import pathlib |
import textwrap |
import google.generativeai as genai |
from IPython.display import display |
from IPython.display import Markdown |
import PIL.Image |
import time |
import os |
import random |
import numpy as np |
def seed_everything(seed): |
random.seed(seed) |
np.random.seed(seed) |
os.environ['PYTHONHASHSEED'] = str(seed) |
seed_everything(1) |
levels = [3,4,5] |
in_context_example_num = 0 |
genai.configure(api_key=GOOGLE_API_KEY) |
model = genai.GenerativeModel('gemini-pro-vision') |
if in_context_example_num > 0: |
output_path = "output/output_img_%d/"%(in_context_example_num) |
input_backup_path = "input/input_backup_img_%d/"%(in_context_example_num) |
else: |
output_path = "output/output_img/" |
input_backup_path = "input/input_backup_img/" |
os.makedirs(output_path, exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(input_backup_path, exist_ok=True) |
3: [], |
4: [], |
5: [], |
} |
for level in levels: |
for example_id in range(8): |
curr_example_pack = {} |
curr_example_pack["image_path"] = "example/level%d/image_input/%d.jpg"%(level, example_id) |
with open("example/level%d/text_input/%d.txt"%(level, example_id), 'r') as f: |
curr_example_pack["question"] = f.read() |
with open("example/level%d/answer/%d.txt"%(level, example_id), 'r') as f: |
curr_example_pack["answer"] = f.read() |
EXAMPLE_DICT[level].append(curr_example_pack) |
example_img = PIL.Image.open('prompt-visual-images/example0.jpg') |
for level in levels: |
os.makedirs(output_path + "level%d"%(level), exist_ok=True) |
os.makedirs(input_backup_path + "level%d"%(level), exist_ok=True) |
start_idx = 0 |
end_idx = 100 |
runned_term = 0 |
input_img_path = "level%d/image_input/"%(level) |
input_txt_path = "level%d/text_input/"%(level) |
while True: |
try: |
curr_id = start_idx + runned_term |
if curr_id >= end_idx: |
break |
prompt_input_1 = '''In this task, you will analyze an image containing several stacks of blocks. Later, you will be presented with four choices, each offering a textual representation of a block configuration. You will need to choose the configuration that exactly reflects the contents of the given image. |
## Game Setup |
- Each block has a unique color (blue, yellow, purple, orange, red, green). |
- Blocks are stacked vertically in a stack, forming multiple stacks. |
This is an image input example:\n |
''' |
prompt_input_2 = ''' |
This example features four blocks arranged in three stacks: |
- Stack 1: Purple block (alone) |
- Stack 2: Blue block (alone) |
- Stack 3: From bottom to top: Orange block, Red block |
Here are examples of textual representations: |
(A) |
- Stack with red block, yellow block, from bottom to top |
- Stack with orange block, purple block, green block, from bottom to top |
(B) |
- Stack with purple block |
- Stack with blue block |
- Stack with orange block, red block, from bottom to top |
(C) |
- Stack with orange block |
- Stack with purple block |
- Stack with blue block |
- Stack with green block, yellow block, from bottom to top |
(D) |
- Stack with green block |
- Stack with yellow block, blue block, from bottom to top |
- Stack with red block, orange block, from bottom to top |
We can analyze which text representation exactly reflects the configurations in the image accordingly. In this example: |
- The input image has 3 stacks, while Candidate A only has 2 stacks. Therefore, Candidate A is not the correct answer. |
- Similarly, Candidate C has 4 stacks, which also cannot be correct. |
- For Candidate B, the blocks in each stack match what's shown in the image. This is the correct answer. |
- For Candidate D, the blocks in each stack do not match the image. For example, stack 1 in the image has a purple block, and there is no any purple block in Candidate D. So this is incorrect. |
- Therefore, the final answer is B. |
## Procedure and Output |
Your output should follow this format: |
1. First, analyze the block configuration in the image and candidates as shown above; |
2. Then, answer the question with the format <Output> <Choice>, where <Choice> is one of {A,B,C,D}. For example, "<Output> A". |
''' |
prompt_examples = [] |
image_examples = [] |
if in_context_example_num > 0: |
prompt_examples.append("## Example:\n") |
example_indices = random.sample(range(8), in_context_example_num) |
for example_index in example_indices: |
this_example = EXAMPLE_DICT[level][example_index] |
image_examples.append(PIL.Image.open(this_example["image_path"])) |
prompt_examples.append(this_example["question"] + "\n" + this_example["answer"] + "\n") |
prompt_input_3 = "\n\nNow please choose the correct textual representation based on the given image below:\n" |
prompt_input_4 = "\nHere are the textual candidates:\n" |
with open(input_txt_path + "%d.txt"%(curr_id), 'r') as f: |
candidates = f.read() |
input_img = PIL.Image.open(input_img_path + "%d.jpg"%(curr_id)) |
model_input_seq = [prompt_input_1, example_img, prompt_input_2] |
if in_context_example_num > 0: |
assert len(prompt_examples) == len(image_examples) + 1 |
assert len(prompt_examples) == in_context_example_num + 1 |
model_input_seq.append(prompt_examples[0]) |
for example_index in range(in_context_example_num): |
model_input_seq.append(image_examples[example_index]) |
model_input_seq.append(prompt_examples[example_index+1]) |
model_input_seq += [prompt_input_3, input_img, prompt_input_4, candidates] |
response = model.generate_content(model_input_seq) |
with open(input_backup_path + "level%d/%d.txt"%(level, curr_id), "w") as f: |
contents = "" |
for input_prompt_index in range(len(model_input_seq)): |
if type(model_input_seq[input_prompt_index]) == type("string"): |
contents += model_input_seq[input_prompt_index] |
f.write(contents) |
with open(output_path + "level%d/%d.txt"%(level, curr_id), "w") as f: |
f.write(response.text) |
time.sleep(2) |
runned_term += 1 |
except: |
time.sleep(2) |
pass |