stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
private void validateAttributes() {
if (content == null) {
throw new NullContentException("RendererBuilder needs content to create Renderer instances");
if (parent == null) {
throw new NullParentException("RendererBuilder needs a parent to inflate Renderer instances");
if (layoutInflater == null) {
throw new NullLayoutInflaterException(
"RendererBuilder needs a LayoutInflater to inflate Renderer instances");
} | [
"Throws one RendererException if the content parent or layoutInflater are null."
] | [
"Determines if the queue identified by the given key is a regular queue.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key identifies a regular queue, false otherwise",
"Creates an Odata filter string that can be used for filtering list results by tags.\n\n@param tagName the name of the tag. If not provided, all resources will be returned.\n@param tagValue the value of the tag. If not provided, only tag name will be filtered.\n@return the Odata filter to pass into list methods",
"Use this API to fetch lbvserver_appflowpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Goes through the buckets from ix and out, checking for each\ncandidate if it's in one of the buckets, and if so, increasing\nits score accordingly. No new candidates are added.",
"Parse a currency symbol position value.\n\n@param value currency symbol position\n@return CurrencySymbolPosition instance",
"get the bean property type\n\n@param clazz\n@param propertyName\n@param originalType\n@return",
"Serialize the Document object.\n\n@param dom the document to serialize\n@return the serialized dom String",
"Delete a module from Grapes server\n\n@param name\n@param version\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Computes either the vector p-norm or the induced matrix p-norm depending on A\nbeing a vector or a matrix respectively.\n\n@param A Vector or matrix whose norm is to be computed.\n@param p The p value of the p-norm.\n@return The computed norm."
] |
protected RendererViewHolder buildRendererViewHolder() {
Renderer renderer = getPrototypeByIndex(viewType).copy();
renderer.onCreate(null, layoutInflater, parent);
return new RendererViewHolder(renderer);
} | [
"Main method of this class related to RecyclerView widget. This method is the responsible of\ncreate a new Renderer instance with all the needed information to implement the rendering.\nThis method will validate all the attributes passed in the builder constructor and will create\na RendererViewHolder instance.\n\nThis method is used with RecyclerView because the view recycling mechanism is implemented out\nof this class and we only have to return new RendererViewHolder instances.\n\n@return ready to use RendererViewHolder instance."
] | [
"Use this API to disable snmpalarm resources of given names.",
"Returns a short class name for an object.\nThis is the class name stripped of any package name.\n\n@return The name of the class minus a package name, for example\n<code>ArrayList</code>",
"Populates the project header.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param properties project properties\n@throws MPXJException",
"Get the list of supported resolutions for the layer. Each resolution is specified in map units per pixel.\n\n@return list of supported resolutions\n@deprecated use {@link #getZoomLevels()}",
"Calculate start dates for a monthly absolute recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Process the given key and value. First validate the value and check if there's no different value for the same key in the same source - invalid and\ndifferent values are treated as a deployment problem.\n\n@param properties\n@param key\n@param value",
"Get User application properties\nGet application properties of a user\n@param userId User Id (required)\n@param aid Application ID (optional)\n@return PropertiesEnvelope\n@throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body",
"Use this context as prototype for a new mutable builder. The new builder is\npre-populated with the current settings of this context instance.",
"Decomposes the input matrix 'a' and makes sure it isn't modified."
] |
public String read(int numBytes) throws IOException {
Preconditions.checkArgument(numBytes >= 0);
Preconditions.checkArgument(numBytes <= MAX_ALLOWABLE_BUFFER_SIZE);
int numBytesRemaining = numBytes;
// first read whatever we need from our buffer
if (!isReadBufferEmpty()) {
int length = Math.min(end - offset, numBytesRemaining);
copyToStrBuffer(buffer, offset, length);
offset += length;
numBytesRemaining -= length;
// next read the remaining chars directly into our strBuffer
if (numBytesRemaining > 0) {
if (strBufferIndex > 0 && strBuffer[strBufferIndex - 1] != LF) {
// the last byte doesn't correspond to lf
return readLine(false);
int strBufferLength = strBufferIndex;
strBufferIndex = 0;
return new String(strBuffer, 0, strBufferLength, charset);
} | [
"Reads numBytes bytes, and returns the corresponding string"
] | [
"Get a property as a float or Default value.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue default value",
"Given a year, month, and day, find the number of occurrences of that day in the month\n\n@param year the year\n@param month the month\n@param day the day\n@return the number of occurrences of the day in the month",
"Return the key if there is one else return -1",
"Check that each requirement is satisfied.\n\n@param currentPath the json path to the element being checked",
"Convert an Object to a Timestamp, without an Exception",
"Set the gamma levels.\n@param rGamma the gamma level for the red channel\n@param gGamma the gamma level for the blue channel\n@param bGamma the gamma level for the green channel\n@see #getGamma",
"Initial random seed used for shuffling test suites and other sources\nof pseudo-randomness. If not set, any random value is set.\n\n<p>The seed's format is compatible with {@link RandomizedRunner} so that\nseed can be fixed for suites and methods alike.",
"Return all URI schemes that are supported in the system.",
"If you register a CustomExpression with the name \"customExpName\", then this will create the text needed\nto invoke it in a JRDesignExpression\n\n@param customExpName\n@param usePreviousFieldValues\n@return"
] |
public static filterglobal_filterpolicy_binding[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
filterglobal_filterpolicy_binding obj = new filterglobal_filterpolicy_binding();
filterglobal_filterpolicy_binding response[] = (filterglobal_filterpolicy_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch a filterglobal_filterpolicy_binding resources."
] | [
"Returns true if the default profile for the specified uuid is active\n\n@return true if active, otherwise false",
"Set the values using the specified Properties object.\n\n@param properties Properties object containing specific property values\nfor the RESTClient config\n\nNote: We're using the same property names as that in ClientConfig\nfor backwards compatibility.",
"Inserts the LokenList immediately following the 'before' token",
"Check to see whether a packet starts with the standard header bytes, followed by a known byte identifying it.\nIf so, return the kind of packet that has been recognized.\n\n@param packet a packet that has just been received\n@param port the port on which the packet has been received\n\n@return the type of packet that was recognized, or {@code null} if the packet was not recognized",
"Notifies that multiple content items are changed.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count.",
"Gets string content from InputStream\n\n@param is InputStream to read\n@return InputStream content",
"If the String argument defaultLocatorSelectionStrategy is as key in the map representing the locatorSelectionStrategies, the\ncorresponding strategy is selected and set as default strategy, else both the selected strategy and the default strategy remain\nunchanged.\n@param defaultLocatorSelectionStrategy",
"Update the selection state of the item\n@param dataIndex data set index\n@param select if it is true the item is marked as selected, otherwise - unselected\n@return true if the selection state has been changed successfully, otherwise - false",
"Derives the OJB platform to use for a database that is connected via a url using the specified\nsubprotocol, and where the specified jdbc driver is used.\n\n@param jdbcSubProtocol The JDBC subprotocol used to connect to the database\n@param jdbcDriver The JDBC driver used to connect to the database\n@return The platform identifier or <code>null</code> if no platform could be found"
] |
public static final long parseDuration(String durationStr, long defaultValue) {
durationStr = durationStr.toLowerCase().trim();
Matcher matcher = DURATION_NUMBER_AND_UNIT_PATTERN.matcher(durationStr);
long millis = 0;
boolean matched = false;
while (matcher.find()) {
long number = Long.valueOf(matcher.group(1)).longValue();
String unit = matcher.group(2);
long multiplier = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < DURATION_UNTIS.length; j++) {
if (unit.equals(DURATION_UNTIS[j])) {
if (multiplier == 0) {
LOG.warn("parseDuration: Unknown unit " + unit);
} else {
matched = true;
millis += number * multiplier;
if (!matched) {
millis = defaultValue;
return millis;
} | [
"Parses a duration and returns the corresponding number of milliseconds.\n\nDurations consist of a space-separated list of components of the form {number}{time unit},\nfor example 1d 5m. The available units are d (days), h (hours), m (months), s (seconds), ms (milliseconds).<p>\n\n@param durationStr the duration string\n@param defaultValue the default value to return in case the pattern does not match\n@return the corresponding number of milliseconds"
] | [
"Adds all categories from one resource to another, skipping categories that are not available for the resource copied to.\n\nThe resource where categories are copied to has to be locked.\n\n@param cms the CmsObject used for reading and writing.\n@param fromResource the resource to copy the categories from.\n@param toResourceSitePath the full site path of the resource to copy the categories to.\n@throws CmsException thrown if copying the resources fails.",
"Validates given external observer method.\n\n@param observerMethod the given observer method\n@param beanManager\n@param originalObserverMethod observer method replaced by given observer method (this parameter is optional)",
"Prepares transformation interceptors for a client.\n\n@param clientConfig the client configuration\n@param newClient indicates if it is a new/updated client",
"Apply the necessary rotation to the transform so that it is in front of\nthe camera. The actual rotation is performed not using the yaw angle but\nusing equivalent quaternion values for better accuracy. But the yaw angle\nis still returned for backward compatibility.\n\n@param widget The transform to modify.\n@return The camera's yaw in degrees.",
"Use this API to fetch dnspolicy_dnsglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Creates a new row with content with given cell context and a normal row style.\n@param content the content for the row, each member of the array represents the content for a cell in the row, must not be null but can contain null members\n@return a new row with content\n@throws {@link NullPointerException} if content was null",
"Execute JavaScript in the browser.\n\n@param code The code to execute.\n@return The return value of the JavaScript.\n@throws CrawljaxException when javascript execution failed.",
"Returns the probability that the records v1 and v2 came from\nrepresent the same entity, based on high and low probability\nsettings etc.",
"Use this API to fetch all the locationfile resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public void add(int ds, Object value) throws SerializationException, InvalidDataSetException {
if (value == null) {
DataSetInfo dsi = dsiFactory.create(ds);
byte[] data = dsi.getSerializer().serialize(value, activeSerializationContext);
DataSet dataSet = new DefaultDataSet(dsi, data);
} | [
"Adds a data set to IIM file.\n\n@param ds\ndata set id (see constants in IIM class)\n@param value\ndata set value. Null values are silently ignored.\n@throws SerializationException\nif value can't be serialized by data set's serializer\n@throws InvalidDataSetException\nif data set isn't defined"
] | [
"Retrieves the calendar used for this resource assignment.\n\n@return ProjectCalendar instance",
"Draw an elliptical exterior with this color.\n\n@param rect rectangle in which ellipse should fit\n@param color colour to use for stroking\n@param linewidth line width",
"Randomly generates matrix with the specified number of non-zero elements filled with values from min to max.\n\n@param numRows Number of rows\n@param numCols Number of columns\n@param nz_total Total number of non-zero elements in the matrix\n@param min Minimum element value, inclusive\n@param max Maximum element value, inclusive\n@param rand Random number generator\n@return Randomly generated matrix",
"This method dumps the entire contents of a file to an output\nprint writer as hex and ASCII data.\n\n@param is Input Stream\n@param pw Output PrintWriter\n@return number of bytes read\n@throws Exception Thrown on file read errors",
"Returns the organization of a given module\n\n@return Organization",
"Use this API to update autoscaleprofile resources.",
"Compute singular values and U and V at the same time",
"Reports that a node is resolved hence other nodes depends on it can consume it.\n\n@param completed the node ready to be consumed",
"Add all headers in a header multimap.\n\n@param headers a multimap of headers.\n@return the interceptor instance itself."
] |
public TreeNode getModuleTree(final String moduleId) {
final ModuleHandler moduleHandler = new ModuleHandler(repoHandler);
final DbModule module = moduleHandler.getModule(moduleId);
final TreeNode tree = new TreeNode();
// Add submodules
for (final DbModule submodule : module.getSubmodules()) {
addModuleToTree(submodule, tree);
return tree;
} | [
"Generate a groupId tree regarding the filters\n\n@param moduleId\n@return TreeNode"
] | [
"Returns an instance of the CleverTap SDK.\n\n@param context The Android context\n@return The {@link CleverTapAPI} object\n@deprecated use {@link CleverTapAPI#getDefaultInstance(Context context)}",
"Reconnect the sequence flows and the flow nodes.\nDone after the initial pass so that we have all the target information.",
"Calculates the size based constraint width and height if present, otherwise from children sizes.",
"Retrieves a thumbnail, or smaller image representation, of this file. Sizes of 32x32, 64x64, 128x128,\nand 256x256 can be returned in the .png format and sizes of 32x32, 94x94, 160x160, and 320x320 can be returned\nin the .jpg format.\n\n@param fileType either PNG of JPG\n@param minWidth minimum width\n@param minHeight minimum height\n@param maxWidth maximum width\n@param maxHeight maximum height\n@return the byte array of the thumbnail image",
"This method returns the value random variable of the product within the specified model,\nevaluated at a given evalutationTime.\nCash-flows prior evaluationTime are not considered.\n\n@param evaluationTime The time on which this products value should be observed.\n@param model The model used to price the product.\n@return The random variable representing the value of the product discounted to evaluation time.\n@throws net.finmath.exception.CalculationException Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the <code>cause()</code> method.",
"Apply aliases to task and resource fields.\n\n@param aliases map of aliases",
"Reads a command \"tag\" from the request.",
"Set an outline code value.\n\n@param index outline code index (1-10)\n@param value outline code value",
"Build list of style filters from style definitions.\n\n@param styleDefinitions\nlist of style definitions\n@return list of style filters\n@throws GeomajasException"
] |
private void handleSendDataRequest(SerialMessage incomingMessage) {
logger.trace("Handle Message Send Data Request");
int callbackId = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(0);
TransmissionState status = TransmissionState.getTransmissionState(incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(1));
SerialMessage originalMessage = this.lastSentMessage;
if (status == null) {
logger.warn("Transmission state not found, ignoring.");
logger.debug("CallBack ID = {}", callbackId);
logger.debug(String.format("Status = %s (0x%02x)", status.getLabel(), status.getKey()));
if (originalMessage == null || originalMessage.getCallbackId() != callbackId) {
logger.warn("Already processed another send data request for this callback Id, ignoring.");
switch (status) {
ZWaveNode node = this.getNode(originalMessage.getMessageNode());
// in case we received a ping response and the node is alive, we proceed with the next node stage for this node.
if (node != null && node.getNodeStage() == NodeStage.NODEBUILDINFO_PING) {
if (incomingMessage.getMessageClass() == originalMessage.getExpectedReply() && !incomingMessage.isTransActionCanceled()) {
notifyEventListeners(new ZWaveEvent(ZWaveEventType.TRANSACTION_COMPLETED_EVENT, this.lastSentMessage.getMessageNode(), 1, this.lastSentMessage));
logger.trace("Released. Transaction completed permit count -> {}", transactionCompleted.availablePermits());
try {
} finally {
logger.trace("Released. Transaction completed permit count -> {}", transactionCompleted.availablePermits());
} | [
"Handles incoming Send Data Request. Send Data request are used\nto acknowledge or cancel failed messages.\n@param incomingMessage the request message to process."
] | [
"Roll the java.util.Time forward or backward.\n\n@param startDate - The start date\n@param period Calendar.YEAR etc\n@param amount - Negative to rollbackwards.",
"Convert an Object to a Date.",
"Gets information about all of the group memberships for this user as iterable with paging support.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable with information about the group memberships for this user.",
"Write a duration field to the JSON file.\n\n@param fieldName field name\n@param value field value",
"Bind a prepared statment that represents a call to a procedure or\nuser-defined function.\n\n@param stmt the statement to bind.\n@param cld the class descriptor of the object that triggered the\ninvocation of the procedure or user-defined function.\n@param obj the object that triggered the invocation of the procedure\nor user-defined function.\n@param proc the procedure descriptor that provides information about\nthe arguments that shoudl be passed to the procedure or\nuser-defined function",
"Populates a calendar hours instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param hours calendar hours instance\n@throws MPXJException",
"Calculate the adjusted forward swaprate corresponding to a change of payoff unit from the given swapAnnuity to the given payoffUnit\nusing the Black-Scholes model for the swap rate together with the Hunt-Kennedy convexity adjustment.\n\n@param forwardSwaprate The forward swap rate\n@param volatility Volatility of the log of the swap rate\n@param swapAnnuity The swap annuity\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity\n@param swapMaturity The swap maturity\n@param payoffUnit The payoff unit, e.g., the discount factor corresponding to the payment date\n@return Convexity adjusted forward rate",
"Figure out the starting waveform segment that corresponds to the specified coordinate in the window.\n\n@param x the column being drawn\n\n@return the offset into the waveform at the current scale and playback time that should be drawn there",
"Inserts a Serializable value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing\nvalue for the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a Serializable object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls"
] |
public static double computeRowMax( ZMatrixRMaj A ,
int row , int col0 , int col1 ) {
double max = 0;
int indexA = A.getIndex(row,col0);
double h[] = A.data;
for (int i = col0; i < col1; i++) {
double realVal = h[indexA++];
double imagVal = h[indexA++];
double magVal = realVal*realVal + imagVal*imagVal;
if( max < magVal ) {
max = magVal;
return Math.sqrt(max);
} | [
"Finds the magnitude of the largest element in the row\n@param A Complex matrix\n@param row Row in A\n@param col0 First column in A to be copied\n@param col1 Last column in A + 1 to be copied\n@return magnitude of largest element"
] | [
"Get the root path where the build is located, the project may be checked out to\na sub-directory from the root workspace location.\n\n@param globalEnv EnvVars to take the workspace from, if workspace is not found\nthen it is take from project.getSomeWorkspace()\n@return The location of the root of the Gradle build.\n@throws IOException\n@throws InterruptedException",
"Informs this sequence model that the value of the element at position pos has changed.\nThis allows this sequence model to update its internal model if desired.",
"Computes the MD5 value of the input stream\n\n@param input\n@return\n@throws IOException\n@throws IllegalStateException",
"Extracts the data for a single file from the input stream and writes\nit to a target directory.\n\n@param stream input stream\n@param dir target directory",
"Return true only if the MethodCallExpression represents a method call for the specified method name\n@param methodCall - the AST MethodCallExpression\n@param methodNamePattern - the expected name of the method being called\n@param numArguments - The number of expected arguments\n@return true only if the method call name matches",
"This is a method to stream slops to \"slop\" store when a node is detected\nfaulty in a streaming session\n\n@param key -- original key\n@param value -- original value\n@param storeName -- the store for which we are registering the slop\n@param failedNodeId -- the faulty node ID for which we register a slop\n@throws IOException",
"Takes an HTML file, looks for the first instance of the specified insertion point, and\ninserts the diagram image reference and a client side map in that point.",
"Splits timephased work segments in line with cost rates. Note that this is\nan approximation - where a rate changes during a working day, the second\nrate is used for the whole day.\n\n@param table cost rate table\n@param calendar calendar used by this assignment\n@param work timephased work segment\n@param rateIndex rate applicable at the start of the timephased work segment\n@return list of segments which replace the one supplied by the caller",
"Execute a slave process. Pump events to the given event bus."
] |
protected void addBuildInfoProperties(BuildInfoBuilder builder) {
if (envVars != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : envVars.entrySet()) {
builder.addProperty(BuildInfoProperties.BUILD_INFO_ENVIRONMENT_PREFIX + entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
if (sysVars != null) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : sysVars.entrySet()) {
builder.addProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} | [
"Adding environment and system variables to build info.\n\n@param builder"
] | [
"Given a list of partition plans and a set of stores, copies the store\nnames to every individual plan and creates a new list\n\n@param existingPlanList Existing partition plan list\n@param storeDefs List of store names we are rebalancing\n@return List of updated partition plan",
"This method takes the value of an agent's belief through its external\naccess\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name of the agent\n@param belief_name\nThe name of the belief inside agent's adf\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access\n@return belief_value The value of the requested belief",
"Sort MapRows based on a named attribute.\n\n@param rows map rows to sort\n@param attribute attribute to sort on\n@return list argument (allows method chaining)",
"Returns the y-coordinate of a vertex tangent.\n\n@param vertex the vertex index\n@return the y coordinate",
"Clear all overrides, reset repeat counts for a request path\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@throws Exception exception",
"Determines whether the current object on the specified level has a specific property, and if so, processes the\ntemplate\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"level\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The level for the current object\"\nvalues=\"class,field,reference,collection\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The name of the property\"",
"Resolve the boot updates and register at the local HC.\n\n@param controller the model controller\n@param callback the completed callback\n@throws Exception for any error",
"Register the Rowgroup buckets and places the header cells for the rows",
"Entry point for processing filter definitions.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param filters project filters\n@param fixedData filter fixed data\n@param varData filter var data"
] |
protected Iterator<MACAddress> iterator(MACAddress original) {
MACAddressCreator creator = getAddressCreator();
boolean isSingle = !isMultiple();
return iterator(
isSingle ? original : null,
creator,//using a lambda for this one results in a big performance hit
isSingle ? null : segmentsIterator(),
getNetwork().getPrefixConfiguration().allPrefixedAddressesAreSubnets() ? null : getPrefixLength());
} | [
"these are the iterators used by MACAddress"
] | [
"Returns an text table containing the matrix of Strings passed in.\nThe first dimension of the matrix should represent the rows, and the\nsecond dimension the columns.",
"Convenience method for retrieving an Object resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value",
"Returns the classDescriptor.\n\n@return ClassDescriptor",
"Emit information about a single suite and all of its tests.",
"create partitions in the broker\n\n@param topic topic name\n@param partitionNum partition numbers\n@param enlarge enlarge partition number if broker configuration has\nsetted\n@return partition number in the broker\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs",
"Use this API to fetch csvserver_spilloverpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Get the collection of contacts for the calling user.\n\n@return The Collection of Contact objects",
"Check from another ConcurrentGroupServerUpdatePolicy whose plans are meant to\nexecute once this policy's plans are successfully completed.\n\n@return <code>true</code> if the successor can proceed",
"Given counters of true positives, false positives, and false\nnegatives, prints out precision, recall, and f1 for each key."
] |
public void update(int width, int height, byte[] grayscaleData)
NativeBitmapImage.updateFromMemory(getNative(), width, height, grayscaleData);
} | [
"Copy new grayscale data to the GPU texture. This one is also safe even\nin a non-GL thread. An updateGPU request on a non-GL thread will\nbe forwarded to the GL thread and be executed before main rendering happens.\n\nBe aware that updating a texture will affect any and all\n{@linkplain GVRMaterial materials} and/or post effects that use the texture!\n@param width width of grayscale image\n@param height height of grayscale image\n@param grayscaleData A byte array containing grayscale data\n\n@since 1.6.3"
] | [
"We have reason to believe we might have enough information to calculate a signature for the track loaded on a\nplayer. Verify that, and if so, perform the computation and record and report the new signature.",
"Set an enterprise cost value.\n\n@param index cost index (1-30)\n@param value cost value",
"Performs all actions that have been configured.",
"Allow for the use of text shading and auto formatting.",
"Deploys application reading resources from specified URLs\n\n@param applicationName to configure in cluster\n@param urls where resources are read\n@return the name of the application\n@throws IOException",
"Find documents using an index\n\n@param selectorJson String representation of a JSON object describing criteria used to\nselect documents. For example:\n{@code \"{ \\\"selector\\\": {<your data here>} }\"}.\n@param classOfT The class of Java objects to be returned\n@param <T> the type of the Java object to be returned\n@return List of classOfT objects\n@see #findByIndex(String, Class, FindByIndexOptions)\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/cloudant_query.html#selector-syntax\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">selector syntax</a>\n@deprecated Use {@link #query(String, Class)} instead",
"Populate the UDF values for this entity.\n\n@param tableName parent table name\n@param type entity type\n@param container entity\n@param uniqueID entity Unique ID",
"Restore authentications from persisted state.\n\n@param savedAuthorization saved authorizations",
"set the insetsFrameLayout to display the content in fullscreen\nunder the statusBar and navigationBar\n\n@param fullscreen"
] |
public PathAddress append(List<PathElement> additionalElements) {
final ArrayList<PathElement> newList = new ArrayList<PathElement>(pathAddressList.size() + additionalElements.size());
return pathAddress(newList);
} | [
"Create a new path address by appending more elements to the end of this address.\n\n@param additionalElements the elements to append\n@return the new path address"
] | [
"Factory method to create EnumStringConverter\n\n@param <E>\nenum type inferred from enumType parameter\n@param enumType\nparticular enum class\n@return instance of EnumConverter",
"This method extracts data for an exception day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data",
"Creates a Blob holding a single-sheet spreadsheet with a pivot of the domain objects. The sheet name is derived from the\nclass name.\n\n<p>\nMinimal requirements for the domain object are:\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\nOne property has annotation {@link PivotRow} and will be used as row identifier in left column of pivot.\nEmpty values are supported.\n</li>\n<li>\nAt least one property has annotation {@link PivotColumn}. Its values will be used in columns of pivot.\nEmpty values are supported.\n</li>\n<li>\nAt least one property has annotation {@link PivotValue}. Its values will be distributed in the pivot.\n</li>\n</ul>",
"Converts the text stream data to HTML form.\n\n@param content the content to convert\n@return the HTML version of the content",
"This method works as the one above, adding some properties to the message\n\n@param agent_name\nThe id of the agents that receive the message\n@param msgtype\n@param message_content\nThe content of the message\n@param properties\nto be added to the message\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access",
"Encodes the given URI authority with the given encoding.\n@param authority the authority to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded authority\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"Returns the names of the bundles configured as workplace bundles in any module configuration.\n@return the names of the bundles configured as workplace bundles in any module configuration.",
"Return a string representation of the object.",
"get the ClassTypeSignature corresponding to given parameterized type\n\n@param parameterizedType\n@return"
] |
public static String md5(byte[] source) {
try {
MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance("MD5");
byte tmp[] = md.digest();
char str[] = new char[32];
int k = 0;
for (byte b : tmp) {
str[k++] = hexDigits[b >>> 4 & 0xf];
str[k++] = hexDigits[b & 0xf];
return new String(str);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
} | [
"digest message with MD5\n\n@param source message\n@return 32 bit MD5 value (lower case)"
] | [
"Prints the data of one property to the given output. This will be a\nsingle line in CSV.\n\n@param out\nthe output to write to\n@param propertyRecord\nthe data to write\n@param propertyIdValue\nthe property that the data refers to",
"Issue the database statements to create the table associated with a class.\n\n@param connectionSource\nAssociated connection source.\n@param dataClass\nThe class for which a table will be created.\n@return The number of statements executed to do so.",
"Count the statements and property uses of an item or property document.\n\n@param usageStatistics\nstatistics object to store counters in\n@param statementDocument\ndocument to count the statements of",
"Creates a directory at the given path if it does not exist yet and if the\ndirectory manager was not configured for read-only access.\n\n@param path\n@throws IOException\nif it was not possible to create a directory at the given\npath",
"Array of fieldNames for which counts should be produced\n\n@param countsfields array of the field names\n@return this for additional parameter setting or to query",
"Convert a color to an angle.\n\n@param color The RGB value of the color to \"find\" on the color wheel.\n\n@return The angle (in rad) the \"normalized\" color is displayed on the\ncolor wheel.",
"Hashes a path, if the path points to a directory then hashes the contents recursively.\n@param messageDigest the digest used to hash.\n@param path the file/directory we want to hash.\n@return the resulting hash.\n@throws IOException",
"Returns with an iterable of URIs that points to all elements that are\nreferenced by the argument or vice-versa.\n\n@return an iterable of URIs that are referenced by the argument or the\nother way around.",
"Retrieves the text value for the baseline duration.\n\n@return baseline duration text"
] |
public void printInterceptorChain(InterceptorChain chain) {
Iterator<Interceptor<? extends Message>> it = chain.iterator();
String phase = "";
StringBuilder builder = null;
while (it.hasNext()) {
Interceptor<? extends Message> interceptor = it.next();
if (interceptor instanceof DemoInterceptor) {
if (interceptor instanceof PhaseInterceptor) {
PhaseInterceptor pi = (PhaseInterceptor)interceptor;
if (!phase.equals(pi.getPhase())) {
if (builder != null) {
} else {
builder = new StringBuilder(100);
builder.append(" ");
builder.append(": ");
phase = pi.getPhase();
String id = pi.getId();
int idx = id.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx != -1) {
id = id.substring(idx + 1);
builder.append(' ');
} | [
"Prints out the interceptor chain in a format that is easy to read. It\nalso filters out instances of the DemoInterceptor so you can see what the\nchain would look like in a normal invokation.\n\n@param chain"
] | [
"Randomly generates matrix with the specified number of matrix elements filled with values from min to max.\n\n@param numRows Number of rows\n@param numCols Number of columns\n@param nz_total Total number of non-zero elements in the matrix\n@param min Minimum value\n@param max maximum value\n@param rand Random number generated\n@return Randomly generated matrix",
"Records that there is no media mounted in a particular media player slot, updating listeners if this is a change,\nand clearing any affected items from our in-memory caches.\n\n@param slot the slot in which no media is mounted",
"This will create a line in the SDEF file for each calendar\nif there are more than 9 calendars, you'll have a big error,\nas USACE numbers them 0-9.\n\n@param records list of ProjectCalendar instances",
"Internal utility to help JNI add hit objects to the pick list. Specifically for MeshColliders with picking\nfor UV, Barycentric, and normal coordinates enabled",
"Returns all scripts\n\n@param model\n@param type - optional to specify type of script to return\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as a Long.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isLong(String)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Populates a calendar exception instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param calendar calendar to which the exception will be added\n@throws MPXJException",
"Returns the zip entry for a file in the archive.\n@param filename the file name\n@return the zip entry for the file with the provided name\n@throws ZipException thrown if the file is not in the zip archive",
"Generates a change event for a local insert of the given document in the given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace where the document was inserted.\n@param document the document that was inserted.\n@return a change event for a local insert of the given document in the given namespace."
] |
public void setLabels(Collection<LabelType> labels) {
if (labels != null) {
} | [
"Removes all currently assigned labels for this Datum then adds all\nof the given Labels."
] | [
"Encodes the given URI host with the given encoding.\n@param host the host to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded host\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"used for encoding url path segment",
"Returns a string representation of the receiver, containing\nthe String representation of each key-value pair, sorted ascending by value.",
"Cause the container to be cleaned up, including all registered bean\nmanagers, and all deployment services",
"Helper to read an optional Integer value.\n@param path The XML path of the element to read.\n@return The Integer value stored in the XML, or <code>null</code> if the value could not be read.",
"The timeout which we block for when a resource is not available\n\n@param timeout The timeout\n@param unit The units of the timeout",
"Send message to all connections of a certain user\n\n@param message the message to be sent\n@param username the username\n@return this context",
"Method to get the file writer required for the .story files\n\n@param scenarioName\n@param aux_package_path\n@param dest_dir\n@return The file writer that generates the .story files for each test\n@throws BeastException",
"Use this API to update snmpmanager."
] |
public void diffUpdate(List<T> newList) {
if (getCollection().size() == 0) {
} else {
DiffCallback diffCallback = new DiffCallback(collection, newList);
DiffUtil.DiffResult diffResult = DiffUtil.calculateDiff(diffCallback);
} | [
"Provides a ready to use diff update for our adapter based on the implementation of the\nstandard equals method from Object.\n\n@param newList to refresh our content"
] | [
"Handles the response of the SerialApiGetInitData request.\n@param incomingMlivessage the response message to process.",
"Gets an enhanced protection domain for a proxy based on the given protection domain.\n@param domain the given protection domain\n@return protection domain enhanced with \"accessDeclaredMembers\" runtime permission",
"This implementation returns whether the underlying asset exists.",
"Factory method, validates the given triplet year, month and dayOfMonth.\n\n@param prolepticYear the International fixed proleptic-year\n@param month the International fixed month, from 1 to 13\n@param dayOfMonth the International fixed day-of-month, from 1 to 28 (29 for Leap Day or Year Day)\n@return the International fixed date\n@throws DateTimeException if the date is invalid",
"Set a Java class to ignore when printing stack traces\n@param classToIgnoreInTraces The class to ignore.\n@return this",
"Creates a real agent in the platform\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name that the agent is gonna have in the platform\n@param path\nThe path of the description (xml) of the agent",
"Gets an expiring URL for downloading a file directly from Box. This can be user,\nfor example, for sending as a redirect to a browser to cause the browser\nto download the file directly from Box.\n\n@return the temporary download URL",
"this method looks up the appropriate JDOClass for a given persistent Class.\nIt uses the JDOModel to perfom this lookup.\n@param c the persistent Class\n@return the JDOCLass object",
"Lookup the Gallery for the specified ID.\n\n@param galleryId\nThe user profile URL\n@return The Gallery\n@throws FlickrException"
] |
public void setLongAttribute(String name, Long value) {
Attribute attribute = new LongAttribute(value);
getValue().getAllAttributes().put(name, attribute);
} | [
"Sets the specified long attribute to the specified value.\n\n@param name name of the attribute\n@param value value of the attribute\n@since 1.9.0"
] | [
"Encodes the given URI query parameter with the given encoding.\n@param queryParam the query parameter to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded query parameter\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"Adds this handler to the widget.\n\n@param <H> the type of handler to add\n@param type the event type\n@param handler the handler\n@return {@link HandlerRegistration} used to remove the handler",
"Extracts the bindingId from a Server.\n@param server\n@return",
"Checks whether an XPath expression starts with an XPath eventable condition.\n\n@param dom The DOM String.\n@param eventableCondition The eventable condition.\n@param xpath The XPath.\n@return boolean whether xpath starts with xpath location of eventable condition xpath\ncondition\n@throws XPathExpressionException\n@throws CrawljaxException when eventableCondition is null or its inXPath has not been set",
"This configuration requires that all your tasks you submit to the system implement\nthe Groupable interface. By default, it will round robin tasks from each group\n\nTasks will be tracked internally in the system by randomly generated UUIDs\n\n@return",
"Purges the JSP repository.<p<\n\n@param afterPurgeAction the action to execute after purging",
"Ask the specified player for the waveform preview in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID,\nusing cached media instead if it is available, and possibly giving up if we are in passive mode.\n\n@param trackReference uniquely identifies the desired waveform preview\n@param failIfPassive will prevent the request from taking place if we are in passive mode, so that automatic\nwaveform updates will use available caches only\n\n@return the waveform preview found, if any",
"Calculated the numeraire relative value of an underlying swap leg.\n\n@param model The Monte Carlo model.\n@param legSchedule The schedule of the leg.\n@param paysFloat If true a floating rate is payed.\n@param swaprate The swaprate. May be 0.0 for pure floating leg.\n@param notional The notional.\n@return The sum of the numeraire relative cash flows.\n@throws CalculationException Thrown if underlying model failed to calculate stochastic process.",
"Sets padding between the pages\n@param padding\n@param axis"
] |
synchronized JSONObject fetchEvents(Table table, final int limit) {
final String tName = table.getName();
Cursor cursor = null;
String lastId = null;
final JSONArray events = new JSONArray();
//noinspection TryFinallyCanBeTryWithResources
try {
final SQLiteDatabase db = dbHelper.getReadableDatabase();
cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT * FROM " + tName +
" ORDER BY " + KEY_CREATED_AT + " ASC LIMIT " + limit, null);
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
if (cursor.isLast()) {
lastId = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex("_id"));
try {
final JSONObject j = new JSONObject(cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(KEY_DATA)));
} catch (final JSONException e) {
// Ignore
} catch (final SQLiteException e) {
getConfigLogger().verbose("Could not fetch records out of database " + tName + ".", e);
lastId = null;
} finally {
if (cursor != null) {
if (lastId != null) {
try {
final JSONObject ret = new JSONObject();
ret.put(lastId, events);
return ret;
} catch (JSONException e) {
// ignore
return null;
} | [
"Returns a JSONObject keyed with the lastId retrieved and a value of a JSONArray of the retrieved JSONObject events\n\n@param table the table to read from\n@return JSONObject containing the max row ID and a JSONArray of the JSONObject events or null"
] | [
"Use this API to update autoscaleprofile resources.",
"Delete the first n items from the list\n\n@param newStart the logsegment who's index smaller than newStart will be deleted.\n@return the deleted segment",
"Destroys the current session",
"Triggers a replication request, blocks while the replication is in progress.\n@return ReplicationResult encapsulating the result",
"Initializes the mode switcher.\n@param current the current edit mode",
"Build and return a foreign collection based on the field settings that matches the id argument. This can return\nnull in certain circumstances.\n\n@param parent\nThe parent object that we will set on each item in the collection.\n@param id\nThe id of the foreign object we will look for. This can be null if we are creating an empty\ncollection.",
"Converts plan text into anonymous text. Preserves upper case, lower case,\npunctuation, whitespace and digits while making the text unreadable.\n\n@param oldText text to replace\n@param replacements map of find/replace pairs",
"Returns a new iterator filtering any null references.\n\n@param unfiltered\nthe unfiltered iterator. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return an unmodifiable iterator containing all elements of the original iterator without any <code>null</code>\nreferences. Never <code>null</code>.",
"This method dumps the entire contents of a file to an output\nprint writer as hex and ASCII data.\n\n@param is Input Stream\n@param pw Output PrintWriter\n@return number of bytes read\n@throws Exception Thrown on file read errors"
] |
public void close() throws IOException {
// Notify encoder of EOF (-1).
if (doEncode) {
baseNCodec.encode(singleByte, 0, EOF, context);
} else {
baseNCodec.decode(singleByte, 0, EOF, context);
} | [
"Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.\n\n@throws IOException\nif an I/O error occurs."
] | [
"Sets an argument to the collection of arguments. This guarantees only one value will be assigned to the\nargument key.\n\n@param argument the argument to add",
"Sets a header per-request\n\n@param key Header key\n@param value Header value\n@return The request itself",
"Takes a model and an SCXMLFrontier and decomposes the Frontier into a Map of Strings to Strings\nThese strings can be sent over a network to get a Frontier past a 'gap'\n\n@param frontier the Frontier\n@param modelText the model\n@return the map of strings representing a decomposition",
"Register capabilities associated with this resource.\n\n<p>Classes that overrides this method <em>MUST</em> call {@code super.registerCapabilities(resourceRegistration)}.</p>\n\n@param resourceRegistration a {@link ManagementResourceRegistration} created from this definition",
"Returns an iterator that will only offer leaf trace regions. If the nested regions have gaps, these will be\nfilled with parent data. If this region is a leaf, a singleton iterator will be returned.\n\n@return an unmodifiable iterator for all leafs. Never <code>null</code>.",
"This only gets half of the EnabledEndpoint from a JDBC ResultSet\nGetting the method for the override id requires an additional SQL query and needs to be called after\nthe SQL connection is released\n\n@param result result to scan for endpoint\n@return EnabledEndpoint\n@throws Exception exception",
"Attaches an arbitrary object to this context.\n\n@param key they attachment key used to ensure uniqueness and used for retrieval of the value.\n@param value the value to store.\n@param <V> the value type of the attachment.\n\n@return the previous value associated with the key or {@code null} if there was no previous value.",
"Convert a Java date into a Planner date-time string.\n\n20070222T080000Z\n\n@param value Java date\n@return Planner date-time string",
"Sets the model that the handling works on.\n\n@param databaseModel The database model\n@param objModel The object model"
] |
private static boolean isConjWithNoPrep(TreeGraphNode node, Collection<TypedDependency> list) {
for (TypedDependency td : list) {
if (td.gov() == node && td.reln() == CONJUNCT) {
// we have a conjunct
// check the POS of the dependent
String tdDepPOS = td.dep().parent().value();
if (!(tdDepPOS.equals("IN") || tdDepPOS.equals("TO"))) {
return true;
return false;
} | [
"Given a list of typedDependencies, returns true if the node \"node\" is the\ngovernor of a conj relation with a dependent which is not a preposition\n\n@param node\nA node in this GrammaticalStructure\n@param list\nA list of typedDependencies\n@return true If node is the governor of a conj relation in the list with\nthe dep not being a preposition"
] | [
"Support the range subscript operator for CharSequence\n\n@param text a CharSequence\n@param range a Range\n@return the subsequence CharSequence\n@since 1.0",
"Set the values of a set of knots.\n@param x the knot positions\n@param y the knot colors\n@param types the knot types\n@param offset the first knot to set\n@param count the number of knots",
"Prints command-line help menu.",
"Starts data synchronization in a background thread.",
"Calculates how much of a time range is before or after a\ntarget intersection point.\n\n@param start time range start\n@param end time range end\n@param target target intersection point\n@param after true if time after target required, false for time before\n@return length of time in milliseconds",
"Use this API to add clusternodegroup resources.",
"Set whether the player holding the waveform is playing, which changes the indicator color to white from red.\nThis method can only be used in situations where the component is tied to a single player, and therefore has\na single playback position.\n\n@param playing if {@code true}, draw the position marker in white, otherwise red\n\n@see #setPlaybackState",
"This method is called to format a task type.\n\n@param value task type value\n@return formatted task type",
"Add a \"post-run\" dependent task item for this task item.\n\n@param dependent the \"post-run\" dependent task item.\n@return key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result of root\ntask in the given dependent task group"
] |
public static boolean isLong(CharSequence self) {
try {
return true;
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
return false;
} | [
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as a Long.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isLong(String)\n@since 1.8.2"
] | [
"Read a FastTrack file.\n\n@param file FastTrack file",
"Apply all attributes on the given context.\n\n@param context the context to be applied, not null.\n@param overwriteDuplicates flag, if existing entries should be overwritten.\n@return this Builder, for chaining",
"Inserts the result of the migration into the migration table\n\n@param migration the migration that was executed\n@param wasSuccessful indicates if the migration was successful or not",
"Build copyright map once.",
"Creates typed parser\n@param contentType class of parsed object\n@param <T> type of parsed object\n@return parser of objects of given type",
"Use this API to fetch all the authenticationradiusaction resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Resolves the configuration.\n\n@param config The specified configuration.\n@return The resolved configuration.",
"Helper method to track storage operations & time via StreamingStats.\n\n@param startNs",
"Builds a batch-fetch capable loader based on the given persister, lock-options, etc.\n\n@param persister The entity persister\n@param batchSize The maximum number of ids to batch-fetch at once\n@param lockOptions The lock options\n@param factory The SessionFactory\n@param influencers Any influencers that should affect the built query\n@param innerEntityLoaderBuilder Builder of the entity loader receiving the subset of batches\n\n@return The loader."
] |
protected String getToken() {
GetAccessTokenResult token = accessToken.get();
if (token == null || isExpired(token)
|| (isAboutToExpire(token) && refreshInProgress.compareAndSet(false, true))) {
try {
token = accessToken.get();
if (token == null || isAboutToExpire(token)) {
token = accessTokenProvider.getNewAccessToken(oauthScopes);
} finally {
return token.getAccessToken();
} | [
"Attempts to return the token from cache. If this is not possible because it is expired or was\nnever assigned, a new token is requested and parallel requests will block on retrieving a new\ntoken. As such no guarantee of maximum latency is provided.\n\nTo avoid blocking the token is refreshed before it's expiration, while parallel requests\ncontinue to use the old token."
] | [
"Prepare the document before rendering.\n\n@param outputStream output stream to render to, null if only for layout\n@param format format\n@throws DocumentException oops\n@throws IOException oops\n@throws PrintingException oops",
"Executes the given xpath and returns the result with the type specified.",
"Performs a delete operation with the specified composite request object\n\n@param deleteRequestObject Composite request object containing the key to\ndelete\n@return true if delete was successful. False otherwise",
"Use this API to delete gslbsite of given name.",
"Pick arbitrary copying method from available configuration and don't forget to\nset generic method type if required.\n@param builder",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all nslimitidentifier_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Use this API to update vridparam.",
"Cuts the string at the end if it's longer than maxLength and appends the given end string to it. The length of\nthe resulting string is always less or equal to the given maxLength. It's valid to pass a null text; in this\ncase null is returned.",
"Handles the file deletions.\n\n@param cms the CMS context to use\n@param toDelete the resources to delete\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong"
] |
public static base_response add(nitro_service client, snmpuser resource) throws Exception {
snmpuser addresource = new snmpuser();
addresource.name = resource.name;
addresource.group = resource.group;
addresource.authtype = resource.authtype;
addresource.authpasswd = resource.authpasswd;
addresource.privtype = resource.privtype;
addresource.privpasswd = resource.privpasswd;
return addresource.add_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to add snmpuser."
] | [
"Expands all tabs into spaces. Assumes the CharSequence represents a single line of text.\n\n@param self A line to expand\n@param tabStop The number of spaces a tab represents\n@return The expanded toString() of this CharSequence\n@see #expandLine(String, int)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Adjusts all links in the target folder that point to the source folder\nso that they are kept \"relative\" in the target folder where possible.\n\nIf a link is found from the target folder to the source folder,\nthen the target folder is checked if a target of the same name\nis found also \"relative\" inside the target Folder, and if so,\nthe link is changed to that \"relative\" target. This is mainly used to keep\nrelative links inside a copied folder structure intact.\n\nExample: Image we have folder /folderA/ that contains files\n/folderA/x1 and /folderA/y1. x1 has a link to y1 and y1 to x1.\nNow someone copies /folderA/ to /folderB/. So we end up with\n/folderB/x2 and /folderB/y2. Because of the link mechanism in OpenCms,\nx2 will have a link to y1 and y2 to x1. By using this method,\nthe links from x2 to y1 will be replaced by a link x2 to y2,\nand y2 to x1 with y2 to x2.\n\nLink replacement works for links in XML files as well as relation only\ntype links.\n\n@param sourceFolder the source folder\n@param targetFolder the target folder\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Returns the primarykey fields.\n\n@return The field descriptors of the primarykey fields",
"Remove specified override id from enabled overrides for path\n\n@param overrideId ID of override to remove\n@param pathId ID of path containing override\n@param ordinal index to the instance of the enabled override\n@param clientUUID UUID of client",
"alias of setColorUnpressed",
"Fires the event and waits for a specified time.\n\n@param webElement the element to fire event on.\n@param eventable The HTML event type (onclick, onmouseover, ...).\n@return true if firing event is successful.\n@throws InterruptedException when interrupted during the wait.",
"Returns the configured request parameter for the current query string, or the default parameter if the core is not specified.\n@return The configured request parameter for the current query string, or the default parameter if the core is not specified.",
"Removes all currently assigned labels for this Datum then adds all\nof the given Labels.",
"Finds to a given point p the point on the spline with minimum distance.\n@param p Point where the nearest distance is searched for\n@param nPointsPerSegment Number of interpolation points between two support points\n@return Point spline which has the minimum distance to p"
] |
public ParallelTaskBuilder prepareHttpPost(String url) {
ParallelTaskBuilder cb = new ParallelTaskBuilder();
return cb;
} | [
"Prepare a parallel HTTP POST Task.\n\n@param url\nthe UrlPostfix: e.g. in http://localhost:8080/index.html.,the url is \"/index.html\"\n@return the parallel task builder"
] | [
"Return the max bounds of the layer as envelope.\n\n@param layer the layer to get envelope from\n@return Envelope the envelope",
"Appends the given string encoding special HTML characters.\n\n@param out\nThe StringBuilder to write to.\n@param in\nInput String.\n@param start\nInput String starting position.\n@param end\nInput String end position.",
"The sniffing Loggers are some special Loggers, whose level will be set to TRACE forcedly.\n@param logger",
"Gets the string representation of the path to the current JSON element.\n\n@param key the leaf key",
"There is a race condition that is not handled properly by the DialogFragment class.\nIf we don't check that this onDismiss callback isn't for the old progress dialog from before\nthe device orientation change, then this will cause the newly created dialog after the\norientation change to be dismissed immediately.",
"Removes the specified list of users from following the project, this will not affect project membership status.\nReturns the updated project record.\n\n@param project The project to remove followers from.\n@return Request object",
"Retrieve the Charset used to read the file.\n\n@return Charset instance",
"Remove any overrides for an endpoint\n\n@param pathValue path (endpoint) value\n@param requestType path request type. \"GET\", \"POST\", etc\n@return true if success, false otherwise",
"Re-reads the given entity, refreshing any properties updated on the server-side during insert or update."
] |
static void prepareTasks(final IdentityPatchContext.PatchEntry entry, final IdentityPatchContext context, final List<PreparedTask> tasks, final List<ContentItem> conflicts) throws PatchingException {
for (final PatchingTasks.ContentTaskDefinition definition : entry.getTaskDefinitions()) {
final PatchingTask task = createTask(definition, context, entry);
if(!task.isRelevant(entry)) {
try {
// backup and validate content
if (!task.prepare(entry) || definition.hasConflicts()) {
// Unless it a content item was manually ignored (or excluded)
final ContentItem item = task.getContentItem();
if (!context.isIgnored(item)) {
tasks.add(new PreparedTask(task, entry));
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new PatchingException(e);
} | [
"Prepare all tasks.\n\n@param entry the patch entry\n@param context the patch context\n@param tasks a list for prepared tasks\n@param conflicts a list for conflicting content items\n@throws PatchingException"
] | [
"Registers the parameter for the value formatter for the given variable and puts\nit's implementation in the parameters map.\n@param djVariable\n@param variableName",
"Creates a ServiceCall from an observable object and a callback.\n\n@param observable the observable to create from\n@param callback the callback to call when events happen\n@param <T> the type of the response\n@return the created ServiceCall",
"Recursively add files to a ZipOutputStream\n\n@param parent Parent file\n@param zout ZipOutputStream to append\n@param fileSource The file source\n@throws IOException I/O Error",
"A safe wrapper to destroy the given resource request.",
"Answer the primary key query to retrieve an Object\n\n@param oid the Identity of the Object to retrieve\n@return The resulting query",
"Checks the widget by index\n@param checkableIndex The index is in the range from 0 to size -1, where size is the number of\nCheckable widgets in the group. It does not take into account any\nnon-Checkable widgets added to the group widget.\n@return {@code True} if {@code checkableWidget} is a child of this {@code CheckableGroup} and\nwas not already checked; {@code false} otherwise.",
"Use this API to fetch vpnvserver_appcontroller_binding resources of given name .",
"Check whether the URL contains one of the patterns.\n\n@param uri URI\n@param patterns possible patterns\n@return true when URL contains one of the patterns",
"Sets a file whose contents will be prepended to the JAR file's data.\n\n@param file the prefix file, or {@code null} for none.\n@return {@code this}"
] |
public Membership getMembership() {
URI uri = new URIBase(getBaseUri()).path("_membership").build();
Membership membership = couchDbClient.get(uri,
return membership;
} | [
"Get the list of all nodes and the list of active nodes in the cluster.\n\n@return Membership object encapsulating lists of all nodes and the cluster nodes\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/advanced.html#-get-_membership-\">\n_membership</a>"
] | [
"Closes off this connection\n@param connection to close",
"Evalutes AND and OR operators.\n\n@param container data context\n@param promptValues responses to prompts\n@return operator result",
"Method for reporting SQLException. This is used by\nthe treenodes if retrieving information for a node\nis not successful.\n@param message The message describing where the error occurred\n@param sqlEx The exception to be reported.",
"Clone layer information considering what may be copied to the client.\n\n@param original layer info\n@return cloned copy including only allowed information",
"Searches for a sequence of integers\n\nexample:\n1 2 3 4 6 7 -3",
"A specific, existing project can be updated by making a PUT request on the\nURL for that project. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be\nupdated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.\n\nWhen using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish\nto change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since\nyou last retrieved the task.\n\nReturns the complete updated project record.\n\n@param project The project to update.\n@return Request object",
"Clear the connection that was previously saved.\n\n@return True if the connection argument had been saved.",
"Aggregates a list of templates specified by @Template",
"Select calendar data from the database.\n\n@throws SQLException"
] |
public synchronized void initTaskSchedulerIfNot() {
if (scheduler == null) {
scheduler = Executors
CapacityAwareTaskScheduler runner = new CapacityAwareTaskScheduler();
logger.info("initialized daemon task scheduler to evaluate waitQ tasks.");
} | [
"as it is daemon thread\n\nTODO when release external resources should shutdown the scheduler."
] | [
"Get the element at the index as a json array.\n\n@param i the index of the element to access",
"Load the InstalledIdentity configuration based on the module.path\n\n@param installedImage the installed image\n@param productConfig the product config\n@param moduleRoots the module roots\n@param bundleRoots the bundle roots\n@return the available layers\n@throws IOException",
"Handler for week of month changes.\n@param event the change event.",
"Creates metadata on this folder using a specified scope and template.\n\n@param templateName the name of the metadata template.\n@param scope the scope of the template (usually \"global\" or \"enterprise\").\n@param metadata the new metadata values.\n@return the metadata returned from the server.",
"Get the property name of a method name. For example the property name of\nsetSomeValue would be someValue. Names not beginning with set or get are\nnot changed.\n\n@param name The name to process\n@return The property name",
"Initialize that Foundation Logging library.",
"When the JRField needs properties, use this method.\n@param propertyName\n@param value\n@return",
"Pretty prints a task list of rebalancing tasks.\n\n@param infos list of rebalancing tasks (RebalancePartitionsInfo)\n@return pretty-printed string",
"Adds special accessors for private constants so that inner classes can retrieve them."
] |
public static ConstraintType getInstance(Locale locale, String type)
int index = 0;
String[] constraintTypes = LocaleData.getStringArray(locale, LocaleData.CONSTRAINT_TYPES);
for (int loop = 0; loop < constraintTypes.length; loop++)
if (constraintTypes[loop].equalsIgnoreCase(type) == true)
index = loop;
return (ConstraintType.getInstance(index));
} | [
"This method takes the textual version of a constraint name\nand returns an appropriate class instance. Note that unrecognised\nvalues are treated as \"As Soon As Possible\" constraints.\n\n@param locale target locale\n@param type text version of the constraint type\n@return ConstraintType instance"
] | [
"Subtract two complex numbers.\n\n@param z1 Complex Number.\n@param z2 Complex Number.\n@return Returns new ComplexNumber instance containing the subtract of specified complex numbers.",
"Returns the length of the message in bytes as it is encoded on the wire.\n\nApple require the message to be of length 255 bytes or less.\n\n@return length of encoded message in bytes",
"Add the collection of elements to this collection. This will also them to the associated database table.\n\n@return Returns true if any of the items did not already exist in the collection otherwise false.",
"Two stage promotion, dry run and actual promotion to verify correctness.\n\n@param promotion\n@param client\n@param listener\n@param buildName\n@param buildNumber\n@throws IOException",
"Complete both operations and commands.",
"Use this API to add responderpolicy.",
"Write file creation record.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Returns the Organization that produce this artifact or null if there is none\n\n@param dbArtifact DbArtifact\n@return DbOrganization",
"Merges this with the list of sections to produce the smallest array of sequential block subnets, going from smallest to largest\n\n@param sections the sections to merge with this\n@return"
] |
protected void handleDeadSlop(SlopStorageEngine slopStorageEngine,
Pair<ByteArray, Versioned<Slop>> keyAndVal) {
Versioned<Slop> versioned = keyAndVal.getSecond();
// If configured to delete the dead slop
if(voldemortConfig.getAutoPurgeDeadSlops()) {
slopStorageEngine.delete(keyAndVal.getFirst(), versioned.getVersion());
if(getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLogger().debug("Auto purging dead slop :" + versioned.getValue());
} else {
// Keep ignoring the dead slops
if(getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) {
getLogger().debug("Ignoring dead slop :" + versioned.getValue());
} | [
"Handle slop for nodes that are no longer part of the cluster. It may not\nalways be the case. For example, shrinking a zone or deleting a store."
] | [
"Bean types of a session bean.",
"Set the attributes for the associated object.\n\n@param attributes attributes for associated objects\n@deprecated replaced by {@link #setAllAttributes(Map)} after introduction of nested associations",
"Returns a portion of the Bytes object\n\n@param start index of subsequence start (inclusive)\n@param end index of subsequence end (exclusive)",
"Sets the target directory.",
"Static factory method.\n\n@param targetVariable\nthe variable to find the effective {@code putfield} or\n{@code putstatic} instruction for.\n@param controlFlowBlocks\nall control flow blocks of an initialising constructor or\nmethod.\n@return a new instance of this class.",
"Finds to a given point p the point on the spline with minimum distance.\n@param p Point where the nearest distance is searched for\n@param nPointsPerSegment Number of interpolation points between two support points\n@return Point spline which has the minimum distance to p",
"Confirms that both clusters have the same number of nodes by comparing\nset of node Ids between clusters.\n\n@param lhs\n@param rhs",
"Get the authentication info for this layer.\n\n@return authentication info.",
"Validate the Combination filter field in Multi configuration jobs"
] |
private int[] getCompressIndexAndCount(CompressOptions options, boolean createMixed) {
if(options != null) {
CompressionChoiceOptions rangeSelection = options.rangeSelection;
RangeList compressibleSegs = rangeSelection.compressHost() ? getZeroRangeSegments() : getZeroSegments();
int maxIndex = -1, maxCount = 0;
int segmentCount = getSegmentCount();
boolean compressMixed = createMixed && options.compressMixedOptions.compressMixed(this);
boolean preferHost = (rangeSelection == CompressOptions.CompressionChoiceOptions.HOST_PREFERRED);
boolean preferMixed = createMixed && (rangeSelection == CompressOptions.CompressionChoiceOptions.MIXED_PREFERRED);
for(int i = compressibleSegs.size() - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) {
Range range = compressibleSegs.getRange(i);
int index = range.index;
int count = range.length;
if(createMixed) {
//so here we shorten the range to exclude the mixed part if necessary
int mixedIndex = IPv6Address.MIXED_ORIGINAL_SEGMENT_COUNT - addressSegmentIndex;
if(!compressMixed ||
index > mixedIndex || index + count < segmentCount) { //range does not include entire mixed part. We never compress only part of a mixed part.
//the compressible range must stop at the mixed part
count = Math.min(count, mixedIndex - index);
//select this range if is the longest
if(count > 0 && count >= maxCount && (options.compressSingle || count > 1)) {
maxIndex = index;
maxCount = count;
if(preferHost && isPrefixed() &&
((index + count) * IPv6Address.BITS_PER_SEGMENT) > getNetworkPrefixLength()) { //this range contains the host
//Since we are going backwards, this means we select as the maximum any zero segment that includes the host
if(preferMixed && index + count >= segmentCount) { //this range contains the mixed section
//Since we are going backwards, this means we select to compress the mixed segment
if(maxIndex >= 0) {
return new int[] {maxIndex, maxCount};
return null;
} | [
"Chooses a single segment to be compressed, or null if no segment could be chosen.\n@param options\n@param createMixed\n@return"
] | [
"Create a new collaboration object.\n@param api the API connection used to make the request.\n@param accessibleBy the JSON object describing who should be collaborated.\n@param item the JSON object describing which item to collaborate.\n@param role the role to give the collaborators.\n@param notify the user/group should receive email notification of the collaboration or not.\n@param canViewPath the view path collaboration feature is enabled or not.\n@return info about the new collaboration.",
"If the workspace for your project _is_ an organization, you must also\nsupply a `team` to share the project with.\n\nReturns the full record of the newly created project.\n\n@param workspace The workspace or organization to create the project in.\n@return Request object",
"Expands the directories from the given list and and returns a list of subfiles.\nFiles from the original list are kept as is.",
"Process an update packet from one of the CDJs. See if it has a valid track loaded; if not, clear any\nmetadata we had stored for that player. If so, see if it is the same track we already know about; if not,\nrequest the metadata associated with that track.\n\nAlso clears out any metadata caches that were attached for slots that no longer have media mounted in them,\nand updates the sets of which players have media mounted in which slots.\n\nIf any of these reflect a change in state, any registered listeners will be informed.\n\n@param update an update packet we received from a CDJ",
"Computes the d and H parameters.\n\nd = J'*(f(x)-y) <--- that's also the gradient\nH = J'*J",
"Performs an implicit double step using the values contained in the lower right hand side\nof the submatrix for the estimated eigenvector values.\n@param x1\n@param x2",
"Upcasts a Builder instance to the generated superclass, to allow access to private fields.\n\n<p>Reuses an existing upcast instance if one was already declared in this scope.\n\n@param code the {@link SourceBuilder} to add the declaration to\n@param datatype metadata about the user type the builder is being generated for\n@param builder the Builder instance to upcast\n@returns a variable holding the upcasted instance",
"Create a handful of default currencies to keep Primavera happy.",
"This method extracts resource data from a Phoenix file.\n\n@param phoenixProject parent node for resources"
] |
private static <T> void writeConfig(BufferedWriter writer, DatabaseTableConfig<T> config) throws IOException,
SQLException {
if (config.getDataClass() != null) {
if (config.getTableName() != null) {
if (config.getFieldConfigs() != null) {
for (DatabaseFieldConfig field : config.getFieldConfigs()) {
DatabaseFieldConfigLoader.write(writer, field, config.getTableName());
} | [
"Write the config to the writer."
] | [
"Creates a map of identifiers or page titles to documents retrieved via\nthe API URL\n\n@param properties\nparameter setting for wbgetentities\n@return map of document identifiers or titles to documents retrieved via\nthe API URL\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\nif we encounter network issues or HTTP 500 errors from Wikibase",
"Processes the template for all procedures of the current class definition.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslservice resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Decodes a signed request, returning the payload of the signed request as a specified type.\n@param signedRequest the value of the signed_request parameter sent by Facebook.\n@param type the type to bind the signed_request to.\n@param <T> the Java type to bind the signed_request to.\n@return the payload of the signed request as an object\n@throws SignedRequestException if there is an error decoding the signed request",
"This method determines whether the given date falls in the range of\ndates covered by this exception. Note that this method assumes that both\nthe start and end date of this exception have been set.\n\n@param date Date to be tested\n@return Boolean value",
"Parse an extended attribute boolean value.\n\n@param value string representation\n@return boolean value",
"Get the active overrides with parameters and the active server group for a client\n\n@param profileID Id of profile to get configuration for\n@param clientUUID Client Id to export configuration\n@return SingleProfileBackup containing active overrides and active server group\n@throws Exception exception",
"Notifies all interested subscribers of the given revision.\n\n@param mwRevision\nthe given revision\n@param isCurrent\ntrue if this is guaranteed to be the most current revision",
"Returns a single template.\n\n@param id id of the template to retrieve.\n@return {@link Response}\n\n@throws RequestException if request to transloadit server fails.\n@throws LocalOperationException if something goes wrong while running non-http operations."
] |
private void sort()
DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> graph = new DefaultDirectedWeightedGraph<>(
for (RuleProvider provider : providers)
List<RuleProvider> result = new ArrayList<>(this.providers.size());
TopologicalOrderIterator<RuleProvider, DefaultEdge> iterator = new TopologicalOrderIterator<>(graph);
while (iterator.hasNext())
RuleProvider provider = iterator.next();
this.providers = Collections.unmodifiableList(result);
int index = 0;
for (RuleProvider provider : this.providers)
if (provider instanceof AbstractRuleProvider)
((AbstractRuleProvider) provider).setExecutionIndex(index++);
} | [
"Perform the entire sort operation"
] | [
"Returns a single sort option configuration as configured via the methods parameter, or null if the parameter does not specify a sort option.\n@param json The JSON sort option configuration.\n@return The sort option configuration, or null if the JSON could not be read.",
"Divide two complex numbers, in-place\n\n@param c complex number to divide this by\n@param result complex number to hold result\n@return same as result",
"Print duration in tenths of minutes.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@return duration in tenths of minutes",
"Convert a list of objects to a JSON array with the string representations of that objects.\n@param list the list of objects.\n@return the JSON array with the string representations.",
"Validates the input parameters.",
"Use this API to add route6.",
"Loads the asset referenced by the file name\nunder the owner of this component.\nIf this component was constructed to replace the scene with\nthe asset, the scene will contain only the owner of this\ncomponent upon return. Otherwise, the loaded asset is a\nchild of this component's owner.\n\nLoading the asset is performed in a separate thread.\nThis function returns before the asset has finished loading.\nIAssetEvents are emitted to the event listener on the context.\n\n@param scene scene to add the model to, null is permissible\n@return always true",
"Verifies application name. Avoids characters that Zookeeper does not like in nodes & Hadoop\ndoes not like in HDFS paths.\n\n@param name Application name\n@throws IllegalArgumentException If name contains illegal characters",
"Given the current and final cluster dumps it into the output directory\n\n@param currentCluster Initial cluster metadata\n@param finalCluster Final cluster metadata\n@param outputDirName Output directory where to dump this file\n@throws IOException"
] |
@Inline(value = "$1.remove($2)", statementExpression = true)
public static <K, V> V operator_remove(Map<K, V> map, K key) {
return map.remove(key);
} | [
"Remove a key from the given map.\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param map the map to update.\n@param key the key to remove.\n@return the removed value, or <code>null</code> if the key was not\npresent in the map.\n@since 2.15"
] | [
"Deserialize an `AppDescriptor` from byte array\n\n@param bytes\nthe byte array\n@return\nan `AppDescriptor` instance",
"Checks that all the qualifiers in the set requiredQualifiers are in the set of qualifiers. Qualifier equality rules for\nannotation members are followed.\n\n@param requiredQualifiers The required qualifiers\n@param qualifiers The set of qualifiers to check\n@return True if all matches, false otherwise",
"This method writes resource data to a JSON file.",
"Call batch tasks inside of a connection which may, or may not, have been \"saved\".",
"Checks if the given operator code is a valid one.\n\n@param operatorCode an operator code to evaluate\n@throws IllegalStateException if operatorCode is not a known operator code.",
"Use this API to delete nssimpleacl.",
"Processes the template for all extents of the current class.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Validate an injection point\n\n@param ij the injection point to validate\n@param beanManager the bean manager",
"Returns the average event value in the current interval"
] |
public VectorClock incremented(int nodeId, long time) {
VectorClock copyClock = this.clone();
copyClock.incrementVersion(nodeId, time);
return copyClock;
} | [
"Get new vector clock based on this clock but incremented on index nodeId\n\n@param nodeId The id of the node to increment\n@return A vector clock equal on each element execept that indexed by\nnodeId"
] | [
"Check if values in the column \"property\" are written to the bundle descriptor.\n@param property the property id of the table column.\n@return a flag, indicating if values of the table column are stored to the bundle descriptor.",
"Obtains a Discordian zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Discordian zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"compare between two points.",
"Use this API to delete ntpserver resources of given names.",
"loads a class using the name of the class",
"Adds OPT_J | OPT_JSON option to OptionParser, with multiple arguments.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Helper for parsing properties\n@param p The properties object\n@param key The key to retrieve\n@param defaultValue The default value if the key does not exist\n@param used The set of keys we have seen\n@return The value of the property at the key",
"Retrieve URL without parameters\n\n@param sourceURI source URI\n@return URL without parameters",
"Queries the running container and attempts to lookup the information from the running container.\n\n@param client the client used to execute the management operation\n\n@return the container description\n\n@throws IOException if an error occurs while executing the management operation\n@throws OperationExecutionException if the operation used to query the container fails"
] |
public final void setConfigurationFiles(final Map<String, String> configurationFiles)
throws URISyntaxException {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry: configurationFiles.entrySet()) {
if (!entry.getValue().contains(":/")) {
// assume is a file
this.configurationFiles.put(entry.getKey(), new File(entry.getValue()).toURI());
} else {
this.configurationFiles.put(entry.getKey(), new URI(entry.getValue()));
if (this.configFileLoader != null) {
} | [
"The setter for setting configuration file. It will convert the value to a URI.\n\n@param configurationFiles the configuration file map."
] | [
"This method is called to alert project listeners to the fact that\na task has been written to a project file.\n\n@param task task instance",
"Load the given class using a specific class loader.\n\n@param className The name of the class\n@param cl The Class Loader to be used for finding the class.\n@return The class object",
"Creates a ClassNode containing the wrapper of a ClassNode\nof primitive type. Any ClassNode representing a primitive\ntype should be created using the predefined types used in\nclass. The method will check the parameter for known\nreferences of ClassNode representing a primitive type. If\nReference is found, then a ClassNode will be contained that\nrepresents the wrapper class. For example for boolean, the\nwrapper class is java.lang.Boolean.\n\nIf the parameter is no primitive type, the redirected\nClassNode will be returned\n\n@see #make(Class)\n@see #make(String)\n@param cn the ClassNode containing a possible primitive type",
"Get the current stack trace element, skipping anything from known logging classes.\n@return The current stack trace for this thread",
"Use this API to fetch all the vpnclientlessaccesspolicy resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Return the numeraire at a given time.\nThe numeraire is provided for interpolated points. If requested on points which are not\npart of the tenor discretization, the numeraire uses a linear interpolation of the reciprocal\nvalue. See ISBN 0470047224 for details.\n\n@param time Time time <i>t</i> for which the numeraire should be returned <i>N(t)</i>.\n@return The numeraire at the specified time as <code>RandomVariableFromDoubleArray</code>\n@throws net.finmath.exception.CalculationException Thrown if the valuation fails, specific cause may be available via the <code>cause()</code> method.",
"Updates the template with the specified id.\n\n@param id id of the template to update\n@param options a Map of options to update/add.\n@return {@link Response}\n\n@throws RequestException if request to transloadit server fails.\n@throws LocalOperationException if something goes wrong while running non-http operations.",
"Internal initialization.\n@throws ParserConfigurationException",
"Delete the partition steal information from the rebalancer state\n\n@param stealInfo The steal information to delete"
] |
private BigInteger getDaysOfTheWeek(RecurringData data)
int value = 0;
for (Day day : Day.values())
if (data.getWeeklyDay(day))
value = value | DAY_MASKS[day.getValue()];
return BigInteger.valueOf(value);
} | [
"Converts days of the week into a bit field.\n\n@param data recurring data\n@return bit field"
] | [
"Make sure that we have some reasonable defaults available. These would typically be provided by the rulesets\nin the real world.",
"Read exceptions for a calendar.\n\n@param table calendar exception data\n@param calendar calendar\n@param exceptionID first exception ID",
"Extracts a particular data model instance from a JSON response\nreturned by MediaWiki. The location is described by a list of successive\nfields to use, from the root to the target object.\n\n@param response\nthe API response as returned by MediaWiki\n@param path\na list of fields from the root to the target object\n@return\nthe parsed POJO object\n@throws JsonProcessingException",
"Computes the determinant for the specified matrix. It must be square and have\nthe same width and height as what was specified in the constructor.\n\n@param mat The matrix whose determinant is to be computed.\n@return The determinant.",
"Retrieve table data, return an empty result set if no table data is present.\n\n@param name table name\n@return table data",
"Geta the specified metadata template by its ID.\n@param api the API connection to be used.\n@param templateID the ID of the template to get.\n@return the metadata template object.",
"Send a lifecycle announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param logger the logger to use, so the log entry shows as belonging to the proper subclass.\n@param starting will be {@code true} if the DeviceFinder is starting, {@code false} if it is stopping.",
"Invokes the setter on the bean with the supplied value.\n\n@param bean\nthe bean\n@param setMethod\nthe setter method for the field\n@param fieldValue\nthe field value to set\n@throws SuperCsvException\nif there was an exception invoking the setter",
"Put the given value to the appropriate id in the stack, using the version\nof the current list node identified by that id.\n\n@param id\n@param element element to set\n@return element that was replaced by the new element\n@throws ObsoleteVersionException when an update fails"
] |
public void clearResponseSettings(int pathId, String clientUUID) throws Exception {
logger.info("clearing response settings");
this.setResponseEnabled(pathId, false, clientUUID);
OverrideService.getInstance().disableAllOverrides(pathId, clientUUID, Constants.OVERRIDE_TYPE_RESPONSE);
EditService.getInstance().updateRepeatNumber(Constants.OVERRIDE_TYPE_RESPONSE, pathId, clientUUID);
} | [
"Clear all overrides, reset repeat counts for a response path\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@throws Exception exception"
] | [
"Creates a new Table instance from data extracted from an MPP file.\n\n@param file parent project file\n@param data fixed data\n@param varMeta var meta\n@param varData var data\n@return Table instance",
"The keywords to include in the PDF metadata.\n\n@param keywords the keywords of the PDF.",
"Sets the site root.\n\n@param siteRoot the site root",
"Only sets and gets that are by row and column are used.",
"Verifies if the new value is different from the field's old value. It's\nuseful, for example, in NoSQL databases that replicates data between\nservers. This verification prevents to mark a field as modified and to be\nreplicated needlessly.\n\n@param field\nthe field that we are checking before to be modified\n@param value\nthe new value\n@return true if the new and the old values are different and the value\nwas changed.",
"Use this API to fetch crvserver_binding resource of given name .",
"Notifies that multiple header items are removed.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count.",
"Get the directory where the compiled jasper reports should be put.\n\n@param configuration the configuration for the current app.",
"Use this API to fetch all the ntpserver resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public List<PossibleState> bfs(int min) throws ModelException {
List<PossibleState> bootStrap = new LinkedList<>();
TransitionTarget initial = model.getInitialTarget();
PossibleState initialState = new PossibleState(initial, fillInitialVariables());
while (bootStrap.size() < min) {
PossibleState state = bootStrap.remove(0);
TransitionTarget nextState = state.nextState;
if (nextState.getId().equalsIgnoreCase("end")) {
throw new ModelException("Could not achieve required bootstrap without reaching end state");
//run every action in series
List<Map<String, String>> product = new LinkedList<>();
product.add(new HashMap<>(state.variables));
OnEntry entry = nextState.getOnEntry();
List<Action> actions = entry.getActions();
for (Action action : actions) {
for (CustomTagExtension tagExtension : tagExtensionList) {
if (tagExtension.getTagActionClass().isInstance(action)) {
product = tagExtension.pipelinePossibleStates(action, product);
//go through every transition and see which of the products are valid, adding them to the list
List<Transition> transitions = nextState.getTransitionsList();
for (Transition transition : transitions) {
String condition = transition.getCond();
TransitionTarget target = ((List<TransitionTarget>) transition.getTargets()).get(0);
for (Map<String, String> p : product) {
Boolean pass;
if (condition == null) {
pass = true;
} else {
//scrub the context clean so we may use it to evaluate transition conditional
Context context = this.getRootContext();
//set up new context
for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : p.entrySet()) {
context.set(e.getKey(), e.getValue());
//evaluate condition
try {
pass = (Boolean) this.getEvaluator().eval(context, condition);
} catch (SCXMLExpressionException ex) {
pass = false;
//transition condition satisfied, add to bootstrap list
if (pass) {
PossibleState result = new PossibleState(target, p);
return bootStrap;
} | [
"Performs a partial BFS on model until the search frontier reaches the desired bootstrap size\n\n@param min the desired bootstrap size\n@return a list of found PossibleState\n@throws ModelException if the desired bootstrap can not be reached"
] | [
"Returns a resource wrapper created from the input.\n\nThe wrapped result of {@link #convertRawResource(CmsObject, Object)} is returned.\n\n@param cms the current OpenCms user context\n@param input the input to create a resource from\n\n@return a resource wrapper created from the given Object\n\n@throws CmsException in case of errors accessing the OpenCms VFS for reading the resource",
"Gets information about a trashed folder.\n@param folderID the ID of the trashed folder.\n@return info about the trashed folder.",
"Print priority.\n\n@param priority Priority instance\n@return priority value",
"Declares a fresh Builder to copy default property values from.\n\n<p>Reuses an existing fresh Builder instance if one was already declared in this scope.\n\n@returns a variable holding a fresh Builder, if a no-args factory method is available to\ncreate one with",
"This method is called to format a relation list.\n\n@param value relation list instance\n@return formatted relation list",
"Parses the given Reader for PmdRuleSets.\n\n@return The extracted PmdRuleSet - empty in case of problems, never null.",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslaction resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Creates a player wrapper for the Android MediaPlayer.",
"Set OAuth 1 authentication credentials for the replication target\n\n@param consumerSecret client secret\n@param consumerKey client identifier\n@param tokenSecret OAuth server token secret\n@param token OAuth server issued token\n@return this Replication instance to set more options or trigger the replication"
] |
public String getUnicodeString(Integer id, Integer type)
return (getUnicodeString(m_meta.getOffset(id, type)));
} | [
"This method retrieves a String of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return string containing required data"
] | [
"Append the data of another lattice to this lattice. If the other lattice follows a different quoting convention, it is automatically converted.\nHowever, this method does not check, whether the two lattices are aligned in terms of reference date, curve names and meta schedules.\nIf the two lattices have shared data points, the data from this lattice will be overwritten.\n\n@param other The lattice containing the data to be appended.\n@param model The model to use for context, in case the other lattice follows a different convention.\n\n@return The lattice with the combined swaption entries.",
"Convert a collection of objects to a JSON array with the string representations of that objects.\n@param collection the collection of objects.\n@return the JSON array with the string representations.",
"Reads Phoenix resource assignments.\n\n@param mpxjResource MPXJ resource\n@param res Phoenix resource",
"Converts this IPv6 address segment into smaller segments,\ncopying them into the given array starting at the given index.\n\nIf a segment does not fit into the array because the segment index in the array is out of bounds of the array,\nthen it is not copied.\n\n@param segs\n@param index",
"Core implementation of matchPath. It is isolated so that it can be called\nfrom TokenizedPattern.",
"Recurses the given folder and adds references to these files to the graph as FileModels.\n\nWe don't set the parent file model in the case of the initial children, as the direct parent is really the archive itself. For example for file\n\"root.zip/pom.xml\" - the parent for pom.xml is root.zip, not the directory temporary directory that happens to hold it.",
"helper extracts the cursor data from the db object",
"The method determines if the type can be resolved and if not, will try to guess the qualified name using the information from the imports.",
"Helper method for formatting connection termination messages.\n\n@param connectionName\nThe name of the connection\n@param host\nThe remote host\n@param connectionReason\nThe reason for establishing the connection\n@param terminationReason\nThe reason for terminating the connection\n@return A formatted message in the format:\n\"[<connectionName>] remote host[<host>] <connectionReason> - <terminationReason>\"\n<br/>\ne.g. [con1] remote host[] connection to ECMG -\nterminated by remote host."
] |
public void setNamespace(String prefix, String namespaceURI) {
ensureNotNull("Prefix", prefix);
ensureNotNull("Namespace URI", namespaceURI);
namespaces.put(prefix, namespaceURI);
} | [
"Maps a single prefix, uri pair as namespace.\n\n@param prefix the prefix to use\n@param namespaceURI the URI to use\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if prefix or namespaceURI is null"
] | [
"Builds a string that serializes a list of objects separated by the pipe\ncharacter. The toString methods are used to turn objects into strings.\nThis operation is commonly used to build parameter lists for API\nrequests.\n\n@param objects\nthe objects to implode\n@return string of imploded objects",
"Write an error response.\n\n@param channel the channel\n@param header the request\n@param error the error\n@throws IOException",
"Resolve a resource transformer for a given address.\n\n@param address the address\n@param placeholderResolver a placeholder resolver used to resolve children of a placeholder registration\n@return the resource transformer",
"Record the connection establishment time\n\n@param dest Destination of the socket to connect to. Will actually record\nif null. Otherwise will call this on self and corresponding child\nwith this param null.\n@param connEstTimeUs The number of us to wait before establishing a\nconnection",
"Returns the output directory for reporting.",
"Utility function that fetches node ids.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@return Node ids in cluster",
"removes all data for an annotation class. This should be called after an\nannotation has been modified through the SPI",
"Initialize the ui elements for the management part.",
"Finds the parent address, everything before the last address part.\n\n@param address the address to get the parent\n\n@return the parent address\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the address is not of type {@link ModelType#LIST} or is empty"
] |
private RandomVariable getValueUnderlyingNumeraireRelative(LIBORModelMonteCarloSimulationModel model, Schedule legSchedule, boolean paysFloat, double swaprate, double notional) throws CalculationException {
RandomVariable value = model.getRandomVariableForConstant(0.0);
for(int periodIndex = legSchedule.getNumberOfPeriods() - 1; periodIndex >= 0; periodIndex--) {
double fixingTime = FloatingpointDate.getFloatingPointDateFromDate(model.getReferenceDate().toLocalDate(), legSchedule.getPeriod(periodIndex).getFixing());
double paymentTime = FloatingpointDate.getFloatingPointDateFromDate(model.getReferenceDate().toLocalDate(), legSchedule.getPeriod(periodIndex).getPayment());
double periodLength = legSchedule.getPeriodLength(periodIndex);
RandomVariable numeraireAtPayment = model.getNumeraire(paymentTime);
RandomVariable monteCarloProbabilitiesAtPayment = model.getMonteCarloWeights(paymentTime);
if(swaprate != 0.0) {
RandomVariable periodCashFlowFix = model.getRandomVariableForConstant(swaprate * periodLength * notional).div(numeraireAtPayment).mult(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtPayment);
value = value.add(periodCashFlowFix);
if(paysFloat) {
RandomVariable libor = model.getLIBOR(fixingTime, fixingTime, paymentTime);
RandomVariable periodCashFlowFloat = libor.mult(periodLength).mult(notional).div(numeraireAtPayment).mult(monteCarloProbabilitiesAtPayment);
value = value.add(periodCashFlowFloat);
return value;
} | [
"Calculated the numeraire relative value of an underlying swap leg.\n\n@param model The Monte Carlo model.\n@param legSchedule The schedule of the leg.\n@param paysFloat If true a floating rate is payed.\n@param swaprate The swaprate. May be 0.0 for pure floating leg.\n@param notional The notional.\n@return The sum of the numeraire relative cash flows.\n@throws CalculationException Thrown if underlying model failed to calculate stochastic process."
] | [
"Adds a JSON string to the DB.\n\n@param obj the JSON to record\n@param table the table to insert into\n@return the number of rows in the table, or DB_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR/DB_UPDATE_ERROR",
"Dumps a texture coordinate set of a mesh to stdout.\n\n@param mesh the mesh\n@param coords the coordinates",
"Reads a string from input stream saved as a sequence of UTF chunks.\n\n@param stream stream to read from.\n@return output string\n@throws IOException if something went wrong",
"Decode a code from the stream s using huffman table h. Return the symbol or\na negative value if there is an error. If all of the lengths are zero, i.e.\nan empty code, or if the code is incomplete and an invalid code is received,\nthen -9 is returned after reading MAXBITS bits.\n\nFormat notes:\n\n- The codes as stored in the compressed data are bit-reversed relative to\na simple integer ordering of codes of the same lengths. Hence below the\nbits are pulled from the compressed data one at a time and used to\nbuild the code value reversed from what is in the stream in order to\npermit simple integer comparisons for decoding.\n\n- The first code for the shortest length is all ones. Subsequent codes of\nthe same length are simply integer decrements of the previous code. When\nmoving up a length, a one bit is appended to the code. For a complete\ncode, the last code of the longest length will be all zeros. To support\nthis ordering, the bits pulled during decoding are inverted to apply the\nmore \"natural\" ordering starting with all zeros and incrementing.\n\n@param h Huffman table\n@return status code",
"Add a raw SQL \"GROUP BY\" clause to the SQL query statement. This should not include the \"GROUP BY\".",
"Acquire transaction with a single permit in a thread. Transactions are acquired reentrantly, i.e.\nwith respect to transactions already acquired in the thread.\n\n@return the number of acquired permits, identically equal to 1.",
"Adds the position range.\n\n@param start the start\n@param end the end",
"Return all objects for the given class.",
"Translate a Wikimedia language code to its preferred value\nif this code is deprecated, or return it untouched if the string\nis not a known deprecated Wikimedia language code\n\n@param wikimediaLanguageCode\nthe language code as used by Wikimedia\n@return\nthe preferred language code corresponding to the original language code"
] |
public Response getModuleGraph(@PathParam("name") final String moduleName,
@PathParam("version") final String moduleVersion,
@Context final UriInfo uriInfo){
LOG.info("Dependency Checker got a get module graph export request.");
if(moduleName == null || moduleVersion == null){
return Response.serverError().status(HttpStatus.NOT_ACCEPTABLE_406).build();
final FiltersHolder filters = new FiltersHolder();
final String moduleId = DbModule.generateID(moduleName, moduleVersion);
final AbstractGraph moduleGraph = getGraphsHandler(filters).getModuleGraph(moduleId);
return Response.ok(moduleGraph).build();
} | [
"Perform a module dependency graph of the target and return the graph as a JSON\n\n@param moduleName\n@param moduleVersion\n@param uriInfo\n@return Response"
] | [
"Build data model for serialization.",
"Utility method to convert a String to an Integer, and\nhandles null values.\n\n@param value string representation of an integer\n@return int value",
"Returns an array of all the singular values in A sorted in ascending order\n\n@param A Matrix. Not modified.\n@return singular values",
"Specify the proxy and the authentication parameters to be used\nto establish the connections to Apple Servers.\n\n<p>Read the <a href=\"http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/net/proxies.html\">\nJava Networking and Proxies</a> guide to understand the\nproxies complexity.\n\n@param proxy the proxy object to be used to create connections\n@param proxyUsername a String object representing the username of the proxy server\n@param proxyPassword a String object representing the password of the proxy server\n@return this",
"Make sure the result index points to the next available key in the scan result, if exists.",
"The local event will decide the next state of the document in question.\n\n@param <T> the type of class represented by the document in the change event.\n@return the local full document which may be null.",
"Ensure that the nodeList is either null or empty.\n\n@param nodeList the nodeList to ensure to be either null or empty\n@param expression the expression was used to fine the nodeList\n@throws SpinXPathException if the nodeList is either null or empty",
"Bessel function of the first kind, of order n.\n\n@param n Order.\n@param x Value.\n@return I value.",
"Count some stats on what occurs in a file."
] |
public ProjectCalendar getBaselineCalendar()
// Attempt to locate the calendar normally used by baselines
// If this isn't present, fall back to using the default
// project calendar.
ProjectCalendar result = getCalendarByName("Used for Microsoft Project 98 Baseline Calendar");
if (result == null)
result = getDefaultCalendar();
return result;
} | [
"Retrieve the calendar used internally for timephased baseline calculation.\n\n@return baseline calendar"
] | [
"Start speech recognizer.\n\n@param speechListener",
"Use this API to fetch linkset resource of given name .",
"Creates a directory at the given path if it does not exist yet and if the\ndirectory manager was not configured for read-only access.\n\n@param path\n@throws IOException\nif it was not possible to create a directory at the given\npath",
"Parses a raw WBS value from the database and breaks it into\ncomponent parts ready for formatting.\n\n@param value raw WBS value",
"low-level Graph API operations",
"For internal use! This method creates real new PB instances",
"Record a prepared operation.\n\n@param identity the server identity\n@param prepared the prepared operation",
"Try to delegate the responsibility of sending slops to master\n\n@param node The node that slop should eventually be pushed to\n@return true if master accept the responsibility; false if master does\nnot accept",
"Reset the Where object so it can be re-used."
] |
public static void registerConverters(Set<?> converters, ConverterRegistry registry) {
if (converters != null) {
for (Object converter : converters) {
if (converter instanceof GenericConverter) {
registry.addConverter((GenericConverter) converter);
else if (converter instanceof Converter<?, ?>) {
registry.addConverter((Converter<?, ?>) converter);
else if (converter instanceof ConverterFactory<?, ?>) {
registry.addConverterFactory((ConverterFactory<?, ?>) converter);
else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Each converter object must implement one of the " +
"Converter, ConverterFactory, or GenericConverter interfaces");
} | [
"Register the given Converter objects with the given target ConverterRegistry.\n@param converters the converter objects: implementing {@link Converter},\n{@link ConverterFactory}, or {@link GenericConverter}\n@param registry the target registry"
] | [
"Waits the given amount of time in seconds for a standalone server to start.\n\n@param client the client used to communicate with the server\n@param startupTimeout the time, in seconds, to wait for the server start\n\n@throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting for the server to start\n@throws RuntimeException if the process has died\n@throws TimeoutException if the timeout has been reached and the server is still not started",
"Return the par FRA rate for a given curve.\n\n@param model A given model.\n@return The par FRA rate.",
"a small static helper to set the text color to a textView null save\n\n@param colorHolder\n@param textView\n@param colorDefault",
"Check the variable name and if not set, set it with the singleton variable name being on the top of the stack.",
"Retrieves the GC timestamp, set by the Oracle, from zookeeper\n\n@param zookeepers Zookeeper connection string\n@return Oldest active timestamp or oldest possible ts (-1) if not found",
"Use this API to unset the properties of filterhtmlinjectionparameter resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Say whether this character is an annotation introducing\ncharacter.\n\n@param ch The character to check\n@return Whether it is an annotation introducing character",
"This method is called if the data set has been scrolled.",
"Return the area polygon as the only feature in the feature collection.\n\n@param mapAttributes the attributes that this aoi is part of."
] |
public AT_Row setPaddingTopBottom(int padding){
for(AT_Cell cell : this.getCells()){
return this;
} | [
"Sets top and bottom padding for all cells in the row.\n@param padding new padding for top and bottom, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining"
] | [
"Release all memory addresses taken by this allocator.\nBe careful in using this method, since all of the memory addresses become invalid.",
"close the AdminPool, if no long required.\nAfter closed, all public methods will throw IllegalStateException",
"Finds all nWise combinations of a set of variables, each with a given domain of values\n\n@param nWise the number of variables in each combination\n@param coVariables the varisbles\n@param variableDomains the domains\n@return all nWise combinations of the set of variables",
"Acquire a permit for a particular node id so as to allow rebalancing\n\n@param nodeId The id of the node for which we are acquiring a permit\n@return Returns true if permit acquired, false if the permit is already\nheld by someone",
"Add an element assigned with its score\n@param member the member to add\n@param score the score to assign\n@return <code>true</code> if the set has been changed",
"Handle unbind service event.\n@param service Service instance\n@param props Service reference properties",
"Reinitializes the shader texture used to fill in\nthe Circle upon drawing.",
"The normalized string returned by this method is consistent with java.net.Inet6address.\nIPs are not compressed nor mixed in this representation.",
"Gets the URL of the route with given name.\n@param routeName to return its URL\n@return URL backed by the route with given name."
] |
public void setAttribute(final String name, final Attribute attribute) {
if (name.equals(MAP_KEY)) {
this.mapAttribute = (MapAttribute) attribute;
} | [
"Set the map attribute.\n\n@param name the attribute name\n@param attribute the attribute"
] | [
"returns a sorted array of enum constants",
"Returns the current revision.",
"Close tracks when the JVM shuts down.\n@return this",
"Returns an Organization that suits the Module or null if there is none\n\n@param dbModule DbModule\n@return DbOrganization",
"Transform the given bytes into an object.\n\n@param bytes The bytes to construct the object from\n@return The object constructed",
"Write notes.\n\n@param recordNumber record number\n@param text note text\n@throws IOException",
"Utility function that fetches system store definitions\n\n@return The map container that maps store names to store definitions",
"Adds the class descriptor to this model.\n\n@param classDef The class descriptor\n@return The class descriptor or <code>null</code> if there is no such class in this model",
"Returns true if the ASTNode is a declaration of a closure, either as a declaration\nor a field.\n@param expression\nthe target expression\n@return\nas described"
] |
public InputStream call(String methodName, MessageLite request) throws DatastoreException {
logger.fine("remote datastore call " + methodName);
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
try {
HttpResponse httpResponse;
try {
ProtoHttpContent payload = new ProtoHttpContent(request);
HttpRequest httpRequest = client.buildPostRequest(resolveURL(methodName), payload);
// Don't throw an HTTPResponseException on error. It converts the response to a String and
// throws away the original, whereas we need the raw bytes to parse it as a proto.
// Datastore requests typically time out after 60s; set the read timeout to slightly longer
// than that by default (can be overridden via the HttpRequestInitializer).
httpRequest.setReadTimeout(65 * 1000);
if (initializer != null) {
httpResponse = httpRequest.execute();
if (!httpResponse.isSuccessStatusCode()) {
try (InputStream content = GzipFixingInputStream.maybeWrap(httpResponse.getContent())) {
throw makeException(url, methodName, content,
httpResponse.getContentType(), httpResponse.getContentCharset(), null,
return GzipFixingInputStream.maybeWrap(httpResponse.getContent());
} catch (SocketTimeoutException e) {
throw makeException(url, methodName, Code.DEADLINE_EXCEEDED, "Deadline exceeded", e);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw makeException(url, methodName, Code.UNAVAILABLE, "I/O error", e);
} finally {
long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
logger.fine("remote datastore call " + methodName + " took " + elapsedTime + " ms");
} | [
"Makes an RPC call using the client. Logs how long it took and any exceptions.\n\nNOTE: The request could be an InputStream too, but the http client will need to\nfind its length, which will require buffering it anyways.\n\n@throws DatastoreException if the RPC fails."
] | [
"Create the function. Be sure to handle all possible input types and combinations correctly and provide\nmeaningful error messages. The output matrix should be resized to fit the inputs.",
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as a Float.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isFloat(String)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Enables or disables auto closing when selecting a date.",
"Subtracts the given range from this range, to produce either zero, one, or two address ranges that contain the addresses in this range and not in the given range.\nIf the result has length 2, the two ranges are in increasing order.\n\n@param other\n@return",
"Get a reader implementation class to perform API calls with.\n@param type Interface type you wish to get an implementation for\n@param oauthToken An OAuth token to use for authentication when making API calls\n@param <T> The reader type to request an instance of\n@return A reader implementation class",
"Removes a watermark from the item.\nIf the item did not have a watermark applied to it, a 404 Not Found will be returned by API.\n@param itemUrl url template for the item.",
"Add BoxMetaDataFilter to the JsonArray boxMetadataFilterRequestArray.\n@param @param bmf accepts a filter that has templateKey, scope, and filters populated.\n@return JsonArray that is formated Json request",
"Serialize a map of objects to a JSON String.\n\n@param map The map of objects to serialize.\n@param jsonObjectClass The @JsonObject class of the list elements",
"Returns whether this address section represents a subnet block of addresses associated its prefix length.\n\nReturns false if it has no prefix length, if it is a single address with a prefix length (ie not a subnet), or if it is a range of addresses that does not include\nthe entire subnet block for its prefix length.\n\nIf {@link AddressNetwork#getPrefixConfiguration} is set to consider all prefixes as subnets, this returns true for any grouping with prefix length.\n\n@return"
] |
public static final BigInteger printPriority(Priority priority)
int result = Priority.MEDIUM;
if (priority != null)
result = priority.getValue();
return (BigInteger.valueOf(result));
} | [
"Print priority.\n\n@param priority Priority instance\n@return priority value"
] | [
"Handle the given response, return the deserialized object when the response is successful.\n\n@param <T> Type\n@param response Response\n@param returnType Return type\n@throws ApiException If the response has a unsuccessful status code or\nfail to deserialize the response body\n@return Type",
"Finds out which dump files of the given type have been downloaded\nalready. The result is a list of objects that describe the available dump\nfiles, in descending order by their date. Not all of the dumps included\nmight be actually available.\n\n@param dumpContentType\nthe type of dump to consider\n@return list of objects that provide information on available dumps",
"Start offering shared dbserver sessions.\n\n@throws SocketException if there is a problem opening connections",
"Returns an attribute's list value from a non-main section of this JAR's manifest.\nThe attributes string value will be split on whitespace into the returned list.\nThe returned list may be safely modified.\n\n@param section the manifest's section\n@param name the attribute's name",
"returns a unique long value for class clazz and field fieldName.\nthe returned number is unique accross all tables in the extent of clazz.",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationradiusaction resource of given name .",
"Generate the next combination and return an array containing\nthe appropriate elements.\n@see #nextCombinationAsArray(Object[])\n@see #nextCombinationAsList()\n@return An array containing the elements that make up the next combination.",
"Set the amount of offset between child objects and parent.\n@param axis {@link Axis}\n@param offset",
"Retrieve the index of the table entry valid for the supplied date.\n\n@param date required date\n@return cost rate table entry index"
] |
private void setFields(Map<String, FieldType> map, MapRow row, FieldContainer container)
if (row != null)
for (Map.Entry<String, FieldType> entry : map.entrySet())
container.set(entry.getValue(), row.getObject(entry.getKey()));
} | [
"Set the value of one or more fields based on the contents of a database row.\n\n@param map column to field map\n@param row database row\n@param container field container"
] | [
"Returns true if the provided matrix is has a value of 1 along the diagonal\nelements and zero along all the other elements.\n\n@param a Matrix being inspected.\n@param tol How close to zero or one each element needs to be.\n@return If it is within tolerance to an identity matrix.",
"Creates a field map for resources.\n\n@param props props data",
"Returns the decoded string, in case it contains non us-ascii characters.\nReturns the same string if it doesn't or the passed value in case\nof an UnsupportedEncodingException.\n\n@param str string to be decoded\n@return the decoded string, in case it contains non us-ascii characters;\nor the same string if it doesn't or the passed value in case\nof an UnsupportedEncodingException.",
"Executes the API action \"wbsetlabel\" for the given parameters.\n@param id\nthe id of the entity to be edited; if used, the site and title\nparameters must be null\n@param site\nwhen selecting an entity by title, the site key for the title,\ne.g., \"enwiki\"; if used, title must also be given but id must\nbe null\n@param title\nstring used to select an entity by title; if used, site must\nalso be given but id must be null\n@param newEntity\nused for creating a new entity of a given type; the value\nindicates the intended entity type; possible values include\n\"item\" and \"property\"; if used, the parameters id, site, and\ntitle must be null\n@param language\nthe language code for the label\n@param value\nthe value of the label to set. Set it to null to remove the label.\n@param bot\nif true, edits will be flagged as \"bot edits\" provided that\nthe logged in user is in the bot group; for regular users, the\nflag will just be ignored\n@param baserevid\nthe revision of the data that the edit refers to or 0 if this\nshould not be submitted; when used, the site will ensure that\nno edit has happened since this revision to detect edit\nconflicts; it is recommended to use this whenever in all\noperations where the outcome depends on the state of the\nonline data\n@param summary\nsummary for the edit; will be prepended by an automatically\ngenerated comment; the length limit of the autocomment\ntogether with the summary is 260 characters: everything above\nthat limit will be cut off\n@return the label as returned by the API\n@throws IOException\nif there was an IO problem. such as missing network\nconnection\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException",
"Ask the specified player for metadata about the track in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID,\nusing cached media instead if it is available, and possibly giving up if we are in passive mode.\n\n@param track uniquely identifies the track whose metadata is desired\n@param trackType identifies the type of track being requested, which affects the type of metadata request\nmessage that must be used\n@param failIfPassive will prevent the request from taking place if we are in passive mode, so that automatic\nmetadata updates will use available caches only\n\n@return the metadata found, if any",
"If the deployment has a module attached it will ask the module to load the ServiceActivator services.\n\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context",
"Find the index of the first matching element in the list\n@param element the element value to find\n@return the index of the first matching element, or <code>-1</code> if none found",
"Will prompt a user the \"Add to Homescreen\" feature\n\n@param callback A callback function after the method has been executed.",
"Use this API to clear gslbldnsentries."
] |
public final void setOrientation(int orientation) {
mOrientation = orientation;
mOrientationState = getOrientationStateFromParam(mOrientation);
if (mOuterAdapter != null) {
} | [
"Sets orientation of loopbar\n\n@param orientation int value of orientation. Must be one of {@link Orientation}"
] | [
"Returns if this has any mapping for the specified cell.\n\n@param cell the cell name\n@return {@code true} if there is any mapping for the cell, {@code false} otherwise",
"Delete a server group by id\n\n@param id server group ID",
"Ensure that the node is not null.\n\n@param node the node to ensure to be not null\n@param expression the expression was used to find the node\n@throws SpinXPathException if the node is null",
"Creates the style definition used for a rectangle element based on the given properties of the rectangle\n@param x The X coordinate of the rectangle.\n@param y The Y coordinate of the rectangle.\n@param width The width of the rectangle.\n@param height The height of the rectangle.\n@param stroke Should there be a stroke around?\n@param fill Should the rectangle be filled?\n@return The resulting element style definition.",
"When we execute a single statement we only need the corresponding Row with the result.\n\n@param results a list of {@link StatementResult}\n@return the result of a single query",
"Sets the bottom padding for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingBottom new padding, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Get permissions for who may view geo data for a photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'read' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nreqired photo id, not null\n@return the permissions\n@throws FlickrException\nif photo id is invalid, if photo has no geodata or if any other error has been reported in the response.",
"Apply a filter to the list of all tasks, and show the results.\n\n@param project project file\n@param filter filter",
"Returns angle in degrees between two points\n\n@param ax x of the point 1\n@param ay y of the point 1\n@param bx x of the point 2\n@param by y of the point 2\n@return angle in degrees between two points"
] |
public synchronized void stop() throws DatastoreEmulatorException {
// We intentionally don't check the internal state. If people want to try and stop the server
// multiple times that's fine.
if (state != State.STOPPED) {
state = State.STOPPED;
if (projectDirectory != null) {
try {
Process process =
new ProcessBuilder("rm", "-r", projectDirectory.getAbsolutePath()).start();
if (process.waitFor() != 0) {
throw new IOException(
"Temporary project directory deletion exited with " + process.exitValue());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not delete temporary project directory", e);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Could not delete temporary project directory", e);
} | [
"Stops the emulator. Multiple calls are allowed.\n\n@throws DatastoreEmulatorException if the emulator cannot be stopped"
] | [
"Returns an attribute's map value from this JAR's manifest's main section.\nThe attributes string value will be split on whitespace into map entries, and each entry will be split on '=' to get the key-value pair.\nThe returned map may be safely modified.\n\n@param name the attribute's name",
"Get a property as a string or defaultValue.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue the default value",
"Use this API to unset the properties of tmsessionparameter resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Returns a new intern odmg-transaction for the current database.",
"Function to compute the bias gradient for batch convolution",
"Get the unique set of declared methods on the leaf class and all superclasses. Leaf\nclass methods are included first and while traversing the superclass hierarchy any methods found\nwith signatures matching a method already included are filtered out.",
"Process a file.\n\n@param file the file to be processed\n@param mode the patching mode\n@throws IOException",
"Pad or trim so as to produce a string of exactly a certain length.\n\n@param str The String to be padded or truncated\n@param num The desired length",
"Send a device found announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param announcement the message announcing the new device"
] |
public void logAttributeWarning(PathAddress address, ModelNode operation, String message, String attribute) {
messageQueue.add(new AttributeLogEntry(address, operation, message, attribute));
} | [
"Log a warning for the given operation at the provided address for the given attribute, using the provided detail\nmessage.\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param operation where which problem occurred\n@param message custom error message to append\n@param attribute attribute we that has problem"
] | [
"Gets type from super class's type parameter.",
"Restores the dropout descriptor to a previously saved-off state",
"Constructs a string representing this address according to the given parameters\n\n@param keepMixed if this address was constructed from a string with mixed representation (a:b:c:d:e:f:, whether to keep it that way (ignored if makeMixed is true in the params argument)\n@param params the parameters for the address string",
"Start offering shared dbserver sessions.\n\n@throws SocketException if there is a problem opening connections",
"Returns the target locales.\n\n@return the target locales, never null.",
"Adds parameters contained in the annotation into the annotation type reference\n\n@param typeRef\n@param node",
"Ensure that all logs are replayed, any other logs can not be added before end of this function.",
"Should use as destroy method. Disconnects from a Service Locator server.\nAll endpoints that were registered before are removed from the server.\nSet property locatorClient to null.\n\n@throws InterruptedException\n@throws ServiceLocatorException",
"Returns the List value of the field.\n\n@return the List value of the field. It returns a reference of the value if the type is <code>LIST</code>, if\nthe type is <code>LIST_MAP</code> it returns a copy of the value.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the value cannot be converted to List."
] |
public static boolean hasAnyAnnotation(AnnotatedNode node, String... names) {
for (String name : names) {
if (hasAnnotation(node, name)) {
return true;
return false;
} | [
"Return true only if the node has any of the named annotations\n@param node - the AST Node to check\n@param names - the names of the annotations\n@return true only if the node has any of the named annotations"
] | [
"Stops the background data synchronization thread and releases the local client.",
"lookup current maximum value for a single field in\ntable the given class descriptor was associated.",
"Use this API to fetch vlan_nsip6_binding resources of given name .",
"Retrieves the named calendar. This method will return\nnull if the named calendar is not located.\n\n@param calendarName name of the required calendar\n@return ProjectCalendar instance",
"Notifies all interested subscribers of the given revision.\n\n@param mwRevision\nthe given revision\n@param isCurrent\ntrue if this is guaranteed to be the most current revision",
"Add the dependencies if the deployment contains a service activator loader entry.\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context\n@throws DeploymentUnitProcessingException",
"Login the user and redirect back to original URL. If no\noriginal URL found then redirect to `defaultLandingUrl`.\n\n@param userIdentifier\nthe user identifier, could be either userId or username\n@param defaultLandingUrl\nthe URL to be redirected if original URL not found",
"Check if information model entity referenced by archetype\nhas right name or type",
"Create and serialize a WorkerStatus.\n\n@param queue the queue the Job came from\n@param job the Job currently being processed\n@return the JSON representation of a new WorkerStatus\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the WorkerStatus"
] |
public void setPixelPerUnit(double pixelPerUnit) {
if (pixelPerUnit < MINIMUM_PIXEL_PER_UNIT) {
if (pixelPerUnit > MAXIMUM_PIXEL_PER_UNIT) {
this.pixelPerUnit = pixelPerUnit;
} | [
"Sets the scale value in pixel per map unit.\n\n@param pixelPerUnit\nthe scale value (pix/map unit)"
] | [
"Little helper function that recursivly deletes a directory.\n\n@param dir The directory",
"Write the given number of bytes out to the array\n\n@param bytes The array to write to\n@param value The value to write from\n@param offset the offset into the array\n@param numBytes The number of bytes to write",
"Retrieve the integer value used to represent a task field in an\nMPX file.\n\n@param value MPXJ task field value\n@return MPX field value",
"Creates updateable version of capability registry that on publish pushes all changes to main registry\nthis is used to create context local registry that only on completion commits changes to main registry\n\n@return writable registry",
"Checks to see if the specified off diagonal element is zero using a relative metric.",
"Create and serialize a JobFailure.\n\n@param thrwbl the Throwable that occurred\n@param queue the queue the job came from\n@param job the Job that failed\n@return the JSON representation of a new JobFailure\n@throws IOException if there was an error serializing the JobFailure",
"Sanity-check a new non-beat update, make sure we are still interpolating a sensible position, and correct\nas needed.\n\n@param lastTrackUpdate the most recent digested update received from a player\n@param newDeviceUpdate a new status update from the player\n@param beatGrid the beat grid for the track that is playing, in case we have jumped\n\n@return the playback position we believe that player has reached at that point in time",
"Returns all the retention policies with specified filters.\n@param name a name to filter the retention policies by. A trailing partial match search is performed.\nSet to null if no name filtering is required.\n@param type a policy type to filter the retention policies by. Set to null if no type filtering is required.\n@param userID a user id to filter the retention policies by. Set to null if no type filtering is required.\n@param limit the limit of items per single response. The default value is 100.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable with all the retention policies met search conditions.",
"Navigate to this address in the given model node.\n\n@param model the model node\n@param create {@code true} to create the last part of the node if it does not exist\n@return the submodel\n@throws NoSuchElementException if the model contains no such element\n\n@deprecated manipulating a deep DMR node tree via PathAddress is no longer how the management layer works\ninternally, so this method has become legacy cruft. Management operation handlers\nshould obtain a {@link org.jboss.as.controller.registry.Resource Resource} from the\n{@link org.jboss.as.controller.OperationContext#readResource(PathAddress) OperationContext}\nand use the {@code Resource} API to access child resources"
] |
public static String encodePathSegment(String segment, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return HierarchicalUriComponents.encodeUriComponent(segment, encoding, HierarchicalUriComponents.Type.PATH_SEGMENT);
} | [
"Encodes the given URI path segment with the given encoding.\n@param segment the segment to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded segment\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported"
] | [
"Prints the URL of a thumbnail for the given item document to the output,\nor a default image if no image is given for the item.\n\n@param out\nthe output to write to\n@param itemDocument\nthe document that may provide the image information",
"Determines if this value is the default value for the given field type.\n\n@param type field type\n@param value value\n@return true if the value is not default",
"Sets the current configuration if it is a valid configuration. Otherwise the configuration is not set.\n@param configuration the configuration to set.\n@return flag, indicating if the configuration is set.",
"Returns true if the specified class node is a trait.\n@param cNode a class node to test\n@return true if the classnode represents a trait",
"Delegates file rolling to composed objects.\n\n@see FileRollable#roll(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent)",
"set custom response or request for a profile's default client, ensures profile and path are enabled\n\n@param profileName profileName to modift, default client is used\n@param pathName friendly name of path\n@param isResponse true if response, false for request\n@param customData custom response/request data\n@return true if success, false otherwise",
"Send the message using the JavaMail session defined in the message\n\n@param mimeMessage Message to send",
"Tell a device to turn sync on or off.\n\n@param deviceNumber the device whose sync state is to be set\n@param synced {@code} true if sync should be turned on, else it will be turned off\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem sending the command to the device\n@throws IllegalStateException if the {@code VirtualCdj} is not active\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code deviceNumber} is not found on the network",
"Unchecks the widget by index\n@param checkableIndex The index is in the range from 0 to size -1, where size is the number of\nCheckable widgets in the group. It does not take into account any\nnon-Checkable widgets added to the group widget.\n@return {@code True} if {@code checkableWidget} is a child of this {@code CheckableGroup} and\nwas not already unchecked; {@code false} otherwise."
] |
private void deleteUnusedCaseSteps( ReportModel model ) {
for( ScenarioModel scenarioModel : model.getScenarios() ) {
if( scenarioModel.isCasesAsTable() && !hasAttachment( scenarioModel ) ) {
List<ScenarioCaseModel> cases = scenarioModel.getScenarioCases();
for( int i = 1; i < cases.size(); i++ ) {
ScenarioCaseModel caseModel = cases.get( i );
caseModel.setSteps( Collections.<StepModel>emptyList() );
} | [
"Deletes all steps of scenario cases where a data table\nis generated to reduce the size of the data file.\nIn this case only the steps of the first scenario case are actually needed."
] | [
"Log a warning message with a throwable.",
"Use this API to fetch all the snmpuser resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Returns the precedence of the specified operator. Non-operator's will\nreceive -1 or a GroovyBugError, depending on your preference.",
"Get the number of views, comments and favorites on a photoset for a given date.\n\n@param date\n(Required) Stats will be returned for this date. A day according to Flickr Stats starts at midnight GMT for all users, and timestamps will\nautomatically be rounded down to the start of the day.\n@param photosetId\n(Required) The id of the photoset to get stats for.\n@see \"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.stats.getPhotosetStats.htm\"",
"Escapes args' string values according to format\n\n@param format the Format used by the PrintStream\n@param args the array of args to escape\n@return The cloned and escaped array of args",
"Retrieve a child record by name.\n\n@param key child record name\n@return child record",
"Obtains a Symmetry454 local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Symmetry454 local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Converts the given string to a clob object\n\n@param stringName string name to clob\n@param sqlConnection Connection object\n@return Clob object or NULL",
"Handle http Request.\n\n@param request HttpRequest to be handled.\n@param responder HttpResponder to write the response.\n@param groupValues Values needed for the invocation."
] |
public void setAssociation(String collectionRole, Association association) {
if ( associations == null ) {
associations = new HashMap<>();
associations.put( collectionRole, association );
} | [
"Set the association in the entry state.\n\n@param collectionRole the role of the association\n@param association the association"
] | [
"Creates a Bytes object by copying the value of the given String",
"Add a LIKE clause so the column must mach the value using '%' patterns.",
"Returns all the retention policies with specified filters.\n@param name a name to filter the retention policies by. A trailing partial match search is performed.\nSet to null if no name filtering is required.\n@param type a policy type to filter the retention policies by. Set to null if no type filtering is required.\n@param userID a user id to filter the retention policies by. Set to null if no type filtering is required.\n@param limit the limit of items per single response. The default value is 100.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable with all the retention policies met search conditions.",
"Returns the complete Grapes root URL\n\n@return String",
"generate a message for loglevel ERROR\n\n@param pObject the message Object",
"Adds a single value to the data set and updates any\nstatistics that are calculated cumulatively.\n@param value The value to add.",
"Sets the target hosts from json path.\n\n@param jsonPath\nthe json path\n@param sourcePath\nthe source path\n@param sourceType\nthe source type\n@return the parallel task builder\n@throws TargetHostsLoadException\nthe target hosts load exception",
"Returns a query filter for the given document _id and version. The version is allowed to be\nnull. The query will match only if there is either no version on the document in the database\nin question if we have no reference of the version or if the version matches the database's\nversion.\n\n@param documentId the _id of the document.\n@param version the expected version of the document, if any.\n@return a query filter for the given document _id and version for a remote operation.",
"This procedure is invoked to process the \"subst\" Tcl command.\nSee the user documentation for details on what it does.\n\n@param interp the current interpreter.\n@param argv command arguments.\n@exception TclException if wrong # of args or invalid argument(s)."
] |
public static aaauser_binding get(nitro_service service, String username) throws Exception{
aaauser_binding obj = new aaauser_binding();
aaauser_binding response = (aaauser_binding) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch aaauser_binding resource of given name ."
] | [
"a small static helper to set the image from the imageHolder nullSave to the imageView\n\n@param imageHolder\n@param imageView\n@param tag used to identify imageViews and define different placeholders\n@return true if an image was set",
"Template method for verification of lazy initialisation.",
"Formats a resource type.\n\n@param resource MPXJ resource\n@return Primavera resource type",
"Exit reporting up to distributor, using information gained from status reports to the LineCountManager\n\n@return a boolean of whether this consumer should immediately exit",
"MOVED INSIDE ExpressionUtils\n\nprotected JRDesignExpression getExpressionForConditionalStyle(ConditionalStyle condition, String columExpression) {\nString fieldsMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentFields()\";\nString parametersMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentParams()\";\nString variablesMap = \"((\"+DJDefaultScriptlet.class.getName() + \")$P{REPORT_SCRIPTLET}).getCurrentVariables()\";\n\nString evalMethodParams = fieldsMap +\", \" + variablesMap + \", \" + parametersMap + \", \" + columExpression;\n\nString text = \"((\"+ConditionStyleExpression.class.getName()+\")$P{\" + JRParameter.REPORT_PARAMETERS_MAP + \"}.get(\\\"\"+condition.getName()+\"\\\")).\"+CustomExpression.EVAL_METHOD_NAME+\"(\"+evalMethodParams+\")\";\nJRDesignExpression expression = new JRDesignExpression();\nexpression.setValueClass(Boolean.class);\nexpression.setText(text);\nreturn expression;\n}",
"Collect the URIs of resources, that are referenced by the given description.\n@return the list of referenced URIs. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Propagates node table of given DAG to all of it ancestors.",
"Read activity code types and values.\n\n@param types activity code type data\n@param typeValues activity code value data\n@param assignments activity code task assignments",
"Verifies a provided signature.\n\n@param key\nfor which signature key\n@param actualAlgorithm\ncurrent signature algorithm\n@param actualSignature\ncurrent signature\n@param webHookPayload\nfor signing\n@param deliveryTimestamp\nfor signing\n@return true if verification passed"
] |
public String getHealthMemory() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("Logging JVM Stats\n");
MonitorProvider mp = MonitorProvider.getInstance();
PerformUsage perf = mp.getJVMMemoryUsage();
if (perf.memoryUsagePercent >= THRESHOLD_PERCENT) {
sb.append("========= WARNING: MEM USAGE > " + THRESHOLD_PERCENT
+ "!!");
sb.append(" !! Live Threads List=============\n");
sb.append("========================JVM Thread Dump====================\n");
ThreadInfo[] threadDump = mp.getThreadDump();
for (ThreadInfo threadInfo : threadDump) {
sb.append(threadInfo.toString() + "\n");
sb.append("Logged JVM Stats\n");
return sb.toString();
} | [
"Gets the health memory.\n\n@return the health memory"
] | [
"Returns true if the input is a vector\n@param a A matrix or vector\n@return true if it's a vector. Column or row.",
"Scales the weights of this crfclassifier by the specified weight\n\n@param scale",
"Get the response headers for URL\n\n@param stringUrl URL to use\n@return headers HTTP Headers\n@throws IOException I/O error happened",
"Calculate the value of a caplet assuming the Black'76 model.\n\n@param forward The forward (spot).\n@param volatility The Black'76 volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@param periodLength The period length of the underlying forward rate.\n@param discountFactor The discount factor corresponding to the payment date (option maturity + period length).\n@return Returns the value of a caplet under the Black'76 model",
"Returns the last node that appears to be part of the prefix. This will be used to determine the current model\nobject that'll be the most special context instance in the proposal provider.",
"Execute our refresh query statement and then update all of the fields in data with the fields from the result.\n\n@return 1 if we found the object in the table by id or 0 if not.",
"Retrieve a finish date time in the form required by Phoenix.\n\n@param value Date instance\n@return formatted date time",
"Remove a server mapping from current profile by ID\n\n@param serverMappingId server mapping ID\n@return Collection of updated ServerRedirects",
"Return fallback if first string is null or empty"
] |
public File getBootFile() {
if (bootFile == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (bootFile == null) {
if (bootFileReset) {
//Reset the done bootup and the sequence, so that the old file we are reloading from
// overwrites the main file on successful boot, and history is reset as when booting new
// If it's a reload with no new boot file name and we're persisting our config, we boot from mainFile,
// as that's where we persist
if (bootFileReset && !interactionPolicy.isReadOnly() && newReloadBootFileName == null) {
// we boot from mainFile
bootFile = mainFile;
} else {
// It's either first boot, or a reload where we're not persisting our config or with a new boot file.
// So we need to figure out which file we're meant to boot from
String bootFileName = this.bootFileName;
if (newReloadBootFileName != null) {
//A non-null new boot file on reload takes precedence over the reloadUsingLast functionality
//A new boot file was specified. Use that and reset the new name to null
bootFileName = newReloadBootFileName;
newReloadBootFileName = null;
} else if (interactionPolicy.isReadOnly() && reloadUsingLast) {
//If we were reloaded, and it is not a persistent configuration we want to use the last from the history
bootFileName = LAST;
boolean usingRawFile = bootFileName.equals(rawFileName);
if (usingRawFile) {
bootFile = mainFile;
} else {
bootFile = determineBootFile(configurationDir, bootFileName);
try {
bootFile = bootFile.getCanonicalFile();
} catch (IOException ioe) {
throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.canonicalBootFileNotFound(ioe, bootFile);
if (!bootFile.exists()) {
if (!usingRawFile) { // TODO there's no reason usingRawFile should be an exception,
// but the test infrastructure stuff is built around an assumption
// that ConfigurationFile doesn't fail if test files are not
// in the normal spot
if (bootFileReset || interactionPolicy.isRequireExisting()) {
throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.fileNotFound(bootFile.getAbsolutePath());
// Create it for the NEW and DISCARD cases
if (!bootFileReset && !interactionPolicy.isRequireExisting()) {
} else if (!bootFileReset) {
if (interactionPolicy.isRejectExisting() && bootFile.length() > 0) {
throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.rejectEmptyConfig(bootFile.getAbsolutePath());
} else if (interactionPolicy.isRemoveExisting() && bootFile.length() > 0) {
if (!bootFile.delete()) {
throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.cannotDelete(bootFile.getAbsoluteFile());
} // else after first boot we want the file to exist
return bootFile;
} | [
"Gets the file from which boot operations should be parsed.\n@return the file. Will not be {@code null}"
] | [
"Bilinear interpolation of ARGB values.\n@param x the X interpolation parameter 0..1\n@param y the y interpolation parameter 0..1\n@param rgb array of four ARGB values in the order NW, NE, SW, SE\n@return the interpolated value",
"With the QR algorithm it is possible for the found singular values to be native. This\nmakes them all positive by multiplying it by a diagonal matrix that has",
"Retrieves all of the headers from the servlet request and sets them on\nthe proxy request\n\n@param httpServletRequest The request object representing the client's request to the\nservlet engine\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest The request that we are about to send to the proxy host",
"Print the String features generated from a IN",
"Add the extra parameters which are passed as report parameters. The type of the parameter is \"guessed\" from the\nfirst letter of the parameter name.\n\n@param model view model\n@param request servlet request",
"Merges the item from the resultLocaleValues into the corresponding item of the localeValues.\n@param item the item to merge\n@param localeValues the values where the item gets merged into\n@param resultLocaleValues the values where the item to merge is read from\n@return the modified localeValues with the merged item",
"Adds an option to the JVM arguments to enable JMX connection\n\n@param jvmArgs the JVM args\n@return a new list of JVM args",
"Deletes the specified shovel from specified virtual host.\n\n@param vhost virtual host from where to delete the shovel\n@param shovelname Shovel to be deleted.",
"Do not call directly.\n@deprecated"
] |
private String getHostHeaderForHost(String hostName) {
List<ServerRedirect> servers = serverRedirectService.tableServers(requestInformation.get().client.getId());
for (ServerRedirect server : servers) {
if (server.getSrcUrl().compareTo(hostName) == 0) {
String hostHeader = server.getHostHeader();
if (hostHeader == null || hostHeader.length() == 0) {
return null;
return hostHeader;
return null;
} | [
"Obtain host header value for a hostname\n\n@param hostName\n@return"
] | [
"Read metadata by populating an instance of the target class\nusing SAXParser.",
"If the deployment has a module attached it will ask the module to load the ServiceActivator services.\n\n@param phaseContext the deployment unit context",
"Adds a new point.\n\n@param point a point\n@return this for chaining",
"Use this API to update Interface.",
"Sets the search scope.\n\n@param cms The current CmsObject object.",
"Creates a clone of the current automatonEng instance for\niteration alternative purposes.\n@return",
"used to signal to the server that the client is going to drop the connection, and waits up to\none second for the server to acknowledge the receipt of this message",
"Export the modules that should be checked in into git.",
"Log a trace message."
] |
public double getValue(double x)
synchronized(interpolatingRationalFunctionsLazyInitLock) {
if(interpolatingRationalFunctions == null) {
// Get interpolating rational function for the given point x
int pointIndex = java.util.Arrays.binarySearch(points, x);
if(pointIndex >= 0) {
return values[pointIndex];
int intervallIndex = -pointIndex-2;
// Check for extrapolation
if(intervallIndex < 0) {
// Extrapolation
if(this.extrapolationMethod == ExtrapolationMethod.CONSTANT) {
return values[0];
} else if(this.extrapolationMethod == ExtrapolationMethod.LINEAR) {
return values[0]+(values[1]-values[0])/(points[1]-points[0])*(x-points[0]);
} else {
intervallIndex = 0;
else if(intervallIndex > points.length-2) {
// Extrapolation
if(this.extrapolationMethod == ExtrapolationMethod.CONSTANT) {
return values[points.length-1];
} else if(this.extrapolationMethod == ExtrapolationMethod.LINEAR) {
return values[points.length-1]+(values[points.length-2]-values[points.length-1])/(points[points.length-2]-points[points.length-1])*(x-points[points.length-1]);
} else {
intervallIndex = points.length-2;
RationalFunction rationalFunction = interpolatingRationalFunctions[intervallIndex];
// Calculate interpolating value
return rationalFunction.getValue(x-points[intervallIndex]);
} | [
"Get an interpolated value for a given argument x.\n\n@param x The abscissa at which the interpolation should be performed.\n@return The interpolated value (ordinate)."
] | [
"Get the current stack trace element, skipping anything from known logging classes.\n@return The current stack trace for this thread",
"return a prepared Insert Statement fitting for the given ClassDescriptor",
"Use this API to delete sslcertkey.",
"Calculate the first argument raised to the power of the second.\nThis method only supports non-negative powers.\n@param value The number to be raised.\n@param power The exponent (must be positive).\n@return {@code value} raised to {@code power}.",
"Determines if the queue identified by the given key is a regular queue.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key identifies a regular queue, false otherwise",
"Gets a single byte return or -1 if no data is available.",
"used for encoding url path segment",
"Emit information about all of suite's tests.",
"Invokes a closure passing it a new Sql instance created from the given JDBC connection URL.\nThe created connection will be closed if required.\n\n@param url a database url of the form\n<code>jdbc:<em>subprotocol</em>:<em>subname</em></code>\n@param c the Closure to call\n@see #newInstance(String)\n@throws SQLException if a database access error occurs"
] |
public static float Sum(float[] data) {
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
sum += data[i];
return sum;
} | [
"Sum of the elements.\n\n@param data Data.\n@return Sum(data)."
] | [
"Create the index file that sets up the frameset.\n@param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s).",
"Set an enterprise text value.\n\n@param index text index (1-40)\n@param value text value",
"if any item in toCheck is present in collection\n@param <T>\n@param collection\n@param toCheck\n@return",
"Emit a event object with parameters and force all listeners to be called synchronously.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see #emit(EventObject, Object...)",
"Performs a get all operation with the specified composite request object\n\n@param requestWrapper Composite request object containing a reference to\nthe Iterable keys\n\n@return Map of the keys to the corresponding versioned values",
"Perform the merge\n\n@param stereotypeAnnotations The stereotype annotations",
"Construct new path by replacing file directory part. No\nfiles are actually modified.\n@param file path to move\n@param target new path directory",
"Performs backward pass of Batch Normalization layer. Returns x gradient,\nbnScale gradient and bnBias gradient",
"The parameter 'project' is not used at the moment, but will be used once schema and plugin support lands."
] |
public static base_response delete(nitro_service client, snmpmanager resource) throws Exception {
snmpmanager deleteresource = new snmpmanager();
deleteresource.ipaddress = resource.ipaddress;
deleteresource.netmask = resource.netmask;
return deleteresource.delete_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to delete snmpmanager."
] | [
"Returns a single template.\n\n@param id id of the template to retrieve.\n@return {@link Response}\n\n@throws RequestException if request to transloadit server fails.\n@throws LocalOperationException if something goes wrong while running non-http operations.",
"Convert an Integer value into a String.\n\n@param value Integer value\n@return String value",
"Determine which daughter of the current parse tree is the head.\n\n@param t The parse tree to examine the daughters of.\nIf this is a leaf, <code>null</code> is returned\n@param parent The parent of t\n@return The daughter parse tree that is the head of <code>t</code>.\nReturns null for leaf nodes.\n@see Tree#percolateHeads(HeadFinder)\nfor a routine to call this and spread heads throughout a tree",
"Use this API to fetch csvserver_cachepolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Checks the widget by index\n@param checkableIndex The index is in the range from 0 to size -1, where size is the number of\nCheckable widgets in the group. It does not take into account any\nnon-Checkable widgets added to the group widget.\n@return {@code True} if {@code checkableWidget} is a child of this {@code CheckableGroup} and\nwas not already checked; {@code false} otherwise.",
"Choose from three numbers based on version.",
"Use this API to fetch onlinkipv6prefix resources of given names .",
"In Gerrit < 2.12 the XSRF token was included in the start page HTML.",
"performs a primary key lookup operation against RDBMS and materializes\nan object from the resulting row. Only skalar attributes are filled from\nthe row, references are not resolved.\n@param oid contains the primary key info.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information.\n@return the materialized object, null if no matching row was found or if\nany error occured."
] |
public static GVRTexture loadFutureCubemapTexture(
GVRContext gvrContext, ResourceCache<GVRImage> textureCache,
GVRAndroidResource resource, int priority,
Map<String, Integer> faceIndexMap) {
GVRTexture tex = new GVRTexture(gvrContext);
GVRImage cached = textureCache.get(resource);
if (cached != null)
Log.v("ASSET", "Future Texture: %s loaded from cache", cached.getFileName());
CancelableCallbackWrapper.wrap(GVRCubemapImage.class, tex),
resource, priority, faceIndexMap);
return tex;
} | [
"Load a cube map texture asynchronously.\n\nThis is the implementation of\n{@link GVRAssetLoader#loadCubemapTexture(GVRAndroidResource)} - it will\nusually be more convenient (and more efficient) to call that directly.\n\n@param gvrContext\nThe GVRF context\n@param textureCache\nTexture cache - may be {@code null}\n@param resource\nA steam containing a zip file which contains six bitmaps. The\nsix bitmaps correspond to +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, and -z faces of\nthe cube map texture respectively. The default names of the\nsix images are \"posx.png\", \"negx.png\", \"posy.png\", \"negx.png\",\n\"posz.png\", and \"negz.png\", which can be changed by calling\n{@link GVRCubemapImage#setFaceNames(String[])}.\n@param priority\nThis request's priority. Please see the notes on asynchronous\npriorities in the <a href=\"package-summary.html#async\">package\ndescription</a>.\n@return A {@link Future} that you can pass to methods like\n{@link GVRShaderData#setMainTexture(Future)}"
] | [
"Set the week of month.\n@param weekOfMonthStr the week of month to set.",
"Restarts a single dyno\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param dynoId the unique identifier of the dyno to restart",
"Set the on-finish callback.\n\nThe basic {@link GVROnFinish} callback will notify you when the animation\nruns to completion. This is a good time to do things like removing\nnow-invisible objects from the scene graph.\n\n<p>\nThe extended {@link GVROnRepeat} callback will be called after every\niteration of an indefinite (repeat count less than 0) animation, giving\nyou a way to stop the animation when it's not longer appropriate.\n\n@param callback\nA {@link GVROnFinish} or {@link GVROnRepeat} implementation.\n<p>\n<em>Note</em>: Supplying a {@link GVROnRepeat} callback will\n{@linkplain #setRepeatCount(int) set the repeat count} to a\nnegative number. Calling {@link #setRepeatCount(int)} with a\nnon-negative value after setting a {@link GVROnRepeat}\ncallback will effectively convert the callback to a\n{@link GVROnFinish}.\n@return {@code this}, so you can chain setProperty() calls.",
"Extract name of the resource from a resource ID.\n@param id the resource ID\n@return the name of the resource",
"Get image ID from imageTag on the current agent.\n\n@param imageTag\n@return",
"Creates a jrxml file\n\n@param dr\n@param layoutManager\n@param _parameters\n@param xmlEncoding (default is UTF-8 )\n@param outputStream\n@throws JRException",
"Checks if there is an annotation of the given type on this method or on type level for all interfaces and superclasses\n\n@param method the method to scan\n@param annotation the annotation to search for\n@return <i>true</i> if the given annotation is present on method or type level annotations in the type hierarchy",
"Creates a temporary folder using the given prefix to generate its name.\n@param prefix the prefix string to be used in generating the directory's name; may be <i>null</i>\n@return the <code>File</code> to the newly created folder\n@throws IOException",
"There appear to be two ways of representing task notes in an MPP8 file.\nThis method tries to determine which has been used.\n\n@param task task\n@param data task data\n@param taskExtData extended task data\n@param taskVarData task var data"
] |
public void setDialect(String dialect) {
String[] scripts = createScripts.get(dialect);
createSql = scripts[0];
createSqlInd = scripts[1];
} | [
"Sets the database dialect.\n\n@param dialect\nthe database dialect"
] | [
"Returns if a MongoDB document is a todo item.",
"1-D Gaussian function.\n\n@param x value.\n@return Function's value at point x.",
"Puts the cached security context in the thread local.\n\n@param context the cache context",
"Add the provided document to the cache.",
"Takes the file, reads it in, and prints out the likelihood of each possible\nlabel at each point.\n\n@param filename\nThe path to the specified file",
"Returns the available module names regarding the filters\n\n@param name String\n@param filters FiltersHolder\n@return List<String>",
"Get a property as a boolean or throw exception.\n\n@param key the property name",
"Return a set of all the Declaration matching the DeclarationFilter of the.\nLinker.\n\n@return a set of all the Declaration matching the DeclarationFilter of the\nLinker.",
"Sets the proxy class to be used.\n@param newProxyClass java.lang.Class"
] |
protected Violation createViolationForImport(SourceCode sourceCode, String className, String alias, String violationMessage) {
Map importInfo = ImportUtil.sourceLineAndNumberForImport(sourceCode, className, alias);
Violation violation = new Violation();
violation.setSourceLine((String) importInfo.get("sourceLine"));
violation.setLineNumber((Integer) importInfo.get("lineNumber"));
return violation;
} | [
"Create and return a new Violation for this rule and the specified import className and alias\n@param sourceCode - the SourceCode\n@param className - the class name (as specified within the import statement)\n@param alias - the alias for the import statement\n@param violationMessage - the violation message; may be null\n@return a new Violation object"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch a systemglobal_authenticationldappolicy_binding resources.",
"Set an outline code value.\n\n@param index outline code index (1-10)\n@param value outline code value",
"Performs backward pass of Batch Normalization layer. Returns x gradient,\nbnScale gradient and bnBias gradient",
"Figures out the correct class loader to use for a proxy for a given bean",
"Addes the current member as a nested object.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"",
"Writes this JAR to an output stream, and closes the stream.",
"Removes the value connected to the given key\nfrom all levels of the cache. Will not throw an\nexception on fail.\n\n@param cacheKey",
"Try Oracle update batching and call setExecuteBatch or revert to\nJDBC update batching. See 12-2 Update Batching in the Oracle9i\nJDBC Developer's Guide and Reference.\n@param stmt the prepared statement to be used for batching\n@throws PlatformException upon JDBC failure",
"Use this API to fetch auditnslogpolicy_systemglobal_binding resources of given name ."
] |
private int getCostRateTableEntryIndex(Date date)
int result = -1;
CostRateTable table = getCostRateTable();
if (table != null)
if (table.size() == 1)
result = 0;
result = table.getIndexByDate(date);
return result;
} | [
"Retrieves the index of a cost rate table entry active on a given date.\n\n@param date target date\n@return cost rate table entry index"
] | [
"Set a callback to handle any exceptions in the chain of execution.\n\n@param callback\nInstance of {@link ErrorCallback}.\n@return Reference to the {@code ExecutionChain}\n@throws IllegalStateException\nif the chain of execution has already been {@link #execute()\nstarted}.",
"Use this API to fetch csvserver_appflowpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Checks to see if another AbstractTransition's states is isCompatible for merging.\n\n@param another\n@return",
"Adds an EJB descriptor to the maps\n\n@param ejbDescriptor The EJB descriptor to add",
"Singleton of MetaClassRegistry.\n\n@param includeExtension\n@return the registry",
"Requests the beat grid for a specific track ID, given a connection to a player that has already been set up.\n\n@param rekordboxId the track of interest\n@param slot identifies the media slot we are querying\n@param client the dbserver client that is communicating with the appropriate player\n\n@return the retrieved beat grid, or {@code null} if there was none available\n\n@throws IOException if there is a communication problem",
"Builds the resource.\n\n@return the cms resource",
"Run through all maps and remove any references that have been null'd out by the GC.",
"Stores an new entry in the cache."
] |
public void removeNodeMetaData(Object key) {
if (key==null) throw new GroovyBugError("Tried to remove meta data with null key "+this+".");
if (metaDataMap == null) {
} | [
"Removes a node meta data entry.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@throws GroovyBugError if the key is null"
] | [
"Returns a count of in-window events.\n\n@return the the count of in-window events.",
"Confirms that both clusters have the same number of total partitions.\n\n@param lhs\n@param rhs",
"Get all sub-lists of the given list of the given sizes.\n\nFor example:\n\n<pre>\nList<String> items = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c", "d");\nSystem.out.println(CollectionUtils.getNGrams(items, 1, 2));\n</pre>\n\nwould print out:\n\n<pre>\n[[a], [a, b], [b], [b, c], [c], [c, d], [d]]\n</pre>\n\n@param <T>\nThe type of items contained in the list.\n@param items\nThe list of items.\n@param minSize\nThe minimum size of an ngram.\n@param maxSize\nThe maximum size of an ngram.\n@return All sub-lists of the given sizes.",
"Retrieves a vertex attribute as a float buffer.\nThe attribute name must be one of the\nattributes named in the descriptor passed to the constructor.\n@param attributeName name of the attribute to update\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name not in descriptor vertex attribute is not <i>float</i>\n@see #setFloatArray(String, float[])\n@see #getFloatVec(String)",
"Use this API to fetch all the ipset resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Sets up and declares internal data structures.\n\n@param diag Diagonal elements from tridiagonal matrix. Modified.\n@param off Off diagonal elements from tridiagonal matrix. Modified.\n@param numCols number of columns (and rows) in the matrix.",
"Reset hard on HEAD.\n\n@throws GitAPIException",
"Gets an array of of all registered ConstantMetaClassListener instances.",
"Return true if the two connections seem to one one connection under the covers."
] |
public static String getShortClassName(Object o) {
String name = o.getClass().getName();
int index = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index >= 0) {
name = name.substring(index + 1);
return name;
} | [
"Returns a short class name for an object.\nThis is the class name stripped of any package name.\n\n@return The name of the class minus a package name, for example\n<code>ArrayList</code>"
] | [
"Use this API to update dospolicy.",
"Set the menu view from a layout resource.\n\n@param layoutResId Resource ID to be inflated.",
"Handle http worker response.\n\n@param respOnSingleReq\nthe my response\n@throws Exception\nthe exception",
"Check real offset.\n\n@return the boolean",
"Compute morse.\n\n@param term the term\n@return the string",
"Determine if a job name and job type are valid.\n@param jobName the name of the job\n@param jobType the class of the job\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the name or type are invalid",
"Sleeps if necessary to slow down the caller.\n\n@param eventsSeen Number of events seen since last invocation. Basis for\ndetermining whether its necessary to sleep.",
"Returns the foreignkey to the specified table.\n\n@param name The name of the foreignkey\n@param tableName The name of the referenced table\n@return The foreignkey def or <code>null</code> if it does not exist",
"Parses an item id\n\n@param id\nthe identifier of the entity, such as \"Q42\"\n@param siteIri\nthe siteIRI that this value refers to\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif the id is invalid"
] |
public static Set<Annotation> flattenInterceptorBindings(EnhancedAnnotatedType<?> clazz, BeanManagerImpl beanManager, Collection<Annotation> annotations, boolean addTopLevelInterceptorBindings,
boolean addInheritedInterceptorBindings) {
Set<Annotation> flattenInterceptorBindings = new InterceptorBindingSet(beanManager);
MetaAnnotationStore metaAnnotationStore = beanManager.getServices().get(MetaAnnotationStore.class);
if (addTopLevelInterceptorBindings) {
addInterceptorBindings(clazz, annotations, flattenInterceptorBindings, metaAnnotationStore);
if (addInheritedInterceptorBindings) {
for (Annotation annotation : annotations) {
addInheritedInterceptorBindings(clazz, annotation.annotationType(), metaAnnotationStore, flattenInterceptorBindings);
return flattenInterceptorBindings;
} | [
"Extracts a flat set of interception bindings from a given set of interceptor bindings.\n\n@param addTopLevelInterceptorBindings add top level interceptor bindings to the result set.\n@param addInheritedInterceptorBindings add inherited level interceptor bindings to the result set.\n@return"
] | [
"Add the deployment scanner service to a batch.\n\n@param context context for the operation that is adding this service\n@param resourceAddress the address of the resource that manages the service\n@param relativeTo the relative to\n@param path the path\n@param scanInterval the scan interval\n@param unit the unit of {@code scanInterval}\n@param autoDeployZip whether zipped content should be auto-deployed\n@param autoDeployExploded whether exploded content should be auto-deployed\n@param autoDeployXml whether xml content should be auto-deployed\n@param scanEnabled scan enabled\n@param deploymentTimeout the deployment timeout\n@param rollbackOnRuntimeFailure rollback on runtime failures\n@param bootTimeService the deployment scanner used in the boot time scan\n@param scheduledExecutorService executor to use for asynchronous tasks\n@return the controller for the deployment scanner service",
"Return the Payload attached to the current active bucket for |test|.\nAlways returns a payload so the client doesn't crash on a malformed\ntest definition.\n\n@param testName test name\n@return pay load attached to the current active bucket\n@deprecated Use {@link #getPayload(String, Bucket)} instead",
"Given a list of store definitions, find out and return a map of similar\nstore definitions + count of them\n\n@param storeDefs All store definitions\n@return Map of a unique store definition + counts",
"Calculates the distance between two points\n\n@return distance between two points",
"Use this API to add gslbservice resources.",
"Used to apply or update the watermark for the item.\n@param itemUrl url template for the item.\n@param imprint the value must be \"default\", as custom watermarks is not yet supported.\n@return the watermark associated with the item.",
"Convenience method dispatches this object to the source appender, which\nwill result in the custom message being appended to the new file.\n\n@param message\nThe custom logging message to be appended.",
"If status is in failed state then throw CloudException.",
"Apply a filter to the list of all tasks, and show the results.\n\n@param project project file\n@param filter filter"
] |
public static <T> Class<T> loadClass(String className, ResourceLoader resourceLoader) {
try {
return cast(resourceLoader.classForName(className));
} catch (ResourceLoadingException e) {
return null;
} catch (SecurityException e) {
return null;
} | [
"Tries to load a class using the specified ResourceLoader. Returns null if the class is not found.\n@param className\n@param resourceLoader\n@return the loaded class or null if the given class cannot be loaded"
] | [
"Returns the raw class of the given type.",
"Returns the expected name of a workspace for a given suffix\n@param suffix\n@return",
"get the setter method corresponding to given property",
"Minimize the function starting at the given initial point.",
"change server state between OFFLINE_SERVER and NORMAL_SERVER\n\n@param setToOffline True if set to OFFLINE_SERVER",
"Increases the internal array's length by the specified amount. Previous values are preserved.\nThe length value is not modified since this does not change the 'meaning' of the array, just\nincreases the amount of data which can be stored in it.\n\nthis.data = new data_type[ data.length + amount ]\n\n\n@param amount Number of elements added to the internal array's length",
"Retrieve an enterprise field value.\n\n@param index field index\n@return field value",
"Convert a collection of objects to a JSON array with the string representations of that objects.\n@param collection the collection of objects.\n@return the JSON array with the string representations.",
"Core implementation of matchPath. It is isolated so that it can be called\nfrom TokenizedPattern."
] |
public ByteArray readBytes(int size) throws IOException
byte[] data = new byte[size];
return new ByteArray(data);
} | [
"Read an array of bytes of a specified size.\n\n@param size number of bytes to read\n@return ByteArray instance"
] | [
"Inserts the provided document. If the document is missing an identifier, the client should\ngenerate one.\n\n@param document the document to insert\n@return a task containing the result of the insert one operation",
"Read custom property definitions for resources.\n\n@param gpResources GanttProject resources",
"Parses the given Reader for PmdRuleSets.\n\n@return The extracted PmdRuleSet - empty in case of problems, never null.",
"Gets information about a trashed file.\n@param fileID the ID of the trashed file.\n@return info about the trashed file.",
"This method is called to format a date. It will return the null text\nif a null value is supplied.\n\n@param value date value\n@return formatted date value",
"Determines how many primary partitions each node within each zone should\nhave. The list of integers returned per zone is the same length as the\nnumber of nodes in that zone.\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster\n@param targetPartitionsPerZone\n@return A map of zoneId to list of target number of partitions per node\nwithin zone.",
"Called by implementation class once websocket connection established\nat networking layer.\n@param context the websocket context",
"Find the style filter that must be applied to this feature.\n\n@param feature\nfeature to find the style for\n@param styles\nstyle filters to select from\n@return a style filter",
"Sets the header of the collection component."
] |
public static base_response delete(nitro_service client, String network) throws Exception {
route6 deleteresource = new route6();
deleteresource.network = network;
return deleteresource.delete_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to delete route6 of given name."
] | [
"Prints the results of the equation to standard out. Useful for debugging",
"Opens the favorite dialog.\n\n@param explorer the explorer instance (null if not currently in explorer)",
"Get an SQL condition to match this address section representation\n\n@param builder\n@param columnName\n@return the condition",
"Returns a list of bindings where provided queue is the destination.\n\n@param vhost vhost of the exchange\n@param queue destination queue name\n@return list of bindings",
"Finds the next valid line of words in the stream and extracts them.\n\n@return List of valid words on the line. null if the end of the file has been reached.\n@throws java.io.IOException",
"Retrieve the default mapping between MPXJ resource fields and Primavera resource field names.\n\n@return mapping",
"allow extension only for testing",
"Determine if the buffer, when expressed as text, matches a fingerprint regular expression.\n\n@param buffer bytes from file\n@param fingerprint fingerprint regular expression\n@return true if the file matches the fingerprint",
"Creates the main component of the editor with all sub-components.\n@return the completely filled main component of the editor.\n@throws IOException thrown if setting the table's content data source fails.\n@throws CmsException thrown if setting the table's content data source fails."
] |
public ListActiveCoursesInAccountOptions searchTerm(String searchTerm) {
if(searchTerm == null || searchTerm.length() < 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Search term must be at least 3 characters");
addSingleItem("search_term", searchTerm);
return this;
} | [
"Filter on a search term. Can be course name, code or full ID. Must be at least 3 characters\n@param searchTerm Search term to filter by\n@return This object to allow adding more options"
] | [
"Checks that sequence-name is only used with autoincrement='ojb'\n\n@param fieldDef The field descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the constraint has been violated",
"Use this API to sync gslbconfig.",
"Lift a Java Func1 to a Scala Function1\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function",
"This function returns the first external IP address encountered\n\n@return IP address or null\n@throws Exception",
"Parses a code block with no parentheses and no commas. After it is done there should be a single token left,\nwhich is returned.",
"Set the host running the Odo instance to configure\n\n@param hostName name of host",
"Gets the file from which boot operations should be parsed.\n@return the file. Will not be {@code null}",
"Use this API to rename a gslbservice resource.",
"Use this API to change responderhtmlpage."
] |
protected void onDataChanged() {
int currentAngle = 0;
int index = 0;
int size = mPieData.size();
for (PieModel model : mPieData) {
int endAngle = (int) (currentAngle + model.getValue() * 360.f / mTotalValue);
if(index == size-1) {
endAngle = 360;
currentAngle = model.getEndAngle();
} | [
"Should be called after new data is inserted. Will be automatically called, when the view dimensions\nhas changed.\n\nCalculates the start- and end-angles for every PieSlice."
] | [
"Returns the value for a given key from the database properties.\n\n@param key the property key\n\n@return the string value for a given key",
"If the Authtoken was already created in a separate program but not saved to file.\n\n@param authToken\n@param tokenSecret\n@param username\n@return\n@throws IOException",
"From the set of classes a new set is built containing all indexed\nsubclasses, but removing then all subtypes of indexed entities.\n\n@param selection\n\n@return a new set of entities",
"Publish finish events for each of the specified query labels\n\n<pre>\n{@code\nLabelledEvents.start(\"get\", 1l, bus, \"typeA\", \"custom\");\ntry {\nreturn \"ok\";\n} finally {\nRequestEvents.finish(\"get\", 1l, bus, \"typeA\", \"custom\");\n}\n\n}\n</pre>\n\n\n@param query Completed query\n@param correlationId Identifier\n@param bus EventBus to post events to\n@param labels Query types to post to event bus",
"Use this API to save cachecontentgroup resources.",
"Creates the event for endpoint with specific type.\n\n@param endpoint the endpoint\n@param type the type\n@return the event",
"Fancy print without a space added to positive numbers",
"Unregister all servlets registered by this exporter.",
"Encode a long into a byte array at an offset\n\n@param ba Byte array\n@param offset Offset\n@param v Long value\n@return byte array given in input"
] |
private void checkAndAddForbiddenStrings(final List<String> forbiddenSubStrings) {
for( String forbidden : forbiddenSubStrings ) {
if( forbidden == null ) {
throw new NullPointerException("forbidden substring should not be null");
} | [
"Adds each forbidden substring, checking that it's not null.\n\n@param forbiddenSubStrings\nthe forbidden substrings\n@throws NullPointerException\nif a forbidden substring is null"
] | [
"Gets the pathClasses.\nA Map containing hints about what Class to be used for what path segment\nIf local instance not set, try parent Criteria's instance. If this is\nthe top-level Criteria, try the m_query's instance\n@return Returns a Map",
"Helper method for variance calculations.\n@return The sum of the squares of the differences between\neach value and the arithmetic mean.\n@throws EmptyDataSetException If the data set is empty.",
"Finds all providers for the given service.\n\n@param serviceName\nThe fully qualified name of the service interface.\n@return\nThe ordered set of providers for the service if any exists.\nOtherwise, it returns an empty list.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if serviceName is <tt>null</tt>",
"Parses the buffer into body content\n@param in ByteBuffer to parse\n@return a ByteBuffer with the parsed body content. Buffer in may not be depleted. If more data is\nneeded, null is returned. In the case of content complete, an empty ByteBuffer is returned.\n@throws BaseExceptions.ParserException",
"resumed a given deployment\n\n@param deployment The deployment to resume",
"Logs the current user out.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Sets the stream for a resource.\nThis function allows you to provide a stream that is already open to\nan existing resource. It will throw an exception if that resource\nalready has an open stream.\n@param s InputStream currently open stream to use for I/O.",
"Read remarks from a Gantt Designer file.\n\n@param gantt Gantt Designer file",
"Reset the internal state of this object back to what it originally was.\n\nUsed then reloading a server or in a slave host controller following a post-boot reconnect\nto the master."
] |
public static <T> T splitEachLine(CharSequence self, CharSequence regex, @ClosureParams(value=FromString.class,options="List<String>") Closure<T> closure) throws IOException {
return splitEachLine(self, Pattern.compile(regex.toString()), closure);
} | [
"Iterates through the given CharSequence line by line, splitting each line using\nthe given regex delimiter. The list of tokens for each line is then passed to\nthe given closure.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param regex the delimiting regular expression\n@param closure a closure\n@return the last value returned by the closure\n@throws java.io.IOException if an error occurs\n@throws java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException if the regular expression's syntax is invalid\n@see #splitEachLine(CharSequence, java.util.regex.Pattern, groovy.lang.Closure)\n@since 1.8.2"
] | [
"Give next index i where i and i+timelag is valid",
"Lift a Java Func3 to a Scala Function3\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function",
"Retrieve the default number of minutes per year.\n\n@return minutes per year",
"Look at the comments on cluster variable to see why this is problematic",
"Queues up a callback to be removed and invoked on the next change event.",
"Find the scheme to use to connect to the service.\nUses java annotations first and if not found, uses kubernetes annotations on the service object.\n\n@param service\nThe target service.\n@param qualifiers\nThe set of qualifiers.\n\n@return Returns the resolved scheme of 'http' as a fallback.",
"This method removes all RTF formatting from a given piece of text.\n\n@param text Text from which the RTF formatting is to be removed.\n@return Plain text",
"Adds a module to the modules that should be exported.\nIf called at least once, the explicitly added modules will be exported\ninstead of the default modules.\n\n@param moduleName the name of the module to export.",
"Removes all children"
] |
public static void checkVectorAddition() {
DoubleMatrix x = new DoubleMatrix(3, 1, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
DoubleMatrix y = new DoubleMatrix(3, 1, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0);
DoubleMatrix z = new DoubleMatrix(3, 1, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0);
check("checking vector addition", x.add(y).equals(z));
} | [
"Check whether vector addition works. This is pure Java code and should work."
] | [
"Evaluate the criteria and return a boolean result.\n\n@param container field container\n@param promptValues responses to prompts\n@return boolean flag",
"This is the code that needs to be executed before either eye is drawn.\n\n@return Current time, from {@link GVRTime#getCurrentTime()}",
"Check whether the patch can be applied to a given target.\n\n@param condition the conditions\n@param target the target\n@throws PatchingException",
"Rename with retry.\n\n@param from\n@param to\n@return <tt>true</tt> if the file was successfully renamed.",
"Get the diff between any two valid revisions.\n\n@param from revision from\n@param to revision to\n@param pathPattern target path pattern\n@return the map of changes mapped by path\n@throws StorageException if {@code from} or {@code to} does not exist.",
"Create the navigation frame.\n@param outputDirectory The target directory for the generated file(s).",
"Sets the target hosts from line by line text.\n\n@param sourcePath\nthe source path\n@param sourceType\nthe source type\n@return the parallel task builder\n@throws TargetHostsLoadException\nthe target hosts load exception",
"Try to get the line number associated with the given member.\n\nThe reflection API does not expose such an info and so we need to analyse the bytecode. Unfortunately, it seems there is no way to get this kind of\ninformation for fields. Moreover, the <code>LineNumberTable</code> attribute is just optional, i.e. the compiler is not required to store this\ninformation at all. See also <a href=\"http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jvms/se8/html/jvms-4.html#jvms-4.1\">Java Virtual Machine Specification</a>\n\nImplementation note: it wouldn't be appropriate to add a bytecode scanning dependency just for this functionality, therefore Apache BCEL included in\nOracle JDK 1.5+ and OpenJDK 1.6+ is used. Other JVMs should not crash as we only use it if it's on the classpath and by means of reflection calls.\n\n@param member\n@param resourceLoader\n@return the line number or 0 if it's not possible to find it",
"set ViewPager scroller to change animation duration when sliding"
] |
HtmlTag attr(String name, String value) {
if (attrs == null) {
attrs = new HashMap<>();
attrs.put(name, value);
return this;
} | [
"Attribute name and value are not escaped or modified in any way.\n\n@param name\n@param value\n@return self"
] | [
"Reads a file and returns the result in a String\n\n@param file File\n@return String\n@throws IOException",
"Used when setting the \"visible\" field in the response. See the \"List Conversations\" docs for details\n@param filters Filter strings to be applied to the visibility of conversations\n@return this to continue building options",
"This looks at the servlet attributes to get the list of response headers to remove while the response object gets created by the servlet",
"Split a module Id to get the module name\n@param moduleId\n@return String",
"Get the present keys of all entries with a given type, checking hereby if assignable.\n\n@param type The attribute type, not null.\n@return all present keys of attributes being assignable to the type, never null.",
"Format the label text.\n\n@param scaleUnit The unit used for the scalebar.\n@param value The scale value.\n@param intervalUnit The scaled unit for the intervals.",
"Return a list of Flickr supported blogging services.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@return List of Services\n@throws FlickrException",
"Returns iterable containing assignments for this single legal hold policy.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable containing assignments for this single legal hold policy.",
"Un-serialize a Json into BuildInfo\n@param buildInfo String\n@return Map<String,String>\n@throws IOException"
] |
public InputStream getStream(String url, RasterLayer layer) throws IOException {
if (layer instanceof ProxyLayerSupport) {
ProxyLayerSupport proxyLayer = (ProxyLayerSupport) layer;
if (proxyLayer.isUseCache() && null != cacheManagerService) {
Object cachedObject = cacheManagerService.get(proxyLayer, CacheCategory.RASTER, url);
if (null != cachedObject) {
return new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) cachedObject);
} else {
InputStream stream = super.getStream(url, proxyLayer);
ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int b;
while ((b = stream.read()) >= 0) {
cacheManagerService.put(proxyLayer, CacheCategory.RASTER, url, os.toByteArray(),
return new ByteArrayInputStream((byte[]) os.toByteArray());
return super.getStream(url, layer);
} | [
"Get the contents from the request URL.\n\n@param url URL to get the response from\n@param layer the raster layer\n@return {@link InputStream} with the content\n@throws IOException cannot get content"
] | [
"Use this API to add gslbsite.",
"get the type erasure signature",
"Check whether the given class is cache-safe in the given context,\ni.e. whether it is loaded by the given ClassLoader or a parent of it.\n@param clazz the class to analyze\n@param classLoader the ClassLoader to potentially cache metadata in",
"Writes this address as a single hexadecimal value with always the exact same number of characters, with or without a preceding 0x prefix.",
"Build a standard-format UDP packet for sending to port 50001 or 50002 in the protocol.\n\n@param type the type of packet to create.\n@param deviceName the 0x14 (twenty) bytes of the device name to send in the packet.\n@param payload the remaining bytes which come after the device name.\n@return the packet to send.",
"This essentially ensures that we only store a single Vertex for each unique \"Set\" of tags.",
"Removes the specified type from the frame.",
"Mark root of this task task group depends on the given TaskItem.\nThis ensure this task group's root get picked for execution only after the completion\nof invocation of provided TaskItem.\n\n@param dependencyTaskItem the task item that this task group depends on\n@return the key of the dependency",
"Unescape and unquote the path. Ready for translation."
] |
protected List<String> getPluginsPath() throws IOException {
List<String> result = new ArrayList<>();
Path pluginsDirectory = PROPERTIES.getAllureHome().resolve("plugins").toAbsolutePath();
if (Files.notExists(pluginsDirectory)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
try (DirectoryStream<Path> plugins = Files.newDirectoryStream(pluginsDirectory, JAR_FILES)) {
for (Path plugin : plugins) {
return result;
} | [
"Returns the plugins classpath elements."
] | [
"Calculates how much of a time range is before or after a\ntarget intersection point.\n\n@param start time range start\n@param end time range end\n@param target target intersection point\n@param after true if time after target required, false for time before\n@return length of time in milliseconds",
"Prints a debug log message that details the time taken for the Http\nrequest to be parsed by the coordinator\n\n@param operationType\n@param receivedTimeInMs",
"Set the degrees of rotation. Value will be set to -1, if not available.\n\n@param rotation",
"Creates an object instance from the Groovy resource\n\n@param resource the Groovy resource to parse\n@return An Object instance",
"Use this API to fetch a appflowglobal_binding resource .",
"Replace the current with a new generated identity object and\nreturns the old one.",
"Generates a License regarding the parameters.\n\n@param name String\n@param longName String\n@param comments String\n@param regexp String\n@param url String\n@return License",
"Schedules the task with a fixed delay period and an initialDelay period. This functions\nlike the normal java Timer.\n@param task\n@param initialDelay\n@param fixedDelay",
"This method allows a resource assignment workgroup fields record\nto be added to the current resource assignment. A maximum of\none of these records can be added to a resource assignment record.\n\n@return ResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields object\n@throws MPXJException if MSP defined limit of 1 is exceeded"
] |
public void set(float val, Layout.Axis axis) {
switch (axis) {
case X:
x = val;
case Y:
y = val;
case Z:
z = val;
throw new RuntimeAssertion("Bad axis specified: %s", axis);
} | [
"Sets axis dimension\n@param val dimension\n@param axis Axis. It might be either {@link Layout.Axis#X X} or\n{@link Layout.Axis#Y Y} or {@link Layout.Axis#Z Z}"
] | [
"Prep for a new connection\n@return if stats are enabled, return the nanoTime when this connection was requested.\n@throws SQLException",
"Array of fieldNames for which counts should be produced\n\n@param countsfields array of the field names\n@return this for additional parameter setting or to query",
"Moves the drawer to the position passed.\n\n@param position The position the content is moved to.\n@param velocity Optional velocity if called by releasing a drag event.\n@param animate Whether the move is animated.",
"Checks if the duration option is valid.\n\nNOTE: This does NOT check, if too many events are specified.\n\n@return a flag, indicating if the duration option is valid.",
"Adds the specified serie column to the dataset with custom label expression.\n\n@param column the serie column\n@param labelExpression column the custom label expression",
"Use this API to update systemuser resources.",
"This method allows a pre-existing resource calendar to be attached to a\nresource.\n\n@param calendar resource calendar",
"Configures a RequestBuilder to send an RPC request.\n\n@param <T> return type for the AsyncCallback\n@param responseReader instance used to read the return value of the\ninvocation\n@param requestData payload that encodes the addressing and arguments of the\nRPC call\n@param callback callback handler\n\n@return a RequestBuilder object that is ready to have its\n{@link RequestBuilder#send()} method invoked.",
"Helper method to retrieve a canonical revision for git commits migrated from SVN. Migrated commits are\ndetected by the presence of 'git-svn-id' in the commit message.\n\n@param revision the commit/revision to inspect\n@param branch the name of the branch it came from\n@return the original SVN revision if it was a migrated commit from the branch specified, otherwise the git revision"
] |
public static int cudnnLRNCrossChannelForward(
cudnnHandle handle,
cudnnLRNDescriptor normDesc,
int lrnMode,
Pointer alpha,
cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc,
Pointer x,
Pointer beta,
cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc,
Pointer y)
return checkResult(cudnnLRNCrossChannelForwardNative(handle, normDesc, lrnMode, alpha, xDesc, x, beta, yDesc, y));
} | [
"LRN cross-channel forward computation. Double parameters cast to tensor data type"
] | [
"Get the element at the index as a json array.\n\n@param i the index of the element to access",
"Get the exception message using the requested locale.\n\n@param locale locale for message\n@return exception message",
"Creates a timestamp from the equivalent long value. This conversion\ntakes account of the time zone and any daylight savings time.\n\n@param timestamp timestamp expressed as a long integer\n@return new Date instance",
"Updates metadata versions on stores.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@param oldStoreDefs List of old store definitions\n@param newStoreDefs List of new store definitions",
"Get upload status for the currently authenticated user.\n\nRequires authentication with 'read' permission using the new authentication API.\n\n@return A User object with upload status data fields filled\n@throws FlickrException",
"Position the child inside the layout based on the offset and axis-s factors\n@param dataIndex data index",
"Iterates over all tokens in current member tag with the name tagName and evaluates the body for every token.\n\n@param template The body of the block tag\n@param attributes The attributes of the template tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"tagName\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The tag name.\"\[email protected] name=\"delimiter\" description=\"delimiter for the StringTokenizer. consult javadoc for\njava.util.StringTokenizer default is ','\"\[email protected] name=\"skip\" description=\"how many tokens to skip on start\"",
"Performs MAC signing of the SMB. This is done as follows.\nThe signature field of the SMB is overwritted with the sequence number;\nThe MD5 digest of the MAC signing key + the entire SMB is taken;\nThe first 8 bytes of this are placed in the signature field.\n\n@param data The data.\n@param offset The starting offset at which the SMB header begins.\n@param length The length of the SMB data starting at offset.",
"Plots the rotated trajectory, spline and support points."
] |
private void appendBetweenCriteria(TableAlias alias, PathInfo pathInfo, BetweenCriteria c, StringBuffer buf)
appendColName(alias, pathInfo, c.isTranslateAttribute(), buf);
appendParameter(c.getValue(), buf);
buf.append(" AND ");
appendParameter(c.getValue2(), buf);
} | [
"Answer the SQL-Clause for a BetweenCriteria\n\n@param alias\n@param pathInfo\n@param c BetweenCriteria\n@param buf"
] | [
"Load the given configuration file.",
"Returns true if the activity is a start milestone.\n\n@param activity Phoenix activity\n@return true if the activity is a milestone",
"Gets Widget bounds width\n@return width",
"Returns the primarykey fields.\n\n@return The field descriptors of the primarykey fields",
"Sets divider padding for axis. If axis does not match the orientation, it has no effect.\n@param padding\n@param axis {@link Axis}",
"Convert a Planner date-time value into a Java date.\n\n20070222T080000Z\n\n@param value Planner date-time\n@return Java Date instance",
"prefix the this class fk columns with the indirection table",
"Executes all event manipulating handler and writes the event with persist\nhandler.\n\n@param events the events",
"Get the size of the painting area required to draw the scalebar with labels.\n\n@param scalebarParams Parameters for the scalebar.\n@param settings Parameters for rendering the scalebar.\n@param maxLabelSize The max. size of the labels."
] |
public int getChunkForKey(byte[] key) throws IllegalStateException {
if(numChunks == 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The ChunkedFileSet is closed.");
switch(storageFormat) {
case READONLY_V0: {
return ReadOnlyUtils.chunk(ByteUtils.md5(key), numChunks);
case READONLY_V1: {
if(nodePartitionIds == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("nodePartitionIds is null.");
List<Integer> routingPartitionList = routingStrategy.getPartitionList(key);
if(routingPartitionList.size() != 1) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The key does not belong on this node.");
return chunkIdToChunkStart.get(routingPartitionList.get(0))
+ ReadOnlyUtils.chunk(ByteUtils.md5(key),
case READONLY_V2: {
List<Integer> routingPartitionList = routingStrategy.getPartitionList(key);
Pair<Integer, Integer> bucket = null;
for(int replicaType = 0; replicaType < routingPartitionList.size(); replicaType++) {
if(nodePartitionIds == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("nodePartitionIds is null.");
if(nodePartitionIds.contains(routingPartitionList.get(replicaType))) {
if(bucket == null) {
bucket = Pair.create(routingPartitionList.get(0), replicaType);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found more than one replica for a given partition on the current node!");
if(bucket == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The key does not belong on this node.");
Integer chunkStart = chunkIdToChunkStart.get(bucket);
if (chunkStart == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("chunkStart is null.");
return chunkStart + ReadOnlyUtils.chunk(ByteUtils.md5(key), chunkIdToNumChunks.get(bucket));
default: {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported storageFormat: " + storageFormat);
} | [
"Given a particular key, first converts its to the storage format and then\ndetermines which chunk it belongs to\n\n@param key Byte array of keys\n@return Chunk id\n@throws IllegalStateException if unable to find the chunk id for the given key"
] | [
"add a FK column pointing to This Class",
"Compress a directory into a zip file\n\n@param dir Directory\n@param zipFile ZIP file to create\n@throws IOException I/O Error",
"Should be called each frame.",
"Submit a operations. Throw a run time exception if the operations is\nalready submitted\n\n@param operation The asynchronous operations to submit\n@param requestId Id of the request",
"Use this API to save nsconfig.",
"Add a value to this activity code.\n\n@param uniqueID value unique ID\n@param name value name\n@param description value description\n@return ActivityCodeValue instance",
"If the file is compressed, handle this so that the stream is ready to read.\n\n@param stream input stream\n@return uncompressed input stream",
"Iterate through a set of bit field flags and set the value for each one\nin the supplied container.\n\n@param flags bit field flags\n@param container field container\n@param data source data",
"Convert an Integer value into a String.\n\n@param value Integer value\n@return String value"
] |
public static float gain(float a, float b) {
float p = (float)Math.log(1.0 - b) / (float)Math.log(0.5);
if (a < .001)
return 0.0f;
else if (a > .999)
return 1.0f;
if (a < 0.5)
return (float)Math.pow(2 * a, p) / 2;
return 1.0f - (float)Math.pow(2 * (1. - a), p) / 2;
float c = (1.0f/b-2.0f) * (1.0f-2.0f*a);
if (a < 0.5)
return a/(c+1.0f);
return (c-a)/(c-1.0f);
} | [
"A variant of the gamma function.\n@param a the number to apply gain to\n@param b the gain parameter. 0.5 means no change, smaller values reduce gain, larger values increase gain.\n@return the output value"
] | [
"Establish a new master tempo, and if it is a change from the existing one, report it to the listeners.\n\n@param newTempo the newly reported master tempo.",
"Determines the number bytes required to store a variable length\n\n@param i length of Bytes\n@return number of bytes needed",
"Fires an event on an element using its identification.\n\n@param eventable The eventable.\n@return true if it is able to fire the event successfully on the element.\n@throws InterruptedException when interrupted during the wait.",
"Returns the error correction codewords for the specified data codewords.\n\n@param codewords the codewords that we need error correction codewords for\n@param ecclen the number of error correction codewords needed\n@return the error correction codewords for the specified data codewords",
"Creates a REST client used to perform Voldemort operations against the\nCoordinator\n\n@param storeName Name of the store to perform the operations on\n@param resolver Custom resolver as specified by the application\n@return",
"Handle exceptions thrown by the storage. Exceptions specific to DELETE go\nhere. Pass other exceptions to the parent class.\n\nTODO REST-Server Add a new exception for this condition - server busy\nwith pending requests. queue is full",
"Sets the bytecode compatibility mode\n\n@param version the bytecode compatibility mode",
"Write the text to the File, using the specified encoding.\n\n@param file a File\n@param text the text to write to the File\n@param charset the charset used\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.0",
"Returns the simplified name of the type of the specified object."
] |
public static String getDateCreatedTimeRangeFilterQuery(String searchField, long startTime, long endTime) {
String sStartTime = null;
String sEndTime = null;
// Convert startTime to ISO 8601 format
if ((startTime > Long.MIN_VALUE) && (startTime < Long.MAX_VALUE)) {
sStartTime = CmsSearchUtil.getDateAsIso8601(new Date(startTime));
// Convert endTime to ISO 8601 format
if ((endTime > Long.MIN_VALUE) && (endTime < Long.MAX_VALUE)) {
sEndTime = CmsSearchUtil.getDateAsIso8601(new Date(endTime));
// Build Solr range string
final String rangeString = CmsSearchUtil.getSolrRangeString(sStartTime, sEndTime);
// Build Solr filter string
return String.format("%s:%s", searchField, rangeString);
} | [
"Returns a time interval as Solr compatible query string.\n@param searchField the field to search for.\n@param startTime the lower limit of the interval.\n@param endTime the upper limit of the interval.\n@return Solr compatible query string."
] | [
"Executes the query and returns the factory found, if there is only one factory.\nIf multiple factories match the query, one is selected.\n\n@param query the factory query, not null.\n@return the factory found, or null.",
"Adds an HTTP header to this request.\n@param key the header key.\n@param value the header value.",
"Obtain all groups\n\n@return All Groups",
"Update the server group's name\n\n@param serverGroupId ID of server group\n@param name new name of server group\n@return updated ServerGroup",
"Sets the offset for the animation.\n\n@param startOffset animation will start at the specified offset value\n\n@return {@code this}, so you can chain setProperty() calls.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nIf {@code startOffset} is either negative or greater than\nthe animation duration",
"those could be incorporated with above, but that would blurry everything.",
"Indicates that contextual session bean instance has been constructed.",
"Token Info\nReturns the Token Information\n@return ApiResponse<TokenInfoSuccessResponse>\n@throws ApiException If fail to call the API, e.g. server error or cannot deserialize the response body",
"get the type erasure signature"
] |
public void removeAccessory(HomekitAccessory accessory) {
logger.info("Removed accessory " + accessory.getLabel());
if (started) {
} | [
"Removes an accessory from being handled or advertised by this root. Any existing Homekit\nconnections will be terminated to allow the clients to reconnect and see the updated accessory\nlist.\n\n@param accessory accessory to cease advertising and handling"
] | [
"Read all configuration files.\n@return the list with all available configurations",
"Remove a variable in the top variables layer.",
"Get the original image URL.\n\n@return The original image URL",
"Un-serialize a Json into BuildInfo\n@param buildInfo String\n@return Map<String,String>\n@throws IOException",
"convert filename to clean filename",
"Set a knot color.\n@param n the knot index\n@param color the color",
"Sets the Red, Green, and Blue color variables. This will automatically populate the Hue, Saturation and Brightness and Hexadecimal fields, too.\n\nThe RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue light are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors. The name of the model comes from the initials of the three additive primary colors, red, green, and blue.\n@param red strength - valid range is 0-255\n@param green strength - valid range is 0-255\n@param blue strength - valid range is 0-255\n@throws java.lang.Exception Exception if the Red, Green or Blue variables are out of range.",
"Use this API to fetch sslciphersuite resource of given name .",
"Retrieves the amount of time represented by a calendar exception\nbefore or after an intersection point.\n\n@param exception calendar exception\n@param date intersection time\n@param after true to report time after intersection, false to report time before\n@return length of time in milliseconds"
] |
private String getDurationString(Duration value)
String result = null;
if (value != null)
double seconds = 0;
switch (value.getUnits())
seconds = value.getDuration() * 60;
case HOURS:
seconds = value.getDuration() * (60 * 60);
case DAYS:
double minutesPerDay = m_projectFile.getProjectProperties().getMinutesPerDay().doubleValue();
seconds = value.getDuration() * (minutesPerDay * 60);
seconds = value.getDuration() * (24 * 60 * 60);
case WEEKS:
double minutesPerWeek = m_projectFile.getProjectProperties().getMinutesPerWeek().doubleValue();
seconds = value.getDuration() * (minutesPerWeek * 60);
seconds = value.getDuration() * (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
case MONTHS:
double minutesPerDay = m_projectFile.getProjectProperties().getMinutesPerDay().doubleValue();
double daysPerMonth = m_projectFile.getProjectProperties().getDaysPerMonth().doubleValue();
seconds = value.getDuration() * (daysPerMonth * minutesPerDay * 60);
seconds = value.getDuration() * (30 * 24 * 60 * 60);
case YEARS:
double minutesPerDay = m_projectFile.getProjectProperties().getMinutesPerDay().doubleValue();
double daysPerMonth = m_projectFile.getProjectProperties().getDaysPerMonth().doubleValue();
seconds = value.getDuration() * (12 * daysPerMonth * minutesPerDay * 60);
seconds = value.getDuration() * (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);
result = Long.toString((long) seconds);
return (result);
} | [
"Converts an MPXJ Duration instance into the string representation\nof a Planner duration.\n\nPlanner represents durations as a number of seconds in its\nfile format, however it displays durations as days and hours,\nand seems to assume that a working day is 8 hours.\n\n@param value string representation of a duration\n@return Duration instance"
] | [
"Checks if a given number is in the range of a float.\n\n@param number\na number which should be in the range of a float (positive or negative)\n\n@see java.lang.Float#MIN_VALUE\n@see java.lang.Float#MAX_VALUE\n\n@return number as a float",
"Returns true if the string is a valid Java full qualified class name.\n\n@param str the string to be examined\n@return true if str is a valid Java Fqcn",
"Deletes an object from the database.\nIt must be executed in the context of an open transaction.\nIf the object is not persistent, then ObjectNotPersistent is thrown.\nIf the transaction in which this method is executed commits,\nthen the object is removed from the database.\nIf the transaction aborts,\nthen the deletePersistent operation is considered not to have been executed,\nand the target object is again in the database.\n@param\tobject\tThe object to delete.",
"Set the values using the specified Properties object\n\n@param properties Properties object containing specific property values\nfor the Coordinator config",
"Process encoded payload.\n\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.",
"Use this API to rename a responderpolicy resource.",
"Get a scalar value for the DOM diversity using the Robust Tree Edit Distance\n\n@param dom1\n@param dom2\n@return",
"Prepare a parallel HTTP GET Task.\n\n@param url\nthe UrlPostfix: e.g. in http://localhost:8080/index.html.,the url is \"/index.html\"\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Create dummy groups for each concatenated report, and in the footer of\neach group adds the subreport."
] |
public void setDividerPadding(float padding, final Axis axis) {
if (axis == getOrientationAxis()) {
super.setDividerPadding(padding, axis);
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "Cannot apply divider padding for wrong axis [%s], orientation = %s",
axis, getOrientation());
} | [
"Sets divider padding for axis. If axis does not match the orientation, it has no effect.\n@param padding\n@param axis {@link Axis}"
] | [
"and class as property",
"Commit all written data to the physical disk\n\n@throws IOException any io exception",
"Set the model used by the left table.\n\n@param model table model",
"Get a collection of recent photos.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.Extras\n@param extras\nSet of extra-fields\n@param perPage\nThe number of photos per page\n@param page\nThe page offset\n@return A collection of Photo objects\n@throws FlickrException",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of cmppolicylabel_stats resource of given name .",
"Checks the existence of the directory. If it does not exist, the method creates it.\n\n@param dir the directory to check.\n@throws IOException if fails.",
"Scans a path on the filesystem for resources inside the given classpath location.\n\n@param location The system-independent location on the classpath.\n@param locationUri The system-specific physical location URI.\n@return a sorted set containing all the resources inside the given location\n@throws IOException if an error accessing the filesystem happens",
"Convert any number class to array of integer.\n\n@param <T> Type.\n@param array Array.\n@return Integer array.",
"Enables or disables sound.\nWhen sound is disabled, nothing is played but the\naudio sources remain intact.\n@param flag true to enable sound, false to disable."
] |
public static void acceptsPartition(OptionParser parser) {
parser.acceptsAll(Arrays.asList(OPT_P, OPT_PARTITION), "partition id list")
} | [
"Adds OPT_P | OPT_PARTITION option to OptionParser, with multiple\narguments.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional"
] | [
"Non-blocking call that will throw any Exceptions in the traditional\nmanner on access\n\n@param key\n@param value\n@return",
"Used for DI frameworks to inject values into stages.",
"Answer the TableAlias for aPath or aUserAlias\n@param aPath\n@param aUserAlias\n@param hintClasses\n@return TableAlias, null if none",
"Find out which field in the incoming message contains the payload that is.\ndelivered to the service method.",
"Checks to see if a handler is disabled\n\n@param handlerName the name of the handler to enable.",
"Optionally specify the variable name to use for the output of this condition",
"Called when app's singleton registry has been initialized",
"Validate an injection point\n\n@param ij the injection point to validate\n@param beanManager the bean manager",
"Promotes this version of the file to be the latest version."
] |
public final void notifyFooterItemRangeChanged(int positionStart, int itemCount) {
if (positionStart < 0 || itemCount < 0 || positionStart + itemCount > footerItemCount) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The given range [" + positionStart + " - "
+ (positionStart + itemCount - 1) + "] is not within the position bounds for footer items [0 - "
+ (footerItemCount - 1) + "].");
notifyItemRangeChanged(positionStart + headerItemCount + contentItemCount, itemCount);
} | [
"Notifies that multiple footer items are changed.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count."
] | [
"Deletes a template.\n\n@param id id of the template to delete.\n@return {@link Response}\n\n@throws RequestException if request to transloadit server fails.\n@throws LocalOperationException if something goes wrong while running non-http operations.",
"A specific, existing task can be updated by making a PUT request on the\nURL for that task. Only the fields provided in the `data` block will be\nupdated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.\n\nWhen using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish\nto change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since\nyou last retrieved the task.\n\nReturns the complete updated task record.\n\n@param task The task to update.\n@return Request object",
"Handle the given response, return the deserialized object when the response is successful.\n\n@param <T> Type\n@param response Response\n@param returnType Return type\n@throws ApiException If the response has a unsuccessful status code or\nfail to deserialize the response body\n@return Type",
"Wait for exclusive permit during a timeout in milliseconds.\n\n@return number of acquired permits if > 0",
"Returns the accrued interest of the bond for a given time.\n\n@param time The time of interest as double.\n@param model The model under which the product is valued.\n@return The accrued interest.",
"Read all child tasks for a given parent.\n\n@param parentTask parent task",
"User-initiated commands use this method.\n\n@param command The CLI command\n@return A Response object containing the command line, DMR request, and DMR response\n@throws CommandFormatException\n@throws IOException",
"Log a warning for the given operation at the provided address for the given attribute, using the provided detail\nmessage.\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param operation where which problem occurred\n@param message custom error message to append\n@param attribute attribute we that has problem",
"Get the label distance..\n\n@param settings Parameters for rendering the scalebar."
] |
public static dospolicy[] get_filtered(nitro_service service, filtervalue[] filter) throws Exception{
dospolicy obj = new dospolicy();
options option = new options();
dospolicy[] response = (dospolicy[]) obj.getfiltered(service, option);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of dospolicy resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object."
] | [
"Transforms the configuration.\n\n@throws Exception if something goes wrong",
"Tries to load a property file with the specified name.\n\n@param localizedName the name\n@return the resource bundle if it was loaded, otherwise the backup",
"Gets all of the column names for a result meta data\n\n@param rsmd Resultset metadata\n@return Array of column names\n@throws Exception exception",
"Insert a value into the right bucket of the histogram. If the value is\nlarger than any bound, insert into the last bucket. If the value is less\nthan zero, then ignore it.\n\n@param data The value to insert into the histogram",
"Updates this BoxJSONObject using the information in a JSON object.\n@param jsonObject the JSON object containing updated information.",
"Call the onQueryExecuteTimeLimitExceeded hook if necessary\n@param sql sql statement that took too long\n@param queryStartTime time when query was started.",
"Gets the node meta data.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@return the node meta data value for this key",
"Use this API to clear nssimpleacl.",
"Get the Upper triangular factor.\n\n@return U."
] |
public static systemcore get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
systemcore obj = new systemcore();
systemcore[] response = (systemcore[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response[0];
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the systemcore resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"2-D Double array to integer array.\n\n@param array Double array.\n@return Integer array.",
"Builds a instance of the class for a map containing the values, without specifying the handler for differences\n\n@param clazz The class to build instance\n@param values The values map\n@return The instance\n@throws InstantiationException Error instantiating\n@throws IllegalAccessException Access error\n@throws IntrospectionException Introspection error\n@throws IllegalArgumentException Argument invalid\n@throws InvocationTargetException Invalid target",
"Serialize a parameterized object to an OutputStream.\n\n@param object The object to serialize.\n@param parameterizedType The ParameterizedType describing the object. Ex: LoganSquare.serialize(object, new ParameterizedType<MyModel<OtherModel>>() { }, os);\n@param os The OutputStream being written to.",
"Vend a SessionVar with the default value",
"Processes the template for all class definitions.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"",
"Seeks forward or backwards to a particular holiday based on the current date\n\n@param holidayString The holiday to seek to\n@param direction The direction to seek\n@param seekAmount The number of years to seek",
"Set the names of six images in the zip file. The default names of the six\nimages are \"posx.png\", \"negx.png\", \"posy.png\", \"negx.png\", \"posz.png\",\nand \"negz.png\". If the names of the six images in the zip file are\ndifferent to the default ones, this function must be called before load\nthe zip file.\n\n@param nameArray\nAn array containing six strings which are names of images\ncorresponding to +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, and -z faces of the cube\nmap texture respectively.",
"Set the position of the pick ray.\nThis function is used internally to update the\npick ray with the new controller position.\n@param x the x value of the position.\n@param y the y value of the position.\n@param z the z value of the position.",
"Use this API to Force hafailover."
] |
protected String getDBManipulationUrl()
JdbcConnectionDescriptor jcd = getConnection();
return jcd.getProtocol()+":"+jcd.getSubProtocol()+":"+jcd.getDbAlias();
} | [
"Template-and-Hook method for generating the url required by the jdbc driver\nto allow for modifying an existing database."
] | [
"Add the set with given bundles to the \"Export-Package\" main attribute.\n\n@param exportedPackages The set of all packages to add.",
"Whether or not points are within some threshold.\n@param point1 Point 1\n@param point2 Point 2\n@return True or false",
"Deletes data associated with the given profile ID\n\n@param profileId ID of profile",
"Edit which photos are in the photoset.\n\n@param photosetId\nThe photoset ID\n@param primaryPhotoId\nThe primary photo Id\n@param photoIds\nThe photo IDs for the photos in the set\n@throws FlickrException",
"Returns the precedence of the specified operator. Non-operator's will\nreceive -1 or a GroovyBugError, depending on your preference.",
"Round the size of a rectangle with double values.\n\n@param rectangle The rectangle.\n@return",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationvserver_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Gets the node meta data.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@return the node meta data value for this key",
"Converts assignment duration values from minutes to hours.\n\n@param list assignment data"
] |
public static boolean hasPermission(Permission permission) {
SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
if (security != null) {
try {
} catch (java.security.AccessControlException e) {
return false;
return true;
} | [
"Determines whether the specified permission is permitted.\n\n@param permission\n@return <tt>false<tt> if the specified permission is not permitted, based on the current security policy; <tt>true<tt> otherwise"
] | [
"Log a trace message.",
"Pops resource requests off the queue until queue is empty or an unexpired\nresource request is found. Invokes .handleTimeout on all expired resource\nrequests popped off the queue.\n\n@return null or a valid ResourceRequest",
"Add a value to this activity code.\n\n@param uniqueID value unique ID\n@param name value name\n@param description value description\n@return ActivityCodeValue instance",
"Print a day.\n\n@param day Day instance\n@return day value",
"Gets a property with a default value.\n@param key\nThe key string.\n@param defaultValue\nThe default value.\n@return The property string.",
"Transform the root bone of the pose by the given matrix.\n@param trans matrix to transform the pose by.",
"Adds a criterion to given pipeline which filters out vertices representing given WindupVertexFrame.",
"Apply all attributes on the given context.\n\n@param context the context to be applied, not null.\n@param overwriteDuplicates flag, if existing entries should be overwritten.\n@return this Builder, for chaining",
"generates a Meta Object Protocol method, that is used to call a non public\nmethod, or to make a call to super.\n\n@param mopCalls list of methods a mop call method should be generated for\n@param useThis true if \"this\" should be used for the naming"
] |
public void setCapture(boolean capture, float fps) {
capturing = capture;
NativeTextureCapturer.setCapture(getNative(), capture, fps);
} | [
"Starts or stops capturing.\n\n@param capture If true, capturing is started. If false, it is stopped.\n@param fps Capturing FPS (frames per second)."
] | [
"Invoked by subclasses; performs actual file roll. Tests to see whether roll\nis necessary have already been performed, so just do it.",
"1-D Forward Discrete Hartley Transform.\n\n@param data Data.",
"Use this API to add spilloverpolicy.",
"Converts a date to an instance date bean.\n@return the instance date bean.",
"Try to get a system property for obsolete keys. The value is automatically converted - a runtime exception may be thrown during conversion.\n\n@return all the properties whose system property keys were different in previous versions",
"Internal method used to locate an remove an item from a list Relations.\n\n@param relationList list of Relation instances\n@param targetTask target relationship task\n@param type target relationship type\n@param lag target relationship lag\n@return true if a relationship was removed",
"Returns the response error stream, handling the case when it contains gzipped data.\n@return gzip decoded (if needed) error stream or null",
"This is more expensive.\n\n@param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested.\n@return <tt>true</tt> if this map contains a mapping for the specified\nkey.",
"The parameter 'project' is not used at the moment, but will be used once schema and plugin support lands."
] |
protected Class<?> getPropertyClass(ClassMetadata meta, String propertyName) throws HibernateLayerException {
// try to assure the correct separator is used
propertyName = propertyName.replace(XPATH_SEPARATOR, SEPARATOR);
if (propertyName.contains(SEPARATOR)) {
String directProperty = propertyName.substring(0, propertyName.indexOf(SEPARATOR));
try {
Type prop = meta.getPropertyType(directProperty);
if (prop.isCollectionType()) {
CollectionType coll = (CollectionType) prop;
prop = coll.getElementType((SessionFactoryImplementor) sessionFactory);
ClassMetadata propMeta = sessionFactory.getClassMetadata(prop.getReturnedClass());
return getPropertyClass(propMeta, propertyName.substring(propertyName.indexOf(SEPARATOR) + 1));
} catch (HibernateException e) {
throw new HibernateLayerException(e, ExceptionCode.HIBERNATE_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE, propertyName,
} else {
try {
return meta.getPropertyType(propertyName).getReturnedClass();
} catch (HibernateException e) {
throw new HibernateLayerException(e, ExceptionCode.HIBERNATE_COULD_NOT_RESOLVE, propertyName,
} | [
"Return the class of one of the properties of another class from which the Hibernate metadata is given.\n\n@param meta\nThe parent class to search a property in.\n@param propertyName\nThe name of the property in the parent class (provided by meta)\n@return Returns the class of the property in question.\n@throws HibernateLayerException\nThrows an exception if the property name could not be retrieved."
] | [
"Use this API to delete appfwjsoncontenttype resources of given names.",
"Returns a list ordered from the highest priority to the lowest.",
"Create a Count-Query for ReportQueryByCriteria",
"Helper method that creates a Velocity context and initialises it\nwith a reference to the ReportNG utils, report metadata and localised messages.\n@return An initialised Velocity context.",
"Get FieldDescriptor from Reference",
"Stops the scavenger.",
"Obtains a local date in Coptic calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Coptic era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Coptic local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code CopticEra}",
"Log a byte array.\n\n@param label label text\n@param data byte array",
"Determine the color of the waveform given an index into it.\n\n@param segment the index of the first waveform byte to examine\n@param front if {@code true} the front (brighter) segment of a color waveform preview is returned,\notherwise the back (dimmer) segment is returned. Has no effect for blue previews.\n\n@return the color of the waveform at that segment, which may be based on an average\nof a number of values starting there, determined by the scale"
] |
Subsets and Splits