stringlengths 18
🤾 is a symbol of व्यक्ति. |
पुग्नु is related to enough. |
नाच is related to dancing. |
राष्ट्र is related to nation. |
जिब्रो is etymologically derived from जिह्वा. |
क्षार is a synonym of alkali. |
💊 is a symbol of बिरामी. |
के छ is related to how's it going. |
rhesus macaque is a synonym of रातो बाँदर. |
🤰 is a symbol of आइमाई. |
कराची is a synonym of karachi. |
🏌♀ is a symbol of महिला. |
खुवाउनु is related to feed. |
किशोर is related to juvenile. |
शाहजहाँ is a synonym of shah jahan. |
अगेना is a synonym of fireplace. |
सन्तान is related to descendant. |
श्रेणी is related to class. |
पछि is related to after. |
liverpool is a synonym of लिभरपुल. |
👈 is a symbol of औंला. |
मूलभूत कण is a synonym of elementary particle. |
लगाउनु is related to take. |
gold translations is a synonym of सुन. |
बगाइ is related to courant. |
भोकाउनु is related to affamé. |
👈 is a symbol of हात. |
🏧 is a symbol of बैंक. |
दुर्गा is a synonym of durga. |
🚕 is a symbol of ट्याक्सी. |
छ has context of cardinal. |
👅 is a symbol of जिब्रो. |
bronze is a synonym of काँसो. |
बोल्नु is related to parler. |
खरमुजुर is a synonym of bengal florican. |
साथी is related to friend. |
लाई is related to to. |
गर्डन ब्राउन is a synonym of gordon brown. |
अ is related to non. |
संस्कृत is a synonym of sanskrit. |
लरेन्सियम is a synonym of lawrencium. |
⛑ is a symbol of टोपी. |
हजार has context of cardinal. |
तेहरान is a synonym of tehran. |
🌋 is a symbol of ज्वालामुखी. |
🌛 is a symbol of चन्द्रमा. |
अधिकार is related to power. |
गुयना is a synonym of guyana. |
📺 is a symbol of टेलिभिजन. |
🍃 is a symbol of हावा. |
मूल is related to source. |
पुरानो is related to old. |
दक्षिण कोरिया is a synonym of south korea. |
monocotylédone is a synonym of एकदलीय वनस्पति. |
atom is a synonym of अणु. |
राख्नु is related to garder. |
बज्रा is related to foudre. |
😍 is a symbol of माया. |
गाई is a synonym of cattle. |
बिषय is related to matière. |
टाँसिने is related to collant. |
🎭 is a symbol of कला. |
विटक्वाइन is a synonym of bitcoin. |
ब्रिटिश राज is a synonym of british raj. |
भानुभक्तीय रामायण is a synonym of ramayana. |
पैसा is related to paisa. |
fiji hindi is a synonym of फिजी हिन्दी. |
संग्रहालय is a synonym of museum. |
कापी is etymologically related to copy. |
पात is related to feuille. |
गाग्री is related to pot. |
formule chimique is a synonym of रासायनिक सूत्र. |
🌾 is a symbol of कान. |
💰 is a symbol of डलर. |
🕰 is a symbol of घडी. |
हनुमान is a synonym of hanuman. |
परेली is related to eyelid. |
गिदी is related to cerveau. |
खालि खुट्टा is related to pieds nus. |
chromosome is a synonym of गुणसूत्र. |
हप्ता is etymologically derived from هفته. |
🧘♀ is a symbol of ध्यान. |
अट्ठाईस has context of cardinal. |
पैंतीस is related to thirty five. |
छोरा छोरी is related to offspring. |
इम्म्युनोलजी is a synonym of immunology. |
garlic is a synonym of लसुन. |
😋 is a symbol of मिठो. |
पक्का is related to experienced. |
🔞 is a symbol of होइन. |
☕ is a symbol of तातो. |
थ्यालियम is a synonym of thallium. |
उत्तर is related to north. |
पाँच is related to five. |
अचार is related to achar. |
बन्द is related to off. |
साउथ डेकोटा is a synonym of south dakota. |
रहनु is related to last. |
सञ्चार is a synonym of communication. |
vijayadashami is a synonym of दशैं. |
Subsets and Splits