(That's why Jenn works with us!).
(Ndio sababu Jenn hufanya kazi nasi!).
The Israelites had many reasons to be loyal to God.
Waisraeli walikuwa na sababu mingi za kuwa washikamanifu kwa Mungu.
4:4), has always been in Christmas.
4:4), wakati wote amekuwa katika Krismasi.
"Who would not believe in God especially after what I went through with my family?
"Ni nani ambaye hawezi mwamini Mungu hasaa baada ya yale ambayo nimepitia pamoja na familia yangu?
(36:37) And the night is another Sign for them.
[36.37] Na usiku ni Ishara kwao.
Yes, go back through your questions - all of them.
Ndiyo, kurudi kupitia maswali yako - wote.
Before this report, children's needs and rights were unknown in Madagascar.
Kabla ya ripoti hii, mahitaji na haki za watoto vilikuwa havijuliakani katika Madagaskar.
Do they think that the help We are giving them (in this world) in the shape of wealth and children,
Wanadhani ya kuwa kwa vile Tunavyowapa mali na watoto)) ((Ndio Tunawahimizia kheri?
One day in November of 2006 I finally heard the news of the Lord's return.
Siku moja katika mwezi wa Novemba mwaka 2006 nilisikia hatimaye habari ya kurudi kwa Bwana.
Many women in Africa don't know this- that they're a gift."
Wanawake wengi barani Afrika hawajui hii - kwamba wao ni zawadi. "
He - He will bring rain in its time.
Na Yeye huteremsha mvua kwa wakati wake alio uweka.
And they allowed only one goal in them.
Na waliruhusu lengo moja tu ndani yao.
The beds are certainly at ease.
Na walio dar ndiyo rahisi kufikiwa.
"I'm afraid the Syrian war will go on in its awful, miserable way."
"Ninaogopa vita vya Syria vitaendelea katika njia yake mbaya, yenye kusikitisha.
In the resurrection (which they don't believe in!), whose wife will she be?"
Je katika ufufuo atakuwa mke wa yupi?
Thus, God's servants could communicate with all kinds of people, and this contributed to the spread of the good news.
Kwa hiyo, watumishi wa Mungu wangeweza kuwasiliana na watu wa kila aina, na hilo lilisaidia kueneza habari njema.
And the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allāh; then will you not reason?
Na nyumba ya Akhera ni bora kwa wale wenye takuwa Basi je, hamtii akilini?
One man of you shall chase a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, as He promised you."
Mtu mmoja miongoni mwenu atafukuza watu elfu, kwa kuwa BWANA Mungu wenu anawapigania, kama alivyoahidi.
So the father divided up the property between them.
Basi huyo baba akagawanya mali yake kati yao.
I have killed Pharaoh, and I do not fear death."
Mimi nimemuua mtu wa jamii ya Fir'awn, basi naogopa wasije wakaniua.
"Am I not better than ten sons?
Je, mimi si bora zaidi kwako kuliko watoto kumi?"
Again they failed (10-14).
Mara nyingine tena wakashindwa (10-14).
Is it because he was an overseer of others?
Je, ni kwa sababu alikuwa mwangalizi wa wengine?
Said: Yes, and faith in their hearts like a mountain.
Akajibu, "Naam, na Imani ilikuwa ndani ya nyoyo zao kama milima."
As I understand the law, your kids are free to pray at school.
Kama ninavyoelewa sheria, watoto wako wako huru kuomba shuleni.
That's the reality facing thousands of Victorians, and it will happen again
Huo ndio ukweli unaowakabili maelfu ya Wa-Victoria, na itatokea tena
the sins of others appear later.
Lakini dhambi za watu wengine huonekana baadaye.
But, we can be sure he hated being a slave.
Lakini, tunaweza kuwa na uhakika kuwa alichukia kuwa mtumwa.
So depart from here with the people of your household in the last hours of the night.
Basi ondoka pamoja na watu wako wa nyumbani katika sehemu ya usiku.
So if we can determine how long they lasted, then we will know when God's Kingdom began ruling.
Hivyo ikiwa tunaweza kujua zilikuwa na urefu gani, tutajua wakati ambapo Ufalme wa Mungu ulianza kutawala.
Today's environmental challenges need all of us, not half of us.
Changamoto za mazingira za leo zinahitaji sisi sote, sio nusu yetu.
Like the days of a tree will be the days of my people; my chosen will make full use of their handiwork."
Kwa maana siku za watu wangu zitakuwa kama siku za mti, na watu wangu niliowachagua watafurahia kikamili kazi ya mikono yao."
I served you for Rachel, didn't I?
Nilikutumikia kwa ajili ya Raheli, Sivyo?
"I was a child, with clean clothes,
"Nilikuwa mtoto, pamoja na nguo safi,
Tell us, Mary, what did you see on the way?
Utuambie Maria, uliona nini njiani?
And that makes his heart glad! - Proverbs 27:11.
Na hilo huufanya moyo wake ushangilie! - Methali 27:11.
If all the fish in the sea were gathered, would that be enough for them?'
Au samaki wote wa baharini watakusanywa pamoja kwa ajili yao, ili kuwatosha?
"When We revealed to your mother that which was revealed."
Pale tulipo mfunulia mama yako yaliyo funuliwa,
Most of us (including myself) tend to think that the straight path is the best one.
Wengi wetu (pamoja na mimi mwenyewe) huwa tunafikiria kwamba njia sahihi ni bora zaidi.
[36:55] The people of the Paradise are engaged today in (their) activities, happily enjoying (them).
"Kwa yakini watu wa Peponi leo wamo katika shughuli (zao), Wamefurahi.
They are the enemy so beware of them.
Hao ndio maadui, basi tahadhari nao.
This is where they will stay forever; they are eating the fruits of their labour.
Watabakia hapa milele yote; wanakula matunda ya kazi yao milele na milele.
your hand so you can perform the signs with it."
Nawe utatwaa fimbo hii mkononi mwako, na kwa hiyo utazifanya zile ishara."
and a man's enemies will be those of his own household.'
Kwa kweli, adui za mtu watakuwa watu wa nyumbani kwake mwenyewe."
Peace be on Nuh (Noah) in all the worlds!
Iwe salama kwa Nuhu ulimwenguni kote!
I Will Bring your children from the east
nitawaleta watoto wako kutoka mashariki
For now, even those who are trying to please God will face anxieties.
Kwa sasa, hata wale ambao hujitahidi kumpendeza Mungu wanakabili mahangaiko.
Do you think this is what the five wanted to hear?
Unadhani hiki ndicho ambacho wale watu watano walitaka kukisikia?
I had not been told the half of your great wisdom.
Sikuwa nimeambiwa nusu ya hekima yako kubwa.
They would say, 'This man began to build, but he was not able to finish.'
wakisema: Mtu huyu alianza kujenga, lakini hakumalizia.
"These men are confident that #India doesn't care about us."
"Wanaume hawa wana hakika kuwa #India haitujali."
So he left the city in fear, vigilant.
Basi aliutoka mji ilhali ni mwenye khofu yuangalia (ni jambo gani litazuka).
He explained: "Whatever things [the Father] does, these things the Son also does in like manner.
Alieleza hivi: "Mambo yoyote yale [Baba] hufanya, mambo hayo Mwana pia hufanya kwa namna kama hiyo.
Those with him safely on the other side are the Israelites.
Wale walio pamoja naye salama upande mwingine ni Waisraeli.
So he told a story about a man who forgot God.
Basi alisimulia hadithi kuhusu mtu mmoja aliyemsahau Mungu.
[023:111] Verily, I have rewarded them this Day for their patience, they are indeed the ones that are successful.
Hakika Mimi Nimewalipa leo (Jannah) kwa yale waliyokuwa wakisubiri; hakika wao ndio wenye kufuzu.
3 God-fearing men and women knew what they must do.
3 Wanaume na wanawake waliomwogopa Mungu walijua mambo waliyopaswa kufanya.
I'll bring your children from the east,
nitawaleta watoto wako kutoka mashariki
I can't be Buddha until I do it!
Siwezi Kuwa Buddha Mpaka Nitaifanya!
Did not ye hate me, and expel me out of my father's house?
Ninyi hamkunichukia mimi na kunifukuza nitoke katika nyumba ya baba yangu?
Then the man of God began to cry.
Kisha mtu wa Mungu akaanza kulia.
Happy is the one whom you choose and bring near."
Mwenye furaha ni yule unayemuchagua na kumufanya akaribie.'
Allah (swt) says: "Laylat-ul-Qadr is better than a thousand months."
Mwenyezi Mungu anasema: "Laylatul Qadri ni bora kuliko miezi elfu moja."
These are the (real) enemies; so beware of them.
Hao ni maadui; tahadhari nao.Mwenyezi Mungu awaangamizilie mbali!
"But this year we have the right to fight.
"Lakini mwaka huu tuna haki ya kupigana.
The Angels will curse her until she rises up in the morning."
Hulaaniwa (mwanamke huyo) na malaika mpaka kunapambazuka asubuhi."
Roberto also felt that he needed God's spirit but for different reasons.
Pia, Roberto alihisi kwamba anahitaji roho ya Mungu lakini kwa sababu tofauti.
[18:15] These people of ours have taken up gods besides Him.
[18.15] Hawa watu wetu wameshika miungu mingine badalayake Yeye.
thee therein except for a little while.
humo karibu yako ila muda mchache tu.
He was the first creature to lie about God, and he did so back in the garden of Eden.
Yeye ndiye aliyekuwa kiumbe wa kwanza kusema uwongo kumhusu Mungu, naye alifanya hivyo kwenye bustani ya Edeni.
They made home computers until 1993.
Walitengeneza kompyuta za nyumbani mpaka 1993.
There is no peace, except in righteousness.
Amani haipo ila utulivu upo.
"A great God has made known to the king what shall be hereafter.
Mungu alionyesha mfalme mkuu, nini kitatokea katika siku zijazo.
Tell me, then, which of them will love him most?"
Kwa hiyo, ni nani kati yao atakayempenda zaidi?"
And he languished in prison for a number of years more.
Basi (Yusuf) akakaa gerezani miaka kadhaa.
And a man's enemies shall be they of his own house-hold."
Kwa kweli, adui za mtu watakuwa watu wa nyumbani kwake mwenyewe."
Do they look like they could be from 1967?
Je, wanaonekana kama wangeweza kuwa kutoka 1967?
But the desire - "I want to die" - grew from day to day.
Lakini tamaa - "Nataka kufa" - ilikua kutoka siku hadi siku.
It is because of the wickedness of those who lived there.
kwa sababu ya uovu wa wale walioishi humo.
My Mom's television just broke this week.
Televisheni ya Mama yangu imevunja tu wiki hii.
If We willed, We could make it bitter, so why are you not grateful? [88]
Lau tungetaka tunge yafanya kuwa ya chumvi (makali) basi mbona hamshukuru"?
Tell the house of Israel all that you see."
Iambie nyumba ya Israeli kila kitu utakachoona."
Tell the house of Israel everything you see'."
Iambie nyumba ya Israeli kila kitu utakachoona."
He may tell us the name of this child."
Huenda akatueleza jina la mtoto huyu."
You know not which of them is nearer in benefit to you.
nyinyi hamjui ni nani baina yao aliye karibia zaidi kwenu kwa manufaa.
I will not do this in your lifetime, but during the rule of your son.
Sitafanya hivyo wakati wa maisha yako, bali wakati wa utawala wa mwanao.
saying, "this is the time of your life."
Ama akisema: Hiba hii ni yako muda wa maisha yako.
There is only one God, the Father, who made the World and has a great purpose for it.
Kuna Mungu mmoja tu, Baba, aliyeumba dunia na ana kusudi kubwa nayo.
They grow up too fast and this year he wants to go to school alone.
Wanakua haraka sana na mwaka huu anataka kwenda shuleni peke yake.
He said, "Every tree is known by its FRUIT.
Alisema: "Kila mti hujulikana kwa matunda yake."
Therefore, after his death, it is your right to rule Arabia."
Kwa hiyo, baada ya kifo chake, ni haki yenu kuitawala Arabia."
Do you know why the apostles became afraid? - They had failed to do something very important.
Je, unajua ni kwa nini mitume waliogopa? - Walikosa kufanya jambo fulani muhimu.
The Lord said, "Yes, you have to go back and tell them everything you've seen.
Bwana akasema: "Ndiyo, ni lazima urudi ukawaambie kila kitu ulichoona.
We must do it to see if you are still Americans!
Ni lazima kufanya hivyo ili kuona kama wewe bado ni Wamarekani!
else he will be wise in his own eyes.
ama atakuwa mwenye hekima machoni pake mwenyewe.
He makes plain His verses to the people, in order that they will remember."
Naye huzibainisha Aya zake kwa watu ili wapate kukumbuka. ***
He said, "From childhood;
Akasema, Tangu utoto.
As explained, God is expanding His Family, adding more children.
Kama ilivyofafanuliwa, Mungu anapanua Familia Yake, akiongeza wana zaidi.
To-morrow they will know who is the liar, the insolent one.
Kesho watajua ni nani huyo mwongo mwenye kiburi.
As for me, I say that not only one prophet may appear but thousands."
Kwangu mimi, nasema kuwa sio tu nabii mmoja atakaetokea bali maelfu."