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001.wav|What's going on?
002.wav|It's not something you typically see in an asteroid.
003.wav|I'm going with you, you're gonna-
004.wav|But why take separate ships?
005.wav|Are you gonna investigate?
006.wav|I suppose you have to do it alone.
007.wav|But my training!
008.wav|Yeah, I understand. Look, you know where to find me.
009.wav|Try to stay out of trouble, Kyle.
010.wav|Hey, if you want to do business with the slug, it's none of my concern. But why me?
011.wav|Alright, I'll do it.
012.wav|Tell your master that Mara Jade wishes to discuss a deal on behalf of the New Republic. One which could be very lucrative for him.
013.wav|That was different. I'm not-
014.wav|I guess I'm gonna have to find a way to let myself in.
015.wav|Tell your men to back off! Back off!
016.wav|Look, I came here to make a simple deal. But no, you wanted to do thiqngs the hard way.
017.wav|I'm not here to work for you.
018.wav|You're in no position to negotiate.
019.wav|Very well. What do you propose?
020.wav|Fine, where is it?
021.wav|Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?
022.wav|Now, if I could just find the cantina and avoid all the unsavory characters along the way.
023.wav|So, it seems the rat has run out of places to hide.
024.wav|I love this job.
025.wav|Ka'Pa, how nice of your men to recover my ship and load all the supplies for me. You keep this up and you might give yourself a good name.
026.wav|As soon as I get the supplies back, you'll get your payment. Of course, first I'll have to tell Mon Mothma about your illegal surveillance equipment. Being an honest Jedi and all.
027.wav|A pleasure doing business with you.
028.wav|This is Mara. I finished my patrol, nothing to report. As usual.
029.wav|We've got a full squadron for an escort, no one would be stupid enough-
031.wav|I wonder if it's anyone I need.
032.wav|I'm not sure this is a good idea, but it's the only way.
033.wav|I gotta follow that crate.
035.wav|Good thing for me these guys are sloppy. Karrde would had them shot.
036.wav|Now, to find Kaerobani's collection.
037.wav|It's always nice to meet new people and make new enemies.
038.wav|I'm concerned about Kyle. Have you heard from him? He's been out of contact for quite some time now.
039.wav|He was investigating a lead he had regarding the ruins of a Sith temple on Dromund Kaas, but I'm afraid something may have happened to him. I think I should check it out.
040.wav|I'll contact you as soon as I know anything. Jade out.
041.wav|That looks like a good place to land.
042.wav|Now to see if I can find Kyle's shuttle.
043.wav|Although I'm not sure I like the look at that swamp.
044.wav|What's going on, Kyle? When you located the temple, why didn't you report in?
045.wav|Here in these ruins?
046.wav|No! I sense only evil and death. Kyle, we have to get you away from here.
047.wav|Kyle, wait!
048.wav|I don't like the look of this, but there's no other way.
049.wav|No you can't. Trust in your feelings.
050.wav|You haven't failed, Kyle.
051.wav|You should be so lucky. Come on, let's go home. exists but content is empty.
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