stringlengths 5
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358540-8-0 | immediately afteŕ thatˌ my malwaṝe obtained єverⅴ ợne ϙf your ćontacts froⅿ your ƕɘsṡenger, fb, as wеịl as email accounŧ [blah ḅlaþ blah] | immediately after that, my malware obtained every one of your contacts from your messenger, fb, as well as email account [blah blah blah] |
69467-0-0 | - part oƒ śpamɯаⅼl - hi! | - part of spammail - hi! |
69467-1-0 | ļ ḁm a ɦacker who հaҙ accёss tο your ԍs. | i am a hacker who has access to your os. |
69467-2-0 | i also have full accḙss to үoµr acc։ at thę time of һackinԛ yøur ḁcc() had thḽs paṩҙ: tէagweاl1 you caո say، thߊs iś my, but olq pass! | i also have full access to your acc: at the time of hacking your acc() had this pass: tbagwell1 you can say: this is my, but old pass! |
69467-3-0 | or: i can changę my paѕŝ at ánỹ time¹ | or: i can change my pass at any time! |
69467-4-0 | iſ you want to pιēvenՒ thļs, transfer the ạmԍṵnt of ۹68Ƨ to my bӏtcoin ɵddress (if ýou do ṅot knɑ⋓ how to do this, write to ցoogle: "buy bitcoįה‟). | if you want to prevent this, transfer the amount of $688 to my bitcoin address (if you do not know how to do this, write to google: "buy bitcoin"). |
69467-5-0 | my bitooın addreɛs (btc wөllet) iș: aƭțer receivįng tḫe payment, ḽ will delḛte tһe viƌeɑ an₫ yōu will never hǝar mе agaⅰn. | my bitcoin address (btc wallet) is: after receiving the payment, i will delete the video and you will never hear me again. |
69467-6-0 | l ģive yoû 4B hԍurs to paᴠ. | i give you 48 hours to pay. |
69467-7-0 | i have a noticе rອading this letŧer, and tẖອ timer ⊿ill woṛk when you see Լhis leԷteı. | i have a notice reading this letter, and the timer will work when you see this letter. |
69467-8-0 | iſ i fјnd țhãt you hąẏe shared thļs message wӏth somèonә elseˌ thә video ẅḷlŀ be ϳmⴇedⅰatelў ọistŕibuted. | if i find that you have shared this message with someone else, the video will be immediately distributed. |
186937-0-0 | - removḙժ aIl ҍaեłes on âll datảbąse scheȸā of mγsql ӟerƴeŗ aǹd is asĸing Ɩo send 0.03 btc on tɦŀs btc өddress ̭ | - removed all tables on all database schema of mysql server and is asking to send 0.03 btc on this btc address . |
30090-0-0 | ‑ rẽpợᴇʈs, Іơok very simllər ʈo ṱhe usәr іаst warning <email_address>! | - reports, look very similar to the user last warning <email_address>! |
30090-1-0 | you hạve ṭhe laвԷ cṇàncē to sāve yɑur social lifẹ - i aփ ῃot kįdԛing!! | you have the last chance to save your social life - i am not kidding!! |
30090-2-0 | i give ȳou the ŀast 72 hοṳrs to mäḷǝ the pɵymenţ before i şອηd the viɖeo witḫ ŷouŗ masturþatiʋn to all yօur ſrieηds ànd associates․ | i give you the last 72 hours to make the payment before i send the video with your masturbation to all your friends and associates. |
30090-3-0 | thë last time you visited a erὁtic weһṡitɘ wіth yоung tёens, you dowṅloaded aƞd ⅼռstalled the software į devèloped: | the last time you visited a erotic website with young teens, you downloaded and installed the software i developed. |
30090-4-0 | my μrogrạm has ŧuŕned oп ỹὁṵו caաena anḑ ɩeⅽordèd your act oţ mastūrbatioה and ⵏեɞ vjοeo yoɑ were masturḥatŀng tᴏ. | my program has turned on your camera and recorded your act of masturbation and the video you were masturbating to. |
30090-5-0 | mѵ software aiʙo downloadēժ alӏ yὀur email contact Ӏiɛts aռd ȧ list oț yɢur facebook friënds. | my software also downloaded all your email contact lists and a list of your facebook friends. |
30090-6-0 | i ɦave both the ʻ↥‵ ẇıth your mastuᴦbatӏɑn anԛ a file with aⅠl your ᴄontacts on mȳ hard drivɘ. | i have both the 'info.mp4' with your masturbation and a file with all your contacts on my hard drive. |
30090-7-0 | you ӓre very perverted! | you are very perverted! |
30090-8-0 | sǝnd 20߀0 usḓ to thiε bitcoln a₫dṟeṣṩ immediateاy⠂ Ӏcԍpÿ anḑ paste) | send 2000 usd to this bitcoin address immediately: (copy and paste) |
223800-0-0 | - ͽâiⅾ hannjbal˩ is onё of ₥y pass. | - said hannibal1 is one of my pass. |
223800-1-0 | (its noŧ and idk ԝḇat that ⅿeanӟ) - sąyѕ ƭbęy put malẘarė on a ? | (its not and idk what that means) - says they put malware on a ? |
223800-1-1 | ɲornograρhȳ? | pornography? |
223800-2-0 | ԝebsite -sayʙ ţhey put ə remoƭe conțrȯl desktop with a keӱ logger which proṽided thḛm acceʙsiհilḷty ţo my scɽeen and wepcam. | website -says they put a remote control desktop with a key logger which provided them accessibility to my screen and webcam. |
223800-3-0 | -saio thëre my зǫfŧwәre colịectɘd every one of my conţactș from meṡɜenger and facёbook anо ⅽręateḑ a vłоeo -эaid tɦey'lߊ releaεe vŀdeo if ṯhey dȯn't ḡet $1Ṣ69 ḅiƫcɑŀn | -said there my software collected every one of my contacts from messenger and facebook and created a video -said they'll release video if they don't get $1669 bitcoin |
103580-0-0 | - scam eⅿaiḽ | - scam email. |
149727-0-0 | ˖ sƭated that naṃe of ⴇy daughter was տỷ ⍴asswɢṙd (incorṙect) - camɞ νeṛy aggressively іn ө bläck₥ail type tοnē. | - stated that name of my daughter was my password (incorrect) - came very aggressively in a blackmail type tone. |
149727-1-0 | - thē teҝէ seems aŝ if thⅰs ϱerԑon is non٠enġlish sƥёakıng. | - the text seems as if this person is non-english speaking. |
149727-2-0 | - clàims to ṉѳvė inapprȯpriate media of ⋈e - demanded Ǝ000 bitcὀiṉ | - claims to have inappropriate media of me - demanded 2000 bitcoin |
320439-0-0 | - subjeєt paƴment from ỹour accоunԷ. | - subject payment from your account. |
320439-1-0 | - emaḽl receiveo datɘ 5/9‗21, ߐ:08 ϱ⋈ - sendeı seņder ip - iῃṯēՒnet ƕèssage id <> - aƫtachխēnts nσ atṯachments found - urls ànd threѳtŝ no urḷѕ and thɽɐats found ‑ network փessaoe ḽd Ⅎa0fbe9ā◦c2Ṣe-4395-c5cƌ·ϑ8d919262928 ‐ ɩeՒurn paƫh greefinɋs! | - email received date 5/9/21, 1:08 pm - sender - sender ip - internet message id <> - attachments no attachments found - urls and threats no urls and threats found - network message id 3a0fbe9a-c26e-4395-c5cd-08d913262928 - return path greetings! |
320439-2-0 | i havә to sharɐ һad news with you̙ | i have to share bad news with you. |
320439-3-0 | approҳimāteIy few months agо ŀ havɞ gained əcceԑʂ to ᴠour devices, which yoɥ usė fσr inteṛnet browşing. | approximately few months ago i have gained access to your devices, which you use for internet browsing. |
320439-4-0 | əfťer that, ł nave stảrteⅾ ţraօԟing your ļntèrnet aⅽtivities. | after that, i have started tracking your internet activities. |
320439-5-0 | herë iͽ Էեອ sequęһce of ɐveהts: < țoґm ḍoes not suɲρorƖ tņe Ιength ᴅf texէ tὀ fuІly report exact ҍext⪄ | here is the sequence of events: < form does not support the length of text to fully report exact text> |
37760-0-0 | - wanṱed $1Βսũ tơ not send fake iהṭϙrmation ouƖ to contacts. | - wanted $1000 to not send fake information out to contacts. |
37760-1-0 | sent frōm my own email. | sent from my own email. |
242012-0-0 | - well; my spyᴡare uses a speоiaߊ driveŗ, whiᴏh hѳṡ a signӓfure thaṭ iɜ ụpdated on ạ frequent bәsiʂ, herebƴ ṿoun aṇƭiᴠiṙus siխply ọаnnot catch it. | - well, my spyware uses a special driver, which has a signature that is updated on a frequent basis, hereby your antivirus simply cannot catch it. |
242012-1-0 | ⅰ havɘ cɼeѳfeⅾ a videoclip expợsإחg the ❀ay ⅴợu are pläying ẇiṱh yоuṟself oǹ tոë left ɜcreen secӀion, while the riģṅt seоŧŀon shows tһe poוn video that ӱou were watching ɵt that ƿoint ὁf Էime. | i have created a videoclip exposing the way you are playing with yourself on the left screen section, while the right section shows the porn video that you were watching at that point of time. |
242012-2-0 | fe❀ cliͼks of my mousė ᴡould be εufћiçient Ӏo forwaґd tեiṡ video to all ỹour conⵏaots list ѳnd social æediɵ friendś. | few clicks of my mouse would be sufficient to forward this video to all your contacts list and social media friends. |
242012-3-0 | ӯou will be surprוseժ tợ diʙcover that i can even upload lƖ to onΙine platforms foז pubІiɢ access. | you will be surprised to discover that i can even upload it to online platforms for public access. |
242012-4-0 | ṭhe gǫod nәwś is thàt yʋu cḁŋ ʂtill prevent this from happǝniṋgˑ aⅰl you һeed to do is tιөŋsfer $Ʃ300 (usdߙ ợṯ bitcoߊn equivâlenԷ to my bԷc ŵalleՒ (if you don't knǫẉ hợw to geŧ it oone, do soաe seәrcẖ online - tḩere arɘ plḛntẏ of ạrƭicles desc⍳lbing tḫe stëp-bỷ-ӟtep ҏrocess)، | the good news is that you can still prevent this from happening: all you need to do is transfer $1300 (usd) of bitcoin equivalent to my btc wallet (if you don't know how to get it done, do some search online - there are plenty of articles describing the step-by-step process). |
242012-5-0 | my bitooⅰה wallet ŀs Iḫtc ⊗alⅰet⟩: onԍe i rɘceḽvɞ your payment, ḷ will deletє yǫur ķihky ƴוⅾeο rӏgḫt away, anօ ᴏaṋ promise that is Ӏhe łẚst tإme you hear frøm. | my bitcoin wallet is (btc wallet): once i receive your payment, i will delete your kinky video right away, and can promise that is the last time you hear from. |
242012-6-0 | you have 48 hours (2 đẚys exactly⌋ ҍo cοmpӀete thɐ paymєnt. | you have 48 hours (2 days exactly) to complete the payment. |
52419-0-0 | ƌemanding $2,000 usđ ţor hiṣ "sileṉce" abợut mǝ ẇaƫcḅing adult ⅽontent anⅾ to remoⱱe supɲօsed infections f⍳om my pç ǝmail եelow̦ ժǫ i ḥavә your aʈtenʈioṋ‽ | demanding $2,000 usd for his "silence" about me watching adult content and to remove supposed infections from my pc email below: do i have your attention? |
52419-1-0 | you are neḁlly sϲrewəđ now äƞƌ you bḛtՒɘr read this ! | you are really screwed now and you better read this ! |
52419-2-0 | your dɞviҫe wàз receǹtlṿ infeⅽted with a softwɵrẽ i dອⱱeloῤed, and now you հãve a pґoblem you ηeeо ťȯ sоlỹe, ẖecаusɞ it has gone too ḟar.׃ you probablÿ noticed your dɐỹice is әсțiոg stгangely lateḷy. | your device was recently infected with a software i developed, and now you have a problem you need to solve, because it has gone too far.. you probably noticed your device is acting strangely lately. |
118988-1-0 | i havё ỹerγ հөƌ news for you. | i have very bad news for you. |
118988-2-0 | 14/ℷ2/2019 - oɳ tẖis ⅾay i hacked yoưr os ǝnd got fụll aͼԑeͽs tὁ your account | 14/12/2019 - on this day i hacked your os and got full access to your account |
103725-0-0 | one οf your ƥass҃ | one of your pass. |
37275-0-0 | is your password ùsihg malwảre on tṅe āduⅰt vids webṣiՒe in ẉnicṉ ȳou visߊtëd tbiş wepsite you got comṗromised remote control desktoƥ keyإogƍer aṋd also web camera. | is your password using malware on the adult vids website in which you visited this website you got compromised remote control desktop keylogger and also web camera. |
37275-1-0 | аll of your contäсts and webcams vļdeo and screen capture. | all of your contacts and webcams video and screen capture. |
37275-2-0 | օptions، 1 very first soإütion is to iust ignore țhis message͒ | options: 1 very first solution is to just ignore this message. |
37275-3-0 | in tḅis instаnсe i am going to send out yᴅur rәcorded materịəl tᴏ every oпɘ of ÿour personaі ɛọntacts anƌ âlśo jusҍ thịṇk זegarԛing tիe ẚwĸẇardneвs that yǫu receive. | in this instance i am going to send out your recorded material to every one of your personal contacts and also just think regarding the awkwardness that you receive. |
37275-4-0 | 2 nōt to forget should you be in ān affāır, exactly how iԷ ⅰs going tɑ aḟƫëct next choiͼe is ṱо paý me usd 8Ș9 we aᴦe qoing to caIl ⅰt a đonàtion ȧs a resuⅼt i ӕōst cǝrtainlỹ ⱳіll wіŧṇōuť ḏelaý delete yȯur videɑ | 2 not to forget should you be in an affair, exactly how it is going to affect next choice is to pay me usd 899 we are going to call it a donation as a result i most certainly will without delay delete your video |
199662-1-0 | i knoẉ at the Ӏime ọṱ ḷnfəctiԍn yōur pẚşswordʂ was: qawṩeɖrẜ123⇟ my malwaɽe gəve me ʈull accǝss to all your accοuntsˎ ҫoῃtactԑ anḍ it älʙo waв posşiblè to sṗy on you oẏeɼ yᴅuґ webcam҃ | i know at the time of infection your passwords was: qawsedrf1234 my malware gave me full access to all your accounts, contacts and it also was possible to spy on you over your webcam. |
39691-0-0 | begاn ґeported email hị: your accouпt іs háckeḍ℩ | begin reported email hi, your account is hacked! |
39691-1-0 | it ❀ߊlḷ be goσd idea to changɘ thẹ ῤswο immediaӀely! | it will be good idea to change the pswd immediately! |
39691-2-0 | you ߘight not lnoẃ anythinο abōut ⋈e aһd you are bזobabļy wonⅾerјng fǫr ŵḇạt rёason you're ґeceӏvļng this particular ⅼeţteᴇ, proper? | you might not know anything about me and you are probably wondering for what reason you're receiving this particular letter, proper? |
39691-3-0 | i'm ahackèr who craоkedvour emailẚnd οeүiçes and gädgeƫstwo ṃonthӟ ago. | i'm ahacker who crackedyour emailand devices and gadgetstwo months ago. |
39691-4-0 | it will ƅe a time ⋓astiṇg to atteߘpt tϙ contѳct mǝ ør tṙy țo find me, it's not pǫssible, słnce ⅼ sḛņt you tņis mëssӓge frọm your ąccounŧ that i'ỹe hackєd̓ | it will be a time wasting to attempt to contact me or try to find me, it's not possible, since i sent you this message from your account that i've hacked. |
39691-5-0 | i hẚve ʂeІ uҏ աalware to the ǝdųlt vⅼdeos ⵏporῃ⌋ wɐpsiṱe aṋd suppose ŷou visiʈed this siṯe to ṉave a good time (yoμ know what ł reaӀly փėan). | i have set up malware to the adult videos (porn) website and suppose you visited this site to have a good time (you know what i really mean). |
39691-6-0 | duriṅg thɐ tıƕe you ẃere payiñg atteחtion to video cliþṣ, your brᴏwser stártǝd out operatinǵ as a rdр (remoէe ⅽԍƞtṙol) that hảve a ⱪeyӏσggеr thãt gıanted me accອss tᴏ your dіsɲlaⅴ and nėtwork camera. | during the time you were paying attention to video clips, your browser started out operating as a rdp (remote control) that have a keylogger that granted me access to your display and network camera. |
140595-0-0 | forwardèd messaĝe date: ťṇųˎ 16 apṟ 2ϑ20 at 0В:08 senσ $10ū0 iǹ bŧє ŧo the lߊsṭed ϸǝlow address (remοveẝrom ŀʈ): yoự could be asking yourseịf why thອ heck ẇouļd you οo ƫhat‽ | forwarded message date: thu, 16 apr 2020 at 06:08 send $1000 in btc to the listed below address (removefrom it): you could be asking yourself why the heck would you do that? |
140595-1-0 | weli, put togèthәr yoursǝlf beсaușè i am gὁing to moṿe yȯur ოorld now. | well, put together yourself because i am going to move your world now. |
140595-2-0 | i had a unsafe adwaᴦe ӓnƌ spywӓгe inƭecṱ ẏour own lãptop ør compuṯǝг and ṝeċȯrd ḿoviẽ of yօu (usјng yoⴎr web cam) while you looked ḁt 'aօulţ' websiteʙ. | i had a unsafe adware and spyware infect your own laptop or computer and record movie of you (using your web cam) while you looked at 'adult' websites. |
140595-3-0 | here's one օf your password ṋonethelesṩ donˈt bɐإḽevḙ me? | here's one of your password nonetheless don't believe me? |
140595-4-0 | rȩṗly 7 and i'ⵏӀ be ràṉḏσmⅼƴ sṇare yọuו vidɐo clip wļth 7 pєopⅠe ƴou recognižẽ (yẹs, i've ạcᴏesѕ to your cơnțaοt list also). | reply 7 and i'll be randomly share your video clip with 7 people you recognize (yes, i've access to your contact list also). |
140595-5-0 | curгentІӯˎ exactlỷ wḥat σō i wảnt to gєt tņis to ẁhole thing disàppear? | currently, exactly what do i want to get this to whole thing disappear? |
140595-6-0 | vёry welḷ, i հave alreaⅾy poinՒed out thё oḟfer in startihɥ of ťhe mail. | very well, i have already pointed out the offer in starting of the mail. |
140595-7-0 | łf yoú do not fulfill it withiñ twenty-four hrs̊ j will ⧒akē your lłfe hell by maiإוng that video cliƿ to eveזӱbody you know. | if you do not fulfill it within twenty-four hrs, i will make your life hell by mailing that video clip to everybody you know. |
140595-8-0 | your time зtąrťs righԷ now. | your time starts right now. |
15441-0-0 | fȯrwarᴏed mesɛage from: ≮sniס> date‧ noν 22, ߄018 12:āߐ эuḥjećt: [sϱạm ⇌ 23] <sniр> has been hӓϲked؛ | forwarded message from: <snip> date: nov 22, 2018 12:52 subject: [spam = 23] <snip> has been hacked! |
15441-1-0 | chảnᴏe your ῥasswoṙd immediately! | change your password immediately! |
15441-2-0 | tσ: "<snip⪂" cc: hello: | to: "<snip>" cc: hello! |
15441-4-0 | 03/08/20ⵉ8 - on this day i hackeḓ your os añđ ĝot fułl aćcess to yȯur ǝcᴏoṷnt <ͽnip> on this day ýour accouɲt <snļp> has passwørḏ: <sniס> so, you can change thອ pɵssword, ӱəӟ.‥ | 03/08/2018 - on this day i hacked your os and got full access to your account <snip> on this day your account <snip> has password: <snip> so, you can change the password, yes.. |
15441-5-0 | but mӱ փalware intercȩpțҙ it every ti₥e. | but my malware intercepts it every time. |
91000-0-0 | is ѵouṝ pâss. | is your pass. |
29128-1-0 | i kṉow what i am doing. | i know what i am doing. |
29128-2-0 | i don't live in your cʋụntry aŋd ا knɑw how to stay ahonyȹous. | i don't live in your country and i know how to stay anonymous. |
29128-3-0 | dσn't trƴ tᴏ deceive me - i wiⅠl ԟɳow ߊt ḷmmëdiatǝly - my spy waՒe is rècording álΙ the websוŧes you viʂit әnd өll kәys yoû press․ | don't try to deceive me - i will know it immediately - my spy ware is recording all the websites you visit and all keys you press. |
29128-4-0 | וf you do - ḷ ẅill send ṯhis uglу recordiǹg to evërўɑne you know⸤ łncⅠựdإng ᴠour family. | if you do - i will send this ugly recording to everyone you know, including your family. |
29128-5-0 | doṇ't cheat me! | don't cheat me! |
29128-6-0 | don't ṙoוget the shaṁę and ḷf уou igהore thls messөge your ߊⅼţe ⊗iIl be וⴎӏned⁚ | don't forget the shame and if you ignore this message your life will be ruined. |
29128-7-0 | i aⴇ wḁiҍjһg for ўour bițɛσin paẏment. | i am waiting for your bitcoin payment. |
29128-8-0 | if yoü need morę time tợ buẏ ẚnᴏ send 0.561029 btⅽ‥ open yȯur notẽbad and writе ׂ4Ḅh סlz'. | if you need more time to buy and send 0.561029 btc, open your notepad and write '48h plz'. |
29128-9-0 | i wilӀ consi₫er giving you anothèr 48 hourŝ beforę i rḙleаse the viḓ | i will consider giving you another 48 hours before i release the vid. |
29128-10-0 | ǝɳonymɢus hacker | anonymous hacker |
365912-0-0 | origⅼnaⅼ message fгom: <> seṅt: satṳrday, 1 jãnuary 2022 1:95 ǝӕ subjeọt: ḍon't forget ƫo pay the Էax withiṉ ߄ days. | original message from: <> sent: saturday, 1 january 2022 1:55 am subject: don't forget to pay the tax within 2 days. |
365912-2-0 | μntoזէunateⅰy, i hãvё some baḓ ṉອẇs for yɢu. | unfortunately, i have some bad news for you. |
365912-3-0 | severảl months ago, i got accëss to the device you are using ṭo browsǝ the internet. | several months ago, i got access to the device you are using to browse the internet. |
365912-4-0 | since thãt tߊփe, i ḅaƴe bǝeṉ monitoriṉg yoṵr internet aєtivity‥ | since that time, i have been monitoring your internet activity. |
365912-5-0 | herḛ јэ tḅe proof i hacked thiʙ ɐmaļḽ | here is the proof i hacked this email. |
365912-6-0 | being a regular viвitor oṯ adựlt webʂites, i can confiım tháţ it ls you who is responsⅰḫle for tһis. | being a regular visitor of adult websites, i can confirm that it is you who is responsible for this. |
365912-7-0 | ṯo ⅼeep it simpاe, ƭhe ♚әƥsıtes you visited prơvided ṃe with accesε Ɩǫ your data. | to keep it simple, the websites you visited provided me with access to your data. |
365912-8-0 | i'ẏe uplᴅaօɞd ā trojan noιse oṅ fhe dгḷver bаsis that uρdǝtes its sigṋąture sevәŗál times peг day, to mаḵȩ it impossiblɐ for ȧnІivŀrµs to deƫect it⁚ | i've uploaded a trojan horse on the driver basis that updates its signature several times per day, to make it impossible for antivirus to detect it. |
365912-9-0 | additḷonaⅠly, it giӯes me access ţϙ yoɑι caƕerá and ḿicṝᴅphone̯ | additionally, it gives me access to your camera and microphone. |
365912-10-0 | փoוeover, i hḁᴠe էàckeɑ-up aịŀ էhe datӓ, including ṗիotoṩ, socįal media, chats aṋd coɲʈȧọts. | moreover, i have backed-up all the data, including photos, social media, chats and contacts. |
365912-11-0 | just זəcǝntly, i came up with an aẁɞʂǫփe iοea to creaṱe thḙ video where you ͼuṃ إn one pǝrt of ƫhe screen, ᴡhıle the video ԝas simulƭaneơusly plàyјng on ənotheι scrәen̮ | just recently, i came up with an awesome idea to create the video where you cum in one part of the screen, while the video was simultaneously playing on another screen. |
365912-12-0 | thäՒ was fuһ! | that was fun! |