stringlengths 36
| bug_id
int64 1
| description
stringlengths 1
⌀ | bug_severity
stringclasses 7
values | bug_status
stringclasses 3
values | resolution
stringclasses 8
values |
{'$oid': '52e9c15154dc1c25ebdc0d7f'} | 62,239 | I20040513 + org.eclipse.jdt.core v_428a
In org.eclipse.jdt.core v_428a, the version SearchEngine#searchAllTypeNames
(...) that takes a matchMode and isCaseSentive is being replace with a version
that takes a matchRule. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d80'} | 62,240 | I20040513 + org.eclipse.jdt.core v_428a
In org.eclipse.jdt.core v_428a, the version SearchEngine#searchAllTypeNames
(...) that takes a matchMode and isCaseSentive is being replaced with a
version that takes a matchRule. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d81'} | 62,241 | I20040513-1600
- New > CVS > Checkout projects from CVS
- host: "dev.eclipse.org"; repo path: "/hmoe/eclipse" (typo!); user: "anonymous"
- press Next
- select 'Use an existing module' (BTW: missing colon after 'module')
-> was: no modules are shown, no error message, but a log entry
-> expected: error message which tells about error and cause
- press Back
- correct repo to "/home/eclipse"
- press Next
-> was: still nothing
-> expected: modules list is fetched with new input from previous page
Error Mai 14, 2004 12:35:07.476 Internal error
java.io.IOException: Connection refused: /hmoe/eclipse: no such repository
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java)
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java)
at org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.core.client.Session.open(Session.java:142)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:66) | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d82'} | 62,242 | Right now the pde.export ant task is asynchronous. This makes it unusable
inside of other build scripts, which depend on it completing.
Please provide a way for making this task run synchronously. | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d83'} | 62,244 | I20040513
1. Go to the Java->Editor->Spelling preference page
2. Select the contents of the "Maximum Number of Correction Proposals" field
3. delete its contents (press delete)
-> Note that a new line is written to stdout
PreferenceDialog.getShortenedString() contains a System.out.println() call which
does not make sense at first sight. | minor | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d84'} | 62,243 | It is currently not possible to activate a view via a short cut.
Window>Navigation>Next/Previous View provides support to activate a view via
the keyboard, but once you have many views in a perspective the menu grows and
the quick access is lost.
For 3.0 we should come up with a simple solution.
* view providers register a command with the command service.
* the workbench renders the view short cuts in the Window>Show View menu and
the Window>Show View>Others... dialog | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d85'} | 62,246 | I20040513-1600
Warning: be prepared to kill the workbench in which you try this!
- Show Progress View
- New > CVS > Checkout projects from CVS
- host: "dev.eclipse.org"; repo path: "/home/eclipse"; user: "anonymous"
- press Next
- select 'Use an existing module'
-> Modules are fetched in background. Fine.
-> After fetching all modules, for *each* module a new background job is created
to fetch children of each module. Expansion is one level too far and would take
ages to complete.
- press Cancel to close the wizard
-> progress view still shows tons of "Fetching children of ..." update jobs.
-> must kill the workbench to get out | critical | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d87'} | 62,245 | The number of problems and warning in the workspace is important for the user.
Currently the problems view presents the following counts:
1) the number of items matching the filter in the title bar
2) the number of errors/warnings and infos in the status line
The issue is that since the errors and warnings are shown in the status line,
they are only visible when the problems view is active.
Also for the user the number of errors is as important as the number of items
that match the current filter.
For this reason the proposal is to move the error and warning count to the
title bar and to show it together with the filtered item count.
See the attached screenshot | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d88'} | 62,249 | Use Case:
I work with a lot of different files i.e. my "working set" of files is much
larger than I want to keep open in the UI at one time.
In other editors I am used to going to the File menu to find those files, but
Eclipse only stores the last 4, which is pretty much useless to me.
Rather make the last entry in the recently used list on the File menu a sub-
menu, which contains the last 20 or so files
e.g. call the menu entry. "More Recent Files"
That would keep the standard menu small. | enhancement | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d89'} | 62,248 | I20040513 on redhat 9 / KDE
When a view loses focus, the tab becomes grey / shaded.
If the editor loses focus, its tab becomes white.
Seems inconsistent to me, but perhaps I am just missing something. | minor | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d8a'} | 62,250 | Using build I200405110800.
I'm looking at bug 61872 and I've noticed that in certain circumstances changes
done in User Library Preference Page are not stored.
Here's the scenario to reproduce the problem:
1) Open a brand new worskspace
2) Open a Java perspective
3) Open User Library Preference page:
Window->Preferences->Java->Build Path->User Libraries
4) Create a new library: let say 'SWT' and click OK
5) Reopen User Library Preference page: SWT is displayed in libraries list
=> OK
6) Remove 'SWT' and click OK
7) Reopen User Library Preference page: nothing is displayed in libraries list
=> OK
8) Repeat steps 4 and 5: SWT is NOT displayed in libraries list
=> KO
Looking at class UserLibraryPreferencePage in method
updateUserLibraries(IProgressMonitor) it seems that the user library entry is
not removed from dummy project... So, JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(path,
jproject); always return user library before deletion and in my scenario ther
was no change => no update...
One question about this dummy project: it's name is "Internal", isn't there any
risk of collision if user decide to create a project with the same name? | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d8b'} | 62,251 | The "Cache Types in Background" feature that is part of the work in progress
sounds like a good idea. The only problem is that I have about 5000 C++ files
in total in my workspace and caching takes a long time. Although it says its
doing it in the background it is taking up a huge chunk of my CPU causing
everything else to freeze and the eclipse java process grows to around about
400MB in size.
Is there any way that the priority of the background process can be reduced?
Is there any way that the cache could be held somewhere other than RAM? | major | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d8c'} | 62,253 | I200405131200
When I export my plugin to a zip file everything seems to work. When I try to
export that same plugin to directory structure I get compile errors.
Here is a sample error:
1. ERROR in S:\cvs\ws\eclipse30\perf-
va (at line 7)
import org.eclipse.core.tools.runtime.VMClassInfo;
The class it is complaining about is available in a binary jar that is in my
plugin. | major | CLOSED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d8d'} | 62,252 | JDT has added shortcut menus for submenus so that they can be activated from
the keyboard. For example in the Java editor you can press ALT+SHIFT+T to
activate the refactoring submenu.
The workbench Navigate>Show in> menu is popular but cumbersome to access and
it would therefore significantly profit from a short cut menu.
The proposal is that some short cuts opens the Navigate>Show in> menu as a
context menu at the current cursor location.
JDT can implement and contribute a patch | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d8e'} | 62,254 | Got this one the console running the suites - looks like a simple check for
required in the update method
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.isRunning
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.JobListeners.handleException
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.JobListeners.doNotify
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.JobListeners.done
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.JobManager.endJob
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool.endJob
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:76)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Job manager has been shut down.
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.JobManager.schedule
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.InternalJob.schedule
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.jobs.Job.schedule(Job.java:399)
at org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.TableContentProvider.doUpdate
at org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.TableContentProvider.access$4
at org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.TableContentProvider$3.run
at org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.RestartableJob$2.run
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:66) | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d8f'} | 62,255 | The Browser widget on Safari seems to not handle focus correctly.
Need to click 2 times to input text on the Eclispe search page for example. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d90'} | 62,256 | I20040513_1200
Found the following exception in the console after moving a CU that was open
in the editor
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java)
at org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter.modelChanged
at org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel.fireModelChanged
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:66) | normal | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d91'} | 62,257 | Inline the 'New' submenu of CVS Repositories View's context menu. I see at most
2 entries there. The main context menu is not too long, and having a submenu for
1-2 items seems strange. | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d92'} | 62,258 | build i0513-1600
I was using the debugger and I hit a breakpoint. I selected some text in the
Java editor and used the context menu to Inspect the results.
The result was a huge string which didn't have any scroll bars in the "toString"
part of the resulting "hover-like" thing. (once it was pinned in the Expressions
view it had scroll bars) | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d93'} | 62,259 | The workbench has enriched jobs with additional attributes to improve the
handling and presentation of jobs in the UI. The PDE jobs currently do not
leverage these features. The effort to leverage these features is small.
Here is what needs to be done:
1) before scheduling the job call. job.setUser(true).
A user job presents the user a progress dialog and provides the option to run
in the background.
protected void scheduleExportJob() {
PluginExportJob job =
new PluginExportJob(
>>>> job.setUser(true)
2) assign an icon for the job or the job familiy
- IProgressService supports to register an image to a job familiy
- you can call job.setProperty(IProgressConstants.ICON_PROPERTY)
to assign an image for an individual job
Here is an example for how to assign an icon for a job family (which is
ImageDescriptor image= ...
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d94'} | 62,260 | I have to shut down and run eclipse two times to have a new revision of a
plugin loaded.
Version: 3.0.0
Build id: 200405111600
Previous is 1.0.0
New one is 1.1.0
One run with 1.0.0 is ok, then shut down.
Copy of 1.1.0 into the plugin dir.
First run after this is the 1.0.0 which is resolved.
Shut down and re run.
This is then the 1.1.0 loaded.
!SESSION mai 14, 2004 13:46:17.566 ---------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=fr_FR
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi mai 14, 2004 13:46:17.566
update@/c:/M9/ANOTHERM9/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.r2a.rules.rdj_1.1.1/ [105] was
not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi mai 14, 2004 13:46:17.566
update@/c:/M9/ANOTHERM9/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.r2a.rules.rdj_1.1.1/ was picked
IN FACT THIS IS THE 1.0.0 which is picked.
!SESSION mai 14, 2004 13:46:43.183 ---------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=fr_FR
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi mai 14, 2004 13:46:43.183
update@/c:/M9/ANOTHERM9/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.r2a.rules.rdj_1.0.0/ [101] was
not resolved.
!SUBENTRY 1 org.eclipse.osgi mai 14, 2004 13:46:43.183
update@/c:/M9/ANOTHERM9/eclipse/plugins/com.ibm.r2a.rules.rdj_1.1.1/ was picked
instead. | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d95'} | 62,263 | Code Formatter does not suppor n-dimensional arrays, e.g.
String s[][] = {
{ "pair", "pair" },
{ "foo", "bar" }
It will put all in one line... | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15254dc1c25ebdc0d96'} | 62,262 | Simple Log Parser and Correlator Examples are missing src entry from .classpath
The following entry should be added to each of the .classpath files in the
archive directory of both the Simple Log Parser and Correlator Examples:
<classpathentry kind="src" path="src"/>
This entry is now enforced by the Eclipse workbench. | normal | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d97'} | 62,261 | I200405131200
1. In a javadoc region, hover over "a" or "be"
-> Javadoc hover for some obfuscated classes shows up, even though these are
filtered by the Java->Type Filters preference page
We should respect the filters for javadoc hovers where we don't know the exact type. | minor | RESOLVED | NDUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d98'} | 62,265 | When type code such as:
java.util.Map m = new java.util.HashMap();
Object o = m.get("blah");
'get' is highlighted as a keyword. This probably shouldn't be the case. | enhancement | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d99'} | 62,264 | A fragment made to match perfectly one revision of a plugin is loaded even if
it is not this version of plugin. No specific error is reported in the log.
One way to reproduce:
New installation of elipse.
Install at the same time the plugin 1.1.0 and the fragment made for the 1.0.0.
Both are loaded.
Version: 3.0.0
Build id: 200405111600
XML files:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.0"?>
name="R2A Rules RDJ Plug-in"
<library name="RDJRules.jar">
<export name="*"/>
<library name="nl.zip">
<export name="*"/>
<import plugin="com.ibm.r2a.engine" export="true"/>
<import plugin="org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility"/>
<extension point="com.ibm.r2a.engine.engineExtension">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?eclipse version="3.0"?>
name="Nl1 Fragment"
<library name="nl1.jar">
<export name="*"/>
</fragment> | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d9a'} | 62,267 | I200405131600
I just noticed that Plugin#getStateLocation() returns a path that has a "/d:"
device (my workspace being in "d:\eclipse\workspace\plugins".
I would expect to have "d:" as the device for this path. | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d9b'} | 62,266 | I200405131600
Double-click on the vertical ruler below the end of the CU
!ENTRY org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui 4 150 Mai 14, 2004 15:20:18.82
!MESSAGE Internal Error
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(PluginAction.java:276)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.run(PluginAction.java:238)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:140)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:82)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:796)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2725)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2390)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1353)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1324)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:243)
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:141)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.run(IDEApplication.java:90)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:249)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:126)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:269)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:722)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:706) | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d9c'} | 62,268 | We have remote content providers that implement the
ITreeContentProvider#hasChildren check so that the contents or remote folders
are not fetched and a plus is always shown. If a tree viewer has a filter, it
then fetches the children anyway. This could be fixed with API that provided
the element and the filter to the content provider (but were API frozen:-(. We
have a bug caused by this (bug 62207) and I am concerned that other plugin
providers who do similar tricks will be bitten by this. Also, this has
extremly bad interaction with the deferred content provider (as illustrated in
bug 62207). Either this bug must be fixed for 3.0 or the spec of the deferred
content provider must state that it cannot, under any circumstances, be used
in a tree view with a filter. | major | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d9d'} | 62,269 | The DebugViewLabelDecorator take care to note what threads are 'resumed' when
computing labels in LabelJob.run(...). However, after determining that a
thread has resumed it still tries to compute labels for those stack frames
immediately. This results in an "error" state label rather than "...". | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d9e'} | 62,270 | 0513 build
- use the Plug-in Project creation wizard to create a plug-in project
- in its opened manifest editor select the Dependencies tab
- select a plug-in from the Required Plug-ins list, or add one if this list is
- enter "2" (no quotes) in the "Version to match" field to the right
- try to select the "None" item in the "Match rule" CCombo below, but it will
always choose the "Greater or Equal" item in this case instead
If this is being purposely done (ie.- "None" is not a sensible answer in this
context) then the item should probably be removed, because it's confusing to
use. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0d9f'} | 62,271 | Since problems in the eclipse source code are found by the compiler, it would
be great if the compiller could tell an extension point, to verify the class it
is working at the moment for an error, warning or hint.
It would allow the community to easily create many inspections and quick fixes
for lots of things.
It could exists too, a page in the compiler settings to enable, or disable all
the contributed "inspectors", and/or set it's severity level to any of warning
or error. | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da0'} | 62,272 | Twice Eclipse has gotten into a state where when I try to add a breakpoint
(using the toggle breakpoint menu item) I get the error "Marker id: 31423 not
found" (or some number). Restarting Eclipse fixes the problem.
It looks like the following log entry might be related:
!ENTRY org.eclipse.jdt.debug.ui 4 150 May 13, 2004 18:36:17.812
!MESSAGE Internal Error
org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.ResourceException: Marker id: 32182 not
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Marker.checkInfo(Marker.java:55)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.resources.Marker.getType(Marker.java:179)
at org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.JDIDebugModel.
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.actions.ToggleBreakpointAdapter.
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.actions.ManageBreakpointRulerAction.
at org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractRulerActionDelegate.
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(PluginAction.java:269)
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem.
at org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem$5.
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:82)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:769)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2578)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2256)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1562)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1536)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:139)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.run(IDEApplication.java:90)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:267)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:692)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:676) | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da1'} | 62,275 | Posting to the eclipse.tools.emf newsgroup on 05/12/2004 ...
I have run into a problem with the PropertyImpl class in the
org.eclipse.uml2 metamodel that raised some questions regarding the
InitializeCopyCommand. To provide you with a little background, I am using
the CopyToClipboardCommand to make a copy of a org.eclipse.uml2.Property
instance owned by a org.eclipse.uml2.Class. The PropertyImpl class has a
EReference to its owning classifier called "class_" that is marked as
volatile, but is also marked as changeable and not transient - exactly as to
why the feature is marked this way I will ask Kenn Hussey in a companion
posting for the eclipse.tools.uml2 newsgroup. What happens is that when I
execute the CopyToClipboardCommand on the Property instance the
copyReferences() method within InitializeCopyCommand sets the "class_"
reference thereby adding the copy to the owner immediately. The
InitializeCopyCommand.copyReferences() method checks if the EReference is
changeable before proceeding but should it also check if the EReference is
volatile? The description in EMF for a volatile boolean is: "volatile
specifies whether the feature has no storage directly associated with it;".
Based on the description should we ever set a volatile feature value even if
it is marked as changeable?
Response from Ed Merks ...
Only unchangeable or derived features shouldn't be copied. EcoreUtil's copier
has both these guards, but the copy command does not have the derived guard.
That sounds like something that needs a bugzilla defect... | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da2'} | 62,273 | Today in eclipse, we can open an "view" set as "fast view" by using the CTRL+F8
short cut, but would be very easier if one could set a shortcut to for example
"Package explorer" to CTRL+1, and to Outline to CTRL+2.
and still search for a view with CTRL+8. | enhancement | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da3'} | 62,274 | Currently, all profiling type attributes are stored in the launch
configuration. This is a problem because these are considered 'content' of a
profiling set, but the rest of the profiling set sits in preferences. This
causes a disconnect; the content is stored in two different places which get
saved/updated at different times. And one applies to a specific launch
configuration while the other applies to all launch configurations.
Here are three consequences of this:
1. Strange behavior for the Apply button in the launch configuration dialog.
Since the dialog only recognizes changes in the launch configuration, the
button will be enabled sometimes after editing a profiling set, but other times
it won't. It all depends on what parts of the profiling set you're editing.
2. Changing the content of a profiling set by modifying the profiling type
options (attributes) does not carry over to all launch confurations. For
example, if you have two identical launch configurations, then go in one of
them and edit the profiling set by modifying the profiling type attributes,
this change will take effect only in that launch configuration, and not the
other. Only changes to the profiling type selection will carry over to the
other launch configuration when you launch it the next time.
3. We should be able to put the profiling set definition in a preference page
for the user to edit, but we can't with the way it is now because attributes
must go in a launch configuration.
The solution is to migrate the attributes into preferences, and associate them
with a particular set. Thus, each set would have its own options in preferences. | normal | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da4'} | 62,277 | 20040506 Linux GTK
SN hacked SWT to print out whenever the UI-thread was took longer than 250ms to
process an event on Windows and GTK.
When we expand the packages view on GTK we are getting slow times processing the
1) load org.eclipse.swt (CVS decorators are on, .classpath dance etc...)
2) Modify DecoratorManager with the followiung code
Display.Z = true;
Display.Z = false;
3) Modify TreeViewer to do the following
protected void doUpdateItem(final Item item, Object element) {
// update icon and label
IBaseLabelProvider baseProvider = getLabelProvider();
if (baseProvider instanceof IViewerLabelProvider) {
IViewerLabelProvider provider = (IViewerLabelProvider)baseProvider;
ViewerLabel updateLabel = new ViewerLabel(item.getText(), item.getImage());
if (Display.Z) System.out.println ("\t" + updateLabel);
provider.updateLabel(updateLabel, element);
if (!Display.Z) item.setImage(updateLabel.getImage());
if (!Display.Z) item.setText(updateLabel.getText());
And then instrument the UIJob to display when times are long.
We are getting about 450ms times on a 2.5 Ghz GTK box (which is not long but the
machine is really fast). On Windows (also 2.5 Ghz), the decorator code doesn't
come up.
SN says, "The Display.Z hack was used to remove SWT from the equation." | normal | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da5'} | 62,276 | The bug happens when I try to update my RCP platform with the eclipse update
plugin ( sometimes even if I update directly with the exported feature.zip ).
When the workbench restarts the classloader of my plugins bundle fails to find
anything within a fragment of the plugin ( the fragment was NOT updated, it just
contains a JDBC driver ).
Sometimes the workbenchs even throw errors that it couldn't register popup
actions that were removed with the update ( they are not within the new
plugin.xml anymore ) !
( The class jdbcDriver is from a jar within the fragment, the error happens
during the startup of the main plugin )
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
at eclipseclient.datastorage.Database.getConnection(Database.java:25)
at eclipseclient.MasterPlugin.getConnection(MasterPlugin.java:75)
at eclipseclient.datastorage.accounts.AccountList.getInstance(AccountList.java:26)
at eclipseclient.views.accountview.AccountView.<init>(AccountView.java:45)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$1.run(ViewFactory.java:199)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:521)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory.busyRestoreView(ViewFactory.java:174)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$2.run(ViewFactory.java:419)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:84)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory.restoreView(ViewFactory.java:417)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective.restoreState(Perspective.java:808)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.restoreState(WorkbenchPage.java:2405)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow.restoreState(WorkbenchWindow.java:1330)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.restoreState(Workbench.java:1300)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.access$9(Workbench.java:1268)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$14.run(Workbench.java:1179)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:521)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.restoreState(Workbench.java:1112)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.init(Workbench.java:821)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1513)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:257)
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:139)
at eclipseclient.ClientApplication.run(ClientApplication.java:26)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:239)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:117)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:267)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:692)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:676) | major | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da6'} | 62,278 | 20040506 Linux GTK
SN hacked SWT to print out whenever the UI-thread was took longer than 250ms to
process an event on Windows and GTK.
When we expand the packages view on GTK we are getting slow times processing the
1) load org.eclipse.swt (CVS decorators are on, .classpath dance etc...)
2) Modify DecoratorManager with the followiung code
Display.Z = true;
Display.Z = false;
3) Modify TreeViewer to do the following
protected void doUpdateItem(final Item item, Object element) {
// update icon and label
IBaseLabelProvider baseProvider = getLabelProvider();
if (baseProvider instanceof IViewerLabelProvider) {
IViewerLabelProvider provider = (IViewerLabelProvider)baseProvider;
ViewerLabel updateLabel = new ViewerLabel(item.getText(), item.getImage());
if (Display.Z) System.out.println ("\t" + updateLabel);
provider.updateLabel(updateLabel, element);
if (!Display.Z) item.setImage(updateLabel.getImage());
if (!Display.Z) item.setText(updateLabel.getText());
And then instrument the UIJob to display when times are long.
We are getting about 450ms times on a 2.5 Ghz GTK box (which is not long but the
machine is really fast). On Windows (also 2.5 Ghz), the decorator code doesn't
come up.
SN says, "The Display.Z hack was used to remove SWT from the equation." | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da7'} | 62,279 | Eclipse 3.0 M8 always asks for the workspace, regardless if only a single
workspace exists or 'Use this as the default and do not ask again.' was checked. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da8'} | 62,282 | I changed my target workspace to a new integration build. This kicked off a
full workspace build in the background. Next, I re-imported "swt"
and "swt.win32" projects. After clicking finish, a popup progress monitor
appeared showing me that the import process was blocked until the build could
complete. It is not obvious to the user that they can interrupt the build by
clicking on a small red square. Also, the fact that it indicates "Stop"
instead of "Cancel" is a big difference. The user would probably be less
afraid to press "cancel" or "interrupt".
So, my suggestion is to label this mini-button with text so that the user
actually knows they can do something. Also, it should look more like a
button. It is too flat. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0da9'} | 62,283 | I2004-05-13
I tried to get rid of a deprecation of IWorkbenchPart.setTitle(String) by
replacing it with setContentDescritption(). I couldn't see any effect of calling
the method (i.e. my text wasn't visible anywhere). | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15354dc1c25ebdc0daa'} | 62,281 | It would be helpful if the class and variable names
displayed in the various debug views (Debug, Display
and Expressions) would link to the corresponding
source files and variable declarations, respectively,
either directly or with the CTRL key as in the editor. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dab'} | 62,286 | In Mandrake Linux 9.2 (kernel- the .lock file doesn't seem
to be checked when starting eclipse. I start eclipse like so:
/opt/eclipse/eclipse -data /home/pcberg/java/projects -vm
If I accidentally press my icon with the above command twice then eclipse does
indeed start twice. I then close both windows and start a single session again.
Problem is from that point on most functions within eclipse appear to be broken.
Below I attached two exceptions that start occurring. The first one is me trying
to open Window->Preferences. The second one is me trying to run ANT. Pretty much
most functions within eclipse have some exception.
I don't exactly know what happens, but it seems eclipse is hosed after starting
it twice. My fix in the past has been removing the .metadata directory and
re-configuring eclipse. Of course that's a big hassle.
Just for kicks I installed eclipse in windows and checked what happens if I
start it twice there. It has a pop-up window informing the user that eclipse is
already running. Something like that would be appropriate in Linux too.
Most recently I've used Eclipse 2.1.3 (both linux/windows). But I've had this
problem in Linux also under Eclipse 2.1.1. Didn't try in windows for that
version. Didn't try for other Linux flavors other then Mandrake.
I searched your bugzilla to check for other occurrences of this bug. I only
could find issues with .lock files on NFS mounted home directories. Eclipse and
my home directory are both on my local machine. So that's not my problem.
Hope this helps, I'll be re-configuring eclipse now again. :( Maybe I'll write a
shell script to ensure I can't start eclipse twice. ;)
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 4 May 14, 2004 09:26:33.60
!MESSAGE Unhandled exception caught in event loop.
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ui 4 0 May 14, 2004 09:26:33.60
!MESSAGE java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:69)
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.create(Window.java:302)
at org.eclipse.jface.action.Action.runWithEvent(Action.java:842)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:923)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:1847)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1639)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1402)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.run(Workbench.java:1385)
at org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader.run(BootLoader.java:461)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:291)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:747)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:583)
!ENTRY org.eclipse.ant.core 4 1 May 14, 2004 09:16:24.868
!MESSAGE Could not find one or more classes:
"org.eclipse.ant.internal.core.ant.InternalAntRunner". Please check the Ant
at org.eclipse.ant.core.AntRunner.getAvailableTargets(AntRunner.java:201)
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.create(Window.java:302)
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.open(Window.java:552)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(PluginAction.java:241)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:81)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:923)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:1847)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:1639)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1402)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.run(Workbench.java:1385)
at org.eclipse.core.boot.BootLoader.run(BootLoader.java:461)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:291)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:747)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:583) | major | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dac'} | 62,287 | Hello,
I'm using Eclipse to develop projects in PHP with Smarty templates.
Smarty template file is a "text" file, with the extension .tpl.
If in a Eclipse Project, you create a new file with estension .tpl, and start to
edit it with de open bracket symbol '{', Eclipse bloks, and you have to kill the
I have repeat this bug in Linux, Windows XP and Windows 2000.
Thanks, and sorry for my english, I have to improve it. | blocker | CLOSED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dae'} | 62,284 | I20040514
Several clients are using IRunnableContext with fork==false. This runs an
operation in the UI thread. If that operation gets blocked, the UI will no
longer paint, resulting in a poor user experience. A code pattern needs to be
recommended for clients to handle fork==false cases in a way that properly
reports blockages. | normal | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0daf'} | 62,288 | CDT 200405071349
Eclipse 200405060200
Simple test case:
1. Create a hello world standard C project (using printf, but do not include
2. Enable scanner config
3. Search for the declaration of printf
RESULT: The message "This operation is unavailable on the current selection"
The search FDS implies this case should work.
Also, the FDS implies that I should be allowed to search for an element in a
file that has not been included by any other source file - this does not appear
to work either. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db0'} | 62,280 | Copied from bug 53673 comment #61:
We need the Min and max icons to be done by the presentation instead of
CTabFolder. Among other things this will make it easier to use an actual gif
image for those icons instead of something hand-coded with gc.drawLine(). Also
it will make it possible to put a close button next to them in a view title
bar and have min, max, and close look compatible with each other.
(Actually I don't think CTabFolder should even need a concept of
minimized/maximized. This will make CTabFolder more generic and usable by more
than one presentation. The fewer extra methods on CTabFolder as compared to
TabFolder, without losing functionality, the better. CTabFolder is already
3400 lines long so it looks like a good candidate for refactoring.)
Copied from bug 58153 comment #6:
I have a question about those min/max buttons. Why can't they be real button
Copied from bug 58153 comment #8: (Veronika Irvine)
What functionality are you missing if they are not "real button controls"?
There are definite advantages as far as flashing and painting problems that
are solved by not having "real buttons" in this case.
Copied from bug 58153 comment #9:
There are many differences. On XP when I hover the mouse over the view toolbar
buttons, there is a kind of shaded square highlight that shows up under the
button. But this doesn't happen for the minimize, maximize, chevron, and
close "buttons". Regular buttons have tooltips, these don't. Regular buttons
cannot be dragged. Regular buttons have a gif file so they can be customized
if need be without code change. They can be tabbed to and selected with just
the keyboard for accessibility. Regular buttons can be identified by name and
driven by automated GUI testing tools. There may be more but that's all I can
think of off the top of my head. | normal | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db1'} | 62,289 | The recorder hangs sometimes on slower Red Hat Enterprise Linux machines. I
have recorded successfully on a faster Linux RHEL machine. | major | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db2'} | 62,290 | I200405131200
The drop-down showing active editors lags behind my mouse moves. If I show the
drop down and move the mouse up and down a few times, I can watch the selection
bounce up and down until it catches up to my mouse. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db3'} | 62,292 | Cheetah04
When parsing the following program, the receiver of parameterized message send
is incorrectly considered as being an implicit one, where it should be name
ref "X".
X.<String,X>foo("SUCCESS", null)
public class X {
static <T, U> T foo(T t, U u) {
return t;
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(X.<String,X>foo("SUCCESS", null));
} | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db4'} | 62,291 | In 2.1, the nl fragments were packaged as follows:
In 3.0, the nl fragments need to be packaged as follows:
Basically, we need the plugin*.properties and the fragment.properties to be put
outside of the nl1.jar.
Note that the tool should now look first for the manifest.mf (in the META-INF
folder) at the root of the plugin, and if not available use the plugin.xml.
From the manifest.mf the interesting entries are
Bundle-Version: 3.0.0
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.osgi; singleton=true
Bundle-Localization: systembundle
The symbolicName identifies the name of the bundle (formely plugin id) and the
bundle-localization indicates the file containing the messages. This entry is
important since it identifies the family of files that must not be put into the
A generated fragment for the previous example should look like that:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Bundle-Name: %aName
Bundle-SymbolicName: org.eclipse.osgi.nl; singleton=true
Bundle-Version: 3.0
Bundle-ClassPath: nl1.jar
Bundle-Vendor: %providerName
Fragment-Host: org.eclipse.osgi;bundle-version="[3.0.0,4.0.0)"
Bundle-Localization: fragment
To read the manifest files, consider using java.util.jar.Manifest, and to parse
the values org.eclipse.osgi.framework.util.Headers.parseManifest(...). | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db5'} | 62,293 | I changed my target platform to a newer integration build, which starts a full
workspace rebuild. I then immediately re-imported the 2 SWT projects. I need
to have the SWT projects loaded as binary projects so I can run simple stand-
alone SWT apps.
After clicking "Finish" on the project import, a progress popup appeared
showing me that the import could not start until the full rebuild had
completed. To me it's obvious that importing new SWT projects is going to
require another rebuild, so I have to manually cancel the ongoing build so the
import can start. Wouldn't it be nice if the "Import" Job indicated to the
Java builder that it wanted to cause a resource change, and therefore the
import should pre-empt the compile, after which a rebuild would occur. | normal | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db6'} | 62,294 | If validate save is called the shell will be null, this is never checked and a
message dialog is opened. This causes an NPE. e.g. watch/edit is enabled.
private boolean promptEdit(Shell shell) {
//$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
} | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db7'} | 62,296 | This is a managed make problem. If my workspace is in my personal directory as
is normal for windoze, there are unavoidable spaces in path names. Managed make
doesn't seem to use relative directories so all the library paths will begin
with something like "C:\Documents and Settings\{my home}\My Documents\projects".
Both the "Documents and Settings" and "My Documents" have spaces. However the
managed make doesn't put this path in quotes so I get messages like "dependency
C:\Documents can't be found." I can move my workspace elsewhere to a path
without spaces but this causes some problems with automatic backups of my work.
Please put quotes on the makefile dependencies! | major | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db8'} | 62,298 | Expanding an array of structs contained in a struct, in the debug variable pane
generates the error: <not available: Structure has no component named
To reproduce:
1. create managed make C project using the code below, and build .exe (I used
gcc 3.2)
2. Start a debug session using debug as -> C Local application and the Cygwin
gdb debugger (I used 2003-03-03-cvs (cygwin-special))
3. In the variables view, expand x->yptr->iarray. I get the error: <not
available: Structure has no component named operator*.>. Similar error msg when
expanding x->y[0]->iarray
typedef struct Y {
int i;
int iarray[2];
} Y;
typedef struct X {
Y y[2];
Y * yptr;
} X;
int main() {
X x;
Y y;
y.i = 5;
x.yptr = &y;
return 0;
} | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0db9'} | 62,297 | Please update your managed make to allow individual file compilation. This is in
every other C++ IDE that I know and makes debugging SO much easier. | enhancement | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dba'} | 62,295 | The button on the Breakpoints view toolbar that says Skip all breakpoints
would be better over in the Debug view. Also I'm not sure but it might be
better to reverse the sense of it, i.e., make it a Use breakpoints button so
if it's pressed in it means that breakpoints are active (kind of like the Use
step filters button).
This is a nice feature but it's inconvenient to go looking for the breakpoints
view if all I want to do is run without stopping. I know it's also in the Run
menu but toolbars are more convenient once you're familiar with the software.
Consider this a polish / usability suggestion. | enhancement | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dbb'} | 62,299 | The UI should offer some way to get a list of key bindings that are currently
active, based on the current keyboard focus, perspective, and scope.
For example, if I click on the Problems view in the Java perspective, there
should be some way to get a popup that shows me all the key bindings that would
do things if I hit them at that very moment. | enhancement | VERIFIED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dbc'} | 62,300 | When using the iajc task from within ant, we tried to specify X="reweavable" to
produce reweavable class files:
<iajc verbose="${verbose}"
<pathelement path="${build.dir}/classes.jar"/>
<!-- aspects -->
<pathelement path="${src.aspects.dir}"/>
<pathelement path="${src.debugaspects.dir}"/>
<path refid="compile.main.class.path"/>
When the ant task runs this is the output on the command line:
ignored: -Xreweavable at file:/xxxxx/build.xml
A quick scan through the AjcTask source would seem to point to the fact that the
reweavable option has not been added to the VALID_XOPTIONS list (which may or
may not control this behaviour) whereas the other new X option "lazyTjp" has
been added.
Tested in 1.2rc2. | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dbd'} | 62,301 | Hi Wassim,
In the runtime launch, I try to build an update site and end up getting a
StackOverflowError below. However, in the main launch, there's no problem.
Since this points to a FeatureExportJob, I thought you would be the master of
the maze here :) Is this a concern at all?
(using I20040514 with latest code from head as of 11AM) :)
Error May 14, 2004 11:56:51.418 An internal error occurred during: "Building
at java.nio.Buffer.<init>(Buffer.java:176)
at java.nio.CharBuffer.<init>(CharBuffer.java:257)
at java.nio.HeapCharBuffer.<init>(HeapCharBuffer.java:52)
at java.nio.CharBuffer.wrap(CharBuffer.java:342)
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder$CharsetSD.implRead(StreamDecoder.java:431)
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.read(StreamDecoder.java:180)
at java.io.InputStreamReader.read(InputStreamReader.java:167)
at java.io.BufferedReader.fill(BufferedReader.java:136)
at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:299)
at java.io.BufferedReader.readLine(BufferedReader.java:362)
at java.util.Properties.load(Properties.java:192)
at org.eclipse.pde.internal.core.build.BuildModel.load(BuildModel.java:55)
..... | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15454dc1c25ebdc0dbe'} | 62,302 | Using build I200405110800.
I'm looking at bug 61872 and I've noticed that in certain circumstances changes
done in User Library Preference Page are not stored.
Here's the scenario to reproduce the problem:
1) Open a brand new worskspace
2) Open a Java perspective
3) Open User Library Preference page:
Window->Preferences->Java->Build Path->User Libraries
4) Create a new library: let say 'SWT' and click OK
5) Reopen User Library Preference page: SWT is displayed in libraries list
=> OK
6) Remove 'SWT' and click OK
7) Reopen User Library Preference page: nothing is displayed in libraries list
=> OK
8) Repeat steps 4 and 5: SWT is NOT displayed in libraries list
=> KO
Looking at class UserLibraryPreferencePage in method
updateUserLibraries(IProgressMonitor) it seems that the user library entry is
not removed from dummy project... So, JavaCore.getClasspathContainer(path,
jproject); always return user library before deletion and in my scenario ther
was no change => no update...
One question about this dummy project: it's name is "Internal", isn't there any
risk of collision if user decide to create a project with the same name? | normal | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dbf'} | 62,303 | There should be some global dialog or preference page that lists all key
bindings (for all scopes) in a clearly readable form.
Although the current "Keys" preference page contains this information, it does
not present everything in a simple scrollable list or tree, which is the
specific request of this enhancement.
Note: there was briefly a "New Keys" preference page in some of the post-M8
builds which met the criteria for this enhancement perfectly. | enhancement | VERIFIED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc0'} | 62,305 | I have generated a patch feature, then added another required feature.
My required features have two entries and a "Patch" checkbox is deselected and
disabled for both of them.
Since feature can be a patch for at most one feature, probably the correct way
to fix it is to remove checkbox alltogether, and list the patched feature on
the overview page, not in the required features.
Since it is late, I suggest for 3.0 do a quick fix and make sure that the
checbox on content page shows correct state (selected/deselected).
Unless you also have a mean of ensuring that only one required feature can
have patch=true, do not enable the checkbox. | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc1'} | 62,306 | Please eliminate all compile errors so we get a clean build.
200405140800/compilelogs/plugins/org.eclipse.team.core_3.0.0/team.jar.bin.log | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc2'} | 62,307 | Please eliminate all compile errors so we get a clean build.
s.jar.bin.log | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc3'} | 62,309 | Please eliminate all compile errors so we get a clean build.
og | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc4'} | 62,308 | Please eliminate all compile errors so we get a clean build.
200405140800/compilelogs/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.ui_3.0.0/pdeui.jar.bin.log | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc5'} | 62,310 | Please eliminate all compile errors so we get a clean build.
.log | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc6'} | 62,311 | On I20040506, I have just done a commit at the project level for 7 new classes
in one of my packages.
The process message box is locked with the hour-glass up (so I can't cancel or
anything), and the text says "Notifying of CVS changes...". The status bar
says "Committing: (45%)
I happen to be running in debug mode. Here is the trace that I have...(not a
full trace, sadly)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 200ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Table synchronization(205)
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Updating table widget(207)
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Animation start(8)
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]Starting job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Updating table widget(207)
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Starting job: Updating table widget(207)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Updating table widget(207)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]Starting job: Updating table widget(207)
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Updating table widget(207)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Table synchronization(206)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Animation start(8)
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Animation start(8)
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Table synchronization(206)
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]Starting job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 68ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]Ending job: Table synchronization(208)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 68ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Starting job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 68ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]Starting job: Change cursor(204)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 90ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 90ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 90ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Change cursor(204)
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 90ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 90ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 90ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 12ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 12ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 12ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 1500ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60000ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 1500ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]Starting job: Committing(808)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Animation start(8)
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Show In Dialog(809)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 100ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 69ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Animation start(8)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]Starting job: Change cursor(259)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 191ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 191ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 191ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 191ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 191ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Show In Dialog(809)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]Starting job: Open user dialog(810)
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Change cursor(259)
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Decoration Calculation(13)
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 119ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 103ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 103ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 9ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 9ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]Starting job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 1360ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 103ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Open user dialog(810)
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 400ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 400ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Ending job: Decoration Calculation(13)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 400ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 200ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 106ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Starting job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 197ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 197ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 9ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 9ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 9ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Update for Decoration Completion(16)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 938ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 300ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 300ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 300ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 300ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Update for Decoration Completion(16)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Decoration Calculation(13)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 625ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 625ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 300ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Ending job: Decoration Calculation(13)
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 300ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 300ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 128ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 3ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Update for Decoration Completion(16)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 60ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]Ending job: Update for Decoration Completion(16)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 28ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 28ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]Ending job: Committing(808)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Animation Done(9)
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]Starting job: Close dialog(811)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 13ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 13ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 13ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 13ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Starting job: Update Progress(10)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 69ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 69ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 69ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 69ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 53ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 53ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Starting job: Reading saved version of file for quick
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Ending job: Reading saved version of file for quick
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 38ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 38ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]Starting job: Reading saved version of file for quick
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]Ending job: Reading saved version of file for quick
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 7ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]Starting job: Building workspace(2)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]Starting job: Animation start(8)
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]Starting job: Decoration Calculation(13)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Starting job: Change cursor(259)
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Checking if need to build. Starting
elta computation between: ElementTree(251) and ElementTree(257)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]Ending job: Decoration Calculation(13)
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] End delta computation. (0ms).
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Checking if need to build. Starting
elta computation between: ElementTree(252) and ElementTree(257)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 84ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] End delta computation. (0ms).
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] JavaBuilder
l) needs building because of changes in: msJavaFelixPluginDataModel
[Thread[Worker-68,5,main]]Starting job: Reading saved version of file for quick
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Invoking (INCREMENTAL_BUILD) on
er: JavaBuilder(msJavaFelixPluginDataModel)
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Computing delta for project:
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Finished computing delta, time: 0ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-64,5,main]]Starting job: Reading saved version of file for quick
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 22ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-65,5,main]]Starting job: Reading saved version of file for quick
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Change cursor(204)
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 344ms
[Thread[main,6,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-67,5,main]]Starting job: Reading saved version of file for quick
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 328ms
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Builder finished: JavaBuilder
elixPluginDataModel) time: 110ms
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Checking if need to build. Starting
elta computation between: ElementTree(252) and ElementTree(258)
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] End delta computation. (0ms).
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] JavaBuilder(msJavaFelixPluginUI)
s building because of changes in: msJavaFelixPluginDataModel
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Invoking (INCREMENTAL_BUILD) on
er: JavaBuilder(msJavaFelixPluginUI)
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Builder finished: JavaBuilder
elixPluginUI) time: 0ms
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] JavaBuilder
ionController) needs building because of changes in: msJavaFelixPluginDataModel
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Invoking (INCREMENTAL_BUILD) on
er: JavaBuilder(FeasibilityViewerApplicationController)
Fri May 14 17:24:27 BST 2004 - [Worker-69] Builder finished: JavaBuilder
lityViewerApplicationController) time: 15ms
[Thread[Worker-69,5,main]]notifiying a worker
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 297ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Initializing Quick Diff(813)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Ending job: Initializing Quick Diff(813)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 15ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Initializing Quick Diff(815)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Ending job: Initializing Quick Diff(815)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 231ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Update for Decoration Completion(16)
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 537ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]worker sleeping for: 6ms
[Thread[Worker-66,5,main]]Starting job: Updating Problems view(210)
Eclipse has been locked at this stage for about 10 mins now, so this is
definitely not just a slow procedure... | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc7'} | 62,312 | 1. Select a read-only Java file. Right click and select Copy
2. Select a different package. Right click and select Paste.
A window flashes on the screen (unable to read it), but otherwise no action
occurs. | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dc9'} | 62,304 | The file I'm attaching was generated with profile-to-file from AS/400, and
Automatically Start Monitoring on Application launch NOT checked (in the Limits
tab). Boundary classes were also included.
Look at the Execution flow view. There is a call to methodA and a call to
methodB. If you mouse over the bar at the bottom (beside methodB), the text in
the status bar shows "StartStop.methodA", even though the corresponding text
beside the left-most thread-line shows methodB is being called. This probably
has something to do with the fact that I started monitoring after the
application started. | normal | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dca'} | 62,316 | Build: RCP 20040514
I unzipped the RCP build and started the eclipse.exe. I got the following error
in a log file in the configuration area and the workbench failed to start.
!SESSION May 14, 2004 13:00:46.641 ---------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=en_US
!ENTRY org.eclipse.osgi May 14, 2004 13:00:46.641
!MESSAGE Startup error
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Bundle org.eclipse.update.configurator not
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.startup(EclipseStarter.java:218)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:124)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:269)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:722)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:706) | normal | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dcb'} | 62,314 | The organization I am a part of is currently working on the development of a
client/server application framework which stores EMF core models and EObjects
which are instances of EClasses in these models. It is possible for clients to
dynamically 'register' new EMF models with this server and be able to
immediately store instances of EClasses which are members of these newly
registered models. This server is intended to be used by various client
applications to store core models and EObjects. Some of these client
applications will instantiate/interact with EObjects using generated EMF APIs,
others will instantiate/interact with EObjects using solely the reflective APIs
(and, hence, have no need for any generated code). Therefore, it is important
for this client/server framework to support the following scenarios:
- The server should be able to operate in a model agnostic environment.
That is, any valid EMF core model can be registered with the server,
and the server can store / serve up Eobjects which are instances of
EClasses in these models. In order to be truly model agnostic,
purely dynamic EMF must be leveraged on the server side, since the
transporting/loading of generated EMF code (from a client to the server)
during core model registration is not practical.
- Clients of the server may only operate on Eobjects which are instances
of a single core model, whose structure is very static. Therefore, these
clients would like to take advantage of generated code for this core model.
IE, the client code will be much simpler if the methods on generated
EClasses could be taken advantage of for instantiation/manipulation of
EObjects on the client side.
- Clients may also interact with Eobjects in a more in a generic manner.
These clients don't necessarily have a use for generated EMF code, since
they only interact with Eobjects by instantiating/manipulating the
EObjects using the reflective eGet(), eSet(), etc. methods. Requiring
clients of this type to have access to generated code for all the EMF
core models which they may need to deal with creates additional
deployment complexity that can be avoided by using purely dynamic EMF
in the client JVM.
- The server needs to have the ability to ship registered EMF core models
to these 'dynamic' clients so that these clients can instantiate
instances of the EClasses in these core models. This core model shipment
should not require the shipment of generated code.
The above requirements on this client/server framework suggest that it would be
very useful if the EMF framework worked seamlessly in an environment where a
single core model was used in JVMs where generated code for the core model was
accessible, as well as in JVMs where no generated code was accessible. Further,
the EMF framework would serve up instances of generated classes when they were
available, but serve up instances of the dynamic classes when no generated
classes were available. Currently, if XMI serialization is used to transport
core models (the collection of EPackages that compose the model) from 1 JVM to
another, the core model is not usable in both environments. Please see the
newsgroup thread titled:
"Generated EPackage usage across JVMs"
which was started on 04/20/04 for details on the errors that currently occur in
this scenario.
Hence, I would like to request an enhancement to the EMF framework which
provides support for the type of scenario described above. | enhancement | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dcc'} | 62,317 | Hyades Data Collection Engine does not support different locations for
hierarchal applications.
For example, the RemoteLogParserLoader application from the IBM parsers
directory (e.g. <Hyades Data Collection Engine installation
directory>/plugins/com.ibm.etools.logging.parsers) is being invoked when the
RemoteLogParserLoader application from the Hyades parsers directory (e.g.
<Hyades Data Collection Engine installation
directory>/plugins/org.eclipse.hyades.logging.parsers) should be invoked since
the location property for the IBM parsers
directory (e.g. <Hyades Data Collection Engine installation
directory>/plugins/com.ibm.etools.logging.parsers) is being used. | normal | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dce'} | 62,315 | I200405140800
This just started happening. I start Eclipse, make a change to a Java file,
save it, and immediately launch the debugger by clicking on the Debug toolbar
button. Usually it works but 3 times this morning I have gotten a dialog that
never goes away that says the launch needs to wait on a background operation,
but there is no background operation. I think maybe what happened is that when
I started the launch the build was still going on, but by the time it got
around to waiting on it to complete, it had already completed.
I can cancel the launch and try it again but it still says it wants to wait on
the non-existant background operation. The only workaround is to exit Eclipse
and start it again, and everything works fine for a while until I get in this
wedged up state again. | normal | RESOLVED | INVALID |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dcf'} | 62,320 | After closing all editors the AnnotateView holds a reference to an editor:
GC Roots -> Object CompilationUnitEditor #016a6acb: Reverse Paths
+---org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor (#016a6acb)
+---editor of org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.AnnotateView (#003ae944)
+---part of org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$ViewReference (#0093da0a)
+---partReference of org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane (#005d9888)
+---[0] of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener[4] (#017548b2)
+---listeners of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable (#005779b3)
+---eventTable of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite (#0165dc8e)
+---[192] of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control[1024] (#01db6366)
+---controlTable of org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
(#00345b43) [Java Frame]
GC Roots -> Object CompilationUnitEditor #016a6acb: Direct Paths
+---org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display (#00345b43) [Java Frame]
+---controlTable org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control[1024] (#01db6366)
+---[192] org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite (#0165dc8e)
+---eventTable org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable (#005779b3)
+---listeners org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Listener[4] (#017548b2)
+---[0] org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane (#005d9888)
org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$ViewReference (#0093da0a)
+---part org.eclipse.team.internal.ccvs.ui.AnnotateView (#003ae944)
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor (#016a6acb) | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15554dc1c25ebdc0dd0'} | 62,319 | I get the attached exception somewhat regularly. It appears to happen when I
switch to a new perspective. This is in linux-x86-gtk. | major | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd1'} | 62,321 | Found two paths to a CUE via listeners after closing all editors:
GC Roots -> Object CompilationUnitEditor #00418c1e: Reverse Paths
+---org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor (#00418c1e)
+---fJavaEditor of
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaEditorErrorTickUpdater (#0112a087)
| |
| +---[1] of java.lang.Object[10] (#00d28683)
| |
| +---listeners of org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList (#00bef2b0)
| |
| +---fListeners of
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.viewsupport.ProblemMarkerManager (#016b321b)
| |
| +---fProblemMarkerManager of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin
| |
| +---fgJavaPlugin of org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin (#013c5d59)
+---this$0 of
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor$PropertyChangeListener (#003f578f)
+---[0] of java.lang.Object[1] (#004b5c10)
+---listeners of org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList (#01829eea)
+---fClientListeners of
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ChainedPreferenceStore (#0005e8d2)
+---this$0 of
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ChainedPreferenceStore$PropertyChangeListener (#008086e8)
+---[0] of java.lang.Object[15] (#00232228)
+---listeners of org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList (#00342ac2)
+---listeners of
org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin$CompatibilityPreferenceStore (#0018cce6)
+---preferenceStore of
org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.text.EditorsPlugin (#00f45f16)
+---fgInstance of
org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.text.EditorsPlugin (#01a46f50)
GC Roots -> Object CompilationUnitEditor #00418c1e: Direct Paths
+---org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin (#013c5d59)
| |
| +---fgJavaPlugin org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.JavaPlugin (#0048869d)
| |
| +---fProblemMarkerManager
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.viewsupport.ProblemMarkerManager (#016b321b)
| |
| +---fListeners org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList (#00bef2b0)
| |
| +---listeners java.lang.Object[10] (#00d28683)
| |
| +---[1]
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.JavaEditorErrorTickUpdater (#0112a087)
| |
| +---fJavaEditor
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor (#00418c1e)
+---org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.text.EditorsPlugin (#01a46f50)
+---fgInstance org.eclipse.ui.internal.editors.text.EditorsPlugin (#00f45f16)
org.eclipse.ui.plugin.AbstractUIPlugin$CompatibilityPreferenceStore (#0018cce6)
+---listeners org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList (#00342ac2)
+---listeners java.lang.Object[15] (#00232228)
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ChainedPreferenceStore$PropertyChangeListener (#008086e8)
+---this$0 org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ChainedPreferenceStore
+---fClientListeners org.eclipse.jface.util.ListenerList (#01829eea)
+---listeners java.lang.Object[1] (#004b5c10)
org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor$PropertyChangeListener (#003f578f)
org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.CompilationUnitEditor (#00418c1e) | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd2'} | 62,324 | I20040514
I have created site project, with multiple (3) features.
In site.xml editor, on the features page, I have create a new category.
Next I am trying to add my last feature from the list to the category and it
does not work.
Nothing happens when I drop.
Copy and paste does not work because the Paste command is disabled in the menu.
On Dejan's machine Paste showed enabled but did not work either. | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd3'} | 62,322 | I20040514
I keep clicking the Run button in the main toolbar when I mean to click the
Resume (Go) button in the Debug view. The resume/go button should be a green
triangle and the Run button should be something else. | trivial | CLOSED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd4'} | 62,326 | Workspace settings are lost after I installed I200405140800 build. Prior to this
installation I used M8.
Here is what I noticed so far:
1) Installed JRE's.
2) User libraries are gone
3) Classpath variables are gone.
3) Java editor : color settings. | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd5'} | 62,325 | 1. Open a couple of Java or text editors in the same workbook
2. Drag one editor to create another workbook
3. Drag and drop the previous editor to the initial workbook
4. If you select the editor's tab, it will not be highlighted with the
approriate color (highlighted using the inactive color which suggests that
there is maybe another workbook that believes it still owns the editor)
5. Try to close the dropped editor, you will get an
Unhandled event loop exception
Graphic is disposed
Note that this does not happen with integration build 20040513 but it does when
I synchronized my code on May 14, 2004.
Here is the stack trace :
Thread [main] (Suspended (exception SWTException))
SWT.error(int, Throwable, String) line: 2691
SWT.error(int, Throwable) line: 2614
SWT.error(int) line: 2585
Image.getBounds() line: 950
CTabItem.preferredWidth(GC, boolean, boolean) line: 611
CTabFolder.setItemSize() line: 2713
CTabFolder.updateItems() line: 3399
CTabFolder.setSelection(int) line: 2927
PaneFolder.setSelection(int) line: 471
(IPresentablePart) line: 856
EditorStack(PartStack).refreshPresentationSelection() line: 799
EditorStack(PartStack).setSelection(LayoutPart) line: 774
EditorStack.setVisibleEditor(EditorPane) line: 161
EditorAreaHelper.setVisibleEditor(IEditorReference, boolean) line: 326
EditorManager.setVisibleEditor(IEditorReference, boolean) line: 1048
WorkbenchPage.bringToTop(IWorkbenchPart) line: 586
WorkbenchPage.activate(IWorkbenchPart) line: 454
WorkbenchPage.closeEditor(IEditorPart, boolean) line: 988
WorkbenchPage.closeEditor(IEditorReference, boolean) line: 932
EditorPane.doHide() line: 97
EditorStack(PartStack).close(IPresentablePart) line: 219
EditorStack.close(IPresentablePart[]) line: 199
PartStack$1.close(IPresentablePart[]) line: 72
DefaultPartPresentation$1.closeButtonPressed(CTabItem) line: 104
PaneFolder.notifyCloseListeners(CTabItem) line: 417
PaneFolder$1.close(CTabFolderEvent) line: 123
CTabFolder.onMouse(Event) line: 2001
CTabFolder$1.handleEvent(Event) line: 292
EventTable.sendEvent(Event) line: 82
CTabFolder(Widget).sendEvent(Event) line: 796
Display.runDeferredEvents() line: 2716
Display.readAndDispatch() line: 2382
Workbench.runEventLoop(Window$IExceptionHandler, Display) line: 1363
Workbench.runUI() line: 1334
Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Display, WorkbenchAdvisor) line: 253
PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(Display, WorkbenchAdvisor) line: 141
IDEApplication.run(Object) line: 97
PlatformActivator$1.run(Object) line: 283
EclipseStarter.run(Object) line: 242
EclipseStarter.run(String[], Runnable) line: 119
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Method, Object, Object[]) line: not
available [native method]
NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 39
DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 25
Method.invoke(Object, Object[]) line: 324
Main.basicRun(String[]) line: 184
Main.run(String[]) line: 637
Main.main(String[]) line: 621 | critical | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd6'} | 62,327 | I recently had to import a vendor library into CVS and while doing a check
out using eclipse cvs it bombed out with the following error:
ERROR: Checking out 'Netcool532' from CVS: Problem writing resource
'/Netcool532/ilumos/lview/ws/gen/46:44'. : is an invalid character in resource
name 46:44
The actual file name it is having trouble with is called:
The issue is related to wether ":" is legal under which file system. Under
Linux and unix filesystems ":" is a legal character. Under Windows it is not.
Can it be translated on the fly into unicode when downloading to Windows ?
Today the cvs client on windows does not handle ":" gracefully and you end up
witht he last few characters being displayed like for the above file name
46:44 0
could be transformed into
which is legal under windows and is the strategy used under linux apt-get
for storing "dubious" file names, and perhaps it could be translated back on the
fly on checkin ? Just my 0.02c | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd7'} | 62,323 | Attachment with paths from GC roots follows shortly. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd8'} | 62,328 | I200405140800 on WXP
During a restart of Eclipse, I noticed the Package Explorer having duplicate
items. The reason was below:
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java)
at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java)
at java.lang.NullPointerException.<init>(NullPointerException.java:60)
at org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.views.launch.LaunchView.partOpened
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartListenerList$5.run
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartListenerList.firePartOpened
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.firePartOpened
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.createChildControl
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane.createChildControl
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$1.run(ViewFactory.java:276)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory.busyRestoreView
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$2.run(ViewFactory.java:454)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory.restoreView
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewFactory$ViewReference.getPart
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$1.propertyChange
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.LayoutPart.setVisible(LayoutPart.java:248)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.setVisible(PartPane.java:259)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPane.setVisible(ViewPane.java:625)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.PresentableViewPart.setVisible
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.refreshPresentationSelection
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.createControl(PartStack.java:315)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewStack.createControl(ViewStack.java:99)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartSashContainer.createControl
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PerspectiveHelper.activate
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Perspective.onActivate(Perspective.java:718)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.setPerspective
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busySetPerspective
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.access$8
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$12.run
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.setPerspective
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.showPerspective
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.RunnableLock.run(RunnableLock.java)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Synchronizer.runAsyncMessages
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runAsyncMessages(Display.java)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1353)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1324)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:141)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.run
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.run
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:390)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:269)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:722)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:706) | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dd9'} | 62,330 | In I200405140800 , on "Open Type" action I'm getting message box "No types
available". | normal | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dda'} | 62,331 | In the CVS history view, I can right-click a version and one of the operations
is "Get Contents." Choosing this does something destructive in my workspace: it
overwrites the file I have with the contents of the selected version.
I think "Get contents" is not a strong enough term for this operation. The
corresponding operation from the Navigator is choosing one of the "Replace
With" operations, and the menu action names communicate exactly what is going
to happen.
Maybe the "Get Contents" menu item could be renamed to "Load contents into
workspace" or something involving the word "replace." | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0ddb'} | 62,333 | When the last one of an #include file is a #define without '\n', the parser
goes into the backtracking mode. The parser works OK with '\n', so the question
is whether it should treat an EOF as equivalent to CR-LF-EOF or LF-EOF. Since
'\n' is not visible in the editor, the parser should as most C compilers do
treat just EOF as equivalent to LF-EOF.
The caller file is:
#include "a.h"
int name;
and file a.h is as follows w/o '\n':
#define name REPLACED | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0ddc'} | 62,329 | Build I20040505 but running 20040514 from HEAD including SWT from HEAD
1) I have a CTabFolder with 5 tabs (pic will be attached)
2) resize the window (Workbench) wider so all tabs show (i.e no chevron)
3) make the window smaller so the chevron appears with 1 item
4) now slowing size the window even smaller until a second item is put in
the chevron..
NOTE the lines left behind. | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0ddd'} | 62,332 | The plugin.properties for org.eclipse.ui.workbench.textEditor is missing the key
%category.textEditor.description that is specified in the plugin.xml | minor | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0dde'} | 62,334 | CDT 200405121551
Eclipse 200405140800
After using CDT on Solaris, I noticed the message above echoed repeatedly to the
xterm. I don't think I was explicitly doing anything to generate the message. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0ddf'} | 62,336 | I have a workspace with a single plugin project ("ca.mikew.LowMemoryDetector") in it. If I perform the
following steps on my Mac...
- switch to java perspective
- expand ca.mikew.LowMemoryDetector project
- expand src folder
- expand ca.mikew.LowMemoryDetector package
- double click LowMemoryDetectorPlugin
- add "implements org.eclipse.ui.IStartup" to class definition in editor
- click on "quick fix" icon on the line containing the class definition
- double click "Add unimplemented methods"
... eclipse frequently (occurred 5 out of 7 attempts) becomes unresponsive and must be "kill"ed.
Here is a stack trace from one such case:
Full thread dump Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.4.2-34 mixed mode):
"org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.JavaReconciler" daemon prio=1 tid=0x0059e100 nid=0x1f86600 in
Object.wait() [f0911000..f0911b20]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x63810d78> (a org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.DirtyRegionQueue)
- locked <0x63810d78> (a org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.DirtyRegionQueue)
"Java indexing" daemon prio=4 tid=0x00560880 nid=0x1c93600 in Object.wait()
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62f001a0> (a org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.indexing.IndexManager)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.processing.JobManager.run(JobManager.java:344)
- locked <0x62f001a0> (a org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.search.indexing.IndexManager)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:552)
"Worker-3" prio=5 tid=0x00553190 nid=0x1bda600 in Object.wait() [f080f000..f080fb20]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62cbb6e8> (a org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool.sleep(WorkerPool.java:209)
- locked <0x62cbb6e8> (a org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool.startJob(WorkerPool.java:236)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:59)
"Worker-1" prio=5 tid=0x005528f0 nid=0x1bcca00 in Object.wait() [f070d000..f070db20]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62cbb6e8> (a org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool.sleep(WorkerPool.java:209)
- locked <0x62cbb6e8> (a org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.WorkerPool.startJob(WorkerPool.java:236)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.jobs.Worker.run(Worker.java:59)
"Thread-1" prio=6 tid=0x00540830 nid=0x1a1ee00 in Object.wait() [f068c000..f068cb20]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62d8a800> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:111)
- locked <0x62d8a800> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:127)
"Thread-0" prio=6 tid=0x005405e0 nid=0x19a1400 in Object.wait() [f060b000..f060bb20]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62d8a870> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:111)
- locked <0x62d8a870> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:127)
"Start Level Event Dispatcher" daemon prio=5 tid=0x00514320 nid=0x1899200 in Object.wait()
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62b0b2d8> (a org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread.getNextEvent(EventThread.java:149)
- locked <0x62b0b2d8> (a org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread)
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread.run(EventThread.java:107)
"Framework Event Dispatcher" daemon prio=5 tid=0x00513b50 nid=0x1858a00 in Object.wait()
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62b0b328> (a org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread.getNextEvent(EventThread.java:149)
- locked <0x62b0b328> (a org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread)
at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventThread.run(EventThread.java:107)
"Signal Dispatcher" daemon prio=10 tid=0x00507f70 nid=0x1814c00 waiting on condition [0..0]
"Finalizer" daemon prio=8 tid=0x00506a80 nid=0x180e000 in Object.wait() [f0203000..f0203b20]
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62abdd90> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:111)
- locked <0x62abdd90> (a java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue$Lock)
at java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:127)
at java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:159)
"Reference Handler" daemon prio=10 tid=0x00506750 nid=0x1802600 in Object.wait()
at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
- waiting on <0x62abdb90> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
at java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:115)
- locked <0x62abdb90> (a java.lang.ref.Reference$Lock)
"main" prio=6 tid=0x00500d60 nid=0xa000a1ec runnable [bfffe000..bffff528]
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.carbon.OS.ReceiveNextEvent(Native Method)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.sleep(Display.java:3254)
at org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchAdvisor.eventLoopIdle(WorkbenchAdvisor.java:344)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1354)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1324)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:243)
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:141)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.run(IDEApplication.java:90)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.run(PlatformActivator.java:298)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:249)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:126)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:269)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:722)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:706)
"VM Thread" prio=5 tid=0x00505fd0 nid=0x1802e00 runnable
"VM Periodic Task Thread" prio=10 tid=0x00507ee0 nid=0x1812600 waiting on condition
"Exception Catcher Thread" prio=10 tid=0x00500d00 nid=0x1802a00 runnable | normal | RESOLVED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0de0'} | 62,337 | Seems that the file path handing does not support blanks char(32) in the
path. Fine if it's a limitation; however, why then instal eclipse in
C:\Program Files\elclipse which has a space and prevents Javadoc from
running. Am I missing something here? Seems that this should fail
the most basic test case.
Installed the eclipse 3.0 and Java EE SDK (to get Javadoc) and tried to
run Javadoc on a basic test file (shown below) and the output provided
in the console (below the source code):
* Created on May 7, 2004
* To change the template for this generated file go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
* @author gcharles
* To change the template for this generated type comment go to
* Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments
import java.util.*;
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("New Hello World");
System.out.println(new Date());
javadoc: Illegal package name: "Files\Hold"
javadoc: Illegal package name: "Eclipse\eclipse\workspace\Hello"
javadoc: Illegal package name: "Files\Hold"
javadoc: Illegal package name: "Eclipse\eclipse\workspace\Hello"
javadoc: Illegal package name: "C:\Program"
javadoc: Illegal package name: "Files\Hold"
javadoc: Illegal package name: "Eclipse\eclipse\workspace\Hello"
javadoc: File not found: "Project\HelloWorld.java"
Loading source files for package World...
javadoc: warning - No source files for package World
Loading source files for package Project...
javadoc: warning - No source files for package Project
Loading source files for package World...
javadoc: warning - No source files for package World
Loading source files for package Project...
javadoc: warning - No source files for package Project
Loading source files for package World...
javadoc: warning - No source files for package World
8 errors
5 warnings | major | RESOLVED | DUPLICATE |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0de1'} | 62,335 | 20040514
JavaElementImageProvider.getImage() takes up 47% of the time in
DecoratingLabelProvider.updateImage() in the Package Explorer (I will attach
the trace).
My setup is
1) Package explorer open with org.eclipse.swt and org.eclipse.swt.win32 open.
CVS decorator is on
2) Select the project org.eclipse.swt
3) expand the project | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0de2'} | 62,339 | CDT 200405121551
Eclipse 200405140800
Test case:
1. Create a standard C project, call it StdC
2. Add main.c to StdC and insert the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct Cube {
int nLength;
int nWidth;
int nHeight;
main(int argc, char **argv) {
struct Cube * pCube;
// pCube = (struct Cube*)(malloc(sizeof(struct Cube)));
pCube = (st[^SPC] // ** (A) **
3. Execute Content Assist on line (A) – goal is to achieve the commented line
above (A).
RESULT: A completion list with two entries (stderr and stdout) is presented to
the user.
EXPECTED: I expected to be able to complete the keyword struct in this case. | normal | VERIFIED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0de3'} | 62,340 | The API for the preference to control the delay time for the auto-refresh
polling monitor was removed for 3.0.
Currently the PollingMonitor is implemented such that:
- it doesn't run for more than 100ms at a time
- it runs every 5s
We should add back a preference (internal use only) to control the 5s delay. | normal | RESOLVED | WONTFIX |
{'$oid': '52e9c15654dc1c25ebdc0de4'} | 62,341 | Build M8
In the file search dialog I accidently searched for "catch*{*Throwable". The
"Regular Expression" checkbox was off. Nothing happened when I searched and I
recieved the following error in the logs:
!MESSAGE Unmatched braces in the pattern.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unmatched braces in the pattern.
at java.text.MessageFormat.applyPattern(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.<init>(Unknown Source)
at java.text.MessageFormat.format(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.search2.internal.ui.SearchView.updateTitle(SearchView.java:272)
at org.eclipse.search2.internal.ui.SearchView.showSearchResult(SearchView.java:258)
at org.eclipse.search2.internal.ui.SearchView.queryAdded(SearchView.java:324)
at org.eclipse.search2.internal.ui.QueryManager.fireAdded(QueryManager.java:72)
at org.eclipse.search2.internal.ui.QueryManager.addQuery(QueryManager.java:49)
at org.eclipse.search.ui.NewSearchUI.runQuery(NewSearchUI.java:44)
at org.eclipse.search.internal.ui.SearchDialog.performAction(SearchDialog.java:363)
at org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog$1.widgetSelected(Dialog.java:413)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TypedListener.handleEvent(TypedListener.java:89)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:82)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:769)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:2578)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2256)
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.runEventLoop(Window.java:670)
at org.eclipse.jface.window.Window.open(Window.java:650)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction.runWithEvent(PluginAction.java:269)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WWinPluginAction.runWithEvent(WWinPluginAction.java:207)
at org.eclipse.ui.commands.ActionHandler.execute(ActionHandler.java:68)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.commands.Command.execute(Command.java:173)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.keys.WorkbenchKeyboard.press(WorkbenchKeyboard.java:855)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:82)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.filterEvent(Display.java:705)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:768)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:793)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:778)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.sendKeyEvent(Control.java:1720)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.sendKeyEvent(Control.java:1716)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.WM_CHAR(Control.java:3041)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree.WM_CHAR(Tree.java:1292)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control.windowProc(Control.java:2944)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.windowProc(Display.java:3146)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW(Native Method)
at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage(OS.java:1450)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2254)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1562)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1536)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:257)
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:139)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.run(IDEApplication.java:90)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:239)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:117)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:267)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:692)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:676)
The same thing happens if I try to escape the brace. | normal | RESOLVED | WORKSFORME |
{'$oid': '52e9c15754dc1c25ebdc0de5'} | 62,342 | If the RAC is started as a Windows service, it terminates when the user logs
off. The RAC must be manually started after logging back on.
Here is Windows event viewer error:
The Hyades Data Collector service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1
Here is servicelog.log information: (appears normal)
<SERVER_MSG time="2004:5:14:14:30:35" severity="INFORMATION" text="Service
<SERVER_MSG time="2004:5:14:14:30:35" severity="INFORMATION"
text="Successfully loaded plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.datacollection"/>
<SERVER_MSG time="2004:5:14:14:30:35" severity="INFORMATION"
text="Successfully loaded plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.logging.parsers"/>
<SERVER_MSG time="2004:5:14:14:30:35" severity="INFORMATION"
text="Successfully loaded plugin: org.eclipse.hyades.test"/>
<SERVER_MSG time="2004:5:14:14:30:35" severity="INFORMATION" text="Active
configuration set to: default"/>
<SERVER_MSG time="2004:5:14:14:30:35" severity="INFORMATION" text="Loaded
configuration: default"/>
<SERVER_MSG time="2004:5:14:14:30:35" severity="INFORMATION" text="Service
started successfully"/> | critical | CLOSED | FIXED |
{'$oid': '52e9c15754dc1c25ebdc0de6'} | 62,338 | Noticed on Windows and RedHat Linux,
on CDT
Some of the properties on New Class Wizard are not being
expanded. See attached image.
Major since this interferes with Translation Verification testing. | major | VERIFIED | FIXED |
Subsets and Splits