You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can women experience hair loss and balding just like men? 2. Why can't the Republican Party get the popular vote at the national level anymore? 3. What are some DIy decorations an adult could make? 4. What are pros and cons of Microdermabrasion? 5. What is a job fair?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Was the Vietnam War a failure? 2. Which items should I bring with me to the beach? 3. Is China ever going to outpace the US militarily? 4. How can I help grandma make new friends? 5. What can you do to fix colorblindness?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is an easy way to prepare yams? 2. Do you think it's inhumane to keep large intelligent marine life like dolphins in small amusement park enclosures? 3. When and why did the United States mandate seatbelts in cars? 4. I want to start filtering my tap water. What are things in tap water I should be sure are filtered out? 5. What business is the most profitable?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How can I pass an apartment inspection? 2. I'd like to start power lifting at the gym, but I want to do it safely so make sure I don't injure myself. Do you have any advice? 3. How do you consolidate loans? 4. How do they treat bruised ribs? 5. Is sports betting legal in Virginia?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I drain a cyst? 2. What countries were involved in the Cold War. 3. What are some classic lullabies for babies? 4. Are there any home remedies for a migraine? I just got one and I don't have time to go to the doctor's. 5. I am always interested in NASA's space programs. I would like to know which planet has the thickest atmosphere. Can you tell me.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How can I find out if I am qualified for a phone upgrade on my phone plan? 2. I want to get my niece a dog for Christmas. Which breed does the best with kids? 3. What should you eat after wisdom tooth surgery? 4. My current car is pretty old, so I need help deciding what car I should get next. 5. Can you give me some tips for how to lower my energy bill each month.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some cute halloween costumes for toddlers I can easily make? I'm thinking along the lines of animals. 2. What are the nutrition facts of avocados. 3. Was Paul McCartney's solo career as successful as his time with the Beatles? 4. Would you describe the major news stories as essential and important? Why, or why not? 5. I like to host guests at my home from time to time, and I am gathering recipes of different dishes and drinks to keep things interesting. I am interested in trying some Nepalese dishes. Can you give me a recipe for Pani puri?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What's the average lifespan of a garden snail? It seem like curious creatures. 2. I just made something in the oven but it didn't turn out well. What did I do wrong. 3. What are some simple ways I can save energy at home? 4. What is a good way to get muscle swelling to go down? 5. What should you write in a letter of resignation?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is the largest animal in the world. 2. What are some general differences between down loft and synthetic loft? 3. How do I clean out the inside of my car? 4. How do I know if my child is addicted to the ipad? 5. How do you know when you need a new roof?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you help me find a friend from school? 2. Why do bad things happen to good people? 3. How can I make a pecan pie? 4. How can I confront my husband on his cheating? 5. I'd like to listen to some music. Could you suggest some tunes from Fats Domino?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some ways to make my morning routine more productive. 2. How do they figure out what a serving size of food is? 3. What are some homemade toys I can make for my pet bird. 4. Can you tell me how frequent flyer miles work? 5. When was chocolate first discovered?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I need to write a story about a green dancing walrus. Want to help? 2. What are some tips for time management. 3. Why do people call television personalities like Rachel Maddow and Tucker Carlson "partisan"? 4. Who is Broadway Joe? 5. How to start a blog.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Tell me about the history of the alphabet 2. I need some help with gardening. What plants should I plant and how should I care for them. 3. At what age should I tell my child that Santa Claus isn't real? 4. How do I decoupage a napkin? 5. Search for a lobster bisque recipe.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What came first: The chicken or the egg? 2. Can you give me advice for growing tomatoes? 3. How do I throw a fairy party? 4. If I like music by Fiona Apple, what other artists would I like? 5. how can i make my own stamps?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some nice creamy pastas? 2. What is the current market capitalization of Apple. 3. how do i make cement stepping stones? 4. What are some good exercises I can do at a desk to stretch? 5. How would I go about immigrating to the United Kingdom?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is control group in an experiment? 2. How should I make a newborn's room optimal for sleeping? 3. I' having my first Zoom interview where I'm being interviewed for a job remotely. I've only ever done in person interviews before. Do I still dress as I would dress for an in-person interview? 4. What are some tips for throwing a successful dinner party. 5. What social or group behaviors do you think are unique to religious communities, and not present in secular ones?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is the requirement to join the US Navy? 2. Have you heard of Whitney Houston? 3. How should I decorate my room? 4. Can I dye my hair with tea. 5. I'm looking to get a new dog. Can you help me decide on a breed?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. what supermarkets are open on new years day 2. What show won the 'Outstanding Drama Series' Emmy award in. 3. Who are some of the earliest Oscar winners, who were also people of color? 4. I'm trying to find old iPod Shuffles to buy for my collection. Where can I look to purchase these out of production devices? 5. How can I reduce anxiety and stress during exam season.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. If you get chronic UTI's can it damage your bladder? 2. How does a cash back credit card work? 3. I'm having trouble with my calculus class. Are there any good online resources that I can use? 4. How to find a job after retirement. 5. When were airbags fist put into cars?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I make my own hot sauce? 2. How can I set up a wireless network at home. 3. How do I wipe a hard drive in Windows? 4. Can people really have prophetic abilities? 5. Can you help me put together a research paper on the history of conspiracy theories?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. what can i get for a two year old girl for her birthday who loves barbies? 2. How do I repair a flat tire on a car. 3. Here's a riddle for you to solve: Two people come up to the river. On the riverbank, there is a boat that can withstand only one man. Both were able to get across to the other side. 4. What does "I think, therefore I am" mean? 5. How do you relieve pain from a pinched nerve?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What can you tell me about how Buddhist monks live? 2. I like to host guests at my home from time to time, and I am gathering recipes of different dishes and drinks to keep things interesting. I am interested in trying some Romanian dishes. Can you give me a recipe for Pomana Porcului? 3. How do you recognize chlamydia symptoms? 4. Why did the South surrender in the civil war? 5. What does a Statistician do.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is the best way to invest $2,. 2. I really like the band Linkin Park. I'm looking for some other similar bands to get into. 3. Are glider bikes good for toddlers? 4. What do you think about movie studios changing their theatrical release window in lieu of home streaming? 5. Are there any gloves made for alpine ice climbing?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I just moved into my first apartment. How often should I vacuum? 2. Who is the author of Peter Rabbit? 3. What is malware? 4. What is post-processing in cinematography? 5. How can I make my teeth whiter?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is the largest animal in the entire world 2. When was the German battleship Bismarck launched? 3. Where do I go to uninstall inquisit on my computer? 4. What foods should I avoid giving my dog? 5. I am looking for a new job. Everybody is hiring and I am tired of the retail management position I have been in for the last 5 years. I want to do a professional resume from scratch. Are there any good online services out there that you know of that offer that?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is the multiverse theory? 2. I don't understand how bit coin works. I know what bit coin is, but can you explain to me the economic theory underlying it? 3. Does mirin contain alcohol? 4. I’m considering taking up a new language, which one should I select. 5. Is drinking Coca Cola every day of one's life really bad for the health? I've seen news of a grandma who still looking healthy and strong despite her very old age, and she was known for having drank Coca Cola everyday since she was young.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you tell me about traditional French cuisine? 2. What kind of activities can I do if I have three hours to kill. 3. Could you provide me some information on how to play the piano. 4. What are the reasons car purr? Does it mean they're happy? 5. How can I pierce my own ears at home?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are the common symptoms of a cold. 2. How come when it's winter in the US it's summer in Australia? 3. I'd like to send a friend a gift for their birthday, a few weeks down the road. Can you think of a few suggestions for options, in giving them a gift? 4. Do you know what the Turing Test is? 5. Are prepaid debit cards safe?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Why isn't cursive writing taught anymore? We grew up thinking it was very important. 2. What is the recommended oil change interval for a car. 3. What are the rules of the card game solitaire? 4. what can I use to protect a hard book cover? 5. Give me a list of ways that friends greet each other in person.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some good california punk rock bands? 2. Are there any delays on planes coming into JFK? 3. What's the most effective way to lose weight safely. 4. I'm looking for a good, credible source for information about the upcoming presidential election. 5. How can I do more networking and make some important friends?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do you make a backup in Windows 10? 2. What do you think the reasons are for Americans becoming less and less religious over the past couple decades? 3. I'm making crafts with some 10-year-old children. Have any idea what I can make? 4. What is the song American Pie about? 5. I want to know in what year the Corvette was introduced.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some cocktails that can be made using malibu? 2. How do I research a company for a job application. 3. I'm on the short side and I'm 20 years old. Is there any hope for me continuing to grow, or am I at my full size? 4. What are some good hot wings marinades? 5. I am planning a camping trip to a nearby lake. What equipment would I need for this trip to ensure that I am safe and secure?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Who are the new Democratic presidential candidates for. 2. I'm getting ready for a roadtrip. What kinds of things should I do to prepare before I leave? 3. Was the civil war fought over the morality of slavery, or was there a different reason? 4. I've been thinking about adding a few houseplants. I'm concerned that some common house plants are poisonous to animals or kids. Can you name a couple common house plants, that are poisonous to humans and animals? 5. How do I register to vote in my state.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Who was Bob Ross? 2. I’ve hear conspiracies about something called flat earth. What is that? 3. Why do college football coaches get paid so much money? 4. I'm trying to learn French, what are some online resources for learning French. 5. How do you make sugar cookies without baking soda?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do you make melon balls? 2. Can you explain the history behind the Thirteen Colonies. 3. Does science offer a greater meaning to life than religion? 4. What should I do if I see a UFO? 5. Can you give me tips on how to start foraging for food to feed my family?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Find a chocolate fudge recipe 2. Do rich people pay a lot of taxes? 3. Starting a new job tomorrow and I need help with what to wear. What are the fashion trends in business attire this season. 4. what are some good treats for a chihuahua? 5. Have you heard of İstanbul?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How can I match my face to the right makeup foundation? 2. Can you recommend some video games that are similar to Tomb Raider? 3. Why does America have so many gratuities in the service industry? Apparently other countries don't really have a tipping culture the way we do. 4. Socrates is a famous philosopher. Can you give me some of his better known works? 5. Is ones creativity based partially on their genetics?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I need more information on how World War 1 started. How did it start and what countries were directly involved in starting the war? 2. What should I include in a resume if I am applying for a career in software engineering. 3. If a child isn't speaking yet, how old should you start getting worried about them? 4. I really enjoyed Stephen King's book "The Green Mile." I want to read another book by him. Can you tell me which of his books has gotten the best reviews? 5. I like to host guests at my home from time to time, and I am gathering recipes of different dishes and drinks to keep things interesting. I am interested in trying some Indonesian dishes. Can you give me a recipe for Easy Sambal Balado?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are the common ingredients found in Italian cuisine. 2. What are the most popular games on Android. 3. How can you tell if an animal has rabies? 4. Can you explain to me the symbolism of a dove. 5. What is a good recipe for mac and cheese.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. The feeling of a plane taking off is too intense and scary for me. How do I get over this fear? 2. I want to learn how to cook, but I don't know where to start. Can you recommend some basic recipes that I can try. 3. What topics would I learn about when studying ecology? 4. How does global warming impact the climate. 5. What are some good recipes for beginner cooks.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are the most important universities in the US. 2. What is the best way to execute a marketing plan. 3. What are some healthy snacks for when I'm on-the-go. 4. Can you give some examples of tv manufacturers? 5. How do I get a cat and a dog to get along?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some heart healthy foods I can eat? 2. I'm trying to start a business. What things do I need to consider before getting started. 3. How do I spot a good quality sofa. 4. Do bolt action rifles have slower firing rate than semi-auto rifles? 5. Can you give me a bulleted list of the countries from this list that border an ocean? France, United States, Belgium, Mexico, New Zealand, Great Britain, Germany, Poland
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are pros and cons of taking red eye flights? 2. Why don't my cousins want to make up with me 3. Is an MLB coach an interesting career? 4. How can I effectively use Twitter to increase my social media presence. 5. Could you help me learn about the Intervention of Haiti in 1994?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some volunteer positions I could help my child's school with? 2. What are some cool things to do in Maine? 3. What are some nursery rhymes to teach kids? 4. How can I keep my house smelling good? 5. When can kids start eating candy?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are the best apps for budgeting and tracking how I spend my money. 2. I'm thinking about holidaying in the Caribbean on a sail boat. My only restriction is we can't enter US waters. Where are some good places to visit? 3. How do I buy a good Christmas present for a teenage? 4. My wifi keeps shutting on and off. What could be causing this? 5. Can you tell me a guide for riding the New York subways for my first time?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you write an introductory paragraph about why donating blood is a good thing? 2. Can you tell me which company developed the fighting game Super Smash Bros.? 3. I'm buying a new charging USB-A cord for my Kindle and I see a lot of different claims of different cords allowing faster charges. Can I really incrase the speed of my charge by buying better cords? 4. How can I get wifi set up on my laptop, my router does allow wireless wifi? 5. How can you remove small dents from my car?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Why do businesses in my area get cheaper electricity rates than residential customers? 2. How can I prune a tree without damaging it? 3. How do I make tacos al pastor? 4. Why do politicians in Texas talk about succeeding from the USA like it is patriotic? 5. What is the potential of Artificial Intelligence.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is the difference between a cold and the flu. 2. I've been at the same dead-end job for years and need a change. I can't afford to go back to college, though. How can I develop a skill to land me a good paying job without school? 3. What are some of the most bike friendly countries? 4. What steps do I need to take to build a koi pond. 5. Please tell me a story about a grand sea adventure that I took when I was 11 years old.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What kind of paint is best for a dresser. 2. How do I improve my MPG? 3. How do I make grilled cheese sandwich. 4. How do I make my own candy? 5. What are pros and cons of an electric blanket?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. When was your last menstruation? 2. What is the best way to organize my school notes. 3. What is on my calendar for today? 4. What is the fastest way to get from Los Angeles to San Francisco. 5. The skin on my feet gets so dry that it cracks. What can I do?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some things I should pack for my new baby at the hospital? 2. How can I write a killer resume for an internship. 3. I was hoping you could translate the below for me: Salut mon nom est Joe. Je vis à Paris mais j'aime beaucoup voyager à travers le monde. Où voudrais-tu aller? 4. I have just gone into business with someone and their name is the company name. I would like to rebrand but they feel it would alienate existing customers. The company is tiny right now but has a good value ceiling if we do things right and I think the rebrand would be beneficial. 5. How can I make my own soap at home?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are aficionados? 2. What types of exercises should I do to reduce my belly fat. 3. What are some good brands of yoga pants? 4. What are the benefits to quitting smoking. 5. What is the best way to preserve paper photos?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I read something the other day that mentioned how most shampoo sold these days are actually harmful to hair health. Can you help me to understand why this is? 2. What are the first things that I should do to get back in shape? 3. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019? 4. Can you tell me a guide for hiring a piano instructor? 5. What muscle groups are put to work when I do the squats?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How does forensic psychology work. 2. Does rain on your wedding day mean bad luck? 3. Does Australia have a weak economy? 4. So I just moved to a place that has a lake nearby, I have never been fishing but having the lake near me now has me wanting to try fishing as a new relaxing hobby. What are some basic things I will need to get started? 5. How do I care for my new pet bunny.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I'm new to programming, what are the best coding languages to learn. 2. Is it true that the turkey was a serious contender for the national bird of the United States? 3. What are the best books for business advice. 4. What are some kinds of dance I should learn if I like hip hop? 5. I like to host guests at my home from time to time, and I am gathering recipes of different dishes and drinks to keep things interesting. I am interested in trying some Hungarian dishes. Can you give me a recipe for Almás pite?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you give me tips for keeping online passwords, and how to make a really strong one? 2. I have a lot of water retention, how can I change my diet to reduce this water retention? 3. Can you explain to me how gravity works? 4. Can you recommend me a good holiday destination with a beach. 5. It's the winter season now, and my old shoes aren't warm enough for walking in snow. I'd like to find a new pair of snow boots to keep me warm and dry.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Why do we see the sky as the color blue? 2. When I was gone, my dog ate a chocolate bar off the counter. Its been a few hours and he doesn't seem to be sick. Are all dogs allergic to it, or just some? 3. What is the best way to grow my own vegetables. 4. What should I do if I have a stiff neck? 5. What are the health benefits to being cold? Does the body produce anything beneficial in reaction to cold?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I unblock a website. 2. Why does it rain so much in seattle? 3. My dog barks at every stranger that walks by the house. Why does he do this and how can I train him to stop? 4. What are some easy to eat breakfasts for kids? 5. What fruits and vegetables are fine to freeze?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How does climate change affect ocean currents. 2. I'd like to soothe a friend who just had their hair cut, and it's way too short. Any thoughts on helping them ? 3. Find Cardi B songs 4. Search for Janet Jackson songs 5. What are some vegan meat replacements?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Do new cars not need their spark plugs changed as often as old cars? 2. How can I make my own baguettes at home? 3. Can you tell me what led up to Pearl Harbor? Why exactly did the Japanese decide to do that? 4. I'm having troubles dealing with an aggressive neighbor. Could you give me some ideas on how to diffuse the situation when they get angry? 5. How can my aunt get a service dog?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What format should a business plan be in? 2. I think I may have an inguinal hernia. What are the symptoms? 3. How do you give yourself a mohawk? 4. Why aren't my chickens producing eggs? 5. Is the stuff at the dollar store low quality?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you give me directions from my current location to the nearest post office. 2. What are some of the best punk rock bands? 3. Look for Jason Statham movies 4. Which websites offer free digital music. 5. What are the best practices for organizing a large file folder system.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Is it true Muhammad Ali dodged the draft? 2. What are the best websites for streaming movies. 3. I like to host guests at my home from time to time, and I am gathering recipes of different dishes and drinks to keep things interesting. I am interested in trying some Moldovan dishes. Can you give me a recipe for Tochitură? 4. What is the best way to invest my savings. 5. Why do schools all have fences around them now? When I was young we didn't have fences around our school.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I am trying to translate a news article from a Arabic newspaper, and it seems like the auto translate feature on my browser isn't working correctly. Can you help me translate this article's headline? "الأغواط: فريق طبي ينقذ شاب ابتلع 20 قطعة دومينو" 2. What are the best ways to manage my finances. 3. I sometimes get into arguments on social media that make me feel exhausted and drained. What is the healthiest way to deal with toxic behavior online? 4. What are some good lower body exercises to improve my leg strength? 5. What movies are similar to Ferris Bueller's Day Off?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How can I work on saving money and taking steps for that? 2. How do I check my bank balance. 3. Which video game company developed the game Xcom 2? 4. What games are most similar to Kingdom Come? 5. I feel like me and my friend have become distant and I need some advice on staying in touch with them
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is cold fusion? 2. Which bands are similar to Deep Purple? 3. How do I get my child to stop squirming when I'm changing his diaper? 4. I'm trying to find out more about Picasso. Could you tell me about his life and art. 5. What's the best way to keep goals on track.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What actor plays Alex Karev 2. What are the main differences between a 2nd and 1st world country? 3. Can you write a paragraph advocating for the keto diet? 4. What are the symptoms of diabetes? 5. Can you help me figure out how to get my bank to forgive my late payment fee?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What is the best way to train for a marathon. 2. I'm having trouble understanding algebra. Can you please explain how to solve for x. 3. How do you treat chicken pox? 4. What is a good healthy breakfast recipe. 5. I want to buy a new gaming console, what are the latest options to consider.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. how do i make sourdough bread? 2. What is a kidney transplant? 3. How can I make an herbal tea. 4. How close did we come to nuclear war during the cold war? 5. What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Why are macadamia nuts so expensive compared to other kids of nuts? 2. My dog has separation anxiety when I go to work for the day. Can you give me suggestions to keep him happy and healthy while I'm away from home? 3. Any advice on how to stay calm after being insulted? 4. I want to open a bank account, but I have no idea which bank to choose. 5. What is the best way to save money for my retirement.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Do we really need to do daylight savings time anymore? Some states don't have it, like Arizona. 2. What's the most efficient way to paint a room. 3. What oils are the healthiest for cooking? 4. What are the nutritional benefits of potatoes. 5. How do I make a rubber band ball?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. My windows in my house are drafty. How do I fix this. 2. What is the meaning behind the lyrics of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. 3. Will paper be really obsolete in a couple of years, or will there still be necessary paper products that can't be digitized? 4. Who ended slavery in America? 5. How do I keep my kids from crawling into my bed?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Is the snake population in Florida becoming a problem? 2. Which city is referred to as "Venice of the East"? 3. I want to stop smoking, but I'm having a hard time. People tell me vaping is a good way to stop. Is this true? 4. What are the strategies to make passive income. 5. how can I prevent air bubbles when installing screen protector on phone?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you give me instruction for waxing a car? 2. What countries in the world celebrate Thanksgiving? 3. I love the series Deadwood, although felt it never did get the credit it deserved. Could you tell me more about the series? 4. I like to host guests at my home from time to time, and I am gathering recipes of different dishes and drinks to keep things interesting. I am interested in trying some Sri Lankan dishes. Can you give me a recipe for Pol Sambola? 5. If I can only afford one streaming service, which one is the best?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I want to add more protein to my diet. What are some ways I can do that. 2. What types of investments are best for a beginner. 3. What are the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics? 4. I need help picking out the perfect gift for my brother. What do you recommend. 5. Can you tell me about Camp David
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are the ingredients for a Margarita drink? 2. How can I improve my vocabulary. 3. What's the best way to navigate a major disagreement with a loved one. 4. Can you give me a detailed list of what kind of questions might be asked at a interview? 5. What should you use an emergency fund for?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I want purchase a new microwave. Which microwave brands do you recommend for 700w? 2. Can you tell me if Java is a type of OS? 3. Who designed the American Flag? 4. What are the main differences between Japanese and Chinese cultures? 5. Could you recommend some historical fiction books.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How can I give my cat their eye drop medication? 2. How do I fix a toilet that won't flush. 3. When prisoners on death row get the lethal injection, do they feel any pain? I have heard conflicting opinions about this. 4. Can you make a living as a professional slot machine player? 5. How do you make your own salad dressing?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you help me learn more about continental drift and what it is? 2. What is a good christmas gift for my wife? 3. What are the benefits of buying an electric car. 4. Do people generally get more tired as they become older? 5. What are the odds that Kansas will overtake Kentucky in all time NCAA men's basketball wins this year? I am sure there is a betting line on that somewhere.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are the best books to read to help me learn a new language. 2. What are some different dishes I can make with avocado? Can you make me a list? 3. How do I know if someone has a concussion? 4. Which planet surface is hotter, Mercury or Venus? 5. How do I make molds for stepping stones?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Is the song 'Killing In The Name of" an anti-police song? I saw people at a pro-police rally singing it. 2. I'm trying to learn how to play guitar. Can you recommend online classes? 3. What cities in California would be good for an outdoorsy vacation. 4. Could you help me write a poem about Thanksgiving? I want it to include the words "turkey," "cranberry sauce," and "family." 5. What is the best way to get rid of women's facial hair?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some good raspberry pie recipes? 2. How to keep insects away from your house? 3. How can I get more comfortable making small talk with people? 4. I like to host guests at my home from time to time, and I am gathering recipes of different dishes and drinks to keep things interesting. I am interested in trying some Bangladeshi dishes. Can you give me a recipe for Shorshe Ilish? 5. Can you tell me how to make homemade strawberry jam?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Is The Christmas Story based on a true story? 2. Who were the stars of The Kardashians show? 3. How can you relieve a leg cramp? 4. What is the most popular novel in the world. 5. Tell me a random story please
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I get my children to nap if they think they are too old for naps/ 2. Can you tell me any recent movies by the actor Adam Sandler that have grossed over 100 million at the box office? 3. Why do people get tattoos? 4. How can I remove candle wax from clothing? The wax spilt from a hot candle and solidified in the clothing. 5. Are there real people who are dwarfs?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Any tips on how to become a better negotiator? 2. What are the best cooking techniques for making a steak. 3. What are some strategies I could use to teacher my 4 year old how to read? 4. What's the quickest way to travel from London to Edinburgh. 5. Can you help me to learn the range of American Alligators? What's the most northern state the will range?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I market my business online. 2. Which Eurasian countries have special passport or Visa programs with China, for easy travel? 3. I need a recipe for sweet potato pie. 4. What is cumin used for? 5. How long does it take to adopt a child?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Who were the Vikings? 2. What are some good toys for kids who like building blocks? 3. How can I de-stress during a busy day. 4. Explain the causes of World War. 5. I am in the mood for Chinese food, but takeout is too expensive. What are some Chinese-inspired meals I can make at home?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I make minestrone? 2. What are some things I can top doughnuts with? 3. How did the job of butlers originate in England? 4. What are some natural remedies for a headache. 5. What's the easiest way to clean a fish tank?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How can I increase my productivity at work. 2. Why does it matter that oats are steel cut? 3. Does eating garlic really cure a cold. 4. I've heard that sometimes leg numbness and foot numbness can be considered sciatica. What do you know about sciatica overall? 5. What are the common ethical issues that arise in science-based professions and how should they be addressed.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I thoroughly oil and lube my bicycle after a long rainy season? 2. What can I do to avoid my chances of getting Alzheimer's disease 3. What are some nice creamy pastas? 4. helping my granny with her mobile phone issue 5. I've heard that french bulldogs and pugs have skin and breathing issues, due to overbreeding. Is that true?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Can you help me learn a few common Norwegian phrases? 2. What are the best natural ingredients for your hair? 3. How do I make hibiscus tea? 4. Can you walk me through how to cook oatmeal? I need to know what ingredients to get and then how to cook them. 5. Can you explain how the American version of the TV show The Office was different from the British version?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Whats the cheapest state to take at a vacation at. 2. My favorite videogame is Final Fantasy 7 and I'd like some recommendations for similarly epic RPGs of the Playstation 1 era. 3. When does the NFL football season end? 4. What is a poached egg? 5. How do you rewind a VCR tape?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. Who was Alfred Joseph Hitchcock? Why was he so famous? 2. What are some sweet treats I can make with my grilled cheese maker? 3. What should I tell my kids if the tooth fairy forgot to come? 4. Where can I find a one-armed bandit? 5. What are some of the best movies starring Halle Berry?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What are some natural remedies for an upset stomach. 2. What is the best way to keep your skin supple as you age? I've heard Retinol is a good tool. 3. I want to learn a new programming language. What are some of the best tutorials or resources I should look into. 4. Can you tell me the difference between perfume and oud? 5. How do I check if a website is secure and protected.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What does it mean if someone has sleep apnea? 2. How do I make a mask for carnaval? 3. How do you get tattooed eyebrows? 4. What is the most played sport in the United States? 5. What is the most effective way to conduct market research for an upcoming new product.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. What kind of light bulb will give me the biggest saving in energy cost? 2. How can I prevent tooth decay? 3. Who invented tea and where was it invented? 4. Why did William Howe allow George Washington’s army to slip away multiple times? 5. I am doing a research project on ancient sporting events and came across the name Spartacus. Was this story based on a real person that fought int he gladiator games?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. When was the first pizza made in the United States? 2. Was Walt Disney the original creator of Mickey Mouse? 3. How do I keep from slipping in the shower? 4. Can you tell me of uncommon ice cream and food pairings that are tasty? 5. I am trying to remove clumps or knots of hair from my cat's coat. What can I do to make this process easier for both them and me?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I'm giving a eulogy for my grandfather, who recently passed away. He was a WW2 war vet, a devoted husband and started his own business. Do you have any suggestions about composing the eulogy? 2. Can you help me understand what lab grown meat is? 3. What are the health benefits of eating cashews. 4. I always feel nervous to go to parties. How can I ease my anxiety? 5. Can you tell me about any predators of pandas?
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. How do I find constellations? 2. Can you give me a bulleted list of the countries from this list that border an ocean? France, United States, Belgium, Mexico, New Zealand, Great Britain, Germany, Poland 3. Who is the top country singer right now? 4. My dog has been scratching a lot, but he doesn't have any fleas. What else could be causing this? 5. What career options are there for someone with a degree in accounting.
You are a human interacting with a large language model. List 10 tasks you want help with. 1. I want to train my dog to do basic tricks. What are some tips. 2. How can I make Indonesian stir fry noodles? 3. What are some ways to learn Spanish quickly. 4. What are some cool things to do in Tacoma Washington 5. How come countries in the southern hemisphere aren't cold like ones in the northern?