonexistent. My hot chocolate wasn't hot anymore, nor the time any lonelier, neither the wait worthless. Someone once said – there are no accidents. Life is an accident. An accident that is impossible to avoid. Life is a surprise. A surprise that is sufficient enough to amaze. Life is a fortune. Life is just plain luck. Here I was, witnessing what can be feasible when the universe conspires. The sun had set, the lights were on. The day ended, night began. The empty slot was filled, wait was over. The present was being lived, the future being worked. An accident just happened, surprised me with its awe, fortunately, luckily! The Friday night wasn't so bad after all. Maybe one day, I shall wear the blue shirt.
Different Theories of the Creation of the World Essay Rating: Good Essays There are many different theories about the creation of the world. The two that rival each other are the religious versions and the scientific version. The quote "They say that every atom in our bodies was once a part of a star", by Carl Sagan an astronomer, supports the scientific theory, which is being accepted as true more and more each day. What the quote tells us is that Carl Sagan believed in the Big Bang theory and the theory of evolution. This quote supports the Big Bang theory in many ways. First, the big bang theory is the theory that the universe expanded and started to cool after a huge explosion that made planets and solar systems. When it's said that every atom in our body was once a part of a star it literally means that the first species here, bacteria, came from the earth which came from a star and we evolved from that. Which brings me to my next point. Evolution is the main point if this quote. For us to have the atoms of stars in our body would have had to of evolved from the first things on this earth which were bacteria. As the bacteria and later animals continued evolving they kept passing on the atoms until they evolved in to humans. Many may not believe in the theory of evolution, but there are many findings that help prove it. One of the findings that help support the theory of evolution is the Neanderthals. Neanderthals are people who started living around 190,000 years ago and died out only about 28,000 years ago. Neanderthals look very much like y... Comparing The Creation Of The World Essay - Proposing a Perspective: Comparing and Contrasting The Creation of the World in the Iroquois Creation Story and The Bible. From the very beginning of time, every human that has existed on this earth has been explained a theory in which how the earth came to be. In North America, the creation of the universe falls mostly under two categories: the creation science theory and the scientific view theory. The creation science is where God created the universe during six consecutive days, and the scientific view is where the process of natural selection and evolution created the world.... [tags: Universe, Earth, Creation myth, Twin] Creation: Scientifically Proven? Essay - ... evolution debate called The Scopes (monkey) Trials of July 21 1925. As Judith S. Baughman writes in"The Scopes Trial, 1925" he says that the famous William Bryan Jennings and Clarence S. Darrow raged scientific and religious battle; Jennings was defending the bible just as much as Darrow defending John Scopes ability to teach biological evolution. The result was evolutions band in Tennessee and Scopes fine of 100 dollars (1-3). This was a head collision of two very different perspectives on world values but many believe cannot go together.... [tags: God, macroevlution, atheism, creation, theories] Creation Theories and Controversies Essay - There are many different beliefs with wild theories of the beginning of the universe. The most common theory used more often today is the Big Bang Theory, "an outer space explosion that marked the origin of the universe". A lot of people believe in this theory because it seems to make sense in their minds although the "Dark energy" seems to contradict the big bang. As the picture well explains itself, dark energy is becoming more and more serious and is an eye opener to various people. What is Dark energy.... [tags: Creation] Creation Theories VS. Evolution Essay - One inquiry that draws curiosity is the question of how all matter and life came about on Earth in this enormous universe of stars, planets, and space. Many people believe that life is a product of random probability, while many others place their faith in a define creator. This world, Earth, is a minor fraction of an enormous universe that was created by an intelligent being, which designed all matter and living creatures, and is too unpredictable to leave the creation of the universe to the random probability of evolution.... [tags: Christian Theology] Creation Theories Essay - Without the bible humans would not be able to depict different theories of creation. The Old and New Testament are not considered in many people, but it is known by all. Theories that have affected different religions are creation, evolution, and mythology. With 6,775,235,700 people walking the earth, every person has his/her personal opinions about the world's existence. In the book of Genesis, Christian Scholars have described the work of God in his seven days of constructing the world. Waters, land, light, humankind, etc.... [tags: The Bible] The Myths of Creation Essay - When the modern person ponders the formation of human beings, our mind automatically goes to Adam and Eve, whom were the first man and woman created by God according to the Book of Genesis. Before there was Adam and Eve, diverse cultures came up with myths about the construction of humans. These myths included: "The Song of Creation" from the Rig Veda, An African Creation Tale, From the Popol Vuh, and A Native American Creation Tale "How Man Was Created" Each one of these legends gives a diverse perspective on the creation of human beings.... [tags: Man, Different Cultures] Creation and Augustine vs. Evolution and Charles Darwin Essay - In this philosophical scientific research paper, I will proceed as follows. First I will address the pros and cons of creation and evolution. Second, I will analyze the philosophical scientific causes of this issue in light of St. Augustine and Charles Darwin. Last I will infer my own results and therefore propose some scientific suggestions. Many people have asked the question, where did we come from. According to creationists a higher power, or "God" created the universe. Some believe that "God" started off the universe and let it form by itself.... [tags: Creation, Augustine, Evolution, Charles Darwin,] The Creation in the Hebraic and Babylonian Traditions Essay - Keeping Wellhousen's Documentary Hypothesis in mind, it seems clear that although the Hebraic understanding of the cosmology of creation was very similar to that of other Ancient Near East societies, they had very different theories about the theological and anthropological significance of that creation. The creation accounts in Genesis were compiled at very important periods in Jewish history. This account reflects prevailing sentiments of unity, and a personal relationship between God and humanity, as reflected in the intimacy of creation.... [tags: Deity, World, Jewish] The Evolution of Religion Essay example - INTRODUCTION In The Wizard of Oz (1939), Dorothy and her friends journey to the Emerald City in seek of Oz – the great and powerful wizard. Upon finally reaching him, Dorothy's dog opens a curtain to reveal that the Wizard is merely an ordinary man speaking into a microphone while using various knobs and levers to create a smoke-and-mirrors effect. In many ways this story is similar to the creation and interpretation of religion by individuals within society. In the following pages I will discuss this metaphor, as well as Rudolf Otto and his theories on the creation of religion, Peter L.... [tags: Understanding Theories, Creation] Scientific View of Creation and the Big Bang Essay - Scientific View of Creation and the Big Bang A common question among people is why are things the way they are. How was our world created. There are many different theories, from a variety of views. In this paper I will discuss the scientific view of the creation theory. The theory that I will be discussing is the Big Bang Theory, this is currently the theory of creation accepted by most scientists as the explanation of the beginning of the universe. The big bang theory suggests that the universe was once extremely compact, dense, and hot.... [tags: Papers] CLassical vs. Hellenistic Classical vs. Operant Conditioning Classification of Restaurant Customers Classification of Beer Classification: Help For Mental Disorders
New airline to service Trinidad-Tobago airbridge soon A new airline is in the making to compete with Caribbean Airlines on the Trinidad and Tobago airbridge. The airline is to be called Tobago Airways and the businessmen behind it are seeking to attract investors. The airline's website, www.tobagoairways.com has a countdown that currently shows 29 days with a headline, "Something new and exciting is coming soon". A proposal being issued to investors names the airline's Chief Executive Officer as Raymond McMillan. He told CNC3 that they are hoping to meet the launch date of just about one month from now, once office and staffing issues are cleared. He said they are currently going through the process of finalising the necessary approvals. McMillian says two aircraft will be put into service, both of which have already been sourced. The Tobago Airways CEO did not go into deep detail, saying a media statement will be issued soon, but he did add that the plan for the airline also includes the establishment of an aviation school in Tobago where potential pilots can learn on fixed-wing aircraft and helicopters. The proposal sent to investors states that the airbridge has been a sour-point for over 30 years. It states that while the pace of development in Tobago has increased over the last five years, the difficulty in getting to Tobago defeats all the investments, resulting in the entire economy being frustrated. It states: "The recent press release from the existing carrier Caribbean Airlines (CAL), stated that with a 30 minutes delay, their performance was at 86 percent (above industry standards). One then wonders why almost on a weekly basis, do we have passengers stranded and having to overnight at the airport after waiting for hours on end, for a 20 minutes flight." It says a simple shift in the ability of citizens to get to Tobago can cause an economic explosion on the island. "The answer is simply another carrier to meet the demand left unsatisfied by CAL, providing the confidence for individuals to travel, enjoy Tobago and return to their respective destinations reliably and on time," the proposal states. It states that the team is one of energetic and dynamic citizens who have come together to make a difference in complimenting CAL's efforts in bringing passengers to Tobago. Favourite count: Favourite count ids: ,64945,65732,67316,63628,53739,64191,67566 Red Force rot continues in Super50 slaying Three charged with stealing plaintains
With more than 35 years of experience, Ms. Lehmkuhl is a celebrated nursing professional who most recently served as a medical and disability nurse case manager at Liberty Mutual in Overland Park, KS, from 2006 until her retirement from the industry in 2016. Prior to this appointment, she was the supervisor of clinical services at Mid-America Physicians from 2003 to 2006, a manager of occupational health at the Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Kansas City from 1993 to 2002, an assistant administrator at Hickman Mills Clinic from 1991 to 1992, and a nursing supervisor at Hickman Mills Clinic from 1988 to 1991. Over the years, she has also worked for such corporations as Managed Healthcare Resources, Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and Humana Hospital in several prominent roles. To prepare for her career, Ms. Lehmkuhl pursued a formal education at Johnson County Community College, graduating with an Associate of Arts, with honors, in 1977. She subsequently attended the University of Kansas, earning a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, with highest distinction, in 1979. She is a registered nurse in the states of Kansas and Missouri, as well as a certified case manager. In recognition of her exceptional achievements, Ms. Lehmkuhl was deemed an Arthur S. and Leora J. Peck Scholar and an Allstate Foundation Nursing Scholar in 1977. In addition, Liberty Mutual named her the Registered Nurse of the Month in 2013. Notably, she has been highlighted in several editions of Who's Who in America, Who's Who in American Nursing, Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare, Who's Who in the Midwest, and Who's Who of American Women.
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Q: How does SSMS show partial results of a large resultset whilst the query is still running, and can equivalent behaviour be achieved in .NET? In SQL Server Management Studio, when running a query that produces a very large resultset, it appears to sometimes display the results of the resultset as it's loading them, rather than them all appearing at once. My normal assumption would be that it's simply it populating the grid(s) in SSMS with the results of the finished query, and that the SQL query itself is finished. However, if I run the following query: SELECT 1 SELECT * FROM EnormousTable INSERT INTO SomeOtherTable([Column1]) SELECT 'Test3' That last INSERT does not occur until after the results from the larger resultset have been fully returned. I have two main questions: 1. What is happening here? Is SSMS breaking down the query into separate batches even without GO statements? Please note that I'm not a DBA, so if there's some fundamental reason for this behaviour that 'any DBA would know', there's a good chance I don't know it. 2. Is there a way to attain similar functionality in .NET? What I mean by this is, when running a set of queries that will produce multiple resultsets, whether or not it's possible to have a DataSet get populated with the results of each successive query as it finishes (without waiting for all the queries to finish), without me having to manually break down the query (unless that's what SSMS is actually doing under the hood).
Cape Town Buzz Worcester SAPS officers arrested for extorting spaza shops Posted by Andile Sicetsha Four South African Police Service (SAPS) constables from Worcester, Western Cape, were placed under arrest and charged with crimes related to corruption and extortion, on the morning of Monday 6 July 2020. How Worcester SAPS officers extorted spaza shops According to police spokesperson Captain FC Van Wyk, an internal investigation into the conduct of the four SAPS officers aged between 43 and 53 was launched after spaza shop owners reported that they were being extorted for selling cigarettes illegally. According to the lockdown regulations, the sale of cigarettes is prohibited and merchants found to be contravening this newly established law could face heavy penalties or even worse, jail time. This is allegedly the type of fearmongering the Worcester constables used to extort money from the spaza shop owners between Saturday 4 June and Tuesday 21 June. "It is alleged that the members took money from several shopkeepers in the Worcester area between 4 June 2020 and 21 June 2020 to avoid being arrested for selling cigarettes during Lockdown. The members were identified and linked to the incidents by means of witness statements, video footage, duty registers and automatic vehicle location reports," Captain Van Wyk noted in a statement. 'We have zero-tolerance for corruption' – Van Wyk Before any arrests could be made, the case was brought to the attention of Rodney de Kock, the Western Cape's Director of Public Prosecutions. With his approval, after sifting through all the evidence, four arrest warrants were issued out for the suspects. The rogue officers have since appeared before the Worcester Magistrate's Court on corruption charges and await another court schedule to iron out the administrative part of the trial. On the conduct of the Worcester officers, Captain Van Wyk stressed that "SAPS management remains committed [to] uprooting all forms of corruption." Watch: Gateway Mall jewellery store robbed [video] © 2021 Copyright Swisher Post News. Built by inDEVnito
Home » Sanskrit » Introduction » For experts This longer introduction is meant for advanced readers, such as teachers, scholars, those who may know some Sanskrit already, or those who simply want to know more about the guide. This page covers the same information as our introduction for beginners, but it does so in a deeper and more sophisticated way. If you are already satisfied by our introduction for beginners, you can skip this section and move on to the next one. Our intended audience Our guide is for anyone who wants to read Sanskrit literature and who wants to learn grammar to make sense of what they read. Grammar is a technical subject, but we do not expect any background knowledge in grammar, linguistics, or related fields. Too often, resources for teaching Sanskrit (especially those written in English) use an academic and highly technical style. This is fine per se, but as a whole, this technical style carries an implicit message: "Sanskrit is something only an elite person can know and learn. If you are not an elite, Sanskrit is not for you." We reject this idea completely. We believe that anyone who wants to learn Sanskrit should be able to do so and that it is our responsibility to encourage and nurture learners rather than throw them into a sea of rules and jargon. Second language acquisition research Our starting point, and the basis for our approach to Sanskrit grammar, is the main finding from second language acquisition research: acquiring and studying a language are different mental processes and respond to different techniques. The realm of acquisition is essentially one of subconscious, implicit, and organic growth in the learner's implicit mental representation of the language, which develops through exposure to interesting and level-appropriate content. Consistent exposure to such content over time is enough to acquire any language to a very high level, perhaps when paired with the limited and ad-hoc study of explicit grammar rules. The realm of study is essentially one of conscious, explicit, and willful development of an explicit model of the language and its rules, which occurs through the diligent study and application of various rules, often to a list of intentionally memorized words. Consistent study of rules is enough to develop deep mastery but has little relationship to the fast and accurate real-time interpretation of content in our language of interest. Although the exact relationship between these explicit and implicit modes of engagement is still unclear in the research, what can be said with some confidence is that the neurolinguistic processes involved are different enough to treat implicit (acquisition) and explicit (studying) approaches to language as two different activities. In the future, we'll add some links to the literature here. For now, we recommend the works of Bill VanPatten and Susan Gass. Focusing on explicit grammar In light of this division, we see the textbook model as fundamentally flawed because it attempts to support the divergent activities of implicit and explicit study simultaneously. If implicit knowledge is knowing how to throw a ball, explicit knowledge is knowing the kinematic equations that describe the ball's trajectory. Knowing the calculus of kinematics has some incidental relationship to throwing a ball, but in a pragmatic sense, neither provides much insight into the other. Here is a small example of what we mean. A person rides a bicycle or skateboard or scooter or motorcycle but drives a car or truck and pilots a boat or airplane. The semantics of these three words are similar, but it is difficult to articulate a specific and explicit rule that accounts for the difference. Such is the real-world behavior of human language. Given this divergence between implicit and explicit representations of language and the approaches necessary to cultivate them, we have focused solely on building up an explicit representation of Sanskrit. This narrower perspective is profoundly liberating and allows us to perform one task simply and effectively. But perhaps we should address the critical question: why study grammar at all? Mainly, grammar offers a shortcut to working through ancient Sanskrit literature. We use the phrase "working through" deliberately: the slow, word-by-word analysis of a sentence is completely different from the fast, accurate, and real-time understanding of a sentence that arises through acquisition. But there are other compelling reasons to pursue the study of grammar. Grammar is interesting for its own sake, especially given Sanskrit's long tradition of linguistics and grammatical study. Grammar can clarify doubts on usage and meaning for those interested in composition or exegesis. And grammar can provide structure for those learners who crave structure and certainty. What are the specific advantages of focusing solely on explicit representation? The first is that we can omit many of the devices that are shown in the literature to be ineffective, such as translation drills, conjugation drills, vocabulary lists, and other kinds of what we might call "language practice." These devices sap time and energy from the student and are not particularly effective for acquisition, which is their intended focus in the first place. The second is that we can sequence our content in an entirely different way. In the standard textbook, introducing a new topic for discussion is an expensive and costly thing to do, because the assumption is that the student must memorize most or all new material that is presented. But more critically, these topics must be presented with an eye to acquisition. As a result, important but grammatically unusual features are either unreasonably delayed or introduced piecemeal and out of sequence. When we are free of these constraints, we can present Sanskrit's major systems clearly and comprehensively. If we omit any devices aimed at acquisition, what is our answer to the acquisition problem? What do we recommend that learners do? Simply, we encourage the use of resources aimed directly at Sanskrit acquisition, such as: Amarahāsa: free online stories written especially for acquiring Sanskrit. Samskrita Bharati (India, US): Conversational Sanskrit. Includes workshops, classes, correspondence courses, and in-person events. Vyoma-Saṃskṛta-Pāṭhaśālā: Online Sanskrit lectures in a classroom format. That said, there will always be those who find anything other than ancient literature to be a waste of time. Now that our grammar guide has matured, we are building an assisted reading environment for such learners. Assisted reading is not an optimal acquisition environment because the material involved is far too complex for beginning and intermediate learners. But we see such an approach as a pragmatic compromise for those who insist on grammar-based approaches. Style and intended audience Our focus is ordinary people who want to read Sanskrit literature and who want to use grammar to make sense of what they read. Perhaps some of these people are comfortable with technical expressions like "partitive genitive" or "past passive participle" and delight in the intricacies of grammar. (We can certainly relate!) But to most people, such terms are confusing, intimidating, and sterile. We want to include as many learners as we can, so we avoid this complex and highly technical jargon and prefer simple, everyday language. This does not mean, however, that we dumb down our content. As an example, one of the common Sanskrit suffixes is -ta. -ta is often termed a "past passive participle" suffix. This term is problematic in two ways. First, it doesn't make any sense (unless the reader knows about past tenses, the passive voice, and participles). Second, it is a poor fit for Sanskrit specifically: Many roots use -ta in an active sense (e.g. gata). Many roots use -ta without any clear past sense at all (e.g. śakta). The concept of "participles" is much less powerful than just considering the class of Sanskrit verbal suffixes (also known as kṛt suffixes) as a whole. Rather than laboriously explain this suffix using terms that poorly fit the way Sanskrit works, we can simply say instead that the suffix -ta generally shows that someone "has acted" or "has been acted on," with a few examples. The suffix is thus tied immediately to meaningful Sanskrit expressions and to English counterparts that the reader already knows deeply. And the learner doesn't need to memorize an awkward and ill-fitting term. To put it simply, we make a distinction between knowing Sanskrit and talking about Sanskrit. How we talk about Sanskrit doesn't matter at all. What matters is that we communicate useful knowledge to the learner in a way that they can easily understand and internalize.
Book I Chapter 5: Romulus recognised, Amulius killed. It is said that the festival of the Lupercalia, which is still observed, was even in those days celebrated on the Palatine Hill. This hill was originally called Pallantium from a city of the same name in Arcadia; the name was afterwards changed to Palatium. Evander, an Arcadian, had held that territory many ages before, and had introduced an annual festival from Arcadia in which young men ran about naked for sport and wantonness, in honour of the Lycaean Pan, whom the Romans afterwards called Inuus. The existence of this festival was widely recognised, and it was while the two brothers were engaged in it that the brigands, enraged at losing their plunder, ambushed them. Romulus successfully defended himself, but Remus was taken prisoner and brought before Amulius, his captors impudently accusing him of their own crimes. The principal charge brought against them was that of invading Numitor 's lands with a body of young men whom they had got together, and carrying off plunder as though in regular warfare. Remus accordingly was handed over to Numitor for punishment. Faustulus had from the beginning suspected that it was royal offspring that he was bringing up, for he was aware that the boys had been exposed at the king's command and the time at which he had taken them away exactly corresponded with that of their exposure. He had, however, refused to divulge the matter prematurely, until either a fitting opportunity occurred or necessity demanded its disclosure. The necessity came first. Alarmed for the safety of Remus he revealed the state of the case to Romulus. It so happened that Numitor also, who had Remus in his custody, on hearing that he and his brother were twins, and comparing their ages, and the character and bearing so unlike that of one in a servile condition, began to recall the memory of his grandchildren, and further inquiries brought him to the same conclusion as Faustulus; nothing was wanting to the recognition of Remus. So the king Amulius was being enmeshed on all sides by hostile purposes. Romulus shrunk from a direct attack with his body of shepherds, for he was no match for the king in open fight. They were instructed to approach the palace by different routes and meet there at a given time, whilst from Numitor's house Remus lent his assistance with a second band he had collected. The attack succeeded and the king was killed. Event: Birth of Romulus and Remus
Spartan Newsroom (https://news.jrn.msu.edu/2017/06/greater-lansing-animal-shelters-help-homeless-animals-find-homes/) Greater Lansing animal shelters help homeless animals find homes By Kaiyue Zhang | June 28, 2017 photo by Kaiyue Zhang Kay, who has been volunteered for 7 years cuts cat's nail on June 25, 2017 at the Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter in Lansing. John Dinon, the director of Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter is pictured on June 25, 2017 in the Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter. In 2016, there were around 12,000 animals licensed in and around Lansing. During the same period, 7,381 animals were taken into the two biggest animal shelters in the Greater Lansing Area: 3,139 of the animals went to Ingham County Animal Shelter, and 4,242 of them went to the Capital Area Humane Society. Some of the animals were abandoned by their owners, who could not care for their pets anymore for different reasons, some of them were rescued from unsafe places, and some of them were stray and became an animal shelter's property. "They are usually just being dropped off at the door like sometimes the leash is tied to the door knob or they're roaming around," said Kelsee Horrom, a former volunteer at the animal shelter. "If they're older the dogs won't get adopted as quickly as younger ones, sadly. Depending on the shelter if it's not killed or not you'll see the older ones look sad and know they aren't getting a home as quickly as puppies or dogs of a specific breed." There always are animals being euthanized due to different reasons. "We can't put dangerous into the community. We do medical testing on any animal who come in and they will all be vaccinated," said John Dinon, the director of Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter. "If the animals are unhealthy, and they are either having a low quality of life, or have inflectional disease, or if they are dangerous. About 20 percent of animals came in here are euthanized, with cats, it's more because of the disease, with dogs, it's more about the behavior." According to Dinon, in the past five years, all the adoptable animals had found a home or transferred to other shelters. The animal shelters have good reputations in the Lansing area and especially in some student groups at Michigan State University. The Zoology Student Association (ZSA) constantly organize group volunteer activities to help the shelters. "They take care of them and spend countless hours trying to find these animals a new home," said Mariah Faszczewski, the Former President of the ZSA. "Without them, they would either end up on the streets or at a shelter that does kill their animals after a certain length of time. That is also why people should always buy from a shelter and support their local ones with either donations or volunteering." Faszczewski also thinks the homeless animals reflect the fact of the homeless people in the United States. "I think that there is an over abundance of breeding going on so that people can make money," said Faszczewski. "yet shelters are filled with animals constantly. The statistics of homeless animals outdoes the amount of homeless people in the US." A cat who waits to be adopted is pictured on June 25, 2017 in the Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter. A dog who waits to be adopted is pictured on June 25, 2017 in the Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter. A visitor plays with dogs in the shelter on June 25, 2017 in the Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter. However, the shelters are not home for most of the animals, some volunteers claim that the animals in shelters don't get the time they should, they are being kept in the cages for a long period of time and do not get to walk or run a lot. Not a lot of volunteers stick to the work for a long time, but the shelter's environment and situation is getting better because of the joint effort of more fresh blood volunteers. Kay, who has been volunteered for 7 years cuts a cat's nails on June 25, 2017 at the Ingham County Animal Control and Shelter in Lansing. About Kaiyue Zhang Visual storyteller who can speak both English and Mandarin. Experienced photographer and videographer, and writer in mandarin. Major in Journalism and minor in Public Relation and Documentary Production. Familiar with the basic use of Adobe Premiere, Audition, Photoshop, Indesign, Lightroom, After Effects and ready to explore more. More by Kaiyue Shelter finds loving homes for animals, even in pandemic The Capital Area Humane Society has continued adopting out animals despite new safety measures and other disruptions caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
I'm Charles Wang and I am a first year PhD student in math at Harvard. I am jointly advised by Lauren Williams and Bernd Sturmfels. I completed my undergraduate studies at Georgia Tech, and was a graduate student at UC Berkeley for one year before moving to Harvard. I am broadly interested in algebraic combinatorics, algebraic geometry, and tropical geometry. My current research focuses on combinatorial aspects of cluster varieties, in particular Grassmannians and Lagrangian Grassmannians. My email address is [email protected].
Booking with us, you will have the beach place as promotion gift? Europa Tourist Group invites you to an olive oil and wine tasting with typical products of the Veneto region, in order to share with its tourists the taste and aromas of our territory. If you book in one of our facilities - apartment or hotel, you will receive an invitation to an olive oil and wine tasting as well as a sampling of typical cheese and salami at the wine cellar "Capo di Vigna" in Bibione.
As the newly elected councillor for Saltford Parish Council, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who voted for me. I look forward to working positively with all of Saltford's local councillors, both on the parish council and B&NES Council. Since I have a young family of my own, commute to work, and am lucky enough to have my elderly, retired parents living in Saltford; I am certain I view life here with a broad enough perspective to take on board and represent most people's point of view. Saltford is my home and not simply an address where I happen to live. This is a small place, anything that happens here impacts on all of us. We each need to take ownership of our responsibilities to Saltford in its entirety, and not just worry about our half of the the street in which we live. I feel it is vital that whatever decisions we make now are firmly based on the future needs of our community, ensuring we leave a legacy we can all be proud of. As such, it is my intention to do all that I possibly can to prevent detrimental influences on our environment and to promote new initiatives that will improve the quality of all our lives here as a whole.
RBC — EnCana Oil and Gas (USA) Inc., encourages high school seniors who are pursuing a degree in engineering, geology or geophysics at a four-year university, to see their school counselors to apply for its High School Scholarship Program. The scholarships can also be applied at a two-year college, including technical or trade schools related to the oil and gas industry, such as production technology, heavy equipment operator or land administration. The scholarship — $2,500 per year for up to four years — is awarded annually to one graduating student in each school district within EnCana's areas of operations, including: Coal Ridge, De Beque, Erie, Fort Lupton, Frederick, Grande Valley, Meeker, Rangely, Rifle and Weld Central high schools. High school seniors who have demonstrated a solid academic record, and community involvement, and plan on being a full-time student are eligible to apply. Individual school districts will review applications and select recipients. The deadline is April 1. Students should see their school guidance counselors for an application. Last year's recipients included Matthew Herrera of Rangely High School and Hope Merritt of Meeker High School. MEEKER I Fall registration for CNCC classes in Meeker now open, and it is time to get registered. RANGELY I On Feb. 17, Colorado Northwestern Community College announced several college-related awards centered on the top employee, administrator, classified employee and faculty member of the year. I am a freshman in college this year and will be attending Arizona State University for my sophmore year to major in Civil Engineering. I am looking for any scholarships that I can to help me with the cost for out of state tution. I was reading your scholarship but it states for high school seniors. Do you have a scholarship awarded to students that are already in college? If so could you tell me how to apply for it. I was born and raised in the Rifle area so I am a local. Please let me know any help would be great.
The Face Reflecting in the Water is Yours Parshas Vayishlach This week we read the parsha of Va'yishlach. At the end of last week's parsha, Yaakov, after the birth of Yosef, left the house of Lavan to return to Eretz Yisroel (Land of Israel). "Va'yishlach Yaakov malachim l'fanav el Esav achiv {And Yaakov sent 'malachim' ahead to Esav his brother}[32:4]." Yaakov was afraid that Esav was still planning to murder him for impersonating him and receiving the brachos {blessings}. He therefore sent these 'malachim' to test the waters and determine Esav's attitude and intentions. The word 'malachim' can either mean messengers or angels. Rashi understands that Yaakov sent actual angels to Esav. Why was this necessary? The Ohr HaChaim explains that Yaakov was afraid that Esav would, at best, disregard ordinary messengers, or, at worst, beat them to the point that they'd be unable to return. This would allow Esav a sneak attack against Yaakov. Yaakov therefore sent actual angels hoping to strike some fear into Esav's heart. Let Esav realize that these awesome, frightening angels do the bidding of Yaakov and let him beware. These awe-inspiring, celestial couriers returned to Yaakov with the following account of Esav's reaction. "And the angels returned to Yaakov saying: 'We came to your brother (you, Yaakov, view him as your brother) to Esav (his brotherly feelings are somewhat lacking — he's Esav!) and four hundred men are with him (it ain't gonna be pretty…)' [32:7]." Esav wasn't worried or intimidated in the least — he was planning to make good on his earlier threat. Yet, when the two meet, the verse states: "And he (Yaakov) bowed seven times until he had drawn close to his brother. And Esav ran to greet him and he hugged him and he fell on his neck and kissed him, and they cried [33:3-4]." What happened!? What broke through Esav's animosity and brought about such a drastic change of attitude? Before the establishment of the State of Israel, Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt"l, one of the venerable sages of Jerusalem, was adamantly advocating a strong religious presence and attitude in the holy city. There were many who resolutely opposed his views and goals. Once, a group of ruffians stormed into his house and began to threaten him. His calm demeanor and responses seemed to confuse the aggressors who nevertheless continued their threats. As their curses and threats reached a crescendo, the Rav suddenly opened his shirt and moved toward the intruders. "Shoot me! Kill me!" he shouted. "I'm ready to sacrifice myself for my principles — I'm not ready to sacrifice what I see as truth." He then gently explained his views on Hashem and Jerusalem. The humbled assailants shamefacedly hurried from his home. Much later, Rav Yosef Chaim explained his behavior by relating the following story. In Shadik, Poland there was a moser {informer} who terrorized the Jewish community. While he was being richly rewarded, tremendous suffering was befalling the town as a result of his slanderous reports. He furthermore had the audacity to demand the most dignified seat in the synagogue and to be called to the Torah for the most honorable aliyah {different people are honored to be called to the Torah during the reading}. When the community Rav had passed away, the position was filled by one of the Torah leaders. He had wanted the position in this smaller community as it would afford him a chance to devote himself to his studies in a relatively uninterrupted way. He had a small Beis Medrash {study hall} adjacent to his house wherein he immersed himself in prayer and study. When the new Rav heard of the damage being caused by this moser and his insolent demands for honor, he decided that this disgrace could not continue. On one Shabbos, the Rav appeared in the main synagogue. When the moser was called for the aliyah, the Rav pounded on the lectern and shouted: "What do you have to do with the Torah!? You endanger the lives and possessions of your brothers! How dare you come forward to pronounce a blessing on the holy Torah? Leave at once!" The humiliated man hurriedly backed out of the synagogue. As he was leaving, though, he turned to the congregation with a wicked smile and sneered: "I'll teach you… You'll all pay for this dearly…" The next few months passed uneventfully with the community nervously awaiting the explosion of the time-bomb. One day, the Rav was summoned to a nearby village to perform a bris {circumcision}. As he was traveling with two disciples, they saw in the distance the moser approaching on a horse. They became quite nervous while the Rav maintained his calm composure. Suddenly, as the horse was almost upon them, the moser jumped off the horse and ran toward the Rav. To the shock of the students, he bowed before the Rav and began to beg him for forgiveness. He then mounted his steed and rode off. The Rav turned toward his bewildered students and explained. "When I saw him approaching, I sought counsel from a passuk {verse}. I thought of the verse in Mishley [27:19]: As the face of the water reflects the face that it's shown, so too the heart of a man to a man. I started to search for some merit on his behalf. How sad, to think of the state of callousness that this man has sunken to. Perhaps, with the right education and home, this would never have happened to him. I kept thinking along these lines until I was overcome with compassion for him and bore him no animosity or ill will whatsoever. Once I was viewing him in that way, his heart responded in kind to that warmth and caring. He started to think: 'Perhaps the Rav is right. His intentions are not for personal honor or simply to fight with me. His intentions are truly for the sake of Hashem's honor.' With such reciprocal thoughts, he approached me to beg forgiveness for what he had done." Rav Yosef Chaim continued that this can really be seen in the Torah itself. Yaakov heard that Esav was approaching with four hundred ruffians. What did he do? "And he (Yaakov) bowed seven times until he had drawn close to his brother [33:3]." Yaakov 'bowed' his thinking until he was able to view Esav in a different light. He sought merit 'until he had drawn close to his brother'! Once those feelings of brotherly love had been firmly entrenched in his heart, the heart of Esav responded in kind. Overcome with compassion, Esav hugged and kissed Yaakov. "As the face of the water reflects the face that it's shown, so too the heart of a man to a man." In my line of work, at times I've had to approach boys who have been somewhat less than enthusiastically motivated towards Torah study and Judaism in general. Almost without fail I've found that if I walk into his room with the feeling that there's no way this guy's going to attend the shiur {class}, then he doesn't. If, however, I'm thinking that this young man just needs to hear Hashem's words presented in the correct way. That this guy can really make something out of himself and be extremely successful at whatever he'll decide if he'll only apply himself. Then, the response that I get is almost always an encouraging one. Let's try to compassionately see the good in others and have that be the feeling in our hearts. May the 'heart' of Hashem respond in kind, reverberating kindness and compassion by sending us the Moshiach {Messiah}, speedily in our days, Amen. Good Shabbos, This week's parsha-insights is dedicated in mazel tov to Howie Hershkovich and Martha Vays in honor of their upcoming wedding. May they be zocheh to much happiness together and to build a bayis ne'eman b'Yisroel. To Dine with The Divine What Impressed Yisro? Rabbi Shlomo Jarcaig (5764) We Were There! Class 38ᅠ- Yisro Rabbi Heshy Grossman (5760) Torah.org (5780) Get the Message? We Were Not Chosen For Our Brains Mamlekhet Kohanim V'Goy Kadosh: A Kohanic Kingdom? Haftorah Commentary Parshas Yisro Rabbi Dovid Siegel (5782) A View From the Outside Protective Shield Rabbi Raymond Beyda (5765)
A sympathetic protagonist & sweet love story make this YA Fantasy shine. Cody Forester plans to become a doctor. Instead, he becomes a werewolf. The first time Cody shows fang and fur, his parents ship him off to podunkville to live with his black sheep uncle. His revised career choice is social hermit. As the new kid, he makes more enemies than friends. His high school teachers label him a troublemaker. The whole town hates him. Except Brittany. She's beautiful, with her eyes painted black and her lips dark purple. This is Book #1 of 4 in the "Amazing Wolf Boy" series. So far it is the only one on audio. Although there were a number of things I didn't like in this book (it starts off with one of my most disliked tropes, see below), I was nevertheless drawn in from the beginning and really enjoyed it. It was well written, with characters I liked, and I especially enjoyed the realistic progression of the teenage romance. I am looking forward to when the next book becomes available on audio. Cody: He is a good kid (he even looks away when Brittany's skirt rides up). But he isn't perfect; for example, he had occasionally sent new students at his old school to the wrong place as a prank. I wish that the book hadn't gone the too typical route of given him special abilities that few/no other werewolves have. I think I would have been OK with it, if it had been pointed out that he could only do these things because nobody told him he couldn't (i.e. a result of him being kept in the dark so long). Brittany: She leans towards goth in her clothing, but without the stereotypical (in fiction at least) interest in dark kinds of things. Her New Age interests seem to be firmly in a positive vein. I liked her family. Her single mother has to work 2 jobs, but does her best to be sure her kids have a good dinner and "family time." Cody & Brittany: Their relationship begins with a very real world sort of InstaLove. The kind were a guy sees a girl and is instantly intrigued & seeks out opportunities to be closer to her and get to know her better. From there things proceed very much like real relationships I actually witnessed in High School. There is also mention that wolves mate for life, and his being sure she is his mate, but it isn't presented as a mystical bond they have no choice about. I could have done without the jocks = bullies characters. But, I really like that the gym/football coach is one of the people who are nice to him, and that he see's his players clearly and is willing to do the right thing. / I would have liked a few more females in larger roles. The book takes place in small town Florida. Shifters are real (obviously), but no other supernatural creatures are mentioned. One of the main side characters is Native American, and there are a couple of sections that discuss their remedies & beliefs. I don't know how accurate they are. There are also sections regarding New Age & tarot subjects that were consistent with what I've read in other books. The beginning was particularly well done. I was able to immediately connect emotionally with his horror at what was happening to him. And the descriptions of all the sensory input was good. The secrets were drawn out way too long, however. Since they were obvious to the reader, it made it extra frustrating. There was a complete ending with no major threads left dangling. The scene where he is very upset and the unknown other wolf flips him a fish. I COULD HAVE DONE WITHOUT: Parents who keep secrets, fail to prepare their child for potential life altering changes, and emotionally abandon said child. (I've actually written a post on how much I dislike this trope.) / A really brutal bullying scene involving a severe assault / The nudist colony and everything involved with it. / The constant repetition of Brittany's nickname for her brother, it ceased being funny really quickly on audio. CONTENT NOTES : This is a book about a teenage boy in love. There are a couple of comments about the fact that his body responds to her, but they are all very tastefully done. / Werewolves returning to human shape are naked, which leads to some awkwardness. What's your favorite book/series where the parents do their best to prepare their child for crazy stuff? Are you more or less inclined to want people to get what's coming to them when it's fictional?
Dollar is Stretched, but will it Correct? The US dollar had a good week, gaining against all the major currencies. Strong economic data underpinned it, and what we suspect is a mistaken belief that the debate about an earlier rate hike by the Fed has truly intensified. Ironically, the strong data failed to instill any traction in US bond yields. The 10-year yield was flat on the week, unable to sustain upticks above 2.40%. The 2-year yield rose about six bp, though still below 50 bp. It is in the middle of the August range. Moreover, despite the fears expressed by some hawks at the Fed about the risk to prices, few have noted the 8.5% decline in the CRB index over the past two months and the five-week slide in the price of West Texas crude oil. Broadly speaking, the dollar is stretched from a technical perspective. Yet, the fundamentals, including the upcoming ECB meeting, with new staff forecasts, the launching of the TLTRO, and the Scottish referendum in the first half of September, may stiffen the resolve of the dollar bulls, who are only now experiencing gratification on their long held views. Euro: In the second half of last week, the euro struggled to stay above the lower Bollinger Band (2 standard deviations below its 20-day moving average). The 20-day moving average contained euro upticks at the start of the week. The euro has not traded above its 20-day average since mid-July. It comes in near $1.3270. The $1.3230 level approached in the second half of last week corresponds with a retracement objective of the euro's rally that began last July near $1.2755 and peaked in early May just below $1.40. A break of that area would target the low from last September near $1.3100. One note of caution here is that the RSIs have failed to confirm the new lows recorded, and the MACDs are over-extended. The take away is to sell into bounces. Yen: After trading for the better part of the past four months in a JPY101-JPY103 trading range, the dollar finally broke out–and without the help of firmer US yields. Indeed, the US 10-year premium spent most of the past seven sessions below 190 bp and in the lower end of the where it has traded over the past year. The dollar spent most of the second half of last week above the top of its Bollinger Band. This has been seen four times previously this year and generally marked a near-term high. The JPY103.50 area held on the corrective down ticks ahead of the weekend, and JPY103 should remain intact if the breakout is for real. The highs from early April were set near JPY104.10. A convincing break of it would target JPY105. Sterling: The downtrend in sterling extended to its seventh consecutive week. In this time, it has fallen about 6.5 cents from its mid-July peak near $1.7200. Last week, it broke below its 200-day moving average for the first time since last August. The bottom Bollinger Band comes in near $1.6535, and sterling has been tracking it lower. The next level of chart support is pegged in the $1.6460-$1.6500 area. Resistance is seen in the $1.6625-50 area. READ 27 Huge Red Flags For The U.S. Economy Swiss Franc: Like the euro, there are last franc losses have not been confirmed by the technical indicators. The greenback was establishing a foothold above the CHF.0.9100 area, a retracement objective of the greenback's decline from July 2013. Additional support for the dollar is seen in the CHF0.9070-85 area. Initial resistance is seen near CHF0.9160 and then CHF0.9225. For its part, the euro is trading in narrow ranges against the franc, near its weakest level since last 2012. Canadian Dollar: The US dollar has tried in vain to rise through CAD1.10 more than a handful of times this month. However, it is not clear that the greenback bulls have given up. It may take a break of the 200-day moving average (~CAD1.0880) or the mid-August low (~CAD1.0860) to signal the capitulation. The first decline in Canadian CPI may encourage speculation that the BoC will lag behind the Fed in raising rates. Still, the strength of the retail sales (4-5x stronger than expected and the May series was revised higher as well) points to a robust Q2 GDP figure that will be reported next week (~2.6% after 1.2% in Q1), which will mean its pace of growth exceeded the US. Australian Dollar: The Aussie briefly slipped to a new 3-month low, just below $0.9240 on August 21, but quickly snapped back, leaving bullish divergences in its wake. It finished the week above its 20-day moving average for the first time in nearly a month. The initial target on the upside is $0.9350-75. Mexican peso: Technical indicators are not generating a strong signal in the peso. The dollar built a four-day base near MXN13.03. We suspect the greenback can test the MXN13.15-MXN13.1850 area without much consternation. US Treasuries: The US 10-year yield has not closed above its 20-day moving average here in August. It has not even trading above that average since August 5. It is found just below 2.45% now. A break could see 2.50%-2.53%. The 2-year yield is a bit perkier, and from a technical perspective, shows more potential to rise. The RSI and MACDs are heading higher. The weekly close was the best so far this month. The modest curve flattening is not consistent with the hawks' claim about the dangers that the Fed is slipping behind the inflation curve. S&P 500: It took the market the better part of a month to close the gap that was created with the lower opening on July 25, which signaled the 4.5% pullback. New record highs have been recorded. The technical tone is constructive, and the next target is near 2003. It has been climbing the 5-day moving average for nearly two weeks. It is found near 1984 now, and its break would be the first sign the bulls are getting tired (again). READ 2009: Looking Back on the Greatest Depression CRB Index: New six-month lows were recorded last week. There is a bullish divergence in the daily RSI, and the MACDs are in deep negative territory. The downside momentum seemed to slow around 288, a key retracement of the advance earlier this year. However, the market continues to struggle to sustain even the most modest of upticks. New lows are likely in the coming days. The initial target is near 285-286. WTI: The front-month October futures contract posted a potential key reversal on August 21, as it made a new low for the move initially and then rallied to close above the previous day's high. However, there was not follow through buying ahead of the weekend, and the contract appears set to retest the low of $92.50. Risk extends to $92.00 and then $90 a barrel. Resistance is seen $94.00-50. Observations based on speculative positioning in the futures market: 1. There were several significant position adjustments in the most recent Commitment of Traders report covering the week through August 19. Gross short positions in the euro, yen and sterling jumped by more than 10k contracts, The gross long Australian position rose by more than 10k contracts. Only five of the 14 gross positions we track rose by less than 5k contracts. Taken together this reflects increased activity, and may be a function of trending markets. 2. Specifically, the gross short euro position rose by 18k contracts to 195.6k. The gross short yen position rose by 11.6k contracts to 105.2k. The gross short sterling position rose 12.4k contracts to 58.9k. The gross long Australian dollar position rose by 11k contracts to 65.7k. 3. That said, there was a clear bias in adding to long currency futures positions, which seems to be largely a reflection of bottom picking. The lone exception was the Canadian dollar, where the longs were pared by 2.2k contracts to 41.8k. Gross short positions were also grown, though there were two exceptions. The gross short Swiss franc position was trimmed by less than 1k to 21.7k contracts, and the gross short Mexican peso position was reduced by 8.2k contracts to 43.8. 4. At 72.2k contracts, the gross long sterling position remains the largest among the currency positions we track. At 195.6k contract, the gross short euro position remains the largest. 5. The net short US 10-year Treasury speculative position slipped to 43.5k contracts from 50.2k. Gross long and short positions grew. The gross long position rose by 20.6k to 483.1k contracts. The gross short position rose by 14k contracts to 526.6k. THINK ABOUTIT'S ALIEN TYPE SUMMARY – Rak THINK ABOUTIT'S ALIEN TYPE SUMMARY – Onoogie THINK ABOUTIT'S ALIEN TYPE SUMMARY – Xilox The Truth About the Rockefeller Drug Empire The Clinton Crash Posted in Economics and MoneyTagged Dollar, yen, Futures market, Crude Oil, Australian Dollar, Swiss Franc, Commitment of Traders, Canadian DollarcommentLeave a Comment on Dollar is Stretched, but will it Correct? 14-Year-Old Bindi Irwin Stands Up To Hillary Clinton For Freedom Of Speech Why Don't Muslims Speak Out Against ISIS?! They are!
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Day 2: Your least favorite song This one's a hard pick as there are at least 4 that I can name that I really hate. They are (in no particular order because I hate them all pretty much equally): 01 & 02) Hey Jude and The Long and Winding Road by the Beatles. Not only do these dongs seem to take FOR-FRIGGIN-EVER to play, but that dingbat I was married to LOVED the Beatles and that's pretty much all he'd play. Not only did we hear them ad nauseum via cassettes, but he also insisted on playing them on his guitars (acoustic mostly but later he got himself a second hand electric) AND sing along. Dude was tone deaf. These two got played quite often. 03) Unchained Melody. This one actually fits elsewhere in the list so we won't bother putting the video up quite yet for it. and the last one (but certainly NOT the least on the list is): Drum roll please Yeah go figure that the group that gave us my favorite song also created one of my most hated songs. Why? Because everytime I go into a chat room or music sharing place, people take a glance at my name and figuring out that I do love me some Styx, they play this one. *barf* Puh-LEEZ! This one actually fits in in a way in a few days so expect a revisit to it. Well - any song would be destroyed if what happened to songs #1 and #2 were to happen to them!! I've always enjoyed Styx ever since I heard "A.D. 1928 / Rockin' the Paradise" - such exuberant really got my feet shufflin' (way past toe tappin'!) My least favorite? Wow.. now that's a hard one. Kanye West, "Gettin' It In"? or Jay-Z, "It's Hot"... but there are lots of runners up! Kid Rock and Allison Moorer (I think that's her name) "Picture" is one of my least favorite of all time. Chat stream wore that song to a frazzle when I didn't like it to begin with. The first time I heard it I thought it was a joke because they sound off key. Another song that makes me barf is a country song recorded by the Pirates of the Mississippi called "Feed Jake". Stoopid! You have to understand that song came out when my kids were in their growing up years and hubby was listening to only country music. They heard me scream a time or two when that song came on the radio. Oh and I have to add Debbie Boone's "You Light up My Life" because it is so sappy. Geeze, I could go on and on and on..... Sorry, Punkn, but I love "Feed Jake" LOL. Songs I really don't like? (Hate is such a strong word): "Ticks" by Brad Paisley Everything by Rush with the exception of "Overture" and "Temples of Syrinx" from 2112. Punkn: The Kid Rock song was with Sheryl Crow and I so feel you on that one. That and the Gretchen Wilson When I Feel Like Cheating song. I went on strike and basically refused to play either one. Chicago: *chuckles* I like ~some~ Rush, not all and I adore the Ticks song. Iggy: If you get a chance, check out the Cyclorama cd... a few decent ones on that one too. Least favourite... Can't just name a song... Anything that falls in to the rap catagory, anything where there are a lot of swear words, and... Well, basically all the stuff my brother listens to and claims is music, but sounds like just noise meant to induce headaches!
Raymond James analyst Laura Chico initiated Dova Pharmaceuticals with an Outperform and $44 price target. Chico's physician survey indicates suggest a need for novel treatments like Dova's Droptelet and said investor expectations are modest, providing a favorable setup for shares. As previously reported, Leerink analyst Geoffrey Porges upgraded Dova Pharmaceuticals to Outperform from Market Perform after Shionogi announced results from its phase III trial investigating thrombopoietin receptor agonist lusutrombopag for the treatment of thrombocytopenia in patients with chronic liver disease undergoing an invasive procedure. The analyst notes that lusutrombopag is from the same class of drugs as Dova's avatrombopag, but is less effective ex-Japan, and believes Dova's avatrombopag has advantage. Porges also raised his price target on Dova's shares to $32 from $24. Jefferies analyst Eun Yang raised her price target for Dova Pharmaceuticals to $33 after avatrombopag received FDA priority review with an action date of May 21, 2018. The analyst sees a higher probability for regulatory success of 95% and potential approval three months earlier than previously thought. She keeps a Buy rating on Dova. Ladenburg Thalmann analyst Matthew Kaplan started Dova Pharmaceuticals with a Buy rating and $65 price target.
having a Chinese Someone who regularly reads/comments on this blog (you know who you are, but I won't say because your blog seems pretty anonymi{s/z}ed) wrote yesterday: we went to the supermarket and then had a Chinese. I suppose we could put this with the count/mass differences I discussed last week. In AmE you could have Chinese for dinner or have Chinese food, but have a Chinese sounds a little like cannibalism. This have a [insert cuisine here] construction is used for take-away (BrE; AmE = take-out) meals, rather than fine dining experiences. Other examples: [on the great nightlife for yoof (BrE slang) in Doncaster:] ...all we can do is go into town on a Friday night. Or maybe go to the cinema and have a McDonalds. (bbc.co.uk) When in Spain, do as the locals do...have an Indian. (Benidorm Spotlight) When I have a Burger King I have a diet coke to offset the damage. (What Mountain Bike Forum) In AmE, you could go to McDonalds or eat at McDonalds or have a Big Mac, but you couldn't have a McDonalds. Unless you were a franchisee, of course. Better Half points out that in AmE you can get your coffee in a to-go cup, but in the UK it has to be a take-away cup, which might be made of paper or polystyrene (AmE=styrofoam). Labels: count/mass , determiners , food/cooking , idioms , verbs Oooh, I don't think I've ever been described as anonymous before. It's not so much for myself, but for my web developer husband :) I've never thought that it could sound like cannabilism... I said it without a second thought, it's bizarre. My husband would "go out for a meal" -- while, as an American, would "go out for dinner/lunch". Also, he's just come up with another -- he would "go out FOR a meal or FOR dinner", while I would "go out TO dinner." Interesting site. I noticed a lot of differences in language when I was dating an Englishman. One of the things he used to say was "I was sat..." instead of "I was sitting..." Have you ever heard this? It doesn't sound like proper grammar to me. Also, as Janet says, he would say "meal" more often than the average American. I don't really like that word, as it reminds me of "mealy". BTW, thanks for explaining the rutabaga/swede connection. I finally know what I ate when I visited England. And all this time, I thought the English had discovered a new vegetable! Yes, meal is more common here when talking about going out to eat--especially when it's going out to eat the main meal of the day. Perhaps this is just to avoid deciding whether to say dinner or supper or tea or whatever. I've been told it's "charming" that Americans say dinner for almost any evening meal (and some midday ones too), as it sounds rather formal to ears here. I was sat sounds odd to Americans because it seems like a passive form, but only transitive verbs should be able to take the passive form and sit is generally intransitive. But it doesn't give quite the same feel as I was sitting, does it? The progressive form sitting indicates that an activity is going on--the sitting activity. I was sat sounds a lot more, well, passive--you'd say I was sat in front of the telly, but probably not I was sat at a lovely cafe talking to the most interesting people!. It's not a standard usage, but it is BrE. There is some discussion of it at: http://www.lydbury.co.uk/grammar/forum_posts.asp?TID=9820 I should say that the previous comment I left was written without any British input (Better Half is away), so my intuitions about when one would say I was sat could be completely wrong... On the subject of meals, it used to crack me up every time my ex-bf used to say "I'm eating my tea." Funny, but before reading the rest of the comments my immediate thought was "I was sat" sounds like it should end "by the waiter at a horrible/nice table". Technically, BE + -ED is a passive construction. "Was sat" is passive. Yet it's being used to replace "BE + ING" progressive? That's definitely interesting. I wouldn't say 'was sat' is replacing 'was sitting'--I'd say that it's doing a slightly different job. Tregina 25 July, 2006 12:25 Thank goodness for this post! If I hadn't read about 'having an Indian' before going to England last week for the first time, hearing it would have sent me into hysteria! :) Here's another odd sounding usage in the 'I was sat' category. It comes from a MUD I play whose server is housed in Brighton. When the player arrives in a new location, the description sometimes reads "You are stood in a..." It was jarring the first time I encountered it, but that and 'are/was sat' seem normal now. Anonymous 14 October, 2006 15:27 I am Mexican, whose spoken AmE all my life and just moved to England. The other day a Brit friend asked me if he could "pinch a fag" and let me say we were not in a gay club. Can you imagine my surprise when he expained that he was asking for a cigarrette? Any idea were that expression came from? It's also common in AmE to say, "We had McDonald's/Subway/..." Emmet 07 May, 2009 04:11 Love the blog! Sorry to comment on an old post, but I'm working my way backwards...;) I'm a native speaker of both BrE (well, IrE, but I spent a year doing a((post-)graduate course/degree in England)) and AmE, and I see "bused" as the preferred past of "to bus" in both. Google has it at about two to one, and the latter probably includes a few "kisses" anyway... posted to the wrong post, sorry! Whenever someone says "I was sat" [somewhere], I can hear my late mother say sternly "Sitting!". It is not correct usage in British English, but is becoming increasingly common. Kate (Derby, UK) Richard Gadsden 23 August, 2012 22:18 This reminds me of the fantastic Goodness Gracious Me sketch "going out for an English". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vpStoROu0XE Johnny E 07 March, 2014 17:04 I'm not sure it only applies to takeaways - a sit-down meal at a low/mid-range restaurant would be "going (out) for a(n) [nationality]". As in that "going out for an English" sketch. "but 'have a Chinese' sounds a little like cannibalism." Is there a difference in use of "a Chinese" for a person? Because I've seen it a few times from American sources, but I have a feeling many Brits would avoid that construction. I suppose once upon a time we might have said "a Chinaman" (a la Frenchman, Irishman, Englishman), but that's got racist connotations too. "Chinese person" seems to be the only option remaining. lynneguist 18 March, 2014 09:08 Americans wouldn't generally call a Chinese person 'a Chinese' but it's the most natural way to interpret the phrase if we hear it, rather than a meal interpretation. The OED hasn't yet accepted a Chinese, but this is part of the entry for Indian 10. Brit. colloq. (a) A meal served at an Indian restaurant; (also) a takeaway Indian meal; (b) a restaurant serving Indian food. 1982 P. Redmond Brookside (Mersey TV shooting script) Episode 4. 60 C'mon, we're going out for an Indian. 1988 C. Keatley My Mother said I never Should ii. 25/2 We could get a take-out Indian. 1995 D. McLean Bunker Man 183 At Grant's party, at the Indian, the way you just walked out! 1998 A. Warner Sopranos 164 We've got Light of India and yon Bamboo place..but when ya grow up in the villages, well when are you goan have an Indian? 2002 Time Out 2 Jan. 47/2 The basement dining room aims to rival London's finest Indians with a set dinner menu costing £39 per head. The quotation from Sopranos grabbed my attention. However, it turns out to be not the American TV series but a Scottish novel. As a Brit, I would say you can omit the article i.e. saying "Do you want to have Indian/Chinese/Malaysian etc. for dinner?" Also I'm pretty sure 'sat' is a quasi-adjective in 'I was sat' describing a state (analogous to "I was hot"). It seems to focus more on the actual seated position to me, emphasising the seated posture, whereas 'I was sitting' is more incidental. David Crosbie 28 October, 2015 01:38 Culinary a Chinese still hasn't made it into the OED online, but Oxford Dictionaries subsidiary dictionary has it as British informal in two senses: • 'a Chinese meal' e.g. a takeaway Chinese washed down with Chardonnay • 'a Chinese restaurant' e.g. we found a Chinese in Soho I think we've discussed was sat elsewhere, but can't find the link. In the northern half of England, and probably in other regions Perfect forms like I was sat, I was stood etc are perfectly normal and acceptable. In parts of Southern England some people regard them as non-standard. For me personally, • I was sitting focusses on the posture • I was sat focusses on the location • I was seated also focusses on the location but is much more formal Present Perfects formed with be rather than have have a long history in English, but have dwindled in recent centuries. According to a recent Historical Syntax of English by Bettelou Los, these forms continued until about 1900. I suspect that was sat, was stood were preserved — if only in regional variants — because they were no longer Present Perfect in meaning. • I can say I was sat in the front row • but I can't say I am was already sat there for an hour or I am sat here long enough. • I can only say I had already sat there for an hour and I have sat here long enough.
Mathematical Ramblings About the author: Dr. A.J. Bruce Category Archives: Physics Physics, Post Doc Luxembourg, Research work A "higher graded" version of supersymmetry and superspace December 10, 2018 ajb Leave a comment In a preprint On a ℤ₂ⁿ-Graded Version of Supersymmetry I construct a "higher" graded version of the extended supersymmetry algebras and construct the corresponding generalisation of Minkowski superspace. Supersymmetry is a powerful non-classical symmetry that relates bosons and fermions. A geometric understanding of this can be found under the umbrella of "superspace" methods, which rely on the theory of supermanifolds. At a basic level, one starts with Minkowski space-time and then appends to this anticommuting spinor coordinates. By anticommuting we mean that θ1 θ2 = – θ2 θ1 The fact that we append object that anticommute is deeply tied to that fact that quasi-classically, fermionic fields require us to use such weird things. This is really a form of the Pauli exclusion principle. However, from a mathematical point of view, there is no reason why we cannot append spinors with more exotic relations between them. Indeed, people have considered "non-anticommuting superspaces" inspired by the way string theory should modify space-time on the smallest scales. In the preprint, I consider a very mild version of this non-anticommutativity by appending spinors that commute (i.e., the order does not matter) up to a sign given by a ℤ₂ⁿ-grading. This leads to spinors that square to zero (as they should), yet commute amongst themselves! This is very different from the standard theory of supermanifolds and supersymmetry. In fact, we are immediately reminded of Green-Volkov parastatistics. I comment on this in the preprint, though parastatistical versions of "superspace" were not my main motivation with this work. It seems that just about everything can be generalised to this higher graded setting using the theory of ℤ₂ⁿ-geometry, which is itself a new and developing piece of mathematics. In particular, a higher graded version of Minkowski superspace is given and the corresponding supersymmetry transformations are explored in the preprint. Education, General Mathematics, Physics Can one disprove special relativity with high school mathematics? March 19, 2016 ajb Leave a comment Is it possible using mathematics that is not much beyond high school mathematics to prove that special relativity is wrong? And what does that even mean? The mathematics of special relativity It is more-or-less true that Einstein's original works on special relativity do not really use any highbrow mathematics. In a standard undergraduate introduction to the subject no more than linear algebra is really used: vector spaces, matrices and quadratic forms. So, as linear algebra is well-founded, one is not going to find some internal inconsistencies in special relativity. Moreover, today we understand special relativity to be based on the geometry of Minkowski space-time. Basically, this is Euclidean with an awkward minus sign in the metric. Thus, special relativity, from a geometric perspective, is as well-founded as any thing in differential geometry. So one is not going to mathematically prove that special relativity is wrong in any mathematical sense. On to physics… However, the theory of special relativity is falsifiable in the sense of Popper. That is, taking into account the domain of validity (ie., just the situations you expect the theory to work), experimental accuracy, statistical errors etc. one can compare the theoretical predictions with what is measured in experiments. If the predictions match the theory well, up to some pre-described level, then the theory is said to be 'good'. Otherwise the theory is 'bad' and not considered to be a viable description of nature. In this sense, using not much more that linear algebra one could in principle calculate something within special relativity that does not agree well with nature (being careful with the domain of validity etc). Thus, one can in principle show that special relativity is not a 'good' theory by finding some mismatch between the theory and observations. This must be the case if we want to consider special relativity as a scientific theory. Is special relativity 'good' or 'bad'? Today we have no evidence, direct or indirect, to suggest that special relativity is not a viable description of nature (as ever taking into account the domain of validity). For example, the standard model of particle physics has at its heart special relativity. So far we have had great agreement with theory and experiment, the electromagnetic sector is extremely well tested. This tells us that special relativity is 'good'. Even the more strange predictions like time dilation are realised. For example the difference in the life-time of muons as measured at rest and at high speed via cosmic rays agrees very well with the predictions of special relativity. Including gravity into the mix produces general relativity. However, we know that on small enough scales general relativity reduces to special relativity. Any evidence that general relativity is a 'good' theory also indirectly tells us that special relativity is 'good'. Apart from all the other tests, I offer the discovery of gravitational waves as evidence that general relativity is 'good' and thus special relativity is also 'good'. The clause The important thing to remember is that the domain of validity is vital in deciding if a theory is 'good' or 'bad'. We know that physics depends on the scales at which you observe, so we in no way would expect special relativity be a viable description across all scales. For example, when gravity comes into play we have to consider general relativity. On the very smallest length scales, outside of what we can probe, we expect the nature of space-time to be modified to take into account quantum mechanics. Thus, at these smallest length scales we would not expect the description of space-time using special relativity to be a very accurate one. So, no one is claiming that special relativity, nor general relativity is the final say on the structure of space and time. All we are claiming is that we do have 'good' theories by the widely accepted definition. Are all claims that relativity is wrong bogus? Well, one would have to examine all claims carefully to answer that… However, in my experience most objections to special relativity are based on either philosophical grounds or misinterpreting the calculations. Neither of these are enough to claim that Einstein was completely wrong in regards to relativity. Astronomy, Physics The Polish and Welsh contributions to the discovery of gravitational waves February 14, 2016 ajb Leave a comment I just want to acknowledge the contributions of two teams to the discovery of gravitational waves. These groups are only part of the wider community and I highlight them for purely personal reasons. The Polish group The Virgo-POLGRAW group, lead by Prof. Andrzej Królak at IMPAN. The Welsh group The Cardiff Gravitational Physics Group, and within that the Data Innovation Institute lead by Prof Bernard F Schutz. On the physics of chocolate August 28, 2015 ajb Leave a comment Researchers at Technische Universität München, Germany, have reported that molecular dynamics can be used to gain new insights into the chocolate conching [1]. Chocolate conching is the stage of manufacturing where aromatic sensation, texture and mouthfeel are developed. This work seems to be the first to attempt to properly understand the role of lecithins in chocolate production. Physics, helping to build a tasty more palatable world. [1] M Kindlein, M Greiner, E Elts and H Briesen, Interactions between phospholipid head groups and a sucrose crystal surface at the cocoa butter interface, 2015 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 48 384002. Chocolate physics: how modelling could improve mouthfeel, IOP website. Physics, Post Doc Poland, Research work The 2nd Conference of the Polish Society on Relativity July 14, 2015 ajb Leave a comment I will be attending the 2nd conference of the Polish Society of Relativity which will celebrate 100 years of general relativity. The conference is in Warsaw and will be held over the period 23-28 November 2015. The invited speakers include George Ellis, Roy Kerr, Roger Penrose and Kip Thorne. I am a little excited about this. Registration is now open and you can follow the link below to find out more. Polskie Towarzystwo Relatywistyczne June 6, 2015 ajb Leave a comment The subject of a quantum theory of gravity is interesting, technical and very difficult. However, there are three basic principles that we expect such a theory to obey. Creating a full quantum theory of gravity seems to be out of our reach right now. String theory comes close, but the full theory here is not understood. Loop quantum gravity also offers a good picture, but again technicalities spoil achieving the goal. I am no expert in quantum gravity, but I thought it maybe interesting to outline three basic 'rules'. The full quantum theory of gravity should be: Renormalisable (maybe not perturbatively) or finite. Background independent. Reducible to general relativity (plus small corrections) in a sensible classical limit. As a warning, I will not be too technical here, but will use some standard language from quantum field theory. Renormalisable The standard methods of quantum field theory are to expand the theory about some fixed configuration, usually the vacuum, and consider small fluctuations about this reference configuration. However, in doing so some techniques are needed to remove the appearance of infinite values of things you would like to measure in the lab. These methods are collective known as 'perturbative renormalisation'. For example, we know that the quantum theory of electrodynamics can be handled properly using these methods. However, general relativity as described by Einstein is not amenable to methods of perturbative renormalisation. Well, this is true if we want a full theory. What one can do is consider quantum general relativity as an effective theory. That is we accept that at some energy scale the theory will breakdown, but as long as we are not at that scale the theory is okay. By adding a 'cut-off' we can understand quantum general relativity using Feynman diagrams to 'one-loop' and calculate graviton scattering amplitudes and so on. Interestingly, there is some evidence that general relativity or something close to it is nonperturbatively renormalisable; this is known as asymptotic safety. With no details, the idea is that quantum general relativity is not 'sick' and well-defined, just not as a perturbative theory like quantum electrodynamics. This is fascinating as it means that a proper quantum theory of gravity may not be a theory of gravitons after all! Recall that small ripples in the electromagnetic field are quantised and understood to be photons. Maybe it is not really possible to describe quantum gravity in a similar way where small ripples in space-time are quantised. Alternatively, a full theory of quantum gravity could be finite. That is we can employ perturbative methods, but do not need renormalisation techniques. Amazingly, we know of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories that are finite. Moreover, superstring theory is also finite (I am unsure as to how rigours the proof are here, but the string community generally accept this as fact). It maybe possible that the full theory of quantum gravity is finite from the start. This suggests that looking at supersymmetric theories of gravity is a good idea, but by no means the only thing one can think about. In short, any full quantum theory of gravity must allow us to calculate things we can hope to measure. Background independence This means that the theory should not depend on any chosen background geometric fields. In particular, this is taken to mean that the theory should not require some chosen background metric. String theory as it stands fails on this. However, string theory is usually employed using perturbation theory and so some classical background is chosen, often 10-d flat space-time. Loop quantum gravity seems better in this respect, but it has other problems. In short, any full quantum theory of gravity should not require us to fix the geometry (and maybe topology) from the start. Reduce to general relativity General relativity has been so successful in describing classical gravitational phenomena. It is tested to some huge degree of accuracy and so far no deviations from it's predictions have been found. General relativity is a good theory within the expected domains of validity. Thus, any quantum theory of gravity must in some classical limit reduce to general relativity, up to small corrections. These quantum corrections must be small enough as not to be seen already in astrophysics and cosmology. If a quantum theory of gravity cannot be shown to reduce to general relativity in some limits (there maybe several ways of doing this) then we cannot be sure that we really have a quantum theory of gravity. Today we know that string theory gives us general relativity + small corrections. In essence this is because the spectra of closed string theory contains a spin-2 boson, via rather general arguments we know that this has to be the graviton and the field equations are essentially the Einstein field equations. (Remember this is all in perturbation theory). Recovering general relativity from loop quantum gravity has yet to be done. This I would say is a sticking point right now. In short, any full quantum theory of gravity must reproduce the phenomena of general relativity is some classical limit(s). The original review of general relativity It has now been 99 years, to the day (20/03/2015) since Einstein published his original summary of general relativity [1]. Before that he had published some incomplete works that have the wrong field equation, but the key ideas were in place by 1914. The core idea is that space-time is dynamical and interacts with the matter and energy. It is hard to believe that this theory of gravity has stood the test of time so well. We know for various reasons that general relativity cannot be the complete picture, but nature just refuses to give us hints on what could be the more complete theory. [1] A. Einstein, Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie, Annalen der Physik 354 (7), 1916, 769-822. General Mathematics, Physics, Post Doc Poland, Research work Supersymmetry and mathematics Prof Beate Heinemann, from the Atlas experiment at CERN had said that they may detect supersymmetric particles as early as this summer. But what if they don't? What if nature does not realise supersymmetry? Has my interest in supermathematics been a waste of time? Superysmmetry We hope that we're just now at this threshold that we're finding another world, like antimatter for instance. We found antimatter in the beginning of the last century. Maybe we'll find now supersymmetric matter Prof Beate Heinemann [1] In nature there are two families of particles. The bosons, like the photon and the fermions, like the electron. Bosons are 'friendly' particles and they are quite happy to share the same quantum state. Fermions are the complete opposite, they are more like hermits and just won't share the same quantum state. In the standard model of particle physics the force carriers are bosons and matter particles are fermions. The example here is the photon which is related to the electromagnetic force. On the other side we have the quarks that make up the neutron & proton and the electron, all these are fermions and together they form atoms. Supersymmetry is an amazing non-classical symmetry that relates bosons and fermions. That is there are situations for which bosons and fermions can be treated equally. Again note the very different 'lifestyle' of these two families. If supersymmetry is realised in nature then every boson will have a fermionic partner and vice versa. In one swoop the known fundamental particles of nature are (at least) doubled! Moreover, the distinction between matter and forces becomes blurred! A little mathematics Without details, the theory of bosons requires the so called Canonical Commutation Relation or CCR. Basically it is given by \([\hat{x},\hat{p}] = \hat{x} \hat{p} – \hat{p} \hat{x} = i \hbar \). Here x 'hat' is interpreted as the position operator and p 'hat' the momentum. The right hand side of this equation is a physical constant called Planck's constant (multiplied by the complex unit, but this is inessential). The above equation really is the basis of all quantum mechanics. The classical limit is understood as setting the right hand side to zero. Doing so we 'remove the hat' and get \(xp- px =0 \). Thus, the classical theory of bosons does not require anything beyond (maybe complex) numbers. Importantly, the order of the multiplication does not matter here at all, just think of standard multiplication of real numbers. The situation for fermions is a little more interesting. Here we have the so called Canonical Anticommutation Relations or CAR, \(\{\hat{\psi}, \hat{\pi} \} = \hat{\psi} \hat{\pi} + \hat{\pi} \hat{\psi} = i \hbar\). Again these operators have an interpretation as position and momentum, in a more generalised setting. Note the difference in the sign here, this is vital. Again we can take a classical limit resulting in \(\psi \pi + \pi \psi =0\). But hang on. This means that we cannot interpret this classical limit in terms of standard numbers. Well, unless we just set everything to zero. Really we have taken a quasi-classical limit and realise that the description of fermions in this limit require us to consider 'numbers' that anticommute; that is ab = -ba. Note this means that aa= -aa =0. Thus we have nilpotent 'numbers', that is non-zero 'numbers' that square to zero. This is odd indeed. Supermathematics and supergeometry In short, supermathematics is all about the algebra, calculus and geometry one can do when including these anticommuting 'numbers'. The history of such things can be traced back to Grassmann in 1844, pre-dating the applications in physics. Grassmann's interests were in linear algebra. These odd 'numbers' (really the generators of) are usually referred to as Grassmann variables and the algebra they form a Grassmann algebra. One of my interests is in doing geometry with such odd variables, this is well established and a respectable area of research, if not very well represented. Loosely, think about simple coordinate geometry in high school, but now we include these odd numbers in our description. I will only reference the original paper here [2], noting that many other works evolved from this including some very readable books. What if no supersymmetry in nature? This would not mean the end of research into supermathematics and its applications in both physics & mathematics. From a physics perspective supersymmetry is a powerful symmetry that can vastly simplify many calculations. There is an industry here that works on using supersymmertic results and applying them to the non-supersymmetric case. This I cannot see simply ending if supersymmetry is not realised in nature, it could be viewed as a powerful mathematical trick. In fact, similar tricks are already mainstream in physics in the context of quantising classical gauge theories, like the Yang-Mills theory that describes the strong force. These methods come under the title of BRST-BV (after the guys who first discovered it). Maybe I can say more about this another time. From a mathematics point of view supergeometry pushes what we know as geometry. It gives us a workable stepping stone into the world of noncommutative geometry, which is a whole collections of works devoted to understanding general (usually associative) algebras as the algebra of functions on 'generalised spaces'. The motivation here also comes from physics by applying quantum theory to space-time and gravity. Supergeometry has also shed light on classical constructions. For example, the theory of differential forms can be cast neatly in the framework of supermanifolds. Related to this are Lie algebroids and their generalisations, all of which are neatly described in terms of supergeometry [3]. A very famous result here is Witten's 1982 proof of the Morse inequalities using supersymmetric quantum mechanics [4]. This result started the interest in applying physics to questions in topology, which is now a very popular topic. Supermathematics has proved to be a useful concept in mathematics with applications in physics beyond just 'supersymmetry'. The geometry here pushes our classical understanding, provides insight and answers to questions that would not be so readily available in the purely classical setting. Supergeometry, although initially motivated by supersymmetry goes much further than just supersymmetric theories and this is independent of CERN showing us supersymmetry in nature or not. [1] Jonathan Amos, Collider hopes for a 'super' restart, BBC NEWS. [2] F. A. Berezin and D. A. Leites, Supermanifolds, Soviet Math. Dokl. 6 (1976), 1218-1222. [3] A Yu Vaintrob, Lie algebroids and homological vector fields, 1997 Russ. Math. Surv. 52 428. [4] Edward Witten, Supersymmetry and Morse theory, J. Differential Geom. Volume 17, Number 4 (1982), 661-692. Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Symposium Videos December 5, 2014 ajb Leave a comment The videos from the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Symposium are now available to watch, follow the link below. The symposium was held on the 10th November at Stanford University and co-hosted by UC-San Francisco and UC-Berkeley. There was a panel discussion with Adam Riess, Brian Schmidt, Saul Perlmutter and Yuri Milner, and individual 20-minute talks from Nima Arkani-Hamed, Juan Maldacena, Andrei Linde, Stephen Shenker, Alexei Kitaev, Patrick Hayden, John Preskill, Nathan Seiberg, Joe Polchinski and Uros Seljak. Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics Videos 2015 Why there is no equivalence principle for electromagnetic theory November 10, 2014 ajb 6 Comments Quite regularly one will come across a website, blog or some thread on a forum that says the gravity is just electromagnetism. For sure they are not the same. However, I am not sure what would constitute the 'nail in the coffin' for all these clams. With this in mind, I am not going to try to debunk every such claim. However, I think the reason for this seeming equivalence comes from the static limit. In this limit it is true that there are many formal similarities between Newtonian gravity and electrostatics. In fact there are many formal similarities in the full classical theories, both are very geometrical in nature, but I won't go into details here. I just wanted to point out one very clear difference between gravity and electromagnetism that can be seen in this static limit. That is the lack of a generalisation of the equivalence principal for electromagnetic theory. This principal in gravity is very important and one that I will comment on in due course. The static limit I am guessing that we have all seen Coulombs law for electrostatics and Newton's law for gravity. Let me just write them down \( F = k \frac{qQ}{r^{2}}\), where \(k\) is Coulombs constant, it is a measure of the strength of the electrostatic force and \(q\) and \(Q\) are the electric charges of two point particles. The above expression is the electrostatic force between two such charged particles. Similarly we have Newton's law of gravity \( F = G \frac{mM}{r^{2}}\), where \(G\) is Newton's constant which measures the strength of the gravitational force and \(m\) and \(M\) are the masses of two point particles. The above expression measures the gravitational force between these particles. These expressions for the forces should be seen as the static non-relativistic limit. I just mean that as long as the particles are moving slow enough then the change in the fields can be viewed as instantaneous. This is okay for many applications, but it is not the full picture. However, it is the one you see at high school. The formal similarities at this level are clear. You just need to swap constants and interchange charge and mass. But this does not mean they are the same, and there is a subtle issue here. Before that we need Newton's law of motion Newton's second law Newton's second law tells us that the force exerted on a particle is proportional to the acceleration of that particle. Moreover, the constant of proportionality is the (inertial) mass. \(F = m a \). That is all we will need. The gravitational equivalence principal Let us think of the particle of mass \(m\) as a test particle. That is we will think of how it is moving in the gravitational field generated by the particle \(M\) and that it does not generate a gravitational field of its own. This approximation is good for small objects moving in the gravitational field of big objects; say planets around a star or satellites in orbit around the Earth. Now we can examine how the small mass is influenced by the big mass. We should just equate the two expressions due to Newton \( ma = G \frac{mM}{r^{2}} \), for which we can solve for the acceleration \(a = G \frac{M}{r^{2}}\). We notice a very amazing thing. The small mass cancels from both sides of the equation. (We assume that gravitational mass and inertial mass are the same. This seems to be case in nature.) This means that the motion of the test particle does not care about any of the intrinsic properties of that particle. The only things it does care about is the initial position and velocity. This is one form of the equivalence principal which has it's roots in the experimental work of Galileo- acceleration of a test particle due to gravity is independent of the mass being accelerated. Thus, really all the information about the test particles motion is encoded in the gravitational field alone. All test particles whatever their mass will behave the same. This is the clue that gravity can be formulated very intrinsically in terms of space-time geometry alone; this leads to general relativity which is not the subject for today. The electromagnetic version Now let us play the same game with electrostatics… \( ma = k \frac{q Q}{r^{2}} \), where we think of the test particle \((m, q)\) moving in the electric field generated by the particle \((M,Q)\). Now solving for the acceleration gives us \(a = k \left(\frac{q}{m}\right) \frac{Q}{r^{2}} \). Now we see the difference. The motion of the test particle does depend on the intrinsic properties of that particle, namely the charge-mass ratio. There is no similar statement like for gravitational physics; there is no equivalence principle. Everything above is done in a particular limit of the full classical theories. The same picture is true when we examine the motion of test particles in general relativity and the Lorentz force in electromagnetic theory. I have chosen these limits because I think this is clear and also the source of the instance that gravity is just electromagnetic theory. I have pointed out one clear and explicit difference. One can do the same with Coulomb's law for the magnetic force. Although magnetism is a bit more complicated we can examine the situation for point-like poles. This is okay for small enough poles that are well separated. You will reach the same conclusion that there is no equivalence principal in this situation. Thus, gravity is not magnetism either. Random thoughts on mathematics, physics and more… Welcome to Mathematical Ramblings The intention with this blog is to post maybe once or twice a month about mathematical physics, theoretical physics, pure mathematics and anything else I find interesting. This blog will also be used for dissemination of my work and entries related to my research will feature heavily. Disclaimer: Any views of opinions expressed on this blog are that of the author and do not necessarily reflect that of any other individual or institution the author maybe associated with. My name is Andrew Bruce and I am a mathematical physicist who works on the boundaries of physics and modern geometry. Currently I am Research Associate in the Mathematics Research Unit of the University of Luxembourg. My research interests are in mathematical physics and modern geometry. In particular I have been interested in supermanifolds, graded manifolds, Lie algebroids and various generalisations of Poisson structures. You can contact me via email: andrewjamesbruce "at" googlemail.com Preprints on the arXiv My mathematics genealogy Riemannian Q-manifolds and their modular class A double-graded version of the quantum superplane Connections adapted to graded bundles Functional analytic questions and products of higher graded supermanifolds Basics of Superanalysis Mathematical Art Post Doc Luxembourg Post Doc Poland Archives Select Month January 2020 (1) October 2019 (1) December 2018 (1) October 2018 (1) August 2018 (1) June 2018 (2) April 2018 (1) January 2018 (4) October 2017 (2) July 2017 (1) May 2017 (2) February 2017 (1) December 2016 (2) November 2016 (1) October 2016 (1) September 2016 (1) August 2016 (1) July 2016 (1) June 2016 (1) May 2016 (1) March 2016 (1) February 2016 (1) January 2016 (2) December 2015 (1) November 2015 (1) October 2015 (1) September 2015 (4) August 2015 (3) July 2015 (4) June 2015 (3) May 2015 (4) April 2015 (1) March 2015 (4) February 2015 (2) January 2015 (1) December 2014 (2) November 2014 (5) October 2014 (8) September 2014 (7) August 2014 (9) July 2014 (3) June 2014 (8) May 2014 (8) April 2014 (6) March 2014 (8) February 2014 (9) January 2014 (3) December 2013 (4) November 2013 (3) October 2013 (5) September 2013 (11) August 2013 (9) July 2013 (6) June 2013 (7) May 2013 (10) April 2013 (11) March 2013 (14) February 2013 (23) January 2013 (22) December 2012 (10) November 2012 (14) October 2012 (30) September 2012 (33) August 2012 (12) July 2012 (3) June 2012 (3) May 2012 (6) April 2012 (8) March 2012 (19) February 2012 (22) January 2012 (16) December 2011 (5) November 2011 (1) October 2011 (5) September 2011 (3) August 2011 (4) June 2011 (1) May 2011 (1) March 2011 (2) February 2011 (2) January 2011 (3) November 2010 (1) October 2010 (6) September 2010 (2) August 2010 (2) July 2010 (1) June 2010 (2)
We hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving holiday and are ready to take a break from the shopping mall to see what you missed this week at Third and State. We blogged about the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue's Britney Spears moment, the challenges of reading all the way to the end, and why it's good to be king (or at least a well-paid CEO). On the Marcellus Shale, Michael Wood blogged about a $56 million "oops" by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue in estimates it made earlier this year of Marcellus Shale industry tax contributions in 2010. On jobs and the economy, Mark Price explained why it's a good idea to read to the end before criticizing the work of others. He also highlighted in the Morning Must Reads The Philadelphia Inquirer's series "America: What Went Wrong" and the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's series on what happened to the middle class. In other Morning Must Reads, Mark Price shared news stories on the fallout of fiscal austerity across the Commonwealth and wrote about the big bucks the new CEO of Pittsburgh-based American Eagle Outfitters will be making. As King Louis XVI of France was fond of saying, it's good to be king. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has released new estimates of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act's impact on employment and output (the quantity of goods and services in the economy). Commenting on the new ARRA estimates, Paul Krugman argues that the U.S. has been practicing austerity since the middle of 2010. Failing to do more to boost employment growth means tax revenues remain depressed for state and local governments. And this means higher local taxes and more layoffs at a time when the unemployment rate remains higher in most cities and counties in Pennsylvania than it was even at the worst of the last two recessions. Recent commentaries by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review's editorial board and the Allegheny Institute in Pittsburgh offer a good lesson for why you should really try to read all the way to the end. The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports this morning that the Pittsburgh-based retailer American Eagle Outfitters has hired a new CEO. So what is it like to be the CEO of the company most responsible for millions of tweens wearing sweat pants in locations other than the gym? Well, for starters, you get a nice signing bonus and $15,000 for your lawyer to review your contract, a luxury car and a severance package equal to two years of your salary plus your stock options should things not work out. The new CEO made $2.6 million a year at Levi Strauss, so he just got a 242% raise. As King Louis XVI of France was fond of saying, it's good to be king. American Eagle Outfitters Inc.'s new CEO Robert L. Hanson could make as much as $26.7 million over his first three years with the company, the South Side clothing retailer disclosed in a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. Averaged over the three-year contract, the $8.9 million a year Hanson could make leading American Eagle would rank him near the top 10 CEOs in Pittsburgh for annual compensation in 2010. If you are concerned about a lack of good jobs for the 99%, one positive development is that Governor Tom Corbett has formed an advisory council to be housed at the Team PA Foundation to focus on issues important to manufacturing. On average, manufacturing jobs pay better than jobs in the service sector (especially at the low end, see the chart) so it makes sense to do what can be done to expand manufacturing employment. Morning Must Reads: What Went Wrong and the Confidence Fairy Is Back! Over the next year, The Philadelphia Inquirer will be updating a series from 1991 titled "America: What Went Wrong," by Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele. This morning, Barlett and Steele take on the legacy of Apple Computers. The death of Steve Jobs was followed by an avalanche of superlatives — brilliant, genius, and visionary among the more common. He was likened to Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Thomas Edison. But in the case of Edison, there was one significant difference that went unmentioned. For more than a century, just one of Edison's inventions alone — the incandescent lightbulb — was manufactured at numerous locations in the United States, providing employment for millions of Americans across family generations. While Barlett and Steele explore what went wrong, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette's series Middle of Nowhere continues today with a survey of major events and policy choices that are thought to be important to creating the middle class in America. This week, we blogged about the latest developments in enacting a Marcellus Shale drilling fee, more bad employment news for Pennsylvania and a new study ranking nations based on indicators of social well being (the U.S. doesn't do so good). On the Marcellus Shale, Sharon Ward provided an update on legislative developments in the Pennsylvania House, and Michael Wood shared a new fact check from the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center comparing the effective rates of leading drilling tax and fee plans before the General Assembly. On inequality, Stephen Herzenberg blogged about a new study that ranks the 31 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries on eight indicators of social well-being. The U.S. ranks 27th. On jobs and unemployment, Mark Price wrote about more bad employment news for Pennsylvania, including a revised outlook from the Philadelphia Federal Reserve signaling that the state's economy will be shrinking through the first quarter of 2012. In the Morning Must Reads this week, Mark Price summed up local unemployment data, shared an amusing video from The Daily Show suggesting that it is time for the 1% to go on strike, wrote about rising college tuition and budget strains for local governments, highlighted a lack of political will for fixing the broken economy, and noted that some in the U.S. Senate would just prefer that people that have to drive over structurally deficient bridges would just drop dead. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), the body that establishes monetary policy at the Federal Reserve, announced on Wednesday that it is expecting the economy to grow more slowly than previously thought over the next several years. In response to the deteriorating economic situation, the committee decided to do nothing. At his press conference explaining the FOMC decision, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke urged Congress to do something about jobs. 'I think it would be helpful if we could get assistance from other parts of the government to help create more jobs,' Mr. Bernanke said. Meanwhile, with unemployment high, federal assistance running out and the state cutting spending, local government finances are deeply in the red. Lackawanna County appears headed for layoffs and tax increases. A bipartisan advisory panel recommended Wednesday that Lackawanna County increase real estate taxes to balance its 2012 budget, warning a steep hike will be required as county government contends with a financial crisis that will not be resolved quickly or painlessly. The Philadelphia School District, also deeply in the red, has a plan to save up to $9 million by closing nine schools. Turning to college kids, student loan debt rose by 5% in 2010. Public colleges, faced with significant cuts in state support, raised tuition nationally by 7.3% this year. This week we blogged about momentum building for a natural gas drilling tax and rising unemployment in Pennsylvania. We also featured a guest post on the need for stronger insurance rate protections in Pennsylvania. And Mark Price kept us up to date with the Morning Must Reads. On jobs and unemployment, Stephen Herzenberg shared his media statement on the rising jobless rate in Pennsylvania. On the Marcellus Shale, Sharon Ward highlighted a recent New York Times article on the problems that have come with Marcellus Shale growth in Pennsylvania. Kate Atkins urged readers to sign a letter to lawmakers in support of a drilling tax that would generate revenue to improve schools, fix roads, train workers, and protect the environment. On health care, Athena Ford of the Pennsylvania Health Access Network penned a guest post on the need for better insurance rate protections in Pennsylvania. Finally, Mark Price had Morning Must Reads on the economic polarization of the 99%, the need for more accountability in charter schools, how we can boost the economy, and what budget cuts and layoffs have in common. Morning Must Reads: Yes Bridges Need Repair & Little Old Ladies Are Homeless But Ask Yourself Have We Really Done Enough for the Top 1%? With unemployment in the construction industry at record highs, interest rates low and a deep backlog of thousands of structurally deficient bridges in need of repair, now is a great time to spend money to fix stuff do nothing! Actually, it is not really that bad; it's worse. The Pennsylvania Legislature is spending time debating changes to the state's prevailing wage statute, even though a large body of empirical research demonstrates that changes to prevailing wage laws do not lower construction costs. Anyway, if you find yourself in Pittsburgh, make sure your car seat also doubles as a floatation device.
The Nike Sports Bra has a racerback design that lets you move freely. Thick knit fabric with Dri-FIT Technology helps you stay dry and comfortable. Racerback straps feel snug and supportive. Fabric: Body/panels lining: 82% polyester/18% elastane. Elastic: 90% nylon/10% elastane. Front lining: 85% recycled polyester/15% elastane.
IN bolting the political party he founded three decades ago and striking out on his own, Ariel Sharon exploded a bombshell that promises to drastically redraw Israel's political landscape for years to come. The immediate impetus for his move was the surprise win by left-wing challenger Amir Peretz, a union leader and economic populist, in the Labor Party primary; Peretz immediately pulled Labor out of the government, forcing new elections. Sharon then announced he was quitting his own Likud bloc to form a new centrist party, called National Responsibility. But though his move stunned most observers, it was vintage Sharon: a bold, unilateral stroke fraught with risks – but with a huge potential payoff. Staying in the Likud, he said Monday, "would have been the safest move for me personally." He's right – but then, Ariel Sharon has never favored the safest move. Indeed, his entire career has been filled with such risk-taking. Sharon believes in audacious unilateral moves that seemingly defy common sense. He was that way as an army commander and a defense minister, and he's been like that as prime minister. His critics charge that many of his earlier initiatives were fraught with danger. But he has largely been vindicated over the years. So Sharon has reason to trust his own judgment, even when others are opposed. And he also believes that, particularly when it comes to Israel's security, his 60 years of experience give him insight that others simply lack. That's largely what's behind his decision to pull back from Gaza – and why he's decided to form a new party that he hopes will allow him to maneuver without the pull of ideological extremists. Sharon's critics, particularly on the right, sneer that he's gone soft, that he wants to go down in the history books as a peacemaker to counter his warrior image and so is willing to compromise Israel's security by surrendering critical territory to the Palestinians. But truth is just the opposite. And the worst mistake that Sharon's foes have always made is to misread him. Sharon firmly believes that the time is ripe to draw Israel's permanent borders – and that he is the only Israeli leader on the political scene who can be trusted to do the job in a way that guarantees the nation's security. For all his image as an uncompromising hawk – and his longtime record as the leading champion of the settlement movement – Sharon has never been part of the "not one inch" crowd. Yes, he has always firmly believed in the right of Jews to live in any part of the historical Land of Israel. But he viewed the settlements through his tactician's eye – as "facts on the ground," to be used as bargaining chips at the inevitable day of reckoning at the negotiating table. That will strike some as cynical, though Sharon certainly hopes to maintain control over as many settlements as possible. But his ultimate concern is the security and safety of the nation as a whole. Which is why he's prepared to take this tremendous political risk. After all, Israelis have never elected a prime minister from a third party. And Israeli politics seem to swallow up fledgling centrist factions like Sharon's. But then, no sitting Israeli prime minister has ever launched an independent party. And Sharon acts from a position of strength, not weakness: He won landslides in the 2001 and 2003 elections and polls show strong, consistent support for him from the general public. The first post-announcement polls showed Sharon winning the most seats in the March 28 elections. Of course, numbers will change, and whether he'll be able to form a strong majority coalition government is another question entirely. But going the centrist route is the logical followup to what Sharon has accomplished since taking office. From the start, he set out to break down the walls of partisanship in favor of a broad national consensus – and he succeeded. Now he hopes to make that achievement permanent by establishing it as a political party. If he triumphs, he will have accomplished something unprecedented. If he fails, he probably takes the Likud down with him, leaving the right wing without a strong political organization. It's a calculated risk, then – of the sort Sharon has been taking his entire life. As I wrote when he first took office: Expect the unexpected.
4A boys 1,600: John Munyan, 10:50 a.m. Five athletes, including one defending champion, will be representing Douglas High School today and Saturday at the NIAA State Track and Field Championships in Henderson. Here is a breakdown of those events being held at Foothill High School (visit Athletic.net for results). BOYS POLE VAULT: This shapes up as a duel between a pair of seniors, Logan Kyle of Douglas and Silverado's Adam Brewer, champions in their respective Northern and Sunrise region meets and co-state leaders with their season-best marks of 14-6. Parker Nelson of McQueen and Edward Andrews of Coronado have also gone 14-feet this season. Kyle went 14-6 at the Big George Invitational on April 29 and won his region title at 14-3 last Friday. GIRLS DISCUS: Douglas junior Kindra Ruckman set an eight-foot p.r. with her 119-2 last weekend at the region meet, and is looking to throw even further today. The gold medal could could be decided between Sunrise Region champion Athiya Iese of Liberty, who threw 147-0 in April, and Damonte Ranch junior Cassidy Osborne-Butler of Damonte Ranch, who threw her personal best 140-10 at the region meet Saturday and placed fifth in the event at last year's state meet. Osborne-Butler is the defending state shot put champion and the Illinois 2A state champion in 2015. TRIPLE JUMP: A school record is within reach for Douglas senior Sean Wolfkiel, who set a three-foot personal record of 44-2 last Friday for second-place at the region meet. The target is that school record 44-6 set by Johnny Pollack in 2010. The top qualifier is Emmanuel Olalere of Green Valley, who improved his personal best by nearly two-and-half feet with a 46-7¾ to win the Sunrise title. 1,600 METERS: Five qualifiers in the field have run 4:21 or better this season, including defending state champion John Munyan of Douglas. McQueen senior Henry Weisberg (4:21.14) comes in as the Northern champ after edging Munyan (4:21.26) at the wire Saturday. Weisberg ran 4:18.94 at Stanford in April and Lancers' teammate Zach Stallings ran 4:11.84 at the Sacramento Meet of Champions. Palo Verde senior Daniel Ziems is the Sunset Region champion (4:21.40) and Luis Soto of Rancho is the Sunrise champion (4:21.87 and 1:54.39 for 800 meters). Stallings won the Northern Region 800 final in 1:53.18. Remember the distance X factor in this race: Northern runners are coming down from an altitude of 4,700 feet to Las Vegas at 2,000 feet. That difference gives Munyan a shot at the school record 4:18.4 set by Bryan Carroll in 1980 (Carroll ran 3:59.3 for 1,500 meters in 1982). LONG JUMP: Douglas senior Cade Pankey has gone 21-8 this season and is taking aim at the school record 22-1¾ set by Jon Parry in 1993. The gold medal shapes up as a repeat duel between defending state champion Jamal Britt of Legacy and James Johnson of Centennial, last year's runner-up. Johnson captured the Sunset title last weekend at 22-10½, ahead of Britt's 22-6. Johnson's season best is 23-9¾.
Greenland's ice melting rate reaching 'tipping point' January 30, 2019 sndden 1 Comment Scientists say if all of Greenland's vast ice sheet was to melt, global sea levels would rise by seven metres [File: Pauline Askin/Reuters] Climate change is causing Greenland ice masses to melt faster, losing four times more ice since 2003, a new study says. According to research published on Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the ice loss in 2012 – more than 400 billion tonnes – reached nearly four times the rate in 2003. The largest sustained ice loss came from southwest Greenland, a region previously not seen as a crucial actor in rising sea levels as it is mostly devoid of large glaciers. "We knew we had one big problem with increasing rates of ice discharge by some large outlet glaciers," said Michael Bevis, the study's lead author and a professor of geodynamics at Ohio State University. "Now we recognise a second serious problem: increasingly large amounts of ice mass are going to leave as meltwater, as rivers that flow into the sea," he said. The melting of surface mass, which the study's authors said was a consequence of global warming, is set to "become a major future contributor to sea level rise." "The only thing we can do is adapt and mitigate further global warming – it's too late for there to be no effect," Bevis said, adding "we are watching the ice sheet hit a tipping point". To analyse changes in ice mass, the study used data from NASA's gravity recovery and climate experiment (known as Grace) and GPS stations scattered across Greenland. In December 2018, another study published by scientific journal Nature found that runoff from Greenland's ice sheet, which in places is more than 1.6 kilometres thick, now occurs at a volume 33 percent greater than the 20th century alone. If all of Greenland's vast ice sheet was to melt, global sea levels would rise by seven metres. Antarctica ice loss It was the second alarming report on the effect of climate change on sea level rise in a week. On January 15, Eric Rignot, chair of Earth System Science at the University of Irvine, published a study warning that Antarctica is melting about six times more a year now than 40 years ago. The sea level increased more than 1.4cm between 1979 and 2017. "As the Antarctic ice sheet continues to melt away, we expect multi-metre sea level rise from Antarctica in the coming centuries," Rignot said. A rise of 1.8 metres by 2100 – as some scientists forecast in worst-case scenarios – would flood many coastal cities home to millions of people. The total amount of ice in the Antarctic, if it all melted, would be enough to raise sea levels 57 metres. Warming ocean water will only speed up ice loss in the future, and analysts say sea levels will continue to mount for centuries, no matter what humans do now to rein in climate change. Recent research has shown oceans are heating up quicker than previously thought, setting new heat records in the last few years. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2019/01/greenland-ice-melting-rate-reaching-tipping-point-190122065853185.html Previous PostDon't kiss your hedgehog: US health officials' warning after salmonella spikeNext PostAppeals court upholds La. law regulating abortion clinics One thought on "Greenland's ice melting rate reaching 'tipping point'" Millicent Broderick says: Thank you fot the articles you produce and the work you do. I'll keep recycling and watch my electricity consumption because those activities have long been a part of me but evidently nowhere near enough of an effort to stave off our watery end.
IRS / LCRS China Trip Report of the Industrial Railway Society/ Locomotive Club of Great Britain visit to industrial steam sites in China between Oct 26th 2003 and Nov 7th 2003. Zibo aluminium plant 3 SY present (SY 0755, 1345, 1508). Also 2 DF5D Nos 0010, 0011. There were major problems over photography here and the authorities arrested the local guide. A disappointment was the Xihe Coal Mine. The metre gauge line that had been working in 2000 had closed. All track removed apart from at level crossing. All locos scraped, loco shed demolished, only remains one firebox and a headlamp on top of a building. Formerly there were 10 OK 0-10-0 here. I also omitted that on the train from Zibo to Yanzhou they passed the Jinan steelworks where they saw SY in steam. Liquan Limestone Works, Hongshan JS 6475 stored in case of resumption of rail traffic Zouxian Mining Railway Extensive railway serving a number of deep mines. Route length at least 10 km and probably a lot more. 17 x QJ. No SY remaining here now. QJ 3538, 3595, 6284, 6782(oou), 6811, 6812, 6814, 6848, 6865, 6866, 6933, 7123(oou), 7126, 7188, 7189, 7190, 7191 The visit was on 28-10-03. In addition to the 17 QJ there were 5 DF4DD (a GM/GE look-a-like heavy shunter) in use (No. 0031, 1020, 1021, 1022,1023) and DF5 1075. Zouxian Coal Mine Railway is the much discussed Yanzhou system. In February, while on the way to Xuzhou a QJ in steam was seen at Yanzhou CNR depot opposite the station - a loco from the system ? China Aluminium Co Ltd, Henan Branch, Shangjie 10 SYs present (0203, 0260, 0161, 0838, 1168, 1229, 1406, 1674, 1693, 1694) of which 7 were at work on the 18 km line to the Bauxite quarries. Xingyang Brickworks (762mm gauge) 3 x C2 (0-8-0), one working. More problems over photography here. Zhengzhou Coal Mines, Lijiazhou 4 QJs in use (QJ 2315, 2440, 3494, 3495). China Rail, Zhengzhou Locomotive Works JS 6489 and JS 8076 on site. For sale to industry? Workshop under demolition as industrial steam repairs have ceased here. Zhongzhou Aluminium Works, Jiaozuo 4 x QJ present (QJ 2028, 2112(oou), 2154, 2245). Passenger services here too, although it was not clear whether these were steam hauled. 2 diesels already in use here and 2 more expected in 2004 which will see the end of steam. Zhongyuan Special Steel Plant 2 QJs (1419, 1436) and 2 SYs (0372, 0636). The shed is at Jiyuan and the works is at Zhongyuan. Scenic line in hilly country. There were 2 more QJ tenders at the shed, one had the number 2130. Jiyuan Local Railway (762mm) Completely closed but 2 x 0-8-0 locked in shed at Jiyuan. Luoyang Fire Reistant Materials Factory SY 1682 sheeted over Yima Opencast Coal Mine Coal is brought out of the pit by lorry. Railway used for removal of overburden and dumping in worked out areas. 7 JSs (5937, 6061, 6215, 8087, 8092, 8275, 8276) and 2 SYs (1419, 1435) present. All other locos previously reported from here have gone. Yima Coal Corporation, Xinan Colliery 18 km of very scenic railway from main line to colliery. Railway leaves the main line from Luoyang to Yima at Miawtou and runs for 18km to the colliery at Xinan. The road follows the railway and the group saw viaducts and tunnels. 4 QJs are in use: QJ 2858, 2878, 3318, 7204. Guan Lin Steel Works, Luoyang Vist here was 1-11-03. 4 SYs are available: SY 1316 and 2014 were working, SY 1339 was present and the fourth (not seen) was confirmed as 0866 by two of the drivers. Luoyang Tractor Factory 4 x SY (0742, 0847, 1292, 1352). Examination of SY 0742 revealed that it was actually most likely to be SY 0067 of 6/1967. This number was found under the painted number on the smokebox and also stamped on the air reservoir. The loco had plates dated 6/1967 LHS and 8/1974 RHS. Pingdingshan Coal Railway Saw 13 x JS, 5 x QJ and 4 x SY Luohe Local Railway Runs for freight only from Luohe to Wuyang and to Fuyang via Zhoukou. The depot is at Zhoukou. 8 QJs (6548, 6624, 6901, 7000, 7006, 7011, 7091, 7161) but no SY remain here. QJ 7161 is stationary boiler. Tangyin-Puyang At Tangin QJ 6591 was seen on a train south of the station whilst the group was travelling from Luohe to Handan. It is believed to belong to the Tang-Pu local railway. Handan Iron and Steel Works 14 SYs were seen: SY 0119 awaiting scrap, 0293 stationary boiler, 0557, 0702, 0800, 1081, 1139, 1154, 1208, 1393, 1535, 1658, 2007, 2009. All working apart from 1658 under repair at shed. The group also say YJ 311 reduced to scrap whilst they were there. Xingtai Iron & Steel Corporation 6 SYs (0011, 0736, 1265, 1349, 1641, 3009). Only 1349 was working. 0011 and 3009 reported as 'preserved', rest OOU. SY 1436 is reported scrapped. Steam due to finish December 2003 Wangdu Local Railway (762mm) 36km line closed completely Feb 2003. Charter special managed about 3km from Tangxian before the state of the track caused termination. In steam(ish) on this was 0-8-0 066 (Shijiazhuang 15/1985). 0-8-0 005 (Shijiazhuang 01/1960) and 2816 (Chrzanow 3845/1959) were also present. Xuanhua Iron & Steel Works 14 x SY (0299, 0323,0552, 0559, 0782, 0921, 1104, 1113, 1177, 1219, 1342, 1462, 1528, 1541) in use and YJ 0269 out of use. © 2004, IRS / David Kitching
10 Famous Movie Lines You Didn't Know Were Improvised Remarkable Films Set In A Single Location Things You Didn't Know About The Life Of Arnold... 'Deadpool' Breaks Box Office Records, Success May Affect Future Films Stephen Randle Tragic Character Deaths In Cinema That We'll Get Over The R-rated superhero film Deadpool debuted on Valentine's Day weekend and instantly blew away all expectations. At last count, the movie brought in over $150 million at the weekend domestic box office, breaking several records, including largest President's Day weekend take, as well as biggest opening for an R-rated movie in history, and the second-largest opening for the first installment of a superhero franchise, behind The Avengers. The movie also added over $125 million overseas, has received an average of 84% on Rotten Tomatoes and an 'A' on CinemaScore, and with the budget for the film only $50 million, is clearly a runaway winner for 20th Century Fox. As a result, rumors are already swirling that Fox may have greenlit a movie based on X Force, a splinter team of the X-Men led by Deadpool in the comics, with the expectation that it (and the already-announced Deadpool sequel) would also aim for a hard R rating. Could Deadpool lead to a rise in more adult-rated superhero films? We'll have to wait and see how other studios react to its truly staggering box office numbers. Stephen Randle is an avid wrestling and film fan. He's been writing about WWE, movies, and video games for Goliath since 2015. 10 Things We Can Expect From The 'Deadpool' Movie Don't Miss Out, Sign Up Now! *Delivers Weekly
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Well at least we only overlap once, on Monday morning. I shall be in the front row of the Sherlock and asexuality one, if I don't see you before then. although Wiscon won't be Wiscon if I don't bump into you in the hallway when I get there! Uh, Wendy, when you arrive CALL ME IMMEDIATELY I do not want to waste any time before seeing you and we shall spend all the time together. I haven't seen you in *years*, you think I will settle for running into you in a hallway? Never. You had me at "a party wherein we watch and heavily criticize Jem".
School of Law hosts online Summer Research Series The webinars are part of a free, online series available to the public to hear about Birkbeck's research and topical subjects relating to the Law and Criminology. The School of Law has scheduled seven live online webinars to showcase the wide range of research undertaken by the Departments of Law and Criminology, as well as the Institute for Crime and Justice Policy Research (ICPR). The 'Summer Research Series' will feature a number of researchers, over the next few weeks, sharing their latest research with the public through the live events. Dr Sappho Xenakis, Assistant Dean for Research, said, "This series presents a snapshot of the research currently being undertaken at the School, and reflects a number of key thematic areas around which work in the School pivot, and, more generally, a critical and interdisciplinary approach to legal, socio-legal and criminological scholarship that is the School's hallmark." Recordings for sessions available in links below: Thursday 20th August 'Decision-making in the Court of Protection 'needs a human element': Provisional empirical findings from the Judging Values Project' (Rebecca Stickler) Monday 24th August 'Financial stability vs private law?' (Dr Guido Comparato) Thursday 27th August 'The 'Facing all the Facts Project' - understanding and improving the hate crime reporting and recording 'system' in Europe: findings from a six country, EU-funded research project' (Joanna Perry) Monday 31st August 'The paradoxes of the right of peoples to self-determination: from Marx, Engels and Lenin to the Chagos Islanders Case in 2019' (Professor Bill Bowring) Monday 7th September 'Royal Divorce: Taking Melodramas Seriously' (Professor Daniel Monk) Thursday 10th September 'A Passion for Ignorance' (Professor Renata Salecl) Thursday 24th September Policy and Resistance (Dr Rachael Dobson) Research at the Department of Law Research at the Department of Criminology More news about: Institute for Crime and Justice Policy Research (ICPR) LAW: Criminology LAW: Department of Law LAW: School of Law
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Adele Hall nee: Grant Adele (Grant) Hall passed away on Thursday, January 28, 2010 in Sidney, British Columbia, at the age of 92 years. Del, as she was known to those who knew and loved her, was born on August 10, 1917 in Manchester, England to James and Elizabeth Grant, while James was serving with the Canadian Expeditionary Force during the First World War. After the war, she moved with her parents and brother, James, to Canada where they farmed near Sanford, Manitoba. Del served in the RCAF Women's Division during the Second World War and although she suffered hearing damage during bombings while in London, the war was a time when she forged lifelong friendships, of which she preserved through her membership in the Canadian Legion. She returned to Canada in 1946 and married Albert "Bud" Hall in Sanford, Manitoba where she and Bud would spend their child raising years. In 1966 Del became the postmaster in Sanford and remained there until her retirement in 1982. Shortly after Bud's death in 1991, Del moved to Sidney, B.C. to escape the cold Manitoba winters and to be close to her brother James. Del was a talented, fun-loving wife, mother and friend. She enjoyed playing softball in her youth, and curling and golfing in her middle years. Del enjoyed needlepoint, wheat weaving and macramé, creating many beautiful works of art. Del also enjoyed playing cards with her friends and family. Del was predeceased by her parents, brother and husband. She is survived by her three sons, Michael (Bev) of Lethbridge, Alberta and their two children Taylor and Stacey, Grant (Lori) of New Orleans, Louisiana, and Lindsay (Winifred) of Victoria, British Columbia and their two children Max and April. Also like family, she is survived by Lynn and Shirley Elves, and Al and Jean Storey. Del was an active member of the United Church of Canada in Sanford and Sidney. According to Del's wishes, there will be no funeral. Internment will take place in Sanford, Manitoba at a later date. In lieu of flowers, kindly make contributions to your favorite charity in Del's memory. A tea to celebrate Del's life will be held on Saturday, April 3, 2010 at Amica Beechwood in Sidney between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm.
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ARTICLES BRAND KNOW-HOW Brand Tools & Tips Roll Up, Roll Up 27th January 2009 22nd February 2019 admin The Blend For the successful brand-owner, there is truly no business like show business, and brands that draw the greatest crowds know how to play to the galleries. There's No Business… For those of us who are inclined to look at the world as matter-of-fact, the runaway success of certain branded products and services can come as something of a shock to the system. Under forensic examination, these same products and services seem to enjoy rewards out of all proportion to their modest achievements. They shrink beneath our cold and unsympathetic gaze. When seen alongside their more diligent and hardworking neighbours, they suffer by comparison. And yet, they delight in the favour of the marketplace. Their largely undeserved good fortune offends us, goes against the grain. It's all that we can do to suppress a heartfelt cry of 'It's just not fair!' But who ever said that the world is fair? And the world of the marketplace, in particular? Viewed in such a harsh light, it's true that the marketplace and the fortunes of the brands that thrive there can seem hopelessly lopsided. But let's not forget that brands do not operate best in the unforgiving glare of the examination table. And people only rarely buy in such conditions. Instead, the customer is drawn to the limelight, to that part of the arena where the brand comes alive and invites us to 'Roll up, roll up, for the greatest show on earth'. For the successful brand-owner, there is truly no business like show business, and brands that draw the greatest crowds know how to play to the galleries. Of course, there are brands too that shun centre stage and successfully tread the boards in more modest productions. But even these shrinking violets understand the value of setting the stage and the importance of make-believe in winning over the customer. …Like Show Business Now, the more literal amongst us may have grown troubled at this point. Talk of make-believe veers perilously close to lies, to falsehoods, to that which is untrue. Surely it's the treachery of spin, the faking of credentials and the masking of intentions that brings trouble to the business world, and to the wider world that relies upon it? Oh, what a tangled web we weave, and all that. But who said anything about practicing to deceive? The purpose of make-believe is not to conceal the truth but to reveal it in a dramatic way. For brands, make-believe works to show something of the core exchange between the producer and the consumer. You may not be my lord nor I your courtier; but you get my meaning when I talk of readying a place for you that's 'fit for a king'. And when you in turn tell me of 'nectar from the gods', I don't reject your offer of a drink simply because I question its divine origins. When I choose your brand, it's because I want to join in the game. When two or more of us agree to play a game together, we quickly adapt to its boundaries and rules, even though these may be as arbitrary as chalk-marks on the ground or the conceit that makes me invisible each time I don a certain cloak. In an instant, our game is as far from matter-of-fact as you can imagine. Of course, the world of make-believe that we conjure up must trace its origins back to something true in the life of the customer. Otherwise, it's simply storytelling as entertainment (or worse, deception) and the customer is likely to grow disillusioned once the diversion has run its course. In this way, brand-building is a feat of the imagination and the role of the brand-owner is that of showman calling out to the passers-by to step right inside for the show that's about to begin. The Cowboys, The Wrestlers… If branding is about putting on a show, then who or what is the star performer? It may be the brand that steps centre stage, but the great players extend a hand to the customer to invite them to participate in the performance. In choosing the particular product or service, the buyer becomes a part of the drama that's unfolding and plays a role that places them right at the heart of the action. We see this most obviously at work for brands that can tell their story through the visual media but the same holds true for all brands in their exchanges with the customer. Consciously or not, the buyer picks up on the story that's being told and takes their cue from the brand as to the part that they will play in it. With a word or a gesture, or through pictures and sounds, the modern showmen invite us the orchard or to the wilderness or to the urban jungle and we immediately understand something of the drama that's about to unfold. The brand sets the scene and our natural inclination to identify with one or more of the players in the production (usually the hero) does the rest. …The Tumblers, The Clowns If branding is about putting on a performance, then each aspiring brand-owner is faced with a number of key choices when they ready their brand to take to the stage. These choices centre around which story is to be told and how it will play for the audience. 1. Narrative Theme The great brands enable their customers to explore one of the timeless themes of the human story. These can range from such sweeping concerns as love of family, freedom of expression or the search for lost innocence to the need for intimacy, patriotism or the kindness of strangers. Whilst it can seem improbable that an everyday brand could help its customer grapple with such concerns, we need only watch or listen to a small number of typical advertisements to appreciate how effortlessly the brand can make one of the great themes its own. 2. Storyline The brand-owner must then decide how the theme will be explored and which storyline best fits the customer's understanding of the world. For example, this might be done by setting up a love triangle or sending out the hero to search for a holy grail. It could just as easily be a tale of paradise lost or brotherly envy that enables the brand to take the customer on an epic journey. Again, this can seem far-fetched until we look about us and see how a producer can turn the choice of a simple packaged dessert or soft drink into a story of tyranny overthrown or paradise regained. 3. Leading Roles Once the storyline is chosen, the brand-owner must describe the roles to be played in telling the story. Some of these will be obvious. Naturally, the most important role is the one that allows the customer to play the hero. Leading roles can include the parts of the ardent lover or the intrepid explorer or the guardian angel. Once the leading role is cast, the next in terms of importance is that of villain. In fact, you could argue that in order for the story to have any real heft or significance, it must have a great villain, and therefore should be cast first. It's not surprising that actors often describe the role of the blackguard as the most satisfying to play and say that the devil gets the best lines. Other supporting roles enable the interplay between good and evil, darkness and light, and, for the purposes of putting on a show, are often only lightly drawn. 4. Stage Setting When the storyline is chosen and the leading roles assigned, the brand-owner must then set the stage for the action that follows. Perhaps the epic tussle between cruel master and courageous slave is most memorably played out in the world of ancient Rome? Or maybe it has greater resonance when put in a classroom setting? Each of these landscapes carries its own echoes that might be used to dramatic effect when conjuring up a tale that's older then time. Costumes too can play their part in evoking another place and time, or signalling to the audience the part that the character will play in the drama. 5. Props Of course, the actors in any great drama rely on a certain number of props in order to play their part more effectively. In such a context, the fountain pen may not only prove mightier than the sword, it might take its place completely. The paper contract becomes the embodiment of the bargain with the devil and when it's torn up into little pieces, the audience cheers instinctively. A simple prop can almost single-handedly set up the action that is to follow or resolve the staged conflict. Industrial designers in particular know the importance of the prop and often carve out the casing or packaging of a product or the vessel in which it's carried in a way that suggests the part that it plays in the drama. So Let's Go On With The Show But when the brand-owner has agreed the theme and storyline, cast the characters, set the scene and provided costumes and props, they must not forget that it is always up to the brand to give a great performance. The product or service that underpins that performance must itself play its part so that the customer truly becomes the hero of the piece rather than an unwilling dupe in an elaborate but ultimately self-serving piece of theatre. ← Irishness For Sale No Room For Doom Or Gloom →
For airport parking see the Kos Airport website. There is only one terminal and check in hall at Kos Airport. Swissport provide Special Assistance at Kos Airport. Unfortunately, Kos Airport does not offer this service. Unfortunately, Kos Airport does not have an airport lounge.
The People's Pension has over 4 million members and is one of the largest master trust workplace pensions in the UK. We provide pensions to people from all walks of life. The People's Pension is run by not-for-profit organisation, B&CE. With over 30 years' experience, B&CE has provided workplace pensions to employers, large and small. We're used to making pensions simple. And in November 2011 B&CE launched The People's Pension as an additional product to help employers comply with their automatic enrolment duties. If you're with The People's Pension, we'll be here to help you along the way, from start to finish – from setting up a workplace pension scheme as an employer, to planning your retirement as an employee. A master trust is a multi-employer scheme, run by trustees. The People's Pension is a multi-employer scheme with independent trustees and is operated on a not-for-profit basis. It's a hassle-free, flexible and portable workplace pension designed for people, not profit. And it's suitable for any organisation, large or small, in any sector. The People's Pension was the first master trust to report on its governance and administration arrangements in accordance with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales' (ICAEW) new assurance framework for master trusts. The People's Pension is run on a not-for-profit basis – we're for people, not profit. What does 'not for profit' mean? It means we have no shareholders to answer to and so we use any profit we make to improve our products and services for our members. The People's Pension has a Defaqto 5 Star Rating. Defaqto is an independent financial research company focused on supporting better financial decision making. Our call centre was awarded Top 10 for Customer Service at the Top 50 Companies for Customer Service. Run by independent trustees and administered by B&CE, a company with a proven track record, The People's Pension is suitable for employers of any size in any sector. Each employer has its own section of the scheme. This allows you to customise your own contribution rates and payment dates for different groups of employees, if you'd like to. You can set up your contributions as simply or as varied as you need. Using our secure portal, files can be submitted from your payroll software to us, where we will allocate contributions to employees' pension pots. Employee contributions, along with contributions from you as their employer and tax relief from the government, are invested in a member account in the employee's name. Members can choose to remain in our default investment option throughout the life of their account and their pension savings will automatically move to more secure investments as they approach retirement. Alternatively, members can choose from a concise range of investment profiles or choose an investment fund (or funds) themselves. Members can choose their investment options, and make any other changes, through their own dedicated member portal. Our 0.5% annual management charge applies to each member's pension pot. This simple and transparent charge is 50 pence a year (0.5%) for every £100 of the value of each member's account. The People's Pension is an occupational pension scheme defined contribution master trust and therefore does not have a financial strength rating. Its trust-based structure is intended to deliver a level of member security since the scheme's assets are kept quite separate from creditors in the event of failure of any party. The People's Pension is a trust-based defined contribution scheme, registered with HMRC and The Pensions Regulator. The People's Pension Trustee Limited is the Trustee of the Scheme. The Trustee is responsible for the investment of members' pension accounts held within the Scheme in accordance with any instructions from members. Our values support our objectives as a not-for-profit organisation – we're for people, not profit.
Lyndall Thomas has used her way with words to create a unique business with enormous potential. Thanks partly to the Small Business Mentoring Service, she is well on her way to taking it to the next level. An experienced journalist and communications specialist, Lyndall started the Information Access Group in 2009. It helps clients create accessible materials, including documents that are easy to read and websites that are easy to use. The Group already has an impressive number of clients and publications ranging from Down Syndrome Today for Down Syndrome Victoria to the National Disability Strategy - Easy English Version for the Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. Other clients include not-for-profit organisations, disability service providers, businesses and New South Wales and Victorian government departments. The service is unique, and one of Australia's few communications businesses specialising in accessibility. Lyndall had an innovative product and the skills required to meet the diverse literacy needs of these audiences. She has worked on books, magazines, website content and corporate newsletters, but felt she would benefit from the advice of a business mentor. "I wanted to draw on the experience of someone who had knowledge in business management and, in particular, working with government," she said. Lyndall also needed to establish a work/life balance after having daughters Finn and Imogen, who are now five and eight. "Finn was only two-and-a-half when I started the Information Access Group," she says. After finding the SBMS on the Small Business Victoria website, Lyndall elected to work with Elizabeth Raut. Elizabeth spent 10 years as the Victorian manager of the Australian Institute of Architects, where she worked on all aspects of running an organisation including finances. Before this she worked in the health sector in a range of business-related roles. The SBMS is a non-government,non-profit organisation of volunteer expert mentors who give their time and experience to help small business. It is supported by Small Business Victoria, which refers clients to it. Elizabeth said while Lyndall was aware of the challenges in finding time to grow the business, market it, drive the creative aspect, be innovative and manage the staff and financial aspects, she initially felt she was being "responsive rather than strategic". They discussed the importance of delegating tasks to free Lyndall's time to develop and make presentations, write tenders, engage with government and clients and focus on growing the business. They also addressed financial management, including a budget for the following financial year, project management and allocating staff resources. Elizabeth and Lyndall then updated the business's SWOT analysis, marketing plan and financial plan. They identified a need for more marketing material, which led to a program of meetings and presentations to clients and potential clients in Canberra and Sydney. Since the mentoring began, profitability has improved, sales are set to nearly double over the previous year and customer numbers are up by 40 per cent. The business is making a small profit but still working to ensure its viability. As it has grown, it has been able to offer more hours to casual staff and contractors, and hopes to have a full-time staff member soon. Elizabeth says Lyndall has gained considerable confidence in her ability to be clear on how to grow the business and about what the business might look like in the future. Lyndall says the biggest challenge was moving from a hands-on, independent freelance role to managing a business with a small team while also raising a family. She says Elizabeth's help has been invaluable, and while she still has some late nights, running the business is flexible enough to cope with the demands of parenthood - just. "I feel a lot more confident about what I am doing and the decisions I make," she says. "Elizabeth is very patient with me as I work through issues and she encourages and reassures me. "This has been the best part of mentoring for me – that someone else is there to listen, especially someone who completely 'gets' me and understands exactly what I am trying to achieve." The sessions have also been therapeutic. "I often joke about the mentoring sessions being 'business therapy'," Lyndall says.
Under the patronage of Khalifa bin Zayed, the 29th President of the UAE Cup series will celebrate Arabian horses from 15 May until 8 December 2022 The Higher Organizing Committee of His Highness the President of the UAE Cup series for the Purebred Arabians announced the 2022 calendar, which consists of 15 races across Europe, Middle East and North Africa and the United States of America. The races series held under the patronage of His Highness The UAE President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and the support of His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, and the follow-up of His Highness Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Presidential Affairs, to promote and preserve the identity of the Arabian horses around the world. The races for the Purebred Arabians around the world is a legacy of the late President and Founding Father of the UAE, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan to promote the bloodlines and heritage of the Arabian horse globally. The 29th edition of the HH The President of the UAE Cup gets underway at the French Guineas weekend at the ParisLongchamp Racecourse on May 15. Next in the calendar is the American Triple Crown meeting at the Pimlico Racecourse in Baltimore in the USA on May 21. It follows the race meetings in Tunisia on June 26, San Siro Racecourse in Milan, Italy, June 30, Poland on July 3, 2022, Sweden on July 17, Belgium on August 1, Russia on August 14, Germany on September 4, the UK Arabian Derby at the St Leger meeting at Doncaster Racecourse on September 10, the new race meeting in Libya Libya on September 17, the Netherlands on 25 September, Egypt on October 8, Morocco on November 20, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on December 8. This year will see a race series organised within HH The President of the UAE Cup in South America, comprising of races in Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina and Chile, extending and encouraging owners and breeders of the Arabian horses in the region. His Excellency Faisal Al Rahmani, General Manager of HH The President of the UAE Cup paid tribute to HH Sheikh Mansour bin Zayed for the unstinted and continuous support in promoting the Arabian horse globally. "The Purebred Arabian horses have made a big impact as racehorses around the world with the quality of races staged in some of the iconic race tracks in the international circuit," he said. "We are proud on the ever increasing number of races and venues this year, with Libya joining the fray as the latest track to stage HH The President of the UAE Cup. "HH The President of the UAE Cup is a testimony for the global renaissance of the Arabian horse, an initiative of the UAE's late President and Founding Father Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, may God rest his soul. "His legacy to preserve the Arabian horse globally continues with the prestigious cup series staged in 15 venues across Europe, Middle East and North African, the USA and all over the Gulf nations." Community Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Sport In his capacity as Ruler of Abu Dhabi, Mohamed bin Zayed issues resolution to appoint members of Abu Dhabi Executive Council Nahyan bin Mubarak inaugurates Contributions of Sandooq Al Watan Open Day Mansour bin Zayed issues directives to increase number of rounds of Al Dhafra Festival closing camel mazayna AD Ports Group partners with KazMunayGas and Kazakhstan Ministry of Industry & Infrastructural Development
ATLANTA – Phillies manager Gabe Kapler issued a challenge Wednesday to Vince Velasquez, a few hours before the righthander would pitch the first six innings of a 7-3 loss to the Braves. He wanted Velasquez to pitch with intensity and fervor. He wanted him to challenge hitters with confidence. "I'm going to attack with my fastball. I'm going to attack with my secondary pitches. And when I'm in the zone with them, I'm going to still be on the gas pedal," Kapler said of the approach Velasquez needed. "It's this thing that you want to throw a strike, so you're a little bit finer, a little bit softer, with your delivery. If there is one thing that Velasquez does not lack, it is intensity. But sometimes the pitcher fails to properly channel that mindset on the mound, seeming to show too much caution to opponents and falling into deep counts, racking up high pitch totals. Wednesday night's outing offered some promise. He attacked with his fastball — which touched 96 mph in his final inning — and used it for 60 percent of his pitches and five of his seven strikeouts. He utilized a sharp slider and countered with a troubled curveball. But Atlanta third baseman Ryan Flaherty, who failed to make the Phillies in spring training, jacked a three-run homer in the fifth, as he sat on Velasquez' first-pitch fastball. It was a blip on a night that showed some promise and displayed why the Phillies are willing to see whether Velasquez can develop the mindset his manager challenges him to have. Velasquez has a 2.41 ERA in his last three starts, with 20 strikeouts and three walks over 18 2/3 innings. He attacked. "I think it's just the mindset that you have to have," Velasquez said. "I changed my approach and am just attacking hitters. That was one of the biggest things, going after guys and attacking the zone and utilizing all of my pitches. The Phillies dropped two of three at SunTrust Park but still secured their first winning road trip (4-2) since 2016. The Phillies return home Thursday winners of nine of their last 12. A series-winning victory seemed within reach when the Phillies trailed by two runs in the eighth, but Kapler elected to keep lefthander Hoby Milner in against righthanded hitters after facing two lefties. It was a curious move, because Kapler had used Milner almost exclusively against lefthanded hitters. Milner gave up three runs, and the game was out of reach. "That was the right time to save our bullpen and put them in a good position to succeed going forward," Kapler said. The Phillies were on the verge of a rally in the seventh, when Maikel Franco walked and Andrew Knapp reached on an error, putting runners on first and third with no outs. Carlos Santana, out of the lineup for the first time this season, pinch hit and grounded into a double play, and J.P. Crawford struck out. Franco scored on the double play but the inning fell short of its potential. Rhys Hoskins walked to start the ninth and scored on a double by Aaron Altherr, but that's as close as the Phillies got. Edubray Ramos, in relief of Velasquez, gave up a homer to Dansby Swanson, the leadoff batter in the bottom of the seventh. It was the righthander's first earned run of the season. The Phillies' first run came in the fifth, when Velasquez ripped Brandon McCarthy's curveball up the middle to drive in Knapp. McCarthy threw his opposing pitcher five pitches; three were breaking balls. McCarthy failed to attack, and Velasquez made him pay. Velasquez moved to second on the throw home and looked into the Phillies dugout. His teammates were cheering, and Velasquez gestured back. Even at bat, Velasquez had attacked. There was some promise. "All night long, he was attacking hitters," Kapler said. "That was why we had the confidence to send him out for the sixth. He was pretty aggressive with all of his pitches, which is exactly what we asked him to do. He had that fastball working up to 97 [mph] at times.
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Do you have diabetes? Are you living in the surrounding cities of Tarzana? Here is why you need to visit your foot doctor Tarzana regularly. Diabetes has become an incredibly common disease in modern-day society. One of the major consequences associated with diabetes is complications of the foot. Such complications can take place due to damaged nerves in the feet as well as in the toes. As a result of malfunctioning or damaged nerves, you will feel no pain in the feet. So, even if you have a wound or cut in your feet, you will barely notice it. Because of that, the injury can get worse and develop into severe conditions. This is precisely when an expert foot doctor (a podiatrist) can help you out. What can a foot doctor do for you if you have diabetes? Professional podiatrists have the expert knowledge in assessing the potential nerve damages on the feet. They have the specialized expertise of identifying the health risks on your feet and offer required treatments. They also help you prevent future conditions. In fact, those who have diabetes are vulnerable to various foot problems mentioned below. Neuropathy is also known as nerve damage on feet. As a result, you may experience numbness and pain. However, as the condition develops, you will hardly feel your feet and toes. The cuts and wounds on your feet at this stage will go unnoticed and develop into worse. Foot Ulcers is a type of a wound that might appear on toes or foot. An open wound will appear on your foot as the tissue breaks down. These ulcers are vulnerable to serious infections. These ulcers generally require lengthy treatment process. As a result of the nerve damage, the bones in the feet can become weakened. Then, the bones may fracture and even develop into noticeable deformities. Amputation is the process of removing the limb due to uncurable wound or infection. This can happen for diabetes patients who have worsened foot ulcers. In addition to those, there can be various other foot problems linked to diabetes. However, with the assistance of your professional foot doctor Tarzana, you can identify the conditions at your earliest and get the treatments. At the first appointment with your podiatrist, you should be prepared to explain all the potential information. For instance, telling the medical history will make the treatment process faster and convenient. Also, you may ask the possible questions that might help. If you suspect that you experience some neuropathy, you should request for a monofilament test. Or, you may ask for a testing process to check the nerve damage. These processes will identify the condition precisely and get the required treatments. In addition to that, you can ask how to do foot exams at home and perform temperature monitoring. These processes might significantly help the treatment you undergo. Moreover, you can get the directions from your foot doctor Tarzana about how to keep your feet healthy.
Deciding on your future career/business is a very important decision.I do not believe it should be left in someone else's -anyone else's hands but yours. Yes, I know it is a monumental task deciding on how you are going to spend a good portion of your life. It can be confusing, frustrating and exasperating. And despite that, there is no one that knows you as well as you do. That doesn't mean you don't need help. Most people – myself included – have a hard time seeing ourselves as we truly are. You must know people who think they work well with others but the rest of the team is often irritated with this individual. Or perhaps you are familiar with that person who believes he is a leader because he gives orders to others but others can see that he lacks many leadership skills. A coach is there not to tell you what to do but to bring the best out of you. Psychometrics is a branch of psychology that measures and classifies different human traits and performances. It helps with understanding personality, motivation and how people think and learn best. There are achievement tests, skill aptitude tests, personality tests and career aptitude tests. Achievement tests like the MCAT and LSAT, are used to screen potential candidates for certain graduate programs. Skill aptitude tests (eg, Kolbe A® Index; Simmons Personal Survey) measure things such as numeracy, literacy, problem-solving skills and people's responses in different scenarios to determine their ability to work in a specific environment. They test attributes including reaction to conflict, interpersonal skills and ability to follow instructions. HR professionals often use these tests in the hiring process. They are also popular with entrepreneurs to evaluate what business they should start or focus on. Personality tests (eg, DISC; The Big Five factors) can be used to determine how well a potential candidate will fit into the culture of an organization as well as evaluating potential leadership traits. However they shouldn't determine your direction of in life. Career Interest Tests (eg, Holland's Codes; Strong Interest Inventory) are supposed to help individuals by using questions that tap into their experiences, talents and interests to create a composite profile, which is then matched to a type of job, work environment or field of study. However interests are not passions. None of these get to the person's deepest feelings, passions and life purpose, which I focus on in my program. In comparison , these tests scrape the surface of someone's true purpose in life. There are also several other problems with relying too heavily on psychometric tests to determine your career direction. One is that they are often not individualistic enough. Many of the answers on the test are compared to the database of norms in which the test was developed and tested. So your answers are directly affected by the people who were used to develop the test in the first place. The more your culture, background and/or behaviours differ significantly from the population that was used to create the test, the more the results will not be specifically related to you and the less useful the test will be. Another potential problem with these tests is that some individuals may give answers they think are what is expected or "the better ones" rather than being honest about their own abilities, interests and preferences. This is often subconsciously driven and the person taking the test may be totally unaware of this bias. When looking for your Dream business it needs to be emphasized that the best choice is the one that best matched your TRUE SELF. I have worked with people from the whole spectrum of industries and I have found the happiest and most fulfilled ones are the ones who understood their passions best. In effect, you should be comparing yourself with yourself (your past passions, interests, natural talents) and not with anyone else. A lot of these tests help people find out how they work best. That can apply to people who are very good and talented at many things. But it still does not answer the key question of what you are going to use your talents to do. For example, let's say you take a few tests and discover that you work best in small groups, you like to bounce ideas off of others before making a decision and you are show your enthusiasm with ease. In what area will you use those traits? Empowering women's groups in spiritual retreats? In starting a new clothing line that brings out people's personalities? Being a brand for a new nutritional magazine? That all depends on where your passions lie. I am not saying there is no point in psychometric tests. These tests are useful in measuring things like leadership traits, how well you work with others, job-related emotional stability, behavioral tendencies eg, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, dominance, influence and steadiness, to name a few. It can also be of benefit to a business when hiring. By comparing individual results to a baseline, candidates can be evaluated for job, team, and culture fit. Mike – disorganized, right-brained, likes to work in small groups, quirky and funny, enjoyed studying behaviours of people. Barbara – methodical, anxious, cautious, likes to work alone, moved deeply by social injustices, took a job for security while dabbling in making films in her off-time. Kurt – perfectionistic, calculating, left brained, likes to work in small groups and alone, confused, musical, has many interests, loves to explore and travel, interested in cultural history. that each had a passion for making films. Three people – all with very different personalities. A disservice would have been done if these differing personality traits and emotional and behavioural styles were used to guide them in different directions. They all wanted to make films but they wanted to make totally different kinds of films. Psychometric tests would have probably revealed that each has strong individual thinking tendencies and relatively more introverted than extroverted, but that would have created a long list of potential careers. Using my approach, each of these people were able to discover where their true passions lay – Mike loved humourous scripts, Barbara had a keen interest in exploring social injustices and Kurt had a driving passion to narrate historical events in a unique way. Their unique passion was the key to guiding their future. Film was the medium through which they chose to explore those passions. Like this? Then leave a comment below.
Pension strikes cripple Paris, more travel woes ahead Railway workers are pictured in the reflection of a train window as they gather for a union general assembly meeting at the Gare St-Charles station in Marseille, southern France, Monday, Dec. 9, 2019. Paris commuters inched to work Monday through exceptional traffic jams, as strikes to preserve retirement rights halted trains and subways for a fifth straight day. (AP Photo/Daniel Cole) NADINE ACHOUI-LESAGE and ANGELA CHARLTON PARIS (AP) — Paris commuters inched to work Monday through massive traffic jams as strikes against retirement plan changes halted trains and subways for a fifth straight day — with the prospect of a tougher day ahead. French President Emmanuel Macron girded for one of the toughest weeks of his presidency as his government prepares to present a redesign of the convoluted French pension system. Macron sees melding 42 different retirement plans into one as delivering a more equitable, financially sustainable system. Unions view the move as an attack on the French way of life even though Macron's government is not expected to change the current retirement age of 62. Citing safety risks, the SNCF national rail network warned travelers to stay home or use "alternative means of locomotion" Monday instead of thronging train platforms in hopes of getting one of the few available trains running. The national road authority reported more than 600 kilometers (360 miles) of traffic problems at morning rush hour around the Paris region — up from 150 kilometers (90 miles) on an average day. Paris police girded for a huge pension protest march on Tuesday, similar to the one last Thursday when more than 800,000 people across France took part. Fearing possible violence on its fringes, police warned they would mobilize significant resources immediately to stop violence. All restaurants and shops along the march route were ordered closed, police said. Air France, the national carrier, said more than 25% of its domestic traffic would be grounded Tuesday by the strike, along with more than 10% of its medium-haul flights. Long-haul trips were not to be affected. It said the French civil aviation authority had asked all airlines to cut back flights 20% on Tuesday at six airports, including Paris, Bordeaux and Marseille. Only about a sixth of French trains were running Monday and international train lines also saw disruptions. Activists also blocked bus depots around Paris. Gabriella Micuci from the Paris suburb of Le Bourget walked several kilometers (miles) in a cold rain Monday and then squeezed into a packed subway on one of the two automated Metro lines that don't need drivers. Other commuters used shared bikes or electric scooters. "I left home earlier than usual, I thought I was going to be able to catch an early train but not at all," Micuci told The Associated Press. "It's a real catastrophe, people are becoming even more violent, they are pushing you." Fortified by the biggest nationwide demonstrations in years when the strike launched last Thursday, unions plan new protests on Tuesday and hope to keep up the pressure on Macron's government to back down Macron summoned Prime Minister Edouard Philippe and other top officials Sunday night to strategize for a crucial week for his planned retirement reform. The prime minister will outline the government's plan on Wednesday, which is expected to encourage people to work longer. Currently some French workers can retire in their 50s. The pension changes are central to Macron's vision of transforming the French economy. Government ministers say the current system is unfair and financially unsustainable, while unions say the reform undercuts worker rights and will force people to work longer for less. Seeking to head off public anger, Macron asked veteran politician Jean-Paul Delevoyeto hold months of meetings with workers, employers and others to come up with pension recommendations. Delevoye said Monday the sessions would continue until early next year. Biden taps former deputy CIA director Cohen for spy agency again President-elect Joe Biden on Friday named former Deputy CIA Director David Cohen to reprise his role at the U.S. intelligence agency as he continued to fill out top roles for his administration. Cohen previously served as the deputy director for the Central Intelligence Agency from 2015 to 2017 under Democratic then-President Barack Obama, when Biden served as vice president. Cohen would serve under longtime U.S. diplomat William Burns, Biden's nominee for CIA director.
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"SEVENTEEN SHADES OF LOVE": After her divorce Julia was able to take everything under control and to move on. She became successful and happy. There is no place for romance in her life. But is it possible to live without love? "A HAPPY ENDING IN A BIG CITY": She travels from one city to another, meeting the same kind of men who always abandon her. She doesn't know that the true love is waiting for her far, far away. And more stories... They are nostalgic and dreamy but by no means they are fantasy or fairy tales. These romance stories center around ordinary people who are swept away by love and passion. It is all truth. Adventurous and glamorous things might happen to everyone. They happen to all of us although sometimes we just don't realize. Available on Amazon in Kindle and Paperback editions. Also on Audiobook (Russian edition only). ​Modern art is often scoffed at. There are many just don't get it - the unrestrained translation of mind in our visible space. The others have no way to prove they do. They are just smitten by the work, not necessarily because they agree with the objective but because they appreciate the artist's acknowledgement of a free flowing mind. I am the appreciator. Olga Toprover is the artist. Seventeen shades of love begins with a most oh-so-typical fantasy sequence from a woman who falls for a stranger at a gas station. It turns out to be a dream. What follows is a first drift of this artwork, as the girl who had been craving for some hormonal re-ignition in life gets upset when she finally finds it. For her, it signifies the loss of rare freedom she'd been enjoying from the traps of illogical love. The author's magic really only comes forth towards the end of that first chapter, with a trivial foam sticking out of a certain driver's seat making all the difference. The end result is amusement. And that effect is sustained throughout the rest of the book. Ms. Toprover spends the first two chapters acclimatising us to her work. She only starts to unfold it thereafter. So, what kind of art is it? It is vacuous swish of blue paint which changes shades as it runs in such a way that viewers are compelled to anticipate its transition to a new colour. But blue remains blue. All that changes is a realization that the elusive second colour was present throughout as the colour white in the background. As is described for one of the characters in the story - a little girl - the author paints not just the world as it is, but the emotions behind everything. Seventeen shades of love that we see through each little story in this book are all distinct in their settings. Yet, it is interesting how much they share in common. They are all narrations of protagonists - mostly women - battling a difficult memory, coming to terms with novel situations and beginnings, an unending fusion of what-ifs and why-nots, failed attempts at justifications, denial of an unflinching hope, and a silent, eternally insurmountable build-up of a mountain of emotions that evaporate in one moment of surprise. Love, as the author shows us, is just an approach we take to life. It is illogical, on the face of our social demeanour, and a reflection of who we actually are - which is perhaps why we can never transform it into words or thoughts with utter clarity. Personally, I find it sad. The author's acknowledgement of this condition as it is, without pretence or explanations, is precisely what is best about this book. The writing, translated into English, is without complications. That says a lot, for most of the story is a 1st person narrative of conflicting thoughts. This inevitably brings in a lot of abstracts - an essential ingredient. For instance, "Who said the sky over Canada is bluer? If that were the case she might have formed some slightly more intelligent thoughts." Olga Toprover reminds me of Woody Allen. Her Pièce De Résistance comes right in the end with short scripts of life in Calfiornia - poppable candies of momentary hullabaloo in the author's experiences of day-to-day life. Loved the one with a phone call to customer care. The thing with an artistic expression is that its interpretation is left to the observers. Consequently, I can only guess as to the author's primary incentive. To think of it, that itself may be one! So read this book to deduce your psyche in matters of love and people.
Shepard softball player Bridge McDermott, second from right, took part in the polar plunge at Leisure Lake in Joliet on Saturday, March 9, 2019. Bridget McDermott has never been colder in her life. "It felt like pins and needles were going through my body," said McDermott, a senior softball player at Shepard. Sherman Dixon had icicles form on the tips of his hair. "It was freezing cold," said Dixon, a senior wrestler for the Astros. McDermott and Dixon, however, would subject themselves again to the frigid waters and bitter temperatures if given the chance. The two student-athletes were part of 36 mentors from 14 varsity sports teams in Shepard's Power PE program who participated in a polar plunge on March 9 at Leisure Lake in Joliet. The goal was to raise $15,000 for Special Olympics Illinois. The 36 mentors and 15 Shepard staff members exceeded that goal by hundreds of dollars. It was McDermott's second time taking the plunge as part of the Power PE program. This year, however, was a different experience, thanks to Mother Nature. Except McDermott and the rest of the participants could literally see their breath. This wasn't fun in the sun. Shepard wrestler Sherman Dixon, far left, chose to go shirtless while participating in the polar plunge at Leisure Lake in Joliet on Saturday, March 9, 2019. So would Dixon, who finished in fourth place in the state this season in Class 3A at 170 pounds. He actually removed his shirt and dove head first into the chilly water. Raising money is only one of the benefits of the Power (Physical Opportunities With Exceptional Rewards) PE program, which gives general students like McDermott and Dixon the opportunity to serve as mentors for school's special education students in a physical education setting. The mentors are responsible for modifying activities based on the physical and behavioral needs of their buddies and making sure all students are included and active. Mentors also help organize events such as movie night and respect week and assist practices and games for Shepard's three Special Olympics teams — unified soccer, basketball and track and field. Special education teacher Ashley Lythberg and physical education teacher Scott Richardson teach the Power PE class. Being a mentor has had such a profound impact on McDermott that she plans on becoming a special education teacher. She will attend St. Francis and play softball. "When I was a freshman, I was watching one of the (Special Olympic) basketball games at the school," she said. "I knew right then I wanted to be a part of the (Power PE) program.
Aircraft maintenance company MESA has started construction of its new hangar project at Beja Airport, Portugal. The work, which has already begun, is expected to last around 18-months, with the start of hangar activity scheduled to begin in the fourth quarter of 2020. Mesa, which is part of the Hi Fly Group, expects to invest €30million in the project, which will create about 150 jobs in its first three years of activity. The project, spread over an area of 9,500 square meters, includes the construction of the hangar and workshops. A technical centre with capacity for large aircraft will also be built on the site. Paulo Mirpuri, Hi Fly and MESA's President, said: "Things have been going well in Beja and the work is progressing on the new Mesa hangar. It's a big project for the Group and we're looking forward to welcoming our fleet to this fantastic facility when it is complete." The new hangar will be used by Hi Fly for line/base maintenance of its Airbus fleet. Mesa will also provide maintenance service contracts to other airlines operating the same Airbus models as Hi Fly, as the Airbus A319, A320, A321, A330, A340, and A380s.
House Ear Institute's mission includes the advancement of global hearing health. In the less populated parts of California, as well as worldwide, there are few providers of services for pediatric audiology, speech pathology, and establishing timely follow-up services for newborn hearing screening can be difficult. EarKids (SM) is House Ear Institute's Global Health program for advancing the care of children with hearing loss worldwide. House Ear Institute partners with public health professionals, audiologists, speech pathologists, and researchers at several institutions in Southern California and abroad to identify and intervene for children who lack of appropriate resources for their hearing loss. Projects include determining the scope of the problem, Identifying gaps in recent and resource provision, and training parents of children with hearing loss in the appropriate use of hearing aids, cochlear implants, and other auditory devices used to treat hearing loss. By studying patient groups in California and in countries such as Paraguay, we hope to be able to determine the best way to provide adequate resources for intervention for children in rural areas. Teleservices and appropriate tablet and computer-based training applications will allow for expanded services and leverage technology to reach more children. EarKids is a Service Mark (SM) of House Ear Institute.
This policy, and the Privacy Act, does not apply to employee records held by VISIPLAS™. Information we collect as to activity on our internet ordering system through the use of 'cookies' does not identify an individual. This information is only used to validate access to the web store. Personal information is used by VISIPLAS™ for its legitimate business purposes, as disclosed at the time of collection. It is also used for ancillary purposes such as locating and identifying you and for servicing our relationship with you. As with most business organisations, VISIPLAS™ relies on third party suppliers (agents) to conduct specialised activities such as mail-outs and the dispatch of Internet messages. These agents act on behalf of VISIPLAS™ and do not facilitate their own commercial agendas whilst processing your personal information. While personal information may be provided to these agents to enable them to perform their agreed tasks, such information remains the property of VISIPLAS™ at all times and the agent organisations involved may not use or disclose it for their own purposes. VISIPLAS™ is committed to keeping secure the data you provide us and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from loss, misuse or unauthorised access or alteration. We destroy personal information when it is no longer required by us. We acknowledge and respect an individual's choice to opt- out of VISIPLAS™'s direct marketing communications activities. Should you decide you do not wish to receive marketing or promotional materials from VISIPLAS™ please contact us in writing (via email, fax or letter), being sure to include your name, address and contact details(s), or as directed in any particular promotional material you may receive. VISIPLAS™ may make changes to this Privacy Statement from time to time for any reason. We will publish those changes on our web site. This Privacy Statement was last amended on 1st February 2017.
Born in Athens, worked in Athens, USA & Brussels. English Literature at American University in Athens. Graduate Courses: Communication, History of Art & Marketing, Public Speaking, Sociology at Indiana University, USA. Public Relation Consultant for the Maria Callas Foundation in Athens. President since 2000, for Greece and Cyprus for "Generation Europe Foundation" based in Brussels, operating in 27 countries, since 1995, under the Auspices of the European Commission. Aims at providing European awareness to Youth. Its main activities are: Publication of the "Book of the Youth of Europe", with additional subjects as Health, Environment, Human Rights, Employment etc. Pan -European Debates & Conferences at the European Parliament in Brussels. In 1987 founded "Advance Communication" Public Relation company, until 2012. In 2004 founded "Art & Culture a.k.a. Ltd" until today. • President of the NGO "the Friends of Care", for the NGO "CARE", supporting the refugee for abused mothers & children. • Manager of events, international relations, press & communication for "Care". • Member of "Elpida" Foundation, supporting children with cancer and children's hospitals. • Member of "Kaleipatira" Association, which promotes the values of Athletics & Fair Play, supporting also NGO's in need. • Member of "Crea-aid" Foundation which aims at supporting NGO's through creations and creative events.
It star Bill Skarsgard heads to Castle Rock July 10, 2017 by Gary Collinson Leave a Comment Bill Skarsgard is set to follow his upcoming turn as Pennywise in It with another Stephen King project, with the actor signing on to appear as a series regular in Castle Rock. The anthology series from Hulu and Bad Robot is described as "a psychological-horror drama set in the Stephen King multiverse that combines the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King's best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland." Variety reports that Skarsgard is set to play "a young man with an unusual legal problem". He joins a cast that so far includes Melanie Lynskey (Togetherness), Andre Holland (Moonlight), Jane Levy (Don't Breathe) and Sissy Spacek (Carrie). Castle Rock is set to begin production in August and is slated to hit Hulu in 2018. Skarsgard meanwhile will be seen as Pennywise the Clown in It, which opens on September 8th. Filed Under: Gary Collinson, Movies, News Tagged With: Bill Skarsgård, Castle Rock
Ahoy maties! It's that time of year again to clip on an eye patch and get your parrot and cutlass out of storage – Pirates Week has arrived. The next 10 days will be filled with pirates, pyrotechnics and parades. Organizers have a full 10 days of events, kicking off Thursday, Nov. 10, with the annual Pan in de City steel pan competition at the George Town waterfront and the official kick-off party at The Wharf. The next 10 days will be filled with pirates, pyrotechnics and parades. The annual Heritage Day celebrations will be held across the districts through next week. Police said there will be a number of road closures, mainly on and around the waterfront, this week and through the weekend. Drivers are advised to avoid the waterfront. On Friday, the big event will be the Miss Festival Queen Competition along Harbour Drive, starting at 7:15, followed by fireworks starting around 8:30. A street dance along the waterfront is scheduled to go until 2 a.m. Mona Lisa Meade, with the organizing committee, said the Festival Queen contest is open to young women ages 16 and up. "Each district elects a young lady as its representative and everyone works to together to design a costume," she said in an email. "This year's Pirates Week Festival theme is 'Age of Romance' and costumes will be judged on their design as it relates to that theme. Other areas of adjudication include authenticity, stage presentation, use of Caymanian products and design detail," she said. The winner will lead Friday's parade and win $500. The battle, and its forgone conclusion, starts on Saturday with the invasion of the pirates and the inevitable capture of the governor. The waterfront party on Saturday is expected to kick off at 2 p.m. and keep going until midnight. The 36th annual Pirates Week 5K open water swim is set for 7 a.m. Monday at Governors Beach. Cayman Islands Amateur Swimming Association president Michael Lockwood said the long-distance swim is a challenging event, but will have some notable swimmers. "We are delighted that Emily Brunemann and Sean Ryan, open water swimmers who have been on the U.S. National Open Water Team since 2008, will be here for the 5K," he said. For the full schedule of events, see www.piratesweekfestival.com.
Posts Tagged 'Iceland' Medieval Iceland by Jesse L. Byock book review Posted in economics, etymology, history, literature, politics, tagged history, Iceland, norse, Norway, property tax, sagas on September 25, 2008| Leave a Comment » Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas, and Power by Jesse L. Byock Written in a reader-friendly research paper style, this nonfiction book invited me into the few hundred years of the colonization, formation, and decline of Iceland as a free state. Several chapters into the book I realized that this little island's short-lived government had warranted a mention in my world history textbook in high school. You too may recognize the word Althing, the Icelandic parliament. By far my favorite part of this book was the way in which the author introduced and incorporated native words (closely related to Old Norse). To my surprise and delight, I found I could recognize many of these words as sharing roots with some strong English words. Take Althing. Thing originally meant gathering, and was heavily employed in Iceland to refer to their deliberative gatherings, that which was discussed at the gatherings, etc. The prefix is exactly what you would expect from the sound of it: All. The Althing was different from a general thing because it was the one gathering annually in which citizens from the entire country gathered to hold high court, to address pressing national issues, and to have a marvelous feast and market. Second favorite was the references to the sagas, and the summaries/explanations of their plots. Once I picked up a book thicker than the Bible at our local library because it had an interesting title, The Sagas of the Icelanders, and a Viking ship on the front. After reading an enjoyable first half of the book I took it back, just overwhelmed by the amount of literature contained. As Jesse L. Byock took me through the history of Iceland, referencing the sagas, I began to vaguely recollect the stories. I've heard that name before. Yes, I remember something like that happening in the sagas. I didn't know that's what was going on in that saga! Finally I was fascinated to get a feel for the culture of early Iceland. Though the author seems to believe that they were a stable, upright society, I beg to differ. Though they balanced their government: freedom and power, friendship and dependency; their legal system was built on feuding, which often included the death of men in the territory of the offensive leader, or family members of a person. False charges could be made and prosecuted, essentially stealing a person's property just by suing him. If one of the primary feuders was killed in the disagreement, his close kin often took up the feud in his honor, or in vengeance. Sometimes this was the only way to defend their inheritance. The society was certainly a might makes right struggle for limited resources and carefully guarded (and uncentralized) power. There was also a reference to exposing infants, which is murder of the most helpless. When the country converted to Christianity, one of the compromises which made that a peaceful transfer was that citizens were allowed to continue to eat horse and also to commit infanticide. I did notice similarities between Iceland's culture and northern Scotland's before the 19th century. Though not necessarily bound by blood, or even bound for life and generations as in Scotland, clans had similar responsibilities to and expectations of their chieftains. The Scottish people are famous for their tartan weaves, and woven cloth was actually used as a form of currency in Iceland (a country filled with farmsteads and cottage industry). Perhaps the climate and ancestral/invader influences were the same in Scotland and Iceland. In Medieval Iceland the scholarly author intends to put forward his theories about the transfer and acquisition of wealth in Iceland. He focuses heavily on politics, a hugely interesting perspective in that field. For example the Icelander's realized (coming out of a feudal Europe) that if a government/king/chieftain could tax your property, you no longer owned the property. They had a strong libertarian democracy, but with a bend to settle things. The government in Iceland was entirely legislative and judicial, leaving enforcement to the individuals and the strong local governments. Why did this system of government fail? Why is it not in use today? What can we learn from Iceland for our own situation in America today? Iceland is the first country whose origins were observed in history-writing times. Initially the country offered land free for the taking (sometimes taking was in the sense of theft), and the small population was content to be the rugged pioneers of a relatively hostile land. As the population grew and resources were expended, the competition became more and more fierce. Eventually the Althing voted to quench the trampling aspirations of the developing aristocracy by returning themselves to the jurisdiction of Norway (whose government had at this point several centuries after the initial immigration, mellowed). The world was on the verge of transformation: protestant reformation, the printing press, the democratic revolutions (including the founding of America) would all appear in the next several centuries. Books Read in 2008 – Updated Posted in Bible, ecclesiology, family, history, Jane Austen, life, literature, philosophy, politics, tagged A Walk with Jane Austen, America, anarchists, anarchy, Ann Coulter, beginning, Bible, Billy Graham, biography, Brave New Family, Calvinists, church, Cold War, Collin Hansen, Dan Betzer, Dead Heat, Democratic Party, democrats, denominations, ekklesia, Elizabeth George Speare, England, fairy tales, faith, family, feelings, Frederica Vernon, Genesis, GK Chesterton, Godcast, Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World, house church, Iceland, Jane Austen, Jesus, Joanna Weaver, Joel Rosenberg, Lady Susan, liberals, Lori Smith, Mark, McCarthyism, Medieval Iceland, Michael Crichton, Napoleon of Notting Hill, New England, New Testament, New Testament Restoration Felloship, North Korea, pain, Persuasion, Puritan, rebellion, Regina Doman, Reginald de Courcy, relationships, sovereignty, Sphere, Steve Atkerson, The Man Who Was Thursday, The Midnight Dancers, The Preacher and the Presidents, The Shack, The Witch of Blackbird Pond, theology, tragedy, Treason, Trinity, Vietnam, War on Terrorism, William Young, Young Restless and Reformed on September 17, 2008| Leave a Comment » Persuasion by Jane Austen (ok, so I re-read it, but loved it more the third time. The tale of a good, intelligent woman on the verge of being forever an "old maid," whose family ignores her but whom she helps all the same. There is a handsome man she loved before he was rich, and so turned down at the influence of her family and friends, and very much regrets. He comes back into her life and suddenly everyone realizes Anne Elliot is the girl they want to marry. I underlined every word that illustrated persuasion, steadfastness, or persuad-ability. There are a lot.) The Preacher and the Presidents by Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy (a modern history book looking at leadership, politics, and big decisions as associated with Billy Graham.) A Walk With Jane Austen by Lori Smith (Single Christian girl in early thirties goes to England to trace Jane Austen's life. She dreams of love, finds something special, and goes on to share her very human, very female thoughts about life, love, and God – often borrowing words from Jane Austen herself.) The Witch of Blackbird Pond by Elizabeth George Speare: I'd say the book is about making choices, and the freedom that comes from doing the right thing even when you don't understand what's going on. And it has to do with contentment and waiting and hard work. I see my friend, who recommended the book, in the pages. It's the kind of thing she would like and live – and the kind of thing I would like and try to live. Kit grew up in the free, warm Atlantic equatorial islands. When her grandfather, who raised her, died, she decided to move in with her penpal aunt in New England. The Puritan atmosphere doesn't quite suit Kit, who looks for friends who share her sense of freedom. Life doesn't turn out quite how she imagines (through failure of imagination of consequences), but she means well. Her influence gently softens the community, but eventually she is still tried as a witch. I recently read GK Chesterton's first novel, Napoleon of Notting Hill. It was a quick read, interesting and fast-paced. It follows the life and career of the most unique humorist of England, one Auberon Quin, who was elected by lottery the king of England according to the consummate democracy of his fictional future government. Auberon enjoys making people confounded and annoyed, by being himself completely ridiculous. I have a feeling that this would be an even less popular course in England than in America. Young, Restless, and Reformed by Collin Hansen took a tour of the country to find out about this multi-rooted movement of 'young Calvinists.' He did a great job of filling pages with information about theology, denominations, organizations, authors, and what's so exciting to us about God's sovereignty. Grace, a consistent description of the world, a God worth worshiping – we have lots of answers, lots of paths that are bringing us to become part of the revival of Calvinism in the West. Why is God doing this? We wait to see. Brave New Family by GK Chesterton is a compilation of many essays written about the Home and Family, about relationships between men and women and children. It is excellent, but I read it so long ago that I can't remember all that much about it. The Man who was Thursday by GK Chesterton is a sort of allegorical tale about sovereignty and the war of the anarchists. It is filled with character sketches. The full impact of this book did not hit me until after I had read it and proceeded with life, when I began to encounter ideas and people frighteningly similar to those in this book. I think Chesterton based some of them off real people whom he had met as well. Hang in there for the end of the book. It will blow your mind. Ekklesia, edited and compiled by Steve Atkerson of the New Testament Reformation Fellowship, is an exposition of the New Testament's descriptions of and instructions for the Church. Apart from the business model, consumer structure of traditional church meetings, the authors argue from the Bible for a more personal and interactive gathering in homes. There was very little in this book with which I could disagree. Not only was it informational, reading Ekklesia was also challenging and encouraging. The theology and exposition is spot on, well supported with biblical references. In an age when God is working in many hearts to produce a desire to engage in community and God-powered ministry, this is a good book for direction. An added bonus is that NTRF has not copyrighted Ekklesia, encouraging you to distribute portions to your friends or quote it in publications. The Shack, by William Young, is a novel of a man dealing with the tragic death of his daughter and his feelings about God. He ends up spending a weekend with God, dealing with classic issues of the problem of pain and our acceptance of God's goodness despite what we feel. God is incarnate in three persons, with whom he has many vivid interactions and conversations. At the end of the story, he is left with more peace about God and the life he has experienced, but still does not have answers about what God expects of him. The story is written in a way that tempts you to believe it is based on a true history. At the end when I read the "making of" that told me it was only fiction, I was much relieved. There is enough truth in the philosophy and theology that I could not believe the book represented demonic activity (producing the supernatural things described). But there were also enough problematic elements (God as a girl wearing blue jeans) that I could not believe the events were truly from God. Realizing that the author used fiction to introduce his own thoughts on theology must allow for him to be mistaken yet in some areas. Most concerning are the indications that God would not send any of His creations to hell, because He loves 'all His children' – with an unbiblical definition of God's children. The semi-gnostic tendencies and references, including a conference with Sophia, the goddess of wisdom, provide insight into the background of Mr. Young. The book is not keen on the Bible or church, either. For a best seller, this book is a quick read and an interesting visit to theology. But God gave us the Bible as His personal revelation; don't substitute anything for it. The Midnight Dancers is Regina Doman's fourth fairy tale novel. I don't know whether she was a rebel herself or consulted heavily with people who had been there, but all of her observations on motive and inner conflict resonated well with my observations, and actually explained things. Her main character is very human, torn between desires to be responsible and to be appreciated as an adult, between her love of freedom and her love of people. Midnight Dancers also shows the slippery slope of sacrificing even a little bit of discernment while justifying your freedom and pleasure. Like all of Mrs. Doman's books, I was entranced. However this edition, similar to Waking Rose, got pretty graphic and even too intense for my spirit to remain healthy. I skipped a few pages near the end. Fairy tales are fairly predictable in their endings, and this is no surprise. They all lived happily ever after. Mark is a book that transports me immediately back in history. Full of action with little explanation, it is a biography of acts more than teachings, of impact rather than influences. Beginning with a scene straight from a screenplay, of a voice crying in the wilderness, climaxing with the compassionate passion of a good Man suffering in the place of others, and closing with a simple instruction to pass the story on, Mark is a book for the ages. Even though Jesus is the main character, the other characters are just as active and many are vivid personalities. Mark himself may even make a cameo in a humble role at Gethsemane. First to last this gospel is glorious. It never ceases to amaze me how many facts are tucked into Genesis. Details of the lives and failings of men who lived so long ago surprise me with their human reality. Places and people, kings and battles, ancestries and inventions cover the pages. Of course Genesis begins with creation, establishing the understanding of matter, time, energy, life, marriage, science, music, farming, boats, rain, rainbows, government, justice, worship, sacrifice, truth, possession, family, and judgment. The generations are also sprinkled with hints of redemption and unwarranted preservation and forgiveness, of the second man supplanting the first. Read in light of the New Testament's references to this first book, Genesis is remarkably alive with parables and theology. My favorite part in this reading was the theme of changed lives. Treason by Ann Coulter is a history book with a strong political bent. She documents how the Democratic Party is always cheering for and or supporting America's enemies. In the very least they have a record of opposing any efforts Americans make to defend themselves against enemies. She describes the myth of McCarthyism, pointing out that all those people whose lives McCarthy's trials (and just his influence) supposedly ruined were either open Communists or eventually found out to be Communists. And most of them enjoyed long, pleasant lives (not getting everything their way, but who does?). McCarthy, on the other hand, died young, at age 48. But Ann Coulter doesn't stop with the post World War II McCarthy. She goes on to discuss Vietnam, the Cold War, North Korea, and the War on Terrorism. History is dirty, and she both addresses some mature issues and references them to make jibes. But I appreciate the excessive documentation of the habit of Democrats to stand up on the side most opposed to America's interests. They used to call such blatant and effective acts "treason." Medieval Iceland: Society, Sagas and Power by Jesse L. Byock (see full review) Sphere by Michael Crichton (see full review) Alien Intrusion by Gary Bates (see full review) Godcast: Transforming Encounters with God; Bylines by Media Journalist and Pastor Dan Betzer (see full review) Lady Susan by Jane Austen (To balance the post-election doldrums this week, I read Lady Susan, a complete short novel written by Jane Austen, the last on my list of her works to read. Consisting entirely of letters except for the last two or three pages (which summarizes both why the story could not be continued in letters and the fates of all the main characters). For my part I wish that the story had been developed more. I want to know the young Miss Frederica, and the smart Mr. Reginald de Courcy. Perhaps the value is in the art by which Miss Austen communicates so much leaving almost the whole unsaid. One feels that there is a whole story and world of events that Jane Austen knew but wouldn't share because she didn't have to. The worldview of the widow Lady Susan is summed up in her words from Letter 16, "Consideration and esteem as surely follow command of language, as admiration waits on beauty." She is a scandalous flirt and insufferable liar, scheming throughout the novel to acquire pleasure, money, and importance at the expense of all her relations, friends, and even her daughter. Jane Austen tends to end with her villains unpunished. They don't go to prison, or suffer a life-long illness or poverty or death. The world may scorn them, but generally they never cared what the world thought. We the good readers may pity the partners with whom they finish the tales, but the villains themselves will not wallow, we think, in self-pity for long, rather getting something for which they have always aimed. Lady Susan is a novel where, with the concise style, these patterns are readily exposed. Read Lady Susan. It's a light, funny story with a background romance. Characters are typically Jane Austen even if we see little of them. And the style makes a good template for understanding the rest of Jane Austen's beloved books.) Dead Heat by Joel Rosenberg (see full review) Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver (There wasn't a lot of new Christian stuff in this book, but it was a good read and some challenging reminders. This book covers topics ranging from worry to service to worship to personal devotions. I love how the book draws everything together into the One Thing conclusion. Joanna invites you to join her journey of seeking a Mary Heart in a Martha World.)
Wave of Innovation Occurs in the Fight Against COVID-19 From left: Vannessa Davis and Samuel Bates support the MGB Center for COVID Innovation's Diagnostic Accelerator. With expertise that spans basic, translational and clinical research, Brigham clinicians and investigators have been working tirelessly to address the most urgent needs related to the COVID-19 pandemic. To help reduce the spread of COVID-19, the Brigham shut down most of its physical research labs from March through the beginning of June. But even during the shutdown, many labs continued their work remotely and new efforts began to better understand the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), and the nature of the pandemic itself, in order to develop treatment strategies against them. "In mid-March, hundreds of Brigham investigators and laboratory staff quickly pivoted to contribute to COVID-19 research and addressing COVID-related problems," said Jacqueline Slavik, PhD, MSc, executive director of the Brigham Research Institute (BRI). "Within days, Brigham investigators were launching clinical trials, developing safer testing procedures and solving problems around personal protective equipment (PPE) shortages." Throughout the pandemic, Brigham investigators continued to pursue and receive funding for COVID-19 research — including clinical studies for a variety of potential therapies — through government and industry grants. "Thanks to incredible ingenuity, a strong foundation and a breadth of core resources, our research community remains remarkably successful at putting forward award-winning research proposals and conducting first-class research," said Paul Anderson, MD, PhD, chief academic officer and senior vice president of Research and Education. "As our research enterprise ramps up, these awards will become more important than ever, not only for individual research labs but also for the larger world as we continue to combat this pandemic." A Wave of New Solutions for COVID-19 Anesthesiologist Greg Crosby wears a 3D-printed face shield. Photo credit: Jim Rathmell, MD Clinicians and researchers from the Brigham have come together with colleagues from around the world to produce a wave of innovative solutions faster than ever before. Some of the Brigham's advances in the fight against COVID-19 include: Developing an innovative testing strategy to conserve PPE: A Brigham team developed the Brigham Protective Equipment for Clinical Test Environment and Diagnostics (B-PROTECTED) booth to preserve PPE and protect clinicians from COVID-19. Creating in-house COVID-19 testing with results available within 24 hours: Brigham investigators implemented a rapid in-house test for COVID-19 patients who've been admitted to the Brigham but don't yet have a definitive diagnosis. Designing new face shields to protect health care workers from infection: A team of clinicians at the Brigham worked with academic and industry partners to design and develop a new 3D-printed face shield that offers a number of advantages over traditional shields. Developing new protective materials: The lab of Jeff Karp, PhD,is working on an extended-duration sanitizer and a nasal spray to form a shield that protects against inhaled pathogens and viruses. Investigating a safer way to split ventilators: Pulmonary physicians and biomedical engineers have been working together to develop a system that can be built from off-the-shelf components to allow for patient-specific volume and pressure control when using a single ventilator for more than one patient. Using sewage to map an outbreak: Physician-investigators Peter Chai, MD, and Tim Erickson, MD, both of the Division of Medical Toxicology, are working with collaborators to develop technology and a plan for sampling sewage in North Carolina and Boston. These samples may provide important clues about the presence or absence of SARS-CoV-2 over time. Investigating connections during social distancing: The lab of Amar Dhand, MD, DPhil, of the Department of Neurology, is researching the connections between individuals and their social networks. The team is learning firsthand how to stay connected during the time of social distancing. Developing a universal coronavirus vaccine: The lab of Thomas Kupper, MD, chair of the Department of Dermatology, is investigating a vaccine that may protect against COVID-19 along with past, current and future strains of coronavirus. Shriya Srinivasan and colleagues are working on a safer way to split ventilators "It's inspiring to see how highly collaborative the Brigham research community has been during this crisis," said Slavik. "Our research efforts have involved countless individuals from many academic institutions, the technology sector, industry and private companies — all of whom are working towards the common goal of mitigating COVID-19." Clinical Studies to Understand, Treat and Prevent COVID-19 To better understand COVID-19 and the virus that causes it, investigators are working on a range of studies and trials. These include: Remdesivir clinical trials: The Brigham is a clinical trial site for evaluating the antiviral medication remdesivir in patients with COVID-19. Learning from patients who've recovered from COVID-19: The lab of Duane Wesemann, MD, PhD, of the Division of Immunology and Allergy, is testing blood samples from people who've recovered from infection. These samples will help the team learn more about rates of exposure, the types of antibodies an infection elicits and the degree of immunity recovered patients have against re-infection. "The Brigham has also created a COVID-19 biorepository to collect an array of biospecimens from patients who are or have been COVID-positive," said Allison Moriarty, MPH, vice president of Research Administration and Compliance. "We believe this biorepository will be a key tool in helping us learn how to detect, treat and prevent COVID-19 in the future." A New Center for COVID Innovation To rapidly develop new innovations and protect frontline staff across the Mass General Brigham (MGB) community and beyond, colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and the Brigham research community launched the Mass General Brigham Center for COVID Innovation (MGBCCI) in March. "The mission of the MGB Center for COVID Innovation is to organize and consolidate the rapid investigation and clinical deployment of devices, diagnostics, data, analytics and the therapeutics that MGH and the Brigham is generating to combat the COVID-19 crisis," center co-director said David Walt, PhD, a medical diagnostics researcher at the Brigham and Harvard University's Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering. Investigators at the MGBCCI directly responded to, and continue to address, the most pressing needs that face health care workers — prototyping and testing new PPE, patient isolation hoods, alternative versions of respirators, face masks, face shields and nasal swabs. Working groups within the MGBCCI have already identified and developed several new devices. They're exploring other potential solutions for problems related to the pandemic. These efforts include: Improving surgical mask design: The surgical masks group identified design inputs and criteria that are being applied to the design of an "ideal" surgical mask to improve upon the current design. Reusing ventilators: The ventilators team is investigating the potential disinfection and reuse of HME/HEPA ventilator filters. They're also working with software engineers to build a remote monitoring and alarm system for ventilators. Replacing N95 respirators with novel devices: The N95 respirators team is exploring novel ideas for devices that could replace N95 respirators that aren't dependent on the filtration media supply chain. They also developed a way to repair 50,000 defective N95 respirators with New Balance. "We're also working to identify a direct-to-consumer diagnostic test that could be used at home. When implemented, people can quarantine themselves if they are positive for COVID-19," said Walt. "These tests could help stem flare-ups of COVID-19 cases that will invariably happen when people return to work and reintegrate into society."
Once again I am extremely grateful to previous guests for their kind reviews and am very happy to receive my Booking.com 2017 reviews award. It is gratifying to see that it has gone higher than the previous year to 9.6 and it gives me pleasure to see that visitors have really enjoyed their stay in Chez Mimi. Wandering around the garden yesterday after a period of high winds and rain I was delighted to see the lovely signs of spring beginning to appear. Within a few days spots of colour are starting to show. There is a little group of purple crocuses or should I say croci appearing in my flowerbed that I redesigned last year. I was a little concerned that I may have lost some during the changes however, they are proving to be strong little plants. Other leaves are starting to shoot and I look forward to seeing what appears. I am happy to see that my honesty plants seem to have survived since they were planted from seed last season. At least I hope that is what they are! They were included in a lovely gift that involved my getting to see the Chelsea Flower Show (see a previous blog) last year. As I write this I can see a myriad of different birds visiting the bird feeders. They are very greedy and the dough balls especially seem to last less than two days. It is not easy to find shelled peanuts here in France and as it is quite a task to sit and open them they become a rarer treat. The hens are scratching around in the new bark chippings that were purchased a few days ago and seem to have found favour with them. Bookings are starting to come in for this season with some reservations for July and August already. The early birds have already bagged the period for the Tour de France, which is passing so close to us this year starting at the beautiful island of Noirmoutier and then travelling even nearer to Chez Mimi. All in all looks like the beginning of another busy year. Looking at information received from the tourist information offices in both Vendee and Loire Atlantique there are plenty of exciting things to do and see. I am determined to get back to the Jardin des Plantes in Nantes and have just been reading about a Japanese inspired park - Ile de Versailles - so that is on my itinerary too! There is always somewhere new to visit and favourite places to revisit.
British grocery chain Waitrose has been forced to apologise after customers complained it was selling "racist" Easter eggs. The confectionary in question came in the form of three chocolate ducks, including a milk chocolate one called "Crispy", a white chocolate one called "Fluffy", and a dark chocolate version called "Ugly". However, customers have taken to social media to express their dismay of dark being associated with ugliness. However, not everyone was quick to jump on the racism bandwagon, arguing the duck's name comes from Hans Christian Anderson's famous children's fable The Ugly Ducking. While others simply thought the whole thing was a pointless beat-up. For its part, Waitrose recalled the product and had it repackaged before returning it to shelves. A spokesperson added: "We are very sorry for any upset caused by the name of this product, it was absolutely not our intention to cause any offence.
Ranveer Singh to Live With Kapil Dev at His Delhi House For 10 Days Before Kabir Khan's '83 Goes on Floors Ranveer Singh has decided to adopt the mannerisms and lifestyle of Kapil Dev for his role in Kabir Khan's '83. Therefore, he is going to live with the cricketer at his Delhi house. Ranveer Singh and Kapil Dev (Photo Courtesy: Instagram/ @ranveersingh) Actor Ranveer Singh is known to extend his efforts while preparing for his role in films. Before he begins shooting his next film – Kabir Khan's '83, the actor has decided to go deeper into the skin of his character. Ranveer will be living with legendary cricketer Kapil Dev at his house in Delhi for 10 days before he hops on to the sets in Mumbai and kick-starts shooting of the film. The actor plays the role of former Indian skipper in the film and he is keen to completely adopt the mannerisms and lifestyle of the cricketer for his on-screen portrayal. Therefore, he and his team have designed a strategy so that he can take the most of this opportunity and reflects a mirror image of Kapil Dev in his film. A report in DNA revealed the news and also quoted Ranveer mentioning he is very excited to spend some days with the cricketer at his place. He lived with Kapil in Dharamshala for two days while the latter taught him some lessons of cricket including how to perfect the technique of Natraj shot. Ranveer was quoted by the daily saying, "I'm looking forward to spending more time with Kapil sir. He is kind, generous, warm and funny. I had a memorable two days with him in Dharamshala. I'm going to spend more time with him in Delhi to learn more about him." The actor added that it's the first kind of experience for him considering he never went on to the extent of living with someone as part of his homework for a role. He said, "It's a first-of-its-kind exercise in my acting process where I'll be studying the man himself in the flesh for my onscreen portrayal of him. I'm thrilled to have this opportunity to learn about life from a true legend." While preparing for his character in Padmaavat, Ranveer reportedly locked himself in a room for three months. As revealed by his team to the media, the actor completely shut himself from the outside world for three months and was only available for his parents on phone in the weekend. He also started living in the dark and watching crimes of tyrants. While living with someone he is playing on-screen might be new for Ranveer, it's quite a trend these days. Actors today leave no stone unturned in preparing for their characters and that's the reason even Ranbir Kapoor put in a lot of hardwork while stepping into the shoes of actor Sanjay Dutt during Sanju. Ranbir lived with Baba for a few days to polish his stance as he played the reel-life Sanjay Dutt in the Rajkumar Hirani film. '83Kapil DevRanveer Singh
(a) Reference time refers to reporting points in a 2-hour wide time zone band around the local time where a crew member is acclimatised. (b) Example: A crew member is acclimatised to the local time in Helsinki and reports for duty in London. The reference time is the local time in London. If i'm acclimatised to Cologne/Bonn time, i fly to Bucharest. Full rest, then report for flight back to Cologne/Bonn. If I use Cologne Time which is within 2 time zones, departing at 1820 Cologne LT, 1920 Bucarest time, what is my max extended FDP for 2 sectors? 11h20 or no extension allowed in table? Why would you talk about 2 time zones if i have to use local time at reporting point anyway? Something must be wrong in the wording of the definition! Since the crew member has remained in a timezone band +/- 2 hours, the crew member is in an acclimated state. Whenever a crewmember is is an acclimated state, the reference time is the time of report. The basic FDP limits from table 2 are applied using reference time (1920 Bucarest time). For two sectors, the basic limit is 11:00 (just a note the same value would come if you used 1820 Cologne LT). The basic limit may be extended under ORO.FTL.205 (d) scheduled extensions without inflight rest. Under this provision the scheduled FDP may have a scheduled extension of 1:00, in your case to 12:00. You must meet the conditions under sub sections (1)(i) or (1)(ii), as well as sub sections (2) (3) (4) and (5). Further the Commander may extend the FDP beyond the basic limitations by up to 2:00 un-augmented as provided in ORO.FTL.205.(f). In your case the basic FDP may be extended to 13:00. In short before takeoff, unless the FDP has been extended under 205(f) or 205(d), the fdp should end no later than 04:50 Cologne time. Under 205(d) the FDP should no later than 05:50 Cologne time, and finally under 205(f) the FDP should end no later than 07:50 Cologne time. The two hour with time zone band is for determination as to whether a crew needs to undergo acclimatisation. When a crew member exits the two hour wide band, the acclimatization state is determined using table 1, ORO.FTL.105(1). I hope this helps you in understanding the regulations. As I have stated many times, I am not with the EASA or any regulatory agency, nor am I with any airline, so my opinions may differ and/or may be incomplete.
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Across The Leagues Ben Martin, Wednesday, July 6th, 2011. Comments offContact the author Swan veteran racks up 250 games Luke Riches, centre, played his 250th game with Alvie at the weekend. He is pictured with his daughter Lulu and son Alfie. ALVIE midfielders Liam McGuane and Danny Allan were just out of prams when team-mate Luke Riches made his senior debut. Riches, 34, stands out these days in Alvie's predominantly young list, and reaching the 250-game milestone at the weekend is something few of his team-mates have done. After playing his first senior game for Camperdown in 1995, where he played in junior and reserve premierships, Riches moved to Warrion to work on his uncle Tim McCarthy's dairy farm. "My uncle Tim McCarthy was a born-and-bred Alvie man, I'd moved to Shepparton to study ag science and he got me over the holidays to come down and milk the cows," Riches said. "I've been doing that ever since and got involved with Alvie footy club around then – that was in 1997," he said. Riches played in Alvie's breakthrough premiership three years later after two consecutive failed attempts, defeating Lorne 13.6 (84) to 10.17 (77) under John Henry. Riches has played a consistent role in the Swans' midfield ever since, taking out club best and fairest awards in 2002 and '04 as well as captaining the side for four years. "The grand final – that was great, that and my two club best and fairests were pretty big highlights for me," he said. Riches has played alongside some of the best players in Colac district football including Paul Cass, Luke McLennan, Michael "Spike" Parker and Michael "Dallas" O'Brien, but rated former Swan and 2010 Jack Mahoney medallist Andrew Kelly as the best onballer he'd seen in Colac district football. These days it's rare for a footballer to play 250 games at one club, and it's a milestone the veteran holds in high regard. "I'd hoped I'd make it that far, I guess I've been pretty lucky with injury up until four or five years ago when I had to have a knee reconstruction," Riches said. "Alvie's a good family club, I went there because of my uncle and I've got a young family of my own now with kids Lulu and Alfie. The club's pretty supportive," he said. Key Bomber to miss rest of the season Bomber Brad Gore will miss the rest of Irrewarra-Beeac's campaign after breaking his leg. by Aidan Fawkes A BROKEN leg and a premature end to season 2011 weren't what Brad Gore had in mind for a 21st birthday present. The hard-nosed Irrewarra-Beeac midfielder will miss the rest of the Bombers' campaign after breaking his left leg against Western Eagles. The horrific incident came hours before he celebrated his 21st birthday at Colac pool room Straight Shooters. But Gore still managed to make his own party, despite it being a lower-key affair than he initially hoped. "It was a good night. I was able to hop around a bit and have a dance," he said. "I had to lay off the beers, I had a few painkillers. I had a pretty good night." Gore had received a handball out of a pack in the second quarter at Irrewarra Recreation Reserve when his stellar season came to a crashing halt. "As I was going to kick on my right foot, the Western Eagles player tried to smother me and rolled through my left leg," Gore said. "The pain wasn't too bad. I thought I'd just done ligaments. When he came through I heard a fair few loud cracks," he said. "My first thought was it was my 21st that night and I was a bit worried I wasn't going to attend that." Gore said X-rays at Colac Area Health about an hour after the incident revealed he had broken the leg. His first major football injury will have him sidelined for at least six weeks, but more likely eight to 10 weeks with physiotherapy. "I don't think I'll be playing football again this year, which is a bit shattering," Gore said. The injury is a major blow to Irrewarra-Beeac's premiership aspirations. The 20-year-old – he turns 21 on Friday – has been one of the Bombers' best taking on more responsibility with Dan Casey, David Dunne and Luke Vickers out of last year's premiership team. Gore said the departures had paved the way for the likes of Luke Hillman and Josh Armstrong to play senior football. He said a premiership in 2011 would be the most special of a possible Bombers' four-peat. "If we were to make the grand final, it'd be a sweet one to win because we're more of the underdogs this year," he said. "I wouldn't write us off yet, so to speak. We've got as good a chance as anyone else." Is Ash McLachlan the unluckiest teenage footballer? Western Eagle Ash McLachlan was in good spirits this week despite suffering his second major knee injury. WESTERN Eagles ruckman Ash McLachlan could be one of the unluckiest teenagers in Colac district football. At just 17 years old, the young Eagle has suffered his second major knee injury in his side's loss to Irrewarra-Beeac at Irrewarra Recreation Reserve. McLachlan received a knock to his left knee in the first quarter and was unable to return to the field. "It was in a marking contest, I must have copped a knock to the outside of the knee as I came down," he said. "I was in a fair bit of pain, I hobbled off to the bench where I had it strapped with a bit of deep heat. "I was doing some sprints hoping to come back on but as I was doing some bounds it made a cracking noise and collapsed under me." Saturday's injury came more than two years since McLachlan ruptured ligaments in his right knee requiring a full knee reconstruction which kept him sidelined for the entire season 2009. He recovered to return for the first round of 2010, and built up enough strength to play his first game of senior football as well as a host of games alongside his father and Eagles veteran Tony McLachlan. But Ash said his latest injury was not as severe as his first. "This time it has recovered a lot quicker and I'm walking on it a bit sooner, which is promising," he said. He will visit a physio on Friday with the best-case scenario a contusion to the knee which would keep him sidelined for just two weeks. The worst-case scenario would involve an arthroscopy to clean out damaged meniscus cartilage, requiring a recovery period of up to six weeks. McLachlan, a Trinity College Year 12 student, said the injury was "definitely" disappointing at a time when the Eagles were enjoying a boost of confidence sparked from their win against Apollo Bay two weeks ago. The win was also the final senior clash for McLachlan's father Tony. "It was an awesome feeling to get the win," Ash said. "We're all improving and we're starting to bond together, so it's a pity I'm going to miss a few weeks," he said. Buchanan brothers battle in Queensland YOUNGER brother Micah has taken the honours against AFL player Amon in a "Battle of the Buchanans" played out almost 2000 kilometres from home. The Colac football exports are plying their trades in the North East Australian Football League – Micah for Aspley and Amon for Brisbane Lions' reserves. They came face to face on the field for the first time this season on Saturday, with Aspley taking the honours 21.11 (137) to 13.11 (89) at its Graham Road headquarters. Micah booted three goals, all in the first half as Aspley raced to a 40-point lead, while Amon was among the better players for the losers and kicked a goal. The two played on each other for the first quarter, with Amon attempting to shut down his dangerous brother. The Buchanans' father Tom and mother Ann ventured north for the match and Mr Buchanan said the match was a good spectacle. "It was pretty exciting. I've watched a lot of footy over the years but I enjoyed the game," he said. "It was a special occasion for Aspley, it was their gala dinner. They hadn't won four games in a row since they started the league. "They knew it'd be a long haul because it's a pretty strong comp." Mr Buchanan said Micah would be close to leading the best and fairest award for the NEAFL's northern conference – for Queensland and Northern Territory teams. He said Amon, a former Sydney premiership player, was "a bit frustrated" not playing in the Lions' seniors in the AFL, with blooding young footballers a priority. "He's working hard in the twos. The week before he had 47 touches and 26 clearances and still didn't get a berth," he said. "He's got to keep his head down and bum up and work hard." Micah and another Colac export, James Linton, are studying naturopathy in Brisbane and playing football for Aspley. The youngest Buchanan brother, Callum, is working as a barista and was solid in Aspley's reserves' massive win against Labrador. Another former Colac Tiger, Marcus Crook plays in the NEAFL's eastern conference, for Canberra-based club Ainslie. Bay shooter receives all clear by Lachlan Cowlishaw DOCTORS have given Apollo Bay goaler Jodie Bertrand the all clear after she sustained a sickening head injury against Simpson. Bertrand travelled to Geelong yesterday to receive news that scans had cleared her of head fractures. The Hawks star was contesting a lobbed pass early in the fourth quarter of Saturday's clash when she tripped and fell backwards, putting her in hospital. "I was just going back for the ball and landed on my bottom and flicked the head back – I hit the ground pretty hard," Bertrand said. "It was pretty painful and I felt the back of my head and felt a dint there," she said. "The ambulance took me to the Apollo Bay hospital and the doctor there had a bit of a feel of my head and said it was quite soft and there was some bruising and swelling. "He thought it was a good idea to go to Geelong and get the scans done and make sure there were no fractures." Bertrand has netted 242 goals for the Hawks this season and sits second in competition goal scoring. She said she would take time off work to rest and recover and expected to miss Saturday's clash against Forrest. Shoulder injury denies Bomber a Victorian berth A SHOULDER injury will keep Irrewarra-Beeac coach Khan Beckett from representing the Victorian Country Football League on Saturday. Beckett was one of three Colac district footballers, along with South Colac assistant coach Clay Brewer and spearhead Ben Cox, who attended the final training session at Albert Park to select a VCFL Two squad to take on the Victorian Amateur Football League. Selectors picked ruckman Brewer, who has played in the team the past two years, as an emergency. But coach John Cossar said selectors did not want to risk Beckett's shoulder for the one-off match. "Khan was ruled out because of the injury which was extremely unfortunate, he would have made the team but we didn't want him to further injure himself in the match," he said. "Clay will be our emergency, which was just a team balance thing." Beckett and Brewer both represented the team at the 2010 Australian Country Football Championships, which are every second year. But Cossar said that just "three or four" players from last year's list had made the squad this season. "The side is comparable to previous years, we just wanted to have a look at a few more players," he said. "It's important we have a win this weekend, but we're keeping our eye on the bigger picture and having a look at a few more players before the championships come around again next year." The good news for South Colac is that Brewer and Cox will be available for selection in Saturday's top-of-the-table clash with Birregurra. Roos coach Stephen Hammond, who is an assistant coach with the VCFL One squad, will miss the clash. Former Alvie gun dominating for Maldon FORMER Alvie superboot Christian Kelly is continuing to do what he does best – kick goals. The Maldon full forward, playing in the Maryborough Castlemaine District Football League, booted 16 of them in the Bombers' 211-point demolition of Royal Park at the weekend. The tally was the equal-highest across country Victoria. Maldon won 35.22 (232) to 3.3 (21) at Bill Woodfull Recreation Reserve, its home ground. Kelly leads the league goal kicking with 70 goals at an average of seven a game. But the Maldon coaching staff are harsh markers – he has only been in the Bombers' best three times from 10 matches. Maldon is the defending MCDFL premier and shares top spot with Lexton, with both sides having nine wins and a loss. Navarre is a game further back. Falcons back on winners' list GEELONG Falcons are rejoicing after a convincing win against the Northern Knights. The Falcons defeated the Knights 19.12 (126) to 12.10 (82) in the under-18 TAC Cup at Preston City Oval in Melbourne's north. The win came after a disappointing loss last weekend and suggests the Falcons' season is back on track. Colac's Ryan Monaghan, Camperdown's Fraser Lucas and Colac's Meyrick Buchanan all displayed impressive performances. Monaghan racked up 23 disposals, Buchanan collected 36 and kicked two goals while Lucas had 26 touches. The Falcons were up by five points at quarter time, kicking four goals to three in a closely contested first quarter. They then clicked into gear, kicking seven goals to one in the second term. This was a defining period in the match, given the teams were evenly matched in the second half. This win advances the Falcons into fourth spot and provides an injection of confidence going into this weekend's game against in-form Calder Cannons at Skilled Stadium. Colac boundary umpire Kris Marshall will make his TAC Cup umpiring debut at the clash. Victoria Country set for rivalry clash Vic Country is preparing for a highly-anticipated clash with interstate rival Vic Metro today, and two Colac district footballers will be on the team. The teams meet at Etihad Stadium for the first time in NAB AFL Under-18 Championships, with Metro yet to suffer defeat. Vic Country, featuring Camperdown's Sam Gordon and Cobden's Jackson Merrett, is coming off a confidence-boosting win against Western Australia on Friday. Vic Country dominated WA in the second, third and fourth quarters clocking a final score of 12.13 (85) to 5.6 (36). Gordon and Merrett played their part in the victory with a total of 17 disposals and five marks between them. Vic Country could claim top spot on the ladder in Division One with a win today. Tags: Football, Netball
Shinder Purewal is Professor of Political Science at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. Liberals or NDP or does Weaver play it one issue at a time? In 1952 a Single Transferable Vote experiment by the provincial Liberals and Conservatives resulted in a minority government. They were trying to block the social democratic Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) political party, but ended up losing to W.A.C. Bennett's new Social Credit Party. They ruled for the next four decades, except for a brief period, 1972 to 1975, when Dave Barrett's NDP formed government. To get a sense of what happened on May 9th, we spoke with Professor Shinder Purewal, a Political Science teacher at Kwantlen Polytechnic University in Surrey. Purewal said the second issue that a referendum might resolve is to block the role of big money in politics, both big business and trade unions. Professor Purewal characterizes Green leader, Dr. Andrew Weaver, as an intelligent person who must know the art of compromise, something politics is all about. Purewal felt that the election result was also attributable to a lack of confidence in Christy Clark. The revelation that Clark was taking $50,000 from those donations on top of her $191,000 salary didn't sit well with the electorate. Purewal said that if the party wants to replace Clark, they're in the dilemma of a minority situation: you never know when the election will come. Remember in 1979 when Joe Clark won the minority government, Trudeau resigned and there was a Liberal leadership convention underway. Then the Joe Clark government fell, and caught the Liberals without a leader. They had to beg Trudeau to come back, he agreed for one more term, but when he got a majority government he carried on and it was during that period that he repatriated the constitution and brought in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Having to face an election without a leader is a scenario that nobody wants to see.