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i really have much of a clue how my ex actually feels or felt about anything really except that he hated it when i didnt screw the lids back on jars in the kitchen | anger |
i woke up feeling ugly and im sure i looked like a hot mess | sadness |
i feel a strange obligation to be interested and encouraging even when the kid is clearly taking the piss | fear |
i contributed my ideas and opinions during discussions and i feel that i contributed ideas that were valued and taken into consideration | joy |
i was starting feel a bit regretful for the break up so i thought id write this list to remind me why i broke it off | sadness |
i cannot wait for school to end so i can change into a tank top and shorts and head to the gym and then to release my toxins and stretch and realize that homework is important but feeling good is even better | joy |
i don t know this shit happens but every time i find out about yet another secret makeshift graveyard full of women s bones i feel that enraged impotence just like it was the first time | anger |
i do not feel outraged by the change in name changing tanjore to thanjavur and mysore to mysuru makes more sense but since the previous cities were named by the very people who made them what they are today from mere villages to major power centres it s not a crime to retain those names | anger |
i am more well read and i feel like im becoming more intelligent and articulate | joy |
i feel so terrified to tell her | fear |
i feel pretty rotten | sadness |
im not really terrified of childbirth this time around and even though i know no matter what unexpectedly pops up you really can survive it and even though the author of my baby planner would be beaming with pride that i followed her instructions to the letter im still feeling a bit uncertain | fear |
i own the brushes are constantly used and i feel that they are a worthwhile investment | joy |
i didnt regret anything after bought this and i feel so satisfied about it thankyouu lt | joy |
i feel lonely and he always talks to me | sadness |
i feel repressed enough as it is and these sorts of repressive measures and guidelines only succeed in making me want to have more sex and partaking of the revelry that comes with being a dirty slut | sadness |
i can only feel rejected and tossed aside and hurt for so long before i get enough guts to just pick up and move on | sadness |
i feel eager to push forward but so far havent applied myself completely to it | joy |
i feel overwhelmed by my circumstance in all of my mere human ness i will remember that god has landed here | surprise |
im feeling a little vulnerable | fear |
i wouldnt buy it but if someone gave me some id wear it if i was feeling a particularly vain that day but not really | sadness |
i still don t feel devastated by the break up | sadness |
i am at day and i am feeling terrific | joy |
i almost feel a little bit weird about saying anything because it would almost feel like gossip | surprise |
i have been feeling suitably punished | sadness |
i always feel vaguely suspicious giving my personal details to random strangers i tell myself not to give her my real date of birth | fear |
i do think as he was feeling a bit of humiliated they did not have an excellent alternative they wanted all of us to clarify the fact that stop mortgage is working | sadness |
i cant seem to get passed feeling stunned | surprise |
i began feeling shaky my heart was sort of skipping around i felt like someone who had been drinking coffee all day long | fear |
i hope all of you epers feel terrific too | joy |
i do reviews only on my personal experience please do not feel insulted or put off by my words i intend only to advise | anger |
i feel very vulnerable and exposed too when i was in school i never thought this was how my life was going to be | fear |
i feel for the death of this innocent child i dont trust her or her story | joy |
i do know that when i see the colour purple it makes me feel calm | joy |
im feeling less grumpy after that | anger |
i need to be able to pursue the creative opportunities i crave without feeling like i m throwing my family under the bus funny how they still want to be fed even when i have a big gig to prepare for | surprise |
i like the new ones better i feel they are superior to the originals in every single way | joy |
i can feel a sense of comfort with nostalgic sweetness | love |
i came home with these bits and bobs feeling very pleased with myself and ready for some sunny british weather | joy |
i feel strongly that those who finger point and wish to control other peoples lives are not feeling very peaceful and content within their own lives | joy |
i feel no need to offer it though i do feel a bit suspicious in the area of is she doing this just to try and lump all the people who have bothered to argue cogently with her in with the woman hating misogynists | fear |
i rarely feel inspired and ready to write | joy |
i feel loyal to skirtsports | love |
i have to think for days what to text him and i feel really nervous if he doesnt answer | fear |
im kinda relieve but at the same time i feel disheartened | sadness |
i have tuned in to some country music the past year but it has only left me feeling empty | sadness |
i have panic attacks when the phone rings and just feel so isolated | sadness |
i have had a seizure i am not allowed to take part even though i feel fine | joy |
i firmly believe that you shouldnt have to spend a lot to look feel fantastic and i love mixing style steals with higher end items | joy |
i feel like such a goof ball for the things i am curious about but i see life as this adventure that i get to embark on and i want to squeeze every ounce of good from it | surprise |
i feel i have rushed moments where i begin to take this life here for granted i just look at them they look at me and my graced life becomes the stage again warts crushed worms under foot and all the other conflicts that come with it | anger |
i feel for him and im sympathetic because i have known people who have struggled with alcohol and drug addiction | love |
i do feels amazing and is an investment for something greater | joy |
i have a positive or negative experience depends largely on how much i feel control was either respected or taken from me | joy |
im just feeling insecure and while i can easily diagnose these dispositions it doesnt help | fear |
ive been sitting in my wheel chair to move laundry and while the chair isnt terribly maneuverable due to the confines of the small laundry area at least it feels fairly safe even it it is still quite a struggle | joy |
i wait to hear if you feel i should find this is acceptable | joy |
im feeling very remorseful at the moment | sadness |
talking to a very good friend who had just had a very bad experience which was changing his whole way of looking at life etc | sadness |
when i noticed two spiders running on the floor in different directions | anger |
i am feeling so invigorated and so ready to keep pushing on to goal | joy |
i feel like a super hero now that she naps amp sleeps in her crib | joy |
i feel like its one of the most valuable tools in my art box | joy |
i began to feel a lot better about the situation and decided to just keep doing what i was doing | joy |
i am left feeling underwhelmed and ungrateful | sadness |
i feel that popular culture especially in the uk and the usa is mired in an unsavoury mix squalor and stupidity | joy |
i want to feel good but during that short week you don t get a chance | joy |
i feel like im alone in missing him and because of that i feel a bit foolish for missing him as much as i do | sadness |
i did though and woke up feeling terrific | joy |
i know that part of the problem is that i feel like i have become more boring and less of an interesting person since those days | sadness |
i feel that anger toward someone else not caring about someone else being selfish creating a negative impression of someone else not noticing the person next to them not saying hello to someone they must recognize where is my good heart | love |
i feel so useless as i am bent on p here on the floor | sadness |
i know sweetie turning in a month but you re still years old it s hard to comprehend what s going on except that the feeling isn t pleasant | joy |
i feel bitter about me being like this but then i really am not | anger |
i thought it would be fun and therapeutic and that i would feel useful and helpful by keeping up her blog | joy |
i feel pretty confident in saying this | joy |
i don t speak more than a few words of the local language and i have to rely on him to translate the conversations for me i feel submissive | sadness |
i just feel like if i can just make it through this week it will be ok | joy |
i want to be happy again and i have forgotten what it is like to feel content | joy |
i have just been feeling so thankful humbled and blessed for my family and where we are in our life | joy |
i feel greatly humiliated by the beauty of everything | sadness |
im feeling a bit needy i keep thinking i would appreciate any attention but of course that is not true | sadness |
i feel them at all and cannot just be content becoming a widow nun derby girl or something is what they become for me in my head | joy |
i feel privileged and beyond lucky to have met him | joy |
i feel discouraged and realize face palm that i need to look at things with a different perspective to be grateful about anything i can find | sadness |
i want to feel pretty or handsome or something | joy |
i have to say i really feel a little useful for the progress of the second half the replacement of the shirt plus the coach s hairdryer | joy |
i do feel very excited about travelling because it s not often that i get to travel and it s definitely not often that i get to do it for free | joy |
i walk into a restaurant well any public place i feel like all eyes are on me and i feel really paranoid | fear |
ill just cut amp paste it next time i feel the urge to type something as whiney as that | sadness |
i was feeling and was surprised when i told him i felt fine no fatigue | surprise |
i especially enjoyed listening to shotgun lovesongs on audio book as it just seemed to give even more depth and feeling to what is truly a very special novel | joy |
i can say is that i feel like myself when i put on a skirt heels and lipstick and when i wear clothing which has come to be accepted as neutral and nondescript like a t shirt and jeans i dont feel like myself | love |
i am sure she makes all waiting couples feel this way but we left feeling like she is pulling for us and she will be so thrilled when it all works out | joy |
i feel rude taking pictures of them | anger |
i got a sore throat then a runny nose then a full blown congested head cold which fell on the bank holiday tuesday and has left me feeling low and blue and bleurgh since then | sadness |
i meet up with the team i don t feel welcomed or accepted | joy |
i feel completely restless and then i feel fine where i am | fear |
i feel complimented or insulted | anger |
i am feeling lots of movement now but gar is unsure whether he feels or not | fear |
Subsets and Splits