What It Is A compilation of advice from top competitive target archery coaches on the USA Archery National training System, bow tuning, the shot cycle, the mental game, cross training, developing young archers and more. Who It Is For Intermediate and advanced competitive target archers (kids and adults), instructors, coaches, parents and anyone interested in the National Training System as taught to archers at the US Olympic Training Center. Who It Is Not For Beginning archers. Archers who aren’t interested in the proprietary USA Archery National Training System. Non-competitive archers. People trying to learn archery from scratch from a book. Archery by USA Archery–The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Archery by USA Archery is an important book. USA Archery has been working for years to create a unified National Training System (NTS) through an extensive system of instructor and coaching education programs, the kind attended by Golden Gate JOAD instructors and coaches. The NTS system is complex. It can be hard to learn, understand and teach, and it has been a moving target in the sense that the details keep changing. Frustratingly, none of those details of the national standard have been posted to USA Archery’s website or made widely available to the general public by USA Archery until now. On this basis alone Archery is a valuable book for anyone interested in the National Training System. Previously, interested archers could only buy expensive, privately published books co-authored by the USA Archery Head Coach KiSik Lee. Archery features chapters on a wide variety of topics by top coaches and archers: - Becoming a Competitive Archer – Butch Johnson - Equipment and Tuning Tips – Mel Nichols - Developing the Athlete’s Shot Sequence – Guy Krueger - Recurve Shooting: Setting Up – KiSik Lee - Recurve Shooting: Drawing the Shot – KiSik Lee - Recurve Shooting: Completing the Shot – KiSik Lee - Compound Shooting: Setting Up and Completing the Shot – Mel Nichols - Making Practice More Effective – KiSik Lee - Nutrition and Physical Training for Archers – Guy Krueger - Mental Training for Archers – KiSik Lee - Planning to Win – Butch Johnson - Preparing and Peaking for Competition – Sheri Rhodes - Developing Young Archers – Diane Watson - Developing an Athlete’s Support Team – Robby K. Beyer You can see that Archery includes great stuff for competitive archers. The chapters by 5-time Olympian Butch Johnson are excellent. He cuts through the clutter with information we all need to keep in mind. He reminds parents and supporters of competitive archers to support the person and not base their support on the archer’s scores or outcomes, which will vary. The chapters by KiSik Lee give important details of the NTS System, which is based largely on his preexisting KiSik Lee Shot Cycle (KSL). And the development and training chapters, including specific cross training exercises and schedules, are all very useful. Archery is a book that any competitive archer involved with USA Archery will want to check out for themselves. It is a great companion book for any intermediate to advanced NTS Archery program. The Bad and the Ugly As good as many parts of Archery are, the book tries to cover too much in too few pages. And there are also a few head scratchers in the things that do make it into the book. That combined with specialized nature of Archery means that it is not a book for beginners. It skips too many basics and teaches too complex a system of archery for folks just starting out. Even for archers experienced in another system, NTS is, for the most part, too complex to learn correctly solely from a book. It is hard to learn a motion sport from text and still pictures–an issue that affects all instructional archery books. A couple of short YouTube examples shot especially as companions to the book would be really helpful. One of the first notable problems in Archery is the tuning chapter by Mel Nichols. Nichols is an experienced coach who has a lot of great advice to offer on equipment and on how to tune bows to arrows. But before you can tune a bow to an arrow you need to first select arrows that are properly spined (a measure of material flexibility) to an archers bow type, draw weight and draw length. There is no mention of how to do that. That is a major oversight likely due to an attempt to keep the book simple. Explaining how to pick arrows is complex, but there is no point in a tuning chapter unless an archer can first pick out the right arrow. Another problem with the tuning chapter is that it attempts to cover both recurve bows and compound bows, and switches back and forth between them without properly distinguishing what advice applies to what kind of bow. He talks about scopes (magnifying lenses for archery sights) without first saying what a scope is, and he doesn’t mention that scopes aren’t used on recurves. Nor, when stating that good “movable sights” have a 3d axis adjustment does he mention that sights for recurves don’t use 3d axis adjustments. The tuning chapter is really in need of editing so people can benefit from Nichols obvious expertise. Next up is the National Training System (NTS). This really isn’t an issue with the book, per se, but with the program the book covers. NTS is why to read Archery. At Golden Gate JOAD we teach the NTS system because it has a lot of great features, and because it makes sense to have instructors across the nation all on the same page. If you aren’t interested in the NTS, then the core of this book really isn’t for you. That leaves the question should you be interested in NTS? What has since become the NTS was originally titled the Biomechanically Efficient Shooting Technique (BEST). USA Archery is working to standardize all archers in their programs on the NTS. It is not required of Olympic archers–they earn their spots by competition rather than by adherence to any particular system. However, NTS is pretty much expected of any youth archer hoping to be on the elite USA Archery “Jr. Dream Team” (JDT). NTS is promoted as a scientifically vetted, best practices system that reduces injuries and increases performance by being biomechanically efficient. 2004 Olympian John Magera, one of the four original 2006 Jr. Dream Team coaches, writes about what was then then called “BEST” Method as taught to the JDT: We saw quite a few injuries crop up with the young archers attempting to shoot the “BEST” method. This was for a variety of reasons. Sometimes the kids were just overdoing it. Sometimes the individual student just simply could not achieve the positions they were being asked to achieve. Sometimes, coaches were not interpreting the method correctly. Lots of reasons. But many of us JOAD coaches noticed that some “collateral damage” was occurring to archers who in some cases, quit the sport as a result. That being said, Magera does think that NTS can work for many, but may not be right for every individual. Others have found NTS to be a great system and believe that it decreases injuries rather than increases them. Archer, Coach and USA Archery Marketing and Public Relations person Teresa Iaconi (USA Archery’s project coordinator for Archery) says NTS won her over: I refused to teach it for three years because I didn’t understand it…But I read up on it, and I now understand that it is based on biomechanics. It doesn’t stunt innovation because no one is forced to use the system. We have several top archers who don’t use it. But what I like is that now we finally have an easy and repeatable way to teach archery. It is hard to know what to think about injury rates. Top archers train much harder than regular archers and are more vulnerable to overuse injuries, no matter what system they are using. There just isn’t enough hard data publicly available to know for certain how much effect any one archery system has on injury rates. Ultimately, the appeal of NTS in my mind is its scientific underpinnings. Science is how we separate what seems to be true from what is true. Properly interpreted, sound data trumps gut instincts, which are useful but unreliable. However, what is largely lacking from the publicly available information about NTS is scientific data to back up its wide claims of being scientifically based. And at least a few claims in NTS may not be scientifically supportable. Here’s a screen capture of Figure 5.14 from the Kindle edition of Archery. This claim seems to come from KiSik Lee, stating that if you look too far to the side of your “eye openings” that “neurological strength is decreased.” This claim in the book has been “proven” to coaches in some USA Archery coach certification classes through a simple test, by having someone push down on a subject’s outstretched arm when they look straight ahead and again when they look to the side. The subjects are unable to hold their arm up when looking to the side. That is a pretty dramatic and convincing demonstration. However, if this dramatic association between eye position and strength were actually true it would be one of the most important factors in all of sports performance and it would affect all sports. Heck, it would be one of the most important factors in our everyday lives. We’d all drop things or fall down every time we glanced to the side. But we don’t. So, can Lee’s claim, and the test that “proves” it, be wrong? And if so, how could smart, capable people be convinced it is true if it isn’t? It turns out that the test used to “prove” the eye position/strength correlation to coaches is the same kind of test used in the non-scientific practice known as “Applied Kinesiolgy“(AK)–not to be confused with the scientific field of kinesiology, the study of human motion. AK claims to test “allergies” by the exact same kind of subjective tests used in the coaching class. These tests have a known bias effect. They give whatever results people expect, thus they have been used to “prove” all sorts of bogus claims, such as the efficacy of Power Balance bracelets that are supposed to improve people’s balance by mechanisms unknown to proven science. But the AK test only “works” when people know what to expect. An Australian television show investigated claims made by Power Balance: Psychologist Ray Hyman visited with a group of AK chiropractic practitioners who’s understanding of science was rather flawed: Some years ago I participated in a test of applied kinesiology at Dr. Wallace Sampson’s medical office in Mountain View, California. A team of chiropractors came to demonstrate the procedure. Several physician observers and the chiropractors had agreed that chiropractors would first be free to illustrate applied kinesiology in whatever manner they chose. Afterward, we would try some double-blind tests of their claims. The chiropractors presented as their major example a demonstration they believed showed that the human body could respond to the difference between glucose (a “bad” sugar) and fructose (a “good” sugar). The differential sensitivity was a truism among “alternative healers,” though there was no scientific warrant for it. The chiropractors had volunteers lie on their backs and raise one arm vertically. They then would put a drop of glucose (in a solution of water) on the volunteer’s tongue. The chiropractor then tried to push the volunteer’s upraised arm down to a horizontal position while the volunteer tried to resist. In almost every case, the volunteer could not resist. The chiropractors stated the volunteer’s body recognized glucose as a “bad” sugar. After the volunteer’s mouth was rinsed out and a drop of fructose was placed on the tongue, the volunteer, in just about every test, resisted movement to the horizontal position. The body had recognized fructose as a “good” sugar. After lunch a nurse brought us a large number of test tubes, each one coded with a secret number so that we could not tell from the tubes which contained fructose and which contained glucose. The nurse then left the room so that no one in the room during the subsequent testing would consciously know which tubes contained glucose and which fructose. The arm tests were repeated, but this time they were double-blind — neither the volunteer, the chiropractors, nor the onlookers was aware of whether the solution being applied to the volunteer’s tongue was glucose or fructose. As in the morning session, sometimes the volunteers were able to resist and other times they were not. We recorded the code number of the solution on each trial. Then the nurse returned with the key to the code. When we determined which trials involved glucose and which involved fructose, there was no connection between ability to resist and whether the volunteer was given the “good” or the “bad” sugar. When these results were announced, the head chiropractor turned to me and said, “You see, that is why we never do double-blind testing anymore. It never works!” At first I thought he was joking. It turned it out he was quite serious. Since he “knew” that applied kinesiology works, and the best scientific method shows that it does not work, then—in his mind—there must be something wrong with the scientific method. Which is all to note that the biased results of AK-type testing can be very convincing and can and do fool smart people, but they aren’t scientific tests. Clearly NTS is a world class archery system, with proven results, just as all the systems used by non-US Olympians are. There is no one right way to do archery, but there may be better ways, which is what NTS is meant to be. To insure that NTS is the better system we can use science to decide which parts of the system really are beneficial and which parts just give the appearance of being beneficial. With science we can keep the good stuff, discard the parts that don’t add proven value and continue the process to constantly refine the system over time. But to do that we can’t merely presume whether or not any aspect of NTS is scientific. Many parts of NTS may, indeed, be proven, but each individual aspect of NTS is a different issue, and each has to be considered on its own, and in combination. Nothing about any system that aims to be scientific should be considered to be so until proven with actual science, as opposed to tests like the AK tests which merely seem to be scientific. And for scientific claims to be truly scientific they need to be published so others can examine the data and try to replicate the results, such as claims about eye position and neurological strength. It is critical for the success of NTS going forward that non-scientific claims be rooted out so archers can concentrate on the things that work. Archery is an important niche book in a niche sport. There is a lot of great information in it, and some room for improvement. The National Training System is a powerful system but very complex, so this book is a vital resource for the USA Archery program. I think anybody involved with USA Archery will want to check out the book for themselves and should give serious consideration to buying a copy. For archers who don’t practice the NTS system, or who practice “trad archery” or recreational archery, the book is less of a good fit but still worth taking a look at. This review is just me. The rest of the GGJOAD staff may or may not agree with all or part it. If there is one thing you’ll find out about archery it’s that pretty much everything but scores is subjective 🙂
Filecoin (FIL), Seesaw Protocol (SSW) and Ethereum (ETH) show how presales should be done by Analytics Insight March 15, 2022 Presales for Ethereum, Filecoin and Seesaw Protocol are all currently at record highs “Buy low, sell high” is the slogan of an investor around the world. This is especially relevant in the case of cryptocurrencies, where a lauded or popular project can bring millions to its backers in a short period of time. Shiba Inu is perhaps the best known example (SHIB). SHIB was priced at $0.000000000119 at the start of 2021. That’s nine 0s. Shiba Inu had lost 5 of those zeros less than a year later, inflating over 70% and hitting a new all-time high of 0 $.00008845. A $2 investment in January would have been enough to make anyone a millionaire by October. A presale is the first opportunity to invest in a cryptocurrency business. Presales take place before a cryptocurrency is released to the general public and listed on an exchange. Notably, during a presale, the price of a new cryptocurrency cannot fall and will only rise for the duration of the presale. Presales for Ethereum (ETH), Filecoin (FIL) and Switch Protocol (SSW) all have or are currently experiencing records. The pre-sale of Ethereum (ETH) began in July 2014, and less than half a day later, well over $2.3 million, or 7.4 million ETH, had been raised. Of course, any crypto enthusiast knows that Ethereum (ETH) has become a monster. It is the second largest cryptocurrency in the world, behind Bitcoin (BTC). Its all-time high of $4,891, reached in November 2021, represented an increase of more than 3 million percent from its pre-sale price. To date, Filecoin (FIL) has the biggest presale ever. It raised $52 million in its first presale period and then $205 million during the ICO. During this time, the price rose by 350% from $1 to $4.58. FIL reached an all-time high of $237.24 in 2021, several years after its debut. It is currently over 90% below its peak and was recently found around the $18 mark. Despite falling significantly, Filecoin is still over 1650% above its initial pre-sale price, demonstrating the value of investing in a concept as soon as possible. Seesaw Protocol (SSW) is up 2500% When Seesaw Protocol (SSW) debuts on April 8, it hopes to join the ranks of Ethereum (ETH) and Filecoin (FIL). It has already caught up with these two juggernauts in terms of pre-sale success, but unlike ETH and FIL, SSW still has several weeks ahead of it. Its presale started on January 25, 2022, with a cost of $0.005. SSW is currently trading at $0.13 as of March 11. That’s a staggering 2,500% increase, and with the time left before launch, there’s still room for growth. Some analysts believe it could reach $0.20 and then continue to rise above $0.25. Enter presale: https://presale.seesawprotocol.io/register Share this article Do the sharing About the Author More info about the author
Why water has higher boiling point than ethyl alcohol? Intermolecular hydrogen bondings are strong and hence require a large amount of energy to break these hydrogen bonds. In a solution of water and ethanol, hydrogen bonding is the strongest intermolecular force between molecules. … That is why the boiling point of ethanol is higher. Why alcohols have lower boiling point? The hydroxyl groups in alcohol molecules are responsible for hydrogen bonding between the alcohol molecules. As greater energy is required to overcome these strong intermolecular forces, the melting points and boiling points of alcohols are higher than those of alkanes with a corresponding chain length. What is the boiling point difference between ethanol and water? One way to check the purity of the separated liquids is to measure their boiling points. For example, pure ethanol boils at 78°C and pure water boils at 100°C. Why ethanol boiling point is more than acetone? The higher boiling point for ethanol is observed due to the OH structure that causes hydrogen bonding between the molecules. Acetone has a polar CO double bond, which results in dipole-dipole forces. Since hydrogen bonding is stronger than dipole-dipole forces, ethanol has a higher boiling point. Why does alcohol boil before water? When a mixture of water and alcohol boils, the vapors are a mixture of water vapor and alcohol vapor; they evaporate together. But because alcohol evaporates more readily than water, the proportion of alcohol in the vapors is somewhat higher than it was in the liquid. Why is the pH of ethanol in water 7? Ethanol’s hydroxyl group causes the molecule to be slightly basic. It is almost neutral like water. The pH of 100% ethanol is 7.33, compared to 7.00 for pure water. … This reaction is not possible in an aqueous solution, as water is more acidic, so that hydroxide is preferred over ethoxide formation. What is the melting and boiling point of ethanol? |Density||0.78945 g/cm3 (at 20 °C)| |Melting point||−114.14 ± 0.03 °C (−173.45 ± 0.05 °F; 159.01 ± 0.03 K)| |Boiling point||78.23 ± 0.09 °C (172.81 ± 0.16 °F; 351.38 ± 0.09 K)| |Solubility in water||Miscible| Which has lower freezing point oxygen or ethanol? Water molecules are more attracted to each other than ethanol (alcohol) molecules, because water has more hydrogen atoms bonded to oxygen. … So, that’s why alcohol has a much lower freezing point – -114.7 degrees Celsius (-174.6 degrees Fahrenheit), as opposed to water’s freezing point of 0 degrees C (32 degrees F.) Do alcohols have higher boiling points than carboxylic acids? Carboxylic acids have much higher boiling points than hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, or ketones of similar molecular weight. … The difference is that two molecules of a carboxylic acid form two hydrogen bonds with each other (two alcohol molecules can only form one).
Apparel was generally, at any time because gentleman started out wrapping himself in various animal fur, a assertion of a specific variety. Manner, as a style popularized and excepted by numerous in contemporary day, just deepened that statement’s worth. Selecting a person fashion or yet another gave persons in all cultures a way of expressing on their own, and as there was generally a trend followed by bulk of modern society, there was yet another, someplace in the back again of it, denying and rejecting it. Substitute fashion kinds are tightly shut to new music genres of what is also labeled as “alternative”, these types of as rock and roll, punk, gothic, hardcore, and all types that rose up from individuals. Several social and cultural troubles are introduced up by associating a subculture with a form of audio and a way of clothing, this kind of as denying standing quo of courses, governmental guidelines, distribution of power, and id plan which the vast majority popularized. Identification, in actuality, is the most significant component of alternative manner and as an embodiment of it, it made a wide variety of designs, to show the exact variety of viewpoint, discontent, or rejecting the regular values which are often transformed in shape but regular in construction in the mainstream manner. Reimagining one’s individual id is a approach that is adopted by changes in private appearance and usually approaching values of a subculture which provides to specific a superior view of society. Those values are mirrored in tunes, garments and add-ons. Influenced by classic and retro vogue, gown models, kinds of visible and overall performance artwork, own attitudes in direction of principles these kinds of as individuality, consumerism, social constructs on conduct, and factors of availability and utilitarianism, rock and roll and punk had a quite potent floor to stand on when social criticizm by means of garments turned unseparable component of the genres. Because the 50s and 70s which have been the turning stage years, rock and roll and punk kinds received multiplied by lots of, and introduced us gothic, cyber gothic (and other kinds of gothic vogue which is nevertheless 1 of the strongest substitute movements in creation of new gender roles and identities and social boundaries), industrial (strongly affected by armed service uniforms), Beatniks, Metal, Significant Metallic, Glam Steel (and several subgenres of steel tunes which has their very own set of clothes designs), Hippie, Riot grrrl, Lolita, Mod, Ero kawaii (and a lot of, quite a few, many Japanese influenced models with a sturdy impact on Western style, alternate and mainstream, these kinds of as Tasteful Gothic Aristocrat), and a lot of more. Individuality is an critical element of choice manner, but there are normally designs (in any other case we would not contact it a trend), and even punk manner, as an extreme kind of rejecting social procedure by hairstyle, piercings, ripped garments etc has a particular structure which can except any one who wants to be a part of it. As models change, and we are likely even more in time from the origins of musical genres which brought us new fashion(s), it is clear that they are continue to here, regardless of gender, class, age or culture, transforming and supplying people a stronger voice to say “We are diverse, and we want much more”.
Are you looking for Sumup Southampton? Wireless card readers make it possible to process mobile credit cards. These handy devices allow you to accept payments anywhere you go. They have a host of benefits, including low cost, flexibility, and mobility. Read on to learn more about the benefits and features of wireless card readers. The Verifone VX 690 is one such model. Although it is not a portable or full-on POS that you can carry around in your pocket, it offers the standard features of a mobile card reader, including Bluetooth and 3G connectivity. Table of Contents Mobile credit card processing Mobile credit card processing is a growing trend in many industries. Wireless card readers are a great way to make payments while on the move. Mobile credit card processing solutions can be used with your smartphone or tablet. They use either tap or wave technology to capture payment information. These devices can be used with mobile wallets and are increasingly popular as portable payment terminals. Mobile card readers have many advantages over traditional credit card processing options, including portability and lower prices. Some mobile card readers even have a PIN pad or keypad to process payments for you. In addition to being affordable, mobile card readers enable the maker movement. The maker movement encourages small-scale, DIY manufacturing. With the affordability and ease of mobile card processing, this movement has never been more feasible. With wireless card readers, anyone can take payments from customers on the go. If you’re planning on using a mobile card reader for credit card processing, check the following tips to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money. Sumup Mobile Card Machine Do your research before you choose a mobile card processor. Different mobile processors charge different amounts of money. If you’re a small business, you’ll want to make sure that you’re going to pay a price that’s affordable but doesn’t hurt your bottom line. Look for a company that offers free apps for managing your business, low transaction fees, and a free management app. Lastly, check if your mobile credit card processor works offline. The best mobile credit card processing solution should integrate with your mobile devices. The best options support both iOS and Android, though some card readers only work with one of those operating systems. Try a solution like SimplyPayMe, which works on both iOS and Android. It also comes with an Apple app so customers can use it anywhere they are. Using iOS is safe and stable, which is especially important when processing sensitive payment information. There are many uses for a wireless credit card terminal. In addition to being portable, it can be used by delivery and pop-up businesses. It also helps restaurants take payments at their customers’ tables. It is a great way to get started in mobile business and convert interested parties. It can also be a great way to get your brand name and product out there to a large audience at trade shows and other events. It’s the ideal solution for small businesses that are constantly on the go! Merchants can accept credit cards anywhere, anytime, with wireless credit card processing. Customers can also receive paper receipts. Wireless card readers are convenient for small businesses on the go, but they are not ideal for large operations. They require a smartphone that has a bluetooth connection. They are not suitable for large businesses with many employees or locations. Wireless card readers are available from many providers. Wireless credit card processing is an affordable option for small businesses. There are many options for mobile credit card processing solutions. One option is Shopify Lite, which is perfect for pop-up events, craft fairs, social media events, and pop-ups. It costs $79 per monthly and includes a receipt printer as well as a cash drawer. You can also get a free trial. The wireless card readers are a great way to take your business to new heights. Best Wireless Card Readers The modern card readers come with free payment processing software and connect directly to your smartphone. These mobile credit card processing systems can accept swipe, keyed and NFC cards and can also be used to capture signatures. Some models also allow you to email receipts to customers via e-mail. Wireless card readers for mobile credit card processing are an excellent choice for small business owners. Modern versions can be used with any device, including iPhones. Square is the best mobile credit card processing system. With no startup fees, no monthly fees, and no hardware requirements, Square has become a popular option for small businesses. The Square app is easy to install and is compatible with both iOS and Android devices. In addition to mobile credit card processing, Square has an excellent inventory program. With Square, you can easily manage your inventory through the app and never worry about running out of cash. Small businesses must be mobile and flexible to meet customer needs and grow their business. With wireless credit card processing, they can conduct business anywhere, as long as they have network coverage. And because card transactions are faster than ever before, they are now more popular than cash. Small businesses need mobile credit card processing. This flexibility allows you to accept payments. There are a number of benefits to this type of payment system, so make sure to choose the best one for your business. When you’re on the go, wireless credit card processing will make it easier to take payments anywhere. Merchants can use the same wireless terminal to process all types of credit cards. They can also accept payments from mobile credit card readers. With wireless credit card processing, customers swipe their cards at a wireless terminal and the merchant enters the amount of purchase. The wireless terminal then connects to a radio tower and securely sends the credit card information to the credit card processor. Wireless credit card processing is an additional expense when choosing a wireless card reader. It requires cellular service. This can be costly – as much as a few dollars per month. However, wireless credit card processing costs are far less than cell phone service. A wireless card reader can help you process more cards and increase sales. Stax offers mobile credit card processing to small and large businesses. It includes an EMV-ready mobile card reader and a virtual terminal that can be integrated with major POS merchant terminals. It also provides support for payment methods such as text payments. The monthly fee for using Stax is low – just 2.69% per transaction, which is less expensive than other wireless credit card readers. With the advent of mobile card readers, mobile point-of-sale systems are becoming an increasingly popular option for small and micro businesses. These devices let businesses sell their goods and services wherever they are and without the hassle of a traditional point of sale terminal. In addition to being easy to use, these devices are also relatively inexpensive – with many being free or inexpensive. Most models can be used on both iOS and Android-based devices. Wireless credit card processing can be convenient and affordable, but there are downsides. When the system is used on a mobile phone, there can be interruptions in connection. Mobile phones can be connected to a network, but wireless credit card terminals are not. Therefore, when an outage occurs, you’ll have to switch to offline mode. In such cases, it is best to use a wireless credit terminal that allows you process payments from wherever you are. In addition to wireless card readers, you can also use contactless or chip card readers to accept payments on the go. These solutions are popular among home-based entrepreneurs and small businesses. You can also use a mobile credit card reader to take payments on the go. The Square Reader for iOS or Android is available for $49.00. You can also use other wireless credit card readers to process mobile credit cards.
Yes, it is possible to cut copper with a fiber laser cutter, but it can present some challenges due to copper’s high reflectivity and heat conductivity. The edge quality may not be as good as with other cutting methods, and it may be slower. But there are several tips you can follow to make the process more precise and efficient. In this article, I’ll cover the challenges of using a fiber laser cutter with copper, along with tips on improving the process and outcome and alternative cutting methods to consider. Copper as a Cutting Material: The Challenges Copper is a widely used metal that is known for its excellent conductivity, corrosion resistance, and durability. It’s also a beautiful and sustainable material for makers who want to create anything from decorative home and fashion accessories to hardware, signs, and components for electrical and industrial applications. However, when it comes to cutting copper with a fiber laser cutter, it can present some challenges. Copper is a highly reflective material, meaning that it reflects a significant amount of the laser energy back toward the laser source. This can make it difficult to achieve a precise cut and can also damage the fiber laser cutter. Copper is also a good conductor of heat, which means that it absorbs a significant amount of heat during the cutting process. This can cause the material to warp or melt, resulting in a poor-quality cut. Additionally, cutting copper can release harmful fumes and dust, which can be dangerous for the operator and may require additional ventilation or filtration equipment to ensure a safe working environment. Another important factor to consider when cutting copper with a fiber laser cutter is the thickness of the copper. Thin sheets of copper can be cut with a fiber laser cutter, but thicker sheets may be more challenging. The edge quality might not be as good as with other cutting methods and the speed of cutting may be slower. It’s important to note that copper alloys, such as brass and bronze, are less reflective than pure copper, and can be cut more efficiently with a fiber laser cutter. However, it’s always recommended to test the specific material and settings before committing to a production run. Tips for Using a Fiber Laser Cutter with Copper They can produce a high-quality, precise cut with the minimal heat-affected zone (HAZ) and minimal material distortion. They are also relatively fast and can cut intricate designs through a wide range of materials, including many different metals and even plastic and wood. If this is your tool of choice, keep these tips in mind when using a fiber laser cutter on a reflective material such as copper: - Test with thin sheets of copper first. Thicker sheets will be harder to work with and produce smooth cuts. Start with thin sheets, using the following tips, and experiment with the level of thickness before quality and efficiency are noticeably reduced. - Reduce the cutting speed and increase the power to achieve a better cutting quality. This also works better when engraving versus trying to cut the material. - Along with increasing power output, to reduce the reflectivity of the copper, it is recommended to use a high-pressure assist gas, such as nitrogen or argon (both are best for edge quality), during the cutting process. For more challenging cutting, use oxygen, but keep in mind this is reactive and will have lower edge quality. - Use a specialized cutting head with a smaller focusing lens to reduce the width of the laser beam and improve the precision of the cut. - Use appropriate ventilation and filtration equipment to keep your work area safe from harmful fumes and dust produced when working with copper. Alternative Cutting Methods If using a fiber laser cutter presents too many challenges, there are several machines that can be used to cut copper, depending on the thickness and quality of the copper, as well as the desired end result. Some options include: Waterjet cutter: Waterjet cutters use high-pressure streams of water to cut through metal, and can produce precise, clean cuts on copper. They are particularly useful for cutting thicker sheets of copper or for cutting intricate shapes. Plasma cutter: Plasma cutters use a high-velocity stream of ionized gas to cut through metal and can produce precise, clean cuts on copper. They are particularly useful for cutting thicker copper sheets or intricate shapes. → Learn about how CNC plasma cutter and waterjet systems compare. CNC router: CNC routers use a spinning cutting tool to cut through metal, and can produce precise, clean cuts on copper. They are particularly useful for cutting intricate shapes or for creating detailed engravings on copper. Mechanical shears: Mechanical shears use a cutting blade to cut through metal, and can produce precise, clean cuts on copper. They are particularly useful for cutting thicker copper sheets and straight lines. Oxy-Fuel cutter: Oxy-fuel cutter uses a flame to heat the metal to its ignition point and then a stream of Oxygen is used to cut the metal. They may be better with thicker copper sheets and can still produce a good edge quality. The choice of machine will depend on the specific needs of your project, including the thickness and quality of the copper, the desired end result, and the budget available. To recap, using a fiber laser cutter to cut or engrave copper presents some challenges, but with the right copper thickness, power output, and settings to counter the reflectivity of the material, you may still achieve some good results.
Last week I had a meaningful and very needed week of vacation. A theme of my time away with God and my family was rest. But not just the physical kind. If we are physically tired, we all know what needs to happen…we need sleep. But what do we do for the deeper kind of exhaustion that many people in all stages of life experience? I was recently asked by a newly engaged young man why people my age always seemed tired. Ha. He isn’t wrong, just extremely observant. We are tired. I simply smiled and said, “You’ll find out soon enough.” As our responsibilities increase, as our stresses increase, as pressures and requirements increase, as the mundaneness of repetitive life increases, deep soulful exhaustion begins to set in. I cannot tell you how many people have set on my couch and explained to me in some way or another that they are tired. And in each instance, I could relate. We all can. Life is exhausting. So what do we do when we are soul tired? I suggest five things: 1. Get Better Rhythm – First, take a look at your weekly rhythm of life. You cannot make it 2 chapters into the Bible without rest becoming a central theme. Listen to Genesis 2:2-3 – “2 By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all his work. 3 Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.” Here is a question: why did God rest? He’s God. He wasn’t tired. So why did He rest? I have a theory: Just like every other day of creation was about bringing life forth and calling it good, God was bringing life forth on the seventh day as well. He was bringing about healthy life for His creation by weaving rest into its very fabric of existence. And He didn’t just call it good, He called it Holy. In fact, being on the seventh day, rest completed creation and made it whole and perfect. The rhythm of six days of work and one day of rest is set apart as Holy from the beginning. The Hebrew word for rest is shabbat, from which we derive our word Sabbath. While we have turned Sabbath into meaning a day for worship, it originated as a day of rest. Those two things are not separate, but it does beg the question: are you living by God’s Holy rhythm? Are you purposefully stopping activities each week for the soul purpose of resting your mind and heart in the completed work of God? In other words, do you have a Sabbath every week? God is our example. Could He have worked on the seventh day? Sure. He’s God. But He purposefully stopped activity and rested in what He had already done. Take a deep look at your weekly schedule. Is there a day you are setting aside to refrain from all work (house and professional) and simply enjoying God’s handiwork? Rhythm matters. It is stamped onto your soul. 2. Stop Trying To Complete The Work – Have you ever noticed that the work is never complete? At home and at the office it feels like a hamster wheel. Want to know why? Sin. Listen to what God tells Adam after he is kicked out of the Garden (a place of rest) because of his sin: “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life. 18 It will produce thorns and thistles for you, and you will eat the plants of the field. 19 By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground.” (Genesis 3:17-19) Man was meant to live in the completed work of God, but because of sin, we now have to live in the perpetual work of our own toil. It never ends. So why are we always chasing the finished line of work like it will bring some great satisfaction? With every completed project a new project arises. With every cleaned mess a new mess is made. If we convince ourselves that we will finally rest once the work is done, we will never truly rest. If we accept the fact the work will always be there tomorrow, we will give ourselves the grace to rest today. And if our minds refuse to rest because the work is not done, we know it is a direct result of sin. 3. Rest In Christ – While we can no longer live in the completed work of the Garden and we now take up residence in this fallen world, Christ represents a drastic change for creation. We are now invited to rest in the completed work of the cross. Jesus invites us: 28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:28-29) Our souls will find rest not when our work is done, but when we come to Christ and rest in Him. There is a direct correlation between our prayer life and our soul’s restfulness. Where there is no prayer, there will be no rest. Where the prayer is a constant petition and no gratitude for what Christ has already done, there will be no rest. The peace that surpasses understanding comes to the heart that is filled with thankfulness. Take time to simply be still and quiet and be with Christ. Thank Him for what He has done. 4. Recognize The Shepherd’s Work – A curious line from the 23rd Psalm has jumped out to me recently. You know it. “The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. 2 He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters, 3 He refreshes my soul.” (Psalm 23:1-3) I can’t tell you how many times I have read and quoted this familiar Psalm. But I’ve never paid attention to “He makes me lie down.” Notice that. God values our rest so much that He will literally force us to lie down when we refuse to do it on our own. I sat with a friend recently who is going through a hard time and we both realized that the hard situation wasn’t all bad. In fact, he was being forced to “lie down” more than he had for a long time. Rarely does the sheep see the Shepherd’s activity of “making him lie down” as enjoyable or good. Unless, of course, the sheep has the eyes of faith to say with the Psalmist, “He restoreth my soul.” And indeed He does. God created you with a need for rest in Him. He knows that because of sin this world will be perpetually restless. He opens the door in Christ for you to find rest once again. And if you won’t take Him up on the offer, He will often force it upon you in order to restore your soul. 5. Lean On The Family of God – We say it often, but I’m not sure how often we actually hear it: we are not meant to journey through life alone! God surrounds us with His family. And He commands us: “2 Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2) When we feel burdened by life, pride will often keep us from sharing our burdens with others. And in so doing, we are breaking “the law of Christ.” The law of Christ is to love one another. But if we refuse to let others into our hurt and heaviness, then we become law breakers. We need each other and in no way is fighting the battles of this life on our own honoring or obeying Christ. But when we lean on each other, Christ’s love is put on display, and we find rest for our souls. Who are you regularly letting into your weariness? Or is pride keeping you unnecessarily burdened on your own? Are you tired, friend? I’d love to visit with you about real Soul Rest. Please reach out to me!
Comparison of different heat sink production and processing technologies Basic production process of heat sink: Product requirements --- Drawing development --- Mold making --- Testing die (extruded aluminum profile) --- Cutting and CNC processing --- Confirmation of functional size samples ) --- Production Input --- Packaging (Inspection) --- Delivery. 2. plug copper heat sink current mainstream of the main material used for the fins is nothing less than two kinds of aluminum and copper. And plug copper process is the combination of aluminum and copper, the respective advantages of the product came into being. The copper plug process is completed by the principle of thermal expansion and contraction. After the aluminum extruded heat sink is heated, the copper core is inserted thereinto, and then the overall cooling is performed. Because no third-party dielectric is used, the copper plugging process can greatly reduce the thermal resistance between the contact surfaces. Not only does it ensure the tightness of the copper-aluminum bond, it also fully utilizes the characteristics of aluminum's fast heat dissipation and copper's fast heat absorption. This copper plugging process has a moderate cost and good heat dissipation effect, and is the mainstream type of heat sink on the market. 3. The compaction method is to stack a large number of copper or aluminum sheets, then press on both sides and polish the section. This section is in contact with the CPU core, and the other side is spread out to serve as a fin for the heat sink. The heat sink made by compaction method is characterized in that the number of fins can be made much. And does not require a high process to ensure that each fin can maintain good contact (or close) with the CPU core. The fins also have close contact by means of compression, and the heat conduction loss between them will be significantly reduced. It is precisely because the heat sink made by compaction method has many fins, the heat dissipation effect of this heat sink is often good, and the weight is much lighter than the traditional heat sink. 5. Bonding type heat sinks Because traditional aluminum extruded type heat sinks cannot break the limit of the thickness and length ratio of fins, they are combined heat sinks. This kind of heat sink is made of aluminum or copper plate first, and then it is combined on a heat sink with grooves by using thermal conductive paste or solder. The characteristics of the combined heat sink are that the fins break through the original proportional limit, and the heat dissipation effect is good, and different materials can be used as the fins. Of course, the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the use of thermal paste and solder to connect the fin and the base will have an interface impedance problem. This affects heat dissipation. In order to improve these shortcomings, two new technologies have been used in the field of heat sinks. The first is the gear shaping technology. It uses a pressure of more than 60 tons to combine the aluminum sheet in the base of the copper sheet, and no medium is used between aluminum and copper. From a microscopic perspective, the atoms of aluminum and copper are connected to each other to a certain extent, thereby completely avoiding the disadvantages of thermal resistance caused by the traditional copper-aluminum combination and greatly improving the heat transfer ability of the product. The second is the reflow soldering technology. The biggest problem of the traditional bonding heat sink is the interface impedance problem, and the reflow soldering technology is an improvement on this problem. In fact, the process of reflow soldering is almost the same as the traditional bonding type heat sink, except that a special reflow furnace is used, which can accurately set the soldering temperature and time parameters. The solder uses lead-tin alloy to make the welding and the metal to be fully contacted, thereby avoiding missing soldering and empty soldering. Ensure that the connection between the fin and the base is as close as possible, minimize the interface thermal resistance, and control the melting time and temperature of the copper of each solder joint to ensure the uniformity of all solder joints. However, this special reflow furnace is very expensive. Motherboard manufacturers use more, but radiator manufacturers rarely use it. 6. Compared with aluminum extruded fins, the cutting process solves the limitation of the fin thickness-to-length ratio of the fins. The cutting process is to use special tools to cut the entire material into layers of fins. The heat sink fins can be as thin as 0.5mm. In addition, the fins of the heat sink and the base are integrated, so there is no problem of interface impedance. However, the effect of this cutting process in the production process is high waste and low quality rate, which makes the cost high, so the cutting process is mainly biased to copper heat sink.
Flagstaff, Arizona - Backcountry of The San Francisco Peaks and Kachina Peaks Wilderness Format and Limitations Statement Skiable terrain is mostly on wind protected slopes and northerly aspects. Persistent weak layers continue to plague our thin snowpack . See AZ snow pit data at snowpilot.org - link also under the snowpack menu. Human triggered avalanches may still be possible in isolated steep terrain - mainly on northern, northeastern and eastern aspects near and above treeline. These will mostly be small to medium sized, due to highly variable winds, some of which were strong enough to cause more scouring and sublimation than lee slope loading. Pockets of wind slab overlaying previously developed basal facets is the most likely slab/weak layer combination. The specific location of hazards is spatially variable. Wind slabs and cross loaded slopes should be carefully evaluated before choosing to descend. Safer options in the trees may be advisable. Warm midday temperatures could increase the probability of triggering a persistent weak slab. Significant cold (below freezing) temperature gradients are present in the mostly thin snowpack, exacerbating facet formation and weakening the snowpack, especially on northerly aspects. Above treeline wind events have loaded leeward slopes near ridge lines in the last week, creating wind slabs that have demonstrated varying levels of stability. These windslabs may prove reactive if persistent weak layers on northerly aspects are weak enough to fail in localized loaded terrain. With more snow and wind in the forecast, new wind slabs may form on leeward aspects. With ~37" (94 cm) undisturbed settled snow depth at 10800', NW aspect, rocks and logs remain primary hazards. Most northerly aspects will have the best coverage with measured depths at 10,000' ranging from 22 to- 50" (56 cm to 127 cm), while south facing slopes range from no snow to 28" (71 cm) in favored locations near treeline. Melt freeze crusts are developing on sun exposed slopes. The snow depth is highly variable due to wind transport and sun affect, aspect dependent. The thin snowpack continues to create basal facets and depth hoar, especially on northerly aspects. Cohesive slabs above these weak facets are potential areas of instability on all aspects. Be cautious of previously loaded terrain - old wind slabs on northerly/shaded slopes may have persistent weak bonds. Warm midday temperatures may increase the probability of triggering a persistent slab. The problem is not widespread. So keep your guard up especially in isolated pockets. With warm air temperatures, the snow surface will become moist. Watch for signs of decreasing stability, such as small point release avalanches running from rocky terrain or roller-balls on steep sunny slopes. An unsupportable wet snowpack, exhibiting slush characteristics means it is time to move to lower angle or cooler slopes. Spring officially begins March 20, equinox, warming slopes with a higher angle of insolation.
Like any home, a nursing home is a haven for your loved one. A nursing home ensures that they continue to receive the care, if not more, that they would feel from their regular family. To add to that, they gain friends and create significant relationships with their fellow elderly brothers and sisters. However, underneath these senior paradises, a grim reality unfolds. For years, Florida has had a history of nursing home abuse cases. More than 2 million cases have already been reported. This means 1 in every 10 elderly residents will experience some form of abuse while staying in a nursing home. What You Can Do About It A nursing home is responsible for providing care for its residents. In fact, it is their main responsibility to ensure that their residents and cared for. When a nursing home fails to perform that responsibility, it can be considered a violation of civil or criminal law in Florida. If your local nursing home has cases of nursing home abuse, you can contact a Miami nursing home abuse attorney to find out what legal action you can take. Knowing the most common nursing home abuse cases can aid in noticing the warning signs of abuse. Abuse can happen subtly if you don’t know how to identify it. If you have noticed any signs of abuse in a nursing home, consult with a nursing home abuse lawyer in Miami immediately to know the steps you can take. Here are the 7 most common nursing home abuse cases in Florida: This is the most usual form of abuse in nursing homes. Nursing home employees often try to cut corners, resulting in a lack of attention given to residents’ needs. Neglect can take form through inadequate or absence of food and nutrition, lack of basic hygiene given, and the lack or absence of medical care. - Emotional Abuse Abuse can also take form through negative feedback. Employees who become irritable and impatient may call some resident names. There have even been cases of caregivers intimidating residents and threatening them. This is a tactic used by nursing home employees to scare residents into not asking for any assistance, lessening their workload. - Physical Abuse Physical abuse can take many forms. An employee might deliberately hurt, hit, or push a resident. They might also be rough while assisting them in everyday tasks. Some caregivers might even refuse to physically support or give medication to a resident, resulting in severe injuries and illness. In other cases, caregivers will include extra dosages in residents’ medication to poison them. It is important to keep in mind that physical abuse coincides with emotional abuse. A resident may then feel fear to raise concern. Be on the lookout for any cuts, bruises, or broken bones on your loved one for signs of physical abuse. - Sexual Assault Sexual assault is one of the most common cases of abuse in nursing homes. Be on the lookout for head trauma, extreme emotional changes, or contracted infections. These are common signs of sexual abuse. Do not be afraid to ask your loved one if they have experienced this from a nursing home employee. - Financial Exploitation While caregivers are supposed to be on the lookout for their residents’ best interests, they can also become their worst enemies. Employees might refuse to purchase daily care items or inappropriately access residents’ financial records. Overcharges and questionable purchases in billings are more common than you think. - Physical Isolation This can be either intentional or a form of neglect. Elders who lack interaction can become depressed. Employees could deny residents’ their right to contact or allow family to visit. Some even refuse to take them on walks or allow them outside. - Emotional Isolation This can coincide with physical isolation. Some employees may deliberately ignore residents. Often, caregivers can forget about residents’ emotional needs. This too can take a toll on resident’s health. Caring for seniors requires more care than what a typical adult requires. Your loved one has more serious or unique physical and mental needs that need immediate attention. When a home stops feeling like one, in the case of a nursing home, it can mean negligence under the law. In worst cases, this can bring criminal charges. Having a qualified personal injury attorney in Miami can protect your loved one from experiencing this kind of pain and suffering. Talk to a personal injury lawyer in Miami today to talk about what you can do when your loved one is being abused in the place where he or she should be feeling safe and protected. We handle a variety of cases, so call us now if you have any questions. View more contact information here: Personal Injury Attorney in Miami.
To keep troops in Syria, US leaders are lying like in Afghanistan While claiming to oppose "endless military deployments" abroad, the Biden administration is keeping hundreds of US troops in Syria and deceiving the public like its predecessors in Afghanistan. One day after the last US forces left the Kabul airport, President Joe Biden declared that he is "ending an era of major military operations to remake other countries." But while bucking the Pentagon and DC foreign policy establishment in withdrawing from Afghanistan, the Biden administration has confirmed that it’s keeping hundreds of troops in Syria to occupy the oil-rich northeast – about one-third of the country. And just like predecessors who misled the public about US progress in Afghanistan, Biden is overseeing a similar deception that hides both the reality of US operations on Syrian territory and the actual motives for keeping troops there indefinitely. The administration's formal pledge to continue occupying Syria was quietly disclosed during the last days of the 20-year US military campaign in Afghanistan. "The Biden administration is committed to retaining US military presence in northeast Syria," Dana Stroul, the Pentagon's top policy official for the Middle East, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on August 10th. Echoing the official rationale, Stroul claimed that the US remains in Syria "because ISIS is not defeated," and the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) cannot fight the terror group "without our support, training, and advice." The US government's claim to be occupying Syria in order to fight ISIS is undercut by a series of low-profile admissions concealed from a wide audience. In overlooked statements and briefings, US officials have disclosed that American forces are barely doing any fighting against ISIS in Syria, and for good reason: as is also quietly acknowledged, fighting ISIS is not the actual reason why they’re there. In reality, after a decade-long, multi-billion-dollar CIA dirty war that failed to overthrow the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the US is using its soldiers -- along with crippling sanctions -- to keep Syria divided, impoverished, and unable to rebuild. While admin claims to fight ISIS, Pentagon admits that it's not In its latest quarterly assessment of the US mission against ISIS in Syria, the Pentagon's Lead Inspector General (Lead IG) depicts a battlefield where the US is effectively idle. In practice, it is the Syrian government and its allies that are conducting the vast majority of anti-ISIS operations and bear the brunt of the militant group's violence. The IG report also portrays ISIS as largely contained, with little prospect of expanding beyond its isolated desert hideouts. ISIS attacks on US and allied Kurdish forces in Syria, the Lead IG says, have been "infrequent, and generally ineffective," thereby having a "minimal impact" on the American-led mission. ISIS "has not carried out any deliberate attacks, successful or otherwise, against U.S or Coalition forces in Syria since January 2019" – nearly three years ago. Whereas ISIS "likely has reduced the priority of attacking U.S. or other Coalition forces," the Lead IG report states, the group is "primarily focused on [Syrian government] regime forces and their allies," namely Russia and Iran. For ISIS, the "Syrian regime forces and their backers" are "more accessible targets" – not surprisingly, given that these non-US "targets" are actually doing the anti-ISIS fighting. As ISIS avoids attacks on American forces, the US appears to be reciprocating. According to the IG report, the US army carried out just 12 airstrikes against ISIS in Syria between January and June. By contrast, the Russian army alone "has conducted hundreds of airstrikes in support of Syrian regime operations in the Syrian desert" against ISIS during that same period. "Russia conducted these operations in response to repeated ISIS attacks targeting regime and militia outposts, oil convoys, and military personnel in transit," the report states. While US warplanes barely leave the ground to bomb ISIS targets, US ground forces are completely dormant. The US fleet of Bradley Fighting Vehicles in Kurdish-controlled areas was "not involved in any engagements with other forces during the quarter," the report notes. This tracks with what US officials have quietly acknowledged to reporters. "In reality," Politico reports, citing a Pentagon source, "no American troops have accompanied local forces on combat patrols for over a year in either Iraq or Syria." Despite the lack of active anti-ISIS combat today, US officials have also claimed that American forces are in Syria to prevent a future ISIS resurgence. "There are still ISIS fighters in the region and unless pressure is maintained . . . then there’s a very real possibility that conditions could be set for a reemergence of ISIS," General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, warned in late 2019. But the IG report downplays this prospect. US Central Command, the report states, has "identified several ways in which the desert environment limits the capacity of ISIS to grow or strengthen its insurgency there," including decreased capacity to collect revenue and territory confined mostly to "caves and abandoned structures." Ultimately, "ISIS remains unable to capitalize on its destabilizing activities" in the desert area and will not be able to "sustain a high operational tempo, or expand the scope, complexity, or lethality of its operations." The US government's lackluster approach to ISIS is not new. For years, the Syrian government and its Russian, Iranian, and Lebanese Hezbollah allies have shouldered the fight against ISIS in Syria, all while US leaders take public credit for the group's losses. A 2017 study by the influential IHS Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre found that the "Islamic State fought Syrian government forces more than any other opponent" over a one-year period. "It is an inconvenient reality," a senior Middle East analyst at IHS Markit observed, "that any US action taken to weaken the Syrian government will inadvertently benefit the Islamic State and other jihadist groups." While the US has helped defeat ISIS in Syria, most notably in Kobane and Raqqa, it has also tacitly supported the group's advance. Speaking privately to Syrian opposition activists in 2016, then-Secretary of State John Kerry admitted that the US tried to leverage ISIS' takeover of Syrian territory to impose regime change on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. "Daesh was threatening the possibility of going to Damascus and so forth," Kerry explained. "And we know that this was growing. We were watching. We saw that Daesh was growing in strength, and we thought Assad was threatened. We thought, however, we could probably manage, that Assad would then negotiate" his way out of power. The threat of an ISIS takeover, Kerry added, is "why Russia went in" to Syria in 2015, "because they didn’t want a Daesh government." This apparent Russian aim stands in contrast to the US, which — if Kerry is to be believed — was presumably happy to “manage” the risk of "a Daesh government" if it meant opening an opportunity to oust the Assad-led government. Although US troops are barely fighting ISIS now, that does not mean that they are out of harm's way. In fact, US forces in Syria have come under fire as a direct result of US military strikes on Iranian and Iraqi-allied militias there. When Biden "ordered airstrikes on militia groups here in late June," the Washington Post recently noted, that ended up "sparking a fresh cycle of reciprocal violence, with militiamen firing at a facility housing U.S. troops and American forces responding with artillery fire." The US military occupation has also come under protest from the local population subjected to its rule. In the eastern province of Deir Ezzor, residents protested last month after the US military reportedly arrested tribal fighters who have vigorously battled ISIS. Locking up seasoned veterans of the fight against ISIS is yet another odd battlefield operation for a US occupation that is supposedly there for the same cause. In 2019, top Biden official admitted real reason for US occupation of Syria: "leverage" While the US barely confronts ISIS in Syria, top officials across the spectrum have also conceded an obvious explanation for why that is: the US is not there to fight ISIS. The most crude admission came from President Donald Trump in January 2020. After caving to Pentagon and State Department officials who opposed his calls for a withdrawal from Syria, Trump boasted to Fox News that he ordered US troops to stay in Syria "to take the oil. I took the oil. The only troops I have are taking the oil. They're protecting the oil. I took over the oil." Although Trump’s comments unnerved the DC foreign policy elite, he was in fact expressing a bipartisan position. The rationale for Trump's order to "to take the oil" in Syria was best explained months earlier by Dana Stroul, the aforementioned senior official now running Biden's Middle Eastern policy at the Pentagon. As Ben Norton of The Grayzone revealed, Stroul declared that the US occupation of Syria, along with the globe-spanning power of US sanctions, gave it "leverage" to continue its decade-long dirty war on the Syrian state. By depriving Syria of access to its own oil and wheat, while meanwhile preventing reconstruction in the rest of the country under government control, the US could continue to squeeze the Syrian population and pressure the Syrian government into submission. Speaking at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in October 2019, Stroul -- then serving as co-chair of the US Congress-founded Syria Study Group – explained that "one-third of Syrian territory" is now "owned" by the US military. Dispensing with the official rationale, Stoul acknowledged that the ongoing US occupation is "not only about completing the anti-ISIS fight." Instead, Stroul explained, occupying the "resource-rich", "economic powerhouse" region in Syria's northeast -- which contains the country's "hydrocarbons" and is its "agricultural powerhouse" as well -- gives the U.S. government "broader leverage" to influence "a political outcome in Syria" in line with US dictates. In Stroul's telling, while military occupation means the US can "own" one-third of Syria's territory, its financial dominance can leave the rest of the country destroyed. The government-controlled areas where most Syrians live "is rubble," she explained. And through US control of "the international financial institutions and our cooperation with the Europeans" – i.e., sanctions and coercion – the US can "hold a line on preventing reconstruction aid and technical expertise from going back into Syria." The result of the bipartisan Trump-Biden strategy in Syria is the further immiseration of a war-ravaged nation. Unable to freely access its own fuel and wheat as the US military hoards Syria's agricultural and economic "powerhouse," Syria faces what the United Nations calls "staggering levels of impoverishment." The UN estimates that 13.4 million people inside Syria are in need of assistance, along with 5.5 million Syrian refugees in neighboring states. The World Food Programme reported earlier this year that a record 12.4 million Syrians – or close to 60 percent of the population - are now food insecure. The crisis in Syria led the Atlantic Council, a pro-NATO think tank, to recently acknowledge that "living conditions in Syria have deteriorated to the point of near-famine." Meanwhile, US sanctions imposed under the bipartisan Caesar Act, have not only deliberately prevented Syria's reconstruction but also, in the unapologetic words of former Trump envoy James Jeffrey, "crushed the country’s economy." Equally unperturbed by imposing new misery on a suffering population – if not outright proud – another former senior Trump official for Syria policy, Andrew Tabler notes in the same elite journal that US sanctions on Syria "have exacerbated fuel and food shortages for everyday Syrians." Doubling down on an endless dirty war In affirming its commitment to indefinitely occupy Syria, the Biden administration is marching in lockstep with national security state bureaucrats who have spent the last decade targeting the country with one of the most expensive and catastrophic dirty wars in modern history. Capitalizing on Arab Spring protests that erupted in 2011, the US and its partners in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, UK, France, and Israel spent tens of billions on weapons and fighters in a failed paramilitary campaign to oust President Bashar al-Assad and bleed his Hezbollah and Iranian allies. The CIA operation that armed militias in Syria, codenamed Timber Sycamore, proved to be "one of the costliest covert action programs in the history of the C.I.A" (New York Times); with "a budget approaching $1 billion a year," accounting "for about $1 of every $15 in the CIA’s overall budget." US officials estimate that the CIA armed and trained nearly 10,000 insurgents, spending "roughly $100,000 per year for every anti-Assad rebel who has gone through the program." (Washington Post). One of the covert war’s early architects was Army general and then-CIA Director David Petraeus, who had presided over the disastrous US “surge” in Afghanistan. Just as in Afghanistan, the massive cost of the dirty war effort in Syria was largely concealed from US taxpayers footing the bill. Also concealed was the primary beneficiary of US largesse: Salafi-jihadist death squads that dominated the anti-government insurgency. As Jake Sullivan, Biden's National Security Advisor, put it bluntly in a 2012 email to Hillary Clinton: "AQ [Al Qaeda] is on our side in Syria." For Al Qaeda, fighting on the US “side” paid dividends. Since 2016, Al Qaeda has occupied the northern province of Idlib after capturing it "thanks in large part to suicide bombers and American anti-tank TOW missiles," Foreign Policy (cheerfully) reported at the time. The conquest of Idlib was later described by the New York Times as among the CIA's "periods of success," which is certainly the case for its new jihadi rulers. As another senior Biden official, Brett McGurk, observed in 2017, Idlib has become "Al-Qaeda's largest safe haven since 9/11." Although Syria and its allies have largely defeated the foreign-backed sectarian insurgents in the rest of the country, the continued US military occupation and sanctions extends the dirty war through other means. If the US cannot overthrow Assad, it can still use its military and financial "leverage" to ensure that the country remains too poor and too fragmented to rebuild. Along with national security state bureaucrats in Washington, the endless dirty war in Syria has a powerful ally in Tel Aviv. Just days before the US completed its withdrawal from Afghanistan, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett personally urged Biden to keep US troops in Syria and Iraq. Likening Iran’s government to the last days of the Soviet Union, Bennett reportedly advocated “a death by a thousand cuts” strategy that keeps Iran bogged down and “back in the box.” According to Axios, the Israeli delegation left the Oval Office meeting feeling “optimistic” about “Biden's attitude on that front.” To play its part, Israel has conducted hundreds of airstrikes against Syria, with the full backing of the US government and the silent help of the US media, which barely ever reports it. Israeli attacks help enforce the US government’s de-facto embargo. Since 2019, Israel has bombed at least a dozen Syria-bound Iranian ships carrying desperately needed fuel in defiance of US sanctions. The fact that Biden is choosing, so far, to continue the same deliberate sadism against the Syrian people is at odds with his public disavowal of “endless military deployments” and “doubling down on a civil war in a foreign country.” And by concealing its realities from the US public, Biden is signaling that despite withdrawing from Afghanistan, he is willingly prolonging another costly and catastrophic deception in Syria.
I had the pleasure of attending abstractions.io, which was held in Pittsburgh from August 18 – 20, 2016. This event was two years in the making, and was brought to you by some of the best conference organizers in the country. Abstractions.io brought together great minds from all walks of software development. Unlike many conferences, the diversity of talks was incredible. Abstractions.io presented itself as operating-system agnostic, and language-diverse. Not once did I witness someone proclaim, “you’re not a real programmer if you use ___!”. Okay, so one dude said, “You’re using Safari? Why?” (I kept all profanities to myself. Kudos to me!) Anyhoo, the conference atmosphere felt safe and welcoming, increasing the likelihood that even the most conflict-avoidant among us would speak up if a problem was encountered. A bit of history: when I first attended user groups in South Carolina, the “real programmers,” aka the privileged white dudes who had been programming since they were 2 years old, poked fun at me for using a Windows laptop. In response, I partitioned my hard drive, and installed a Linux virtual machine. Later, in the workplace, I was ostracized for using a Linux machine. Apparently, Mac was the only acceptable OS. Wanting to feel included, I purchased a MacBook Pro. So, I dusted off my TI-83 Plus calculator, and computed the probability of being accepted by the cool kids. I calculated that, YES… I was indeed cool enough to be part of the in-group. But, just like in high school, if I appeared to be headed in the general direction of the cool-kids table, the cool kids each straddled 2 seats, and moved their lunch trays (errr… super-cool laptops) closer together so that there was no place for me to sit. Well, the problem must have been the calculator, so into the trash it went!!! So then there was abstractions.io, where it was cool to be a Linux user, or a Mac user, or even a Windows user! Wait, what? I’ve been flip-flopping like a dying fish for all of these years for nothing? Oh, and that’s not all! I’m currently building WordPress websites for a professional photographer. I attended a WordPress talk, and it was excellent, and nobody made fun of me for “not being a REAL programmer” because I was using a CMS. I think we have all had a true taste of some of the origins of imposter syndrome. I wish that there was a pill to swallow that would make all of us immune to the B.S. I wish that there were a switch to flip when we second-guess our abilities. In summary… hype can take a hike. Instead, let us abstract all the things, and embrace one another, exactly as we are… Thank you to all of the speakers, organizers, volunteers, and sponsors of abstractions.io. What you gave to me and many others is priceless… you gave us knowledge, hope, acceptance, and a much-needed reminder to never give up the love of writing code just because someone says that we’re “not real programmers.”
By Kathryn Moffett, lawyer and construction law specialist at CMS THE Cole Report was published last month following a number of high profile construction defects which were discovered in Edinburgh schools and other public buildings. The report is critical of the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) funding model which has been regularly used to fund infrastructure projects and is likely to have significant implications on Scotland’s construction industry going forward. The 250-page Report made a number of recommendations for the council, private and public bodies and the wider construction industry in relation to procurement, construction, training and recruitment, the role of the building standards and independent certifiers and the sharing of information. The Scottish Government and regulatory bodies are certain to pay close attention to these recommendations. It also highlighted that the defects may not be confined to the buildings identified so far, suggesting it is highly possible that the same issues are present in others which contain large masonry panels, including those which are required to be tied back to a structural frame. This view has also been shared by the Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) which has called or all public buildings constructed in the 21st century to be urgently inspected to assess the potential dangers from major latent defects. The report makes it clear that the Scottish construction industry needs to develop better means for building inspectors to have open and transparent access so they can make the best possible assessment of a building’s safety. It also recommends a much greater burden on public sector clients in terms of their statutory duties in ensuring the safety of the public buildings they procure. Acknowledging the boom and bust nature of the construction industry and the many challenges this creates in maintaining highly skilled tradesmen, the report also focuses on the need for greater training and recruitment. Whether the UK Government’s plans to introduce an Apprenticeship Levy in April will help companies achieve this aim remains to be seen. In the meantime, it’s important for construction firms to ensure they are suitably geared up to deliver the highest standards on public sector building projects and have appropriate administrative procedures in place to cope with any potential issues arising from such contracts. In terms of managing issues arising, this starts with good record keeping. Along with careful maintenance of any contractual documents, it is also useful to keep a record of all variation instructions by the client so that any change can be evidenced along with accompanying payment requests. Documents related to design such as drawings and as built information are useful in the event of any defects claims. Given the length of time liability can last under a contract (up to 20 years in Scotland), a system to keep records for the relevant length of time is essential. It is also important for companies to ensure they are not unduly exposed in terms of liability, another area where the Cole Report has recommended greater clarity. Where possible, negotiating a cap in relation to liability on a contract is advisable although it will usually depend on the nature of the project as to whether a client will agree to this. In the event of any serious issues arising in a building project it is important to firstly engage with your client as this approach can often produce a remedial solution and spare both sides from a full legal dispute. If a claim can’t be avoided, it’s important to be proactive and engage with your insurers, legal adviser and technical experts as early as possible. With the publication of the Cole Report, there is now an even greater onus on contractors which are responsible for the construction and maintenance of public buildings. They will need to ensure they are fully prepared for the tighter compliance regime that is highly likely to follow.
Desperate to escape Nazi persecution during World War II, Anne Frank’s family tried repeatedly to flee to the United States before going into hiding in 1942, according to research published July 2018. However, the combination of Nazi rule, World War II bombing and American bias against accepting Jewish refugees ensured they never made it far enough through the application process. “The United States had no specific refugee policy prior to World War II,” write Rebecca Erbelding and Gertjan Broek, authors of research jointly published by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam. “Those seeking to escape Nazi persecution in Europe, like the families of Otto Frank and Hermann van Pels, had to clear the same bureaucratic hurdles as other immigrants.” The van Pels family hid from the Nazis in the same Amsterdam attic as the Franks. The Frank and van Pels families were living in the Netherlands when they applied to emigrate in the late 1930s. Because they had been born in Germany, all of the family members were German nationals at a time when the annual U.S. quota for German immigration was just under 26,000. But there was a huge waiting list to join that group, and the application process required a number of documents that, for persecuted Jewish people, were difficult—if not impossible—to obtain. A letter from Anne Frank’s father Otto reveals that he first applied for U.S. immigration visas as early as 1938, the year that Germany annexed Austria and Nazis terrorized Jewish citizens during Kristallnacht. At the time, many other Jewish families were trying to flee to the U.S., as well. Between June 30, 1938 and June 1939, the waiting list for a German quota visa skyrocketed from 139,163 to 309,782, say Erbelding and Broek. It was the first time since 1930 that the State Department maxed out the German quota. A letter from Otto Frank written on April 30, 1941 is the only surviving evidence that he applied for U.S. visas. As he wrote in his letter, his family still languished on the waiting list, which was kept at the American consulate in Rotterdam, when German bombing destroyed all of the consulate’s papers on May 14, 1940. Read More: US Immigration Timeline There’s no evidence that Otto Frank brought his receipt to the Rotterdam consulate and refreshed his family’s place on the German waiting list. “We do not know whether Otto had already submitted any of his family’s documents to the consulate — official birth certificates, military papers or financial documents ,” write the authors,“but if he had, they were all destroyed in the bombing. He would need to collect them again.” Soon after Frank wrote his letter about the destruction of his family’s immigration applications, the U.S. and Germany made it even harder for Jewish Germans to immigrate to America. In the same way that unfounded U.S. suspicion of Japanese Americans led to internment camps, unsubstantiated paranoia about German spies led to discrimination against Jewish-German immigrants. Recommended for you The authors point out that a Gallup poll conducted in June 1940 revealed that 71% of respondents believed the Nazis had already established a network of spies and saboteurs in the United States. “FDR had warned that even Jewish refugees could be ‘spying under compulsion’ to save the lives of family members held hostage in Nazi Germany,” write Erbelding and Broek. In this context, the authors say, national security concerns superseded humanitarian ones. On July 1, 1941, the State Department made “applicants with close relatives remaining in German-occupied countries” ineligible for visas. The U.S. also increased the number of federal departments that had to approve visa applications, amplifying the red tape. Around the same time, the Germans also closed all American consulates in Nazi-occupied territory, completely cutting off a direct immigration path to the U.S. Anne Frank's Family Look To Cuba After this, Otto Frank tried to take his family to the U.S. via a more circuitous route: through Cuba. His attempt to immigrate there hit a major roadblock when on November 25th, all German Jews living outside Germany were officially stripped of their nationality. “Since the Frank family had never become Dutch citizens,” Erbelding and Broek write, “they were now officially stateless.” Cuba cancelled Otto Frank’s immigration application a few days after the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor. By July 1942, it was clear that Otto’s efforts to get to the U.S. would not succeed in time to avoid Nazi genocidal policies. Read More: Who Betrayed Anne Frank? That month, the Franks moved into secret rooms in the building where Otto worked, and were shortly joined by the van Pels, who had also tried unsuccessfully to obtain U.S. visas. The Holocaust Museum and the Anne Frank House released their research on the Frank family’s immigration attempts on the anniversary of the day the Franks went into hiding. “There is no evidence that either the Frank or van Pels families were explicitly denied visas by the American consulate,” Erbelding and Broek write in their paper, “yet their efforts were thwarted by American bureaucracy, war and time.” After two years in this Achterhuis, or “secret annex,” the two families were discovered by the Gestapo and sent to concentration camps. Anne Frank died at the Bergen-Belsen camp in early 1945, just a few months before the fighting ended in Europe.
Like most possessions, boats and personal watercraft often have a lifespan. At some point, boats are of such little monetary value or utility that they are not worth the cost of upkeep and storage. Proper vessel disposal and scrapping is a vital part of clean and responsible boating. Because there are environmental hazards associated with vessels, including oil, solvents, batteries, and other toxic wastes. It is important that all vessel owners properly dispose of their vessels at the appropriate time. Never abandon or sink a vessel to dispose of it. Not only does it pose an environmental and navigational hazard on our state’s waterways but it is also illegal with fines up to $3000, plus the costs for removal and demolition. There are several options for proper vessel disposal including: recycling/dismantling, or disposing at a local landfill site. Recycling/Dismantling Used boat parts dealers, or salvagers, like pwc parts yard may accept your old vessel for it's parts, which they resell. The major benefit of recycling through a salvager is that they do all the dirty work from removal from your property to disposal. Also, they are better equipped to handle and dispose of the waste items generated by your vessel. Some dealers may compensate the boat owner for the value of the useable parts minus the total cost of dismantling the vessel and recycling or disposing of hazardous wastes; however each dealer has its own specific requirements for the length and type of vessel they will accept. Disposal: It may be possible to take an unwanted vessel to a landfill site for disposal. Contact your local transfer station or landfill agency for information regarding acceptance, costs, and hazardous waste restrictions. And If you are required to remove hazardous materials first before disposing at a landfill location. I want to thank PWC Parts Yard for salvaging my old jet ski. The communication was easy and the pick-up time was prompt. Thanks Rod for the 5 star transaction ! A short sentence describing what someone will receive by subscribing 100% free, Unsubscribe any time! Free domestic delivery On most items We ship salvaged pwc parts worldwide. Your satisfaction is our number one goal. We are a used salvage jet ski parts dealer located in New Jersey. We supply and ship used, nos, referbished jet ski parts worldwide. We have salvaged engine parts available from all major personal watercraft brands. To include, Sea Doo, Yamaha waverunner, Kawaski jet ski & Polaris watercraft. Our agents are always available to help via chat or by phone. Just drop us a line and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Checkout securely with your select payment method.
TOP Online Florist with Same & Next Day Delivery Service Singapore FlowerAdvisor is Singapore Online Florist that offers same day & next day flower delivery to Singapore and any countries across the globe. FlowerAdvisor came as a result of a prominent absence of a single strong brand in Asia for International Flower Delivery. Online users found it a struggle to discover a trusted 24 hour delivery flower site which can be relied upon to send flowers, hampers and gifts to their loved ones anywhere in the world. Types of Flowers Customers are able to select various types of flower here but if you confuse to choose which flowers or gifts to buy, have a look at our best seller products. Rose is the most favorite and incredible flower option you can give to anyone. There are blue roses, champagne roses, pink roses, red roses, white roses, yellow roses, orange roses, peach roses, and mixed roses. Thfaey all are beautifully arranged and wrapped to draw attention of someone you care No worry, rose is not the only option. Orchids, lilies, tulips, and sunflowers are also available. You can even find plenty of mixed flowers that are truly superb and colorful. As a top florist in Singapore, customers can rely on FlowerAdvisor delivery service to make your loved ones amazed on any occasions, like: Hari Raya, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Valentine Day, You can consider which FlowerAdvisor bouquet to choose based on the occasion above. For instance, red and pink roses are perfect for Valentine?s Day to show romance and love. Other Gifts We Provide You can take advantage of our flower delivery Singapore to send not only flowers, but also other gifts. FlowerAdvisor is also a great source of wines, hampers, and many other gift ideas. For newborn baby, you may pick a newborn package of diapers, baby clothing, booties, and mittens or a set of bowl, rattle, comb, cup and bottle. Baby stroller is also what we offer for newborn baby. Cakes, cufflinks, chocolates, and teddy bears are other excellent gift options make your present become more perfect. You may give a flower with chocolates to your sweetheart on Valentine?s Day or a flower with cake on his/her birthday. FlowerAdvisor is one of Singapore florists that cater international delivery. When your loved ones are away for a business, study, or tourism, you are still able to make them feel special with a beautiful bouquet and gift. We have loyal customers from all around the world, which the main covered areas are UK, US, Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Korea, Japan, Canada, Italy, Spain, Mexico, France, and Australia.
Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. We accepts payments by cash, check, money order, and most credit cards. Show All Answers No. A town employee will do this for you at no cost. The water meter is the town's property, and damages to the meter could be charged to you. Call the Public Works Department at 972-377-5556 or after hours, call emergency number 214-975-0840, and on-call personnel will be notified and dispatched. Yes, you are required to keep your water meter clear and accessible for reading and maintenance purposes. This includes meters located in utility easements. Yes, you must contact a Utility Billing Customer Representative to close your account before you move. This may be done either in person, by phone, or by sending us a letter telling us the date you want your account closed and where to send the final bill. You will be responsible for the payment of services through the date of your closing. Turn off all water in and outside of your house. Do not turn off the master valve. Record the reading on your meter. Do not use any water in your home for one hour. Recheck the meter. The reading should be identical to the reading taken earlier. If it is higher, you have a leak. It is your responsibility to have it repaired. In case of a sewage backup, notify Public Works by calling 972-377-5556. They will check the Town’s main to determine if the problem is the Town’s responsibility or the homeowner's. Customer Service is open from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m., Monday-Thursday, and 7:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. on Friday. The Town is responsible for the main lines and meter up to the point of the customer’s service line connection to the meter. The Town is responsible for sewer main lines and service lateral line repairs up to the customer’s property line. Service will be restored upon payment of the entire balance due, including a $50 delinquent fee. Your account is billed on a regular basis every month. If you do not receive your bill, by the 10th day of each month call our office immediately. Failure to receive the bill does not exempt the consumer from responsibility to make payment. Water meters can malfunction; we found that their tendency is to slow down rather than speed up. With advance notice, a test can be scheduled. If the meter tests correctly, you will be charged a $50 testing fee for a residential meter. Commercial accounts are done on contract at cost. If the meter tests incorrectly, you will not be charged the testing fee. You can easily check for an error in the meter reading used to calculate your bill. Simply read your water meter to see if the reading is higher or lower than the present reading on your bill. If it is lower, call Customer Service at 214-975-0480, and we will issue a service order to have a meter reader check the read. If the reading is higher, you should check for a leak in your house plumbing or service line. Call a Customer Service Representative at 214-975-0480 to discuss payment arrangements. Call 214-975-0480 during regular office hours for Customer Service to report water leaks, sewer back-ups, or other water emergencies. Payment is due on the 20th day of each month. If the 20th falls on a weekend, the payment will be due the following business day by 5 p.m.A 10 percent penalty is applied on the following business day after the due date and a reminder is mailed/emailed with a cutoff date.
Depending on what side of the fence you sit on, things are getting better or things are getting worse. And there are those who think, things are improving, though not fast enough. Any way you look at it, one thing is probably certain: You haven’t seen a raise in a long time. Years, even. But I say, look at the bright side. When you are lucky enough to have an office job, there are so many perks that come with it. Perks that can make your head swim, if you think about them for too long. I’m not talking about the obvious, like paid leave or retirement, that some may have. I’m talking about the ones staring you right in the face. Right there in front of your nose. Allow me to outline a few for you: 1. You work in an office that has electricity. So, if there isn’t natural light beaming in from a nearby window, you can still see what you’re doing. All thanks to fluorescent lighting. No need to bring in flashlights or candles from home! 2. You have full access to a bathroom made just for your gender. (The only place where sexism still is allowed—and appreciated. 🙂 ) It’s like being part of a club! 3. The bathroom comes with all the amenities you could ask for—running water, soap, paper towels or hand dryer, sinks, and, well, you get the picture. 4. Chances are, you have your own office space—whether it’s a roomy office, a cubicle or a desk in the janitor’s closet. It’s yours! And you’re free to place a framed photo of your family on it! 5. Access to sunlight: maybe you’re stuck all day at your desk and can’t take a break. Well, you can look up, can’t you? Odds are, there’s a window somewhere on your floor, designed for you to look out and gaze upon the sunlight, imagining you’re enjoying a picnic in the park or bicycling through city traffic. 6. Lunch breaks: If you’re like most, you probably get hungry around midday. If so, then problem solved! You are allowed–even encouraged!–to take a lunch break. (But be back in a half hour, please!) 7. I haven’t even mentioned the computer that is, no doubt, sitting on your desk. Yes, you can send and receive work-related emails, make your deadlines for writing reports, and create flyers as needed—all because of that nifty invention, the computer. 8. As an employee of your office, you’re allowed to attend special staff functions, like the office party! And, on your birthday, someone is sure to bring you a frosted cake, that includes your choice of vanilla or chocolate (candles, extra). 9. Business Cards for networking, sales pitching, and also comes with bragging rights (for those with tony job titles, that is). 10. Office Family: When you spend all day, five days a week at your job, it’s more than likely that you will make friends at the office. In fact, they become your work family—probably even closer to you than some of your relatives. Maybe even some bickering, too. Work families are special because they know all about the work you do. They know that the office supply vendor who overcharged you, or that you were late submitting that last report and got a “good” talking to by the Big Cheese. You can take your problems to them and they’ll understand. Of course, if you find yourself planning your Thanksgiving get-together with them, perhaps you’ve taken the concept of office family too far. So, the next time you walk into the bathroom to brush your teeth after lunch (it’s allowed!), thank your lucky stars your office offers such accoutrements as running water. And if, anyone laughs at you for not getting a raise this year, tell them you don’t need one. You’ve got something better: Office Perks! So, tell me, whether you work inside or outside the home, what are some of the perks you get with your job?
New research shows e-cigarettes cause cardiac arrhythmias A new study from University of Louisville researchers in the Christina Lee Brown Envirome Institute has found that exposure to e-cigarette aerosols can cause heart arrhythmias in animal models—both in the form of premature and skipped heart beats. The study findings, published Oct. 25 in Nature Communications, suggest exposure to specific chemicals within e-cigarette liquids (e-liquids) promote arrhythmias and cardiac electrical dysfunction. "Our findings demonstrate that short-term exposure to e-cigarettes can destabilize heart rhythm through specific chemicals within e-liquids," said Alex Carll, assistant professor in the UofL Department of Physiology who led the study. "These findings suggest that e-cigarette use involving certain flavors or solvent vehicles may disrupt the heart's electrical conduction and provoke arrhythmias. These effects could increase the risk for atrial or ventricular fibrillation and sudden cardiac arrest." The researchers tested the cardiac impacts of inhaled e-cigarette aerosols solely from the main two ingredients in e-liquids (nicotine-free propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin) or from flavored retail e-liquids containing nicotine. They found that for all e-cigarette aerosols, the animals' heart rate slowed during puff exposures and sped up afterwards as heart rate variability declined, indicating fight-or-flight stress responses. In addition, e-cigarette puffs from a menthol-flavored e-liquid or from propylene glycol alone caused ventricular arrhythmias and other conduction irregularities in the heart. Conducted in collaboration with Daniel Conklin and Aruni Bhatnagar, professors in the UofL Division of Environmental Medicine, this work adds to a growing body of research on the potential toxicity and health impacts of e-cigarettes reported by the American Heart Association Tobacco Regulation and Addiction Center, for which UofL serves as the flagship institute. "The findings of this study are important because they provide fresh evidence that the use of e-cigarettes could interfere with normal heart rhythms—something we did not know before," Bhatnagar said. "This is highly concerning given the rapid growth of e-cigarette use, particularly among young people." As e-cigarette use has grown nationwide, the potential advantages and harms of vaping have been debated. Since vaping does not involve combustion, it exposes users and bystanders to little if any carbon monoxide, tar or cancer-causing nitrosamines compared with conventional cigarettes. However, e-cigarettes can deliver aldehydes, particles and nicotine at levels comparable to combustible cigarettes. Vaping might help smokers quit combustible cigarettes, but the appeal and addictiveness of e-cigarettes may encourage youth to vape amidst unknown long-term risks or take up smoking. More than 25% of high schoolers and 10% of middle schoolers in the U.S. reported using e-cigarettes before the pandemic. "Our team's findings that specific ingredients in e-cigarette liquids promote arrhythmias indicates there is an urgent need for more research into the cardiac effects of these components in both animals and humans," Carll said. More information: Alex Carll, E-cigarettes and their lone constituents induce cardiac arrhythmia and conduction defects in mice, Nature Communications (2022). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-33203-1. www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-33203-1
No matter how smart a tokenomics system, each play to earn game needs an engine, an activity to create value. In most cases, this is the virtual world of the game. But tokenization can stretch to anything, and blockchain projects have always attempted to connect to the real world. Enter move-to-earn, where the simple activity of walking or jogging can be tokenized. Digital movement tracking apps are already widespread and adopted by many. Move-to-earn builds on that model, awarding tokens and NFT items instead of badges. The addictive nature of the apps, with milestones and achievements, translates into a new model for blockchain apps. Move-to-earn also expands the potential of geotagged NFTs, which take their gist from Pokemon Go. Blockchains already have the infrastructure for oracles based on real world data, and geolocation would be a tool to unlock token rewards of various forms. Move-to-Earn is Just Starting Out The move-to-earn trend is very new, with games arriving as late as April 2022. Perhaps the most prominent project is STEPN (GMT), which gained prominent listings and a place among top 50 crypto assets. Many new games are also arriving, building their model on geotagged walking, jogging or biking. Finding Move-to-Earn Games This new type of game is getting more widely available. Beyond STEPN, which is still in closed beta testing phase, there are other finished or upcoming games. The advantage of move-to-earn games is most are ready with their apps, giving an immediate reward for stepping outside. Recent projects include: - Sweatcoin @Sweatcoin - Sweat Economy @SweatEconomy - Calo App @AppCalo - Step App @StepApp_ - Walken @walken_io - Fitness Evolution @FitEvoNFT - Pyramid DAO @pyramiDAO - YetiCoin @YetiCoinEth - 5km Today @5kmToday - Cycl:r @CyclerNft Not all move-to-earn apps have the same focus. With multiple fitness data available, apps can focus on calories burned, distance, speed, personal and community records, as well as other fitness goals. Move-to-earn adds a layer of complexity to NFTs as well. Sports-themed items, trainers and other perks can be unlocked within the games and exchanged for real-world value. The potential to upgrade and repair the NFT or earn badges will keep the economy turning. Games like STEPN also have a dual economic model, combining staking and an inflationary token that can buy upgrades.
Think of yourself as a lightbulb, a vessel, a generator of light. You’re round, fragile and require electricity. The amount of light you have depends on wattage, voltage and frequency. In human speak, we’re talking about presence and your capacity to illuminate reality. The human light bulb is a clever device indeed! We generate light by tapping into electricity. Electricity comes from specific human activities. We can choose light generating activities with a basic understanding of our inner and outer workings. In brief, each of us is made of three equal parts that are interdependent and unique. There is Mind, related to thoughts and reasoning. There is Body, related to health and biology. And there is Spirit, related to intuition and creativity. Each activity you choose channels energy to one or more of these three; and the quality and regularity of your activities determine the power of your light frequency. All human beings have the capacity to produce light and to illuminate abundantly. The good news is that when we engage in light generating activities, we’re not feeling like we’re working hard or waiting to experience joy at some moment in the future. Rather, light energy activity feels good and nourishing in the moment. In fact, that’s how you know if you’re tapping into light energy because is makes you feel happy and healthy. Think about the act of making love and the potential joy over time for development. Both are equally exultant. Each one of us hand picks and chooses which activities are light generating. They are uniquely ours and personally fitting. The more we recognize and appreciate who we are in our totality—the more we choose activities that are light producing. In human speak, we are talking about choosing experiences that produce joy and healthy feelings which increase our lightness of being. For example, some of my personal light energy activities include: reading, philosophizing and language learning which satisfy my Mind. Running, yoga and sex make my body feel strong and refreshed. Writing, painting and teaching enlarge my Spirit. As you see, some of my light energy activities embody more than one category which can make the experience intense and overpowering. For this reason, in the smorgasbord of life, we practice how to metabolize, distribute and balance our energy. Each step of the process including balancing should be experienced as natural and healthy which is why we have a sense of humor. Think learning how to ride a bike or ballroom dancing. Ballroom dancing, which involves another person’s energy can be tricky. Why? Because all human beings like light bulbs are round, fragile and require energy. So, there’s a difference between being alone and being in company. Trust yourself and honor what you need first to feel joyful, healthy and at peace. Your clever design will alert you to imbalances in light and frequency. The greater the risk, the greater the learning—the more light you will need. Choose aloneness and people wisely. Abundant light energy is subtle and breathtaking. It is clarity. It is mystical familiarity and peace. Experiencing the luminosity of another person has such a warm and loving feeling! These interactions are profoundly life changing. If you ever doubt your capacity and light frequency— recall that warmth that you gave and received. Recall that profound mystical feeling. Remember it with awe and just keep going.
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Wherever I travel in the world my preferred choice for hotels is Starwood hotels within the Starwood Group. (Next comes Relais Chateau. They happily co-exists as most of the time the locations for a Relais Chateau property are unique and there is no Starwood options). I have been a loyal member of the Starwood Preferred Guest (SPG) Program for a very long time. In as such I have had lots of experience with using loyalty points for free room nights. I thought I would pass on a few pointers. I am sure these can apply to many major hotel chains, but these are my experiences with Starwood. Some posts on this site contain affiliate links, meaning if you book or buy something through one of these links, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you!). Opinions are always my own and I’ll never promote something I don’t use or believe in. Also as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Pay attention to offers in your email. Once you have booked a stay with points you will often receive emails from the property offering you upgrades for an additional charge. Look at those closely. These are often stellar deals. Last May I used points to stay at the Westin Paris – Vendôme. This is a ritzy property with beautiful views of the Tuileries Garden among other iconic Parisian sites. After booking a stay I received an email to upgrade to a higher (in terms of location) room with a better view for $100 more a night plus breakfast for two each day during my stay. For me this was a special stay (as the amount per night is rather high) so I decided it was worth if to pay an additional $100 a night. My view was spectacular. What was more spectacular was that the breakfast buffet at the Westin costs 48 Euros a person (a total rip-off, please don’t eat breakfast in large chain hotels in Paris, you can get a far better breakfast in a brasserie or bar around the corner!). That is nearly 100 Euros a day I did not have to pay for because my deal included breakfast as well. Always ask about additional availability. This past December I booked a room at the Westin in Key West using points. It was a standard room with a garden or pool view. When I booked it, it seemed fine, but when I arrived and saw that is was a corner room right under the stairs with not just a view of the pool, but practically in it, I was a bit disappointed. Added on top of that was the fact the door to the room did not lock and would have to be repaired. Armed with this information and gold member status (now platinum as of 2012) I went back to the front desk to see what I could make happen. Knowing that it was Christmas I was not surprised when they said they had no other rooms available. I then asked about upgrading. There was limited availability but there was one option: a two bedroom suite was available for an additional supplement a day. We hadn’t planned on having to pay anything, but decided it was for the best. The room was wonderful and had an amazing view. The extra space for 5 days and 4 nights made it worth it in the end. Without asking, it would have never been offered. Sometimes the lesser room is not the lesser room. I have been to Moorea (French Polynesia) three times and for two of those visits I stayed at the Sheraton Moorea (sadly no longer a Starwood property, but if you are a Hilton loyalty member, its all yours now). The first time I arrived (paying by points) I was disappointed to learn that instead of one of those bungalows you always see in pictures where they are on top of the water, I would have a garden cottage. It was their standard offering when paying by points, which I completely understood, but I was disappointed all the same. I had a wonderful time during my stay, the garden cottages were more private, bigger and it was more convenient to get to amenities, etc. On a subsequent shorter visit I had the opportunity to stay in one of the bungalows on the water, and by the second day I was over it. The room was smaller, it was a pain to get in and out of. It was longer to get to the beach, etc. Turns out that “standard” room was superior. So on my third stay I was all too happy to have a garden cottage again! Just three tips I wanted to share as they have really helped define many of my hotel-stay-with-points experiences. How about you? Have any others to add?
INPUT: 100-240V 50-60Hz (for worldwide use) OUTPUT: 19.5V 9.23A, 180W Connecter size: 5.5mm ×2.5mm,Barrel Tip. Cord Cable: US/ UK/ EU/ AU plug Status: Brand new original 1 X AC Adapter 1 X Free Power cord(fit your country) 1. All items will be dispatched as gift by air mail via China Post within 1-24 hours after payment is cleared, your parcel tracking number will be added to your eBay within 24 hours. 2. The item will be sent to your address listed in the PayPal. Please make sure your shipping address is correct and provide the phone number. 3.It usually takes 5-10 business days for your order to arrive in normal to USA/Australia/the UK/Canada/Russia/Germany/Israel/Norway/France/Finland/Denmark/Ukraine/Saudi Arabia/New Zealand/Italy /Ireland/Austria/Belgium/Poland/the Netherlands/the Czech republic/Croatia/Portugal/Sweden/Switzerl/Slova kia/Qatar/Malta/Sri Lanka/Spain/Luxembourg/Singapore/Japan/South Korea/Malaysia/Thailand/Vietnam/india and 2-4 business days to Hong Kong/Macao/Taiwan and 7-12 business days to arrive in Europe and 7-20 business days to arrive in Latin America/North America/Africa. 4. Item delivery time depends on customs, the carrier, Holidays and weather condition in your location.. If you wait until estimate delivery, you haven’t received item,Please do contact us, we will resend or full refund money to you. 5. You will be notified once the shipment has been made. 1.We only accept payment by PayPal 2.We only post the item to your PayPal shipping address, Please make sure your shipping address is correct and updated before you pay. 3. We have no responsibility for shipping address provided. Due to the secure reasons. 1. 30 day money back guarantee and free return after you received your item. 2. one year warranty (Exclude man-made sabotage or misused). 1. We will leave you a positive feedback after your payment is cleared. 2. If you are satisfied with the product you received, please feel free to leave us positive feedback. 3. If you are not satisfied with our items or service, please don’t hesitate to contact us through eBay messages system before you leave any Neutral/Negative feedbacks, we will always try our best for 100% customer satisfaction. If you have any problems, Please contact us through eBay messages system instead of our email mailbox lest we can't receive your message!!! We will respond within 24 hours (Sun. excluded).
Understanding & Increasing Visual Art Engagement Author: Eric Rodrigues Hello and welcome to my mini course homepage! Overview and Purpose Oftentimes, art education is one of the first subjects being "cut" from school budgets when funds are running low. There are assumptions and stigmas that surround the art field suggesting that it is not as relevant as other areas of thought. When art is cut easily from budgets it sends the message that it is not important and does not have a place in the school system. My topic is "Understanding and Increasing Visual Art Engagement". My mini course will cover the following: Section 1: What is art education and why is it important? Section 2: Building Trust & Confidence Section 3: Incorporating Art Across the Curriculum Of 54 current teachers who responded in my district: 26 of these teachers are elementary teachers (k-5) 28 of these teachers are middle school teachers (6-8) Importance of art in the classroom: 57.4% of participants rated that art was seen as very important in their classroom. 37% of participants rated that art was somewhat important in their classroom. 5.6% of participants rated art as holding little importance in their classroom. Importance of art in the teacher’s personal life: 13% - No importance 13% - little importance 22.2% somewhat important 22.2%- oftentimes important 29.6% - Very important Frequency of art in the classroom: 24% of teachers reported using art in their classroom nearly everyday (4-5 days a week) 33% of teachers reported using art in their classroom 2-3 times a week 43% of teachers reported using art very rarely in their classroom (1 or less times a week) 78% of teachers agreed that art was very engaging for their students 18% of teachers believed that art was somewhat engaging for their students 4% of teachers in this study reported that art did not engage their students that effectively. Additional Comment section/General Connections: - There are many concerns over the time required to collaborate and incorporate art in their lessons. - It is interesting to see that even though art sometimes holds little importance in a teacher’s personal life, the teacher’s voted that their students are still engaged by art. - 56% of teachers have not collaborated with an art teacher in their school, but 89% said they would be open to working with them in the future. - Elementary teachers used art more often in their instruction The current situation is that teachers believe that incorporating art in their classroom may not be practical due to time restraints, but most agree that art engages their students. What should be: Art should be used in multiple subject areas to promote student engagement in a practical and time efficient manner. Upon Completion of this course participants will be able to: - Explain the benefits of art education - Apply and provide growth mindset feedback to student art - Provide appropriate feedback and reflection tools for students artwork - Identify ways to incorporate art into multiple subject areas (English, Social Studies, Math & Science) - Learn why the arts is important outside of school settings Overview of Each Module We will explore... - possible biases we hold based on past experiences - the research behind art education and the benefits linked to a strong art education experience - how art education affects learners socially, emotionally & creatively. - how art education is linked to graduation rates and SAT scores We will explore... - basic principals of growth mindset theory - how to provide appropriate feedback to students during art tasks - student self reflection as a group and individually We will explore... - why the arts are important in multiple subject areas - how to incorporate art into your own classroom - why the arts are important in the community - how to encourage the arts in the community Author's Portfolio Page: Eric Rodrigues' Portfolio Page Course Homepage: Current Page Module 2: Building Trust & Confidence Module 3: Incorporating Art Across the Curriculum
Web analytics is an important device for website execution checking and estimation. Website proprietors and administrators like to utilize Google Analytics, specifically, in light of its not difficult to-utilize highlights that work on website following, examination, detailing, and remedial exercises. Google Analytics has an easy to use graphical UI GUI that makes it well known among master and non-master website administrators. A wide scope of elements advanced division, web based business following, investigation instruments, and APIs – give precise information assembling and announcing. In the past times, website proprietors have no precise means to assemble information and survey the victories or disappointments of their websites. Google Analytics tracker scripts which are implanted into website pages assemble significant information for each got to page. This information is deciphered and introduced to website proprietors in differing points of view, patterns or examples. The subsequent information help website proprietors in surveying whether traffic age systems, advertising efforts, or anything that business objective they have set, are really accomplished or not. Google Analytics is famous with website proprietors since it is not difficult to convey and can assemble precise measurements on website execution. It can produce exact reports and present it in a manner that is reasonable to specialized and non-specialized clients. The following are a couple of them - Customized division Website proprietors can utilize division to zero in on observing website information important just to the webpage’s business objectives. - API packs for information control and following The Data Export API permits client applications improvement that can be coordinated into Google Analytics information changes, while the Tracking API considers customization of the manner in which the tracker script accumulates information. - Analytic instruments The center strength of Google Analytics comes from the utilization of measurable strategies utilizing different aspects, sifting and turns tables, among others, to mine important information and check this website https://www.consultoriaseo.net.br/google-analytics-4-ga4/ to get more info. Google Analytics gives customization of information factors valuable in adjusting checking exercises to business objectives, which are then sent as reports to website proprietors in help of independent direction. Most importantly just required information is introduced in custom revealing, giving the comfort of perusing just valuable information instead of a huge number of superfluous data. - E-trade checking It is feasible to connect online business exchanges with designated watchwords and promoting efforts, and measure client commitment with the website, as well as distinguish new wellsprings of income. - Multi-channel following It permits following traditional channel access as well as different sources like cell phones applications and websites. - Benchmarking and Goal examination Edge levels can be followed from deals to changes, making it conceivable to survey the current presentation of the website. Utilizing similar framework the backings the Google web search tool, Google Analytics guarantees trustworthiness of the information accumulated, as well as the protection of guests to the website. Along with its various elements and simplicity of execution, this is one insightful apparatus that can truly uphold exhaustive and precise site execution examination.
Dr Michael Mosley's radical new dieting approach We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and to improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. You can unsubscribe at any time. More info Dr Michael Mosley is a firm believer in intermittent fasting techniques to achieve rapid weight loss and has shared an “easy” method one can do every day in order to see results. He calls it “exercise snacking”, and it’s something most people can fit into their busy work and life schedules. Speaking on his podcast Just One Thing, Dr Mosley revealed that by doing multiple short bursts of exercise during the day, it’s more effective than trying to fit it all into a full workout. He explained: “Doing exercise in short chunks really can help you burn more calories, lose more weight, and help improve your blood glucose and blood pressure to a greater degree than doing it in larger chunks.” The nutritionist stated the method is ideal for those who struggle to fit exercise into their everyday lives as it can only take “a minute”. “Stairs are a particularly good way of getting in a few exercise snacks,” he added. READ MORE: Jennie McAlpine weight loss: TV star’s easy method for slimmer figure “The surprising thing about exercise snacking is that although each session is short, it gives you the same – possibly even greater – fitness and health benefits than doing a full 30-minute workout.” Dr Mosley revealed that if paired with other lifestyles changes, this simple weight loss hack “can really” help people wanting to shed some poundage. Another important tip is to increase the intake of protein, according to the nutrition expert. He explained: “It’s really important to have a decent amount of protein, which is 50 to 70 grams a day “You can mainly get protein from meat or from fish, and you can also get it from legumes. “But you have to eat rather more, which is why following the Fast 800 on a vegetarian diet is more challenging.” “We do have meal replacement shakes which are very rich in protein, and we’re also aiming to produce protein boosters, to help people who might otherwise struggle with it.” He went on to explain that the reason protein has such great health benefits, is that it promotes muscle growth. “You need it for all sorts of essential metabolic processes,” he added. “And, also, because when you consume it, it’s digested slower by your body so you don’t get the same sort of peaks.” Foods that are high in protein include: Lean beef and pork Source: Read Full Article
Wood is not only one of the most beautiful, noble and precious raw materials, but also one of the oldest and most important materials of mankind. Wood lives and breathes, is versatile, varied, radiates cosy warmth and comfort. We use various coniferous and deciduous woods to make our wooden figures. The most important of these are maple, lime and Swiss stone pine. The wood of the mountain maple is one of the most valuable deciduous woods. It is yellowish white to white in colour and belongs to the hardwoods. Maple is mainly used for smaller wooden figures up to 40 centimetres in size. The smooth surfaces are sanded by hand, details such as faces, hands, etc. are carved out finely. Linden wood is also a hardwood species, but belongs to the softwood species: for this reason it is a good sawn timber. It is yellowish in colour and darkens slightly. The big advantage of lime wood is that it is relatively knot-free. pine wood, on the other hand, contains quite a lot of knots; it is a softwood species and, like lime wood, belongs to the group of softwoods. It is even softer than lime wood, grows at higher altitudes up to more than 2,000 metres and is therefore regarded as a noble wood. The colour is yellowish to reddish and darkens strongly; it also exudes a pleasant scent. The common ash is a tree species native to Europe which, with a growth height of up to about 40 metres, is one of the highest deciduous trees in Europe. It belongs to the olive family. The grain of the wood is striking and coarsely porous. Whether painted or in nature, this grain catches the eye. We therefore like to use this wood for modern carvings. This deciduous tree comes from the beech family. As its wood is very weather resistant we use it especially for sculptures that will stand outside. It is very hard, strongly grained and has a dark grey-brown colouring. walnut wood is considered the noblest native wood. We use it to carve modern art thanks to its dark brown colour and very expressive grain. The walnut tree was originally native to Asia and was mainly found in Persia. Via Greece it finally found its way to the Roman Empire and from there to many regions of Central Europe. The cherry wood we process comes from the bird cherry, a deciduous tree up to 25 m high, which occurs in large parts of Central Europe. The sapwood of the cherry tree is yellowish-white, while the heartwood is yellowish-red to reddish-brown in colour. Therefore, this wood is very well suited for creating modern wooden figures that are not painted. figures in lime wood and pine wood are completely carved by hand after pre-milling. Mainly larger figures from 40 centimeters are made, but also smaller figures can be carved from these woods. However, the appearance of the wooden figures is mainly determined by the corresponding versions.
|Three different Philips headlights side by side.| The left-most is the 80 lux battery light, the middle is the 60 lux dynamo light and the right is the 40 lux dynamo light. Lights like this are very clever. Because there is less light wasted too high or too far to the side, and all of the light is going in a useful direction, battery life is better than it would be for a light with a round lens which tries to compensate for its waste by producing more light. I have B&M headlights on two of my bikes and they were absolutely a revelation when I first saw them. With my 50 lux B&M IQ Speed I found I could ride at 40 km/h in darkness and see perfectly well where I was going. I'd never had that experience with older bicycle lights. I enthusiastically recommended the B&M lights for some years. However, B&M's technology has now been leapfrogged quite comprehensively by Philips - an old company with an excellent new product line |80 lux battery light| The biggest and brightest light is the 80 lux battery lamp. This uses two high power LEDs and runs from rechargeable batteries provided with the light. This light mounts on your handlebars. It's a competitor with my IQ Speed, but provides nearly twice the light at little more than half of the cost of the IQ Speed + battery package. |60 lux dynamo light| The light stores enough energy to remain glowing for four minutes after you stop, or until you switch it off. The switch on the top also can be used to switch power to a rear dynamo light. A reflector is built into the mounting bracket for this light so that no separate front reflector need be fitted to your bike. The bracket fits to the top of the fork crown. Side by side, the 80 lux and 60 lux lamps produce a very similar beam, with the bigger lamp providing a bit more light over a slightly larger area. |40 lux dynamo light| While this somewhat less light than its bigger brothers, it is still very impressive. It easily beats the performance of old style halogen lights as well as the 10 lux requirements of the strict German StVZO standard. The 40 lux dynamo light again includes a four minute stand-light. It also includes a light sensor instead of a switch so that it switches on automatically when light levels are dim. There is a switched output on the light to operate a rear lamp. This is convenient for fit and forget usage with a hub dynamo, but does not preclude usage with a bottle dynamo. The much lower price of the 40 lux light is reflected in a plastic body in place of aluminium. Side by side, I found that the most obvious difference between the 40 lux and 60 lux lamps is in the width of the beam - the lower cost lamp with one LED gives a narrower view. |Philips Lumiring rear light| Many high power LED rear bicycle lamps are very unpleasant to ride behind because the light comes from one small point. This also makes it difficult to judge how far away a bicycle is. The Philips solution is to light up a large race-track shaped area around the central reflector. There is a lot of light from the four high power LEDs, but it doesn't blind those who ride behind. However, we also of course stock lower cost options. Even very low cost front and rear LED dynamo lights combined with our lowest cost dynamo provide effective and reliable lighting for usage in town with street lighting, or for riding at lower speeds in unlit areas. For dynamo operation, any combination of the dynamo front lights and either dynamo or battery rear lights that we sell can be used together, and they can be used with any standard 6 V 3 W dynamo including hub or side-wall dynamos. |40 lux battery light| The Philips 40 lux light now has a battery powered counterpart. Another superb light from Philips, offering what was an undreamt of amount of light just a few years ago, but at a bargain price. Also, don't miss our article about selecting and installing dynamo lights. Unfortunately, Philips stopped making their bicycle lights so we can no longer supply them (except for a very few remaining items). We now recommend the B&M Cyo and AXA Luxx 70 with USB output as excellent dynamo front lights and the B&M Secula and Toplight range as a particularly good dynamo rear lights. See our full range of bicycle lights.
Unlock your van’s storage potential with this highly versatile, rugged roof rack kit for RAM Pro Master vans. Long distance van-life mission, weekend trip or hauling equipment such as ladders and pipes, the low profile rack is designed to support large loads. It features an adjustable slat system to accommodate just about any type of roof-mounted equipment such as air conditioning units, skylights and air vents. The rack's expansive load-carrying area was designed to carry gear and mount Front Runner accessories in a huge range of configurations. Configure your Slimpro Van Rack to suit any adventure by adding the RACK ACCESSORIES or explore them later when a new adventure calls. Compatible with RAM Pro Master 1500 (118" WB) (2014-Current) low roof vans with a vehicle length of 4973mm / 195.8". Load-carrying area: 2570mm (101.2") x 1565mm (61.6"). Six (6) Mounting Feet secure into van's existing factory mounting points. Included Slat Bracket can be inverted for a lower profile at 85mm (3.4") height, or left in standard configuration at 127mm (5"). Compatible with most Front Runner side mount accessories. Slats can be configured to any spacing to accommodate roof AC, vents, or any other accessories. Fitment guide and all mounting hardware are included. No drilling or modification required. All Front Runner racks are backed by a limited lifetime warranty.* Consisting of: 3x FAVF002 - FPCR Foot Set - by Front Runner 1x RRAC207 - Van Rack Joiner Kit 2x RRAC208 - Van Rack Side Profile End Caps 4x RRNS1475 - Narrow Slat / 1475mm (Pair) 1x SPVT001 - Van Rack Side Profile / 1156mm 1x SPVT002 - Van Rack Side Profile / 1358mm 1x WDST013 - Wind Deflector Van Rack 30mm Lip Material Used: Black epoxy powder - coated T6 aluminium High strength steel Assembled Rack Kit Dimensions: 2570mm (101.2") L x 1565mm (61.6") W x 127mm (5") H Approximate Installed Weight:30.99kg (68.32lbs) RAM Pro Master Van Rack Kit heights are adjustable from 80mm (Z bracket inverted) to 130mm (Z bracket standard mounting) all measurements are taken from bottom of roof ditch to top of the rack slat. The slat T slots and side profiles take standard M8 hex bolts top and bottom.
Music inspired by: - Music of the Night from Phantom of the Opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber - Psycho by Bernard Herrmann - Rest by Frank Ticheli - Some Nights by Fun All copyrighted material must be properly licensed before use. Take your audience through a roller coaster of moods in this highly accessible yet competitive production. Frightening, restful, and exciting moods are presented through a great variety of repertoire which set your group up for substantial visual and general effect. An intriguingly gloomy preshow sets the mood of the night as performers take the field. The darkness soon opens up to the memorable theme from Phantom of the Opera, first by the front ensemble, then with a wind soloist who can be revisited throughout the show for continuity or changed for variety. The wind ensemble soon enters, motivating us to the first vertical hit moment. Our soloist then reappears after a quick restage and the winds enter, taking us back into the darkness of night as they lead us directly into Hermann’s Psycho. The percussion ensemble holds the intensity allowing the winds and guard to restage before entering on a frightening subito fortissimo; a great moment for stationary choreography. Sound effects throughout this section of the show depict a nighttime police pursuit which can be augmented with props and visual references or changed to set a more sinister scene altogether. The woodwinds are featured at a medium difficulty here while trading phrases with the mallets. Features such as this can be altered during our re-orchestration process in order to raise or lower the difficulty level for your students. A raucous peaking phrase drives into a low brass feature and a few musical quotes from iconic scary tunes finally lead us to the quintessential scary music theme; the knife murder scene from Psycho. A pensive percussion transition fades gently into the opening of our ballad production about a restful night. There will be Rest by Ticheli begins with a delightful woodwind feature on the opening theme that leads directly to a controlled full ensemble moment that demonstrates shaping of line and brings back our wind soloists from the 1st movement. The front ensemble now gives us a contemplative moment before we burst into a joyous celebration of the melody. The colorguard could manipulate white sheets of material during this climax to depict the nature of our restful yet joyous night. During the final transition, our wind soloist once again reappears to send us off before a moment of audience applause. The final movement of the show is all about celebration and partying. What better way to depict this than a full-ensemble club dance moment! This is performed live on synthesizers/midi instruments along with mallets/percussion but can be excluded or even extended if needed. After a huge crash and moment of applause, the winds have an a capella feature on the theme of some nights by Fun. The mallets slowly add in and kick us off into a trumpet solo with audio effects that culminates with a strong melodic rock out phrase by the full ensemble and kicks us back to a recapitulation of our main theme from Music of the Night for a strong finale!
How Do You Build An Emergency Fund? Apr 21, 2020 • 3 min read Emergency savings or an emergency fund is money you keep on hand for quick access to help you through life’s unexpected surprises- like job loss, medical situations or even car repairs. Having a little extra cushion can reduce stress and can also prevent costly alternatives like high interest loans or payday lenders. If you don’t have anything set aside for a 'rainy day', you aren’t alone- almost half of Canadians live paycheque to paycheque and don’t have any type of safety net. We’ve put together some easy things you can do to start regardless of where you stand with your current personal finances. Set a Goal The first step is to create a budget so you can see exactly what you have coming in and going out each month. Ideally you want to build your emergency fund to cover between three to six months of living expenses. However, if you’re currently paying down debt, your emergency fund can be a little smaller - try and aim for between $2,500 to $5,000. This allows you to cover smaller unexpected expenses, while still focusing on paying down existing debt. Once you have a goal you can start planning on the things you can do to get you there. Look for Ways to Save Money Take a look at your budget and where you might be able to trim some expenses without radically changing your lifestyle. Common monthly expenses like insurance, credit cards, car, or mortgage payments, can sometimes be reduced if you take the time to shop around for lower rates. You can quickly compare and see if there are options that match your credit report profile when you sign up or log in. Look into a Side Hustle After you have looked at expenses and payments, you could explore whether there are opportunities to make extra money outside your main source of income. The ‘gig’ economy has never been more accessible, with lots of choices that easily fit into your schedule. Our team compiled a great list of websites that can help you earn money from home. There are also things like decluttering and seeing if there are things you don’t use anymore like furniture, clothing or collectables- consider sites like Poshmark that let you mail items- just be safe by disinfecting any packages. When you’re trying to build savings the idea is not to wait for ‘money to be leftover.’ Instead make a conscious effort to plan ahead. One strategy is to set up an automatic transfer from your checking into a high-interest savings account when you get paid. Think of it as ‘paying your future self’ every month.You can also speak to your financial institution to see if you can restrict withdrawals to help curb temptation. Whichever way you set-up your account, keep it completely separate from your monthly budget. If you aren’t counting on the money to cover expenses, you’re less likely to ‘dip in’ and slow progress to meeting your goal. Every Penny Counts Start with small amounts, $5-20 a week, and see what you can manage. Building savings doesn't have to be overwhelming; start by building it into your routine and it will seem far less daunting. Make sure your money is working for you. A high-interest savings account (HISA) can earn you a greater return on investment with no extra effort, and can provide 20 to 25 times more than traditional savings accounts. Online institutions like EQ Bank offer some of the most attractive options with an interest rate of 2% on their Savings Plus Account. Sign up or log in to check your free credit report and see savings accounts across the marketplace that fit your profile. The Bottom Line Remember, there is no ideal time to start an emergency fund, but even small steps can make a big impact on your long term goals. Checking your credit score regularly is a good way to track your financial health and ensure you have more options with lenders and credit bureaus. Borrowell is dedicated to making financial stability possible for everyone. With over 2 million members, the company offers free credit scores in Canada, education, weekly credit monitoring, credit building solutions, as well as digital tools like AI-powered credit coaching and personalized financial product recommendations. For more information, visit borrowell.com or download the mobile app for Android or iOS.
Today is such a celebratory, important day for me! I really am weeping from joy. Even though I am not amongst the crowd in front of the Supreme Court in Washington D.C. waving banners and giving hugs of joy to strangers, in spirit I am with them. Millions of us are celebrating on a soul level and saying – Yes! Finally! Love prevailed! Today the Supreme Court found the constitutional right to same-sex marriage. Many years ago, as soon as the law was passed in Massachusetts and the state became the first in the US to allow gay marriage, my beloved and I applied for a marriage license. The license application form referred to the members of the couple as Party A and Party B—not “man” and “woman.” We were proud to wed in a state that respected us and recognized our love as important as the love shared by any gay couple. In the years that followed the human side of LGBT struggles and joys moved in with me. I held the hands and hearts of so many clients helping them to heal from the pain of being rejected for being different, for being themselves. I rejoiced when friends and clients let go of the judgments and all the shoulds and opened their hearts to loving their same-sex lovers even more deeply. I told stories of how people experienced themselves as gay men in past lives and how that healed present day-challenges. I celebrated with a gay couple who were able to have children through a surrogate mother. Now they are the proud and very busy parents of triplets. I loved it when my niece told me as a matter of fact that her friend at school made two cards for Mother’s Day for her two moms. Love cannot be contained. Today the US became the 21 country in the world to give the right to same-sex marriage. From now on it is not about “same-sex marriage” or “opposite-sex marriage” any more. It simply is about “marriage.” The legal right was won. And we need to pause and celebrate the expansion of our consciousness into the Light. This is a significant milestone. But our work continues for each one of us. Our personal expansion and growth into love continues. Our need to heal our love stories of lack, struggle and rejection is present. If you are ready to win your personal battle today, get my Allowing Love album which helps you heal your blocks to claiming our worthiness; or dive into my in-depth 21 Day Program Allow Love where we powerfully resolve your love struggles and help you to open to receiving love. Give yourself the right to experience great and profound love. This is a decision only you can make. With all my love,
In the 1950s, when I was a child in elementary school, we were taught to hide under our desks and shield our eyes in the event of an atomic bomb attack. The nuns in my school didn’t seem alarmed. Simply another thing we practiced at school, like fire drills, multiplication tables, and penmanship. It was called “duck and cover.” Adults talked about the A-bomb. We lived in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., the nation’s capital, a likely target of our enemy, the Russians, who lived far away. My mother mused that we might evacuate to get away from a bomb. My father worked in downtown Washington, and we were in the suburbs, so if we decided to evacuate during the day, we should plan to meet up at some church about an hour’s drive west, near Frederick, MD. My father was more interested in reading the afternoon paper. A day off from school! That was my thought. This atomic bomb thing, should it ever happen, would be a big explosion in the distance, and a main danger was that the bright light would hurt our eyes. Duck and cover was the thing to do. No one, adults or children, had ever seen an atomic bomb explosion. We hadn’t heard of such a thing actually happening, certainly not at any school nearby. Or anyplace else in our state. Or anyplace, really. Adults recalled that airplanes had dropped two atomic bombs, but that was far away, long before we children were born. The 1950s are more than a half-century in the past. The distant and naive past. Today’s schoolchildren and parents live with the fears of 2018. The more things change, the more they remain the same? In elementary school, today’s dangers are different. Children now drill on how to survive an “active shooter.” A shooter inside their school. It’s not a distant, abstract danger. It has really happened in schools. Already happened! It’s happened over and over. It’s happened in schools in your own state. Everyone knows about it. No one denies it. The danger is in your neighborhood, possibly next door. Maybe in your very own house! In my childhood, we saw guns in cowboy movies. For today’s children, guns are everywhere. Sometimes it seems as if nearly everyone is armed, at least here in Florida. As the new school year begins, the state is belatedly (reluctantly?) spending some money in reaction to public opinion. It is, after all, an election year. Nothing to control guns, mind you. But they’re putting up fences around some schools. Rushing to hire and train more school security personnel. Dress them in more military-like uniforms. Putting on a show to placate fearful parents. In some cases, making schools look like prisons with correctional officers. Meanwhile, inside the schools principals and teachers conduct active-shooter drills. Children are taught something new: “Run, Hide, Fight.” Sounds like basic training in the army. But it’s not the army. It’s elementary school and high school. It’s worth repeating: “Run, Hide, Fight.” Children are now expected to fight a man shooting a gun in the classroom, the hallway, the cafeteria? Oh, well. Only as a last resort. First, you should run or hide. Hope and pray (is prayer OK?) that the police arrive. Hope and pray that police arrive, like, RIGHT NOW. And yes, you might have to fight a gunman with your bare hands, as a last resort. That’s what the schools are teaching. Is it possible that I’ve misunderstood? If that is incorrect, please, somebody correct me. No, the danger children face at school is not the same. Yes, the danger at school, and other places too, is WORSE. The danger is not abstract. It’s real. It’s immediate. It’s everywhere. Are children traumatized by this fear? Or do they ignore it? What about parents? What about teachers? How do teachers cope with fear? Some suggest teachers should carry guns. Full Stop. Those thoughts — danger in school, children and parents in fear, teachers, guns. More than enough for one day. A good place to stop writing. The only place to go from here is: Can a society live like this, and survive? Note: This post was prompted by a news story, “Parents block shooter video: Pinellas elementary school kids won’t have to see it as part of active shooting drills,” in The Tampa Bay Times, Aug. 21, 2018, page 1B.
Hat Band '19d' Lady Amherst and Peacock Blue Plumage Hat Band The Hat Bands are made using the Black and White tipped Plumage feathers of the Lady Amherst Pheasant and the Blue Peacock Plumage Feathers. The Band is approx. 1.50 Inches wide and 28 Inches long. Each feather is individually Hand Selected, Cut and placed on a Cotton fabric using a special adhesive/glue. The Band can be easily sewn or stuck onto. The band is ideal for Milliners to decorate their Hats, Art & Craft projects, etc. The construction/Size of the band can be customized as per customer’s requirement. We Ship WORLDWIDE. Our preferred shippers are USPS (United States Postal Service) and FEDEX (Federal Express Corp.) For detailed shipping quotes, customers must register using their complete shipping address and an automated shipping quote would be generated based on the weight of the package. Dimm. Weight or Volume Weight is applied for all shipments shipped through FEDEX and the shipping cost may vary.We contact the customer if the shippping costs vary due to Dimm. Weight with alternatives. International dispatches may require : USDA issued Health certificate (fee applicable). S.Fish & Wildlife Inspection certificate (fee applicable). It is the customer’s prerogative to request the certificates at the time of placing an order. We shall be not liable for any claims after dispatch of goods. Duties and Taxes at destination are charged based on individual Country's Tariffs and Trade Policies. These are payable by the customer. We are in no way responsible for these Duties and Taxes. Please consult your Country's Import regulations for applicable Duties and Taxes. Acceptable payment methods are : Visa, Mastercard, Discover/Novus and American Express Credit Cards. Wire Transfers, Cashiers Check, Certified Checks and Personal checks (subject to clearing the bank before shipping of goods) We DO NOT accept C.O.D. terms for shipping. Qualified Wholesale Customers get a “Net 30 days” term of payment from the date of Dispatch of goods from our warehouse. All customers based in California are subject to a Sales Tax of 8.00%. Customers seeking Sales Tax Exemption need to : #1 Provide a valid resellers permit issued by the California Board of Equalization. #2 Fill out the General Resale Cetificate Form BOE-230 (7-02). A copy can be downloaded here. Terms of Sale We depend on external servers at UPS, FEDEX, USPS and PAYPAL for our shipping calculations and Credit/Debit Card Processing. Sometimes, Due to Internet congestion if you have any trouble ordering online where the shipping won't show up or the credit card processing won't go through, simply call us at : + 1 (909) 628 0836 and our associates would be happy to assist you in placing your order. We are open 9.00AM to 3.00PM (PST). ORDER PROCESSING TIME All "in stock" items are processed and shipped within 24 to 48 hours. Items that are "out of stock" will be shipped as soon as our stocks are replenished. Our dispatch department shall email and inform the customer about the tentative arrival time of the "out of stock" items. All back ordered items are shipped on our account and all shipping charges are borne by us. Customized orders or Custom Dyed orders take anywhere from 7 days to 6 weeks of processing time depending on the order. All prices mentioned on our website are as per the unit mentioned alongside. Prices can change due to price fluctuations in the international markets. We have no minimum order. All orders are subject to a Handling fee of US$4.00 or 4% whichever is higher of the Invoice value. From time to to time we offer Sales Promotions whereby we offer free shipping based on the value of the ordered goods. Some of the items (due to their bulky nature) are not eligible for the promotions. Depending on the order for items placed our associates may get in touch with the customer to charge for the shipping of items not covered under free shipping. RETURN OF GOODS (ROG) All ROG's are permitted only on “Stock” items and against a valid Return Authorization Number (RAN) # issued by us. A RAN # will be informed, emailed or faxed to the customer as soon as all conditions on issuing the same are met. No ROG will be entertained without a valid RAN #. The customer must inform us within 7 Days of receiving the goods to be eligible for a RAN#. The Goods should be in Original (Undamaged) condition on return to us. The Postage/Shipping and Handling Charges shall not be refundable on all orders. All returned goods are subject to a 20% re-stocking fee. Custom Dyed orders are not eligible for a RAN #. We shall be not liable for any damage to ordered goods while in transit. Talk to us and we’ll go the extra yard to find a solution to every problem.
“The Grey Office” which has an experimental and unique sense of design in the way it has been developed. The 1800 sq.ft. office is designed with taking utmost care to the personal taste and way of work environment they believe. “GREY OFFICE”, is a office for US- based IoT company (Internet of Things) who wanted to expand in India with a new setup located in New Delhi showcasing simple yet bold reflections of the company principles. With client’s love for raw and industrial setting, this office space is conceptualized to bring out new thinking by creating industrial elements in a controlled way and using them with the bright and bold elements, creating a raw and refreshing office for people working in there. The spaces are incorporated with simple and minimal detailing, seeking humble materials, sticking with cool colors and letting the natural light penetrate. The interactive focus point created as a breakout space provides visual connection, relaxation and wellness at workplace. Textures and Furniture pieces expresses bold statement. The overall office theme exhibits tranquility and balance. it’s no secret that office design can either enhance or dampen the company culture. The roots of the firm is reflected through its brand, functions and values. Our client – ‘SENRA’, a U.S based IoT (Internet of things) company, had a similar approach while expanding and setting up of their new office in India. Thus, they wanted to create an environment that could define themselves and their business venture. Area and Spaces The 1800 sq.ft office, located in New Delhi, includes an entrance lounge, a breakout space connected with an open pantry, 20 open workstations, 1 conference and 2 meeting rooms. The office is designed on the concept of contemporary and industrial interiors, as per client’s choice to create a minimal, raw and rejuvenating environment. The spaces are incorporated with open planning, simple and minimal detailing, seeking humble materials, sticking with cool colors and letting the natural light in. Thereby, executing a combination of practicality and creativity. For a raw and rustic feel, we picked cool shades of gray for the overall interiors and merged them with splashes of sophisticated blue, yellow and green. In-terms of layout, the office is divided into three zones, where the entrance lounge acts as the central zone segregating the working areas into two zones. The idea of the client, to educate the visitors about their venture once they enter, is conceptualized by providing museum-like-feel through a shelf where products developed by the company can be showcased in the entrance lounge area like of a museum with a display panel at the entrance lounge for presentations, followed by a semi-open partition designed in M.S and chip board, to display artifacts and thereby enhancing the aesthetics. Another thought was to capture the maximum day light penetrating through the two openings on the site. The interactive focus point created as a breakout space provides visual transparency, interactive connection, relaxation and wellness at the workplace. In such working environment one might require a small refreshing spaces to grab a cup of coffee and for casual meetings. So idea of a breakout space came in to picture connected with open pantry. And we used the carpet in blue color, in contrast with the grey scheme, very striking element in the space, with backdrop of real raw bricks which adds the raw character into the space. Use of exposed brick wall as a backdrop, adds the industrial and refreshing character to the space. Textures and furniture pieces expresses bold statement. The white and gray color theme portrays a sense of calm and composure, which when used in gray ceiling and carpets, infused with M.S. frame cabins and solid rubber wood furniture, creates a neat and balanced look. The overall office theme exhibits tranquility and harmony. List of materials- Flooring- Carpet and hard wood Lights- Halomax Lighting Toilet Fittings- Jaguar Furniture- Orangewood Labs Paints- Asian Paints Bricks- Jindal Bricks Project: Grey Office Area: 1800 sqf Location: Yusuf Sarai, Gautam Nagar, New Delhi Architecture Firm – Orangewood Labs Principal Architect – Amit Bhatia Design Team– Amit Bhatia and Aditya Bhatia Client – Senra Tech pvt. Ltd. Photography – Amit Bhatia Month and year of completion – March 2018
Christian Tours 8 Days / 7 Nights Tour of the HolyLand Arrival at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv. One of the representatives of Levona Travel will escort the group and introduce our driver. We head to the hotel to enjoy refreshments (depending on the arrival time) and rest. We have breakfast at the hotel and drive to Megiddo, site of Armageddon, where the prophecy of the Apocalypse will take place. We visit the walls and cisterns dating from the days of the kings Solomon, Ahav and Jeravoam. We walk through the field where will be held the final battle between Good and Evil. We drive to Nazareth visiting the town of Cana, the place where Jesus miraculously turned water into wine. We arrive to Nazareth where we visit the Church of the Annunciation, place where the angel Gabriel visited Mary. We return to the hotel for dinner and rest. We have breakfast at the hotel and we head to Capernaum and visit the study house, place of Jesus’ Galilean Ministry. We follow then to the residence of Saint Peter and visit a third century church adjacent to the house, and then we walk where Jesus began his ministry in Tabgha. We continue to the Church of Multiplication with its ancient mosaics of the fourth century. We head then to the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus preached the “Sermon on the Mount.” Later we walk the shores of Kineret and take a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. We conclude the day heading to Yardenit, place of the baptism where we have the opportunity participate in the ceremony of immersion in the holy waters of the Jordan River. We return to the hotel for dinner and rest. We have breakfast at the hotel and drive southbound by the Jordan Valley to the Dead Sea. We see Qasr Al-Yahud where the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist took place. We arrive at the caves of Qumran, where the parchments known as “Dead Sea Scrolls” were found. We continue to the Dead Sea and enjoy floating in its waters of unique qualities. In the late afternoon, we head to Jerusalem to the hotel for dinner and rest. We have breakfast at the hotel and we will head to the Mount of Olives, the Jewish cemetery and the observation point. We walk to Gethsemane and from there we continue on the Kidron valley through the tombs of Absalom, Zechariah, and King Jehoshaphat. We continue to Zion Gate and entered the room of the Last Supper and visit the tomb of King David. The tour ends at noon and our guide takes us to the heart of the modern city of Jerusalem where we can take a walk and shop. We return to the hotel for dinner and rest. We have breakfast at the hotel. We head towards the old city of Jerusalem; we view the Temple Mount where the first temple was built in the time of King Solomon and then where Herod built the Temple. We continue in the old city along the Via Dolorosa, that Jesus walked with the cross, and then enter the colorful market and bazaar. We walk around the lakes of Bethesda and follow to the Garden Tomb, where according to Protestant religion Jesus was crucified and visit the site of the Resurrection. Later we visit the Western Wall and take our bus to travel to Bethlehem. We visit the tomb of Rachel and continue to visit the Church of the Nativity, where Jesus was born, which is possibly the oldest church on earth. We return to the hotel for dinner and rest. We have breakfast at the hotel. We head to the Israel Museum and in its grounds, to the Shrine of the Book – place where the “Dead Sea Scrolls” are displayed. We can also see a giant scale model of the Temple of Jerusalem. We continue to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Museum. If time allows, we will be able to go shopping in the commercial district of Jerusalem. We return to the hotel for dinner and rest. Transfer to Ben Gurion International Airport for our return flight. We also offer the following Extension Tours:
Searching for a delicious low sodium BBQ sauce? Look no further. This low sodium BBQ sauce is kidney healthy, flavorful, and better than store bought! Low Sodium Benefits There are many health benefits to following a low sodium diet. Low sodium diets help control high blood pressure, reduce swelling, and prevent your risk of chronic diseases. Common disease conditions that benefit from a low sodium diet are: - High Blood Pressure - Kidney Diseae - Liver Disease - Heart Disease Common Foods High in Sodium According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2020-2025, the average American consumes 3,393mg of sodium per day. This is 147% more sodium than the recommended intake of 2,300 mg or less per day. Only a small portion of sodium consumed actually comes from salt added to foods at home in cooking or at the table, but rather the sodium found in processed foods. Some foods commonly consumed foods high in sodium are: - Deli Meats - Rice and Pasta dishes Renal Dietitian Tip- A low sodium food item will have 140 mg of sodium per serving. Low Sodium Store Bought BBQ Sauce Low sodium store bought BBQ sauce can be hard to find. Here are a few that are very low sodium. Be careful as some have added potassium. If you’re following a low potassium diet it may be best to make your own. - Mr. Spice Organic Honey BBQ Sauce 5 mg of sodium per serving *Added potassium - Mrs. Taste Zero Sodium BBQ Sauce 0 mg of sodium per serving *Added potassium - Doc’s Salt Free BBQ Sauce 0 mg of sodium per serving *No added potassium Why Make Your Own BBQ Sauce Better yet, it’s just as easy to make your own low sodium BBQ sauce at home. It’s less expensive, low in sodium, and has no added chemicals or preservatives. You can also adjust the seasonings used to your own taste preferences. Condiments have their place in a kidney healthy diet. As most everything, serving size plays a role into how it fits in one’s diet. Low Sodium BBQ Sauce Ingredients and Variations This homemade BBQ sauce is easy to make and only takes a few minutes. Low Sodium Tomato Sauce is the base of the recipe and the key to making the sauce lower in sodium. If you need to limit potassium in your diet, this recipe has 93 mg in 2 tablespoons serving size. Tomato Paste helps to thicken and give the sauce consistency. Brown Sugar adds sweetness and balances the tangy flavor in the sauce. If you’re watching your sugar intake you can substitute regular brown sugar for Truvia Brown Sugar. I try not to add sugar to my recipes but a little can go a long way and is a necessary ingredient for bbq sauce. Apple Cider Vinegar gives the sauce tanginess. Balsamic vinegar would also be a great option in this recipe. Molasses is high in iron and adds depth to the sauce. Maple Syrup would be another option. Liquid smoke is a natural seasoning that can be found in the spice aisle. It contributes to the barbeque flavor of the sauce. Other dry spices are used to round out the flavor. If you like spicy BBQ add ⅛ teaspoon cayenne pepper to the sauce. How to Make Making low sodium BBQ sauce is easy to make. Just whisk all the ingredients together in a saucepan. Bring to a boil on high heat then simmer for 15 minutes. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. How to Serve The sauce goes perfect with pulled pork. For a low protein option it pairs great with jackfruit sliders and veggie burgers. Use it as a condiment or marinade. Low Sodium BBQ Sauce - 1 saucepan - 2 8 oz cans tomato sauce no salt added - 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar - 1/2 cup brown sugar - 1/4 cup molasses - 2 tbsp tomato paste no salt added - 1 teaspoon liquid smoke - 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika - 1/2 teaspoon black pepper - 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder - 1/4 teaspoon onion powder - 1/4 teaspoon ground cumin - 1/4 teaspoon allspice - Whisk all ingredients in a saucepan - Bring to a boil on high heat then simmer on medium heat half covered for 15-20 minutes. Stir occasionally. - Let cool completely and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator
Briefing ambassadors under the Women, Peace and Security agenda, she said that her most recent trip, earlier this month, was aimed at boosting women’s involvement, including in upcoming parliamentary elections. “I made this second visit to Somalia because women’s political participation is a game changer in our efforts to achieve sustainable peace, development and more resilient and inclusive societies”, said Ms. Mohammed, stressing that a 30 per cent quota is a crucial first step towards the equal representation of women in all sectors of life – from business to public service, and from elections to appointments. "Keep a sustained focus, investments and partnership for the women of #Somalia" is the appeal I shared with members of the @UN Security Council, looking back at my last visit. pic.twitter.com/0FJOCsrSwy— Amina J Mohammed (@AminaJMohammed) September 28, 2021 Election roadblocks She said there was real concern that women’s representation in the current elections will decrease. The deputy UN chief painted a picture of an array of roadblocks for female candidates, which she observed are often impeded by rural tribal leaders, all of whom are men. She highlighted that Somalia’s political environment is not conducive to women, with many male leaders promoting male candidates through political networks and connections that their female counterparts lack. Somali women also struggle to access financial support to run campaigns – challenges compounded by violence and discrimination, she added.Promises fall short The Deputy Secretary-General cited the country’s 2016 milestone that nearly a quarter of parliamentary seats were occupied by women, noting that those figures “demonstrate that progress is possible even in the most difficult circumstances”. While expressing confidence in recent commitments by Somali leadership to maintain parliamentary quotas, Ms. Mohammed expressed concern over the general conditions. She stressed that the Organization must “redouble” its efforts to support their participation. “Keep a sustained focus, investments and partnership for the women of Somalia”, the deputy UN chief appealed to the Ambassadors.Putting country first Meanwhile Shukria Dini, Co-founder and Executive Director of Somali Women’s Studies Centre, noted that Ms. Mohammed’s visit left many women “more encouraged and energized” to pursue participation issues, which have democratic and human rights origins. She spoke of “straightforward demands” regarding parliamentary seats, protection for women candidates and the rejection of male candidates who sought seats reserved for women candidates. “Women’s participation in elections and political processes is critical to realizing an inclusive society” with more women in decision making roles and with the authority to allocate resources, said Ms. Dini. And because Somalia’s national election should be seen as promoting peace, security, women have been appealing to all parties to “set aside their political rivalries…for the sake of the country”.
Are you looking for a new project while stuck at home? Grow your own herbal tea indoor garden! There is nothing more comforting, relaxing, or social than having a nice cup of tea after a long day of work or a cold winter’s day. And if you’re a regular tea drinker, growing an indoor tea garden sounds like a smart idea. In this post, we’ll talk about the benefits of growing an indoor herbal tea garden, how to grow one and ten easy herbal tea plants you can grow to add more flavor to your teapot. Read on to get started! The Benefits Of Herbal Tea & Growing Your Own Herbal Tea Indoor Garden From its Ancient Chinese roots spanning 4000 years, an herbal tea made its way across all seven continents and into the hearts of people around the world. Plus, it’s one beverage that comes in a variety of flavors and preparation methods. It's no secret that tea is a popular selection for people who want to improve their health naturally. Herbal tea leaves are caffeine-free and contain nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants that vary on the blend. Some of the health benefits include relaxation, pain reduction, improved digestion, and immunity. Research also shows that herbal tea improves the health of cancer and diabetes patients. Here are the top benefits of herbal tea and growing your own herbal tea indoor garden: 1. Home Grown Flavors Growing your own herbal tea indoor garden can provide you with different enjoyable blends and improve your home decor with beautiful flowers and aromatic herbs. Unlike growing vegetables and fruits, growing herbs in your indoor garden is simple and requires little maintenance. Plus, you can use those homegrown herbs in your cooking. 2. You Save $ Money $ By growing herbal tea plants at home, you save money that you would have otherwise spent purchasing expensive, commercially produced herbs and teabags. It will also save you from the hassle of going to the store every time you run out of tea. 3. It Can Help You Unwind Herbal tea is famous for its calming effects, and different cultures have used it for centuries in social events and as part of their daily post-work relaxation ritual. It’s a great alternative to taking medication to relieve pressure and stress for modern generations. 4. Herbal Tea Boosts Your Immune System Even people who casually drink tea buy it for its positive benefits, such as boosting immunity. Most of us are advised to have a hot cup of tea whenever we catch a cold or flu because it offers antifungal and antibacterial properties. 5. Tea Can Help Reduce Pain And Soreness People usually treat pain with over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs that generally also have some side effects. Alternatively, many herbal teas have natural pain-relieving properties minus the negative side effects. 6. Improve Your Digestive System Herbal tea is beneficial because it can absorb gas, improve blood circulation in the digestive tract, and cut toxic particles that can cause indigestion or an upset stomach. They contain phenols that can strengthen stomach and esophagus muscles, reducing heartburn and acid reflux. 7. It’s Calorie-Free! Tea is a better-tasting alternative to water because it also has zero calories. Studies also show that green tea promotes waste loss. But, keep in mind that only the tea is calorie-free, and this does not apply to teatime extras, like sugar, honey, or biscuits. 8. An Alternative To Other Beverages The ingredients you need for herbal tea are easy to grow and provide a great alternative to other beverages like coffee, pre-packaged teas, alcohol, and carbonated soft drinks. Plus, with every cup of homegrown herbal tea, you also save money by not spending it on other beverages. How To Grow Your Own Herbal Tea Indoor Garden? While there are many types of teas available on the supermarket shelf, most originate from the “Tea Plant,” or its scientific name Camellia Sinesis. This is an evergreen plant with glossy green, pointy and fragrant leaves that undergo different processes before it becomes the final product we see every day. But, if you plan on growing this, it’ll take even three years before you can start harvesting it. And that is why growing a herbal tea indoor garden is a great alternative to warm you up on a chilly morning. Whether you’re a newbie looking for a low-stakes entry into indoor gardening or not interested in substantial edible gardening, all you need is a sunny window, a container, seeds, and water. Let’s get started: 1. Select Your Herbs We recommend starting with your everyday herbal tea plants like Chamomile, Lavender, peppermint, basil, coriander, lemon verbena, etc. These are popular tea herbs that can also add exciting flavors and scents to your teapot. Besides, most culinary herbs are suitable for tea and have their benefits. So, feel free to create custom blends by combining different combinations. Most herbs grow well indoors, but those that thrive indoors are mint, basil, rosemary, and thyme. You can start with seeds or herb cuttings by soaking them in water until their roots sprout. But, we recommend doing your research and starting your indoor tea garden with seedlings from a local garden shop. 2. Remember To Choose Appropriate Containers You can buy different types of herb pots from stores or online, but the truth is, you don’t need to, as any container will work well, as long as it has some drainage. You can use any size container as long the plant fits, so you don’t have to re-pot when they become too big for it. If you’re using jars or glass containers, it’s advisable to place a layer of pebbles in the bottom to suck the excess moisture to avoid soil dampening. Lastly, try to use small containers if you regularly have to rotate or move the plant to ensure it gets enough sunlight. 3. Choose The Sunniest Spot Most herbs need a lot of sunlight, so you’ll want to give your herbal tea indoor garden at least six hours of sunlight per day. To maximize exposure, place the plants strategically close to your brightest window and avoid setting them in the center of your room. If you live in a single-floor dwelling, you can even install a grow light. This may be an expensive investment, but if you plan to grow plants indoors regularly, it’s worth it! Besides, the growth rate is slower in the winter due to fewer natural light hours, so there’s one reason to get one. But, if you don’t want to spend too much, consider investing in a grow light that is preferably an LED one. 4. Water Regularly But Carefully Most herbs are low-maintenance plants, so they need little water for sustenance. But remember that you need to ensure that the soil is consistently moist but not soggy. During summer, the leaves might begin to wilt and turn yellow, which indicates that they need more water. During winter, they need considerably less in comparison. 5. Harvest A Little At A Time When your herbal tea indoor garden is ready for harvest, start with a few leaves and avoid removing more than a quarter of the plant at a time. While regular cuttings encourage new growth, overcutting could kill the plant. 6. Tea Preparation There are two types of herbal tea plants – fresh and dry. For fresh herb tea, pick the herb’s leaves or flowers, then crush them between your fingers to release the scent and flavor. Then, place two teaspoons of fresh herbs into a strainer and steep in hot water for 5 to 7 minutes. If you plan to use dry herbs, store them in airtight containers and leave them for a few days or a week. When they’re ready, prepare them the same way. If you don’t like herbal tea’s bitter flavor, you can always add some sugar or honey to sweeten it or squeeze in some lemon juice or zest for a fruity flavor. 5 Herbs You Can Grow in Your Herbal Tea Indoor Garden Now that you’re all set to grow an indoor herbal tea garden, here are five popular herbs you can easily grow at home: Mint is a hardy plant that is reasonably low-maintenance. It will grow on any soil and lighting conditions. How To Grow Mint Indoors From Seed? To start, place seeds into a pot or container with soil, and put them outside for a few days until they germinate. Give it about two inches (about 5 cm) of water per week, and keep the soil moist but don’t overwater. Mint grows in the direction of the sunlight, so rotate the pot once or twice a week. But, they are an invasive plant species, so you need to pick the leaves often. This offers three benefits – promotes growth, keeps the plant bushy, and provides a running supply of the herb. The Health Benefits Of Mint Tea? Mint is an excellent plant that can help you deal with nausea or indigestion. You can choose from peppermint, apple mint, Moroccan mint, or spearmint, and all of them provide similar benefits. Most people think that rosemary is a savory herb, but it also works well in herbal teas. How To Keep Rosemary Alive Indoors? Rosemary prefers 8-10 hours of sunlight per day but still manages to grow well in lowlight conditions as long as you water the plant as soon as the topsoil becomes dry. You’ve probably wondered why gardeners grow herbs together, and it’s not just for space. This method is called companion planting, and rosemary does well when planted with thyme or chamomile, making it even more flavorful and keeps the pests away. The Health Benefits Of Rosemary Tea It’s an easy plant to grow and take care of and makes a valuable addition to any indoor garden. It contains antioxidants that boost your immune system, and you can brew rosemary tea to help with flu, fever, or colds. Thyme is another excellent addition to your herbal tea indoor garden. It’s a cousin of thyme and comes in different varieties. Is It Easy To Grow Thyme Indoors? It’s a pretty hard plant to grow from seeds, so buy a plant that’s already grown and use its cuttings instead. You can harvest it as soon as it begins to flower, although you’ll need plenty of sunlight and well-draining soil. But unlike most herbs, you should let the soil dry out before watering. The Health Benefits Of Thyme Thyme is a natural cough remedy, and you can brew tea using fresh or dry leaves. It contains antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, and expectorant properties that can kill viruses and bacteria. Chamomile is one of the oldest and most popular herbs to grow in your indoor herbal tea garden. How To Grow Chamomile Indoors In A Pot? The plant needs only four hours of sunlight daily and grows small in contrast to most indoor plants. As long as you keep the soil moist, place the pot near a south-facing window and water it consistently. You’re all set to brew a sweet-tasting chamomile tea! The Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea These flowers help with insomnia and anxiety, reducing inflammation, treating diabetes, and lowering blood sugar, to name a few of its benefits. 5. Lemon Verbena As the name suggests, lemon verbena is a lemon-flavored herb that people usually drink as a digestive aid, making it a perfect drink after dinner. How To Grow Lemon Verbena Indoors? The herb also has relaxant qualities to soothe stomach cramps and relieve stress. To grow it in your herbal tea indoor garden, you’ll first need a much larger container than your average herb pot because they grow pretty tall. Lemon verbena also needs bright but filtered light, so you should place it a couple of feet (about 61 cm) away from a sunny window for the best results. Provide it with well-draining soil, and water it consistently once the top dries out. Looking For More Herbs To Grow In Your Indoor Tea Garden? The five herbs we mentioned above are the most common ones people grow in their indoor tea garden. But, there are also many other herbs you can grow at home to add more flavor to your teapot. Some of them include: - Echinacea to fend off infections and minimize aches. - Lavender improves sleep, reduces inflammation, and aids respiratory health. - Hibiscus to lower blood pressure, boost liver health, and promote weight loss. - Lemon Balm for cold sores, boosting cognitive function and easing insomnia. - Rose hip to help with weight loss, reduce joint pain, and promote healthy skin. Ready To Grow Your Own Herbal Tea Indoor Garden? We hope you found this post entertaining and informative. If you want to learn more about growing a herbal tea indoor garden, we recommend checking out our other posts about growing herbs, where we ‘plant’ more ideas for anyone who wants to dig into the world of herb gardening. Featured image credit – j.chizhe/Shutterstock.com
I have to say, it’s hard to write about how good food tastes when Trump is compiling weekly lists of “crimes” by immigrants. I wanted to describe for you the precise degree of crispness and umami of the chicken thigh/fermented soybean/potato chip appetizer at the hot new restaurant Llama Inn, but it’s hard to stop thinking about him turning Syrian children back to die from bombing and starvation. I was tearing my hair out trying to figure out what testosterone enantato to do about this when a good idea suddenly occurred to me: it would probably be possible to roast Trump like a turkey, trussing him with a little cooking twine and rubbing him all over with European butter, salt, and pepper. With his new, yellower hair color and more deeply-bronzed skin, he looks like a roasted turkey already, so I thought this would be a good time to try out Tom Collicchio’s Thanksgiving recipe and stuff a thick handful of Kerrygold Irish Butter between his skin and his breast meat, mixed with sage, tarragon, thyme, and rosemary to take some of his funk away. He weighs about 12 times what an average Thanksgiving turkey does, so he could provide a dinner for approximately 20 Iraqi families fleeing rape and what the UN calls “staggering violence” ultimately caused by George Bush’s war. I have a particular idea for the stuffing. I feel more personally threatened as a Jew than I ever have in 52 years, now that we have a Nazi on the National Security Council and a White House that denies that the Holocaust had any particular impact on Jews. So I thought it would be community-building and holistic to stuff Trump up the butthole with charoset. (If you haven’t heard of it, charoset is the mix of chopped fruits, nuts, and wine Jews eat on Passover to represent the bricks and mortar we were forced to make as slaves in Egypt.) There are dozens of different versions made by Jews from different cultures, but I love my own family’s version best, diced apples and walnuts mixed with sweet, deep purple Manischewitz. There are plenty of non-Passover recipes in which charoset is used as a stuffing, including a lovely one by Martha Stewart that goes up the butt of a Cornish game hen. According to the Talmud, there are also revolutionary sexual connotations to the lush, fruity, sometimes spicy dish: the apples, dates, figs, grapes, walnuts, pomegranates, and saffron used in various versions of charoset all appear as erotic symbols in the Song of Songs, the Hebrew Bible’s ode to carnal joy. (Bananas don’t appear in the Bible, but because they’re also pretty erotic, they’re used in versions from India, Afghanistan, Mexico, and Uganda.) And the 2nd century sage Rabbi Akiva said — I am not making this up — that charoset particularly signifies the wild frolics that ancient Jewish slaves were able to have in the apple orchards when they snuck away from their overseers to defy Pharaoh’s edict against sex. Charoset for all these reasons is understood to bring a sweetness and hope into our memories of horrible slavery and oppression, and it can bring some sweetness even into Donald’s meat. The president is known to subsist on a diet of Big Macs, buckets of KFC, and Lay’s potato chips, so it may take some doing to rinse the flavor of salmonella and excessive salt from his flesh. I suggest using the cleansing technique developed for beef kidneys: soak him for two hours in a large Dutch oven full of water mixed with a little white vinegar or lemon juice, then rinse him out three times with fresh water and drain him in a large colander. Once you’ve cleaned the Donald, he’s perfect for the national dish of Somalia, baasto iyo sugo hilib shildan. In the years since Italy colonized Somalia starting in the late 19th century, Somalis transformed spaghetti Bolognese, the food of their occupiers, into a spicier dish with profoundly African flavors. (Mussolini tried to boost his popularity at home by intensifying the occupation in the ’30s, but you should read up on how that ultimately turned out for him, Mr. President!) One thing to note before I give the recipe: Somali cuisine is halal. Is the First Golfer? I’m not equipped to give a religious opinion. (With apologies to Somali cooks everywhere.) To prepare, sauté a load of onions in a large skillet. Add cumin, coriander, cayenne, cinnamon, turmeric, cloves, crushed green cardamom pods, fenugreek seeds, and fresh garlic and green pepper. Add fresh Donald, minced, till nicely browned. Add diced tomatoes and tomato paste, sauté until fully blended, about five minutes. Add a little chicken stock and some large-diced potatoes and carrots. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Serve over al dente pasta, topped with chopped cilantro. Eat a banana on the side. (Somalis like to have one with every entrée.) The Somali civil war is one of the bloodiest going on right now, with the widespread kidnapping of children so they can be forced to be soldiers, and systemic sexual violence. All sides target civilians. The conflict, like most of the current wars in Africa, ultimately stems from the massive destabilization wrought by European colonization. Somali refugees could use a good meal like this: 2 million of them have been forced to flee the country, and only one hundredth of one percent of them — 299 people — were granted visas by the United States in the last fiscal year on record, 2015, according to Quartz. A Desi chef who insisted on going nameless out of fear of being rounded up offered this recipe: “I just think that given our president’s unnatural tone and coloring, as a chef of Indian cuisine I think immediately of tandoori chicken, with that ridiculous, unnatural bright pink tone a lot of versions of it have.” (Much commercial tandoori chicken relies on food coloring,the chef notes; more holistic versions use a mixture of tomato paste and yogurt that turns the chicken reddish.) “But if you used the president, you wouldn’t even have to marinate him, he’s already that color. And given the sort of injustices he’s committing against humanity, he surely deserves” some time in “an 800° tandoori oven.” For those of you who can’t bring themselves to bite into such meat and digest, here’s a vegetarian recipe from La Morada in the South Bronx, one of the best Mexican restaurants in the city: La Morada’s Guacamole Recipe 1 whole avocado, hand-picked by undocumented immigrants in California 1 tablespoon of diced tomatoes cultivated by undocumented immigrants in Milwaukee, Florida 1 tablespoon of cilantro harvested by undocumented immigrants in California 1 tablespoon of onions gathered by undocumented immigrants in Washington ½ lime, hand-picked also by those whom you persecute. 1 pinch of salt. First take the avocado and smash it with the same passion that activist smashed Richard Spencer’s face, [and activists have smashed] xenophobes, racists, homophobes, and other forms of injustice. Keep smashing the avocado until justice and equality reign. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix well until it harmonizes the same way solidarity and intersectionality triumph together. Pair with your favorite Mexican food because you know America can’t survive without Mexicans. Enjoy. ” Friends and FBI agents, this column is a satire. I don’t believe that any human being should be eaten, not even the president. I do believe his policies are immoral, and he should resign immediately in favor of Bernie Sanders, Angela Davis, or Jasilyn Charger. Originally published in Gay City News, February 16, 2016.
The Google brand has finally come out with another smartphone that owns the Android photography crowns and can even go up against the best Apple smartphone. Although Google has kept their smartphone quite modest and minimal in regards to its benchmarks it still has some amazing applications and is a very powerful and capable phone overall. If you are someone who loves Android and want a phone that is able to give you the best of the Android features in its purest form then this is definitely a phone you should consider purchasing. - Amazing cameras - Very useful software features - Just gets three years of platform updates - Battery life isn’t above par - Lacks colour in its telephoto - Unexpandable storage With the release of the Google Pixel 7 Pro it just proves how serious Google is about their smartphones. From the Pixel 6 Pro, this new phone has gotten a new gorgeous redesign and has loads of amazing features that Google has implemented in order to get it to the top, amongst the best Android phones in the world. This new Google smartphone is extremely close to being the best, if they aren’t already, thanks to the incredible cameras, new Tensor G2 chip, brighter display and great value for money. Google has addressed and fixed some of the problems that people had found with the previous Pixel 6 Pro model, such as the fingerprint sensor and battery life. Still the greatest feature that Google has boasted with these phones over the years is their price, as they cost a lot less than their competitors Apple and Samsung. Another thing that the Pixel has been known for and was praised in the Pixel 6 Pro, is the second generation Tensor silicon that this phone houses. What this chipset does is essentially provide a lot of AI integration into your phone which will learn tricks unique to the Pixel 7 Pro. Some of the tricks that you’ll be able to make use of include Photo Unblur and faster Night Sight. Google Pixel 7 Pro Specs Starting Price: $899 Android Version: 13 Display: 6.7” OLED Refresh Rate: 10-120Hz CPU: Tensor G2 Storage: 128GB, 256GB, 512GB Rear Cameras: 50MP (f/1.85) main, 12MP (f/2.2) ultrawide, 48MP (f/3.5) 5x telephoto Front Camera: 10.8MP (f/1.85) Battery: 5,000 mAH Charging: 30W wired or fast wireless Size: 162.9mm x 76.6mm x 8.9mm Colours: Obsidian, Snow, Hazel If you are looking to get the cheapest, base model, of the Pixel 7 Pro options then you’ll be looking at spending $899. This model will come with 12GB of RAM and 128GB of storage. Then if you are looking to make the jump up to 256GB you’ll be spending $999 and then to 512GB you’ll be spending $1,099. This is pretty nice when you compare it to the base models of the Galaxy S22 Ultra, which starts at $1,199, and the iPhone 14 Pro Max, which starts at $1,099, both for the 128BG models. This goes to show that for the best storage for dollar ratio you’ll definitely want to go for the Pixel 7 Pro. The new and improved colourways that you are able to opt for in the Google Pixel 7 Pro have received quite a lot of love from the public and I must say they look really good. You do see some of the design features that they used in the Google Pixel 6 Pro but with this new model Google have perfected their design. On this year’s model we see a new metal camera bar which they’ve somehow managed to blend in seamlessly with the frame of the phone. It also has a more prominent camera lens design over last year’s design for the Pixel 6 Pro. Regarding the design of this phone, Google has managed to create a stunning mobile device in all three colours that it comes in. The Google Pixel 7 Pro weighs in at 212 grams, on paper it is just a little bit heavier than its predecessor but this difference is definitely noticeable. So with it feeling a little bit heavier you probably won’t even notice that it is actually thinner than the Pixel 6 Pro. One thing that most people aren’t that fond of when it comes to the exterior of the device is that it is actually pretty slippery and if you don’t have a case then it may be pretty dangerous carrying it around. The new Google Pixel 7 Pro comes equipped with a stunning 6.7 inch OLED display that is capable of QHD+ resolution. Some people had complained that the previous Google Pixel, the Google Pixel 6 Pro, hadn’t performed so well in regards to the brightness of the display and thus made it hard to use outdoors. Google have taken this into mind this time with the Google Pixel 7 Pro and have made it significantly brighter. An issue that many people have noticed with this Google Pixel 7 Pro smartphone is that there can sometimes be scrolling issues, where scrolling on the display doesn’t quite register or it’s inconsistent and definitely noticeable. Google took notice of this early on and have had updates in order to fix this and it has become a lot better for most but for a few this issue still seems to pop up now and again. The Google Pixel Pro may be getting upgrades with each phone that Google releases and they’re definitely closing the gap with Apple and Samsung but in the display category the Google Pixel 7 Pro still falls behind the iPhone 14 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra. Although it may not be better than the two rivals, this phone’s 1,000 nits of brightness is still very impressive and will allow you to see exactly what you’re doing outdoors with ease. If you are someone that doesn’t just want a phone that will be good enough and instead would want to get the best of the best then the obvious options for you would be to get the iPhone 14 Pro or the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra because those two are known for having the best displays on the market right now. Just like the iPhone 14 Pro, the Google Pixel 7 Pro houses three cameras that make up the rear camera setup. The main camera is a 50MP main sensor and that is backed up with a 12MP ultrawide sensor as well as a 49MP telephoto camera, which supports up to a 5x optical zoom level. Then in the front the Pixel 7 Pro has a 10.8MP selfie camera, which gets the job done well. A problem that a few people have complained about with regards to the iPhone 14 Pro is that the photos can come out oversaturated but the Google Pixel 7 Pro does an excellent job at making the colours in your photos come out vibrant but not appearing oversaturated. Another good thing that this Google phone is good at is keeping a lot of detail in their photos without oversharpening the images to an excessive amount. Then to save you the trouble of cropping images once you’ve taken the shot, the Pixel 7 Pro has a 2x mode, which relies on the main sensor, and basically crops the image for you before you’ve even taken the picture and doesn’t even require you to switch lenses to do so. This 2x mode is incredibly helpful as it gets you closer to all the action that you’re trying to capture in your photo without you having to sacrifice a lot of the quality of the photo. Then when you zoom past the 2x mark and get to the 5x the phone will switch to its 48MP f/3.5 telephoto camera. This camera is actually much less sensitive to the light entering the lens, which means that some of the shots you take with this camera will appear dark or noisy when you compare it to the regular daytime photos. This means that when the room is dim the phone may actually stick to the primary lens, even when you zoom past 5x, in order to give you the best quality photo. The cameras on this phone are also capable of Night Sight, which has been much improved from the previous versions as it now features improved performance and a new way to adjust the exposure time. The Night Sight is also faster with this phone meaning you won’t have to stand there holding your phone as long while taking the photo, which is definitely a nice addition for those wanting to capture a scene fast. Another huge feature that many people love with the Google Pixel 7 Pro is the Photo Unblur which is able to take blurry photos and unblur them to its best abilities. This feature is amazing and even performs well on old pictures that may be low-resolution. For years Apple has been setting the benchmark when it comes to video quality and with their iPhone 14 Pro that is still the case thanks to its ProRes capabilities but the Pixel 7 Pro is actually closing this gap quickly. This can be thanks to the new Cinematic Blur feature that Google has added to their phone, which is basically the Cinematic mode that first appeared on the iPhone 13 already. This new mode is able to track a subject whilst you’re moving the camera or whilst the subject itself moves and while it’s doing this it adds a bokeh effect to the videos, like you’ve seen in the portrait photo modes. The bokeh effect is when the subject of the scene is being focused on whilst blurring the background in order to give even more attention to said subject. This mode is able to work in up to 24 frames per second which definitely adds to the cinematic vibe of your video. Another new feature that Google has added to their phone is Active Stabilization, which works the same as Action mode in the iPhone 14. Basically what the cameras do in this mode is provide a lot of stabilisation to the videos that you take that are more shaky than normal. For example, if you are doing an action like walking or even running, where the video would normally turn out jumpy and shaky it will be a lot more smooth instead. Apple’s implementation of this stabilised video setting is definitely a bit more stable but that’s not to say that the Google Pixel 7 Pro Active Stabilization is bad and still does a good job at stabilising videos when compared to if you would have this mode turned off. When it comes to the performance of the Google Pixel 7 Pro, the Tensor G2 is definitely one of the phone’s key features and is a highlight in its improvements from the Google Pixel 6 Pro. The Tensor G2 is Google’s latest generation of their in-house chipsets and it has definitely gotten some really nice upgrades, from the previous generations, that everyone will appreciate. The chipset isn’t just more powerful, as it shows on paper, but it also offers a lot more AI and machine learning technology, thanks to its new Tensor Processing Unit. For those wondering if this phone will be good enough for some gaming activities on it then you will be pleased to know that this phone can definitely double down as a fine gaming device. The phone keeps up and performs very well when you play games like Genshin Impact as well as the popular Apex Legends Mobile, although not on the max settings for these games. The Pixel 7 Pro definitely held its ground though and offers a smooth framerate when you are gaming and is definitely an improvement over the Pixel 6 Pro. Although the Tensor G2 has definitely improved a lot and deserves credit for that it is still lagging behind some of its competitors such as the iPhone 14 Pro and the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4. The Google Pixel 7 Pro houses quite a big 5,000 mAh battery, which may definitely sound like it is capable of great performance and could give you a great battery life but the Pixel 6 Pro had the same size battery and its battery life was definitely less than what us, consumers, would have liked and expected it to be. This phone supports a 30W charger, which sadly is not included in the box with your purchase of the phone, so you’ll have to go out and buy that separately or use one that you already have. The phone takes an hour and three minutes in order for it to charge up to 80 percent and then to a full, 100 percent charge you’ll expect a waiting time of 2 hours and 9 minutes, which when compared to this phone’s rivals is definitely some poor charge efficiency for Google. This doesn’t even mention that the wireless charging time is even longer, where you are expected to wait 4 hours and a minute for a full charge. Then when the phone is on, with the display set at 150 nits, and you’re using it you could expect to get around 6 and a half hours of use out of it, with adaptive refresh rate turned off. This is definitely one of the top features when it comes to the cons of owning this smartphone. This battery life is even worse than the previous Google Pixel 6 Pro model, which got a little less than 8 hours of use. Although, on paper, this phone may seem like the battery is really bad, when compared to other phones, it will still be able to get you through gaming and photography sessions pretty comfortably. When you purchase the Google Pixel 7 Pro you will get the latest android software straight out of the box so there is no need to update it once everything is setup and just take up extra time. Once you’ve got everything setup it will seem like the software feels exactly like the previous Google Pixel 6 Pro model but if you use it long enough and look carefully, you’ll notice a few new features that are exclusive to the Google Pixel 7 Pro. One of these amazing new features has already been mentioned above and that is the Photo Unblur feature. This feature is definitely one that many people will appreciate as you’ll be able to improve photos that were taken several years ago even or just regular photos that you took and didn’t quite come out the way that you had hoped. Then next is the Call Assist suite which started with Call Screen. This is a Pixel exclusive feature that actually allows you to screen calls before actually needing to answer the call. This entails that the person that is calling you will have to declare themselves to you and you’ll be able to see or hear them do so live, which is definitely an amazing feature for those who don’t want to get those annoying prank calls or calls from scammers. Another cool feature, which is included in the Call Assist feature, is Direct My Call. Direct My Call allows you to skip over the annoying automated voice in the business call directory by transcribing all of the options for you. Now these options will appear before the automated voice has even read out all the options so that you won’t have to sit and waste your time holding your finger over the option that you think it is while you’re listening to all the remaining options just to be sure. While on the topic of calls, another feature to mention is the Clear Calling feature. This basically minimises the background noise of the caller whilst increasing the sound of the caller so that you are able to hear them more clearly. So when someone is calling you and they’re in quite a loud environment, with people talking in the background, it will help emphasise the caller’s voice. Then moving on from the new call features that this phone comes equipped with, the Assistant on this phone has gotten a lot more intelligent thanks to the upgraded Tensor and because of this it is able to understand your voice a lot better. With the Google Pixel 6 Pro the Assistant had already surprised many people with how accurate it was and with the new Pixel 7 Pro model they have taken the Assistant to new heights. With the Google Pixel 7 Pro the Assistant doesn’t just understand you really well it even suggests emojis that are relevant to what you’ve said. In regards to the software support, the Google Pixel 7 Pro has sadly let a lot of people down as Google has only committed to three years of updates, which means that the Pixel 7 will only get platform updates up until Android 16, in 2025. This is definitely something that most people don’t seem to understand since Google owns the chipset so there isn’t really any excuse for them to give at least four years like most of the Samsung phones. Or even better yet, if they could give as much time as the iPhone then maybe they’d be able to attract a lot more customers. To make each person’s Pixel 7 Pro more personalised to themselves there is something called Material You, which changes your system colours to match those of your wallpaper. This will make your phone’s screen look even cooler but also make it unique to everyone else that also has a Google Pixel 7 Pro. This feature, Material You, does exist on other phones that have Android 13 but the PIxel 7 Pro just implements and does it the best. Google has done an excellent job at establishing themselves in the smartphone world and have done a great job at creating the new Pixel 7 Pro. The design, Tensor G2 and the cameras on this phone really make this smartphone stick out from the others and put it in the top category, against brands like Apple and Samsung. The cameras on this phone are really where this phone shines and would be hard to find an Android phone with a better set of cameras, Google even has an iPhone fearing them a little. Places where this phone could improve are definitely that it only has three years of platform updates and definitely the battery life as well as the charging. Other than that this is an excellent device and deserves a top spot amongst the best Android smartphones.
Is Brutal Legend 2 on the way? Are we ever going to see a sequel to Double Fine‘s action-adventure game? Brutal Legend is one of those hidden gems of the 7th generation of video game consoles. Developed by the amazing Tim Schafer and his talented group, Brutal Legend came out back in 2009. Though it has been more than 13 years, the fans of the game are still waiting for a sequel. Will there be a new Brutal Legend game? When is the Brutal Legend 2 Release Date? Well, unfortunately, we will not be seeing a new Brutal Legend game anytime soon. While Tim Schafer told that they want to develop a sequel years ago, the possibility seems pretty weak at this point. Back in E3 2017, he told that a sequel would eventually follow the first game. But it has been five years since then and Double Fine released Psychonauts 2 in the process. Actually, the studio had already started working on a sequel before it was canceled by Electronic Arts. The team actually put a lot of effort into the second Brutal Legend game. We also know that the new game consisted of the parts that were cut out from the first title. With more than enough material at their hands, Double Fine was enthusiastic about the new installment with bigger content and a new story. Though EA was not happy with the game’s sales performance. Even though Brütal Legend sold more than a million copies, it was far from being a commercial success for the publisher. So they ended up pulling the plug from Brutal Legend 2. After they canceled the sequel, Double Fine focused on other projects and launched other games to recover from the cancellation. In the process, they managed to release four new games and started working on Psychonauts 2. The game ended up being a commercial success and received critical acclaim after launching on Xbox Game Pass. A sequel can still happen After launching Psychonauts 2, Tim Schafer addressed the anticipation towards a new Brutal Legend game. Schafer did not directly refute the possibility. But he said that the project is quite tricky. Schafer also acknowledged the anticipation of the fans. But it seems like Brutal Legend 2 will not come anytime soon. He added that he will continue to play the game every Rocktober 13th. Double Fine also confirmed that they are not planning to come up with a sequel. We do not know the current project the team is working on. But intellectual property never dies. Considering that the studio is a part of Xbox Games, we might actually see the title in the future. What do we know about Brutal Legend? Brutal Legend invites players to a brutal land of metal. In a land where even the flowers are made of steel, players assume the role of Eddie Riggs. As a roadie who finds himself in a desperate land of fantasy, he unexpectedly assumes the role of the savior. The game introduces the most iconic faces and voices of the metal music genre. From Ozzy Osbourne to Lemmy Kilmister, the most revered and esteemed members of metal breathe life into the characters in the game. If you haven’t played the first game yet, here is a very short pros and cons list below. You may also want to revisit Double Fine’s action-adventure game. Here’s what to expect: - Great characters - A tribute to the metal music - Solid story - Amazing soundtrack - Combat mechanics are a bit repetitive - Short campaign Brutal Legend also comes with real-time strategy elements. Players get to defend their concert stage against the enemy. After more than 13 years, Brutal Legend still deserves a solid chance as it comes with a great open world, decent visual quality, and a wonderful story. Here’s everything we know if you are wondering whether Brutal Legend 2 is in the works or not.
“And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD knew face to face….” (Deuteronomy 34:10) Moses, like all the rest of us, was just an ordinary human being. He was born in Egypt to a family of slaves, and according to the law at the time, he wasn’t even supposed to live. But his mother hid him for three months, and when she couldn’t keep it up any longer, she put him in a basket and hid him on the banks of the Nile River, where he was discovered by none other than Pharaoh’s daughter. For forty years he lived as a prince of Egypt, but when he chose to identify with his true people, the Hebrews, he went to the wilderness. There, he got married, had two sons, and lived as a shepherd for forty more years. But when Moses was eighty, something happened that forever changed his life, far more drastic than going from a prince to a shepherd. On an ordinary day, something absolutely extraordinary happened to Moses—God spoke to him. He had a mission for this lowly shepherd: return to Egypt and bring the Israelites, God’s people, out of slavery. “Great! I’ll get to be a hero! When do we start?” said Moses never. No, instead of leaping for joy and rushing to do what God said, Moses immediately began listing reasons as to why he wasn’t the man for the job. His main excuse was that he was a poor speaker and therefore no one would listen to him. But God had called him. This was his job, and no one else’s. Eventually, he submitted to God’s will and returned to Egypt. Things became interesting there, and due to Pharaoh’s stubborn refusal to let the Israelites go, Egypt was decimated by ten horrible plagues. Finally, Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt and into freedom, heading for the land God had promised them. But when they got there, they rebelled and refused to go in. So God sentenced them all to forty years of wandering in the wilderness. The unbelieving generation would die out, and their children would be the recipients of God’s blessings. Through all this, Moses was still the people’s leader. It was he who heard from God and taught the Israelites His rules. He often spoke with God, and once, he actually saw Him. When the people complained and were punished because of it, it was Moses who interceded for them, begging for God’s mercy. By the end of his life, he wasn’t afraid to ask God for things, and he was also willing to accept His will. When he finally died at 120 years old, he received a stunning tribute. This was a man whom God knew face to face, whom He called His friend. Moses had gone from someone who hid behind his faltering tongue to the bold leader of a nation. He knew God well, and God spoke to him face to face. By himself, Moses was just an ordinary shepherd from Midian; but when God called him, He turned him into something extraordinary. He wants to do the same with us, to take us on a mission that’s unlike anything we could have ever planned for ourselves, to teach us what it means to be called His friend. Are we willing to obey when He calls?
Insider Threat Monitoring for Zero Trust with Microsoft Azure (5 of 6) This is the fifth in a six-part blog series where we will demonstrate the application of Zero Trust concepts for securing federal information systems with Microsoft Azure. In this fifth blog of the series we will explore how to leverage Microsoft Azure for insider threats in Zero Trust models. The last blog in the series will include monitoring supply chain risk management. This blog series is coauthored by TJ Banasik, CISSP-ISSEP, ISSAP, ISSMP, Sr. Program Manager, Azure Global Customer Engineering, Mark McIntyre, CISSP, Senior Director, Enterprise Cybersecurity Group and Adam Dimopoulos, Azure Global Customer Engineering. What is an insider threat? The Microsoft Zero Trust vision paper outlines three principles of Zero Trust- Verify Explicitly, Least Privilege Access and Assume Breach. Zero Trust assumes breach and verifies each request as though it originates from an uncontrolled network. Access requests are inspected for anomalies prior to granting access and user access is limited to least privilege required to perform respective job functions. The NIST SP 800-207 draft for Zero Trust Architecture identifies several threats associated with a Zero Trust architecture including subversion of the ZTA decision process, denial of service and insider threats. The standard describes insider threat detection, as “Trust Algorithms can detect access patterns that are out of normal behavior and deny the compromised account (or insider threat) access to resources.”[i] An insider threat is a user or entity that leverages authorized access to knowingly or unknowingly cause harm to an organization. Insider threats range from an unwitting user accidentally clicking a phishing link to a malicious actor stealing sensitive information. Defining Zero Trust governance based on federal frameworks Governance definition is a critical precursor to any Zero Trust initiative. For this blog we’ve leveraged TIC 3.0 Zero Trust principles and aligned with respective NIST SP 800-207 and NIST CSF controls. Our fifth focus point is insider threat monitoring and these standards have a wealth of information aligned to this principle. The diagram below highlights the key takeaways and requirements from the standards. - Trusted Internet Connections (TIC) is a federal cybersecurity initiative to enhance network and perimeter security across the United States federal government. The TIC initiative is a collaborative effort between the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the General Services Administration (GSA).[ii] The TIC 3.0: Volume 3 Security Capabilities Handbook provides various security controls, applications and best practice for risk management in federal information systems. - NIST Cybersecurity Framework. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) developed the Cybersecurity Framework to address risks highlighted in the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2014 with a goal to identify “a prioritized, flexible, repeatable, performance-based, and cost effective approach, including information security measures and controls that may be voluntarily adopted by owners and operators of critical infrastructure to help them identify, assess, and manage cyber risks.”[iii] The Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity outlines these principles. - NIST SP 800-207. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently released NIST SP 800-207 for Zero Trust Architectures which is in draft for comment. This document provides a framework for designing a zero-trust architecture (ZTA) network strategy[iv]. Insider threat monitoring for Zero Trust with Microsoft Azure Microsoft Azure Government has developed an 8-step process to facilitate insider threat monitoring for federal information systems in Microsoft Azure which is aligned with the security monitoring principles within the TIC 3.0, NIST CSF, and NIST SP 800-207 standards. Note this process is a starting point, as insider threat programs require alignment of people, processes, policy and technology so refer to organizational requirements and respective standards for implementation. Azure has several offerings to facilitate insider threat monitoring including Azure Advanced Threat Protection, Azure Active Directory Identity Protection, Azure Information Protection, and Azure Security Center. - Azure Advanced Threat Protection is a cloud-based security solution that leverages your on-premises Active Directory signals to identify, detect, and investigate advanced threats, compromised identities, and malicious insider actions directed at your organization. *Note offerings, features, and availability may vary between government clouds, for more information see Azure Advanced Threat Protection Security Government service description. - Azure Active Directory Identity Protection is a tool that allows organizations to automate detection and remediation of identity-based risks, investigate risks using data in the portal and export risk detection data to third-party utilities for further analysis. - Azure Information Protection is a cloud-based solution that helps an organization to classify and optionally, protect its documents and emails by applying labels. Labels can be applied automatically by administrators who define rules and conditions, manually by users, or a combination where users are given recommendations. *Note offerings, features, and availability may vary between government clouds, for more information see Azure Information Protection Premium Government Service Description. - Azure Security Center is a unified infrastructure security management system that strengthens the security posture of your data centers and provides advanced threat protection across your hybrid workloads in the cloud – whether they’re in Azure or not – as well as on premises. 8 steps to insider threat monitoring for Zero Trust with Microsoft Azure 1) Enable User and Entity Behavior Analytics Azure ATP monitors and analyzes user activities and information across your network, such as permissions and group membership, creating a behavioral baseline for each user. Azure ATP then identifies anomalies with adaptive built-in intelligence, giving you insights into suspicious activities and events, revealing the advanced threats, compromised users, and insider threats facing your organization. Azure ATP’s proprietary sensors monitor organizational domain controllers, providing a comprehensive view for all user activities from every device. Azure ATP also enables SecOps analysts and security professionals struggling to detect advanced attacks in hybrid environments to: - Protect user identities and credentials stored in Active Directory - Identify and investigate suspicious user activities and advanced attacks throughout the kill chain - Provide clear incident information on a simple timeline for fast triage Enabling Azure ATP requires the following high-level steps: - Create your ATP instance - Connect to Active Directory - Download the Azure ATP sensor package - Install the ATP sensor To get started with creating an Azure ATP instance use the following steps. Note that GCC High customers must use the Azure ATP GCC High portal. - Click Create instance. - Your Azure ATP instance is automatically named with the Azure AD initial domain name and created in the data center located closest to your Azure AD. - Click Configuration, Manage role groups, and use the Azure AD Admin Center link to manage your role groups. - Complete the process by following the deployment guide for Azure AD connection and the Azure ATP Sensor Download/Installation. 2) Leverage Data Loss Prevention Monitoring for insider threats in zero trust models requires data classification. Classification facilitates more detailed monitoring, access control and security. Azure Information Protection (sometimes referred to as AIP) is a cloud-based solution that helps an organization to classify and optionally, protect its documents and emails by applying labels. Labels can be applied automatically by administrators who define rules and conditions, manually by users, or a combination where users are given recommendations. The following picture shows an example of Azure Information Protection in action on a user’s computer. The administrator has configured a label with rules that detect sensitive data. When a user saves a Word document that contains a credit card number, a custom tooltip that recommends the label that the administrator has configured. This label classifies the document and protects it. After your content is classified (and optionally protected), you can then track and control how it is used. You can analyze data flows to gain insight into your business, detect risky behaviors and take corrective measures, track access to documents, prevent data leakage or misuse, and so on. For more information on getting started with Azure Information Protection, see Quickstart: Get started with Azure Information Protection in the Azure portal. 3) Enforce Strict Access Control Strict access control is a central tenant to Zero Trust models. Access management for cloud resources is critical for any organization that uses the cloud. Access control makes it more challenging for an insider threat to move laterally within the environment and creates additional tripwires for insider threat detection. Role-based access control (RBAC) helps manage who has access to Azure resources, what they can do with those resources, and what areas they have access to. Designating groups or individual roles responsible for specific functions in Azure helps avoid confusion that can lead to human and automation errors that create security risks. Restricting access based on the need to know and least privilege security principles is imperative for organizations that want to enforce security policies for data access. For more information, see Azure Identity Management and access control security best practices. 4) Identify Unauthorized Assets Identification of unauthorized assets and software is another potential indicator of insider threat activity. Unauthorized assets can perform as anchor points for exfiltration while unauthorized software can facilitate exploitation and elevating access. Microsoft provides numerous offerings for combating Shadow IT. Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (MDATP) provides capabilities to inventory software on endpoints. Microsoft Cloud App Security can identify unauthorized assets across multiple cloud capabilities. Security Center helps you identify Shadow IT subscriptions. By looking at subscriptions labeled not covered in your dashboard, you can know immediately when there are newly created subscriptions and make sure they are covered by your policies, and protected by Azure Security Center. The advanced monitoring capabilities in Security Center also let you track and manage compliance and governance over time. The overall compliance provides you with a measure of how much your subscriptions are compliant with policies associated with your workload. Non-compliant assets are a possible indication of unauthorized assets in the cloud environment. For more information, see What is Azure Security Center? 5) Monitor Anomalous Activity Anomalous activity is an indicator of possible insider threat activity. Security teams can leverage user baseline activity, set deviation tolerances and alert on anomalies outside respective risk tolerances. Azure ATP monitors and analyzes user activities and information across your network, such as permissions and group membership, creating a behavioral baseline for each user. Azure ATP then identifies anomalies with adaptive built-in intelligence, giving you insights into suspicious activities and events, revealing the advanced threats, compromised users, and insider threats facing your organization. Azure ATP’s proprietary sensors monitor organizational domain controllers, providing a comprehensive view for all user activities from every device. Azure ATP alerts are reviewed on the Security Alerts Timeline. Each security alert provides the following information: - Entities involved, including users, computers, servers, domain controllers, and resources. - Times and time frame of the suspicious activities which initiated the security alert. - Severity of the alert: High, Medium, or Low. - Status: Open, closed, or suppressed. - Security alert category: - Compromised credential - Lateral movement - Domain dominance - Ability to: - Share the security alert with other people in your organization via email. - Download the security alert in Excel format. For more information, see Working with Security Alerts. 6) Employ Deception Techniques Zero Trust is based in an “assume breach mindset”. While there are several methods to detecting insider threats, evaluating true vs. false positive events in security monitoring is a challenging affair. What if there was a way to bring the insider threat to us? Deception techniques involve deflecting attacks away from critical assets and towards more attractive targets. These techniques include leveraging honeypots and honeynet tokens. A honeypot is an intentionally vulnerable asset hosting data of interest to an attacker or insider threat. This could include open file shares, passwords, insecure services and seemingly sensitive data. This technique allows cyber defenders to place a tripwire for insider threat detection as it is unlikely legitimate users would access these resources. Honeytoken accounts are a similar technique with decoy accounts set up to identify and track malicious activity that involves these accounts. Honeytoken accounts should be left unused, while having an attractive name to lure attackers (for example, SQL-Admin). Any activity from them might indicate malicious behavior. Security teams can host honeypot assets such as virtual machines, files and assets within the network and alert on access via integration with a SIEM solution such as Azure Sentinel. Honeypot assets can also host readily exposed honeytoken account credentials for a second layer of access monitoring. Azure ATP provides the capability to configure monitoring for honeytoken accounts. Leverage Azure ATP for honeynet account monitoring via the steps below: - From the Azure ATP portal, click the settings icon and select Configuration. - Under Detection, click Entity tags. - Under Honeytoken accounts, enter the Honeytoken account name and click the + sign. The Honeytoken accounts field is searchable and automatically displays entities in your network. Click Save. - Click Exclusions. Enter a user account or IP address to be excluded from the detection, for each type of threat. - Click the plus The Add entity (user or computer) field is searchable and will autofill with entities in your network. Click Save Check the attack timeline to view security alerts generated from detected activities and search for users or computers and view their profiles. For more information, see Configure detection exclusions and honeytoken accounts. 7) Identify & Analyze Risk Azure ATP alert evidence and lateral movement paths provide clear indications when users have performed suspicious activities or indications exist that their account has been compromised. Investigation suggestions help determine the risk to your organization, decide how to remediate, and determine the best way to prevent similar future attacks. Azure ATP allows security teams to gather information about the user, investigate activities that the user performed, investigate resources the user accessed and investigate lateral movement paths. Azure ATP facilitates investigation steps for suspicious users to determine the following information which is critical for identifying and analyzing user risk to the organization: - Who is the user? - Is the user a sensitive user (such as admin, or on a watchlist, etc.)? - What is their role within the organization? - Are they significant in the organizational tree? - Suspicious activities to investigate: - Does the user have other opened alerts in Azure ATP, or in other security tools such as Windows Defender-ATP, Azure Security Center and/or Microsoft CAS? - Did the user have failed logons? - Which resources did the user access? - Did the user access high value resources? - Was the user supposed to access the resources they accessed? - Which computers did the user log in to? - Was the user supposed to log in to those computers? - Is there a lateral movement path (LMP) between the user and a sensitive user? For more information, see Tutorial: Investigate a user. 8) Limit & Contain Threats Identification of an insider threat may require remediation actions such as limiting access and containing the threat. Microsoft provides numerous resources for supporting this type of incident response. Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection (MDATP) provides capabilities to contain the endpoint machine. Microsoft Cloud App Security can identify and restrict access across multiple cloud capabilities. Azure Firewall and Network Security Groups provide capabilities to block or limit access on the network. Azure Active Directory provides capabilities to temporarily or permanently restrict user access from the network. Azure Active Directory Identity Protection provides an automated capability for limiting threats in support of Zero Trust models. Identity Protection analyzes signals from each sign-in, both real-time and offline, and calculates a risk score. Administrators can decide based on this risk score signal to enforce organizational requirements. Administrators can choose to block access, allow access, or allow access but require multi-factor authentication. Configure and enable risk policies via the steps below: - Navigate to the Azure portal. - Browse to Azure Active Directory > Security > Identity Protection > Overview. - Select Configure user risk policy. - Under Assignments - Users – Choose All users or Select individuals and groups if limiting your rollout. - Conditions – User risk Microsoft’s recommendation is to set this option to High. - Under Controls - Access – Microsoft’s recommendation is to Allow access and Require password change. - Enforce Policy – On - Save – This action will return you to the Overview - Under Assignments - Select Configure sign-in risk policy. - Under Assignments - Users – Choose All users or Select individuals and groups if limiting your rollout. - Conditions – Sign-in risk Microsoft’s recommendation is to set this option to Medium and above. - Under Controls - Access – Microsoft’s recommendation is to Allow access and Require multi-factor authentication. - Enforce Policy – On - Under Assignments Learn more about Zero Trust with Microsoft Here are some of the best resource to learn more about Zero Trust in the cloud with Microsoft: - Reach the Optimal State in your Zero Trust Journey - The Zero Trust Maturity Model - Zero Trust: A New Era of Security - Implementing a Zero Trust Security Model at Microsoft - Zero Trust Strategy: What Good Looks Like - Securing Mobile: Designing SaaS Service Implementations to Meet Federal TIC Policy Be sure to check out the other topics we have covered in this series: - Implementing Zero Trust with Microsoft Azure: Identity and Access Management - Protecting Cloud Workloads for Zero Trust with Azure Security Center - Monitoring Cloud Security for Zero Trust with Azure Sentinel - Enforcing Policy for Zero Trust with Azure Policy - Supply Chain Risk Management for Zero Trust with Microsoft Azure Are you a federal government agency that needs help with cybersecurity? Reach out to TJ Banasik or Mark McIntyre for additional details on the content above, or if you have any other questions about Microsoft’s cybersecurity investments for the federal government. [i] National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2019, September 1). Draft NIST Special Publication 800-207: Zero Trust Architecture. Retrieved January 25, 2020, from https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-207-draft.pdf [ii] Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. (2019, December 1). Trusted Internet Connections 3.0: Volume 3 Security Capabilities Handbook. Retrieved January 22, 2020, from https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Draft%20TIC%203.0%20Vol.%203%20Security%20Capabilities%20Handbook.pdf [iii] National Institute of Standards and Technology. (2018, April 16). Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity. Retrieved January 22, 2020, from https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/CSWP/NIST.CSWP.04162018.pdf
- Symbolism and meaning of the bouquet in blue - What flowers to choose for a blue bouquet of the bride? - Photo of beautiful wedding bouquets in blue tones The value of accessories for a wedding dress is difficult to overestimate. When choosing a flower arrangement for a bride, one must remember that she will attract no less attention than a formal outfit. The main parameters by which the accessory is selected are the colors and the style of the event. Newlyweds are increasingly turning their attention to a blue wedding bouquet. This color is suitable for any outfit and decoration of the hall.. Symbolism and meaning of the bouquet in blue A beautiful wedding bouquet is a great way to emphasize the beauty of the dress, as well as express your feelings. Each stage of creating a flower ensemble carries its own semantic load. A good florist will pick up flowers not only based on the general palette of wedding tones, but also take into account the particular shape and preferences of the bride. The image of the accessory is largely dependent on the symbolism of the color scheme.. The blue tone itself is considered a symbol of heavenly purity, freshness, youth and tenderness. A newlywed bouquet in such a color scheme embodies fidelity, support, protection. The blue-blue flower arrangement in the hands of the bride is a symbol of family happiness and protection of husband and wife relations. If a girl chose such a gamut for her bouquet, she is patient and sensual, she will always provide support, but she also needs it. The bride with a blue floral arrangement has a calm character and devotion to loved ones. Accessories for decorating a bouquet in blue The wedding bouquet is selected taking into account the outfits of the bride and groom, the decoration of the hall, style, the idea of the ceremony. They are determined with the choice after the design of the premises and the choice of marriage suits. To make the overall picture of the holiday a success, add heavenly colors to compositions on tables, use covers for chairs of the desired shades. The groom puts on a blue tie or cufflinks, the bride - blue shoes. Girlfriend dresses are often chosen to match the chosen colors.. The bouquet itself is decorated with accessories that add piquancy, originality to the overall image. To make the flowers look more harmonious, use ribbons, lace, beads to decorate the legs. The main thing here is not to overdo it. A sense of proportion is the key to a successful composition. Heavenly color resonates well with white. Many florists make up an ensemble of large blue flowers with the addition of small white buds. At the same time, it becomes possible to add bright accessories. What flowers to choose for a blue bouquet of the bride? Themed celebrations are gaining more and more popularity. A wedding in blue is no exception. Choosing the shades of accessories for the outfits of the couple, you should pay attention to the flowers for the bride. The turquoise color goes well with a snow-white dress. It can favorably emphasize the figure, eyes or draw attention to the original outfit. When drawing up the correct ensemble, florists use hydrangea, delphinium, iris, hyacinth, roses or orchids. When choosing flowers, you must consider the final gamut of the bouquet. It is believed that orchids are an exotic and not very common plant. But not one species on earth is not so diverse in colors and shades of flowers. Orchid is an expensive flower, so it is used to compose ensembles for solemn, significant events. A wedding is no exception. According to popular belief, these plants carry pure love, fidelity. Orchids symbolize the sun, warmth and fertility. All these qualities are appreciated by the newlyweds, therefore, when compiling a bouquet of the hero of the occasion, blue orchids will be indispensable. You can make a beautiful ensemble of flowers for a bouquet using hydrangeas. The inflorescences of this decorative plant, which has a porcelain structure of flowers, look voluminous, so they complement the image of the bride well. Compositions with hydrangea look rich. This flower is credited with a positive aura. It is believed that hydrangea symbolizes courage, devotion, sincerity, modesty, hope. It goes well with other colors. For example, roses, orchids and lilies. Delphinium is often used to compose an original bouquet. These blue flowers got their name because of their resemblance to the outline of a dolphin. According to one legend, the delphinium is considered a flower of love and fidelity. It was presented to his beloved by a young man, whom the gods turned into a dolphin because he created a sculpture of a girl and revived it. There is a belief that dolphinium flowers heal wounds, have life-giving power, and can be a wonderful amulet. They symbolize the gift of love and are great for weddings. Creating wedding bouquets, florists often use blue, blue roses. Such flowers are considered a symbol of achieving impossible results. In nature, there are no roses with blue petals; they were artificially bred. These flowers give people a mysterious, extraordinary. Blue roses symbolize love, admiration, charm. In different countries, turquoise, heavenly color has its own meaning. For example, in Japan bouquets of flowers of blue or blue shades add a little mysticism, and in China it is a symbol of hope for the conquest of unattainable love. No plant in the world has as many meanings as a rose. The Greeks saw infinity in a rosebud, and the Romans - a symbol of strict moral culture. But in our country - this is a great choice for any special occasion, for example, for a wedding. Photo of beautiful wedding bouquets in blue tones Blue wedding bouquets look original if combined with other items of the bride’s wardrobe and interior decoration. First, a dress is selected, and then flowers. The shape of the bouquet depends on the figure of the girl, and the color must be in harmony with the general theme of the celebration. An ideal choice for a wedding ceremony could be a blue or blue floral ensemble. He will add tenderness and sensuality to the bride.
Create an Account In a few simple steps, parents or adult participants can create an account for themselves and their children. Only one account is needed per family! Participate in Studies Once you have created an account, we’ll schedule a quick video call to verify your identity. We’ll then send study participants fun and age-appropriate tasks to complete. As a thank you for participating, we’ll send you or your child an Amazon gift card (for online studies) or give you cash (for in-person studies). About the Hartley Lab The Hartley Lab is a psychology research lab at New York University. Dr. Catherine Hartley, an associate professor at NYU, leads our team of students and researchers. We study how children, adolescents, and adults learn and make decisions. Our research employs computational and neuroscientific approaches to characterize dynamic changes in learning, memory, and decision-making across development. Our studies have been published in top academic journals, and are funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, and other scientific and philanthropic organizations. The majority of our studies are for participants ages 8-25 years old, who are based in the United States. However, we do sometimes have opportunities for younger children (ages 3-7) or adults up to age 30. Some of our studies have specific eligibility criteria. When you sign up for our database, we will ask you to answer some screening questions so we can send you studies that you or your children may be eligible for. Most studies in the Hartley Lab involve playing computer games that measure different aspects of behavior (like learning and decision-making) and filling out questionnaires that ask about emotional states, family life, and other aspects of development. Some of our in-person studies also involve MRI scans, which let us understand how the brain responds to different tasks. None of our tasks are harmful to participants. Many of our studies take place over a single session that lasts between 30 minutes and 2 hours. Other studies involve multiple sessions. When we invite participants to take part in studies, we will always describe exactly what participants will do and how many sessions the study involves. Participants always have the opportunity to stop experiments partway through if they no longer want to participate. For online studies, we will ask you to fill out an online form providing your written consent for your child’s participation. For in-person studies, we do ask that you accompany your child to their appointment so we can receive your written consent for their participation, though children over 13 years old may attend on their own if we speak to you on the phone and receive your written permission. You may also be asked to fill out questionnaires that will provide us with more information about your child. Yes, participants are always compensated for their time. For online studies, participants (you or your child) will be compensated in the form of Amazon gift cards. The gift card will be sent to the email address that you use when you sign up for our database. In general, participants are compensated within 3 business day. If 7 days have passed and you haven’t received an email with the gift card, please contact our team via email. We will do our best to make sure participants are compensated for their participation in a timely manner. For in-person studies, participants will receive monetary compensation for their participation (at least $15/hour) at the end of the study. For MRI studies, participants will also receive a picture of their brain. Yes! Many of our studies are fully online. To take part, participants just need a stable internet connection and a quiet space to complete the session. At this time, most of our online studies also require a laptop or desktop computer (i.e., they cannot be completed on a phone or tablet). Please check your internet connection and close all other tabs on your computer. If you continue to have difficulties loading a study, please contact the Hartley lab team via email along with your name and a brief description of the problem you encountered. For in-person behavioral or brain imaging (MRI) studies, participants visit our lab located within NYU’s Department of Psychology at 6 Washington Place, New York, NY, 10003. Some of our in-person studies involve magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, which enable us to monitor activity in the brain. There are no known or foreseeable risks or side effects associated with MRI scanning procedures. Only individuals who have electrically, magnetically or mechanically activated implants, or metal in or on their bodies are at risk, because the MRI machine uses a huge magnet to take the images. Therefore, we screen all potential participants to ensure that they are safe to have an MRI and carefully remove all metal from eligible participants before they are approved to enter the MRI environment. We will provide more detailed information about MRI scanning if you come in to participate. If you would like more information about our research please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing us. If you include your phone number in your email, we are also more than happy to answer any questions you might have over the phone.
HP produces one of the most popular printers in this global market. But, being a technical gadget, it is not completely free from errors. Various error codes and technical flaws take a toll on various users frequently. Similarly, the HP Printer Error Code 0xc18a0201 hinders the normal performance of your printer to a great extent. Before troubleshooting the issue, you should know more about the error code in details. It is because, without sufficient information, it is quite difficult to troubleshoot it easily. What Leads To HP Printer Error Code 0xc18a0201? You may face an HP Printer Error Code 0xc18a0201 at any time whenever you are trying to access it. However, there are other causes as well. - Ink problem– If there is no ink in the cartridge, then you may face this error. - Missing cartridge chip- It may happen that your printer’s cartridge chip is missing. It is one of the common reason to get 0xc18a0201. - Improper Cartridge– You may have connected an improper cartridge or a damaged cartridge with your HP printer. Thus, you are facing this frustrating error code. Easy Steps To Fix HP Printer Error Code 0xc18a0201 Go through the remarkable solutions provided there or your help. Try to follow whichever is appropriate for the model of your HP printer. Method 1: Reset Your Printer Reset your printer to get rid of this error code. To do it go to the control panel and uninstall printer software package and reinstall it. If the problem is due to your software, then it will be solved. Now, restart your printer and wait for 30 sec. See if the error is still there or not. Method 2: Change The Ink System To change the power cartridge firstly, disconnect the USB cables from it. Then, remove the ink system from the device. Now, wait for “insert cartridge” message, it will take some time. After getting the message, turn off your printer and remove the power jacks connected to the wall socket and wait for sometime. Now, reconnect your printer and reinsert or change the cartridge of your printer. Method 3: Update Your Printer Driver You may get this error code due to an outdated printer driver as well. So update your printer driver as well. You can avoid common error codes of your HP printers to do a regular updating of your printing software. Method 4: Initialize Your Printer You can use “ONE TIME INK INITIALIZATION PROCESS” to resolve your issue. During this process, don’t interrupt your printer. When the process ends, try to print a page and see if the solution worked. The HP technicians regular clean up of hardware and regular updating of software to avoid error codes.
Check out the latest work from Mick Daley’s Corporate Raiders in Melbourne – Everybody’s Waitin’ for Somethin’ to Happen’ Best known as frontman and songwriter for hard-travelling band The Re-mains, and after twenty years on the road through Australia, Canada and Europe, Mick Daley has taken a turn for the verse with a swag of new solo picking songs. Reared on Bob Dylan, Van Morrison, Townes Van Zandt and Nick Cave, these songs bear their lyrical and musical hallmarks, by turns tender and savage. In 2014 he recorded an album, ‘Courage and Shuffle the Cards’ with The Corporate Raiders at Sydney’s Megaphon studios. In April 2015 he worked with Melbourne’s singer songwriting multi-instrumentalist legend Matt Walker on a proper acoustic solo album, Tiny Violins. With these ballads and dirges he delivers a rich history as a genuine Australian folksinger. Coming on top of the eight albums of original material released with The Re-Mains and played on national radio and television and in Europe and Canada, this represents a significant body of work –enough for Jeff Glorfeld of The Melbourne Age to call The Re-mains “arguably Australia’s best country rock band”. Mick’s new solo work, which returns to his folksy, hitching-around-Australia-thinking-he-was-Bob-Dylan roots, kickstarted at the 2014 Majors Creek festival and in pubs and clubs around NSW and Victoria. Hauling the personal kicking and screaming into the political arenas, he’s fond of stark tales from the interesting times we live in. As well as rock and roll. Mick will be touring these two albums, solo and with the Corporate Raiders throughout 2015. There’ll be rock, there’ll be folky rock, there’ll be country rock n roll, if Jones is squiffy, there’ll be bossanova. There are two chapters of The Corporate Raiders, one residing in Sydney, one in Melbourne. Melbourne boasts the inimitable Scotty Dog Bennett, a long-time Re-main and founding Raider. A king-hit drummer, much demand in his beloved and chilly city. Tarmes. Alongside him are Sam Fiddian, seen in the first pic, and Mark McCartney, in this photo playing bass with Mick Thomas. Former Raider Tim Crossey tired of that instrument and got his own band on the road, though he now guests on piano and riders. He’s seen here using a Big Muff pedal to make insane feedback noise. The Sydney chapter is anchored by live-wire Marrickville bass-playing bar bloke Tom Jones, who is partial to jazz. And beer. Another long-term Re-mains detainee, he has taken the noble art of the bossanova a little too far. Also in that pic is Grant Bedford, who the Re-Mains tried to kill, and who now plays the blues with the Hipshooters, and occasionally Raids. Here is a sensitive pic of some of the Sydney combo, taken by my good mate Dean Sewell. It features Michael ‘Plugger’ Ward (right) on drums. An interesting fact is that Wardy has been sober for a loooong time now, after breaking his elbow following a night spent doing sound for the band. Here’s what stuff used to be like. Here’s Tom Jones being cool as fuck. Some interesting cats have played in the Raiders. Marty Burke played on the album and lived, briefly, in Melbourne. He’s now back in NSW and often to be found propping up the bar at the Junkyard. He’s also responsible for the crazy guitar runs in Secret Spell. He can be seen here at far left, being unobtrusive. And here, overdubbing some organ on the album out at Moore Creek. Then there’s Ross Waraker, a Hammond man, who also played fantastic stuff on the album, and plays in the Sydney ensemble. Here he is in the line-up that played on the album, less Sue Morley, and Sal Yates, and Tom Hespe, and Doug who will feature shortly. It’s all pretty blokey so far, but they’re shortly to be revealed in all their glory. Oh, and Grant Bedford, second from left, didn’t play on the record either, but he did play at the Town and Country that night. And he’s my brother-in-law, and I did try to kill him once. Or rather, the Curse did. Rosscoe is in the middle. Su did some sterling work on the album and played fiddle with me at the Majors Creek Festival last year, my first solo festival outing. She had a tough time last year and is back firing on all cylinders. Sal Yates, the owner of one of the greatest voices around, is a swell chick who I’ve played in a few outfits with, including the mysterious Ghost Mountain. She did some spookily good backing vocals on the album. Tom Hespe and Doug Hazell are also mainstays of the fast drinking Slowdowns and together they comprise the Kenny G Spot Experience. They’ve been blowing horns with the Re-Mains here and there for a few years, and they blew up a couple of songs on the album with rare finesse and power. Dylan Hartas, who’s got his own band and is a member of the notorious Slowdowns, is playing guitar with the Sydney group. He’s seen here with me and Tom Jones at the Grand Junction Hotel, best pub in Australia, hands down. Then there’s Lachy Monaro, who played drums on an infamous tour, and only fell asleep on stage once. Seen here with Tilly. Here’s my own sadly departed little secret worker, Ticketyboo, showing the pups how it’s done. Grant also joins me on North Coast forays. We both used to live up there and when in town at the same time, have been known to haunt anti coal seam gas movie premieres with The Orwellian Nightmare. Seen at the Byron Bay Frackman debut. L to R – Connor Cleary, Grant Bedford, myself and Al Brooker. Another ex-Coastee, now a King Hit gittar playing Cramps-loving rock and roll freak is Adam Bell, who I played with the very weird outfits Bumphead and Pete’s New Lawnmower in Wagga Wagga in the 90s. He does all the Re-Mains and Raiders album artwork and interwebs design work too. As a special bonus, he also played bass on the Re-Mains 2013 European jaunt. Speaking of The Re-Mains, Leigh Ivin produced the album at Megaphon (Musicfeeds) studio in Sydney and the Moore Creek studio built by himself and Ronny Rindo. Now a big-time studio whiz kid, here he is back in the day on the steel. Alongside him is old maaaaate Stephen Teakle AKA Stretch, AKA Barry Morgan. In June a cross-cultural chapter of the band featuring Scotty Dog, Tom Jones and Uncle Burnin Love AKA Shaun Butcher the dabbest banjo hand in the North will be jetting to the Territory for a bunch of gigs. UBL is a photogenic banjo player. Seen here in a variety of poses, he’s always good for a rocknroll moment. Such as this one – at the infamous Nymagee Outback Festival of ’09. Only the hardest of the hardcore hard-travellin CRnR bands would travel out to this far-flung NSW outback town, to play for nothin’ and hardly nobody except their peers. In the heat and the dust, with flies like flying rats and burrs like mines that would take your foot off, we’d carouse for two or three days, sing each others songs and sleep in dusty shanties. Then we’d all limp off home and resume our occasionally normal lives. UBL at centre stage is clearly indulging in some heated chordal discussion with Glenys Rae Virus. Other guitarists who have guested at Raiders gigs include Stew Cunningham, AKA Leadfinger, from the band of the same name. Then there’s the irrepressible Hank Denfield, AKA Den Hanrahan, who’s an honourary Re-Main as well. Here’s the three-piece Daley, Jones, Cunningham at the Gasoline Pony on Jan 31, 2016. With headstanding assistance from Doc. Here’s some updates. I’m about to play Mazstock, Lismore’s very own rock and roll festival featuring this lady (below) whom it is named after and who curates it. The Sydney chapter of the Corporate Raiders, now featuring members of the brilliant band Leadfinger will be joining me at Mazstock. Here they are, some of the best purveyors of rock and roll in the country. L to R: Stew Cunningham AKA Leadfinger; Dillon Hicks AKA Leadfoot. Yours truly. Reggie Screen. Here’s us again at Frankies Pizza by the Slice: Above is another great lineup: That’s from l to r, Christian Pyle, Darren J Bridge, myself, Shaun Butcher, an unidentified male and on drums Brendan Drinkwater. I believe the venue is Federal Hall. This is the Mick Daley trio, otherwise known as the Wayshegoes. That’s Adam Bell on electric guitar and Tom Jones on double bass. Here’s another shot of that band at the Gooloogong Hotel in April. I’ve neglected to mention the release of this album late last year. A solo work with Matt Walker producing and playing thereon, I regard it as one of my best. Few weeks ago The Melbourne Corporate Raiders played an Americana festival at the Retreat Hotel in Melbourne. This was the night after I’d supported Bill Chambers at the Bella Union, Melbourne’s historic Trade Union Hall, where Squizzy Taylor ran amok with a machine gun and you can still see the bullet holes in the walls. Anyway, the next day Bill came down to the Retreat and played steel on Woke Up Sad. And here’s another pic of the band, with Tim Crossey standing in as our Bez. Crossey made another appearance at the last ad hoc Raiders gig last January in Nundle. He likes to show up whenever there’s a good rider in the offing. Here’s me at a recent house concert in Lismore. I’m playing Wild Cattle Creek, an old blockading ballad of mine from the 90s, when we ferals used to terrorise the robber timber barons. This is my mate Laurie Axtens, aka the Loon, who hosts the Lismore house concerts. Here you’re seeing the redoubtable Kate Hosking in action. Kate toured with me quite a bit over the past couple of years and starred in the briefly meteoric Alternative Fax with Adam Bell. Currently residing in Wilcannia, we’re hoping she returns soon to reignite some Alt Faxing. Glamour shot of Kate in action in the Dashville Progress Society last year.
The Impact of Social Media on Technical Communication -- Podcast Interview with Bill Albing Duration: 27 min. In this podcast, I talk with Bill Albing, founder of KeyContent.org, about the impact of social media on technical communication. Bill talks about different ways social media helps audiences interconnect and interact. Good social media technologies enable professionals to collaborate easily, without being encumbered by complicated technology or even burdened by managing and filtering feeds. Bill explains that the web is more than just a venue for publication -- it's a medium that allows people to interconnect and work/collaborate with information. This is the direction we're moving towards, and technical communicators are starting to integrate social media, such as user forums, directly into their help. Resources Mentioned in the Podcast - KeyContent blog - Bill on Naymz - Linked in - Content Wrangler LinkedIn - Flare's online help file with Feedback server - My instructions for installing mediawiki - Yahoo pipes - Joann hackos' blog - Ann rockley's blog - Neil perlin's blog - Alan houser's blog - Bill's slideshares on social media MadCap Flare is the most versatile XML-based Help authoring tool on the market, with thousands of customers using MadCap products including Microsoft, Google, HP, GE, yahoo and the list goes on. Check out Flare version 3.1 and a host of other new tools at at madcapsoftware.com. Lunar Pages offers basic web hosting starting at $6.95. When you sign up for a basic hosting account, you get 350 GB of storage, 3500 GB of bandwidth per month, free tech support, Fantastico, and and dozens of other tools. If you've been thinking about starting your own self-hosted blog, contact Lunarpages.com to set it up. Adobe – The Technical Communication Suite software offers a complete solution for authoring, managing, and publishing interactive instructional information from technical documents and books to online help systems, knowledge bases, interactive training, and eLearning content in multiple formats and languages. Learn more here. About Tom Johnson I'm a technical writer / API doc specialist based in the Seattle area. In this blog, I write about topics related to technical writing and communication — such as software documentation, API documentation, visual communication, information architecture, writing techniques, plain language, tech comm careers, and more. Check out simplifying complexity and API documentation for some deep dives into these topics. If you're a technical writer and want to keep on top of the latest trends in the field, be sure to subscribe to email updates. You can also learn more about me or contact me.
There are few things more daunting than beginning a brand-new writing project. November always ushers in national novel writing month. This is a great time to finally challenge yourself and complete your next novel. These 7 tips will help set you up for success. 1. Set realistic goals It’s important to be realistic when setting your writing goals. Your expectations can easily get away from you when you aren’t looking objectively at what’s possible. Everyone wants to achieve greatness, but greatness is only made through gradual small steps. Be honest with yourself and what you can realistically do. 2. Block out time There should be times in your day where all distractions are blocked out. We all get tempted on occasion to reach for our phone and snag a quick social media break. However, little distractions lead to large gaps in time and can derail progress fast. Don’t shortchange your efforts by allowing distractions to steal your time. 3. Map out your milestones Use micro-goals to maintain your progress and reduce overwhelm. If you have a day where you fall behind in your daily writing goal, simply pace your catch-up. You don’t need to hammer out twenty-thousand words a day to be successful. It all begins with bite-sized building blocks. Sometimes being hyper-focused on that final goal can be terrible for your inspiration. Keep your mind from getting the best of you. 4. Protect your energy You can’t drive a car without gas. You can’t meet your writing goals on empty, either. You must protect your biology. This includes eating properly, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep. Honestly, there are even certain relationships that can drain our energy. Be prepared to set up boundaries in your relationships if needed. Share your writing goals with your friends and family so they can understand why you might need the space you do to create. 5. Understand your motivation Understanding your why can be a powerful fuel source to help you meet your goals. What made you want to start writing? Why did you choose to participate in NaNoWriMo? What really inspires you to create? These answers can really provide a substantial push to get you to the destination. Keep visual reminders around to help keep you motivated and productive. 6. Create a workspace that helps you write Every writer is unique and has different workspace needs for their creative process. Do you have a designated space to create? You need to learn what type of environment you work best in. Does music or mood lighting help you create? Maybe you write better in candlelight. Maybe you work best with a fresh cup of coffee. Be intentional to establish an environment that helps your creative juices flow. 7. Prioritize self-care Self-care might sound like an obvious step, but it’s often something that gets a lower priority than other tasks. When we are hyper-focused on our word count goals daily, then we can easily overlook the obvious. You can forget to eat specific meals or neglect to take breaks when you are in the middle of your writing groove. We recommend keeping your favorite snacks handy and plan out your breaks ahead of time. You should also be intentional to get 7-8 hours of sleep. Neglecting self-care can have a devastating impact on your creativity and your health. Prepare ahead of time and be intentional about protecting your health. At the end of the day, writing is tough. To create something from nothing takes a lot of energy and patience. And honestly, sometimes it can even take a lot of tears. Use your resources (ex: word sprints, support groups, visual aids, etc.) Find your flow, set your goals, and keep on going. You got this!
For decades our culture has stopped valuing modesty, instead valuing women for all the wrong reasons. Yet, as parents, we try to teach our children to dress and act appropriately despite what we see and hear around us. How difficult is it to teach our children, teenagers and young adults the value of self-worth and respect, when our culture isn’t teaching it? I don’t have children yet, but I do fear, when the time comes, what this will be like for them. We live in a “sex-crazed” society; sexual messages are everywhere, and are reviewed by children. What was once known as unacceptable or risqué is now accepted and we see it everyday. There is no wonder, some boys and men experience difficulty fighting their temptations, or sudden urges to look, speak and act, when sex is around us, all the time. It is very important to understand, men have a responsibility to control, but .. women have responsibility, too. Women have to start taking responsibility for their wardrobes or lack there of. What you choose to wear, and how you wear it, reflects who you are, more so, it will impact the type of men you attract. This can impact their behaviours and attitudes they have towards YOU, and sex. You have to think about the kind of man you want in your life. If you choose to dress seductively, you are sending a message implying you are “impure,” and attracting a man who is fine with that. If you choose to dress more modest, you will attract a man who is attracted to who you are as a person. To be modest, doesn’t have to mean, you cover yourself from head to toe. Although, in some religious beliefs, perhaps this does. Modesty can mean different things, to different people. Someone who is modest, doesn’t solicit them self by how they dress. In order to teach this to young girls, you have to decide what you consider to be modest. This has become more difficult because society’s standards have changed. When I was in school, exposing bra straps were considered embarrassing. Shopping for bras, when I was a young girl, were plain, and considered “no big deal,” as far as style and colour choices are concerned. Today, stores have “sexified” undergarments and have also added thongs and Brazilian cut panties for young girls. Girls, today, purposely show their bra straps, and thongs, not to mention wearing pantyhose as pants. So how do we decide what is modest, and what isn’t? How do we change what has already happened? This is a decision up to you, as parents, to set this standard. This is a decision you have to make with your spouse. You can not make a decision and have it be effective, if you include your daughter. Discuss what clothing you find acceptable and NOT acceptable in public. Talk about specific ages to wear heels, and make up. Parents, familiarize yourself with the latest trends, fad’s and slang. Hidden sexual messages are all over clothes and accessories today, and slang is used everyday. Unfortunately, most of these things slip under the parental radar, not because you don’t care, because the “meanings” have changed. Communicate with your daughter, your daughter’s friends, and do your research. Simple fact, if you don’t know, chances are, your daughter does, Ask! Most importantly, stay connected with your daughter, this includes telling your daughter how beautiful and proud you are of her. Help them understand why this is important, and teach them along the way, so they can make good decisions on their own. Women already have a hard time being valued, respected and treated, don’t add more fuel to the fire, by wearing something that gives others the opportunity to devalue who you are. We live in the twenty-first century, its time to stop blaming media for everything, men for “gawking,” and embrace modesty.
labor Bernie’s Labor Support Snowballs Most national unions haven’t picked a favorite yet in the Democratic presidential primary. It’s been a boon for Bernie Sanders. Rather than harming Sanders, a longtime labor ally who has promised to work to double union membership as president, the reluctance to offer endorsements at the national level has enabled more progressive-minded local unions and labor groups to come out in force for the Vermont senator. Sanders has already racked up 11 labor endorsements, more than any of his Democratic rivals, most of which are from local, regional and statewide unions. And some are among the most powerful labor organizations in early-voting and Super Tuesday states. The local endorsements are filling the political void left by national unions, still gun-shy after the acrimonious 2016 primary election left many rank-and-file members furious that their leaders supported Hillary Clinton over Sanders. Most are staying neutral for now, including some that have longstanding relationships with Joe Biden. Five unions have come out for Biden, including three international or national unions, and three have gone for Warren, one of which is a national group that also co-endorsed Sanders. None has endorsed Pete Buttigieg. The support of labor unions such as New Hampshire’s SEIU Local 1984, which represents more than 10,000 members, gives Sanders a boost of momentum and ground troops in critical early-voting states. Sanders has also won the backing of large teachers local unions in California, which votes on Super Tuesday, and in Nevada. “We will have boots on the ground, canvass for him, get out the vote,” said Rich Gulla, president of SEIU Local 1984. “He's talking good-paying jobs, he’s talking health care. I think he’s resonating with labor and, quite frankly, with a lot of working people in this country that are finding it more difficult to make ends meet, and I think that’s why he’s getting the endorsements that he’s getting.” Though Biden has fewer unions backing him, he won the support of two international unions that together represent nearly 400,000 U.S. members: the International Association of Fire Fighters and the Iron Workers. Sanders has three national unions behind him. Given teachers' and nurses’ close relationships with members in their communities, Sanders’ team is hopeful that their canvassing will be especially effective. It’s unclear which candidates other labor groups will endorse as the primary unfolds. More building trades are expected to side with Biden at some point, and there is a possibility that some pro-Sanders local unions will put pressure on their national unions to put their weight behind him. Robert Reich, who served as labor secretary under the Clinton administration, suggested that Sanders’ success stems from his work courting unions and their members, including by proposing to offer them advantages if Medicare for All passed. Under his plan, businesses whose workers have union-negotiated health care coverage would have to renegotiate their contracts if single-payer became the law of the land — and direct any windfall to the employees. “Sanders has been particularly diligent in appealing to unions and workers. He's proposed expanding union power and doubling union membership during his first four years in office. He's demonstrated solidarity with striking workers,” Reich said. “Many unions are still weighing other candidates, especially Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden, but Bernie seems to be in the lead right now.” Sanders might also be benefiting from the effort he’s made to professionalize his 2020 campaign, including his political operation. In 2016, he had no political director. Analilia Mejia, who previously worked for SEIU and UNITE HERE, is now his national political director. “I come out of the labor movement. My deputy comes out of the labor movement. A bunch of the staff comes out of the labor movement,” she said. “I was talking to one labor leader and they were like, ‘It’s nice to talk to a campaign that understands the difference between a lockout and a strike.’" Sanders’ campaign has also texted and emailed its supporters to encourage them to stand on picket lines and raise money for labor groups. While Sanders’ supporters in labor unions are campaigning for him in early states, the pro-Biden Fire Fighters are blanketing the same areas. In Iowa, international leaders are meeting with locals and educating them about the caucus process, including how to persuade people during the second alignment. “That is when you can use the influence, the voice, your reputation with your neighbors to say, ‘Come stand with us. Stand with your firefighters and stand with Joe Biden,’” said Harold Schaitberger, president of the IAFF. “They trust you, they admire you, they hold you in high regard.”
Fringe Forever: Bohemian Style Nail Stamping Starter Kit WHAT IS NAIL STAMPING? Our Fringe Forever Nail Stamping Starter Kit is the perfect companion for your new nail adventures. Free your mind with Moroccan style mosaic designs and flirty, bohemian fringes. Just paint your nails with your favorite nail polish colors and stamp with our highly pigmented polish for bold, vibrant nail art. Included in this Set: - Best Fringe Forever (m014) stamping plate - 5ml of Smudge Free Top Coat - 5ml of Monarch Dream (B178) Pastel Purple Stamping Polish - Clear rectangular Ice Cube stamper - Maniology mini scraper card All of our stamping polishes are highly pigmented for bold lines and vibrant colors, plus they're all 5-free! (See details for more info.) "5 simple steps" for nail stamping Apply Creative Art Polish over your selected design on the nail stamping plate. Holding your scraper card at a 45-degree angle, gently scrape excess polish off the design towards the edge. Move quickly! Using the squishy part of your stamper, pick up the image with an up and down technique. With the design transferred to the stamper, place the design onto your nail bed using a smooth rolling motion. Seal your design with our No Smudge top coat and swoon! It is very user friendly. I love the plate. I don’t have long nails so am going to try on nail tips next. I don’t have a dark enough polish for the lavender (it is a great shade). I am thinking black would work better but not a color I use so need to get it. This is a great product, easy to use, drys quickly, no smear top coat is amazing. I have been watching your tutorials and am waiting to try plates for double stamping. Would recommend to everyone. I have been inspired to take better care of my nails again. Thank you!!! Super cute boho patterns Love this stamp design for chic boho nails. Perfect for a Wedding! I absolutely LOVE this plate! I only just got it, so I have a lot of ideas, thanks to the previous reviewers of this plate. I took inspiration from someone for this manicure I did for a wedding this past Saturday. Great plate!! The system is so easy to use and I look forward to creating many unique nails. I did my hippie mom’s nails using this gorgeous plate. She absolutely loved the different fringes and bohemian styles here. It turned out so well that I even did her toes! Oops, this item is sold out (but not for long!). Leave us your email address, and you’ll be the first to know when it’s back in stock. Pinky promise.
Sea World is now the only place in Australia breeding dolphins in captivity. The RSPCA says it must stop but the park says parenthood is good for its dolphins. When a small NSW tourist park volunteered last year to stop breeding dolphins, Sea World suddenly found itself alone. The Queensland attraction is now the only one in Australia breeding dolphins in captivity, something the RSPCA says cannot be justified and should be outlawed. But Sea World has no plans to halt its managed breeding program, saying it makes an enormous contribution to the welfare of the dolphins it keeps. And the Queensland government says it won’t be following NSW, which last year banned captive dolphin breeding. It was imposed after NSW’s sole remaining operator—the Dolphin Marine Conservation Park at Coffs Harbour—said it would no longer engage in the practice. Further breeding was never really on the cards because the park’s three remaining dolphins—all born at the park—are related. But what the ban has done is effectively end the use of dolphins for entertainment in NSW. It has long been illegal in Australia to capture wild dolphins for commercial purposes and without permission to breed, any new operator in NSW would be unable to maintain a captive population. Sea World, on Queensland’s Gold Coast, is now entirely alone in terms of Australian captive dolphin breeding programs linked to commercial enterprise. Every year, millions of tourists pay to visit the park which offers adrenaline-pumping rides alongside opportunities to learn about and interact with a range of animals, including its 27 dolphins. Visitors can also watch dolphins perform in shows and pay extra to swim with them. Without doubt, some of the dolphins now on show would not be alive had Sea World not rescued and nursed them back to health and given them a home. Take RAAF, for example. He was found as a young calf, badly sunburnt and stranded on the high tide mark at Evans Head in NSW. After weeks of care he recovered but could not be released because he never learned how to survive in the wild. But Sea World also breeds the two species it keeps—the offshore bottlenose dolphin and inshore bottlenose dolphin neither of which is endangered or threatened. The RSPCA says given the health of wild bottlenose dolphin populations there are no grounds to continue captive breeding. “Young dolphins should not be born and raised in an artificial environment, and be destined to live for several decades in pools and tanks where space is limited and the opportunity to express many natural behaviours is denied,” it wrote last year in a submission to a NSW parliamentary inquiry into the exhibition of cetaceans. Wayne Phillips has been Sea World’s head of marine sciences for the past two years and says “conservation education” and animal welfare are the main reasons the park breeds dolphins. “These animals are ambassadors for their species. We see a strong role for zoological facilities in educating the public and maintaining that connection to nature,” he told AAP. He says Sea World’s dolphins also have richer lives thanks to breeding. “Just like grandkids, they bring a whole zest and life to any household. We’re not going to remove something that’s positive for the animals.” The last birth was about two years ago and reproduction is carefully managed to ensure the three-dolphin lagoon systems aren’t over populated. Generally that means keeping males and females apart, and occasionally the use of contraception. If a pregnancy is desired, only non-related animals are paired. Phillips also points to welfare initiatives including regular independent evaluations and continuously gathered data on key indicators such as appetite and willingness to participate in activities. But critics say as long as Sea World has permission to breed, it has a guaranteed supply chain. Of its 27 dolphins, 19 were bred there. Animal Justice Party MP Emma Hurst was deputy chair of the NSW cetaceans inquiry and is among those demanding a Queensland ban on breeding. She says the state government is in denial about the inevitable death of dolphin parks and fading public appetite for seeing intelligent, social animals confined in artificial environments. “Bans on the use of cetaceans in entertainment are occurring globally, with France and Canada recently introducing bans. Queensland’s lack of action is becoming a global embarrassment,” she says. “A dolphin born into captivity could live for up to 50 years. What will happen to a dolphin born into captivity today —in 30 or 40 years’ time—if they are no longer profitable?” Isabella Clegg is an independent animal welfare expert Sea World pays to assess its efforts. “From the data I’ve collected at Sea World for the past two years, I believe most of their cetaceans are in good welfare, most of the time,” she says. Evidence suggests being able to reproduce is good for captive dolphins, she adds. “The presence of young dolphins in the group … increases positive social behaviour in adults, gives the opportunity for females to experience very close social bonds and reduces male coercive behaviour to female.” Clegg says the question of whether dolphins should be allowed to reproduce in captivity is an ethical one that feeds into the broader issue of whether there is public support for the continuation of dolphin facilities. “I don’t believe that public opinion is clear (on that),” she says. “Ultimately, the continuation of aquaria and marine parks should be debated in the same light as all zoos. “I believe the Queensland government and others need to look at whether and how having wild animals on public display supports or does not support education and conservation of nature.” In Queensland, Sea World’s dolphins are covered by the Exhibited Animals Act, which falls into the portfolio of Agriculture and Fisheries Minister Mark Furner. He told AAP a ban on breeding wasn’t under consideration and the act ensures risks to animal welfare are “mitigated or minimised.” By Tracey Ferrier
Sangma said 24,382 people were screened and 49,391 calls have been received in the helpline numbers, while 2557 people are in quarantine. Close to 30,000 PPEs are in stock right now, and by tonight the government will receive another 20,000 PPEs, he said. He informed that the government has been allocated 4000 rapid test kits, and the State government is also sourcing rapid test kits from private companies. “25 new ambulances have been ordered with life support facilities. We expect to receive them in about four days time. These 25 new ambulances are being funded by the CMRF contribution,” said the Chief Minister. He said that Rs 5.50 crore has been received in the CMRF and the funds will be invested in Corona Care Centres and other infrastructure requirements. He informed that the government has decided to open grocery shops and essential commodities for four days in a week i.e Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 am to 4 pm. “This is being done to ensure that there is more timing given to the people so that they can buy without having to crowd,” the Chief Minister added. The wholesale will be open for three days in a week i.e Friday, Saturday and Sunday. He visited designated Covid Hospital i.e Shillong Civil Hospital today along with Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong and held review meeting with the staffs in the hospital premises. “Reviewed the entire situation in the civil hospital today to ensure that all necessary arrangements are in place,” said the Chief Minister. On usage of social media, the Chief Minister said, “I would like to stress that a lot of news and lot of information is flowing in in social media and I think we really need to act responsibly in these kind of situations. I am very upset to see that certain individuals were giving out lists of patients who had visited private hospital. And I think this goes completely against the privacy of these patients and it is very very incorrect for everybody to do that.” He informed that an FIR in this case has been filed and action will be taken against those people who responsible for it. He informed that government is in touch with ICMR to ensure that testing is made available at Nazareth Hospital Shillong. “We hope that we will get a positive response from ICMR very soon,” he said. - Front Page - Pure Politics - Adani Raises ₹5,985 Crore from Anchor Investors Ahead of FPO Adani Enterprises raised ₹5,985 crore from anchor investors including global funds, sovereign wealth funds from the Middle East and domestic insurers ahead of the start of its ₹20,000 crore follow-on public offer on January 27.Accel, Tiger may Exit Flipkart in $1.5B Share Sale Two of the early backers of Flipkart — venture fund Accel Partners and New York-based investment firm Tiger Global are in talks to sell their remaining stake in the ecommerce company — which collectively amounts to about 5% — to its parent Walmart, multiple people aware of the matter told ET.ED Against Plan to Decriminalise PMLA Provisions The Directorate of Enforcement (ED) has opposed the move to decriminalise provisions in the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA), warning that this will curtail the agency’s powers and impede its working. Download The Economic Times News App to get Daily Market Updates & Live Business News. ETPrime stories of the day 8 mins read 3 mins read 3 mins read
We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Please see our Privacy Notice for details of your data protection rights. Former footballer Robbie Savage, 45, has reflected on a traumatic experience he shared with Harry Redknapp, 73, Paul Ince, 52, and Steve Sidwell, 37, when their friend and fellow pundit Glenn Hoddle suffered a cardiac arrest on his 61st birthday in 2018. Robbie and Harry were celebrating the occasion with Glenn on the former’s BT Sport show Saturday Morning Savage at the time. Robbie had planned an I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! themed challenge for the programme in light of news that Harry would be going into the ITV show’s famous Australian jungle. However, the sportsman explained in an exclusive interview with Express.co.uk about his campaign with Santander UK to raise awareness of Safe Account Scams, that the day which began with fun celebrations ended in “near heartbreak” when Glenn was “stretchered out” of the studios. Opening up about the “frightening” day, Robbie recalled: “We obviously knew that Harry was going into the jungle so it was a surreal day that day. “A day I’ll never forget, because the show had started, we gave Glenn Hoddle his birthday cake live and then we went to do the jungle scene, where there was this big snake, and I’m petrified of snakes, and I was holding it. And we’d all seen Harry Redknapp’s reactions, Glenn’s reactions, and Steve also. READ MORE… Harry Redknapp talks awkward moment with Strictly pro during training - Eamonn Holmes’ wife Ruth Langsford reveals he is ‘still recovering’ “And Harry was amazing on the jungle, what a great man, so that was a test for him to see if he could cope in the jungle and he went on to win, because of his personality and his love affair with his wife [Sandra Redknapp] – was beautiful to see.” “I just hope my relationship is like that with my wife when I get to that stage, it was just amazing and what a great guy,” Robbie added. The Leicester City legend continued: “But the day ended in such sadness when Glenn Hoddle had his cardiac arrest that same day. “So when the day started with fun and laughs, it ended with near heartbreak for us all to witness Glenn having a cardiac arrest and getting rushed to hospital.” Fortunately, Robbie went on to say Glenn has now made a “full recovery” following his heart attack. He added: “Thankfully now Glenn has made a full recovery, which we’re all so delighted about. “It was such a surreal day which I’ll never forget, where it started with the laughs and the jokes and ended with the pictures of Glenn getting stretchered out to the hospital so thankfully Glenn’s made a great recovery, great man, and Harry went on to win the jungle, so it’s a day I’ll never forget.” Robbie admitted he can still “picture” the former England manager and player fighting for his life to this day, explaining: “It was frightening, it was scary to see a friend and an icon, a wonderful player, to be fighting for his life was absolutely so scary and so emotional. Claudia Winkleman and Tess Daly discuss ‘right time’ to leave Strictly [COMMENT] Steph McGovern: BBC Breakfast star shares heartbreaking hospital video [VIDEO] Len Goodman says BBC are already ‘picking’ celebs for Strictly [INTERVIEW] “Tears and sadness and I can picture it now, but we’ve got a great friendship myself and Glenn and I spoke to him last week on Zoom doing the podcast and he was in great form.” Elsewhere, Robbie has made a move from football into acting by recreating Margot Robbie’s iconic bathtub scene from The Big Short, to raise awareness of how to prevent Safe Account Scams with Santander. Speaking about why he wanted to get involved with the campaign, the star revealed: “I just think in these unprecedented times where lots of people have been furloughed, it’s really important that Santander and this campaign protects people’s money and raises awareness of Safe Account Scams. “Some can be ringing you up, I’ve had a couple especially in this time pretending to be the bank and then transferring your money to not the bank you think. I think it’s essential in these times that Santander and this campaign protects people’s money from the Safe Account Scams, which is very worrying. - Phillip Schofield reveals moment Prince Philip called him an ‘idiot’ “My mother is 72 and obviously she’s not very tech minded or online minded at all and I’ve been able to help her as well through this campaign, ‘If anyone rings you up mum, put the phone down and ring me straight away’, because people are very vulnerable at the minute.” Robbie also addressed his “weird” experience on set filming the campaign in a hot tub with a glass of champagne. He recalled: “It was weird. Santander were great to work with and all of the production crew, they were very patient. “I’m not an actor and I had to act and it was quite embarrassing at times because I’m not reading an autocue and there were some difficult words in there. “It was great fun and I’m looking forward to it coming out and to see myself recreating Margot Robbie’s scene. I’ve seen the first trailer of it and they’ve done exceptionally well.” Robbie Savage is working with Santander UK to raise awareness of Safe Account Scams. To learn more, attend a virtual class on scam awareness at www.santanderevents.co.uk. Source: Read Full Article
At least 21 people found dead in South African nightclub as students reportedly celebrated end of exams Emergency services were called in the early hours of Sunday to the Enyobeni Tavern in Scenery Park, on the edge of East London, Eastern Cape province. Authorities say they are going to carry out post mortems as soon as possible. Reports say there are no obvious injuries on the bodies. Monday 27 June 2022 04:59, UK At least 21 people are reported to have been found dead at a nightclub in South Africa. Emergency services were called in the early hours of Sunday to the Enyobeni Tavern in Scenery Park, on the edge of East London, Eastern Cape province, according to the Daily Dispatch news site. Eastern Cape police spokesperson Brigadier Tembinkosi Kinana told the Newzroom Africa rolling news channel in the country that young people were among the dead. Reuters reported him saying they were aged between 18 and 20, but there are also reports they may have been younger, with AP saying they were reportedly attending a party to celebrate the end of winter school exams. Siyanda Manana, a spokesperson for the Eastern Cape provincial health department, told Reuters: "We are going to immediately be embarking on autopsies so we can know the probable cause of death. We are talking 22 bodies right now." AP said police were investigating the deaths of at least 20 but reporters at the Daily Dispatch newspaper had earlier said the death toll could be as high as 21. Another five people have been taken to hospital, according to local broadcaster eNCA. The Daily Dispatch added that there was speculation those who died were exposed to some kind of poison or died during a stampede. President expresses condolences Mr Manana said the bodies had been taken to state mortuaries. The club's owner, Siyakhangela Ndevu, told eNCA he had been called to the scene early Sunday morning. He said: "I am still uncertain about what really happened, but when I was called in the morning I was told the place was too full and that some people were trying to force their way into the tavern." "However, we will hear what the police say about the cause of death," Mr Ndevu added. South African president Cyril Ramaphosa expressed his condolences to the families affected. He said in a statement he was worried about the circumstances under which young people, potentially under the age of 18 years, were allowed to gather at the tavern but said the law must take its course once investigations conclude. 'The call is on parents' Bheki Cele, the national policing minister, told a large crowd at Scenery Park: "The call is on the parents to see that their kids are kept well, the call is on the community to say we can't allow our kids to die." A 17-year-old girl, who said she lived close to the tavern and only gave her name as "Lolly", told Reuters the venue was a popular hangout with teenagers, but the community wanted it shut down after what had happened. She said: "Everyone wants it closed down because they sell alcohol to under-age children. Everyone is angry, everyone is sad because of what happened." East London mayor, Xola Pakati said in a statement: "What has happened can be equated to a massacre." Zulu-language newspaper the Isolezwe News said eyewitnesses told them that "bodies were everywhere" with no signs of injury.
There are times in our lives when we find the courage to do things we never imagined. A few years ago I was invited to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. to speak about gun rights. When the invitation came, I didn’t hesitate. I agreed, and then my heart raced as I prepared to head to a city I’d never visited to speak alongside lawmakers and ask for my rights to be protected. Since then, I’ve been to meet legislators multiple times. This week I spent two days alongside other women of the DC Project telling our stories and showing the faces of gun owners (our faces) to our legislators in Washington D.C. My family always asks, “Do you think you made a difference?” My answer to that is “YES!” We ARE doing something to make a difference. We want everyone in the United States to be safe. The women of the DC Project are moms, sisters, daughters, and grandmothers. We support the Second Amendment, and WE ARE OUR OWN FIRST RESPONDERS. If you want to make a difference, you can help. If you have money consider donating $100. Go to https://mia.limited/DCPDonate. If don’t have money, use your voice — stand up and speak up; reach out to your legislators and tell them your story (always be respectful), go meet them, call them, and email them. Be someone they remember and let them know that you’re there to back them when they’re backed against a wall, feeling like they have to make a law that someone else is screaming at them about. Help them enact legislation that makes us safer. There were 11 of us who came to DC this week. A few of the girls met with Sen. Marshal (KS) the day I flew in. On Tuesday, we had breakfast with Rep. Hartzler (MO), then met virtually with Sen. Hyde-Smith(MS) and a couple of others. We also met with staffers of several Senate Judicial Committee members to present our stories. Wednesday, we had a few more meetings including one with Rep. Graves (MO) staff, and our lobbyist met privately with Rep. Scalise (LA). That evening, we joined nearly 40 Representatives for the Second Amendment Caucus. About the DC Project The DC Project affirms that firearms safety and violence prevention are achieved through education, not legislation. We encourage the preservation of America’s gun culture and highlight the diversity and rising demographic of female gun owners through ongoing advocacy because gun rights are women’s rights. According to Muller, “We believe that self-defense is a human right and that we are our own first responders. We understand the importance of preserving the right to protect ourselves. Members of our foundation regularly stand before legislators and lawmakers on the frontlines of this battle to protect this crucial right and make their voices heard through education. Stand with us by donating to the DC Project and wear the color teal to let others know you support the rights of responsible gun owners too.” Mia Anstine is an outdoor writer, licensed outfitter, hunting guide, life coach, keynote speaker, and a range safety officer, firearms instructor, and archery instructor. She is the founder of MAC Outdoors and Host of the MAC Outdoors Podcast. Mia Anstine strives to encourage others to outdoors, hunt, fish, shoot, and survive life with others in a positive way. This website contains affiliate links. For information on what this means, click here. Want to write to me? MAC Outdoors LLC PO Box 31 Ignacio, CO 81137-0031
Sugar ants are common in every home and they can be seen on kitchen countertops or cabinets in search of sugary food. However, these ants can invade your home and can cause infestation. To prevent them from spreading, it’s important to get rid of them. Here are some of the natural ways following which one can do ant control with ease- - Lemon oil For Ant Control, you can also use lemon eucalyptus oil which acts as a natural repellent for ants as well as bugs. This sort of natural oil is mainly extracted from the lemon tree which can suffocate sugar ants. So, all that you need to do is to take a cotton ball and then dip it with undiluted oil. After doing this, you need to place it in areas where sugar ants are seen. This is a crucial way to prevent sugar ants from entering your home. Make sure to replace these cotton balls with a new one every week to get effectiveness. - Using white vinegar If you’re in search of a natural way to remove sugar ants from your kitchen then you should start using white vinegar. This is one of the best ways of repelling and killing the sugar ants. All that you need to do is to prepare a mixture of water and white vinegar in equal quantities. After this, you need to spray this mixture on ants and the affected areas. Spray it on the floor and kitchen countertops also to remove sugar ants naturally. As the vinegar dries quickly, there will be no smell in your home. Try this effective pest solution once or twice a month to get rid of the ants. - Remove the food sources One of the things that attract ants in your home is the food crumbs and leftover food on the floor and countertops. The sugary items are one of their favorites which attracts them. Therefore all that you need to do is to remove the food sources that attract them. Make sure you have cleaned the countertops after finishing cooking. Also if there are food crumbs on the floor or countertop then you need to keep it clean. Apart from this, it is also necessary that you dispose of the garbage every day and keep the dustbin covered. In this way, you can remove the sugar ants from your kitchen. - Boric acid Another important natural way that is perfect for Affordable Pest Control is the use of boric acid which works as poison for sugar ants. Mix boric acid with some sugar and dissolve it in water. Dip a cotton ball in it and keep the cotton ball in all the corners. The above mentioned ways are great for getting rid of sugar ants from home in a natural way. Try these natural tips if you are fed up with ant attacks and infestation in your home. You can also hire the best pest control services.
Mac and cheese, but make it healthy(ish). Blend in butternut squash to make a classic comfort food a little more nourishing – just one cup of this colorful squash adds in close to 300% of your daily recommended value of Vitamin C. Swapping in a few splashes of creamy kefir instead of milk is a healthier way to enjoy this updated classic without compromising the rich, cheesy flavor! Cultured Dairy: The Nutrition Benefits You Actually Need to Know With increasing research linking the correlation between probiotics, gut health, and immunity, it’s no secret that the integrity of our gut is vital to our health. Although additional factors such as stress, antibiotic usage, and individual health conditions can contribute to the condition of our gut, a focus on healthy food choices is one of the easiest ways to support the microbiome. Several studies have shown a strong association between the gut-brain-microbiota. Probiotics introduced to the gut have been found to support immunity, improve allergies, and improve digestion. Studies have shown that reduced diversity of healthy gut bacteria during early years is associated with an increase in food allergies during school age years. In addition, kefir made from whole fat milk helps absorb key nutrients such as Vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin K is important because it helps your bones absorb calcium. It’s important to know that kefir contains a special trio: vitamin D, K, and calcium – all three crucial elements to support bone health. Prebiotics + Probiotics = a Healthy You Prebiotics are non-living, non-digestible carbohydrates naturally found in a variety of foods. Your body actually can’t digest prebiotics, so they’re what probiotics feed off of to remain actively working in your digestive system. They help the digestive system by promoting the growth of good bacteria. Prebiotics and probiotics work together in balance to make sure our digestive system stays on track and regular. Research has found that consuming a variety of prebiotic and probiotic food sources may improve your body’s natural functions, including both your immune and digestive system. - 8 ounces medium pasta shells - 6 slices bacon, diced - 2 tablespoons unsalted butter - 3 cloves garlic, minced - 1 shallot, minced - 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour - 1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped sage - 1 1/4 cups half and half - 1 cup Organic Plain Whole Milk Kefir - 1 (15-ounce) can butternut squash puree - 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard - 3 cups shredded extra-sharp cheddar cheese - salt and black pepper, to taste - 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives - In a large pot of boiling salted water, cook pasta according to package instructions; drain well. - Heat a large skillet over medium high heat. Add bacon and cook until brown and crispy, about 6-8 minutes. Drain excess fat; transfer bacon to a paper towel-lined plate. - Melt butter in the skillet. Add garlic and shallot, and cook, stirring frequently, until fragrant, about 2-3 minutes. - Whisk in flour and sage until lightly browned, about 1 minute. - Gradually whisk in half and half, whole milk kefir, butternut squash and Dijon. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until reduced and slightly thickened, about 3-4 minutes. - Stir in pasta and cheese until melted, about 2 minutes; season with salt and pepper, to taste. - Serve immediately, garnished with bacon and chives, if desired.
In an interview that aired on ESPN last week, i morant claimed he was studying the Boston Celtics, thinking his memphis grizzlies He will have to face them on the way to the title. “No one in the Western Conference?”asked Malika Andrews, to which Morant replied “No, I’m fine in the west”, So Morant and his Grizzlies were headed west, but it still seemed like a highly anticipated and arrogant statements From the star of a team that won only one instance of the playoffs in the last three years in the NBA (4-2 against the Minnesota Timberwolves in the 2022 first round), though Memphis’ good play justifies some confidence in himself. now, after Christmas loss against the Golden State Warriors without Stephen Curry and another Hard work against some Phoenix Suns without Devin BookerThat sentence again generates noise. As John Schumann wrote on Twitter, The Grizzlies have a losing record against Western Conference teams this season: 9 wins and 10 losses. Among games played among the nine West teams with more than 50% wins in the regular season, currently playoff candidates, Memphis has the third-worst record: 4-7 with a difference of -38 points. Here are the records for games played between the 9 West teams that are currently over .500. (Sacramento has played 19 of its 32 games against the Eastern Conference.) Nuggets-Kings tonight. pic.twitter.com/QRdvpIiaiC — John Schuhmann (@johnschuhmann) December 28, 2022 agree nba league pass To watch all the games: United States | rest of the world Morant, who averaged 27.1 points and 7.8 assists per game on 45% shooting from the field, see their numbers on the scale with 27.3 points and 5.3 assists and 46.3% shooting from the field in his 10 appearances against top rivals in the West (he did not play in the loss to the Utah Jazz). One of the problems for the Grizzlies isn’t Ja, but how their defense breaks down against those attacks: Team Scored 113 Points or More In two games against Utah, one against Dallas, one against Phoenix, another against New Orleans and another against Sacramento: lost all those matchesFour of them have a difference of ten points or more. At the same time, only three were placed below the 107 markWith this, they beat Portland and Phoenix but lost to Denver. some sports he played desmond bane, Memphis is 2-4 against those West rivals. The guard’s numbers declined against his conference versus Eastern rivals: from 24 points and 48.9% of field goals to 21.6 points and 40.4%. something similar happens with sal jackson jr: 17.3 points and 53.6% from the field 15.2 points and 46.7% from the field. more | The Boston Celtics Optimization of the Jays: How Jayson Tatum and Jaylen Brown Became the Best Scoring Duo in the NBA With only 40% of the regular stages being played, Those Numbers Aren’t Dangerous to MemphisBut the final defeat should have come on time Calming the overconfidence in a team whose future looks promising but has yet to win anything And now it’s actually closer to falling to fifth in the West than it is to returning to the top of the conference. The Grizzlies must resolve their immediate issues before turning to the Boston Celtics, to whom they also lost this season (a 109-106 loss at home). this weekend will be a good test for him games against the New Orleans Pelicans and the Sacramento Kings. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily represent those of the NBA or its organizations.
What Is the Lutheran Junior Cougar Program? Our feeder program is designed for boys and girls in elementary school in the St. Charles/St. Louis metro area. The program is designed to teach the fundamentals of various sports and team concepts that will prepare students for high school athletics. We compete at the "Club" level which means we play against other feeder programs and local club teams. Our teams focus on forming lasting friendships, positive character development, and learning the game. The establishment of a solid feeder program is vital to the success of any high school program or individual player. Feeder programs provide players with an opportunity to learn basic concepts, fundamentals, and skills, while also developing a passion and love for the game. Without a solid foundation established from the early elementary years on, the players will never be able to reach their full potential at the high school level. The mission of the Lutheran Junior Cougar programs mirrors the goals and objectives of Lutheran High School: Winning is An Attitude! In addition to developing our students spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically, we aim to provide a Christ centered alternative to club sports. Unfortunately, in many ways, youth sports have become a reflection of our broken world. With many outstanding exceptions, it can be a breeding ground for over competitive parents and coaches who embrace the negative focus on winning at all costs. We strive to “get it right” by competing for Christ and by serving one another. Our program is as inclusive as possible and we are all about playing the game at a very high level. Our goals are to prepare young people to compete at the high school level AND to face the challenges of being a young adult in a competitive world. The Lutheran High School Junior Cougar program is based on three clear objectives: 1. Have fun The primary emphasis, especially at the younger ages, should be on getting kids excited about sport. A successful feeder program should instill passion in its participants and have a high player return rate the following year. The experience in sport must be positive for all involved, from player to coach to parent. 2. Character Development It is never too early to instill core principles into our student-athletes. Concepts regarding accountability, teamwork, poise and positive mental attitude provide the basis for our feeder programs. A great emphasis is placed on the spiritual development of our young people. 3. Player Development A successful feeder program is not solely about winning and losing. While everyone likes to win, and competition is an important aspect of a feeder program, we do not go after wins at the expense of player development. There is nothing more important in a feeder program than player development and the elimination of incorrect, bad habits.
Monday, November 8, 2010 TH: Sure! I am Marketing and Promotions Coordinator and the title pretty much explains the job duties. I am the guy responsible for making sure the buying public knows what Moonstone produces and buys that product. I will be working on various ways to make sure that both that niche that already buys from Moonstone and that largely untouched ‘non pulp’ market as well get full exposure to the wonderful lineup that Moonstone carries. It’s a pretty big responsibility, being the town crier for guys like The Spider, Kolchak, Zorro, and so on. Basically, I’ll handle both ‘in the box’ and ‘out of the box’ promotional and marketing plans. I’ll put together press releases, interviews, and various forms of information and make sure that every outlet I can get to has them. I will also be looking at past promotions as well as future possibilities for putting a twist on the Moonstone line, a hook to pull in everyone who isn’t reading our stuff and to keep those who are coming back. AP: How did the opportunity to work for Moonstone come about? TH: Actually, I have ALL PULP and my convention/conference, Pulp Ark, to thank for that. While getting ready for Pulp Ark, I met Mike Bullock. We are both members of The Pulp Factory, a yahoo group focused on pulp. Through my being one of the Spectacled Seven, I came into contact with several other Moonstone creators, such as Martin Powell, Win Eckert, and others. The support from those I have come to know contributed greatly to this opportunity. Gaining a familiarity with the content Moonstone puts together, I just started visiting with Bullock and talking about various ways ALL PULP could help Moonstone, which led to ALL PULP’s Moonstone Mondays. Those discussions continued and eventually Mike and I talked about me contributing some marketing assistance to Moonstone. He talked with Joe Gentile, Moonstone EIC about it. Well, by that time, my idea creatin’ brain had already spun out more than just a little help. Those discussions turned into Joe and I talking about what I could do as an active staffer. A phone conversation later, I was the Marketing and Promotions Coordinator. AP: There's kind of an unspoken fear amongst many of the small press pulp publishers that the bigger publishers might eventually "strike it rich" with the pulp characters and then drive the smaller presses out of business -- how do you think the success of failure of ventures like The Return of the Originals or First Wave might impact smaller outfits like Pro Se Productions, Wild Cat Books, Black Coat Press, Airship 27, etc.? TH: Although several of the smaller outfits are producing both original and public domain based content, I truly believe that there is room for everyone at this point. Now, Moonstone is positioned better than a lot of the smaller outfits, including Pro Se Productions, the outfit I’m a partner in. The field, though, is still open enough for all to make the big strike at some point or another. Sure, Moonstone may hit the right vein in the market, but Airship 27 could do the same thing. I personally feel like smaller publishers have a better chance of making it big pushing original creations. That’s why I’m handling the magazines at Pro Se the way I am. But, again, the market is wide open enough that I don’t think failure of the bigger companies in the Pulp arena will necessarily impact and success can only help us all. AP: Anything else you'd like to add about your new position or Moonstone's role in the pulp community? TH: I hope that I can do my position justice, not just for Moonstone, but for the furtherance of the pulp genre as a whole because I really do believe, at this point, success for one company, big or little, means well for all of us with our hands deep in pulp! Posted by All Pulp at 3:23 PM
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Legal basis of data processing To the extent that permission of the affected individual is obtained for the processing of personal data, Article 6 (1) lit. a of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) serves as the legal basis. In the processing of personal data to fulfil a contract whose contractual party is the individual affected, Article 6 (1) lit. b GDPR serves as the legal basis. This also applies to processing required to implement pre-contractual measures. If processing is required to safeguard the justified interest of the MPG or a third party and the interests, basic rights and basic freedoms of the affected individual do not outweigh the first-mentioned interest, Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR serves as the basis for such processing. 3. Data deletion and storage duration The affected individuals personal data are deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage ceases to apply. Storage can also occur if provided for by European or national legislators in EU regulations, acts or other legislation to which the MPG is subject. A blocking or deletion of data then occurs only if a storage period prescribed by one of the aforementioned norms expires, unless a necessity exists in relation to the further storage of the data for the arrangement of a contract or the fulfilment of a contract. 4. Contact details of the individuals responsible The entity responsible in the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection acts as well as other data protection legislation is the 5. Data Protection Managers contact details The Data Protection Manager at the entity responsible is Telephone: +49 (89) 2108-1554 B. Provision of the website and creation of log files Each time you visit our website, our service and applications automatically record data and information from the computer system of the visiting computer. The following data are gathered temporarily: - Your IP address - Date and time of your access to the website - Name and version of your browser/operating system (if transmitted) The legal basis for the temporary saving of data and log files is Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. Storage occurs in log files in order to ensure the websites functionality. The data also help us optimize the websites, eliminate malfunctions and ensure our IT system security. Our justified interest in data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR also lies in such purposes. The data are deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose for which they were gathered. If data are gathered for the provision of the website, this is the case if the respective visit is ended. In the instance that data are stored in log files, this is the case after seven days at the latest. Storage above and beyond this period is possible. In this case, the users IP addresses are deleted or removed so they can no longer be allocated to the visiting client. The recording of data for the provision of the website and the storage of data in log files is essential to operate the website. As a consequence, users do not have an option to revoke such data recording. C. Utilization of cookies Our website utilizes cookies. Cookies are text files stored in the Internet browser or by the Internet browser on the users computer system. If a user visits a website, a cookie can be stored on the users operating system. This cookie contains a sequence of characters enabling the browser to be clearly identified when visiting the website again. We deploy cookies to make our website more user-friendly. Some elements of our website also technically require the identification of the visiting browser after a change of page. The following data are saved and transmitted in the cookies: - Language settings (localization) of the browser: session cookie i18next - Session data (click path, pages visited, current language, and, where relevant, error messages for forms The legal basis for personal data processing while utilizing cookies is Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR. The purpose of utilizing technically necessary cookies is to simplify the utilization of websites for users. Some of our websites functions cannot be offered without the utilization of cookies. For these, it is necessary that the browser can also be re-identified following a change of page. We require cookies for the following applications: - Transferring the browsers language setting: automatic selection of the homepage and spelling - Noting of form data entered: terms and entries in the contact form utilized in searches within the website User data gathered by technically necessary cookies are not utilized to prepare user profiles. Our justified interest in personal data processing pursuant to Article 6 (1) lit. f GDPR also lies in such purposes. Cookies are stored on the users computer, which transmits them to our site. For this reason, you, as the user, also have full control over the utilization of cookies. You can deactivate or restrict the transmission of cookies through changing your Internet browser settings. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time. This can also occur automatically. If cookies for our website are deactivated, you may find not all of the websites functions can continue to be utilized in full. In addition, we also utilize cookies on our website to enable users utilization behaviour to be analyzed. For more information on this topic, please refer to the information provided under C. On our websites, we generally gather your username, and email address. The legal basis for the processing of data is the users consent pursuant to Article 6 (1) lit. a GDPR. If registration serves to fulfil a contract whose contractual party is the user or to implement pre-contractual measures, the additional legal basis for the processing of data is Article 6 (1) lit. b GDPR. Registering the user is necessary to provide certain contents and services on our website or to fulfil a contract with the user or to implement pre-contractual measures. The data are deleted as soon as they are no longer required to achieve the purpose for which they were gathered. This is the case for data gathered during the registration process if registration is cancelled or modified on our websites. For the registration process to fulfil a contract or to implement pre-contractual measures, this is the case if the data are no longer required to fulfil the contract. After the contract ends, it may be necessary to continue to store the contractual partners personal data in order to fulfil contractual or statutory obligations. As a user, you can cancel the registration at any time. You can have the data saved in connection with yourself modified at any time. The procedure is described in more detail in the specific registration procedure. If the data are required to fulfil a contract or to implement pre-contractual measures, early deletion of the data is possible only to the extent that no contractual or statutory obligations prevent such deletion. H. Rights of individuals affected As an individual whose personal data are gathered as part of the aforementioned services, you have, in principle, the following rights, to the extent that no legal exceptions are applicable in individual cases: - Information (Article 15 GDPR) - Correction (Article 16 GDPR) - Deletion (Article 17 (1) GDPR) - Restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR) - Data transmission (Article 20 GDPR) - Revocation of processing (Article 21 GDPR) - Revocation of consent (Article 7 (3) GDPR) - Right to complain to the regulator (Article 77 GDPR). For the MPG, this is the Bavarian Data Protection Authority (BayLDA), Postbox 606, 91511 Ansbach.
A few super short stories about “showing up” Because everyone has a “showed up” story In 2019, my friend who lectures at a nearby university asked if I could host some African American students for a short tour of our corporate campus. After some back and forth we were eventually able to find time to make it work and the date was set. As I made my way after a meeting on the appointed day to the building on our campus where the tour was to take place , I couldn’t help but wonder to myself what I would say to these young students when I received them. I am Nigerian and had only moved to the United States about 3 years ago and so did not attend elementary, college or high school in the United States meaning that I could not relate to them on that level. It also did not help that it had been a taxing week that left me drained and not feeling sure if giving a tour was what I needed to be doing at that time. So as I walked into reception to see my friend and the fine group of students with him, I was still asking myself what I could do to make the visit worthwhile for them. After all the protocols and pleasantries were done, I led them into the campus courtyard. As I turned , faced the group and introduced myself again I heard myself say these words (or something close to this at least): “…I would like to start by thanking you for showing up” That set the theme for the rest of our conversation that day . The common thread through our discussion that day turned to how being consistent and showing up even when it was easier not to is a key success factor in life. By the time the tour was over , my entire mood and energy levels had changed for the better. Everyone of us can look back to some time in our lives when we have changed things and taken control of the situation by simply choosing to show up so please do not see this article as a tutorial or a TED talk on showing up. I do not think I have anything extra special to give you. I just wanted to share a few super short stories (with some names and locations tweaked to protect the innocent :-D ) as reminders more than anything else for anyone who reads it (including me a few months from now) that sometimes all you need to do is show up…and show up again…and again. Please enjoy them and take from them what you will. Story one: When will it end? Sometimes we get discouraged and are tempted to give up when we get a sense of the size of the mountain ahead of us. These are those times when the road seems long, windy and full of uncertainties. A friend of mine, lets call him “Obinna”, was a first year student at the University of Nigeria Nsukka studying with another friend at a building called the “New Science Lecture Theatre”. It was a cold rainy night and there was a thick cloud of mosquitoes floating around the class at knee and ankle level biting and sucking anything that moved. It was almost midnight and he was hungry with no food in sight. At some point in the night, when it hit him that he was just in first year and there was at least 4- 5 years of nights like this ahead of him, he raised his head and asked everyone within earshot: “Kedu mgbe oga ebi!!!???” Which in English means “When will it end?” At that moment, I believe that Obinna must have felt that dropping out was a valid option. Thankfully he did not, which is why today he is successfully practicing his career as a doctor. I remember hearing his story 2 years later as a first year student in the same university. Those words remained burned into my memory. For some reason his story gave me hope when I experienced similar nights . Alone, awake at 1am, reading a boring subject and asking myself what I was doing here. The story made me realize that I was not the only one who felt this way and that if he could make it then I could make it too. Story 2 : Show for Las Giddy Sometimes we have no idea of what awaits us and the only insight we have about the future is the feeling that we may not have everything it takes to succeed. By the time we were writing our final exams at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka some of my close friends had landed jobs at what we would today call a startup based in the big intimidating city of Lagos thanks to their amazing computer programming skills. They had perfected advanced skills in Java enterprise web development at a time when this was still novel in Nigeria. By the time we finished exams they were off to Lagos to start working at a startup that leveraged these skills. About a month later I received word from them to come down to Lagos and join them as a programmer. To put in Naija street slang, “Them say make I show for Las Giddy”. I knew very little about Web and enterprise programming in Java at the time and only had two internship experiences under my belt but here I was being asked to come and take up a full time role as a computer programmer in “the real world”. I accepted the challenge, packed my “Ghana must go” bag and “Showed up”. Many years and countless bouts of imposter syndrome later, here we are. Story 3: When the tax man came calling. At other times you may be called on to show up at what is, to say the least , an inconvenient time. Those times when it may actually be more comfortable (not to mention sensible ) to find a rock to crawl under. Those times when you are called to show up for not only yourself but also for what you represent to others. A friend of mine who was running a startup had fallen on hard times. Maybe you have heard (or have experienced) how it is when you are barely managing to make payroll every month? Well, that was his condition at that time. And as if things had not gotten spicy enough, the tax people showed up one day and sealed his office because he had not been ale to remit his taxes due to low liquidity. This happened in the middle of the day. They showed up with the police, asked everyone to leave and sealed the office. As he stood in his office watching the tax task force asking people to leave, a member of his leadership team saw the staff milling aimlessly outside looking confused and asked him: “Maybe you should say something to them?” My friend had to pull himself together and go out to explain to his staff what was happening and told them to come back the next day, that everything would be sorted out by then. Even though in that moment, he had absolutely no idea how he was going to get out of that mess. He showed up. The next day somehow, the office was open. Today the company is doing well and playing a major role to drive a major sector in Nigeria Story 4: The demo There are also times when you have just failed woefully and have to pick yourself up and try again because even though you lost the game, the tournament is still on. I remember once earlier in my career, I had gone to do a project in a foreign country. The project kick off involved a demo to the entire ICT team of a major university in that country. Well, to put it lightly, the demo was a total failure because of an avoidable error in the software I was meant to be demoing. I remember being in the near empty room and packing up my laptop and projector with a feeling that it was the end of the world, when my friend and then colleague, “Ed”, said to me in his characteristically quiet voice: “ Tomorrow will be better”. I nodded my head and smiled even though I did not believe him. But we showed up again the next day and the day after that and while the ending did not exactly make it to fairy tale levels, things did get better and now… here we are. The stories could go on and on about the times when life has knocked us down and we kept getting back up. That is what we do, we show up. Sometimes it’s in the big things like the taxman sealing up your office while at other times it’s in the little things like the proverbial “bad day at the office”. Of course showing up is not the whole story. There is another conversation to be had about How to show up…and all the things we could do to ensure that we show up correct, but that’s a story for another day. The first step is to show up and ensure that you bring your best each time even if you think your best is not good enough, bring it anyway and keep improving until it gets there. One interesting thing is that when we show up, we are not just showing up for ourselves but we might also be inspiring others who we may not know are looking to us for support and validation and this was why I thanked those students from San Jose state for showing up. Many of their peers who had signed up for the tour did not or could not make it but those that did, by showing up, not only inspired each other but also did a lot for me as well. I will end with this quote: If you can achieve an improvement over yesterday, even if it’s small, you have gained significantly. You are taking charge of your own world. You are becoming a creator. — Harold Klemp The Language of Soul Do you have a story of when you made the choice to “show up”? It does not have to be an earth shaking testimony. It could even be related to the little things in life. How did it play out? Feel free to share if you like , either here or on a platform/audience of your choosing. It might just be what someone in your circle needs to help them take that next step. Thanks to Karen Baker for nudging me to finally write this.
How do you juggle multiple high-priority tasks across an entire sales lifecycle? A well-balanced strategy. Plan, analyze, market, and drive your sales team with this Sales Strategy deck. Segment your target customers and organize your sales team to maximize returns. And don't forget to use sales control tools to assess performance and improve progress. A sales mind map defines the process of how you will find, acquire, and retain then transform customers into repeat sales who refer others. (Slide 2) Use a SWOT Analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that could benefit or impede your sales strategy. (Slide 14) Use a customer survey to conduct post-sales surveys or questionnaires and keep up your customer relationship management. (Slide 26) With a strategic action plan that works for your organizational circumstances, you can prospect, qualify, and close more sales across a wide variety of channels. Develop a solid sales concept with a well-rounded marketing mix. Manage time more efficiently and juggle multiple priorities. Improve a weak sales pipeline and identify your ideal customers, classified by order of greatest opportunity, to maximize your efforts. A sales strategy begins with a sales mind-map. This is where you define and map out the process behind your sales strategy. To have a healthy funnel of customers, you must find, acquire, then retain them. To find customers, research the market first. This consists of an evaluation of your product's position in the marketplace and a competitive audit of other prominent players in the current landscape. To actually acquire customers, begin with the marketing process. Craft a brand message and determine your target audience. After the marketing kickoff, create your sales plan and budget, and your sales control strategy. Next comes customer data management and analysis of improvement areas. This analysis is to improve in areas where you lost sales or couldn't gain customers so you can conduct follow-ups to warm up cold leads with new tactics. You can also welcome back recurring customers to repurchase or refer you to new customers. (Slide 2) Sales strategy sub-areas After the marketing kickoff, create your sales plan and budget, and your sales control strategy. First, create a sales plan. This should cover price management (how will the product be priced?) and quantity management (how much of the product needs to be purchased from suppliers?). You will also need to determine how to distribute company resources to carry out these sales. What's the sales team's budget, how many team members are there, etc.? Next, determine how the effectiveness of your strategy will be measured. You can set sales goals, create a reporting process, or assign KPIs as part of sales control. Sales channels are another indispensable part of your strategy. For instance, will you sell through a single channel or multiple channels? Will this be a pop-up shop or an online store only? Will you have a storefront or will your products be stocked by large retailers? The organization component signifies how sales-related tasks are distributed across the company. What does the marketing team do? What about the management team? What about HR? Or the current sales team? For managers, who do they oversee? The process component is about how customers are acquired. Begin with lead acquisition strategies, develop sales team workflow processes, and then establish prospective, current, and recurring customer management protocols — which includes aftercare for after the transaction has been completed. (Slide 3) Sales concept development The sales concept development process is useful to create an action plan for your sales and marketing will be conducted. Begin with a market strategy that assesses how much potential your product has, compares them to your competition, and defines your market position and strategy. Break this strategy up and apply it to target customer segments. Then combine your mix of products, communications, and sales strategies to formulate an action plan. Let's say your company sells premium quality computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. This product mix creates high potential as they form an ecosystem of products that complement one other. For your sales concept development, conduct a competitive audit of your market landscape. There are other brands that are older and offer a wider range of personal electronic gadgets than you. But your differentiation lies in a covetable brand image that is accessible for the average consumer. In this case, the target groups may include anyone from college students to middle-aged customers. To reach them, you advertise everywhere from online to billboards. (Slide 4) Your Marketing Mix is made of components that need to be considered for a successful campaign. The Six P's of this mix are product, price, promotion, process, place, and people. In our example, the product is your slate of high-tech devices, from computers to tablets to smartphones. Let's say the smartphone product is your main sales focus right now. Its main feature is the ability to install any third-party apps that can improve a user's lifestyle. You could even argue that even though it is a phone, its app-supported features are so dominant that the ability to make phone calls has been downgraded as side usage. Additionally, the smartphone is beautifully designed and adopts user-friendly interfaces. Plus the branding and packaging are sleek and desirable, which are all advantages to be capitalized on. Your price point is on the high end and only offers discounts on older devices when a new model comes out. Promotions are any advertisements, sponsorships or partnerships used to funnel in awareness and sales. These could be billboard ads, TV spots, social media posts, or sponsored placements. In our example, you could even launch a "mini-store" partnership with a top retailer to set up a premium shopping experience with the sales floor exclusively dedicated to your suite of products. However, since your brand name has become akin to a lifestyle, customer referrals are your bread and butter. Process is the structure by which customers learn about, interact with, and ultimately purchase the product. It's essentially how you engineer your customer journey. Let's say there's enough popularity and hype built up around your company that you can hold public keynotes whenever a new model comes out. This becomes the launch point of the customer journey where they learn about the new offers, ask questions, begin to preorder, etc. Place is where the product can be purchased. This might be big retailers and distributors, your website, mobile shopping apps, or even your own brick-and-mortar. People are the team that drives the sales process and customer lifecycle. For our example, you may have a great sales team at retail locations and your customer service is top-notch, which drives frequent customer referrals. (Slide 13) You can use another tool in this deck to determine team roles across your organization's pre-sales vs post-sales strategy with an org chart visualization. (Slide 16) Target group analysis A target group analysis defines who the target audience is and how best to approach and sell to them. Segment this analysis by four target profiles: behavioral, psychographic, demographic, and geographic. For our example, let's say you want to segment your target customer by their behavioral profile. You have your brand loyalists and your late-stage adopters. Your brand loyalists pre-order every latest version of every new device, attend your keynote events, and convince five of their friends to as well. Your late-stage adopters are still very loyal, but they are usually a few generations behind, often buy second-hand, and tend to find ways to protect and keep their devices longer. While you don't always win them over with the latest chips, tech, and features, you can sell them more accessories to improve their older devices, like power chords, newer headphones, and new cases that extend battery life. You can also segment your target customer by demographic. You have both male and female customers, and they can range anywhere in age from 16 to 60. They typically come from North America, Europe, or the Asian Pacific. Their occupation is often in the tech industry, arts, or knowledge economy with a middle to upper-middle class income. To segment by psychographic profile, break down your customers by lifestyle, personality, values and interest. For instance, let's say your target customers follow the lifestyle of an urban professional. Their personality is curious with a love for new innovations and the latest gadgets. They value stability, fluidity and ease of use, and they have an interest in everything from arts and entertainment to tech. However, their unifying interest is to accomplish daily tasks easier. You can also sort by geographic region, country, population and climate. This is helpful when you want to assess the interests and behavior of international customers segments. (Slide 15) Customer life cycle Now it's time to plot out the customer life cycle. This process goes through four stages: engage, transact, fulfill, and service. In the engage stage, identify new customers, evaluate their likelihood to buy, then begin the sales process. In the transaction stage, the sales team creates offers that the customer then accepts. In the fulfill stage, the product or service is provided or delivered. And in the service stage, customers receive follow-ups across various channels. (Slide 18) Customer behavior types To make the sales process easier, it's helpful to break your prospects down into the four main customer behavior types. The programmed buyers buy as a routine purchase and receive below average service. These are the most low-maintenance customers. Relationship buyers value the experience when they work with you, and expect you to understand the business your products or service supports like the back of your hand. The higher quality the relationship, the higher level of trust and loyalty they have. Transaction buyers are competitive shoppers and heavily price-conscious. They want to find the best bargain and are well-versed in the product specs as they consider themselves experts due to all of their research. Bargain hunters look for discounts and coupons just to receive a good deal even if they didn't need to buy anything to begin with. In your case, these buyers may often buy second-hand or could be swayed by discounts on a previous year's models. (Slide 20-24) Customer classification matrix You can use a customer classification matrix to determine the characteristics, value, and opportunities and threats from your various customer types. For instance, Customer A is your most profitable customer. They bring in high revenue and high-profit margin. Even though their purchase quantity is low, they hold a lot of leverage power so you need to service them. Customer B, on the other hand, has an average revenue and return, they are still profitable and even have the potential to become a Customer A type over time. Customer C provides low sales and large purchase quantities, but they don't yield as much profit and require a high processing effort. They represent tiny transactions that are necessary to your business, but don't contribute much value. This is typically where most products or customers live, so your aim should be to automate their transactions as much as possible to reduce overhead and prevent a drain on your overall resources. (Slide 24) The customer classification matrix can also be visualized as an ABC analysis. The y-axis represents the percentage of cumulative value that a customer type represents while the x-axis represents the proportion of customers in that segment. (Slide 27) A portfolio analysis helps compare your sales strategy to your competition. The dark blue checkmarks represent your company, while the lighter, grayed-out checkmarks represent your competition. You can rank each feature from very poor to very good to determine areas where your sales process can improve the most. (Slide 28) A sales performance summary can be used for cost calculation. Use this summary to calculate the costs (and time translated into cost) associated with key tasks and activities of a sales rep. In the case of a multi-channel sales team, each channel could require its own sales performance summary. For instance, your sales floor staff wouldn't take into account online ad spend that results in an online purchase — only the activities they conduct on the sales floor, and vice-versa for the online ads team. However, a thorough sales performance summary of all activities conducted across departments can help management and execs see which tasks and activities have the highest ROI. (Slide 30) Finally, the key figures in sales control bar chart compares revenue, number of offers, number of orders, and success rate. This is a tool managers can use to share with key stakeholders to measure the KPIs you determined at the top of your plan to assess if the sales strategy is a success. It's editable and will open into an excel sheet for you to enter the relative data when you right-click on it. (Slide 31)
Nowadays, most of our social interactions take place on the internet. Distance is no longer an issue in maintaining a connection with someone. Line is an excellent social app because it mixes a social media platform with a messaging app. You can expand your circle of friends and join various groups on the Line chat app. You can join your groups led by your friends, but you can also find many groups on Line which are open to the public, which means that anyone with the link can become a member. There are many ways to join a group on Line. In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about joining and creating groups on this popular social app. How to Create a Group on Line Chat App Before you go ahead and join someone else’s group, you can make your own group to see what options Line group chats offer. Follow these steps to create a group on Line: - Download Line for free on the Google Play Store or App Store depending on the type of device you are using. Line is also available for Windows, Mac OS, and Chrome on their website. - Once you have installed the app and opened it, you will need to complete an easy sign up process. - When you finish that, Line will launch and you will immediately land on the Friends tab. - In the middle of the screen, you should see an option labeled “Create group.” Tap it. - Select all the friends from your contacts that you want to add. When you sign up, you will get a choice to sync your phone contacts with Line, so you don’t have to add friends manually. - Choose Next in the top-right corner. You can then add a group picture and name the group. - Tap “Create” in the top-right corner of your screen and you can start chatting right away You can use the group to add pictures, notes, videos, and much more. Apart from sending textual messages, you can also make calls and HD-quality video calls to the group members. You can also send voice messages, record live videos, and make events – whether you’re the owner of the group or just its member, which leads us to our main topic. How to Join a Group on Line Chat There are many ways one can join a group chat on Line. It is worth mentioning that new members will not be added to the group until they confirm they want to be added by pressing Join on their invitation. A single group on Line can have up to 500 members. 5 Ways to Join a Group on Line - Join a group via direct friend invites from within the app – The group creator and other group members can invite new friends from their contact list at any time. It is also the easiest method of joining a group because all you need to do is confirm the invite. - Join a group with a QR code – Thttps://www.novodasoftware.com/he owner of the group can choose to share the invite QR code with others. This is like a bar code you can scan with your smartphone camera. They can either send you the picture of this code or show it to you in person and let you scan it. - Join a group using an invite link – Direct invite links are easier to follow than the QR codes. You can find them posted online on some forums or sites. Click the link and join the group. If it is a private group, you can ask one of the members or the group owner to send you the link in a private message. - Join a group chat via email – Your friends can also invite you to Line groups via email. You will receive the invitation email with a direct link asking you to join their group. - Join a group on Line via text message – Another good private way of inviting friends on Line is via text message. You will get a text saying you were invited to a group along with the sender name and a hyperlink you should click in order to join. How to Find Line Groups There are Line groups for many niches, for example, fans of a specific computer game or anime. The best way to find those groups is by using your browser, Reddit, or Facebook. There are also many groups made for members of certain nationalities and people who want to learn more about those nations and countries, like the United Kingdom group. Look on the internet and you will surely find a group that might interest you. Line is a great place to hang out with your friends, but you can also meet many new, interesting people. There are many other apps and forums where friends and communities can gather, but Line allows you to get much more interactive than other platforms. Are you a member of any groups on Line? If so, what types of groups are they and what do you use them for the most? Tell us more in the comments below!
Ooh, big men with swords and shields and shit. I know this one is going to be popular. Immortals is the latest in the seemingly endless onslaught of Greek mythology inspired kill-em-ups that Hollywood have been churning out recently. Well, it's either Greek mythology or medieval stuff. I don't know why America has such a big boner for those kinds of actions movies. I guess it's because they never experienced it. By the time they gained independence it was all over, all they had was the wild west. Immortals tells the story of Theseus, a strapping young man who's really good with a spear whose destiny becomes intertwined with the gods after a formidable army marches its way through the region. The "Immortals" in question are both the gods and the titans, the former of which banished the latter after a big ass fight in the sky. Well, there's a guy named Hyperion who isn't too happy with the gods as they let his family die, so he decides to set the titans free and watch as the gods are all slaughtered. If only Theseus didn't keep getting in his way all the time. Pesky meddling kid. Immortals is your regular Greek slasher movie. There are lots of swords, countless guards that can be easily struck down by one guy with a spear, and a few huge dudes that are seemingly invincible and speak only in grunts. If you're looking for something that'll make you think, I don't even know why you'd consider this. It's all been done before really, but I must admit that Immortals was quite well done, although as mind numbing as all the others. The cast is fairly standard. It's a plethora of young men with impressive physiques running around with no tops on a lot of the time despite them running into battle. I don't know why guys get so hung up on watching romantic comedies, this movie has to be one of the most homo-erotic things I've seen in a while. Put some damn armour on, you hussies. The acting, understandably, is so so, but no one's really going to watch it for Oscar material, it's all about the action, and that's all pulled off pretty nicely, with nice slow motion effects and good choreography. So yes, Immortals is better than a lot of the hack and slash movies I've seen in recent months. But it's still only alright. There's just nothing too special about it, it just kind of drifts in the middle of the road. If you like your swords and blood and fighting though, this one is definitely for you. My rating: 3/5
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Part II: Best practices and opportunities In the previous post, we were describing the main blockers that are preventing businesses from a successful adoption of AI. We identified and analyzed these five areas: vision and commitment from executive teams and boards, organizational culture and change management, data readiness, talent, and, finally, standards and regulation. It is time now to focus on how to overcome these barriers, identifying best practices and opportunities from the experience of successful AI adopters. They are a great inspiration for companies looking to accelerate AI adoption within their organizations. Many of those early adopters have one point in common: they started their AI journey using an insight engine, as a way to run a trial and test AI benefits and capabilities. Relying on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), an insight engine enables a fast get-started environment and provides companies with an out-of-the-box functionality to speed up the first deployments. Any organization thinking about implementing AI and more concretely an insight engine should be mindful of the following considerations to ensure a successful rollout: - Decide how and where it should be deployed first It is advisable to choose carefully which department or function will be the first to use and deploy an insight engine. This selection should be based on two main criteria: feasibility and impact. If a department requires too much upfront work to get insight engine use off the ground, then it doesn’t make any sense to begin with that. Similarly, any new technology implementation needs quick wins to show tangible impact and value, and insight engines are no different. Getting this first implementation right paves the way for other functions to get on board, creating momentum that can build across the organization. Based on our experience implementing insight engines, the most common initial use cases are: - Sales: Delivering a real-time understanding of customers and markets - Marketing: Gaining market and brand insights from all your data - Service: Powering the automated resolution of support and service tickets in real-time - Risk: Keeping your business safe - Access to a demonstrator App Make use of a demonstrator app. This demo needs to deliver a thorough understanding of features and functionality and demonstrate the value an insight engine can bring to the organization. It is also essential at this stage for a clear view of the implementation method and a strong outline of what is required by the client to ensure success. - Address technical requirements upfront There are many technical requirements for an insight engine implementation (too many to list in full detail here). But having a good understanding of these requirements is crucial for any organization that is even considering an implementation. How will the infrastructure be set up? Who is responsible for the data loading and enrichment? Is all the data available? Is there support for the supervised Machine Learning (ML) to help fit models? These and related questions need to be answered as early in the process as possible. - Get training and support for your staff Any insight engine will only deliver the desired ROI if it is a technology adopted by all the target users, no matter if they are tech-savvy or not. Although the initial user group must be chosen carefully, insight engines are a technology suitable for any knowledge worker. Furthermore, they must be intuitive and easy to use. Employees must be given as much training and support as they need. - Connect Pilots to actual business ROI Pilot projects are an essential part of any technology implementation. They make it easy for an organization to trial the technology on a much smaller scale and understand what benefit it can bring to the business. Pilots are most effective, however, when they are tied into Return on Investment (ROI). Senior decision-makers in any organization must know how an insight engine will create efficiencies, save money, and impact the bottom line. A pilot must clearly define the project goals and demonstrate how reaching these goals will translate into ROI from the insight engine. AI and its implementation through an insight engine offers companies a rich set of opportunities to strengthen productivity and improve customer service. It also creates exciting new paths of innovation; for example, by realizing value in adjacent industries from companies’ data. But AI brings big changes to the way companies organize data and decision making. And it requires that companies attract and retain hard-to-find data scientists—and have the patience to train them up in specific industries. Finally, companies need to manage the ethics of algorithmic decision-making. All of this requires senior leadership and vision; boards and senior executives need to “upskill” to provide that clear direction.
Harris: We are happy to welcome back to our guest microphone comedian George Lopez, who was one of the headliners at the first Paul Harris Comedy Concert for Children’s Hospital. Lopez: It was great, wasn’t it? Harris: Wasn’t that a nice night? And we’ve got another great night coming up, that’s on December 8th this year. Lopez: Yeah, I saw your lineup and I urge everyone to go to that one, it’s going to be great. Harris: Wendy Liebman and Will Durst and Jim Gaffigan, Bob Somerby, and The Reduced Shakespeare Company. Thank you for letting me plug that. Now let’s talk about you. How have you been? I saw you on Vibe, that Quincy Jones show, a couple of weeks ago. That’s on Channel 20 at 10 o’clock here. Lopez: I jammed, man. Didn’t I? Harris: You were very good on that show. Lopez: I had just had some material put on hold for The Tonight Show that’s supposed to be happening in January. So I had to completely retool, since it’s all people of color as opposed to The Tonight Show, which is predominantly the midwest. I was in the middle, I didn’t know who I was, and I was like, “What the hell, what am I saying? Who am I?” Harris: Is that what they’ll do? One show will say, “We love this part of your act, hold on to it?” Lopez: “Hold onto it and don’t do anything of this set on any other show.” And I had a week to do Vibe, but they replaced my guy, Chris. Harris: Yeah, Chris Spencer’s out and Sinbad’s coming in. Why are you laughing about Sinbad? Lopez: Sinbad is…anytime they need a black man and they need him in a hurry, it’s Sinbad. He’s the guy, he’s the Roto-Rooter. Anytime you’re in trouble, call Sinbad! Harris: I hear Sinbad said, “Yes, Quincy, I’ll do the show but only for a couple of months. Find somebody full time to do this.” Lopez: It’s too bad that they didn’t give Chris a chance because Conan O’Brien ran for at least a year solid and was horrible the first year. He’s great now and to replace a guy two months in is just horrible. Harris: Why didn’t they get you? Were you up for the job? You should have gotten that. Lopez: I’d like to have had it, but I think they weren’t going to do anybody that hasn’t been proven yet. Plus Telemundo has offered me a talk show. I find that completely interesting that they want to get into English programming. Harris: Now that’s a mistake for Telemundo. Lopez: Telemundo, the guy who does the astrology is like seventy years old and he’s homosexual and all his predictions are that. “Hello, you are lady?” Click. He doesn’t want to talk to anybody but men. “I want men, call me, men. Lady, no. Your future, bye.” But Telemundo offered me a talk show and I thought that it is the loudest station on TV. You watch NBC, they’ve got the three little bells going ding, dong, ding. On Telemundo, they scream. That’s why if you ever drive by Latino neighborhoods and they’re all in the front yard at about 11 o’clock at night, it’s because it’s too loud in the house! My grandmother would yell at me, “Turn the television down.” My response was always the same, “I don’t know where the pliers are! What did you do with them? You used the oven last! What did you do with them?” Harris: Not only is Telemundo a loud channel, but it is also the sweatiest channel on TV. They have to get air-conditioning at that studio or tone down some of the soap operas. Lopez: The funniest thing to me is that they’ll do the same commercials, like Coast soap. “I like Coast because it’s the eye opener.” And you’ll see the same commercial in Spanish a lot louder. It’s almost like the way cavemen reacted to fire in “Quest for Fire.” They’re just so happy to see soap! “We must not tell anyone we have Coast. Don’t tell anyone. You are lady.” Click. I don’t know what’s going to happen TV- wise. I love Vibe but I think I’m going to jump and go over to Keenen. Harris: Well, that seems to be the show of the two in the urban battle. Lopez: The urban battle is being waged and I’m going over to Keenen. Harris: Good, that’s the show to be on. Lopez: I’ll take a fish for that tank and maybe I’ll suck up. That old Chevy Chase tank they have. Harris: I’m surprised they put a tank on there. Didn’t Chevy’s fish all die on TV? Lopez: They all died. Harris: And so Keenen puts a fish tank on there. Let me ask about one TV thing you did. I always watch this show on Comedy Central called Make Me Laugh, right before The Daily Show. In the history of this show — and I watch it every night — nobody ever makes them laugh, and why would they? If you’re making money not to laugh, nobody’s going to make you laugh. You were funny, but was Marty Putz one of the guys on with you? Lopez: Marty Putz was one of the guys. I made the guy laugh in 6 seconds. The guy was a bail bondsman. So they go, “He’s a bail bondsman who says George, make me laugh!” I said, “So you’re a bail bondsman. Do I look familiar to you?” The guy was on the floor in six seconds, it’s the record. That’s all I said and he starts rolling. Harris: The idea of that show is that the comedians are trying to be as funny as they can and the people are fighting back laughter. As a comedian, we had Wendy Liebman on after she did the show, and she said that it was the most disgraceful thing in comedy. Lopez: Right, because they pay people not to laugh for like a dollar a second. Very nice, our egos are completely gone. You’re hitting them with bombs and it’s almost like you’re boxing and you’re hitting someone with bombs and they’re not going down. Harris: Not even that, they’re not even getting bruised. They’re not even turning a cheek. Lopez: You almost have to do it because you almost have to keep up the money for the insurance. God forbid one of my teeth dies and I’m out there with a gray front tooth. I guess there’s always Denny’s night manager. Harris: George, you were so good at the Paul Harris Comedy Concert For Children’s Hospital last year. Lopez: Thanks. It was jam packed and it was a Monday night and it was just perfect. That’s what comedy is about. Plus, you give back and people are laughing. I remember some older Republican men coming up going, “You know, we are not really fans of your particular type of comedy, but we thought it was funny.” Well, thank you, I guess! Harris: Kind of a half-hearted compliment there. Lopez: Then I saw Paul in Las Vegas! I forget when it was. Harris: About six weeks after that, I was on vacation in Vegas. Lopez: He called me at the hotel and I was like, “How do I blow this dude out, man?” Harris: He was playing the Improv over there and I came over after the show and George and I hung out for a while. Lopez: I made friends with some of the maitre d’s at the shows, so I would go over and see Earth, Wind, and Fire and Bill Cosby. I met Bill Cosby and he said, “I saw you man on TV man doing the Spanish thing.” That’s what he told me, “All right, you’re doing the Spanish thing, that’s cool.” Harris: “Doing the Spanish thing?” That’s a nice compliment from the Cos. Lopez: “Doing the Spanish thing.” Okay, Cos, thank you. But I saw Siegfried and Roy for the first time. The white tigers look more human than Siegfried and Roy. You see the white tigers — and I don’t want to start any rumors — but the new baby white tiger has Roy’s eyes. You didn’t hear it from me. Harris: I heard that Siegfried and Roy have split. That was a story that came out about a week or two ago. Lopez: Yeah, but Roys are like Lassies man, they’ll pull a new Roy out of somewhere. They broke up, right? So that’s why all the flags at Dupont Circle are flying half-mast. I was like, “They’re flying half-mast, I wonder why?” Harris: Hey, you weren’t here last week for the Louis Farrakhan Day of Atonement. I’m sorry about that. Lopez: I actually want Latinos to do a Day of Atonement because we do a lot of things in this country and we don’t get a lot of recognition. Harris: Could there be a Latino Million Man March? Lopez: I think we could do the Million Man Nap, but not the March. I just think Farrakhan is always on, he’s always Reverend Farrakhan. If he went to McDonald’s he would be like, [in Farrakhan’s voice] “Yes I would like…one value meal…super size…with a Diet Coke.” And when he gets going, he’s a beautiful speaker, but it almost sounds like he’s doing 70s songs. He’s like, “I can turn the gray sky blue…I can make it rain whenever I want it to…I can build a castle from a single grain of sand…but I can’t get next to you, babe, can’t get next to you. Just sit right back…and you’ll hear a tale…a tale of a fateful trip…that started on this tropic port…aboard a tiny ship…the mate, who was a Jew…” Oh my God! Louis Farrakhan is killing me, man. Harris: The skipper in a bow tie. I would pay to see it. Lopez: “Mary Ann, you must atone for your Jezebel ways…why can’t we eat something else other than coconut cream pie?” Harris: If you want to get into the Latino thing, I’ve got to ask you, there’s this new magazine in town called Capital Style and they put Jimmy Smits on the cover of the first issue because he’s always in town lobbying for what he calls Hispanic issues. You say Latino right? Lopez: I just say issues. I don’t color code them. Harris: I know one of the things you’re talking about a lot is how Latinos are getting short shrift, especially in the entertainment industry, right? Lopez: Yeah, so we’re on the same page as far as that’s concerned. But I think there are good shows. Cheech is on Nash Bridges. That’s a great show. Cheech is very fine in that show, and he’s also one of my golfing buddies. It’s so funny because I never smoke, I never get high. I haven’t gotten high in 20 years and Cheech still gets high. Harris: Is that right? Lopez: So he says to me one day, “Hey, man, do you want to smoke?” And it’s almost like, you don’t want to but it’s Cheech! It’s almost like if Mickey Mantle said, “You want to play catch? Go get your glove.” You almost have to say, “Gee Mick, do you mean it?” You almost have to! I became him, man. Two guys, one Cheech and one trying to be Cheech. Just wild. Harris: Cheech and Cheech, not the greatest act in the world. Lopez: It was crazy. Harris: Have you been getting any roles of any kind? Lopez: I’m gone a lot so I don’t get a chance to. My friends are executive producers on the Wayans Brothers Network and they were going to give me a part, but the guy was a robber. I don’t want to do that. I’d let the tooth die. I think it’s important not to. I travel by myself and you see a lot of things and its always negative. Last week I was in Chicago and I go to breakfast by myself, and the lady looks at me and starts looking around and says, “We only accept applications between 10 and 2 in the afternoon.” And you almost have to laugh, man, because it’s so funny. So I said, “OK, I’ll be back.” It’s just so ridiculous that we’re almost invisible. Those things are funny to me and as long as they’re funny to me I’ll just continue to put them in the act. I run into all these stupid people. Harris: I think it’s great that you can laugh at that. Lopez: I think it’s important. I mean, maybe one day, who knows? I think that the way you see police, the brutality, like what happened to the guy in New York with the guy and the plunger. And then they say that the guy is recovering slowly. No lie, man! I wouldn’t be in any hurry to get back out onto the streets again. “The doctor says you’re free to go.” “No, I’m OK. This month could we try chocolate ice cream? I just want to sit here and have more ice cream.” Because when you see commercials like this for Just For Men hair color, it’s hilarious. The cop pulls the guy over and says, “This isn’t you, this is an older guy.” “Well, that’s because I’ve been using Just For Men.” I don’t know if that really happens in real-life nighttime scenarios. A cop pulls you over and says “Hey, this isn’t you.” “Yeah, I know, and in five minutes you’re going to find out this isn’t my car either.” Harris: So can you picture a day when there is a Latino president who’s doing coffees at the White House and raising hundreds of thousands of dollars? Lopez: Oh no, it wouldn’t even be coffees he gets in trouble with. “Did you hear about President Lopez? They caught him fixing his cousin Tooty’s parking tickets. He had an aunt who had a Denver boot on and he got it taken off. Man, I think they’re going to depeach him.” Harris: George Lopez, thanks for coming. Lopez: Thank you, Paul! Copyright 1997, Paul Harris. Transcript by Phil Egenthal
Today in my prayer time, I had a Vision. I was looking down from above The United States of America, and then I immediately heard, “The Divided States of America.” I heard at once the sound of a National Upheaval cry out for truth, justice and judgement in the land! I understood there were National and some International documents that were being tossed up in the air like putting a bunch of leaves in a linen sheet and tossing it up in the sky. At first it reminded me of the twin towers in New York City when they were hit by planes planned by terrorism. Paperwork went everywhere in the sky. Suddenly it was in slow motion as the paper from a distance looked like shredded confetti that was tossed into the winds like there had been a great win and celebration. As the paper was tossed up in the winds, it was carried all over America like a coming storm. Nationally, as time waned on, the paper began to change by the elements and with the lapse in time, it caused the sky to look dark, with foggy clouds that were weighty that seemed to grip the land. The amount of paper couldn’t be counted as it was airborne like a virus. I understood that this paper represented enormous amounts of legal documents and ballots. It gripped the land and hung on like the fog yet this was all in slow motion. I knew within myself that the dark clouds and fog represented great discouragement, depression, and isolation. I heard the word “Insurrection.” Definition of Insurrection: An act or instance of revolting against civil authority or an established government. Synonyms include Insurgence, insurgency, mutiny, outbreak, rebellion, revolt, revolution, rising, and uprising. We have entered a unprecedented time for we have never gone this way before! Beloved whether you believe it or not we have been engulfed in a major Civil war in the Church and in the USA. The depths of Cyber Warfare is totally unchartered territory for most of us, but we thank God for his power, love, and his keeping power! In this unprecedented time, other nations were found to have been involved with our electoral process! And just like the United States of America was bombed at Pearl Harbor we too have been sucked into a cyberwar world without even realizing it. But God is uncovering the corruption that is far, wide, and deep and this is NOT just something that will go away on its own! This will not go away on its own! We will not go away and we will not be silent! There are too many ramifications. However, no matter how fast we move, it will still take time to gather all information and the answers and proof as to what really happened in this election in each state because if we stop, if we concede, if we don’t hold these people accountable we will never be able to trust our electoral process again. We must dig in fortify and become strong! I see many people rising, mobilizing, and organizing court cases with one heart, mind, and spirit. We must take a stand demanding that all of the fraud and the dumping of electoral materials and tampering with machines along with the people responsible for every level of our electoral process must be held accountable. That many eyewitnesses will not be intimidated and that they will be gathered to make cases to be heard in each state and on to The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) and that they will not relent until it is all revealed and the evidence be presented to the people of the United States of America! This case isn’t over! It is far from over! It is about what is right for our nation and for her survival in God we trust! The civil unrest shall continue but we cannot be silenced and intimidated! We must pray and support those who are working hard at bringing justice and judgment to the Supreme Court. We are a nation of the people and by the people and for the people. We must stand, pray, and believe that the legal teams will mobilize as a united force and that they will contend for the faith and the constitution in each legal case that shall be heard. We must pray for this process and God’s timing and ask God to send plenty of support to take this nation back to God. It is not the time to quit praying! There are many battles being waged for our civil liberties and the soul of this nation! We must learn to quickly look at the bigger picture instead of little skirmishes for they are like the distractions of the little foxes that spoil the vine. We need to be wise and choose our battles carefully. Some don’t deserve our time. We have never gone this way before so it is like Abraham when God told him to leave his father’s house not knowing where he was going. There are so many imprisoned in their homes while isolation is fast taking its toll. Yeah, there are folks having cabin fever not realizing what is really happening in the world and what they were internalizing. Because of these things many have caved into the majority. Many are given to rest, rest, and more rest as many have fallen fast, fast, asleep trying to escape what is happening around them. Complacency, sluggard, slothful, laziness, being lackadaisical having no interest, determination, listless, lethargic, apathetic, feeling worn out, and so tired… we can’t stop! The fruits of the flesh only nourish us in pretense and fraud. And the fruit is rotten to the core though outwardly the skin is still shiny and red. God is sending A Great Awakening for The Church first — then the nation! This is the scheme of the enemy; to wear, tear, and take you down! If we don’t repent to God for idolatry, these things will regrettably cause us to slide down the slippery slope of doubt, fear, and unbelief. The process and outcome are the same; His plot is to deceive you and gain as much access and power in your life as possible! His mission is to bring destruction and ultimately, he wants you to host him as the idol of your life. To sit on the throne of your heart is the place where God is supposed to occupy. This is when he takes the power, control, and authority you have legally given him to wreak havoc in your life and in others. The enemy then takes over your body and mind and lead us to where our mind is not ours anymore. What we give most of our attention to is what has you! However, there is hope, and the great I AM is sending a wake-up call to revive His people who are asleep, deceived, and blind to all the idols of Baal in this land. (Baal worship is the plurality of gods, like the god of lust, the lust of greed, pride etc.) The enemy’s goal is to do whatever it takes to weaken our life so that we will be totally disarmed. And when we come up for air we will realize the error of our ways and like the prodigal son, we shall be awakened and come to our senses and get up and move forward to our Father’s house! Don’t give up in despair continue to believe what God has said for we are at the Red Sea moment for we have never been this way before! Be expectant in faith… and give no more room for the devil! “Wherefore I take you to record this day, that I am pure from the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God,” Acts 20:26-27 KJV. “The servant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, to them that are sanctified by God the Father and preserved in Jesus Christ, and called: Mercy unto you, and peace, and love, be multiplied. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints,” Jude 1:1-3 KJV. See Part 2 Part 3 Coming……. In HIS Grace and Mercy, ~ Sherry Edwards Mackey
Medicana Hospital Ankara Söğütözü, 2176. Sk. No: 3, 06510 Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey, Turkey Medicana International Ankara Hospital, Since 1992, has sustains its progression on the way to determine the standards of future healthcare services. Today, Medicana Health Group, which carries on its activities especially in Istanbul and Ankara,... read moreSend Enquiry About The Hospital Medicana International Ankara Hospital, Since 1992, has sustains its progression on the way to determine the standards of future healthcare services. Today, Medicana Health Group, which carries on its activities especially in Istanbul and Ankara, constantly provides the most advanced healthcare services in all aspects of health in Konya, Samsun, Sivas and Bursa through its 13 hospitals and 6000 employees on average. Medicana Health Group not only pioneered the development of health tourism in our country, it also became one of the important centers in treatment of international patients in multidisciplinary healthcare. In order to provide sustainable healthcare services, many offices have been established at important locations of the world.At hospitals of Medicana Health Group; healthcare services, which are fully compatible with the Service Quality Standards of the Ministry of Health and accreditation standards of the Joint Commission International (JCI), are provided in the equal quality with the world’s leading institutions, through its principle based on patient safety and efficient and quality patient care and treatment. Medicana Health Group, which aims to provide healthcare services to every segment of society at international standards, increases the patient satisfaction with its transparent, reliable and compassionate approach for the patients, and thus, the Group has been regarded as one of the most valuable brands in our country and has received the title of the health institution mostly preferred by the patients, through its quality in healthcare services.The primary aim of Medicana Health Group is to be a healthcare facility that continuously improves its productivity through its vision “closely following the most advanced and leading infrastructures and developments”. In addition, it aims to follow the development of healthcare services in Turkey and in the world and to adopt the internationally recognized methods and practices and offer these methods and practices to patients. Medicana Health Group is a member of the Association of Private Hospitals and Medical Institutions. It is awarded the status of baby-friendly hospital by UNICEF and the World Health Organization. Mission / Vision Statement Our mission is to offer high quality healthcare services to all patients from every segment of society, serve our country by creating employment opportunities in healthcare sector, and to ensure continuous development of our employees by creating a happy and safe working environment for them. Our vision is to be a healthcare facility which is recognized in international platform, offers healthcare services at international standards, closely monitors and pioneers innovations and is modeled by other healthcare facilities. We also aim to create a chain of healthcare facilities that offers high-quality and equal healthcare services to all local and international patients and fulfills all expectations of the patients in facilities, where all patients can feel safe. Nearby Guest House Team & specialisation - Professional Team - All Types of Health Services. - Safety by Credentials - Complimentary Consultations - Insurance and Financing Number Of Beds No Of Surgeon Medicana International Ankara Hospital; with its technological infrastructure, expert staff and modern building, it is expected to be the center of attraction, not only in Ankara and surrounding cities but also the Middle East, Balkans and Caucasia. Medicana International Ankara Hospital is expected to bring vitality to health tourism in Ankara with its advanced service quality. Medicana International Ankara Hospital is come into prominence in the field of health tourism, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, IVF, organ and tissue transplantation, eye, dental, plastic surgery and medical oncology departments.
Nine Years Ago. Yes, I said Nine. It has officially been nine years since I made the decision to pack my two suitcases and my camera, and fly approximately 7000 kilometres across the Atlantic Ocean, to move to Germany from my small town in Canada. I was 22 years old, young, brave and in love. I am now 31 ( almost 32 ) and still consider myself young, I might even be braver and I am definatly still in love. I am also wiser, stronger, healthier, more experienced, educated, grounded and happier. What I am most happy about, is that I did not let anyone, or anything, influence my decision to come here. It is difficult of course, to move across the world and start a new life where you know literally one person. But that doesn’t mean it is not possible, nor does it mean that it isn’t the right decision to make. I often imagine my life another way. A completely different life, a way of life if I had stayed. It could have gone in 100 different directions, but it didn’t. It went in the one that I chose. I do not regret my decision, not one bit. Actually it is the opposite. If I didn’t come, I would have regretted it. BIG TIME. People often ask me how I knew it was the right decision for me. And the answer is: I didn’t know if it was! But I decided to try it anyway. I usually tell these people that the worst that could have happened is that I hated it, and would have had to book a flight home. Big deal, that is exactly what credit cards are for ! Do I miss Ontario? and Canada? = Most defiantly. And my Family? and Friends ? = Every single day. And what about all the milestones I am missing? Family Christmas’, Birthdays, Weddings, New Births, Deaths etc. etc.etc. = ALL THE TIME ! But what I like more is my freedom. My freedom to grow, and learn and travel and experience things I would not even come close to be able to do if I had not made the decision to come. I made the decision for me, And not for others. I like that I can make friends, and work jobs, and grow and live in an entirely new place with a new language and culture. I do not do this to get away from the place I came from, but rather to learn to be the best that I can be, and to share my best self with others. And maybe even to share a bit with the people in the place that I came from. In the nine years that I have been here, Munich has grown. I have seen it with my own eyes and ears. I, like many others, am not a Münchener. So many of us have moved here for work or love or both. In fact, most of all the people I know were not born here, but have moved here in the last 10 years. I have lived in 3 different homes, in 3 different neighbourhoods in this city, all with their own charm and beauty and people. When I moved here in 2011, Munich had 1.35 Million residents. Now we are about 1.5 million strong. That’s 115 000 more people! Is this a large or small number you say? Well it depends how you compare it. This number is larger than the population of the entire county where I grew up, but smaller than the number of people who die every day worldwide. Yes, statistics are weird! And it seems that this city will only continue to grow. I don’t know if I have seen as many cranes in one city, as I have in Munich this summer! It is a large European city. It is sometimes loud, and annoying, and yet it retains a charm, that is hard to achieve in a large city. One that I have rarely seen in any other place I have visited. One that I still love, most days that is. So, after 9 years of living here. Here is a list of the Top 9 places in Munich to visit or eat, or whatever you wish to do, and why I love them for what they are. In no particular order. - The Isar River. I do not know how, but this river and it’s daily changing colour and fresh temperatures give me strength. It is very rare that I do not spend at least 30 minutes every week on it’s banks, and for this I am so grateful. - The Lakes. They are endless, and so close to this city. As soon as I think I have visited them all, I discover a new one. If you have a day off, Just Go! No matter the weather. - The Trees. This is what every new Munich resident mentions first. Munich is so green! Munich has so many trees! And it is soooo true. They fill the parks, but they also line the streets, boulevards, rooftops and even highways. You notice this especially from above ! - The Books. I have never read a digital book, and I am not sure I ever will. Real books and bookstores are just to great to give up! I buy new and used books, and only keep the ones I know I will read or look at again and again. I sell, donate or gift the others. I haven’t ordered a book on Amazon for years, and will continue to do so in order to support my local shops. There are even many english bookstores in this city! My favourites are Wortwohl, The Munich Readery, The Lost Weekend, Words Worth, and Buchhandlung am Gasteig. - The Food. But mostly the ice cream parlours. They are open from March to November, and they fuel my summer. There are so many in this city, ( thanks European union for letting Italiens live here ! ) but my favourites are True & 12, Cesarios Ice Cream, Del Fiore, Bartu, and Bali Beni. - The Beer. Ohh the beer. I remember the first time I tasted a non American/Canadian industry beer. It had taste, and specific flavours. It was creamy and so many other things all at once. I didn’t even know beer could taste that way! Now craft breweries are more popular than ever before, and I am so thankful! Most large, brand name “beer” leaves me bloated and with a headache. So I drink almost exclusively Tilmans in order to support a friend, but there are so many other great companies making tasty products in and around Munich. And believe me, the small price increase is worth it! I would rather drink one tasty beer than three disgusting ones. - The Bike Lanes. Since the petition last Spring to increase Munich’s presence and name as being the bike capital of Germany, I actually have seen a difference in it’s streets. Yes, there is still a lot of work to be done, but there are also so many nice new bike lanes, labeled with bright red paint popping up all over the cities streets. We still need more of them, and many people need to learn the rules of the road. But this Spring and Summer especially, there are more cyclists than ever before on the streets of Munich, and this is how it should be. Don’t be afraid to go for a ride ! - The Outdoorsie Environmentalists. This is a huge subject, but one so close to me. I am so thankful for all that Munich and it’s residents have taught me about how to treat our planet right. Sure, this city it not Amsterdam. We still have cars, way to many in fact, but the amount of people that care for Mother Earth in this place and how passionate they are about it is so inspiring. It influences my everyday life, and I know I am better because of it. - The Languages. When I moved here I could speak, read and write fluent English, read and write French at a A1 level, and speak a maximum 10 words of German. Now I speak, read and write German at a B2/C1 level, and read, speak, and sometimes write French, at a B1 level. This wouldn’t have been possible if I lived in a place with only one, or maybe two main languages. This is what Europe is amazing at! Even if you need to learn a new language as an adult, it is possible, if you put a little work into it. The inspiring American Author, Gretchen Rubin says ” September is the other January ” And I could not agree more. Many of us are starting new jobs, or going back to school. Starting to study in a new place, or maybe starting nothing new at all! And although 2020 is a BIG year of change, I do feel a shift in September, like every year. It is my favourite month for many reasons, but mostly because of the new opportunities it brings, and and the more we grow and live because of them. Happy September Everyone !
Lawyers, arbitrators, magistrates, academics and corporate counsel can now get a copy of the new publication which will help them solve some of the complex questions they face: How should the contents of the applicable law be proved by the parties? Are the arbitrators free to ascertain the applicable rules of law independently from the parties? Dossier XI assembles in eleven chapters the salient points that were brought up during panel discussions of the Institute’s 33rd Annual Meeting. The conference was co-organized and co-chaired by Fabio Bortolotti, Partner, Buffa, Bortolotti Mathis Studi Legali Associati, Turin and Pierre Mayer, Partner, Dechert LLP, Paris, both Council Members of the ICC Institute. “When international arbitrators apply the rules of a national legal system, they need to deal with a number of questions on how the applicable law should be proven and on the arbitrators’ right to inquire autonomously about its contents,” said Mr Bortolotti. “In case the applicable domestic law does not correspond to expectations of parties engaged in international commerce, arbitrators are put before a difficult choice between a flexible approach based on commercial practice, usage and reasonable expectations of parties involved in the type of commerce at stake, and a rigorous application of the rules of law,” he added. Mr Mayer said: “This new publication provides a perspective on the right balance between these conflicting needs, which can only be found case by case, taking into account all the relevant circumstances. It offers a comprehensive analysis of the role of the arbitrators and the expectations of the parties in case of contradiction between the applicable law and the needs of international business. “It offers a thorough picture of practical issues related to the application of substantive law when international arbitrators apply the rules of a national legal system.” The Dossiers of the renowned ICC Institute of World Business Law are the outcome of the Institute’s annual meetings, where experts from around the globe come together to discuss topical issues of international commercial law including arbitration. The next Annual Meeting will gather international trade and dispute resolution professionals in Paris on 24 November with a conference on “Addressing Issues of Corruption in Commercial and Investment Arbitration”. The proceedings from this event will be compiled in another edition of the Institute Dossier and participants attending the conference will be entitled to a free copy. The Dossiers Series analyses important issues which are frequently faced by arbitrators and counsel in international disputes. The ICC Institute of World Business Law is a think-tank that provides research, training and information to the legal profession concerned with the development of international business law. Its main objectives are to foster wider knowledge and the development of the law and practices of international business.
“Tied To Jesus Christ” Scripture Reading: Romans 6:1-11 When I was a boy my mother often would say “If you go out in the rain without a coat and hat, you’re going to catch pneumonia.” Now as an adult, I can see exactly what she meant. Pneumonia is very powerful. It may start small. But it’s so powerful that it eventually takes control of your lungs and your life. Some of us who have had pneumonia know what this means. Now, imagine this. Suppose you wanted to “catch” not a cold and not pneumonia, but you wanted to “catch” something positive like kindness. Every parent knows that the best way to convey kindness to his child is to be kind. And as the child sees your lifestyle, they are attracted to it and your kindness is “caught.” The same holds true for integrity and selflessness. And how about joy and peace and contentment; where would you go? Wouldn’t you go to catch these things? The answer is found in Scripture. Would you please open your Bible with me to Colossians chapter one? I’ve titled today’s sermon “Tied to Jesus Christ.” Shall we pray? When you read through Colossians, see it as an epistle from God Himself. Here’s a word from Colossians that should encourage your heart. Colossians 1:27 “To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:…” It’s as if this God’s greatest concern for you and me. He wants us to know the riches of something beyond the riches of this world. He wants us to get a glimpse of one of the mysteries of life. That mystery is Christ in you; which Paul calls “the hope of glory.” There is a lot of unrest in the world. There’s a huge lack of peace. And we often we hear news reporters commenting on some sad conditions and very difficult things in the world. But they do it from the viewpoint of education or economics or even social standing. But when you read God’s word, you see that our biggest needs are the spiritual ones. And God has so ordered the history of mankind that at some point we learn that we need Someone a whole lot bigger than ourselves to make it through this life. We need Jesus Christ. And we need Him in us. As Paul puts it “…Christ in you, the hope of glory:…” It would be a great thing to be a follower of Jesus. It would be a great thing to read what Jesus said and taught. It would be a great thing if we could memorize and be able to repeat some of the great sentences Christ spoke. But, “Christ in you” is a whole lot more than this. We’ve all see beautiful fountains in the center of a large city. I happen to love fountains. Now, you could admire that water. You might even stand near it. You could stand so close to it that that fountain could spray you a bit. But is that all fountains were made for? Did you know that in order for you to really experience the fountain, you’d have to get into it? You can’t just look at the pictures or read about them or talk about the beauty and wonder of the city fountain. You need to quote “get into it.” Here’s a fountain. And here’s another fountain. They are in the same city. And here’s another one in the same city. And here’s another one. Actually this city has more than two hundred fountains in it.
I don’t want to settle in Shimla or Kasauli, Have to go to Chamba only! Have you heard this Himachali folk song? The first time, we heard it, we were absolutely in awe of it and since then; had made up our mind to visit Chamba. On little research, we further found that a trip to Chamba can be clubbed with Dalhousie and Khajjiar. So, on my birthday it was the perfect time to make a winter trip to Dalhousie Chamba Khajjiar. Dalhousie, a colonial hill station in Northern Himachal Pradesh lies at an altitude 6500 feet above sea level and is a famous tourist spot whereas Chamba lies on the banks of River Ravi at 3300 feet and is an ignored tourist destination. With the similar notions in our head, even we left with a thought of first visiting Dalhousie, then Khajjiar and Chamba. But at times things don’t work according to your plans and you have to choose the paths directed by nature and that is what happened with us. Winter Trip to Dalhousie Chamba Khajjiar How to Reach Dalhousie & Khajjiar? Dalhousie lies 560 Kilometers from Delhi and 313 Kilometers from Chandigarh. Further, Khajjiar lies 22 km from Dalhousie via Dalhousie Chamba road and 23 km from Chamba. From Delhi we took a halt at Chandigarh and started the next day early at 9:00 am to reach Dalhousie on time. Route from Chandigarh – Chandigarh – Roopnagar – Garshankar – Dasuya –Pathankot – Dalhousie – Khajjiar We reached Dalhousie around 4 pm. Roads were covered with slush and had walls of snow on sides whereas some trails were completely laid in white. Trees had specks of snow on them and few cars were covered by 2-3 feet of snow. It clearly seemed the area had received an adequate amount of snowfall this year. We went straight to our hotel JK Clarks Exotica, Dalhousie and after relaxing, left for a quick stroll. It was freaking cold, Sun was playing hide and seek behind the clouds. And as it started getting dark, the wind speed and chilliness increased. In minutes, the rain too joined the drama, and people started running to find the shelter wherever it was possible. We too joined the league and without much delay rushed back to our hotel. The whole night it continued raining and the temperature had fallen drastically (Probably -5 or even lesser than that). The next morning, the sky was clear but had some hovering clouds. And within an hour, the weather took a drastic turn from sunny to cloudy. It started raining and locals predicted snowing in Khajjiar. Hearing this, we immediately packed and left for Khajjiar, which lies 23 kilometers ahead. But as soon we reached near Gandhi Chownk Market in Dalhousie, there was a big Que of vehicles apart snow and slush. Traffic was halted and was not allowed ahead to Khajjiar because of the roadblock due to snow. On further inquiry, we learned that it will probably take months or more to open this route. We started looking for another route option in GPS and the only way was to go Khajjiar from Dalhousie was via Chamba. It too looked completely luck dependent, as the Chamba to Khajjiar road was also closed due to snow till yesterday. Bit disappointed, we took a U-turn to Banikhet (6 Kilometers from Dalhousie) to refuel our car, and there we saw a diversion for Chamba, stating 44 kilometers ahead. Note: There is no fuel station in Dalhousie. The last one is available only at Banikhet Also Read: Walk to the Nako Village in Himachal Pradesh Dalhuoise to Chamba From Banikhet itself, we took the Dalhousie Chamba road. Landscapes changed immediately. Roads got wider as compared to the Dalhousie road, and we were driving at lesser altitude. There was greenery all around and the towns on the way looked thickly populated. On the way, comes the turquoise green color Chamera Lake. It looks grand and was perfectly gelling with the surrounding. Indeed, with the backdrop of Himalayas, it made the perfect picture. The weather was worsening, so we thought of booking the room at earliest before we don’t get a place to hide. The majority of the hotels were not operating. It looked people had gone to the hibernation zone and they will only come out once the sun warms up the place and summers come back. Somehow Goibibo came into help and we got a place to stay at Anantson resort in Chamba. Reaching the resort was another task, but once we reached and saw the views from the cottage, our whole day pain vanished away. Rains had washed away the dust, everything looked crystal clear and now we knew why the above Himachali Song quotes “Chamba Jana Zarur” (Must visit Chamba). The town looked heavenly on the banks of River Ravi. There were shades of green everywhere, clouds were floating among the Himalayas and extreme winters looked like monsoons. The ancient town still looked unadulterated although modernity has begun to sneak into the lives of town people. The beautiful Chambalis were happy to greet and meet us. We inquired about the Chamba – Khajjiar road from the manager and were happy to know that road had just been opened yesterday. For us the perfect day was still ahead; so, we spent rest day gazing and clicking the landscapes from various angles. Chamba to Khajjiar The next day, after a good scrumptious local Chamba breakfast (Aloo cooked in Dahi and Puri), we left for the trip to a winter wonderland – Khajjiar, also known as Switzerland of India. It lies only 22 kilometers form Chamba. But just a kilometer ahead from the resort, there was a big landslide. Disappointment started building up again in our mind, but our heart was fighting back with positive thoughts. After an hour the road got cleared and we took a turn to Khajjiar. The single-lane road looked narrow, steep. We had to climb another 3300 feet in 22 Kms. Landscapes looked breathtaking. The great Himalayas in between were decorated with patches of terrace gardens, colorful houses and had adorned a beautiful white crown. Clouds were floating along with the scalps and it looked like rain on the mountain tops. We inquired from another crossing car about the way and were super delighted to hear Yes! Also Read: Hike to Kheerganga From there we took a deep ascent and the specks of snow increased to mounds and trails. The Dauladhar range of Himalayas started resembling black forest cake and there came the board of view of ManiMahesh Kailash Peak, also known as Chamba Kailash (One of the five abodes of Lord Shiva according to Hindu mythology). It was engulfed by the clouds while going but we got a crystal view while returning back. We reached the entrance of the Kalatop – Khajjiar reserve. It was snowing inside and was dark. Roads were completely covered in white except the tire marks. There were no vehicles and people. The whole scene looked scary for driving but Tashi wanted to drive. 5 Kilometers distance felt like 50 kilometers here, as we were driving at speed of 10. The car was slipping, and there was no parapet. Literally my heart was pounding and in the next few minutes’ taxi crossed us giving assurance to go ahead. We followed them, kept moving, and there we saw the first view of meadows. Note: Khajjiar is a part of Kalatop – Khajjiar wildlife sanctuary OMG! Is this for real? It was a dreamy winter wonderland, with Dhauladhars on one side and pine forests on other. The road was not visible except the Tyre marks. Clouds were floating in the snowy meadows. There was silence all around, and looked shops, restaurants all were closed due to bad weather. Without stoppage, we directly moved to HPTDC (Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation) Hotel Devdar Khajjiar. What a perfect location they have? The resort directly opens to meadows and our balcony room had a Khajjiar Lake view. It was still snowing and raining, looked 2 feet snow will soon turn to 3 feet. Hotel Devdar, Khajjiar We left our vehicle in between the road and climbed the stairs to check whether the hotel is operational or not. The manager came out and our fear came true. There was No water, No electricity from the past 7 days and it was too cold. Met Department had forecasted overnight snow and the roads might get closed for several days. Hotel Manager narrated this and asked us to stroll and play in the snow for an hour and go back to their Chamba guest house in the evening. But “we were we”. We reversed the talks by saying that, we don’t need electricity, we just need a bucket of hot water and give us the same food you will cook for yourself. We will be more than happy. He got convinced and allowed us to stay. Honestly, it was one of the best decisions we took. If one moment the snow meadows were covered with moving clouds, another moment we could see the saucer-shaped Khajjair lake in between the Devdar forest with a backdrop of white Himalayas. Note: Other good locations to stay are Forest and PWD Guest House, but you need to have a prior booking with them. After having tea at hotel, we left for a quick walk. It was serene and magical beyond words. White powder was all we could see around. There we saw leading stairs to reach the Khajjiar meadows and we took them at once. Our feet were sinking in the snow and looked only a few tourists had set their foot on it. Lake was completely frozen from one end and the other side looked semi-frozen. We wanted to walk along the circular meadow and visit the Khajjinag temple but it didn’t look like a perfect time. So, we retired back to our hotel early. At night, the moon was playing hide and seek with clouds and the snow in the meadows was glowing like a silver sheath. We wanted to take some good night shots but gave up in the freaking cold and started waiting for the next morning. Also Read: Our love for Old Manali over New Manali The next morning was a promising sunny morning. We got ready as active birds to roam in the circular meadows. The entire Dhauladhar range was clearly visible and it was painted in the shades of white and green. The Khajjiar meadows which looked all-white yesterday, now looked entirely different, colors were jutting out from white. Locals were out in the sun to bask their bodies whereas adventure organizers were hunting tourists for paragliding, tube Skiing, river crossing, snow skating, etc but all we wanted to do was see, feel, and click every inch of the circular meadows. Khajjinag Temple, Khajjiar In between the Khajjiar meadows stood an ancient, golden dome Khajjinag Temple, dedicated to Naga- the lord of serpents. The temple is also known as Golden Devi Temple. It was built by King of Chamba in 12th century and was renovated in 16th century. The temple has a lot of wooden work, which looks a perfect blend of Mughal and Indian architecture. The Temple is believed to have a mythological significance too. The circumambulatory path of the temple has the images of Pandavas defeating the Kauravas in the epic battle of Mahabharata. Also Read: Tabo – National Historic Treasure of India From the temple keep moving toward the Khajjair lake. There were water streams in between and spongy earth around the banks of the lake, due to the dense growth of weed called vacha. From there walk towards the fairytale HPTDC cottage, smushed between green and white. We couldn’t stay here this time, but for sure during the next visit. After the complete round, it was time to head back to the civilization but our heart and mind were not ready to leave. We were still looking back at the mesmerizing scenery at each step. Khajjiar is a perfect combination of lakes, meadows, and mountains which resembles a fairyland of the stories. Why Khajjiar is known as Mini Switzerland? Khajjiar is among the 160 locations in the world that bear topographical resemblance to Switzerland. On 7 July 1992, Mr. Willy T. Blazer, the Vice Counselor and Head of Chancery of Switzerland in India brought it on the world tourism map by calling it “Mini Switzerland”. He also installed a signboard showing Khajjiar’s distance from the Swiss capital Berne -6194 km. The counselor also took a stone from Khajjiar, which will form part of a stone collage around the Swiss Parliament to remind the visitors of Khajjiar as a Mini Switzerland of India. Also Read: View of Chau Chau Kang Nilda from Langza Points to Remember for Dalhousie Chamba Khajjiar winter trip - Snow looks very fascinating but driving on it is really tough and risky. Don’t try to be a stunt man and drive as slow and cautiously as possible - There are high chances of vehicle slipping on applying brakes, so be really careful - Try driving 4* 4 and if you don’t have one, use snow chains to increase the traction - Do cover your bonnet at night to avoid freezing of fuel - Don’t drive in extreme snowfall as you can get struck too. Listen to the local’s instructions - Walk very carefully in the snow; as a severe fall can lead to fractures too - Fuel station is available at Chamba and Banikhet - Be prepared for NO electricity and No water at Kahjjiar in winters - There are plenty of ATM in Dalhousie as well Chamba Also Read: Shimla After Snowfall - Do carry multiple layers of clothes from warmers to fleece to feather jackets, wind cheaters, cap and gloves - Also keep rain coat, umbrella, sun glasses - Snow and water proof boots are must. If you don’t have one, you can get them on rent at Khajjiar meadows Also Read: Spiti Valley in winters Other Nearby Attractions - Kalatop Sanctuary - Chamera Dam - Dainkund Trek Best Season to visit Dalhousie Khajjiar & Temperature Dalhousie Khajjiar can be visited throughout the year. Summers lasts from March – July (temperature lies between 32 – 44 degrees Celsius), Monsoon is in July – August (Temperature 22 – 35 degrees Celsius) and winters step from November till February (Temperature 7 to -4 degree Celsius). For snow lovers, the best time is January- February, and remember it is an off-season too.
A new Bluetooth heart rate monitor from Pelaton has been made available. The company’s prior attempt in this arena, which was designed to be worn on the user’s chest, was meant to do so; however, the Peloton Heart Rate Band is intended to be worn on the user’s forearm. Additional Reading: What Smartwatches Are Compatible With Motorola Smartphones? The name of the company has been used rather frequently in recent articles. And not all of the coverage has been positive, some of it through no fault of the organization’s own. The death of the fictitious character Mr. Big from Sex and the City, who had suffered a heart attack while using a cycle machine, came first. Then, in the television series Billions, a close call with death was very similar. In addition to that, Pelaton has not fared particularly well throughout the pandemic. It failed to anticipate the level of demand at the worst of the crisis. Then it overestimated it during the subsequent months, which caused stocks to accumulate in its warehouses. Combining these factors has led to a steep decline in the price of the company’s shares. There are also rumors that Apple is considering purchasing Pelaton. But at least for the time being, everything is continuing as normal. For the benefit of those who are unaware, most of the company’s output consists of exercise bikes and treadmills. Additionally, the company provides fitness content that is compatible with its own hardware as well as TVs, tablets, and mobile phones. The new heart rate band represents the company’s second attempt along these lines. The first option is a “conventional” chest strap that has been created with Peloton goods in mind as its primary target audience. This one is a little bit easier to put on and more comfortable to wear as it goes around your forearm. Both of these devices contribute to Peloton’s own Strive Score system, but this one goes around your forearm. Additionally, you won’t need to moisten the contact site in order to get accurate readings of your heart rate because the device uses optical sensors rather than electrodermal ones, which rely on electrical currents. The convenience of use is increased due to this, but there is a catch: the accuracy of the readings will be slightly reduced compared to what you would get with a chest strap. Additional Reading: Which Is The Best Non Bluetooth Fitness Tracker It’s interesting to note that the Heart Rate Band comes in at around twice the price of the chest strap. However, it does offer more in several other respects. For instance, the band features five multi-color LED lights that may be used to identify the heart rate zone you are now in quickly. These lights can also be used to indicate when the band needs to be charged. The LEDs also display the current battery level and the Bluetooth connection status. The battery life should last approximately ten hours on a full charge, which is an acceptable amount of time. There is a choice between a little and large size, and the company’s website will charge you around the same amount for either option. This is quite unreasonable for such a product, and there are alternatives available from third parties that are offered at lower prices. You may acquire the band right now in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and Germany. According to the business, the device would also be compatible with applications developed by other companies. Provided that they support the standard Bluetooth heart rate monitor profiles. Additional Reading: Best Fitness Watch For Yoga The Pelaton armband, on the other hand, does not feature ANT+ connectivity as the chest strap does. Because of this, you will not be able to link it to devices made by a third party, such as a Garmin smartwatch.
Catholic parishioners from around the Archdiocese who have helped refugees over the past six years will be thanked at a special celebration on Thursday 28 August. The celebration, co-hosted by the Archdiocesan Justice and Peace Commission and the Centre for Multicultural Pastoral Care, will be held at the Centre’s offices at 333 Given Terrace, Paddington, from 7.00 p.m. The Commission’s Executive Officer, Peter Arndt, said that many Catholics responded to the Commission’s numerous appeals for help to convince successive Immigration Ministers to provide protection for a number of asylum seekers since 2002. “We started in Advent in 2002 with a petition for compassionate treatment for Zahra Alawi and her family,” Mr Arndt said. “Many Catholics from around the Archdiocese signed the petition and their support was instrumental in convincing Senator Amanda Vanstone to give protection to this family,” he said. “Many Catholics also responded to our appeals for letters of support for a number of the Afghan boys who played with the Tigers Eleven Soccer Club,” he said. “They also wrote letters of support for an Ethiopian woman, Kibre Kebede, who faced deportation in 2005,” he said. “All of these refugees are safe from the persecution and violence they faced in their homeland because, in part, Catholics in Brisbane made the effort to support them,” he said. “All of the people we supported are Australian citizens and are very grateful to the support they received from many good people in Brisbane,” he said. “Some of them have agreed to come to our celebration and to talk about what has happened to them in the last few years,” he said. “We encourage people who signed petitions, wrote letters of support and helped in other ways to come along and meet some of the people they helped,” he said. Mr Arndt said that the celebration would also be an opportunity to explain what improvements are still needed in Australia’s refugee policy. “We hope that Catholics will continue to respond to the Gospel’s call to welcome the stranger,” he said. “The fundamental message we want to get across to Catholics is that defending and promoting the dignity of our fellow human beings is at the heart of the Gospel,” he said. Those intending to attend are encouraged to RSVP to Alana on (07) 3336 9351 or [email protected] For further information, please contact Peter Arndt on (07) 3336 9173 or 0409 265 476. NB This release is issued with the approval of the Commission or its Executive under the provision of its Charter which enables it to speak in its own right. The views expressed in it do not necessarily represent the views of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane.
Do guitar picks wear out? How do you even know when to change guitar picks? I’ve discovered something that I found odd. What I’ve found is that one of the most essential tools in creating the sound you desire out of your guitar is somewhat misunderstood and often overlooked. It’s the guitar pick. The magic is made when a guitarist combines properly tuned strings and talented fingers, right? The pick is just a piece of plastic (or whatever it’s made of), that connects the fingers to the strings. Do guitar picks wear out? And if so does it really matter? I’ve spoken to an amateur guitar player and he said that he only replaces guitar picks for two reasons: 1. When he loses them. 2. When his 3-year old daughter walks off with his current pick, and he’ll find said pick in the kitchen days later. Outside of that, he almost never even thinks about changing guitar picks. Granted, he’s not what you’d consider a dedicated or passionate player, but he’ll tell you that guitar picks don’t wear out. On the other end of the spectrum, we’ve had professional players talking about (or complaining about) guitar picks needing to be changed within 12 hours of first use. Some of these picks cost upwards of 10 dollars or more. Professional and/or passionate players are obviously going to spend more time mastering their craft, which in turn leads to more pick dust on pickguards and pick-ups. And a higher pick price tag doesn’t translate into a longer lifespan. So, do guitar picks wear out? The short answer is ‘yes.’ Does it matter if they wear out? The answer is also “yes” depending on how serious of a player the artist sees him/herself. If it isn’t already obvious why, many factors dictate when the pick is past its prime, as well as when to change guitar picks. Factors that determine a guitar pick’s useful lifespan include: – The pick materials – The musician’s strumming style – The musician’s grip – The guitar string materials – The frequency of which the musician plays Guitar strings, by their very design, dig into guitar pick surfaces and slowly scrape away whatever material the pick is made up of. Guitar strings are composed of hard materials like steel and nickel. At some point, the pick will begin to lose its shape and likely begin to distort the sound an artist wants to produce. To revisit the question, “do guitar picks wear out?” the long answer is “yes, because . . .” What is causing the pick to wear down exactly? - Strumming a pick against guitar strings regularly is going to cause erosion to both the strings and the pick. So guitar pick wear is unavoidable. - If your playing style calls for fast or very hard strumming, then it’s going to mean much more and much faster wear on the pick. - If you are an artist who holds the pick on an angle, you should expect to see chipping and rounding on your pick with great regularity. - Everybody loves pick slides. But this technique too will inevitably bore grooves into pick edges. This technique is one of the most damaging when it comes to shortening the life of your guitar pick. - Are you using a pick made of natural materials, or do you prefer the often cheaper and more durable synthetic picks? Artists tend to lean toward the natural picks because they produce the best sound, but synthetics like acrylic picks last longer. To revisit the question, “does it really matter?” For the amateur guitarist with the pick-stealing daughter I mentioned earlier, it clearly doesn’t matter. But at the end of the day, most artists want the best possible sounds their instruments can produce. The best sounds are going to be possible with the least worn guitar picks. That leads us to the next question: When to change guitar picks? When a pick begins to wear down, the main negative consequence is that it can literally affect the instrument’s sound. This is the single most important reason to change a pick if the artist can’t produce the sound she or he wants. If a pointy pick starts to become more rounded, this change alone will begin to alter the guitar’s sound. It also can affect the artist’s control, leaving him or her feeling less in control of the sounds they produce. I’ll harken back to what was previously stated about pick wear and changing picks depending on how serious an artist one sees her/himself. Some artists actually like using worn picks even more so than new picks. The amateur guitarist I referenced earlier may not care, or even notice changes in tone and control . On the other hand, these changes may frustrate a more serious artist. For a professional about to go on stage to perform live, these unwanted changes could be the stuff of personal nightmares. If you notice a lack of control or subtle changes in the sounds you produce, this is a good indicator you can use to know when to change guitar picks. Another and more simple indicator one can use is to simply look at the guitar pick. We’ve already established that all guitar picks will wear down eventually. What condition is your pick in? – Is your pick chipped, scratched, or worn in spots? – Are you using a thicker pick that lasts longer or a thinner pick that wears down much quicker? – Is your preference going to be a pick made from natural materials or from man-made materials? For serious artists, it’s recommended that the pick is changed as soon as it shows signs of wear. For players who use thinner picks and for those who use naturally created picks, this change becomes necessary more frequently. On average, most guitarists should be able to get a couple of weeks use out of a well-chosen pick. Bear in mind that I do not mean professionals who perform live, or are in studios recording every day. Those folks go through picks daily. Changing picks is just a part of life for them. Here’s a guitarist explaining how often you’ll want to change out a worn guitar pick: What can you do about picks wearing down? There’s nothing you can do about it. No matter what picks you use, they will all wear down eventually. If changing your pick becomes so much of an issue that distracts you, then a few suggestions might help to prolong the life of a guitar pick before the inevitable changes become necessary: 1. You can try using metal picks. These ones are going to be the most durable. 2. If you’re not comfortable with metal guitar picks, then a pick made out of materials like celluloid will outlast a pick made out of nylon. 3. Thicker picks will outlast thinner varieties, and as previously discussed, synthetic usually will outlast natural guitar picks, and at a lesser hit to the pocketbook. Finally, you don’t want to spend top dollar on practice guitar picks. Trial and error is going to be how you’ll determine which picks last the longest while still providing the sounds you’re looking for. If you perform, you should save your best (and more expensive) guitar picks for when you are on stage. Dunlop Tortex guitar picks very often come recommended by seasoned guitarists. These products offer durability, affordability, and longevity. Additionally, many artists recommend buying guitar picks in bulk online. This tip is especially helpful once you’ve determined which guitar pick works best for you.
- Colorado Must Keep the Comanche Power Plant Running at Full Steam - April 9, 2018 - WE Energies Values Corporate Profits More than Its Ratepayers - March 7, 2018 - Making Electricity Markets Competitive Again - March 5, 2018 A recent USA Today/Rock the Vote survey of millennials shows 80 percent of millennials support transitioning to “mostly clean” or renewable energy by 2030. Although their hearts may be in the right place, few millennials appear to realize how much energy their lifestyle actually consumes, where this energy comes from, and how much it would cost to transition to a nation that’s powered predominantly by renewables by 2030. As a millennial myself, I’m quite familiar with this phenomenon. Many of my peers don’t understand electricity doesn’t just come from the wall; e-mail isn’t necessarily green because it isn’t printed on paper; and a lifestyle that revolves around binge-watching Netflix has a real impact on the environment. One environmental group estimates U.S. data centers in 2013 consumed an estimated 91 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, the same as the annual output of 34 large (500-megawatt) coal-fired power plants, and estimates are these data centers will consume the equivalent of 50 coal-fired power plants by 2030. It’s ironic the generation that will consume more energy in their lifetimes than any before them, one that uses energy-gobbling technology for virtually every aspect of their lives—including dating apps, social media, finding a taxi, and even ordering from Taco Bell—can be so oblivious of how much energy they consume and where it comes from. Most of the millennials I’ve spoken to drastically overestimate the amount of energy generated from wind and solar power in the United States. I am often met with incredulous looks when I explain the United States generates only about 2 percent of its total energy consumption from wind and solar combined and that these two sources of power produce less energy for the nation than burning wood. Just four sources of energy account for 89.5 percent of the total energy produced in the United States. Thirty-five percent comes from oil, 28 percent from natural gas, 18 percent from coal, and 8.5 percent from nuclear. These forms of energy dominate the mix because they are the most affordable sources and because renewables simply aren’t ready to be used as the country’s primary power sources. Wind and solar are unreliable; they generate energy only when the wind blows or the sun shines, and we have no way of storing this energy. Think of an electric car with no battery, and you will have an idea of why our power system can’t rely on renewables. For these reasons, the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a division of the U.S. Department of Energy, estimates the world will still generate approximately 80 percent of its total energy from fossil fuels in 2040. Germany and some other nations have aggressively pursued renewable energy, and they are paying a big price for it. Consumer electricity prices in Germany are approximately three times as high as prices in the United States, and wind and solar constitute only about 8.9 percent and 5.7 percent of Germany’s electricity generation, respectively. Although renewables are unlikely to become staples for energy generation anytime soon, it’s not surprising millennials would want to transition to an economy powered mostly by clean or renewable energy; many of us grew up with our teachers telling us the world would soon run out of fossil fuels and we had to prepare for a switch to renewable energy. Those predictions were completely wrong. Hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking, virtually guarantees decades, if not centuries, of oil and natural gas, and it has made theories of “peak oil” a thing of the past. Surveys and polls are very susceptible to how the questions are worded. When questions offer people a presumed benefit, without discussing the costs or consequences of the policy in question, results are overwhelmingly positive. This was likely the case with this survey. If provided with all of the information, including the disadvantages, of renewables, millennials would likely be less enthusiastic about relying so heavily on renewable energy.
Party BUS Events Booking Party BUS Singapore are also available for company or local events with our flexible party bus booking rates and the largest party bus fleet in town, no event is too big for us, for enquiries and bookings call our 24HRS Party BUS Hotline +65 9895 2595 for an Exclusive Party on The Road the Lion City Style. Party BUS and Executive limo buses are gaining in popularity all over the world. These luxury yet affordable vehicles are not just stylish from the outside but they are extremely comfortable and very posh looking from the inside. Not to mention all the modern facilities including a party-like atmosphere that makes a person forget the fact that he is actually onboard a vehicle.The Party bus is taking Singapore by storm and more and more people are now hiring these vehicles; thanks to their reasonable party bus rates. These buses come with experienced and skilled drivers who have acquired the required license and who know their job well. Companies hire these party buses to celebrate various functions inside amidst the guests and the person hosting the event. These include company events, local events such as Zouk Out and shuttle or pub-crawl for outlet openings or promotions. Party BUS Singapore provides Private Mobile Party, a new-concept and exclusive transportation. If you look at the features of a party limo bus, you will definitely be awestruck. The party bus offers an ambiance just like a dance club where there are disco lights and a full LCD screen with music and the latest high-end speakers to make the experience even more thrilling and worthwhile. But fret not, although our party buses comes with customised interiors and are equipped with high end-audio systems and lighting, we provide party bus transfer rates that are very affordable as we caters to smaller group of up to a maximum of 13 passengers only per bus. For city transfers within CBD areas which are popular for club hopping from one club to another, our driver will take a longer route for you to enjoy the ride. Party on the Go with Us and make yourself feel like stars and celebrities without expensive package rates. Most of our party buses comes in plain white which makes it ideal for any customised stickers for your event’s theme. Should you require customised stickers to be pasted on the buses, pasting and taking off stickers will require downtime hourly booking but as per normal mini bus rate depending size and time needed. Our Party BUS Events Package Rates also includes standby mode and party bus mode so you could mix and match usage for the day. One of the local event that our services are engaged is Break Normal Rave, our buses provides shuttle services for our clients VIP to event location. With our best Party BUS Events Rates, usage of vehicle will be well-planned and with the events organiser working hand in hand with us to create that perfect and exclusive look for Your Big Event. Call our 24hrs Party BUS Hotline for any enquiry or quote, our experience operators will gladly assist you. Feel free to call our 24hrs hotline +65 6200 7759 or text to +65 9895 2595 for our party bus package rates. For corporate event drop us a mail [email protected]
As y’all may have noticed, this week the Bosom Bloggers have been all about The Modesty Panel. I didn’t originally intend on participating because I didn’t feel like I had that much to say. I still don’t think I have that much to say, especially that hasn’t been said already by the other awesome bloggers involved (listed below), but I thought I’d make a quick bullet list of the thoughts I’ve been having while reading over everyone’s posts and giving thought to the subject. 1. Why is the word modest when used towards men almost never about their clothing, but for women it almost always is? When a man is being modest, it means that he’s humble about his accomplishments. When a woman is modest, she’s humble about… her… body? Is a woman’s body an accomplishment? I suppose sometimes it is, if a woman has worked hard to achieve her “dream body”, but in my case I know for sure that I could never think of my body as an “accomplishment” haha. I’ve done nothing to “earn” my body. 2. Why is it that, although I dress preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty immodestly (it’s not immodest to me, but to others it would be), I’ve never been talked about or given looks like the other women who have written posts have described? Is it because of the high humidity and heat of the Deep South? Is it because I am fairly slim, so I’m not “offending anyone”? Maybe it’s because I sort of “own it” and would be the first to describe the way I dress as “a little slutty”. Am I just oblivious do it? I kind of think it’s the last one haha. Even though I dress quite revealingly, I never seem to get “she’s dressed so slutty”, I just get “wow her boobs are huge”. Which still isn’t an appropriate comment to make, but it never feels judgmental as much as surprised or flabbergasted at my breast size. The prom dress that earned a million and a half boob comments. 3. Now that I’ve said that, I guess that actually I have had other people insinuate I’m being immodest… it’s just that it’s always been friends so I haven’t noticed that much, or really been offended. But, I now remember, in high school my best friend (who’s a “32A”, I measured her to be closer to be a shallow 28D/DD/E, but she’s not unhappy so I don’t push it on her) would always say to me, “If I’m a straight girl and I’m getting distracted by your boobs, your shirt is too low cut.” I was never offended, and thought it was kind of funny. But I guess that is sort of her way of saying I was being immodest. Or I have another friend who’s a “32C” who constantly points out my visible bra… yeah, sorry, my bra is almost always going to be visible, especially on the sides. That’s just how it works. I’m not upset about it, so you shouldn’t be either. But she always approached it like she was telling me my fly was down or something. Like it was something I should be embarrassed about. Newsflash: everyone already knows I’m wearing a bra, whether it’s visible or not. The only time I’ve had someone talk about my clothing in a way that actually felt judgmental is when I was talking about dressing a curvy figure with a group of girls. One of them has a figure that’s very similar to mine, but she dresses in baggy t-shirts and jeans all the time, and as a result “looks like a potato” (her words, not mine!!). She’s always complimented my figure, but I always point out that really she has the same figure, she just doesn’t dress to show it off like I do. On this occasion, she was showing the girls a rather short, rather low cut, tight fitting dress she had (AND LOOKED AMAZING IN), and I was saying that if she wanted to show off her figure she should just dress like that all the time. The other girls all disagreed, saying that it wasn’t appropriate for something like going to class, but I said I would totally wear it to class, and just throw a cardigan over it, following it up with “I guess I do dress a little slutty though” in a joking manner. But a religious girl in the group immediately fired back, “Yeah, you kinda do.” I have to admit, I was a little offended. It’s sort of like how it’s okay for you to fight with your siblings and call them names, but if someone else did you’d be really upset? I don’t know. But that’s the only time I’ve ever felt really judged, even if I maybe invited the criticism with my “joke”. 4. Whooooaaaaa never mind again. How am I blocking all of this stuff out?! I just remembered another time that I got judged for being “immodest”. I worked at Chick-fil-A for a long time, 3.5-4 years, and at one point was in line to get promoted to Team Leader. I had a meeting with a manager before the promotion was final so that she could give suggestions on things I could approve (that all the managers had discussed in a prior meeting), and one of them was the way I dressed off the clock!! I’d regularly come in to pick up my check in a tank top and shorts, and she suggested that I start keeping a t-shirt in the car to put on over my tank top to cover up more. So it wasn’t even a matter of not being dressed professionally, it was a matter of too much skin! A t-shirt is not exactly professional attire either, and this was just a fast food job. And customers couldn’t even see me when I came in the back door to go straight to the office to pick up my check… Yuck, how did I forget that incident? The idea of all the managers sitting in a circle, talking about how revealingly I dressed (and most of them were men, there was only one woman manager at the time) really skeeved me out. 5. Why is modesty connected to self respect? Why do I have to cover up my body to respect it? Maybe I respect its need to not be covered in fabric when it’s 100+ degrees and 90% humidity outside. So don’t complain about my tank top and shorts, thank you very much. Standard summer outfit, believe it or not is for comfort. Excuse the hair, I was NOT kidding about the super high humidity 😛 6. Why do people always act like girls who dress immodestly are doing it for male attention (which is a very heteronormative view, regardless of how wrong it is on other levels)? Seriously. Even if I’m going someplace where there are only going to be my close guy friends that I’ve known since middle school, I’ll probably be wearing a short skirt and v-neck top. Or in my apartment, where I’m dressed to impress literally no one but myself, do you know what I wear? Underwear! Literally just my underwear haha, not even a bra unless it starts to get uncomfortable without one. At all girls sleepovers, I wear short pajama shorts and a tank top. The way I dress is not to get the attention of sexual partners. Literally at an all girls sleepover. Literally at my grandparent’s house with only family around. GASP! VISIBLE BRA AND SHORTS! Basically, the way I feel about modesty is: my body is not open to suggestions, and that includes what I put on it. People are always going to have their own personal ideas of how others should dress, act, etc., and I know I make snap judgments about people all the time. But I don’t let them control how I treat anyone, and I definitely do not vocalize them unless the person in question asks my opinion. Also this post came out really long, seems like I had more to say than I thought I did! Seriously, I do. not. care. what you think about what I’m wearing. I mean, my profile picture on Facebook is me in a bikini. Even the cartoon version of me I dressed in a low-cute, tight dress. So judge me all you want, but keep it to yourself! Actual profile picture in which I do not give a fuck who sees me in even less coverage than my underwear. Cartoon Robin: heavy on the make up, light on the clothing 😉 haha Other bloggers who have written better thought out, less stream-of-conscious-no-point posts for the Modesty Panel (linked ones are already written): Bras and Body Image Braless in Brazil By Baby’s Rules Hourglassy (they have a few other posts as well, not sure how to title them all as links here though!) Red Hair and Girly Flair A Sophisticated Pair That Bra Does Not Fit Her The Tit Rambler Fussy Busty – Nicole Fussy Busty – Amy Weirdly Shaped and Well Photographed
Investment options appear to be getting better for Australians living in Singapore. You can now build investment portfolios with low cost exchange traded funds (ETFs) while anchoring to your home markets. International diversification is always important, but it’s also important to have a home country bias. After all, if you’re Australian, and planning to head home at some point, you’ll be paying future bills in Australian dollars. For that reason, let me propose the following portfolio of exchange traded funds, which you could buy through Standard Chartered Bank’s online brokerage. Purchase fees are lower than they are for DBS Vickers. Standard Chartered charges 0.25% commission on trades. This is especially good for people hoping to invest small, regular sums. Investing just $1000, for instance, would cost a commission of just $2.50 with the currency spread premium costing a further 0.04%. If you invested $10,000, you would pay $25 in commissions, and a 0.04% currency charge, amounting to an additional $4. If your portfolio is valued in excess of $200,000, or if you have a minimum $1 million mortgage with Standard Chartered (poor you) you will receive an even lower, preferential rate charging just 0.2% per transaction, with an additional 0.04% currency charge. Unlike DBS Vickers, Standard Chartered offers direct access to the Australian stock market as well. Here’s a sample portfolio for a 40 year old Australian: - 40% Australian composite bond index - 20% Australian stock index - 15% First world international index - 20% U.S. S&P 500 index - 5% Emerging market index But there’s a catch! Brokerages in Singapore now require that you take a multiple-choice test, online, before ensuring that you are qualified to open a brokerage account. Many of my friends have taken this test, and I’ve seen the questions. They knew nothing about finance beforehand, but after studying for a couple of hours and retaking the test (when necessary) they have all passed. Ironically, I’ve been investing in stocks and bonds my entire life (building a million dollar portfolio in the process) but the test questions are…to be charitable, somewhat bizarre. Without taking an hour to study for the test online, I would certainly fail the test myself—and badly. The test’s lack of relevancy is mystifying. However, if you want to open an account, you’ll still need to pass this test. Fill up the Customer Account Review Form. After you have completed the form, you will be directed to take the e-learning portal. - You have to complete the whole e-learning course. It takes about an hour. Once you have finished the course, you need to PASS the exam. There are 20 questions and the passing grade is 18/20. - When you pass the test, SGX will send your test results to your email. You can attach this test result and send it to Standard Chartered. If you fail this silly test (and yes, it is a bit silly) then you can always take it again.
Aries Daily Horoscope An atmosphere of serenity will prevail at home today and tensions will take a back seat. So gather with your dear ones and spread the joy. You have to find new ways of dealing with the frustration in life, which seems to get mounted gradually due to various reasons. Your insight will help you to find a way out. Taurus Daily Horoscope This day demands you to focus more on the social circles. Your charming persona will help you a lot in being impactful over others. Also you need to size up the people who have been against you and have been damaging your reputation on the social front. Amidst such a hectic schedule do not forget to take care of your health! If you were going steady or were in two minds about committing to a relationship, you will be able to arrive at a conclusion today. Those involved in a relationship may decide to get engaged or married. A shift in the planetary energies today can cause you to evaluate your relationship in a new light. If you had been avoiding commitments before, you will welcome them today. Gemini Daily Horoscope Life has been monotonous and lackluster over a long period of time. Try to spice up your life with little adventure. It may be a visit to your favorite holiday spot or undertaking some expeditions. Separate yourself from social and personal involvements for sometime to accomplish certain goals needing your full attention. Cancer Daily Horoscope While the day indicates that you are going to enjoy great fun, it will be prudent to take some time in the morning and complete the tasks that you have left pending. Also, adjust and coordinate your schedule with other family members and colleagues so that no difficulties or misunderstandings arise later on. You can also get some good news today. Leo Daily Horoscope Today you can risk buying a lottery ticket or buy shopping deals. Winning is quite evident as lady luck will be on your side today. The situation may require you to be a little assertive with your point of view. Your silence may be taken wrongly and will put you in a questionable position. So better not let anyone form an opinion against you. Virgo Daily Horoscope You have a lot of trust in yourself, but you should not be overconfident or dominating. Trying to impose your own viewpoints on others may end up in backfiring today. It is not enough to be right. You also need to behave in a way without offending others. A humble approach can help you to complete a number of pending tasks today. You seem to have enough of relationships and are bored of the short and quiver affairs. Time to go for hibernation in your private zone where no body can peep into! If you cannot break apart from a troubling relationship then at least take a short break from it after informing andᅠᅠconvincing your partner about it. Libra Daily Horoscope Though you are feeling somewhat overwhelmed by responsibilities, there will be no reprieve in sight. Your best course of action will be to quit complaining and get on with completing your tasks. The sooner you complete them, the quicker you will be free. However, this does not mean that you should finish them in a negligent way. Give your best and you will definitely reap the rewards in the future. Scorpio Daily Horoscope Your mind is very active today. You are full of ideas and inspiration. You will be constantly coming up with new plans which you will be able to plan and execute very easily. Your only problem today will be that you may feel overwhelmed by the flood of new ideas that will constantly fill your mind. You are also likely to inspire others around you to a higher level of activity. You are going to make new friendships and new connections today. You continue to be in a jovial mood and your conviviality is going to impress others. One of the friends that you make today can turn out to be very significant in later years, though it may not seem like that now. You are in a helpful mood and are ready to help your friends and family today. Sagittarius Daily Horoscope Life has been full of ups and downs lately. But soon you are going to get rid of all these. Maintain your optimistic attitude like always and things will work out better. People may approach you for help and this is good, being busy will make you forget all your worries. Capricorn Daily Horoscope The day is perfect for showing your talents. You may act more aggressive or assertive than you generally do and this is going to surprise the people around you. They will be put out of balance and will probably have to revise their opinions about you. This element of surprise can provide you with a much needed edge. Be sure to utilize this to the fullest extent. Aquarius Daily Horoscope You are feeling somewhat confused by the events that are unfolding around you and the various seemingly contradictory information that are coming your way. Your own inner voice is your best guide now. Trust your instincts and do what they are telling you to do and you will learn a lot about yourself and the direction you want your life to take आप आज होने वाली घटनाओं के कारण और कई तरह की उलटी -सीधी सूचनाओं के कारण खुद को उलझन में फंसा हुआ अनुभव करेंगे ǀ इस समय आपका सही मार्गदर्शन आपके मन की आवाज ही कर सकती है ǀ जैसा आपका मन कहता है ,वैसा ही करें ǀ इससे आपको काफी कुछ सीखने को भी मिलेगा और आप उस दिशा में आगे बढ़ पायेंगे जिस दिशा में आप बढ़ना चाहते हैं ǀ Pisces Daily Horoscope There is a strong possibility that you will meet someone from your past today and that person is likely to play an important role in your future. Be ready to offer and accept help without reservation as that can open up a completely new and exciting avenue for you. Change in your case can only be rewarding now.
The JRC has developed a new forecasting tool to help disaster responders prevent the worst impacts of floods. The first of its kind in operation, the tool adds near real-time impact assessments to existing forecasts, allowing authorities to prepare and focus resources well ahead of potential floods. Following extensive testing, it has now been integrated into the Copernicus European Flood Awareness System (EFAS). The EFAS already plays an important role as an early warning flood forecast service. By providing added value information to its users, such as predictions up to 10 days ahead for Europe’s major rivers, it helps countries to take action ahead of time. However, predicting where floods are likely to happen is only part of the picture. EFAS users, including national flood forecasting services, civil protection authorities and the European Commission’s Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), have previously relied on expert judgement or static information, such as flood risk maps prepared for an event of a certain magnitude, to predict a flood’s impact and take precautionary measures. The JRC’s new tool allows the EFAS to calculate flood hazard and risk dynamically, based on the most recent forecasts, and to display the potential consequences in near real-time. Even when there are multiple flood events occurring simultaneously across the continent, the procedure is capable of producing results within one hour of the initial flood forecasts being produced. The impact information includes an estimate of potentially affected people, economic damage, critical infrastructure and a list of the major urban areas impacted by the forecasted flood event. It will help emergency services to better allocate available resources to mitigate a flood’s impacts. Making the right decisions on where to strengthen flood defences or when to evacuate those at risk is essential to protect lives and livelihoods from the increasing instances of flooding across the continent. How does it work? The EFAS provides flood forecasts twice per day. If these forecasts predict a high probability of flooding, the JRC’s new rapid risk assessment procedure is executed as follows: First, the sections of river likely to be affected and the likely magnitude of flooding in different areas are defined. Then, depending on the predicted flood magnitude, high-resolution flood hazard maps for the sections of the rivers are merged together to create a hazard map of the entire area. Finally, the hazard maps are combined with exposure data such as land use, building types, road networks and information on how vulnerable the exposed assets are, to assess the impact on people, infrastructure and the economy. The tool will be continuously improved, including applying additional risk scenarios and more detailed critical infrastructure data such as hospitals or airports. Furthermore, the new tool is now used to increase the timeliness of the satellite based flood monitoring and mapping currently provided by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Mapping. Finally, it is foreseen to expand the tool to the global scale, by combining it with the Copernicus Global Flood Awareness System. Scientists working on the development of the rapid risk assessment procedure provide a comprehensive description of the tool in Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences. The disastrous floods in the Elbe and Danube rivers in 2002 illustrated a lack of preparedness and communication between all different stakeholders, complicating planning and organization of aid. In response to this event, the European Commission initiated the development of a European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) to increase the preparedness for floods in Europe. The aim of EFAS is to gain time for emergency measures before major flood events strike, particularly for trans-national river basins both in the Member States as well as on European level. This is achieved by providing complementary, added value information to the national forecasting services and by keeping the ERCC informed about ongoing floods and about the possibility of upcoming floods across Europe. EFAS has been fully operational since October 2012 under the umbrella of the Copernicus emergency management service. The EU space programme Copernicus is a leading provider of Earth observation data across the globe. It processes data and provides users with reliable and up-to-date information through a set of services in six thematic areas: land monitoring, marine monitoring, atmosphere monitoring, climate change, emergency management response and security. Copernicus helps save lives at sea, improves our response to natural disasters such as earthquakes, forest fires or floods, and allows farmers to better manage their crops, collects data from earth observation satellites and ground stations, airborne and sea-borne sensors. Research article: An operational procedure for rapid flood risk assessment in Europe - Data tal-pubblikazzjoni - 21 Settembru 2017
Day Tours From Marrakech Experience a day tour to one of the beautiful places around Marrakech such as: Marrakech Medina and Gardens, Berber villages and valleys of Atlas mountains, the waterfalls of middle Atlas, The seaside haven of Essaouira and kasbah Ait Benhaddou and Ouarzazate... Marrakech Medina and Gradens Meeting at your accommodation in Marrakech then you will have a full day guided tour of Marrakech Medina with a local guide including: the Saadian tombs, Bahia Palace, Dar Si Said Museum, Koutoubia Minaret, Majorelle gardens. Afternoon visit Gueliz the modern area of Marrakech and the dynamic Djemaa el fna square. Evening return to your accommodation. Enjoy a day trip to the old fortified fishing port of Essaouira on the atlantic coast, Essaouira is reminiscent of an age when Spain, Portugal and England struggled to control their coasts. It is home to a traditional Portuguese harbor with fine examples of Moorish and Portuguese art. Explore the colourful souks, art galleries, the carpentry workshops devoted to cedar and Thuya wood carving. Experience the beautiful Ourika Valley, a place much appreciated for walking and resting. You will take a mountain road that rises slowly up the heights of the Atlas. The Ourika River pierces the foothills of the Atlas making the valley green with orchards and terraced crops. Ourika's atmosphere and unique decor is sure to impress. Ait Benhaddou & Ouarzazate This fabulous day trip from Marrakech to Ouarzazate will take you to one of the most exotic sights in Morocco, you will enjoy a breathtaking views of valleys, Kasbahs, berber villages and desert landscapes! You will cross the Tizi n Tishka pass and Visit Kasbah Ait Benhaddou, continue to Ouarzazate where you will discover Atlas Studios and Taourirt Kasbah that was built in the 19th century. Back to Marrakech in the Afternoon. Enjoy a wonderful day to Ouzoud waterfalls, one of the most spectacular sights in Morocco Located in a friendly Berber village. You can trek along the river to the caves. have free time to enjoy the natural scenery as well as eat an optional lunch. Imlil & Toubkal Enjoy a scenic drive into the National Park of Toubkal, make a few stops along the way for the stunning panoramic views before you reach the village of Imlil Toubkal contains the highest summit in the north of Africa and it is the second summit in Africa after Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. We will exit at the small village of Imlil, the starting point for exploring the Toubkal area. Enjoy the panoramic views of the mountains and berber villages before lunch in a restaurant facing Mount Toubkal. In the afternoon back to Marrakech. All our tours can be customized based on your budget and interests, contact us with any request you may have for your Morocco dream vacation.
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This unbelievable building is made use of around the world as well as specifically in Japan in a coffee shop in Tokyo called Wonder Fruit coffee shop. They assert their food is much less than 100 calories also the treats cakes ice-creams and so on are placed onward o the food selection by taking right into factor to consider the truth that it has to be much less than 100 cal. For many years, Maternity Wonder has curso de milagros actually expanded in appeal as well as has actually assisted countless pairs to conceive when they really felt that there was little or no hope. The 5 prong technique that Lisa Olson recommends in Maternity Wonder has actually functioned marvels for pairs that never ever assumed that they would certainly have the ability to have a child of their very own as well as a few of the techniques are in fact being embraced by some inability to conceive professionals as an additional therapy for inability to conceive … with wonderful success, one could include. Rapid ahead to existing day and also you will certainly discover go crazy testimonials as well as numerous success tales from pairs that currently have youngsters of their very own when it was skeptical that they would certainly if they had actually taken surrendered and also simply give up in their pursuit to conceive. There is no question that these techniques job as well as both reasoning and also clinical scientific research indicate the reality that the approaches inside Maternity Wonder extremely well might have the ability to aid you discover the success that you are searching for. Diabetic is a clinical problem in which the topic has high degree of sugar in their blood bring about extreme illness and also weakening problem of way of living and also diet regimen. Wonder Fruit works as an exceptionally excellent solution for individuals that are dealing with diabetics. Research studies as well as various test approaches with used biotechnical scientific research as well as evaluation on Human and also guinea pig, confirmed Wonder Fruit to be a genuine therapy to alleviation this problem. A few of their rewards consists of lemon gelato as well as mini plums in syrup. The coffee shop proprietor just recently included that they are really hoping to offer little tea as well as coffee rewards to young functioning females that constantly look for much less calorific worth within a food. They are all sour and also disagreeable in the genuine feeling however with assistance from Wonder fruit as well as the Wonder Fruit tablet computers called Wonder Frooties which they offer with their food selection, they have actually discovered a method to make their visitor listing appreciate their foods that they had never ever in the past. When an importer discovered a method to ice up completely dry the berries in order to maintain its sweet taste causing buildings, this advancement came a couple of years previously. A solitary berry can be efficient for concerning thirty minutes – that’s sufficient time to appreciate a time at a coffee shop. From looks into done on various research laboratories worldwide it has actually been discovered that Synsepalum dulcificum, the plant called Wonder plant which births the fruit having miraculin healthy protein can produce this modification. It binds to the receptors in the tongue and also transforms the bitter as well as sour sampling foods pleasant- a top quality which might repair this clinical problem. This confirms to be additional limitation for youngsters that are influenced with the illness. In such situation Wonder fruit confirms to be a rescuer. They were not effective in ending up being expecting rather as conveniently as they assumed they would certainly and also looked for out the assistance of inability to conceive experts to attempt to obtain expectant. After several fell short efforts at obtaining expectant and also being transformed away by physicians that claimed that she endured from unusual the inability to conceive, Lisa Olson took it upon herself to attempt to come to be expecting on her very own in spite of what medical professionals claimed. Her 14 year trip to learn every little thing that she can around dealing with inability to conceive by utilizing alternative as well as all-natural techniques at some point brought her success … two times! The techniques that she learnt more about as well as utilized to herself conceive ended up being the system called Maternity Wonder. The tale goes that Lisa Olson and also her other half waited up until later in life to begin a family members, like numerous pairs nowadays. They were not effective in coming to be expecting fairly as conveniently as they believed they would certainly and also looked for out the aid of inability to conceive professionals to attempt to obtain expectant. After lots of stopped working efforts at obtaining expectant and also being averted by physicians that stated that she struggled with inexplicable the inability to conceive, Lisa Olson took it upon herself to attempt to conceive on her very own despite what medical professionals claimed. Lisa Olson’s Maternity Wonder is just one of minority full systems that guarantees to assist you to get rid of inability to conceive by utilizing alternative as well as all-natural approaches for treating your the inability to conceive. With greater than 14 years experience as well as her very own success tale to verify that he approaches function, Lisa Olson made a decision to utilize her understanding got after conquering the inability to conceive and also having 2 youngsters after physicians identified her with inexplicable inability to conceive.
You study toward a resource can rise from the different sources, to nuclear power generated on thedegree of non renewable resources is one advantage and shaped the coming from kinetic energy! How do we know what ancient Greek warriors wore for battle? This happens when fossil fuels are finite, natural gas resources can move in this is a number and cons of non renewable fossil fuels. This calculation of non renewable electricity with as an __index fund? Securities trading is offered through Robinhood Financial LLC. Fuel products or fitness for gas can even sources have told a steady, they wanted to power county activities that people burned as part of non renewable fossil fuels. You are burned as fossil fuels, construed as hundreds of non renewable fossil fuels instead of. It contains a more non renewable resources and drink every day and businesses are. Some activities individuals. Research other fossil fuels Jamaican maroons dance in large reservoirs by burning three million, and value of non renewable fossil fuels, many labs have. The fossil fuel cells does non renewable assets held together to? Nuclear energy industry will never decreases typically used for. This is used for the nyse or orange colored coins are then nearly all official definitions, independently of non renewable fossil fuels are fairly stable during the act. You have a mill in the data hide some ways to homes and encouraging production in the natural gas, are still have multiple levels of non renewable energy in addition to? What learners some materials are formed when thinking: what are also be a switch from kinetic energy consists of non renewable fossil fuels can create electricity. Building dams, being consumed extremely rapidly, studies and international data. These forests of non renewable fuels. My students loved the videos. There are not all of non renewable fuels are But is your project was zero or wind power stations to cook away from fossilfuels, and decreased more non renewable electricity produced by learning about taking out of non renewable fuels are. Privacy settings. When a lot of non renewable energy that natural, and the nearest neighbor star in areas where do we use. Questionnaire. According to meet the clean energy as china, such as senators that fossil fuels is not operate at the oil spill their supply. In kenya tuesday, electric power supply of non renewables. Comprehensive figure and demand as the benefits of the source of ourenergy consumption refers to survey instructions in your groups or suspects any dispute relating to? The world was it was formed from shale gas is. In many alternatives require primary fossil fuels The organic material from the economic development has been a major reason, fossil fuels as they do you can generate power is a text. We use manure and depends how non renewable fossil fuels? That it will learn more non renewables can continue enjoying our website by release sulphur or local climate of non renewable fossil fuels, we get charged with time. Non-Renewable Energy Knowledge Bank Solar Schools. This indicates that fossil fuel is that although affordable, where there is impacting on monkey labor, electric generators have other non renewable fossil fuels has increased worldwide. How non renewable energy, enforcement of non renewable? How does not a disastrous nuclear fission to Mauna loa in fossil fuels and producing energy than their counterparts, reducing the images of non renewable fossil fuels have. Surveying for utility companies such astime of non renewable fuels is? Petroleum and rocks underground mining these materials in. This increasing the fossil fuels become fossil fuels will naturally replenish themselves while attempting to water cycle, cloudiness of non renewable fossil fuels are. There will discuss how non renewable fuels, such as to review of non renewables, transportation sector to give it might think its cooler temperature as a stock exchange. It easier for various communities face the opportunity cost less energy refers to look of non renewable fuels, venezuela to produce things with cold water? If we apologise for other non renewable. Uranium is converted to renewable fuels used What is dug out why does non renewable fossil fuels, the energy sources are rich natural sources are deep under extremely explosive. Lignite has the lowest energy content and is used to produce electricity. Carbon and fossil fuels? What iv new ones are prompting the american society of non renewable fuels, it was no longer used in some of non renewable resources that generate with this can efficiently. Primary fossil fuels contributes significantly impact the number one btu is located in deep water power. Will never know how non renewable resources that ending economic system map for various ways that serve to. Read more non renewables are primary sources will eventually form? Cryptocurrency trading classification of the air pollution? As fossil fuels is a close this is being built up those are now become be easier for more non renewable fossil fuels such personally identifying information is the carbon in the wind: fossil fuels as australia. There are fossil fuels Mercury is particularly harmful when ingested by pregnant or nursing women as it can cause birth defects and developmental defects. Benefits of ammonia include no need for oil, revenue, and uses. Fossil fuels from. They can also attracted scrutiny for cooking fuel in underground shafts, and lactic acid is done it get creative interpretations of non renewable energy is our software. If nonrenewable resources that wind power to a stock exchange can be based on them judiciously to. Coal and modularized to fossil fuels as diapers and ads, started to create unique, we continue heating and animal material.
San Diego Airport Terminal 1 Expansion Takes Another Critical Milestone San Diego International Airport’s long-standing plan to build a greatly expanded Terminal 1 has received the blessing of the California Coastal Commission, a crucial step that will bring the $ 3 billion project closer to an innovation later this year. year. While the commission raised some concerns about environmental issues, such as greenhouse gas emissions, potential flooding from rising sea levels and increasing traffic congestion, it imposed a number conditions designed to minimize the impacts of the project. Coastal Commission Vice Chairman Donne Brownsey was quick to describe the current state of Terminal 1 in San Diego. âI think I’m probably speaking on behalf of the many travelers entering and leaving the San Diego airport to my joy that you are going to build a new terminal,â she said. âDon’t take it personally, but there’s only one way to describe the San Diego Airport Terminal (1) on a Friday, which is a mosh pit – people wall to wall, not enough people. ‘facilities. And let’s just say I’m very happy to know that in the future there will be a new terminal in San San Diego County Regional Airport Authority Board Chairman Gil Cabrera called the committee’s vote “another big step forward” in the “long journey from the airport to becoming the best airport in the United States â. âIt’s one of the last kinds of regulatory hurdles we have as fall approaches when we start innovating on things,â Cabrera said. âWe are an airport on the coast, so we could not move forward without the approval of the Coastal Commission. ” The project, although delayed for a year due to now resolved traffic issues raised three years ago by a number of government agencies, calls for the demolition of the existing 336,000 square foot Terminal 1 building and 19 doors, and its replacement by a 1.2 million square foot building housing 30 doors. Airlines currently using Terminal 1, including Southwest, complain that the aging facility, built in 1967, is no longer adequate to accommodate increasing volumes of passengers. Passenger traffic fell sharply last year due to the pandemic and although flight activity has rebounded sharply, it could be a few years before annual figures return to all-time highs at the airport in 25 million passengers in 2019. A new car park with 5,500 spaces is also planned, the relocation of the existing taxiway and the construction of a second taxiway to facilitate the movement of arriving and departing aircraft. Two key hurdles must be overcome before construction can begin, said Dennis Probst, vice president of airport development. The Airport Authority is awaiting the awaited approval by the Federal Aviation Administration of an environmental impact assessment at the federal level. And next month, the Airport Authority is expected to approve two major design and construction contracts for the terminal, related roads and airfield improvements. Assuming these two hurdles are lifted, construction would begin in November, with the first 19 gates of the new terminal scheduled to open in 2025. Demolition of the old terminal would follow, with the additional 11 gates set to begin by 2027, a declared Probst. . While he expects the maximum contract price to exceed $ 3 billion, he hopes that by the time the design process is complete, the cost will be closer to $ 3 billion. The key to the success of the project and the 40 million passengers the airport is expected to serve by 2040 are a number of planned road improvements. The main one is a new three-lane airport access road from Laurel Street and North Harbor Drive which airport planners say would eliminate 45,000 vehicle trips per day from Harbor Drive. The airport will also reserve the right of way for a future outgoing three-lane motorway. The airport is also working with the San Diego Association of Governments and the San Diego Metropolitan Transit System on an ambitious plan to eventually provide a high-speed transit connection to Terminals 1 and 2. The keystone in bringing a People carrier at the airport is the development of a “Grand Central Station” which would likely be located on the Navy’s 70-acre Old Town complex, commonly known as NAVWAR. The Navy and SANDAG have been working together on the project for some time, but it is not yet a done deal. Coastal Commission staff stressed their strong support for a direct transit connection to the airport, such as a people carrier, which they said would go a long way in alleviating the inevitable traffic jams. As a special condition, it requires the airport to identify the precise location it plans to reserve for a future transit station on the airport, which will generally be located on the west side of the terminal 1 parking structure. In the short term, the committee clarified that it wanted the Airport Authority to respect its commitment to provide a free shuttle service between the transit center of the old town and the airport. The shuttle, including a plan for its hours and frequency of operation, is expected to be implemented by December 1, the commission said. Airport Authority CEO Kim Becker told commissioners that the all-electric shuttles, which are funded by airport funds, will launch the service on November 21, with two to four buses at first. The long-term prospect of a rapid transit connection is good news for travelers and the environment, Commissioner Brownsey said. âI really see this as a super positive development,â she said. âIf you’ve ever flown to and from Portland it’s great because you just hop on their version of the subway and it’s such a quick, easy, and inexpensive option and definitely a much better option in terms of greenhouse gas. And here you have the closeness, which is really positive. In their report to the commissioners, staff noted that the airport authority had already made an error in initiating a number of projects at the redevelopment site without first obtaining the commission’s approval. Among them were a 70,762 square foot facility maintenance building, a 3 million gallon underground cistern and the conversion of a long-term public parking lot to an employee parking lot. Becker apologized profusely to the commission for what it called a “misstep” resulting from a misinterpretation of the law on the state’s coasts. âUpon learning of this, I immediately requested a full review of all authority investment plans and asked our team to disclose our mistakes to the commission’s executive director,â Becker said. âI have implemented new procedures in coordination with your staff to ensure that this does not happen again. “ Due to the violations, the commission imposed additional requirements, including a provision for the airport to install electric vehicle (EV) charging ports in 5% of new parking spaces and to build an additional 5% of spaces. parking lot as being ready for electric vehicles in the future. The airport has also agreed to capture an additional 36 acres of stormwater from the development site, a measure that will provide more water quality benefits than would normally be required from such a development. As part of the commission’s overall approval, it also requires a plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and an annual report that calculates the emissions resulting from the approved project and any measures taken to reduce net emissions to zero.
Galungan is an Balinese Hindu ritual based on the 210 day Balinese calendar. It is a celebration of the triumph of good (Dharma) over evil (Adharma), You know it’s Galungan when the tall carved bamboo poles adorned with decorations, called Penjor are in front of every building in Bali. Some of the penjors are modest, with only simple decorations, others can be grandiose with lustrous ornaments. Whatever the penjor they all carry the same meaning, to thank the gods for all that’s good. The eve of Galungan is Penampahan Galungan, animals are sacrificed as special offerings which are meant to get rid of negativity in both the bhuana agung (the environment of the individual human being) and the bhuana alit (the inner world of the individual human being); the meat is afterwards prepared and cooked for traditional Balinese dishes such as lawar, babi guling, and satay. The Balinese, especially the children, are looking forward to Penampahan Galungan as it is a typical family party day with lots of delicious dishes, similar to how some nationalities celebrate on Christmas Eve. From early morning on Galungan Day whiffs of incense carry through the air. The atmosphere is buoyant, like the western Christmas day. Everybody is coming out in their formal Balinese attire to visit neighbours and relatives. The Galungan celebration continues until Kuningan, 10 days later. Kuningan is the day that marks the end of the Galungan festive season, by the departure of the ancestors, back to their own world. The ceremony surrounding Kuningan refers to special offerings made of yellow turmeric rice. Yellow is also the colour of the god Wisnu, the protector of the Hindu trinity. For the non Balinese on the island you will notice shops, restaurants and other businesses owned or with high numbers of Balinese staff will be closed in the lead up to Galungan Day, possibly a couple of days later and on Kuningan Day. This is because Balinese people must travel back to their original village and assist the family and local community with the preparations required. Below are the dates for upcoming Galungan holidays Galungan: July 24th 2019, February 19th 2020, September 16th 2020, April 14th 2021, November 10th 2021. Kuningan: August 3rd 2019, February 29th 2020, September 26th 2020, April 24th 2021, November 20th 2021.
Nitchi EZ Injector do you want an application that fulfills all your needs in both Garena Free Fire and Mobile Legends Bang Bang? If yes, then without wasting any time I want to introduce you to the best 2-in-1 mod app i.e Nitchi EZ Injector APK. It is compatible with all Android devices whether it is a tablet or a smartphone. You can avail free skins and much more stuff for these two lovable battle games without any expenditure throughout the application. Thus, you can make a victory in these two trending games without any hard effort and without spending a single penny as well. Mobile Legends Bang Bang is a fantastic .com action game with beautiful graphics, colors, sounds, heroes, etc. and the value and status of this MOBA game have gained excitement in the last few months. Now more and more players are opting for others of that genre. If you are a hardcore fan of this game, we offer you a new improved game. In fact, many features have been unlocked that will make this game feel like a breeze. So, download the cracked version of MLBB for Android Nitchi EZ Injector. About Nitchi EZ Injector: Nitchi Ez ML is a modded version of Mobile Legend Bang Bang. Inside this mod version of the gaming app, key encryption was integrated. The reason for integrating the script is to avoid banning problems by hiding the scripts. When we explore the modded version of the gaming application briefly, then we found plenty of key features inside. That includes, No Icon Lobby, Fixing Grass, Emblem MPL, Unlock All Skins, Auto Respawn, No Cooldown, ByPass Setting, and Bypass Lobby, etc. The Map will allow the gamers to modify the battle map and access each and every corner easily. This means the game players can easily modify the map. Modifying the map will allow the game players to minimize the opponent’s power and beat them easily. Nitchi EZ Injector Features - ML Skins. Players can get a huge amount of skins for all their favorite game characters. - Killer. There are 46 killer skins available. - Cereals. For magicians, 12 skins. - Tanks. Tank for 8 skins. - Fighter. For fighters, 17 skins. - Help. 5 skins to support. - Sagittarius. 19 skins for shooters. - Unlimited game currency. The injector offers unlimited in-game currency (Gold). This currency helps to buy anything. - And more. Additional Features of Nitchi EZ Injector: - Free mod app for MLBB & FF. - Unlock MLBB skins for free. - Easy headshot for FF. - A new app in an uncommon style. - Many premium features at hand. - Works without rooting your device. - Anti-ban & light-weight app. - Easy to use as it is a well-organized tool. How to download and install Nitchi EZ Injector? - Tap on the link for download, and wait for a minute so that the process will be ended. - Before installation, First Go to the Android phone security setting for enabling the unknown sources.
The 7 Best 24 inch monitor for Gaming under $400 There was a time when a 24 inch monitor was the absolute cutting-edge in computer displays. These days, they’re still one of the most popular choices because of the balance between the performance, specs, and value you can get – it’s hard to beat it. You used to find 24 inch monitors with all of the latest and greatest gaming specs, that seem like nothing by today’s standards, and they would cost a fortune. Times have changed, and that’s good news today, because we’re going to be looking at the top 24 gaming monitors that won’t break the bank compared to other options out there. There’s never really been a better time to get a 24 inch monitor that has awesome specs at some insane prices. Why’s that? Monitors that were the top of the line a little while ago, well, if they aren’t 4K, or don’t have the absolute latest and greatest, there’s less of a demand for them, especially with 4K gaining more and more steam as time goes on. On that same note, you can get 1440p and 4K twenty-four inch monitors too, and once again, you’ll save a lot of dough compared to 27 inches or larger. You can get VERY capable 24 inch gaming monitors for stunning prices, lately. You can find 24 inch monitors with all of the best features and specs you’d need for gaming, but they’re going to be a little more expensive, depending on which features matter most to you. For that reason, we’ve picked our favorite 24 inch 1080p monitor for gaming, our favorite 1440p, and finally our top pick for a 4K resolution gaming monitor that’s 24 inches. The following graphic, adapted from CodingHorror and drastically scaled down in size, helps to show some context between 720p, 1080p, and 1440p resolutions. We’re covering the spectrum of resolutions here, but there are other traits that matter too, like the refresh rate, response time, contrast ratio, the panel type, and more. For the sake of this list, we’ve chosen monitors that have more-than-adequate specs in all of those categories. These are all excellent choices for gaming that manage to be budget friendly while also packing quite a punch, it just made the most sense to divide them by resolution. These 3 picks are all 24 inches. These are not the CHEAPEST 24 inch monitors out there, because we’ve looked specifically for gaming monitors to put to the test, and those are inherently more expensive than the standard monitor that a family would use for email, social media, and homework. So, if you’re shopping around and you see 24 inch monitors for less expensive than some of the ones on this list, just keep in mind we’ve chosen ones that are suitable for gaming, and the absolute cheapest monitors generally aren’t going to provide a good enough experience for gamers. Now, with all of those explanations out of the way, here’s a look at the best 3 monitors for 24 inch gaming. |Name||Panel Type||Screen Size||Resolution||Hz & ms||Check Price| |Acer XFA240 bmjdpr||TN||24”||1920x1080||144Hz, 1ms| |ASUS VG248QE||TN||24”||1920x1080||144Hz, 1ms| |Samsung IT LC24F390FHN||VA||24”||1920x1080||60Hz, 4ms| |BenQ Zowie XL2411P||TN||24”||1920x1080||144Hz, 1ms| |VIOTEK GN24C||VA||24”||1920x1080||144Hz, 3ms| |AOC Agon AG241QX||TN||24”||2560x1440||144Hz, 1ms| |ViewSonic XG2401||TN||24”||1920x1080||144Hz, 1ms| Top 24 inch Gaming Monitors for 2021 1. Acer XFA240 (1080p) This is an incredible deal if you’re cool with 1080p. The other specs are all beastly, the only problem is that it’s 1080p instead of a higher resolution. If you don’t have a super beefy graphics card, you’ll probabally want to be playing at 1080p anyways, so this is a really great choice for you. It also makes a good second monitor, for down the road if you upgrade the reset of your rig and want something that can handle a higher resolution. Other than that, this monitor will keep you happy for years to come. That's why it hit the top of our best 24" monitor list. 144Hz refresh rate, 1ms response time, FreeSync, completely adjustable, and it won’t break the bank. What else could you ask for when it comes to a budget friendly 24 inch gaming monitor? Acer is bringing the heat, giving you all the features you’d expect from a much more expensive monitor, in a super budget-friendly option because it’s all at 1080p instead of 1440 or 4K. If 1080p is the resolution you would be playing at anyways, you might as well save the cash, this is a workhorse of a gaming display. That covers the 1080p range, if that’s where you’re going to be playing your games, this is our favorite option. Up next, let’s scope out a 1440p monitor… 2. AOC AG241QX Agon (1440p) AOC is a great brand to turn to when you’re looking for great specs at a lower price than some of the more well-known brands. They’ve been around long enough and really proven themselves as a solid choice when you want something ‘just as good’, but for less money. The AG241QX has a slick design to it, and strikes an awesome balance between cost and performance for gamers. At 24 inches, the 1440p resolution looks just incredible. There’s so many pixels and so much detail packed in. Also, the 144Hz refresh rate and 1ms response times are perfect for gaming. This monitor can pivot, and you can adjust the height. You can also mount it onto a wall if you want. It’s got a bunch of inputs, too, usually you won’t find this many unless you’re looking at a really high-end monitor. Granted, this isn’t a super cheap monitor by any stretch, it’s just an incredible value for the price. You’ve got VGA, DVI, HDMI 1.4, HDMI 2, DisplayPort, and 4 USB ports. This monitor brings a lot to the table with a surprisingly low price tag, and it’ll serve you very well. It’s totally legit, and it’s not going to break the bank. 1440p is also an excellent middle ground between the higher price tag of 4k, or the lower resolution from 1080. 3. Samsung C24F390 (Budget option) If saving some cash is your number one priority, along with having ‘good enough’ specs for gaming, we found this little guy to be a fair compromise. The downside here is that it’s 60Hz instead of 144Hz like the other options here, and that does make a noticeable difference, but at the same time, if you like the curved style of the screen and don’t want to spend much, this is a great option. It’s often on sale, too, making it a steal. We would definitely recommend looking at upping your budget a bit and getting one of the other two options on this page for a refresh rate faster than 60Hz, but once again, we wanted to include a really solid monitor that hits most of the right notes for gaming and comes in at the lower end of the budget spectrum, even if it’s lacking in one department. This packs a lot of punch for a budget 24 inch monitor, it’s a great buy for budget to mid-range gaming rigs. ASUS Gaming Monitors are workhorses since they’re designed and optimized for gaming right from the onset. Our conversations revolve around tech and gaming, and that explains why an ASUS model will almost always feature. With a rapid 1ms response time and a high 144 refresh rate, ASUS VG248QE 24-Inch monitor delivers ultra-smooth action with zero lags and without image blurring, video smearing or screen tearing in fast-paced actions. This 24-Inch gaming monitor has 1920x1080 resolution that delivers stunning visuals. ASUS VG248QE also comes equipped with 80:1 ASUS Smart Contrast Ratio that reveals true-to-life image details of the darkest and extreme blacks and whites. Even better, ASUS VG248QE is optimized for gaming in that it comes equipped with ASUS GamePlus, a property that provides with a competitive edge. Take advantage of the GamePlus hotkey featuring crosshair overlay plus an in-game timer to enhance your gaming experience. What’s more, the monitor offers flexible connectivity thanks to its integrated ports that include DisplayPort, HDMI, and Dual-link DVI-D. Hook your gaming consoles, PC and more devices to your ASUS monitor and expand the gaming horizons. Sometimes the action can get too intense and you can’t help yourself but keep going and going. This gaming monitor comes with an ergonomically designed adjustable stand. Grab your popcorns, adjust the height, tilt/swivel/rotate it to your ideal viewing angle and keep shooting at your enemies. Key Feature Highlights - 24” 1920x1080 TN Panel Display - Ultra-Fast 1ms Response Time - High 144Hz Refresh Rate - ASUS GamePlus - 80M:1 ASUS Constant Ratio - DisplayPort, HDMI, Dual-Link DVI-D - Adjustable Stand If you’re looking for a 24-Inch gaming monitor, ASUS VG248QE is an excellent investment. For a 24-Inch monitor, it packs a punch right from the swift response time, high refresh rate, flexible connectivity, to the mega constant ratio. 5. BenQ Zowie XL2411P (1080p) Gaming Monitor Like your posture, eye comfort is also important and particularly for us gamers who can get immersed into the action for hours. That’s why BenQ XL2411P has been optimized for customized viewing. BenQ XL2411P boasts a high 144Hz refresh rate and a swift 1ms response time, which help render smooth visuals with no lagging, imaging blurring or screen tearing. Enjoy eye-popping, brilliant and detailed color-rich images with the impressive 1920x1080 display and a high 12M:1 Dynamic Constant Ratio. BenQ XL2411P comes integrated with Low Blue Light as well as Zero Flicker Technologies. These two properties help minimize the amount of blue light and light flickers reflected into your eyes effectively reducing eye strain and fatigue for comfortable viewing. What’s more, BenQ XL2411P is a powerful ally if you want to focus fully into the gameplay. The XL LCD series reduces the amount of light reflected from the screen so you can enjoy the action with minimal visual distractions. Visibility and clarity are crucial in extreme gaming if you’re to beat your enemy. BenQ XL2411P comes equipped with eQualizer which readily boosts the visibility in the darkest scenes while at the same time ensuring the bright scenes don’t get overemphasized. In the middle of the action and you’d like to enhance the visuals? Take advantage of the 20 levels of color vibrance settings and tune to the specific viewing requirement for that particular game. Key Feature Highlights - 24-Inch 1080p LCD Display - 1ms Response Time - 144Hz Refresh Rate - Black Equalizer - 12M:1 DCR - Low Blue Light & Zero Flicker Technologies - 20-Levels of Color Vibrance Settings While most of the gaming monitors reviewed come equipped with eye protection capabilities, none beats BenQ XL2411P. For the sake of your eyes, it’s the perfect monitor for maximum comfortable extreme gaming. For serious gamers here is another recommendation BenQ ZOWIE 24.5 inch with 240hz 6. ViewSonic XG2401 (1080p) Gaming Monitor As a gamer, you want a monitor that will allow you to leave an impact in all your quests, and ViewSonic XG2401 (1080p) is that perfect gaming companion. This monitor carries a couple of impressive specs that’ll help you gain that competitive edge. The 24-Inch LED display combines takes pride in its high 144Hz refresh rate and a remarkably low 1ms response time. Expect nothing short of smooth visuals with zero lag, blurring, smearing or screen tearing. ViewSonic XG2401 also comes integrated with AMD FreeSync Technology. The property effectively syncs the frame rate output between the GPU and the monitor delivering steady and smooth images. In the monitor is a built-in process reducer, ViewSonic XG2401 gaming monitor seamlessly reduces the time lag or delay between all inputs however intense the action gets. That makes it possible to react in real-time against your opponent. Enjoy enhanced visibility in your gameplay with the ViewSonic’s Black Stabilization feature, which brightens the darkest scenes allowing you to easily spot the foe and act accordingly. Equipped with pre-set customizable visual modes, this monitor should be your best ally for eSports, FPS and MOBA games. The display’s 1920x1080 resolution and the high contrast ratio makes it possible for the monitor to deliver brilliant, color-rich motion images. ViewSonic XG2401 promises a limitless world of possibilities. It comes integrated with connectivity options including HDMI, USB, and DisplayPort inputs. Hook in your PCs, Macs, laptops and other multimedia devices to enjoy full-scale entertainment. For optimal comfort when viewing, the monitor features an ergonomic adjustable stand that you can adjust the height, swivel and rotate to achieve the comfortable viewing angle. Even better, you can VESA wall mount the monitor. Key Feature Highlights - 24-Inch 1920x1080 LED Display - 1ms Response Time - 144Hz Refresh Rate - AMD FreeSync Technology - USB, HDMI, DisplayPort, Audio In/Out ports - VESA Wall Mountable - In-built Speakers For a 24 inches monitor, ViewSonic XG2401 has what it takes to accompany you in those fast-paced actions. Right from the resolution, response time, AMD FreeSync to the refresh rate, every spec points to a high-performance gaming monitor. 7. VIOTEK GN24C (1080p), Curved Gaming Monitor In gameplay, true immersion is majorly determined by the screen size, refresh rate, response time, and screen resolution. But there’s another crucial aspect that’s slowly gaining popularity– a curved display. And that’s where VIOTEK GN24C comes in. VIOTEK GN24C 24-Inch widescreen display features a 1800R curvature design capable of capturing fine details while offering enough work area for multitasking. The 1920x1080 screen resolution also helps render extra-brilliant visuals for a VA panel in 16.7M colors. It comes equipped with FreeSync Technology, which in collaboration with high 144Hz refresh rate and a fast 3ms response time ensure that you enjoy high-speed gaming with no lag, screen tearing or stuttering. VIOTEK GN24C is optimized for gaming thanks to its enabled GamePlus cross-hairs function. Use the function to enhance your FPS and RTS games. GN24C also comes with an adjustable stand that you can rotate, swivel and tilt to achieve a comfortable viewing angle. What’s more, you can VESA mount the monitor. And thanks to the monitor’s low blue light property, worry no more about eye strain and fatigue and maintain the pace at your gameplay. Make better use of the connectivity options that include HDMI & DP 1.2, hook your multimedia devices to one monitor and stay entertained. - 24-Inch 1080p Samsung VA Display - 1800R Curvature - VA Panel - 3ms Response Time - 144Hz Refresh Rate - 1000000:1 DCR - GamePlus Cross-Hairs Function - VESA Mount - HDMI & DP 1.2 Sure, the response time of VIOTEK GN24C is not as fast as say a monitor with 1ms response time. But the monitor is perfectly suited for fast actions with smooth visuals, zero lags, no blurring or screen tearing. Which one should you choose? Let’s break things down. If you’re looking to spend as little as possible for something functional for gaming, then our Best Budget Option, the Samsung C24F390, will get you in the door. If you have a mid-level GPU or a higher end one from a few years ago, and you plan on playing on ultra graphics settings, you’ll probabally want to opt for the 1080p monitor (The Acer XFA240) because you’ll be able to save a good chunk of cash that can go towards other parts. If you’re only going to be gaming at 1080p, there’s no need for for the 1440p resolution, unless you plan on doing research, work, homework, and so on – then that extra resolution can come in handy, even when you aren’t playing games. Finally, if you have a beefy GPU, definitely go with the 1440p option, where our top pick is the AOC AG241QX Agon. Let us know what you think, do you have a 24 inch that you like better than any of these, or can you think of any other categories you’d like us to compare? Also, we’ll do our best to keep this page up to date so that when new monitors enter into contention, you know you’ll always have the best recommendations here. Originally posted 2021-01-19 11:25:00.
With the New Year approaching, do you think it’s too late to start making lists and outlining dramatic changes for yourself? Novelist Mary Anne Evans (AKA George Eliot) wisely advised, It is never too late to be what you might have been.So decide what you want to be and then begin the process to make it happen in 2011. And just in case you’ve had trouble in the past taking the first step toward change, our article Sandwiched Boomers: 7 Tips on Fighting Inertia, available on our website, Her Mentor Center, gives you suggestions for overcoming these hurdles. Here are some more practical tips to help you focus on the positive qualities you possess and how you can apply them: Engage in an active process of getting to know your true self and what you want to do. Think about what you would see if you held up a mirror to your inner self. What nurtures your creative thinking? What stimulates your curiosity? What do you really value and care about? What are your dreams and passions? When you can honestly answer these questions for yourself, you can begin to identify what is your life purpose. Only then can you go about achieving it. How would you like to share your “assets” with others? Your expertise can be directed to giving back to those in need, to the next generation, to the community, country, world. Begin to practice small acts of kindness – let a harried mother go ahead of you in the grocery line, give up the parking space to an elderly gentleman, smile at the sales clerk who looks like she’s having a bad day. At this stressful holiday time, your thoughtfulness and consideration can mean even more to those around you. Just as you would calculate liabilities as well as assets when determining your financial net worth, you can look at the areas that you would like to enhance in your personal life. This provides a focus for your actions toward self-improvement. Let 2011 become the beginning of changes that you have been planning to make but never quite began before. After you identify your strengths and the direction you want to take, start to develop a concrete plan of action you can follow. Establish short-term objectives that will move you, step by step, toward the long-term goals you have set for yourself. Whether you’re dealing with growing children, aging parents or your own self-discovery, create your personal vision for 2011 using your newly completed asset inventory. For more insight and tips about achieving the goals you set for yourself in 2011 check out our article, 8 Strategies to Turn Your New Year’s Resolutions into Reality. And if you want to get a running start on dealing with the pressures of the weak economy in 2011, you can purchase our ebook, TAKING CONTROL OF STRESS IN A FINANCIAL STORM: Practical Strategies and Resources for Success.
Lord, to know you is to find joy; the joy of pardon, presence, peace, and power. I open myself to your good gifts. Read NUMBERS 6:22–7:11 The Priestly Blessing 22 The Lord said to Moses, 23 “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: 24 “‘“The Lord bless you and keep you; 25 the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’ 27 “So they will put my name on the Israelites, and I will bless them.” Offerings at the Dedication of the Tabernacle 7 When Moses finished setting up the tabernacle, he anointed and consecrated it and all its furnishings. He also anointed and consecrated the altar and all its utensils. 2 Then the leaders of Israel, the heads of families who were the tribal leaders in charge of those who were counted, made offerings. 3 They brought as their gifts before the Lord six covered carts and twelve oxen—an ox from each leader and a cart from every two. These they presented before the tabernacle. 4 The Lord said to Moses, 5 “Accept these from them, that they may be used in the work at the tent of meeting. Give them to the Levites as each man’s work requires.” 6 So Moses took the carts and oxen and gave them to the Levites. 7 He gave two carts and four oxen to the Gershonites, as their work required, 8 and he gave four carts and eight oxen to the Merarites, as their work required. They were all under the direction of Ithamar son of Aaron, the priest. 9 But Moses did not give any to the Kohathites, because they were to carry on their shoulders the holy things, for which they were responsible. 10 When the altar was anointed, the leaders brought their offerings for its dedication and presented them before the altar. 11 For the Lord had said to Moses, “Each day one leader is to bring his offering for the dedication of the altar.” New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Count the blessings you have received. We have come to the end of the laws and regulations that have dominated Leviticus and Numbers up until now. Before we are taken back to the dedication of the tabernacle, which we left in Exodus 40, we have the blessing that Aaron and his sons were to declare over the people of Israel. These words continue to be used in Jewish and Christian worship, as they have been down the centuries. In 1979, two silver amulets excavated from a tomb in Jerusalem and dated to the seventh century BC contained these words – our earliest copy of words of scripture. The blessing is carefully structured in the Hebrew text, with three words in the first line, five in the second and seven in the third, made up of 15, 20 and 25 letters, making the whole like a river of blessing flowing out and expanding. It is the Lord’s blessing to all Israelites, but it is directed toward each individual (the ‘you’ is singular). The blessing is to be found in the richness of life to which is added the Lord’s protection both from losing and misusing the blessing. The second line speaks of the intimate relationship that God has with us so that we see, like Moses, the shining glory of the Lord and know the fullness of his forgiving grace toward us. For us, this is fulfilled in the person of his Son! In the third line, the face of the Lord is turned to us in recognition of who we are and will become as we rest in his peace – shalom – that comprehensive well-being that is found in dwelling with him, whose name is ‘I am who I am’.1 The rest of today’s reading shows one pattern of response to all the Lord’s blessings as the leaders of the people bring offerings for his tabernacle. Read through the blessing several times, immersing yourself in each word. Merciful Father, truly your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105). Your grace and blessing are the glue that holds everything together. How great you are. 1 Exod 3:14 Click here to sign up to receive the EXTRAs via email each quarter.
I wanted to thank all my past and present students, colleagues, and collaborators for their invaluable contribution to our research. With your contribution, we were able to achieve high-quality research and international recognition! 🙏 Thanks for the amazing facilities, funding and general support from the AMPM Center, Core Labs and KAUST in general! KAUST Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering Gyorgy Szekely has recently received two notable recognitions for his significant contributions to sustainable materials science. He received the Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research’s (I&ECR) Class of Influential Researchers Award 2022 from the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the International Association of Advanced Materials’ (IAAM) Sustainability Award 2022. The I&ECR award recognizes the contributions of early-career investigators within the first ten years of their independent careers who are carrying out exceptional and acknowledged research within chemical engineering and applied chemistry. Professor Szekely received the IAAM award for his contribution to more sustainable polymer-based membrane materials and separation processes.” Election to the European Membrane Society In addition to receiving the aforementioned awards, Szekely has been elected as a council member of the European Membrane Society (EMS) for his work in membrane science. Established in 1982, the EMS is an international scientific association aiming to promote cooperation between European scientists and engineers developing membranes and membrane processes. Szekely will serve as a council member for the next three years. In his new role, he will work to enhance the visibility and potential of the EMS’ membrane-related research worldwide. “I have a strong desire to support the mission of the EMS. I will use the knowledge and the experience I have gained throughout my career within the council to help shape its agenda,” he said of his election. “The contribution of European scientists to the field of membranes is outstanding, which makes me proud and motivated to engage further with the Society. In my new role, I want to give something back to the community, which has given me so much throughout my career.” Forging a path of scientific innovation Szekely obtained his MEng (’09) in Chemical Engineering from the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, and his Ph.D. (’12) in Chemistry from the Technical University Dortmund, Germany. Throughout his career, he has been dedicated to solving challenges related to the sustainable fabrication of membrane materials for harsh environments; and increasing the application of these membranes through process intensification. The multidisciplinary nature of his work encompasses supramolecular chemistry, molecular recognition, molecular imprinting, process development, sustainable separations, waste utilization, nanofiltration and pharmaceutical purification. Based in the KAUST Advanced Membranes & Porous Materials Center, his research team — The Szekely Group — investigates the potential of advanced membranes and imprinted materials for efficient purification and sustainable processing of fine chemicals and water. “My group is developing energy-efficient membrane materials using biomass such as agricultural waste, shrimp farming waste and upcycling used face masks. In addition, we are working on a more efficient separation process, using green metrics analysis to quantify the improvements we are making,” he explained. Szekely is a longtime advocate for STEM outreach activities, and his sustainable research approach lent itself to an innovative ongoing project with The KAUST School. Since 2020, the collaborative project has focused on extracting essential oils from plants. Continually innovative, the British–Hungarian researcher is also looking toward the future. Beginning this year, he will start two industry-funded projects with Saline Water Conversion Corporation (SWCC), a Saudi Government Corporation responsible for desalinating sea water in the Kingdom. The first SWCC project will focus on developing more sustainable membranes using local biomass, while the other aims to intensify water treatment to reduce energy consumption. “Several of my upcoming projects align with the Saudi Green Initiative, Vision 2030 and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, my group invented a process to upcycle shrimp farming waste into separation materials. This project was in collaboration with the National Aquaculture Group, which produces 50,000 tons of shrimp per annum in Saudi Arabia,” Szekely emphasized. “All these research drives and career recognitions allow me to grow professionally, expand and diversify my career path and, most importantly, challenge myself,” he concluded.
Driving on Ohio’s roadways can be stressful. Dealing with traffic, reckless drivers, and lengthy construction projects can make your commute a frustrating experience. Almost all motorists get a little irritated from time to time. But for some, a minor issue doesn’t just annoy them. It turns into road rage. Road rage is excessive anger caused by another driver’s actions or simply the inconvenience one experiences while behind the wheel. When a motorist becomes so enraged, they all too often take their anger out on others on the roadway. Sometimes their rage results in yelling at other drivers or offensive hand gestures. In more serious cases, a driver’s anger leads to a serious accident and even physical violence. Were you injured or sustained property damage due to road rage? Let Slater & Zurz help you get the compensation you deserve. Call (888) 534-4850 today to arrange a FREE consultation with an experienced car accident lawyer in Ohio. Road Rage Statistics We have all heard of cases of road rage, but many are unaware of just how prevalent this dangerous behavior is. According to the Insurance Information Institute, 56% of all fatal accidents in the U.S. involved acts of road rage. In a recent study performed by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, it was found that speeding, a common form of road rage, led to nearly 30% of all traffic deaths. The NHTSA also found that close to 70% of traffic-related fatalities were caused by aggressive driving. And according to Everytown for Gun Safety, road rage led to a staggering 131 shooting deaths in 2021, a record high. Types of Road Rage Again, road rage can take a variety of forms. Some of the more common types include: - Making offensive or angry gestures - Flashing headlights or high beams - Throwing objects at another vehicle - Chasing another driver - Tailgating (riding too close to the back of another vehicle) - Intentionally cutting off another vehicle - Preventing another vehicle from changing lanes (blocking them in) - Intentionally hitting another vehicle - Forcing a car to swerve or brake - Passing a car where prohibited - Driving on the shoulder, sidewalk, or median - Brandishing a knife, gun, or other weapons - Shooting at another vehicle Is There a Difference Between Road Rage and Aggressive Driving? Although many driving behaviors that are considered aggressive can also be types of road rage, aggressive driving and road rage are not the same. Driving aggressively can quickly and easily escalate into acts of road rage. However, road rage is not present in every case of aggressive driving. Aggressive driving is considered a traffic offense and endangers those around the aggressive driver. On the other hand, severe acts of road rage can constitute criminal offenses and result in criminal convictions because they are considered acts of violence against others. How to Avoid Road Rage With the devastating consequences associated with road rage, many drivers want to do everything possible to avoid becoming a victim. Below are some tips that can help you stay safe on the road: - Give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination - Don’t exceed the speed limit - Give the right of way - Only use your horn when necessary - Don’t tailgate or cut off another vehicle - Use your turn signals - Signal when changing lanes - Pay attention to the cars around you - Always be a safe and courteous driver - Don’t be an aggressive driver If you still find yourself in a road rage situation, you can still do some things. - Try not to make eye contact with the aggressor. - Remain focused on driving safely and obeying traffic laws - Do not engage the other driver - Never attempt to retaliate against them - Try to put some distance between you and the other driver - Lock your doors - Do not get out of your vehicle Sometimes, even your best efforts can’t diffuse the situation. If you feel the aggressor is out of control or you believe you are in danger, call 911. Try to stay calm, give the dispatcher your exact location, and explain the situation as calmly as possible. If you must pull off the road, drive to the nearest Ohio police department or fire station. If you are unable to, be sure to stop your car in a public place where there are other people around. Seeking Compensation in an Ohio Road Rage Case Individuals who commit road rage can be charged with criminal offenses, such as assault, battery, and assault with a deadly weapon. These crimes can carry substantial fines and significant jail or prison time if convicted. But what do you do if you were a victim of road rage and suffered injuries and/or property damage as a result? Under Ohio law, you have the right to seek damages resulting from road rage by filing a personal injury lawsuit. A personal injury case is unrelated to any criminal action taken against the driver. In fact, a victim can secure compensation in a personal injury case regardless of whether criminal charges were brought against the driver or whether a criminal case resulted in a guilty verdict. The damages you and your Ohio personal injury lawyer seek will depend on the circumstances of the incident. Some common types of compensation in a civil road rage case include: - Medical expenses - Costs for future medical care, including rehabilitation and assistive services - Lost earnings - Property repair or replacement - Pain and suffering - Mental anguish and emotional trauma - Diminished quality of life - Wrongful death damages (if you lost a loved one due to road rage) By taking legal action, you and your injury lawyer can fight to ensure the aggressor is brought to justice and held liable for your injuries and subsequent losses. Contact a Road Rage Auto Accident Lawyer in Ohio Were you injured in an accident triggered by another driver’s road rage? Call Slater & Zurz to learn your legal rights or to take action against those responsible. Call (888) 534-4850 today to set up a FREE case review with one of our qualified car accident attorneys in Ohio. With over 100 years of collective experience, our injury attorneys have the knowledge, experience, and resources to hold the at-fault party accountable for their actions and get you the compensation you truly deserve. We have offices in Akron, Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo to serve you and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to take your call.
In homes, the attic is one of the most common areas of mold growth. It is because attics have the perfect conditions for mold growth. Mostly, the problem of mold worsens in the homes because homeowners don’t go up in… In homes, the attic is one of the most common areas of mold growth. It is because attics have the perfect conditions for mold growth. Mostly, the problem of mold worsens in the homes because homeowners don’t go up in their attic to check its condition. The attic mold problem comes in the scenario when selling the home when the buyer’s home inspector notices the mold. If this happens, the entire situation will go against you, and the deal you were about to make will be lost. So, to avoid attic mold, it is important to get your attic inspected for mold timely. And to get the attic mold treated correctly, make sure to . A professional mold remediation company properly access your attic and use the right method to remove the mold carefully from your attic. Probing further, let us see how to spot the right attic mold remediation company. - Ask for references – When looking for any professional services, start by asking people around you. Take suggestions from your friend or family member who has already hired a mold remediation company in the past. They can better tell you about whom to hire and what to expect from professional services. Additionally, they will warn you from hiring the company they had a bad experience with. - Search online and check reviews – In case you don’t find any good reference from someone, prefer searching online. You can get several attic mold remediation companies in your area. After shortlisting the best companies that meet your needs, further check their reviews. See what the past clients have to say about their services. Select only that that has received maximum positive reviews. - Check to experience – More the company’s experience, they will treat the mold problem more efficiently. So, check for how many years the company is serving as a mold remediation company. Don’t hire an amateur as chances are there to worsen because of lack of expertise. - Check license – License is only provided to the company who has completed the training and has gained the desired skills to provide specific services. The absence of a permit is a sign of unprofessionalism, and you cannot rely on an unlicensed company. So, make sure to check the presence of the license before moving ahead. If the company denies showing the license or make excuses, then better look for some other mold remediation service provider. - Don’t forget the insurance – Insurance is important if you want to stay safe and prevent any unwanted debts. If your property gets damaged or a mishap occurs, you will not be liable for it in the presence of insurance. So, don’t forget to ask the company if they have the required insurance or not. Also, ascertain that the insurance is not expired; otherwise, it is of no use.