Ruohomaa exhibit at Finnish House South Thomaston — The Finnish Heritage House on Route 131 will feature Finnish-American photojournalist Kosti Ruohomaa as the subject of its 10th anniversary summer exhibit. “Kosti Ruohomaa and Maine: A Special Relationship” will open for the season Saturday, June 21. Most people are aware of Ruohomaa’s wonderful photographs featured in Life, Down East and many other national magazines during the 1940s, ‘50s and ‘60s, but few are aware that he worked for Walt Disney as a cartoonist during the late 1930s and early 1940s and then did illustrations for three comic book series from 1942 to 1943, while living in New York City. This summer’s exhibit will be available for viewing Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to noon until the middle of October. For more information, abou the Finnish Heritage House, visit finnheritage.org. Special thanks are due to Joe Anderson of Down East Magazine, Deanna Bonner-Ganter of the Maine State Museum and Ilpo Lagerstedt of Helsinki, Finland, for their support of this project. Previous exhibits at FHH have included “Maine Finns and Blueberries in the Mid-Coast,” “Pillars of the Earth: Finns and Granite,” “Finns and Feathers: The Poultry Industry in the Mid-Coast,” “Finnish-American Music,” “Sauna: A Gift from the Finns,” “Remembering Grand-mother and Grandfather,” “Finnish-American Handicrafts” and “Finnish-American Veterans of World War II.” Courier Publications’ A&E Editor Dagney C. Ernest can be reached at (207) 594-4401, ext. 115; or [email protected]. The following is an interesting biography of Ruohomaa focusing on his animation and comic art, sent from Finland and lightly edited - DCE by Ilpo Lagerstedt, who also translated from Finnish to English More than 30 years ago professor Jerry Bails of Detroit sent me — here to Finland — his four-volume book “Who is Who of the American Comics.” In the third volume, there was a short chapter about the artist with name Kosti Ruamonaa. His only known comics then were published in Timely/Marvel Joker comic books in 1942-1943. Some years later I got to know that there is famous American photographer with Finnish roots, whose name is Kosti Ruohomaa. It was not difficult to combine these two names. Kosti is a shortened form of name Konstantin. Not so usual a name in Finland either. In high school in Rockland, Kosti’s nickname had been Gus, which rhymed fairly or at least enough well with the name Kosti. Ruohomaa was for an American a difficult name to pronounce and even to write. Kosti advised people that Ruohomaa is pronounced almost the same way as the "row a (boat) home.” In the 1930 census, the family´s name was Rohoma. He used to sign his work under the Ruamonaa name at Disney and Timely/Marvel; and Kosti name when doing Koo Koo Kapers and Penniless Palmer comics. Kosti Ruohomaa was born in Quincy, Mass. Nov. 25, 1913. There were a lot of Finns in this area. His parents were Selim and Sophia Ruohomaa. Sophia was born Kartano and she was born in Lappi town in South West Finland. Selim was born in Kiukainen in same area. The Ruohomaa family moved during the First World War from Quincy to Rockland where Selim began to grow blueberries. Kosti was the family's only child. He walked three miles to the one-room schoolhouse in Rockport. Later, Kosti graduated from the Rockland high school in 1931 The high school yearbook “The Cauldron” said that Kosti was been very active in various leisure activities. He belonged, among others, to Press Club, Editorial Board and Aviation Club and he had been entertainment manager of Kippy Karnival. In the yearbook he had been devoted the words of English poet John Dryden (1631-1700): “Whate´er he did was done so much ease In him alone, ‘twas natural to please.” After high school, Kosti continued his studies at Boston College of Art. After the college he worked as a commercial artist in Boston and New York. Not very much is known about those years of his life. But on the West Coast, something was happening. In Hollywood there was shortage of animators in late 1930s. Walt Disney had started to make long animation films. He needed the qualified cartoonists. Jack Kinney worked as animator and director at Walt Disney Studios in Hollywood 1931-1957. Just before his death in 1988, he published a book with the title “Walt Disney and Assorted Other Characters,” in which he told about the colorful life at Disney Studios and about “Uncle Walt” too. Kinney also said that Disney was hunting/searching for the cartoonists from East Coast in the late 1930s for his animated movies. In Kinneys book there is his drawing of five anonymous animators from New York, one with dark face that could very well be Kosti Ruohomaa. Too bad that Kinney didn’t mention Kosti’s name in his book. I don’t know when Kosti left the East Coast for West, but he was in Hollywood when Disney people celebrated the completion of the “Snow White,” which was the first long animated movie, in 1938. There is one photo from this party where Kosti with rugged profile is seen watching other people from the edge of photo. Disney animator Willis Pyle owned this photo. He told me: "Kosti was a good friend. We shared an apartment in Hollywood in 1938. It is sad that his life was so short. His talent was great." Ruohomaa worked for Disney from March 1938 to January 1943. He was an effects animator. I haven’t found very much information about his Disney years, but Jack Kinney has told something. He was the director of Disney’s short films. “Pluto’s Bone Trouble” was the first short under Kinney’s leadership and it was also the first known short film to which Kosti Ruohomaa was involved. World famous Donald Duck artist Carl Barks made the script of that short. Kinney told in his book that studio staff gave good reviews for “Pluto’s Bone Trouble.” All were satisfied with it, even Uncle Walt, which means plenty. Another Disney short Kosti was doing was “A Good Time for a Dime” starring Donald Duck. Dick Lundy was director and Donald’s voice was Clarence Nash. The short was a somewhat daring, as the name suggests. Daisy Duck performs the dance of seven veils. “There were no credits on Disney cartoons in those days. I have no further information on his work here,” said Disney archivist Dave Smith. But it is said that Kosti was doing Disney's first “Fantasia” movie too? Maybe, but then he has not worked as animator, but a photographer and special effects expert. Colin Emery, who also had a Finnish roots, worked at Ruohomaa farm in the late 1950s through Kosti. He said that Kosti, who was older, was treating him always like an adult: “We worked together lining rows for the rakers, working the winnowing machine and keeping track of the number of baskets each worker brought in. During these times and at lunch we were able to talk. Even though I was only a teenager he treated me as an adult, he loved children and I think he would have made a great father. To my knowledge I don't think he was ever married.” Emery also said that Kosti would have worked with “Fantasia”: "I do remember seeing a parrot he had drawn and I wonder if it might have been something from the Disney days. There were many drawings after his death ntaken to the dump. Selim, his father, wanted Kosti to be a farmer like him, he thought being an artist and photographer was a waste of time and they argued a number of times. Selim would walk off grumbling and Kosti would walk off with his camera and take photos.” During his Disney years, Kosti had taken up photography as a hobby. In that Donald Duck short “A Good Time for a Dime” there is a very interesting scene. Donald tries to get the camera from game machine, but instead he gets ink jet from the pen to his eyes. The scene suggests that Kosti’s future career is changing. He will soon change his pen to camera. Why did Kosti left Disney? The 1930s led to a rise of labor unions in motion pictures. The Screen Actors Guild was formed in 1933. Many of the Disney animators joined the Screen Cartoonists Guild. One of them was Art Babbitt who became one of the union leaders Babbitt started questioning Walt's authority. Disney didn’t like that and fired Babbit, whom he regarded as a "troublemaker" and a "Bolshevik." Firing Babbitt and many other conflicts in combination led the famous strike of Disney Studios in 1941. Striking animators and other professionals marched in front of the studio calling for justice. Jack Kinney said that Disney had hired a photographer to take photographs of the demonstrators. Then Disney looked at the photos to find out who of his animators were involved in the demonstration march, who were "the sonofabitches" who have betrayed him. What was Kosti Ruohomaa’s share in this strike? Michael Barrier, who had studied and written plenty about the American animation art, remembers having talked with Art Babbitt about Kosti. According to Babbitt, Ruohomaa was one of the photographers who took the pictures about striking artists. Kosti Ruohomaa actually did take photos of the marching and striking animators, not for Disney, but for the counterparty. Newspaper Labor published his pictures July 22, 1941. In those photos we can see disguised Disney animators wearing a hood and bearing the sign on which they wish Gunther Lessing and Walt Disney “happy birthday.” After them came other disguised hooded men, who bore guillotines. This caption of the photo says that the images took Kosti Ruohomaa, striking artist! Kosti was one of the strikers. Those important photos taken by Kosti submitted to me by Timo Ronkanen, whom I thank very much. Walt Disney himself left for South America before the strike ended. His lawyer Gunther Lessing and his brother Roy Disney handled the labor negotiations. After five weeks the strike was over and Disney studio signed a contract and has been a union shop ever since. Not all strikers and demonstrators were able to work for Disney after the strike. And those who worked noticed soon Disney's was no longer the same “happy family” as they had felt it maybe had been. It may be that this strike and these photos were the reason why Kosti Ruohomaa left Disney Studios. It is one reason, but there are others. Vive Risto and many others artists had left the animation to make comic books during the years 1941-1942. Superheroes had been big hit in the comics since the first Superman in 1938. Now in early ‘40s humor comics and comics with funny animals were popular. Western company was successful in publishing the comic books with Disney and Warner animation/cartoons characters. New York’s Marvel comics, whose name was then Timely, was still publishing superhero comics. But they noticed, as Les Daniels had written in his Marvel´s history, that the comic book market was changing. So Marvel/Timely decided to create their own versions of funny animals comics and needed skilled people to draw those comics. Was Timely/Marvel actively hunting for the Disney artists? The question remains in this context certainly unanswered, but maybe it is so. In any case, Kosti Ruohomaa made his first ever known comics during the time when he was still working at Disney. Jerry Bails in his book “Who is Who of American Comics” is the only one who ever knew that Kosti Ruohomaa had made any comics. Kosti himself ignored those comics, because he did not mention this phase of his life in his short biography, published in 1949. According to Jerry Bails, Timely/Marvel published the Joker comic book in 1942-1943. The first Joker comic book is dated April 1942. This included comics by many artists who later became very noted: Powerhouse Pepper and Stuporman by Basil Wolverton; and Hey look by Harvey Kurtzman, who later made comics for Mad Magazine and Playboy. Also Mad Magazine artist Al Jaffee made screwball comics for Joker comic book. Kosti Ruohomaa was in good company. Jaffee does not remember if he ever met Kosti, which is not surprising, since Kosti lived still in California. Kosti made other comics too. DC Comics was the publisher of Superman and Batman. For this company, Kosti Ruohomaa made Penniless Palmer comic. For Ace Periodcals company, Kosti made Koo Koo Kapers — known comic, only one page slightly. There is a third reason why Kosti would have left Disney. World War II was on. According to New York Times, a total of 80 percent of Disney's activities went to war propaganda in 1942. In one interview, Kosti said that the Army Signal Corps lent him from Disney for some time to make cartoon training films for military. Disney had something to do with these training movies. Kosti was not the only one who left Disney to make military training cartoons. Lars Calonius was born in Helsinki. He had been involved in Disney's 1942 animated “Bambi” movie. After “Bambi,” Calonius left Disney to make those military training films. Also Mort Walker, the creator of famous Beetle Bailey comic strip, was at Army Signal Corps. Wonder if the gentlemen ever met? I haven’t got any information about the training films Kosti did for Army Signal Corps. It seems that Kosti did not miss his Disney years. He later explained his relationship with the world of Disney: “One mouse can be interesting but a million mouses are a bore." After the war, Kosti had changed completely his tool. Pen and ink was replaced by the camera. Kosti bought a Rolleflex and started a new career of a photographer. He worked on the staff of Life magazine for a while, but during the ‘40s he turned to freelance assignments, represented by Black Star photo agency. He worked with Rolleiflex, Rolleicord and Linfoff cameras. His topical photographs received prompt attention and demand and ended up in covers and pages of Life magazine, Collier’s, Ladies’ Home Journal, Down East, Yankee, Parade and other pictorials of the post war era. Kosti’s photos were pure Americana. Kosti’s first break came when he was assigned to a big story with an agricultural background. He found himself developing a news feeling for the country he had left with disgust a few years earlier. Kosti returned to East Coast. He had lived shortly in New York, but returned then to Rockland. His base was a small camp on Ruohomaa farm. Lew Dietz remembers that Kosti never stayed far, or for long, from that eyrie overlooking the sea and backed up to his father’s blueberry lands: “He made several unsuccessful attempts to tear himself away and find new roots. Perhaps his mind told him that a boyhood home is no more than a womb and that a man can never go home again. The need of his heart overruled his mind.” Kosti concentrated on photographing the lost or changed landscape of Maine, images that were was most celebrated. Says Lew Dietz: “I know no one who caught Maine more truthfully.” Although Kosti had achieved national and international fame as a photographer, he also became a part of the Maine community. Maine people accepted his faults, the heaviest of which was that Kosti had a drinking problem. Dietz said: “He was an alcoholic and he knew it.” But Kosti was scrupulously honest about himself. William Allen Shevis wrote: “Kosti was quite, considerate, shy … and gentle when he was sober. When he had bottle in hand he seemed more assured, more in command of his life and his calling. I’m not knocking Kosti. Alcoholism is sickness, an addiction, and it was damn shame that he could not break it grip on him.” Jill Delaney, a former Farrell, said that Kosti was a friend of the family who visited them often. She also remembers that Kosti was different from other people, inscrutable even the mysterious figure. Dietz wrote: “He was tall, lithe and handsome young man, cunning cap cocked his head, camera slung from his head.” Other photographers had noticed Kosti’s talent very fast. Todd Walker has said: “I was in a couple of the inter-studio salons, in one of which was a man named Kosti Ruohomaa who later on became a very well-known photographer in the East. He was at Disney working as one of the animators and his work was really quite different from the others, most of whom did just stock portraits. His work really fascinated me.” For Black Star’s Howard Chapnick, Kosti was moody and brooding Finn, who had great sense of composition and mood and ability to capture subtle nuances. Chapnick called Kosti a true artist: "The word is thrown around with gay abandon in photography — this picture looks like a Rembrandt, that one like a Renoir. Kosti’s photographs do not have to be compared to the work of painters. A Ruohomaa picture looks like a Ruohomaa!" Kosti once said to Howard Chapnick about being photojournalist: “… Young photographers have to be educated in the arts, sciences and humanities, so that they can bring understanding and intelligence to every assignment. Each assignment is a new challenge with new people to relate to. You can’t relate to them unless you have an open, receptive, inquiring and trained mind. That’s secret of being a journalist.” Sauna was everything to Kosti. Shevis said: “We used to go up to his place on Dodge’s Mountain with Dietz to the sauna. Kosti would have the stove stoked up and the carrel of rocks already hot.” It is “kiuas,” as we says here in Finland. But let Shevis continue: “He’d be dressed in ritual towel round the waist and as we stripped he’d toss ceremonial cup of water on to the rocks. The water would hiss and bubble and turn in a blistering flash into steam obscuring out nakedness and we’d sit ourselves on the cedar benches, the higher the hotter, to soak and sweat. When we couldn’t stand it anymore, we’d gallop outdoors to cool off.” Kosti had visited his father’s old home at Kiukainen in Finland with his parents in 1915, when he was less than 2 years old. In 1948, Kosti travelled to Europe and the Middle East. He visited England and Ireland, Austria and Switzerland. He also has paid a visit to Finland, where his parents were born. He spent six weeks in Finland taking photos. It was an account of the visit of the American-born son of Finnish immigrants to the land of his parents. The Air Force took him in a special assignment, which carried him to Rome, Athens and into Arabia. The State Department has selected his work for its publications distributed in foreign countries. Blood clots in the brain paralyzed Kosti in February 1961. Lew Dietz met Kosti when October turned November. He said that Kosti was a shattered man, bedridden and paralyzed: “He was propped up before a box with broken glass. With effort he was able to articulate one hand and arm. He managed to operate his cameras as he sought abstract beauty in the light refractions of the shards beside his bed.” Kosti Ruohomaa died Nov. 5 of that year only 47 years old, unmarried and without children. His days at Disney were limited and his comic book career was even more marginal but for the sake of his photographer's career and photographs, Kosti Ruohomaa is very noted and even here in Finland too. Kosti Ruohomaa is still highly valued in Maine, also called a legend. It is said that God created Maine and Kosti photographed it. I thank everyone who helped me to write my Kosti Ruohomaa biography: Jill Delaney, June Ranta Wilcox, Colin Emery, William Allen Shevis, Art Jura, Mark Haskell and Steven Gifford. Kiitos! Dated May 21, 2014, which is Konstantin’s and Kosti’s day in Finland. Copyright is held by Ilpo Lagerstedt, who has written plenty about the history of comics and American Finns, among other the book about the Finnish American comic book artists and cartoonists, published by Tampere University Press 2008.
Lazar Balshen's trouble with City Hall appear to have started with a nude sauna. Balshen, a retired truck driver, who immigrated from Russia to the United States in 1996 and settled in Berea, has been fighting the small town's City Hall for the past five years. Not that he's getting anywhere. He's not. Still, he claims to have no idea why he has become persona non grata in the small college town. For years, Balshen, 83, has wanted to join Berea's Active Senior Network, a city sponsored group that plans social outings and activities for Berea seniors. His membership has been denied. The group's website boasts that the well apportioned facility located in the city's recreation center is available for all Berea seniors to use at their leisure for reading, watching TV, playing cards, assembling puzzles or simply for socializing. But Balshen says he has been refused admission into the group and is furthermore forbidden entry into the city's recreation center where the group is headquartered. "I can't get any help from anyone. Not even from groups that say they want to help senior citizens," a frustrated Balshen said Tuesday afternoon "I feel like its all a conspiracy. I don't understand why it has to involve me." "What did I do?" said Balshen, who is as feisty an octogenarian you'll ever met. A little background might shed some light. The staff and membership there didn't care for his practice of relaxing naked in the gym's sauna for hours or habitually using a vihta, a swatch of birch branches, to vigorously beat himself to improve his circulation. His constant lecturing on sauna etiquette and his vocal disapproval whenever a user entered the sauna wearing any articles of clothing didn't improve his popularity, either. "It is not healthy for people to wear clothes and, especially, shoes into the sauna. The heat has to be free of dirt and other contaminants that pollute the environment of the sauna," he said at the time. Finally, the gym grew tired of his hectoring and revoked his membership. When he refused to leave in a timely fashion, he was arrested and paraded off to jail in a robe and slippers. He was convicted of disorderly conduct and fined $252. Now fast forward to 2013. Balshen said he has no interest in the sauna or the pool located in the city's public recreation center. He said he just wants to be able to join the seniors group and take advantage of their many amenities. But the last time he attempted to enter the center in 2010, he was recognized, police were called, and he said he was told he would be arrested on disorderedly conduct charges if he didn't promptly leave. "I don't know what crime I committed for them to keep me out of the recreation center. And I don't know why the prosecutor won't take my calls and explain to me why I'm not allowed to join the senior room," Balshen said Tuesday afternoon. "So what am I to do?" he asked? The answer to that plaintive question is fairly simple according to Jim Walters, who doubles as Berea's Law Director and Prosecutor and who is the authority behind Balshen's ban. The old man must learn to play well with others. "He expects others to play well with him, but he's never evidenced that he is capable of playing well with others." "My intent is not to be mean to the guy, but every time we've tried to convey to him that there are rules that must be followed, it seems to go over his head," said Walters. "It's possible that we would reconsider the ban if he demonstrated that he was able to get along with others and not be so disruptive to the other seniors." So there it is. Senior citizens have their own advanced ways of winnowing their social groups. Just like some seniors have a way of keeping themselves in grownup timeout for bad behavior. Balshen has called everyone from former Rep. Dennis Kucinich to the Ohio Attorney's General's office to officials at Cuyahoga County. But ultimately, if he really wants to play checkers and eat lunch with his fellow seniors, he should simply learn to play nice. It's more than his nude sauna past that keeps him out of Berea's recreation center.
Home > B&B Belgium > B&B East Flanders > B&B Scheldeland > 't Groene Genoegen 't Groene Genoegen – Gent (Laarne) Sleep, awake, enjoy … In “t Groene Genoegen” (The Green Delight) enjoying and quality of life are the central goals. The beautifully renovated house (formal floristry) with private guest-entrance has four spacious rooms, each with their own bathroom. The view on the field, meadows and wood is breathtaking, the silence surprising. In the large quiet garden it is nice to stay and ideal for the children to romp. You can have breakfast in the sociable kitchen or on the southern terrace. At the breakfast table you will find mostly tradional, biological and region products, which we find perfect for quality-full enjoying. Many extra’s such as a champagne breakfast, are possible... In the region of Laarne we have innumerable cosy and quality-full restaurants. You can find the simple kitchen but also the “haute cuisine” and Birgit, the hostess, will advise you with your choice. You can add an extra relaxing touch to your stay in “t Groene Genoegen” by visiting the private sauna and bubble bath. In the resting area you can relax with a glass of fruit juice or champagne which is always at hand range. Walking, cycling, mountainbiking At least 5 cycling / mountainbiking and 3 walking routes are passing by “t Groene Genoegen”. You can do endless walking and cycling through the typical roads of the Scheldeland. Bicycles can be rented. If you want to surprise someone with a stay, breakfast or sauna in't Groene Genoegen, you can order a cheque via [email protected] Four comfortable guest rooms with television, internet connection and own bath room are at your disposal. Each of the rooms has been named after a beautiful type of begonia which used to be raised here. In each room it is possible to place an extra bed or a child bed This spacious room in grey-blue colour shades is based on the ground floor and has its own garden terrace. In the two quality-full box spring beds it is a dream to sleep. Bouton de Rose This romantic room is based on the first floor and offers a grand view on the surrounding forrest and fields. Here you find a spacious double bed. This flowerfull room is also based on the first floor and the soft green colours will help you feel calm and relaxed. This blue room is based on the first floor of the main building. - Single: 75€ - Double: 100 € from 3 nights: -10 % Longer stays: prices on demand Children <= 3 year on the room: free Children <= 12 year on the room: 20 euro/night - Credit cards - Car park On the property - Disabled persons - Internet / wireless access *: Prices are estimates and are subject to change. For the most recent prices, please check the website of this accommodation. Are you the owner of this accommodation? Manage your pages here. Birgit en Tom 9270 Gent (Laarne) Other bed & breakfasts in Gent (Laarne) and its environs - Annekin – Laarne (2 km) - Karels Halte – Destelbergen (4 km) - Selemo B&B – Gentbrugge (6 km) - Huisje Kakelbont – Gentbrugge (6 km) - Cuberdon Bed and Breakfast – Ghent (8 km) - 1,2,trois... Le Roi – Ghent (8 km) - Betsberg – Oosterzele (Moortsele) (8 km) - B&B Engelen aan de Waterkant – Ghent (9 km) - Logidenri – Ghent (9 km) - ApartGent – Ghent (9 km) - [Su'ro] 8.5 – Ghent (9 km) - Bed in Gent 7.7 – Ghent (9 km)
“ Leeson Bridge Guest House 1 / Upper Leeson Street / Dublin 4 / Tel: +353 1 6682255 / „ With my bargain Ryanair flights for just 2p per person I set about the task of looking for a luxurious hotel at a bargain price, having been to Dublin a good few times before I had stayed in a few different areas previously and was very keen on staying in the Temple Bar area again, I had misunderstood my other half when he said he had been to Dublin before as he had stayed in Dublin but he had only been for the day so when he said he had found a fantastic hotel in a great location for a great price I let him go ahead and book it as Dublin is easy enough to get around and nowhere is really ever to far to get to. A 4 star guesthouse the Leeson Bridge Guesthouse is located on Upper Leeson Street and was 99.00 for 1 night and promised a comfortable clean room in a great location and what was more it had a sauna and Jacuzzi bath exactly what we needed to de-stress so my partner made the reservation with Laterooms.com and we waited for our trip to arrive. *~*Getting to the Hotel*~* Dependent on how you will be arriving into Dublin there are many transport options available, I opted for the Aircoach which I had used on my last visit which stopped directly outside our hotel ideal. If you have ever travelled to Dublin before you will know that the traffic is renowned for being a nightmare so car hire was never an option for us. If you will be getting the aircoach to this hotel you can purchase tickets from the driver and you will need to board the coach at stop 5 located directly outside the terminal building and inform the driver that you will be stopping at Upper Leeson Street, I would always recommend the aircoach as it is extremely comfortable and only 14 for a return ticket so there are no extra charges for being stuck in rush hour traffic as we were. *~*Location of the Leeson Bridge Guesthouse*~* As previously mentioned Leeson Bridge Guesthouse is located at 1 Leeson Street Upper which is a 10 minute walk away from St Stephens Green and Grafton Street and there are many bus stops located all over the city so it is easy to get from one place to another. The guest house is located on a busy junction just before the bridge so it can be difficult to stop outside the hotel to unload baggage if you want to make use of the car parking facility. *~*Arriving at the hotel*~* We arrived at the hotel really early and were planning on leaving our bags at the hotel as we had checked out the hotels facilities before we made the reservation to ensure that had we been travelling with more luggage than planned then we could ensure that we could leave our baggage behind. We eventually arrived at the hotel just after 9am, the reception is located immediately on the right hand side and is manned from 7am until 11pm, so we checked with the receptionist whether we could check-in early but we were advised that the room was not ready and that we would need to return after 2pm to check-in, however we were able to leave our bags and jackets at the guesthouse in a locked room until we returned. We decided to do most of our sightseeing and then spend the afternoon in the room having fortywinks before going back out later on. When we returned to the guesthouse it was just after 3pm and we were able to check-in, the check-in process was simple and a print-out was provided showing the cost of the room and confirming the room type that we had booked and also our contact details should we leave anything behind and we were informed that our room was located on the 3rd floor and we could use the stairs or the lift and provided with 2 keycards. We collected our bags from the room they were being stored and made our way up to the room. Leeson Bridge Guesthouse offers both luxury and executive rooms as well as studio apartments. Luxury rooms contain private Jacuzzi baths and views of the canal banks and the executive rooms were a little larger and also contained a sauna. All door are opened via a keycard and our room had a superb view looking out at Leeson Bridge and the canal, as we entered the room there was a long narrow passageway that led onto the actual bedroom area and to the right were two large sash windows that looked out onto the busy road next to the canal and made the room light and airy but what I immediately noticed was that the noise from the busy road filtered straight into the bedroom making it less relaxing, I do feel that due to the amount of noise being produced and having read previous reviews on the hotel I certainly would think about offering air conditioning as there was no way we would be able to leave the windows open during the evening as the noise was too much. On the left hand side of the passage way were two built in wardrobes with internal lights that automatically lit up when the door was opened and there were plenty of hangers offered and in the second wardrobe there was a spare duvet and an extra pillow and blanket which we did not require during our stay. Our room contained a Kingsize bed which was extremely comfortable and the pillows were heaven and much more comfortable compared to the ones we had at home. The ensuite bathroom is to the left of the bed and contained a Jacuzzi bath, toilet and sink and a glass door in the bathroom leads onto the private sauna which my other half made full use of. The bathroom appeared to be a little tatty and the pedestal had come away from the sink and either I was to heavy for the toilet but each time I sat on the toilet it moved! The bath was in full working order and came complete with overhead power shower and a shower head attachement on the taps. The bath panel was mahogany and was outdated and also looked worn where the water had spilled over onto the panel and caused it to come away from the side of the bath. Towels were provided and stored on the heated towel rail, the bathroom was clean and tidy and basic amenities were provided in the form of Dove Moisturising shower crème and Lux shower gel. The bedroom itself had an LCD flatscreen tv mounted on the wall at the end of the bed and offered a wide range of channels including ITV and BBC. There was a small dressing table in the room containing a travel kettle, tea and coffee making facilities and a large mirror hanging over. On the bed there are two complimentary chocolates from Lily OBriens and if you see these in Dublin grab a box as these are delicious chocolates. Next to the bed on the right hand side was an ironing board complete with Iron and to the left side of the bed was a small bedside table with a CD Alarm clock and on each side of the bed was a telephone, even now I have no idea why there were 3 telephones in our room and we didnt use any of them. As with most accommodation there was a directory with useful information in but there were no real recommendations for restaurants and bars within a few minutes walking distance of the hotel, they were all located in the Temple Bar area or Grafton Street. The room is spacious and well decorated and looks as if it has recently been redecorated and if only they had concentrated their efforts on the bathroom as well this would be an ideal 4 star property. I was glad that we stayed at this hotel as it was away from the main tourist areas and offered a relaxing break away. Apart from the traffic outside the guesthouse was peaceful and relaxing and we enjoyed our stay very much. There is no restaurant in the hotel but breakfast is served each morning in the dining room which is located on the ground floor and serves a continental style breakfast between 7am and 10am. The dining room contained 4 tables of 2 and 3 table to accommodate up to 4 guests and the self serve area is immediately to the left as you enter the dining room, offering a selection of Kellogs cereals, fruit juices, coffee, croissants, bagels and muffins and also ham, cheese, salami, eggs, tomatoes and peppers and what is more there is plenty to have and you can have as much as you like. There is a member of staff that comes around to clear the plates and offers you toast and tea which is prepared when ordered so it is always fresh, I have to say that this was one of the best breakfasts I have had in a long time. Check- out is 10 am from the hotel and I do feel that this could be moved to 11am as the guesthouse only has 30 rooms in total and judging by the number of guests we saw during our stay I highly doubt that all 30 rooms were booked up and given that check-in is 2pm that would mean that there is 4 hours to prepare the rooms for new guests. When we checked out the same lady was on reception and she asked about our stay and wished us a pleasant journey home. Overall this hotel was a relaxing break away from home and the staff we encountered were pleasant and helpful at all times even when it came to recommending a local restaurant. If you want to stay somewhere a little bit different then look up the Leeson Bridge Guesthouse. This hotel has no facilities for children, a cot can be placed in the room for a further 30 but due to the layout of the room it could be cramped if a cot is put into the room. There is a living room and dining room area on the first floor which is available for all guests to use and contains a comfortable leather sofa and there is also a kitchen within the hotel that may have previously been used by guests but this was locked for the duration of our visit. The Leeson Bridge Guest house is located on Leeson Street Bridge, an exclusive area of Dublin city close to St Stephens Green and graciously over looks Dublin's Grand Canal on a street of Georgian Houses, is full of character and old world charms with high decorative ceilings, old furniture and a very warm welcome for our guests. This lovely Bed and Breakfast is very close to St Stephens Green and all the attractions of Dublin city - concert and exhibition centres, theatres, lively pubs, restaurants and the main shopping areas of Dublin city. The Leeson Bridge Guest House is easily accessibly to the Dublin city Airport, ferries and Train Stations by local Buses, Taxis, Luas and Dart train services with the Aircoach stopping outside our door. The Leeson Bridge Guesthouse offers guests a relaxing and stress free visit to Dublin.
Paradise in the Palms New Palms Place Grows Skyward In Las Vegas Contractor M.J. Dean Construction is building the third tower at the Palms Casino Resort. The $350 million, 50-story concrete tower will provide almost 600 units for residences which can be rented out as hotel rooms to guests. Palms Place, an ultra-posh new condo-hotel, is taking shape a few blocks west of the Las Vegas Strip. The $350-million, 599-unit skyscraper is located next to the 34-acre, 664-room Palms Casino Resort at Flamingo Road and Arville Street. M.J. Dean Construction of Las Vegas, is the The 50-story cast-in-place concrete tower features 9-in.-thick post-tensioned floors and an elaborate glass skin. The high-rise rests atop a 5,000-cu-yd concrete mat foundation with 80, 6-ft-dia. drilled caissons from 60- to 80-ft deep. The 526-ft-tall tower has roughly 26 columns per every 18,000-sq-ft floor plate, with two supporting shear walls and a massive central elevator core. The 1.1-million-sq-ft structure is serviced by 15 elevators and a central plant. A main porte cochere entrance enables drivers to travel under the building. A "SkyTube,"a 700-ft-long enclosed elevated moving walkway, will connect to the adjacent Palms The skyscraper rises from a five-level podium with parking, a restaurant, lounge, bar and offices. The project also includes a lavish two-level spa with 20 treatment rooms, including steam and sauna areas. A landscaped outdoor pool deck with spas, cabanas and a fitness center tops the 60 ft-tall podium. Residences consist of seven different floor plans, ranging from a 600-sq-ft studio up to 7,000-sq-ft penthouse. Units come fully furnished with gourmet kitchens, 42-in plasma TVs, linens and contemporary décor. Toronto-based Yabu Pushelberg is the interior designer. The high-end penthouses feature cantilevered stand-alone Jacuzzi bathtubs overlooking the Strip. The tower joins the growing number of recent Las Vegas projects to use the condo-hotel concept, which will enable homeowners to earn income by renting out their residences to guests when not in use, just like a hotel room. The project will bring the Palms total room inventory to 1,263. The project proved an instant hit, selling-out quickly despite six price increases that ran from $500,000 to $7 million. "We sold-out at an incredible pace, and we could have sold-out another tower," says Palms president George Maloof. "But we won't build another one. This is a one-of-a-kind." Designed by The Jerde Partnership, Venice, Calif., with Las Vegas-based KGA Architecture as architect-of-record, Palms Place is fully sheathed in emerald-colored, custom-cut Vericon glass - a contract worth $30-million. The building has a unique saw-tooth façade with setbacks to create private glass and aluminum railing balconies at No two floor edges are the same, says Bryan Cowart, M.J. Dean's project manager. It has required laser surveying of each floor by Loscha Engineering, the project's Las Vegas-based structural engineer, to make certain the building stayed in alignment during construction. Despite this, M.J. Dean has maintained a floor-a-week erection schedule through pre-construction planning and flying forms. "It's the first residential tower at the Palms so we wanted to have a unique feeling," says Coco Zhou, Jerde's project designer. "By having it all glass, it creates a very vertical tower that glows at night like a diamond." The tower has another iconic touch: LED sticks encircle the building crown like a halo. The molded, reinforced fiber elements have an imbedded lighting system that shines back toward the building façade, giving it a shimmering look at night. The vertical light sticks start on the 23rd floor and rise past the roof, attaching at each level in 10-ft pieces to form contiguous elements up to 200-ft-long. They are placed roughly 20-ft apart from one another around the entire tower. M.J. Dean is self-forming the concrete work, framing, painting The project, which broke ground in January 2006, will see up to 750 tradesmen on site during the height of construction activity, Cowart says. The new Palms Place is expected to take its place along the Las Vegas skyline in December. Palms Casino Resort KGA Architecture; The Jerde Partnership M.J. Dean Construction Anderson Drilling; Century Steel; Embassy Glass; Bombard Electric; Bombard Mechanical Click here for next Feature Story >>
Choose your preferred language. We speak English (US) and 41 other languages. Otogar Yolu No:20 Esenler, 34220 Istanbul, Turkey – Show map No booking fees • Save money! Best price guarantee — enter dates to see these prices! 2185 properties in Istanbul Including hotels, apartments, villas and more. 136 verified reviews They speak your language! Grand S Hotel's staff speaks: Turkish, English, German Booking is safe When you book with us your details are protected by a secure connection. Sauna, Fitness Center, Spa, Massage, Turkish/Steam Bath, Indoor Pool, Library Food & Drink Restaurant, Bar, Breakfast in the Room, Restaurant with Dining Menu, Buffet-Style Restaurant, Special Diet Meals (upon request) WiFi is available in all areas and is free of charge. Free public parking is available on site (reservation is not needed). Room Service, Packed Lunches, Car Rental, Shuttle Service (surcharge), Airport Shuttle (surcharge), 24-Hour Front Desk, Express Check-in/Check-out, Currency Exchange, Tour Desk, Ticket Service, Baggage Storage, Concierge Service, Babysitting/Child Services, Laundry, Dry Cleaning, Ironing Service, Shoeshine, Meeting/Banquet Facilities, Business Center, Fax/Photocopying, Hair/Beauty Salon, VIP Room Facilities, Honeymoon Suite Newspapers, Safe, Non-smoking Rooms, Facilities for Disabled Guests, Family Rooms, Elevator, Heating, All Spaces Non-Smoking (public and private), Designated Smoking Area Turkish, English, German From 1:00 PM Until 12:00 PM Cancellation and prepayment policies vary according to room type. Please enter the dates of your stay and check what conditions apply to your preferred room. Children and Extra Beds All children are welcome. One child under 2 years stays free of charge in a crib. One child under 6 years stays free of charge when using existing beds. One older child or adult is charged EUR 30 per person per night in an extra bed. The maximum number of extra beds/cribs in a room is 1. Additional fees are not calculated automatically in the total cost and will have to be paid for separately during your stay. Pets are not allowed. Cards accepted at this property Hover over the cards for more info. Based on 136 reviews Value for money Show reviews from: Offering an indoor pool and a fitness centre, Hilton Garden Inn Istanbul Atatürk Airport is located a 8-minute drive from Istanbul Ataturk Airport. Score from 60 reviews Good This stylish hotel features a terrace overlooking Istanbul. Just off of famous shopping street, Istiklal Street, Marmara Pera is a 5-minute walk from the nearest tram stop. Score from 998 reviews Good This 4-star Carlton Hotel, 1700 ft from the Grand Bazaar, features rejuvenating massage treatments and a sauna. Guest rooms have flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi access and seating areas. Score from 659 reviews Good In Istanbul, this hotel is only just over 1 mile from the Blue Mosque and Topkapi Palace. It has an outdoor pool with furnished terrace and includes air-conditioned guest rooms with free Wi-Fi. Score from 208 reviews Good -bad location; -the hotel address mentioned in booking.com is not correct; -cold and not heated hotel; -the accommodation price is not corresponded to the hotel quality and stars; -expensive hotel; -bad service; -very noisy; -rooms smell of cigarettes. Poor breakfast but it is enough for this price Location near every thing The staf is uncultured then they try to trick me with some more payments for exc. one menu is in room for room servise and they had the other menu in restaurant whit higher prices.. must be very careful. I was not. The room was very cold without heating, the bed was very dirty and uncomfortable , in toilet there was not toilet brush, i put on door the sign "do no disturb" but they came in and wake me up couple of times, wifi some times work some times not and much more...This hotel is the worst hotel I have been in my live. I would NOT recommended to anyone !!!! dirty rooms, wifi is present but not working properly, cleanliness a mess. I could not use JCB card for the payment. The pool pool has a lot of cloro. Too much noise when you opn the windows. Everything is so far from the hotel so we spend too much money in taxi and train. In the restaurant uses to leave the dishes , glasses and everything wet, we had to dry our dishes every day. The roon is confortable. Pool very nice. Driving to the hotel is complicated. It took us 1 hour to find the way to it just from the opposite side of the road to the hotel. Staffs are excellent! Non existent air conditioning so very hot. Very poor food and disinterested service during breakfast and evening meal. Location - an easy walk with backpacks from the bus station. Easy for metro to get into the city. in some rooms windows are not working apropriately friendly staff swimming pool The room was shabby. Our room looked out onto a backstreet with noisy chidren playing in the street. The front of the hotel was located on a very busy road junction not suited to pedestrians. there was a loud noise at breakfast which we found out was a lorry emptying the sewer behind the hotel. The breakfast room was full when we got there. We noticed a separate room with tables laid up ready but the waiters told us we could not sit there and they tried to sit us (a family of 4) with another family of 3 on a table meant for 4 people! Internet rubbish! chewing gum on the carpet in the room, wallpaper ripped. Restaurant = poor choice of meals & very expensive. We went for a dip in the pool and was told to get out becasue we were not wearing swimming hats but we could purchase them for £10 each! Guess what we said?! The decoration in the lobby and spa gave the hotel an expensive feel. WORSR HOTEL EXPERIENCE IN MY LIFE. THE RATINGS ARE WAY OFF AND HAS EXTRA STARS FOR SOME REASON.The hotel is a mess. Broken mirrors in elevators and room, dirty room [my room had dirty tissue papers under a couch and was never cleaned up]. Very bad location. Located in a poor and unsafe and dirty area and Had to take the metro and trolley for 45 min everyday to get to the tourism part. Room was right next to window and impossible to sleep due to all the traffic and noise. Rude rude rude staff. The room key kept getting unactivated so we had to go downstairs to the lobby EVERY SINGLE TIME we wanted to go to our room. Seriously this hotel has TOO MANY EXTRA STARTS FOR WHAT ITS WORTH. The only thing worth it here is the Daphne restaurant food. Not even the service-just the food. The waiter was so rude and unkind i almost stood up and left but stayed because we were starving - staff was frequently trying to enter my room (during my presence in the room) without even knocking on the room's door. - hotel requires to pay the total amount for your stay during the check-in procedure and they are not issuing any receipt when you pay the money. They will issue a receipt only if you explicitly request it and only during the check-out process. - hotel desk clerk tryed on two occasions to overcharge me. breakfast - includes a good variety of foods. (Location to Istanbul) knew that, so nothing. High quality hotel (incl WiFi) and location to buses. Too lazy and bad staff. Room was cosy and clean. the break fast and the room prices For your safety please avoid dealing with this hotel -- staffs are dangerously aggressive . I was threatened and terrorized by room service staff when I request not to refill my minibar .also every employee in the hotel keep bullying and asking for tips . I am surprised how it is listed as a hotel on booking . shown picture are totally fake , --room are too small, --old dirty Furniture. --Bed sheets have yellow spots all over --no air conditioning --outside picture shown here is not real , the hotel is located in very crowded old district and just beside the tram rail way لسلامتك يرجى تجنب التعامل مع هذا الفندق، --الموظفين عدوانين بشكل خطير. وقد تم تهديدي وارهابي من قبل موظفي خدمة الغرف عندما طلبت عدم إعادة ملء الميني بار . جميع موظفين الفندق يمارسون البلطجة وويطلبون البخشيش. أنا مندهش كيف يتم سرد هذا الفندق في بوكينق. الصور المعروضه هي وهمية تماما، - غرفة صغيرة جدا، - الأثاث قذرة وقديم. - الشراشف عليها بقع صفراء - لا يوحد تكييف للهواء - صورة واجهة الفندق ليست حقيقية ، يقع الفندق في حي قديم ومزدحم جدا و بجانب الطريق السكك الحديدية الترام 당신의 안전이 호텔을 다루는 피해주세요에, 직원은 위험 공격적이다. 나는 위협과 공포 룸 서비스 직원이 내 미니 바 리필하지 요청할 때. 또한 호텔의 모든 직원이 괴롭힘을 유지하고 조언을 요청했다. 나는 그것이 예약에 호텔로 나열하는 방법을 놀라게합니다. 보이는 그림은 완전히 가짜 - 방은 너무 작아서, - 오래 된 더러운 가구. - 침대 시트가 온통 노란색 반점이 - NO AIR CONDITIONING - 여기에 표시된 외부 그림이 진짜가 아닌,이 호텔은 매우 혼잡 오래된 지구에 단지 트램 레일 웨이 옆에 위치 zu Ihrer Sicherheit bitte vermeiden Sie den Umgang mit diesem Hotel, die Mitarbeiter gefährlich aggressiv. ich wurde bedroht und terrorisiert von Zimmer-Service Personal, wenn ich ersuchen, meine Minibar aufzufüllen. auch jeder Mitarbeiter im Hotel halten Mobbing und fragen nach Tipps. ich bin überrascht, wie es als Hotel bei der Buchung aufgeführt. Bild gezeigt, sind total fake, - Zimmer sind zu klein, - alten, schmutzigen Möbel. - Bettwäsche haben gelbe Flecken am ganzen - Keine Klimaanlage - außerhalb hier gezeigte Bild ist nicht echt, ist das Hotel sehr voll in Altstadt und direkt neben der Straßenbahnschiene Weg befindet Location, Same poor breakfast everyday, unfriendly staff. Breakfast was average at best. Wifi was terrible. Dogan very unfriendly as a front desk worker. Also too interested in promoting his own taxi business. Decent stay overall, some friendly staff. We got turned away from using the pool because we did not have swimming caps. Even though there were no other people using it everything we. We will be better prepared next time. Room very clean... as a whole a pleasure and staff went out of their way to assist in every way. We often travel through Istanbul and the grand S will definitely see us again... Great service and help, perfect location across the road to the Essenler otogar... Out of 4 nights, i could sleep only for 1 night.... The air condition was not working.... After many calls came a man with a screw driver and fixed it, it stopped working again in a while... The room was exhausting... What the heck to listen this from receptionist that hotel policy is to switch off AC during 9am and 9pm... Because no one stays in hotel in this time... I said i am staying but u r killing people to move them out... I never expectes a 4 star hotel will do this to me.... And they wont even imagine how much customers they r going to lose now... Guys, decision is urz Swimming pool with tuRkish bath and sauna were very nice... I wish I could stay longer. This is my second transit stay at Grand S Hotel. Quick check-in, helpful staff, clean and cozy rooms. At a very attractive price you get good quality service and facility. Very badly located. We had to spend a lot by metro or taxi to go to the tourist areas. The staff was impolite and unhelpful. The rates were too high since they converted to TL from Euro at 2.95 and refused to let us pay in Euro as quoted on the site. The facilities were ok since the turkish bath required a cap for men as well and they charged TL 10 for that too. Will not recommend to leisure travellers..maybe good for business users. Good value for money,exelent breakfast best in Istambol ,very good and profesional people who work in the hotel. We've negotiated with thousands of hotels to get the very best deals. We call them Secret Deals and they only last for a limited time. You can get these deals for free by subscribing to our newsletters. You can even choose your favorite destinations to receive personalized deals. Get started now by entering your email address. We'll instantly send you a link to our Deal Finder! Don't worry – your email address is safe with us. We'll never share your private information and you can unsubscribe at any time.
Welcome to Villa Blu Dream . View the information below, or make an enquiry in order to receive updated rates & availability. Camps Bay, Cape Town, South Africa Villa Blu Dream, a unique 650 square meter villa in Camps Bay, is the ultimate holiday home for a family or a group of up to ten friends. You will enjoy the luxury, privacy and peace of this spacious residence. The well-trained staff is dedicated to your personal comfort and well-being. And a sojourn guarantees a stress-free, relaxing holiday experience of the highest possible quality. Bedrooms and Bathrooms: The Villa sleeps ten guests in five elegant bedrooms. The prestigious master bedroom has a King-size bed, comfortable armchairs, gas fireplace , TV, DVD/CD-player, personal safe, walk-in dressing room, en-suite bathroom under-floor heating and a sea-facing balcony with daybeds. The remaining four bedrooms are all en-suite and have 3 x Queen-size beds and 1 x King-size bed. The two bedrooms near the pool have direct access to either the wrap around terrace or the courtyard. The finest quality linen, feather down duvets and pillows, silk bed covers and mohair throws, silk and suede scatter cushions as well as plush bath towels, bathrobes and deluxe toiletries are provided. The 90 square meter, sea-facing lounge and dining area is stylishly decorated with large comfortable sofas and armchairs surrounded by an impressive collection of contemporary South African paintings and artwork. There is a gas fireplace for cosy winter evenings as well as Satellite TV and DVD/CD player with super-size screen and integrated sound system. The solid timber dining table seats up to eight people comfortably. Fresh flower and candles completes the picture. There is a wide, wrap around veranda with quality outdoor furniture. The fully equipped kitchen and scullery is well equipped with high quality electrical appliances including everything from a coffee machine to a dishwasher, washing machine and tumble drier. The Villa boasts a wrap around tropical wooden terrace with potted plants and a sheltered barbecue. The 7m x 3.5m salt water swimming pool is heated. In addition to this there is a sauna with a sea view, hot water shower and quality garden furniture including an eight seater table, four sun beds and sun umbrellas. Each bedroom has a safe. The Villa is wheelchair friendly and has an elevator. There is a garage for one car as well as off street parking. Modern security system with armed emergency response. There is a fitness room. Housekeeping six times a week is included. A butler cares for the guests’ welfare from morning until evening for the duration of their stay.
For any stylish house today, it would not be complete without its very own spa. Chic, stylish and certainly in vogue, the home spa really has flourished. Luxury home builders in Thailand can now offer many of us the opportunity to escape the stress of the modern world and enjoy the pleasures of a more relaxed, healthy lifestyle. There is a wide variety of new spa equipment to choose from in Thailand to suit most budgets. Kensington can easily turn an area of unused space into your very own home resort. You too can now benefit from the soothing effects of a home spa and turn your Thai home into a very special place indeed. Kensington Company Limited is able to provide you a professional spa installation service. From many years of experience they can offer excellent advice on the types of spa available and latest models you can incorporate into your home. Kensington provide a complete swimming pool design and build service in Thailand. They are knowledgeable in all the various types and forms of swimming pools in Thailand, providing you the customer with a first rate service. They build all sizes, shapes and varieties of in ground swimming pools. They can help with the choice depending on your budget and space available, or alternatively customize it to your exact specifications. Kensington are also experienced in the various water treatments and can install either a chlorine system, ozone system or a salt water treatment system. Each has their own benefits in regards to cost, health concerns and maintenance. Chlorine is the most common as it is low cost and effective. It is still widely used all over the world as the most popular way of cleaning the pool water. It does in rare cases, cause skin/eye irritation, has a minor odour and has to be used according to a specific way. However most pools are still using the Chlorine system and it is a productive way of keeping a pool clean. The chlorine salt treatment, is becoming ever more popular, as it has no health concerns at all, is odourless, helps invigorate the skin, not irritating to the eyes and the chlorine produced, does not change the PH or alkalinity and acidity of the water. The Ozone water treatment system is a highly effective method and leaves no harmful substances in the pool at all. However it is the most expensive way. Kensington are associated with many of the best Thai contractors in the business and know the best options available. If you wish to add a little heat to the pool they can incorporate a heating system and even advise on solar generated heat. The pool can be integrated around the house, in the middle of the garden, within a spa area or even inside the property. You may include a Jacuzzi , a waterfall, a lagoon, a water curtain, canals, wet bar, pool shower, adjacent bar, sala, changing rooms, sauna, barbecue area and/or feature lighting. A design could incorporate exotic trees, stone columns, ornaments or rocks. You can create a modern minimalist design, a Roman bath, or opt for a more standard design such as a kidney shape or rectangle. There are numerous options only contained by the imagination, space and budget available. There really is no limit to what they can do. Whether you are looking for a company to build a hotel swimming pool in Thailand, a house pool in Thailand, a spa resort pool in Thailand or a communal swimming pool in Thailand, Kensington Company Limited can help make your dreams and desires a reality. We all know how relaxing a warm bath can be and how cold water can be so refreshing. Hot water relaxes the body, soothing muscle tension which in turn relaxes us. Cold water invigorates us and energizes us for the day ahead. Hydrotherapy is the ultimate form of therapy. The benefits of hydrotherapy have been recognized for thousands of years. Today they are appreciated even more so, as stress levels are higher, than they have ever been. It can calm your nerves while renewing your vibrancy leaving you relaxed and refreshed. The term most of us recognize is Jacuzzi, which is in fact a leading manufacturer's name, which has become synonymous with a wide variety of luxury spa products. Yet it is not the only manufacturer and there are many to choose from. In Thailand spa baths are often not heated and incorporated into a swimming pool; however many other options are available. Kensington offer both heated and non heated versions, depending on location and your preference. They will happily discuss what is most favourable to you. They can offer a wide range of products to install inside or outside that bring the known benefits right into your home. They can look at the space you have available and discuss your various options. Alternatively they can actually custom build one to your requirements. Currently the custom made tubs/baths are very popular in Thailand's five star Spa resorts. Kensington can offer various finishes that not only look fantastic but are equally as productive as any manufactured model. The main benefit of these custom built varieties is you are not constrained by size and they can be built to your specific needs and desires. Kensington can also install various whirl pool baths and air baths into your home. There are various combinations and options available in Thailand and many models to choose from. Where whirlpools circulate a combination of air and water to produce an intense, targeted massage, air baths by design create a softer, subtler, full-body experience. Kensington can discuss your desires and help you choose the specific models that best fit your budget. To finish off your home spa, why not indulge yourself with one of the many new hydro showers on the market in Thailand. There are many types of specialist showers to choose from and Kensington can assist you in making the right choice within the space and budget available. Many have height-adjustable wall-mount sprays that slide effortlessly to the perfect position; luxurious steam generators that surround and settle the stresses of the day; adjustable body sprays that enliven any sleepy morning and some even have built in seats, which mean you can sit back and really enjoy the moment. Alternatively they can custom build your shower enclosure to your own special requirements adding whatever it is that you require. Most of the worlds leading brand names exist in Thailand to suit all budgets and Kensington are extremely happy to discuss any of your requirements. Settle into a sauna and let the warm air go to work. You will soon feel your muscles relax and the aches and stress fade away. Calories are burned and your skin feels refreshed; you breathe clearly and deeply. Once again, body and soul are invigorated and ready to take on the world. Kensington can offer a wide selection of imported models including custom built, compact, designer, and outdoor types. They can be incorporated into a gym, bathroom or by the pool side. Various sizes are also available and once again you may choose the perfect one to fit your budget. If you are looking for a sauna installation in Thailand, then contact Kensington for excellent advice. The relaxation provided by steam rooms can be traced back through history to early Rome and other ancient civilizations, where they were often known as steam baths. They have existed for thousands of years, in many forms. They are popular throughout the world and enjoyed by many countries that include Russia, USA, Japan, France, Sweden, Finland, England, Greece, Holland, Thailand and Turkey, to name but a few. Many resorts in Thailand now have them installed and you too can enjoy the benefits in your own home. Steam rooms are now an affordable luxury in Thailand, which will improve the quality of your life in ways you can only imagine. A steam room deep cleanses and moisturizes the skin, relaxes tight overworked muscles and reduces aches and pain. It rejuvenates the body and revitalizes the mind. Even though steam rooms are sometimes referred to as 'wet saunas' and some benefits are the same, a sauna is dry while a steam bath is wet. The combination of the two is a luxury not to be missed. Kensington can propose various manufactured models and design custom made, luxury themed steam rooms to suit the available area and the number of people you wish to seat comfortably. From single units to larger luxurious suites, Kensington can assist you in making the right choice.
Beaver Village Condominiums - 3BR Condo - Property ID: L66680 Beaver Village Condominium is located in the town of Winter Park and is just 1.5 miles from the Winter Park Resort. During the winter season, the free town shuttle stops at the complex every 30 minutes directly to the ski area. To get to town, it is an easy and short walk, drive, or free shuttle ride to Winter Park's dining, shopping and nightlife. The centrally located Clubhouse is easily accessible where guests find the heated indoor pool, hot tubs, sauna, guest laundry and meeting facilities. This three bedroom, two bedroom condominium unit has a king size bed in the master bedroom, queen in the second bedroom, two captain's bunks in the third bedroom, and a queen sofa sleeper in living area. The building is located in the building 11 only a short walk to the Clubhouse. Guests will enjoy all the space with the open floor plan featuring a kitchen, living room and dining room area. One bathroom is in the hall way for guests and a private bathroom off the master bedroom. Photos are representative of the property and may differ from the actual unit that is reserved.
Pompano Beach, FL (PRWEB) February 10, 2014 TopTenRealEstateDeals.com presents a Valentines Day look at ten of the most romantic homes in the world. These are the mansions of celebrities and romantics, estates where kings and presidents have vacationed, island hideaways, and fabulous homes where some of Hollywood’s most romantic movies were filmed. All of the homes are currently for sale. "John & Jackie Kennedy’s Honeymoon Mansion" John and Jackie Kennedy were elegant, rich and the closest thing to a royal couple America has ever had. When they married in 1953, they stayed in one of the most beautiful homes in the world for their honeymoon. The 1920’s era Beverly House is huge at over 50,000 square feet in a blend of Spanish and Italian style and a fabulous history. Originally built for Union Bank & Trust executive Milton Getz, this is the home that actress Marion Davies bought in 1946 for her longtime partner, William Randolph Hearst, and where they lived until his death in 1951. When Jack and Jackie stayed here, they watched their first movie together as a married couple in the mansion’s theater - a Hearst-produced film from the 1920s. This exquisite home and its gardens have been the backdrop for scenes in “The Godfather,” “The Bodyguard,” “Topaz,” “Into The Night” and “Fletch.” The estate includes 29 bedrooms, 40 bathrooms, two guest houses and a separate apartment. Total privacy on almost four acres and only three blocks from Sunset Boulevard, the star studded Beverly House can now be leased at $600,000 per month or for sale at $115 million. "Suzanne Somers’ Sensual Sensation" One of Hollywood’s longest and best romances has been the union of Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel. In a recent interview on “The Talk,” Suzanne said that even after 36 years of marriage, they still take time for romance every day. Their dreamy Palm Springs home might have something to do with it. Modeled after L’oustau De Baumaniere in France, Suzanne's compound is pure romantic sophistication surrounded by ultimate privacy. On 73 acres and set into the side of a craggy mountainside above the valley in Mesa Canyon, the couple has combined their love of nature and elegance by bringing out the best in both with their use of contrast. Imagine crystal chandeliers twinkling against natural rock and reclaimed wood . . . Rough against smooth, soft against hard . . . All in perfect balance. To add even more intrigue, access is via a private cable car, a golf cart or a hillside of stone steps - but no cars. There are five buildings to explore with 10,000 square feet of pavilions, an outdoor amphitheater with dance floor that seats 50, pool, spa, hiking trails and natural waterfall that spills musically down the hillside. Suzanne Somers and Alan Hamel have listed their ultra romantic, private Palm Springs retreat, asking $14.5 million. Was first listed in 2008 at $35 million. "King Edward’s Love Nest" On the shores of Lake Michigan, just north of Chicago, is a mansion so grand that it once hosted the former King of England. Edward VIII was the English king who gave up the British throne in 1936 to be with the American divorcee Wallis Simpson - the woman he loved. Edward and Wallis were guests here in 1939 for several months and slept in a bedroom on the home’s second floor. Their bedroom looked out over a fountain court enclosed by ivy-covered brick and limestone walls. In 1917, as war raged in Europe, Chicago’s wealthy elite were still enjoying the bounty of the Golden Age. These families produced landmark American companies and many of the goods that we still buy one hundred years later. They also built fabulous mansions with a level of craftsmanship that is almost impossible to duplicate today. Such was the case of two important families, John G. Shedd, chairman of Marshall Field & Co. and donator of the Shedd Aquarium to Chicago, and the Schweppe family, heir to the carbonated beverage company. Since families of great fortune usually married into other families of great wealth, the marriage of Laura Shedd and Charles H. Schweppe seemed made in high society heaven. John Shedd gave his daughter this magnificent estate as a wedding present. Today, it is still considered to be one of Chicago’s most important homes. The grand 24,500 square foot English Renaissance mansion sits on 5.3 landscaped private acres overlooking Lake Michigan with approximately 400 feet of beachfront. The 10 bedroom, 16 bath interior has 11 fireplaces, library, family-game room, elevator, sauna, leaded glass windows, and hand-carved limestone stairs and fountains. The exterior is graced with balconies, terraces and gardens with lake views. Asking price is $12 million, reduced from $20 million. "Mel Gibson’s Romantic Island Retreat" There’s no denying Mel Gibson’s passion. Masculine and sexy, he exudes passion in everything he touches be it acting, producing, arguing or picking sublime real estate. Just looking at the properties he has collected over the years, each is more beautiful, earthy and romantic than the one before it, clearly portraying his deep, if most times hidden, sensitivity. Mel’s 500-acre oceanfront jungle retreat has you expecting the sounds of native drumbeats at any moment and is a perfect lover’s hideaway. Mel Gibson originally put his tropical acreage on the market in 2010 for $35 million, but has recently re-listed it at $29.75 million. There are three homes in the compound with each of the smaller single-story homes having two bedrooms, vaulted ceilings, kitchens, verandas and their own swimming pools. The main two-story hacienda-style residence overlooks the long, wide beach and has seven bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a large courtyard and pool. All homes are separated from each other affording ultimate privacy for Valentine's Day. Have a romantic breakfast on the beach of fresh-picked papaya, a squeeze of lemon from your tree and hot Colombian coffee...Just before a dip in your own private ocean. To see the entire Valentine's Day Top 10 Romantic homes, visit TopTenRealEstateDeals.com.
Visitors to Mammoth Lakes, a scenic town in the Eastern Sierra Mountains of California, can snowmobile on 80 miles of trails or snowboard over 3,500 acres of terrain in the winter months. In the summer, guests can swim at Horseshoe Lake or a pool fed by natural hot springs, or hike the three-mile Mammoth Crest trail. Travelers seeking budget-friendly accommodations in Mammoth Lake have four convenient options. Shilo Inn Suites Mammoth Lakes Reserve a budget-friendly mini-suite at the Shilo Inn Suites Mammoth Lakes (shiloinns.com), including some that include a sofa bed and wet bar. Suites feature dedicated dining and work spaces, and all hotel guests have access to a steam room, sauna, indoor pool and hot tub. A complimentary breakfast is served each morning, and business services are available to those guests who need to stay connected. A number of restaurants are within walking distance of the Shilo Inn, located in downtown Mammoth Lakes. Motel 6 Mammoth Lakes Bring along the family pet to stay free at the Motel 6 Mammoth Lakes (motel6.com). Choose from a room with a single queen or two double beds at affordable nightly rates that include use of an outdoor pool. Laundry facilities are open to guests planning an extended stay in Mammoth Lakes, and several restaurants are within walking distance of the motel, which is centrally located on Main Street. Start the day with free morning coffee before heading out to explore the region's many recreational options. Econo Lodge Wildwood Inn At the 32-room Econo Lodge Wildwood Inn (econolodge.com), guests can take advantage of fish-cleaning and freezing facilities during the summer months or ski-lift ticket packages during the winter. Rooms include microwaves and refrigerators, and guests receive a complimentary continental breakfast each morning. Swim in the motel's outdoor pool on warm California days or relax in the hot tub any time of year. Community Center Park (ci.mammoth-lakes.ca.us) is little more than a half mile northwest of the Econo Lodge and includes tennis courts, a playground and picnic areas. Travelodge Mammoth Lakes After a day on the slopes or hiking in the mountains, relax in an indoor hot tub or sauna at the two-story Travelodge Mammoth Lakes (travelodge.com). Affordable room options include two queens or one king bed, with sofa beds also available to accommodate up to five guests. Wake up to a complimentary continental breakfast at Travelodge before heading out for the day, and store snacks and beverages in your room's refrigerator for when you return. Pets are permitted with an additional nightly fee at the Travelodge, which is located on Highway 395 just east of downtown Mammoth Lakes. - Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images
Jordan is home to numerous places that can justifiably be called ‘enchanting'; walking through Petra by night or floating in the Dead Sea at sunset are some of the most magical experiences I’ve ever had. Another place that absolutely fits the bill is the Evason Ma’in Hot Springs. The Ma’in hot springs are located near the Dead Sea, about an hour’s drive southwest of Amman, in a spectacular canyon 264m below sea level. The last stretch of the drive from Amman, through mountains and down into the canyon is especially stunning. As the road winds its way down to the canyon floor, you’ll be treated to amazing panoramic views of the orangy-ochre coloured mountains, the canyon and the gorgeous palm-fringed oasis cosily nestled in the valley. An oasis of relaxation and indulgence The first glimpses of the Evason Ma’in hot springs are simply unforgettable. Towering mountains on both sides provide a stunning frame for a lush, green oasis, with waterfalls gracefully tumbling down slopes which resemble melted chocolate; it’s a sight that I found remarkably soothing. That feeling continued when I entered the resort where I was greeted by a very pleasant lobby with plush wooden furnishing, large cushions and gorgeous lamps. The interior of the resort, clearly Arabian with Asian influences, coalesce effortlessly with the natural surroundings to create a relaxing, earthy atmosphere. The first thing I did before checking into my room was to find the closest terrace and take in the view. I plonked myself into a comfortable chair, ordered a glass of delicious Machareus Chardonnay-Sauvignon Blanc from the local Zumot estate and simply gasped at the incredible view: a true Velvet Moment there! I grabbed every opportunity I had during my stay to sit and enjoy this enchanting view, both day and night, for a drink or a meal. My next stop was my room and it was just as inviting as the rest of the resort, with cosy, wooden furniture, a large bed and a delightfully spacious bathroom. The Six Senses Spa at the Evason Ma’in Hot Springs The Evason Ma’in is renowned for the curative properties of the hot springs which flow from a volcanic source deep in the mountains. The stream runs along the edges of the canyon before tumbling down to the valley at various points, forming several waterfalls. The temperature of the mineral-rich water averages around 40 degrees Celcius. There is a public pool at one of the falls, another pool at the Evason resort (for guests) and a third pool at the wonderfully secluded Six Senses Spa. The Spa is located a short walk or drive away from the resort. The only way I can describe the place is to call it an oasis of relaxation and indulgence. The pool area, with the waterfall elegantly cascading into the pool, is simply gorgeous. Another unique feature of the pool area is the natural sauna – in a cave next to the pool. It’s a small cave with a stream running through it, and you have to bend low to get in but the heat will soon get you sweating! After a quick swim in the warm water and a few minutes of sitting under the waterfall, it was time for my massage. I chose the Swedish deep tissue massage and it was seriously one of the best massages I’ve ever had. The therapist did a brilliant job in kneading away the knots in my shoulders – she could tell I spend a lot of time online! I returned to the pool after my massage. By this time, it was dark and there was no one around – I felt absolutely regal in my solitude under the starry sky. Things to do at the Evason Ma’in Hot Springs There’s more at the resort to keep you occupied aside from the hot springs and the Spa. In the mornings, guests can go for a stroll along the canyon and end just in time for a unique breakfast on a promontory – breakfast is reeled in on a rope across the canyon from the resort! Another unique activity is the open-air cinema where guests can watch movies, with the walls of the canyon as a spectacular backdrop and nothing but the star-studded sky above. The resort also organises guided walks through the canyon – it’s possible to hike through the canyon to the Dead Sea. The Evason Ma’in Hot Springs is a truly enchanting place. The stunning natural surroundings and the blissful seclusion combined with great service in an environmentally-friendly resort make it the perfect retreat for those seeking relaxation and a dose of indulgence. Note: A big thank you goes to Visit Jordan and Evason Ma’in for your gracious hospitality. As always, views expressed in this post are mine.
The hotel offers a variety of spectacular views over the city offering guests an opportunity to admire the wonderful mix of buildings that make our wonderful city. The hotel now offers all guests with free Wi-Fi access throughout the hotel. Prenotando una camera all'Holiday Inn Rotherham-Sheffield, avrete diritto ad accedere al nostro ampio Leisure Club. Il club è dotato di piscina riscaldata, sauna, bagno turco, palestra e centro benessere rilassante. 161 contemporary, fully air conditioned bedroom, with free standard Wi-Fi and satellite TV, is your home from home. Each spacious bedroom has a comfortable bed with a choice of pillows and an en-suite bathroom with power shower. With on site car parking, Express Start breakfast included and a family friendly policy, it's an ideal location for business and leisure travellers. Prenotate in anticipo il pacchetto Business Traveller per assicurarvi una Executive room con connessione a Internet wireless gratuita. Il nostro pacchetto Celebration comprende un upgrade a camere di categoria superiore più altri extra.
Welcome to this site, which is named Infrared Sauna Info because my intent was to bring all information available about infrared saunas to one place and present it in a short, simple and unbiased way. As I suppose you came here in a search for information about infrared sauna and want to begin exploring, so I prepared a list of articles which I believe are most important and helpful. They are good to begin reading. I’ve split the list into categories, depending on with what purpose you came here. If you’re going to buy an infrared sauna and need advice, reviews and comparisons you will find it here: How to buy infrared sauna What to look at when choosing online shop 2-person infrared sauna models comparison chart Reviews of infrared sauna models Try before you buy Places where you can try infrared sauna Infrared sauna manufacturers Classic far infrared sauna (cabin) Infrared sauna blanket or bag Portable infrared sauna tent Infrared sauna dome Infrared sauna instruction manuals Maybe you are waiting for your sauna arrival and need to know how to install it, or thinking where to place it: If you’re ill or want to maintain a healthy lifestyle and want to now if an infrared sauna therapy can help you I wrote some introductory articles, but note that I don’t offer medical advice and all I write is an expression of my own understanding and opinion. Always consult your doctor before undertaking any therapy. If you’re just heard about infrared saunas somewhere and want to learn basics or you are deciding if an infrared sauna is good enough for you: If you’re a manufacturer or reseller check if you are listed in my manufacturers list. If you want me to review your models, send me a note via contact form. If you’re doctor or health expert, feel free to criticize and comment my posts. I’m always open to discussion and eager to learn more about an infrared sauna and all things related to the usage of infrared for a better health. Consider writing a guest post for my blog – I will be glad to publish your opinion, even if it differs from mine. I’m also interested in links and references to studies related to infrared radiation and sauna (both traditional and infrared), so I will be grateful if you send me some. You can contact me via contact form. Thank you in advance! If you’re a happy user of an infrared sauna I have some usage tips for you: If you wand to build your own infrared sauna I have some ideas to share: And if you want to know more about me and why I’m running site like this please read these articles: I hope my site will be helpful. Happy reading!
This luxury separate loghouse is built 2003. It located in Ski Center Vuokatti (slopes 100 m). Living area 117 m² in two floors. Downstairs there is a separate kitchen, living room with fire place. Dinning table for 8 persons. Bedroom with twin bed. On 2nd floor there is two bedrooms with two separate bed for each. There are two mattresses that can be used as extra beds. Open loft with small sofa and tv. Utility room, bathroom (2 showers), sauna (electric heating), separate toilet on 1st floor. Terrace with furniture and gas grill (use on summertime). Extra: 2 x cable tv, stereo, electricity fire alarm system, electricity lock /key system. For a child: bed and high chair and safety gates on stairs. Sotkamo 7 km, Holiday Club Katinkulta Spa / Golf 3.5 km, Bowling 3.5 km, Vuokatti Sport 0.3. km, Ski tunnel 0.7 km. We recommend this villa for families or couples. The cottage is not rented for youth people groups. Check in at 16 pm and check out at 12 noon, also in every weekend bookings! No pets allowed. Price includes final cleaning. Bed linen at extra price. Property Type: Townhouse Number of Rooms: 4 117 Square Meters Interhome Quality Rating: 5 Star: Luxury furnishings. Unique and exquisite with the highest possible standards of both furnishings and luxuries. Set in wonderful surroundings. Suitable for guests requiring the very best in both quality and luxury. * ski : 100 meters * publictransport : 300 meters * center : 35 kilometers Property Attributes: shower, nonsmoking, bbq, dishwasher, fireplace, sauna, tv, washingmachine, dvdplayer, freezer, microwave, oven Additional Features: Allianz cancellation insurance Included in the price, Laundry (initial supply of bed linen and towels) Included in the price
90 km northwest from Helsinki, Lake Salkolanjärvi 500 m (length of 5 km, width 800 m), shallow, hard sand bottom, village's common beach of little use, no pier, 1.3 km by car to the beach, rowboat in shared use with another cottage. Log cottage 2011, kitchen, living room 2 beds, 2 bedrooms with 2 beds, dressing room, bathroom (shower), sauna with wood-heated stove. By a separate agreement/payment a smokesauna available 200 m away. A thickset log cabin in wide and bright meadow plot, owner's horse farm in the vicinity. There is fireplace / baking oven in the cottage. Liesjärvi National Park 5 km, Ämyri traditional summer dancing place 9 km, Somero summer market 10 km, Badding-Kiosk "Paradise" 14 km, Häntälä glens 25 km, Somero, Forssa and Karkkila 25 km. Property Type: Townhouse Number of Rooms: 3 80 Square Meters Interhome Quality Rating: 3 Star: Comfortable furnishings. Comfortable and tasteful. Above average standard. Ideal for guests who enjoy a nice, comfortable vacation home. * lake : 800 meters * publictransport : 4 kilometers * center : 25 kilometers Property Attributes: shower, nonsmoking, petsallowed, bbq, fireplace, sauna, tv, washingmachine, dvdplayer, freezer, microwave, oven Additional Features: Allianz cancellation insurance Included in the price, Final cleaning Included in the price, Laundry (initial supply of bed linen and towels) Included in the price, Pet Included in the price
609 - 1331 Alberni Street, Vancouver, BCMLS®#: V828154 - Property Value$270,000 - Property Address609 - 1331 Alberni Street, The Lions, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4S1, Canada - Parking1 PARKING + VISITOR PARKING - Year Built1999 - Living Area400 sq.ft. - Bathroom1 full - Maintenance Fee169.46 609 - 1331 Alberni Street, The Lions, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4S1, Canada Welcome to The Lions! This spacious and functional studio layout is perfect for 1st time home buyers or investors alike! See photo gallery here: http://marketing.remaxdesigncenter.com/53/94053/1235795/index.ipv Immaculately kept by its owner featuring engineered wood flooring, floor to ceiling windows showcasing city and the tree lined street. Open kitchen with granite counters and breakfast bar. Never run out of closet space with extra large in-suite storage/office area. New paint throughtout and ready to move in! 1 parking, 1 locker are included. The Lions AMENITIES include: well equipped gym, sauna, entertainment lounge, guest suite, theatre, concierge. Just steps to Stanley Park, Vancouver Business District, shopping and seawall. Rentals allowed & pet friendly too! Great investment opportunity in the hart of the City. + ONE PARKING + ONE STORAGE LOCKER + GUEST SUITE + Sauna/Steam Room + Entertainment Lounge - maria senajova - Mobile: 604.657.1110 - Fax: 604.602.9191 - Email: [email protected] - RE/MAX CREST REALTY [WESTSIDE] - 1428 West 7th Avenue - Vancouver , BC - V6H 1C1
Beautiful new 2600 square foot log home located right on the shores of majestic Lake Superior. The lake home has all the amenities including: WIFI, three stone fireplaces, glass block shower, SAT HD TV with four TVs including a 82' 3D HDTV in basement, 37' HDTV master, three DVD players (including a blue ray), 100 DVD library, Netflix on all TVs, CD collection, three IPod hookups, and 100 year old barn-wood siding in the basement. We also have Bose speaker systems on all three levels. A designer kitchen including a copper sink imported from Mexico with all new stainless appliances, unforgettable vessel sinks in all bathrooms including a petrified wood and hammered copper sink, and a custom log wet bar are other highlights! The home has two decks, with a large Weber grill and also a great fire pit lined with huge boulders to relax with a drink. A recent elaborate landscape job blends the beauty of the lake with the log property. The views from the decks and inside the lake home are spectacular looking at the open water and also a rugged cliff that lines the bay. This cliff is home to a falcon family that you can see from one of two kayaks that guests can use. There is also an eagle's nest on the far side of Enchampment Island- a 20 minute kayak trip to the south. The home also has a sauna, hot tub, huge master bath and bedroom, and is tastefully decorated with antiques/knickknacks from around the world. The basement has a queen sleeper and a 3/4 bathroom for a comfortable private area for two people. Play cards or bumper pool on the custom made log game table in the basement. Better yet pour yourself a drink from the unique log wet bar in the lower level family room. There is a short walking path to the pebble beach. The beach is beautiful, about a mile long, 40 yards deep, and a great area to agate hunt. This lake home is very unique, rustic yet upscale, cozy, and one of a kind! You will not want to leave. This was a new spot for our group of three couples to spend a long, mid-winter weekend together. We could hardly have been more impressed and pleased with the accommodations. The modern/unique north woods decor, sauna, gas fireplaces, decks, furnishings and attention to guest comfort details made the stay very enjoyable! The bumper pool table was an entertaining surprise! The close proximity of Two Harbors and Gooseberry Falls State Park while yet feeling there was enough wilderness around was a plus. The main attraction and star of the show, as always, is Lake Superior. The access and view this property offered made enjoying the lake very easy! We hope to be back! Our group went to this cabin last weekend just as a place to sleep while exploring tettegouche state park. In the end, I think the cabin became more dear to us than the park! We thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful sauna, and had a great little dance party to the bose surround sound speakers. None of us could think of anything that could have made this cabin more special. What can beat being right on lake superior? We thoroughly enjoyed our stay at this gorgeous cabin. We were a bit disappointed that the hot tub was closed for the season & we were not made aware of that, but we had fun no matter what. The cabin is stunning and in a stellar location! We saw 4-5 ships pass buy and soaked in the beautiful winter Superior. We will be back for sure! We stayed at the property recently and it was absolutely wonderful. We were astounded by all of the beautiful well thought out details of this property. The views were spectacular. The bedrooms were perfect for a good nights sleep. The kitchen was outstanding for creating memorable meals with friends. You can have a fire at the unique fire pit and walk down the quaint path to skip rocks on the gorgeous shoreline. If you prefer to be inside, they have three fireplaces to choose from throughout the home. The best part of all was hearing the waves gently lapping the shoreline. This place is all the owner's say and more. It truly is worth every penny and worth a try. We will be back. Our family has had a GREAT time at the Casa de Lago for the last several Thanksgivings. What a good time we have had. Multiple bumper pool tournaments, Skipo and Uno on the game table. Watching the ships cruise by and morning coffee with the sun coming up! Watching movies and Thanksgiving football on the "ol' 82" in the rec room, how can it be better?! The sauna and rock collecting on the beach! Thanks Craig! We've had some great times and look forward to the next adventure at your cabin! Six girl's getaway weekend spent in a not-to-be beat vacation home on Lake Superior with beach and views. Wildlife abound and we had fun watching the deer morning and night. Thanks for new memories created for long-time friends. The lake home is 8 miles north of Two Harbors. It is just beyond the 2nd tunnel north of Two Harbors. It is 6 miles south of Gooseberry Falls and 3 miles south of Grand Superior Lodge. |Rate Period||Nightly||Weekend Night||Weekly||Monthly||Event| My Standard Rate 1 night minimum stay |Notes: Rates are based on 2 guests; add $35 per night, per additional guest| |Property Damage Protection||$59| |Refundable damage deposit||$500| Payment is usually accepted in the quoted currency (USD) unless the currency and the amount is specifically agreed in advance with the owner / advertiser.
Book your room at Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort Deluxe RoomMax Occupancy: 3 guests (up to 2 children, 2 infants) Standard Room, Sea ViewMax Occupancy: 3 guests (up to 2 children, 2 infants) Delightful beach hotel with a sauna With a stay at Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort in Hurghada (Sakkala), you'll be close to New Marina. This 5-star hotel is within the vicinity of Hurghada Mosque and Hurghada Marine Museum & Aquarium. Make yourself at home in one of the 283 air-conditioned guestrooms. High-speed (wired) Internet access (surcharge) keeps you connected, and satellite programming is available for your entertainment. Conveniences include safes and complimentary newspapers, and housekeeping is provided daily. Be sure to enjoy recreational amenities, including a health club, an outdoor pool, and a sauna. Additional features include babysitting/childcare, an arcade/game room, and gift shops/newsstands. Enjoy a meal at a restaurant or in a coffee shop/café. Or stay in and take advantage of the hotel's 24-hour room service. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at a bar/lounge. Full breakfasts are available for a fee. Featured amenities include express check-in, express check-out, and dry cleaning/laundry services.Information missing or incorrect? Tell us! In addition to an outdoor pool and a children's pool, Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort provides a health club and a sauna. The hotel offers a restaurant and a coffee shop/café. A bar/lounge is on site where guests can unwind with a drink. This luxury hotel also offers spa services, a children's club, and barbecue grills. - Arcade/game room - Conference space - 24-hour front desk - Hair salon - Babysitting or childcare - Tennis on site - Barbecue grill(s) - Coffee shop or café - Dry cleaning/laundry service - Express check-in - Express check-out - Gift shops or newsstand - Health club - Total number of rooms - 283 - Children's club - Laundry facilities - Spa treatment room(s) - Picnic area - Safe-deposit box at front desk - Spa services on site - Children's pool - Outdoor pool - Multilingual staff Available in all rooms: Wired high-speed Internet access (surcharge) - Premium bedding - Free newspaper - Daily housekeeping - Satellite TV service - Air conditioning - Room service (24 hours) - In-room safe - Wired high-speed Internet access (surcharge) Where to Eat Full breakfasts are available for a surcharge. Hurghada Marriott Beach Resort has a restaurant serving breakfast only. 24-hour room service is available. Nearby Things to Do An outdoor pool and a children's pool are on site. Other recreational amenities include a health club and a sauna. The recreational activities listed below are available either on site or nearby; fees may apply. - Personal motorized watercraft on site - Racquetball/squash on site - Sailing on site - Scuba diving on site - Snorkeling on site - Surfing/boogie boarding on site - Volleyball on site - Water skiing on site To make requests for specific accessibility needs, complete the “Special or Accessibility Requests" section of “Trip Preferences" when you book your hotel. - Accessible path of travel - Accessible bathroom - Roll-in shower - In-room accessibility Check-in time starts at 3 PM Check-out time is noon You need to know Extra-person charges may apply and vary depending on hotel policy. Government-issued photo identification and a credit card or cash deposit are required at check-in for incidental charges. Special requests are subject to availability upon check-in and may incur additional charges. Special requests cannot be guaranteed. - No onsite parking is available. - Fee for full breakfast: USD 8 per person (approximately)
We've been capturing my parents house out in the countryside for a while now (I have been loosing track of the days, which indeed is a result of the nature taking over my mind... aaaah!) They are out traveling so we couldn't miss the opportunity to escape the city for a week of working, chilling and reconnecting. We still have sauna bathing on our schedule :) And making a bonfire out in the forrest. Connecting with the elements is vital for my wellbeing. Earlier this week we had the Day of the Cinnamon roll in Sweden, so I figured I could try make some in a raw version. I've been wanting to try to roll a raw dough in the making of different desserts and it wasn't as tricky as I imagined. Though not like rolling a non raw dough. You could do it with nut flour as you would roll a non raw dough (but with wheat flour), or use plastic film. I rolled these buns using plastic film. I made a fatty, salty, sweet and spicy filling and sprinkled with bee pollen. You will see more of these babies later. This is a very nutritious smoothie with immune boosting ingredients such as the raw coconut butter/oil, the berries and purple corn. Antioxidants and a good quality fat is just what you need when it's getting chilly and dark. Back to summer berry~smoothie, serves 2 • 2 bananas • 1/2 - 0,8 cups strawberries • 1/2 cup raspberries • 2 table spoons of coconut butter • 2 dessertspoons of purple corn In a blender, mix until smooth. Tillbaka till sommaren bär~smooties, 2 glas • 2 bananer • 1,5-2 dl jordgubbar • 1,5 dl hallon • 2 rågade msk rumsmjukt cocosfett • 2 tsk purple corn Mixa tills smooth i en blender.
My mission from Asia to Europe by land is now officially complete. I made it to Europe, jumped on the bus from St Petersburg to Helsinki. I actually left Russia one day early in order to reach Finland for the 30th April, because I had heard about Vappu, a national holiday in Finland on May Day Eve and May Day. Vappu is a festival where anyone who has ever graduated from high school in Finland (which, considering Scandinavia is brilliant at everything, that means pretty much everyone attends the party), dons a white cap, hits the park, eats delicious food at a picnic and proceeds to get blind drunk. Naturally I couldn’t miss out on that! I arrived in Helsinki and hooked up with a couchsurfing buddy who let me and my two friends crash at his place, complete with private sauna, for 2 nights. He met us at the subway stop armed with 2 cases of beers and a hearty Finnish handshake, and so the mayhem commenced. We had (illegally) imported 6 litres of cheap Russian vodka to Finland, we gave a big bottle to our new couchsurfing friend, threw two in our backpacks and headed to the park around 2pm. The sun was shining, people were chilling all over the park, music was blasting and it was another one of those moments of realization when you just think “life is bloody awesome”. So I sat down and soaked it up, Being pretty much the only foreigners in the whole park, before long we had met some cool friends, people were plying us with their local booze. Everyone in Iceland can speak almost perfect English, and as the afternoon turned to evening we were having a great time, in a group that was growing by the minute. Spiderman was running around the park like a (drunk) lunatic, doing forward rolls, nailing a beer, then sprinting off somewhere else. Little Bo Beep was looking very cute until she fell down the hill after a little too much sparkling wine. A giant panda was making out with a giant reindeer, it was a perfect storm of happy madness. My 2 friends and I, along with our awesome couchsurfing pal, our new found park friends were merrily drinking together, shooting the sh*t, with big grins on our face for the rest of the evening all relishing our new friendships and appreciating life. Before we knew it was 1am and time to head back. What a day, what a festival, what a country. And we repeated it all again the next day! Happy travels.
Not knowing what to expect from an all-inclusive resort, we approached the property with wary eyes. We asked for the availability of an upgraded room upon checking in as we had emailed weeks earlier letting the resort know that we were celebrating my 50th birthday and wanted to make this vacation special. We were immediately shown both a Junior Suite and a standard room. Although the Junior Suite was nice, we stayed with our "booked" choice, a standard room. We were surprised and felt they were unprepared for us when we saw 2 double beds, a cot and a crib in the room. We called to have them removed. After getting settled, we ventured to the pool area. It was near closing time (6:00 pm) so our first view was of a very "used" pool area. I have to admit, we were a bit turned off. To our surprise, the next day, the area was spotless. The staff truly work hard at keeping the place clean and the grounds well maintained. We really enjoyed both the pool and the beach. Our stay was looking better as the day progressed. We received a note under our door from Mr. Sanchez asking to meet with my husband. They met and we were extremely pleased to find that we were upgraded to a suite with two rooms (a separate bedroom with two beds for our 8 and 10 year old girls). The important thing is that the Iberostar truly works hard to satisfy their guests-all one needs to do is ask. The weather was perfect, getting humid only at the end of our stay. The ocean water is clear and warm. The food, although different from what we are used to in America, was plentiful with an exceptional variety of higher end items. You could find something to please every palette. Of course, we worried about drinking the water, which tasted great and in no way made us sick. The foodservice staff were always clearing and replenishing almost empty buffet platters with fresh food. More than once they accommodated my request for fresh pancakes for my daughters. The specialty restaurants were very good, we especially liked the Mexican Restaurant, Maria Bonita. There were plenty of "organized activities" and staff that truly appeared to enjoy entertaining. I loved the water aerobics and dance lessons. Let me just say, there is always something going on. The night entertainment was fantastic the night we went to the stage at the Dominicana side of the resort. We saw a "carnival" that was as good as a show you might book in a big city. The housekeeping service was impeccable. The room was cleaned early enough in the day so that we always had fresh towels when we returned from the beach and pool. The staff made us feel very welcome with balloons, fresh flowers and "towel art" made into swans and hearts on the beds. Everything you need is right at the resort: a gym (which should be updated), a sauna/spa, shopping area, water sports (we loved sailing the catamaran) entertainment, photo shop, food, food and more food (don't forget the drinks....my favorite is the freshly made sangria at the lobby bar-even asked for the recipe! Note: top shelf liquor is at the lobby bars, not the pool bars). We asked for a photo shoot with the professional photographer at the photo shop who gave us so much time and shots to choose from-we have some great quality photos of our family on the beach and in the waves-all for $12.00 each! All-in-all this was the best vacation we have taken. I would highly recommend Iberostar Punta Cana and plan to visit another Iberostar location again soon. - Official Description (provided by the hotel): - Directly on the beautiful, sandy beach of Bavaro (Punta Cana). Friendly atmosphere. Beach restaurant. Set in a palm grove. Attractive pool area. All inclusive (generous, varied buffets for all meals). ... more less - Reservation Options: - TripAdvisor is proud to partner with Expedia, Orbitz, BookIt.com and Hotels.com so you can book your Iberostar Punta Cana reservations with confidence. We help millions of travelers each month to find the perfect hotel for both vacation and business trips, always with the best discounts and special offers. - Also Known As: - Iberostar Punta Cana Hotel Punta Cana - Punta Cana Iberostar
Highland Vista Swimming Pool is a Health Club facility at 315 N Woodland Vis in Tucson, AZ. Highland Vista Swimming Pool ServicesHighland Vista Swimming Pool is a health club in Tucson, AZ. Health Clubs like Highland Vista Swimming Pool offer services that often include exercise, yoga, kick boxing, swimming, sauna, pool, weights, and personal training. Talk to the staff at Highland Vista Swimming Pool for information about reaching your fitness goals in Tucson, AZ. Call Highland Vista Swimming Pool at (520) 745-2461 for more information. Wellness.com does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment nor do we verify or endorse any specific business or professional listed on the site. Wellness.com does not verify the accuracy or efficacy of user generated content, reviews, ratings or any published
YANKEE DOLLAR-STRETCHER DEALS As a visitor to our state, you not only want to get more for your money, you want to be able to do more for your money. Given the value-conscious nature of New Hampshire, with tax-free shopping and a wide variety of low-cost experiences, we thought it would be great to remind people of all the reasons New Hampshire helps stretch those dollars even further. Attend a fair or festival, dine in our many fine restaurants and cafes, and take advantage of the many different lodging opportunities we offer, from quaint bed & breakfasts and inns to resorts and grand hotels. All of these Yankee Dollar-Stretcher Deals have the same goal in mind - to save you money and give added-value to your New Hampshire experience. Our members have put together some wonderful offers that will make your visit here a memorable one. Here you can find discounts, special packages, family deals, 2-for-1 offers, kids ski/stay/eat free deals and more. There are even a few offers here that donate their proceeds to charity. Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region Great North Woods Region Merrimack Valley Region White Mountains Region Dartmouth-Lake Sunapee Region In Charlestown, the Dutch Treat Bed and Breakfast is offering its "3 for 2" special. Stay two nights and get the third night free. The scenic byway runs right by our Bed and Breakfast; the Connecticut River a few hundred yards away. Come and explore this historic town of Charlestown and save on accomodations. Mention the "NH Special" when booking. Subject to availability. www.thedutchtreat.com. 877-344-0944. In Bradford, the Rosewood Country Inn is offering its "Economic Stimulus" plan. 50% off any suite with a 2 night minimum until March 28! Pamper yourself with a long soak in a Jacuzzi-for-two, cuddle up by your warm, cozy fireplace, or go out and play in the snow. There's snow shoeing and X-C right from our back door, skiing at Mt. Sunapee or Pat's Peak or a romantic sleigh ride at West Meadow Stables. And we're only 90 minutes from Boston. You must mention this offer when booking. New reservations only. (603) 938-5253. (800) 938-5273. www.rosewoodcountryinn.com. [email protected]. Also In Bradford, the Rosewood Country Inn is offering its "Mother, Daughter, Sisters, and Friends Weekend." The package includes: 2 night's accommodation; Candlelight and Crystal Breakfasts; Gardening Workshop; Four-course Victorian Tea. This package is priced at $39 per person over the standard room rates at the Rosewood Country Inn which begin at $129 per night depending upon the room or suite selected (therefore the two-night package in the lowest priced room would be $336 for two guests or $168 per person, based on double occupancy, exclusive of tax and service). Package is good from 4/30-5/2. 800-938-5273. www.rosewoodcountryinn.com. In Wilmot, Kayak Country Paddlesports is offering a "May Discount" on river tours. Kayak Country runs afternoon trips on the Blackwater River only minutes from the retail shop. In the month of May save $10 off the regular price of $49 for a mini lesson and guided tour of this pristine river. Tours are scheduled on Sundays in May from 1-4 pm. Call 603-381-8683 or go to www.kayakcountry.com for more information. Back to Top Great North Woods In Dixville Notch, the Balsams is offering its classic "Full American" package, offered for nearly 50 years. Just like our resort, this package is steeped in tradition. All activities & meals are included at one low price, making the full enjoyment of the resort affordable. Rates start at $214 per person. Package includes: Comfortable Accommodations, Full Buffet Breakfast, Famous Luncheon Buffet, Five-Course Dinner in The BALSAMS Award-Winning Dining Room, Mountain Bike & Boat Rentals, Golf Greens fees (golf carts not included), Live Entertainment and More! In the Winter, guests can enjoy Alpine Skiing at our Private Ski Area, World-Class Cross Country, Snowshoeing and Hiking on more than 60 Miles of Trails and More all for one rate. Pricing and activities are for the Classic Full American Plan. Some restrictions may apply. (800) 255-0600. www.thebalsams.com. Back to Top In Tamworth, the Barnstormers Theatre has a Friday night family discount. Attend a show on a Friday night and get a discount for families- 50% off the top ticket price, changing it to $14.50 for orchestra tickets and $9.50 in the balcony of the 282-seat theater. "Brigadoon," will open the season, July 7-11. It has a cast of 28 and a five-piece orchestra. The rest of the season will feature such smaller-cast shows as "Private Lives," "Dinner with Friends" and "The Weir." http://www.barnstormerstheatre.org/ In Holderness, the Cottage Place on Squam Lake is offering its "Family Adventure Package". Starts at $295 for a two night stay. Families will arrive to 4 envelopes outlining tasks that need to be completed by the end of their stay. These exercises promise to foster family togetherness and are designed to improve communication between all members (recommended ages 5 and older - but left to your discretion). At the end of the stay, families will be rewarded with a gift that will remind them of their adventure. 1-877-968-7116. 603-968-7116. [email protected] In Ashland, the Glynn House Inn is offering "30% April Savings". Stay 2 or more evenings in our elegant Grant, Monroe or Jefferson Suites & save 30% OFF low season rates! Experience the delights of picture postcard perfect rural New Hampshire. Enjoy delicious food, elegant surroundings, modern amenities and uncompromising service at "NH's Finest Small Inn". (866) 686-4362. (603) 968-3775. [email protected]. www.glynnhouse.com. In Ashland, the Glynn House Inn is offering full time firefighters and police 15% OFF stays of two or more evenings Sunday through Thursday. Take a break at "NH's Finest Small Inn", where guests experience gourmet breakfasts, rural elegance, modern amenities and uncompromising service. (866) 686-4362. (603) 968-3775. [email protected]. www.glynnhouse.com. Back to Top In Contoocook, the Sandy Beach RV Resort is offering its "Visit NH" package. A week stay for the whole family (2 Adults and their children under 18). Includes 4 Hours of Paddleboat Rentals!! Free Early Check-in & Check-Out based on Availability. Enjoy Free Shuffleboard, Bocce, Tennis, Horseshoes, Crafts, Wii Games, Entertainment, Planned Activities & Events! Packages available for Tent Sites, RV Sites & Rental Cabins...Starting at only $99 per week!! (subject to daily resort fee & 9% NH lodging tax). 603-746-3591. In Salem, America's Stonehenge is offering discounted admission. Get a $1.00 off coupon on our website for adult admissions and $1.00 off any snowshoe rental. 603-893-8300. http://www.stonehengeusa.com/. [email protected]. In Concord, The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center is offering a "buy one - get one free coupon". This can be found at the bottom of the Concord Chamber of Commerce Map & Guide. With no general admission cost, visitors can experience a range of educational and engaging interactive exhibits, like landing a lunar vehicle or flying a space shuttle! For less than the cost of a movie theater ticket, visitors can take a ride across the universe with a variety of planetarium shows to choose from. 603-271-7831. http://www.starhop.com/. In Merrimack, the New Hampshire home to Anheuser-Busch is offering free brewery tours. Experience a complimentary Budweiser Brewery Tour, see the Clydesdales and visit the Gift Shop for your holiday shopping where you will find unique apparel, gift packages, glassware and more. See http://www.budweisertours.com/ for special coupon savings up to $25. In Concord, the Courtyard by Marriott is offering its "Shop Til You Drop" special. Enjoy an overnight stay at the Courtyard by Marriott, full breakfast for two, and a $25 Tanger Gift Card to Tanger Outlets - Tilton to enjoy tax-free shopping at over 50 brand name outlets. Plus, receive a free Tanger coupon book filled with over $400 in additional savings for the Tanger Outlets in Tilton. We are conveniently located off I-93 at Exit 15 W, just a short 15 minute drive from the Tanger Outlets in Tilton. Packages start at $119.00 per night. 225-0303. http://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/mhtcn-courtyard-concord/. Also in Concord, the Comfort Inn Concord is offering its "Shop and Stay" special. Enjoy overnight accomodations, all hotel amenities and a $20 Tanger Outlet Center Gift Card. Also, receive a free Tanger coupon book filled with over $400 in additional savings for the Tanger Outlet Center in Tilton, NH (only 15 minutes North of Concord.) Packages start at $79.99 plus tax per night. 463-5201. http://www.comfortinnconcord.com/html/romantic-getaway-new-hampshire.asp#top. In Henniker, the Henniker House B&B has a "VisitNH.gov" special. Stay 3 weekday nights for the price of 2. Package includes discount admission vouchers to the Canterbury Shaker Village, a national historic landmark and museum in Canterbury, New Hampshire, with 25 restored and 4 reconstructed Shaker buildings and The Fells, where you can tour the historic summer cottage and gardens, with woodland trails and abundant wildlife. In the evening, enjoy a dinner discount to one of the area's fine restaurants. Room rates from $105 per night, double occupancy. Please mention the "visitnh.gov" offer when you call to book at 1-603-428-3198. http://www.hennikerhouse.com/. In Nashua, the Radisson Nashua Castle is offering a "VisitNH" special. The castle-styled Radisson Nashua Hotel offers comfortable accommodations and friendly service in a convenient, picturesque New Hampshire location. Priced at $139, this package includes one night, double occupancy, plus dinner for two and a spa treatment. Mention "VisitNH" when booking to get this special. 888-9970. http://www.radisson.com/hotels/nhnashua. In Manchester, the Currier Museum of Art has free Admission during April School Vacation Week, April 26-30. Bring the family to the Currier Museum of Art on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday to enjoy the museum's collections and programs for free (the museum is closed on Tuesdays). The Currier is offering special programs this week for the entire family to enjoy including story time, family gallery talks, hands-on activities, tours, and a musical performance, along with a special kid-friendly menu in the café. Museum admission is also free every Saturday from 10 a.m. - noon and always free to children under 18. www.currier.org. 669-6144, x108. Back to Top In Peterborough, the Peterborough Players are offering a discount on season tickets. The Met: Live in HD opera series at the Peterborough Players has only five operas left in the 2009-2010 season. For a special package discount price of $115 ($10 savings), you can see Der Rosenkavalier (1/9/10), Carmen (1/16/10), Simon Boccanegra (2/6/10), Hamlet (3/27/10), and Armida (5/1/10) in high definition, simulcast live onto a 10' X 16' screen. Box Office: (603) 924-7585. www.peterboroughplayers.org. Special $20 student tickets for each opera always available. In Marlborough, the Peep-Willow Farm B&B has a pet-friendly special. For the months of May and June, cats, dogs and horses stay free. Usual charge is $15/night/dog, $30/night for a horse. People are $80/night for a double, $55 for a single. Those prices include breakfast and taxes. Peep-Willow Farm is an 18 acre working horse farm Bed & Breakfast where thoroughbreds are born, raised and trained to be top competition horses. Guests are welcome to help with chores, wander around and talk to, feed, or pat the livestock, or sit on the terrace and enjoy the view all the way to the CT River Valley while the newborn foals and their moms frolic before them, but there is no riding. www.peepwillowfarm.com. 876-3807. [email protected]. Back to Top In Portsmouth, The Music Hall is offering its "Budget Buys". We make entertainment affordable, bringing you today's top performers and films - award winners in every category - at prices unheard of in major cities. The best seats at our signature series Writers on a New England Stage and The Met@The Music Hall are $13 and $27.50. (Members pay even less!). And, don't forget, $8.50 buys a night of extraordinary cinema. For free, you can relax in the Seacoast's most-talked-about new lobby and bar. Visit the Music Hall's Budget Buys page for all offers under $29. 436-2400. In Rye, Rye Airfield has two additional special offers. "$25 Day Pass" -or- "$25 Come As You Are" package. Includes one session pass, helmet, elbow and knee pads, and your choice of a bike, skateboard or inline skates. To redeem you must print the coupon from our website - http://www.ryeairfield.com/special.html. Rye Airfield "New England's Premier Skatepark & BMX Track". 964-2800 x16. www.ryeairfield.com. In Hampton Beach, D.W.'s Oceanside Inn is offering an early season special. Stay 2 Nights at our already discounted price and get 3rd night at 50% off. The 3-5 night pre-season rate ranges from $171-$189/night depending on the type of room and it includes breakfast. This offer is good from June 1-24, 2010. 926-3542. www.oceansideinn.com. [email protected]. Back to Top In the Mt. Washington Valley, www.hospitalitymaps.com offers several maps with money saving coupons and offers. Some of the offers include free chocolate, kids eat free offers and lots with a good % off. Check out http://www.hospitalitymaps.com/ to see all the maps and offers available for both the Mt. Washington Valley area and the White Mountains region. 603-356-7011. In Jefferson, Santa's Village is offering a "Save on Santa's Two Day Tickets" special. For those who want to take advantage of this, please tell our Admissions Helpers. You will be issued a two-day pass at a savings of $5.00 per ticket. Yes, enjoy Santa's Village for two full consecutive days at only $41.00 each. Children ages 3 and younger are free. 603-586-4445. http://www.santasvillage.com/. In North Conway, the Settlers' Green Outlet Village is offering free membership in the VIP Club. Join the free VIP Club at Settlers' Green Outlet Village for savings of 15% to 30% and more! Print a voucher for a complementary VIP Coupon Book, learn about upcoming sales and receive periodic email updates with exclusive discounts! 888-667-9636. http://www.settlersgreen.com/. In North Conway, the Cranmore Mountain Lodge is offering its "Shopping Spree" package. Offer includes: 2 night stay at Cranmore Mountain Lodge for 2 in the room of your choice, full country breakfast (full gluten free menu available at no extra charge), A tote bag full of goodies & exclusive coupons from various independent stores on Main Street North Conway Village, A VIP card for extra savings in the Settlers' Green Outlet Stores, a $30 voucher for a dinner or take out at Rafferty's Restaurant and Pub (Full gluten free menu available) or at A Taste of Thai Restaurant, a Valley Pass for discount on dining, horseback riding, gift shop and other activities. If you are driving a hybrid car, you'll get a $20 voucher towards a future stay with us and valid for 6 months. Optional 3rd night with a 10% discount. Starting from $174 for two + tax. (800) 356-3596. (603) 356-2044. http://www.cranmoremountainlodge.com/shoppingspree.html. [email protected]. In North Conway, the Cranmore Mountain Lodge is offering its "Valley Pride Day" package on May 1st. Includes: One or two night stay for 2 in the room of your choice, full country breakfast (full gluten free menu available at no extra charge), a Valley Pride Survival Kit per person, including official trash bags, gloves, bottled water, and ticket to the event end giant barbecue, a $30 voucher for a dinner or take out at Rafferty's Restaurant and Pub (Full gluten free menu available) or at A Taste of Thai Restaurant, a VIP card to shop at Settlers' Green outlet stores, a Valley Pass for discounts on dining, horseback riding, gift shop, and a potted perennial seedling that we've grown at Cranmore Mountain Lodge. If you are driving a hybrid car, you'll get a $20 voucher towards a future stay with us and valid for 6 months (come back and try summer tubing at Cranmore!) Starting from $117 for two for one night or $208 for two for two nights, taxes and gratuities included. (800) 356-3596. (603) 356-2044. http://www.cranmoremountainlodge.com/valleypride.html. [email protected]. In Sugar Hill, the Sunset Hill House Grand Inn is offering a half-off special. Stay mid-week in this historic bed and breakfast and get 1 night ½ off. Offer good Sunday-Thursday. Cannot be used with any other offer. See website for other specials. 800-786-4455 or 603-823-5522. www.sunsethillhouse.com. In Conway, Sunny Brook Cottages is offering its "7th night free" package. Just stay seven nights in a row in the same cottage and get the 7th night free. We also offer throughout the year the deal of staying for 3 nights at the midweek rates, even if part of the stay is on the weekend (except for the 4 times in the year when prices are higher). [email protected]. 603-447-3922. http://www.sunnybrookcottages.com/. In Jackson, the Eagle Mountain House and Golf Club is offering its "Storyland Family Vacation" package. This 2 night all-inclusive Storyland Package includes: accommodations for 2 nights, full country breakfast each morning, special family dinner each night, Storyland tickets for each family member for 1 day, Green Fees for the family at our 9 hole golf course. Also enjoy our outdoor heated pool, tennis courts, Jacuzzi & sauna, exercise facility and game room at no additional cost. Rate: $509 for a family of 2 adults and 2 children (6 - 12 years). 383-9111. www.eaglemt.com. Also in Jackson, the Eagle Mountain House and Golf Club is offering its "Taste of New Hampshire" lodging package. Make this dining experience special by spending the night in this historic hotel. This package includes one night lodging for two in superior accommodations, full country breakfast for two, tickets for two to the "Taste of New Hampshire" Benefit Dinner. Package rate: from $180* for two. *This rate is subject to NH lodging tax and gratuity. 383-9111. www.eaglemt.com. In Bethlehem, The Wayside Inn is offering its "I Love It Here!" package. Stay 4 nights and get the 5th night free! The Wayside Inn is set by the beautiful Ammonoosuc River a few minutes from the center of Bethlehem in New Hampshire's White Mountains. The historic inn is a favorite for family vacations, romantic getaways and group gatherings any time of the year. In summertime, swim from our private sandy beach by the river. Check out the best hiking trails in New England. Play on a number of championship 18-hole golf courses in Bethlehem and nearby. Bethlehem is also a center for antiques stores and is in the center of all the White Mountains attractions. Room rates are $108-128 for two people and include full breakfasts. 869-3364. [email protected]. www.thewaysideinn.com. In Bethlehem, the Adair Country Inn is offering its "Dine Yourself Rich" special. The more you wine & dine the less expensive the room! This one night accommodation special is valid every Thursday night until the last Thursday before Christmas Eve. Stay in one of the 9 comfortable rooms at Adair Country Inn & Restaurant at the regular rate and enjoy a fine New England style dinner & wine in the restaurant. Here's the deal...when checking out the next morning, the total amount of your dinner bill (NH tax and gratuity not included) will be deducted from your room rate. The higher the dinner amount...the bigger the discount! Call to reserve or for more details: 1-888/603-444-2600. www.adairinn.com. Also in Bretton Woods, the AMC Highland Lodge is offering its "Great Outdoors Girlfriend Getaway". There is a wide range of hiking and snowshoeing possibilities for every ability level, from short lake loop trails to easier and moderately challenging hikes to a scenic outlook or lower-elevation summit with sweeping views of Crawford Notch. For experienced outdoor enthusiasts, trailheads for several of New Hampshire's 4,000-foot peaks are within close reach, including Mt. Jackson, Mt. Tom, Mt. Field, and Mt. Willey. Cross-country skiers can also easily connect with the groomed Bretton Woods Nordic ski network using a trail from the backdoor of Highland Lodge, and discount trail passes are available. Package includes all meals, guided programs, use of L.L. Bean gear, Omni Mount Washington Resort spa treatment, and special welcome gift of Farnum Hill Ciders locally-crafted fine cider. Nightly rates start at $223 per person for non-members ($199 for members) for accommodations in a private room with shared bath. Private rooms with private bath are available at an additional cost. The package is available January 3-May 27, 2010, Sunday-Thursday, except for February 14-18. All rates are plus taxes. (603) 466-2727. www.outdoors.org/highland. In Bartlett, the Attitash Mountain Village is offering its "Shop Till You Drop" package. Book your stay with us and we'll include a logo shopping bag full of exclusive discounts & coupons to some of our favorite shops and restaurants. We will also include lots of great samples, water bottles, and other essentials to make your shopping getaway perfect. Rates will vary by size of accommodations. Available from 1/29/09-1/28/10. Based upon availability, some restrictions may apply. Call for details and availability. May not be combined with other offers. Call for details. www.AttitashMtVillage.com. 800-862-1600 or 603-374-6509. In North Conway Village, the Colonial Motel is offering its "Recipe for Fun" package. Getaway from the hustle and bustle with the girls! Spend the day shopping and then "drop" into one of our new rooms! Relax in the whirlpool tub/shower before heading off to a fabulous dinner at Decades Steakhouse in the heart of North Conway Village. Includes one night lodging in one of our new rooms w/ two double beds and a whirlpool tub/shower in the bathroom, and a gift certificate for dinner at Decades Steakhouse. Rates vary with type of accommodations and number of people. Available from 7/21/09-3/04/10. Rates quoted are subject to 9% NH tax. Not to be combined with any other discounts or specials. Subject to availability. www.thecolonialmotel.com. 866-356-5178 or 603-356-5178. In Campton, the Colonel Spencer Inn is offering discounted room rates. For the winter season 11/1 - 12/20, 2009 and 1/3 - 4/30, 2010 we are offering a great special of: Stay 1-Night & your 2nd night is 50% off! 2-night packages from $165 per room. Includes your 2-night stay, country breakfast each morning, and all the great amenities of the Colonel Spencer Inn. Stay 2 Nights & the 3rd Night is Free! When you pay for 2 nights at normal rates your 3rd night is FREE!! Includes your 3-night stay, country breakfast each morning, and all the great amenities of the Colonel Spencer Inn. Several ski resorts are less than 20 minutes away! Normal rates from $110-$125 per night, and accommodation special is based on availability. 603-536-1755. www.colonelspencerbb.com. [email protected]. In Gorham, the Royalty Inn is offering its Spring Super Saver Special. $39/person (2 person minimum per room, $10 for each additional person in the room). This package includes a deluxe room, free hot breakfast, and a coupon for free appetizer and beverage of your choice, with your dinner purchase. Offer is good any Friday or Saturday Night Stay starting April 9 - May 23. 466-3312. 1-800-437-3529. www.royaltyinn.com. [email protected]. Also in Gorham, the Royalty Inn is offering its "Cycling/Mountain Biking" package. One night of deluxe lodging with 2 people in the room, Breakfast each morning, an official cycling packet for each rider (includes: Ride Guide 2nd Edition, Conway Area Mountain Biking Map, Other Cycling info and a Water Bottle) Cost is $109*/person. The Royalty Inn is your four season family resort in the White Mountains! Based on double occupancy, price includes taxes and gratuities, not available with any other offer. 603-466-3312. 1-800-437-3529. www.royaltyinn.com. [email protected]. In Jackson, the Inn at Ellis River is offering its "Multiple Night Discount" package. From January 15 to May 27, stay a third night for $99 - $129 or stay a fourth night for free, excluding holiday weekends. May not be combined with other discount packages or to existing reservations; must be requested at time of booking. www.innatellisriver.com. 603-383-9339 or 800-233-8309. In North Conway, the Buttonwood Inn is offering multiple night discounts. 2 day stay- take 15% off. 3 day stay- take 20% off. 4 day stay- take 25% off. Packages include a full gourmet breakfast daily, Paula's late afternoon tea with baked treats, use of hot tub and free discount dining vouchers for select restaurants. Discounted shopping vouchers also available. Based on dbl occupancy/rates vary by room type/taxes & gratuities not included. Subject to availability. Good for advance reservations ending no later than June, 2010. You must mention this ad and book two or more nights. Rate example shown is for traditional room 5 for 4 night stay. 800-258-2625. 603-356-2625. [email protected]. www.buttonwoodinn.com. Back to Top The New Hampshire Liquor Commission is offering the following this month: - Celebrate spring, the earth and great prices during the Earth Friendly Wine Sale going on March 29-April 25 at all NH Liquor & Wine Outlets. Save 15% on 6 or more 750ml or 375ml bottles of wine that are organic, biodynamic or made from grapes that are sustainably farmed. Visit www.nh.gov/liquor/featured_wine.shtml for more info. Breathe New Hampshire is offering "The Fun Pass" a coupon book full of savings for attractions statewide. For just $25 you will receive incredible discounts through coupons you will really use! You will really save over $1,500 in discounts at over 100 fantastic New England family attractions. www.breathenh.org Back to Top



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