संयुक्त राष्ट्र औद्योगिक विकास संगठन is a synonym of united nations industrial development organization.
😷 is a symbol of डाक्टर.
🌈 is a symbol of वर्षा.
धोक्रे फूल is a synonym of brugmansia.
नायन is a synonym of argali.
भलेट is a synonym of valletta.
ours noir d’ asie is a synonym of कालो भालु.
वाणिज्यशास्त्र is a synonym of commerce.
🌤 is a symbol of सूर्य.
टेस्ट ट्यूब बेबी is a synonym of in vitro fertilisation.
सूचना प्रविधि is a synonym of information technology.
को बारेमा is related to à propos de.
टेबल हिमाल is a synonym of table mountain.
राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज is a synonym of national park.
रेबिज is a synonym of rabies.
🌔 is a symbol of चन्द्रमा.
प्रसन्न is related to heureux.
झुप्पे ओखर is a synonym of macadamia tetraphylla.
भोलि is related to tomorrow.
अदुवा is related to gingembre.
टोपी is etymologically derived from टोपिका.
passport is a synonym of राहदानी.
सामान्य is related to common.
अघि is related to ago.
केकरा फ्यालफ्याले is a synonym of caspian tern.
बिरामी is related to malade.
दाड is related to dos.
रहनु is etymologically related to राहणे.
कन्दाहार is a synonym of kandahar.
श्रेणी is related to division.
🐼 is a symbol of पाण्डा.
🐧 is a symbol of पेन्गुइन.
गुर्न्जी is a synonym of guernsey.
🤶 is a symbol of आमा.
🧑‍ 🤝‍ 🧑 is a symbol of समात्नु.
होशियारी is related to attention.
चुरोट is a synonym of cigarette.
🔐 is a symbol of बन्द.
krankenhaus is a synonym of अस्पताल.
कैलो पहाडी उल्लू is a synonym of tawny owl.
अल्बाट्रोस is a synonym of albatross.
✡ is a symbol of तारा.
तोप is a synonym of cannon.
सत्ताईस is related to twenty seven.
सङ्गति is related to association.
salt is a synonym of नून.
अल्गोरिदम is a synonym of algorithm.
रोबर्ट कोच is a synonym of robert koch.
खुवाउनु is related to eat.
सार्की is related to bottier.
गफ गर्नु is related to bavarder.
छोरी is related to daughter.
कुइरो is related to fog.
चुइँकनु is related to grincer.
आधा is related to moitié.
asia is a synonym of एशिया.
asien is a synonym of एशिया.
✨ is a symbol of तारा.
घाम has context of astronomy.
आरू is a synonym of peach.
ग्वाटेमाला is a synonym of guatemala.
रोज्नु is related to choisir.
प्रमुख सेनानी is a synonym of lieutenant colonel.
ईर्ष्यालु is related to jaloux.
🌅 is a symbol of मौसम.
कालोटाउके हाँस is a synonym of greater scaup.
खीर is related to rice pudding.
आर्गन is a synonym of argon.
यति is related to autant.
टेन डाउनिङ स्ट्रिट is a synonym of 10 downing street.
psychology is a synonym of मनोविज्ञान.
विकिडेटा is a synonym of wikidata.
💫 is a symbol of तारा.
कलहाँस is a synonym of greylag goose.
panama is a synonym of पानामा.
पान is a synonym of betel.
सेतो is a synonym of white.
मान्छे is related to person.
अनन्त बाँदर साध्य is a synonym of infinite monkey theorem.
राजसुड्सुडिया is a synonym of ruff.
बैंक is a synonym of bank.
निर्धारित is related to confirmé.
रेसम किरा is a synonym of bombyx mori.
👩‍🚀 is a symbol of रकेट.
भूगोल is related to geography.
शिविर is related to camp.
🥘 is a symbol of खाना.
💮 is a symbol of फूल.
निकाल्नु is related to ôter.
चिप्लनु is related to glisser.
👛 is a symbol of सिक्का.
बाँध is a synonym of dam.
युरोपेली फुटबल सङ्घहरूको सङ्घ is a synonym of uefa.
🦆 is a symbol of चरा.
malte is a synonym of माल्टा.
अजरबैजान is a synonym of azerbaijan.
होईन is a form of होइन.
बिजुलिचम्काइ is related to foudre.
rhineland is a synonym of राइनल्यान्ड.
नितम्ब is a synonym of hip.