What is happening in your Mind is not Reality; it is important to differentiate between the two.
When devotion arises, life becomes profound.
On Mahashivratri, at the foothills of Velliangiri, you are at the right place at the right time. If you keep yourself receptive, this can be a night of awakening.
The source of creation is subtle. Only if you make your body and mind shut up, it will speak.
When sounds are in tune, they become music. Out of tune, they become noise. It is the same with you. When all aspects of you are in tune, you become music. Out of tune, you become noise.
Without raising human consciousness, whatever we do in the world will only lead to more and more suffering.
Self-transformation is not just about changing yourself. It means shifting yourself to a completely new dimension of experience and perception.
Whatever the shape of eyes or nose – a joyful face is always a beautiful face. Become Joy – become Beautiful.
Volunteering means to become willing, or, in other words, to become an absolute YES to life.
Devotion demolishes karma and leads to liberation.
If you become a source of joy by yourself, you will have wonderful relationships.
If you want everyone to fall in love with you, the first thing is, you must fall in love with all of them.
Integrity is not about the action but its purpose. Are you doing it for everyone’s wellbeing or for your own benefit?
Allowing this life to flower into its fullest possibility is what life is about, is what yoga is about, is what spiritual process is about.
A spiritual person and a materialistic person are both seeking the same infinite. One is seeking it consciously, the other one unconsciously.
The whole existence is a vibration, and so is your thought. If you generate a powerful thought and let it out, it will manifest itself.
How you are in this moment, both mentally and emotionally, manifests in every action you perform.
The significance of a teacher is not just to rattle off information, but to inspire and enhance each student as a human being.
A river is a life much larger than we are. People like you and me come and go, but our rivers must stay alive for always.
If you explore the immense possibilities of being human, you will realize you do not have to be a superhuman. Being human itself is super.
It is important that you live strong. Living strong does not mean showing your muscles. It means your level of experience is intense and enormous.
Once you experience all life forms as part of yourself, no one has to tell you to conserve nature. Anyway, you will take care.
Money and wealth can create comfort and convenience, but they do not bring fulfillment. Once you realize that – …and now, Yoga.
Youthfulness is about how vibrantly alive you are, not as to when you were born.
Your very body is Earth. Let us walk gently and sensibly upon this planet.
Ganesha is the very symbol of exalted intelligence. The most intelligent way to exist is to be one with everything, to be in unity, to be in Yoga.
However dear something may be to you, including your own body and life, you must know how to let it go gracefully when the time comes.
Whatever you do or give without love in your heart, it just amounts to labor.
Only when you are absolutely devoted to what you do, can you produce something significant in the world.
Whether you say 'God is everywhere' or you say 'everything is one energy' – it is the same reality, expressed in different ways.
If your relaxation is not of good quality, your work will not be of good quality.
Every moment of your life, you perform action – physically, mentally, emotionally, and energy-wise. Each action creates a certain memory. That is karma.
In yoga, you never chase an experience – you only prepare for it.
A question is a tool that helps you dig deeper.
When you become free from the meanness of the mind, an indiscriminate sense of love and inclusion arises.
India has been the most vibrant and colorful culture upon the earth for many millennia. Let us make it prosperous once again, as it is not just a Nation but a treasure to the world.
Life is constantly in a flux. Whatever opinions you form, you are bound to be wrong.
Technology has no quality of its own. How we use it is what makes or breaks us.
Love can solve problems, compassion can solve problems, and above all, sense can solve problems.
Fear, anger, resentment, and stress are poisons you create in your mind. If you take charge of your mind, you can create a chemistry of blissfulness.
Mortality is the fundamental reality of our existence.
Being essentially an agricultural society and culture, animals have always been part of our lives. That's why we even have festivals that recognize their vital role for us.
This is the time to clean up. That means getting rid of all the unnecessary things, not only in your home but also in your mind, in your emotions, in your body, and in your consciousness.
What is possible and what is not is not your business. Nature will decide this. Your business is just to work for what truly matters to you.
Every human being has some sort of genius, but they destroy it by trying to be like someone else.
Believers believe positively. Disbelievers believe negatively. Both are unwilling to admit that they do not know.
The greatest achievement in this country has been that of our farmers, who have managed to feed 1.25 billion people. It's on us now to help them improve their livelihood, the soil quality, and our food security.
On this day, allow yourself and everyone else a fresh start. Drop your conclusions and make a fresh attempt in whatever you do in your life, including the spiritual process.
Youth means wide-open possibilities. I think every human being should stay that way all their lives – constantly seeking and exploring.
There can be no effect without a cause.
Your wellness and your illness, your joy and your misery, all come from within. If you want wellbeing, it is time to turn inward.
If you resist change, you resist life.
Meditation is an opportunity to move into a dimension where there is no such thing as stress within you.
Life is just a certain amount of time and energy. Putting this time and energy to maximum use for everyone’s wellbeing is all that matters.
In the coming year, may you know the immense fulfillment of touching people’s lives in the deepest way. May you also know most profound moments of Stillness and Insight of the within. I am with You. Love and Grace,
Without being in constant exchange with the rest of the cosmos, you cannot exist. The idea of individuality is an illusion.
Having the inner strength, balance, and capability to live well irrespective of outside situations and conditions – that is freedom.
Don’t hold back your love, your joy, and your exuberance. Only what you give becomes your quality, not what you hold back.
Fear is always about that which is not yet, or never going to be.
Absolute stillness and ultimate movement are the nature of Shiva – and that is the Way.
Spiritual process means moving towards your liberation, no matter what your past has been.
May your decisions be based upon what truly matters and works, not upon your likes and dislikes.
If you are alone and you are getting bored, obviously you are in bad company.
Love is a process of inclusion. Once I include you as a part of me, I will be to you just the way I am to myself. CHRISTMAS WISHES.
If we can make just 1% of the population meditative, this world will be a different place.
Everything comes from nothingness and goes back to nothingness. Nothingness is the basis of existence.
You cannot play a game half-heartedly. A game is life at full throttle. Are you game?
Education and spiritual process should not be in the hands of prejudiced minds. Prejudice means not seeing life the way it is.
Whatever happens, the question is, are you becoming a better human being – more stable, more joyful, more clear within yourself?
We can call ourselves human only when we rise beyond our personal issues and our issues of community, caste, creed, gender, and nationality.
Your ways of thinking and feeling, your likes and dislikes, your philosophies and ideologies all melt down when you fall in love.
Sadhana is not about getting somewhere – it is about getting in tune with existence.
The simplest way to bring balance to your thoughts and emotions is unwavering commitment towards something.
Wherever you may be, whatever you may be, if you are willing to strive, you can evolve yourself beyond the limitations of nature.
On one level, life is effervescent and active. On another level, it is absolutely still. The inner stillness nourishes the outer activity.
The same energy manifests in a million different ways: as a stone, a tree, an animal, a human being, or in its subtlest form – the Divine.
Looking at everything through your phone is only numbing your perception – it does not really enhance your experience of life in any way.
The essence of spirituality is to be constantly aware of the oneness of all, at the same time to celebrate the uniqueness of the individual.
Putting the wellbeing of others above your own creates a different kind of strength, a strength that will carry you through life and beyond.
The boundless dimension of existence is denied to those who remain within the limitations of logic.
Every worm, every insect, every animal is working for the ecological wellbeing of the planet. Only we humans, who claim to be the most intelligent species here, are not doing that.
Marriage is not about compatibility, companionship, or extracting happiness. It is an opportunity to achieve a union that will open up a greater possibility.
If someone loves you because you are theirs, it is about you being their property. If someone loves you for who you are, you are fortunate.
If you learn to create the right climate in your body, mind, and emotion, your health, wellbeing, and joy – everything will be taken care of.
Isha Yoga is not just a practice – it is a living phenomenon. When you do it like an offering, it changes the very fundamentals of who you are.
Changing your attitude is pretense – you cannot keep it up forever. The yogic system is about fundamental transformation – that is what ultimately counts.
Whenever you want to create a conducive atmosphere to touch the Divine, light an oil lamp. Agni gives you access to Akash.
External circumstances can only cause you physical pain. Suffering is created in your mind.
Yoga means union. To be in a state of yoga means to be complete within yourself.
When you are in a great hurry to do something, just hold back a few seconds – that’s all it takes to shift from compulsiveness to consciousness.
If we want the country to move forward, the focus of leadership has to shift from personal ambition to a larger vision.
If instead of working up your desires, you enhance your capabilities, you will walk through this life effortlessly, gracefully, doing very well.
You must live strong. Strong not in terms of how much you can push something or someone, but strong within yourself.
Conflict in the world is not about good versus bad, but one man’s belief versus another man’s belief.
When there is no envy, jealousy, and comparison within you, you can focus your full capabilities on doing what is needed.
Success need not always be measured in economic terms. It has to be measured in quality of life.
No work is stressful. It is your inability to manage your body, mind, and emotions that makes it stressful.
I don’t see individual human beings. I don’t see individual things. I see the same divinity everywhere.
Once you have no expectations of what the other should do, you will have a successful love affair.
Mysticism does not come from the East. It comes from within.
I’m not trying to give answers. I want you to deepen your questions in such a way that truth becomes the only authority in your life.