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ethnicity | Fuck you ugly dumb nigger name Wayne off my toys ugly trash pic.twitter.com/VQBl1omc1o |
ethnicity | u mad as shit, u fat fuck! RT @tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger |
ethnicity | @xEliasFlores what the fuck nigger. Don't follow me. Get a fucking haircut dumb bitch |
ethnicity | @_kawonn_alyakk_ @DreamzHits know that Im Asian too you bitch.But just know that a "nigger" is a lot more educated than you. You dumb fuck |
ethnicity | @SADA_BREUANA who the fuck let you on the internet you dumb fuckin nigger?? |
ethnicity | @MoStaacKs @Kludgykiller fuck u Meech dumb nigger don't take it offensive just kidding but yeah your a nigger. Idgaf u suck Creddy me LMK |
ethnicity | Anonymous asked: nicki minaj is a nigger, keith urban shouldve dick slapped that dumb fuck http://tmblr.co/ZdDjcuUYADl7 |
ethnicity | what about the 15 or so black KIDS shot the past 2 weekends ? anything on that? |
ethnicity | When this hype season is all over I probably won't say nigger faggot retard stupid dumb fuck shit-ass stuff like that (or this) ever again, so enjoy it while it lasts. Then again, I might write a book with my dick. Who cares? I'd rather be meditating and playing video games, oO,. |
ethnicity | Bro first learn something. Pubg PC is owned by Bluehole Pubg Mobile is developed by Tencent Pubg Mobile is published by Tencent Pubg Mobile privacy policies are maintained by Tencent Its more Chinese than you think. Seeing one line in Google won't make ur facts right. Research! |
ethnicity | yess exactly the police can murder black people and we can be okay with it because it’s in the past and they’re dead now. exactly. what if i kicked your ass? you can’t say anything because it’s in the past now. |
ethnicity | @Lilcruz2 you really tryna get me in trouble on twitter😂😂😂 #coon |
ethnicity | @BryantMcAlister I'm sick of dumb niggers like u George Zimmerman is a fuckin Hispanic so go fuck yourself |
ethnicity | @praisexoscar you're nigger youself you dumb fuck |
ethnicity | Human being not white. I see u as the same no colored. Thats what keeps racism going. |
ethnicity | Niggers sound stupid af sayin a iphone better suck dem nd fuck them , dumb ass nigger idiots . |
ethnicity | will yall dumb ass niggers shut the fuck up! nobody gives a shit what you have to say, now fuck off |
ethnicity | all this bc of that dollar and the thing is rich people are the ones donating AND no one is spending ur money in the first place why are y’all so bitter |
ethnicity | @Robfrmda4 @love__adriana fuck you dumb ass nigger bruh tf wrong with you man go be a nigger some were else man |
ethnicity | @R_Mendenhall Get the fuck out the country you dumb nigger , then buy a rope and lynch yourself #Steelers #Mendenhall #Osama #ESPN #NFL |
ethnicity | Vice was abt interviews, which explained y trans ppl detransition. The Reddit one was written by a FtMtF who genuinely wanted to detransition, but still didnt regret to transition in the first place. U dont want reliable sources, u wanna shut up anyone who doesnt agree w ur views |
ethnicity | Guy do whip dance didn't see the white girl continue to dance she call him a nigger but that's funny to you dumb fucks smh |
ethnicity | @hi_imSoryia -____- fuck you too then dumb NIGGER |
ethnicity | The BLM at it again.They don’t understand history.Frederick Douglass was a spokesman for the Black People.They are just ripping and tearing at anything that represents the past. |
ethnicity | GAYLE and OPRAH are using white supremacy and CBS to demonise and destroy blackmen and throw them under the bus for money and ratings. Malcom x called them HOUSE NEGROS. |
ethnicity | Angry aint we “@Colton_Zappe: Fuck that dumb nigger Obama” |
ethnicity | “@tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger” <=====THIS LITTLE DUMB Hoe! Bitch go in YOUR room and let yo daddy skeet on ur face! |
ethnicity | @tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger *This is wtf I'm talking about. |
ethnicity | Who the fuck comes to someone's house unannounced at almost 2am? Dumb ass nigger. |
ethnicity | Shut yo Honey Boo Boo ass up RT: @tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger |
ethnicity | Maxine Waters Blames Trump for Smollett Incident — ‘He’s Dog Whistling Every Day’ - This is how stupid faux racism is. If Jesse werent black, Maxine would have said. Pick what/who you support by color. Civil rights are earned not bullied. Maxine you will be dropped by history |
ethnicity | @Needa_grow_ALil nigga u r dumb as fuck!! Trade beats for an I-Pod? I didn't know niggers were that stupid |
ethnicity | To add to how tone deaf this is he called him Eloquent and clear, using the same coded language white people do to praise what they perceive to be a "good negro" |
ethnicity | FYI I'm black. There is a thing for white culture called the magical negro. White people love the idea that there is an unusually talented or gifted Black person who saves the day. This has pretty much been about the only type of film with AAs in it that gets academy awards |
ethnicity | Oh my god. Guys, the head of a pizza company said some dumb shit. This isnt a civil rights issue, this isnt a travesty or a tragedy. Stop acting like a the world is so corrupt every time some says nigger, faggot, or kike. Just shut the fuck up, eat your pizza, and move on |
ethnicity | @saltylemonjuice Yep- go look up the definition, ya dumb NIGGER! That's what the FUCK YOU are. |
ethnicity | fuck you going nigger? RT @Frico_LiVaRachi: I'm gon miss this dumb twitter shit |
ethnicity | U are not a self made nigger and u have tattoos all over ur neck u are dumb as fuck the only job u will ever get is at a butchery |
ethnicity | A white man called a Black Man a NEGRO on the RADIO??!!! Why am I not surprised? |
ethnicity | Mfs will defend NB people saying nigger allllll day but let a black person use a slur and its a witch hunt. Both are disgusting but why are we treated differently? |
ethnicity | Ur the first one ik to twerk with a dildo in there ass which is sexy af tbh |
ethnicity | the word nigger and I sure as fuck don't appreciate you defending a dumb CUNT like her |
ethnicity | @Obey_TINA @Stupid_Niggers @PolyWhoop i didnt play mw3, remember? i said i was coming back in bopps 2 dumb fuck |
ethnicity | Fuck i am fed up with dumb niggers |
ethnicity | this show funny as fuck...white people lookin at us like 'even the rich black ppl are dumb...niggers' lmao |
ethnicity | Look how long we had google, niggers still dumb as fuck |
ethnicity | We know people in the wine industry who are struggling because they are colored, they receive a better reception abroad than in & around the Cape Winelands & it's tragic. Racism isn't just what you say, it's also the way u treat people - it's the prejudice held of "us & them" |
ethnicity | @FreakyBillon lmao nigga don't you got work?!! |
ethnicity | Bitch fuck you RT @tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger |
ethnicity | realizing this white lady on The Cookout called them negros in the beginning then was all in his house and sitting at they table |
ethnicity | This dude said "dumb sosh nigger fuck" |
ethnicity | that's horrible to read, 'cause I'm feeling so disgusted by such these white ppl, I'm also one white human, but I hate those types so much! White didn't really face racism like other colored ppl do, in my opinion, it's not the same. |
ethnicity | Lol. u bet!"@Psyche_Mac: Racism is when u wash ur white clothes before the colored ones..." |
ethnicity | “@tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger” mad ehh?! |
ethnicity | @ki__2x fuck you dumb nigger, pull you pants up and step up bitch. I will yam on yo black ass |
ethnicity | ms trisha ur mind it amazes me one of the first bw au that i actually finished shdjnxksjsjshsb anw keep doing what ur doing ily and ur works of art <3 |
ethnicity | <tsui-ji> gyl: go into #asian and tell em you are white, have muscles and drive a nice car and mad chicks will msg you |
ethnicity | I call BS. The homeowners didn't have to feel threatened by black peaceful protestors walking past their home. If anything, they escalated a confrontation. |
ethnicity | @skeppyextra hi i donated on ur stream asking if u could check oht my fanart :) it was my first one so it was bad but i still really want you to see it:) |
ethnicity | “@tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger”<<< Have Some Respect For Ur PRESIDENT Hoe!! Lol |
ethnicity | fuck you fat white bitch. RT @tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger. |
ethnicity | Cute(˘̯˘ ).. RT @MacFreshPrince: GAY! :"D dumb fucks"@_L_ANDILE_: Gay! "@Reciprocator_: What do you call niggers who listen to bieber?"" |
ethnicity | You ain't get no Dick tonight so you mad at the black man.!?....“@tayyoung_ FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger” |
ethnicity | I'm tired of these stupid niggers on ps3. Shut the fuck up your fucking dumb porch monkey |
ethnicity | 1 incident of racism vs 1 of kindness, of course @AlArabiya_Eng picks -ve. Playing #victim always! @MrPolyatheist |
ethnicity | Let Me Stop Retweeting Dumb Shit myBoy Fuck Around & Break myFucking Neck Crazy Ass Fucking Niggers I Mess W| |
ethnicity | #RealClassy #StripsForCopsAndIsMarried #DISGUSTING'Filthy nigger!'White woman reacts 2 Black man starting his car.... http://ohnblog.com/newohnblog/2014/06/04/filthy-nigger-white-woman-reacts-to-black-man-starting-his-car/ |
ethnicity | Haha You Can't Say Black Nigger In The Same Sentence Because Niggers Are Obviously Black Ya Dumb Fuck |
ethnicity | Wow! Birds of a feather flock together. Roger Stone called Mo Kelly a Negro while on Mo's show. @realdonaldtrump surrounds himself with open racists bc he (45) is a racist himself. Racist white people R notorious 4 using racist tropes while maintaining that they R not racists. |
ethnicity | RT @Mr200taxnjckson: Taylor on a scale from cracker to pretzel , how salty are you ? RT @tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger |
ethnicity | as the world caves in, first one on spotify ig, btw if ur sad rn and thats why your asking i really hope you feel better soon |
ethnicity | A Harvard JD doesn't imply "dumb" RT @StaxxFifth: AH YOUMAD BITCH SUCK THIS LONG SHADED SMULE RT @tayyoung_: FUCK OBAMA, dumb ass nigger |
ethnicity | Fuck you doris ya dumb nigger |
ethnicity | Y'all make sure y'all following a nigga #coon⛽🅰🆖💯lilbitch 😹😹👌 #joeworld |
ethnicity | Dumb fuck wipe your ass bitch nigger cock muncher idiot |
ethnicity | why the fuck am I a dumb fucking nigger you dumb fucking nigger |
ethnicity | Why have I got someone on my timeline sayin fuck david stern you a dumb ass nigger for sayin that |
ethnicity | i’ve noticed it’s a trend on here y’all have to belittle accomplishments and make ppl feel like shit for simple stuff like graduating/going back to school, getting your first apartment (or a new one), buying a used car, etc. take that shit elsewhere. fix ur spirit. |
ethnicity | So a random Iowa fan pulls up in his car and sees me in a Michigan State shirt and says, " Fuck you and Michigan State you dumb nigger.." |
ethnicity | As a black man I’m not supporting music that tells me to go kill or harm another black man... keep all that gang shit/ fuck the ops shit out my ear. Niggers are dumb supporting that BS then be heartbroken when a black man dies by the hands of another... |
ethnicity | But... he’s right. Atlanta is full of so called shoot em up negros and a Wendys was the best you could do? The hood want respect from everybody but only want to do it to each other and never White Supremacy. |
ethnicity | Black is a color . African American is a Culture . Nigger means ignorant . Learn your facts dumb fucks . |
ethnicity | After black soldiers fought in WWI, many of them came home refusing to acquiesce to whiteness. They would do crazy stuff like look white men in the eye and call them by their first names. They called themselves the "new negro" - who thought of themselves as equal to whites. |
ethnicity | @KeithBishop64 Very true. It was a nice show to watch until the racism incident. Did Ricky pick anybody who wasn't white? |
ethnicity | @YourFavWhiteGuy shut the fuck upAbout your dumb as app your acting like a nagging nigger! |
ethnicity | Black ppl aren't expected to do anything, depended on for anything. Yet free to participate, work, enjoy the freedom of humans all across this globe. If you waste your energy on the past you will be wasting it for building the future. |
ethnicity | Turner did not withhold his disappointment. Turner called the court an “abominable conclave of negro hating demons” (with one exception) who “issued another decree that colored men and women must be driven into Jim Crow cars whenever it suits the whim of any white community.” |
ethnicity | I swear to God. This dumb nigger bitch. I have got to bleach my hair reeeeeal fuckin' soon. D:< FUCK. |
ethnicity | Yea fuck you RT @therealexel: IF YOURE A NIGGER FUCKING UNFOLLOW ME, FUCKING DUMB NIGGERS. |
ethnicity | Bro. U gotta chill RT @CHILLShrammy: Dog FUCK KP that dumb nigger bitch lmao |
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