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# League of Legends dataset
This dataset contains detailed information from over 13'000 League of Legends matches, collected through the official [Riot Games API](https://developer.riotgames.com/apis#match-v5). The data provides rich insights into player performance, game progression, and strategic decision-making.
## Dataset Structure
The dataset is provided in BSON-JSON format, optimized for MongoDB database integration. It consists of two primary components:
- Match_V5 (1.3GB): The Match Summary component captures key performance metrics and outcomes for each match. This includes champion selections and bans, individual player performance metrics like kills and assists, economic indicators such as gold earned, objective control statistics, team compositions, and overall match duration and outcome.
- Match_V5 Timeline (14.4 GB): The Timeline component provides time-series data captured every 60 seconds throughout each match. This includes timestamps for significant events with connected data such as the XY-coordinates.