['113200', '258970', '274230', '224540', '332710', '242680', '211420', '70', '280740', '375460']
[142, 2891, 2594, 3266, 2840, 2368, 3298, 2, 2961, 2618]
['The Binding of Isaac', 'Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition', 'RONIN', 'Ace of Spades: Battle Builder', '1Quest', 'Nuclear Throne', 'DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition', 'Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader']
10 Second Ninja
[ "The Binding of Isaac", "Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition", "RONIN", "Ace of Spades: Battle Builder", "1Quest", "Nuclear Throne", "DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition", "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader" ]
### Question: This person has played <The Binding of Isaac>, <Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition>, <RONIN>, <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: 10 Second Ninja
### Question: This person has played <The Binding of Isaac>, <Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition>, <RONIN>, <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive>, <Blood II: The Chosen + Expansion>, <Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire>, <Hydraulic Empire>, <Angry Birds Space>, <Ortus Regni>, <Call of Juarez™>, <JUJU>, <Tomb Raider V: Chronicles>, <Notruf 112 | Emergency Call 112>, <GAROU: MARK OF THE WOLVES>, <Super Robot Jump Jump>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Story Of the Survivor>, <Stern Pinball Arcade>, <140>, <Three Twenty One>, <Airline Tycoon 2>, <XField Paintball 3>, <Kanji Training Game>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: 10 Second Ninja
['258970', '274230', '224540', '332710', '242680', '211420', '70', '280740', '375460', '271670']
[2891, 2594, 3266, 2840, 2368, 3298, 2, 2961, 2618, 3110]
['Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition', 'RONIN', 'Ace of Spades: Battle Builder', '1Quest', 'Nuclear Throne', 'DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition', 'Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja']
Age of Empires II HD
[ "Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition", "RONIN", "Ace of Spades: Battle Builder", "1Quest", "Nuclear Throne", "DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition", "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition>, <RONIN>, <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Age of Empires II HD
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Gauntlet™ Slayer Edition>, <RONIN>, <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <StarDrive>, <Bridge Constructor>, <Stardust Vanguards>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Steamroll>, <Prismatica>, <Centauri Sector>, <Mars 2030>, <Tick Tock Bang Bang>, <Hektor>, <HyperRogue>, <Zone4>, <Black Rainbow>, <Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut>, <Explodemon>, <The Consuming Shadow>, <BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend>, <Act of Aggression - Reboot Edition>, <Humanity Asset>, <Mahjong Deluxe 2: Astral Planes>? ### Answer: Age of Empires II HD
['274230', '224540', '332710', '242680', '211420', '70', '280740', '375460', '271670', '221380']
[2594, 3266, 2840, 2368, 3298, 2, 2961, 2618, 3110, 3247]
['RONIN', 'Ace of Spades: Battle Builder', '1Quest', 'Nuclear Throne', 'DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition', 'Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD']
[ "RONIN", "Ace of Spades: Battle Builder", "1Quest", "Nuclear Throne", "DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition", "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD" ]
### Question: After playing <RONIN>, <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, which game from the list <CansHere> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Loadout
### Question: After playing <RONIN>, <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, which game from the list <Loadout>, <The Repopulation>, <Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency>, <Micro Machines World Series>, <Super House of Dead Ninjas>, <Front Office Football Seven>, <Crash Dive>, <Gloria Victis>, <Westerado: Double Barreled>, <Affairs of the Court: Choice of Romance>, <Lugaru HD>, <Blade Arcus from Shining: Battle Arena>, <GunZ 2: The Second Duel>, <aMAZE>, <Dominions 5 - Warriors of the Faith>, <ShellShock Live>, <Masters of the World - Geopolitical Simulator 3>, <BIGFOOT>, <Contagion>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Loadout
['224540', '332710', '242680', '211420', '70', '280740', '375460', '271670', '221380', '208090']
[3266, 2840, 2368, 3298, 2, 2961, 2618, 3110, 3247, 3147]
['Ace of Spades: Battle Builder', '1Quest', 'Nuclear Throne', 'DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition', 'Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout']
Hotline Miami
[ "Ace of Spades: Battle Builder", "1Quest", "Nuclear Throne", "DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition", "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout" ]
### Question: This person has played <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Hotline Miami
### Question: This person has played <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <Nomad>, <Future Wars>, <Mystery of Neuschwanstein>, <Stay Close>, <The Basement Collection>, <Fingered>, <Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time>, <Birthdays the Beginning / バースデイズ・ザ・ビギニング>, <Hotline Miami>, <Spaceman Sparkles 3>, <Pivvot>, <Card City Nights 2>, <Flight of the Icarus>, <Akaneiro: Demon Hunters>, <Zombitatos the end of the Pc master race>, <Project Druid - 2D Labyrinth Explorer->, <Haunted House: Cryptic Graves>, <Numberline>, <JUJU>, <Mighty Party>. ### Answer: Hotline Miami
['332710', '242680', '211420', '70', '280740', '375460', '271670', '221380', '208090', '219150']
[2840, 2368, 3298, 2, 2961, 2618, 3110, 3247, 3147, 204]
['1Quest', 'Nuclear Throne', 'DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition', 'Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout', 'Hotline Miami']
[ "1Quest", "Nuclear Throne", "DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition", "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout", "Hotline Miami" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: RimWorld
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <1Quest>, <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Supreme League of Patriots>, <PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate>, <Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus>, <Nation Red>, <Rescue Bear Operation>, <Hidden Object - 12 in 1 bundle>, <WRC 6 FIA World Rally Championship>, <Putrefaction>, <Star Horizon>, <Wings of Prey>, <Trackday Manager>, <Age of Barbarian Extended Cut>, <Galactic Fighter>, <City of Fools>, <RimWorld>, <Taimumari>, <Mightier>, <Star Trek Timelines>, <Lowglow>? ### Answer: RimWorld
['242680', '211420', '70', '280740', '375460', '271670', '221380', '208090', '219150', '294100']
[2368, 3298, 2, 2961, 2618, 3110, 3247, 3147, 204, 1030]
['Nuclear Throne', 'DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition', 'Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout', 'Hotline Miami', 'RimWorld']
Fractured Space
[ "Nuclear Throne", "DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition", "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout", "Hotline Miami", "RimWorld" ]
### Question: Given that the person has played <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Fractured Space
### Question: Given that the person has played <Nuclear Throne>, <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <Fractured Space>, <Endciv>, <Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition>, <Jumpdrive>, <Cargo! The Quest for Gravity>, <7 Wonders: Treasures of Seven>, <Stardust Vanguards>, <The Little Crane That Could>, <Bunker 58>, <Haunt the House: Terrortown>, <GTGD S3 How To Make A Game>, <Cossacks II: Battle for Europe>, <Spirit of War>, <The Mammoth: A Cave Painting>, <Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000>, <NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4>, <Balthazar's Dream>, <Toukiden 2>, <Home Behind>, <LEGO® Worlds>? ### Answer: Fractured Space
['211420', '70', '280740', '375460', '271670', '221380', '208090', '219150', '294100', '310380']
[3298, 2, 2961, 2618, 3110, 3247, 3147, 204, 1030, 1108]
['DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition', 'Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout', 'Hotline Miami', 'RimWorld', 'Fractured Space']
Mark of the Ninja
[ "DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition", "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout", "Hotline Miami", "RimWorld", "Fractured Space" ]
### Question: After playing <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, which game from the list <CansHere> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Mark of the Ninja
### Question: After playing <DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition>, <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, which game from the list <Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire>, <Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded>, <Zombie Wars: Invasion>, <Orake 2D MMORPG>, <Celestian Tales: Old North>, <Pray For Diamonds>, <DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition / 真・三國無双7 with 猛将伝>, <Bunker 58>, <A Wizard's Lizard>, <Broken Dreams>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Rememoried>, <Sorcery! Part 3>, <The Blue Flamingo>, <FRACT OSC>, <Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Jump/Boxer>, <Cold Fear™>, <Maximum Override>, <Mark of the Ninja> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Mark of the Ninja
['70', '280740', '375460', '271670', '221380', '208090', '219150', '294100', '310380', '214560']
[2, 2961, 2618, 3110, 3247, 3147, 204, 1030, 1108, 3284]
['Half-Life', 'Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout', 'Hotline Miami', 'RimWorld', 'Fractured Space', 'Mark of the Ninja']
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
[ "Half-Life", "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout", "Hotline Miami", "RimWorld", "Fractured Space", "Mark of the Ninja" ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Half-Life>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>? Choose one game title from the options: <Blood Harvest>, <Hand of Fate 2>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Ichi>, <50 years>, <Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition>, <Heart's Medicine - Time to Heal>, <Near Death>, <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition>, <Reus>, <A Druid's Duel>, <Ylands>, <Dungeon Manager ZV>, <Arma 2: British Armed Forces>, <Survivor Squad: Gauntlets>, <Aztaka>, <Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms™>, <Dreamfall Chapters>, <RollerCoaster Tycoon® Classic>, <Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time>. ### Answer: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition
['280740', '375460', '271670', '221380', '208090', '219150', '294100', '310380', '214560', '489830']
[2961, 2618, 3110, 3247, 3147, 204, 1030, 1108, 3284, 1155]
['Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative', '16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout', 'Hotline Miami', 'RimWorld', 'Fractured Space', 'Mark of the Ninja', 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition']
[ "Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative", "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout", "Hotline Miami", "RimWorld", "Fractured Space", "Mark of the Ninja", "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition" ]
### Question: This person has played <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>, <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: DARK SOULS™ III
### Question: This person has played <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>, <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <Mightier>, <Spectromancer>, <LogicBots>, <Super Mustache>, <dUpLicity ~Beyond the Lies~>, <SAMOLIOTIK>, <Trapped Dead: Lockdown>, <System Shock: Enhanced Edition>, <Tiamat X>, <Puzzle Bots>, <Arma: Cold War Assault Mac/Linux>, <DARK SOULS™ III>, <PulseCharge>, <Flood of Light>, <Fairyland: Fairy Power>, <Action! - Gameplay Recording and Streaming>, <Wild Animal Racing>, <Animal Rivals>, <BROKE PROTOCOL: Online City RPG>, <HitBox>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: DARK SOULS™ III
['375460', '271670', '221380', '208090', '219150', '294100', '310380', '214560', '489830', '374320']
[2618, 3110, 3247, 3147, 204, 1030, 1108, 3284, 1155, 2194]
['16bit Trader', '10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout', 'Hotline Miami', 'RimWorld', 'Fractured Space', 'Mark of the Ninja', 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition', 'DARK SOULS™ III']
SpellForce 3
[ "16bit Trader", "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout", "Hotline Miami", "RimWorld", "Fractured Space", "Mark of the Ninja", "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition", "DARK SOULS™ III" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>, <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition>, <DARK SOULS™ III>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: SpellForce 3
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <16bit Trader>, <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>, <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition>, <DARK SOULS™ III>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <Capsa>, <AppGameKit: Easy Game Development>, <Weapon Shop Fantasy>, <Waves 2>, <Mystic Saga>, <PLAYERUNKN1WN: Friendly Fire>, <WayOut>, <Cho Dengeki Stryker All Ages Version>, <Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta - Episode 1 - Gold Edition>, <SpellForce 3>, <Tower!3D Pro>, <SolarGun>, <Empathy: Path of Whispers>, <Zup!>, <Earth Space Colonies>, <On A Roll 3D>, <Blight of the Immortals>, <Melon Simulator™>, <Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure>, <The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut>. ### Answer: SpellForce 3
['271670', '221380', '208090', '219150', '294100', '310380', '214560', '489830', '374320', '311290']
[3110, 3247, 3147, 204, 1030, 1108, 3284, 1155, 2194, 1474]
['10 Second Ninja', 'Age of Empires II HD', 'Loadout', 'Hotline Miami', 'RimWorld', 'Fractured Space', 'Mark of the Ninja', 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition', 'DARK SOULS™ III', 'SpellForce 3']
[ "10 Second Ninja", "Age of Empires II HD", "Loadout", "Hotline Miami", "RimWorld", "Fractured Space", "Mark of the Ninja", "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition", "DARK SOULS™ III", "SpellForce 3" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>, <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition>, <DARK SOULS™ III>, <SpellForce 3>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: SNOW
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <10 Second Ninja>, <Age of Empires II HD>, <Loadout>, <Hotline Miami>, <RimWorld>, <Fractured Space>, <Mark of the Ninja>, <The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition>, <DARK SOULS™ III>, <SpellForce 3>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Spud's Quest>, <Vox>, <Dead Age>, <City of Steam: Arkadia>, <Marauder>, <Stick 'Em Up 2: Paper Adventures>, <UnReal World>, <Cricket Captain 2017>, <Craft The World>, <SNOW>, <Militia>, <The Next Door>, <Strange Night>, <WazHack>, <BattleRush>, <Formula Fusion>, <Arrow Heads>, <Heroes of Might &amp; Magic V: Hammers of Fate>, <Sky Break>, <Halloween Forever>? ### Answer: SNOW
['26900', '15520', '20820', '8400', '3480', '500', '70', '300', '2270', '62100']
[3479, 3457, 3427, 3544, 3551, 3505, 2, 3417, 15, 103]
['Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'Shatter', 'Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Half-Life', 'Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime']
Flight Control HD
[ "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "Shatter", "Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved", "Peggle Deluxe", "Left 4 Dead", "Half-Life", "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime" ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <Shatter>, <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Flight Control HD
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <Shatter>, <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>? Choose one game title from the options: <The Juicer>, <Terminal Hacker>, <Western Press>, <MANOS>, <Gremlins, Inc.>, <Tulpa>, <Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (LIGHTSPEED EDITION)>, <Splody>, <Minimized>, <iO>, <Nanoborg>, <Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective: The Case of the Mummy's Curse>, <Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc>, <Flight Control HD>, <Serious Sam: The Random Encounter>, <Steam Bandits: Outpost>, <Out of Reach>, <New kind of adventure>, <Dead Man's Draw>, <High Octane Drift>. ### Answer: Flight Control HD
['15520', '20820', '8400', '3480', '500', '70', '300', '2270', '62100', '62000']
[3457, 3427, 3544, 3551, 3505, 2, 3417, 15, 103, 112]
['AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'Shatter', 'Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Half-Life', 'Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD']
[ "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "Shatter", "Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved", "Peggle Deluxe", "Left 4 Dead", "Half-Life", "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD" ]
### Question: This person has played <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <Shatter>, <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®
### Question: This person has played <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <Shatter>, <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <Worms Clan Wars>, <Zenzizenzic>, <Winged Sakura: Mindy's Arc>, <Virtual Rides 3 - Funfair Simulator>, <Super Sanctum TD>, <Pinball FX3>, <Tokyo 42>, <Bomb Defense>, <Broken Sword 4 - the Angel of Death>, <The Mahjong Huntress>, <Hero Siege>, <Theatre of War>, <Nameless ~The one thing you must recall~>, <XField Paintball 3>, <Singularity™>, <HitBox>, <Hope Lake>, <AdventureQuest 3D>, <The Norwood Suite>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®
['20820', '8400', '3480', '500', '70', '300', '2270', '62100', '62000', '99200']
[3427, 3544, 3551, 3505, 2, 3417, 15, 103, 112, 123]
['Shatter', 'Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Half-Life', 'Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®']
The Binding of Isaac
[ "Shatter", "Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved", "Peggle Deluxe", "Left 4 Dead", "Half-Life", "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Shatter>, <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: The Binding of Isaac
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Shatter>, <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <Bunker 58>, <Supreme League of Patriots>, <Death Rally>, <Primal Carnage: Extinction>, <Militia>, <ASA: A Space Adventure - Remastered Edition>, <Mining Industry Simulator>, <Knights and Merchants>, <Flywrench>, <Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure>, <Ino>, <Command &amp; Conquer: Red Alert 3>, <Soccertron>, <Praetorians>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Block Survival: Legend of the Lost Islands>, <RONIN>, <Tallowmere>, <Xenon Valkyrie>, <Creeper World 2: Anniversary Edition>. ### Answer: The Binding of Isaac
['8400', '3480', '500', '70', '300', '2270', '62100', '62000', '99200', '113200']
[3544, 3551, 3505, 2, 3417, 15, 103, 112, 123, 142]
['Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Half-Life', 'Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac']
Realm of the Mad God
[ "Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved", "Peggle Deluxe", "Left 4 Dead", "Half-Life", "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Realm of the Mad God
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <Abalone>, <S.K.I.L.L. - Special Force 2 (Shooter)>, <TinkerQuarry>, <Endorlight>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Super Fancy Pants Adventure>, <GUN™>, <Sine Mora>, <Skylar &amp; Plux: Adventure On Clover Island>, <Gridberd>, <STEEL STRIDER>, <Virtual Rogue>, <Astebreed: Definitive Edition>, <Lumber Island - That Special Place>, <Meridian: Squad 22>, <Hardware Engineering>, <BloodRayne Betrayal>, <Vostok Inc.>, <Teddy Floppy Ear - The Race>, <ePic Character Generator>. ### Answer: Realm of the Mad God
['3480', '500', '70', '300', '2270', '62100', '62000', '99200', '113200', '200210']
[3551, 3505, 2, 3417, 15, 103, 112, 123, 142, 164]
['Peggle Deluxe', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Half-Life', 'Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God']
Dungeon Siege
[ "Peggle Deluxe", "Left 4 Dead", "Half-Life", "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God" ]
### Question: The person has recently played <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>. Now, which game from the provided options <CansHere> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Dungeon Siege
### Question: The person has recently played <Peggle Deluxe>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>. Now, which game from the provided options <S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky>, <Earthtongue>, <Drox Operative>, <Afterlife Empire>, <Bad Hotel>, <Twin Sector>, <Optika>, <American Conquest>, <Imperium Romanum Gold Edition>, <Hazen: The Dark Whispers>, <Dark Lore Mysteries: The Hunt For Truth>, <G-Ball>, <Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages>, <MechaNika>, <Lifeline>, <16bit Trader>, <DreamBreak>, <Ubinota>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Inquisitor> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Dungeon Siege
['500', '70', '300', '2270', '62100', '62000', '99200', '113200', '200210', '39190']
[3505, 2, 3417, 15, 103, 112, 123, 142, 164, 3395]
['Left 4 Dead', 'Half-Life', 'Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege']
[ "Left 4 Dead", "Half-Life", "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Wizorb
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Left 4 Dead>, <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker>, <Mob Psycho 100>, <Governor of Poker 2 - Premium Edition>, <Introvert Quest>, <ORBITOR>, <Mighty Switch Force! Academy>, <Black &amp; White Bushido>, <Rise of the Argonauts>, <FarSky>, <Puzzle Box>, <Helmet Heroes>, <Atom Fishing II>, <Slime-san>, <Dominions 4: Thrones of Ascension>, <Wyrmsun>, <The Swapper>, <Lost in a Forest>, <The Quest for Achievements>, <Wizorb>, <Prismatica>. ### Answer: Wizorb
['70', '300', '2270', '62100', '62000', '99200', '113200', '200210', '39190', '207420']
[2, 3417, 15, 103, 112, 123, 142, 164, 3395, 167]
['Half-Life', 'Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb']
Trine 2: Complete Story
[ "Half-Life", "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb" ]
### Question: The person has recently played <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>. Now, which game from the provided options <CansHere> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Trine 2: Complete Story
### Question: The person has recently played <Half-Life>, <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>. Now, which game from the provided options <Double Dragon Trilogy>, <Super Robot Jump Jump>, <Devil's Bluff>, <Towtruck Simulator 2015>, <Dandelion - Wishes brought to you ->, <Evil Pumpkin: The Lost Halloween>, <Dawn of Discovery™: Venice>, <The Last Door: Season 2 - Collector's Edition>, <State of Anarchy: Master of Mayhem>, <Indie Game Battle>, <Sirius Online>, <Finding Teddy>, <Outcast 1.1>, <STAR WARS™ Rebellion>, <HumanKind: The Awakening>, <Ryzom>, <RPG Maker 2003>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Meltdown>, <Steve Chong Finds Out That Suicide is a Bad Idea> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Trine 2: Complete Story
['300', '2270', '62100', '62000', '99200', '113200', '200210', '39190', '207420', '35720']
[3417, 15, 103, 112, 123, 142, 164, 3395, 167, 156]
['Day of Defeat: Source', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story']
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
[ "Day of Defeat: Source", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Day of Defeat: Source>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <Silver Creek Falls: Chapter 2>, <Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City>, <Race To Mars>, <Heroes of Might &amp; Magic V: Hammers of Fate>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim>, <Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For->, <Anime Studio Simulator>, <Aperture Tag: The Paint Gun Testing Initiative>, <TinkerQuarry>, <Interstellar Marines>, <Game Character Hub>, <RC Cars>, <NECROPOLIS: BRUTAL EDITION>, <Open Sorcery>, <Xpand Rally Xtreme>, <XCOM® 2>, <Tanki Online>, <Zwei: The Ilvard Insurrection>, <Jagged Alliance - Back in Action>? ### Answer: Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
['2270', '62100', '62000', '99200', '113200', '200210', '39190', '207420', '35720', '24740']
[15, 103, 112, 123, 142, 164, 3395, 167, 156, 48]
['Wolfenstein 3D', 'Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box']
Renegade Ops
[ "Wolfenstein 3D", "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box" ]
### Question: This person has played <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Renegade Ops
### Question: This person has played <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <Monsterland>, <Scarab Tales>, <Valdis Story: Abyssal City>, <Forever Home>, <Namariel Legends: Iron Lord Premium Edition>, <Space Codex>, <Girlfriend Rescue>, <Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel>, <Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut>, <Battle Battalions>, <Pixel Puzzles Ultimate>, <ARM PLANETARY PROSPECTORS Asteroid Resource Mining>, <Renegade Ops>, <Overlord: Fellowship of Evil>, <Dwarf Tower>, <Spaceman Sparkles 2>, <Market Tycoon>, <Dungeonbowl - Knockout Edition>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Over 9000 Zombies!>. ### Answer: Renegade Ops
['62100', '62000', '99200', '113200', '200210', '39190', '207420', '35720', '24740', '99300']
[103, 112, 123, 142, 164, 3395, 167, 156, 48, 3350]
['Chime', 'Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops']
[ "Chime", "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: F.E.A.R.
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Chime>, <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <The Guild 3>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Chuck's Challenge 3D>, <Creeper World 2: Anniversary Edition>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <LEGO® Star Wars™ - The Complete Saga>, <Tom Clancy’s The Division™>, <Big Brain Wolf>, <Automobilista>, <Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Puppet Thief>, <Crossout>, <Cosmophony>, <Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded>, <Shattered Throne>, <Randal's Monday>, <Birthdays the Beginning / バースデイズ・ザ・ビギニング>, <Libra of the Vampire Princess>, <Art Of Gravity>, <Downwell>, <Darkest Dungeon®>. ### Answer: F.E.A.R.
['62000', '99200', '113200', '200210', '39190', '207420', '35720', '24740', '99300', '21090']
[112, 123, 142, 164, 3395, 167, 156, 48, 3350, 3422]
['Flight Control HD', 'YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.']
Puzzle Quest 2
[ "Flight Control HD", "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R." ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Puzzle Quest 2
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Flight Control HD>, <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>? Choose one game title from the options: <Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series>, <Off-Road Drive>, <Lost Lands: The Four Horsemen>, <Planetary Annihilation: TITANS>, <Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse>, <The House in Fata Morgana>, <Layers of Fear>, <Jagged Alliance - Back in Action>, <STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns™>, <Rex: Another Island>, <A Bastard's Tale>, <The Tale of Doris and the Dragon - Episode 1>, <Kingdoms and Castles>, <BlackSmith HIT>, <US and THEM>, <Walkover>, <SMASHING THE BATTLE>, <Galactic Civilizations® II: Ultimate Edition>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <iStorm>. ### Answer: Puzzle Quest 2
['99200', '113200', '200210', '39190', '207420', '35720', '24740', '99300', '21090', '47540']
[123, 142, 164, 3395, 167, 156, 48, 3350, 3422, 99]
['YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®', 'The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2']
Torchlight II
[ "YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®", "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2" ]
### Question: This person has played <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Torchlight II
### Question: This person has played <YOU DON’T KNOW JACK®>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <Steam Bandits: Outpost>, <Dream Car Builder>, <Defense Zone 3 Ultra HD>, <ABZU>, <Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy>, <MorphVOX Pro - Voice Changer>, <ORCS>, <Magnifico>, <Bridge Constructor Playground>, <SlamIt Pinball Big Score>, <SurvHive>, <Astebreed: Definitive Edition>, <D Series OFF ROAD Driving Simulation>, <A Rose in the Twilight / ロゼと黄昏の古城>, <Torchlight II>, <Frequent Flyer>, <Alchemyland>, <Pandora: First Contact>, <Xenon Valkyrie>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Torchlight II
['113200', '200210', '39190', '207420', '35720', '24740', '99300', '21090', '47540', '200710']
[142, 164, 3395, 167, 156, 48, 3350, 3422, 99, 3291]
['The Binding of Isaac', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II']
[ "The Binding of Isaac", "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II" ]
### Question: The person has recently played <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>. Now, which game from the provided options <CansHere> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Spelunky
### Question: The person has recently played <The Binding of Isaac>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>. Now, which game from the provided options <Armored Fist 3>, <Genius Greedy Mouse>, <Spelunky>, <RPG Maker 2000>, <Mystery Masters: Psycho Train Deluxe Edition>, <Red Crucible®: Reloaded>, <Vampires: Guide Them to Safety!>, <Slave Zero>, <GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN->, <Void Pyramid>, <Humanity Asset>, <LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7>, <Guncraft>, <Bombernauts>, <stratO>, <Wurm Unlimited>, <Desert Thunder>, <Among Ripples>, <M.E.R.C.>, <FullBlast> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Spelunky
['200210', '39190', '207420', '35720', '24740', '99300', '21090', '47540', '200710', '239350']
[164, 3395, 167, 156, 48, 3350, 3422, 99, 3291, 3225]
['Realm of the Mad God', 'Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II', 'Spelunky']
Indie Game: The Movie
[ "Realm of the Mad God", "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II", "Spelunky" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: Indie Game: The Movie
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Realm of the Mad God>, <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Castle: Never Judge a Book by its Cover>, <Automata Empire>, <Paper Sorcerer>, <Super Robot Jump Jump>, <Axes and Acres>, <Painkiller Overdose>, <Gauntlet of IRE>, <Armor Clash>, <Cladun X2 / クラシックダンジョンX2>, <Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom>, <Holy Avatar vs. Maidens of the Dead>, <Army of Tentacles: (Not) A Cthulhu Dating Sim>, <The Great War 1918>, <World of Mixed Martial Arts 3>, <Bloons TD 5>, <Luna's Wandering Stars>, <Othello>, <Stronghold HD>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Tex Murphy: Overseer>? ### Answer: Indie Game: The Movie
['39190', '207420', '35720', '24740', '99300', '21090', '47540', '200710', '239350', '207080']
[3395, 167, 156, 48, 3350, 3422, 99, 3291, 3225, 180]
['Dungeon Siege', 'Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II', 'Spelunky', 'Indie Game: The Movie']
Binary Domain
[ "Dungeon Siege", "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II", "Spelunky", "Indie Game: The Movie" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: Binary Domain
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Dungeon Siege>, <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Brawlhalla>, <Rogue Shooter: The FPS Roguelike>, <Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star>, <Triple Town>, <The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III>, <Dinosaurs A Prehistoric Adventure>, <Ironbound>, <How to Survive>, <7,62 High Calibre>, <No Man's Sky>, <Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency>, <Kingdom: Classic>, <Automata Empire>, <Binary Domain>, <Blood Bowl® Legendary Edition>, <Citizens of Earth>, <Magazime Editor>, <Heroes Rise: The Hero Project>, <Night Shift>, <That's Mahjong!>? ### Answer: Binary Domain
['207420', '35720', '24740', '99300', '21090', '47540', '200710', '239350', '207080', '203750']
[167, 156, 48, 3350, 3422, 99, 3291, 3225, 180, 174]
['Wizorb', 'Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II', 'Spelunky', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Binary Domain']
[ "Wizorb", "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II", "Spelunky", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Binary Domain" ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Soundodger+
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Wizorb>, <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>? Choose one game title from the options: <The Journey Down: Chapter Two>, <METAL SLUG 3>, <Ubinota>, <Dead Purge: Outbreak>, <Rusty Lake: Roots>, <Heroes Rise: The Hero Project>, <Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls>, <Dead Age>, <Long Live The Queen>, <Soundodger+>, <Superbrothers: Sword &amp; Sworcery EP>, <Fairy Fencer F Advent Dark Force | フェアリーフェンサー エフ ADVENT DARK FORCE | 妖精劍士 F ADVENT DARK FORCE>, <Train Fever>, <Hard West>, <Master of Orion>, <Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime>, <HassleHeart>, <Strania - The Stella Machina ->, <Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'45>, <Descent 2>. ### Answer: Soundodger+
['35720', '24740', '99300', '21090', '47540', '200710', '239350', '207080', '203750', '247140']
[156, 48, 3350, 3422, 99, 3291, 3225, 180, 174, 264]
['Trine 2: Complete Story', 'Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II', 'Spelunky', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Binary Domain', 'Soundodger+']
Little Inferno
[ "Trine 2: Complete Story", "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II", "Spelunky", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Binary Domain", "Soundodger+" ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Little Inferno
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Trine 2: Complete Story>, <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>? Choose one game title from the options: <Starbound>, <Little Inferno>, <Sam &amp; Max 105: Reality 2.0>, <Tower Defense - Fantasy Legends Tower Game>, <VirtualHere For Steam Link>, <R.B.I. Baseball 15>, <WARMACHINE: Tactics>, <YAIBA: NINJA GAIDEN Z>, <Shadowhand>, <Tales Across Time>, <MirrorMoon EP>, <Life is Feudal: Forest Village>, <Garden Rescue: Christmas Edition>, <Evoland 2>, <Great Big War Game>, <Koya Rift>, <Commands &amp; Colors: The Great War>, <Cross Set>, <Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly Business>, <Everything>. ### Answer: Little Inferno
['24740', '99300', '21090', '47540', '200710', '239350', '207080', '203750', '247140', '221260']
[48, 3350, 3422, 99, 3291, 3225, 180, 174, 264, 3272]
['Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box', 'Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II', 'Spelunky', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Binary Domain', 'Soundodger+', 'Little Inferno']
[ "Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box", "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II", "Spelunky", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Binary Domain", "Soundodger+", "Little Inferno" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>, <Little Inferno>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: 10,000,000
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box>, <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>, <Little Inferno>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Ashes Cricket>, <Christmas Adventure: Candy Storm>, <10,000,000>, <Share>, <Nancy Drew®: Warnings at Waverly Academy>, <Club Manager 2015>, <Zavix Tower>, <Armikrog>, <Initia: Elemental Arena>, <Pretty Girls Mahjong Solitaire>, <The Secret Order 3: Ancient Times>, <Metal Assault>, <MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY™>, <Mount &amp; Blade: Warband>, <Zero G Arena>, <ORCS>, <Steel &amp; Steam: Episode 1>, <Alien Robot Monsters>, <Pepe Porcupine>, <Terrorhedron Tower Defense>? ### Answer: 10,000,000
['99300', '21090', '47540', '200710', '239350', '207080', '203750', '247140', '221260', '227580']
[3350, 3422, 99, 3291, 3225, 180, 174, 264, 3272, 3264]
['Renegade Ops', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II', 'Spelunky', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Binary Domain', 'Soundodger+', 'Little Inferno', '10,000,000']
[ "Renegade Ops", "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II", "Spelunky", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Binary Domain", "Soundodger+", "Little Inferno", "10,000,000" ]
### Question: After playing <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>, <Little Inferno>, <10,000,000>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: BIT.TRIP RUNNER
### Question: After playing <Renegade Ops>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>, <Little Inferno>, <10,000,000>, which game from the options <Catch a Falling Star>, <Clown House (Palyaço Evi)>, <Slap The Fly>, <Graviteam Tactics: Operation Star>, <Paper Sorcerer>, <Halloween Forever>, <LEGO® The Hobbit™>, <Homesick>, <Fabulous Food Truck>, <Din's Curse>, <Blitzkrieg 3>, <Project Pulsation>, <Major Mayhem>, <Story Of the Survivor>, <Millennium - A New Hope>, <The Concourse>, <BIT.TRIP RUNNER>, <SMILE GAME BUILDER>, <GameLoading: Rise of the Indies>, <Stick 'Em Up 2: Paper Adventures> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: BIT.TRIP RUNNER
['21090', '47540', '200710', '239350', '207080', '203750', '247140', '221260', '227580', '63710']
[3422, 99, 3291, 3225, 180, 174, 264, 3272, 3264, 125]
['F.E.A.R.', 'Puzzle Quest 2', 'Torchlight II', 'Spelunky', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Binary Domain', 'Soundodger+', 'Little Inferno', '10,000,000', 'BIT.TRIP RUNNER']
A.V.A. Alliance of Valiant Arms™
[ "F.E.A.R.", "Puzzle Quest 2", "Torchlight II", "Spelunky", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Binary Domain", "Soundodger+", "Little Inferno", "10,000,000", "BIT.TRIP RUNNER" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>, <Little Inferno>, <10,000,000>, <BIT.TRIP RUNNER>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: A.V.A. Alliance of Valiant Arms™
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <F.E.A.R.>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Torchlight II>, <Spelunky>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Binary Domain>, <Soundodger+>, <Little Inferno>, <10,000,000>, <BIT.TRIP RUNNER>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <XSplit>, <Gunmetal Arcadia>, <Syberia>, <A.V.A. Alliance of Valiant Arms™>, <Boot Hill Heroes>, <Resin>, <One More Dungeon>, <CHKN>, <Goats on a Bridge>, <Dinner Date>, <Club Naughty>, <SimAirport>, <Hyper Box>, <Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor>, <Party Hard Tycoon>, <It came from space, and ate our brains>, <Ittle Dew>, <Demonicon>, <Steel &amp; Steam: Episode 1>, <Adventures of Bertram Fiddle: Episode 1: A Dreadly Business>. ### Answer: A.V.A. Alliance of Valiant Arms™
['9050', '17430', '2200', '10680', '8980', '62100', '9980', '15520', '2420', '12560']
[3533, 3509, 3534, 3436, 3448, 103, 3403, 3457, 5, 29]
['DOOM 3', 'Need for Speed Undercover', 'Quake III Arena', 'Aliens vs. Predator™', 'Borderlands', 'Chime', 'The UnderGarden', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon']
SiN Episodes: Emergence
[ "DOOM 3", "Need for Speed Undercover", "Quake III Arena", "Aliens vs. Predator™", "Borderlands", "Chime", "The UnderGarden", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <DOOM 3>, <Need for Speed Undercover>, <Quake III Arena>, <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: SiN Episodes: Emergence
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <DOOM 3>, <Need for Speed Undercover>, <Quake III Arena>, <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <eXceed - Gun Bullet Children>, <TransPlan>, <Parkitect>, <Garry's Mod>, <Drift GEAR Racing Free>, <What The Box?>, <Pressured>, <Ray Gigant>, <Monster Loves You!>, <Hitman: Contracts>, <FORTIFY>, <Womb Room>, <Humanity Asset>, <Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut>, <Blitzkrieg 3>, <3D MiniGolf>, <Platypus>, <Chicken Assassin - Master of Humiliation>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Behind the Memory>. ### Answer: SiN Episodes: Emergence
['17430', '2200', '10680', '8980', '62100', '9980', '15520', '2420', '12560', '1300']
[3509, 3534, 3436, 3448, 103, 3403, 3457, 5, 29, 3570]
['Need for Speed Undercover', 'Quake III Arena', 'Aliens vs. Predator™', 'Borderlands', 'Chime', 'The UnderGarden', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence']
Prince of Persia®
[ "Need for Speed Undercover", "Quake III Arena", "Aliens vs. Predator™", "Borderlands", "Chime", "The UnderGarden", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Need for Speed Undercover>, <Quake III Arena>, <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: Prince of Persia®
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Need for Speed Undercover>, <Quake III Arena>, <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Creeper World 2: Anniversary Edition>, <LogoMaker 4>, <Race Track Builder>, <Star Trek™ : 25th Anniversary>, <Chronicon>, <The Blue Flamingo>, <Age of Fear: The Undead King>, <Prince of Persia®>, <9th Company: Roots Of Terror>, <Wyrmsun>, <Boson X>, <Broken Sword 2 - the Smoking Mirror: Remastered>, <Worms Pinball>, <Don't cut your hand>, <Half-Life Deathmatch: Source>, <Little Inferno>, <Realm of the Mad God>, <Spaceport Hope>, <Bedlam>, <Loren The Amazon Princess>? ### Answer: Prince of Persia®
['2200', '10680', '8980', '62100', '9980', '15520', '2420', '12560', '1300', '19980']
[3534, 3436, 3448, 103, 3403, 3457, 5, 29, 3570, 3508]
['Quake III Arena', 'Aliens vs. Predator™', 'Borderlands', 'Chime', 'The UnderGarden', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®']
Alpha Protocol™
[ "Quake III Arena", "Aliens vs. Predator™", "Borderlands", "Chime", "The UnderGarden", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®" ]
### Question: This person has played <Quake III Arena>, <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Alpha Protocol™
### Question: This person has played <Quake III Arena>, <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <Curse: The Eye of Isis>, <Metal Dead>, <Behind the Memory>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Cossacks II: Napoleonic Wars>, <LEGO The Lord of the Rings>, <VRC PRO>, <Strike Vector EX>, <Ghoul Kid>, <Destiny of Ancient Kingdoms™>, <The Binding of Isaac>, <Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning Steam Edition>, <Analogue: A Hate Story>, <Back to Dinosaur Island>, <Steamroll>, <The Weaponographist>, <Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch - Enhanced Edition>, <LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes 2>, <Corrosion: Cold Winter Waiting [Enhanced Edition]>, <Dark Fall: Lost Souls>. ### Answer: Alpha Protocol™
['10680', '8980', '62100', '9980', '15520', '2420', '12560', '1300', '19980', '34010']
[3436, 3448, 103, 3403, 3457, 5, 29, 3570, 3508, 97]
['Aliens vs. Predator™', 'Borderlands', 'Chime', 'The UnderGarden', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™']
Flight Control HD
[ "Aliens vs. Predator™", "Borderlands", "Chime", "The UnderGarden", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™" ]
### Question: This person has played <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Flight Control HD
### Question: This person has played <Aliens vs. Predator™>, <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <Age of Chivalry>, <Splendor>, <Eternity's Child>, <Alwa's Awakening>, <Tadpole Treble>, <Singularity™>, <Gun Bombers>, <Flight Control HD>, <The Lady>, <Sportsfriends>, <Lunnye Devitsy>, <Alone in the Dark>, <Aberoth>, <Affected Zone Tactics>, <NEStalgia>, <Dungeon Souls>, <I Am Alive>, <Otherland MMO>, <Project Pulsation>, <Vortex: The Gateway>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Flight Control HD
['8980', '62100', '9980', '15520', '2420', '12560', '1300', '19980', '34010', '62000']
[3448, 103, 3403, 3457, 5, 29, 3570, 3508, 97, 112]
['Borderlands', 'Chime', 'The UnderGarden', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD']
Just Cause
[ "Borderlands", "Chime", "The UnderGarden", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD" ]
### Question: Given that the person has played <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Just Cause
### Question: Given that the person has played <Borderlands>, <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <The Great War 1918>, <Onikira - Demon Killer>, <FATE>, <Ticket to Earth>, <Slip>, <Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe>, <Retro Game Crunch>, <Command &amp; Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath>, <Just Cause>, <Harvester>, <Keen Dreams>, <Pixel Heroes: Byte &amp; Magic>, <The Last Tinker™: City of Colors>, <Niko: Through The Dream>, <Pump-Action Captain>, <From Earth>, <Disney Princess: My Fairytale Adventure>, <Magazime Editor>, <IS Defense>, <Hard Reset>? ### Answer: Just Cause
['62100', '9980', '15520', '2420', '12560', '1300', '19980', '34010', '62000', '6880']
[103, 3403, 3457, 5, 29, 3570, 3508, 97, 112, 3545]
['Chime', 'The UnderGarden', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause']
Call of Duty®: Black Ops
[ "Chime", "The UnderGarden", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Call of Duty®: Black Ops
### Question: This person has previously played <Chime>, <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>. Among the provided game titles, <Infested Planet>, <Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone">, <Gauntlet of IRE>, <Without Within 2>, <Front Page Sports Football>, <Frayed Knights: The Skull of S'makh-Daon>, <Antisphere>, <Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini>, <Industry Empire>, <Zeno Clash>, <Share>, <Finding Paradise>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Domain Defense>, <Pro Skater 2D>, <Retrovirus>, <Theatre of War>, <Seven Kingdoms 2 HD>, <Alter World>, <Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Call of Duty®: Black Ops
['9980', '15520', '2420', '12560', '1300', '19980', '34010', '62000', '6880', '42700']
[3403, 3457, 5, 29, 3570, 3508, 97, 112, 3545, 116]
['The UnderGarden', 'AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops']
Wings of Prey
[ "The UnderGarden", "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Wings of Prey
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <The UnderGarden>, <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number Digital Comic>, <Bounty Train>, <Lumber King>, <Woodle Tree 2: Worlds>, <Explosionade>, <Close Order>, <Wings of Prey>, <Anykey Simulator>, <Throne of Lies® The Online Game of Deceit>, <Tales of Monkey Island Complete Pack>, <Zombitatos the end of the Pc master race>, <Draw Puzzle>, <Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim>, <Shadowhand>, <Trials of Azra>, <The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker>, <Road Not Taken>, <Affairs of the Court: Choice of Romance>, <My Night Job>, <Heroes Evolved>. ### Answer: Wings of Prey
['15520', '2420', '12560', '1300', '19980', '34010', '62000', '6880', '42700', '45300']
[3457, 5, 29, 3570, 3508, 97, 112, 3545, 116, 85]
['AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity', 'The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey']
Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition
[ "AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity", "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <AaAaAA!!! - A Reckless Disregard for Gravity>, <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <The Escapists>, <Gauntlet of IRE>, <Flood of Light>, <Wayward Manor>, <Lance A Lot®: Classic Edition>, <Still Not Dead>, <Front Office Football Eight>, <eXceed - Gun Bullet Children>, <The Space Garden>, <Airport Madness 4>, <Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition>, <Worms Pinball>, <The Hunting God>, <Red Crucible®: Reloaded>, <Crypt of the NecroDancer>, <Power Hover>, <Rainbow Snake>, <The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker>, <Minion Masters>, <Replica>. ### Answer: Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition
['2420', '12560', '1300', '19980', '34010', '62000', '6880', '42700', '45300', '15100']
[5, 29, 3570, 3508, 97, 112, 3545, 116, 85, 3522]
['The Ship: Single Player', 'Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition"]
Rogue Warrior
[ "The Ship: Single Player", "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition" ]
### Question: Given that the person has played <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Rogue Warrior
### Question: Given that the person has played <The Ship: Single Player>, <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <Blue Sheep>, <Out There: Ω Edition>, <Northgard>, <Tomato Jones>, <Where's My Mommy?>, <Prismatica>, <No Man's Sky>, <Titan Attacks!>, <Rogue Warrior>, <City of Steam: Arkadia>, <12 Labours of Hercules II: The Cretan Bull>, <The Dreamlord>, <Stellaris>, <Cubicolor>, <The Walking Dead>, <Gnomes Garden>, <Universe in Fire>, <Romance of the Three Kingdoms Maker / 三国志ツクール>, <Kingdoms and Castles>, <Monsters' Den: Godfall>? ### Answer: Rogue Warrior
['12560', '1300', '19980', '34010', '62000', '6880', '42700', '45300', '15100', '22310']
[29, 3570, 3508, 97, 112, 3545, 116, 85, 3522, 3438]
['Ride! Carnival Tycoon', 'SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior']
AstroPop Deluxe
[ "Ride! Carnival Tycoon", "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: AstroPop Deluxe
### Question: This person has previously played <Ride! Carnival Tycoon>, <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>. Among the provided game titles, <Typoman>, <OKAMI HD / 大神 絶景版>, <LSD>, <A Golden Wake>, <Anna's Quest>, <Dreaming Sarah>, <Pro Basketball Manager 2016>, <Delver>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <Borderless Gaming>, <Oil Enterprise>, <Reaching for Petals>, <One Night Two Crazies>, <Demonicon>, <Alea Jacta Est>, <RaySupreme 3D>, <ICEY>, <Monster Slayers>, <I Am Alive>, <Driver Booster 4 for Steam>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: AstroPop Deluxe
['1300', '19980', '34010', '62000', '6880', '42700', '45300', '15100', '22310', '3340']
[3570, 3508, 97, 112, 3545, 116, 85, 3522, 3438, 3574]
['SiN Episodes: Emergence', 'Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe']
18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul
[ "SiN Episodes: Emergence", "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: 18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul
### Question: This person has previously played <SiN Episodes: Emergence>, <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>. Among the provided game titles, <One Eyed Kutkh>, <Tomb Raider: Anniversary>, <Action! - Gameplay Recording and Streaming>, <Platypus II>, <Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers>, <The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss>, <SOL: Exodus>, <The Moon Sliver>, <My Free Zoo>, <Rampage Knights>, <Rubek>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <RC Cars>, <Wildlife Park 2 - Dino World>, <The Guild II>, <The Apogee Throwback Pack>, <Driver Booster 4 for Steam>, <Triple Town>, <Toy Soldiers>, <The Whispered World Special Edition>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: 18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul
['19980', '34010', '62000', '6880', '42700', '45300', '15100', '22310', '3340', '12520']
[3508, 97, 112, 3545, 116, 85, 3522, 3438, 3574, 22]
['Prince of Persia®', 'Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul']
Arma 2
[ "Prince of Persia®", "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Arma 2
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Prince of Persia®>, <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <ORBITOR>, <Claws &amp; Feathers>, <Solitaire Royale>, <Party Saboteurs>, <Normality>, <Subterrain>, <Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD>, <Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition>, <Shatter>, <Alicemare>, <Stay Alight>, <汉匈决战/Gloria Sinica: Han Xiongnu Wars>, <Voyage: Journey to the Moon>, <Hatoful Boyfriend: Holiday Star>, <Heroes of Annihilated Empires>, <Arma 2>, <Ilamentia>, <WAKFU>, <gravilon>, <Airstrike HD>. ### Answer: Arma 2
['34010', '62000', '6880', '42700', '45300', '15100', '22310', '3340', '12520', '33900']
[97, 112, 3545, 116, 85, 3522, 3438, 3574, 22, 3474]
['Alpha Protocol™', 'Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2']
Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™
[ "Alpha Protocol™", "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Alpha Protocol™>, <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <The Clockwork Man: The Hidden World>, <Root Of Evil: The Tailor>, <The Inner Darkness>, <Multiwinia>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Tales of the Orient: The Rising Sun>, <Atomic 79>, <Fray: Reloaded Edition>, <Pixel Puzzles 2: Anime>, <Seven Kingdoms 2 HD>, <Pandora: First Contact>, <HassleHeart>, <The Curse Of Yendor>, <WazHack>, <Awareness Rooms>, <D.N.Age>, <American Conquest>, <HIVESWAP: Act 1>, <Ray Gigant>, <Castle Battles>. ### Answer: Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™
['62000', '6880', '42700', '45300', '15100', '22310', '3340', '12520', '33900', '3510']
[112, 3545, 116, 85, 3522, 3438, 3574, 22, 3474, 3541]
['Flight Control HD', 'Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™']
Zuma Deluxe
[ "Flight Control HD", "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™" ]
### Question: After playing <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Zuma Deluxe
### Question: After playing <Flight Control HD>, <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, which game from the options <SQUAKE>, <QUAKE Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon>, <Hitogata Happa>, <Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Fantasy Grounds>, <STEINS;GATE>, <NSFW ~ Not a Simulator For Working>, <A Pixel Story>, <AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed>, <Earth Space Colonies>, <Steam Bandits: Outpost>, <Sweezy Gunner>, <Grass Simulator>, <Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion>, <Comic Book Hero: The Greatest Cape>, <Majestic Nights>, <Garry's Mod>, <NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Sphere of Influence - Ascension / 信長の野望・創造 戦国立志伝>, <Heart's Medicine - Time to Heal> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Zuma Deluxe
['6880', '42700', '45300', '15100', '22310', '3340', '12520', '33900', '3510', '3330']
[3545, 116, 85, 3522, 3438, 3574, 22, 3474, 3541, 3575]
['Just Cause', 'Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe']
[ "Just Cause", "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe" ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Windosill
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Just Cause>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>? Choose one game title from the options: <Major Minor - Complete Edition>, <Neon Drive>, <Shoppe Keep>, <Flywrench>, <Costume Quest 2>, <Airstrike HD>, <Aurora Dusk: Steam Age>, <Command &amp; Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight>, <Zombie Driver HD>, <Half-Life Deathmatch: Source>, <The Escapists>, <S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky>, <Witanlore: Dreamtime>, <Serious Sam: The Random Encounter>, <Mystica: The Ninth Society>, <Venetica - Gold Edition>, <Windosill>, <Microcosmum: survival of cells>, <9.03m>, <Shadow of Kingdoms>. ### Answer: Windosill
['42700', '45300', '15100', '22310', '3340', '12520', '33900', '3510', '3330', '37600']
[116, 85, 3522, 3438, 3574, 22, 3474, 3541, 3575, 71]
['Call of Duty®: Black Ops', 'Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill']
Blacklight: Tango Down
[ "Call of Duty®: Black Ops", "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill" ]
### Question: This person has played <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Blacklight: Tango Down
### Question: This person has played <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <The Pit And The Pendulum>, <Game Corp DX>, <InfinitasDM>, <Mad Hunter>, <Legacy of Kain: Defiance>, <Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition>, <Atari Vault>, <Puzzle Galaxies>, <Toto Temple Deluxe>, <Titan Attacks!>, <Goats on a Bridge>, <Idle Evolution>, <Disciples III: Reincarnation>, <Mind Games>, <Party Hard>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <Art of War: Red Tides>, <Delta Force>, <Soldier Front 2>, <FreeHolder>. ### Answer: Blacklight: Tango Down
['45300', '15100', '22310', '3340', '12520', '33900', '3510', '3330', '37600', '27330']
[85, 3522, 3438, 3574, 22, 3474, 3541, 3575, 71, 3418]
['Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down']
BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity
[ "Wings of Prey', \"Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down" ]
### Question: After playing <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity
### Question: After playing <Wings of Prey', "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, which game from the options <Ziggurat>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <Hospital Manager>, <ThreadSpace: Hyperbol>, <Siege Wars>, <Battle of the Bulge>, <Empathy: Path of Whispers>, <Rover Builder>, <Impossible Quest>, <The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition>, <Chronicle of Innsmouth>, <Hearthlands>, <Notruf 112 | Emergency Call 112>, <Hope Lake>, <Grey Cubes>, <Chantelise - A Tale of Two Sisters>, <Kerbal Space Program>, <Conquest of Elysium 3>, <Starlight Inception™™>, <Shot In The Dark> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity
['15100', '22310', '3340', '12520', '33900', '3510', '3330', '37600', '27330', '35800']
[3522, 3438, 3574, 22, 3474, 3541, 3575, 71, 3418, 60]
["Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity']
[ "Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition\", 'Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: F.E.A.R.
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Assassin's Creed™: Director's Cut Edition", 'Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <Craft The World>, <The Puppet Master>, <Marble Age>, <Lydia>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Stick it to The Man!>, <Sonic Adventure 2>, <Aerannis>, <Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 4>, <Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi>, <M.E.R.C.>, <Super Star Path>, <Double Dragon Trilogy>, <Paladins®>, <Eradicator>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <The Lion's Song: Episode 1 - Silence>, <Bastion>, <StarDrive>, <FourChords Guitar Karaoke>. ### Answer: F.E.A.R.
['22310', '3340', '12520', '33900', '3510', '3330', '37600', '27330', '35800', '21090']
[3438, 3574, 22, 3474, 3541, 3575, 71, 3418, 60, 3422]
['Rogue Warrior', 'AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.']
Wolfenstein 3D
[ "Rogue Warrior", "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R." ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Wolfenstein 3D
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Rogue Warrior>, <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <Dream>, <Ember Kaboom>, <Hacknet>, <Hover 2030>, <Job the Leprechaun>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <One More Line>, <Jumpdrive>, <Wildlife Park 2>, <Heavy Gear Assault>, <Dark Raid>, <Where Angels Cry>, <The Evil Within>, <Umineko: Golden Fantasia>, <Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number>, <American Conquest: Fight Back>, <Final DOOM>, <ORBITOR>, <Long Live Santa!>, <Street Fighter V>. ### Answer: Wolfenstein 3D
['3340', '12520', '33900', '3510', '3330', '37600', '27330', '35800', '21090', '2270']
[3574, 22, 3474, 3541, 3575, 71, 3418, 60, 3422, 15]
['AstroPop Deluxe', '18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D']
Armored Fist 3
[ "AstroPop Deluxe", "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Armored Fist 3
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <AstroPop Deluxe>, <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <Dog Sled Saga>, <Jones On Fire>, <Eternity's Child>, <Grand Ages: Rome>, <Rush for Berlin Gold>, <Quest for Glory 1-5>, <Tentacult!>, <Pang Adventures>, <Job the Leprechaun>, <Knight Squad>, <Where's My Mommy?>, <What Remains of Edith Finch>, <X-COM: Terror From the Deep>, <Armored Fist 3>, <3D-Coat V4.8>, <Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus>, <Party Jousting>, <QUAKE Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity>, <Remaining in a dream>, <Blue Sheep>? ### Answer: Armored Fist 3
['12520', '33900', '3510', '3330', '37600', '27330', '35800', '21090', '2270', '32710']
[22, 3474, 3541, 3575, 71, 3418, 60, 3422, 15, 59]
['18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul', 'Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3']
Insaniquarium Deluxe
[ "18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul", "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3" ]
### Question: After playing <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, which game from the list <CansHere> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Insaniquarium Deluxe
### Question: After playing <18 Wheels of Steel: American Long Haul>, <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, which game from the list <LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Herald: An Interactive Period Drama - Book I &amp; II>, <Templar Battleforce>, <Unturned>, <A Pixel Story>, <Highlands>, <eXceed 2nd - Vampire REX>, <Antisquad>, <Ratz Instagib>, <QUAKE Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon>, <Flying Tigers: Shadows Over China>, <Dark Gates>, <XenoShyft>, <SUPERFIGHT>, <Madu Maths>, <Gridberd>, <Superflight>, <Reign of Bullets>, <FullBlast> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Insaniquarium Deluxe
['33900', '3510', '3330', '37600', '27330', '35800', '21090', '2270', '32710', '3320']
[3474, 3541, 3575, 71, 3418, 60, 3422, 15, 59, 3576]
['Arma 2', 'Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe']
Peggle Deluxe
[ "Arma 2", "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe" ]
### Question: This person has played <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Peggle Deluxe
### Question: This person has played <Arma 2>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <Data Hacker: Initiation>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <DLC Quest>, <Fighting Fantasy Legends>, <The Caribbean Sail>, <Civilization IV®: Warlords>, <Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris>, <Heroes of Might &amp; Magic V: Hammers of Fate>, <OMSI 2: Steam Edition>, <Call of Duty®: Black Ops>, <The Last NightMary - A Lenda do Cabeça de Cuia>, <Rock God Tycoon>, <Procyon>, <Hero Academy>, <Age of Survival>, <Egg Returns Home>, <The House in Fata Morgana>, <3089 -- Futuristic Action RPG>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Our Love Will Grow>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Peggle Deluxe
['3510', '3330', '37600', '27330', '35800', '21090', '2270', '32710', '3320', '3480']
[3541, 3575, 71, 3418, 60, 3422, 15, 59, 3576, 3551]
['Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™', 'Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe']
Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre
[ "Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™", "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe" ]
### Question: This person has played <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre
### Question: This person has played <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <Dark Days>, <World's Dawn>, <NECROPOLIS: BRUTAL EDITION>, <Ballistic Protection>, <Reptilians Must Die!>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Loren The Amazon Princess>, <The Weaponographist>, <AirMech Wastelands>, <Gatling Gears>, <Domino Sky>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Heroes of Might &amp; Magic V: Hammers of Fate>, <Near Midnight>, <NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4>, <Chronicles of a Dark Lord: Episode 1 Tides of Fate Complete>, <Trauma>, <Gun Bombers>, <Masquerada: Songs and Shadows>, <Slap The Fly>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre
['3330', '37600', '27330', '35800', '21090', '2270', '32710', '3320', '3480', '32680']
[3575, 71, 3418, 60, 3422, 15, 59, 3576, 3551, 3473]
['Zuma Deluxe', 'Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre']
Delta Force
[ "Zuma Deluxe", "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Delta Force
### Question: This person has previously played <Zuma Deluxe>, <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>. Among the provided game titles, <The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça &amp; Pizzaboy®>, <Shift 2 Unleashed>, <No Pineapple Left Behind>, <Miscreated>, <Hate Plus>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Reaching for Petals>, <Steel &amp; Steam: Episode 1>, <Club Manager 2015>, <Delta Force>, <Feel-A-Maze>, <9th Company: Roots Of Terror>, <Heat Signature>, <Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist>, <Triple Town>, <A Druid's Duel>, <Cricket Captain 2017>, <Alone in the Dark>, <Villagers>, <Microgons>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Delta Force
['37600', '27330', '35800', '21090', '2270', '32710', '3320', '3480', '32680', '32620']
[71, 3418, 60, 3422, 15, 59, 3576, 3551, 3473, 3472]
['Windosill', 'Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force']
Delta Force: Task Force Dagger
[ "Windosill", "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force" ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Delta Force: Task Force Dagger
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Windosill>, <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>? Choose one game title from the options: <Aura Kingdom>, <Kith - Tales from the Fractured Plateaus>, <Womb Room>, <Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <COIL>, <Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening>, <Raptor: Call of The Shadows - 2015 Edition>, <Brawlout>, <The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth>, <Zero G Arena>, <Crab Dub>, <DLC Quest>, <Mall Empire>, <Root Of Evil: The Tailor>, <Black Mirror II>, <Sid Meier's Colonization (Classic)>, <Need For Drink>, <Zombillie>, <Valdis Story: Abyssal City>. ### Answer: Delta Force: Task Force Dagger
['27330', '35800', '21090', '2270', '32710', '3320', '3480', '32680', '32620', '32650']
[3418, 60, 3422, 15, 59, 3576, 3551, 3473, 3472, 3470]
['Blacklight: Tango Down', 'BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger']
Nation Red
[ "Blacklight: Tango Down", "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: Nation Red
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Blacklight: Tango Down>, <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Choplifter HD>, <Luna's Wandering Stars>, <Runestone Keeper>, <Shattered Planet>, <BIOS>, <MANOS>, <Triple Town>, <Legends of the Universe - StarCore>, <Physic Monster>, <Sound Shift>, <Bedlam>, <Nation Red>, <Ylands>, <Life Goes On: Done to Death>, <Deus Ex: Human Revolution - Director's Cut>, <Go Home Dinosaurs!>, <Big Brain Wolf>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Rambo The Video Game: Baker Team>, <Industry Manager: Future Technologies>? ### Answer: Nation Red
['35800', '21090', '2270', '32710', '3320', '3480', '32680', '32620', '32650', '39800']
[60, 3422, 15, 59, 3576, 3551, 3473, 3472, 3470, 3459]
['BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity', 'F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red']
Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®
[ "BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity", "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <BRAINPIPE: A Plunge to Unhumanity>, <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <STEINS;GATE>, <METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE>, <Swarm Arena>, <Rogue Shooter: The FPS Roguelike>, <Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game>, <VThree>, <Puzzle Quest 2>, <Ruin of the Reckless>, <Color Symphony>, <One Tower>, <Epic Cards Battle 2-Dragons Rising(TCG)>, <Book Of Potentia 2>, <Construct 2>, <Over 9000 Zombies!>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series>, <Planet Ancyra Chronicles>, <Totally Unbalanced>, <Toybox Turbos>, <Ray Gigant>. ### Answer: Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®
['21090', '2270', '32710', '3320', '3480', '32680', '32620', '32650', '39800', '7940']
[3422, 15, 59, 3576, 3551, 3473, 3472, 3470, 3459, 3540]
['F.E.A.R.', 'Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®']
[ "F.E.A.R.", "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®" ]
### Question: Given that the person has played <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Singularity™
### Question: Given that the person has played <F.E.A.R.>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Desert Siege™>, <Iron Front: Digital War Edition>, <Mushroom 11>, <Bad Hotel>, <Jacob Jones and the Bigfoot Mystery : Episode 1>, <Starbound>, <Silver Creek Falls: Chapter 2>, <Age of Gladiators>, <Anomaly 2>, <Stock Car Extreme>, <Soccer Manager>, <Singularity™>, <Imperium Galactica II>, <MAZE LORD>, <Sticker Craft>, <Quell Memento>, <Strategy &amp; Tactics: Dark Ages>, <Recursed>, <UnEpic>, <GTGD S1: More Than a Gamer>? ### Answer: Singularity™
['2270', '32710', '3320', '3480', '32680', '32620', '32650', '39800', '7940', '42670']
[15, 59, 3576, 3551, 3473, 3472, 3470, 3459, 3540, 3421]
['Wolfenstein 3D', 'Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™']
[ "Wolfenstein 3D", "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: NightSky
### Question: This person has previously played <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>. Among the provided game titles, <NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits>, <Monsti>, <The Superfluous>, <Dynomite Deluxe>, <Stardust Vanguards>, <Krosmaster Arena>, <TumbleSeed>, <White Haven Mysteries>, <Saints Row: The Third Initiation Station>, <NightSky>, <My Name is You>, <Masquerada: Songs and Shadows>, <Kritika Online>, <State of Anarchy: Master of Mayhem>, <Guncraft>, <FINAL FANTASY® XIII-2>, <Borstal>, <Silver Creek Falls: Chapter 1>, <Gunpoint>, <Without Within 2>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: NightSky
['32710', '3320', '3480', '32680', '32620', '32650', '39800', '7940', '42670', '99700']
[59, 3576, 3551, 3473, 3472, 3470, 3459, 3540, 3421, 3388]
['Armored Fist 3', 'Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky']
Sniper Elite
[ "Armored Fist 3", "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Sniper Elite
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Armored Fist 3>, <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <The Little Acre>, <Windosill>, <Hand of the Gods>, <Final DOOM>, <Peak Angle: Drift Online>, <Moonshot>, <Ylands>, <Spaceman Sparkles 3>, <I Am Caligula>, <Sniper Elite>, <Syberia>, <METAGAL>, <Siralim 2>, <Spectromancer>, <Poker Night 2>, <Toukiden 2>, <The Infinite Black>, <Nameless ~The one thing you must recall~>, <The Withering>, <Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour>. ### Answer: Sniper Elite
['3320', '3480', '32680', '32620', '32650', '39800', '7940', '42670', '99700', '3700']
[3576, 3551, 3473, 3472, 3470, 3459, 3540, 3421, 3388, 3466]
['Insaniquarium Deluxe', 'Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite']
[ "Insaniquarium Deluxe", "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite" ]
### Question: After playing <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Trauma
### Question: After playing <Insaniquarium Deluxe>, <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, which game from the options <Puzzler World 2>, <The Quest for Achievements>, <openCanvas 7>, <Vampires: Guide Them to Safety!>, <Divided We Fall>, <FPV Drone Simulator>, <Redemption: Eternal Quest>, <Epic Battle Fantasy 4>, <Trauma>, <Dev Guy>, <Balrum>, <Bunker Punks>, <Source Filmmaker>, <Aurora Nights>, <Disney•Pixar Finding Nemo>, <Surgeon Simulator>, <Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City>, <Starscape>, <Tower Defense - Fantasy Legends Tower Game> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Trauma
['3480', '32680', '32620', '32650', '39800', '7940', '42670', '99700', '3700', '98100']
[3551, 3473, 3472, 3470, 3459, 3540, 3421, 3388, 3466, 3376]
['Peggle Deluxe', 'Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma']
[ "Peggle Deluxe", "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma" ]
### Question: The person has recently played <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>. Now, which game from the provided options <CansHere> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Gyromancer
### Question: The person has recently played <Peggle Deluxe>, <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>. Now, which game from the provided options <Imperia Online>, <Gyromancer>, <BOOR>, <Astebreed: Definitive Edition>, <Vaporum>, <FullBlast>, <Grass Simulator>, <Pepe Porcupine>, <RUNNING WITH RIFLES>, <Guncraft>, <Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure>, <X3: Albion Prelude>, <LSD>, <The Clockwork Man: The Hidden World>, <Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign>, <Emporea: Realms of War and Magic>, <Rusty Lake Hotel>, <VRC PRO>, <Bloons TD Battles>, <Nuclear Throne> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Gyromancer
['32680', '32620', '32650', '39800', '7940', '42670', '99700', '3700', '98100', '23380']
[3473, 3472, 3470, 3459, 3540, 3421, 3388, 3466, 3376, 3437]
['Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre', 'Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer']
SEGA Bass Fishing
[ "Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre", "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: SEGA Bass Fishing
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Delta Force — Black Hawk Down: Team Sabre>, <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Soulstorm>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <Polygon Attack>, <Rusty Lake Hotel>, <Machinarium>, <Sleeping Dogs>, <Zombie Shooter>, <Motorsport Manager>, <SHOCK TROOPERS>, <Environmental Station Alpha>, <Super Dungeon Run>, <Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For->, <Coldfire Keep>, <Replica>, <Indie Game Battle>, <FURIDASHI: Drift Cyber Sport>, <Choplifter HD>, <Minion Masters>, <GTGD S3 How To Make A Game>, <Koya Rift>? ### Answer: SEGA Bass Fishing
['32620', '32650', '39800', '7940', '42670', '99700', '3700', '98100', '23380', '71240']
[3472, 3470, 3459, 3540, 3421, 3388, 3466, 3376, 3437, 3389]
['Delta Force', 'Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing']
The Path
[ "Delta Force", "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: The Path
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Delta Force>, <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <Zenohell>, <Finding Teddy>, <Out of Reach>, <Rogue Operatives Hide and Seek>, <First Strike: Final Hour>, <Artificial Defense>, <Cooking Dash®>, <Pixel-Warfare: Pro>, <MidBoss>, <LEGO® MARVEL's Avengers>, <The Path>, <Gahkthun of the Golden Lightning Steam Edition>, <Rime Berta>, <Claws &amp; Feathers>, <Super Turbo Demon Busters!>, <Astronaut Simulator>, <Majestic Nights>, <LawBreakers>, <Bear With Me>, <Tokyo 42>. ### Answer: The Path
['32650', '39800', '7940', '42670', '99700', '3700', '98100', '23380', '71240', '27000']
[3470, 3459, 3540, 3421, 3388, 3466, 3376, 3437, 3389, 3485]
['Delta Force: Task Force Dagger', 'Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path']
Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™
[ "Delta Force: Task Force Dagger", "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path" ]
### Question: Given that the person has played <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™
### Question: Given that the person has played <Delta Force: Task Force Dagger>, <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <Master Reboot>, <Beyond the Void>, <Trove>, <Helen's Mysterious Castle>, <Life is Feudal: Forest Village>, <Trawl>, < The Game>, <Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™>, <Imperium Romanum Gold Edition>, <Dawn of Andromeda>, <Aragami>, <Grass Simulator>, <Overlord: Fellowship of Evil>, <The Tomorrow War>, <R.B.I. Baseball 16>, <Mortifero Motus>, <Spaceforce Rogue Universe HD>, <Meridian: Age of Invention>, <Kindred Spirits on the Roof>, <LEGO® Marvel Super Heroes 2>? ### Answer: Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™
['39800', '7940', '42670', '99700', '3700', '98100', '23380', '71240', '27000', '15390']
[3459, 3540, 3421, 3388, 3466, 3376, 3437, 3389, 3485, 37]
['Nation Red', 'Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™"]
Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
[ "Nation Red", "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™" ]
### Question: After playing <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™>, which game from the list <CansHere> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
### Question: After playing <Nation Red>, <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™>, which game from the list <Tiamat X>, <Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Gothic 1>, <Keen Dreams>, <Drive Isle>, <Yet Another Zombie Defense HD>, <Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom>, <HitBox>, <LogicBots>, <Yorkshire Gubbins>, <Bunch of Heroes>, <Where are my Internets?>, <BloodRayne Betrayal>, <The Political Machine 2016>, <Warcube>, <Ittle Dew 2>, <Star Traders: Frontiers>, <X-COM: Terror From the Deep>, <iStorm>, <Governor of Poker 2 - Premium Edition> do you expect the person to play next? ### Answer: Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition
['7940', '42670', '99700', '3700', '98100', '23380', '71240', '27000', '15390', '35140']
[3540, 3421, 3388, 3466, 3376, 3437, 3389, 3485, 37, 3462]
['Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®', 'Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition']
[ "Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®", "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Prototype™
### Question: This person has previously played <Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare®>, <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>. Among the provided game titles, <Felix Jumpman>, <Half-Life>, <Alone in the Dark>, <Master Levels for Doom II>, <Prototype™>, <Reflex Arena>, <Salammbô: Battle for Carthage>, <Memory's Dogma CODE:01>, <Micro Machines World Series>, <SEEP Universe>, <Marauder>, <Spoids>, <Probability 0>, <iStorm>, <Action! - Gameplay Recording and Streaming>, <Startup Company>, <Terminal Velocity>, <Spellstone>, <SAGA>, <Last Dream: World Unknown>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Prototype™
['42670', '99700', '3700', '98100', '23380', '71240', '27000', '15390', '35140', '10150']
[3421, 3388, 3466, 3376, 3437, 3389, 3485, 37, 3462, 57]
['Singularity™', 'NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™']
MX vs. ATV Reflex
[ "Singularity™", "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™" ]
### Question: Given that the person has played <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: MX vs. ATV Reflex
### Question: Given that the person has played <Singularity™>, <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <Spaceforce Rogue Universe HD>, <Disney Infinity 3.0: Gold Edition>, <Chiptune Champion>, <DarkEnd>, <The Weaponographist>, <SunAge: Battle for Elysium>, <9Dragons>, <Vortex: The Gateway>, <Battle Brothers>, <Home Behind>, <Transport Giant>, <Liveza: Death of the Earth>, <Daedalus - No Escape>, <Marauder>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: China>, <Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan>, <Cyber Team Manager>, <Conarium>, <Nimbus>? ### Answer: MX vs. ATV Reflex
['99700', '3700', '98100', '23380', '71240', '27000', '15390', '35140', '10150', '55140']
[3388, 3466, 3376, 3437, 3389, 3485, 37, 3462, 57, 3405]
['NightSky', 'Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex']
Left 4 Dead
[ "NightSky", "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Left 4 Dead
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <NightSky>, <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <State of Anarchy: Master of Mayhem>, <UltraGoodness>, <Black Mirror II>, <Toy Soldiers>, <KAMI>, <The Tower>, <Hotline Miami>, <Putt-Putt® Enters the Race>, <The Book of Legends>, <Terrorhedron Tower Defense>, <Painkiller Redemption>, <Ninja Pizza Girl>, <NUKED KNIGHT>, <Epistory - Typing Chronicles>, <Forever Home>, <Altitude>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Alien Spidy>, <GIBZ>, <Murder Miners>. ### Answer: Left 4 Dead
['3700', '98100', '23380', '71240', '27000', '15390', '35140', '10150', '55140', '500']
[3466, 3376, 3437, 3389, 3485, 37, 3462, 57, 3405, 3505]
['Sniper Elite', 'Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead']
Call of Juarez™
[ "Sniper Elite", "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Call of Juarez™
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Sniper Elite>, <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <Womb Room>, <Deus Ex: Revision>, <Eon Altar>, <Beater Spirit>, <Equin: The Lantern>, <Another Adventure>, <Puzzler World 2>, <Girl Amazon Survival>, <Beastiarium>, <FullBlast>, <Knytt Underground>, <Snik>, <Call of Juarez™>, <An Octave Higher>, <Blood Code>, <EasyAntiCheat eSports>, <LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7>, <FreeHolder>, <Wild Season>, <The Eagle's Heir>? ### Answer: Call of Juarez™
['98100', '23380', '71240', '27000', '15390', '35140', '10150', '55140', '500', '3020']
[3376, 3437, 3389, 3485, 37, 3462, 57, 3405, 3505, 3539]
['Trauma', 'Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™']
[ "Trauma", "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™" ]
### Question: After playing <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Half-Life
### Question: After playing <Trauma>, <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, which game from the options <Night Blights>, <Dream Quest>, <Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion>, <SimpleRockets>, <LEGO® Star Wars™ III - The Clone Wars™>, <Please Hold>, <STEAM HAMMER>, <Super Cyborg>, <Men of War: Vietnam>, <The Detail>, <That's Mahjong!>, <Half-Life>, <Overlord: Fellowship of Evil>, <SPACEPLAN>, <Nodiatis>, <Carmageddon TDR 2000>, <Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts>, <Humanity Asset>, <Barbarian Brawl>, <Sorcery! Part 4> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Half-Life
['23380', '71240', '27000', '15390', '35140', '10150', '55140', '500', '3020', '70']
[3437, 3389, 3485, 37, 3462, 57, 3405, 3505, 3539, 2]
['Gyromancer', 'SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life']
The Ship: Murder Party
[ "Gyromancer", "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: The Ship: Murder Party
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Gyromancer>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Moonlight>, <Odd||Even>, <Gabriel Dropout>, <Ironclads: American Civil War>, <Blackbay Asylum>, <Stock Car Extreme>, <Midnight>, <Domain Defense>, <World of Castles>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Cooking Dash®>, <Nidhogg>, <Germ Wars>, <1954 Alcatraz>, <Super Hipster Lumberjack>, <Avernum 6>, <System Shock: Enhanced Edition>, <The Undying Plague>, <Star Trek™ : 25th Anniversary>, <Rabbit Story>? ### Answer: The Ship: Murder Party
['71240', '27000', '15390', '35140', '10150', '55140', '500', '3020', '70', '2400']
[3389, 3485, 37, 3462, 57, 3405, 3505, 3539, 2, 3]
['SEGA Bass Fishing', 'The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party']
Dinner Date
[ "SEGA Bass Fishing", "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party" ]
### Question: This person has played <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Dinner Date
### Question: This person has played <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <White Haven Mysteries>, <Red Faction>, <Dinner Date>, <Reversion - The Escape (1st Chapter)>, <Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II>, <Rush for Berlin Gold>, <Monster Loves You!>, <Ino>, <Streamline>, <WRC 4 FIA World Rally Championship>, <The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth>, <The LEGO® Movie - Videogame>, <Death Skid Marks>, <SOL: Exodus>, <X-COM: Enforcer>, < The Game>, <Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut>, <Age of Fear: The Undead King>, <Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition>, <Terminal Hacker>. ### Answer: Dinner Date
['27000', '15390', '35140', '10150', '55140', '500', '3020', '70', '2400', '94000']
[3485, 37, 3462, 57, 3405, 3505, 3539, 2, 3, 126]
['The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date']
Red Faction
[ "The Path', \"Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date" ]
### Question: Given that the person has played <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Red Faction
### Question: Given that the person has played <The Path', "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date> before, which game title would you recommend this person to play next from the available options: <Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection>, <NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics>, <F.E.A.R. 3>, <US and THEM>, <Legacy of Kain: Defiance>, <CABAL Online>, <Emerland Solitaire: Endless Journey>, <NIGHTSTAR: Rogue Wings>, <Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs>, <Red Faction>, <Action Alien>, <Stick Fight: The Game>, <Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal>, <Party Hard Tycoon>, <Ironclads: American Civil War>, <Anime Studio Simulator>, <BIT.TRIP VOID>, <Potatoman Seeks the Troof>, <Galactic Civilizations III>, <Recursed>? ### Answer: Red Faction
['15390', '35140', '10150', '55140', '500', '3020', '70', '2400', '94000', '20530']
[37, 3462, 57, 3405, 3505, 3539, 2, 3, 126, 3460]
["Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction']
The Sims™ 3
[ "Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™\", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: The Sims™ 3
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway™", 'Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II>, <Unalive>, <Runestone Keeper>, <Might &amp; Magic X - Legacy>, <Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme>, <Hand of the Gods>, <Lethal RPG: War>, <Superstatic>, <Legionwood 2: Rise of the Eternal's Realm - Director's Cut>, <Swapperoo>, <Damned Nation Reborn>, <Hit Tank PRO>, <Stock Car Extreme>, <LUMBERMANCER>, <Blood Code>, <Rumu>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Without Within 2>, <Fighting Fantasy Legends>, <SQUIDS FROM SPACE>? ### Answer: The Sims™ 3
['35140', '10150', '55140', '500', '3020', '70', '2400', '94000', '20530', '47890']
[3462, 57, 3405, 3505, 3539, 2, 3, 126, 3460, 122]
['Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition', 'Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3']
Red Faction II
[ "Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition", "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3" ]
### Question: The person has recently played <Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>. Now, which game from the provided options <CansHere> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Red Faction II
### Question: The person has recently played <Batman: Arkham Asylum Game of the Year Edition>, <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>. Now, which game from the provided options <Mass Effect>, <Cubicle Quest>, <Call of Duty: Black Ops - Mac Edition>, <Vive le Roi>, <Evo Explores>, <Another Perspective>, <Quadrant>, <SEGA Bass Fishing>, <Star Traders: Frontiers>, <bob's game>, <Drive to Hell>, <PERFECT ANGLE: The puzzle game based on optical illusions>, <Kerbal Space Program>, <New kind of adventure>, <Seasteader>, <Red Faction II>, <TankZone Battle>, <RPG Maker 2000>, <Dragonpath>, <Barter Empire> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Red Faction II
['10150', '55140', '500', '3020', '70', '2400', '94000', '20530', '47890', '20550']
[57, 3405, 3505, 3539, 2, 3, 126, 3460, 122, 3461]
['Prototype™', 'MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II']
Vegas: Make It Big™
[ "Prototype™", "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Vegas: Make It Big™
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Prototype™>, <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <Exodus from the Earth>, <The Quest>, <Find this!>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Rage Runner>, <Kitten Rampage>, <DarkMaus>, <TAP TOUCH RUN>, <Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency>, <Anomaly 2>, <Dragon Fin Soup>, <The Kindred>, <Zup! 4>, <Blood Bowl® Legendary Edition>, <Devil's Bluff>, <Trapped Dead>, <Zombie Shooter>, <Star Saviors>, <Constant C>, <Lux Delux>. ### Answer: Vegas: Make It Big™
['55140', '500', '3020', '70', '2400', '94000', '20530', '47890', '20550', '6210']
[3405, 3505, 3539, 2, 3, 126, 3460, 122, 3461, 8]
['MX vs. ATV Reflex', 'Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™']
Portal 2 - The Final Hours
[ "MX vs. ATV Reflex", "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Portal 2 - The Final Hours
### Question: This person has previously played <MX vs. ATV Reflex>, <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>. Among the provided game titles, <Heroes Rise: The Prodigy>, <CHKN>, <Koihime Enbu>, <Dark Lore Mysteries: The Hunt For Truth>, <TRISTOY>, <MotorSport Revolution>, <Lucidity™>, <Jet Set Knights>, <Cute Things Dying Violently>, <Impossible Creatures Steam Edition>, <Skylar &amp; Plux: Adventure On Clover Island>, <Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan>, <Mushroom Wars 2>, <Half-Life: Before>, <The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Haegemonia: Legions of Iron>, <8BitBoy™>, <Synonymy>, <Midnight Mysteries 4: Haunted Houdini>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Portal 2 - The Final Hours
['500', '3020', '70', '2400', '94000', '20530', '47890', '20550', '6210', '104600']
[3505, 3539, 2, 3, 126, 3460, 122, 3461, 8, 3386]
['Left 4 Dead', 'Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours']
Monster Trucks Nitro
[ "Left 4 Dead", "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours" ]
### Question: The person has recently played <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>. Now, which game from the provided options <CansHere> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Monster Trucks Nitro
### Question: The person has recently played <Left 4 Dead>, <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>. Now, which game from the provided options <Harvester>, <Dead In Bermuda>, <Daughter of Shadows: An SCP Breach Event>, <Rogue Shooter: The FPS Roguelike>, <Battle Chasers: Nightwar>, <OR>, <NEON Ultra>, <System Shock: Enhanced Edition>, <Metal Assault>, <Steam Controller>, <The Uninvited: MacVenture Series>, <Voidspire Tactics>, <Card City Nights 2>, <Dark Fall: The Journal>, <Space Hack>, <The Eagle's Heir>, <Aerofly FS 1 Flight Simulator>, <Soulcaster: Part I &amp; II>, <Wooden Floor>, <Monster Trucks Nitro> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: Monster Trucks Nitro
['3020', '70', '2400', '94000', '20530', '47890', '20550', '6210', '104600', '16620']
[3539, 2, 3, 126, 3460, 122, 3461, 8, 3386, 3499]
['Call of Juarez™', 'Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro']
Crayon Physics Deluxe
[ "Call of Juarez™", "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Crayon Physics Deluxe
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Call of Juarez™>, <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <The Low Road>, <Haunted Past: Realm of Ghosts>, <Scarab Tales>, <Theatre of War>, <LUMBERMANCER>, <Cosmic Star Heroine>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers>, <Pajama Sam's Lost &amp; Found>, <Paradigm Shift>, <Tank Force>, <Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved>, <Westerado: Double Barreled>, <Back to Dinosaur Island>, <Bad ass babes>, <SickBrick>, <Choice of Alexandria>, <Eurofighter Typhoon>, <Killbot>, <Pixel Puzzles Ultimate>. ### Answer: Crayon Physics Deluxe
['70', '2400', '94000', '20530', '47890', '20550', '6210', '104600', '16620', '26900']
[2, 3, 126, 3460, 122, 3461, 8, 3386, 3499, 3479]
['Half-Life', 'The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe']
Worms Pinball
[ "Half-Life", "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe" ]
### Question: This person has played <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Worms Pinball
### Question: This person has played <Half-Life>, <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <You Are Not A Banana: Better Edition>, <NightSky>, <Brutal Legend>, <Fences>, <Haunt the House: Terrortown>, <Worms Pinball>, <Paws: A Shelter 2 Game>, <Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders>, <Rock Paper Scissors Champion>, <SHINRAI - Broken Beyond Despair>, <Arcane Mapper>, <Commandos 2: Men of Courage>, <Deep Under the Sky>, <Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken>, <Almightree: The Last Dreamer>, <Arcfall>, <Saints Row: The Third Initiation Station>, <South Park™: The Fractured But Whole™>, <Kitchen Simulator 2015>, <The Jackbox Party Pack>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Worms Pinball
['2400', '94000', '20530', '47890', '20550', '6210', '104600', '16620', '26900', '70660']
[3, 126, 3460, 122, 3461, 8, 3386, 3499, 3479, 3351]
['The Ship: Murder Party', 'Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball']
Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
[ "The Ship: Murder Party", "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
### Question: This person has previously played <The Ship: Murder Party>, <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>. Among the provided game titles, <Speedball 2 HD>, <Monster Jam Battlegrounds>, <The Viceroy>, <Joe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered>, <Anykey Simulator>, <Viktor, a Steampunk Adventure>, <Post Apocalyptic Mayhem>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Colin McRae Rally>, <Megadimension Neptunia VII>, <Ziggurat>, <Atomic 79>, <Flywrench>, <DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: Xtreme Legends Complete Edition / 真・三國無双7 with 猛将伝>, <Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure>, <Dyad>, <Wildlife Park 2>, <Deus Ex: Revision>, <Battlesloths 2025: The Great Pizza Wars>, <Grass Simulator>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
['94000', '20530', '47890', '20550', '6210', '104600', '16620', '26900', '70660', '340']
[126, 3460, 122, 3461, 8, 3386, 3499, 3479, 3351, 3565]
['Dinner Date', 'Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast']
Indie Game: The Movie
[ "Dinner Date", "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast" ]
### Question: After playing <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Indie Game: The Movie
### Question: After playing <Dinner Date>, <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, which game from the options <Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri>, <Turnover>, <Gothic 1>, <Aces Wild: Manic Brawling Action!>, <Palinurus>, <NBA 2K16>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <White Haven Mysteries>, <Impossible Quest>, <My Secret Pets!>, <The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut>, <Voxel Warfare Online>, <StarDrive>, <Empyrion - Galactic Survival>, <Spooky's Jump Scare Mansion>, <Wasteland Angel>, <World of Zoo>, <Rush for Berlin Gold>, <Niche - a genetics survival game>, <The Dark Stone from Mebara> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Indie Game: The Movie
['20530', '47890', '20550', '6210', '104600', '16620', '26900', '70660', '340', '207080']
[3460, 122, 3461, 8, 3386, 3499, 3479, 3351, 3565, 180]
['Red Faction', 'The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie']
Toy Soldiers
[ "Red Faction", "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie" ]
### Question: This person has played <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Toy Soldiers
### Question: This person has played <Red Faction>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <Kivi, Toilet and Shotgun>, <Vector>, <River City Super Sports Challenge ~All Stars Special~>, <Octodad: Dadliest Catch>, <Fear For Freedom>, <Garden Rescue: Christmas Edition>, <Fur Fun>, <Disciples III: Reincarnation>, <Toy Soldiers>, <In Between>, <DOOM 3>, <Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey / フィリスのアトリエ ~不思議な旅の錬金術士~>, <Kindred Spirits on the Roof>, <Lightspeed Frontier>, <Walkover>, <Ford Racing 3>, <Laraan>, <Bermuda>, <The Swapper>, <Alien Spidy>. ### Answer: Toy Soldiers
['47890', '20550', '6210', '104600', '16620', '26900', '70660', '340', '207080', '98300']
[122, 3461, 8, 3386, 3499, 3479, 3351, 3565, 180, 176]
['The Sims™ 3', 'Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers']
Tribes: Ascend
[ "The Sims™ 3", "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Tribes: Ascend
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <The Sims™ 3>, <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <Dragon Glory>, <Ford Street Racing>, <Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War® - Soulstorm>, <Disney Infinity 3.0: Gold Edition>, <SLI-FI: 2D Planet Platformer>, <Warden: Melody of the Undergrowth>, <Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator>, <Black Sand Drift>, <Cubway>, <Sky Break>, <Tap Heroes>, <Survive in Space>, <Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition>, <Solitaire Royale>, <May’s Mysteries: The Secret of Dragonville>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Mountain>, <Heroes of a Broken Land>, <Dots eXtreme>, <Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number>? ### Answer: Tribes: Ascend
['20550', '6210', '104600', '16620', '26900', '70660', '340', '207080', '98300', '17080']
[3461, 8, 3386, 3499, 3479, 3351, 3565, 180, 176, 185]
['Red Faction II', 'Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend']
Hunting Unlimited 2010
[ "Red Faction II", "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend" ]
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>? Choose one game title from the options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Hunting Unlimited 2010
### Question: Can you predict the next game this person will play based on their previous gameplay of <Red Faction II>, <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>? Choose one game title from the options: <XSplit>, <Butsbal>, <Wolfenstein 3D>, <Lethal RPG: War>, <Crash Force®>, <Counter-Strike: Condition Zero>, <OH! RPG!>, <Mortifero Motus>, <FleetCOMM>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ratz Instagib>, <Mazement>, <NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION: Sphere of Influence - Ascension / 信長の野望・創造 戦国立志伝>, <Vapour>, <Age of Barbarian Extended Cut>, <Fall of the New Age Premium Edition>, <Galaxy Admirals>, <World of Zoo>, <Cargo 3>, <Rex: Another Island>. ### Answer: Hunting Unlimited 2010
['6210', '104600', '16620', '26900', '70660', '340', '207080', '98300', '17080', '12690']
[8, 3386, 3499, 3479, 3351, 3565, 180, 176, 185, 61]
['Vegas: Make It Big™', 'Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010']
Ticket to Ride
[ "Vegas: Make It Big™", "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010" ]
### Question: This person has previously played <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>. Among the provided game titles, <CansHere>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Ticket to Ride
### Question: This person has previously played <Vegas: Make It Big™>, <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>. Among the provided game titles, <Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor>, <ChromaGun>, <Piercing Blow>, <Windscape>, <SAELIG>, <Dungeon of Elements>, <Lost Lands: A Hidden Object Adventure>, <ESEA>, <Rollers of the Realm>, <Borstal>, <Stairs>, <An Alternative Reality: The Football Manager Documentary>, <The Whisperer in Darkness>, <Lonath Online>, <Door Kickers: Action Squad>, <LEGO® Star Wars™ - The Complete Saga>, <Terra Incognita ~ Chapter One: The Descendant>, <DYNASTY WARRIORS® 8 Empires>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Sudoku Quest>, please suggest the next game for this person to play. ### Answer: Ticket to Ride
['104600', '16620', '26900', '70660', '340', '207080', '98300', '17080', '12690', '108200']
[3386, 3499, 3479, 3351, 3565, 180, 176, 185, 61, 178]
['Portal 2 - The Final Hours', 'Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride']
Fractal: Make Blooms Not War
[ "Portal 2 - The Final Hours", "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Fractal: Make Blooms Not War
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Portal 2 - The Final Hours>, <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <PAC-MAN 256>, <Farmer's Dynasty>, <Highlands>, <Soldier Front 2>, <Aggression: Europe Under Fire>, <HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel>, <Fall of the New Age Premium Edition>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <Planetary Annihilation: TITANS>, <StarCrawlers>, <Jidousha Shakai>, <Chaos Reborn>, <Mystic Saga>, <MURI>, <Pixelscape: Oceans>, <Shattered Union>, <NEXT JUMP: Shmup Tactics>, <Master of Orion 2>, <And So It Was>, <ClickRaid>? ### Answer: Fractal: Make Blooms Not War
['16620', '26900', '70660', '340', '207080', '98300', '17080', '12690', '108200', '61310']
[3499, 3479, 3351, 3565, 180, 176, 185, 61, 178, 152]
['Monster Trucks Nitro', 'Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War']
The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
[ "Monster Trucks Nitro", "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Monster Trucks Nitro>, <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <Make America Great Again: The Trump Presidency>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Silence>, <Medieval II: Total War™>, <Stock Car Extreme>, <Virtual Rides 3 - Funfair Simulator>, <NotCoD™>, <Grand Designer>, <Pixel Puzzles Ultimate>, <Egg Returns Home>, <Mercury Fallen>, <March of Empires>, <Another Perspective>, <Omegaland>, <Dead Space™ 2>, <Cornerstone: The Song of Tyrim>, <JumpSky>, <Anodyne>, <The Sims™ 3>, <Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear>. ### Answer: The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom
['26900', '70660', '340', '207080', '98300', '17080', '12690', '108200', '61310', '40930']
[3479, 3351, 3565, 180, 176, 185, 61, 178, 152, 92]
['Crayon Physics Deluxe', 'Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom']
[ "Crayon Physics Deluxe", "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom" ]
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <CansHere>? ### Answer: Inversion™
### Question: Considering the person's play history includes <Crayon Physics Deluxe>, <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, which game do you think she/he will play next from the available options <Don't cut your hand>, <Eradicator>, <Solar War>, <The Archetype>, <Day of the Tentacle Remastered>, <Three Heroes>, <Zombitatos the end of the Pc master race>, <ABZU>, <The Detail>, <Pixel Puzzles Ultimate>, <Paws: A Shelter 2 Game>, <The Apogee Throwback Pack>, <Zoo Empire>, <"Glow Ball" - The billiard puzzle game>, <Market Tycoon>, <Multiwinia>, <Save the Dodos>, <Inversion™>, <Tiles &amp; Tales>, <Portal Knights>? ### Answer: Inversion™
['70660', '340', '207080', '98300', '17080', '12690', '108200', '61310', '40930', '212410']
[3351, 3565, 180, 176, 185, 61, 178, 152, 92, 3309]
['Worms Pinball', 'Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™']
Typer Shark! Deluxe
[ "Worms Pinball", "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™" ]
### Question: This person has played <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Typer Shark! Deluxe
### Question: This person has played <Worms Pinball>, <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™> in the past. Please recommend a game for he/she to play next from the following titles: <Bermuda>, <Front Office Football Seven>, <Earth 2160>, <Shattered Union>, <Time of Dragons>, <BATTLE PIXELS>, <Pregnancy>, <Out There: Ω Edition>, <Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut>, <Combat Monsters>, <RimWorld>, <Warbanners>, <SimAirport>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Pivvot>, <Gary Grigsby's War in the East>, <STEAM HAMMER>, <Sorcery! Part 4>, <Ichi>, <Star Command Galaxies>. ### Answer: Typer Shark! Deluxe
['340', '207080', '98300', '17080', '12690', '108200', '61310', '40930', '212410', '3450']
[3565, 180, 176, 185, 61, 178, 152, 92, 3309, 3571]
['Half-Life 2: Lost Coast', 'Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe']
Super Crate Box
[ "Half-Life 2: Lost Coast", "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Super Crate Box
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Half-Life 2: Lost Coast>, <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <Energy Balance>, <Bokida - Heartfelt Reunion>, <Puzzle Galaxies>, <Blockle>, <Numberline>, <Blood Harvest>, <Girlfriend Rescue>, <Praetorians>, <Super Crate Box>, <Ubersoldier II>, <Devil's Bluff>, <DUNGEONS - Steam Special Edition>, <Wargame: Red Dragon>, <Amazing Adventures The Lost Tomb™>, <Heroes of a Broken Land>, <AdventureQuest 3D>, <Unmechanical>, <RollerCoaster Tycoon® Classic>, <VEGAS Movie Studio 14 Steam Edition>, <Steel &amp; Steam: Episode 1>. ### Answer: Super Crate Box
['207080', '98300', '17080', '12690', '108200', '61310', '40930', '212410', '3450', '212800']
[180, 176, 185, 61, 178, 152, 92, 3309, 3571, 3300]
['Indie Game: The Movie', 'Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe', 'Super Crate Box']
Death Rally
[ "Indie Game: The Movie", "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe", "Super Crate Box" ]
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: Death Rally
### Question: Given the previous game choice of <Indie Game: The Movie>, <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, which game do you anticipate the person will play next? Select one from the available options: <Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization>, <The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça &amp; Pizzaboy®>, <One Night Two Crazies>, <Rambo The Video Game: Baker Team>, <Art of War: Red Tides>, <Richard &amp; Alice>, <Rogue's Tale>, <March of Empires>, <Piercing Blow>, <Caster>, <Unreal Tournament 3 Black>, <Death Rally>, <Yet Another World>, <The fall of gods>, <Sanctum 2>, <Square Heroes>, <Pixel-Warfare: Pro>, <Orcs Must Die! 2>, <Exile's End>, <XSplit>. ### Answer: Death Rally
['98300', '17080', '12690', '108200', '61310', '40930', '212410', '3450', '212800', '108700']
[176, 185, 61, 178, 152, 92, 3309, 3571, 3300, 189]
['Toy Soldiers', 'Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe', 'Super Crate Box', 'Death Rally']
Thirty Flights of Loving
[ "Toy Soldiers", "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe", "Super Crate Box", "Death Rally" ]
### Question: This person has played <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <CansHere>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Thirty Flights of Loving
### Question: This person has played <Toy Soldiers>, <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally> in the previous. Given the following game titles, <Glittermitten Grove>, <Knight Squad>, <Trackday Manager>, <Solar Settlers>, <GameLoading: Rise of the Indies>, <Blood Code>, <Illyriad - Grand Strategy MMO>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Spy Fox 3 "Operation Ozone">, <Ace of Spades: Battle Builder>, <Paradigm Shift>, <Jack Lumber>, <Mahluk:Dark demon>, <Sonic CD>, <Flywrench>, <BOOR>, <TinkerQuarry>, <Strike Suit Zero: Director's Cut>, <Empress Of The Deep>, <Painters Guild>, recommend one game for this person to play next. ### Answer: Thirty Flights of Loving
['17080', '12690', '108200', '61310', '40930', '212410', '3450', '212800', '108700', '214700']
[185, 61, 178, 152, 92, 3309, 3571, 3300, 189, 3304]
['Tribes: Ascend', 'Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe', 'Super Crate Box', 'Death Rally', 'Thirty Flights of Loving']
Far Cry 3
[ "Tribes: Ascend", "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe", "Super Crate Box", "Death Rally", "Thirty Flights of Loving" ]
### Question: After playing <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Far Cry 3
### Question: After playing <Tribes: Ascend>, <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, which game from the options <Warriors' Wrath>, <Defiance>, <Showing Tonight: Mindhunters Incident>, <Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice>, <Hidden Object Bundle 4 in 1>, <Far Cry 3>, <Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion>, <Achievement Hunter: Darkness>, <Space Wars: Interstellar Empires>, <Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon>, <ALONE IN SPACE>, <Wayward Terran Frontier: Zero Falls>, <Masterspace>, <Last Knight: Rogue Rider Edition>, <Shadow of Kingdoms>, <Highlands>, <Space Run Galaxy>, <Sumo Revise>, <Hade>, <LOST ORBIT> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Far Cry 3
['12690', '108200', '61310', '40930', '212410', '3450', '212800', '108700', '214700', '220240']
[61, 178, 152, 92, 3309, 3571, 3300, 189, 3304, 3269]
['Hunting Unlimited 2010', 'Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe', 'Super Crate Box', 'Death Rally', 'Thirty Flights of Loving', 'Far Cry 3']
ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution
[ "Hunting Unlimited 2010", "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe", "Super Crate Box", "Death Rally", "Thirty Flights of Loving", "Far Cry 3" ]
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <CansHere>. ### Answer: ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution
### Question: The person's gaming history includes <Hunting Unlimited 2010>, <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>. Now, which game title do you recommend this person to play next? Select one from the provided options: <ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution>, <Decent Icons>, <Dispatcher>, <Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive>, <Chicken Invaders 3>, <Solar War>, <Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds>, <Boot Hill Heroes>, <Tricky Towers>, <Luxor 3>, <Nephise>, <ATOMINE>, <Formula Fusion>, <BossConstructor>, <Inferno 2>, <Airport Madness 4>, <Jones On Fire>, <Sky Mercenaries>, <Trial by Viking>, <The Last NightMary - A Lenda do Cabeça de Cuia>. ### Answer: ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution
['108200', '61310', '40930', '212410', '3450', '212800', '108700', '214700', '220240', '285580']
[178, 152, 92, 3309, 3571, 3300, 189, 3304, 3269, 2925]
['Ticket to Ride', 'Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe', 'Super Crate Box', 'Death Rally', 'Thirty Flights of Loving', 'Far Cry 3', 'ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution']
Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive
[ "Ticket to Ride", "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe", "Super Crate Box", "Death Rally", "Thirty Flights of Loving", "Far Cry 3", "ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution" ]
### Question: After playing <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>, <ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution>, which game from the options <CansHere> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive
### Question: After playing <Ticket to Ride>, <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>, <ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution>, which game from the options <Deathtrap>, <Ballistic Protection>, <Zenodyne R>, <Need For Drink>, <Crimzon Clover WORLD IGNITION>, <Sonic &amp; All-Stars Racing Transformed>, <Ori and the Blind Forest>, <Solar Settlers>, <Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons>, <Stacking>, <Incoming Forces>, <Killbot>, <The Archetype>, <Dragon Fin Soup>, <Tango Fiesta>, <Space Impossible>, <Monster Monpiece>, <Stream Avatars>, <Evoland 2>, <Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive> would you recommend for this person to play next? ### Answer: Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive
['61310', '40930', '212410', '3450', '212800', '108700', '214700', '220240', '285580', '248530']
[152, 92, 3309, 3571, 3300, 189, 3304, 3269, 2925, 2929]
['Fractal: Make Blooms Not War', 'The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe', 'Super Crate Box', 'Death Rally', 'Thirty Flights of Loving', 'Far Cry 3', 'ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution', 'Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive']
Estranged: Act I
[ "Fractal: Make Blooms Not War", "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe", "Super Crate Box", "Death Rally", "Thirty Flights of Loving", "Far Cry 3", "ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution", "Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive" ]
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>, <ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution>, <Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <CansHere>? ### Answer: Estranged: Act I
### Question: Based on the person's previous gameplay of <Fractal: Make Blooms Not War>, <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>, <ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution>, <Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive>, which game title would you suggest for this person's next gaming experience from the following options: <The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel>, <Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology Project>, <VEGAS Movie Studio 14 Steam Edition>, <Aggression: Europe Under Fire>, <LawBreakers>, <Controller Companion>, <POSTAL>, <Apocalypse Hotel - The Post-Apocalyptic Hotel Simulator!>, <Estranged: Act I>, <Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition>, <Eclipse: New Dawn for the Galaxy>, <Death Rally (Classic)>, <Avoid - Sensory Overload>, <ORCS>, <FATE: The Traitor Soul>, <The Last Hope>, <Type:Rider>, <Magazime Editor>, <Legends of Persia>, <Terminal Hacker>? ### Answer: Estranged: Act I
['40930', '212410', '3450', '212800', '108700', '214700', '220240', '285580', '248530', '261820']
[92, 3309, 3571, 3300, 189, 3304, 3269, 2925, 2929, 305]
['The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom', 'Inversion™', 'Typer Shark! Deluxe', 'Super Crate Box', 'Death Rally', 'Thirty Flights of Loving', 'Far Cry 3', 'ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution', 'Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive', 'Estranged: Act I']
[ "The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom", "Inversion™", "Typer Shark! Deluxe", "Super Crate Box", "Death Rally", "Thirty Flights of Loving", "Far Cry 3", "ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution", "Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive", "Estranged: Act I" ]
### Question: The person has recently played <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>, <ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution>, <Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive>, <Estranged: Act I>. Now, which game from the provided options <CansHere> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: DisplayFusion
### Question: The person has recently played <The Misadventures of P.B. Winterbottom>, <Inversion™>, <Typer Shark! Deluxe>, <Super Crate Box>, <Death Rally>, <Thirty Flights of Loving>, <Far Cry 3>, <ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution>, <Depth Hunter 2: Deep Dive>, <Estranged: Act I>. Now, which game from the provided options <Blood Code>, <Painkiller Overdose>, <Base Defense>, <Blackguards>, <BLOCKADE 3D>, <GOCCO OF WAR>, <Intake>, <Crossout>, <Master Levels for Doom II>, <Paws: A Shelter 2 Game>, <LiEat>, <Garden Rescue: Christmas Edition>, <Saints Row: The Third Initiation Station>, <Achievement Hunter: Darkness>, <QUAKE Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity>, <One More Dungeon>, <Root Of Evil: The Tailor>, <DisplayFusion>, <Dungeon Kingdom: Sign of the Moon>, <Gigachess> do you predict they will play next? ### Answer: DisplayFusion