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Good harvests alternate with bad. | 好收成与坏收成交替更迭。 |
He made a number of inspections. | 他对这个地区进行了多次视察。 |
A municipal borough of southeast England east of London. A popular seaside resort, it also has light industries. Population, 121,900. | 马尔盖特英国东南部一自治市,位于伦敦的东部。是一个著名的海滨度假胜地,轻工业也较发达。人口121,900 |
I got holiday jobs in guesthouses, waiting on tables. | 我假期在宾馆里干活儿,当服务员。 |
I looked over his faults. | 我原谅了他的过失。 |
The country possesses rich mineral resources. | 这个国家有丰富的矿产资源。 |
The manager warned us not to get too keyed up before the big match. | 领队告诫我们在大赛之前不要太激动. |
How do people make a living in the steppe? | 生活在没有树木的大草原上的人们怎样谋生呢? |
I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham. | 我利用在伯明翰的机会探望了我的姨母。 |
Recall for a moment some of the routines of working-class life; as to clothes, the persistence of the Sunday suit. | 回想一下工人阶级生活的一些惯例:就拿衣服来说,坚持穿最好的衣服。 |
We are grazing the sheep in the next field. | 我们在旁边的地里放羊。 |
Gunpowder first came in in China. | 中国首先使用火药。 |
An organism, often a bacterium or fungus, that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, thus making organic nutrients available to the ecosystem. | 腐生菌;腐生物一种有机物,通常是细菌以死的动植物为食并把它们分解,藉此为生态系统提供有机养分 |
The tiger is a representative of the cat family. | 老虎是猫科动物的典型。 |
Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today -- so much so that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered extraordinary. | 当今用手做东西,在许多国家已经成为很特殊--如此地特殊,以致赠送自制礼物有时被认为是不寻常的。 |
The accident left a scar on her leg. | 那次事故後她的腿上留下了伤疤。 |
She wears a translucent silk gown. | 她穿着半透明丝质长袍。 |
Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods. | 要鼓励消费者对劣质商品投诉. |
I do not know of anything more remorseless on the face of the earth than seven per cent interest. | 我可不知道在这地球上有什么东西比七厘利息更无情的。 |
The mosquito will suck our blood. What's even worse, it will inject poison into our bodies. | 蚊子会吸我们的血。更糟的是,它会把毒注入我们的体内。 |
Women are often oppressed by men. | 女人经常受男人压迫. |
Real life isn't as happy as people imagine. | 现实生活并不象人们想象的那样美好。 |
Put these words in alphabetical order. | 把这些字按字母表顺序排列起来. |
Machines make it possible that people do more work with less energy. | 机器使人们有可能用较小的气力做较多的工作。 |
A line of descent; derivation. | 血缘鉴定血统的联系;来历 |
A thick forest girdled the castle about. | 一片浓密的森林包围着城堡。 |
His driving licence was revoked after the crash. | 他撞车后驾驶执照被吊销了。 |
The car in front of us suddenly branched off to the left. | 我们前面的那辆汽车突然转入左边的小路上去了. |
I gave the car a thorough going-over. | 我把汽车彻底检修了一遍。 |
I have learned a lot from the chastening experience. | 我从这个可以引以为戒的经历中学到了很多。 |
An extremely stiff, erect posture. | 过分笔直,僵立的姿态 |
He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary. | 他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。 |
He stammers when he feels nervous. | 他一紧张就结巴。 |
I want to enlarge the lawn. | 我想把草坪扩大. |
He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out. | 牙被拔掉时,他疼得大叫。 |
We have to trim our cost if we want to increase our profit. | 我们如果想增加利润,就必须削减开支。 |
You have put your hat on backwards. | 你把帽子戴反了。 |
The prisoner escaped through a hole in the wall. | 那囚犯从墙上的缺口处逃走了. |
They increased ventilation by opening the top center part of the carriage window. | 他们把车厢上面的中央部分打开以增进空气的流通。 |
She darted into the doorway to hide. | 她冲到门口躲藏起来. |
Please keep an open mind, The new rules will be accept sooner or later. | 别抱成见,这些新制度早晚会被人们接受。 |
The pop star was followed by a train of admirers. | 那位流行歌曲歌星周围蜂拥著许多歌迷。 |
A man without an address is a vagabond; a man with two address is a libertine. | 人而无一住址者是为流浪汉,住址有二者是为放荡儿。 |
She moistened her lips with her tongue. | 她舔湿了嘴唇. |
Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins. | 很多黄金饰物回炉後铸成了金币. |
The children are really in their element playing on the beach. | 孩子们在沙滩上嬉戏真是乐得其所. |
Any of various articles or parts made of dressed or tanned hide, such as a boot or strap. | 皮制品任一种由压平上光或鞣制过的皮制成的物品或部件 |
The steaming cake was a bait for the hungry boy. | 那热气腾腾的蛋糕对这个饥饿的男孩是个诱惑。 |
Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. | 两个氢原子和一个氧原子结合而成一个水分子。 |
All eyes to the front as we pass the other competitors! | 我们超越对手时要目不斜视! |
Her good look gave her a pull over other girls. | 她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。 |
A detachment of troops stationed at a distance from a main force to guard against surprise attacks. | 前哨派驻在离主力部队很远的地带的支队以防敌人的偷袭 |
I know London as the place where I spent my childhood. | 我熟悉伦敦,那是我度过童年的地方。 |
I've had enough of your dramatics. | 我看够你装腔作势的表现了. |
Our lives would have been greatly impoverished, if we had not known our dear friend. | 若非认识我们这位好朋友,我们的生活一定十分不妙。 |
A wood-surfaced passageway or alley along which a bowling ball is rolled. | 保龄球道供保龄球滚动的木制表面的通道或球道 |
As a rule, it's the gentleman that holds out his hand to invite a lady to dance. | 通常, 是男士伸出手来邀请女士跳舞。 |
After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat. | 几经失败之后,敌军被迫后撤。 |
Our ultimate objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons. | 我们的最终目标是消除所有核武器。 |
Our local brewery has amalgamated with another firm. | 我们本地的酿酒厂与另一个公司合并了. |
Never pay the advertised price for a car; always try to bargain. | 千万不要照牌价购买汽车, 总得讲讲价才是. |
The committee had been improperly constituted, and therefore had no legal power. | 该委员会的建立不合规定, 因而没有合法的权力. |
Introduction of a solution into the body through a vein for therapeutic purposes. | 注射为了医学目的通过血管将一种溶液注入体内 |
He threw a stone into the lake. | 他向湖里扔了一块石头。 |
He cleaved an apple with a knife. | 他用一把刀子将苹果切开。 |
He erased pencil marks form the test paper and handed to the teacher. | 他擦去试卷上的铅笔笔迹然后递给了老师。 |
Of enormous size; huge. | 庞大的体积庞大的;巨大的 |
He oscillates between political extremes | 他的政治观点在两个极端之间摇摆不定. |
Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar. | 蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉. |
Blood was welling(out) from the wound. | 鲜血从伤口中流出. |
She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasionally. | 她干起活来倒是相当不错, 不过有时需要加以督促. |
I don't intend to chair the meeting. | 我不打算主持这次会议。 |
A concave molding. | 凹圆形凹陷的线脚 |
She likes to give out presents. | 她喜欢随意送礼物。 |
I prefer farce to tragedy. | 我喜欢笑剧而不喜欢悲剧. |
The boat chugged along the canal. | 小船稳稳地顺著运河突突地航行. |
As soon as their party came into power they changed the law. | 他们的党一上台,他们就开始修改法律。 |
These chocolates really melt in your mouth. | 这些巧克力真正是入口即化。 |
They're all volunteers, doing it just for the love of the thing. | 他们都是自愿的, 完全是因为喜欢做而做的. |
The breeding of animals or growing of plants, especially to produce improved stock. | 养殖对动物的饲养或植物的种植,尤指为了产生改良品种 |
The government will garrison the coastal towns. | 政府将派军驻守沿海的城镇。 |
He pleaded with his mother to allow him to go to the circus. | 他请求他母亲答应他去看马戏。 |
I booked my holiday through my local travel agent. | 我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。 |
The news caused a great sensation. | 这个消息十分轰动. |
Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum. | 红色和紫色位于光谱相对的两端。 |
The price of this dress is unreasonable. | 这件衣服的价格太高了。 |
She swims well despite her disabilities. | 她虽然身有残疾, 却是个游泳好手. |
Her greater experience tipped the balance in her favour and she got the job. | 她经验更丰富,这是她得到那份工作的决定性因素。 |
The wind drifted the snow into a high bank, blocking the road. | 风把雪吹积成长埂, 堵塞了道路. |
Someone has landed onto me the job of fixing hotel rooms for the visitors. | 有人把来客订旅馆房间的麻烦事交给我干。 |
Landon had made an unsuccessful attempt at the recitation, and the doctor, somewhat nettled, said:"Landon, you don't seem to be getting on very fast in this subject." | 兰登作了一次不成功的朗诵。老师有点不悦,对他说道:“兰登,你在这门课上好像进步不大,你好像缺乏志向。” |
The sound on a film must synchronize with the action. | 影片中的声音必须与动作配合一致. |
This word denotes a certain kind of animal. | 这个词是一种野兽的名称。 |
A mixture of decaying organic matter, as from leaves and manure, used to improve soil structure and provide nutrients. | 堆肥腐烂有机体的混合物,如树叶或粪便,用来改善土壤结构并增加土壤养分 |
Although the innkeeper was warm, we guessed that his real goad was to get more money. | 尽管客栈老板很热情,但我们猜想他的真正目的是为了得到更多的钱。 |
He keeps extolling her goodness. | 他对她的善良赞不绝口。 |
Firemen needed breathing apparatus to enter the burning house. | 消防队员需用呼吸器械才能进入燃烧著的房屋. |
Many reforms must be made to the education system. | 教育体制要作许多改革。 |
The bricks are bedded in concrete. | 用混凝土砌砖. |
The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert. | 商人决定用骆驼载运货物穿过沙漠。 |
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