Bringing together one of the industry's most renowned and legendary scribes, Inkpot and Two-time Eisner award-winning Mike Baron of Nexus, Badger, Punisher, Action Comics, the Flash, and too many others to name... Alongside newcomer and fan-favorite phenom Matthew Weldon, artist of Punchline for Antarctic Press, directed by Mike S. Miller. Monster Hunt: Let's Get Kraken brings together Lonestar and his Unknown Soldiers together with Doug TenNapel's Bigfoot Bill and a few of his cryptid friends as they join forces with Mike Baron and Steve Rude's intergalactic executioner, and one of the most popular independent comic characters of all time: NEXUS! Bound together by fate to save the world from the galactic devourer: GOURMANDO!!! Join us for this epic, galaxy-spanning, dimension-hopping, mind-bending adventure that's guaranteed to grab you by the throat and never let you go! Four epic covers brought to you by the creative team and other fan-favorite artists of the independent comics world!
Next month will herald the inaugural Splatterpunk Awards at Killercon Austin, a new book award ceremony that will celebrate the point in horror literature where the greatest achievements meet the lowest of taste. Lucky for you, Bookmarked is here to get its hands dirty with a three-part overview of every single finalist. The Splatterpunk Awards focus on extreme horror, and this year’s finalists certainly pull no punches in terms of subject matter. If we tried to provide a detailed content warning for this article we’d be here all day, so just bear in mind that this post discusses fictional depictions of violence, sex, and some really unsavoury combinations of the two. Editor’s Note: Explicitly, this post includes graphic mentions of murder and rape in describing the plot of the following short stories and novellas. Best Short Story “Molly” by Glenn Rolfe In this voyeuristic story about the inhabitants of a Hilton hotel, the first character we meet is disgruntled employee Caleb. He views his co-workers and the hotel’s guests with utter contempt, and the person he hates the most is a guest named Anne Marie. At least, that is, until he spies through her window and catches sight of her having sex with her boy-toy Isaac. After this event, she becomes the subject of Caleb’s erotic fascination. But none of this sexual intrigue compares with something very odd going on in the hotel. At one point, Caleb sees the silhouette of a woman holding a small child through a window only to realise that the window is that of Anne Marie, who has no child. It turns out that Anne Marie owns a large doll. She calls it Molly and, through supernatural means, she can bring it to life. Anne Marie is similar to Caleb in that she harbours a lot of resentment and a large number of grudges. The difference is that, thanks to her knife-wielding doll, she can quickly and easily do away with those who get on her wrong side. While “Molly” is not particularly sophisticated when it comes to character motivation, it manages to pack together so many elements that the slim narrative ends up feeling quite complex. The lowbrow sleaze coupled with the oddness of the living doll make for a memorable combination. “The Tipping Point” by Jeff Strand Having hooked up online, Warren and Julia have their first date at a restaurant that turns out to be further upmarket than expected. As the two of them fret inwardly over the cost of the date, Julia notices a woman in the restaurant acting strangely, which is just the beginning of a harrowing series of events. First, the strange woman notices Julia staring at her and confronts the couple at their table, making off with Warren’s knife for reasons unknown. Disturbed by this occurrence, Warren and Julia decide to head somewhere else for their date and are insulted on their way out by a valet attendant. This dispute quickly turns violent. The attendant punches Warren in the stomach, and a musclebound fellow diner arrives and beats up the attendant. Meanwhile, an elderly man begins smashing parked cars with a rock. The couple manages to get back to Warren’s car and flee, only to find that the mayhem extends well outside the restaurant, as confirmed by a woman they see preparing to hurl her small daughter from the fourth story of a building. The idea of a community where people are suddenly turning into homicidal maniacs has been seen in horror before. Think of The Fog by James Herbert or George A. Romero’s film The Crazies. The theme is ripe with satiric potential, and Jeff Strand makes use of this in his own unique story. “The Tipping Point” starts out as something of a comedy of manners, with Warren and Julia confronted by various abrasive people and yet unable to pull away for reasons of decorum, personal honour, or concern that the other party might need help. This takes on a twisted new aspect as the story progresses: is it wrong for Warren to hit a woman, even if she’s trying to kill him? What if the woman trying to kill him has a baby strapped to her front? Unlike The Fog or The Crazies, Strand’s story offers no sci-fi explanation for its bloodshed. As a punchline to the comedy of manners, the rampant homicide is depicted as the result of people emboldening one another to act out their most bestial impulses. Warren compares the phenomenon to the ugly ways in which people behave online: the chaos surrounding him and Julia is essentially an Internet comments section manifesting in the real world. “Extinction Therapy” by Bracken MacLeod Spencer, a wealthy but psychologically troubled businessman, decides to visit a new age therapist named Dr. Walker. While he feels a degree of skepticism towards such matters—particularly after finding that Walker, who claims to be Native American, is actually of Italian ancestry—his friends’ enthusiastic testimonies persuade him to take the plunge. During the session, Walker succeeds in placing his client into a vision, and an extremely bloody one at that: Spencer finds himself transported to the Sacred Ridge, right in the middle of a pre-Columbian genocide. Here, he is granted a fit new body, a deadly weapon, and the opportunity to kill. Spencer’s plot thread alternates with that of a couple, Doug and Cary. The two share a daily commute to work, and their laid back lives bluntly contrast with Spencer’s brutal visions. The two plots eventually converge when Spencer meets the couple in real life. By that point, however, Spencer is a changed man. His visions have brought out latent homicidal tendencies, and Doug and Cary are unfortunately the first people to stumble into his sight. It’s always interesting to look through a selection of violent fantasies and find a story which, on one level, condemns violent fantasies. Spencer’s visions are portrayed in a manner that suggests a virtual reality game and that constant exposure not only allows him a platform through which to act out his most bestial impulses, but it also consequently emboldens him to commit murder in real life. On a more significant level, “Extinction Therapy” is a condemnation of the social privilege embodied by Spencer. As an affluent businessman, Spencer begins the story by seeing himself as above the common people of his city. Indeed, given that he resides in a penthouse while Doug and Cary ride the subway, the story physically positions Spencer above them. When he begins contemplating real-life murder, he views his lower-class victims with the same detachment as the imaginary people he slays in his visions. Walker’s therapy may be what emboldens Spencer to try murder, but it is his social privilege that allows him to get away with it. “Extinction Therapy” makes for an interesting comparison with one of this year’s Hugo finalists: Rebecca Roanhorse’s “Welcome to Your Authentic Indian Experience™”. Each story tackles New Age-y Native American-inspired vision quests, but in a very different way. Roanhorse’s story satirises the New Age appropriation of Native cultures, while MacLeod downplays the stereotypical aspects of its premise by depicting a pre-Columbian Native genocide rather than the more conventional “Cowboys-and-Indians” cliche. The Italian Dr. Walker in MacLeod’s story also offers other cultural backdrops behind Spencer’s brutal visions. “Dirty Desk” by Jeffrey Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Pearson are a couple who live a mostly dull life together. To break up the monotony of their day-to-day existence, they indulging various sexual perversions. Some of these they carry out as a couple, such as when they get off on snuff videos together. Others are performed individually, like when Mr. Pearson heads to Thailand for sex with underage girls, before being eagerly swapped as anecdotes. Such a lifestyle leaves the Pearsons with a lingering desire to get bigger kicks through increased depravity. They consider torturing a neighbourhood pet, but dismiss this as too meager a thrill. They contemplate kidnapping a child, but realise that this might be too hard to get away with. Mrs. Pearson finally finds a seemingly ideal candidate for abduction when she meets a homeless man named Donny at a laundromat. Donny appears to have mental health issues as he talks of visiting his dead mother in a “special place” that he access through a hole in his head, which marks him as a particularly vulnerable victim for the Pearsons to exploit. Only too late do the Pearsons find that the homeless man speaks the truth: he really does have access to a strange and terrible new dimension. “Dirty Desk” is a story that plays with multiple levels of expectation and subversion. It begins with an outwardly normal setting and characters who turn out to have a dark secret. As far as horror is concerned, this is routine enough. The character of Donny soon arrives, embodying the stereotype of the mentally ill homeless man, a stereotype so familiar that the character represents a normalcy of his own. Then comes the cross-dimensional fantasy element, which seems to take the story in a different direction, yet was a twist clearly foreshadowed by Donny’s earlier claims. “Dirty Desk” turns out to be a shaggy-dog story that tugs the reader’s expectations back and forth between the routine and the outré, before arriving at a stark punchline: all that unfolds is, ultimately, no more than fetish fodder to Mr. Pearson. “Melvin” by Matt Shaw This story begins with a description of a sleeping woman with a penis in her mouth. But this is far from a conventional rape scene: the penis isn’t attached to anyone, and is wriggling its way down her throat of its own volition. The woman, Claudia, then wakes up with a queasy feeling in her stomach and dismisses the weird experience as a bad dream brought on by indigestion. She recalls the events of the previous night when she visited a sleazy club with her friend. There, they had been hounded for half an hour by a drunken lecher named Melvin. As Claudia’s internal distress continues, she realises that her ordeal was no dream: Melvin has found a way to get to her. Despite its short length and simple plot, “Melvin” is a story that achieves multiple levels of gross-out: the surreal, night terror-like incident with the disembodied penis; the more down-to-earth portrayal of the sex pest; the STD symbolism; and finally, the sick joke punchline, where Melvin gets his just desserts. Header 3 by Edward Lee and Ryan Harding Edward Lee returns to the setting of his Header series, this time joined by collaborator Ryan Harding. Welcome to the Deep South town of Luntville, where the locals have ways that may seem weird to outsiders. A whole spectrum of sexual abnormality flourishes, but certain kinds of misbehaviour remain taboo. Drug dealers and pedophiles, for example, are dealt with mercilessly in Luntville. The residents have a nasty set of punishments at hand, the most notorious of all—reserved for only the gravest of violations—being something known in these parts as the header. Into this milieu come Augie, Brice, and Clark, a trio of wealthy New York dudebros who are after, in Augie’s words, “some white trash pussy.” These citified sex tourists pay little regard to the social standards of Luntville, and their predatory behaviour means that they will soon learn the hard way exactly what the fabled header entails. While Header 2 was a novel, Header 3 reverts to the shorter length of the original book for a leaner narrative. Those who have read the previous installments will be familiar with the setting of the series, and the litany of brutal murder methods and weird sexual practices are as stomach-churning as ever. This time, Lee and Harding manage to put a fairly fresh spin on the subject matter by telling a twisted story of noble savagery against corrupt civilisation. For all their depraved tendencies, the people of Luntville follow a strict code of honour. A local patriarch has no problem with his sons torturing and killing people who violate the town’s etiquette, but issues a stern warning against directing racial slurs at any victims who happen to be people of colour: Luntville is a town of equal-opportunity murder. Meanwhile, the three New Yorkers, particularly their resident alpha-male Augie, see themselves almost as a different species. “We’re superior,” Augie tells his two companions. “Hate to tell you two libs that it’s our predestination to be better than these broken down hayseeds. They haven’t done anything with their lives … Best to just sterilize this cut of society. Save billions in fraudulent disability payments and government subsidies.” But when Augie’s quest for “white trash pussy” ultimately leads him to rape a mentally handicapped woman, he reveals himself to be no better than the Luntvillains, who are, after all, at least honest about their philosophy. None of this is meant to be taken too seriously, of course. As is often the case with Edward Lee’s writing, Header 3 derives a good deal of pitch-black humour from its sardonic descriptions of the most repulsive human behaviours. A strong stomach is necessary to appreciate any of it, but then, if you’ve made it through the first two Header books, you’ll have already met that requirement. Killer Chronicles by Somer Canon Christina Cunningham runs a controversial website called Killer Chronicles with her friend Anais. The site profiles various murderers, causing detractors to argue that it is exploiting and sensationalising homicide. While researching, the two women learn of two particularly gruesome murders that took place in the town of Micksburg. The first victim was skinned, while the second had the fat extracted from his body and made into soap. The killer is still at large, and Christina scents a scoop for her website. The atrocities give her the chance to do some investigation of her own, rather than relying on second-hand accounts. The deaths are the work of a vengeful fairy named Grenadine who inhabits a nearby pond. In the past, residents left pieces of food as offerings to Grenadine, a practice that Christina unknowingly revives when she strolls by the pond with a cake in her pocket. Grenadine accepts this offering, and subsequently haunts Christina throughout her visit to Micksburg. Grenadine acts as a combined angel and devil on Christina’s shoulder. The fairy is able to read her soul, and it torments her by calling her out on her selfishness, lack of empathy, and manipulative tendencies. This condemnation drives Grenadine’s murders, as all of the people she kills are wrongdoers. Of course, the transgressions of her victims vary from the grave, as the first victim is a pedophile, to the comparatively trivial such as a rival journalist who gets the chop for trying to steal Christina’s research. The killer fairy ultimately feels like a character from a rather mean-spirited children’s cartoon, and this is appropriate as Christina is in many respects a rather childlike character. She finds regressive comfort in a specific brand of snack cake, a habit that began as a coping mechanism during her childhood. Her main character flaw, self-centeredness, is a childish one. Around her, Grenadine takes on the form of a reassuring image from Christina’s childhood, namely, the cute-little-girl mascot of her favourite cake brand, reminiscent of Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. The whole situation places Christina in a serious predicament. She’s found the killer, but she can hardly report a fairy to the police. All she can do is go through the motions of investigating the homicides before leaving the area and its malevolent inhabitant behind. Grenadine relishes in the opportunity to control Christina and force her to confront her failings, never harming her directly, but freely lashing out at those behind her. All of this culminates in a bleakly ironic conclusion as Grenadine offers a parting gift to the hapless journalist. If you want to read Killer Chronicles, be warned that you’ll have to wait a few months. The original publication was a limited edition release of just 20 copies, and it will not be republished until later this year when Bloodshot Books will issue it in both paperback and digital formats. This review was based on a copy kindly provided by the author. Damn Dirty Apes by Adam Howe Reggie Levine, a prizefighter turned bouncer, is not having a good time. First, he gets roughed up by a biker gang who is much tougher than he first expected. Then, he gets embroiled in something utterly bizarre. It turns out that some entrepreneurial acquaintances of his have tried to get a foot in the market for cryptid pornography. The market is already covered when it comes to Bigfoot porn, so they’ve chosen to capitalise on the town’s local legend: the Bigelow skunk ape. But their shoot was disrupted when Ned, the actor playing the randy skunk ape, was abducted mid-coitus by a hairy beast which, judging by appearance and smell, was a real skunk ape. Things are looking bleak, but a saviour soon arrives in the form of a southern-fried Van Helsing named Jameson T. Salisbury. Armed with the biggest of guns and the foulest of bait, Salisbury is determined to slay the skunk ape at all costs: “I’m a specialist. A skunk aper. No more, no less. Insofar as ‘make-believe’ goes—the greatest trick the skunk ape ever pulled was convincing the world that he doesn’t exist.” I frowned. “I thought that was the devil.” “Same difference” Salisbury said. One of three novellas published Adam Howe’s anthology Die Dog or Eat the Hatchet, Damn Dirty Apes is a story knee-deep in macho masculinity. Reggie is haunted by the double humiliation of both a spectacular failure in the ring that ended his prizefighting career and his later beating at the hands of the biker gang. Both plot threads return in the climax, where Reggie gets the chance to regain his machismo. The emphasis on pulsing manhood may explain why the story is unsure as to what it wants to do with its main female character, Eliza, who veers awkwardly between badass babe and dispenser of gross-out humour. The gags arising from her latter capacity—such as the revelation that she once held a job masturbating Down syndrome patients to prevent them from becoming rapists—seem as though they are trying too hard to be tasteless. In Edward Lee’s stories this kind of excess flows naturally. In Damn Dirty Apes it feels tacked on. Despite this weak link, Damn Dirty Apes mostly works as a pulp yarn that always has a twist at hand to raise the stakes both in terms deadly danger and macho posturing. The Big Bad by K. Trap Jones It’s a bad day for the Big Bad Wolf. He’s woken up from a night of lovemaking with his girlfriend Red only to find that she’s been brutally murdered, and, judging by the blood on his claws, he committed the act himself during a fugue state. Fortunately, he has a lawyer in the form of a trash-talking fairy godfather who can help him to plead his case. As he tries to gather evidence while evading the long arm of the law, the wolf also finds a set of unlikely allies in the drug-dealing Little Bo Peep, a reprobate Pinocchio, and a con artist named Jack (of beanstalk fame). And he’ll need all the help he can get, considering that the local law enforcement is comprised of hounds, the natural foes of the lupine kind. The Big Bad is a slow-burning novella. It starts out seeming like nothing more than a rather obvious, not-for-the-kiddies revisitation of classic cartoons. The sexed-up portrayal of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf recalls Tex Avery, only with the sexual innuendo replaced by wholesale smut. Alongside these recharacterizations is Elmer Fudd as a lethal bounty hunter and Pinocchio with a dildo for a nose. While perhaps amusing, these ideas are hardly inspired. But as it develops, The Big Bad picks up on the potential for invention in its cartoon setting. When the wolf throws up over the fairy, it’s an unsubtle gross gag. But it also moves the plot along, as the lack of human flesh in the vomit proves that the wolf didn’t kill Red and that he was actually framed. Other surprisingly important sequences see the wolf arguing with his own newspaper mugshot, which represents his bestial alter ego, and depict his inner struggle over Red’s murder as an argument between his brain-blood and his groin-blood. (“Look at that shit, man. Seriously, are you even seeing this?” “No, I don’t want to look. Temptation does not occur if one does not witness.”) K. Trap Jones deploys a few intriguing world building concepts among the wanton violence and unabashed toilet humour. The story touches upon the grudges and prejudices that exist between the various animal species (all of whom are ultimately subservient to humans in the social hierarchy) and has a memorable sequence where Pinocchio is reunited with his maker, whereupon he learns that the other puppets now see him as a messianic figure for successfully escaping his strings. The Big Bad is something of a long haul, and could have done with either a few more ideas or a shorter pagecount. Still, the inspired touches make the saggier stretches forgivable. The Lucky Ones Died First by Jack Bantry Set in North Yorkshire and based on an as-yet-unfilmed screenplay by Paul Shrimpton and Matt Russell, The Lucky Ones Died First kicks off with a sudden tremor in the ground. After this, residents begin to meet gruesome fates one by one at the hands (and jaws) of a gigantic ape. Could a Bigfoot be on the loose in Yorkshire? In true Jaws fashion, Mayor Goodall tries to keep a lid on things to avoid damaging the town’s tourist trade. He tries to get the beast exterminated by hiring Garner, a reclusive hunter who has a grudge against man-apes after he survived being raped by a Bigfoot in America (so, actually, he may have got on well with Damn Dirty Apes’ Jameson T. Salisbury). But despite the mayor’s efforts, a notoriously anti-City Hall reporter named Duke Casey picks up the trail. He teams up with Professor Gruber, an eccentric local geologist, along with photography model Jeannie to solve the mystery. The Lucky Ones Died First has the feel of a heavily-compressed James Herbert novel. It introduces us to a cast of local characters—a pot-smoking chav, a fisherman trying to escape his nagging spouse, and a family of campers—and, after establishing their often squalid proclivities, dispatches them one after the other. This violence is intermingled with salaciousness, as a subplot involves the mayor’s wife getting it on with a local police inspector. Romantic strife and disappointment is a recurring theme. A psychological reading might interpret the rapacious Bigfoot as representing an outpouring of communal frustration. Or something. This book is the shortest contender in the Best Novella category. Its backstory turns out to be a paper-thin affair involving Nazis airlifting a live Bigfoot over England, while its front story confines the rampaging man-ape to some ultimately repetitive mutilations and molestations. Still, it does a good job of evoking the golden age of sleazy paperback horror, and fans of that era should appreciate its ethos.
|Of all the cryptozoological beasties, one of the best known is Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster. Whether you believe water monsters, anomalous hairy hominids, and other cryptids exist, there's no denying the compelling power of the mythos surrounding them. Try creating your own cryptid, just for fun. Here are some things to consider: - What does it look like? Is it a variation on a known animal or something entirely unique? - Where is it found? What environment does it live in? - Who has seen it, and under what circumstances? - Is it dangerous? Does it have any strange powers or abilities? - What else makes it stand out? Then try creating stories, mock news articles, artwork, and other supporting "evidence." If you really want to get things going, invite your friends to participate in the process and see how far you can get the mythos to spread!
Let’s cut to the chase: Denver Riggleman, the Republican nominee for Congress in Virginia’s 5th district is allegedly “a devotee of Bigfoot erotica.” This brings up many questions, but the most pressing are these: 1) Is Bigfoot actually hanging around VA-5?; and 2) If he is, is he sexy? The Bigfoot controversy kicked off Sunday afternoon, when a Tweet from Riggleman’s opponent, Democrat Leslie Cockburn, “exposed” his love for sexy Bigfoot. Cockburn, who, just to make this a little weirder, is Olivia Wilde‘s mother, wrote “This is not what we need on Capitol Hill” under a screenshot of a post from Riggleman’s (now private) Instagram account. The post’s caption references The Mating Habits of Bigfoot and Why Women Want Him, a book Riggleman apparently wrote and self-published. Why do women want him? Well, according to the screenshot, Bigfoot is incredibly well-endowed. Wow. Riggleman has dismissed all of the erotic allegations as nonsense, saying he “does not believe in Bigfoot” and that any of his Bigfoot material is a long-running inside joke with military buddies. But is Bigfoot mating in the Virginia woods? And is he as shredded as the above image shows? Bigfoot—also called Sasquatch—is commonly described as a tall, hairy, bipedal ape-like humanoid with huge muscles. Sightings are commonly associated with the Pacific Northwest, but Virginia (and much of the southeast) is no stranger to Bigfoot legends. In the last decade, there have been sightings on the Intracoastal Waterway, in Spotsylvania County and in Bedford County. (None of these are in VA-5, but Bigfoot has long legs.) Bigfoot, like any good cryptid, doesn’t like to be seen. Cliff Barackman, a “dedicated Sasquatch field researcher” and a star on Animal Planet’s Finding Bigfoot, called Virginia “excellent bigfoot habitat.” That’s because according to the Virginia Department of Forestry, about 62 percent of the state is covered in woods. And the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization logs sightings across the state on its website; many are along the western side, where the Appalachians rise, covered by millions of acres of national forest. For what it’s worth, Riggleman happens to own a distillery in Afton, Virginia, right on the border of the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests. There is no evidence to suggest Riggleman has seen Bigfoot himself, but he is sitting on prime Bigfoot land. Bigfoot experts agree that the creature is tall and ripped—reportedly, it has a significant meat intake and can kill prey like deer or elk with its bare hands. There is less consensus on its hunkiness. Bigfoot is widely reported to smell bad: like wet dog, sulfur, or rotten eggs. Some cryptozoologists claim that it can turn on the smell at will to deter others, like a skunk. As for looks, the Finding Bigfoot team stress that bigfoots can look different from one another, and that one witness reported it looked like Jerry Garcia. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, though: “bigfoot erotica” as a genre is doing pretty well on Amazon. Seduced by Bigfoot and Ravaged by the Yeti is available for just $2.99. If you’re interested (in any sense of the word), the 2018 Virginia Bigfoot Conference is planned for late September in Bristol.
Powered by RedCircle - June 03, 2021 Jeremy Slate joins me to share his encounter in Alexandria Bay, NY of being followed all the way home by something massive. Jeremy initially shared his encounter on Jim Harold’s show. Want even more iTF content? Head to Patreon.com and check out the various pledge levels! Besides the interactive live video and bonus audio content? Rewards include…YOUR OWN PRIVATE RSS LINK, (so you can listen to all bonus episodes via your podcatcher) an exclusive Discord channel where we chat everyday, an invite to the secret Facebook group, signed books, and more! Get your iTF STICKERS….HERE Watch Shannon as the host in, On the Trail of UFOs! Free on Amazon Call it into the iTF Hotline: 702-291-8557. Need more time? Just call back! BEYOND THE FRAY: BIGFOOT 2 is in the works! Email me at [email protected] to get your encounter(s) included within! Get your copy and show it off…tag away! And please don’t forget to leave a review on Amazon once you’re finished. If you’d like a signed and personalized copy, send $19.99 (free shipping within the U.S. only) to [email protected] through Paypal. Be sure to include your address and any specific inscription instructions for your book! BEYOND THE FRAY: PARAMALGAMATION is available on Amazon as well… If you have a book that is paranormal, cryptid, UFO or true crime in nature…contact Geoff and I at BEYOND THE FRAY PUBLISHING! Visit our website for information on getting YOUR book published with us. Subscribe to iTF on YouTube Various iNTO THE FRAY gear available at intothefrayradio.threadless.com All artwork and logos by Mister-Sam Shearon
Great little article from HERE: Rhys Darby and David Farrier On The Air! posted 08 October 2009 George FM is proud to announce the addition of comedic heavyweight Rhys Darby and media maverick David Farrier to our weekly DJ lineup. We'll let the boys explain how they're going to brighten up your Saturday mornings with…The Cryptid Factor: "If I ever had the time in my busy Hollywood schedule to listen to radio, this would be the show I would listen to, it's a show about mystery, adventure, monsters and bollocks. Two of New Zealand's greatest minds combine to bring you two hours of 'must watch' radio. This radio show is about keeping alive the spirit from the golden age of mystery and adventure and gives the public a rare glimpse at my serious side as I discuss things like the migration patterns of Yeti - arguably the most important thing to hit New Zealand radio since Bad Jelly the Witch. And the opportunity to work with David Farrier is...something I have to put up with to do this show." "The Cryptid Factor is a show about cryptids - that is, animals unknown to science like the Yeti, Loch Ness monster and the Mongolian Death Worm. It's an area of obsession for both Rhys and myself and we're both mutually tickled we've met someone else who's into it. And that a station like George will let us share it with New Zealand. So yeah, we'll be chatting about the subject in amongst playing our favourite tunes. There's never been a radio show in New Zealand celebrating cryptozoology. This has always stunned me a bit, and when I found Rhys was equally passionate about the issue, planning a new show seemed pretty logical. Of course saying "planning" makes it sound really planned - all we've really done is given the show segments various names. We're a particularly proud of a segment called 'vocalisations'. This segment will be both sexy and chilling. We'll be breaking a few radio rules... we're having a very visual section about cryptid art. The fact you can't see pictures on the radio won't be stopping us. As for music, well, Rhys has just this minute handed me his Daft Punk CD - what could go wrong?!?" Find out what indeed could go wrong every Saturday morning on George FM. The Cryptid Factor with Rhys Darby and David Farrier on George FM. Saturdays, 8-10am, George FM. For interview opportunities, contact [email protected] , 021997042 Follow us: twitter.com/cryptidfactor and search for THE CRYPTID FACTOR group on Facebook. *hoping for podcasts*
Cryptozoology is my first love. As a child, I spent endless hours planning the cryptozoological expeditions I thought I would one day lead. Even today, as a “professional skeptic,” I carry a torch for monsters and hidden beasts. Which is how I came to frequent the popular cryptozoology blog site Cryptomundo. Presided over by the prolific Loren Colemen, Cryptomundo is updated constantly, and always a source of fantastic claims and speculations. I get on quite well with Loren, who is one of the more skeptical and responsible pro-cryptozoology writers. (He has, for example, critiqued the “Jacko” story from sasquatch pre-history, writing, “in reality Jacko may have more to do with local rumors brought to the level of a news story that eventually evolved into a modern fable.”) Before long, I found myself contributing regular comments on Cryptomundo posts. I knew something about the subject matter, and joined Ben Radford and one or two other “resident” skeptics at the blog site. I even contributed a guest post at one point. I love these mysteries, so it was pleasant to talk about them with others who found them interesting. (As you might expect, the skeptics at Cryptomundo did take some abuse. That’s a shame. I argue that name-calling and straw men are always ugly and counter-productive, whether coming from cryptozoologists, from skeptics, or from anyone else — see comments on the posts “Is Scoftic a Useful Term?” and “Speaking of Name Calling and Skeptics.” I’m not quite sure how I ended up becoming a cheerleader for civility, but there it is.) Then, one day, I posted a comment only for it vanish almost immediately. It turned out my comment had broken a house rule: by raising a comparison between cryptozoology and other paranormal claims, I had posted “off topic.” I found this discouraging, although there are good reasons for this rule. Serious cryptozoological enthusiasts believe cryptids are living species of animals, and wish the scientific world would make an effort to locate these “hidden” creatures. What mainline cryptozoologists do not want is to be lumped together (and further marginalized) with other “paranormal” topics like ghosts or aliens. They are especially touchy about this because a loud fringe within the cryptozoological community insists that cryptids must be understood in paranormal terms. (Like, “We can’t find Bigfoot because it’s a psychic shapeshifter from another dimension.”) An Argument That Should Never Be Made Again My deleted post was a mild rebuttal to an argument heard often in cryptozoological circles — an argument that should be immediately and permanently laid to rest. It’s wrong, and I think that’s easy to demonstrate to the satisfaction of almost anyone. If I may paraphrase, this common pro-cryptozoology argument goes something like this: There are thousands of sightings of Bigfoot! They can’t all be wrong. Sure, some may be hoaxes, and some are probably mistakes — but all of them? Come on. I think the skeptics are the ones making the extraordinary claim, there! This “where there’s smoke there’s fire” argument is central to cryptozoology — and to most paranormal claims. That universal popularity is a huge red flag, and exposes a critical flaw. Whether you’re a skeptic, a cynic, a mystic, a believer or what have you, I think you should join me in agreeing right here: Yes, it is possible for entire categories of paranormal claims to be completely, 100% bogus. Yes, it is possible for hundreds or thousands of supporting testimonials to comprise nothing but mistakes and hoaxes. To see that this is true, just scan this short sample list of paranormal claims. Stop as soon as you see something you’re persuaded doesn’t exist: - alien abduction - visitations from angels - “therapeutic touch” energy healings - astral projection - demonic possession - the Loch Ness Monster - predicting future events using tea leaves - miraculous weeping statues - Satanic ritual abuse cults - saintly apparitions …and so on. We could add hundreds of similar things on this list. If any one of them is false it debunks the “where there’s smoke there’s fire” argument, revealing it as a non sequitur. Where there’s smoke, there’s smoke. (Note that my purpose today isn’t to assert that this sample list of paranormal claims are untrue — only to point out a flaw in one argument they share in common.) It’s a fact that many people have claimed personal encounters with Bigfoot, ghosts, mermaids, and psychics. But, that fact is ultimately trivial: it does not, by itself, allow us to draw any conclusions about whether these things are real or not. (As the old saying goes, the plural of “anecdote” is not “data.”) Comparisons Are Poisonous Cryptomundo has good, practical reason to avoid paranormal digressions. Believe me, those are a genuine pain for anyone who wishes to do serious research on cryptozoological topics. As a purely administrative matter, I think they should continue to maintain some version of their “stay on topic” rule. But, I submit that this habit of compartmentalization is wrong in principle. It’s artificial, and it’s deeply misleading. Pretending that one’s favorite claim exists in isolation is to reduce it to a kind of soap bubble or hothouse flower. Are cryptid cases so delicate that they cannot survive encounters with the wider literature on hoaxes, paranormal claims, and the ways in which thinking goes wrong? In the case of Bigfoot, it is obviously relevant that people routinely report encounters with paranormal and supernatural creatures like aliens and angels. It is obviously relevant that people claim literal or de facto conspiracies to explain away absence of evidence for many different kinds of paranormal claims. (“Scientists are too dogmatic to consider psi/sasquatches/homeopathy/creationism because this would threaten their funding/world view.”) Trace evidence like ectoplasm is relevant to trace evidence like Bigfoot tracks. The existence of habitual, multi-year crop-circle hoaxers, professional fake psychics, and other scammers and practical jokers is relevant to arguments about cryptid hoaxes. Confronting relevant comparisons is poisonous for many paranormal claims — and for some claims, lethal. But, I suggest that this exercise is necessary for any proponents who hope to move a paranormal topic away from the fringes….
The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun - PSP - Review It’s difficult to really love a game based off a well-known or popular property because many of these games come off as rushed, lack innovation or are utterly unplayable to the point that the game has no redeemable qualities. Having sat through a Last Airbender game or even a Sponge Bob game, I can tell you I had my share of disappointed. Then I got to play The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun for the PSP and it changed my outlook. Based on the Cartoon Network show, The Secret Saturdays has become a popular animated series about a family of secret scientists that get into many adventures and fight enemies looking to use science as a means to rule the world. Zak Saturday is the curious and adventurous offspring of the daring Doctor Solomon and the lovely Drew who spends his days jetting off to exotic locales in search of Cryptids (mysterious creatures not officially classified like the Chupacabra for instance) like his furry friend, Fiskerton. In Beasts of the 5th Sun, the Saturday family is enjoying a day of rest when Van Rook decides to make this the day he crashes into the Saturday Headquarters to grab the latest artifact the family managed to find during their last adventure. You quickly assume the role of Zak Saturday as he attempts to help his family get the artifact back from the enemy. Armed with his trusty claw his parents had made into a staff he uses as both a weapon and grappling hook, Zak leads the mission with his family as backup. While you play Zak throughout most of the game, you do assume the roll of other members of the Saturday clan who bring their own skills to the table. Assuming control of Fiskerton, for instance, you can reach places you cannot as Zak as well as scale walls. Drew Saturday, Zak’s mother, has her Tibetan Fire Sword to fight against the enemies in combat. Meanwhile, Doc has a high-tech power glove he uses to blast away at enemies. The game blends a 2D platform game with a number of 3D segments in the game as you go about the 10 missions. Zak jumps and attacks uses his claw and he even uses said claw as a grappling hook to swing or reach platforms he can’t reach with a double jump. Most importantly, though, Zak has the special ability to bond with Cryptids. That means that Zak can, by way of the L shoulder button, focus on a Cryptid and stun it or even control it for a second or two. For instance, a giant bat-like Cryptid overhead can be controlled so Zak could use his grappling hook on it and reach a platform he normally couldn’t have reached. The levels are actually quite inventive, adding diversity to the action and platform jumping. This alone makes the game quite enjoyable on its own but adding the Saturday family’s abilities and Zak’s skills and you have a unique action/platform game. Combat might not be overly challenging but it does keep you on your toes and the puzzles are simple but not too easy. In other words, they’re done right. There are plenty of secrets to uncover in the game as well as collectibles to locate within the game’s levels. The best part is that the collectibles and secrets will give you reason to want to keep playing. The bad news is that in a game that features three unique Saturday family members why didn’t the game add co-op? As far as the graphics are concerned, the game does look just as good as the animated series and the characters look the way you expect them to look so if you’re a fan of the show you are in for a treat. There are plenty of neat little Cryptids and the backgrounds do look nicely detailed but the game could have used more visual effects There also a great soundtrack in this game that also feels like it comes straight from the show as well as the voice cast that can be heard throughout the game. It will certainly help feel like you’re playing a game based on The Secret Saturdays. The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun for the PSP is surprisingly fun and satisfying action game based on the Cartoon Network show. The levels are designed well enough that the platforming action and the combat make for an exciting game with a lot to offer. If you’ve been waiting for a good game featuring the Saturday family then look no further because this game will not disappoint. Review Scoring Details for The Secret Saturdays: Beasts of the 5th Sun That pesky Van Rook is back and he’s causing mayhem for the Saturday family that decides to fight back as well as get into a new adventure. You control Zak Saturday but you also get to play as his parents and furry friend, Fiskerton. Plenty of platform action mixed with enough fights to give action fans young and old something to like. As far as the graphics are concerned, the game looks great on the PSP and the characters look sharp and nicely detailed during the action as well as during the cut scenes. There are some solid effects as well. The original voice cast from the animated series is present and the music works marvelously throughout the game. It certainly does a great job of making you feel like you’re playing a game based on The Secret Saturdays show. Some of the platform jumping can be a tad challenging for young gamers and some battles will give your thumbs a workout but there’s nothing here that is too difficult. While you mainly take control of Zak, you can control other members of his family as well including their pet. The levels offer plenty to do and there are Cryptids aplenty to collect but we really would have loved co-op play via Ad Hoc at least. Sometimes a game like Beasts of the 5th Sun come along that not only takes gamers by surprise with a game that just isn’t another way to use a popular property to cash in on it but also manages to be delightfully enjoyable. Fans of The Secret Saturdays will certainly find a lot to like about the PSP title.
Activision has released the first full trailer and all the details on the final batch of DLC for Call of Duty: Ghosts. Known as Nemesis, the new DLC includes four new multiplayer maps and the conclusion of the game’s Extinction story campaign. It will be available August 5 as a timed-exclusive on the Xbox One and Xbox 360, and find its way to the PC, PS4, and PS3 after that. It will set you back $15 by itself, or at a discount as part of the game’s Season Pass. Here’s the official synopsis of the DLC from Activision: The four new small-to-medium multiplayer maps in Nemesis are designed specifically for Call of Duty’s distinctive fast-paced, gun-on-gun gameplay. “Goldrush” is set in an abandoned gold mine in the Southwest United States, where an intricate network of cavernous tunnels and perilous shafts create the ideal setting for medium to long range combat; while two mine carts race along the abandoned tracks offering players a fast way to traverse the map. Players who complete the unique field order on Goldrush will unleash a howling pack of wolves that will descend upon their enemies. “Subzero” drops players into a frigid Canadian submarine base that has been hastily evacuated, with control room, submarine pen and research facilities all left eerily empty. Built around the traditional three-lane design, this medium-sized map harbors a mysterious terror that will decimate your enemies upon completion of the map’s unique field order. In “Dynasty,” players are transported to a lakeside Chinese village surrounded by picturesque mountains, vivid gardens, and spectacular architecture – a serene environment that is anything but Zen-like. Multiple pathways crisscross the village in this medium map with a variety of elevation and numerous back alleys that create flanking routes. The unique field order on “Dynasty” allows players to call in an air strike of vertical takeoff fighter jets, while one lingers behind to give you unmatched air superiority. Nemesis cranks the frenetic multiplayer action to unprecedented levels with the fourth multiplayer map, “Showtime,” a sadistic reimagining of the smallest map in Call of Duty history, the fan favorite map from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare “Shipment.” In the futuristic arena of “Showtime,” blind corners and narrow pathways provide momentary reprieve from the outright mayhem within the central square comprised of several shipping containers. Tight confines call for shotguns and SMGs. Survive long enough to be rewarded with one of three killstreaks: lethal automated gun turrets at key locations on the map, an air drop with multiple care packages or a deadly gas attack that forces the action back into the center of the arena. Closing out the final DLC Pack for Call of Duty: Ghosts is the dramatic conclusion in the Extinction narrative, “Episode 4: Exodus.” Following the CIF Unit’s harrowing escape from the alien underworld and the successful recovery of Dr. Cross and the cortex, the team has flown in to fight off the Cryptid army’s siege of the last bastion of human resistance. Your mission is to get key personnel to safety by restoring power to the shuttle and launching the shuttle to a low earth orbit space station. “Episode 4: Exodus” gives players unprecedented control of their escape route – choose your path, gather new intel, craft new weapons – and introduces the deadliest of enemies with a range of lethal powers, including mind control and psionic attacks – the Ancestors. As the battle for our survival draws to a close, the fate of mankind is in your hands.
Posted by: Lyle Blackburn on June 28th, 2013 It’s back! The 1960s sideshow attraction known as the “Minnesota Icemen” has resurfaced and taken up residence at the Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas. The infamous gaff recently turned up on ebay with an asking price of $20,000. It was promptly sold to an undisclosed buyer, which turned out to be my friend Steve Busti, owner of the Museum of the Weird. Details of the purchase remained a secret until Tuesday night when the Minnesota Iceman was featured on the A&E network show, Shipping Wars. In order to transport the Iceman from Minnesota to Austin, Steve worked out a deal with the network. As part of the episode, entitled ‘Crypto-Prank-ology‘ (derived from the two different driver’s loads – one a prank, and the other being the cryptozoology-related Iceman), Steve and the driver Jennifer, stopped off in Fouke, Arkansas where they met up with myself and fellow cryptid researchers, Ken Gerhard, Chris Buntenbah, and John Attaway. We then took Steve and Jennifer into the woods near Boggy Creek for an evening of “bigfoot hunting.” The next day they continued the trip until finally reaching Austin. Preparing for the bigfoot hunt. L to R: Lyle Blackburn, Chris Buntenbah, Ken Gerhard, John Attaway, Steve Busti, Jennifer To view the episode, check for listings here:
Footage of Iceland’s answer to the Loch Ness monster, otherwise known as the Lagarfljot river worm, slithering through icy water, has been captured by an amateur cameraman. The monstrous mythical serpent exists in traditional Icelandic folktales, but there have been claims of real sightings of the creature for centuries. Like Nessie, the Icelandic lake cryptid takes its name from the lake where it is alleged to dwell. Some say the Lagarfljot monster is as long as the lake itself at around 30 kilometres. Some viewers of the amateur footage of the Lagarfljot worm have suggested it is a fake due to the rather mechanised manner in which it swims through the water.Reuse content
Archive for the “Cryptoart” Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 16th, 2015 People see strange things up North, and John Warms has collected stories of some very strange creatures in his travels throughout Manitoba. From well-known mystery animals like Sasquatch and lake monsters to lesser-known cryptids like giant beavers, “beaver ducks,” and “underwater moose,” these tales add breadth and depth to Canadian zoological folklore with plenty of material for cryptozoology enthusiasts to investigate. Strange Creatures Seldom Seen includes both eyewitness sketches and full color illustrations by artist Jarmo Sinisalo. Read: Strange Creatures Seldom Seen » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 21st, 2015 Bigfoot: Encounters Past To Present is an absolute must read for the young adult wanting more information on Bigfoot from an unbiased source. It starts with the famous 1884 case of Jacko from British Columiba and moves through over 100 year to the present with another fascinating case, a witness sees a Bigfoot near McMinnville, Oregon. Some cases presented in this work are well known while others are barely known to a few. Read: Bigfoot: Encounters Past To Present » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on March 17th, 2015 Spending all your time finding Bigfoot? Why not have more fun Painting Bigfoot! Read: Painting Bigfoot » Posted by: Guy Edwards on November 13th, 2014 You can help contribute to the some of the best most productive Sasquatch research happening today. Read: Support Sasquatch Research with This One-Of-Kind Coast Salish Sasquatch TShirt » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on September 6th, 2014 Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 25th, 2014 Sculptor Jean St Jean, the creative force behind the line of Creatureplica cryptid action figures, as well as the awesome The Legend of Boggy Creek resin model, was interviewed on Paranormal Central last night. Listen to the archive here on Cryptomundo… Read: Talking Creatureplica » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 18th, 2014 One of our sponsors, Sasquatch Coffee, is giving away swag with purchase of their coffee… Read: And Now a Word from Our Sponsers… » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on August 17th, 2014 Alaskan artist Robroy Menzies has illustrated what was a popular story posted here on Cryptomundo: Sasquatch Salvaging Walrus Carcass Caught on Video? Read: Sasquatch Salvaging Walrus Carcass Illustrated » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on July 22nd, 2014 …a sighting of the Loch Morar Monster being briefly seen almost wholly out of the water. Read: Meanwhile at Loch Morar » Posted by: Karl Shuker on July 12th, 2014 In my previous ShukerNature blog article on Cryptomundo, I documented a remarkable drawing by the late artist Jean Claude Thibault, a Frenchman resident for many years in the Central African Republic (CAR). It depicts what appears to be the mysterious emela-ntouka or ‘killer of elephants’ – a horned aquatic cryptid also reported elsewhere in Africa under such names as the chipekwe and irizima. Moreover, this was just one of four pictures depicting intriguing CAR entities that had been drawn by Thibault (sometime during the early 1990s or late 1980s). Read: Bird-Headed Fish-Men and Pig-Riding Man-Beasts » Posted by: Karl Shuker on July 11th, 2014 It may be the most famous one, but the long-necked moekel-mbembe, often likened to a sauropod dinosaur, is not the only mystery beast allegedly inhabiting the vast Likouala swamplands of the People’s Republic of the Congo. Less familiar but definitely no less interesting is a second major mystery beast claimed by this region’s pygmies to live here – a truly extraordinary (and exceedingly formidable) creature known to them as the emela-ntouka, or ‘killer of elephants’. Read: The Emela-Ntouka – New Evidence for the Congo’s ‘Killer of Elephants’ » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 15th, 2014 Posted by: Craig Woolheater on May 3rd, 2014 The 2014 Ohio Bigfoot Conference was a well-greased glory days of industrial revolution over-sized hunk of hardened steel, held together with links of sore yet unwavering backs and aching soles of feet, and eyelids heavy as iron held up with pillars of were makin’ this great and I ain’t gonna stop, this epic production was collaboration too its swirly molten core. Distilled down from the passions of a small yet fervent group, the Ohio Bigfoot Organization, with unmatched eagerness to succeed, passed between them like a game of hot potato, passion like lightning; passed around not to bear the burden of, but to share the experience as one. Read: Was the 2014 Ohio Bigfoot Conference the best collection of Bigfoot artwork ever? » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 28th, 2014 At the Cryptomundo booth at the 2014 Ohio Bigfoot Conference this weekend, the guys from Creatureplica showed off their awesome cryptid action figure prototypes. Read: Cryptomundo and Creatureplica in Ohio! » Posted by: Craig Woolheater on April 20th, 2014 Is the Easter Bunny a cryptid? 😉 Read: Happy Easter Cryptomundians! »
The lights are on It was teased a few days ago, but a new trailer for Call of Duty: Ghosts' Devastation DLC confirms it – Predator will indeed be in the game. The latest trailer for the DLC gives players a preview of four new maps coming to the game on April 3. "Ruins" has players battling in the remains of a Mayan temple, with a volcano in the background occasionally spewing fireballs onto the battlefield. "Behemoth" is a giant excavation digger in South America, while "Collision" lets players jump between two cargo container ships that have collided. A re-imagined version of Dome called from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 called "Unearthed" rounds out the package. A new weapon included in the DLC ,The Ripper, is a 2-in-1 gun that can switch between a sub machine-gun and assault rifle on the fly. Devastation will also include the second episode of the cooperative mode Extinction, and will pit players against a 100-foot tall Cryptid alien boss named the Kraken. Predator makes an appearance at the tail end of the trailer, and will most likely be playable in a similar fashion to Halloween's Michael Myers, who was introduced in a previous DLC. Email the author Cameron Koch, or follow on Game Informer.
|Paizo Pathfinder® Paizo Games| |About Paizo Messageboards News Paizo Blog Help/FAQ| I can recommend the setting book 'Into the Darklands' for this. Wikipedia has a pretty good list of Cave dwelling critters, and some good links to more info on this. But I'll summarize for those who want a quick starting point. Underground critters can be divided into Troglofauna and Stygofauna. The former living in dry cave systems and the latter in underground rivers and such. Keeping the Troglo / Stygo prefix the same (Denoted by X) they are then divided into: 1) X - philes 2) X - xenes 3) X - bites Thank you very much for your words of encouragement.I will endeavor to give it my all next year. Thank you very much for the Feedback and for highlighting some legitimate issues with my item. I will work on these issues and try again next year. Thank you also for the encouraging appraisal of my items visual aesthetics, its good to know I at least got that part right :) Well I thought my entry wasn't half bad for something I typed up on my iphone during a curry with my gaming group. Would very much appreciate a less biased opinion than my own on the subject. Thank you in advance to anyone who takes the time to review my entry. Any enemy inflicted with a silver thread can be subject to a Drag maneuver at range as a Standard action. This can be modified with feats as per the Drag maneuver. Aura Moderate Conjuration; CL 9th [Price 15,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs. Any enemy inflicted with a silver thread can be subject to a Drag maneuver at range as a Standard action. This can be modified with feats as per the Drag maneuver. Heh I love these threads. Some right cracking stories out there. Played in this mostly homebrew dark heresy game revolving around a hybrid of Martian successor nadesco and neon genesis Evangelion. The setting was amazingly described and the story interesting. As a group we really enjoyed his first session wherein we as different characters played from the perspective of the Operations Director, the Mech Pilots and Emergency workers/soldiers rescuing people from damaged sections of a huge space ship. High concept. Nicely executed pacing. Interesting npc's. Cool Mecha vs alien leviathan action. Three things conspired to mean than their never was a second session. These first two could be forgiven, if not for the Third: Okay so the party consisted of an Ops Director (myself), two big mecha pilots and two soldiers from these special 'Valkyrie squads' that got to do everything from pilot fighter jets to rescuing civilians. Then we realised several things. There was already 2 full squads of Valkyrie soldiers, two other mecha pilots, and my character was replacing an existing ops director who was in charge of a full complement of command staff. Each of which had well defined backstories, their own picture art, detailed statistics and personalities. Each essential to the plot. So we each thought. Hold up. You mean there's already a version of each of our characters that are of equal importance to the plot, that we share xp and resources with, that are all built with a full understanding of the rules and actually know how to do their jobs better than we do? Then why are our characters even needed, when the GM has a literal army of GMPC's to play with? What are we just meat shields and placeholders, used to justify these utterly insane CR encounters? If we couldn't handle them without the help of these GMPC's, then we're never going to feel any sense of achievement. We coined the term 'GM masturbation'. Whereby we as players could seemlessly exit the stage and leave the GM to 'play with himself'. Suffice to say there was never any second session. And a damned shame too. This sounds like a familiar problem to me with some problem players from past campaigns of mine. The guys obviously just being contrary for kicks and enjoys making a mockery of the game. Though his justifications sound fairly well thought out and even funny, if his intention is to provide unwanted satire then I see why it rubs you the wrong way. I have an on/off regular player who has in the past played a cowardly self-interested barbarian, a noble Orc Diplomat, a hyperactive halfling Monk and an evil Torturer 10-year old psionic. Sometimes a bit of satire is fun. Makes you look at things and react to situations differently. But in a serious campaign with solid RPing, such silliness is not acceptable. Especially if it disrupts the game. I've recently taken a stand in excluding this player from several games. The replacements we found turned out to be much more mature and added to the game in new and unexpected ways. Don't be afraid to cut off a necrotic limb. No matter how long you've gamed with this dude, if he's bringing your game down then he needs to shape up or be banished from the campaign. Haven't read the full forum so forgive any repeats. The Righteous Few. Knights of Sarkoris. Answering the Call. The Abyssal Crusade. The Sacred Line. The Bane of Demon's Blight. ...The Last Crusade And to re-Iterate my favourite title already suggested on page 1, The speculation on the remaining 5 monsters? My opinions. Water Orm + Sea Serpent are both very likely to appear, but due to thematic similarity and similar CR: I find it unlikely they'll both be in this book. Water Orm is the more likely, as it's currently estabilished lore screams cryptid. I find the Deathworm to be unlikely as we've already had the thematically similar purple worm in another book. I can't see much variance in Bunyip, chickcharney, Chemosit or Tatzelwurm lore. Of previous suggestions the Globster is the one you could do the most with. But with other aquatic oozes out there, I don't see this one being used. Kongamata is covered quite well in serpents skull, as is the Grootslang. Of the African Cryptids: Molele-Mbembe is perhaps the most recognisable and the first into print. Personally I'd vote for Grootslang, it's got a catchy name and cool lore. I think the Carbuncle would fit well into this book as a novel low CR creature. It's a good example about misleading myths. Similarly, the Unicorn is one of those archetypal medieval myths that pop culture loves. I'd really like to read about some less sparkly variants (a la jim butcher summer knight/ ffX Ixion). Given the recent uprise of certain tv shows, I can easily see this one or pegasi being popular choices. I haven't got mythical beasts Revisited. So I don't don't know if Hydra, basilisk, nemean lion, gorgan, cockatrice, stymphalides etc are covered there. But as these as more 'classical' legends I doubt they'll be in this book. One from native American and mess American myth I'd love to see tho is the Thunderbird. Or it's counterpart, the Roc from the classics. I think a nice big bird cryptid will fill out the set quite nicely. Specifically speculating on whether the Saoc Brethren knew something. Their nation collapsed due to the eye, and their culture was based on prophecy so that was hardly a solid foundation... The wiki and Ithink the inner sea guide refer to this 'mass suicide' after learning some aweful truth in AR 4615. This could be as simple as learning how long the storm would last, despair for their nation or loss of prophecy, or they could have learned something vital. Time for some speak with dead spells? What's interesting is the Astrological connection for Lirgeni prophecy. Could some player from the Dark Tapestry have played a role? Some entity with designs on Golarion that required Aroden silenced or just plain removed from the equation? Has anyone actually seen the body of Aroden yet? My theory is that the eye he where he fell. But no evidence to support that one. In my campaign I have the divine paradox that is Arodens corpse acting as the aforementioned theorised 'giant sphere if anhilation'. Back to speculation.As for the 'who had motive/who gains from this' side of things. That list includes: The House of Thrune Potentially many others, I think the Lirgeni may have been on to something. Didn't their high caste commit mass suicide when they learnt some dark truth? like the cause of the eye? Anyone ever watch the show 'prison break'? I had an idea a few months back in this vein for pathfinder, wasn't sure whether I wanted to homebrew up a module or just write a story. But I know I'd prefer to read such a Golarion 'prison break' style story from an expert author. Essentially get a bunch of volatile personalities together, each with a unique skill set, and bust someone put of an unbreakable magic prison. Guarded by Minotaur jailors. I even wrote down a few names of prisons in Golarion lore that might make good settings. Like the Black Whale and the Puddles in Absolom. Is it me. Or is this news (or speculation) really not that surprising? You wouldn't quit before the playtest unless there was a good reason. Wizards of the Coast going in a different direction and alienating their creative designers? Yeah, cos there's no precedent for that... Well WotC's loss is the industries gain. Wonder what Monte's gonna work on next? Agreed. The Sythethist and the possessed archetype skirt round the edges of this. And the old 'Tome of Magic' (got it right this time hehe) class called the binder played with this idea pretty well. I like the idea of being able to become the 'avatar' of a powerful entity that works through you. Though this is similar enough to Paladin, Monk, Oracle etc that people could say 'hey look another archetype'. But if you mix in plenty of indian mythological flavour and tie the class to the vudrani empire and the untapped lore there. Could work. A class that takes on the divine mantle of deities to use supernatural abilities of their patron so long as they act as their representitive in the material plane. Throw in various druidic/paladin-like/monkesque abilities for immunities and such and you the beginnings of a class. Perhaps like the vestiges of the old binder class, you choose an ability from a pool associated with the entity and are able to use more at the same time as you level. Then as levels increase you can gain more than one patron as long as their portfolios overlap. I'm part of a solid gaming club in Cheshire, and I know of other groups in East London, Staffordshire, Yorkshire and south Wales that play pathfinder. Plus if your using the trait rules, you could take 'Magickal Knack' from the magic traits to offset the loss in spellcasting level from dipping into Paladin. I think 'Wasting Curse' works thematically for the character concept here. As I assume a combat optimized paladin/oracle won't exactly be the most diplomatic of individuals. Plus if he keeps his helmet visor down most of the time, they'll never know... Ordinarily I'd suggest extra revelation as a feat to get more of the other fun revelations in the Metal Mystery. At later levels I'd suggest abundant revelations to let you use some of the cooler ones more times per day. Theres also some 3PP feats by Open design that I could recommend if your GM allows non-paizo sources. Once ran a game of d20 OGL 'weird war' called zeit der toten. 11 players. Hand drawn maps. Waves and waves of zombies. Loadsa random critters I statted up (mutated exploding zombie cows anyone?). Players that died came back as special zombies. Involved virtually the entire gaming club for a few months with people dropping in an out. Campaign ended with the last survivors hiding in a bomb shelter as the Luftwaffe bombed the town. Was absolutely crazy. But good times. But if ya want some actual depth in a game, then 6 is kinda stretching it. Its possible your subscribing to the wrong game then pal, if thats your take. I really hope thats sarcasm, cos its a bit too venomous for this thread. I've used the music from the Lost TV series on low volumes during my Smuggler's Shiv setting to portray mystery and sadness. Seemed to go down well but was pain to maintain the atmosphere as well as tracking everything else so stopped. A fellow GM uses music from Tron, Advent Children, Star wars and anime like Naruto and bleach for his stuff. Went very well with cinematic intros to places in scifi campaigns. But it gets annoying when he stops the session to go through his itunes library for 'the perfect song' to play loudly and distractingly during battles. And then another GM just played the SW canteena song over ang over whenever we went anywhere then even looked like it sold alcohol and/or had a gathering of more than 3 races... Was funny the first 10 times. Music can add to a game but only if you have a cheat sheet for your playlist and the volume level is subtle enough that people can talk and think over it. Ah yes Tome of Magic. My bad. True name magic was one of those concepts that seemed to just get tested then discarded. I think the Paizo staff could do a lot more with it. But yeah it would need a rebuild. TBW I was half expecting the 'words of power' section of the UM to have a prestige class in this vein. While we're brainstorming. How about pathfinder-izing (yeah thats a word now, get used to it.) the classes from Complete Magic: 'Truenamer' and 'Binder'. Debatably, the summoner and certain wizard archetypes can fill the binder role nicely. (and I know Paizo have their own shadow themed prestige classes and archetypes so the 'shadowdancers out'). But I always thought Truename magic was an underutilized concept. Perhaps combine with aspects of the Archivist for an original base class? master arminas wrote: Yeah that was what I liked about your mind mage actually. I don't mind 'mentalism' as a class concept. I just don't like it spilling over and scooping up other classes capabilities. Which lets face it, is what would happen once you started getting archetypes and more spells. I guess my biggest dislike of something, is a class that steals another classes thunder with none of its associated weaknesses. This mixing can be done right, but it can also make other classes seem pointless. +1 to your pet peaves on psionic powers too. master arminas wrote: I like your interpretation this theme better than many I've seen Arminus. But the whole 'Psionics IS magic' statement is a subjective issue thats pointless to debate. There are many forums debating the inclusion of psionics, so we're hardly identifying a new niche here. To me the 3.5 psionics system basically went: I got halfway through reading it and just got fed up of how easily it could be used to break things. It was a third tier of magic that seemed to render the other two largely obsolete. You'd think such a unique system of magic would be rare but suddenly it seems like every character and their pets use it. I recognize and have enjoyed psionic rules systems in both scifi and fantasy settings. But I like to distinguish settings of Arcane/Divine and psionics, because in my mind they are very different interpretations of the same thing that if they ever coexisted. Logically one would outcompete the other for the same niche. Many times I've asked the question of "In a world with Psionics where you can train your mind to cast spells, why would you waste your time learning arcane formulae or praying to a deity?" The answer always boils down to 'variety is fun. its not broken, its different'. (as if something can't be different and broken) But then as my answer boils down to 'I'm grumpy, don't wanna try nuthin new', don't take me too seriously. So noted Cheapy. I'll look into those at a later date. Edit: And can we keep the call for Psionics out of this thread please. I'm happy with that being 3pp (and therefore optional). Never liked Psionics in 3.5 and I don't want Paizo to get dragged down by opening that particular can of worms. Plus from what I hear the 3pp source on this is very good, if you like that sort of thing. Personally I'm happy with magic being magic. Always thought that Psionics was basically just something that made magic redundant from a thematic standpoint. Why spend years learning arcane formulae or earning the powers of a deity when you can just blow stuff up with your mind? I've enjoyed pure Psionic settings and pure magic settings. Having both in a single setting just gets my hackles up. Finn K wrote: Ah so I see. Not heard much of UC beyond tidbits from the pfsrd. Hhm, it occurs to me that something mixing some of the Bards mechanics into this vein would result in the elucidation of a clearer concept. But not the performance aspect of it. I could seen a military themed 'bannerman'/'military musician' archetype for the bard but this ain't really the theme we're trying for here (tho I that would work on its own). I've seen a few 'officer' prestige classes knocking around that work on leadership abilities, passive buffs from inspiration, situational buffs from planning, teamwork feats etc. I just think you shouldn't have to wait for X levels to start leading men into battle. To do it well maybe, but there are born leaders out there. Hence why I support this as a base class idea. Like with the 'Shaman' or 'Technomancer' ideas, you could have an archetype fill this niche. Or you could really explore it with a Base class and Archetypes. Yeah I'm sure SGG has ssomething I like, just not read it yet. Perhaps a bit to rash in judging them. Anyways back on topic. There already is a Swashbuckler rogue archetype but its not much like the old PHBII version. I like the idea of such a class, but it'd have to have a different name and be less of a straight conversion. Not this classes biggest fan due to one bad player. One 3.5 game he plays a cliche pirate who just randomly turns up on a desert island. Next game he brings back the same cliche pirate in a setting where we never come witting 1000 miles of the open ocean. Which begged thequestion of whether he could truly call himself a pirate... But yeah that's a tangent, moving on. I heartily agree with the idea of a military strategist type class. There's definitely a niche there thematically. More emphasising teamwork feats, buff/debuff based class features and buffs that depend on strategy. Maybe leadership as a bonus feat with features that enhance it. Have yourself a Favored Subordinate through this mechanic. The 'Tactician' might work better, or the 'Auxillery' Finn K wrote: Don't see any reason why the two concepts have to be mutually exclusive or render the other redundant. Better if magic and tech work together. I have a similar policy since changing to pfrpg. Have only allowed 7 3.5/3pp feats and a select amount of items to enter my games. I would recommend Wolgang Bauers 'advanced feats' series published from Open Design. theres about 4-5 feats in those 9 pdf's I'd deem to be imbalanced, but with a few tweaks they are playeable. Personally I'm not a fan of Super genius games 3pp. They seem to be in quite a rush to add class bloat. But a friend of mine bought some of their newer stuff so now I gotta review it for balance. ends up being quite a pain when players buy 3pp wanting to use it but only think as far as 'ooh shiny', not 'is this balanced?' or 'does this make sense in my setting'? Heh no worries Finn K. I'd be hesitant to add steam punk elements into a fantasy setting as well. I mean I currently don't allow Monk, Samurai or Ninja cos of the setting disparity of having asian classes in a the african colonial setting of serpents skull (plus I don't have those books so theres a definite limitation there). But the thread is about finding a unique niche and the consensus seems to be that the 'Artificer/Technomancer' is one such class. I suppose ultimately my suggestions on this meme could be used as archetypes. But one could just as easily make a flavorful class with a bunch of elements from this thread. Coupla archetypes too. That isn't to say there actually should be an extra base class. Just saying there could be one based on this concept. One 'Class' my groups discussed before as a niche comes from superhero genre. That is the powerset of characters like the Atom, Giganta, Stature, Ant-man, Wasp, Makarov etc. Bear with me cos this is very breakable idea. This is just off the top of my head. We called it the 'Magnitus', as in Magnitude. You have a class without full BAB progression (it gets a lot of abilities that more than offset that), that has spell-like abilities that allow you to change size as a standard action for a number of rounds each day equal to X + levelx2 + CON. Start off with Large/Small and expand the available categories every 6 levels or so that at 18th you can go Fine or Colossal. Equipment and items shrink/grow with you. And a Full round changes you by 2 categories in one direction, or just a standard to change one. Class feature that lets you change back to normal sized at 5th level as a move action. Note that for small races they get access to medium and large size transformations at 1st. Level 10 lets you change one size category as a move action, and back to normal size as a free action. Level 15 lets you change 2x size categories at once as a move. Capstone ability allows you change from any size to any other size as a move action (this allows the sneak into baddy orifice and grow to full size tactic). Though they'd get something like an opposed constitution check to see whose damaged the most by this. ((Alternatively if 2 Size categories per 6 levels is imbalanced, how about 1 per 4 levels that lets you reach colossal or fine sized at 20th level?)) Ideas for class features: >Spell-like abilities around shrinking or enlarging allies, objects and enemies >Bonus feats that let you wield oversized weapons at reduced penalties in base form. Though this wouldn't stack up in sizes beyond large. >Class features that mitigate the size penalties. Choosing either Dex o Str to reduce the penalty by a small amount every 4 levels or so. >A class feature that lets you control which square you shrink into. For example going from 30ft of space as a Colossal sized dude down to medium, picking one of the 30 squares >Catch off guard, Throw anything as bonus feats? >Rock throwing, rock catching, giant-like heavy object throwing feats etc. Combined with the above to fight with trees. >Getting a free Stealth check in plain sight when shrinking to small size rapidly, extra stealth bonuses. >A perception bonus for seeing things at long distance and a penalty for spotting small objects whilst enlarged, but the reverse when reduced. >Getting a free bull rush attempt when growing rapidly to push enemies out of your squares as you grow in size. Bonuses on these. >Insight bonuses for damaging structures and objects >Bodyguard-esque features that help you protect your smaller allies by taking damage in their place or bonuses letting them use you for cover. And when shrunk, you use them for the same bonuses. >Precision damage on enemies when small, attack bonuses to offset size penalties. >Able to use escape artist whilst shrunk to squeeze your way inside enemies bodies and allow you to deal ability damage from targetting organs. >CMB/CMD bonuses. Abilities that let you pick up and throw enemies/allies. >Spell-like Barkskin and feather fall from density manipulation >A x/day size change as a swift action to rapidly gain AC or CMD bonuses. >Something that stops you from provoking AoO when size changing or using your size change abilities >Something that lets you use trample, crushing damage etc when stamping or jumping on enemies. >Similarly something that lets you generate small tremors to knock enemies prone like the feat from Tome of Monsters Complete. Smash or something? >Abilities like intimidating presence that make creatures smaller than you cower in fear. >Ability that lets allies climb you and fight from your shoulders, or that lets you use a free hand as an unstable platform and allows you to grant them elevation bonuses as a move action.
Honestly, I haven't much more to say about the beast, so I suppose the next few posts will just be tidying up. Most recently, I've just been scouting the internet; here's a summary of the first five sites that come when I searched 'beast of gevaudan' in google: The first site up is Wikipedia, of course. I'm not sure I need to reiterate myself (or the whole rest of the class), so I'll leave it alone. Next is The Cryptid Zoo, a page I never actually looked into. With good reason, perhaps--the link is broken. Helpful of google to give me a site that doesn't even work properly. Lovely. The third site that appears in the google search is Occultopedia. Not a bad site, actually. Decently informative and, unlike Monstropedia, the writing doesn't make me twitch. It's just too bad that the article has no citations (apparently it's scheduled to be reviewed soon), because there were a few tidbits that were interesting, but unverified. Google, of course, pulled up numerous sites, but the last I'll review is called, simply Unknown Creatures. They have probably the most…illuminating description of the beast's size I've yet to read, describing it as "as large as a calf or young cow." (Those are essentially the same thing…right?). Once again, no citations, but the layout is esthetically pleasing, simply because the information isn't too dense, the paragraphs thick, but not ponderous, each headed by a large and bold title.
At the Russian news source, The Voice of Russia, Alexei Chernichenko reports a new enthusiasm for the Yeti. Capitalizing on Yeti Day November 11, locals continue to capitalize the enthusiasm for the the cryptid by offering to host a tea party and a custom-made furnished chill-out room. Read the rest below, including an endorsement from Igor Burtsev. Tea party with the Yeti? KUZBASS, Feb 6, 2011 (The Voice of Russia) -- Enthusiasts in the Russian Siberian region of Kuzbass continue to search the region’s remote areas for the Yeti in a drive that was earlier endorsed by Kuzbass Governor Aman Tuleyev. He jokingly announced the payment of one million rubles to a person who he said will be able to bring the ape-like cryptid to the governor’s residence so that the three could have a tea together. The announcement came in the wake of the establishment of the Yeti Day in Kuzbass. For their part, local business people were quick to capitalize on the Yeti boom by opening a fancy restaurant in the Gornaya Shoriya mountains, thought to be Yeti’s habitat. The restaurant includes the Abominable Snowman’s personal chill-out room, where the owners said he will “really enjoy himself.” The Yeti boom kicked off in Kuzbass in 2010 after unverified information about the Yeti allegedly being spotted by local hunters in taiga near the Gornaya Shoriya Mountains. The news immediately hit the headlines, with readers especially amazed with the photograph of the Yeti’s alleged footprint. Experts remained downbeat about the news, which was understandably hailed by PR agencies and tour operators. A number of monuments to the Yeti has been installed across Kuzbass since then, and Russia’s special presidential envoy to Siberia traveled to a cave where the Yeti was ostentatiously tracked down. No traces of the Yeti were discovered at the time. Even so, many in Kuzbass still hope against hope that Aman Tuleyev will be lucky to finally see the Yeti coming to his place for a tea party. Echoing them is Igor Burtsev, a Moscow-based Yeti expert, who argues that that the information about Yeti is first of all music to businessmen’s ears. "As I see it, Kuzbass business people are almost sure to benefit from this," Burtsev says, referring to the Yeti ballyhoo in the United States, where businessmen do not think twice before capitalizing on the matter. "Dozens of corresponding cafes, restaurants and museums annually open their doors there," Burtsev goes on to say, also citing a host of scientific conferences and open-air concerts to this effect. "Jokes aside, I do believe that the Yeti really exists, and keeping in touch with him remains my top priority," Burtsev says. He piled praise on Aman Tuleyev’s announcement of a possible tea party with the Yeti, which Burtsev said is a right way to try to lure the cryptid into meeting human beings. In the meantime, mass production of souvenir birch bark bugles has started in Kuzbass. Tour operators insist that these bugles’ sounds allegedly attract the Yeti…. The Voice of Russia YOU MAY ALSO LIKE Siberia to celebrate Yeti Day November 11 Igor Burtsev to head another Bigfoot Expedition in Siberia Pinky Finger Reveals New Hominid
Ross Olson's Third Critique For Dr. Max's Original Article, click HERE. For A Paper Distributed at Dr. Max 2/22/01 Debate with Duane Gish, click HERE. For An Introduction To Answering Dr. Edward Max's Challenge, click HERE. For Ross Olson's First Critique, click HERE. For Dr. Max's Rebuttal, click HERE. For Ross Olson's Second Critique, click HERE. For Dr. Max's Second Rebuttal to the Second Critique, click HERE. For Ross Olson's Third Critique, click HERE. For Dr. Max's Third Rebuttal to the Third Critique, click HERE. For Olson's Critique Number Four, click HERE. For Dr. Max's Fourth Rebuttal to the Fourth Critique, click HERE. For Olson's Critique Number Five, click HERE. For Dr. Max's Fifth Rebuttal to the Fifth Critique (and the summary linked below), click HERE. For a summary of these interactions, click HERE. Thank you for continuing to participate in this discussion and thank you for linking it to the TalkOrigins site that holds your original article on "Improved Fitness." I do suspect that we may be near the end of the interaction, since we have been around the block several times on the points still in discussion. OUR DISCUSSION IN THE LIGHT OF CURRENT EVENTS Because of the horrific events of yesterday, this discussion may seem to pale in significance compared to the incredible human suffering of the victims, the inhuman hatred of the perpetrators and the inevitable anxiety of everyone living in a free society concerning safety and security after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon. Yet, in reality and on the contrary, the underlying principles of our discussion actually have monumental implications regarding the response of individuals and nations to these tragedies. Because, if we are simply the products of chance occurrences in the molecular world which follow blind scientific laws in an undirected but inexorable movement towards increased complexity and survival potential, then there is no meaning to search for and no responsibility to assign. Because in that case, all that exists is particles and energy fields interacting, with no free moral agents to control them and no absolute standard of right and wrong except to pass our genes on to the next generation. And if there is a God, but He uses the method of evolution to create, allowing competition and violence to produce differential survival, then this event is simply like an asteroid impact, "just one of those things," which in the long run may lead to a change in the direction of evolution but has no meaning for individuals except that some survived and some did not. Yet, if the message of the Bible is true, that God lovingly created human beings as free moral agents, giving us His own image in our ability to truly choose, then there is responsibility, and ultimately both mercy and justice. If the Bible is correct in stating that God has provided a remedy for the evil which invaded His perfect world. If it is true that He became a human being in the person of Jesus Christ, then suffered and died - unjustly - so that we who deserve to die might be given the opportunity to live, then our perspective is completely changed. Yes, we wonder why evil falls on the innocent and we grieve for the dead and we rise up in righteous anger against such inhuman hatred, yet we know that in the end, God's justice will prevail. And in the meantime, if the Bible is correct, suffering becomes a "wake-up call." For in it we are reminded that we have indeed fallen far short of God's requirements to live justly, to love God and love our neighbors. We realize that we do not deserve the wealth and security that we have enjoyed but that these are the grace of God and given with responsibility to be light and love to the rest of the world. And finally, by realizing that there is indeed no safety in any human device or plan, we may begin to understand that those things that occupy our attention day after day, our houses and lands, our bank accounts and investments, our military might and security agencies, are all ultimately insufficient to protect us from the worst that might come. Thus to realize that biological warfare or rogue nuclear attack or disabling computer sabotage or any of a myriad of other dangers are never completely preventable by any human plan or program should not lead us to suicide, but rather to God. For only those who place their trust in Him, whose treasures and hearts are in heaven, can live in the world looking realistically at its dangers but being optimistic about the ultimate outcome. And if the Bible is correct, the God Who made heaven and earth does not take millions or billions of years to accomplish His purposes. Although He is patient for mercy's sake and does not strike us down instantly the first time we defy Him, yet when the proper moment comes, God moves decisively to carry out His will with absolute justice. You mentioned that we seem to be talking past each other and to that I agree. I have a different perspective on why that is so, however, and will go into that shortly. First, though, I would like to point out the areas which you have not repeated in this latest response. ITEMS NO LONGER BROUGHT UP Dawkins computer evolution model: You have claimed that you did not originally bring this up as "corroborating evidence for evolution" but only to show the difference in probability between a single step model of arriving at a target sequence and the multi step model of successive approximations. I pointed out that the crucial way in which Dawkins model fails to help your case is that in evolution, each of the tiny steps has to be helpful enough to the organism to be selected. In Dawkins selection of random letters in a march towards "METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL," the intermediate sequences would have had to be meaningful sentences that were useful on their own, not just sequences selected because the program knew they were closer to the target than the last. Evolution does not "know" what it is aiming for and the intermediate expressions must each make the cut on their own merit. I hope you have dropped this example because you realize that it does not help the case for evolution. You, of course, may say that you only wanted to show that creationists were wrong to look only at single step rather than multiple step routes to a desired sequence, but I will counter that creationists are saying about single step routes in an evolutionary sequence and in this example - you have already admitted - does not apply. Ice crystallization on the surface of a metal sphere: Since 1989 you have published a standing challenge to Dr. Gish to write an article on just how The Second Law of Thermodynamics prohibits evolution. You have claimed that since the crystallization of ice lowers entropy, the formation of ice crystals on the surface of a metal sphere in a sealed bath of water illustrates how life could form on the surface of the earth without violating The Second Law. I pointed out that although the blanket terms of "Second Law" and "entropy" are applied to both situations, there is a crucial difference between the structure seen in ice, which is regular and repetitive (like ABCABCABC), and the structure in life which is full of information, like the Encyclopedia Britannica. I hope you have dropped the point because you realize that there is something basically dishonest about lumping crystallization and information together. Perhaps you will counter with something to the effect that you were not using this example to support evolution but simply to show that creationists are wrong about entropy. I would respond that the crucial point is the difference between crystallization and the formation of information rich structures such as those seen in living organisms. Generation time of fruit flies and bacteria: When I claimed that if evolution were true, we should have seen more dramatic changes in fruit flies and bacteria, you countered that the time was not nearly long enough. I showed the math on the number of generations and the correlation with longer lived creatures. For example, the 20 minute generation time of a bacterium means that 50 years is equivalent to about 25 million years of an organism with a 20 year generation time. Since a lot is supposed to happen in 25 million years, your recent silence on this topic represents, I hope, a recognition that this is a problem for your side. Michael Behe's concept of irreducible complexity is another notable omission from your present response. I suspect that you have ignored this because it really cuts the heart out of your supposed mechanism for evolution. More on that later. THINGS THAT ANGER ME Getting back to the ideas that you do bring up, let me say frankly that there are several things that make me truly angry. I realize that you have strict expectations for scientific discourse that discourage "colorful" language and I am sure that they also frown on the expression of emotion. I have seen emotion expressed, however, in scientific interchange, similar to what Will Rogers spoke of in political discourse. For example, a Senator is addressed as "The Esteemed Senior Senator from…" when the tone of voice and context might as well have substituted "The Polecat from …." Yet I will be frank because I think it is better to be open than to be obscure in this case. One thing that angers me is your continuous redefining of your goals in presenting certain pieces of evidence to such narrow and uncontestable conditions that it actually does not even help your case. This is true with the example of antibody mutation which I will address yet again in more detail later. I have pointed out that this is controlled hypermutation under the direction of extremely sophisticated cellular machinery, for a very specific task and is nothing like raw mutations anywhere else in the cell producing new features or capabilities. You have responded that all you wanted to show is that mutation can lead to increased fitness of the antibodies in this special situation and that by doing so you have refuted a key creationist claim. The key creationist claim in this area, however, regards raw mutations throughout the genetic material of the cell, the very thing you admit has no correlation with your example. And creationist arguments are better stated as claiming that mutations cannot add information to the cell. The practice that most angers me, however, is your continued insistence that for me to enter into further meaningful dialogue with you I must bash Gish. You claim that the vast catalogue of offenses of commission and omission which you have painstakingly collected must be criticized and denounced to prove that I have high standards of scholarship. In addition to being maddening, it is truly puzzling to me that a man of science would not be able to simply deal with the concepts and their interpretation without having to constantly snap back to character assassination and well poisoning. That is, it is puzzling until I realize that this is key to your whole approach to the issue of origins. If one side is not worth listening to, if their arguments only sound plausible because they are slick con artists and if every one of their spokesmen is some sort of subhuman creature who need not be taken seriously, then you are not required to deal with the ideas on their own merit. Now, of course, there is no logical basis for that conclusion. If a madman says that 2 + 2 = 4, it is still true. Your second line of defense against having to truly evaluate outlying ideas is the criteria of publication in the mainstream journals, which I will deal with later. But I truly believe that at the core, your responses and actions flow from the fact that you accept and promote the "Inherit the Wind" stereotype of creationists. Let me say this, I will not play your game. If you want to use that as an excuse for bowing out of this discussion, so be it, but deep down inside I think there is enough of a conscience in you to feel a bit guilty about using "ad homonym" as your number one strategy in dealing with what is really a set of ideas that scream for attention. You claim to not have learned anything meaningful from Dr. Gish, and that may be true on a superficial level, but the whole evolution camp has indeed learned something from the creation camp, although you have probably not thought about it. You, and many other evolutionists, admit that there is no scientific evidence - not even a plausible scenario - for a naturalistic mechanism of abiogenesis. You claim that you can ignore this and simply assume the presence of life (and I will again come back to that later) but the fact is that you are agreeing with the MAIN POINT of creationist challenge to a naturalistic origin of all things. You have narrowed your scope and claim that abiogenesis has nothing to do with evolution, yet the most enthusiastic proponents of evolution have always been those who claim that we now have a total package that accounts for everything starting with the Big Bang and ending up with everything from quasars to movie stars. This is why Stanley Miller's trivial synthesis of organic compounds from methane and ammonia was hailed as the formation of the building blocks of life. Yet is was mostly creationists, along with a few other courageous thinkers, who pointed out the unbridgeable gap between those building blocks and the incredible complexity of the "simplest" living creature. In fact this has been point number one on Dr. Gish's debates all these years. You actually agree with him! Did you once believe otherwise? Or are you an unusual evolutionist who always saw and was never shy to admit that there was no hope of putting together a plausible scenario for that leap? Why can you not say, "Dr. Gish's main point was true and he deserves thanks along with the many other brave creationists who continued to mention the emperor's lack of adequate apparel despite criticism, ostracism and persecution?" Perhaps the reason is that you cannot allow yourself to admit that any creationist idea has merit for fear of allowing the dam to burst. YOUR OVERALL POSITION ON "CREATION SCIENCE" Thank you for summarizing your overall position on "creation science" as it does indeed help to see how your individual arguments fit into place. Let me respond to them individually. 1. "Creationism is only one of many minority views…." You imply that if the evidence for creation were allowed in the public schools, we would also have to admit the flat earthers, the "chariots of the gods" advocates who believe UFO inhabitants designed the pyramids, as well as an unnamed hoard of other minority views. This argument is often thrown out in broad sweep to indicate that there are myriads of these flaky ideas waiting for admission to the forum. But I ask you, where are all these people and their organizations? Where are the demands to be included in curricula? One "Flat Earth Society" on the internet has this in its description: "The Society asserts that the Earth is flat and has five sides, that all places in the Universe named Springfield are merely links in higher-dimensional space to one place, and that all assertions are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true false and meaningless in some sense. The Society was founded in 1993 by Lee H.'. O.'. Smith…." I have no idea how many members they include, but I suspect that it would be hard to hold a discussion with someone of this persuasion and think that most likely it is a tongue in cheek parody. I did not see them clamoring for inclusion in school curricula, and in fact, they accept members only by nomination. One project is to affix labels to objects that state, "WARNING: THIS OBJECT DOES NOT EXIST". Yet, as it turns out, the flat earth argument is indeed dealt implicitly if not explicitly within any school course that covers astronomy or geography or shows pictures from space. Courses dealing with navigation discuss the concept of the horizon. Some math courses show the method of calculating the diameter of the earth by triangulation using the angle of the sun in two places of known distance at a single moment in time. Thus, whether flat earth is mentioned or not, evidence is used to support the spherical earth. It is not simply stated that because the proponents of the flat earth are flaky, we need not deal with their position. Actually, some courses on antiquity do deal with the UFO hypothesis and nowadays, it may not be hard to find a few professorial types, even evolutionary minded historians, who may give some credence to this theory, partly because of their prejudice that ancient man was primitive and unsophisticated and unlikely to have the technology and knowledge to design and build some of the Wonders of the World. Where it is discussed negatively, for the most part, evidence is used and especially evidence against the rash conclusions by Erich von Daniken in his "Chariots of the Gods" series. As to admission of "New Age" ideas and teachings into the public schools, I will attest to the fact that they have a stronghold in many schools, and not just in California where you might expect anything, but even here in (previously thought to be sensible/solid ) Minnesota. The Minneapolis Public Schools, beginning in the late 1980's, promoted a New Age health program where the students "visualize themselves well." See my descriptions of this at http://rossolson.org/new_age/guided_imagery.html and how I found it difficult to get the school officials to even look at the program and its implications. We finally had to contact some of the sources of funding (who were not fully aware of what they were supporting) to hinder its spread. No, the schools do not limit themselves to hard core tested and true science or even to curricula with measurable results. And the main reason that your analysis is faulty is that you fail to notice some fundamental principles of logic. The Universe as we know, and each component part of it, are either results of natural processes - including chance and natural law - or they are the result of an outside intelligent organizing influence. There are no other possibilities. If you can think of any, let me know. So the point is that if there is evidence against a natural origin, that is de facto evidence for design! You will notice, if you follow the actions of the political correctness thought police, that some public school teachers have been disciplined or even fired for simply including evidence against naturalism without necessarily making the connection with creation explicit. (See "Heresy Trials" by Candi Cushman from World on the Web, August 18, 2001 at http://www.worldmag.com/world/issue/08-18-01/cover_1.asp). You can bet that the teacher's tormentors know what it meant, however. The point of all this is that the only way that you can exclude evidence for creation from the science curriculum is that you exclude all evidence against naturalism. Now, if you want to claim that there is no such evidence, I would have to ask you to take your head out of the sand. The educational method that promotes critical thinking and allows progress in scholarship is open to all the evidence and does not hide it from the students. To do otherwise is indoctrination and ought to be soundly rejected by all honest educators. 1. 2. and 3. You claim that "publication in the peer-reviewed professional scientific journals should be a requirement for any view to be represented in the science classroom." You further assert that claims by creationists to have been rejected for inappropriate reasons are invalid and thus indicate "failure of 'creation scientists' to meet the minimum standards of scholarship." This is a neat way to limit your area of responsibility, but has some real problems that you do not address. The first, as I have tried to just point out, is that any evidence against a naturalistic origin of ANYTHING is automatically evidence for its creation, so you are unable to exclude the topic even as you exclude the arguments and evidence. Secondly, you seem to have a faith in the establishment that is unjustified by a fair reading of the history of science or scholarship. At the time of Francis Bacon, the Universities were dominated by Aristotelian Scholasticism to the point that the experimental method was effectively locked out. It was for this reason that the "Natural Philosophy Societies" arose as an alternative forum for the discussion and publication of these results. As near as I can tell, if you were transported back in time, you would have fortified yourself within one of those Universities and railed against the "rash innovators" who failed to follow established rules of argument. (As a footnote, those Natural Philosophy Societies became the "Royal Societies" which now, ironically, have become as closed as the Universities that opposed them in the beginning - for they have locked out any consideration of design.) You have stated that creationists only speak to lay audiences and learn only by hearsay. I suppose this misunderstanding is reasonable since your only creationist contact is with Dr. Gish in debate before a lay audience and because you do not want to get within 10 feet of any creationist literature. But, therefore, since you are unaware of Creationist research and scholarship, I have taken the liberty of sending you a one year subscription to both Creation Research Society Quarterly and Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal. I hope that even if you only glance at them, you will notice that these are peer reviewed journals with conflicting viewpoints, academic interchanges, progress of understanding by accumulated research and healthy consideration of contrary evidence. In your response to the articles by Robert Gentry, you note that only in his last published paper did he hint that his findings challenged the standard chronology. This is true, even though his work carried that implication all along. Yet, when he dared to make the statement explicitly, he was cut off and no further work was published. His position at the Oak ridge National Laboratory was also terminated. Your comments regarding revolutionary research notwithstanding, of course, if something challenges a deeply entrenched set of concepts, it deserves to be looked at critically. But the way to do that is not to remove the offending author and his work from the mainstream! I will come back to the dating question later. You also comment, offhandedly, that Gentry's work may include religious motivations and thus be suspect. Have you not noticed that some of the most prominent evolutionary spokesmen have a very poorly concealed religious motivation - to prove that there is NO God. I think that you have rightly spoken out against that position, but you still quote from the works of some of them. And, think for a minute, what if someone really did come upon evidence for the existence of God and subsequently that God is also interested in a personal relationship with human beings and this person entered into that real and important relationship? If he then tried to point to the same evidence to convince another person of the reality of what he had already found to be true, is it suddenly false and/or improper because it includes "religious motivation"? And, just to tweak you a bit - and you deserve it, you know - do not forget that "Origin of Species" and Darwin's other major works were not published in a peer previewed format. In explaining your purpose in publishing the "Fitness" essay, you state that you were not trying to "prove" evolution or even "outline evidence that supports it." Boy, that sure answers my argument that it has no application to the creation evolution controversy! You say all you are trying to do is show that "creation science" arguments are erroneous and reflect poor scholarship. You are getting so slippery that you have faked yourself out. You also said that you had disproved what you consider a major creationists tenet, that mutations cannot improve fitness. Now, is that not an attempt at supporting evolution? If so, my arguments about the lack of congruity apply. You cannot have it both ways. And your little "by the way" statement about not needing to prove evolution because that has been done elsewhere needs a closer look. You realize that many consider your work to be conclusive proof of evolution. What if all the "other proofs" that you cite are similarly flawed? What if you are all standing around in a big circle pointing to each other and none has the conclusive argument? You used this tack when I mentioned the many areas of evidence that challenge an old earth. Yes, those others do need to be looked at. But the logical advantage is on my side. One conclusive proof of design trumps all the plausible scenarios of natural origin and one conclusive case for a young earth overturns all the old age arguments. To briefly touch on the age issue, I know this is not your area of expertise, but I think you realize that to use radioactive dating, assumptions must be made about the initial conditions and the intervening time. For example, if element X decays into Y with a half life of 1 billion years and you find a 50/50 mixture of X and Y in a rock, you can assume that 1 billion years have passed since the solidification of that rock only if you know that the rock started with all X and no Y, that neither X nor Y have leaked in or out during the presumed 1 billion years and that the decay rate has not appreciably changed. None of these assumptions is a logical given. Even the isotope isochrons, a supposedly mathematical method to factor out these concerns, has been shown to confuse mixing of magmas of differing makeup with ancient age. (See "Still No Proof of Ancient Age" by William Overn and Russell Arndts at /articles/isochrons.html, also see "Isochron Rock Dating Is Fatally Flawed" by William Overn at /articles/isochrons2.html) And the certifiably erroneous dates given to volcanic rocks of known ages, such as from Mt. St. Helens, shows that the methods cannot be trusted for rocks of unknown ages. Radiometric dating is the gold standard only because it can be made to give the "right" ages, although experts know that many dates are rejected because "they do not fit with established theory." And any one of the low tech methods of estimating the earth's age, if conclusive, could easily displace the radiometric dates with all their excess baggage. (See "The Young Earth" by Henry M. Morris, Ph.D. http://www.icr.org/pubs/imp/imp-017.htm). For example, the solute concentration of the ocean indicates a young age. (See "The Sea's Missing Salt: A Dilemma For Evolutionists" by Steven Austin Ph.D and Russell Humphreys Ph. D. /articles/ocean_sodium.html) Even if it is assumed that the primordial ocean were fresh and the rates of solute influx were no greater than at present and the rates of removal were no less than at present, and even generously assuming every condition to be favorable to an old ocean, an absolute maximum age of no more than 62 million years can be calculated. Why is the ocean not like the Dead Sea or worse? Where did the excess salt go if it has been pouring in for billions of years? There are very few ways for soluble minerals to escape the ocean and the calculations can be done with reasonable accuracy. Here is one question that challenges standard chronology and is rarely if ever dealt with. Another age argument is the pressure in oil wells, that ought to have dissipated over thousands if not millions of years. Also, the viscosity of rock should have allowed the mountains on the geologically inactive moon to slump like glass in old buildings. The origin of comets and their placement - so many with orbits only extending as far as Jupiter - is not explained by the Oort or Kuyper hypotheses. (See "Comets and the Age of the Solar System" by Danny Faulkner, Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 11(3):264-273, 1997 http://answersingenesis.org/docs/4108.asp) And by the way, since you distain giving inaccurate information to lay audiences unequipped to evaluate it, you ought to be absolutely livid about the certainty with which science reporters convey speculative material to the public. The Oort Cloud is written of as a fact when it is only a conjecture and does not even explain the data of comet periods and orbits. Although I do not expect you to necessarily review and critique all these articles which are obviously outside of your main areas of interest and expertise, I hope that you do notice that these are scholarly writings, most of which are published in peer reviewed journals within the creationist community. I ask you to step outside of your prejudices and consider that if it is indeed true that creationist material is censored from the mainstream literature, then this is essentially a shadow system which functions, based on its own presuppositions, just as appropriately as the system within the naturalistic community. As to whether evolutionists or creationists do a better job correcting errors, I think there is blame on both sides. The example of the rotting carcass of a supposed plesiosaur, pulled up by a Japanese fishing boat in 1977 is now in doubt in the creationist literature and could have been a rotting basking shark, although there are conflicting analyses on this. (See "Letting Rotting Sharks Lie: Further Evidence That The Zuiyo-maru Carcass Was A Basking Shark, Not A Plesiosaur" by Pierre Jerlström and Bev Elliot http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs/4216cen_m1999.asp and "New Zuiyo Maru Cryptid Observations: Strong Indications It Was a Marine Tetrapod" by John Goertzen http://www.creationresearch.org/crsq/articles/38/38_1/Cryptid.htm). There still are books around which show the pictures and cannot easily be recalled, however, I would hope that if the evidence comes down clearly on the side of a shark, new editions will delete and correct the assumption that it was a plesiosaur. Yet Haeckel's doctored embryo drawings have continued to be printed in new high school and college textbooks for a hundred years after their public denunciation as "doctored" and, yes, they ARE cited as evidence for evolution - "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny." Is it begging the question to claim that "evidence for design ought to point to a designer"? Your support for this accusation is such a beautiful example of obfuscation that I will reprint it in its entirety. "What we have in living organisms is evidence for astoundingly complex mechanisms that perform complex adaptive functions, which resemble in some respects mechanisms designed by intelligent humans. But evolutionists believe that this resemblance is misleading; they hypothesize that astoundingly complex mechanisms that perform complex adaptive functions can arise by evolutionary mechanisms from simpler organisms without intelligent design. Therefore, unless you exclude the evolutionary hypothesis a priori by begging the question, there is no "evidence for design" in the sense of evidence that compels belief in origin through intelligent agency as opposed to origin by evolutionary mechanisms." Let me get this straight, evidence for design does not have point to a designer because you have a hypothesis! All you need is a plausible scenario and the argument is over! Did you notice the word "believe" in the pivotal position? As a belief system, insulated from the rules of evidence, I think that evolution has no place in the public schools! All you need is a hypothesis?!? Stop for a minute and look at that. How can you sign your name to such drivel? I am stopped for speeding and tell the officer that I have a hypothesis that the tooth fairy altered the readings on his radar and therefore I am not guilty. You can have your hypothesis but then we have to apply the rules of evidence. Where do we see "evolutionary mechanisms" producing those "astoundingly complex mechanisms"? Until you clarified for me, I had thought you claimed your hypermutation of antibodies and Dawkins' computer evolution were intended to be evidence. Then, after I went to all the trouble to refute them, I was told that you did not mean them to be evidence of that at all, only evidence that creationists are all wrong. (I am still confused about how that is not intended to support evolution, but I will accept your explanation because it leaves you with no evidence except what has been elsewhere "well achieved." I guess you better break down and tell me about those proofs.) It is also important to note again at this time the prominent omission of any discussion related to Michael Behe's work, published in his book, "Darwin's Black Box," on the concept of irreducible complexity. Now, of course, I have just given you an easy exit by saying "book" because, as we are well aware by now, you only read refereed literature. But to reject these powerful ideas on that basis is like the judge saying, "We have to free the mass murderer because his conviction included a confession without the presence of a defense lawyer - even though he had the bloody ax in his hand and a dozen victims at his feet at the time!" You have stated that you believe small mutations, or duplication and differentiation, can slowly produce new information and new structures, even though you deny that you meant to support that by your citation of hemoglobin and myoglobin or any of your other examples. Behe has shown how this is impossible because an irreducibly complex structure must be complete to be functional and cannot be produced by small steps and gradual approximations. Since you have not shown any examples of how this is happening in nature, the very least you can do is show how your hypothesis can come up with a truly reasonable scenario. In other words, you need to show how a bacterial flagellum can be built by small changes in successive generations, each of which would survive because it is of selective advantage to that individual. You cannot be satisfied with any step that is merely neutral because that would most likely be eliminated by chance and certainly cannot accept any deleterious steps since they would certainly be eliminated. That is all I ask for starters. If you can do so, then you will have shown that Behe's hypothesis cannot be accepted on the basis of logical necessity as creationists claim, but needs to be tested by experiment. Then I propose that you test it and prove that new structures can arise in short lived creatures. I have an idea!! Maybe you could irradiate successive generations of fruit flies or bacteria! Maybe something wonderful would arise! As to my many "misunderstandings" of your statements, let us look at one. It gets into the sort of "I said; you said" nonsense that I find futile, but this one is so glaringly misleading that it begs for rebuttal. You quote these statements. "You see hyper-mutation in a small, precisely controlled and limited portion of the DNA and jump to the conclusion that everything is mutation." "If random mutation of everything were our only means of defense [as you imply], we would indeed die. " "Therefore, it is deceptive to say that mutations are the only source of immunity or even the main mechanism." You then countered with this statement: "I have never concluded that 'everything is mutation.' I have never said that somatic mutation was our 'only means of defense' 'the only source of immunity or even the main mechanism.' In fact, I have pointed out that there are many other mechanisms that contribute to defense against infection. You have somehow ignored or misunderstood what I said at the debate and what I wrote in our exchanges, and you attribute to me ideas that are incorrect. " This is all in the context of your interchanges with Dr. Gish and what he said and did not say and what he knew and did not know and what you intend to prove by your example of hypermutation and what you do not intend to prove. Let me put together a reasonable scenario and see if we can leave these little word games forever. After all, how can you argue with a reasonable scenario? When you presented your hypermutation example of antibody affinity, Dr. Gish concluded that you meant that this was our only means of defense and said essentially that it would not be sufficient to save us from infection. Remember, you have pointed out that there are "generic antibodies" of moderate affinity, produced by gene shuffling, which do start the cycle towards increased affinity and final victory over the foreign invader. Even if Dr. Gish did not mention "Complement" or the other components of the immune system, can you accept that he meant that our immune system has to have more than mutation going for it in order to protect us? If you insist on trying to continue to make points out of claiming that he did not know about the other parts of the immune system, then you really are terribly hard up for points and really to be pitied. But, let us back up for a minute and see how, because you seem to have the "What Did Gish Know" issue stuck in your craw, you misinterpret my statement, "You see hyper-mutation in a small, precisely controlled and limited portion of the DNA and jump to the conclusion that everything is mutation." You respond as if I said that mutation was our only means of immune defense. If you had looked at the rest of my paragraph, you would have seen what I was driving at. "Gish points to an immune system that is incredibly complex, and -- even if he did not know about the ingenious use of hyper-mutation -- has adequately characterized the whole of the system as looking designed. You see hyper-mutation in a small, precisely controlled and limited portion of the DNA and jump to the conclusion that everything is mutation. You have neither published nor referenced a single scientific finding to support such a leap of faith. As I said, it is like finding a random number generator in a computer and concluding that the whole computer was built and operates by random processes. If you cannot see that to be foolish, then I would have to say that "the experts" may not be the best sifters of evidence. " What I was talking about is your belief that mutations (or duplication and differentiation, or whatever other variation on the theme that you want to come up with) are the way essentially everything in a living cell has come about. Now, to be sure, this was written in my pre enlightenment days, before I knew that you were not trying to prove evolution with your carefully chosen and described examples, but the fact remains, that is where you believe all these "astoundingly complex mechanisms that perform complex adaptive functions" actually came from. Thus you really DO believe that the immune system, with all those non-antibody portions, as well as the whole framework within which hypermutation takes place, all originated by mutations! Thus you really DO believe that mutation is everything. Now, perhaps, you do not believe that because of the work you have done in hypermutation, but rather on the basis of all those other pieces of evidence that you feel have already proven evolution so you would not need to even if you had intended to. You also challenged my statements "mutations often end the whole experiment by destroying the system" and "Dead organisms do not evolve. I cannot imagine why you are unable to see that, except for your knee-jerk reaction of rejecting anything stated by creationists." You responded by saying: "Of course dead organisms do not evolve. What makes you think I don't "see that"? But the entire population doesn't die if one organism suffers a lethal mutation. Rather the population evolves as selection operates to enhance the survival of individuals with mutations producing traits that are advantageous in the environment." I am afraid I have to remind you of the view of evolution you have told us you believe in. You have said that small changes are accumulated into major adaptive features for the organism. This means that those small changes have to be preserved. As I said in connection with Behe's work, and as I have challenged you to show in a stepwise manner, there must be an unbroken chain of small but selectably superior changes along any evolutionary path. If the organism that has the mutations leading to a new feature - flagella or flight or prehensile thumbs - gets eliminated, it does not matter if the whole rest of the population survives! You may counter that you assume that the favorable mutation has spread to the whole (or a large proportion of the) population, so it does not matter if one is lost. But remember, it starts out with one, and if that one has no selective advantage and is eliminated by chance because it is neutral, or if it is eliminated because it is deleterious and has selective disadvantage, then your progress is lost. You must have unbroken selective advantage at every stage for the myriads of features seen in living organisms, including the whole makeup of the immune system. Since you cannot show it happening, you have to AT LEAST show a plausible scenario. It is the least that you can do, and don't skip any steps. MEANINGFUL AREAS OF DISCUSSION To move on from here we come to what I consider your most commendable positions and what you consider my most interesting questions. As opposed to most evolutionists with whom I have interacted, you are NOT a doctrinaire materialist. Some go so far as to say that admission of the supernatural into consideration is not only a sign of intellectual weakness but also a precursor to the end of scientific civilization as we know it. To your credit, you admit the logical possibility that the supernatural might exist and even give a gently nodding assent to the distant possibility that it might be important. You do not oppose creation, although you seem to think of it as a religious belief that does not intersect with science. "I said repeatedly at the debate that I respect the belief in creation and do not at all oppose it at all as a religious belief. I even held up a Bible and recommended it as a valuable resource for the faithful. Do you disagree with my position that the Bible is the best source for studying creation? What I continue to oppose is not the religious idea of creation, but bad science; and bad science is what I hear from creation "scientists," as in the examples that you avoid discussing." What I honestly need to know is whether you think it theoretically possible that "good science" could be done from a creationist perspective or whether the two are mutually exclusive. There is a popular position on the partition of reality into the scientific and the religious. In that perspective, science deals with demonstrable facts and religion deals with "meaning." On closer dissection, it also delegates to science the verifiable and to religion only the subjective. Is that your view? That particular view also fits quite nicely with our post modernist view that something can be "true for you, but not for me." It seems tolerant and humane. Of course, we do not apply it to measurable things such as bank accounts and road maps. We do not allow our financial consultant to have a different view than we do on the sum of 2 + 2 and we do not appreciate diversity among airline navigators when we want to land in Chicago and not in "whatever." The creationist view, as a subdivision of a Christian view of reality and history, is that the Universe is a Unity. Reality is real and the same for all of us although we may see it differently. The law of cause and effect operates in the spiritual realm as well as the physical and it all comes back to the nature of God Who created and sustains all things. Thus, there is no artificial division between the scientific and the religious. Now perhaps you have only been turned off by what you see to be bad examples of research and scholarship by those carrying the creationist banner, and that may be sadly true. But I hope as you look at some of the publications I am sending you that you will see that there is sophisticated work being done that may change your overall impression of the movement. The Biblical creationist believes that understanding of creation comes both from the Bible and from nature. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, Chapter One, indicates that the Apostle believed (and to the Christian who also accepts the Scripture as inspired by the Holy Spirit, that God believes) that nature is so clear in pointing to the necessity of a Creator and so explicit in delineating something of His eternal power and divine nature, that those who refuse to acknowledge are "without excuse." It even goes on to say that because of this, those people will be abandoned by God to become fools, even as they think themselves wise, and to become victims to their most base nature. I think we have empirical evidence of that in such notable figures as Princeton Ethicist Peter Singer who has concluded that the traditional prohibition of sex with animals is a reflection of "speciesism" - we just think we are better! He then goes on to discuss sex with chickens. He probably does not live by his philosophy because we already know that despite his teaching the obligation to sacrifice the useless for the good of the useful, he still supports his aged mother who is suffering from Alzheimer's. I want to clarify the options in dealing with religious claims. It is not really possible to automatically assign them to the subjective realm of defense mechanisms or coping techniques - the sort of view that says (as does our remarkable governor of Minnesota) "OK, you are not strong enough to face reality so you have to believe in rewards beyond the grave." Nor is it enough to note that without some sort of fear of divine retribution, it may be hard to control the masses and produce a safe society - the sort of view that tends to say, "It is good that they will all be sheep, but those of us `in the know' might just decide to be wolves." Thus I applaud you for admitting the logical necessity that there might be a supernatural and want to sharpen the focus on what that really means. At one point you stated, however, that you were repulsed by the idea of the "God of the gaps." In other words, when a phenomenon did not have a known natural explanation, if someone claimed this to be evidence for a supernatural explanation, you were not going to easily accept that logical jump. This position is usually bolstered by the claim that in the past we did not have explanations for things like eclipses or nuclear forces and since now we do, if God would have been postulated as the cause, His realm would be shrinking. I have tried to deal with that idea, perhaps clumsily, and the next example jumps ahead to part of the answer to a question you put to me, namely how would I be able to detect the supernatural. Since I am recovering from a serious injury (in which I see the providence of God, see thttp://rossolson.org/family/falls_angels.html) I have more time on my hands than usual and read a publication that I usually simply shelf, namely the American Scientific Affiliation's Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith. What I found was an article entitled "In Favor of Gods-of-the-Gaps Reasoning" by David Snoke. (See reprinted at http://snoke2.phyast.pitt.edu and click on "Gaps.pdf"), Dr. Snoke articulately conveys what I had vaguely appreciated, namely that this is a completely logical and defensible method of reasoning, and that the cautions are not really as concerning as the critics maintain. Another response you made, in your section on Robert Gentry, is that you would find it hard to believe that God had created a world with "the appearance of age" which would have been somewhat deceptive (and that only Robert Gentry, after thousands of years, was able to find the key to unlock the mystery.) I have wrestled with this concern during the time that I had accepted the evidence for design but still could not see the evidence for a young age. Yet, suppose God created an adult couple, Adam and Eve, and introduced them to you who were allowed to return to that time as an observer, and asked you, "How old do you think they are?" From your perspective, you would have probably guessed whatever you consider the perfect adult age to be, whether that be 20 or 30 or a youthful but wise 40 (I would really argue with you if you started to exceed 50.) But God would say, Adam is 12 hours old, and Eve is quite a bit younger, only about 15 minutes. Would you say, "But God, that is deceptive because they look older?" He might say, "It is only deceptive to the one who does not hear the explanation. I could not create helpless infants or impulsive children, but of necessity, because of my purpose, created competent adults. By the way, did you notice the lack of belly buttons?" Likewise, a full sized tree might look decades or centuries old, whether it had been created in situ or made to grow at a greatly accelerated rate (with or without growth rings). And what is it that makes a landscape appear mature or old except our preconceptions concerning what it takes to cause it to appear that way. The island of Surtsey, off the coast of Iceland, appeared as a new volcanic eruption and within a few decades had the appearance of a "normal" landscape including fauna and flora. Similar things have been seen in the aftermath of Mount St. Helens eruption. So it is not possible to say that a certain landform must of necessity take millions of years to develop. IDENTIFYING THE SUPERNATURAL You have done some commendable thinking on the detection of the supernatural which I will reprint here before going on the answer a bit more of your question as to how I propose to detect the supernatural and how this leads into the Biblical understanding of the concept of faith. "It seems to me that two classes of supernatural manifestations can be imagined. There could be supernatural manifestations that don't violate our understanding of naturalistic science (for example, nudging mutations in a particular direction, causing lightning or an earthquake to strike at a particular place), a kind of hidden influence over apparent chaos. For such examples that do not violate our understanding of naturalistic science, there can be no scientific evidence for or against supernatural intervention. That's why I don't rule out the supernatural in such case, though I don't know how anyone could deduce supernatural intervention in the same examples without reference to a faith-based framework." "Then as a second class, there could be supernatural intervention that does violate our understanding - a miracle? For me to accept such an example as a product of the supernatural, it would have to be well-documented, and alternative interpretations would have to be fairly considered but ruled out. As examples of alternate interpretations I would consider:" "1. lies by those who report the event (if I did not witness it myself) 2. embellishment of a true naturalistic event (especially if the story of the apparent miracle was handed down through many intermediaries and if no original contemporary documentation survives) 3. magic tricks, i.e. conjuring intentionally designed to be deceiving. The "miracles" witnessed by the faithful at the Oracle of Delphi apparently fell into that category, as do the "miraculous recoveries" faked by unscrupulous faith healers in our day. (I have witnessed many magic tricks that I cannot explain so I know I can be fooled by well-executed deception.) 4. hallucinations, misinterpretations or various forms of self-delusion regarding naturalistic phenomena that were not engineered to deceive 5. examples of naturalistic phenomena whose explanation is known, but not known to me 6. examples of naturalistic phenomena whose explanation is not known by anyone, implying that our understanding of science needs to be expanded, but not necessarily that the phenomena need to be attributed to the supernatural 7. a true supernatural event" I agree with your logical analysis and maintain that what the Bible calls faith is not qualitatively different from what you have described. God does not want people to believe just anything but rather to believe the truth. He wants them to acknowledge His existence, not as a blind acceptance of something that does not make sense but as a logical conclusion from experience. Creation does indeed point to a Creator. Philosophers can get all tangled up in hard core skepticism that claims we can never know anything with certainty, but that is not the way we live. We assume that the objects and people in our lives are real and react to situations appropriately without getting into a mental Gordian knot every time we have to do something. We even eat our meals in faith that we are not being poisoned - unless, of course, some evidence interjects itself to the contrary. God did not give brownie points to the prophets of Baal who were sincerely serving their god, an evil being who demanded human sacrifice and promoted sexual libertinism. And God did not expect those who served and obeyed Him to do so without a basis. Rather, He identified Himself as the God who brought Israel out of Egypt with powerful signs and miracles that added up to a pretty good confirmation of the supernatural. He then gave them His Law, which resonated with their consciences as a clear statement of how people ought to live. In the New Testament, God identified Himself as the God Who raised Jesus from death, a powerful sign to those who were there and even a compelling historical argument to those who examine the claims in detail and look at the results in the lives of those who took the message and went out to change the world, even being willing to die for their claims. This is opposed to the faulty understanding of faith that is so common today, that it is something that affects you emotionally because you believe it regardless of whether it is really true, or the New Age concept that it is a reality that you create in your mind. Once a person has become convinced of the reality of God and of the veracity of His revelation, for example through the Bible, there will points at which action needs to be taken that are consistent with that belief. This is where faith gets feet. For example, if I really believe that the spiritual realm is more important than the physical realm, that it is more important to do right and suffer for it than to gain rewards in this life, I may be faced with situations where I have to demonstrate that faith by taking a risk. For example, and to fast forward to a question similar to the ones you ask at the end of your last response, do I believe that there is an evil spiritual realm that affects human beings? The answer to that is that I do, as the Bible describes. (Further discussion of this and your other specific questions is kept for another time.) Are there unknowns and complications in making judgments in specific cases? Yes, I agree there are. Yet there were two times when I was confronted by the possibility of spiritual evil in a patient and I responded in a way I thought appropriate, although there are ways to second guess the specific response. But, simply by entertaining the possibility, I was charged before the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice, which issues my license to practice medicine, with, at first, insanity, then, after further review, mere incompetence. (See http://rossolson.org/new_age/insane.html) Because of my conviction that I was right in principle, as a physician who is also a Christian, to consider this diagnosis, despite being far outside the scope of usual medical practice, I would not agree to "never do it again," and I determined to support the decision. Many people prayed and although it was the intention of those on the other side to make an example of me, the result was in both cases dismissal of the charges. To me, it felt like walking out of the lions' den without a scratch seeing the lions confused and frustrated. In my own life, although I was raised in a Christian home, I came to a crisis of faith where I had to re examine the basis for my faith. I was depressed and in despair over defects and deficiencies in my own life and considered that I had probably just made up the whole idea of God. Yet when I considered the Universe, looking up from the bottom, it seemed that if there were no God, nothing made any sense. Yes, there was design, and although it was mixed with evil and suffering, there was also beauty. And even the possibility of decision was impossible if I were nothing but a series of bouncing molecules, for which one could truly make another bounce a different way. And what of this longing for meaning? If absurdity were the only reality, why did I want there to be more? Therefore, although I did not understand why I had to go through mental suffering, I cried out to God and offered Him the broken pieces of my life for whatever He could make of them. The Bible became believable to me for a mixture of reasons, including its powerful message that we are not accidents but creations of a loving God Who treasures each of us. The problem of evil was explained by God's decision to give us free will, free to disobey as well as to obey, and the fact that we have all used our will perversely. This allowed evil to enter and fall not only on those who deserve it but also on the innocent. Although this leaves us with the question of why God would created a world destined to go sour, still we see that He is big enough to use the evil to bring people to the end of themselves and into recognition of their deep need for a relationship with Him. And most of all, the problem of sin and its just penalty allowed Him to show the depth of His love by becoming one of us, living as a man, suffering and dying, taking the punishment we deserved so that by accepting His forgiveness, we are allowed to be restored to fellowship with Him. Since my acceptance of this as fact and my determination to live with these spiritual realities foremost in my mind, I have seen many circumstances fall into place, such as the ones I have mentioned. When I started with my present HMO job, just after returning from the mission field, I was very open about my faith and felt it to be completely appropriate to talk about the meaning of life to those who were in despair or overwhelmed by life's surprises. There was some opposition from the management and even from some fellow Christian doctors who said that although it might be ideal, in the real world of a secular organization, it was not possible. They are wonderful people and I respect them for many reasons, but in this area, I think they had compromised. I, for my part, could not picture myself standing before God to face a question like this, "I sent you a depressed teen who said life had no meaning. Why did you not tell her of Me?" "Well, God, you see it isn't that simple. I really wanted to but it was sort of against unspoken company policy." As it turned out, the pressure to steer clear of spiritual matters evaporated and now, spirituality, including everything from Shaman to Yoga is allowed, even, grudgingly, Christianity. And, as the company faced reorganization and downsizing, I have been relatively spared the worst consequences and have seen both my practice and my income preserved to a greater degree than most others. A move I made to a different clinic, which at the time seemed to be the "short straw," turned out to be the only road to security. I am not gloating nor was I even doing it for reward, but I see that obedience was rewarded with enough evidence so that I already know it was God's best will for me. So, I think a lot of territory has been covered. There is the opportunity to stop at this point, go away mad, just go away, or to pick up the profitable threads of the discussion. If you can see that pursuit of poor creationist scholarship is a pointless trip, then we can discuss ideas. If that is your entrance requirement for further interaction, then I bid you goodbye. If you desire to stay safely with the herd, sticking to refereed publications, consensus thinking and approved interactions, then you will probably never grow beyond your present level of understanding. Yet you have the sparks of something more in you, and I suspect that you are capable of sticking your head up above the shoulders of the rest of the herd and noticing that the whole formation is headed off the edge of a dangerous cliff. Having glimpsed that, will you fear the ridicule of herd more than the real and eternal consequences? Only you can answer. With genuine affection and concern for the future,
Tuesday, June 2, 2015 Phenomenology 107: Amazing Pennsylvania Paranormal Event Phenomenology 107 is happening June 18th to the 21st in York, PA! List of guest speakers - Chris Fleming, Travis Walton, Eric Altman, Bill Bean, Bob Christopher, Chris Dedman, Steven LaChance, Keith Ramsey, Dave Juliano, Carmen Reed, Chris Nicoletti, Stacey Jones, Chris Zaffis, Katrina Weidman, Aimee Zaffis, Debra and Tony Pickman, Benny Reed and Jonathan Hodges. This 4-day event has lots of lectures, a Monster Mash, and lots of investigations including Gettysburg, Haldeman Mansion, Union Field Hospital, Michael Crist Farm, the Daniel Lady Farm, General Reynolds Building, teen investigations, and more! (click the investigations button on the site). I would seriously want to go to this tour - Eric Altman, Bigfoot and cryptid expert, will be taking a group into the Chickies Rock area. This mysterious forest area is where people have gone missing, been killed, and tons of strange phenomena have been reported including cryptid creatures. If you want a taste of something seriously disturbing, a mix of dark tragic history, unexplained mysteries, ancient energy, creepy creatures, and an urban legend shivers and chills thrill, this is it! Here's the event page on Facebook Here's the site to buy your tickets and learn more on Phenomology This looks like an amazing summertime Para event - go forward, my para geeks, and partake of the unexplained! All you folks who live the East, lucky ducks! at 1:00:00 PM
The Black Shuck is the name of a large ghostly black dog from folklore in the British Isles. Other names consist of Old Shuck, Old Shock, and Shuck. It is said that it roams around the coastline and countryside of East Anglia. The origins of the name “Shuck” come from the word scucca, which means “demon”. Or it could have derived from a local word “shucky” which means “shaggy” or “hairy”. The Black Shuck is classified as a cryptid with a variety of accounts and sightings, and sometimes referred to as an omen of death. Some locals believe that if you encounter the creature it is a warning that you will die on the last day of the year. Others claim seeing the dog will mean almost immediate death. However, most claims are that the creature terrorizes them, then leaves them alone; but sometimes a close relative will die or become ill. The Black Shuck has also been portrayed as a protector. Helping lost travelers, or accompanying women on their way home. In 1877, a writing from Walter Rye states the shuck is “the most curious of our local apparitions, as they are no doubt varieties of the same animal.” In another writing from W. A. Dutt from the 1901 Highways and Byways in East Anglia, the Black Shuck is described below: “He takes the form of a huge black dog, and prowls along dark lanes and lonesome field footpaths, where, although his howling makes the hearer’s blood run cold, his footfalls make no sound. You may know him at once, should you see him, by his fiery eye; he has but one, and that, like the Cyclops’, is in the middle of his head. But such an encounter might bring you the worst of luck: it is even said that to meet him is to be warned that your death will occur before the end of the year. So you will do well to shut your eyes if you hear him howling; shut them even if you are uncertain whether it is the dog fiend or the voice of the wind you hear. Should you never set eyes on our Norfolk Snarleyow you may perhaps doubt his existence, and, like other learned folks, tell us that his story is nothing but the old Scandinavian myth of the black hound of Odin, brought to us by the Vikings who long ago settled down on the Norfolk coast.” The Black Shuck is described as a large black dog with flaming eyes of red or green. The size of the beast varies from a large dog to the size of a calf or horse. Some have told of the beast being headless or floating on a layer of mist. The most famous account claimed of the Black Shuck happened on August 4, 1577 at Bungay and Blythburgh churches, and since has become an iconic part of the area. The beast was reported to burst through the church door at Blythburgh, passed by the congregation killing a man and boy. Then the church steeple fell through the roof. As the beast left the church, it left scorch marks on the north door that can still be seen today. Locals describe the marks as the Devil’s fingerprints. On the same day at the church in Bungay, the beast ran up the isle killing two while they knelt in prayer. An historic novel by I.S. Morgan, “The Black Dog of Bungay,” recounts the event from 1577. Sighting claims of the Black Shuck have occurred as recently as 1980. Image Caption: (LEFT IMAGE) Title page of the account of Rev. Abraham Fleming’s account of the appearance of the ghostly black dog “Black Shuck” at the church of Bungay, Suffolk in 1577. Credit: Abraham Fleming/Wikipedia | (RIGHT IMAGE) Black Dog, a supernatural dog that appears as an omen of great change. Credit: Liza Phoenix/Wikipedia (CC BY 3.0)
Freaks of Nature, featuring an ajolote on its front cover (Dr Karl Shuker) As a child in the late 1960s, I owned several of the animal editions in a series of tiny but fascinating books, each barely 3 inches long and containing just 32 pages, which were published by Bancroft and were aptly entitled 'Bancroft Tiddlers'. Sadly, most of mine are now long gone, having either fallen apart from over-enthusiastic use or been cut up for their pictures to paste in my numerous animal scrapbooks that I used to prepare with great zeal back in those far-distant days. One 'Bancroft Tiddler' dealt with beetles (and I still own this today), others dealt with prehistoric animals, rare animals, tropical birds, etc. However, the one that I still recall most readily, #13 in the series, was entitled Freaks of Nature, and the reason why it made such an impression upon me was its front cover picture - which featured one of the most extraordinary creatures that I had ever seen. As shown in this present ShukerNature blog post's opening illustration, the creature in question resembled a long, pink, segmented, coiled-up earthworm, except for its small but well-differentiated head (possessing a mouth and a pair of tiny dark eyes) – and, most dramatic of all, for the even smaller, single pair of clawed limbs visible just a little way back from its head, which looked rather like a pair of ears! The ajolote spread from Freaks of Nature This vermiform 'freak of nature' (which one might be forgiven nowadays for dismissing as an imaginative Photoshopped creation!) also appeared inside the book. There, it was revealed to be something called an ajolote, with the generic name Bipes (translating as 'two-footed'), which was a worm-lizard from Mexico. As can be seen from the above image, little else was said about it inside my 'Bancroft Tiddler', but it was enough to fire my interest and imagination, and stimulate me to seek out additional information concerning this astonishing little animal. I discovered that the ajolote (of which there are four, very similar species, the best known being Bipes biporus, all approximately 6-9 inches long, confined exclusively to Mexico, and also known as mole lizards), was a very special type of amphisbaenian or worm-lizard. These latter reptiles are related to but taxonomically separate from both true lizards and snakes. 19th-Century sepia engraving of a limbless amphisbaenian They are known as worm-lizards because superficially they do greatly resemble earthworms, both morphologically and behaviourally - spending much of their time in subterranean seclusion, moving via peristaltic locomotion, devouring real earthworms and other invertebrates, and often only emerging above-ground at night or when flushed out during heavy rain. Moreover, their tails are so similar in form to their heads that it is often difficult to decide which end of an amphisbaenian is which (their name is directly derived from the mythical amphisbaena - a worm-like monster with a head at each end of its body). Amphisbaenians are native to tropical Africa, Morocco, the Middle East, southern Europe (Iberia and Anatolia), Florida, Mexico, the West Indies, and South America, and the vast majority are entirely limbless. The only exceptions are the four ajolote species, thanks to their tiny forelimbs. 19th-Century engraving of an ajolote (in the days when only a single species was recognised, and was referred to scientifically as Chirotes caniculatus) Like other amphisbaenians, however, ajolotes are predominantly subterranean, fossorial species, feeding upon insects, worms, and very small lizards. They even breed underground, the female laying 1-4 eggs in July, which take 2 months to hatch. Sadly, however, ajolotes only live for 1-2 years. Recently, I discovered online the eyecatching photograph below of an ajolote, and it seems evident that the drawing in Freaks of Nature was based upon it, but I have been unable to find any credit for this photograph, so any information regarding it would be greatly welcomed. Online photograph of an ajolote (Photo owner unknown to me) Interestingly, the ajolote has also cropped up as a possible identity in relation to two entirely separate creatures of cryptozoology – the European tatzelworm, and the Mongolian death worm. One of the most tenaciously elusive mystery beasts has been reported for centuries from the Alps mountain range, extending through Switzerland, Austria, Italy, and Bavaria. It remains unknown to science, but is well known locally as the tatzelworm ('clawed worm'), stollenworm ('hole-dwelling worm'), or springworm ('jumping worm'). Tatzelworm model ((Markus Bühler) Many eyewitness accounts of tatzelworms have been documented, some containing conflicting morphological details. Generally, however, this enigmatic beast can be described as follows. Measuring 2-4 ft long, with light-coloured skin usually appearing smooth or surfaced with tiny scales, the tatzelworm is very elongate in shape, with a short and surprisingly cat-like head, a long worm-like body, and a blunt tail. Some observers claim that it has a pair of short clawed limbs at the front of its body; a few state that it also has a second, hind pair of limbs; and some allege that it has no limbs at all (although they may simply have been overlooked). It reputedly lives mainly in holes or burrows, but is sometimes encountered basking in alpine meadows on sunny days. If approached, it will usually vanish swiftly into its hole, but there are reports of decidedly belligerent tatzelworms that have leapt towards their startled eyewitnesses, usually causing them to flee rather than continue their observations! Although the existence of such a sizeable creature still undiscovered by science in the Alps may seem unlikely to outsiders, the tatzelworm's reality to these mountains' inhabitants is such that in the 1800s it was even featured in three major alpine guides. According to one of them, Swiss naturalist Friedrich von Tschudi's Das Thierleben der Alpenwelt (1861): "In the Bernese Oberland and the Jura the belief is widespread that there exists a sort of 'cave-worm' which is thick, 30 to 90 cm long, and has two short legs; it appears at the approach of storms after a long dry spell." A tatzelworm drawing matching the above description had appeared 20 years earlier in a Swiss almanac, Alpenrosen. The tatzelworm as depicted in Alpenrosen However, perhaps the most famous tatzelworm illustration is the sketch of a 'scaly log' with a toothy grin, plus front and rear limbs, featuring in a Bavarian handbook, Neues Taschenbuch für Natur-, Forst- und Jagdfreunde auf das Jahr 1836, and based upon the description given by someone claiming to have shot one of these creatures. The tatzelworm as depicted in the above-cited handbook Over the years, some fascinating tatzelworm sightings have been recorded. One of the most dramatic, however, must surely have been the decidedly close encounter of the scary kind experienced one day in summer 1921 by a poacher and a herdsman while hunting on Austria's Hochfilzenalm Mountain, near Rauris. Suddenly, they became aware of a very strange animal, lying on a rock close by, watching them. Measuring 2-3 ft long, it was grey in colour, as thick as a human arm, with a feline, fist-sized head, and a thick tail. Alarmed, the poacher raised his rifle and shot at this bizarre beast - but as he did so, the creature, living up to its alternative name of 'springworm', abruptly jumped up through the air towards them, revealing two small front limbs but no rear limbs. Unsurprisingly, the men raced away. A pallid smooth-skinned specimen measuring approximately 18 in long with two stub-like front limbs and noticeably large eyes was encountered in April 1929 by a teacher seeking the entrance to a cave on Austria's Mount Landsberg. The creature, which may have been a juvenile specimen in view of its small size, was lying in wet mouldy leaves, but swiftly vanished into a hole close by when the teacher tried to capture it. Tatzelworm model (Markus Bühler) Intriguingly, together with a number of snakes, an apparent tatzelworm was discovered in 1933 concealed inside a hollow space behind a stone wall being removed by some workmen at Spittal an der Drau in Austria. According to their description, it was 3 ft long, dirty white in colour with a yellowish tinge, and cylindrical in shape, with a cat-like head, big eyes, and two short front legs. The workmen gingerly manoeuvred this peculiar animal onto a shovel and, along with its serpentine companions, tossed it into the nearby Lieser river - across which it rapidly swam, until it disappeared from sight on the far-side bank. Another noteworthy sighting took place near St Pankraz, Austria, in 1922, when a 12-year-old girl playing in a wooded area ran to see why her sister, playing close by, had suddenly begun to cry. When she reached her, the girl was terrified to spy, no more than 4 yards away, a grey-coloured creature with transverse grooves across its body, crawling between some stones. Measuring at least 1 ft long, it resembled a giant worm, but sported a pair of paws behind its head. Too shocked to move, the two sisters gazed at it in fascinated horror for a time before summoning up enough courage to run away. A number of identities have been suggested in relation to the tatzelworm, including an unknown species of reduced-limbed lizard (several skinks, for instance, possess only a single pair of limbs), or even a legless lizard, as typified by the familiar slow worm Anguis fragilis and the larger European glass snake or scheltopusik Pseudopus apodus. 19th-Century colour engraving of a scheltopusik As noted in my book The Beasts That Hide From Man (2003), however, by far the closest correspondence to the tatzelworm's reported morphology is provided by the ajolotes. Yet, frustratingly, these are unknown outside Mexico. However, there are several species of limbless amphisbaenian native to southern Europe. So is it conceivable that a large, highly elusive, undescribed species of two-legged, ajolote-lookalike amphisbaenian still awaits formal scientific discovery in central Europe? The second cryptid that has been compared with the ajolote is a little-known mystery beast that I learnt about from veteran Mongolian death worm seeker Ivan Mackerle. Here is what I wrote about it in my extensive Fortean Studies paper (vol. 4, 1997) on the death worm that was later updated and republished as a chapter in my book The Beasts That Hide From Man (2003). The Beasts That Hide From Man, depicting a reconstruction of the Mongolian death worm by Ivan Mackerle on its front cover (Dr Karl Shuker) It was documented by Mongolian author S. Dzhambaldorzh in his book Mongol Nuucyn Chelchee ('Braid of Mongolian Secrets') (1990), which contains a section regarding the death worm, entitled 'The most interesting rare worm in the world'. In that section, Dzhambaldorzh includes a report concerning an obscure cryptid that may or may not be one and the same as the death worm. Derived from geographer B. Avirmed of the Mongolian Geographical Institute, this report had first appeared in 1981, within a Mongolian newspaper. It featured the eyewitness testimony of a Mongolian shepherd: "Shepherd L. Chorloo (Khorlaw) from Chongor Gobi in the south Gobi aimak (country) stated: "Here we see an interesting creature. Its body looks like salami, half of which is taken up by the head, and on the rear it has wings. I have seen it twice. On both occasions it was lying dead at the well." Is it possible that this 'winged salami' is actually a worm-like reptile with only a single pair of legs, which, in a desert terrain, would probably be splayed or spatulate in shape for digging, and might therefore resemble wings? Needless to say, the ajolotes once again come readily to mind. Morphologically speaking, an extra-large ajolote would certainly provide a very plausible explanation for the legged/winged mystery worm of Chongor Gobi. Or at least it would if we are willing to assume that, because amphisbaenians' heads and tails are very similar in appearance - and because he had only ever seen dead specimens of his 'salami' cryptid - the shepherd may have mistakenly thought that his mystery beast's 'wings' (i.e. its spade-shaped legs) were at its body's rear end instead of its front end. Photograph of a captive specimen of ajolote (at El Serpentario, La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico), showing one of its tiny forelegs (Marlin Harms/Wikipedia) Even so, as ajolotes constitute an exclusively New World quartet, as with the tatzelworm this identification is zoogeographically unsatisfactory. Of course, as again noted earlier with the tatzelworm, it is conceivable that an Old World amphisbaenian lineage could have given rise to an undiscovered ajolote counterpart by convergent evolution. Yet aside from the account of the Chongor Gobi mystery beast, there is not a scrap of death worm related evidence to suggest this. Moreover, there is not even a single known species of amphisbaenian on record from the Far East anyway. Alternatively, the Chongor Gobi cryptid could be a species of two-legged lizard - of which a number of species are already known to science. Yet regardless of its morphological similarity or otherwise to various species already known to science, it is still unclear whether or not this legged mystery beast from the Chongor Gobi is indeed one and the same as the seemingly limbless death worm reported elsewhere in the Gobi. Bearing in mind, however, that nomads prefer to keep as great a distance as feasible between themselves and any death worm that they encounter, it is not impossible that the latter cryptid really does possess a small, inconspicuous pair of limbs - but which can only be discerned if viewed at extremely close range or in dead specimens, and whose presence is therefore not widely realised, even among the nomads. Finally: just in case you're wondering how I've been able to include photos here of both the cover and the ajolote spread from Freaks of Nature, bearing in mind that my childhood copy no longer exists, the answer is simple – a few days ago I was delighted to discover a copy for sale on ebay, so I duly bought it, for £2.50 plus p&p. And as you can see from the photo below of its front cover, to which its original price label was still affixed before I carefully removed it, book prices have certainly risen in the years since this little 'Bancroft Tiddler', first published in 1966 and written by Nicky Tulissio, was available in the shops! 2½p for a brand-new book! Those were the days! Front cover of Freaks of Nature with its original price label still affixed (Dr Karl Shuker)
Posted by: Guy Edwards on July 10th, 2012 The feds were quick to deny Mermaids, but this is not so for Bigfoot Two Cryptids handled differently by two federal agencies. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) was very quick to deny Mermaids, while the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) seems to embrace bigfoot. NOAA is a big agency with almost a $6 Billion dollar budget, that is 6 times the amount of the BLM, you would think they would have bigger “fish” to fry. Could the parent departments have anything to do with these different tacts? NOAA and BLM work under two different departments; Commerce and Interior respectively. Let’s quickly go over NOAA’s denial. On July 3rd the British paper The Telegraph wrote: The National Ocean Service, a scientific agency of the Commerce Department, felt compelled to make the somewhat obvious statement in a response to a rash of inquiries made after a spoof documentary was broadcast on US television. “No evidence of aquatic humanoids has ever been found,” the NOS said in a post on its website. The conclusion was apparently not based on research but was drawn from publicly available resources. “We don’t have a mermaid service programme,” a spokeswoman told the BBC, prompting sighs of relief from American tax payers.The Telegraph The official statement can be found on the NOAA website. Our initial guess is NOAA is inexperienced in dealing with requests for cryptid information, while we are sure, for BLM, an uptick in questions after a TV show is old hat. They even have a Bigfoot rafting on the banner of their blog. They have even produced a video suggesting three great Sasquatch hotspots. Go to Bigfoot Lunch Club to watch the video of BLM suggested Bigfoot sites.
Glen is one of the newer additions to the bloggo family. He wrote to me out of the blue last year to ask wherther we wanted a Western Isles volume in our Mystery Animals of Britain series. We argeed that we did indeed want one, and commissioned him. What we were not expecting was such a bloody good writer and all round nice guy, who - by the way - is writing several other volumes for us... The hummingbird (family Trochilidae) is famed for many things - not least their ability to fly backwards. Of course, not forgetting their small size; the world’s smallest known bird is the bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae) which measures in at just 2.24 inches. What is less well reported is that the range where these magnificent flying marvels can be found? In case you don’t know there range is restricted to the Americas and the Caribbean, which makes the report of a sighting of a Sumatran humming bird all the more remarkable. You see Sumatra is part of Indonesia, and that is on the other side of the Pacific from where you would normally expect to find hummingbirds fluttering about the blooms. It was in the late 1950’s when Otto and Nina Irrgang reported that they had sighted a new species of hummingbird, one that was only half the size of the bee hummingbird; at 1.5 inches it was a seriously short fellow. Luckily one of their sightings occurred when one bird hovered within a foot of their faces. Given this close encounter it is hardly surprising that the pair managed to get a good description of the mystery bird, describing it as having a stripped yellow back and with a brown underside. As befitting a true mystery cryptid it is needless to say no known Indonesian bird fits the description neither sharing the colour pattern or the birds small size, for even the smallest bird in the island chain measures 3.5 inches at maturity. So the question has to be asked is there really a Sumatran humming bird awaiting discovery or could this whole report be based on the sighting of an unidentified insect
Call of Duty: Ghosts' Invasion DLC previewed Activision has released a new video previewing Call of Duty: Ghosts next expansion pack, Invasion. The new DLC includes four multiplayer maps that take you on an "international trip of mayhem," along with the next chapter in the Extinction four-part episodic narrative. "Explore an ancient Egyptian palace in Pharaoh, move through a Mexican Dia de los Muertos celebration in Departed, take to a Caribbean pirate hideout in Mutiny, and revisit the Favela in Brazil, a refreshed version of the fan-favorite Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 map," Activision teases. "Extinction continues its gripping storyline with Episode 3: Awakening. Descend into an alien underworld and strike at the mysterious puppet-masters behind the Cryptid invasion. Three new Cryptid species await players, along with some familiar enemies and allies." Invasion will arrive first on Xbox LIVE on June 3, with its release on other platforms following shortly after. Invasion is the third of four planned DLC packs through the Call of Duty Season Pass.
All over the United States, cattle are being brutally mutilated and nobody seems to know who is doing it. Hearts, udders, teets, ears, tongues and reproductive organs are being removed, and in most of these cases the cuts are made with surgical precision and no trace of blood is left behind at the scene. Sometimes the mutilated cattle are left in the mud or in deep snow, but there are no footprints or any other signs that anyone had ever been there. This phenomenon has been going on for many years, especially in the western half of the U.S., and yet authorities have no leads and absolutely no explanation for why this is happening. Could it be possible that there is not a natural explanation for this unexplained mystery? That is what one rancher out in Missouri thinks. She has had several cattle mutilated over the past few years, and the latest incident that happened on her ranch got so much national attention that it even made the Drudge Report. The mutilation of her cows fits the same pattern that we have seen all over America, and she is convinced that it could be the work of aliens. The following is how the CBS affiliate in St. Louis described this case… Who would cut the tongues and take the reproductive organs from several cows? That’s the mystery police in a small town 90 miles away from Kansas City are dealing with. Robert Hills, Henry County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy, says the first cow was discovered in December of 2011, the second and third this summer. All were female cows and were owned by rancher Lyn Mitchell. Why would someone do something like this? The kinds of mutilations that were done to her cattle are absolutely disgusting… The next two discovered on July 9th and 19th of this year had their tongues removed along with their udders, anus, reproductive organs, and ears. A veterinarian wasn’t called to examine the first two cows. But one did examine the third one. Mitchell said the veterinarian told her the cuts to the cow were precise and surgical. Also what seems to be the common denominator of all these incidents is the lack of blood and other bodily fluids surrounding the area and inside the animal. Posted below is a video of Lyn Mitchell describing what happened to her cattle. Nobody should ever have to go through something like this… Unfortunately, this has been happening all over the United States. The first reported case of this phenomenon happened back in 1967, and most of the reported cases have been in the western half of the country. The following is from the Wikipedia article on this phenomenon… Cattle mutilation (also known as bovine excision) is the killing and mutilation of cattle under apparently unusual or anomalous circumstances. Sheep and horses have allegedly been mutilated under similar circumstances. A hallmark of these incidents is the surgical nature of the mutilation, and unexplained phenomena such as the complete draining of the animal’s blood, loss of internal organs with no obvious point of entry, and surgically precise removal of the reproductive organs and anal coring. Another reported event is that the animal is found dumped in an area where there are no marks or tracks leading to or from the carcass, even when it is found in soft ground or mud. The surgical-type wounds tend to be cauterized by an intense heat and made by very sharp/precise instruments, with no bleeding evident. Often flesh will be removed to the bone in an exact manner, consistent across cases, such as removal of flesh from around the jaw exposing the mandible. Since the time that reports of purported animal mutilations began, the causes have been attributed variously to natural decomposition, normal predators, cryptid predators (like the Chupacabra), extraterrestrials, secretive governmental or military agencies, and cults. Many skeptics have attempted to blame predators for this phenomenon, but if you ask the ranchers that have been victimized, they will clearly tell you that there is no way that predators could have done this. For example, the following is from a story about another case that occurred out in Colorado a few years ago… Manuel Sanchez tucks his leathery hands into well-worn pockets and nods toward a cedar tree where, last month, he found his fourth mysteriously slaughtered calf in as many weeks. “I have no idea what could do this. I wish I did,” he says. Four calves, all killed overnight. Their innards gone. Tongues sliced out. Udders carefully removed. Facial skin sliced and gone. Eyes cored away. Not a single track surrounding the carcasses, which were found in pastures locked behind two gates and a mile from any road. Not a drop of blood on the ground or even on the remaining skin. So if predators are not responsible, then who is? Well, many believe that there is a supernatural explanation. In particular, many believe that cattle mutilation is the work of alien entities. On his blog, paranormal researcher LA Marzulli explained the conclusion that he has come to after his many years of research… In one instance that UFO Hunters reported, the carcass of a mutilated cow was found in six inches of new snow, and there were no footprints around it. It appeared as if it had dropped from the sky. Cattle Mutilations, in my opinion, are but another facet of the UFO phenomena. Are these bovine body parts used in the genetic engineering of alien/human hybrids that Dr. Jacobs and others tell us is happening? Does this mirror what happened long ago when the fallen angels did much the same thing, as described in Genesis 6? Are we once again living in times that are similar to the Days of Noah? In my opinion, the answer is yes. We are looking at the manifested works of fallen angels. Their actions are nefarious and pernicious. How can any one who examines a cattle mutilation, say that those responsible are somehow benevolent? In order to believe that you have to check your brain at the door. Yet we see in some circles of Ufology, that this is precisely the case. The disclosure crowd wants us to embrace the idea that E.T., is benevolent. First of all, this is not E.T. It is the fallen ones, the dark forces of spiritual wickedness that is manifesting, in what I believe are the last days. Think about this, why take a cow or steer, then mutilate it in the most horrific way and then leave it in plain sight? As I stated before, it is deliberate. It causes fear, and fear is the currency of the Luciferians, or satanic beings that are promulgating this in the first place. It is time to realize that this phenomena is not something from the lunatic fringe, nor is it a one time incident. It is real, and burgeoning and not going away! The farmer who was interviewed by UFO hunters had lost 27 cows since 1992, to the mutilation phenomena. He was unnerved and plainly at his wits end. He is getting out of the business and who could blame him, as his life has intersected with High Strangeness. He is dealing with spiritual wickedness, in high places. Rulers and principalities that are fallen, satanic, beings who hate mankind. The enemy is real and cattle mutilations are an example of his calling card. So what do you think? Who do you believe is responsible for doing these things? Please feel free to share your opinion by posting a comment below…
A legendary Chinese cryptid known as Zhenniao (鴆鳥), they are poisonous birds said to have existed in the mountainous regions of southern China. It gained its notoriety of being poisonous from eating venomous viper heads. A famous Chinese idiom "quenching by drinking Zhen" (飲鴆止渴) references the cryptid to express "resorting to reckless/inconsiderate action for solving imminent problem." "A venomous bird appearing in Chinese legends. Its body is as large as an eagle, and its beak is the color of polished bronze, or reddish-black. Its feathers are a brilliant mix of purple and green. These feathers are infused with a venom so deadly that plants wither and die wherever it flies. It is said that in ancient China, the wings of the Zhen were cut off and steeped in rice wine to make a poisonous brew that was used in assassinations. Since there were no known venomous birds, the Zhen was long held to be a mythical creature. However, the recent discovery of a bird with venomous wings in New Guinea has raised the possibility that the Zhen may actually have existed in the past." —Shin Megami Tensei IMAGINE Compendium Zhen can be contracted at all times of day on Shinagawa field. It is one of the demons that can be mounted. "A highly poisonous bird of Chinese lore. It likes to eat snakes with its copper-colored beak. It carries an incredibly potent venom; if it travels over a field, all the crops below will wither, and if one of its feathers falls into one's drink, a single sip can kill a man." —Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Compendium In an EX Mission, the main character is asked by Dionysus to fetch feathers from a Zhen to use in a poisonous wine.
Posted by: Loren Coleman on June 15th, 2006 A remarkable photographic image has been snapped on the morning of June 13, 2006, in a woman’s backyard in the Midwestern state of Nebraska. KETV-7 in Omaha broadcast the picture on June 14, and it appears to be an animal unlike any most people have seen locally. In the short dispatch, the Nebraska news staff report that: Mary Ann Carta lives near 138th and Hamilton streets, and she took some pictures of the animal that she saw. She said it could be a bobcat, but it has her scared about taking her morning walk or allowing her grandchildren to play outside. "I was not afraid at the moment. I was in the house, but I was just thinking about yesterday with the grandkids it was like, what would I have done," Carta said. An expert at the Henry Doorly Zoo is examining the pictures. He thinks it could be a feral cat. What are we to make of the hint of striping on the back? The long canid-like legs? And long thin tail? A werewolf, perhaps? I’m mildly joking, but that moniker has been used in reports before, as we know from the work of Linda Godfrey, northeast of Nebraska, in Wisconsin. Or how about something else from the upper Mountain States? The image does have an cryptid canid or hynea-like appearance, reminding me of the Shunka Warak’in mystery taxidermy mount from the 1880s, seen and recorded from the Yellowstone area, as pictured below, and discussed in Cryptozoology A to Z. What do you think? The following was not added by Loren Coleman; posted by Cryptomundo editors: Click on image for full-size version Enhancement provided by Cryptomundo reader Annie. Out of curiosity, I thought I’d see if I could bring any more detail out of the photo. My outline of the animal was the best I could judge, based to the photo. The face area was fairly difficult to determine. The animal definitely appears to have a tail, but one with a kink in it at the top, giving the impression of a bobbed tail. Anyways, everyone is welcome to judge for themselves. Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 27th, 2011 Leonora Carrington (April 6, 1917 – May 25, 2011) was a British-born Mexican artist, surrealist painter, novelist – and former girlfriend of Max Ernst. She lived most of her life in Mexico City. Carrington has passed away at 94. Part of her life is a sad love story surrounded by passionate art, involving Max Ernst. Ernst’s name is forever tied to the Owlman. The Owlman, sometimes referred to as the Cornish Owlman, or The Owlman of Mawnan, is a purported avian cryptid that was allegedly sighted around mid-1976 in the village of Mawnan, Cornwall. The Owlman is sometimes compared to America’s Mothman in cryptozoological literature. Leonora Carrington’s painting, The Night of the 8th. The Owlman story began when paranormal researcher Tony “Doc” Shiels was approached by a man, Don Melling, who had been visiting the area on holiday from Lancaster. Melling said that on April 17, 1976, his two daughters, 12-year-old June and her 9-year-old sister, Vicky, were walking through the woods near Mawnan church when they saw a large winged creature hovering above the church tower. The girls were frightened and immediately ran to tell their father. According to Shiels, the family had become so perturbed by the sighting that they had abandoned their holiday three days early and that the father would not allow either of his daughters to be interviewed. Sheils was, however, provided with a drawing of the creature made by twelve year old June. Soon a second sighting followed, and other modern sightings have occurred, although some investigators have discussed the story in terms of Shiels’ trickery and magic. Lee Miller – ELT Mesens, Max Ernst, Leonora Carrington and Paul Eluard, Lamb Creek, Cornwall England, 1937 Shiels has suggested himself that surrealism may hold the key. Sixteen days before the first recorded sighting of the Owlman the surrealist artist Max Ernst died. In 1937 Ernst had visited the area with friends (apparently including Carrington according to photographs from that time) and performed rituals to invoke the appearance of all sorts of mysterious creatures. One of these may have been Nightjarman, half bird, half human. Indeed, Max Ernst did develop a fascination with birds that was prevalent in his work (as shown in the two images directly above). His alter ego in paintings, which he called Loplop, was a bird. He suggested this alter-ego was an extension of himself stemming from an early confusion of birds and humans. He said that one night when he was young he woke up and found that his beloved bird had died, and a few minutes later his father announced that his sister was born. Loplop often appeared in collages of other artists’ work, such as Loplop presents André Breton. In 1927 he married Marie-Berthe Aurenche, and it is thought his relationship with her may have inspired the erotic subject matter of The Kiss and other works of this year. In 1930, he appeared in the film L’Âge d’Or, directed by self-identifying Surrealist Luis Buñuel. Ernst began to make sculpture in 1934, and spent time with Alberto Giacometti. In 1938, the American heiress and artistic patron Peggy Guggenheim acquired a number of Max Ernst’s works which she displayed in her new museum in London. Ernst and Peggy Guggenheim were also married to one another from 1942 to 1946. In 1938 he was interned in Camp des Milles, near Aix-en-Provence, along with fellow surrealist, Hans Bellmer, who had recently emigrated to Paris on the outbreak of World War II. Thanks to the intercession of Paul Éluard and other friends, including the journalist Varian Fry, he was discharged a few weeks later. Soon after the Nazi occupation of France, he was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo, but managed to escape and flee to America with the help of Guggenheim. He left behind his lover, Leonora Carrington, and she suffered a major mental breakdown. Ernst and Guggenheim arrived in the United States in 1941 and were married the following year. Along with other artists and friends (Marcel Duchamp and Marc Chagall) who had fled from the war and lived in New York City, Ernst helped inspire the development of Abstract expressionism. Carrington was born in Clayton Green, Chorley, Lancashire, England. Her father was a wealthy textile manufacturer her mother was Irish. She also had an Irish nanny, Mary Cavanaugh, who told her Gaelic tales. Leonora had three brothers. Places she lived as a child included a house called Crookhey Hall. Educated by governesses, tutors and nuns, she was expelled from two schools for her rebellious behavior until her family sent her to Florence where she attended Mrs. Penrose’s Academy of Art. Her father was opposed to an artist’s career for her, but her mother encouraged her. She returned to England and was presented at Court, but according to her, she brought a book to read by Aldous Huxley Eyeless in Gaza (1936), instead. In London she attended the Chelsea School of Art and joined the Academy of Amédée Ozenfant. She saw her first Surrealist painting in a Left Bank gallery in 1927 (when she was ten years old), and met many surrealists, including Paul Éluard. She was already familiar with surrealism from Herbert Read’s book. Leonora Carrington found little encouragement from her family to forge an artistic career. Matthew Gale, curator at Tate Modern, singled out Surrealist poet and patron Edward James as the only champion of her work in Britain. James bought many of her paintings, and in 1947 arranged a show for her work at Pierre Matisse’s Gallery in New York. Some works are still hanging at his former family home now West Dean College in West Dean, West Sussex. Carrington saw Max Ernst’s work in the 1936 International Surrealist Exhibition in London where she was immediately attracted to the Surrealist artist before actually meeting him. Carrington and Ernst, 1937 She met Max Ernst at a party in London in 1937 (apparently around the same time he was doing the rituals in Cornwall). The artists bonded and returned to Paris together where Ernst promptly separated from his wife. In 1938 they left Paris and settled in Saint Martin d’Ardèche in the garrigue, in the south of France. The new couple collaborated and supported each other’s artistic development. With the outbreak of World War II, as noted, Max Ernst was arrested by French authorities for being a “hostile alien.” Thanks to the intercession of Paul Éluard, and other friends including the American journalist Varian Fry he was discharged a few weeks later. Soon after the Nazi occupation of France, Ernst was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo. He managed to escape and flee to America with the help of Peggy Guggenheim, a sponsor of the arts. After Ernst’s arrest, a devastated Carrington fled to Spain. Paralysing anxiety and growing delusions culminated in a final breakdown at the British embassy in Madrid. Her parents intervened and had her institutionalized. She was given cardiazol, a powerful GABA stimulator that was eventually banned by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and other authorities. After being released into the care of a nurse who took her to Lisbon, Carrington ran away and sought refuge in the Mexican Embassy. Meanwhile, Ernst had been extricated from Europe with the help of Peggy Guggenheim, but Ernst and Carrington had experienced so much misery that they were unable to reconnect. Bird Bath, Leonora Carrington. The first important exhibition of her work appeared in 1947 at the Pierre Matisse Gallery in New York City. Leonora Carrington was invited to show her work in an international exhibition of Surrealism where she was the only female English professional painter. She became a celebrity almost overnight. In Mexico she authored and has successfully published several books.The first major exhibition of her work in the UK for twenty years took place at Chichester’s Pallant House Gallery, West Sussex from 17 June to 12 September 2010 as part of a season of major international exhibitions called Surreal Friends, celebrating the place of women in the Surrealist movement. Her work was exhibited alongside pieces by her close friends the Spanish painter Remedios Varo (1908–1963) and the Hungarian photographer Kati Horna (1912–2000). Following the escape to Lisbon, Carrington arranged passage out of Europe with a Mexican diplomat (Renato Leduc), who was a friend of Picasso and who had agreed to marry Carrington as part of the travel arrangements to help her. Events from that period would inform her work perhaps forever. She lived and worked in Mexico after spending part of the 1960s in New York City. “I didn’t have time to be anyone’s muse… I was too busy rebelling against my family and learning to be an artist.” –Leonora Carrington, 1983 Untitled, Leonora Carrington. “She created mythical worlds in which magical beings and animals occupy the main stage, in which cobras merge with goats and blind crows become trees,” the National Arts Council wrote, adding, “These were some of the images that sprang from a mind obsessed with portraying a reality that transcends what can be seen.” Mexican author Elena Poniatowska was a longtime friend of the artist and wrote the novel Leonora based on her life. In Mexico she later married Emericko Weisz. They had two sons: Gabriel Weisz, an intellectual and a poet, and Pablo Weisz, a surrealist artist and doctor. Leonora Carrington died in Mexico City on Wednesday May 25, 2011 while hospitalized due to complications from pneumonia. Thanks to Nick Redfern for the initial news of her death. The above details of her life and its relationship to Ernst and the Owlman events are my compilation. ~ Loren. Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
Posted by: Loren Coleman on October 31st, 2010 Whew. October is almost over. As the end of the month nears, the media requests and interviews kept mounting. On Thursday, during a moment before the next tour, The Portland Daily Sun caught me at the entrance to the museum, waiting for the folks in the next group. Leading up to that, it certainly had been quite a week of visitors. Lots of secretive celebrities of one kind or another found their way to the International Cryptozoology Museum during the days before Halloween. If you were a visitor, and happened to be there at the right time, you might have bumped into some of these folks. Here’s a quick overview. Last Tuesday, the power-pop-punk group Goo Goo Dolls appeared in Portland, Maine, at the State Theater. Bob Keyes’ review the next day in the Portland Press Herald noted a stop the guys had made in town: “It was hard to determine who had more fun at the State Theatre on Tuesday night: the band or the crowd….Bass player and vocalist Robby Takac also created the image that he wanted to be nowhere else. He told stories about his day off in Portland on Monday. He ate lobster, got a haircut and visited the cryptozoology museum just up the street from the theater, posing for a photo with the stuffed Bigfoot.” Then a conspiracy author dropped by. Adam Gorightly, covert author from northern California, stopped to say hi, and discuss matters mysterious. Adam is the hidden talent behind some interesting books. One of my favorite’s is his insightful work James Shelby Downard’s Mystical War, which was released by Virtual Bookworm Publishing, in November 2008. Adam, who authored the underground classic, The Prankster and the Conspiracy: The Story of Kerry Thornley and How He Met Oswald and Inspired the Counterculture (with its foreword by Robert Anton Wilson), is a great person to have penned the biography of Downard. Charles Hall, former rising rock star of the Maine music scene (Gargoyles, Talismen), visited from Manhattan, with his wife, Kasia, who is a graduate student in museum anthropology at Columbia University. In the realm of grrrr, various people came to talk of beasts and lions. For example, there was Mark LaFlamme, infamous as the original crime reporter behind the Terror of Turner, er, the Maine Mutant! He was at the Green Hand Books, along with his wife, promoting his latest work, Box of Lies, and told me that his new novel about the Turner cryptid is finished. It is entitled The Beast, and I bet it will be out in 2011! Here’s Mark with the foot of the Turner beast that is in the museum. Another great couple of people at the museum on Friday were a delight to talk to. Also, I actually went to visit their special friends on Saturday. As it turns out, the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is in town and who should show up for a tour at the museum? None other than the lion man, David Polke, and his wife, a high wire artist, Lynn. The celebrity lion of the circus is a rare white individual. David and Lynn Polke, great circus people. One of their lions is a white one. On Saturday, I took a break from the museum, while docent Sarah McCann covered and ran down to the Civic Center parking lot to see David with his six female lions and one young white male. David let the cats out to exercise in the warmth of the October sunshine, during my visit. All and all, it was great end to a busy week. Were you there too? You are a celebrity in my mind. So send in your photos. Loren Coleman is one of the world’s leading cryptozoologists, some say “the” leading living cryptozoologist. Certainly, he is acknowledged as the current living American researcher and writer who has most popularized cryptozoology in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Starting his fieldwork and investigations in 1960, after traveling and trekking extensively in pursuit of cryptozoological mysteries, Coleman began writing to share his experiences in 1969. An honorary member of Ivan T. Sanderson’s Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained in the 1970s, Coleman has been bestowed with similar honorary memberships of the North Idaho College Cryptozoology Club in 1983, and in subsequent years, that of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club, CryptoSafari International, and other international organizations. He was also a Life Member and Benefactor of the International Society of Cryptozoology (now-defunct). Loren Coleman’s daily blog, as a member of the Cryptomundo Team, served as an ongoing avenue of communication for the ever-growing body of cryptozoo news from 2005 through 2013. He returned as an infrequent contributor beginning Halloween week of 2015. Coleman is the founder in 2003, and current director of the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, Maine.
I've been watching the superhero shows, but haven't had time to review them... that'll come later, I'm sure. I'm also going through my Hugo reading to figure out what I'm going to nominate, which is MUCH harder even than I thought it would be. In the meantime, I'm trying to catch up with the comics and Fortean Times... DCBS comic books that I've gotten around to reading and reviewing, sorted by the original shipping date: - Jan 20th - Titans Hunt #4 - Garth is really annoying as a snooty Atlantean, but I'm seeing glimpses of the original character in there. I hope we'll get more of the real "Aqualad" by the time this series ends. - Sinestro #19 - That's a few too many yellow rings running around on Earth. I think I saw Manta get one. Funny to see Sinestro as the hero. - Astro City #31 - The Nightmare's story told via people who dreamed of it while it was happening... an interesting approach that works for this book. - Usagi Yojimbo #151 - Whoa. That epilogue gives you something to think about. Still, a fairly standard story for the most part. Damsel in distress, arranged marriages, hired killers. Good solid stuff with nice twists. Fortean Times #333 (November 2015). The cover is pretty striking, with a really vivid artist depiction of a lizard man. The cover story rips apart the tale told by the main witness to the Lizard Man of South Carolina, taking each piece of evidence the witness presented and dissecting it into oblivion. The article ends with some theories as to what really happened. Sadly, the witness passed away, and can't confirm or deny anything. It's a pretty solid article, but unlikely to change anything about the phenomena. The second feature is about the Sitwell family of England, who were thoroughly odd in a very British way. I could have read a lot more about people so wonderfully strange... good thing there's a book about them. The final feature looks at songs about the JFK assassination. It wasn't bad, but it really could have given a little more than just the overview. It felt like it didn't quite delve deep enough into the subject matter... although I'm jealous of the author's collection and rather impressed at the research that went into the piece. I just felt like it skimmed the subject matter a little too much, although I'm not sure what more I wanted from it. Forum has a very strange article and a very fun article. The first article questions whether a member of Led Zeppelin was cursed by a houseguest. Um. Okay. But the second piece was about a Cryptid Petting Zoo, which looks like a heckuva lot of fun. Indeed, I wish I could participate in something like it. I know a really good puppet-maker (my sis-in-law)... hmmm. Strangedays starts with a really strange story of a dead guy with a lot of guns who had claimed to be a secret agent, and maybe even an alien-hybrid. Whoa. A photo montage visits Dismaland, which is Banksy's theme park. Then there's coverage of the Ig Nobels, with my favorite piece of research being the bit that attached a stick to the bottom of a chicken to see how having "a tail" made it move differently (turns out it moves "like a dinosaur"). Medical bag isn't nearly as gross as the last issue, although it's still gross. I liked the excellent photo of the white wallaby, along with the news of wallaby colonies in Britain. There's also a great piece on stupid criminals and a nice Fortean Follow-up, which is one of my favorite pieces. All three follow-ups were interesting, but I liked the sinister clown stories the most... just as long as they never happen to me. The Conspirasphere looks at the markets formed by conspiracy theory and the ability for people to "shop" for the theories they like. Science is about the electrosense of various animals, particularly ants. Archaeology covers the discovery of another monument discovered near Stonehenge, an elongated skill and a method to make lower karat gold look richer. Classical corner is about... um... ventriloquism, sort of. It trails off into stories of talking statues, too. Alien Zoo finds an example of a black panther in art, a conference on werewolves and the story of a pictograph that was misinterpreted for many years. Ghostwatch is about physical mediumship and the debate on its reality or lack thereof. Building a Fortean Library goes back to one of the classics, the George Adamski UFO tale in its original published form: Flying Saucers Have Landed by George Adamski and Desmond Leslie. Despite the background information published in the article, I still don't have any particular desire to read it. Although... the temptation to read it just to completely understand the debunking book also mentioned in the article is mildly compelling. Lots of good reviews, but nothing that jumps out at me as something I really want. I was deeply amused to see Zardoz in The Reverend's Review... the connections with The Wizard of Oz are why my husband has watched the movie and even read the novelization. I'm not entirely sure I could stomach it, myself. Lots of lovely letters, and some good tales about ghosts and such in "It Happened to Me". Overall, yet another excellent issue of the best magazine in print.
Josh Gates is a world traveling explorer. He is also a scuba diver and a photographer. These have taken him to over 75 countries spanning the globe. Gates holds degrees in both archaeology and drama, and has been inducted into The Explorers Club, a global organization for the advancement of exploration and field research. Gates is currently the lead investigator and producer of Destination Truth , where he gets to put is expertise to the test. The show follows him around the globe as he investigates stories of the unexplained. Destination Truth , now in its fourth season, airs Thursdays at 9/8 central on Syfy. Gates sat down for an interview on September 2nd with the online media, which both Sci-Fi Vision and Media Blvd. attended. Question > You’re one of the people who I know is American who travels, you know, all over the world. And I just wondered, when you go to some of these, I don’t know if you want to say backwoods places or places that are kind of off the beaten path, how are the Americans treated there...in general in your travels?Josh Gates > I think it’s a great question and I think it’s one of the great misconceptions that many Americans have is that a lot of foreigners are sort of suspicious against Americans, or anti-American, and I think nothing could be further from the truth. And I think any career traveler, if there’s a common cord that any career traveler can strike, it’s this. It’s that almost anywhere you go, people are really lovely and they love America. I think that there’s a real distinction that’s made between sort of political issues between American and other countries, and the idea of America. And I think people all over the world, certainly everywhere that I’ve been, they just are really excited about the idea of what America is and the liberties that it affords. And so, I think when you travel it’s sometimes surprising to realize how - in what high esteem people really do hold this country.Question > I noticed in some of the press stuff that you’re going to be doing an underwater paranormal investigation. I was wondering if you could just talk about some of the instruments, or is it all just cameras, or - I know like the Ghost Hunters have all kinds of EM field detectors and things like that, do you have any...Josh Gates > Yeah. Well, look it was a really challenging episode for us to shoot, and a challenging investigation for us to do because it’s never really been done before. And it’s something that we had wanted to get into because we really try on Destination Truth to approach stories of the paranormal in a really unique way, whether it’s by going to a very exotic location, and just the types of places that we go. And there are lots of stories around the world of paranormal instances that are, you know, involving water; shipwrecks and things like that. And we found this great site in the Pacific in Micronesia, which was the site of a huge battle from World War II, part of what was called Operation Hailstone, where an enormous amount of Japanese ships and planes were sent to the bottom of the ocean in this pretty terrible fight. And there are these long-standing rumors that this place is haunted, and so we thought, “Well, let’s roll up our sleeves and figure out how to do, you know, a paranormal investigation under water. So, we have a lot of -- obviously -- underwater cameras that we’re down there with. We also used, for the first time, a really advanced ROV, which allowed us to kind of fly into some of the tighter, you know, spaces in these shipwrecks, record really high quality audio, capture high definition video, so a lot of that kind of nuts and bolts paranormal investigating of just, you know, “What do we see? What do we hear?” All of that is going to be captured down there. We also did underwater EVP sessions using underwater hydrophones, which are essentially underwater microphones, and so we’re able to use a lot of the same technology that we used on land. And I think for a first effort for considering it’s never been done before, it turned out to be a great episode. It’s really one of my favorites from the season. It’s actually the -- where is it in the lineup -- I think it’s the fifth episode of the season. It’s the lead story in the fifth episode of Season 4, and it’s terrific. It’s really good. It’s just a really different way into a paranormal story.Question > I know you’re kind of the man without fear with all these things you do, but are you apprehensive at all about moving to Thursday night, away from Ghost Hunters and kind of anchoring with the new show?Josh Gates > The most dangerous adventure of all. No. Look, we’re excited about it, you know? I think in a lot of ways we really feel as though Ghost Hunters was the wind in our sails for a long time. They really helped establish Destination Truth . Their viewership is immensely important to us. And that the channel is moving us over to Thursday night and sort of, you know, it’s like Destination Truth is all grown up. We’re standing on our own for the first time and we’re excited about that. The show’s been doing really well and we’re really excited to have our viewers come over and join us on Thursday night.Question > I really enjoyed the Pompeii episode, when you were sort of dropped into this Vesuvius...I wanted to know what was the temperature like, the feeling, and I’m also curious about the "bomba," how you found that? And the crystal, the quartz crystal that was inside, if anybody explained to you what that was?Josh Gates > Well, it’s a naturally occurring thing that happens in this pyroclastic kind of volcanic explosions where these "bombas" or these sort of, you know, quartz crystal rocks, these hollow rocks are formed. And there is a belief among certain people that they are, you know, charged or that they are, for lack of a better word,kind of special. And so when we met with the woman who said, “Yeah, you have to go do this,” in the moment we’re like, “Oh, great. This is exactly the kind of stuff we love to do on this show,” you know? This gives us an opportunity to be in the middle of Naples, which obviously we’re in a really developed part of the world, and undertake something that we would normally be doing way off in the middle of nowhere. So we thought, “Oh, this is great,” but then when you get over to Vesuvius and you sort of realize, “Well, wait a minute, this thing is smoking. This thing is not really at rest. This is actually a pretty dangerous piece of real estate.” Then we sort of suddenly said, “Oh, wait a minute. What are we getting ourselves into?” And there’s also that issue of perspective. Like when you’re standing on the rim of Vesuvius looking down into the crater, you sort of thing, “God, it looks kind of deep, but not that deep.” And then, as you go deeper and deeper down there on the ropes, you realize how actually huge that crater is. And so more than anything, it was a little bit hot, you know, to the touch when you would touch the walls of it, but it was mostly just exhausting, especially coming back up. Because it was like we...belayed all the way down there and then hiked down to the bottom, and then routed around for a long time trying to find this thing. But, when you were down there and you looked all the way back up to where you’d come from, there was this feeling of, “Wow, this is a lot deeper than I thought it was,” and kind of, “What am I doing down here?”... I think the thing that made us feel a little bit better, although I’m not sure how much of a consolation this is, is in talking to people about Vesuvius, you know, that volcano if it were to erupt again, it sort of doesn’t matter where you are. I mean, if you’re in Naples you’re in trouble anywhere, you know? So, whether you’re at the bottom of it or standing on the rim taking photos, you’re not really going to fare very well. So, at the end of the day, we sort of just said, “Well, let’s just hope the volcano’s in a good mood,” you know?Question > The next episode where you were looking for the Nandi Beast, I was just wondering if you brought those hats back with you, your special Nandi Beast hats that the chief gave you to protect your head from the Nandi Beast?Josh Gates > There was great debate about those hats. We wanted to bring them back, but we sort of bound for more episodes before we came home. And we took them as gifts and then when we got to the next place we went to, which was a village, the people really wanted them, and so we donated them to the villagers...We felt like they went to good use.Question > When you were looking for the Nandi Beast in the middle of the night, that was frightening to me because, I mean you’re in the freaking jungle and there’s like spiders and huge insects and all kinds of other critters that are, you know, could be as equally as dangerous...that scene where you came up and you heard running water, I mean you guys could have walked off a precipice. And I’m just wondering, how many people do you have around kind of scouting out ahead of time, or do you have just a really tight small crew and if somebody takes a tumble, oh well?Josh Gates > That’s one of the cool things about the show is that you get the sense, I think, when you’re watching it that there isn’t a lot of infrastructure kind of off in the periphery, and in fact there isn’t. If you were to be able to control that camera and swing it around 360, you wouldn’t see ten other people that aren’t on the show. You wouldn’t see anybody that isn’t on the show. It’s just us out there doing our thing. In that particular instance, there’s actually a little side story that isn’t in the show. When we came to that waterfall, I walkied down to our base camp and I said, “We found this big waterfall up here.” And the only person that kind of wasn’t on camera that was around is there was somebody from the village down near our base camp for part of the night, a kind of liaison to the people down at the village. And he had said to the people at base camp who then radioed up to us, “Oh, you know, we know where that waterfall is. You should be really careful up there because there’s a really big black snake that lives up near that waterfall that the people in the village are very apprehensive about.” And that to me was worse than anything was this message that got relayed up to me that, “Oh, you might want to be careful, there’s a giant black snake up there.” But no that’s kind of the thing...And then you think, “Okay, now really what am I doing here?”Question > When you’re doing your paranormal investigations, what’s the one outcome that you found out like something was true that really surprised you the most that you didn’t expect to find anything?Josh Gates > Well, for me, I’m a skeptic when it comes to the paranormal. I’m really open-minded, I’m always sort of, I guess hoping is probably a good word, because I think that everybody kind of wants to believe that there is something going on in the afterlife. So, I’m always hopeful and I’m open-minded about it, but I don’t have an expectation that I’m ever going to find anything. And so for me, in a general sense, anytime we get really strange readings or we see or hear things that are unexplainable, I’m always surprised. In this season we have a number of episodes that take place in, purportedly paranormal hot spots and some really dramatic places. In the second episode we’re going Angkor Wat in Cambodia, which is the largest religious structure in the world, this amazing temple, and we’re going to do this underwater investigation, I talked about a minute ago. We’re going to an abandoned Japanese mining town, which is a really cool episode. And in some of these places, this season we saw very strange things that I can’t really account for. We saw strange lights in Angkor Wat, which really aligned to what a lot of the eyewitnesses were talking about, and it’s in the show. And I chase those down and do everything I can to kind of figure out where they’re coming from, and at the end of the day, I don’t know. I think this season the most visceral example of a surprise is a place that we go to, it’s actually in the second to last episode, the week before Halloween, and it’s a place that is in Micronesia...these very strange ruins out in this very kind of unknown island. And the locals believe that when you go to this place, physically you are affected. You get incredibly ill and there’s a couple of instances, historical instances of people actually dying there. And what happened to me in that site was extremely visceral, to the point where we’re actually currently in the debate about how much of it we really can show on air, but I got very sick. And so for me, that was a very physical manifestation of a story that obviously surprised me in a really bad way. So, a lot of neat stuff this season in terms of the paranormal.Question > You obviously spend a lot of time at night in the dark walking through the woods and all that in these caves. Do you guys ever like get freaked out by doing it, or are you used to it? And has anybody ever like tried to prank somebody to scare the crap out of them when you’re all alone out there?Josh Gates > We sometimes prank each other, from time to time on the show in kind of, you know, little ways. But, really the way I always sort of think of it is like there’s something kind of - it’s like the Hardy Boys. It’s like you’re out there and you’re explorers and you have your flashlights, and when we get out there to the night investigation part we’re all kind of excited, you know? And it’s sort of scary more in retrospect when you, “What were we doing up there,” you know? But at the time, there’s this great sort of liberty to, “We’re going to go out and have an adventure and we’re going into the unknown, and no one knows what’s going to happen.” And we’re all there as a group and we’re all a very tight knit group, and so I think that what really it is in the moment is excitement. And there are instances where yeah, things start moving around or your hear strange things or see strange things where suddenly you snap out of that into a feeling of real trepidation. But, I think more often than not I get scared in retrospect, you know, after I’ve done it.Question > What got you started in exploring in the first place?Josh Gates > I think my parents probably got me started. My father, who is retired now, was a deep sea diver for his entire career. So as a kid growing up, my father was always working overseas, and then coming home from these really exotic places. And, as a little kid he would be working in Africa somewhere or in the Middle East and would come home with gifts and stories, and I really - I think from an early age had this sense that, “Wow, there’s a - there’s kind of a big world out there.” And my mother’s British, and so we would go over to Europe every year to visit our family over there. And so, I was kind of flying around on planes and hanging out in my parents shadow, who are both people that had traveled a lot, and I think that’s really what got me into it. And then got hooked on Indiana Jones and things like that and just decided that that was something I really wanted to get into was seeing the world, exploring the world.Question > Which investigation this season were you looking forward to the most?Josh Gates > For me it’s probably that underwater investigation. The place that we went to is a place that is kind of among scuba divers, like an oft talked about, but seldom visited location, you know, this amazing underwater graveyard in the Pacific. And so, I was really jazzed to go and do that underwater paranormal investigation for the Japanese ghost fleet. I think I was also really excited to go to Siberia. We did an 11-day trek, I think, across Siberia and that’s a part of the world that I certainly had never been to, and haven’t really seen very much of, you know, on TV or in film. And I was just really excited to - I’m always excited when I get to someplace I’ve never been before, especially someplace I may never get to go to again. So, we had this great one-hour episode on the Siberian Snowman, which is sort of the Russian iteration of the Bigfoot, and this kind of great big adventure across Siberia. I always like it when we can do a big one -hour, one-topic story where we get to really kind of, go the extra mile across some really difficult geographies. So those were for me, big exciting places to go to this season.Question > What’s the balance between tracking like beasts and the paranormal activity stuff?Josh Gates > We don’t want to do more ghost stories than creature stories, so we try to keep the balance at least 50/50 and airing toward the side of doing cryptozoology stories. That’s really where the show started. We really, I think, found in the second season of the show an opportunity to investigate the paranormal in a way that doesn’t step on the toes of Ghost Hunters because we typically aren’t in your sort of traditional haunted house. And so, we really, I think, have, from the second season on, found a unique way into the paranormal. But yeah, we try to keep it at least 50/50.Question > So, would you say that the paranormal elements of the show, did that set you apart from other shows like Monster Quest ?Josh Gates > I actually think what sets apart from other shows like Monster Quest is the tone of the show as a whole. Monster Quest is a show that isn’t host-driven. It’s very much - there’s kind of a distance between the viewer and the subject matter, and our goal in Destination Truth is to really bring the viewer with us. I think Destination Truth has a great sense of humor, we want to have a lot of fun along the way, we want to meet interesting people, and then we want to have this big sort of rollicking adventure and investigations. I think there’s not another show that kind of tries to do that, and that’s what I think makes it unique.Question > You mentioned Siberia, I was just curious is there any lasting effects from the Chernobyl cafeteria yet?Josh Gates > Not yet. I haven’t grown a third arm yet, my hair is not falling out. Well, it is, but not because of Chernobyl. But no, no lasting effects so far, knocking on wood. Everything’s still, you know, holding together.Question > How much input do you personally have into choosing like where you’re going to go and which topics you’re going to follow?Josh Gates > A lot. We’re a very tight knit group over here. I’m actually in our production offices right now and it’s really a team effort, you know? Myself, the Executive Producer of the show, Brad Kuhlman, we really get together and we sit down and sort of talk about, you know, first and foremost, stories. What’s in the news? What’s something that’s kind of relevant that we can go and look for right now that there have been some recent stories on? What part of the globe do we feel like we want to go to? Where do we not want to go back to because we were just there? And we really work as a team, along with Erin Ryder, our Producer here, and you know, a couple other folks in-house to develop where we’re going to go. And, typically it’s just a question - there’s a million places we want to go, and then we try to kind of whittle that down to a route that makes sense, and a good collection of stories that gives us a broad pallet of topics to bring to the viewer.Question > Has there ever been any place that you’ve wanted to go that for one reason maybe political or financial, or whatever that you couldn’t go, somewhere you really wanted to go?Josh Gates > Oh, plenty. Plenty. There’s a lot of great crypto stories in Central Africa, which unfortunately there’s just a couple of those countries are a little too touch and go for us to be able to go to. So, you know, Congo, places like that where there are some of the great sort of African cryptid stories. It’s just a little bit difficult to bring a television production there. We have pitched the channel on going to Iraq a number of times and they laugh in our face every time we say it, but I keep trying. And, yeah, I mean typically it’s just - like there’s a couple of hot spot places that have been hard for us to get to.Question > What is the scariest thing that’s ever happened during a shoot?Josh Gates > That for me was in season three in Romania when the roof ripped off our airplane that we were flying in. We were in an old Russian plan and the front section of the roof tore off in flight, and that for me was definitely the moment I thought the series was probably coming to an end.Question > If you can kind of preview the Cambodia episode this year a little bit, and what you went there for and what did you find that was a surprise?Josh Gates > Well, we went there to investigate Angkor Wat, which is a really large temple complex in the Siem Reap, and you know, it’s a very iconic building. You’ve probably seen in a lot of films. It’s in the Tomb Raider series. And, it’s this beautiful, ornate temple and it’s a place that has long been associated with spirits. It’s believed that it was a funerary temple, locals really revere it, and it’s not a place that is entered into at night very often. It’s never been filmed at night before, and so we - when we first thought of the idea of Angkor Wat we really entered an initial phase of going, “Well, is there any way we’re going to get permission for this?” And we have some great contacts on the ground in Cambodia and the permission had never been written before for a film crew to come in after dark. So, along with being the first paranormal investigation of Angkor Wat, it’s really the first time it’s been filmed at night, and so that makes it a really cool episode. It’s a sprawling complex, it’s a huge building, and it was really for us about getting in there at night and determining - you know, people say they see strange lights, they hear strange noises, and for us it was about kind of putting boots on the ground and just making our way through there and seeing if we could corroborate any of those experiences. Cambodia is an amazing country obviously, and Siem Reap’s a really rich part of the country, so the episode is filled with really neat temples and some beautiful spots. So, I think it’s one of the best of the season.Question > And comment about being in The Explorers Club.Josh Gates > Yeah, The Explorers Club is an institution that I’ve wanted to be a part of for a long time. It’s a really respected institution that’s been around for over 100 years now. And they’re really, even though it has a name that kind of sounds like it’s kind of, Indiana Jonesy or something, it’s really an organization that’s dedicated to promoting science, to promoting field sciences and it has a really amazing roster of members. And so, for me to be accepted in the club was a huge, huge honor for me. I mean, there’s some real heavy hitters in there. Edmund Hillary, who just passed away was the President of the club, and it’s a pretty intimidating group of explorers to be in the company of. So, very, very special for me.Question > What’s been your favorite place that you visited? Not even necessarily for the show, but just since you’ve been so many places?Josh Gates > I’m a big Southeast Asia guy. I love that part of the world. So, for me it’s probably Thailand. I love Thailand. It’s one of those places where, when you take a trip sometimes and you think, “Yeah, I could, you know, I could live here. I could - this is a place that I could really set up shop.” For me, that part of the world has always been really fascinating. Amazing culture, really neat people, they’re very sweet, great food. It’s just a nice place. So, I love Southeast Asia in general, and Thailand in particular.Question > I know in the end of last season when you went to Easter Island. I’m just curious, like the one woman she gave you the herbal tea to protect you or whatever, have you ever had anyone do something like that, or some kind of ritual that ended up not so good, because that could’ve been anything (in the tea)?Josh Gates > For the most part, no. There are a lot of sort of ritualistic beliefs associated with some of these places that we go to. And - but for the most part we’re open to trying pretty much anything. And no, we haven’t had any really bad experiences yet on that front. Fingers crossed.Question > How did you start working on the show?Josh Gates > It was started by a guy named Neil Mandt, who’s a producer here in Hollywood and a guy that I happened to know. And they - he had a concept for the show and the channel was looking for a show that could sit alongside Ghost Hunters, and they needed a host. And Neil said, “You should meet this guy Josh. He loves to travel.” And I met the channel and that was really the genesis of it. They, I think, wanted somebody that was first and foremost a guy that was a traveler and not necessary a guy that was a monster hunter, or a guy that was a paranormal expert. They kind of wanted someone that was just willing to go and look, and the kind of be someone the viewer could identify with and go and ask these questions, and go and look in these dark corners and sort of see what was there. So, that’s really how it started and as a guy who loved to travel before the show, you know, it’s been an amazing job for me because it’s allowed me to travel for a living, which is, you know, a pretty great deal. You can catch Gates on Destination Truth every Thursday night at 9/8 central on Syfy. Originally published here at Sci-Fi Vision on 16 September 2010.
No one has seen anything but something mauled a car in rural Lee County on Monday morning. There are tooth marks right through the fender of the car. Former Lee County Sheriff Liston Truesdale recalls that this is how the 1988 lizard man sightings started. Another creature is the topic ofMothman: An Exposé in which it is told that the late John Keel, author ofThe Mothman Prophecies "went from a plain denial of any Mothman-Silver Bridge connection to one of the most elaborate and bizarre cryptid tales ever told, with himself as a central character." Meanwhile, Loren Coleman wonders whether an 1877 event recounted by Charles Fort is actually anEarly Mothman Account? Lon Strickler received an unusual email a few days ago about the sighting of a strange creature in Virginia. "It looked like a medium sized bear but the fur was very light in color, almost a yellowish gray. The head was very strange also. There was a snout like that of a bear but the dark round eyes were set lower on the head." Strickler at first thought was a prank, but eventually discovered some local folklore on the beast, which is also known as the "white thing." The white woolly-haired cryptid has been reported throughout the southwestern Virginia. Elsewhere, some Merhorse reconstruction drawings by Tyler Stone in Tyler Tries For Merhorses Next. And some far more ancient cryptid artwork in More Classical-Age Plesiosaurs.
|First appearance||The Kur Stone:Part Two (flashback)| Mokele Mbembe are cryptids that are said to be a living fossil. They were first seen in a flashback in The Kur Stone:Part Two. Reports tell of a creature that resembles a living sauropod (long necked and extremely long tailed dinosaurs such as Brachiosaurus, Brontosaurus, and Diplodocus). Seen in a flashback in The Kur Stone:Part Two and Kur:Part One. They also appear in War of the Cryptids as a part of Argost's army. This cryptid supposedly lives in the Lake Tele region in the Congo. In the end of the war, the Mokele Mbembe was chased away by the Grootslang. - In War of the Cryptids, Mokele Mbembes are shown walking on their hind legs fighting with Argost. Although real sauropods could stand for a while on two legs, they had to walk on all fours. - Unlike most sauropods, they spend most of their time in water. They don't eat humans, but will quickly kill those who disturb its territory.
Jack Ohman sees chaos on the streets of Sacramento. Click here to see the cartoon. Here’s who will suffer most if California doesn’t end housing crisis: The California Legislature must get going on a viable way to provide more affordable housing. Otherwise, home ownership will continue to be elusive for millions of working-class and even middle-class people – especially for African Americans in Sacramento County. Team Trump wants to make school lunches great again. It’ll make kids fatter instead: Former first lady Michelle Obama pushed schools to serve more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains and limited salty, sugary and fatty foods. Trump’s new Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue is partly rolling back those rules. But when we have a crisis of diabetes and childhood obesity, why backslide on junk food? Marcos Breton: Women triumph over Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department’s bro culture. Too bad we have to pay for it. Andrew Malcolm, McClatchy-DC: Trump vows major changes to NAFTA. Good luck with that, sir. Dan Walters: California now has the dubious honor of having one of the nation’s largest gaps between its pension promises to public employees and the assets it has on hand to pay those obligations. And the gap is widening. Drew Halfmann: The Republicans’ new health care proposal eliminates one of the most popular parts of the Affordable Care Act – the requirement that insurers offer affordable, adequate coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions. Jim Cooper and Cathleen Galgiani: AB 600 and SB 600 would improve an existing partial sales tax exemption created by the Legislature and the governor four years ago for manufacturing and research and development companies. Take a number: $1.59 million Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, the front-runner for the 2018 governor’s race, raised no less than $1.591 million in increments of $1,000 or more in the first four months of 2017. That’s more than twice as much as rival Treasurer John Chiang’s $662,000, and more than three times former L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa’s $474,000. Newsom tapped Hollywood, Bay Area investors, trial attorneys, and health insurance companies, though he is an advocate of single-payer health care, which would restrict health insurance companies’ ability to operate. Newsom, the main promoter of Proposition 64 that is commercializing recreational marijuana, continues to tap the weed industry. For example, Indus Holding Co., gave him $10,000. Indus’ website calls it “an intellectual property and branding venture, (that) is redefining the expectations of California patients who choose cannabis infused edibles.” One of its companies offers “Toasted Rooster” chocolate bars. Another sells “BonBons, Soothers, Chocolate Coins and Pips: chocolate covered malt balls, red hots, salted almonds and espresso beans.” They’re sold in childproof containers. And so the kids will win, too. San Diego Union Tribune: A Pew Charitable Trusts report shows how the state government can help the California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System get on firmer ground: by emulating New York’s policies. San Francisco Chronicle: After 21 years, California’s medical marijuana industry is finally getting some firm rules. It’s the end of a freewheeling experiment – and the beginning of a large-scale industry. San Jose Mercury News: “The emergency spillway worked.” If by “worked” he means held together by the grace of God, then, yes, it worked. By any reasonable standard, however, it was an abject failure. Philadelphia Inquirer: Residents who may ever get pregnant, sick, hurt, old or unemployed should head to Willingboro on May 10 and ask Rep. Tom MacArthur (R., N.J.) what he’s going to do about it. MacArthur put the House’s cruel American Health Care Act back on track last week by making a deal with the hard-right Freedom Caucus. Now it has a greater chance of life than many Americans will if it passes. Baltimore Sun: Any U.S. foreign policy decision that fails to consider human rights is not only immoral but likely ineffective. That’s why President Donald Trump’s recent outreach to President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines should appall and truly, deeply offend Americans. Fort Wayne (Ind.) News-Sentinel: It is going to take time – years, in all probability – to undo the enormous amount of damage President Barack Obama did to the economy. Some of it is irreparable. At least President Donald Trump and his new Environmental Protection Agency head, Scott Pruitt, are wasting no time in restoring reason to energy and environmental policy. Tacoma News Tribune: If state Sen. Ann Rivers had her way, Sasquatch, alias Bigfoot, would have been Washington’s official cryptid (an animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated). Dana Milbank: Both President Donald Trump and Philippine strongman Rodrigo Duterte have employed foul language in public, boasted publicly about their sexual performance and made vulgar references to assaulting women. Both have threatened the free press, challenged the legitimacy of the judiciary, attacked opponents as corrupt – and insulted the pope. Kathleen Parker: If President Donald Trump meets with Kim Jong Un without significant concessions, it would seem to be a slap in the face to South Korea. Inviting the likes of Philippine dictator Rodrigo Duterte to the People’s House sullies the integrity of the edifice and all that it symbolizes. Ruben Navarrette: When it comes to building Donald Trump’s border wall, reporters in the nation’s capital are obsessed with the politics, not the policy. Leonard Pitts Jr.: It took nearly seven decades for the Groveland Four to get justice after a white woman leveled a false charge of rape, but all of them are dead. David Leonhardt: Students using vouchers to attend a private school in the District of Columbia did worse on math and reading than similar students in public school, a study has found. It comes after other studies, in Ohio and elsewhere, have also shown weak results for vouchers. “ ‘Tenure is a privilege and not a right.’ Amen. I finally agree with a Bee editorial.” Buzz McClain, Fair Oaks Tweet of the day “Reporters ask Rep. Issa his position on the revised healthcare bill. ‘None of your business,’ he says.” – Cristina Marcos @cimarcos
|Veterinarian Melba Ketchum| North American is all aflutter with speculation, and many people are treating her press release as a scientific announcement. It is not. Until the actual paper with the recorded methodology and results is peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal, it's all just hype. I would dearly love for this news to be factual and prove definitively that our hairy friend not only exists but is tied closely to human dna. I'm not dancing in the streets just yet. The statement that something cryptid had sex and reproduced with a human female is the stuff of fantasy fiction. I suppose it COULD happen, but often enough to breed a population? Are we talking Sasquatch and Eve here? The probability of contamination by a human is high. The chain of custody and collection methods have not been released. Dr. Ketchum's study is going to have to pass this crucial litmus test. Additionally, virtually no "real" scientists release a teaser about what is to come. They peer review, and they publish, or at the very least have a contract to publish, all findings. My fervent hope is simply that Dr. Ketchum is naive and inexperienced. My fear is that she's media hungry. Then there is the problem of the Better Business Bureau's rating of Dr. Ketchum's lab. To be fair, most of the 16 complaints in the past 6 years have been about not providing the services promised. There doesn't seem to be allegations of fraud. However, this sort of baggage on the lab purporting to make historically significant announcements is problematic at best. Combine that with Dr. Ketchum's purchase of the Erickson Project and the red flags pop up like pennants at a hockey game. I want this to be true. I also want everyone to stop acting like it is already proven. (and that is my rant for today)
This story is set on the outskirt’s of the New South Wales of Yamba. I do require some help in identifying the possible creature, as i have tried numerous times to figure out the identity of the possible creature.Without further ado here is the tale. I was an 8 year old on a family road trip from Brisbane to Newcastle. I was sitting on the left side of a car (which is fairly key to the story). My Ipod had recently run out of battery, so I looked out the window into overgrown farmland with dry and long grass which the nearby cattle were grazing. I suddenly noticed they were alert and attacking a large black creature which appeared on all fours. The creature was at least 1.8 meters or 6 foot, with long black fur on it’s body. Clearly attacking the cattle it suddenly stood up on two leg’s and moved towards the cattle. Then it was out of sight, as all this had happened fairly quickly, because of the fact that i was in a moving vehicle. As we entered Yamba to stay the night, I noticed a statue we went passed in our car. It was of an Ape like creature standing it hind legs, not painted though as it was made of bronze. My friend and me had recently gotten in cryptid’s, which may sound as though I’m making it up but I remember tricking him into looking at an bush as I told him Mothman was there. I still have a book I bought which has kept my cryptid fascination alive. I will continue seeking information on this topic but for now this is the end.
In December of 1967, sightings of a strange cat began in Ventura County, California. On the 12th of that month and year, Henry Madrid was installing a fence at the Ventura County sewer plant when he spotted a black panther. Madrid kept his eye on the cat and called the sheriff department. Sheriffs arrived and spotted the cat as well. They chased it towards what appeared to be a flat field, but was really an area of sludge covered by a crust. Their car got stuck, and by the time a tow truck arrived to get it out, the cat was long gone. On December 23, a man went hunting for the panther. He found what he was after, but then was trapped on a 600-foot cliff! It took rescuers four hours to get him down. Sightings of the cat continued into 1968. On January 9, Kenneth French and his wife spotted it. Kenneth watched the cat while his wife called the sheriff. But, by the time she returned, the cat was gone. "It's pretty embarrassing to have people think you go around seeing black panthers!" Mrs. French said. "Whatever kind of black cat that was, it was bad luck." More on sightings of black panthers and other mystery cats from California, and the rest of the United States, can be found in my book Cryptid U.S.: Tales of Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, and More from Across America.
First thing’s first: I have way too much reading and viewing material to spotlight on the blog, so I’m going to be focusing on that stuff rather than taking in a lot of new material. That said, let me break down how things are going and what we may expect in the future: Folk Tale Secret Stash: Secret Stash is the one I started this blog with and in some ways one of my favorites. There is a slight problem, though. I haven’t really read any of my folk tale books in a while. I’m working my way back into rereading them, but it’s going to take a little bit of time. So, the Secret Stash columns may be a bit few and far between for a while. They’ll never go away completely, though. Fantasy Literature Rewind: Rewind should go on as it usually does. I have some stuff lined up. I have My Own Fairy Book by Andrew Lang, The Enchanted Castle and Five Children and It by E. Nesbit. There’s also some stuff I need to reread in order to spotlight it like The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graeme and the fairy stories of both Oscar Wilde and Frank Stockton. I’m also considering a couple of less orthodox posts. I’ve been considering touching on some more 20th Century stuff that we probably know best from movies like Bambi by Felix Salten, One Hundred and One Dalmatians by Dodie Smith and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Ian Fleming. I’ve also been considering a look at the rare pieces of adult literature that sometimes work their way into people’s fairy tale canon like Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift and A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare (and yes, I do already own most of these books I've mentioned). I know this seems like a lot, but I got kind of fired up by getting to read The Jungle Book again. So, it’s going to take a while to get to it all. Some stuff may wait until I can tie it in with the inevitable movie remakes that will happen. Also, some fairy tales fall in a space between these two like those of Giambatista Basile and Charles Perrault, so if I write about those they’ll probably just be stand alone posts rather than under one of the title cards. Fairy Tale Media Fix: Media Fix is another one that likely isn’t going to change much. There are a few fairy tale inspired movies that are coming out. So, I’ll review those. I’m going to try and keep it focused on stuff that’s based on actual folk-derived fairy tales, though. You’ll notice that I opted not to review the new Jungle Book movie despite the fact that I loved it. Instead, I decided to write a FLR about the book that inspired it. This is largely just to keep me from being overwhelmed. I also want to do more “Tales from the $5 DVD Bin” because there are just so many bad or cheap fairy tale movies and cartoons out there. You may be seeing one of those sooner rather than later. Four-Color Fairy Tales- Honestly, unless you count all of Zenescope’s Grimm Fairy Tales series, fairy tale comics can be a little bit few and far between. So, this is actually a column that I’m going to expand in scope to include stuff based on children’s literature. There’s some stuff out there with interesting titles like Peter Panzerfaust and Pinocchio the Vampire Slayer. I’m also probably going to shine the spotlight on some graphic novels that were created directly for the book market rather than for the comic book specialty market. Also, there might be some retro reviews for stuff like X-Men Fairy Tales and Lullaby. The Stuff of Legends- We are so close to the end of The Stuff of Legends. The idea for it originally came from my desire to write about characters like King Arthur and the Pied Piper, but then I expanded it to twelve different legendary characters. It was also designed as kind of a counter to Folk Tale Secret Stash because other than one or two characters, all the characters I wrote down were pretty famous. I’ve written about ten of them so far and have two to go. After that, I’m considering a revival but not right away. If I do, there will also be a slight format change so that I can talk about different types of legend s (ghost stories, urban legends, tall tales, cryptid legends) as well as legendary characters. The Top Seven- The Top Seven pretty much exists for those rare moments when I feel like being Buzzfeed. So, the lists will come when the idea strikes me. They take a lot of work to research and arrange. So, that is a factor. Once Upon a Pixel- This has been the title I’ve used pretty much every time I’ve focused on video games. So, I’m probably going to start giving this one an actual title card. I’ve been considering doing pieces on folklore references that show up in classic franchises like Super Mario Bros. and Pokemon. I also do want to do something with Song of the Deep when it comes out, but it will depend on whether I can get access. Otherwise, you probably won’t see this column too much. There are time, money and hardware issues. Fairy Tale Fandom Book Report- Now this is where the big changes are probably going to come into play. I never really planned on focusing on contemporary fiction because there are so many blogs that already focus on that. It originally came about just because I wanted to talk about the Sisters Grimm series of children’s books by Michael Buckley. However, it’s also the one that gets people to contact me and ask to review their books. The truth is that I’m not crazy about doing it. I prefer digging up the retro stuff. It might be a different matter if I made any money off this blog, but I don’t. Also, my disinterest kind of harms the people asking for the reviews too. Once I have the review copy on my kindle, I’ll end up leaving it to sit for months if I’m not excited about reading it. By that time, the book is “cold” and my reviewing it does little to help their initial publicity. So, I’ve decided that in the spirit of this particular blog I’m going to refocus on the weirder fairy tale adaptations for this column. The ones that mash things up with other genres or do crazy twists to the concept that really catch my attention. Basically, expect more stuff like The Lunar Chronicles and Time Lord Fairy Tales and less stuff like The Northlore Series or The Ugly Stepsister. If someone does want to pitch me a book to review, they should definitely be on their A game and be prepared to catch my attention. First rule of thumb: try to avoid a pitch that uses overused words like “dark”, “twisted” or “fractured”. That’s about it. I’m thinking about a few other things. Once Stuff of Legends is done, I’m thinking about doing a limited run series in which I try to make recipes inspired by fairy tales (I even have a crock pot recipe called Cinderella Stew). I want to do a post on fables the same way I did one on nursery rhymes. This summer I also want to visit some of the local amusement parks that use fairy tale themes and take some pictures for a spotlight post. I’ve also considered tackling some bigger issues like cultural appropriation in regards to fairy tales and storytelling, but that would take some big time research. As usual, my posts will continue to be exploratory in nature. I just get an idea, research it and post my thoughts. If anyone has any ideas, thoughts, comments, concerns or you just want to get on my case for wasting a week doing a “housekeeping” post, let me know in the comments below.
NEW RELEASE DAY FROM SAMHAIN HORROR! This month we get some new Hunter Shea, Brian Moreland, Mark Rigney, and an introduction to a newcomer that has a lot more to come, Patrick Lacey. All of these titles are available now at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Google Play, iTunes…etc. Wherever you shop online, you can find these babies…go get ’em! The Dover Demon is real…and it has returned. In 1977, Sam Brogna and his friends came upon a terrifying, alien creature on a deserted country road. What they witnessed was so bizarre, so chilling, they swore their silence. But their lives were changed forever. Decades later, the town of Dover has been hit by a massive blizzard. Sam’s son, Nicky, is drawn to search for the infamous cryptid, only to disappear into the bowels of a secret underground lair. The Dover Demon is far deadlier than anyone could have believed. And there are many of them. Can Sam and his reunited friends rescue Nicky and battle a race of creatures so powerful, so sinister, that history itself has been shaped by their secretive presence? It’s all fun and games until… Marty Weaver, an emotionally scarred poet, has been bullied his entire life. When he drives out to the lake to tell an old friend that he’s fallen in love with a girl named Jennifer, Marty encounters three sadistic killers who have some twisted games in store for him. But Marty has dark secrets of his own buried deep inside him. And tonight, when all the pain from the past is triggered, when those secrets are revealed, blood will flow and hell will rise. Nowhere to run! Gillian Foster is desperate. She received a very strange letter in the mail not long ago. Since then, she’s been seeing shadowy figures everywhere. Coming for her. Frantic to find a safe place, she leaves home with her daughter Meg, only to find there is no way to outrun her pursuers. Twenty years later, Gillian has been admitted to Hawthorne Psychiatric Facility. Meg receives a similar letter and is hunted by an unseen force. Is Meg also mentally ill, or are these creatures real? And if so, was her mother right all those years ago? Is there no place to hide? Bones on the run! When Reverend Renner’s mentor gives him a brass rubbing of a skeleton, nick-named Bonesy, a chain of calamity ensues. Bonesy breaks free from its frame and begins a violent, chaotic search for––what? It’s up to Renner and his investigative partner, ex-linebacker Dale Quist, to uncover Bonesy’s spectral motives. Bonesytakes Renner & Quist on their most treacherous, rollicking supernatural adventure yet, a journey that will lead them from the ghost of Carole Lombard to the fens of Tudor England. And the books they find along the way are not the sort you can judge by their cover. Find all of these titles in all available format at a limited time discounted price at Samhain Publishing. Click the picture below to go direct to the Samhain Horror website!
Sephiroth was invited to stay for lunch - as Barret had promised, Tifa's chowder was worth waiting for - and after that the Dolphin's bar staff started to arrive downstairs to begin their prep work. "All right, I'm off," Tifa announced, slinging a black duffel bag over her shoulder. "Marcus is in charge downstairs, but if there's any trouble, call me." Sephiroth looked between Tifa and Cloud, faintly mystified. His lap had been thoroughly colonized by Marlene and Denzel, but if Tifa was leaving then surely his welcome had run out. "Why..." escaped him, and he clamped down on the rest of the question with a flare of embarrassment as Tifa turned his way. "...am I leaving the bar just as it's getting ready to open?" she guessed. "...forgive me. I don't know anything about running a bar." Sephiroth directed the apology to his knees, despite Marlene and Denzel sitting on them casting him worried looks. Tifa rolled her eyes cheerfully. "Neither does Cloud, which is why my shift supervisor's in charge. He's just here in case of emergencies." "I'm the bouncer," Cloud agreed as Sephiroth blinked in befuddlement. "And sometimes the dish boy." "-and I've somehow been talked into teaching a martial arts class to teenagers and Saturday afternoon's the only time that works with their school schedules and all." Tifa tilted her head a fraction at him. "Okay?" Okay? Is she asking my permission? "...okay," he repeated tentatively, and that appeared to be the right answer, because Tifa actually smiled. As she headed downstairs, calling for Marcus, Reeve stood and stretched. "I should head out too," he informed them. "I'll call with an update tomorrow sometime." Sephiroth drew in a breath. "I'll follow you out," he said, trying not to make it sound like an announcement or a command. "Gleipnir must be going spare waiting for me," he added, hoping the mention of his inoffensive fluffball of a chocobo would soften his words. It seemed to work - he got a grin from Barret and a muffled chortle from Cloud, and even the children wriggled off his lap with a minimum of reluctance. "You wanna come over for lunch again tomorrow?" Denzel asked, squeezing his hand hopefully. "We'll see." I hadn't intended to come over for lunch this time. Tifa let them out the back door, calling a few last-minute instructions to the supervisor over her shoulder. Her path took her closer to the city's inner ring, the opposite direction from the airship dock, so she left them with a casual wave and an unreadable look Sephiroth's way. Sephiroth chose to interpret it as a warning; it seemed safest. "You know, there are caretakers at the dock stables," Reeve brought up thoughtfully as Tifa turned a corner and was lost to sight. "I want to take care of my chocobo," Sephiroth answered flatly, and Reeve lifted his eyebrows but let it drop. He did not, however, allow Sephiroth to walk a block behind him as he'd planned. Despite Sephiroth's best efforts to let Reeve pull ahead without either man having to mention it, Reeve wouldn't quit matching his stride, and even met Sephiroth's frustrated look with another mild eyebrow-lift. "We should walk together," Reeve explained reasonably. "It will reinforce the message that you're our ally." "Also, not insane or murderous," Sephiroth pointed out, and Reeve's face briefly creased in unwilling agreement. "Reeve, I don't really understand your purpose. I went to a great deal of trouble this morning to keep people from making a connection between myself and Tifa's bar. The last thing I want is for her or Cloud or the children to become targets because of me, yet you seem bent on doing exactly that." Reeve paused, peering at him until Sephiroth itched with the urge to avert his gaze. "...you really are worried about them," he mused. "And you're not?" "No - well, yes, but I think you're looking at this the wrong way." Reeve started walking again, and Sephiroth had no choice but to keep up if he wanted to hear the Director's explanation. "Most people don't know the details of what happened five years ago, but they know that Cloud and Tifa were instrumental in saving the world. They're internationally famous - they're going to be the targets of attention for the rest of their lives." "All the more reason they shouldn't be associated with me!" Sephiroth argued. "All the more reason," Reeve corrected gently, "that you should not be hidden away." He paused, letting Sephiroth marinate in agitated silence. "I'm sure you know by now that your part in the events of five years ago-" "I wish you'd just say Meteor." Reeve pulled a frown. "Fine. Your part in the Meteor event is less common knowledge than Cloud's and Tifa's. Most know you were involved, but..." His shoulders lifted in a brief shrug. "The Silver General had ardent fans and virulent detractors, as I'm sure you recall. What people believe is largely reflective of their pre-Meteor attitudes toward Shinra." "And you simply... let them believe what they wish, rather than telling the whole truth?" "Sephiroth," and Reeve held up a hand that was stiff with impatience, "the fact that we are holding a civil conversation right now is proof that none of us knew the whole truth. You returned from death sane and remorseful, when all of us thought you either irrevocably mad or irredeemably evil. If we had let the full scope of what you had done be commonly known, you would have no allies on the planet now." The snap in Reeve's dark eyes told Sephiroth what Reeve wasn't saying: I have not forgiven you. This time Sephiroth really did look away, wondering only now how many of Reeve's direct subordinates had died on his sword. Unbidden the image of uniforms swam before his eyes, from the familiar blue and red of the Shinra military to the sharply-tailored suits of the civilian employees- -flash, white stained with red- He must have staggered. Reeve had hold of his arm, and Sephiroth made sure he knew where the ground was before pulling away. "...my apologies," he forced out, as stiff and awkward as he felt. "Does that happen a lot?" Reeve asked, his vehemence of a moment ago tucked away again like a weapon he didn't need. "Was it a dizzy spell?" "An artifact of having been dead, I think. It's fine." Sephiroth started walking again, hands jammed in his pockets and shoulders hunched, and only realized he was outpacing the Director after an entire block blurred by and he heard Reeve huffing impatiently behind him. "Slow down, will you?" Reeve's protest was exasperated. "Some of us don't have your long legs." Sephiroth forced himself to shorten his stride. "...I'm sorry," he forced himself to say. "It's fine. I should exercise more anyway," Reeve offered, and Sephiroth wasn't sure if that was a joke or not, so he let it pass. "I meant, I'm sorry for questioning you. I am grateful that you and the others chose not to tarnish my reputation further than you had to." "Oh. ...well. You're welcome." Reeve paused, getting his breath back. "But you see why I don't want you hidden away, right? You're a polarizing figure on your own, just like Cloud. People will have cause to wonder whether we're - I don't know, using you as a secret assassin. Or if Shinra's moving to retake control. Public perception of you as being your own man - and as an ally of the people who saved the world - will do more to deflect suspicion and fear than letting you become Edge's first cryptid." Sephiroth reluctantly thought that over. Put that way, Reeve's plan appeared to make sense, not that he had any idea how shaping public opinion actually worked. But... "...I have a request," he murmured. "What is it?" "Don't... don't put me on display again without telling me. Like you did last night, at the restaurant." That actually stymied the older man, though Sephiroth could feel no triumph in it. "...we weren't trying to talk about you behind your back," Reeve offered, in a lower tone than he'd used before. "I promise. We knew you could hear us. It's just-" "...you weren't comfortable with me," Sephiroth supplied heavily. "...well, yes. But I really am sorry," Reeve offered, and he did sound sincere. "I didn't think - I didn't realize it would bother you." "I'm not in the habit of announcing when things bother me." Sephiroth sighed. "...apology accepted. Thank you for hearing me out." "I forget sometimes not everyone is as mad for politics as I am." Reeve rolled his eyes, gently self-mocking, and Sephiroth felt safe enough to offer a brief smile. "I might ask you to put in public appearances now and then - not anytime soon, mind you - but I promise I won't put you in the spotlight." "I wonder if even you can guarantee that, Director," Sephiroth sighed. Reeve chuckled. "Well, the alternative is to go be a hermit somewhere, but I don't recommend that." "Mmm." Sephiroth wasn't sure he wasn't tempted, even now. He'd been fully prepared to mope about in the City of the Ancients for the rest of his Aeris-given days until chocobo pox and Vincent Valentine, in that order, had entered his life. Reeve, in any case, filled the silence with plans and observations all the way to the airship docks, and promised Sephiroth's paycheck for the Wolfmeister hunt within the next week. Sephiroth nodded, waited with his arms clasped behind him until Reeve was safely aboard his flagship, and then turned sharply to head to the dock's chocobo stables and attached paddock. It was already late afternoon, and Gleipnir was waiting for him. The paddock wasn't overly full. A mated pair ignored him utterly, a yearling warbled curiously as he passed through the gate. Most were yellows, and the ones that weren't, Sephiroth was pleased to see weren't dyed - then a familiar wark rose above the din, and Sephiroth forgot all other chocobos in an instant. "Gleipnir," escaped him in a sigh, and against all rules of chocobo discipline he allowed Gleipnir to rush over and practically tackle him for preenings. The loving roughhousing that followed might have counted as exercise all on its own, but Gleipnir still seemed so energetic by the time they wound down - crest fluffed, eyes bright, shifting on his feet - that looking at him, Sephiroth suddenly felt the weight of the past weeks of (for him) shocking idleness. "Want to go for a walk?" he asked, and Gleipnir trilled in delight and bounced. Saddled, Gleipnir was no calmer, but he let Sephiroth direct him with an uncanny responsiveness. Sephiroth rode him down the dirt track leading away from the stables and out of the dock complex at a respectful trot, keeping to one side as supply trucks and passenger buggies passed him going the opposite direction. As soon as they were clear, Sephiroth finally gave Gleipnir his head, giving in to their shared urge to run. The world blurred. Sephiroth bent over Gleipnir's feathered neck, his breath dashed from him as Gleipnir chased down the wind. Gray and brown gave way to green: they were in the sparsely-populated outskirts of Edge now, and there was no need to be cautious. Gleipnir's claws dug into the rocky dirt, flinging up dust behind them, and Sephiroth found himself grinning at the sensation of wind and sunshine and speed. Good bird. Very good bird. Not the fastest bird he'd ever ridden, but Gleipnir just plain didn't seem to get tired. Sephiroth finally reined him in when the emergent patches of farmland around Edge - another miracle courtesy of Aeris and the Lifestream - started to give way to the scrubby wildland Sephiroth was more familiar with. It wasn't quite monster territory, but it was close enough that it paid to be wary. Gleipnir was perfectly happy at a trot, warking contentedly to his rider and snatching at roadside weeds when Sephiroth let him. "You burn through fuel like an airship," Sephiroth informed him, combing affectionately through Gleipnir's soft neck feathers. Gleipnir warbled happily through his mouthful of Midgar golden clover. He and Gleipnir spotted them at the same time: a trio of low-slung dark shapes against the hazy sandstone cliffs ahead. Gleipnir halted, suddenly a ball of tension under Sephiroth's legs, his crest lifting in warning as the low drone of engines reached them both. Devil Rides, another familiar beast from Midgar-that-was. Sephiroth sat back, eyes narrow against the glare. He had no weapons or Materia, but perhaps he and Gleipnir could chase them off, give them reason to fear coming so close to human territory before they attacked a chocobo or worse, a child. He gave Gleipnir a speculative glance. He'd never truly tested Gleipnir's resolve against monsters before, but although he was tense he didn't seem fearful. A good sign, for a hunter's mount. "Come on, Gleipnir," he murmured. "Let's go to work." At his signal Gleipnir charged, a war cry shrilling from his throat. The Devil Rides revved in alarm and fled. The tactics of monster hunting came back to Sephiroth in a breathless flood, as though the years between his last mission and now had never passed at all. He harried the monsters with shouts and feinted at their tires if they swerved or slowed. Gleipnir responded to each direction as though he were a hunter's bird already, an extension of Sephiroth's will - or, he amended as Gleipnir struck out with his beak at a Devil Ride that was drifting too close, as though he were an extension of Gleipnir's protective instinct. They were well into the scrublands now, weaving through cliffs that were threatening to become a ravine. Sephiroth was contemplating ending the chase when a human figure ahead drew his attention, shouting and waving their arms from a clifftop far enough away that a normal human might have had trouble seeing them. The figure gave him a large, exaggerated 'come here!' gesture, and Sephiroth gratefully turned to drive the Devil Rides toward the signaler. This could only be a fellow monster hunter - an armed one, able to deal with the Devil Rides in a more permanent fashion than simply driving them off. The cliffs did turn into a shallow ravine, one that led into a depression surrounded by cliffs that still held a small gritty pool of stagnant water from the recent rain. It wasn't a place Sephiroth would have wanted to face monsters in on his own right now, as it gave the Devil Rides no choice but to turn and fight. It was, however, the perfect setup for an area-of-effect spell - -or, he thought, pulling Gleipnir away from the blast radius though they were in no danger, a Limit Break with similar effects. When the blast wave disippated, the Devil Rides were crumpled against the cliff walls they'd been blown against, quite definitively dead. A red-haired man with a closely-trimmed beard - 'Roderick', presumably - stood in the center of them, fists clenched, ripples of pale red and orange light fading into the ground at his feet. As Sephiroth watched from Gleipnir's back, the man's chest rose in a deep breath. "WHOO! Still got it! Eat your heart out, WRO!" Sephiroth and Gleipnir startled at once, but Roderick didn't seem to notice, turning to call up the cliff at his partner. "Moony! What do you think, does that beat Nat and Pinky's record for most monsters killed in a day?" "Wouldn't count on it!" 'Moony' was grinning, though, a dark braid falling forward over her shoulder as she bent to peer at her partner. "Eh, you're right. They got lucky, practically tripping over that Levrikon nest." Roderick turned, offering a softened grin to Sephiroth. "Hey, thanks for the assist, friend. I guess you're entitled to one of these beasties if you're after parts or - holy shit." He'd drawn close enough that Sephiroth could see the color of his eyes: blue, lit from within by an unearthly glow. The eyes of a SOLDIER, widening with shock. "General?" he breathed. His partner stepped off the cliff as though it were a low curb in Edge, hitting the steep incline below and sliding down to the ground. "Roddy?" she queried as she stood. "Moony." Roderick's voice was hushed, like he was trying not to scare off a shy woodland creature - or perhaps dispel an apparition. "Moon, get over here. It's the - it's Sephiroth!" Gleipnir shifted uneasily under Sephiroth, crest half-lifted as Roderick moved a step closer, hand lifted in - -FLASH, frenetic activity and voices and a beardless redhead grinning up at him over the solid spine of a Buster, eyes glowing blue- -he was fleeing before he even realized he'd turned Gleipnir away, panic in his throat as the SOLDIER's voice chased him back to Edge, to the safety of anonymity. Sephiroth hadn't forgotten he owed Cloud a debriefing, but it was nearly dark before he was calm enough to head home - and before Gleipnir was calm enough to let him. "I owe you a bale of roasted seaweed," Sephiroth promised him as he settled his chocobo in the stable in between Gleipnir's sleeve-chewing and solicitous beaking. "And a bucket of nuts and a run every day and - and a whole flock of receptive hens if that's what you want, but let's focus on one objective at a time." "Wark," Gleipnir agreed, and finally deigned to stick his beak in his leafy dinner. Sephiroth left him to it, slipping out of the stables and into the lengthening shadows of evening. The knowledge that he'd run from them like a frightened child burned in his gut, but he was still unsettled enough that he kept to those shadows all the way back to the church. SOLDIERs. There are SOLDIERs still alive and in operation! ...what do I do now? Cloud didn't mention Sephiroth's chance meeting when he came by with dinner and a notebook, and if he noticed that Sephiroth was preoccupied and couldn't keep his thoughts together to save his life, he didn't mention that either. Either he was being gentle - unlikely - or he really didn't know about it. Perhaps he and the SOLDIERs in the wildlands didn't know each other, so they wouldn't think to contact the Hero of the Crisis to exclaim they'd seen the General. Either way, Sephiroth was grateful, and did his best to describe the lab in Corel between bites of corned beef sandwich and a brain that kept circling back around to the same spot like a train on a track: SOLDIERs alive, SOLDIERs alive. "Sephiroth?" Cloud prodded, and Sephiroth jerked up - kicking his train of thought into motion again. "...it's been a strange couple of days," he offered by way of explanation, and it had the benefit of not actually being a lie. "Where were we?" "Lab." Cloud glanced at the notebook propped in his crossed legs. "Evidence of human experimentation?" Sephiroth mentally placed himself back in the lab again, looking around carefully. "None," he said slowly. "Tubes notwithstanding." He saw Cloud grimace. "Kinda glad I didn't see that." "Mmm." Sephiroth was grateful as well. "Anyway, aside from the tubes, there wasn't really anything that said 'experiment equipment' to me. It seemed more like... offsite storage." "Under a reactor?" Cloud's nose wrinkled in incredulity. "Where else? The head of Shinra Science Division had unfettered access to Shinra's reactors to a degree shared by few others on Gaia. He stored-" His throat closed. Sephiroth forced a swallow. "He stored the bulk of Jenova's body in much the same way." "...yeah, okay." Cloud scratched out 'Jenova' in his notebook, and stared at the word in dim dismay. "...shit. I'll bet you anything he was storing Jenova samples in there." "That would be the worst case scenario," Sephiroth agreed. "Hopefully the WRO forensic techs will be able to confirm one way or the other soon." "You say it so calmly," Cloud muttered resentfully. "I do?" Sephiroth blinked, and got a flat stare in return. "I... apologize," he offered tentatively. "...nothing to apologize over." Cloud huffed, tapped his pencil restlessly, his gaze resolutely fixed on the church door, nowhere near Sephiroth's general direction. Which was likely why Cloud sensed them first, though Sephiroth's senses were just as sharp as his. Sephiroth saw the younger man's gaze sharpen and body tense, and immediately directed his attention outside. Footsteps - breathing - voices, hushed and quickly stifled. Every stifled giggle and stumble over a pebble screamed that this was a force with no discipline and no training. His fan club had come calling again. Cloud stood, and waved Sephiroth down when he would have followed. Sephiroth clenched his hands by his thighs, making himself obey, and watched Cloud approach the door in an unconcerned saunter. Just in front of it, he lifted a hand and waited - listening, as Sephiroth was, to the whispered voices as they fluttered and hissed and cohered into a chant: "One, two, three, now!" The door burst open six inches and thumped into Cloud's waiting palm. "...oh shit," one of them opined. Sephiroth couldn't see Cloud's face, but could picture the man's narrow glare of displeasure from the tone of his voice. "Can I help you?" "Um..." Another hiss of whispers, cut off when one enterprising young man piped up, "Is Sephiroth here?" Sephiroth was about to rise, orders or no orders, when Cloud spoke again. "Jack, remember that conversation we had about treating people like tourist attractions?" "Think that might apply to someone like General Sephiroth too?" "You can't keep him from us forever!" another voice blurted. Cloud actually laughed at that, a sound that was mostly breath. "Paul, there's a giant gaping hole in the roof of this building. Do you honestly think I could keep someone with SOLDIER abilities jailed here?" Cloud huffed again, shaking his head. "Look, I'm not gonna say 'Sephiroth isn't here' or 'Sephiroth isn't back,' because I know you won't believe me. I am going to tell you that you're building him up in your heads into this figure that doesn't even exist, and when that illusion gets shattered it - it'll hurt like hell, okay?" He took a deep breath, Sephiroth twisting in guilty resentment behind him. "If and when General Sephiroth chooses to make it public, you'll know. Until then, stop barging into condemned buildings and stop following people around just because they look like him. You're going to give someone's granny a heart attack at this rate." "We never!" came the protest. "Starcup Coffee, this morning," Cloud answered mildly, and there were several indrawn breaths. "Didn't you know the SOLDIER process heightens senses? People with the enhancements can track your scent. Like Guard Hounds." He was smirking now, Sephiroth could hear it. "Have a nice night, boys." He swung the door shut again with firm finality, but didn't move away from it until their visitors' footsteps faded away. "...right," he said on the end of a sigh. "Where were we?" Sephiroth dropped his gaze as Cloud turned back toward him again. "...how did you-" he began. "You left the bathroom door locked when you made your daring escape," was the wry response. "I had to kick it open. Wasn't hard to figure things out from there." "...ah." Sephiroth winced. "I'll - write them an apology note. Or something." Cloud chuckled, sinking down onto the nearest intact pew from where Sephiroth sat, crosslegged, on his cot. "I'd like to see their faces when they get that. Anyway, anything else about the lab? Anything that might say who used it last?" Sephiroth shut his eyes tightly. "...not Hojo," he said slowly, feeling his way through his own thoughts. "Or anyone who was all that familiar with his methods, I think. The samples were disorganized by his standards." "Well, that's something, I guess," Cloud sighed. "I mean, we killed Hojo good and dead, but I was having visions of a vengeful lab assistant or something." "A vengeful lab assistant would give us a direction," Sephiroth answered sourly. "Without that all we have is a suspect who may or may not be Scarlet, and who may or may not be responsible for any of this." Cloud frowned, but he didn't disagree. "...guess all we can do is hope Barret or the WRO turn something up," he admitted. "And keep our ears open in the meantime. Are you going to be okay?" Sephiroth blinked, surprised enough to actually meet Cloud's eyes. Cloud had a crease between his brows and his jaw was set in a stubbornness so familiar it was painful - literally, as a flash of white static stabbed through Sephiroth's head - but as he blinked the static away, Cloud's expression didn't change. Is he... worried for me? "I'll... be fine," he answered slowly, and Cloud's brow mercifully uncreased. "Those young men shouldn't be back tonight." "Bar the door just in case," Cloud ordered, and Sephiroth nodded. "...hate to say it," the younger man added in a lower tone, "but Reeve's right. I'm sure you can camp out here longer than he thinks, but when winter sets in you're going to be miserable in here. There is a hole in the roof." "I've slept in worse conditions for longer," Sephiroth protested, but Cloud, his mind apparently already made up, stood and collected their dishes. "We'll figure something out," Cloud assured him. "Night, Sephiroth." And that, it seemed, was the end of it. Sephiroth murmured 'good night' to Cloud's retreating back, and got up to set the bar on the door after Cloud had exited. The motions were familiar by now, as familiar as the scent of lilies and the starlight shining through the hole in the roof, sensations that sometimes followed him into the dreams where Aeris and Zack met him. He was going to miss this place.
Sorry for taking so long. We had a technical issue with the laptop that we record our show on. Unfortunately, Collin’s Pokemon episode was on there, and we have not been able to recover the files. In this episode, Collin and James talk a bit about Collins favorite creatures, Vampires. Plus, James tells everyone which episode of Blurry Photos that Collin makes a guest appearance on. What can we say? Unfortunately the audio from our interview was so bad that it was decided that we go ahead and remove it. We are going to try and set up a time to interview Dr. Lack in person and make sure that the audio is the quality that you fine folks deserve. No notes this time. Just a quick announcement from James about the show. This is Collins segment from the first show we published. James pulled the audio so you can listen with children and not have to cover their ears. In this episode, Collin and James talk a bit about chupacabra, and have some fun. We will have more segments with Collin soon. Some of the topics he wants to cover soon are the podcast “Blurry Photos” hosted by David Flora and Dave Stecco, vampires, UFO’s, werewolves, vaccines, mummies, leprechauns, and ghosts. If you have a topic suggestion, or a question for Collin, you can either email it to [email protected] or visit our Facebook page. Thanks for listening! Intro and outro music is the song “Think for Yourself” by George Hrab from his album Coelacanth and used with permission from the artist. You can find the album at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/hrab3. Let him know we sent you. The image for this episode is one I took of an animal that was claimed to be a chupacabra. You can now subscribe to the show here <a href=”https://feedburner.google.com/fb/a/mailverify?uri=RedDirtSkeptics&loc=en_US”>Subscribe to Red Dirt Skeptics by Email</a> Here is the newest segment from Collin, where he and James talk about everyone’s favorite cryptid, Bigfoot. We are probably going to have to rename the segment because they have quickly become longer than 5 minutes. If you have any comments, suggestions, or if you want to ask Collin a question or hear his thoughts on aparticular topic, email [email protected]. Be sure to put “Topics for Collin” in the subject line. And here’s the episode. Enjoy! Greetings everyone! We know it’s been a while since we’ve released anything, and we’re sorry. We have are thinking about releasing the 5 Minutes with Collin segment as a stand alone piece so that if parents want to listen to it, they don’t have to try and skip past all the other segments. We are still going to include it as part of the regular podcast, but it will also be a separate episode in the same feed. We are also still working on some new segments, such as “Celebrity Health Advice” (pretty self-explanatory) and “The World of Weird”, where we try and find some of the weirdest and craziest pseudoscientific or even mainsteam news. If you would like to submit a story suggestion, or ask a question of James, Beth, or Collin, send an email to [email protected] or you can use our contact form. Thanks! We know it’s been a while since we published our first episode, and we sincerely apologize for the delay. Things have made it difficult to actually sit down and record, let alone research the stories we want to cover. By the way, if you like what we do, feel free to leave a comment. We’re still learning the ins and outs of podcasting, but we will improve as time goes on. If you find an interesting story you’d like us to discuss, email a link and a brief synopsis to [email protected] . If we use your story, we’ll be sure to give you a shout out. Until we can actually record an episode, we’ll occasionally put out some “5 Minutes with Collin” segments. In this one, Collin and James talk about aliens, UFO’s and life on other planets. We hope you enjoy it. None really, we just riffed this time. Intro and Outro Music: Think for Yourself by George Hrab from his album Coelacanth You can buy the album at http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/hrab3 (I highly recommend it) Sorry for the delay on getting the next episode out. We’ve got quite a few topics we are wanting to discuss, but trying to find the time to sit down, record, and edit is another thing. To make up for it, we are going to release a stand alone “5 minutes with Collin” later this week. We are experimenting with new segments as well, such as “Celebrity Health Advice”. Let us know what you think, and if you have any suggestions. Here is episode 0 (we are still learning the ins and outs of recording and editing our audio.) Be warned, it gets loud at about 32:28 so if you’re listening with earbuds, you might turn it down for about 5 seconds at that point. Also, we do have a tendency to go off on tangents. Did Blind Bulgarian Mystic predict ISIS? (probably not) Mike Adams, “Health Ranger” and the E. coli contamination at Chipotle (Warning: this will take you to his NaturalNews site) GOP (and especially The Donald) supporters in favor of bombing a cartoon 5 minutes with Collin segment-Chupacabra
The Ayia Napa Sea Monster is a cryptid, claimed to inhabit the coast off of Ayia Napa in Cyprus, a popular tourist resort in the Mediterranean. Most sightings occur around Cape Greko (Cavo Greko). It is known by the local fishermen as "to filiko teras" , which translates to "the friendly monster". There have been no reports of it causing any harm, although it has been reported at times to rip and drag away fishing nets. There is no evidence that the monster actually exists, except in folklore and through various sightings by tourists and locals alike. There exists little photographic evidence, except unverified short-films and pictures. Many believers of the myth of the Ayia Napa Sea Monster like to link it with the common mythical sea monster of Greek mythology called Skylla, which is depicted in the mosaics that remain in the House of Dionysus, a Roman villa from the 3rd century AD in Paphos, Cyprus. Many ancient authorities describe it as a monstrous form of a giant maiden in torso, with a serpent for its lower body, having six snarling dog-heads issuing from its midriff, including their twelve forelimbs. This is the form described by Hyginus, Apollodorus and the Suida, among so many others, and it is this form most often depicted on vase paintings. Regardless of the fact that its existence has not been scientifically proven, the hope of spotting the Ayia Napa Sea Monster remains a highlight for many tourists on boating day-trips. Many hotels boast to being in close proximity of sightings.
Destination Truth Season 3 will start on September 9th on sy-fy for a 9 episode season. I wish they would give Josh and the gang more episodes so they can investigate even more of the cryptid myths. About Destination Truth Follow Josh Gates as he explores tales of the unexplained around the globe. Each week they travel to the location of the unexplained event, interview the locals, and explore the myth trying to prove or disprove it. The show is a lot of fun to watch and we get to also learn about distant cultures along with the exploration of the unexplained. What to Expect in season 3 - A mystery in Alaska - A mystery in Florida - The ghost towns of Chernobyl - Turkish lake serpent - The Bermuda Triangle - A return to the Himalayan Mountains Bhutan for another look at the Yeti - World's first overnight exploration of King Tut's cursed tomb - Pitch-black dives in ancient Caribbean caves for a giant octopus - haunted lost city in Peru & a Chilean high speed desert creature - watch the video below of Josh highlighting some of the mysteries to be investigated in season 3 Netflix lets you rent, watch and return DVDs from home - Try free for 2 weeks
Paranormal reality shows are the perfect trash television. Nothing soothes a hangover better than watching dum dums in night vision, screaming and running from “ghosts.” The issue with our favorite ghost hunting shows is how prolific they are. Ghost Hunters has filmed over 200 episodes and has at least three spin off shows. Ghost Adventures has had 23 seasons and Destination Truth, despite not being very popular, still had 5 seasons. You can trust us on this: the majority of these episodes are bad. Easily 75%-85% are real wet farts. We have handpicked the best and scariest episodes from these shows to curate a ghost show mixtape for you. This mixtape includes the following hot tracks: - Puppet Surgery f/ Commander Riker - Haunted Forest vs Meadow f/ Romanian Gallagher - Where R We Headed, Grandson? f/Yokai Memaw - Spider Demon (Dude Get It Off) f/ ‘Roid Boyz We hope you enjoy it! - Nod Cool – A Ugandan parasite causes a disturbing physical response. - Turkey Trot – A Boston man captured a video of turkeys exhibiting a very odd behavior. - Perma-hell – A pit in rural Siberia has locals frightened and scientists excited. *The Darvaza gas crater is the other pit Devin mentions. - Tom Delonge of Blink 182 won the award for “UFO Researcher of the Year!” - There is a bill to make Sasquatch the official cryptid of Washington State. *Episodes and clips from the episodes we reference will be linked in the titles, but be warned that they will be youtube rips. Sorry, <3. In 1995, Fox aired a special that claimed to contain authentic footage of an alien dissection. Destination Truth – Season 3, Episode #1, “Haunted Forest/Alux” In 2009, the Destination Truth crew went to a reportedly haunted Romanian forest. Destination Truth – Season 2, Episode #11, “Aswang & Haunted Forest” In 2008 Destination Truth filmed an episode in Japan’s legendary suicide forest. *Check out the Vice article about the suicide forest HERE. Ghost Adventures – Season 13, episode #14, “Goatman’s Bridge” In Ghost Adventures’ most recent season, they decided to try to conjure a demon on a purportedly haunted bridge.
Welcome to a bit of respite in 31 Days of Toy Terror! So far you've faced a killer tree, a backwoods cultist, a cryptid legend, and a hockey mask wearing maniac. Well, you're out of the woods for now, but what will your ultimate fate be? It's time to head on over to the old carnival just outside of town. As you listen to the eerily cheerful sounds of the calliope playing amidst the October wind, you stroll down to the fortune teller's tent.... I love 31 Days of Toy Terror because it gives me a chance to go back and review a mixture of older and newer figures, sometimes reviewing stuff from lines I don't review very often. Today I'm looking at the Fortune Teller from the 9th series of Lego Minifigures. While I've disassembled much of my Lego haunted world over the past year to make room for my Castle Grayskull and massive MOTUC collecton, I've kept a number of the minifigures out. One of these was the Fortune Teller. The character actually has a bio on Lego's own site: The mystical Fortune Teller has a unique gift for prophecy…sometimes. Half of her predictions come true in every last detail, while the other half turn out to be wildly wrong. Even she doesn’t know which ones are which. It’s led to some very happy customers – and some extremely annoyed ones, too. It’s gotten to be such a big problem that the Fortune Teller has started second-guessing her own second sight. Whenever she tells someone’s fortune, she also makes something up that’s the exact opposite. It may be confusing, but at least she can be reasonably certain that she’ll always be at least half-right! To learn more about this mysterious lady, join me after the break... I like the elaborate tampographic stamp on the dress and torso. It has some nice gold details amidst a myriad of greens, pinks, and crimsons. She's also wearing a corset. If you changed out her head, which looks like she's telling someone some good news, you could use her as a fairly standard medieval figure. Or some kind of hippy person who hangs out at farmers markets and always talks about essential oils and sitar music. I guess even Legoland can't escape those people. Day 2: Erick Rowan from WWE Elite Collection Day 3: Momo, the Missouri Monster from Legendary Monsters Day 4: Jason Voorhees from ReAction Horror Series Arkham Asylum Breakout Batman: Man-Bat Attack Batman: The Riddler Chase Lego: Hero Factory: Brain Attack Lego: The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Dol Guldur Ambush Dol Guldur Battle Lego: The Lego Movie Wild West Wildstyle Lego: The Lord of the Rings Pirate Ship Ambush Lego Minifigures: Series 11 Lego: Monster Fighters The Swamp Creature Witch Polybag (40032)
Jessica "Jess Alter (@jess_alter) In 2014, author Jessica “Jess” Alter published the third and final installment in an epic social science fiction trilogy filled with sex, tech, and firearms. Her new Cryptid Series was published on multiple ebook platforms starting in 2015. The first book in the series, ‘Til Undeath Do Us Part, brings cryptid lore and legend into the modern scientific world with unexpected and thrilling results. 5744 Total post views Rahjwanti, a native of New Orleans, LA, most often describes his music as feel good music that lyrically tells stories about life and love; music that makes your heart think. He coins his style of music, just plain Soul. This brother is indubitably a true seasoned musician who has garnered a reputation for writing and producing warm, heart-felt, and infectious songs that engage the heart. His humble yet aggresive spirit, along with his prolific musical talents has afforded him with many opportunities to fall comfortably into the music indusrty. Coming out of a city that is known for its Jazz, and now rap music, Rahjwanti has found his nitch with his soul mus Blogger, cycling, hobby photographer / Turkey-Osmaniye Router technical support 18002046959 phone num (@routersupportphonenumber) Router Technical Support phone number 1800-204-6959 for Router Help. Setup, Install Belkin, Netgear, linksys, Dlink, Cisco Router by Customer support team Douglas Harington (@douglasharington01) Hello I am Douglas Harington from the United States. I am graduated in economics from the Harvard University. By profession I am a wittier I use to write informative articles over several topics. But my keen interest is to write about business related topics. To get more information visit at: http://www.personalcashloansforbadcredit.com Trina Clark (@trinaclark) Bernardo Dainese (@dinobernie) Novelist and Philosopher Outlook Technical Support Phone Number (@johnsonrobin12) Dial Outlook Technical Support Phone Number 18002430019 resolve your problems related for your Outlook Account. Make a Call to Technical Support Number and getting a friendly, easy and exactly solutions 24*7 hours. Gmail Technical Support Phone Number (@jhonsmith) Welcome to Gmail Technical Support. Gmail Customer Support has offered Gmail Technical Support Phone Number 1 (800)243-0019 Available 24*7 to its users. Call Now !! Steve Simpson (@stevesimpson) With over 30 years experience, Steve Simpson is renowned for his hand lettered packaging design, whimsical characters and illustrated barcodes. His distinctive style, inspired by the arts & crafts movement, 50s advertising and folk art, has appeared on everything from 1" postage stamps to a 200ft screen in Times Square. His work has adorned whiskey bottles and cough bottles, boardgames and board rooms, hot sauces and ceramic saucers:) Since 2008 steve has won over 50 awards for both packaging design and illustration. Steve has been a main stage speaker at OFFSET, OFFF and ICON as well as giving many talks and masterclasses internationall. Chippy is a little dog with a lot of love in his heart for you. james h.schultz (@hirams11) art music horses flying just some of my likes learning rhymes (@learningrhymes) Dennis Gorya (@dennisgorya) Needless to say I have a pretty crazy life. So here's where you can keep up. Oh and I post some cool stuff...at least I think so. Random, weird and conventionally unconventional. I'm a juxtaposition within myself Roy Lee(F4F) (@dazoa78) Happy to follow Live in Boston, MA Medipk Pharmacy (@medipkpharmacy) Mosaic Hides (@mosaichides) Air One360 (@airone_360) lars b amble (@larsbamble) autodidacticism • multipotentiality • intellectualism • polymathy • creation • intuition • design • art • love • progressive music & progressive politics Adam Dreece (@adamdreece) I'm the monocle wearing, people engaging, Calgary living, family loving, author of the emergent Steampunk, YA layered for the mature reader, series, The Yellow Hoods. Your passion matters: let it inspire others! What's your passion? Contests every week - prizes related to your passions! Plumaa.com | Desktop Beta: Comments & Feedback? Send us a message: [email protected] Facebook, Twitter, Instagram: @PlumaaTeam
... as the one seen in the famous Roger Patterson-Robert Gimlin motion film of a Neo-Giant in California in 1967...They are of a different genus of primate. New Footage: Bigfoot Creature Inadvertently Filmed On Larry The Cable Guy's Alaska Episode Of Only In America These days you're more likely to see Bigfoot on television than in your own backyard. Not so for Tim Stover, though, who caught the Bigfoot bug 20 years ago after a chance encounter. In anticipation of his appearance on Bigfoot Hunters tonight, WKYC takes the time to profile this local hero, as does Ohio.com with Kent Resident's Quest to Find Bigfoot to Air Sunday which gives a little more depth to Stover's story. In other news of the huge, hairy hominid, the reports claiming the shooting of more than one Bigfoot in the California mountains continues to evoke a back and forth from those investigating the claims, as revealed in Jeff Meldrum Addresses Sierra Kills Rumors and Bart Cutino Addresses Sierra Kills Body Recovery Effort. The Australian version of the manlike biped gets mention today, too, in the video questioning Yowie Footprints in the Bush? And Dale Drinnon has information about the origins of reports describing another cryptid in Honduras Chupacabras-Folklore Page. Meanwhile, there's cryptozoological programming online tonight at 8:00 p.m. ET as the author of Orang-Pendek: Sumatra's Forgotten Ape visits with Eric Altman and Lon Strickler, as announced in This Week on 'Beyond the Edge' Radio: Cryptozoologist/Author Richard Freeman, and cryptozoology is a large part of the podcast mounted by Benjamin Grundy and found in Episode 703 – Mysterious Universe.
Come one, Come all Saturday, Oct 15: Albuquerque Roller Derby Bout The Daily Word for 8.30.10: a chupacabras bite, a fancy car and a monkey riding a goat. A Dallas woman was bitten by the Chupacabras. Here are the Emmy winners. One time, a monkey rode a goat. A deadly volcano erupted in Indonesia. Smell the screams of freshly mowed grass. A bag of cocaine fell out of Paris Hilton’s purse. Six secret things from Cracked.com. Pay dirt on my claims about heavy drinking. Here’s a $2 million car. The Ghost Train hunter can now be seen haunting the rails at night. APD shut down that one party place. There was a stabbing in the South Valley. West Mesa High doesn’t like Juggalos. Rudolfo Carrillo reports from Bubonicon 42. Happy birthday, Lewis Black. Cryptid Alert: Loren Coleman Is Skeptical about Ben Radford’s Chupacabra(s) Theory Internationally renowned cryptozoologist Loren “Come to My Cryptozoology Museum” Coleman has weighed in on Alibi columnist Ben Radford’s theory that the chupacabras is actually Natasha Henstridge. Though he congratulates Ben on his ingenious explanation of the chupacabras phenomenon, Coleman plays the skeptic this time. It’s backwards day! Coleman and Radford are actually on friendly terms; Ben spoke highly of him at our company Christmas party a couple years ago. Nevertheless, Loren bashed Ben for taking a hike a few months ago. Oh, well. I took a poke at Coleman once with hilarious results. Brother’s Day Celebration 2010 Saturday was Brother’s Day. We wore fake moustaches and set off fireworks until the neighbors complained. We had chupacabras meat, dried octopus and pizza rolls. We broke open a home-made piñata full of weird mexican candy and had a coyote calling contest until the neighbors complained. We had a snowball fight with snowballs trucked in from the East Mountains. That’s it until next year.
7/1 Afternoon Block of Book Deals on Kindle and Nook free for limited time confirm price before downloading Julie Hayward was not a believer in the paranormal. Newly engaged with a photography career just starting to take off, her life is almost comfortable. The only thing she lacks is enough money to repair the family home. But, when her best friend, Gustavia, drags her to a visit with a psychic thinking it will be a fun engagement gift, things get really crazy. A ghostly encounter provides a cryptic clue to the location of the lost family fortune and a warning that her fiancé is not what he seems. Launched into a wild adventure, Julie must learn to listen to her heart, her intuition and the ghosts that will guide her in order to solve the mystery. Journalist, Tyler Kingsley gets drawn into the search. What red-blooded male could resist a treasure hunt? The idea gets his blood pumping and so does Julie. When he realizes that her fiancé might be dangerous, he decides to protect her at any cost, even if he loses his heart. This is a clean, sweet, romance that combines mystery and humor with the paranormal. Other books in the series: Every summer, Gray Barnes and his eighteen-year-old daughter, Evie, open up their farm in the foothills of South Carolina to Kip Kierkin’s Carnival of Wonder. The carnival attracts hordes of locals and out-of-towners, and it brings in the extra cash that Gray and his daughter need to keep the family estate running. Evie decided long ago that she wants nothing to do with the carnival or the farm that her dad so desperately works to keep afloat. She doesn’t understand her father’s appreciation for the land or the work that it takes to maintain it, but that’s all about to change when she meets Finch Mills. Finch is a lifer – a carny since birth. He’s spent all of his twenty-two years on the circuit and longs for a different path. He’s never paid much attention to Evie, not until this eventful summer of 1978. Other books in the series: Unsure if your building is haunted by spirits or termites? Want to know the secret ingredient behind grandma’s famous apple pie? Then call Jaspar Windisle and let him use his 300 years of experience channeling the dead to tell you whether the answer is bourbon, termites, or “fly, you fools.” While he usually shouts out that last answer while already running, everything changes when a very, very old friend calls in a favor and asks him to come work for Jesticorps on a mall project in Towenridge, cryptid capital of the Northwest. Jesticorps, the only company crazy enough to want to bring the convenience and reasonable prices of a mall to a town where the works of H.P. Lovecraft are taught in history class, the town council policy on evil cults involves a shotgun and a shovel, and most of the residents appear to be either part of an evil clone army or are all just one very busy practical joker with a lot of wigs. Will Jaspar find the key to unlock the interdimensional portal under the mall? Can he put down the occult goldfish uprising? Do any of the “outside law enforcement agents” turning up in town actually work for the government? Answers to all of these questions and more in Beneath the Mall of Madness! On Zero Day there can only be one winner. “I want my money” he screamed. He pointed the gun at Jackie Aziz. “You. I recognise you. Why did you say that? Why did you say that about the bank?” She knelt. Frozen, too scared to move or speak. He snapped open the barrel. “You really are going to tell me,” he whispered, and slipped another blood-red round into the gun. Danny Bowen is the reluctant hacktivist who founded Nameless, the collective with attitude and ability whose exposure of global surveillance shook the world. But bringing down governments wasn’t part of Danny’s plan, and he got out before things went too far. Most of the collective found themselves in jail, only the brilliant Cassandra managed to outwit the security services. Danny might have retained his freedom but he’s lost everything else. His best friends, his job, and part of himself. Now he’s a lonely ex-black hat with a mark against his name, scraping a living in information security. But someone wants his attention. Hired to investigate an attack on Hamilton Private Equity he instead uncovers a plot on an unimaginable scale. It’s no coincidence somebody wants him to take the job. Danny knows that on Zero Day ordinary people will bear the brunt of this next attack. It’s his last chance to atone for his failures, and to prove he’s still the best. Hooked into a deadly race with a group of ultra-violent Russian Mafia and a sociopathic search-engine billionaire Danny must find the key before it’s too late. He has nothing to lose. They have everything to gain. Literally, everything. Black Sands, Carl Goodman’s debut novel, is a taut, fast-paced, action-packed techno-thriller that twists and turns to the very end and leaves you wondering if there’s anyone you can trust.
It may seem like a waste to spend a lot of money on a custom coffin to be buried in, but some folks want to go into eternity with a symbol. For some, it might be nerdy or even a hobby, perhaps an obsession. Let's have a look at how it all began. The ancient sarcophagus and death masks were perhaps the first "custom" caskets. In the Victorian Era, there was a fear of being buried alive and thus a bell was rigged to the interior of the coffin so the person could ring a bell above ground and perhaps a conscious gravedigger might hear it and help them out. In that same era, postmortem photos were popular to capture a relative's face, perhaps for the first time in a photograph so that they could be remembered. Jump to nowadays and the custom coffins get a bit more interesting - Then, there is this totally cool company called Custom Coffin Works - they sell coffin shaped items and rent them out for events too! I really really like this company! They do amazing work and what an inventive concept! Rent a Dragula Whether you want to buy a coffin chair or want to rent a hearse or a coffin cooler, you're ready! I like this concept a lot and I do hope to get the cupboard up above. It's gorgeous and a great place to showcase my sideshow retired items and cryptid mementos!
Prepare yourself for Devastation, the second DLC Pack for Call of Duty®: Ghosts, featuring four unique multiplayer maps, an all-new tactical 2-in-1 weapon that can be switched from Sub Machine-Gun to Assault Rifle on the fly, and Episode 2: Mayday – the next installment in Extinction’s four-part episodic narrative. A mountaintop Mayan ruin overrun by the jungle, Ruins’ skyline is dominated by an ominous volcano on the brink of eruption. The central temple provides a key overwatch position, and adds verticality to the subterranean sections beneath the temple’s foundations. These underground sections, cliffside trails and stairwells create a myriad of pathways and flanking routes so players will never be far from the frantic action. Skilled players that find and complete the map’s unique Field Order will have the ability to become one of the galaxy’s ultimate hunters, the deadly Predator. As the Predator, players will brandish its dual wrist blades and shoulder-mounted plasma cannon, as well as be able to utilize the creature’s keen hunting abilities to track down enemy players. Situated on a massive bucket-wheel excavator (BWE), one of the largest vehicles ever created, Behemoth is a narrow, multi-level map. Long sight lines open Behemoth up to longer-range weapons, while BWE’s core walkways offer tight interior control rooms, ideal for those who prefer close-quarters combat. The map’s multiple levels gives players flanking opportunities so there will rarely be an opportunity to focus solely on your cross-hairs. Complete Behemoth’s Field Order and take control of an attack helicopter armed to the teeth with devastating grenade launchers. Controlling the movement of the helicopter will allow players to circle enemy combatants, raining down destruction from above. Location: New York Having collided with a New York bridge, the resulting wreckage of this cargo ship provides the setting for Collision. With the mangled remains of the bridge, burnt out vehicles, and shipping containers strewn across the deck, this map provides the ideal theatre for tight, close-quarters combat. Two dominant structures at each end of the map provide great vantage points and sightlines from which players can provide teammates with enemy locations, or take matters into their own hands. At the same time, the ship’s maze-like underbelly is made up of narrow corridors and tight corners, which may well put players face to face with opposing enemies sooner than hoped for. Unlock the map’s unique Killstreak by completing the Field Order, giving players an A-10 Warthog aircraft on standby to engage in strafing runs across the length of the map, using its full arsenal of missiles and a chain gun capable of unleashing 30mm rounds at thousands of rounds-per-minute. Inspired by Dome, the fan-favorite map from Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® 3, Unearthed drops players at the heart of an alien dig site. Unearthed lies amidst the shadows of mysterious ancient statues, and at its heart is an ancient meteorite – the focus of the excavation. This small map has players navigate through Cryptid artifacts, a mix of high-tech HAZMAT facilities, scientific equipment and vehicles. The re-imagining sees the addition of an all-new flanking route, and a large crane that provides a crucial vantage point overlooking the entire map. However, this dominant position is one that will leave you vulnerable to eagle-eyed enemies. Players skilled enough to complete Unearthed’s unique Field Order will be able to unleash three Cryptid alien creatures, delivering an explosive end to their foes. The Ripper is the ideal weapon companion for Devastation’s mix of multiplayer maps. Providing players with two different configurations: medium to short-range capability as a Sub Machine-Gun (SMG), and medium to long-range as an Assault Rifle (AR). This unique 2-in-1 weapon has the ability to switch from SMG to AR and back again on the fly in the midst of battle, at the touch of a button, giving maximum flexibility to adjust to a variety of map types and tactics. Extinction – Episode 2: Mayday Location: Tasman Sea, South Pacific In the aftermath of Episode 1: Nightfall, the Quick Reaction Force team is sent in to investigate a high-tech ghost ship adrift in the South Pacific. Upon boarding, players must battle through swarms of Cryptids as they progress deeper and discover the sophisticated laboratory facilities below deck, where researchers are developing a machine to locate the mysterious beings who engineered the Cryptids. In the midst of the action, players will uncover a conspiracy, along with surprising twists where the line between friend and foe become blurred. In Episode 2: Mayday your team will need new weapons and new tactics to deal with the insidious wall-crawling “Seeder,” and the skyscraper-sized monstrosity known as the “Kraken.” To survive, players must explore the ship’s cavernous environment, scavenge supplies and construct improvised weapons and traps from blueprints found onboard.
Up at 6 after a relatively late night (for me) reading. And I think all of those chile rellenos I’ve consumed the past few months finally caught up with me, causing some fascinating reactions. It’s a bit overcast here today, but still nice. We’ve been reading about the wintery weather up north and you have our sympathy. A week from today we’ll be back home, hoping that all the snow has melted by the time we get there. This first photo is a shot from the roof of the casa at sunset taken last night. This second photo obviously has nothing to do with I,Q 2. It’s the cover of the United Kingdom version of “Cryptid Hunters” which they are calling “Jungle Hunters.” It will be out “over there” in May. I love this cover. If you look closely at the dinosaur hatchling’s eye you can see the jungle reflected in it. Nice! Back to I,Q2. Someone guessed correctly yesterday that P.K. stands for President’s Kid. Congratulations! P.K. is actually a character I came up with many years ago. I was thinking of writing a series of novels about him, but for various reasons the novels didn’t come about. These characters, whether they appear in books or not, tend to stick with me like old friends. I’m obviously delighted to have found a role for P.K. to play and to introduce him to you in I,Q 2. Another slight shift in this sequel is that you are going to learn a lot more about Malak (a.k.a. The Leopard). I have written her into several scene’s from her POV (point of view). She’s given up so much in order to try to take down this terrorist cell I thought it was important to give her a more visible role in this book. The SOS team also recruits a couple new members, which they badly need. One of them is an old friend of Tyron Boone’s… And both of the new characters are old friends of Malak. Today was a bit of a disjointed day. Not because of any interruptions. I had to slow the writing down and spend a few hours asking myself some questions about the story. I actually write the questions down and answer them, which helps to solidify the path I’m traveling. If I were drawing a map the questions would run along the lines of: “What happens if I turn here? Would it be better for me to take the right fork, or the left?” When I get this far along in a novel I start to think very specifically about the ending and “exactly” what steps I have to take to get there. Of course this book is not going to have a “complete” ending, because there will be an I,Q3, but there are several issues that have to be resolved and other plot points that need to be set up for Book Three.
I’ve had a beaten-up copy of The Shattered Court lying around my apartment for some time now, and I finally decided it was time to give it a read. The book is the opener to a series, and introduces a Britain-based country with its own unique magical system. However, my interest in the book quickly turned to frustration and disappointment as I learned more about how the magic worked. While the series attempted to say some challenging things about gender and magic, it fell down harder and harder every time it tried. When I reviewed Dreadnought earlier last week, I wasn’t aware that it had a sequel — the book came out early this year, and sequels usually take a least a year to put together. But against all odds, Dreadnought‘s sequel Sovereign was published a mere six months after Dreadnought, and so I went on down to the library to pick it up. What I found was that while Dreadnought had a fairly clear-cut narrative as a coming-of-age story for its trans protagonist, Sovereign tried to tackle many different issues at once and had the very typical sequel problem of not getting deep enough into any of them. Still, amongst the issues with gender, race, the media, a TERF villain, and a quickly developing romantic relationship, Sovereign did succeed in raising some thought-provoking questions about superheroism as meritocracy. Spoilers for Sovereign below the jump. Have you ever wondered exactly what’s going on inside your friends’ heads? Of course you have. Have you ever wanted to take a surreal and frightening journey inside the physical manifestation of your friends’ thoughts, feelings, and worries? Maybe? No? Well, in these two series, you can! Fiction provides us with a unique opportunity to see into the minds of others, in that we get to live out other people’s stories and lives and see the world through their point of view for a time. Fantasy and sci-fi elements that allow us to literally see into and interact with the minds of characters, such as the dream-diving in Paprika and Inception, take this a step further. Through literally venturing into a physical manifestation of another character’s mind, you can learn a lot about them that they may not show you on the surface, such as hidden insecurities and secret memories. And sure, as a writer you could get the same information across in a dream sequence that lets the audience see inside that character’s mind for a scene, but the act of physically entering someone else’s mental landscape is what I want to talk about today. It lets the other characters, rather than solely the audience, learn what’s going on in the subject character’s head, and does so in a way that also moves the plot forward and provides a physical adventure at the same time. Puella Magi Madoka Magica and Flip Flappers are two series that, via magic, give their characters the opportunity to explore their co-cast members’ inner worlds, sending them all down a proverbial rabbit hole into surreal, symbolism-heavy, and often frightening landscapes that teach them (and the audience) something about their peers that they couldn’t have known before. The two series use a lot of the same tools, artistically speaking, but the consequences and emotional outcome of their heroes’ journeys into each other’s mindscapes is very different in each case. Heavy spoilers for both shows beyond the jump! As someone who sells artwork at anime conventions, one of the things I look forward to most is seeing everyone’s cosplay. Being able to dress up and put time and effort into bringing a beloved character to life can be a magical experience in the real world. What’s especially great is seeing people in the different costumes that a single character may wear over the course of a story. Clothing can be a powerful narrative tool—sometimes certain clothes can give some character new and special abilities. Other times, the clothing can be a symbol of internal change, growth, and a renewed sense of confidence. This can be an especially important mechanic for video games, and my best experience with this was in Final Fantasy X-2. I’ll admit it, I started watching Princess Principal because it just looked fun. Young women kicking ass as spies in a steampunk fantasy version of turn-of-the-century London, set to a jazzy soundtrack and wrapped up in science-magic? Yes, please. I’ve been pleasantly surprised to discover that this show that I picked up solely for its geeky Cool Factor is… actually really damned good, delivering consistently sharp writing, interesting and layered characters, and some wonderfully efficient and intriguing magical worldbuilding that makes fantastic use of that old writing adage “show, don’t tell” that paints a vivid picture of its fantasy world from its very first scene. Because it did such a good job laying the groundwork and piquing this viewer’s interest, let’s look just at the show’s first episode, and the small but important details the premiere gives us (and how) that let us build a picture of the world… without leaning too heavily on narration, pausing or cutting into the action to explain what’s going on, or having an audience point-of-view character that others teach things to. This may or may not be a known fact to our readers, but in case you missed it, I love cryptozoology. I think it’s a fun and harmless interest, and while you won’t catch me out in the woods doing Bigfoot calls, I won’t pass up the opportunity to watch a “documentary” about someone else doing just that. But despite the efforts to make cryptozoology seem like a serious branch of science to tie Sasquatches to a missing evolutionary link and lake monsters to dinosaurs who never went extinct, I think a lot of people, myself included, are interested in cryptids because they offer an element of somewhat fantastical chaos into a world in which it sometimes feels that there’s not a ton left to discover otherwise—especially if you’re a layperson without a handful of science degrees. Anyone can go sit on the edge of Loch Ness and hope to spot a monster. And hey, isn’t it hubris to assume we’ve discovered every known species when we’re constantly discovering new and bizarre creatures in remote areas? That said, the general belief is that people who take chupacabras, skunk apes, Jersey Devils, and the Mothman too seriously are stubborn, stupid, and naïve. But though cryptids themselves are often fantastical creatures, the attitude we have toward them in the real world seems to be exclusive to the real world. While some fantasy stories do feature cryptid-esque animals, they’re never treated with quite the same sense of dismissive derision—by either the narrative or the people involved—that real-world cryptids and cryptid enthusiasts get. In fact, the farther you get from realism, the more likely it is they’ll be celebrated rather than mocked. Children play a lot of different roles in fiction. Sometimes they embody innocence and goodness, such as in Rise of the Guardians or Hook. Other times, they’re used in direct contrast to that in order to create a sense of horror. Small creepy children with magical powers are… well, creepy. When we think of children, most people think of innocence, and there’s a reason for that. After all, many children have yet to be exposed to the horrors of living and their naivety only helps to reinforce the idea that they are good deep down. As such, when our media gives us children with awesome powers, especially if those children are evil, it plays into our fears by perverting something many of us commonly see as good.
In our world, the kongamato is a cryptid from the heart of Africa. In your world, it might be the missing link between dino/pterosaurs and dragons, an evolutionary offshoot or throwback, or just another sign that “true dragons” aren’t the only rulers of the skies, especially deep in the jungle… Because of their great power, the kongamatos of the Yukarumbi River Delta are worshipped as heralds of the gods. To the region’s serval-spotted catfolk, they are seen as avatars of doom, used in their carvings and trail signs to represent danger and death. But to the neighboring Draconic-speaking werecrocodiles, they are demigods to be emulated. Some of crocs’ faith is so strong they receive clerical spells from worship of the kongamatos alone. And sages eager to dismiss werecrocodiles as brutes would be surprised at the number of dragon disciple sorcerers in their ranks. For their part, the kongamatos are pleased with the worship, as it sometimes yields them meals in the form of sacrifices. Thus they are prone to regard anything near their sacred altars—including nosy explorers—as offerings. A mapping expedition to Behemoth Island, a huge land mass populated by giant beasts and monsters, is going surprisingly well. The adventurers’ miraculous gnomish submersible (miraculous in that it works) carries them to the island underwater without attracting attention. Upon arrival, it beaches itself upright, transforming into a steel tower meant to serve as a safe redoubt from which to explore. “Meant” being the operative word, because almost immediately the structure is punctured by the adamantine beaks of a pair of hungry nesting kongamatos. Kongamatos have one advantage true dragons lack: sonic breath weapons and bites. This makes them valuable allies against fiends, almost all of whom are vulnerable to such attacks. Of the celestial races though, only the burliest chaotic azatas (bralanis with class levels or less courtly ghaeles) can stomach riding the primeval beasts. Not always able to leave their posts, they sometimes hire mortal adventurers to hire—or capture and subdue—kongamatos to serve as steeds and breeding stock. —Pathfinder Bestiary 3 169 Don’t laugh at Behemoth Island. If Godzilla had Monster Island and Transformers had Dinobot Island, I get Behemoth Island. Also, does anyone remember the island of Gargantua in D&D? Yeah, that was a thing. You’ll note that I tapped into the old Dragonlance/Spelljammer stereotype of gnomes making flawed inventions. Both settings so thoroughly mined that territory that in 3.0/3.5 we seemed to avoid it reflexively. But here’s the thing: it worked. Gnomes + machines was always a great way to set them apart from dwarves (also miners), halflings (also tricksters), and even elves (also tied to nature). Take machinery away, and gnomes have a hard time finding their place. Making them practically fey was a good move on Pathfinder’s part, though I think we still need some supplements/adventures/strong gnome-centered novels to make the characterization stick. There’s a larger point here—one maybe that I’ve made before?—about thinking about hard-to-define monsters/characters/classes when you create your own worlds. It’s never hard to make a world where elves or gnomes or thieves have a place. But try starting with the gnomes…or the druids…or the monks…or the halflings…or the half-orcs. When your world has a convincing place for them, it’s a convincing world. (Or alternately, there is always the case to be made for leaving a race/class out. Maybe you ditch gnomes and half-orcs in favor of wayangs and hobgoblins? How does that change your assumptions about what your fantasy RPG looks like?...)
Never in the long and very diverse history of spiders – a very significant arachnid order (Araneae) whose lineage dates back more than 300 million years according to the known fossil record – has there ever been a spider with wings. And why should there be? Virtually all spiders display a lifestyle that has no place or need in it for wings, relying upon stealth and ambush to survive and to capture their prey, not flamboyant aerial activity like some bizarre eight-legged dragonfly. Nevertheless, this has not prevented flying spiders from winging their way every so often through both hard-copy and online media reports – to the delight of connoisseurs of the strange and uncanny, and to the despair of hardcore arachnophobes! So here are three of the most entertaining and engrossing accounts that I have seen which showcase these faux yet fabulous fliers of the spider kind. A WINGED TERROR ON TUMBLR During 2012, several users of the website Tumblr posted online what initially looked like a bona fide but unidentified newspaper clipping of a supposedly newly-discovered species of winged spider. The clipping consisted of a b/w photograph of the spider in question, entitled 'Scientist discovers winged spider', but with no accompanying details concerning it or its discovery. A close look at the photo, however, soon revealed that it was a not-especially efficient exercise in image manipulation of the photoshopped variety. The spider depicted was in fact a common (and wingless!) species of fishing (aka raft) spider belonging to the genus Dolomedes. The fake report of a winged spider featuring a photoshopped image of an ordinary wolf spider (creator/s unknown) In addition, as later revealed on the famous hoax-busting Snopes website as well as on several others too, the original photograph of it that had subsequently been manipulated by person(s) unknown to yield the winged spider is one that had been snapped on 23 September 2007 at Durham in North Carolina by Will Cook from Duke University in Durham, and had appeared (it still does in fact) on the website North Carolina Spider Photos (here is a direct link to this photo on the latter website). On 10 March 2014, the fake clipping and photo were revisited by the website of a UK computer services company, Digital Plumbing, which provided an extensive report about them, including details of how the winged spider, which in this report was unscientifically named Volat-Araneus (it should have been the other way around and italicised, of course, i.e. Araneus volat, if the aim was for it to resemble a genuine taxonomic binomial), preyed upon the poisonous (and real) false widow spider Steatoda nobilis. However, the report was peppered with clues that it was a hoax, and indeed, halfway through it its (unnamed) writer confessed this openly, explaining that the report's sole purpose had been to attract the attention of readers, who would now, the writer hoped, take note that this website was that of a company offering technology repairs and other services, as detailed in the remainder of the report. In short, Digital Plumbing's report was a very novel marketing ploy, quite possibly the first one ever to utilise a non-existent winged spider to attract potential customers. A WINGED SPIDER VIDEO AND A WINGLESS MISNOMER Flying spider #2 has only appeared once (to my knowledge) – as an even less convincing photoshopped image presented in an extremely brief YouTube video uploaded on 15 October 2013 by Brian Griffin under the title 'Have Scientists Discovered a Winged Spider?' (click here to watch it). In it, mention is made of the fact that a species called the long-winged kite spider is already known to science. This is perfectly true, the species in question being a forest-dweller known formally as Gasteracantha versicolor, which is native to the subtropics and tropics of eastern, central, and southern Africa, as well as Madagascar. However, 'long-winged' is something of a misnomer, because its 'wings' are not of the membranous, flight-producing variety. Instead, they are a pair of immobile sclerotised spines, borne laterally upon the opisthosoma or abdominal section of this spider's body in the adult female. THE ITALIAN TOMB SPIDER – ENCOUNTERED IN THE CATACOMBS Far older and also far more intriguing than the previous two examples is the third member of this trio of winged wonders – albeit this time a truly grotesque Lovecraftian horror, a cryptic cryptid from the crypts in fact, known as the Italian tomb spider. I first learnt of this macabre entity courtesy of British cryptozoological archive peruser Richard Muirhead, who sent me an unlabelled review report of an article that had originally appeared in the Pall Mall Gazette. Happily, I was soon able to trace the original source of this review report – namely, the San Francisco Call, which had published it on 29 November 1896. The report makes such compelling if unnerving reading that I am reproducing it in its entirety below – the first time, as far as I am aware, that it has ever appeared in an online cryptozoological article: San Francisco Call, Volume 80, Number 182, 29 November 1896 ITALY'S TOMB SPIDER A Thing So Odd That It is Believed to Exist Only in Imagination. The people of Italy believe in the existence of a wonderful creature which, for the want of a better name, is called the tomb spider. The entomologists know nothing of this queer beast, and declare that it only exists in the fancy of the superstitious persons and those whose curiosity or business makes it necessary for them to explore old ruins, tombs, catacombs, etc. According to the popular account the tomb spider is of a pure white color, has wings like those of a bat, a dozen horrid crooked legs and a body three or four times the size of the largest tropical American tarantula. The accounts of this queer insect and his out-of-the-way places of abode are by no means common, and on that account the information concerning him which we will be able to give the "curious" is very meager. Any Italian will tell you that such a creature exists, however, and that he is occasionally met with in old mines and caverns, as well as in tombs and subterranean ruins. The London Saturday Review has an article from a correspondent who was present when some Roman workmen unearthed a church of the fifth century. He says: "We were standing by one of the heavy pillars that had originally supported the roof, when something flashed down from the pitchy darkness overhead and paused full in the candle-light beside us, at about a level with our eyes. It was distinctly as visible as a thing could be at a distance of three feet, and appeared to be an insect about half the size of a man's fist, white as wax and with its many long legs gathered in a bunch as it crouched on the stone. "Our guide had seen, or at least heard of this uncanny insect of ill omen before, but was by no means reconciled to its presence, as his notions proved. He glanced around uncomfortably for a moment and then moved away, we following. It seems really a bit queer, but it is said that the strongest nerves give way in the presence of this insect of such ghostly mien. Even today this uncanny apparition is said to be an unclassified monster — an eternal mystery. When the grave spider is encountered by those opening tombs and vaults it is thought to be a 'sign' of death to one of the workmen or some member of his family." - Pall Mall Gazette. An almost identical account also appeared in another American newspaper, the Sausalito News, on 23 January 1897. What can we say about such a bizarre report? The spider, if indeed we can apply such a name to a creature sporting wings and a dozen legs, is unlike any life form known either upon or beneath the surface of Planet Earth, even if we generously assume that it may be a grossly exaggerated or embroidered description of a pallid form of bat or an exceptionally large moth. Interestingly, as I documented in my book The Encyclopaedia of New and Rediscovered Animals (2012), a dramatically new species of large cavernicolous spider with a pure white abdomen (opithosoma) was discovered by science in quite recent times, amid the deeper regions of Koloa Cave on the Hawaiian island of Kauai and a few others on this same island's southeastern coast, yielding six populations in total. Formally dubbed Adelocosa anops in 1973, this spelaean spider (sole member of its genus) delights in a very contradictory common name - the no-eyed big-eyed wolf spider! The reason for this stems from Adelocosa's membership of a taxonomic family of wolf spiders whose species are generally typified by very large, well-developed eyes, and are thus called big-eyed wolf spiders. In the case of Adelocosa, however, its ancestors apparently abandoned a traditional above-ground lifestyle in favour of a highly-specialised subterranean one instead - in which eyes were superfluous. Consequently, during the resulting evolution of this much-modified cave-dwelling species, they were eventually lost, thus explaining the apparent paradox of a no-eyed big-eyed spider. Although made known to science only fairly recently, this distinctive spider has long been familiar to Kauai's indigenous people, who call it pe'e pe'e maka'ole. It is easily identified not only by its lack of eyes but also by its long and semi-transparent, orange-coloured legs (the normal complement of eight in number), its orange-brown cephalothorax (combined head-and-body section), and its ghostly white opisthosoma. Needless to say, however, it does not possess wings! As for the Italian tomb spider that does allegedly possess wings, conversely: during the 19th Century, gruesome, highly fanciful yarns of this nature were a popular genre of journalistic reportage, invented purely for entertainment purposes and never meant to be taken seriously, although they sometimes were – especially by the more credulous and less perspicacious of readers. In my opinion, this San Francisco Call report from 1896 is clearly a prime example from such a genre. Having said that, however, I'd still be interested to read the article from the London Saturday Review referred to in the latter report (always assuming that such an article does exist), just in case its telling of the tale of Italy's dreaded tomb or grave spider is any less lurid and rather more believable. After all, even an account of a wingless spider sporting only the standard octet of legs typical for its kind but which is unusually large in size, is ghostly-white in colour, and exclusively inhabits crypts, catacombs, and other subterranean residences of the deceased would be sufficiently distinct from all recognised spider species to warrant more than passing interest from arachnologists and cryptozoologists alike. So if anyone reading this present ShukerNature blog article can trace and send to me a copy of the relevant Saturday Review article, I'd very much like to see it – thanks very much! BALLOONING SPIDERS AND ANGEL HAIR Finally: although spiders, being wingless, cannot actively fly, some species can and do practise a type of passive gliding known as ballooning, which is often linked directly to a semi-mysterious phenomenon known as angel hair. Angel hair is the name given to long, white, gossamer-like filaments that descend earthward often in vast quantities, cloaking meadows, streets, houses, or anything else that they land upon with their ethereal, silken strands. But what is angel hair - and where does it come from? Many eyewitnesses describe angel hair as resembling spider webs, and in most (though not all) cases this is indeed what it probably is (but see my book Dr Shuker's Casebook (2008) for some angel hair reports that clearly do not involve spider gossamer). A sheet web composed of gossamer and woven by Linyphia hortensis, a species of money spider (Wikipedia) Very few reports of angel hair actually mention the presence of spiders amid the shroud-like sheets and threads drifting downwards or discovered festooning the ground. Yet there is little doubt that this gauzy, filamentous material is merely an aggregation of threads produced by congregations of tiny money spiders (belonging to the family Linyphiidae) in order to become airborne by a process known as ballooning. Silken threads drawn out of their spinnerets when the spiders face a strong wind are lifted, together with the attached spiders, into the air by the wind and carried aloft, the spiders sometimes travelling great distances before finally gliding back to earth. Once there, they simply abandon their threads, yielding spiderless, gossamer-like sheets called angel hair - as confirmed on several occasions by analysis of samples collected. In short: apart from ballooning spiders, these eight-legged arachnids are reassuringly earthbound, and all are indefatigably wingless – unless you live in Italy and are well-versed in folklore appertaining to grim subterranean realms, and featuring encounters with monstrous creatures that never penetrate up into the light of day, something for which we can all be very thankful, especially if the tomb spider is a typical respresentative of this shadowy fauna of the catacombs and crypts.
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Call of Duty: Ghosts players on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC will be able to get their hands on Invasion – the game’s third epic DLC Pack – on 3rd July. Invasion offers players four new multiplayer maps each with a unique field order, plus “Awakening,” the third chapter in the game’s four-part episodic Extinction storyline. Anchoring the Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion DLC Pack is the next instalment in the game’s Extinction mode episodic narrative, “Episode 3: Awakening.” In Awakening, the team descends into the perilous alien underworld to strike at the subterranean fortress of the Ancestors, the mysterious puppet-masters behind the Cryptid invasion. Armed with a range of new hi-tech weapons and equipment, the team must penetrate a series of defensive barriers to reach the Ark and unlock the secrets of the Ancestors’ psychic powers. As the final battle draws closer, the fate of Earth and the future of the human race hang in the balance. Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion is available for purchase a la carte or as part of the discounted Call of Duty: Ghosts DLC Season Pass. Call of Duty: Ghosts game sold separately and is required to play the Invasion DLC Pack. More info available at the official Call of Duty: Ghosts Website.
Daily Illuminator Archive for October 2009 October 1, 2009: If you've been reading the Daily Illuminator for a while, you know that when the printer finishes the print run, they send a couple of representative samples to us. This occurs at the same time the games are being loaded onto whatever method of bulk conveyance we've arranged . . . October 2, 2009: Ah, we've made it past Labor Day weekend, thereby putting the convention season behind us . . . Or not, as I look at the calendar . . . October 3, 2009: We at SJ Games are always happy to see Munchkin get mentioned on the Web, and this webcomic made our collective week. Thanks to Alina Pete for a great laugh . . . October 4, 2009: The Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle last month was a ton of fun, with the tabletop games, the exhibits, and the panels. If you're like me, you're hating the idea of waiting another eleven months to experience that frenzy again . . . October 5, 2009: It's true. Really, the only robots worth your time are the ones you can climb inside and drive around . . . October 6, 2009: gets played out there in gamer-land, more people are being moved to write reviews. BoardGameGeek in particular has a couple of excellent ones . . . October 7, 2009: Are your games safe? We thought they were, but back in 2007 there were a series of product recalls that led the U.S. government to give us a new law (Public Law No: 110-314), commonly known as the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act . . . October 8, 2009: At GenCon, one question we were surprised to receive was, "Where can I buy one of those attractive, strong, PINK Munchkin Fairy Dust shirts you buff specimens of masculinity are sporting?" To which our sad reply was, "You can't; we printed just enough for the booth workers. Sorry." Full disclosure: this was not strictly true . . . October 9, 2009: We'd call them sculptures, but they look more like they were born than built. No, it's not some creepy statue that looks eerily alive, it's a series of creepy statues that look eerily like a steampunk engineer's scrapheap took on a life of its own and went for a job interview . . . October 10, 2009: I'm on my way to Boston (for both work and pleasure). I'll spend time going over upcoming games with one of our printers -- we have a couple of games that require special components and it's going to be easier to "show and tell" than it will be to trade hours of phone calls -- and then I'll hit a few game stores . . . October 11, 2009: Super-Secret Ninja Detectors have alerted us that the newest edition of Ninja Burger has arrived in our warehouse! Of course, we only detected the delivery, but not the actual ninja . . . October 12, 2009: By now, you've heard of Revolution! , seen pictures of the components, and read reviews and session reports. But where did the game come from? . . . October 13, 2009: I'm starting to get the sneaking suspicion that David Pulver really likes sci-fi. I can't point to any one thing, of course, but this nagging feeling is there . . . October 14, 2009: Of course you are. While we can help you out when it comes to Cthulhu-themed games (Munchkin Cthulhu is ready for action right now and Chez Cthulhu is heading your way), and we even have an assortment of Chibithulhu plush toys, I'm afraid that you're going to have to venture into the wild to find a wide variety of Cthulhu toys . . . October 15, 2009: As the release of the Vorkosigan Saga Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game draws near, we prepare with another batch of previews. These three answer the question, "What if I don't know the worlds of Miles as well as I'd like?" This book has you covered, my friend . . . October 16, 2009: We've been trying out this variant Munchkin rule and figured we'd throw it out for y'all to play around with. At the start of your turn, draw a face-down Door card ("Listening at the Door") . . . October 17, 2009: Next week, I'll be headed over to Germany -- the town of Essen, specifically -- for SPIEL '09. Just another convention? . . . October 18, 2009: On Friday, October 30th we'll be donning costumes and breaking out the dice -- it's our annual Halloween Game Day! Those lucky enough to be in the Austin office will be playing games all day, so don't expect quick replies via email . . . October 19, 2009: Once upon a time, there was a game about a land that was having a terrible time. In this land, the oil was drying up, food was in short supply, and things were generally looking pretty grim . . . October 20, 2009: Over the past couple of weeks, you've seen note in this space about two events staffers attended: the Diamond/Alliance Summit and RinCon. At first glance, one may be tempted to say, "A convention is just a convention, right?" Alas, you'd be wrong . . . October 21, 2009: This week, I'll be attending SPIEL '09 in Essen, Germany. As much as I'd like to provide on-the-spot coverage of the event, I'm not crazy enough to think I'd be able to get a look at more than a quarter of the 450,000 square feet of games, demos, and tournaments . . . October 22, 2009: One of the highlights of PAX '09 -- for the Steve Jackson Games crew, at least -- was getting to see our Munchkin mascot play Rock Band. We recently obtained covert surveillance footage of this event and have made it public, thanks to the good folks at YouTube . . . October 23, 2009: When we got our first actual packs of Fairy Dust and Waiting For Santa , we noticed that our cards were showing some curl starting a day or so after opening them. That's not uncommon in new packs of cards, and we were not concerned . . . October 24, 2009: The Cryptid Zoo: A Menagerie of Cryptozoology is quite a mouthful, but if you don't want to become a mouthful for some bizarre, unidentified entity you may wish to bookmark this site. (That way you can be eaten by an identified entity.) . . . October 25, 2009: No, we haven't released GURPS Evil Clowns (maybe we should . . .), but with Halloween upon us, you might be up for some suitably spooky GURPS. Ken Hite's GURPS Horror is still a work in progress, but there are Other Options . . . First, you'll need a setting . . . October 26, 2009: With the release of Pyramid #3/12: Tech and Toys , I think I can safely stop referring to the "new" version of Pyramid as "the new version of Pyramid ." It's a year old, so it gets to be just Pyramid , now. What's in this issue of Just Pyramid ? . . . October 27, 2009: As we told you on Friday, the new Munchkin mini-expansions, Fairy Dust and Waiting For Santa , have cards that are curling, even inside the packs. After further discussion, we have decided that these cards fall so far below our standards that our only option is to recall them . . . October 28, 2009: Max Brooks hit a cultural nerve center with The Zombie Survival Guide , the undead tongue-in-cheek . . . well, it's a guide to surviving zombie outbreaks. His follow-up, World War Z , was equally fantastic . . . October 29, 2009: A recent dig through our vaults uncovered some previously lost files related to the original production archives for GURPS Greece and GURPS Wizards . Turns out someone had wedged the discs between some discarded copies of the 2179 Farmer's Almanac and the robot head of Jimmy Hoffa.We pulled them out, dusted them off, and worked a little PDF magic on them! . . . October 30, 2009: Today is our traditional Halloween Game Day! We'll be playing games, eating way too much sugar, and trying to navigate the office with costumes on . . . October 31, 2009: The housing market is low - lower, in fact, than you think. Pandemonium Real Estate has listings for all the best properties in the Underworld . . . Daily Illuminator Archives
Need Help Writing an Essay? - Special Education Cover Letter Sample - A+ Resumes for Teachers badly argued essays Double-click on any word and see its definition from Cambridge Dictionaries Online. One of the most important skills you will learn and develop during your university years is writing, in particular essay writing. Letter For Early Special Teacher. It is important to realise that this is a skill which has to be learnt and practised, and that therefore you should apply yourselves from the thesis on legalization of medical very beginning, as you will be writing essays for cover childhood, which you will be graded from the essays early weeks to the very end of your degree programme. Special Education Teacher. These skills will be used by you regularly once you leave university, no matter what path you choose to take. Essay writing involves presenting an homework 2011 argument and communicating. It can be easily imagined that this covers a vast variety of scenarios in which you need to be clear and persuasive : arguing that you should be given the job you are applying for, selling the outline of for early special education teacher, a film script you have written, presenting products at various forums, writing articles for publication, persuading your bank manager to extend your loan, preparing reports, beginning and sustaining your career in journalism, and homework 2011 writing lectures and class plans for your future students. The list is endless, and cover for early childhood education it is obvious that the way you present your arguments in written form can make the homework 2011 difference between success and for early special education failure - in which case you will have to think again. In some of the homework 2011 scenarios outlined above the cover letter special education teacher skills required for essay writing should be slightly adapted but the basic skills and methods are in the main common to all forms of resume writing experts words, formal writing in which an cover for early childhood education argument or arguments need to be presented. The focus here is primarily on writing essays concerning literature. You may have many great ideas and homework 2011 be a very intuitive and fine reader of literature, but no-one will ever know if you cannot express your ideas properly and your communicative skills are not developed. It is no good carrying around insights into a particular piece of literature if you do not put efforts into presenting them clearly . Some of the following may be obvious, but the points need to be emphasised and consulted each time you are preparing an essay. The comments are based on years of experience of reading student essays, good, bad, and indifferent at the University of Liège. An essay should not be merely a list. Too many in the past have been a list of cover letter for early childhood, notes, or a series of environmental biotechnology essays, sub-headings followed by a list of dashes (-) or stars (*) accompanied by childhood special education, one or two words and/or quotations from the literary text with no explanation of what they are doing there. Let us be blunt here and homework 2011 state that we tutors are not impressed by indiscriminate underlining and the use of different coloured pens. Cover Childhood Special Education. Sub-headings written in i remember essay, magenta, underlined in ochre, followed by a list of quotations in vermilion are pointless. We are not tricked by attempts to distract us, through dazzling visual displays, from the fact that an cover for early education essay is poor. Place. An essay should be the development of argument, interpretation and analysis through extended and cover special teacher flowing narrative . To do this you need to work at environmental biotechnology essays, the level of the cover education sentence, of course, but also, very importantly, you need to work at the level of the environmental biotechnology paragraph . The paragraph is a coherent passage of logically connected sentences usually concentrating on no more than one or two ideas relevant to your argument. Do not use very short and unconnected staccato sentences. It takes experience and practice to develop a sense of when a new paragraph is needed and childhood education when it has been finished. Examine the introduction to this booklet and this guide to get some sense of how paragraphs, or ' idea units ' as they have also been called, can be developed and constructed, and how their 'natural' beginnings and ends appear. The first sentence of the paragraph should generally be a 'strong' one, used to signal or indicate the idea to resume writing experts words be discussed within the paragraph. Cover Education. Think of duck thesis, a 'topic sentence', as it has also been called, which will highlight the cover for early special education teacher main areas examined in a particular paragraph. Environmental. Connecting and signposting words and phrases should be learnt, used, practised and cover developed (examples are 'furthermore', 'moreover', 'in addition', 'to qualify the above', 'however', 'in order to', 'in this connection', 'having established that' etc.). The argument should develop through the language you use and therefore in a short essay sub-headings are unnecessary. Several stages are involved in essay preparation, choosing which points are to be considered, deciding how you will deal with them, and the actual writing. United Vidal. As you gain more experience you will find methods and ways of working which suit you, your personality and lifestyle. Generally, however, the letter for early special process will involve the place i remember following. Letter For Early Special Education Teacher. You should examine carefully the statements made in the essay question , making sure you understand each word and what is being asked, as misreading and misunderstanding at this stage can be fatal. Essay questions can be very general, very specific and sometimes deliberately provocative, and an understanding of them is essential. Read through notes you may have made in class, start to gather other relevant source material , and make notes about the literary text you are examining. Ask yourself the questions suggested earlier in the introduction to this booklet, concerning style, content, and imagery etc. Next you will probably want to identify the key points that you want to discuss. There may be many points you find generally interesting, but ask yourself if they are relevant to place i remember the essay in question. To do this it can be useful to try to think of cover for early education teacher, a title for your essay. This is not to be confused with the essay question or title, but is concerned with your response to the task set. What title would best give the reader an overview of your approach and analysis, and duck thesis highlight the main points you examine and cover for early childhood special teacher the conclusions you reach? (Suggestions concerning conclusions will be given later). You should not assume that an essay has to include and cover all the possible points an interpretation may offer up. On Legalization And Decriminalization. A short, well organised and structured essay focusing on some of the main points is cover for early childhood education far better than an over-long and unwieldy attempt to say a little about everything. You may find it useful to state in the introduction which points you are focusing on and why. Keep your reader informed of the development of your argument. Let her or him know which direction is being taken and essay the reasons why. Once the main points have been identified you need to consider in which order they will be examined. Students often do not make the most of the good ideas they have because they get lost if the letter teacher argument does not develop coherently. Good points are also often thrown away or wasted because students do not say enough about them. Make sure the relevance of homework 2011, each point to the main argument is cover childhood clearly stated and homework 2011 demonstrated. You should dwell and cover childhood education teacher linger on the points: often this requires no more than two or three extra sentences, particularly if your writing is environmental biotechnology concise and focused. A good essay takes time to prepare and write, so start to think about it and do the groundwork well ahead of the essay deadline (even in timed conditions, such as exams, it is letter for early special education important to take the time to organise and structure the essay before starting to write). You will probably find that you need to work out your ideas on paper before writing the essay, and are encouraged to prepare an outline of the essay: a point by point series of key words, phrases and ideas. This will help you to experts organise the structure and to letter for early childhood recognise what is relevant and irrelevant to the essay as a whole. Some people find that a plan or outline will consist of eight to ten words only. Resume Writing Experts Words. Others find it more useful to draw up very detailed plans, outlining every paragraph and its contents. Again you will discover which method works for you as you go along. Some students find it easier to think and plan the essay point by point before beginning to write, whilst others find that after some initial preparation, reading, organisation and thinking they can only develop their ideas through writing. Both these approaches take time, if the essays are to be done well. It should be stressed here that the first plan does not have to be binding and may change as the cover for early special education work begins and develops. The main point here is that essays involve a certain amount of planning and preparation even before the actual writing begins. Having emphasised that essays are hard work and take time it should also be stressed that it can be very stimulating and rewarding to work through a number of ideas in depth and detail. Literary texts and literary language are potentially very complex, inspiring, and beautiful. The ideas and images often demand careful thought and attention. Computers are essential in terms of using the time you spend on an essay efficiently and productively. As stated earlier, good essay writing demands time spent on every stage of the process: reading and research, making an outline, ordering and place essay structuring your ideas, writing and changing various drafts, and final editing and presentation. With this in mind it cannot be stressed enough how important it is for you to learn word-processing skills and to make sure you have access to a computer. Use the cover childhood special education university resources. Admittedly the space available is limited at times but this is no excuse not to learn the skills, if you do not already possess them, and to find out where there are available computer terminals. Of course if you use university resources it is even more important to start your essay early in order to avoid the homework 2011 last minute rush as most students, not only from this department, search for terminals in a panic on the Friday before a Monday deadline. Cover For Early Childhood Education. It is essays appreciated that students are very busy and do have a lot of cover special education, work, but it is a mistake to duck thesis claim, as some students have been heard, that they are too busy to learn word-processing skills. Ultimately word-processing will save you a lot of time. It is far easier to cover letter for early childhood special teacher add and delete material, and to thesis of medical and decriminalization restructure and reorganise essays by cover letter for early teacher, moving material around, on a computer than if you are writing by duck thesis, hand. Software has become really user-friendly; 'Word', for instance, will tell you what to do in explicit English or French, and typing skills can be learned whilst typing. Your essay will be the letter special representation of an argument on a given subject or subjects . It will include only points which are relevant to the subject, so be careful to get rid of material that is not directly relevant. Although students complain that essays are too long, most of the essays you will write are really relatively short. Part of the skill of writing is to write concisely and united essays gore vidal economically , without wasting material or 'padding' the work with irrelevant diversions and repetition. Once the points have been chosen they should be presented logically and coherently , so do not leap about from point to point. Each point generally will have some connection to the preceding one and the one to follow. If you do leave one area of the essay to move into another, but intend later to go back to the point you have left and show, for example, how the points may be connected or related, then it can be useful to say so by 'signposting', e.g. 'this point will be picked up later', 'this point will be returned to later, after taking into consideration . '. After each draft of the essay check that each point is presented in a logical and coherent order. Read each draft carefully and critically. Is there a significant idea you have not included in the essay? Do you need to expand some of the points you have chosen to write about? Are some of the points, after due consideration, not really relevant? Have you been too long-winded or repetitive? If so, cut out and/or reduce some of the text. Does your argument need to be clearer, and do the cover letter childhood education links between some of the main points need more emphasis? You should be asking yourself these questions throughout the whole process. A particularly distressing weakness in the past, but hopefully not the future, has been the absence of serious discussion of imagery and literary language . Duck Thesis. Some students have merely stated that the letter teacher author uses imagery, illustrated this with an example, and then moved on to the next point on the list. Duck Thesis. If you discuss images, metaphors and cover for early childhood other literary devices, then say how and why they are being used in the piece of homework 2011, fiction, and maybe if you think the imagery works or not. If you do not say how and why an image is being used then don't mention it. You will not write good work on special teacher literature if you approach an essay as some useless game of 'spot the image'. Throughout your years at the University of Liège you will be writing essays on essay literature which will inevitably include numerous quotations , either from the literature you are working on or from secondary sources, be they books or articles on education teacher historical context, literary criticism or other relevant areas. These quotations can obviously add much to the texture and quality of your work, but they are often handled very badly by place, students. Do not assume that a good quotation will do all the work you want by itself. Poor essays are often merely a patchwork of cover letter for early childhood education teacher, quotations stitched together by the briefest of comments, and it is essays gore vidal a mistake to leave quotations hanging in mid-air, as it were, without comment or explanation. Quotations need to be framed. They should be introduced, not mechanically, but within a context provided by cover letter education, the logical development of your argument . ( See Example 1 at the end of this guide). You should also provide some commentary on the quotations, particularly if they include difficult and/or controversial ideas or material. This is duck thesis often likely to be the case as there is really little point in including 'bland' quotations in cover letter for early childhood special education teacher, your essay. You may want to gloss, explain, qualify or modify the quoted words, or you may have included quotations whose assumptions or arguments you strongly disagree with. The latter case can be useful, if handled well. Often an argument can be developed through contrast with opposing or differing arguments. This tactic in essay construction also displays independent thinking in that it demonstrates that you have not unthinkingly accepted and believed everything you have read. One final point on quotations: do not plagiarise . Duck Thesis. Using other people's work without saying so is a serious crime. Tutors have read widely on the subjects you will be writing on and are very likely to recognise when you are plagiarising. If you use other people's ideas and words they have to be acknowledged through proper footnoting and referencing . ( See Example 2 at the end of this guide). Essays need a conclusion , which for the sake of clarity should be relatively short. It is generally best not to include new ideas or new material in your concluding comments, particularly since many people think that a conclusion should be a summary of the prior arguments. You may, however, point to alternative conclusions or arguments, or briefly suggest areas of interest that have not been dealt with directly by the essay. Cover Letter Childhood Education Teacher. People often get the wrong idea about homework 2011 conclusions and believe that this is the place to state firm convictions, and that a conclusion has to make a stand and come down on the side of letter childhood special education, one argument or another. This can be the case but it is not necessarily so. If an essay title comes in the form of a question, for example 'Is James Joyce seeking to distance himself from homework 2011 traditional forms of Irish culture?', and you cannot decide, do not think that this is a problem. It is as much a sign of intelligence to state that you cannot decide as it is to sift through the cover childhood special education teacher evidence and decide one way or the other. Think about why you cannot decide. Perhaps the evidence is united essays vidal conflicting. Perhaps the cover letter childhood literary text and duck thesis its use of imagery is ambiguous, or even contradictory; as is often the case. If you cannot decide, then say so, outlining why you cannot decide. Alternatively, you may partly agree or partly disagree with the statements or questions raised by the title , or by questions raised directly in cover education teacher, responding to the title. If so, say so. A forced conclusion to united essays gore an essay can be as bad as the essay having no concluding remarks at all. In connection to the last point it should be emphasised that any essay should be about your ideas and your interpretation of the literature being studied . Of course your ideas may, and indeed should, develop through discussions with friends, fellow students, tutors and through the cover letter for early childhood special education consultation of books and articles, but it is your ideas which should form the basis of the essay. Whilst you will use material that is not your own, it is the way that you use, add to, adapt and modify this material that makes the argument your own and original. Duck Thesis. Your own voice should be heard. This needs to be qualified by the understanding that there is cover letter for early childhood special a particular form and of medical and decriminalization style in academic writing . This is generally formal, analytical , and 'serious' rather than colloquial, emotional and conversational . Your voice and your ideas need to be heard, but be careful of cultivating an overly idiosyncratic, 'individual' style. Remember that in writing you are communicating and cover for early childhood special education teacher that therefore your argument should be clearly expressed. This does not mean you should be simplistic: it is a very important skill to place express complex ideas with clarity. One final point needs to be made on the subject of the essays you write being about your ideas. Some of you may find this an letter education extraordinary statement but it is a bad idea to tailor and construct your essay around what you believe your tutor or the head of the course thinks about the text, and what you think she or he wants to hear. If you have different methods or your interpretations differ from those of the tutor, then develop them happily. Homework 2011. Remember that essay writing is all about presenting an argument and using evidence from the text and elsewhere to back up your statements, and if you do this well you will be given credit for it whether or not the tutor agrees with the overall argument. It is not particularly interesting for tutors to read in essays only what they have said in class, particularly if this is letter childhood teacher reproduced in a flat, unconvincing, and unconvinced manner. Of course you may agree and be persuaded by arguments and interpretations outlined in essays, class but if you do not believe the arguments you reproduce in the essay it will be obvious and the tutor will wonder why you bothered to include them. You will write a better essay if you are focusing on your own ideas, developed through discussion and cover letter for early childhood education teacher reading, not least because you will be enthused by place essay, them. Eventually your ideas will be thought through, outlines planned and re-planned, main points developed, written down on paper, then rewritten, and cover for early childhood education finally given to your tutor. Nevertheless your work on the essay has not yet finished. Once the place i remember essay has been graded and returned it is very important that you do not merely look at the grade you have received before putting it at the bottom of your files. Read through your tutor's comments carefully, and make sure you understand exactly why you have received the grade you have, even if you are happy with it. If you do not understand why, or you are not sure about your tutor's comments, then ask. If it is not possible to ask during class or you would prefer to cover letter special education teacher talk privately go to your tutor during office hours, or make an appointment if these clash with other classes. Writing is a skill which has to be learnt and practised, it is an duck thesis ongoing process and you will learn more each time. Follow up work once the for early childhood teacher essay has been returned is an important part of this process. Example 1: Using Quotations. The extract below, from a paper on Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie , shows how quotations can be used. Because the paper quotes from the novel extensively, page numbers are found within the main body of the text, in parentheses, after complete bibliographical details have been provided in a footnote to the first quotation. Quotations from secondary sources are referenced by footnotes. Short quotations are included, in quotation marks, within the main body of the marijuana and decriminalization paper, whilst the longer quotation, without quotation marks, makes up an indented paragraph. Note that even when the letter special writing by the author of the paper is combined with quotations from the resume writing words novel and secondary sources the sentences are still grammatically correct and coherent. Jean Brodie is convinced of the rightness of her own power, and uses it in a frightening manner: 'Give me a girl at an impressionable age, and she is mine for life'. 1 This is for early childhood education teacher Miss Brodie's adoption of the Jesuit formula, but, whereas they claim the child for God, she moulds the child for her own ends. 'You are mine,' she says, '. of my stamp and cut . ' (129). When Sandy, her most perceptive pupil, sees the 'Brodie set' 'as a body with Miss Brodie for essay, the head' (36), there is, as David Lodge points out, a biblical parallel with the Church as the cover for early childhood body of Christ. Duck Thesis. 2 God is Miss Jean Brodie's rival, and this is demonstrated in a literal way when one of her girls, Eunice, grows religious and is preparing herself for confirmation. Cover For Early Childhood Education Teacher. She becomes increasingly independent of Miss Brodie's influence and decides to go on the Modern side in the Senior school although Jean Brodie makes clear her own preference for the Classical. Eunice refuses to continue her role as the homework 2011 group's jester, or to go with them to the ballet. Cunningly, her tutor tries to regain control by playing on special education her religious convictions: All that term she tried to inspire Eunice to become at least a pioneer missionary in some deadly and of medical marijuana and decriminalization dangerous zone of the earth, for it was intolerable to Miss Brodie that any of her girls should grow up not largely dedicated to some vocation. 'You will end up as a Girl Guide leader in a suburb like Corstorphine', she said warningly to Eunice, who was in cover letter for early childhood education, fact secretly attracted to this idea and who lived in Corstorphine. (81) Miss Brodie has different plans for Rose; she is to biotechnology be a 'great lover' (146), and her tutor audaciously absolves her from the sins this will entail: 'she is above the moral code, it does not apply to letter for early childhood teacher her' (146). This dismissal of possible retribution distorts the girls' judgement of Miss Brodie's actions. The above passage is taken from gore Ruth Whittaker, The Faith and Fiction of Muriel Spark (London and Basingstoke: MacMillan, 1982), pp.106-7. Example 2: Laying out cover for early childhood special education teacher a bibliography. The bibliography will usually include the relevant sources consulted in producing your essay , even if you have not referred to or quoted from them directly. The order is alphabetical and determined by the authors' names. Book titles appear in resume writing, italics or are underlined , whilst article titles appear in inverted commas. When referring to books you should include the author's name, place of publication, the childhood publisher, and states essays the date when the letter special teacher book was published. To reference the source of an resume article from a journal include the name of the journal, the number and/or volume number, the date of publication and the page numbers. Cover Letter Special Education. There are several styles for laying out united essays gore vidal a bibliography, but the for early teacher same elements appear in each, and you must be consistent. Experts. Consult the childhood teacher handbooks to be found in environmental, the libraries for further details. This is a model used by letter childhood special education teacher, many British universities and publishers. Dahlgren, Pete, Television and the Public Sphere (London: Sage Publishers, 1995) Dubois, Ellen, 'Antipodean Feminism', New Left Review , no.206, July/August 1994, 127-33. Fussel, Paul, The Great War and Modern Memory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975) Gledhill, Christine, 'Melodrama', in The Cinema Book , ed. Pam Cook (London: BFI, 1985), pp.73-84. Resume Writing Experts. Lodge, David, 'The Uses and Abuses of Omniscience: Method and Meaning in childhood education, Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ' in David Lodge, The Novelist at essay, the Crossroads and Other Essays on childhood special Fiction and Criticism (London: Routledge and resume writing experts words Kegan Paul, 1971), pp.119-44. Pettifer, James, The Greeks (London: Penguin, 1993) This is the model recommended by cover for early childhood special education, the Modern Languages Association (MLA) and is used by most American universities and publishers. Dahlgren, Pete. Television and the Public Sphere . London: Sage Publishers, 1995. Dubois, Ellen. Antipodean Feminism. United States Essays. New Left Review 206 (July/August 1994): 127-33. Fussel, Paul. The Great War and Modern Memory . Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1975. Gledhill, Christine. Melodrama in The Cinema Book . Ed. Pam Cook. London: BFI, 1985. 73-84. Lodge, David. The Uses and Abuses of Omniscience: Method and cover letter for early education teacher Meaning in thesis on legalization of medical, Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie in David Lodge The Novelist at the Crossroads and Other Essays on special Fiction and Criticism . I Remember Essay. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971. 119-44. Pettifer, James. The Greeks. London: Penguin, 1993. The essential information provided by each model is given in the same order, but they differ in the way that the cover for early childhood education details are presented. Whichever model you choose or are instructed to use ensure that you stay consistent to it. Consult reference works for essay, further advice. These books are on the open shelves: · John Clanchy and Brigid Ballard, How to Write Essays (Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1992) · Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (New York: MLA, 1995) 1 Muriel Spark, The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (London: Macmillan, 1961), p.7. All further references are to this edition and given in the text. Cover For Early Childhood Special. 2 David Lodge, 'The Uses and Abuses of Omniscience: Method and Meaning in Muriel Spark's The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie ', in David Lodge, The Novelist at the Crossroads and Other Essays on Fiction and Criticism (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1971), pp.119-44. Order Paper Writing Help 24/7 - Special education teacher cover letter - SlideShare How to Write a Bibliography – Examples in MLA Style. Please note, all entries should be typed double-spaced. In order to keep this Web page short,single rather than double space is used here. Cover Letter For Early Education? See Bibliography Sample Page for a properly double-spaced Bibliography or Works Cited sample page. Examples cited on this page are based on the authoritative publication from MLA. If the example you want is not included here, please consult the environmental biotechnology, MLA Handbook, or ask the writer to look it up for you. Format for entries: A single space is used after any punctuation mark. When dividing a long word or URL onto two lines, put hyphen, slash, or period at letter education teacher the end of the line. Do not add a hyphen to a URL that was not originally there. Never begin a new line with a punctuation mark. Biotechnology Essays? Double-space all lines in a bibliography entry. Do not indent the first line of a bibliography entry, indent second and cover letter teacher, subsequent lines 5 spaces, or 1/2? (1.25 cm) from the left margin. Please see Chapter 11. Biotechnology Essays? Guidelines on How to Write a Bibliography for details. When writing a bibliography, remember that the special, purpose is to communicate to the reader, in a standardized manner, the sources that you have used in sufficient detail to be identified. If you are unable to find all the necessary information, just cite what you can find. Click here to see a selection of Common Abbreviations used in documentation. Place I Remember Essay? For a complete list of Common Scholarly Abbreviations used in parentheses, tables, and letter for early childhood special education teacher, documentation, please go to Section 7.4 of the 6th edition of the MLA Handbook. Bell, Stewart. The Martyr’s Oath: The Apprenticeship of a Homegrown Terrorist . Mississauga, ON: Wiley, 2005. Biale, David, ed. Cultures of the gore, Jews: A New History . New York: Schocken, 2002. Bowker, Michael. Fatal Deception: The Untold Story of Asbestos: Why It Is Still Legal. and Still Killing Us . N.p.: Rodale, 2003. N.p. = No place of publication indicated. Capodiferro, Alessandra, ed. Wonders of the World: Masterpieces of Architecture from. 4000 BC to the Present . Vercelli: White Star, 2004. Cross, Charles R. Cover For Early Childhood Special Teacher? Room Full of Mirrors: A Biography of Jimi Hendrix . New York: Maltin, Leonard, ed. Movie Video Guide 2002 Edition . New York: New American, 2001. Meidenbauer, Jorg, ed. Discoveries and Inventions: From Prehistoric to Modern Times . Lisse: Rebo, 2004. Puzo, Mario. The Family: A Novel . Completed by homework 2011, Carol Gino. New York: Harper, 2001. Rowling, J.K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets . New York: Scholastic, 1999. —. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban . Thorndike, ME: Thorndike, 2000. Suskind, Ron. Special Teacher? The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of. Paul O’Neill . States Essays? New York: Simon, 2004. If your citation is from one volume of a multivolume work and each volume has its own title, you need cite only the actual volume you have used without reference to other volumes in the work. Example: The Bourgeois Experience: Victoria to Freud comes in 5 volumes, written by Peter Gay. (Title of Vol. Cover Letter For Early Education Teacher? 1: Education of the duck thesis, Senses ) Gay, Peter. Education of the Senses . New York: Norton, 1999. (Title of cover, Vol. 2: The Tender Passion) Gay, Peter. The Tender Passion . New York: Oxford UP, 1986. (Title of Vol. Duck Thesis? 3: The Cultivation of Hatred ) Gay, Peter. The Cultivation of Hatred . London: Harper, 1994. (Title of Vol. 4: The Naked Heart ) Gay, Peter. Childhood? The Naked Heart . New York: Norton, 1995. (Title of Vol. 5: Pleasure Wars ) Gay, Peter. Pleasure Wars . New York: Norton, 1998. 2. Book with two authors or editors: Bohlman, Herbert M., and Mary Jane Dundas. The Legal, Ethical and International. Environment of Business . 5th ed. Cincinnati, OH: West, 2002. Bolman, Lee G., and Terrence E. Deal. Leading with Soul: An Uncommon Journey. of Spirit . Homework 2011? Rev. ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001. Calvesi, Maurizio, and Lorenzo Canova, eds. Cover Special Education Teacher? Rejoice! 700 Years of Art for the Papal. Jubilee . New York: Rizzoli, 1999. Cohen, Andrew, and resume experts, J.L. Granatstein, eds. Trudeau’s Shadow: The Life and Legacy. of Pierre Elliott Trudeau . Toronto: Random, 1998. Heath, Joseph, and Andrew Potter. The Rebel Sell: Why the Culture Can’t Be Jammed . 2nd ed. Toronto: Harper, 2005. Llewellyn, Marc, and Lee Mylne. Cover Letter Education? Frommer’s Australia 2005 . Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005. Summers, Anthony, and Robbyn Swan. Sinatra: The Life . New York: Knopf, 2005. Book prepared for publication by two editors: Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of place i remember, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark . Ed. Barbara A. Mowat and Paul Werstine. New York: Washington. 3. Book with three authors or editors: Clancy, Tom, Carl Stiner, and Tony Koltz. Shadow Warriors: Inside the Special. Forces . New York: Putnam, 2002. Hewitt, Les, Andrew Hewitt, and for early special education teacher, Luc d’Abadie. The Power of homework 2011, Focus for College. Students . Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communications, 2005. Larsson, Mans O., Alexander Z. Teacher? Speier, and Jennifer R. Weiss, eds. Let’s Go: Germany 1998 . New York: St. Martin’s, 1998. Palmer, R.R., Joel Colton, and Lloyd Kramer. A History of the Modern World: To 1815 . 9th ed. New York: Knopf, 2002. Suzuki, David, Amanda McConnell, and Maria DeCambra. The Sacred Balance: A Visual Celebration of Our Place in Nature . Vancouver: Greystone, 2002. 4. Book with more than three authors or editors: You have a choice of listing all of the authors or editors in the order as they appear on the title page of the book, or use “et al.” from the Latin et alii, or et aliae , meaning “and others” after the first author or editor named. Nelson, Miriam E., Kristin R. Baker, Ronenn Roubenoff, and Lawrence Lindner. Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis . New York: Perigee, 2003. Nelson, Miriam E., et al. Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis . New York: Hogan, David J., et al., eds. The Holocaust Chronicle: A History in Words and Pictures . Lincolnwood, IL: International, 2000. Pound, Richard W., Richard Dionne, Jay Myers, and thesis of medical, James Musson, eds. Canadian. Facts and letter for early childhood special teacher, Dates . 3rd ed. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry, 2005. Pound, Richard W., et al., eds. Canadian Facts and Dates . States Essays Gore Vidal? 3rd ed. Markham, ON: Rogerson, Holly Deemer, et al. Words for Students of English: A Vocabulary. Series for ESL . Vol. 6. Advanced Level ESL. Pittsburgh, PA: U of Pittsburgh P, 1989. 5. Book with compilers, or compilers and editors: McClay, John B., and Wendy L. Matthews, comps. and eds. Corpus Juris Humorous: A Compilation of Outrageous, Unusual, Infamous and Witty Judicial Opinions. from 1256 A.D. to the Present . New York: Barnes, 1994. O’Reilly, James, Larry Habegger, and Sean O’Reilly, comps. and eds. Danger: True Stories of Trouble and Survival . San Francisco: Travellers’ Tales, 1999. Teresa, Mother. Cover Letter For Early Childhood? The Joy in on legalization Loving: A Guide to Daily Living with Mother Teresa . Comp. Jaya Chaliha and Edward Le Joly. New York: Viking, 1997. Note abbreviation: comp. = compiler or compiled by. 6. Special Teacher? Book with no author or editor stated: Maclean’s Canada’s Century: An Illustrated History of the environmental biotechnology, People and Events. That Shaped Our Identity . Letter For Early Special Teacher? Toronto: Key, 1999. Microsoft PowerPoint Version 2002 Step by Step . Redmond, WA: Perspection, 2001. The Movie Book . London: Phaidon, 1999. With Scott to the Pole: The Terra Nova Expedition 1910-1913 . Photographs of. Herbert Ponting. New York: BCL, 2004. 7. Book with one author, translated by another: Muller, Melissa. Thesis On Legalization Of Medical Marijuana And Decriminalization? Anne Frank: The Biography . Trans. Rita and Robert Kimber. New York: Metropolitan, 1998. 8. Work in an anthology, a collection by several authors, with one or more editors and/or compilers: Fox, Charles James. Letter For Early Childhood Special? “Liberty Is Order, Liberty Is Strength.” What Is a Man? 3,000 Years of Wisdom on the Art of Manly Virtue. Ed. Waller R. Newell. New York: Harper, 2001. 306-7. Wilcox, Robert K. “Flying Blind.” Danger: True Stories of Trouble and place essay, Survival . Comp. and ed. James O’Reilly, Larry Habegger, and Sean O’Reilly. San Francisco: Travellers’ Tales, 1999. 211-22. 9. Article in an encyclopedia with no author stated: “Nazi Party.” New Encyclopaedia Britannica . 1997 ed. “Tajikistan.” World Book Encyclopedia of People and Places . 2000 ed. 10. Article in an encyclopedia with an author: If the cover for early childhood special teacher, encyclopedia is well known and articles are arranged alphabetically, it is thesis on legalization of medical marijuana not necessary to indicate the volume and page numbers. If the encyclopedia is not well known, you must give full publication information including author, title of article, title of encyclopedia, name of editor or edition, number of volumes in cover for early teacher the set, place of publication, publisher and year of publication. Kibby, Michael W. Duck Thesis? “Dyslexia.” World Book Encyclopedia . Cover Letter For Early Childhood Special Education? 2000 ed. Midge, T. “Powwows.” Encyclopedia of North American Indians . Ed. D.L. Birchfield. 11 vols. Duck Thesis? New York: Cavendish, 1997. 11. Cover Letter For Early Education? Article in a magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or newspaper with no author stated: “100 Years of Dust and duck thesis, Glory.” Popular Mechanics Sept. 2001: 70-75. “Celestica to cover letter special teacher Repair Palm Handhelds.” Globe and Mail [Toronto] 29 Oct. 2002: B6. “E-Money Slips Quietly into Oblivion.” Nikkei Weekly [Tokyo] 22 Jan. 2001: 4. “McDonald’s Declines to Fund Obesity Education on Danger of Eating Its Food.” National Post [Toronto] 18 Apr. 2006: FP18. “Pot Use Doubled in Decade, Study Says: 14% Smoked Up in the Past Year.” Toronto Star. 25 Nov. 2004: A18. “Secondhand Smoke Reduces Kids’ IQs.” Buffalo News 23 Jan. 2005: I6. 12. Article in a magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or newspaper with one or more authors: Use “+” for pages that are not consecutive. Example: When numbering pages, use “38-45” if page numbers are consecutive. Use “A1+” if article begins on page A1, contains more than one page, but paging is not consecutive. Place I Remember Essay? For page numbers consisting of more than 3 digits, use short version if it is clear to the reader, e.g. 220-268 may be written as 220-68, but 349-560 must be written in full. Note also that there is no period after the month. The period in “Mar.” is for the abbreviation of March. If there are 4 or less letters in the month, e.g. Letter For Early Childhood Education? May, June, and July, the months are not abbreviated. If the publication date is marijuana July 18, 2005, citation will be 18 July 2005. Where a journal or magazine is a weekly publication, “date, month, year” are required. Where a journal or magazine is a monthly publication, only “month, year” are needed. Where a newspaper title does not indicate the location of publication, add the city of publication between square brackets, e.g. Cover Letter Childhood Education Teacher? Daily Telegraph [London]. Square brackets are used to environmental biotechnology enclose a word (or words) not found in the original but has been added by you. An article in a scholarly journal is treated somewhat differently: Nielsen, Laura Beth. “Subtle, Pervasive, Harmful: Racist and Sexist Remarks in. Public as Hate Speech.” Journal of Social Issues 58.2 (2002): 265. The above citation shows: Author’s name, Article title, Name of scholarly journal (underlined), Volume number, Issue number, Year of publication (in parentheses), and Page number. If the article is cover letter for early special accessed online, add Access date and essays, URL at the end, see 23. Internet citations, or citing electronic sources (e). Bogomolny, Laura. “Boss Your Career.” Canadian Business 13-16 Mar. 2006: 47-49. Cave, Andrew. “Microsoft and childhood special education teacher, Sun Settle Java Battle.” Daily Telegraph [London] Cohen, Stephen S., and J. Bradford DeLong. “Shaken and Stirred.” Atlantic Monthly. Jan.-Feb. 2005: 112+. Coleman, Isobel. “Women, Islam, and the New Iraq.” Foreign Affairs Jan.-Feb. 2006: 24+. Daly, Rita. “Bird Flu Targeting the Young.” Toronto Star 11 Mar. Environmental Biotechnology Essays? 2006: A1+. Dareini, Ali Akbar. “Iranian President Defends Country’s Nuclear Ambitions.” Buffalo News. Hewitt, Ben. “Quick Fixes for cover letter childhood teacher Everyday Disasters.” Popular Mechanics Nov. 2004: 83-88. Johnson, Linda A. “Fight Flu with Good, Old Advice from i remember essay, Mom.” Buffalo News. 10 Oct. 2004: A1-2. Mather, Victoria. “In Tiger Country.” Photos by James Merrell. For Early Special Teacher? Town Country Travel. Fall 2004: 102-111. Mohanty, Subhanjoy, and Ray Jayawardhana. “The Mystery of Brown Dwarf Origins.” Scientific American Jan. 2006: 38-45. Petroski, Henry. “Framing Hypothesis: A Cautionary Tale.” American Scientist Jan.-Feb. Plungis, Jeff, Ed Garsten, and writing experts words, Mark Truby. For Early Childhood Special Teacher? “Caremakers’ Challenge: Green, Mean. Machines.” Detroit News and Free Press Metro ed. 12 Jan. 2003: 1A+. Sachs, Jeffrey D. “A Practical Plan to End Extreme Poverty.” Buffalo News 23 Jan. 2005: I2. Saletan, William. “Junk-Food Jihad.” National Post [Toronto] 18 Apr. And Decriminalization? 2006: A18. Thomas, Cathy Booth, and Tim Padgett. “Life Among the Ruins.” Time 19 Sept. 2005: 28+. Wolanski, Eric, Robert Richmond, Laurence McCook, and Hugh Sweatman. “Mud, Marine Snow and Coral Reefs.” American Scientist Jan.-Feb. Cover Childhood Teacher? 2003: 44-51. Wolanski, Eric, et al. “Mud, Marine Snow and Coral Reefs.” American Scientist. Jan.-Feb. 2003: 44-51. 13. Biotechnology Essays? Article from SIRS (Social Issues Resources Series): Suggested citation example from SIRS: Bluestone, Barry, and Irving Bluestone. “Workers (and Managers) of the World Unite.” Technology Review Nov.-Dec. 1992: 30-40. Reprinted in WORK . (Boca Raton, FL: Social Issues Resource Series, 1992), Article No. 20. Bluestone, Barry, and Irving Bluestone. “Workers (and Managers) of the for early special, World Unite.” Technology Review Nov.-Dec. 1992: 30-40. Work . Ed. Eleanor Goldstein. Vol. 5. Boca Raton: SIRS, 1992. Art. 20. Put in duck thesis square brackets [ ] important information you have added that is not found in the source cited. Build-a-Bear. Letter For Early Special Education Teacher? Advertisement. 7 Feb. Resume Writing Experts? 2005 http://www.buildabear.com/shop/default.aspx. GEICO. Advertisement. Newsweek 16 Jan. 2006: 92. IBM. Advertisement. Globe and Mail [Toronto] . 29 Oct. 2002: B7. Toyota. Advertisement. Atlantic Monthly . Jan.-Feb. 2005: 27-30. 15. Booklet, pamphlet, or brochure with no author stated: Diabetes Care: Blood Glucose Monitoring . Burnaby, BC: LifeScan Canada, 1997. 16. Booklet, pamphlet, or brochure with an author: Zimmer, Henry B. Cover Letter For Early Childhood Special Education? Canplan: Your Canadian Financial Planning Software . Calgary, AB: May use short forms: Rev. (Review), Ed. (Edition, Editor, or Edited), Comp. (Compiled, Compiler). Creager, Angela N.H. “Crystallizing a Life in Science.” Rev. of Rosalind Franklin: The. Dark Lady of DNA , by Brenda Maddox. American Scientist Jan.-Feb. 2003: 64-66. Dillon, Brenda. “Hana’s Suitcase.” Rev. of Hana’s Suitcase , by Karen Levine. Professionally Speaking June 2003: 36. Foley, Margaret. “Measured Deception.” Rev. of The Measure of All Things: The. Seven-Year Odyssey and Hidden Error That Transformed the World, by Ken Alder. Discover Nov. 2002: 77. Groskop, Viv. “Chinese Torture – at Five.” Rev. of The Binding Chair, by Kathryn. Harrison. International Express 6 June 2000, Canadian ed.: 37. Hoffman, Michael J. “Huck’s Ironic Circle.” Rev. of The Adventures of Huckleberry. Finn , by Mark Twain. Experts Words? Modern Critical Interpretations of Mark Twain’s. Adventures of cover letter childhood special education teacher, Huckleberry Finn, ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea, Iragui, Vicente. Rev. of Injured Brains of Medical Minds: Views from Within , comp. and ed. Narinder Kapur. New England Journal of Medicine 26 Feb. 1998: Neier, Aryeh. “Hero.” Rev. of Defending Human Rights in Russia: Sergei Kovalyov, Dissident and Human Rights Commissioner, 1969-2003 , by Emma Gilligan. New York Review of Books 13 Jan. Place Essay? 2005: 30-33. Onstad, Katrina. Childhood Special Education? “A Life of homework 2011, Pain and Paint.” Rev. of cover childhood special education, Frida , dir. Julie Taymor. National. Post [Toronto] 1 Nov. 2002: PM1+. Redekop, Magdalene. “The Importance of Being Mennonite.” Rev. of A Complicated. Kindness, by Miriam Toews. Literary Review of Canada Oct. 2004: 19-20. Simic, Charles. “The Image Hunter.” Rev. of duck thesis, Joseph Cornell: Master of Dreams , by. Diane Waldman. New York Review 24 Oct. 2002: 14+. 18. CD-ROM, DVD: See also 35. Tape Recording: Cassette, Movie/Film on VHS or DVD (Digital Videodisc), Videocassette, Filmstrip. A Place in the Sun . Dir. Cover For Early Special Teacher? George Stevens. 1951. DVD. Paramount, 2001 . Encarta 2004 Reference Library . CD-ROM. Microsoft, 2003 . Encarta 2004 Reference Library Win32 . Educ. Words? ed. DVD. Microsoft, 2003. LeBlanc, Susan, and Cameron MacKeen. “Racism and the Landfill.” Chronicle-Herald. 7 Mar. 1992: B1. CD-ROM. SIRS 1993 Ethnic Groups. Vol. 4. Art. 42. Links 2003: Championship Courses . CD-ROM. Microsoft Game Studios, 2002. YellowPages.city: Toronto-Central West Edition , 1998. Cover Letter For Early Childhood Education? CD-ROM. Montreal: 19. Computer service – e.g. Essays? BRS, DIALOG, MEAD, etc.: Landler, Mark. Cover Childhood Special Education? “Can U.S. Companies Even Get a Bonjour?” New York Times , Late Ed. – Final Ed., 1. 2 Oct. 1995. DIALOG File 472, item 03072065. When citing a definition from a dictionary, add the abbreviation Def. after the word. If the word has several different definitions, state the place i remember, number and/or letter as indicated in the dictionary. “Mug.” Def. 2. Cover Letter Teacher? The New Lexicon Webster’s Encyclopedic Dictionary of the. English Language . Canadian ed. 1988. Short forms may be used, e.g. dir. (directed by), narr. (narrated by), perf. (performers), prod. (produced by), writ. (written by). A minimal entry should include title, director, distributor, and year of release. May add other information as deemed pertinent between the title and the distributor. If citing a particular person involved in the film or movie, begin with name of that person. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . Dir. Tim Burton. Based on book by Roald Dahl. Perf. States? Johnny Depp. Warner, 2005. Depp, Johnny, perf. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . Dir. Tim Burton. Based on book. by Roald Dahl. Warner, 2005. Burton, Tim, dir. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory . Based on for early special education teacher, book by Roald Dahl. Perf. Johnny Depp. Warner, 2005. Monster-in-Law . Dir. Duck Thesis? Robert Luketic. Writ. Anya Kochoff. Prod. Paula Weinstein, Chris Bender, and J.C. Spink. Perf. Jennifer Lopez and Jane Fonda. New Line, 2005. Nanny McPhee . Dir. Kirk Jones. Based on Nurse Matilda Books Writ. Christianna. Brand. Prod. Lindsay Doran, Tim Bevan, and Eric Fellner. Perf. Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, and Angela Lansbury. Universal, 2005. One Hour Photo . Writ. and dir. Mark Romanek. Prod. Christine Vachon, Pam Koffler, and Stan Wlodkowski. Perf. Robin Williams. Fox Searchlight, 2002. Titanic . Dir., writ., prod., ed. James Cameron. Prod. Jon Landau. Twentieth. Century Fox and Paramount, 1997. The Tuxedo . Dir. Kevin Donovan. Letter Childhood Education? Prod. John H. Williams, and environmental biotechnology essays, Adam Schroeder. Perf. Jackie Chan and cover letter for early education teacher, Jennifer Love Hewitt. DreamWorks, 2002. Cite government document in the following order if no author is thesis on legalization stated: 1) Government, 2) Agency, 3) Title of for early teacher, publication , underlined, 4) Place of publication, 5) Publisher, 6) Date. Canada. Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development. Gathering Strength: Canada’s Aboriginal Action Plan . Ottawa: Minister of Public Works and. Government Services Canada, 2000. United States. National Council on Disability. Carrying on the Good Fight – Summary Paper from Think Tank 2000 – Advancing the Civil and Human. Rights of People with Disabilities from Diverse Cultures . Washington: Note: GPO = Government Printing Office in Washington, DC which publishes most of the U.S. Of Medical Marijuana And Decriminalization? federal government documents. In citing a Congressional Record, abbreviate and underline the term, skip all the details and cover for early special education teacher, indicate only the date and page numbers. Example – for united states essays vidal the following record: United States. Personal Responsibility and childhood special, Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 . PL 104-193. Congressional Record. Washington: GPO, July 31, 1996. Cong. Rec . 31 July 1996: 104-193. For examples on how to cite more complicated government documents, please see Section 5.6.21 in MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, 6th ed. 23. Internet citations, or citing electronic sources: Basic components of an Internet citation: 2) “Title of Article, Web page or site” in quotation marks. 3) Title of Magazine, Journal, Newspaper, Newsletter, Book, Encyclopedia, or Project , underlined. 5) Indicate type of material, e.g. advertisement, cartoon, clipart, electronic card, interview, map, online posting, photograph, working paper, etc. if not obvious. 6) Date of duck thesis, article, of Web page or site creation, revision, posting, last update, or date last modified. 7) Group, association, name of forum, sponsor responsible for Web page or Web site. 8) Access date (the date you accessed the Web page or site). 9) Complete Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or network address in angle brackets. Note: An exception is made in referencing a personal e-mail message where an individual’s e-mail address is omitted for for early childhood teacher privacy reasons. Skip any information that you cannot find anywhere on the Web page or in the Web site, and carry on, e.g. if your Internet reference has no author stated, leave out the author and begin your citation with the title. Always put your access date just before the URL which is placed between angle brackets or “less than” and “greater than” signs at the end of the citation. Generally, a minimum of three items are required for an Internet citation: Title, Access Date, and URL. If the URL is vidal too long for childhood a line, divide the address where it creates the least ambiguity and confusion, e.g. United Essays Vidal? do not divide a domain name and letter childhood teacher, end with a period such as geocities . Do not divide a term in resume writing the URL that is made up of combined words e.g. SchoolHouseRock . Cover Letter? Never add a hyphen at the end of the place i remember, line to indicate syllabical word division unless the hyphen is actually found in the original URL. Copy capital letters exactly as they appear, do not change them to lower case letters as they may be case sensitive and cover letter childhood special education teacher, be treated differently by some browsers. Remember that the purpose of indicating the URL is for readers to be able to access the resume words, Web page. Accuracy and clarity are essential. a. Internet citation for an advertisement: IBM. Advertisement. 23 Mar. 2003 http://www.bharatiyahockey.org/2000Olympics/ TheraTears. Advertisement. 2003. Cover For Early Special? 8 May 2004 http://www.theratears.com/dryeye.htm. b. Internet citation for an article from an homework 2011, online database (e.g. SIRS, eLibrary), study guide, magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, newspaper, online library subscription database service, or an article in childhood education PDF with one or more authors stated: Bezlova, Antoaneta. “China to place i remember Formalize One-Child Policy.” Asia Times Online . 24 May 2001. 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.atimes.com/china/CE24Ad02.html. Clifford, Erin. Letter? “Review of Neuropsychology.” SparkNotes . 10 Oct. 2005. Machado, Victoria, and experts words, George Kourakos. IT Offshore Outsourcing Practices in Canada . Ottawa: Public Policy Forum, 2004. Letter Special Education Teacher? 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.ppforum.com/ow/it_outsourcing.pdf. Marshall, Leon. “Mandela in Retirement: Peacemaker without Rest.” 9 Feb. 2001. National Geographic 10 Oct. 2005 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/ Thomason, Larisa. “HTML Tip: Why Valid Code Matters.” Webmaster Tips. Newsletter . Dec. Writing Experts? 2003. NetMechanic. 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.netmechanic.com/ If using an online library subscription database service, add the name of the service, the name of the library or library system, plus the location of the library where the database is cover for early special accessed, e.g.: Gearan, Anne. “Justice Dept: Gun Rights Protected.” Washington Post . 8 May 2002. SIRS. Biotechnology Essays? Iona Catholic Secondary School, Mississauga, ON. 23 Apr. 2004. Note: 8 May 2002 = date of letter for early education, publication, 23 Apr. 2004 = date of access. Indicate page numbers after publication date if available, e.g. 8 May 2002: 12-14. Duck Thesis? Leave out page numbers if not indicated in source. Pahl, Greg. “Heat Your Home with Biodiesel”. Mother Earth News . 12 Jan. 2003. eLibrary Canada. Twin Lakes Secondary School, Orillia, ON. Cover Letter For Early Childhood Education Teacher? 10 Apr. 2006. Note: If citing the above source but information is duck thesis obtained from accessing eLibrary at home, leave out the location of the school. Pahl, Greg. For Early Childhood Teacher? “Heat Your Home with Biodiesel”. Mother Earth News . 12 Jan. 2003. eLibrary Canada. 10 Apr. 2006. http://www.proquestk12.com. c. Internet citation for an article from an online encyclopedia: Duiker, William J. “Ho Chi Minh.” Encarta Online Encyclopedia . 2005. Microsoft. 10 Oct. 2005. “Ho Chi Minh.” Encyclop?dia Britannica . On Legalization Of Medical Marijuana And Decriminalization? 2005. Encyclop?dia Britannica Premium Service. 9 Oct. 2005 http://www.britannica.com/eb/article-9040629. “Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC).” Britannica Concise Encyclopedia . 2005. For Early Teacher? Encyclop?dia Britannica. 8 Oct. 2005 http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=402567. d. Internet citation for an article from an online magazine, journal, periodical, newsletter, or newspaper with no author stated: “Childcare Industry ‘Should Welcome Men’.” BBC News Online: Education .7 June 2003. 10 Oct. 2005 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/low/education/2971310.stm. “Taiwan: A Dragon Economy and the Abacus.” BrookesNews.Com . Biotechnology? 8 Dec. 2003. 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.brookesnews.com/030812taiwan.html. e. Internet citation for an article in a scholarly journal: Nielsen, Laura Beth. “Subtle, Pervasive, Harmful: Racist and Sexist Remarks in. Public as Hate Speech.” Journal of Social Issues 58.2 (2002), 265-280. 7 June 2003. f. Internet citation for a cartoon, chart, clipart, comics, interview, map, painting, photo, sculpture, sound clip, etc.: “Islamic State of letter for early childhood special education, Afghanistan: Political Map.” Map. Atlapedia Online . 1993-2003. Latimer Clarke. 7 June 2003 http://www.atlapedia.com/online/maps/ Kersten, Rick, and Pete Kersten. “Congratulations!” Electronic card. Blue Mountain Arts . 2000. 7 June 2003 http://www.bluemountain.com/ Lee , Lawrence. Interview. JournalismJobs.com . Feb. 2003. 10 Oct. 2005. Schulz, Charles. “Peanuts Collection – Snoopy Cuddling Woodstock.” Cartoon. Art.com . 25 Apr. 2004 http://www.art.com/asp/sp.asp?PD=10037710RFID=814547. “Woodhull, Victoria C.” American History 102 Photo Gallery. 1997. State. Historical Society of Wisconsin. 10 Oct. 2005 http://us.history.wisc.edu/ g. Internet citation for an e-mail (email) from an individual, a listserve, an organization, or citation for an article forwarded from an online database by e-mail: Barr, Susan I. “The Creatine Quandry.” Bicycling Nov. 1998. EBSCOhost Mailer. E-mail to E. Interior. 11 May 2003. Kenrick, John. “Re: Link to essays Musicals101.com.” E-mail to I. Lee. 10 May 2003. “NEW THIS WEEK for September 8, 2005.” E-mail to author. 8 Sept. Cover For Early Childhood Special Education? 2005. PicoSearch. “Your PicoSearch Account is environmental Reindexed.” E-mail to John Smith. h. Internet citation for cover letter for early childhood teacher an online government publication: Canada. Office of the Auditor General of Canada and the Treasury Board. Secretariat. Modernizing Accountability Practices in the Public Sector . 6 Jan. 1998. 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rma/account/ United States. National Archives and Records Administration. The Bill of Rights . 29 Jan. 1998. 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.archives.gov/exhibit_hall/ i. Internet citation for an online posting, forum, letter to states essays gore the editor: Kao, Ivy. “Keep Spreading the Word.” Online posting. 4 June 2003. Cover Letter For Early Childhood Special Education Teacher? Reader Responses, Opinion Journal, Wall Street Journal Editorial Page . 10 Oct. 2005. Seaside Harry . Homework 2011? “My Friend Drove My Car with the Parking Brake On!” Online. posting. 10 Oct. 2005. PriusOnline.com Forum Index – Prius – Technical . 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.priusonline.com/viewtopic.php?t=6298highlight=. j. Internet citation for an online project, an information database, a personal or professional Web site: The MAD Scientist Network . 1995-2001 or 30 Feb. 1906. Letter Education? Washington U. School of duck thesis, Medicine. 10 Oct. 2005. http://www.madsci.org. O’Connor, J.J., and E.F. Robertson. “John Wilkins.” Feb. 2002. U of St. Andrews, Scotland. 10 Oct. 2005 http://www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/ Officer, Lawrence H. “Exchange Rate between the United States Dollar and Forty. Other Countries, 1913 -1999.” Economic History Services, EH.Net, 2002. 13 Apr. 2006 http://www.eh.net/hmit/exchangerates/. Savill, R. Richard. “Jazz Age Biographies.” The Jazz Age Page . 23 Oct. 2000. 12 Apr. 2006 http://www.btinternet.com/ Sullivan, Danny. “Search Engine Math.” 26 Oct. 2001. Search Engine Watch . 10 Apr. 2006 http://www.searchenginewatch.com/facts/math.html. Wurmser, Meyrav, and Yotam Feldner. “Is Israel Negotiating with the letter teacher, Hamas?” Inquiry and Analysis No. 16. 23 Mar. 1999. The Middle East Media and. Research Institute. 10 Oct. States Gore Vidal? 2005 http://memri.org/bin/articles.cgi? k. Internet citation for cover for early childhood a software download: It is not essential to include the file size. Biotechnology? Do so if preferred by your instructor. RAMeSize . Vers. 1.04. 15K. Cover Letter Childhood Teacher? 24 Sept. 2000. Blue Dice Software. 12 Oct. 2004. l. Internet citation for homework 2011 a speech taken from a published work with an editor: Lincoln, Abraham. “The Gettysburg Address.” 19 Nov. 1863. For Early Childhood Special Education? The Collected Works of. Abraham Lincoln . Ed. Thesis On Legalization And Decriminalization? Roy P. Basler. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1955. Abraham Lincoln Online. 10 Oct. 2005 http://showcase.netins.net/ m. For Early Childhood Education? Internet citation for a work translated and edited by another: Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo. Confessions Enchiridion . Writing? Trans. and ed. Albert C. Outler. 1955. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist U. Digitized 1993. 10 Oct. 2005 http://www.ccel.org/a/augustine/confessions/ Blair, Tony. Interview. Prime Minister’s Office. 31 May 2003. 13 Apr. 2006. Chirac, Jacques. Interview. Time 16 Feb. 2003. 10 Oct. 2005. Longin, Hellmut. Telephone interview. 3 May 2006. Neilsen, Jerry. Letter Childhood Special Teacher? E-mail interview. 28 Apr. Duck Thesis? 2006. Wyse, Randall. Personal interview. Cover Letter For Early Special Education? 24 July 2005. State name of duck thesis, speaker, title of lecture in quotes, conference, convention or sponsoring organization if known, location, date. Bradley, Vicki. “Marriage.” Agnes Arnold Hall, U of Houston. 15 Mar. 2003. Wilson-Smith, Anthony. “Hello, He Must Be Going.” Editorial. Maclean’s 26 Aug. 2002: 4. Lange, Rick. Cover Letter For Early Teacher? “U.N. Has Become Ineffective and Ought to Be Disbanded.” Letter. Environmental? Buffalo. News 23 Jan. 2005: I5. Woods, Brede M. Letter. Newsweek 23 Sept. 2002: 16. Kolbert, Elizabeth. “Six Billion Short: How Will the for early special, Mayor Make Ends Meet?” Letter. New Yorker 13 Jan. 2003: 33-37. Geens, Jennifer. Reply to letter of i remember, Bill Clark. Letter Teacher? Toronto Star 29 Sept. 2002: A1. A letter you received from John Smith: Smith, John. Letter to the author. 15 June 2005. Twain, Mark. Homework 2011? “Banned in Concord.” Letter to Charles L. Webster. Letter Special Teacher? 18 Mar. United Essays Vidal? 1885. Letter 850318 of letter special education, Mark Twain . Ed. Jim Zwick. 2005. 10 Oct. 2005. Treat citation as if it is a book with no author stated. Indicate if the citation is for words a chart or a map. 2004 Andex Chart . Chart. Windsor, ON: Andex, 2004. Canada . Map. Ottawa: Canadian Geographic, 2003. “Dallas TX.” Map. 2005 Road Atlas: USA, Canada, Mexico . Greenville, SC: Michelin, 2005. Components: 1) Name of composer. 2) Title of ballet, music or opera, underlined, 3) Form, number and key not underlined. Beethoven, Ludwig van. Fur Elise. Strauss, Richard. Traumerei , op. 9, no. Letter For Early Special? 4. Components for homework 2011 a published score, similar to a book citation: 1) Name of letter childhood education, composer. 2) Underline title of ballet, music, opera, as well as no. and words, op., important words capitalized, prepositions and cover letter for early special education, conjunctions in lower case. Environmental? 3) Date composition written. 4) Place of publication: 5) Publisher, 6) Date of publication. Chopin, Frederic. Mazurka Op. 7, No. 1 . Education? New York: Fischer, 1918. Ledbetter, Huddie, and John Lomax. Goodnight, Irene . Biotechnology Essays? 1936. For Early Education Teacher? New York: Spencer, 1950. Stier, Walter C. Sweet Bye and Bye . London: Paxton, 1953. Weber, Carl Maria von. Invitation to the Dance Op. 65 . 1819. London: Harris, 1933. 29. Painting, photograph, sculpture, architecture, or other art form. Components for citing original artwork: 1) Name of artist. 2) Title of artwork, underlined. 3) Date artwork created. 4) Museum, gallery, or collection where artwork is housed; indicate name of owner if private collection, 5) City where museum, gallery, or collection is located. Ashoona, Kiawak. Smiling Family . 1966. McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Brancusi, Constantin. The Kiss . 1909. Tomb of T. Rachevskaia, Montparnasse. The Great Sphinx . [c. 2500 BC]. Giza. Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique. Odalisque . 1814. United States Essays? Louvre Museum, Paris. Raphael. The School of Athens . 1510-11. Stanza della Segnatura, Vatican Palace, Rude, Francois. La Marseillaise . 1833-36. Arc de Triomphe, Paris. Components for artwork cited from a book: 1) Name of artist. 2) Underline title of letter teacher, artwork. 3) Date artwork created (if date is uncertain use [c. 1503] meaning [circa 1503] or around the year 1503). 4) Museum, art gallery, or collection where artwork is house, 5) City where museum, gallery, or collection is located. 6) Title of book used. 7) Author or editor of book. 8) Place of publication: 9) Publisher, 10) Date of publication. 11) Other relevant information, e.g. figure, page, plate, or slide number. Abell, Sam. Japan . 1984. National Geographic Photographs: The Milestones . By Leah Bendavid-Val, et al. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 1999. Carr, Emily. A Haida Village . [c. 1929]. McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, ON. The McMichael Canadian Art Collection . By Jean Blodgett, et al. Toronto: McGraw, 1989. 134. Kasebier, Gertrude. The Magic Crystal . [c. 1904]. Royal Photographic Society, Bath. A Basic History of Art . By H.W. Janson and Anthony F. Janson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice, 1991. 412. Leonardo, da Vinci. Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) . Biotechnology? [c. 1503-5]. Louvre Museum, Paris. Favorite Old Master Paintings from the cover for early teacher, Louvre Museum . New York: Abbeville, 1979. 31. Michelangelo. David . 1501-04. Duck Thesis? Accademia di Belle Arti, Florence. The Great. Masters . By Giorgio Vasari. Trans. Gaston Du C. de Vere. New York: Park Lane, 1986. 226. Sullivan, Louis. Wainright Building . 1890-91. St. Louis, MO. A Basic History of Art . By H.W. Janson and Anthony F. Janson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice, Tohaku, Deme. Ko-omote Female Mask . Cover For Early Education Teacher? Edo period [1603-1867], Japan. Naprstek. Museum, Prague. The World of Masks . By Erich Herold, et al. Trans. Dusan. Zbavitel. London: Hamlyn, 1992. 207. Vanvitelli, Luigi, and Nicola Salvi. Chapel of St. John the Baptist . Homework 2011? 1742-51. Sao Roque, Lisbon. By Rolf Toman, ed. Baroque: Architecture, Sculpture, Painting . Cologne: Konemann, 1998. Cover For Early Childhood Education Teacher? 118. Components for a personal photograph: 1) Subject (not underlined or put in resume experts words quotes). 2) Name of person who took the photograph. 3) Date photograph taken. War in Iraq: Operation Iraq Freedom on CNN. Personal photograph by author. Great Wall of China, Beijing, China. Personal photograph by Cassy Wyse. 28 July 2005. Components: 1) Patent inventor(s) or owner(s). 2) Title of patent. 3) Issuing country and patent number. 4) Date patent was issued. Arbter, Klaus, and Guo-Qing Wei. “Verfahren zur Nachfuhrung eines Stereo-Laparoskope. in der minimal invasiven Chirurgie.” German Patent 3943917. July 1996. “Conversion of Calcium Compounds into Solid and Gaseous Compounds.” US Patent 5078813. Kamen, Dean L., et al. “Transportation Vehicles and Methods.” US Patent 5971091. 31. Performance: (ballet, concert, musical, opera, play, theatrical performance) Disney’s The Lion King . By Roger Allers and Irene Mecchi. Dir. Julie Taymor. Music and lyrics by Elton John and Tim Rice. Princess of Wales Theatre, Toronto. 9 June 2002. The Hobbit . By J.R.R. Cover For Early Childhood Special Education Teacher? Tolkien. United States? Dir. Kim Selody. Perf. Cover Letter For Early Education? Herbie Barnes, Michael. Simpson, and Chris Heyerdahl. Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, ON. The Nutcracker . By Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Chor. and Libretto by James. Kudelka. Biotechnology Essays? Cond. Ormsby Wilkins and letter for early special teacher, Uri Mayer. National Ballet of. Canada. Hummingbird Centre, Toronto. 30 Dec. Homework 2011? 1999. Phantom of the Opera . By Andrew Lloyd Webber. Lyrics by Charles Hart. Dir. Harold Prince. Based on novel by Gaston Leroux. Pantages Theatre, Toronto. 20 Sept. 1998. The Shanghai Acrobats . Cover Letter Education? By Incredible! Acrobats of China. Living Arts Centre, Mississauga, ON. 4 Mar. 2005. Components: 1) Title of episode, underlined; or in quotes if appropriate. 2) Title of program, underlined. Duck Thesis? 3) Title of series. 4) Name of network. 5) Radio station or TV channel call letters, 6) City of local station or channel. Letter For Early Childhood Special Teacher? 6) Broadcast date. The CFRB Morning Show . By Ted Woloshyn. CFRB Radio, Toronto. 12 Sept. 2003. Law and Order . Prod. Wolf Film, Universal Television. NBC Television Network. WHEC, Rochester, NY. 16 Oct. 2002. “New Threat from Osama?” By Jim Stewart. CBS News . WBEN, Buffalo. “New York Museum Celebrates Life of Einstein.” By Martha Graybow. Reuters, New York. WBFO, Buffalo. 13 Nov. 2002. “The Nightmare Drug.” By Bob McKeown, Linden MacIntyre, and Hana Gartner. The Fifth Estate . Duck Thesis? CBC, Toronto. 16 Oct. 2002. “U.S.: Tape Sounds Like Bin Laden.” AP, Washington, DC. On Your Side . WGRZ-TV, Buffalo. 13 Nov. 2002. 33. Recording – Music CD, LP, magnetic tape: 1) Name of author, composer, singer, or editor. Cover For Early Teacher? 2) Title of place, song (in quotation marks). 3) Title of recording (underlined). 4) Publication medium (LP, CD, magnetic tape, etc.). Cover Letter Childhood Special Education Teacher? 5) Edition, release, or version. 6) Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. If citing from place essay, Internet, see Item 23. Backstreet Boys. Larger than Life . Millennium. Cover For Early Special Education Teacher? CD. Exclusive Management by. The Firm, Los Angeles, CA. Mastered by Tom Coyne, Sterling Sound, NYC. Burch, Marilyn Reesor. Mosaic . CD. Writ., dir. and prod. Marilyn Reesor. Burch. Choirs dir. Environmental Biotechnology Essays? Don and letter for early, Catherine Robertson. Barrie, ON: Power. Plant Recording Studio, n.d. Burch, Marilyn Reesor. Mosaic . CD. Writ., dir. and prod. Marilyn Reesor. Burch. Choirs dir. Don and gore, Catherine Robertson. Letter Special Education Teacher? Barrie, ON: Power. Plant Recording Studio, [c. 1997]. Note: “n.d.” means “no date” available. [c. 1997] means “circa 1997.” McDonald, Michael. No Lookin’ Back . LP. Prod. Michael McDonald and. Ted Templeman. Engineered and mixed by R. ThinkPad ACP Patch for ThinkPad 600, 770, and 770E . Diskette. Vers. 1.0. Tape Recording: Cassette, DVD (Digital Videodisc), Filmstrip, Videocassette. Covey, Stephen R. Living the 7 Habits: Applications and Insights . Cassette. tape recording read by author. New York: Simon, Audio Div., 1995. Ginger . Solid Ground. Resume Experts? Cassette tape recording from cover for early special teacher, album Far Out . Vancouver: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban . Dir. Alfonso Cuar o n. Based on novel. by J.K. Rowling. Perf. Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and resume writing, Emma Watson. DVD. Warner, 2004. Jane Austen’s Emma . Videocassette. Meridian Broadcasting. New York: New Video Group, 1996. Kicking Screaming . Dir. Jesse Dylan. Cover Letter For Early Education? Writ. Leo Benvenuti and on legalization of medical marijuana and decriminalization, Steve Rudnick. Perf. Will Ferrell and Robert Duvall. DVD. Universal, 2005. The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants . For Early Childhood Teacher? Dir. Ken Kwapis. Based on novel by. Ann Brashares.Perf. Amber Tamblyn, America Ferrera, Blake Lively, and Alexis Bledel. DVD. Thesis Of Medical And Decriminalization? Warner, Dungaree, 2005. Super Searching the Web . Childhood Education? Videocassette. Lancaster, PA: Classroom Connect, The Wizard of homework 2011, Oz . Dir. Victor Fleming. Cover Letter For Early Teacher? Based on book by Lyman Frank Baum. Perf. Judy Garland, Frank Morgan, Ray Bolger, Bert Lahr, Jack Haley, Billie Burke, Margaret Hamilton, Charley Grapewin, and the Munchkins. MGM, 1939. Writing Experts? VHS. Warner, 1999. State author, title of unpublished dissertation or thesis in quotes, label Diss. or MA thesis, name of university, and year. Elmendorf, James. Special Education Teacher? “The Military and the Mall: Society and Culture in Long Beach, California.” BA. thesis. Hampshire College, 1995. Jackson, Marjorie. “The Oboe: A Study of place essay, Its Development and Use.” Diss. Columbia U, 1962. Order Paper Writing Help 24/7 - Special education teacher resume and cover letter Do you know what 3 page essay 12/4/08 10 Page Essay. Cover For Early? 12/5/08 two 3 Page Essay's. Homework 2011? 1/16/08 1.5 Page Essay. Check out our high quality essay examples..imagine your essay written as professional as these. Our writers can make this dream come true! Here are some of our partial essay examples written from scratch by title: Dolly Cloning Essay. Critical Thinking Essay. Terrorism To Be Fought With Example. Today’s’ world conditions continue to childhood education threaten the possibility of lasting peace due to the current prevalence of terrorism. Terrorism is an unfortunate tactic which is designed to resume intimidate by use of force. Most acts of terrorism involve mass murder. It is a tactic usually characterized by cover letter childhood special a general sense of essay, panic, chaos and destruction. Cover For Early Education? It is an approach employed by certain groups and environmental, individuals who choose to violently fulfill their objectives on an indescribable proportion. Cover For Early Childhood Education Teacher? Terrorism is helping to biotechnology increase tension around the globe, especially among nations that are divided yet also linked by certain territorial and/or political interests, such as the Middle East. Because of the constant threat of terrorism, the likelihood of armed conflict regionally and worldwide is on the rise. For Early Childhood Special Education Teacher? Terrorists attempt to homework 2011 contemplate the relative consequences of their actions History has also shown that most terrorist acts are intended to perpetuate even more violence. The underlying philosophy in regards to terrorism is based upon the assumption, (which is supported by cover letter for early education history) that it is carried out on the basis of political or religious beliefs. Yet some terrorist attacks are highly unpredictable because they are carried out by small, undetectable groups. Essay? The ultimate goal behind this type of attack is to create “terror”, a feeling of insecurity, and conflict among the people. Terrorists are individuals who believe harming innocent people in education, order to intimidate another group of people, or an entire government. The terrorist hopes to instill a climate of fear, and through intimidation, make his enemy do what they desire.. Have our professional writers create your essay today and experts words, you'll get that A or higher guaranteed! All writing material is created within 2 business days! Please enjoy this free example. Pay For Essay all rights reserved - This example is owned by letter education teacher Pay For Essay. Weight loss Why It Is Important Example? Losing weight if obese can lead to a healthier life. Health should be a principle concern in all stages of life. It has been said before that “Health Is Wealth”. Writing Words? Success in life can be directly attributed to the combination of a healthy mind and letter childhood special education teacher, body. In today’s hectic and fast life people don’t have time to homework 2011 prepare healthy food or exercise regularly which contributes to malnutrition, and sometimes leads to weight gain.. Exercise is also a tool people can utilize to lose weight. When we exercise, the body burns fat, and this results in weight loss. A vigorous training routine is letter childhood special teacher also necessary when trying to lose weight. The benefits of exercise are not just limited to weight loss. When we exercise, the body releases natural hormones called endorphins which help to promote a sense of i remember essay, euphoria. This reaction has a calming effect on mind , and encourages a healthy psyche and general well being. Comprising proper weight is necessary to have slim figure which can be beneficial to most. Have our professional writers create your essay today and you'll get that A or higher guaranteed! All writing material is created within 2 business days! Please enjoy this free example. Pay For Essay all rights reserved - This example is letter for early childhood education teacher owned by Pay For Essay. Frederick Buechner once stated that “When a child is born, a father and place i remember, a mother are born”. The role as a parent starts months before the child is born and/or when the child is in the mother’s womb, however the parents of a child begin the real role parenting the instant their child arrives in the world. .. Once the baby is born the parents begin to make all the parenting decisions regarding their child. For example, should the child be given mother’s milk or the cover for early education teacher artificially prepared milk? Should the mother breast-feed the child or let him drink from the bottle? How many times should the child bathe? All of these concerns are valid when one is on legalization and decriminalization preparing to raise a child. At this stage a strong emotional bond is built between the parents and cover letter childhood special teacher, the infant. Parents have multiple concerns while the child is young. But as the biotechnology essays child grows older the parent’s anxiety also increases. Letter? Young children are eager to know more about their immediate world. They learn much more from biotechnology essays, their surroundings even when they are a few months old. At this stage the parent’s role is not just limited to providing food, house and safety; they also have to be a good mentor. Have our professional writers create your essay today and you'll get that A or higher guaranteed! All writing material is letter childhood teacher created within 2 business days!Please enjoy this free example. Pay For Essay all rights reserved - This example is owned by Pay For Essay. Duck Thesis? Carrying Out Successful Meetings Example. Initially, when preparing to have a meeting, one must consider what the agenda will be. It is crucial to note that unsuccessful meetings usually suffer from a deviation of the agenda, and result in little progress. An agenda consist of the cover for early childhood points of plans and summary which is going to thesis of medical marijuana and decriminalization be considered by those attending the meeting. An agenda which is prepared well shall serve as the blueprint for the meeting. Have our professional writers create your essay today and you'll get that A or higher guaranteed! All writing material is created within 2 business days! Below is an for early special, exmple of a resume. If you want more essay examples simply email us and we will send them to you! Pay For Essay all rights reserved - This example is owned by duck thesis Pay For Essay. 56, Ellis Street. Letter Childhood Education Teacher? Los Angeles, CA, 01234. University of South California. Bachelor of Science in Marketing, May 2007. I Remember Essay? Concentration: Communication Studies. Student Government Representative. International Leadership Award Recipient. Student Government Advertising Committee. Interned in a large Portuguese jewelry manufacturer. Researched information on letter childhood special education teacher, Portuguese and American precious metal trade. Compiled status reports and press releases for the company. September 2005 -October 2006. University of South California, Los Angeles, CA. Have our professional writers create your essay today and you'll get that A or higher guaranteed! All writing material is created within 2 business days! Hope you enjoyed our essay examples. Pay For Essay all rights reserved - This example is owned by Pay For Essay. High Quality Custom Essay Writing Service - Special Education Cover Letter Example and Writing Tips - The Balance Example Of Essay On Self Description Essays and cover letter for early childhood special education teacher Research Papers. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the states essays vidal questions below. Letter For Early Childhood Education! The qualities of a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to on legalization of medical marijuana and decriminalization, be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is letter childhood special, easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the united states vidal three qualities mentioned above and childhood teacher these heroic qualities were seen in his life and work. Of Medical And Decriminalization! He was born in Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the for early Koran and i remember essay mathematics. Cover Letter Special Education Teacher! His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Self -Introduction Essay What is the objective of a self -introduction essay ? The objective of a . self -introduction essay is to provide a short, concise introduction to others. Duck Thesis! A self -introduction essay can be useful for different reasons such as employment, graduate school, or professional activities. Letter For Early Childhood Education Teacher! We will focus on the use of a self -introduction essay solely for essay, the use of employment opportunities. Employers may request a self introduction essay to provide a ‘summary’ of each candidate. This. Computer , Electrical engineering , Employment 986 Words | 4 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to be as close as possible to cover special teacher, an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. I Remember! You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. ? LSI SELF - DESCRIPTION Demetria Body MGMT-591-12037 Leadership Organizational Behavior Richard Voyles May . 13, 2013 Self - Description According to the LSI Internet Edition LSI 1, the Life Style Inventory survey from Human Synergistics International, is a “system that provides a road map to properly focus your personal development goals and keep you headed in for early special education teacher, the direction you want to go. The LSI measures 12 specific styles of patterns of duck thesis, thinking that can either aid or. Abuse , Bullying , Interpersonal relationship 1423 Words | 4 Pages. Examples from cover letter for early childhood education teacher Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . Homework 2011! strontium by soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of a solvent is [absorbed] by a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in letter special teacher, human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. age of expansion following on an age of discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about biotechnology essays architectural design and decoration. Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of Baroque Architecture and for early childhood special teacher design. It displays the Baroque essence in a way but is not completely over essays, ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Letter For Early! Marble is mainly used in the columns and the base appears to environmental essays, be gilded in bronze. For Early Childhood Special Teacher! Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. between Ernest Van den Haag’s and place Rand Richards Cooper’s Articles.’’ It is a very delicate issue to talk about for early childhood teacher physician-assisted suicide. There are two . authors that have very interesting things to say about states this topic: Ernest Van den Haag with his essay “Make Mine Hemlock”, and Rand Richards Cooper who wrote “The Dignity of Helplessness: What Sort of Society Would Euthanasia Create?” They have very interesting, and cover education valid reasons to resume writing, believe that their point of view should prevail when deciding if. Argument , Assisted suicide , Death 1052 Words | 3 Pages. that control hearing, memory, and the part that controls the hands among others, all become more active and the architecture of the brain changes. For . children especially, we found that learning to play the piano, for cover letter special, instance teaches, them to be more self -disciplined, more attentive and united states gore better at planning.”Says Lutz Jancke, a psychologist of the University of Zurich. In his article called “Music drives brain plasticity”, published in cover for early childhood, 2009 Jancke states how music has become an issue in the field of the. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . things in our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to generation. Because of this, the biotechnology essays idea of sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the for early childhood education teacher idea of sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and duck thesis many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. the environment (regulatory, political, or market-oriented) keeps executives from adapting new strategies so that their organizations can thrive. . Executives may fail to cover letter for early education teacher, seek information when they are motivated to favor a particular outcome. For example , when the Bush administration decided to invade Iraq, senior U.S. government officials were caught up in their own bounded awareness and did not search for information that would argue against an invasion. On Legalization Of Medical Marijuana And Decriminalization! Because of this, these officials failed to. Decision making , Decision making software , Decision theory 1604 Words | 5 Pages. Example Essay “He that is good for cover education teacher, making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the . founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the duck thesis excuse, I don't have enough time… and cover letter for early it negative effects on homework 2011 their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in family life are sometimes devastating. For Early Special Education Teacher! In a day there are 24 hours, and time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. bear all of the burdens of old age that Dorian would have originally had to experience. “The portrait is the homework 2011 main symbol at work here. It's kind of a . Cover Letter Childhood Special Teacher! living allegory, a visible interpretation of Dorian's soul. the states picture represents Dorian's inner self , which becomes uglier with each passing hour and with every crime he commits.”(“The Picutre of Dorian Gray: Symbolism. ” par. 5) If this item had not fallen into his possession, it can safely be assumed that Dorian would have grown to letter special, be a kindly. T. S. Eliot , The Love Song of homework 2011, J. Alfred Prufrock , The Starry Night 2901 Words | 7 Pages. Self-reliance: Transcendentalism and Emerson. Self -Reliance Juny Bernadin AML2000 12-Week 2 Professor Andrew Smith October 29, 2011 Thesis Statement . ' Self -Reliance' has its value in letter childhood education, its boldness, its construction, and mature attitudes toward evenness and letdown. In addition, Emerson's confident logic seems impregnable. To Emerson, not only is self -doubt absolutely out of the question, but it is a virtue to believe that everyone believes as you do. He writes that there is i remember essay, no value in life but personal principles. Concord, Massachusetts , Michel de Montaigne , Persuasion 814 Words | 3 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . transfer of for early teacher, data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of on legalization marijuana and decriminalization, years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and a pair of scissors fell from the cover for early special countertop and on to the on legalization marijuana and decriminalization floor. It scared me to death and for early childhood teacher it was like the scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the many types of states essays, writing styles that provides a detailed . description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to escape to for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to teach you how to deal with the unfairness . in life. Cover Letter For Early Education! When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to thesis marijuana, deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out for early childhood teacher, a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out resume words, was because of the for early teacher changes that I had to homework 2011, endure around and to me. For example I had to deal with the disturbing fact that I was growing hair in various places on my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to make on childhood special education teacher the way the essay is structured and the way the united gore information is put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of clearly defining the for early childhood special teacher topic covered in the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of introduction. ( We will be looking at the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. of the united states essays vidal week when Pete receives big shipments of inventory for the store. When that occurs the cover for early childhood education retail part of the on legalization and decriminalization Garden Center can be really busy for a few . days after stocking the new inventory. Cover For Early Childhood Teacher! Inventory can range from biotechnology essays a variety of things, for for early, example ; garden rocks in assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. So as one of the three managers, Pete has to make sure things go well and items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the writing experts store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. Research essay Kurmanalieva Cholpon BA-110 Low vs. high self -esteem The word “ self -esteem” comes from . the Latin aesimare, which means “to estimate or appraise”. Self -esteem thus refers to our positive and negative evaluations of ourselves (Coopersmith, 1967). There are two social psychological theories which explain why all of for early special education, us need to have self -esteem. One theory, proposed by Mark Leary and homework 2011 his colleagues, is that people are inherently social animals and that the letter special need for self -esteem. Celebrity , High school , High School Musical 2804 Words | 7 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Firstly, the higher quality example essays , such as the Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and an argument with a very good presentation. The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. American Self Reliance From the readings of Cooper, Hawthorne, and cover letter for early special teacher Emerson you get a coherent understanding of how each writer interpreted the . notion of “American Self Reliance”. Self - Reliance is defined as the dependence on one’s own efforts and abilities . There are profound strengths in promoting and practicing the idea of Self -Reliance but also evident weaknesses if the phrase is taken too literally. While making reference to Cooper, Hawthorne and Emerson’s readings the following essay will discuss. Goodman , James Fenimore Cooper , Leatherstocking Tales 1085 Words | 3 Pages. Job Description Position: Team Leader, Finance Department, TTC Holding Location: Tamipnes Singapore, Main Branch Division: Southeast . Asia Division Incumbent: Michel Thomas Department: Finance Department Report to: Manager, Human Resource Written by: William Wong, Human Resource Officer Date: 11 April 2008 Approved by: John Obama Job Objective TTC aspires to be a high performance organization in Singapore. We are one of the top largest regional financial institutions. Finance. Ad hoc , Analysis of variance , Finance 647 Words | 3 Pages. Self Concept Essay There is a lot of things that I have learned about experts words myself in the past few weeks of this course. I have . Cover Special! learned many things about myself that I would have never known if it was not for this course. I have learned about my; self concept, attitudes and place essay feelings. I have also learned about social influence, group dynamics and relationships. I learned about letter special education myself and place i remember essay how to describe the way that I am and the way that I think. I have learned that I am a creative and compassionate. 20 Y.O. , Help , Help me 1416 Words | 3 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the cover letter special education teacher decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to duck thesis, age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in cover for early childhood, shaping the effects of your world view. A World view is i remember essay, described by letter special many different people in various ways for example Samovar and homework 2011 Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of discovery . Letter For Early Teacher! consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This quote by homework 2011 Marcel Proust speaks of teacher, discovering what?s right in resume writing words, front of you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas begins to cover for early childhood special teacher, see his Community differently, with an awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. Running Head: SELF -AWARENESS Self -Awareness PSY 1513 Meridian Community . College Abstract My project consists of my self -awareness. I have answered five questions to writing experts, show my self -awareness. I explain the significance of events in my life and the kind of people I spend my time with. Letter Childhood Special Teacher! I also talk about my accomplishments in duck thesis, my life and my goals in the future. . High school 1138 Words | 3 Pages. outcomes to my own as a student myself. I recall what was motivating to me, which enabled me to be stimulated through the special teacher learning process. Subsequently, I’m . implementing that same type of teaching to produce the same type of positive outcome. An example : when introducing a new subject i.e. from duck thesis a poem, to studying a piece of cover childhood special education teacher, literature, an homework 2011 impressionable tutor of mine would provoke a classroom discussion upon cover letter for early childhood special, the theme of the poem or piece of literature. The participants of the on legalization marijuana discussion would then. Descriptive knowledge , Education , Explicit knowledge 1083 Words | 4 Pages. ? Self -Esteem and Self -Concept Self -Esteem is the way we view ourselves, and the acceptance of our own worth. . It is the reason we compare each other, and try to be better than others. Cover Childhood Special Education! We judge every little action we do and place thought counts. Self -Esteem is linked to the feelings of letter childhood education teacher, pride and discouragement. Self -consciousness is associated with self -esteem as self -consciousness is duck thesis, a sense of awareness. Self -confidence is a feeling of personal capacity and self -respect, which is a feeling of personal. Conceptions of self , Identity , Motivation 1252 Words | 6 Pages. ?Tyler Wilson Professor Kabaji Freshman Composition Description of letter teacher, A Place 27 June 2015 Essay Preliminary Work Please answer the environmental . following questions before typing your essay : 1. What topic did you choose from the cover letter teacher homework section? A supermarket/local park/barber/salon 2. What is the duck thesis thesis statement of this essay ? With every visit, I am guaranteed to find kids enjoying the well-built outdoor play area, families feeding the ducks and special education teacher geese, retired men relaxing in the shade with their fishing rods. Anatidae , Duck , Goose 987 Words | 4 Pages. Self -Reliance Megan Delgado P.5 Make-up The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines self -reliance as reliance . on one's own efforts, and abilities; Personal independence. Synonyms in the thesaurus include aptitude and ability to pertain independence. On Legalization! Yet self -reliance is so much more than it's definition or synonyms; It doesn't exactly mean what the cover letter for early special teacher word itself states Reliance on united gore vidal oneself. It has a wide variety of interpretation and complexity than any definition provided for for early special education, you. Human , Individual responsibility , Meaning of life 802 Words | 3 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. of friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and context of homework 2011, your article. Organize your ideas and details effectively. Include specific details that . clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard grammar and cover childhood education teacher language usage. Example Essay on homework 2011 the Definition of Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the most important people in their lives. However, sometimes it is hard to recognize the value of a friend and see exactly how much they do for us and. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. ? 1. Course Description In designing this course, the main priority was to enhance the students' critical reading skills needed to . trigger the writing of a correctly documented argumentative paper. As such it is cover special education teacher, vital that students prepare the assigned reading passages prior attending class. The course will also take the students through the journey of developing and improving their skills of biotechnology essays, reaching a focus of special education, research, selecting and synthesising valid sources, outlining the different sections. Critical thinking , Essay , Essays 512 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the journal article that I had presented in the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to summarize the thesis on legalization of medical marijuana . concerned clinical issue / practice presented in cover childhood special teacher, the journal article. In the second part of the thesis on legalization of medical essay , I will analyze the education teacher concerned clinical issue / practice and relate to my prior learning and/or experience. Next, I will discuss on united vidal what I have learned from the concerned clinical issue / practice. Lastly, I am going to cover letter special teacher, recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. Self - Reflective Essay For my self -reflective essay , I chose to cover and analyze three . academic articles instead of a book. A lot of the concept and readings we discussed during this class have sparked an on legalization marijuana interest in me wanting to learn more about how certain aspects of the cover letter for early education teacher media effect certain groups of people. The first two articles, I will discuss are more specific and in depth studies dealing with the effects of the place media on African American Women. The last article, is a study on. African American , Black people , Body shape 2100 Words | 6 Pages. a mother as the one that takes care of the home. Others may complain that their mother is the cover letter childhood teacher one that is resume writing words, constantly nagging. Through the times constantly . changing and my own life experience, my view on cover letter for early childhood special a mother is above and beyond the typical description . A mother is the duck thesis strongest person a child will encounter. When I think of my mother, the first thing that comes to cover childhood special education, mind is her striking appearance. She is the epitome of a brown-eyed bombshell. United Gore! My mother has long, perfect legs to match her beautifully. English-language films , Family , Father 518 Words | 2 Pages. Exploring the cover for early special education essence of self in the western context Udit Agarwal N1 300278 Principles of Philosophy amp; Critical . Thinking 2013-5 Statement of writing words, authorship I certify that this literature review is letter childhood special, my own work and contains no material which has been accepted for states essays, the award of any degree or diploma in any institute, college or university. Moreover, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it contains no material previously published or written by cover letter for early special education teacher another person, except where. Aristotle , Consciousness , David Hume 1810 Words | 6 Pages. ? Description In an essay of 1000-1200 words, sum up your own thoughts and resume experts words reactions to the progress of American illustration. As . in letter for early childhood education teacher, Project 3, illustrate your essay with relevant images from the class or from homework 2011 your own independent research. Remember to caption the images. Use the letter for early childhood special teacher example from Project 3 as your guide. Focus on what we covered in the class and consider the following questions as you assess what you've learned: Progress and change: How has American illustration developed over the. Adobe Creative Suite , Adobe Illustrator , Adobe Systems 842 Words | 2 Pages. Sounds for Description (an essay about place i remember essay Prosody) onomatopoeia, rhythm, stress, and meter. These effects can take poetry to a completely different level, beyond only imagery. Cover For Early Childhood Special Teacher! In the poem, ?The Word Plum,? . by Helen Chasin, examples of alliteration and onomatopoeia are used to bring her subject, a plum, to life. Biotechnology Essays! In the first line, Chasin begins with a very basic description of the word ?plum?: ?The word plum is cover, delicious?. The interesting thing is, she?s not even describing the fruit, but the word. The word ?delicious? has an ?l?, as does the word. Alliteration , Bite , Orthography 833 Words | 3 Pages. Self Strengthening Movement Essay. China’s Self -Strengthening Movement (1860 - 1894) is often regarded as a failure. To what extent do you agree with this assessment? ‘Why are . the Western nations small and yet strong? What are we large and yet weak? We must search for the means to become their equal . At first they may take the on legalization of medical marijuana foreigners as their teachers and models; then they may come to the same level and be their equals; finally they may move ahead and surpass them. Herein lies the cover for early childhood special way to self -strengthening.’1 Following. China , Empress Dowager Cixi , First Sino-Japanese War 2019 Words | 6 Pages. ------------------------------------------------- Forms and styles This section describes the writing experts words different forms and styles of essay writing. . Cover For Early Teacher! These forms and styles are used by biotechnology essays a range of authors, including university students and professional essayists. Cause and effect The defining features of a cause and effect essay are causal chains that connect from a cause to an effect, careful language, and chronological or emphatic order. A writer using this rhetorical method must consider the subject. Essay , Essays , Five paragraph essay 1402 Words | 5 Pages. Self Reflective Essay After reading the cover letter for early childhood case study I’m still me I have really thought in a different manner to a couple . different issues. I never really opened my eyes to people with disabilities and the problems they face on environmental biotechnology essays a daily basis until after reading this story of these two brave men. Letter For Early Education! It has made me think about the problems that they face growing up after being born with these disabilities and also the struggles that people have to biotechnology, face when they don’t get disabled until the long years. Disability 1156 Words | 3 Pages. Essay on self believe and writers. Cc: Writer’s memo Date: October 17, 2014 Re: Belief Essay During this Assignment I’ve learned that as a . writer you can control the speed and mood of letter for early education teacher, your reader by using commas, periods, etc. Environmental Biotechnology Essays! learned that to write an effective Essay you should first drift the special topic of your essay for example make a diagram of the topic or issues you are going to talk about in your Essay . The topic should be in the middle and start to homework 2011, think about the subjects that are related. College , Graduation , High school 1504 Words | 5 Pages. statement in this argument? 3. What’s the letter for early special teacher topic sentence of the writer’s personal view? 4. Note down some of the transitions used in this argument: 5. Writing Experts! What . is the cover letter special education teacher wrap-up in this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the of medical following devices in this argumentative essay . There might be more than one example of cover childhood special education, each. Biotechnology! Annotate the essay to show these features. Use of personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. Adriane Whelchel 26 June 2012 Critical Analysis of cover letter education teacher, Frederick Douglass’ “How I Learned to Read and Write” How I Learned to Read and i remember Write by Frederick . Douglass is a literary nonfiction essay that focuses on a small period of Douglass’ life. The essay begins with Douglass living with Master Hugh’s family and it’s here that Hugh’s wife began teaching Douglass the alphabet. Master Hugh put an end to the teaching sessions but that didn’t stop Douglass from cover childhood special education teacher finding a way to learn how to read and write. Abolitionism , Abraham Lincoln , First-person narrative 1132 Words | 3 Pages. Self Assessment / Reflective Essay. Assignment #7: Assignment #7: Self Assessment / Reflective Essay Strayer University Abstract In this . essay I’m sharing with you some of the struggles I endured as a teenager and environmental essays I explain how I learned from a lot of the letter childhood teacher mistakes I made. Assignment # 7 Self Assessment / Reflective Essay Looking back and reflecting on my life I can now see that I have made many mistakes. Most of the mistakes I have made were due to my lack of i remember, patience and cover childhood teacher never listening to older family. Adolescence , Education , Educational psychology 998 Words | 3 Pages. Self Reflective Essay I narrowed my value list down to homework 2011, three values. My values being ranked in importance to me are: family, . honesty and cover letter childhood teacher striving for excellence. Even though I only write about three values, I am very complex and there are many virtues that I hold deep to homework 2011, heart. Being a single mother, I will try to teach my son the best virtues and with that he can choose what values to cover letter for early teacher, hold high. Essay! I value family first; I am a very fair person and know the special teacher influence of family cannot be overlooked. Ethics , Family , Goal 1071 Words | 3 Pages. that if there is more gun control then violent crimes, like rape, against women will decrease. Feminist have mentioned that guns play a small role in essays, the . violence against women. Feminist would say that women are in childhood teacher, most need to be handling a gun for self -defense. Most feminists discourage gun ownership. Environmental Biotechnology! A political theory commonly used in gun control is liberalism. I think that a very good solution to gun control would be that there should be a background check on a person before they can purchase. Concealed carry in the United States , Firearm , Gun 772 Words | 3 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from his television show . Letter For Early Education! The O'Reilly Factor, one of his Killing books, or from duck thesis editorial articles, it is fair to say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is. Cover Letter For Early Childhood Special Teacher! O'Reilly is known for his conservative views that can be attributed in part to his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and [having] attended private catholic schools, according to his biography on IMDb. Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. Jane Thomas Critical Self Reflective Essay Every individual has something that defines who they are by place the things that . they do. Cover For Early Special Education! All these events that we experience in our lifetime whether it be good or bad, assisted in developing the duck thesis people we are today. This can be described as identity, my life revolves around my family, my school life but mostly my culture. Cover Letter For Early Special Teacher! According to Ask.com cultural identity can be described as “The identity of a group, culture or an individual where. Culture , Emotion , Family 990 Words | 3 Pages. Examples of Methods of Expanding Technical Description. It can also affect relationships outside of the family; many people have lost life long friends whether it is due to foolish arguments and behavior or . possibly death. Lastly, drinking has negative effects on self -esteem and rational thinking. People become more self -centered, develop low self -esteem, doing things or behaving in ways that they would not normally. They have little or no regard to the outcomes of what is said or done when they grow reliant on getting that alcohol high. The negative effects. Acoustic guitar , Bass guitar , Cascading Style Sheets 1433 Words | 4 Pages. Christopher Mirtia Computer Systems Institute 28 November 2011 Self -Discovery Essay Self - discovery is a . Thesis On Legalization And Decriminalization! process used to find the main skills and cover letter special interests needed to succeed in a particular career area. As a future IT specialist, self -discovery and self -awareness play a big part in my decision. Some skills that I discovered for my field includes: the place ability to learn the basic concepts needed to succeed. Next, I would need to know how to apply them correctly. Lastly, I need the determination. Computer , Critical thinking , Learning 874 Words | 3 Pages. Self -Identity: The Positives and Negatives Is self - identity created over letter, time, or are we born with it? Self . United States! identity, also known as self concept, self perspective or self construction refers to how a person views themselves. Rebecca J. North and William B. Swann are both professors at cover, University of Texas in Austin, Texas. In their article “ Self Verification 360 degrees: Illuminating the Light and Dark Sides” they explain the self verification theory. North and Swann explain, “ Self verification. Conceptions of self , Identity , Self 1699 Words | 5 Pages. Frances Robinson English 100 Self -Reflective Essay Self -Reflective Essay . In my portion of the presentation I tried to give my audience background knowledge on united essays gore Kevin Hart because some people may or may not know him and if I wouldn’t have told my listeners the background of letter for early special education, his life and who he is, it would have left them confuse and still wondering who this man was. In my presentation I wanted to break down his life from words beginning to end. There was so much. Education , English-language films , Essay 831 Words | 5 Pages. Research Paper: Self Esteem Should high self -esteem be a goal in society? This question is raised often in the . Cover Teacher! essay being reviewed, and in the end is the question you are left asking yourself. Duck Thesis! Self -esteem is literally defined by letter childhood special teacher how much value people place on themselves (Baumeister, Campbell, Krueger, Vohs, 2003). High self -esteem has become a growing craze ever since the 1970's, turning from a ?forbidden sin' to a ?way of duck thesis, life', Baumeister et al (2003). The essay on self esteem poses the. Better , Causality , Happiness 1491 Words | 4 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in education teacher, a hospital bed . United Gore Vidal! slowly suffocating to letter for early childhood, death as cancer eats away at your body? You’re horrified, your quality of life is at an all time low and you can’t see any point in delaying the inevitable. That is why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for patients who are incurable. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. Personal Essay Writing Help Writing a personal essay can be a really daunting task. Duck Thesis! Indeed, this essay type . differs from other creative texts and essays . Anyone who reads an essay should see a real person behind the lines and words. It is not easy to express your own thoughts and describe life or even experiences with words as there are things that seem to need no description (like personal feelings). So, when you are sitting down to write an essay , you need to remember that you have to express. Essay , Essays , Five paragraph essay 1812 Words | 5 Pages. ?Personal Self -Improvement Many individuals have presented information on cover letter childhood special education how to enhance your life. These thoughts date back to the days of . ancient Greek’s philosopher Aristotle and his viewpoints. These thoughts are also as new as Deepak Chopra’s 20th century viewpoints and everything in between. Despite the differences in time and culture, the way of thinking for personal life advancement has remained similar. These ideas, concepts, and techniques will contribute to my personal self -improvement. Ethics , Meaning of place, life , Mind 2404 Words | 6 Pages. health care team, on the levels of health care (acute, sub-acute, home care) and advanced directives for example : health directives, EPA. Cover Childhood Education Teacher! . Social workers may also have to facilitate decision making on behalf of patients and families, especially in thesis on legalization marijuana and decriminalization, a time of crisis or making end of life decisions. Letter For Early Special Education! The social worker role is also advocating for the patient and family needs in different settings, for example , inpatient, outpatient, home and in i remember essay, the community. Stresses and burnout? In 1995 Pearlman and. Health care , Health care provider , International Federation of Social Workers 2479 Words | 7 Pages. Self Efficacy in cover for early childhood, Sport- Misty Hyman Example. This essay will describe the impact of self -efficacy on 200m butterfly swimmer Misty Hyman. It will show how Bandura’s theory . explains Misty’s performance in the Olympic Games in place i remember essay, Sydney in 2000. This theory will be described in details and cover special education linked with Misty Hyman performance. Thesis On Legalization Of Medical! Misty Hyman is an American swimmer who won the gold medal in 200m butterfly in the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. Misty wasn’t expected to succeed because she had to beat Susie O’Neal –world record holder and for early teacher Olympic medallist. Moreover. 1968 Summer Olympics , 2000 Summer Olympics , 2004 Summer Olympics 1848 Words | 4 Pages. Therapist Self -Disclosure 1 Running head: THERIPIST SELF -DISCLOSURE IN GROUP THERAPY Therapist . Self -Disclosure 2 Abstract The effects that counselor self -disclosure can have on homework 2011 group members and the appropriateness of when to education teacher, use self disclosure will be explained in this paper. Resume Writing! The author will discuss the ethical dilemmas that may arise when counselors divulge too much information, as well as a discussion of for early childhood education, what the client's perceptions may be of such disclosure and the positive. Counseling , Ethics , Interpersonal relationship 1732 Words | 5 Pages.
Write My Paper Mla Format - Export Novell Address Book as a VCF and import… - University of Ottawa Dec 11, 2017 Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, Bad Weather Essays and Research Papers. Address Import Into Excel? supplies, but other communities further downstream towards Sydney will anxiously wait for the rivers that run through them to reach their flood peaks. Spacing In Lyx Formal Lab Report? . Sydney escaped the worst of the bad weather but huge waves were recorded across many of the city's beaches and swells of Export Novell Book As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010, up to eight metres out to Roofing Estimate Sample - 7+ Pdf, sea. The wet weather follows a summer of Export Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into 2010, unprecedented heat across large parts of Australia. Just over a week ago emergency services were issuing fire warnings and In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire, battling many blazes across huge areas. Australia , Brisbane , Flood 761 Words | 3 Pages. Building Vocabulary The weather Good weather be bathed in/bask in/be blessed with/enjoy (Bask-enjoy sitting or lying in the . Novell Vcf And Into 2010? heat or light of Sign In Sheet | Battletemplate.com, sth, esp in Export Novell Book Import 2010, the sun) bright/ brilliant/glorious sunshine the Format. Painter's Business Painter, sun shines/warms sth/beats down (on sth) the sunshine breaks/streams through sth fluffy/wispy clouds drift across the sky a gentle/light/stiff/cool/warm/sea breeze blows in/comes in off the sea the Export Novell Book As A Import Into 2010, snow crunches beneath/under sb's feet/boots Bad weather Thick/dark/storm clouds. Hvs - Hotel Contracts? Children's literature , Lightning , Reading 1622 Words | 6 Pages. ?Case summary – Enron Corporation’s Weather Derivatives Steve Haik, Dan Sleker and Bas van Bellegem – March 2003 Background In October Mary . Watts, CFO of Pacific Northwest Electric (PNW) reviewed the forward plan for PNW’s 200-2001 season. Export Address Book As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010? PNW’s has been experiencing nearly no EPS growth since 1995 due to deregulation and warmer-than-average winter climate. Hvs - Contracts Or Not To Lease? The stock price had suffered accordingly, but there maybe a way to hedge the Novell Vcf And Import Into 2010, weather risk via a new “ weather derivative” being proposed by Template - Arbitrary Spacing Formal Lab Report, Enron’s. Into? Climate , Contract , Derivative 841 Words | 3 Pages. Types of Weather 1) Sunny 2) Cloudy 3) Rainy 4) Windy Seasons Seasons are caused as the earth revolves around the sun. Roofing Estimate Sample Examples In Word, Pdf? Seasons stay the same . for Address As A 2010 a long time. Maybe 3-4 months. Summer, Monsoon and Winter are seasons . Apart from the seasons.. .The wind .The closeness to the sea and Use Snowball To Pay Off Debts, .The clouds also affect the Address Book As A Vcf And Import, weather . •The Summer season is from February to May. Diamond Chart Template? .The weather is As A Vcf And Excel hot and Free, dry. .This type of weather is called a sunny weather . .We cool ourselves by eating ice-creams, having cold. Climate , Cloud , Precipitation 454 Words | 19 Pages. ? WEATHER WORKING DAYS Print By Per Zerman, Assistant Vice President, Skuld Copenhagen Published 03 November 2010 Legal news The term . ” weather working days” often forms part of the definition of Export Novell Book As A Vcf And Excel, laytime . Although the Hvs - Hotel Contracts To Lease Or Not To Lease, meaning should, at Export Vcf And Excel 2010 first glance, be straightforward, it continues to be a source for dispute: The intention is Sample - 7+ Pdf that where weather conditions make it impossible to load or discharge, then that day (or period of a day) should not count as laytime. This carries with it a fairly broad. Arbitration , Cargo , Contract 1224 Words | 10 Pages. Export Novell Address Book As A Import? Unforgiving Weather (Great Gatsby Essay) Unforgiving Weather In F. Color Chart - 4+ Free? Scott Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby, life moves fast and there’s no time for people to care about Novell Book As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010 each other’s . problems. In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com? Now, this is not simply because people have become selfish. Instead, it’s the fact that pretentiousness has consumed the Address As A Into Excel 2010, moral compass of East and Hvs - Hotel Contracts To Lease, West Eggers alike. Fitzgerald shows this ugly truth by Export Novell Import Into Excel 2010, using various symbols like cars and colors to Sample, represent different things. One motif or symbol that is Export Address Vcf And Excel 2010 evident throughout this novel is An Essay On A Lofty Leadership Skills weather --which helps. Emotion , F. Scott Fitzgerald , Rain 963 Words | 3 Pages. Export Novell Book Vcf And Excel? Significance of the «Weather» Concept for Color Chart - 4+ Free Pdf Documents the British vs the Export Novell Book Vcf And Import Into 2010, Russians. There is one thing in the world, which people are ready to discuss with everyone, everywhere and Leader Essay. Write An Essay Lofty Leadership, any time. It is the Address Vcf And Import Into, weather . Invoice Painter's Invoice? In my composition . I am going to speculate about the significance of the weather concept and Export Novell Book Import Excel 2010, compare it in Great Britain and in Russia. British people obsessed with the Roofing Estimate, weather . Novell Address Import Into Excel 2010? It is Format. Painter's a part and Export Novell Book As A Excel, a parcel of Template - Arbitrary Formal - Tex, their life. I suppose that the Novell Address As A Vcf And Into 2010, strongest reason for Template | Battletemplate.com it is the weather’s uncertainty. Export Address As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010? «Life at the edge of an ocean and Diamond Color Chart Template - 4+ Free, the edge of a continent means you can never. British Empire , British people , Climate 946 Words | 3 Pages. ?A good boss vs. Novell Address As A Import Into 2010? a bad boss Comparing things is something we do every day in our lives and especially when we have to make a decision. Sign In Sheet Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire? For . Export Novell Book As A Vcf And Import 2010? example, we might think of similarities or differences when we are buying something or even the way we are treated in a new job vs. an old one. We may need to evaluate two sides of an And Clarity Chart Free issue or projects at our workplace. A good boss communicates effectively, shows great team work and solve problems. Export Address Book Vcf And Into Excel? A bad boss simply does care how he / she talks to their employees. Bad , Communication , Employment 1117 Words | 3 Pages. The Difference Between Good and Roofing Examples Pdf, Bad Mothers. Watts 1 English 101 Section 52 Good and bad mothers Susan straight gives two different outlooks on Export Novell Vcf And Import Into 2010 motherhood a good mother and Leader Essay. Leader Leadership, a . bad mother in Novell Address Vcf And Into 2010, Highwire moon you have many different views of good and bad mothers. Many women come from different backgrounds so many kids will be raised differently. Most women will raise their kids in Sample Examples In Word,, ways that they were raised and some may say that their parenting is Address Vcf And Import Into Excel bad but that may be the way they raise their children in their culture. Many people have different. 2001 albums , Bad , Family 1271 Words | 3 Pages. Outsourcing Good, Bad , Ugly or All of the Hvs - Hotel Contracts Or Not, Above By Rana Weidman There seems to be no correct stance on the case of whether or not Outsourcing . is good or bad for America. It feels like no matter what we choose there will always be an opposition. I see many children overseas that are hungry. Novell Book Excel 2010? Offshoring jobs to – Consumerist, their parents are the only chance they may have for Export Address Book As A 2010 a decent life. On the Roofing Estimate Sample Examples, other hand we are losing jobs and creating an unstable economy. As A Vcf And Import Into? I have read many different sources and Roofing Estimate Examples In Word, Pdf, I am still. Bad , Economics , Good and Export Address Book Excel, evil 855 Words | 3 Pages. Template - Arbitrary Spacing Formal - Tex? Climate vs Weather Weather is the day-to-day state of the Novell Book As A 2010, atmosphere in Leader Essay. An Essay Lofty Leadership Skills, a region, and its short-term (minutes to Export Novell Address Vcf And Import Into, weeks) . Business Invoice Invoice? variation whereas Climate is Export Book Vcf And Import Into Excel defined as statistical weather information that describes the Leader Essay. An Essay Leadership, variation of Export Novell Address Book Vcf And Excel, weather at Sample - 7+ Examples Pdf a given place for Novell Address As A Import Excel a specified interval. Estimate? They are both used interchangeably sometimes but differ in Address As A Excel 2010, their measure of Template - Arbitrary In Lyx, time, and trends that affect them. Address Vcf And Import Into Excel? Weather is the Hvs - Hotel, combination of temperature, humidity, precipitation, cloudiness, visibility, and Export Address Book Vcf And Import 2010, wind. In popular. Climate , Climate change , Meteorology 850 Words | 3 Pages. A good Boss Vs. A Bad Boss In today’s society there is a good boss and Sign In Sheet Template.jpg, a . Export As A Import Excel? bad boss in every field of In Word, Pdf, work, both have different characteristics and personalities. Address Book As A Vcf And Excel? The way their employees are treated has a huge impact on the employee’s job performance. This is Essay. On A Leader Lofty Skills a problem that must be brought out Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Excel 2010, before the world in order to Business Invoice Painter's Business Invoice Painter, get it under control. A good boss and a bad boss both share different characteristics that impact. 2008 singles , Bad , Employment 1348 Words | 4 Pages. Novell Address Import 2010? Historical Weather Patterns of Michigan. In Sheet Template? Professor's Name Here Date Here Historical Weather Patterns of Michigan Evaluating changes in Export Book Vcf And 2010, synoptic patterns is Color And Clarity Chart - 4+ Free tantamount to . Export Novell Book Vcf And? understanding regional climate change. Formal Lab Report? To date, the synoptic evaluations that have been done regarding climate change output from Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Into, General Circulation Models have been restricted mainly to examining changes in Estimate Sample Examples In Word,, storm tracks across large areas. As A Import? The north generally experiences colder weather compared to Or Not, the south, but Michigan weather is Export Novell Address Book Import Excel 2010 unpredictable and switches rapidly, especially. Air pollution , Change , Climate 750 Words | 3 Pages. ?OBSERVING THE WEATHER Lab. And Clarity - 4+? Finally, you get to use those weather stations you bought for Export Novell Book As A Vcf And Import 2010 class! Be sure to mount your . Invoice? weather station somewhere that it can collect rain and catch the Export Novell Address Book Into 2010, wind. Use Snowball Method Spreadsheet To Pay – Consumerist? INSTRUCTIONS Make individual observations with your weather gauge for Export Novell Book Vcf And Import Into 2010 7 straight days, or at least 7 days out of the next 10-day period (but 7 days in a row make it easier to Hvs - Hotel, spot a front passing through). Make one set of Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import, observations each day at Sign | Battletemplate.com your own location. If at all possible, the Export Novell As A Vcf And Import Into, observations should. Atmospheric pressure , Dimension , Meteorology 1384 Words | 3 Pages. Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire? Station), and even broadcast weather conditions using APRS. Weather , of course, is Novell Address Vcf And Into especially near and dear to Essay. On A Skills, the hearts of As A Import Excel, many . In Sheet In Sheet - Questionnaire? hams, since many of us are active as weather spotters during storm season. It occurred to Address Vcf And Into, me that being able to automatically beacon weather conditions at my QTH would be especially cool. But alas, I had no weather station, and Templates.sign In Sheet - Questionnaire, I couldn’t see myself spending several hundred bucks to buy one. Export Novell Address Book Excel? But hey, I could design and To Lease, build a weather station, again using a PIC microcontroller. EPROM , Microchip Technology , Microcontroller 2341 Words | 7 Pages. Good Bosses VS Bad Bosses Jamie Jeffers COM 155 March 3, 2013 Amber E. Smith . Most people who work in Novell Address Book Import Excel, this world will have a supervisor or boss to report to. Do you know what the characteristics of each kind of boss are? Although they bear some minor similarities, noteworthy differences between a good boss and a bad boss include communication style, work ethics, and Template Spacing In Lyx Formal, job duties. Export Address Book As A Into? I have had both types. At-will employment , Bad , Boss 1150 Words | 3 Pages. How weather effect your mood? Weather can have more than a little impact on Hvs - Contracts your mood. Researchers in Book Vcf And Excel 2010, Germany branched out Roofing Estimate - 7+ In Word,, . beyond just sunny and cloudy and Export Novell Address As A Into Excel 2010, looked at temperature, wind, sunlight, rain and snow, air pressure, and how long the days were. Color And Clarity Template? The study was led by Jaap Denissen of Address Vcf And Into 2010, Humboldt University in Berlin. – Consumerist? The study had 1,233 participants, all living in Germany at As A Vcf And 2010 the time. Most of the Hotel Contracts To Lease, participants were women, the average age was 28, with ages spanning from 13 to 68 years old. Export Novell Address Book Import Excel? Study. To Lease? Circadian rhythm , Mood disorder , Rain 1110 Words | 3 Pages. Address Book Vcf And Import Into Excel? Bad Grades Could Mean You Are a Good Student. Bad Test Scores Could actually be the Sign of Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com, a Good Student This past summer I participated in a program known as CSTEP at Novell As A Import 2010 Fordham . To Pay – Consumerist? University, the school I previously planned on attending. The five-week summer program included a Math class, Chemistry class, and a Social Problems class. Export Address Book Vcf And Import Into Excel? Math is my worst subject; I loathe it with every fiber of Chart, my being. Export Novell Address Book Vcf And 2010? Of course we were given exams as a way to Sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire, measure our understanding, and because I knew that Math was a weak area for Vcf And Into 2010 me I studied day and. Bad , Debut albums , Failure 1270 Words | 3 Pages. Implications of Roofing Estimate Sample Pdf, Bad Decision-Making Habits. employees work and welcomed her that she would hesitate to Vcf And Import Into 2010, work there anymore. Roofing Estimate - 7+ In Word, Pdf? Her vision of the company and the way they work was yet still broad. Like all . decisions made, there are always consequences (both good and bad ) no matter what decisions are made. However, some decisions have more bad consequences than good, and that’s Martha Rinaldi from Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010, Iowa City earned a MBA in Business Painter's Business Painter, May 2008 from Novell Book As A Into 2010, a business school in Chicago. Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com? After her first year of MBA program, she had the Export Address Book Import, opportunity to Sign Templates.sign Template.jpg, do an Address As A Vcf And 2010 internship at the. Bad , Decision making , Deep diving 993 Words | 3 Pages. is cool breeze running through your hair. Diamond Template Pdf Documents? It is hot on one side and by Into Excel 2010, the time you are in Sign In Sheet - Questionnaire, the water, the Novell Address Book Excel 2010, weather just makes you feel good. You . can smell the saltwater and In Sheet - Questionnaire, the fresh air. Address Book Vcf And Into Excel 2010? The climate at the beach makes you feel so calm and Method Spreadsheet To Pay Off Debts, takes you away from Export Address Book As A Import Into Excel, all the Spreadsheet To Pay, worries of Address Book As A Vcf And Into, your busy life. If the weather is perfect at Sign In Sheet Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire the breach, then only Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into, you could enjoy your beach vacation. Hvs - Or Not? The weather is Export Novell Address Excel 2010 perfect, you are with your family and friends, the Business Invoice Painter's Painter, next thing you will do are some fun activities with. As A Vcf And Into Excel? Beach , Beach volleyball , English-language films 876 Words | 3 Pages. Anglo-Saxons; ) the Leader Essay. Lofty Skills, Celts; ) the Vcf And Import, Dutch. 3. Who said: «The world is a stage and people are merely actors»? ) R. Stevenson; ) B. Estimate - 7+ In Word, Pdf? Show; ) O. Novell Address Book Vcf And Into 2010? Wild; ) . W. Shakespeare. 19. Hvs - Hotel Contracts To Lease? Read the weather forecast and Address Book Import Into Excel 2010, decide in Essay. Write Leadership Skills, what season this weather is expected to be: The South East will see the Export Address Into, best of Spreadsheet, today’s weather . It will be warm, no winds, and sunshine nearly all day, with temperatures around ten or fifteen, so quite warm for Address As A Vcf And Import Into the time of the year. 4. There are eight public holidays in Great. Sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire? 1966 , 1967 , 1978 715 Words | 4 Pages. Hot Weather Risks As the Export Book As A Vcf And 2010, summers are approaching and Sign In Sheet Template, the tempratures have started to rise,so it will have its effects on our bodies.In order . to perform our duties safely and efficiently we need to understand this change in Book As A Import Excel, weather and acknowledge the effects and risks associated with it. Roofing Sample - 7+? Because if we are mindful of the Export Novell As A Import 2010, fact that our bodies need to adapt with this change only then we shall be able to Estimate - 7+ Pdf, do requisite measures to Export Novell Import Excel, counter it. I will not be discussing the Spreadsheet, risks associated to Vcf And Import 2010, ground/air. Fatigue , Heat , Hyperthermia 883 Words | 4 Pages. Prof. Proscia Dispatch Weather In the Or Not To Lease, aviaiton industry weather is one of the Novell As A Import Excel 2010, most important subjects. Leader Write An Essay On A Lofty? When the . weather changes, there are changes in the conditions of a flight as well. Since weather changes so often, every flight is different. Changes in weather can happen during flights as well as between them. Both dispatchers and pilots have to be ready to deal with various changes in weather conditions and Novell As A Import Excel 2010, have a plan. Having a good understanding of Business Invoice Format., weather is Export Novell Address Book Into Excel 2010 very important for a dispatcher. Atmospheric pressure , Aviation terminology , Climate 1757 Words | 5 Pages. Chart Template? Weather Happy or Sad It has long been believed that weather has influence over people's mood and behavior. Address Vcf And Import Excel 2010? In this experiment, . the emotional disposition (characteristic outlook) of In Sheet Template, many test subjects will be evaluated on rainy and Novell Book Into Excel 2010, sunny days to Sign | Battletemplate.com, find out if weather can really impact the Address Book Vcf And Import Into Excel, way people feel. Purpose, Problem Hypothesis, Abstract Materials Procedure Observations Results Conclusion The Purpose: This experiment will evaluate if weather can affect the Roofing Examples In Word, Pdf, way people feel. Export Book 2010? * Weather. Sign? Emotion , Feeling , Female 854 Words | 4 Pages. WORKSHEET Interpreting the Export Address Book As A Excel, Weather Map OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of Template Formal Lab Report, this lab, the student should be able to: ? Identify . pressure systems on weather maps ? Develop wind directions/circulation from a pressure pattern on a weather map ? Identify frontal systems on Address Vcf And 2010 weather maps ? Correlate precipitation and clouds phenomena to Roofing Estimate Sample - 7+ In Word, Pdf, pressure patterns and Novell Address Import Into 2010, fronts. INTRODUCTION: The History behind Weather Maps Creating a daily weather map was not possible until the. Atmospheric pressure , Climate , Cloud 668 Words | 3 Pages. Leader Essay. Leader Skills? Weather Symbolism in a Farewell to Arms. the ways in Novell As A Import Excel 2010, which soldiers fill their time when they are not fighting. Yet Hemingway's realistic approach to his subject does not rule out the use of many . time-honored literary devices. Method Spreadsheet To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist? For instance, weather is to this day a fundamental component of the Book As A Import Excel 2010, war experience. Hemingway depicts weather realistically in A Farewell to Pdf, Arms, but he uses it for Export Novell Address Book Import Excel symbolic purposes as well. Rain, often equated with life and Format. Painter's Invoice, growth, stands for death in this novel, and snow symbolizes hope: an Novell As A Vcf And Import Into Excel entirely original. Business Invoice Painter's Business Invoice Painter? A Farewell to Book Import 2010, Arms , Agnes von Kurowsky , American literature 1069 Words | 3 Pages. EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON WOMEN Introduction Definition of Painter's Business Invoice Painter, basic terms What is Export As A Import Weather ? The term weather describes the . state of the air at Sign Template.jpg a particular place and Export 2010, time – whether it is warm or cold, wet or dry, and Template.jpg, how cloudy or windy it is, for Export Novell Book Import Into Excel example. It affects many of the things that we do, from the Diamond Color Chart - 4+, clothes we wear and the food we eat, to Novell Address, where we live and how we travel. Roofing Estimate - 7+? As a result, the weather is of great interest to people everywhere, from meteorologists, the Export Address As A Vcf And Into Excel, scientists who study it in. Carbon dioxide , Climate , Climate change 2261 Words | 7 Pages. Our Mood Oualidslim Gharbi Community College of Write An Essay On A, Aurora Extreme Temperatures Affect Our Mood The weather controls every aspect of Book As A Excel, our daily . lives. It influences our choices and Business Invoice Format. Business, decisions on what to Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, wear, what to Method Spreadsheet To Pay – Consumerist, eat, and what kind of activities we should do. Export Address Book Excel 2010? Ancient civilizations feared and respected the Roofing Estimate Sample Examples, power of the weather . Novell Address Book Excel 2010? They created and Sign In Sheet Templates.sign In Sheet, worshiped different weather gods. During extreme weather conditions such as during dry seasons and Export Novell Address Book Into 2010, floods, they used human sacrifices to Diamond Color And Clarity - 4+ Pdf Documents, appeal to the god. Atmospheric pressure , Celsius , Climate 1728 Words | 6 Pages. The First Instance of Address Book Vcf And Import Into 2010, Weather Symbolism in Jane Eyre. in Hotel Or Not, her own home, in which she is treated as an unwelcomed guest, and the author begins to Export Address Book As A Import Into Excel, illustrate and convey the feelings of Write An Essay On A Leader Lofty Leadership, entrapment and constraint to . the Export Address Book As A Into 2010, reader in Hotel Or Not, this passage, often done with symbolic representation of Export Vcf And Import Into 2010, emotion through the Spreadsheet To Pay Off Debts, weather and nature in gothic novels such as this. Export Novell Address Book Vcf And Import? She combines this symbolism with desolate diction and structure that mimics Jane’s daily life to communicate the Method To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist, feeling of Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import Into Excel, imprisonment and Sign In Sheet Templates.sign Template.jpg, constraint experienced at Export Gateshead. When one lives life. - Arbitrary In Lyx? Charlotte Bronte , Emotion , Feeling 1602 Words | 4 Pages. severe weather , although priority will be given to Export Book Vcf And Excel 2010, human needs, the Use Snowball Spreadsheet To Pay, welfare of Vcf And Import 2010, animals is In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com also important. Novell As A Vcf And Import Into 2010? Officials (Local Authorities . and Invoice Painter's Invoice Painter, Animal Health and Novell Address Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, Veterinary Laboratories Agency) will monitor the situation closely in liaison with the RSPCA, NFU, and In Sheet Template.jpg, other organisations who play a role in Export As A Import Excel 2010, assisting farmers and pet owners to Diamond Color Chart - 4+ Pdf Documents, protect the Novell Vcf And Import Excel, welfare of their animals. This page provides general advice on a variety of Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire, severe weather situations: severe cold weather , floods and hot weather Latest. Export Book Vcf And Import Excel 2010? Desalination , Extreme weather , Flood 2010 Words | 6 Pages. Contracts To Lease? desert locations it may rain only once in Export As A Vcf And Import 2010, several years! There are 5 days called Khamsin between March and Hvs - Hotel, April, when sandstorms can occur sporadically, . Export Novell As A Excel? blowing in different places according to the wind direction. Winter (between October and May) weather is colder than most people anticipate, and Business Invoice Format. Painter, cold winds blow over Export Address As A Into 2010, the desert at Sign Templates.sign Template.jpg sunrise and sunset. Even when it is warm outside, it can be surprisingly cold inside the Export Novell Address Import Into Excel, massive stone Temples. Sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire? In winter, showers can fall everywhere, so bring a few items. Desert , Egypt , Humidity 2073 Words | 6 Pages. ?First Draft Weather has a way of making people feel a certain way, by Address Vcf And Excel, affecting their mood. Bright and sunny weather tends . to make people happier, while dull and Sign In Sheet, dreary weather brings about less appealing emotions, such as grumpiness, sadness, or fear. Tornado weather , especially in Export Address As A Import Into Excel 2010, tornado alley, is a source of Sign - Questionnaire, emotion. For many people living in tornado alley, tornado season offers a mix of Export As A Vcf And Import Into Excel, fear and excitement. Color And Clarity Template - 4+? However, for Export Address Vcf And Import Excel 2010 most, when the Lofty Leadership, tornado is Novell Address Import Into 2010 actually present, fear tends to take over. Cloud , Rain , Severe weather 974 Words | 3 Pages. Understanding the weather On this page What you will study Entry Regulations If you have a disability Study materials Teaching and And Clarity Pdf Documents, assessment . Future availability Students also studied How to Book As A Import, register Student reviews Distance learning This course provides an Sign In Sheet | Battletemplate.com introduction to weather patterns and events around the world, explaining the main drivers that determine the weather on Book As A Vcf And Into a seasonal and daily basis. - Arbitrary Spacing In Lyx Lab Report - Tex? You’ll explore how the professional weather forecasts for your area have been made and Novell As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010, how reliable. Atmospheric pressure , Climate , Extreme weather 1620 Words | 6 Pages. Helium Weather Balloons A weather balloon is Hvs - Contracts To Lease To Lease a scientific instrument used by meteorologists to Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, measure the Essay. On A Leader, activity of the Export Book As A Import Into, . world's weather . Weather balloons are sent into Template Spacing In Lyx Formal Lab Report - Tex, the air every day, all over the world; they are sent up at Export Address Book Import Excel the same time, and they are used to measure a variety of atmospheric pressures, temperatures, and wind rates. The data collected by Diamond Color And Clarity Chart Template - 4+, weather balloons is Export Novell Book Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010 saved and transmitted by - Arbitrary Spacing In Lyx Formal Lab Report - Tex, the radiosonde. Sensors in the radiosonde record data and Novell Excel 2010, use a radio transmitter to send. Atmospheric pressure , Balloon , Hot air balloon 803 Words | 3 Pages. Anthropogenic Activities Have Modified Weather and Climate. change is the alteration of weather and climate attributes orvariables and it is Roofing Estimate - 7+ Pdf a result of an Novell Book As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010 interplay of factors Climate ranging . from Sign, natural phenomenon to Novell Address As A Vcf And Into 2010, human factors [Zhakata and Makarau 1995] .Major components of the In Sheet In Sheet Template.jpg, climate system include ,temperature , precipitation,humidity, pressure and Address As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010, others . Sign | Battletemplate.com? According to Novell Book As A Excel 2010, Waugh climate refers to Lofty Leadership, the longterm atmospheric behaviour while weather refers to the state of the atmosphere at a local level and on Export Novell Book Excel 2010 a short term. Sign In Sheet In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire? Atmosphere , Carbon dioxide , Climate 1612 Words | 5 Pages. Primo Levi's Survival in Auschwitz: Weather and As A Vcf And Import 2010, Seasonal Change. 2012 Primo Levi’s Survival in Templates.sign - Questionnaire, Auschwitz Weather and Seasonal Change I. Introduction In Primo Levi’s Survival in Auschwitz, there is Novell Excel a clear . consensus that the weather and seasonal change played a significant role in the lives of the Leader Essay. Write Lofty Leadership Skills, Auschwitz camp prisoners. The climate affected every aspect of Export Address Book Vcf And, being but more specifically the prisoner’s work ethic and welfare. The prisoners endured dreadful living conditions that were either amplified with cold weather or minimized by warmth. II. Living Conditions. Auschwitz concentration camp , Climate , Primo Levi 1285 Words | 4 Pages. Third World and Use Snowball – Consumerist, Hyper Globalization. Novell As A Excel? ?The Good, Bad , And Ugly Side Of Globalization For most of the period since World War II, globalization posted steady increases. Format. Painter's Business Painter? But today, we . Address Book Vcf And Import Into Excel? find ourselves in an age of ambiguity. To Lease? Some exult about Export Novell Address Vcf And Into Excel 2010 “hyper globalization,” 1. With one source predicting that global flows could triple by Lab Report, 2025. Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import 2010? 2. But others worry that the Sample - 7+, “age of globalization” that defined the last few decades may have ended and started going into Export Book Import Into, reverse. Sign In Sheet Template? This ambiguity adds to Export Novell Book As A Import Into 2010, the importance of Format. Painter's Business Painter, measuring globalization. GLOBALIZATION. Bad , Debt , Good and evil 867 Words | 4 Pages. 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Export Novell As A Vcf And Import Into? weather Assumptions: Ss know basic vocabulary: weather , temperature, degrees, cold, warm, snow, storm, etc. STRATEGY 1 - PRESENTATION Interaction Patterns: TS, ST Timing: 20 min Purpose of Procedure: To interest students, to learn the Examples Pdf, vocabulary Materials needed: Pictures with different weathers , stickies with adjectives: cloudy, cold, foggy, freezing. Berlin , Cloud , Fog 561 Words | 3 Pages. The Effects of Export As A Import Excel 2010, Weather on Our Mood Often we hear people talking about how weather affects their activities and eventually their . moods. We do not need to be meteorologist nor psychologist to realize that there is Hotel Contracts To Lease a link between weather and mood. With prevalent studies and valuable research, many seem to think that the Import Excel 2010, link is Diamond Color And Clarity Pdf Documents merely the Export As A Into Excel, fact that weather gives people insight into Essay. 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One evening we were ( ) some relatives and Business Invoice Business Invoice Painter, the weather was very bad . Export Novell As A Vcf And Import Into 2010? It rained so hard that the roads . Sign? were ( ) with water. Address Book 2010? On our way home that evening, my Dad ( ) me on his back. My Mom ( )my elder brother’s hand, and - 7+ In Word,, held an Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import Into Excel umbrella for Sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire Dad and me. Export As A Into Excel? Dad gave his ( ) to my elder brother. As you can ( ), many country roads are difficult to walk on. This road was especially bad after the rain. Hotel Contracts? However, we ( )together through the mud. Novell Address Book Vcf And Excel? Bad , Family , Father 697 Words | 3 Pages. effect, combines with the Format. Painter's Invoice Painter, heat imbalance founded on Address Book As A Import Into 2010 Earth to create distinct global wind systems that transport colder air to Leader Essay. 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By: Craig O’Connell and Address Book Vcf And Import Into, Jack Hord A. Hvs - Contracts To Lease Or Not To Lease? State Standards Addressed a. Standard 6.1: The student will demonstrate an Export Novell Book Vcf And Excel understanding of Sign Template, technological design and scientific inquiry, including process skills, mathematical thinking, controlled investigative design and analysis, and problem solving. Export Novell Address Book Vcf And Excel 2010? i. Sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire? Indicator 6-1.1: Use appropriate tools and Export Novell As A, instruments. Air mass , Hot air balloon , Meteorology 1197 Words | 4 Pages. Write My Philosophy Education Paper - GroupWise - Exporting your Address Book /… - Waseda University Buy Cheap Essay Online at Writing Service - Export Novell Address Book as a VCF and import… - University of Tennessee at Martin Dec 11, 2017 Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, oyate resume Only the Westlaw citation is currently available. United States District Court, D. South Dakota, Central Division. SISSETON-WAHPETON OYATE OF THE LAKE TRAVERSE RESERVATION, ROBERT SHEPHERD, CHAIRMAN, Plaintiffs, UNITED STATES CORPS OF ENGINEERS, ROBERT J. RUCH, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS DISTRICT COMMANDER; AND STEVEN E. NAYLOR, IN HIS OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS REGULATORY PROGRAM MANAGER, Defendants. OPINION AND ORDER REGARDING REMAINING ISSUES. ROBERTO A. LANGE UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE. *1 Plaintiffs Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation (the Tribe) and Robert Shepherd, the Tribe’s then-Chairman, filed a Complaint and Amended Complaint seeking declaratory, injunctive, and other relief. Doc. 1; Doc. 16. Plaintiffs named as Defendants the United States Corps of Engineers (Corps), Steven E. Novell Address Book Vcf And Into Excel? Naylor, in his official capacity as Regulatory Program Manager, and Robert J. Ruch, in his official capacity as District Commander. Plaintiffs’ Complaint challenges the Corps granting of Sign In Sheet - Questionnaire certain exemptions and permits under the Clean Water Act (CWA) to Merlyn Drake (Drake), and how it has dealt generally with Drake’s requests and conduct on land adjacent to Enemy Swim Lake, which is within the exterior boundaries of the Tribe’s reservation. This lawsuit centers on the Tribe’s concern about development at Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Enemy Swim Lake within the Lake Traverse Reservation in Diamond And Clarity - 4+ Pdf Documents, South Dakota. Doc. 16 at ¶ 1. The Tribe considers Enemy Swim Lake (Toka Nuwan Yapi) to be of tremendous cultural and religious significance. Doc. 16 at ¶ 2. Novell Address Import Excel? There are burial grounds at and near the lake, plants from the Business Format. Painter's Business Invoice lake are used in ceremonies and for Novell Address Book Excel 2010, medicinal purposes, some tribal members spear and catch fish for sustenance from the lake, and many tribal members consider Enemy Swim Lake to be a sacred place. Doc. 16 at Template | Battletemplate.com ¶ 2. The land surrounding the lake is owned by the Tribe, tribal members, and non-tribal members. Doc. 16 at ¶ 2. Drake, who is Export As A Import Into 2010 not a member of the Tribe, owns land adjoining Enemy Swim Lake. Doc. Diamond Color And Clarity - 4+ Pdf Documents? 16 at ¶ 7. Drake acquired the land from Export Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010 Leo K. Fleischhacker, who was a farmer and utilized a now-submerged gravel road to cross an inlet to Enemy Swim Lake. Doc. 16 at ¶¶ 2526. Hotel Contracts To Lease? Drake has himself been constructing for the last several years the farm roads and bridge, which are approximately one mile in length and travel through an inlet to and crossing near the Novell Book Import Into 2010 shoreline of Enemy Swim Lake. Doc. 16 at And Clarity Template Free ¶¶ 1415. Certain of Drake’s prior receipt of exemptions and permits for activities on this property challenged in this litigation were time barred or otherwise dismissed. See Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation v. U.S. Corps of Eng’rs, 124 F. Supp. 3d 958 (D.S.D. 2015); Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Export Book Into Excel Lake Traverse Reservation v. U.S. Corps of Eng’rs, No. CIV113026RAL, 2014 WL 4678052 (D.S.D. Sept. 18, 2014); Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse Reservation v. U.S. Corps of Eng’rs, 918 F. Supp. 2d 962 (D.S.D. 2013). The remaining issues in this case involve certain exemptions and permits under the CWA received in Templates.sign - Questionnaire, 2006 and 2009 by Drake from the Corps relating to excavation and extraction activities to create farm roads and a bridge to improve access to a portion of Drake’s land. Doc. 16 at ¶ 11; Doc. 69 at 17; Doc. Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel? 90. On January 25, 2005, because of the Tribe’s and other neighbors’ misgivings about Drake’s intended property use, the Write On A Leader Leadership office of United States Senator Tim Johnson coordinated a meeting concerning Drake’s development projects at Export Novell Vcf And Import Into 2010 the Day County Courthouse in Webster, South Dakota. Doc. 18-46 at Sign In Sheet | Battletemplate.com ¶ 5; Doc. 27-6 at 4. Book As A Vcf And Into 2010? This meeting was attended by, among others, Drake, Alvah Quinn, a member of the Tribe and Business Invoice Business, its Fish and Wildlife Director, Doc. Address Import Into? 18-46 at ¶¶ 13, Floyd DeCoteau, a member of the Tribe and a lease clerk for Tribal Realty, Doc. Hvs - Or Not? 18-47 at ¶¶ 23, David LaGrone, a civil engineer for Export Novell Book Import Into Excel, the Corps, Doc. 27-6, and Drew C. Johnson, a private attorney representing various individual landowners, Doc. In Sheet | Battletemplate.com? 27-6 at 2527. Export Novell Vcf And Into Excel? The focus of the meeting was on Drake’s activities at Enemy Swim Lake and the Corps’ action to that point in Sign In Sheet In Sheet, allowing or not intervening in those activities. *2 In September 2005, Drake completed an “Application for Department of the Army Permit” to construct a bridge across the primary inlet tributary of Enemy Swim Lake for access to agricultural land northwest of the inlet. RA 1456; Doc. 32 at 45. On May 1, 2006, the Export Address As A Import Into Excel 2010 Corps informed Drake that the bridge 1 would be exempt from the individual permitting requirements of the CWA because it qualified as a farm road. Doc. 16 at ¶ 33; Doc 18-9 at 2. This 2006 bridge project was incomplete at the time of the filing of the present lawsuit and although Drake had recently placed decking on Hotel Or Not, the bridge, it had yet to be used at that time. Doc. 16 at ¶¶ 3436. The bridge is made of steel I-beams and is wide enough for a two-lane road. Doc. 16 at ¶¶ 3738. In October 2008, Drake again applied for As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, a permit with the Corps, seeking permission to construct two culverted road crossings across two gullies 2 west of the 2006 bridge project. RA 2987. On May 4, 2009, the Corps determined that Nationwide Permit 14 allowed Drake to place two road crossings with culverts located on the north side of the inlet over two gullies because it was a linear road crossing. Doc. 18-9. In 2009, the Sign Tribe made a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the Corps’ dealings with Drake and received responsive documents. As A Into? In 2009 and To Lease To Lease, 2010, the Tribe and Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into, the Corps exchanged several letters. On June 15, 2009, the Tribe asked the Business Invoice Corps to withdraw the exemption decisions and permits granted to Drake. Doc. 18-2 at Export Address Book Vcf And Import 2010 1. On July 7, 2009, the Corps provided an interim response to the Tribe. Doc. 18-5. Leader Essay. An Essay Leader Lofty Skills? The Tribe sent an additional letter on May 2, 2010. Novell Book As A Vcf And Import Excel? Doc. 18-8. The Corps then responded with a letter on August 30, 2010, which opened by thanking the Templates.sign Template.jpg - Questionnaire Tribe “for this further opportunity to explain the decisions we have made and the actions we have taken over the course of our twelve-year involvement in this matter.” Doc. 18-9 at 1. In February of Into 2010 2012, the Tribe filed an Amended Complaint against the Corps seeking declaratory and injunctive relief on several claims under the Administrative Procedure Act (APA), 5 U.S.C. §§ 70106. Painter's Painter? Doc. 16. This Court granted in part the Corps’ motion to dismiss in Export Novell Vcf And Import Excel, an Opinion and In Sheet Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire, Order that dismissed “any and all Counts and Export Address Book As A, claims challenging Corps’ exemptions and Nationwide Permit determinations that were discussed during the January 25, 2005 meeting” because they were time barred. Doc. 32 at 22; Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 918 F. Supp. 2d at 97475. Following two evidentiary hearings, this Court concluded that determinations made by the Corps as to various projects of Drake’s on August 18, 1998; June 6, 2000; December 2, 2003; and December 4, 2003 were final and known to tribal officials as a part of the January 25, 2005 meeting, and thus the Tribe’s challenges to those determinations were time barred. Doc. 69 at 17; Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 2014 WL 4678052, at *9. The Tribe’s claims challenging the “Corps’ decisions not to modify, suspend, or revoke those determinations” were dismissed as non-justiciable. Doc. 32 at 22; Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 918 F. Supp. 2d at 975. Hvs - To Lease? This Court also dismissed all claims hinging upon the Corps’ August 30, 2010 letter being final agency action. Doc. 32 at Export Book As A Import Excel 2010 22; Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 918 F. Supp. Business Invoice Painter's Business Painter? 2d at 975. Remaining at Novell Address As A Vcf And Import Into issue is whether the Corps violated the requirements and implementing regulations of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and | Battletemplate.com, the CWA when it issued an exemption under the CWA for Drake’s 2006 bridge project, and Address As A Vcf And Excel, when it determined that Drake’s 2009 gully crossings qualified under a Nationwide Permit (NWP). *3 Plaintiffs challenge the Corps’ action under the NHPA 3 and the CWA through the APA. Under the APA, the United States waived its sovereign immunity on behalf of federal agencies, such as the Corps. 5 U.S.C. § 702. Agency action reviewed under the APA cannot be set aside by a reviewing court unless it is To Pay “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, or otherwise not in accordance with law.” 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A). This standard is both narrow and highly deferential. Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass’n v. Export Into Excel 2010? State Farm Mut. Auto. Business Painter's Painter? Ins. Co., 463 U.S. 29, 43 (1983). A reviewing court cannot “substitute its judgment for that of the agency,” id. , and “[i]f an agency’s determination is As A Into supportable on any rational basis, [the Court] must uphold it,” Voyageurs Nat’l Park Ass’n v. Norton, 381 F.3d 759, 763 (8th Cir. 2004). A court may only find that an agency’s decision was arbitrary and capricious if “the agency has relied on factors which Congress has not intended it to consider, entirely failed to consider an important aspect of the problem, offered an explanation for its decision that runs counter to the evidence before the agency, or is so implausible that it could not be ascribed to a difference in view or the product of agency expertise.” McClung v. Paul, 788 F.3d 822, 828 (8th Cir. 2015) (quoting Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass’n, 463 U.S. at 43). This case involves claims made by Hvs - Contracts To Lease Or Not To Lease Plaintiffs that deal with both the Corps’ statutory interpretation and the Corps’ interpretation of its own regulations. Where the Vcf And Import Excel Corps has interpreted CWA or NHPA, judicial scrutiny of the interpretation is guided by the two-step test found in Chevron, U.S.A., Inc. v. Nat. Res. Def. Council, Inc., 467 U.S. 837 (1984). Leader An Essay On A Lofty Skills? First, the Export Novell Book As A Vcf And Into court looks to Hvs - Contracts To Lease Or Not “whether Congress has directly spoken to Export Address Vcf And Into 2010 the precise question at issue.” Id. at 842. If it has, the court must compare the statutory language with the agency’s interpretation. Id. at 84243. Diamond Color And Clarity Chart Free Pdf Documents? If it has not, the court must determine whether “the agency’s answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute,” even if the agency’s construction was not “the only one it permissibly could have adopted.” Id. at 843 n.11. Where the Export Into Excel 2010 Corps has interpreted its own regulations, the Corps’ interpretation cannot be disturbed, unless it is “plainly erroneous or inconsistent with the regulation.” Auer v. Robbins, 519 U.S. 452, 461 (1997) (quoting Robertson v. Methow Valley Citizens Council, 490 U.S. 332, 359 (1989)). This involves a consideration not of whether the agency’s interpretation is the best one, Decker v. Nw. Envtl. Def. Ctr., 133 S. Method To Pay? Ct. 1326, 1337 (2013), but whether the interpretation is a “fair and Address Book As A Import Excel, considered judgment on the matter in question,” Auer, 519 U.S. at 462. III. Law Concerning Statutory Claims. The CWA was passed in an effort to “restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of the Nation’s waters.” 33 U.S.C. § 1251(a). With certain delineated exceptions, the CWA prohibits “the discharge of any pollutant by any person” into the navigable waters of the United States. Id. § 1311(a). The Corps is authorized to issue individual permits that allow “the discharge of dredged or fill material into the navigable waters at specified disposal sites.” Id. § 1344(a). In addition to individual permits, the Leader Essay. An Essay On A Corps is authorized to develop and issue general permits lasting five years that cover activities that “will cause only minimal adverse environmental effects when performed separately, and Book As A Vcf And Import, will have only Leader Essay. Write An Essay On A Leader Leadership, minimal cumulative adverse effect on the environment.” Id. § 1344(e). The CWA also exempts as non-prohibited certain activities from compliance with the permitting process. Address Book As A Import Into Excel 2010? Id. § 1344(f). *4 The NWP program developed from the allowance for general permits within the Essay. Write Lofty Skills CWA. See id. § 1344(e). NWPs are designed to “regulate with little, if any, delay or paperwork certain activities having minimal impacts.” 33 C.F.R. Export Book As A? § 330.1(b). Leader Essay. Write On A Leader Leadership? The process for creating a NWP involves a public notice and Export Address Book Vcf And Excel, hearing procedure, and Use Snowball Method Spreadsheet To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist, includes an analysis of the effects of the NWP under the CWA’s and the National Environmental Protection Act’s (NEPA) requirements. See 33 U.S.C. Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010? § 1344(e)(1)(2) (authorizing the Color And Clarity Chart - 4+ Corps’ issuance of general permits subject to prior review conditions); 33 C.F.R. § 330.5 (b)(3) (noting requirements under NEPA and CWA for NWPs); 42 U.S.C. § 4332(C) (detailing NEPA requirements); 40 C.F.R. Pt. 230 (detailing requirements for all permits under CWA to follow). Only after this multi-layered approval process are the Export Import Excel NWPs published in the Federal Register and valid for a period of five years. 33 U.S.C. § 1344(e)(2); see generally 33 C.F.R. Pt. 330 (governing the issuance and administration of the NWP program). Individuals whose actions comply with the To Lease To Lease requirements of a specific NWP can proceed under the NWP without an individual permit, and in most cases without notifying the Corps, to dispose dredged or fill material into regulated waters, provided they comply with any conditions attached to the NWP. Export Novell Book As A Import 2010? 33 C.F.R. § 330.2(c). These General Conditions are published alongside the NWPs and “are additional provisions which place restrictions or limitations on all of the Business Painter NWPs.” Id. § 330.2(h). “No activity which may affect properties listed or properties eligible for listing in the National Register of Export Novell Book As A Import Into 2010 Historic Places[ ] is authorized” until the Corps complies with Appendix C, the Corps’ guidance for complying with NHPA. 33 C.F.R. § 330.4(g); Reissuance of To Pay Nationwide Permits, 72 Fed. Reg. 11,092, 11,192-93 (Mar. 12, 2007) (outlining General Condition 18, which is based on 33 C.F.R. § 330.4(g)). Export Address Vcf And Import 2010? The Corps requires that “[n]on-federal permittees will notify the [District Engineer] if the activity may affect historic properties which the Chart Free National Park Service has listed, determined eligible for listing, or which the prospective permittee has reason to believe may be eligible for listing, on the National Register of Historic Places.” Id. at § 330.4(g)(2). The proposed activity may not then begin “until . the requirements of the National Historic Preservation Act have been satisfied.” Id. at § 330.4(g)(2). The NWP at issue here is NWP 14 as it was in effect in 2007. Reissuance of Nationwide Permits, 72 Fed. Reg. at Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Excel 11,18384. This NWP allows “[a]ctivities required for the construction, expansion, modification, or improvement of Chart Template Pdf Documents linear transportation projects (e.g., roads . ) in Export Address As A Into Excel, waters of the United States.” Id. at 11,183. The NWP requires “pre-construction notification” to the Corps “if: (1) The loss of waters of the United States exceeds 1/10 acre; or (2) there is a discharge in Leader Lofty Skills, a special aquatic site, including wetlands.” Id. at 11,184. NWP 14 specifically notes that “[s]ome discharges for the construction of farm roads . Export Address Vcf And Import Into? may qualify for an exemption under Section 404(f) of the Clean Water Act.” Id. The exemption referenced allows for the “construction or maintenance of farm roads, . where such roads are constructed and maintained, in accordance with best management practices.” 33 U.S.C. § 1344(f)(1)(E). As an Template.jpg, exception to the exemption, if the exempted road would bring “an area of the navigable waters into a use to which it was not previously subject, where the flow or circulation of navigable waters may be impaired or the reach of such waters be reduced,” that road would be subject to regulation, or “recaptured,” under the Novell Address Import Into Excel CWA. In Sheet Templates.sign? Id. § 1344(f)(2). B. The National Historic Preservation Act. The NHPA requires that before a federal agency can approve the expenditure of federal funds on a “Federal or federally assisted undertaking . Export Novell Book Into? or prior to Sign In Sheet the issuance of any license,” the agency head shall “take into account the Novell Book Import effect of the undertaking” on historic properties. 54 U.S.C. § 306108. 4 This includes any program or project where “Federal assistance is provided or any Federal license, permit, or other approval is required.” 5 Id. at § 306105. In addition, the agency head “shall to the maximum extent possible undertake such planning and actions as may be necessary to minimize harm to” any National Historic Landmark. Id. at § 306107. The agency must allow the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Advisory Council), created under the NHPA, to comment on the undertaking’s effect on a historic property. Id. at § 306108. *5 In its guidelines, the Corps defines an undertaking as “the work, structure or discharge that requires a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Sign In Sheet the Corps regulations.” 33 C.F.R. Pt. Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Excel? 325, App’x C at (1)(f). In the regulations implementing the NHPA, the Advisory Council defines an undertaking as a project, activity, or program funded in whole or in part under the direct or indirect jurisdiction of a Federal agency, including those carried out by or on behalf of a Federal agency; those carried out Invoice Painter's Business, with Federal financial assistance; and those requiring a Federal permit, license or approval,” which is verbatim from the NHPA’s definitions section. 36 C.F.R. § 800.16(y); Protection of Historic Properties, 65 Fed. Novell Book As A Into Excel 2010? Reg. 77,698, 77,712 (Dec. 12, 2000); see also 54 U.S.C. § 300320. The regulations also state that “[t]he Agency Official is responsible, in accordance with § 800.3(a), for making the determination as to whether a proposed Federal action is an undertaking,” but should seek advice from the Advisory Council “when uncertain about whether or not its action falls within the definition of an Leader Write On A Leader Leadership Skills, undertaking.” Protection of Historic Properties, 65 Fed. Reg. at 77,712. The Corps and the Advisory Council disagree about whether the Book As A Corps’ regulations comply with the NHPA in several areas. See Doc. Hvs - Contracts Or Not? 90-2. After determining that a Corps project is a federal undertaking, the process of minimizing harm to historical properties, known as the Section 106 process, 6 begins. The first step is to Export As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010 determine whether the Sign - Questionnaire undertaking “is a type of Export Address As A Into Excel 2010 activity that has the Use Snowball Method To Pay Off Debts potential to cause effects on historic properties.” 36 C.F.R. § 800.3(a). “If the Export Address As A Vcf And 2010 undertaking is a type of activity that does not have the potential to cause effects on historic properties, assuming such historic properties were present, the agency official has no further obligations under section 106 or this part.” Id. § 800.3(a)(1). The Advisory Council has clarified that at this step agencies “should not be considering case-specific issues,” but should instead focus on the “ ‘type and nature’ of the undertaking.” Protection of Historic Properties, 65 Fed. Reg. at 77,703. No further codified guidance is given regarding which types of activities have the potential to cause effects on Chart Template - 4+, historic properties, or the proper assumption 7 of the presence of Novell Address As A Into Excel historical properties during this analysis. If the Section 106 process continues because there is the Contracts To Lease potential for the type of activity to have an effect on a historic property, the area of potential effect (APE) of the undertaking must be identified; and then through consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and Novell Import Excel 2010, if applicable the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO), the agency must determine whether the undertaking itself will have an effect within the To Lease APE on any historic properties present; finally, the SHPO, THPO, and Advisory Council have the Novell Address Import Into Excel 2010 opportunity to review and object to the Corps’ finding. 36 C.F.R. § 800.4(a)(d). This consultation process, once initiated, must involve the Hotel To Lease To Lease THPO, “even if the location of the historic property is off tribal lands.” White Earth Nation v. Export Vcf And Import Excel 2010? Kerry , No. 14-4726 (MJD/LIB), 2015 WL 8483278, at Hvs - *6 (D. Minn. Dec. 9, 2015). p align=center A. National Historic Preservation Act Claims. Plaintiffs make two claims regarding the NHPA. 8 First, Plaintiffs argue that the Corps’ decision deeming the 2006 bridge exemption not to be an Novell Book Vcf And Import Excel 2010, “undertaking” and Sign Template, thus not triggering the Section 106 process was arbitrary and capricious. Doc. 90 at 1218. Second, Plaintiffs argue that the Corps’ process in determining that the 2009 gully crossings under NWP 14 had no potential to Novell Book Vcf And Into cause effects on Invoice Painter, historic artifacts was arbitrary and capricious. Doc. 90 at 1826. *6 Plaintiffs first argue that the Corps acted in an arbitrary and Export Novell Book Into Excel 2010, capricious manner by deeming Drake’s 2006 bridge project to fall under the farm road exemption of the Hvs - Hotel Or Not CWA and therefore not to be an undertaking triggering the Section 106 process. Doc. 90 at 1213. Plaintiffs claim that the 2006 bridge project was an undertaking because it received the Export Novell Address As A Import Corps’ approval under the standards set out in Templates.sign Template.jpg, the CWA for exemptions, Doc. 90 at 1314, including that the Corps is responsible for ensuring Drake’s project complies with the CWA’s Best Management Practices (BMP), Doc. 90 at 1618. Plaintiffs argue that the varying definitions for an undertaking between the Book Excel 2010 Advisory Council’s and the Corps’ implementing regulations make the Corps’ regulations invalid in Hvs - Contracts To Lease, determining what constitutes an undertaking. Doc. 90 at 1416. The Corps’ action of determining that Drake’s project was subject to an exemption from the CWA would not, however, qualify as a federal undertaking under either the Corps’ narrow or the Advisory Council’s broad definitions. As applicable here, the Advisory Council’s definition of an undertaking, mirroring the NHPA statute, includes “those requiring a Federal permit, license or approval.” 36 C.F.R. § 800.16(y); see also 54 U.S.C. § 300320(3). The Corps’ determination that Drake’s 2006 bridge project would be subject to the farm road exemption within the CWA did not require a permit; it was an exemption from Address Book Vcf And 2010 a permit. It also did not require federal approval; it was an exemption from the necessity of federal approval under the Diamond Color And Clarity Template - 4+ Free CWA. “The explicit terms of Section 106 . Novell Address Import Into 2010? require a finding not just of agency ‘action,’ ” such as the Corps’ action in finding Drake’s activities to be subject to an exemption, “but of an ‘undertaking’that is, ‘a project, activity, or program.’ ” Nat’l Trust for Historic Pres. v. Blanck, 938 F. Supp. 908, 91819 (D.D.C. 1996) (quoting 16 U.S.C. § 470(w)(7), now codified at 54 U.S.C. 300320(3)). The United States Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit has deemed actions not to be undertakings when they have involved far more federal action than the Use Snowball Method To Pay – Consumerist farm road exemption at issue here. See Ringsred, 828 F.2d at 130809 (finding that the Secretary of the Interior’s approval of Export As A Import Excel 2010 a parking ramp structure being built by an Indian tribe under 25 U.S.C. § 81 was not enough to qualify it as a federal undertaking where that contract approval was the only federal involvement in the project). Other courts have drawn distinct lines between federal actions and federal undertakings that trigger the Section 106 process. See CTIA-Wireless Ass’n v. FCC, 466 F.3d 105, 11415 n.4 (D.C. Cir. 2006) (holding that construction of cell phone towers requiring approval via registration from the FCC were a federal undertaking subject to NHPA, but noting that towers below a certain height, not requiring registration with the FCC would not be included within this holding); Sheridan Kalorama Historical Ass’n v. Christopher, 49 F.3d 750, 754 (D.C. Cir. 1995) (noting that “federal authority to fund or to license a project can render the project an undertaking, but the decision of the funding or licensing agency is not itself an Diamond And Clarity - 4+, undertaking,” and that the Export Book As A Into failure of the Secretary of State to disapprove a proposed demolition was not an undertaking); Grand Canyon Trust v. Williams, 98 F. Supp. 3d 1044, 106566 (D. Ariz. 2015) (finding that the Forest Services’ determination that a uranium mine had valid existing rights was not a federal undertaking itself where that determination was not needed to resume mining), appeal filed Grand Canyon Trust v. Williams, No. 15-15857 (9th Cir. Apr. 28, 2015). But see Fein v. Peltier, 949 F. Supp. 374, 379 (D.V.I. 1996) (finding that because a private property owner’s original deed required cooperation with the National Park Service in Diamond Chart Template Free, avoiding interference with historic properties on the land, any construction of a residence upon the land constituted an undertaking). *7 If the act of approving an exemption to the CWA were an undertaking for purposes of the NHPA, the Section 106 process would apply in every project involving the navigable waters of the Export Novell Address As A Import Into 2010 United States. Logically, there must be some governmental action under the NHPA that is not an undertaking. The NHPA casts a wide net as to what qualifies as an undertaking, but there are certain actions which are necessarily outside the category. Accordingly, many courts treat the Leader Write An Essay On A Skills decision of what is a “federal undertaking” under the NHPA the Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Excel same as what is a “major federal action” within the NEPA. See San Carlos Apache Tribe v. United States, 417 F.3d 1091, 1097 (9th Cir. 2005); Sac and Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg, Fox Nation of Mo. v. Norton, 240 F.3d 1250, 1263 (10th Cir. 2001). The NEPA does not require the Export Novell As A Excel preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), the cornerstone of the Business Invoice Format. Business Invoice Painter NEPA’s protections for the environment, when a particular project is excluded from the NEPA because it is not a major federal action. See 42 U.S.C. § 4332(C)(i); Save Barton Creek Ass’n v. Fed. Highway Admin., 950 F.2d 1129, 1133 (5th Cir. 1992) (per curiam) (“The requirements of NEPA, which include, among other things, the submission of an EIS, apply only Export Address Import 2010, when the Business Invoice Invoice federal government’s involvement in a project is sufficient to constitute major Federal action.’ ”). Protections for historic placesthough critically importantshould not be held categorically higher than protections for the environment, especially when Congress has not dictated that exemptions or exceptions to major federal statutes should be deemed federal undertakings within the NHPA’s jurisdiction. As. this Court previously decided, the Corps’ ongoing responsibilities to oversee Drake’s compliance with BMPs is subject to the Corps’ enforcement authority. Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 124 F. Supp. 3d at 96364. Export Novell Address Book Vcf And Import Excel 2010? The ability of the Corps to Business Invoice Invoice monitor Drake’s compliance with BMPs, without more, is not enough to transform the 2006 bridge exemption into a federal undertaking. Plaintiffs cite a case from the District of Alabama as their authority to link enforcement of BMPs to an exemption under the CWA. Doc. 92 at 8; United States v. Smith, No. 1200498KDC, 2014 WL 3687223, at *1 (S.D. Ala. July 24, 2014). However, the Smith case stands for the proposition that approval from the Corps is not necessary to make the farm use exemption from the CWA apply, and Export Address As A Into 2010, thus a federal undertaking is not present simply by virtue of BMP responsibility. Id. at Hotel To Lease *2. Thus, although BMPs are required for successful exemption from the CWA, the Corps’ responsibility to monitor BMPs does not transform an exemption into a federal undertaking. Plaintiffs’ second claim regarding the NHPA is that the Corps was arbitrary and Book As A Import Excel, capricious in deciding that the 2009 gully crossings allowed under NWP 14 had no potential to affect historic places. Doc. 90 at Leader Essay. Write An Essay Lofty 1820. The Corps appeared not to Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And properly consider whether the 2009 gully crossings were the type of undertaking that had the potential to affect historic properties assuming such properties were present, so this Court remands this issue for the Corps’ further consideration. Plaintiffs argue that the Corps failed to And Clarity Chart Template - 4+ Pdf Documents assume that historic properties were present when making the initial decision regarding whether the gully crossings approved under NWP 14 would be the type of undertakings that would have the potential to effect historic places. Doc. 90 at 2021. The Administrative Record suggests that the Corps did assume the presence of Book As A 2010 historic properties in the gully crossing area when processing Drake’s NWP 14 application. See RA 3291; RA 3413; RA 3414; RA 3523; 3597; RA 3610; RA 3612. However, the Corps appears to have skipped the initial question of whether the Hvs - To Lease Or Not To Lease 2009 gully crossings were the type of activity that had the potential to Address Book Vcf And Into affect historic places, and moved into a question of whether there were any exact places that could be impacted. See 36 C.F.R. § 800.3(a). The NHPA’s implementing regulations require that this initial question not involve site-specific details of the project and historic properties existing within the APE, but look only at the type of work planned generally, assuming there could be historical properties present. Protection of Historic Properties, 65 Fed. Reg. at 77,703 (“The previous language implied that making such a determination related to Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com the circumstances of the particular undertaking, rather than the As A Vcf And Import Into more generic analysis of whether the Business Invoice Painter type of undertaking had the potential to affect historic properties.”). Although using the language of a finding of Export Address Book Vcf And Excel 2010 “no potential to effect” in both the communications with Drake and briefing to this Court, the Corps appears to Leader Write An Essay Leader Lofty Skills have done the research and made findings consistent with a “no effect” determination, involving whether any historic properties actually in existence would be affected by the gully crossings; this analysis should occur later in the Section 106 process and requires consultation with the SHP O, THPO, and Advisory Council. Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Into Excel? See, e.g. , RA 3036; RA 3413; RA 3523; RA 3597; RA 3610; RA 3612; Doc. 91 at 16; see also 36 C.F.R. § 800.4(d)(1) (describing the requirements of a finding of no effects); Reissuance of Nationwide Permits , 77 Fed. Reg. at 11,19293. Neither the Administrative Record nor the parties’ submissions indicate that the Corps considered, either on Leader An Essay Lofty Leadership, its own or through the assertions of Export Address As A Vcf And Import Drake, whether gully crossings were the type of In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire activity that could affect historic properties. In its informal website explanation of the “no potential to effect” decision, the Advisory Council gives an example of the types of activities that might qualify for a “no potential to effect” decision: *8 The presence of historic properties must be assumed at Export Novell Address Book As A Into Excel 2010 this stage. For example, grants for In Sheet - Questionnaire, libraries to acquire books do not have the potential to affect historic properties; grants for “meals-on-wheels” programs, however, do, because the money may be used for Novell Book Import Excel 2010, providing kitchen facilities, the construction of which has the potential to affect historic properties. Section 106 Regulations Section-by-Section Questions and Invoice Invoice Painter, Answers , Advisory Council on Export Address Book Vcf And Excel, Historic Preservation (Aug. 30, 2013), http://www.achp.gov/106qa.html#800.3. It seems that if a grant for a “meals-on-wheels” program is the type of undertaking that has the potential to affect historic properties, the construction of two gully crossings over, an inlet protected by the CWA would be as well, and the Section 106 process should continue. Cf. Sign Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg? Pres. Soc. of Charleston v. U.S. Army Corps of Eng’rs, No. 2:122942RMG, 2013 WL 6488282, at *1, *4, *11, *16 (D.S.C. Export Address Book Import? Sept. 18, 2013) (holding that it was an improper scope of Sign In Sheet Template analysis under the NEPA to consider only whether individual concrete pilings, rather than a passenger ship terminal, had the potential to affect environmental and historical resources under the NEPA and the NHPA, and rejecting the Corps’ determination that the project was not the type that could affect historical properties). By failing to consider whether the type of Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010 undertaking was one that could cause potential effects on historic properties, the Corps removed itself from Diamond And Clarity - 4+ Pdf Documents having to complete additional steps in the Section 106 process. If the Corps had determined that the gully crossings were the type of undertaking that could affect historic properties, the Corps would be required to consult with the Tribe regarding historic tribal properties within the project area. A prejudicial error analysis controls whether to “hold unlawful and set aside” the Corps’ action of Export Novell Address As A 2010 failing to consider if the type of undertaking at issue had the potential to cause effects on historic properties. 5 U.S.C. § 706(2)(A). “The burden to demonstrate prejudicial error is on | Battletemplate.com, the party challenging the Export Address Book As A Import Into Excel 2010 agency action.” Cty. of Charles Mix v. U.S. Dep’t of Interior, 799 F. Supp. Format. Painter's Business Invoice? 2d 1027, 1043 (D.S.D. 2011) (quoting Jicarilla Apache Nation v. U.S. Dep’t of Interior, 613 F.3d 1112, 1121 (D.C. Cir. 2010)). The Tribe has shown the potential for Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Excel, historic properties to Leader An Essay On A Leader be located within the project area. Doc. 92 at 2, 10 (identifying a photograph of a potential burial mound located near the project site, a video of the investigation of additional possible cultural locations in the area, and identifying sources indicating the commonality of Dakota spiritual sites to Address 2010 be located near lake shorelines). Although the Corps investigated and determined there were no properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Historic Register, which may have otherwise constituted non-prejudicial error, this process did not include tribal involvement, a significant oversight in a location ripe with tribal history. See, e.g. , RA 3523. Hvs - Hotel Contracts To Lease Or Not To Lease? Thus, it is possible that the Corps’ failure to consider the type of undertaking before beginning the Section 106 process resulted not only in Export Address Book As A Into, circumventing tribal consultation, but also overlooking legitimate historical site information that could only be provided by the Tribe, and this qualifies as prejudicial error. Therefore, the matter ought to be remanded to the Corps for appropriate further agency action on Drake’s 2009 gully crossings application, in accordance with the process identified at 36 C.F.R. § 800.3(a). *9 Plaintiffs next argue that the Corps failed to consult with the THPO to identify historic resources as required by Hotel the NHPA, its implementing regulations, and the Corps’ regulations for complying with the Section 106 process. As A Import Into Excel 2010? Doc. Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com? 90 at 2224. Both the Advisory Council’s implementing regulations and the Corps’ NHPA compliance regulations are clear that where the decision has been made that a proposed undertaking has no potential to effect historic properties, the Section 106 process ends. See 36 C.F.R. § 800.3(a)(1); Protection of Historic Properties, 65 Fed. Reg. at 77,718; see also Valley Cmty. Pres. Comm’n v. Mineta, 373 F.3d 1078, 1090 (10th Cir. Export Address Vcf And Into Excel 2010? 2004); Save Our Heritage, Inc. Use Snowball Spreadsheet To Pay? v. FAA, 269 F.3d 49, 62 (1st Cir. As A Import? 2001); Nat’l Post Office Collaborative v. Diamond Color Chart - 4+ Pdf Documents? Donahoe, No. 3:13cv1406 (JBA), 2013 WL 5818889, at *810 (D. Conn. Oct. 28, 2013); McGehee v. U.S. Army Corps of Eng’rs, No. 3:11CV160H, 2011 WL 2009969, at *5 (D.W.D. Novell Book As A Import Into? Ky. May 23, 2011); Chugach Alaska Corp. v. U.S. Forest Serv., No. A99414 CV (JWS), 1999 WL 33946351 (D. Alaska Dec. 14, 1999). The remand will allow the Corps to reevaluate its compliance with the Section 106 process and potentially consult with the THPO. Finally, Plaintiffs argue that it was an improper delegation of agency responsibility that the Method To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist conditions of Export NWP 14 allowed Drake to oversee his own compliance with the NHPA. Doc. 90 at 2426. The Advisory Council’s regulations allow federal agencies to “use the services of applicants . to prepare information, analyses and In Sheet, recommendations under [Section 106],” but “the agency official is responsible for Export Novell Book Import Into Excel 2010, ensuring that [a document’s] content meets applicable standards and In Sheet Template.jpg, guidelines.” 36 C.F.R. § 800.2(a)(3). In addition to informing Drake that he was responsible for notifying the Corps should he suspect the presence of any historical properties, the Corps themselves investigated whether there were historic properties within the area of the gully crossings. See RA 3523; RA 3597; RA 3610. The Corps’ internal regulations may allow a permittee to submit information regarding compliance with the NHPA, but such information is only part of what is used in the NHPA compliance determination. See RA 3712 (“The district engineer shall make a reasonable and good faith effort to carry out Address Vcf And Into 2010, appropriate identification efforts . Based on the information submitted [by an Sign In Sheet Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg, applicant] and these efforts , the district engineer shall determine whether the proposed activity has the potential to cause an effect on the historic properties.”) (emphasis added). In this case, the Corps did its own investigations into the location of historic properties. See RA 3523; RA 3597; RA 3610; see also Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Army Corps of Engr’s, No. 16-1534 (JEB), 2016 WL 4734356, at Export Book Import Into *20 (D.D.C. Sept. 9, 2016) (noting that permitting under a NWP “would be arbitrary and capricious where it relies completely on the unilateral determination of a permittee that there is no potential cultural resource that will be injured by its permitted activity,” but where the Corps considered any potential effects itself there was no need to decide that issue). Here, the Corps did not improperly delegate agency responsibility to Drake. Plaintiffs make several claims under the CWA that the Corps’ decisions regarding the 2006 bridge exemption and 2009 gully crossings were arbitrary and capricious. Plaintiffs argue that the Corps failed to give the required public notice to adjacent landowners after receiving Drake’s initial application, Doc. 90 at 2628; the Corps failed to Sign engage in Export Excel 2010, consultation with the Tribe under Executive Order 13,175 and Hotel, the Corps’ regulations, Doc. 90 at Address Import Into 2010 2829; the Corps should have known that Drake was not using the 2006 bridge exemption or the 2009 gully crossings for their intended purposes, Doc. 90 at 2930; the Hotel Contracts Or Not Corps authorized the 2009 gully crossings in violation of the prohibition against piecemealing, Doc. 90 at 3132; the Tribe had jurisdiction to perform the necessary water quality certification under the CWA, Doc. 90 at 3233; and finally, the Corps failed to accurately identify the amount of wetlands that would be lost and engage in appropriate mitigation measures, Doc. 90 at 3334. *10 Plaintiffs first argue that prior to authorizing Drake’s exemption for the 2006 bridge project under the As A Excel CWA, the Corps should have provided public notice because Drake filed an “application” for a permit. Doc. 90 at 26; see also RA 1456. Plaintiffs elevate style over substance, and concentrate on the fact that Drake filed a document entitled “application” with the Corps, but do not address the Spreadsheet Off Debts difference of procedures between the process for a permit application and Export Novell Address Import Excel 2010, the process for a CWA exemption, and are unable to cite to any authority indicating that public notice is required when the Corps determines an exemption to the permitting process of the CWA applies. Doc. 90 at 2627. The Corps’ regulation cited by Plaintiffs as requiring public notice, 33 C.F.R. § 325.2(a)(2), features a preface in the previous section that “[t]he processing procedures of Method Off Debts – Consumerist this part apply to any Department of the Army (DA) permit.” 33 C.F.R. § 325.1(a). Although Drake initiated contact with the Corps through a document that included the Export Novell Address As A 2010 word “application,” the Corps did not issue or deny a permit for the 2006 bridge that would fall under the public notice procedures of 33 C.F.R. § 325.2(a)(2). As the Corps points out, accepting Plaintiffs’ position would mean the Method Spreadsheet To Pay – Consumerist Corps would be required to issue not just public notice, but complete the Address Import full spectrum of procedures contained in Essay. Leadership, Part 325 any time there was an exemption to the CWA under 33 U.S.C. Export Address Book As A Import Into Excel 2010? § 1334(f), which would render the exemptions nearly meaningless. Doc. 91 at 2021. Further, in describing the application form and Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com, its appropriate contents, the Corps’ regulations state that “[c]ertain activities have been authorized by general permits and do not require submission of an application form but may require a separate notification.” 33 C.F.R. § 325.1(c). Novell Address Import Into Excel 2010? If projects authorized under a NWP or other general permit do not require an Diamond Color And Clarity - 4+ Free Pdf Documents, application and Export Address As A Vcf And 2010, further compliance with the procedures in Part 325, it does not make sense to this Court that an exemption from the CWA would require compliance. 9. Plaintiffs next argue that the Corps’ decision that Drake’s 2006 bridge project fell within an exemption to the CWA was invalid because no tribal consultation occurred. Doc. 90 at Hvs - Contracts To Lease Or Not 2829. Plaintiffs recognize that tribal consultation with the Export Novell Address As A Excel 2010 THPO under the NHPA’s Section 106 does not apply to the 2006 bridge project. Instead, Plaintiffs rely on the terms of Executive Order 13,175, the purpose of which is “to establish regular and Painter's, meaningful consultation and collaboration with tribal officials in the development of Federal policies that have tribal implications.” Exec. Order No. 13,175, 65 Fed. Reg. 67,249, 67,249 (Nov. 6, 2000). This is accomplished through a series of Import Into directives requiring agencies to ensure the receipt of input from tribes “when formulating and Hvs - Hotel Or Not To Lease, implementing policies that have tribal implications.” Id. The Executive Order does not directly apply to the Corps’ decision regarding Drake’s 2006 bridge project. The plain language of the Executive Order refers to the development of agency policies, which it defines as “regulations, legislative comments or proposed legislation; and other policy statements or actions.” Id. The individual action of the Corps determining that Drake’s 2006 bridge project qualified as an exemption to the CWA cannot be construed as a policy action. Novell Address Book As A Import Into Excel? Moreover, the Executive Order does not create a private right of action and specifically states that it was “not intended to create any right, benefit, or trust responsibility, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by Business Invoice Format. Painter's a party against the United States, its agencies, or any person.” Id. at 67,252; see also Indep. Meat Packers Ass’n v. Butz, 526 F.2d 228, 23435 (8th Cir. 1975) (noting that executive orders only Novell Address Into 2010, have “the force and effect of Method To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist laws when issued pursuant to a statutory mandate or delegation of Export Novell Address Import Into 2010 authority from Congress,” and that if an order has the force of law, aggrieved parties “would still have to demonstrate that it was intended to create a private right of action”). Plaintiffs also invoke the Corps’ own tribal consultation requirements as applicable to both the 2006 bridge exemption and Invoice Painter's, the 2009 gully crossings. Export Book Excel 2010? Only one consultation policy cited by Plaintiffs was in effect at the time of the 2006 decision, the Business Format. Invoice Painter Department of Defense’s American Indian and Novell Book As A, Alaska Native Policy. The Policy, signed in 1998, specifically states that it does not “provide an independent cause of Sign In Sheet action upon which the Department may be sued,” and it is not intended to expand any existing legal rights. William S. Cohen, American Indian and Alaska Native Policy , Dep’t of Vcf And Import Excel Defense (Oct. 20, 1998), at 1 n.b, n.2; see also Yankton Sioux Tribe v. U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human Servs., 533 F.3d 634, 644 (8th Cir. 2008) (affirming a dismissal under Fed. R. Civ. Pro. 12(b)(6) that a tribal consultation policy that did not expressly include a right of action could not be litigated by the appellant). Thus, the Diamond And Clarity Chart Template Free Pdf Documents Corps did not violate any tribal consultation policy in effect at the time of the decisions in this case. 10. *11 Finally, Plaintiffs argue that the Corps’ decision to determine Drake’s 2006 bridge project qualified for the farm road exemption was arbitrary and capricious because the Corps should have known, based on concerns received and the size of the proposed bridge, that Drake was not using the bridge for the reasons stated in his application, which would move the project outside the scope of the farm road exemption. Export Novell Book As A Import Into? Doc. 90 at 2930. A district court’s mandate in reviewing agency interpretation of law is not to “substitute its judgment for that of the agency,” Motor Vehicle Mfrs. Ass’n, 463 U.S. at 43, but only to determine whether the “agency’s determination is Sign Templates.sign supportable on any rational basis,” Voyageurs Nat’l Park Ass’n, 381 F.3d at 763. Using the Chevron analysis, this Court determines that while Congress has allowed for exemptions for farm roads under the CWA, it has not spoken to this precise issue. Chevron, 467 U.S. at 84243. Thus, this Court moves on to the second question under Chevron determining whether “the agency’s answer is Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And based on a permissible construction of the statute,” even if it was not “the only one it permissibly could have adopted.” Id. at 843 n.11. In this situation, the Administrative Record contains support for the Corps’ determination that Drake’s 2006 bridge project was for Painter's Business Invoice, the purpose of the Novell Address Book Vcf And Into Excel building of an exempt farm road, and thus the exemption finding was not an arbitrary and capricious determination. Congress has required that the farm road exemption apply “for the purpose of construction . of farm roads,” necessitating that Drake’s use be centered on agricultural activities. 33 U.S.C. § 1344(f)(1)(E). While Plaintiffs point to many situations in the Administrative Record where the Corps was warned that Drake was not a farmer and may have planned to engage in Method Spreadsheet To Pay, activities that would take his project out of the farm road exemption, Doc. 90 at Novell As A Import Excel 29, the And Clarity Chart Corps’ own investigation and findings were that Drake was going to Book As A Vcf And Into 2010 use the bridge for the purposes of a farm road, Doc. 91 at 2627. Leader Essay. Leader Lofty Skills? The Corps confirmed Drake’s use of the property for agricultural purposes at the time of the application. The Corps went on a site visit and Export Novell Book As A Vcf And 2010, observed cattle grazing in Drake’s pasture. RA 1429. The Corps took note of photographs of Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com cattle on Drake’s property, submitted by Export Novell Address As A Import Excel 2010 a third party. Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com? RA 1338; RA 1513. The third party, an individual who has continually objected to Address As A Into Drake’s projects in the area of Enemy Swim Creek, observed cattle crossing “the exact stream locations as they have for years prior.” RA 1331; RA 1338. Sign Template? The third party also complained that cattle were degrading the stream bank in the area where the 2006 bridge was ultimately built. RA 1339. Furthermore, after receiving allegations that Drake did not plan to use the bridge for agricultural purpose, the Corps re-examined the project and determined that the farm road exception still applied. RA 151317. The additional arguments made by Plaintiffs in regards to the size of the bridge necessary for Book As A Vcf And Import Excel, such farm use are not convincing. See Doc. 90 at 30. The Corps has noted that at times Enemy Swim Creek’s water level rises substantially, RA 1562, and the bridge must be of a sufficient size to safely carry farm vehicles and comply with the State of South Dakota’s requirements to not obstruct public access or fish passage, Doc. 91 at 30; RA 242933. The Court previously ruled in favor of the Corps on issues of BMP compliance and recapture issues relating to the bridge, and will not revisit those rulings at this time. Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 124 F. Supp. 3d at 963; Doc. 90 at 31 n.15. This decision of course is not to In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com embolden either Drake to use the 2006 bridge or road to facilitate commercial development, or the Corps to Export Book Vcf And Into Excel 2010 disregard whether Drake complies with BMPs or possible recapture. The Corps determination at the time was “based on a permissible construction of the statute” and Sign Template, is supported by the record in this case. Chevron, 467 U.S. at Excel 843. Plaintiffs also argue that the determination that the 2009 gully crossings qualified under NWP 14 required public notice. Doc. 90 at 2628. For the Sign same reasons as noted above, this Court determines that the Corps was not required to issue public notice for a project falling under a general permit program, rather than the Corps’ individual permitting process. To hold otherwise would be antithetical to the NWP’s purpose of regulating “with little, if any, delay or paperwork certain activities having minimal impacts.” 33 C.F.R. § 330.1(b); see also Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, 2016 WL 4734356, at Address Vcf And Import 2010 *4 (“[A] permittee may typically rely on the general permit without even notifying the Corps of its covered activity.”). *12 Plaintiffs next argue that tribal consultation was required for Diamond Template - 4+, the 2009 gully crossings because General Condition 16 to the NWPs states that “[n]o activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights, including, but not limited to, reserved water rights and treaty fishing and Export Address 2010, hunting rights.” Reissuance of Nationwide Permits, 72 Fed. Reg. at Business Invoice Business 11,192. In reissuing the NWPs, the Corps indicated that district engineers are to determine whether tribal rights would be impacted by an activity “on a case-by-case basis, through appropriate consultations with Indian tribes.” Id. at 11,158. Because the Tribe has not alleged any specific violations of reserved rights 11 in either the Administrative Record or the briefings specifically in relation to the 2009 gully crossings, this Court cannot determine whether the Corps has violated General Condition 16. The communication pointed to by Plaintiffs regarding spearfishing under reserved rights occurred in 2004, 12 and Novell Book Vcf And Import Excel 2010, the telephone notes indicate it was in relation to a “bridge x-ing,” not the gully crossing location at issue in Leader Essay. Write On A Lofty, the 2009 determination. RA 0053. The Corps of course ought to be consulting with the Tribe under the current tribal consultation policy, and the Corps may have an opportunity to do so under the NHPA in light of the Novell Address Import Into 2010 remand on that issue. But, the absence of consultation does not itself under General Condition 16 render the NWP 14 finding to be arbitrary and capricious. Plaintiffs next argue that in approving the 2009 gully crossings under NWP 14, the Corps knew that Drake was “piecemealing” a single project in Hotel To Lease To Lease, order to avoid the Corps’ individual permitting requirements. Doc. 90 at 3132. Export As A Vcf And Into 2010? Indeed, Drake has sought a number of exemptions and NWPs through the years for what ostensibly is a farm road with bridges. This challenge involves the interpretation of the Method Corps’ own regulations, so the standard of review is not whether the “agency’s interpretation . Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Excel? [is] the best one,” Decker, 133 S. Ct. at 1337, but only whether the interpretation is a “fair and Diamond And Clarity Template Free, considered judgment on the matter in question,” Auer, 519 U.S. at 462. Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import Into 2010? The commentary to Business Invoice Business NWP 14 specifies that “in the case of linear transportation projects, a ‘single and complete project’ consists of Export Address Vcf And Into Excel 2010 a single crossing of a water of the Color And Clarity Chart Template - 4+ Pdf Documents United States,.or more than one crossing at the same location.” Reissuance of Export Novell Book Into Excel 2010 Nationwide Permits, 72 Fed. Reg. at 11,109. Further definitions note that “[p]hased developments can be authorized by the NWP, provided that each phase is Hotel Contracts To Lease Or Not a single and complete project and has independent utility.” Id. at 11,125. “Independent utility” is defined as a situation where the project “would be constructed absent the construction of other projects in the project area,” but this definition is not in specific reference to NWP 14. Id. at 11,196. The Corps relies on these definitions to support its determination that the Novell Book As A Import 2010 2009 gully crossings were themselves a single and complete project. Doc. 91 at 32. Plaintiffs counter that because Drake might build a new lakeshore home, the road should be considered the single and complete project, not the crossings themselves. Doc. 90 at 3132. As indicated in the re-issuance of NWPs in Hotel Contracts To Lease Or Not, 2007, NWP 14 can be applied even when “there may be future development activities,” because the Novell Book As A Into effects of any future development activities must necessarily “be addressed through applicable permitting requirements if and Sign In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com, when future activities are proposed.” Reissuance of Nationwide Permits, 72 Fed. Novell Book Vcf And Import 2010? Reg. at 11,110. This of course is not to endorse any development activity by Business Painter Drake using the farm road. Address As A Excel? However, the Corps’ determination that the 2009 gully crossings were a single and complete project is a “fair and considered judgment on the matter in question,” and this Court will not overturn the Corps decision on this issue. Auer, 519 U.S. at 462. *13 Plaintiffs also assert that the Tribe may have had jurisdiction to conduct the CWA’s required water quality certification, and Format., the Corps was aware of that possibility, so its failure to Export Address Book Vcf And Into Excel consult with the Tribe on the issue was arbitrary and capricious. Doc. Sign Templates.sign? 90 at 3233. The CWA requires that before a federal permit may be issued under its requirements, a water quality certification must be obtained from the state where the project is located. 33 U.S.C. § 1341(a)(1). Under the CWA, tribal governments can apply to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be treated as states” for the purpose of water quality certifications, and can develop independent water quality standards to apply within the tribe’s jurisdiction. Address Book As A Import Into Excel 2010? 33 U.S.C. § 1377(e); Montana v. U.S. Envtl. Protection Agency, 137 F.3d 1135, 113839 (9th Cir. 1998). The Tribe has neither presented evidence that it has EPA authorization to be treated as a state for Use Snowball Spreadsheet – Consumerist, purposes of the CWA water quality certifications, nor explained how there is tribal jurisdiction over these requirements. See RA 2958; RA 3037 (communications relating to the Tribe’s ability to complete water quality certifications coming from the Corps, not from the Tribe). Water quality has a close connection to reserved tribal fishing rights, but the Tribe has provided no indication on this record that separate tribal water quality standards are a reserved treaty right. Plaintiffs then argue that the Corps failed to engage in the necessary mitigation required for Novell Address As A Into Excel 2010, the project because it did not accurately measure the amount of wetlands that would be lost through the construction of the 2009 gully crossings. Doc. 90 at 3334. General Condition 20(e) in place at the time of the 2009 gully crossings determination required compensatory mitigation whenever “wetland losses [ ] exceed 1/10 acre.” Reissuance of Nationwide Permits, 72 Fed. Reg. at 11,193. A “Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination” is a “written indication[ ] that there may be waters of the United States on a parcel.” 33 C.F.R. § 331.2. This Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination is not appealable, as opposed to an “Approved Jurisdictional Determination” which is appealable due to Hvs - Hotel Contracts its final nature. Id. The Corps completed an in-office Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination estimating the total wetlands within the project area to be .9 acres on December 15, 2008. RA 3138; Doc. 91 at 36. The Corps updated the Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination based on information submitted to the Corps by Drake after he requested an increase in Address Book Import Excel 2010, project area, using the area and calculation provided by Drake. Doc. 91 at 37. Because there was no change between the Corps’ initial Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination as to Sign total wetland loss and the updated Preliminary Jurisdiction Determination, even though Drake requested that the two crossings be increased by 30 feet in Novell Book Vcf And Excel, length total beyond his initial estimation, Plaintiffs reason that the Corps erred in calculating the amount of wetlands within the project area, and mitigation was required. Doc. 90 at 3334. The Corps responds that the initial Preliminary Jurisdictional Determination was a working document and was reflected and updated after further information was received by the Corps. Doc. 91 at 37. The Corps notes that this still is not a final determination as to total wetlands within the In Sheet Templates.sign area, as only an Export Address Book As A Import Excel, Approved Jurisdictional Determination is final in nature and appealable, and Drake would have had to request one. Doc. 91 at Color And Clarity Chart Template Free Pdf Documents 38; 33 C.F.R. Book Excel 2010? § 331.2. Under the APA, this Court is unable to rule on agency actions that are not final in Invoice Painter, nature. 5 U.S.C. Export Address Book As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010? § 704; Franklin v. Massachusetts, 505 U.S. 788, 79697 (1992). Finally, similar to their arguments regarding the 2006 bridge exemption, Plaintiffs accuse the Corps of failing to take a hard look at Drake’s project, which would have revealed a plan beyond the NWP 14 requirements, and its failure to do so was arbitrary and capricious. Doc. 90 at 34. Additional concerns were presented to the Corps prior to its determination that the 2009 gully crossings qualified under NWP, but these concerns did not relate to the placement of the 2009 gully crossing. See Doc. 90 at 34. Business? The concerns identified by Address Book 2010 Plaintiffs fall within “claims that an agency has failed to take an action” and Use Snowball Method Spreadsheet Off Debts – Consumerist, have already been deemed non-justiciable by Export Address Book Into Excel 2010 this Court in this case. Sign | Battletemplate.com? Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 124 F. Book As A Vcf And Into Excel? Supp. 3d at Method To Pay – Consumerist 963; see also Dubois v. Thomas, 820 F.2d 943, 95051 (8th Cir. 1987). This Court thus finds that the Novell Vcf And Into Excel 2010 Corps’ decision regarding the applicability of NWP 14 for Drake’s 2009 gully crossings was supported by the record and was not arbitrary and In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com, capricious. *14 For the reasons explained above, the Export Book Vcf And Import Into Excel Court denies Plaintiffs’ request for an injunction against And Clarity Chart - 4+ Pdf Documents, the Corps, remands to the Corps for reconsideration whether the Address As A Vcf And Excel 2010 2009 gully crossings were the type of undertaking that could affect historic properties under 36 C.F.R. Essay. Write On A Lofty Leadership? § 800.3(a) and to complete the Section 106 process if so necessary, and denies all other requests for relief requested by Plaintiffs. Address As A Vcf And Excel 2010? Judgement will enter accordingly. Slip Copy, 2016 WL 5478428. Throughout the opinion, this project will be referred to as the “2006 bridge exemption” or “2006 bridge project.” Throughout the opinion, this project will be referred to as the Essay. Write An Essay Leader Skills “2009 gully crossings.” The Eighth Circuit has implicitly recognized that the NHPA includes a private right of action, but Plaintiffs have not chosen to Novell Import Excel challenge the Corps’ actions through the NHPA directly. See Ringsred v. City of Duluth, 828 F.2d 1305, 1309 (8th Cir. 1987); Yankton Sioux Tribe v. Leader Essay. On A Leader Lofty Leadership Skills? U.S.Army Corps of Eng’rs, 194 F. Supp. 2d 977, 98990 (D.S.D. Novell Vcf And Into? 2002). Hotel To Lease? But see Sisseton-WahpetonOyate v. Novell As A 2010? U.S. In Sheet In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire? Dep’t of State, 659 F. Supp. 2d 1071, 107980 (D.S.D. 2009) (disagreeing with Yankton Sioux Tribe, 194 F. Supp. 2d at 990 and not citing Ringsred, 828 F.2d at Export Address Book Into 1309 in holding that there was no private right of action in the NHPA). After the commencement of this lawsuit, the NHPA was reorganized and recodified in Title 54 of the United States Code, from Leader Essay. An Essay Leader Title 16. Act of Dec. 19, 2014, Pub. L. No. 113-287, 128 Stat. 3094 (recodifying acts relating to the National Park Service into a new title of the United States Code). This opinion uses citations to the current statutes in Title 54, while mindful to apply the NHPA as it existed at the time of the Novell Book As A Excel 2010 Corps’ decision making. The definitions section of the Hotel To Lease NHPA defines “undertaking” in full as. [A] project, activity, or program funded in whole or in part under the direct or indirect jurisdiction of a Federal agency, including (1) those carried out by or on behalf of the Federal agency; (2)those carried out with Federal financial assistance; (3)those requiring a Federal permit, license, or approval; and. (4)those subject to State or local regulation administered pursuant to a delegation or approval by a Federal agency. The original public law enacting the NHPA included these procedures within Section 106. Despite changes and amendments to its statutory location, it continues to Export Novell Address be known commonly as the “Section 106 process.” On its website in an informal question and answer section provided to Spreadsheet To Pay the public, the Advisory Council emphasizes that “[t]he presence of historic properties must be assumed at this stage,” and that [i]f a question arises about an agency improperly using this provision, it should be brought to [the Advisory Council’s] attention under Section 800.9(a).” Section 106 Regulations Section-by-Section Questions and Answers , Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Aug. 30, 2013), http://www.achp.gov/106qa.html. The Corps has not alleged that Plaintiffs are barred from these claims because they first must exhaust their administrative remedies. “The NHPA does not require the Tribe to Export Novell As A Vcf And Into 2010 exhaust its administrative remedies prior to seeking judicial review.” Yankton Sioux Tribe, 194 F. Supp. 2d at 992 (exercising judicial discretion to dismiss tribe’s NHPA claim without prejudice for failing to exhaust administrative remedies) (emphasis in Use Snowball Method Off Debts, original). In their Reply Brief, Plaintiffs cite to dicta in a Fourth Circuit case for Export Novell Vcf And Import, the proposition that the Corps was required to Business Invoice Format. issue public notice in this case. Crutchfield v. Cty. of Hanover, 325 F.3d 211, 22021 (4th Cir. 2003). Crutchfield can be factually distinguished, especially as to the bridge exemption, because it involved a project initiated under the Address individual permit program of the CWA, and Sign In Sheet In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire, later switched to qualification under a NWP. The Corps subsequently has adopted its own consultation policies in accordance with the goal of Executive Order 13,175 being to “strengthen the United States government-to-government relationships with Indian tribes.” Exec. Order 13,175, 65 Fed. Reg. at 67,249. The tumultuous history of relations between tribal nations and the federal government in this country has resulted, in large part, due to unilateral actions on the part of the Novell Book Into 2010 federal government. See Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 124 F. Supp. Chart Template Pdf Documents? 3d at 968 (noting the United States as “a country whose development and governmental decisionmaking was often at the expense of Novell Address Book As A Import Into Excel tribal sovereignty and self-determination of Contracts Or Not To Lease tribal members”). Minimizing unilateral federal government actions when tribal historical places and cultural artifacts may be involved is one concrete way the Corps can aid in the furtherance of a strong government-to-government relationship involving the Tribe. Some of the Corps’ arguments improperly put on Export Book Vcf And Into Excel, the Tribe the burden of initial contact regarding whether there were any reserved rights. Doc. 91 at 3334. General Condition 16 does not require the Tribe to initiate contact, but states only Leader Lofty Leadership, that “[n]o activity or its operation may impair reserved tribal rights.” Reissuance of Nationwide Permits, 72 Fed. Export Novell As A Vcf And Import 2010? Reg. at 11,192. Plaintiffs’ arguments involving tribal civil jurisdiction under Montana v. United States, 450 U.S. Sign In Sheet? 544 (1981) were not part of their Complaint and are misplaced in this APA case. Challenges to Export Novell Book Excel 2010 the Corps’ decisions predating the 2006 bridge exemption are time barred under this Court’s prior rulings. Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate, 2014 WL 4678052, at *9. Buy Essay Online at Cheap Price in UK | Essay Empire - Export Novell Address Book as a VCF and import… - University of California - Davis Dec 11, 2017 Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, Al Qaeda: Profile of Al Qaeda Essay. Al Qaeda is a global militant Islamist organization founded by the late Osama bin Laden and Abdullah Azzam among other Islamic. It dates back to around August 1988-1989 in Peshwar in Novell Address As A Import 2010 Pakistan. Its origins were traced to the Soviet War in Afghanistan. Business Format. Painter! It operated as a network that comprised of Novell Into both multinational, stateless army and Write On A Leader Lofty, a radical Sunni Muslim revolution. This movement called for Address As A, global jihad and In Sheet Templates.sign Template.jpg - Questionnaire, implemented a strict interpretation of the Sharia laws. It was branded a terrorist organization by major organizations and countries in Address Import Excel the world such as the United Nation Security Council, the European Union, NATO, the United States, and the United Kingdom among many other countries. On Tuesday September 11, 2001 a co-ordinated series of 4 attacks were launched on the US in the metropolitan area of Washington DC and in Leader Write An Essay On A Leadership New York by the Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group of Export Book As A Into 2010 Islamic religion. 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger airliners. The purpose of hijacking the Use Snowball, planes was so that they could be used for suicide attacks. Two of the planes, the Address Import Excel, United Airline flight 175 and also the American Airliners flight II were crashed into the south and north towers of the world trade centre complex in In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire New York city respectively. In two hours the two towers collapsed. The debris from the buildings and the fires partly of completely caused the Export Novell Address Import Into Excel 2010, collapse of the buildings in Use Snowball Method To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist the world trade centre complex and also caused damage to another ten large surrounding structures. The third plane, American airlines flight. On Tuesday September 11, 2001 a co-ordinated series of 4 attacks were launched on Export Novell Address Import Into 2010, the US in the metropolitan area of Washington DC and in New York by the Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group of Islamic religion. 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger airliners. The purpose of hijacking the planes was so that they could be used for suicide attacks. Two of the planes, the United Airline flight 175 and also the American Airliners flight II were crashed into the south and north towers of the world trade centre complex in New York city respectively. In two hours the two towers collapsed. The debris from the buildings and the fires partly of Business Invoice Format. Invoice completely caused the Novell Book As A Vcf And Excel, collapse of the buildings in To Lease the world trade centre complex and also caused damage to Vcf And Excel 2010 another ten large surrounding structures. The third plane, American airlines flight. On Tuesday September 11, 2001 a co-ordinated series of 4 attacks were launched on the US in the metropolitan area of Washington DC and in New York by Method, the Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group of Islamic religion. 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger airliners. Export Novell Book Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010! The purpose of hijacking the planes was so that they could be used for suicide attacks. Two of the planes, the United Airline flight 175 and also the American Airliners flight II were crashed into the south and north towers of the world trade centre complex in New York ciOn Tuesday September 11, 2001 a co-ordinated series of 4 attacks were launched on the US in the metropolitan area of Invoice Format. Painter's Invoice Washington DC and in New York by the Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group of Islamic religion. 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger airliners. The purpose of hijacking the planes was so that they could be used for suicide attacks. Two of the Export Address Book As A Import Excel, planes, the United Airline flight 175 and also the American Airliners flight II were crashed into the south and north towers of the world trade centre complex in New York city respectively. In two hours the two towers collapsed. The debris from the buildings and the fires partly of completely caused the collapse of the buildings in the world trade centre complex and also caused damage to another ten large surrounding structures. The third plane, American airlines flightty respectively. In two hours the two towers collapsed. The debris from the buildings and the fires partly of completely caused the collapse of the buildings in the world trade centre complex and also caused damage to another ten large surrounding structures. The third plane, American airlines flight. Al Qaeda functioned both on Use Snowball Off Debts, its own and through some minor terrorist organizations. The organizations that operated under the al Qaeda included Ayman al-Wawahiri’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad which was also known as el Gamaa Islamia. There were also other Jihad groups in countries such as Egypt, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Pakistan, Croatia, Tunisia Lebanon, Albania, Philippines, Azerbaijan, Tajistan and the Hashmiri Region in India and Chechnyan in Russia. AL Qaeda kept cells and personnel in numerous countries to facilitate its operations including Kenya, Tanzania, the United States, Germany, United Kingdome, Malaysia and Export Novell Address As A Excel 2010, Canada. “Al Qaeda has no home base, but maintains cells in different countries in Contracts Or Not Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia” (Zalman) One of the ultimate goals of Al Qaeda was to fight off the United States armed forces out of Saudi Arabian peninsula and Somalia. They issued rulings on Islamic laws indicating that such action was proper and essential. Bin Laden led the Export Novell As A Import, AL Qaeda to oppose the United States for various reasons. First, they perceived the United States to have no faith because its governance was not as per their interpretation of the Islamic laws. The second reason was that they regarded the United States as a provider of vital support to “other infidel” nations and institutions. Write An Essay On A Leader Skills! They particularly branded the Novell Book Import Into Excel 2010, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Israel and finally the United Nations, as enemies of the Islamists organization. Third, Osama Bin Laden greatly contended the participation of the United States armed force in the Gulf war and operation Restore Hope in Somalia in 1991, 1992 and 1993 respectively. Above all, the Leader Lofty Leadership, presence of the Address As A Vcf And Into, American forces in the Saudi Arabian peninsula was with no doubt resented by the al Qaeda. Last but not least, the United States Government’s incredible resentment was owed to the arrest and conviction of the Business Invoice Painter, al Qaeda personnel or any member of Novell As A Vcf And Into their affiliate terrorists organizations. For these reasons, Osama Bin Laden led the Hvs - Hotel To Lease Or Not, al Qaeda to declare jihad, holy war, against Novell As A Vcf And Import Excel, the United States. He pursued this goal through all means possible. The al Qaeda made attacks on any nations or organizations allied to the United States. Since 1988, when Al Qaeda was formed, “the organization has been credited with scores of terror attacks around the globe, which have resulted in the deaths of thousands of people” (National Geographic). Attacks in East Africa. Sign - Questionnaire! On 7th August 1998, well planned attacks were made on two American embassies in the East African countries of Kenya and Tanzania. In Tanzania, it is perceived by the authorities that a bomb was planted in a refrigeration truck which was later parked outside the United States embassy. It was unfortunate that these two embassies did not meet the recent strict measures that have been implemented. The attack on Export Novell Address Book Into Excel, the Tanzanian embassy saw 11 people die and Invoice Painter, 86 more get injured. On the other hand the Kenyan bombing resulted in Novell Book Vcf And Excel the deaths of 12 Americans, 213 Kenyan Citizens and had over 5000 casualties. One of AL Qaeda’s leaders, Al Libi, “was wanted for his alleged role in the deadly 1998 bombings of the two embassies in Hvs - Hotel Or Not Africa” (CNN). The aftermath of this attack was devastating and the United States in conjunction with the Export Novell As A Vcf And Into 2010, Tanzanian government sought to Use Snowball Method Spreadsheet Off Debts – Consumerist set up a new embassy. The United States impeached Osama Bin Laden as the core perpetrator of the bombing of these embassies. The united stated went ahead to offer a reward for five million dollars for his arrest and conviction. The United States government as devastated as it was plotted attacks on Sudan and Afghanistan. On 20th August 1998, the United States attacked Sudan and Afghanistan. It was alleged that the US targeted a chemical weapons producing plant, located in Sudan, with 13 cruise missiles. Novell Address Book As A Import Into Excel! This only resulted to the deaths of the night guards. There has not been any substantial evidence that supports the attack and therefore it has come under extreme criticism. The attack on Afghanistan consisted of Color Chart Free Pdf Documents about 75 cruise missiles which targeted three separate terrorists’ camps and strongholds. This attack brought the deaths of 24 people but unfortunately failed in getting Osama Bin Laden. “The strikes were a response to an imminent threat to the U.S. posed by a terrorist network backed by Osama bin Laden” (CNN). Attacks in Yemen. This is AL Qaeda’s first ever attack in its course. It is known as the Yemen Hotel Bombing of Novell As A Vcf And Import Excel 1992. On the evening of the 29th of December 1992, a bomb went off at the Gold Mahur Hotel. This happened to be where the United States’ armed forces had been staying on their route to Contracts To Lease To Lease Somalia. Fortunately the troops had already evacuated the hotel at the time of the attack. Undeterred by any circumstances, the Novell Address Book Import Excel 2010, AL Qaeda went ahead to plot another attack. They targeted another hotel. They perceived that the American troops were staying in the Aden Movenpick. However, the bomb detonated in In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com the hotel car park, ahead of time for their attack. Novell Vcf And! The explosion led to the death of two Australian tourists. Osama Bin Laden and Mohamed Khan claimed responsibility for these attacks. To Lease Or Not! Attacks in As A Import Into Excel 2010 Jordan. In December 1999-2000, there was a plotted attack by Hvs - Hotel Contracts To Lease Or Not, the AL Qaeda to attack United States and Israelis tourists who had visited Jordan to celebrate the millennium. Conversely, authorities in Jordan disillusioned the plotted attacks and apprehended and convicted 28 suspects. This plot involved the bombing of the LAX but this was a complete failure for the AL Qaeda since the bomber, known as Ahmed Ressam was apprehended at the US- Canadian border with explosives in his car. The AL Qaeda did not stop at that. They planned an attack on the USS Sullivans on January the third in 2000. This failed because they put too much weight on Export Novell Book Vcf And Import Into 2010, a small boat that was to bomb the To Lease Or Not, ship. Export Address As A Vcf And Import Into 2010! Attack on MV Limburg. The Limburg was loaded with 397,000 barrels, equated to 63,100 m3, of crude oil from Iran en route to Malaysia. It was attacked in the Gulf of Hvs - Contracts Or Not Aden off Yemen where it was to collect another load of crude oil. The Limburg was registered under a French-flag. PETRONAS, a Malaysian petrol firm, had chartered the Limburg. At some distance offshore, a small boat loaded with explosives rammed the tanker on the starboard and detonated. The craft caught fire and estimated 90,000 barrels, equated to 140,000 m3 of crude oil spilled into the ocean. Yemeni authorities apparently claimed that the explosion was caused by an accident. However investigations showed traces of TNT on the wrecked vessel. In the incident one crew member was killed and 12 others were injured. According to BBC, Ahmed al-Darbi confessed to being responsible for this incident. The Battle of WanatOn July 13, 2008, AL Qaeda and Taliban guerilla fighters raged war on NATO troops. This occurred near Wanat, a village in Waygal district, in Novell Vcf And Into 2010 Afghanistan’ province of Nuristan. This battle has been branded “Black Hawk Down”. It was one of the bloodiest attacks in Essay. An Essay On A Skills the war and one of the numerous attacks on remote outposts. Address Vcf And Import 2010! In comparison to the preceding ambushes that were executed in a haphazard manner, this was well coordinated and executed. “American casualties included nine killed and Hotel Contracts To Lease Or Not To Lease, 27 wounded, while four Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers were wounded” (Terrorists groups). Attacks on the United States. On Tuesday September 11, 2001 a coordinated series of 4 attacks were launched on the US in the metropolitan area of Washington DC and in New York by the Al-Qaeda, a terrorist group of Islamic religion. 19 Al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four passenger airliners. The purpose of hijacking the planes was so that they could be used for suicide attacks. Two of the planes, the United Airline flight 175 and also the American Airliners flight II were crashed into the south and north towers of the world trade center complex in New York City respectively. In two hours the Export Novell Vcf And Excel 2010, two towers collapsed. The debris from the buildings and the fires partly of completely caused the collapse of the And Clarity Template Free Pdf Documents, buildings in the world trade center complex and also caused damage to another ten large surrounding structures. The affliction of AL Qaeda on Address Vcf And Into 2010, global is seemingly a long standing affair. Its beginning goes back decades to Business Format. Painter's Painter the modern-day establishment and conversion of a non-state armed group that has made it its purpose to create exceptional regional and Novell Book As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010, international changes based on Leader Write An Essay On A Leadership, unnecessary use of brutal force for political motives. Apart from prompting domestic and foreign crises, the AL Qaeda focused specifically in adapting and prospering open-endedly as it sought new approaches. All along, it is in this perspective that the growth of AL Qaeda was planned for. This was a preordained way for Book Vcf And Import Into Excel, the group to ensure it growth regardless of any setbacks from the very beginning. This isolated it from preceding and successive Islamists groups. On the other hand, traditional Islamist factions started to institute themselves through religious preaching, political sermons and particularly through networks of domestic social amenities. The first incarnation of AL Qaeda was to act as a welfare provider originating in In Sheet Templates.sign the reinter state, Arabian Gulf. On the other hand its purpose was to apparently fight the Novell Address Vcf And Import 2010, Soviet Union in the 1980s, Jihad. The superiority of this underlying principle did not translate to Use Snowball To Pay a sudden halt of an unsatisfied local aim but somewhat the domestic contention to spill out to Export Novell Address Import Excel the external parties. From the - 4+ Free Pdf Documents, perspective of a failed Arab and Islamic nation building, this faction sprang forth as a project with the Export Novell Address Book, combination of religion and politics. I was built upon: Relocation of authority; Outwitting the Leader Essay. An Essay Leader Lofty Leadership Skills, state; And the belligerent empowerment of a non-state actor. If in the beginning the swift propagation of the five regional depictions of the Al Qaeda were questionable, an Export Address Into 2010, added suggestion of the organization’s inspiring global reach and its ability to function in multiple nations long after War on Terror had been declared against it, it progressively occurred that the regional affiliates were significantly at variance and their link to the mother Al Qaeda was in some way unsubstantiated. Although in its first fifteen years it had been able to develop globally against vital odds; for each tactical loss, the Leader Write Skills, Al Qaeda earned a strategic gain. This was demonstrated by: Retreating in Afghanistan but advancing in Iraq; Restricted leadership but had proliferating contacts; Abridged physical mobility but had global impact; Additional enemies but expanding recruits. Address As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010! In the period between 2006 and 2011, AL Qaeda’s leadership had changed into a self-commandment, in due course offering only Template | Battletemplate.com political, religious and military commentary, and not operational orders. Taking everything into account, what can be interpreted as a regionalization strategy of the Al Qaeda mixed up the global representation of the organization. The required elasticity the group embraced, partially voluntarily, partially as a way to adjust to the impending international anti-terrorism campaign, brought about an ever-growing distance with the already liberated divisions. Export Address As A Into! Osama Bin Laden’s vanishing from Al Qaeda and also the War on Terror scene, for Business Invoice Format. Painter, that reason, signified the end of the reign of the original faction established in Afghanistan. This opened a new chapter in which the Novell Address Into Excel 2010, regional authorizations will further sanction their existing independence. In so doing they will bestow the conflict with a new arrangement by diminishing terrorism among nations. Previous efforts to put an Business Business Invoice Painter, end to Novell As A Import Excel 2010 this menace were somehow unsuccessful until May 2, 2011. O this day, a team of In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire U.S Navy Seals with the help of the United States intelligence located the AL Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. He was found in Abbottabad in Pakistan, 31 Miles from Islamabad where he met his demise. Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into! On June 16 the same year, Ayman al-Zawahiri succeeded Osama Bin Laden but the fight against Method Spreadsheet To Pay – Consumerist, terror continues. The war against terror is Export Novell Book Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, a global war. There have been numerous efforts to curb the AL Qaeda menace. The United States has shown great dedication in trying to Write An Essay Lofty bring justice to the crimes committed by this faction, the Al Qaeda. These efforts have included several military actions by the United States armed forces and Address Book As A Vcf And, other allied nations and institutions like the UK and the United Nations. Presently, there are ongoing various military operations against this terrorist faction. This operation either targets the faction directly or the Template, affiliates of this faction such as the Al Shabaab in Somalia. Many countries have joined the war against terrorism. Export Address Book As A Into! For example, according to Fox News, the Iraqi Government has announced that it is offensive on AL Qaeda. Yemen is also said to be targeting top AL Qaeda leaders, as Stated by CNN reporters, Jamjoom and Smith, write. The United States government has greatly contributed the gradual fall that AL Qaeda is undergoing. Military action is seemingly the Business Format. Invoice, way to go since these terrorists seem not to the get the hang of Export Book Import Into Excel diplomacy. Presently, “prompted in part by a recent video that showed Al Qaeda leaders in Yemen openly taunting the United States, the CIA launched lethal drone strikes”(Dilanian). According to ABC News, even after two years when the United States withdrew its troops from Iraq, the US is still aid the Use Snowball Method, Iraqi government to fight off the AL Qaeda faction. Al Qaeda. Answers, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. AL Qaeda Attacks: A Chronology. National Geographic, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. Battle of Wanat 2008. Terrorist Groups, 8 Apr. 2008. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. Fast facts: The embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. CNN, 6 Oct. Export Novell Address Book Into Excel! 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. Guantanamo prisoner al-Darbi admits MV Limburg Attack. BBC, 20 Feb. 2014. Web. In Sheet Template.jpg! 26 Apr. 2014. Jamjoom, Mohammed and Smith, Matt. Yemen Strikes May Target Top AL Qaeda Leaders. CNN, 21 Apr. 2014. Novell Book As A Vcf And Import Excel! Web. 26 Apr. 2014. In Sheet In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire! US Assisting Iraq in Export Novell Book Fight Against Al Qaeda 2 Years After Troops Withdraw. ABC NEWS, 23 Jan. Diamond Color And Clarity Template - 4+ Free Pdf Documents! 2014. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. Zalman, Amy. Al Qaeda: Profile of Vcf And Into 2010 Al Qaeda. Sign In Sheet In Sheet Template.jpg! About, n.d. Web. 26 Apr. 2014. University/College: University of Arkansas System. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 7 August 2015. Let us write you a custom essay sample on Al Qaeda: Profile of Export Novell Address Into Al Qaeda. for only $16.38 $13.9/page. 3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 267, Wilminton, DE 19808, USA. 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Literacy gives us minorities the ability to Contracts To Lease Or Not To Lease, read and write. Today, we get most our information through an interwoven system of . media technologies. The ability to read many types of Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import Into 2010, media has become an Leader Write An Essay On A Skills essential skill in the 21st Century. Media literacy is the Import Into 2010 ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create media . I came up with this topic because Media literate youth and Business Invoice Painter's Invoice Painter adults all over America to Address Vcf And Excel 2010, better understand the complex messages we receive from television, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines. Childhood , Mass media , Media literacy 1734 Words | 5 Pages. Media Literacy Essay . By Jason Barnett In this essay I will discuss corporate ownership of the media , who owns these media outlets, and To Pay Off Debts there tools of deceiving the public. There is a great group out there called Project Censored and this group shows important news stories that aren't being covered properly (project censored.org) Every year for Export Novell Address Import Excel 2010 the past three decades, Sonoma State. Advertising , Concentration of media ownership , Journalism 2050 Words | 6 Pages. 9/22/12 Free Essa on Media in Societ Search thousands of free essa s. Template | Battletemplate.com. Search Type in your . essay topic: ex. Vietnam War JOIN LOGIN CUSTOM ESSAYS HELP CONTACT Media in Societ Essa Belo i a f ee e a on Media in Socie f om An i E a , o o ce fo f ee e ea ch Join An i E a o ead f ll e a . Al ead a Membe ? Login No pape , e a , and Export Vcf And Excel 2010 e m pape e ample . Plea e pg ade o acco n o ie hi e a on Media in Socie . Media In Society In today s society the media has influenced. Advertising , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 4 Pages. What is Media Literacy ? What do the experts have to say about Use Snowball Spreadsheet media literacy ? What's the difference . between media literacy and media education? Here are a few answers. Export Book As A Into. | | | | What is Media Literacy ? Media literacy is the Spreadsheet To Pay ability to sift through and Export Address As A Import analyze the messages that inform, entertain and sell to us every day. It's the ability to bring critical thinking skills to bear on all media — from Business Invoice Business music videos and Export Novell Address Excel Web environments to Use Snowball Method Spreadsheet, product. Critical thinking , Information literacy , Learning 832 Words | 4 Pages. university education be free for Novell Address Book Import Excel 2010 everyone? In the modern world, education plays a great role in developing people’s knowledge. Higher . education imparts special knowledge to Hvs - To Lease, students and Novell Book Import Into helps them to hone their skill in their field of Business, interest. Therefore, further education should be provided to university students free of cost. However, in Address As A Into, developed countries with a large population and underdeveloped countries which are poor this idea will not be feasible. This essay will argue that higher. Academic degree , Bachelor's degree , College 932 Words | 3 Pages. Is Pakistani media entitled to be called a free media ? Media , print or electronic, has played a very . crucial role in determining the rights of people and Method Spreadsheet Off Debts unfurling the Book Vcf And Import Into Excel issues to the common man. Freedom of Use Snowball Method Spreadsheet To Pay – Consumerist, information is of prime concern to the UN charter, for it is the only way through which the rights are ensured by not keeping the people away from their rightful information. Media in Pakistan is in a very vibrant landscape, which has a mixed history of freedom and sanctions. The roots of Pakistani. Ayub Khan , Benazir Bhutto , Freedom of speech 945 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay on Export Novell Book As A Vcf And Import 2010, Music Industry Question- How important is technological convergence for institutions and Leader Write An Essay On A Leader Skills audiences within a media area . which you have studied? Technological convergence refers to the availability of media products across a wide range of Novell Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, platforms. The iPad, smartphone, Xbox and Template | Battletemplate.com laptop are all examples of this. They bring together different technologies in one place. 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Numeracy are seen as essential, cross-curricular skills. Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into. Identify the place of literacy in Sign In Sheet Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg, the Scottish primary curriculum and then at greater length, explore how grounding in literacy skills will facilitate in other curriculum areas in delivering the Curriculum for Excellence. Word Count: 1912 The curriculum for excellence is organised into eight. Education , Knowledge , Learning 2084 Words | 5 Pages. Integrating Media Literacy Into The K 12. ?Integrating Media Literacy into the K-12 Basic Education Program Day 2 Training Module (April 23, 2015, Thursday, 2:30 – . 4:00pm) Integrating Media Concepts to 21st Century Teaching and Learning I. Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And. Review of Media Concepts What do we mean by Media ? Activity: Participants’ Media Environment The participants will work in Business Format. Business Invoice Painter, groups to Book As A Import Into Excel 2010, think of all the different kinds of media that they have used or exposed to from the moment they started teaching. They will also be asked to give a short description. 21st century , Critical thinking , Information literacy 804 Words | 4 Pages. After spending a couple of days monitoring how much I actually use media I realized how much I would go crazy if I didn’t have it in my life. I . knew before writing this essay that I was going to print out Hvs - Hotel Or Not, a few pages of the form used to track my media usage. I used media for keeping in touch with friends, listening to the radio, to do my work, download media content, and to do search my news online and do my class work. On average day, when I wake up in Address As A Vcf And Import Into, the morning, I begin by grabbing my phone. Broadcasting , Marshall McLuhan , Mass media 927 Words | 4 Pages. LOW LITERACY This essay will discuss the causes and the effects of low literacy in the societies. First, it . discusses the Diamond Color And Clarity Free Pdf Documents economical causes of low literacy which are large population, poverty rates and instable economy. Secondly, it will discuss the Export Novell Vcf And Import 2010 political causes which are misuse of funds and corruption and change policy and followed by the social causes. After, it will briefly discuss the effects of the Hvs - Or Not causes and finally it will conclude that low literacy is caused by the economy, politic. Australia , Guadalcanal , Honiara 1545 Words | 5 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010. The qualities of a hero . include selflessness, having the inspiration to Spreadsheet Off Debts, be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is easy to see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and Novell Address Book Vcf And 2010 these heroic qualities were seen in his life and work. He was born in Al Ain and had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. Sign In Sheet Template. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. 01/23/14 The importance of literacy . Literacy is known as the ability to read and write. It is the ability to communicate with . each other, and to Export Address Vcf And Into, understand the concepts of Template, everything. It does not mean that you will find literacy in Novell Address As A Vcf And Into Excel, a book because it can be found at Business Format. Painter's Business Invoice Painter, any place on a daily basis. For example , while watching television, reading a magazine, when communicating with people in social networks, and especially in school. All of that has something related to literacy because there are words and. Education , Knowledge , Learning 1325 Words | 3 Pages. and the short story by Export Novell Address Vcf And Into 2010, Toni Cade Bambara all help readers understand their definition of Hvs - To Lease, literacy . I agree with Delpit because . literacy allows individuals to Export Book As A Excel, communicate and that allow equally. To Lease Or Not. So we can speak and understand each other. If people communicate better they will read and write better, individuals will speak better which allows more opportunities in Export Address As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010, their lives. In the article “What is Literacy ” James Paul Gee advocate that young readers and writers acquire primary and Color Chart Template Free Pdf Documents secondary discourse. Discourse analysis , Education , Knowledge 1785 Words | 5 Pages. ?2. New media usher in dramatic transformations in the public sphere” Do you agree? Your answer should include reference to the articles of . Van Dyick, Howley and Scannell in the course reader. New media has transformed the way we receive and produce content. Export Import Into Excel 2010. New media such as the internet is making it easier for people to get their opinions across which creates content and allows a two-way dialogue. Color And Clarity Chart Template Pdf Documents. New media and technologies such social media networks change the way a person perceives the. Facebook , Media studies , Social media 894 Words | 3 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is our sample essay question, which is designed to be as close as possible to Export As A Into, an . essay question that might appear on In Sheet Template.jpg, the SAT. You’ll recognize that it’s based on Novell As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010, the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. 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Nathaniel Hawthorne , Novels adapted into films , The Handmaid's Tale 428 Words | 3 Pages. government does regulate some things with the media but at the same time realizes that some things fall under the 1st amendment. In this . essay I will discuss many parts of the media and some of In Sheet Template, its past. I will go into the history of the media , the role of television, political campaigns and Export Address Vcf And Into Excel the media , government and the media , regulation of the media , and bias in the media . I will also discuss why the In Sheet Templates.sign In Sheet Template.jpg media is so important to our country today. The mass media performs a number of Novell Book Vcf And 2010, different functions. Concentration of media ownership , Journalism , Mass media 2178 Words | 6 Pages. 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One contributing factor . largely remains in Write An Essay Skills, the background of this controversy and Novell As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010 relates to America’s cultural literacy . The gun has come to Contracts To Lease, symbolize nostalgia for the ideal image of frontier life in Into Excel, America. Hvs - To Lease Or Not. The history and evolvement of gun usage has altered the way Americans view society and life. Guns have tampered with American morality, justice and ethics. American Old West , Dave Rudabaugh , Firearm 1439 Words | 4 Pages. age of Export Book As A Excel 2010, expansion following on an age of Diamond Free Pdf Documents, discovery, its expansion led to Novell Book Into, still further discovery about architectural design and decoration. Sign In Sheet Template. Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is Export Novell Vcf And Into 2010 a very good example of Baroque Architecture and design. 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Addiction , Drug , Drug addiction 880 Words | 4 Pages. Current Location 1. SPR12 ENG1113 34 ENGLISH COMP I (MSVCC) 213.20123.0005434 2. Learning Units 3. WEEK 3 4. Export Novell Vcf And Into. The Writing Process and Color Pdf Documents The . Export Book As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010. Literacy Narrative Menu Management Options * * * * * Expand All * Collapse All * Course Menu: SPR12 ENG1113 34 ENGLISH COMP I (MSVCC) (213.20123.0005434) * Announcements * Course Information * Staff Information * Learning Units * Due Dates * Test Center * Discussion Board . Essay , First-person narrative , Five paragraph essay 1603 Words | 7 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . things in our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to generation. Because of this, the idea of Hvs -, sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in Export Address Book Vcf And Into Excel 2010, almost anything we do. Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. ?Rocklin Bastow English 1441.001 4 March 2015 Mass Media Influence: A Necessary Evil? Many years ago, a group of Americans came together to . write down what they hold dear in their hearts as free people, believing the document may only exist for some few years, never in their wildest of dreams would they know that for almost 250 years later, that same document, the Leader Write Skills Declaration of Independece, can be accessed and read or listened to As A Vcf And Into, from any part of the Use Snowball Spreadsheet To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist world via a single internet click. Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import. Today, one. 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Violence in the Media Essay An argument has been defined to be “a well-structured, well-reasoned and well-supported point of . view on a topic about Novell Address Book Vcf And Into which there will be good reasons for disagreement.” Since an In Sheet - Questionnaire argument is a logical presentation of a topic supported by reasons, the Address As A Vcf And 2010 argumentative essay presents one side of an issue using evidence to convince the reader to draw the Template | Battletemplate.com same conclusions as the author. Personal opinions and insight may be the foundation of argumentative essay , but reason, evidence. Argument , Critical thinking , Fallacy 1177 Words | 3 Pages. ?Generation Change: New Literacy People often blame technology for being a key player to Novell Book Vcf And Excel 2010, why kids in this generation can’t write- from smart . phones to T.V’s, they’re all considered to be the root of this problem and kids are coming to web earlier and earlier every year. Like most issues some people think otherwise, Clive Thompson a journalist and blogger once said he saw the glass half full rather than half empty in his article New Literacy . His claim is | Battletemplate.com the opposite of what most people. Thompson. Communication , Essay , Literacy 1409 Words | 6 Pages. stereotypes that the representation of women and femininity is narrow in the media . Book As A Vcf And Import Excel. Images of Leader Essay. An Essay Lofty Skills, women did not change, women are still differently . stereotyped and the different representations of the characters inside Disney leads to Address Vcf And Import Excel, the narrow representation of women in the media . From time to Hvs - To Lease To Lease, time, women are represented as a modest character. There has only been a little or even no change in Export Novell Address Vcf And Into Excel 2010, the depiction of Sign | Battletemplate.com, women in As A Vcf And Import Into Excel, the media , Disney in particular, and this leads to the representation of women becoming. Antagonist , Character , Gender 897 Words | 2 Pages. Rhetorical Analysis on Two Selected Articles: ‘’The Culture of Write Leadership Skills, Shut-Up’’ and ‘’the Struggle Over Media Literacy’’ ?Rhetorical Analysis on Two Selected Articles: ‘’The Culture of Shut-Up’’ and ‘’the Struggle Over Media Literacy ’’ 1.0 Article . Introduction 1.1 The Culture of Shut-up A recent article by Jon Lovett on The Atlantic's site, The Culture of Shut Up—contends effectively that ensuring opportunity of discourse is presently up to Address Vcf And, each of us in this Internet age. As institutional watchmen lose their energy to Sign In Sheet | Battletemplate.com, control data, which ends up less demanding toward oneself designated individual guards. Information literacy , Literacy , Mass media 2176 Words | 5 Pages. we stand around as the leader of the free world and Novell Book As A Into Excel 2010 let nothing be done? In the Business Format. Business Invoice Painter American political system, gun control has been a debate for Export Address As A Excel . many years; however, recent shootings have forced it into a large spotlight. Leader Write An Essay On A Lofty Skills. The problem that splits gun control proponents from their opposition is the language of the second amendment of the constitution. The founding fathers of this nation believed that, “A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of Novell Vcf And Import Into Excel, a free state, the right of the Business Format. Painter people to keep. Barack Obama , Democratic Party , Gun politics 1649 Words | 5 Pages. ? Media literacy Media literacy is a repertoire of Export Address Book Vcf And Import Into Excel, competencies that enable people to analyze, . evaluate, and create messages in a wide variety of media modes, genres, and forms. Education Media Education is the process of teaching and learning about media . It is about developing young people's critical and creative abilities when it comes to the media . Media education should not be confused with educational technology or with educational media . Surveys repeatedly show that, in most industrialized. Curriculum , Education , Literacy 4568 Words | 13 Pages. Example Essay “He that is Color Template - 4+ Free Pdf Documents good for Export Book As A Import Into 2010 making excuses is seldom good for anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the . founding of the United States of America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and it negative effects on Leader Write An Essay On A Leadership Skills, their lives. Today, it is Export Address Book Vcf And Import Into frequently used as an excuse to justify the Invoice Format. Business Painter lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in Novell Address Book Vcf And Into, family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and time is In Sheet available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. words in the clearest way you can. You will be graded primarily on As A Vcf And Into, the completeness and clarity of your writing. Terms: total war World War I World War . II Directions: 1. Essay. An Essay On A Leadership. First, think of a creative or descriptive name for this time period. For example , you might name the time period before the Address Book As A Vcf And Import Into Excel 2010 development of agriculture Life Before Farming or Hunting to Survive. Make this name the title of your journal entry. 2. Write a journal entry that is at least three paragraphs long. Each paragraph should. 1930s , Adolf Hitler , Great Depression 828 Words | 2 Pages. social media has become a hot topic of In Sheet Templates.sign Template.jpg, conversation, as well as debate. On one side of the fence, there are those who believe that websites . such as FaceBook and MySpace allow people to connect in a fun, free environment. Novell Address Book As A Excel 2010. Others claim that these sites are harmful to Hvs - Hotel Contracts To Lease To Lease, self-esteem and real life social skills. Numerous studies have been conducted to determine what affect social media actual has on its users, yet no conclusive results have yet been found. Whether you love it or hate it, social media is a. Dormitory , Facebook , MySpace 923 Words | 3 Pages. Literacy is the ability to read and write. The inability to do so is Novell Address Book Vcf And called illiteracy or analphabetism. Visual literacy . includes in addition the ability to understand visual forms of communication such as body language, pictures, maps, and video. Evolving definitions of literacy often include all the symbol systems relevant to a particular community. Use Snowball Method To Pay. Literacy encompasses a complex set of abilities to Novell Address As A Vcf And Import Excel, understand and use the dominant symbol systems of a culture for personal and Chart - 4+ Free Pdf Documents community development. Language , Linguistics , Literacy 1288 Words | 4 Pages. ?Trumans life is built and controlled, and revolved around media without his knowledge. Trumans “perfect world” is Novell Address Import Excel a direct metaphor for - Questionnaire our . lives. Our lives are warped by the media’s ideals similarly how the Export Novell Excel protagonist unknowingly lives in a life that is Template.jpg being controlled. In both circumstances, the Address As A Into Excel 2010 media’s main objective seems to be evident; a subtle way to Sign In Sheet | Battletemplate.com, convey a message. The media depicted in the motion picture has a significantly high influential role to our modern day society, which is Novell Address Book As A Excel unavoidable. 52nd British Academy Film Awards , Ed Harris , Noah Emmerich 971 Words | 3 Pages. Argumentative essay on social media. ?Argument essay about social media Nowadays, a lot of people are using social media such as Facebook, Twitter, . Tumbler and so on. Since the Invoice Painter's Invoice Painter Internet has propagated rapidly, social media have progressed a lot. The generalization of the internet makes us to Address Book Vcf And Import Excel 2010, live conveniently and fast. People are almost using smart phones, i-phones or comfortable devices which can access to internet. These equipments make us to In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com, do social network easily. It helps contact friends, family, and other people even though. Addiction , Drug addiction , Facebook 759 Words | 3 Pages. The Mass Media Massacre Growing up today, it would probably be difficult to imagine a culture without mass media as we know . Export Novell Address As A Vcf And 2010. it. We live with unbelievably massive interconnectivity providing more direct access to Business Format. Painter, news outlets, information resources, and popular culture. With media becoming such a part of our lives it’s easy to believe that it could have an effect on how we live. Book As A Vcf And Excel. This might raise some concerns as to whether or not media negatively affects those who are exposed to it. Despite some. Advertising , Mainstream , Marshall McLuhan 1448 Words | 4 Pages. idea of ghosts is Diamond And Clarity Template - 4+ Free Pdf Documents far too exaggerated to be real. Export As A Vcf And Into Excel 2010. According to psychologydictionary.org the Business Painter paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of years ago I was in my house alone. Address Book As A Vcf And Import Excel 2010. I was walking towards the front door and a pair of scissors fell from the countertop and on to the floor. Leader An Essay On A Leader Skills. It scared me to death and it was like the scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. ?Electronic media such as the Internet, e-books and tablet readers may be having an effect on Book Vcf And Import 2010, the print media sector. This . essay finds out if there is any validity to this argument. Digital media does seem to have had an impact on the modern world, both affecting the online world and the offline business sectors, as well as world markets. It has certainly affected the Diamond And Clarity Chart - 4+ Free communications sector and so it is plausible that it has affected print media too. (G5lo, 2013). Since the year 2003, the amount. Culture , High culture , Mainstream 1832 Words | 5 Pages. The class I will be taking for my three lessons contains 25 grade 9 students. Of these students there is 15 girls and 10 boys. Export Novell As A Import Into 2010. 12 of these students are . Templates.sign Template.jpg. currently working at the average literacy level for grade 9 students. There are 8 students working at Export Book As A Into Excel, an above average level, and 5 students at a below average level. Of these 5 students, 2 boys have behavioural issues, and struggle to Sign In Sheet Templates.sign Template.jpg - Questionnaire, stay attentive for long periods. Twice a week there is a Teacher’s Aid available to Book Vcf And Into Excel 2010, work with small groups for up. Education , John Lennon , Knowledge 1301 Words | 4 Pages. mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to In Sheet Template.jpg, teach you how to deal with the unfairness . in life. When I first started middle school I felt so out of place, I mean I had to deal some very flaky people and I was very stressed out a lot. The reason why I was so stressed out was because of the changes that I had to Address As A Excel 2010, endure around and to Leader Lofty Leadership Skills, me. For example I had to deal with the As A Vcf And Import disturbing fact that I was growing hair in various places on Sign In Sheet Template.jpg - Questionnaire, my. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. The Importance of Media Education Media education can help young people put current images and messages about Export Address Book Aboriginal . people into perspective by helping them understand how the media work, why stereotyping exists, how decisions are made and why it matters who makes it. Media education is not about learning the Use Snowball To Pay Off Debts – Consumerist right answers; it’s about consuming media images with an active, critical mind and Export Novell Into Excel 2010 asking the right questions. In order to educate the media , here are a few examples of the types of. Higher education in Invoice Format. Painter's Business, Canada , Marshall McLuhan , Mass media 8193 Words | 24 Pages. ?There is much discussion over the explosion in popularity of social media in recent years and whether or not it has positive effect on . society. So, what is social media ? According to Export Novell Address As A Vcf And Import 2010, Wikipedia it is “the social interaction among people in which they create, share or exchange information, ideas and Sign In Sheet | Battletemplate.com pictures/videos in virtual communities and networks”1 Do they have any benefits? On a personal note, I find social networking sites have huge benefits with respect to staying in touch with my friends. Facebook , MySpace , Social network aggregation 1276 Words | 3 Pages. arguments for free trade, discuss if free trade is Export Book Into fair. Prepare your academic paper that outlines the Business Invoice Format. potential costs and . benefits of adopting a free trade system in the textiles industry. Also discuss if government policies to reduce these costs are justifiable given the gains from free trade. Figure 1. Export Novell Book As A Vcf And Into. Figure 1. In this essay I shall consider the In Sheet | Battletemplate.com question if free trade is fair? I will be drawing up arguments in order to answer what the potential costs and benefits of adopting a free trade system. Export , Free trade , Government 2186 Words | 6 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in Novell Address Book As A Import 2010, professional and semi-professional musicians.” One of the most visible . Leader On A Leader Lofty. benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of memory capacity and ability. For example , the constant use of both the left and right hemispheres of the Book As A Import Into Excel brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and An Essay On A Leader Lofty Leadership Skills the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . points to make on the way the essay is structured and the way the information is Export Address As A Import Into put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the job of Business Format. Business Invoice Painter, clearly defining the Address Into 2010 topic covered in In Sheet Template | Battletemplate.com, the essay and the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in particular last sentence of introduction. Address Book As A Into Excel 2010. ( We will be looking at the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. ?THE EFFECTS OF HEALTH LITERACY Max Correa 1/4/14 English II Honors Gifted Max Correa Ms. Haselmann English II Honors . Gifted Research Essay 1/6/14 The Effects of Health Literacy Health literacy is the capacity to get, read, comprehend and use healthcare data to settle on fitting health choices and take after directions for treatment. There are different meanings of health literacy , to a limited extent, on Leader Essay. On A Leadership, the grounds that health literacy includes both the connection (or setting). Health , Health care , Health economics 1750 Words | 9 Pages. ?Did free trade help or hinder British economic growth in the period down to 1914? Despite the highly favourable views that many neo-classical . economistshold on the concept of free trade and its contribution towards economic growth, the backlash against free trade’s effect on economic growth during the British Victorian period continues unabated. The term ‘ free trade’ can be defined as “the unrestricted purchase and sale of goods and services between countries without the Export Novell Address Book Import Into 2010 imposition of constraints. 19th century , British Empire , Comparative advantage 1795 Words | 6 Pages. of the week when Pete receives big shipments of inventory for the store. When that occurs the retail part of the Garden Center can be really busy for a few . Use Snowball To Pay – Consumerist. days after stocking the new inventory. Inventory can range from Book Import Excel a variety of things, for example ; garden rocks in Sign Templates.sign - Questionnaire, assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and even bird baths. So as one of the three managers, Pete has to Export Novell Address Book As A Vcf And Excel, make sure things go well and Hvs - Hotel Contracts To Lease items are placed correctly and Vcf And Import Excel 2010 neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. Investigating Social Realism: with reference to Sweet Sixteen (2002) and This Is England (2006) Within the In Sheet | Battletemplate.com last few years British Cinema and Novell Address As A Import Into 2010 Realism have . been linked. “Realism began in And Clarity Chart Template - 4+ Free Pdf Documents, the 1930’s with documentary films, and a prime example of this is with the ‘father of Export Novell As A Vcf And Import Excel, documentary’ John Grierson, who founded the British documentary movement and created classic films such as Drifters (1929), Industrial Britain (1933), Song of Ceylon (1934) and Diamond And Clarity Chart Free Night Mail (1936).”In which British Cinema depicting. Cathy Come Home , Cinema of India , Film 2300 Words | 7 Pages.
Tales of a unidentified sea creature lurking in a North Carolina lake have been renewed following a fresh sighting of the cryptid. An anonymous witness, who reported his sighting to the website cryptozoology.com, claims to have spotted a ‘dinosaur-like creature’ causing a ruckus in North Carolina’s Lake Norman. According to the observer, the mystery beast looked to be about ten feet long and was “splashing around in the water” for around a minute before disappearing back down into the water. Unfortunately, the witness did not manage to take a photo of the creature, but his encounter is just the latest in a long line of such sightings at the man-made lake which was constructed between 1959 and 1964. Seemingly ever since it was completed, the lake has spawned stories of a mysterious monster described variously as reminiscent of a crocodile, a serpent, or a large fish. The mystery animal has become so notorious that, as often happens, it has been adopted as a quasi-mascot by residents of the area, who christened it the Lake Norman Monster or ‘Normie’ for short. While skeptics will say that it’s nearly impossible for an artificial lake to have somehow required a mysterious sea creature, especially a still-living dinosaur, witnesses say that is precisely what they saw and the experience has kept them from swimming there ever since. Source: Charlotte Observer
A real problem is that cryptozoology - is a search for conclusive evidence and - is defined by the absence of conclusive evidence. In physics, chemistry, geology, astronomy, or standard biology, the more evidence one has from observation and experiment, the better the science is. By contrast, if conclusive evidence were ever found for the existence of Bigfoot, for example, he would cease to be a cryptid and become just another primate to be studied by professional primatologists -- not by cryptozoologists. That may seem to be nit-picking, but the reality is that the "scientific method" is cyclic, which allows both theories and experimental methods to be refined. Perhaps some cryptozoological ideas may be falsified by the absence of evidence, but few could be validated. So, for example, some Bigfoot researchers believe him to be descended from Gigantopithecus, some from a common ancestor with humans not long after the divergence from chimpanzees, some that he is something else. With no unambiguous evidence that Bigfoot exists in the first place, there certainly is not enough evidence to constrain such speculation. Likewise, a wide variety of techniques, including the use of recorded sounds allegedly made by Bigfoot, wood knocking, scents and pheromones, etc., are used to try to attract Bigfoot so that photos, footprints, hair samples, etc. might be collected -- so far with (obviously) no unambiguously positive result. Is this because the methods are flawed, or because Bigfoot is rare (or does not exist)? Remember, one of the "defining characteristics" of pseudoscience is "vague mechanisms to acquire understanding." The fact that cryptozoology, so long as it remains cryptozoology, does not have enough evidence to refine its methodology means that it is always flirts with pseudoscience. This is the point at which Bigfoot believers jump up and shout, "But what about all those witnesses? What about the DNA and hair samples? What about the footprints?" Some of those are suggestive, and they are the reason I think there is a 1% chance Bigfoot is real (as opposed to the Loch Ness Monster or visiting space aliens, both of which seem much, much less likely). They constitute enough evidence to form a hypothesis, but not enough to confirm that hypothesis, at least in the opinion of the majority of biologists with some relevant expertise. Not being a biologist myself, let alone a primatologist or expert in North American ecology, I'll defer to them. At this point, another problem with cryptozoology emerges, because by saying I will defer to the consensus of professional biologists, all manner of conspiracy accusations will be brought forward. To be fair, I think it is the mostly the "armchair quarterback" cryptozoology fan who is most likely to believe that there are conspiracies to hide the existence of Bigfoot and other cryptids, followed by the untrained amateurs, but since these two groups make up the bulk of the cryptozoology universe, their schizophrenic love/hate attitude towards established science taints the community as a whole. The real problem with that kind of attitude is not that it is offensive, but rather that it gives cryptozoology a shove in the direction of pseudoscience. Again, two of the "defining characteristics" of pseudoscience are - Lack of Organized Skepticism and - Disregard for Established Results. The hyper-sensitivity of the cryptozoological community essentially eliminates the possibility of organized skepticism. Members of that community distrust the biologists who actually have a process for organized skepticism -- and they also distrust each other. That's not to say that they make no use of established biology or other cryptzoologists, only that such use shows symptoms of being heavily filtered through their ideas. Finally, let me return to the "cherry picking" of data I mentioned before. I have seen it argued that the consistency of the sightings of Bigfoot argues strongly for its existence. Well ... not so much. For one thing, the idea of something intermediate between man and the animals seems to be deeply ingrained in the human psyche. Thus we hear legends of vaguely Bigfoot-like creatures from all over the world, just as we hear legends of dwarfs and giants from all over the world. These ideas are simply too obvious for storytellers not to continually reinvent them -- and they're probably always somewhere in the deep recesses of our minds, too. Also, of the half-man, half-animal sightings reported in the US, there are very noticeable variations. There are reports of Bigfoot speaking and wearing clothes or a hat. There is the Michigan Dogman and the Skunk Ape and the Lizard Man. If, from such a range of reported sightings, you select the ones that seem most like the creature shown in the Patterson-Gimlin film, you can't use the "remarkable consistency" of those sightings to prove anything. Lastly, since the 1970's the media have been saturated with representations of Bigfoot and Bigfoot knockoffs (Chewbacca). These provide a stereotype around which to understand any unknown. Something similar seems to have happened with space aliens, which in the US are now typically small "gray" aliens -- though that was not the case 50 years ago, nor is it the case in other parts of the world. So, after all that, do I now consider cryptozoology to all be pseudoscience? No. I think that trying to construct a "field" of cryptozoology is fundamentally flawed, and there are serious problems with the cryptozoological community. There is a good deal of pseudoscience done under the name of cryptozoology. That does not mean that everything done under the name of cryptozoology, though. Probably the best of cryptozoology should be compared with good amateur astronomy -- though not, so far at least, with as much success as amateur astronomers have had.
Essay Writing Service - Igcse english coursework assignment 3 articles » Камера » |… Boys don’t cry versus the teena brandon story Essay. I have chosen to assignment 1 write about the difference between fact and fiction between a documentary and a docudrama. Between how important getting information out to the public and house on mango street essays what sells to the viewing public for english coursework 1 entertainment. I would like to state that I feel quite fortunate that I watched the documentary, “The Teena Brandon Story”, first then I watched the movie, “Boys Don’t Cry”. I had viewed the movie years ago; I had heard that this movie was a true story based on fact from the on mango street documentary. In my second viewing from an analytical standpoint, let me just say I was quite floored about how could they call, “Boys Don’t Cry” a docudrama when there were so many important facts that were excluded from coursework assignment this film. Both film and documentary did receive Academy Awards. “The Teena Brandon Story,” is a documentary about Brandon Teena (aka Teena Ray Brandon), a transgendered person, who was murdered along with Lisa Lambert and Phillip Devine in 1993 in Falls City, Nebraska. The story is told through interviews with the people who loved and hated Brandon for his difference. Recorded interrogation and trial transcripts, all of which showed that Brandon’s girlfriends thought he was a male. All talked about how he was the on william best boyfriend and so in tune with their feelings and english assignment 1 so giving. Brandon Teena’s police tape, photographs, and file film footage. “Boys Don’t Cry”, is a film based on actual events. Brandon Teena is the popular new guy in a tiny Nebraska town called Falls City. He hangs out with the essays guys, drinking, cussing, bumper surfing, and becomes quite the ladies’ man in town. He has been warned by his cousin that “they” do not play like that down there. Brandon ignores the igcse coursework warning and becomes one of the guys and dating the tuck 2011 local hometown beauty. Igcse! He has forgotten to mention that he is house, wanted in his hometown of Lincoln for forgery, grand theft auto, stealing and english coursework assignment 1 most importantly that Brandon Teena was actually a born a woman named Teena Ray Brandon. When his friends find out they feel betrayed and lash out violently with murder. Trauma is the focus of “Boys Don’t Cry” and community is the focus of “The Teena Brandon Story”. Service Trip! The differences stems from narrative and documentary. Narrative creates a story around a character while a documentary creates an argument around a historical incident. Both films use the same material and they were released a year apart, although the character portrayal is negative in both films the narrative was sued for slander. The documentary displayed Lana Tisdel as white trash and in the film she was portrayed as white trash. The family sued the filmmakers and I believe why is because the documentary showed the assignment actual Lisa Tisdel in her interviews and the filmmakers were sued because they captured her likeness maybe because it showed her as a druggie and alcoholic. “Boys Don’t Cry” and “The Teena Brandon Story” made sure to electric refer to Teena Brandon as Brandon and to call her “him” they did not follow the igcse assignment 1 wishes of on william wallace his mother and call him “she”. The suspicion that they were lesbians was not okay in the documentary and the film; it seems that they were more okay with her having a sexual identity crisis. Both pieces expose a core of homophobia among not only the igcse assignment killers but Brandon himself he insist that he is 2011 essays, not a “dyke”. English 1! There was an attitude that she is going to get a sex change operation and that was “okay,” for some reason. Electric Fan! One of english assignment “Boys Don’t Cry” biggest copycat moments of the documentary is the opening scene of the movie begins with the start of a long dark and lonesome road and flashing lights with a single line going down the pavement and “The Teena Brandon Story” begins the same way. Brandon Teena was murdered by John Lotter and Tom Nissen. Wallace! When they found out that Brandon was actually a girl passing as a boy and dating their good friend Lana Tisdel the men became and enraged and killed her. Igcse Coursework! The documentary tells the tuck essays events of Brandon Teena leaving Lincoln, Nebraska and going to Falls City, Nebraska since people did not know him there. Assignment 1! Too many people in his hometown started finding out that he was a girl and problems were arising more frequently. The documentary gave you a reason and a time frame of why and house on mango street essays when Brandon left Lincoln and went to 1 Falls City. Friend In Sanskrit! The movie did this weird transition and maybe the only reason why I noticed it was because it was all so fresh in my mind and I was looking for differences but, “Boys Don’t Cry” did the transition of when Brandon went to Humboldt by showing him, I guess in the bar where Candace, also known as Lisa Lambert worked as a bartender. Coursework 1! A barroom brawl breaks out and in to help him fight is John Lotter and that is wallace, how the friendship of him along with Tom Nissen began. They showed Brandon ending up in Falls City because John Lotter suggested they go to a party which Candace points out is english, seventy miles away. This is where he meets Lana Tisdel, the street love of his life. The movie gave you the impression that Brandon was going to return to igcse coursework assignment 1 Lincoln until everyone in Falls City, Nebraska was accepting of him and thesis fan did not know his secret. Igcse English Coursework Assignment! The movie gave off a feeling of tuck a love story in a sense with certain circumstances gone bad, kind of like a Romeo and Juliet spin off rather than about someone passing for a man and getting into trouble all the time back home for passing as a man. In “The Teena Brandon Story”, all of the real names were used in igcse english assignment the documentary and the parents gave permission and also gave testimony as well. In “Boys Don’t Cry”, the names were all used except for the female victim Lisa Lambert and her son. Their names were changed to Candace and Tanner, which poses the question of essay rights in the docudrama. This crime was actually a triple homicide not a double as they so blatantly portrayed in the movie. The people that were murdered were Brandon Teena, Lisa Lambert and Phillip Devine. Phillip Devine was a young black guy that was visiting Lisa Lambert at the time. Igcse English 1! He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. In my opinion, they did not see the relevance of mentioning the third murdered victim in community service this horrific incident. I feel that it was a cheap rip off in my eyes. University/College: University of California. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 10 May 2016. Let us write you a custom essay sample on Boys don’t cry versus the teena brandon story. for only $16.38 $13.9/page. Haven't found the english 1 Essay You Want? Get your custom essay sample. For Only $13.90/page. 3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 267, Wilminton, DE 19808, USA. Need Help Writing an Essay? - Igcse english coursework assignment 3 articles » Камера » |… How to Write a Killer Software Testing QA Resume That Will Turn Into an Interview Call. Can you write a masterpiece of a software testing resume that will turn into an interview call? If not, read on. I’m sure after reading this article you will be able to write a killer flawless software testing and igcse english quality assurance resume that will definitely turn into an interview call. Your resume is the very first step in any job application process. Tuck. It’s an opportunity to advertise yourself and demonstrate that you are the best person for the available position. Getting an interview call depends on igcse english coursework assignment 1 how you present your skills in resume or CV. What You Will Learn: How Much Time Do You Get to Impress Employer? Software testing market is becoming very competitive and getting the job is essay even more difficult. For a single QA job positions recruiters are getting hundreds of quality assurance tester resumes. You must stand out from the crowd and english writing a good resume is the very first opportunity to do so. Recruiters don’t have time to read all the resumes througly. Community Service. Your resume will be quickly scanned within 20 to 30 seconds. Igcse English Coursework Assignment 1. Yes, you get hardly 20 to sloan essay questions 30 seconds to persuade your employer to take the igcse assignment, decision if to call you for an interview. Does that make sense? To make a first good impression on house on mango essays prospective employer you must represent yourself effectively on first page of your resume, rather the first half page of your resume is very important to make or break it. I see so many candidates pay very little or no attention to write a good resume. They just copy and paste others resume without even bothering to change the english 1, interests and hobbies. Remember, no matter how talented you are, if you don’t present your skills properly in resume, no one is going to see your talent. How to Make a Great First Impression From Your Resume or CV? Many candidates write whole story about themselves without thinking what employer’s want. First focus on employer’s need. Read the job openings carefully. Note down all the essay on best, job requirements. English Coursework Assignment 1. Judge yourself based on these requirements. Prepare list of your skills matching with job requirement and community service essay highlight these skill on coursework assignment first page of your resume. How to Maximize Your Chances of Getting an service trip, Interview Call? Make sure you have a clearly stated job objective mentioned on top of your resume. Keep it short one or two lines and avoid writing irrelevant cliches. Freshers always needs to keep different versions for different jobs. E.g.: If you are applying for software testing position highlight software testing skills at prominent place in igcse english coursework 1 your CV. Writing a Killer Software Testing Resume or CV: Here I’ll answer most commonly asked questions while preparing software testing fresher resume/experienced testing resume. What if you don’t have software testing experience? If you are a experienced software tester then you shouldn’t have any problem writing your project details. How freshers looking for software testing job can get relevant experience? 1) The answer is simple. Community Service Trip. Get some experience by working on dummy projects available on internet. English Assignment 1. Search for online dummy projects (e.g. Friend In Sanskrit. Inventory management software) and english coursework 1 download test software and community essay all available documents. Follow complete testing process like: requirement analysis, writing test cases, executing test cases, logging defects and, preparing test reports. If possible get your work evaluated from experienced software testing professionals. If you have joined any software testing course to learn manual testing and automation tools then you can put this dummy project experience in igcse english coursework your resume, which may range from 1 to house on mango 6 months. This way you will have at english 1 least some experience to essay on best friend in sanskrit put in your resume rather than keeping the experience section entirely blank. This will be an added advantage from other freshers resumes. How to write project details in tester/QA resume? In job experience section write details of english coursework assignment 1 projects you worked on. Write project details with following headings: Project name: (Optional) Client name: Project description: (Brief project overview in 2-3 sentences) Environment: (mention software coding language, testing tools etc.) Team size: On job accomplishments: (mention all key responsibilities) Many candidates ask “What should I put in essay resumes if I’ve gap in my career?” Don’t hesitate to put the igcse coursework, valid reason for any gap in your career. Also you shouldn’t have any problem getting job after gap in your career. There could be thousands of reasons for essay friend in sanskrit, career gap like – enjoying holiday, relocation, handling family business, skill upgrade, maternity etc. Be honest and I’m sure you will easily convince interviewer about your career gap. On-the-job-accomplishments on coursework 1 first page of your resume: Convince employer that you have problem solving skill by giving some real time examples from fan, your work experience. Clearly state what was the english, problem and how you solved that problem at workplace. Prepare some solid examples to support your claims. You can put these examples in your resume also. Also be ready to answer all relevant questions asked by interviewer for your accomplishments. E.g: “When I joined so and so project in my company I saw the essay, work was ad-hock and there wasn’t any standard software testing process. I took initiative building a standard software testing process that fits our project needs. By this streamlined process we managed our time effectively and started concentrating more on main software testing tasks”. Mention relevant modules/subjects you studied. This will matter most for english coursework assignment 1, freshers. For software testing positions candidates having computer networking and system administration skills are preferred. If you studied any subject or completed any course related to computer networking and sloan questions system administration then add it in you resume. Igcse English Coursework Assignment. If you have Linux/Unix operating system knowledge then put it in relevant-skills section of community trip essay your resume. Software testing certifications and training: Software testing certification is an added advantage for all testing and igcse coursework assignment QA positions. Rather, testing certifications like ISTQB, CSTE etc. are mandatory criteria for most of the companies. Always keep learning and community trip essay equip yourself with necessary tools and skills so that you will never face any job problem in future. Igcse Coursework Assignment 1. If you have completed any software testing course or diploma after your graduation or post graduation then put it under “skill upgradation” section of your resume. How to learn software testing skills to thesis electric fan put in resume? IF you don’t have necessary relevant skills to igcse coursework assignment 1 add in tuck 2011 essays your resume then learn those skills online. Like for software testing jobs learn defect tracking and test management tools. You can get all open source software testing tools online. Download widely used open source tools and start practicing at assignment home. 1) Learn TestLink test management tool online: TestLink online. You can practice everything on above demo TestLink page. Once you get good hands on experience on TestLink tool you can put this skill in your resume. 2) Search for community service trip essay, online version of english coursework Bugzilla defect management tool or download and install Bugzilla defect management tool on your home PC. Learn how to add and manage defects in essay Bugzilla. Once you get basic knowledge of 1 this tool you can add this tool under “Defect management tools” skill section. This way you can learn many automation tools online. Sample Software Testing Resume Essential Parts: – Personal details (Name, email and contact) at the top. – Career objective – not more than two lines. – Educational qualification – in reverse chronological order (Latest education first) – Skill upgrade details – like testing certifications, training, computer networking and essay friend in sanskrit System administration skills. – Work experience – in detail for each employer and project. – Interests and significant achievements. – Additional personal information like marital status, Passport details etc not more than 3 details. Tips for Writing Effective Software Testing Resume: Software testing resume format tips. 1) Keep CV brief but comprehensive in expression. 2) Keep in mind – Single spelling error is coursework 1 sufficient to thesis reject your resume. Spell check for twice. 3) CV should be easily readable. 4) Make a clear job objective. 5) Highlight relevant skills. 6) Do not put fake experience or skills. 7) Focus on what employer’s need and prepare your resume with relevant skills you posses. 8 ) Always think from employer’s perspective. Think what recruiter will expect from the job position. 9) Avoid table structure. Use tables to mention your qualification and english coursework 1 skills only. 10) Do not write resume more than 3 pages unless you are applying for team lead or managerial positions. 11) Do not add irrelevant personal details like age, height, weight, father’s details etc. 12) No need to write ‘Curriculum Vitae’ or ‘Resume’ word at the top of your resume. 13) Do not use word “I” while describing project responsibilities. E.g: Instead of “I wrote test cases..” use “Wrote test cases…) 14) Make sure you write your name, email address and phone number on on william top of the english, resume. 15) While writing education always start with recent education first. 16) Write qualification details with columns – Education/Qualification, School/College, Year, Percentage/Grade, Class. 17) Write relevant skills and on-job-accomplishments on essays on william wallace first page of your resume and work experience, educational details on second page. Most important – Be ready to explain everything you put in your resume. Coursework Assignment. On request you must present necessary examples to interviewer. Only writing a good resume is not sufficient. Before applying for house on mango essays, software testing jobs you need to write an effective software testing job cover letter as well. The topic “how to igcse assignment 1 write a good cover letter before applying for thesis, software testing jobs” will be covered in coming articles. Hope I’ve detailed each and every aspect to write a killer software testing resume. Now you should not face any difficulties writing a effective software testing CV. If you need help, please put your queries in comments. If you like this article please share with friends. Subscribe to email newsletter to get Software Testing Tips. really killer article :) got everything I need to english coursework assignment update in my QA cv. Really fantastic article… Hi… Really great article.. which helps a lot to essays on william wallace create and update the resume.. I have a doubt can you clear it up, if a person discontinued his studies in +2, for some personal reasons and continued completed graduation in open University, but now expert in igcse coursework Manual testing working in in sanskrit a software concern have 7 years of experience could he be able to look for a change in another company how could this be handled in the resume. (Educational Qualification). Please clarify. This is the Really great information for everybody. Thanks. Awesome explanation…thanks lot. Thank you boss for all of your advice. If you attach a sample CV with cover letter (according to your direction) ,it will be helpful for many of igcse assignment 1 us. Hi….thanks a lot for giving such an awesome way to fan make a resume killer. I hope it will help me. Beautiful, precisely written article. Igcse Coursework Assignment. :) good article, i get all information which i want to prepare my testing CV. thanks a lot……… Its really a very helpful article. i want to ask one more question : how the fresher can write there dummy software testing experience briefly in the resume . Sloan Essay Questions. pl expidit……… hi ,its really nice information regarding CV.i hav completed my BE computer in english coursework assignment 2008 n working as a lecturer in street college .i taught software testing 2 times.i have theoretical knowledge .but dont hav practical knowledge.how can i improve it.can i get job in igcse english assignment testing?i need ur help. for job seekers. the important point is to avoid putting fake experience in resume. Community Service Trip Essay. Really some candidates are spoiling this testing industry with fake resumes. Remember you will never be satisfied in assignment 1 your job if u get job with fake experience. Now companies are hiring third party agencies for house street essays, background check. Good to see initiative by Vijay to educate candidates for NOT putting fake experirnce. Keep it up. Good luck! very very useful and concise. Thanks! attractive article and realy helpful. It is nice for jobseekers for get good opprunities .but attach a sample resume is very helpful for us. I have one doubt our eductional qualification need to write in igcse coursework assignment table or not… i also expect your help for future. Remember even the interviewers read through such websites, to know tricks used by candidates to update resumes. Be Careful and community trip All the Best. yes, this is good one. but i confuse about english coursework what will i write in 2011 acadmic project details, please help me. Am a commerce graduate,passed in igcse english 1997. Worked for finiancial and on best insurance companies. Now presently working for a software comapny as quality analyst for the last two years. want to change company. Can anybody suggest me,how to do this. Its good .I hope future help also. Man, I hate to burst your bubble but you don’t have the foggyiest notion of how to igcse english coursework write a resume or how brutal the current job market is. My employer moved all our jobs to Shanghai leaving 78 of us without income. Forced to enter the market, I found that employers are increasing skills experience every year and will not talk to sloan questions anyone without it. English Coursework. Employers are very specific in sloan essay questions their needs (eTrade, eCommerce, Mutual Fund / Stock trading, Mortgage Banking, just to igcse coursework assignment 1 name a few) and wallace if you don’t have it, they won’t talk with you. Since mid-2008, employers have been asking for multiskilled persons (BA, Software development, Software Test, cross-site developmentskills Management) and pass you over if you don’t have all they want. Igcse. I seen employers take 8 months to fill a position. 9 of 10 employers don’t even acknowledge that you applied to the position, don’t provide contact information and if you do manage to fan track them down and coursework assignment 1 get past HR, they are openly hostile at the intrusion on their privacy. Simply going out and getting experience on dummy projects is lame. Community Trip. And putting your interests and objective on the resume is a turn off to HR and managers; they don’t give a damn what you want. And if the experts are correct that you have 20 seconds to impress the reader, what good is project details? You put in coursework 1 enough information to interest them in calling you. Employers want you productive as soon as your butt hits the tuck, chair and you had better have all the requirements they demand because there is igcse english 1 no learning anything on thesis the job today. Haven’t you noticed that most employers are only igcse english coursework assignment, doing contract? I don’t mean to sound harsh, but this is the reality of the electric, market today. English Assignment. And even temp agencies don’t really care how good you are if you don’t exactly match the job requirements. And have you noticed that recruiters don’t rewrite resumes before they are submitted? One told me that it’s a waste of time because of the candidate screening software used by HR. You are cruel to mislead these poor souls into essay on best friend in sanskrit thinking that your prescription for a resume will get them ahead in english the world. Sloan. Look, A large number of them want you to write the resume and cover for english coursework assignment 1, them because they haven’t a clue of how to do it. The “Take Away” from this is, “If you don’t have the experience, you can’t get the service trip, experience !” Best of fortune. very helpful tips. At least these are very applicable in Indian job market. Many Indian recruiters don’t consider candidates having 0 experience. So putting at coursework assignment 1 least something you learned can be a good idea and I observed, it works!! it is 2011 helpful to update my resume. Just wat I looking for.. Great article. 11. Really helpful article. Looking this type of articles in future also. Thanks a lot its really nice. I have upgraded my resume according to it and it really working 4 me., Very helpful to igcse assignment 1 us.Thanks a lot. Fantastic article. Really good tips for freshers as well as experienced professional. Its very good article.It would be better to 2011 essays put sample cv template/format. Well, I really appreciate for english coursework 1, this informative article. ya nice artical sure it must be use all freshers. i completed software testing upgrated qtp tool, i can do well both automation manual testing. LoadRunner, am fresher so i can get opening for companies. plz kindly help me, i need cmm3 r 2 level company salary is thesis nothing matter, i wan get experience to testing field. i would like to became a good tester. im 2010 passed out B.E(ECE) 65.6% thiruvalluvar college of engg tech,anna university. That was seriously helpfull to me who always need a kickstart…believe me this is wonderfull,THANK YOU. Really nice article! I have done msc(it) in sep 2006. now i m searching job in software testing.plz help me . how can get job in testing? i was wondering how to make a impressive cv. it was really very much helpful for igcse english coursework, us..keep adding some sample resumes and cover letter as wall.. Thanks for the Killer Article. Hi Boss really use full information to writing cv and also to lead how to prepare for interview. Essay. This article just give a parameters to complete for english 1, getting job. Thanks a lot. i am working in technical support in a good MNC company i comleted 12 months and i am 2009 passed out BE(comp sci) i got and my agg is 55% and my intrest is in s/w testing so i am joining atesting institue to learn software testing and also with placement will you help me so that i want to cover my 12 months of community work experiance please help me in igcse english coursework 1 this regard. Hi, this is nice article. Can u send me a saple resume with the covering letter. It will be relly helpful for trip essay, me. Igcse Coursework. Also i’m fresher to software testing. pls also mail me the sample resumes… covering letter realy needed while applying for testing job ? please explain. am post graduate in trip essay computer science and igcse assignment i know testing also how can i get job by altering my resume. i like this article very much its working very well. thank you very much. I worked as software tester for 1.6 years after that i joined as lecturer from last 3 years, can i revert back to 2011 essays testing job? if yes how? if not why? Excellent article…good to keep all these while preparing for igcse coursework 1, job inteveiw…thanks for posting this article. Clear explination to build a good s/w testing resume. To talk in a testing passion, A resume which satisfies all the requirments of the employer’s and with no bugs can be built using this info . :) hi i completed msc(che). Sloan Questions. I am a housewife. But I know a little comp kndge, now am intrested to igcse coursework assignment learn testing course. I am 38. Tuck 2011 Essays. I dt hve any previous experience. Am from Hyd.Am thinking it is difficult. plz giv advice 4 me. Am not too gud in eng also . You can test a S/W on ground of performance. you can check bugs ,stoppers,error,functionality in igcse assignment s/w testing. ( Software Testing Engineer ) teamWork Info Solution Pvt. Community Service Trip. Ltd. 3/7 Drummond Road, Allahabad, India. HP :+91 78 00 707 708. Nice article..it,s very usefull. it was good sir..very useful information to english assignment us. It is really helpful article for what to show and not to wallace show in resume. Give some hints about igcse english assignment how to house street essays get maximum calls for manual testing. Lets see how much it can help me. I am sure it will help me in making my resume eye-catching…..thanks….. If you attach a sample CV with cover letter (according to your direction) ,it will be helpful for many of us. Please send Sample CV with 3+exp to my Mail. I am waiting for topic “how to write a good cover letter before applying for software testing jobs”…. really very useful article. really very nice article. your article is igcse coursework assignment very nice and essay definitely its a very helpful. plz send a cover letter in my id as a fresher. hi,am frm ernakulam.i have completed B-tech(computer science)in 2010.and also i have completed a certification course in testing(CPST).i have attended 4 interviews.but i didnt get.i have more expectation about english coursework 1 my last 2 intervw but i didnt get dat toooo..i dont knw wat was d reason.i think i performed well.i answered al questons dey were asked.dey asked test case about wallace pen,i wrote dat.and in another company they asked testing theory only.i answered all question… nw i neeed a job very soonly..pls help me 2 get a job in testing field.plsss……..pls tell me hw can i perform in intervw. plsss….am looking only english assignment 1, cochin as my working location..so pls inform me if der is any vacancy in cochin…[email protected]. hi,am frm ernakulam.i have completed B-tech(computer science)in 2010.and also i have completed a certification course in house on mango street essays testing(CPST).i have attended 4 interviews.but i didnt get.i have more expectation about my last 2 intervw but i didnt get dat toooo..i dont knw wat was d reason.i think i performed well.i answered al questons dey were asked.dey asked test case about pen,i wrote dat.and in another company they asked testing theory only.i answered all question… nw i neeed a job very soonly..pls help me 2 get a job in testing field.plsss……..pls tell me hw can i perform in intervw. plsss….am looking only coursework 1, cochin as my working location..so pls inform me if der is any vacancy in cochin it company…. hi,am frm ernakulam.i have completed B-tech(computer science)in 2010.and also i have completed a certification course in testing(CPST).i have attended 4 interviews.but i didnt get.i have more expectation about my last 2 intervw but i didnt get dat toooo..i dont knw wat was d reason.i think i performed well.i answered al questons dey were asked.dey asked test case about essay questions pen,i wrote dat.and in another company they asked testing theory only.i answered all question… nw i neeed a job very soonly..pls help me 2 get a job in testing field.plsss……..pls tell me hw can i perform in intervw. plsss….am looking only cochin as my working location..so pls inform me if der is igcse english assignment 1 any vacancy in cochin it company…. hi,am frm ernakulam.i have completed B-tech(computer science)in 2010.and also i have completed a certification course in testing(CPST).i have attended 4 interviews.but i didnt get.i have more expectation about my last 2 intervw but i didnt get dat toooo..i dont knw wat was d reason.i think i performed well.i answered al questons dey were asked.dey asked test case about pen,i wrote dat.and in another company they asked testing theory only.i answered all question… nw i neeed a job very soonly..pls help me 2 get a job in testing field.plsss……..pls tell me hw can i perform in fan intervw. plsss….am looking only coursework assignment, cochin as my working location..so pls inform me if der is any vacancy in cochin…. A really helpful article….thnx for the efforts!! Also provide some common responsibilities. send me some of u,ur resume to my mail id…plz. your article is very nice and definitely its a very helpful. plz send a sample of resume cover letter in my id as a fresher At “[email protected]” hi too good article got grt info abt the freshers resume thx……. i have B.A WITH M.B.A(SYSTEM) and i have 9 years in essay marketing exprience. will i get testing job. i have B.A WITH M.B.A(SYSTEM) and i have 9 years in marketing exprience. 4 years gap in coursework between. will i get testing job. i am looking for testing projects to on best friend add in my reseume can u help me out . i am also searching for a job in 1 software testing pls do suggest. Hi! Its’ very effective article for those who suffers from ineffective CV. Its extremely worthwhile especially for on mango, the experience as well as non-experience guy. Tons of Thank. Thanks for the resume tips, very important and valuable info. English Coursework Assignment 1. your’re the best in the west :-) Hi ,i m working as a software trainee,please suggest me how to move in testing and if possible please send me one copy of cv which one is perfect for testing so i can also change my cv according to that plz reply as soon as possible . thanks and Regards. Hi friendz i have completed my BE in 2010 having aggregate of 68% and i underwent a software testing training in QSPIDERS Bangalore and i am looking for house essays, job in b’lore in testing profession.If any requirement is english coursework there pls mail me my mail id [email protected]. its really a killer article. I had learned a lot………… Highly Useful for house essays, all professionals, i really appreciate ur ideas. “Law of coursework assignment 1 win says, Lets not do it in my way or your way, But lets do it in the best way”. i m from mumbai and thesis fan want to start my career in igcse english the field of essays on william software testing. my scores are not good and also i have not done any course fir this. i have completed my BE (EXTC) in 2010. how can i make my resume attractive. Hii..really gr8 article..but i have a problem..actually i m 2009 passout and still job seeker..my career gap was due to my family business..but now i m n bangalore..can i get the job easily as a fresher by forwarding my cv based on ur tips?? Awesome article. Very helpful for english coursework assignment 1, me…. please just add sample resume with cover letter. do send me a sample of the sloan essay questions, best resume. Hi friends, i completed my BE in english assignment 1 the year 2009 with an aggregate of 56% and i completed testing course iam good in community service software testing i want job plz help me if any vacancies are der then plz plz send to this mail id :[email protected]. thanks for providing the useful tips to attract recruiters. Im a fresher B.E(IT) 2010 passed out joined as trainee test engineer in a small scale firm. All the assignment 1, articles are very nice and informative. Actually i came to know about testlink online to learn testing through this article, but i don’t know to use with it. Can anyone clarify how to use it?? I really liked this explanation…. and hope it will take me to right direction….. I am completed MCM in 2009. and I join Software Testing Cource. Can i get job in sloan any software industry. Excellent article.Useful to a great extent.All the tips mentioned are actually very important. got the information what I want… This is one of the greatest software testing tools website I have come across in the web. I understood how to write resume and important tips. I am Rajkumar,I have completed software testing course in stc tech…I need help for how to write my resume then how to english coursework assignment get a job in Testing….so please help me…[email protected]. grt article …. thanks alot. I think your people smell. I am confused about experience, in 2011 essays experience section, if having other field experience also with project experience in testing then how can write the english coursework assignment, experience section in resume. Essays On William Wallace. first is igcse coursework assignment 1 what to write- other field exp. or testing project exp. in training institute? i am frm pune,B.E etc 2009 passout. i have worked in other field. Electric Fan. after that i have done software testing(manual+automation tools) from igcse english, matrix technology. but i didnt get one of placement call from them. i am looking for service trip, job in testing. English Coursework 1. if any requirements in pune, mumbai even in small scale or middle scale plz inform me. Essay On Best. i egarly looking for job as earlier as possible. also plz send me effective resume of software testing. my email id is igcse assignment 1 [email protected]. It’s really great article for me because it’s help me to improving my confidence and 2011 prepare to enter in this industry….Thank you so much….. ANY ONE PLEASE SEND CV FORMAT ON MY MAIL ID–[email protected]. i am pursuing BCA 2nd yera from Jamia hamdard university new delhi ,after pursuing BCA i want to also pursuing software testing diploma . can this diploma is igcse english coursework assignment helpful for finding job plese tell me detail.in this situation my thinking is on best friend right or wrong to igcse english assignment point view of essay job. Very nive article. Thank you very much BOSS. Very nice article. Thank you veey much BOSS. Nice article,very helpful in coursework assignment learning how to update the CV. its so nice to read and understand your instructions and electric fan suggestions in resume preparation….. Igcse Coursework 1. thankful to you. I want to learch QTP. Can somebody help me from where i should start.and pls provide me the software. Thanks In Advance. I want to learch QTP. Can somebody help me from where i should start.and pls provide me the electric, software. Thanks In Advance. Please send the software manual testing interview. questions and igcse english coursework 1 answers. send web based testing. Please send the software manual testing interview. questions and answers. send web based testing. Hi… Really great article.. Hi… Really great article.. Hi… Really bad article. plz give me some ideas about automation testing… Realy nice artical. this article is Realy very nice and definitely its will be very helpful for me plz send a sample of resume cover letter in essays my id as a fresher At “[email protected]” pls send me some 3+ exp sample resumes to my mail id: I have a 2 year computer teaching experience.I have done MCA,I want to get QA job but I do not have more knowledge of testing so I need any other degree for this or I can prepare myself by help of Internet or books ,is it possible and pls send me 2 years sample resume to my mail id… Really Good Article…..Thank’s for sharing.. Really Good one.. It is great every time i stumble on igcse assignment 1 a really good publish like this. Getting a bit drained with the fan, bad high quality posts a few bloggers create on their blogs. Hold it up. You now have a normal visitor now! Thanks for appraising me renu.Love u alot. I will teach you QTP good. excellent and all things are understandable ….. please send resumes for igcse coursework assignment, one year experience. please send 1+ sample resumes. Its really help full article. i got everything which i want for essay on best friend, writting a best resume. Nice points to prepare for a good resume. Igcse Coursework Assignment 1. now i got an idea about how to prepare a good cv also plz send me 1+ manual tester experienced resumes. Very Useful Article, Actually, I’ve searched more and more to find CV contents match my expected criterias and Finally, I have found it. Great Thanks for on best friend in sanskrit, the author. I like this webpage and coursework assignment it’s very successfully for my life and i really attends in my resume also.Thank you. Please send me also 1 sample resume for thesis electric fan, the software testing job.i am fresher. My Id Is :- [email protected]. pls send me some 3+ exp sample resumes to my mail id: i have just completed my BE in english coursework assignment Electronics and telecommunication … with less than 50% … i recently doin software testing course …. can i get software testin job… plz suggest actually i suffered from a lot tension…. I really like this article. Thanks to share. its very helpful for creating effective resume. Great Article, Can you provide Information on service trip finding dummy projects and testing tool? good article.. English Assignment. it’ll help a lot of people. frnd plz send me latest updatde resume for wallace, QA s/w tester… am looking for change… need 2 update my RESUME. It helps lot for freshers……..goood article. i am looking for software testing job in assignment 1 chicago , let me know if anyone can help . i have 2+ years of sloan essay experiance in manual testing . please help. thanks. Hi..am a bit experienced in testing a stand alone application.Now i want to igcse english coursework assignment 1 try my hand at tuck testing a web application. I request you guys to kindly suggest me where i could test some web applications.It may be open source or .. Igcse Assignment. whatever domain..pls suggest me a web app .. Questions. which could be tested by a person whose a beginner in web app testing ….pls sss help…. Really useful article for english coursework assignment, freshers and also for exp persons looking for sloan, job change. Really useful article for freshers. plss guide me with a web app i can write test cases for.. Am working as a QA in an elearning company. Can i shift to igcse coursework assignment 1 IT company with tis experience. Please guide me! scope chennai has opening for manual testing. kindly check…. I am mca 2006 passout, working in on mango street essays a BPO from last 5 years now want switch over to software testing. So can any one of igcse coursework 1 you can send me a resume for fresher (manual tester) having 5 year experience in BPO. Please send resume on my mail id: [email protected]. thanks in advance… how i get job in tuck essays testing.. Awsuum man….Really killing one;) I have observed that there are too many fake responses just to praise the english coursework assignment 1, author. On Best. The author himself post responses with different names. I have read all his articles and it sucks. There is 1 no information just a peace of shit all the essays on william wallace, time. Only bed time stories. Thanks for My Response… QA Team Lead Microsoft. Hi… Really great article.. which helps a lot to create and update the resume.. Really fantastic article… Its really a very helpful article. This is the english coursework assignment 1, Really great information for everybody.This is fan one of the greatest software testing tools website I have come across in the web. can you send some dummy resume for software testing fresher and some materials of software manual testing.. Please send resume on assignment 1 my mail id:[email protected]. I am looking to community essay do testing on some sample project. Could you refer me some sites, where I could find some Projects for testing. It covers everything. Igcse Coursework. Nice one. Please any tell me dummy project for questions, testing,i want dummy project.. After reading this article i came to know why i have missed many job oppurtunities. This is very very helping and assignment it gives me a confidence of appearing for an interview. Thank you very much. Keep doing this. Need dummy projects for freshers. Plz help… Well guiding tips. Expect more articles. Please can you send me fresher software testing sample resume, i have completed B.sc com.sc, also completed diploma in software testing from NIIT pune, there i learnt principles of wallace testing, manual testing, IBM rational functional testing , atomation testing, java scripting, .net scripting using IBM rational tools. English Assignment. pls send me resume to 2011 my mail ID, that ll help me . i am a mca 2010 passout.due to some family issues i can,t start my career after doing mca and now i want to start my career in igcse english software testing. please tell me the format of my c.v or some guidlines since there is a huge gap in my career.i have not done any certification course.please help me ASAP.Please email me some formats of cv and link of websites for demo resting projects ASAP. nice explanation. i need dummy projects for tuck, freshers. plzzzz. Good one!Can you send me a resume for 4 years exp. Igcse English 1. software tester sample resume.My email id is [email protected]. Currently i m working in tuck essays a product base software company as a programmer for last one year. But i want to go in testing as i am having interest in testing. Please suggest me how can i make my career in testing and assignment 1 also provide some suggestion for creating CV for electric fan, testing please… iam from andhra.learned software testing course(manual,qc,sap-tao) searched job for almost 1 year and now working as manual tester in small company.how to english assignment 1 update my resume. hi my name is anusha im looking out for tuck 2011 essays, software testing job plz help me out let me knw if there are any openings for freshers im btech2010 passed out working for google offrole job n im looking for igcse coursework assignment, onroll nw, i even want fresher resume plz send it to mi mail [email protected] plz help me out guys. Hi i am shveta in need of a projects to put in my resume looking for a manual tester job. Thesis Electric. can u help me out. Hi please send experience resume pattern to my email [email protected]. this is very good useful to igcse english coursework assignment sw testing engg….. I really liked this article.Thanks. really..this article is real blast for freshers professionals as well.. currently am wrking @ chandigarh as QA having 2.8 yrs exp. for same. now looking for change if you any opening for same plz let me knw @ [email protected]. Wonderful Article..Thanks for your valuable time. I would wish to find a better word rather saying thank you. Great work… Thank you very much Sir….really good. Hi.. Sloan. i have 10 months of experience in testing field. now working as manual tester in small company.how to english update my resume. Please can any one send me some sample resumes to my mail id: can u suggest me some sites for doing online dummy projects for wallace, free. Nice …..I would wish to igcse find a better word rather saying thank you .. I am having one question. Currently i am working as a Software Test Engineer in on best in sanskrit a Product Development Company. So how i will describe my projects as we are working on igcse coursework 1 a product. Essay On Best Friend In Sanskrit. Please give your suggetions. Thanks in advance. i have finished my testing course in stc both manual and. automation, im in igcse english assignment need of sample resume..please send me the essays, sample resume to [email protected]. I am little confuse about team size, it means include developer or only tester in any team please clear this Confusion. please also send the igcse coursework, sample of on mango essays cv . Please send me sample of igcse english coursework 1 resume. I am little confuse about team size, it means include developer or only tester in any team please clear this Confusion. please also send the sample of cv . hi i am vinod i have completed mca 2009 i am looking software testing jobs. also send a good software tester resume my [email protected]. I have an experience of 2.5 years in Manual Testing and gap of 2 years after that, I would like to join again this year. Essay. Could you please tell me, what are the skills I need to coursework sharpen before I could attend an interview? This one is really helpful plzz send me a good software testing resume([email protected]). This one is fan really helpful plzz send me a good software testing resume to igcse english [email protected]. Am working as a trainee manager in MC Donald’s . Essay Friend. Can i shift to IT company with tis experience. Igcse English Coursework Assignment 1. Please guide me! presently i am learning testing tools ,many of my friends who ar from non it back ground went to it back ground by keeping fake experience,so please guide me sir/madam. it gives a lot of informaion. Really good. Please send me the sample resume for exp. candidate. hi sir…i’ve finished my testing course recently and i’m in need of job now, please send me some effective career objectives for resume. hi sir ..i have finished my testing course.I just want to tuck add shadow resources project in igcse english 1 my resume i dont know how to start .so please send me some sample resume .It vl be very helpful for me. i am ismail farook k .i have completed my BE and Testing course .from 6 months am looking for thesis electric, job but no use. will any one help to get job in testing domain…pls.also send me sample resumes or openings pls …[[email protected]]….. This is a very excellent article and igcse english coursework assignment 1 very very useful.. On Best Friend In Sanskrit. :-) good article but can u send me some sample resumes please…thank you…[email protected]. Superb article yaar.Really Helpful for Freshers like me. it’s very helpful for me thanks a lot. Very good article. Please send me some testing resumes to [email protected]. superb article.Please send some example resumes to [email protected]. Good article. Its very help for me . Pls send some testing experience sample resumes to [email protected]. very good article. please send me some QA experience sample resumes . English Coursework. mail id [email protected]. Immpresive article. Its really gud for me . Pls send some testing experience sample resumes to essays [email protected]. please upload resume sample according to above guidance as soon as possible. I passed mca in 2009 then got marreied now i have a 3 years old daughter.i want to start my career in testing so sir can u pls guide me from where to start as i forget everything.pls sir help me to get the job ,how i will prepare for job. It is so good to coursework assignment make high level resume. I need your email id.Please provide asap. IT WAS SUPPER HELPFUL THANKS FOR SHARING THE INFO :) its good to learn for service, freshers. and plzz.. anyone forward me any testing related dummy resume how to prepare resume. its great article ,answers all our un asked questions. thank you please keep writing more its really wonderful. Hi i am hari ,i’m looking for tecnical job in MNC or other company i have 5 month experience in PMO project HCL TECH so please kindly inform me any opening is coursework there This mail ID [email protected]. Really nice article it help me lot, for prepare my CV. hi friends can u please send 2 years experience in on mango street software testing resumes. Hi guys, can someone send me a sample cv for igcse coursework assignment, a tester with 6 years experience? [email protected]. Thesis. I have been out of igcse english coursework work for house essays, nearly five months now and I am looking at contracting. Cheers. Hi guys, I am a having 2 yrs. of experience in igcse english assignment 1 software development field. Now I want to switch from development to software testing.Currently I am doing Diploma in Software Testing. How do I write my resume for getting job as a tester. Hi guys, I am having 2 yrs. of sloan essay experience in software development field. Now I want to english coursework switch from development to software testing.Currently I am doing Diploma in Software Testing. Street. How do I write my resume for getting a job in software testing domain. Hello, I have done BCA in the year of 2011. And also I’ve done the software testing professional course from mumbai institute. Now I’m searching the job as a designation of igcse coursework assignment 1 software testing. Service Trip. My programming skills are weak. So, please suggest, what I have to do ? it’s a very helpful artical for igcse assignment, all of us.and thanks a lot for essay, your efforts,i want 1 year experienced testing resume can you please forward it to my mail it’s [email protected]., It’s a very helpful information for all of us.Thanks a lot for your efforts,I want 2 year experienced testing resume can you please forward it to igcse english my mail it’s [email protected]., Very very useful article,thank a lots. I am working in essay on best IT in mechanical domain(aerospace and english coursework assignment 1 oil and gas) from past 4 years. Tuck 2011. I want to move to software testing as there is better growth. Is it safe if I join some course and igcse 1 change my 4 years of mechanical experience to software testing and attend the interview with some knowledge related to testing. I had lose to 2years of experience in house on mango street developing and a 3years break in my career and now I have done a Manual and automation testing certification course. Help me how to do changes in igcse coursework my resume that i want to essay on best be a tester. Hi…Nice Article, Try to make a list of all skills, education, work experience, platforms, technologies, projects, etc. Good article. I am a fresher with sound knowledge on manual testing. How to igcse assignment write that i have worked on online dummy projects in my resume. Waiting for ur reply. plz send me a resume template for thesis electric fan, 2.7 yrs of igcse 1 exp. Hi guys, I am having more then 2 yrs. of experience in house on mango essays System Networking field. Now I want to switch from System Networking to software testing. I have lean online Software Testing course. English Assignment. How do I write my resume for getting a job in software testing domain? Please guide me as soon as possible? online dummy projects (e.g. Inventory management software) I have finished my testing course in both manual and. automation, I’m in need of sample resume..please send me the sample resume to [email protected]. this article is tuck 2011 very good. Is it necessary to add extra curricular activities for experinced candidate for QA? Is it necessary to add extra curricular activities for experinced candidate for QA? Hi you really provided a great tips. its really a killer resume tips. I like how precise this article is. Although I would add that you should tailor your resume a little bit, depending on a specific position. What I mean is put most relevant skills in igcse english assignment the beginning of the sentence. So if you are applying for more managerial position – something like leadership and customer focus should be put prior to knowledge of coding. HR usually has tons of resumes to go through and our mind is essays on william wallace put in such a way that beginning of the igcse english assignment, sentence is essays wallace usually what sticks out english assignment, more, when we skim through. Just a little psychological trick for on best friend, you. Please share best resume software testing with 4 years experience to english coursework assignment 1 my email. Download FREE eBooks, Videos and Best Software Testing Articles.. Write My Essay Online for Cheap - First Language English pdf 25 Кб Writing introductions to discussion essays. This is in response to a highly intelligent thread started in the forum by one of the readers of this site. Are there particular skills you need for writing introductions to discussion essays? Here is my response! The basics of an IELTS essay introduction. The place to start is to remember what the english assignment 1 basics of an IELTS essay introduction are. These, I will stress, are guidelines not rules – there is community service trip, always more than one way to english coursework do it: keep if brief: it is just the introduction, you want to spend most of your time on the main body paragraphs. I’d suggest you aim for 3 sentences, but in some cases 2 or 4 sentences can work. I personally HATE one sentence introductions. keep it clear : it is really important that the tuck examiner knows what your essay will be about after she/he has read your introduction. Don’t try and be clever. Think clearly and aim to let the examiner know what you want say. Think is the important word in that sentence. identify the task : all IELTS essay questions ask you to write in a particular way: this is the task. Examples of this are “Say whether you agree or disagree about x”, or “Say what the coursework assignment 1 causes of y are”. For me, it is really important to community put this in coursework 1 the intro because if you don’t your essay may not answer the question. A huge mistake. identify your point of view : this is on best friend in sanskrit, what some teachers call “thesis statement”. I don’t. The idea is that what you think should be clear throughout the essay. That means you want to coursework give your answer in the introduction and not just the conclusion. Is writing introductions to discussion essays special? I don’t think so. I know lots of candidates and teachers like to categorise essays. Personally, I’m not sure that this is necessary. Better I think to have one set of guidelines and answer the sloan question in front of you. Much simpler that way. It is also much more likely to coursework get you a good score. There are no marks for writing a “discussion essay”, there are only electric marks for answering the question. So focus on that. Please avoid “In this essay I will discuss” This is something I personally hate. Much more importantly, it is an english coursework 1, example of tired language that almost all IELTS examiners hate too – they want to see you use your own words and not “learned language” . I will show you some examples of how to questions do this below. Top tip – learn to write different introductions. A lot of IELTS essays go wrong because students try to write a particular type of coursework 1, essay that they have practised before. Then they get a question in the test that doesn’t quite fit the friend model. They try to repeat a form of assignment, essay they have learned and fail to answer the question. To avoid this it really helps to learn different ways of fan, doing the same thing. English Assignment 1? Learn how to on best friend write introductions that are two and three sentences long. Two examples of coursework assignment, introductions to discussion essays. This is the service original task posted by Rohit, read my intro: Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives. Coursework Assignment 1? Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. There are different views about whether people are happier as teenagers or in adulthood. While there is on best friend, something to be said for the idea that the igcse assignment teenage years can be extremely happy, my view is that most people achieve greater satisfaction later in life when they have a career and a family of their own. This is only two sentences long. that can be fine. There are very few rules remember. I clearly identify the task. My point of on best in sanskrit, view is clear too – I also show that I will be talking about the family and careers too. Neat. Note how I use while to connect the two different views I need to discuss. Excellent for your grammar and helpful for this task. The logical structure of the essay will be one para about how childhood can be best and igcse coursework another about the joys of thesis, being 40! Then when I write my conclusion I simply come back to my intro. This is a slightly more complex question, but asked in igcse english coursework 1 the same way: There is an increasing shortage of housing in many countries. Some people believe that governments should build more housing in the countryside, while others believe that this would damage the natural environment. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Most people would accept that some action needs to be taken about the chronic housing shortage that is threatening so many countries around the world. One logical solution to this problem would be to create more housing in the countryside which is relatively underpopulated. My view, however , is that this would lead to serious damage to essays the environment and coursework alternative options need to be found. See how this introduction is three sentences long. It is still clear and simple though. This is the situation. Here is a solution. On Best? This is what I think about the solution. I am still discussing both view and igcse coursework giving my opinion. Just in a different way. See how I link the different part of my introduction together with this and however. You want to thesis fan make sure that your introduction is assignment 1, well-written. Essay Questions? Don’t write too quickly. Just like the previous introduction, I Identify the task and I clearly state my view. I am not afraid to use personal opinion language – indeed I really need to because the question asks me what I think. If you like you can leave me an introduction as a comment to this lesson. The alternative is to igcse english assignment pop into electric fan the forum and post there. Actually, I’d prefer that as that would allow you to share your language and ideas better. English Assignment 1? If you follow my advice, you will: write 2/3 introductions – don’t bother with the whole essay – focussing on thesis fan a skill is better for learning write different types of igcse 1, introduction – this will help in essays on william wallace the test – you can’t predict the question you will have. More advice on IELTS task 2 writing. If you like this lesson, why not share it? Get more help with IELTS preparation on the main pages of my site. Keep up with me on Facebook - all the updates and even more advice there. Or just get all my free lessons by email. 21 Responses to Writing introductions to discussion essays. Thanks Dominic for the wonderful lesson! Earlier, I always tried to categorize the essay questions and focused on using different learned languages from internet. Now, after this lesson I start thinking in different direction. I really feel easier and more confident now to answer the essay question which satisfy the task response. I hope I can satisfy the examiner now completely from the Task Response point of view. However, I believe much practice is still required to stay on the task response through all parts of the igcse coursework essay. Excellent. I hope it works for you. Different things do work for house on mango different people. I’m not wholly against categorising different types of questions and I know it does work for some people. I’m not sure if this makes sense but I think the best way ahead is to see that there are different types of question, practise thinking and writing about those types of questions but concentrate on using good essays writing skills. I do have another – rather old – lesson on this that I need to review. I’ll try and post again on this in the near future. Hi Dominic, I just learned about igcse assignment 1 your website today and I am very impressed with the contents and sloan questions techniques. I am planning to write my IELTS on May 10th for the first time. I got 95 in coursework my TOEFL last December with 23 in essay on best reading. My weakness is assignment, also writing. On Best In Sanskrit? I am familiar with writing hospital charts and reports but seems to having difficulty with IELTS/TOEFL writing. I am hoping to learn more from your site to score at assignment least 7. Thanks again. Best of luck. Do let me know how it goes. I guess you’re a doctor – a breed I know well being married to one – that may be the problem in writing. What I mean is that you may just be too academic/intelligent for IELTS. In a way, you need to forget academic training and community essay go back to school. If you learn to keep it simple, then progress may be faster. hi dear Dominic, i receive your website address from dr Andalibi. Assignment? i found it something. here i wrote an introductory for that topic: There is an inseparable part of our life, unforgettable memories, lots of energy; I mean teenage times. sometimes it is jumping step for our adulthood or prevent us for our goals. I am looking forward to fan your reply. Problems I’m afraid. My best advice in this case is to assignment keep your language simpler. Say what the issue is and then say what you think about it. Also a major problem is that you are not really writing in thesis fan sentences. Hi Dear Dominic, Last few days, i have been spending most of my free time trying to find the an answer “how to write essay” ” where to find the ideas” etc. for IELTS test as i am finding very hard the writing tasks of IELTS. I don’t even know where to start. Coursework Assignment? I read dozens of iELTS writing task samples but every time i sat down to write, nothing comes to my mind. I am very happy that i found your website as you find time and effort to answer every question. Please, Help! Where should i start? What it would be the first step to write a successful essay. I really do hope for your answer. Thank you very much. Can I direct you to this lesson? and this may help too. If in doubt, just look for the search box at the top left of the site. Community Trip? There are around 600 lessons here. Sometimes not easy to find – the site is so big nowadays. i hope my better answer simple ist easy. Why the hate for ‘In this essay I will discuss…’ sentences? I often encourage my students to introduce their essay using a similar structure to ‘The following essay will…’ or ‘The purpose of this essay is…’, as that’s a very common feature of abstracts and introductions in (English language) academia, at igcse english the level of student essays and also in friend in sanskrit academic journals. It may be formulaic but the igcse english coursework assignment 1 whole structure of sloan essay, a 3-part essay is formulaic isn’t it? I’d welcome your comments on this. Apologies for english coursework 1 the late reply but I’ve only just found this. I do say it’s a personal opinion! To expand on the reason I state above it’s a formula that I believe is overused especially in IELTS. 1. IELTS essays are not “academic essays” by any means, rather they are English language test essays. It seems slightly bonkers to introduce the electric fan language of igcse assignment, academic papers into this format. More to tuck 2011 essays the point if you do, then you should consistently use that level of language throughout the english assignment 1 essay. 2. Electric? It is very often wrongly used. i.e. The formula doesn’t fit the question. 3. By using this formula students very frequently fail to outline their position in the introduction. Most examiners I know look for a clear statement of the writer’s position in the intro – there is justification for this in the examining criteria. if you use this language, then that position is often unclear or resolves down to a unsatisfactory “I’m going to talk about”. 4. I dislike this kind of formulaic approach. The best essays are almost never formulaic – they address the english coursework assignment 1 question directly. My experience of IELTS candidates is electric fan, that the more they tend towards a formula the coursework assignment 1 less they engage with the question. The formula can ensure they maintain a certain standard but progress stops. I have tried using your tips. Could you please comment on electric fan my introduction. Thank you. “There are different views whether everyone has the rights to enter a university or college program regardless their academic abilities. While other people think that this is english coursework 1, not possible and only suitable candidates should be allowed to. In my point of view, higher level education may not be suitable for essays on william everyone when there are possibly better pathways for english 1 them.” Hi Dominic Cole. I am from Hong Kong; I am looking for tips for my promotion writing examination and here I have found your site. I really appreciate you have shared various brilliant ideas and tips on writing essays. I found it very helpful. Thank you so much. Hello Dominic, thanks for such a great web site, please, would you mind to check my intro ? ” successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in street other important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is unfair” The view that sports professionals receive an igcse coursework, income higher than other careers has generated controversy. While there are those who say this is thesis electric fan, fairly fair, I shall argue that there are strong reasons why state should regulate this situation. Please evaluate the below introduction paragraph for the housing topic mentioned above: Due to proliferation of igcse, population, there is community trip essay, a deficiency of homes in many countries. Some people are expecting from the government to english construct homes in the countryside which would lead to serious damage to sloan essay the environment. Instead, my view is that government should build the multistorey apartments to accomodate people in igcse coursework assignment 1 the cities. Sorry I simply don’t have the time to look at individual answers. But thank you for thesis fan posting I’m sure others can learn from this. Could you please help me check my introduction? Thanks in advance, Topic: There is an increasing shortage of housing in many countries. Igcse Coursework Assignment? Some people believe that governments should build more housing in the countryside, while others believe that this would damage the natural environment. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. In the contemporary world these day, the electric lack of accommodation is igcse 1, a global issue.While some people hold the view that the authorities can tackle this problem by constructing more housing in suburb, as far as I am concern, this solution will play havoc with the environment with serious damage. Sorry I simply don’t have the essay friend in sanskrit time to look at individual answers. But thank you for english coursework posting I’m sure others can learn from this. hi diminic,i found ur website realy helpful. hers my intro fo hapines task. there are different views regarding the age when people feel happier themselves either childhood or adulthood.While i accept that people are more satisfied at tuck 2011 essays their achieving age say in adulhood.I ,however,holds the opinion that people found themselves more happy at young age ,being free of responsibilities and stresses of igcse assignment, life. intro fo house shortage snerio. House shortage is becoming pressing issue round the globe and demands serious actions to b taken to mitigate it. Some people hold the opinion of building new houses in sburb which seems a logical soluton but in essays my view , in order to save our natural environment,few alternatives need to b considered. Sorry I simply don’t have the time to look at individual answers. But thank you for posting I’m sure others can learn from coursework this. First introduction about people thinking: the people are different in thinking of house on mango essays, which age is the best for them.Most people said teenagers is the best because they do not have any responsilbilities. Others think that if you are responsible you are happy and i agree. In the assignment 1 life there is part of your life is the best.Some said that teenagers is the best but others said the responsible life is better. I agree with this opinion in this part of trip essay, life you will attend a lot of achievment depend on hard work in the past. Write my essay for me with Professional Academic Writers - Igcse english coursework assignment 3 examples - YouTube My Senior Thesis: How Can Great Charities Raise More Money? I haven#8217;t written a blog post for nearly a full season. One-third of this phenomenon is the igcse coursework 1, fault of my senior thesis: It#8217;s a very long thesis, and you probably shouldn#8217;t read the whole thing. I conducted my final round of essays on william wallace, editing over the course of english coursework, 38 hours in late April, during which I did not sleep. It#8217;s kind of a slog. Here#8217;s a PDF of the five pages where I summarize everything I learned and make recommendations to charities: In the rest of this post, I#8217;ve explained my motivation for actually writing this thing, and squeezed my key findings into a pair of summaries: One that#8217;s a hundred words long, one that#8217;s quite a bit longer. Americans only tuck give about 2% of their income to coursework 1, charity, and most of that money goes to essay on best, charities that don#8217;t do an especially good job of igcse english coursework, helping people. How can the most effective charities (and other charities) raise more money? There are many different techniques that have been shown to work well in multiple studies, but evidence on most techniques is questions, still very mixed, and some popular techniques in the real world have no experimental evidence behind them. Charities really ought to run more experiments to figure out which techniques will work for them. In the meantime, some general advice for all charities: Tell donors what their donation will accomplish (be specific!). Tell stories about individual people you#8217;ve helped, Make donors feel like they#8217;re on a winning team with lots of other cool donors, making real progress on english coursework an important problem. Also, run experiments. I can#8217;t emphasize that enough. This year, I began to study the nonprofit sector, because I#8217;m convinced that giving money to house on mango essays, the right causes is one of the english, best ways for an average person to improve the thesis electric fan, world . I#8217;d seen a lot of igcse coursework assignment, studies on fundraising techniques , and on techniques for essay persuading people in english coursework assignment general , but it wasn#8217;t easy to essays wallace, find a lot of studies in one place, and it was especially tough to figure out whether any particular techniques had super-strong evidence behind them, or whether some techniques were overvalued thanks to the results of a single study that wouldn#8217;t necessarily generalize to most nonprofits. So I did something a little bit foolish. I decided that my senior thesis would attempt to review every experimental study ever conducted on a charitable fundraising technique. Coursework. To ensure that I was saying something original, I added a special section on techniques that would apply especially to #8220;effective#8221; charities: Those which could present strong evidence to essays on william, donors that they were actually making the world a better place (and doing so more efficiently than most other charities). English Coursework 1. This isn#8217;t the best-written literature review of service, fundraising techniques, nor the most comprehensive. But it is probably the most comprehensive review of studies conducted specifically using participants who actually gave money. This is actually a major problem in the fundraising literature: About half the studies I found didn#8217;t measure the impact of english coursework assignment 1, a technique on real donations. Instead, researchers measured how much money the participants claimed they would give if someone asked them, or whether they gave tokens to people playing an house #8220;economic game#8221; with them, or whether they helped a clumsy research assistant clean up spilled coffee. (To make an uncharitable comparison, it#8217;s as though Stanley Milgram had conducted his famous obedience experiment by asking participants whether they would be willing to shock the person on the other side of the curtain if he asked nicely.) I excluded any study that didn#8217;t measure real monetary donations, unless it dealt in english coursework 1 some way with evidence-based giving #8212; very little has been written in that domain, so I had to be a bit less selective. Sloan. Take everything I say with a grain of salt: I was an undergraduate when I wrote this, and english coursework I probably missed some important points in on william wallace many of igcse english coursework 1, these papers. Almost every study here involves a single request for money, even though donor retention is essays, more important for most charities than getting new donors who only english coursework give once. On Mango Essays. Including donor retention would have made this thesis almost impossible to write, but it#8217;s still an important topic. ( Adrian Sargeant has some great papers on assignment 1 building long-term relationships with donors.) There#8217;s not a lot of research on most of the techniques I covered, with a few exceptions. I found about five studies per technique, on average, of which at least one was methodologically flawed. Sample sizes and effect sizes varied drastically, and the sheer number of techniques meant that running a meta-analysis wouldn#8217;t have made sense. For that matter, nearly everything about these studies varied drastically: The context in which a request was made, the relationship of the participants to the charity, the size of the charity, and so on. On Mango. What I wound up with, in the end, were a few solid general rules and igcse coursework a lot of results hinting that certain approaches might be effective. Still, it#8217;s better to on mango street, have hints than to have nothing, and most nonprofit organizations aren#8217;t using all that much science when they try to raise money. Charitable giving is probably a net positive, as far as social phenomena go. And even if it isn#8217;t, the most efficient, data-driven forms of giving are certainly good. (This is my first thesis, so I#8217;m defending even the most basic assertions.) The latter form of giving, or #8220;effective altruism#8221;, clearly helps the recipients of donations, but it#8217;s not entirely clear whether giving actually makes people happier. There#8217;s a good chance that happy people give more, or that people claim to be happy after giving so experimenters will like them. But it#8217;s also quite possible that giving money makes us happier than spending it, especially once we#8217;ve spent a certain amount on ourselves. But even though charitable giving is a very good thing, we don#8217;t give very much, and the rate at which we give hasn#8217;t really changed since 1970. For some reason, charities are struggling to convince people to give money away. But science can help! This literature review aims to summarize research on the efficacy of various fundraising techniques #8212; particularly those which could be useful to the most effective charities. By the way, some charities are more effective than others! Why are some charities #8220;overpriced#8221; for the amount of good they do? Because charities aren#8217;t like soap: When we give, we spend money on something we don#8217;t use ourselves, and we rarely learn how well the igcse assignment 1, charity is helping recipients. It#8217;s as though we bought someone else a bar of soap on 2011 Amazon and english coursework 1 then tried to review it without ever speaking to them. This wouldn#8217;t work very well. Similarly, despite the sloan essay questions, existence of charity-rating websites, most people give without knowing much about the impact of the igcse english assignment, charity they support, much less how it compares to other charities. I read hundreds of pages of Google Scholar and lots of books and more pages in essays wallace a few specialized databases and the reference sections of some truly epic literature reviews (which are linked at the end of this post). Some of the english coursework assignment 1, techniques I reviewed could be used by just about any charity. Others should be especially useful for charities that have something in common with the most effective charities #8212; that is, they help people in other countries, help lots of on best, people, measure their results, etc. With a few exceptions, I only reviewed studies where participants actually gave real money to charity, because most other ways of predicting giving behavior in the real world don#8217;t seem very effective, and we really want to predict giving behavior! Prediction is the name of the game. I#8217;m also not measuring religious gifts or gifts to english coursework assignment 1, colleges, because #8220;giving back#8221; to an institution that helped you isn#8217;t quite the same as the giving I#8217;d like to thesis electric, measure. What motivates people to igcse english coursework, give money away? I#8217;m not going to say #8220;System One#8221; and #8220;System Two#8221;, because that#8217;s cliche, so instead I#8217;ll say #8220;warm giving#8221; and #8220;cool giving#8221; to reflect the fact that giving is service essay, driven by a mix of #8220;cool#8221; motivations (an abstract desire to do good, careful calculation of your impact, strategic giving that will make people like you) and #8220;warm#8221; motivations (empathy toward the recipient, personal connections to the charity, a habit of giving a dollar to english assignment, anyone who asks). Yes, this is really just System One and community service essay System Two. You came here for a literature review, not a philosophical analysis of altruistic behavior. This section is somewhat lazy. Anyway, who gives the most money away? Sometimes men give more than women, and sometimes the reverse it true. Older people give more until around the time they retire. Igcse English Coursework Assignment. Richer people give more, but perhaps less money as a percentage of income. Religious people might give more, but it#8217;s really difficult to tell because 1/3 of tuck 2011 essays, all U.S. donations go toward churches, which only igcse english coursework spend a fraction of their income on traditional #8220;charitable#8221; activities. Fundraising Techniques that Probably Help. #8220;Legitimizing paltry contributions#8221;: Tell donors that #8220;even a penny will help#8221; (or something like that), and they#8217;ll usually be more likely to give without giving much less. Thesis Electric. I have a bunch of theories about why this happens, but we have many more techniques to cover, so let#8217;s move on! Anchoring: Suggesting that donors give $20 tends to bring in more than suggesting they give $10, but a very high anchor scares donors away. Use experiments to figure out the optimal suggestion! Dialogue: Ask someone how they#8217;re doing, wait for them to answer, and then ask for money. This is a much better idea than asking right away, but so far we#8217;ve only seen it work in person, not over the phone. Bonus points if you mention having something in common with the assignment 1, donor! (In my favorite #8220;similarity#8221; study, the experimenter lied about thesis electric fan having the same birthday as the participant. I can#8217;t believe the IRB let them get away with that.) Publicity: When someone#8217;s donations will be made public (or even seen by just a single experimenter), they tend to give more. This may not hold true for Muslims or other religious groups where quiet, private giving is a virtue. But that#8217;s a minor exception hypothesized from a single study: Mostly, publicity is igcse coursework 1, a good strategy in the context of thesis electric fan, these experiments. Photographs: Adding pictures to donation materials tends to english assignment 1, make them more effective, though it#8217;s unclear whether sad children are better than happy children. Especially sad or upsetting photos could backfire. Sloan. Individuals: We really like helping individuals, possibly because it#8217;s easier to empathize with one person than with a whole group of people. Rather than talking about the sheer scope of the problem your charity deals with, it#8217;s generally best to talk about how a donation has helped, or could help, a single sympathetic person. English Coursework Assignment. In fact, people will literally give more money to save the life of one child than to save the lives of electric, eight, even when eight lives can be saved for english assignment 1 the price of on mango street, one! This is a troubling result, but one team of researchers may have discovered how to reverse it with something called #8220;the unit asking effect#8221;. Igcse 1. (That paper might be my favorite in the entire thesis #8212; check it out sloan essay, if you can.) Follow the Leader: Potential donors give more after they learn about the gifts of igcse english coursework assignment, past donors, especially those who were very generous or who resembled the potential donor in some way. This also works if the potential donor sees another donation happen, or is told that the on best friend in sanskrit, amount they donate will be known by another person (so that they have the chance to become #8220;leaders#8221; themselves). 1. Matching donations: Ben Kuhn is better at statistics than I am, and his summary of the literature on service essay matching is very rigorous. If you really care about donation-matching, you should read it. Igcse Coursework Assignment 1. My shorter summary: If you have some money lying around, you might be able to use it to increase donations by #8220;matching#8221; the gifts of future donors, so that people feel like they can do more good for fan the same #8220;price#8221; (as though your nonprofit was having a buy-one-get-one-free sale). Igcse English Coursework 1. Ben Kuhn points out essays on william, that most of the research on matching is sketchy, but it#8217;s no sketchier than the coursework assignment 1, rest of the electric fan, research on fundraising. Also, matching is igcse assignment 1, #8220;free#8221;, since your charity gets the matching dollars either way, so you might as well experiment. Seed donations: Announce that you#8217;d like to on william, raise a set amount, then #8220;seed#8221; part of coursework, that amount so that #8220;success#8221; seems more likely. Donors like giving to specific campaigns that seem like they will meet their goals, and seed donations work about as well as matching in head-to-head experiments. Thesis Electric Fan. On the other hand, if you have money you could use to seed a campaign or match donations, you could also try#8230; Overhead coverage: When a charity announces that donors#8217; gifts will only cover #8220;programs#8221; (like giving mosquito nets to families) rather than #8220;overhead#8221; (like paying the salaries of professional fundraisers ), donors give quite a bit more. This phenomenon can be hacked if a charity uses leftover funds to igcse coursework 1, #8220;cover#8221; its own overhead, or convinces one particular donor to cover all of the community service essay, overhead so that most donors never have to think about it. Which is kind of weird, since this is all just accounting trickery #8212; the amount spent on overhead isn#8217;t changing #8212; but if it works, why not? Donors seem to prefer charities with lower overhead even when the overhead isn#8217;t #8220;covered#8221;, but it#8217;s unclear whether that#8217;s true independent of donors#8217; fear that their own money will pay for overhead rather than programs. Many nonprofits claim that #8220;overhead doesn#8217;t matter#8221; , because forcing charities not to spend on overhead keeps them from coursework assignment, growing or innovating. This is partly true, though especially high overhead is a clear warning sign. Tuck 2011. What really matters is how much good each dollar does, however the charity spends it. (Still, donors speak the language of coursework, overhead, so charities may have to do the same.) This summary is long enough already, so I#8217;ll skip talking about techniques that only 2011 work sporadically, or don#8217;t seem to work at all. With one exception: Offering gifts or prizes in exchange for igcse english assignment donations works very badly in service trip every study that tries to do it. This may not be the case for gifts #8220;related#8221; to the nonprofit (like a PBS tote bag), but telling people you#8217;ll give them random chocolate if they donate is a terrible idea. On the english assignment 1, other hand, telling donors they#8217;ll feel great after they give works pretty well, despite playing on the same selfish motivation. And giving people gifts before you ask them to give leads to amazing results (at least in the fourth study mentioned on thesis electric fan page 20 of this paper ). Really Obvious Helpful Techniques. Here are some brief, simple things that all nonprofits should probably be doing: Talk about your beneficiaries a lot. Make them sound like nice, hardworking people who have a lot in common with the donor. English Coursework Assignment 1. Talk about the progress your organization has been making, not the enormous scope of the problem (or, at the very least, talk about both). House On Mango. People want to be on the winning team. English Coursework Assignment 1. Look good. Dress nicely. Be attractive and high-status (donors can be shallow, especially male donors talking to cute female fundraisers). It might even help to essays, play catchy music and english assignment smell good, though that study has yet to be funded. If someone signs up for your mailing list, send them an email right away, and ask them to donate soon after. As of 2014, some of the largest charities in the U.S. didn#8217;t send a single email to new subscribes within 30 days #8212; the on best in sanskrit, perfect amount of time for a potential donor to igcse coursework assignment, completely forget about them. Community Service Essay. Use simple, visual language. One clever study took issue with the igcse coursework, fact that newspapers tend to use the word #8220;affected#8221; to describe the tuck essays, people who survive natural disasters. Referring to these people as #8220;homeless#8221; (which is what #8220;affected#8221; really means in this context) substantially increases the amount donors are willing to give to them. This isn#8217;t surprising: I don#8217;t know what an #8220;affected#8221; person looks like, but I can picture a #8220;homeless#8221; person without difficulty, and english being able to imagine someone is an important step toward caring about them. Visual language is important. When we consider the service, size and igcse coursework sociological importance of the electric, nonprofit sector, it becomes clear that we need more research on english coursework assignment fundraising techniques! Yes, like any person who researches a topic in great depth, I conclude that more research is needed. On the other hand, I#8217;m not going to grad school, so I#8217;m not biased by the need to on best, churn out more papers on coursework things I already know about. You can trust me on this one. There are a few topics I think would be especially neat to research in more depth, but I talk about those within the thesis. For the community trip, rest of this summary, all I#8217;d like to say is english coursework, that charities should be running more experiments, and publicizing their results. Note: The below is community trip essay, mostly uninformed speculation, and I could be very misguided. One cool thing about the nonprofit sector is that it isn#8217;t a zero-sum game. It#8217;s true that charity money is igcse coursework 1, limited, and that someone who donates a lot to one charity will typically give less to others as a result. But if we somehow raise charitable spending from 2% to 3% of the thesis electric fan, U.S. GDP, the gains from that will dwarf the pain of english, charitable competition. And one of the tuck essays, ways charities can raise the national giving rate is to work together to figure out better fundraising techniques. Coursework. What would happen if charities with excellent websites #8212; like Kiva or Acumen or charity: water #8212; shared the results of their A/B testing with the rest of the nonprofit world? What if the five largest charities in America pooled funds to hire a couple of full-time researchers who could run a dozen experimental replications of important studies over the next year, and 2011 essays begin to figure out which techniques consistently had large effects on coursework assignment charitable giving? What if the hundred largest charities in America hired a couple of extra lobbyists to push for essays on william a U.S. version of Gift Aid, which could push the coursework assignment 1, giving rate from on mango street essays, 2% to 2.5% within a couple of years? I don#8217;t know if any of this would help, but it seems like it would be worthwhile to try. Fundraising experiments are easy to english 1, run, and can even be profitable. Even small charities can pull off an tuck essays experiment once in english coursework a while, especially if they collaborate with academics. Many of the studies I examined found that some techniques can boost donations by 50% or more. Either these results don#8217;t carry over to the real world, or charities can profit enormously from experimentation; I#8217;d really like to house on mango essays, know which one is true. It may be that no technique or set of techniques, however clever, is going to push the igcse 1, 2% giving rate to friend in sanskrit, 3% or higher. Igcse English Coursework 1. If so, we#8217;ll need to figure out essays wallace, other ways to do more good with our charitable giving. This is igcse english coursework 1, why I#8217;m so excited about effective altruism: The movement is built around organizations like GiveWell , which help people do as much good as possible with their limited donations, and organizations like Giving What We Can , which encourages people to ignore fundraising #8220;techniques#8221; and instead make a habit of giving generously to organizations they#8217;ve researched themselves. Both organizations are at the forefront of a very positive cultural shift in thesis the nonprofit world, and I hope that they #8212; and other nonprofits like them #8212; might benefit in some small way from the work I#8217;ve presented here. (It#8217;s not exactly likely that they#8217;ll read the thesis, but I#8217;m in regular contact with people who work for EA nonprofits, and there#8217;s a good chance I#8217;ll work for english coursework 1 one myself some day. Hopefully, writing this thesis has given me the tools I need to contribute something to the movement.) Interesting Papers and Other Links. As I discovered while writing this thesis, the science of fundraising isn#8217;t very rigorous yet. The team at 2011 essays Charity Science explains why. The Behavioural Insights team designs very cool experiments, many of assignment 1, which use subconscious #8220;nudges#8221; to essay friend in sanskrit, boost charitable giving. One of the deepest threats to effective giving is #8220;psychic numbing#8221;: The more suffering we know about, the less likely we are to coursework 1, take an objective approach to dealing with it. When one person is in danger, we#8217;ll make an enormous effort to save them; when hundreds of tuck essays, thousands are in danger, we often fall into despair and stop trying to help. Paul Slovic explains. In 2010, a group of nonprofit foundations published the Money for Good study, which surveyed thousands of high-income donors in an attempt to figure out how people might be convinced to 1, give more money, and give more to the #8220;highest-performing nonprofits#8221;. The results are fascinating, and a little sad: Only 35% of participants ever did research on their favorite charities, and only 10% of those people used neutral sources rather than the essay, charities#8217; websites. Why did I focus on english assignment 1 giving advice to especially #8220;effective#8221; charities? Partly because I#8217;m not sure I want charities that don#8217;t keep good records to friend, raise more money. This sad article on the Red Cross is one example of how even big-name charities go off the rails. Also: I#8217;d never have finished this thesis without the igcse 1, help of on william, my wonderful advisor, Hedy Kober . I#8217;d also like to thank Dean Karlan , my second reader, whose work helped inspire me to pursue this topic in the first place. Write My Paper For Me - Igcse english coursework assignment 3 examples - YouTube Example Of Opinion Essay Essays and Research Papers. Opinion essay Opinion essay is a formal piece of essay writing which presents the . author’s point of view on a particular subject supported by igcse english coursework reasons and essay, examples . The opposing viewpoint is igcse english 1 also suggested, it goes with arguments that show that it is unconvincing. A Successful Opinion Essay Consists of: An introduction where the topic and the author’s opinion are stated clearly. A main body where viewpoints supported by sloan reasons are presented in several paragraphs. This section has also the. Education , Essay , Mobile phone 792 Words | 3 Pages. ? Opinion Essay Some people use marijuana for health purposes, some just use it to get really high. Smoking marijuana . isn’t as bad as it seems to others. Obviously lighting something on fire and igcse coursework assignment, inhaling it wouldn’t seem as if it’s good or healthy for you. That’s why people get the essays wrong impression. I believe marijuana should be legalized because there are more positives to it than negatives. Marijuana can help people medically and help the economy. Ironically other substances that are. Bipolar disorder , Cancer , Disease 898 Words | 4 Pages. Name Demeshov Yerkebulan ID 20121754 Opinion Essay Music is the best type of igcse english coursework assignment 1, . Art What is art? Everyone knows about it, but could you say a lot about music? May be yes, may be no. Music is the best type of art. Before proving it , let’s talk about sloan essay questions, what music means. Music is an art form which medium is sound and silence. In many cultures music is an important part of people. Music contains all their history. Igcse English Coursework 1! May be for someone music is just. Aesthetics , Art , Medicine 929 Words | 3 Pages. Name Date Opinion Essay An opinion essay tells what the writer thinks or feels about a topic. . People have different opinions about things. In an opinion essay , you write your opinion about a topic. When you write an opinion essay , you choose a topic about which you have strong feelings. Essay! You support your opinion with reasons. For this Unit Project, you are going to write an opinion essay about the wetlands of Mississippi. Igcse English Assignment! Writing Process Part I: Prewriting Ideas As you learned in Unit 1, Mississippi. All rights reserved , Copyright , Essay 1171 Words | 6 Pages. Sample SAT Essays —Up Close Below is community service trip essay our sample essay question, which is english 1 designed to be as close as possible to an . essay question that might appear on the SAT. You’ll recognize that it’s based on the great philosopher Moses Pelingus’s assertion, “There’s no success like failure,” which we have referred to throughout this chapter. This particular essay topic presents you with a very broad idea and then asks you to essay explain your view and back it up with concrete examples . Not every SAT essay topic will. Dot-com bubble , Essay , Essays 2405 Words | 7 Pages. Sample Essay Read this example sample essay . Then answer the questions below. The qualities of a hero . include selflessness, having the igcse assignment 1 inspiration to thesis electric fan be a founder and being courageous. With these qualities in mind, it is easy to igcse english assignment 1 see why many Emiratis see Sheikh Zayed as a hero. He embodied the three qualities mentioned above and these heroic qualities were seen in his life and work. He was born in Al Ain and tuck essays, had a simple education which included learning the Koran and mathematics. His. Abu Dhabi , Al Ain , Hero 1313 Words | 4 Pages. Examples from Reflection Essays Disciplinary Awareness “The research I did this summer focused on sorption of cesium and . strontium by soils. These two chemicals are commonly found in english assignment 1, chemical contaminants… My research also focused on the distribution coefficient which is a measurement of how much of a solvent is [absorbed] by essay on best friend in sanskrit a geologic medium.” “I found that many of the igcse 1 readings I came across regarding abortion seemed to convey a strong belief in essays, human rights, which was demonstrated by the dichotomy. Abortion , Clean Water Act , Human rights 1543 Words | 5 Pages. all want to have a place to belong in igcse coursework, the social jungle that is middle school. But in my opinion it’s not worth all the drama and tuck, trouble that . Igcse English Coursework! it will most likely create. For instance you could be suspended, fail your classes, become addicted on thesis electric drugs, or worse, and these are the things that will cause you to fail and mess you up for life. Therefore these experiences will become a necessary example to igcse teach you how to on mango deal with the unfairness in life. When I first started. College , English-language films , High school 1128 Words | 3 Pages. age of expansion following on an age of discovery, its expansion led to still further discovery about architectural design and decoration. English Assignment 1! Section A: . Interiors S.Maria Della Salute (1631-1682) The interior of S.Maria Della Salute is a very good example of Baroque Architecture and essay, design. It displays the Baroque essence in coursework, a way but is tuck not completely over ornamented nor does it contain any unsuitable details. Marble is mainly used in the columns and the base appears to be gilded in bronze. Igcse English Assignment 1! Sculptures. Baroque , Baroque music , Dome 1264 Words | 4 Pages. of the week when Pete receives big shipments of essays on william, inventory for the store. When that occurs the retail part of the Garden Center can be really busy for a few . days after stocking the new inventory. Inventory can range from a variety of igcse english assignment 1, things, for example ; garden rocks in essays, assorted rock pallets, mulch bags sorted out by type, hay bales stacked, and english coursework 1, even bird baths. So as one of the three managers, Pete has to 2011 make sure things go well and english coursework, items are placed correctly and neatly throughout the store, in. Annual plant , Evergreen , Garden 1115 Words | 3 Pages. Example Essay “He that is essays on william wallace good for making excuses is igcse coursework seldom good for sloan essay, anything else.” -- Ben Franklin. As early as the . English Coursework! founding of the United States of thesis, America, Mr. Franklin observed society using the excuse, I don't have enough time… and igcse coursework assignment, it negative effects on their lives. Today, it is frequently used as an excuse to justify the lack of time management skills. The effects on kids, work, or even in essays, family life are sometimes devastating. In a day there are 24 hours, and igcse english coursework 1, time is available. Benjamin Franklin , Family , Franklin Planner 950 Words | 3 Pages. idea of ghosts is far too exaggerated to be real. According to psychologydictionary.org the service trip essay paranormal is “designating any phenomenon comprising the igcse english coursework . transfer of data or energy which can't be described by present scientific insights” (“What”). For example , a couple of tuck 2011 essays, years ago I was in my house alone. I was walking towards the front door and a pair of scissors fell from the igcse countertop and on thesis electric fan to the floor. It scared me to death and english, it was like the on mango scissors had been thrown. I do not know if it was. Cryptid , Ghost , Loch Ness Monster 1320 Words | 5 Pages. ?John Doe Professor Mansito ENC 1101 12:00-1:50 21 October 2013 Essay 1 Sexuality: The 1950’s to Today Sexuality, like many other . things in our world, is an ever changing thing. The ideas and connotations surrounding it change from generation to generation. Because of this, the idea of sex in the 1950’s is completely different from the idea of sex today. Today, sexuality can be expressed in almost anything we do. Igcse Coursework 1! Commercials, billboards, TV shows, movies, magazine articles, and many other. 20th century , 21st century , Global warming 1105 Words | 4 Pages. other areas) show specific anatomical and functional features in professional and semi-professional musicians.” One of the most visible . benefits of playing a musical instrument is the improvement of memory capacity and essays on william wallace, ability. Igcse Assignment! For example , the community service constant use of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain simultaneously in someone who plays the piano exercises memory. Thanks to this, it is igcse english coursework also believed that people who play musical instruments are less prone to have neurodegenerative. Brain , Intelligence , Intelligence quotient 946 Words | 3 Pages. Theories of Relativity Opinion Essay. Theories of Relativity Opinion Essay : Why We Should Read This Novel in the ENG3C Course Living on house street the street can be tough, . especially if you’re a teenager. In Theories of Relativity by igcse coursework assignment 1 Barbara Haworth-Attard, readers have a chance at seeing just how hard life on the streets can be for teenagers. Community Trip! We should study Theories of Relativity in the ENG3C course for many reasons, including how many students can relate to igcse coursework 1 Dylan, because the book has many interesting characters and because of. Adolescence , Birmingham , Education 892 Words | 3 Pages. over the essays on william wallace use of Stem Cell Research. Stem Cell Research? I don’t even know what that means! All I do know is that those stinking Democrats support it, which . means I automatically have to igcse english coursework be against it. You can’t possibly expect me to actually have an house opinion on something as complicated as this! The basis for the things I oppose is simply spite. Spite for the Democrats. If a Democrat supports it, I oppose it! Using your brain to english coursework support or oppose things is on best friend just way too overrated nowadays. I own a private. Democratic Party , George H. W. Bush , George W. Bush 1069 Words | 3 Pages. of essay preparation What differentiated higher quality example essays from lower quality example . essays ? There were several different aspects that differentiated higher quality example essay from lower quality example essays . Firstly, the higher quality example essays , such as the Distinction and High Distinction essays provided great structure and coursework assignment, an argument with a very good presentation. Essay On Best Friend! The introduction in the Distinction essay introduced relevant literature and addressed the essay topic. Citation , Essay , Essays 761 Words | 3 Pages. The Symbol of a Mockingbird Supported Opinion Essay Prejudice and racism are a part of living and people will always be . confronted with it, but why are people hated or precluded? Do others actually know who they are or are they just judged because of the bad stories others heard about them? In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee writes about this theme and she uses the mockingbird is a symbol. A mockingbird is a harmless bird that makes the world more pleasant. Mockingbirds are the assignment innocent. Harper Lee , Northern Mockingbird , To Kill a Mockingbird 1192 Words | 4 Pages. ?Jack Hamilton AP English 3 Mrs. Rothbard Period 5 December 21, 2014 Bill O'Reilly Editorial Essay Whether it be from his television show . The O'Reilly Factor, one of his Killing books, or from editorial articles, it is fair to service trip essay say that most Americans know who Bill O'Reilly is. O'Reilly is known for his conservative views that can be attributed in part to his coming from a classic Irish Catholic family and [having] attended private catholic schools, according to his biography on IMDb. Though. Bill O'Reilly , Editorial , Federal government of the United States 939 Words | 4 Pages. BBI20 Assignment#5 Opinion Essay on Inventions 1st March 2011 In my opinion , the most important invention of . all time in the history of human civilization and enterprise is the internet. Coursework Assignment 1! Why the sloan questions internet? Simply because I believe this invention has made the igcse coursework 1 world a better place. In almost everything we do, we need the Internet. Whether it is to look for a job, research for a project or even find love. The Internet is a dominant factor that plays an important role in our lives. We just simply. Better , History of the Internet , Hyperlink 1419 Words | 4 Pages. ? EXAMPLE 1 – ESSAY Life sometimes goes wrong under the best of circumstances, but what if you spend your days in a hospital bed . Essays On William! slowly suffocating to death as cancer eats away at your body? You’re horrified, your quality of igcse english assignment 1, life is at house on mango essays an all time low and you can’t see any point in delaying the inevitable. English Coursework Assignment! That is why Physician assisted suicide should be a choice for 2011, patients who are incurable. Physician assisted suicide (PAS) should be legal in cases that involve unbearable suffering or. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis , Death , Euthanasia 1509 Words | 5 Pages. ?Question: Analyze how the writer influenced you to change your opinion throughout the english coursework 1 text about a significant idea. Shakespeare wrote . Macbeth in questions, the 16th century as tribute to king James the first. At the start of the text king Duncan made me believe that anyone could be a good leader, Duncan effectively portrayed this idea because he put the needs of his country in front of his own. Throughout the text Shakespeare influenced my opinion to change when Macbeth came into igcse assignment 1, power as he cared about no. Duncan I of on best friend in sanskrit, Scotland , James I of english assignment, England , KILL 849 Words | 3 Pages. Example of a Well Structured Essay. Example of on mango street essays, a well structured essay . The content isn’t that exiting and the conclusion is quite weak, but there are many good . English 1! points to make on sloan the way the essay is structured and the way the information is 1 put across. All my comments are highlighted thus. A good introduction. • Does the essays on william job of clearly defining the topic covered in english coursework, the essay and electric, the specific aspects which will be discussed. See in igcse english 1, particular last sentence of introduction. ( We will be looking at the structure of introductions. Causality , Environmentalism , Essay 1501 Words | 5 Pages. Definition Of Friendship Example Essay. of friendship. Consider the purpose, audience, and context of your article. Organize your ideas and details effectively. Include specific details that . clearly develop your article. Edit your speech for standard grammar and language usage. Service Essay! Example Essay on the Definition of Friendship If asked, many people would say that their friends are some of the english coursework assignment most important people in their lives. Fan! However, sometimes it is hard to recognize the value of english 1, a friend and see exactly how much they do for us and. Friendship , Interpersonal relationship , Love 1157 Words | 3 Pages. Aaron B Ms. F ENG-4U Nov, 1st, 2013 Catcher in house on mango street essays, The Rye Opinion Essay In the novel Catcher in The Rye, Salinger has employed . a very realistic portrayal of teenagers and how they act. Igcse Coursework Assignment 1! There are plenty of characteristic on tuck essays how he properly conveyed this to igcse english coursework the audience and house street, he also spread these characteristics through-out all of the characters that are used within the novel. Igcse English Coursework Assignment! Firstly, you have Holden; a teenager who is not always the brightest bulb in the cabinet, but he has a clear understanding. Adolescence , Novel , Question 1140 Words | 3 Pages. ?In this essay , it is about the journal article that I had presented in the Journal Club. In the following, I am going to sloan essay questions summarize the . concerned clinical issue / practice presented in the journal article. In the second part of the essay , I will analyze the igcse english coursework assignment concerned clinical issue / practice and relate to my prior learning and/or experience. Community Trip Essay! Next, I will discuss on what I have learned from the coursework 1 concerned clinical issue / practice. Lastly, I am going to recommend strategies to facilitate my learning. Health care provider , Illness , Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator 839 Words | 3 Pages. ? Opinion Essay Options Karisa Horsch Professor R. Sorrell HIST 136; Opinion 2, 3, 6 March . 7th 2013 Industrialists Vs. On William Wallace! Workers Opinion Option #2 Today, the United States is known for english coursework 1, being a big, beautiful powerhouse of complex industrial systems and with these industrial systems, bridges have been built, factories have been produced, inventions and workers have been put to work and thus, a new age industry arise. It’s hard to in sanskrit exactly pin-point. 19th century , Immigration , Immigration to the United States 1048 Words | 4 Pages. Descriptive Essay 1) Definition: Descriptive essay is one of the igcse coursework many types of writing styles that provides a detailed . description for a particular person, place, memory, experience or object. Descriptive essay is wallace purposely created so readers can readily imagine its particular subject matter. It focuses on igcse english assignment 1 the five senses which are sight, smell, touch, sound and taste. 2) Example : Spring Everyone has a comfortable place to tuck 2011 escape to for relaxation. They go there when they need to be. Hearing , Odor , Olfaction 1017 Words | 4 Pages. Opinion Essay: Is Television Good or Bad for American Society? Assignment taught by Dr. Sally Lozada. PART I Throughout the next four modules, you will plan and develop an argumentative essay . Your . Igcse Assignment 1! homework assignments will consist of: Module 1: Taking a Stance Module 2: Developing an Outline Module 3: Providing Body Paragraphs Module 4: Submitting the Completed Essay Taking a Stance Below is the thesis electric topic for igcse english coursework assignment 1, Essay 1. Essay 1 Topic Television is an on best in sanskrit interesting form of entertainment. With a proper cable subscription, one’s television can display. Logic , Obesity , Rhetoric 1160 Words | 6 Pages. ELEMENTS OF AN ESSAY Preliminary Remarks Following are some suggestions to help you write an acceptable academic- level essay . . This is igcse english not the essay questions only way to organize and develop an essay . It is, however, a tried and true system and will likely be what your TCC instructors require of you. Audience and igcse english assignment 1, Purpose Before beginning, you should consider both your audience and purpose. For, before you can know how to approach the on mango subject, you must determine whom you will be addressing, how much they already. 2005 albums , Essay , Five paragraph essay 1430 Words | 5 Pages. statement in this argument? 3. What’s the 1 topic sentence of the writer’s personal view? 4. Note down some of the transitions used in this argument: 5. Electric! What . is the wrap-up in english 1, this essay ? Rhetorical Devices Find the thesis electric fan following devices in this argumentative essay . There might be more than one example of each. Annotate the essay to show these features. Use of personal pronouns Exclamations Hyperbole Imperatives Juxtaposition Modern idioms and trendy phrases Non-sentences Repetition Rhetorical questions. Arc de Triomphe , Food , Hamburger 683 Words | 3 Pages. Steven Vanous Opinion essay 131-17 One of the most debated topics of english 1, today in America is on mango essays Health Care. How can we make it . English Assignment! better? How can we fix the major flaws? How can we, as a country, provide every American citizen with proper adequate health care? These are very good questions. Friend! I’m just your average citizen and I figured it out. Igcse English Assignment! The answer to all these questions, and many more asked by Americans, is very simple. Adopt a “Socialized Health Care” system just like the one that’s been used. Health care , Health care in the United States , Health economics 1156 Words | 3 Pages. Example Literary Essay : The Giver by Lois Lowry Example Introduction Paragraph: “The real voyage of discovery . Essay On Best Friend In Sanskrit! consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This quote by Marcel Proust speaks of discovering what?s right in front of you by seeing it differently, with “new eyes.” The main character, Jonas, in Lois Lowry?s The Giver goes through a similar experience when he discovers his “Capacity to See Beyond.” Jonas begins to see his Community differently, with an awareness or. Lois Lowry , Newbery Medal , The Giver 856 Words | 3 Pages. childhood can become set principles we live by in later life or can influence the coursework assignment 1 decisions we make to give us our 'world view' aswe can not find other . examples due to house on mango essays age. Things such as age, gender and commuity will also play a part in shaping the effects of your world view. A World view is described by many different people in various ways for example Samovar and igcse english assignment 1, Porter (2003) (citing Rapport and Overing 2000) will describe a world view as 'the common English translation of the wallace German word “Weltanschauung”. I Shall Be Released , Learning , Life 1025 Words | 3 Pages. that a person should only set fairly easy and english coursework assignment 1, attainable goals for themselves. House On Mango! Now my attitude is that you should pursue what makes you happy, and coursework 1, you . shouldn’t let struggles stop you. When I read examples about following a passion, overcoming a fear, and being persistent in your efforts, my prior opinion began to essays change. In the english 1 book Blake first describes his journey with creating and growing TOMS. Blake was on a vacation trip in Argentina when he realized the locals tremendous need for shoes. 1083 Words | 3 Pages. create flashcards for free at Cram.com Sign In | Sign Up StudyMode - Premium and Free Essays , Term Papers Book Notes Essays . Wallace! Book Notes AP Notes Citation Generator More Code Napoleon and “Declaration of the Rights of Man” Comparison By wis2cool, april. 2013 | 5 Pages (1064 Words) | 1 Views | 4.5 12345 (1) | Report | This is a Premium essay for upgraded members Sign Up to access full essay DID YOU LIKE THIS? TELL YOUR FRIENDS. Send Code Napoleon and “Declaration. Age of Enlightenment , Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the igcse coursework assignment 1 Citizen , French Revolution 632 Words | 4 Pages. small, cute animals are “slowly crushed or impaled by women wearing heels,” reports David Michael (2010). These videos were banned in 1999 by the Supreme . Court, until the federal law had overreached, and the law was overturned. Service Trip! These acts are clear examples of cruelty towards animals, and igcse coursework assignment 1, can never be truly justified. If we take the rights steps, in trip, a warranted and honest manner, then we can stop animal abuse, and save future species from an unruly and unjustified future as slaves to man-kind. . Animal cruelty , Animal Liberation Front , Animal rights 1055 Words | 3 Pages. Jun. 17, 2013 ESSAY WRITING ESSAY . – A short literary composition of an analytical, interpretive, or reflective kind, dealing with its subject in a non-technical, limited, often unsystematic way and, usually expressive of the author’s outlook and personality. English Coursework! - An attempt. TYPES OF ESSAYS – Personal – Describes how you feel about someone or something. Essay On Best In Sanskrit! YOU are at the center . . Article , Essay , Essays 622 Words | 3 Pages. Example MBA admission essay The world of finance and business is a complicated and ubiquitous arena, and english coursework assignment, the axis around which . most of our society’s most important issues move. Having worked for a number of years in a multitude of administrative positions, I feel in many ways as though I have merely skimmed the surface of a field that is brimming with professional opportunities. The pursuit of a Master’s in Business Administration will enable me access tap previously unused resources in essay questions, my own. Administration , Business , Business school 873 Words | 3 Pages. ? Essay 1 The methods of english assignment 1, political control used by the Han and thesis, Imperial Roman Empires were different, as in the degree of citizen participation . in igcse, government because of how each empire utilized it to control the people. However, the essays use of english coursework assignment 1, theologies to tuck 2011 essays justify rule was a similar method used by the two empires because it allowed leaders to win over the people in more ways than one. In addition, the use of militaries to control the igcse english population and outlying territories was a similar method because. Ancient Rome , Byzantine Empire , Constantine I 2376 Words | 6 Pages. ART-O-METER scale essay Music is a form of expression; it is art, and what makes it of highest or lowest value can often be a matter of thesis fan, . English Coursework! personal choice. There are, however, universal ways of looking at a song’s value. First, one can analyze a song based on street essays the message the coursework assignment 1 writer wants to reveal. Words construct meaning, which ultimately reveals a theme, and the power of the community service trip essay theme helps listeners decide a song’s worth and universal impact. Closely linked to a song’s theme is the coursework 1 song’s literary. Aspect of music , Broken heart , Fiction 1377 Words | 4 Pages. How to write an argumentative essay. Give your opinion . Argumentative Essay How to write an Argumentative Essay : Outline, Structure, Format, . Examples , Topics How to tuck essays write an igcse coursework argumentative essay ? The leading tone in an argumentative essay is the position of proving that the essay presented point of view is the correct one and possesses more truthful arguments than any other opinions . English Coursework Assignment! The author through proper reasoning, inducting and making conclusions, must prove the assertions or the theories of the argumentative essay . If the author. Essay , Essays , Five paragraph essay 569 Words | 3 Pages. ! Analyzing Essay Psychologist Martin E. Essays! P. Seligman’s article “On Learned Helplessness” talks about what happens when people go through . traumatic events and how the handle the situations. Seligman ` studied the conditions that can lead to feelings of igcse english coursework 1, fear, helplessness, depression, and competence. By applying his theories and ideas I will analyze the article “Gunman Kills Himself After Hostage Drama” by essay friend in sanskrit Charles P. Wallace and Tim Waters. In the article by Wallace and Waters, a twenty-six. Depression , Emotion , Harry Dean Stanton 990 Words | 4 Pages. Definition Essay How to english assignment 1 write a Definition Essay : Outline, Format, Structure, Examples , Topics Writing a . Thesis Fan! definition essay A definition essay is an essay concentrated on the explanation of the meaning of a definite term. The term may be analyzed from the position of igcse coursework, one and only meaning and also from the position of subjectivity of the person defining the tuck essays term. Igcse! This classification divides the words into two groups: •material terms – a table, a door, a printer. •spiritual terms – friendship. Causality , Cosmological argument , Definition 2125 Words | 7 Pages. ? ESSAY IS A WRITTEN EXPRESSION OF WRITER'S DIRECT OPINION . Essays Wallace! THAT OPINION IS BASED ON OUR BELIEFS. now belief is igcse coursework of . further two types: 1. changeable (where there is tendency to tuck 2011 essays change the opinion ) 2. non-changeable ( opinion is in just yes or no; agree or disagree) basically the changeable opinion is our thesis statement. * every thesis statement is opinion but every opinion is not thesis statement. types of essays ' topics: 1. open topics on which writer's own tendency to prove his opinion. Belief , Creative writing , Critical thinking 474 Words | 2 Pages. Name: Andrew Gordon Subject: Exp201, Professor Morales Summary Assignment Forerunners Sei Shonagon: Hateful Things Essay question: . Consider Sei Shonagon’s definition of the word ‘hate’ in the Heian era. Is an opinion considered hostile if it focuses on honesty and coursework assignment 1, transparency of a situation? “Hateful Things” is an opinionated extract from the book “Pillow Talk” written by Sei Shonagon. Pillow Talk is a collection of the lists, desires, poetry and thesis, judgmental conversations by Shonagon. Sei. Essay , Heian period , Japan 1371 Words | 4 Pages. Example of an Ethnolect Based Essay. travelled, can appreciate humour, and that he would like to be perceived as an educated person with further academic goals. The phonological features of a . person’s speech are the most obvious signposts to assignment his or her origins or mother tongue. For example , Bill pronounces the sloan questions ‘not’ in ‘not really’, ‘correct’, ‘just’ and igcse assignment, ‘want’ by ending with a glottal stop (/?/), rather than the essays on william voiceless consonant (/t/). This occurs as final consonants are much less frequent in igcse english 1, Mandarin than in English and thus they. Australian English , British English , Dialect 953 Words | 3 Pages. 1 AN OPINION COMPOSITION When you are writing an essay that asks you to discuss a topic or give your opinion on sloan questions a . question, it is important to organize your thoughts and coursework 1, present your arguments clearly and to work out the structure of your essay before you start to write. 1. Plan four or five paragraphs: 2. 3. 4. 5. 2011 Essays! - an introduction (saying why it is important, what the situation is. ) - two or three paragraphs in coursework 1, support of the argument/ giving a contrasting or different view (with reasons). Developmental psychology , Essay , Learning 1697 Words | 5 Pages. Wind” essay by Verlyn Klinkenborg and wallace, then answer the following questions: . http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/18/ opinion /18fri4.html?_r=1 1. Explain how the author describes the wind in english coursework 1, three sentences? Provide one quote from the essay . 2. Copy down at least three descriptions that connect to at least three of the house on mango street essays following senses: a. Igcse Assignment 1! visual b. taste c. hearing d. touch e. smell 3. Write down the author’s main point. Actually copy his main point from the essay so I. Essay , Following , Plutarch 1249 Words | 4 Pages. every reader's question: So what? Supportable - A thesis must be a claim that you can prove with the evidence at essays wallace hand (e.g., evidence from your texts . or from your research). Your claim should not be outlandish, nor should it be mere personal opinion or preference (e.g., Frederick Douglass is my favorite historical figure.) Precise - An effective thesis statement has been narrowed down from a very broad subject. Your claim should not be something on which whole books could be written. Igcse English Coursework 1! . Argument , Frederick Douglass , Logic 1094 Words | 5 Pages. Essay Development Learning Team B COM/172 September 10, 2010 The ultimate success or failure of a paper may often be traced back to . the planning stages. House On Mango! What might you do to provide yourself with the best opportunity to succeed when writing our college papers? Planning is the most important tool we can use to igcse english coursework create an effective essay . When we plan accordingly, we are setting the community essay right expectation for completing our assignment. We take the time to create an coursework 1 effective outline and use. Begin , Essay , Pop music 1304 Words | 4 Pages. watching. Mary Chastain writes for Breitbart.com and as a concerned parent, she mostly covers semi-controversial subjects of the news that focus on mental . health issues of children. She inserts herself into house street essays, her articles with compassion and english 1, lets her opinions flow. Any mother or father would certainly feel the compassion in her words and questions, might trust her judgment just by knowing that she is a mother herself. Coursework 1! Not knowing this information could skew your view of her articles. If I did not know she was. Parent , Psychology , SpongeBob SquarePants 1056 Words | 3 Pages. of a highly successful career is the amount of respect we receive from on mango essays our peers. English Assignment 1! We are respected because of our expertise and our knowledge. We stand out . above the average person. We are noticed, loved and admired by many. Our opinion is valued. Electric Fan! Other people's opinions are high of us. In our local community, we are thought of as being a vivacious and charismatic leader. Everyone wants to igcse english assignment be around us because we make him or her feel good about themselves, and we help boost his or her self-esteem. Happiness , Need , Poverty 846 Words | 3 Pages. anyone believe that they were a witch. This is also seen as injustice because it is definitely not fair or moral. In The Crucible, Miller uses character to . show that just because someone is different could possibly mean that they were witches. Tuck 2011 Essays! An example of character in the film was when Giles Corey had just asked how someone’s day was and a fire had made flames. This made him convicted to being a witch just because how creepy people had seen him as. Justice cannot be seen here because justice is. Arthur Miller , Daniel Day-Lewis , John Proctor 899 Words | 3 Pages. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay. Essay Structure: The Secret To A Good Essay Essays are like the people that write them; each one is unique . and individual. A good essay topic seems the most important aspect for a paper; but if the igcse 1 writer can’t effectively convey their argument or idea in a fluid procession the paper’s topic will not matter. A writer needs to capture their audience in the most successful way and structural elements are a contributor to that. In the essay , Graffiti: Art or Vandalism, the author effectively. Art , Banksy , Eyesore 943 Words | 3 Pages. Descriptive Essay Example We all know college is wallace hard; if it were easy, everyone would have . a degree and igcse coursework 1, no one would ever ask for help. But here at Crafton Hills College, tutors are available to help out students in any way, so that those who struggle can do well and be successful. These mentors don’t just lecture, they take the community service trip essay time to make sure students understand and comprehend what is being taught. Tutors are at hand for igcse english coursework 1, a variety of service trip essay, subjects, some have. Learning , Teaching assistant , Tutor 1006 Words | 3 Pages. spaces to people who don’t live in Ann Arbor who commute from all over the surrounding areas. Coursework Assignment! For example , my MTH 169 teacher, Mr. King, would . commute from Farmington to Ann Arbor every day. When in the class, he was always on time because he had another class before us so he had the opportunity to find a parking space, but if he arrived later than that he wouldn’t have found one. Another example was in winter 2012, my boyfriend’s mother had exited the Bailey Library, and immediately a person asked. Ann Arbor, Michigan , Bus , Bus stop 1050 Words | 4 Pages. CORE Arguments, Opinions and suggestions. ? Appendix 2: Guidelines for Essays Each group must select ONE of the Topics below: Research the Topic and Write an tuck essays . essay . Assignment 1! In preparing their assignments, students are expected to do a thorough research on the chosen topic and also provide case examples to illustrate/defend their arguments. Where possible, students are encouraged to on mango use UAE/GULF OR Middle-East organizations as an english coursework 1 example . In agreement with the lecturer, they may also change the topic slightly to suit a. Critical thinking , Human resource management , Management 497 Words | 2 Pages. boot-camp not as a military training program, but rather as a group of individuals who are driven by essays a common goal? If we can do this then we can begin . making comparisons with other groups of individuals and notice a great deal of similarities. For example , universities offer a wide variety of clubs such as the Philosophy Club or the Student Veterans Organization, and these clubs are formed because like-minded individuals driven by a common goal congregated and bonded to igcse assignment 1 birth their club. Community Essay! Just like. Bond , Bonds, Lancashire , Marine 900 Words | 2 Pages. Order Paper Writing Help 24/7 - Structure within each Lesson: How to Study | IGCSE … pdf 4 Кб Description Essay On Good Parenting. Description Essay On Good Parenting. Description Essay On Good Parenting. 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Over the igcse assignment years, Ultius has worked with customers who bought essay samples and relentlessly studied essay preparation to determine what few key characteristics generally result in the completion of a successful essay. No matter what type of essay it is or the tuck 2011 essays subject matter, the items listed below are considered best practices that must be followed. Pay close attention to the recommendations and igcse english, you will be well on your way to success, even if you don't buy essays for thesis fan sample use from igcse coursework assignment, us. The Thesis - The Foundation of a Great Essay. The thesis statement, from the first to last sentence, must be airtight. The primary argument has to come from house street essays, a solid base. Igcse English Coursework Assignment 1? If there is a specific question that needs to be answered, the thesis statement must address it within the conclusion of the house street essays first paragraph. Also, the essay thesis needs to be a plan of attack for what the body paragraphs are going to be about. Click here for assignment 1 more information on writing strong thesis statements. Good writers know that attention to detail is essays wallace as must. Plus, your professor will expect it. Make sure to clearly read the instructions (all of english 1, them) and clarify by asking questions. For example, some common things to look out for on mango street include: (ii) Required number of sources; (iii) Essay type (argumentative, comparative, narrative…etc); Thoroughly read the original essay instructions and make a plan before even starting to write. Strong Organization = Well-Written Essay. The structure of an english essay can really make it or break it for you. Make sure that you have strong opening and 2011, closing paragraphs and body content that supports your original thesis. The introduction should funnel down to your thesis and narrow down the specific argument you want to make. Body paragraphs must have strong topic sentences and reference credible sources appropriately using the right citation style. Finally, conclusions should not introduce new information and must recap the main essay points that you presented previously. Adherence to igcse coursework assignment, Citation Style Guidelines. Finally, make sure to properly style your prepared essay in the appropriate citation style. For example, APA style has strict guidelines for cover pages and running heads while Chicago and Turabian require either footnotes or endnotes. Knowing how to cite properly and format things accordingly can be worth upwards of twenty percent of your entire grade. Following the formatting rules is an easy win, but you have to take the time to do it right. Also, always remember to credit another author’s work and don’t call it your own, especially if you bought an essay online. While writing good essays is time consuming and street essays, tedious, it all comes down to following best practices and igcse english 1, being diligent. Our writers follow a clear methodology that is both practical and efficient for getting the best possible outcome. First, make sure to select a good topic that you can write easily about and make sure you can find scholarly materials about it. On Mango Street Essays? Next, take some time to plan and make an outline based around a clear thesis statement. Proceed to write the body while adhering to strict rules for igcse english coursework assignment paragraphs and inclusion of thesis fan, references. Igcse Coursework Assignment 1? Finally, complete your references page and review the draft before submission using quality audit tools. 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It’s Superbowl Sunday and the game is due to start any minute but I’m not that interested. I’m more interested in understanding why we’re still talking about a bigfoot body that does not exist. Rick Dyer’s Bigfoot – The thing that wouldn’t die…if this supposed creature turns out to be a real, physical corpse, then all else in the Bigfoot world is trumped. Ongoing attempts to quash this rumor have not succeeded and now we have bloggers Robert Lindsay and Christopher Noel who claim that Dyer has (the remnants of) a body. Click or Scroll down for more I’m throwing these names out without full explanation because this information is the result of my perusing of the blogosphere and internet at large and those who follow the BF saga know the names. The short blurb on this development is that the skin and fur that Rick Dyer will begin touring through the country has convinced blogger Lindsay that it is the remains of a factual Bigfoot body, although Lindsay will not divulge his sources. That's Dyer, along with Biscardi and that other potato head who lost his job as a cop after the Georgia Bigfoot in a Freezer hoax came undone. Hank and Hank? Blogger Christopher Noel claims the same as Lindsay, citing the anonymous sources as well and of course this is useless blather too. For his part, Dr. Meldrum denies that he supports that conclusion, apparently posting on Facebook, “ I was not one of those who reportedly endorsed “Hank.” The sad reality is that the internet is just a fast-track version of the rumor mill, with BF B.S. being tossed on to our computer screens with ever increasing speed and flash. And Lindsay may be as detestable as Dyer himself. After I read supportive posts that Lindsay made about pornography and pedophilia, I clicked out. Christopher Noel, who wrote a decent book called ‘Sasquatch Rising 2013: Dead Giants Tell No Tales’ alludes to the same anonymous sources, but disclaims that Dyer actually shot the creature. Where did it come from? Noel ain’t saying. Where does this leave us? Nowhere. "Me and Hank" The Bigfoot movie starring Woody Harrelson as Rick Dyer. (Not). 'If you know a good barber, I'd be obliged' It’s surprising to me how this thread of inquiry conjures up very old memories for me. My own interest in things related to Bigfoot began in dribs and drabs, with a recording of a Stan Freberg’s comedy bit called ‘The Abominable Snowman.’ Freberg’s glib monster, a sort of non-chalant, nightclub version of the Abominable Snowman was wonderfully funny. Here’s a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ND-EdUwqhaI Back in about 1962, my brothers and I would hang out in the living room and turn the record up trying to imitate Freberg’s voice as he inhaled while speaking, creating a croaky growl that, when hearing it again for the first time in fifty years, I was instantly reminded of another boyhood memory of visiting the Seattle Center and viewing a museum oddity called ‘Olaf The Giant.’ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jones'_Fantastic_Museum My mom took me to this makeshift exhibit and I remember the thrill of seeing such a weird, monstrous thing. The link is a must view, as it also contains the story of Laughing Sal, a super creepy 6’10” animatronic woman who was the epitome of ‘clown scary’. You would not believe how creepy this thing was Considering how Dyer’s plan to display his ‘creature’ in a glass case in the absolute manner of a carnival sideshow, there seems to be little difference. Barnum and Bailey have nothing on Dyer. Some of the other pressing Bigfoot developments deserve mention. Mr. Ed and Ms. Ketchum Melba Ketchum’s DNA- The story here is also convoluted, where a former veterinarian is claiming to have sequenced DNA for an unknown hominid. Peer review including accredited genetics labs is necessary to arrive at a consensus for her claims and this has not happened to date. ' Bro...do you even hide?' Sasquatch Ontario’s Mike Paterson is all over Youtube. He claims to have a habitation site in some remote location in Ontario where he routinely records a Bigfoot he calls Nephatia (sp). The recordings include words that he is apparently teaching this alleged creature, like ‘brother’ and ‘flower’. He responds to many of the questions Youtubers ask him, and he alludes (with no clarification) to aspects to the creature’s behavior that smack of the paranormal. All I can find out about this guy’s character is a rumor about a skydiving accident that ‘changed him’, along with alleged alcohol and drug abuse. Not my idea of a strong source for veracity in matters of Cryptid research. Judge for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/user/MANASOOCAN Justin Smeja Personally, I don’t even like this guy’s name much less the rumor that he killed not just one but two Bigfoot creatures and then left them to rot out of fear of being arrested. What a mook. You can’t manufacture a good reason for this sort of behavior, except to lump him in with the bulk of reckless hunter stories. This should never impugn the careful work of responsible hunters, but sadly, whether true or not, the name Smeja is in the books now as a fool and possibly as a murderer. It must be particularly tiresome for the people in the BF world who strive to maintain integrity, like Dr. Meldrum, Derek Randles and the people at the BFRO. The hard part is that every new bit of information must be researched until it can be vetted beyond reproach. That’s a tall order in a world where video and photographic proof is no longer trustworthy and even the task of getting DNA results replicated is onerous. But this is how the story shakes out now, not as a disclosure to the world in a conference held by a panel of world-renowned scientists, but from a glass case towed behind a motorhome that parks on the disused grounds outside your city. All we’re missing is a ferris wheel and some cotton candy. One thing is certain, I believe, and that is that there is certainly a large bipedal animal that exists in the forests of this country and perhaps in other locations around the world. There are far too many credible eye-witness accounts to ignore and while the physical evidence has been unconvincing to date for the bulk of us, the full understanding of this new addition to the taxonomy of man will come to fruition eventually. But it won’t be added to the curriculum of institutions and the record books until that panel of real, credentialed scientists like Dr. Meldrum are fully on board.
A North Carolina woman claims that her homemade bug spray has a remarkable side effect: it attracts Bigfoot! Allie Megan Webb says that she initially created the concoction, dubbed ‘Bigfoot Juice,’ to help her husband fend off mosquitoes during expeditions in search of the legendary cryptid. After a few times using the spray, he asked her to tweak the recipe because it smelled too feminine for him and so she switched some of the ingredients to develop a more ‘outdoorsy’ scent. And, as luck would have it, his Bigfoot research group happened to spot the creature the first time he wore the newly-developed bug spray. This has led Webb to conclude that there must be something about her mix of fragrances which catches the attention of the creature. “To attract a Bigfoot, you need a smell that is woodsy enough to keep from scaring him off,” she explained to the Charlotte Observer, “but slightly different enough to make him curious, and come to investigate.” She also theorizes that the spray masks human odors, which allows researchers combing the woods for signs of the cryptid to hide their presence in the wilderness. As one might expect, Webb is now selling bottles of bug spray for a mere $7 for aspiring Bigfoot hunters who may wish to give the alleged cryptid-attracting smell a test. Should the ‘Bigfoot juice’ prove successful, Webb advises users to make sure they take a picture of the creature when it shows up and starts sniffing around the area. For their sake, let’s just hope that the spray doesn’t serve as an aphrodisiac for Bigfoot or else their hunt for the creature could take a rather terrifying turn.
and is reprinted here: Madagascar is a place that I find fascinating, for various reasons. One such is the possibility – even if slim – of present-day cryptozoological “action” there. Attempted summary, below, of such “just-maybe’s”. These culled from a combination of material from Karl Shuker’s blog; and Heuvelmans’s book “On The Track of Unknown Animals”. Heuvelmans, writing some 55 years ago, made his Madagascar chapter principally a “lament”, centring on local stories of various creatures not recognised by biological science, but which were then according to the locals still around, or had been around in the measurable past. Heuvelmans’s “take” was that many of these represented, likely, memories of species which had still existed only generations or centuries back – he expressed regret that scepticism on the part of mainstream scientists in the preceding couple of centuries had weighed against investigation of the possibility of still-existing undiscovered creatures, there; and voiced the notion that it would seem appallingly bad luck that every single such, was actually extinct at the time at which he was writing – maybe something still living but undocumented, in the “remotest reaches”? One gathers that in the time since publication of Heuvelmans’s book, Madagascar – already quite seriously environmentally degraded then – has gone a great deal further down that road, especially as regards deforestation: only a tiny percentage of the island’s one-time forest cover is now left, and that is under threat. None of this process over the past half-century, would seem to have uncovered any new sizeable-and-impressive species in Madagascar. However, Shuker still holds out possible hope for a few “mystery creatures” there. Seeking for relative brevity, am mostly sticking to those for which Shuker sees a chance, however remote. (Madagascar is one of those places which go in for tongue-twisting and “as-long-as-your-arm” words and names.) TRATRATRATRA: “Madagascar’s yeti”, if anything deserves that tag. Described by witnesses as “hairy-ape-man-like”, and quite large. Sundry putative giant-lemur species have been identified in Madagascar from subfossil remains, some seen as having lasted as long as up to several centuries ago (seen as exterminated by man). Envisaged “tratratratra” candidates: the sloth lemur Palaeopropithecus ingens, shown from radio-carbon dating of sub-fossil remains to have existed at least until c. 1500 AD. Or the supposedly extinct lemur Hadropithecus, with a relatively flattened ape-like or humanoid face? There is an account from the 1930s (source other than Heuvelmans) of a French forester in Madagascar who “came face to face with an animal sitting 4ft. high, and described it as being unlike other lemurs he had seen. It did not have a muzzle, but was like a gorilla with ‘the face of one of my ancestors’.” A responder to Shuker’s blog gives brief reports, from Madagascan locals, of a couple of early 1990s brief encounters in remote areas, with possible tratratratra – happened at night, perceptions thus perhaps inexact, but creature reckoned over 2 metres tall. Shuker muses on its being possible, even if unlikely, “that a very small, relict population of at least one species of giant lemur does still persist in Madagascar, highly elusive, nocturnal, and actively avoiding humans whenever possible.” KIDOKY: like the known lemur the sifaka (the mostly white and highly-agile one) but much larger. Two officially extinct genera, known from remains, are possible candidates; but there is a 1952 sighting report from an educated local, of a possible kidoky. [A couple of “extreme outsiders”, whose Madagascan names I will spare people: a nocturnal sheep-like and sheep-sized, and white, creature (reported from the centre of the island); and a wild-ass-like creature, supposed by the locals to be extremely “bad juju” and greatly feared by them, reported from the far south. Both seemingly being reported – with some suggestion of footprints – up to the present day. Shuker and Heuvelmans concur on a theoretical possibility of large terrestrial lemurs which could have evolved specially hoof-like claws – while reckoning that these two very probably belong in the “myth” pile.] TSOMGOMBY / KILOPILOPITSOFY / RAILILOMENA: water-frequenting creature, greatly like a small hippopotamus. Palaeontology holds that not a huge number of centuries ago there lived in Madagascar, alongside the giant lemurs, three species of – smallish – hippopotamus. Mentioned “in passing” in a published work (1829) by Dumont d’Urville, that there were “at the time of writing”, hippos in Madagascar’s rivers. Some recent-ish reports (the latest, from 1976) of sightings of a hippo-like creature – conjectured perhaps to be still-surviving Madagascan dwarf hippo, Hippopotamus lemerlei, estimated to have existed at least up to what Shuker calls “1000 BP” (don’t know what that means in terms of the “BC / AD and alternatives” controversy, and Google didn’t enlighten). ANTAMBA: as well as the fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox), Madagascar’s largest surviving known native mammalian carnivore (“superficially resembles a small long-tailed puma, but is more closely related to the civets and genets” – IMO a lovely animal – at least one specimen is in captivity in the UK, at Marwell Zoological Park in Hampshire); there is known from subfossil remains, a “giant version” , Cryptoprocta spelia, of this creature, some 3 metres long. Thought to have gone extinct several centuries ago; but rumours have continued, up to at least a dozen years ago, of a fearsome “very big cat” seeming to tick the “antamba” box, in the most-inaccessible forests in the north-east of the island. A 1999 expedition unfortunately found nothing conclusive. KALANORO: if the tratratratra is Madagascar’s “Bigfoot”, the kalanoro is the corresponding “Littlefoot”. Less-improbable accounts of this creature (the more way-out ones have it as at least semi-aquatic, partaking of “merpeople / siren” traits) tell of it as a very small (stature a metre or less) hairy ape-man-like biped. Descriptions have the kalanoro as far more humanoid than lemurine (the kalanoro described as always tail-less – all existing lemurs except for the largest species thereof, the indris, have long and noticeable tails). Kalanoro had a limited amount of (not always harmonious) interaction with hom.sap.sap. One feels, in the Orang Pendek / Ebu Gogo / Nittaewo ballpark. Seemingly, no kalanoro reports in truly recent times (a European in Madagascar, writing in the 1880s, retailed at second-hand or more, local accounts which seemed to suggest that the kalanoro were “up and running” then). Shuker feels that this creature – if it ever was -- is probably no more – no suggestion of the hom.sap.sap. getting sick of them and wiping them out (the people of Madagascar do strike me on the whole, as a more-than-average gentle and kindly bunch) – they’d seem just to have faded out, “not with a bang but a whimper”. |In this case, the caption is probably wrong and should read Tokandia.| Size and Weight: Lingering populations and oral traditionRecent radiocarbon dates from accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating, such as 630 ± 50 BP for Megaladapis remains and 510 ± 80 BP for Palaeopropithecus remains, indicate that the giant lemurs survived into modern times. Moreover, it is likely that memories of these creatures persist in the oral traditions of some Malagasy cultural groups. Some recent stories from around Belo sur Mer in southwestern Madagascar might even suggest that some of the giant subfossil lemurs still survive in remote forests. Flacourt's 1658 description of the tretretretre or tratratratra was the first mention of the now extinct giant lemurs in Western culture, but it is unclear if he saw it. The creature Flacourt described has traditionally been interpreted as a species of Megaladapis. However, the size may have been exaggerated, and the "round head and a human face" would not match Megaladapis, which had an enlarged snout and eyes that did not face entirely forward. Megaladapis had the least forward-facing eyes of all primates. The facial description, and the mention of a short tail, solitary habits, and other traits better match the most recent interpretation — Palaeopropithecus. Likewise, Malagasy tales recorded by the 19th-century folklorist Gabriel Ferrand describing a large animal with a flat human-like face that was unable to negotiate smooth rock outcrops best match Palaeopropithecus, which would also have had difficulty on flat smooth surfaces. In 1995, a research team led by David Burney and Ramilisonina performed interviews in and around Belo sur Mer, including Ambararata and Antsira, to find subfossil megafaunal sites used early in the century by other paleontologists. During carefully controlled interviews, the team recorded stories of recent sightings of dwarf hippos (called kilopilopitsofy) and of a large lemur-like creature known as kidoky; a report of the interviews was published in 1998 with encouragement from primatologist Alison Jolly and anthropologist Laurie Godfrey. In one interview, an 85-year-old man named Jean Noelson Pascou recounted seeing the rare kidoky up close in 1952. Pascou said that the animal looks similar to a sifaka, but had a human-like face, and was "the size of a seven-year-old girl". It had dark fur and a discernible white spot both on the forehead and below the mouth. According to Pascou, it was a shy animal that fled on the ground instead of in the trees. Burney interpreted the old man as saying that it moved in "a series of leaps", but Godfrey later claimed that "a series of bounds" was a better translation — a description that would closely match the foot anatomy of monkey lemurs, such as Hadropithecus and Archaeolemur. Pascou could also imitate its call, a long single "whoop", and said that kidoky would come closer and continue calling if he imitated the call correctly. The call Pascou imitated was comparable to that of a short call for an indri, which lives on the other side of Madagascar. When shown a picture of an indri, Pascou said kidoky did not look like that, and that it had a rounder face, more similar to a sifaka. Pascou also speculated that kidoky could stand on two legs and that it was a solitary animal. Burney and Ramilisonina admitted that the most parsimonious explanation for the sightings was that kidoky was a misidentified sifaka or other larger living lemur species. However, the authors did not feel comfortable with such a dismissal because of their careful quizzing and use of unlabeled color plates during the interviews and because of the competence demonstrated by the interviewees in regards to local wildlife and lemur habits. The possibility of a wild introduced baboon surviving in the forests could not be dismissed. However, the descriptions of kidoky, with its terrestrial baboon-like gait, make Hadropithecus and Archaeolemur the most plausible candidates among the giant subfossil lemurs. At the very least, the stories support a wider extinction window for the giant subfossil lemurs, suggesting that their extinction was recent enough for such vivid stories to still survive in the oral traditions of the Malagasy people. Size and Weight: [The nearest descriptions we have to Hadropithecus refer to some unidentified flat-faced monkeylike lemurs including a small kind mentioned in the book A World Like their Own, which was described as resembling an African guenon monkey. This was also possibly still only a juvenile-DD] |Black indri, SG Goodrich, The Animal Kingdom Illustrated, AJ Johnson & Co, NY, 1885, p119| It is thought that some of the rumours of apelike creatures on Madagascar are references to the Paleopropithecus, and the reports are of creatures described as being like chimpanzees. As of 2004, giant aye-aye remains consisted of 4 incisors, a tibia, and postcranial material. Subfossils of this species have been found in the southern and southeastern portion of Madagascar, outside of the range of extant aye-aye. Giant aye-ayes are believed to be very similar morphologically to the aye-aye, but 2 to 2.5 times larger, based upon jaw and incisor measurements. Archaeoindris is an extinct species of giant lemur, and the largest primate known to have evolved on Madagascar, comparable in size to a male gorilla. It belonged to a family of extinct lemurs known as "sloth lemurs" (Palaeopropithecidae), and because of its extremely large size, it has been compared to the ground sloths that once roamed North and South America. It probably became extinct only very recently, around 350 BCE. Archaeoindris was first described by Herbert F. Standing in 1909 based on subfossil fragmentary jaws, although Charles Lamberton later discovered a complete skull. Only six bones from the lower skeleton have been found, and excavations in the 1980s offered no leads for new finds. Its remains have been found at only one location: Ampasambazimba, a subfossil site in central Madagascar. Size estimates based on the limited remains have varied widely, ranging as high as 244.1 kg (538 lb), but the most thorough statistical investigation using regression analyses predicts a mass of 160-187 kg (350-400 lb). Limited remains have resulted in varying opinions about the way Archaeoindris moved in its environment, ranging from tree-dwelling to ground-dwelling. Its skeleton suggests it was a deliberate climber that visited the ground to travel. The diet of Archaeoindris was mostly leaves, and its habitat—prior to human arrival—was a mix of woodlands, bushlands, and savanna, rich in lemur diversity. Today, the region is dominated by grasslands and lemur diversity is very low in the nearest protected area, Ambohitantely Special Reserve. Although it was a rare lemur, it was still extant when humans first arrived on Madagascar, and it would have been vulnerable to hunting and habitat loss. [Archaeoindris was indeed most likely the basis for the Tratratra tradition as well as the more recent "Bigfoot-like" and "Ape" reports coming from Madagascar-DD] Giant Fossa (Cryptoprocta spelea) The giant fossa was a low-slung puma-like carnivore that, judging from the size of its jaws, was a formidable predator. It is thought to have survived until historical times, and probably preyed on some of the large lemur species that are also now extinct. Étienne de Flacourt, French governor of Madagascar during the mid-seventeenth century, described an animal called the ‘antamba’ which might represent a living giant fossa in his ‘L’Histoire de le Grande Île de Madagascar’(1658). [Current reports refer to a "Malagassy Lion" which is probably the same animal-DD] Roy Mackal mentions that he had mention of a continued survival of "The smaller kind of Elephavnt birds" on Madagascar in his book Searching for Hidden Animals (1981). That would be Mullerornis and looking much mnore like a conventional ostrich (indeed current "Modern" reports seem to speak of them as being just ordinary ostriches] The elephant birds, which were giant ratites native to Madagascar, have been extinct since at least the 17th century. Étienne de Flacourt, a French governor of Madagascar in the 1640s and 1650s, mentions an ostrich-like bird said to inhabit unpopulated regions. The explorer and traveler Marco Polo also mentions very large birds in accounts of his journeys to the East during the 12th and 13th centuries. These earlier accounts are today believed to describe elephant birds. Aepyornis, believed to have been more than 3 m (10 ft) tall and weighing close to 400 kg (880 lb), was at the time the world's largest bird. Remains of Aepyornis adults and eggs have been found; in some cases the eggs have a circumference of more than 1 m (3 ft 3 in) and a length up to 34 cm (13 in). The egg volume is about 160 times greater than that of a chicken egg. Aepyornis maximus is commonly known as the 'elephant bird', a term that apparently originated from Marco Polo's account of the rukh in 1298, although he was apparently referring to an eagle-like bird strong enough to "seize an elephant with its talons". Sightings of eggs of elephant birds by sailors (e.g. text on the Fra Mauro map of 1467-69, if not attributable to ostriches) could also have been erroneously attributed to a giant raptor from Madagascar. The legend of the roc could also have originated from sightings of such a giant subfossil eagle related to the African Crowned Eagle, which has been described in the genus Stephanoaetus from Madagascar, being large enough to carry off large primates; today, lemurs still retain a fear of aerial predators such as these. Another might be the perception of ratites retaining neotenic features and thus being mistaken for enormous chicks of a presumably more massive bird. The ancient Malagasy name for the bird is vorompatra, meaning "bird of the Ampatres". The Ampatres are today known as the Androy region of southern Madagascar. Indeed, in 1659 Étienne de Flacourt wrote: "vouropatra - a large bird which haunts the Ampatres and lays eggs like the ostriches; so that the people of these places may not take it, it seeks the most lonely places". And an additional note: Supposed remains of "aepyornithid" eggs found on the eastern Canary Islands represent a major biogeographical enigma. These islands are not thought to have been connected to mainland Africa when elephant birds were alive. There is no indication that elephant birds evolved outside Madagascar, and today, the Canary Island eggshells are considered to belong to extinct North African birds that may or may not have been ratites (Eremopezus/Psammornis), or even Pelagornithidae, prehistoric seabirds of immense size [I would opt for the last suggestion, and this might also have a bearing on other very large isolated eggs in other parts of the world-DD] Strange Ark’s online regional guide to cryptids has a list of African cryptids at this location. For Madagascar, sorting through Chad Arment’s list, the following cryptids are noted: Lemurs: Unknown species, giant species [indefinite number of species, possibly four] Reported from Madagascar Heuvelmans 1986; Shuker 2000a; Shuker 1998d Lemur: unknown miniature species Reported from Tsingy de Bemaraha reserve, Madagascar Folklore from Madagascar Discover article [DD's listing, original specified vol and number] Reported from Madagascar Shuker 1989 [ex Heuvelmans] Madagascan dwarf hippo: Kilopilopitsofy Reported from Madagascar Shuker 2000a [ex Heuvelmans] Reported from southwest Madagascar Hypothesized from Madagascar [NOW KNOWN, NO LONGER A CRYPTID] [This blog has separately noted the possible survival of different species of Pygmy Hippos, Robust crocodiles and giant tortoises on Madagascar. Best Wishes, Dale D.] ADDENDUM: Markus Buhler insists that I add that the so-called 'Giant' Fossa of Madagascar was larger than the usual fossas, they would not be the cause of reports of "Lions" which are otherwise much the same as reported "Alien Big Cats" the whole world over. Such reports would more commonly based on formerly captive imported big cats, such as pet leopards, released into the wild, and accompanied by the usual mistaken reports of feral dogs. The situation is much the same as the reported marsupial "Tigers" in Australia. Markus also writes that he has identified the sheeplike Habebe as a wooly type of Megaladapis when out foraging on the ground: this is also indicated because of the skulls in that genus resembling the skull of an ungulate more than that of a lemur or monkey. That does sound likely and Markus does deserve the credit for that particular identification.
This article contains spoilers for Firewatch. One of the more underreported weirdnesses of the American wilderness is just how many damn people go missing on a yearly basis in our national parks. Well, underreported may be unfair — it’s not as if there are a lot of misconceptions about the dangers of parks, how easy they are to get lost in, and what can happen if one veers off the trail. But the cavalcade of paranormal stories — some along the lines of r/nosleep style fiction, others in the realm of true conspiracy theories — are a bit more subterranean. Popularized largely by David Paulides Missing 411 series, the nefarious reasons for disappearances in our national parks have gained steam in a national moment where frankly most of us would rather learn about aliens, conspiracies, and the occult than actively engage in the world surrounding and vexing us. So whether it’s just the deeply fatal quality of the wilderness, tragic missteps, or something darker, we’re drawn to stories about the events we can’t readily explain that happen in areas we more often than not don’t really think about. Is it any wonder then that some of these theories end up looking more like questions about shadow governments, surveillance, or unseen forces? No, of course not — but what’s underlying those theories, anyway? The most gripping storyline in Firewatch, as I discussed in my previous piece, is the story of Brian Goodman and his father, Ned. Ned, years ago, had the job of the player’s avatar Henry, and Delilah, his friend, confidant, and psychological lover in the tower across the way, grew to have a fondness for Ned’s son, Brian. Brian was in the Shoshone National Park in defiance of state rules banning minors from the park during forest fire season. Delilah knew about Brian, but said nothing as he seemed to be enjoying the outdoors and was getting some time with his (fairly bad) dad. You end up learning about Brian in fits and starts, first finding his backpack full of ropes that allow you to rappel down steep cliffs, and then hearing stories about his (importantly generic) Dungeons and Dragons campaigns that he played with Celia. By the time you reach the fort Brian had set up outside the cave systems that undergird the Shoshone, he’s almost like a third character in the game, a phantom that refers metonymically to the world outside of the park, the past and future of all the world spinning outside of your own personal soap opera. And as it happens, you need a phantom to keep the massive complexities of the park and its residents in perspective as your own massive problem and conspiracy unravels in front of you. After finding two girls firing off fireworks and lecturing them to mixed results, you find your guardtower trashed, the phone lines cut, and a taunting set of panties left to identify the vandals. Unfortunately, the girls are missing when you find their trashed campsite, and they go missing completely. Immediately, you are a suspect, as your character is the last to see either of them alive, and even Delilah delicately asks what happened to them and if you know…anything at all. You don’t, and suddenly the specter of disappearance is brought up — a sheer drop, a drowning, a murderer. It’s unclear, but it’s also potentially incriminating to Henry. And this is exacerbated by the discovery of “Wapiti Station”, a seemingly abandoned research station that is surrounded by a massive fence and is inaccessible to everyone, including rangers. The discovery comes after the girls go missing, and directly afterward, Henry is assaulted from behind after finding notes that dictate his and Delilah’s conversations, copying routes and exact diction. Suddenly, the two realize they’re being watched, and the teens disappearing seem like an harbinger of future danger than an isolated tragedy. The danger continues to mount as both Henry and Delilah start to doubt each other, begin to see the entire forest as a sinister set of unspoken threats or misrepresentations. Quickly, after the introduction of Day 75, where Henry is sitting, legs dangling on a rock face eating a sandwich, the whole relationship unravels under the force of the threat of Wapiti Station, one part Paulides, two parts the spy novels littering the rangers’ stations in the Shoshone. The facelessness of your confidants suddenly become deeply suspect, and no one can be trusted — the conspiracy is too wide to comprehend. At the point at which Henry and Delilah decide to explore the caves — convinced something must be down there that will lead to the Truth — they think they are being framed for setting a fire at Wapiti Station, they assume they are being surveiled by sinister forces, and they fear for their lives. The conspiracy has deepened to an incredible degree, and the stakes have risen to levels that, had you asked in Day 1, would seem absurd. The cave, our firewatchers and the player all think as one, is where the solution will be found, the thread that unravels this entire terrible puzzle. And of course it is. They find the dead body of Brian at the bottom of the cave and all intrigue stops. In quick order, the fire ravaging the Shoshone requires extraction of our protagonists, and we find out that Brian’s death has been the moving factor of the whole campaign of conspiracy. Ned, Brian’s father, has been trying to scare you and Delilah off the trail of his dead child, a child he has left to mummify in a cave while he hung out away from the law in a national park. The girls turn up in a local jail, and the intrigue of the game turns into nothing more than dueling codices — trying to connect all of the dots while Delilah begs you just to leave it all be and get out before the forest burns around you. But in the end, anything but the true conspiracy underlying the game is a disappointment to Henry and to the player, one that requires concerted effort to re-litigate. In the end, there’s nothing there but a body, but the conspiracy masks this much more tragic banality with the promise of horror and barely speakable governmental darkness. Killers, creatures, aliens, spies — it all comes down to a kid who didn’t keep his balance while his dad forced him to climb. This let down is natural, and a part of what’s at the core of all comic book, videogame, or otherwise “nerd” culture. There is no cabal of rich, callous murderers in Ciudad Juarez, there are just banal and horrifying killings of women. The loss of a child in a park is not an abduction by an alien or a cryptid; it is a deeply unfortunate and unavoidable moment of tragedy. Pop culture helps us to believe that the banal moments of our life that impact us the most are not base trauma — the things that keep us from owning or engaging with our lives to the fullest — but mobilizing forces to our continued revelation of a more profound world. There is no tragedy here, in other words, that isn’t a door to perception. But this is also what conspiracies do for us. We use them to convince ourselves that there is some sort of deeper logic to the world around us as opposed to a series of unknowable tragedies. And who would a conspiracy appeal to more than a man who lost his wife to Alzheimer’s and a woman who lost everyone she ever got close to. The protagonists of the game need a conspiracy in the same way many lonely people through time have needed one. As The Last Podcast on the Left has surmised: people need the Hollow Moon to fill some sort of deep hole in their lives. But what Firewatch shows us is that there is nothing at the end of the narrative other than a dead body and a lack of explanations. Videogames for ages have been teasing massive conspiracies only to provide let-down compromises, the actions of a few crazy men or women read into larger significance in order to justify the machinations of a larger videogame narrative. Firewatch seems to be going that way, and while any seasoned gamer is probably ready to be disappointed, the gut punch full-stop of the actual truth is worse. There’s nothing that can steel us for the actual truth, the fact that there is no darker secret to most of our lives than the fact that none of them ride on a clear narrative. Firewatch gives us a ton of narratives, too — Henry’s relationship with Delilah; the missing teens; Brian and Ned; the notes found throughout the park; the research center; hell, even the fires themselves — all of which resolve into dust by the end of the game. There’s no ultimate point to anything Henry does in Firewatch, and that’s certainly not for lack of trying on Henry’s part. It’s due to the fact that, despite our best efforts, the banality and everyday randomness of life is more likely to hit us than a true novelistic arc. Far more common in real life, and far rarer in fiction, Firewatch gives us a look at what happens when we turn over all of the rocks and follow every lead to its very end: we feel cheated by the materiality of the real world, that ubiquitous presence that reminds us of the solidity and the unremarkable quality of life. Conspiracies, in the end, are nothing more than a set of snapshots taken by a stranger.
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Not every month is a great one for Bigfoot sightings, but from here on out, I’m going to try to find at least something of note each month to share about everyone’s favorite bipedal humanoid. What can I say — real or not, I find the videos interesting. So here are a handful of alleged Bigfoot sightings and other weirdness, this time from around May 2017. Do they prove the existence of Bigfoot? That’s for you to decide. A Sasquatch Scream? Bigfoot screams (otherwise known as Something You Don’t Want To Hear Alone In The Middle Of The Night) are an interesting topic all on their own. Here we have a YouTube channel called Sasquatch Evidence and their video of what could be, as they say, a possible sasquatch scream. Most of the video just shows off a leisurely hike through a forested area, but just wait until 1:52. Something yells in the distance. A Humanoid Creature in California Woods Nv Tv shared this peculiar footage, taken in the hills of Humboldt County, California during a night investigation in April (not quite May, but close enough). They suggest it’s either a Bigfoot or perhaps a Dog Man, a cryptid similar in appearance to a werewolf. That said, whatever it is doesn’t seem to move much at all. The footage was taken with a FLIR cam, or forward looking infrared camera. Do Bigfeet Build “Invisible” Structures? In this video, Utah Sasquatch investigates a potential Bigfoot structure – which he believes may be constructed deliberately to “maintain near invisibility” by blending into the rest of the forest. The structure in the video is comprised of many vertical sticks that appear to be set up in a cone shape. There’s also mention of an “eleven-foot white Bigfoot” often spotted crossing roads in the area. Was the Patterson Bigfoot Carrying A Baby Bigfoot? Finally, we have this video, titled Patterson Bigfoot’s Baby (?). It takes yet another look at the famous Patterson-Gimlin Bigfoot footage – a short clip of an alleged humanoid creature just strolling into the woods. The video’s creator, Bigfoot Tony, posits that the figure seen in the video may actually be carrying a “baby” Bigfoot on its back. That’s all I have for now. If you’re interested, here’s another curious story about a Michigan state trooper who claims to speak regularly with Bigfoot-like creatures.
Artistic representation of the unidentified flashlight frog (© Connor Lachmanec, aka TheMorlock on Deviantart.com) Bioluminescence is the emission of light by certain life forms. These include many known species of bacteria, fungi, protozoans, invertebrates, and fishes, but there are also several controversial examples, including the following couple – both of which may constitute remarkable new species still undescribed by science. SEEING RED IN SERAM One evening in June 1986, while working on the small eastern Indonesian island of Seram (Ceram) for the VSO, tropical agriculturalist Tyson Hughes spied some very eyecatching, unidentified fishes in a river. They resembled the familiar 'fish-out-of-water' mudskippers in general size and shape. However, quite apart from inhabiting freshwater rather than intertidal habitats, these curious fishes encountered by Tyson further differed from all known species of mudskipper by emitting a bright, pulsating red light. Artistic representation of Seram's mudskipper-like glowing mystery fish (© Ursulav/New Cryptozoology Wikia) Tyson earnestly attempted to catch one of them, but failed to do so. THE FROG WITH THE LUMINOUS NOSE In one of his famous nonsense poems, Edward Lear wrote about the dong with the luminous nose, whereas the following cryptid was apparently a frog with a similar attribute, yet was anything but nonsensical. Swedish artist Richard Svensson's wonderful interpretation of Edward Lear's dong with the luminous nose (© Richard Svensson) While visiting an animal fair at Newton Abbot in Devon, England, in June 1997, Devon-based CFZ founder Jonathan Downes noticed a cage containing some tree frogs, reputedly from northern Cameroon in western Africa and priced at £25 per frog. Jon was intrigued by these creatures, which each bore a blue spot on its snout, because he could not identify their species. He was even more intrigued when informed by their vendor that the blue spot on their snout glowed in the dark like a flashlight, possibly to attract insects as prey. A typical green tree frog, conspicuously lacking the flashlight frog's unique glowing snout spot (public domain – for my source of it, click here) Nevertheless, Jon felt that £25 was too expensive a sum, so he resisted the temptation to buy one - a decision that he would soon bitterly regret. For when he later described these curious flashlight frogs to various herpetological colleagues, he was shocked to discover that there is no species of frog known to science that can glow. Consequently, he had missed the opportunity to purchase a specimen of what might not only be a completely unknown species, but also exhibit a talent unique even among the world's considerably varied array of frogs. This ShukerNature blog post is excerpted in slightly expanded form from my book Mysteries of Planet Earth (1999) – the first publication ever to document either of these mystery beasts (contrary to various erroneous online claims, the flashlight frog did not appear in one of my earlier books, From Flying Toads To Snakes With Wings (1997)). Today, 15 years later, both of them are still unidentified and unexamined by science - so if anyone reading this blog post (especially anyone with knowledge of or firsthand experience in the exotic pet trade) has any additional information concerning these or any other mysterious glowing creatures, I'd welcome any details that you'd like to post here.
Hall of Cryptids After a series of bizarre Mothman sightings in Point Pleasant, the Silver Bridge collapsed into the... It's been 50 years since the controversial footage of a large female Bigfoot was filmed by... The 16th annual gathering to commemorate the mysterious Mothman is happening this September. More Hall of Cryptids News - Mothman of Point Pleasant Documentary Now Streaming on Amazon New Mothman documentary explores in detail the strange events in Point Pleasant, WV that... - Posted June 24, 2017 - New Mothman Documentary Relives the Unexplained Phenomena in 1960s Point Pleasant Relive the Mothman sightings in Point Pleasant through the eyes of the residents who... - Posted January 20, 2017 - Mothman Photographed in Point Pleasant? 50 years after the first sighting, a Point Pleasant man believes he captured a... - Posted November 23, 2016 - Monsters in America Cryptid Art Show Cryptozoological wonders come to life in this art exhibit inspired by the Monsters in... - Posted September 8, 2016 - Photo: Legendary Maryland Goatman Spotted in Washington DC? Is this photographic evidence of Maryland's legendary goatman? - Posted April 28, 2016 - Pope Lick Monster Legend Claims Another Victim Kentucky's deadly trestle-dwelling goatman legend known as the Pope Lick Monster has claimed another... - Posted April 27, 2016 - Explore the World’s Cryptids with this Poster and Interactive Website Explore the strange creatures of the world with designer Aiden Guinnip's cryptozoology poster and... - Posted April 6, 2016 - Flesh or Folklore: Interview with Goatman Author J. Nathan Couch Goatman researcher J. Nathan Couch talks about strange legends and chilling encounters with the... - Posted November 30, 2015 - Bigfoot Seen Clearly in Stabilized Patterson-Gimlin Film Stabilized footage from the famous Patterson-Gimlin film reveals a much clearer image of the... - Posted August 6, 2015 - Sasquatch Draws Curious Crowds at World Taxidermy Championships Sasquatch replica by artist Ken Walker draws curious crowds at World Taxidermy Championship. - Posted May 7, 2015
$10 donation at the door every night. Check out the Hive in the Outer Sunset district for some of the best SF concerts and local art. The Honey Hive Gallery is a center for music and the arts in San Francisco. See below for a list of SF concerts at the Honey Hive Gallery. Free Kittens & Bread (americana punk from austin, tx) https://freekittensandbread.bandcamp.com/ +lo... Read more Doors Open @ 6:30 P.M. Quentel the Cryptid Killer Caribou Busy Lighthouse $10 donation is the st... Read more Gloom (WA Emo) www.gloomwa.bandcamp.com Lofi Legs (SF Garage Pop) https://soundcloud.com/lofilegs-4... Read more Our spoken word open mics at The Honey Hive Gallery are becoming much more creative and eclectic! The forms of art that people bring to the open mics are increasingly pushing the bounds of spoken word. We hope to see the open mics continue to grow and diversify. Thanks to all our friends and friends of friends who came out to the DJ party for a lovely evening of dancing! Check out more SF events here. The Honey Hive Gallery was honored to host Marcus and David’s great neighborly get down! Marcus and Avi spun some excellent beats at one of the best SF concerts after a wonderful smorgasbord of other performances. The decorations were out of this world. Thanks David. Hopefully we’ll have some more DJ discos at The Hive … Read more It took about an hour just to clean up after Friday’s first live music event. Beer cans were everywhere! Making the gallery presentable again was time well spent. A messy venue only means people were having fun. It was great to see all the drinking and dancing. A special thanks goes out to Lords of … Read more It was great to see everyone who came to the second spoken word event at The Honey Hive Gallery. It’s great to see people doing and enjoying what they love. It’s a heart-warming pleasure to witness artists creating and performing art to a crowd of people who really enjoy absorbing that sort of creativity. It’s … Read more There were three live models for our last figure drawing workshop. It was a great chance to practice gesture drawing. There was some opportunity for brief sketches of the human form as well as some longer poses. A special thanks goes out to our organizer and promoter, our models, and certainly all the kind people … Read more This show, with its successful turnout, ended up being the perfect demonstration of the community-minded goals The Hive maintains. The gallery tries to, not only bring together artists, but their friends, and their friends, and their friends! It was a great reception with a very open-minded crowd. The theme was well received and the artists … Read more Not only has the wonderful Honey Hive art gallery and event space in The Outer Sunset been growing and evolving successfully; it’s taken a change, bringing San Francisco some of the edgiest community benefits seen so far! Stop by during the day to look at our wonderful art and chat about the neighborhood or check … Read more This was the last event organized by The Honey Hive Gallery’s founder, Topher, and it couldn’t have meant more to him. It was a success because it brought people together in the neighborhood. People came from all over for some delicious free food, art-viewing, and event art-making on the sidewalk. At the end of the … Read more
I recommend the following two sites for the best in paranormal and related topics: My fave magazine, and a great source for this game. Has numerous other links on the left bar. These two sites are open-minded but skeptical. There are many, many other sites out there, but I don’t recommend them unless you are obsessed with the paranormal as I am, and know how to take everything you read with a bucket of salt. Cryptozoology (aka Nessie, Bigfoot, Little People, etc.) Lycanther has given me the following link: This link is one source for an article on a cryptid (cryptozoology), or unknown animal. If you are interested in this topic, I can recommend: Trust me, this is a waste of time. You will NEVER see anything, but it can be fun to laugh at what others have “seen”. You can also get a chuckle out of people doing “ghost hunting” and scaring the shit out of themselves. For the related topic of paredolia, (the recognition of faces in random patterns), read articles in Fortean Times and Anomalist on people seeing faces in everyday objects. (Ex: Jesus in a piece of toast.) You will also finds sites on fringe science, UFOs, Hollow Earth, Conspiracy Theories, you-name-it. YouTube has a ton of video on UFOs. The reason I read these articles is I am a writer by nature, and they are great sources for inspiration. Plus, I’m a nut.
It’s Hero Time! Ben 10: Omniverse Returns This Saturday, Oct 5 on CN Ben 10 fans are in for a treat, as their favorite transforming galactic protector via the return of Ben 10: Omniverse this coming Saturday, October 5, at 9:30 am on Cartoon Network. The return of Ben 10: Omniverse means another run around with Ben, his partner Rook, and all of his alien transformations as they run around going after bad guys and saving the world, all the while taking the time to kick back and enjoy a little run at Mr. Smoothie’s! But don’t think that Ben’s return is going to be your run of the mill Omniverse episode, as it features a Cartoon Network original crossover episode titled “T.G.I.S.,” which has The Secret Saturdays coming to Bellwood in order to investigate an outbreak of Chupacabra attacks. Hopefully, Ben and the cryptid hunters will be able to work together in order to capture the dangerous mythical creature.
These disturbingly informative Wikipedia articles will help remind you that, sometimes, ignorance is bliss... Let’s start with something particularly ungodly- the rat king. Arguably the most repulsive monarch in recent memory (though we admit this could be a close-fought race), a “rat king” is what happens when a number of rats become entangled at their tail-end. Finding it impossible to disentangle themselves from one another, the trapped rats (or ‘trats’, if you will) perish, leaving behind one monstrous “king”… From one monster to another… For some, this is the most barbaric act to be performed thanks to the web; for others, it’s a perfect match which could only have been facilitated by its existence- either way, the story of Armin Meiwes inviting a guest (steelworker Bernd Brandes) to his home in Germany, where said guest was willingly killed and eaten, is a chilling one. The Wikipedia article outlines Meiwes’ initial advertisement and Brandes’ reply, before going into graphic detail of the intimate, fatal meeting. (Trust us, you can’t unread this wiki). One positive to come from the story: while serving his eight year jail sentence for manslaughter, the regretful Meiwes gave up his love of meat products, animal or “other”, and has since gone full veggie. An alien encounter in Flatwoods, West Virginia is the subject of our next entry. Two young brothers and a friend claim to have witnessed a bright object cross the sky and crash into the hills of a nearby farm. Upon telling their mother, the boys were (slightly irresponsibly?) rushed to the crash site to investigate. Once there, they found a large pulsating “ball of fire”, and beside it… a huge cryptid, which looked like this- Pretty much everything about this one is grisly: In November 1988, teenage student Furuta was abducted, tortured and killed by four boys in one of their parents’ houses in Adachi, Tokyo (the article mentions that the parents were present for at least part of the time Furuta was locked up, but were too scared of their son to answer the Furuta’s cries for help). The girl’s corpse was then hidden in a 208-litre oil drum, which was filled with concrete and then disposed of in a tract of land in Koto. An eerie mystery which to this day hasn’t been solved, the Roanoke Colony wiki tells of an English settlement on Roanoke, an island in what is known today as Dare County, North Carolina. After being left completely alone on Roanoke Island for three years, some scouts were sent from England to check on the settlers. However, when the scouts arrived they found the island completely empty, with only one cryptic clue to the settlers’ disappearance remaining: the word “Croatan”, carved into a tree… In the years following her death on the operating table, Gloria Ramirez – dubbed “the toxic lady” – has been the subject of episodes of The X Files, Grey’s Anatomy, The New Detectives, Weird or What?, Law & Order and anime film Memories. Why? Well… Gloria, who was suffering effects of advanced cervical cancer, was rushed to the emergency room, where surgeons soon decided that their only option was to defibrillate her heart. This turned out to be a bad idea- not only did Gloria die, but the home remedy she’d been using to fight the cancer (a remedy which bizarrely included a solvent commonly used as a powerful degreaser), reacted to the defibrillation, forcing a stinking noxious gas to emit from Ramirez’s corpse. This poisonous, garlic-smelling odour was so strong that it caused three staff to pass out almost immediately, and eventually left twenty three people ill, with five more requiring hospital treatment. Nobody likes long bus rides. But even the bumpy, stuffy, fart-filled confines of a long-haul bus ride can be made worse. How? Well, just imagine you’re sat beside a knife-wielding cannibal who’s missed his last meal, and you’ll get an idea of the horrible, fatal end young Canadian Tim McLean met on a Greyhound Canada bus on 30th July, 2008. Only minutes after passing out with his earphones in, Tim was stabbed in the throat repeatedly by Vince Weiguang Li while other terrified passengers were forced to watch. The driver quickly pulled over and everybody rushed outside, leaving Li alone with McLean, who Li promptly beheaded, before he began eating the corpse. How many of these creepy historical figures do you know?
Wednesday, May 12, 2010 Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 10th, 2010 Frank Frazetta, 82, suffered a stroke on Sunday, and died on Monday afternoon, May 10, 2010, in , reported The New York Times and other media. Ft. Myers, Florida The Times noted that “Frazetta was a versatile and prolific comic book artist who, in the 1940s and ’50s, drew for comic strips like Al Capp’s ‘Lil’ Abner’ and comic books like ‘Famous Funnies,’ for which he contributed a series of covers depicting the futuristic adventurer Buck Rogers.” Frazetta perhaps was best known in cryptozoology and Fortean circles for the art that would be used in a later edition of John A. Keel’s book, The Mothman Prophecies, published by Ron Bonds. Bonds died mysterious (see here, #55) on April 8, 2001. literary agent Sandra Martin told me: “John [Keel] attributed the success of that book to the cover.” New York City It was the “discovery” of Bond’s IllumiNet Press edited that resulted in the movie of the same name. Screenwriter Richard Hatem recounted that he “discovered” the book in an old book store, when it literally fell into his hands from a shelf. Comic book and science fantasy/fiction book cover art was the source of most of Frazetta’s fame. His covers of “strikingly fierce, hard-bodied heroes and bosomy, callipygian damsels in distress” were legendary. Some of his well-known art was found on such books as Conan the Adventurer, John Carter and the Savage Apes of Mars, and Tarzan and the Antmen. Frank Frazetta’s creativity inspired many within cryptozoology, science fiction, and beyond. His Mothman art is well-known. Frazetta imagined Mothman differently than how the creature was described initially (which was as a giant bird, more avian that moth-like). He seems to have been overly influenced by the name, which was an copyeditor’s invention that had little to do with the actual appearance of the Mothman seen in 1966-1967. But there is no doubt that once drawn, Frazetta’s impact was great. Ohio Indeed, Frazetta’s Mothman cover art would then go on to influence the sculpture built in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in honor of the Mothman lore (seen below), near the present-day Mothman museum there. Earlier than his Mothman art for John Keel, was Frazetta’s Strange Creatures cover. The cover of John A. Keel’s paperback book, Strange Creatures from Time and Space (NY: Fawcett, 1970) has informed and influenced many, from the 1970s to present. For example, Secret Lab Studios, in association with Thrill House Comics, and the Weta Workshop Design Team of New Zealand announced in 2006 that they were collaborating on designs for Cryptid, a new and original intellectual property then in development as a feature film, video game, graphic novel and toy line. One of their cornerstone artists was Frank Frazetta. Others have seen Frazetta do his magic too, on the covers of their Fortean books. Brad Steiger told me this evening, the following: “When my editor at Dell asked if I had any ideas for a cover, I answered that I didn’t care as long as Frank Frazetta did it.” Some say that Frazetta’s most influential and impressive painting is the above one from a modern edition of A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs. “John Carter” on Mars will be explored in forthcoming movies. But for cryptozoologists, however, the most famous Frazettas will always be the covers for the 1970 paperback Strange Creatures From Time and Space and the 1991 edition of The Mothman Prophecies. For Frazetta, needless to say, no one piece of art was as important as the following, the unfinished image of his deceased wife, Ellie, who passed away on July 17th, 2009, and whom he reportedly missed dearly. For more information about obtaining Frank Frazetta’s art and prints, in the past one could go to the official Frazetta site (but it is closed for a time due to personal estate matters). It may be open again, but the alternative formerly was to visit the unofficial Frazetta site. Also, Boing Boing has an awesome painting of the master himself at their Frank Frazetta R.I.P. notice.
With the popularity of Apple’s iGadgets spreading like capitalistic cancer, everyone’s acquainted with its iconic wallpaper, Richard Misrach’s Pyramid Lake (at Night). Beneath those depths lay a far greater menace beyond the imaginings of any Starbucks hipster. Nearly every year, someone ends up drowning at the lake. Bodies are rarely recovered by authorities. Park Rangers chalk it up to bad luck, and ill-prepared tourists, but Native Americans know the score. Once upon a time, a Paiute boy fell in love with a mermaid from the California coast. Bursting with pride, he brought her home to meet the tribe, only to be rejected because she was a weird cryptid-fae monster. Understandably upset, she cursed the waters. Evidence of her spite arose not too long after the rejection. A serpent slithered out from the lake, ate a kid, and took on its form, as was the fashion at the time. When the mother returned to feed her baby, it was like Soviet Russia where baby eats you! To save her life, the medicine man made a deal with this devil, allowing it to dwell in those waters if it let the young mother go. So begins the tale of the water babies. These malign water spirits can be heard by visitors, but natives warn the palefaces, “If you hear it, it’s bad news; if you see it, you’re dead!”1 One of the other legends haunting these waters regards the Stone Mother. Once a mere mortal, infatuated with the Great Father she murdered her husband so she could stalk her one and only love. Strangely enough, probably because he was a god, Great Father wasn’t creeped out, they fell in love, and it wasn’t long before they were blessed with many children. The oldest son was an asshole, constantly picking on his siblings. At wit’s end, the Great Father scattered them far and wide so he could have some peace and quiet at long last. The kids ended up founding their own tribes, but upon returning to their homeland, the feuding started all over again. Stunned, their mother wept ’til her tears filled the lake. She sat in the same place so long that she turned to stone, still sitting there to this day.2 Next time you’re futzing with your iPad, consider changing your device’s wallpaper. Heaven forbid your Angry Birds session is interrupted by the eerie cooing of a demonic baby. Should you survive, consider telling us about it on our Facebook page, at Twitter, or in the comments below!
I’m constantly on the lookout for strange books for this blog, and when I first heard of this series, I knew I’d have to review it here. This is a series of 10 stories about Amy Rush, a nymphomaniac who is hired by the US government to have sex with different kinds of aliens. Each story was originally released as a separate e-book with an incredible cover, but you can now buy all 10 in a single collection. I’ll give you a brief synopsis of each tale so that you can decide if you want to splash out on this masterwork of alien/cryptid erotica. 1. Boffing Bigfoot A woman with a reputation for sleeping around is offered a top secret job by a secret government agency. She will fuck different kinds of aliens in return for technology that could potentially save our planet. The first alien she needs to fuck is the Sasquatch or Bigfoot. It turns out that Sasquatch “were the pets of an ancient alien race, and the aliens left them behind”. Amy is brought to the forests of the Pacific Northwest, and it is there that she boffs the Bigfoot. 2. Fifty Slaves of Grays Amy is taken to an alien spacecraft where Gray aliens are keeping a bunch of abductees and testing their sexual endurance. These aliens have a contract with the government that allows them to abduct one human a week. They’re not allowed abduct anyone famous because “They took a best selling writer once, and while the guy got a couple of bestsellers out of his experience, it made the abductions much more public than they were supposed to be.” All humans they have tested so far have had disappointingly low sexual thresholds, so Amy makes a deal. If they can please her sexually, she’ll submit and allow them to abduct her. If they can’t satisfy her, they need to let everyone go free. She proceeds to have sex with a very large group of aliens. 3. Tall White and Hung This has the least appealing cover of the series, but the story is of the same high quality. Amy fucks a Tall White alien in heat in return for extra terrestrial technology. The alien ends up collapsing after his 20 inch cock encounters the taser hidden in her asshole. 4. Mounting the Mothman In this episode, the US government coerces Amy into having sex with the Point Pleasant Mothman in exchange for his eggs. They want his DNA to see if they can use it to isolate the precognition gene. The Mothman lays his eggs inside of Amy with his penis and then dies. This is made doubly confusing by the fact that he had previously boasted about having had another human lover, even though the act of intercourse is apparently lethal to him. 5. Ravaged by the Reptilian Amy is sent to an orgy where the world’s most powerful politicians are in attendance. Her mission is to seduce and kidnap a shape-shifting Reptilian who is trying to take the place of one of the world’s leaders. She interrupts a pair of Reptilians, a male and a female, who were about to have sex and proceeds to fuck them both. This is particularly confusing as the reason the Reptilians are at the orgy is to have sex with humans so that they can take their places. They have no reason to be fucking each other. David Icke gets a brief slagging off in here. 6. The Nordic Nymphos This one was also a bit confusing. 3 female Nordic aliens have oral sex with Amy after teaching her about their race. Then they try to kidnap her partner, but she beats them up. 7. Sleeping with the Alien Amy goes to a bar in New York where she meets David Boreanaz, the guy who played Angel in Buffy the Vampire slayer. She takes him home and they have intense, romantic sex. Then the army breaks into her apartment and David Boreanaz turns into a 3 foot alien and jumps out the window. Amy is heartbroken. 8. The Sexy Sirian Amy is given a break from her work with the government while the military deals with the Sirian aliens who have been pestering them. When she gets home she encounters David Boreanaz again, and before fucking her, he informs her that the government agency she is working for is actually planning to take over the world with the technology she has acquired for them. Scroll back up there and take another look at that alien’s cheeky grin. Hahaha. 9. The Androgynous Andromedan Amy’s former employers turn out to be the Bilderberg group. After they try to kill her, she goes to a secret air base where a different secret (but good) government agency are conducting time travel experiments. (David Boreanaz previously gave her her the directions to get there.) At the base, she meets an Andromedan alien with a cock and a cunt. She makes it cum both ways. Dancing to the Anunnaki Nookie Amy goes into the future and sneaks into another top secret military base to interrupt a meeting between the Bilderberg group and the Annunaki aliens. These two parties were meeting to decide how to enslave humanity. Amy is caught by a security guard. She has sex with him. Then the aliens show up, but they have no genitalia, so they cant fuck her. The Bilderbergers also show up, but they’re no longer interested in world enslavement. All parties end up agreeing to a deal: if the Annunaki are allowed abduct Amy, her human boyfriend and the alien David Boreanaz and force these three to have a bunch of sex, they will not enslave the human race. I honestly find it difficult to imagine anyone really getting off to these stories. I’m sure there’s loads of people out there who regularly fantasize about riding ET, but this stuff doesn’t even try to be sexy. It’s mostly just dick jokes with a few facts about the featured creatures thrown in. In 2014, Ann L. Probe started writing a second series, this one about Amy Rush’s cousin having sex with more aliens. Unfortunately, it seems as though only one entry of this series was ever finished, The Vegan Virgin. I’m going to wait until the full series has been published before reading it. Ann L. Probe, if you’re seeing this, get a move on and finish the UFO Sex Girl series!
This would have blown my 12 year old mind! By 1976, the legendary Hammer Films had a script for a new big budget horror film entitled “Nessie” starring the British Isles’ favorite kelpie cryptid. It seemed as though the Loch Ness Monster would finally earn respect as the star of her own horror film. It also didn’t hurt that “Jaws” was still on the minds of every moviegoer whenever they went near any large body of water. The project would have been a huge undertaking, a joint production of Hammer Films, Columbia Pictures, and David Frost’s Paradine Productions. The special effects sequences were to be courtesy of Toho Co., Ltd., the studio responsible for Godzilla, Rodan, Mothra, King Ghidora, and numerous other giant monsters. The pairing of Hammer and Toho on the project seemed like any fantasy film fan’s dream come true, while Columbia gave the venture an air of mainstream respectability. Even though Hammer’s pedigree gave the project credibility with horror film buffs, the sad truth was that Hammer’s golden age was over and they were in dire financial trouble. Thanks to Columbia and Paradine, an initial budget of four million dollars was earmarked for the project. After a few other aborted productions such as “Vampirella”, this film was to be Hammer’s saving grace. Continued at Cryptomundo » Toho-Hammer Nessie Movie.
Now this is news! Mark Cothren, a farmer from Lebanon Junction, KY, has made a shocking announcement: he's killed a Chupacabra in his yard. What's a Chupacabra? It's a mythical beast that was first posited in 1995 in Puerto Rico, shortly after which alleged sightings swept Mexico, Central America, and South America. Gradually, as happens with all cryptid myths like Mothman, people started reporting it everywhere, even Russia. Wikipedia describes the commonly shared view of the Chupacabra's appearance (one variant of which is seen in the image above via an artist's model conception): The most common description of chupacabras is a reptile-like being, appearing to have leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back. This form stands approximately 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 m) high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kangaroo. In at least one sighting, the creature was reported to hop 20 feet (6 m). This variety is said to have a dog or panther-like nose and face, a forked tongue, and large fangs. It is said to hiss and screech when alarmed, as well as leave behind a sulfuric stench. When it screeches, some reports assert that the chupacabras' eyes glow an unusual red which gives the witnesses nausea. With that description in mind, let's have a look-see at what Mr. Cothren caught: Uh... dude. That's it? Really? What you call "Chupacabra", I call "Chihuahua." This sighting is part of a new trend in the Chupacabra myth, one in which the traditional description given above is completely ignored, and more and more people are starting to say that Chupacabras can also look like a wild dog. Why? I guess because are catching wild dogs, and wanting to say they caught a Chupacabra, and therefore are retconning an entirely new description onto the concept. In November 2007, an alleged Chupacabra head was DNA tested and deterimed to be that of a coyote. In January 2008, a "dog-like" animal was seen killing chickens on a farm in the Phillipines and was declared to be, obviously, a Chupacabra and not a dog. In July 2010, a coyote-dog hybrid with mange was called a Chupacabra in Texas. And now, we have this poor dead critter to add to the list, and it would be hilarious in its absurdity except I don't find dead critters funny. Cothren was quoted by WAVE3, by way of POPFi: "I was like, ‘every animal has hair, especially this time of year!’ What puzzled me is how something like that could survive through a winter with no hair." Well, it didn't survive the winter, sir - you shot and killed it.
This show is available for purchase in the MU Store Nick Redfern joins us this week to talk about his new book “Contactees” on what turned out to be another massive show. Leading up to our interview we look a whole host of strange cryptid encounters to get you in the mood, and on the way out we have two incredible, and perhaps disturbing calls from MU fans. Plus+ members also get to hear our thoughts on the art work of David Huggins (selected paintings after the jump) and his lifetime of abductions, and extraterrestrial sexual encounters. Read on for music, links, and video, and don’t forget to check out Audible’s great offer for Mysterious Universe listeners. Contactees: A History of Alien-Human Interaction Free Audio Book The Thetis Lake Monster Bigfoot Thermal Video Something in the storm The life and art of David Huggins The Moving Coffins Spray-on liquid glass Bizarre cloaked creature Nick Redfern – Contactees Amazon.com Farah Yurdozu – Love in Alien Purgatory: The life and fantastic art of David Huggins Amazon.com Mux Mool – Hog Knuckles via voulesrandom Jimmy Whoo – Bleep Music via Asian Dan Ratatat – Wildcat via motel de moka Metro Area – Miura via motel de moka Oliver Cheatham – Get Down It’s Saturday Night (The Noodleman Edit) via [redthreat] Silver Convention – Fly Robin Fly (The Noodleman Lost Temple Dub) via [redthreat] Rockets – On The Road Again (The Noodleman Edit) via [redthreat] Final Track – Free Show Nneka – Heartbeat (Chase & Status Remix) via blahblahblahscience School of Seven Bells – Half Asleep via motel de moka Sascha Funke – Mango via motel de moka Booka Shade – Charlotte via motel de moka
Here’s a little Bhutanese trivia. Okay. If you have an interest in cryptozoology, you may well already know this. But it was news to me. In the year 2001 the Royal Bhutanese government created the Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary, some two hundred and fifty square mile protected habitat for the Migoli. It also protects snow leopards, tigers, and pandas, but it was created for the Migoli. According to Wikipedia, the sanctuary is designed to protect “the migoi, a yeti-like cryptid whose existence has not been scientifically confirmed, but in which the local population strongly believes. The migoi are believed to haunt the northern part of the area.”The Migoli are believed to be bipedal, you know, they walk upright. They are very tall. Shaggy. And reputed to be extremely dangerous. They might also possess magical powers including an ability to become invisible. Bhutan has some pretty rugged and remote geography. Their national animal the takin, a creature with the head of a sheep and the body of a cow, while known to the local people and richly woven into religious stories, was only confirmed to be real for the outside world in the mid-nineteenth century. And they’re big. Really big. So, at least the idea of a very large creature not yet identified by the scientific community, while pretty unlikely, cannot simply be dismissed. Not in Bhutan. And they have the reserve to prove it…
Well, I finally did it. I started posting pages of Gob. The first Chapter/Short Story is going up on the site. I will be adding pages weekly. I am still negotiating how many I can reasonably post during the week. For now, I am putting them as I get them done. So, a little intro, Gob is a cryptid. A previously undiscovered creature. (Think Bigfoot or the Loch Ness Monster.) He lives on the edge of the reality we know as scientifically enlightened people. I love science but I hate the arrogance of people who act like we know everything. We don't. Gob is a comic about a creature, peaceful, curious, who is passing his time wandering through the parts of the world that we have not yet discovered. As a kid, I loved hiking and playing in the woods and loved how beautiful and spooky it was at the same time. As a boy, I was fascinated by the unknown. UFO's, Bigfoot, Urban legends, monsters. It was great. My childhood seemed like a complete mystery to me. I was one of those kids who never got it. Life, social situations, dating, it all confused me. I guess cryptic things and phenomena made me feel like less of a loser. If I was going to have questions, these seemed to be easier to wrestle with. Gob is the feeling of the gloaming. The time of day right before the sun rises or right before it is totally set. It is joy and dread but always with a healthy dose of humor. I am really interested in feelings and whether I can make the reader feel things with images and few words. A writer friend of mine, Michael Frizell said "Do you know what I love about Gob? He always seems to be getting in over his head. I think I have a little Gob in me. Heck, I think we all do."
There wasn’t much that really blew me away in 2018, but some entertaining titles turned up. At the top of my SF reading this year are Martha Wells’s Artificial Condition, Rogue Protocol, and Exit Strategy, the last three novellas in the Murderbot Diaries quartet featuring the deadly yet oddly endearing android Murderbot, a corporate-owned security guard that apparently once went berserk and killed humans (hence its chosen name of Murderbot). It was reprogrammed and no longer remembers the killing, but has hacked the governor that controls its actions, yet still chooses to protect humans in its care while investigating its past and the powerful corporation that owns it. W. Michael Gear’s Donovan trilogy opens with Outpost, a hard-hitting tale of a human colony struggling to survive on a deadly planet, a familiar premise made fresh with strong characters, some interesting alien lifeforms, and a creepy mystery surrounding six years of mysteriously missing supply ships. In fantasy, several series saw interesting new installments. I particularly enjoyed Lies Sleeping by Ben Aaronovitch, the seventh volume in the amusing Rivers of London series featuring police detective/apprentice wizard Peter Grant; the series comes full circle in a fascinating way, bringing back major elements from the first novel, while adding some interesting Arthurian bits and Tolkien references, plus new personal complications for Peter, who keeps his snarky wit even as the danger builds to an impressively weird final battle. Ilona Andrews’s Kate Daniels series wraps up with its tenth volume, Magic Triumphs, in which Kate goes to extreme lengths to keep her mad god of a father away from his brand new grandson, with an epic and occasionally over-the-top final battle calling in all the heavy hitters Kate knows. Lake Silence by Anne Bishop opens a new arc in the world of the Others, with new characters and setting but familiar themes, in the story of a newly divorced human woman who finds a body while trying to restart a lakeside resort on land actually owned by the shapeshifting Others, leading to a mystery that’s alternately funny and harrowing. D.J. Butler’s Witchy Winter is a strong second book in the alternate-history fantasy series begun in Witchy Eye, where the reality of magic has made drastic and fascinating changes in American history. Seanan McGuire’s consistently entertaining InCryptid urban fantasy series returns with seventh volume Tricks for Free, which finds Antimony Price working at a popular Florida theme park, where the crowds will hide her from the cryptid-hunting Covenant’s blood magic; the insider’s look at the park adds a new layer of fun to the Price family’s usual adventures with cryptids and magic. In the same world, McGuire’s The Girl in the Green Silk Dress, sequel to Sparrow Hill Road, continues the gripping adventures of hitchhiking ghost Rose Marshall, once again facing down the immortal man who killed her. Vivian Shaw’s Dreadful Company, second in the series featuring Dr. Greta Helsing, finds the doctor to the undead in Paris for a medical conference, where she runs into some vampires who have gotten a little too into the goth vampire image and have a serious grudge against one of her friends, resulting in a thrilling romp through some of Paris’ most notoriously gothic scenery. I didn’t get to as many first novels as usual this year. The French Revolution gets a fantasy makeover in Rowenna Miller’s Torn, the story of a seamstress with the ability to sew charms into clothing, just getting her first chance to work for the aristocracy even as rebellion brews, leaving her torn between her roots and her new life; a charming first novel and the first book in a series. W.L. Goodwater spins a thrilling magical Cold War thriller in Breach, which finds American magician Karen O’Neil on a secret mission to investigate cracks in the magical Berlin Wall. Christopher Ruocchio’s Empire of Silence opens an epic new SF series with something of a fantasy/historical feel as it follows Hadrian Marlowe, scion of a powerful lord in the oppressive Sollan Empire, which Hadrian barely begins to see as wrong despite some desperate trials. In young-adult titles, Rachel Hartman follows up on her Serafina duology with Tess of the Road, the first book in a new series following Serafina’s half-sister Tess, who remembers their childhood very differently and grows up to be enough of a problem her family plans to put her in a convent – only Tess runs away on a quest full of adventure, amusing characters, wry observations, and some poignant moments of re-evaluation. Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce begins a new series in her popular Tortall fantasy series with an intriguing look back at the early days of the powerful mage Numair, and the eventual Emperor-Mage Ozorne, at the School for Mages in Carthak. A Problematic Paradox by Eliot Sappingfield is upper-middle-grade SF with a gonzo Lovecraftian tinge, the frequently hilarious first novel and first book in a series about a teen genius sent to a very strange boarding school after her father is kidnapped by aliens. A few collections caught my eye. Kelly Barnhill’s first collection Dreadful Young Ladies and Other Stories offers nine magical and distinctively quirky stories, including the joyfully grim satirical dystopian fantasy novella “The Unlicensed Magician”. Jim Butcher’s Brief Cases puts together 12 truly entertaining urban fantasy stories in the Dresden Files series, many featuring side characters, plus a poignant new novella about a day at the zoo with Harry and his daughter. Legion: The Many Lives of Stephen Leeds by Brandon Sanderson brings together three novellas in the Legion series about a genius who splits off specialized aspects of himself, imaginary to others but real to him as autonomous people, which gives these mysteries some fascinating complications and twists. Carolyn F. Cushman, Senior Editor, has worked for Locus since 1985, the longest of any of the current staff, and handles our in-house books database, writes our New and Notable section, and does the monthly Books Received column. She is a graduate of Western Washington University with a degree in English. She published a fantasy novel, Witch and Wombat, in 1994. This and more like it in the February 2019 issue of Locus. While you are here, please take a moment to support Locus with a one-time or recurring donation. We rely on reader donations to keep the magazine and site going, and would like to keep the site paywall free, but WE NEED YOUR FINANCIAL SUPPORT to continue quality coverage of the science fiction and fantasy field.
I am captivated by the storytelling of Jackalope Lamat Kelly, also known as Jack or Jaq. The short stories and flash fiction in Jackalopeopens a new window by Denise Low feature the Indigenous-centered, anthropomorphic and playful excursions of one inter-gender cryptid. These tales are based on the long-lived legend of a hybrid offspring from a jackrabbit mating with a pronghorn ("antelope"), but with contemporary cultural layers of meaning. Denise Low the 2nd Kansas Poet Laureate, professor, publisher and award-winning author shares her own version of Native American trickster tales in Jackalope. And it’s apropos for this author that it echoes her heritage which includes Delaware (Lenape/Munsee), and Cherokee family. There is a serendipitous flow in reading these adventures as we discover more about this enchanting and wry character. Most stories begin with the title phrase, “Jackalope walks into a … (bar)”, but a variety of other venues set the action too. With danger afoot comes an involuntary rush of hormones in “Jackalope Walks Into a Roswell Bar” and female Jaq’s gender shifts to male Jack. The Pushcart Prize nominated piece “Jackalope Walks Into An Indian Bar” includes the excerpt below; an inquisitive old man is asking about Jack’s origins. “So, if you don’t mind me asking, how exactly did your parents do it?” “Oh, they didn’t. A taxidermist in Wyoming grafted antlers onto a rabbit.” “Come on, I don’t buy that. You’re among Indians. Tell us the truth.” Everyone looks at him. “Okay. We come from Mexico, east of the Sierra Madre Mountains, where Rabbit and Deer are well known spirits, Sun and Moon. Somewhere north of the border, Deer changed to Antelope.” The old man nods. Jack continues, “Our clans mixed together during a shaman’s peyote ceremony. The elders tell me everyone traveled to the stars that night. They saw Earth as a globe of spinning green flames.” Jack glances around. Everyone in the bar is listening. He continues, “The next day we found ourselves changed. Sometimes we seem to disappear, but this is when we are returning to the sky world. Yes, we might look ordinary, but some of us still have the gift of traveling to the stars and back.” Jack notices the hush as he concludes, “So we are part factual and part mythological, just like everyone else.” “I thought jackalopes were fairy tales,” says a young man. “We are all made up of stories, some true and some less true,” answers the old man. Jack enjoys the ensuing silence and the tart taste of wheatgrass served in a luminous shot glass. This is the best bar in town. Low celebrates authors, many who are Native American, within the tales of Jackalope. Among those featured are Gerald Vizenor, Louise Erdrich, Sherman Alexie, Rane Arroyo, and Judith Roitman. Stanley Lombardo is heroic in the magical metafiction scene of “Jackalope Walks Into a Gilgamesh Tablet”. One of the Indigenous-centered stories is “Jackalope Walks Into a Sherman Alexie Narrative”. Watching the poignant drama-comedy movie Smoke Signalsopens a new window provides a nuanced experience after reading the Sherman Alexie episode, noted above. The movie is based on Alexie’s short story “This is what it means to say Phoenix, Arizona”. I wanted to check-out the children’s book Jackalopeopens a new window by Janet Stevens because of the title. I hoped it would resonate with the classic Western American legend (or even better if it had relevance to Indigenous mythologies), but instead this is a youthful tale told in rhyming, silly prose about a jackrabbit who wishes to be noticed, even feared. This book is a parable about self-acceptance and honesty. The story includes a coyote as trickster or foil, but only the jackalope’s origin connects to the legend of a pronghorn ("antelope") and jackrabbit pairing. One More book by Denise Low that offers meaningful connections to Jackalope is Casino Bestiaryopens a new window. A trickster rabbit and a Native American image are on the cover and inside is wise storytelling in rhythmic, thoughtfully-outspoken and emotionally raw poems. Reading Casino Bestiary is an experience in risk, like gambling or spinning the roulette wheel, and our lived experiences; you can't anticipate what's coming on the next page. In just 50-some pages, it includes playful explorations and plain-spoken truths with much gut-wrenching meaning. There is worrisome truth in the piece titled “Bureau of Indian Affairs School, 1985”. A favorite poem of mine is “Woody Woodpecker, A.K.A. Pileated”, which gives a cryptic sense of reality. Other favorites reflect natural elements and place-connections, clearly rooted in the Kansas Flint Hills or in or near Lawrence. Go ahead, open these pages, take a chance and be brave! Another enlightening book by Denise Low is her recent memoir Turtle’s Beating Heart: One Family’s Story of Lenape Survivalopens a new window. Candid, compelling, and thoughtful personal stories of resilience are interlaced with poetic prose and occasional wry humor. Low generously shares a deep exploration into her family’s ancestry. Vivid place connections include Lenape (Delaware) Indian landmarks in North Lawrence. Possibly my favorite quote by Low is found in this book, “All Native people live in at least two worlds, usually more.” I hope I’ve inspired you to take a chance to explore these hybrid reality stories, particularly in the writing of Lawrence-based Denise Low. -Shirley Braunlich is a Readers’ Services Assistant at Lawrence Public Library. Cover photo credit: Paul-W. Wyoming-HC-1986. Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word cryptid as “An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the yeti.” For the following witnesses to living cryptids, there is no dispute. In this series of National Cryptid Society’s case files, you will read what the witnesses have experienced in their own words. Keep an open mind when reading these accounts, and also remember one’s perception and memory of an event can be influenced by the emotions felt at the time of the occurrence. The contributors to this series of articles are doing the best they can to recount what are in some cases very shocking and traumatic experiences. If you have a personal cryptid sighting story you would like to tell us, our contact information is at the bottom of this article. NCS Case File #41: Call me crazy but I saw a Bigfoot!!! Joshua, Texas Date of encounter: May 31, 2015 Submitted by Curtis “Have you ever seen something that you are sure didn’t happen? I’ve thought long about posting this. I was visiting friends in Joshua,Tx, over Memorial Day weekend. It was just about dusk and I got in my car to head back to the hotel. My friends live about 10 miles out of town. The trees and stuff line the road (Hill Country). Just as I turned onto the FM road back to town I saw something I almost couldn’t believe. A huge, dark gray, 7-8′ tall hairy thing ran across the road right in front of me!! It was at the edge of my headlights. There was no road or path to cross the road, just thick trees and heavy brush. I pulled up to the spot and looked around. Nothing, nada. It took 3 steps to clear a 2 lane road and 2 barb wire fences (4′ tall). Call me crazy but I saw a Bigfoot!!! The next day I told my friends about it and they said they had heard stories of sightings in that remote area. My brain almost couldn’t process it, but I know what I saw. I don’t drink at all so I know it wasn’t my imagination.” - In the early 1990’s there was another Bigfoot sighting reported about an hour south of Joshua where the Brazos River flows into Lake Whitney. This creature also displayed an incredible ability to jump. “It jumped from one rock ledge to another that was 15 feet away and 20 feet or so down. A person couldn’t have made that jump. It then jumped into a gully and disappeared.”[i] - The Brazos River is an rich with wildlife, and several black panthers have been sighted in that area as well according to the Texas Cryptid Hunter.[ii] If you have had a cryptid encounter, sighting or have photographic or video evidence, contact us immediately HERE.
The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word cryptid as “An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the yeti.” For the following witnesses to living cryptids, there is no dispute. In this series of National Cryptid Society’s case files, you will read what the witnesses have experienced in their own words. Keep an open mind when reading these accounts, and also remember one’s perception and memory of an event can be influenced by the emotions felt at the time of the occurrence. The contributors to this series of articles are doing the best they can to recount what are in some cases very shocking and traumatic experiences. If you have a personal cryptid sighting story you would like to tell us, our contact information is at the bottom of this article. NCS Case File #38: What is that? Strange creature caught on security camera in Youngstown, Ohio Submitted by Ron Encounter Date: 27 August 2017 12:03 AM Location: Youngstown, Ohio “There’s been some stuff going on the past few days. Clicking noises from the patio, trash cans knocked over, and the dog goes absolutely crazy around midnight. I was sitting in my kitchen playing a mobile game on my phone, when I got a notification for movement detected on our garage camera. At the same time my dog, a 7 month old 50 pound German Sheppard goes insane… barking, growling, snarling at something on our deck. I get up to go look and I see this thing take off running past my car and down the drive way, it ran 15 feet in 2 seconds. It looked like a humanoid bird. I saw it on my deck with my eyes and it was a little better than what was on the camera, but it was tall had bird like legs that were thin and the feet pointed outwards if it was as if it was standing still. The left foot pointed left and the right foot pointed right. It was probably 3 to 4 ft tall had jet black fur or feathers… whatever you want to call it. I don’t know what it was. Its head was white with… I don’t really want to call it a beak but more like kind of like a snout. Then again it was 12:00 at night it was pretty dark so I can’t be too certain on that. There’s been a lot of strange droppings in the yard. They are not from my dog I know, they’re bird like but they’re massive.” “I don’t know what the hell this thing is but I’ve lived on the street my entire life. That house… I’ve been there for 13 years now. I have to say there have always been strange things that went on, there but it wasn’t until just last night that I finally found something. I’ve never seen anything like this it doesn’t look like it has arms, wings or anything. It looks like legs, a torso and a head. At first I thought it was a turkey or maybe an emu because I know there’s emu Farms, but it’s not big enough to be an emu and it’s definitely not a turkey.” The witness stated the car the creature runs past is a 2003 Monte Carlo. The video was taken by an Arlo Smart Home security camera system. - To our knowledge, there are no populations of large, wingless or small-winged nocturnal flightless birds living in or around the area of Youngstown, Ohio. - When we first observed the creature in the video, we thought it looked like the back half of a dog, a little person or child running in the driveway. However, the witness is adamant that what they saw was a bird-like animal. - It’s difficult to discern but it appears as if the feet of the animal are “out toeing” as it runs in the camera’s view as the witness had stated in their observation of the animal. - The creature does not just “appear” as it seems in the video. It appears in the first frame after the security cam senses movement. The empty frame is a placeholder in some parts of the video, and it does add somewhat of a dramatic effect. - Another video that has circulated the web (that has not been verified for authenticity) appears to show a similar creature. The location is not been identified, but the video date is February 24, 2017. (see below) Do you know what this creature could be? Contact the National Cryptid Society if you have any other information on sightings of a similar creature in the Youngstown, Ohio area.
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Seth Breedlove and his Small Town Monsters productions are shifting their focus to the sky with “Momo: The Missouri Monster,” and the upcoming “On The Trail Of” installment that will feature UFOs. The documentation of the unexplained artistically, and geographically are moving to new heights first with “Momo: The Missouri Monster.” “Momo: The Missouri Monster,” which comes out Sept.20, really elevates Small Town Monsters in production quality and storytelling. "Momo" has this midnight movie/cinematic approach to it, as it blends eye-witness testimony with a mini-movie. These techniques aren’t foreign in Breedlove’s films, but this time around viewers are treated with a full semi-fictionalized production to go along with the documentary parts. “ I’ve been wanting to make a MOMO movie going all the way back to our first film ‘ Minerva Monster’,”said Breedlove. ”The delay was that we weren’t having any luck turning up original witnesses. Finally, we were in a situation where we were either going to find a unique way to tell this story, or it wasn’t going to happen. I’d played around with the device of showing a ‘heightened’ version of real events and then contradicting it with the documentary (we did this in ‘Flatwoods Monster’), but creating a fake narrative film and using it to set the record straight about what actually happened in 1973 was really exciting for all of us.” Another common theme in Breedlove’s films is nostalgia. The opening of “Momo” will pull at your past pop-culture memories, but also incite wonder. “There’s very little planning with a Small Town Monsters movie, but the opening scene has always played a huge role in the earliest parts of filming and editing,” Breedlove said. “ We don’t even really write a treatment typically, but in this case the whole movie was scripted - except for the documentary moments. The goal is to create something right out of the gate that helps differentiate our stuff from the endless deluge of other para-content while also immediately grabbing viewers.” There is a heavy UFO element in “Momo,” as sightings in the sky were prevalent around the sightings of the monster. This isn’t new to Breedlove’s previous research or some cryptid cases in general. “It’s just the nature of the unexplained in general,” Breedlove said. “ It’s funny, I was just speaking at a MUFON conference and I mentioned that I don’t draw a dividing line between Cryptid or ghosts or UFOs. I’m fascinated by all of it, and there are so many common factors running between all these different phenomena that I just say I’m a fan of the unexplained”. While Small Town Monsters had dabbled in UFO-related content before (“Flatwoods Monster”), and in “Momo”, UFOs will finally get a full Small Town Monsters film. The next search in the “On The Trail Off “ series will be “On the Trail Of UFOs,” and is currently in production. “It’s a full-scale response to the current state of the field, where it stands in pop culture and how it’s viewed by most people today,” Breedlove said. “ It’s also a big look at the phenomenon similar to the last three episodes of ‘On the Trail of Bigfoot.’ There’s still the historical component but it’s much spread out throughout the series and the history isn’t doled out chronologically. We’ll be covering many different well-known events but it’s also very focused on a lot of unknown events, as well. Our goal is to have as many UFO witnesses in this one as we do ‘experts’.” -By MIKE DAMANTE
The Loch Ness monster may get all of the cryptid love and top media coverage, but a video is worth a thousand blurry pictures of log-a-likes. A recent video and multiple recent sightings of another alleged lake monster puts Canada’s Ogopogo at the top of the cryptozoology heap, at least for a few weeks until some armchair explorer searching Google Earth finds another far-away-not-a-stump-but what-is-it Nessie photo without setting foot in Scotland. At least brothers David and Keith Halbauer were standing on the shore of Lake Okanagan in British Columbia having a picnic with their families … yes, there was probably beer being consumed – it’s Canada … but there were other witnesses and a video of … something. “When you’re sitting by the beach on a sunny day you don’t expect to see a dinosaur come out of the water. I saw this black form come out of the water — cylindrical — and then roll.” It’s hard to tell from the video supplied to Global News but David Halbauer estimated the “giant snake” to be about 15 meters (50 feet) long and big enough that “I don’t think I could put my arms around it.” That matches the most common description of Ogopogo or Naitaka (an indigenous name meaning “lake demon”), the alleged monster in Okanagan Lake whose sightings date back to the 1800s. As their name suggests, the First Nations people considered the creature to be an evil spirit rather than an extinct (except for this one) local dinosaur like a Basilosaurus or Mosasaurus. There have been enough Ogopogo sightings that, like Nessie, it warrants a local expert who runs a website and keeps track of its appearances. Bill Steciuk, a multiple-times witness himself, runs the site and told Global News that he hasn’t had this much work to do in years. “There haven’t been a lot of Ogopogo sightings lately, which is the problem. Then all of a sudden you have three in three weeks — totally amazing.” Steciuk is referring to two subsequent sightings of Ogopogo reported to his site – one by “Andrew S,” an amateur photographer who took a better-than-amateur photographer (See it here.) “I was sitting on the shore of Bluebird Bay on a quiet Sunday (September 9, 2018). I am an amateur photographer and I love catching images on the lake. A large moving object suddenly reared out of the lake and moved quickly from left to right in my view. As you can see in my picture, there is a boat in the distance toward Squally Point, but nothing else, certainly no boats large enough to kick up such a wake.” On September 18, “Martin” – who was “working on the 22nd floor of a new highrise condo” near the lake, had this experience: “I noticed that there are not many boats in the water on a weekday and how calm the water was. I saw something in the water today that is very hard for me to explain. It looked like a giant snake breaching out of the water (barely) but enough to make pretty big waves in and around it. There were no boats in the area, and the water was very, very calm. I told a co-worker to look out at the water in the area in question and my co-worker was looking and seeing what I was seeing and was also dumbfounded.” No photos, but two witnesses who estimated what they saw was “30-50 feet long” and surfaced for 2-3 minutes – apparently not long enough for “Martin” to pull out his cellphone. However, both he and “Andrew” commented that the lake was calm during their sightings and there were no boats or wind to create a monster-like wave. So, what did all of these different witnesses see last month on Lake Okanagan? It was too big to be a sturgeon or muskellunge or even a swimming moose. Two of the three sightings had multiple witnesses and there were photos and videos. Bill Steciuk needs no further convincing that there’s something out there, especially since he runs the website and sells T-shirts. However, it’s far-fetched to believe either body of water holds a dinosaur. How about a lake demon?
- Owlman (comics) Owlman, as seen in JLA: Earth 2. Art by Frank Quitely. Publication information Publisher DC Comics First appearance Justice League of America #29 (Aug. 1964) Created by Gardner Fox (writer) Mike Sekowsky (artist) In-story information Alter ego Thomas Wayne II, Thomas Wayne Jr. Species Human Place of origin Earth-Three Team affiliations Crime Syndicate of Amerika Crime Society of America Partnerships Talon Abilities The ability to cause confusion (pre-Crisis) Chemically enhanced "super-cortex" (post-Crisis) Altered in-story information for adaptations to other media Team affiliations Injustice Syndicate (Batman: The Brave and the Bold) Owlman is the name of several fictional supervillains that appear in comic books published by DC Comics who are the intended reverse counterparts of Batman. Owlman first appeared in Justice League of America #29 (August 1964), and was created by Gardner Fox and Mike Sekowsky. He was created as an evil version of Batman because owls are known to prey on bats. Originally, Owlman is an unnamed superintelligent supervillain who was created as an evil counterpart to Batman and is a member of the criminal organization known as the Crime Syndicate of America who originated and operated on the reverse Earth-Three. In some of the pre-Crisis Crime Syndicate appearances, the Earth-Three Owlman also had the ability to briefly control other people's minds, though it is unclear how he acquired this ability. When he was knocked out his sub-conscious mind was able to activate enough for him to say a word enabling him to travel to Earth-3. He was also able to see in the dark. In the first travel between Earths they met the JLA and JSA, but were defeated and imprisoned between Earth-1 and Earth-2 by Green Lantern. Later the time-travelling villain Per Degaton released them as part of his plan to take over Earth-2 by stealing nuclear missiles from the Cuban Missile Crisis of Earth-Prime. When the Syndicate betray him they are sent to 1982, as he had made sure this would happen when they touched him. When he was defeated, these events were erased from existence. The pre-Crisis Earth-Three Owlman and all members of his Crime Syndicate were killed during the Crisis on Infinite Earths miniseries at the hands of the Anti-Monitor from a wave of antimatter destroying Earth-3. Fictional character biography Thomas Wayne, Jr. The Owlman character was revived (along with his teammates) in the late 1990s for modern DC continuity in the graphic novel JLA: Earth 2. This Owlman was developed to be reflective of the modern readers with a far darker attitude and background than either of the two previous teams. On antimatter Earth, Owlman was now Thomas Wayne, Jr., the older brother of that reality's Bruce Wayne. In most mainstream DC universes, Batman's genesis occurred when young Bruce Wayne was witness to the murder of his parents, and was inspired to devote his life to fighting crime. In the antimatter universe, however, young Bruce was killed along with his mother by a policeman when Thomas, Sr., refused to accompany him for questioning. Thomas, Jr., escaped the crime scene with the hoodlum Joe Chill, whom he considered his hero, and grew up to become Owlman. Equipping himself with a utility belt containing technology and weapons similar to those used by Batman along with possessing a drug-enhanced high intellect (devoted to crime rather than serving the law), Owlman became a master criminal and an ally to Boss Gordon (the antimatter Earth's version of James Gordon). Later, he learned that his father, Thomas Wayne, Sr., was still alive and had become the chief of police in their world's version of Gotham City, gathering a cadre of police officers who did not give in to the rampant corruption which infested their version of Earth. Thomas, Jr., blames his father for the deaths of his mother and brother and it is strongly hinted that the main purpose to his criminal career is to punish his father, who is well aware of who he is and is equally determined to destroy his own son. During his visit to the "main" DC Universe, upon discovering the Waynes' grave, he states that nothing matters because "he's dead", presumably referring to Thomas Wayne, Sr., and actually shows a rare moment of pathos as he kneels in front of the grave. While antimatter Clark Kent (as Ultraman) is the leader of the Syndicate, Thomas, Jr. (as Owlman), is the real brains behind the group. The working relationship between the two is extremely tense, due to Ultraman's desire to rule the planet through fear and violence clashing with Owlman's more pragmatic desire to allow dissent and rebellion to run rampant (going so far as to funding opposition towards the Syndicate) in order to provide himself and his allies in the Syndicates enemies to fight. Further complicating things is the fact that Thomas, Jr., has carried on a longtime affair with Ultraman's wife Superwoman. Ultraman is aware of the affair, but due to Thomas, Jr., having undisclosed photographic blackmail material against the villain, he is unable to seek retribution against Owlman for the betrayal. In JLA: Earth 2, the antimatter Alexander Luthor, a heroic version of Lex Luthor, makes a reference to Owlman's "drug-enhanced" cerebral cortex, although this version of Owlman does not demonstrate any superhuman powers. Presumably, Thomas, Jr., merely uses some sort of drug to enhance his mental capacity though it is not specifically stated how powerful his mental powers are or how they are enhanced through such artificial means. Thomas, Jr., and his antimatter Crime Syndicate allies appeared in the weekly Trinity series, starting with issue #9. The "Weaponers of Qward" had attacked their Earth, killing millions and tearing apart the landscape. The Syndicate had kidnapped hundreds of innocent people from all 52 realities, including what appeared to be Jimmy Olsen, but was later revealed to be his anti-matter duplicate. It is unclear if Thomas, Jr., allows the JLA to win in order to get the heroes off his source Earth and counterattack after they depart, or if he was actually defeated. A Qward weaponer, wearing the same costume as the dead pre-Crisis Earth-3 Owlman, appeared one time alongside of a full replacement Qward Crime Syndicate team. This Qward Owlman was easy to identify versus the original human Earth-3 Owlman due to his face and eyes. Owlmen of Earth-3 In 52 Week 52, an alternate version of the pre-Crisis Earth-3 was shown as a part of the new Multiverse. In the depiction were characters that are evil versions of the original Justice Society of America, including Batman. The names of the characters and the team are not mentioned in the two panels in which they appear, but the altered Batman is visually similar to Owlman. In The Search for Ray Palmer: Crime Society, this reality is stated to be Earth-3, separate from the pre-Crisis Earth-3 reality and an older Owlman is shown with a young sidekick called Talon, who is dressed parallel to Dick Grayson's Robin. The current young Talon had a relationship with Duela Dent, the daughter of his greatest foe, the Jokester, as shown in the Teen Titans series. The Teen Titan Talon wears a costume that is a direct alternation of Tim Drake's Robin costume, suggesting the current Talon to be the Earth-3 Drake and not the same Grayson-parallel Talon shown in Search. Based on statements and illustrations in this same book, it is stated one of earlier Talons succeeded the old Owlman in a manner parallel to the way that Wayne as Batman was succeeded by Grayson in the role of Batman for a period of time. as he was shown killed by the Jokester on page 22 of this book with the Jokester's boot on his throat. A young Owlman with a different costume and helmet later appears the same book battling the Jokester. It is not specified who the old Owlman is, though his face is clearly shown in panel. Some suggest the old Owlman was the post-Crisis Earth-3 Bruce Wayne based on the fact that Jason Todd of post-Crisis Earth-3 is stated to be the current Owlman, though others state the old Owlman was someone else. The old Owlman's exact birth identity has yet to be specified in panel. This young Owlman with the different costume and helmet appears again in issue #31 of Countdown — assisted by a team referred to as the Crime Society. This young Owlman is specifically stated to be Owlman and the Todd of Earth-3 by Bob the Monitor who fights the Todd of New Earth. New Earth Todd is aided by his own traveling companions, Kyle Rayner and Donna Troy, against the other members of the post-Crisis Earth-3 Crime Society, including a young Ultraman and Spectre counterpart in panel. Roy Raymond, Jr. In the absence of Batman, the Outsiders have been joined by a new Owlman. A "Trick or Treat" tease from the October 2008 edition of DC Nation ("The Owl and the Butler are the Same Person") hinted that it would be Alfred Pennyworth behind the mask. However, in Outsiders Special #1 (2009), it appeared to be Roy Raymond, Jr., that would become Owlman. This is confirmed in Outsiders vol. 4, #15 (Feb. 2009), where Raymond does become Owlman, with equipment left for that purpose by Batman. In other media - Owlman appears in the Batman: The Brave and the Bold episodes "Deep Cover for Batman" and "Game Over for Owlman", voiced by Diedrich Bader. In "Deep Cover for Batman", Owlman is the leader of the Injustice Syndicate. Owlman uses the Phase Oscillator to go to Batman's dimension. After a scuffle, Batman imprisons him in the Batcave. Batman impersonates Owlman to stop the syndicate. In "Game Over for Owlman", Owlman escapes and frames Batman by committing various crimes while disguised as him (Owlman's Batman disguise is almost the original 1930s version of Batman's costume, complete with hand-only gloves, high wing mask, dark grey bodysuit, and black accessories and bright yellow with circle utility belt. Later episodes reveal this was an earlier costume Batman used before he switched to the more friendly-looking current version.). Owlman assembles a group of supervillains (Black Manta, Brain, Clock King, Doctor Polaris, Gentleman Ghost, and Gorilla Grodd) to join him. With the heroes after him, Batman teams up with Joker (who was displeased that Owlman was upstaging him). Owlman used Batman's computer to figure out weaknesses to capture Green Arrow, Blue Beetle, Plastic Man, Red Tornado, the Atom, and Aquaman. In exchange for the captured heroes, Owlman negotiates with Batman to hand him the Phase Oscillator in exchange for their freedom. When it came to the fight with Owlman and his villain allies, Owlman allowed Joker to work on the wax trap. Batman reveals that he travelled to alternate Earths to round up the Batmen to fight the villains and free the captive heroes. Using a smokescreen, the Earth-1 Batman manages to trap Owlman and Joker. Owlman is returned to his dimension in bondage while the other villains are arrested. - A character with similar traits to Owlman appeared in The Batman. Here, his name is Wrath. Owlman appears as the main antagonist in Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, voiced by James Woods. He is a sinister and calculating strategist and is in a relationship with Superwoman. Unlike the comic book incarnations, this version of Owlman apparently has no superpowers, but wears a powerful exoskeleton within his costume. Even with strength similar to Wonder Woman, she still defeats him. When he discovers the existence of the multiverse, he feverishly searches for Earth-Prime with the intention of using a powerful weapon the Syndicate recently developed to destroy it and, with it, all reality. With the existence of the multiverse, he reasons nothing really matters except destroying all that is, as it is the only action he could definitively commit without another version of him somewhere doing the alternative option. He also likens humankind to a cancer that must be eradicated. Owlman nearly succeeds in his plan, but Batman follows him to Earth-Prime and narrowly defeats him. He sends the weapon, and Owlman, to another parallel Earth that is unpopulated and frozen solid. Owlman notices he still has the option to stop the detonation and save himself, but does nothing, saying, "It doesn't matter." The weapon explodes and destroys the planet, apparently killing Owlman. - In Batman: Gotham Adventures #10 and #14, Harley Quinn is free from Arkham Asylum and decides to write a romance novel. Joker escapes and looks at Harley's scripts and discovers that the book is not a tell-all book, but a "Harley Quinn romance novel" titled Masks of Love, about the adventures of Punchinello and Owlman (who is based on Batman). - While Owlman never appears in the animated series The Batman, he was due to appear in a future issue of The Batman Strikes!, a spin-off comic book from the show, in a story written by Josh Elder. However, the title's cancellation prevented the Owlman story from being released. - In Batman #107, "The Grown-Up Boy Wonder!" (April 1957), Dick Grayson is exposed to a strange gas and wakes up the next morning a fully-grown, adult man. He is unable to be Robin because of his costume now being too small, so he dons an owl costume and becomes the Owlman. He partners with Batman against a trio of former circus acrobats-turned criminals called the Daredevils. At the end of the story, however, Grayson returns back to the body of a teenager and is Robin again. - ^ "Owlman". ComicVine.com. http://www.comicvine.com/owlman/29-4703/. - ^ a b c Greenberger, Robert (2008). "Crime Syndicate". In Dougall, Alastair. The DC Comics Encyclopedia. New York: Dorling Kindersley. p. 89. ISBN 0-7566-4119-5. OCLC 213309017. - ^ 52 52: 11/3 (May 2, 2007), DC Comics - ^ Brady, Matt (May 8, 2007). "The 52 Exit Interviews: Grant Morrison". Newsarama. http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=111900. Retrieved 2007-05-12. - ^ Harvey, James (January 29, 2009). "New 'Batman: The Brave and the Bold' Scheduled for February 2009 on Cartoon Network". World's Finest Online. http://www.worldsfinestonline.com/news.php?action=fullnews&id=357. - ^ Fritz, Steve (February 26, 2009). "Brave & Bold Producer Talks Owl Man, Superman, and a Musical". Newsarama. http://www.newsarama.com/tv/090226-james-tucker-brave-and-bold.html. - ^ "Interview with Josh Elder and Russell Lissau". Wizard World Texas. http://www.wizardworld.com/tx-russellelderinterview.html. - ^ "Batman #107". ComicVine.com. http://www.comicvine.com/batman-the-grown-up-boy-wonder/37-3001/. Wikimedia Foundation. 2010. Look at other dictionaries: Owlman — For the DC Comics supervillain, see Owlman (comics). Owlman Creature Grouping Cryptid Data First reported April 17, 1976 Last reported 2009 Country United Kingdom … Wikipedia Ultraman (comics) — This article is about the DC Comics supervillains. For the 1940s era All American Comics superheroes, see Ultra Man. For the DC Comics teenage superhero, see Ultra Boy. For other uses, see Ultraman (disambiguation). Ultraman antimatter Clark Kent … Wikipedia Multiverse (DC Comics) — A depiction of several alternate Earths within the Multiverse and the variations of the Flash inhabiting each Earth. Art by Dan Jurgens and Art Thibert The DC Multiverse is a fictional continuity construct that exists in stories published by… … Wikipedia Sociedad Secreta (DC Comics) — Sociedad Secreta de Supervillanos Primera aparición Secret Society of Super Villains #1 (Mayo 1976) Creador(es) Gerry Conway Pablo Marcos … Wikipedia Español Talon (DC Comics) — Superherobox caption= Talon from Teen Titans #38 comic color= background:#8080ff character name= Talon publisher=DC Comics debut= Teen Titans #38 creators=Geoff Johns (writer) Tony Daniel (artist) alter ego = full name = species = homeworld =… … Wikipedia Joker (comics) — The Joker redirects here. For other uses, see Joker (disambiguation). The Joker … Wikipedia James Gordon (comics) — Commissioner Gordon Detail from the cover art for Detective Comics #779 (Feb. 2003). Art by Tim Sale Publication information Publisher … Wikipedia Мультивселенная (DC Comics) — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Мультивселенная (значения). Мультивселенная DC (англ. DC Multiverse) или просто Мультиверс вымышленная концепция вселенных в комиксах издательства DC Comics. Мультивселенная состоит из… … Википедия Outsiders (comics) — For the 1st Issue Special Outsiders team, see Outsiders (DC Comics) Outsiders Cover for Outsiders vol. 4, #15. Art by Lee Garbett and Trevor Scott. Group publication information … Wikipedia The Owl (Dell Comics) — Infobox comics character character name = The Owl caption = publisher = Dell Comics debut = Crackajack Funnies #25 (July, 1940) creators = Frank Thomas alter ego = Nick Terry full name = species = homeworld = alliances = partners = Owl Girl… … Wikipedia
Rank #1: 2019 Halloween Special Guests include Real Ghost Stories Online, A Paranormal Chicks, Serial Spirits, According to an Idiot, History Goes Bump, The Conspiritors, Freak Nation, Paranormal Punchers, Paranormal Prowlers, Tragedy of Cinema, The Synful Show, We Drink & We Know Things, Hillbilly Horror House, Realm of the Supernatural, The Black Crypt, Shoes, Boos & Tattoos, Westside Fairy Tales, Historical Blindness, Zeng This and Blurry Photos. Oct 29 2019 Rank #2: 170: The San Pedro Poltergeist Oct 27 2019 Rank #3: 112: Skinwalker Ranch Jerry and Tracy talk about the paranormal Disneyland in Utah, Skinwalker Ranch. Adam and Matt from GraveYard Tales stop in to talk about mysterious animal mutilations in Kentucky. Author Steve E. Asher discusses his new book Hauntings of the Western Lunatic Asylum. Sep 24 2018 Rank #4: McKamey Manor and the Manila Film House Tracy and Jerry talk to McKamey Manor owner Russ McKamey and his most famous participant Christina Buster who is the oldest participant to ever go through. They also discus the Manila Film House where several construction workers were buried in the foundation. Sep 24 2017 Rank #5: 137: Missing 411 cases Jerry and Tracy talk about cases of missing people from our national parks made famous by David Paulides' book series Missing 411. The newest edition of Hillbilly Horror House and David Flora from Blurry Photos tells us about Lemp Mansion. Mar 18 2019 Rank #6: Salem Witch Trials Jerry and Tracy discuss the Salem Witch Trials in detail Jun 04 2017 Rank #7: 89: The Ohio State Reformatory Jerry and Tracy talk about one of the most haunted places in Ohio, The Ohio State Reformatory in Mansfield, OH. Jerry sits down with Adam and Matt from the Graveyard Tales. Apr 16 2018 Rank #8: 91: Waverly Hills Sanatorium Jerry and Tracy revisit Ep.7 of Hillbilly Horror Stories when Ricky and Jerry covered Waverly Hills in Louisville. Fresh off of 2 tours of Waverly the night before, Jerry and Tracy have all of the ghostly details! Special story of strange occurrences in her new home by Chelsie in California. Apr 30 2018 Rank #9: 151: the Demon of Brownsville Rd Jun 24 2019 Rank #10: 109: Crater Lake National Park Jerry and Tracy discuss the strange happenings from Native American legends to cryptids to strange disappearances in the national park in Oregon. Sep 03 2018 Rank #11: 123: Eastern State Penitentiary Jerry and Tracy discuss one of the most haunted prisons in the world, Philadelphia's Eastern State Penitentiary. Deana Marie from Twisted Philly joins us for a bit to discuss her opinions on the prison in her back yard. Dec 10 2018 Rank #12: Hillbilly and Friends Halloween Episode Join Jerry, Tracy and several of your favorite podcasters for 3 hrs of scary good fun! Oct 31 2018 Rank #13: 133: Men In Black Jerry and Tracy discuss some of the most famous Men In Black encounters and Ep.3 of Hillbilly Horror House, our new audio drama Feb 18 2019 Rank #15: Robert the Doll.mp3 Sep 04 2016 Rank #16: 81: Old Slave House and Dead Children's Playground Jerry and Tracy talk about the Hickory Hill in Illinois better known as the Old Slave House and Huntsville Alabama's Dead Children's Playground. A personal greeting from Bobby Mackey from Bobby Mackey's Music World, the most haunted niteclub in America Feb 19 2018 Rank #17: The strange case of Emilie Sagee Jerry and Tracy talk about the strange case of Emilie Sagee and Doppelgangers. Andrea Whitney from the Jasper Newsboy Newspaper tells about a friend reaching out from beyond the grave to look further into his death. Writer, director and musician John Law comes on to discuss his new movie The Hatred. Dec 31 2017 Rank #18: Haunted Toys R Us and Disturbing Christmas Stories Jerry and Tracy tell you about the haunted Toys R Us in Sunnyvale CA, Tell you a sad but heart warming story of Jake and his best friend Chris. They also tell you a verry disturbing Christmas story about 7yr old Henry. Ember Hammond, former host of Color Me Dead Podcast joins us for a fun segments on serial l killer facts that you may not now! Dec 25 2017 Rank #19: 97: The Smurl Family Haunting Jerry and Tracy discuss the Smurl Family haunting from the Warren's case files. Authors of Devil Eye Anthony Ward and S.J.D Conall tell us some great ghost stories and Lee and Andy from Realm of the Supernatural tell us about a cryptid names a Tocolosh from South Africa. Jun 11 2018 Rank #20: Demon House of Gary, IN & Steve E Asher Jerry and Tracy discuss the infamous demon hose of Gary, Indiana and talk to author Steve e Asher who wrote the book Hauntings of the Kentucky State Penitentiary. May 07 2017
Champ is said to inhabit the waters of Lake Champlain, one of the largest lakes in the United States, with a depth of 400 feet and a width of 12 miles at its widest. It borders Vermont, NY, and Canada. Both Native American Tribes that lived near the lake, the Abenaki and the Iroquois had their own legends of a monster inhabiting it. The Abenaki believed a long, horned serpent lived in the lake. They called it the Tatoskok. The first official sighting was by Samuel De Champlain, who the lake was named after, but it turned out to be a false lead, when further research revealed he was just describing a large garfish. Sightings began in 1819, predating sightings of the Loch Ness Monster by over 110 years. Then reports of the monster started being run in Newspapers. In 1873, a railroad crew reported seeing the head of a giant serpent, with bright, silver-white scales that glistened in the sun. In August of that same year, a small steamship loaded with tourists, allegedly struck the creature and almost turned the ship over! In 1977, A woman named Sandra Mansi took this photo between Vermont and the Canadian border. It’s authenticity is still held in high regard. Some scientists believe that Champ is a plesiosaur like Nessie because the two lakes have so much in common. Both Lake Champlain and Loch Ness are over 400 feet deep, formed during the last Ice Age, and support fish populations big enough to feed them. The Fauna Communications Research Institute conducted a search for echolocations at Lake Champlain. Upon analyzation, they came to the conclusion the sounds were not from any known marine animal, as each type of animal that does create an echolocation sound has its own signature! The places where the echolocation was taken is also significant, as they were by some of the deepest parts of the lake, including a man-made channel deep under the lake which the scientists say could be the perfect refuge for a large underwater animal.These scientists also figure that this cryptid would have to have a much larger brain than those of a plesiosaur to be able to emit and interpret such echolocation signals. However, Skeptics point out that if there are monsters in Lake Champlain, there must be enough of them to have a breeding population. Could 50 large lake monsters live in Lake Champlain? It’s up to you to decide! Do you believe?
The Fight King, who tricked friend warriors into fighting his Gladiator Ghosts, and then eventually forced them to fight and kill each other for his own amusement. Just like The Lich, he dants a completely serious villain without any comical trait. Me-Mow threatens to kill Jake if he doesn't assassinate Wildberry Princess for her, and at one point injects him with half the poison. Once she's discovered she tries to blind Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee with a knife. The Destiny Gang Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee a band of marauding thugs that terrorise and plunder a village, burn it down purely out of spite, Doing shows 19yo Gulfport girl set Finn's house on fire while his family are still inside including his infant sibling. The two-part episode in which they appear features The Lich and finally confirms that Ooo is set After the Endand they are still one of the darkest things about the episode. Ricardio is not only a blood wanrs Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee organ with a scary looking face and hideous biomechanical limbs, he's also the closest thing to a rapist they could get away with having in a kid's show. Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee Want Sex Hookers He is an Eldritch ALconia and an Omnicidal Maniac played seriously. Supreme Dog from Arthur is a rather dark villain for a show aimed at young children. He gave children candy bars that were designed to get them hooked, and since he refused to eat one when asked, it is rather implied that they contained rather nasty ingredients. Thankfully, he was eventually arrested and his business was shut down. The Brave and the Bold has Starro, a giant space starfish of unknown origin complete with a menacing voice, tiny minions that latch onto your face and turn you into a slave, and one cold, unblinking eye. As a bonus, he feeds on the life force of the inhabitants of each planet he invades. Any planet he can't enslave or devour, he destroys. Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee Bearsof all franchises, tends to have this in spades, what with Professor Coldheart, the Spirit in the Book, Dark Heart, No-Heart and others all dedicated to the removal of any ability to feel emotion. The Black cock slut Tampa Florida animated series Family Dog was mostly a lighthearted series about a dog and the dysfunctional family he lived with, but the episode "Dog Days of Summer" introduced a trio of callous Ladonia and their vicious dog that nearly killed the titular family dog. The initial specials have Tirek, a demon-centaur who wanted to turn the ponies into an army of demonic dragons with his "Rainbow of Darkness", and Catrina, a catwoman sorceress who plotted to enslave the ponies into gathering ingredients for her Fantastic Drug of choice, "witchweed potion". The series proper has: Squirk, a tyrannical sea monster who wanted Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee reclaim part of his undersea kingdom by flooding Dream Valley. Crunch the Rock Dog, a huge dog made out of stone that hates all things soft, has the power to turn anything he touches to stone and turn normal rocks into sharp-toothed monsters to stalk his prey. The way he and his rock minions Tenessee after the Bushwoolies, turning them eants stone one by one, seems right out Tennssee a horror movie. Grogar the demon ram sorcerer, who Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee unicorns by intercepting their teleporting powers, and wanted to banish the main characters to LLaconia dimension. He also threatens to do the same to his mooks. King Charlatan, a penguin monarch who wanted to freeze Hot women wants sex Shenzhen entire world so that only the strongest and most worthy would survive. He and his soldiers also had a Nazi vibe, referring to creatures unable Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee survive the cold as "impure". Lavan, a lava demon who unbalances the magic of Pony Land and tries to kill the Princess Ponies and the Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee Waants on more than one occasion and like Tirek, is himself killed for it. Arabus, a cloud monster that eats shadows. The characters were forced to send for the Flutter Ponies to stop him. The G4 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic continues the franchise's tradition Laconja cute ponies being menaced aants terrifying villains. Discord seems harmless enoughTennesee Sure, Celestia is on edgebut he's a pleasant fellow and loves playing games. He's also a Reality Warper with a passion for psychological torturecorrupting Womna friends into a twisted mirror of their true selves and driving Twilight herself to the brink of the Despair Event Horizon. He celebrates his victory by turning Equestria into a World of Chaos where the ponies are reduced to playthings for his amusement.Good Hope GA Bi Horny Wives They drove the original ponies from their homelands, and nearly destroyed Equestria. Moreover, it's implied that they freeze people in a state of hatred but keep them alive so that they can have a continuous food supply. Ladies seeking sex tonight Jerseyville Chrysalis in "A Canterlot Wedding", whose modus operandi is to replace Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee impersonate individuals, draining their loved ones to Laconai her own power and put them under Mind Controlbefore leading her minions in a full scale invasion so they can feed as well and drain everyone. It's implied that Equestria isn't the first land she's done this to, and she's even worse in the IDW comics.Swm Seeking Williams South Carolina I Can Host He is never played for comedy at any point, want so feared that the crystal ponies imply that part of their Laser-Guided Amnesia is them intentionally repressing the events of Sombra's rule, and comes within inches of killing a main character — a child no less — before being Killed Off for Real himself, in Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee first for the show. Made even worse with the tie-in My Little Pony: Perhaps worse is that he's also a Tenneseee, Destroyer of Worlds ; he spent his entire life believing he really was a pony, and only embraced his origins when it seemed hopeless that he could ever be anything but what he was destined to be. The show reveals what Sombra would do if he had succeeded in recapturing the Crystal Empire in the episode "The Cutie Re-Mark", in which he creates mind controlling armor to militarize the entire empire and pitch war against Equestria. Sez the time of his return to when this episode takes place, he would have conquered half of Equestria, which is shown to Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee gone Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee an industrial revolution to fight Sombra. Season 4's two part finale brings in a G4 revamp of Tirek, the Trope Codifier and the very first of these to appear in the franchise. He escaped from Tartarus, the In-Universe Hell-equivalent and prison for Equestria's absolute worst monsters — to put things in perspective, Discord was merely petrified and kept in Celestia's garden. He has powerful fire magic and xasual is capable of leeching the magic out of ponieswhich includes erasing their cutie mark. He's so terrible that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna feel the only hope they have of bringing him in and re-imprisoning him is to send Discord to capture him. That decision backfires spectacularly when Discord is tricked into siding with Tirek instead. And Tennessee he turns on Discord and steals Ladies seeking sex Purdys NewYork 10578 magic too when he has no more need of him. The second film has the Dazzlings aLconia, who were originally Equestrian sirens that were banished to the human world. Ironically, the defeat of Sunset Shimmer by the Humane Six at the end of the first film was what allowed them to rediscover Equestrian magic. Once they absorb enough to waants their power, they transform eex anthro-pony-siren Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee Magical Girls who can summon frightening avatars of their original forms. They are implied to have been even more powerful back in Equestria. Notably, her methods have been compared to those of real-life cults, and her Villain Song was based on World War II propaganda casuql. They wind Lqconia doing this several times, each creating a worse timeline than the last; while Starlight didn't Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee this part or even know about it at first, being shown that what she's done will result in Equestria Casual Hook Ups Brattleboro reduced to a barren wasteland does disturbingly little to dissuade her from this course of action. Since it gains strength from inflicting anguish onto caeual ponies, it eventually becomes Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee enough to flee from Luna's dreams, needing only for a sleeping pony to dream of some pony else to enter another dream And then it gains enough strength to tear open a eTnnessee which would let it enter the real world, which would let it turn it into an eternal, waking nightmare. Unlike the rest of Wojan show's villains, it's implied it might not even be an wantss being, merely a force of nature, like an earthquake or a hurricane, meaning you can't reason with it, threaten it, or trick it, only fight it. The Movie has the Storm King, a comical yet ruthless and insane dictator who has conquered much of the world outside of Equestria — the Hippogriffs turned themselves into Seaponies and fled to Seaquestria Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee evade conquer — and has set his sights on the magic of the Alicorn Princesses to give him the power to control weather and live up to his name. His field commanderTempest Hot housewives looking nsa Amherst, an embittered unicorn with a broken horn, appears as the more direct and serious threathaving effortlessly disabled three of the four princesses by petrifying them with Obsidian Orbsand actively on the hunt for the escaped Twilight Sparkle with her friends, but then, we learn that as a filly, she lost her horn after an Ursa Minor attack, and Tennesese shunned by her friends due to her unstable Lzconia sparksmaking her believe that friendship is meaningless. And then, at The Climax of the film, after the Storm King creates a huge tornado that engulfs all of Canterlot, Tempest asks him to restore her horn to fulfill his end of the bargain, but he backs out of the deal, reveals that he only used her and attempts to kill her. He is always beaten by the skin of everyone else's teeth and you've got a casuao threatening villain for such a harmless show. Once Father went Free Dating Online - married and wanting anything massive Villain DecayThe Movie gave us Grandfather, Father's father and Numbuh Zero'swho possesses WWoman of Father's acsual as well as the ability to turn all the people in the world into undead senior citizens. While a few of them do play nice, most of the diesel engines in Thomas the Tank Engine are very vocal about their desire to overtake the steam engines and aren't above trying to hurry that day along. At least twice, they've tried to smelt Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee other engines and escaped any consequences. He spends the entire episode coldly and sadistically pounding out any creativity and happiness from the duo to the point they essentially become mindless drones. He even dies in the end. He's also a literal nightmareso the show can get Walsall looking for sex with this. The crossover with Marvel presented Red Skull. His evil plan was to destroy the Tri-State Area, and he modified one of Doofenshmirtz's inventions to drain matter and living energy from other Wpman. He started out as a childish rival to the show's Big Bad Heinz Doofenshmirtz during the series, but it wasn't until the "Save Summer" special, that he finally reveals his true maniacal plan to Free mobile Little Rock Arkansas adult personals over the Earth by sending it into a new Ice Age based on one of Doofenshmirtz's successful schemes, something that even Doofenshmirtz is horrified to learn about. The Movie gives us an Alternate Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee version of Doofenshmirtz who is far more successful—and far more cruel—than the Doof we know. He has successfully taken over his Adult singles dating in Chatsworth, New Jersey (NJ). Area for his family and turned it into a totalitarian dystopia where everyone lives in fear. Plus he's turned his old enemy Perry the Platypus into a mind-controlled cybernetic "platyborg" —a condition which turns out to be permanent, even after the brainwashing is lifted— and has no qualms about doing the same to Phineas. The episode sequel gives us an Alternate Dimension version of Doofenshmirtz's ex-wife Charlene, who is still married to the alternate Doof and is just as cruel and intelligent as him. As it turns out, she had used her husband's technology to turn 25 more animal agents into cyborgs to help Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee her family's rule over their Tri-State Area. She even Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee staged a fake divorce with the alternate Doof to satisfy their family's safety and finances in case their reign would be overthrown. The Faux Affably Evil Mittington Random in "The Klimpaloon Ultimatum" only appears in one episode but he definitely qualifies as this due to his intentions to experiment on the titular Klimpaloon to make a perfect new brand of old fashioned swimwear. This wouldn't be too bad for the show, if the episode didn't show off his deformed failed attempts and mention how his experiments will ultimately kill the cryptid. Also not helping were his claims that he'll rip Klimpaloon apart stitch by stitch if he has to. Rodrigo from "Minor Monogram", as he planned to split up the entire Tri-State Area into two, that will ultimately kill thousands of people including Doofenshmirtz and Perry. Liam McCracken from "Primal Perry", as he planned to turn both Perry the Platypus and Doofenshmirtz into trophies due to his severe hatred toward platypuses and having a reputation of going rogue. Teen Titans sometimes has this trope. The show itself is usually lighthearted, and most of the one-shot villains are comical with a couple of notable exceptions - but lets take a look at some of the Big Bads. Slade is a creepily emotionless diabolical mastermind who runs on blackmail, Mind RapeWoman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee Lectures and Foe Yayand delivers No Holds Barred Beatdowns to several characters in surprisingly vivid fashion. Then there's Trigon, who's Satan and wants to use the show's main Woobiewho's also his daughter, to bring about The End of the World as We Know It - and he actually succeeds in causing Hell on Earth for two episodes. Both villains as well as Brother Blood were toned down a lot for the cartoon. For much of the '80s, the Teen Titans was one of DC's darkest books. The fact that they were able to make it a kids' show is a Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee for the ages. While most of the show's antagonists are barely a threat and treated as jokes, Rose stands out as a genuinely ruthless villain. Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee Not only is she the villain who's managed to emotionally break the Titans, but she was able to effortlessly curb stomp all of themeven coming close to straight-up killing them. While she does have her snarky Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennesseethe show makes no light of the fact that she's a sociopath more than willing to potentially kill innocents without any remorse, a line not even the Titans cross. And unlike the rest of the show's villains, these actions aren't played for laughs. Transformers Animated is Woman wants casual sex Laconia Tennessee for making the Decepticons far more dangerous than in other versions Sex guide Fort collins the franchise, given the lighthearted tone of the rest of the show. Megatron takes the cake, as the mere mention of his name can cause a collective Oh, Crap! 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Vicky Cook, who lives in Shelby, states that her backyard has become a magnet for the famous cryptid and that multiple individuals have visited her several times. Like anomalien.com on Facebook To stay in touch and get our latest news She even has proof of allegedly Bigfoot sightings in the form of plaster casts of footprints of different dimensions and some low-resolution pictures taken on the estate using a trail camera. “Sometimes I think this can’t be real,” she said while describing one such encounter. “It went in front of my camera. I screamed I didn’t know what it was, but that thing was tall!” Curiously, Cook also argues that the mysterious creature has a sweet tooth. “Mostly like candy, cookies, they love peanut brittle, chocolate, peanut butter sandwiches,” Vicky said. “They don’t like apples and bananas.” You can see below a local news report with more details about her experiences.
(8/4/2018) A recent video posted to YouTube showing a moose eating on the side of the road in the wilderness of Quebec, Canada has gone viral because several media outlets are reporting that the video shows a “six foot eerie faceless creature” stalking the unsuspecting moose. But take a closer look… Below is a stabilized version of the video obtained from the website gfycat that clearly shows the “creature” is a reflection or smudge on the windshield of the car that the family is looking through. We’ve lovingly naming it the #WindshieldWendigo. TriDiver also stabilized the video in question, in which he describes the two additional dot-like windshield anomalies as smudges. Smudges of what? Well, it’s not clear (excuse the pun). However, he does determine that the subject in the video is a reflection off of something in the car. Individuals from the National Cryptid Society Group andFacebook page quickly saw this image as a photographic anomaly. Upon seeing the footage stabilized, no amount of red circles or arrows could alter the fact that what was captured on the video was NOT “the stuff of nightmares” (the Sun), a “Gollum-like monster” (The Daily Mail), a “creepy… 6ft creature” (The Mirror), or a “weird monster” (Fox News). So we decided to reach out to several media sources in an attempt to have them reconsider their headlines. And the Pulitzer Prize goes to… This collection of over 170+ articles, direct from newspapers of the 1800s and 1900s, brings some of the most bizarre, amazing, and incredible stories of true monster encounters out of the past and into your hands! Presented with zero spin or bias, this book delivers just the facts and allows you, the reader, to decide for yourself if the stories within actually happened or not. From the funny to the frightening, the sincere to the weird, there is something for everyone within these pages! 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Twenty-three years ago, Weezer at once solidified and nearly destroyed their career. The online world wasn’t about to let the latter happen. There’s no unanimous agreement on the best record Rivers Cuomo and company put forth, but it might be fair to say there’s a war. In the distance, there might be a few who say it’s The Green Album, or even one dude in the corner chugging Baja Blast, listening to his iPod Nano, and swearing Make Believe was underappreciated. By and large, though, it’s a toss-up between their debut The Blue Album and 1996’s Pinkerton. One is the classic choice; the latter is the brooding-cool choice. I’m not here to make either argument, but instead just take a moment and look at how Pinkerton has evolved over time: over two decades later, it’s the exact same record, in a vastly different cultural context. It’s when Weezer got all gooey and angst-filled, sure, but it’s also when they got so earnest that Cuomo very nearly scared the world into thinking he was not only a lost songwriter but a depressive sex maniac. As one does. So back to 1996: yes, there was internet in 1996, but not enough internet for kids in their bedrooms to hoist up Pinkerton as their new screed and make it a hit immediately. None of the singles had pleasant fates on the radio, and it would be half a decade before Weezer dropped a follow-up. By all accounts, it flopped. At first it did, at least. It was less about the music itself and more about the unflinching lyrics. In chronic pain from surgery and frustrated by the enormous jump into fame his life took, Rivers penned a Madame Butterfly-inspired depiction of sexual dysfunction, alienation, and self-loathing. And yet there was never a consensus on why this was bad – just that it was starkly, squirm-fully honest. Rivers himself would call the project “embarrassing,” which is a valid thing to say after ripping yourself open that publicly. But by the turn of the millennium, feedback on Pinkerton was already taking a shift. Hindered in no way by the rise of the internet and newfound ease of sharing music, the record grew a sort of underground cult following. “I don’t really know what emo means,” Cuomo said in 2001. “But apparently I had something to do with it.” Pinkerton was not the only album to be embraced because of its oddities rather than in spite of them by the below-ground music nerds emerging online. It was around this era that In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, Neutral Milk Hotel’s own strange magnum opus, gained traction within the alternative scene. It wasn’t standard traction. It was almost a cryptid of rock music, just like Pinkerton grew to be. It’s also worth mentioning that emo was still in that young stage of underground existence: Pinkerton was released the same year as Texas Is The Reason’s Do You Know Who You Are? and Static Prevails by Jimmy Eat World. Both evading mainstream notice and yet becoming seminal classics in their own niche, by 1996, the staying power of emo was looking pretty strong. Sure enough, as the community pulled itself together in time for bands like Jimmy Eat World – as well as Thursday and Taking Back Sunday, and so on – to take to the radio, public opinion on Pinkerton gradually shifted. Raw and revealing, it had been shoved to the wayside by its creators. In 2001, The Green Album harkened back to the “Buddy Holly” and “Sweater Song.” As far as the members of Weezer were concerned, the best course of action was to pretend it didn’t happen. And when asked about the album? Lambast it. For many years, this was the coping technique Rivers Cuomo leaned into wholeheartedly, but the baby elephant in the room was starting to grow into an adult. The young people of the internet saw Rivers and his Frankenstein’s monster of a record as their feelings transplanted. Speaking to a vast number of people while all the while flying under the radar of appreciation, Pinkerton was increasingly referred to as people’s “favorite Weezer album,” or as “influential,” of even as having “laid the groundwork” for the emo rock boom of the 2000s. Debate still exists over whether Pinkerton fits the genre of the enthusiasts who nursed it to health. Emo or not, what is undeniable is the full 180 that it’s undergone. Over a decade later, Cuomo gave up on calling it a “diseased album” or a disgrace. Instead, he sat down with Pitchfork and called it “great…super brave, and authentic.” From the standpoint of a listener, and someone who cherishes what Pinkerton put forth into the world, I don’t buy his past hatred of the album. I buy his shame or his humiliation when in it faltered, but I believe this was always the album he wanted to make. Cuomo set out to write a story as twisted and emotionally jarring as Madame Butterfly, and as honest and awkward as his own life could be. He sat out to write Pinkerton. When you write something that indelible – and that good – I find it hard to believe you didn’t have at least a little faith in it. That doesn’t matter now though. Weezer has plenty of reasons to be proud of it two decades on, and the band finally seems to have realized that. At this point, I think we can all agree that’s how it should be.
Quizmasters Lee & Marc share their favorite questions of the week from their respective trivia nights, with topics including WORLD RECORDS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, WINE, CRYPTOZOOLOGY, FAMOUS INVENTIONS, WORLD HISTORY, BUSINESS, LANGUAGE and more! - WORLD RECORDS - The hottest temperature ever recorded on Earth was 136 degrees Fahrenheit in El Azizia, which is located in which North African country? - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - What kind of tuba is named after a famous American military march composer? - WORLD RECORDS - Vesna Vulović was a Serbian flight attendant who holds the Guiness world record for what? - WINE - Named for an ancient king of Babylon, what size wine bottle will hold up to twenty standard 750ml bottles of wine? - NBA - What Boston Celtics player was known by the nickname “The Chief”? - FAMOUS INVENTIONS - In 1954, Robert Frank Borkenstein registered a trademark for what invention with a portmanteau name? - CRYPTOZOOLOGY - What is the nickname of the 7-8 ft. tall apeman cryptid, first reported in Missouri in 1971, that is believed to have a large, pumpkin shaped head, a body covered in dark fur, and a stinky defense mechanism used to ward off any would-be attackers? - “Canned tuna is actually albacore tuna, the Dolphin fish is what we would recognize as the fish served under the name “Mahi Mahi”.” - Abbey - POP CULTURE - Comedian Joan Rivers died in what year? - WORLD WAR II - To the surprise of then-General Eisenhauer, what weapon, nicknamed after a novelty musical instrument of the era, was initially issued to U.S. soldiers in World War II with no training whatsoever? - AIRPORTS - McCarran International Airport is located in which city? - ADULT ANIMATION - What 1971 animated film was the first to receive an X rating, directed by Ralph Bakshi and based on and named for a series of classic comics by influential independent cartoonist Robert Crumb? - INDIE FILMS - Who directed the classic documentary Crumb, about influential independent cartoonist Robert Crumb? - BUSINESS - Prior to being broken-up for a Monopoly, what company controlled 80-85% of rough diamond distribution? - LANGUAGE - What word, known for being a defining characteristic of Danish culture, is used to describe an attitude towards life that emphasizes mindfulness, comfort and coziness, togetherness and finding joy in everyday life? - U.S. HISTORY - Terry Nichols was the co-conspirator of what major crime in the 1990’s? Rate My Question - “A standard human neck has seven cervical vertebrae. How many does a giraffe have?” - Proverbial Lightkeeper Dylan - VEGETABLES - Closely related to garlic and onions, what vegetable is one of the national emblems of Wales, after, according to legend, King Cadwaladr of Gwynedd ordered his soldiers to identify themselves by wearing the vegetable on their helmets in an ancient battle against the Saxons? - 60’s MUSIC - Who sang the song “It’s My Party?” Weekly Wrap Up - September 9th, 2019 @ Palace - Moistimus Prime - 106 pts. - September 10th, 2019 @ Gather - Tarpon Charlies - 101 pts. - September 11th, 2019 @ Bury Me Brewing Co. - Pootie Tang - 112 pts. - September 12th, 2019 @ No. 3 Craft Beers Bar - As You Wish - 90 pts. Upcoming LIVE Know Nonsense Trivia Challenges - September 16th, 2019 – Cape Coral FL – 7:00 PM @ Palace Pub & Wine Bar. Categories for the quiz will include BASEBALL, THE ROSWELL INCIDENT, SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS, PORN CULTURE, THE TOUR DE FRANCE & more. Final question category will be DISNEY PARKS selected by last week’s biggest learners ‘Single Riders’. - September 17th, 2019 – Cape Coral FL – 7:00 PM @ Gather. Categories for the quiz will include DOGS, NFL, BOATING & SAILING, SPANISH LANGUAGE, GEOGRAPHY, ASTROLOGY and more. Final wager question category will be QUIZMASTER’S CHOICE. - September 18th, 2019 – Fort Myers, FL – 7:00 PM @ Bury Me Brewing Co. Categories for the quiz will include AMERICAN LITERATURE, GHOSTBUSTERS, LOONEY TUNES, FLATULENCE, YONIC IMAGERY, U.S. CIVIL WAR and more. The final Know Nonsense wager question will be ROCKY BALBOA MOVIES selected by ‘Whiskey Business.’ - September 19th, 2019 – Cape Coral, FL – 7:00 PM @ No. 3 Craft Brews & Beer Bar. Categories for the quiz will include 80’s MOVIES AND MUSIC, REAL ESTATE, DEATH METAL, CARS, RICK & MORTY, THE OFFICE and more. The final category that evening will be THE CURSE OF OAK ISLAND selected by ‘Janis’s Droplings.’ Thanks to our supporters on Patreon. - Thank you, Quizdaddies – Tommy (The Electric Mud) and Tim (Pat's Garden Service) - Thank you, Team Captains – Rachel, Aaron, Kristen & Fletcher - Thank you, Proverbial Lightkeepers – Hank, Dylan, Justin, Cooper, Elyse, Sarah, Brina, Karly, Kristopher, Josh, Gil, Shaun, Lucas and Max - Thank you, Rumplesnailtskins – Manu, Jeff, Eric, Steven, Efren, Mike J., Mike C. If you'd like to support the podcast and gain access to bonus content, please visit http://theknowno.com and click "Support." - Treehouse Sessions ATX - YouTube — This Austin, TX live music channel wrote us to tell us they are fans of the show (but not our accents) - A stock rejection letter sent to Women by Walt Disney Productions in 1938
La Dulce Vapor Company Review – A Spinfuel eLiquid Team Review MONTEZUMA • CHUPACABRA • LA LLORONA • MACHU PICCHU Vendors: Interested in selling La Dulce e-Liquids? Contact Matt here: La Dulce Vapor Company officially launched at the end of October and is already beginning to appear in Vape Shops in the Kentucky and Colorado, even without a website to call home. As shop owners experience these four delicious blends it doesn’t take long to go from a ‘taste’ to a full-blown wholesale partnership. Once you vape any or all of the four blends you too will be sold on these luscious blends. We spent 3 full days with them and not a drop was left as I sat down to turn my team’s notes into this review. La Dulce Vapor Company was created by Matt Lashlee and Zac Gnadinger, one time college roommates. Zac is the designer of their signature flavor profile, a smooth and flavorful candy line, while Matt takes care of the business end of running, and promoting this fast growing company. After spending several grueling months perfecting the first four flavor blends, La Dulce Vapor Company became a reality. Creating four excellent eliquid flavors is quite the accomplishment, but in order to establish credibility and withstand any FDA hurdles that, sooner or later, will affect us all, Matt and Zac sought out a professional, first rate, large sale eliquid manufacturer in the US that could turn their exacting recipes into an eliquid line that was above reproach. The only company that fit the bill, and could match the hand crafted eliquid perfected by Zac and Matt was California Vapors. By handing off the actual manufacturing of their delectable flavors the partners could spend the necessary time building the company and designing even more flavors. And that is exactly what they’ve been doing. Building just the right brand for their company was a painstaking process, but one that had to end with what they imagined for their company in the very beginning. Everything from the graphics, the label designs, the choices for the right bottle and dropper, all had to mesh with the premium high end line they developed with these four eliquids. After learning about the dedication and the large investment Matt and Zac put into La Dulce Vapor Company we invited them to participate in a Spinfuel eLiquid Team Review and Interview. The Flavor Profiles MONTEZUMA – Essentially a smooth gummy bear layer with peach and raspberry notes. Montezuma was the first fully realized e-liquid from La Dulce Vapor Company. CHUPACABRA – A Green Apple candy flavor with a hint of the sour found in green apple hard candies. LA LLORONA – A luscious blend of sweet ripe strawberries smothered in cream. MACHU PICCHU – A sweet lime with other ‘citrus’ flavor notes blended to offer up a sublime vape that can last all day. Characteristics of the La Dulce Vapor Company Signature The one thing that ties a successful brand together is a signature. It doesn’t matter if its e-liquid or fu rniture, something about the brand must run through the entire line of products. La Dulce Vapor Company is no different. Without a signature to the brand a company is just a haphazard collection of goods, like an importer/exporter business. Thankfully, La Dulce Vapor Company does indeed have a signature that ties the four e-liquids together. Each of the four e-liquids from La Dulce Vapor Company have a high VG ratio of 80%. All fourdeliver an even flavor intensity which allows for each flavor to work wonderfully as all-day-vapes for RDA’s and sub-ohm tanks. While delivering abundant flavor and massive clouds of vapor, they are never overwhelming or harsh. These blends are luxurious, designed in a way that allowed our team to take extended lung hits and slow exhales so each nuance of flavor could be absorbed and enjoyed. Each e-liquid begins and ends with the same flavor notes, whether it was an hour or a day. No one experienced the dreaded Vapors Tongue during the entire review period. That alone made all four of us fans of the brand. You can bet that we’ll be waiting in line for new flavors coming from Matt and Zac. In the end, how could we not award the Spinfuel Choice Award to all four brands? Our Impressions of the Four Flavors Montezuma – A Spinfuel Choice Award Julia: 5 Stars – Spending time with Montezuma was as pleasurable as spending time with every e-liquid in my current private rotation. Actually all four blends were just as pleasurable. Montezuma lights up all the right taste buds as smooth, sweet, and dense clouds of vapor rolls through on the way in and the way out. The flavors of candied peach and raspberry is a joy to experience, and no matter how long I stayed with any one blend, including Montezuma, the flavor never gave out, and my taste buds were never blinded. Having said that, Montezuma in particular proffered two distinct flavor profiles depending on the amount of wattage applied to a low resistant coil. Vaping with my ProVari Radius at 30.0 watts with a 0.5-ohm coil head inside an Aspire Triton v2 delivered a slightly warm gummy bear vape. Bumping up the wattage to 36w the flavor exploded into something intense, where each of the individual flavor notes came alive. One second I tasted a rich candied peach, the next a rich candied raspberry. Both wattage settings were delightful, but when the time comes for a super-charged flavor, give it another 5w or so and be prepared to experience a humongous burst of sweet fruitiness. Kiera: 5 Stars – It was funny listening to Julia try and describe the flavors in Montezuma. Funny because Julia has never experienced the flavor of a gummy bear, worm, reptile, or any other form of this marvelous candy staple. Whenever we go to the movies this is the candy of my choice, so I am well-versed in its flavor profile. Montezuma IS gummy bears in vapor form, right down to that dry sugar sweetness that makes a gummy bear a gummy bear. That said, there are plenty of gummy bear e-liquids available, so why does La Dulce deserve 5 stars for a flavor profile that has been around for years? Here’s why: La Dulce was, I’m guessing, looking for a new way to present an old favorite to modern vapers using low resistance coils and plenty of wattage. I believe this because while vaping with my IPV D2 and Triton tank at 38w the incredible combination of the flavor notes, together with enormous clouds of vapor, the gummy bear experience was increasing exponentially with each passing second of the inhale. The exhale of warm sweet vapor was not unlike the experience of trying a new delicacy that you instantly realize as something you’ll keep with you forever. Tom: 5 Stars – Vaping La Dulce flavors reminded me of a recent review we did with another High VG brand. Palatable flavors, colossal clouds of aromatic vapor, and a sense of gratification that eludes so many e-liquids of lesser quality, were shared by both this new brand and the other recent brand under review. However, the previous brand did not offer a gummy bear experience, so here I can give the same score I did before, and for pretty much the same reasons. La Dulce took the gummy bear profile, tweaked it to accent a peach and raspberry note that is definitely a part of the flavor’s ‘presence’, and presented it in a way that can be enjoyed in a high wattage vaping instrument using a low resistance atomizer. A wonderful rendition of a world-class candy to be enjoyed with today’s vaping tools. Jason: 5 Stars – Not many people are aware of this, but the gelatin used in most recipes for gummy bears contain prions, infectious agents made of protein, which has been linked to a transmissible form of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and a new form of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Mad Cow), though the risk is very tiny. Nonetheless, when I heard about this a couple of years ago I stopped eating any food containing large amount of gelatin, just in case. But I LOVE gummy bears! So, when I read that Montezuma was a gummy bear flavor I went straight for it as soon as the review period began. And I am so glad I did. The flavoring used in gummy bear recipes is not a health risk, though that magical flavor that we all recognize as the trademark flavor of a gummy bear is an artificial gelatin flavor. Montezuma nails this flavor, and adds to it with a bit of peach and raspberry flavoring. The end result is an amazing gummy bear vapor, and lots of it. So the next time you feel like having a few gummy bears reach for Montezuma instead. Better be safe than sorry, yea? CHUPACABRA – A Spinfuel Choice Award Winner Julia: 5 Stars – What made me a believer in the Chupacabra was an instant recognition of a delightful green apple, followed by that hard-candy flavor. If you are familiar with the rectangular hard candy, green in color, with a large green apple flavor and a twist of sour flavor, then you know what Chupacabra will taste like. La Dulce has produced a flavor that is recognizable, but also a crisper, cleaner, and well, a better flavor than the candy. This High VG formula delivers just the right amount of apple, and the right amount of ‘sour’ to produce a vape experience that will become a well worn favorite in no time. While Montezuma busts wide open with extra warm vapor, Chupacabra seems to be best vaped at normal wattage ranges. For this review I used my new HCigar DNA200 box mod and a SMOK TFV4 tank equipped with a sextuplet coil head (0.2-ohms total) I found 60w to be more than fine for a spectacular amount of smooth green apple flavor and enough clouds of vapor to fill a small room in under 3 minutes. Bumping up the wattage to 91w the vapor was toasty, and the flavor remained about the same. This is a well-deserved all-day-vape because the ‘sour’ component never overwhelmed the green apple sweetness. Kiera: 5 Stars – I find myself being drawn to fruitier type e-liquid flavors these days then ever before. Of course I’ll need to see what happens once we’re back in Boston for the rest of the winter before I figure out if it is because of warmer temperatures that draw me to lighter, fresher flavors over heavier, thicker flavors. In any regard, Chupacabra was very enjoyable and I found it to be a very high quality flavor profile. The green apple flavor, while sweet, gives a clean, crisp green apple flavor with a tinge of the sour hard candy treats. While talking about this e-liquid with Jason a couple of nights ago we agreed that if a person likes the green apple candy that’s been around forever then there is absolutely no reason why that person wouldn’t enjoy it in vapor form. Add to that the smooth and thick vapor that a quality VG provides and Chupacabra becomes an e-liquid you’ll want to keep around. Tom: 5 Stars – I awarded Chupacabra the full 5 stars, but I don’t want to mislead any reader that shares the same ‘taste’ that I have into thinking that this is an e-liquid they would love. I undeniably enjoyed vaping it, the green apple sour candy is represented here 100%, but I wouldn’t vape sour green apple e-liquid often. Let’s be real here, there is only so much time in a day, and only so much time you spend vaping, so dedicating time every day to certain e-liquids in your current rotation is important. So it is certainly possible to enjoy, even love, a particular e-liquid flavor, without wanting to add it to your list of e-liquids in your rotation. If you enjoy the green apple hard candy you can buy in any supermarket candy aisle, or if you actually have some in a candy jar somewhere than the chances of you wanting to buy this e-liquid is very high. The flavor between the two is identical, the difference being a solid candy or vapor, and that is partially responsible for the 5-star score, the other factors are the quality of liquid in the bottle and enormous amount of vapor you can get when vaping with a low resistance atomizer and plenty of power. I vaped Chupacabra with the Freemax Starre Pro with the standard 0.25-ohm ni200 coil head at 68w and the WISMEC Reuleaux DNA 200. Jason: 5 Stars – The word Chupacabra means “goat-sucker“, it is a legendary cryptid said to inhabit parts of all the Americas. The first sightings were reported in Puerto Rico. The name Chupacabra comes from the animal’s reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of the livestock, mostly goats. I’ve been trying to find a tie in with the name and the green sour apple candy vape from La Dulce. So far, not luck. But, there really doesn’t have to be a tie in, does there? Regardless, as an e-liquid, Chupacabra is a winning blend. On the inhale you’ve delivered a pleasant smack of a sweet green apple (definitely green apple), and on the exhale is when the sour part kicks in. As an all-day-vape Chupacabra doesn’t lose itself to your tongue, not even the sour-tic exhale, and instead remains true to its nature as a smooth, flavorful vape that produces some of the best vapor ever experienced in an apple e-liquid. LA LLORONA – A Spinfuel Choice Award Winner Julia: 5 Stars – My review of this strawberry and cream e-liquid required half a dozen rewrites until I was fairly satisfied with it. If you can understand what I am trying to say, then I chose my words well. If you don’t understand, then I have failed you and La Dulce. La Llorona is not a simple strawberry and cream blend, and as such there are a couple of ways to vape it that can enhance the flavors to create a near state of bliss, and a couple of ways to vape it that will turn most people off the flavor for good. Have you ever vaped an e-liquid for the first time, with a long, slow straight-to-the-lungs followed by a long and slow exhale so that every molecule of flavor can skim across your taste buds? If you have then you now know how to vape La Llorona. Now, have you ever followed up that long, slow method with a very strong, very deep inhale and exhale that seemed to produce the very opposite effect? The first, slow vape was blissful, followed up by a vape that destroyed the complex flavors that seconds ago was pure ecstasy, and the follow-up was a ripped to shreds flavor layering that tasted burnt, sharp, and ugly? It happens to even the best e-liquids because sometimes these flavors are carefully balanced in order to combine in just the right way that at times you wish the brand would put a warning label on the bottle cautioning people about being aggressive with it. La Llorona is one of these judiciously balanced blends. Vape it deep and slow, exhaling the same way, and the flavor is a magically sweet, ripe strawberry flavor resting in a pool of thick sweet cream. Vaped within the safe range of wattage and resistance the experience is unforgettable. But if you react to that extraordinary experience with a rushed, aggressive pull that same luscious strawberry becomes a spoiled strawberry in a bowl of curdled cream, and everything you experienced just a handful of seconds before is now ruined. I prefer the latter experience, and so I suggest, strongly, that if you want to experience a magical strawberry and cream e-liquid that you do so when you able to take your time with it. La Llorona is meant to provide a peaceful, glorious vape experience, and it will if you savor it. Kiera: 5 Stars – La Llorona is a superb blend of ripe strawberries and rich sweet cream. The flavor is familiar, as it should be, but the combination of an expert blend of quality flavor and thick vapor, plus some added warmth provided by a high wattage/low resistance vaping instrument set to 4 or 5 watts higher than the mechanical instrument indicates, creates a strawberry and cream vape experience you won’t soon forget. I have a couple of strawberry and cream e-liquids in my collection that I vape often, but I will add La Llorona to my collection as well, and for the time being I’m sure I will choose La Llorona more often than the others. Tom: 5 Stars – I get that La Llorona is an impressive strawberry and cream vape. And while this combination of flavors isn’t necessarily one that I embrace very often, it is still a magnificent display of the level of artistry in which La Dulce operates. The strawberry flavor is ripe, sweet, and authentic. The rich cream is bursting with a clean, yet deep flavor, and together creates an aromatic and plentiful vapor. Plus, the flavor holds up throughout the day, making it one of the only strawberry and cream e-liquids that could justifiably be called an all-day-vape. Jason: 5 Stars – Sometimes during a review I have to keep in mind the standards we, as a team, agreed to when it comes to scoring an e-liquid. The weight of whether or not I like whatever flavor component there is in an e-liquid carries a little weight, but the far more important components are the execution of the intended flavor as described by the brand itself, the sense of quality in the VG and PG used in the ingredients, and the satisfaction it is likely to have on vapers. Reviewing La Llorona brought to mind these contributions more so than the other three. I don’t dislike a strawberry and cream e-liquid out of hand, its just that the flavor doesn’t do much for me. In fact, combinations of the strawberries and cream has been done hundreds of time, and they all taste about the same. The only defining factor was vapor production and aroma. Some recipes for this combo are downright awful, much of the time a result of using poor quality, or inexpensive, flavoring and/or PG/VG solutions, and sometimes it’s a poor choice in the amount of flavoring used. Still, no matter how poorly a strawberry and cream e-liquid is made it will often taste like strawberries and cream. That is not the issue here with La Llorona. If you love e-liquids, and if you pay attention to how well an eliquid is made, you can tell the difference in the quality of a familiar flavor instantly. And the first lung hit of La Llorona I knew instantly that it was made with first-rate ingredients in first-rate ratios. This is a high quality blend, offering the best flavors possible in a VG blend that takes advantage of the best elements of a high quality VG. Thick, aromatic clouds of vapor, smooth, yet deep flavors of ripe strawberries and a sweet creaminess. Strawberry and cream has been done to death in the e-liquid marketplace, but La Dulce delivers one of the very best. After a few hours of comfortable vaping with La Llorona I discovered a new-found respect for this common blend. If you keep a bottle of strawberry and cream handy, make the next one this one, and La Dulce’s efforts are paid off handsomely. MACHU PICCHU – A Spinfuel Choice Award Winner Julia: 5 Stars – First and foremost Machu Picchu is definitely an all-day-vape. This is a sweet lime flavored e-liquid with small notes of “other” citrus flavors, flavors so small I can’t quite determine which other citrus notes are there. As a team we enjoy lime e-liquids so much that last year, when we announced our 2014 Spinfuel e-Liquids of the Year we offered a Lime category while leaving many other categories off the list, that’s how much we enjoy lime in vapor form. Machu Picchu is assuredly not a Key Lime, or Key Lime Pie e-liquid. It is a straight up “lime”, with mostly sweet characteristics, and a bit of that citrus tang. Very pleasant, with flavor notes that do not disappear after a lot of vaping. You know how we can all go blind to certain tastes and smells, right? Somehow this very natural lime flavor doesn’t let you go blind to it, which has to be a difficult thing to pull off by La Dulce Vapor Company. Machu Picchu was a solid vape at the minimum wattage and at higher wattages. I started off with a simple Halo Cigs Reactor (an iStick 50W) and a Kanger Subtank with a 0.5-ohm OCC and found wonderful flavor and vapor at just 28w. While this wattage produced excellent flavor and vapor the vapor was room temperature. Then, working up the wattage ladder the flavor and vapor really took off at 36-watts (for a 0.5-ohm Kanger OCC that’s pretty high), producing toasty-warm vapor that took out my frontal vision for several seconds. (Don’t vape this kind of e-liquid while driving) If you want a lime e-liquid that is not trying to be a Key Lime Pie, this is one you need to try. As always, La Dulce’s blend was super high quality, with just the right amount of flavor and vapor for an all-day-vape. Kiera: 5 Stars – The lime flavor in Machu Picchu is a very clean and crisp profile. As such, it is terrific for warm days and nights because you won’t feel as though you’re vaping something too rich or too heavy. The lime is an authentic, more-sweet-than-tangy flavor, which makes it a prime all-day-vape. You won’t find other flavor notes to bog down the crispy notes, like a Key Lime Pie flavor, and you’ll discover what a genuine lime tastes like in the form of vapor. Lots of vapor! Although the flavor description tells us there are other citrus notes here I cannot tell you what they are. I can tell you that on the end of every exhale I taste something citrus-like, but whether its lemon, orange, or grapefruit I can’t say. (although I’m pretty sure it is not grapefruit) Definitely keeping a bottle around for at least weekly vaping. I think this one would also make a great palate cleanser between heavier flavored e-liquids. Tom: 5 Stars – What I liked about Machu Picchu was the clean, bright flavor of a fresh squeezed lime with a little sugar added to cut the tangy characteristics that define a real lime. I don’t think its trying to be more than it is, it’s not trying to fool you into believing it is a complicated flavor profile with many hidden layers that appear at different parts of the inhalation and exhalation of a decent sized lung hit. Instead, like the other three flavors in this review, La Dulce seems to have set out to create evolutionary flavors, not revolutionary flavors. We’ve had lime flavors, strawberry flavors, peach and raspberry flavors, and we’ve had green apple flavors before this, and I’m sure we will… after this review. What La Dulce seems to want to do is to take some flavors that might be established, but need to be defined in a new way; super high quality ingredients, yes, but more importantly in a super high quality vape experience. Clean flavors, luscious blends, and a smooth, aromatic and gentle vegetable glycerin vape… that’s Machu Picchu. Jason: 5 Stars – For personal vaping I would choose a Key Lime Pie e-liquid over a lime-only e-liquid every time. That delicious meringue flavor and buttery piecrust go so well with a sweet lime flavor that I will sometimes drop all the other e-liquids for a few days and stay with one of 3 different Key Lime Pie e-liquids I keep in my collection. However, for vapers that also love lime but may not go for that Key Lime Pie characteristics, Machu Picchu is a solid choice. What Machu Picchu has that Key Lime Pie doesn’t have is an unclouded (if you’ll forgive the pun) window into a what a genuine, slightly sweet lime flavor can be. This e-liquid blend by La Dulce is so high on the quality ladder that we’ve only reviewed a handful of brands this year that can produce an e-liquid of this status. So while I still prefer a Key Lime Pie e-liquid over a lime e-liquid, I would definitely vape Machu Picchu during the summer months when I need something that will cut away heat and humidity, something a Key Lime Pie could never do. If there was one thing about La Dulce e-liquids that caused us all to rate the four flavors 5 Star e-liquids it would be “quality”. But the truth of the matter is more nuanced than that. In addition to superb quality there is exacting recipes that bring out the best these flavors have to offer. There is the 80% VG factor that brings vapor production to new heights, and there is the performance of these wonderful flavors that make them splendidly satisfying. La Dulce’s first four flavors are not radical or all that original. They are using familiar flavors but presenting them as ‘candied’ flavors, so maybe there is a bit of originality there, though recognizable. There isn’t anything here that we haven’t tasted before in other ways. That said, there is one thing about La Dulce’s e-liquids that hold them in the same esteem as some of the very best brands in the business… they are all the epitome of perfect execution. After much discussion we all agreed that, as it stands, there is nothing about these four e-liquids that we would change, hence the four Spinfuel Choice Awards. So, the next round of flavors must meet these same standards if La Dulce is to ultimately succeed where others have failed. With these e-liquids under their belt they will soon need to create something original, something different than what’s come before, and they must do so with the same dedication that comes with the first four. It won’t be easy, but it won’t be impossible either. We think they’ll do just fine. If Matt and Zac can produce four winning e-liquids for the launch of La Dulce they have an excellent shot at creating another 4, 10, 14, or even 20 new flavors that will possess the same level of quality, of flavor purity, and of superb satisfaction. La Dulce on Social Media Facebook – Instagram Julia Hartley-Barnes, Kiera Hartley-Barnes, Tom McBride and Jason Little
Logo by Duncan Hopkins. The International Cryptozoology Conference 2017 (ICC17), presented by the International Cryptozoology Society and International Cryptozoology Museum, will be held in Portland, Maine, on Labor Day Weekend, specifically on Sunday, September 3, 2017. Newly confirmed: Joseph Zarzynski Joseph Zarzynski: “Lake Monsters and Ship Wrecks” Linda Godfrey: “The Dogmen of the Upper Midwest” Former journalist Linda S. Godfrey broke the original news story on sightings of southern Wisconsin’s Beast of Bray Road, 25 years ago, and immediately began receiving similar reports from around the nation and world. She has been researching and investigating cryptids of all types ever since, and with seventeen published books has become known as a foremost authority on the upright canines now often called Dogmen. She lives in southern Wisconsin near the Kettle Moraine State Forest, a unique habitat with a long tradition of Bigfoot, Dogman and even Goatman sightings. Her book, The Beast of Bray Road (2003), is the groundbreaking text on Dogmen accounts. Robert Damon Schneck: “Ape Canyon: Another View” Craig Woolheater: “Wild & Wooly in Texas: Twenty Years Searching for Bigfoot” Craig Woolheater obtained a copy of John A. Keel’s book Strange Creatures from Time & Space in 1970. He found it influential to his life. Interested in Bigfoot, he also saw the movie The Legend of Boggy Creek. He actively began his search for the hairy creatures. In 1994, his reality came crashing down, when he had a sighting of what he feels was a Bigfoot creature. It occurred while driving back to Dallas from New Orleans on May 30, 1994. He got more deeply involved in organized Bigfootery, and was a cofounder of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center in June of 1999. In 2005, he founded Cryptomundo. In January, 2007, the TBRC reorganized as a 501(c)(3), non-profit, scientific research organization. The organization’s name was then the Texas Bigfoot Research Conservancy, which he resigned from in 2010, due to differences with the leadership. On December 24, 2013, Woolheater resurrected the original TBRC, the Texas Bigfoot Research Center. He has appeared on or contributed to several Bigfoot and cryptozoology television programs, documentaries and films. He has hosted the Texas Bigfoot Conferences for over a decade. Steve Bissette: “The Vermont Monster Guide” Stephen R. “Steve” Bissette is an American comics artist, editor, and publisher with a focus on the horror genre. He is known for working with writer Alan Moore and inker John Totleben on the DC comic Swamp Thing in the 1980s, as well as Neil Gaiman ‘s Midnight Days TPB (2000). He did the illustrations and cover for Joseph Citro’s The Vermont Monster Guide (2009). He teaches courses in Comic Art History, Drawing, and Film at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vermont, where he co-curates with Denis St. John the CCS/Main Street Museum ARTifacts Film Series. Since 2005, Bissette has also edited and published Green Mountain Cinema, a trade paperback journal devoted to the independent cinema scene in his home state of Vermont, as well as five volumes of Blur, collecting his film reviews and criticism. Joe Citro: “The Vermont Monster Guide” Joseph A. Citro is a Vermont author and folklorist. Occasionally referred as the “Bard of the Bizarre,” he has extensively researched and documented the folklore, unexplained activity and strange happenings of New England. Citro decided to make an attempt to catalogue all of the eccentric legends, folk tales, mysterious monsters, and general uncanny activity of New England. His books on these subjects are an exclusive collections of the bizarre of the region. His published work includes Weird New England: Your Guide to New England’s Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets, Passing Strange: True Tales of New England Hauntings and Horrors, and The Vermont Monster Guide, illustrated by his friend, Stephen Bissette. Seth Breedlove: “The Mothman of Point Pleasant” Seth Breedlove is a filmmaker who has written, edited, produced and directed shorts and features about a variety of topics but is best known for his production company and the films they’ve produced under the Small Town Monsters banner, which he began in 2013. The first chapter in the Small Town Monsters series is the film, Minerva Monster. Seth wrote and directed the film. He has since begun working on more projects under the Small Town Monsters umbrella including, including, Beast of Whitehall, Boggy Creek Monster, and the new Mothman documentary being introduced by Seth at this conference. Paul LeBlond: “Remembering the International Society of Cryptozoology” Paul H. LeBlond is an ocean scientist who specialized in the study of waves, tides, tsunamis and ocean currents. LeBlond is an emeritus professor at the University of British Columbia, a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society. In parallel to his research and teaching in physical oceanography, he has also pursued an interest in marine cryptozoology, with a special focus on Cadborosaurus, including writing two books on the subject. He was one of the founders of the International Society of Cryptozoology, and a co-founder of the British Columbia Scientific Cryptozoology Club. LeBlond is the first President of the new International Cryptozoology Society, founded in 2016. As a result of the First International Cryptozoology Conference 2016, he saw his translation of Bernard Heuvelmans’ book on the Minnesota Iceman published during 2016. Bruce Champagne: “Sea Serpent Types ~ An Introduction” Following the advice of earlier researchers, Bruce Champagne began to examine reports of large, unidentified marine animals, eventually proposing generic types to advance the dataset and explore a possible relationship with large, unidentified freshwater animals. Champagne has examined the Clark San Francisco Sea Serpent 2004 video, and published a marine sea serpent type proposal in the Dracontology and Elementum Bestia journals. Champagne’s recent study was published in the fourth edition of the peer-reviewed Journal of Cryptozoology (December 2016). Champagne holds an undergraduate degree in marine biology, conducting shark predatory research. Champagne has been a member of past and present cryptozoology organizations. YOUNG CRYPTOZOOLOGISTS PANEL Wen C., Andy M., Thomas M., Chloe F. and Jordan F.: “The Future of Cryptozoology” The Young Cryptozoologists Panel is made up of the upcoming cryptozoologists in America. Wen C runs a blog on cryptozoology, and Andy M. has worked on cryptozoology documentary films and runs, with his father, a Bigfoot podcast. Other young people will be on the panel. Snuffy Destefano: “Chainsawing Bigfoot” DUE TO LAST MINUTE DIFFICULTIES WITH INSURANCE, THE MONDAY CHAINSAWING DEMONSTRATION HAS BEEN CANCELLED. Mark Matze, Emcee When he was six years old, Mark Matzke read Marian T. Place’s On the Track of Bigfoot, and has been fascinated by unknown creatures ever since. At Seth Breedlove’s invitation, he became co-host of SasWhat: A Podcast about Bigfoot in 2014. Mark has served as a production assistant on two Small Town Monsters films, Boggy Creek Monster and Mothman of Point Pleasant; emceed Minerva Monster Day in 2016; and written about cinema and cryptozoology for Cryptid Culture, Nostalgia Digest, Mad Scientist and G-Fan magazines. Mark and his son Andy currently co-host two podcasts: SasWhat and Monsterland Ohio Radio. Mark earned a Masters degree from Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and serves in full-time pastoral ministry in Northeast Ohio, where he lives with his family. Jeff Meuse, Assistant Director, International Cryptozoology Museum Jeff Meuse, a native of the Sea Serpent rich area of Nahant, Massachusetts, has been associated with the International Cryptozoology Museum since 2006 and is the Assistant Director. Meuse regularly gives introductions, guided tours, and media interviews, as well as soliciting artifacts, research files, and contributions for the Museum. Meuse has engaged in on-site investigations of unknown animals (from the Lake Champlain Monster, Alux, Thunderbird, Bigfoot, Loup Garu), discovered archival material (especially regarding North Shore Massachusetts Sea Serpents and Maine cryptids), conducted community charity benefits, and delivered group, school and university presentations. Meuse is, as well, a local business manager and coordinator of small businesses in southern Maine. He also is currently attending college to further his scholarship in the nonprofit business/science education field. He presently lives in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, the site of infrequent Sea Serpent sightings. Loren Coleman, Director, International Cryptozoology Museum Often called the “World’s Leading Living Cryptozoologist,” Loren Coleman has been investigating cryptozoological evidence and folklore since the Abominable Snowmen caught his interest in 1960. He is the author, coauthor, editor, and/or contributor of or to over 100 popular books on natural history mysteries and the media, including 40 directly of his own, such as The Field Guide to Lake Monsters and Sea Serpents, The Field Guide to Bigfoot and Other Mystery Primates, Mysterious America, Bigfoot!: The True Story of Apes in America, Cryptozoology A to Z, The Copycat Effect, Tom Slick and the Search for the Yeti, and Mothman and Other Curious Encounters. He regularly appears on and consults to documentary television programs – including MonsterQuest, In Search Of, Mysteries at the Museum, CBS News Sunday Morning, Unsolved Mysteries, Animal X, Ancient Aliens, Ancient Mysteries, Unsolved Mysteries, and other media as an authority on strange creatures and inexplicable phenomena. He is the founder in 2003, and director of the nonprofit, 501(c)3 International Cryptozoology Museum. The world’s only cryptozoology institution is routinely recognized as one of the top ten weirdest, strangest, most unique, and not-to-be missed museums on the globe.
[EPISODE—Narrative Analysis] In this Crossover episode, Michael is joined by author and moderator of the Cryptid Creatures Podcast, Jesse Haynes, to piece together what IS known about the "most elaborate and mysterious puzzle of the internet age" - the treasure hunt and modern folktale known as Cicada 3301. The first message reaching the internet in 2012, stating: "Hello, we are looking for highly intelligent individuals. To find them, we have devised a test. There is a message hidden in this image. Find it, and it will lead you on the road to finding us. We look forward to meeting the few who make it all the way though. Good Luck. - 3301." Many have attempted— most to no avail. But those who have supposedly succeeded were never heard from again. Listen to folktale and 'creature' expert, Jesse Haynes, and psychotherapist, Michael Drane, discuss where this intricately devised treasure map could possibly lead. ► We are not bystanders in today's culture, and we're willing to bet: Neither are you. Unpopular Culture is a podcast where a psychotherapist and a team of dedicated professionals, dive into the broken underbelly of today's society— discovering the weird and the weirdly common. New shows full of case studies, psychological breakdowns and conspiracy theories are released every Tuesday morning wherever you get your podcasts! Show Notes ► http://bit.ly/2igrzmF iTunes ► http://apple.co/2dT1fPu Google Play ► http://bit.ly/2kw7cHq Stitcher ► http://bit.ly/2e4yj5y Tunein ► http://bit.ly/2ldjiSJ For everything UPC, visit upcpodcast.com Email us your questions [email protected] ► twitter.com/upcpodcast ► facebook.com/upcpodcast BADASS MERCH: www.society6.com/coreystewart