What male singing voice lies between bass and tenor?
[DOC] [TLE] Male Vocal Range and Voice Types - Personal Singing GuideMale Vocal Range and Voice Type | Your Personal Singing Guide [PAR] Male Vocal Range [PAR] and Voice Types! [PAR] There are many vocal ranges and voice types for males, and this section will discuss the 4 main types of male voices, their respective pitch ranges, unique tonal characteristics, as well as how their tessituras or most comfortable voice ranges differ from each other. [PAR] One important point to note: These 2 terms – Vocal Range and Voice Type – are not to be confused with each other. [PAR] The Range of our Voice refers to the range of notes that our voice can reach or produce a sound at, whereas the Type of Voice refers to the various kinds of voices classified using certain criteria like range of vocals, tessituras, register transition points, vocal timbre or tone and so on. [PAR] Click on the links provided above to understand more about how to find your own vocal range, as well as how to determine your own voice type using the various criteria! [PAR] Now, the 4 main types of male voices are as follows: [PAR] 1. Countertenor [PAR] Let us look at each of these male voices in more detail: [PAR] 1. COUNTERTENOR [PAR] The Countertenor Voice may actually be unfamiliar to those of us not from the classical realm, as many of us would probably only have heard of the 3 main male voices – Tenor, Baritone and Bass. [PAR] The Countertenor voice is the highest of the adult male voice types, and has a vocal range that is similar to that of the Female Contralto Voice, the lowest of the female voice types! In the Mandarin pop scene, certain singers like Jeff Chang and the lead singer of popular pop rock band Soda Green would probably qualify as countertenor voices! [PAR] An approximate Countertenor Vocal Range would be from a G note below the middle C (G3) to a high F one octave above the middle C (F5). Be sure to support your voice well with your breath so as to get a more accurate representation of the range in your voice. Check out the section on ‘How to Find Your Singing Range and Voice Type’ to get some tips on finding your range on your own! [PAR] Also, the Tessitura or most comfortable singing range for Countertenors lies above that of the Tenor and other adult male voices. The Countertenor voice would usually be able to sing the high head voice notes with great ease and brightness in tone, and would often be confused by many listeners with regular female voices. [PAR] 2. TENOR [PAR] The Tenor Voice is the highest of the main male vocal types that most people would be familiar with, with the typical tenor vocal range lying between the C note one octave below middle C (C3) to the C note one octave above middle C (C5)! This means that it would lie just slightly below the Countertenor voice, but has similar characteristics in the sense that the Tenor would also be able to sing most high notes with ease and vocalize the head voice notes with strength and brightness! [PAR] The Tenor voice would probably transition into his middle voice around the D or E note above middle C (D4 or E4) and shift into head voice around the F sharp or G above middle C (F4 or G4). The tenor tessitura would lie between that of the Countertenor’s and the Baritone’s. Do make sure that we avoid certain common singing problems like jaw tightness when we attempt to find out where our vocal register transitions lie, as this will affect the notes at which we transition, affecting the voice type we may classify ourselves to be! [PAR] Famous Tenor voices include the 3 Tenors – Luciano Pavarotti, Jose Carreras and Placido Domingo, as well as other classical singers like Enrico Caruso and pop singers like Elton John, Stevie Wonder. In the Mandarin pop scene, JJ Lin Junjie and Jay Chou would probably be considered Tenor voices too! [PAR] 3. BARITONE [PAR] Most men would have a vocal range similar to that of a Baritone voice, as this is the most common of the male voice types! A typical Baritone Voice Range would be between the A flat note one
Who, or what, would you typically find inside a Habitrail?
mice or hamsters
[DOC] [TLE] HabitrailHabitrail, a product made by the Hagen corporation, is a series of translucent plastic tubes and "houses" for use in home terrariums, designed specially for small pets, such as mice or hamsters. The design of the Habitrail is modular and can be configured however the owner likes, as well as disassembled for cleaning. The Habitrail is meant to mimic the habitat of the animal in question, usually a warren, or series of underground tunnels. The mascot for Habitrail is "Herbie the Hamster", who even has a video game based on him called Habitrail Hamster Ball produced by Data Design Interactive in 2005 and released for the PS2, and the PC. [PAR] Large Habitrails may contain multiple bathroom spots chosen by the pet, and a good Habitrail should incorporate small holes and metal bars to increase ventilation. Habitrails do not make good cages for gerbils, due to the tendency of these animals to chew obsessively. [PAR] Innovative features, including the bed, food area, and hamster wheel, make excellent use of the small areas. Use of clear plastics also makes it easy to see the hamster scuttling around the various pods and tunnels. [PAR] Reception [PAR] Although Habitrails make fun and unique homes for hamsters or mice, they are rather small. This tends to be a problem for Syrian hamsters, who may not be able to fit through the tubes. This is typically common for pregnant Syrian hamsters. They often get lodged into the small and narrow mazes, making it quite an issue to get them out. Habitrails do not work well for dwarf hamsters, such as the Roborovski and White Russian types, as they can not climb up the tubes. In 2007, the Rolf C. Hagen Corp. updated the venerable Habitrail by introducing the Habitrail OVO, which features a very contemporary modular design that makes it easier to observe hamsters and maintain their housing. [PAR] Habitrail cages are currently one of the most popular and iconic small rodent cages available; however, since the release of the Habitrail OVO the company has received a large number of complaints regarding their products, such as the tubes being far too large for dwarf species of hamster while also being too small for adult Syrians (particularly pregnant or overweight hamsters), for whom the Habitrail OVO was designed, leading to many hamsters being unable to access the water supply. However, after the growing popularity of the four dwarf species, Habitrail made a similar cage to the 2007 model with narrower tubes, specially designed for dwarfs. Many purchasers also soon find that the products are much smaller than they were led to believe. This is reinforced by the fact that the cumulative room does not meet, or indeed come close to, the recommended floor space that many organisations set, such as the RSPCA. [PAR] Also, with researching reviews online, you will find a common concern. The wheel(s) that come with the Habitrail OVO cage have three long holes that line the middle of the wheel where the hamster is to run. Habitrail has stated that the holes are to allow the poop and pee to drop through and they are currently, as of end of Jan. 2015, not in the process of updating the wheel product. But any owner of a hamster wheel should know that it is easy and quick to clean a wheel. The main concern owners have of the wheel are the hamsters (especially the dwarfs) can and have had their legs fall into the holes. One should realize that no animal can run in a straight line especially after watching any hamster run on a wheel. [PAR] Another less common concern has been the stairs. Fewer reviews talk about stair problem. With the stairs being slightly big and smooth, one might think a dwarf hamster would have some difficulty climbing due to no way to easily grip the stairs. [PAR] Both the wheel and the stairs leading to the food dish can be removed. Without the stairs, the wheel can't exist. You can place a food dish, a better wheel, and small house in the place of the wheel and stairs. If done properly, you can add moving space that had been taken up by the large stairs and large
What's missing: Woods, putters, chippers
[DOC] [TLE] Chippers (Right Handed) - Thomas GolfChippers (Right Handed) [PAR] Click Here to take advantage of our [PAR] free Custom Club Fitting Service [PAR] Thomas Golf Chippers [PAR] With the Thomas Golf Chippers, we've taken the hybrid concept to the next level. Our regular hybrid golf clubs are a combination of irons and fairway woods, while our chippers are a combination of irons, fairway woods and putters. [PAR] If you've never used a chipper before, you may be missing out on a very useful tool. Thomas Golf chippers work great around the green. They are perfect for the times that you need the control of a putter, but there is just too much tall grass between you and the green. Therefore, using your chipper gets the ball up and over those obstacles, while keeping the ball low enough to the ground to get a good rolling finish up to the hole. [PAR] The key to Thomas Golf's superior chipper is the weighted hosel adapter that converts the lie of the club to be more upright, much like a putter. Since the chipper is designed with a lie and shaft length of a standard putter, you can use the stroke that you normally use with your putter. [PAR] The added weight and offset hosel of our chippers are crucial to hitting a consistently crisp shot. The chipper also features the snag-less hybrid head design with a 4-faced sole, to help lower the chances of hitting a fat or thin shot. [PAR] Thomas Golf offers a wide variety of chippers in eight different lofts ranging from 27-degrees to 60-degrees (#5 through LW). Whatever shot you are trying to achieve, you have the tools at your finger tips with the Thomas Golf chipper series. [PAR] To help you figure out which chipper is right for your game, we have a chart that shows you how the golf ball will react to the different loft angles of the various Thomas Golf chippers. The #9 chipper is what we call the 50/50 chipper, meaning that when hit, a golf ball will travel 50% of the time through the air and 50% on the ground; The ball will fly just as far as it will roll. [PAR] For example, if you are 15 feet off the green and the hole is 15 feet back from the edge of the green, you can fly the ball about 15 feet and expect about a 15 feet of roll out to the hole. A more lofted chipper, such as the SW, will spend more time in the air and roll less distance. While a less lofted chipper, such as our #5, will spend the least amount of time traveling through the air, but will produce the most roll. [PAR] [DOC] [TLE] The Perfect Club ChipperThe Perfect Club Chipper [PAR] FAQ's & Extended Information [PAR] Q. Do chippers conform to the Rules of Golf? [PAR] A. Yes, chippers are iron clubs not putters, and therefore must conform with the requirements for woods and irons. For example, chippers may not have a putter grip or two striking faces. USGA RULE 4-1 Chippers. The Perfect Chipper conforms to USGA Rules & Regulations. [PAR] How should I use The Perfect Chipper? [PAR] GRIP [PAR] There are two ways you can grip this club. Use your normal grip as you would hitting a chip shot just like any other club OR hold it exactly as you would your putter (Recommended). Don't overgrip the club or hold it too tightly. The club should feel comfortable in your hands. [PAR] STANCE [PAR] Take your stance close to the ball with feet spread apart. Rest about three-quarters of your weight on your lead foot, the one closest to the hole. i.e. More weight on your left foot for right handed golfers. Line up your stance as if you were preparing to putt a ball. Use the same grip you would for putting. [PAR] THE SHOT [PAR] The reason The Perfect Chipper is so easy to use and so accurate is because the swing/shot is almost identical to putting on the green. Rotate your shoulders and take the chipper back like you would a long putt, depending on how far away you are from the hole. Follow through
What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs, and makes a slinkity sound? A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing! Everyone knows it's?
[DOC] [TLE] Blog Post | mastgeneralstore.comBlog Post | [PAR] “What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs [PAR] and makes a slinkity sound? [PAR] A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing! [PAR] Everyone knows it’s Slinky!” [PAR] The Slinky was invented and developed by naval engineer Richard T. James in 1943 when he was conducting experiments using springs. One fell to the floor and began to walk! James demonstrated his Slinky at Gimbels Department Store in Philadelphia in 1945. The toy was a hit, selling its entire inventory of 400 units in 90 minutes. Since then, Slinky has been captivating kids and adults alike with its ability to walk down stairs step-by-step, and its classic Slinky sound. [PAR] James and his wife, Betty, formed James Industries in Clifton Heights, Pennsylvania to manufacture Slinky and several related toys, such as the Slinky Dog and Suzie, the Slinky Worm. The original Slinky is still made in the USA. Get your own HERE .[DOC] [TLE] What Walks Down Stairs Alone Or In Pairs??? : I Love My ...What Walks Down Stairs Alone Or In Pairs??? : I Love My Slinky Story & Experience [PAR] I Love My Slinky [PAR] What Walks Down Stairs Alone Or In Pairs??? [PAR] Did you know that slinkies have been around since 1962? I have 6 different slinkies on my desk at work for stress relief purposes. They are great toys. Who had the slinky dog? I did but I think I was a teenager when I got it. Does anyone have a favorite slinky stor? We won't talk about the fact that I had to have one cut off of me when I was around 9 or 10 years old. Who remembers the slinky songs below? [PAR] [PAR] Who walks the stair without a care [PAR] It shoots so high in the sky. [PAR] Bounce up and down just like a clown. [PAR] Everyone knows its Slinky. [PAR] The best present yet to give or get [PAR] The kids will all want to try. [PAR] The hit of the day when you're ready to play [PAR] Everyone knows it's Slinky. [PAR] It's Slinky, It’s Slinky [PAR] for fun it's the best of the toys [PAR] It's Slinky, It’s Slinky [PAR] the favorite of girls and boys. [PAR] [PAR] What walks down stairs, alone or in pairs [PAR] and makes a slinkity sound? [PAR] A spring, a spring, a marvelous thing, [PAR] Everyone knows it's Slinky. [PAR] for fun, it's a wonderful toy. [PAR] It's Slinky, it's Slinky, [PAR] It's fun for a girl and a boy [PAR] It's fun for a girl and a boy." [PAR] [DOC] [TLE] The 20 most fascinating accidental inventions - Slinky ...The 20 most fascinating accidental inventions - Slinky - [PAR] The 20 most fascinating accidental inventions [PAR] Latest News [PAR] By Pamela Cyran Chris Gaylord [PAR] October 5, 2012 [PAR] View Caption [PAR] of [PAR] Like James Wright (inventor of Silly Putty ), engineer Richard James researched to aid American troops during World War II. In his home laboratory in Philadelphia , James attempted to invent springs that would support and stabilize sensitive instruments on naval ships during rough seas. One spring was knocked off the worktable and stepped its way down to the floor. [PAR] After James watched it re-coil itself and stand upright on the floor, a light bulb went off in his brain. [PAR] James showed the stepping spring to his wife, Betty, and said he could make a children’s toy out of it. Because the Navy was unresponsive to the springs, James spent the next couple of years perfecting his toy idea. Betty came up with the name “Slinky” and the couple first demonstrated its toy at Gimbels Department Store in 1945. In just 90 minutes, they sold 400 Slinkys. [PAR] Within 50 years, James Industries sold more than a quarter of a billion Slinkys worldwide and the slinking toy is still finding its way into American pop culture. [PAR] The Slinky jingle is the longest-running song in advertisement history. It first aired in 1962
Oct 21, 1797 saw the launch of what famous frigate, the world's oldest commissioned warship, in Boston Harbor?
uss constitution
[DOC] [TLE] About USS Constitution - pictures.eaglefreeenterprises.comVacation 1984 [PAR] Back to Boston Page Three [PAR] USS Constitution, known as "Old Ironsides," is a wooden-hulled, three-masted frigate of the United States Navy. Named after the United States Constitution, she is the oldest commissioned ship afloat in the world, and is still in service in the US Navy. The Constitution was one of the six original frigates authorized for construction by the Naval Act of 1794 and was launched in 1797. Joshua Humphreys designed them to be the Navy's capital ships and so Constitution and her sisters were larger and more heavily armed than the standard frigates of the period. [PAR] In 1917 she was renamed to Old Constitution, to free the name for a new Constitution, a Lexington class battle cruiser that was never completed. She resumed the name Constitution in 1925 after the new hull was cancelled. In early 1941, Constitution was assigned the hull classification symbol IX-21 (the "IX" hull code stands for "Unclassified Miscellaneous"), but was reclassified to "none" on 1 September 1975 [PAR] History [PAR] Construction and early service [PAR] Constitution was built at Edmund Hartt's shipyard in Boston, Massachusetts from the resilient lumber of 2,000 live oak trees (specifically Southern live oak) cut and milled at Gascoigne Bluff on St. Simons, Georgia. Constitution's planks were up to seven inches (178 mm) thick. The ship's design was also unique for its time because of a diagonal cross-bracing of the ship's skeleton that contributed considerably to the ship's structural strength. Paul Revere forged the copper spikes and bolts that held the planks in place and the copper sheathing that protected the hull. It took several abortive attempts to launch Constitution in 1797 before she finally slipped into Boston Harbor. Armed, Constitution first put to sea 22 July 1798 and saw her first service patrolling the southeast coast of the United States during the Quasi-War with France. During her service in the conflict, Constitution's sailors and Marines took part in the amphibious operation against Puerto Plata, Santo Domingo wherein the French privateer Sandwich was cut out and guns from the local Spanish fort were spiked. [PAR] In 1803 Constitution was designated flagship for the Mediterranean Squadron under Captain Edward Preble and went to serve against the Barbary States of North Africa, which were demanding tribute from the United States in exchange for allowing American merchant vessels access to Mediterranean ports. Preble began an aggressive campaign against Tripoli, blockading ports and bombarding fortifications. Finally Tripoli, Tunis, and Algiers agreed to a peace treaty. [PAR] Constitution patrolled the North African coast for two years after the war ended, commanded by Stephen Decatur and two other captains between 1803 and 1805, to enforce the terms of the treaty. [PAR] She returned to Boston in 1807 for two years of refitting. The ship was recommissioned as flagship of the North Atlantic Squadron in 1809 under Commodore John Rodgers. [PAR] War of 1812 [PAR] By early 1812, relations with the United Kingdom had deteriorated and the Navy began preparing for war, which was declared 20 June. Captain Isaac Hull, who had been appointed Constitution's commanding officer in 1810, put to sea 12 July, without orders, to prevent being blockaded in port. His intention was to join the five ships of Rodgers' squadron. [PAR] Constitution sighted five ships off Egg Harbor, New Jersey, July 17. By the following morning the lookouts had determined they were a British squadron that had sighted Constitution and were giving chase. Finding themselves becalmed, Hull and his seasoned crew put boats over the side to tow their ship out of range. By using kedge anchors to draw the ship forward, and wetting the sails down to take advantage of every breath of wind, Hull slowly made headway against the pursuing British. After two days and nights of toil in the relentless July heat, Constitution finally eluded her pursuers. [PAR] Locked in combat, Constitution brings down Guerriere's mizzenmast [PAR] But
"I Like Ike" was the campaign slogan for what eventual US president?
dwight eisenhower
[DOC] [TLE] I Like Ike - Rewind The Fifties: Fifties Sixties Fashion ...Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower [PAR] I Like Ike [PAR] Author: Jeff Little [PAR] Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower once said, "Any man who wants to be president is either an egomaniac or crazy." But history would prove him wrong. As 34th President of the United States, Eisenhower was far from egomaniacal and was definitely not crazy. Ike was, instead, beloved by the American people and intelligent enough to allow the citizenry of The United States a chance to take a well-deserved breather after the ravages of World War II and the Korean War. [PAR] Ike would turn out to be the only professional career soldier elected to the presidency in the 20th century. And as a soldier, Eisenhower could appreciate peace better than most. He not only appreciated it, but delivered it to a country hungry for a respite from war. [PAR] As Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe, Eisenhower was a hero years before he was elected president. Having played a key role in bringing World War II to an end in Europe, his 1952 campaign slogan "I like Ike" seemed almost redundant. Who didn't like Ike? [PAR] No stranger to victory, Eisenhower won his 1952 election bid and was inaugurated as President of the United States in 1953. One of the promises he had made while campaigning became a reality shortly thereafter when in July of 1953 he brought about a cease-fire and eventual end to the Korean War. [PAR] The Eisenhower presidency was off to a successful and very popular start. And the popularity of the administration would carry Ike through not one, but two terms as President. [PAR] As Commander in Chief, Eisenhower wielded the power that represented our part in the Cold War with the Soviet Union and involved numerous covert operations that took place throughout the 50's. But on the surface, for the American public, all was peaceful, steady, and dependable. Just like Ike. [PAR] Born in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, David Dwight Eisenhower (later favoring his middle name) was one of seven brothers. And foreshadowing how he would be remembered in the political arena, Ike was right in the middle (born third child of the seven). [PAR] Moderation, honor, stability, and a trustworthy nature were what Eisenhower showed throughout his life. Qualities that made him the perfect man to lead the United States into a comfortable, secure glide through the 50's. Ike gave us all a chance to just relax. [PAR] He graduated West Point in 1915, married Mamie Geneva Doud in 1916, had two sons (one who died tragically in childhood), and would later have a grandson who would provide some interesting historical footnotes. Grandson David Eisenhower would eventually have Camp David named after him and would, in 1968, marry President Nixon's daughter Julie. [PAR] Working his way up through the U.S. Army ranks, Ike eventually capped off his military career as the Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe and was instrumental in ending Word War II. And from there it was on to the White House where he served from 1953 - 1961. [PAR] Eisenhower embodied a stable, scandal-free life and career, a talent for leadership that guided the U.S. comfortably through the 50's, and a genuine fatherly demeanor. No wonder everyone was saying, "I like Ike." [PAR] [DOC] [TLE] Dwight Eisenhower - A Brief History of Campaign Songs - TIMEDwight Eisenhower - A Brief History of Campaign Songs - TIME [PAR] A Brief History of Campaign Songs [PAR] Dwight Eisenhower [PAR] Keystone / Getty [PAR] Irving Berlin — the man who gave us White Christmas, God Bless America and There's No Business Like Show Business — penned this memorable number for the wartime hero-turned 1952 Presidential candidate. A version of the song — then called They Like Ike — first appeared in one of Berlin's musicals, "Call Me Madam
What is the name for the common alloy of silver that consists of 92.5% by mass of silver and 7.5% by mass of other metals, usually copper?
sterling silver
[DOC] [TLE] Difference Between Silver and Sterling SilverDifference Between Silver and Sterling Silver | Difference Between [PAR] Difference Between Silver and Sterling Silver [PAR] • Categorized under Objects | Difference Between Silver and Sterling Silver [PAR] Silver vs. Sterling Silver [PAR] Often, sterling silver and silver are described as the same thing, but in reality, sterling silver is only an alloy of silver. Silver, which is usually called fine silver, consists of 99.9% pure silver. On the other hand, sterling silver consists of approximately 92.5% silver, and the remaining 7.5% (or even more) is of other metals. Because of the high percentage of silver in ‘pure silver,’ it cannot be used to make those daily rough and tuff items. Pure silver is just too soft if it is to be made or shaped into such items. [PAR] Therefore, metal experts add other metals like copper, steel, or iron as substitutes for silver, but they will only serve to fill 7.5 to 8% of the entire metal so that the items made from the combination can stay in their shapes. When one adds other metals to silver to stabilize its shape, he or she is in the process of making sterling silver. The most common use of such is seen in making various utensils, like forks, knives, spoons, coffee sets and many others. [PAR] Sterling silver easily loses its luster in many situations; but in the case of pure silver, it will remain non-responsive to tarnish on its surface. This is because tarnish is more responsive in alloy metals. To test the tarnish tendency of a metal or alloy, you simply have to rub your finger tightly over a shiny piece of your sample material. In sterling silvers, you usually find some dull smudges on your skin. Nevertheless, you can keep your sterling silver items shiny by using a cloth or cotton to regularly and gently clean its surface. Moreover, if you do not use your sterling silver items for a prolonged period of time, you may notice that tarnish starts to appear. [PAR] As far as the uses of silver are concerned, it is used to make fine jewelry and silverware items, as it is a very ductile and lustrous metal. In addition, one of the main characteristics of silver is that it can stay stable in oxygen and water, but it also gets tarnished when it is exposed to sulfur compounds in the air or in a water medium, resulting in a black sulfide layer. Nearly 35% of silver products are used in the photographic industry as well. Lastly, even if silver is known as a nontoxic metal, its salt sometimes tends to be poisonous. [PAR] In summary, there are two major differences between silver and sterling silver: [PAR] 1. Sterling silver is mainly an alloy of silver, consisting of nearly 92.5% fine silver and 7.5% other metals, like copper, which make it less expensive. Fine silver is composed of 99.9% pure silver, and it is a bit more expensive. That’s why it is used for making jewelry, and also in the photography industry. [PAR] 2. Sterling silver is very sensitive to air and water, and it can easily get tarnished on its surface, whereas silver is like gold, which does not tarnish even if it is in constant contact with air and water. [PAR] Related Posts[DOC] [TLE] Silver and Silver Alloys :: Total Materia ArticleSilver and Silver Alloys :: Total Materia Article [PAR] Silver and Silver Alloys [PAR] Abstract: [PAR] Silver and silver alloys are most often associated with beautiful tableware, jewelry and coins. However, more than half or world silver demands are from growing industrial requirements. It is difficult to imagine development in electronics without silver and silver alloys. [PAR] Silver alloys intended for industrial application should be generally characterized by high electrical conductivityas well as high mechanical and functional properties, stable also at elevated temperature. [PAR] Silver is another unique member of the metals family - the "whitest" of all metals. In its pure form this moon-colored metal is highly lustrous, and can be polished to a mirror finish.
What star of the NBC sitcom Cheers was later the focus of the Showtime TV series Fat Actress?
kirstie alley
[DOC] [TLE] ‘Cheers’ Reunion – Rhea Perlman To Co-Star In Kirstie ...‘Cheers’ Reunion – Rhea Perlman To Co-Star In Kirstie Alley’s TV Land Comedy Pilot | Deadline [PAR] ‘Cheers’ Reunion – Rhea Perlman To Co-Star In Kirstie Alley’s TV Land Comedy Pilot [PAR] TV Land [PAR] EXCLUSIVE: Cheers was once a staple on TV Land . Now the cable network, which has shifted its focus from classic sitcom reruns to original comedy series, is reuniting two of the stars of iconic the NBC series. Rhea Perlman is set to co-star opposite Kirstie Alley in the TV Land pilot Giant Baby . Created by Marco Pennette, the project revolves around Madison “Maddie” Banks (Alley), a Broadway star who finds her life turned upside down when Arlo, her long-lost son, turns up looking to connect after his adopted mother has died. Perlman will play Thelma, Maddie’s long-suffering assistant and best friend, who encourages her boss to form a relationship with her son. “We’ve hit the jackpot getting Kirstie and Rhea back together,” said Keith Cox, TV Land’s EVP Development and Original Programming. “It’s a dream to work with such talented comedic actors like these ladies and create a show for them that’s funny and has interesting characters — Giant Baby hits all of those notes.” [PAR] Last year, Innovative Artists-repped Perlman joine [PAR] d her friend Alley on another multi-camera pilot, ABC’s The Manzanis where she played her mother. Before The Manzanis, Perlman and Alley had appeared together only once since their six-season stint together on Cheers — when Perlman played herself in an episode of Alley’s Showtime docu-series Fat Actress. Giant Baby is exec produced by Pennette, Alley and Jason Weinberg.[DOC] [TLE] ‘Cheers’ Reunion – Rhea Perlman To Co-Star In Kirstie ...‘Cheers’ Reunion – Rhea Perlman To Co-Star In Kirstie Alley’s TV Land Comedy Pilot [PAR] ‘Cheers’ Reunion – Rhea Perlman To Co-Star In Kirstie Alley’s TV Land Comedy Pilot [PAR] NELLIE ANDREEVA [PAR] 1 / 3 [PAR] ‘Cheers’ Reunion – Rhea Perlman To Co-Star In Kirstie Alley’s TV Land Comedy Pilot [PAR] EXCLUSIVE: Cheers was once a staple on TV Land . Now the cable network, which has shifted its focus from classic sitcom reruns to original comedy series, is reuniting two of the stars of iconic the NBC series. Rhea Perlman is set to co-star opposite Kirstie Alley in the TV Land pilot Giant Baby. Created by Marco Pennette, the project revolves around Madison “Maddie” Banks (Alley), a Broadway star who finds her life turned upside down when Arlo, her long-lost son, turns up looking to connect after his adopted mother has died. Perlman will play Thelma, Maddie’s long-suffering assistant and best friend, who encourages her boss to form a relationship with her son. “We’ve hit the jackpot getting Kirstie and Rhea back together,” said Keith Cox, TV Land’s EVP Development and Original Programming. “It’s a dream to work with such talented comedic actors like these ladies and create a show for them that’s funny and has interesting characters — Giant Baby hits all of those notes.” [PAR] Last year, Innovative Artists-repped Perlman joined her friend Alley on another multi-camera pilot, ABC’s The Manzanis where she played her mother. Before The Manzanis, Perlman and Alley had appeared together only once since their six-season stint together on Cheers — when Perlman played herself in an episode of Alley’s Showtime docu-series Fat Actress. Giant Baby is exec produced by Pennette, Alley and Jason Weinberg. [PAR] Get more from Follow us on Twitter , Facebook , Newsletter [PAR] Reblog[DOC] [TLE] Travolta to Appear on New Alley Show | BackstageTravolta to Appear on New Alley Show | Backstage [PAR] Travolta to Appear on New Alley Show [PAR] By AP | Posted Oct. 12, 2004, midnight [PAR] Share: [PAR] New York (AP) -- Look who's joining Kirstie Alley. The former "Cheers" actress will be accompanied by John Travolta
October 12, 1492 saw Christopher Columbus make landfall in the New World. In what current country did he touch shore?
[DOC] [TLE] Día de la Raza | Viva CuernavacaDía de la Raza | Viva Cuernavaca [PAR] Día de la Raza [PAR] Since 1928, Mexico has officially noted October 12, as commemorating the first encounters of Europeans and Native Americans, to coincide with the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ landing in the Caribbean Islands, which happened on October 12, 1492. [PAR] Other Names [PAR] Many countries in the New World and elsewhere have unofficially noted the date since the late 1700s. However, it was not noted at all in the Americas until Italian-Americans (Columbus was Italian) observed Columbus Day, the first occasion being in New York City on October 12, 1866. The day is referred to under different names: [PAR] Columbus Day and Discoverers’ Day – USA (1866) [PAR] Native American Day or Indigenous People’s Day – USA Indian Tribes [PAR] National Heroes Day – Bahamas (2001) [PAR] Día de la Raza (“Day of the Race”) – much of Latin America [PAR] Día de la Resistencia Indígena (Day of Indigenous Resistance) – Venezuela (2004) [PAR] Día de las Américas (Day of the Americas) in Belize and Uruguay [PAR] El dia de Cristobal Colon. – Columbia (1921) [PAR] Día del Respeto a la Diversidad Cultural (Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity) in Argentina (1917) [PAR] Día de la Hispanidad (“Hispanicity Day”) in Spain (1957) [PAR] Giornata Nazionale di Cristopher Columbus or Festa Nazionale di Cristoforo Colombo – Italy [PAR] The Original Conception [PAR] Originally conceived of as a commemorating the first encounters of Europeans and Native Americans and of Hispanic influence in the Americas, as evidenced by the complementary celebrations in Spain and Latin America, Día de la Raza has come to be seen by indigenous activists throughout Latin America as a counter to Columbus Day; a celebration of the native races and cultures and of the resistance against the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. [PAR] In Mexico, since 1928, we have officially noted Día de la Raza (Day of the Race, or Day of the People). However, rather than a celebration of discovery, the day was originally referred to the Hispanic influence in the Americas. Día de la Raza has come to be seen by indigenous activists throughout Latin America as a counter to Columbus Day; a celebration of the native races and cultures and of the resistance against the arrival of Europeans in the Americas. In the U.S.A. Día de la Raza has served as a time of mobilization for pan-ethnic Latino activists, particularly in the 1960s. Since then, La Raza has served as a periodic rallying cry for Hispanic activists. The first Hispanic March on Washington (U.S.A.) occurred on Columbus Day in 1996. The name has remained in the largest Hispanic social justice organization, by the National Council of La Raza. [PAR] During the four hundredth anniversary in 1892, in the U.S.A., teachers, preachers, poets and politicians erroneously used Columbus Day rituals to teach ideals of patriotism. These patriotic rituals were framed around themes such as citizenship boundaries, the importance of loyalty to the nation, and celebrating social progress. Columbus was from Italy, but gave his allegiance to Spain. As we shall see in the following paragraphs, Columbus did little to bring about social progress to the New World. [PAR] However, most do not celebrate the day as a joyous one, but as a day of resistance, of sorrow and in respectful memory of the millions who were killed by the Europeans or died from the infectious diseases brought upon the Americas. Today, most know that Columbus did not discover the Americas, he invaded them. Should we continue to pay homage to Christopher Columbus in light of the many atrocities that he instigated on those who had greeted him with kindness and gifts, a man who was responsible for the mass decimation of millions of individuals, all in the name of greed by a foreign government? [PAR] Who Was Columbus? [PAR] Christopher Columbus [PAR] Christopher Columbus, Ital. Cristoforo Colombo was born between 30 and 31 October 1450 in Genoa, Italy, the son of a weaver and died 20 May 1506 in Valladolid, He was an Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer and citizen of the Republic of Genoa
Crenshaw, crane, musk, horned, and honeydew are all types of what?
[DOC] [TLE] Cook's Thesaurus: MelonsCook's Thesaurus: Melons [PAR] African horned melon See kiwano (melon) . [PAR] ambrosia melon Notes: This looks and tastes like a cantaloupe, but the flesh is a brighter orange. Substitutes: cantaloupe [PAR] Canary melon = Juan Canary melon Notes: These tend to vary in quality, so unless you're good at selecting melons, stick with more idiot-proof varieties like the honeydew or cantaloupe. Canaries should, at a minimum, have bright yellow rinds. They're in season in the fall. Substitutes: honeydew OR cantaloupe [PAR] cantaloupe = nutmeg melon = muskmelon = netted melon = rockmelon Notes: These are popular because they're easy to select and very sweet. Ripe cantaloupes have dull yellow backgrounds with raised netting. Avoid those with protruding stems, or tears in the rind at the stem end--it's a tell-tale sign that the melon was picked too soon. When ripe melons are picked, the stem falls off easily, leaving a small, clean depression. After checking the stem end, flip the melon over and check the blossom end. It should be fragrant and yield a bit when pressed. Cantaloupes are cheapest in the summer. Substitutes: Cranshaw melon OR honeydew melon OR Persian melon (larger) [PAR] [PAR] casaba melon Notes: These aren't as flavorful as other melons, but they have a fairly long shelf life. Since they have thick rinds, it's useless to smell them as a test for ripeness. Look instead at the color (it should be bright yellow), and then check to see if the blossom end yields to gentle pressure. Substitutes: Santa Claus melon (These also have a long shelf life.) OR Crenshaw melon OR Spanish melon OR Sharlyn melon OR cantaloupe [PAR] Charantais melon = French Charantais melon Notes: This is reputed to be one of the best melon varieties of all. Substitutes: honeydew melon OR cantaloupe [PAR] Christmas melon See Santa Claus melon . [PAR] [PAR] Crane melon Notes: This melon-cantaloupe cross is exceptionally juicy and flavorful, but it's hard to find outside of Sonoma County, California. Substitutes: cantaloupe [PAR] [PAR] Cranshaw melon = Crenshaw melon Notes: This large, popular melon is a cross between the Persian and Casaba melons. The rinds come in two colors: yellow and creamy white. The yellow ones taste better. You can buy Cranshaws while they're still a little underripe and let them sit on the counter for a few days. When fully ripe, a Cranshaw will be fragrant and yield slightly to gentle pressure at its blossom end. They're best in the fall. Substitutes: casaba melon OR Persian melon OR Sharlyn melon OR Spanish melon OR cantaloupe OR honeydew melon [PAR] English tomato See kiwano (melon) . [PAR] Galia melon Notes: This sweet, juicy melon is a honeydew-cantaloupe cross. Its biggest drawback is its relatively high price. Substitutes: honeydew OR cantaloupe [PAR] hedged gourd See kiwano (melon) . [PAR] honeyball melon = honey ball melon Notes: This is just like a honeydew melon, only it's smaller, rounder, and covered with netting. Substitutes: honeydew melon (larger) OR cantaloupe [PAR] [PAR] honeydew melon = honey dew melon Notes: These large, choice melons have either green or orange flesh. As honeydews ripen, they turn from green to creamy white to yellow. Avoid green ones, but a creamy white one will (unlike other melons) ripen on your counter in a few days. A perfectly ripe honeydew will yield just a bit to pressure at the blossom end and have a sticky, velvety rind.
Knitting uses needles. What does crochet use?
[DOC] [TLE] Crochet Coalition: What uses more yarn?Crochet Coalition: What uses more yarn? [PAR] Crochet Coalition [PAR] My journey as a Crochet Missionary spreading the word of Tunisian Crochet and the Corner to Corner stitch. All materials and photos in this blog © Angela ‘ARNie’ Grabowski 2008. All rights reserved. For a complete list of my Copyright Permissions, please click the link below and then click your browsers Back Button to return here. Copyright Permissions [PAR] Thursday, July 24, 2008 [PAR] What uses more yarn? [PAR] I recently was directed to a blog that had an experiment to 'scientifically' determine which needlework style uses more yarn: Knitting, Classic Crochet, or Tunisian Crochet. [PAR] The blogger's group of friends stitched several swatches with worsted weight yarn, and 6mm sized tools. Their conculsions were that Knitting and Crochet used about the same, but TC used significantly more yarn. [PAR] I believe the experiment was flawed for the following reasons: [PAR] To accurately compare the yarn usage, an experiement should create comparable fabrics; consequentially, the swatches must stitched using different tool sizes for the various needleworks. Eva O. did this when she was at Bella Online, but that experiment was pulled offline when she left. Eva's results reflected my own, and what many TC stitchers in the industry have experienced: Classic Crochet uses the most yarn, Tunisian Crochet uses slightly less than Knitting. [PAR] Actual yarn amounts are extremely varied depending on individual tension and gauge, so saying that Knitting uses 3 times or 1/3 less yarn is grossly over stating the facts... unless the yarn useage was determined by crocheting the piece with a hook size that is appropriate for knitting needles and way too small for crochet. [PAR] Mechanics dictate that Knitting will use less yarn, because all of the stitches are interconnected to one another. The extra steps in forming stitches of Classic Crochet and Tunisian Crochet dictate that they will use more yarn. How much more is determined by individual tension, gauge, size of hook/needle, etc. [PAR] Using larger hooks for Tunisian Crochet will actually lessen the amount of yarn you use, because it loosens up the stitches to create a fabric closer to Knitting and Classic Crochet accomplish with smaller tools. [PAR] Trying to use one size of tool for all the various needlework styles will create different fabrics: a J sized hook with worsted weight yarn would be much too loose for most crocheters, same with the 6mm needles. A J sized hook with Tunisian Crochet will create a fabric so dense you could use it for a rug... if you could control the curl. [PAR] In other words, the 6mm hook is a one size too big for what most stitchers use for classic crochet, and it may be up to 2 sizes too big for what most yarn lables recommend for knitting. For Tunisian Crochet, that 6mm hook is two to three sizes too small. [PAR] All of these will skew the final results, because the appropriate sized stitching tool wasn't used for each style of needlework. [PAR] I would be interested in seeing what results her group gets when they use the size of tool that is more appropriate for the worsted weight yarn... [PAR] Such as.... a 5.5mm (size I) hook with classic crochet; 5mm needles with knitting and an 8mm hook with Tunisian Crochet. [PAR] Scroll down for Unraveling the Truth, to see the whole blogpost. [PAR] Posted by[DOC] [TLE] Tapestry Needle - Free Crochet Patterns & TechniquesA Beginner's Guide to Tapestry Needles [PAR] A Beginner's Guide to Tapestry Needles [PAR] By Amy Solovay [PAR] Updated October 20, 2016. [PAR] A tapestry needle is a hand-sewing needle that is useful to needleworkers who do a variety of different craft techniques: cross stitch, embroidery, sewing, crochet, knitting and others. [PAR] I'm writing this article from a crocheter's perspective, with the goal of introducing tapestry needles to crochet enthusiasts; the discussion centers on information that is relevant specifically to crochet projects. I think this information would also be helpful for knitters; knitters might want to use tapestry needles to perform the same general sorts of
Officially designated the M9, what was the unofficial name of the shoulder fired rocket deployed by US soldiers during WWII?
m1 bazooka
[DOC] [TLE] Map of Bazooka - The Full WikiMap of Bazooka - The Full Wiki [PAR] The Full Wiki [PAR] [PAR] [PAR] Wikipedia article: [PAR] Map showing all locations mentioned on Wikipedia article: [PAR] Bazooka is the common nickname for a man-portable rocket launcher widely fielded by the US Army during World War II . Also referred to as the "Stovepipe", the innovative Bazooka was amongst the first-generation of rocket propelled anti-tank weapons used in infantry combat. Featuring a solid rocket motor for propulsion, it allowed for high explosive (HE) and high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warheads to be delivered against armored vehicles , machine gun nests, and fortified bunkers at ranges beyond that of a standard thrown grenade or mine . The universally-applied nickname arose from the M9 variant's vague resemblance to the tubular musical instrument of the same name invented and popularized in the 1930s by US comedian Bob Burns . [PAR] During the war, German armed forces captured several in early North African encounters and, recognizing the inherent advantages of the design, soon reverse engineered their own version, increasing the warhead diameter to 8.8 cm (amongst other minor changes) and widely issuing it as the Raketenpanzerbüchse "Panzerschreck" ("Tank terror"). [PAR] Due to the novelty and easy recognition of the name, the term "bazooka" continues to be used informally as a genericized term to refer to any shoulder-launched missile weapon . [PAR] Design and development [PAR] The development of the bazooka involved the development of two specific lines of technology: the rocket-powered (recoilless) weapon, and the shaped-charge warhead. [PAR] World War I [PAR] The Rocket-Powered Recoilless Weapon was the brainchild of Dr. Robert H. Goddard as a side project (under Army contract) of his work on rocket propulsion. Goddard, during his tenure at Clark University [PAR] , and working at Mount Wilson Observatory [PAR] for security reasons, designed a tube-fired rocket for military use during World War I. He and his co-worker, Dr. Clarence Hickman, successfully demonstrated his rocket to the U.S. Army Signal Corps at Aberdeen Proving Ground [PAR] , Maryland [PAR] , on November 6, 1918, but as the Compiègne Armistice was signed only five days later, further development was discontinued. The delay in the development of the bazooka was as a result of Goddard's serious bout with tuberculosis. Goddard continued to be a part-time consultant to the U.S. Government at Indian Head, Maryland [PAR] , until 1923, but soon turned his focus to other projects involving rocket propulsion. [PAR] The Shaped Charge [PAR] The development of the explosive shaped charge dates back to the work of American [PAR] physicist Charles Edward Munroe , who did the first practical work on the subject in 1880. This work was augmented in the 1930s by Henry Mohaupt , a Swiss immigrant who worked on shaped-charge explosives design for the War Department (the predecessor of the Department of Defense). [PAR] Mohaupt developed a shaped-charge hand grenade for anti-tank use that was effective at defeating up to 60 mm (2.4 in) of vehicle armor , and was thus by far the best such weapon in the world at the time. The grenade was standardized as the M10. However, the M10 grenade weighed 3.5 lb (1.6 kg), was difficult to throw by hand, and too heavy to be launched as a rifle grenade . The only practical way to use the weapon was for an infantryman to place it directly on the tank , an unlikely means of delivery in most combat situations. A smaller, less powerful version of the M10, the M9, was then developed, which could be fired from a rifle. This resulted in the creation of a series of rifle grenade launchers, the M1 (Springfield M-1903), M2 (Enfield M-1917), and the M7 and M8 for the M1 rifle. However, a truly capable anti-tank weapon had yet to be found, and following the lead of other countries at the time, the U.S. Army prepared to evaluate competing designs for a large and powerful anti-tank rifle. [PAR] Rocket-borne Shaped Charge Weapons Development [PAR] In 1940, U.S.
Richard Francis Burton, who died the 20th of Oct, 1890, first translated Mallanaga Vatsyayana's instructive work in 1884 from its' native Sanskrit. What was the title of this book?
kama sutra
[DOC] [TLE] Richard Francis BurtonSir Richard Francis Burton (19 March 1821 – 20 October 1890) was a British explorer, geographer, translator, writer, soldier, orientalist, cartographer, ethnologist, spy, linguist, poet, fencer, and diplomat. He was famed for his travels and explorations in Asia, Africa and the Americas, as well as his extraordinary knowledge of languages and cultures. According to one count, he spoke 29 European, Asian and African languages. [PAR] Burton's best-known achievements include a well-documented journey to Mecca, in disguise at a time when Europeans were forbidden access on pain of death; an unexpurgated translation of One Thousand and One Nights (commonly called The Arabian Nights in English after early translations of Antoine Galland's French version); the publication of the Kama Sutra in English; and a journey with John Hanning Speke as the first Europeans to visit the Great Lakes of Africa in search of the source of the Nile. [PAR] Burton defied many aspects of the pervasive British ethnocentrism of his day, relishing personal contact with exotic human cultures in all their variety. His works and letters extensively criticized colonial policies of the British Empire, even to the detriment of his career. Although his university education aborted, he became a prolific and erudite author and wrote numerous books and scholarly articles about subjects including human behaviour, travel, falconry, fencing, sexual practices and ethnography. A characteristic feature of his books is the copious footnotes and appendices containing remarkable observations and information. [PAR] Burton was a captain in the army of the East India Company, serving in India (and later, briefly, in the Crimean War). Following this, he was engaged by the Royal Geographical Society to explore the east coast of Africa and led an expedition guided by the locals and was the first European to see Lake Tanganyika. In later life, he served as British consul in Fernando Pó, Santos, Damascus and, finally, Trieste. He was a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and was awarded a knighthood (KCMG) in 1886. [PAR] Biography [PAR] Early life and education (1821–41) [PAR] Burton was born in Torquay, Devon, at 21:30 on 19 March 1821; in his autobiography, he incorrectly claimed to have been born in the family home at Barham House in Elstree in Hertfordshire. He was baptized on 2 September 1821 at Elstree Church in Borehamwood, Hertfordshire. His father, Lt.-Colonel Joseph Netterville Burton, of the 36th Regiment, was an Irish-born British army officer of Anglo-Irish extraction who through his mother's family – the Campbells of Tuam – was a first cousin of Lt.-Colonel Henry Peard Driscoll and Mrs Richard Graves. Richard's mother, Martha Baker, was the daughter and co-heiress of a wealthy English squire, Richard Baker (1762-1824), of Barham House, Hertfordshire, for whom he was named. Burton had two siblings, Maria Katherine Elizabeth Burton (who married Lt.-General Sir Henry William Stisted) and Edward Joseph Netterville Burton, born in 1823 and 1824, respectively. [PAR] Burton's family travelled considerably during his childhood. In 1825, they moved to Tours, France. Burton's early education was provided by various tutors employed by his parents. He first began a formal education in 1829 at a preparatory school on Richmond Green in Richmond, Surrey, run by Rev. Charles Delafosse. Over the next few years, his family travelled between England, France, and Italy. Burton showed an early gift for languages and quickly learned French, Italian, Neapolitan, and Latin, as well as several dialects. During his youth, he was rumored to have carried on an affair with a young Roma (Gypsy) woman, even learning the rudiments of her language, Romani. The peregrinations of his youth may have encouraged Burton to regard himself as an outsider for much of his life. As he put it, "Do what thy manhood bids thee do, from none but self expect applause". [PAR] Burton matriculated at Trinity College, Oxford, on 19 November 1840. Before getting a room at the college, he lived for a short time in the house of
Oct 23 is the anniversary of the release of the first iPod from Apple. What year was it?
[DOC] [TLE] A History of the iPod : 2000 to 2004 | Low End MacA History of the iPod: 2000 to 2004 | Low End Mac [PAR] A History of the iPod: 2000 to 2004 [PAR] Tom Hormby - 2013.08.10 [PAR] More than any other product from Apple, the iPod has changed the company and the world. Before its introduction, MP3 players were the realm of small companies with limited budgets that were unable to provide content. After the iPod, the entire industry evolved and grew to the point where the largest computer companies in the world have major interests in the digital music industry. [PAR] Part 1: 2000-2004 [PAR] The First iPod: 1,000 Songs in Your Pocket [PAR] The 2nd Generation iPod: Adding Windows Support [PAR] The 3rd Generation iPod: Apple Tries Buttons, Adds Dock Connector & USB [PAR] The iPod mini: Introducing the Clickwheel [PAR] The 4th Generation iPod [PAR] The iPod photo: Beyond Black & White [PAR] Part 2: 2005-present [PAR] The iPod shuffle: Small and No Screen [PAR] The iPod nano: Small with a Screen [PAR] The video iPod: Beyond Still Images [PAR] The 2nd Generation nano: Tougher [PAR] The 2nd Generation shuffle: Tiny [PAR] The iPhone: More than an iPod Smartphone [PAR] iPod touch, classic, video nano, and more [PAR] iPhone 3G: Twice as fast, half the price [PAR] September 2008: iPod line overhauled [PAR] iPod Innovation [PAR] Tony Fadell , former employee of General Magic and Phillips, envisioned a brand new MP3 player. Unlike the bulky flash memory-based MP3 players from Rio and other companies, Fadell wanted to deliver a small, hard drive-based player that was linked with a content delivery system where users could legally obtain and download music. [PAR] The first company he pitched it to was RealNetworks in 2000, where the CEO, Rob Glaser, was already in control of a large content delivery system through Real’s premium radio and television channels. Real could not rationalize going through the trouble of releasing an accessory to their already profitable system, and Real would be caught off guard when the iTunes Music Store opened. [PAR] Fadell also approached Phillips, which also rebuffed him. [PAR] Fadell Comes to Apple [PAR] Out of desperation, Fadell turned to Apple, which years before had sworn off consumer electronics after their unsuccessful Pippin and Newton. The executives at Apple were very enthusiastic about implementing Fadell’s plan at Apple – unbeknownst to Fadell, Apple had bought the rights to SoundJam MP months before. He was hired in early 2001 and was given a development team of around 30 people and a deadline of one year to release a successful product. [PAR] PortalPlayer [PAR] Fadell was not confident that Apple would fund (or even complete) the development of custom hardware and software for the player, so he shopped around for an existing player to use as the basis of the Apple player. After briefly looking at Rio and Creative, the team found PortalPlayer, a new company that had not yet released a full product. [PAR] PortalPlayer was assisting other companies to develop MP3 players based on common software. Before Apple approached them, their most promising customer was IBM, which was working on a black, flash memory-based player with a Bluetooth headphone system. The executives at PortalPlayer did not like the chances of IBM releasing a consumer MP3 player, so they jumped at Apple’s offer to design their player’s software exclusively. [PAR] Several of the prototypes that PortalPlayer had been working on were delivered to Fadell’s group at Apple, and it became clear that the two had lots of work to do. For example, the players did not support playlists larger than ten songs, did not have equalizers, and had Byzantine interfaces. [PAR] Perhaps worst of all, the player’s batteries lasted for less than three hours. According to the liaison between Apple and PortalPlayer, Ben Knauss , “Most of the time building the iPod was spent finishing [PortalPlayer’s] product.” [PAR] Steve Jobs took a very active role in the project, scheduling frequent meetings with the directors from Fadell’s group and PortalPlayer. During these meetings he would tell them in detail what issues he had with the device, whether it was the interface, sound
What brand of gum, packaged in a red, white, and blue wrapper, includes a small comic featuring a black eye patch, blue hat wearing character with each individually wrapped piece?
bazooka gum
[DOC] [TLE] Sweet News Newsletter 89 - CandyBaskets.comSweet News Newsletter 89 [PAR] Bazooka bubble gum was first marketed shortly after World War II in the [PAR] U.S. [PAR] by the Topps Company of [PAR] Brooklyn [PAR] , [PAR] New York [PAR] . The gum was packaged in a red, white, and blue colour scheme. Beginning in 1953, Topps changed the packaging to include small comic strips with the gum, featuring the character "Bazooka Joe". There are 75 different "Bazooka Joe" comic-strip wrappers to collect. Also on the comic strip is an offer for a premium and a fortune.[2] Older Bazooka comic strips were larger in size and are no longer available. [PAR] [PAR] In addition to "Original", Topps eventually included the flavors "Strawberry Shake," "Cherry Berry," "Watermelon Whirl," and "Grape Rage." Bazooka gum also makes sugar-free flavors such as "Original" and a "Flavor Blasts" variety, claimed to have a longer lasting, more intense taste. Bazooka gum comes in two different sizes. [PAR] [PAR] Bazooka bubblegum is sold in many countries, often with Bazooka Joe comic strips translated to the local language. Bazooka gum is sold in [PAR] Canada [PAR] with cartoons in both English and French, depending upon the city. In [PAR] Israel [PAR] , it is manufactured under license by Elite; the cartoons are written in Hebrew. [PAR] [PAR] In November 2011, Bazooka Brands announced they would no longer include comics, instead using brain-teasing puzzle wrappers in an attempt to modernize the brand. [PAR] [PAR] In popular culture[] [PAR] [PAR] In May 2009 it was announced that the Bazooka Joe comic was to be adapted into a [PAR] Hollywood [PAR] Bazooka Joe was referenced in the Seinfeld episode "The Cafe." [PAR] [PAR] Bazooka Joe gum was lampooned on 30 Rock, with Alec Baldwin's character telling a fictional story of the founder inheriting a "useless pink rock quarry" and turning it into gum by baking it. Later, a "softer version of their gum was used to make armor-piercing bullets."[4] A fictional advertisement for the gum, starring Stacy Keach, encouraged viewers to chew Bazooka Joe gum "because life is hard," and "it's like chewing a mountain that someone shot a freeze ray into."[5] It was also referenced in a November 2013 episode of How I Met Your Mother when [PAR] Marshall [PAR] made a joke that was not submitted to be part of the Bazooka jokes. [PAR] [PAR] Bazooka Joe [PAR] [PAR] For the British punk rock band, see Bazooka Joe (band). For the alcoholic drink, see Shooter (mixed drink)#Cocktails with less common spirits. [PAR] [PAR] A Bazooka Joe comic [PAR] [PAR] Bazooka Joe is a comic strip character featured on small comics included inside individually wrapped pieces of Bazooka bubblegum. He wears a black eyepatch, lending him a distinctive appearance. He is one of the more recognizable American advertising characters of the 20th century, due to worldwide distribution, and one of the few identifiable ones associated. [PAR] [PAR] With sales of Bazooka bubble gum down, Bazooka Brands announced in November 2012 that they will no longer include the comic strip in their packaging. The new wrapper will include brain teasers, instructions, and codes that can be used to unlock videos and video games. The company stated that Bazooka Joe and other characters will occasionally appear on the new packaging.[1] [PAR] [PAR] Characters and story[] [PAR] [PAR] Bazooka Joe is joined in his various misadventures by a motley crew of characters, who came from the tradition of syndicated kid gang comic strips such as Gene Byrnes' Reg'lar Fellers and Ad Carter's Just Kids. The group includes: [PAR] Pesty (formerly Orville), who may be Joe's younger brother, with a 1950s cowboy sombrero [PAR] Mort, a gangly boy who always wears his red turtleneck sweater pulled up over his mouth [PAR] Hungry Herman, Joe's tubby pal [PAR] Jane, Joe's girlfriend [PAR] Toughie, a sailor hat-wearing, streetwise type [PAR] Metaldude, a blond mulleted fan of heavy metal music [PAR] Walkie Talkie, a neighborhood mutt [PAR] [PAR] The comics generally consist of soft,
If a dish is described as ‘Mornay’ what is it served with?
cheese sauce
[DOC] [TLE] Mornay sauceA Mornay sauce is a Béchamel sauce with shredded or grated Gruyère cheese added. Some variations use different combinations of Gruyère, Emmental cheese, or white Cheddar. [PAR] Etymology [PAR] The name origin of Mornay sauce is debated. It may be named after Philippe, duc de Mornay (1549–1623), Governor of Saumur and seigneur du Plessis-Marly, writer and diplomat, but a cheese sauce at his table would have to have been based on what we would term a velouté sauce, for Béchamel had not yet been concocted. [PAR] Sauce Mornay does not appear in Le cuisinier Royal, 10th edition, 1820. Perhaps sauce Mornay is not older than the great Parisian restaurant of the 19th century, Le Grand Véfour in the arcades of the Palais-Royal, where sauce Mornay was introduced. [PAR] In the Tout-Paris of Charles X, the Mornay name was represented by two stylish men, the marquis de Mornay and his brother, styled comte Charles. They figure in Lady Blessington's memoir of a stay in Paris in 1828–29, The Idler in France. They might also be considered, when an eponym is sought for sauce Mornay.[DOC] [TLE] What is Mornay Sauce? (with pictures) - wiseGEEKWhat is Mornay Sauce? (with pictures) [PAR] What is Mornay Sauce? [PAR] Last Modified Date: 19 December 2016 [PAR] Copyright Protected: [PAR] Can you see through these real-life optical illusions? [PAR] Mornay sauce is a classic French sauce named after the Duke of Mornay in the late 16th or early 17th century. The name itself is interesting, because Mornay is a mixture of melted cheese in a béchamel sauce, a cream sauce made from a roux . Béchamel sauce had not been invented when Mornay sauce was first made, however. As a result, it’s commonly thought that some the original cheese sauce that was given this name was probably a bit different, but that it was later improved upon by mixing cheese with béchamel. [PAR] The classic Mornay sauce is composed of a mixture of Gruyere and Parmesan cheeses, usually in a half-and-half ratio to cooked béchamel. The cheese melts quickly, creating a savory sauce. The French may use it to top steamed vegetables, or on seafood and poultry dishes. It can also be mixed in with pasta to make a variant of macaroni or Alfredo. Some people use this sauce as part of the layers of lasagna. [PAR] Cooks can certainly change the cheeses they add to get different flavors in the end result. White cheddar is a common substitution, resulting in a sauce that can be used to make a very creamy macaroni and cheese dish. Children who are picky about vegetables may enjoy them more if they are topped with white cheddar sauce. [PAR] When making Mornay sauce, a chef must use hard or semi-hard cheeses. Cooks can get away with some jack cheeses, and also hard goat cheeses . Cheese like brie or blue cheese are not the best choices, and cream cheeses or fresh mozzarella won’t melt the right way to give the sauce its creamy consistency. The French tend to avoid any but white cheeses when making this sauce, so cooks who want to keep it authentic shouldn't add orange or yellow cheddar. On the other hand, some children may be bigger fans of an orange colored cheese sauce than they are of a white sauce . [PAR] Mornay sauce is not low in fat — a butter roux mixed with cream or whole milk and whole milk cheese is going to pack some calories. Chefs can lighten the calorie load a bit by using a low fat milk to add to the roux, and by using good low fat cheeses. Some people may also want to try using a little bit less of the sauce than they might normally, too, since this will lessen the overall calories. Sauces in France are used as accents to meals but not meant to obscure the flavors of good, fresh food. [PAR] Ad[DOC] [TLE] Classic Mornay Sauce : Emeril Lagasse - Food NetworkClassic Mornay Sauce Recipe : Emeril Lagasse : Food Network [PAR] Colby [PAR] 4.9 8 [PAR] fantastic recipe... I made it with the guyere
Who penned the classic mystery novel And Then There Were None?
agatha christie
[DOC] [TLE] Agatha Christie's 'And Then There Were None ... - DeadlineAgatha Christie’s ‘And Then There Were None’: Morten Tyldum To Direct Fox Movie | Deadline [PAR] Agatha Christie [PAR] EXCLUSIVE: 20th Century Fox has acquired the feature rights to Agatha Christie ’s classic mystery novel And Then There Were None , and the studio has set The Imitation Game‘s Morten Tyldum to direct. Eric Heisserer will adapt Christie’s 1939 novel, which has sold more than 100 million copies to establish itself as the all-time biggest-selling mystery novel. The film will be produced by 21 Laps’ Shawn Levy, Dan Levine and Dan Cohen, along with Hilary Strong and the author’s estate, Agatha Christie Productions. Daria Cercek will oversee for Fox. [PAR] Sony Engaging 'Imitation Game' Helmer Morten Tyldum For Space Saga 'Passengers' [PAR] The novel follows 10 strangers who are tempted to come to Soldier Island for different reasons. They soon realize they were brought there under false pretenses and are trapped, and are being bumped off one by one for crimes we learn they committed but were never punished for. They begin to realize that the killer is one of the 10. Levy’s 21 Laps has been pursuing this for years; the production company has previously worked with Heisserer on the Ted Chiang short-story adaptations Story Of Your Life and Understand. They pitched a take that got the Christie estate excited. Tyldum is a big fan of the novel and he helped hone the pitch. [PAR] Tyldum, whose The Imitation Game was a Best Picture Oscar nominee, is now in production on Passengers, the Jon Spaights-scripted science fiction film that stars Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt at Sony. The producers just wrapped the sci-fi thriller Story Of Your Life at Paramount. Pic’s directed by Sicario helmer Denis Villeneuve, and stars Amy Adams, Jeremy Renner and Forest Whitaker. 21 Laps also wrapped the Jeff Blitz-directed comedy Table 19 and are about to get underway with the Ice Cube-Charlie Day-starrer Fist Fight and the John Hamburg comedy Why Him? at Fox, along with the Netflix horror series Stranger Things. [PAR] WME reps Tyldum, Heisserer, RLJ Productions and 21 Laps. Tyldum is managed by Anonymous Content, and Heisserer by Art/Work.[DOC] [TLE] Book Review: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie ...Book Review: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie | Pretty Books [PAR] Book Review: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie [PAR] Published: 3rd September 2007 (1939) [PAR] Publisher: Harper [PAR] More: Goodreads [PAR] I chose And Then There Were None as my fifth classic of the year because it’s ‘the world’s best-selling mystery’ with ‘over 100 million copies sold’. Who hasn’t heard of Agatha Christie? I love reading books that have puzzling plots yet I’ve read so few, and so I thought it was time to pick up a mystery classic (which had, shall we say, two not so politically correct previous titles ). [PAR] I rarely come across a book that I am able to summarise in so few words, but here it is: And Then There Were None is the story of ten individuals who are invited to an isolated house on Soldier Island, Devon. During their first dinner together, a recorded message accuses each of them of a terrible crime. One by one, they begin to die. One of guests must be the killer, but who is it? The idea for And Then There Were None is so simple yet it must’ve been extremely difficult to execute. Agatha Christie does it brilliantly and the book deserves its praise and critical acclaim. [PAR] I read And Then There Were None in three hours without putting it down; a completely terrifying and thrilling experience. I loved reading about each of the characters at the beginning. I made a note of them – who they were and how they ended up on the island – and crossed them off as they died, which initially was done to aid my memory, but it made the reading experience much more exciting. The deaths are not at all gruesome so if you’re worried
September 29, 1966 saw the introduction of what Chevrolet muscle car, still in production today, whose name supposedly means "a small, vicious animal that eats Mustangs."?
[DOC] [TLE] ChevroletChevrolet ( ), colloquially referred to as Chevy and formally the Chevrolet Division of General Motors Company, is an American automobile division of the American manufacturer General Motors (GM). Louis Chevrolet and ousted General Motors founder William C. Durant started the company on November 3, 1911 as the Chevrolet Motor Car Company. Durant used the Chevrolet Motor Car Company to acquire a controlling stake in General Motors with a reverse merger occurring on May 2, 1918 and propelled himself back to the GM presidency. After Durant's second ousting in 1919, Alfred Sloan, with his maxim "a car for every purse and purpose," would pick the Chevrolet brand to become the volume leader in the General Motors family, selling mainstream vehicles to compete with Henry Ford's Model T in 1919 and overtaking Ford as the best-selling car in the United States by 1929. [PAR] Chevrolet-branded vehicles are sold in most automotive markets worldwide, with the notable exception of Oceania, where GM is represented by its Australian subsidiary, Holden. In 2005, Chevrolet was relaunched in Europe, primarily selling vehicles built by GM Daewoo of South Korea with the tagline "Daewoo has grown up enough to become Chevrolet", a move rooted in General Motors' attempt to build a global brand around Chevrolet. With the reintroduction of Chevrolet to Europe, GM intended Chevrolet to be a mainstream value brand, while GM's traditional European standard-bearers, Opel of Germany, and Vauxhall of England would be moved upmarket. However, GM reversed this move in late 2013, announcing that the brand would be withdrawn from Europe, with the exception of the Camaro and Corvette in 2016. Chevrolet vehicles will continue to be marketed in the CIS states, including Russia. After General Motors fully acquired GM Daewoo in 2011 to create GM Korea, the last usage of the Daewoo automotive brand was discontinued in its native South Korea and succeeded by Chevrolet. [PAR] In North America, Chevrolet produces and sells a wide range of vehicles, from subcompact automobiles to medium-duty commercial trucks. Due to the prominence and name recognition of Chevrolet as one of General Motors' global marques, Chevrolet, Chevy or Chev is used at times as a synonym for General Motors or its products, one example being the GM LS1 engine, commonly known by the name or a variant thereof of its progenitor, the Chevrolet small-block engine. [PAR] History [PAR] On November 3, 1911, Swiss race car driver and automotive engineer Louis Chevrolet co-founded the Chevrolet Motor Company in Detroit with William C. Durant and investment partners William Little (maker of the Little automobile), James H. Whiting, Dr. Edwin R. Campbell (son-in-law of Durant) and in 1912 R. S. McLaughlin CEO of General Motors in Canada. [PAR] Durant was cast out from the management of General Motors in 1910 for five years. He took over the Flint Wagon Works, incorporating the Mason and Little companies. As head of Buick Motor Company prior to founding GM, Durant had hired Louis Chevrolet to drive Buicks in promotional races. Durant planned to use Chevrolet's reputation as a racer as the foundation for his new automobile company. The first factory location was in Flint, Michigan at the corner of Wilcox and Kearsley Street, now known as "Chevy Commons" at coordinates , along the Flint River, across the street from Kettering University. [PAR] Actual design work for the first Chevy, the costly Series C Classic Six, was drawn up by Etienne Planche, following instructions from Louis. The first C prototype was ready months before Chevrolet was actually incorporated. However the first actual production wasn't until the 1913 model. So in essence there were no 1911 or 1912 production models, only the 1 pre-production model was made and fine tuned throughout the early part of 1912. Then in the fall of that year the new 1913 model was introduced at the New York auto show. [PAR] Chevrolet first used the "bowtie emblem" logo in 1914 on the H series models (Royal Mail and Baby Grand) and The L Series Model (Light Six). It may have been designed from wallpaper Durant once saw in
What is the main alcoholic ingredient in the cocktail known as a zombie?
[DOC] [TLE] The Zombie Cocktail | Cocktail RecipesThe Zombie Cocktail | Cocktail Recipes [PAR] The Zombie Cocktail [PAR] Post 42 of 49 ‹‹ ›› [PAR] April 22, 2013 Recipes [PAR] The Zombie cocktail is one of the few cocktails with known origins, and it was invented by Donn Beach in the 1930s, at his Hollywood restaurant, Don the Beachcomber. This cocktail was named like this thanks to its effects on the drinker and it soon became popular across America. What is special about the drink is that it uses various types of rum, as well as some liqueurs and fruit juices. [PAR] The Zombie Cocktail Pictures [PAR] Apparently, the drink is so strong that at any location of Don the Beachcomber restaurants, the bartenders are only allowed to serve two Zombies to each customer who asks for them. The legend goes that Donn Beach first prepared this drink for a customer with a hangover that needed to attend a business meeting. Instead, the customer returned a few days later to complain that the drink had been too strong and he had felt like a zombie the entire time. Since then, it has been known that the Zombie cocktail hides its high alcoholic potency in the sweetness of the fruit juices, so it must be consumed carefully and responsibly. [PAR] Another interesting story about the Zombie cocktail is that the original recipe was fully known only by the inventor himself, who gave instructions that contained coded references to his bartenders so nobody got to steal his cocktail recipes. Thus, we know that the original recipe was made with three different types of rum, Angostura bitters, falernum, grenadine, lime juice, Pernod and “Don’s mix” which was probably a mixture of grapefruit juice with cinnamon syrup. Donn, who had a knack for business and had been a bootlegger during the Prohibition, was the man who launched the trend for Tiki restaurants with exotic themes and drinks. [PAR] It was only natural then that Donn would protect his recipes viciously, so much so that he even altered them every few years. This is why today the exact original recipe of the Zombie cocktail is unknown and most restaurants and bars serve variations. If you want to prepare the cocktail, you need to use a tall glass and a shaker where you pour ice and over it, the following ingredients in equal parts: white rum, golden rum, dark rum, apricot brandy, pineapple juice and lime juice. After you shake them well, you pour the mixture into the glass and then half a part of 151-proof rum. The glass can be garnished with cherries, pineapple, umbrellas and straws. [PAR] Related Cocktails[DOC] [TLE] Zombie Cocktail - Florida Keys GuideZombie Cocktail - Florida Keys Guide [PAR] Florida Keys Guide [PAR] Try this Zombie Cocktail On For Size! [PAR] For all of you Rum drinkers out there, let’s do 4 [PAR] Rumor has it… [PAR] The Big Z [PAR] the Zombie Cocktail was invented in 1934 by Donn Beach. Mr. Beach is known for Hollywood’s Don the Beachcomber restaurant.In Don’s former life, he was known as Ernest Raymond Beaumont-Gannt. [PAR] Anyway, the Zombie Cocktail gained traction and popularity at the 1939 World’s Fair in New York’s Flushing Meadows-Corona Park. [PAR] The Zombie, also know as the “Skull Puncher” contains fruit juices, various rums and various liqueurs. [PAR] Legend has it… [PAR] that Don created the cocktail to help a hung-over customer make it through a business meeting. Several days later the same customer showed up complaining he had been turned into a Zombie for the entire trip. [PAR] With that said… [PAR] The following cocktail recipe is one of many, but a tried and true favorite among rum drinkers! Try a “Zombie” at your next get together! [PAR] If you enjoy this Zombie Recipe, pay it forward! [PAR] Share it with your family and friends! [PAR] [PAR] 1 oz lime juice (fresh lime is always best) [PAR] 1 oz light rum [PAR] 1 oz dark rum or anejo rum [PAR] 1 oz orange juice [PAR] 1 tsp. of simple syrup [PAR] [PAR] Mix the ingredients well in an ice filled cocktail shaker. [PAR] Strain into a highball or Tom Collins glass with ice. [PAR]
Oct 20, 1977 saw a plane crash that killed Ronnie Van Zant, Steve Gaines, Cassie Gaines, Dean Kilpatrick and the pilot and co-pilot, ripping the heart out of what Southern band?
[DOC] [TLE] Cassie Gaines - First thoughts aboutCassie Gaines - First thoughts about [PAR] Cassie Gaines [PAR] Cassie LaRue Gaines (January 9, 1948 – October 20, 1977) was an American singer. She was a member of the female gospel vocal trio The Honkettes, who in 1975 became the backup singers for Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd. [PAR] Write here your first thoughts about Cassie Gaines ... [PAR] 12 Aug 2016 02:14 [PAR] Rowdy Gaines is an absolute broadcasting treasure. [PAR] 12 Aug 2016 01:22 [PAR] find something that excites you as much as swimming excites Rowdy Gaines [PAR] 10 Mar 2016 19:49 [PAR] 1977, , Steve Gaines and Cassie Gaines from were in a Plane Crash [PAR] 07 Mar 2016 14:12 [PAR] short and simple: Cassie Blake and Richard Carver killed me - shot me and left me to drown. Then: To Connor Ryan-Gaines and Steve> [PAR] 17 Jan 2016 18:05 [PAR] Cassie LaRue Gaines . She was a singer who was recognized for her talents . The timing was perfect… [PAR] 17 Jan 2016 05:06 [PAR] I wish my mind worked like Joanna Gaines from fixer upper [PAR] 29 Nov 2015 05:04 [PAR] My copy has "Cassie Gaines" (as in Skynyrd) written on it, her record originally. [PAR] 08 Nov 2015 11:38 [PAR] Today in 1977, Ronnie Van Zant , Steve Gaines & Cassie Gaines of died in a plane crash htt… [PAR] 19 Oct 2015 18:06 [PAR] A nice video from CMT leading up to tomorrows passing of Ronnie Van Zant , . Steve Gaines , Cassie Gaines, assistant... [PAR] 04 Apr 2015 19:30 [PAR] Apparently being a member of Lynyrd Skynyrd is hazardous to your health. Up to 8 deceased ex-members (9 if we're counting Cassie Gaines). [PAR] 15 Jan 2015 22:57 [PAR] ON THIS DAY IN ROCK AND MUSIC: JANUARY 15 1958, The Everly Brothers made their debut on British TV appearing on The Perry Como Show. 1961, The Supremes signed a world wide recording contract with Motown Records. Originally founded as the Primettes, they became the most commercially successful of Motown's acts and are, to date, America's most successful vocal group with 12 No.1 singles on the Billboard Hot 100. 1964, The Beatles performed live at the Cinema Cyrano, Versailles, France, before an audience of 2,000. The show was a warm-up for a three-week engagement at the Olympia Theatre that would start the next day in Paris. 1965, The Who released their first single 'I Can't Explain'. With Jimmy Page on guitar and The Ivy League on backing vocals, it went on to reach No.8 on the UK chart. 1967, The Rolling Stones were forced to change the lyrics of 'Let’s Spend The Night Together' to Let’s Spend Some Time Together when appearing on the US TV The Ed Sullivan Show, after the producers objected to the con ... [PAR] 15 Jan 2015 22:51 [PAR] Happy birthday to the late great Ronald Wayne "Ronnie" Van Zant (January 15, 1948 – October 20, 1977) an American lead vocalist, primary lyricist, and a founding member of the Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd . He was the older brother of current lead vocalist Johnny Van Zant and of the founder and vocalist of 38 Special, Donnie Van Zant. He is the father of singer Tammy Van Zant and cousin of musician Jimmie Van Zant. He was born and raised in Jacksonville, Florida, to Lacy (1915–2004) and Marion (1929–2000) Van Zant. Van Zant aspired to be many things before finding his love for music. Notably, Ronnie was interested in becoming a boxer (as Muhammad Ali was one of his idols) and in playing professional baseball. Ronnie also tossed around the idea of becoming a stock car racer. He would say that he was going to be the most famous person to come out of Jacksonville since stock car racer Lee Roy Yarbrough. On October 20, 1977, a Convair CV-300 carrying the band between shows from Greenville, South Ca ... [PAR] 15 Jan 2015 22:46 [PAR] R.I.P. Ronnie Van Zant founding member of Lynyard Skynyrd. Would have been his birthday today. One of the great early southern rock bands. He died
Athos, Porthos, and Aramis are collectively known as whom?
trois mousquetaires
[DOC] [TLE] Athos (Character) - BiographyAthos (Character) - Biography [PAR] biography [PAR] The content of this page was created by users. It has not been screened or verified by IMDb staff. [PAR] Warning! This character biography may contain plot spoilers. [PAR] Visit our Character Biography Help to learn more. [PAR] Character Biography [PAR] History [PAR] Discuss [PAR] Athos is the leader of the group known as The Three Musketeers from Alexandre Dumas Pere's novel LE TROIS MOUSQUETAIRES/THE THREE MUSKETEERS (1844). Like his fellow Musketeers Porthos and Aramis, Athos makes a dueling opponent with the young D'Artagnan (when the Gascon accidentally bumps into his wounded shoulder), but eventually becomes his friend. Athos had a past as a nobleman known by the title of Comte de le Fere. However, his past turned tragic when he learned the woman he loved and married was a criminal branded with the fluer-de-lis. The betrayal broke the Comte into forsaking his past life and nobility. Now a cynical realist fond of drinking, Athos is nevertheless loyal to his Musketeer comrades, especially D'Artagnan whom he loves like a son. Unlike Porthos and Aramis, Athos is given a major role in many of the film adaptations, with his association with his former wife- now Milady de Winter- a major dramatic plot point carried over from the novel. However, like Porthos and Aramis, he is given a small role in many film adaptations of THE MAN IN THE IRON MASK. [PAR] The 1921 United Artists/Douglas Fairbanks version and its sequel THE IRON MASK omit Athos' past and relationship with Milady. [PAR] The 1935 RKO Radio Pictures version has Athos with a Hungarian accent. Unlike the depressed character of the novel, this Athos has a rather friendly and cuddly personality. His only dramatic nature concerns his former wife Milady de Winter, who was branded for murdering his brother. He is reunited with Milady when the woman stops at a tavern with a captive D'Artagnan. He captures her and reveals her history to D'Artagnan. Reaching his ancestral home, Athos is unable to keep Milady from making a suicidal jump into the river. [PAR] The 1939 20th Century-Fox/Ritz Brothers version has Athos, Porthos, and Aramis quickly defeated and impersonated by the Three Lackeys. [PAR] The 1948 MGM version gives major focus to his relationship with Milady, whom he refers here as Charlotte. His backstory with her is altered in that her branding occurs AFTER their marriage (by his consent). Athos' association with Milady is ambiguous: Seeing her as an evil woman, Athos can't help but still love her. When they meet again after many years, Athos feels the urge to kiss her (she responds by trying to stab him). When it is learned that Constance has been made jailer to Milady in England, Athos fears his former wife's machinations and follows D'Artagnan to England to rescue her. They are too late as Charlotte has murdered Constance. Consoling his grief-stricken friend, Athos convinces D'Artagnan to have revenge. They pinpoint the murderess' whereabouts to a chateau in Lille- her old home with Athos. They capture the woman and bring the Executioner of Lille to exact final justice. Charlotte begs mercy, but Athos cannot dare to forgive her evil self. He kisses her again, giving Charlotte strength to go to her fate. [PAR] The 1974 Richard Lester version- THE THREE MUSKETEERS (THE QUEEN'S DIAMONDS) and THE FOUR MUSKETEERS (THE REVENGE OF MILADY)- gives Athos a more brutal nature in his fights. His drinking is also given a source of humor. These traits are continued in the 1989 sequel THE RETURN OF THE MUSKETEERS. [PAR] The 1993 Disney version gives a different interpretation to Athos' relationship with Milady, here called Sabine. A happily married couple, Athos learns Sabine bears the fluer-de-lis brand on her shoulder- a mark for execution. He betrays her to the authorities. Believing her to be dead, Athos is surprised to cross paths with his former wife, now a minion of Cardinal Richelieu. He and the Musketeers capture her and learn that her brother-in-law Count de Winter wishes to condemn her for the death of his brother- her latest husband.
Which Peanuts character waits up every Halloween night for a visit from the Great Pumpkin?
[DOC] [TLE] Great Pumpkin - Peanuts Wiki - WikiaGreat Pumpkin | Peanuts Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia [PAR] Share [PAR] Ad blocker interference detected! [PAR] Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers [PAR] Wikia is not accessible if you’ve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as expected. [PAR] Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin. [PAR] The Great Pumpkin is an unseen imaginary character in the Peanuts comic strip by Charles M. Schulz . The existence of the Great Pumpkin is a strongly-held belief by Linus , who has often been described as the most intelligent of the group, and yet, the most gullible. Linus firmly believes that on Halloween night the Great Pumkin rises out of the pumpkin patch and flies all over the world delivering toys to all good children everywhere. [PAR] The Great Pumpkin was first referred to on October 26, 1959 and went on to become an annual feature of the Peanuts comic strip. It provided the basis for an animated television special, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and, to some extent, has entered into the wider popular culture. [PAR] It is unknown what the Great Pumpkin looks like because there is no official artwork, depiction from Linus, or any concept art depicting it. However, in parodies, it often appears as a creature with a pumpkin for a head and a body of vines. [PAR] Contents [PAR] Linus mistakes Snoopy for the Great Pumpkin in the TV special It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown . [PAR] Although Linus never actually sees the Great Pumpkin, over the years, he has mistaken several other objects for the Great Pumpkin, but finds out the next day that he was mistaken. [PAR] October 30, 1960 : This is the first time Linus mistakes an object for the Great Pumpkin (and the second year Linus waits for the Great Pumpkin). Linus and Charlie Brown spend the evening waiting in the pumpkin patch. When they hear rustling nearby and then see something rising out of the patch, Linus, thinking it was indeed the Great Pumpkin, faints, at which point Charlie Brown notices it is only Snoopy . After coming to, Linus asks Charlie Brown if the Great Pumpkin left any toys, to which Charlie Brown replies, "No toys. Just a used dog". This strip's storyline was the basis for the main plot in It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown , only Charlie Brown is replaced by Sally . [PAR] October 31, 1967 : This time Snoopy sits with Linus in the patch when they hear rustling. Linus automatically thinks it is the Great Pumpkin while a terrified Snoopy thinks he should have never left the Daisy Hill Puppy Farm . The next day's strip, however, reveals that it was just a "bird hippie" ( Woodstock with a hippie hairstyle). [PAR] October 30, 1982 : During an important bowling tournament that has been going on the entire previous week, Charlie Brown accidentally throws his ball out the front door of the bowling alley. Linus and Sally both got knocked over by the ball as it plows through the pumpkin patch. Two strips later, Linus is still convinced that it was the Great Pumpkin. This strip's storyline was the basis for the main plot of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show episode titled " Snoopy's Brother Spike ". [PAR] October 31, 1983 : Spike is traveling cross-country with his cactus to visit his brother Snoopy. By the time Halloween comes around, Spike's story is still being told in parallel with the Halloween-preparations strips. The two stories concluded together when Spike finally arrives in Snoopy's city: he wanders into the pumpkin patch and Linus mistakes his cactus to be the Great Pumpkin. [PAR] October 31, 1993 : Again, Sally sitting with Linus out in the pumpkin patch when a Jack O'Lantern rises in the air on the end of a stick. It turns out to be Snoopy playing a prank on Linus. [PAR] Linus mistakes Rerun for the Great Pumpkin [PAR] October 31, 1996: Linus, this time in the pumpkin patch alone, sees something he does not immediately
With Halifax as its capital, what Canadian provinces' name literally translates as New Scotland?
nova scotia
[DOC] [TLE] Atlantic Canada » J.J.'s Complete Guide to CanadaAtlantic Canada » J.J.'s Complete Guide to Canada [PAR] Search [PAR] Atlantic Canada [PAR] The first part of North America to be discovered by Europeans, Canada’s four Atlantic provinces comprise a small group of islands and peninsulas on Canada’s eastern coast. Though low in population and economically weak, they possess a proud, centuries-old culture that combines a distinct mix of British, Scottish, Gaelic and French customs, creating a unique, tradition-oriented people. Almost everyone in Canada claims to find Atlantic Canada quaint and interesting — even if few are exactly scrambling to live there. Note: in most parts of Canada, it’s common to use the term “Maritime provinces” or “the Maritimes” to refer to Atlantic Canada. Within Atlantic Canada itself, however, the term “Maritime” is understood to exclude the province of Newfoundland, which has kind of a different culture and identity from the rest of the Atlantic provinces, as we shall see. [PAR] Geography [PAR] Atlantic Canada comprises a small collection of islands and peninsulas extending from Quebec and bordering — you guessed it — the Atlantic Ocean. Together, they form a crude crescent-shaped bay known as the Gulf of St. Lawrence that connects the ocean to Quebec’s St. Lawrence canal and serves as Canada’s busiest eastern trading port. [PAR] The Atlantic Canadian landscape is a distinct region all its own, with pine forests, hills and dangerous rocky cliffs that have spawned an iconic lighthouse industry. Since the region is surrounded by water, coastal areas can be particularly cool, wet and foggy with cold, stormy winters (raincoats are another proud Maritime icon) and mild, pleasant summers. Interior, or inland regions, in contrast, tend to be considerably drier, and in winter months receive some of the largest snowfalls in Canada. [PAR] In contrast to the other provinces, the four Atlantic Canadian provinces are small and densely populated, and can be driven across in only a few hours. [PAR] History of Atlantic Canada [PAR] The 18th century mass deportation of the Acadians remains a controversial and shameful episode of Canadian history. In 2002, Britain's Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926) formally apologized for the episode. [PAR] Like much of eastern Canada, the Maritimes were originally French. Established in 1604, the French colony of Acadia encompassed all of the modern-day Atlantic provinces, and was one of the Empire’s most strategically useful outposts as the gateway to North America. Of this, the nearby British were extremely jealous, and the two powers fought back-and-forth over the colonies for most of the 17th century, before the Brits finally secured control of most of the area in 1713 following the Treaty of Utrecht. From there, they proceeded to kick all the French colonists — also known as Acadians — out, in what is still remembered as one of the great shameful episodes of Canadian history. Though some Acadians would later migrate back once things cooled down, a lot of the deported Frenchies wound up in Louisiana. The lovable term “Cajun” is descended from “Acadian,” in fact. [PAR] Now British, the Acadian colonies remained mostly vacant until the aftermath of the American Revolution (1775-1783) sent a vast migration of pro-British Loyalist refugees northward, who turned the region into a thriving community of loggers, fishermen and shipbuilders. By this point, the British colonial bureaucrats had divided and renamed the territory into the four regions we know today: Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland. Of these, it was Nova Scotia and New Brunswick that became the most populated and developed, while PEI and Newfoundland lagged far behind on both counts. [PAR] Joseph Smallwood (1900-1991), the prime minister of Newfoundland, signs the Newfoundland Act in 1949, admitting his country as Canada's 10th province. [PAR] By the mid- 19th century , all four colonies had won a high degree of self-government, but were also economically stagnant. The idea of forming a larger, self-governing federation
During WWII, General Douglas MacArthur famously declared “I shall” what, which he did on Oct 20, 1944?
[DOC] [TLE] General Douglas MacArthur: World War II - Pictures, News ...General Douglas MacArthur: World War II - Pictures, News and Articles - HighBeam Research [PAR] General Douglas MacArthur: World War II [PAR] By Melissa Levine For more information, see: General Douglas MacArthur [PAR] Create a link to this page [PAR] Copy and paste this link tag into your Web page or blog: [PAR] General Douglas MacArthur: World War II - Pictures, News and Articles - HighBeam Research [PAR] RSS [PAR] Your RSS feed has been created [PAR] If your RSS reader did not automatically grab the feed, you can copy and paste the URL below into your RSS reader. [PAR] [PAR] MacArthur was in Australia when he made the famous statement "I shall return" in regards to the battle for the Philippines from which he had been ordered to retreat. [PAR] Overview [PAR] Gen. Douglas MacArthur was a prominent U.S. military official during World War II. A West Point Military Academy graduate and veteran of World War I, MacArthur spent his career in the Army and retired to the Philippine Islands in December 1937. Almost three years after the start of World War II, MacArthur was called out of retirement to lead Philippine forces against an enemy attack. By the end of the war in September of 1945, the general had risen to the position of Supreme Allied Commander and the sole authority over the reconstruction of Japan and its government. As a leader in World War II and during his previous military career, MacArthur was known for clashing with military and political officials. President Franklin D. Roosevelt once called the general "one of the two most dangerous men in America. " [PAR] Defending the Philippine Islands [PAR] Gen. Douglas MacArthur was retired from the U.S. Army when he was recalled to active service July 27, 1941. He was named the head of all U.S. Army forces in the Pacific region and charged with preparing American and Philippine forces to fight the approaching Japanese offensive. MacArthur had been living in Mania, the capital city of the Philippine Islands with his wife and son. Before being recalled by the U.S. Army, MacArthur worked as the Field Marshal of the Philippine armed forces under President Manuel Quezon. [PAR] Even though MacArthur increased military forces in the Philippines from 22,000 to 180,000, the country was not prepared when the Japanese invaded on Dec. 8, 1941, one day after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Following the Pearl Harbor bombing, the United States declared war against Japan. MacArthur was criticized for not getting his military aircrafts in the air after receiving news of the Pearl Harbor attack. The general also failed to stockpile enough food, ammunition, and other supplies on the Bataan Peninsula (an extension of the Zambala Mountains that separates the Manila Bay and the South China Sea) where his forces took shelter after being beaten by the Japanese offensive. MacArthur's lack of planning led to a struggle for survival for the troops he commanded. [PAR] On Dec. 20, 1941, MacArthur was promoted to general. After being ordered twice by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt to leave the Philippines, Gen. MacArthur left the islands on March 11, 1942 with his family and a few staff members. The general arrived in Australia on March 17, 1942. He had been told by Washington, D.C. officials that he would become the commander of ground troops in the Southwest Pacific region. Following his arrival, MacArthur learned there were only 360 U.S. Army personnel in Melbourne, Australia. MacArthur was in Australia when he made the famous statement "I shall return" in regards to the battle for the Philippines from which he had been ordered to retreat. [PAR] Retaking the Philippines and Ending the War [PAR] While in Australia, MacArthur prepared U.S. and Australian troops for a possible attack from the Japanese. In October and December of 1942, the general led counter attacks against the Japanese through the jungles of New Guinea. Following an increase in American troops in the Pacific, MacArthur led ground forces north from Australia on a path back to the Philippines. The Allied forces moved from one
What color is the tip on a standard piece of candy corn?
[DOC] [TLE] Taste-Test: Do the Sections of Candy Corn Taste Different ...Taste-Test: Do the Sections of Candy Corn Taste Different From One Another? | The Huffington Post [PAR] Taste-Test: Do the Sections of Candy Corn Taste Different From One Another? [PAR] 10/30/2013 12:16 pm ET | Updated Dec 30, 2013 [PAR] Thrillist Everything worth caring about in food, drink, and travel [PAR] Everyone hates candy corn . Except the people who don't hate candy corn, who people-group number one think are insane. [PAR] But you know what's even insaner? The idea that the three constituent colors of candy corn might taste different. Hey, Yellow #6 and Red #3 can't have the exact same aromatics and mouthfeel, right? [PAR] We were gonna find out, dammit. So we cut up some corn, blindfolded some eating pros -- Tasting Table Executive Editor Karen Palmer , Bon Appetit Multimedia Editor Matt Duckor , Metro Section Editor Meredith Engel , and our own NY Editor Andrew Zimmer -- and got to work. These are their stories. [PAR] Meredith Engel , Section Editor at Metro [PAR] General statement on candy corn stance: "It's something I only really eat once a year, but I've never been one to shy away from it." [PAR] Yellow (bottom section): "It tastes like the wax you wrap a Babybel cheese in. It has a slightly sweet taste, but it doesn't really identify with any kind of food, or any other kind of candy. Kinda tastes a little chalky. I think it's the bottom piece, because of the size and how flavorless it is. Why would they put the flavorless part as the biggest piece, right?" [PAR] Orange (middle section): "This is the love-it-or-hate-it candy corn piece. This is the one that elicits the strong reaction that people have to candy corn, I think. This is the part that has the quintessential taste. It tastes like candy corn. This seems like the yellow middle piece." [PAR] White (top section): "That tastes like the top part. I think it's white. It tastes a little like a campfire marshmallow that's been toasted." [PAR] Did anything taste like corn?: "No! No. Yeah, no." [PAR] Matt Duckor , Multimedia Editor at Bon Appetit [PAR] General statement on candy corn stance: "Is there anything but a wildly disgusting candy corn tasting? Also, does each section taste different? NO." [PAR] Yellow (bottom section): "These are large pieces. Is it uniform color on the candy corns? I should've researched this more. Definitely chewy; this is the base, the widest point of the candy corn. I'm trying to remember the color breakdown. It tastes white, clean, a bit chewy and soft. Tastes like processed sugar. I'm gonna overanalyze this. Oh f***." [PAR] Orange (middle section): "This is the middle portion. Yellow? It's the shaft of the candy corn. It's got a little bit of a granular quality of and a soft chewiness. That's the ideal. I think if candy corns were like this uniformly, I would be more on board. But it's not about texture -- it's about taste." [PAR] White (top section): "Distinct candy corn flavor. I do hate candy corn, but this takes me back. I hate Halloween, I hate candy corn. I'm going to go orange here. Processed granular sugar that's been sitting out for a while. Get this away from me." [PAR] Did anything taste like corn?: "IT DOES NOT TASTE LIKE CORN."[DOC] [TLE] Homemade Candy Corn Recipe on Food52Homemade Candy Corn Recipe on Food52 [PAR] 1 to 2 drops orange food color [PAR] 1 to 2 drops yellow food colour [PAR] Place a Silicone baking mat on a large baking sheet. [PAR] In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together confectioners' sugar, milk powder, and salt, set aside. [PAR] In a small pot, mix together sugar
With over 491 billion sold, what is the best selling cookie in America?
oreo cookie
[DOC] [TLE] Oreo - Oreo Invasion - Google SitesOreo - Oreo Invasion [PAR] Oreo [PAR] Sources [PAR] Oreo [PAR] Oreo is a trademark for a popular sandwich cookie by the Nabisco Division of Kraft Foods. The current design consists of a sweet, white filling commonly referred to as 'cream' or 'creme', sandwiched between two circular chocolate or golden cookie pieces. [PAR] Over 491 billion Oreo cookies have been sold since they were first introduced, making them the best selling biscuit of the 20th century. Its most recent packaging slogan is "Milk's Favorite Cookie", which is a slight change from the original, "America's Favorite Cookie"[DOC] [TLE] Anything under my Sun: OREO 4P'S - blogspot.comAnything under my Sun: OREO 4P'S [PAR] Anything under my Sun [PAR] OREO 4P'S [PAR] PRODUCT [PAR] Oreo is a trademark for a popular sandwich cookie by the Nabisco Division of Kraft Foods. The current design consists of a sweet, white filling commonly referred to as 'cream' or 'creme', sandwiched between two circular chocolate or golden cookie pieces. [PAR] Over 491 billion Oreo cookies have been sold since they were first introduced, making them the best selling cookie of the 20th century. Its most recent packaging slogan is "Milk's Favorite Cookie", which is a slight change from the original, "America's Favorite Cookie" (though some packages in the U.S. still use the original slogan). [PAR] Now there are many different types of Oreos. Grocery stores throughout the world are [PAR] stocked with the Original Oreo, Double Stuff Oreo, Mint Oreo, Reduced Fat Oreo, Original Golden Oreo,Oreo Cakesters, Fudge Oreos, Halloween Oreos, Christmas Oreos. [PAR] Nabisco (National Biscuit Company) introduced the Oreo cookie to the world in 1912. Since then, they have sold over 362 billion cookies making them the best-selling cookie ever. [PAR] Whether you twist the cookies apart and lick the white filling or you simply dunk them in milk or you eat them plain... Oreo cookies are a classic snack that have stood the test of time. [PAR] PLACE [PAR] Oreo cookies are sold around the world. [PAR] PROMOTION [PAR] Nabisco began a marketing program in 2008, advertising the use of Oreo cookies in a game called DSRL, which stands for "Double Stuf Racing League." The DSRL was introduced one week prior to Super Bowl XLII. This sport had also been endorsed by football brothers Peyton Manning and Eli Manning.Sisters Venus and Serena Williams have also joined, and challenged the Mannings to a race, which started on January 18, 2009. A new campaign has started for golden double stuf Oreo cookies with the brothers being challenged by Donald Trump & "Double Trump" played by Darrell Hammond; the date for this competition was January 24, 2010. The Mannings won in both cases. [PAR] Nabisco also held a worldwide Oreo Stacking Competition. Jordan White from the United States Won the final contest. [PAR] Posted by[DOC] [TLE] History of the Oreo Cookie - EducationHistory of the Oreo Cookie [PAR] History of the Oreo Cookie [PAR] History of the Oreo Cookie [PAR] An Oreo cookies advertisement circa 1924. Mario Tama/Getty Images [PAR] By Jennifer Rosenberg [PAR] Updated February 04, 2016. [PAR] Most of us have grown up with Oreo cookies. There are photos of us with chocolaty remnants smeared across our faces. They've caused great disputes as to the best way to eat them - dunking them in milk or twisting off one side and eating the middle first. [PAR] Besides eating them plain, there are recipes galore on how to use Oreos in cakes, milkshakes, and additional desserts. At some festivals, you can even try deep-fried Oreos . Needless to say, Oreos have become part of twentieth century culture. [PAR] While most of us have spent a lifetime cherishing Oreo cookies, many don't know that since their introduction in 1912, the Oreo cookie has become the best selling cookie in the United States. [PAR] Oreos Are Introduced [PAR] In 1898, several baking companies merged to form the National Biscuit Company (NaBisCo), the maker of Oreo cookies. By 1902, Nabisco created Barnum's Animal cookies and made them famous by selling them in a little
Played by Gary Cooper in the 1941 movie, what Tennessee born Medal of Honor winner killed 28 and captured 132 soldiers during the Meuse-Argonne Offensive and was the most decorated US soldier of WWI?
alvin cullum york
[DOC] [TLE] Sergeant Alvin York on Pinterest | York, World War I and ...1000+ images about Sergeant Alvin York on Pinterest | Soldiers, Tennessee and World War I [PAR] Forward [PAR] Alvin Cullum York was born on December 13, 1887, Pall Mall, Tennessee. When the United States entered World War I in 1917, York was drafted into the Army. York was awarded the Medal of Honor and promoted from corporal to sergeant for his single-handed capture of German soldiers and their battery of machine guns in the Argonne forest on October 8, 1918. Sergeant York, a movie based on York’s life, was released in 1941. Gary Cooper won an Academy Award for his portrayal of the famous doughboy. [PAR] See More[DOC] [TLE] Following BreadcrumbsFollowing Breadcrumbs [PAR] Briefly Along the Western Front [PAR] Prologue: The following is a report of a ten-day trip that my son Ned and I took in April 2015, exploring the World War I Western Front in France and Belgium. This account is not organized by the chronology of events or relative significance of various military engagements; constrained by limited available time, we chose to travel the Western Front from southeast to northwest, working from a tentative list of places and events which we hoped would expand our understanding of “The Great War.” We had studied histories and photographs, but we wanted to see the landscape, walk the sites, and examine the ruins and relics that remain today. We wanted to experience the physical spaces in hopes of a better understanding of the human toll of this long, brutal conflict. Rather than an examination of the broader aspects of politics, governments, and warfare, the focus of this piece is the appalling cost of World War I on the soldiers who fought, the civilians who endured, and the landscape that still bears countless scars a century later. Brief historical background material has been included––however, any factual errors are my own. KGW [PAR] Briefly Along the Western Front [PAR] On June 24, 1916, John and Flora Jones in North Perth, Australia received a beautiful embroidered silk postcard from their son Harry in France. Private Harry Waters Jones was one of three brothers who volunteered to serve with the Australian Imperial Forces on the Western Front during WWI. [PAR] My Dear Mother and Father, Just a line or two to let you know I am well. I hope you are all the same. I hope you will like this card. I have not heard from Will since I have been here. I had another letter from Uncle George. I will write you a letter next mail. I thought you would like this pretty card. Remember me to all. I hope Dad is keeping well. I remain your loving son, Harry. [PAR] The message on Harry’s card is a common one. Hundreds of thousands of postcards carried almost identical messages, inquiring about the health of those at home, and simply letting them know that their soldier was still alive. Postcards like Harry’s were censored by the military and self-censored by the soldiers; the messages were devoid of details about the horrible reality that was the First World War. [PAR] Harry Waters Jones died in the trenches of the Somme from an artillery explosion August 8, 1916. His name is on the Wall of the Missing at the Australian National Memorial at Villers-Bretonneux, France. Harry’s brother, Wilfred Dray Jones, was killed in action at Passchendaele on Oct. 13, 1917; his name is inscribed on the Menin Gate Memorial in Ypres, Belgium—one of 54,389 names of soldiers from the United Commonwealth Forces who fell in the Ypres Salient who have no known grave. The third Jones brother, William, survived the war to return home alone. [PAR] Journey [PAR] We are a century past the events of “The Great War,” but an ongoing collection of postcards similar to the one above have piqued my interest in the soldiers and civilians who experienced the war, and I have long wanted to tour some of the battlefield sites of the Western Front. My son, Ned, is a former Marine who has been interested in military history since boot camp where he heard stories about places
Sunday marks the anniversary of the introduction of the game-changing IPod. In what year was it introduced?
[DOC] [TLE] IPodThe iPod is a line of portable media players and multi-purpose pocket computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first version was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. The most recent iPod redesigns were announced on July 15, 2015. There are three current versions of the iPod: the ultra-compact iPod Shuffle, the compact iPod Nano and the touchscreen iPod Touch. [PAR] Like other digital music players, iPods can serve as external data storage devices. Storage capacity varies by model, ranging from 2 GB for the iPod Shuffle to 128 GB for the iPod Touch (previously 160 GB for the iPod Classic, which is now discontinued). [PAR] Apple's iTunes software (and other alternative software) can be used to transfer music, photos, videos, games, contact information, e-mail settings, Web bookmarks, and calendars, to the devices supporting these features from computers using certain versions of Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows operating systems. [PAR] Before the release of iOS 5, the iPod branding was used for the media player included with the iPhone and iPad, a combination of the Music and Videos apps on the iPod Touch. As of iOS 5, separate apps named "Music" and "Videos" are standardized across all iOS-powered products. While the iPhone and iPad have essentially the same media player capabilities as the iPod line, they are generally treated as separate products. During the middle of 2010, iPhone sales overtook those of the iPod. [PAR] In mid-2015, a new model of the iPod Touch was announced by Apple, and was officially released on the Apple store on July 15, 2015. The sixth generation iPod Touch includes a wide variety of spec improvements such as the upgraded A8 processor and higher-quality screen. The core is over 5 times faster than previous models and is built to be roughly on par with the iPhone 5S. It is available in 5 different colors: Space grey, pink, gold, silver and Product (red). [PAR] History [PAR] Though the iPod was released in 2001, its price and Mac-only compatibility caused sales to be relatively slow until 2004. The iPod line came from Apple's "digital hub" category, when the company began creating software for the growing market of personal digital devices. Digital cameras, camcorders and organizers had well-established mainstream markets, but the company found existing digital music players "big and clunky or small and useless" with user interfaces that were "unbelievably awful,"Kahney, Leander.[,71956-0.html Straight Dope on the iPod's Birth], Wired News, October 17, 2006. Retrieved on October 30, 2006. so Apple decided to develop its own. As ordered by CEO Steve Jobs, Apple's hardware engineering chief Jon Rubinstein assembled a team of engineers to design the iPod line, including hardware engineers Tony Fadell and Michael Dhuey, and design engineer Sir Jonathan Ive. Rubinstein had already discovered the Toshiba disk drive when meeting with an Apple supplier in Japan, and purchased the rights to it for Apple, and had also already worked out how the screen, battery, and other key elements would work. The aesthetic was inspired by the 1958 Braun T3 transistor radio designed by Dieter Rams, while the wheel based user interface was prompted by Bang & Olufsen's BeoCom 6000 telephone. The product ("the Walkman of the twenty-first century" ) was developed in less than one year and unveiled on October 23, 2001. Jobs announced it as a Mac-compatible product with a 5 GB hard drive that put "1,000 songs in your pocket." [PAR] Apple did not develop the iPod software entirely in-house, instead using PortalPlayer's reference platform based on two ARM cores. The platform had rudimentary software running on a commercial microkernel embedded operating system. PortalPlayer had previously been working on an IBM-branded MP3 player with Bluetooth headphones. Apple contracted another company, Pixo, to help design and implement the user interface under the direct supervision of Steve Jobs. As development progressed,
Last week, the Department of Justice released a detailed report on Operation Fast and Furious, which allowed what to be smuggled across the Mexican border?
[DOC] [TLE] Fast And Furious – How The Dept. Of Justice Ran Illegal ...Fast And Furious - How The Dept. Of Justice Ran Illegal Guns To Mexican Drug Gangs ~ J O S H U A P U N D I T [PAR] Friday, June 17, 2011 [PAR] Fast And Furious - How The Dept. Of Justice Ran Illegal Guns To Mexican Drug Gangs [PAR] The US DOJ had a really bright idea. They put together an operation known as 'Fast and Furious' that allowed almost 2,000 illegally purchased weapons to be sold in gunshops to known straw buyers - people who legally purchase firearms and then sell them to unauthorized third parties - in Arizona and sent to Mexico, where the DOJ knew they were almost certainly going to end up in the hands of drug gangs. The idea was that the Department of Justice would record the serial numbers and eventually recover them from crime scenes and use them as evidence to build a conspiracy case that might take down the leaders of major drug cartels. [PAR] Accordingly, The DOJ's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives ( BATF) ordered its agents to ignore the purchase and subsequent smuggling of these weapons into Mexico, over the objections of many BATF agents who realized something their bosses were too stupid to comprehend - that the influx of weapons would lead to a spike in murder and mayhem across the border, that it would eventually spread across the border and that the sort of weapons being being purchased were going to allow the drug cartels to outgun the lightly armed Border Patrol. In fact, as BATF agents later testified, ATF supervisor David Voth implied in an e-mail that staff who objected to his orders would be fired. [PAR] What the agents who objected predicted is exactly what happened, as the body count mounted on both sides of the border and only a few relatively small time operators were apprehended with the smuggled weapons. [PAR] Two of the guns allowed to get into the hands of the drug cartels were used in a December 14, 2010 shoot-out that killed a US border patrol agent, Brian Terry. This lead to a congressional investigation by Rep. Darrell Issa and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which endured an incredible amount of stonewalling and outright untruths from the Department of Justice and the BATF. and squarely contradicted a Feb. 4, 2011, claim by a department spokesman that DOJ did not approve of the program that sanctioned the illegal sale here in America by legitimate gun dealers of assault weapons to representatives of Mexican drug cartels. [PAR] The agents also testified that Assistant U.S. Attorney Emory Hurley, a Phoenix-based appointee of President Obama, "orchestrated" Operation Fast and Furious. ATF Phoenix field office supervisor Peter Forcelli, for example, told the committee: "I have read documents that indicate that his boss, U.S. Attorney Dennis Burke, also agreed with the direction of the case." [PAR] The findings of the investigation were outlined in a 51-page investigation written by Congressmen Darryl Issa and Charles Grassley that detailed exactly what went wrong with 'Fast And Furious'. [PAR] "Both line agents and gun dealers who co-operated with the ATF repeatedly expressed concerns", about the operation, the report says. "But ATF supervisors did not heed those warnings. Instead, they told agents to follow orders because this was sanctioned from above." [PAR] When the fall out became obvious, both the ATF and the Department of Justice engaged in a massive coverup. William Newell, the special agent in charge of the operation, ordered the arrest of people agents had been watching buy weapons for months. Then, he held a press conference calling 'Fast and Furious' a success. [PAR] When Newell was asked by the Investigative committee if any weapons had been deliberately allowed to end up in the hands of criminals, he replied, "Hell no!" a statement the report called " untrue and shocking." It then details how the Department of Justice continued to attempt a cover-up
A member of the family Characidae, the omnivorous freshwater fish known as the piranha is native to the waters of which continent?
south america
[DOC] [TLE] PiranhaA piranha or piraña (,, or;, ) is a member of family Characidae in order Characiformes, an omnivorous freshwater fish that inhabits South American rivers. In Venezuela, they are called caribes. They are known for their sharp teeth and powerful jaws. [PAR] Taxonomy and evolution [PAR] Piranhas belong to the subfamily Serrasalminae, which includes closely related omnivorous fish such as pacus. Traditionally, only the four genera Pristobrycon, Pygocentrus, Pygopristis, and Serrasalmus are considered to be true piranhas, due to their specialized teeth. However, a recent analysis showed, if the piranha group is to be monophyletic, it should be restricted to Serrasalmus, Pygocentrus, and part of Pristobrycon, or expanded to include these taxa plus Pygopristis, Catoprion, and Pristobrycon striolatus. Pygopristis was found to be more closely related to Catoprion than the other three piranha genera. [PAR] The total number of piranha species is unknown and contested, and new species continue to be described. Estimates range from fewer than 30 to more than 60. [PAR] Distribution [PAR] Piranhas are indigenous to the Amazon basin, in the Orinoco, in rivers of the Guianas, in the Paraguay-Paraná, and the São Francisco River systems. [PAR] Aquarium piranhas have been unsuccessfully introduced into parts of the United States. In many cases, however, reported captures of piranhas are misidentifications of pacu (e.g., red-bellied pacu Piaractus brachypomus is frequently misidentified as red-bellied piranha Pygocentrus nattereri). Piranhas have also been discovered in the Kaptai Lake in southeast Bangladesh. Research is being carried out to establish how piranhas have moved to such distant corners of the world from their original habitat. Some rogue exotic fish traders are thought to have released them in the lake to avoid being caught by antipoaching forces. Piranhas were also spotted in the Lijiang River in China. [PAR] Description [PAR] Size [PAR] Piranhas are normally about 14 to long, although some specimens have been reported to be up to 43 cm in length. [PAR] Morphology [PAR] Serrasalmus, Pristobrycon, Pygocentrus, and Pygopristis are most easily recognized by their unique dentition. All piranhas have a single row of sharp teeth in both jaws; the teeth are tightly packed and interlocking (via small cusps) and are used for rapid puncture and shearing. Individual teeth are typically broadly triangular, pointed, and blade-like (flat in profile). The variation in the number of cusps is minor; in most species, the teeth are tricuspid with a larger middle cusp which makes the individual teeth appear markedly triangular. The exception is Pygopristis, which has pentacuspid teeth and a middle cusp usually only slightly larger than the other cusps. [PAR] Biting Abilities [PAR] Piranhas have one of the strongest bites found in bony fishes. Relative to body mass, the black piranha (Serrasalmus rhombeus) produces one of the most forceful bites measured in vertebrates. This extremely powerful bite is generated by large jaw muscles (adductor mandibulae) that are attached closely to the tip of the jaw, conferring the piranha with a mechanical advantage that favors force production over bite speed. Strong jaws combined with finely serrated teeth make them adept at tearing flesh. [PAR] Ecology [PAR] Piranhas have a reputation as ferocious predators that hunt their prey in schools. Recent research, however, which "started off with the premise that they school as a means of cooperative hunting", discovered they are timid fish that schooled for protection from their own predators, such as cormorants, caimans, and dolphins. Piranhas are "basically like regular fish with large teeth". [PAR] Research on the species Serrasalmus aff. brandtii and Pygocentrus nattereri in Viana Lake, which is formed during the wet season when the Rio Pindare (a tributary of the Rio Mearim) floods, has shown that these species eat vegetable matter at some stages in their lives; they are not strictly carnivorous fish. [PAR] Piranhas lay their eggs in pits dug during the breeding and swim around to protect them. Newly hatched young feed on zooplankton, and eventually move on to small fish once large enough. [PAR] Relationship with humans [PAR] Piranha teeth are often used to make tools and weapons by the indigenous population. Piranhas
What famous TV family got their start with short vignettes on the variety show, The Tracey Ullman Show?
[DOC] [TLE] The Tracey Ullman Show - TV.comThe Tracey Ullman Show - Show News, Reviews, Recaps and Photos - [PAR] The Tracey Ullman Show [PAR] EDIT [PAR] A variety/sketch show brought to you by a British comedian Tracey Ullman. The show was one of the first programs on the then-new FOX Network in the U.S. in the mid 1980s. Tracey's show was a sketch comedy show including lots of singing and dancing. "The Simpsons" appeared as short, animated sketches, interspersed between the main, live-action sketches. [PAR] The Tracey Ullman Show led to the creation of the hit FOX show, "The Simpsons." It began as short skits on Ullman's Show. Overall the Simpsons made appearances in 48 episodes in the show's first three seasons and one additional appearance in the fourth and final season. [PAR] The Big Bang Theory The Romance Recalibration [PAR] NEW [PAR] The Great Indoors Mason Blows Up [PAR] NEW [PAR] More Info About This Show [PAR] Categories [PAR] Comedy [PAR] Important: You must only upload images which you have created yourself or that you are expressly authorised or licensed to upload. By clicking "Publish", you are confirming that the image fully complies with’s Terms of Use and that you own all rights to the image or have authorization to upload it. [PAR] Please read the following before uploading [PAR] Do not upload anything which you do not own or are fully licensed to upload. The images should not contain any sexually explicit content, race hatred material or other offensive symbols or images. Remember: Abuse of the image system may result in you being banned from uploading images or from the entire site – so, play nice and respect the rules! [PAR] Choose background:[DOC] [TLE] The Tracey Ullman Show - The Full WikiThe Tracey Ullman Show - The Full Wiki [PAR] The Full Wiki [PAR] More info on The Tracey Ullman Show [PAR] Wikis [PAR] The Tracey Ullman Show: Wikis [PAR] [PAR] [PAR] Note: Many of our articles have direct quotes from sources you can cite, within the Wikipedia article! This article doesn't yet, but we're working on it! See more info or our list of citable articles . [PAR] Related top topics [PAR] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [PAR] The Tracey Ullman Show [PAR] April 5, 1987 – May 26, 1990 [PAR] Chronology [PAR] The Simpsons [PAR] The Tracey Ullman Show is a weekly American television variety show, hosted by British comedian and onetime pop singer Tracey Ullman . It debuted on April 5, 1987 as the FOX network's second primetime series (after Married... with Children ), and ran until May 26, 1990. Re-runs of all the episodes appeared on the Lifetime TV cable channel as well as Comedy Central during the middle and late 1990s. The show featured sketch comedy along with many musical numbers , featuring choreography by Paula Abdul . It also produced the animated series The Simpsons . This is the first show produced by Gracie Films and also produced by 20th Century Fox Television . [PAR] Contents [PAR] 10 External links [PAR] Background [PAR] By the 1980s, acclaimed television producer, James L. Brooks , (producer of The Mary Tyler Moore Show , Taxi , and Rhoda ), had left the television industry for the big screen. At the time that he won the Oscar for his film, Terms of Endearment , Brooks began receiving videotapes from Ullman's Los Angeles agent, hoping to get his attention. Ullman, who was already famous in her homeland, England, was already landing a variety of television deals and proposals in America, but none had panned out. These projects didn't suit Ullman's interests. "[They were] shows with morals, where everyone learns something at the end of the show," related Ullman to a television critic for TV Guide in 1989, describing the television show ideas that were offered to her. Brooks was so taken by what he saw in Ullman, that he decided to take the young no under his wing and return to television. Brooks was determined to develop the right vehicle to showcase Ullman's talents: acting, dancing, and singing and decided upon creating a sketch comedy show. Ullman had already had a successful music career in the
Which NFL team plays its games in the newest stadium in the NFL, opening just this year?
[DOC] [TLE] NFL announces matchups for three London games ... - ESPN.comNFL announces matchups for three London games next season [PAR] comment [PAR] LONDON -- The Washington Redskins could become the first team to play two NFL games in London in the same season, and in consecutive weeks. [PAR] The Redskins will face the Cincinnati Bengals on Oct. 30 at Wembley Stadium, the NFL announced Wednesday. The team also could face the St. Louis Rams a week earlier at Twickenham Stadium depending on how Washington finishes this season in the NFC East. [PAR] In the first of the three games scheduled for next season, the Indianapolis Colts will take on the Jacksonville Jaguars at Wembley on Oct. 2. [PAR] The NFL has been playing regular-season games in London since 2007, with every one played at Wembley, the home of England's national soccer team. But next year will start a new deal to hold games at Twickenham, the home of England's national rugby team. [PAR] NFL Games To Be Played in London in 2016 [PAR] Week [PAR] Bengals [PAR] Wembley Stadium [PAR] The Redskins will travel to London for the first time since 1992, when they played the San Francisco 49ers in the American Bowl, a preseason game held at the old Wembley Stadium. But they could remain there for a bit longer than every other team that has been going since the New York Giants beat the Miami Dolphins in a regular-season game in 2007. [PAR] In Wednesday's announcement, the NFL said only that the Rams would face an NFC East opponent. [PAR] "Washington may play in consecutive weeks in London in 2016, depending on the final standings," the NFL said. "At minimum, they will face the Bengals in Week 8." [PAR] The Rams could also face the Philadelphia Eagles , the Dallas Cowboys or the Giants in Week 9. [PAR] The Redskins aspect of the announcement drew a swift reaction from Ray Halbritter, Oneida Indian Nation representative and leader of the Change the Mascot campaign. [PAR] "At a time when the United States is desperately trying to fortify its international relationships, the NFL has decided to go on the world stage and promote an ugly racial epithet slurring indigenous people all over the world," Halbritter said. "This is not only offensive but also at odds with American interests across the globe at this critical time. We need to show respect to our foreign allies -- the NFL choosing to slur people of color at a high-profile international event does the opposite. [PAR] "The NFL is a $9-billion-a-year enterprise that plays a critical role in shaping the perceptions and views of millions of fans in America and around the globe. That is why in 2014, the United Nations Special Rapporteur called the Washington NFL team name offensive and encouraged the team to change the team name. If the NFL wants to be a global brand that contributes to the positive image of the United States across the world, it should not be choosing to send a team represented by a racial slur to London." [PAR] The operator of the Edward Jones Dome in St. Louis says the team's lease agreement prohibits the Rams from playing a game in London, but there is uncertainty whether the franchise will even reside in St. Louis by then. Owners of the Rams, San Diego Chargers and Oakland Raiders are all exploring moves to Los Angeles, perhaps as early as next season. [PAR] In a statement, the St. Louis Convention and Visitors Commission says terms of the team's lease agreement require all home games, other than preseason, to be at the dome. [PAR] As for the other announced teams, the Bengals and Colts will be playing in London for the first time, while the Jaguars will be returning for the fourth straight year. [PAR] This season, the Jags won for the first time in London, coming back to beat the Buffalo Bills 34-31. [PAR] Earlier this month, the NFL said it would stage at least one game per season starting next year at Twickenham, which recently hosted the Rugby World Cup final between New Zealand and Australia. [PAR] The agreement is for three years, with an option for two more. [PAR] The NFL has also agreed to play at least two games
What product is advertised with the slogan When it rains, it pours?
morton salt
[DOC] [TLE] Business Slogan 43: When It Rains, It Pours | Versa ...Business Slogan 43: When It Rains, It Pours | Versa Creations Marketing & Advertising Blog [PAR] Business Slogan 43: When It Rains, It Pours [PAR] Posted on January 29, 2008 by Vivienne Quek [PAR] Some of you might not have seen or heard of this slogan but it is well known within the salt industry and the advertising world. [PAR] Number 9 in AdAge’s Top 10 Slogan of the 20th Century , this slogan lives on since 1914. That’s 93 years! The only slogan I knew that reigns longer than Morton Salt’s slogan is Maxwell’s “Good to the Last Drop” . [PAR] The famous Morton Umbrella Girl and slogan, “When it rains, it pours”� first appear on the blue package of table salt and in a series of Good Housekeeping magazine advertisements. The slogan is adapted from an old proverb, “It never rains but it pours”. The official website of Morton Salt said: [PAR] In 1911, Morton’s first advertising campaign for a series of ads in Good Housekeeping created the idea for the girl and her slogan, “When it Rains it Pours.” [PAR] One of the concepts presented to Morton was an image of a little girl holding an umbrella in one hand to ward off falling rain and a package of salt in the other hand that was tilted back with the spout open and salt running out. [PAR] Morton loved the picture that expressed the Morton message — that salt would run even in damp weather. But the copy that went with it, “Even in rainy weather, it flows freely,” was too long. Morton felt it needed to be shorter and snappier. [PAR] So the advertising agency came up with: “Flows Freely,” “Runs Freely,” “Pours” and finally, an old proverb, “It never rains, but it pours.” The adage was rejected for being too negative. A more positive spin on it resulted in the now famous slogan, “When it Rains it Pours.” [PAR] The rest as they said is history. Morton Salt became a household name and sales rocket. Morton Salt is the number one brand of salt in the US. For every two cans of salt sold in the US, one is a Morton Salt can. It can easily sells at a $0.20 price premium over other brands and private labels.[DOC] [TLE] Top Ten Advertising Slogans of the Twentieth Century ...Top Ten Advertising Slogans of the Twentieth Century | buildingpharmabrands [PAR] Top Ten Advertising Slogans of the Twentieth Century [PAR] by buildingpharmabrands [PAR] Ad Age Advertising Century: Top 10 Slogans [PAR] The top ten advertising slogans of the twentieth century have helped build lasting brands that enjoy immense customer loyalty and franchise even today. [PAR] 1. De Beers: Diamonds are forever. Frances Gerety, a young copywriter from N.W. Ayer & Son, a prominent U.S. Advertising Agency created this most powerful slogan of the twentieth century in 1947. Today after sixty-six years, it is still going strong and 90 per cent of Americans recognize it. [PAR] 2. Nike: Just do it. Created twenty-five years ago in 1988, this inspiring slogan while fundamentally simple, is distinct in its meaning. Just Do It means don’t think, don’t ask, don’t talk about it, don’t regret it, Just Do It. The slogan was coined at an ad agency (Wieden+Kennedy) meeting in 1988. [PAR] 3. Coca-Cola: The pause that refreshes. Although created in 1929, you still hear this popular slogan sometimes today. As a manner of speaking, pause serves us in a number of ways. It not only refreshes, but also makes us look thoughtful, confident and credible. We can take a pause to refresh a presentation, refresh a meeting or a training session, refresh your problem solving process, refresh your plan and indeed refresh everything! [PAR] 4. Miller Lite: Tastes great, less filling. McCann Erickson, a leading advertising agency created this campaign in 1974. Miller Lite beer is a classic example of repositioning a women’s product to become a man’s
The surveying for the Mason-Dixon line was complete on Oct 18, 1767. Which two states does the line separate?
maryland and pennsylvania
[DOC] [TLE] Mason and Dixon draw a line - Oct 18, 1767 - HISTORY.comMason and Dixon draw a line - Oct 18, 1767 - [PAR] Mason and Dixon draw a line [PAR] Share this: [PAR] Mason and Dixon draw a line [PAR] Author [PAR] Mason and Dixon draw a line [PAR] URL [PAR] Publisher [PAR] A+E Networks [PAR] On this day in 1767, Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon complete their survey of the boundary between the colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland as well as areas that would eventually become the states of Delaware and West Virginia. The Penn and Calvert families had hired Mason and Dixon, English surveyors, to settle their dispute over the boundary between their two proprietary colonies, Pennsylvania and Maryland. [PAR] In 1760, tired of border violence between the colonies’ settlers, the British crown demanded that the parties involved hold to an agreement reached in 1732. As part of Maryland and Pennsylvania’s adherence to this royal command, Mason and Dixon were asked to determine the exact whereabouts of the boundary between the two colonies. Though both colonies claimed the area between the 39th and 40th parallel, what is now referred to as the Mason-Dixon line finally settled the boundary at a northern latitude of 39 degrees and 43 minutes. The line was marked using stones, with Pennsylvania’s crest on one side and Maryland’s on the other. [PAR] When Mason and Dixon began their endeavor in 1763, colonists were protesting the Proclamation of 1763, which was intended to prevent colonists from settling beyond the Appalachians and angering Native Americans. As the Britons concluded their survey in 1767, the colonies were engaged in a dispute with the Parliament over the Townshend Acts, which were designed to raise revenue for the empire by taxing common imports including tea. [PAR] Twenty years later, in late 1700s, the states south of the Mason-Dixon line would begin arguing for the perpetuation of slavery in the new United States while those north of line hoped to phase out the ownership of human chattel. This period, which historians consider the era of “The New Republic,” drew to a close with the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which accepted the states south of the line as slave-holding and those north of the line as free. The compromise, along with those that followed it, eventually failed. [PAR] One hundred years after Mason and Dixon began their effort to chart the boundary, soldiers from opposite sides of the line let their blood stain the fields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in the Southern states’ final and fatal attempt to breach the Mason-Dixon line during the Civil War. One hundred and one years after the Britons completed their line, the United States finally admitted men of any complexion born within the nation to the rights of citizenship with the ratification of the 14th Amendment. [PAR] Related Videos[DOC] [TLE] A brief history of the Mason-Dixon Line - udel.eduA brief history of the Mason-Dixon Line [PAR] A brief history of the Mason-Dixon Line [PAR] John Mackenzie [PAR] APEC/CANR, University of Delaware [PAR] � [PAR] In 1763-67 Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon surveyed and marked most of the boundaries between Maryland, Pennsylvania and the Three Lower Counties that became Delaware. The survey, commissioned by the Penn and Calvert families to settle their long-running boundary dispute, provides an interesting reference point in the region�s history. This paper summarizes the historical background of the boundary dispute, the execution of Mason and Dixon�s survey, and the symbolic role of the Mason-Dixon Line in American civil rights history. [PAR] Historical background [PAR] English claims to North America originated with John Cabot's letters patent from King Henry VII (1496) to explore and claim territories for England. ("John Cabot" was actually a Venetian named Giovanni Caboto.) Cabot almost certainly sailed past Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland. He stepped ashore only once in North America, in the summer of 1497 at an unknown location, to claim the region for England. It is highly unlikely that Cabot came anywhere near the mid-Atlantic coast, however. [PAR] The first Europeans to explore the Chesapeake Bay in the 1500's were Spanish explorers and
October 21, 1833 saw the birth of what Swedish chemist, engineer, and inventor, responsible for creating dynamite?
alfred bernhard nobel
[DOC] [TLE] DynamiteDynamite is an explosive made of nitroglycerin, sorbents (such as powdered shells or clay) and stabilizers. It was invented by the Swedish chemist and engineer Alfred Nobel in Geesthacht, and patented in 1867. It rapidly gained wide-scale use as a safer alternative to gun powder and nitroglycerin. [PAR] Invention, purpose, and use [PAR] Dynamite was invented by Alfred Nobel and was the first safely manageable explosive stronger than black powder. Nobel obtained patents for his invention in England on May 7, 1867, in Sweden on October 19, 1867.Schück & Sohlman (1929), p. 101. After its introduction, dynamite rapidly gained wide-scale use as a safe alternative to black powder and nitroglycerin. Nobel tightly controlled the patents, and unlicensed duplicating companies were quickly shut down. However, a few American businessmen got around the patent by using a slightly different formula. [PAR] Nobel originally sold dynamite as "Nobel's Blasting Powder" but decided to change the name to dynamite, from the Ancient Greek word δύναμις dýnamis, meaning "power". [PAR] An industrialist, engineer, and inventor, Alfred Nobel's father, Immanuel Nobel, built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. His construction work inspired him to research new methods of blasting rock. Immanuel's work with explosives later on inspired Alfred to make explosives safer and more effective. Today dynamite is mainly used in the mining, quarrying, construction, and demolition industries. Dynamite is still the product of choice for trenching applications, and as a cost-effective alternative to cast boosters. Dynamite is occasionally used as an initiator or booster for AN and ANFO explosive charges. [PAR] Manufacture [PAR] Composition [PAR] Nitroglycerin by itself is a very strong explosive, but is extremely shock-sensitive (that is, physical shock can cause it to explode), and degrades over time to even more unstable forms, which makes it highly dangerous to transport or use. Dynamite combines nitroglycerin with adsorbents and stabilizers, rendering it safe to use, but retaining the powerful explosive properties of nitroglycerin. [PAR] The original composition of dynamite consisted of three parts "Explosive Oil" (nitroglycerin), one part diatomaceous earth as the absorbent, and a small admixture of sodium carbonate antacid as the stabilizer. Ethylene glycol dinitrate was later added to the nitroglycerin to lower its freezing point and keep it from freezing into a slush at low temperatures, which made it unstable, or from sweating out when it thawed. Diatomaceous earth is not usually used today as an absorbent medium and it has been replaced by cheaper mediums like sawdust, wood pulp, flour, or starch. Other stabilizers like calcium carbonate or zinc oxide can be used in the place of sodium carbonate. Sodium nitrate is added to the medium as an oxidizer that improves the dynamite's brisance. [PAR] Form [PAR] Dynamite is usually sold in the form of cardboard cylinders about 8 in long and about in diameter, with a weight of about . A stick of dynamite thus produced contains roughly 1 MJ of energy. Other sizes also exist, rated by either portion (Quarter-Stick or Half-Stick) or by weight. [PAR] Dynamite is usually rated by "weight strength" (the amount of nitroglycerin it contains), usually from 20% to 60%. For example, 40% dynamite is composed of 40% nitroglycerin and 60% "dope" (the absorbent storage medium mixed with the stabilizer and any additives). [PAR] Storage considerations [PAR] The maximum shelf life of nitroglycerin-based dynamite is recommended as one year from the date of manufacture under good storage conditions. [PAR] Over time, regardless of the sorbent used, sticks of dynamite will "weep" or "sweat" nitroglycerin, which can then pool in the bottom of the box or storage area. For that reason, explosive manuals recommend the repeated turning over of boxes of dynamite in storage. Crystals will form on the outside of the sticks causing them to be even more shock, friction, and temperature sensitive. This creates a very dangerous situation. While the risk of an explosion without the use of a blasting cap is minimal for fresh dynamite, old dynamite is dangerous. Modern packaging helps eliminate this by
Which hands-free children's Halloween party game began as contest to see who would be the first to marry in a new year?
apple bobbing
[DOC] [TLE] HalloweenHalloween, or Hallowe'en (a contraction of All Hallows’ Evening), also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day. It begins the three-day observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed. [PAR] According to BBC Online, it is "widely believed" that many Halloween traditions originated from the ancient Celtic harvest festival Samhain, and that this Gaelic observance was Christianized by the early Church. Samhain and other such festival had pagan roots. Some, however, support the view that Halloween began independently of Samhain and has solely Christian roots. [PAR] Halloween activities include trick-or-treating (or the related guising), attending Halloween costume parties, decorating, carving pumpkins into jack-o'-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing and divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories and watching horror films. In many parts of the world, the Christian religious observances of All Hallows' Eve, including attending church services and lighting candles on the graves of the dead, remain popular, although elsewhere it is a more commercial and secular celebration. Some Christians historically abstained from meat on All Hallows' Eve, a tradition reflected in the eating of certain foods on this vigil day, including apples, potato pancakes and soul cakes. [PAR] Etymology [PAR] The word Halloween or Hallowe'en dates to about 1745 and is of Christian origin. The word "Hallowe'en" means "hallowed evening" or "holy evening". It comes from a Scottish term for All Hallows' Eve (the evening before All Hallows' Day). In Scots, the word "eve" is even, and this is contracted to e'en or een. Over time, (All) Hallow(s) E(v)en evolved into Hallowe'en. Although the phrase "All Hallows'" is found in Old English (ealra hālgena mæssedæg, all saints mass-day), "All Hallows' Eve" is itself not seen until 1556. [PAR] History [PAR] Gaelic and Welsh influence [PAR] Today's Halloween customs are thought to have been influenced by folk customs and beliefs from the Celtic-speaking countries, some of which are believed to have pagan roots. Jack Santino, a folklorist, writes that "there was throughout Ireland an uneasy truce existing between customs and beliefs associated with Christianity and those associated with religions that were Irish before Christianity arrived". Historian Nicholas Rogers, exploring the origins of Halloween, notes that while "some folklorists have detected its origins in the Roman feast of Pomona, the goddess of fruits and seeds, or in the festival of the dead called Parentalia, it is more typically linked to the Celtic festival of Samhain, which comes from the Old Irish for "summer's end". Samhain (pronounced or ) was the first and most important of the four quarter days in the medieval Gaelic calendar and was celebrated in Ireland, Scotland and the Isle of Man. It was held on or about 31 October – 1 November and a kindred festival was held at the same time of year by the Brittonic Celts; called Calan Gaeaf in Wales, Kalan Gwav in Cornwall and Kalan Goañv in Brittany. Samhain and Calan Gaeaf are mentioned in some of the earliest Irish and Welsh literature. The names have been used by historians to refer to Celtic Halloween customs up until the 19th century,Hutton, Ronald. The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain. Oxford University Press, 1996. pp.365-369 and are still the Gaelic and Welsh names for Halloween. [PAR] Samhain/Calan Gaeaf marked the end of the harvest season and beginning of winter or the 'darker half' of the year.Monaghan, Patricia. The Encyclopedia of Celtic Mythology and Folklore. Infobase Publishing, 2004. p.407 Like Beltane/Calan Mai, it was seen as a liminal time, when the boundary between
The Treehouse of Horror episodes are the Halloween specials of what long-running TV series?
[DOC] [TLE] Treehouse of Horror series - Simpsons Wiki - WikiaTreehouse of Horror series | Simpsons Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia [PAR] Treehouse of Horror series [PAR] Share [PAR] Ad blocker interference detected! [PAR] Wikia is a free-to-use site that makes money from advertising. We have a modified experience for viewers using ad blockers [PAR] Wikia is not accessible if you’ve made further modifications. Remove the custom ad blocker rule(s) and the page will load as expected. [PAR] The contents of this article or section are considered to be non-canon and therefore may not have actually happened/existed. [PAR] The Simpsons [PAR] Dolby Digital 5.1 (2009–present) [PAR] Original Run [PAR] The poster for Treehouse of Horror XX [PAR] The Simpsons Halloween Episodes are an annual tradition in which there is a special Halloween episode consisting of three separate, self-contained pieces. These pieces usually involve the family in some horror, science fiction, or supernatural setting; they always take place outside the normal continuity of the show (and are therefore considered to be non-canon), and completely abandon any pretense of being realistic. [PAR] The Couch gag in Treehouse of Horror VI [PAR] Regular Simpsons characters play humorous special roles, occasionally being killed in gruesome ways by zombies, monsters, or even each other. Groundskeeper Willie has died many times in the Treehouse of Horror episodes, mostly by being stuck in the back with an axe , impaled by a sharp object, burned by a furnace and even once by a dolphin . The Halloween episodes also regularly parody many classic horror and science fiction films and episodes such as "The Shining", "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet", "To Serve Man", "Living Doll", "It's a Good Life", "A Kind of a Stopwatch", "The Little People", "Little Girl Lost", "Twilight" and "28 Days Later". [PAR] Contents [PAR] [ show ] [PAR] Origins [PAR] According to DVD commentary, the reason why the episodes are non-canon is a trade-off for the writers. Writing three 7-minute segments was just too taxing for the writers, so it was proposed that they could do anything without worrying about continuity to appease them. [PAR] The yearly Halloween special was named "Treehouse of Horror" because the original special depicted the Simpson children in their treehouse telling scary stories to one another. In later years the series dropped the framing device of characters telling stories, but kept the Treehouse title. [PAR] The 3-D Homer from Treehouse of Horror VI [PAR] In a section of " Treehouse of Horror VI " called "Homer³," Homer and Bart go into a three-dimensional world, which Homer likens to Tron , created by Pacific Data Images, a computer animation company that would later produce Shrek. This segment from the Halloween episode was also used as a segment of a film shown in the IMAX 3D film Cyberworld. This was the first and one of the few times The Simpsons have strayed from their traditional 2D animation, and the longest, as other moments consisted of live action couch gags or short claymation or CGI television and film parodies. Other Treehouse segment name parodies include "Citizen Kang" (Citizen Kane), "Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace" (Nightmare on Elm Street), "The Thing and I" (The Thing) , "Hex and the City" (Sex and the City) "House of Whacks" (House of Wax), "I've Grown a Costume On Your Face", "The Shinning" (The Shining) and "Reaper Madness". [PAR] Traditions [PAR] For several years the characters broke the fourth wall and introduced their three stories directly to the audience. In " Treehouse of Horror II " the writers decided to give the cast and crew of the show 'scary names' in the opening and closing credits (like "Bat Groening" and "James Hell Brooks"). This also became a classic tradition, and has been done in every Halloween episode since Treehouse of Horror except for Treehouse of Horror XII and Treehouse of Horror XIII. Their names have changed in subsequent seasons, with the exception of Sam Simon 's, who left
October 12, 1901 saw the old moniker of Executive Mansion replaced with the more familiar White House, when what total badass declared it so?
president theodore roosevelt
[DOC] [TLE] White HouseThe White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. It has been the residence of every U.S. president since John Adams in 1800. The term White House is often used to refer to actions of the president and his advisers, as in "The White House announced that...". [PAR] The house was designed by Irish-born James Hoban and built between 1792 and 1800 of white-painted Aquia Creek sandstone in the Neoclassical style. When Thomas Jefferson moved into the house in 1801, he (with architect Benjamin Henry Latrobe) added low colonnades on each wing that concealed stables and storage. In 1814, during the War of 1812, the mansion was set ablaze by the British Army in the Burning of Washington, destroying the interior and charring much of the exterior. Reconstruction began almost immediately, and President James Monroe moved into the partially reconstructed Executive Residence in October 1817. Construction continued with the addition of the semi-circular South portico in 1824 and the North portico in 1829. [PAR] Because of crowding within the executive mansion itself, President Theodore Roosevelt had all work offices relocated to the newly constructed West Wing in 1901. Eight years later, President William Howard Taft expanded the West Wing and created the first Oval Office which was eventually moved as the section was expanded. In the main mansion, the third-floor attic was converted to living quarters in 1927 by augmenting the existing hip roof with long shed dormers. A newly constructed East Wing was used as a reception area for social events; Jefferson's colonnades connected the new wings. East Wing alterations were completed in 1946, creating additional office space. By 1948, the house's load-bearing exterior walls and internal wood beams were found to be close to failure. Under Harry S. Truman, the interior rooms were completely dismantled and a new internal load-bearing steel frame constructed inside the walls. Once this work was completed, the interior rooms were rebuilt. [PAR] The modern-day White House complex includes the Executive Residence, West Wing, East Wing, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building—the former State Department, which now houses offices for the President's staff and the Vice President—and Blair House, a guest residence. The Executive Residence is made up of six stories—the Ground Floor, State Floor, Second Floor, and Third Floor, as well as a two-story basement. The property is a National Heritage Site owned by the National Park Service and is part of the President's Park. In 2007, it was ranked second on the American Institute of Architects list of "America's Favorite Architecture". [PAR] Early history [PAR] 1789–1800 [PAR] Following his April 1789 inauguration, President George Washington occupied two executive mansions in New York City: the Samuel Osgood House at 3 Cherry Street (April 1789 – February 1790), and the Alexander Macomb House at 39–41 Broadway (February–August 1790). In May 1790, New York began construction of Government House for his official residence, but he never occupied it. The national capital moved to Philadelphia in December 1790. [PAR] The July 1790 Residence Act named Philadelphia, Pennsylvania the temporary national capital for a 10-year period while the Federal City was under construction. The City of Philadelphia rented Robert Morris's city house at 190 High Street (now 524-30 Market Street) for Washington's presidential residence. The first president occupied the Market Street mansion from November 1790 to March 1797, and altered it in ways that may have influenced the design of the White House. As part of a futile effort to have Philadelphia named the permanent national capital, Pennsylvania built a much grander presidential mansion several blocks away, but Washington declined to occupy it. [PAR] President John Adams also occupied the Market Street mansion from March 1797 to May 1800. On November 1, in 1800, he became the first president to occupy the White House. The President's House in Philadelphia became a hotel and was demolished in 1832, while the unused presidential mansion became home to the University of Pennsylvania. [PAR] File:The First Presidential Mansion.jpg|First Presidential
The Pips where the backing singers for what “Empress of Soul”?
empress of soul
[DOC] [TLE] (1973) Empress Gladys & The Pips "Midnight Train To ...1973 Empress Gladys The Pips Midnight Train To Georgia [PAR] You have already voted for this video. [PAR] The Empress of Soul & The Pips y'all! [PAR] The Empress of Soul & The Pips y'all! [PAR] Categories:[DOC] [TLE] "MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA" EMPRESS OF SOUL ... - YouTube"MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA" EMPRESS OF SOUL GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS (1973) - YouTube [PAR] "MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA" EMPRESS OF SOUL GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS (1973) [PAR] Want to watch this again later? [PAR] Sign in to add this video to a playlist. [PAR] Need to report the video? [PAR] Sign in to report inappropriate content. [PAR] Rating is available when the video has been rented. [PAR] This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. [PAR] Uploaded on Mar 30, 2008 [PAR] EMPRESS OF SOUL GLADYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS SING THE 1973 GRAMMY AWARD WINNING CLASSIC "MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA." [PAR] Category[DOC] [TLE] (1973) Empress Gladys & The Pips "Midnight Train To ...(1973) Empress Gladys & The Pips "Midnight Train To Georgia" - YouTube [PAR] (1973) Empress Gladys & The Pips "Midnight Train To Georgia" [PAR] Want to watch this again later? [PAR] Sign in to add this video to a playlist. [PAR] Need to report the video? [PAR] Sign in to report inappropriate content. [PAR] Rating is available when the video has been rented. [PAR] This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. [PAR] Uploaded on Jan 1, 2008 [PAR] The Empress of Soul & The Pips y'all! [PAR] Category [PAR] When autoplay is enabled, a suggested video will automatically play next. [PAR] Up next [PAR] Play now [PAR] Mix - (1973) Empress Gladys & The Pips "Midnight Train To Georgia"YouTube [PAR] Gladys Knight and The Pips - Midnight Train To Georgia - Duration: 4:39. soulbrothanumbahone 178,118 views [PAR] 4:39 [PAR] -The Three Degrees- -When I will see you again- - Duration: 2:54. EasyMusic36 12,992,277 views [PAR] 2:54 [PAR] Gladys Knight & The Pips - Neither One Of Us (Wants To Be The First To Say Goodbye) - Duration: 4:31. funkyscope 344,225 views [PAR] 4:31[DOC] [TLE] The Story of Gladys Knight: “The Empress of Soul”The Story of Gladys Knight: “The Empress of Soul” [PAR] The Story of Gladys Knight: “The Empress of Soul” [PAR] March 20, 2014 [PAR] Print [PAR] Most people can’t mention the name Gladys Knight without including a reference to The Pips. Gladys Knight and the Pips consisted of her brother and cousins, and performed together from the 1950’s-1980’s. Their trademark song was the #1 hit “Midnight Train to Georgia,” which won a GRAMMY in 1973 for Best R&B Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocals. Knight eventually parted ways with The Pips in 1989 and continues to perform as a solo artist. [PAR] Today, Knight is known as the “Empress of Soul,” and has recorded with notable artists such as Stevie Wonder, Elton John, Johnny Mathis and the late Ray Charles. Knight has won a slew of awards including four GRAMMY Awards, and has her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in Los Angeles. [PAR] Knight joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1997 and has said, “Since I've been so wonderfully blessed, I really want to share and to make life at least a little better. So every chance I get to share the gospel or uplift people, I will take full advantage of that opportunity.” [PAR] In 2000, Knight was the first musical guest in the LDS Conference Center in Salt Lake City, for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Christmas concerts. She performed such songs as “Mary’s Boy Child,” and “Sweet Little Jesus.” She now directs her own gospel choir, Saints Unified Voices , which scored a #1 album on the Billboard Gospel charts. The album, One Voice, prevailed on the top of the charts for 48 weeks. [PAR] In 2012, at age 67, Knight stepped into new territory on the
What was the name of the Scottish clan featured in the TV show and movies Highlander?
[DOC] [TLE] Highlander: The Series (TV Series 1992-1998) - The Movie ...Highlander: The Series (TV Series 1992-1998) — The Movie Database (TMDb) [PAR] 6.8 [PAR] Overview [PAR] Highlander: The Series is a fantasy science fiction action-adventure television series featuring Duncan MacLeod of the Scottish Clan MacLeod, as the Highlander. It was an offshoot and another alternate sequel of the 1986 feature film with a twist: Connor MacLeod did not win the prize and Immortals still exist post-1985. In fact, original Highlander star Christopher Lambert appeared in the Pilot episode so as to pass the torch to Adrian Paul. The series was an international hit and was nominated three times for the Gemini Awards and once for a Saturn Award in 1998. [PAR] Find out where to watch this on [PAR] Featured Crew[DOC] [TLE] Highlander - Forever Knight Wiki - WikiaHighlander | Forever Knight Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia [PAR] List of crossover fiction. [PAR] Highlander: The Series is a fantasy television series , an offshoot of the popular Highlander movies. Both share the same basic premise: there are many Immortals in the world, most of whom are involved in "The Game", a term they use for hunting one another, seeking "Quickenings"—a burst of power—by beheading other Immortals. Ultimately, there will be only one of them left to possess all their power. [PAR] Though sharing the premise, the TV show has a different protagonist: Duncan MacLeod of the Scottish Clan MacLeod (played by Adrian Paul), clansman to the protagonist of the movie sequence, Connor MacLeod. Connor appears in the pilot episode, which introduces Duncan as co-proprietor of MacLeod & Noël Antiques with his girlfriend Tessa Noël (Alexandra Vandernoot). A thief, Richie Ryan (Stan Kirsch), enters the shop and witnesses Duncan's confrontation with Connor and an evil Immortal, Slan Quince (Richard Moll). Now four hundred years old, Duncan has been hiding from other Immortals for some time. However, Connor asks him to return to The Game and help good win over evil. [PAR] Throughout the television series, storylines revolve around Duncan MacLeod's relationships with both mortals and other Immortals, including friends, family, lovers, and foes. As the series progressed, there were changes in concept, as well as growth in the characters and their relationships. Several recurring Immortal characters, including Amanda and Methos, were added to the show; and the "Watchers", like Joe Dawson, were introduced in Season Two. [PAR] Among the many well-known guest stars were Anthony Head (Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer ), Rocker and Actor Roger Daltrey, and, while the show was on hiatus, Forever Knight lead Geraint Wyn-Davies, as a tormented Immortal with a split personality. One episode had an Immortal who posed as a vampire, as they had done in the past, leading Duncan to proclaim that there were no such things as vampires. Fan-writers who cross Highlander with vampire characters like Nick Knight often have a ready explanation for this, usually involving Duncan lying for some reason, usually the result of an oath he gave. [PAR] Adapted from the Wikipedia article on Highlander .[DOC] [TLE] Clan MacLeod - Highlander Wiki - WikiaClan MacLeod | Highlander Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia [PAR] Edit [PAR] Leod held Uist, Harris, Lewis and much of Skye due to his marriage, his father, grandfather and stepfather's connections. He died around 1280 and was buried on the holy island of iona, where six successive chiefs of the clan found a last resting-place after him. [PAR] Leod had two sons, Tormod and Torquil. Tormod founded Sìol Thormoid, which led to the MacLeods of Harris and Skye, while Torquil was the progenitor of the MacLeods of Lewis and Raasay, or Sìol Thorcuill. The MacLeods of Harris and Skye usually spell their name in the English language using a capital "L", while is seems to be traditional for Macleods from Lewis to spell theirs using a lower-case "l". [PAR] The protagonists of the Highlander films and series are both fictional MacLeods. [PAR] 14th Century & Wars of Scottish Independence [PAR] Edit
Used in place of a net, what is the name for the pole with a sharp hook on the end of it used to boat large fish?
[DOC] [TLE] How to Catch Blue Fish - Party Boat NJHow To Catch Blue Fish - New Jersey Blue Fishing [PAR] New Jersey Blue Fishing [PAR] Links [PAR] How to Catch Blue Fish [PAR] Aboard Party Boat NJ you will either jig for the fish, or fish with bait on a hook. [PAR] Jigging [PAR] This method of blue fishing works best when there is a large school of blues. Often you will spot the fish chasing bait fish near the surface of the water. The captain looks for birds flying in groups near the water’s surface. This is often a sure sign of a large school of blues. The captain will stop the boat and drift over where the fish are swimming. [PAR] Your fishing rod will have a diamond head jig tipped with a green tube and the hook. No bait is used. [PAR] The deckhand will show you how to drop your line, with the attached jig, to the bottom and reel as fast as you can until the jig is just at the surface of the water. If you do not hook up with a blue on the first try, you drop your line again and reel as fast as you can until the jig is at the surface. This process repeats until you hook up. Then, be prepared for the battle. [PAR] Once a fish is hooked, it is most important to keep your fishing line straight out in front of you. For example, you hook up with the blue and see your line at the back of the boat, but you are at the front of the boat. The crew will yell for you to walk to your fish. As you walk toward the back of the boat, watch all the lines form the rods you pass. It is important not to have your line cross other lines. This means you may walk in front of some people and behind others on your way to your hooked fish. The crew will follow and coach. If you do get caught in other lines (called a tangle), the crew will quickly work to get you out of that tangle and you proceed to our fish and continue to reel it in. [PAR] Sometimes the fish will keep swimming away and bring you around the entire boat. The best way to win the battle is to keep following the fish. When you see the fish just near the surface, be carefully that the fish stays in the water until the deckhand puts a gaff ( a pole with a sharp hook on it) in it and brings it on the boat. Do not reel anymore. Leave the fish on the top in the water while you wait for the gaff. [PAR] Yay! Now you caught a fish. Get that line and toss it in the deep blue sea again and reel, reel, reel as fast as you can and catch another, and another. [PAR] Bait fishing [PAR] When large schools of blue fish are not easily spotted, the captain will travel to a spot where the blues are known to migrate and he will anchor up. Once the anchor is set the horn signals the start of fishing. [PAR] Your fishing rod will have a hook attached to the end of the line. The crew will show you the best way to put the bait that we provide, on the hook. He will instruct you how to pull the line out one count at a time. The line will move a distance away from the boat based on the number of pulls you take. Many times 35 to 55 pulls works for me. I will let the first 20 pulls out somewhat quickly. Then I count very slow pulls. When a fish bites, let it run some and then set the hook. Start reeling and the battle begins. Always remember to keep your thumb on the spool when letting line out. If your thumb is not on the spool when the fish bites, it will pull the line out so quickly you will tangle up into what we call a bird’s nest and it will be difficult to win the battle. Once you set the hook
Name the 2004 movie from its’ IMDB plot summary: “A hardened trainer/manager works with a determined woman in her attempt to establish herself as a boxer.”
million dollar baby
[DOC] [TLE] Million Dollar Baby Reviews & Ratings - IMDbMillion Dollar Baby Reviews & Ratings - IMDb [PAR] IMDb [PAR] Hide Spoilers: [PAR] Page 7 of 112: [PAR] 13 out of 22 people found the following review useful: [PAR] Coping with Elevated Expectations [PAR] Author: jryan-4 [PAR] 29 January 2005 [PAR] It's always difficult to be objective about a film like Million Dollar Baby. It's winning all the awards and getting lots of tens. When I walk into a theater to see something like this, the flick is already competing with Citizen Kane and Gone With the wind (or in this case Raging Bull and Somebody Up There Likes Me) rather than Kangaroo Jack or the Ghosts of Edendale. [PAR] I tend to become hyper-critical on such occasions which negatively affects my ability to sustain disbelief. Since I am a boxing historian, this tendency particularly pervades my perception of boxing movies all of which seem way too fake and over-simplified as compared to the sport itself. [PAR] One time I was covering a fight for Ring magazine and I walked into the dressing room where a manager was trying to force his fighter's fists into a pair of thumb-less gloves.A ruling had recently been passed in New York that preliminary fighters must wear thumb-less gloves as a measure to reduce eye injuries. This fighter had never even seen a pair of thumb-less gloves until five minutes before he was supposed to go into the ring against a local betting favorite. The scene in that dressing room ( "I ain't wearing those f------ things") was far more dramatic than anything I've ever seen in a boxing film and these guys weren't even in the ring yet. [PAR] So boxing films can best be viewed as metaphors and as metaphors they can not be taken literally. Only in movies do fighters score one punch first round knockouts over and over again. Only in movies do fighters foul as obviously and flagrantly as do the heavies in the movies. On an on and on. [PAR] So I'm sitting in the theater, aware of the maudlin, manipulating nature of the metaphor. I'm sort of rolling my eyes at the phoniness of it all, the clichés, the straight from Of Mice and Men story about Axel the Dog and the foreshadowing implicit within the tale. The too familiar technique of Morgan Freeman voice over. Certainly, our nation's critics couldn't be falling for this crap could they? And then, somehow, I too began to fall for it. I gave up the resistance which was futile anyway. [PAR] I started pulling for Swank, the actress and Eastwood the director.Let's face it, Eastwood passed John Wayne as the the most iconic of American actors about five years ago and now he takes his place with Scorcese amongst our best directors and here he is playing an old man with no intention of getting the girl. At this point, I'm rooting for Clint more than ever and I've always been on his side ever since the days of Rowdy Yates in Rawhide. [PAR] Freeman, yeah, we've sen this before too but ya know what? The reason we see it so often is because it works. I don't know what the thing with "Danger" was all about but even that worked sorta. [PAR] And Swank. Top of her game.I'll be a fan forever. [PAR] By the end, I forgot about the thumb-less gloves and the career of Clint and Glory and Insomnia and everything else except that I was sitting in a movie theater watching a great movie with my wife and daughter and all three of us were getting something from the film, something different for each of us, something we won't be able to articulate but may come back someday and provide us with courage and resilience in the clutch when we're on the ropes. [PAR] Was the above review useful to you? [PAR] 15 out of 26 people found the following review useful: [PAR] very very moving [PAR] 8 March 2005 [PAR] *** This review may contain spoilers *** [PAR] My congratulations to Mr. Eastwood for sharing this very moving story with me, and the rest of the world really
What is the only venomous lizard native to the United States?
gila monster
[DOC] [TLE] Venomous lizards: North America on Pinterest | Gila ...1000+ images about Venomous lizards: North America on Pinterest | Skulls, Texans and Multimedia [PAR] Forward [PAR] The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum,) is a species of venomous lizard native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexican state of Sonora. A heavy, slow-moving lizard, up to 60 cm (2.0 ft) long, the Gila monster is the only venomous lizard native to the United States and one of only two known species of venomous lizards in North America, the other being its close relative, the Mexican beaded lizard (H. horridum). [PAR] See More[DOC] [TLE] - Venomous Lizards of the United - Venomous Lizards of the United States [PAR] Venomous Links [PAR] VENOMOUS LIZARDS OF THE UNITED STATES [PAR] Let me start by saying that I am not a herpetologist. This page is designed to list the venomous lizards of the United States, but should in no way be considered an authoritative list. This page was compiled from information in the public domain, and has not been reviewed by a herpetologist. [PAR] There is only one species of venomous lizard that is native to the United States, which is the species Heloderma suspectum, commonly referred to as the Gila Monster. There are two subspecies that exist: [PAR] Reticulated Gila Monster - Heloderma suspectum suspectum [PAR] The Gila Monster is a protected species. It is named after the Gila Basin in Arizona. There are many myths about the Gila Monster, but there are just as many interesting and unique facts about them as well. [PAR] Myths: [PAR] The Gila Monster is immortal [PAR] The breath of the Gila Monster is toxic [PAR] The Gila Monster can leap several feet into the air [PAR] If bitten by a Gila Monster, it will not let go until the sun sets or until it hears thunder [PAR] The Gila Monster has no anus, and it's digestive waste is secreted via it's mouth, which is what makes the Gila Monster venomous [PAR] The Gila Monster is the only lizard with a forked tongue. [PAR] Facts: [PAR] The Gila Monster is the United State's only species of venomous lizard, and is one of only two species of venomous lizards in the world. [PAR] The Gila Monster is the slowest lizard in the United States, although it can strike quickly. [PAR] The Gila Monster is the largest lizard native to the United States. [PAR] The Gila Monster does not inject venom with fangs like a snake. [PAR] For more information on the Gila Monster, please visit the sites below.[DOC] [TLE] 7 of the World’s Most Dangerous Lizards and Turtles ...7 of the World’s Most Dangerous Lizards and Turtles | [PAR] 7 of the World’s Most Dangerous Lizards and Turtles [PAR] Editor Picks: Exploring 10 Types of Basketball Movies [PAR] © Miroslav Hlavko/ [PAR] To many people, lizards and turtles are bizarre-looking creatures. Many lizards are considered menacing because of their seemingly expressionless faces combined with their claws and teeth, whereas turtles are thought of as slow-moving, docile creatures. Most lizards, in reality, are harmless to humans, as are most turtles; however, there are certain members of both groups that can kill, maim, make ill, or inflict at least mild levels of pain on their hapless human victims. Some lizards are, in fact, venomous, and some are quite aggressive. [PAR] 7Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) [PAR] Richard Weymouth Brooks/Photo Researchers [PAR] The Gila monster (Heloderma suspectum) was named for the Gila River Basin and occurs in parts of the U.S. states of Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah, and New Mexico and the Mexican states of Sonora and Sinaloa. It grows to about 50 cm (about 20 inches), is stout-bodied with black and pink blotches or bands, and has beadlike scales. They are the largest lizards in the United States. [PAR] During warm weather the Gila monster feeds at night on small mammals, birds, and eggs. Fat stored in the tail and abdomen at this time is utilized during the winter months. The large head and muscular jaws of the
In the Star Wars universe, what rank falls between Padawan and Jedi Master?
jedi knights
[DOC] [TLE] Star Wars Glossary: Jedi Master - EntertainmentJedi Master - Star Wars Glossary [PAR] Star Wars Glossary [PAR] Star Wars Glossary: Jedi Master [PAR] Jedi Master Yoda in Episode II. Lucasfilm Ltd. [PAR] Sci-Fi & Fantasy Expert [PAR] By Amelia Hill [PAR] Definition: A Jedi Master, as the name implies, is one who has attained mastery of the Force. Although the first Jedi Master to appear was Obi-Wan Kenobi in A New Hope , the title wasn't explicitly used until Luke trained under Yoda in The Empire Strikes Back . [PAR] In-universe: Jedi Master was the highest rank in the Jedi Order, and as such was reserved for the most talented. A Jedi Master needed not only superior combat skills, but superior knowledge and wisdom in the ways of the Force . Even Jedi as powerful as Anakin Skywalker might not become Jedi Masters if the Council felt they were not mature and balanced enough. [PAR] During the periods when the Jedi Council had centralized control over the Order -- most of the time between 4,000 BBY and the Jedi Purge -- the Council had strict standards of who could become a Jedi Master. The most common test was to train more than one Padawan to Knighthood. The Council could also bestow the title of Master on someone who passed a significant Trial, much like the Jedi Trials to become a Jedi Knight, or performed an extraordinary service for the Republic. [PAR] continue reading below our video [PAR] Highest Paid Female Actors Ever [PAR] With the exception of Anakin Skywalker (and, temporarily, Ki-Adi-Mundi), one had to be a Jedi Master to get a seat on the Jedi Council. [PAR] Before 4,000 BBY and after Luke Skywalker reestablished the Jedi Order, the process of Jedi training was much more informal and decentralized. In the early days of the Jedi Order, Jedi Knights would declare themselves Jedi Masters once they felt they deserved it, particularly after fighting the Sith. This had great potential for abuse and was strongly discouraged by the Jedi Council. [PAR] Luke declared himself a Jedi Master before starting his Jedi Academy, since there was no Jedi Council at the time to give him the title. This action drew criticism, however, because Luke had only trained for a few years. The standard of training apprentices to Knighthood was not generally used in the New Jedi Order; instead, Jedi gained the title of Master either based on Luke's personal assessment of their skill or because of their extraordinary service to the New Republic. [PAR] Read More[DOC] [TLE] Every Jedi Ever - IGNEvery Jedi Ever - IGN [PAR] IGN [PAR] Every Jedi Ever: The Force Awakens Edition [PAR] Every Jedi Ever: The Force Awakens Edition [PAR] More From Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace [PAR] More From Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope [PAR] More From Dragon Ball Z [PAR] More From Star Wars Rebels [PAR] More From Star Wars: The Clone Wars [PAR] More From Star Wars: Episode IV -- A New Hope [PAR] More From Star Wars: The Force Awakens [PAR] More From Star Wars: Return of the Jedi [PAR] More From Star Wars: The Force Awakens [PAR] More From Star Wars: The Force Awakens [PAR] More From Star Wars: The Force Awakens [PAR] More From Star Wars: Episode VI -- Return of the Jedi [PAR] More From Star Wars: The Clone Wars [PAR] More From Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace [PAR] Next [PAR] Every Jedi Ever [PAR] Share. [PAR] Feel the Force around you with our timeline detailing every Jedi Knight ever in the Star Wars canon universe! [PAR] By Scott Collura [PAR] For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic… [PAR] The Jedi have inspired our imaginations for decades now, from the early days of Luke, Obi-Wan and Yoda, through the Prequel adventures where we saw the Jedi Order in their prime, and on into the excellent Clone Wars animated series and beyond. And now, of course, we have an entirely new chapter in the history of the Jedi with the arrival of a new trilogy starting with The Force Awakens. [PAR] In tribute to these iconic figures, we’ve retrieved from the holocrons of the Jedi Archives
Valance, fitted and flat are all types of what?
[DOC] [TLE] Valance Types Explained - Yorkshire LinenValance Types Explained [PAR] Valance Types Explained [PAR] What's The Difference Between A Platform Valance and a Fitted Valance Sheet? [PAR] We're often asked 'what's the difference between a platform valance and a fitted valance sheet?'. In fact, the purchase of the wrong option by mistake is one of the most common reasons for product exchanges here at, so here's a quick guide to the difference between the two to help you avoid making the same mistake: [PAR] [PAR] Platform valances [PAR] A platform valance (also known as a base valance) goes under your mattress and covers the base of the bed only. The skirt of the valance then drops to the floor. The drop of our platform valances is 16"/ 40.5cm. With platform valances you need a separate sheet to cover the mattress. [PAR] [PAR] Fitted Valance Sheets [PAR] Fitted valance sheets go over your mattress like a fitted sheet but instead of only covering the mattress they have a skirt that drops all the way to the floor. Essentially a fitted valance sheet does the job of a fitted sheet and a platform valance at the same time. Our fitted valance sheets have a sheet depth of 9”/23cm and a drop of 16”/40.5cm. [PAR] Processing your request [PAR] At times of high demand this may take a moment [PAR] Please be patient [PAR] Sign up to receive our [PAR] Newsletter [PAR] Sign up to receive our newsletter [PAR] Submit [PAR] For your chance to strike a substantial discount simply do the following. [PAR] Place 2 or more different products into your shopping basket. [PAR] You can then make your own bid as to what you want to pay! [PAR] We may accept your offer or make a counter proposal! [PAR] You can have 3 attempts to strike a deal and get a great additional discount [PAR] Enjoy haggling with our virtual trader and good luck![DOC] [TLE] Fitted, Flat, Valance Sheets and Pillow Cases – Tagged ...Fitted, Flat, Valance Sheets and Pillow Cases – Tagged "Type_Fitted Sheet" – The Cosy Bedding Company [PAR] Pillow Case (Pair) [PAR] Fitted, Flat, Valance Sheets and Pillow Cases [PAR] Luxury Egyptian Cotton and Polyester Fitted, Flat, Valance Sheets & Pillow Case. Our Soft combed cotton Blend has 180 threads per square inch And Has A Fine Soft Luxurious Feel. [PAR] Sort by[DOC] [TLE] Bed Sheets | Flat & Fitted Sheets | DunelmBed Sheets | Flat & Fitted Sheets | Dunelm [PAR] Load more results [PAR] Bed Sheets [PAR] Get good quality bedding that lasts, whether you are looking for fitted bed sheets with elasticated corners, or flat sheets for perfect folding and tucking, we have an impressive variety of colours and sizes to suit your bedroom decor and match your needs. If it's luxury, comfort and elegance you are looking for we recommend treating yourself to the Hotel 100% Egyptian cotton fitted or flat sheet. [PAR] We offer a selection of brushed cotton sheets , as well as high quality brands such as Dorma for a true sense of luxury and indulgent softness. You may also enjoy the versatile properties of our flannelette or cotton sheets , designed to keep you cool during the hotter months yet warm once the weather becomes colder. Put a stop to ill-fitting bedding and late night scrambles to get it back on the bed with our range of deep fitted sheets . Perfect for those with a topper or thicker mattress to make sure everything stays tucked in tight. [PAR] You can also create a sumptuous sleeping place for your baby or toddler, with our range of baby bedding and childrens bedding including our range of flannelette sheets to ensure your little ones get a peaceful night sleep on the softest material. [PAR] Newsletter sign up[DOC] [TLE] Easy Care Bed Sheets - Fitted Sheets, Flat Sheets to ...Easy Care Bed Sheets - Fitted Sheets, Flat Sheets to Valance Sheets with Sheet Type: Fitted Valance Sheet and size: Superking [PAR] Easy Care Bed Sheets [PAR] Easy Care Luxury Polycotton Sheets in Madison Blue [PAR] £5.99 [PAR] Easy Care Luxury Polycotton Sheets in Navy [PAR] £4.99 [PAR] Easy Care Luxury Polycotton Sheets in Aqua [PAR] £5.99 [PAR] Easy Care Luxury Polycotton Sheets in Heather [PAR] £5.99 [PAR] Easy Care Luxury Polycotton Sheets in Teal [PAR]
Played by Lee Majors, Steve Austin, astronaut, A man barely alive, becomes who?
bionic man
[DOC] [TLE] Lee Majors - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles TimesLee Majors - Hollywood Star Walk - Los Angeles Times [PAR] Hollywood Star Walk [PAR] Born April 23, 1939 in Wyandotte, MI [PAR] Lee Majors had his first big break on the TV western “The Big Valley” in the 1960s and his last big role as the stuntman at the center of “The Fall Guy” in the ’80s, but it was playing Col. Steve Austin on “The Six Million Dollar Man” from 1974 to 1978 that made him a pop culture touchstone. [PAR] Majors played an astronaut, “a man barely alive” after crashing in a test flight vehicle, who was rebuilt with electronics. As the show’s intro stated, “We can make him better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster.” With a new arm, eye and pair of legs, Austin employed his superhuman abilities as a government agent. [PAR] Off the screen, Majors had another claim to fame: From 1973 to 1982, he was married to Farrah Fawcett (his second wife, of an eventual four), and with her starring in the hit “Charlie’s Angels,” the two formed a true TV power couple. Fawcett’s “Charlie’s Angels” contract even stated that she had to be home by 6:30 nightly to make dinner for Majors. Though their marriage ended in divorce, when Fawcett died in 2009, Majors called her “an angel on earth and, now, an angel forever.” [PAR] — Scott Sandell for the Los Angeles Times Feb. 25, 2010 [PAR] More stars in... [PAR] Share a thought about Lee Majors [PAR] Did you ever meet Lee Majors? Share your memory. [PAR] Which other stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame have connections to Lee Majors? [PAR] Are other places in the world important to Lee Majors? [PAR] Does Lee Majors deserve this star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame? [PAR] If you enter anything in this field your comment will be treated as spam [PAR] Name[DOC] [TLE] Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar ManSteve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man [PAR] Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man [PAR] Real Name: Colonel Steve Austin [PAR] Identity/Class: Cyborg [PAR] Occupation: Secret agent; former astronaut [PAR] Affiliations: OSI; Jaime Sommers (a.k.a. the Bionic Woman ); Oscar Goldman; Rudy Wells; Bigfoot [PAR] Enemies: Barney Miller (a.k.a. The Seven Million Dollar Man); Bigfoot [PAR] Known Relatives: Jaime Sommers (wife) [PAR] Aliases: None [PAR] First Appearance: Cyborg (novel by Martin Caidin) [PAR] Other Appearances: Six Million Dollar Man (TV series), Bionic Woman (TV series) [PAR] Powers/Abilities:Thanks to his bionic limbs Steve can run at around sixty miles an hour, and lift weights impossible for normal men. His a bionic eye grants him telescopic vision. [PAR] History: "Steve Austin, astronaut, a man barely alive. Gentlemen, we can rebuild him, we have the technology. We have the capability to make the worlds first Bionic Man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better. Stronger. Faster." [PAR] Steve Austin was a former astronaut who was severely injured when his experimental plane crashed. He lost his legs, his right arm and his left eye in the crash, and his life was only saved by extensive bionic surgery, performed at the behest of the U.S. government, who were looking for a test subject for the new technology. Now equipped with state of the art mechanical replacements for his missing appendages, he works as a special operative for The Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI), a covert branch of the US government. [PAR] During his adventures he encountered a number of unusual threats, including the rogue Seven Million Dollar Man, Barney Miller, and Bigfoot, a bionic android working for aliens. He reported to Oscar Goldman, and was romantically involved with Jaime Sommers, the Bionic Woman . [PAR] Comments:Played by Lee Majors in the long-running TV show, based on the novel. Oscar was played by Richard Anderson. In the forthcoming movie adaption he will be played by Jim
What is the name of the scrawny, superstitious schoolmaster who is pursued by the Headless Horseman in the Washington Irving story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow"?
ichabod crane
[DOC] [TLE] The Legend of Sleepy Hollow : Washington Irving ...The Legend of Sleepy Hollow : Washington Irving : 9781612930985 [PAR] The Legend of Sleepy Hollow [PAR] Paperback [PAR] Add to basket Add to wishlist [PAR] Description [PAR] "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is a short story by Washington Irving contained in his collection The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent., written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. With Irving's companion piece "Rip Van Winkle," "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction still read today. PLOT The story is set circa 1790 in the Dutch settlement of Tarry Town (based on Tarrytown, New York), in a secluded glen called Sleepy Hollow. It tells the story of Ichabod Crane, a lean, lanky, and extremely superstitious schoolmaster from Connecticut, who competes with Abraham "Brom Bones" Van Brunt, the town rowdy, for the hand of 18-year-old Katrina Van Tassel, the daughter and sole child of a wealthy farmer, Baltus Van Tassel. As Crane leaves a party he attended at the Van Tassel home on an autumn night, he is pursued by the Headless Horseman, who is supposedly the ghost of a Hessian trooper who had his head shot off by a stray cannonball during "some nameless battle" of the American Revolutionary War, and who "rides forth to the scene of battle in nightly quest of his head." Ichabod mysteriously disappears from town, leaving Katrina to marry Brom Bones, who was "to look exceedingly knowing whenever the story of Ichabod was related." Although the nature of the Headless Horseman is left open to interpretation, the story implies that the Horseman was really Brom Bones in disguise. BACKGROUND The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving: hard bound book with a flowered silk cover and gold foil lettering, printed circa 1907. The Legend of Sleepy Hollow was based on a German folktale, set in the Dutch culture of Post-Revolutionary War in New York State. The original folktale was recorded by Karl Musaus. An excerpt of Musaus: The headless horseman was often seen here. An old man who did not believe in ghosts told of meeting the headless horseman coming from his trip into the Hollow. The horseman made him climb up behind. They rode over bushes, hills, and swamps. When they reached the bridge, the horseman suddenly turned into a skeleton. He threw the old man into the brook and sprang away over the treetops with a clap of thunder. The denouement of the fictional tale is set at the bridge over the Pocantico River in the area of the Old Dutch Church and Burying Ground in Sleepy Hollow. The characters of Ichabod Crane and Katrina Van Tassel may have been based on local residents known to the author. The character of Katrina is thought to have been based upon Eleanor Van Tassel Brush, in which case her name is derived from that of Eleanor's aunt Catriena Ecker Van Tessel. Irving, while he was an aide-de-camp to New York Gov. Daniel D. Tompkins, met an army captain named Ichabod Crane in Sackets Harbor, New York during an inspection tour of fortifications in 1814. He may have borrowed the name from the captain and patterned the character in "The Legend" after Jesse Merwin, who taught at the local schoolhouse in Kinderhook, further north along the Hudson River, where Irving spent several months in 1809. The story was the longest one published as part of The Sketch Book, which Irving issued using the pseudonym "Geoffrey Crayon" in 1820. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" follows a tradition of folk tales and poems involving a supernatural wild chase, including Robert Burns's Tam O' Shanter (1790), and Burger's Der wilde Jager, translated as The Wild Huntsman (1796). (from the Wikipedia article "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow," licensed under CC-BY-SA.)" show more [PAR] Product details [PAR] 137.16 x 213.36 x 7.62mm | 90.72g [PAR] Publication date[DOC] [TLE] The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories by ...The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories by Washington Irving -
The Maine Coon is a breed of what popular pet?
[DOC] [TLE] Maine Coon Cat | Cat Breeds | PetfinderMaine Coon Cat | Cat Breeds | Petfinder [PAR] Maine Coon Cat [PAR] See more adoptable Maine Coon cats available on Petfinder [PAR] Watch Video About Maine Coon Cats [PAR] Cats 101: Maine Coon [PAR] Maine Coon Cat Personality [PAR] No breed has a monopoly on love and affection, but there's got to be some good reason that the Maine Coon has clawed his way up from near extinction to the prized place of America's second most popular breed (according to the CFA's registration totals). Maine Coon fanciers say that the popularity is due to the breed's large size, intelligence, luxuriant coat, hardy disposition, and devotion to their human family. [PAR] While Maine Coons are devoted, playful, and loving to their chosen humans, they can be reserved around people with whom they're not familiar. Given time, however, even the most cautious adapt. As befits a former seafarer, Maine Coons are fascinated by water, perhaps because their thick coats are water-repellent and won't become annoyingly soaked as easily as a thinner coat would. [PAR] Maine Coon Cat Breed Traits [PAR] One of the largest domestic breeds, male Maine Coons weigh in at 12 to 18 pounds, while the females fall into a 'petite' 10 to 14 pound range. Slow to mature, the Maine Coon takes three to four years to fully develop. Although brown tabby is the most common color and pattern, Maine Coons come in a wide variety of colors. [PAR] The heavy all-weather coat, shorter on the shoulders and longer on the stomach and britches, makes the cat appear larger than he really is. The texture is smooth and silky rather than cottony, so the coat doesn't mat as easily as the coats of some long haired breeds. Breeders usually recommend a twice-weekly combing with a good steel comb. [PAR] Interested in the history of the Maine Coon cat breed? [PAR] Maine Coons, like American Shorthairs, are considered native to America because they've been on this continent since the colonial days, and perhaps longer. How they got here in the first place and where their progenitors came from, however, is anyone's guess, since none of the local colonists happened by with their camcorders to record the event. [PAR] Many imaginative stories exist about the origin of the breed (some more believable than others), but hard proof is as elusive as a cat at bathtime. One story alleges that the breed is a raccoon/domestic cat hybrid, thus the name Maine Coon. Even though both raccoons and Maine Coons have lush, long tails and the tendency to dunk their food into their drinking water, such a union is biologically impossible. [PAR] Another anecdote, unlikely but at least possible, holds that the Maine Coon was produced by bobcat/domestic cat trysts, which would explain the ear and toe tufts and the impressive size of the breed. [PAR] A more imaginative story claims that Maine Coons are descendants of long haired cats belonging to Marie Antoinette. The Queen's cats and other belongings were smuggled to America by a captain named Clough, who was preparing to rescue the Queen from her rendezvous with the guillotine. Unfortunately, the Queen lost her head and the cats ended up staying with Clough in Maine. [PAR] Last, but not least, is the tale of a sea captain named Coon who in the 1700s brought long haired cats with him on his excursions to America?s northeastern coast. [PAR] This last story has at least a ring of truth. Seafarers who used cats to control rodent populations on their sailing ships probably brought some long haired buccaneers with them to the New World. Some of the cats went ashore when they reached the northeastern coast and established themselves on the farms and in the barns of the early settlers. Given Maine's severe climate, those initial years must have been tough on cat and human alike. Only the breed's strongest and most adaptable survived. Through natural selection, the Maine Coon developed into a large, rugged cat with a dense, water-resistant coat and a hardy constitution. [PAR] Regardless of where the breed came from, the Maine Coon was one of the first breeds to
What is the name for money paid out to shareholders of a company out of the corporate profits, based on the number of owned shares?
stock dividend
[DOC] [TLE] company shares - how do they work - Duportcompany shares - how do they work [PAR] understand the process [PAR] company shares - what are they [PAR] A share is a token of ownership, and each one represents a vote in the company concerned. Any individual shareholder can have just one, or many. [PAR] what do they do? [PAR] As every share counts as a vote in the company, the more shares you have the more votes you have - for example, a person with 5 shares can out-vote a person with 4 shares. [PAR] The proportions of these votes depend on how many shares you have issued. For example, if you issue 100 shares and have two shareholders with 50 shares each this is exactly the same as issuing 10 shares and each shareholder having 5. [PAR] We do not advise you to issue many shares, as the number of shares increase your liability. [PAR] Shares may also carry the right to dividend and may allow the individual shareholder to benefit from the sale of the company. [PAR] what are they worth? [PAR] Each share has a "nominal value" (usually £1) but that has no bearing on the true value of the share or of the company. For instance, a company with a "nominal capital" of £1,000 represented by 1,000 shares may be sold for £200,000, in which case those 'nominal' £1 shares would have a 'real' value of £200 each. [PAR] what is a dividend? [PAR] Dividend is a payment made to the shareholders of a company in proportion to the number of shares held. Dividends are not paid automatically; it is the decision of the board of directors whether a dividend will be paid in a particular year, and how much dividend will be paid per share. This decision will normally be made on the basis of the company's profits. [PAR] who can own shares in a limited company? [PAR] Anyone can hold shares in a limited company, including people who also work in the company and receive a salary. [PAR] who can own shares in a private limited company? [PAR] A private company is normally restricted to issuing shares to its members, to staff and their families and to debenture holders. However, by private arrangement, the company may issue shares to anyone it chooses. Shares in a private limited company may only be sold or transferred with the permission of the directors. [PAR] what are the different share types? [PAR] ordinary: As the name suggests these are the ordinary shares of the company with no special rights or restrictions. They may be divided into classes of different value. [PAR] preference: These shares normally carry a right that any annual dividends available for distribution will be paid preferentially on these shares before other classes. [PAR] differential share rights/values: Differential share rights/values: It is also possible to customise the rights of ordinary shares to create differential voting and/or dividend rights. Commonly, this is done by creating A, B and C shares (and so on) out of the ordinary share stock, with each share class being allocated rights as required. [PAR] When making such an arrangement it is important to think that matter through in terms of what the company wants to achieve, but without attempting to use legal jargon. Duport Associates can advise and assist in the creation of special share classes by means of a written resolution. [PAR] is there a maximum and a minimum share capital? [PAR] There is no maximum to any company's authorised share capital and no minimum share capital for private limited companies. [PAR] However, a public limited company must have an authorised share capital of at least £50,000 (and, if it is trading, an issued capital of £50,000). [PAR] must shareholders pay for their shares? [PAR] In a private limited company there is no obligation for the shareholders to pay for the shares they own. If the company decides that its shares should be 'paid up' then payment for those shares is made into the company's own funds and those payments must be shown in the company's accounts. If shares are 'paid up' and the company subsequently goes into liquidation, there may be no
A viscous byproduct from its manufacture, what is the syrup drained from raw sugar called?
blackstrap molasses
[DOC] [TLE] Beauty Without Cruelty - IndiaJob Vacancies [PAR] Sugar [PAR] India ranks second (Brazil comes first) in sugar production and consumption. India’s production is expected to rise to 24.5 million tonne although the annual demand is 22 million tonne. Sugar producing states are Uttar Pradesh (24%), Maharashtra (20%), Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. There are 453 sugar mills in India of which 252 are co-operatives, 134 are private, and 67 are public sector mills. [PAR] Sugar derived from sugarcane in these refineries of India is vegan. Filtration and declourisation techniques for cane sugar can involve either bone char, traditional granular / activated carbon (coal, wood, coconut), or the use of synthetic ion exchange resins. Manufacturers of cane sugar in India use the latter or sulphur dioxide. [PAR] In April 2013, the Government of India announced partial decontrol over sugar in as much that it would no longer force sugar mills to sell at a discount, 10% of the sugar they produce to the Public Distribution System for resale in ration shops. However, basic issues affecting farmers like sugar cane price-control, regulation of cane areas, and restrictions on supply to sugar mills, would be addressed by state governments. [PAR] Sugar/sucrose can be produced from sugarcane, sugar beet, sweet sorghum, palm/coconut, sago, maple, corn, barley, grapes, dates, agave, and from honey and milk as well. The major categories of sugar produced worldwide are granulated, brown, liquid and invert sugar. [PAR] Raw sugar/pure sucrose/natural brown sugar is first manufactured by extracting juice from shredded sugarcane which for clarifying is heated along with phosphate and lime sucrate/milk of lime (both of mineral origin) so that impurities are removed. The clarified juice is then concentrated in evaporators and crystallised into raw sugar. Nothing is added during this process of clarification. Refined plantation white sugar, cubed and icing sugars are produced from raw sugar by melting and further clarifying by the ion exchange process or through the double sulphitation process in which sugar is passed through sulphur gas. [PAR] This sulphitation process involves the use of sulphur dioxide (SO2) twice. Since raw sugarcane juice is a little acidic with a low pH of 4 or 5, to prevent it turning into glucose or fructose, it is heated to 70°C and lime or calcium oxide (CaO) of mineral origin is added to it. This raises the pH to about 9.5. To bring down the pH to the neutral level of 7, it needs to be treated with SO2. In doing so, the CaO reacts with the SO2 to produce sulphites and sulphates of calcium which help to clarify the juice. However, the second time SO2 is used is in order to bleach (whiten) the sugar. It is added after the juice has been concentrated and is being crystallised. Although the soluble sulphur compounds are drained out with the molasses, some sulphur (more than what we can safely consume) remains in the white sugar and can result in respiratory diseases. [PAR] Countries such as USA and Europe do not import our sugar because of the adverse side effects of consuming sugar produced via the sulphitation process. In India, the maximum permissible limit of SO2 in white refined sugar is 70 parts per million (ppm) whereas the international standard is about 10 ppm. [PAR] Scientists from the National Sugar Institute, Kanpur and Deccan Sugar Technologist Association have carried out research with considerable success at the industrial scale also, to manufacture white sugar through a carbonation process without the use of sulphur. The addition of trace amounts of phosphoric acid (mineral origin) ensured a better neutralisation of pH, and also helped faster clarification of the juice. [PAR] VHP (Very High Polarization) sugar is mainly produced in Brazil. It is akin to raw sugar and brown in colour. Although classified as a chemical product it can be consumed, however,
What large hospitality chain owns and operates the mid-priced Courtyard hotel chain?
[DOC] [TLE] Hotels chains - picking the right one and how to become a ...Hotels chains - picking the right one and how to become a loyal guest - Gadling [PAR] by Scott Carmichael on [PAR] Jul 2, 2009 [PAR] Welcome to the Gadling hotel month! There is no better time of the year to learn more about hotels, how to pick the right hotel and how to become loyal to one chain. In today’s article, I’m going to teach you as much as I can about picking the right brand and how to become (and stay) loyal to one chain. Before we continue, let me explain something really simple about the hotels: [PAR] The world is made up of 3 different kinds of hotels: [PAR] Chain hotels that are part of a large hotel group [PAR] Chain hotels with just one brand [PAR] Stand alone hotels, B&B’s and any other property not part of a group [PAR] We’ll start with chain hotels that are part of a large hotel group – you’ll find some of their logo’s printed above. These are the leaders of the hotel world (sure, I may have missed a couple), but the bottom line is that a handful of companies own and/or operate a huge amount of the hotels in the world. There are some pretty big advantages to each sort of hotel operation, and when you pick the right one, you’ll increase your chance of having an enjoyable stay. [PAR] Chain hotels that are part of a large hotel group [PAR] Chain hotels are the ones you are most likely to come across when searching for a hotel. Chain hotels are the Starwoods and Hyatts of the world. These chains have been around for years, and the largest of them operate as many as 3000 properties. [PAR] Of course, none of these companies own every single one of their locations, but they do provide marketing, booking systems and branding for anyone who meets their standards and would prefer owning a branded hotel over just another “hotel”. [PAR] The most important reason to pick a hotel that is part of a large chain is simple – consistency. Granted, a Hyatt in Spain may not look exactly the same as a US Hyatt, but the hotel will be held to the same standards as its US counterpart. Picking a consistent hotel is great if you want to feel a little more at home. There is something oddly comforting about driving through a weird city, then arriving at your favorite hotel brand. Outside may look, smell and sound different, but inside the hotel, its all vaguely familiar and reassuring. [PAR] The largest multi-brand hotel chains in the world are: [PAR] Starwood – operates the Sheraton, W Hotels, Aloft, Four Points, Le Meridien, Westin, Element and Luxury Collection properties [PAR] Hilton – operates the Hilton, Conrad, Doubletree, Embassy Suites, Hilton Garden Inn, Hampton, Homewood Suites, Home2 Suites, and Waldorf Astoria properties [PAR] Hyatt – operates the Grand Hyatt, Hyatt Regency, Park Hyatt, Hyatt Resorts, Andaz, Hyatt Place, Hyatt Summerfield Suites and Hyatt Vacation Club properties. [PAR] Marriott – operates the Marriott Hotels & Resorts, JW Marriott Hotels & Resorts, Renaissance Hotels, Courtyard, Residence Inn, Fairfield Inn, TownePlace Suites, SpringHill Suite and Marriott Vacation Club properties [PAR] Choice Hotels International – operates the Comfort Inn, Comfort Suites, Quality Inn, Sleep Inn, Clarion, Cambria Suites, MainStay Suites, Suburban, Econolodge and Rodeway Inn properties [PAR] Wyndham Worldwide – operates the Wyndham hotels, Ramada, Days Inn, Super 8, Wingate, Baymont Inn, Microtel, Hawthorn Suites, Howard Johnson, Travelodge and Knights Inn properties [PAR] Intercontinental Hotel Group – operates the Intercontinental hotels, Crowne Plaza, Hotel Indigo, Holiday Inn, Holiday Inn Express, Staybridge Suites and Candlewood Suites properties [PAR] Carlson – operates the Radisson, Park Plaza, Country Inns and Suites and Park Inn properties [PAR] Kimpton hotels – operates the Hotel Palomar, Hotel Monaco hotels as well as a variety of Kimpton boutique properties [PAR] These chains offer something in almost every price range – take for example the hotels that are part of the Intercontinental Hotel Group. This chain can offer you a $300/night room in
What type of screw and screwdriver, designed to aid in automated manufacturing lines, features a small cross on the head of the screw?
[DOC] [TLE] ScrewdriverA screwdriver is a tool, manual or powered, for turning (driving or removing) screws. A typical simple screwdriver has a handle and a shaft, and a tip that the user inserts into the screw head to turn it. The shaft is usually made of tough steel to resist bending or twisting. The tip may be hardened to resist wear, treated with a dark tip coating for improved visual contrast between tip and screw—or ridged or treated for additional 'grip'. Handle are typically wood, metal, or plastic and usually hexagonal, square, or oval in cross-section to improve grip and prevent the tool from rolling when set down. Some manual screwdrivers have interchangeable tips that fit into a socket on the end of the shaft and are held in mechanically or magnetically. These often have a hollow handle that contains various types and sizes of tips, and a reversible ratchet action that allows multiple full turns without repositioning the tip or the user's hand. [PAR] A screwdriver is classified by its tip, which is shaped to fit the driving surfaces—slots, grooves, recesses, etc.—on the corresponding screw head. Proper use requires that the screwdriver's tip engage the head of a screw of the same size and type designation as the screwdriver tip. Screwdriver tips are available in a wide variety of types and sizes (List of screw drives). The two most common are the simple 'blade'-type for slotted screws, and Phillips. [PAR] A wide variety of power screwdrivers range from a simple 'stick'-type with batteries, a motor, and a tip holder all inline, to powerful "pistol" type VSR (variable-speed reversible) Cordless drills that also function as screwdrivers. This is particularly useful as drilling a pilot hole before driving a screw is a common operation. Special combination drill-driver bits and adapters let an operator rapidly alternate between the two. Variations include impact drivers, which provide two types of 'hammering' force for improved performance in certain situations, and "right-angle" drivers for use in tight spaces. Many options and enhancements, such as built-in bubble levels, high/low gear selection, magnetic screw holders, adjustable-torque clutches, keyless chucks, 'gyroscopic' control, etc., are available. [PAR] History [PAR] The earliest documented screwdrivers were used in Europe in the late Middle Ages. They were probably invented in the late 15th century, either in Germany or France. The tool's original names in German and French were Schraubendreher (screwturner) and tournevis (turnscrew), respectively. The first documentation of the tool is in the medieval Housebook of Wolfegg Castle, a manuscript written sometime between 1475 and 1490. These earliest screwdrivers had pear-shaped handles and were made for slotted screws (diversification of the many types of screwdrivers did not emerge until the Gilded Age). The screwdriver remained inconspicuous, however, as evidence of its existence throughout the next 300 years is based primarily on the presence of screws. [PAR] Screws were used in the 15th century to construct screw-cutting lathes, for securing breastplates, backplates, and helmets on medieval jousting armor—and eventually for multiple parts of the emerging firearms, particularly the matchlock. Screws, hence screwdrivers, were not used in full combat armor, most likely to give the wearer freedom of movement. [PAR] The jaws that hold the pyrites inside medieval guns were secured with screws, and the need to constantly replace the pyrites resulted in considerable refinement of the screwdriver. The tool is more documented in France, and took on many shapes and sizes, though all for slotted screws. There were large, heavy-duty screwdrivers for building and repairing large machines, and smaller screwdrivers for refined cabinet work. [PAR] The screwdriver depended entirely on the screw, and it took several advances to make the screw easy enough to produce to become popular and widespread. The most popular door hinge at the time was the butt-hinge, but it was considered a luxury. The butt-hinge was handmade, and its constant motion required the security of a screw. [PAR] Screws were very hard to produce before the
Monday marked the anniversary internet giant Google, started in 1998, while its founders were attending what PAC-10 school?
[DOC] [TLE] GoogleGoogle is an American multinational technology company specializing in Internet-related services and products that include online advertising technologies, search, cloud computing, and software. Most of its profits are derived from AdWords, an online advertising service that places advertising near the list of search results. [PAR] Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University, California. Together, they own about 14 percent of its shares and control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a privately held company on September 4, 1998. An initial public offering (IPO) took place on August 19, 2004, and Google moved to its new headquarters in Mountain View, California, nicknamed the Googleplex. [PAR] In August 2015, Google announced plans to reorganize its interests as a holding company called Alphabet Inc. When this restructuring took place on October 2, 2015, Google became Alphabet's leading subsidiary, as well as the parent for Google's Internet interests. [PAR] Rapid growth since incorporation has triggered a chain of products, acquisitions and partnerships beyond Google's core search engine (Google Search). It offers online productivity software (Google Docs) including email (Gmail), a cloud storage service (Google Drive) and a social networking service (Google+). Desktop products include applications for web browsing (Google Chrome), organizing and editing photos (Google Photos), and instant messaging and video chat (Hangouts). The company leads the development of the Android mobile operating system and the browser-only Chrome OS for a class of netbooks known as Chromebooks and desktop PCs known as Chromeboxes. Google has moved increasingly into communications hardware, partnering with major electronics manufacturers in the production of its "high-quality low-cost" Nexus devices. In 2012, a fiber-optic infrastructure was installed in Kansas City to facilitate a Google Fiber broadband service. [PAR] Google has been estimated to run more than one million servers in data centers around the world (as of 2007). It processes over one billion search requests and about 24 petabytes of user-generated data each day (as of 2009). [PAR] In December 2013, Alexa listed as the most visited website in the world. Numerous Google sites in other languages figure in the top one hundred, as do several other Google-owned sites such as YouTube and Blogger. [PAR] Google's mission statement from the outset was "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful," and its unofficial slogan was "Don't be evil". In October 2015, the motto was replaced in the Alphabet corporate code of conduct by the phrase: "Do the right thing". [PAR] History [PAR] Google began in January 1996 as a research project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were both PhD students at Stanford University in Stanford, California. [PAR] While conventional search engines ranked results by counting how many times the search terms appeared on the page, the two theorized about a better system that analyzed the relationships between websites. They called this new technology PageRank; it determined a website's relevance by the number of pages, and the importance of those pages, that linked back to the original site. [PAR] Page and Brin originally nicknamed their new search engine "BackRub", because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. Eventually, they changed the name to Google, originating from a misspelling of the word "googol", the number one followed by one hundred zeros, which was picked to signify that the search engine was intended to provide large quantities of information. Originally, Google ran under Stanford University's website, with the domains and [PAR] The domain name for Google was registered on September 15, 1997, and the company was incorporated on September 4, 1998. It was based in the garage of a friend (Susan Wojcicki) in Menlo Park, California. Craig Silverstein, a fellow PhD student at Stanford, was hired as the first employee. [PAR] In May 2011
Immortalized in the movie Eight Men Out, the 1919 World Series was tainted by 8 members of what team throwing games to the World Series winning Cincinnati Reds?
chicago white sox
[DOC] [TLE] Did the 1918 Cubs throw the World Series ? [Archive ...Did the 1918 Cubs throw the World Series ? [Archive] - Forum [PAR] Did the 1918 Cubs Throw the World Series? [PAR] Posted Apr 20th 2008 2:18PM by Tom Fornelli [PAR] Filed under: Chicago, White Sox, Cubs, MLB Gambling, MLB Rumors [PAR] Just about anybody who is a baseball fan knows the story of the 1919 White Sox. The story of how that team threw the 1919 World Series against the Reds was forever immortalized in the book and eventually the movie Eight Men Out, and it caused Shoeless Joe Jackson to spend eternity in a cornfield in Field of Dreams. What we didn't know until now, is that the White Sox may have just been following the lead of their crosstown rivals. [PAR] A newly found affidavit from the 1920 Grand Jury hearings has claims that the Cubs may have thrown the 1918 World Series against the Boston Red Sox as well. [PAR] Now, it cannot be said for certain that gamblers got to the '18 Cubs. But Eddie Cicotte, pitcher and one of the eight White Sox outcasts from the '19 World Series, did say in a newly found affidavit he gave to the 1920 Cook County grand jury that the Cubs influenced the Black Sox. Cicotte said the notion of throwing a World Series first came up when the White Sox were on a train to New York. The team was discussing the previous year's World Series, which had been fixed, according to players. Some members of the Sox tried to figure how many players it would take to throw a Series. From that conversation, Cicotte said, a scandal was born. [PAR] The Cubs were 84-45 that year and serious favorites. Cicotte is not alone in suggesting they had been paid off. The lost diary of Charles Comiskey's righthand man, Harry Grabiner, supposedly indicates that the 1918 World Series was fixed. The reporting of baseball columnist Hugh Fullerton -- the man who eventually blew the whistle on baseball's gambling problem -- also suggested that something was afoul in 1918. Fullerton's accounts of those games repeatedly point out bizarre baserunning mistakes and defensive flubs. [PAR] The box scores support his descriptions. The Cubs were picked off three times, including twice in the decisive Game 6. That game was lost, 2-1, on a 2-run error by Cubs right fielder Max Flack. Game 4 had been tied, 2-2, in the eighth inning, when Cubs pitcher Shufflin' Phil Douglas gave up a single, followed by a passed ball, followed by an errant throw on a bunt attempt that allowed the winning run to score. [PAR] Obviously, there's no way to know now if the Cubs threw the Series that year, because anybody who did know for sure died long ago. Still, it's a very interesting story and one that I'd like to know more about. Think about it, that 1918 World Series was the last one Boston had won until 2004 came around, and the Cubs are still waiting for their shot to win a title. [PAR] PinstripePride [PAR] Wow, that is very interesting.. [PAR] Dave Visbeck [PAR] Did the 1918 Cubs Throw the World Series? [PAR] Posted Apr 20th 2008 2:18PM by Tom Fornelli [PAR] Filed under: Chicago, White Sox, Cubs, MLB Gambling, MLB Rumors [PAR] Just about anybody who is a baseball fan knows the story of the 1919 White Sox. The story of how that team threw the 1919 World Series against the Reds was forever immortalized in the book and eventually the movie Eight Men Out, and it caused Shoeless Joe Jackson to spend eternity in a cornfield in Field of Dreams. What we didn't know until now, is that the White Sox may have just been following the lead of their crosstown rivals. [PAR] A newly found affidavit from the 1920 Grand Jury hearings has claims that the Cubs may have thrown the 1918 World Series against the Boston Red Sox as well. [PAR] Now, it cannot be said for certain that gamblers got to the '18 Cubs. But Eddie Cicotte, pitcher and one of the eight White Sox outcasts from the '19 World Series, did
In the human body, what is the name for the muscle that covers the shoulder?
[DOC] [TLE] Shoulder Muscles Anatomy, Diagram & Function | Body MapsShoulder Muscles Anatomy, Diagram & Function | Body Maps [PAR] Written and medically reviewed by the Healthline Editorial Team [PAR] Co-developed by: [PAR] In Depth: Muscles [PAR] The shoulder has about eight muscles that attach to the scapula, humerus, and clavicle. These muscles form the outer shape of the shoulder and underarm. The muscles in the shoulder aid in a wide range of movement and help protect and maintain the main shoulder joint, known as the glenohumeral joint. [PAR] The largest of these shoulder muscles is the deltoid. This large triangular muscle covers the glenohumeral joint and gives the shoulder its rounded-off shape. It stretches across the top of the shoulder from the clavicle in the front to the scapula in the back. It then stretches downward to near the center of the humerus bone. Different fibers of the muscle are responsible for different actions, including raising the arm and assisting the pectoralis muscle in the chest. One important function of the deltoid is preventing joint dislocation when a person carries heavy objects. [PAR] Other muscles that aid in shoulder movement include: [PAR] Infraspinatus: This rotator cuff muscle helps with the raising and lowering of the upper arm. [PAR] Triceps brachii: This large muscle in the back of the upper arm helps straighten the arm. [PAR] Pectoralis major: This large fan-shaped muscle stretches from the armpit up to the collarbone and down across the lower chest region. It connects to the sternum (breastbone). [PAR] Pectoralis minor: The smaller of the pectoralis muscles, this muscle fans out from the upper ribs up to the shoulder area. [PAR] Teres major: This muscle helps rotate the upper arm. [PAR] Biceps brachii: Commonly known as the bicep muscle, this muscle rests on top of the humerus bone. It rotates the forearm and also flexes the elbow. [PAR] Latissimus dorsi: This flat rectangular muscle of the back helps the arms rotate as well as move away and closer to the body. [PAR] Subscapularis: This is a large triangular muscle near the humerus and collarbone. It helps rotate the humerus. [PAR] Supraspinatus: This small muscle is located at the top of the shoulder and helps raise the arm away from the body. [PAR] Four muscles—the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis—make up the rotator cuff. It stabilizes the shoulder and holds the head of the humerus into the glenoid cavity to maintain the principal shoulder joint. [PAR] Because these muscles are used in a wide range of motion and are responsible for bearing heavy loads, shoulder muscle pain is a common ailment. The most common cause of shoulder pain is overexertion of a muscle or injury to it. Twisting, pulling, or falling are common ways muscles in the shoulders become painful. Repetitive use injuries primarily affect the deep muscles; however, pain and soreness as a result of pulled muscles from heavy lifting or overexertion usually subsides in a few days. [PAR] Minor shoulder muscle pain can usually be healed with a combination of rest, ice, elevation, and compression of the impacted region. [PAR] Debugging Tools[DOC] [TLE] Chest Muscles Anatomy, Diagram & Function | Body MapsChest Muscles Anatomy, Diagram & Function | Body Maps [PAR] Written and medically reviewed by the Healthline Editorial Team [PAR] Co-developed by: [PAR] In Depth: Muscles [PAR] The dominant muscle in the upper chest is the pectoralis major. This large fan-shaped muscle stretches from the armpit up to the collarbone and down across the lower chest region on both sides of the chest. The two sides connect at the sternum, or breastbone. [PAR] The pectoralis major moves each shoulder joint in four distinct directions, and also keeps the arms attached to the body. Injuries to this muscle are rare, but symptoms include pain in the chest, bruising, and decreased strength of the muscle. [PAR] The pectoralis minor is located underneath the pectoralis major. This thin triangle-shaped muscle runs up and down along the upper ribs. [PAR] The major muscles in the upper torso include: [PAR] Trapezius: This muscle extends across the neck, shoulder,
With a length of up to 10 feet, what name is given to the largest of concert pianos?
[DOC] [TLE] The Many Different Types of Pianos - EducationDifferent Types and Sizes of Pianos [PAR] By Espie Estrella [PAR] Updated December 03, 2016. [PAR] The piano comes in many different styles, designs, shapes and sizes, which fit into two basic categories: the vertical and horizontal pianos. [PAR] Vertical Pianos [PAR] They are called vertical pianos because of their height and the position of the strings. The height of this kind of piano ranges from 36 to 60 inches. There are 4 types: [PAR] Spinet - With its height of around 36 to 38 inches, and an approximate width of 58 inches, spinets are the smallest of the pianos. Given its size, it is the popular choice of many people who live in limited living spaces such as apartments. One noted downside of spinets is called "lost motion," which means it has less power and accuracy due to its size and construction. [PAR] Console - Slightly larger than the spinet, its height ranges from 40 to 43 inches and is approximately 58 inches wide. This type of piano comes in various styles and finishes. So if you're particular about your furniture complementing, consoles give you a variety of choices. It's made with a direct action, thus producing more enhanced tones. [PAR] Studio - This is the kind of piano you usually see in music schools and music studios. It is around 45 to 48 inches in height and has a width of approximately 58 inches. Because of its larger soundboard and longer strings, it produces good tone quality and is very durable. [PAR] Upright - This is the tallest among the vertical pianos, with a height ranging from 50 to 60 inches and an approximate width of 58 inches. This is the type of piano your great grandparents or grandparents used to play. When cared for properly, it stands the test of time and maintains its rich tone. [PAR] continue reading below our video [PAR] Tips for Shopping for a Piano [PAR] Horizontal Pianos [PAR] Also known as grand pianos. They are called horizontal pianos because of their length and the placement of their strings. Grand pianos are said to produce finer tones and has the most responsive key action. There are 6 basic types: [PAR] Petite Grand - This is the smallest of the horizontal pianos. It ranges in size from 4 feet 5 inches to 4 feet 10 inches. It is indeed small but still powerful. [PAR] Baby Grand - A very popular type of piano which ranges in size from 4 feet 11 inches to 5 feet 6 inches. Baby grands is a popular choice because of its sound quality, aesthetic appeal and affordability. [PAR] Medium Grand - Larger than the baby grand at around 5 feet and 7 inches. [PAR] Parlor Grand - These ranges in size from 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet 1 inch. The parlor grand piano is also called living room grand piano. [PAR] Semiconcert or Ballroom - Next size up from the Parlor Grand piano, it is approximately 6 feet 2 inches to 7 feet long. [PAR] Concert Grand - At around 9 feet, this is the largest of all the grand pianos. [PAR] Note: All sizes are approximates [PAR] In addition to the dimensions, different styles of pianos vary in their number of pedals and sometimes, their number of keys. Most pianos have 88 keys, though some older pianos have 85 keys, and some manufacturers make pianos that include additional keys (notably, Bösendorfer). Most contemporary American pianos have three pedals: una corde , sostenuto, and damper . European pianos tend to have two pedals. Many older pianos smaller than grands have only two pedals. Some rarer instruments have additional pedals, or pedals with different functions, such as transposition. [PAR] Note that this article addresses only contemporary acoustic pianos intended for performance— a wonderful instrument, to be sure , but one that has many predecessors and cousins. There are also electric pianos, player pianos, and a great number of other similar keyboard instruments, including fortepianos and other historical instruments, practice pianos (smaller instruments, with fewer keys), harpsichords, virginals, and a wide variety of organs. [PAR] [DOC] [TLE] Concert Grand PianosConcert Grand Pianos [PAR] of the world's greatest concert grand pianos! [PAR]
From the Latin for Kalium, what element, with an atomic number of 19, uses the symbol K?
[DOC] [TLE] It's Elemental - The Element PotassiumIt's Elemental - The Element Potassium [PAR] It's Elemental [PAR] Melting Point: 336.53 K (63.38°C or 146.08°F) [PAR] Boiling Point: 1032 K (759°C or 1398°F) [PAR] Density: 0.89 grams per cubic centimeter [PAR] Phase at Room Temperature: Solid [PAR] Element Classification: Metal [PAR] Period Number: 4 Group Number: 1 Group Name: Alkali Metal [PAR] What's in a name? From the English word potash. Potassium's chemical symbol comes from the Latin word for alkali, kalium. [PAR] Say what? Potassium is pronounced as poh-TASS-ee-em. [PAR] History and Uses: [PAR] Although potassium is the eighth most abundant element on earth and comprises about 2.1% of the earth's crust, it is a very reactive element and is never found free in nature. Metallic potassium was first isolated by Sir Humphry Davy in 1807 through the electrolysis of molten caustic potash (KOH). A few months after discovering potassium, Davy used the same method to isolate sodium . Potassium can be obtained from the minerals sylvite (KCl), carnallite (KCl·MgCl2·6H2O), langbeinite (K2Mg2(SO4)3) and polyhalite (K2Ca2Mg(SO4)4·2H2O). These minerals are often found in ancient lake and sea beds. Caustic potash, another important source of potassium, is primarily mined in Germany, New Mexico, California and Utah. [PAR] Pure potassium is a soft, waxy metal that can be easily cut with a knife. It reacts with oxygen to form potassium superoxide (KO2) and with water to form potassium hydroxide (KOH), hydrogen gas and heat. Enough heat is produced to ignite the hydrogen gas. To prevent it from reacting with the oxygen and water in the air, samples of metallic potassium are usually stored submerged in mineral oil. [PAR] Potassium forms an alloy with sodium (NaK) that is used as a heat transfer medium in some types of nuclear reactors. [PAR] Potassium forms many important compounds. Potassium chloride (KCl) is the most common potassium compound. It is used in fertilizers, as a salt substitute and to produce other chemicals. Potassium hydroxide (KOH) is used to make soaps, detergents and drain cleaners. Potassium carbonate (KHCO3), also known as pearl ash, is used to make some types of glass and soaps and is obtained commercially as a byproduct of the production of ammonia. Potassium superoxide (KO2) can create oxygen from water vapor (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) through the following reaction: 2KO2 + H2O + 2CO2 => 2KHCO3 + O2. It is used in respiratory equipment and is produced by burning potassium metal in dry air. Potassium nitrate (KNO3), also known as saltpeter or nitre, is used in fertilizers, match heads and pyrotechnics. [PAR] Estimated Crustal Abundance: 2.09×104 milligrams per kilogram [PAR] Estimated Oceanic Abundance: 3.99×102 milligrams per liter [PAR] Number of Stable Isotopes: 2 ( View all isotope data ) [PAR] Ionization Energy: 4.341 eV[DOC] [TLE] #19 - Potassium - K#19 - Potassium - K [PAR] Potassium [PAR] .862 grams per cubic centimeter [PAR] Normal Phase [PAR] [PAR] Origin of Name [PAR] From the English word potash, meaning pot ashes, and the Arabic word qali, meaning alkali. The symbol K comes from the Latin word kalium, meaning alkali. [PAR] Date and Place of Discovery [PAR] In 1807 in London, England [PAR] Discovered by [PAR] It was the first metal to be isolated using electrolysis. [PAR] It catches fire when exposed to water. [PAR] It burns with a violet flame. [PAR] It is found in all living plant and animal cells. [PAR] The human body uses it to promote regular heartbeat, help build muscles, help contract muscles, regulate blood pressure, and control the water balance in body tissues and cells. [PAR] A diet low in potassium and high in sodium can lead to high blood pressure. [PAR] Common Uses[DOC] [TLE] Potassium (K) [19] — Chemical Element — Periodic TablePotassium (K) [19] — Chemical Element — Periodic Table [PAR] England [PAR] Sources: [PAR] Found in minerals like carnallite [(KMgCl3).6H2O] and
Book Stieg Larsson – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets’ Nest
girl who played with fire
[DOC] [TLE] Stieg Larsson: Fiction & Literature | eBayStieg Larsson: Fiction & Literature | eBay [PAR] Fiction & Literature [PAR] Buy It Now [PAR] Free Shipping [PAR] Larsson, Stieg (Author). The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium Series) [Audio CD]. US and International government regulations prohibit such behavior. Book may include an inscription. Publisher:... [PAR] Buy It Now [PAR] Free Shipping [PAR] "The Girl in the Spider s Web," the new book in the Millennium Series, is Murder mystery, family saga, love story, and financial intrigue combine into one satisfyingly complex and entertainingly atmos... [PAR] $10.99 [PAR] Buy It Now [PAR] #1 - The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. #2 - The Girl Who Played with Fire. #3 - The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. All books are paperback. These 3 books are inVERY GOOD condition. Minimal or very... [PAR] Buy It Now [PAR] or Best Offer [PAR] The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest is a hardcover; the others are paperbacks. Includes the following The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. The Girl Who Played with Fire. The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's... [PAR] $8.99 [PAR] Buy It Now [PAR] All three volumes of Stieg Larsson's THE MILLENNIUM TRILOGY. These are not movie tie-in editions. Very light wear. A little corner wear & signs of reading on Dragon Tattoo. A little back cover wear on...[DOC] [TLE] Stieg LarssonKarl Stig-Erland "Stieg" Larsson (;; 15 August 1954 – 9 November 2004) was a Swedish journalist and writer. He is best known for writing the Millennium trilogy of crime novels, which were published posthumously and adapted as motion pictures. Larsson lived much of his life in Stockholm and worked there in the field of journalism and as an independent researcher of right-wing extremism. [PAR] He was the second best-selling author in the world for 2008, behind Khaled Hosseini. The third novel in the Millennium trilogy, The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest, became the most sold book in the United States in 2010, according to Publishers Weekly. By March 2015, his series had sold 80 million copies worldwide. [PAR] Life and work [PAR] Early life [PAR] Stieg Larsson was born on 15 August 1954, as Karl Stig-Erland Larsson, in Umeå, Västerbottens län, Sweden, where his father and maternal grandfather worked in the Rönnskärsverken smelting plant. Suffering from arsenic poisoning, his father resigned from his job, and the family subsequently moved to Stockholm. Due to their cramped living conditions there, they chose to let their one-year-old son, Stieg, remain behind with his grandparents. Stieg lived with his grandparents until the age of nine, near the village of Bjursele in Norsjö Municipality, Västerbotten County. Larsson lived with his grandparents in a small wooden house in the country, which he loved. He attended the village school and used cross-country skis to get to and from school during the long, snowy winters in northern Sweden. [PAR] In the book "There Are Things I Want You to Know" About Stieg Larsson and Me, Eva Gabrielsson describes this as Larsson's motivation for setting part of his first novel The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo in northern Sweden, which Gabrielsson calls "godforsaken places at the back of beyond." [PAR] Larsson was not as fond of the urban environment in the city of Umeå, where he moved to live with his parents after his grandfather, Severin Boström, died of a heart attack at age 50. In 1974, Larsson was drafted into the Swedish Army, under the conscription law, and spent 16 months in compulsory military service, training as a mortarman in an infantry unit in Kalmar. [PAR] His mother Vivianne also died early, in 1991, from complications with breast cancer and an aneurysm. [PAR] Writing [PAR] On his twelfth birthday, Larsson's parents gave him a typewriter as a birthday gift. [PAR] Larsson's first efforts at writing fiction were not in the genre of crime, but rather science fiction. An avid science fiction reader from an early age, he became active
After 21 years on the PBS, what wood working show, hosted by master craftsman Norm Abrams, is going off the air?
new yankee workshop
[DOC] [TLE] Norm Abram Closes Up Shop - Popular Woodworking MagazineNorm Abram Closes Up Shop - Popular Woodworking Magazine [PAR] Popular Woodworking Magazine [PAR] FREE ADVICE AND A FREE DOWNLOAD Sign up for e-mails (newsletter, store, partners) and download one of 7 projects. [PAR] * [PAR] By: Christopher Schwarz | [PAR] October 20, 2009 [PAR] After 21 seasons, “The New Yankee Workshop” is closing its doors, and its much-beloved host, Norm Abram, is going to focus on his personal projects and PBS’s “This Old House,” according to Russ Morash, executive producer and director of “The New Yankee Workshop.” [PAR] “Norm has done this for 20 years, and he thought it time to step back and do a little less,” Morash said in a phone interview. “And because the show was so tied to him, we didn’t want to replace him.” [PAR] There has been lots of speculation among fans of the show and the woodworking press that the show was looking for someone to take the reins when Abram left. But Morash said he didn’t think that would be a good idea. [PAR] “Comparisons would be inevitable (between Abram and a new host),” Morash said. [PAR] The decision to stop production of new episodes of “The New Yankee Workshop” was a mutual decision between Morash Associates Inc. and WGBH Boston, Morash said. But that doesn’t mean that “The New Yankee Workshop” is gone forever. [PAR] A spokesman from WGBH declined on Tuesday to comment on the matter. [PAR] The show’s web site, , will continue to operate. And Morash foresees putting shows or segments from the show on the Internet in a “You Tube-like situation” so future generations could enjoy and learn from Abram. [PAR] Morash also noted that Abram may some day change his mind and want to crank up “The New Yankee Workshop” again. [PAR] “Who can predict the future?” Morash said. “He may want to do this again.” [PAR] In the meantime, Abram will continue to work on “This Old House,” and his own personal projects, both building furniture and improving his house. [PAR] When asked why Abram chose to stop working on “The New Yankee Workshop” instead of “This Old House,” Morash laughed. [PAR] “‘This Old House’ is a much easier deal,” he said. “Norm actually had to work on ‘The New Yankee Workshop.’ It was a lot of work. And I certainly respect his decision to step back.” [PAR] With the loss of new woodworking programming from “The New Yankee Workshop,” many bloggers and woodworking writers are wondering if the craft itself is on the decline or if TV woodworking shows are no longer viable. [PAR] “My own view is that broadcast is dead,” Morash said. “That’s my personal take on it. Newspapers are dead. And print is dying. The only hope is the Internet. And it’s my hope that you’ll see lots of Norm on the Internet in the future.” [PAR] And what about the craft itself? Is that swirling around the drain? [PAR] “No. There is a fundamental human need to build,” Morash said. “People will always want to polish their craftsmanship.” [PAR] The other question is what’s going to happen to the shop itself, which is stocked with all manner of machines and hand tools . Morash said he’s personally looking forward to some free time so he can build a few things in the shop. As for the long-term plans for the shop, Morash suggested that the shop could be put on display at the Smithsonian. [PAR] “It could be like Julia Child’s kitchen,” Morash said, “which I’m told is one of the most popular exhibits there. Who wouldn’t want to visit Norm’s shop?” [PAR] – Christopher Schwarz [PAR] Chris Schwarz Blog , Required Reading , Woodworking Blogs [PAR] About Christopher Schwarz [PAR] Chris is a contributing editor to Popular Woodworking Magazine and the publisher at Lost Art Press. He's a hand-
We know (and love) Shrek from his many movies. What type of mythical creature is he?
[DOC] [TLE] Cronk4thHourEng12 - ShrekCronk4thHourEng12 - Shrek [PAR] Cronk4thHourEng12 [PAR] SHREK [PAR] By: Randy Hannosh [PAR] The Description: Shrek is a cartoon film made in 2001 by dream-work pictures. It features the voices of many famous actors such as Mike Meyers , Eddie Murphy , and Cameron Diaz. It basically is a movie about a big , strong , terrifying ogre that minds his business in a swamp, a place he likes to call home. This is until a man by the name of Lord Farquaad comes along and threatens Shrek's swamp until he completes a task for him which is to bring a girl home named Princess Fiona. Shrek accepts this task and now he must go on various missions to try to complete his task to get his swamp back. little does he know he finds something on the way to his journey... love. [PAR] The Hero's Journey [PAR] The Call: Shrek, accompanied by his mentor Donkey, embark on a journey to find Princess Fiona so he can recover his swamp from Lord Farquaad. He is chosen for this task because his character represents a big , bad , terrifying ogre and the Lord thinks this type of man could help him in his quest on finding Princess Fiona. Shrek accepts this challenge even though he doesn't usually like to follow what other people say and he is forced to do it because if not Shrek will not have somewhere to go because his swamp is home and if his home is in danger he has to toughen up if he wants to receive this swamp back. [PAR] The Threshold: The king wants Shrek killed upon his arrival. The reward for Killing Shrek is an opportunity to rescue Princess Fiona. Shrek is able to defeat all of them. Thus, Shrek is given the opportunity to rescue Fiona and get his swamp back. Shrek's character isnt really the fighting type but when someone takes over your home you gotta step up and fight all the men that get in your way. By defeating the Lords men , the Lord has no choice but to give Shrek and a chance at all the marbles to finding Princess Fiona , if Shrek would of failed the task of defeating the men , Shrek would never have the oppertunity he had to do what he did and he represented all ogres in a good way because the Lord knows Shrek and other Ogres wont go down without a fight. Even though poor Shrek doesnt know what hes getting himself into he still has a postive attitude and this positive attitude is what gets him halfway through his journey. [PAR] The Challenges: The Donkey is difficult to put up with so he is considered a test for Shrek because he drives him crazy. The battle with the King's men is also a test; Another test is his goal to rescue the princess from the dragon. Shrek has the obstacle of self consciousness of his looks to overcome as he is nervous of how the Princess will perceive him. I'm sure Shrek didn't know his test of strength because he was a one man creature by himself on a swamp. The first challenge he has to face is meeting the Lord because at first the Lord does not like Shrek for who he is and Shrek is offended by this and The Lord orders his men to kill this Ogre but Shrek refuses to go down without a fight, he kills all the men and he proves to the Lord he can complete this challenge for him. The second challenge he faces is having to deal with the Donkey because even though the Donkey gave him trouble, who would really want someone talking and annoying you the whole time when your concentration is being put on one task which it finding Princess Fiona. The third challenge he faces is having to fight obstacles such as fighting the dragon because even though Shrek is a big guy, the Dragon is even bigger and lets face it fire comes out her mouth and nose. Would you really want to go up against a fire breathing dragon? The fourth challenge Shrek faces is when he finally meets Princess Fiona and Shrek falls in love he knows shes not going to like someone the way he looks so he loses confidence and he becomes very negative about himself. [PAR] The Abyss: Shrek overhears
What religious holiday immediately follows Halloween?
all saints
[DOC] [TLE] Christians and Halloween - What Does the Bible Say?What Does the Bible Say About Halloween? [PAR] What Does the Bible Say About Halloween? [PAR] Cavan Images / Getty Images [PAR] By Mary Fairchild [PAR] Updated September 02, 2016. [PAR] Each year when the temperature starts to cool, this controversial question comes up: "Should Christians celebrate Halloween?" With no direct references to Halloween in the Bible , resolving the debate can be a challenge. How should Christians approach Halloween and is there a biblical way to observe this secular holiday? [PAR] The dilemma over Halloween may fall under the category of a Romans 14 issue , or a "disputable matter." These are matters that lack clear and specific direction from the Bible. Ultimately, Christians must decide for themselves and follow their own convictions regarding the observance of Halloween. [PAR] Together we will explore what the Bible says about Halloween, providing food for thought as you decide for yourself on the issue. [PAR] Christians and Halloween: Treat or Retreat? [PAR] Christian perspectives on the observance of Halloween are strongly divided. Some believers feel complete freedom to observe the holiday, others run and hide from it, many boycott or ignore it, a number celebrate it through more positive and imaginative observances or Christian alternatives to Halloween , and still others choose to take advantage of Halloween's evangelistic opportunities. [PAR] Some of today's popular celebrations associated with Halloween have pagan roots stemming from the ancient Celtic festival, Samhain . This harvest festival of the Druids ushered in the New Year, beginning on the evening of October 31, with the lighting of bonfires and the offering of sacrifices. As the Druids danced around the fires, they celebrated the ending of the summer season and the beginning of the season of darkness. It was also believed that at this time of year the invisible "gates" between the natural world and the spirit world would open, allowing free movement between the two worlds. [PAR] During the 8th century in the diocese of Rome, Pope Gregory III moved All Saints Day to November 1, officially making October 31 "All Hallows Eve," some say, as a way of claiming the celebration for Christians . However, this feast commemorating the martyrdom of the saints had already been celebrated by Christians for many centuries before this time. Pope Gregory IV broadened the feast to include the entire Church. Inevitably, some of the pagan practices associated with the season persisted and have mixed into modern celebrations of Halloween. [PAR] What Does the Bible Say About Halloween? [PAR] Ephesians 5:7-12 [PAR] Don’t participate in the things these people do. For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! For this light within you produces only what is good and right and true. [PAR] Carefully determine what pleases the Lord. Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them. It is shameful even to talk about the things that ungodly people do in secret. (NLT) [PAR] Many Christians believe that participating in Halloween is a form of involvement in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness. However, many consider the modern-day Halloween activities of most to be harmless fun. [PAR] Are some Christians trying to remove themselves from the world? Ignoring Halloween or celebrating it with believers only is not exactly an evangelical approach. Aren't we supposed to "become all things to all men so that by all possible means" we might save some? (1 Corinthians 9:22) [PAR] Deuteronomy 18:10-12 [PAR] For example, never sacrifice your son or daughter as a burnt offering. And do not let your people practice fortune-telling or sorcery, or allow them to interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft, or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or call forth the spirits of the dead. Anyone who does these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord. (NLT) [PAR] These verses are clear on what a Christian should not do. But how many Christians are sacrificing their sons and daughters as a burnt offering on Halloween? How many are calling forth the spirits of the dead ? The verse does
October 25, 1957 was the birthday of actress and comedian Nancy Cartwright. What TV character is she best known for?
bart simpson
[DOC] [TLE] Nancy Cartwright Cast TV Shows / Series - watch-episodes.comNancy Cartwright Biography and Cast TV Shows/Series. Watch Nancy Cartwright TV Shows/Series Online [PAR] Chat [PAR] Welcome to [PAR] Our chat app is now at alpha release and may have some bugs, we are still developing it. You will see the improvements day by day. If you have suggestions or error reports please contact us [PAR] Nancy Cartwright Cast TV Shows / Series [PAR] Birthday : 1957-10-25 [PAR] Place of Birth : Dayton, Ohio, United States [PAR] Biography : From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Nancy Campbell Cartwright (born October 25, 1957) is an American film and television actress, comedian and voice artist. She is best known for her long-running role as Bart Simpson on the animated television series The Simpsons. Cartwright voices other characters for the show, including Nelson Muntz, Ralph Wiggum, Todd Flanders, Kearney and Database. Born in Dayton, Ohio, Cartwright moved to Hollywood in 1978 and trained alongside voice actor Daws Butler. Her first professional role was voicing Gloria in the animated series Richie Rich, which she followed with a starring role in the television movie Marian Rose White (1982) and her first feature film, Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983). After continuing to search for acting work, in 1987 Cartwright auditioned for a role in a series of animated shorts about a dysfunctional family that was to appear on The Tracey Ullman Show. Cartwright intended to audition for the role of Lisa Simpson, the middle child; when she arrived at the audition, she found the role of Bart—Lisa's brother—to be more interesting. Matt Groening, the series' creator, allowed her to audition for Bart and offered her the role on the spot. She voiced Bart for three seasons on The Tracey Ullman Show, and in 1989, the shorts were spun off into a half-hour show called The Simpsons. For her subsequent work as Bart, Cartwright received a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance in 1992 and an Annie Award for Best Voice Acting in the Field of Animation in 1995. Cartwright has voiced dozens of animated characters, including Chuckie Finster in Rugrats and All Grown Up!, Rufus in Kim Possible, Mindy in Animaniacs, Margo Sherman in The Critic and Chip in The Kellys. In 2000, she published her autobiography, My Life as a 10-Year-Old Boy, and four years later adapted it into a one-woman play. Description above from the Wikipedia article Nancy Cartwright, licensed under CC-BY-SA, full list of contributors on Wikipedia .[DOC] [TLE] Nancy Cartwright - The Movie Database (TMDb)Nancy Cartwright — The Movie Database (TMDb) [PAR] Report [PAR] Biography [PAR] Nancy Campbell Cartwright (born October 25, 1957) is an American film and television actress, comedian and voice artist. She is best known for her long-running role as Bart Simpson on the animated television series The Simpsons. Cartwright voices other characters for the show, including Nelson Muntz, Ralph Wiggum, Todd Flanders, Kearney and Database. [PAR] Born in Dayton, Ohio, Cartwright moved to Hollywood in 1978 and trained alongside voice actor Daws Butler. Her first professional role was voicing Gloria in the animated series Richie Rich, which she followed with a starring role in the television movie Marian Rose White (1982) and her first feature film, Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983). [PAR] After continuing to search for acting work, in 1987 Cartwright auditioned for a role in a series of animated shorts about a dysfunctional family that was to appear on The Tracey Ullman Show. Cartwright intended to audition for the role of Lisa Simpson, the middle child; when she arrived at the audition, she found the role of Bart—Lisa's brother—to be more interesting. Matt Groening, the series' creator, allowed her to audition for Bart and offered her the role on the spot. She voiced Bart for three seasons on The Tracey Ullman Show, and in 1989, the shorts were spun off into a half-hour show called The Simpsons. For her subsequent work as Bart, Cartwright received a Primetime
October 25, 1957 was the birthday of actress and comedian Nancy Cartwright. What TV character is she best know for?
bart simpson
[DOC] [TLE] Nancy Cartwright - TV Celebrities - ShareTVNancy Cartwright - TV Celebrities - ShareTV [PAR] Nancy Cartwright [PAR] Nancy Cartwright's Main TV Roles [PAR] Show [PAR] BIOGRAPHY: [PAR] Nancy Cartwright is an American film and television actress, comedian and voice artist. [PAR] She is best known for her long-running role as Bart Simpson on the animated television series The Simpsons. [PAR] TRIVIA: [PAR] Like many tourists, Cartwright attempted to disturb the notoriously unflappable guards at Buckingham Palace in London. When she blurted, "What's happening man, I'm Bart Simpson, dude!", she succeeded. [PAR] Children, with 'Warren Murphy' (qv), Lucy Mae and Jackson. [PAR] Was offered the chance to do the female voices for _"South Park" (1997)_ (qv), but turned it down because she felt the show was too offensive. [PAR] Her character, Bart Simpson, was rated number 2 in Comedy Central's newest show 'Mouthing Off: 51 Greatest Smartasses'. [PAR] The segment of _Twilight Zone: The Movie (1983)_ (qv) in which she appears is based on the same episode that was later parodied in a "Simpsons" Halloween special. [PAR] Was friends with 'Daws Butler' (qv), the voice of Yogi Bear, Huckleberry Hound and hundreds of others. They regularly exchanged letters, and soon he was addressing her "Dear Pixie." He sent her scripts to record, and then critiqued the tapes she returned. At 12, she joined a children's theatre company and made her first stage debut in "An Old-Fashioned Christmas". The director asked her to join his summer theatre group. She traveled with them for four years. As a senior, she was president of the Forensic League at Fairmont West High school. [PAR] Attended Ohio University from 1976-1978 as an interpersonal communication major and was awarded the Cutler Scholarship for academic excellence and leadership. [PAR] For her birthday, a 1992 episode of "The Simpsons" featured its opening of Bart writing as punishment on the chalkboard, "I am *not* a 35-year-old woman.". [PAR] Related sites for this celeb[DOC] [TLE] Nancy Cartwright - Simpsons Wiki - WikiaNancy Cartwright | Simpsons Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia [PAR] " Good Night " [PAR] Nancy Cartwright (born on October 25, 1957) provides the voice of Bart Simpson on the long-running The Simpsons TV series, as well as all of the films. A voice actress, film and television actress, and comedian. Cartwright also voices other characters for the show, including Nelson Muntz , Ralph Wiggum , Todd Flanders , Kearney , and Database . [PAR] Contents [PAR] [ show ] [PAR] Biography [PAR] Nancy was born in Dayton, Ohio,, the fourth of Frank and Miriam Cartwright's six children. [1] Nancy, who grew up in nearby Kettering, OH, and attended the Fairmont West High School and participated in the school's theater and marching band. She graduated in 1976 and got a scholarship to Ohio University. She discovered her voice of talents in the 4th grade. She is an American actress who also starred in such films like "Heaven Help Us" and "Flesh and Blood" and did the voice of Gusty in "My Little Pony The Movie" Melissa Screetch in Toonsylvania, and did the voice of Chuckie Finster on "Rugrats". [PAR] She actually intended to audition for the role of Lisa Simpson but when she saw a picture of Bart Simpson and under it is said that he is a class clown, underachiever, and a daredevil, she knew that she would rather do Bart, which worked perfectly because Yeardley Smith was about to do the voice of Bart and ended up doing Lisa because she had more of a girly voice. Ms. Cartwright does the voices of Bart Simpson , Nelson Muntz , Todd Flanders , Ralph Wiggum , Kearney Zzyzwicz , Database and more. In the 1998 remake of Godzilla she and fellow Simpsons voice cast members Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer appeared. [PAR] In 2000, she published an autobiography, My Life as a 10-Year-Old Boy . [PAR] References [PAR] ↑ Biography highlights .
Having originated in Germany, what is the name of the dog breed that competes in the eponymous wiener dog races?
[DOC] [TLE] Dachshund racingDachshund racing, or wiener dog racing, is a popular, yet controversial sporting event, primarily found in North America. Typical Dachshund races are either 25 or 50 yards in length, and are run on various surfaces. Many race tracks across America host these events as fundraising or publicity events, and routinely draw the venues' largest attendance numbers of the year. [PAR] In the less formal events, most entrants are not career racers, nor bred for racing. Often, dogs will choose not to run the length of the course and instead visit with other dogs or the owner that released them. Otherwise, dogs will run swiftly to their owner at the finish line, coaxed by food or toys. [PAR] The de facto national championship of wiener dog racing is the Wienerschnitzel Wiener Nationals, held in San Diego, California, every December as part of the Holiday Bowl; however, there are many other venues that claim title to the true "national" champion. [PAR] Criticism [PAR] While some compare the sport to English and later American Greyhound racing, others see it as cruel and risky. Racing can strain the spines of the dogs, and some suspect that the sport can lead to the abuse of racing animals. [PAR] The Dachshund Club of America opposes dachshund races, because the breed has a genetic predisposition to back injuries. [PAR] History [PAR] Dachshund racing was first held in Australia in the 1970s. The early meets featured Whippet, Afghan Hound, and Dachshund racing, purely for fun. The UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine in California holds an annual Doxie Derby as part of the university's Picnic Day event.Ternus-Bellamy, A. [ UC Davis may be the home of the Aggies, but on Picnic Day, it seems it’s all about the dogs.] Davis Enterprise April 17, 2008. For over 30 years the races have been a fundraiser for veterinary students.[ School of Veterinary Medicine Doxie Derby big crowd pleaser at UC Davis Picnic Day.] UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine. April 15, 2008. [PAR] The sport rose in popularity in North America after a 1993 Miller Lite television commercial that listed odd sports, and continued to grow after the release of Wiener Takes All a documentary film that chronicles two years of the Wiener Nationals circuit. In 2009, the Wiener Dog Nationals in Fort Wayne, Indiana, held its 16th annual Dachshund race. Zeus, the Germanfest champ from 2006-2009, is generally recognized as the greatest racing dachshund of all time. Germantown, Tennessee, a suburb of Memphis, also hosts its own '[ Running of the Wienies]' for charity.[DOC] [TLE] Oodles Of Fun: April 2010 - blogspot.comOodles Of Fun: April 2010 [PAR] Oodles Of Fun [PAR] Are You Using Your nOodle? [PAR] Pages [PAR] Question of the Day - On this day in 1931, what 102-story, 1,046-foot building was dedicated in New York City? Empire State Building [PAR] Bon Jovi sang "You Give Love a ____ Name". Bad [PAR] Bing Crosby's real name was: Harry [PAR] Which is the only Marx Brothers film to feature on the AFI's top 100? Duck Soup [PAR] The Broadway show Movin' Out featured the songs of: Billy Joel [PAR] The tagline "Die Harder" comes from which 1990 movie? Die Hard 2 [PAR] Which film has the line, "I can't have a baby, because I have a 12:30 lunch meeting"? Baby Boom [PAR] In An Affair to Remember, where did the lovers decide to meet six months later? New York [PAR] Where do the scientists first find a mysterious monolith, in 2001: A Space Odyssey? The Moon [PAR] Which actress stars in the film Mean Girls? Lindsay Lohan [PAR] This horror classic is called: Invasion of the Body ________. Snatchers [PAR] Whose real name is Eric Bishop? Jamie Foxx [PAR] Who said: "Whether we bring our enemies to justice or bring justice to our enemies, justice will be done"? George W. Bush [PAR] Bruce Springsteen says "Everybody's got ________". A hungry heart
According to the comic strip Peanuts, whom does Linus await each year, only to be disappointed when he never seems to visit the pumpkin patch?
great pumpkin
[DOC] [TLE] Peanuts : Wikis (The Full Wiki)Peanuts : Wikis (The Full Wiki) [PAR] The Full Wiki [PAR] [PAR] [PAR] Note: Many of our articles have direct quotes from sources you can cite, within the Wikipedia article! This article doesn't yet, but we're working on it! See more info or our list of citable articles . [PAR] Related top topics [PAR] Encyclopedia [PAR] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [PAR] This article is about the comic strip. For the legume, see Peanut . For other uses, see Peanut (disambiguation) . [PAR] Peanuts [PAR] October 2, 1950 (dailies), January 6, 1952 (Sundays) [PAR] End date [PAR] Genre(s) [PAR] Humor, Children [PAR] Peanuts is a syndicated daily and Sunday comic strip written and illustrated by Charles M. Schulz , which ran from October 2, 1950, to February 13, 2000 (the day after Schulz's death), continuing in reruns afterward. The strip is considered to be one of the most popular and influential in the history of the medium, with 17,897 strips published in all, [1] making it "arguably the longest story ever told by one human being", according to Professor Robert Thompson of Syracuse University . At its peak, Peanuts ran in over 2,600 newspapers, with a readership of 355 million in 75 countries, and was translated into 21 languages. [2] It helped to cement the four-panel gag strip as the standard in the United States, [3] and together with its merchandise earned Schulz more than $1 billion. [1] Reprints of the strip are still syndicated and run in many newspapers. [PAR] Peanuts achieved considerable success for its television specials, several of which, including A Charlie Brown Christmas [4] and It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown [5] won or were nominated for Emmy Awards . The holiday specials remain quite popular and are currently broadcast on ABC in the United States during the corresponding season. The property is also a landmark in theatre with the stage musical You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown being an extremely successful and often performed production. [PAR] It has been described as "the most shining example of the American success story in the comic strip field", ironically based on the theme of "the great American unsuccess story", since the main character, Charlie Brown , is meek, nervous and lacks self-confidence, being unable to fly a kite, win a baseball game or kick a football (with the exception of It's Magic, Charlie Brown when he kicked the football while invisible). [6] [PAR] Contents [PAR] The first strip from October 2, 1950. [PAR] 1940s [PAR] Peanuts had its origin in Li'l Folks , a weekly panel comic that appeared in Schulz's hometown paper, the St. Paul Pioneer Press , from 1947 to 1950. He first used the name Charlie Brown for a character there, although he applied the name in four gags to three different boys and one buried in sand. The series also had a dog that looked much like the early 1950s version of Snoopy . [7] In 1948, Schulz sold a cartoon to the Saturday Evening Post ; seventeen single-panel cartoons by Schulz would be published there. The first of these was of a boy who resembled Charlie Brown sitting with his feet on an ottoman. [PAR] In 1948, Schulz tried to have Li'l Folks syndicated through the Newspaper Enterprise Association.Schulz would have been an independent contractor for the syndicate, unheard of in the 1940s, but the deal fell through.[citation needed] Li'l Folks was dropped in 1949. The next year, Schulz approached the United Feature Syndicate with his best work from Li'l Folks. When his work was picked up by United Feature Syndicate, they decided to run the new comic strip he had been working on.[citation needed] This strip was similar in spirit to the panel comic, but it had a set cast of characters, rather than different nameless little folk for each page. The name Li'l Folks was too close to the names of two other comics of the time: Al Capp 's Li'l Abner and a strip titled Little Folks. To avoid confusion, the syndicate settled
Known as The Treasure State, what was the 41st state to join the Union, on Nov 8, 1889?
[DOC] [TLE] When did Montana become a state? | Reference.comWhen did Montana become a state? | [PAR] When did Montana become a state? [PAR] A: [PAR] Quick Answer [PAR] Montana became a state on Nov. 8, 1889. Known as the Treasure State, Montana was the 41st state admitted to the Union, preceded by South Dakota and followed by Washington. [PAR] Full Answer [PAR] Montana is the fourth-largest state in geographical size, occupying more than 145,000 square miles. The state shares its entire northern boundary with Canada and is bordered by North and South Dakota to the east, Wyoming to the south, and Idaho to the west and south. The capital city is Helena, but the largest city is Billings. Tourist attractions include Glacier National Park, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument and Yellowstone National Park.[DOC] [TLE] Montana - American Driving AcademyMontana - American Driving Academy [PAR] Montana [PAR] Home > States > Montana [PAR] Learn to drive from American Driving Academy Inc., and receive reduced insurance rates! [PAR] American Driving Academy Inc. is the best choice when looking to be taught by the most comprehensive driving school in the United States. [PAR] Program Descriptions and Costs: We are proud of our high quality programs. We now offer two different home study programs. The programs available are state specific. In one program the student may complete the 30 hour classroom work as a home study course and complete 12 hours of behind the wheel training in one of our dual controlled cars with one of our friendly, patient, state certified instructors. 6 of the 12 hours the student drives and 6 hours the student observes. Students may also take the state written permit test and the actual driving exam in our program before their 16th birthday. [PAR] Cost $295 - $345 [PAR] In our second program we offer a complete home study course for both the 30 hours of classroom and the behind the wheel training. [PAR] Cost $135 [PAR] With both programs students are also welcome, but not required, to attend any class at any school most convenient for them! [PAR] Benefits: Because American Driving Academy, Inc. teaches the most comprehensive and highest quality classes, our program qualifies students for hundreds of dollars in insurance reductions with most insurance companies. The amount can be as much as 20% per year in savings for students who have successfully completed our course. [PAR] Call for an enrollment application today! [PAR] 1-800-604-6741 [PAR] 14 hour daily technical and student support - Toll Free, 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mountain Std. Time! [PAR] Program completion certificate for your insurance company! [PAR] Montana's most comprehensive parent-taught Driver Education and Training Program. [PAR] Approved by most states. Check with your state drivers license agency. [PAR] Montana Facts [PAR] The state motto of Montana is "Gold and Silver" [PAR] The Montana state song is "Montana" [PAR] The state flower of Montana is the Bitterroot [PAR] The Montana State nickname is "The Treasure State" [PAR] The capital of Montana is Helena. [PAR] Montana travel and tourism information is available by calling 1-(800) VISIT-MT [PAR] "Tour Montana" Web site: [PAR] Montana tax information is available online at: [PAR] The Web site of the Montana DMV (the state licensing authority) is [PAR] Montana History: [PAR] Montana became a state on Nov. 8, 1889. It was the 41st state to join the union. [PAR] Cart[DOC] [TLE] KNOW-VEMBER: FUN NOVEMER FACTS - "11/8/1889 - Montana ...KNOW-VEMBER: FUN NOVEMER FACTS - "11/8/1889 - Montana becomes 41st State" - Stylish Life for Moms [PAR] COMMENTS (0) SHARE TWEET PIN SHARE [PAR] 365 DAYS OF LITERACY FOR KIDS! [PAR] During the month of November, I will be sharing KNOW-VEMBER: FUN NOVEMBER FACTS from all around the world. [PAR] Take a few moments from each November day and share the KNOW-VEMBER fun, knowledge, discovery and smiles with your kids and grandkids. [PAR] *****************************************
What former Los Angeles Lakers cheerleader gained stardom as a singer with her debut album Forever Your Girl, and has subsequently managed to milk her 15 minutes for the last 9+ years?
paula abdul
[DOC] [TLE] Forever Your GirlForever Your Girl is the 1988 debut album by American singer Paula Abdul. [PAR] History and reception [PAR] Released on June 13, 1988, 64 weeks later it hit number one on the Billboard 200 album sales chart, the longest an album has been on the market before hitting number one. The album was eventually certified seven times Platinum in the US and sold 12 million copies worldwide. It also included four number one Billboard Hot 100 singles: "Straight Up", "Forever Your Girl", "Cold Hearted", and "Opposites Attract", which ties Forever Your Girl for second most #1 songs from a single album, and ties it for the most number ones in a debut album. "The Way That You Love Me" reached #3, and "Knocked Out" reached #41. [PAR] The album also reached #4 on the R&B album chart, while "Straight Up," "Opposites Attract," "Knocked Out," and "(It's Just) The Way That You Love Me" all reached the top 10 of the R&B tracks chart. [PAR] After a slow start, the album's third single "Straight Up" helped the album breakout in spring/summer 1989 after its initial summer 1988 release. Forever Your Girl hit number one for the first time on October 7, 1989. After the release of the single "Opposites Attract", the album shot to number one again on February 3, 1990 and stayed there for nine consecutive weeks. At one point, Forever Your Girl reportedly sold 191,000 copies in a single day. [PAR] Abdul co-wrote one song on the album, "One or the Other". [PAR] Track listing [PAR] Production and personnel (by track) [PAR] *Tracks 1, 3 & 6 Arranged & Produced By Oliver Leiber (for The Noise Club). Engineered By Steve Wiese, Pete Martinson, Russell Bracher, Jeff Lorber & Cliff Jones. Mixed By Keith "KC" Cohen. Oliver Leiber: Guitars, Keyboards, Drum Programming; Ricky P. & Jeff Lorber: Additional Keyboards; St. Paul: Vocoder, Bass & Keyboards; Terry Smith: Additional Drums; Troy Williams: Trumpets [PAR] *Track 2 Arranged & Produced By LA Reid & Babyface (for LaFace Productions, Inc). Engineered & Mixed By Jon Gass. Babyface: Keyboards, Vocal Backing; Kayo: Synthesized Bass; LA Reid: Drum & Percussion Programming; Pebbles, Yvette Marine, Daryl Simmons: Vocal Backing [PAR] *Track 4 Arranged & Produced By Glen Ballard (for Aerowave Inc). Engineered & Mixed By Francis Buckley; assisted by Al Fleming & Theodore Blaisdell. Glen Ballard & Chuck Wild: Drums, Keyboards, Programming; Basil Fung: Guitars [PAR] *Track 5 Arranged & Produced By Jesse Johnson (for JWJ Productions), with co-production by Dave Cochrane. Engineered By Wally Buck, with assistance by Cliff Jones & Pat McDougall. Mixed By Keith Cohen. Bobby Gonzales & Dave Cochrane: Guitars; Eddie M.: Saxophone; Jesse Johnson: Drums & Keyboards [PAR] *Tracks 7 & 9 Arranged & Produced By Elliot Wolff, with co-production by Keith Cohen. Engineered & Mixed By Keith "KC" Cohen (assistant recording engineers: Josh Schneider & Annette Cisneros; assistant mix engineer: Peter Arata). Elliot Wolff: Keyboards & Synthesizers, Synth & Drum Programming; Dann Huff: Guitars [PAR] *Tracks 8 & 10 Arranged & Produced By Curtis Williams (for Willpower Productions). Engineered By Kendall Stubbs & Tim Jaquette, with assistance by Mike Wisenger & Danny Grigsby. Mixed By Tim Jaquette, Curtis Williams (both track 8) and Keith Cohen (track 10). Curtis Williams & Randy Weber: Synthesizer Programming; Bob Somma: Guitars [PAR] Charts and certifications [PAR] End of decade charts [PAR] Certifications[DOC] [TLE] UnerasedHistory - Page 16 of 25 - "Those who ignore ...UnerasedHistory - Page 16 of 24 - "Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it" [PAR] "Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it" [PAR] Posted by Wayne Church on February 14, 2016 in
Also known as a fixed partial denture, what is the name for a dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth by permanently joining a missing tooth to adjacent teeth?
types of bridges
[DOC] [TLE] Bridge (fixed partial denture): Dental Glossary - Dental ...Bridge (fixed partial denture): Dental Glossary - Dental Implants Net [PAR] Dental Glossary [PAR] Bridge (fixed partial denture) [PAR] A bridge, also known as a fixed partial denture, is a dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth by permanently joining to adjacent teeth or dental implants. [PAR] A bridge is fabricated by reducing the teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth. The adabtability and esthetics vary greatly with the different materials used (metal and ceramic, etc.). As a heavy burden is imposed on the abutment teeth that support the restoration, some considerations are requried to ensure the excellent long-term prognosis.[DOC] [TLE] Bridges | Fixed Partial Denture | Los Angeles DentalBridges - LA Dental Clinic [PAR] Bridges [PAR] No Comment [PAR] June 27 2011 [PAR] A bridge, also known as a fixed partial denture, is a dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth by joining permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants. [PAR] There are different types of bridges, depending on how they are fabricated and the way they anchor to the adjacent teeth. [PAR] A bridge is fabricated by cutting the teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth by a preparation pattern determined by the location of the teeth and by the material from which the bridge is fabricated. In other words, the abutment teeth are reduced in size to accommodate the material to be used to restore the size and shape of the original teeth in a correct alignment and contact with the opposing teeth. [PAR] The materials used for the bridges include gold, porcelain fused to metal, or in the correct situation porcelain alone. The amount and type of reduction done to the abutment teeth varies slightly with the different materials used. The recipient of such a bridge must be careful to clean well under this prosthesis. [PAR] [DOC] [TLE] Dental Bridges - Find and Review DentistsDental Bridges [PAR] Dental Bridges [PAR] Save to List [PAR] Sep. 01, 2009 [PAR] Dental bridges, also known as a fixed partial denture, is a dental restoration used to replace a missing tooth by joining permanently to adjacent teeth or dental implants. [PAR] There are different types of bridges, depending on how they are fabricated and the way they anchor to the adjacent teeth. Conventionally, bridges are made using the indirect method of restoration however, bridges can be fabricated directly in the mouth using such materials as composite resin. [PAR] A bridge is fabricated by reducing the teeth on either side of the missing tooth or teeth by a preparation pattern determined by the location of the teeth and by the material from which the bridge is fabricated. In other words, the abutment teeth are reduced in size to accommodate the material to be used to restore the size and shape of the original teeth in a correct alignment and contact with the opposing teeth. The dimensions of the bridge are defined by Ante's Law: "The root surface area of the abutment teeth has to equal or surpass that of the teeth being replaced with pontics". [PAR] The materials used for the bridges include gold, porcelain fused to metal, or in the correct situation porcelain alone. The amount and type of reduction done to the abutment teeth varies slightly with the different materials used. The recipient of such a bridge must be careful to clean well under this prosthesis. [PAR] When restoring an edentulous space with a fixed partial denture that will crown the teeth adjacent to the space and bridge the gap with a pontic, or "dummy tooth", the restoration is referred to as a bridge. Besides all of the preceding information that concerns single-unit crowns, bridges possess a few additional considerations when it comes to case selection and treatment planning, tooth preparation and restoration fabrication. [PAR] Case selection and treatment planning [PAR] When a single tooth requires a crown, the prosthetic crown will in most instances rest upon whatever tooth structure was originally supporting the crown of the natural tooth. However, when restoring an edentulous area with a bridge, the bridge is almost always restoring more teeth than there are root structures to support. For instance, in the photo at right, the 5-unit bridge will only be supported on three abutment teeth. To determine
On Oct 28, 1886, the rotund one himself, Grover Cleveland, officially dedicated what US Landmark?
statue of liberty
[DOC] [TLE] Grover Cleveland dedicates Statue of Liberty - Oct 28 ...Grover Cleveland dedicates Statue of Liberty - Oct 28, 1886 - [PAR] Grover Cleveland dedicates Statue of Liberty [PAR] Share this: [PAR] Grover Cleveland dedicates Statue of Liberty [PAR] Author [PAR] Grover Cleveland dedicates Statue of Liberty [PAR] URL [PAR] Publisher [PAR] A+E Networks [PAR] On this day in 1886, President Grover Cleveland dedicates the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. [PAR] The statue’s full name was Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World. It had been a gift from French citizens to their American friends in recognition of the two countries’ commitment to liberty and democracy and their alliance during the American Revolutionary War, which had begun 110 years earlier. The 151-foot copper statue was built in France and shipped to New York in 350 separate parts. It arrived in the city on June 17, 1886, and over the next several months was reassembled while electricians worked to wire the torch to light up at night. [PAR] As President Cleveland accepted the statue on behalf of American citizens, he declared “we will not forget that liberty here made her home; nor shall her chosen altar be neglected.” The statue quickly became a symbol of America’s humanitarianism and willingness to take in the world’s “tired, poor and huddled masses”—in the words of the poem by Emma Lazarus inscribed on the monument’s pedestal—who yearned for freedom and a better life. [PAR] “Lady Liberty” was originally intended to work as a functional lighthouse and, from 1886 to 1901, the statue was operated by the United States Lighthouse Board. In 1901, the War Department took over its operation and maintenance. The statue and the island on which it stands, now known as Liberty Island, were together proclaimed a national monument by President Calvin Coolidge on October 15, 1924, and, in 1933, the National Park Service assumed oversight of the monument. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan established a commission tasked with restoring the deteriorating Lady Liberty in time for a centennial celebration in 1986. A joint French-American preservation and rehabilitation group cleaned the statue and replaced the glass and metal torch with gold leaf. The original torch is on display in the statue’s lobby. [PAR] Today, the Statue of Liberty is a major tourist attraction, hosting as many as 5 million people every year. Although access to the statue’s crown was restricted following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, tourists can still visit Liberty Island, and the statue’s pedestal observation deck and museum. [PAR] Related Videos[DOC] [TLE] Statue of Liberty dedicated - Oct 28, 1886 - HISTORY.comStatue of Liberty dedicated - Oct 28, 1886 - [PAR] Statue of Liberty dedicated [PAR] Publisher [PAR] A+E Networks [PAR] The Statue of Liberty, a gift of friendship from the people of France to the people of the United States, is dedicated in New York Harbor by President Grover Cleveland. [PAR] Originally known as “Liberty Enlightening the World,” the statue was proposed by the French historian Edouard de Laboulaye to commemorate the Franco-American alliance during the American Revolution. Designed by French sculptor Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi, the 151-foot statue was the form of a woman with an uplifted arm holding a torch. Its framework of gigantic steel supports was designed by Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc and Alexandre-Gustave Eiffel, the latter famous for his design of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. [PAR] In February 1877, Congress approved the use of a site on New York Bedloe’s Island, which was suggested by Bartholdi. In May 1884, the statue was completed in France, and three months later the Americans laid the cornerstone for its pedestal in New York Harbor. In June 1885, the dismantled Statue of Liberty arrived in the New World, enclosed in more than 200 packing cases. Its copper sheets were reassembled, and the last rivet of the monument was fitted on October 28, 1886, during a dedication presided over by President Cleveland and attended by numerous French and American dignitaries. [PAR] On the pedestal was inscribed “The New Colossus,” a sonnet by American poet Emma Lazarus that welcomed immigrants to the United States with the declaration, “Give me your tired, your poor, / Your
Due to his small stature and looks, 1930s murder and bank robber George Nelson was commonly known by what nickname?
baby face
[DOC] [TLE] Baby Face Nelson | Mediander | TopicsBaby Face Nelson | Brainerd, Minnesota | Mediander | Topics [PAR] image credit [PAR] Baby Face Nelson [PAR] Lester Joseph Gillis (December 6, 1908 – November 27, 1934), known by the alias George Nelson, better known as Baby Face Nelson, was an American bank robber in the 1930s. Gillis was given the nickname Baby Face due to his youthful appearance and small stature, although few dared call him "Baby Face" to his face. Criminal associates instead called him "Jimmy". Nelson entered into a partnership with John Dillinger, helping him escape from prison during the famed Crown Point, Indiana Jail escape, and was later labeled along with the remaining gang members as public enemy number one. MORE [PAR] Lester Joseph Gillis (December 6, 1908 – November 27, 1934), known by the alias George Nelson, better known as Baby Face Nelson, was an American bank robber in the 1930s. Gillis was given the nickname Baby Face due to his youthful appearance and small stature, although few dared call him "Baby Face" to his face. Criminal associates instead called him "Jimmy". Nelson entered into a partnership with John Dillinger, helping him escape from prison during the famed Crown Point, Indiana Jail escape, and was later labeled along with the remaining gang members as public enemy number one. [PAR] Nelson was responsible for killing more FBI agents in the line of duty (three: W. Carter Baum, Herman Hollis, and Samuel P. Cowley) than any other person. Nelson was fatally shot by FBI agents during a shootout called The Battle of Barrington.[DOC] [TLE] Gangsters & Mobsters~George "Baby Face" Nelson - pinterest.com1000+ images about Gangsters & Mobsters~George "Baby Face" Nelson on Pinterest | Baby face nelson, Nelson and Baby faces [PAR] Pinterest • The world’s catalog of ideas [PAR] Gangsters & Mobsters~George "Baby Face" Nelson [PAR] Lester Joseph Gillis (December 6, 1908[1] – November 27, 1934), known by the pseudonym George Nelson, was an American bank robber in the 1930s. Gillis was better known as Baby Face Nelson, a name given to him due to his youthful appearance and small stature. Nelson entered into a partnership with John Dillinger, helping him escape from prison during the famed Crown Point, Indiana Jail escape, and was later labeled along with the remaining gang members as public enemy number one. [PAR] 32 Pins399 Followers[DOC] [TLE] May | 2014 | The Lone Girl in a Crowd | Page 2May | 2014 | The Lone Girl in a Crowd | Page 2 [PAR] The Lone Girl in a Crowd [PAR] May 21, 2014 [PAR] Tom Hooper’s 2010 Academy Award winning film The King’s Speech is perhaps the most famous movie about Great Britain in the 1930s apart from all the murder mysteries. Here Colin Firth stars as the stammering Bertie (King George VI) and his private struggle with public life as a member of the royal family and later as a constitutional monarch. His supportive wife Elizabeth (the future Queen Mother) is played by Helena Bonham Carter. Is it 100% accurate? No, since you have Winston Churchill supporting Edward VIII’s abdication when he actually opposed it in reality but no one wants to see that. Still, this is a very good film about what it’s like to be a monarch in the modern world. [PAR] Great Britain is particularly memorable in the 1930s mainly due to the fact that many an Agatha Christie murder mystery tends to be set at this time. Even if the work isn’t set in the 1930s originally, it somehow becomes the default template. Still, in movies, 1930s Great Britain is one of the more ideal times for having a good murder mystery at someone’s country estate. But 1930s Great Britain isn’t just a period filled with murder and mayhem since it’s also the the time when you have Fascist leader Oswald Moseley who was the inspiration for Roderick Spode in P. G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster series.There were also plenty of rich Brits who also had some sympathy for the totalitarian type like Miss Jean Brodie, most of the Mitford family, and others. Yet, there are two
According to the nursery rhyme, who had a lamb whose fleece was white as snow?
[DOC] [TLE] Mary's Little Lamb | BlogsMary's Little Lamb | Blogs [PAR] Mary's Little Lamb [PAR] Tweet [PAR] “Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb…Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow; and everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went...everywhere that Mary went that lamb was sure to go.” [PAR] You remember this nursery rhyme, don’t you? Most people in the United States, both young and old, do. I remember learning it in kindergarten or perhaps even preschool. Many have memorized it, particularly the first stanza, and can repeat it without effort. [PAR] But have you ever wondered who wrote this wonderful nursery rhyme and what inspired the author? [PAR] In 1830, Sarah Hale of Boston wrote, “Mary had a Little Lamb” from an actual event. According to sources, young Mary Sawyer took her lamb to school one day and prompted the writing of the rhyme. After almost 200 years this nursery rhyme has been taught and recited frequently in homes and schools across the country. I would like to suggest that as children learn the words to this popular nursery rhyme…they can also be taught something even of more significant as we approach the Easter season. [PAR] As we prepare our children for Easter, use this nursery rhyme to remind them of...”The Lamb of God.” For Mary ‘birthed’ a little lamb (Luke 2:7)...Jesus was His name (Matthew 1:25). His ‘life’ on earth was white as snow...because, He lived His life without sin (1 John 3:5). [PAR] Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away our sin (John 1:29). He died upon the Calvary cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Then He was buried among the dead, but on the third day He arose (1 Corinthians 15:3-4), and into Heaven He did ascend to sit down on His thrown (Mark 16:19). [PAR] Everywhere that Mary went the lamb was sure to go. When we place our trust in Jesus, the Lamb of God, He will come into our lives and take up permanent residency. So, everywhere that we go, the Lamb is sure to go...Jesus the “Lamb of God” will travel with us through our journey of life, offering wisdom, providing peace, promoting unity, pouring out love, and providing grace to those of us who embrace Him. [PAR] As we prepare our children for Easter, remember the perfect Lamb and teach them that He will take away their sin, fill their hearts with love and joy, and give them everlasting life. Embrace Him today and enjoy “The Lamb.” [PAR] 3975 reads [PAR] Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. [PAR] Allowed HTML tags: [PAR] Lines and paragraphs break automatically. [PAR] Plain text[DOC] [TLE] Poem: Mary Had A Little Lamb (Nursery Rhyme)Mary Had A Little Lamb (Nursery Rhyme) Poem [PAR] Please Log In or Sign Up to add to your favorite resources. [PAR] Mary Had A Little Lamb (Nursery Rhyme) [PAR] Mary had a little lamb, [PAR] Its fleece was white as snow; [PAR] And everywhere that Mary went, [PAR] The lamb was sure to go. [PAR] He followed her to school one day, [PAR] Which was against the rule; [PAR] It made the children laugh and play [PAR] To see a lamb at school. [PAR] And so the teacher turned him out, [PAR] But still he lingered near, [PAR] And waited patiently about[DOC] [TLE] Mary Had a Little Lamb - Nursery Rhyme - Mother Goose ClubMary Had a Little Lamb - Nursery Rhyme - Mother Goose Club [PAR] Mary Had a Little Lamb – Nursery Rhyme [PAR] Categories [PAR] Mary Had a Little Lamb Lyrics: [PAR] Mary had a little lamb, [PAR] Little lamb, little lamb. [PAR] Mary had a little lamb
What animal was once called a camelopard because it was thought to be a cross between a camel and a leopard?
[DOC] [TLE] cross, post 9 - new woso -, post 9 - new woso [PAR] new woso [PAR] apparel ‎ > ‎ US 6 ‎ > ‎ [PAR] cross, post 9 [PAR] HS Cross Country competes TSSAA DIIA Region Meet at Steeplechase Course. Girls race at 1:00 and boys race at 1:45. Go Tigers Go. 4yo DD is cross because one of the dinnerladies called her "princess". This is a grave error as far as DD's concerned. Poor dinnerlady. Greg Pierce That s priceless. You should mark that day in your calendar with a big red cross. Congrats on reaching the next level. Next nails I'm getting will be neon yellow or lime green with sparkles on the ring finger & a jeweled cross on the middle finger. [PAR] God does not regret saving you. There is no sin which you commit which is beyond the cross of Christ. Matt Chandler. New Hyundai Saintro, now with a sense of righteousness. Does not hit pedestrians, halts to let the elderly cross, cannot honk near schools. CCFC Supporters Club could I book two tickets for villa and two for the bus from high cross please for Patrick Jones (adult) and Callum Jones (U21). Walk.Eat.Talk.Eat Only 45min. by train from Kings Cross and then 5 min. in a Taxi. That s quicker then going to Upminster. [PAR] Scratch hacks cross IG: KingKam_: Eastside Hacks Cross Riverdale Ross Rd Winchester Shelby Dr Kirby Prkwy Ridgeway Hickory Hill. Pawan Durani He is a parsi-italian cross child.No relation with K Pandits.Some claim Gangadhar Nehru was Gayasuddin Ghazi. Retargeting - factors 4 success: testing, segmentation, relevancy, frequency, cross-platform optimization ZD Webinar ZD Forrester. Fuck just went through my old photos and the number of slide films that I cross processed is making me damn depressed. [PAR] Crane sat cross-legged in the center of a dim warehouse. The entire floor was covered in pumpkins. The one in his lap was under the knife. Peter Mount been there for a while now. Nearly asked him to bring his leader and comrades with him to Charing Cross on Monday. Always gone but never hard to find. And since you can t escape me do I ever cross your mind. Unforgettable Thank Me Later Drake Birthday. The giraffe was once called a "camelopard" because people thought it was a cross between a camel and a leopard. [PAR] Justin Van Leeuwen haha, you kind of have to. Cross your eyes and then. this will sound weird and painful. pull your eyes back out a bit. MT @velocitywong: FYI, PR phrases like "leveraging a proprietary and patent-pending cross-domain recommendation engine" are NO BUENO. Not a crossfit fan but a girl that does cross fit can sit on my face for sure moemoelike loveyoulongtime. Steve Nykan I can certainly take a look into your area! Send the cross streets and zip. Keep me posted. *JTA. [PAR] OIO Prep Profile spotlight on OG's Matias Trampe-Kindt - I'll talk with the senior cross country standout this afternoon - story at 10! Nice to see D Original Gidzman Veronski I Shervette Mc Sween Nella Unruly Sarita Katwaroo Anika, Ayanna and so much more cross the stage today! Congrats! Cross the line if.: Cross the line if you hate yourself for what you resort to every time they hurt you. SuzukiCarsUK I would be 's'cross if I didn't winthescross and so would my son! 'Daddy, I want you to drive a big car!' is what he says! [PAR] Third3arDrum The Weekdy Melanie Iglesias Big's out for that Repost. Let's cross our fingers and hope she's corny lol. Todd Lamothe Julie Einarson Kinek Wllesley Island Building Supply, yup. You only cross one bridge, so you only pay the toll once, too. :-). If only there was a guy out there that is a mash up of Fabolous Joe Budden & KONSHENS da realest that i could cross paths with Lawwd! To those who are attending Red Cross Youth NYC18 or you want to join the conversation use the hashtag StrongerPH :). [PAR]
Hyundai, LG, Kia, and Samsung are all companies based in what country?
south korean
[DOC] [TLE] HyundaiHyundai Group (;) was a multinational chaebol (conglomerate) headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. It was founded by Chung Ju-yung in 1947 as a construction firm and Chung was directly in control of the company until his death in 2001. [PAR] Following the 1997 East Asian financial crisis and Chung's death, Hyundai underwent a major restructuring and break-up, which reduced the Hyundai Group's business to encompass only container shipping services, the manufacturing of elevators, and tourism. Today, most companies bearing the name Hyundai are not legally connected to Hyundai Group. They include Hyundai Motor Group, Hyundai Department Store Group, Hyundai Heavy Industries Group and Hyundai Development Company. However, most of the former subsidiaries of the Hyundai conglomerate continue to be run by relatives of Chung. If these companies were considered as forming a single broad family business, then it would remain the largest company in South Korea with enormous economic and political power in the country. [PAR] Etymology [PAR] The name "Hyundai" comes from the Korean word 現代 (hanja form), which means "modernity". [PAR] History [PAR] Hyundai was founded as a small construction firm by Chung Ju-yung in 1947. Hyundai Construction began operating outside of South Korea in 1965, initially entering the markets of Guam, Thailand and Vietnam. [PAR] Hyundai Motor Company was founded in 1967. Hyundai Heavy Industries was founded in 1973, and completed the construction of its first ships in June 1974. [PAR] In 1983 Hyundai entered the semiconductor industry through the establishment of Hyundai Electronics (renamed Hynix in 2001). [PAR] In 1986 a Hyundai-manufactured IBM PC-XT compatible called the Blue Chip PC was sold in discount and toy stores throughout the US. It was one of the earliest PC clones marketed toward consumers instead of business. [PAR] Hyundai announced a major management restructuring in December 1995, affecting 404 executives. [PAR] In April 1999 Hyundai announced a major corporate restructuring, involving a two-thirds reduction of the number of business units and a plan to break up the group into five independent business groups by 2003. [PAR] Operations [PAR] By the mid-1990s Hyundai comprised over 60 subsidiary companies and was active in a diverse range of activities including automobile manufacturing, construction, chemicals, electronics, financial services, heavy industry and shipbuilding. In the same period it had total annual revenues of around US$90 billion and over 200,000 employees. [PAR] Hyundai Motor Company [PAR] Hyundai branded vehicles are manufactured by Hyundai Motor Company, which along with Kia comprises the Hyundai Kia Automotive Group. Headquartered in Seoul, South Korea, Hyundai operates the world's largest integrated automobile manufacturing facility in Ulsan, which is capable of producing 1.6 million units annually. The company employs about 75,000 people around the world. Hyundai vehicles are sold in 193 countries through some 6,000 dealerships and showrooms worldwide. In 2012, Hyundai sold over 4.4 million vehicles worldwide. Popular models include the Sonata midsize sedan and Elantra compact. [PAR] Corporate social responsibility [PAR] Hyundai and its subsidiaries created a variety of initiatives in the social sphere, initially in South Korea and then internationally as the company expanded. The Asan Foundation, established by Chung Ju-yung in 1977 with 50 percent of the stock of Hyundai Construction, subsidizes medical services in Korea primarily through the Asan Medical Center and six other hospitals. The foundation has sponsored conferences on Eastern ethics and funded academic research into traditional Korean culture. In 1991, it established the annual Filial Piety Award.[DOC] [TLE] Korean electronics, cars win hearts of overseas consumers ...Korean electronics, cars win hearts of overseas consumers :: : The official website of the Republic of Korea [PAR] Korean electronics, cars win hearts of overseas consumers [PAR] Jul 01, 2011 [PAR] Korea’s leading industries and major firms like Samsung, LG and Hyundai have performed extremely well overseas, winning recognition from international consumers and getting favorable responses from overseas customers. [PAR] Samsung Electronics announced on June 26 that it was named the best manufacturer for portable media and home audio-visual products by UK.-based “Which?” magazine. [PAR] The magazine selected 15 electronic goods, including smart TVs, blue ray players and home theaters by Samsung as
As editor and chief of Metropolis newspaper, The Daily Planet, who was Superman's boss?
perry white
[DOC] [TLE] Perry White | Superman Wiki | Fandom powered by WikiaPerry White | Superman Wiki | Fandom powered by Wikia [PAR] Alice White , Jerry White [PAR] Perry White is the Editor-in-Chief of the Metropolis newspaper the Daily Planet. White maintains very high journalistic standards. He is an archetypal image of the tough, irascible but fair-minded boss. He was created specifically for The Adventures of Superman radio series, beginning with the 1939 audition records (and with radio actor Julian Noa playing the role from then until the end of the series in 1951). [PAR] According to comic-book continuity, White was an award-winning journalist who served a term as Mayor of Metropolis (an event which first happened on radio). He worked as an assistant editor on the Metropolis Daily Star under George Taylor before becoming editor of the Planet. [PAR] Personality [PAR] White is a tough, cigar-smoking boss with strict ideas about how his employees should operate. [PAR] George Taylor [PAR] In the golden age comics, the character was known as George Taylor , the editor of the Daily Star . [PAR] However, in the Adventures of Superman radio show, the name was changed to Perry White. [PAR] In modern-age comics continuity, George Taylor is a separate person, the editor of the Daily Star, which is a competing Metropolitan newspaper.[DOC] [TLE] The Superman Super Site - Perry WhiteThe Superman Super Site - Perry White [PAR] Devoted to Smallville [PAR] Perry White [PAR] Perry White is a fictional character who appears in the Superman comics and is the Editor-in-Chief of the Metropolis newspaper the Daily Planet. [PAR] Perry is famous for being boisterous and loud, as well as being a fairly strict editor. He is known for shouting, "Great Caesar's ghost!" when angry, exasperated or surprised. Perry also dislikes being called "chief" and typically responds by shouting, "Don't call me chief!"--often in response to remarks made by Jimmy Olsen. [PAR] Perry's other defining trait is a fondness for smoking cigars; in the 1990s Superman comics, however, this practice was mostly discontinued, thanks to a storyline in which Perry underwent treatment for lung cancer. [PAR] Like Jimmy Olsen and Lois Lane, Perry is also known for being an acquaintance of Superman. [PAR] Perry White is married to Alice White. [PAR] Golden & Silver Age Versions [PAR] The earliest Superman comics presented Clark Kent and Lois Lane as working for the Daily Star for an editor named George Taylor. However, this was soon changed, with Perry White first appearing as the editor of a newly-renamed Daily Planet in 1940's Superman #7. [PAR] In the 1960s and 1970s DC Comics, after the multiverse method of continuity tracking was implemented, the above inconsistency was explained away by declaring that on Earth-One (the Silver Age universe), Perry White was Clark and Lois' employer at the Daily Planet, while on Earth-Two (the Golden Age universe), George Taylor was that world's editor-in-chief of the Daily Star. The Perry White of Earth-Two was a lead reporter for the Daily Star and had "filled in" from time to time, according to a Superman Family tale, as editor while Taylor was away. Superman Family also revealed that the Earth-Two Perry White lost his competition with Clark for the editor-in-chief opening after Taylor retired, however, he remained with the Star in his reporting capacity. [PAR] Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths, Perry began his career as a freelance reporter for various newspapers, including a Chicago newspaper and Gotham City's Gotham Gazette. He eventually went to work at the Daily Planet as a reporter, and earned his first Pulitzer Prize by being the first to write about Superboy's extraterrestrial origins thanks to an exclusive interview with the Boy of Steel. [PAR] Later still, Perry's reporting skills earned more praise after being the first to discover that Superboy had moved to Metropolis from Smallville (Superboy had intended to keep his move quiet for an undefined period of time, so as not to alert anyone to Superboy and Clark Kent leaving Smallville around the same time). [PAR] Finally, during Clark Kent
Immortalized in an 1854 poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, the Charge of the Light Brigade, a military disaster for the English, occurred during what 1854 war?
crimean war
[DOC] [TLE] The Times/1854/News/The Charge of the Light Brigade ...The Times/1854/News/The Charge of the Light Brigade - Wikisource, the free online library [PAR] The Times/1854/News/The Charge of the Light Brigade [PAR] From Wikisource [PAR] This November 14, 1854 dispatch in the London Times , written by William Howard Russell from the front of the Crimean War , later led Alfred Tennyson to compose the famous poem of the same name, The Charge of the Light Brigade . [PAR] 78777The Charge of the Light BrigadeWilliam Howard Russell [PAR] HEIGHTS BEFORE SEBASTOPOL , OCTOBER 25 -- If the exhibition of the most brilliant valour, of the excess of courage, and of a daring which would have reflected luster on the best days of chivalry can afford full consolation for the disaster of today, we can have no reason to regret the melancholy loss which we sustained in a contest with a savage and barbarian enemy. [PAR] I shall proceed to describe, to the best of my power, what occurred under my own eyes, and to state the facts which I have heard from men whose veracity is unimpeachible, reserving to myself the right of private judgement in making public and in surpressing the details of what occurred on this memorable day... [PAR] [After losing ground to a British force half its size, the Russians retreated to the heights above Sebastopol, a port town on the Black sea] . [PAR] At 11:00 our Light Cavalry Brigade rushed to the front... The Russians opened on them with guns from the redoubts on the right, with volleys of musketry and rifles. [PAR] They swept proudly past, glittering in the morning sun in all the pride and splendor of war. We could hardly believe the evidence of our senses. Surely that handful of men were not going to charge an army in position? Alas! It was but too true -- their desperate valour knew no bounds, and far indeed was it removed from its so-called better part -- discretion. They advanced in two lines, quickening the pace as they closed towards the enemy. A more fearful spectacle was never witnessed than by those who, without the power to aid, beheld their heroic countrymen rushing to the arms of sudden death. At the distance of 1200 yards the whole line of the enemy belched forth, from thirty iron mouths, a flood of smoke and flame through which hissed the deadly balls. Their flight was marked by instant gaps in our ranks, the dead men and horses, by steeds flying wounded or riderless across the plain. The first line was broken -- it was joined by the second, they never halted or checked their speed an instant. With diminished ranks, thinned by those thirty guns, which the Russians had laid with the most deadly accuracy, with a halo of flashing steel above their heads, and with a cheer which was many a noble fellow's death cry, they flew into the smoke of the batteries; but ere they were lost from view, the plain was strewed with their bodies and with the carcasses of horses. They were exposed to an oblique fire from the batteries on the hills on both sides, as well as to a direct fire of musketry. [PAR] Through the clouds of smoke we could see their sabers flashing as they rode up to the guns and dashed between them, cutting down the gunners as they stood. The blaze of their steel, like an officer standing near me said, "was like the turn of a shoal of mackerel." We saw them riding through the guns, as I have said; to our delight, we saw them returning, after breaking through a column of Russian infantry and scattering them like chaff, when the flank fire of the battery on the hill swept them down, scattered and broken as they were. Wounded men and dismounted troopers flying towards us told the sad tale -- demigods could not have done what they had failed to do. At the very moment when they were about to retreat, a regiment of lancers was hurled upon their flank. Colonel Shewell, of the 8th Hussars, saw the danger and rode his men straight at them, cutting his way through with fearful loss. The other regiments turned and engaged in a desperate encounter. With
Futurama chef Elzar is a parody of what celebrity chef, whose catchphrases include “kick it up a notch” and “BAM!”?
emeril lagasse
[DOC] [TLE] 506: emeril lagasse - blogspot.com506: emeril lagasse [PAR] emeril lagasse [PAR] ― Food Network is kicking Emeril Lagasse down a notch. [PAR] The celebrity chef's "Emeril Live," which has been on the air for 10 years, will cease production Dec. 11, Food Network publicist Carrie Welch told The Associated Press. [PAR] "However, Emeril is under contract with Food Network," Welch said Tuesday. "We love him, we support him and look forward to a long partnership with him." [PAR] Welch wouldn't comment on Lagasse's contract. [PAR] Asked why the show was canceled, she told the AP: "The only reason would be that it hit a ton of television milestones and, you know, all good things come to an end." [PAR] The Food Network will continue producing Lagasse's "The Essence of Emeril," and he will take part in "specials and other development opportunities in the future," Welch said. [PAR] The network will also air reruns of "Emeril Live." [PAR] "I am deeply appreciative to all the unbelievable staff ― many who have been with the show since the beginning ― and all the loyal viewers, and the many talented guests who have appeared on the show through the years," Lagasse, 48, said in a statement provided by Welch. [PAR] "I look forward to continuing my association with the Food Network with `The Essence of Emeril,' and I have lots of new ideas cooking," he said. [PAR] Food Network is owned by Scripps Networks, a division of The E.W. Scripps Company [PAR] Emeril Lagasse [PAR] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [PAR] Jump to: navigation, search [PAR] Born October 15, 1959 (1959-10-15) (age 48) [PAR] Fall River, Massachusetts, United States [PAR] Cooking style Cajun, Creole, and French [PAR] Education Johnson & Wales University [PAR] Restaurants Emeril's Restaurant (New Orleans); NOLA (New Orleans); Emeril's New Orleans Fish House (Las Vegas); Emeril's Delmonico (New Orleans); Emeril's Orlando (Universal Studios, Orlando); Delmonico Steakhouse (Las Vegas); Emeril's Tchoup Chop (Orlando); Emeril's Atlanta (Atlanta); Emeril's Miami Beach (Miami Beach) Emeril's Gulf Coast Fish House (Gulfport); [PAR] TV Show(s) Emeril Live, Essence of Emeril [PAR] Emeril John Lagasse (born October 15, 1959, Fall River, Massachusetts, U.S.) is an American celebrity chef, restaurateur, television personality, and cookbook author. A regional James Beard Award winner, he is perhaps most notable for his Food Network shows Emeril Live and Essence of Emeril as well as catchphrases such as "kick it up a notch" and "BAM!"[1] He is a 1978 graduate of Johnson & Wales University's College of Culinary Arts. The "Emeril Empire" of media, products and restaurants generates an estimated USD$150 million annually in revenue.[2] [PAR] Contents [PAR] 6 Contribution to space exploration [PAR] 7 References [PAR] 8 External links [PAR] [edit] Biography [PAR] Lagasse was born in Fall River, Massachusetts to his Canadian Québécois father, John and Portuguese mother Hilda. He worked in a Portuguese bakery as a teenager where he discovered his talent for cooking and subsequently enrolled in a culinary arts program at Diman Vocational High School.[3] His talents as a drummer earned him a scholarship to the New England Conservatory of Music but he chose instead to attend Johnson & Wales University in hopes of becoming a chef. He met his first wife, Elizabeth Kief, while working at a restaurant to pay his way through school.[3] He graduated from Johnson and Wales in 1978 and the school later awarded him an honorary doctorate. [4] [PAR] Lagasse initially gained fame in the culinary world as Executive Chef of Commander's Palace. After leaving Commander's he opened his first restaurant, Emeril's, in New Orleans, Louisiana, in 1990. It was designated "Restaurant of the Year" in Esquire magazine of that year. Lagasse is mainly known for his emphasis on Creole and Cajun cooking styles. Indeed, many of his restaurants as well as his corporate office, Emeril's Homebase, are
Henry Wells and William Fargo, before they got into banking, made their mark on the world operating what service in the west in the 1850s?
[DOC] [TLE] Wells Fargo - The Full WikiWells Fargo - The Full Wiki [PAR] The Full Wiki [PAR] [PAR] [PAR] Note: Many of our articles have direct quotes from sources you can cite, within the Wikipedia article! This article doesn't yet, but we're working on it! See more info or our list of citable articles . [PAR] Related top topics [PAR] Top rankings for Wells Fargo [PAR] 3rd [PAR] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [PAR] Wells Fargo & Co. [PAR] New York City , New York, U.S. (March 18, 1852) (1929 by Merger with Norwest ) [PAR] Headquarters [PAR] Wells Fargo's corporate headquarters in San Francisco, CA [PAR] Wells Fargo & Co. is a diversified financial services company with operations around the world. Wells Fargo is the fourth largest bank in the US by assets and the third largest bank by market cap. [3] Wells Fargo is the second largest bank in deposits, home mortgage servicing, and debit card. In 2007 it was the only bank in the United States to be rated AAA by S&P [4] , though its rating has since been lowered to AA- [5] in light of the 2008 Financial Crisis. [PAR] Headquartered in San Francisco, California (its bank, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., is legally chartered in Sioux Falls , South Dakota ), Wells Fargo is a result of an acquisition of California-based Wells Fargo & Co. by Minneapolis -based Norwest Corporation in 1998. The new company chose to keep the name Wells Fargo, to capitalize on the 150-year history of the nationally-recognized Wells Fargo name and its trademark stagecoach. After the merger, the company maintained its headquarters in San Francisco and charter in Sioux Falls. [PAR] As of 2009, Wells Fargo has 6,650 retail branches (called stores by Wells Fargo), 12,260 automated teller machines , 276,000 employees and over 48 million customers. [6] Wells Fargo currently operates stores and ATMs under the Wells Fargo and Wachovia names. [PAR] 12 External links [PAR] Lines of business [PAR] Wells Fargo offers a range of financial services in over 80 different business lines. [14] Wells Fargo delineates three different business segments when reporting results: Retail Banking , Wholesale Banking , and Consumer Finance . [PAR] Community banking [PAR] The Community Banking segment includes Regional Banking, Wealth Management Group, Diversified Products and the Consumer Deposits groups. [PAR] Wells Fargo also has around 9,400 stand alone mortgage branches throughout the country. It also does mortgage wholesale lending through independent mortgage brokers . [PAR] Wells Fargo in Laredo , Texas, is located near Mall Del Norte. [PAR] Brokerage [PAR] Wells Fargo offers investment products through its subsidiaries, Wells Fargo Investments, LLC and Wells Fargo Advisors (previously known as Wachovia Securities). It also offers mutual funds under the Wells Fargo Advantage brand name and Evergreen Funds . [PAR] Calibre [PAR] Calibre is a subsidiary that Wells Fargo currently uses for its wealth management services to ultra-high net worth families with net worth exceeding $25 million. Calibre was acquired as part of the purchase of Wachovia. [15] [PAR] Internet services [PAR] Wells Fargo launched its personal computer banking service in 1989 and was the first bank to introduce access to banking accounts on the web in May 1995. [PAR] Wells Fargo's Business Online Banking gives small business owners all the services available to consumers, plus services designed specifically for businesses. [PAR] The new Wells Fargo vSafe service offers online storage of documents. [PAR] Wholesale [PAR] The Wholesale Banking segment contains products sold to large and middle market commercial companies, as well as to consumers on a wholesale basis. This includes lending, treasury management , mutual funds , asset-based lending, commercial real estate ,corporate and institutional trust services, and investment banking through Wells Fargo Securities . The company also owns Barington Associates, a middle market investment bank. Wells Fargo historically has avoided large corporate loans as stand-alone products, instead requiring that borrowers purchase other products along with loans—which the bank sees as a loss leader . One area that is very profitable to Wells, however, is asset-based lending : lending to large companies using assets as collateral that are not normally used in other loans. This can be compared to subprime lending, but on
The Gunfight at the O.K. Corral pitted the Earps against the Clantons. In what territorial city did the gunfight take place?
tombstone az
[DOC] [TLE] O.K. Corral Gunfight Site, Tombstone AZ: HistoryO.K. Corral Gunfight Site, Tombstone AZ: History [PAR] Gunfight at the O.K. Corral: A Brief History [PAR] In a Fateful 30 Seconds ... [PAR] On the cold afternoon of October 26, 1881, four men in long black coats strode purposefully down the dusty Fremont Street. Around the corner, in a narrow vacant lot behind the O.K. Corral, waited six cowboys. In a fateful thirty seconds, nearly thirty shots were fired at close range. The gunbattle between the Earps – lead by Marshal Virgil Earp, his brothers Wyatt and Morgan and their friend, Doc Holliday – and the Clanton-McLaury gang left Billy Clanton and the McLaury brothers dead and Virgil, Morgan, and Doc wounded. [PAR] Today we frame this event as a legendary example of Western vigilante justice, where lawmen preserving the peace faced down cattle rustlers suspected of robbing a Wells Fargo stagecoach. But the historical backdrop for this deadly tension is far more complex. After the Civil War, rapid growth in the American industrial economy spurred an interest in Westward expansion. Boomtowns like Tombstone provided fertile ground for the continuation of the war's sectional strife in the Western territories. Wealthy Northern mine owners and businessmen jockeyed with Southern cowboys from Texas for control and power. Each faction brought its economic, political, and social conflicts to the Arizona Territory – and to the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. [PAR] The story began in 1877, when Ed Schieffelin's discovery of significant veins of silver ore in southeastern Arizona's Cochise County held out alluring promises of wealth and opportunity for enterprising people from all walks of life. Between 1879 and 1880, Tombstone's population exploded from a handful of prospectors to nearly 6,000 residents. With this rapid influx of newcomers, Tombstone's fledgling social and political infrastructure began to take shape. Profits from the mines created a business-friendly town center with a pronounced need for law enforcement officers to maintain justice and order. To provide protection and reduce crime and violence, Tombstone's town leaders sought out men like Wyatt Earp, who had built his reputation as a gunfighter and lawman in Dodge City. [PAR] Tombstone soon became the center of a feud which pitted a group of prominent ranchers headed by the Clanton and McLaury families against a coalition of Tombstone businessmen represented by the Earps. The ranchers, who sold meat to the town and nearby Fort Huachuca, often "supplemented" their income by rustling cattle. These "Cowboys" were Democrats with strong ties to Texas and were supported by Cochise County Sheriff Johnny Behan. The Earp faction – Wyatt, his brothers Virgil, Morgan, and Warren, and their friend Doc Holliday – had the backing of Tombstone's Republican business elite, including Mayor John Clum (editor of The Tombstone Epitaph newspaper), mining magnate E.B. Gage, and Episcopalian minister Rev. Endicott Peabody. [PAR] Tensions between the two camps erupted in violence on October 26, 1881, in a narrow vacant lot behind the O.K. Corral. After a long night of poker that ended in an exchange of harsh words and a series of small scuffles, a confrontation appeared to be inevitable. According to historian Paula Marks, County Sheriff Behan insisted, "There is to be trouble between the Clanton and the Earp boys today." [PAR] Throughout the morning, various members of the vigilante businessmen's Citizens Safety Committee volunteered to intervene in the conflict, but Marshal Virgil Earp, seeking to avoid the involvement of armed citizens, respectfully declined their offers. Instead he sought Sheriff Behan's aid in disarming the Cowboys, who had now moved to the vacant lot behind the O.K. Corral next to photographer C.S. Fly's Boarding House (where Doc Holliday lived). Behan, however, was unable to convince the Cowboys to give up their weapons – and unable to prevent the Earps and Doc Holliday from heading to the O.K. Corral to disarm the Cowboys. [PAR] A Brief Overview of the Shootout [PAR] The stage was set. As the Earps turned the corner and entered the narrow passageway between the Harwood House and Fly's Boarding House, they met their rivals face-to-face. Each lawmen carried a six-shooter. In addition, "Doc" Holliday carried a shotgun hidden
According to the proverb, One swallow does not make what?
[DOC] [TLE] One swallow does not make a summer - Proverb HunterOne swallow does not make a summer ‹ Proverb ‹ Proverb Hunter [PAR] Home • Proverbs • O • One swallow does not make a summer [PAR] One swallow does not make a summer [PAR] The swallow is a migratory bird, visiting Great Britain in April and leaving for warmer climes in September. As far as Great Britain is concerned, ‘spring’ is more accurate than ‘summer’. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, wrote: ‘One swallow does not make spring, nor does one fine day’. [PAR] The proverb reminds us that winter is not necessarily over just because we have seen one swallow. By extension we are reminded also, that any single piece of evidence is not enough to prove anything. It may even be an exception. [PAR] An Albanian proverb on with the same meaning goes: ‘One flower does not make spring.’[DOC] [TLE] one swallow does not a summer make - Wiktionaryone swallow does not a summer make - Wiktionary [PAR] one swallow does not a summer make [PAR] Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary [PAR] Etymology[ edit ] [PAR] An allusion to the return of migrating swallows at the start of the summer season. From a remark by Aristotle (384 [PAR] 1886, Louisa May Alcott , Jo's Boys, ch. 9: [PAR] [T]hough one swallow does not make a summer, one engagement is apt to make several, and her boys were, most of them, at the inflammable age when a spark ignites the flame. [PAR] 1921 April 4, " Smile a While ," The Day (USA), p. 6 [PAR] (retrieved 29 Nov 2011) [PAR] One swallow does not a summer make, nor one onion a spring garden. [PAR] 1969 Sept. 19, Bob Johnson, " Sports: September Madness , Spokane Daily Chronicle (USA), p. 15: [PAR] One swallow does not a summer make and one football game doesn't make a season. [PAR] 2001 June 24, Susan Tifft, " The Philippines: Now the Hard Part ," Time: [PAR] Added one Western diplomat: "Aquino's success undoubtedly weakens the Communists' appeal to the so-called mass base. But one swallow does not a summer make."[DOC] [TLE] swallow - definition of swallow in English from the Oxford ...swallow - definition of swallow in English | Oxford Dictionaries [PAR] 1An act of swallowing something, especially food or drink: [PAR] ‘he downed his drink in one swallow’ [PAR] More example sentences [PAR] ‘He hadn't meant to, it was more of a gulp than a swallow, but he'd still done it just the same.’ [PAR] ‘Maria quickly grabbed a glass of champagne from the tray of one of the servers, and drank half of it two large swallows before she had the courage to ask Erik what had just happened.’ [PAR] ‘After downing it in a single swallow, Jonnie exhales and looks past Hannah down the hall.’ [PAR] ‘Alex sighed, then downed his drink in one swallow and returned for another one.’ [PAR] ‘As he lowered the canteen from his mouth, I took it back and drank a few swallows myself.’ [PAR] ‘When he declined, she opened her drink and took a swallow.’ [PAR] ‘All semblance of evil were slowly drained away as he drank swallow after swallow of this liquid fire.’ [PAR] ‘A single-contrast barium swallow did not show a connection between the mass and the esophagus.’ [PAR] ‘In another, the sufferer drinks several swallows of water while an accomplice presses on both ear flaps (technically called the tragus).’ [PAR] ‘Elea felt the flood of tears renewed as she took two more shaky swallows of her drink.’ [PAR] ‘August finished his drink in one swallow, then slammed the empty glass down on the desk decisively.’ [PAR] ‘He handed me his glass and I drank down his last swallow.’ [PAR] ‘I lifted his head and held the broth to his lips, and he again drank a few swallows of it.’ [PAR] ‘To evaluate further, do esophagography with barium swallow to look for TE fistula.’ [PAR] ‘Their glasses
In what city was the Motown record label founded?
[DOC] [TLE] Motown Records - Artists & Releases – artistxite.comMotown Records - Artists & Releases – [PAR] Motown Records [PAR] Founded:January 12, 1959; 57 years ago (January 12, 1959) [PAR] Founder:Berry Gordy, Jr. [PAR] Show me [PAR] Label history [PAR] Motown is an American record company. The record company was founded by Berry Gordy, Jr. as Tamla Records on January 12, 1959, and was incorporated as Motown Record Corporation on April 14, 1960, in Detroit, Michigan. The name, a portmanteau of motor and town, has also become a nickname for Detroit. Motown played an important role in the racial integration of popular music as an African American-owned record label that achieved significant crossover success. In the 1960s, Motown and its subsidiary labels (including Tamla Motown, the brand used outside the US) were the most successful proponents of what came to be known as the Motown Sound, a style of soul music with a distinct pop influence. During the 1960s, Motown achieved spectacular success for a small record company: 79 records in the Top Ten of the Billboard Hot 100 record chart between 1960 and 1969. [PAR] Following the events of the Detroit Riots of 1967, in addition to the losses of songwriters Eddie Holland, Lamont Dozier , and Brian Holland (who left the label due to dissatisfaction with their success and level of pay the same year), Gordy relocated Motown to Los Angeles in 1972, and there it remained an independent company until June 28, 1988. It was on this date that Gordy called it quits in the music industry, having been drawn into the Hollywood lifestyle after releasing two movies starring Diana Ross : Mahogany and the Billie Holiday Biopic Lady Sings the Blues. The company was then sold to MCA . Motown was later sold to PolyGram in 1994, before being sold again to MCA Records' successor, Universal Music Group , when it acquired PolyGram in 1999. [PAR] Motown spent much of the 2000s as a part of the Universal Music subsidiaries Universal Motown and Universal Motown Republic Group, and headquartered in New York City. From 2011 to 2014, Motown was a part of The Island Def Jam Music Group division of Universal Music. On April 1, 2014, Universal Music Group announced the dissolution of Island Def Jam; subsequently Motown relocated back to Los Angeles to operate under the Capitol Music Group. It now operates out of the landmark Capitol Tower. [PAR] For many decades, Motown was the highest-earning African American business in the United States. [PAR] Berry Gordy got his start as a songwriter for local Detroit acts such as Jackie Wilson and the Matadors . Wilson's single "Lonely Teardrops", written by Gordy, became a huge success, but Gordy did not feel he made as much money as he deserved from this and other singles he wrote for Wilson. He realized that the more lucrative end of the business was in producing records and owning the publishing. [PAR] In 1959, Billy Davis and Berry Gordy's sisters Gwen and Anna started Anna Records. Davis and Gwen Gordy wanted Berry to be the company president, but Berry wanted to strike out on his own. On January 12, 1959, he started Tamla Records, with an $800 loan from his family and royalties earned writing for Jackie Wilson. Gordy originally wanted to name the label Tammy Records, after the hit song popularized by Debbie Reynolds from the 1957 film Tammy and the Bachelor, in which Reynolds also starred. When he found the name was already in use, Berry decided on Tamla instead. Tamla's first release, in the Detroit area, was Marv Johnson 's "Come to Me" in 1959 (released nationally on United Artists). Its first hit was Barrett Strong 's "Money (That's What I Want)" (1959), which made it to number 2 on the Billboard R&B charts (released nationally on Anna Records). [PAR] Gordy's first signed act was the Matadors, who immediately changed their name to the Miracles . (They were not the Matadors who recorded for Sue .) Their first release, "Got a Job", was an answer record to the Silhouettes' "Get a Job" (
What famed magician, born Erik Weisz in Budapest, Hungary, died on Oct 31, 1926 of peritonitis, secondary to a ruptured appendix?
[DOC] [TLE] October 31, 1926: Death Proves Inescapable for Even ...October 31, 1926: Death Proves Inescapable for Even Houdini | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian [PAR] October 31, 1926: Death Proves Inescapable for Even Houdini [PAR] Magician Harry Houdini, who could seemingly escape anything, couldn't escape a punch to the gut and appendicitis [PAR] October 31, 2011 [PAR] Magician Harry Houdini / National Portrait Gallery, SI [PAR] Master magician Harry Houdini made a living wowing audiences and escaping from death-defying situations. But this day in 1926 the Great Houdini was unable to cheat death one more time and succumbed to peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix at age 52. [PAR] “Harry Houdini is famous for his incredible feats of magic,” says historian David C. Ward of the National Portrait Gallery, “all of which required meticulous planning and preparation.” [PAR] Born Erik Weisz to Jewish parents in Budapest, Hungary in 1874, Houdini’s family immigrated to Appleton, Wisconsin, when he was four years old. He adopted the “Harry Houdini” moniker in 1891 when he became a professional magician, in honor of French magician Jean Eugene Robert Houdin and American magician Harry Kellar. [PAR] Houdini started out with card tricks at small venues and progressed to escape acts on the vaudeville circuit, eventually earning the title of “The Handcuff King.” “For him,” illusionist David Blaine noted to The New York Times in October of last year, “sometimes the difficult thing was keeping the handcuffs on.” [PAR] As Houdini’s stature as a performer increased, he had to up the ante with new stunts to please spectators. “I knew, as everyone knows,” wrote Houdini, “that the easiest way to attract a crowd is to let it be known that at a given time and a given place someone is going to attempt something that in the event of failure will mean sudden death.” [PAR] Houdini performing the Chinese Water Torture Cell. Image courtesy Library of Congress [PAR] Houdini escaped from a wide variety of objects, including items suggested by his audience: straitjackets, boilers, wet sheets, milk jugs and supposedly even the belly of a preserved “ 1,600-pound sea monster ” that had washed ashore in Boston. [PAR] His 1912 underwater box escape in New York’s East River was proclaimed by Scientific American magazine as “one of the most remarkable tricks ever performed.” And Houdini continued his string of legendary stunts, debuting his legendary Chinese Water Torture Cell later that year. In it he was suspended upside-down in a locked glass and steel cabinet overflowing with water. [PAR] “Amidst the sensation,” says Ward, “what is not as well known, however, is that Houdini also spent much of his career debunking and exposing charlatans and con-men who used aspects of magic, especially séances with the dead, to dupe a credulous public. Spiritualism had an upsurge after World War I as populations that had suffered horrendous loses sought ways of coping. But Houdini dismissed claims of the supernatural as so much quackery that cruelly played on the hopes of those who had lost loved ones.” [PAR] But how did he finally die? Houdini apparently had been suffering from appendicitis for weeks before his death on Halloween of 1926, but hadn’t sought out treatment. Things came to a head after an October 20 performance at the Princess Theater in Montreal. According to eyewitnesses, Houdini was laying on a couch having his portrait sketched by a student when Jocelyn Gordon Whitehead, a McGill University student, entered the room. Whitehead asked to test Houdini’s claim to be able to absorb any blow to the body above the waist without injury. [PAR] Upon Houdini’s supposed approval, Whitehead delivered multiple blows to Houdini’s stomach, reportedly hitting him three times before the magician was able to tighten his stomach muscles to protect himself sufficiently. [PAR] It’s likely Houdini’s appendix would have burst on its own without striking. Houdini still continued to travel while in severe pain, and arrived in Detroit on October 24, 1926 for what would be his final performance. He took the stage at Garrick Theater even with a fever of 104 and a diagnosis of acute appendicitis
Whom did Muhammed Ali best in the famous Rumble in the Jungle, which took place in Kinsasha, Zaire?
george foreman
[DOC] [TLE] Muhammad Ali wins the Rumble in the Jungle - HISTORY.comMuhammad Ali wins the Rumble in the Jungle - Oct 30, 1974 - [PAR] Muhammad Ali wins the Rumble in the Jungle [PAR] Share this: [PAR] Muhammad Ali wins the Rumble in the Jungle [PAR] Author [PAR] Muhammad Ali wins the Rumble in the Jungle [PAR] URL [PAR] Publisher [PAR] A+E Networks [PAR] On October 30, 1974, 32-year-old Muhammad Ali becomes the heavyweight champion of the world for the second time when he knocks out 25-year-old champ George Foreman in the eighth round of the “Rumble in the Jungle,” a match in Kinshasa, Zaire. Seven years before, Ali had lost his title when the government accused him of draft-dodging and the boxing commission took away his license. His victory in Zaire made him only the second dethroned champ in history to regain his belt. [PAR] The “Rumble in the Jungle” (named by promoter Don King, who’d initially tagged the bout “From the Slave Ship to the Championship!” until Zaire’s president caught wind of the idea and ordered all the posters burned) was Africa’s first heavyweight championship match. The government of the West African republic staged the event—its president, Mobutu Sese Seko, personally paid each of the fighters $5 million simply for showing up—in hopes that it would draw the world’s attention to the country’s enormous beauty and vast reserves of natural resources. Ali agreed. “I wanted to establish a relationship between American blacks and Africans,” he wrote later. “The fight was about racial problems, Vietnam. All of that.” He added: “The Rumble in the Jungle was a fight that made the whole country more conscious.” [PAR] At 4:30 a.m. on October 30, 60,000 spectators gathered in the moonlight (organizers had timed the fight to overlap with prime time in the U.S.) at the outdoor Stade du 20 Mai to watch the fight. They were chanting “Ali, bomaye” (“Ali, kill him”). The ex-champ had been taunting Foreman for weeks, and the young boxer was eager to get going. When the bell rang, he began to pound Ali with his signature sledgehammer blows, but the older man simply backed himself up against the ropes and used his arms to block as many hits as he could. He was confident that he could wait Foreman out. (Ali’s trainer later called this strategy the “rope-a-dope,” because he was “a dope” for using it.) [PAR] By the fifth round, the youngster began to tire. His powerful punches became glances and taps. And in the eighth, like “a bee harassing a bear,” as one Times reporter wrote, Ali peeled himself off the ropes and unleashed a barrage of quick punches that seemed to bewilder the exhausted Foreman. A hard left and chopping right caused the champ’s weary legs to buckle, and he plopped down on the mat. The referee counted him out with just two seconds to go in the round. [PAR] Ali lost his title and regained it once more before retiring for good in 1981. Foreman, meanwhile, retired in 1977 but kept training, and in 1987 he became the oldest heavyweight champ in the history of boxing. Today, the affable Foreman is a minister and rancher in Texas and the father of five daughters and five sons, all named George. He’s also the spokesman for the incredibly popular line of George Foreman indoor grills. [PAR] Related Videos[DOC] [TLE] Muhammed Ali remembered on the 40th anniversary of the ...Muhammed Ali remembered on the 40th anniversary of the Rumble in the Jungle | Daily Mail Online [PAR] comments [PAR] To the thinly disguised chagrin of a pitiful coven of hacks who regard boxing as so barbaric that they campaign for its abolition, The Greatest is still alive to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the most famous fight in ring history. [PAR] Muhammad Ali launched a week of reminiscences about the Rumble in the Jungle by tweeting a happy snapshot of himself and some of his family and announcing that he feels just fine. [PAR] Not for the first time, reports of his death have been exaggerated.
With a name that translates as gorilla whale, what mythical creature, who had his debut on Nov 3, 1954, has battled such enemies as King Ghidorah, Gigan, and Motrha?
[DOC] [TLE] King Ghidorahis a kaiju film monster that first appeared in the Toho's 1964 film Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster. Although Toho officially trademarks the character as King Ghidorah the character is usually referred to as Ghidrah in English markets. [PAR] Although King Ghidorah's design has remained largely consistent throughout its appearances (an armless, golden-scaled winged dragon with three heads and two tails), its origin story has varied from being an extraterrestrial demon, a genetically engineered monster from the future, to being a guardian of ancient Japan. The character is usually portrayed as an archenemy of Godzilla and Mothra, though it has had one appearance as an ally of the latter. Despite rumors that Ghidorah was meant to represent the threat posed by China, which had at the time of the character's creation just developed nuclear weapons, director Ishiro Honda denied the connection and stated that Ghidorah is simply a modern take on the dragon Yamata no Orochi. [PAR] Overview [PAR] Development [PAR] The initial idea for Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster came from Tomoyuki Tanaka, who also created Godzilla. Tanaka's inspiration came from an illustration of the Lernaean Hydra in a book about Greek Mythology, and Orochi of Japanese folklore. Tanaka was enamored with the idea of Godzilla fighting a multi-headed serpent, but considered 7-8 heads to be excessive, with the number of heads being reduced to three. The final version was an armless, three-headed dragon with large wings, two tails and of extraterrestrial origin. Screenwriter Shinichi Sekizawa insisted that the Ghidorah suit be fabricated using light-weight silicon-based materials in order to grant the wearer greater mobility. The final Ghidorah design was constructed by special effects artist Teizo Toshimitsu, who had initially painted it green in order to further differentiate it from Godzilla, Rodan and Mothra, but changed it to gold on the insistence of Eiji Tsuburaya, after his assistant noted that being a creature from Venus, the "gold planet", Ghidorah should be that color. The monster costume itself was built by Akira Watanabe, and worn by Shoichi Hirose, who also played King Kong in Toho's King Kong vs. Godzilla. Hirose walked hunched over inside the Ghidorah costume, holding a metal bar for balance, while puppeteers would control its heads, tails and wings off-camera like a marionette. Each of the monster's heads were fitted with remotely controlled motors, which were connected to operators via a wire extending from the suit's backside. Performing as Ghidorah proved challenging to Hirose, as he had to time his movements in a way that would not conflict with the separately operated heads and wings, as doing so would have resulted in the overhead wires tangling. Because of the suit's weight, it frequently snapped the overhead wires supporting it. Special effects were added as the creature is capable emitting destructive, lightning-like "gravity beams" from its mouths and generating hurricane-force winds from its wings. Despite King Ghidorah's central role in the film's plot, the character was given little screen time, as Hirose had fallen out with special effects director Eiji Tsuburaya, who never forgave Hirose for accepting a Hollywood deal, and subsequently hired Susumu Utsumi to play King Ghidorah after Invasion of Astro-Monster. [PAR] In Invasion of Astro-Monster, King Ghidorah was given a darker shade of gold, and its movements both on land and in the air were more fluid than during Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster, as the special effects crew had at that point learned from the shortcomings of the previous film's depiction of the creature. [PAR] In Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah, the character's ruffs of hairs surrounding its heads were replaced with horns, as it proved difficult for the special effects team to superimpose the individual strands of hair onto footage of people escaping the monster. Special effects director Koichi Kawakita had originally planned on having each of Ghidorah's heads fire differently colored beams, but this was ultimately scrapped in favor of the classic yellow color. [PAR] For Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, director Shūsuke Kaneko had originally planned on using Varan as
What cocktail consists of 5 parts Rye Whiskey, 2 parts Sweet Red Vermouth, a dash of Angostura Bitters, and garnished with a Maraschino Cherry?
[DOC] [TLE] Not Cocktail of the Week #2: The Manhattan : cocktailsNot Cocktail of the Week #2: The Manhattan : cocktails [PAR] 2 dashes Angostura bitters [PAR] Stirred on ice and strained into a coupe glass [PAR] Garnished with homemade Montmorency cherries on a pick (in order of consumption): rye+Peychaud’s, spiced rum+cinnamon, amaretto (details below) [PAR] Disclaimer: this is a stiff drink as 2.5 oz of 100 proof rye is equivalent to two normal 1.5 oz pour cocktails. I should probably halve this recipe but I can’t help myself. [PAR] The Savoy Cocktail Book: [PAR] Manhattan Cocktail (No. 1) [originally found in the 1887 edition of Jerry Thomas’ Bar-tender’s Guide] [PAR] 2 dashes Curacao or Maraschino [PAR] 1 pony rye whiskey [approx. 1 oz] [PAR] 1 wineglass vermouth (mixed) [approx. 2 oz, equal parts sweet and dry?] [PAR] 3 dashes Angostura bitters [PAR] Shaken on ice and strained into a claret glass [PAR] Garnished with a quarter of a slice of lemon in the glass [PAR] Two dashes of gum syrup optional [PAR] Manhattan Cocktail (No. 2) [PAR] Shaken on ice and strained into a cocktail glass [PAR] Garnished with cherry [PAR] Links and further reading: [PAR] Robert Hess’ Cocktail Spirit – he does a rather poor job stirring here for reasons unknown [PAR] The Joy of Mixology by Gary Regan [the eponymous creator of Regan’s Orange Bitters No. 6] [PAR] Results [PAR] If I were forced to choose only one cocktail to have the rest of my life, it would have to be this. I always forget how much I enjoy this cocktail, as I honestly cannot condone having one of these every night, but that first sip is like slipping into a custom-tailored suit. You remember how well it fits and how comfortable it is. The initial note is always the spiciness of the rye whiskey, which immediately matures into the fruitiness of vermouth that tames the drink, and evolves into the herbal and bitter notes provided between the vermouth and Angostura bitters. My garnish being three distinct cherries just adds upon the complexity of this drink. The first cherry being soaked in rye whiskey+Peychaud’s complement and amplify the spiciness of rye and briefly take this drink in the direction of a Sazerac. The spiced rum and cinnamon chip soaked cherry turns it exotic with the strong flavor of cinnamon playing a harmonious counterpoint to the cloves in Angostura bitters. Near the end of the drink I enjoy the amaretto soaked cherry, with its naturally complementary flavors. It provides a sweet finish to my drink and reminds me that one is probably enough. [PAR] Variations [PAR] There are countless variations on a Manhattan cocktail; I’ll briefly go over a few here. The most common variation on a classic Manhattan is using bourbon in place of rye, common in the South. A less common variation is to substitute brandy, which, according to Dale DeGroff in The Craft of the Cocktail, is common in Minnesota and Wisconsin. The “Perfect Manhattan”, unfortunately not a literal epitome, is a Manhattan whose vermouth portion is equal parts of sweet and dry. Recently, artisanal distillers have started to put out unaged “white dog whiskey” aka moonshine. A “White Manhattan” is often a Manhattan cocktail made with “white dog whiskey”, dry vermouth, orange bitters, and garnished with a lemon twist resulting in a clear cocktail that is Manhattan-inspired. I am personally not a fan as I find it barely has any resemblance to the flavor profile of a Manhattan cocktail, but it is an interesting variation you may encounter. On the note of lemon peel/twist, this is another acceptable garnish in a Manhattan, though be sure to properly express the lemon oil if you choose this route. [PAR] On Cherries [PAR] Grocery store “maraschino cherries” in the United States are vile and as with many cocktail stories, this can all be traced back to Prohibition. Maraschino cherries, in the early 1900s when the cocktail scene was really getting its legs, were originally made from Marasca cherries sweetened and preserved in Maraschino liqueur, also made from Marasca cherries. Marasca cherries, native to Europe, are sour cherries
November 6, 1861 saw the birth in Almonte, Ontario, of future YMCA director James Naismith, who is responsible for the creation of what popular sport?
basketball team
[DOC] [TLE] James Naismith - iSnare Free EncyclopediaJames Naismith - iSnare Free Encyclopedia [PAR] James Naismith [PAR] For the Chemical Biologist, see Jim Naismith . [PAR] James Naismith [PAR] James Naismith holding a basketball [PAR] Sport(s) [PAR] McGill University Sports Hall of Fame [PAR] Oklahoma State Sports Hall of Fame [PAR] College Basketball Hall of Fame [PAR] Inducted in 2006 [PAR] James Naismith (November 6, 1861 – November 28, 1939) was a Canadian-American physical educator, physician, chaplain, sports coach and innovator. He invented the game of basketball at age 30 in 1891. He wrote the original basketball rule book and founded the University of Kansas basketball program. Naismith lived to see basketball adopted as an Olympic demonstration sport in 1904 and as an official event at the 1936 Summer Olympics in Berlin , as well as the birth of the National Invitation Tournament (1938) and the NCAA Tournament (1939). [PAR] Born in Canada to Scottish immigrants, Naismith studied physical education at McGill University in Montreal before moving to the United States , where he designed the game in late 1891 while teaching at the International YMCA Training School in Springfield , Massachusetts . [1] Seven years after inventing basketball, Naismith received his medical degree in Denver in 1898. He then arrived at the University of Kansas , later becoming the Kansas Jayhawks ' athletic director and coach. [2] [PAR] Contents [PAR] Sculpture, Almonte , Ontario [PAR] Naismith was born in 1861 in Almonte (now part of Mississippi Mills ), Ontario , Canada to parents who had immigrated from Scotland . [3] He never had a middle name and never signed his name with the "A" initial. The "A" was added by someone in the administration at the University of Kansas. [nb 1] [PAR] Struggling in school but gifted in farm labor, Naismith spent his days outside playing catch, hide-and-seek, or duck on a rock , a medieval game in which a person guards a large drake stone from opposing players, who try to knock it down by throwing smaller stones at it. To play duck on a rock most effectively, Naismith soon found that a soft lobbing shot was far more effective than a straight hard throw, a thought that later proved essential for the invention of basketball . [4] Orphaned early in his life, Naismith lived with his aunt and uncle for many years and attended grade school at Bennies Corners near Almonte. Then he enrolled in Almonte High School, in Almonte, Ontario, from which he graduated in 1883. [4] [PAR] In the same year, Naismith entered McGill University in Montreal . Although described as a slight figure, standing 5 foot 10 ½ and listed at 178 pounds, [5] he was a talented and versatile athlete, representing McGill in Canadian football , lacrosse , rugby , soccer and gymnastics . He played center on the football team, and made himself some padding to protect his ears. It was for personal use, not team use. [6] He won multiple Wicksteed medals for outstanding gymnastics performances. [7] Naismith earned a BA in Physical Education (1888) and a Diploma at the Presbyterian College in Montreal (1890). [4] From 1891 on, Naismith taught physical education and became the first McGill director of athletics, but then left Montreal to become a physical education teacher at the YMCA International Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts . [7] [8] [PAR] Springfield College: Invention of "Basket Ball" [PAR] Wikisource has original text related to this article: [PAR] Basket Ball [PAR] The original 1891 "Basket Ball" court in Springfield College . It used a peach basket attached to the wall. [PAR] At Springfield YMCA, Naismith struggled with a rowdy class that was confined to indoor games throughout the harsh New England winter and thus was perpetually short-tempered. Under orders from Dr. Luther Gulick, head of Springfield YMCA Physical Education, Naismith was given 14 days to create an indoor game that would provide an "athletic distraction": Gulick demanded that it would not take up much room, could help its track athletes to keep in shape [7] and explicitly emphasized to "make it fair for all players and not too rough
What classic American family featured a disembodied hand, named Thing, a manservant named Lurch, and a large ball of hair known as Cousin Itt?
addams family
[DOC] [TLE] Lurch (The Addams Family) - pediaview.comLurch (The Addams Family) [PAR] Lurch (The Addams Family) [PAR] Ted Cassidy (on right) as Lurch with Jackie Coogan as Uncle Fester (left). [PAR] First appearance [PAR] American [PAR] Lurch (whose first name is unknown) is a fictional character created by American cartoonist Charles Addams as a manservant to The Addams Family . In the original television series, Lurch was played by Ted Cassidy , who used the famous catchphrase, “You rang?” (a similar phrase was the trademark of the character Maynard G. Krebs in The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis ). [PAR] Contents [PAR] 5 References [PAR] Cartoons [PAR] In Charles Addams ‘s original cartoons, Lurch is often seen accompanying the rest of the Family, sometimes carrying a feather-duster. In a couple of illustrations, the Family is seen decorating Lurch like they would a Christmas Tree . [PAR] Characterization [PAR] Lurch is a 6 ft 9 in (2.05 m) tall, shambling, gloomy butler who somewhat resembles a cross between Frankenstein’s monster (as played by Boris Karloff ) and a zombie. In the original Addams Family television series, Lurch has a deep, resonant voice unlike that of Herman Munster , a character on the show’s main competitor, The Munsters . Although fully capable of normal speech, Lurch often communicates via simple inarticulate moans, which, much like the dialogue of Cousin Itt , his employers have no trouble understanding. [PAR] This towering mute has been shambling around the house forever…He is not a very good butler but a faithful one…One eye is opaque, the scanty hair is damply clinging to his narrow flat head…generally the family regards him as something of a joke. [1] [PAR] — Charles Addams [PAR] Like any butler, Lurch tries to help around the house, but occasionally his great size and strength cause trouble. He clearly takes pride in his work and is willing to do even the most arduous task. [PAR] His character often demonstrates signs of frustration towards his employers, however his continued presence also suggests loyalty. As a result he appears to be one of the family. [PAR] The family summons him with an ever-present bell pull (in the form of a hangman’s noose ). When pulled, it produces a loud gong noise that shakes the house, to which Lurch instantly appears and responds, “You rang?”, even if wide-angle shots reveal that he was clearly nowhere in the vicinity before; on a few occasions Lurch arrives even before the bell pull is tugged. [PAR] Lurch largely shares the family’s macabre standards, although he occasionally looks askance at some of their activities. He has a similar attitude toward visitors — almost a sixth sense. When a plainclothes policeman (played by George N. Neise ) visits, Lurch pats him down and removes something from inside his suit coat: his service revolver. Lurch groans at the affront of bringing a weapon into the house. Neise shows Lurch his badge, and Lurch hands the gun back to him. [PAR] Aside from a headless Marie Antoinette doll, Lurch is Wednesday ‘s best friend. He has a paternal affection for both Wednesday and Pugsley . Although his job title is limited to “butler”, he seems to be a “jack of all trades” when it comes to the children, doing everything from taking them to school to making them lunch to keeping an eye on them around the house. He is close friends with the disembodied hand Thing . [PAR] He is often seen playing opening theme tune on the harpsichord . (Cassidy played on a dead keyboard; Vic Mizzy , the show’s musical director, played the actual tunes.) [PAR] As originally conceived, Lurch was to have no lines, but in the show’s pilot episode , Ted Cassidy ad-libbed the line “You rang?” in his trademark deep voice, and it was so impressive that it led to Lurch getting more dialogue; he ultimately had three lines in the pilot. In the films, however, this butler was totally mute except for the occasional expressive grunt. The 1990s revival returned to the original 1960s sitcom style, right down to the
What semi-aquatic, fish eating mammal, related to the weasel, is prized for its fur and enjoyed for its playful nature?
[DOC] [TLE] Where Do River Otters Play? | WonderopolisWhere Do River Otters Play? | Wonderopolis [PAR] Wonder of the Day #1478 [PAR] Where Do River Otters Play? [PAR] Where do river otters play? [PAR] What do river otters eat? [PAR] How long can a river otter hold its breath? [PAR] Tags: [PAR] Listen [PAR] Have you ever WONDERed whether animals play like we humans do? If you have a dog or a cat at home, you've probably seen them playing with balls and toys or even chasing each other around the yard . [PAR] But what about wild animals? Nature experts will tell you that wild animals play, too. In fact, if you're ever near a river or marshy area, you may see some weasel -like animals running and sliding on their tummies into the water to create a big splash. What are we talking about? River otters, of course! [PAR] The only river otter that can be found north of Mexico, the North American river otter thrives in rivers, lakes, streams, wetlands, and along the coasts of every state and territory of both the United States and Canada. The only places you won't find river otters are the dry desert areas of the southwestern U.S. [PAR] Although they're difficult to track, river otters have maintained sustaining populations despite numerous threats from predators and habitat loss . Experts believe there are over 100,000 river otters occupying the waters of North America today. [PAR] River otters have a long history in North America. Their rich furs were favorites of French fur traders in the 18th and 19th centuries. In addition to keeping them warm, their thick fur gives them a waterproof coating that helps them survive and thrive in their favorite aquatic environments. [PAR] River otters like to live close to water, because their diet consists primarily of fish . However, they're actually semi- aquatic mammals, which means they can live on land, too. In fact, they usually live in burrows near the water and will snack on other types of food in the area, including insects, birds, shellfish, turtles, and frogs. [PAR] If asked to choose one word that describes the river otter , most experts would choose "playful." Extremely social animals, river otters can often be seen in groups playing games. They also love to run and slide on their stomachs. If you spy a river otter in the wild, it's likely you'll catch a glimpse of it sliding on its tummy down a muddy bank and into the water. [PAR] Experts note that these playful activities also serve an important purpose: they teach survival skills. In addition to strengthening social bonds, their games help them practice hunting techniques and mark their territory with their scent. [PAR] Since they spend a lot of time in the water, river otters are very good swimmers. Of course, it helps that they're able to close off their ears and noses to keep water out. When hunting for fish, river otters can dive as deep as 60 feet. They're also capable of holding their breath for as long as eight minutes! [PAR] Wonder Words (18)[DOC] [TLE] Creatures :: AvatarSpirit.netCreatures :: [PAR] Anteater-sloth [PAR] Habitat: Sun Warrior Island. [PAR] Description: Anteater-sloths are roughly human-sized animals with elongated heads and long skinny tongues like anteaters, with medium-sized bodies and legs ending in claws like sloths. They have only been seen in the Fire Nation island where the Sun Warrior civilization still thrives in secret, and they appear to enjoy the taste of green glue. [PAR] Real World: Anteaters are mammal species in the suborder Vermilingua which are known for eating ants and termites. They can be as big as eight feet in length (minus the tail) and four feet in height at the shoulder. The anteater has a long thin head and a long flexible tongue, which is covered in sticky saliva, which the anteater flicks very rapidly to sweep up insects into its mouth. [PAR] Sloths are medium-sized mammals that live in trees, usually hanging upside-down from branches, in the rainforests of Central and South America. They have very slow metabolisms and as such move very slowly.
November 3, 1979 saw the invasion of the US embassy in what country, with the result that 53 Americans were taken hostage for 444 days?
[DOC] [TLE] Iran Hostage Crisis - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.comIran Hostage Crisis - Facts & Summary - [PAR] Iran Hostage Crisis [PAR] A+E Networks [PAR] Introduction [PAR] On November 4, 1979, a group of Iranian students stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 American hostages. The immediate cause of this action was President Jimmy Carter’s decision to allow Iran’s deposed Shah, a pro-Western autocrat who had been expelled from his country some months before, to come to the United States for cancer treatment. However, the hostage-taking was about more than the Shah’s medical care: it was a dramatic way for the student revolutionaries to declare a break with Iran’s past and an end to American interference in its affairs. It was also a way to raise the intra- and international profile of the revolution’s leader, the anti-American cleric Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The students set their hostages free on January 21, 1981, 444 days after the crisis began and just hours after President Ronald Reagan delivered his inaugural address. Many historians believe that hostage crisis cost Jimmy Carter a second term as president. [PAR] Google [PAR] The Iran Hostage Crisis: The Shah and the C.I.A. [PAR] The Iran hostage crisis had its origins in a series of events that took place nearly a half-century before it began. The source of tension between Iran and the U.S. stemmed from an increasingly intense conflict over oil. British and American corporations had controlled the bulk of Iran’s petroleum reserves almost since their discovery–a profitable arrangement that they had no desire to change. However, in 1951 Iran’s newly elected prime minister, a European-educated nationalist named Muhammad Mossadegh, announced a plan to nationalize the country’s oil industry. In response to these policies, the American C.I.A. and the British intelligence service devised a secret plan to overthrow Mossadegh and replace him with a leader who would be more receptive to Western interests. [PAR] Did You Know? [PAR] The television series Nightline began as a nightly news report on the hostage crisis (its original title was The Iran Crisis--America Held Hostage). ABC News president Roone Arledge hoped that it would draw viewers away from the NBC juggernaut The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. [PAR] Through this coup, code-named Operation TP-Ajax, Mossadegh was deposed and a new government was installed in August 1953. The new leader was a member of Iran’s royal family named Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi. The Shah’s government was secular, anti-communist and pro-Western. In exchange for tens of millions of dollars in foreign aid, he returned 80 percent of Iran’s oil reserves to the Americans and the British. [PAR] For the C.I.A. and oil interests, the 1953 coup was a success. In fact, it served as a model for other covert operations during the Cold War , such as the 1954 government takeover in Guatemala and the failed intervention in Cuba in 1961. However, many Iranians bitterly resented what they saw as American intervention in their affairs. The Shah turned out to be a brutal, arbitrary dictator whose secret police (known as the SAVAK) tortured and murdered thousands of people. Meanwhile, the Iranian government spent billions of dollars on American-made weapons while the Iranian economy suffered. [PAR] The Iran Hostage Crisis [PAR] By the 1970s, many Iranians were fed up with the Shah’s government. In protest, they turned to the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a radical cleric whose revolutionary Islamist movement seemed to promise a break from the past and a turn toward greater autonomy for the Iranian people. In July 1979, the revolutionaries forced the Shah to disband his government and flee to Egypt. The Ayatollah installed a militant Islamist government in its place. [PAR] The United States, fearful of stirring up hostilities in the Middle East, did not come to the defense of its old ally. (For one thing, President Carter, aware of the Shah’s terrible record in that department, was reluctant to defend him.) However, in October 1979 President Carter agreed to allow the exiled leader to enter the U.S. for treatment of an advanced malignant lymphoma. His decision was humanitarian, not political; nevertheless, as one American later noted
According to the classic poem The Raven, what is the name of the lost love that the unnamed narrator is trying to forget?
[DOC] [TLE] A Summary & Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven ...A Summary & Analysis of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven": Stanza by Stanza [PAR] Summary of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" [PAR] written by: Trent Lorcher • edited by: SForsyth • updated: 10/17/2014 [PAR] Poe's "The Raven" is not only an American classic, it's a favorite of high school students around the world, as well as their teachers. That being said, it's still poetry and therefore can be difficult to understand. Read this summary to review the contents and get a better understanding. [PAR] slide 1 of 7 [PAR] Stanzas: 1-2 [PAR] Make everyone in class think you're really smart when you bust out everything you've learned in this summary. [PAR] Stanza 1: It's late. The poem's speaker is tired and weak, reading an old collection of folklore (note that Ravens are prevalent in folklore). As he's about to fall asleep, he hears something tapping at his door. The speaker, somewhat startled, consoles himself by muttering "tis some visitor" and "nothing more." [PAR] Analysis: The ambiguity of the narrator's mental state is introduced in the first stanza and becomes a topic of debate throughout the entire poem. Keep in mind that it's late and the narrator is extremely tired. It's quite possible he dreams the entire episode. [PAR] Stanza 2: We are told this incident takes place in December and that the narrator had been reading in order to forget about his lost love, Lenore. [PAR] Analysis: Stanza 2 provides background information. The incident takes place in December and the narrator suffers from depression. He is searching desperately to end his sorrow. The mood, somewhat established in Stanza 1 with "midnight dreary" and "forgotten lore," becomes entrenched as Poe includes details such as "bleak December," dying ember," "ghost upon the floor," sorrow," and a bevvy of alliterative phrases and words with Anglo-Saxon roots. [PAR] slide 2 of 7 [PAR] Stanzas: 3-5 [PAR] Stanza 3: To combat the fear caused by the wind blown curtains, the narrator repeats that the commotion is merely a visitor at the door. [PAR] Analysis: The opening line of the stanza contains the greatest example of consonance, alliteration, and internal rhyme in the history of poetry. Why the speaker is so frightened by the curtains fluttering in the wind is unclear. It could be a demonic movement of the curtains, which would cause even the most stalwart individual to mutter to himself, or the speaker could be crazy. [PAR] Stanza 4: The narrator musters the courage to speak to the "visitor" at his door. Nobody answers. He opens the door and sees only darkness. [PAR] Analysis: Things are getting stranger by the stanza. Poe builds suspense by delaying the unveiling of the "visitor." [PAR] Stanza 5: The narrator stares into the darkness. He stares. He stares some more. He starts dreaming about the impossible and finally whispers "Lenore." "Lenore" is echoed back. [PAR] Analysis: We begin to sense the heartbreak experienced by the narrator. He so longs for his lost love that he begins whispering her name, desperately hoping for a response. Does he actually hear a response or is he hallucinating? [PAR] slide 3 of 7 [PAR] Stanzas: 6-9 [PAR] Stanza 6: The narrator returns to his chamber and soon hears a louder tapping, this time at his window. He decides to explore the noise, telling himself it is merely the wind. [PAR] Analysis: Like the narrator, you're probably wondering when something's going to happen. The narrator is in denial. He knows something is there, but refuses to acknowledge it. [PAR] Stanza 7: The narrator opens the shutter and a raven flies in. He ignores the occupant and perches himself on a statue of Pallas Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom. [PAR] Analysis: The mystery has been solved. It's just a bird! Something tells me this bird is no ordinary feathered friend. [PAR] Stanza 8:
What is the name for a triangle that has all three sides of equal length?
equilateral triangle
[DOC] [TLE] Classifying Three Types of Triangles - For DummiesClassifying Three Types of Triangles - dummies [PAR] Classifying Three Types of Triangles [PAR] Classifying Three Types of Triangles [PAR] Classifying Three Types of Triangles [PAR] By Mark Ryan [PAR] Triangles are classified according to the length of their sides or the measure of their angles. These classifications come in threes, just like the sides and angles themselves. That is, a triangle has three sides, and three terms describe triangles based on their sides; a triangle also has three angles, and three classifications of triangles are based on their angles. The following are triangle classifications based on sides: [PAR] Scalene triangle: A triangle with no congruent sides [PAR] Isosceles triangle: A triangle with at least two congruent sides [PAR] Equilateral triangle: A triangle with three congruent sides [PAR] Because an equilateral triangle is also isosceles, all triangles are either scalene or isosceles. But when people call a triangle isosceles, they’re usually referring to a triangle with only two equal sides, because if the triangle had three equal sides, they’d call it equilateral. However, you can’t always assume this when you’re doing tricky geometry homework. [PAR] Scalene triangles [PAR] In addition to having three unequal sides, scalene triangles have three unequal angles. The shortest side is across from the smallest angle, the middle-length side is across from the mid-sized angle, and — surprise, surprise — the longest side is across from the largest angle. [PAR] The ratio of sides doesn’t equal the ratio of angles. Don’t assume that if one side of a triangle is, say, twice as long as another side that the angles opposite those sides are also in a 2:1 ratio. The ratio of the sides may be close to the ratio of the angles, but, for a scalene triangle, these ratios are never exactly equal. [PAR] Isosceles triangles [PAR] An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles. The equal sides are called legs, and the third side is the base. The two angles touching the base (which are congruent, or equal) are called base angles. The angle between the two legs is called the vertex angle. [PAR] Equilateral triangles [PAR] An equilateral triangle has three equal sides and three equal angles (which are each 60°). Its equal angles make it equiangular as well as equilateral. You don’t often hear the expression equiangular triangle, however, because the only triangle that’s equiangular is the equilateral triangle, and everyone calls this triangle equilateral. (With quadrilaterals and other polygons, however, you need both terms, because an equiangular figure, such as a rectangle, can have sides of different lengths, and an equilateral figure, such as a rhombus, can have angles of different sizes.) [PAR] If you cut an equilateral triangle in half right down the middle, you get two 30°- 60°- 90° right triangles, which figure very heavily in geometry and trigonometry work.[DOC] [TLE] Triangle Classification - Cut-the-KnotTriangle Classification [PAR] [PAR] Triangle Classification [PAR] The basic elements of any triangle are its sides and angles. Triangles are classified depending on relative sizes of their elements. [PAR] As regard their sides, triangles may be [PAR] Scalene (all sides are different) [PAR] Isosceles (two sides are equal) [PAR] Equilateral (all three sides are equal) [PAR] And as regard their angles, triangles may be [PAR] Acute (all angles are acute) [PAR] Right (one angle is right) [PAR] Obtuse (one angle is obtuse) [PAR] Equiangular (all angles are equal) [PAR] This applet requires Sun's Java VM 2 which your browser may perceive as a popup. Which it is not. If you want to see the applet work, visit Sun's website at, download and install Java VM and enjoy the applet. [PAR] A triangle is scalene if all of its three sides are different (in which case, the three angles are also different). If two of its sides are equal, a triangle is called isosceles. A triangle with all three equal sides is called equilateral. S. Schwartzman's The Words of Mathematics explain the etymology (the origins) of the words. The first
What's missing: The Gathering Storm, The Grand Alliance, The Hinge of Fate, Closing the Ring, Triumph and Tragedy
their finest hour
[DOC] [TLE] The Second World War by Churchill, Winston S - Biblio.comThe Second World War by Churchill, Winston S [PAR] The Second World War. [PAR] CHURCHILL, Winston S. [PAR] London: Cassell & Co. Ltd.,, 1948–54. [The Gathering Storm; Their Finest Hour; The Grand Alliance; The Hinge of Fate; Closing the Ring; Triumph and Tragedy.] 6 volumes, octavo. Finely bound by the Chelsea Bindery in dark blue morocco, titles gilt to spines, raised bands, single ruled gilt panel to compartments with rampant lion device gilt to the first, fifth and sixth, single rule to boards, autograph block to front boards, twin rule to turn-ins, burgundy endpapers, gilt edges. With diagrams and tables throughout the text. The occasional minor blemish, an excellent set in fine bindings. First editions, first impressions of the single most important historical account of the Second World War. Signed and dated 1950 by Churchill to the half-title of volume 2. Max Beloff observed that there was no statesman of the twentieth century "whose retrospective accounts of the great events in which he has taken part have so dominated subsequent historical thinking." A man who had always primarily made his living by his pen, Churchill was the only major war leader to give an authoritative account of the conflict, and his ringing phrases seeped into the collective memory. As J. H. Plumb noted in his essay in A. J. P. Taylor's Churchill: Four Faces and the Man "Churchill the historian lies at the very heart of all historiography of the Second World War, and will always remain there [we still] move down the broad avenues which he drove through war's confusion and complexity." [PAR] The Second World War. [PAR] CHURCHILL, Winston S. [PAR] London: Cassell & Co. Ltd.,, 1948–54. 6 volumes, octavo. Original black cloth, titles gilt to spines, top edge red, grey endpapers decorated with a design that alternates a lion rampant with the initials WSC. In the typographical dust jackets with background design as per the endpapers. Maps and diagrams, some folding. Each volume with the bookplate of the Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men. Top edges faded as usual, jackets a little rubbed, and a touch sunned at the spines, which are slightly crumpled at ends, but the cloth unspotted and the text-blocks clean, a very good set indeed. First editions, first impressions, except vol. II, which is the fourth edition of 1954; signed in full by the author on the half-title of vol. I and initialled in the same place in the others, for the Association of Men of Kent and Kentish Men, at the request of Wykeham Cornwallis, 2nd baron Cornwallis (1892–1982). Together with a one-page letter on the letterhead of La Pausa, Churchill's literary agent Emery Reves's house. In the letter, dated 9 February 1956, Churchill tells Lord Cornwallis, president of the association, that he "would be happy to do as you ask", signing the set as requested, that he is "returning to England for some days on February 10, so perhaps you would let me have the books sometime before I leave the country again towards the end of this month", and concluding that he is "indeed complimented by the wish of Kent County Society" for him to sign the books. After he left office in 1955 Churchill spent long periods with Reves and his partner Wendy at their home in the Alpes-Maritime. On this occasion he was there for a month. "He returned for another 11 substantial visits during the next three and half years, a total of 54 weeks" (Jenkins, Churchill, p. 904), during which time he worked on the completion of English-Speaking Peoples. At La Pausa, originally built by Churchill's friend Bendor, 2nd duke of Westminster, for his lover Coco Chanel, Churchill "was made an immensely welcome guest the central purpose of the Reveses' lives became the entertainment of Churchill", who much enjoyed "the poetic justice" of sharing in the "elegant luxury" which came from
What is the oldest, continuously published magazine in the United States, with its first issue hitting the stands on August 28, 1845?
scientific american
[DOC] [TLE] Pick A Prize by Jill Breckenridge | The Writer's Almanac ...Pick A Prize by Jill Breckenridge | The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor [PAR] The Writer's Almanac with Garrison Keillor [PAR] August, hot with flies, wasps [PAR] fallen sluggish to the sugar. [PAR] The State Fair, everyone eating [PAR] something or looking to be fed: [PAR] Pronto pups, chili dogs, popcorn, [PAR] cold milk, all you can drink, [PAR] Central Lutheran's homemade pie. [PAR] The woman who guesses weight, [PAR] wearing money apron and brown oxfords, [PAR] stands beside scales taller [PAR] than the big man who steps forward. [PAR] For only one pa-per dollar! [PAR] she reads his body, poundwise, [PAR] says, Two-sixty! He steps on [PAR] her scales at two-eighty-five. [PAR] She pats his backside under his belt [PAR] which is under a generous roll [PAR] of fat, says, You musta' been hidin' [PAR] somethin' there on me, honey! [PAR] Pick a prize, any prize. He touches [PAR] his thinning hair, chooses [PAR] the battered red and white beer hat [PAR] from among her ashtrays and embarrassed [PAR] lavender snakes, then walks away, [PAR] through the dusty music of calliope, [PAR] taller, twenty-five pounds lighter. [PAR] "Pick A Prize" by Jill Breckenridge, from The Gravity of Flesh. © Nodin Press, 2009. Reprinted with permission. ( buy now ) [PAR] On this date in 1845, the first issue of Scientific American was published. It's the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States, and it started as a four-page weekly newsletter. It was founded by Rufus Porter, son of a wealthy New England family and a painter and inventor in his own right. The first issue focused on improvements to the quality of passenger railway cars. Under Porter's direction, Volume I frequently featured reports from the U.S. Patent Office; the issues also served up poetry and religious news. Porter sold the magazine 10 months later, for $800, to 22-year-old Orson Munn and 19-year-old Alfred Beach. They took over with the publication of Volume II, doubling the page count and dropping the reports on temperance and religion as being unsuitable for a science publication. They kept the poetry, though. [PAR] It's the birthday of poet John Betjeman (1906) ( books by this author ). He was born in London, the only child of a furniture maker. He wrote his first poem at nine; at 10, he gave a copy of his work "The Best of Betjeman" to one of his instructors, who happened to be T.S. Eliot. He took his first trip to Oxford the following year, and became inspired by the architecture of its churches and other buildings. Later in life he would campaign for the preservation of Victorian and Edwardian buildings as a founding member of the Victorian Society. He published both his first book of verse (Mount Zion) and his first book on architecture (Ghastly Good Taste) in 1933. In his career as a poet, he often wrote with a sense of nostalgia for the Britain of the recent past, capturing it as it was disappearing; he also satirized progress for its own sake. His work was very popular among the unsettled post-World War II Britons who longed for a simpler time. He also published several guidebooks on British counties and a collection of essays called First and Last Loves (1952) about places and buildings. He was instrumental in saving the Victorian façade of the St. Pancras railway station from demolition, and a statue of the poet — depicted as gazing up in admiration of the architecture — now stands in the station at platform level. [PAR] It's the birthday of mystery, science fiction, and fantasy author Jack Vance (1916) ( books by this author ), born in San Francisco. In addition to the work published under John Holbrook Vance or Jack Vance, he also published three mystery novels under the name Ellery Queen. He published his first story, "The World Thinker," in the magazine Thrilling Wonder Stories in 1945; it was but the
A cultural, retail, manufacturing, health care, and educational hub for the region, what is the most populous city in all of North Dakota?
[DOC] [TLE] North DakotaNorth Dakota (; locally) is the 39th state of the United States, having been admitted to the union on November 2, 1889. [PAR] It is located in the Upper Midwestern region of the United States, bordered by the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba to the north, Minnesota to the east, South Dakota to the south, and Montana to the west. The state capital is Bismarck, and the largest city is Fargo. North Dakota is the 19th most extensive but the 4th least populous and the 4th least densely populated of the 50 United States. [PAR] North Dakota has weathered the Great Recession of the early 21st century with a boom in natural resources, particularly a boom in oil extraction from the Bakken formation, which lies beneath the northwestern part of the state. The development has driven strong job and population growth, and low unemployment. [PAR] Geography [PAR] North Dakota is located in the U.S. region known as the Great Plains. The state shares the Red River of the North with Minnesota on the east; South Dakota is to the south, Montana is to the west, and the Canadian provinces of Saskatchewan and Manitoba are north. North Dakota is situated near the middle of North America with a stone marker in Rugby, North Dakota marking the "Geographic Center of the North American Continent". With an area of 70762 sqmi, North Dakota is the 19th largest state. [PAR] The western half of the state consists of the hilly Great Plains, and the northern part of the Badlands to the west of the Missouri River. The state's high point, White Butte at 3506 ft, and Theodore Roosevelt National Park are located in the Badlands. The region is abundant in fossil fuels including natural gas, crude oil and lignite coal. The Missouri River forms Lake Sakakawea, the third largest man-made lake in the United States, behind the Garrison Dam. [PAR] The central region of the state is divided into the Drift Prairie and the Missouri Plateau. The eastern part of the state consists of the flat Red River Valley, the bottom of glacial Lake Agassiz. Its fertile soil, drained by the meandering Red River flowing northward into Lake Winnipeg, supports a large agriculture industry. Devils Lake, the largest natural lake in the state, is also found in the east. [PAR] Eastern North Dakota is overall flat; however, there are significant hills and buttes in western North Dakota. Most of the state is covered in grassland; crops cover most of eastern North Dakota but become increasingly sparse in the center and farther west. Natural trees in North Dakota are found usually where there is good drainage, such as the ravines and valley near the Pembina Gorge and Killdeer Mountains, the Turtle Mountains, the hills around Devil's Lake, in the dunes area of McHenry County in central North Dakota, and along the Sheyenne Valley slopes and the Sheyenne delta. This diverse terrain supports nearly 2,000 species of plants. The state of North Dakota is home to the geographical center of North America located near Rugby, North Dakota [PAR] Climate [PAR] North Dakota has a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. The temperature differences are rather extreme because of its far inland position and being in the center of the Northern Hemisphere, with roughly equal distances to the North Pole and the Equator. As such, summers are almost subtropical in nature, but winters are cold enough to ensure plant hardiness is very low. [PAR] History [PAR] Aboriginal American peoples lived in what is now North Dakota for thousands of years before the coming of Europeans. Their tribes included the Mandan people, the Dakota people and the Yanktonai: the latter two from the Lakota peoples. The first European to reach the area was the French-Canadian trader La Vérendrye, who led an exploration party to Mandan villages in 1738. [PAR] In 1762 the region became part of Spanish Louisiana until 1802. [PAR] Dakota Territory was settled sparsely by European Americans until the late 19th century, when the railroads were constructed into the region. With the advantage of grants of land, they vigorously marketed their properties, extolling the region as ideal for agriculture. An omnibus
Al, Peggy, Kelly, and Bud Bundy were the main characters in what long running FOX sitcom?
married with children
[DOC] [TLE] Married... with Children (Series) - TV TropesMarried... with Children (Series) - TV Tropes [PAR] Married... with Children [PAR] You need to login to do this. Get Known if you don't have an account [PAR] Share [PAR] "I work in a shoe store, and yet I'm not happy to come home." [PAR] — Al Bundy [PAR] Married... with Children is a Sitcom about consummate loser Al Bundy: once a high school football hero dating the hottest girl in school, he is now a balding, starving, destitute shoe salesman. Meanwhile, the same girl that he married is now a useless, bickering TV junkie. He's still driving the same piece-of-junk car he bought in high school and is cursed with a moronic daughter who really gets around , a smart but perverted son, and a lazy dog that might as well be a throw rug. [PAR] The show premiered on April 5, 1987 as the very first program ever shown by the brand new Fox Network. Along with 21 Jump Street and The Tracey Ullman Show, it was one of the network's few hits before the NFL and The Simpsons turned the network into a major player. It was a constant ratings success until it ended in June 1997; it's still Fox's longest-running live-action sitcom. This is the show in which Christina Applegate and Katey Sagal got their starts. [PAR] This series inspired and popularized a character type: the Jaded Washout , which was actually called "The Al Bundy" at one point. [PAR] Now has a recap page. [PAR] Tropes: [PAR] open/close all folders [PAR] #-G [PAR] '80s Hair : Peg and Kelly in earlier seasons. Bud had a mullet in the season three episodes. Many of the extras, both female and male, had spectacular '80s Hair as well. [PAR] A-Cup Angst : Al constantly mocks Marcy for being flat-chested. At some points, her flatness gets her mistaken for a boy, much to her consternation, anger, and disappointment several times. In the pirate episode, she has to show her breasts to the crew to prove she's a lass twice. And they're still not sure of it afterwards. And then there was the episode where she was continually mistaken for Bruce Jenner . [PAR] Aborted Arc : The first half of Season 6 introduced several continuing plotlines. Most notably, Peg and Marcy both wound up pregnant, and Bud began impersonating a rapper in order to get girls. About halfway through the season, all these storylines were retconned into being a dream. While this may feel like a screw to the audience, it is justified, as Katey Sagal was pregnant in real life at the time, but sadly lost her baby when it came time to give birth . Although Sagal said that she'd be willing to continue with the storyline, out of respect, the writers made the entire storyline a dream because, according to one of the creators, "it worked for Dallas ". Bud gets the idea of Grandmaster B when he hears Al tell him about the dream, and this plotline then continues. [PAR] Abhorrent Admirer : Bud was unlucky enough to attract a couple of these, both male and female. While certainly not ugly, especially after he made himself look like a total dork in a dating show (where the woman chooses a self-centered hunk as the prize over him), he does the same thing when a nerdy girl ironically echoes what he had said earlier... and ignores her to go out with a self-centered chick. At least he gave her a kiss before he went with the bimbo. [PAR] Abusive Parents : [PAR] Marcy has multiple stories about how growing up was less than pleasant. One such tale involving her mother selling her beloved dog, Chester, for fifty cents at a yard sale, and using said money to go on vacation and leave Marcy home alone, crying and begging for Chester to come back home. [PAR] Al and Peg can be considered outright abusive to Kelly and Bud. Sometimes with physical threats, but mostly it was neglect, emotional anguish,
Dale Carnegie's best-selling 1936 book is titled How to Win Friends and what People?
[DOC] [TLE] Winning Friends and Influencing People - SUCCESS magazineWinning Friends and Influencing People - SUCCESS magazine [PAR] Winning Friends and Influencing People [PAR] Dale Carnegie proved that nice guys can finish first. [PAR] Todd Eliason [PAR] February 2, 2009 [PAR] Act enthusiastic, smile, become genuinely interested in other people, and don’t criticize, condemn or complain. When Dale Carnegie put those simple principles in a book called How to Win Friends and Influence People, he not only became a guru to millions of people the world over, he made publishing history. Since its first publication in 1936, the book has sold more than 15 million copies, is one of the all-time best-sellers, and is still popular today. Before there was an entire industry devoted to self-improvement, there was Dale Carnegie and his desire to let people know their success depended largely on their ability to win friends and influence people. [PAR] Missouri Values [PAR] In 1888, Dale Carnegie was born into a life of hard times, hard work and failure. The Carnegies farmed an area in northwest Missouri that frequently flooded, and foreclosure was a constant threat. But Dale’s parents made it clear his future would be different. [PAR] The driving force in the Carnegie household was Dale’s mother, Amanda. A dynamic personality, she served as his mentor and personal-improvement coach. She saw great potential in his abilities and made it clear his destiny would not be the farmlands of Missouri. She knew the importance of confidence, good speaking skills and education, and encouraged Dale to give speeches in church. [PAR] At 16, Dale enrolled in the Missouri State Teachers College in Warrensburg, Mo. To save money, he lived at home and helped his father with the chores every morning before putting on his only suit and walking to school. [PAR] After his junior year, Dale heard there was big money in sales, landing a job in South Dakota with Armour & Company earning $17 a week. But when he was offered a management job, he turned it down, and decided to leave the Midwest for the big city lights of New York. [PAR] His dream was to become a novelist, working days selling Packard cars and trucks and writing at night. After struggling through his fi rst book, which he declared a disaster, Carnegie decided he wasn’t cut out to be a novelist. At 24, it was time for self-reflection. He decided to do the next thing that came natural: teach public speaking. [PAR] Finding His Niche [PAR] In 1912, Carnegie got a job at the YMCA in Harlem teaching public speaking at night school. With no curriculum, he improvised, bringing students to the front of class to speak while he and the rest of the group offered encouragement and advice. Soon Dale Carnegie’s courses were filled to capacity with people looking to conquer a fear many people say is greater than that of death—that of public speaking. [PAR] Carnegie said his courses were designed to train adults, through experience, to think on their feet and express their ideas with more clarity, effectiveness and poise. But as time passed, he realized these people also needed training in the art of getting along with others in everyday business and social situations. Industry was exploding; small businesses were turning into large enterprises. And along with this growth came a new breed of businessman: the middle manager who needed what Carnegie taught. [PAR] Carnegie’s own research revealed about 15 percent of one’s fi nancial success is due to technical knowledge, and about 85 percent is due to skill in human engineering, personality and the ability to lead people. “One can always hire technical ability, but the person who has technical knowledge plus the ability to express ideas, to assume leadership and to arouse enthusiasm among people—that person is headed for higher earning power,” he said. [PAR] Putting Principles on Paper [PAR] Teaching courses on human relations, Carnegie searched in vain for a working handbook on the subject. So he started writing one for use in his own courses. [PAR] In preparation, he pored over newspaper columns, magazine articles, the writings of the old philosophers and countless biographies of great leaders
On Oct 28, 1919, the United States Congress shat upon the American people by passing the Volstead Act, which lead the way to what 14 year period of darkness and despair?
prohibition of alcohol
[DOC] [TLE] Volstead ActThe National Prohibition Act, known informally as the Volstead Act, was enacted to carry out the intent of the Eighteenth Amendment, which established prohibition in the United States. The Anti-Saloon League's Wayne Wheeler conceived and drafted the bill, which was named for Andrew Volstead, Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who managed the legislation. [PAR] Procedure [PAR] While the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibited the production, sale, and transport of "intoxicating liquors", it did not define "intoxicating liquors" or provide penalties. It granted both the federal government and the states the power to enforce the ban by "appropriate legislation." A bill to do so was introduced in Congress in 1919. Later this act was voided by the Twenty-first amendment. [PAR] The bill was vetoed by President Woodrow Wilson, largely on technical grounds because it also covered wartime prohibition, but his veto was overridden by the House on the same day, October 27, 1919, and by the Senate one day later. The three distinct purposes of the Act were: [PAR] # to prohibit intoxicating beverages, [PAR] # to regulate the manufacture, sale, or transport of intoxicating liquor (but not consumption), and [PAR] # to ensure an ample supply of alcohol and promote its use in scientific research and in the development of fuel, dye and other lawful industries and practices, such as religious rituals. [PAR] It provided further that "no person shall manufacture, sell, barter, transport, import, export, deliver, or furnish any intoxicating liquor except as authorized by this act." It did not specifically prohibit the use of intoxicating liquors. The act defined intoxicating liquor as any beverage containing more than 0.5% alcohol by volume and superseded all existing prohibition laws in effect in states that had such legislation. [PAR] Enforcement and impact [PAR] The production, importation, and distribution of alcoholic beverages — once the province of legitimate business — were taken over by criminal gangs, which fought each other for market control in violent confrontations, including murder. Major gangsters, such as Omaha's Tom Dennison and Chicago's Al Capone, became rich and were admired locally and nationally. Enforcement was difficult because the gangs became so rich they were often able to bribe underpaid and understaffed law enforcement personnel and pay for expensive lawyers. Many citizens were sympathetic to bootleggers, and respectable citizens were lured by the romance of illegal speakeasies, also called "blind tigers". The loosening of social morals during the 1920s included popularizing the cocktail and the cocktail party among higher socio-economic groups. Those inclined to help authorities were often intimidated, even murdered. In several major cities — notably those that served as major points of liquor importation (including Chicago and Detroit) — gangs wielded significant political power. A Michigan State Police raid on Detroit's [ Deutsches Haus] once netted the mayor, the sheriff, and the local congressman. [PAR] Prohibition came into force at midnight on January 17, 1920, and the first documented infringement of the Volstead Act occurred in Chicago on January 17 at 12:59 a.m. According to police reports, six armed men stole $100,000 worth of "medicinal" whiskey from two freight train cars. This trend in bootlegging liquor created a domino effect, with criminals across the United States. Some gang leaders were stashing liquor months before the Volstead Act was enforced. The ability to sustain a lucrative business in bootlegging liquor was largely helped by the minimal police surveillance at the time. There were only 134 agents designated by the Prohibition Unit to cover all of Illinois, Iowa, and parts of Wisconsin. According to Charles C. Fitzmorris, Chicago's Chief of Police during the beginning of the Prohibition period: "Sixty percent of my police [were] in the bootleg business." [PAR] Section 29 of the Act allowed 200 gallons (the equivalent of about 1000 750 ml bottles) of "non-intoxicating cider and fruit juice" to be made each year at home. Initially "intoxicating" was defined as anything more than 0.5%, but the Bureau of Internal Revenue soon struck that down and this effectively legalized home
October 26, 1919 saw the birth of Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the last man to hold what title, as ruler of Iran?
[DOC] [TLE] Mohammed Shah - FactbitesMohammed Shah - Factbites [PAR] Mohammed Mossadegh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [PAR] Mohammed Mossadegh ( Persian : ٠ح٠د ٠صدق‎) ( May 19, 1882 - March 4, 1967) was prime minister of Iran from 1951 to 1953. [PAR] After being educated in France, Mohammed Mossadegh got his start in Iranian politics in 1914, when he was appointed Governor General of the Iranian province of Fars by Ahmad Shah Qajar and was titled Mosaddegh os-Saltaneh by the Shah. [PAR] The Shah himself, after a brief exile in Italy, was rushed back to Iran and returned to the throne. [PAR] /wiki/Mohammed_Mossadegh (2014 words) [PAR] [PAR] Nadir Shah on (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-20) [PAR] He then entered the service of Tahmasp, the son of Shah Sultan Husayn, who was asserting his claims against the Afghans under Mahmud, who had usurped the Persian throne. [PAR] Mohammed Zahir Shah (g) et Hamid Kharzai se recueillent sur la tombe du roi Nadir Shah L'ancien roi d'Afghanistan Zaher Sh. [PAR] Fazelullah Youssef Zai, 47, caretaker of the Mausoleum of King Nadir Shah, stands next to the recently repaired tomb of the former King of Afghanistan. [PAR] /html/N/NadirS1ha.asp (823 words) [PAR] Historical Sikh Events at Gateway to Sikhism:Nadir Shah's Invasion(1738-1739) [PAR] As Nadir Shah rode out towards the Khyher Pass in November 1738, Nasir tried to block his passage with a force of 20,000 ill trained Afghans, who were just no match for the fierce Khurasani horsemen. [PAR] Mohmmad Shah Rangila was a bad administrator, all his croonies had looted the rich landlors and elite after Nadir Shah left to fill up the coffers of Mughal kingdom. [PAR] Meahwhile, The Khalsa bands got together and passed a resolution: "Nadir Shah must deliver a part of the booty he was carrying away from Delhi." Nadir, on the other hand, felt that his reputation was a sufficient deterrent to anyone attacking him on the way. [PAR] /events/nadir.htm (1221 words) [PAR] - The Resecularization of Iran [PAR] The institution of monarchy and the personality of Mohammed Reza Shah were the biggest impediment to democracy in Iran or Mohammed Reza Shah was a megalomaniac by nature since he liked to fly airplanes and would always take his picture with Damavand in the background. [PAR] Or the all too familiar conspiracy theory: Mohammed Reza Shah was groomed to be a dictator at the pay of the British and the Americans since the moment of his birth. [PAR] Mohammed Reza Shah became the Shiaa villain par excellence, the usurper, the tyrannical modern Yazid. [PAR] /article263.html (2886 words) [PAR] [PAR] Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-20) [PAR] Faced with this situation, Reza Shah commanded the only reliable military force in Iran and the opposition to him, whether in the center or in the tribal areas, could never muster enough strength to overcome his skill, organization, and mobility. [PAR] The latter represented the Shah's own achievement inasmuch as since the middle 1950s he had assumed personal leadership in all matters pertaining to the development of petroleum resources in the country. [PAR] In today's Iran, because the very mention of the Shah's name entails the risk of falling foul of the new authorities most people have developed a code name for the king who died in exile. [PAR] /pahlavi/mrp.html (1223 words) [PAR] Shah Fatehali ascended the Peacocck Throne of Iran in 1212 A.H. Pi'r Mirza Mohammed Ba'qir, the uncle and father-in-law of the Holy Ima'm, was living in Mahala't. [PAR] Mowla'na Ima'm Ali Shah, the Aga Khan-II, was born in 1246 A.H. 1830) in Mahala't. [PAR] Mowla'na Ima'm Sulta'n Mohammed Shah was succeeded by his grandson Prince Kari'm Agha as the Ima'm and the Pi'r of the isma'ilis on the twelfth of Zil-Hijja, 1376 A.H. (11th of July 1957). [PAR] /history/histaa2.htm (21097 words) [PAR] [PAR] Zahir Shah (Site not responding. Last check
In one of the greatest upsets in presidential election history, Democratic incumbent Harry S. Truman bested what New York Governor for the 1948 presidential election?
thomas dewey
[DOC] [TLE] The Election of 1948 - Boundless Open TextbookThe Election of 1948 [PAR] About Watch and Favorite [PAR] Watch [PAR] Watching this resources will notify you when proposed changes or new versions are created so you can keep track of improvements that have been made. [PAR] Favorite [PAR] Favoriting this resource allows you to save it in the “My Resources” tab of your account. There, you can easily access this resource later when you’re ready to customize it or assign it to your students. [PAR] The Election of 1948 [PAR] Despite predictions that Republican candidate Thomas Dewey would win the 1948 election, incumbent Democrat Harry Truman was victorious. [PAR] Learning Objective [PAR] Explain the significance of the 1948 presidential election [PAR] Key Points [PAR] The Presidential Election of 1948 was one of the biggest political upsets in American history. [PAR] The Democratic Party had a three-way ideological split and ran several third-parties, which diluted support for Truman. [PAR] All polls indicated a landslide victory for Dewey, who consequently ran a bland, uninspired campaign. [PAR] However, Republican New York Governor Thomas Dewey lost to Democratic incumbent Harry S. Truman, 189-303 in the Electoral College . [PAR] Terms [PAR] Register for FREE to remove ads and unlock more features! Learn more [PAR] Full Text [PAR] The United States presidential election of 1948 was the 41st quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 2, 1948. Incumbent President Harry S. Truman, the Democratic nominee, who had succeeded to the presidency after the death of President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1945, successfully ran for election for a full term against Thomas E. Dewey, the Republican nominee. [PAR] The election is considered the greatest election upset in American history. Virtually every prediction (with or without public opinion polls) indicated that Truman would be defeated by Dewey. The Democratic Party had a severe three-way ideological split, with both the far left and far right of the Party running third-party campaigns. Truman's surprise victory was the fifth consecutive presidential win for the Democratic Party, the longest winning streak in the history of the party, and second-longest in the history of both modern parties (surpassed only by the Republicans' six consecutive victories from 1860 to 1880). With simultaneous success in the 1948 congressional elections, the Democrats regained control of both houses of Congress, which they lost in 1946. Truman's feisty campaign style energized his base of traditional Democrats, consisting of most of the white South, Catholic, and Jewish voters; he also surprisingly fared well with Midwestern farmers. Truman's election confirmed the Democratic Party's status as the nation's majority party. [PAR] Photo portrait of Thomas Dewey [PAR] On September 9, nearly two months before election day, pollster Elmo Roper announced that "Thomas E. Dewey is almost as good as elected...I can think of nothing duller or more intellectually barren than acting like a sports announcer who feels he must pretend he is witnessing a neck-and-neck race." Because of his position in the polls, Dewey ran a bland, uninspired campaign . [PAR] Given Truman's sinking popularity and the seemingly fatal three-way split in the Democratic Party, Dewey appeared unbeatable. Top Republicans believed that all their candidate had to do to win was to avoid major mistakes; in keeping with this advice, Dewey carefully avoided risks. He spoke in platitudes, avoided controversial issues, and was vague on what he planned to do as president. Speech after speech was filled with non-political, optimistic assertions of the obvious, including the now infamous quote "You know that your future is still ahead of you." An editorial in The (Louisville) Courier-Journal summed it up as such: "No presidential candidate in the future will be so inept that four of his major speeches can be boiled down to these historic four sentences: Agriculture is important. Our rivers are full of fish. You cannot have freedom without liberty. Our future lies ahead." [PAR] Truman, trailing in the polls, decided to adopt a slashing, no-holds-barred campaign. He ridiculed Dewey by name, criticized Dewey's refusal to address specific issues, and scornfully targeted the Republican-controlled 80th Congress
What can be a dressing, a language, and a condiment company?
[DOC] [TLE] Condiment | Define Condiment at Dictionary.comCondiment | Define Condiment at [PAR] condiment [PAR] [kon-duh-muh nt] /ˈkɒn də mənt/ [PAR] Spell [PAR] something used to give a special flavor to food, as mustard, ketchup, salt, or spices. [PAR] Origin of condiment [PAR] 1400-50; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin condīmentum spice, equivalent to condī(re) to season + -mentum -ment [PAR] Related forms [PAR] Examples from the Web for condiment [PAR] Expand [PAR] Contemporary Examples [PAR] The Innocence of Father Brown G. K. Chesterton [PAR] As a condiment, it provokes the appetite and assists digestion. [PAR] Blazing Arrow Edward S. Ellis [PAR] It was eaten with honey, butter, or milk, as kitchen or condiment. [PAR] British Dictionary definitions for condiment [PAR] Expand [PAR] any spice or sauce such as salt, pepper, mustard, etc [PAR] Word Origin [PAR] C15: from Latin condīmentum seasoning, from condīre to pickle [PAR] Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition [PAR] © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins [PAR] Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 [PAR] Word Origin and History for condiment [PAR] Expand [PAR] n. [PAR] early 15c., from Old French condiment (13c.), from Latin condimentum "spice, seasoning, sauce," from condire "to preserve, pickle, season," variant of condere "to put away, store," from com- "together" (see com- ) + -dere comb. form meaning "to put, place," from dare "to give" (see date (n.1)). [PAR] Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper[DOC] [TLE] Condiments - definition of Condiments by The Free DictionaryCondiments - definition of Condiments by The Free Dictionary [PAR] Condiments - definition of Condiments by The Free Dictionary [PAR] [PAR] Also found in: Thesaurus , Medical , Wikipedia . [PAR] con·di·ment [PAR] n. [PAR] A substance, such as a relish, vinegar, or spice, used to flavor or complement food. [PAR] [Middle English, from Old French, from Latin condīmentum, from condīre, to season; see dhē- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.] [PAR] con′di·men′tal (-mĕn′tl) adj. [PAR] condiment [PAR] (Cookery) any spice or sauce such as salt, pepper, mustard, etc [PAR] [C15: from Latin condīmentum seasoning, from condīre to pickle] [PAR] con•di•ment [PAR] something used to flavor food, as mustard, ketchup, salt, or spices. [PAR] [1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French < Latin condīmentum spice =condī(re) to season] [PAR] con`di•men′tal, adj. [PAR] condiment [PAR] - From Latin condimentum, from condire, "to pickle, preserve"; condiments are food substances used to heighten the natural flavor of foods, to stimulate the appetite, to aid digestion, or preserve certain foods. [PAR] See also related terms for stimulate . [PAR] ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: [PAR] Noun [PAR] 1. [PAR] condiment - a preparation (a sauce or relish or spice) to enhance flavor or enjoyment; "mustard and ketchup are condiments" [PAR] relish - spicy or savory condiment [PAR] dip - tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped [PAR] flavorer , flavoring , flavourer , flavouring , seasoning , seasoner - something added to food primarily for the savor it imparts [PAR] table mustard , mustard - pungent powder or paste prepared from ground mustard seeds [PAR] catsup , cetchup , ketchup , tomato ketchup - thick spicy sauce made from tomatoes [PAR] chili sauce - tomatoes and onions and peppers (sweet or hot) simmered with vinegar and sugar and various seasonings [PAR] chutney , Indian relish - a spicy condiment made of chopped fruits or vegetables cooked in vinegar and sugar with ginger and spices [PAR] steak sauce - pungent bottled sauce for steak [PAR] taco sauce - spicy tomato-based sauce for tacos [PAR] salsa - spicy sauce of tomatoes and onions and chili peppers to accompany Mexican foods [PAR] mint sauce - sweetened diluted vinegar with chopped mint leaves [PAR] cranberry sauce - sauce made of cranberries and sugar [PAR] duck sauce , hoisin sauce - a thick sweet and pungent Chinese condiment [PAR] horseradish - grated horseradish root [PAR] marinade - mixtures of vinegar or wine and oil with
21 October, 1833 saw the birth of Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, who amassed his considerable fortune following his invention of what?
[DOC] [TLE] Alfred NobelAlfred Bernhard Nobel (; ; 21 October 1833 – 10 December 1896) was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, and armaments manufacturer. [PAR] Known for inventing dynamite, Nobel also owned Bofors, which he had redirected from its previous role as primarily an iron and steel producer to a major manufacturer of cannon and other armaments. Nobel held 355 different patents, dynamite being the most famous. After reading a premature obituary which condemned him for profiting from the sales of arms, he bequeathed his fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. The synthetic element nobelium was named after him. His name also survives in modern-day companies such as Dynamit Nobel and AkzoNobel, which are descendants of mergers with companies Nobel himself established. [PAR] Life and career [PAR] Born in Stockholm, Alfred Nobel was the third son of Immanuel Nobel (1801–1872), an inventor and engineer, and Carolina Andriette (Ahlsell) Nobel (1805–1889). The couple married in 1827 and had eight children. The family was impoverished, and only Alfred and his three brothers survived past childhood. Through his father, Alfred Nobel was a descendant of the Swedish scientist Olaus Rudbeck (1630–1702), and in his turn the boy was interested in engineering, particularly explosives, learning the basic principles from his father at a young age. Alfred Nobel's interest in technology was inherited from his father, an alumnus of Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. [PAR] Following various business failures, Nobel's father moved to Saint Petersburg in 1837 and grew successful there as a manufacturer of machine tools and explosives. He invented modern plywood and started work on the "torpedo". In 1842, the family joined him in the city. Now prosperous, his parents were able to send Nobel to private tutors and the boy excelled in his studies, particularly in chemistry and languages, achieving fluency in English, French, German and Russian. For 18 months, from 1841 to 1842, Nobel went to the only school he ever attended as a child, the Jacobs Apologistic School in Stockholm. [PAR] As a young man, Nobel studied with chemist Nikolai Zinin; then, in 1850, went to Paris to further the work. There he met Ascanio Sobrero, who had invented nitroglycerin three years before. Sobrero strongly opposed the use of nitroglycerin, as it was unpredictable, exploding when subjected to heat or pressure. But Nobel became interested in finding a way to control and use nitroglycerin as a commercially usable explosive, as it had much more power than gunpowder. At age 18, he went to the United States for four years to study chemistry, collaborating for a short period under inventor John Ericsson, who designed the American Civil War ironclad USS Monitor. Nobel filed his first patent, an English patent for a gas meter, in 1857, while his first Swedish patent, which he received in 1863, was on 'ways to prepare gunpowder'. [PAR] The family factory produced armaments for the Crimean War (1853–1856); but, had difficulty switching back to regular domestic production when the fighting ended and they filed for bankruptcy. In 1859, Nobel's father left his factory in the care of the second son, Ludvig Nobel (1831–1888), who greatly improved the business. Nobel and his parents returned to Sweden from Russia and Nobel devoted himself to the study of explosives, and especially to the safe manufacture and use of nitroglycerine (discovered in 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, one of his fellow students under Théophile-Jules Pelouze at the University of Paris). Nobel invented a detonator in 1863; and, in 1865, he designed the blasting cap. [PAR] On 3 September 1864, a shed, used for the preparation of nitroglycerin, exploded at the factory in Heleneborg, Stockholm, killing five people, including Nobel's younger brother Emil. Dogged by more minor accidents but unfazed, Nobel went on to build further factories, focusing on improving the stability of the explosives he was developing. Nobel invented dynamite in 1867, a substance easier and safer to handle than the more unstable nitroglycerin. Dynamite was patented in the US and the UK and was used extensively in mining and the building of transport networks internationally.