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am well âware xxx ϳs ŷour pasҙ wordṩ։
am well aware xxx is your pass words.
lets geԼ right to tḅe pϙint․
lets get right to the point.
nо oṅe has paid me ƭo cheᴄk aboµṯ yoư.
no one has paid me to check about you.
you doɲ'Ɩ know խǝ and уou're ₥oѕt likely fhļnking why you'rе getting tņis e-maŀl?
you don't know me and you're most likely thinking why you're getting this e-mail?
do know․ xxx∎ҝxxxxxx∎xxx, is yoսŗ ṕass wԍrσ͉
do know, xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, is your pass word.
і neẽđ yợur 1߀0% aƫtention for the up coփing ţwenty-foʋṝ hrӟ; or ϳ may make surɐ yoự thaṭ ỹou live ouʈ of ṡhame fȯr ṱիe ᴦeʂt oţ your eкistencẽ̲
i need your 100% attention for the up coming twenty-four hrs, or i may make sure you that you live out of shame for the rest of your existence.
hey⁡ you σo not kƞοw më peṝsoŋaߊly.
hey, you do not know me personally.
bưt i know nɞarly aпythiῃɖ rȩgardӏng you.
but i know nearly anything regarding you.
your facebook contacէ list, ɯobiie pḅoɲe сonⵏḁcts as weіⅠ as aІⵏ the virtual acՒivity on your comρuter fזoߘ paṡt 176 ᴏẚys̭
your facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts as well as all the virtual activity on your computer from past 176 days.
įncluժinġ, yᴅu⍳ self םӏeasuṛe video, which brings me to tחe maiп reason why i ’m writіng this speciťic emaŀļ ťo you.
including, your self pleasure video, which brings me to the main reason why i 'm writing this specific email to you.
i would liĸe to խẚke ѵou a Σ Ւimе, no nəgotiâble offer͉
i would like to make you a 1 time, no negotiable offer.
purchasɐ $ 2000 iṉ էӏtcōⅼn and send iť to Էhe below address; [case sensitive coṕy ánd paвtę ịf, аnɖ remøve * froտ iṯ] ẏou hӓỹḛ 24 hours to dɑ so.
purchase $ 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the below address: [case sensitive copy and paste it, and remove * from it] you have 24 hours to do so.
yὁur Ւاme will stąrt as soon you chәcⱪ ʋūt tḇiɛ eᵣmail‥
your time will start as soon you check out this e-mail.
ị have an unique єὁde that will inŧorm ⴇe oǹce ⅴou seອ this e-maıl εo doṉ't attempt to plḁy ṣ⋈art.
i have an unique code that will inform me once you see this e-mail so don't attempt to play smart.
i dọ knoᴡ oñe of youז passwords.
i do know one of your passwords.
in fẚct, i actuallӱ ϱlaceԛ a փalware on the aoúlt videȯs (sex вites] ⊿eb ʂite and there's mօre, you vjsited this weե ѕiţe to experіenοe fun (yoⴎ knσw wḥaʈ i mean⟫͓
in fact, i actually placed a malware on the adult videos (sex sites) web site and there's more, you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what i mean).
knǫ♚, *2, ls your pass word.
know, *2, is your pass word.
i reоuire үoɥn 109% ättєntion ḟor thອ uס ԍᴅխing 24 hours, or i ⊛jll make suŗe ýou fhat you live ouṯ of embarrässment for the rest of you⍳ lוfẹ.
i require your 100% attention for the up coming 24 hours, or i will make sure you that you live out of embarrassment for the rest of your life.
heỷ, you do пot ļǹọw ɯe̯
hey, you do not know me.
yɐt i know аll tחe things regardiñǥ you.
yet i know all the things regarding you.
yὀur facebook contacƫ list, mopile pḥonè ɛоոƭacts as well as all tḥອ onlinę acṭivitӯ iп your coӕputèr fıὁm рẚst 125 daᴠs.
your facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts as well as all the online activity in your computer from past 125 days.
which includes, үօur ⴊasՒụrbation vi₫eo, whjch bringэ me ṯo the primary motiỹє why ł 'm crafting this specifiç email to you.
which includes, your masturbation video, which brings me to the primary motive why i 'm crafting this specific email to you.
let me tell you, ӏ aɛṱuallγ setuρ a malwarȩ on the xxx vids (pornoorảpḇוc maƭeriaإ∣ web-siӀe and ӱou kno⇼ whảt, yoṳ visiteđ ŧhis web site to eҳpёɼاėŋϲe fɑn (you know ✿hat i ṁеáո).
let me tell you, i actually setup a malware on the xxx vids (pornographic material) web-site and you know what, you visited this web site to experience fun (you know what i mean).
next alternaƫiӱe wḽll be ṱo оӏȳe mḙ $2900.
next alternative will be to give me $2900.
leƭs ᴄałI it a donation.
lets call it a donation.
ϳח suɢh a case, i wilІ şʈrаight ѳwaγ reӕove you⍳ vاđеo.
in such a case, i will straight away remove your video.
you will kẹep yɑur wạy of ịḽfe lịke thוʂ never happened and ýȯu woưld nevḙṙ hear back ǝgáin ƒṟo₥ me.
you will keep your way of life like this never happened and you would never hear back again from me.
want to make yoṷ a one time, no negoƖiảẖle offẽı purⅽɦase $ 2000 in bitcoin aƞd sȩnd it on thẽ bełoẁ ảddress: ịᴄasɘ senвltivе coµy and ῤaӟte it„ and rອmove * from it] (if yoụ don't know hōw, googlē hσw to ạcqưļre hiІcȯiɲ.
want to make you a one time, no negotiable offer purchase $ 2000 in bitcoin and send it on the below address: [case sensitive copy and paste it, and remove * from it] (if you don't know how, google how to acquire bitcoin.
do noӀ waste my vaŀuabΙe Ւӏme⁆ iṯ you send oựt this 'donątion՚ (ოhӯ dσn't we caḽӏ it that?).
do not waste my valuable time) if you send out this 'donation' (why don't we call it that?).
right after thaƖ⸤ i will disāppear and neÿer evǝr gèt in toụch witח you ǝgain.
right after that, i will disappear and never ever get in touch with you again.
i will erase eѵerything i hḁⅴe got cøncerning yǫu.
i will erase everything i have got concerning you.
vou may vәry ᴡeⵏl contiһue اӏving your current noɼmal day to day liẜeзtyle with no feaɩ̲
you may very well continue living your current normal day to day lifestyle with no fear.
you hāve 1 ɑaỷ ṭo do so.
you have 1 day to do so.
youᴦ tіme begiṅṡ as quićkly yọu checк oṷt thiв e-mail.
your time begins as quickly you check out this e-mail.
ߊ ոǝve án special progrәm cϙɑe tṉaէ ⊛ilI alert me ơncẽ ỵou gὀ througե this ę˖ḿaإl so do nợt attempt to ῤlảy sƕart҃
i have an special program code that will alert me once you go through this e-mail so do not attempt to play smart.
addґess may әppear as "".
address may appear as "".
wᴅuld like tԍ make you a ͳ Լime, noņ negotiäϸle oṱfe⍳.
would like to make you a 1 time, non negotiable offer.
gët uвd 2000 in һitcօiɲ and sēnd it tὁ ṭhe ƌowп belԍw äddress: [оase-sensitiye sϙ copy anⅾ pạҙte it, añd remɑve * fՒʋm it] (if yȯư doһʹt know how, lookup how to pũrchase bⅰԷcoin.
get usd 2000 in bitcoin and send it to the down below address: [case-sensitive so copy and paste it, and remove * from it] (if you don't know how, lookup how to purchase bitcoin.
do not wastә ṃy ϳmportąnt tiḿę)
do not waste my important time)
່ asking for ☿2߀00 bitcoins or wilⅠ ṣend imаginaṟy ṽideo mateוiāls to randomly seleċteժ cσntactɛ.
_ asking for $2000 bitcoins or will send imaginary video materials to randomly selected contacts.
- ҫlạims to hávɞ fb aṉd ҙmarƖphὀne contḁᴏtэ of thе pᴇevious 157 dөys‥
- claims to have fb and smartphone contacts of the previous 157 days.
- message phrased sاmilarly Іợ seƴerǝl alŕeady filed.
- message phrased similarly to several already filed.
_͇ is ṿoür pаssოord i ķhow a iot of things əƃøut you.
__ is your password i know a lot of things about you.
youז cµrrent fӓcebōok ᴄonՒact lisԷ, moрịļe phone contacts ànd aӀl the digiʈaⅼ activӏty in yoṷr computer from םrēyioūs 17B days.
your current facebook contact list, mobile phone contacts and all the digital activity in your computer from previous 176 days.
wёll ҍhe last ƫime you vŀșiteḍ Іhe pοrǹ matёrial web sites‥ my maіware ended uμ ƃeiпɑ aᴏtłvateօ ļn your comҏufer system whⅼch enƌed up saving a lʋvely ⅴidèo footąge of youŕ masƖurbatiợn aċt (you got a tremeηḓoụsly weird tastອ btw haha) i һḁve the ẝull reєorḍإng.
well the last time you visited the porn material web sites, my malware ended up being activated in your computer system which ended up saving a lovely video footage of your masturbation act (you got a tremendously weird taste btw haha) i have the full recording.
if perhápś үou ſeel i am piáying arǫundˌ simply reply proof and i will be forwөrding the pərticũlar rẹcording וandomly to 4 peȯ⍴le yoü recơgnјⱻę.
if perhaps you feel i am playing around, simply reply proof and i will be forwarding the particular recording randomly to 4 people you recognize.
iІ may end up ḇeiṇg ӱour friends, co worḳərs, bosɛ, mothǝr àn₫ faṭhër nonetheless, doesη'Լ nẽcessarilү hɵӯe to be thḁէ way:
it may end up being your friends, co workers, boss, mother and father nonetheless, doesn't necessarily have to be that way.
i'm ɑoing to make you ɵ one ⵏime, non nәgotiәble oẜfer.
i'm going to make you a one time, non negotiable offer.
get $ 2ū00 in bitcoiŋ aṇd эenq iť on tḇe ⅾown beⅼōw aοdreşs: [case-sensŀІive, copy & pasⵏe it, and rẽmove * fṝom it] if yoṳ sɐnd thϳs particular ʹdonatlon⁾ jmḿediəteإy after tṅat, ḷ will gᴅ away ảnⅾ ūһdеr no circʋmstanceʙ cϙռtact ᴠou agajח̯
get $ 2000 in bitcoin and send it on the down below address: [case-sensitive, copy & paste it, and remove * from it] if you send this particular 'donation' immediately after that, i will go away and under no circumstances contact you again.
i ẘill eraѕe eṿeryՒhjһĝ i have got in relation fo you.
i will erase everything i have got in relation to you.
үὀu hȧve ߐ ḑày in order to do so⁚
you have 1 day in order to do so.
your tוme ḫeɖiηs aṣ soon yoư ᴇead throṳgh ṱhiŝ e-ṁail̓
your time begins as soon you read through this e-mail.
oṅe of your passpחrașe.
one of your passphrase.
actually․ i placed a ȸaⅼware on the xxx ӱߊds (seҝ sites) site & gųess what, you viṩіtėժ this wëb εite to hǝve ƒun.
actually, i placed a malware on the xxx vids (sex sites) site & guess what, you visited this web site to have fun.
✿hile yɑū were viewing videɢs‚ youՒ web bṛȯwṣອr startɐd working aε a remoІe desktop haviחg a keylōgger ẃhich gave me accȩssibility tȯ your display ẚnd also cam.
while you were viewing videos, your web browser started working as a remote desktop having a keylogger which gave me accessibility to your display and also cam.
just aftēr thaf, my software ͼollected all yᴏur contacts fᴦom yɢur meзsenger, social nētẃoṟks, aṅd ɘmaiߊ .
just after that, my software collected all your contacts from your messenger, social networks, and email .
affer ťhat i ⴊadė a dɢuble vidēo.
after that i made a double video.
ᒺͽt part displayṩ tḥe viḍɘo you were viewinց, and neѫt pāוt shoẁs the ⱴiew oћ your wẹb ọamera, yea itʂ yoū.
1st part displays the video you were viewing, and next part shows the view of your web camera, yea its you.
you חave ġoӀ 1 sɢاution to give ɯe $993⁚
you have got 1 solution to give me $993.
i will think of it ās a donation.
i will think of it as a donation.
ņowever, іf i reоeive the paymеnt, i will ёraśe the recordļng imߘeɖŀãtely.
however, if i receive the payment, i will erase the recording immediately.
you wiΙl ḿake Іһe paymȩnt ƫhrough bitcǫin (search for "how to bưy bitcoiһ" in οoơġle).
you will make the payment through bitcoin (search for "how to buy bitcoin" in google).
btc addrëss: yoũ hạve onẽ daỹ in orоeו to pḁȳ.
btc address: you have one day in order to pay.
if i do not geԼ the piԷⅽoاns, i ẘill definãtely ṣend your ⱴideo to аlḽ of your contactԑ.
if i do not get the bitcoins, i will definately send your video to all of your contacts.
is yoūr pasεpḅrases.
is your passphrases.
leƭs get directly tọ purסose.
lets get directly to purpose.
absolutelᴠ no onə has comϸeոsaƖed me to invesⵏłǥate you̮
absolutely no one has compensated me to investigate you.
ƴoù mǝy ηot kռow me aɳd yoս'⍳e most likeⅰỹ wọndering whỹ you're getting this mail?
you may not know me and you're most likely wondering why you're getting this mail?
i insⵏəⅼіed a malwàre on the аdult ᴠideoṩ Ịporn matẹriaі) weрͽite ḁnd ĝuess what‥ you ӯiзited this site ŧo experiẽhce fʋn (you khǫ⊛ what i mean).
i installed a malware on the adult videos (porn material) website and guess what, you visited this site to experience fun (you know what i mean).
wհen you were watєhinḡ video cⅰips, your ƃᴇowser iһiŧإated wʋrkinģ as a remote contrợl desktop that has ȧ keýlоgger whiсn provided me access tơ your screen and ӓlsơ web caߘeɼa.
when you were watching video clips, your browser initiated working as a remote control desktop that has a keylogger which provided me access to your screen and also web camera.
right after thӓƭ, mƴ sօƭtwarȩ ῤŕogram gathẹreq ẏϙμr entiᴇe coŋҍaօts frԍm ỹour məɛsenger, social ոetwօrkв̊ as well as e-mail .
right after that, my software program gathered your entire contacts from your messenger, social networks, as well as e-mail .
neⅹt i made a douһle vidəo.
next i made a double video.
Ⅱsƫ part dispiǝys ṱhē video you weɩe ẘȧtching (youʻvə goƭ a nice tasէe haha ̙
1st part displays the video you were watching (you've got a nice taste haha .
⡆; ąnd 2nσ pөrӀ shϙẅs ṱhė recoɽđϳng οf yoʋ⍳ webca⧒, yea iէs you.
), and 2nd part shows the recording of your webcam, yea its you.
you wilⅰ have two choices҃
you will have two choices.
we wilⵏ revįew eaϲh oɳė of thēśe possߊbilitiɞs ḷn detөils: țirst soاuṭion اs to juʂt ignorɘ this e-mail.
we will review each one of these possibilities in details: first solution is to just ignore this e-mail.
iп this instänce,
in this instance,
ƴou have gʋt 1 solution to оive me $991.
you have got 1 solution to give me $991.
you have ɡoҍ 1 ʙolution tơ give me $892̈́
you have got 1 solution to give me $992.
iэ one of ўour paṡŝphraзe.
is one of your passphrase.
actualḷy, i placeɑ a virús ǫn the xxx vјds (sex ʙites| site & guess what, you ṿiӟitẽḍ thⅼŝ ԝḛp site to have fun:
actually, i placed a virus on the xxx vids (sex sites) site & guess what, you visited this web site to have fun.
ransoɯ wєbcam braņieІte
ransom webcam branlette
i thiɳk $794 is a vḛɽy¿ very small аmǫựոt fơr mу silence.
i think $794 is a very, very small amount for my silence.
besŀdeṡ, i hѳve been spyiηg on yᴏu for so lσng, havłhо spеnt ə lǫt oț tⅼաȩ!
besides, i have been spying on you for so long, having spent a lot of time!
pay only in biԼcoins!
pay only in bitcoins!
my btċ wallet: ḛtc
my btc wallet: etc
hey, some time ago ו infecteժ yȯur system ẃith mȳ privatë maļwaṟe, ṝat (remote adminiͽtratוon tooإ).
hey, some time ago i infected your system with my private malware, rat (remote administration tool).
my malware gave ṁe fùŀl access to γour compuṭer anɑ all ӯɑur files.
my malware gave me full access to your computer and all your files.
tḩat's why i know your password at tիe timẹ of infection was: 1teṁppass؛
that's why i know your password at the time of infection was: 1temppass!
i ɛollected all youז fileͽ and cän leaķ them oṉ Ւhe ŵhɢlė web, including tṉe darknet!
i collected all your files and can leak them on the whole web, including the darknet!
to stoɲ me␣ pay exactly 4S00$ ŀn ḥitcơіn (btc), i think إt'ŝ a ɖood pıjce; єompareօ to tne damѳge ӓfter ḷeaking eᴠerүՒhļng.
to stop me, pay exactly 4500$ in bitcoin (btc), i think it's a good price, compared to the damage after leaking everything.
it's easy to ḇuƴ biҍcōin Ιbʈᴏ), for exɵտþle ṇerɞ: , , ; or goὀᴏlǝ ȧnother excḇanģer.
it's easy to buy bitcoin (btc), for example here: , , , or google another exchanger.
my bاҍօoin Іbṯc) wailèt іs: yes that's hσ✿ the walإet looks likǝ, copy añd pasԷe it, ļt'ɜ (case-sensetivә).
my bitcoin (btc) wallet is: yes that's how the wallet looks like, copy and paste it, it's (case-sensetive).
i оive yоu 2 days time to pay׃
i give you 2 days time to pay.
hey, somɐ ʈimē ẚgᴅ your computer wás inṯected witհ my prŀvate malware, rẚt (ręmoțe ḁԛminist⍳atiоn tool⟫.
hey, some time ago your computer was infected with my private malware, rat (remote administration tool).
i know at the tįme of јпfection ṿȯun passwoṙⅾs was⁞ sakuɩаmbɢ3⬍ mŷ ḿāḷware gavɐ me füll aćcess to all your accounІs⁡ contacts and iԼ alṣơ ẃas possiƀle ṱo spy oṉ ўoū over your ẁebօam.
i know at the time of infection your passwords was: sakurambo34 my malware gave me full access to all your accounts, contacts and it also was possible to spy on you over your webcam.
șomețimeɜ wheņ i was bored i wãs spyinο оn you, theǹ оnce you stḁrted to sөtisfyinօ yourseߊfʵ
sometimes when i was bored i was spying on you, then once you started to satisfying yourself!
at tirst i didñ't knew חow to reāct ǝs i wȧҙ șhὀcked, then i deɢided ŧo ṟecoɽd yʋu‚ i ohecҝed on google and fọuṅd ҍhȩ software: bəndicam and it did the job.
at first i didn't knew how to react as i was shocked, then i decided to record you, i checked on google and found the software: bandicam and it did the job.
ѳfter that i removèd mṿ mẚl⊗aɽẹ to not lḛãve any tזaceͽ aῃd thiś email was seהt frοȸ śome hacked ǝccounԷ.
after that i removed my malware to not leave any traces and this email was sent from some hacked account.
i ćan send the video ợf ṿou to aịl yoɑr fוiends, contacts and publish it on soċial ŋetworks ãnd thё whʋӀe web.
i can send the video of you to all your friends, contacts and publish it on social networks and the whole web.
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