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<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> chest, pa and lateral. there are small bilateral pleural effusions and bibasilar atelectasis, a component of which is chronic based on prior imaging. the lungs are otherwise clear. minimal cardiomegaly is chronic. the mediastinal contours are unremarkable. there is no pneumothorax. pulmonary vascularity is normal. there are atherosclerotic calcifications of the aortic arch. the left chest wall port-a-cath terminates in the upper right atrium.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] small bilateral pleural effusions, bilateral lower lobe atelectasis, and mild cardiomegaly. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the cardiomediastinal is enlarged and there is interval increase in size. interval increase in size of the left-sided pleural effusion, which extends into the oblique fissure. mild progression of the mediastinal shift to the right. postsurgical changes seen involving the left lung. the background pulmonary edema shows interval improvement. small right-sided pleural effusion. no new areas of airspace consolidation.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] interval increase in size of the left-sided pleural effusion as well as probable increase of the pericardial effusion. there is interval decrease in the pulmonary edema. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there are multiple airspace opacities predominantly affecting the upper peripheral lung fields bilaterally, consistent with multifocal pneumonia, which has worsened compared to the prior ct and chest x-ray. there has been resolution of the previously visualized pulmonary edema. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is enlarged but stable. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. worsening airspace opacities bilaterally, consistent with multifocal pneumonia. <num>. resolution of the previously visualized pulmonary edema. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained. the heart size and cardiomediastinal contours are normal. indistinct pulmonary vascular markings are compatible with mild pulmonary vascular congestion. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. rightward deviation and slight narrowing of the trachea is slightly increased since <unk>. multilevel thoracic spine degenerative changes are re- demonstrated. no radiopaque foreign body.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. mild pulmonary vascular congestion. <num>. rightward deviation and slight narrowing of the trachea is slightly increased since <unk>, compatible with an enlarging goiter. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest provided demonstrate no focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax. cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. bony structures are intact. no free air below the right hemidiaphragm.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no signs of pneumonia or other acute intrathoracic process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> right ij tip is in mid svc. dobbhoff tube enters into proximal stomach with tip facing cephalad. mild interval improvement in lung volumes. unchanged right middle lobe heterogeneous opacity consistent with aspiration pneumonia. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. heart size is top normal with normal mediastinal contour and hila. calcification of the costal cartilage noted without additional bony abnormality.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] improved lung volumes without interval change in right lower lobe aspiration pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> dual chamber pacemaker is in left pectoral region with lead tips in the right atrium and right ventricle. sternotomy wires are in correct position. clear lungs bilaterally without pleural effusion or pneumothorax. likely borderline enlargement of left atrium and left ventricle is unchanged with normal heart size, mediastinal contour, and hila. no bony abnormality.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] likely borderline enlargement of left atrium and left ventricle is unchanged. no radiographic evidence of pneumonia. unable to contact dr.<unk> <unk> office. results emailed on <unk> by dr.<unk> at <unk> within <num> minutes. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours appear stable. asymmetric heterogeneous opacification suggests multifocal pneumonia in the right lung. right mid lung opacities are vague but somewhat rounded so septic nodules are possible this may perhaps be explained primarily by pneumonia. there is also a fairly well defined right infrahilar opacity suggesting pneumonia with air bronchograms. in addition, although more diffuse vague bilateral opacification may also be due to infection, coinciding pulmonary edema is suspected. there are probably small pleural effusions.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] findings suggest multifocal pneumonia, probably with coinciding pulmonary edema and small pleural effusions. right mid lung opacities are vague and perhaps somewhat nodular; relatively large septic emboli air are possible but these may be primarily areas of consolidation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> increased pulmonary vessel engorgement and indistinctness with cardiomegaly suggestive of increased pulmonary venous pressure. normal mediastinal contour and pleural surfaces. no pneumonia or pneumothorax. dilated loops of bowel suggestive of adynamic ileus.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] increased pulmonary vascular congestion without evidence of acute pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there has been interval placement of a single linear (<num> mm) fiducial seed in the left mid zone. no evidence of a pneumothorax or perilesional hemorrhage. no pleural effusions. the target lesion is represented by an ill-defined density just below and suurounding the fiducial marker . no confluent areas of consolidation are noted. no rib fractures. the heart size is within normal limits.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. satisfactory position of the left mid zone fiducial seed. <num>. no <unk>-<unk> effusion, pneumothorax, or pulmonary parenchymal hemorrhage. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> heart size is normal. the mediastinal and hilar contours are unremarkable except for mild tortuosity of the thoracic aorta. the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged. linear opacities within the left lung base likely reflects subsegmental atelectasis. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is identified. no acute osseous abnormalities detected.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits. lungs are well expanded and clear. there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> a left-sided central venous catheter is seen with tip projecting over the right atrium. surgical clips project right over the right hemidiaphragm. there is biapical fibrotic change present. there is vague nodular opacity seen at the right lung base that may reflect superimposed breast scar tissue. there is increased retrocardiac opacity concerning for pneiumonia. there is no evidence of pneumothorax or pleural effusions. there is slight cardiomegaly present. there is no evidence of pneumoperitoneum. mild degenerative change is seen throughout the thoracic spine.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] increased retrocarciac opacity concerning for pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> elevation of the left lung base due to persistent abnormalities, a combination of left lower lobe collapse, pleural effusion and postoperative seroma as well as a dilated fluid-filled esophagus, appear stable. there may be a trace right-sided pleural effusion. there is no pneumothorax. there is no pulmonary edema.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] given differences in modality, relatively unchanged appearance of the chest since the <unk> cta with left lower lobe opacities, a combination of pleural effusion, postoperative seroma and a dilated fluid-filled esophagus. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the heart is normal in size. there is heterogeneous opacification in each mid to lower lung and each hilum is mildly enlarged. this is probably due to enlargement of pulmonary vessels in association with mild vascular congestion. confluent opacification obscuring the left cardiac border suggests pneumonia in the lingula, although pneumonia might not be confined to this area.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] findings suggest pneumonia in the appropriate, most well defined in the lingular region, with coinciding suspicion for mild vascular congestion. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> right-sided port-a-cath is seen terminating in the low svc without evidence of pneumothorax. prominence of the interstitial markings bilaterally is similar as compared to the prior study. no new focal consolidation is seen. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are stable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no significant interval change. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are hyperinflated as on prior. increased interstitial markings seen throughout the lungs predominantly in the lower lung distribution. irregularity of the interstitial markings elsewhere is compatible with underlying changes of known copd. there is no large effusion or pneumothorax. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. no acute osseous abnormalities.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] findings compatible with copd with superimposed acute bilateral process predominantly in the lower lungs, potentially edema or atypical infection. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there is an endotracheal tube approximately <num> cm from the carina. an orogastric tube is present with the tip below the left hemidiaphragm with the tip out of field-of-view. a right port-a-cath is present with its tip near the atriocaval junction. again there is near-complete opacification of the right lung, not significantly changed from the prior exam. this is due to combination of pleural effusion and consolidation. at the left base, the opacity has increased in size, which is most consistent with a worsening pneumonia. the left upper lung zone remains clear. there is no evidence of pulmonary edema. there is no pneumothorax. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged, and normal.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. worsening left lower lobe pneumonia. <num>. stable near-complete opacification of the right lung, from a combination of pneumonia and pleural effusion. <num>. stable position of multiple lines and tubes. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> lungs are free of focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. cardiomediastinal contours are normal. no acute osseous abnormalities are identified. degenerative changes are noted throughout the thoracic spine, including anterior osteophytes.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> heart size is normal. the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal. the pulmonary vasculature is normal. lungs are hyperinflated but clear. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. there are no acute osseous abnormalities. multiple clips are noted in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> single supine ap portable view of the chest was obtained. endotracheal tube is seen, terminating approximately <num> cm above the level of the carina. enteric tube is seen coursing below the level of the diaphragm, coiling in the stomach. the lungs are clear without focal consolidation. no large pleural effusion is seen, although a trace right pleural effusion would be difficult to exclude. no pneumothorax is seen. the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] endotracheal and nasogastric tubes in appropriate position. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there is a tortuous thoracic aorta. the cardiac silhouette is within normal limits. the bilateral hila are unremarkable. there is no focal lung consolidation. there is no pulmonary vascular congestion. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. there is mild levoscoliosis of the thoracic spine.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> cardiac, mediastinal and hilar contours are normal. the pulmonary vasculature is not engorged. curvilinear opacity is in the right lung base likely reflects an area of subsegmental atelectasis. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. there is no subdiaphragmatic free air.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] subsegmental right basilar atelectasis. otherwise, no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the heart size, mediastinal, and hilar contours are normal. there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion, or pneumothorax. no osseous abnormalities.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate normal lung volumes. there is no pleural effusion, focal consolidation, or pneumothorax. hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unchanged. heart size is normal. there is no pulmonary edema.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> low lung volumes which accentuate the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours. there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax. there is no overt pulmonary edema.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> single portable view of the chest compared to previous exam from <unk>. there is engorgement of the central pulmonary vasculature with indistinctness of the vascular markings. there is no confluent consolidation. blunting of the left costophrenic angle could be due to technique and overlying soft tissues; however, small effusion is not excluded. cardiomediastinal silhouette is not significantly changed given differences in positioning and technique. osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] findings suggestive of pulmonary vascular congestion without frank edema. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral radiographs were acquired. as before, there is hyperinflation of the lungs with flattening of the hemidiaphragms and widening of the retrosternal airspace, consistent with copd. aside from minimal bibasilar linear atelectasis, the lungs are clear. the cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal. there are no definite pleural effusions. no pneumothorax. minimal biapical pleural thickening is unchanged.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] minimal bibasilar atelectasis, copd. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> ap and lateral views of the chest were reviewed. the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are are stable. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the lungs are well expandedwithout focal consolidation. pulmonary vasculature is within normal limits.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> compared to the prior study, there is a new right internal jugular central venous line, the tip of which terminates at the cavoatrial junction. there is no evidence of pneumothorax. the lungs are clear but underinflated, accentuating the cardiomediastinal contour. no pleural effusion.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] satisfactory position of right internal jugular central venous line, with the tip at the superior cavoatrial junction. no pneumothorax. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are clear of airspace or interstitial opacity. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. no pleural effusions or pneumothorax. no acute or aggressive osseus changes.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no unfavorable change, within the limitations of chest radiograph, no evidence of active metastases. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> ap and lateral views of the chest. patient is rotated to the left, somewhat limiting exam. previously seen right picc is no longer visualized. blunting of the lateral costophrenic angles is noted which could be due to a fat pad on the left given rotation and atelectasis versus pleural thickening on the right. the known bibasilar pulmonary nodules are better assessed on prior ct scan. superiorly, the lungs are grossly clear. the cardiomediastinal silhouette has not definitely changed given differences in positioning. posterior thoracic fixation hardware is again seen.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no definite acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there is prominence of the pulmonary vasculature and interstitial opacities compatible with interstitial edema and developing into alveolar edema. there are large bilateral pleural effusions. there is no pneumothorax. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged. a left chest wall pacemaker leads are present in the right atrium and right ventricle.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. interstitial edema likely a developing into alveolar edema similar to <unk>. <num>. large bilateral pleural effusions. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the enteric tube curls in the distal stomach with the tip pointing towards the fundus. cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. mild increased opacification of the right lower lung likely represent atelectasis. no large effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] enteric tube curls in the distal stomach with the tip pointing towards the fundus. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> frontal and lateral views of the chest were obtained. the lungs are clear without focal consolidation. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax seen. the cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable. no displaced fracture is identified.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> ap upright and lateral views of the chest were obtained. the heart is top normal size and mediastinal contour is notable for tortuosity of the thoracic aorta. there is diffuse pulmonary interstitial prominence and areas of architectural distortion, likely chronic. surgical chain sutures are present in the left mid lung. increased opacification in the retrocardiac left lower lobe is not well evaluated and may represent atelectasis, consolidation or potentially a mass. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. increased opacification in the left lower lobe, better appreciated on the lateral view, is not well evaluated and may represent atelectasis or consolidation, or potentially a mass. an <unk> view is recommended as a first step for further evaluation. <num>. interstitial lung disease, most prominent at the right base. comment: findings and recommendations were discussed with dr. <unk> at <time> am on <unk>. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the previously described left lower lobe peripheral opacity has resolved. no new airspace opacity. the cardiac silhouette is stable with coarse calcifications of the mitral annulus. no pleural effusions or pneumothorax. surgical clips related to prior thyroid surgery pWrite the impressions of this report findings [/INST] interval resolution of left lower lobe opacity, no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest provided. stable elevation of the right hemidiaphragm is noted. lungs remain clear without focal consolidation, effusion or pneumothorax. a subtle nodular opacity projects over the left lower lung adjacent to the left heart border, likely representing confluence of shadows. cardiomediastinal silhouette is stable. bony structures are intact.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] subtle nodular opacity abutting the left heart border, thought to represent summation of shadows. consider obliques views of the chest to further assess. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> portable supine chest film <unk> at <num> <num> is submitted.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] endotracheal tube has its tip approximately <num> cm above the carina. a nasogastric tube is seen coursing below the diaphragm with the tip and side port projecting over the stomach. a right internal jugular port-a-cath remains in place with its tip in the distal svc. overall cardiac and mediastinal contours are stable. there is increasing opacity at the right apex which may be related to patient positioning although other processes such as pleural or parenchymal hemorrhage, atelectasis or developing pneumonia should be considered. this can be further assessed on followup imaging. no evidence of pulmonary edema. no pleural effusions. no pneumothorax. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> prior cxr from <unk>. mild vascular congestion and rigth basilar opacity. early interstitial pulmonary edema. cardiomediastinal silhouette and hila are normal. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] mild edema. right lower opacity might represent atelectasis or early pna. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are well inflated and clear. the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are stable. a rounded contour adjacent to the right heart border was previously characterized as a pericardial cyst. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. no mediastinal widening. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> low lung volumes persist. heart size is accentuated as a result appearing mildly enlarged but unchanged. mediastinal and hilar contours are normal. pulmonary vasculature is normal. lungs are clear. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present. there are no acute osseous abnormalities.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are clear. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. no acute osseous abnormalities, hypertrophic changes are noted in the spine.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> as compared to chest radiograph dated <unk>, there has been no significant changes with persistently low lung volumes. there are no new focal consolidations or pulmonary edema. there are no larger pleural effusions. a nasogastric tube is seen descending in an uncomplicated course with the tip of the tube projecting over the post pyloric position. bilateral chest tubes are unchanged in position.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no significant changes. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the cardiomediastinal silhouette and hilar contours are unremarkable. lungs are clear. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the osseous structures are grossly unremarkable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute intrathoracic process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there is persistent elevation of the right hemidiaphragm. the medial left base retrocardiac density corresponds to known large hiatal hernia is similar in appearance to scout radiograph from chest ct from <unk>, all with likely adjacent atelectasis. no new focal consolidation is seen. there is no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the cardiac silhouette is top-normal to mildly enlarged. the aortic knob is calcified. there are chronic deformities of the right shoulder joint which appear increased as compared to <unk> and not well evaluated on the ct from <unk>. there is also no degenerative change seen at the left humeral head and glenoid although less severe as compared to the right.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. evidence of known hiatal hernia with likely adjacent atelectasis. chronic appearing deformity of the right humeral head and glenoid which appear worsened as compared to <unk>. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest. the lungs are clear. there is no effusion, consolidation, or pulmonary vascular congestion. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. single lead pacing device is seen with lead tip in the right ventricular apex. osseous structures are unremarkable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> right-sided pleural and parenchymal scarring have been present dating back to at least <unk> chest radiographs, and are associated with chronic right-sided volume loss. cardiomediastinal contours are stable in appearance compared to prior studies, with a persistent slight shift of mediastinum towards the right. left lung is grossly clear, and there is no evidence of a left pleural effusion.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. no radiographic evidence of pneumonia. <num>. chronic right-sided pleural and parenchymal scarring. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the heart is normal in size. the mediastinal and hilar contours appear within normal limits. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the lungs appear clear.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary disease. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> heart appears top-normal in size. mediastinal contour is normal. streaky perihilar opacity, left greater than right may reflect central airways inflammation. no lobar consolidation is seen. no large effusion or pneumothorax. no congestion or edema. bony structures are intact. no free air below the right hemidiaphragm.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] as above. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest were reviewed. the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are normal. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. lungs are well expanded and clear. pulmonary vasculature is within normal limits.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> a single portable ap semi-upright view of the chest is obtained. there is interval placement of a right internal jugular central venous catheter with tip near the confluence of the internal jugular and right subclavian veins. although the trachea appears narrower than before, a prior ct torso from <unk> showed displacement of the right innominate vein from the trachea; therefore, the increased distance between the right ij line and the trachea need not be due to a hematoma. lungs are clear. no effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] interval placement of a right internal jugular line with tip at the confluence of the ij and subclavian veins. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are well inflated and clear. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. heart size, mediastinal contour, and hila are unremarkable. limited assessment of the osseous structures are notable for mild multilevel degenerative changes, anterior osteophytes and disc space narrowing. small anterior wedge compression deformity of a mid thoracic vertebral body is stable since <unk>. deformity of posterolateral right eighth rib prior fracture is noted.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. specifically, no pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest demonstrate normal lung volumes. there is no pleural effusion, focal consolidation, or pneumothorax. the hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable. heart size is normal. there is no pulmonary edema. partially imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> lungs are hyperinflated. mild bibasilar opacities likely reflect atelectasis. prominent pulmonary vessels are unchanged. enlarged cardiac silhouette is unchanged. there is no pneumothorax or large pleural effusion.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] hyperinflated lungs with stable prominence of pulmonary vessels. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest provided. there is no focal consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. imaged osseous structures are intact. no free air below the right hemidiaphragm is seen.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute intrathoracic process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest. no prior. the lungs are clear. there is no pneumothorax or effusion. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is within normal limits. osseous and soft tissue structures are unremarkable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there is increased left hemopneumothorax compared to <unk>. increased opacity at the left lung base is probably due to increased amount of hemothorax. there is increased left apical pneumothorax. right mediastinal shift is slightly increased. left heart border is flattened, suggestive of increased tension. there are multiple displaced rib fractures on the left.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] left hemopneumothorax is increased compared to <unk>, causing increase in tension and contralateral mediastinal shift. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> a right picc terminates in the region of the cavoatrial junction. the lung volumes are normal. there is no pneumothorax or, focal consolidation or right pleural effusion. left costophrenic angle is not fully imaged. minimal bibasilar atelectasis. the cardiac silhouette is mildly enlarged. the mediastinal contours are unchanged with persistent bulging of the left main pulmonary artery suggesting underlying pulmonary hypertension.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] satisfactory position of the right upper extremity picc. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest were provided. there is consolidation with air bronchograms in the right lower lobe compatible with pneumonia. a small right pleural effusion is also noted. the left lung is clear. the heart size appears normal. mediastinal contours are unremarkable. bony structures are intact.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] right lower lobe pneumonia. small right pleural effusion. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> portable supine ap view of the chest provided. the tip of the endotracheal tube resides in the left mainstem bronchus and retraction by at least <num> cm is advised. the endogastric tube is seen extending into the left upper abdomen with its tip not within the imaged field. the lungs appear clear. heart is top-normal in size. hila appear slightly prominent. mediastinal contour is unremarkable. no pneumothorax or effusion on this supine film. bony structures appear intact.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. left mainstem intubation for which a <num> cm retraction is advised. this finding was flagged on the ed dashboard at the time of this dictation. <num>. appropriately positioned endogastric tube. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there is stable mild cardiomegaly. the hilar and mediastinal contours are mildly enlarged with engorgement of the pulmonary vasculature and increased reticular opacities, right worse than left. there are likely small bilateral pleural effusions.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] mild to moderate pulmonary edema with likely small pleural effusions. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there is mild pulmonary edema on a background of chronic interstitial lung disease. the hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal. there is no pneumothorax. there is no pleural effusion.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] mild pulmonary edema on a background of chronic interstitial lung disease. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are clear aside from linear bibasilar atelectasis. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. the heart is normal in size with tortuous thoracic aorta.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute intrathoracic process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are normally expanded and clear. the heart is not enlarged. the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no evidence of acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the heart size is within normal limits. the mediastinal and hilar contours appear unremarkable. the lungs are clear of consolidation but, within the limitations of the patient's body habitus, show subtle upper lobe bronchiectasis. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. moderate degenerative changes are seen in the bilateral glenohumeral as well as acromioclavicular joints.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no evidence of pneumonia or heart failure. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral chest radiographs were obtained. lung volumes are low; the lungs are clear. there is no nodule, consolidation, effusion, or pneumothorax. the cardiac and mediastinal contours are normal.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views the chest provided demonstrate clear well expanded lungs without focal consolidation, large effusion or pneumothorax. cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. bony structures are intact. no opacity seen corresponding with reported history of palpable mass.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute intrathoracic abnormality. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> ap upright and lateral views of the chest are provided. since the prior exam, there has been removal of the endotracheal and orogastric tube as well as a right ij central venous catheter. additionally, there is improvement in previously noted pulmonary opacities with normal aeration of the lungs. no signs of pneumonia or chf. no effusion or pneumothorax. bony structures are intact. the heart size is normal.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute intrathoracic process. interval removal of all tubes and catheters. interval resolution of pulmonary edema. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the heart size is top normal. the aortic contour is tortuous along its descending portion. the mediastinal and hilar contours otherwise are unremarkable. lungs are clear. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is present. there is no pulmonary vascular congestion. no acute osseous abnormalities are identified.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there has been no significant interval change in a small left apical pneumothorax. small left pleural effusion is persistent with adjacent mild atelectasis. the cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. no displaced rib fractures are identified. there is no focal airspace opacity.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] persistent small left apical pneumothorax, overall unchanged compared to the prior exam. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are clear. there are no pleural effusions or pneumothorax. the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours demonstrate mild tortuosity of thoracic aorta and a mild cardiomegaly. pulmonary vascularity is within normal limits.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the heart is normal in size. the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits. streaky bibasilar opacities are consistent with atelectasis. no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is identified. there is no evidence of pulmonary edema.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] linear bibasilar atelectasis. no evidence of pulmonary edema. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> in comparison to the chest radiograph obtained <num> hours prior, no significant changes are appreciated. mild pulmonary edema is unchanged. heart size top-normal. pleural effusion small, if any. extensive pleural calcifications somewhat limiting evaluation for pneumonia, though no focal consolidations are identified.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] unchanged, mild pulmonary edema. no radiographic evidence pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> normal cardiomediastinal and hilar contours. normal pleural surfaces. fully expanded, clear lungs.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary process. no evidence of active or latent tb. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the ett remains low but unchanged, <num> cm above the carina with complete neck flexion. there is an ng tube coursing below the diaphragm, however the tip is not visualized on this image. the diffuse airspace opacity is unchanged on the left. there is increased airspace opacity at the right base. the right apical pleural effusion is unchanged. heart size is stable. the mediastinal and hilar contours are stable. no pneumothorax is seen. there are no acute osseous abnormalities.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. et tube remains low with complete neck flexion. <num>. ng tube in appropriate position. <num>. increasing airspace opacity at right base with unchanged airspace opacities diffusely throughout left lung, likely alveolar pulmonary edema. <num>. unchanged right apical pleural effusion. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> heart size is normal. the mediastinal and hilar contours are normal. the pulmonary vasculature is normal. lungs are clear. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax is seen. there are no acute osseous abnormalities. specifically, no displaced rib fracture.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute findings. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> normal heart size, mediastinal and hilar contours. compared to the prior study the pulmonary edema has resolved. a small left pleural effusion persists. no focal consolidation or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] interval resolution of pulmonary edema with persistent small left pleural effusion. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest were obtained. lung volumes are low. cardiomediastinal silhouette is unremarkable. there is no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no evidence of pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs remain hyperinflated with flattening of the diaphragms and increased retrosternal clear space compatible with copd. cardiac silhouette size is normal. the aortic knob is calcified. mediastinal and hilar contours are within normal limits. lungs are clear. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is demonstrated. there are no acute osseous abnormalities.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality. copd. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> lungs: the lungs are well inflated and free of consolidation. the enlarged heart precludes accurate evaluation of a left basilar process. pleura: there is probably a small right pleural effusion. mediastinum: surgical clips are noted in the mediastinum. heart: the heart is grossly enlarged.. osseous structures: the patient is status post median sternotomy. additional findings: monitor leads overlie the chest.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] gross cardiomegaly. possible small right effusion the left base is difficult to evaluate given the enlarged cardiac silhouette </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the exam is limited due the patient's body habitus as well as language barrier. the limited exams demonstrate cardiomegaly and increased vasculature bilaterally, particularly on the left, worrisome for asymmetric pulmonary edema. consolidation is difficult to rule out. there is no large pleural effusion. in the very limited views of the film, there is an acute-appearing at least fifth but also likely <unk>-<unk> right posterior rib fractures without visaulized pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. acute right posterior fifth and potentially <unk>- <num>th rib fractures without underlying pneumothorax. <num>. limited evaluation of the lungs demonstrates probable asymmetric left greater than right pulmonary edema without pleural effusion. <num>. cardiomegaly. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest were obtained demonstrating clear lungs without focal consolidation, effusion, pneumothorax. cardiomediastinal silhouette is normal. bony structures are intact. no free air below the right hemidiaphragm.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no acute intrathoracic process. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> lung volumes are persistently low. the heart size remains mildly enlarged but unchanged. mediastinal contour is similar. bilateral hilar enlargement compatible with lymphadenopathy is again noted. increased interstitial markings are noted diffusely, but more so within the upper lobes, and not substantially changed in the interval, likely reflective of patient's known sarcoidosis with fibrotic changes. no focal consolidation, pleural effusion or pneumothorax is clearly evident. there may be mild pulmonary vascular congestion. no acute osseous abnormality is seen.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] chronic interstitial lung disease and bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy compatible with underlying sarcoidosis with fibrotic changes. mild pulmonary vascular engorgement. no new focal consolidation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> the lungs are hyperexpanded with increased opacification of the right upper and middle lobes with silhouetting of the right cardiac border and retrocardiac opacification on lateral view suggests pneumonia. the mediastinal silhouette and bilateral hemidiaphragms stable. the left lung is clear. no pneumothorax or pleural effusion is present.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] retrocardiac opacification concerning for pneumonia. repeat radiograph <num> weeks after completion of treatment is recommended to ensure resolution. recommendation(s): repeat chest radiograph <num> weeks after completion of treatment is recommended to ensure resolution. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral chest radiograph demonstrate clear lungs bilaterally. no focal opacity convincing for pneumonia is identified. cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are stable relative to examination dated <unk>. there is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or evidence of pulmonary edema.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no radiographic evidence of pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> right port-a-cath terminating in the right atrium. bilateral small to moderate pleural effusions increased in size since <unk>. mild interstitial pulmonary edema. intermediate density in the right infrahilar region, new since <unk>. stable, mild enlargement of the cardiac silhouette. no pneumothorax is seen.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. mild interstitial pulmonary edema and bilateral pleural effusions increased since <unk>, representing volume overload. <num>. opacity in the right infrahilar region may represent vascular congestion and local edema, however concurrent pneumonia cannot be ruled out. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> there has been interval development of moderate interstitial pulmonary edema with small bilateral pleural effusions. mild cardiomegaly is stable. redemonstrated is a dual lead aicd with intact leads seen extending into the right atrium and right ventricle. no focal consolidation or pneumothorax is seen. no bony abnormality is detected.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] moderate interstitial pulmonary edema. stable, mild cardiomegaly. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate low lung volumes, which accentuate the bronchovascular markings. mild cardiomegaly is present. cardiomediastinal silhouettes are otherwise unremarkable. no large pleural effusion or pneumothorax. no focal consolidation is present. cervical fixation hardware is noted. partially imaged upper abdomen is unremarkable.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] low lung volumes, which accentuate the bronchovascular markings. no definite consolidation. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> single ap view of the chest provided. lung volumes are low. there is no evidence of consolidation. <num> mm rounded opacity projecting over the right lower lung may represent normal pulmonary vasculature or a new pulmonary nodule. no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. hilar and cardiomediastinal contours are normal.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. no acute cardiopulmonary process. <num>. <num> mm rounded opacity projecting over the right lower lung may represent normal pulmonary vasculature or a new pulmonary nodule. dedicated pa and lateral chest radiograph is recommended for further assessment. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> left subclavian vascular catheter remains in standard position, and cardiomediastinal contours are unchanged. a subtle confluent area of opacity has developed in the right infrahilar region, and is accompanied by a small right pleural effusion. left lung and pleural surfaces are clear.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] subtle right infrahilar opacity, which may represent a new focus of infection in the setting of febrile neutropenia. dr. <unk> has been notified of this finding by telephone at <time> a.m. on <unk> at the time of discovery. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> frontal and lateral radiographs of the chest demonstrate well expanded, clear lungs. the cardiomediastinal and hilar contours are unchanged. mild cardiomegaly and prominence of the pulmonary vasculature is stable. there is no pneumothorax, pleural effusion, or consolidation.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no pneumonia. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> as compared to chest radiographs from the same day, mediastinal drain and left chest tube have been removed. no large pneumothorax. the appearance of the lungs with low lung volumes and basilar opacities have not significantly changed. mild to moderate cardiomegaly.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] no large pneumothorax post chest tube removal. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> frontal and lateral views of the chest demonstrate low lung volumes without pleural effusion, focal consolidation, or pneumothorax. the hilar and mediastinal silhouettes are unremarkable. heart size is top normal. mild pulmonary vascular congestion is noted. left cardiac border is obscured, most likely due to overlying soft tissues.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] pulmonary vascular congestion most commonly reflects cardiac decompensation. no pulmonary edema. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> cardiac silhouette is enlarged, but there is no evidence of congestive heart failure. lungs are clear except for minimal linear atelectasis at the left base. a questionable small left pleural effusion is noted, but there is no evidence of pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] <num>. cardiomegaly without evidence of chf. <num>. minor left basilar atelectasis and questionable small left pleural effusion. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> pa and lateral views of the chest provided. low lung volumes limits the evaluation. there is bibasilar atelectasis. no convincing signs of pneumonia. heart size cannot be assessed. mediastinal contour is normal. bony structures are intact.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] limited exam given low lung volumes. no convincing signs of pneumonia.bibasilar atelectasis. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> portable chest radiograph demonstrates multifocal opacities within the left mid and lower lung zones with associated left pleural effusion. there is additional small right-sided pleural effusion. the right lung is grossly clear without a focal consolidation. there is increased density within bilateral lungs as well as increased diameter of pulmonary vasculature, including hilar structures. these findings are consistent with mild to moderate pulmonary edema. the heart size is normal. there is no pneumothorax. apical right pleural thickening is noted.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] multi focal left pneumonia on background of mild to moderate pulmonary edema. these findings were communicated to dr. <unk> by dr. <unk> <unk> telephone at <time> on <unk> at the time findings were discovered. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> portable upright chest radiograph <unk> at <time> is submitted.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] there has been interval placement of a right basilar pigtail pleural catheter. no pneumothorax is seen. however, there is persistent near complete opacification of the right hemithorax which likely represents a combination of a known hilar mass, consolidated lung, and pleural collection. this is better evaluated on the recent chest ct. patchy heterogeneous opacities in the left lower lung and lingula are better appreciated on the ct but are concerning for pneumonia. minimal blunting of the left costophrenic angle may represent a small effusion. no pneumothorax. single lead left-sided pacer unchanged in position. status post median sternotomy with valve replacement. cardiac and mediastinal contours cannot be adequately assessed due to marked patient rotation and near complete opacification of the right hemithorax. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> ng tube is malpositioned with tip ending in upper esophagus. it has to be pushed down at least <num> cm. lung volumes are lower with increased linear opacities especially in the upper lobe, as for emphysema. new linear opacities in the left retrocardiac region is likely linear atelectasis. there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. cardiomediastinal silhouette is unchanged. there is no pneumothorax.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] ng tube is malpositioned, ending in the upper esophagus and has to be pushed down. there is no new consolidation suggestive for acute cardiopulmonary process. findings were discussed dr. <unk> with the nurse on service at <num> pm. </s>
<s>[INST] <<SYS>> As a radiology assistant, summarize the following findings in two sentences maximum. Exclude any references to Dr. or examination dates, and ensure no sentence is repeated or contains unidentified words. <</SYS>> lung volumes are low. the patient is status post esophagectomy and gastric pull-through at, with no significant interval change in the appearance of the mediastinum compared to the prior radiograph. heart size is normal. hilar contours are unremarkable, with no evidence of pulmonary edema. there is blunting of the right costophrenic sulcus, suggestive of a trace effusion, but no pneumothorax is identified. left lung is clear. there are no acute osseous abnormalities. no free air is seen under the diaphragms.Write the impressions of this report findings [/INST] minimal blunting of the right costophrenic sulcus suggests a trace pleural effusion. otherwise no acute cardiopulmonary abnormality otherwise identified. no free air under the diaphragms identified. </s>
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