group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) algebraic curves; algebraic function fields; maximal curves; maximal function fields; automorphisms of function fields Güneri, C.; Özdemir, M.; Stichtenoth, H., The automorphism group of the generalized giulietti-korchmáros function field, \textit{Adv. Geom.}, 13, 369-380, (2013) Curves over finite and local fields, Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry The automorphism group of the generalized Giulietti-Korchmáros function field
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) M-curve; hyperelliptic curve; realisation; gemms; real points of a curve S. M. Natanzon, Automorphisms of the Riemann surface of an \?-curve, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen. 12 (1978), no. 3, 82 -- 83 (Russian). Curves in algebraic geometry, Classification theory of Riemann surfaces, Real-analytic manifolds, real-analytic spaces Automorphisms of a Riemann surface of an M-curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Massarenti, A.; Mella, M., On the automorphisms of moduli spaces of curves, (Automorphisms in Birational and Affine Geometry, Springer Proc. Math. Stat., vol. 79, (2014), Springer Cham), 149-167, MR 3229350 Families, moduli of curves (algebraic), Fine and coarse moduli spaces, Stacks and moduli problems, Fibrations, degenerations in algebraic geometry On the automorphisms of moduli spaces of curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) pseudo-homotheties; power series; continuous k-algebra automorphisms; semidirect product; elementary matrices Linear algebraic groups over adèles and other rings and schemes, Automorphisms and endomorphisms, Formal power series rings, Automorphisms of infinite groups, Valuations, completions, formal power series and related constructions (associative rings and algebras), Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) On the group of automorphisms of a power series ring
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) algebraic curve; Singer cyclic group; automorphisms Automorphisms of curves, Plane and space curves, Finite ground fields in algebraic geometry, Finite affine and projective planes (geometric aspects) The automorphism group of plane algebraic curves with Singer automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Galois point; plane curve; birational transformation; automorphism group Miura, K; Ohbuchi, A, Automorphism group of plane curve computed by Galois points, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie, 56, 695-702, (2015) Automorphisms of curves, Plane and space curves Automorphism group of plane curve computed by Galois points
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) DOI: 10.1081/AGB-120038035 Automorphisms of curves, Plane and space curves Automorphism groups of plane curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group of a rational curve; nodes; genus Singularities of curves, local rings, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) Automorphism groups of 3-nodal rational curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) finite fields; maximal curves; Weierstrass semigroups; Picard curves; Fermat curves S. Tafazolian; F. Torres, On the curve \begin{document}\(y^n=x^m+x\)\end{document} over finite fields, J. Number Theory, 145, 51, (2014) Curves over finite and local fields, Finite ground fields in algebraic geometry On the curve \(y^n = x^m + x\) over finite fields
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism and modular curve and finite field Peter Bending, Alan Camina, and Robert Guralnick, Automorphisms of the modular curve, Progress in Galois theory, Dev. Math., vol. 12, Springer, New York, 2005, pp. 25 -- 37. Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties, Modular and Shimura varieties, Automorphisms of curves, Curves over finite and local fields Automorphisms of the modular curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Weil bound; maximal curve; automorphism; ramification Husemöller, D.: Elliptic curves. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No.~111. Springer, New York-Heidelberg (1987) Curves over finite and local fields, Automorphisms of curves The automorphism groups of a family of maximal curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Jacobian conjecture Stefan Maubach, The automorphism group of \Bbb C[\?]/(\?^{\?})[\?\(_{1}\),\ldots ,\?_{\?}], Comm. Algebra 30 (2002), no. 2, 619 -- 629. Jacobian problem, Polynomials over commutative rings The automorphism group of \(\mathbb{C} [T]/(T^m) [X_1,\dots,X_n]\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Fermat field; Fermat group; automorphism group Leopoldt, H.-W., Über die automorphismengruppe des fermatkörpers, J. number theory, 56, 2, 256-282, (1996) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields On the automorphism group of Fermat fields
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Kontogeorgis, A.; Rotger, V., On Abelian automorphism groups of Mumford curves, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc., 40, 353-362, (2008) Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties, Modular and Shimura varieties On Abelian automorphism groups of Mumford curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphisms of algebraic curve; linear systems González, V.; Rodríguez, R.: On automorphisms of curves and linear series, Aportaciones mat. Notas investigación 5, 101-105 (1992) Automorphisms of curves, Curves in algebraic geometry, Divisors, linear systems, invertible sheaves On automorphisms of curves and linear series
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) closed Riemann surfaces; hyperelliptic surfaces; Fermat curves; generalized Fermat curves Fuertes, Y.; González-Diez, G.; Hidalgo, R. A.; Leyton-Álvarez, M., Automorphisms group of generalized Fermat curves of type \((k, 3)\), J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 217, 1791-1806, (2013) Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization, Fuchsian groups and their generalizations (group-theoretic aspects), Kleinian groups (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization), Automorphisms of curves, Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus Automorphisms group of generalized Fermat curves of type \((k, 3)\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) hyperelliptic surface; automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Automorphisms of curves The automorphism group of a cyclic \(p\)-gonal curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism groups of real algebraic curves; Klein surfaces E. Bujalance, J.J. Etayo and J.M. Gamboa, Automorphism groups of real algebraic curves of genus \(3\) , Proc. Japan Acad. 62 (1986), 40-42. Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Real algebraic and real-analytic geometry, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Other geometric groups, including crystallographic groups Automorphism groups of real algebraic curves of genus 3
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) cyclic group automorphisms; Neron-Severi group; Jacobian; ring of endomorphisms Picard groups, Jacobians, Prym varieties, Relationships between algebraic curves and integrable systems, Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus On the Neron-Severi group of Jacobians of curves with automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group; positive characteristic; Artin-Schreier curves Automorphisms of curves, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry Automorphism group, Galois points and lines of the generalized Artin-Schreier-Mumford curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Riemann surfaces; covering of surfaces; complex algebraic curve; group of automorphisms; moduli spaces S. M. Natanzon, Moduli spaces of complex algebraic curves with isomorphic to \((\mathbf Z/2\mathbf Z)^m\) groups of automorphisms, Differential Geom. Appl. 5 (1995), 1--11. Families, moduli of curves (analytic), Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations Moduli spaces of complex algebraic curves with isomorphic to \((\mathbb{Z}/2\mathbb{Z})^ m\) groups of automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) parabolic vector bundle; moduli space; automorphism group; extended Torelli theorem; birational geometry; stability chambers Algebraic moduli problems, moduli of vector bundles, Torelli problem, Rational and birational maps, Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations, Vector bundles on curves and their moduli Automorphism group of the moduli space of parabolic bundles over a curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphisms of curves; non-split Cartan modular curves Modular and Shimura varieties, Automorphisms of curves Constraints on the automorphism group of a curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) alternating group Magaard, K. and V''olklein, H.:The monodromy group of a function on a general curve. Israel J. Math.141 (2004), 355--368. Coverings of curves, fundamental group The monodromy group of a function on a general curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism groups of function fields; function fields over finite fields Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Automorphisms of curves, Applications to coding theory and cryptography of arithmetic geometry The asymptotic behavior of automorphism groups of function fields over finite fields
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) generalized Fermat curves; automorphisms group; complete intersection Hidalgo, R. A.; Kontogeorgis, A.; Leyton-Álvarez, M.; Paramantzoglou, P., Automorphisms of the generalized Fermat curves, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 221, 2312-2337, (2017) Automorphisms of curves, Complete intersections, Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus Automorphisms of generalized Fermat curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) curves; moduli spaces; fundamental groups; special curves Leila Schneps, ''Automorphisms of curves and their role in Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory'', Math. Nachr.279 (2006) no. 5-6, p. 656-671 Families, moduli of curves (algebraic), Automorphisms of curves, Universal profinite groups (relationship to moduli spaces, projective and moduli towers, Galois theory) Automorphisms of curves and their role in Grothendieck-Teichmüller theory
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Minimal model program (Mori theory, extremal rays), Global ground fields in algebraic geometry, Arithmetic ground fields for curves Automorphisms of the Fermat curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Automorphisms of curves Curves of genus \(3\) with \(S_3\) as group of automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism groups; plane curves Automorphisms of curves, Plane and space curves, Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus Automorphism groups of smooth plane curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) characterization of finite group of polynomial automorphisms; algebraic compactification Furushima, M.: Finite groups of polynomial automorphisms in ? n . Tohoku Math. J.35, 415-424 (1983) Complex Lie groups, group actions on complex spaces, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) Finite groups of polynomials automorphisms in \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Modular and Shimura varieties, Holomorphic modular forms of integral weight, Curves over finite and local fields, Automorphisms of curves Automorphisms of hyperelliptic modular curves \(x_{0}( n)\) in positive characteristic
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) linearity of automorphism; real analytic manifold; CR-function; quadric Real submanifolds in complex manifolds, Real-analytic manifolds, real-analytic spaces, CR functions, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) Linearity of automorphisms of standard quadrics of codimension \(m\) in \(\mathbb C^{m+n}\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) theta functions; Riemann surfaces; algebraic curves; automorphisms Shaska, T.; Wijesiri, G. S., Theta functions and algebraic curves with automorphisms.Algebraic aspects of digital communications, NATO Sci. Peace Secur. Ser. D Inf. Commun. Secur. 24, 193-237, (2009), IOS, Amsterdam Theta functions and curves; Schottky problem, Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Applications to coding theory and cryptography of arithmetic geometry Theta functions and algebraic curves with automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) finite automorphism group; divisor theory; function fields Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry Classification of equations with given finite automorphism group of function fields of genus 0
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) moduli space of curves; rational normal curves; Cremona transformation; automorphism group Andrea Bruno & Massimiliano Mella, ``The automorphism group of \(\overline{M}_{0, n}\)'', J. Eur. Math. Soc.15 (2013) no. 3, p. 949-968 Families, moduli of curves (algebraic), Fibrations, degenerations in algebraic geometry, Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations, Configurations and arrangements of linear subspaces The automorphism group of \(\overline{M}_{0,n}\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, Fano varieties, Families, moduli of curves (algebraic) Automorphism groups of spaces of minimal rational curves on Fano manifolds of Picard number 1
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) cohomology group; action of an automorphism of order p; connected complete non-singular curves; tamely ramified Galois coverings; Witt vector ring Shōichi Nakajima, Action of an automorphism of order \? on cohomology groups of an algebraic curve, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 42 (1986), no. 1, 85 -- 94. Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Classical real and complex (co)homology in algebraic geometry Action of an automorphism of order p on cohomology groups of an algebraic curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) polynomial automorphism; Brouwer automorphism S. Cantat and S. Lamy, ''Groupes d'automorphismes polynomiaux du plan,'' Geom. Dedicata, vol. 123, pp. 201-221, 2006. Affine spaces (automorphisms, embeddings, exotic structures, cancellation problem), Discrete subgroups of Lie groups Groups of polynomial automorphisms of the plane
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) plane curve; automorphism group; hermitian curve Automorphisms of curves, Arithmetic algebraic geometry (Diophantine geometry) On the size of the automorphism group of a plane algebraic curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphisms of curves; Hurwitz bound; good reduction Green, B., Bounds on the number of automorphisms of curves over algebraically closed fields, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 194, 1, 69-76, (2013) Automorphisms of curves, Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Algebraic field extensions Bounds on the number of automorphisms of curves over algebraically closed fields
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) nonsingular quartic; automorphism group; tamely ramified C. Ritzenthaler, Automorphism group of \(C: y^3+x^4+1=0\) in characteristic \(p\) , JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl. 4 (2004), 621-623. Automorphisms of curves, Plane and space curves, Curves over finite and local fields, Coverings of curves, fundamental group Automorphism group of \(C:y^3+x^4+1=0\) in characteristic \(p\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) hyperelliptic curve; automorphism group; moduli space Shaska T., ''Determining the automorphism group of a hyperelliptic curve,'' in: Proceedings of the 2003 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, ACM Press, New York, 2003, pp. 248--254. Symbolic computation and algebraic computation, Families, moduli of curves (algebraic), Automorphisms of curves, Computational aspects of algebraic curves, Infinite automorphism groups Determining the automorphism group of a hyperelliptic curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Automorphisms of curves, Positive characteristic ground fields in algebraic geometry Automorphisms of curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) inverse Galois problem; canonical form; linear automorphisms; monomial automorphisms; fields of rational functions; survey Hajja, M.: Linear and monomial automorphisms of fields of rational functions: some elementary issues, Algebra and number theory (2000) Inverse Galois theory, Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to field theory, Transcendental field extensions, Actions of groups on commutative rings; invariant theory, Rationality questions in algebraic geometry Linear and monomial automorphisms of fields of rational functions: Some elementary issues
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphisms of curves; branched coverings; singular locus; moduli space of curves; deformation theory Maurizio Cornalba, ''On the locus of curves with automorphisms'', Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.149 (1987), p. 135-151 Families, moduli of curves (algebraic), Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Fine and coarse moduli spaces On the locus of curves with automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) rational surface; automorphism group; cuspidal anticanonical curve Rational and ruled surfaces, Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties Automorphism groups of rational surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) algebraic curves; automorphism groups Sanjeewa, R., Automorphism groups of cyclic curves defined over finite fields of any characteristics, Albanian J. Math., 3, 131-160, (2009) Positive characteristic ground fields in algebraic geometry, Automorphisms of curves Automorphism groups of cyclic curves defined over finite fields of any characteristics
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism groups; hyperelliptic surfaces; covering space Bennett, C.; Miranda, R.: The automorphism groups of the hyperelliptic surfaces. Rocky mountain J. Math. 20, No. 1, 31-37 (1990) Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations, Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties The automorphism groups of the hyperelliptic surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Riemann surfaces; Fuchsian groups; group actions; Jacobian varieties Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Fuchsian groups and automorphic functions (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization), Automorphisms of curves, Jacobians, Prym varieties Nilpotent groups of automorphisms of families of Riemann surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) smooth plane curve; automorphism group; positive characteristic; ordinary curve; Galois point Fukasawa, S., Automorphism groups of smooth plane curves with many Galois points, Nihonkai Math. J., 25, 69-75, (2014) Automorphisms of curves, Plane and space curves, Separable extensions, Galois theory Automorphism groups of smooth plane curves with many Galois points
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) characteristic \(p\); \(p\)-adic Mumford curves; compact Riemann surfaces; number of automorphisms; ordinary curves G. Cornelissen, F. Kato, and A. Kontogeorgis, Discontinuous groups in positive characteristic and automorphisms of Mumford curves , Math. Ann. 320 (2001), 55--85. \CMP1 835 062 Automorphisms of curves, Local ground fields in algebraic geometry, Groups acting on trees Discontinuous groups in positive characteristic and automorphisms of Mumford curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) mapping class group; conformal automorphisms; Klein curve Riemann surfaces; Weierstrass points; gap sequences, Automorphisms of curves, Kleinian groups (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization), Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations The automorphism group of the Klein curve in the mapping class group of genus 3
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphisms of an affine surface Rosay, J.-P.: Automorphisms of \({\mathbb{C}}^n\), a survey of Andersén-Lempert theory and applications, Contemp. Math., vol. 222. AMS, Providence (1999) Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations, Polynomial rings and ideals; rings of integer-valued polynomials On groups of automorphisms of a class of surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) abelian variety; Jacobian; Mordell-Weil group; function field; rank Ulmer, D., On Mordell-Weil groups of Jacobians over function fields, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, 12, 1, 1-29, (2013) Rational points, \(L\)-functions of varieties over global fields; Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture, Elliptic curves over global fields, Abelian varieties of dimension \(> 1\), Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields, Zeta functions and related questions in algebraic geometry (e.g., Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture), Global ground fields in algebraic geometry, Arithmetic ground fields for abelian varieties On Mordell-Weil groups of Jacobians over function fields
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) rational points on hyperelliptic curves; automorphism group; number of rational points Rational points, Elliptic curves, Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations Algebraic curves over \(\mathbb{Q}\) with many rational points and minimal automorphism group
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group; genus 2 surface; real algebraic curves Cirre F.J.: Complex automorphism groups of real algebraic curves of genus 2. J. Pure Appl. Algebra 157(2--3), 157--181 (2001) Automorphisms of curves, Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations Complex automorphism groups of real algebraic curves of genus 2
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) normal surface; group of projective automorphisms; biregular transformation Projective techniques in algebraic geometry, Rational and birational maps, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) On groups of automorphisms of normal surfaces in \(P_ n\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) hyperelliptic curve; characteristic 0; group of automorphisms; ramification Brandt, R. and Stichtenoth, H., 1986). Die Automorphismengruppen hyperelliptischer Kurven, Manuscripta Math., 55, 1, 83--92. DOI: 10.1007/BF01168614 Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Coverings of curves, fundamental group Die Automorphismengruppen hyperelliptischer Kurven. (The groups of automorphisms of hyperelliptic curves)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group; plane curve; projection; Galois point; quasi-Galois point Automorphisms of curves, Plane and space curves Quasi-Galois points. I: Automorphism groups of plane curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Shaska, T.; Völklein, H., Elliptic subfields and automorphisms of genus 2 function fields, Algebra, arithmetic and geometry with applications, 703-723, (2000) Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Families, moduli of curves (algebraic), Automorphisms of curves, Elliptic curves Elliptic subfields and automorphisms of genus 2 function fields
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Teichmüller modular groups Ivanov, N. V., Automorphisms of complexes of curves and of Teichmüller spaces, Int. Math. Res. Not. IRMN, 14, (1997) Teichmüller theory for Riemann surfaces, Moduli of Riemann surfaces, Teichmüller theory (complex-analytic aspects in several variables), Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties Automorphisms of complexes of curves and of Teichmüller spaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) elliptic curve; group of primitive points; ideal class group; integral point Soleng, Ragnar: Homomorphisms from the group of rational points on elliptic curves to class groups of quadratic number fields. J. number theory 46, 214-229 (1994) Elliptic curves, Rational points, Class numbers, class groups, discriminants, Quadratic extensions, Elliptic curves over global fields Homomorphisms from the group of rational points on elliptic curves to class groups of quadratic number fields
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group of modular curve Elkies, Noam D., The automorphism group of the modular curve \(X_0(63)\), Compositio Math., 74, 2, 203-208, (1990) Modular and Shimura varieties, Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus, Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations The automorphism group of the modular curve \(X_0(63)\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Riemann surfaces with trivial automorphism group Peter Turbek, An explicit family of curves with trivial automorphism groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 122 (1994), no. 3, 657 -- 664. Automorphisms of curves, Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization, Riemann surfaces; Weierstrass points; gap sequences An explicit family of curves with trivial automorphism groups
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) p-rank of a curve; order of automorphism group of a curve; coverings of curves; p-Sylow subgroup; ramification group; Hurwitz inequality Nakajima, S., \textit{p}-ranks and automorphism groups of algebraic curves, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 303, 595-607, (1987) Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) p-ranks and automorphism groups of algebraic curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) \(p\)-gonal Riemann surface; real \(p\)-gonal Riemann surface; automorphism groups Bartolini, G.; Costa, AF; Izquierdo, M., On automorphisms groups of cyclic \(p\)-gonal Riemann surfaces, J. Symb. Comput., 57, 61-69, (2013) Classification theory of Riemann surfaces, Automorphisms of curves On automorphisms groups of cyclic \(p\)-gonal Riemann surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) algebraic curves; positive characteristic; automorphism groups; many automorphisms Automorphisms of curves, Positive characteristic ground fields in algebraic geometry Algebraic curves with many automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) point counting; Weil bound; \(\ell\)-adic cohomology; Weil descent Rational points, Finite ground fields in algebraic geometry, Étale and other Grothendieck topologies and (co)homologies On the number of rational points on curves over finite fields with many automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) \(K_1\)-groups of algebraic curves; arithmetic Hodge structure; generalized Jacobian rings Relations of \(K\)-theory with cohomology theories, Applications of methods of algebraic \(K\)-theory in algebraic geometry, Variation of Hodge structures (algebro-geometric aspects) On the \(K_1\)-groups of algebraic curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism; anti-pluricanonical curve; complex dynamics Kollár J.: Real algebraic surfaces. arXiv:alg-geom/9712003 (1997) Rational and ruled surfaces, Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, Topological entropy, Iteration of holomorphic maps, fixed points of holomorphic maps and related problems for several complex variables Automorphism groups and anti-pluricanonical curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) algebraic curves; Weierstrass semigroup; automorphism group Curves over finite and local fields, Riemann surfaces; Weierstrass points; gap sequences, Automorphisms of curves Weierstrass semigroup and automorphism group of the curves \(\mathcal{X}_{n,r}\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) moduli space of hyperelliptic curves of arbitrary genus; moduli spaces for hyperelliptic curves with group action Families, moduli of curves (algebraic), Algebraic moduli problems, moduli of vector bundles, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Geometric invariant theory Automorphismengruppen und Moduln hyperelliptischer Kurven. (Automorphism groups and moduli of hyperelliptic curves)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group A KURIBAYASHI AND H. KIMURA, On automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces, Saitam Math J. 6 (1989), 9-17. Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization, Curves in algebraic geometry, Complex Lie groups, group actions on complex spaces On automorphism groups of compact Riemann surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) anabelian geometry; valuations; section conjecture Universal profinite groups (relationship to moduli spaces, projective and moduli towers, Galois theory), Galois theory, Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Rationality questions in algebraic geometry, Higher symbols, Milnor \(K\)-theory Homomorphisms of multiplicative groups of fields preserving algebraic dependence
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) framed bundle; moduli space; automorphism group; Higgs bundle Vector bundles on curves and their moduli, Algebraic moduli problems, moduli of vector bundles, Torelli problem, Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties Automorphism group of a moduli space of framed bundles over a curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) gonality of a curve; abelian group of automorphisms; automorphisms of compact Riemann surfaces Automorphisms of curves, Special divisors on curves (gonality, Brill-Noether theory), Coverings of curves, fundamental group On the gonality of an algebraic curve and its abelian automorphism groups
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) open algebraic surface; degree; finite order; automorphism group of complement of plane algebraic curve -, Projective plane curves and the automorphism groups of their complements (to appear). Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus, Projective techniques in algebraic geometry, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) Projective plane curves and the automorphism groups of their complements
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) open algebraic surface; degree; finite order; automorphism group of complement of plane algebraic curve Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus, Projective techniques in algebraic geometry, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) Projective plane curves and the automorphism groups of their complements
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) abelian varieties; algebraic curves; Jacobians; theta functions; Schottky problem; infinite Grassmannians; completely integrable Hamiltonian systems; KP hierarchy; Baker-Akhieser functions; Krichever correspondence Theta functions and curves; Schottky problem, Automorphisms of curves, Completely integrable infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian and Lagrangian systems, integration methods, integrability tests, integrable hierarchies (KdV, KP, Toda, etc.), Theta functions and abelian varieties, Jacobians, Prym varieties, KdV equations (Korteweg-de Vries equations) Characterizations of Jacobians of curves with automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group of a Riemann surface; cyclic trigonal Riemann surface Bujalance, E., Cirre, F.J., Gromadzki, G.: Groups of automorphisms of cyclic trigonal Riemann surfaces. J. Algebra \textbf{319} (2009) Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization, Automorphisms of curves Groups of automorphisms of cyclic trigonal Riemann surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) real algebraic curves; birational automorphisms; number of fixed points Topology of real algebraic varieties, Real algebraic sets, Automorphisms of curves Fixed points of automorphisms of real algebraic curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) cohomology groups; complete discretely valued fields; fields of rational fractions Izhboldin, O. T., On the cohomology groups of the field of rational functions, Mathematics in St. Petersburg, 21-44, (1996), American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI Homological methods (field theory), Brauer groups of schemes On the cohomology groups of the field of rational functions
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism groups of fields; representations; birational geometry; motives; algebraic cycles Separable extensions, Galois theory, Algebraic cycles, Rational and birational maps, Motivic cohomology; motivic homotopy theory, Algebraic cycles and motivic cohomology (\(K\)-theoretic aspects) Automorphism groups of fields, and their representations
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) hyperelliptic Klein surface; group of automorphisms; HSK Coverings of curves, fundamental group, Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients), Riemann surfaces, Fuchsian groups and their generalizations (group-theoretic aspects) On the automorphism groups of hyperelliptic Klein surfaces
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism group; affine variety; quasi-minimal model Jelonek, Z.: On the group of automorphisms of a quasi-affine variety. Math. ann. 362, 569-578 (2015) Affine spaces (automorphisms, embeddings, exotic structures, cancellation problem) On the group of automorphisms of a quasi-affine variety
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Riemann surfaces; conformal automorphisms; fibre bundles Moduli of Riemann surfaces, Teichmüller theory (complex-analytic aspects in several variables), Families, moduli of curves (analytic), Global differential geometry of Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds On families of algebraic curves with automorphisms.
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) stable bundles; moduli space; automorphism group Vector bundles on curves and their moduli Automorphisms of moduli spaces of vector bundles over a curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) stable bundles; moduli space; automorphism group Biswas, I., Gómez, T. L., and Muñoz, V., \textit{Automorphisms of moduli spaces of vector bundles}\textit{over a curve}, Expo. Math. 31 (2013), no. 1, 73--86. Vector bundles on curves and their moduli Automorphisms of moduli spaces of vector bundles over a curve
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) group actions on cycles covers; Belyi covers; generalized Lefschetz curves; full automorphism group; extension of \({\mathbb Z}_{p}\) S. Kallel and D. Sjerve, On the group of automorphisms of cyclic covers of the Riemann sphere, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 138 (2005), 267--287. Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization, Fuchsian groups and automorphic functions (aspects of compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization), Coverings in algebraic geometry, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Automorphisms of curves On the group of automorphisms of cyclic covers of the Riemann sphere
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) modular curves; elliptic curves; complex multiplication; automorphisms Elliptic curves over global fields, Complex multiplication and moduli of abelian varieties, Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields, Modular and Shimura varieties Automorphisms of Cartan modular curves of prime and composite level
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) minimal surface of general type; coarse moduli space; bidouble covers; deformations; 1/2 rational double points Catanese F.: Automorphisms of rational double points and moduli spaces of surfaces of general type. Compos. Math. 61(1), 81--102 (1987) Families, moduli, classification: algebraic theory, Coverings in algebraic geometry, Formal methods and deformations in algebraic geometry, Special surfaces, Singularities of surfaces or higher-dimensional varieties Automorphisms of rational double points and moduli spaces of surfaces of general type
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) algebraic curves; automorphism groups; finite fields Curves over finite and local fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Automorphisms of curves On generalizations of Fermat curves over finite fields and their automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) tropical geometry; automorphisms of a curve; group cohomology; Hilbert's theorem 90 Joyner, D., Ksir, A., Melles, C. G.: Automorphism groups on tropical curves. Some cohomology calculations. Beitr. Algebra Geom. 53 (2012), 1, 41-56. Automorphisms of curves Automorphism groups on tropical curves: some cohomology calculations
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) plane curves; automorphisms; covering; quotient curves; linear system T. Harui, T. Kato, J. Komeda, A. Ohbuchi: Quotient curves of smooth plane curves with automorphisms , Kodai Math. J. 33 (2010), 164-172. Special divisors on curves (gonality, Brill-Noether theory) Quotient curves of smooth plane curves with automorphisms
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) automorphism groups; algebraic curves; positive characteristic Giulietti, M.; Korchmáros, G., Large 2-groups of automorphisms of algebraic curves over a field of characteristic 2, J. algebra, 427, 264-294, (2015) Automorphisms of curves Large 2-groups of automorphisms of algebraic curves over a field of characteristic 2
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) Galois group; Atkin-Lehner involution; group of automorphisms Automorphisms of curves, Modular and Shimura varieties On the automorphism groups of some modular curves.
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) AK-invariant; locally nilpotent derivation; automorphism group of an algebra; automorphism group of affine hypersurface L. Makar-Limanov, On the group of automorphisms of a surface \(x^ny=P(z)\), Israel J. Math., 121 (2001), 113-123. Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, Automorphism groups of \(\mathbb{C}^n\) and affine manifolds, Hypersurfaces and algebraic geometry On the group of automorphisms of a surface \(x^ny= P(z)\)
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) extension of automorphisms; rational curve; affine curve Group actions on affine varieties, Special algebraic curves and curves of low genus Extension of automorphisms of rational smooth affine curves
group of automorphisms; function fields; affine curves Kontogeorgis, A.I.: The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n + y^ m + 1 = 0\). J. Number Theory \textbf{72}, 110-136 (1998) Arithmetic theory of algebraic function fields, Algebraic functions and function fields in algebraic geometry, Curves of arbitrary genus or genus \(\ne 1\) over global fields The group of automorphisms of the function fields of the curve \(x^n+y^m+1=0\) rational; real; surfaces; automorphisms; action; transitive Huisman J. and Mangolte F., The group of automorphisms of a real rational surface is n-transitive, Bull. London Math. Soc. 41 (2009), 563-568. Topology of real algebraic varieties, Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations The group of automorphisms of a real rational surface is \(n\)-transitive