stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
public static auditmessages[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
auditmessages obj = new auditmessages();
auditmessages[] response = (auditmessages[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the auditmessages resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Use this API to add clusterinstance resources.",
"Utility method used to round a double to the given precision.\n\n@param value value to truncate\n@param precision Number of decimals to round to.\n@return double value",
"Get a list of topics from a group.\n\n@param groupId\nUnique identifier of a group returns a list of topics for a given group {@link Group}.\n@param perPage\nNumber of records per page.\n@param page\nResult-section.\n@return A group topic list\n@throws FlickrException\n@see <a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.groups.discuss.topics.getList.html\">API Documentation</a>",
"Detach the component of the specified type from this scene object.\n\nEach scene object has a list of components. Only one component\nof a particular type can be attached. Components are detached based on their type.\n\n@return GVRComponent detached or null if component not found\n@param type type of component to detach\n@see GVRSceneObject#attachComponent(GVRComponent)",
"Lift a Java Func3 to a Scala Function3\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function",
"Restores a trashed file back to its original location.\n@param fileID the ID of the trashed file.\n@return info about the restored file.",
"Use this API to update dospolicy resources.",
"Performs any needed operation on subreports after they are built like ensuring proper subreport with\nif \"fitToParentPrintableArea\" flag is set to true\n\n@param dr\n@param _parameters\n@throws JRException",
"Get the DMR path for this node. For leaves, the DMR path is the path of its parent.\n@return The DMR path for this node."
] |
public static sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding[] get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding obj = new sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding();
sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding response[] = (sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch sslpolicy_lbvserver_binding resources of given name ."
] | [
"Tries to load the custom error page at the given rootPath.\n@param cms {@link CmsObject} used for reading the resource (site root and uri get adjusted!)\n@param req the current request\n@param res the current response\n@param rootPath the VFS root path to the error page resource\n@return a flag, indicating if the error page could be loaded",
"Static factory method.\n\n@param targetVariable\nthe variable to find the effective {@code putfield} or\n{@code putstatic} instruction for.\n@param controlFlowBlocks\nall control flow blocks of an initialising constructor or\nmethod.\n@return a new instance of this class.",
"Returns the current version info for a provided remote document.\n@param remoteDocument the remote BSON document from which to extract version info\n@return a DocumentVersionInfo",
"Handles the response of the SendData request.\n@param incomingMessage the response message to process.",
"Checks whether this notification is from CleverTap.\n\n@param extras The payload from the GCM intent\n@return See {@link NotificationInfo}",
"Returns s if it's at most maxWidth chars, otherwise chops right side to fit.",
"Entry point for this example\nUses HDFS ToolRunner to wrap processing of\n\n@param args Command-line arguments for HDFS example",
"Emit an event object with parameters.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the event object\nclass given the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nIf there is no parameter passed in, i.e. `args.length == 0`, then it will\nalso invoke all the {@link ActEventListener} bound to the event class.\n\nFor example, suppose we have the following Event defined:\n\n```java\npublic class UserActivityEvent extends ActEvent<User> {\npublic UserActivityEvent(User user) {super(user);}\n}\n```\n\nAnd we have the following event handler defined:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void logUserLogin(UserActivityEvent event, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object... args) {...}\n\n{@literal @}OnEvent\npublic void foo(UserActivityEvent event) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` and `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(new UserActivityEvent(user), System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `foo(UserActivityEvent)` will not invoked because:\n\n* The parameter list `(UserActivityEvent, long)` does not match the declared\nargument list `(UserActivityEvent)`. Here the `String` in the parameter\nlist is taken out because it is used to indicate the event, instead of being\npassing through to the event handler method.\n* The method `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(UserActivityEvent, Object ...)` will\nbe invoked because it declares a varargs typed arguments, meaning it matches\nany parameters passed in.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener",
"Returns the configuration value with the specified name."
] |
public final int getInt(final String key) {
Integer result = optInt(key);
if (result == null) {
throw new ObjectMissingException(this, key);
return result;
} | [
"Get a property as an int or throw an exception.\n\n@param key the property name"
] | [
"Read data for an individual task.\n\n@param row task data from database\n@param task Task instance",
"Search for a publisher of the given type in a project and return it, or null if it is not found.\n\n@return The publisher",
"Write notes.\n\n@param recordNumber record number\n@param text note text\n@throws IOException",
"Get the domain controller data from the given byte buffer.\n\n@param buffer the byte buffer\n@return the domain controller data\n@throws Exception",
"Returns the latest change events for a given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to get events for.\n@return the latest change events for a given namespace.",
"2-D Gaussian function.\n\n@param x value.\n@param y value.\n@return Function's value at point (x,y).",
"Parse rate.\n\n@param value rate value\n@return Rate instance",
"Adds and returns a document with a new version to the given document.\n\n@param document the document to attach a new version to.\n@param newVersion the version to attach to the document\n@return a document with a new version to the given document.",
"Drop down item view\n\n@param position position of item\n@param convertView View of item\n@param parent parent view of item's view\n@return covertView"
] |
public Set<RGBColor> colours() {
return stream().map(Pixel::toColor).collect(Collectors.toSet());
} | [
"Returns a set of the distinct colours used in this image.\n\n@return the set of distinct Colors"
] | [
"For given field name get the actual hint message",
"Use this API to fetch all the appfwjsoncontenttype resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Searches the model for all variable assignments and makes a default map of those variables, setting them to \"\"\n\n@return the default variable assignment map",
"Parses whole value as list attribute\n@deprecated in favour of using {@link AttributeParser attribute parser}\n@param value String with \",\" separated string elements\n@param operation operation to with this list elements are added\n@param reader xml reader from where reading is be done\n@throws XMLStreamException if {@code value} is not valid",
"Return cached object by key. The key will be concatenated with\ncurrent session id when fetching the cached object\n\n@param key\n@param <T>\nthe object type\n@return the cached object",
"Set dates where the event should not take place, even if they are part of the series.\n@param dates dates to set.",
"Use this API to add systemuser resources.",
"Use this API to fetch autoscalepolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"Return an artifact regarding its gavc\n\n@param gavc String\n@return DbArtifact"
] |
public Date getNextWorkStart(Date date)
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
return cal.getTime();
} | [
"Utility method to retrieve the next working date start time, given\na date and time as a starting point.\n\n@param date date and time start point\n@return date and time of next work start"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch nspbr6 resource of given name .",
"Retrieves the time at which work finishes on the given date, or returns\nnull if this is a non-working day.\n\n@param date Date instance\n@return finish time, or null for non-working day",
"Ask the specified player for the album art in the specified slot with the specified rekordbox ID,\nusing cached media instead if it is available, and possibly giving up if we are in passive mode.\n\n@param artReference uniquely identifies the desired album art\n@param trackType the kind of track that owns the art\n@param failIfPassive will prevent the request from taking place if we are in passive mode, so that automatic\nartwork updates will use available caches only\n\n@return the album art found, if any",
"Used by FreeStyle Maven jobs only",
"Add all sub-classes using multiple joined tables feature for specified class.\n@param result The list to add results.\n@param cld The {@link ClassDescriptor} of the class to search for sub-classes.\n@param wholeTree If set <em>true</em>, the whole sub-class tree of the specified\nclass will be returned. If <em>false</em> only the direct sub-classes of the specified class\nwill be returned.",
"Create a SVG graphic with the give dimensions.\n\n@param size The size of the SVG graphic.",
"You can register styles object for later reference them directly. Parent\nstyles should be registered this way\n\n@param style\n@return\n@throws DJBuilderException",
"Start the initialization.\n\n@param id\n@param manager\n@param bootstrap\n@return the initialized Weld container",
"Use this API to fetch all the ci resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
private void populateResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields(Record record, ResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields workgroup) throws MPXJException
workgroup.setConfirmed(NumberHelper.getInt(record.getInteger(1)) == 1);
workgroup.setResponsePending(NumberHelper.getInt(record.getInteger(1)) == 1);
} | [
"Populate a resource assignment workgroup instance.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param workgroup workgroup instance\n@throws MPXJException"
] | [
"Calculate the Hamming distance between two hashes\n\n@param h1\n@param h2\n@return",
"Gets the favorite entry for a given row.\n\n@param row the widget used to display the favorite\n@return the favorite entry for the widget",
"Generates an expression from a variable\n@param var The variable from which to generate the expression\n@return A expression that represents the given variable",
"Update the installed identity using the modified state from the modification.\n\n@param name the identity name\n@param modification the modification\n@param state the installation state\n@return the installed identity",
"returns a sorted array of nested classes and interfaces",
"OJB can handle only classes that declare at least one primary key attribute,\nthis method checks this condition.\n\n@param realObject The real object to check\n@throws ClassNotPersistenceCapableException thrown if no primary key is specified for the objects class",
"Performs a standard QR decomposition on the specified submatrix that is one block wide.\n\n@param blockLength\n@param Y\n@param gamma",
"Detects if the current device is a Nintendo game device.\n@return detection of Nintendo",
"Checks if the provided license is valid and could be stored into the database\n\n@param license the license to test\n@throws WebApplicationException if the data is corrupted"
] |
public ClassicCounter<K2> setCounter(K1 o, Counter<K2> c) {
ClassicCounter<K2> old = getCounter(o);
total -= old.totalCount();
if (c instanceof ClassicCounter) {
map.put(o, (ClassicCounter<K2>) c);
} else {
map.put(o, new ClassicCounter<K2>(c));
total += c.totalCount();
return old;
} | [
"replace the counter for K1-index o by new counter c"
] | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of sslcertkey resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"changes an existing property with the same name, or adds a new one\n@param key property name with which the specified value is to be\nassociated\n@param value value to be associated with the specified property name\n@return the previous value associated with property name, or null if\nthere was no mapping for property name. (A null return can also\nindicate that the map previously associated null with key.)",
"Answers the ClassDescriptor referenced by 'super' ReferenceDescriptor.\n@return ClassDescriptor or null",
"Write calendar exceptions.\n\n@param records list of ProjectCalendars\n@throws IOException",
"Get the class name without the package\n\n@param c The class name with package\n@return the class name without the package",
"Set the \"everyWorkingDay\" flag.\n@param isEveryWorkingDay flag, indicating if the event should take place every working day.",
"Executes the sequence of operations",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all appfwprofile_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Resizes an image to the specified height, changing width in the same proportion\n@param originalImage Image in memory\n@param heightOut The height to resize\n@return New Image in memory"
] |
public void setVolume(float volume)
// Save this in case this audio source is not being played yet
mVolume = volume;
if (isPlaying() && (getSourceId() != GvrAudioEngine.INVALID_ID))
// This will actually work only if the sound file is being played
mAudioListener.getAudioEngine().setSoundVolume(getSourceId(), getVolume());
} | [
"Changes the volume of an existing sound.\n@param volume volume value. Should range from 0 (mute) to 1 (max)"
] | [
"Remove the listener active in this session.\n\n@param listenerId the id of the listener to remove",
"Pads the given String to the left with the given character to ensure that\nit's at least totalChars long.",
"Given a parameter, builds a new parameter for which the known generics placeholders are resolved.\n@param genericFromReceiver resolved generics from the receiver of the message\n@param placeholdersFromContext, resolved generics from the method context\n@param methodParameter the method parameter for which we want to resolve generic types\n@param paramType the (unresolved) type of the method parameter\n@return a new parameter with the same name and type as the original one, but with resolved generic types",
"Wrap CallableStatement with a proxy.\n@param target statement handle\n@param connectionHandle originating bonecp connection\n@return Proxy to a Callablestatement.",
"Set the enum representing the type of this column.\n\n@param tableType type of table to which this column belongs",
"Constructs a full capability name from a static base name and a dynamic element.\n\n@param baseName the base name. Cannot be {@code null}\n@param dynamicNameElement the dynamic portion of the name. Cannot be {@code null}\n@return the full capability name. Will not return {@code null}",
"Populates a ProjectCalendarWeek instance from Asta work pattern data.\n\n@param week target ProjectCalendarWeek instance\n@param workPatternID target work pattern ID\n@param workPatternMap work pattern data\n@param timeEntryMap time entry map\n@param exceptionTypeMap exception type map",
"Find container env.\n\n@param ctx the container context\n@param dump the exception dump\n@return valid container or null",
"Records the list of backedup files into a text file\n\n@param filesInEnv\n@param backupDir"
] |
public static double StdDev( int[] values, double mean ){
double stddev = 0;
double diff;
int hits;
int total = 0;
// for all values
for ( int i = 0, n = values.length; i < n; i++ )
hits = values[i];
diff = (double) i - mean;
// accumulate std.dev.
stddev += diff * diff * hits;
// accumalate total
total += hits;
return ( total == 0 ) ? 0 : Math.sqrt( stddev / (total - 1) );
} | [
"Calculate standart deviation.\n@param values Values.\n@param mean Mean.\n@return Standart deviation."
] | [
"Sets the value to a default.",
"check if MessageID exists in the message, if not, only generate new MessageID for outbound message.\n@param message",
"Parses the comma delimited address into model nodes.\n\n@param profileName the profile name for the domain or {@code null} if not a domain\n@param inputAddress the address.\n\n@return a collection of the address nodes.",
"Register a new DropPasteWorkerInterface.\n@param worker The new worker",
"Add an extension to the set of extensions.\n\n@param extension an extension",
"Returns the undo collection representing the given namespace for recording documents that\nmay need to be reverted after a system failure.\n\n@param namespace the namespace referring to the undo collection.\n@return the undo collection representing the given namespace for recording documents that\nmay need to be reverted after a system failure.",
"Convert a Java date into a Planner date.\n\n20070222\n\n@param value Java Date instance\n@return Planner date",
"Runs a query that returns a single int.",
"Parse priority.\n\n\n@param priority priority value\n@return Priority instance"
] |
public final int toChars(int[] src, int srcOff, int srcLen, char[] dest, int destOff) {
if (srcLen < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("srcLen must be >= 0");
int written = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < srcLen; ++i) {
written += Character.toChars(src[srcOff + i], dest, destOff + written);
return written;
} | [
"Converts a sequence of unicode code points to a sequence of Java characters.\n\n@return the number of chars written to the destination buffer"
] | [
"If there is an unprocessed change event for a particular document ID, fetch it from the\nchange stream listener, and remove it. By reading the event here, we are assuming it will be\nprocessed by the consumer.\n\n@return the latest unprocessed change event for the given document ID, or null if none exists.",
"Extracts the version id from a string\n\n@param versionDir The string\n@return Returns the version id of the directory, else -1",
"Registers your facet filters, adding them to this InstantSearch's widgets.\n\n@param filters a List of facet filters.",
"Sets the time to wait when close connection watch threads are enabled. 0 = wait forever.\n@param closeConnectionWatchTimeout the watchTimeout to set\n@param timeUnit Time granularity",
"add converter at given index. The index can be changed during conversion\nif canReorder is true\n\n@param index\n@param converter",
"Returns the value of the indicated property of the current object on the specified level.\n\n@param level The level\n@param name The name of the property\n@return The property value",
"Returns the accrued interest of the bond for a given time.\n\n@param time The time of interest as double.\n@param model The model under which the product is valued.\n@return The accrued interest.",
"Convert a given date to a floating point date using a given reference date.\n\n@param referenceDate The reference date associated with \\( t=0 \\).\n@param date The given date to be associated with the return value \\( T \\).\n@return The value T measuring the distance of reference date and date by ACT/365 with SECONDS_PER_DAY seconds used as the smallest time unit and SECONDS_PER_DAY is a constant 365*24*60*60.",
"Obtain the name of the caller, most likely a user but could also be a remote process.\n\n@return The name of the caller."
] |
public AnnotationVisitor visitLocalVariableAnnotation(int typeRef,
TypePath typePath, Label[] start, Label[] end, int[] index,
String desc, boolean visible) {
if (mv != null) {
return mv.visitLocalVariableAnnotation(typeRef, typePath, start,
end, index, desc, visible);
return null;
} | [
"Visits an annotation on a local variable type.\n\n@param typeRef\na reference to the annotated type. The sort of this type\nreference must be {@link TypeReference#LOCAL_VARIABLE\nLOCAL_VARIABLE} or {@link TypeReference#RESOURCE_VARIABLE\nRESOURCE_VARIABLE}. See {@link TypeReference}.\n@param typePath\nthe path to the annotated type argument, wildcard bound, array\nelement type, or static inner type within 'typeRef'. May be\n<tt>null</tt> if the annotation targets 'typeRef' as a whole.\n@param start\nthe fist instructions corresponding to the continuous ranges\nthat make the scope of this local variable (inclusive).\n@param end\nthe last instructions corresponding to the continuous ranges\nthat make the scope of this local variable (exclusive). This\narray must have the same size as the 'start' array.\n@param index\nthe local variable's index in each range. This array must have\nthe same size as the 'start' array.\n@param desc\nthe class descriptor of the annotation class.\n@param visible\n<tt>true</tt> if the annotation is visible at runtime.\n@return a visitor to visit the annotation values, or <tt>null</tt> if\nthis visitor is not interested in visiting this annotation."
] | [
"Send JSON representation of given data object to all connections tagged with all give tag labels\n@param data the data object\n@param labels the tag labels",
"Make sure that the Identity objects of garbage collected cached\nobjects are removed too.",
"Make a string with the shader layout for a uniform block\nwith a given descriptor. The format of the descriptor is\nthe same as for a @{link GVRShaderData} - a string of\ntypes and names of each field.\n<p>\nThis function will return a Vulkan shader layout if the\nVulkan renderer is being used. Otherwise, it returns\nan OpenGL layout.\n@param descriptor string with types and names of each field\n@param blockName name of uniform block\n@param useUBO true to output uniform buffer layout, false for push constants\n@return string with shader declaration",
"associate the batched Children with their owner object loop over children",
"Callback from the worker when it terminates",
"Returns an attribute's list value from a non-main section of this JAR's manifest.\nThe attributes string value will be split on whitespace into the returned list.\nThe returned list may be safely modified.\n\n@param section the manifest's section\n@param name the attribute's name",
"Runs a Story with the given configuration and steps, applying the given\nmeta filter.\n\n@param configuration the Configuration used to run story\n@param candidateSteps the List of CandidateSteps containing the candidate\nsteps methods\n@param story the Story to run\n@param filter the Filter to apply to the story Meta\n@throws Throwable if failures occurred and FailureStrategy dictates it to\nbe re-thrown.",
"Notifies that an existing footer item is moved to another position.\n\n@param fromPosition the original position.\n@param toPosition the new position.",
"Prepare all tasks.\n\n@param entry the patch entry\n@param context the patch context\n@param tasks a list for prepared tasks\n@param conflicts a list for conflicting content items\n@throws PatchingException"
] |
protected final MapfishMapContext getLayerTransformer(final MapfishMapContext transformer) {
MapfishMapContext layerTransformer = transformer;
if (!FloatingPointUtil.equals(transformer.getRotation(), 0.0) && !this.supportsNativeRotation()) {
// if a rotation is set and the rotation can not be handled natively
// by the layer, we have to adjust the bounds and map size
layerTransformer = new MapfishMapContext(
return layerTransformer;
} | [
"If the layer transformer has not been prepared yet, do it.\n\n@param transformer the transformer"
] | [
"Get the server redirects belonging to a server group\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@param serverGroupId ID of server group\n@return Collection of ServerRedirect for a server group",
"Analyzes the source code of an interface. The specified interface must not contain methods, that changes the\nstate of the corresponding object itself.\n\n@param code\nsource code of an interface which describes how to generate the <i>immutable</i>\n@return analysis result",
"Verifies a provided signature.\n\n@param key\nfor which signature key\n@param actualAlgorithm\ncurrent signature algorithm\n@param actualSignature\ncurrent signature\n@param webHookPayload\nfor signing\n@param deliveryTimestamp\nfor signing\n@return true if verification passed",
"Invokes the observer method immediately passing the event.\n\n@param event The event to notify observer with",
"Print a a basic type t",
"Use this API to fetch dnstxtrec resource of given name .",
"To store an object in a quick & dirty way.",
"Converts a list of dates to a Json array with the long representation of the dates as strings.\n@param individualDates the list to convert.\n@return Json array with long values of dates as string",
"Creates a new immutable set that consists of given elements.\n\n@param elements the given elements\n@return a new immutable set that consists of given elements"
] |
public boolean isDuplicateName(String name) {
if (name == null || name.trim().isEmpty()) {
return false;
List<AssignmentRow> as = view.getAssignmentRows();
if (as != null && !as.isEmpty()) {
int nameCount = 0;
for (AssignmentRow row : as) {
if (name.trim().compareTo(row.getName()) == 0) {
if (nameCount > 1) {
return true;
return false;
} | [
"Tests whether a Row name occurs more than once in the list of rows\n@param name\n@return"
] | [
"Return an input stream to read the data from the named table.\n\n@param name table name\n@return InputStream instance\n@throws IOException",
"Inserts a marshalled endpoint reference to a given DOM tree rooted by parent.\n@param wsAddr\n@param parent\n@throws ServiceLocatorException",
"Creates the .story file necessary for every Beast Test Case.\n\n@param scenarioName\n- The name of the scenario, with spaces\n@param srcTestRootFolder\n- The test root folder\n@param packagePath\n- The package of the BeastTestCase\n@param scenarioDescription\n- the scenario name\n@param givenDescription\n- The given description\n@param whenDescription\n- The when description\n@param thenDescription\n- The then description\n@throws BeastException",
"Output the SQL type for a Java String.",
"Parse an extended attribute date value.\n\n@param value string representation\n@return date value",
"Get the JSON representation of the metadata field filter.\n@return the JSON object representing the filter.",
"Generates a HashMap used to store expanded state for items in the list\non configuration change or whenever onResume is called.\n\n@return A HashMap containing the expanded state of all parents",
"Get all parameter keys.\n@return a set of parameter keys",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslcertkey resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public static appfwlearningsettings[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
appfwlearningsettings obj = new appfwlearningsettings();
appfwlearningsettings[] response = (appfwlearningsettings[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the appfwlearningsettings resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Check, if the resource should be exported with minimal meta-data.\nThis holds for resources that are not part of the export, but must be\nexported as super-folders.\n\n@param path export-site relative path of the resource to check.\n\n@return flag, indicating if the resource should be exported with minimal meta data.",
"Retrieve the var data key for a specific field.\n\n@param type field type\n@return var data key",
"Adds a child to this node and sets this node as its parent node.\n\n@param node The node to add.",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of servicegroup_stats resource of given name .",
"Use this API to add spilloverpolicy.",
"Use this API to enable clusterinstance resources of given names.",
"Checks the given field descriptor.\n\n@param fieldDef The field descriptor\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated",
"Adds, eventually merging, a direction for the specified relation type\n@param relationType\n@param direction",
"Output the SQL type for the default value for the type."
] |
private static boolean validateLocalFileRecord(FileChannel channel, long startLocRecord, long compressedSize) throws IOException {
ByteBuffer lfhBuffer = getByteBuffer(LOCLEN);
read(lfhBuffer, channel, startLocRecord);
if (lfhBuffer.limit() < LOCLEN || getUnsignedInt(lfhBuffer, 0) != LOCSIG) {
return false;
if (compressedSize == -1) {
// We can't further evaluate
return true;
int fnLen = getUnsignedShort(lfhBuffer, LOC_FILENAMELEN);
int extFieldLen = getUnsignedShort(lfhBuffer, LOC_EXTFLDLEN);
long nextSigPos = startLocRecord + LOCLEN + compressedSize + fnLen + extFieldLen;
read(lfhBuffer, channel, nextSigPos);
long header = getUnsignedInt(lfhBuffer, 0);
return header == LOCSIG || header == EXTSIG || header == CENSIG;
} | [
"Checks that the data starting at startLocRecord looks like a local file record header.\n\n@param channel the channel\n@param startLocRecord offset into channel of the start of the local record\n@param compressedSize expected compressed size of the file, or -1 to indicate this isn't known"
] | [
"Performs a null edit on a property. This has some effects on Wikibase,\nsuch as refreshing the labels of the referred items in the UI.\n\n@param propertyId\nthe document to perform a null edit on\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are any IO errors, such as missing network connection",
"Generate the next available field for a user defined field.\n\n@param <E> field type class\n@param clazz class of the desired field enum\n@param type user defined field type.\n@return field of specified type",
"Read calendar data from a PEP file.",
"Sets the scale value in pixel per map unit.\n\n@param pixelPerUnit\nthe scale value (pix/map unit)",
"Default implementation returns unmodified original Query\n\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.accesslayer.QueryCustomizer#customizeQuery",
"Gets the time warp.\n\n@return the time warp",
"Get a value as a string.\n\n@param key the key for looking up the value.\n@param type the type of the object\n@param <V> the type",
"Updates event definitions for all throwing events.\n@param def Definitions",
"Synchronize the required files to a slave HC from the master DC if this is required.\n@param fileRepository the HostFileRepository of the HC.\n@param contentRepository the ContentRepository of the HC.\n@param backup inidcates if this is a DC backup HC.\n@param oldHash the hash of the deployment to be replaced.\n@return true if the content should be pulled by the slave HC - false otherwise."
] |
void writeBestRankTriples() {
for (Resource resource : this.rankBuffer.getBestRankedStatements()) {
try {
RdfWriter.RDF_TYPE, RdfWriter.WB_BEST_RANK.toString());
} catch (RDFHandlerException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e);
} | [
"Writes triples to determine the statements with the highest rank."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch auditsyslogpolicy_aaauser_binding resources of given name .",
"Examines the list of variables for any unknown variables and throws an exception if one is found",
"Adds a tag to the resource.\n@param key the key for the tag\n@param value the value for the tag\n@return the next stage of the definition/update",
"Get the bounding-box containing all features of all layers.",
"An internal method, public only so that GVRContext can make cross-package\ncalls.\n\nA synchronous (blocking) wrapper around\n{@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory#decodeStream(InputStream)\nBitmapFactory.decodeStream} that uses an\n{@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory.Options} <code>inTempStorage</code>\ndecode buffer. On low memory, returns half (quarter, eighth, ...) size\nimages.\n<p>\nIf {@code stream} is a {@link FileInputStream} and is at offset 0 (zero),\nuses\n{@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory#decodeFileDescriptor(FileDescriptor)\nBitmapFactory.decodeFileDescriptor()} instead of\n{@link android.graphics.BitmapFactory#decodeStream(InputStream)\nBitmapFactory.decodeStream()}.\n\n@param stream\nBitmap stream\n@param closeStream\nIf {@code true}, closes {@code stream}\n@return Bitmap, or null if cannot be decoded into a bitmap",
"Use this API to add snmpmanager resources.",
"Parses int value and returns the provided default if the value can't be parsed.\n@param value the int to parse.\n@param defaultValue the default value.\n@return the parsed int, or the default value if parsing fails.",
"Mbeans for FETCH_ENTRIES",
"Add a 'IS NULL' clause so the column must be null. '=' NULL does not work."
] |
static int createDeliverable(String path, String originalFileName, String fileFamily, Integer jobId, DbConn cnx)
QueryResult qr = cnx.runUpdate("deliverable_insert", fileFamily, path, jobId, originalFileName, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
return qr.getGeneratedId();
} | [
"Create a Deliverable inside the database that will track a file created by a JobInstance Must be called from inside a transaction\n\n@param path\nFilePath (relative to a root directory - cf. Node)\n@param originalFileName\nFileName\n@param fileFamily\nFile family (may be null). E.g.: \"daily report\"\n@param jobId\nJob Instance ID\n@param cnx\nthe DbConn to use."
] | [
"Reads data sets from a passed reader.\n\n@param reader\ndata sets source\n@param recover\nmax number of errors reading process will try to recover from.\nSet to 0 to fail immediately\n@throws IOException\nif reader can't read underlying stream\n@throws InvalidDataSetException\nif invalid/undefined data set is encountered",
"Use this API to unset the properties of nsrpcnode resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Returns the list of store defs as a map\n\n@param storeDefs\n@return",
"Finish initialization of state object.\n\n@param geoService geo service\n@param converterService converter service\n@throws GeomajasException oops",
"Request a scoped transactional token.\n@param accessToken application access token.\n@param scope scope of transactional token.\n@return a BoxAPIConnection which can be used to perform transactional requests.",
"Gets an expiring URL for downloading a file directly from Box. This can be user,\nfor example, for sending as a redirect to a browser to cause the browser\nto download the file directly from Box.\n\n@return the temporary download URL",
"Cancel request and workers.",
"judge a->b is ordered clockwise\n\n@param center\n@param a\n@param b\n@return",
"Default settings set type loader to ClasspathTypeLoader if not set before."
] |
public static lbmonitor_binding get(nitro_service service, String monitorname) throws Exception{
lbmonitor_binding obj = new lbmonitor_binding();
lbmonitor_binding response = (lbmonitor_binding) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch lbmonitor_binding resource of given name ."
] | [
"Sets the polling status.\n\n@param status the polling status.\n@param statusCode the HTTP status code\n@throws IllegalArgumentException thrown if status is null.",
"Send a master handoff yield response to all registered listeners.\n\n@param fromPlayer the device number that is responding to our request that it yield the tempo master role to us\n@param yielded will be {@code true} if we should now be the tempo master",
"Generate the next combination and return an array containing\nthe appropriate elements.\n@see #nextCombinationAsArray(Object[])\n@see #nextCombinationAsList()\n@return An array containing the elements that make up the next combination.",
"Sets the occurence.\n\n@param min the min\n@param max the max\n@throws ParseException the parse exception",
"Creates a slice for directly a raw memory address. This is\ninherently unsafe as it may be used to access arbitrary memory.\n\n@param address the raw memory address base\n@param size the size of the slice\n@return the unsafe slice",
"Perform the given work with a Jedis connection from the given pool.\n\n@param pool the resource pool\n@param work the work to perform\n@param <V> the result type\n@return the result of the given work\n@throws Exception if something went wrong",
"Called by spring on initialization.",
"Acquire the shared lock, with a max wait timeout to acquire.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@param timeout - the timeout scalar quantity.\n@param unit - see {@code TimeUnit} for quantities.\n@return {@code boolean} true on successful acquire.\n@throws InterruptedException - if the acquiring thread was interrupted.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code permit} is null.",
"Read one collection element from the current row of the JDBC result set\n\n@param optionalOwner the collection owner\n@param optionalKey the collection key\n@param persister the collection persister\n@param descriptor the collection aliases\n@param rs the result set\n@param session the session\n@throws HibernateException if an error occurs\n@throws SQLException if an error occurs during the query execution"
] |
public static base_response update(nitro_service client, sslcertkey resource) throws Exception {
sslcertkey updateresource = new sslcertkey();
updateresource.certkey = resource.certkey;
updateresource.expirymonitor = resource.expirymonitor;
updateresource.notificationperiod = resource.notificationperiod;
return updateresource.update_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to update sslcertkey."
] | [
"Use this API to fetch sslcipher resource of given name .",
"Generates a schedule based on some meta data. The schedule generation\nconsiders short periods.\n\n@param referenceDate The date which is used in the schedule to internally convert dates to doubles, i.e., the date where t=0.\n@param startDate The start date of the first period.\n@param frequency The frequency.\n@param maturity The end date of the last period.\n@param daycountConvention The daycount convention.\n@param shortPeriodConvention If short period exists, have it first or last.\n@param dateRollConvention Adjustment to be applied to the all dates.\n@param businessdayCalendar Businessday calendar (holiday calendar) to be used for date roll adjustment.\n@param fixingOffsetDays Number of business days to be added to period start to get the fixing date.\n@param paymentOffsetDays Number of business days to be added to period end to get the payment date.\n@return The corresponding schedule\n@deprecated Will be removed in version 2.3",
"Find the latest task finish date. We treat this as the\nfinish date for the project.\n\n@return finish date",
"Creates a new deployment for the URL. The target server will require access to the URL.\n\n@param url the URL representing the content\n\n@return the deployment",
"Extracts the value of this bit flag from the supplied byte array\nand sets the value in the supplied container.\n\n@param container container\n@param data byte array",
"Picks out a File from `thriftFiles` corresponding to a given artifact ID\nand file name. Returns null if `artifactId` and `fileName` do not map to a\nthrift file path.\n\n@parameter artifactId The artifact ID of which to look up the path\n@parameter fileName the name of the thrift file for which to extract a path\n@parameter thriftFiles The set of Thrift files in which to lookup the\nartifact ID.\n@return The path of the directory containing Thrift files for the given\nartifact ID. null if artifact ID not found.",
"Make a WMS getLayer request and return the image read from the server.\n\n@param wmsLayerParam the wms request parameters\n@param commonURI the uri to use for the requests (excepting parameters of course.)\n@param imageSize the size of the image to request\n@param dpi the dpi of the image to request\n@param angle the angle of the image to request\n@param bounds the area and projection of the request on the world.",
"Count the total number of queued resource requests for all queues. The\nresult is \"approximate\" in the face of concurrency since individual\nqueues can change size during the aggregate count.\n\n@return The (approximate) aggregate count of queued resource requests.",
"Return true if the DeclarationExpression represents a 'final' variable declaration.\n\nNOTE: THIS IS A WORKAROUND.\n\nThere does not seem to be an easy way to determine whether the 'final' modifier has been\nspecified for a variable declaration. Return true if the 'final' is present before the variable name."
] |
private Map<StandardMethod, UnderrideLevel> findUnderriddenMethods(
Iterable<ExecutableElement> methods) {
Map<StandardMethod, ExecutableElement> standardMethods = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (ExecutableElement method : methods) {
Optional<StandardMethod> standardMethod = maybeStandardMethod(method);
if (standardMethod.isPresent() && isUnderride(method)) {
standardMethods.put(standardMethod.get(), method);
if (standardMethods.containsKey(StandardMethod.EQUALS)
!= standardMethods.containsKey(StandardMethod.HASH_CODE)) {
ExecutableElement underriddenMethod = standardMethods.containsKey(StandardMethod.EQUALS)
? standardMethods.get(StandardMethod.EQUALS)
: standardMethods.get(StandardMethod.HASH_CODE);
"hashCode and equals must be implemented together on FreeBuilder types",
ImmutableMap.Builder<StandardMethod, UnderrideLevel> result = ImmutableMap.builder();
for (StandardMethod standardMethod : standardMethods.keySet()) {
if (standardMethods.get(standardMethod).getModifiers().contains(Modifier.FINAL)) {
result.put(standardMethod, UnderrideLevel.FINAL);
} else {
result.put(standardMethod, UnderrideLevel.OVERRIDEABLE);
return result.build();
} | [
"Find any standard methods the user has 'underridden' in their type."
] | [
"Encodes the given URI fragment with the given encoding.\n@param fragment the fragment to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded fragment\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"Add all sub-classes using multiple joined tables feature for specified class.\n@param result The list to add results.\n@param cld The {@link ClassDescriptor} of the class to search for sub-classes.\n@param wholeTree If set <em>true</em>, the whole sub-class tree of the specified\nclass will be returned. If <em>false</em> only the direct sub-classes of the specified class\nwill be returned.",
"Get the raw data bytes of the device update packet.\n\n@return the data sent by the device to update its status",
"Tokenizes lookup fields and returns all matching buckets in the\nindex.",
"Returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set.\nThe elements are considered to be ordered from the lowest to the highest score.\nLexicographical order is used for elements with equal score.\nBoth start and stop are zero-based inclusive indexes. They can also be negative numbers indicating offsets from\nthe end of the sorted set, with -1 being the last element of the sorted set.\n@param start\n@param end\n@return the range of elements",
"Determines the offset code of a forward contract from a schedule. Rounds the average period length to full months.\n\n@param schedule The schedule.\n@return The offset code as String",
"Returns a flag, indicating if search should be performed using a wildcard if the empty query is given.\n@return A flag, indicating if search should be performed using a wildcard if the empty query is given.",
"Adds a procedure argument definition to this class descriptor.\n\n@param argDef The procedure argument definition",
"This is pretty ugly. We end up mimicking the request logic here, so this\nneeds to stay in sync with handleRequest."
] |
private CmsFavInfo createFavInfo(CmsFavoriteEntry entry) throws CmsException {
String title = "";
String subtitle = "";
CmsFavInfo result = new CmsFavInfo(entry);
CmsObject cms = A_CmsUI.getCmsObject();
String project = getProject(cms, entry);
String site = getSite(cms, entry);
try {
CmsUUID idToLoad = entry.getDetailId() != null ? entry.getDetailId() : entry.getStructureId();
CmsResource resource = cms.readResource(idToLoad, CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION.addRequireVisible());
CmsResourceUtil resutil = new CmsResourceUtil(cms, resource);
switch (entry.getType()) {
case explorerFolder:
title = CmsStringUtil.isEmpty(resutil.getTitle())
? CmsResource.getName(resource.getRootPath())
: resutil.getTitle();
case page:
title = resutil.getTitle();
subtitle = resource.getRootPath();
CmsResourceIcon icon = result.getResourceIcon();
icon.initContent(resutil, CmsResource.STATE_UNCHANGED, false, false);
} catch (CmsException e) {
LOG.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
return result;
} | [
"Creates a favorite widget for a favorite entry.\n\n@param entry the favorite entry\n@return the favorite widget\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong"
] | [
"Checks if the selected template context is \"templatemapper\".\n\n@param request the current request\n@return true if the selected template context is \"templatemapper\"",
"Simple info message for status\n\n@param tag Message to print out at start of info message",
"Read all task relationships from a GanttProject.\n\n@param gpProject GanttProject project",
"Performs a null edit on an entity. This has some effects on Wikibase,\nsuch as refreshing the labels of the referred items in the UI.\n\n@param currentDocument\nthe document to perform a null edit on\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are any IO errors, such as missing network connection",
"Add a date with a certain check state.\n@param date the date to add.\n@param checkState the check state.",
"Returns timezone offset from a session instance. The offset is\nin minutes to UTC time\n\n@param session\nthe session instance\n@return the offset to UTC time in minutes",
"Initialize current thread's JobContext using specified copy\n@param origin the original job context",
"Factory method to create EnumStringConverter\n\n@param <E>\nenum type inferred from enumType parameter\n@param enumType\nparticular enum class\n@return instance of EnumConverter",
"Given a status update from a CDJ, find the metadata for the track that it has loaded, if any. If there is\nan appropriate metadata cache, will use that, otherwise makes a query to the players dbserver.\n\n@param status the CDJ status update that will be used to determine the loaded track and ask the appropriate\nplayer for metadata about it\n\n@return the metadata that was obtained, if any"
] |
public static void handleDomainOperationResponseStreams(final OperationContext context,
final ModelNode responseNode,
final List<OperationResponse.StreamEntry> streams) {
if (responseNode.hasDefined(RESPONSE_HEADERS)) {
ModelNode responseHeaders = responseNode.get(RESPONSE_HEADERS);
// Strip out any stream header as the header created by this process is what counts
if (responseHeaders.asInt() == 0) {
for (OperationResponse.StreamEntry streamEntry : streams) {
context.attachResultStream(streamEntry.getUUID(), streamEntry.getMimeType(), streamEntry.getStream());
} | [
"Deal with streams attached to an operation response from a proxied domain process.\n\n@param context the context of the operation\n@param responseNode the DMR response from the proxied process\n@param streams the streams associated with the response"
] | [
"Deletes all of the Directories in root that match the FileFilter\n\n@param root\n@param filter",
"Transmits the SerialMessage to a single Z-Wave Node.\nSets the transmission options as well.\n@param serialMessage the Serial message to send.",
"Infer the type of and create a new output variable using the results from the right side of the equation.\nIf the type is already known just return that.",
"Registers the parameter for the value formatter for the given variable and puts\nit's implementation in the parameters map.\n@param djVariable\n@param variableName",
"Get the upload parameters.\n@return",
"Sets the value for the API's \"sitefilter\" parameter based on the current\nsettings.\n\n@param properties\ncurrent setting of parameters",
"Records the result of updating a server.\n\n@param server the id of the server. Cannot be <code>null</code>\n@param response the result of the updates",
"Optionally specify the variable name to use for the output of this condition",
"Register capabilities associated with this resource.\n\n<p>Classes that overrides this method <em>MUST</em> call {@code super.registerCapabilities(resourceRegistration)}.</p>\n\n@param resourceRegistration a {@link ManagementResourceRegistration} created from this definition"
] |
private void beforeBatch(BatchBackend backend) {
if ( this.purgeAtStart ) {
// purgeAll for affected entities
IndexedTypeSet targetedTypes = searchFactoryImplementor.getIndexedTypesPolymorphic( rootIndexedTypes );
for ( IndexedTypeIdentifier type : targetedTypes ) {
// needs do be in-sync work to make sure we wait for the end of it.
backend.doWorkInSync( new PurgeAllLuceneWork( tenantId, type ) );
if ( this.optimizeAfterPurge ) {
backend.optimize( targetedTypes );
} | [
"Optional operations to do before the multiple-threads start indexing\n\n@param backend"
] | [
"Returns a BoxStoragePolicyAssignment information.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param resolvedForType the assigned entity type for the storage policy.\n@param resolvedForID the assigned entity id for the storage policy.\n@return information about this {@link BoxStoragePolicyAssignment}.",
"Returns the expression string required\n\n@param ds\n@return",
"Use this API to fetch all the systemsession resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Iterate through dependencies",
"Wait for exclusive permit during a timeout in milliseconds.\n\n@return number of acquired permits if > 0",
"Returns a new Set containing all the objects in the specified array.",
"Transposes an individual block inside a block matrix.",
"Return the containing group if it contains exactly one element.\n\n@since 2.14",
"use this method to construct the ChainingIterator\niterator by iterator."
] |
public synchronized Response<ByteArray, Object> responseQueuePoll(long timeout,
TimeUnit timeUnit)
throws InterruptedException {
long timeoutMs = timeUnit.toMillis(timeout);
long timeoutWallClockMs = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeoutMs;
while(responseQueue.isEmpty() && System.currentTimeMillis() < timeoutWallClockMs) {
long remainingMs = Math.max(0, timeoutWallClockMs - System.currentTimeMillis());
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("Start waiting for response queue with timeoutMs: " + timeoutMs);
if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
logger.debug("End waiting for response queue with timeoutMs: " + timeoutMs);
return responseQueue.poll();
} | [
"poll the response queue for response\n\n@param timeout timeout amount\n@param timeUnit timeUnit of timeout\n@return same result of BlockQueue.poll(long, TimeUnit)\n@throws InterruptedException"
] | [
"Use this API to unlink sslcertkey resources.",
"Utility function that constructs AdminClient.\n\n@param url URL pointing to the bootstrap node\n@return Newly constructed AdminClient",
"Use this API to enable Interface of given name.",
"Forks off a runnable with the executor provided. Multiple calls are allowed, but the listeners must be\nthreadsafe.",
"The Critical field indicates whether a task has any room in the schedule\nto slip, or if a task is on the critical path. The Critical field contains\nYes if the task is critical and No if the task is not critical.\n\n@return boolean",
"Gets the visibility cache weight\n\n@param conf The FluoConfiguration\n@return The size of the cache value from the property value {@value #VISIBILITY_CACHE_WEIGHT}\nif it is set, else the value of the default value\n{@value #VISIBILITY_CACHE_WEIGHT_DEFAULT}",
"Package-protected method used to initiate operation execution.\n@return the result action",
"An endpoint to compile an array of soy templates to JavaScript.\n\nThis endpoint is a preferred way of compiling soy templates to JavaScript but it requires a user to compose a url\non their own or using a helper class TemplateUrlComposer, which calculates checksum of a file and puts this in url\nso that whenever a file changes, after a deployment a JavaScript, url changes and a new hash is appended to url, which enforces\ngetting of new compiles JavaScript resource.\n\nInvocation of this url may throw two types of http exceptions:\n1. notFound - usually when a TemplateResolver cannot find a template with an associated name\n2. error - usually when there is a permission error and a user is not allowed to compile a template into a JavaScript\n\n@param hash - some unique number that should be used when we are caching this resource in a browser and we use http cache headers\n@param templateFileNames - an array of template names, e.g. client-words,server-time, which may or may not contain extension\ncurrently three modes are supported - soy extension, js extension and no extension, which is preferred\n@param disableProcessors - whether the controller should run registered outputProcessors after the compilation is complete.\n@param request - HttpServletRequest\n@param locale - locale\n@return response entity, which wraps a compiled soy to JavaScript files.\n@throws IOException - io error",
"Get the short exception message using the requested locale. This does not include the cause exception message.\n\n@param locale locale for message\n@return (short) exception message"
] |
public static java.util.Date newDateTime() {
return new java.util.Date((System.currentTimeMillis() / SECOND_MILLIS) * SECOND_MILLIS);
} | [
"Create a new DateTime. To the last second. This will not create any\nextra-millis-seconds, which may cause bugs when writing to stores such as\ndatabases that round milli-seconds up and down."
] | [
"Access the customInfo of a message using this accessor. The CustomInfo\nmap will be automatically created and stored in the event if it is not yet present\n\n@param message\n@return",
"Adds an additional description to the constructed document.\n\n@param text\nthe text of the description\n@param languageCode\nthe language code of the description\n@return builder object to continue construction",
"Creates a cube with each face as a separate mesh using a different texture.\nThe meshes will share a common vertex array but will have separate index buffers.\n@param gvrContext context to use for creating cube\n@param facingOut true for outward normals, false for inward normals\n@param vertexDesc string describing which vertex components are desired\n@param textureList list of 6 textures, one for each face",
"Inserts the currently contained data objects into the database.\n\n@param platform The (connected) database platform for inserting data\n@param model The database model\n@param batchSize The batch size; use 1 for not using batch mode",
"Check if the the nodeId is present in the cluster managed by the metadata store\nor throw an exception.\n\n@param nodeId The nodeId to check existence of",
"Adjust submatrices and helper data structures for the input matrix. Must be called\nbefore the decomposition can be computed.\n\n@param orig",
"This method returns the existing folder, and if it does not exist, the\nmethod generates it.\n\n@param path\n@param dest_dir\n@return the folder\n@throws BeastException",
"Use this API to fetch auditsyslogpolicy_aaauser_binding resources of given name .",
"Was the CDJ playing a track when this update was sent?\n\n@return true if the play flag was set, or, if this seems to be a non-nexus player, if <em>P<sub>1</sub></em>\nhas a value corresponding to a playing state."
] |
public static void compress(File dir, File zipFile) throws IOException {
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(zipFile);
ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(fos);
recursiveAddZip(dir, zos, dir);
} | [
"Compress a directory into a zip file\n\n@param dir Directory\n@param zipFile ZIP file to create\n@throws IOException I/O Error"
] | [
"Get log file\n\n@return log file",
"Update environment variables to an app.\n@param appName App name. See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param config Key/Value pairs of environment variables.",
"Perform a module dependency graph of the target and return the graph as a JSON\n\n@param moduleName\n@param moduleVersion\n@param uriInfo\n@return Response",
"Return all tenors for which data exists.\n\n@return The tenors in months.",
"Turn a resultset into EndpointOverride\n\n@param results results containing relevant information\n@return EndpointOverride\n@throws Exception exception",
"Samples without replacement from a collection.\n\n@param c\nThe collection to be sampled from\n@param n\nThe number of samples to take\n@return a new collection with the sample",
"Add groups to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param file group container",
"Returns the port as configured by the system variables, fallback is the default port value\n\n@param portIdentifier - SYS_*_PORT defined in Constants\n@return",
"Remove a variable in the top variables layer."
] |
public Class getPersistentFieldClass()
if (m_persistenceClass == null)
Properties properties = new Properties();
this.logWarning("Loading properties file: " + getPropertiesFile());
properties.load(new FileInputStream(getPropertiesFile()));
catch (IOException e)
this.logWarning("Could not load properties file '" + getPropertiesFile()
+ "'. Using PersistentFieldDefaultImpl.");
String className = properties.getProperty("PersistentFieldClass");
m_persistenceClass = loadClass(className);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
m_persistenceClass = PersistentFieldPrivilegedImpl.class;
logWarning("PersistentFieldClass: " + m_persistenceClass.toString());
return m_persistenceClass;
} | [
"Returns the Class object of the class specified in the OJB.properties\nfile for the \"PersistentFieldClass\" property.\n\n@return Class The Class object of the \"PersistentFieldClass\" class\nspecified in the OJB.properties file."
] | [
"Try Oracle update batching and call sendBatch or revert to\nJDBC update batching.\n@param stmt the batched prepared statement about to be executed\n@return always <code>null</code> if Oracle update batching is used,\nsince it is impossible to dissolve total row count into distinct\nstatement counts. If JDBC update batching is used, an int array is\nreturned containing number of updated rows for each batched statement.\n@throws PlatformException upon JDBC failure",
"Delivers the correct JSON Object for outgoings\n\n@param outgoings\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Adds OPT_U | OPT_URL option to OptionParser, with one argument.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslfipskey resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Adds a user defined field value to a task.\n\n@param fieldType field type\n@param container FieldContainer instance\n@param row UDF data",
"private HttpServletResponse headers;",
"Extracts out a matrix from source given a sub matrix with arbitrary rows and columns specified in\ntwo array lists\n\n@param src Source matrix. Not modified.\n@param rows array of row indexes\n@param rowsSize maximum element in row array\n@param cols array of column indexes\n@param colsSize maximum element in column array\n@param dst output matrix. Must be correct shape.",
"This method extracts resource data from a Phoenix file.\n\n@param phoenixProject parent node for resources",
"Return overall per token accuracy"
] |
private static void listResourceNotes(ProjectFile file)
for (Resource resource : file.getResources())
String notes = resource.getNotes();
if (notes.length() != 0)
System.out.println("Notes for " + resource.getName() + ": " + notes);
} | [
"This method lists any notes attached to resources.\n\n@param file MPX file"
] | [
"Parse the string representation of a double.\n\n@param value string representation\n@return Java representation\n@throws ParseException",
"Return the list of module ancestors\n\n@param moduleName\n@param moduleVersion\n@return List<Dependency>\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException",
"Sets an argument to the collection of arguments. This guarantees only one value will be assigned to the\nargument key.\n\n@param argument the argument to add",
"This will check to see if certain configuration values exist from the ConfigurationService\nIf not then it redirects to the configuration screen",
"Adds any listeners attached to this reader to the reader created internally.\n\n@param reader internal project reader",
"Calculates the next snapshot version based on the current release version\n\n@param fromVersion The version to bump to next development version\n@return The next calculated development (snapshot) version",
"Create the metadata which gets send to the DC when registering.\n\n\n@param hostInfo the local host info\n@param productConfig the product config\n@param ignoredResourceRegistry registry of ignored resources\n@return the host info",
"Retrieve a field from a particular entity using its alias.\n\n@param typeClass the type of entity we are interested in\n@param alias the alias\n@return the field type referred to be the alias, or null if not found",
"Rotate list of String. Used for randomize selection of received endpoints\n\n@param strings\nlist of Strings\n@return the same list in random order"
] |
public static Comment createComment(final String entityId,
final String entityType,
final String action,
final String commentedText,
final String user,
final Date date) {
final Comment comment = new Comment();
return comment;
} | [
"Generates a comment regarding the parameters.\n\n@param entityId - id of the commented entity\n@param entityType - type of the entity\n@param action - the action performed by the user\n@param commentedText - comment text\n@param user - comment left by\n@param date - date comment was created\n@return - comment entity"
] | [
"Delete all backups asynchronously",
"Retrieve the currently cached value for the given document.",
"Use this API to add gslbservice resources.",
"Visits a dependence of the current module.\n\n@param module the qualified name of the dependence.\n@param access the access flag of the dependence among\nACC_TRANSITIVE, ACC_STATIC_PHASE, ACC_SYNTHETIC\nand ACC_MANDATED.\n@param version the module version at compile time or null.",
"Sets the duration for the animations in this animator.\n\n@param start the animation will start playing from the specified time\n@param end the animation will stop playing at the specified time\n\n@see GVRAnimation#setDuration(float, float)",
"checkpoint the ObjectModification",
"Apply the necessary rotation to the transform so that it is in front of\nthe camera.\n\n@param transform The transform to modify.",
"Use this API to fetch aaauser_vpntrafficpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Tries to return the single table to which all classes in the hierarchy with the given\nclass as the root map.\n\n@param classDef The root class of the hierarchy\n@return The table name or <code>null</code> if the classes map to more than one table\nor no class in the hierarchy maps to a table"
] |
public <T> T invokeWithClientSession(int targetPlayer, ClientTask<T> task, String description)
throws Exception {
if (!isRunning()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("ConnectionManager is not running, aborting " + description);
final Client client = allocateClient(targetPlayer, description);
try {
return task.useClient(client);
} finally {
} | [
"Obtain a dbserver client session that can be used to perform some task, call that task with the client,\nthen release the client.\n\n@param targetPlayer the player number whose dbserver we wish to communicate with\n@param task the activity that will be performed with exclusive access to a dbserver connection\n@param description a short description of the task being performed for error reporting if it fails,\nshould be a verb phrase like \"requesting track metadata\"\n@param <T> the type that will be returned by the task to be performed\n\n@return the value returned by the completed task\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem communicating\n@throws Exception from the underlying {@code task}, if any"
] | [
"Remove the group and all references to it\n\n@param groupId ID of group",
"Use this API to update inat resources.",
"Fire an event and notify observers that belong to this module.\n@param eventType\n@param event\n@param qualifiers",
"Verifies that the TestMatrix is correct and sane without using a specification.\nThe Proctor API doesn't use a test specification so that it can serve all tests in the matrix\nwithout restriction.\nDoes a limited set of sanity checks that are applicable when there is no specification,\nand thus no required tests or provided context.\n\n@param testMatrix the {@link TestMatrixArtifact} to be verified.\n@param matrixSource a {@link String} of the source of proctor artifact. For example a path of proctor artifact file.\n@return a {@link ProctorLoadResult} to describe the result of verification. It contains errors of verification and a list of missing test.",
"Initialize the class if this is being called with Spring.",
"Updates the properties of a tag. Only the fields provided in the `data`\nblock will be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.\n\nWhen using this method, it is best to specify only those fields you wish\nto change, or else you may overwrite changes made by another user since\nyou last retrieved the task.\n\nReturns the complete updated tag record.\n\n@param tag The tag to update.\n@return Request object",
"Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map for the third key.\n\n@param firstKey\nthe first key\n@param secondKey\nthe second key\n@return Returns the number of key-value mappings in this map for the third key.",
"Use this API to restore appfwprofile.",
"Use this API to restart dbsmonitors."
] |
public synchronized int put(byte[] src, int off, int len) {
if (available == capacity) {
return 0;
// limit is last index to put + 1
int limit = idxPut < idxGet ? idxGet : capacity;
int count = Math.min(limit - idxPut, len);
System.arraycopy(src, off, buffer, idxPut, count);
idxPut += count;
if (idxPut == capacity) {
// Array end reached, check if we have more
int count2 = Math.min(len - count, idxGet);
if (count2 > 0) {
System.arraycopy(src, off + count, buffer, 0, count2);
idxPut = count2;
count += count2;
} else {
idxPut = 0;
available += count;
return count;
} | [
"Puts as many of the given bytes as possible into this buffer.\n\n@return number of bytes actually put into this buffer (0 if the buffer is full)"
] | [
"Create a Collection Proxy for a given query.\n\n@param brokerKey The key of the persistence broker\n@param query The query\n@param collectionClass The class to build the proxy for\n@return The collection proxy",
"Update the Target Filter of the ExporterService.\nApply the induce modifications on the links of the ExporterService\n\n@param serviceReference",
"Mark for creation all objects that were included into dependent collections.\nMark for deletion all objects that were excluded from dependent collections.",
"We have identified that we have a SQLite file. This could be a Primavera Project database\nor an Asta database. Open the database and use the table names present to determine\nwhich type this is.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Extract calendar data.",
"Get a scalar value for the DOM diversity using the Robust Tree Edit Distance\n\n@param dom1\n@param dom2\n@return",
"We have received an update that invalidates the waveform preview for a player, so clear it and alert\nany listeners if this represents a change. This does not affect the hot cues; they will stick around until the\nplayer loads a new track that overwrites one or more of them.\n\n@param update the update which means we have no waveform preview for the associated player",
"submit the adminClient after usage is completed.\nBehavior is undefined, if checkin is called with objects not retrieved\nfrom checkout.\n\n@param client AdminClient retrieved from checkout",
"Closes the JDBC statement and its associated connection."
] |
private static void listTimephasedWork(ResourceAssignment assignment)
Task task = assignment.getTask();
int days = (int) ((task.getFinish().getTime() - task.getStart().getTime()) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + 1;
if (days > 1)
SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yy");
TimescaleUtility timescale = new TimescaleUtility();
ArrayList<DateRange> dates = timescale.createTimescale(task.getStart(), TimescaleUnits.DAYS, days);
TimephasedUtility timephased = new TimephasedUtility();
ArrayList<Duration> durations = timephased.segmentWork(assignment.getCalendar(), assignment.getTimephasedWork(), TimescaleUnits.DAYS, dates);
for (DateRange range : dates)
System.out.print(df.format(range.getStart()) + "\t");
for (Duration duration : durations)
System.out.print(duration.toString() + " ".substring(0, 7) + "\t");
} | [
"Dump timephased work for an assignment.\n\n@param assignment resource assignment"
] | [
"Open the store with the version directory specified. If null is specified\nwe open the directory with the maximum version\n\n@param versionDir Version Directory to open. If null, we open the max\nversioned / latest directory",
"URLDecode a string\n@param s\n@return",
"Adds each required length, ensuring it isn't negative.\n\n@param requiredLengths\none or more required lengths\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif a supplied length is negative",
"Adds the specified type to this frame, and returns a new object that implements this type.",
"Creates a new deployment for the URL. The target server will require access to the URL.\n\n@param url the URL representing the content\n\n@return the deployment",
"Retrieve an enterprise field value.\n\n@param index field index\n@return field value",
"Method called to indicate persisting the properties file is now complete.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Read a list of sub projects.\n\n@param data byte array\n@param uniqueIDOffset offset of unique ID\n@param filePathOffset offset of file path\n@param fileNameOffset offset of file name\n@param subprojectIndex index of the subproject, used to calculate unique id offset",
"Read resource data from a PEP file."
] |
public static <T> T createObject(final Class<T> clazz, final Object... args) throws NoSuchConstructorException,
AmbiguousConstructorException, ReflectiveOperationException {
return findConstructor(clazz, args).newInstance(args);
} | [
"Create an object of the given type using a constructor that matches the\nsupplied arguments.\n\n@param <T> the object type\n@param clazz\nthe type to create\n@param args\nthe arguments to the constructor\n@return a new object of the given type, initialized with the given\narguments\n@throws NoSuchConstructorException\nif there is not a constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws AmbiguousConstructorException\nif there is more than one constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws ReflectiveOperationException\nif any of the reflective operations throw an exception"
] | [
"Convert an Object to a DateTime, without an Exception",
"Returns all entries in no particular order.",
"Retrieves a ProjectReader instance which can read a file of the\ntype specified by the supplied file name.\n\n@param name file name\n@return ProjectReader instance",
"Use this API to fetch tmtrafficaction resource of given name .",
"Creates a template node for the given templateString and appends it to the given parent node.\n\nTemplates are translated to generator node trees and expressions in templates can be of type IGeneratorNode.\n\n@return the given parent node",
"Return the version string of this instance of finmath-lib.\n\n@return The version string of this instance of finmath-lib.",
"Sets the HTML entity translator for all cells in the table.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param htmlElementTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Ensures that the given collection descriptor has the collection-class property if necessary.\n\n@param collDef The collection descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic (partly) and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If collection-class is given for an array or if no collection-class is given but required",
"Format a cue countdown indicator in the same way as the CDJ would at this point in the track.\n\n@return the value that the CDJ would display to indicate the distance to the next cue\n@see #getCueCountdown()"
] |
protected void update(float scale) {
// Updates only when the plane is in the scene
GVRSceneObject owner = getOwnerObject();
if ((owner != null) && isEnabled() && owner.isEnabled())
} | [
"Update the anchor based on arcore best knowledge of the world\n\n@param scale"
] | [
"Use this API to count linkset_interface_binding resources configued on NetScaler.",
"Get the property name from the expression.\n\n@param expression expression\n@return property name",
"Add the collection of elements to this collection. This will also them to the associated database table.\n\n@return Returns true if any of the items did not already exist in the collection otherwise false.",
"Performs the conversion from standard XPath to xpath with parameterization support.",
"Must be called with pathEntries lock taken",
"Adds not Null criteria,\ncustomer_id is not Null\nThe attribute will NOT be translated into column name\n\n@param column The column name to be used without translation",
"Called when the end type is changed.",
"Loads a PDF document and creates a DOM tree from it.\n@param doc the source document\n@return a DOM Document representing the DOM tree\n@throws IOException",
"Inject members into this instance and register the services afterwards.\n@see #getGuiceModule()\n@see #registerInRegistry(boolean)\n@since 2.1"
] |
public boolean invokeFunction(String funcName, Object[] params) {
// Run script if it is dirty. This makes sure the script is run
// on the same thread as the caller (suppose the caller is always
// calling from the same thread).
// Skip bad functions
if (isBadFunction(funcName)) {
return false;
String statement = getInvokeStatementCached(funcName, params);
synchronized (mEngineLock) {
localBindings = mLocalEngine.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
if (localBindings == null) {
localBindings = mLocalEngine.createBindings();
mLocalEngine.setBindings(localBindings, ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
fillBindings(localBindings, params);
try {
} catch (ScriptException e) {
// The function is either undefined or throws, avoid invoking it later
mLastError = e.getMessage();
return false;
} finally {
removeBindings(localBindings, params);
return true;
} | [
"Invokes a function defined in the script.\n\n@param funcName\nThe function name.\n@param params\nThe parameter array.\n@return\nA boolean value representing whether the function is\nexecuted correctly. If the function cannot be found, or\nparameters don't match, {@code false} is returned."
] | [
"Update the default time unit for work based on data read from the file.\n\n@param column column data",
"Mark a given element as checked to prevent duplicate work. A elements is only added when it\nis not already in the set of checked elements.\n\n@param element the element that is checked\n@return true if !contains(element.uniqueString)",
"Find a Constructor on the given type that matches the given arguments.\n\n@param <T> the object type\n@param clazz\nthe type to create\n@param args\nthe arguments to the constructor\n@return a Constructor from the given type that matches the given\narguments\n@throws NoSuchConstructorException\nif there is not a constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws AmbiguousConstructorException\nif there is more than one constructor that matches the given\narguments",
"Returns if this has any mapping for the specified cell.\n\n@param cell the cell name\n@return {@code true} if there is any mapping for the cell, {@code false} otherwise",
"decodes the uriFragment\n\n@param res the resource that contains the feature holder\n@param uriFragment the fragment that should be decoded\n@return the decoded information\n@see LazyURIEncoder#encode(EObject, EReference, INode)",
"Get a value from a date metadata field.\n@param path the key path in the metadata object. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@return the metadata value as a Date.\n@throws ParseException when the value cannot be parsed as a valid date",
"Return a licenses view of the targeted module\n\n@param moduleId String\n@return List<DbLicense>",
"Returns a list of the compact representation of all of the custom fields in a workspace.\n\n@param workspace The workspace or organization to find custom field definitions in.\n@return Request object",
"Add nodes to the workers list\n\n@param nodeIds list of node ids."
] |
public boolean matchesWithMask(long lowerValue, long upperValue, long mask) {
if(lowerValue == upperValue) {
return matchesWithMask(lowerValue, mask);
if(!isMultiple()) {
//we know lowerValue and upperValue are not the same, so impossible to match those two values with a single value
return false;
long thisValue = getDivisionValue();
long thisUpperValue = getUpperDivisionValue();
if(!isMaskCompatibleWithRange(thisValue, thisUpperValue, mask, getMaxValue())) {
return false;
return lowerValue == (thisValue & mask) && upperValue == (thisUpperValue & mask);
} | [
"returns whether masking with the given mask results in a valid contiguous range for this segment,\nand if it does, if it matches the range obtained when masking the given values with the same mask.\n\n@param lowerValue\n@param upperValue\n@param mask\n@return"
] | [
"Initializes the upper left component. Does not show the mode switch.",
"Want to make arbitrary probability queries? Then this is the method for\nyou. Given the filename, it reads it in and breaks it into documents, and\nthen makes a CRFCliqueTree for each document. you can then ask the clique\ntree for marginals and conditional probabilities of almost anything you\nwant.",
"Extracts the elements from the source matrix by their 1D index.\n\n@param src Source matrix. Not modified.\n@param indexes array of row indexes\n@param length maximum element in row array\n@param dst output matrix. Must be a vector of the correct length.",
"Addes the current member as a nested object.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"",
"change server state between OFFLINE_SERVER and NORMAL_SERVER\n\n@param setToOffline True if set to OFFLINE_SERVER",
"1-D Gaussian kernel.\n\n@param size Kernel size (should be odd), [3, 101].\n@return Returns 1-D Gaussian kernel of the specified size.",
"Takes an HTML file, looks for the first instance of the specified insertion point, and\ninserts the diagram image reference and a client side map in that point.",
"Part of the endOfRun process that needs the database. May be deferred if the database is not available.",
"Validations specific to GET and GET ALL"
] |
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "WeakerAccess"})
public UTMDetail getUTMDetails() {
UTMDetail ud = new UTMDetail();
return ud;
} | [
"Returns a UTMDetail object which consists of UTM parameters like source, medium & campaign\n@return The {@link UTMDetail} object"
] | [
"Seeks forward or backwards to a particular season based on the current date\n\n@param seasonString The season to seek to\n@param direction The direction to seek\n@param seekAmount The number of years to seek",
"Process class properties.\n\n@param writer output stream\n@param methodSet set of methods processed\n@param aClass class being processed\n@throws IntrospectionException\n@throws XMLStreamException",
"Retrieve a child record by name.\n\n@param key child record name\n@return child record",
"Copy all of the mappings from the specified map to this one, replacing\nany mappings with the same keys.\n\n@param in the map whose mappings are to be copied",
"Execute a redirected request\n\n@param stringStatusCode\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest\n@param httpServletRequest\n@param httpServletResponse\n@throws Exception",
"Add a '>' clause so the column must be greater-than the value.",
"Append the text at the end of the File, using a specified encoding.\n\n@param file a File\n@param text the text to append at the end of the File\n@param charset the charset used\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.0",
"generate a message for loglevel INFO\n\n@param pObject the message Object",
"Create and bind a server socket\n\n@return the server socket\n@throws IOException"
] |
public NodeT getNext() {
String nextItemKey = queue.poll();
if (nextItemKey == null) {
return null;
return nodeTable.get(nextItemKey);
} | [
"Gets next node in the DAG which has no dependency or all of it's dependencies are resolved and\nready to be consumed.\n\n@return next node or null if all the nodes have been explored or no node is available at this moment."
] | [
"Update properties for a specific client id\n\n@param model\n@param profileIdentifier\n@param clientUUID\n@param active - true false depending on if the client should be active\n@param reset - true to reset the state of a client(clears settings for all paths and disables the client)\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Trim and append a file separator to the string",
"Detect bad xml 1.0 characters\n\n@param c to detect\n@return true if specified character valid, false otherwise",
"Initializes a type\n\n@param name The name of the class\n@return The instance of the class. Returns a dummy if the class was not\nfound.",
"Update server mapping's host header\n\n@param serverMappingId ID of server mapping\n@param hostHeader value of host header\n@return updated ServerRedirect",
"Calculate the value of a swaption assuming the Black'76 model.\n\n@param forwardSwaprate The forward (spot)\n@param volatility The Black'76 volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity.\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@param swapAnnuity The swap annuity corresponding to the underlying swap.\n@return Returns the value of a Swaption under the Black'76 model",
"Process task dependencies.",
"A variant of the gamma function.\n@param a the number to apply gain to\n@param b the gain parameter. 0.5 means no change, smaller values reduce gain, larger values increase gain.\n@return the output value",
"Use this API to update vpnclientlessaccesspolicy."
] |
public void updateEmbeddedColumn(GraphDatabaseService executionEngine, Object[] keyValues, String embeddedColumn, Object value) {
String query = getUpdateEmbeddedColumnQuery( keyValues, embeddedColumn );
Map<String, Object> params = params( ArrayHelper.concat( keyValues, value, value ) );
executionEngine.execute( query, params );
} | [
"Update the value of an embedded node property.\n\n@param executionEngine the {@link GraphDatabaseService} used to run the query\n@param keyValues the columns representing the identifier in the entity owning the embedded\n@param embeddedColumn the column on the embedded node (dot-separated properties)\n@param value the new value for the property"
] | [
"Given a HTTPResponce, process it, throwing an error if needed and return a Token for the next\nrequest.",
"Gets information about the device pin.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return info about the device pin.",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of nspbr6_stats resource of given name .",
"Makes an ancestor filter.",
"read all brokers in the zookeeper\n\n@param zkClient zookeeper client\n@return all brokers",
"Invoke to find all services for given service type using specified class loader\n\n@param classLoader specified class loader\n@param serviceType given service type\n@return List of found services",
"This method converts an offset value into an array index, which in\nturn allows the data present in the fixed block to be retrieved. Note\nthat if the requested offset is not found, then this method returns -1.\n\n@param offset Offset of the data in the fixed block\n@return Index of data item within the fixed data block",
"main class entry point.",
"Joins the given list into a single string."
] |
public Set<String> getKeys(Class<?> type) {
return data.entrySet().stream().filter(val -> type.isAssignableFrom(val.getValue()
} | [
"Get the present keys of all entries with a given type, checking hereby if assignable.\n\n@param type The attribute type, not null.\n@return all present keys of attributes being assignable to the type, never null."
] | [
"Creates a style definition used for the body element.\n@return The body style definition.",
"Wrap a simple attribute def as list.\n\n@param def the attribute definition\n@return the list attribute def",
"Starts asynchronous check. Result will be delivered to the listener on the main thread.\n\n@param context\n@param appId application id from the oculus dashboard\n@param listener listener to invoke when the result is available\n@throws IllegalStateException in case the platform sdk cannot be initialized\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if listener is null",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslcipher resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Mark the given TaskItem depends on this taskGroup.\n\n@param dependentTaskItem the task item that depends on this task group\n@return key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result of\ninvocation of given task item.",
"Lookup an object via its name.\n@param name The name of an object.\n@return The object with that name.\n@exception ObjectNameNotFoundException There is no object with the specified name.\nObjectNameNotFoundException",
"Reads data sets from a passed reader.\n\n@param reader\ndata sets source\n@param recover\nmax number of errors reading process will try to recover from.\nSet to 0 to fail immediately\n@throws IOException\nif reader can't read underlying stream\n@throws InvalidDataSetException\nif invalid/undefined data set is encountered",
"Creates an object instance according to clb, and fills its fileds width data provided by row.\n@param row A {@link Map} contain the Object/Row mapping for the object.\n@param targetClassDescriptor If the \"ojbConcreteClass\" feature was used, the target\n{@link org.apache.ojb.broker.metadata.ClassDescriptor} could differ from the descriptor\nthis class was associated - see {@link #selectClassDescriptor}.\n@param targetObject If 'null' a new object instance is build, else fields of object will\nbe refreshed.\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException if there ewas an error creating the new object",
"Waits until all pending operations are complete and closes this repository.\n\n@param failureCauseSupplier the {@link Supplier} that creates a new {@link CentralDogmaException}\nwhich will be used to fail the operations issued after this method is called"
] |
public byte[] getByteArray(Integer id, Integer type)
return (getByteArray(m_meta.getOffset(id, type)));
} | [
"This method retrieves a byte array of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return byte array containing required data"
] | [
"Find and select the next searchable matching text.\n\n@param reverse look forwards or backwards\n@param pos the starting index to start finding from\n@return the location of the next selected, or -1 if not found",
"set the specified object at index\n\n@param object The object to add at the end of the array.",
"Answer the orderBy of all Criteria and Sub Criteria\nthe elements are of class Criteria.FieldHelper\n@return List",
"Helper method to add a parameter without having to create it explicitely. The created parameter should be persisted afterwards.\n\n@param key\nname of the parameter to add\n@param value\nvalue of the parameter to create\n@return the newly created parameter",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of streamidentifier_stats resource of given name .",
"Handle a whole day change event.\n@param event the change event.",
"Calculates the legend bounds for a custom list of legends.",
"Return the Payload attached to the current active bucket for |test|.\nAlways returns a payload so the client doesn't crash on a malformed\ntest definition.\n\n@param testName test name\n@return pay load attached to the current active bucket\n@deprecated Use {@link #getPayload(String, Bucket)} instead",
"capture 3D screenshot"
] |
private void generateCopyingPart(WrappingHint.Builder builder) {
ImmutableCollection<CopyMethod> copyMethods = ImmutableMultimap.<String, CopyMethod>builder()
if (copyMethods.isEmpty()) {
throw new WrappingHintGenerationException();
CopyMethod firstSuitable = copyMethods.iterator().next();
if (firstSuitable.isGeneric && typeSignature != null) {
CollectionField withRemovedWildcards = CollectionField.from(typeAssignedToField, typeSignature)
} | [
"Pick arbitrary copying method from available configuration and don't forget to\nset generic method type if required.\n@param builder"
] | [
"set custom response or request for a profile's default client, ensures profile and path are enabled\n\n@param profileName profileName to modift, default client is used\n@param pathName friendly name of path\n@param isResponse true if response, false for request\n@param customData custom response/request data\n@return true if success, false otherwise",
"Determines if the queue identified by the given key is used.\n\n@param jedis\nconnection to Redis\n@param key\nthe key that identifies a queue\n@return true if the key is used, false otherwise",
"Request to join a group.\n\nNote: if a group has rules, the client must display the rules to the user and the user must accept them (which is indicated by passing a true value to\nacceptRules) prior to making the join request.\n\n@param groupId\n- groupId parameter\n@param message\n- (required) message to group administrator\n@param acceptRules\n- (required) parameter indicating user has accepted groups rules",
"Validates the data for correct annotation",
"Tries to return the single table to which all classes in the hierarchy with the given\nclass as the root map.\n\n@param classDef The root class of the hierarchy\n@return The table name or <code>null</code> if the classes map to more than one table\nor no class in the hierarchy maps to a table",
"Calls the specified function with the specified arguments. This is used for v2 response overrides\n\n@param className name of class\n@param methodName name of method\n@param pluginArgs plugin arguments\n@param args arguments to supply to function\n@throws Exception exception",
"Parses command-line and verifies metadata versions on all the cluster\nnodes\n\n@param args Command-line input\n@param printHelp Tells whether to print help only or execute command\nactually\n@throws IOException",
"Reads GIF image from byte array.\n\n@param data containing GIF file.\n@return read status code (0 = no errors).",
"Finds the first Field with given field name in the Class and in its super classes.\n\n@param type The Class type\n@param fieldName The field name to get\n@return an {@code Optional}. Use isPresent() to find out if the field name was found."
] |
public PayloadBuilder sound(final String sound) {
if (sound != null) {
aps.put("sound", sound);
} else {
return this;
} | [
"Sets the alert sound to be played.\n\nPassing {@code null} disables the notification sound.\n\n@param sound the file name or song name to be played\nwhen receiving the notification\n@return this"
] | [
"Create the exception assignment map.\n\n@param rows calendar rows\n@return exception assignment map",
"Sets the response context.\n\n@param responseContext\nthe response context\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Deletes a vertex from this list.",
"Processes the template for the comma-separated value pairs in an attribute of the current object on the specified level.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"level\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The level for the current object\"\nvalues=\"class,field,reference,collection\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The name of the attribute containg attributes (defaults to 'attributes')\"\[email protected] name=\"default-right\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The default right value if none is given (defaults to empty value)\"",
"Provides the scrollableList implementation for page scrolling\n@return {@link LayoutScroller.ScrollableList} implementation, passed to {@link LayoutScroller}\nfor the processing the scrolling",
"Sets up and declares internal data structures.\n\n@param diag Diagonal elements from tridiagonal matrix. Modified.\n@param off Off diagonal elements from tridiagonal matrix. Modified.\n@param numCols number of columns (and rows) in the matrix.",
"Creates a ServiceFuture from an Completable object and a callback.\n\n@param completable the completable to create from\n@param callback the callback to call when event happen\n@return the created ServiceFuture",
"Set default values for annotations.\nInitial annotation take precedence over the default annotation when both annotation types are present\n\n@param defaultAnnotations default value for annotations",
"Convert maturity given as offset in months to year fraction.\n\n@param maturityInMonths The maturity as offset in months.\n@return The maturity as year fraction."
] |
public void addForeignKeyField(int newId)
if (m_ForeignKeyFields == null)
m_ForeignKeyFields = new Vector();
m_ForeignKeyFields.add(new Integer(newId));
} | [
"add a foreign key field ID"
] | [
"Read a nested table whose contents we don't understand.\n\n@param rowSize fixed row size\n@param rowMagicNumber row magic number\n@return table rows",
"Sanity check precondition for above setters",
"Update the state of the picker. If it has an owner, the picker\nwill use that object to derive its position and orientation.\nThe \"active\" state of this controller is used to indicate touch.\nThe cursor position is updated after picking.",
"Set up arguments for each FieldDescriptor in an array.",
"Returns a new iterator filtering any null references.\n\n@param unfiltered\nthe unfiltered iterator. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@return an unmodifiable iterator containing all elements of the original iterator without any <code>null</code>\nreferences. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all ipseccounters_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Read calendar data from a PEP file.",
"This solution is based on an absolute path",
"Converts an object to an instance of the target type.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source to convert\n@param targetType the target class type\n@return target instance\n@see SquigglyUtils#objectify(ObjectMapper, Object, Class)"
] |
public void setCustomRequest(int pathId, String customRequest, String clientUUID) {
PreparedStatement statement = null;
try (Connection sqlConnection = sqlService.getConnection()) {
int profileId = EditService.getProfileIdFromPathID(pathId);
statement = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(
" WHERE " + Constants.GENERIC_PROFILE_ID + "= ?" +
" AND " + Constants.GENERIC_CLIENT_UUID + "= ?" +
" AND " + Constants.REQUEST_RESPONSE_PATH_ID + "= ?"
statement.setString(1, customRequest);
statement.setInt(2, profileId);
statement.setString(3, clientUUID);
statement.setInt(4, pathId);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (statement != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
} | [
"Set the value for a custom request\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param customRequest value of custom request\n@param clientUUID UUID of client"
] | [
"Try to unlink the declaration from the importerService referenced by the ServiceReference,.\nreturn true if they have been cleanly unlink, false otherwise.\n\n@param declaration The Declaration\n@param declarationBinderRef The ServiceReference of the ImporterService\n@return true if they have been cleanly unlink, false otherwise.",
"Gets information about this user.\n@param fields the optional fields to retrieve.\n@return info about this user.",
"Returns all the persistent id generators which potentially require the creation of an object in the schema.",
"Send a fader start command to all registered listeners.\n\n@param playersToStart contains the device numbers of all players that should start playing\n@param playersToStop contains the device numbers of all players that should stop playing",
"Use this API to update autoscaleprofile resources.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all vpath_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Creates a new row with content with given cell context and a normal row style.\n@param content the content for the row, each member of the array represents the content for a cell in the row, must not be null but can contain null members\n@return a new row with content\n@throws {@link NullPointerException} if content was null",
"adds all json extension to an diagram\n@param modelJSON\n@param current\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Performs an efficient update of each columns' norm"
] |
public Collection<String> getMethods() throws FlickrException {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("method", METHOD_GET_METHODS);
Response response = transport.get(transport.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
if (response.isError()) {
throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
Element methodsElement = response.getPayload();
List<String> methods = new ArrayList<String>();
NodeList methodElements = methodsElement.getElementsByTagName("method");
for (int i = 0; i < methodElements.getLength(); i++) {
Element methodElement = (Element) methodElements.item(i);
return methods;
} | [
"Get a list of all methods.\n\n@return The method names\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Unmarshals the XML content and adds the file to the bundle files.\n@throws CmsException thrown if reading the file or unmarshaling fails.",
"Adds a new leap second to these rules.\n\n@param mjDay the Modified Julian Day that the leap second occurs at the end of\n@param leapAdjustment the leap seconds to add/remove at the end of the day, either -1 or 1\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the leap adjustment is invalid\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the day is before or equal the last known leap second day\nand the definition does not match a previously registered leap\n@throws ConcurrentModificationException if another thread updates the rules at the same time",
"Configure high fps settings in the camera for VR mode\n\n@param fpsMode integer indicating the desired fps: 0 means 30 fps, 1 means 60\nfps, and 2 means 120 fps. Any other value is invalid.\n@return A boolean indicating the status of the method call. It may be false due\nto multiple reasons including: 1) supplying invalid fpsMode as the input\nparameter, 2) VR mode not supported.",
"The only properties added to a relationship are the columns representing the index of the association.",
"Handles a key change.\n\n@param event the key change event.\n@param allLanguages <code>true</code> for changing the key for all languages, <code>false</code> if the key should be changed only for the current language.\n@return result, indicating if the key change was successful.",
"Set the duration option.\n@param value the duration option to set ({@link EndType} as string).",
"Gets the index to use in the search.\n\n@return the index to use in the search",
"disables the current active id, enables the new one selected\n\n@param profileId profile ID of the client\n@param clientUUID UUID of the client\n@param active true to make client active, false to make client inactive\n@throws Exception exception",
"Checks the hour, minute and second are equal."
] |
public static Info rng( final Variable A , ManagerTempVariables manager) {
Info ret = new Info();
if( A instanceof VariableInteger ) {
ret.op = new Operation("rng") {
public void process() {
int seed = ((VariableInteger)A).value;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Expected one integer");
return ret;
} | [
"Sets the seed for random number generator"
] | [
"Return a list of photos for a user at a specific latitude, longitude and accuracy.\n\n@param location\n@param extras\n@param perPage\n@param page\n@return The collection of Photo objects\n@throws FlickrException\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.Extras",
"Used to parse the dividend dates. Returns null if the date cannot be\nparsed.\n\n@param date String received that represents the date\n@return Calendar object representing the parsed date",
"loading Properties from files\n\n@param filename file path\n@return properties\n@throws RuntimeException while file not exist or loading fail",
"Use this API to delete appfwlearningdata.",
"Get content of a file as a Map<String, String>, using separator to split values\n@param file File to get content\n@param separator The separator\n@return The map with the values\n@throws IOException I/O Error",
"Performs the BFS and gives the results to a distributor to distribute\n\n@param distributor the distributor",
"Note that the index can only be built once.\n\n@param beans The set of beans the index should be built from, only instances of {@link CommonBean} and implementations of {@link PassivationCapable} are\nincluded\n@throws IllegalStateException If the index is built already",
"Executes the rebalance plan. Does so batch-by-batch. Between each batch,\nstatus is dumped to logger.info.\n\n@param rebalancePlan",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all appfwprofile_stats resources that are configured on netscaler."
] |
public Float getFloat(String fieldName) {
try {
return hasValue(fieldName) ? Float.valueOf(String.valueOf(resultMap.get(fieldName))) : null;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new FqlException("Field '" + fieldName +"' is not a number.", e);
} | [
"Returns the value of the identified field as a Float.\n@param fieldName the name of the field\n@return the value of the field as a Float\n@throws FqlException if the field cannot be expressed as an Float"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch all the responderpolicy resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Sets the body of this request to a given JSON string.\n@param body the JSON string to use as the body.",
"Converts an image to a RGBA direct color model using a workaround via buffered image directly calling the\nColorConvert operation fails for unknown reasons ?!\n\n@param img image to convert\n@return converted image",
"This method is used to change the credentials of CleverTap account Id and token programmatically\n@param accountID CleverTap Account Id\n@param token CleverTap Account Token",
"Clean wait task queue.",
"Build call for getCharactersCharacterIdShip\n\n@param characterId\nAn EVE character ID (required)\n@param datasource\nThe server name you would like data from (optional, default to\ntranquility)\n@param ifNoneMatch\nETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this\nmatches the current ETag (optional)\n@param token\nAccess token to use if unable to set a header (optional)\n@param callback\nCallback for upload/download progress\n@return Call to execute\n@throws ApiException\nIf fail to serialize the request body object",
"capture screenshot of an eye",
"Returns whether the division range includes the block of values for its prefix length",
"Check the given URI to see if it matches.\n\n@param matchInfo the matchInfo to validate.\n@return True if it matches."
] |
public void sendValue(int nodeId, int endpoint, int value) {
ZWaveNode node = this.getNode(nodeId);
ZWaveSetCommands zwaveCommandClass = null;
SerialMessage serialMessage = null;
for (ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass commandClass : new ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass[] { ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL, ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.SWITCH_BINARY, ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.BASIC }) {
zwaveCommandClass = (ZWaveSetCommands)node.resolveCommandClass(commandClass, endpoint);
if (zwaveCommandClass != null)
if (zwaveCommandClass == null) {
logger.error("No Command Class found on node {}, instance/endpoint {} to request level.", nodeId, endpoint);
serialMessage = node.encapsulate(zwaveCommandClass.setValueMessage(value), (ZWaveCommandClass)zwaveCommandClass, endpoint);
if (serialMessage != null)
// read back level on "ON" command
if (((ZWaveCommandClass)zwaveCommandClass).getCommandClass() == ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL && value == 255)
this.requestValue(nodeId, endpoint);
} | [
"Send value to node.\n@param nodeId the node Id to send the value to.\n@param endpoint the endpoint to send the value to.\n@param value the value to send"
] | [
"Gets the date time str concise.\n\n@param d\nthe d\n@return the date time str concise",
"Sign off a group of connections from the registry by key\n\n@param key\nthe key\n@param connections\na collection of websocket connections",
"Returns a new instance of the given class using the constructor with the specified parameter.\n\n@param target The class to instantiate\n@param type The types of the single parameter of the constructor\n@param arg The argument\n@return The instance",
"Finds an Object of the specified type.\n\n@param <T> Object type.\n@param classType The class of type T.\n@param id The document _id field.\n@param rev The document _rev field.\n@return An object of type T.\n@throws NoDocumentException If the document is not found in the database.",
"Takes a model and an SCXMLFrontier and decomposes the Frontier into a Map of Strings to Strings\nThese strings can be sent over a network to get a Frontier past a 'gap'\n\n@param frontier the Frontier\n@param modelText the model\n@return the map of strings representing a decomposition",
"Validates the binding types",
"Closes the server socket. No new clients are accepted afterwards.",
"returns the total count of objects in the GeneralizedCounter.",
"compares two snippet"
] |
public static wisite_binding[] get(nitro_service service, String sitepath[]) throws Exception{
if (sitepath !=null && sitepath.length>0) {
wisite_binding response[] = new wisite_binding[sitepath.length];
wisite_binding obj[] = new wisite_binding[sitepath.length];
for (int i=0;i<sitepath.length;i++) {
obj[i] = new wisite_binding();
response[i] = (wisite_binding) obj[i].get_resource(service);
return response;
return null;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch wisite_binding resources of given names ."
] | [
"Overrides the superclass implementation to allow the AttributeDefinition for each field in the\nobject to in turn resolve that field.\n\n{@inheritDoc}",
"Makes sure that there is a class definition for the given qualified name, and returns it.\n\n@param original The XDoclet class object\n@return The class definition",
"Returns the configuration value with the specified name.",
"Check whether the value is matched by a regular expression.\n\n@param value value\n@param regex regular expression\n@return true when value is matched",
"Return the next word of the string, in other words it stops when a space is encountered.",
"Writes the object to the specified document, optionally creating a child\nelement. The object in this case should be a point.\n\n@param o the object (of type Point).\n@param document the document to write to.\n@param asChild create child element if true.\n@throws RenderException",
"Removes a watermark from the item.\nIf the item did not have a watermark applied to it, a 404 Not Found will be returned by API.\n@param itemUrl url template for the item.",
"Sets the origin and direction of the pick ray.\n\n@param ox X coordinate of origin.\n@param oy Y coordinate of origin.\n@param oz Z coordinate of origin.\n@param dx X coordinate of ray direction.\n@param dy Y coordinate of ray direction.\n@param dz Z coordinate of ray direction.\n\nThe coordinate system of the ray depends on the whether the\npicker is attached to a scene object or not. When attached\nto a scene object, the ray is in the coordinate system of\nthat object where (0, 0, 0) is the center of the scene object\nand (0, 0, 1) is it's positive Z axis. If not attached to an\nobject, the ray is in the coordinate system of the scene's\nmain camera with (0, 0, 0) at the viewer and (0, 0, -1)\nwhere the viewer is looking.\n@see #doPick()\n@see #getPickRay()\n@see #getWorldPickRay(Vector3f, Vector3f)",
"obtains the internal JDO lifecycle state of the input StatemanagerInternal.\nThis Method is helpful to display persistent objects internal state.\n@param sm the StateManager to be inspected\n@return the LifeCycleState of a StateManager instance"
] |
private void createAndAddButton(PatternType pattern, String messageKey) {
CmsRadioButton btn = new CmsRadioButton(pattern.toString(), Messages.get().key(messageKey));
m_patternButtons.put(pattern, btn);
} | [
"Creates a pattern choice radio button and adds it where necessary.\n@param pattern the pattern that should be chosen by the button.\n@param messageKey the message key for the button's label."
] | [
"Add a new subsystem to a given registry.\n\n@param registry the registry\n@param name the subsystem name\n@param version the version",
"Method must be invoked upon completion of a rebalancing task. It is the\ntask's responsibility to do so.\n\n@param stealerId\n@param donorId",
"Use this API to fetch all the locationfile resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"For a given activity, retrieve a map of the activity code values which have been assigned to it.\n\n@param activity target activity\n@return map of activity code value UUIDs",
"Shutdown each AHC client in the map.",
"Search for rectangles which have the same width and x position, and\nwhich join together vertically and merge them together to reduce the\nnumber of rectangles needed to describe a symbol.",
"Query zipcode from Yahoo to find associated WOEID",
"appends a WHERE-clause to the Statement\n@param where\n@param crit\n@param stmt",
"Iterates over the elements of an iterable collection of items and returns\nthe index values of the items that match the condition specified in the closure.\n\n@param self the iteration object over which to iterate\n@param closure the filter to perform a match on the collection\n@return a list of numbers corresponding to the index values of all matched objects\n@since 1.5.2"
] |
private StitchUserT doLogin(final StitchCredential credential, final boolean asLinkRequest) {
final Response response = doLoginRequest(credential, asLinkRequest);
final StitchUserT previousUser = activeUser;
final StitchUserT user = processLoginResponse(credential, response, asLinkRequest);
if (asLinkRequest) {
} else {
onActiveUserChanged(activeUser, previousUser);
return user;
} | [
"callers of doLogin should be serialized before calling in."
] | [
"Returns the compact records for all teams in the organization visible to\nthe authorized user.\n\n@param organization Globally unique identifier for the workspace or organization.\n@return Request object",
"Apply the remote domain model to the local host controller.\n\n@param bootOperations the result of the remote read-domain-model op\n@return {@code true} if the model was applied successfully, {@code false} otherwise",
"Configures a text field to look like a filter box for a table.\n\n@param searchBox the text field to configure",
"Executes a query using the given parameters. The query results will be added to the\nExecutionResults using the given identifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier to be used for the results when added to the ExecutionResults\n@param name\nThe name of the query to execute\n@param arguments\nThe arguments to be used for the query parameters\n@return",
"Obtains a local date in Symmetry454 calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Symmetry454 era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Symmetry454 local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code IsoEra}",
"Bessel function of the first kind, of order n.\n\n@param n Order.\n@param x Value.\n@return I value.",
"As we merge several operations into one operation, we need to be sure the write concern applied to the aggregated\noperation respects all the requirements expressed for each separate operation.\n\nThus, for each parameter of the write concern, we keep the stricter one for the resulting merged write concern.",
"Tells you if an expression is the expected constant.\n@param expression\nany expression\n@param expected\nthe expected int or String\n@return\nas described",
"Controls whether we are currently staying in sync with the tempo master. Will only be meaningful if we are\nsending status packets.\n\n@param sync if {@code true}, our status packets will be tempo and beat aligned with the tempo master"
] |
protected LineSymbolizer createLineSymbolizer(final PJsonObject styleJson) {
final Stroke stroke = createStroke(styleJson, true);
if (stroke == null) {
return null;
} else {
return this.styleBuilder.createLineSymbolizer(stroke);
} | [
"Add a line symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style."
] | [
"Counts additional occurrences of a property as the main property of\nstatements.\n\n@param usageStatistics\nstatistics object where count is stored\n@param property\nthe property to count\n@param count\nthe number of times to count the property",
"Unregister the mbean with the given name from the platform mbean server\n\n@param name The name of the mbean to unregister",
"Convert an Object to a Timestamp, without an Exception",
"Returns all keys in no particular order.",
"Gets the index of a ExpandableWrapper within the helper item list based on\nthe index of the ExpandableWrapper.\n\n@param parentPosition The index of the parent in the list of parents\n@return The index of the parent in the merged list of children and parents",
"Adds a column pair to this foreignkey.\n\n@param localColumn The column in the local table\n@param remoteColumn The column in the remote table",
"A specific, existing project can be deleted by making a DELETE request\non the URL for that project.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param project The project to delete.\n@return Request object",
"Sets the first occurence.\n\n@param min the min\n@param max the max\n@throws ParseException the parse exception",
"If UPDATE, INSERT or DELETE, return BatchPreparedStatement,\notherwise return null."
] |
synchronized void start(final ManagedServerBootCmdFactory factory) {
final InternalState required = this.requiredState;
// Ignore if the server is already started
if(required == InternalState.SERVER_STARTED) {
// In case the server failed to start, try to start it again
if(required != InternalState.FAILED) {
final InternalState current = this.internalState;
if(current != required) {
// TODO this perhaps should wait?
throw new IllegalStateException();
operationID = CurrentOperationIdHolder.getCurrentOperationID();
bootConfiguration = factory.createConfiguration();
requiredState = InternalState.SERVER_STARTED;
} | [
"Start a managed server.\n\n@param factory the boot command factory"
] | [
"Concatenate the arrays.\n\n@param array First array.\n@param array2 Second array.\n@return Concatenate between first and second array.",
"Save current hostname and reuse it.\n\n@return hostname as String",
"This method allows a resource assignment workgroup fields record\nto be added to the current resource assignment. A maximum of\none of these records can be added to a resource assignment record.\n\n@return ResourceAssignmentWorkgroupFields object\n@throws MPXJException if MSP defined limit of 1 is exceeded",
"Return a stream of resources from a response\n\n@param response the response\n@param <R> the resource type\n@param <U> the response type\n@return a stream of resources from the response",
"Returns the specified range of elements in the sorted set.\nThe elements are considered to be ordered from the highest to the lowest score.\nDescending lexicographical order is used for elements with equal score.\nBoth start and stop are zero-based inclusive indexes. They can also be negative numbers indicating offsets from\nthe end of the sorted set, with -1 being the last element of the sorted set.\n@param start\n@param end\n@return the range of elements",
"get children nodes name\n\n@param zkClient zkClient\n@param path full path\n@return children nodes name or null while path not exist",
"Renders the document to the specified output stream.",
"Sets the current reference definition derived from the current member, and optionally some attributes.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes of the reference as name-value pairs 'name=value',\nseparated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-delete\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically delete the\nreferenced object on object deletion\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-retrieve\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically retrieve\nthe referenced object\"\[email protected] name=\"auto-update\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically update the\nreferenced object\"\[email protected] name=\"class-ref\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fully qualified name of the class\nowning the referenced field\"\[email protected] name=\"database-foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether a database foreignkey shall be created\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the reference\"\[email protected] name=\"foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fields in the current type used for\nimplementing the reference\"\[email protected] name=\"otm-dependent\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the reference is dependent on otm\"\[email protected] name=\"proxy\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to use a proxy for the reference\"\[email protected] name=\"proxy-prefetching-limit\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Specifies the amount of objects to prefetch\"\[email protected] name=\"refresh\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to automatically refresh the\nreference\"\[email protected] name=\"remote-foreignkey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fields in the referenced type\ncorresponding to the local fields (is only used for the table definition)\"",
"Log a message line to the output."
] |
public static base_response add(nitro_service client, vpnclientlessaccesspolicy resource) throws Exception {
vpnclientlessaccesspolicy addresource = new vpnclientlessaccesspolicy();
addresource.name = resource.name;
addresource.rule = resource.rule;
addresource.profilename = resource.profilename;
return addresource.add_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to add vpnclientlessaccesspolicy."
] | [
"Returns the result of calling a closure with the first occurrence of a regular expression found within a CharSequence.\nIf the regex doesn't match, the closure will not be called and find will return null.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param regex the capturing regex CharSequence\n@param closure the closure that will be passed the full match, plus each of the capturing groups (if any)\n@return a String containing the result of calling the closure (calling toString() if needed), or null if the regex pattern doesn't match\n@see #find(String, java.util.regex.Pattern, groovy.lang.Closure)\n@since 1.8.2",
"This method calls the index state. It should be called once per crawl in order to setup the\ncrawl.\n\n@return The initial state.",
"Stop a managed server.",
"Create new multipart with a text part and an attachment\n\n@param msg Message text\n@param attachment Attachment data\n@param contentType MIME content type of body\n@param filename File name of the attachment\n@param description Description of the attachment\n@return New multipart",
"Use this API to fetch lbmonitor_binding resources of given names .",
"All the attributes needed either by the processors for each datasource row or by the jasper template.\n\n@param attributes the attributes.",
"Non-zero counts of Householder vectors and computes a permutation\nmatrix that ensures diagonal entires are all structurally nonzero.\n\n@param parent elimination tree\n@param ll linked list for each row that specifies elements that are not zero",
"Use this API to fetch dnssuffix resources of given names .",
"You should use the server's time here. Otherwise you might get unexpected results.\n\nThe typical use case is:\n\n\n<pre>\nHTTPResponse response = ....\nHTTPRequest request = createRequest();\nrequest = request.conditionals(new Conditionals().ifModifiedSince(response.getLastModified());\n</pre>\n\n@param time the time to check.\n@return the conditionals with the If-Modified-Since date set."
] |
private BufferedImage getOriginalImage(String suffix) throws IOException, FlickrException {
StringBuffer buffer = getOriginalBaseImageUrl();
return _getImage(buffer.toString());
} | [
"Get the original-image using the specified URL suffix.\n\n@deprecated\n@see PhotosInterface#getImage(Photo, int)\n@param suffix\nThe URL suffix, including the .extension\n@return The BufferedImage object\n@throws IOException\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Delete an artifact in the Grapes server\n\n@param gavc\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"This method maps the task unique identifiers to their index number\nwithin the FixedData block.\n\n@param fieldMap field map\n@param taskFixedMeta Fixed meta data for this task\n@param taskFixedData Fixed data for this task\n@param taskVarData Variable task data\n@return Mapping between task identifiers and block position",
"Initializes the fields on the changes file with the values of the specified\nbinary package control file.\n\n@param packageControlFile",
"Check whether error handling works. If it works, you should see an\nok, otherwise, you might see the actual error message and then\nthe program exits.",
"Returns the metallic factor for PBR shading",
"Given a Task instance, this task determines if it should be written to the\nPM XML file as an activity or as a WBS item, and calls the appropriate\nmethod.\n\n@param task Task instance",
"Returns a copy of the given document.\n@param document the document to copy.\n@return a copy of the given document.",
"We have received an update that invalidates the waveform preview for a player, so clear it and alert\nany listeners if this represents a change. This does not affect the hot cues; they will stick around until the\nplayer loads a new track that overwrites one or more of them.\n\n@param update the update which means we have no waveform preview for the associated player",
"symbol for filling padding position in output"
] |
public int getCrossZonePartitionStoreMoves() {
int xzonePartitionStoreMoves = 0;
for (RebalanceTaskInfo info : batchPlan) {
Node donorNode = finalCluster.getNodeById(info.getDonorId());
Node stealerNode = finalCluster.getNodeById(info.getStealerId());
if(donorNode.getZoneId() != stealerNode.getZoneId()) {
xzonePartitionStoreMoves += info.getPartitionStoreMoves();
return xzonePartitionStoreMoves;
} | [
"Determines total number of partition-stores moved across zones.\n\n@return number of cross zone partition-store moves"
] | [
"Deletes a user from an enterprise account.\n@param notifyUser whether or not to send an email notification to the user that their account has been deleted.\n@param force whether or not this user should be deleted even if they still own files.",
"Set the start time.\n@param date the start time to set.",
"Use this API to add route6 resources.",
"Creates a map of identifiers or page titles to documents retrieved via\nthe API URL\n\n@param properties\nparameter setting for wbgetentities\n@return map of document identifiers or titles to documents retrieved via\nthe API URL\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns an error\n@throws IOException\nif we encounter network issues or HTTP 500 errors from Wikibase",
"Generates a schedule based on some meta data. The schedule generation\nconsiders short periods.\n\n@param referenceDate The date which is used in the schedule to internally convert dates to doubles, i.e., the date where t=0.\n@param startDate The start date of the first period.\n@param frequency The frequency.\n@param maturity The end date of the last period.\n@param daycountConvention The daycount convention.\n@param shortPeriodConvention If short period exists, have it first or last.\n@param dateRollConvention Adjustment to be applied to the all dates.\n@param businessdayCalendar Businessday calendar (holiday calendar) to be used for date roll adjustment.\n@param fixingOffsetDays Number of business days to be added to period start to get the fixing date.\n@param paymentOffsetDays Number of business days to be added to period end to get the payment date.\n@return The corresponding schedule\n@deprecated Will be removed in version 2.3",
"Retrieves the time at which work starts on the given date, or returns\nnull if this is a non-working day.\n\n@param date Date instance\n@return start time, or null for non-working day",
"An endpoint to compile an array of soy templates to JavaScript.\n\nThis endpoint is a preferred way of compiling soy templates to JavaScript but it requires a user to compose a url\non their own or using a helper class TemplateUrlComposer, which calculates checksum of a file and puts this in url\nso that whenever a file changes, after a deployment a JavaScript, url changes and a new hash is appended to url, which enforces\ngetting of new compiles JavaScript resource.\n\nInvocation of this url may throw two types of http exceptions:\n1. notFound - usually when a TemplateResolver cannot find a template with an associated name\n2. error - usually when there is a permission error and a user is not allowed to compile a template into a JavaScript\n\n@param hash - some unique number that should be used when we are caching this resource in a browser and we use http cache headers\n@param templateFileNames - an array of template names, e.g. client-words,server-time, which may or may not contain extension\ncurrently three modes are supported - soy extension, js extension and no extension, which is preferred\n@param disableProcessors - whether the controller should run registered outputProcessors after the compilation is complete.\n@param request - HttpServletRequest\n@param locale - locale\n@return response entity, which wraps a compiled soy to JavaScript files.\n@throws IOException - io error",
"Returns flag whose value indicates if the string is null, empty or\nonly contains whitespace characters\n\n@param s a string\n@return true if the string is null, empty or only contains whitespace characters",
"Returns the default conversion for the given java type.\n\n@param javaType The qualified java type\n@return The default conversion or <code>null</code> if there is no default conversion for the type"
] |
public String toFullString() {
String result;
if(hasNoStringCache() || (result = stringCache.fullString) == null) {
stringCache.fullString = result = toNormalizedString(IPv4StringCache.fullParams);
return result;
} | [
"This produces a string with no compressed segments and all segments of full length,\nwhich is 3 characters for IPv4 segments."
] | [
"Tokenize the the string as a package hierarchy\n\n@param str\n@return",
"Build resolution context in which message will be discovered and built\n@param components resolution components, used to identify message bundle\n@param messageParams message parameters will be substituted in message and used in pattern matching\n@since 3.1\n@return immutable resolution context instance for given parameters",
"Isn't there a method for this in GeoTools?\n\n@param crs\nCRS string in the form of 'EPSG:<srid>'.\n@return SRID as integer.",
"Creates an observable that emits the given item after the specified time in milliseconds.\n\n@param event the event to emit\n@param milliseconds the delay in milliseconds\n@param <T> the type of event\n@return delayed observable",
"For a given activity, retrieve a map of the activity code values which have been assigned to it.\n\n@param activity target activity\n@return map of activity code value UUIDs",
"Get a unique reference to a place where a track is currently loaded in a player.\n\n@param player the player in which the track is loaded\n@param hotCue hot cue number in which the track is loaded, or 0 if it is actively loaded on the playback deck\n\n@return the instance that will always represent a reference to the specified player and hot cue",
"Converts string to UUID and returns it, or null if the conversion is not possible.\n\n@param uuid the potential UUID string\n@return the UUID, or null if conversion is not possible",
"Release all memory addresses taken by this allocator.\nBe careful in using this method, since all of the memory addresses become invalid.",
"Returns the default table name for this class which is the unqualified class name.\n\n@return The default table name"
] |
public void putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V> in) {
if (fast) {
synchronized (this) {
Map<K, V> temp = cloneMap(map);
map = temp;
} else {
synchronized (map) {
} | [
"Copy all of the mappings from the specified map to this one, replacing\nany mappings with the same keys.\n\n@param in the map whose mappings are to be copied"
] | [
"Add a dependency to the module.\n\n@param dependency Dependency",
"This method writes extended attribute data for an assignment.\n\n@param xml MSPDI assignment\n@param mpx MPXJ assignment",
"Add a '<>' clause so the column must be not-equal-to the value.",
"Sets the indirection handler class.\n\n@param indirectionHandlerClass The class for indirection handlers",
"Get the bounding-box containing all features of all layers.",
"Deletes the inbox message for given messageId\n@param messageId String messageId\n@return boolean value based on success of operation",
"Initializes the upper left component. Does not show the mode switch.",
"rollback the transaction",
"Verify that cluster is congruent to store def wrt zones."
] |
public double get( int row , int col ) {
if( col < 0 || col >= numCols || row < 0 || row >= numRows ) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Specified element is out of bounds: "+row+" "+col);
return data[ row * numCols + col ];
} | [
"Returns the value of the specified matrix element. Performs a bounds check to make sure\nthe requested element is part of the matrix.\n\n@param row The row of the element.\n@param col The column of the element.\n@return The value of the element."
] | [
"Return total number of connections created in all partitions.\n\n@return number of created connections",
"This method prints plan information of an agent through its external\naccess. It can be used to check the correct behaviour of the agent.\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name of the agent\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access\n@return plans the IPlan[] with all the information, so the tester can\nlook for information",
"Read an optional int value form a JSON value.\n@param val the JSON value that should represent the int.\n@return the int from the JSON or 0 reading the int fails.",
"Add a bundle.\n\n@param moduleName the module name\n@param slot the module slot\n@param newHash the new hash of the added content\n@return the builder",
"Extract information from a resource ID string with the resource type\nas the identifier.\n\n@param id the resource ID\n@param identifier the identifier to match, e.g. \"resourceGroups\", \"storageAccounts\"\n@return the information extracted from the identifier",
"Use this API to unset the properties of responderparam resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Returns the current revision.",
"Normalizes elements in 'u' by dividing by max and computes the norm2 of the normalized\narray u. Adjust the sign of the returned value depending on the size of the first\nelement in 'u'. Normalization is done to avoid overflow.\n\n<pre>\nfor i=j:numRows\nu[i] = u[i] / max\ntau = tau + u[i]*u[i]\nend\ntau = sqrt(tau)\nif( u[j] < 0 )\ntau = -tau;\n</pre>\n\n@param j Element in 'u' that it starts at.\n@param numRows Element in 'u' that it stops at.\n@param u Array\n@param max Max value in 'u' that is used to normalize it.\n@return norm2 of 'u'",
"Processes one item document. This is often the main workhorse that\ngathers the data you are interested in. You can modify this code as you\nwish."
] |
public Archetype parse(String adl) {
try {
return parse(new StringReader(adl));
} catch (IOException e) {
// StringReader should never throw an IOException
throw new AssertionError(e);
} | [
"Parses an adl source into a differential archetype.\n\n@param adl contents of an adl source file\n@return parsed archetype\n@throws org.openehr.adl.parser.AdlParserException if an error occurred while parsing"
] | [
"Indicate whether the given URI matches this template.\n@param uri the URI to match to\n@return {@code true} if it matches; {@code false} otherwise",
"Changes the given filenames suffix from the current suffix to the provided suffix.\n\n<b>Directly exposed for JSP EL</b>, not through {@link org.opencms.jsp.util.CmsJspElFunctions}.<p>\n\n@param filename the filename to be changed\n@param suffix the new suffix of the file\n\n@return the filename with the replaced suffix",
"Iterates over the contents of an object or collection, and checks whether a\npredicate is valid for at least one element.\n\n@param self the object over which we iterate\n@param closure the closure predicate used for matching\n@return true if any iteration for the object matches the closure predicate\n@since 1.0",
"Get the hours difference",
"Print a booking type.\n\n@param value BookingType instance\n@return booking type value",
"Return the knot at a given position.\n@param x the position\n@return the knot number, or 1 if no knot found",
"Checks to see if another AbstractTransition's states is isCompatible for merging.\n\n@param another\n@return",
"Checks if the required option exists.\n\n@param options OptionSet to checked\n@param opt Required option to check\n@throws VoldemortException",
"Returns the constructor of the indirection handler class.\n\n@return The constructor for indirection handlers"
] |
public static base_response unset(nitro_service client, callhome resource, String[] args) throws Exception{
callhome unsetresource = new callhome();
return unsetresource.unset_resource(client,args);
} | [
"Use this API to unset the properties of callhome resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array."
] | [
"Accessor method used to retrieve a String object representing the\ncontents of an individual field. If the field does not exist in the\nrecord, null is returned.\n\n@param field the index number of the field to be retrieved\n@return the value of the required field",
"Returns a PreparedStatementCreator that returns a count of the rows that\nthis creator would return.\n\n@param dialect\nDatabase dialect.",
"Creates a CostRateTable instance from a block of data.\n\n@param resource parent resource\n@param index cost rate table index\n@param data data block",
"add some validation to see if this miss anything.\n\n@return true, if successful\n@throws ParallelTaskInvalidException\nthe parallel task invalid exception",
"Get the parameters of determining this parametric\ncovariance model. The parameters are usually free parameters\nwhich may be used in calibration.\n\n@return Parameter vector.",
"Add an additional SSExtension\n@param ssExt the ssextension to set",
"Updates a path table value for column columnName\n\n@param columnName name of the column to update\n@param newData new content to set\n@param path_id ID of the path to update",
"makes a deep clone of the object, using reflection.\n@param toCopy the object you want to copy\n@return",
"Adds an alias to the currently configured site.\n\n@param alias the URL of the alias server\n@param redirect <code>true</code> to always redirect to main URL\n@param offset the optional time offset for this alias"
] |
private void initXmlBundle() throws CmsException {
CmsFile file = m_cms.readFile(m_resource);
m_bundleFiles.put(null, m_resource);
m_xmlBundle = CmsXmlContentFactory.unmarshal(m_cms, file);
} | [
"Unmarshals the XML content and adds the file to the bundle files.\n@throws CmsException thrown if reading the file or unmarshaling fails."
] | [
"Compress contiguous partitions into format \"e-i\" instead of\n\"e, f, g, h, i\". This helps illustrate contiguous partitions within a\nzone.\n\n@param cluster\n@param zoneId\n@return pretty string of partitions per zone",
"get children nodes name\n\n@param zkClient zkClient\n@param path full path\n@return children nodes name or null while path not exist",
"It's enough to just set the disabled attribute on the\nelement, but we want to also add a \"disabled\" class so that we can\nstyle it.\n\nAt some point we'll just be able to use .button:disabled,\nbut that doesn't work in IE8-",
"Writes all auxiliary triples that have been buffered recently. This\nincludes OWL property restrictions but it also includes any auxiliary\ntriples required by complex values that were used in snaks.\n\n@throws RDFHandlerException\nif there was a problem writing the RDF triples",
"Gets the default options to be passed when no custom properties are given.\n\n@return properties with formatter options",
"Scans the given file looking for a complete zip file format end of central directory record.\n\n@param file the file\n\n@return true if a complete end of central directory record could be found\n\n@throws IOException",
"Returns the key value in the given array.\n\n@param keyIndex the index of the scale key",
"Writes resource baseline data.\n\n@param xmlResource MSPDI resource\n@param mpxjResource MPXJ resource",
"Generates a column for the given field and adds it to the table.\n\n@param fieldDef The field\n@param tableDef The table\n@return The column def"
] |
private Object filterValue(Object value)
if (value instanceof Boolean && !((Boolean) value).booleanValue())
value = null;
if (value instanceof String && ((String) value).isEmpty())
value = null;
if (value instanceof Double && ((Double) value).doubleValue() == 0.0)
value = null;
if (value instanceof Integer && ((Integer) value).intValue() == 0)
value = null;
if (value instanceof Duration && ((Duration) value).getDuration() == 0.0)
value = null;
return value;
} | [
"Replace default values will null, allowing them to be ignored.\n\n@param value value to test\n@return filtered value"
] | [
"List all the environment variables for an app.\n@param appName App name. See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@return map of config vars",
"Reads the given text stream and compressed its content.\n\n@param stream The input stream\n@return A byte array containing the GZIP-compressed content of the stream\n@throws IOException If an error ocurred",
"Given a cluster and a node id checks if the node exists\n\n@param nodeId The node id to search for\n@return True if cluster contains the node id, else false",
"Check if a given string is a valid java package or class name.\n\nThis method use the technique documented in\n[this SO question](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/13557195/how-to-check-if-string-is-a-valid-class-identifier)\nwith the following extensions:\n\n* if the string does not contain `.` then assume it is not a valid package or class name\n\n@param s\nthe string to be checked\n@return\n`true` if `s` is a valid java package or class name",
"Confirms that both clusters have the same set of zones defined.\n\n@param lhs\n@param rhs",
"Performs the filtering of the expired entries based on retention time.\nOptionally, deletes them also\n\n@param key the key whose value is to be deleted if needed\n@param vals set of values to be filtered out\n@return filtered list of values which are currently valid",
"Use this API to update route6.",
"except for the ones that make the content appear under the system bars.",
"Convert one project file format to another.\n\n@param inputFile input file\n@param outputFile output file\n@throws Exception"
] |
public static vpath[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
vpath obj = new vpath();
vpath[] response = (vpath[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the vpath resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Constraint that ensures that the field has a conversion if the java type requires it. Also checks the conversion class.\n\n@param fieldDef The field descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic (partly) and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the conversion class is invalid",
"from IsoFields in ThreeTen-Backport",
"Notifies that a content item is removed.\n\n@param position the position.",
"Get a signature for a list of parameters using the given shared secret.\n\n@param sharedSecret\nThe shared secret\n@param params\nThe parameters\n@return The signature String",
"Send post request.\n\n@param url the url\n@param customHeaders the customHeaders\n@param params the params\n@return the string\n@throws IOException the io exception",
"Gets the path used for the results of XSLT Transforms.",
"Returns the index of each elem in a List.\n@param elems The list of items\n@return An array of indices",
"Start the socket server and waiting for finished\n\n@throws InterruptedException thread interrupted",
"Creates an association row representing the given entry and adds it to the association managed by the given\npersister."
] |
public static Command newSetGlobal(String identifier,
Object object) {
return getCommandFactoryProvider().newSetGlobal( identifier,
object );
} | [
"Sets the global. Does not add the global to the ExecutionResults.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier of the global\n@param object\nThe instance to be set as the global.\n@return"
] | [
"Helper method to remove invalid children that don't have a corresponding CmsSitemapClientEntry.",
"Convert raw value as read from the MPP file into a Java type.\n\n@param type MPP value type\n@param value raw value data\n@return Java object",
"Gets the index input list.\n\n@return the index input list",
"Returns a PreparedStatementCreator that returns a page of the underlying\nresult set.\n\n@param dialect\nDatabase dialect to use.\n@param limit\nMaximum number of rows to return.\n@param offset\nIndex of the first row to return.",
"Sets left and right padding for all cells in the table.\n@param padding new padding for left and right, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Get a property as a boolean or default value.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue the default",
"Adapt the size of the tiles so that we have the same amount of tiles as we would have had with maxWidth\nand maxHeight, but with the smallest tiles as possible.",
"Retrieve a UUID in the form required by Primavera PMXML.\n\n@param guid UUID instance\n@return formatted UUID",
"Binds a script bundle to scene graph rooted at a scene object.\n@param scriptBundle\nThe {@code GVRScriptBundle} object containing script binding information.\n@param rootSceneObject\nThe root of the scene object tree to which the scripts are bound.\n@throws IOException if script bundle file cannot be read.\n@throws GVRScriptException if a script processing error occurs."
] |
private static Path resolveDockerDefinition(Path fullpath) {
final Path ymlPath = fullpath.resolveSibling(fullpath.getFileName() + ".yml");
if (Files.exists(ymlPath)) {
return ymlPath;
} else {
final Path yamlPath = fullpath.resolveSibling(fullpath.getFileName() + ".yaml");
if (Files.exists(yamlPath)) {
return yamlPath;
return null;
} | [
"Resolves current full path with .yml and .yaml extensions\n\n@param fullpath\nwithout extension.\n\n@return Path of existing definition or null"
] | [
"Use this API to clear nssimpleacl.",
"A document that is paused no longer has remote updates applied to it.\nAny local updates to this document cause it to be resumed. An example of pausing a document\nis when a conflict is being resolved for that document and the handler throws an exception.\n\nThis method allows you to resume sync for a document.\n\n@param namespace namespace for the document\n@param documentId the id of the document to resume syncing\n@return true if successfully resumed, false if the document\ncould not be found or there was an error resuming",
"Validates the producer method",
"Retrieve multiple properties.\n\n@param method method definition\n@param object target object\n@param map parameter values",
"Returns all visble sets and pools the photo belongs to.\n\nThis method does not require authentication.\n\n@param photoId\nThe photo to return information for.\n@return a list of {@link PhotoContext} objects\n@throws FlickrException",
"Returns the value of the identified field as a String.\n@param fieldName the name of the field\n@return the value of the field as a String",
"Cut the message content to the configured length.\n\n@param event the event",
"Constraint that ensures that the proxy-prefetching-limit has a valid value.\n\n@param def The descriptor (class, reference, collection)\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)",
"Copies all elements from input into output which are > tol.\n@param input (Input) input matrix. Not modified.\n@param output (Output) Output matrix. Modified and shaped to match input.\n@param tol Tolerance for defining zero"
] |
public static Pair<String, String> stringIntern(Pair<String, String> p) {
return new MutableInternedPair(p);
} | [
"If first and second are Strings, then this returns an MutableInternedPair\nwhere the Strings have been interned, and if this Pair is serialized\nand then deserialized, first and second are interned upon\ndeserialization.\n\n@param p A pair of Strings\n@return MutableInternedPair, with same first and second as this."
] | [
"Get the TagsInterface for working with Flickr Tags.\n\n@return The TagsInterface",
"Add a module.\n\n@param moduleName the module name\n@param slot the module slot\n@param newHash the new hash of the added content\n@return the builder",
"Adds OPT_FORMAT option to OptionParser, with one argument.\n\n@param parser OptionParser to be modified\n@param required Tells if this option is required or optional",
"Use this API to fetch tunneltrafficpolicy resource of given name .",
"Determines whether the object is a materialized object, i.e. no proxy or a\nproxy that has already been loaded from the database.\n\n@param object The object to test\n@return <code>true</code> if the object is materialized",
"Sets the resource to which this calendar is linked. Note that this\nmethod updates the calendar's name to be the same as the resource name.\nIf the resource does not yet have a name, then the calendar is given\na default name.\n\n@param resource resource instance",
"Search for a publisher of the given type in a project and return it, or null if it is not found.\n\n@return The publisher",
"Performs a null edit on a property. This has some effects on Wikibase,\nsuch as refreshing the labels of the referred items in the UI.\n\n@param propertyId\nthe document to perform a null edit on\n@throws MediaWikiApiErrorException\nif the API returns errors\n@throws IOException\nif there are any IO errors, such as missing network connection",
"Use this API to fetch server_service_binding resources of given name ."
] |
private void addFilters(MpxjTreeNode parentNode, List<Filter> filters)
for (Filter field : filters)
final Filter f = field;
MpxjTreeNode childNode = new MpxjTreeNode(field)
@Override public String toString()
return f.getName();
} | [
"Add filters to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param filters list of filters"
] | [
"Enables or disabled shadow casting for a direct light.\nEnabling shadows attaches a GVRShadowMap component to the\nGVRSceneObject which owns the light and provides the\ncomponent with an orthographic camera for shadow casting.\n@param enableFlag true to enable shadow casting, false to disable",
"Write flow id.\n\n@param message the message\n@param flowId the flow id",
"Specify the output format of the image.\n\n@see ImageFormat",
"Returns the chunk id for the file name\n\n@param fileName The file name\n@return Chunk id",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslcertkey resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Use this API to fetch systemuser resource of given name .",
"Creates the .story file necessary for every Beast Test Case.\n\n@param scenarioName\n- The name of the scenario, with spaces\n@param srcTestRootFolder\n- The test root folder\n@param packagePath\n- The package of the BeastTestCase\n@param scenarioDescription\n- the scenario name\n@param givenDescription\n- The given description\n@param whenDescription\n- The when description\n@param thenDescription\n- The then description\n@throws BeastException",
"lookup a ClassDescriptor in the internal Hashtable\n@param strClassName a fully qualified class name as it is returned by Class.getName().",
"Use this API to fetch appqoepolicy resource of given name ."
] |
public static ForwardCurveInterpolation createForwardCurveFromDiscountFactors(String name, double[] times, RandomVariable[] givenDiscountFactors, double paymentOffset) {
ForwardCurveInterpolation forwardCurveInterpolation = new ForwardCurveInterpolation(name, paymentOffset, InterpolationEntityForward.FORWARD, null);
if(times.length == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vector of times must not be empty.");
if(times[0] > 0) {
// Add first forward
RandomVariable forward = givenDiscountFactors[0].sub(1.0).pow(-1.0).div(times[0]);
forwardCurveInterpolation.addForward(null, 0.0, forward, true);
for(int timeIndex=0; timeIndex<times.length-1;timeIndex++) {
RandomVariable forward = givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex].div(givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex+1].sub(1.0)).div(times[timeIndex+1] - times[timeIndex]);
double fixingTime = times[timeIndex];
boolean isParameter = (fixingTime > 0);
forwardCurveInterpolation.addForward(null, fixingTime, forward, isParameter);
return forwardCurveInterpolation;
} | [
"Create a forward curve from given times and discount factors.\n\nThe forward curve will have times.length-1 fixing times from times[0] to times[times.length-2]\n<code>\nforward[timeIndex] = (givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex]/givenDiscountFactors[timeIndex+1]-1.0) / (times[timeIndex+1] - times[timeIndex]);\n</code>\nNote: If time[0] > 0, then the discount factor 1.0 will inserted at time 0.0\n\n@param name The name of this curve.\n@param times A vector of given time points.\n@param givenDiscountFactors A vector of given discount factors (corresponding to the given time points).\n@param paymentOffset The maturity of the underlying index modeled by this curve.\n@return A new ForwardCurve object."
] | [
"Processes a procedure tag.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException If an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"content\"\[email protected] name=\"arguments\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The arguments of the procedure as a comma-separated\nlist of names of procedure attribute tags\"\[email protected] name=\"attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes of the procedure as name-value pairs 'name=value',\nseparated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the procedure\"\[email protected] name=\"include-all-fields\" optional=\"true\" description=\"For insert/update: whether all fields of the current\nclass shall be included (arguments is ignored then)\" values=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"include-pk-only\" optional=\"true\" description=\"For delete: whether all primary key fields\nshall be included (arguments is ignored then)\" values=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"name\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The name of the procedure\"\[email protected] name=\"return-field-ref\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Identifies the field that receives the return value\"\[email protected] name=\"type\" optional=\"false\" description=\"The type of the procedure\" values=\"delete,insert,update\"",
"Reply used in error cases. set the response header as null.\n\n@param errorMessage the error message\n@param stackTrace the stack trace\n@param statusCode the status code\n@param statusCodeInt the status code int",
"Add custom fields to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param file custom fields container",
"Removes any child object that has the given name by performing\ncase-sensitive search.\n\n@param name name of scene object to be removed.\n\n@return number of removed objects, 0 if none was found.",
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"Update server mapping's host header\n\n@param serverMappingId ID of server mapping\n@param hostHeader value of host header\n@return updated ServerRedirect",
"This method uses the configured git credentials and repo, to test its validity.\nIn addition, in case the user requested creation of a new tag, it checks that\nanother tag with the same name doesn't exist",
"Validations specific to PUT",
"Handles the response of the getVersion request.\n@param incomingMessage the response message to process."
] |
public void reverse() {
for (int i = 0, size = mTransitionControls.size(); i < size; i++) {
} | [
"Reverses all the TransitionControllers managed by this TransitionManager"
] | [
"Create an element that represents a horizntal or vertical line.\n@param x1\n@param y1\n@param x2\n@param y2\n@return the created DOM element",
"Get the real Object\n\n@param objectOrProxy\n@return Object",
"Modify a misc file.\n\n@param name the file name\n@param path the relative path\n@param existingHash the existing hash\n@param newHash the new hash of the modified content\n@param isDirectory whether the file is a directory or not\n@return the builder",
"Builds the radio input to set the export and secure property.\n\n@param propName the name of the property to build the radio input for\n\n@return html for the radio input\n\n@throws CmsException if the reading of a property fails",
"Returns a simple web page where certs can be downloaded. This is meant for mobile device setup.\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Detects Opera Mobile or Opera Mini.\n@return detection of an Opera browser for a mobile device",
"Returns a reasonable timeout duration for a watch request.\n\n@param expectedTimeoutMillis timeout duration that a user wants to use, in milliseconds\n@param bufferMillis buffer duration which needs to be added, in milliseconds\n@return timeout duration in milliseconds, between the specified {@code bufferMillis} and\nthe {@link #MAX_MILLIS}.",
"Retrieve a FieldType instance based on an ID value from\nan MPP9 or MPP12 file.\n\n@param fieldID field ID\n@return FieldType instance",
"Add the buildInfo to step variables if missing and set its cps script.\n\n@param cpsScript the cps script\n@param stepVariables step variables map\n@return the build info"
] |
public static base_response update(nitro_service client, autoscaleprofile resource) throws Exception {
autoscaleprofile updateresource = new autoscaleprofile();
updateresource.name = resource.name;
updateresource.url = resource.url;
updateresource.apikey = resource.apikey;
updateresource.sharedsecret = resource.sharedsecret;
return updateresource.update_resource(client);
} | [
"Use this API to update autoscaleprofile."
] | [
"Returns a list ordered from the highest priority to the lowest.",
"Build call for getCharactersCharacterIdShip\n\n@param characterId\nAn EVE character ID (required)\n@param datasource\nThe server name you would like data from (optional, default to\ntranquility)\n@param ifNoneMatch\nETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this\nmatches the current ETag (optional)\n@param token\nAccess token to use if unable to set a header (optional)\n@param callback\nCallback for upload/download progress\n@return Call to execute\n@throws ApiException\nIf fail to serialize the request body object",
"Send an empty request using a standard HTTP connection.",
"Registers an event handler in the repository shared between Javascript\nand Java.\n\n@param h Event handler to be registered.\n@return Callback key that Javascript will use to find this handler.",
"Undeletes the selected files\n\n@return the ids of the modified resources\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all protocoludp_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Calculates a checksum for the specified buffer.\n@param buffer the buffer to calculate.\n@return the checksum value.",
"Performs a get operation with the specified composite request object\n\n@param requestWrapper A composite request object containing the key (and\n/ or default value) and timeout.\n@return The Versioned value corresponding to the key",
"Reorder the objects in the table to resolve referential integrity dependencies."
] |
public static aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding[] get(nitro_service service, String groupname) throws Exception{
aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding obj = new aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding();
aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding response[] = (aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch aaagroup_vpntrafficpolicy_binding resources of given name ."
] | [
"Stores an new entry in the cache.",
"Return all methods for a list of groupIds\n\n@param groupIds array of group IDs\n@param filters array of filters to apply to method selection\n@return collection of Methods found\n@throws Exception exception",
"appends a WHERE-clause to the Statement\n@param where\n@param crit\n@param stmt",
"Returns the nested object definition with the specified name.\n\n@param name The name of the attribute of the nested object\n@return The nested object definition or <code>null</code> if there is no such nested object",
"Determine which unit to use when creating grid labels.\n\n@param mapCrs the crs of the map, used if the {@link #labelProjection} is not defined.",
"Create an object of the given type using a constructor that matches the\nsupplied arguments and invoke the setters with the supplied variables.\n\n@param <T> the object type\n@param clazz\nthe type to create\n@param args\nthe arguments to the constructor\n@param vars\nthe named arguments for setters\n@return a new object of the given type, initialized with the given\narguments\n@throws NoSuchConstructorException\nif there is not a constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws AmbiguousConstructorException\nif there is more than one constructor that matches the given\narguments\n@throws ReflectiveOperationException\nif any of the reflective operations throw an exception",
"Create a new builder for multiple unpaginated requests on the view.\n\n@param keyType {@link com.cloudant.client.api.views.Key.Type} of the key emitted by the\nview\n@param valueType class of the type of value emitted by the view\n@param <K> type of key emitted by the view\n@param <V> type of value emitted by the view\n@return a new {@link MultipleRequestBuilder} for the database view specified by this\nViewRequestBuilder",
"Adds the specified list of users as members of the project. Returns the updated project record.\n\n@param project The project to add members to.\n@return Request object",
"Creates a MetaMatcher based on the filter content.\n\n@param filterAsString the String representation of the filter\n@param metaMatchers the Map of custom MetaMatchers\n@return A MetaMatcher used to match the filter content"
] |
private void readRelationships(net.sf.mpxj.ganttproject.schema.Task gpTask)
for (Depend depend : gpTask.getDepend())
Task task1 = m_projectFile.getTaskByUniqueID(Integer.valueOf(NumberHelper.getInt(gpTask.getId()) + 1));
Task task2 = m_projectFile.getTaskByUniqueID(Integer.valueOf(NumberHelper.getInt(depend.getId()) + 1));
if (task1 != null && task2 != null)
Duration lag = Duration.getInstance(NumberHelper.getInt(depend.getDifference()), TimeUnit.DAYS);
Relation relation = task2.addPredecessor(task1, getRelationType(depend.getType()), lag);
} | [
"Read the relationships for an individual GanttProject task.\n\n@param gpTask GanttProject task"
] | [
"Get the script for a given ID\n\n@param id ID of script\n@return Script if found, otherwise null",
"Obtains a Accounting local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Accounting local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Delivers the correct JSON Object for the Stencilset Extensions\n\n@param extensions",
"Do the search, called as a \"page action\"",
"Use this API to delete ntpserver of given name.",
"Read resource assignment data from a PEP file.",
"Sets the current configuration if it is a valid configuration. Otherwise the configuration is not set.\n@param configuration the configuration to set.\n@return flag, indicating if the configuration is set.",
"Loads a CRF classifier from an InputStream, and returns it. This method\ndoes not buffer the InputStream, so you should have buffered it before\ncalling this method.\n\n@param in\nInputStream to load classifier from\n@return The CRF classifier\n\n@throws IOException\nIf there are problems accessing the input stream\n@throws ClassCastException\nIf there are problems interpreting the serialized data\n@throws ClassNotFoundException\nIf there are problems interpreting the serialized data",
"Processes the template for all indices of the current table.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"unique\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to process the unique indices or not\"\nvalues=\"true,false\""
] |
public void syncInternalStateFromFileSystem(boolean alsoSyncRemoteState) {
// Make sure versions missing from the file-system are cleaned up from the internal state
for (Long version: versionToEnabledMap.keySet()) {
File[] existingVersionDirs = ReadOnlyUtils.getVersionDirs(rootDir, version, version);
if (existingVersionDirs.length == 0) {
removeVersion(version, alsoSyncRemoteState);
// Make sure we have all versions on the file-system in the internal state
File[] versionDirs = ReadOnlyUtils.getVersionDirs(rootDir);
if (versionDirs != null) {
for (File versionDir: versionDirs) {
long versionNumber = ReadOnlyUtils.getVersionId(versionDir);
boolean versionEnabled = isVersionEnabled(versionDir);
versionToEnabledMap.put(versionNumber, versionEnabled);
// Identify the current version (based on a symlink in the file-system)
File currentVersionDir = ReadOnlyUtils.getCurrentVersion(rootDir);
if (currentVersionDir != null) {
currentVersion = ReadOnlyUtils.getVersionId(currentVersionDir);
} else {
currentVersion = -1; // Should we throw instead?
logger.info("Successfully synced internal state from local file-system: " + this.toString());
} | [
"Compares the StoreVersionManager's internal state with the content on the file-system\nof the rootDir provided at construction time.\n\nTODO: If the StoreVersionManager supports non-RO stores in the future,\nwe should move some of the ReadOnlyUtils functions below to another Utils class."
] | [
"Setter for \"addContentInfo\", indicating if content information should be added.\n@param doAddInfo The value of the \"addContentInfo\" attribute of the tag",
"Returns a reasonable timeout duration for a watch request.\n\n@param expectedTimeoutMillis timeout duration that a user wants to use, in milliseconds\n@param bufferMillis buffer duration which needs to be added, in milliseconds\n@return timeout duration in milliseconds, between the specified {@code bufferMillis} and\nthe {@link #MAX_MILLIS}.",
"Initialize current thread's JobContext using specified copy\n@param origin the original job context",
"Extract calendar data.",
"Removes the task from the specified project. The task will still exist\nin the system, but it will not be in the project anymore.\n\nReturns an empty data block.\n\n@param task The task to remove from a project.\n@return Request object",
"Reports that a node is resolved hence other nodes depends on it can consume it.\n\n@param completed the node ready to be consumed",
"Converts the provided javascript object to JSON string.\n\n<p>If the object is a Map instance, it is stringified as key-value pairs, if it is a list, it is stringified as\na list, otherwise the object is merely converted to string using the {@code toString()} method.\n\n@param object the object to stringify.\n\n@return the object as a JSON string",
"Use this API to fetch systemsession resource of given name .",
"Use this API to update gslbsite resources."
] |
public SuggestAccountsRequest suggestAccounts() throws RestApiException {
return new SuggestAccountsRequest() {
public List<AccountInfo> get() throws RestApiException {
return AccountsRestClient.this.suggestAccounts(this);
} | [
"Added in Gerrit 2.11."
] | [
"return a generic Statement for the given ClassDescriptor",
"Returns timezone offset from a session instance. The offset is\nin minutes to UTC time\n\n@param session\nthe session instance\n@return the offset to UTC time in minutes",
"Retrieve a UUID in the form required by Primavera PMXML.\n\n@param guid UUID instance\n@return formatted UUID",
"Create a transactional protocol client.\n\n@param channelAssociation the channel handler\n@return the transactional protocol client",
"Returns the supplied string with any trailing '\\n' removed.",
"the absolute and relative calls are the trickiest parts. We have to\nmove across cursor boundaries potentially.\n\na + row value indexes from beginning of resultset\na - row value indexes from the end of th resulset.\n\nCalling absolute(1) is the same as calling first().\nCalling absolute(-1) is the same as calling last().",
"Use this API to add nssimpleacl.",
"Tries to guess the packaging of the archive - whether it's an EAR, WAR, JAR.\nMaybe not needed as we can rely on the suffix?",
"This method reads a byte array from the input stream.\n\n@param is the input stream\n@param size number of bytes to read\n@return byte array\n@throws IOException on file read error or EOF"
] |
private int getFixedDataFieldSize(FieldType type)
int result = 0;
DataType dataType = type.getDataType();
if (dataType != null)
switch (dataType)
case DATE:
result = 4;
case ACCRUE:
case SHORT:
case DELAY:
result = 2;
case UNITS:
case RATE:
case WORK:
result = 8;
result = 1;
case GUID:
result = 16;
result = 0;
return result;
} | [
"Determine the size of a field in a fixed data block.\n\n@param type field data type\n@return field size in bytes"
] | [
"Retrieves the GC timestamp, set by the Oracle, from zookeeper\n\n@param zookeepers Zookeeper connection string\n@return Oldest active timestamp or oldest possible ts (-1) if not found",
"Return true if the values of the two vectors are equal when cast as ints.\n\n@param a first vector to compare\n@param b second vector to compare\n@return true if the values of the two vectors are equal when cast as ints",
"Loads the tag definitions from the files with a \".tags.xml\" suffix from the addons.",
"Extract resource type from a resource ID string.\n@param id the resource ID string\n@return the resource type",
"Here we specify the configuration, starting from default MostUsefulConfiguration, and changing only what is needed",
"Method must be invoked upon completion of a rebalancing task. It is the\ntask's responsibility to do so.\n\n@param stealerId\n@param donorId",
"Set a knot type.\n@param n the knot index\n@param type the type\n@see #getKnotType",
"Generate a path select string\n\n@return Select query string",
"Use this API to add snmpmanager."
] |
public Formation scale(String appName, String processType, int quantity) {
return connection.execute(new FormationUpdate(appName, processType, quantity), apiKey);
} | [
"Scales a process type\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param processType type of process to maintain\n@param quantity number of processes to maintain"
] | [
"Processes the template for all indices of the current table.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"unique\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether to process the unique indices or not\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"",
"this method mimics EMC behavior",
"Parse JSON parameters from this request.\n\n@param jsonRequest The request in the JSON format.\n@return CmsSpellcheckingRequest object that contains parsed parameters or null, if JSON input is not well\ndefined.",
"set the insetsFrameLayout to display the content in fullscreen\nunder the statusBar and navigationBar\n\n@param fullscreen",
"Use this API to fetch sslservice resource of given name .",
"Create a new service activator for the domain server communication services.\n\n@param endpointConfig the endpoint configuration\n@param managementURI the management connection URI\n@param serverName the server name\n@param serverProcessName the server process name\n@param authKey the authentication key\n@param managementSubsystemEndpoint whether to use the mgmt subsystem endpoint or not\n@return the service activator",
"Adds a redirect URL to the specified profile ID\n\n@param model\n@param profileId\n@param srcUrl\n@param destUrl\n@param hostHeader\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Requests that the given namespace stopped being listened to for change events.\n\n@param namespace the namespace to stop listening for change events on.",
"Returns all the retention policies.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the resource.\n@param fields the fields to retrieve.\n@return an iterable with all the retention policies."
] |
public void removeDropPasteWorker(DropPasteWorkerInterface worker)
java.util.Iterator it = this.dropPasteWorkerSet.iterator();
int newDefaultActions = 0;
while (it.hasNext())
newDefaultActions |= ((DropPasteWorkerInterface)it.next()).getAcceptableActions(defaultDropTarget.getComponent());
} | [
"Remove a DropPasteWorker from the helper.\n@param worker the worker that should be removed"
] | [
"Creates a collaboration whitelist for a Box User with a given ID.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the collaboration whitelist.\n@param userID the ID of the Box User to add to the collaboration whitelist.\n@return information about the collaboration whitelist created for user.",
"Set OAuth 1 authentication credentials for the replication target\n\n@param consumerSecret client secret\n@param consumerKey client identifier\n@param tokenSecret OAuth server token secret\n@param token OAuth server issued token\n@return this Replication instance to set more options or trigger the replication",
"Writes the value key to the serialized characteristic\n\n@param builder The JSON builder to add the value to\n@param value The value to add",
"Initializes unspecified sign properties using available defaults\nand global settings.",
"Parse one resource to a shape object and add it to the shapes array\n@param shapes\n@param flatJSON\n@param resourceId\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Sends all events to the web service. Events will be transformed with mapper before sending.\n\n@param events the events",
"Use this API to fetch all the clusternodegroup resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Register a loader with the 'sniffer'.\n\n'Factory loaders' are pre-registered. To load a format we don't support,\ncreate a {@link GVRCompressedTextureLoader} descendant. Then, before\ntrying to load any files in that format, create an instance and call\n{@link #register()}:\n\n<pre>\n\nnew MyCompressedFormat().register();\n</pre>",
"Resolve the single type argument of the given generic interface against\nthe given target class which is assumed to implement the generic interface\nand possibly declare a concrete type for its type variable.\n@param clazz the target class to check against\n@param genericIfc the generic interface or superclass to resolve the type argument from\n@return the resolved type of the argument, or {@code null} if not resolvable"
] |
protected Element createRectangleElement(float x, float y, float width, float height, boolean stroke, boolean fill)
float lineWidth = transformWidth(getGraphicsState().getLineWidth());
float wcor = stroke ? lineWidth : 0.0f;
float strokeOffset = wcor == 0 ? 0 : wcor / 2;
width = width - wcor < 0 ? 1 : width - wcor;
height = height - wcor < 0 ? 1 : height - wcor;
StringBuilder pstyle = new StringBuilder(50);
pstyle.append("left:").append(style.formatLength(x - strokeOffset)).append(';');
pstyle.append("top:").append(style.formatLength(y - strokeOffset)).append(';');
if (stroke)
String color = colorString(getGraphicsState().getStrokingColor());
pstyle.append("border:").append(style.formatLength(lineWidth)).append(" solid ").append(color).append(';');
if (fill)
String fcolor = colorString(getGraphicsState().getNonStrokingColor());
Element el = doc.createElement("div");
el.setAttribute("class", "r");
el.setAttribute("style", pstyle.toString());
return el;
} | [
"Creates an element that represents a rectangle drawn at the specified coordinates in the page.\n@param x the X coordinate of the rectangle\n@param y the Y coordinate of the rectangle\n@param width the width of the rectangle\n@param height the height of the rectangle\n@param stroke should there be a stroke around?\n@param fill should the rectangle be filled?\n@return the resulting DOM element"
] | [
"Calculate the starting content offset based on the layout orientation and Gravity\n@param totalSize total size occupied by the content",
"Send ourselves \"updates\" about any tracks that were loaded before we started, since we missed them.",
"Creates the main component of the editor with all sub-components.\n@return the completely filled main component of the editor.\n@throws IOException thrown if setting the table's content data source fails.\n@throws CmsException thrown if setting the table's content data source fails.",
"Returns string content of blob identified by specified blob handle. String contents cache is used.\n\n@param blobHandle blob handle\n@param txn {@linkplain Transaction} instance\n@return string content of blob identified by specified blob handle\n@throws IOException if something went wrong",
"Calculates the Black-Scholes option value of a digital call option.\n\n@param initialStockValue The initial value of the underlying, i.e., the spot.\n@param riskFreeRate The risk free rate of the bank account numerarie.\n@param volatility The Black-Scholes volatility.\n@param optionMaturity The option maturity T.\n@param optionStrike The option strike.\n@return Returns the value of a European call option under the Black-Scholes model",
"Handle a value change.\n@param propertyId the column in which the value has changed.",
"Handle a simple ping request.\n\n@param channel the channel\n@param header the protocol header\n@throws IOException for any error",
"Creates a resource key defined as a child of key defined by enumeration value.\n@see #key(Enum)\n@see #child(String)\n@param enumValue the enumeration value defining the parent key\n@param key the child id\n@return the resource key",
"Get the collection of untagged photos.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'read' permission.\n\n@param perPage\n@param page\n@return A Collection of Photos\n@throws FlickrException"
] |
public static boolean compareAnnotatedParameters(AnnotatedParameter<?> p1, AnnotatedParameter<?> p2) {
return compareAnnotatedCallable(p1.getDeclaringCallable(), p2.getDeclaringCallable()) && p1.getPosition() == p2.getPosition() && compareAnnotated(p1, p2);
} | [
"Compares two annotated parameters and returns true if they are equal"
] | [
"Search for groups. 18+ groups will only be returned for authenticated calls where the authenticated user is over 18. This method does not require\nauthentication.\n\n@param text\nThe text to search for.\n@param perPage\nNumber of groups to return per page. If this argument is 0, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.\n@param page\nThe page of results to return. If this argument is 0, it defaults to 1.\n@return A GroupList Object. Only the fields <em>id</em>, <em>name</em> and <em>eighteenplus</em> in the Groups will be set.\n@throws FlickrException",
"Validate the configuration.\n\n@param validationErrors where to put the errors.",
"allow extension only for testing",
"Given a particular id, return the correct contextual. For contextuals\nwhich aren't passivation capable, the contextual can't be found in another\ncontainer, and null will be returned.\n\n@param id An identifier for the contextual\n@return the contextual",
"This method is used to change the credentials of CleverTap account Id, token and region programmatically\n@param accountID CleverTap Account Id\n@param token CleverTap Account Token\n@param region Clever Tap Account Region",
"Return the Payload attached to the current active bucket for |test|.\nAlways returns a payload so the client doesn't crash on a malformed\ntest definition.\n\n@param testName test name\n@return pay load attached to the current active bucket\n@deprecated Use {@link #getPayload(String, Bucket)} instead",
"Substitute the variables in the given expression with the\nvalues from the resolver\n\n@param pResolver\n@param pExpression",
"The setter for setting configuration file. It will convert the value to a URI.\n\n@param configurationFiles the configuration file map.",
"Gets the current page\n@return"
] |
public void deployApplication(String applicationName, URL... urls) throws IOException {
this.applicationName = applicationName;
for (URL url : urls) {
try (InputStream inputStream = url.openStream()) {
} | [
"Deploys application reading resources from specified URLs\n\n@param applicationName to configure in cluster\n@param urls where resources are read\n@return the name of the application\n@throws IOException"
] | [
"Returns the formula for the percentage\n@param group\n@param type\n@return",
"Use this API to fetch all the locationfile resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"With the Batik SVG library it is only possible to create new SVG graphics, but you can not modify an\nexisting graphic. So, we are loading the SVG file as plain XML and doing the modifications by hand.",
"dataType in weight descriptors and input descriptors is used to describe storage",
"Print an earned value method.\n\n@param value EarnedValueMethod instance\n@return earned value method value",
"Execute the transactional flow - catch only specified exceptions\n\n@param input Initial data input\n@param classes Exception types to catch\n@return Try that represents either success (with result) or failure (with errors)",
"generate a prepared SELECT-Statement for the Class\ndescribed by cld\n@param cld the ClassDescriptor",
"Set the pattern scheme to either \"by weekday\" or \"by day of month\".\n@param isByWeekDay flag, indicating if the pattern \"by weekday\" should be set.\n@param fireChange flag, indicating if a value change event should be fired.",
"Transform the given object into an array of bytes\n\n@param object The object to be serialized\n@return The bytes created from serializing the object"
] |
public ItemRequest<Webhook> deleteById(String webhook) {
String path = String.format("/webhooks/%s", webhook);
return new ItemRequest<Webhook>(this, Webhook.class, path, "DELETE");
} | [
"This method permanently removes a webhook. Note that it may be possible\nto receive a request that was already in flight after deleting the\nwebhook, but no further requests will be issued.\n\n@param webhook The webhook to delete.\n@return Request object"
] | [
"Executes a API query action to get a new token.\nThe method only executes the action, without doing any\nchecks first. If errors occur, they are logged and null is returned.\n\n@param tokenType The kind of token to retrieve like \"csrf\" or \"login\"\n@return newly retrieved token or null if no token was retrieved",
"Use this API to update rnatparam.",
"Returns a time interval as Solr compatible query string.\n@param searchField the field to search for.\n@param startTime the lower limit of the interval.\n@param endTime the upper limit of the interval.\n@return Solr compatible query string.",
"On key down we assume the key will go at the end. It's the most\ncommon case and not that distracting if that's not true.",
"Send a sync command to all registered listeners.\n\n@param command the byte which identifies the type of sync command we received",
"1-D Forward Discrete Hartley Transform.\n\n@param data Data.",
"Sanity-check a new non-beat update, make sure we are still interpolating a sensible position, and correct\nas needed.\n\n@param lastTrackUpdate the most recent digested update received from a player\n@param newDeviceUpdate a new status update from the player\n@param beatGrid the beat grid for the track that is playing, in case we have jumped\n\n@return the playback position we believe that player has reached at that point in time",
"Use this API to add dnspolicylabel resources.",
"Look at the comments on cluster variable to see why this is problematic"
] |
public CodePage getCodePage(int field)
CodePage result;
if ((field < m_fields.length) && (m_fields[field].length() != 0))
result = CodePage.getInstance(m_fields[field]);
result = CodePage.getInstance(null);
return (result);
} | [
"Retrieves a CodePage instance. Defaults to ANSI.\n\n@param field the index number of the field to be retrieved\n@return the value of the required field"
] | [
"Remove the trailing line end from an RTF block.\n\n@param text source text\n@param formalRTF true if this is a real RTF block\n@return text with line end stripped",
"Ensure the current throughput levels for the tracked operation does not\nexceed set quota limits. Throws an exception if exceeded quota.\n\n@param quotaKey\n@param trackedOp",
"Helper to read a line from the config file.\n@param propValue the property value\n@return the value of the variable set at this line.",
"Converts a batch indexing into the sample, to a batch indexing into the\noriginal function.\n\n@param batch The batch indexing into the sample.\n@return A new batch indexing into the original function, containing only\nthe indices from the sample.",
"Scales a process type\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param processType type of process to maintain\n@param quantity number of processes to maintain",
"absolute for basicJDBCSupport\n@param row",
"Return the profileId for a path\n\n@param path_id ID of path\n@return ID of profile\n@throws Exception exception",
"This method lists all tasks defined in the file.\n\n@param file MPX file",
"Override the thread context ClassLoader with the environment's bean ClassLoader\nif necessary, i.e. if the bean ClassLoader is not equivalent to the thread\ncontext ClassLoader already.\n@param classLoaderToUse the actual ClassLoader to use for the thread context\n@return the original thread context ClassLoader, or {@code null} if not overridden"
] |
public void setValue(Boolean value, boolean fireEvents) {
boolean oldValue = getValue();
if (value) {
input.getElement().setAttribute("checked", "true");
} else {
if (fireEvents && oldValue != value) {
ValueChangeEvent.fire(this, getValue());
} | [
"Set the value of switch component."
] | [
"Removes bean from scope.\n\n@param name bean name\n@return previous value",
"Performs a HTTP DELETE request.\n\n@return {@link Response}",
"This method retrieves an integer of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return required integer data",
"Initialize dates panel elements.",
"Recovers the state of synchronization for a namespace in case a system failure happened.\nThe goal is to revert the namespace to a known, good state. This method itself is resilient\nto failures, since it doesn't delete any documents from the undo collection until the\ncollection is in the desired state with respect to those documents.",
"Use this API to fetch service_dospolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Returns a Span that covers all rows beginning with a prefix String parameters will be encoded\nas UTF-8",
"Determine the enum value corresponding to the first play state found in the packet.\n\n@return the proper value",
"Get the default provider used.\n\n@return the default provider, never {@code null}."
] |
public void postConstruct() {
Assert.isTrue(this.polygon != null, "Polygon is null. 'area' string is: '" + this.area + "'");
Assert.isTrue(this.display != null, "'display' is null");
Assert.isTrue(this.style == null || this.display == AoiDisplay.RENDER,
"'style' does not make sense unless 'display' == RENDER. In this case 'display' == " +
} | [
"Tests that the area is valid geojson, the style ref is valid or null and the display is non-null."
] | [
"Producers returned from this method are not validated. Internal use only.",
"Creates the parents of nested XML elements if necessary.\n@param xmlContent the XML content that is edited.\n@param xmlPath the path of the (nested) element, for which the parents should be created\n@param l the locale for which the XML content is edited.",
"Finish the initialization.\n\n@param container\n@param isShutdownHookEnabled",
"Finds or creates a ResourceStorageLoadable for the given resource.\nClients should first call shouldLoadFromStorage to check whether there exists a storage version\nof the given resource.\n\n@return an IResourceStorageLoadable",
"Not used.",
"Print classes that were parts of relationships, but not parsed by javadoc",
"Maps a field index to an AssignmentField instance.\n\n@param fields array of fields used as the basis for the mapping.\n@param index required field index\n@return AssignmnetField instance",
"Add a row to the table. We have a limited understanding of the way\nBtrieve handles outdated rows, so we use what we think is a version number\nto try to ensure that we only have the latest rows.\n\n@param primaryKeyColumnName primary key column name\n@param map Map containing row data",
"Gets the invalid message.\n\n@param key the key\n@return the invalid message"
] |
public void updateStructure()
if (size() > 1)
Task lastTask = null;
int lastLevel = -1;
boolean autoWbs = m_projectFile.getProjectConfig().getAutoWBS();
boolean autoOutlineNumber = m_projectFile.getProjectConfig().getAutoOutlineNumber();
for (Task task : this)
Task parent = null;
if (!task.getNull())
int level = NumberHelper.getInt(task.getOutlineLevel());
if (lastTask != null)
if (level == lastLevel || task.getNull())
parent = lastTask.getParentTask();
level = lastLevel;
if (level > lastLevel)
parent = lastTask;
while (level <= lastLevel)
parent = lastTask.getParentTask();
if (parent == null)
lastLevel = NumberHelper.getInt(parent.getOutlineLevel());
lastTask = parent;
lastTask = task;
lastLevel = level;
if (autoWbs || task.getWBS() == null)
if (autoOutlineNumber)
if (parent == null)
} | [
"This method is used to recreate the hierarchical structure of the\nproject file from scratch. The method sorts the list of all tasks,\nthen iterates through it creating the parent-child structure defined\nby the outline level field."
] | [
"Registers all custom Externalizer implementations that Hibernate OGM needs into an Infinispan CacheManager\nconfiguration.\n\n@see ExternalizerIds\n@param cfg the Serialization section of a GlobalConfiguration builder",
"Checks if a Zip is valid navigating through the entries\n\n@param file File to validate\n@throws IOException I/O Error",
"Configure the mapping between a database column and a field, including definition of\nan alias.\n\n@param container column to field map\n@param name column name\n@param type field type\n@param alias field alias",
"Delete an artifact in the Grapes server\n\n@param gavc\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Use this API to fetch appfwprofile_denyurl_binding resources of given name .",
"Set the configuration property.\n\n@param key\n@param value\n@return self\n@see #ARCHIVE_ISOLATION_SYSTEM_PROPERTY\n@see #SHUTDOWN_HOOK_SYSTEM_PROPERTY\n@see #DEV_MODE_SYSTEM_PROPERTY\n@see ConfigurationKey",
"Create an import declaration and delegates its registration for an upper class.",
"This constructs and returns the request object for the producer pool\n\n@param topic the topic to which the data should be published\n@param bidPid the broker id and partition id\n@param data the data to be published\n@return producer data of builder",
"Changes the vertex buffer associated with this mesh.\n@param vbuf new vertex buffer to use\n@see #setVertices(float[])\n@see #getVertexBuffer()\n@see #getVertices()"
] |
private void init(AttributeSet attrs) {
inflate(getContext(), R.layout.intl_phone_input, this);
* Country spinner
mCountrySpinner = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.intl_phone_edit__country);
mCountrySpinnerAdapter = new CountrySpinnerAdapter(getContext());
mCountries = CountriesFetcher.getCountries(getContext());
* Phone text field
mPhoneEdit = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.intl_phone_edit__phone);
} | [
"Init after constructor"
] | [
"Creates a decorator bean\n\n@param <T> The type\n@param clazz The class\n@param beanManager the current manager\n@return a Bean",
"This method reads an eight byte integer from the input array.\n\n@param data the input array\n@param offset offset of integer data in the array\n@return integer value",
"20130512 Converts the sdsm string generated above to Date format.\n\n@param str\nthe str\n@return the date from concise str",
"Creates a favorite widget for a favorite entry.\n\n@param entry the favorite entry\n@return the favorite widget\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Starts processor thread.",
"Gets the global and adds it ot the BatchExecutionresults using the alternative outIdentifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier of the global\n@param outIdentifier\nThe identifier used in the ExecutionResults to store the global.\n@return",
"Parses the supplied text and converts it to a Long\ncorresponding to that midnight in UTC on the specified date.\n\n@return null if it fails to parsing using the specified\nDateTimeFormat",
"Checks the preconditions for creating a new LMinMax processor.\n\n@param min\nthe minimum value (inclusive)\n@param max\nthe maximum value (inclusive)\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif {@code max < min}",
"Retrieves the named calendar. This method will return\nnull if the named calendar is not located.\n\n@param calendarName name of the required calendar\n@return ProjectCalendar instance"
] |
public AssemblyResponse cancelAssembly(String url)
throws RequestException, LocalOperationException {
Request request = new Request(this);
return new AssemblyResponse(request.delete(url, new HashMap<String, Object>()));
} | [
"cancels a running assembly.\n\n@param url full url of the Assembly.\n@return {@link AssemblyResponse}\n@throws RequestException if request to transloadit server fails.\n@throws LocalOperationException if something goes wrong while running non-http operations."
] | [
"Initializes the default scope type",
"Summarizes balance for the given nodeId to PartitionCount.\n\n@param nodeIdToPartitionCount\n@param title for use in pretty string\n@return Pair: getFirst() is utility value to be minimized, getSecond() is\npretty summary string of balance",
"Add the buildInfo to step variables if missing and set its cps script.\n\n@param cpsScript the cps script\n@param stepVariables step variables map\n@return the build info",
"Goes through the first buckets, picking out candidate records and\ntallying up their scores.\n@return the index of the first bucket we did not process",
"Set the degrees of rotation. Value will be set to -1, if not available.\n\n@param rotation",
"Runs the print.\n\n@param args the cli arguments\n@throws Exception",
"Inserts a Bundle value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing value\nfor the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a Bundle object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls",
"Sets the bounds of a UIObject, moving and sizing to match the\nbounds specified. Currently used for the itemhover and useful\nfor other absolutely positioned elements.",
"Creates a new immutable set that consists of given elements.\n\n@param elements the given elements\n@return a new immutable set that consists of given elements"
] |
static String makeLayout(String descriptor, String blockName, boolean useUBO)
return NativeShaderManager.makeLayout(descriptor, blockName, useUBO);
} | [
"Make a string with the shader layout for a uniform block\nwith a given descriptor. The format of the descriptor is\nthe same as for a @{link GVRShaderData} - a string of\ntypes and names of each field.\n<p>\nThis function will return a Vulkan shader layout if the\nVulkan renderer is being used. Otherwise, it returns\nan OpenGL layout.\n@param descriptor string with types and names of each field\n@param blockName name of uniform block\n@param useUBO true to output uniform buffer layout, false for push constants\n@return string with shader declaration"
] | [
"Makes it possible to uniquify a collection of objects which are normally\nnon-hashable. Alternatively, it lets you define an alternate hash function\nfor them for limited-use hashing.",
"Send a packet to the target player telling it to load the specified track from the specified source player.\n\n@param targetPlayer the device number of the player that you want to have load a track\n@param rekordboxId the identifier of a track within the source player's rekordbox database\n@param sourcePlayer the device number of the player from which the track should be loaded\n@param sourceSlot the media slot from which the track should be loaded\n@param sourceType the type of track to be loaded\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem sending the command\n@throws IllegalStateException if the {@code VirtualCdj} is not active or the target device cannot be found",
"This method takes the value of an agent's belief through its external\naccess\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name of the agent\n@param belief_name\nThe name of the belief inside agent's adf\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access\n@return belief_value The value of the requested belief",
"Send message to all connections labeled with tag specified\nwith self connection excluded\n\n@param message the message to be sent\n@param tag the string that tag the connections to be sent\n@return this context",
"This is more expensive.\n\n@param key key whose presence in this map is to be tested.\n@return <tt>true</tt> if this map contains a mapping for the specified\nkey.",
"Handles the cases in which we can use longs rather than BigInteger\n\n@param section\n@param increment\n@param addrCreator\n@param lowerProducer\n@param upperProducer\n@param prefixLength\n@return",
"Send a track metadata update announcement to all registered listeners.",
"Create a model mbean from an object using the description given in the\nJmx annotation if present. Only operations are supported so far, no\nattributes, constructors, or notifications\n\n@param o The object to create an MBean for\n@return The ModelMBean for the given object",
"Return true if the AST expression has not already been visited. If it is\nthe first visit, register the expression so that the next visit will return false.\n\n@param expression - the AST expression to check\n@return true if the AST expression has NOT already been visited"
] |
static void processServerConfig(final Resource root, final RequiredConfigurationHolder requiredConfigurationHolder, final IgnoredNonAffectedServerGroupsUtil.ServerConfigInfo serverConfig, final ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
final Set<String> serverGroups = requiredConfigurationHolder.serverGroups;
final Set<String> socketBindings = requiredConfigurationHolder.socketBindings;
String sbg = serverConfig.getSocketBindingGroup();
if (sbg != null && !socketBindings.contains(sbg)) {
processSocketBindingGroup(root, sbg, requiredConfigurationHolder);
final String groupName = serverConfig.getServerGroup();
final PathElement groupElement = PathElement.pathElement(SERVER_GROUP, groupName);
// Also check the root, since this also gets executed on the slave which may not have the server-group configured yet
if (!serverGroups.contains(groupName) && root.hasChild(groupElement)) {
final Resource serverGroup = root.getChild(groupElement);
final ModelNode groupModel = serverGroup.getModel();
// Include the socket binding groups
if (groupModel.hasDefined(SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP)) {
final String socketBindingGroup = groupModel.get(SOCKET_BINDING_GROUP).asString();
processSocketBindingGroup(root, socketBindingGroup, requiredConfigurationHolder);
final String profileName = groupModel.get(PROFILE).asString();
processProfile(root, profileName, requiredConfigurationHolder, extensionRegistry);
} | [
"Determine the relevant pieces of configuration which need to be included when processing the domain model.\n\n@param root the resource root\n@param requiredConfigurationHolder the resolution context\n@param serverConfig the server config\n@param extensionRegistry the extension registry"
] | [
"Log modified request\n\n@param httpMethodProxyRequest\n@param httpServletResponse\n@param history",
"Rewrites the file passed to 'this' constructor so that the actual line numbers match the recipe passed to 'this'\nconstructor.",
"Set the value of the underlying component. Note that this will\nnot work for ListEditor components. Also, note that for a JComboBox,\nThe value object must have the same identity as an object in the drop-down.\n\n@param propName The DMR property name to set.\n@param value The value.",
"Process a single criteria block.\n\n@param list parent criteria list\n@param block current block",
"Accessor method used to retrieve a Boolean object representing the\ncontents of an individual field. If the field does not exist in the\nrecord, null is returned.\n\n@param field the index number of the field to be retrieved\n@return the value of the required field",
"Creates the tcpClient with proper handler.\n\n@return the bound request builder\n@throws HttpRequestCreateException\nthe http request create exception",
"Use this API to delete nsacl6 of given name.",
"Leave a group.\n\n@see <a href=\"http://www.flickr.com/services/api/flickr.groups.leave.html\">lickr.groups.leave</a> for a description of the various behaviors possible\nwhen a user leaves a group.\n\n@param groupId\n- the id of the group to leave\n@param deletePhotos\n- delete photos by this user from group",
"Check if a position is within a circle\n\n@param x x position\n@param y y position\n@param centerX center x of circle\n@param centerY center y of circle\n@return true if within circle, false otherwise"
] |
void fileWritten() throws ConfigurationPersistenceException {
if (!doneBootup.get() || interactionPolicy.isReadOnly()) {
try {
FilePersistenceUtils.copyFile(mainFile, lastFile);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ControllerLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.failedToBackup(e, mainFile);
} | [
"Notification that the configuration has been written, and its current content should be stored to the .last file"
] | [
"Check if a dependency matches the filters\n\n@param dependency\n\n@return boolean",
"Get the list of all nodes and the list of active nodes in the cluster.\n\n@return Membership object encapsulating lists of all nodes and the cluster nodes\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/advanced.html#-get-_membership-\">\n_membership</a>",
"Returns the directory of the URL.\n\n@param urlString URL of the file.\n@return The directory string.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if URL is malformed",
"Writes a presentable version of the given PTB-tokenized text.\nPTB tokenization splits up punctuation and does various other things\nthat makes simply joining the tokens with spaces look bad. So join\nthe tokens with space and run it through this method to produce nice\nlooking text. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well.",
"Gets the flags associated with this attribute.\n@return the flags. Will not return {@code null}",
"Gets the first group of a regex\n@param pattern Pattern\n@param str String to find\n@return the matching group",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationradiuspolicy_vpnglobal_binding resources of given name .",
"Delete the proxy history for the active profile\n\n@throws Exception exception",
"Use this API to fetch cmppolicylabel_cmppolicy_binding resources of given name ."
] |
private static void setFields(final Object from, final Object to,
final Field[] fields, final boolean accessible,
final Map objMap, final Map metadataMap)
for (int f = 0, fieldsLength = fields.length; f < fieldsLength; ++f)
final Field field = fields[f];
final int modifiers = field.getModifiers();
if ((Modifier.STATIC & modifiers) != 0) continue;
if ((Modifier.FINAL & modifiers) != 0)
throw new ObjectCopyException("cannot set final field [" + field.getName() + "] of class [" + from.getClass().getName() + "]");
if (!accessible && ((Modifier.PUBLIC & modifiers) == 0))
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new ObjectCopyException("cannot access field [" + field.getName() + "] of class [" + from.getClass().getName() + "]: " + e.toString(), e);
cloneAndSetFieldValue(field, from, to, objMap, metadataMap);
catch (Exception e)
throw new ObjectCopyException("cannot set field [" + field.getName() + "] of class [" + from.getClass().getName() + "]: " + e.toString(), e);
} | [
"copy all fields from the \"from\" object to the \"to\" object.\n\n@param from source object\n@param to from's clone\n@param fields fields to be populated\n@param accessible 'true' if all 'fields' have been made accessible during\ntraversal"
] | [
"Classify the contents of a file.\n\n@param filename\nContains the sentence(s) to be classified.\n@return {@link List} of classified List of IN.",
"Creates a new RDF serializer based on the current configuration of this\nobject.\n\n@return the newly created RDF serializer\n@throws IOException\nif there were problems opening the output files",
"as it is daemon thread\n\nTODO when release external resources should shutdown the scheduler.",
"Excludes Vertices that are of the provided type.",
"Returns the smallest prefix length possible such that this address division grouping includes the block of addresses for that prefix.\n\n@return the prefix length",
"Use this API to fetch all the rnatparam resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Parser for forecast\n\n@param feed\n@return",
"This method retrieves a double of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return required double data",
"Function to perform backward activation"
] |
public SimpleConfiguration getClientConfiguration() {
SimpleConfiguration clientConfig = new SimpleConfiguration();
Iterator<String> iter = getKeys();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
String key = iter.next();
if (key.startsWith(CONNECTION_PREFIX) || key.startsWith(ACCUMULO_PREFIX)
|| key.startsWith(CLIENT_PREFIX)) {
clientConfig.setProperty(key, getRawString(key));
return clientConfig;
} | [
"Returns a SimpleConfiguration clientConfig with properties set from this configuration\n\n@return SimpleConfiguration"
] | [
"List all the environment variables for an app.\n@param appName App name. See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@return map of config vars",
"Returns a value.\n@param path the path that designates the key. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@return the metadata property value.\n@deprecated Metadata#get() does not handle all possible metadata types; use Metadata#getValue() instead",
"Inserts a Bundle value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any existing value\nfor the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a Bundle object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls",
"Use this API to add vpath.",
"Extract the outline level from a task's WBS attribute.\n\n@param task Task instance\n@return outline level",
"Returns the compact records for all sections in the specified project.\n\n@param project The project to get sections from.\n@return Request object",
"Finds to a given point p the point on the spline with minimum distance.\n@param p Point where the nearest distance is searched for\n@param nPointsPerSegment Number of interpolation points between two support points\n@return Point spline which has the minimum distance to p",
"Indicate to the RecyclerView the type of Renderer used to one position using a numeric value.\n\n@param position to analyze.\n@return the id associated to the Renderer used to render the content given a position.",
"Delete the given file in a separate thread\n\n@param file The file to delete"
] |
public static String[] slice(String[] strings, int begin, int length) {
String[] result = new String[length];
System.arraycopy( strings, begin, result, 0, length );
return result;
} | [
"Create a smaller array from an existing one.\n\n@param strings an array containing element of type {@link String}\n@param begin the starting position of the sub-array\n@param length the number of element to consider\n@return a new array continaining only the selected elements"
] | [
"Sends a user a password reset email for the given email.\n\n@param email the email of the user.\n@return A {@link Task} that completes when the reqest request completes/fails.",
"Returns the target locales.\n\n@return the target locales, never null.",
"Send a lifecycle announcement to all registered listeners.\n\n@param logger the logger to use, so the log entry shows as belonging to the proper subclass.\n@param starting will be {@code true} if the DeviceFinder is starting, {@code false} if it is stopping.",
"Reduce the given value to the nearest smaller 1 significant digit number starting with 1, 2 or 5.\n\n@param value the value to find a nice number for.\n@param scaleUnit the unit of the value.\n@param lockUnits if set, the values are not scaled to a \"nicer\" unit.",
"Build call for getCharactersCharacterIdShip\n\n@param characterId\nAn EVE character ID (required)\n@param datasource\nThe server name you would like data from (optional, default to\ntranquility)\n@param ifNoneMatch\nETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this\nmatches the current ETag (optional)\n@param token\nAccess token to use if unable to set a header (optional)\n@param callback\nCallback for upload/download progress\n@return Call to execute\n@throws ApiException\nIf fail to serialize the request body object",
"Label accessor provided for JSON serialization only.",
"Push docker image using the docker java client.\n\n@param imageTag\n@param username\n@param password\n@param host",
"Performs spellchecking using Solr and returns the spellchecking results using JSON.\n\n@param res The HttpServletResponse object.\n@param servletRequest The ServletRequest object.\n@param cms The CmsObject object.\n\n@throws CmsPermissionViolationException in case of the anonymous guest user\n@throws IOException if writing the response fails",
"we only use the registrationList map if the object is not a proxy. During the\nreference locking, we will materialize objects and they will enter the registered for\nlock map."
] |
public String getWrappingHint(String fieldName) {
if (isEmpty()) {
return "";
return String.format(" You can use this expression: %s(%s(%s))",
formatMethod(wrappingMethodOwnerName, wrappingMethodName, ""),
formatMethod(copyMethodOwnerName, copyMethodName, copyTypeParameterName),
} | [
"For given field name get the actual hint message"
] | [
"Returns the expression string required\n\n@param ds\n@return",
"Generate a set of datetime patterns to accommodate variations in MPX files.\n\n@param datePattern date pattern element\n@param timePatterns time patterns\n@return datetime patterns",
"Retrieve the parent task based on its WBS.\n\n@param wbs parent WBS\n@return parent task",
"Remove a DAO from the cache. This is necessary if we've registered it already but it throws an exception during\nconfiguration.",
"Use this API to unset the properties of filterhtmlinjectionparameter resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Split string content into list\n@param content String content\n@return list",
"Boot with the given operations, performing full model and capability registry validation.\n\n@param bootOperations the operations. Cannot be {@code null}\n@param rollbackOnRuntimeFailure {@code true} if the boot should fail if operations fail in the runtime stage\n@return {@code true} if boot was successful\n@throws ConfigurationPersistenceException",
"Dump timephased work for an assignment.\n\n@param assignment resource assignment",
"Used by TracedParallelBatch where its used to wrap a TraceContext and puts it in the\nregistry for the forked execution. This is marked deprecated as we prefer not to\nexpose details of the RatpackCurrentTraceContext implementation.\n\n@param traceContext a trace context.\n@return a holder for the trace context, which can be put into the registry."
] |
public List<EndpointOverride> getPaths(int profileId, String clientUUID, String[] filters) throws Exception {
ArrayList<EndpointOverride> properties = new ArrayList<EndpointOverride>();
PreparedStatement statement = null;
ResultSet results = null;
try (Connection sqlConnection = sqlService.getConnection()) {
String queryString = this.getPathSelectString();
queryString += " AND " + Constants.DB_TABLE_PATH + "." + Constants.GENERIC_PROFILE_ID + "=? " +
statement = sqlConnection.prepareStatement(queryString);
statement.setString(1, clientUUID);
statement.setInt(2, profileId);
results = statement.executeQuery();
while (results.next()) {
EndpointOverride endpoint = this.getEndpointOverrideFromResultSet(results);
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
try {
if (results != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
try {
if (statement != null) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return properties;
} | [
"Returns an array of all endpoints\n\n@param profileId ID of profile\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@param filters filters to apply to endpoints\n@return Collection of endpoints\n@throws Exception exception"
] | [
"Returns the value of the identified field as a Boolean.\n@param fieldName the name of the field\n@return the value of the field as a Boolean",
"Set an enterprise text value.\n\n@param index text index (1-40)\n@param value text value",
"Sends a text message using given server setup for SMTP.\n\n@param to the to address.\n@param from the from address.\n@param subject the subject.\n@param msg the test message.\n@param setup the SMTP setup.",
"Set the individual dates.\n@param dates the dates to set.",
"Logs an error message for unhandled exception thrown from the target method.\n\n@param joinPoint - the joint point cut that contains information about the target\n@param throwable - the cause of the exception from the target method invocation",
"Records that there is media mounted in a particular media player slot, updating listeners if this is a change.\nAlso send a query to the player requesting details about the media mounted in that slot, if we don't already\nhave that information.\n\n@param slot the slot in which media is mounted",
"Create a Map composed of the entries of the first map minus the\nentries of the given map.\n\n@param self a map object\n@param removeMe the entries to remove from the map\n@return the resulting map\n@since 1.7.4",
"Apply all attributes on the given context, hereby existing entries are preserved.\n\n@param context the context to be applied, not null.\n@return this Builder, for chaining\n@see #importContext(AbstractContext, boolean)",
"Returns a Span that covers all rows beginning with a prefix String parameters will be encoded\nas UTF-8"
] |
public void forAllIndexColumns(String template, Properties attributes) throws XDocletException
for (Iterator it = _curIndexDef.getColumns(); it.hasNext(); )
_curColumnDef = _curTableDef.getColumn((String)it.next());
_curColumnDef = null;
} | [
"Processes the template for all columns of the current table index.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\""
] | [
"Convert this buffer to a java array.\n@return",
"Get a value from a date metadata field.\n@param path the key path in the metadata object. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@return the metadata value as a Date.\n@throws ParseException when the value cannot be parsed as a valid date",
"Parses the provided file, using the given libraryPaths and sourcePaths as context. The libraries may be either\njar files or references to directories containing class files.\n\nThe sourcePaths must be a reference to the top level directory for sources (eg, for a file\nsrc/main/java/org/example/Foo.java, the source path would be src/main/java).\n\nThe wildcard resolver provides a fallback for processing wildcard imports that the underlying parser was unable\nto resolve.",
"Isn't there a method for this in GeoTools?\n\n@param crs\nCRS string in the form of 'EPSG:<srid>'.\n@return SRID as integer.",
"Transforms an input String into HTML using the given Configuration.\n\n@param input\nThe String to process.\n@param configuration\nThe Configuration.\n@return The processed String.\n@since 0.7\n@see Configuration",
"Get the permission information for the specified photo.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'read' permission.\n\n@param photoId\nThe photo id\n@return The Permissions object\n@throws FlickrException",
"Adds title and subtitle to the TitleBand when it applies.\nIf title is not present then subtitle will be ignored",
"Helper method to get a list of node ids.\n\n@param nodeList",
"Load a system library from a stream. Copies the library to a temp file\nand loads from there.\n\n@param libname name of the library (just used in constructing the library name)\n@param is InputStream pointing to the library"
] |
private String getSite(CmsObject cms, CmsFavoriteEntry entry) {
CmsSite site = OpenCms.getSiteManager().getSiteForRootPath(entry.getSiteRoot());
Item item = m_sitesContainer.getItem(entry.getSiteRoot());
if (item != null) {
return (String)(item.getItemProperty("caption").getValue());
String result = entry.getSiteRoot();
if (site != null) {
if (!CmsStringUtil.isEmpty(site.getTitle())) {
result = site.getTitle();
return result;
} | [
"Gets the site label for the entry.\n\n@param cms the current CMS context\n@param entry the entry\n@return the site label for the entry"
] | [
"Prep for a new connection\n@return if stats are enabled, return the nanoTime when this connection was requested.\n@throws SQLException",
"Initialize the fat client for the given store.\n\n1. Updates the coordinatorMetadata 2.Gets the new store configs from the\nconfig file 3.Creates a new @SocketStoreClientFactory 4. Subsequently\ncaches the @StoreClient obtained from the factory.\n\n\nThis is synchronized because if Coordinator Admin is already doing some\nchange we want the AsyncMetadataVersionManager to wait.\n\n@param storeName",
"Stops the service. If a timeout is given and the service has still not\ngracefully been stopped after timeout ms the service is stopped by force.\n\n@param millis value in ms",
"Translate the string to bytes using the given encoding\n\n@param string The string to translate\n@param encoding The encoding to use\n@return The bytes that make up the string",
"commit all envelopes against the current broker",
"Returns true if the query result has at least one row.",
"Helper method to check if log4j is already configured",
"Use this API to fetch responderpolicylabel_responderpolicy_binding resources of given name .",
"Run a query on the datastore.\n\n@return The entities returned by the query.\n@throws DatastoreException on error"
] |
private void addDownloadButton(final CmsLogFileView view) {
Button button = CmsToolBar.createButton(
button.addClickListener(new ClickListener() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) {
Window window = CmsBasicDialog.prepareWindow(CmsBasicDialog.DialogWidth.wide);
window.setContent(new CmsLogDownloadDialog(window, view.getCurrentFile()));
} | [
"Adds the download button.\n\n@param view layout which displays the log file"
] | [
"Loads the file content in the properties collection\n@param filePath The path of the file to be loaded",
"Copy the contents of this buffer begginning from the srcOffset to a destination byte array\n@param srcOffset\n@param destArray\n@param destOffset\n@param size",
"Determine the enum value corresponding to the first play state found in the packet.\n\n@return the proper value",
"Returns the index of the eigenvalue which has the largest magnitude.\n\n@return index of the largest magnitude eigen value.",
"Compares two avro strings which contains single store configs\n\n@param configAvro1\n@param configAvro2\n@return true if two config avro strings have same content",
"Append the bounding volume particle positions, times and velocities to the existing mesh\nbefore creating a new scene object with this mesh attached to it.\nAlso, append every created scene object and its creation time to corresponding array lists.\n\n@param particlePositions\n@param particleVelocities\n@param particleTimeStamps",
"Pretty prints the output of getMapOfContiguousPartitionRunLengths\n\n@param cluster\n@param zoneId\n@return pretty string of contiguous run lengths",
"Returns the current download state for a download request.\n\n@param downloadId\n@return",
"Set the individual dates where the event should take place.\n@param dates the dates to set."
] |
Subsets and Splits