[subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] , Britain 's largest bus operator , entered the North American market in 1999 when it acquired [object_start] Ryder Public Transportation Services Inc. [object_end] . [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Ryder Public Transportation Services Inc. [subject_end] is transportation company.
`` This case has real implications for the government , it could be a watershed , '' said Ronald J Nessim , a lawyer who is co-chairman of the [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] 's [object_start] White Collar Crime Committee [object_end] . [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] is association of lawyers and [object_start] White Collar Crime Committee [subject_end] is nonprofit organization.
if Namco had been successful , with [subject_start] NEC [subject_end] or on their own , I can imagine a 32-bit , 3D polygon machine based on the [object_start] Ridge Racer [object_end] coin-op arcade hardware , as the basis of a 2nd Namco console , instead of Sony PlayStation . [subject_start] NEC [subject_end] is Japanese technology corporation and [object_start] Ridge Racer [subject_end] is racing video game series.
As a substantial shareholder in CNAC 's subsidiary [object_start] Air China [object_end] , Cathay Pacific said late Monday it would give serious consideration to joining [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] and form a strategic partnership with China Eastern . [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] is UK public-sector airline company (1939-1974) and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
State-owned [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp. [subject_end] , or CNAC , also said it hoped to launch a strategic partnership between its listed unit , [object_start] Air China [object_end] , and China Eastern if its proposal is accepted . [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp. [subject_end] is Chinese airline until 1949 and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
[subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] , the large British bus and train company that bought Greyhound 's parent company in 2007 , said Wednesday that [object_start] Greyhound [object_end] buses would start service between London and two coastal towns beginning Sept. 14 . [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Greyhound [subject_end] is North American intercity bus service.
The CCHI and the [subject_start] AMA [subject_end] 's [object_start] Committee on Quackery [object_end] continued to serve this function from 1963 to 1975 . [subject_start] AMA [subject_end] is United States association of physicians and medical students and [object_start] Committee on Quackery [subject_end] is fraudulent or inept medical practice involving untested or refuted treatments, promoted professionally or publicly.
[object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [object_end] president and chief executive Robert Dickinson , who has been with the company since its start 35 years ago , will retire at the end of the year , parent [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] said Monday . [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [subject_end] is cruise line.
`` Many people in Israel see the kibbutz as a corpse , as something completely dead , '' says Shlomo Getz , head of the [object_start] Centre for Kibbutz Studies [object_end] at [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] . [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] Centre for Kibbutz Studies [subject_end] is education organization in Tel Aviv, Israel.
MANILA , Nov 13 -LRB- Xinhua -RRB- S Korea joins [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] Future Carbon Fund with 20 million USD commitment `` On the eve of the Copenhagen talks , the Republic of Korea 's -LRB- South Korean -RRB- commitment to acquire carbon credits sends a clear signal to the international community that there will be a strong post-2012 framework to achieve a low - carbon economy , '' said Xianbin Yao , Director General of ADB 's [object_start] Regional Sustainable Development Department [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Regional Sustainable Development Department [subject_end] is organization.
Carmen Dowd , head of the [object_start] Special Crime Division [object_end] of the [subject_start] Crown Prosecution Service [subject_end] , said there was `` insufficient evidence '' that convictions `` against any individual '' would be likely at a trial . [subject_start] Crown Prosecution Service [subject_end] is United Kingdom government non-ministerial department and [object_start] Special Crime Division [subject_end] is one of the main branches of London's Police Service.
China National Aviation Corp , or [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] , parent of flag carrier [object_start] Air China [object_end] , proposed late Friday to buy 2.985 billion new Hong Kong listed shares of China Eastern for at least five Hong Kong dollars each . [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] is Chinese state-owned oil and gas corporation and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
[object_start] Swift [object_end] , which has about 20,000 employees , was purchased by HM Capital and Booth Creek in September 2002 from [subject_start] ConAgra Foods [subject_end] Inc . [subject_start] ConAgra Foods [subject_end] is company and [object_start] Swift [subject_end] is logistics company.
[subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] said Friday it agreed to buy North American bus company [object_start] Laidlaw International [object_end] in a 1.9 billion pound -LRB- euro2 .9 billion US$ 2.7 billion -RRB- deal . [subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Laidlaw International [subject_end] is transportation company.
Dr. Kenneth Rundell , the director of the [object_start] Human Performance Laboratory [object_end] at [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] in Scranton , Pa. , said , `` Athletes typically take in 10 to 20 times as much air , '' and thus pollutants , with every breath as sedentary people do . [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] is private Catholic liberal arts university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. United States and [object_start] Human Performance Laboratory [subject_end] is None.
By Mary Alice Miller Earlier this month , the [object_start] Decency Initiative [object_end] , a [subject_start] National Action Network [subject_end] program , held a National Women 's Day of Outrage rally outside Virgin Records . [subject_start] National Action Network [subject_end] is civil rights organization in United States and [object_start] Decency Initiative [subject_end] is unknown.
As part of its DMC deal , which hinges on state approval of a tax-free zone for the [object_start] Midtown [object_end] campus , Vanguard would invest $ 850 million over five years to modernize the [subject_start] DMC [subject_end] 's eight hospitals . [subject_start] DMC [subject_end] is hospital in Michigan, United States and [object_start] Midtown [subject_end] is Wikimedia disambiguation page.
The U.S. space shuttle Atlantis touched down at [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in Florida at 9:07 a.m. EST -LRB- 1407 GMT -RRB- , concluding its 13-day construction flight to the International Space Station , according to [object_start] NASA [object_end] TV live broadcasting . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] NASA [subject_end] is United States civil space and aeronautics agency.
`` We 're very excited about the prospects for the future , especially the addition of Danka as a growth engine for this company , '' said Rick Taylor , chief operating officer of [subject_start] Konica Minolta [subject_end] Business Solutions USA , [object_start] Danka [object_end] 's new corporate parent . [subject_start] Konica Minolta [subject_end] is Japanese technology company and [object_start] Danka [subject_end] is unknown.
The state [subject_start] Department of Conservation and Recreation [subject_end] closed eight campgrounds Thursday night and Friday , including [object_start] Boston Harbor Islands National Park [object_end] , Nickerson State Park in Brewster , Myles Standish State Forest in South Carver , and Shawme-Crowell State Forest in Sandwich . [subject_start] Department of Conservation and Recreation [subject_end] is state agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and [object_start] Boston Harbor Islands National Park [subject_end] is protected area.
With its shares falling by almost 16 percent in London on Monday , [subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] , the owner of [object_start] Costa Cruises [object_end] and the world 's biggest cruise operator , said the incident would cost at least $ 95 million and probably result in additional costs that could not yet be determined . [subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Costa Cruises [subject_end] is British/American owned Italian cruise line.
Krane , a past chairman of the [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] 's [object_start] Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility [object_end] , concentrated on representing lawyers and law firms in matters of professional liability and providing counsel on issues of client-lawyer privilege , a lawyer 's duties to clients , conflicts of interest and other areas where propriety can be ambiguous . [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] is association of lawyers and [object_start] Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility [subject_end] is standing committee of the United States House of Representatives.
British bus firm [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] announced on Friday the agreed purchase of [object_start] Laidlaw International [object_end] , owner of iconic US inter-city bus operator Greyhound , for 3.6 billion dollars -LRB- 2.8 billion euros -RRB- . [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Laidlaw International [subject_end] is transportation company.
[subject_start] NEC [subject_end] also attributed the lower net profit to restructuring efforts its electronics device unit , [object_start] NEC Tokin Corp [object_end] , and the decision not to sell part of its securities due to the shaky stock market environment . [subject_start] NEC [subject_end] is Japanese technology corporation and [object_start] NEC Tokin Corp [subject_end] is business enterprise.
`` FirstGroup 's acquisition of [object_start] Laidlaw [object_end] will considerably enhance FirstGroup 's existing activities in North America , which themselves have grown strongly since we first invested in the U.S. in 1999 , '' said [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] Chief Executive Moir Lockhead . [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Laidlaw [subject_end] is transportation company.
For this Final Four , representatives of the Atlanta Convention and Visitors Bureau , [object_start] Atlanta Sports Council [object_end] -LRB- a division of the [subject_start] Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce [subject_end] -RRB- , Georgia World Congress Center Authority and Georgia Tech -LRB- the NCAA 's official host school -RRB- came together to form the organizing committee . [subject_start] Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce [subject_end] is Chamber of Commerce and [object_start] Atlanta Sports Council [subject_end] is None.
Qiangba Puncog outlined the spirit of the Fifth Forum on Tibet Work , saying the [object_start] Central Committee [object_end] of the [subject_start] Communist Party of China [subject_end] -LRB- CPC -RRB- had attached unprecedented importance to the forum . [subject_start] Communist Party of China [subject_end] is founding and sole ruling party of the People's Republic of China and [object_start] Central Committee [subject_end] is Central executive organ of the Chinese Communist Party.
On Monday , [subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] , the largest surface-transportation company in the United Kingdom , took over [object_start] Laidlaw [object_end] to complete a $ 3.6 billion -LRB- euro2 .54 billion -RRB- acquisition . [subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Laidlaw [subject_end] is transportation company.
[subject_start] ITW [subject_end] , the maker of Hobart food mixers and [object_start] Duo-Fast [object_end] nail guns , may do more hiring in 2012 if `` we progress as I suspect we will , '' Speer said . [subject_start] ITW [subject_end] is company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products and [object_start] Duo-Fast [subject_end] is UK women's footware brand.
`` I would say Mexico has become the country -LRB- in the Western Hemisphere -RRB- where it 's most dangerous to be a journalist today , '' said Gonzalo Marroquin , president of the [subject_start] IAPA [subject_end] 's [object_start] press freedom commission [object_end] , last month . [subject_start] IAPA [subject_end] is organization and [object_start] press freedom commission [subject_end] is organization.
[subject_start] IPSCO [subject_end] , which has about 4,400 employees , completed a $ 143 billion cash buyout of steel pipe and tube maker [object_start] NS Group Inc [object_end] in December . [subject_start] IPSCO [subject_end] is British multinational oil and gas company and [object_start] NS Group Inc [subject_end] is IT service company.
DC : Nov. 30th thru Dec. 2nd , [object_start] Servicemembers United [object_end] -LRB- formerly Call to Duty -RRB- is partnering with the Human Rights Campaign , Log Cabin Republicans , [subject_start] Servicemembers Legal Defense Network [subject_end] and the Liberty Education Forum for a three-day tribute on the National Mall to honor the 12,000 Americans who have been discharged under the `` Do n't Ask , Do n't Tell '' law since its inception . [subject_start] Servicemembers Legal Defense Network [subject_end] is None and [object_start] Servicemembers United [subject_end] is None.
China Eastern shareholders rejected Singapore 's bid to buy 24 percent of the airline in January after [object_start] Air China [object_end] parent [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp. [subject_end] offered more money . [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp. [subject_end] is Chinese airline until 1949 and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
A unit of the [subject_start] Asian Development Bank [subject_end] , the [object_start] Inter-American Development Bank [object_end] , would provide full support for ASEAN businessmen who are willing to boost up their export to Latin American countries . [subject_start] Asian Development Bank [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Inter-American Development Bank [subject_end] is international organization.
In an interview with Xinhua , Dr. Dan Schueftan , Deputy-Director of the [object_start] National Security Study Center [object_end] in [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] , said that a classic military triumph to Israel is not within reach , only several actions to oppress the Palestinian militant activities more effectively . [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] National Security Study Center [subject_end] is Israeli research institute affiliated with Tel Aviv University.
Although they are too chickenshit to say so on their site , the [object_start] Maine Marriage Initiative [object_end] is actually the work of [subject_start] Focus On The Family [subject_end] and the Portland Catholic Diocese . [subject_start] Focus On The Family [subject_end] is American fundamentalist Christian organization and [object_start] Maine Marriage Initiative [subject_end] is same-sex marriage in Maine.
[subject_start] MECO [subject_end] head reviews Philippine-Taiwan relations , gauges impact of [object_start] ECFA [subject_start] MECO [subject_end] is None and [object_start] ECFA [subject_end] is trade agreement between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan).
A February filing by [object_start] Fidelity [object_end] parent firm [subject_start] FMR Corp [subject_end] listed 1065 billion in PetroChina shares as of Dec 31 . [subject_start] FMR Corp [subject_end] is American mutual insurance company and [object_start] Fidelity [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation.
For example , Asad Ghanem , one of the document 's principal authors , is head of the Government and Political Theory Department at [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] 's [object_start] School of Political Science [object_end] . [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] School of Political Science [subject_end] is scientific study of politics.
Moreover , the applied-for [subject_start] CITI [subject_end] mark and the CITIBANK mark were n't similar.The CFI avoided ruling on whether there was a family of `` citi '' marks with a reputation because it was possible to proceed on the basis of the CITIBANK mark having a reputation.However , OHIM had slipped up in finding that CITI and [object_start] CITIBANK [object_end] were not similar since `` citi '' was the distinctive and dominant element of both marks . [subject_start] CITI [subject_end] is American investment bank and financial services corporation and [object_start] CITIBANK [subject_end] is American multinational bank.
Build your castle A portion of ticket proceeds will be donated to the United Way of Galveston to benefit the [object_start] Galveston Chapter [object_end] of the [subject_start] American Red Cross [subject_end] and Gleanings From the Harvest-Galveston Food Bank . [subject_start] American Red Cross [subject_end] is American nonprofit humanitarian organization and [object_start] Galveston Chapter [subject_end] is baptist body in Texas, United States.
Under the plan , the [object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [object_end] was expected to add three themed areas and expand the world 's smallest [subject_start] Disneyland [subject_end] theme park by 23 percent in terms of land area . [subject_start] Disneyland [subject_end] is American theme park in California owned by The Walt Disney Company and [object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [subject_end] is Disney theme park in Hong Kong.
`` It 's not that people do n't want to change their travel habits , but many people do n't have options , '' said [object_start] AAA Mid-Atlantic [object_end] spokesman John Townsend , mid-Atlantic spokesman of the [subject_start] American Automobile Association [subject_end] , an independent , not-for-profit organization for US car drivers . [subject_start] American Automobile Association [subject_end] is federation of motor clubs throughout the USA and Canada and [object_start] AAA Mid-Atlantic [subject_end] is federation of motor clubs throughout the USA and Canada.
by : Chicago Tribune 10/29/2007 `` After carefully studying the way states across the spectrum handle executions , it has become crystal clear that the process is deeply flawed , '' Stephen Hanlon , chairman of the [subject_start] ABA [subject_end] 's [object_start] Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Project [object_end] , said in a statement . [subject_start] ABA [subject_end] is association of lawyers and [object_start] Death Penalty Moratorium Implementation Project [subject_end] is non-profit organization in the USA.
[subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] , Britain 's largest bus operator , entered the North American market in 1999 when it acquired [object_start] Ryder Public Transportation Services Inc [object_end] . [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Ryder Public Transportation Services Inc [subject_end] is transportation company.
A key factor in the merger is the recent acquisition of Neuromed 's drug candidate [object_start] Exalgo [object_end] by Mallinockrodt Inc. , a subsidiary of the Irish-based [subject_start] Covidien PLC [subject_end] , which has US offices in Mansfield . [subject_start] Covidien PLC [subject_end] is Irish tax-registered company and [object_start] Exalgo [subject_end] is chemical compound.
`` ADB is closely monitoring the situation on the ground and , in consultation with the Government of Samoa as well as other donors , will soon participate in a needs assessment mission to the affected areas , '' said Keith Leonard , Regional Director of [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] South Pacific Subregional Office [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] South Pacific Subregional Office [subject_end] is Division of the General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists.
Moody 's said it has growing concerns about the control wielded by Johnson at [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] 's parent company , [object_start] FMR LLC [object_end] . [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation and [object_start] FMR LLC [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation.
Hong Kong Disneyland spokeswoman Glendy Chu said [subject_start] Disney [subject_end] and the government are `` engaged in discussions regarding financing options aimed at advancing the long-term financial and development of [object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [object_end] . '' [subject_start] Disney [subject_end] is American multinational mass media company and [object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [subject_end] is Disney theme park in Hong Kong.
[subject_start] First Group [subject_end] agrees to buy [object_start] Laidlaw International [object_end] for 1.9 billion pounds [subject_start] First Group [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Laidlaw International [subject_end] is transportation company.
KARMANOS -LRB- undated -RRB- - Nearly three years after separating from the [subject_start] Detroit Medical Center [subject_end] to form its own freestanding hospital , the [object_start] Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute [object_end] in Detroit is still struggling to expand beyond its space on the DMC 's Midtown campus . [subject_start] Detroit Medical Center [subject_end] is hospital in Michigan, United States and [object_start] Barbara Ann Karmanos Cancer Institute [subject_end] is facility in Detroit, United States.
The [subject_start] corporations [subject_end] named were So Far Inc , which runs about 55 outlets in the Detroit area ; Smart Tax of North Carolina , with more than 30 outlets in the Raleigh-Durham area ; Smart Tax of Georgia , with more than 40 outlets in the Atlanta area ; and Smart Tax and [object_start] Ask Tax [object_end] of Illinois , with nearly 30 franchises in the Chicago area . [subject_start] corporations [subject_end] is legal entity incorporated through a legislative or registration process and [object_start] Ask Tax [subject_end] is American public corporation specializing in mobile search and advertising.
Luc Marks , a professor with the [object_start] department of paediatric dentistry [object_end] , [subject_start] Ghent University [subject_end] in Belgium , said the people with intellectual disabilities in China must have favorable health care based on the results of checkup they have done in the Special Olympics Town . [subject_start] Ghent University [subject_end] is Dutch-speaking university in Belgium and [object_start] department of paediatric dentistry [subject_end] is mouth health care and tooth repair for children.
It was a cavalcade of bigotry on parade yesterday at the [subject_start] Focus On The Family [subject_end] 's [object_start] Values Voters Summit [object_end] . [subject_start] Focus On The Family [subject_end] is American fundamentalist Christian organization and [object_start] Values Voters Summit [subject_end] is annual political conference held in Washington, D.C..
[object_start] FAW [object_end] Car is the listed unit of [subject_start] China FAW Group [subject_end] , the nation 's second-largest auto maker by sales after SAIC Motor and one of German car maker Volkswagen 's partners in China . [subject_start] China FAW Group [subject_end] is automobile manufacturer of China and [object_start] FAW [subject_end] is automobile manufacturer of China.
[subject_start] Royal Caribbean [subject_end] also predicted that it will have a 122 percent increase in capacity in 2007 , driven by [object_start] Pullmantur [object_end] , the April delivery of Liberty of the Seas , and a full year of operations by Freedom of the Seas , currently the world 's largest cruise ship . [subject_start] Royal Caribbean [subject_end] is cruise line brand founded in Norway and based in Miami, Florida and [object_start] Pullmantur [subject_end] is a cruise line headquartered in Madrid, Spain.
Dr Lee , a national of the Republic of Korea , is currently the Head of [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] Office of Regional Economic Integration [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Office of Regional Economic Integration [subject_end] is unknown.
By 1977 , [subject_start] Spelman [subject_end] had added a [object_start] department of chemistry [object_end] . [subject_start] Spelman [subject_end] is historically Black women's college in Atlanta, Georgia, United States and [object_start] department of chemistry [subject_end] is Academic department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Anyone who exploits this security loophole can definitely access this information on other computers , '' said Benny Pinkas from the [object_start] Department of Computer Science [object_end] at the [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] . [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] Department of Computer Science [subject_end] is theoretical study of the formal foundation enabling the automated processing or computation of information, for example on a computer or over a data transmission network.
[object_start] Ltd. [object_end] , [subject_start] CNR [subject_end] 's foreign trade arm , and New Zealand 's KiwiRail , a state-operated railway company . [subject_start] CNR [subject_end] is government agency (1880–1982) and [object_start] Ltd. [subject_end] is legal entity representing an association of people, whether natural, legal or a mixture of both, with a specific objective.
A ninety minute daytime nap helps speed up the process of long term memory consolidation , a recent study conducted by Prof Avi Karni and Dr Maria Korman of the [object_start] Center for Brain and Behavior Research [object_end] at the [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] found . [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] Center for Brain and Behavior Research [subject_end] is public university in Davis, California; part of the University of California system.
A STUDY published earlier this month by the [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] 's [object_start] Jewish-Arab Center [object_end] found that more than 50 percent of Jews surveyed expressed strong or moderate support for Arabs living in Jewish neighborhoods . [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] Jewish-Arab Center [subject_end] is None.
Carnival is the parent company of [subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] Cruise Lines , Costa Cruises , Cunard Line , [object_start] Holland America Line [object_end] , Princess Cruises and The Yachts of Seabourn [subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Holland America Line [subject_end] is British-American cruise line.
Such incidents illustrate `` how difficult it is for the military to operate , stick to policy , and keep people in line in light of the new communication realities , '' said Sheizaf Rafaeli , director of the [object_start] Sagy Center for Internet Research [object_end] and the Study of the Information Society at the [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] . [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] Sagy Center for Internet Research [subject_end] is Israeli computer scientist and professor.
The restoration of Iraq 's sovereignty and the problems posed by Israel in the Middle East will be key issues at the meeting of the [subject_start] Organization of the Islamic Conference [subject_end] 's [object_start] Parliamentary Union [object_end] , organizers said in a statement issued through Malaysia 's national news agency , Bernama . [subject_start] Organization of the Islamic Conference [subject_end] is international organization and [object_start] Parliamentary Union [subject_end] is International organisation of national parliaments.
[object_start] Samsung Motors [object_end] , a former subsidiary of [subject_start] Samsung Group [subject_end] , entered the nation 's saturated auto market in 1995 , but went under court receivership in 1999 before being sold to Renault SA of France in 2000 . [subject_start] Samsung Group [subject_end] is South Korean multinational conglomerate and [object_start] Samsung Motors [subject_end] is South Korean multinational automaker.
British bus firm [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] announced on Friday the purchase of Laidlaw International , owner of iconic US inter-city bus operator [object_start] Greyhound [object_end] , for 3.6 billion dollars -LRB- 2.8 billion euros -RRB- . [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Greyhound [subject_end] is North American intercity bus service.
[subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] , the British rail and bus operator that owns [object_start] Dallas-based Greyhound Lines Inc. [object_end] , said Wednesday it will start running budget Greyhound services here next month . [subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Dallas-based Greyhound Lines Inc. [subject_end] is North American intercity bus service.
And there is some evidence that you can develop tolerance to ozone over a five-day period , said Kenneth W. Rundell , director of respiratory research and the [object_start] human physiology laboratory [object_end] at [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] in Scranton , Pa. . [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] is private Catholic liberal arts university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. United States and [object_start] human physiology laboratory [subject_end] is US military chemical warfare research.
`` Pakistan is in the league of fast-growing economies in Asia and ADB will do its best to ensure that growth continues as it is lifting scores of people out of poverty by creating new jobs , '' Juan Miranda , Director General of [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] Central West Asia Department [object_end] , said at a news conference here on Thursday . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Central West Asia Department [subject_end] is United Nations Commission for economic cooperation among its member states.
PowerGrid to borrow $ 2 bn from World Bank , [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] Central transmission utility [object_start] PowerGrid Corp [object_end] today said it will borrow $ 2 billion -LRB- about Rs 10,000 crore -RRB- from the World Bank and Asian Development Bank to part finance Rs 55,000 crore investment plans till 2012 . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is Indian multinational conglomerate and [object_start] PowerGrid Corp [subject_end] is Government of India enterprise.
`` If we lose psychologists from these facilities , people are going to die , '' said US Army Col Larry James , chief of the department of psychology at the Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu , just before the [subject_start] APA [subject_end] 's [object_start] Council of Representatives [object_end] took a vote . [subject_start] APA [subject_end] is Washington, D.C.-based professional organization and [object_start] Council of Representatives [subject_end] is None.
A subsidiary of the [subject_start] JNF [subject_end] , [object_start] Himnuta [object_end] , is involved in redeeming land from the Arabs in the occupied territories , while in Israel Arabs are prevented from settling on land that was redeemed 100 years ago . [subject_start] JNF [subject_end] is Jewish organization founded in 1901 and [object_start] Himnuta [subject_end] is organization.
We do [object_start] Cunard [object_end] cruises which are owned by [subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] . [subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Cunard [subject_end] is British cruise line.
Mexico , meanwhile , has become one of the most dangerous countries in the hemisphere for journalists , said Gonzalo Marroquin , head of the [subject_start] IAPA [subject_end] 's [object_start] committee on press freedom [object_end] , during the group 's 63rd General Assembly in Miami . [subject_start] IAPA [subject_end] is organization and [object_start] committee on press freedom [subject_end] is organization.
In 2007 , [object_start] Laidlaw [object_end] , your parent company , was acquired by [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] of Scotland , the largest bus operator in Britain . [subject_start] FirstGroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Laidlaw [subject_end] is transportation company.
The organization , which calls itself B4U-Act , is lobbying for changes to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders , or [object_start] DSM [object_end] , the guideline of standards on mental health that 's put together by the [subject_start] American Psychiatric Association [subject_start] American Psychiatric Association [subject_end] is United States organization of psychiatrists and [object_start] DSM [subject_end] is American psychiatric classification and diagnostic guide.
1988 -LRB- http://wwwamervetscom -RRB- 16907 Brighton Avenue Gardena CA 90247 1-310-532-0634 -LCB- EXCERPT -RCB- Albany Democrat Herald , OR The program is called [object_start] Operation Purple [object_end] and organized by the [subject_start] National Military Family Association [subject_end] . [subject_start] National Military Family Association [subject_end] is non-profit organization in the USA and [object_start] Operation Purple [subject_end] is None.
[subject_start] ITW [subject_end] acquires [object_start] Hwa Meir Packing Illinois Tool Works Inc [object_end] -LRB- ITW -RRB- said Wednesday that it has acquired the assets of Hwa Meir Packing Daily Commodities Co . [subject_start] ITW [subject_end] is company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products and [object_start] Hwa Meir Packing Illinois Tool Works Inc [subject_end] is company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products.
PRESS RELEASE - The [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] will be spending the entire week of October 18-24 , 2009 celebrating its [object_start] Friends of the Library [object_end] Group . [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] is park in Manhattan and [object_start] Friends of the Library [subject_end] is type of charitable group that supports libraries.
Labels : `` celibacy '' , activism , DADT , DNC , DOMA , [object_start] military [object_end] , protests , [subject_start] SLDN [subject_end] It 's gon na be a freakin ' circus outside that dinner . [subject_start] SLDN [subject_end] is None and [object_start] military [subject_end] is organization primarily tasked with preparing for and conducting war.
While there has been some speculation that the absence of any formal writing might indicate that the U.S. new offer might only be a trial balloon , Dr. Dan Schueftan , director of the [object_start] National Security Studies Center [object_end] at the [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] told Xinhua that the deal is real , and it is also a sign of desperation of the Obama administration . [subject_start] University of Haifa [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] National Security Studies Center [subject_end] is Israeli research institute affiliated with Tel Aviv University.
Separately , the South China Morning Post reported Wednesday that a survey conducted by the [object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland Cast Members ' Union [object_end] of 470 [subject_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [subject_end] workers said 63 percent were unhappy with management . [subject_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [subject_end] is Disney theme park in Hong Kong and [object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland Cast Members ' Union [subject_end] is Non-profit artist association in Hong Kong.
This 45-foot-long craft was first discovered by researchers from [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] 's [object_start] Institute for Maritime Studies [object_end] and Texas A&M University 10 years ago , in a lagoon home to some 25 other sunken craft dating as far back as 2,000 years ago . [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] Institute for Maritime Studies [subject_end] is research institute in Turkey.
The confusion stems from the number of companies and institutions -- including [object_start] Thomson , Royal Philips Electronics and AT & amp [object_end] ; T -LRB- through Bell Labs , now part of [subject_start] Alcatel-Lucent [subject_end] -RRB- -- that worked to create the MP3 standard almost two decades ago . [subject_start] Alcatel-Lucent [subject_end] is French defunct global telecommunications equipment company and [object_start] Thomson , Royal Philips Electronics and AT & amp [subject_end] is electronics and defence contractor.
On Monday , [subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] , the largest surface-transportation company in the United Kingdom , took over [object_start] Laidlaw [object_end] to complete a $ 36 billion -LRB- euro2 54 billion -RRB- acquisition . [subject_start] FirstGroup PLC [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Laidlaw [subject_end] is transportation company.
`` It started so early this year that we have pictures of some of the candidates wearing shorts , '' said Paul Manuel , executive director of the [object_start] New Hampshire Institute of Politics [object_end] at [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] in Manchester . [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] is Benedictine college in New Hampshire, U.S. and [object_start] New Hampshire Institute of Politics [subject_end] is None.
[object_start] Cunard [object_end] Line , a unit of Miami-based [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] , is building a new Queen Elizabeth at Italy 's Fincantieri shipyard - which built the Queen Victoria - with delivery in 2010 . [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Cunard [subject_end] is British cruise line.
Yoni Greenbaum , vice president of product development for [object_start] Philly.com [object_end] , the website of the [subject_start] Philadelphia Inquirer [subject_end] and Philadelphia Daily News , said its revenue from FanDuel is small , but the partnership gives readers something new and different . [subject_start] Philadelphia Inquirer [subject_end] is American daily newspaper and [object_start] Philly.com [subject_end] is Internet forum.
[object_start] Costa Crociere [object_end] is one of the primary operating groups owned by [subject_start] Carnival Corporation [subject_end] and are responsible for the executive management of European operations . [subject_start] Carnival Corporation [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Costa Crociere [subject_end] is British/American owned Italian cruise line.
Those devices , which are mostly sold by [object_start] Bristol-Myers Squibb [object_end] and Mallinckrodt , a unit of [subject_start] Covidien [subject_end] , use a chemical process to separate the technetium-99 just before it is needed for patient tests . [subject_start] Covidien [subject_end] is Irish tax-registered company and [object_start] Bristol-Myers Squibb [subject_end] is American pharmaceutical company.
`` Having carefully considered all of the material we have made the decision that there is sufficient evidence and have authorised that Michael Donovan should be charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment , '' said Peter Mann , the head of the [subject_start] Crown Prosecution Service [subject_end] 's [object_start] West and North Yorkshire Complex Case unit [object_end] . [subject_start] Crown Prosecution Service [subject_end] is United Kingdom government non-ministerial department and [object_start] West and North Yorkshire Complex Case unit [subject_end] is territorial police force in England.
As part of its [subject_start] DMC [subject_end] deal , which hinges on state approval of a tax-free zone for the [object_start] Midtown [object_end] campus , Vanguard would invest $ 850 million over five years to modernize the DMC 's eight hospitals . [subject_start] DMC [subject_end] is None and [object_start] Midtown [subject_end] is Wikimedia disambiguation page.
[subject_start] National Museum of Women in the Arts [subject_end] : Facts & Figures WEAKNESSES The 1907 Renaissance Revival building was used as a Masonic temple and a kung fu movie house before the [object_start] museum [object_end] bought it in 1983 . [subject_start] National Museum of Women in the Arts [subject_end] is art museum in Washington, D.C. and [object_start] museum [subject_end] is institution that holds artifacts and other objects of scientific, artistic, cultural, historical, or other importance.
He has served as Acting Chief Economist in ADB 's Economics and Research Department -LRB- [object_start] ERD [object_end] -RRB- since October 2008 , the [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] said in a press release . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is news and photo agency and [object_start] ERD [subject_end] is financial institution which support more than 30 countries.
Richard Feltes , senior vice president and director of [object_start] commodity research [object_end] for [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] in Chicago , noted that prices , on average , have only recovered a portion of the decline experienced last fall , so there is still room to move higher . [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] is global financial derivatives broker, bankrupted 2011 and [object_start] commodity research [subject_end] is physical or virtual transactions of buying and selling involving raw or primary commodities.
The [subject_start] Asian Development Bank [subject_end] raised this year 's growth forecast for the [object_start] Philippines [object_end] to 62 percent on the back of growing consumption , surging investments and strong export rebound . [subject_start] Asian Development Bank [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Philippines [subject_end] is sovereign state in Southeast Asia.
`` I think you 'll see $ 875 but there 's going to be resistance , '' said Scott Meyers , senior trading analyst with [object_start] Pioneer Futures [object_end] , a division of [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] . [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] is global financial derivatives broker, bankrupted 2011 and [object_start] Pioneer Futures [subject_end] is None.
This would fall far short of advocating terrorist violence , '' said Susan Hemming , head of the [subject_start] Crown Prosecution Service [subject_end] 's [object_start] Counter Terrorism Division [object_end] . [subject_start] Crown Prosecution Service [subject_end] is United Kingdom government non-ministerial department and [object_start] Counter Terrorism Division [subject_end] is specialist unit of the Metropolitan Police Service.
KUALA LUMPUR , Sept 3 -LRB- Xinhua -RRB- [object_start] Radio24 [object_end] , run by the Malaysian National News Agency [subject_start] Bernama [subject_end] , was launched by Malaysian Information Minister Zainuddin Maidin at a ceremony here . [subject_start] Bernama [subject_end] is government agency and [object_start] Radio24 [subject_end] is government agency.