According to Tawfiq , [object_start] Saddam Hussein [object_end] gave the order to dismantle Iraq 's weapons of mass destruction programmes in 1995 , after his brother-in-law and arms chief [subject_start] Hussein Kamel [subject_end] defected and briefed the UN inspectors . [subject_start] Hussein Kamel [subject_end] is Iraqi politician (1954-1996) and [object_start] Saddam Hussein [subject_end] is Iraqi president, army officer and Baathist politician.
person siblings
[object_start] He [object_end] ordered it to report back to [subject_start] him [subject_end] by May 24 . [subject_start] him [subject_end] is major general in the United States Army (1886-1976) and [object_start] He [subject_end] is major general in the United States Army (1886-1976).
person siblings
In addition to her brother , who lives in Schnecksville , Pa , [subject_start] she [subject_end] is survived by her children , William Dent Crisp , Barbara Crisp and Anne Crisp , all of Phoenix ; her sister , [object_start] Jesse Dent Cook [object_end] of Arlington , Va ; her companion , William Tayler ; and two grandchildren . [subject_start] she [subject_end] is Foundress of Presentation Sisters and [object_start] Jesse Dent Cook [subject_end] is Canadian guitarist, composer, and producer.
person siblings
Survivors include his wife of 58 years , Jane Callaghan Gude of Washington ; five children , Sharon Gude of Rockville , Adrienne Lewis of Washington , [subject_start] Gilbert Gude Jr. [subject_end] of Bethesda and [object_start] Gregory Gude [object_end] and Daniel Gude , both of Cabin John , Md. ; and three grandchildren . [subject_start] Gilbert Gude Jr. [subject_end] is American politician (1923-2007) and [object_start] Gregory Gude [subject_end] is American politician (1923-2007).
person siblings
She borrowed the money from [subject_start] Ownit Mortgage Solutions [subject_end] , a [object_start] California [object_end] company that sought bankruptcy protection in December after many of its customers defaulted on their loans . [subject_start] Ownit Mortgage Solutions [subject_end] is None and [object_start] California [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Speculation about a potential takeover of [subject_start] Ipsco [subject_end] , which is based in Regina , [object_start] Saskatchewan [object_end] , but has executive offices in Lisle , Ill , started over a month ago . [subject_start] Ipsco [subject_end] is Canadian research company and [object_start] Saskatchewan [subject_end] is province of Canada.
organization state or province of headquarters
In [object_start] Washington State [object_end] , the [subject_start] American Beverage Association [subject_end] , a trade group that includes Coke and Pepsi , spent $ 16.5 million to win passage of a November ballot initiative that overturned a small tax on soft drinks enacted by the legislature to help plug a budget gap . [subject_start] American Beverage Association [subject_end] is American beverage industry organization and [object_start] Washington State [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The offer from [subject_start] ITW [subject_end] , the Glenview , [object_start] Ill [object_end] , diversified manufacturer of engineered products , represents a premium of 85 percent to the Manitowoc bid . [subject_start] ITW [subject_end] is company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products and [object_start] Ill [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Closing the series on Aug. 2 is The Bruce Willis Blues Band , which will perform at the [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in Cape Canaveral , [object_start] Florida [object_end] , where portions of the 1998 Academy Award-nominated science fiction movie `` Armageddon '' were filmed . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Like artists and institutions -LRB- the [subject_start] Barnes Foundation [subject_end] in [object_start] Pennsylvania [object_end] , for one -RRB- who believe that titles just get in the way , the filmmaker wants you to concentrate on what these people are doing , not who they are . [subject_start] Barnes Foundation [subject_end] is art museum in Philadephia, Pennsylvania and [object_start] Pennsylvania [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
[subject_start] EnergySolutions Inc. [subject_end] wants to ship about 200,000 cubic feet -LRB- 5,664 cubic meters -RRB- of the radioactive waste into the United States , process it in Tennessee before burying it at a site in Clive , [object_start] Utah [object_end] , where the company is based . [subject_start] EnergySolutions Inc. [subject_end] is processor of low level nuclear waste and [object_start] Utah [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
BOISE , Idaho 2008-05-09 07:55:15 UTC But the changes also mean that some foreign waste incinerated in Tennessee likely has been buried at the [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] site in [object_start] Utah [object_end] . [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] is processor of low level nuclear waste and [object_start] Utah [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
[object_start] New York [object_end] : [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] . [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] is publishing arm of the University of Oxford and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Based in Armonk , [object_start] New York [object_end] , [subject_start] MBIA [subject_end] insures $ 670 billion -LRB- euro452 .18 billion -RRB- in debt . [subject_start] MBIA [subject_end] is company and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
[subject_start] MTC [subject_end] , based in Dayton , [object_start] Ohio [object_end] , is a supplier of logistics services to the US Department of Defense and national security agencies . [subject_start] MTC [subject_end] is US business that manages private prisons and [object_start] Ohio [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` We need more time , '' said Cain at a press conference late Thursday from NASA 's [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
An argument of racial oppression overlooks the parade of white politicians taken down in [object_start] Massachusetts [object_end] , including two powerful and now former speakers of the [subject_start] Massachusetts House of Representatives [subject_end] , Charles Flaherty and Tom Finneran . [subject_start] Massachusetts House of Representatives [subject_end] is lower house of U.S. state legislature and [object_start] Massachusetts [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The Department of Justice said it would n't challenge that deal , but it did file a lawsuit Monday to block JBS from buying the nation 's fourth-largest beef processor , [subject_start] National Beef Packing Co. [subject_end] of Kansas City , [object_start] Missouri [object_end] . [subject_start] National Beef Packing Co. [subject_end] is beef processor and [object_start] Missouri [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
2008-03-17T15 :34:00 ---------------------------------------------------- The report , `` Keeping Score When It Counts , '' is produced by the [subject_start] Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport [subject_end] at the University of Central [object_start] Florida [object_end] and is based on the Graduation Success Rates calculated by the NCAA . [subject_start] Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport [subject_end] is American sports organization and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` I think there 's more local autonomy , a greater degree of local decision making , than people give credit for , '' said Malley , who directs the Near East and North Africa program for the [subject_start] International Crisis Group [subject_end] , a conflict resolution group in [object_start] Washington [object_end] . [subject_start] International Crisis Group [subject_end] is non-governmental organization and [object_start] Washington [subject_end] is city in Daviess County, Indiana, United States.
organization state or province of headquarters
A representative from the [object_start] New York [object_end] office of [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] , which publishes the Oxford dictionary , said nobody was immediately available to comment . [subject_start] Oxford University Press [subject_end] is publishing arm of the University of Oxford and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The [object_start] Hong Kong-based [subject_start] [object_end] CNAC [subject_end] , which holds 1207 percent of China Eastern 's H shares , is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China National Aviation Holding Company -LRB- CNAHC -RRB- , parent company of the country 's largest international carrier , Air China . [subject_start] CNAC [subject_end] is national oil company in China and [object_start] Hong Kong-based [subject_end] is special administrative region of China.
organization state or province of headquarters
Best Small Library in America 2008 : [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] - A [object_start] Michigan [object_end] Model -LRB- Library Journal , 2/1/08 -RRB- For more information and additional news links , see previous Chelsea Blog post : Chelsea District Library is the Best Small Library in America ! [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] is Wikimedia disambiguation page and [object_start] Michigan [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Joel Hunter , a pastor at [subject_start] Northland Church [subject_end] in Orlando , [object_start] Fla. [object_end] , told the news conference that preconceptions about global warming held by many evangelicals will be difficult to overcome . [subject_start] Northland Church [subject_end] is university in Wisconsin, United States and [object_start] Fla. [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Discovery lifts off midnight Friday from the [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] after two delays . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
[object_start] Illinois-based [subject_start] [object_end] IPSCO [subject_end] has about 4,400 employees and an annual steelmaking capacity of more than 4 million tons . [subject_start] IPSCO [subject_end] is company, from Pohang, South Korea; with New York Exchange -listed share (PKX) and [object_start] Illinois-based [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
It stands with another piece of present lunacy in which a bar owner , also in [object_start] Ontario [object_end] , is caught between conflicting jurisprudence : the [subject_start] Ontario Human Rights Commission [subject_end] says he must allow the smoking of medical marijuana outside his premises , but Liquor Control Board of Ontario regulations are clear he will lose his liquor-licence if he does . [subject_start] Ontario Human Rights Commission [subject_end] is Canadian government agency and [object_start] Ontario [subject_end] is province of Canada.
organization state or province of headquarters
It includes individuals like Dr Joel C Hunter , pastor of [subject_start] Northland [subject_end] , a megachurch in Longwood , [object_start] Fla [object_end] , and Sammy Mah , president of World Relief , an aid group affiliated with the National Association of Evangelicals . [subject_start] Northland [subject_end] is university in Wisconsin, United States and [object_start] Fla [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Audits by the Agriculture Department 's Food Safety and Inspection Service resulted in `` noncompliance '' records to a [subject_start] National Beef Packing Co. [subject_end] plant in Dodge City , Kansas , and a Cargill Meat Solutions plant in Fresno , [object_start] California [object_end] , according to information obtained by the AP under a Freedom of Information Act request . [subject_start] National Beef Packing Co. [subject_end] is beef processor and [object_start] California [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
And there is some evidence that you can develop tolerance to ozone over a five-day period , said Kenneth W. Rundell , director of respiratory research and the human physiology laboratory at [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] in Scranton , [object_start] Pa. [object_end] . [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] is private Catholic liberal arts university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. United States and [object_start] Pa. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` This meeting is incredibly important from a psychological point of view , '' said Joost Hiltermann , a Middle East expert with the [subject_start] International Crisis Group [subject_end] in [object_start] Amman [object_end] , Jordan . [subject_start] International Crisis Group [subject_end] is non-governmental organization and [object_start] Amman [subject_end] is capital of Jordan.
organization state or province of headquarters
When [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] , then called Envirocare of [object_start] Utah [object_end] , sought to accept low-level waste in 1991 , the state backed the company . [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] is processor of low level nuclear waste and [object_start] Utah [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Atlantis ' scheduled landing next Thursday will not be affected by a strike of shuttle program workers at [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in Cape Canaveral , [object_start] Florida [object_end] . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Endeavour lifts off on July 15 from [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] after five delays , on a track to the ISS . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` Now I 'd love nothing more than to have an opportunity of managing a team and beat the heck out of them , '' said Carter , 54 , who managed the Orange County Flyers of the independent [subject_start] Golden Baseball League [subject_end] in [object_start] California [object_end] last season . [subject_start] Golden Baseball League [subject_end] is North American independent baseball league and [object_start] California [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Unlike a debate , the candidates will face questions from Wallace around a table in a studio on the campus of [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] , a small institution in Goffstown , [object_start] New Hampshire [object_end] . [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] is Benedictine college in New Hampshire, U.S. and [object_start] New Hampshire [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Last month , Armonk , [object_start] New York-based [subject_start] [object_end] MBIA [subject_end] slashed its dividend by more than half , to 13 cents , although no dividends have yet been paid out at that rate . [subject_start] MBIA [subject_end] is company and [object_start] New York-based [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Learn More [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] 221 S Main St Chelsea , [object_start] MI [object_end] 48118 -LRB- 734 -RRB- - 475-8732 Find it on a map [subject_start] Chelsea District Library [subject_end] is unknown and [object_start] MI [subject_end] is geographic coordinate conversion software.
organization state or province of headquarters
The shuttle should reach [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] on Monday . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` It 's particularly troubling that the United States would turn over its port security not only to a foreign company , but a state-owned one , '' said western [object_start] New York [object_end] 's Rep. Tom Reynolds , chairman of the [subject_start] National Republican Campaign Committee [subject_end] . [subject_start] National Republican Campaign Committee [subject_end] is Senate Republican campaign arm and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
In 1878 At a meeting in Saratoga , [object_start] New York [object_end] , the [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] is founded . [subject_start] American Bar Association [subject_end] is association of lawyers and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The telecom equipment maker plans to cut a total of 12,500 jobs over three years -- or about 16 percent of the global work force -- as it seeks euro1 7 billion -LRB- US$ 22 billion -RRB- annual savings from the acquisition of [object_start] New Jersey-based [object_end] Lucent Technologies by France 's [subject_start] Alcatel [subject_end] , completed last November . [subject_start] Alcatel [subject_end] is French defunct global telecommunications equipment company and [object_start] New Jersey-based [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Speaking at [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] in Goffstown , [object_start] New Hampshire [object_end] , he told an audience likely to have an aversion to its southern neighbors , `` I came out of school and got a job in Boston . [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] is Benedictine college in New Hampshire, U.S. and [object_start] New Hampshire [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Soldiers attacked [subject_start] JEM [subject_end] positions in [object_start] Uzban [object_end] , southeast of El Fasher , after they had moved in recently and `` sown chaos and instability , '' Sawarmi Khaled Saad was quoted by the Sudanese Media Centre as saying . [subject_start] JEM [subject_end] is Terrorist organisation and [object_start] Uzban [subject_end] is district of Osh Province, Kyrgyzstan.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` The credit crunch is very much a regional issue , '' said James Chessen , chief economist at the [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] , a trade group in Washington , D.C. `` [object_start] Massachusetts [object_end] ' banks were conservative over the past few years , and now they are in position to get in there and lend . '' [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] is organization and [object_start] Massachusetts [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Celebrations across the United States are to be held Monday to mark the historic 40th anniversary of the first moon walk , including observances at the [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] and Washington 's Air and Space Museum . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
This is America 's civil rights battle for the 21st century , '' says Chung-Wha Hong of the [subject_start] New York Immigration Coalition [subject_end] , an umbrella organization for about 150 groups in [object_start] New York State [object_end] that work with immigrants and refugees . [subject_start] New York Immigration Coalition [subject_end] is Wikimedia list article and [object_start] New York State [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The WWE canceled its live `` Monday Night RAW '' card in Corpus Christi , [object_start] Texas [object_end] , and [subject_start] USA Network [subject_end] aired a three-hour tribute to Benoit in place of the scheduled wrestling telecast . [subject_start] USA Network [subject_end] is American cable television channel and [object_start] Texas [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
IMMIGRANT POPULATION IN POSITIVE LIGHT `` Immigrants gradually become part of our communities , '' concluded the survey , titled `` Working for a Better Life : A Profile of Immigrants in the [object_start] New York [object_end] State Economy , '' by the Fiscal Policy Institute and The [subject_start] New York Immigration Coalition [subject_end] . [subject_start] New York Immigration Coalition [subject_end] is advocacy organization and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` Consumers can take some solace in the sell-off , but there are more supportive factors down the road here , '' said John Kilduff , senior vice president of risk management at [subject_start] MF Global LLC [subject_end] in [object_start] New York [object_end] . [subject_start] MF Global LLC [subject_end] is global financial derivatives broker, bankrupted 2011 and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Cullen said the event , which is set to take place two days before the [object_start] New Hampshire [object_end] primary , will be held in the afternoon or evening at [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] in Goffstown , N.H. . [subject_start] St. Anselm College [subject_end] is Benedictine college in New Hampshire, U.S. and [object_start] New Hampshire [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
These days , he coaches at tiny [subject_start] Northwood University [subject_end] in [object_start] South Florida [object_end] after stops at Nevada-Las Vegas and Cleveland State . [subject_start] Northwood University [subject_end] is Private university in Midland, Michigan, United States and [object_start] South Florida [subject_end] is region of the U.S. state of Florida.
organization state or province of headquarters
American Idols Live [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] Arena Salt Lake City , [object_start] Utah [object_end] July 31 , 2007 $ 291,785 5,042 / 11,532 1 / 0 $ 68.50 , $ 39.50 AEG Live [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] is processor of low level nuclear waste and [object_start] Utah [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Jennifer Donahue , political director of the [subject_start] New Hampshire Institute of Politics [subject_end] at St. Anselm College , said she believes the Republican Party can still come back , at least in independent-minded [object_start] New Hampshire [object_end] where the state motto is `` Live Free or Die . '' [subject_start] New Hampshire Institute of Politics [subject_end] is None and [object_start] New Hampshire [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Art and the Feminist Revolution '' at the [object_start] National Museum of Women in the Arts [object_end] in [subject_start] Washington [subject_end] . [subject_start] Washington [subject_end] is city in Daviess County, Indiana, United States and [object_start] National Museum of Women in the Arts [subject_end] is art museum in Washington, D.C..
organization state or province of headquarters
Richard E. Lapchick , of the [subject_start] Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport [subject_end] at [object_start] Central Florida [object_end] , told the committee he agreed with Brand 's efforts but more steps might be necessary . [subject_start] Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport [subject_end] is organization and [object_start] Central Florida [subject_end] is region in Florida, United States.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` What they 're doing is active management , '' said Clifford S. Asness , managing principal at [subject_start] AQR Capital Management [subject_end] in Greenwich , [object_start] Conn. [object_end] . [subject_start] AQR Capital Management [subject_end] is global investment management firm and [object_start] Conn. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
And the politically powerful Christian group [subject_start] Focus on the Family [subject_end] in Colorado Springs , [object_start] Colo. [object_end] , conducted a radio interview with Berkowitz in 2003 about his troubled childhood , the shootings and his religious faith . [subject_start] Focus on the Family [subject_end] is American fundamentalist Christian organization and [object_start] Colo. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
It is now at 20.0 when calculated on the basis of trailing 12-month earnings , according to Clifford S. Asness , managing principal at [subject_start] AQR Capital Management [subject_end] , a hedge fund firm in Greenwich , [object_start] Conn. [object_end] ; that is higher than 73 percentof the readings dating back to 1965 . [subject_start] AQR Capital Management [subject_end] is global investment management firm and [object_start] Conn. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` Role Models : Feminine Identity in Contemporary American Photography '' is on display through Jan. 25 at the [subject_start] National Museum of Women in the Arts [subject_end] , 1250 [object_start] New York Ave. NW [object_end] . [subject_start] National Museum of Women in the Arts [subject_end] is art museum in Washington, D.C. and [object_start] New York Ave. NW [subject_end] is unknown.
organization state or province of headquarters
Joel Hunter , a pastor at [subject_start] Northland Church [subject_end] in Orlando , [object_start] Fla [object_end] , told the news conference that preconceptions about global warming held by many evangelicals will be difficult to overcome . [subject_start] Northland Church [subject_end] is university in Wisconsin, United States and [object_start] Fla [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The recent bankruptcy of [subject_start] Ownit Mortgage Solutions [subject_end] , a lender based in Agoura Hills , [object_start] Calif. [object_end] , provides a cautionary tale . [subject_start] Ownit Mortgage Solutions [subject_end] is None and [object_start] Calif. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
[object_start] Taiwan [object_end] 's [subject_start] Chunghwa Telecom [subject_end] Co plans to spend 129 billion New Taiwan dollars -LRB- US$ 397 billion ; euro3 billion -RRB- over the next five years to upgrade its telecommunications networks and build a new undersea cable system , Chairman Ho Chen Tan said Wednesday . [subject_start] Chunghwa Telecom [subject_end] is Taiwanese telecommunications company and [object_start] Taiwan [subject_end] is country in East Asia.
organization state or province of headquarters
The shuttle landed on schedule at 1:00 pm -LRB- 1800 GMT -RRB- at the [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] after its ambitious mission to the International Space Station . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The shuttle crew will aim for a landing at NASA 's [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] on Tuesday at 11:32 a.m. CDT , 24 hours earlier than planned . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The 23 member lines in the [object_start] Florida-based [object_end] trade [subject_start] group [subject_end] plan to add 36 new ships over the next four years , with 8 of those coming on - line this year , Sharak said . [subject_start] group [subject_end] is Wikimedia disambiguation page and [object_start] Florida-based [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` UNAMID has received as-yet unconfirmed reports of clashes between government forces and the [subject_start] Justice and Equality Movement [subject_end] in [object_start] North Darfur [object_end] . [subject_start] Justice and Equality Movement [subject_end] is Sudanese opposition group and [object_start] North Darfur [subject_end] is state of Sudan.
organization state or province of headquarters
Carl Christopher Perkins - Democrat - [subject_start] Kentucky State House of Representatives [subject_end] from 1981 to 1984 and U.S. Representative from [object_start] Kentucky [object_end] from 1985 to 1993 . [subject_start] Kentucky State House of Representatives [subject_end] is lower house of the Kentucky General Assembly and [object_start] Kentucky [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` They do n't want inflation to fall anymore , '' said Jim O'Sullivan , chief economist at [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] in [object_start] New York [object_end] . [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] is global financial derivatives broker, bankrupted 2011 and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
In [object_start] New York [object_end] , immigrant groups are planning on Tuesday to honor family members from whom they are separated by placing the names of their loved ones on a large tree `` that symbolizes the roots , dreams , and struggles of America 's immigrants , '' according to a press release of the [subject_start] New York Immigration Coalition [subject_end] . [subject_start] New York Immigration Coalition [subject_end] is unknown and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
New York-based veteran Taiwan journalist Chang Chao-ying and the [object_start] Washington [object_end] - based [subject_start] Formosan Association for Public Affairs [subject_end] -LRB- FAPA -RRB- have jointly established a `` freedom of speech prize '' aimed at helping Taiwan media improve their professional quality and ethics . [subject_start] Formosan Association for Public Affairs [subject_end] is nonprofit organization and [object_start] Washington [subject_end] is city in Daviess County, Indiana, United States.
organization state or province of headquarters
[subject_start] KENNEDY SPACE CENTER [subject_end] , [object_start] Florida [subject_start] KENNEDY SPACE CENTER [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
On Sept. 1 , Exelon transferred ownership of the Zion , [object_start] Ill. [object_end] , plant to [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] , of Salt Lake City . [subject_start] EnergySolutions [subject_end] is processor of low level nuclear waste and [object_start] Ill. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` The credit crunch is very much a regional issue , '' said James Chessen , chief economist at the [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] , a trade group in [object_start] Washington , DC [object_end] `` Massachusetts ' banks were conservative over the past few years , and now they are in position to get in there and lend . '' [subject_start] American Bankers Association [subject_end] is organization and [object_start] Washington , DC [subject_end] is city in Daviess County, Indiana, United States.
organization state or province of headquarters
However , the army said it had `` destroyed the [subject_start] JEM [subject_end] forces in Furawiya , a rebel stronghold in a desert region of [object_start] North Darfur [subject_start] JEM [subject_end] is Sudanese opposition group and [object_start] North Darfur [subject_end] is state of Sudan.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` Every day there is a new irritant '' propelling prices higher , said John Kilduff , head of energy risk management at [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] in [object_start] New York [object_end] , citing the continued weakness of the dollar , violence near oil installations in Nigeria and declining Russian production . [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] is global financial derivatives broker, bankrupted 2011 and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Efforts by NASA to bring the seven crew members back to Earth on Thursday with a landing at the [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] were twice prevented by thunderstorms and high winds . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The [subject_start] party [subject_end] is based in the [object_start] North West Frontier [object_end] province and enjoys widespread popularity with the Pakhtuns . [subject_start] party [subject_end] is Pakistani political party and [object_start] North West Frontier [subject_end] is former province of British India and later of Pakistan.
organization state or province of headquarters
[subject_start] Alcatel-Lucent [subject_end] , formed from the November merger of Alcatel SA and [object_start] New Jersey-based [object_end] Lucent Technologies Inc , lowered revenue growth projections for the year in September , and its chief executive is under heavy pressure to accelerate the post-merger restructuring of the company . [subject_start] Alcatel-Lucent [subject_end] is French defunct global telecommunications equipment company and [object_start] New Jersey-based [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` The spending numbers look pretty impressive , especially considering they must have been held down a little at least by the snowstorms , '' said James O'Sullivan , global chief economist at [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] in [object_start] New York [object_end] . [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] is global financial derivatives broker, bankrupted 2011 and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
It 's a decision that will prompt some internal discussions , said Cindy Schonholtz , animal welfare coordinator for the [subject_start] Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association [subject_end] in Colorado Springs , [object_start] Colo. [object_end] . [subject_start] Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association [subject_end] is American rodeo organization and [object_start] Colo. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The signatories numbered more than 30 evangelical leaders , and among the leading names was that of Pastor Joel Hunter of [subject_start] Northland Church [subject_end] in Longwood , [object_start] Florida [object_end] . [subject_start] Northland Church [subject_end] is university in Wisconsin, United States and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Manitowoc had opened the bidding for Enodis on April 14 at 260 pence -LRB- US$ 5.09 ; euro3 .27 -RRB- per share , but [subject_start] Illinois Tool Works Inc. [subject_end] , based in Glenview , [object_start] Illinois [object_end] , offered 282 pence -LRB- US$ 5.52 ; euro3 .55 -RRB- per share May 8 . [subject_start] Illinois Tool Works Inc. [subject_end] is company that produces engineered fasteners and components, equipment and consumable systems, and specialty products and [object_start] Illinois [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The conference , called `` Love Won Out '' and sponsored by the conservative [object_start] Colorado-based [object_end] Christian organization [subject_start] Focus on the Family [subject_end] , has sparked controversy and outrage with several billboards in Orlando and other cities that host the traveling event . [subject_start] Focus on the Family [subject_end] is American fundamentalist Christian organization and [object_start] Colorado-based [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Another SunTrust e-mail message describes a request by [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] in Scranton , [object_start] Pa. [object_end] , to sponsor its 2004 student services fair . [subject_start] Marywood University [subject_end] is private Catholic liberal arts university in Scranton, Pennsylvania. United States and [object_start] Pa. [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
As [object_start] Taiwan [object_end] 's largest telephone and mobile network operator , [subject_start] Chunghwa Telecom [subject_end] will take the lead in tapping overseas markets , Hochen said , adding that the company will first focus on exploring markets that have a large concentration of Taiwanese business people . [subject_start] Chunghwa Telecom [subject_end] is Taiwanese telecommunications company and [object_start] Taiwan [subject_end] is country in East Asia.
organization state or province of headquarters
The [subject_start] International Crisis Group [subject_end] , a [object_start] Washington-based [object_end] think tank , held a meeting of experts last week who determined that Haiti 's failed judicial system was in part due to many judges and lawyers lacking not only professional background , but often basic office equipment such as paper and pencils . [subject_start] International Crisis Group [subject_end] is non-governmental organization and [object_start] Washington-based [subject_end] is city in Daviess County, Indiana, United States.
organization state or province of headquarters
Irvine , [object_start] Calif-based [subject_start] [object_end] Option One Mortgage [subject_end] and Orange , Calif-based Ameriquest Mortgage Co are looking to be bought . [subject_start] Option One Mortgage [subject_end] is American real estate investment trust and [object_start] Calif-based [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Library industry publication recognizes McKune -LRB- Ann Arbor New , 1/27/08 -RRB- - Added 1/28/08 by Leslie [subject_start] Chelsea Library [subject_end] wins national honor -LRB- Ann Arbor News , 1/24/08 -RRB- - Added 1/24/08 by Leslie LIBRARY JOURNAL ARTICLE Best Small Library in America 2008 : Chelsea District Library - A [object_start] Michigan [object_end] Model -LRB- Library Journal , 2/1/08 -RRB- - Added 1/28/08 by Leslie This is a huge honor , and a very prestigious accomplishment , with a $ 15,000 prize . [subject_start] Chelsea Library [subject_end] is Wikimedia disambiguation page and [object_start] Michigan [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The 2008 workshop will be held from June 9 to July18 at [subject_start] Saint Anselm College [subject_end] in Manchester , [object_start] New Hampshire [object_end] . [subject_start] Saint Anselm College [subject_end] is Benedictine college in New Hampshire, U.S. and [object_start] New Hampshire [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The Department of Justice and attorneys general for 13 states filed the suit against Brazilian beef producer JBS S.A. and [subject_start] National Beef Packing Co. [subject_end] of Kansas City , [object_start] Missouri [object_end] . [subject_start] National Beef Packing Co. [subject_end] is beef processor and [object_start] Missouri [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
NEW YORK 2008-02-28 14:21:31 UTC The [object_start] New York-based [subject_start] [object_end] company [subject_end] says a wheat trader was able to conduct unauthorized trades on Wednesday because of a failure in the entry-order system the broker used to vet trades . [subject_start] company [subject_end] is legal entity representing an association of people, whether natural, legal or a mixture of both, with a specific objective and [object_start] New York-based [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
Project [subject_start] Islamic Hope [subject_end] 's website homepage shows Ali photographed with [object_start] California [object_end] Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and Democratic Presidential hopeful Barack Obama , while noting that neither are members of the organization . [subject_start] Islamic Hope [subject_end] is unknown and [object_start] California [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The launch of the Discovery , the third of a shuttle this year and the 23rd to the ISS , is scheduled for Tuesday , October 23 at 1538 GMT at [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] , with a 10-minute window for blastoff . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The [subject_start] National Republican Campaign Committee [subject_end] in [object_start] Washington [object_end] did n't immediately respond to a request for a comment . [subject_start] National Republican Campaign Committee [subject_end] is top institution of the U.S. Republican Party and [object_start] Washington [subject_end] is city in Daviess County, Indiana, United States.
organization state or province of headquarters
Andrew Lebow , an oil trader with [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] in [object_start] New York [object_end] , said investors have been discouraged by lower-than-expected oil imports in China and the disappointing growth in the U.S. economy . [subject_start] MF Global [subject_end] is global financial derivatives broker, bankrupted 2011 and [object_start] New York [subject_end] is most populous city in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
The other day at the [subject_start] Barnes Foundation [subject_end] in Merion , Pa. , visitors could see signs on nearby lawns crying `` The Barnes Belongs in [object_start] Merion [object_end] . '' [subject_start] Barnes Foundation [subject_end] is art museum in Philadephia, Pennsylvania and [object_start] Merion [subject_end] is unknown.
organization state or province of headquarters
The shuttle , on its first mission of the year , suffered a four - inch -LRB- 10 centimeter -RRB- tear on its thermal blanket and small pieces of foam broke off from its external fuel tanks after it blasted off from the [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] Friday . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
A Delta 2 rocket carrying the five probes that make up the Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions During Substorms -LRB- THEMIS -RRB- mission lifted off at 6:01 p.m. EST -LRB- 2301 GMT -RRB- at [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] in [object_start] Florida [object_end] . [subject_start] Kennedy Space Center [subject_end] is United States space launch site in Florida and [object_start] Florida [subject_end] is state in the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters
`` The government 's marijuana just is n't strong enough , '' said Richard Doblin , a Craker supporter who heads the [object_start] Massachusetts-based [subject_start] [object_end] Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies [subject_end] . [subject_start] Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies [subject_end] is American organization working to raise awareness and understanding of psychedelic substances and [object_start] Massachusetts-based [subject_end] is state of the United States of America.
organization state or province of headquarters