stringlengths 74
| positive
sequencelengths 1
| negative
sequencelengths 9
private String addIndexInputToList(String name, IndexInput in,
String postingsFormatName) throws IOException {
if (indexInputList.get(name) != null) {
if (in != null) {
String localPostingsFormatName = postingsFormatName;
if (localPostingsFormatName == null) {
localPostingsFormatName = in.readString();
} else if (!in.readString().equals(localPostingsFormatName)) {
throw new IOException("delegate codec " + name + " doesn't equal "
+ localPostingsFormatName);
indexInputList.put(name, in);
indexInputOffsetList.put(name, in.getFilePointer());
return localPostingsFormatName;
} else {
log.debug("no " + name + " registered");
return null;
} | [
"Adds the index input to list.\n\n@param name the name\n@param in the in\n@param postingsFormatName the postings format name\n@return the string\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] | [
"Get history for a specific database ID\n\n@param id ID of history entry\n@return History entry",
"Kicks off an animation that will result in the pointer being centered in the\npie slice of the currently selected item.",
"Replace default values will null, allowing them to be ignored.\n\n@param value value to test\n@return filtered value",
"The main entry point for processing graphical indicator definitions.\n\n@param indicators graphical indicators container\n@param properties project properties\n@param props properties data",
"Get a property as a json array or default.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue default",
"Creates the final artifact name.\n\n@return the artifact name",
"Command to select a document from the POIFS for viewing.\n\n@param entry document to view",
"Locates a task within a child task container which matches the supplied UUID.\n\n@param parent child task container\n@param uuid required UUID\n@return Task instance or null if the task is not found",
"Returns the input to parse including the whitespace left to the cursor position since\nit may be relevant to the list of proposals for whitespace sensitive languages."
] |
protected Iterator<MACAddress> iterator(MACAddress original) {
MACAddressCreator creator = getAddressCreator();
boolean isSingle = !isMultiple();
return iterator(
isSingle ? original : null,
creator,//using a lambda for this one results in a big performance hit
isSingle ? null : segmentsIterator(),
getNetwork().getPrefixConfiguration().allPrefixedAddressesAreSubnets() ? null : getPrefixLength());
} | [
"these are the iterators used by MACAddress"
] | [
"Combines two trajectories by adding the corresponding positions. The trajectories have to have the same length.\n@param a The first trajectory\n@param b The second trajectory\n@return The combined trajectory",
"Get result of one of the task that belongs to this task's task group.\n\n@param key the task key\n@param <T> the actual type of the task result\n@return the task result, null will be returned if task has not produced a result yet",
"Returns the total number of weights associated with this classifier.\n\n@return number of weights",
"try to find a field in class c, recurse through class hierarchy if necessary\n\n@throws NoSuchFieldException if no Field was found into the class hierarchy",
"Invoked when an action occurs.",
"Takes a model and an SCXMLFrontier and decomposes the Frontier into a Map of Strings to Strings\nThese strings can be sent over a network to get a Frontier past a 'gap'\n\n@param frontier the Frontier\n@param modelText the model\n@return the map of strings representing a decomposition",
"Set the serial pattern type.\n@param patternType the pattern type to set.",
"Use this API to add policydataset.",
"1-D Double array to integer array.\n\n@param array Double array.\n@return Integer array."
] |
public static <V> V doWorkInPool(final Pool<Jedis> pool, final PoolWork<Jedis, V> work) throws Exception {
if (pool == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pool must not be null");
if (work == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("work must not be null");
final V result;
final Jedis poolResource = pool.getResource();
try {
result = work.doWork(poolResource);
} finally {
return result;
} | [
"Perform the given work with a Jedis connection from the given pool.\n\n@param pool the resource pool\n@param work the work to perform\n@param <V> the result type\n@return the result of the given work\n@throws Exception if something went wrong"
] | [
"Assembles the exception message when the value received by a CellProcessor isn't of the correct type.\n\n@param expectedType\nthe expected type\n@param actualValue\nthe value received by the CellProcessor\n@return the message\n@throws NullPointerException\nif expectedType is null",
"Reads the text files in the given directory and puts their content\nin the given map after compressing it. Note that this method does not\ntraverse recursivly into sub-directories.\n\n@param dir The directory to process\n@param results Map that will receive the contents (indexed by the relative filenames)\n@throws IOException If an error ocurred",
"Skips variable length blocks up to and including next zero length block.",
"Add the currentSceneObject to an active Level-of-Detail",
"Creates a new broker instance.\n\n@param jcdAlias The jdbc connection descriptor name as defined in the repository\n@param user The user name to be used for connecting to the database\n@param password The password to be used for connecting to the database\n@return The persistence broker\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF#createPersistenceBroker(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String)",
"Returns whether this address contains the non-zero host addresses in other.\n@param other\n@return",
"returns a dynamic Proxy that implements all interfaces of the\nclass described by this ClassDescriptor.\n\n@return Class the dynamically created proxy class",
"Get the element at the index as a string.\n\n@param i the index of the element to access",
"Given a resource field number, this method returns the resource field name.\n\n@param key resource field number\n@return resource field name"
] |
public List<BoxTask.Info> getTasks(String... fields) {
QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
if (fields.length > 0) {
builder.appendParam("fields", fields).toString();
URL url = GET_TASKS_URL_TEMPLATE.buildWithQuery(this.getAPI().getBaseURL(), builder.toString(), this.getID());
BoxAPIRequest request = new BoxAPIRequest(this.getAPI(), url, "GET");
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject responseJSON = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
int totalCount = responseJSON.get("total_count").asInt();
List<BoxTask.Info> tasks = new ArrayList<BoxTask.Info>(totalCount);
JsonArray entries = responseJSON.get("entries").asArray();
for (JsonValue value : entries) {
JsonObject taskJSON = value.asObject();
BoxTask task = new BoxTask(this.getAPI(), taskJSON.get("id").asString());
BoxTask.Info info = task.new Info(taskJSON);
return tasks;
} | [
"Gets a list of any tasks on this file with requested fields.\n\n@param fields optional fields to retrieve for this task.\n@return a list of tasks on this file."
] | [
"Visit an exported package of the current module.\n\n@param packaze the qualified name of the exported package.\n@param access the access flag of the exported package,\nvalid values are among {@code ACC_SYNTHETIC} and\n{@code ACC_MANDATED}.\n@param modules the qualified names of the modules that can access to\nthe public classes of the exported package or\n<tt>null</tt>.",
"Hides the original Java-style method name using an attribute\nwhich should be respected by Visual Studio, the creates a new\nwrapper method using a .Net style method name.\n\nNote that this does not work for VB as it is case insensitive. Even\nthough Visual Studio won't show you the Java-style method name,\nthe VB compiler sees both and thinks they are the same... which\ncauses it to fail.\n\n@param writer output stream\n@param aClass class being processed\n@param methodSet set of methods which have been processed.\n@throws XMLStreamException",
"Returns the title according to the given locale.\n@param locale the locale for which the title should be read.\n@return the title according to the given locale",
"Examines the error data returned from Facebook and throws the most applicable exception.\n@param errorDetails a Map containing a \"type\" and a \"message\" corresponding to the Graph API's error response structure.",
"Toggle between single events and series.\n@param isSeries flag, indicating if we want a series of events.",
"Sets the final transform of the bone during animation.\n\n@param finalTransform The transform matrix representing\nthe bone's pose after computing the skeleton.",
"Retrieve a duration in the form required by Primavera.\n\n@param duration Duration instance\n@return formatted duration",
"Returns the last node that appears to be part of the prefix. This will be used to determine the current model\nobject that'll be the most special context instance in the proposal provider.",
"if you don't have an argument, choose the value that is going to be inserted into the map instead\n\n@param commandLineOption specification of the command line options\n@param value the value that is going to be inserted into the map instead of the argument"
] |
public Module getModule(final String name, final String version) throws GrapesCommunicationException {
final Client client = getClient();
final WebResource resource = client.resource(serverURL).path(RequestUtils.getModulePath(name, version));
final ClientResponse response = resource.accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON).get(ClientResponse.class);
if(ClientResponse.Status.OK.getStatusCode() != response.getStatus()){
final String message = String.format(FAILED_TO_GET_MODULE, "get module details", name, version);
if(LOG.isErrorEnabled()) {
LOG.error(String.format(HTTP_STATUS_TEMPLATE_MSG, message, response.getStatus()));
throw new GrapesCommunicationException(message, response.getStatus());
return response.getEntity(Module.class);
} | [
"Send a get module request\n\n@param name\n@param version\n@return the targeted module\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException"
] | [
"Color waveforms are represented by a series of sixteen bit integers into which color and height information are\npacked. This function returns the integer corresponding to a particular half-frame in the waveform.\n\n@param waveBytes the raw data making up the waveform\n@param segment the index of hte half-frame of interest\n\n@return the sixteen-bit number encoding the height and RGB values of that segment",
"Recursively add indirect subclasses to a class record.\n\n@param directSuperClass\nthe superclass to add (together with its own superclasses)\n@param subClassRecord\nthe subclass to add to",
"Extract resource group from a resource ID string.\n@param id the resource ID string\n@return the resource group name",
"Attaches an arbitrary object to this context.\n\n@param key they attachment key used to ensure uniqueness and used for retrieval of the value.\n@param value the value to store.\n@param <V> the value type of the attachment.\n\n@return the previous value associated with the key or {@code null} if there was no previous value.",
"Create the label for a grid line.\n\n@param value the value of the line\n@param unit the unit that the value is in",
"Delete a path recursively.\n@param path a Path pointing to a file or a directory that may not exists anymore.\n@throws IOException",
"Retrieve the finish slack.\n\n@return finish slack",
"Initializes the upper left component. Does not show the mode switch.",
"Use this API to enable Interface resources of given names."
] |
private Object toReference(int type, Object referent, int hash)
switch (type)
case HARD:
return referent;
case SOFT:
return new SoftRef(hash, referent, queue);
case WEAK:
return new WeakRef(hash, referent, queue);
throw new Error();
} | [
"Constructs a reference of the given type to the given\nreferent. The reference is registered with the queue\nfor later purging.\n\n@param type HARD, SOFT or WEAK\n@param referent the object to refer to\n@param hash the hash code of the <I>key</I> of the mapping;\nthis number might be different from referent.hashCode() if\nthe referent represents a value and not a key"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch servicegroupbindings resource of given name .",
"Create a new collaboration object.\n@param api the API connection used to make the request.\n@param accessibleBy the JSON object describing who should be collaborated.\n@param item the JSON object describing which item to collaborate.\n@param role the role to give the collaborators.\n@param notify the user/group should receive email notification of the collaboration or not.\n@param canViewPath the view path collaboration feature is enabled or not.\n@return info about the new collaboration.",
"convolution data type",
"Removes all the given tags from the document.\n\n@param dom the document object.\n@param tagName the tag name, examples: script, style, meta\n@return the changed dom.",
"Prints a debug log message that details the time taken for the Http\nrequest to be parsed by the coordinator\n\n@param operationType\n@param receivedTimeInMs",
"The default field facets.\n\n@param categoryConjunction flag, indicating if category selections in the facet should be \"AND\" combined.\n@return the default field facets.",
"This method is used to initiate a release staging process using the Artifactory Release Staging API.",
"Convert from an internal Spring bean definition to a DTO.\n\n@param beanDefinition The internal Spring bean definition.\n@return Returns a DTO representation.",
"Goes through the token lists and adds all the variables which can be used to define a sub-matrix. If anything\nelse is found an excpetion is thrown"
] |
public final File getBuildFileFor(
final Configuration configuration, final File jasperFileXml,
final String extension, final Logger logger) {
final String configurationAbsolutePath = configuration.getDirectory().getPath();
final int prefixToConfiguration = configurationAbsolutePath.length() + 1;
final String parentDir = jasperFileXml.getAbsoluteFile().getParent();
final String relativePathToFile;
if (configurationAbsolutePath.equals(parentDir)) {
relativePathToFile = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(jasperFileXml.getName());
} else {
final String relativePathToContainingDirectory = parentDir.substring(prefixToConfiguration);
relativePathToFile = relativePathToContainingDirectory + File.separator +
final File buildFile = new File(getJasperCompilation(configuration), relativePathToFile + extension);
if (!buildFile.getParentFile().exists() && !buildFile.getParentFile().mkdirs()) {
logger.error("Unable to create directory for containing compiled jasper report templates: {}",
return buildFile;
} | [
"Calculate the file to compile a jasper report template to.\n\n@param configuration the configuration for the current app.\n@param jasperFileXml the jasper report template in xml format.\n@param extension the extension of the compiled report template.\n@param logger the logger to log errors to if an occur."
] | [
"Stop a managed server.",
"Delete with retry.\n\n@param file\n@return <tt>true</tt> if the file was successfully deleted.",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of authenticationradiusaction resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Create a new Date. To the last day.",
"Checks the id value.\n\n@param fieldDef The field descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the constraint has been violated",
"Update the list of buildpacks installed on an app\n\n@param appName See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param buildpacks the new list of buildpack names or URLs.",
"Propagate onEnter events to listeners\n@param hit collision object",
"Creates multiple aliases at once.",
"Get PhoneNumber object\n\n@return PhonenUmber | null on error"
] |
public static String detokenize(List<String> tokens) {
return TwitterKoreanProcessor.detokenize(JavaConversions.iterableAsScalaIterable(tokens));
} | [
"Detokenize the input list of words.\n\n@param tokens List of words.\n@return Detokenized string."
] | [
"Write entries into the storage.\nOverriding methods should first delegate to super before adding their own entries.",
"Returns the error correction codewords for the specified data codewords.\n\n@param codewords the codewords that we need error correction codewords for\n@param ecclen the number of error correction codewords needed\n@return the error correction codewords for the specified data codewords",
"Returns the class of datatype URI that best characterizes the range of\nthe given property based on its datatype.\n\n@param propertyIdValue\nthe property for which to get a range\n@return the range URI or null if the datatype could not be identified.",
"Import CountryList from RAW resource\n\n@param context Context\n@return CountryList",
"Calculate start dates for a daily recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param frequency frequency\n@param dates array of start dates",
"Set a knot type.\n@param n the knot index\n@param type the type\n@see #getKnotType",
"Checks that the data starting at startLocRecord looks like a local file record header.\n\n@param channel the channel\n@param startLocRecord offset into channel of the start of the local record\n@param compressedSize expected compressed size of the file, or -1 to indicate this isn't known",
"Set an enterprise duration value.\n\n@param index duration index (1-30)\n@param value duration value",
"Build control archive of the deb\n\n@param packageControlFile the package control file\n@param controlFiles the other control information files (maintainer scripts, etc)\n@param dataSize the size of the installed package\n@param checksums the md5 checksums of the files in the data archive\n@param output\n@return\n@throws java.io.FileNotFoundException\n@throws java.io.IOException\n@throws java.text.ParseException"
] |
static void createMessage(String textMessage, JobInstance jobInstance, DbConn cnx)
cnx.runUpdate("message_insert", jobInstance.getId(), textMessage);
} | [
"Create a text message that will be stored in the database. Must be called inside a transaction."
] | [
"Specialized version of readValue just for reading map keys, because the StdDeserializer methods like\n_parseIntPrimitive blow up when the current JsonToken is FIELD_NAME",
"Set HTTP client\n\n@param httpClient\nAn instance of OkHttpClient\n@return Api Client",
"Retrieves the parent task for a Phoenix activity.\n\n@param activity Phoenix activity\n@return parent task",
"Write the domain controller's data to an output stream.\n\n@param outstream the output stream\n@throws Exception",
"This method maps the encoded height of a Gantt bar to\nthe height in pixels.\n\n@param height encoded height\n@return height in pixels",
"Use this API to fetch clusterinstance_binding resource of given name .",
"Process hours in a working day.\n\n@param calendar project calendar\n@param dayRecord working day data",
"Determines the median value of the data set.\n@return If the number of elements is odd, returns the middle element.\nIf the number of elements is even, returns the midpoint of the two\nmiddle elements.\n@since 1.0.1",
"Use this API to fetch lbvserver_servicegroup_binding resources of given name ."
] |
static void merge(Map<ConfigurationKey, Object> original, Map<ConfigurationKey, Object> toMerge, String mergedSourceDescription) {
for (Entry<ConfigurationKey, Object> entry : toMerge.entrySet()) {
Object existing = original.get(entry.getKey());
if (existing != null) {
ConfigurationLogger.LOG.configurationKeyAlreadySet(entry.getKey().get(), existing, entry.getValue(), mergedSourceDescription);
} else {
original.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
} | [
"Merge two maps of configuration properties. If the original contains a mapping for the same key, the new mapping is ignored.\n\n@param original\n@param toMerge"
] | [
"The fields returned by default. Typically the output is done via display formatters and hence nearly no\nfield is necessary. Returning all fields might cause performance problems.\n\n@return the default return fields.",
"Transform the given bytes into an object.\n\n@param bytes The bytes to construct the object from\n@return The object constructed",
"Finds the first Field with given field name in the Class and in its super classes.\n\n@param type The Class type\n@param fieldName The field name to get\n@return an {@code Optional}. Use isPresent() to find out if the field name was found.",
"Makes this pose the inverse of the input pose.\n@param src pose to invert.",
"Logs the current user out.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Gets the listener classes to which dispatching should be prevented while\nthis event is being dispatched.\n\n@return The listener classes marked to prevent.\n@see #preventCascade(Class)",
"Returns the orthogonal U matrix.\n\n@param U If not null then the results will be stored here. Otherwise a new matrix will be created.\n@return The extracted Q matrix.",
"Deletes this collaboration.",
"Transits a float property from the start value to the end value.\n\n@param propertyId\n@param vals\n@return self"
] |
public synchronized void abortTransaction() throws TransactionNotInProgressException
check if we in local tx, before do local rollback
Necessary, because ConnectionManager may do a rollback by itself
or in managed environments the used connection is already be closed
if(connectionManager.isInLocalTransaction()) this.connectionManager.localRollback();
} | [
"Abort and close the transaction.\nCalling abort abandons all persistent object modifications and releases the\nassociated locks.\nIf transaction is not in progress a TransactionNotInProgressException is thrown"
] | [
"Wrap connection with a proxy.\n@param target connection handle\n@param connectionHandle originating bonecp connection\n@return Proxy to a connection.",
"Subtracts v1 from this vector and places the result in this vector.\n\n@param v1\nright-hand vector",
"Get string value of flow context for current instance\n@return string value of flow context",
"Goes through all the RO Stores in the plan and swaps it\n\n@param swappedStoreNames Names of stores already swapped\n@param useSwappedStoreNames Swap only the previously swapped stores (\nHappens during error )",
"Create and return a SelectIterator for the class using the default mapped query for all statement.",
"Return list of all files in the directory.\n\n@param directory target directory on file system\n@return list of files in the directory or empty list if directory is empty.",
"Copy the contents of the given byte array to the given OutputStream.\nLeaves the stream open when done.\n@param in the byte array to copy from\n@param out the OutputStream to copy to\n@throws IOException in case of I/O errors",
"Forks off a runnable with the executor provided. Multiple calls are allowed, but the listeners must be\nthreadsafe.",
"Answer true if an Iterator for a Table is already available\n@param aTable\n@return"
] |
public static void copy(String in, Writer out) throws IOException {
Assert.notNull(in, "No input String specified");
Assert.notNull(out, "No Writer specified");
try {
finally {
try {
catch (IOException ex) {
} | [
"Copy the contents of the given String to the given output Writer.\nCloses the writer when done.\n@param in the String to copy from\n@param out the Writer to copy to\n@throws IOException in case of I/O errors"
] | [
"Add groups for given group parent item.\n\n@param type the tree type\n@param ouItem group parent item",
"calculate arc angle between point a and point b\n\n@param center\n@param a\n@param b\n@param area\n@param radius\n@return",
"Creates a clone using java serialization\n\n@param from Object to be cloned\n@param <T> type of the cloned object\n@return Clone of the object",
"Retains only beans which are enabled.\n\n@param beans The mutable set of beans to filter\n@param beanManager The bean manager\n@return a mutable set of enabled beans",
"Used to ensure that the general footer label will be at the same Y position as the variables in the band.\n@param band\n@return",
"Searches the type and its sub types for the nearest ojb-persistent type and returns its name.\n\n@param type The type to search\n@return The qualified name of the found type or <code>null</code> if no type has been found",
"Use this API to clear gslbldnsentries.",
"Writes the given configuration to the given file.",
"Convenience method dispatches this object to the source appender, which\nwill result in the custom message being appended to the new file.\n\n@param message\nThe custom logging message to be appended."
] |
public SparqlResult runQuery(String endpoint, String query) {
return SparqlClient.execute(endpoint, query, username, password);
} | [
"An extension point so we can control how the query gets executed.\nThis exists for testing purposes, not because we believe it will\nactually be used for real."
] | [
"Execute all recorded tasks.\n\n@param context the patch context\n@param callback the finalization callback\n@throws Exception",
"This implementation will probably be slower than the metadata\nobject copy, but this was easier to implement.\n@see org.apache.ojb.otm.copy.ObjectCopyStrategy#copy(Object)",
"Get the JSON string representation of the selector configured for this index.\n\n@return selector JSON as string",
"Generate the specified output file by merging the specified\nVelocity template with the supplied context.",
"Set an enterprise number value.\n\n@param index number index (1-40)\n@param value number value",
"Creates a new connection from the data source that the connection descriptor\nrepresents. If the connection descriptor does not directly contain the data source\nthen a JNDI lookup is performed to retrieve the data source.\n\n@param jcd The connection descriptor\n@return A connection instance\n@throws LookupException if we can't get a connection from the datasource either due to a\nnaming exception, a failed sanity check, or a SQLException.",
"Checks anonymous fields.\n\n@param fieldDef The field descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is checked in basic and strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the constraint has been violated",
"Use this API to fetch sslcertkey resources of given names .",
"Add a \"post-run\" dependent task item for this task item.\n\n@param dependent the \"post-run\" dependent task item.\n@return key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve result of root\ntask in the given dependent task group"
] |
public static dnsview_binding get(nitro_service service, String viewname) throws Exception{
dnsview_binding obj = new dnsview_binding();
dnsview_binding response = (dnsview_binding) obj.get_resource(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch dnsview_binding resource of given name ."
] | [
"Reads an argument of type \"nstring\" from the request.",
"Returns the indices that would sort an array.\n\n@param array Array.\n@param ascending Ascending order.\n@return Array of indices.",
"Gets a single byte return or -1 if no data is available.",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of appfwprofile_stats resource of given name .",
"Use this API to delete appfwlearningdata resources.",
"Function to perform forward pooling",
"joins a collection of objects together as a String using a separator",
"Sets the duration for the animation to be played.\n\n@param start the animation will start playing from the specified time\n@param end the animation will stop playing at the specified time\n\n@return {@code this}, so you can chain setProperty() calls.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nIf {@code start} is either negative value, greater than\n{@code end} value or {@code end} is greater than duration",
"Get cached value that is dynamically loaded by the Acacia content editor.\n\n@param attribute the attribute to load the value to\n@return the cached value"
] |
public static String readTextFile(InputStream inputStream) {
InputStreamReader streamReader = new InputStreamReader(inputStream);
return readTextFile(streamReader);
} | [
"Read a text stream into a single string.\n\n@param inputStream\nStream containing text. Will be closed on exit.\n@return The contents, or null on error."
] | [
"Copy the contents of the given byte array to the given OutputStream.\nLeaves the stream open when done.\n@param in the byte array to copy from\n@param out the OutputStream to copy to\n@throws IOException in case of I/O errors",
"Returns code number of Task field supplied.\n\n@param field - name\n@return - code no",
"Enqueues a message for sending on the send thread.\n@param serialMessage the serial message to enqueue.",
"Indicates if this file represents a file on the underlying file system.\n\n@param filePath\n@return",
"Returns the ports of the server.\n\n@return the {@link Map} which contains the pairs of local {@link InetSocketAddress} and\n{@link ServerPort} is the server is started. {@link Optional#empty()} otherwise.",
"Returns a source excerpt of the type parameters of this type, including angle brackets.\nAlways an empty string if the type class is not generic.\n\n<p>e.g. {@code <N, C>}",
"Log a warning for the resource at the provided address and the given attributes. The detail message is a default\n'Attributes are not understood in the target model version and this resource will need to be ignored on the target host.'\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param attributes attributes we are warning about",
"This method takes the value of an agent's belief through its external\naccess\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name of the agent\n@param belief_name\nThe name of the belief inside agent's adf\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access\n@return belief_value The value of the requested belief",
"Converts a time in milliseconds to the appropriate x coordinate for drawing something at that time.\n\n@param milliseconds the time at which something should be drawn\n\n@return the component x coordinate at which it should be drawn"
] |
public static void permutationInverse( int []original , int []inverse , int length ) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
inverse[original[i]] = i;
} | [
"Computes the inverse permutation vector\n\n@param original Original permutation vector\n@param inverse It's inverse"
] | [
"Sign off a group of connections from the registry by key\n\n@param key\nthe key\n@param connections\na collection of websocket connections",
"Specify the Artifact for which the condition should search for.\n\n@param artifact\n@return",
"Closes off this connection pool.",
"Retrieve the value of a field using its alias.\n\n@param alias field alias\n@return field value",
"Replace error msg.\n\n@param origMsg\nthe orig msg\n@return the string",
"Sets a string-valued additional info entry on the user.\n\n@param username the name of the user\n@param infoName the additional info key\n@param value the additional info value\n\n@throws CmsException if something goes wrong",
"Collapse repeated records, using exact string match on the record.\nThis is generally useful for making very verbose logs more readable.\n@return this",
"Read task data from a Gantt Designer file.\n\n@param gantt Gantt Designer file",
"Determines whether the given list contains a descriptor with the same name.\n\n@param defs The list to search\n@param obj The object that is searched for\n@return <code>true</code> if the list contains a descriptor with the same name"
] |
public Inet6Address toInetAddress() {
if(hasZone()) {
Inet6Address result;
if(hasNoValueCache() || (result = valueCache.inetAddress) == null) {
valueCache.inetAddress = result = (Inet6Address) toInetAddressImpl(getBytes());
return result;
return (Inet6Address) super.toInetAddress();
} | [
"we need to cache the address in here and not in the address section if there is a zone"
] | [
"Builds the path for an open arc based on a PolylineOptions.\n\n@param center\n@param start\n@param end\n@return PolylineOptions with the paths element populated.",
"Cancel request and worker on host.\n\n@param targetHosts\nthe target hosts",
"Return true if the two connections seem to one one connection under the covers.",
"read the file as a list of text lines",
"Provides the scrollableList implementation for page scrolling\n@return {@link LayoutScroller.ScrollableList} implementation, passed to {@link LayoutScroller}\nfor the processing the scrolling",
"Gets an iterator to the EJB descriptors for an EJB implementation class\n\n@param beanClass The EJB class\n@return An iterator",
"The third method to write caseManager. Its task is to write the call to\nthe story to be run.\n\n@param caseManager\nthe file where the test must be written\n@param storyName\nthe name of the story\n@param test_path\nthe path where the story can be found\n@param user\nthe user requesting the story\n@param feature\nthe feature requested by the user\n@param benefit\nthe benefit provided by the feature\n@throws BeastException",
"Detect if the given object has a PK field represents a 'null' value.",
"Translate a path that has previously been unescaped and unquoted.\nThat is called at command execution when the calue is retrieved prior to be\nused as ModelNode value.\n@param path The unquoted, unescaped path.\n@return A path with ~ and default dir expanded."
] |
public CrosstabBuilder useMainReportDatasource(boolean preSorted) {
return this;
} | [
"To use main report datasource. There should be nothing else in the detail band\n@param preSorted\n@return"
] | [
"Apply a filter to the list of all tasks, and show the results.\n\n@param project project file\n@param filter filter",
"get string from post stream\n\n@param is\n@param encoding\n@return",
"very big duct tape",
"Called after creating the first connection. The adapter should create its caches and do all initialization it requires. Most\nimportantly, the SQL query cache should be created.\n\n@param cnx\nan open ready to use connection to the database.",
"Sets the target directory.",
"Set the association in the entry state.\n\n@param collectionRole the role of the association\n@param association the association",
"Print the lead string followed by centered formatted string. The whole\nlength of the line is 80 chars.\n\nExample:\n\n```java\nprintCenterWithLead(\" *\", \"Hello %s\", \"World\");\n```\n\nwill print something like\n\n```\n* Hello World\n```\n\nNote the above is just a demo, the exact number of whitespace might not be correct.\n\n\n@param lead\nthe lead string\n@param format\nThe string format pattern\n@param args\nThe string format arguments",
"all objects in list1 that are not in list2\n\n@param <T>\n@param list1\nFirst collection\n@param list2\nSecond collection\n@return The collection difference list1 - list2",
"Set the classpath for loading the driver.\n\n@param classpath the classpath"
] |
private void fillQueue(QueueItem item, Integer minStartPosition,
Integer maxStartPosition, Integer minEndPosition) throws IOException {
int newStartPosition;
int newEndPosition;
Integer firstRetrievedPosition = null;
// remove everything below minStartPosition
if ((minStartPosition != null) && (item.lowestPosition != null)
&& (item.lowestPosition < minStartPosition)) {
item.del((minStartPosition - 1));
// fill queue
while (!item.noMorePositions) {
boolean doNotCollectAnotherPosition;
doNotCollectAnotherPosition = item.filledPosition
&& (minStartPosition == null) && (maxStartPosition == null);
doNotCollectAnotherPosition |= item.filledPosition
&& (maxStartPosition != null) && (item.lastRetrievedPosition != null)
&& (maxStartPosition < item.lastRetrievedPosition);
if (doNotCollectAnotherPosition) {
} else {
// collect another full position
firstRetrievedPosition = null;
while (!item.noMorePositions) {
newStartPosition = item.sequenceSpans.spans.nextStartPosition();
if (newStartPosition == NO_MORE_POSITIONS) {
if (!item.queue.isEmpty()) {
item.filledPosition = true;
item.lastFilledPosition = item.lastRetrievedPosition;
item.noMorePositions = true;
} else if ((minStartPosition != null)
&& (newStartPosition < minStartPosition)) {
// do nothing
} else {
newEndPosition = item.sequenceSpans.spans.endPosition();
if ((minEndPosition == null) || (newEndPosition >= minEndPosition
- ignoreItem.getMinStartPosition(docId, newEndPosition))) {
item.add(newStartPosition, newEndPosition);
if (firstRetrievedPosition == null) {
firstRetrievedPosition = newStartPosition;
} else if (!firstRetrievedPosition.equals(newStartPosition)) {
} | [
"Fill queue.\n\n@param item the item\n@param minStartPosition the min start position\n@param maxStartPosition the max start position\n@param minEndPosition the min end position\n@throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred."
] | [
"A disposer method is bound to a producer if the producer is assignable to the disposed parameter.\n\n@param enhancedDisposedParameter\n@return the set of required qualifiers for the given disposed parameter",
"Logs all properties",
"Called when the surface is created or recreated. Avoided because this can\nbe called twice at the beginning.",
"Logs an error message for unhandled exception thrown from the target method.\n\n@param joinPoint - the joint point cut that contains information about the target\n@param throwable - the cause of the exception from the target method invocation",
"Extracts a house holder vector from the column of A and stores it in u\n@param A Complex matrix with householder vectors stored in the lower left triangle\n@param row0 first row in A (implicitly assumed to be r + i0)\n@param row1 last row + 1 in A\n@param col Column in A\n@param u Output array storage\n@param offsetU first index in U",
"Copy bytes from an input stream to a file and log progress\n@param is the input stream to read\n@param destFile the file to write to\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs",
"Sets the day of the month that matches the condition, i.e., the day of month of the 2nd Saturday.\nIf the day does not exist in the current month, the last possible date is set, i.e.,\ninstead of the fifth Saturday, the fourth is chosen.\n\n@param date date that has the correct year and month already set.\n@param week the number of the week to choose.",
"Compute the location of the generated file from the given trace file.",
"Writes a DTD that can be used for data XML files matching the current model to the given writer.\n\n@param output The writer to write the DTD to"
] |
public static String base64Encode(byte[] bytes) {
if (bytes == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input bytes must not be null.");
if (bytes.length >= BASE64_UPPER_BOUND) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Input bytes length must not exceed " + BASE64_UPPER_BOUND);
// Every three bytes is encoded into four characters.
// Example:
// input |0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0|0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1|0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0|
// encode grouping |0 1 0 1 0 0|1 0 0 1 1 0|1 1 1 1 0 1|1 0 0 0 1 0|
// encoded ascii | U | m | 9 | i |
int triples = bytes.length / 3;
// If the number of input bytes is not a multiple of three, padding characters will be added.
if (bytes.length % 3 != 0) {
triples += 1;
// The encoded string will have four characters for every three bytes.
char[] encoding = new char[triples << 2];
for (int in = 0, out = 0; in < bytes.length; in += 3, out += 4) {
int triple = (bytes[in] & 0xff) << 16;
if (in + 1 < bytes.length) {
triple |= ((bytes[in + 1] & 0xff) << 8);
if (in + 2 < bytes.length) {
triple |= (bytes[in + 2] & 0xff);
encoding[out] = BASE64_CHARS.charAt((triple >> 18) & 0x3f);
encoding[out + 1] = BASE64_CHARS.charAt((triple >> 12) & 0x3f);
encoding[out + 2] = BASE64_CHARS.charAt((triple >> 6) & 0x3f);
encoding[out + 3] = BASE64_CHARS.charAt(triple & 0x3f);
// Add padding characters if needed.
for (int i = encoding.length - (triples * 3 - bytes.length); i < encoding.length; i++) {
encoding[i] = '=';
return String.valueOf(encoding);
} | [
"Base64 encodes a byte array.\n\n@param bytes Bytes to encode.\n@return Encoded string.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code bytes} is null or exceeds 3/4ths of {@code\nInteger.MAX_VALUE}."
] | [
"Determines if this value is the default value for the given field type.\n\n@param type field type\n@param value value\n@return true if the value is not default",
"Pushes a class type onto the stack from the string representation This can\nalso handle primitives\n\n@param b the bytecode\n@param classType the type descriptor for the class or primitive to push.\nThis will accept both the java.lang.Object form and the\nLjava/lang/Object; form",
"A specific, existing workspace can be updated by making a PUT request on\nthe URL for that workspace. Only the fields provided in the data block\nwill be updated; any unspecified fields will remain unchanged.\n\nCurrently the only field that can be modified for a workspace is its `name`.\n\nReturns the complete, updated workspace record.\n\n@param workspace The workspace to update.\n@return Request object",
"Return fallback if first string is null or empty",
"Notifies that multiple footer items are inserted.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count.",
"Prints the help on the command line\n\n@param options Options object from commons-cli",
"Creates a tar directory entry with defaults parameters.\n@param dirName the directory name\n@return dir entry with reasonable defaults",
"Logs the time taken by this rule, and attaches this to the total for the RuleProvider",
"Creates the given directory. Fails if it already exists."
] |
public static String objectToColumnString(Object object, String delimiter, String[] fieldNames)
throws IllegalAccessException, NoSuchFieldException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) {
if (sb.length() > 0) {
try {
Field field = object.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldNames[i]);
sb.append(field.get(object)) ;
} catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
Method method = object.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("get" + StringUtils.capitalize(fieldNames[i]));
return sb.toString();
} | [
"Converts an object into a tab delimited string with given fields\nRequires the object has public access for the specified fields\n\n@param object Object to convert\n@param delimiter delimiter\n@param fieldNames fieldnames\n@return String representing object"
] | [
"Returns the primarykey fields.\n\n@return The field descriptors of the primarykey fields",
"Looks up the EJB in the container and executes the method on it\n\n@param self the proxy instance.\n@param method the overridden method declared in the super class or\ninterface.\n@param proceed the forwarder method for invoking the overridden method. It\nis null if the overridden method is abstract or declared in the\ninterface.\n@param args an array of objects containing the values of the arguments\npassed in the method invocation on the proxy instance. If a\nparameter type is a primitive type, the type of the array\nelement is a wrapper class.\n@return the resulting value of the method invocation.\n@throws Throwable if the method invocation fails.",
"Evaluates an EL.\n\n@param vars the variables to be available for the evaluation.\n@param el the EL string to evaluate.\n@param returnType the class the EL evaluates to.\n@return the evaluated EL as an instance of the specified return type.\n@throws ELEvalException if the EL could not be evaluated.",
"Create and return a new Violation for this rule and the specified values\n@param lineNumber - the line number for the violation; may be null\n@param sourceLine - the source line for the violation; may be null\n@param message - the message for the violation; may be null\n@return a new Violation object",
"Determines the component type for a given array type.\n\n@param type the given array type\n@return the component type of a given array type",
"Use this API to fetch server_service_binding resources of given name .",
"Use this API to fetch aaauser_intranetip_binding resources of given name .",
"Called by subclasses that initialize collections\n\n@param session the session\n@param id the collection identifier\n@param type collection type\n@throws HibernateException if an error occurs",
"Get the OAuth request token - this is step one of authorization.\n\n@param callbackUrl\noptional callback URL - required for web auth flow, will be set to \"oob\" if not specified.\n@return the {@link OAuth1RequestToken}, store this for when the user returns from the Flickr website."
] |
public static String encodeScheme(String scheme, String encoding) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
return HierarchicalUriComponents.encodeUriComponent(scheme, encoding, HierarchicalUriComponents.Type.SCHEME);
} | [
"Encodes the given URI scheme with the given encoding.\n@param scheme the scheme to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded scheme\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported"
] | [
"A factory method for users that need to report success without actually running any analysis. The returned\nresult will be successful, but will not contain the actual configurations of extensions.\n\n@return a \"fake\" successful analysis result",
"Converts Observable of page to Observable of Inner.\n@param <InnerT> type of inner.\n@param innerPage Page to be converted.\n@return Observable for list of inner.",
"Takes a model and an SCXMLFrontier and decomposes the Frontier into a Map of Strings to Strings\nThese strings can be sent over a network to get a Frontier past a 'gap'\n\n@param frontier the Frontier\n@param modelText the model\n@return the map of strings representing a decomposition",
"QR decomposition.\n\nDecomposes (m,n) matrix A into a (m,m) matrix Q and an (m,n) matrix R such that\nQ is orthogonal, R is upper triangular and Q * R = A\n\nNote that if A has more rows than columns, then the lower rows of R will contain\nonly zeros, such that the corresponding later columns of Q do not enter the computation\nat all. For some reason, LAPACK does not properly normalize those columns.\n\n@param A matrix\n@return QR decomposition",
"Converts a byte array to a hexadecimal string representation\n@param bb the byte array to convert\n@return string the string representation",
"Use this API to delete sslcipher of given name.",
"Generate the next available field for a user defined field.\n\n@param <E> field type class\n@param clazz class of the desired field enum\n@param type user defined field type.\n@return field of specified type",
"Use this API to fetch all the systemcollectionparam resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Attempts to substitute all the found expressions in the input\nwith their corresponding resolved values.\nIf any of the found expressions failed to resolve or\nif the input does not contain any expression, the input is returned as is.\n\n@param input the input string\n@return the input with resolved expressions or the original input in case\nthe input didn't contain any expressions or at least one of the\nexpressions could not be resolved"
] |
public boolean checkWrite(TransactionImpl tx, Object obj)
LockEntry writer = getWriter(obj);
if (writer == null)
return false;
else if (writer.isOwnedBy(tx))
return true;
return false;
} | [
"checks whether the specified Object obj is write-locked by Transaction tx.\n@param tx the transaction\n@param obj the Object to be checked\n@return true if lock exists, else false"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch auditsyslogpolicy_aaauser_binding resources of given name .",
"Computes the eigenvalue of the 2 by 2 matrix.",
"Performs a Bulk Documents insert request.\n\n@param objects The {@link List} of objects.\n@param allOrNothing Indicates whether the request has <tt>all-or-nothing</tt> semantics.\n@return {@code List<Response>} Containing the resulted entries.",
"Checks to see if a handler is disabled\n\n@param handlerName the name of the handler to enable.",
"Use this API to fetch dnszone_domain_binding resources of given name .",
"If a text contains double quotes, escape them.\n\n@param text the text to escape\n@return Escaped text or {@code null} if the text is null",
"Sets the node meta data.\n\n@param key - the meta data key\n@param value - the meta data value\n@throws GroovyBugError if key is null or there is already meta\ndata under that key",
"Ranks a map based on integer values\n@param inputMap Input\n@return The ranked map",
"Loads treebank data from first argument and prints it.\n\n@param args Array of command-line arguments: specifies a filename"
] |
public void forAllColumns(String template, Properties attributes) throws XDocletException
for (Iterator it = _curTableDef.getColumns(); it.hasNext(); )
_curColumnDef = (ColumnDef)it.next();
_curColumnDef = null;
} | [
"Processes the template for all column definitions of the current table.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\""
] | [
"Delete an object from the database.",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of sslglobal_sslpolicy_binding resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Sends the collected dependencies over to the master and record them.",
"Invoked by subclasses; performs actual file roll. Tests to see whether roll\nis necessary have already been performed, so just do it.",
"Returns sql statement used in this prepared statement together with the parameters.\n@param sql base sql statement\n@param logParams parameters to print out\n@return returns printable statement",
"Initializes OJB for the purposes of this task.\n\n@return The metadata manager used by OJB",
"Declares the internal data structures so that it can process matrices up to the specified size.\n\n@param maxRows\n@param maxCols",
"Process schedule options from SCHEDOPTIONS. This table only seems to exist\nin XER files, not P6 databases.",
"Replaces new line delimiters in the input stream with the Unix line feed.\n\n@param input"
] |
public ArrayList<IntPoint> process(ImageSource fastBitmap) {
//FastBitmap l = new FastBitmap(fastBitmap);
if (points == null) {
int width = fastBitmap.getWidth();
int height = fastBitmap.getHeight();
points = new ArrayList<IntPoint>();
if (fastBitmap.isGrayscale()) {
for (int x = 0; x < height; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < width; y++) {
if (fastBitmap.getRGB(y, x) == 255) points.add(new IntPoint(y, x));
} else {
for (int x = 0; x < height; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < width; y++) {
// TODO Check for green and blue?
if (fastBitmap.getR(y, x) == 255) points.add(new IntPoint(y, x));
return points;
} | [
"Get points after extract boundary.\n\n@param fastBitmap Image to be processed.\n@return List of points."
] | [
"Generate a new check box with the provided date and check state.\n@param date date for the check box.\n@param checkState the initial check state.\n@return the created check box",
"Copy the contents of this buffer to the destination LBuffer\n@param srcOffset\n@param dest\n@param destOffset\n@param size",
"Decompiles the given .class file and creates the specified output source file.\n\n@param classFilePath the .class file to be decompiled.\n@param outputDir The directory where decompiled .java files will be placed.",
"Returns the spread value such that the sum of cash flows of the bond discounted with a given reference curve\nwith the additional spread coincides with a given price.\n\n@param bondPrice The target price as double.\n@param referenceCurve The reference curve used for discounting the coupon payments.\n@param model The model under which the product is valued.\n@return The optimal spread value.",
"Prepares this DAG for node enumeration using getNext method, each call to getNext returns next node\nin the DAG with no dependencies.",
"Formats a vertex using it's properties. Debugging purposes.",
"Sends this request while monitoring its progress and returns a BoxAPIResponse containing the server's response.\n\n<p>A ProgressListener is generally only useful when the size of the request is known beforehand. If the size is\nunknown, then the ProgressListener will be updated for each byte sent, but the total number of bytes will be\nreported as 0.</p>\n\n<p> See {@link #send} for more information on sending requests.</p>\n\n@param listener a listener for monitoring the progress of the request.\n@throws BoxAPIException if the server returns an error code or if a network error occurs.\n@return a {@link BoxAPIResponse} containing the server's response.",
"Sets the underlying connect timeout in milliseconds.\nA value of 0 specifies an infinite timeout.\n@see okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder#connectTimeout(long, TimeUnit)",
"Creates an endpoint reference from a given adress.\n@param address\n@param props\n@return"
] |
public void load(InputStream in) {
try {
PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration();
// disabled to prevent accumulo classpath value from being shortened
((CompositeConfiguration) internalConfig).addConfiguration(config);
} catch (ConfigurationException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(e);
} | [
"Loads configuration from InputStream. Later loads have lower priority.\n\n@param in InputStream to load from\n@since 1.2.0"
] | [
"get the property source method corresponding to given destination\nproperty\n\n@param sourceObject\n@param destinationObject\n@param destinationProperty\n@return",
"get an AdminClient from the cache if exists, if not create new one\nand return it. This method is non-blocking.\n\nAll AdminClient returned from checkout, once after the completion of\nusage must be returned to the pool by calling checkin. If not,\nthere will be leak of AdminClients (connections, threads and file handles).\n\n@return AdminClient",
"Sets the HTML entity translator for all cells in the row.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param htmlElementTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Sets a request header with the given name and value. If a header with the\nspecified name has already been set then the new value overwrites the\ncurrent value.\n\n@param header the name of the header\n@param value the value of the header\n\n@throws NullPointerException if header or value are null\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if header or value are the empty string",
"This method prints goal information of an agent through its external\naccess. It can be used to check the correct behaviour of the agent.\n\n@param agent_name\nThe name of the agent\n@param connector\nThe connector to get the external access\n@return goals the IGoal[] with all the information, so the tester can\nlook for information",
"Return the List of Arguments for the specified MethodCallExpression or a ConstructorCallExpression.\nThe returned List contains either ConstantExpression or MapEntryExpression objects.\n@param methodCall - the AST MethodCallExpression or ConstructorCalLExpression\n@return the List of argument objects",
"Reads the categories assigned to a resource.\n\n@return map from the resource path (root path) to the assigned categories",
"Resets the helper's state.\n\n@return this {@link Searcher} for chaining.",
"Print formatted string in the center of 80 chars line, left and right padded.\n\n@param format\nThe string format pattern\n@param args\nThe string format arguments"
] |
public void addClass(ClassNode node) {
node = node.redirect();
String name = node.getName();
ClassNode stored = classes.get(name);
if (stored != null && stored != node) {
// we have a duplicate class!
// One possibility for this is, that we declared a script and a
// class in the same file and named the class like the file
SourceUnit nodeSource = node.getModule().getContext();
SourceUnit storedSource = stored.getModule().getContext();
String txt = "Invalid duplicate class definition of class " + node.getName() + " : ";
if (nodeSource == storedSource) {
// same class in same source
txt += "The source " + nodeSource.getName() + " contains at least two definitions of the class " + node.getName() + ".\n";
if (node.isScriptBody() || stored.isScriptBody()) {
txt += "One of the classes is an explicit generated class using the class statement, the other is a class generated from" +
" the script body based on the file name. Solutions are to change the file name or to change the class name.\n";
} else {
txt += "The sources " + nodeSource.getName() + " and " + storedSource.getName() + " each contain a class with the name " + node.getName() + ".\n";
new SyntaxErrorMessage(new SyntaxException(txt, node.getLineNumber(), node.getColumnNumber(), node.getLastLineNumber(), node.getLastColumnNumber()), nodeSource)
classes.put(name, node);
if (classesToCompile.containsKey(name)) {
ClassNode cn = classesToCompile.get(name);
} | [
"Adds a class to the unit."
] | [
"Update the anchor based on arcore best knowledge of the world\n\n@param scale",
"Generates the body of a toString method that uses a StringBuilder and a separator variable.\n\n<p>Conventionally, we join properties with comma separators. If all of the properties are\noptional, we have no choice but to track the separators at runtime, as apart from the first\none, all properties will need to have a comma prepended. We could do this with a boolean,\nmaybe called \"separatorNeeded\", or \"firstValueOutput\", but then we need either a ternary\noperator or an extra nested if block. More readable is to use an initially-empty \"separator\"\nstring, which has a comma placed in it once the first value is written.\n\n<p>For extra tidiness, we note that the first if block need not try writing the separator\n(it is always empty), and the last one need not update it (it will not be used again).",
"Add a misc file.\n\n@param name the file name\n@param path the relative path\n@param newHash the new hash of the added content\n@param isDirectory whether the file is a directory or not\n@return the builder",
"Obtains a Ethiopic local date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Ethiopic local date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Throw IllegalStateException if key is not present in map.\n@param key the key to expect.\n@param map the map to search.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if key is not in map.",
"Start a print.\n\n@param jobId the job ID\n@param specJson the client json request.\n@param out the stream to write to.",
"Returns the associated SQL WHERE statement.",
"Use this API to Reboot reboot.",
"Does not mutate the TestMatrix.\nVerifies that the test matrix contains all the required tests and that\neach required test is valid.\n\n@param testMatrix the {@link TestMatrixArtifact} to be verified.\n@param matrixSource a {@link String} of the source of proctor artifact. For example a path of proctor artifact file.\n@param requiredTests a {@link Map} of required test. The {@link TestSpecification} would be verified\n@param functionMapper a given el {@link FunctionMapper}\n@param providedContext a {@link Map} containing variables describing the context in which the request is executing. These will be supplied to verifying all rules.\n@param dynamicTests a {@link Set} of dynamic tests determined by filters.\n@return a {@link ProctorLoadResult} to describe the result of verification. It contains errors of verification and a list of missing test."
] |
public BoxFileUploadSessionPartList listParts(int offset, int limit) {
URL listPartsURL = this.sessionInfo.getSessionEndpoints().getListPartsEndpoint();
URLTemplate template = new URLTemplate(listPartsURL.toString());
QueryStringBuilder builder = new QueryStringBuilder();
builder.appendParam(OFFSET_QUERY_STRING, offset);
String queryString = builder.appendParam(LIMIT_QUERY_STRING, limit).toString();
//Template is initalized with the full URL. So empty string for the path.
URL url = template.buildWithQuery("", queryString);
BoxJSONRequest request = new BoxJSONRequest(this.getAPI(), url, HttpMethod.GET);
BoxJSONResponse response = (BoxJSONResponse) request.send();
JsonObject jsonObject = JsonObject.readFrom(response.getJSON());
return new BoxFileUploadSessionPartList(jsonObject);
} | [
"Returns a list of all parts that have been uploaded to an upload session.\n@param offset paging marker for the list of parts.\n@param limit maximum number of parts to return.\n@return the list of parts."
] | [
"Initialize an instance of Widget Lib. It has to be done before any usage of library.\nThe application needs to hold onto the returned WidgetLib reference for as long as the\nlibrary is going to be used.\n@param gvrContext A valid {@link GVRContext} instance\n@param customPropertiesAsset An optional asset JSON file containing custom and overridden\nproperties for the application\n@return Instance of Widget library\n@throws InterruptedException\n@throws JSONException\n@throws NoSuchMethodException",
"Add the elements that all values objects require from the provided values object.\n\n@param sourceValues the values object containing the required elements",
"Use this API to add dnstxtrec.",
"Return the association as cached in the entry state.\n\n@param collectionRole the role of the association\n@return the cached association",
"B tensor is ignored for CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_SQRT, CUDNN_OP_TENSOR_NOT.",
"Generated the report.",
"Get a property as an long or throw an exception.\n\n@param key the property name",
"Removes a tag from the task. Returns an empty data block.\n\n@param task The task to remove a tag from.\n@return Request object",
"Return a logger associated with a particular class name."
] |
private void setRawDirection(SwipyRefreshLayoutDirection direction) {
if (mDirection == direction) {
mDirection = direction;
switch (mDirection) {
case BOTTOM:
mCurrentTargetOffsetTop = mOriginalOffsetTop = getMeasuredHeight();
case TOP:
mCurrentTargetOffsetTop = mOriginalOffsetTop = -mCircleView.getMeasuredHeight();
} | [
"only TOP or Bottom"
] | [
"Creates a template node for the given templateString and appends it to the given parent node.\n\nTemplates are translated to generator node trees and expressions in templates can be of type IGeneratorNode.\n\n@return the given parent node",
"Used by TracedParallelBatch where its used to wrap a TraceContext and puts it in the\nregistry for the forked execution. This is marked deprecated as we prefer not to\nexpose details of the RatpackCurrentTraceContext implementation.\n\n@param traceContext a trace context.\n@return a holder for the trace context, which can be put into the registry.",
"Decodes a signed request, returning the payload of the signed request as a Map\n@param signedRequest the value of the signed_request parameter sent by Facebook.\n@return the payload of the signed request as a Map\n@throws SignedRequestException if there is an error decoding the signed request",
"Returns whether this host should ignore operations from the master domain controller that target\nthe given address.\n\n@param address the resource address. Cannot be {@code null}\n\n@return {@code true} if the operation should be ignored; {@code false} otherwise",
"Send an empty request using a standard HTTP connection.",
"Entry point for processing saved view state.\n\n@param file project file\n@param varData view state var data\n@param fixedData view state fixed data\n@throws IOException",
"Use this API to fetch all the authenticationradiusaction resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Constructs a Google APIs HTTP client with the associated credentials.",
"Validates for non-conflicting roles"
] |
public Duration getStartVariance()
Duration variance = (Duration) getCachedValue(AssignmentField.START_VARIANCE);
if (variance == null)
TimeUnit format = getParentFile().getProjectProperties().getDefaultDurationUnits();
variance = DateHelper.getVariance(getTask(), getBaselineStart(), getStart(), format);
set(AssignmentField.START_VARIANCE, variance);
return (variance);
} | [
"Calculate the start variance.\n\n@return start variance"
] | [
"Creates an appropriate HSGE for resources in the host tree, excluding the server and server-config subtrees",
"Retrieves the Material Shader ID associated with the\ngiven shader template class.\n\nA shader template is capable of generating multiple variants\nfrom a single shader source. The exact vertex and fragment\nshaders are generated by GearVRF based on the lights\nbeing used and the material attributes. you may subclass\nGVRShaderTemplate to create your own shader templates.\n\n@param shaderClass shader class to find (subclass of GVRShader)\n@return GVRShaderId associated with that shader template\n@see GVRShaderTemplate GVRShader",
"This ensures that we are able to use the default preference from JSDK, to check basically if we are in Android or Not\n@param preference\n@throws BackingStoreException",
"Get a prefix for the log message to help identify which request is which and which responses\nbelong to which requests.",
"Get the class name without the qualified package name.\n@param className the className to get the short name for\n@return the class name of the class without the package name\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the className is empty",
"Count the number of occurrences of a sub CharSequence.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param text a sub CharSequence\n@return the number of occurrences of the given CharSequence inside this CharSequence\n@see #count(String, String)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Dumps the contents of a structured block made up from a header\nand fixed sized records.\n\n@param headerSize header zie\n@param blockSize block size\n@param data data block",
"Adds NOT BETWEEN criteria,\ncustomer_id not between 1 and 10\n\n@param attribute The field name to be used\n@param value1 The lower boundary\n@param value2 The upper boundary",
"Method used to extract data from the block of properties and\ninsert the key value pair into a map.\n\n@param data block of property data\n@param previousItemOffset previous offset\n@param previousItemKey item key\n@param itemOffset current item offset"
] |
public static int cudnnActivationBackward(
cudnnHandle handle,
cudnnActivationDescriptor activationDesc,
Pointer alpha,
cudnnTensorDescriptor yDesc,
Pointer y,
cudnnTensorDescriptor dyDesc,
Pointer dy,
cudnnTensorDescriptor xDesc,
Pointer x,
Pointer beta,
cudnnTensorDescriptor dxDesc,
Pointer dx)
return checkResult(cudnnActivationBackwardNative(handle, activationDesc, alpha, yDesc, y, dyDesc, dy, xDesc, x, beta, dxDesc, dx));
} | [
"Function to perform backward activation"
] | [
"Adds a child to this node and sets this node as its parent node.\n\n@param node The node to add.",
"Gets the JsonObject representation of the Field Operation.\n@param fieldOperation represents the template update operation\n@return the json object",
"Read project calendars.",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of gslbservice resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Add an addon to the app.\n@param appName App name. See {@link #listApps} for a list of apps that can be used.\n@param addonName Addon name. See {@link #listAllAddons} to get a list of addons that can be used.\n@return The request object",
"Sorts the fields.",
"Check if the property is part of the identifier of the entity.\n\n@param persister the {@link OgmEntityPersister} of the entity with the property\n@param namesWithoutAlias the path to the property with all the aliases resolved\n@return {@code true} if the property is part of the id, {@code false} otherwise.",
"Gets read-only metadata.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@param nodeIds Node ids to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param storeNames Stores names to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param metaKeys List of read-only metadata to fetch\n@throws IOException",
"Transforms each character from this reader by passing it to the given\nclosure. The Closure should return each transformed character, which\nwill be passed to the Writer. The reader and writer will be both be\nclosed before this method returns.\n\n@param self a Reader object\n@param writer a Writer to receive the transformed characters\n@param closure a closure that performs the required transformation\n@throws IOException if an IOException occurs.\n@since 1.5.0"
] |
private static void setupFlowId(SoapMessage message) {
String flowId = FlowIdHelper.getFlowId(message);
if (flowId == null) {
flowId = FlowIdProtocolHeaderCodec.readFlowId(message);
if (flowId == null) {
flowId = FlowIdSoapCodec.readFlowId(message);
if (flowId == null) {
Exchange ex = message.getExchange();
if (null!=ex){
Message reqMsg = ex.getOutMessage();
if ( null != reqMsg) {
flowId = FlowIdHelper.getFlowId(reqMsg);
if (flowId != null && !flowId.isEmpty()) {
FlowIdHelper.setFlowId(message, flowId);
} | [
"This functions reads SAM flowId and sets it\nas message property for subsequent store in CallContext\n@param message"
] | [
"Helper xml end tag writer\n\n@param value the output stream to use in writing",
"iteration not synchronized",
"Recovers the state of synchronization in case a system failure happened. The goal is to revert\nto a known, good state.",
"Sets the specified range of elements in the specified array to the specified value.\n\n@param from the index of the first element (inclusive) to be filled with the specified value.\n@param to the index of the last element (inclusive) to be filled with the specified value.\n@param val the value to be stored in the specified elements of the receiver.",
"Lookup a native pointer to a collider and return its Java object.\n\n@param nativePointer native pointer to C++ Collider\n@return Java GVRCollider object",
"Return a stream of resources from a response\n\n@param response the response\n@param <R> the resource type\n@param <U> the response type\n@return a stream of resources from the response",
"Used when setting the \"visible\" field in the response. See the \"List Conversations\" docs for details\n@param filters Filter strings to be applied to the visibility of conversations\n@return this to continue building options",
"Send an album art update announcement to all registered listeners.",
"What is something came in between when we last checked and when this method is called"
] |
private void addChildrenForRolesNode(String ouItem) {
try {
List<CmsRole> roles = OpenCms.getRoleManager().getRoles(m_cms, ouItem.substring(1), false);
for (CmsRole role : roles) {
String roleId = ouItem + "/" + role.getId();
Item roleItem = m_treeContainer.addItem(roleId);
if (roleItem == null) {
roleItem = getItem(roleId);
roleItem.getItemProperty(PROP_NAME).setValue(getIconCaptionHTML(role, CmsOuTreeType.ROLE));
setChildrenAllowed(roleId, false);
m_treeContainer.setParent(roleId, ouItem);
} catch (CmsException e) {
LOG.error("Can not read group", e);
} | [
"Add roles for given role parent item.\n\n@param ouItem group parent item"
] | [
"Helper method that stores in a hash map how often a certain key occurs.\nIf the key has not been encountered yet, a new entry is created for it in\nthe map. Otherwise the existing value for the key is incremented.\n\n@param map\nthe map where the counts are stored\n@param key\nthe key to be counted\n@param count\nvalue by which the count should be incremented; 1 is the usual\ncase",
"Tells you if the expression is a predefined constant like TRUE or FALSE.\n@param expression\nany expression\n@return\nas described",
"Load the available layers.\n\n@param image the installed image\n@param productConfig the product config to establish the identity\n@param moduleRoots the module roots\n@param bundleRoots the bundle roots\n@return the layers\n@throws IOException",
"Parse a string representation of password spec.\n\nA password spec string should be `<trait spec><length spec>`.\n\nWhere \"trait spec\" should be a composition of\n\n* `a` - indicate lowercase letter required\n* `A` - indicate uppercase letter required\n* `0` - indicate digit letter required\n* `#` - indicate special character required\n\n\"length spec\" should be `[min,max]` where `max` can be omitted.\n\nHere are examples of valid \"length spec\":\n\n* `[6,20]` // min length: 6, max length: 20\n* `[8,]` // min length: 8, max length: unlimited\n\nAnd examples of invalid \"length spec\":\n\n* `[8]` // \",\" required after min part\n* `[a,f]` // min and max part needs to be decimal digit(s)\n* `[3,9)` // length spec must be started with `[` and end with `]`\n\n@param spec a string representation of password spec\n@return a {@link PasswordSpec} instance",
"Retrieves the amount of work on a given day, and\nreturns it in the specified format.\n\n@param date target date\n@param format required format\n@return work duration",
"Shuts down a managed domain container. The servers are first stopped, then the host controller is shutdown.\n\n@param client the client used to communicate with the server\n@param timeout the graceful shutdown timeout, a value of {@code -1} will wait indefinitely and a value of\n{@code 0} will not attempt a graceful shutdown\n\n@throws IOException if an error occurs communicating with the server\n@throws OperationExecutionException if the operation used to shutdown the managed domain failed",
"Encode a path segment, escaping characters not valid for a URL.\n\n<p>The following characters are not escaped:\n\n<ul>\n<li>{@code a..z, A..Z, 0..9}\n<li>{@code . - * _}\n</ul>\n\n<p>' ' (space) is encoded as '+'.\n\n<p>All other characters (including '/') are converted to the triplet \"%xy\" where \"xy\" is the\nhex representation of the character in UTF-8.\n\n@param component a string containing text to encode.\n@return a string with all invalid URL characters escaped.",
"Clears all checked widgets in the group",
"Create a clone of this volatility surface using a generic calibration\nof its parameters to given market data.\n\n@param calibrationModel The model used during calibration (contains additional objects required during valuation, e.g. curves).\n@param calibrationProducts The calibration products.\n@param calibrationTargetValues The target values of the calibration products.\n@param calibrationParameters A map containing additional settings like \"evaluationTime\" (Double).\n@param parameterTransformation An optional parameter transformation.\n@param optimizerFactory The factory providing the optimizer to be used during calibration.\n@return An object having the same type as this one, using (hopefully) calibrated parameters.\n@throws SolverException Exception thrown when solver fails."
] |
public Map<Integer, Row> createWorkPatternMap(List<Row> rows)
Map<Integer, Row> map = new HashMap<Integer, Row>();
for (Row row : rows)
map.put(row.getInteger("WORK_PATTERNID"), row);
return map;
} | [
"Creates a map of work pattern rows indexed by the primary key.\n\n@param rows work pattern rows\n@return work pattern map"
] | [
"Creates a new access control entry and stores it for later write out.\n\n@param res the resource\n@param id the id of the principal\n@param allowed the allowed permissions\n@param denied the denied permissions\n@param flags the flags\n\n@return the created ACE",
"Function to compute the bias gradient for batch convolution",
"Sets the position vector of the keyframe.",
"Read resource assignment data from a PEP file.",
"This method extracts data for a single day from an MSPDI file.\n\n@param calendar Calendar data\n@param day Day data\n@param readExceptionsFromDays read exceptions form day definitions",
"Process a relationship between two tasks.\n\n@param row relationship data",
"Finds to a given point p the point on the spline with minimum distance.\n@param p Point where the nearest distance is searched for\n@param nPointsPerSegment Number of interpolation points between two support points\n@return Point spline which has the minimum distance to p",
"A convenience method for creating an immutable list.\n\n@param self a Set\n@return an immutable Set\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableSet(java.util.Set)\n@since 1.0",
"Checks the given class descriptor for correct object cache setting.\n\n@param classDef The class descriptor\n@param checkLevel The current check level (this constraint is only checked in strict)\n@exception ConstraintException If the constraint has been violated"
] |
private void decreaseIndent() throws IOException
if (m_pretty)
m_indent = m_indent.substring(0, m_indent.length() - INDENT.length());
} | [
"Decrease the indent level."
] | [
"Stop interpolating playback position for all active players.",
"Decrements the client's use count, and makes it eligible for closing if it is no longer in use.\n\n@param client the dbserver connection client which is no longer being used for a task",
"Apply a filter to the list of all resources, and show the results.\n\n@param project project file\n@param filter filter",
"Returns true if the addon depends on reporting.",
"Declares a shovel.\n\n@param vhost virtual host where to declare the shovel\n@param info Shovel info.",
"Use this API to rename a cmppolicylabel resource.",
"Resets all override settings for the clientUUID and disables it\n\n@param profileId profile ID of the client\n@param clientUUID UUID of the client\n@throws Exception exception",
"Sets the replacement var map node specific.\n\n@param replacementVarMapNodeSpecific\nthe replacement var map node specific\n@return the parallel task builder",
"Is invoked on the leaf deletion only.\n\n@param left left page.\n@param right right page.\n@return true if the left page ought to be merged with the right one."
] |
public void set(Vector3d v1) {
x = v1.x;
y = v1.y;
z = v1.z;
} | [
"Sets the values of this vector to those of v1.\n\n@param v1\nvector whose values are copied"
] | [
"Use this API to delete appfwlearningdata resources.",
"Invalidate the item in layout\n@param dataIndex data index",
"Handle slop for nodes that are no longer part of the cluster. It may not\nalways be the case. For example, shrinking a zone or deleting a store.",
"Returns current selenium version from JAR set in classpath.\n\n@return Version of Selenium.",
"Merges the two classes into a single class. The smaller class is\nremoved, while the largest class is kept.",
"Given a year, month, and day, find the number of occurrences of that day in the month\n\n@param year the year\n@param month the month\n@param day the day\n@return the number of occurrences of the day in the month",
"Enter information into the hidden input field.\n\n@param input The input to enter into the hidden field.",
"Reads characters into a portion of an array, then replace invalid XML characters\n\n@throws IOException If an I/O error occurs\n@see ru.yandex.qatools.allure.config.AllureNamingUtils#isBadXmlCharacter(char) by space",
"Checks whether a user account can be locked because of inactivity.\n\n@param cms the CMS context\n@param user the user to check\n@return true if the user may be locked after being inactive for too long"
] |
public int scrollToItem(int position) {
Log.d(Log.SUBSYSTEM.LAYOUT, TAG, "scrollToItem position = %d", position);
return mCurrentItemIndex;
} | [
"Scroll to the specific position\n@param position\n@return the new current item after the scrolling processed."
] | [
"calls _initMH on the method handler and then stores the result in the\nmethodHandler field as then new methodHandler",
"Use this API to fetch all the nsrpcnode resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Returns script view\n\n@param model\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Creates an operation to deploy existing deployment content to the runtime.\n\n@param deployment the deployment to deploy\n\n@return the deploy operation",
"On host controller reload, remove a not running server registered in the process controller declared as stopping.",
"Updates LetsEncrypt configuration.",
"Read custom property definitions for tasks.\n\n@param gpTasks GanttProject tasks",
"Calls the provided metric getter on all the tracked environments and\nobtains their values\n\n@param metricGetterName\n@return",
"Create the patching task based on the definition.\n\n@param definition the task description\n@param provider the content provider\n@param context the task context\n@return the created task"
] |
private void prepare() throws IOException, DocumentException, PrintingException {
if (baos == null) {
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); // let it grow as much as needed
boolean resize = false;
if (page.getConstraint().getWidth() == 0 || page.getConstraint().getHeight() == 0) {
resize = true;
// Create a document in the requested ISO scale.
Document document = new Document(page.getBounds(), 0, 0, 0, 0);
PdfWriter writer;
writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);
// Render in correct colors for transparent rasters
// The mapView is not scaled to the document, we assume the mapView
// has the right ratio.
// Write document title and metadata
PdfContext context = new PdfContext(writer);
// first pass of all children to calculate size
if (resize) {
// we now know the bounds of the document
// round 'm up and restart with a new document
int width = (int) Math.ceil(page.getBounds().getWidth());
int height = (int) Math.ceil(page.getBounds().getHeight());
document = new Document(new Rectangle(width, height), 0, 0, 0, 0);
writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);
// Render in correct colors for transparent rasters
context = new PdfContext(writer);
// int compressionLevel = writer.getCompressionLevel(); // For testing
// writer.setCompressionLevel(0);
// Actual drawing
// second pass to layout
// finally render (uses baos)
// Now close the document
} | [
"Prepare the document before rendering.\n\n@param outputStream output stream to render to, null if only for layout\n@param format format\n@throws DocumentException oops\n@throws IOException oops\n@throws PrintingException oops"
] | [
"Handling out responce.\n\n@param message\nthe message\n@throws Fault\nthe fault",
"Analyzes the source code of an interface. The specified interface must not contain methods, that changes the\nstate of the corresponding object itself.\n\n@param code\nsource code of an interface which describes how to generate the <i>immutable</i>\n@return analysis result",
"Gets all data set values.\n\n@param dataSet\nIIM record and dataset code (See constants in {@link IIM})\n@return data set value\n@throws SerializationException\nif value can't be deserialized from binary representation",
"Remove all unnecessary comments from a lexer or parser file",
"Encodes the given URI user info with the given encoding.\n@param userInfo the user info to be encoded\n@param encoding the character encoding to encode to\n@return the encoded user info\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException when the given encoding parameter is not supported",
"Print a day.\n\n@param day Day instance\n@return day value",
"Use this API to add sslcipher.",
"Use this API to delete dnssuffix resources of given names.",
"Indicates whether or not an event ID is a duplicate.\n\n<p>This method can be overridden by a subclass in order to provide custom de-duping logic.</p>\n\n@param eventID the event ID.\n@return true if the event is a duplicate; otherwise false."
] |
public static int Mod(int x, int m) {
if (m < 0) m = -m;
int r = x % m;
return r < 0 ? r + m : r;
} | [
"Gets the proper modulus operation.\n\n@param x Integer.\n@param m Modulo.\n@return Modulus."
] | [
"Returns all model classes registered on this datasource\n\n@return model classes talk to this datasource",
"Use this API to add appfwjsoncontenttype.",
"Typically this is transparently handled by using the Protostream codecs but be aware of it when bypassing Protostream.",
"Use this API to add gslbsite resources.",
"Check whether the value is matched by a regular expression.\n\n@param value value\n@param regex regular expression\n@return true when value is matched",
"Use this API to fetch rnat6_nsip6_binding resources of given name .",
"Start the timer.",
"Removes from this set all of its elements that are contained in the specified members array\n@param members the members to remove\n@return the number of members actually removed",
"Calculate start dates for a yearly recurrence.\n\n@param calendar current date\n@param dates array of start dates"
] |
public static <K,V> Map<K,V> minus(Map<K,V> self, Map removeMe) {
final Map<K,V> ansMap = createSimilarMap(self);
if (removeMe != null && removeMe.size() > 0) {
for (Map.Entry<K, V> e1 : self.entrySet()) {
for (Object e2 : removeMe.entrySet()) {
if (DefaultTypeTransformation.compareEqual(e1, e2)) {
return ansMap;
} | [
"Create a Map composed of the entries of the first map minus the\nentries of the given map.\n\n@param self a map object\n@param removeMe the entries to remove from the map\n@return the resulting map\n@since 1.7.4"
] | [
"Determines the offset code of a forward contract from the name of a forward curve.\nThis method will extract a group of one or more digits together with the first letter behind them, if any.\nIf there are multiple groups of digits in the name, this method will extract the last.\nIf there is no number in the string, this method will return null.\n\n@param curveName The name of the curve.\n@return The offset code as String",
"Removing surrounding space in image. Get trim color from specified pixel.\n@param value orientation from where to get the pixel color.\n@param colorTolerance 0 - 442. This is the euclidian distance\nbetween the colors of the reference pixel and the surrounding pixels is used.\nIf the distance is within the tolerance they'll get trimmed.",
"Get an InputStream for the original image. Callers must close the stream upon completion.\n\n@deprecated\n@see PhotosInterface#getImageAsStream(Photo, int)\n@return The InputStream\n@throws IOException",
"Converts an update description BSON document from a MongoDB Change Event into an\nUpdateDescription object.\n\n@param document the\n@return the converted UpdateDescription",
"Sets the value if the date only should be shown.\n@param dateOnly if the date only should be shown",
"Returns a Span that covers all rows beginning with a prefix String parameters will be encoded\nas UTF-8",
"Generate a Jongo query regarding a set of parameters.\n\n@param params Map<queryKey, queryValue> of query parameters\n@return String",
"Returns the Map value of the field.\n\n@return the Map value of the field. It returns a reference of the value both for <code>MAP</code> and\n<code>LIST_MAP</code>.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the value cannot be converted to Map.",
"Answers the ClassDescriptor referenced by 'super' ReferenceDescriptor.\n@return ClassDescriptor or null"
] |
private void appendBetweenCriteria(TableAlias alias, PathInfo pathInfo, BetweenCriteria c, StringBuffer buf)
appendColName(alias, pathInfo, c.isTranslateAttribute(), buf);
appendParameter(c.getValue(), buf);
buf.append(" AND ");
appendParameter(c.getValue2(), buf);
} | [
"Answer the SQL-Clause for a BetweenCriteria\n\n@param alias\n@param pathInfo\n@param c BetweenCriteria\n@param buf"
] | [
"Sets an element in at the specified index.",
"Either a single file extension or a comma-separated list of extensions for which the language\nshall be registered.",
"Calls the provided metric getter on all the tracked environments and\nobtains their values\n\n@param metricGetterName\n@return",
"Store the given data and return a uuid for later retrieval of the data\n\n@param data\n@return unique id for the stored data",
"Curries a function that takes one argument.\n\n@param function\nthe original function. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed argument.\n@return a function that takes no arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Sets the specified float attribute to the specified value.\n\n@param name name of the attribute\n@param value value of the attribute\n@since 1.9.0",
"Extract calendar data.",
"Type variables are not supported.\n\n@param value\n@return the type",
"A final cluster ought to be a super set of current cluster. I.e.,\nexisting node IDs ought to map to same server, but partition layout can\nhave changed and there may exist new nodes.\n\n@param currentCluster\n@param finalCluster"
] |
private static int[] getMode3PrimaryCodewords(String postcode, int country, int service) {
int[] postcodeNums = new int[postcode.length()];
postcode = postcode.toUpperCase();
for (int i = 0; i < postcodeNums.length; i++) {
postcodeNums[i] = postcode.charAt(i);
if (postcode.charAt(i) >= 'A' && postcode.charAt(i) <= 'Z') {
// (Capital) letters shifted to Code Set A values
postcodeNums[i] -= 64;
if (postcodeNums[i] == 27 || postcodeNums[i] == 31 || postcodeNums[i] == 33 || postcodeNums[i] >= 59) {
// Not a valid postal code character, use space instead
postcodeNums[i] = 32;
// Input characters lower than 27 (NUL - SUB) in postal code are interpreted as capital
// letters in Code Set A (e.g. LF becomes 'J')
int[] primary = new int[10];
primary[0] = ((postcodeNums[5] & 0x03) << 4) | 3;
primary[1] = ((postcodeNums[4] & 0x03) << 4) | ((postcodeNums[5] & 0x3c) >> 2);
primary[2] = ((postcodeNums[3] & 0x03) << 4) | ((postcodeNums[4] & 0x3c) >> 2);
primary[3] = ((postcodeNums[2] & 0x03) << 4) | ((postcodeNums[3] & 0x3c) >> 2);
primary[4] = ((postcodeNums[1] & 0x03) << 4) | ((postcodeNums[2] & 0x3c) >> 2);
primary[5] = ((postcodeNums[0] & 0x03) << 4) | ((postcodeNums[1] & 0x3c) >> 2);
primary[6] = ((postcodeNums[0] & 0x3c) >> 2) | ((country & 0x3) << 4);
primary[7] = (country & 0xfc) >> 2;
primary[8] = ((country & 0x300) >> 8) | ((service & 0xf) << 2);
primary[9] = ((service & 0x3f0) >> 4);
return primary;
} | [
"Returns the primary message codewords for mode 3.\n\n@param postcode the postal code\n@param country the country code\n@param service the service code\n@return the primary message, as codewords"
] | [
"Update the server group's name\n\n@param serverGroupId ID of server group\n@param name new name of server group\n@return updated ServerGroup",
"Adds an additional site link to the constructed document.\n\n@param title\nthe title of the linked page\n@param siteKey\nidentifier of the site, e.g., \"enwiki\"\n@param badges\none or more badges",
"Process an individual work week day.\n\n@param data calendar data\n@param offset current offset into data\n@param week parent week\n@param day current day",
"Set the value of one or more fields based on the contents of a database row.\n\n@param map column to field map\n@param row database row\n@param container field container",
"Parse duration represented as an arbitrary fraction of minutes.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param value duration value\n@param targetTimeUnit required output time units\n@param factor required fraction of a minute\n@return Duration instance",
"Write the domain controller's data to an output stream.\n\n@param outstream the output stream\n@throws Exception",
"Returns the field descriptors given in the the field names list.\n\n@param fieldNames The field names, separated by commas\n@return The field descriptors in the order given by the field names\n@throws NoSuchFieldException If a field hasn't been found",
"Provides a consistent ordering over lists. First compares by the first\nelement. If that element is equal, the next element is considered, and so\non.",
"If the user has not specified a project ID, this method\nretrieves the ID of the first project in the file."
] |
public static MediaType text( String subType, Charset charset ) {
return nonBinary( TEXT, subType, charset );
} | [
"Creates a non-binary text media type with the given subtype and a specified encoding"
] | [
"Extracts baseline cost from the MPP file for a specific baseline.\nReturns null if no baseline cost is present, otherwise returns\na list of timephased work items.\n\n@param calendar baseline calendar\n@param normaliser normaliser associated with this data\n@param data timephased baseline work data block\n@param raw flag indicating if this data is to be treated as raw\n@return timephased work",
"Get an extent aware Iterator based on the ReportQuery\n\n@param query\n@param cld\n@return OJBIterator",
"Updates the indices in the index buffer from a Java int array.\nAll of the entries of the input int array are copied into\nthe storage for the index buffer. The new indices must be the\nsame size as the old indices - the index buffer size cannot be changed.\n@param data char array containing the new values\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if int array is wrong size",
"The Baseline Finish field shows the planned completion date for a task\nat the time you saved a baseline. Information in this field becomes\navailable when you set a baseline for a task.\n\n@return Date",
"Update counters and call hooks.\n@param handle connection handle.",
"Append this message to the message set\n@param messages message to append\n@return the written size and first offset\n@throws IOException file write exception",
"Recursively searches for formatting annotations.\n\n@param visitedTypes used to prevent an endless loop\n@param parameterName",
"Use this API to fetch all the gslbservice resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Returns a long between interval\n@param min Minimum value\n@param max Maximum value\n@return long number"
] |
public static double I(int n, double x) {
if (n < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("the variable n out of range.");
else if (n == 0)
return I0(x);
else if (n == 1)
return I(x);
if (x == 0.0)
return 0.0;
double ACC = 40.0;
double BIGNO = 1.0e+10;
double BIGNI = 1.0e-10;
double tox = 2.0 / Math.abs(x);
double bip = 0, ans = 0.0;
double bi = 1.0;
for (int j = 2 * (n + (int) Math.sqrt(ACC * n)); j > 0; j--) {
double bim = bip + j * tox * bi;
bip = bi;
bi = bim;
if (Math.abs(bi) > BIGNO) {
ans *= BIGNI;
bi *= BIGNI;
bip *= BIGNI;
if (j == n)
ans = bip;
ans *= I0(x) / bi;
return x < 0.0 && n % 2 == 1 ? -ans : ans;
} | [
"Bessel function of the first kind, of order n.\n\n@param n Order.\n@param x Value.\n@return I value."
] | [
"Use this API to clear Interface.",
"Add a creatable \"post-run\" dependent for this task item.\n\n@param creatable the creatable \"post-run\" dependent.\n@return the key to be used as parameter to taskResult(string) method to retrieve created \"post-run\" dependent",
"Main entry point to read criteria data.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param data criteria data block\n@param dataOffset offset of the data start within the larger data block\n@param entryOffset offset of start node for walking the tree\n@param prompts optional list to hold prompts\n@param fields optional list of hold fields\n@param criteriaType optional array representing criteria types\n@return first node of the criteria",
"Checks the preconditions for creating a new IsIncludedIn processor with a Set of Objects.\n\n@param possibleValues\nthe Set of possible values\n@throws NullPointerException\nif possibleValues is null\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif possibleValues is empty",
"Over simplistic helper to compare two strings to check radio buttons.\n\n@param value1 the first value\n@param value2 the second value\n@return \"checked\" if both values are equal, the empty String \"\" otherwise",
"Load the windows resize handler with initial view port detection.",
"Add columns to the tree.\n\n@param parentNode parent tree node\n@param table columns container",
"Assigned action code",
"Gets currently visible user.\n\n@return List of user"
] |
protected void setupRegistration() {
if (isServiceWorkerSupported()) {
Navigator.serviceWorker.register(getResource()).then(object -> {
logger.info("Service worker has been successfully registered");
registration = (ServiceWorkerRegistration) object;
onRegistered(new ServiceEvent(), registration);
// Observe service worker lifecycle
// Setup Service Worker events events
return null;
}, error -> {
logger.info("ServiceWorker registration failed: " + error);
return null;
} else {
logger.info("Service worker is not supported by this browser.");
} | [
"Initial setup of the service worker registration."
] | [
"Inserts a CharSequence array value into the mapping of the underlying Bundle, replacing any\nexisting value for the given key. Either key or value may be null.\n\n@param key a String, or null\n@param value a CharSequence array object, or null\n@return this bundler instance to chain method calls",
"Use this API to add snmpmanager resources.",
"Returns a spread of integers in a range [0,max) that includes\ncount. The spread is sorted from largest to smallest.",
"Copy a single named resource from the classpath to the output directory.\n@param outputDirectory The destination directory for the copied resource.\n@param resourceName The filename of the resource.\n@param targetFileName The name of the file created in {@literal outputDirectory}.\n@throws IOException If the resource cannot be copied.",
"Cleans the object key.\n\n@param name Name of the object key\n@return The {@link ValidationResult} object containing the object,\nand the error code(if any)",
"Entry point for the example.\n\n@param args Command-line arguments for the example. To use samplemachine.xml from resources, send\nno arguments. To use other file, send a filename without xml extension).",
"the absolute and relative calls are the trickiest parts. We have to\nmove across cursor boundaries potentially.\n\na + row value indexes from beginning of resultset\na - row value indexes from the end of th resulset.\n\nCalling absolute(1) is the same as calling first().\nCalling absolute(-1) is the same as calling last().",
"Process a single outline code.\n\n@param parentRow outline code to task mapping table\n@throws SQLException",
"Creates a new connection from the data source that the connection descriptor\nrepresents. If the connection descriptor does not directly contain the data source\nthen a JNDI lookup is performed to retrieve the data source.\n\n@param jcd The connection descriptor\n@return A connection instance\n@throws LookupException if we can't get a connection from the datasource either due to a\nnaming exception, a failed sanity check, or a SQLException."
] |
public static int copyAllBytes(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException {
int byteCount = 0;
byte[] buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE];
while (true) {
int read = in.read(buffer);
if (read == -1) {
out.write(buffer, 0, read);
byteCount += read;
return byteCount;
} | [
"Copies all available data from in to out without closing any stream.\n\n@return number of bytes copied"
] | [
"Moves the drawer to the position passed.\n\n@param position The position the content is moved to.\n@param velocity Optional velocity if called by releasing a drag event.\n@param animate Whether the move is animated.",
"Process a single criteria block.\n\n@param list parent criteria list\n@param block current block",
"Use this API to fetch dnsview resource of given name .",
"Execute JavaScript in the browser.\n\n@param code The code to execute.\n@return The return value of the JavaScript.\n@throws CrawljaxException when javascript execution failed.",
"Retrieve the fixed data offset for a specific field.\n\n@param type field type\n@return offset",
"Take a string and make it an iterable ContentStream",
"Tests whether the given string is the name of a java.lang type.",
"Converts the http entity to string. If entity is null, returns empty string.\n@param entity\n@return\n@throws IOException",
"Returns the bounding sphere of the vertices.\n@param sphere destination array to get bounding sphere.\nThe first entry is the radius, the next\nthree are the center.\n@return radius of bounding sphere or 0.0 if no vertices"
] |
@Nullable public GeoTarget getCanonAncestor(GeoTarget.Type type) {
for (GeoTarget target = this; target != null; target = target.canonParent()) {
if (target.key.type == type) {
return target;
return null;
} | [
"Finds an ancestor of a specific type, if possible.\n\n<p>Example: (New York city target, {@link Type#COUNTRY}) returns (US country target)"
] | [
"Create a deep copy.\n\n@param bindAddress overwrites bind address when creating deep copy.\n@return a copy of the server setup configuration.",
"The indices space is ignored for reduce ops other than min or max.",
"Checks whether this notification is from CleverTap.\n\n@param extras The payload from the GCM intent\n@return See {@link NotificationInfo}",
"Obtains a local date in Coptic calendar system from the\nproleptic-year, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param prolepticYear the proleptic-year\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Coptic local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date",
"Use this API to unset the properties of snmpoption resource.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Add nodes to the workers list\n\n@param nodeIds list of node ids.",
"Detects if the current browser is a Sony Mylo device.\n@return detection of a Sony Mylo device",
"Uses the iterator to run through the dao and retain only the items that are in the passed in collection. This\nwill remove the items from the associated database table as well.\n\n@return Returns true of the collection was changed at all otherwise false.",
"Sets the color of the drop shadow.\n\n@param color The color of the drop shadow."
] |
public static base_responses flush(nitro_service client, cachecontentgroup resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
cachecontentgroup flushresources[] = new cachecontentgroup[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
flushresources[i] = new cachecontentgroup();
flushresources[i].name = resources[i].name;
flushresources[i].query = resources[i].query;
flushresources[i].host = resources[i].host;
flushresources[i].selectorvalue = resources[i].selectorvalue;
flushresources[i].force = resources[i].force;
result = perform_operation_bulk_request(client, flushresources,"flush");
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to flush cachecontentgroup resources."
] | [
"Handles logging tasks related to a failure to connect to a remote HC.\n@param uri the URI at which the connection attempt was made. Can be {@code null} indicating a failure to discover the HC\n@param discoveryOption the {@code DiscoveryOption} used to determine {@code uri}\n@param moreOptions {@code true} if there are more untried discovery options\n@param e the exception",
"Mapping message info.\n\n@param messageInfo the message info\n@return the message info type",
"Overridden to ensure that our timestamp handling is as expected",
"Invoke an operation on an MBean by name.\nNote that only basic data types are supported for parameter values.\n@param operationName the operation name (can be URL-encoded).\n@param parameterMap the {@link Map} of parameter names and value arrays.\n@return the returned value from the operation.\n@throws JMException Java Management Exception\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.",
"Helper function to create JsonArray from collection.\n\n@param values collection of values to convert to JsonArray\n@return JsonArray with collection values",
"Adds the List of Lists of CRFDatums to the data and labels arrays, treating\neach datum as if it were its own document. Adds context labels in addition\nto the target label for each datum, meaning that for a particular document,\nthe number of labels will be windowSize-1 greater than the number of\ndatums.\n\n@param processedData\na List of Lists of CRFDatums",
"Build control archive of the deb\n\n@param packageControlFile the package control file\n@param controlFiles the other control information files (maintainer scripts, etc)\n@param dataSize the size of the installed package\n@param checksums the md5 checksums of the files in the data archive\n@param output\n@return\n@throws java.io.FileNotFoundException\n@throws java.io.IOException\n@throws java.text.ParseException",
"Print a day.\n\n@param day Day instance\n@return day value",
"Gets the date time str concise.\n\n@param d\nthe d\n@return the date time str concise"
] |
public void edit(int currentChangeListId, FilePath filePath) throws Exception {
establishConnection().editFile(currentChangeListId, new File(filePath.getRemote()));
} | [
"Opens file for editing.\n\n@param currentChangeListId The current change list id to open the file for editing at\n@param filePath The filePath which contains the file we need to edit\n@throws IOException Thrown in case of perforce communication errors\n@throws InterruptedException"
] | [
"Analyzes the source code of an interface. The specified interface must not contain methods, that changes the\nstate of the corresponding object itself.\n\n@param code\nsource code of an interface which describes how to generate the <i>immutable</i>\n@return analysis result",
"Update the background color of the mBgCircle image view.",
"Concats two arrays.\n\n@param first the first array\n@param second the second array\n@param <T> the type of the element in the array\n@return a new array created adding the element in the second array after the first one",
"Determines if still WRITING or COMPLETE.\n\n@param itemTag mad libs style string to insert into progress message.\n@return state of stream request handler",
"Close all HTTP clients created by this factory\n@throws IOException if an I/O error occurs",
"Copies all available data from in to out without closing any stream.\n\n@return number of bytes copied",
"Resets the text box by removing its content and resetting visual state.",
"retrieve a collection of type collectionClass matching the Query query\n\n@see org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker#getCollectionByQuery(Class, Query)",
"performs a DELETE operation against RDBMS.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information.\n@param obj The object to be deleted."
] |
public static Set<String> listLinks(OperationContext context, PathAddress overlayAddress) {
Resource overlayResource = context.readResourceFromRoot(overlayAddress);
if (overlayResource.hasChildren(DEPLOYMENT)) {
return overlayResource.getChildrenNames(DEPLOYMENT);
return Collections.emptySet();
} | [
"Returns all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay.\n\n@param context the current OperationContext.\n@param overlayAddress the address for the averlay.\n@return all the deployment runtime names associated with an overlay."
] | [
"Get an active operation.\n\n@param header the request header\n@return the active operation, {@code null} if if there is no registered operation",
"Get the OAuth request token - this is step one of authorization.\n\n@param callbackUrl\noptional callback URL - required for web auth flow, will be set to \"oob\" if not specified.\n@return the {@link OAuth1RequestToken}, store this for when the user returns from the Flickr website.",
"Prints the data for a single class to the given stream. This will be a\nsingle line in CSV.\n\n@param out\nthe output to write to\n@param classRecord\nthe class record to write\n@param entityIdValue\nthe item id that this class record belongs to",
"Writes the entire remaining contents of the buffer to the channel. May complete in one operation, but the\ndocumentation is vague, so this keeps going until we are sure.\n\n@param buffer the data to be written\n@param channel the channel to which we want to write data\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem writing to the channel",
"Returns the value of the identified field as a Boolean.\n@param fieldName the name of the field\n@return the value of the field as a Boolean",
"Use this API to fetch all the tmtrafficaction resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Set the weekdays at which the event should take place.\n@param weekDays the weekdays at which the event should take place.",
"Read tasks representing the WBS.",
"Compute the repair set from the given values and nodes\n\n@param nodeValues The value found on each node\n@return A set of repairs to perform"
] |
private void readSubProjects(byte[] data, int uniqueIDOffset, int filePathOffset, int fileNameOffset, int subprojectIndex)
while (uniqueIDOffset < filePathOffset)
readSubProject(data, uniqueIDOffset, filePathOffset, fileNameOffset, subprojectIndex++);
uniqueIDOffset += 4;
} | [
"Read a list of sub projects.\n\n@param data byte array\n@param uniqueIDOffset offset of unique ID\n@param filePathOffset offset of file path\n@param fileNameOffset offset of file name\n@param subprojectIndex index of the subproject, used to calculate unique id offset"
] | [
"Start the socket server and waiting for finished\n\n@throws InterruptedException thread interrupted",
"Creates a new instance with the given key and value.\nMay be used instead of the constructor for convenience reasons.\n\n@param k\nthe key. May be <code>null</code>.\n@param v\nthe value. May be <code>null</code>.\n@return a newly created pair. Never <code>null</code>.\n@since 2.3",
"Checks if a point is in the given rectangle.\n\n@param _Rect rectangle which is checked\n@param _X x-coordinate of the point\n@param _Y y-coordinate of the point\n@return True if the points intersects with the rectangle.",
"Adds a new point.\n\n@param point a point\n@return this for chaining",
"Returns the chunk id for the file name\n\n@param fileName The file name\n@return Chunk id",
"Use this API to delete route6.",
"Creates a decorator bean\n\n@param <T> The type\n@param clazz The class\n@param beanManager the current manager\n@return a Bean",
"Set a Java class to ignore when printing stack traces\n@param classToIgnoreInTraces The class to ignore.\n@return this",
"Calculates the bearing, in degrees, of the end LatLong point from this\nLatLong point.\n\n@param end The point that the bearing is calculated for.\n@return The bearing, in degrees, of the supplied point from this point."
] |
public MessageSet read(long offset, int length) throws IOException {
List<LogSegment> views = segments.getView();
LogSegment found = findRange(views, offset, views.size());
if (found == null) {
if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
logger.trace(format("NOT FOUND MessageSet from Log[%s], offset=%d, length=%d", name, offset, length));
return MessageSet.Empty;
return found.getMessageSet().read(offset - found.start(), length);
} | [
"read messages beginning from offset\n\n@param offset next message offset\n@param length the max package size\n@return a MessageSet object with length data or empty\n@see MessageSet#Empty\n@throws IOException any exception"
] | [
"Removes all commas from the token list",
"Gets existing config files.\n\n@return the existing config files",
"Writes a WBS entity to the PM XML file.\n\n@param mpxj MPXJ Task entity",
"Save an HTTP response to a file\n@param response the response to save\n@param destFile the destination file\n@throws IOException if the response could not be downloaded",
"Send a kill signal to all running instances and return as soon as the signal is sent.",
"Adds listeners and reads from a file.\n\n@param reader reader for file type\n@param file schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Notifies that multiple footer items are inserted.\n\n@param positionStart the position.\n@param itemCount the item count.",
"Use this API to fetch vpnclientlessaccesspolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"Gets the JsonObject representation of the given field object.\n@param field represents a template field\n@return the json object"
] |
public DJCrosstab build(){
if (crosstab.getMeasures().isEmpty()){
throw new LayoutException("Crosstabs must have at least one measure");
if (crosstab.getColumns().isEmpty()){
throw new LayoutException("Crosstabs must have at least one column");
if (crosstab.getRows().isEmpty()){
throw new LayoutException("Crosstabs must have at least one row");
//Ensure default dimension values
for (DJCrosstabColumn col : crosstab.getColumns()) {
if (col.getWidth() == -1 && cellWidth != -1)
if (col.getWidth() == -1 )
if (col.getHeaderHeight() == -1 && columnHeaderHeight != -1)
if (col.getHeaderHeight() == -1)
for (DJCrosstabRow row : crosstab.getRows()) {
if (row.getHeight() == -1 && cellHeight != -1)
if (row.getHeight() == -1 )
if (row.getHeaderWidth() == -1 && rowHeaderWidth != -1)
if (row.getHeaderWidth() == -1)
return crosstab;
} | [
"Build the crosstab. Throws LayoutException if anything is wrong\n@return"
] | [
"Return the number of ignored or assumption-ignored tests.",
"Use this API to delete route6 of given name.",
"Count the number of working hours in a day, based in the\ninteger representation of the working hours.\n\n@param hours working hours\n@return number of hours",
"Creates a Set out of the given keys\n\n@param <K> the key type\n@param keys\nthe keys\n@return a Set containing the given keys",
"Read an individual GanttProject resource assignment.\n\n@param gpAllocation GanttProject resource assignment.",
"Counts the number of lines.\n\n@param str the input string\n@return Returns the number of lines terminated by '\\n' in string",
"Retrieves the table structure for an Asta PP file. Subclasses determine the exact contents of the structure\nfor a specific version of the Asta PP file.\n\n@return PP file table structure",
"Emit a string event with parameters.\n\nThis will invoke all {@link SimpleEventListener} bound to the specified\nstring value given the listeners has the matching argument list.\n\nFor example, suppose we have the following simple event listener methods:\n\n```java\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void logUserLogin(User user, long timestamp) {...}\n\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(User user, Object... args) {...}\n\n{@literal @}On(\"USER-LOGIN\")\npublic void foo(User user) {...}\n```\n\nThe following code will invoke `logUserLogin` and `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts` methods:\n\n```java\nUser user = ...;\neventBus.emit(\"USER-LOGIN\", user, System.currentTimeMills());\n```\n\nThe `foo(User)` will not invoked because:\n\n* The parameter list `(User, long)` does not match the declared argument list `(User)`.\nHere the `String` in the parameter list is taken out because it is used to indicate\nthe event, instead of being passing through to the event handler method.\n* The method `checkDuplicateLoginAttempts(User, Object ...)` will be invoked because\nit declares a varargs typed arguments, meaning it matches any parameters passed in.\n\n@param event\nthe target event\n@param args\nthe arguments passed in\n@see SimpleEventListener",
"Converts the given CharSequence into a List of Strings of one character.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return a List of characters (a 1-character String)\n@see #toSet(String)\n@since 1.8.2"
] |
public String getDynamicValue(String attribute) {
return null == m_dynamicValues ? null : m_dynamicValues.get(attribute);
} | [
"Get cached value that is dynamically loaded by the Acacia content editor.\n\n@param attribute the attribute to load the value to\n@return the cached value"
] | [
"Print a percent complete value.\n\n@param value Double instance\n@return percent complete value",
"Obtains a Coptic zoned date-time from another date-time object.\n\n@param temporal the date-time object to convert, not null\n@return the Coptic zoned date-time, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date-time",
"Determines if this connection's access token has expired and needs to be refreshed.\n@return true if the access token needs to be refreshed; otherwise false.",
"Common method for creating styles.\n\n@param template the template that the map is part of\n@param styleRef the style ref identifying the style\n@param <T> the source type",
"Use this API to fetch transformpolicylabel resource of given name .",
"Deletes an object from the database.\nIt must be executed in the context of an open transaction.\nIf the object is not persistent, then ObjectNotPersistent is thrown.\nIf the transaction in which this method is executed commits,\nthen the object is removed from the database.\nIf the transaction aborts,\nthen the deletePersistent operation is considered not to have been executed,\nand the target object is again in the database.\n@param\tobject\tThe object to delete.",
"Finds the most recent dump of the given type that is actually available.\n\n@param dumpContentType\nthe type of the dump to look for\n@return most recent main dump or null if no such dump exists",
"If task completed success or failure from response.\n\n@param myResponse\nthe my response\n@return true, if successful",
"directive dynamic xxx,yy\n@param node\n@return"
] |
public static base_responses update(nitro_service client, nsrpcnode resources[]) throws Exception {
base_responses result = null;
if (resources != null && resources.length > 0) {
nsrpcnode updateresources[] = new nsrpcnode[resources.length];
for (int i=0;i<resources.length;i++){
updateresources[i] = new nsrpcnode();
updateresources[i].ipaddress = resources[i].ipaddress;
updateresources[i].password = resources[i].password;
updateresources[i].srcip = resources[i].srcip;
updateresources[i].secure = resources[i].secure;
result = update_bulk_request(client, updateresources);
return result;
} | [
"Use this API to update nsrpcnode resources."
] | [
"Get the bone index for the bone with the given name.\n\n@param bonename string identifying the bone whose index you want\n@return 0 based bone index or -1 if bone with that name is not found.",
"Returns the currently scheduled job description identified by the given id.\n\n@param id the job id\n\n@return a job or <code>null</code> if not found",
"Remember the order of execution",
"Process the requestJsonAttributes using the attributes and the MapfishParser and add all resulting\nvalues to this values object.\n\n@param template the template of the current request.\n@param attributes the attributes that will be used to add values to this values object\n@param requestJsonAttributes the json data for populating the attribute values",
"Given a list of typedDependencies, returns true if the node \"node\" is the\ngovernor of a conj relation with a dependent which is not a preposition\n\n@param node\nA node in this GrammaticalStructure\n@param list\nA list of typedDependencies\n@return true If node is the governor of a conj relation in the list with\nthe dep not being a preposition",
"Add fields to the text index configuration.\n\n@param fields the {@link TextIndex.Field} configurations to add\n@return the builder for chaining",
"Gets the progress from response.\n\n@param myResponse\nthe my response\n@return the progress from response",
"A tie-in for subclasses such as AdaGrad.",
"Returns a compact representation of all of the tags the task has.\n\n@param task The task to get tags on.\n@return Request object"
] |
public static JsonPatch fromJson(final JsonNode node) throws IOException {
requireNonNull(node, "node");
try {
return Jackson.treeToValue(node, JsonPatch.class);
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
throw new JsonPatchException("invalid JSON patch", e);
} | [
"Static factory method to build a JSON Patch out of a JSON representation.\n\n@param node the JSON representation of the generated JSON Patch\n@return a JSON Patch\n@throws IOException input is not a valid JSON patch\n@throws NullPointerException input is null"
] | [
"Checks the preconditions for creating a new IsIncludedIn processor with a Set of Objects.\n\n@param possibleValues\nthe Set of possible values\n@throws NullPointerException\nif possibleValues is null\n@throws IllegalArgumentException\nif possibleValues is empty",
"A document that is paused no longer has remote updates applied to it.\nAny local updates to this document cause it to be thawed. An example of pausing a document\nis when a conflict is being resolved for that document and the handler throws an exception.\n\n@param isPaused whether or not this config is frozen",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of authenticationradiusaction resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Stops all streams.",
"Create a WebMBeanAdaptor for a specified MBean name.\n@param mBeanName the MBean name (can be URL-encoded).\n@param encoding the string encoding to be used (i.e. UTF-8)\n@return the created WebMBeanAdaptor.\n@throws JMException Java Management Exception\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.",
"Remember execution time for all executed suites.",
"Returns a string representation of map of chunk id to number of chunks\n\n@return String of map of chunk id to number of chunks",
"Update the value of an embedded node property.\n\n@param executionEngine the {@link GraphDatabaseService} used to run the query\n@param keyValues the columns representing the identifier in the entity owning the embedded\n@param embeddedColumn the column on the embedded node (dot-separated properties)\n@param value the new value for the property",
"Loads the given class, respecting the given classloader.\n@param clazz class to load\n@return Loaded class\n@throws ClassNotFoundException"
] |
public void checkConstraints(String checkLevel) throws ConstraintException
// now checking constraints
FieldDescriptorConstraints fieldConstraints = new FieldDescriptorConstraints();
ReferenceDescriptorConstraints refConstraints = new ReferenceDescriptorConstraints();
CollectionDescriptorConstraints collConstraints = new CollectionDescriptorConstraints();
for (Iterator it = getFields(); it.hasNext();)
fieldConstraints.check((FieldDescriptorDef)it.next(), checkLevel);
for (Iterator it = getReferences(); it.hasNext();)
refConstraints.check((ReferenceDescriptorDef)it.next(), checkLevel);
for (Iterator it = getCollections(); it.hasNext();)
collConstraints.check((CollectionDescriptorDef)it.next(), checkLevel);
new ClassDescriptorConstraints().check(this, checkLevel);
} | [
"Checks the constraints on this class.\n\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated"
] | [
"Set a variable in the top variables layer to given \"collection\" of the vertex frames. Can't be reassigned -\nthrows on attempt to reassign.",
"Option check, forwards options to the standard doclet, if that one refuses them,\nthey are sent to UmlGraph",
"Captures System.out and System.err and redirects them\nto Redwood logging.\n@param captureOut True is System.out should be captured\n@param captureErr True if System.err should be captured",
"Join N sets.",
"This method is called when the locale of the parent file is updated.\nIt resets the locale specific currency attributes to the default values\nfor the new locale.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param locale new locale",
"This is a convenience method used to add a calendar called\n\"Standard\" to the project, and populate it with a default working week\nand default working hours.\n\n@return a new default calendar",
"Post a build info to the server\n\n@param moduleName String\n@param moduleVersion String\n@param buildInfo Map<String,String>\n@param user String\n@param password String\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException\n@throws javax.naming.AuthenticationException",
"Creates a new row representing a rule.\n@param type the type for the rule row, must not be null nor {@link TableRowType#CONTENT} nor {@link TableRowType#UNKNOWN}\n@param style the style for the rule row, must not be null nor {@link TableRowStyle#UNKNOWN}\n@return a new row representing a rule\n@throws {@link NullPointerException} if type or style where null\n@throws {@link IllegalStateException} if type or style where unknown or if type was {@link TableRowType#CONTENT}",
"This method dumps the entire contents of a file to an output\nprint writer as hex and ASCII data.\n\n@param is Input Stream\n@param pw Output PrintWriter\n@return number of bytes read\n@throws Exception Thrown on file read errors"
] |
public Diff compare(File f1, File f2) throws Exception {
return this.compare(getCtType(f1), getCtType(f2));
} | [
"compares two java files"
] | [
"Merge a new subsystem from the global registration.\n\n@param registry the global registry\n@param subsystemName the subsystem name\n@param version the subsystem version",
"Method to send Request messages to a specific df_service\n\n@param df_service\nThe name of the df_service\n@param msgContent\nThe content of the message to be sent\n@return Message sent to + the name of the df_service",
"Remove specified override id from enabled overrides for path\n\n@param overrideId ID of override to remove\n@param pathId ID of path containing override\n@param ordinal index to the instance of the enabled override\n@param clientUUID UUID of client",
"Consumer is required to do any privilege checks before getting here\n\n@param request a {@link HttpServletRequest} which may contain forced groups parameters from URL, Header or Cookie.\n@return a map of test names to bucket values specified by the request. Returns an empty {@link Map} if nothing was specified",
"Generate a call to the delegate object.",
"Walk through the object graph of the specified delete object. Was used for\nrecursive object graph walk.",
"Convolve with a 2D kernel.\n@param kernel the kernel\n@param inPixels the input pixels\n@param outPixels the output pixels\n@param width the width\n@param height the height\n@param alpha include alpha channel\n@param edgeAction what to do at the edges",
"Creates a new Product in Grapes database\n\n@param dbProduct DbProduct",
"Discards any tracks from the hot cache that were loaded from a now-unmounted media slot, because they are no\nlonger valid."
] |
private boolean checkTagAndParam(XDoc doc, String tagName, String paramName, String paramValue)
if (tagName == null) {
return true;
if (!doc.hasTag(tagName)) {
return false;
if (paramName == null) {
return true;
if (!doc.getTag(tagName).getAttributeNames().contains(paramName)) {
return false;
return (paramValue == null) || paramValue.equals(doc.getTagAttributeValue(tagName, paramName));
} | [
"Determines whether the given documentation part contains the specified tag with the given parameter having the\ngiven value.\n\n@param doc The documentation part\n@param tagName The tag to be searched for\n@param paramName The parameter that the tag is required to have\n@param paramValue The value of the parameter\n@return boolean Whether the documentation part has the tag and parameter"
] | [
"Start the chain of execution running.\n\n@throws IllegalStateException\nif the chain of execution has already been started.",
"Returns a string to resolve apostrophe issue in xpath\n\n@param text\n@return the apostrophe resolved xpath value string",
"Sets the provided square matrix to be a random symmetric matrix whose values are selected from an uniform distribution\nfrom min to max, inclusive.\n\n@param A The matrix that is to be modified. Must be square. Modified.\n@param min Minimum value an element can have.\n@param max Maximum value an element can have.\n@param rand Random number generator.",
"Calculates a column title using camel humps to separate words.\n@param _property the property descriptor.\n@return the column title for the given property.",
"Add a date with a certain check state.\n@param date the date to add.\n@param checkState the check state.",
"Use this API to delete dnstxtrec resources.",
"Ask the specified player for the specified waveform preview from the specified media slot, first checking if we\nhave a cached copy.\n\n@param dataReference uniquely identifies the desired waveform preview\n\n@return the preview, if it was found, or {@code null}\n\n@throws IllegalStateException if the WaveformFinder is not running",
"This ensures that we are able to use the default preference from JSDK, to check basically if we are in Android or Not\n@param preference\n@throws BackingStoreException",
"returns the bytesize of the give bitmap"
] |
protected ValueContainer[] getKeyValues(PersistenceBroker broker, ClassDescriptor cld, Identity oid) throws PersistenceBrokerException
return broker.serviceBrokerHelper().getKeyValues(cld, oid);
} | [
"returns an Array with an Identities PK VALUES\n@throws PersistenceBrokerException if there is an erros accessing o field values"
] | [
"If a custom CSS file has been specified, returns the path. Otherwise\nreturns null.\n@return A {@link File} pointing to the stylesheet, or null if no stylesheet\nis specified.",
"Read the work weeks.\n\n@param data calendar data\n@param offset current offset into data\n@param cal parent calendar",
"Check if we still need more nodes from the given zone and reduce the\nzoneReplicationFactor count accordingly.\n\n@param requiredRepFactor\n@param zoneId\n@return",
"Establish a new tempo master, and if it is a change from the existing one, report it to the listeners.\n\n@param newMaster the packet which caused the change of masters, or {@code null} if there is now no master.",
"Use this API to fetch all the sslcertkey resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Determines whether the given list contains a descriptor with the same name.\n\n@param defs The list to search\n@param obj The object that is searched for\n@return <code>true</code> if the list contains a descriptor with the same name",
"Performs a variety of tests to see if the provided matrix is a valid\ncovariance matrix.\n\n@return 0 = is valid 1 = failed positive diagonal, 2 = failed on symmetry, 2 = failed on positive definite",
"Figures out the correct class loader to use for a proxy for a given bean",
"Gets the logger.\n\n@return Returns a Category"
] |
protected String sendRequestToDF(String df_service, Object msgContent) {
IDFComponentDescription[] receivers = getReceivers(df_service);
if (receivers.length > 0) {
IMessageEvent mevent = createMessageEvent("send_request");
for (int i = 0; i < receivers.length; i++) {
logger.info("The receiver is " + receivers[i].getName());
logger.info("Message sended to " + df_service + " to "
+ receivers.length + " receivers");
return ("Message sended to " + df_service);
} | [
"Method to send Request messages to a specific df_service\n\n@param df_service\nThe name of the df_service\n@param msgContent\nThe content of the message to be sent\n@return Message sent to + the name of the df_service"
] | [
"Returns a string that represents a valid Solr query range.\n\n@param from Lower bound of the query range.\n@param to Upper bound of the query range.\n@return String that represents a Solr query range.",
"Counts the amount of 'ch' at the start of this line optionally ignoring\nspaces.\n\n@param ch\nThe char to count.\n@param allowSpaces\nWhether to allow spaces or not\n@return Number of characters found.\n@since 0.12",
"Obtain the annotation associated with this type descriptor of the specified type.\n@param annotationType the annotation type\n@return the annotation, or {@code null} if no such annotation exists on this type descriptor",
"Harvest any values that may have been returned during the execution\nof a procedure.\n\n@param proc the procedure descriptor that provides info about the procedure\nthat was invoked.\n@param obj the object that was persisted\n@param stmt the statement that was used to persist the object.\n\n@throws PersistenceBrokerSQLException if a problem occurs.",
"alias of setColorUnpressed",
"Simple context menu handler for multi-select tables.\n\n@param table the table\n@param menu the table's context menu\n@param event the click event\n@param entries the context menu entries",
"Generate query part for the facet, without filters.\n@param query The query, where the facet part should be added",
"Pull docker image using the docker java client.\n\n@param imageTag\n@param username\n@param password\n@param host",
"Retrieves the class object for the class with the given name.\n\n@param name The class name\n@return The class object\n@throws ClassNotFoundException If the class is not on the classpath (the exception message contains the class name)"
] |
public static void showUserInfo(CmsSessionInfo session) {
final Window window = CmsBasicDialog.prepareWindow(DialogWidth.wide);
CmsUserInfoDialog dialog = new CmsUserInfoDialog(session, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
} | [
"Shows a dialog with user information for given session.\n\n@param session to show information for"
] | [
"High-accuracy Complementary normal distribution function.\n\n@param x Value.\n@return Result.",
"Obtains a local date in Accounting calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Accounting era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Accounting local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code AccountingEra}",
"Sets the character translator for all cells in the table.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param charTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Returns first resolver that accepts the given resolverId.\nIn case none is found null is returned.\n@param resolverId identifier of the resolver\n@return found resolver or null otherwise",
"Returns an array with the width of the longest word per column calculated from the given table.\nDefault padding will be added per column.\nPadding for individual columns will be added if defined.\n@param rows the table rows for calculations\n@param colNumbers number of columns in the table\n@return array with width of longest word for each column, null if input table was null",
"Join the Collection of Strings using the specified delimiter.\n\n@param s\nThe String collection\n@param delimiter\nThe delimiter String\n@return The joined String",
"A disposer method is bound to a producer if the producer is assignable to the disposed parameter.\n\n@param enhancedDisposedParameter\n@return the set of required qualifiers for the given disposed parameter",
"Checks, if the end type is valid for the set pattern type.\n@return a flag, indicating if the end type is valid for the pattern type.",
"Get the Operation metadata for an MBean by name.\n@return the {@link Map} of {@link String} operation names to {@link MBeanOperationInfo} values."
] |
public static service_stats[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
service_stats obj = new service_stats();
service_stats[] response = (service_stats[])obj.stat_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all service_stats resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Returns the result of calling a closure with the first occurrence of a regular expression found within a CharSequence.\nIf the regex doesn't match, the closure will not be called and find will return null.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@param regex the capturing regex CharSequence\n@param closure the closure that will be passed the full match, plus each of the capturing groups (if any)\n@return a String containing the result of calling the closure (calling toString() if needed), or null if the regex pattern doesn't match\n@see #find(String, java.util.regex.Pattern, groovy.lang.Closure)\n@since 1.8.2",
"Use this API to add gslbservice.",
"Compute a Catmull-Rom spline for RGB values, but with variable knot spacing.\n@param x the input parameter\n@param numKnots the number of knots in the spline\n@param xknots the array of knot x values\n@param yknots the array of knot y values\n@return the spline value",
"Get the first non-white X point\n@param img Image n memory\n@return the x start",
"updates the groupname in the table given the id\n\n@param newGroupName new group name\n@param id ID of group",
"Set the row, column, and value\n\n@return this",
"Sets the upper limits for the \"moving\" body rotation relative to joint point.\n\n@param limitX the X axis upper rotation limit (in radians)\n@param limitY the Y axis upper rotation limit (in radians)\n@param limitZ the Z axis upper rotation limit (in radians)",
"Computes the final list of versions to be stored, on top of what is\ncurrently being stored. Final list is valuesInStorage modified in place\n\n\n@param valuesInStorage list of versions currently in storage\n@param multiPutValues list of new versions being written to storage\n@return list of versions from multiPutVals that were rejected as obsolete",
"Use this API to fetch authenticationvserver_authenticationradiuspolicy_binding resources of given name ."
] |
public boolean visit(VariableDeclarationStatement node)
for (int i = 0; i < node.fragments().size(); ++i)
String nodeType = node.getType().toString();
VariableDeclarationFragment frag = (VariableDeclarationFragment) node.fragments().get(i);
state.getNameInstance().put(frag.getName().toString(), nodeType.toString());
processType(node.getType(), TypeReferenceLocation.VARIABLE_DECLARATION,
compilationUnit.getColumnNumber(node.getStartPosition()), node.getLength(), node.toString());
return super.visit(node);
} | [
"Declaration of the variable within a block"
] | [
"Convert this update description to an update document.\n\n@return an update document with the appropriate $set and $unset documents.",
"Use this API to delete gslbsite resources of given names.",
"Set the depth of the cursor.\nThis is the length of the ray from the origin\nto the cursor.\n@param depth default cursor depth",
"Analyses the command-line arguments which are relevant for the\nserialization process in general. It fills out the class arguments with\nthis data.\n\n@param cmd\n{@link CommandLine} objects; contains the command line\narguments parsed by a {@link CommandLineParser}",
"Checks to see if a standalone server is running.\n\n@param client the client used to communicate with the server\n\n@return {@code true} if the server is running, otherwise {@code false}",
"We have identified that we have a SQLite file. This could be a Primavera Project database\nor an Asta database. Open the database and use the table names present to determine\nwhich type this is.\n\n@param stream schedule data\n@return ProjectFile instance",
"Sets the database dialect.\n\n@param dialect\nthe database dialect",
"Adds a redirect URL to the specified profile ID\n\n@param model\n@param profileId\n@param srcUrl\n@param destUrl\n@param hostHeader\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Determine which daughter of the current parse tree is the head.\n\n@param t The parse tree to examine the daughters of.\nIf this is a leaf, <code>null</code> is returned\n@param parent The parent of t\n@return The daughter parse tree that is the head of <code>t</code>.\nReturns null for leaf nodes.\n@see Tree#percolateHeads(HeadFinder)\nfor a routine to call this and spread heads throughout a tree"
] |
public static authenticationtacacspolicy_systemglobal_binding[] get(nitro_service service, String name) throws Exception{
authenticationtacacspolicy_systemglobal_binding obj = new authenticationtacacspolicy_systemglobal_binding();
authenticationtacacspolicy_systemglobal_binding response[] = (authenticationtacacspolicy_systemglobal_binding[]) obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch authenticationtacacspolicy_systemglobal_binding resources of given name ."
] | [
"Disable certificate verification.\n\n@throws KeyManagementException\nthe key management exception\n@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException\nthe no such algorithm exception",
"Add the list with given bundles to the \"Require-Bundle\" main attribute.\n\n@param requiredBundles The list of all bundles to add.",
"Color waveforms are represented by a series of sixteen bit integers into which color and height information are\npacked. This function returns the integer corresponding to a particular half-frame in the waveform.\n\n@param waveBytes the raw data making up the waveform\n@param segment the index of hte half-frame of interest\n\n@return the sixteen-bit number encoding the height and RGB values of that segment",
"Obtain instance of the SQL Service\n\n@return instance of SQLService\n@throws Exception exception",
"Add a newline to this sequence according to the configured lineDelimiter if the last line contains\nsomething besides whitespace.",
"Reads an argument of type \"number\" from the request.",
"Obtains a local date in Symmetry454 calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Symmetry454 era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Symmetry454 local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code IsoEra}",
"Use this API to enable snmpalarm of given name.",
"Retrieve list of task extended attributes.\n\n@return list of extended attributes"
] |
protected void setWhenNoDataBand() {
log.debug("setting up WHEN NO DATA band");
String whenNoDataText = getReport().getWhenNoDataText();
Style style = getReport().getWhenNoDataStyle();
if (whenNoDataText == null || "".equals(whenNoDataText))
JRDesignBand band = new JRDesignBand();
JRDesignTextField text = new JRDesignTextField();
JRDesignExpression expression = ExpressionUtils.createStringExpression("\"" + whenNoDataText + "\"");
if (style == null) {
style = getReport().getOptions().getDefaultDetailStyle();
if (getReport().isWhenNoDataShowTitle()) {
LayoutUtils.copyBandElements(band, getDesign().getTitle());
LayoutUtils.copyBandElements(band, getDesign().getPageHeader());
if (getReport().isWhenNoDataShowColumnHeader())
LayoutUtils.copyBandElements(band, getDesign().getColumnHeader());
int offset = LayoutUtils.findVerticalOffset(band);
applyStyleToElement(style, text);
log.debug("OK setting up WHEN NO DATA band");
} | [
"Creates the graphic element to be shown when the datasource is empty"
] | [
"When the descriptor was added while editing, but the change was not saved, it has to be removed\nwhen the editor is closed.\n@throws CmsException thrown when deleting the descriptor resource fails",
"Use this API to fetch dnsnsecrec resource of given name .",
"Loads the script from a text string.\n@param scriptText text string containing script to execute.\n@param language language (\"js\" or \"lua\")",
"Obtains a local date in Accounting calendar system from the\nproleptic-year, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param prolepticYear the proleptic-year\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Accounting local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date",
"Returns true if the specified name is NOT allowed. It isn't allowed if it matches a built in operator\nor if it contains a restricted character.",
"Process class properties.\n\n@param writer output stream\n@param methodSet set of methods processed\n@param aClass class being processed\n@throws IntrospectionException\n@throws XMLStreamException",
"Extracts the data for a single file from the input stream and writes\nit to a target directory.\n\n@param stream input stream\n@param dir target directory",
"Write notes.\n\n@param recordNumber record number\n@param text note text\n@throws IOException",
"Acquires a broker instance. If no PBKey is available a runtime exception will be thrown.\n\n@return A broker instance"
] |
public SerialMessage getSupportedMessage() {
logger.debug("Creating new message for application command SENSOR_ALARM_SUPPORTED_GET for node {}", this.getNode().getNodeId());
if (this.getNode().getManufacturer() == 0x010F && this.getNode().getDeviceType() == 0x0501) {
logger.warn("Detected Fibaro FGBS001 Universal Sensor - this device fails to respond to SENSOR_ALARM_GET and SENSOR_ALARM_SUPPORTED_GET.");
return null;
SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.ApplicationCommandHandler, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.Get);
byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(),
(byte) getCommandClass().getKey(),
return result;
} | [
"Gets a SerialMessage with the SENSOR_ALARM_SUPPORTED_GET command\n@return the serial message, or null if the supported command is not supported."
] | [
"Validate the configuration.\n\n@param validationErrors where to put the errors.",
"Execute all recorded tasks.\n\n@param context the patch context\n@param callback the finalization callback\n@throws Exception",
"Gets the interpolated text of a query from cache. If key does not exist, an exception is thrown.\n\n@param key\nname of the query\n@return the query text",
"A specific, existing project can be deleted by making a DELETE request\non the URL for that project.\n\nReturns an empty data record.\n\n@param project The project to delete.\n@return Request object",
"Get an Iterator based on the ReportQuery\n\n@param query\n@return Iterator",
"Converts a Map to an array of objects, adding only those entries whose key is in the nameMapping array.\n\n@param values\nthe Map of values to convert\n@param nameMapping\nthe keys to extract from the Map (elements in the target array will be added in this order)\n@return the array of Objects\n@throws NullPointerException\nif values or nameMapping is null",
"Parse a boolean.\n\n@param value boolean\n@return Boolean value",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of appfwlearningsettings resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Returns a new color that has the hue adjusted by the specified\namount."
] |
public void alias( double value , String name ) {
if( isReserved(name))
throw new RuntimeException("Reserved word or contains a reserved character. '"+name+"'");
VariableDouble old = (VariableDouble)variables.get(name);
if( old == null ) {
variables.put(name, new VariableDouble(value));
}else {
old.value = value;
} | [
"Adds a new floating point variable. If one already has the same name it is written over.\n@param value Value of the number\n@param name Name in code"
] | [
"Sets the right padding for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingRight new padding, ignored if smaller than 0\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Refresh children using read-resource operation.",
"Delivers the correct JSON Object for properties\n\n@param properties\n@throws org.json.JSONException",
"Sends a server command continuation request '+' back to the client,\nrequesting more data to be sent.",
"Issue the database statements to create the table associated with a table configuration.\n\n@param connectionSource\nconnectionSource Associated connection source.\n@param tableConfig\nHand or spring wired table configuration. If null then the class must have {@link DatabaseField}\nannotations.\n@return The number of statements executed to do so.",
"Encode a path in a manner suitable for a GET request\n@param in The path to encode, eg \"a/document\"\n@return The encoded path eg \"a%2Fdocument\"",
"Gets the favorite entry for a given row.\n\n@param row the widget used to display the favorite\n@return the favorite entry for the widget",
"all objects in list1 that are not in list2\n\n@param <T>\n@param list1\nFirst collection\n@param list2\nSecond collection\n@return The collection difference list1 - list2",
"Update a variable name with a date if the variable is detected as being a date.\n\n@param variableName the variable name.\n@param date the date to replace the value with if the variable is a date variable."
] |
public void release(Contextual<T> contextual, T instance) {
synchronized (dependentInstances) {
for (ContextualInstance<?> dependentInstance : dependentInstances) {
// do not destroy contextual again, since it's just being destroyed
if (contextual == null || !(dependentInstance.getContextual().equals(contextual))) {
if (resourceReferences != null) {
for (ResourceReference<?> reference : resourceReferences) {
} | [
"should not be public"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch autoscaleaction resource of given name .",
"Add a LIKE clause so the column must mach the value using '%' patterns.",
"Signal that this thread will not log any more messages in the multithreaded\nenvironment",
"This method retrieves an integer of the specified type,\nbelonging to the item with the specified unique ID.\n\n@param id unique ID of entity to which this data belongs\n@param type data type identifier\n@return required integer data",
"Returns an array of normalized strings for this host name instance.\n\nIf this represents an IP address, the address segments are separated into the returned array.\nIf this represents a host name string, the domain name segments are separated into the returned array,\nwith the top-level domain name (right-most segment) as the last array element.\n\nThe individual segment strings are normalized in the same way as {@link #toNormalizedString()}\n\nPorts, service name strings, prefix lengths, and masks are all omitted from the returned array.\n\n@return",
"Convert a Throwable into a list containing all of its causes.\n@param t The throwable for which the causes are to be returned.\n@return A (possibly empty) list of {@link Throwable}s.",
"Updates the indices in the index buffer from a Java char array.\nAll of the entries of the input char array are copied into\nthe storage for the index buffer. The new indices must be the\nsame size as the old indices - the index buffer size cannot be changed.\n@param data char array containing the new values\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if char array is wrong size",
"Updates the internal list of dates and fires a value change if necessary.\n\n@param dates the dates to set.",
"Downloads a part of this file's contents, starting at rangeStart and stopping at rangeEnd.\n\n@param output the stream to where the file will be written.\n@param rangeStart the byte offset at which to start the download.\n@param rangeEnd the byte offset at which to stop the download."
] |
private static void reverse(int first, int last, Swapper swapper) {
// no more needed since manually inlined
while (first < --last) {
} | [
"Reverses a sequence of elements.\n@param array Array containing the sequence\n@param first Beginning of the range\n@param last One past the end of the range\n@exception ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If the range\nis invalid."
] | [
"Attempts shared acquisition with a max wait time.\n@param permit - the permit Integer for this operation. May not be {@code null}.\n@param timeout - the time value to wait for acquiring the lock\n@param unit - See {@code TimeUnit} for valid values\n@return {@code boolean} true on success.",
"Given a status update from a CDJ, find the metadata for the track that it has loaded, if any. If there is\nan appropriate metadata cache, will use that, otherwise makes a query to the players dbserver.\n\n@param status the CDJ status update that will be used to determine the loaded track and ask the appropriate\nplayer for metadata about it\n\n@return the metadata that was obtained, if any",
"For a cert we have generated, return the private key.\n@param cert\n@return\n@throws CertificateEncodingException\n@throws KeyStoreException\n@throws UnrecoverableKeyException\n@throws NoSuchAlgorithmException",
"Deserialize a directory of javascript design documents to a List of DesignDocument objects.\n\n@param directory the directory containing javascript files\n@return {@link DesignDocument}\n@throws FileNotFoundException if the file does not exist or cannot be read",
"Overrides the superclass implementation to allow the AttributeDefinition for each field in the\nobject to in turn resolve that field.\n\n{@inheritDoc}",
"Print an extended attribute value.\n\n@param writer parent MSPDIWriter instance\n@param value attribute value\n@param type type of the value being passed\n@return string representation",
"This method determines whether the given date falls in the range of\ndates covered by this exception. Note that this method assumes that both\nthe start and end date of this exception have been set.\n\n@param date Date to be tested\n@return Boolean value",
"Adds an access constraint to the set used with the attribute\n@param accessConstraint the constraint\n@return a builder that can be used to continue building the attribute definition",
"Checks if the given argument is null and throws an exception with a\nmessage containing the argument name if that it true.\n\n@param argument the argument to check for null\n@param argumentName the name of the argument to check.\nThis is used in the exception message.\n@param <T> the type of the argument\n@return the argument itself\n@throws IllegalArgumentException in case argument is null"
] |
private List<ResourceField> getAllResourceExtendedAttributes()
ArrayList<ResourceField> result = new ArrayList<ResourceField>();
return result;
} | [
"Retrieve list of resource extended attributes.\n\n@return list of extended attributes"
] | [
"Extract the subscription ID from a resource ID string.\n@param id the resource ID string\n@return the subscription ID",
"Convert raw data into Java types.\n\n@param type data type\n@param data raw data\n@return list of Java object",
"Performs an efficient update of each columns' norm",
"Puts a single byte if the buffer is not yet full.\n\n@return true if the byte was put, or false if the buffer is full",
"Retrieve the value of a field using its alias.\n\n@param alias field alias\n@return field value",
"Indicates if this file represents a file on the underlying file system.\n\n@param filePath\n@return",
"Writes the entire remaining contents of the buffer to the channel. May complete in one operation, but the\ndocumentation is vague, so this keeps going until we are sure.\n\n@param buffer the data to be written\n@param channel the channel to which we want to write data\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem writing to the channel",
"Sets the segment reject as a string. This method is for convenience\nto be able to set percent reject type just by calling with '3%' and\notherwise it uses rows. All this assuming that parsing finds '%' characher\nand is able to parse a raw reject number.\n\n@param reject the new segment reject",
"This method is used to process an MPP8 file. This is the file format\nused by Project 98.\n\n@param reader parent file reader\n@param file Parent MPX file\n@param root Root of the POI file system.\n@throws MPXJException\n@throws IOException"
] |
protected void capture3DScreenShot(GVRRenderTarget renderTarget, boolean isMultiview) {
if (mScreenshot3DCallback == null) {
final Bitmap[] bitmaps = new Bitmap[6];
renderSixCamerasAndReadback(mMainScene.getMainCameraRig(), bitmaps, renderTarget, isMultiview);
returnScreenshot3DToCaller(mScreenshot3DCallback, bitmaps, mReadbackBufferWidth, mReadbackBufferHeight);
mScreenshot3DCallback = null;
} | [
"capture 3D screenshot"
] | [
"Load all string recognize.",
"Creates a Blob holding a single-sheet spreadsheet with a pivot of the domain objects. The sheet name is derived from the\nclass name.\n\n<p>\nMinimal requirements for the domain object are:\n</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\nOne property has annotation {@link PivotRow} and will be used as row identifier in left column of pivot.\nEmpty values are supported.\n</li>\n<li>\nAt least one property has annotation {@link PivotColumn}. Its values will be used in columns of pivot.\nEmpty values are supported.\n</li>\n<li>\nAt least one property has annotation {@link PivotValue}. Its values will be distributed in the pivot.\n</li>\n</ul>",
"Given an AVRO serializer definition, validates if all the avro schemas\nare valid i.e parseable.\n\n@param avroSerDef",
"Performs DBSCAN cluster analysis.\n\n@param points the points to cluster\n@return the list of clusters\n@throws NullArgumentException if the data points are null",
"Deletes the specified shovel from specified virtual host.\n\n@param vhost virtual host from where to delete the shovel\n@param shovelname Shovel to be deleted.",
"Support the range subscript operator for CharSequence with IntRange\n\n@param text a CharSequence\n@param range an IntRange\n@return the subsequence CharSequence\n@since 1.0",
"Converts an object to an object, with squiggly filters applied.\n\n@param mapper the object mapper\n@param source the source to convert\n@return target instance\n@see SquigglyUtils#objectify(ObjectMapper, Object, Class)",
"Checks the given model.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param checkLevel The amount of checks to perform\n@exception ConstraintException If a constraint has been violated",
"Finds \"Y\" coordinate value in which more elements could be added in the band\n@param band\n@return"
] |
public void sendData(SerialMessage serialMessage)
if (serialMessage.getMessageClass() != SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SendData) {
logger.error(String.format("Invalid message class %s (0x%02X) for sendData", serialMessage.getMessageClass().getLabel(), serialMessage.getMessageClass().getKey()));
if (serialMessage.getMessageType() != SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request) {
logger.error("Only request messages can be sent");
ZWaveNode node = this.getNode(serialMessage.getMessageNode());
if (node.getNodeStage() == NodeStage.NODEBUILDINFO_DEAD) {
logger.debug("Node {} is dead, not sending message.", node.getNodeId());
if (!node.isListening() && serialMessage.getPriority() != SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.Low) {
ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass wakeUpCommandClass = (ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass)node.getCommandClass(ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.WAKE_UP);
if (wakeUpCommandClass != null && !wakeUpCommandClass.isAwake()) {
wakeUpCommandClass.putInWakeUpQueue(serialMessage); //it's a battery operated device, place in wake-up queue.
if (++sentDataPointer > 0xFF)
sentDataPointer = 1;
logger.debug("Callback ID = {}", sentDataPointer);
} | [
"Transmits the SerialMessage to a single Z-Wave Node.\nSets the transmission options as well.\n@param serialMessage the Serial message to send."
] | [
"Retrieves the timephased breakdown of cost.\n\n@return timephased cost",
"Create a Renderer getting a copy from the prototypes collection.\n\n@param content to render.\n@param parent used to inflate the view.\n@return a new renderer.",
"Manual check because introducing a capability can't be done without a full refactoring.\nThis has to go as soon as the management interfaces are redesigned.\n@param context the OperationContext\n@param otherManagementEndpoint : the address to check that may provide an exposed jboss-remoting endpoint.\n@throws OperationFailedException in case we can't remove the management resource.",
"Attempts to retrieves ResourceReport until maxWaitMs time is reached. Set maxWaitMs to -1 to\nretry forever.",
"Curries a procedure that takes one argument.\n\n@param procedure\nthe original procedure. May not be <code>null</code>.\n@param argument\nthe fixed argument.\n@return a procedure that takes no arguments. Never <code>null</code>.",
"Should be called after all columns have been created\n@param headerStyle\n@param totalStyle\n@param totalHeaderStyle\n@return",
"Retrieve a duration field.\n\n@param type field type\n@return Duration instance",
"returns a collection of Reader LockEntries for object obj.\nIf now LockEntries could be found an empty Vector is returned.",
"Deletes the device pin."
] |
public BoundRequestBuilder createRequest()
throws HttpRequestCreateException {
BoundRequestBuilder builder = null;
getLogger().debug("AHC completeUrl " + requestUrl);
try {
switch (httpMethod) {
case GET:
builder = client.prepareGet(requestUrl);
case POST:
builder = client.preparePost(requestUrl);
case PUT:
builder = client.preparePut(requestUrl);
case HEAD:
builder = client.prepareHead(requestUrl);
builder = client.prepareOptions(requestUrl);
case DELETE:
builder = client.prepareDelete(requestUrl);
PcHttpUtils.addHeaders(builder, this.httpHeaderMap);
if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(postData)) {
String charset = "";
if (null!=this.httpHeaderMap) {
charset = this.httpHeaderMap.get("charset");
if(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(charset)) {
} catch (Exception t) {
throw new HttpRequestCreateException(
"Error in creating request in Httpworker. "
+ " If BoundRequestBuilder is null. Then fail to create.",
return builder;
} | [
"Creates the request.\n\n@return the bound request builder\n@throws HttpRequestCreateException\nthe http request create exception"
] | [
"Private recursive helper function to actually do the type-safe checking\nof assignability.",
"The third method to write caseManager. Its task is to write the call to\nthe story to be run.\n\n@param caseManager\nthe file where the test must be written\n@param storyName\nthe name of the story\n@param test_path\nthe path where the story can be found\n@param user\nthe user requesting the story\n@param feature\nthe feature requested by the user\n@param benefit\nthe benefit provided by the feature\n@throws BeastException",
"Process an operand value used in the definition of the graphical\nindicator criteria.\n\n@param index position in operand list\n@param type field type\n@param criteria indicator criteria",
"Gets the property by key converted to lowercase if requested\n@param key property key\n@param lowerCase convert property to lowercase if it is true, keep the original one if it is\nfalse\n@return node property",
"Calls a method from editService to update the repeat number for a path\n\n@param model\n@param newNum\n@param path_id\n@param clientUUID\n@return\n@throws Exception",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of lbvserver resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"Find the earliest task start date. We treat this as the\nstart date for the project.\n\n@return start date",
"Undo a prior removal using the supplied undo key.\n\n@param removalKey - The key returned from the call to removeRoleMapping.\n@return true if the undo was successful, false otherwise.",
"Get an SQL condition to match this address section representation\n\n@param builder\n@param columnName\n@return the condition"
] |
public static dnssuffix[] get(nitro_service service, String Dnssuffix[]) throws Exception{
if (Dnssuffix !=null && Dnssuffix.length>0) {
dnssuffix response[] = new dnssuffix[Dnssuffix.length];
dnssuffix obj[] = new dnssuffix[Dnssuffix.length];
for (int i=0;i<Dnssuffix.length;i++) {
obj[i] = new dnssuffix();
response[i] = (dnssuffix) obj[i].get_resource(service);
return response;
return null;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch dnssuffix resources of given names ."
] | [
"Parse a list of String into a list of Integer.\nIf one element can not be parsed, the behavior depends on the value of failOnException.\n@param strList can't be null\n@param failOnException if an element can not be parsed should we return null or add a null element to the list.\n@return list of all String parsed as Integer or null if failOnException",
"Handle interval change.\n@param event the change event.",
"End a \"track;\" that is, return to logging at one level shallower.\n@param title A title that should match the beginning of this track.",
"Sets a header per-request\n\n@param key Header key\n@param value Header value\n@return The request itself",
"Creates a MetaMatcher based on the filter content.\n\n@param filterAsString the String representation of the filter\n@param metaMatchers the Map of custom MetaMatchers\n@return A MetaMatcher used to match the filter content",
"Use to generate a file based on generator node.",
"Array of fieldNames for which counts should be produced\n\n@param countsfields array of the field names\n@return this for additional parameter setting or to query",
"Override for customizing XmlMapper and ObjectMapper",
"Get the element at the index as a float.\n\n@param i the index of the element to access"
] |
public void logAttributeWarning(PathAddress address, String message, String attribute) {
logAttributeWarning(address, null, message, attribute);
} | [
"Log warning for the resource at the provided address and single attribute, using the provided detail\nmessage.\n\n@param address where warning occurred\n@param message custom error message to append\n@param attribute attribute we are warning about"
] | [
"Polls from the URL provided.\n\n@param url the URL to poll from.\n@return the raw response.",
"Clear tmpData in subtree rooted in this node.",
"Method is called by spring and verifies that there is only one plugin per URI scheme.",
"Read a Synchro time from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return Date instance",
"An invalid reference or references. The verification of the digest of a\nreference failed. This can be caused by a change to the referenced data\nsince the signature was generated.\n\n@param aInvalidReferences\nThe indices to the invalid references.\n@return Result object",
"Add a text symbolizer definition to the rule.\n\n@param styleJson The old style.",
"Returns the log conditional likelihood of the given dataset.\n\n@return The log conditional likelihood of the given dataset.",
"Adds BETWEEN criteria,\ncustomer_id between 1 and 10\n\n@param attribute The field name to be used\n@param value1 The lower boundary\n@param value2 The upper boundary",
"Accessor method used to retrieve a Number instance representing the\ncontents of an individual field. If the field does not exist in the\nrecord, null is returned.\n\n@param field the index number of the field to be retrieved\n@return the value of the required field\n@throws MPXJException normally thrown when parsing fails"
] |
public Object getProxyTarget(){
try {
return Proxy.getInvocationHandler(this.connection).invoke(null, this.getClass().getMethod("getProxyTarget"), null);
} catch (Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException("BoneCP: Internal error - transaction replay log is not turned on?", t);
} | [
"This method will be intercepted by the proxy if it is enabled to return the internal target.\n@return the target."
] | [
"Registers annotations which will be considered as bean defining annotations.\n\nNOTE - If used along with {@code <trim/>} bean archives and/or with Weld configuration key\n{@code org.jboss.weld.bootstrap.vetoTypesWithoutBeanDefiningAnnotation}, these annotations will be ignored.\n\n@param annotations annotations which will be considered as Bean Defining Annotations.\n@return self",
"Store a comment based on comment text, gavc and user information\n\n@param gavc - entity id\n@param commentText - comment text\n@param credential - user credentials\n@param entityType - type of the entity",
"Do not call this method outside of activity!!!",
"Allow for the use of text shading and auto formatting.",
"Update the state of the picker. If it has an owner, the picker\nwill use that object to derive its position and orientation.\nThe \"active\" state of this controller is used to indicate touch.\nThe cursor position is updated after picking.",
"Decomposes the provided matrix and stores the result in the same matrix.\n\n@param A Matrix that is to be decomposed. Modified.\n@return If it succeeded or not.",
"Register the given callback as to be executed after request completion.\n\n@param name The name of the bean.\n@param callback The callback of the bean to be executed for destruction.",
"Use this API to fetch sslcertkey resources of given names .",
"Use this API to update snmpuser."
] |
void paging(String paging) {
} | [
"Sets the specified starting partition key.\n\n@param paging a paging state"
] | [
"Obtain newline-delimited headers from method\n\n@param method HttpMethod to scan\n@return newline-delimited headers",
"Updates the position and direction of this light from the transform of\nscene object that owns it.",
"Used by the slave host when creating the host info dmr sent across to the DC during the registration process\n\n@param ignoreUnaffectedServerGroups whether the slave host is set up to ignore config for server groups it does not have servers for\n@param hostModel the resource containing the host model\n@param model the dmr sent across to theDC\n@return the modified dmr",
"Entry point for processing filter definitions.\n\n@param properties project properties\n@param filters project filters\n@param fixedData filter fixed data\n@param varData filter var data",
"Opens a file from the volume. The filePath is relative to the\ndefaultPath.\n\n@param filePath\nFile path of the resource to open.\n\n@throws IOException",
"Get the raw bytes of the beat grid as it was read over the network. This can be used to analyze fields\nthat have not yet been reliably understood, and is also used for storing the beat grid in a cache file.\nThis is not available when the beat grid was loaded by Crate Digger.\n\n@return the bytes that make up the beat grid",
"Use this API to add sslocspresponder resources.",
"waits for all async mutations that were added before this was called to be flushed. Does not\nwait for async mutations added after call.",
"Register the given mbean with the platform mbean server\n\n@param mbean The mbean to register\n@param name The name to register under"
] |
protected void setBeanStore(BoundBeanStore beanStore) {
if (beanStore == null) {
} else {
} | [
"Sets the bean store\n\n@param beanStore The bean store"
] | [
"Add the set with given bundles to the \"Import-Package\" main attribute.\n\n@param importedPackages The set of all packages to add.",
"Use this API to add nsacl6 resources.",
"Make sure we don't attempt to recover inline; if the parser\nsuccessfully recovers, it won't throw an exception.",
"Attaches a morph to scene object with a base mesh\n@param sceneObj is the base mesh.\n@throws IllegalStateException if component is null\n@throws IllegalStateException if mesh is null\n@throws IllegalStateException if material is null",
"Sets the right padding character for all cells in the table.\n@param paddingRightChar new padding character, ignored if null\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Create a new path\n\n@param pathName friendly name of path\n@param pathValue path value or regex\n@param requestType path request type. \"GET\", \"POST\", etc",
"Computes the likelihood of the random draw\n\n@return The likelihood.",
"Use this API to unset the properties of systemuser resources.\nProperties that need to be unset are specified in args array.",
"Returns the URL of a classpath resource.\n\n@param resourceName\nThe name of the resource.\n\n@return The URL."
] |
public static long decodeLong(byte[] ba, int offset) {
return ((((long) ba[offset + 0] << 56) + ((long) (ba[offset + 1] & 255) << 48)
+ ((long) (ba[offset + 2] & 255) << 40) + ((long) (ba[offset + 3] & 255) << 32)
+ ((long) (ba[offset + 4] & 255) << 24) + ((ba[offset + 5] & 255) << 16)
+ ((ba[offset + 6] & 255) << 8) + ((ba[offset + 7] & 255) << 0)));
} | [
"Decode long from byte array at offset\n\n@param ba byte array\n@param offset Offset\n@return long value"
] | [
"Extract resource provider from a resource ID string.\n@param id the resource ID string\n@return the resource group name",
"static lifecycle callbacks",
"Update all the links of the DeclarationBinder.\n\n@param declarationBinderRef the ServiceReference<DeclarationBinder> of the DeclarationBinder",
"Throw IllegalStateException if key is not present in map.\n@param key the key to expect.\n@param map the map to search.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if key is not in map.",
"Determine if the buffer, when expressed as text, matches a fingerprint regular expression.\n\n@param buffer bytes from file\n@param fingerprint fingerprint regular expression\n@return true if the file matches the fingerprint",
"Populate a file creation record.\n\n@param record MPX record\n@param properties project properties",
"Read a long int from an input stream.\n\n@param is input stream\n@return long value",
"Check the given URI to see if it matches.\n\n@param matchInfo the matchInfo to validate.\n@return True if it matches.",
"Invoke the setters for the given variables on the given instance.\n@param <T> the instance type\n@param instance the instance to inject with the variables\n@param vars the variables to inject\n@return the instance\n@throws ReflectiveOperationException if there was a problem finding or invoking a setter method"
] |
public int findAnimation(GVRAnimation findme)
int index = 0;
for (GVRAnimation anim : mAnimations)
if (anim == findme)
return index;
return -1;
} | [
"Find the index of this animation if it is in this animator.\n\n@param findme {@link GVRAnimation} to find.\n@returns 0 based index of animation or -1 if not found\n@see GVRAnimator#addAnimation(GVRAnimation)"
] | [
"Computes the decomposition of the provided matrix. If no errors are detected then true is returned,\nfalse otherwise.\n@param A The matrix that is being decomposed. Not modified.\n@return If it detects any errors or not.",
"Get the account knowing his title\n@param title the title of the account (it can change at runtime!)\n@return the account founded or null if the account not exists",
"Use this API to fetch clusternodegroup_binding resource of given name .",
"Adds an EJB descriptor to the maps\n\n@param ejbDescriptor The EJB descriptor to add",
"If the Authtoken was already created in a separate program but not saved to file.\n\n@param authToken\n@param tokenSecret\n@param username\n@return\n@throws IOException",
"This method tokenizes a string by space characters,\nbut ignores spaces in quoted parts,that are parts in\n'' or \"\". The method does allows the usage of \"\" in ''\nand '' in \"\". The space character between tokens is not\nreturned.\n\n@param s the string to tokenize\n@return the tokens",
"Adds a new metadata value.\n@param path the path that designates the key. Must be prefixed with a \"/\".\n@param value the value.\n@return this metadata object.",
"Returns the index of the eigenvalue which has the largest magnitude.\n\n@return index of the largest magnitude eigen value.",
"Initialization method.\n\n@param t1\n@param t2"
] |
public void addProcedureArgument(ProcedureArgumentDef argDef)
_procedureArguments.put(argDef.getName(), argDef);
} | [
"Adds a procedure argument definition to this class descriptor.\n\n@param argDef The procedure argument definition"
] | [
"Calls the specified function with the specified arguments. This is used for v2 response overrides\n\n@param className name of class\n@param methodName name of method\n@param pluginArgs plugin arguments\n@param args arguments to supply to function\n@throws Exception exception",
"A loop driver for applying operations to all primary ClassNodes in\nour AST. Automatically skips units that have already been processed\nthrough the current phase.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all lbvserver_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Get a patch entry for either a layer or add-on.\n\n@param name the layer name\n@param addOn whether the target is an add-on\n@return the patch entry, {@code null} if it there is no such layer",
"Return a new instance of the BufferedImage\n\n@return BufferedImage",
"Walks from the most outer embeddable to the most inner one\nlook for all columns contained in these embeddables\nand exclude the embeddables that have a non null column\nbecause of caching, the algorithm is only run once per column parameter",
"Lift a Java Func1 to a Scala Function1\n\n@param f the function to lift\n\n@returns the Scala function",
"This method is called when the locale of the parent file is updated.\nIt resets the locale specific date attributes to the default values\nfor the new locale.\n\n@param locale new locale",
"Get ComponentsMultiThread of current instance\n@return componentsMultiThread"
] |
public static double SymmetricKullbackLeibler(double[] p, double[] q) {
double dist = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {
dist += (p[i] - q[i]) * (Math.log(p[i]) - Math.log(q[i]));
return dist;
} | [
"Gets the Symmetric Kullback-Leibler distance.\nThis metric is valid only for real and positive P and Q.\n\n@param p P vector.\n@param q Q vector.\n@return The Symmetric Kullback Leibler distance between p and q."
] | [
"Adds a JSON string to the DB.\n\n@param obj the JSON to record\n@param table the table to insert into\n@return the number of rows in the table, or DB_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR/DB_UPDATE_ERROR",
"Generates a set of excluded method names.\n\n@param methodNames method names\n@return set of method names",
"Remove all controllers but leave input manager running.\n@return number of controllers removed",
"Read tasks representing the WBS.",
"Reads data from a single page of the database file.\n\n@param buffer page from the database file\n@param table Table instance",
"This looks at the servlet attributes to get the list of response headers to remove while the response object gets created by the servlet",
"Retrieves a vertex attribute as an integer array.\nThe attribute name must be one of the\nattributes named in the descriptor passed to the constructor.\n@param attributeName name of the attribute to update\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if attribute name not in descriptor vertex attribute is not <i>int</i>\n@see #setIntVec(String, IntBuffer)\n@see #getIntArray(String)",
"Unlink the specified reference from this object.\nMore info see OJB doc.\n\n@param obj Object with reference\n@param ord the ObjectReferenceDescriptor of the reference\n@param insert flag signals insert operation",
"Retrieve the document with the specified ID from the database and deserialize to an\ninstance of the POJO of type T.\n\n@param <T> object type\n@param classType the class of type T\n@param id the document id\n@return an object of type T\n@throws NoDocumentException if the document is not found in the database\n@see #find(Class, String, String)\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/document.html#read\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">Documents - read</a>"
] |
protected void closeServerSocket() {
// Close server socket, we do not accept new requests anymore.
// This also terminates the server thread if blocking on socket.accept.
if (null != serverSocket) {
try {
if (!serverSocket.isClosed()) {
if (log.isTraceEnabled()) {
log.trace("Closed server socket " + serverSocket + "/ref="
+ Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(serverSocket))
+ " for " + getName());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to successfully quit server " + getName(), e);
} | [
"Closes the server socket."
] | [
"Finds \"Y\" coordinate value in which more elements could be added in the band\n@param band\n@return",
"Convenience method for retrieving an Integer resource.\n\n@param locale locale identifier\n@param key resource key\n@return resource value",
"Installs a provider either in the scope or the pool of unbound providers.\n\n@param clazz the class for which to install the provider.\n@param bindingName the name, possibly {@code null}, for which to install the scoped provider.\n@param internalProvider the internal provider to install.\n@param isBound whether or not the provider is bound to the scope or belongs to the pool of unbound providers.\n@param isTestProvider whether or not is a test provider, installed through a Test Module that should override\nexisting providers for the same class-bindingname.\n@param <T> the type of {@code clazz}.\n\nNote to maintainers : we don't use this method directly, both {@link #installBoundProvider(Class, String, InternalProviderImpl, boolean)}\nand {@link #installUnBoundProvider(Class, String, InternalProviderImpl)}\nare a facade of this method and make the calls more clear.",
"Broadcast a packet that tells some players to start playing and others to stop. If a player number is in\nboth sets, it will be told to stop. Numbers outside the range 1 to 4 are ignored.\n\n@param deviceNumbersToStart the players that should start playing if they aren't already\n@param deviceNumbersToStop the players that should stop playing\n\n@throws IOException if there is a problem broadcasting the command to the players\n@throws IllegalStateException if the {@code VirtualCdj} is not active",
"Creates the container for a bundle with descriptor.\n@return the container for a bundle with descriptor.\n@throws IOException thrown if reading the bundle fails.\n@throws CmsException thrown if reading the bundle fails.",
"Initializes module enablement.\n\n@see ModuleEnablement",
"Retrieve URL without parameters\n\n@param sourceURI source URI\n@return URL without parameters",
"Makes sure that there is a class definition for the given qualified name, and returns it.\n\n@param original The XDoclet class object\n@return The class definition",
"Sort by time bucket, then backup count, and by compression state."
] |
public static Command newGetGlobal(String identifier,
String outIdentifier) {
return getCommandFactoryProvider().newGetGlobal( identifier,
outIdentifier );
} | [
"Gets the global and adds it ot the BatchExecutionresults using the alternative outIdentifier.\n\n@param identifier\nThe identifier of the global\n@param outIdentifier\nThe identifier used in the ExecutionResults to store the global.\n@return"
] | [
"Sets the current field definition derived from the current member, and optionally some attributes.\n\n@param template The template\n@param attributes The attributes of the tag\n@exception XDocletException if an error occurs\[email protected] type=\"block\"\[email protected] name=\"access\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The accessibility of the column\" values=\"readonly,readwrite\"\[email protected] name=\"attributes\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Attributes of the field as name-value pairs 'name=value',\nseparated by commas\"\[email protected] name=\"autoincrement\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is\nauto-incremented\" values=\"none,ojb,database\"\[email protected] name=\"column\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The column for the field\"\[email protected] name=\"column-documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the column\"\[email protected] name=\"conversion\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The fully qualified name of the\nconversion for the field\"\[email protected] name=\"default-fetch\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The default-fetch setting\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"documentation\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Documentation on the field\"\[email protected] name=\"id\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The position of the field in the class\ndescriptor\"\[email protected] name=\"indexed\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is indexed\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"jdbc-type\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The jdbc type of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"length\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The length of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"locking\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field supports locking\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"nullable\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is nullable\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"precision\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The precision of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"primarykey\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Whether the field is a primarykey\"\nvalues=\"true,false\"\[email protected] name=\"scale\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The scale of the column\"\[email protected] name=\"sequence-name\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The name of the sequence for\nincrementing the field\"\[email protected] name=\"table\" optional=\"true\" description=\"The table of the field (not implemented\nyet)\"\[email protected] name=\"update-lock\" optional=\"true\" description=\"Can be set to false if the persistent attribute is\nused for optimistic locking AND the dbms should update the lock column itself (default is true). Can only be set for\nTIMESTAMP and INTEGER columns\" values=\"true,false\"",
"Goes through the token lists and adds all the variables which can be used to define a sub-matrix. If anything\nelse is found an excpetion is thrown",
"binds the Identities Primary key values to the statement",
"Assign a new value to this field.\n@param numStrings - number of strings\n@param newValues - the new strings",
"Retrieve URL without parameters\n\n@param sourceURI source URI\n@return URL without parameters",
"Create content assist proposals and pass them to the given acceptor.",
"Polls the next char from the stack\n\n@return next char",
"Releases a database connection, and cleans up any resources\nassociated with that connection.",
"Within a single zone, tries swapping some minimum number of random\npartitions per node with some minimum number of random partitions from\nother nodes within the zone. Chooses the best swap in each iteration.\nLarge values of the greedSwapMaxPartitions... arguments make this method\nequivalent to comparing every possible swap. This is very expensive.\n\nNormal case should be :\n\n#zones X #nodes/zone X max partitions/node X max partitions/zone\n\n@param nextCandidateCluster cluster object.\n@param greedyAttempts See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerNode See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapMaxPartitionsPerZone See RebalanceCLI.\n@param greedySwapZoneIds The set of zoneIds to consider. Each zone is done\nindependently.\n@param storeDefs\n@return updated cluster"
] |
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
public void blacklistNode(int nodeId) {
Collection<Node> nodesInCluster = adminClient.getAdminClientCluster().getNodes();
if(blackListedNodes == null) {
blackListedNodes = new ArrayList();
for(Node node: nodesInCluster) {
if(node.getId() == nodeId) {
for(String store: storeNames) {
try {
SocketAndStreams sands = nodeIdStoreToSocketAndStreams.get(new Pair(store, nodeId));
SocketDestination destination = nodeIdStoreToSocketRequest.get(new Pair(store,
streamingSocketPool.checkin(destination, sands);
} catch(Exception ioE) {
} | [
"mark a node as blacklisted\n\n@param nodeId Integer node id of the node to be blacklisted"
] | [
"Map event type enum.\n\n@param eventType the event type\n@return the event type enum",
"Handles the response of the SendData request.\n@param incomingMessage the response message to process.",
"Compute 1-dimensional Perlin noise.\n@param x the x value\n@return noise value at x in the range -1..1",
"Check if a module can be promoted in the Grapes server\n\n@param name\n@param version\n@return a boolean which is true only if the module can be promoted\n@throws GrapesCommunicationException",
"Decode the String from Base64 into a byte array.\n\n@param value the string to be decoded\n@return the decoded bytes as an array\n@since 1.0",
"Will create a JNDI Context and register it as the initial context factory builder\n\n@return the context\n@throws NamingException\non any issue during initial context factory builder registration",
"Report all Java ClassFile files available on the class path within\nthe specified packages and sub packages.\n\n@see #detect(File...)",
"Returns the name of the operation.\n\n@param op the operation\n\n@return the name of the operation\n\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the operation was not defined.",
"Checks if the link target is a secure link.<p\n\n@param cms the current CMS context\n@param vfsName the path of the link target\n@param targetSite the target site containing the detail page\n@param secureRequest true if the currently running request is secure\n\n@return true if the link should be a secure link"
] |
public V get(final K1 firstKey, final K2 secondKey) {
// existence check on inner map
final HashMap<K2, V> innerMap = map.get(firstKey);
if( innerMap == null ) {
return null;
return innerMap.get(secondKey);
} | [
"Fetch a value from the Hashmap .\n\n@param firstKey\nfirst key\n@param secondKey\nsecond key\n@return the element or null."
] | [
"Checks length and compare order of field names with declared PK fields in metadata.",
"Reset the pool of resources for a specific destination. Idle resources\nwill be destroyed. Checked out resources that are subsequently checked in\nwill be destroyed. Newly created resources can be checked in to\nreestablish resources for the specific destination.",
"Adds all rows from the file specified, using the provided parser.\n\n@param file File to read the data from.\n@param fileParser Parser to be used to parse the file.\n@return {@code this}",
"Empirical data from 3.x, actual =40",
"Print a resource UID.\n\n@param value resource UID value\n@return resource UID string",
"Gets the positions.\n\n@return the positions",
"Removes the specified list of users from following the project, this will not affect project membership status.\nReturns the updated project record.\n\n@param project The project to remove followers from.\n@return Request object",
"Parses and removes embedded gallery configuration strings.\n\n@param configuration the configuration string to parse\n\n@return a map containing both the string resulting from removing the embedded configurations, and the embedded configurations as a a map",
"Determines the mutator method name based on a field name.\n\n@param fieldName\na field name\n@return the resulting method name"
] |
public static <T> void injectEEFields(Iterable<Set<ResourceInjection<?>>> resourceInjectionsHierarchy,
T beanInstance, CreationalContext<T> ctx) {
for (Set<ResourceInjection<?>> resourceInjections : resourceInjectionsHierarchy) {
for (ResourceInjection<?> resourceInjection : resourceInjections) {
resourceInjection.injectResourceReference(beanInstance, ctx);
} | [
"Injects EJBs and other EE resources.\n\n@param resourceInjectionsHierarchy\n@param beanInstance\n@param ctx"
] | [
"Use this API to fetch appfwprofile resource of given name .",
"Use this API to fetch server_service_binding resources of given name .",
"Use this API to disable clusterinstance resources of given names.",
"Check if the an operation is done or not.\n\n@param requestId Id of the request\n@param remove Whether remove the request out of the list if it is done.\n@return True if request is complete, false otherwise",
"Stops the compressor.",
"Start the initialization.\n\n@param id\n@param manager\n@param bootstrap\n@return the initialized Weld container",
"Use this API to update systemuser.",
"only TOP or Bottom",
"Obtains a local date in Symmetry454 calendar system from the\nproleptic-year, month-of-year and day-of-month fields.\n\n@param prolepticYear the proleptic-year\n@param month the month-of-year\n@param dayOfMonth the day-of-month\n@return the Symmetry454 local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date"
] |
public static String ptb2Text(String ptbText) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ptbText.length()); // probably an overestimate
PTB2TextLexer lexer = new PTB2TextLexer(new StringReader(ptbText));
try {
for (String token; (token = lexer.next()) != null; ) {
} catch (IOException e) {
return sb.toString();
} | [
"Returns a presentable version of the given PTB-tokenized text.\nPTB tokenization splits up punctuation and does various other things\nthat makes simply joining the tokens with spaces look bad. So join\nthe tokens with space and run it through this method to produce nice\nlooking text. It's not perfect, but it works pretty well.\n\n@param ptbText A String in PTB3-escaped form\n@return An approximation to the original String"
] | [
"Add a post-effect to this camera's render chain.\n\nPost-effects are GL shaders, applied to the texture (hardware bitmap)\ncontaining the rendered scene graph. Each post-effect combines a shader\nselector with a set of parameters: This lets you pass different\nparameters to the shaders for each eye.\n\n@param postEffectData\nPost-effect to append to this camera's render chain",
"Updates all inverse associations managed by a given entity.",
"Retrieves a byte value from the property data.\n\n@param type Type identifier\n@return byte value",
"Use this API to add cachepolicylabel resources.",
"Gets read-only metadata.\n\n@param adminClient An instance of AdminClient points to given cluster\n@param nodeIds Node ids to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param storeNames Stores names to fetch read-only metadata from\n@param metaKeys List of read-only metadata to fetch\n@throws IOException",
"Performs an efficient update of each columns' norm",
"Add raw SQL \"ORDER BY\" clause to the SQL query statement.\n\n@param rawSql\nThe raw SQL order by clause. This should not include the \"ORDER BY\".",
"Serialize a parameterized object to an OutputStream.\n\n@param object The object to serialize.\n@param parameterizedType The ParameterizedType describing the object. Ex: LoganSquare.serialize(object, new ParameterizedType<MyModel<OtherModel>>() { }, os);\n@param os The OutputStream being written to.",
"Determine if a CharSequence can be parsed as a Long.\n\n@param self a CharSequence\n@return true if the CharSequence can be parsed\n@see #isLong(String)\n@since 1.8.2"
] |
public String getAuthorizationUrl(OAuth1RequestToken oAuthRequestToken, Permission permission) {
OAuth10aService service = new ServiceBuilder(apiKey)
String authorizationUrl = service.getAuthorizationUrl(oAuthRequestToken);
return String.format("%s&perms=%s", authorizationUrl, permission.toString());
} | [
"Get the auth URL, this is step two of authorization.\n\n@param oAuthRequestToken\nthe token from a {@link AuthInterface#getRequestToken} call."
] | [
"Recursively read a task, and any sub tasks.\n\n@param mpxjParent Parent for the MPXJ tasks\n@param gpTask GanttProject task",
"Converts the text stream data to HTML form.\n\n@param content the content to convert\n@return the HTML version of the content",
"perform the actual matching",
"Use this API to fetch filterpolicy_binding resource of given name .",
"IN Criteria with SubQuery\n@param attribute The field name to be used\n@param subQuery The subQuery",
"Constructs credentials for the given account and key file.\n\n@param serviceAccountId service account ID (typically an e-mail address).\n@param privateKeyFile the file name from which to get the private key.\n@param serviceAccountScopes Collection of OAuth scopes to use with the the service\naccount flow or {@code null} if not.\n@return valid credentials or {@code null}",
"Retrieves the named calendar. This method will return\nnull if the named calendar is not located.\n\n@param calendarName name of the required calendar\n@return ProjectCalendar instance",
"Remove all references to a groupId\n\n@param groupIdToRemove ID of group",
"Confirms a user with the given token and token id.\n\n@param token the confirmation token.\n@param tokenId the id of the confirmation token.\n@return A {@link Task} that completes when confirmation completes/fails."
] |
private ProductDescriptor getSwapProductDescriptor(Element trade) {
InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor legReceiver = null;
InterestRateSwapLegProductDescriptor legPayer = null;
NodeList legs = trade.getElementsByTagName("swapStream");
for(int legIndex = 0; legIndex < legs.getLength(); legIndex++) {
Element leg = (Element) legs.item(legIndex);
boolean isPayer = leg.getElementsByTagName("payerPartyReference").item(0).getAttributes().getNamedItem("href").getNodeValue().equals(homePartyId);
if(isPayer) {
legPayer = getSwapLegProductDescriptor(leg);
} else {
legReceiver = getSwapLegProductDescriptor(leg);
return new InterestRateSwapProductDescriptor(legReceiver, legPayer);
} | [
"Construct an InterestRateSwapProductDescriptor from a node in a FpML file.\n\n@param trade The node containing the swap.\n@return Descriptor of the swap."
] | [
"Set the host.\n\n@param host the host",
"Starts or stops capturing.\n\n@param capture If true, capturing is started. If false, it is stopped.\n@param fps Capturing FPS (frames per second).",
"Remove pairs with the given keys from the map.\n\n@param <K> type of the map keys.\n@param <V> type of the map values.\n@param map the map to update.\n@param keysToRemove the keys of the pairs to remove.\n@since 2.15",
"Shuts down the server. Active connections are not affected.",
"Recursively descend through the hierarchy creating tasks.\n\n@param parent parent task\n@param parentName parent name\n@param rows rows to add as tasks to this parent",
"Use this API to fetch filtered set of dospolicy resources.\nset the filter parameter values in filtervalue object.",
"replaces the old with the new item. The new item will not be added when the old one is not\nfound.\n\n@param oldObject will be removed\n@param newObject is added only when hte old item is removed",
"Private helper function that performs some assignability checks for the\nprovided GenericArrayType.",
"Load a properties file from a file path\n\n@param gradlePropertiesFilePath The file path where the gradle.properties is located.\n@return The loaded properties.\n@throws IOException In case an error occurs while reading the properties file, this exception is thrown."
] |
private int getDaysInRange(Date startDate, Date endDate)
int result;
Calendar cal = DateHelper.popCalendar(endDate);
int endDateYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int endDateDayOfYear = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR);
if (endDateYear == cal.get(Calendar.YEAR))
result = (endDateDayOfYear - cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)) + 1;
result = 0;
result += (cal.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) - cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR)) + 1;
cal.roll(Calendar.YEAR, 1);
cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);
while (cal.get(Calendar.YEAR) < endDateYear);
result += endDateDayOfYear;
return result;
} | [
"This method calculates the absolute number of days between two dates.\nNote that where two date objects are provided that fall on the same\nday, this method will return one not zero. Note also that this method\nassumes that the dates are passed in the correct order, i.e.\nstartDate < endDate.\n\n@param startDate Start date\n@param endDate End date\n@return number of days in the date range"
] | [
"Given a file name and read-only storage format, tells whether the file\nname format is correct\n\n@param fileName The name of the file\n@param format The RO format\n@return true if file format is correct, else false",
"The context returned by this method may be later reused for other interception types.\n\n@param interceptionModel\n@param ctx\n@param manager\n@param type\n@return the interception context to be used for the AroundConstruct chain",
"Retrieve the document with the specified ID from the database and deserialize to an\ninstance of the POJO of type T.\n\n@param <T> object type\n@param classType the class of type T\n@param id the document id\n@return an object of type T\n@throws NoDocumentException if the document is not found in the database\n@see #find(Class, String, String)\n@see <a\nhref=\"https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/Cloudant/api/document.html#read\"\ntarget=\"_blank\">Documents - read</a>",
"A convenient way of creating a map on the fly.\n\n@param <K> the key type\n@param <V> the value type\n@param entries\nMap.Entry objects to be added to the map\n@return a LinkedHashMap with the supplied entries",
"Try Oracle update batching and call sendBatch or revert to\nJDBC update batching.\n@param stmt the batched prepared statement about to be executed\n@return always <code>null</code> if Oracle update batching is used,\nsince it is impossible to dissolve total row count into distinct\nstatement counts. If JDBC update batching is used, an int array is\nreturned containing number of updated rows for each batched statement.\n@throws PlatformException upon JDBC failure",
"Returns the compact project membership records for the project.\n\n@param project The project for which to fetch memberships.\n@return Request object",
"Process StepFinishedEvent. Change last added to stepStorage step\nand add it as child of previous step.\n\n@param event to process",
"Calculates the next snapshot version based on the current release version\n\n@param fromVersion The version to bump to next development version\n@return The next calculated development (snapshot) version",
"Returns the ordered Map value of the field.\n\n@return the ordered Map value of the field. It returns a reference of the value.\n@throws IllegalArgumentException if the value cannot be converted to ordered Map."
] |
public void deleteComment(String commentId) throws FlickrException {
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>();
parameters.put("method", METHOD_DELETE_COMMENT);
parameters.put("comment_id", commentId);
// Note: This method requires an HTTP POST request.
Response response = transportAPI.post(transportAPI.getPath(), parameters, apiKey, sharedSecret);
if (response.isError()) {
throw new FlickrException(response.getErrorCode(), response.getErrorMessage());
// This method has no specific response - It returns an empty
// sucess response if it completes without error.
} | [
"Delete a comment as the currently authenticated user.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'write' permission.\n\n@param commentId\nThe id of the comment to delete.\n@throws FlickrException"
] | [
"Validates specialization if this bean specializes another bean.",
"Remove custom overrides\n\n@param path_id ID of path containing custom override\n@param client_uuid UUID of the client\n@throws Exception exception",
"Returns the cost rate table index for this assignment.\n\n@return cost rate table index",
"Copy a subsequence of Bytes to specific byte array. Uses the specified offset in the dest byte\narray to start the copy.\n\n@param start index of subsequence start (inclusive)\n@param end index of subsequence end (exclusive)\n@param dest destination array\n@param destPos starting position in the destination data.\n@exception IndexOutOfBoundsException if copying would cause access of data outside array\nbounds.\n@exception NullPointerException if either <code>src</code> or <code>dest</code> is\n<code>null</code>.\n@since 1.1.0",
"Converts the positions to a 2D double array\n@return 2d double array [i][j], i=Time index, j=coordinate index",
"Perform the given work with a Jedis connection from the given pool.\n\n@param pool the resource pool\n@param work the work to perform\n@param <V> the result type\n@return the result of the given work\n@throws Exception if something went wrong",
"Given a set of versions, constructs a resolved list of versions based on\nthe compare function above\n\n@param values\n@return list of values after resolution",
"Get the bone index for the given scene object.\n\n@param bone GVRSceneObject bone to search for\n@return bone index or -1 for root bone.\n@see #getParentBoneIndex",
"Creates typed parser\n@param contentType class of parsed object\n@param <T> type of parsed object\n@return parser of objects of given type"
] |
private GVRCursorController addDevice(int deviceId) {
InputDevice device = inputManager.getInputDevice(deviceId);
GVRControllerType controllerType = getGVRInputDeviceType(device);
if (mEnabledControllerTypes == null)
return null;
if (controllerType == GVRControllerType.GAZE && !mEnabledControllerTypes.contains(GVRControllerType.GAZE))
return null;
int key;
if (controllerType == GVRControllerType.GAZE) {
// create the controller if there isn't one.
if (gazeCursorController == null) {
gazeCursorController = new GVRGazeCursorController(context, GVRControllerType.GAZE,
// use the cached gaze key
} else {
key = getCacheKey(device, controllerType);
if (key != -1)
GVRCursorController controller = cache.get(key);
if (controller == null)
if ((mEnabledControllerTypes == null) || !mEnabledControllerTypes.contains(controllerType))
return null;
if (controllerType == GVRControllerType.MOUSE)
controller = mouseDeviceManager.getCursorController(context, device.getName(), device.getVendorId(), device.getProductId());
else if (controllerType == GVRControllerType.GAMEPAD)
controller = gamepadDeviceManager.getCursorController(context, device.getName(), device.getVendorId(), device.getProductId());
else if (controllerType == GVRControllerType.GAZE)
controller = gazeCursorController;
cache.put(key, controller);
controllerIds.put(device.getId(), controller);
return controller;
controllerIds.put(device.getId(), controller);
return null;
} | [
"returns controller if a new device is found"
] | [
"Deletes a path from the filesystem\n\nIf the path is a directory its contents\nwill be recursively deleted before it itself\nis deleted.\n\nNote that removal of a directory is not an atomic-operation\nand so if an error occurs during removal, some of the directories\ndescendants may have already been removed\n\n@throws IOException if an error occurs whilst removing a file or directory",
"Convert an object to another object with given type\n\n@param <T>\n@param source\nobject to convert\n@param typeReference\nreference to {@link java.lang.reflect.Type}\n@return the converted object if conversion failed\n@throws ConverterException",
"Read holidays from the database and create calendar exceptions.",
"Adds a security property to be passed to the server.\n\n@param key the property key\n@param value the property value\n\n@return the builder",
"Gets an item that was shared with a password-protected shared link.\n@param api the API connection to be used by the shared item.\n@param sharedLink the shared link to the item.\n@param password the password for the shared link.\n@return info about the shared item.",
"Invoke an operation on an MBean by name.\nNote that only basic data types are supported for parameter values.\n@param operationName the operation name (can be URL-encoded).\n@param parameterMap the {@link Map} of parameter names and value arrays.\n@return the returned value from the operation.\n@throws JMException Java Management Exception\n@throws UnsupportedEncodingException if the encoding is not supported.",
"Use this API to update responderpolicy resources.",
"Returns a list of your geo-tagged photos.\n\nThis method requires authentication with 'read' permission.\n\n@param minUploadDate\nMinimum upload date. Photos with an upload date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. Set to null to not specify a date.\n@param maxUploadDate\nMaximum upload date. Photos with an upload date less than or equal to this value will be returned. Set to null to not specify a date.\n@param minTakenDate\nMinimum taken date. Photos with an taken date greater than or equal to this value will be returned. Set to null to not specify a date.\n@param maxTakenDate\nMaximum taken date. Photos with an taken date less than or equal to this value will be returned. Set to null to not specify a date.\n@param privacyFilter\nReturn photos only matching a certain privacy level. Valid values are:\n<ul>\n<li>1 public photos</li>\n<li>2 private photos visible to friends</li>\n<li>3 private photos visible to family</li>\n<li>4 private photos visible to friends & family</li>\n<li>5 completely private photos</li>\n</ul>\nSet to 0 to not specify a privacy Filter.\n\n@see com.flickr4java.flickr.photos.Extras\n@param sort\nThe order in which to sort returned photos. Deafults to date-posted-desc. The possible values are: date-posted-asc, date-posted-desc,\ndate-taken-asc, date-taken-desc, interestingness-desc, and interestingness-asc.\n@param extras\nA set of Strings controlling the extra information to fetch for each returned record. Currently supported fields are: license, date_upload,\ndate_taken, owner_name, icon_server, original_format, last_update, geo. Set to null or an empty set to not specify any extras.\n@param perPage\nNumber of photos to return per page. If this argument is 0, it defaults to 100. The maximum allowed value is 500.\n@param page\nThe page of results to return. If this argument is 0, it defaults to 1.\n@return photos\n@throws FlickrException",
"Helper method to lookup a DAO if it has already been associated with the table-config. Otherwise this returns\nnull."
] |
protected BoneCP createPool(BoneCPConfig config) {
return new BoneCP(config);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new HibernateException(e);
} | [
"Creates the given connection pool with the given configuration. Extracted here to make unit mocking easier.\n@param config configuration object.\n@return BoneCP connection pool handle."
] | [
"Check that a list allowing null and empty item contains at least one element that is\nnot blank.\n@param list can't be null\n@return",
"Use this API to update nstimeout.",
"performs an UPDATE operation against RDBMS.\n@param obj The Object to be updated in the underlying table.\n@param cld ClassDescriptor providing mapping information.",
"Use this API to fetch the statistics of all spilloverpolicy_stats resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"Requests Change notifications of feed type normal.\n\n@return {@link ChangesResult} encapsulating the normal feed changes",
"Generates a change event for a local insert of the given document in the given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace where the document was inserted.\n@param document the document that was inserted.\n@return a change event for a local insert of the given document in the given namespace.",
"Generates the points for an arc based on two bearings from a centre point\nand a radius.\n\n@param center The LatLong point of the center.\n@param startBearing North is 0 degrees, East is 90 degrees, etc.\n@param endBearing North is 0 degrees, East is 90 degrees, etc.\n@param radius In metres\n@return An array of LatLong points in an MVC array representing the arc.\nUsing this method directly you will need to push the centre point onto\nthe array in order to close it, if desired.",
"Takes the file, reads it in, and prints out the likelihood of each possible\nlabel at each point.\n\n@param filename\nThe path to the specified file",
"Calculates ATM Bachelier implied volatilities.\n\n@see net.finmath.functions.AnalyticFormulas#bachelierOptionImpliedVolatility(double, double, double, double, double)\n\n@param optionValue RandomVarable representing the value of the option\n@param optionMaturity Time to maturity.\n@param swapAnnuity The swap annuity as seen on valuation time.\n@return The Bachelier implied volatility."
] |
public ContentAssistEntry createProposal(final String proposal, final String prefix, final ContentAssistContext context, final String kind, final Procedure1<? super ContentAssistEntry> init) {
boolean _isValidProposal = this.isValidProposal(proposal, prefix, context);
if (_isValidProposal) {
final ContentAssistEntry result = new ContentAssistEntry();
if ((kind != null)) {
if ((init != null)) {
return result;
return null;
} | [
"Returns an entry with the given proposal and prefix, or null if the proposal is not valid.\nIf it is valid, the initializer function is applied to it."
] | [
"Allocates a database connection.\n\n@throws SQLException",
"Return the coding scheme to IOB1 coding, regardless of what was used\ninternally. This is useful for scoring against CoNLL test output.\n\n@param tokens List of tokens in some NER encoding",
"Builds the resource.\n\n@return the cms resource",
"Removes a watermark from the item.\nIf the item did not have a watermark applied to it, a 404 Not Found will be returned by API.\n@param itemUrl url template for the item.",
"Gets the listener classes to which dispatching should be prevented while\nthis event is being dispatched.\n\n@return The listener classes marked to prevent.\n@see #preventCascade(Class)",
"Puts the cached security context in the thread local.\n\n@param context the cache context",
"Generates a change event for a local insert of the given document in the given namespace.\n\n@param namespace the namespace where the document was inserted.\n@param document the document that was inserted.\n@return a change event for a local insert of the given document in the given namespace.",
"Reads the XER file table and row structure ready for processing.\n\n@param is input stream\n@throws MPXJException",
"Adding environment and system variables to build info.\n\n@param builder"
] |
public final String optString(final String key, final String defaultValue) {
String result = optString(key);
return result == null ? defaultValue : result;
} | [
"Get a property as a string or defaultValue.\n\n@param key the property name\n@param defaultValue the default value"
] | [
"Sets the target translator for all cells in the row.\nIt will also remove any other translator set.\nNothing will happen if the argument is null.\n@param targetTranslator translator\n@return this to allow chaining",
"Creates an endpoint reference from a given adress.\n@param address\n@param props\n@return",
"Create a random video.\n\n@return random video.",
"Creates an element that represents a rectangle drawn at the specified coordinates in the page.\n@param x the X coordinate of the rectangle\n@param y the Y coordinate of the rectangle\n@param width the width of the rectangle\n@param height the height of the rectangle\n@param stroke should there be a stroke around?\n@param fill should the rectangle be filled?\n@return the resulting DOM element",
"Clear all overrides, reset repeat counts for a request path\n\n@param pathId ID of path\n@param clientUUID UUID of client\n@throws Exception exception",
"Get an CollectionDescriptor by name BRJ\n@param name\n@return CollectionDescriptor or null",
"Look for a child view with the given id. If this view has the given\nid, return this view.\n\n@param id The id to search for.\n@return The view that has the given id in the hierarchy or null",
"Retrieve the var data key for a specific field.\n\n@param type field type\n@return var data key",
"Obtains a local date in Coptic calendar system from the\nera, year-of-era and day-of-year fields.\n\n@param era the Coptic era, not null\n@param yearOfEra the year-of-era\n@param dayOfYear the day-of-year\n@return the Coptic local date, not null\n@throws DateTimeException if unable to create the date\n@throws ClassCastException if the {@code era} is not a {@code CopticEra}"
] |
public void setVars(final Map<String, ? extends Object> vars) {
this.vars = (Map<String, Object>)vars;
} | [
"Set the named arguments.\n\n@param vars\nthe new named arguments"
] | [
"Returns a module\n\n@param moduleId String\n@return DbModule",
"Orders first by word, then by lemma, then by tag.\n\n@param wordLemmaTag object to compare to\n@return result (positive if <code>this</code> is greater than\n<code>obj</code>, 0 if equal, negative otherwise)",
"Returns a list of metadata property paths.\n@return the list of metdata property paths.",
"Flush the network buffer and write all entries to the serve. then wait\nfor an ack from the server. This is a blocking call. It is invoked on\nevery Commit batch size of entries, It is also called on the close\nsession call\n\n@param storeNamesToCommit List of stores to be flushed and committed",
"Convert an Object to a Timestamp.",
"Appends the indentation string at the current position of the parent and adds a new composite node, indicating the same indentation for\nsubsequent lines.\n\n@return an indentation node, using the given indentString, appended as a child on the given parent",
"Adds a new role to the list of defined roles.\n\n@param roleName - The name of the role being added.",
"Reverse Engineers an XPath Expression of a given Node in the DOM.\n\n@param node the given node.\n@return string xpath expression (e.g., \"/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]\").",
"Get the node that has been selected by the user, or null if\nnothing is selected.\n@return The node or <code>null</code>"
] |
public static dnssuffix[] get(nitro_service service) throws Exception{
dnssuffix obj = new dnssuffix();
dnssuffix[] response = (dnssuffix[])obj.get_resources(service);
return response;
} | [
"Use this API to fetch all the dnssuffix resources that are configured on netscaler."
] | [
"Returns the complete task record for a single task.\n\n@param task The task to get.\n@return Request object",
"Returns an entry of kind snippet with the given proposal and label and the prefix from the context, or null if the proposal is not valid.\n@since 2.16",
"Reads each token from a single record and adds it to a list.\n\n@param tk tokenizer\n@param record list of tokens\n@throws IOException",
"Return a list of segments where each segment is either the content of a line in the given text or a line-break\naccording to the configured delimiter. Existing line-breaks in the text will be replaced by this's\ninstances delimiter.\n\n@param text\nthe to-be-splitted text. May be <code>null</code>.\n@return a list of segments. Is never <code>null</code>.",
"Get the bone index for the given scene object.\n\n@param bone GVRSceneObject bone to search for\n@return bone index or -1 for root bone.\n@see #getParentBoneIndex",
"Create a new path address by appending more elements to the end of this address.\n\n@param additionalElements the elements to append\n@return the new path address",
"Set the default host running the Odo instance to configure. Allows default profile methods and PathValueClient to\noperate on remote hosts\n\n@param hostName name of host",
"Use this API to fetch statistics of cmppolicy_stats resource of given name .",
"Appends the given string encoding special HTML characters.\n\n@param out\nThe StringBuilder to write to.\n@param in\nInput String.\n@param start\nInput String starting position.\n@param end\nInput String end position."
] |
private void logTimeTakenByRuleProvider(GraphContext graphContext, Context context, int ruleIndex, int timeTaken)
AbstractRuleProvider ruleProvider = (AbstractRuleProvider) context.get(RuleMetadataType.RULE_PROVIDER);
if (ruleProvider == null)
if (!timeTakenByProvider.containsKey(ruleProvider))
RuleProviderExecutionStatisticsModel model = new RuleProviderExecutionStatisticsService(graphContext)
timeTakenByProvider.put(ruleProvider, model.getElement().id());
RuleProviderExecutionStatisticsService service = new RuleProviderExecutionStatisticsService(graphContext);
RuleProviderExecutionStatisticsModel model = service.getById(timeTakenByProvider.get(ruleProvider));
int prevTimeTaken = model.getTimeTaken();
model.setTimeTaken(prevTimeTaken + timeTaken);
logTimeTakenByPhase(graphContext, ruleProvider.getMetadata().getPhase(), timeTaken);
} | [
"Logs the time taken by this rule, and attaches this to the total for the RuleProvider"
] | [
"Ensures that the primary keys required by the given collection with indirection table are present in\nthe element class.\n\n@param modelDef The model\n@param collDef The collection\n@throws ConstraintException If there is a problem with the fitting collection (if any) or the primary keys",
"The Baseline Finish field shows the planned completion date for a task\nat the time you saved a baseline. Information in this field becomes\navailable when you set a baseline for a task.\n\n@return Date",
"Reset the crawler to its initial state.",
"Return the TransactionManager of the external app",
"A convenience method for creating an immutable map.\n\n@param self a Map\n@return an immutable Map\n@see java.util.Collections#unmodifiableMap(java.util.Map)\n@since 1.0",
"Drops a driver from the DriverManager's list.",
"Use this API to fetch all the inat resources that are configured on netscaler.",
"We have received notification that a device is no longer on the network, so clear out all its waveforms.\n\n@param announcement the packet which reported the device’s disappearance",
"send object to client and serialize it using JSON\n\n@param objectToSend the object to send\n@param cb the callback after sending the message"
] |
Subsets and Splits