He joined Carlos Paya , president of the [subject_start] Red Cross [subject_end] in Spain , and Theresa Bischoff , chief executive of the [object_start] American Red Cross of Greater New York [object_end] , for the first day of a two-day international symposium on how to prepare for natural or terrorist catastrophes . [subject_start] Red Cross [subject_end] is international humanitarian movement and [object_start] American Red Cross of Greater New York [subject_end] is American nonprofit humanitarian organization.
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[subject_start] SAMSUNG [subject_end] ' S CHAIRMAN AND 9 OTHERS INDICTED IN STOCK ACCOUNT RUSE SEOUL , South Korea Two of Lee 's aides have received suspended prison terms for illegally selling a controlling stake in [object_start] Everland [object_end] , a Samsung subsidiary , to Lee 's son at a discount price in 1996 . [subject_start] SAMSUNG [subject_end] is South Korean multinational conglomerate and [object_start] Everland [subject_end] is theme park in Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.
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But the deal was voted down by minority shareholders in January after [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp. [subject_end] -LRB- CNAC -RRB- , the parent company of [object_start] Air China [object_end] , indicated it would make a higher offer . [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp. [subject_end] is Chinese airline until 1949 and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
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Yoshida , 18 , was last week offered a contract by the [object_start] Chico Outlaws [object_end] , who play in the US independent [subject_start] Golden Baseball League [subject_end] . [subject_start] Golden Baseball League [subject_end] is North American independent baseball league and [object_start] Chico Outlaws [subject_end] is Golden Baseball League team.
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`` This project will address priority supply and network constraints to ensure sustained growth in the gas sector that is critical to the country 's economic development , '' said Priyantha Wijayatunga , Energy Specialist in [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] South Asia Department [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] South Asia Department [subject_end] is United Nations Commission for economic cooperation among its member states.
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[object_start] Air China [object_end] parent , China National Aviation Corp -LRB- [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] -RRB- , says it will pay at least five HK dollars a share if China Eastern shareholders reject SIA 's offer . [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] is People's Republic of China government body overseeing civilian airflight and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
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After the Splendor docked , Gerry Cahill , chief executive of [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] 's [object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [object_end] told passengers via ship 's intercom : `` I 'm very sorry '' and added : `` I would like to thank you for all your patience and understanding that you showed throughout the situation . '' [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [subject_end] is cruise line.
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Chinese automakers that formed joint ventures with multinationals , like [subject_start] First Auto Works [subject_end] and [object_start] Shanghai Automotive [object_end] , have grown into giants that are now beginning to produce their own models , designed and built almost entirely in China . [subject_start] First Auto Works [subject_end] is Sourth African car rental company and [object_start] Shanghai Automotive [subject_end] is company.
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`` The project will make a significant contribution to the control of water pollution in the SRB and will help solve current water shortage problems in project cities , while meeting the future demand for good quality treated water , '' said Sangay Penjor , a specialist with [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] Operations Evaluation Department [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Operations Evaluation Department [subject_end] is None.
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- [object_start] CNR Bryanston [object_end] and Main - [subject_start] CNR [subject_end] Main and Witkoppen - CNR William nicol and Lonehill Boulovard by Lipping Frog - Sunday Evening 10H00 Cnr Main and Lonehill by the Stop street - CNR Main and Kyalami - Main Road before Volvo - CNR Ballyclaire and William nicol - CNR Freedman and West or Freedman and Rivonia - CNR Rivonia and Kelvin - CNR Rivonia and 11th ave in Rivonia outside `` The Grand '' - The Ridge Shopping centre down Summit rd by the River [subject_start] CNR [subject_end] is former railway company and [object_start] CNR Bryanston [subject_end] is former railway company.
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[object_start] NEC Electronics [object_end] shot up 500 yen or 1577 percent to 3,670 after the Nikkei business daily reported that [subject_start] NEC Corp [subject_end] had received an offer from US investment fund Perry Capital LLC to buy 3087 million shares in the semiconductor subsidiary for 5,000 yen apiece . [subject_start] NEC Corp [subject_end] is Japanese technology corporation and [object_start] NEC Electronics [subject_end] is Japanese technology corporation.
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LONDON -- British-based restaurant equipment manufacturer Enodis PLC , which last month agreed to be acquired by Manitowoc Co. -LRB- MTW -RRB- , on Thursday changed course and accepted a higher cash offer from [subject_start] Illinois Tool Works Inc. [subject_end] that values [object_start] Enodis [object_end] at 1.03 billion pounds -LRB- US$ 2.01 billion -RRB- . [subject_start] Illinois Tool Works Inc. [subject_end] is company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products and [object_start] Enodis [subject_end] is UK business.
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[subject_start] China National Aviation [subject_end] to buy [object_start] CNAC [object_end] Macau from parent [subject_start] China National Aviation [subject_end] is Chinese airline until 1949 and [object_start] CNAC [subject_end] is commune in Gironde, France.
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He also declined to offer his opinion on the appointment of Lai Hsing-yuan , a former lawmaker of the pro-independence Taiwan Solidarity Union -LRB- [object_start] TSU [object_end] -RRB- , as chairwoman of the Cabinet-level [subject_start] Mainland Affairs Council [subject_end] -- the government 's top agency in planning Taiwan 's China policy . [subject_start] Mainland Affairs Council [subject_end] is Taiwanese cabinet-level administrative agency and [object_start] TSU [subject_end] is country in East Asia.
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Meanwhile , [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] 's asset management business , including its flagship mutual funds , [object_start] Pyramis Global Advisors [object_end] , and corporate functions , will be run by Ronald P. O'Hanley , a top executive at Bank of New York Mellon Corp. . [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation and [object_start] Pyramis Global Advisors [subject_end] is North American bank.
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The Civil Administration responded that Ofra Plantations is located in an area registered to [object_start] Himanuta [object_end] -LRB- a subsidiary of the [subject_start] Jewish National Fund [subject_end] -RRB- which transfered it to the government authority for the West Bank . [subject_start] Jewish National Fund [subject_end] is Jewish organization founded in 1901 and [object_start] Himanuta [subject_end] is South African business executive.
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CAA and AAA share duties , so a [object_start] CAA [object_end] membership is good for the US and a [subject_start] AAA [subject_end] membership is good for Canada . [subject_start] AAA [subject_end] is federation of motor clubs throughout the USA and Canada and [object_start] CAA [subject_end] is membership organisation.
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VENTURE FUND BUYS SPORTING CHAIN [subject_start] Highland Capital 's [subject_end] Consumer Fund includes [object_start] Lululemon Athletica [object_end] , a yoga retailer , and O Beverages , a flavored water company developed by Tom First , one of the two `` Juice Guys '' who cofounded Nantucket Nectars . [subject_start] Highland Capital 's [subject_end] is global venture capital firm and [object_start] Lululemon Athletica [subject_end] is Canadian athletic apparel retailer.
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Frame the Original The [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] 's [object_start] ABA Journal [object_end] , which last week named former attorney general Alberto `` Fredo '' Gonzales as `` Lawyer of the Year '' for 2007 , has come under such withering criticism that it is switching the title to `` Newsmaker of the Year . '' [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] is association of lawyers and [object_start] ABA Journal [subject_end] is journal.
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The [subject_start] Badr Corps [subject_end] fighters were trained by Iran 's [object_start] Revolutionary Guards [object_end] . [subject_start] Badr Corps [subject_end] is Iraqi organization and political party and [object_start] Revolutionary Guards [subject_end] is Iranian armed forces.
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In July , banana importers [subject_start] Fyffes PLC [subject_end] , [object_start] Dole Food Co. [object_end] . [subject_start] Fyffes PLC [subject_end] is Japanese-owned Irish fruit company and [object_start] Dole Food Co. [subject_end] is Irish agricultural multinational corporation.
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For example , Asad Ghanem , one of the document 's principal authors , is head of the [object_start] Government and Political Theory Department [object_end] at [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] 's School of Political Science . [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] Government and Political Theory Department [subject_end] is department of Ural Federal University.
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[object_start] Sichuan FAW Toyota Manufacturing Co [object_end] is a joint venture between Toyota and [subject_start] First Automobile Works [subject_end] . [subject_start] First Automobile Works [subject_end] is Sourth African car rental company and [object_start] Sichuan FAW Toyota Manufacturing Co [subject_end] is automobile manufacturing company.
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The Russian steel group [object_start] Evraz [object_end] , in which billionaire Roman Abramovich owns a 41-percent stake , is in negotiations to buy Canadian group [subject_start] IPSCO [subject_end] , the daily Vedomosti said on Thursday , quoting sources close to the Russian company . [subject_start] IPSCO [subject_end] is Canadian mining company and [object_start] Evraz [subject_end] is company.
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Onscreen as Madeline Westen , the mother of superspy Michael Westen on [subject_start] USA Network [subject_end] 's [object_start] Burn Notice [object_end] , Gless deploys her cigarettes with style . [subject_start] USA Network [subject_end] is American cable television channel and [object_start] Burn Notice [subject_end] is American television series.
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She cracked the Texas music chart before she even finished high school and won a spot on the inaugural season of [subject_start] USA Network [subject_end] 's `` [object_start] Nashville Star [object_end] '' talent show , finishing third behind winner Buddy Jewell . [subject_start] USA Network [subject_end] is American cable television channel and [object_start] Nashville Star [subject_end] is television series.
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`` Asian developing countries are now the fastest growing source of new greenhouse gas emissions and they will soon be the largest absolute source , '' said WooChong Um , the head of the [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] Energy , Transport and Water Division [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Energy , Transport and Water Division [subject_end] is government agency in Bangladesh.
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The [subject_start] FMF [subject_end] 's [object_start] Disciplinary Commission [object_end] ruled that `` the promotion of the Puebla Club to the first division was achieved by the sporting performance of that club and by its own merits . '' [subject_start] FMF [subject_end] is governing body of association football in Mexico and [object_start] Disciplinary Commission [subject_end] is None.
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[object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [object_end] spokeswoman Glendy Chu said [subject_start] Disney [subject_end] and the government are `` engaged in discussions regarding financing options aimed at advancing the long-term financial and development of Hong Kong Disneyland . '' [subject_start] Disney [subject_end] is American multinational mass media company and [object_start] Hong Kong Disneyland [subject_end] is Disney theme park in Hong Kong.
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Last week Fincantieri announced a euro500 million deal to build a new 2,092 passenger liner to be named Queen Elizabeth for [object_start] Cunard Line [object_end] , another unit of Miami-based [subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] , the world 's largest cruise operator . [subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Cunard Line [subject_end] is British cruise line.
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TOKYO 2007-04-13 04:03:53 UTC Nissan tying up with [subject_start] NEC [subject_end] in batteries for ecological vehicles [object_start] NEC Tokin Corp [object_end] , an NEC subsidiary that produces lithium-ion batteries , will handle the production , according to The Nikkei . [subject_start] NEC [subject_end] is Japanese technology corporation and [object_start] NEC Tokin Corp [subject_end] is business enterprise.
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The departure of McColgan , a 17-year [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] veteran , came just three months after she had been promoted from president of [object_start] Fidelity Brokerage [object_end] to head of distribution and operations . [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation and [object_start] Fidelity Brokerage [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation.
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All affected crew members were immediately isolated in their cabins after showing flu-like symptoms , and they were treated and subsequently recovered , said a statement from the ship 's operator [object_start] Holland America [object_end] , owned by [subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] . [subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Holland America [subject_end] is British-American cruise line.
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[subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] 's portfolio includes 12 brands , including [object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [object_end] , Holland America Line , Princess Cruises , Costa Cruises , and P&O Cruises . [subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [subject_end] is cruise line.
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By providing additional funding to Bank of Georgia to expand its banking operations , ADB will be achieving its first objective under the project , which is to support the emerging banking sector , '' said Pamela Bracey , Investment Specialist of [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] ' s [object_start] Private Sector Operations Department [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is company and [object_start] Private Sector Operations Department [subject_end] is fundamental management imperatives.
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FINDING THE WAY IN A DIGITAL WORLD Instead he drove to [subject_start] AAA [subject_end] 's office in downtown St Petersburg for a more human , low-tech touch : He was picking up a `` With the new TripTik , we can route you right to grandma 's house , '' said Joan Donahue , [object_start] AAA Auto Club South [object_end] 's TripTik project coordinator . [subject_start] AAA [subject_end] is federation of motor clubs throughout the USA and Canada and [object_start] AAA Auto Club South [subject_end] is company.
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All affected crew members were immediately isolated in their cabins after showing flu-like symptoms , and they were treated and subsequently recovered , said a statement from the ship 's operator [object_start] Holland America [object_end] , owned by [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] . [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Holland America [subject_end] is British-American cruise line.
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-LSB- not verbatim -RSB- The [object_start] Boston Bike Association [object_end] , not wanting to be left out and thinking it might help their P.R. , to throw some stink on us , started to complain to the [subject_start] D.C.R. [subject_end] about vicious , aggressive dogs unleashed through-out the park defecating where they want . [subject_start] D.C.R. [subject_end] is state agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and [object_start] Boston Bike Association [subject_end] is None.
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Hailing the initiative , the Afghan finance minister said that the agreement was part of a process that begun in 2007 , when [object_start] Afghanistan [object_end] first begun its debt relief program under the [subject_start] International Monetary Fund [subject_end] -LRB- IFM -RRB- and the World Bank ' Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative -LRB- HIPC -RRB- . [subject_start] International Monetary Fund [subject_end] is international organisation and [object_start] Afghanistan [subject_end] is country in Central and South Asia.
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[subject_start] ITW [subject_end] , which employs 60,000 workers in 52 countries , will make the acquisition through [object_start] FNI Ltd [object_end] , a wholly owned subsidiary . [subject_start] ITW [subject_end] is company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products and [object_start] FNI Ltd [subject_end] is American equipment manufacturer.
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Kuo Shui-yi , deputy director of [subject_start] Chunghwa Telecom [subject_end] 's [object_start] Investment Department [object_end] , has been registered as a supervisor of Taiwan Goal , according to the MOEA . [subject_start] Chunghwa Telecom [subject_end] is Taiwanese telecommunications company and [object_start] Investment Department [subject_end] is None.
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[object_start] Dragonair [object_end] 's biggest shareholder now is the state-owned China National Aviation Corp -LRB- [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] -RRB- . [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] is People's Republic of China government body overseeing civilian airflight and [object_start] Dragonair [subject_end] is former Hong Kong airline.
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`` You do not want to be caught in that air , '' said Dr. Kenneth Rundell , the director of the [object_start] Human Performance Laboratory [object_end] at [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] in Scranton , Pa. . [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] is private Catholic liberal arts university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. United States and [object_start] Human Performance Laboratory [subject_end] is None.
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[subject_start] Representative [subject_end] Frank Smizik , a Brookline Democrat who is House chairman of the [object_start] Joint Committee on the Environment , Natural Resources , and Agriculture [object_end] , said the House version would allow needed renewable energy to be built in state waters as soon as possible . [subject_start] Representative [subject_end] is lower house of the United States Congress and [object_start] Joint Committee on the Environment , Natural Resources , and Agriculture [subject_end] is unknown.
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[object_start] Carnival Australia [object_end] , a subsidiary of global [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] , demands that adults aged 18 to 21 are accompanied by a parent or guardian if they want to book one of a range of South Pacific cruises from Australian ports from November through January . [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Carnival Australia [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company.
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The [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] has shut down its [object_start] Canadian dictionary division [object_end] in Toronto due to `` changing market conditions , '' according to a statement released Wednesday . [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] is publishing arm of the University of Oxford and [object_start] Canadian dictionary division [subject_end] is Canadian English dictionary.
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Cathay said it will consider joining [object_start] Air China [object_end] and its parent [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp [subject_end] for a potential strategic partnership with CEA if the SIA-Temasek deal is rejected by CEA shareholders . [subject_start] China National Aviation Corp [subject_end] is Chinese state-owned enterprise and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
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VENTURE FUND BUYS SPORTING CHAIN [subject_start] Highland Capital [subject_end] 's Consumer Fund includes Lululemon Athletica , a yoga retailer , and [object_start] O Beverages [object_end] , a flavored water company developed by Tom First , one of the two `` Juice Guys '' who cofounded Nantucket Nectars . [subject_start] Highland Capital [subject_end] is global venture capital firm and [object_start] O Beverages [subject_end] is American beverage company.
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[subject_start] Alcatel [subject_end] bought [object_start] Lucent [object_end] last year . [subject_start] Alcatel [subject_end] is French defunct global telecommunications equipment company and [object_start] Lucent [subject_end] is former business, merged with Alcatel in 2006.
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MIAMI 2007-02-05 13:31:46 UTC [subject_start] Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd [subject_end] , which operates 34 ships under its namesake and [object_start] Celebrity Cruise [object_end] brands , said Monday it swung to a fourth-quarter profit on lower cruise costs and increased revenue . [subject_start] Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd [subject_end] is International cruise holding company and [object_start] Celebrity Cruise [subject_end] is cruise line.
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If it were me , I might drop the TRP target fund , cut back the Select fund to 5 % , drop the Cap Ap , increase the Strategic Income to 15 % -LRB- to recover some of the lost bonds -RRB- , reduce Canada to 8 % , add 15 % [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] Int ' l Discovery , and replace 10 % of the Leveraged Co. fund with 18 % [object_start] Fidelity Value [object_end] - FDVLX -LRB- to get some value exposure -RRB- . [subject_start] Fidelity [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation and [object_start] Fidelity Value [subject_end] is British investment trust.
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[object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [object_end] is part of [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] , the world 's largest cruise group . [subject_start] Carnival Corp [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Carnival Cruise Lines [subject_end] is cruise line.
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[subject_start] China National Aviation [subject_end] , which is also Air China 's parent , will transfer a 22.8 percent stake it held in Shandong Airlines and a 48 percent stake in Shandong Aviation to [object_start] Air China [object_end] , a Shandong Airlines statement said . [subject_start] China National Aviation [subject_end] is Chinese airline until 1949 and [object_start] Air China [subject_end] is flag carrier of the People's Republic of China.
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The [object_start] SBL [object_end] , the brainchild of the [subject_start] Sports Affairs Council [subject_end] and the Chinese Taipei Basketball Association , in hope of reviving local basketball , was established in 2003 , four years after the professional league Chinese Basketball Alliance -LRB- CBA -RRB- folded . [subject_start] Sports Affairs Council [subject_end] is branch of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of China and [object_start] SBL [subject_end] is sports league.
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It 's unclear how Lawson 's position , and McColgan 's departure , affect Johnson 's daughter , Abigail P Johnson , the head of [object_start] Fidelity [object_end] 's big employer-services unit who also recently became vice chair of the board of directors of Fidelity parent [subject_start] FMR Corp [subject_end] . [subject_start] FMR Corp [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation and [object_start] Fidelity [subject_end] is US American multinational financial services corporation.
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`` The Citarum River basin urgently needs improved management and significant infrastructure investments , '' said Christopher Morris , a water expert in [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] Southeast Asia Regional Department [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Southeast Asia Regional Department [subject_end] is United Nations Commission for economic cooperation among its member states.
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`` We are not in the blame and shame business , '' said William H Neukom , president of the [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] , a founding member of [object_start] the World Justice Project [object_end] organizing this week 's conference . [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] is association of lawyers and [object_start] the World Justice Project [subject_end] is Nonprofit organization.
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ConAgra Foods Recalls All Banquet Pot Pies and Store Brand Pot Pies OMAHA , Neb. -- -LRB- BUSINESS WIRE -RRB- -- Oct. 11 , 2007 -- [subject_start] ConAgra Foods [subject_end] announced today that it is continuing its efforts to ensure consumer safety by voluntarily recalling all varieties of Banquet brand frozen pot pies and all varieties of store brand frozen pot pies sold under the names of Albertson 's , [object_start] Hill Country Fare [object_end] , Food Lion , Great Value , Kirkwood , Kroger , Meijer and Western Family . [subject_start] ConAgra Foods [subject_end] is company and [object_start] Hill Country Fare [subject_end] is American food company.
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[object_start] FAW Car [object_end] is a unit of state-owned China [subject_start] FAW [subject_end] Group Corp , one of China 's top three automaker groups by output along with SAIC and Dongfeng Motor Corp . [subject_start] FAW [subject_end] is automobile manufacturer of China and [object_start] FAW Car [subject_end] is automobile manufacturer of China.
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Patrick Manning 's [object_start] People 's National Movement [object_end] currently holds 26 of the 41 seats in Parliament , while the [subject_start] United National Congress [subject_end] holds the remaining 15 seats . [subject_start] United National Congress [subject_end] is political party in Trinidad and Tobago and [object_start] People 's National Movement [subject_end] is political party in Trinidad and Tobago.
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[subject_start] Firstgroup [subject_end] , the British company that owns [object_start] Greyhound [object_end] lines , said Wednesday it will start running budget Greyhound services here next month . [subject_start] Firstgroup [subject_end] is international transport group and [object_start] Greyhound [subject_end] is North American intercity bus service.
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Spokesmen for the [object_start] Independent Community Bankers of America [object_end] and the [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] said Tuesday that they had lobbied successfully to ensure that every bank and thrift would be allowed to apply for aid from the government . [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] is organization and [object_start] Independent Community Bankers of America [subject_end] is None.
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The new fund `` will address the causes and consequences of global warming , '' said Werner Liepach , the head of the [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] Office of Cofinancing Operations [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is company and [object_start] Office of Cofinancing Operations [subject_end] is None.
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The [subject_start] Detroit Medical Center [subject_end] also has two geriatric clinics , at Detroit Receiving and [object_start] Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital [object_end] in Commerce Township . [subject_start] Detroit Medical Center [subject_end] is hospital in Michigan, United States and [object_start] Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital [subject_end] is hospital in Michigan, United States.
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Description : City Syracuse State NY Job Title MARKET DEVELOPMENT MANAGER-MICRO Description Mallinckrodt Baker , Inc. -LRB- MBI -RRB- is part of the [object_start] Pharmaceuticals Division of Mallinckrodt [object_end] , a unit of [subject_start] Tyco Healthcare [subject_end] . [subject_start] Tyco Healthcare [subject_end] is American healthcare facilities company and [object_start] Pharmaceuticals Division of Mallinckrodt [subject_end] is American-Irish domiciled manufacturer of specialty pharmaceuticals.
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Lea Wittenberg , a lecturer at [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] 's geography and [object_start] environmental studies department [object_end] , agreed . [subject_start] Haifa University [subject_end] is Israeli University in Haifa and [object_start] environmental studies department [subject_end] is multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the environment in the interests of solving complex problems.
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Japan 's [subject_start] NEC [subject_end] says net profit fails to meet forecast Semiconductor subsidiary [object_start] NEC Electronics Corp [object_end] posted a net loss of 18 billion yen , bigger than its initial estimate for a loss of 15 billion yen after taking charges on deferred tax assets of its US business . [subject_start] NEC [subject_end] is Japanese technology corporation and [object_start] NEC Electronics Corp [subject_end] is Japanese technology corporation.
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`` Payment rejection means embarrassment , inconvenience , merchant fees and other adverse circumstances , '' said Nessa Feddis , senior counsel at the [object_start] American Bankers Association [object_end] 's [subject_start] Center for Regulatory Compliance [subject_end] . [subject_start] Center for Regulatory Compliance [subject_end] is None and [object_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] is organization.
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[object_start] Royal Caribbean [object_end] 's portfolio includes 35 ships sailing under the [subject_start] Royal Caribbean International [subject_end] , Celebrity Cruises , Azamara and Pullmantur brands . [subject_start] Royal Caribbean International [subject_end] is cruise line brand founded in Norway and based in Miami, Florida and [object_start] Royal Caribbean [subject_end] is cruise line brand founded in Norway and based in Miami, Florida.
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[subject_start] IPSCO [subject_end] , which has about 4,400 employees , completed a $ 1.43 billion cash buyout of steel pipe and tube maker [object_start] NS Group Inc. [object_end] in December . [subject_start] IPSCO [subject_end] is type of public offering and [object_start] NS Group Inc. [subject_end] is IT service company.
organization other branch
Chinese Petroleum Corp -LRB- [subject_start] CCP [subject_end] -RRB- , another state-owned enterprise , bought all the shares of Taiwan Alkali in 1967 and the factory was merged in 1983 with a CCP subsidiary , [object_start] China Petrochemical Development Corp [object_end] , which went private in 1994 . [subject_start] CCP [subject_end] is founding and sole ruling party of the People's Republic of China and [object_start] China Petrochemical Development Corp [subject_end] is Chinese oil refining, gas and petrochemical conglomerate.
organization other branch
`` The rate of urbanization that Asia is experiencing is a phenomenon that is unprecedented in human history , '' said Shyam Bajpai , Deputy Director General of [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] Regional and Sustainable Development Department [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] Regional and Sustainable Development Department [subject_end] is organization.
organization other branch
Liu Qi , member of the Political Bureau of the [subject_start] Communist Party of China [subject_end] -LRB- CPC -RRB- [object_start] Central Committee [object_end] and secretary of the Beijing municipal committee of the CPC , left here Wednesday morning for visits to Norway , Sweden , Iceland , the Netherlands and Switzerland . [subject_start] Communist Party of China [subject_end] is founding and sole ruling party of the People's Republic of China and [object_start] Central Committee [subject_end] is unknown.
organization other branch
Tseng suggested that Taiwan transform its [subject_start] Mainland Affairs Council [subject_end] 's Hong Kong office , referred to as the [object_start] Chung Hwa Travel Service [object_end] , into an economic and cultural office and agree to allow Hong Kong to set up a representative office in Taiwan at the same level . [subject_start] Mainland Affairs Council [subject_end] is Taiwanese cabinet-level administrative agency and [object_start] Chung Hwa Travel Service [subject_end] is Taiwan's postal services provider.
organization other branch
In the study , researcher Geert Leroux-Roels of the [object_start] Center for Vaccinology [object_end] at [subject_start] Ghent University [subject_end] in Belgium gave four antigen doses ranging from 38 micrograms to 30 micrograms to 400 adults , aged 18-60 , divided into eight groups of 50 . [subject_start] Ghent University [subject_end] is Dutch-speaking university in Belgium and [object_start] Center for Vaccinology [subject_end] is None.
organization other branch
Sheldon Meyer , his editor at the [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] in New York encouraged him to write more books , building around the thesis of a California dream -- material dreams in [object_start] Southern California [object_end] , endangered dreams in the Great Depression , embattled dreams in wartime , enduring dreams in the 1940s . [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] is publishing arm of the University of Oxford and [object_start] Southern California [subject_end] is southern portion of U.S. state of California.
organization other branch
`` India needs substantial investment in infrastructure if it is to achieve its economic growth targets , '' said Seethapathy Chander , Deputy Director General with [object_start] ADB [object_end] 's [subject_start] Private Sector Department [subject_end] . [subject_start] Private Sector Department [subject_end] is sector of the economy run by non-state entities and [object_start] ADB [subject_end] is company.
organization other branch
In another 2007 study conducted by the [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] 's Community Bankers Council and the [object_start] ABA Banking Journal [object_end] , nearly 60 percent of community bankers ranked remote deposit capture as their chief focus for technology investments , putting it higher than spending on Internet and core bank operations infrastructure . [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] is organization and [object_start] ABA Banking Journal [subject_end] is journal.
organization other branch
The Political Bureau of the [subject_start] Communist Party of China [subject_end] -LRB- CPC -RRB- [object_start] Central Committee [object_end] met Tuesday in a meeting on anti-corruption , demanding greater efforts in addressing problems the masses complained about most and fighting corruption among grassroots officials . [subject_start] Communist Party of China [subject_end] is founding and sole ruling party of the People's Republic of China and [object_start] Central Committee [subject_end] is unknown.
organization other branch
`` We aim to strengthen cross-border trade , tourism development and economic growth to raise living standards while protecting the environment of the poorest , most remote parts of the country , '' said Amy Leung , Principal Urban Development Specialist of the [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] 's [object_start] East Asia Department [object_end] . [subject_start] ADB [subject_end] is regional development bank and [object_start] East Asia Department [subject_end] is eastern region of Asia.
organization other branch
PRESS RELEASE - The [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] will be spending the entire week of October 18-24 , 2009 celebrating its [object_start] Friends of the Library Group [object_end] . [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] is park in Manhattan and [object_start] Friends of the Library Group [subject_end] is type of charitable group that supports libraries.
organization other branch
[subject_start] Jackson Hewitt Tax Services Inc. [subject_end] , which licensed Sohail 's [object_start] Smart Tax of Georgia Inc. [object_end] , said nothing beyond posting a short statement on its Web site . [subject_start] Jackson Hewitt Tax Services Inc. [subject_end] is American tax preparation company and [object_start] Smart Tax of Georgia Inc. [subject_end] is Bank headquartered in Tbilisi, Georgia.
organization other branch
[subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] is the parent company of Carnival Cruise Lines , Costa Cruises , Cunard Line , Holland America Line , [object_start] Princess Cruises [object_end] and The Yachts of Seabourn [subject_start] Carnival [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Princess Cruises [subject_end] is cruise line.
organization other branch
-RRB- The ABA 's [object_start] House of Delegates [object_end] adopted a policy during its Feb 12 meeting in Miami that sits firmly on a property rights platform : `` RESOLVED , That the [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] supports the traditional property rights of private employers and other private property owners to exclude from the workplace and other private property , persons in possession of firearms or other weapons and opposes federal , state , territorial and local legislation that abrogates those rights . '' [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] is association of lawyers and [object_start] House of Delegates [subject_end] is lower house of the Virginia General Assembly.
organization other branch
[object_start] Carnival Australia [object_end] , a subsidiary of global [subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] , demands that adults aged 18 to 21 are accompanied by a parent or guardian if they want to book one of a range of South Pacific cruises from Australian ports from November through January . [subject_start] Carnival Corp. [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company and [object_start] Carnival Australia [subject_end] is British–American-Panamanian global cruise company.
organization other branch
[subject_start] Fyffes [subject_end] -- which originally sought repayment of [object_start] DCC [object_end] 's entire euro80 million profit from the sale -- declined to comment . [subject_start] Fyffes [subject_end] is Japanese-owned Irish fruit company and [object_start] DCC [subject_end] is a conglomerate with international sales, marketing and support services group.
organization other branch
[object_start] Tyr Energy [object_end] , a US unit of [subject_start] Itochu [subject_end] , has become the sole owner of the 315-megawatt gas-turbine Commonwealth Chesapeake Power Station , which supplies power to 300,000 households , the Japanese parent firm said in a statement . [subject_start] Itochu [subject_end] is Japanese trading company and [object_start] Tyr Energy [subject_end] is American energy company.
organization other branch
------ Born in Baltimore in [object_start] 1922 [object_end] , [subject_start] Parren Mitchell [subject_end] was a graduate of Morgan State College and earned a Master 's degree from the University of Maryland , according to biographical information supplied by Cummings ' office . [subject_start] Parren Mitchell [subject_end] is American politician and [object_start] 1922 [subject_end] is year.
person date of birth
[subject_start] Rothman [subject_end] was born in San Francisco in [object_start] 1932 [object_end] in an Orthodox Jewish family . [subject_start] Rothman [subject_end] is Wikimedia disambiguation page and [object_start] 1932 [subject_end] is year.
person date of birth
BIRTH DATE -- Born [object_start] 1958 [object_end] in the Iraqi city of Najaf ; [subject_start] naturalized Iranian citizen [subject_end] . [subject_start] naturalized Iranian citizen [subject_end] is overview of the laws regulating nationality and citizenship in Iran and [object_start] 1958 [subject_end] is year.
person date of birth
[subject_start] Bolin [subject_end] , born on [object_start] April 11 , 1908 [object_end] , in Poughkeepsie , New York , was the daughter of a successful lawyer . [subject_start] Bolin [subject_end] is family name and [object_start] April 11 , 1908 [subject_end] is date.
person date of birth
[subject_start] Catherine Gertrude Roraback [subject_end] was born in Brooklyn on [object_start] Sept. 17 , 1920 [object_end] , one of three children of Albert and Gertrude Dittmars Roraback . [subject_start] Catherine Gertrude Roraback [subject_end] is American lawyer (1920-2007) and [object_start] Sept. 17 , 1920 [subject_end] is year.
person date of birth
[subject_start] Ahearn [subject_end] was born [object_start] Oct 7 , 1954 [object_end] , in Nashville , Tenn , and graduated with honors from the University of Alabama . [subject_start] Ahearn [subject_end] is Political consultant and [object_start] Oct 7 , 1954 [subject_end] is Foundress of Presentation Sisters.
person date of birth
[subject_start] Raul Castro [subject_end] was born on [object_start] June 3 [object_end] , 1931 in Cuba 's Oriente Province and educated at Jesuit schools and the University of Havana . [subject_start] Raul Castro [subject_end] is former First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba and [object_start] June 3 [subject_end] is day of the year.
person date of birth
Richard Henry Nolte was born in Duluth , Minn. , on [object_start] Dec. 27 , 1920 [object_end] , a son of Julius and [subject_start] Mildred Miller Nolte [subject_end] . [subject_start] Mildred Miller Nolte [subject_end] is American writer and [object_start] Dec. 27 , 1920 [subject_end] is day of the year.
person date of birth
Born of schoolteacher parents in the western town of Sabaneta on [object_start] July 28 , 1954 [object_end] , [subject_start] Chavez [subject_end] studied at the Military Academy of Venezuela in Caracas . [subject_start] Chavez [subject_end] is President of Venezuela, 1999–2002 and 2002–2013 and [object_start] July 28 , 1954 [subject_end] is month of 1954.
person date of birth
[subject_start] Philip Mayer Kaiser [subject_end] was born in Brooklyn , New York , on [object_start] July 12 , 1913 [object_end] , the ninth of 10 children of Moishe Bear and Tema Kaiser . [subject_start] Philip Mayer Kaiser [subject_end] is American diplomat (1913-2007) and [object_start] July 12 , 1913 [subject_end] is month of 1911.
person date of birth
Antonioni was born in [object_start] 1912 [object_end] in the northern Italian city of [subject_start] Ferrara [subject_end] . [subject_start] Ferrara [subject_end] is Italian comune and [object_start] 1912 [subject_end] is year.
person date of birth
[subject_start] Jane Matilda Bolin [subject_end] was born on [object_start] April 11 , 1908 [object_end] , in Poughkeepsie , N.Y. . [subject_start] Jane Matilda Bolin [subject_end] is American judge and [object_start] April 11 , 1908 [subject_end] is date.
person date of birth
[subject_start] She [subject_end] was born Belle Silverman on [object_start] May 25 , 1929 [object_end] in Brooklyn . [subject_start] She [subject_end] is third-person feminine singular personal pronoun and [object_start] May 25 , 1929 [subject_end] is year.
person date of birth